YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Bought with the income of the ALFRED E. PERKINS FUND '// '/ u// FIFTY YEARS IN THE NORTHWEST. WITH AN INTRODUCTION AND APPENDIX CONTAINING REMINISCENCES, INCIDENTS AND NOTES. BY W. H. C. FOLSOM. EDITED BY E. E. EDWARDS. PIONEER PRESS COMPANY. I °3°t • Yon. -t- .7)°! wv'i '- . 1888. L TO THE OLD SETTLERS OF "WISCONSIN AND MINNESOTA, WHO, AS PIONEERS, AMIDST PRIVATIONS AND TOIL NOT KNOWN TO THOSE OF A LATER GENERATION, LAID HERE THE FOUNDATIONS OF TWO GREAT STATES, AND HAVE LIVED TO SEE THE RESULT OF THEIR AR DUOUS LABORS IN THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE WIL DERNESS — DURING FIFTY YEARS — INTO A FRUIT FUL COUNTRY, IN THE BUILDING OF GREAT CITIES, IN THE ESTABLISHING OF ARTS AND MANUFACTURES, IN THE CREATION OF COMMERCE AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURE, THIS WORK IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY THE AUTHOR, "W. H. C. FOLSOM. PKEFACE, At the age of nineteen years, I landed on the banks of the Upper Mississippi, pitching my tent at Prairie du Ohien, then (1836) a military post known as Fort Crawford. I kept memo randa of my various changes, and of many of the events transpiring. Subsequently, not, however, with any intention of publishing them in book form until 1876, when, reflecting that fifty years spent amidst the early and first white settlements, and continuing till the period of civilization and prosperity, itemized by an observer and . participant in the stirring scenes and incidents depicted, might furnish material for an interest ing volume, valuable to those who should come after me, I con cluded to gather up the items and compile them in a convenient form. As a*matter of interest to personal friends, and as also tending to throw additional light upon my relation to the events here narrated, I have prefixed an account of my own early life for the nineteen years preceding my removal to the "West, thus giving to the work a somewhat autobiographical form. It may be claimed that a work thus written in the form of a life history of a single individual, with observations from his own personal standpoint, will be more connected, clear and systematic in its narration of events than if it were written impersonally. The period included in these sketches is one of remarkable transitions, and, reaching backward, in the liberty accorded to the historian, to the time of the first explorations by the Jesuits, the first English, French and American traders, is a period of transformation and progress that has been paralleled only on the shores of the New World. We have the transition from barba rism to civilization; we have the subjugation of the wilderness by the first settlers; the organization of territorial and state governments; an era of progress from the rude habits of the pioneer and trapper, to the culture and refinement of civilized states; from the wilderness, yet unmapped, and traversed only by the hardy pioneer in birch barks or dog sledges, to the cultivated fields, cobwebbed by railways and streams furrowed by steamers. It is something to have witnessed a part, even, of this wonderful transformation, and it is a privilege and a pleasure to record, even in part, its history. I have quoted from the most correct histories within my reach, but the greater part of my work, or of that pertaining to the fifty years just passed, has been written from personal observation and from information obtained directly by interview with, or by written communications from, persons identified in some way with the history of the country. To those persons who have so freely and generously assisted me in the collection of ma terial for this work, I hereby express my thanks. I have relied sparingly on traditions, and, where I have used them, have referred to them as such. LNTKQDUCTIOSr. While genealogical tables are of interest chiefly to the families and individuals whose names are therein preserved, I still deem it not amiss to insert here a brief account of my ancestry. Among the emigrants from England to the New World in 1638, came John Foulsham, then twenty-three or twenty-four years of age, and his wife, to whom he had been married about a year and a half. They came from Hingham, England, to Hingham, Mass., with a colony that probably named the settlement in loving remem brance of the town they had left. They came on account of cer tain ecclesiastical troubles; their rector, with whom they sympa thized, having torn down the altar rails and leveled the altar, an act of irreverence that called down upon them the wrath of their superior, Bishop Wren, and resulted in rector and people sell ing out their real estate at half its value and emigrating to America. John received a grant of land consisting of four acres and built himself a house, the frame being constructed of sawed oak timber. This house, built in 1640, stood until 1875, two hun dred and thirty-five years, when it was taken down and manufac tured into canes and chairs; which were distributed as relics to the American descendants of the family. The family, however, had increased so greatly that the supply was not equal to the demand. The wife of John Foulsham was Mary Gilman. From this couple the American Folsoms and their allies from marriages with the female descendants of the family have sprung. The ancestors of John Foulsham may be traced backward a period of near six hundred years, and many of the family have honor able mention in English history. The earliest mention is con cerning John Foulsham of Foulsham, prior of a Carmelite monastery in Norwich, and "prseses provincialis" of all Eng- viii INTRODUCTION. land This Foulsham is spoken of in Bayle's catalogue of emi nent worthies as "no mean proficient in controversial theology, knowing how, by means of syllogystic tricks, to turn white into black and men into donkeys. He died in the great plague at Norwich in 1348. A certain John de Foulsham is spoken of m Blomeheld's His tory of Norfolk as an "eloquent, unflinching opponent of the corruptions of the times." It is possible that this may be the Carmelite prior above mentioned, though the prefix de leaves the matter somewhat in doubt. As to the original derivation of the family name, Hon. George Folsom, of Philadelphia, in one of the manuscripts left by him, says: "It arose upon the adoption of surnames in England, from the town of Foulsham, a village in the county of Norfolk, six or eight miles north of Hingham, in which county the family was seated for many centuries, possessing estates in fifteen different places. Thus John de, or John of Foulsham, be came John Foulsham. The orthography and pronunciation of the name have varied in the family itself, as well as among those writing and pronounc ing it. The first Anglo-American bearing the name spelled it "Foulsham." His son, Deacon John, spelled it "Fullsam" in 1709, and it is signed "Foullsam" in his last will — 1715. In one instance, in the Hingham town records, it is spelled "Ful- sham," but always afterward, "Foulsham." In the Exeter records it is written uniformly ' ' Folsom ' ' with but one exception, when it is written by the town clerk "Foulshame." In the rec ords of the first parish, Haverhill, Massachusetts, it is written "Foulsham," "Foulsam," "Folsham" and "Fulsom." Origi nally it was doubtless spelled "Foulshame," its etymological sig nificance being the fowls' home, a breeding place or mart. It was probably at first written with a hyphen, as Fouls-hame, but the final syllable was eventually shortened. Everywhere it is now written Folsom by those having the name, and is pronounced like wholesome. The characteristics of the family have been quite uniform. Far as known they were a religious family, and prominent as such in both Catholic and Protestant circles, with a strong disposition toward dissent from the established order of things. Thus John de Foulsham wrote a treatise quite at variance with INTRODUCTION. ix the doctrines of the church, advocating the marriage of priests. John Foulsham, the Anglo-American, left England on account of his dissent, preferring a home in the wilderness with freedom to worship God, to dwelling under the rule of a haughty and tyrannical bishop. Many of the family espoused the doctrines of Whitfield. Many of them became Baptists, becoming such at a time when the Baptists were most unpopular, and afterward becoming Free Will Baptists, in which communion more of the family may to-day be found than in any other. The occupations of the family were mostly, in the early days, mechanical. Many were joiners and millwrights. The children and grandchildren were farmers, landholders and lumbermen. Of the many who removed to Maine, after the Eevolution, most engaged in lumbering, but turned their attention, also to milling and storekfieping. The family have also shown a military tendency, and during the various wars visited upon the country since the early colo nial times, this family has borne its full share of the dangers, toils and expense. My father, Jeremiah Folsom, was born in Tarn worth, New Hampshire, Sept. 16, 1780, and was married to Octavia Howe, April 5, 1805. My mother was born in Machias, Maine, Oct. 12, 1786. My father was a prominent business man, and was en gaged in shipping and mercantile pursuits, he owning vessels that plied from St. Johns to Machias and other American ports. To facilitate his business, St. Johns was his home four years, dur ing which time he was associated with William Henry Carman. This temporary residence and business association account for my being born on British soil, and for the names by which I was christened. According to the record in the old family Bible, I was born at St. Johns, New Brunswick, June 22, 1817. When I was six months old my parents moved to Bangor, Maine, thence to Foxcroft, Maine, thence to Ascot, Lower Canada. When I was five years old my parents moved to Tamworth, New Hampshire. Young as I was, I am still able to recall events that occurred while I lived in Canada. I remember falling into a well and being badly bruised. I remember also an adventure with a bear. My parents had gone to church, leaving me at home, greatly against my will. I attempted to follow, but missed the road and wandered off into a wood, perhaps three miles x INTRODUCTION. away. \Vh3r1 my parents returned they were much alarmed, and parties immediately went in pursuit. When I knew I was lost I set up a vigorous screaming, which had the effect of at tracting attention from two very different parties. The first was a huge bear in quest of food, and doubtless delighted at the pros pect before him. The second was one of the rescuing parties in quest of the lost boy. Both simultaneously approached the screaming youngster and Bruin fought stubbornly for his prey, but was vanquished by the clubs of my rescuers, and I was car ried home in triumph. I do not clearly recall all the incidents of this scene, and, strangely enough, do not remember seeing ~ the bear. Perhaps the terror of being lost drove out every other impression. An excuse for the narration of this appar ently trifling ^incident may be found in the fact that but for the prompt arrival of the rescuing party, this history would never have been written. When I was ten years of age my parents removed to Bloom- field, Maine. While in Tamworth I had excellent opportunities of attending school, which I improved to the utmost. After leaving Tamworth my school privileges were well nigh ended, as I never received from that time more than six months'. schooling. My father followed lumbering on the Kennebec river. During the first winter in Maine, he took me to the logging camp as camp boy. During the second winter he hired me to Matthew and Lewis Dunbar as a cook for their wood camp. I cooked for six men and received five dollars a month. I was used very kindly by the Dunbars, but that winter in the woods seemed a long, long winter. The only book in camp was , the Bible. There were, however, newspapers and playing cards. In the spring my father used the fifteen dollars received for my three months' work to purchase a cow. I served the Dunbars the third winter, as cook, for six dollars a month, and worked the ensuing summer on farms at about" twenty-five cents per day. During the fourth winter I worked for the Dunbars and Timothy Snow at seven dollars per month, and the summer following worked on a farm for Benjamin Cayfbrd at seven dol lars. Cayford was a merciless tyrant, and sometimes compelled his men to work in the field till nine o' clock at night. These details of wages paid and work done, uninteresting in themselves, serve to show the value of a boy's work (I was not yet fifteen) and INTRODUCTION. XI wha\ was expected of the average boy, for mine was no excepr tional case nor was my father more exacting than others in his station in life. He was in poor health, and had a large family of boys. We were eight in number, and of these I was one of the most robust and able to assist in the support of the family. This year I persuaded my father to sell me my time, which amounted to five years, which he reluctantly did, accepting two hundred and fifty dollars as an equivalent. It was my ambition to go West. Horace Greeley had not uttered the talismanic words* "Go West, young man," but I believed that by going West I would be better able to advance my own interests and assist my parents. My father signed the necessary pa per relinquishing my time, which was printed in the Skow- hegan, Clarion. From this time until I was nineteen years old I worked on the river and on farms, worked continu ously and beyond my strength. I worked another summer for Cayford, but have no pleasant recollections of him, for on his farm I was sadly overworked, being often called to work before sunrise and kept at work after sunset. I worked two "winters cooking in the woods for Capt. Asa Steward, of Bloom- field, one of the best men I ever served, a kind hearted, honest Christian. He gave me good counsel and good wages besides. In the fall of 1835 I went into the woods to work for Capt. Eb. Snow, of Madison. Like Cayford, he was a merciless tyrant and abusive to his men. I left his camp before my engagement closed, not being able to endure his abuse longer. This is the only time in which I failed to keep a labor engagement. I fin ished the winter with Capt. Asa Steward, but my eyes became so inflamed from the smoke of the camp that I was obliged to abandon cooking. During this winter occurred an incident that came near hav- . ing a serious and even fatal termination. There were three of us, Simeon Goodrich, Jimmie Able and myself, who went down the Kennebec to the Forks, a distance of twelve miles from camp. A deep, damp snow had fallen the night previous, and through this snow, reaching above our knees, we trudged wearily till Able gave out. We carried him a short distance, but becoming exhausted ourselves, laid him down in the snow. To remain with him would be to imperil the lives of all; by 'hurrying on we might be able to send a party to bring him in. We carefully xji INTRODUCTION. made for him a bed of fir boughs and placed loose garments over him and under him, and as he was sick, weak and faint, gave him a draught of liquid opodeldoc, and leaving the bottle with him, hurried on. We traveled the last mile through an open ing. Snow drifted deeply. We dragged our bodies through the drifts in the direction of a glimmering light, which proved to be Sturgis' hotel, which we reached at 11 o' clock p. m. A team was sent back immediately for the lost Able by a road of which we knew nothing. The rescuing party met him trudging along with all his baggage. The opodeldoc had revived him, and he had traveled a full mile when he met the rescuing party. At two o'clock the team returned bringing the lost wayfarer. Another adventure terminated more disastrously than this. In the spring of 1835 I was employed in taking logs across ' Moosehead lake. The logs were in booms, and were moved by a capstan and rope. This was before the days of steamboats, and the moving of the booms was no light task. On this occasion a gale of wind struck us and drifted us across the lake. We threw out an anchor, hoping to check the course of the boom and swing it into Cowan's bay. In one of our throws the anchor tripped, or caught fast, and suddenly tightened the line. Oar whole crew were in an instant hurled headlong. Some were thrown into the water. One man (Butler) had his ribs broken. All were more or less injured. The capstan went overboard. The old boom swung on and on, and, passing Spencer's bay, broke and went to pieces on the shore. The logs were with great difficulty regathered, but were finally brought to the out let of the lake July 4th, the last raft of the season. After river driving in the spring of 1835, I went to the Pe nobscot river and found employment at twenty dollars a month at East Great Works, building a dam. John Mills, our superin tendent, was a good man. There was a lyceum here, the first I ever attended. In December I returned to the Kennebec, and in the spring of 1836 went to Dead river to drive, but an attack of the measles and general ill health, with symptoms of pulmon ary derangement, compelled me to abandon the work. I had lived nine years on the Kennebec, years of hard labor and exertion beyond my strength, and in that time had earned enough to pay my father two hundred and fifty dollars. I had been able to purchase a small library, and had two hundred dol lars in cash to defray my expenses to the West. INTRODUCTION. Xlll Reminiscences. — He that leaves the home of his youth for a strange land carries with him memories, pleasant to recall, of scenes and incidents, the influence of wihich he feels to the latest hour of life. There are some things he can not forget. They may not be an essential part of his o\?n life history, but still they have found a place in his mind and, seem a part of himself, and he recurs to them^tgain^and ag^in witfh eve,r increasing delight. There are (4^gr tihings, may be, not so pleasant to dwell upon, which^sfill ha^e a place in hisNmemory and may be profitably reca^ied^^-Noone who has ever lived in Maine can forget its da^-pine forests, its ruggpd hills, its rtfshing streams, cold and clear as crystal, its broadylakes, the abundant game of its forests and the fish in its waters. The Minnesota and Wis consin pioneers, who with the^uthor of this book claim Maine as an early home, will not^Eyect to the insertion in this chapter of a few of these reminiscences. \ Moosehead Lake*'— My first visit to Moosehead lake was inx the early winter of lp34. At that time it was still in the wilder ness, only two settlers having found their way to its shores. We were going with k six bx team to a camp on the Brasua and our road led us across che frozen lake. Emerging from a beech and maple grove on the Margin near Haskell's, our sled plunged downward, and in a momen\we found ourselves on the gray ice of the lake, with a wonderfuP^norama spread out before us. The distant islands and the shore^hilly and mountainous, stood out plainly between the winter sky^nd the ice covered lake. The mirage added its finishing touches ^the picture, increasing the brightness and apparent size of distih»t objects, or lending them brilliant hues, the whole scene sparklink in the frosty sun lit air, making a vision of beauty that could not fade. On we trudged over the ice, the sled creaking, the ice emitting a roar ing sound, not unlike the discharge of a park of artillery, sounds produced by the expansion of the ice. We trudged on past/ islands and craggy, rock-bound shores, passed Bi rnt Jacket Squaw and Moxey mountains in the east,' Lily and Spencer bays at the southeast, Misery and other mountains in the west/while far away to the north of east towered white old KAtahimi. Be fore us loomed up the flint rock Kinneo, its perpfeijmcular face fronting west, on the lake; at the base a beautifiM maple inter val extending toward Spencer bay. xjv • INTRODUCTION. The following spring our boom lay wind-bound at the base of Kinneo, and we seized the opportunity of climbing the vast pile of flinty rocks composing it, and obtained thence a view of un paralleled beauty, including the broad, bright lake, fairy islands, mountains and hills and vast stretches of pine forests. The tour ist might seek far and wide, vainly, for a landscape rivaling this. Moose Huntin&. — The lake and surrounding country offer unrivaled attractions to the sportsman. The lake abounds in fish, , of which the lake trout is the most abundant in number and delicious in flavor. Specimens are frequently taken weighing from ten to fifteen pounds. The forests at that time abounded in wild animals, chief of which was the moose, the largest and the homeliest of the deer family. With his long, narrow head, small eyes, donkey -like ears, pendant lips, the upper one curling like a small proboscis, with his high shoulders and giraffe-like hips, with his short, round body, long and clumsy legs, he is as distinguished for his want of grace and comeliness as the red deer is for its presence. No animal is better adapted for its own home and mode of life. Their "heavy coat of hair adapts them to high latitudes. With their curved upper lip they take hold of the branches of the trees, and with their strong teeth and paws they are able to peel off the tender bark of saplings and small trees. The moose, when attacked, is fierce, resolute, defi ant, and defends himself in a masterly manner, striking with his fore legs with such precision that the hunter is obliged to keep at a respectful distance. The male moose wears a remarkable pair of horns of annual growth, to which each year a prong is added. The home of the moose is the northern part of the North Temperate Zone. Moose hunting is a healthy though laborious pastime. The hunter must be an expert, and it requires years of practice to become skillful. He must build his camp in the wilderness, packing thither his food, blankets, camp utensils and gun. With his pack of dogs he starts out in search of a moose yard. This is generally in some well timbered district. The snow in winter is generally from three to six feet deep, but the moose has broken paths through this to facilitate his movements through the forest, and here he roams about in fancied security, browsing on the young shrubs, but the hunter find§ his hiding place. In such case he conceals himself in the snow near one of these INTRODUCTION. XV paths and waits patiently till the moose passes, when he fires upon him. If the moose is killed at once the hunter waits patiently in his hiding place till another and another comes up to share a like fate. If the moose is only wounded he starts off as rapidly through the snow as his long legs will carry him, pursued by the hunter and his dogs. The hunter has all the advantages of the position, being mounted on snowshoes, thus being able to move with comparative swiftness, while the moose plunges heavily through the snow, and at last, weakened by loss of blood, he is overtaken and easily killed. Mount Bigelow. — This is a noble, grand, historical moun tain, situated on the south side of Dead river, in Franklin county. For years it had been my strong desire to make the ascent, and in May, 1833, the desire was gratified. With six others, I left camp, and by evening reached Green's hotel, where we obtained lodgings for the evening. At early dawn, having supplied our selves with lunch, tin cup and hatchet, we began the ascent on the northeast side. We soon passed the thrifty timber and aided our ascent of the craggy sides of the mountain by clinging to the shrubs that found roothold in the crevices of the rocks. It may not be amiss to say that we rested, that we rested fre quently, for mountain climbing is no light work for those un accustomed to it. While toiling wearily upward we found ourselves enveloped in mist, or a cloud, from which we soon emerged to find the heavens above us clear and bright, while leaden clouds shut out the landscape below. At twelve o'clock, noon, we were on the summit. By this time the clouds had been dispersed. The air was clear and cold and beneath us lay, as in a beautiful panorama, the lands and lakes of Maine. There are two peaks about half a mile apart, between which is a valley and a small lake. From the highest of these peaks the view was magnificent. In the far north we imagined we saw Canada. The vast, northern expanse was all unoccupied save by a few farms at the foot of the mountain, and by a few camps of lumber men, hunters and trappers. Looking to the, northeast, we saw in the blue distance, glittering with snow drifts, Mount Katah- din. A little north of the divide line to Katahdin lay Moose head lake, the largest, most beautiful lake in Maine. At this season of the year the snow had disappeared from the valleys and hills, but the summits of the mountains were still xvi INTRODUCTION. white. In all directions the scene was grand and inspiring. We could trace the Kennebec river in its windings to the sea and fan cied we could see in the dim distance the blue Atlantic. To the southwest mountains seemed piled on mountains, while here and there in intermediate vales bright lakes reflected the blue of the upper deep. In this direction there were farms, but they looked like mere dots on the face of the earth. Lake Umbagog lay coiled in the shade of distant mountains in the southwest. We fancied that we could see the rugged crest of the white moun tain still further beyond. The scene had also its historical asso ciations. Along the base of this mountain, on the northwestern side, ere his name had been sullied by the foulest treason in our country's history, Benedict Arnold bravely led the Colonial troops in the campaign against Canada. With him, as an aid, was Col. Bigelow, whose name is given to the mountain. The gallant little army halted on the banks of Dead river at the base of the mountain, and made their camp. While the army was resting at this camp Lieut. Col. Bigelow ascended the mountain and planted his country's flag upon the highest peak, doubtless the first white man who made the ascent, and the mountain is his monument to-day. Around the site of the camp was planted the colony of Flagstaff. While we were gazing on the magnificent scene, musing upon its varied beauties and recalling its historical associations, the sun set, and reluctantly we set out on our return, a descent the more perilous because it was growing dark. Extreme caution was necessary; nevertheless we made good headway, as we found ourselves sometimes sliding and even rolling down the path that we had ascended with so 'much difficulty in the forenoon. It was long after nightfall that, tired and hungry, we reached Wy- man's hotel on the banks of Dead river. Lumbering in Maine. — The practical lumberman did not usually start his teams for the pineries until snowfall and the freezing of the lakes and rivers. The first thing was to select a place for operations. This was done in the open season. When the winter had fairly set in the lumberman, with his ox teams, generally six oxen to a sled, the sleds laden with camp plunder, would start for the pineries. The slow ox teams would consume many days making the journey. The crew of men employed for the winter generally met the teams in camp. The snow would INTRODUCTION. xvii be cleared away for the camp, and a fire built. The cook would prepare a supper of fried pork, fritters or pancakes, tea, syrup and New England apple sauce, the crew meanwhile cutting boughs, wood, etc., and preparing for permanent camp. Supper over, the cattle were tied to trees and fed. Water was secured for evening use only. A glowing fire would be kept up, around which the crew would gather to spend the evening in talking over the adventures of the day, discussing plans for the mpj?yow or singing camp songs. Thus the evening wouldirpa°ssmer'rily and swiftly. At the hour for retiring parties of two would spread their blankets on a couch of fir or cedar boughs, and lie down to rest. Next morning the cook would rise at four o'clock to prepare breakfast, which over, as soon as it was light enough the crew would commence the work of the day. Every man goes to his assigned duties, the boss in charge having the gen eral oversight. The life of a lumberman is. one of exposure to the elements, yet it is not necessarily unfriendly to the development of char acter. With a well ordered camp and gentlemanly crew the winter may pass away pleasantly, and the young man engaged in the comparatively hard toil of the camp, may, with books and papers and cheerful converse with the more thoughtful of his elders, improve the long evenings spent around the camp fire. Many a Maine boy has received here the greater part of his training for the duties of after life. Sunday was usually occupied in reading, singing, and doing some of the lighter work of camp, such as repairing sleds, shoe ing oxen and making axe helves or visiting neighboring camps. It was a day of rest only so far as the heavier work of the camp was suspended. Sanctuary privileges there were none. The work would often close in the sunny days of March. The men would mostly depart for home. A few would remain to drive the logs with the first water from the melting of the snows late in April. Driving logs in the rapid waters of Maine is hazardous work. Scarcely a day passes without imminent risk to life and limb of the hardy and venturesome men engaged in the work of break ing log landings and jams, and running boats. Men are exposed to wet and cold from dawn till dark. This work requires active and vigorous men, constitutionally fitted and carefully trained (b) XV111 INTRODUCTION. to the work. They are usually sociable, lively and wide awake, these qualities enabling them to endure, and e^ten to enjoy, the life of hardship which they lead, and to which they become so accustomed that they are unwilling to leave it until worn out by its inevitable hardship. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. "W. H. C. Folsom Frontispiece James S. Anderson opp 55 Martin Mower 60 John McKusick opp 68 Edward White Dnrant 74 William M. Blanding 114 Reuben F. Little °. 121 Oliver Wendell Holmes Hospital 157 John Comstock opp 170 Hans B. Warner opp 207 Rev. Wm. T. Boutwell 273 Devil's Chair 301 Frank N. Peterson _ 320 Rev. E. E. Edwards 348 Smith Ellison 351 Isaac Staples opp 413 Jacob Bean 416 Louis Hospes 418 Fort Snelling 498 William D. Washburn opp 517 John S. Pillsbury opp 528 St. Anthony Falls 531 Birdseye View of St. Paul opp 536 Henry H. Sibley opp 553 Alex. Ramsey opp 555 Henry M. Rice opp 558 Edmund Rice opp 560 Wm. Rainey Marshall opp 568 Wm. H. Fisher : 571 JohnB. Sanborn opp 577 H. P. Hall 589 Hon. G. W. Le Due 594 Lucius F. Hubbard -opp 597 Home of the Author 614 State Seal 658 Seal of Old Settlers Association 732 CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. Biographical. Genealogy of the American Folsoms VII Autobiographical. Parentage IX Time and Place of Birth IX Earliest Recollections. IX Removal to Bloomfield, Maine X First Essay at Logging X Commencing Life XI Lost in the Snow XI Adventure on Moosehead Lake XII On the Penobscot XII Reminiscences of Maine XIII Moosehead Lake XIII Ascent of Kinneo Mountain. . .XIV Moose Hunting XIV Mount Bigelow XV- Lumbering in Maine XVI CHAPTER I. Going West 1 Lakes Huron and Michigan... 3 Chicago and Milwaukee 5 On Foot to Galena 6 The Northwestern Territory... 7 Arrival at Dubuque 7 Reminiscences of Dubuque 8 Arrival at Prairie du Chien... 9 Early History of Prairie du Chien 9 Ancient Document 10 Forts Shelby — McKay — Craw ford 11 First Commissioners at Prai rie du Chien 11 Organization of Crawford County 12 Indian Troubles 12 Running the Gauntlet 13 Fort Crawford Robbed 13 Early Justice 14 A Southward Journey 15 New Orleans, Vicksburg 15 Return to Prairie du Chien.... 16' Privations 16 A Perilous Journey 17 Return to Maine — Mountains of New1 Hampshire 17 Marriage 18 Prairie du Chien in 1837 18 American Residents 19 Biographies. James Duane Doty 19 James H. Lockwood 20 Indian Troubles 21 John S.Lockwood 22 Samuel Gilbert 23 Michael Brisbois 23 Pierre La Point 24 Joseph Rolette 24 Hercules Dousman 24 Rev. David Lowry 25 Chief Justice Charles Dunn... 25 Rev. Alfred Brunson 26 XX11 CONTENTS. Ira Brunson 27 John H. Folsom 28 Ezekiel Tainter 28 Judge Wyram Kno wlton 29 Robert Lester 29 Thomas Pendleton Burnett. ... 30 General Henry Dodge 30 General George W. Jones 31 S. G. and S. L. Tainter, John Thomas 31 CHAPTER II. STILLWATER AND ST. CROIX COUNTY. From Prairie du Chien to Still water 32 Stillwater in 1845 33 St. Croix County 33 First Settlement in 1838 34 Dismemberment of St. Croix Valley from CrawfordCounty 34 Judge Irwin's Court in 1840 .. 35 Events in 1840, First Commis sioners' Meeting 35 Election Precincts inl841 36 Early History of Stillwater 37 The First Saw Mill 37 Copy of Agreement of Mill Company 38 Agreement of Land Claims... 40 Bateau Voyage up the St. Croix 41 Indian Drunks 42 Skiff Voyage to Prairie du Chien 42 Mail Carrying 43 Claim and Mill at Areola 43 Stillwater in 1846, Events 44 Overland Trip to Prairie du Chien 44 Return, Adventure 45 A Pioneer Cat 45 Stillwater in 1847 46 Territorial Election 46 Arrest of Nodin and Ne-she- ke-o-ge-ma 46 Visit to Sunrise, Connor's Camp 47 Murder of Henry Rust 47 Funeral, Indignation Meeting 48 First District Court in Still water 48 Nodin and Ne-she-ke-o-ge-ma Acquitted 49 Steamer War Eagle and Raft.. 49 Society Ball in Stillwater 49 Stillwater in 1848 50 CHAPTER III. BIOGRAPHIES. Joseph Renshaw Brown 52 Paul Carli 53 Dr. Christopher Carli 53 Lydia Ann Carli 54 Phineas Lawrence 54 Jacob Fisher 55 James S. Anderson 55 Emanuel D. Farmer 56 Col. John Greely 56 Mrs. Hannah Greely 57 Elam Greely 57 Himan Greely 57 Aquilla Greely 58 EliasMcKean 58 Calvin F. Leach 58 Socrates Nelson 58 Mrs. Socrates Nelson 59 Edward Blake 59 CONTENTS. XX111 Walter R. Vail 59 John E. Mower 60 Martin Mower 61 William Willim 61 • Albert Harris 61 Cornelius Lyman 62 David B. Loomis 62 William E. Cove 63 John Smith 63 John Morgan 63 Anson Northrup 63 Robert Kennedy 64 Harvey Wilson 65 Andrew Jackson Short 65 James D. McComb 65 William Rutherford 66 Albion Masterman 66 Joseph N. Masterman 66 Mahlon Black 66 Morton S. Wilkinson 67 William Stanchfield 67 Thomas Ramsdell 68 Charles Macey 68 Jonathan E. McKusick 68 John McKusick 68 William McKusick 69 Noah McKusick 69 Royal McKusick 69 Ivory E. McKusick 69 Charles E. Leonard 69 Daniel McLean 70 Robert Simpson 70 William H. Hooper 70 James H. Spencer 71 John T. Blackburn 71 Joseph T. Blackburn 71 Horace McKinstry 71 SethM. Sawyer 71 Henry Sawyer 72 AlvahD. Heaton 72 John McKenzie 72 George McKenzie 72 Henry Kattenberg 72 Julius F. Brunswick 73 Henry McLean 73 Hugh Burns 73 Sylvanus Trask 73 Ariel Eldridge 73 Edward White Durant 74 Oliver Parsons 75 Albert Stimson 75 Abraham Van Voorhees 75 Michael E. Owens 76 Joseph Bonin 77 Marcel Gagnon 77 Sebastian Marty 77 John Marty 77 Adam Marty 77 Michael McHale 77 George Watson 78, Rev. Eleazer A. Greenleaf..... 78 J. B. Covey 78 JohnShaesby 78 John S. Proctor 78 Barron Proctor 79 Henry Westing 79 Thomas Dunn 79 Charles J. Gardiner 79 Samuel Staples 79 Josiah Staples 80 Joel M. Darling 80 Early River Pilots 80 JoePerro 80 James McPhail 80 John Connack 81 John Hanford 81 John Leach 81 Stephen B. Hanks 81 SamuelS. Hanks -81 CHAPTER IV. POLK COUNTY. Description and History 82 Franklin Steele, the First Pio neer 82 His Account of the Settlement. 83 The St. Croix Falls Lumber ing Company 83 Organization and History 83 St. Croix River, Origin of Name 84 XXIV CONTENTS. Treaty and Purchase of 1838.. 85 History of Polk County .85 County Seat located at St. Croix Falls 86 First Election County Officers.. 86 First Happenings 87 The Liquor Traffic 87 Melancholy Results 88 Death of Hall and Livingston 88 Indian "Jamboree." 88 Frontier Justice 89 Balsam Lake Murders 89 Execution of an Indian 89 Population of St. Croix Falls in 1848 90 Natural Language 90 Drowning of H. H. Perkins.... 90 A Quailtown Murder 90 Mineral Permits 91 Marriage under Difficulties ... 91 An Indian Scare 92 The First Fire Canoe 92 Mill Building 92 More Indian Murders 93 Indian Battle of Stillwater. ... 96 The First Loggers 96 The First Rafting 97 An Indian Payment 98 Indian Dancing and Theft 99 Other Thefts 99 Hard Times 100 Puzzled Indians, "Ugh! Ugh!" 101 Mrs. Worth and Muckatice.... 101 CHAPTER V. POLK COUNTY — CONTINUED. Biographies. Gov. William Holcombe 103 William S. Hungerford 104 Caleb Cushing 104 Judge Henry D. Barron 105 George W. Brownell 107 Col. Robert C. Murphy 108 Edward Worth 109 Mrs. MaryC. Worth 109 Maurice M. Samuels 109 Joseph B. Churchill 110 John McLean 110 Gilman Jewell 110 Elisha Creech 110 James W. McGlothlin 110 Andrew L. Tuttle 110 John Weymouth Ill B. W. Reynolds Ill Augustus Gaylord Ill James D. Reymert Ill William J. Vincent 112 Thompson Brothers 112 William Amery 112 Lewis Barlow 113 LeviW. Stratton 113 Elma M. Blanding 113 Blanding Family 113 Frederick K. Bartlett 114 Michael Field 115 Alden 115 Rev. A. B. Peabody 115 V. M. Babcock 117 Apple River 117 Balsam Lake 117 Beaver 118 Black Brook 118 Clam Falls ].. 119 Daniel F. Smith 119 Clayton 120 Reuben F. Little 120 Clear Lake 122 Pineville 123 Frank M.Nye 123 Eureka 123 Charles Nevers 123 Farmington 124 Harmon Crandall 125 Samuel Wall 125 William Ramsey 125 Hiram R. Nason 126 CONTENTS. JoelF. Nason 126 John McAdams 126 Charles Tea 126 Garfield 126 Georgetown 127 A Double Murder 127 George P. Anderson 128 Laketown 128 Lincoln 128 William Wilson 129 Loraine 129 William W. Gallespie 130 Luck 130 William H. Foster 130 Milltown 130 Patrick Lillis 131 Osceola 131 Scenery < 132 First Happenings 132 Change of Name 133 Osceola Village 134 Daniel Mears 134 Nelson McCarty 134 William O. Mahony 135 Richard Arnold 135 William Kent, Sr 135 Robert Kent 135 Andrew Kent 135 William, James, Thomas, and John Kent 136 Samuel Close 136 Ebenezer Ayres 136 Dr. CarmiP. Garlick 137 JohnS. Godfrey 137 William A. Talboys 137 Charles H. Staples 138 J. W. Peake 138 George Wilson 138 Samuel B. Dresser 138 Frederic A. Dresser 139 Oscar A. Clark 139 Oscar F. Knapp 139 Mrs. Elisabeth B. Hayes 140 Cyrus G. Bradley 140 W. Hale 141 Edgar C. Treadwell 141 St. Croix Falls .' 141 St. Croix Falls Village 141 West Sweden 142 Sterling 142 Dr. Samuel Deneen 143 William W. Trimmer 143 Arnold Densmore 143 CHAPTER VI. ST. CROIX COUNTY. Organization, 1840 144 Division, 1848 144 County Seat Located at Buena Vista 145 First Election 145 Division of the County, 1853.. 146 Present Limits 146 General Description 146 Monument Rock 147 Towns and Date of Organiza tion 148 St. Croix County Agricultural Society 148 Pomona Grange 148 Agricultural Statistics 148 Manufactures 149 St. Croix Poor Farm 149 First Tax Roll' of County, 1848 149 Hudson City 152 Original Claimants 153 First Survey, etc 153 First Deed Recorded 154 City Government 155 Mayors of the City 155 City Schools 155 XXVI CONTENTS. Military Institute 156 Mills and Manufactories 156 Banks 156 Oliver Wendell Holmes Hos pital 157 Water Works 158 Hotels, the Great Fire, 1866... 158 Social and Benevolent Organi zations 159 Biographies. Louis Massey 159 Peter Bouchea 160 William Steets 160 Capt. JohnB. Page 160 Dr. Philip Aldrich 160 The Nobles Family 161 James Purinton 161 Ammah Andrews 162 James Walstow 162 James Sanders 162 J. W. Stone 162 Joseph Bowron 163 Moses Perin 163 John 0. Henning 163 Moses S. Gibson 164 Col. James Hughes 164 Daniel Anderson 165 Alfred Day 165 Dr. Otis Hoyt 165 S. S. N. Fuller 166 Miles H. Van Meter 166 Philip B. Jewell 166 John Tobin 166 Horace A. Taylor 167 Jeremiah Whaley 167 Simon Hunt 167 JohnS. Moffatt 167 James H. Childs 168 William Dwelley 168 James M. Fulton 168 Marcus A. Fulton 168 David C. Fulton 168 N. S. Holden 168 William H. Semmes 169 Sterling Jones 169 D. R.Bailey 169 Henry C. Baker 169 Mert Herrick 169 D. A. Baldwin 170 John Comstock 170 Lucius P. Wetherby 170 John C. Spooner 170 Thomas Porter 171 Herman L. Humphrey 171 Theodore Cogswell 172 Frank P. Catlin 172 Charles Y. Denniston 173 A. E. Jefferson 173 Samuel C. Symonds 173 John E. Glover 173 Lemuel North 173 Edgar Nye 173 William T. Price 113 E. B. Bundy 174 Towns and Biographies. Baldwin 174 Baldwin Village 174 Woodville Village 175 Cady 175 Cylon 175 Eau Galle 176 Emerald 176 Erin Prairie 176 Forest 177 Glenwood 177 Hammond 177 Hammond Village 178 John Thayer 178 Rev. William Egbert 178 Hudson 178 James Kelly 178 Daniel Coit 179 James Virtue 179 Theodore M. Bradley 179 William Dailey 179 Robert and Wm. McDiarmid.. 179 William Martin 179 Paschal Aldrich 180 Kinnikinic 180 Duncan McGregor 180 W. B. and James A. Mapes... 181 Pleasant Valley 182 Richmond 182 Boardman Village 183 CONTENTS. XXV11 Gridley Village 183 New Richmond Village 183 New Richmond City 183 Bank, High School 184 Benjamin B. C. Foster 184 Robert Philbrick 185 Linden Coombs 185 Eben Quinby 185 Lewis Oaks 185 Henry Russell 185 Joseph D. Johnson 185 Joel Bartlett '. 185 Francis W. Bartlett 186 George C. Hough 186 Silas Staples 186 Dr. Henry Murdock 187 Steven N. Hawkins 187 Rush River 188 Somerset 188 Somerset Village 189 Gen. Samuel Harriman 189 St. Joseph 190 Houlton Village 191 Burkhardt Village 191 Springfield 191 Hersey Village 191 Wilson Village 192 Stanton 192 Star Prairie 192 Huntington Village.... 192 Star Prairie Village 192 Hon. R. K. Fay 192 Troy 193 James Chinnock 193 William L.Perrin 193 Warren 194 James Hill 194 Village Plats 195 CHAPTER VII. PIERCE COUNTY. Descriptive 196 History, First Events 197 County Seat Changed to Ells worth 198 Railroads 199 Miscellaneous Statistics 199 Village Plats 199 Organization of Towns 200 Clifton 200 George W. McMurphy 201 Osborne Strahl 201 Charles B. Cox 201 Ephraim Harnsberger 201 Diamond Bluff. 202 Capt. John Paine 202 John Day 202 Sarah A. Vance 203 Allen R. Wilson 203 E. S. Coulter 203 James Bamber 203 Jacob Mead 203 Charles Walbridge 203 Charles F. Hoyt 203 Enoch Quinby 203 The FirstSettler 203 El Paso 204 Ellsworth 205 Ellsworth Village 205 Anthony Huddleston 206 Perry D. Pierce 206 HansB. Warner 207 Gilman 207 Hartland 208 Isabelle 208 Maiden Rock 209 Christopher L. Taylor 209 Martell 209 OakGrove 210 Lewis M. Harnsberger 210 Prescott City 210 History 211 Platted in 1857 212 XXV111 CONTENTS. First Official Board 212 Statistics, First Events 212 Churches 212 Fair Grounds 213 Cemetery 213 Destructive Fires 213 Philander Prescott 214 George Schaser .•••• 214 William S. Lockwood 215 James Monroe Bailey 215 Adolph Werkman 215 Joseph Manese 215 Hilton Doe 215 Lute A. Taylor , 215 JohnHuitt 216 John M. Rice 216 An Indian Battle 216 River Falls 217 First Happenings 217 Water Powers 217 Schools at River Falls 218 River Falls Academy 218 Churches 219 Associations 219 Bank, Railroad 220 Fires 220 River Falls City, Organization... 220 Falls of Kinnikinic 220 The Cave Cabin 221 The Fourth State Normal School 221 Joel Foster 224 Jesse B. Thayer 224 A. D. Andrews 224 Joseph A. Short 225 Prof. Allen H. Weld 225 Allen P.Weld 225 George W. Nichols 225 W. D. Parker 226 William Powell 226 Lyman Powell 256 Nathaniel N. Powell 226* Oliver S. Powell 226 Nils P. 'Haugen 227 H. L. Wadsworth 227 Rock Elm 227 Salem 227 Spring Lake 228 Trenton 228 Trimbelle 229 M. B. Williams 229 Union 292 CHAPTER VIII. BURNETT, WASHBURN, SAWYER AND BARRON COUNTIES. Burnett County. Location and Description 230 Organization 231 Pine Barrens 231 Murders 232 Old Geezhic 233 The First Mission 234 The Chippewas of Wood Lake... 236 Grantsburg 237 Canute Anderson 237 The Hickerson Family 238 The Anderson Family '238 Robert A. Doty 238 The Cranberry Marshes 239 Washburn County. Description, Town Organization. 240 First Events 240 Shell Lake, Summit Lake 241 First Board of County Officers. 241 Shell Lake Lumber Company.... 241 Sawyer Creek 242 Spooner Station 242 Veazie Village 242 Sawyer County. Organization, Description 242 County Indebtedness 243 Town of Hayward 243 Village of Hayward 243 CONTENTS. XXIX First Events, Schools, Churches, etc 244 Bank, Lumber Company 244 Malcomb Dobie 245 Milton V. Stratton 245 Barron County. Description, Organization 245 Turtle Lake, Town and Viljage. 245 Barron, Perley Village 246 Cumberland Village 246 Sprague 246 Comstock and Barronett Villages 247 Charles Simeon Taylor 247 CHAPTER IX. ASHLAND, BAYFIELD AND DOUGLAS COUNTIES. Ashland County. History, Location, '.Description . . 248 Mes of the Apostles 248 Claude Allouez at Madeline Island 249 Early History of La Pointe 249 Remarkable Epitaph 249 La Pointe County Election 249 JohnW. Bell 250 Ashland 250 History, First Events 250 Asaph Whittlesey 251 J. P. T. Haskell 251 G. S. Vaughn 251 Dr. Edwin Ellis 252 Martin Beaser 252 Hon. SamS. Fifield 252 Bayfield County. Location and History 253 Bayfield Village 253 Washburn, Drummond, etc 254 Douglas County. Description and History 254 First Election 254 Superior City 255 History 255 Early Speculation 256 Period of Depression 257 West Superior 258 The Bardon Brothers 258 William H. Newton 258 Judge Solon H. Clough 258 Vincent Roy 259 D. George Morrison 259 August Zachau '. 259 CHAPTER X. PINE COUNTY. History 260 Description 260 First Events 261 Finances, Railroads 261 Losses by Fire 262 Pokegama Lake and Mission 262 Thomas Conner's Trading Post... 262 Presbyterian Mission 263 Mushk-de-winini 263 Battle of Pokegama 264 Cannibalism 265 A Noble Chief. 267 Frank Confessions 267 A Cowardly Deed 268 An Unjust Accusation 268 Indian 'Magnanimity 269 Rev. Frederic Ayer 269 Rev. William T. Boutwell 272 Discovery of Itasca 274 Mrs. Hester C. Boutwell 276 XXX CONTENTS. Chengwatana 276 First Settlers 276 Chengwatana Village Platted.... 277 Ghengwatana Town Organized.. 277 Louis Ayd 277 Duane Porter 277 S. A. Hutchinson 277 Hinckley, Town of 278 Hinckley, Villageof. 278 James Morrison 278 Sandstone Village and Quarries. 279 Wm. H Grant, Sr 279 Kettle River, Town of. 275 JohnC. Hanley 280 Mission Creek 280 Pine City, Town of. 280 Pine City, Village of. 281 Richard G. Robinson 281 Hiram Brackett 281 Randall K. Burrows 281 JohnS. Ferson 282 Samuel Millet 282 Rock Creek 282 Enoch Horton 282 Royalton 282 Windermere 283 Neshodana, Fortuna, St. John's 283 A Rock Creek Murder 283 Burning of a Jail 283 A Disfigured Family 284 Indian Faith Cure 284 Indian Graves 284 Indian Stoicism 285 Old Batice 285 An IndianDance 285 CHAPTER XL KANABEC, ISANTI, AND MILLE LACS COUNTIES. Kanabec County. History, Boundaries, etc 286 Description 286 First Settlers, First Election 287 First Events 287 Arthur 288 Mora, Villageof. 288 Stephen L. Danforth 288 N. H. Danforth 288 Alvah J. Conger 288 Ira Conger 288 Bronson, Villageof. 288 Brunswick, Town of. 289 Brunswick, Village of 289 Ground House City 289 James Pennington 289 George L. Staples 289 Daniel Gordon 290 Grass Lake, Town of. 290 Isanti County. Organization 290 Cambridge 291 North Branch, Town of 291 Oxford, Town of 291 Stephen Hewson 291 George W. Nesbit 292 Rensselaer Grant 292 Mille Lacs County. Description 292 Mille Lacs Reservation 293 County Organization in 1860 293 First Election and Officers 293 Milacca, Village of. 294 Bridgman, Village of. 294 Princeton, Village of. 294 Samuel Ross 296 Joseph L. Cater 296 M. V. B.'Cater 296 Edwin Allen 296 JohnH. Allen 296 A. B. Damon 296 C. H. Chadbourne 296 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XII. XXXI CHISAGO COUNTY. Location, Surface, Scenery 298 Chisago Lake 298 Dalles of the St. Croix 299 Origin of the Formation 300 The Devil's Chair 300 The Wells 301 Settlement and Organization 302 Joe R. Brown to the Front 303 Prehistoric Remains 303 Robinet rn Possession 303 Robinet Bought Off, First Im provements 304 Death of B. F. Baker 304 The First Log House Built 305 First Crops Raised 305 First Election 305 Chisago County Named 306 First Commissioners 307 County Seat Located at Taylor's Falls 307 Removed to Centre City 307 Amador 307 First Supervisors 308 Thornton Bishop 308 William Holmes 308 James M. Martin 309 Branch 309 North Branch Station 309 Henry L. IngaUs 310 Mrs. Lavina L. Ingalls 310 Chisago Lake, First Settlers 310 First Crops 311 Swedish Lutheran Church 311 Centre City 312 Andrew Swenson 312 John S. Van Rensselaer 312 Axel Dahliam 313 Nels Nord 313 Join A. Hallberg 314 Charles A. Bush 313 Lars Johan Stark 313 Frank Mobeck 313 Robert Currie 314 Andrew N. Holm 313 Cemetery and other Associations 334 Incorporation 334 Indian Dance 335 Lindstrom Village 314 Daniel Lindstrom 315 Magnus S. Shaleen 315 Chisago City 315 Otto Wallmark 316 Andrew Wallmark 316 Fish Lake 316 Peter Berg 317 Benjamin Franklin 317 Franconia 317 Franconia Village 318 Ansel Smith 318 Henry F. and Leonard P. Day 318 Henry Wills 318 The ClarkBrothers 319 David Smith 319 Jonas Lindall 319 William Peaslee 319 Charles Vitalis 319 August J. Anderson 320 Frank N. Peterson 320 Harris 321 Harris Village 321 Lent 322 Nessell 322 Robert Nessell 323 Stephen B. Clark 323 RushSeba 323 Rush City 323 Thomas Flynn 324 Patrick Flynn 324 ' Rufus Crocker 324 Frank H Pratt 324 Voloro D. Eddy 325 F. S. Christlanson 326 Shafer 326 Jacob Shafer 326 Peter Wickland 327 Tuver Walmarson 327 XXX11 CONTENTS. Andros Anderson 327 EricByland 327 Jacob Peterson 327 Ambrose C. Seavey 327 Sunrise 328 Sunrise Village 328 Kost Village 329 Chippewa 329 Dronthiem 329 Nashua 330 Washington 330 John A. Brown 330 Patten W. Davis 330 James F. Harvey 330 Floyd S. Bates 330 Isaac H. Warner 331 Charles F. Lowe 331 Wells Farr 331 John G. Mold 331 George L. Blood 331 JoelG. Ryder 332 John Dean 232 Taylor's Falls 332 First Post Office and Mail Service 332 Mills, First Events 333 Religious Organizations 333 Bridge Company 334 Banks, Mining Companies 334 CHAPTER XIII. BIOGRAPHICAL. Jesse Taylor 336 Joshua L. Taylor 336 Nathan C. D. Taylor 337 Thomas F. Morton 337 Henry N. Setzer 337 Patrick Fox 338 William F. Colby 339 Oscar Roos 339 Samuel Thomson 339 Susan Thomson Mears 339 George De Attly 340 Jacob Markley 340 John Dobney 340 William Dobney 340 Henry H. Newbury 340 Emil Munch 340 A. M. Wilmarth 341 Lucius K. Stannard 341 James W. Mullen 342 David Caneday ^ 342 George B. Folsom 343 Aaron M. Chase 343 Peter Abear 343 Levi W. Folsom 344 Eddington Knowles 344 Dr. Lucius B. Smith 344 William Comer 354 E. Whiting and Brothers 345 Frederic Tang, Sr 346 Ward W. Folsom 346 George W. Seymour 346 James A. Woolley 346 Patrick Carroll 347 Joseph Carroll 347 E. E. Edwards 347 Stephen J. Merrill 348 Noah Marcus Humphrey 348 Royal C. Gray 349 John P. Owens 349 Andrew Clendenning 350 Smith Ellison 350 Wyoming — Settlement and Or ganization 350 Wyoming Village 352 Deer Garden 352 L. O. Tombler 352 Dr. John Woolman Comfort... 353 Isaac Markley 353 Joel Wright 353 Randall Wright 353 Frederic Tepel 353 Charles Henry Sauer 354 CONTENTS. XXX111 CHAPTER XIV. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Organization in 1849 355 First Board of Officers 355 Afton 356 Afton Village 357 'South Afton 357 Valley Creek 357 St. Mary Village 357 Joseph Haskell 358 Lemuel Bolles 358 Taylor F. Randolph 358 Elijah Bissell 358 Andrew Mackey 358 Bay to wn Settlement 359 Baytown Village 359 Bangor 360 Middletown 360 South Stillwater 360 Mills, etc 360 Docks, Factories, Cemeteries.. 360 Cottage Grove 361 Cottage Grove Village 361 Langdon 362 Joseph W. Furber 362 Samuel W. Furber 362 Theodore Furber 363 James S. Norris 363 Lewis Hill 363 Jacob Moshier 363 William Ferguson 363 John Atkinson 363 Denmark 364 Point Douglas 364 Levi Hertzell 365 Oscar Burris 365 David Hone 365 William B. Dibble 366 George Harris 366 HarleyD. White 367 Thomas Hetherington 367 James Shearer 367 Simon Shingledecker 367 Caleb Truax 367 Abraham Truax 368 George W. Campbell 368 (c) Forest Lake, History of 368 Captain Michael Marsh 369 Forest Lake Village 366 Grant, History of. 369 Dellwood 370 Eagle City 370 Mahtomedi 370 Wildwood 370 William Elliott 371 Frederick Lamb 371 James Rutherford 371 Jesse H. Soule 371 Lakeland, Description and His tory of. 372 Lakeland Village 372 Henry W. Crosby 373 Reuben H. Sanderson 373 Newton McKusick 373 Captain John Oliver 373 Captain Asa Barlow Green 374 L. A. Huntoon 374 Marine, Origin of Settlement. ... 374 FirstSettlers 375 The Mill Completed 375 Marine Mills Village 376 First Lawsuit 376 Churches, Improvements 377 Losses by Fire 378 Vasa Village 378 Orange Walker 378 Lewis Walker 379 Samuel Burkelo 379 AsaS. Parker 379 Hiram Berkey 380 George B. Judd 380 James Hale 380 John Holt 380 George Holt 381 William Town 381 Matthias Welshance 381 Benj. T. Otis 382 William Clark 382 James R. Meredith 382 John D. and Thomas E. Ward 382 XXXIV CONTENTS. Samuel Judd 382 Frederic W. Lammers 382 James R. M. Gaskill 382 Newport, Town of. 383 Isle Pelee 383 Red Rock 383 Mission at Red Rock 384 Gray Cloud City 385 Newport Village 385 John Holton 385 John A. Ford 385 Daniel Hopkins, Sr 385 William R. Brown 386 William Fowler 386 Oakdale, Town of. 386 Lake Elmo Village 387 E. C. Gray 387 Arthur Stephens 388 Oneka, Town of. 388 Oneka Station 389 Shady Side Village 389 Daniel Hopkins, Jr 389 Stillwater, Town of. 389 Oak Park 390 David P. Lyman 390 Henry A. Jackman 390 Frederic J. Curtis 391 David Cover 391 John Parker 391 Woodbury, Town of. 391 Jacob Folstrom 392 Alexander McHattie 393 John McHattie 393 The Middleton Family 393 Newington Gilbert 394 Ebenezer Ayers 394 CHAPTER XV. WASHINGTON COUNTY — CONTINUED. City of Stillwater. Stillwater in 1850 396 The Freshet of 1850 397 A Real Estate Movement 397 Incorporation of Stillwater... 398 List of Marshals 398 Post Office, Mail Routes 398 Statistics 399 Hotels 399 CityB.anks 400 Board of Trade, Water Com pany 402 Fire Department 402 Gas Light, Telegraph, Tele phone 403 Elevator, Express Companies, Bridge 403 Lumbering Interests, Flour Mills 404 Manufactories. 404 Building Association 405 Churches, etc 406 Public Buildings 408 Societies, etc 409 Cemeteries 410 Agricultural Society 410 State Prison 410 Fires, Bonds, Indebtedness.... 412 Biographies. Isaac Staples 413 Samuel F. Hersey & Sons 415 Jacob Bean 416 Charles Bean 416 Rudolph Lehmicke 417 Hollis R.'Murdock 417 George M. Seymour 417 Frank A. Seymour 410 Louis Hospes 418 David Tozer 419 David Bronson 420 John Maloy 420 Mrs. Susannah Tepass 420 William E. Thorne 420 Edmund J. Butts 420 A. B. Easton 421 Edwin A. Folsom 421 John B. H. Mitchell 421 Joseph Sehupp '.. 422 CONTENTS. XXXV Clifford A. Bennett 422 Samuel Mathews 422 John and James Mathews 423 Peter Jourdain 423 James Rooney 423 James N. Castle 423 Abraham L. Gallespie 423 John C. Gardiner 423 V. C. Seward 424 Ralph Wheeler 424 Edward S. Brown ).... 424 William Lowell 424 Albert Lowell 425 Nelson H. VanVoorhes 425 Andrew J. Van Voorhes 425 Henry C. Van Voorhes 452 C. A. Bromley :. 426 Charles J. Butler 426 Levi E. Thompson 427 George Davis 427 William M. McCluer 427 JohnN. Ahl 427 Samuel M. Register 428 J. A. Johnson 428 GoldT. Curtis 429 Harley D. Curtis 429 Francis R. Delano 429 Henry W. Cannon 430 DwightM. Sabin 430 CHAPTER XVI. STEARNS, ANOKA AND SHERBURNE COUNTIES. Stearns County. Organization and History of. 432 St. Cloud 434 Newspapers and Post Office... 435 Village and City Organization 435 Land Office, Expenditures 435 The St. Cloud Dam, Improve ments ,. 436 Banks, Public Buildings 436 St. John's University 437 La, Sauk, Town of. 438 Peter Schaeler 438 John L. Wilson 438 Charles T. Stearns 438 Henry G. Fillmore 438 Nathaniel Getchell 438 James Keough 438 Loren W. Collins 438 Henry C. Waite 439 Gen. S. B. Lowry 439 A. and Joseph Edelbrock 439 John Rengel 440 Louis A. Evans 440 Ambrose Freeman 440 Nathan F. Barnes 440 Nehemiah P.Clark 441 Oscar E. Garrison 441 Charles A. Gilman 441 Other Citizens 442 Anoka County. Organization 442 First Settlers, Commissioners... 443 Anoka, Town of 443 Anoka, City of 443 Incorporation 444 Fires, Public Buildings 445 Manufactures, Banks 445 Bethel, Town of 446 Blaine, Town of 446 Burns, Town of 446 Centreville, Town of 446 Centreville Village 446 Columbus, Town of 447 Fridley, Town of 447 John Banfil 448 Grow, Town of 448 Ham Lake, Town of. 448 Linwood, Town of 448 L. S. Arnold 449 S. Ridge 449 J. G. Green 449 S. W. Haskell 449 M. M. Ryan 449 Hurley Family 449 XXXVI CONTENTS. Oak Grove, Town of. 449 Ramsey, Town of 449 St. Francis, Town of 450 An Indian Riot 450 Jared Benson 451 James C.Frost 451 A. J. McKenney 451 John Henry Batzle 452 JohnR. Bean 452 A. McC. Fridley 452 William Staples 452 Capt. James Starkey 453 Sherburne County. Description 453 Organization 453 Towns of Sherburne County 454 Villages of Sherburne County... 455 Orono, Elk River 455 East St. Cloud 456 Clear Lake 456 Becker 456 Big Lake 456 J. Q. A. Nickerson 456 Henry Bittner 456 Francis DeLille 457 Mrs. F. De Lille 457 Howard M. Atkins 457 B. F. Hildreth 458 Samuel Hayden 458 Joseph Jerome 458 Joshua O. Cater 458 J. F. Bean 458 J. H. Felch 458 James Brady 458 Joshua Briggs 458 Robert Orroek 458 John G. Jamieson 458 A. B. Heath 458 Dr. B. R. Palmer 459 Judge Moses Sherburne 459 Charles F. George 459 Royal George 459 W. L. Babcock 459 CHAPTER XVII. BENTON, MORRISON AND CROW WING COUNTIES. Benton County. Description 460 First Settlers, Organization 461 Towns of Benton County 461 Villages 461 Sauk Rapids, Incorporation 461 Dam and Public Buildings 462 The Cyclone of 1886 462 Watab Village 462 Philip Beaupre 462 David Gilman 463 James Beatty 463 Ellis Kling 463 George W. Benedict 464 J. Q. A. Wood 464 William H.Wood 464 Mrs. Wm. H. Wood 465 A. DeLacy Wood 465 P. H. Wood 465 Rev. Sherman Hall 465 Jeremiah Russell 466 Edgar O. Hamlin 467 Morrison County. Description 468 History 468 Indian Feuds 469 Organization 469 Winnebago Indians 470 Towns of Morrison County 471 Little Falls Village 471 Little Falls Water Power 472 Incorporation 473 Schools and Churches 473 Royalton Village 473 Incorporation, First Officers... 473 Peter Roy 473 William Sturgis 474 James Fergus 474 Nathan Richardson 475 Moses La Fond 475 CONTENTS. XXXV11 0. A. Churchill 475 John M. Kidder 476 Warren Kobe 476 Ola K. Black 476 IraW. Bouch 476 Robert Russell 476 Peter A. Green 476 Rodolphus D. Kinney 476 John D. Logan 476 Crow Wing County. Description 477 First Settlers 477 Organization 478 Reorganization 478 Murderers Lynched 478 Brainerd 478 First Settlers 479 Northern Pacific Sanitarium... 480 The Kindred Dam 480 L. P. White 480 Allen Morrison 480 Charles F. Kindred 481 CHAPTER XVIII. AITKIN, CARLTON, ST. LOUIS, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES. Aitkin County. Description 482 Organization, Officers 482 Aitkin Village 483 William A. Aitkin 483 Alfred Aitkin 483 NathanielTibbett 484 Carlton County. History and Organization 484 Towns of Carlton County 485 Thomson Village 485 Cloquet Village 485 Moose Lake Station 485 Barnum Station 486 Mahtowa Station 486 North Pacific Junction 486 Francis A. Watkins 486 St. Louis County. Description 486 Picturesque Scenery 487 Commissioners' Meetings 487 List of Commissioners 488 Duluth, Early History 488 Growth, Population 489 Mills, Warehouses, Shipments 489 Duluth Harbor ; 490 Fish Commission 490 Fond du Lac Village 491 Oneota Village 492 Clifton Village 492 Portland Village 492 Endion Village 492 Middleton Village 492 Montezuma Village 492 Buchanan Village 492 St. Louis Falls Village 492 Fremont Island 493 Tower 493 GeorgeR. Stuntz 494 George E. Stone 494 Charles H. Graves 494 Ozro P. Stearns 494 Lake County. Description 495 Two Harbors 496 Cook County. History and Organization 496 CHAPTER XIX. HENNEPIN COUNTY. Organization and History, Towns 497 FortSnelling...: 497 Treaty of 1837 499 First Land Claims, 1838 499 Cheever's Tower 500 St. Anthony Village Platted 500 First Marriage in the Territory.. 500 First Courts, School, Post Office. . 501 xxxvm CONTENTS. Church Organizations 501 The Suspension Bridge Built 502 St. Anthony Incorporated 1855... 502 Annexation to Minneapolis, 1872 502 St. Anthony Falls 502 La Salle's Description 502 Minneapolis, Early Settlers 503 Early Land Claims 504 Business Enterprises 505 Mills Erected 505 St. Anthony Water Power Company 506 Minneapolis Named, Land Office 506 Incorporation as a City, 1867.. 506 Annexation of St. Anthony... 506 List of Mayors 507 Water vs. Steam 507 Terrific Explosion at the Flour Mills 508 Suburban Resorts 508 List of Public Buildings 509 Post Office Statistics 510 Lumber Manufactured 511 Bonded Debt, Taxes, Expenses 511 West Minneapolis 511 Biographies. Calvin A. Tuttle 512 Cyrus Aldrich 512 Dr. Alfred E. Ames 514 Dr. Albert A. Ames 514 Jesse Ames 515 Cadwallader C. Washburn 515 William D. Washburn 517 Joseph C. Whitney 517 Charles Hoag 518 Franklin Steele 518 Roswell P. Russell 519 Horatio P. Van Cleve 520 Charlotte O. Van Cleve 520 Ard Godfrey 520 Richard Chute 521 Lucius N. Parker 521 Captain John Rollins 521 John G. Lennon 521 JohnH. Stevens 522 Caleb D. Dorr 522 Rev. Edward D. Neill 522 John Wensignor 523 Robert H. Hasty 524 Stephen Pratt 524 Capt. John Tapper 524 R. W. Cummings 524 EliasH. Conner 524 C. F. Stimson 524 William Dugas 524 David Gorham 525 Edwin Hedderly..... 525 Louis Neudeck... 525 Andrew J. Foster 525 A. D. Foster 525 Charles E. Vanderburgh 525 Dorillius Morrison 526 H. G. O. Morrison 526 F. R. E. Cornell 526 Gen. A. B. Nettleton 527 Isaac Atwater 527 Rev. David Brooks 527 Prof. Jabez Brooks 527 JohnS. Pillsbury 528 Henry T. Welles 528 David Blakely 528 William Lochren 528 Eugene M. Wilson 528 R. B. Langdon 529 William M. Bracket 529 Thos. B. and Piatt B. Walker 529 Austin H. Young 530 Henry G. Hicks 530 John P. Rea 530 John Martin 530 John Dudley 531 CHAPTER XX. RAMSEY COUNTY. Organization, First Officers 532 St. Paul in 1840, Known as Pig's Eye 532 First Settlers 532 Father Ravoux, 1841 533 Henry Jackson Established a Trading Post 533 Accessions of 1843 533 CONTENTS. XXXIX Accessions of 1844 534 First Deed 534 Accessions of 1845 534 First School 535 Second Deed, Phalen's Tract... 535 Accessions of 1846 535 Reminiscences 536 Accessions in 1847 536 St. Paul Platted 537 Miss Bishop's School 537 First Steamboat Line 537 Accessions of 1848 538 Progress in 1849 539 St. Paul Made the Capital of the State 539 The First Newspapers 539 Early Items and Advertisements 540 Pioneers of 1849 540 Some Comparisons 541 Statistics of Population, Schools, Buildings 542 List of Mayors 543 West St. Paul 544 Towns of Ramsey County 544 White Bear 545 First Settlers „. 545 Indian Battle Ground 546 Town Organization 547 White Bear Lake Village 548 Hotels and Cottages 548 Daniel Getty 549 South St. Paul 549 North St. Paul 550 Population of St Paul 550 Post Office History 551 CHAPTER XXI. BIOGRAPHICAL. Henry Hastings Sibley 553 Alexander Ramsey 555 William H.Forbes 557 Henry M. Rice 558 Edmund Rice 560 Louis Robert 561 Auguste L. Larpenteur 562 William H. Nobles 562 Simeon P. Folsom 563 Jacob W. Bass 563 Benjamin W. Brunson 564 Abram S. and Chas. D. Elfelt 564 D. A. J. Baker 565 Benjamin F. Hoyt 565 John Fletcher Williams 566 Dr. John H Murphy 566 William H. Tinker 567 George P. Jacobs 567 Lyman Dayton 567 Henry L. Moss 567 William Rainey Marshall 568 David Cooper 569 BushrodW. Lott 570 W. F. Davidson 570 Wm. H. Fisher 571 Charles H. Oakes 572 C. W. W. Borup 572 Capt. Russell Blakely 573 Rensselaer R. Nelson 573 George L. Becker 574 Aaron Goodrich 575 Nathan Myrick 575 John Melvin Gilman 576 Charles E. Flandrau 576 John B. Sanborn 577 John R. Irvine 579 Horace R. Bigelow 580 Cushman K. Davis 580 S. J. R. McMillan 581 Willis A. Gorman 581 John D. Ludden 582 EliasF. Drake 582 Norman W. Kittson 583 Hascal R. Brill 583 WardW. Folsom 584 Gordon E. Cole 584 xl CONTENTS. James Smith, Jr 584 William P. Murray 585 Henry Hale 585 James Gilfillan 585 Charles Duncan Gilfillan 586 Alexander Wilkin 586 Westcott Wilkin 587 S. C. Whitcher 587 T. M. Newson 587 Alvaren Allen 588 Harlan P. Hall 589 Stephen Miller 589 CHAPTER XXII. DAKOTA, GOODHUE, WABASHA AND WINONA COUNTIES. Dakota County. Description 591 Hastings 591 Farmington 591 Ignatius Donnelly 591 Francis M. Crosby 592 G. W. Le Due 593 Goodhue County. Red Wing, Barn Bluff... 595 Cannon Falls 595 Indian Burying Ground 596 Hans Mattson 596 Lucius F. Hubbard 597 William Colville 599 MartinS. Chandler 599 Charles McClure 600 Horace B. Wilson. 600 Wabasha Cocnty. Wabasha Village 601 Bailey and Sons 602 Nathaniels. Tefft 602 James Wells 602 Winona County. Scenery 602 Winona City 603 DanielS. Norton 603 William Windom 603 Charles H. Berry 604 Thomas Wilson 604 Thomas Simpson 605 Wm. H. Yale 605 CHAPTER XXIII. miscellaneous biographies. Pierre Bottineau 606 Andrew G. Chatfield 606 Hazen Mooers 607 John McDonough Berry 607 Mark H. Dunnell 608 James H. Baker 608 Horace B. Strait 609 Judson Wade Bishop 610 John L. McDonald 610 Thomas H. Armstrong 611 Augustus Armstrong 611 Moses K. Armstrong 611 James B. Wakefield 611 William Wallace Braden 611 Reuben Butters 612 Michael Doran 612 Andrew McCrea 613 JohnW. Blake 613 Knute Nelson 613 William R. Denny 613 APPENDIX MISCELLANEOUS INCIDENTS, INDIAN TREATIES, ETC. Brief History of the North west Territory 616 Spanish Claims 616 French Claims 617 Louisiana in 1711 618 Settlement of Marietta, Ohio 618 Ohio Territory 619 Statistics 619 Boundary Question 625 Wisconsin Constitutional Con vention, 1846 625 Wisconsin Constitutional Con vention, 1847 626 Some Resolutions 627 Under What Government ? 628 H. H. Sibley Elected Congres sional Delegate 628 Queries 629 Minnesota Territory Created 629 Land Office at Stillwater 629 Indian Treaties 629 Treaty with the Sioux (Mendota) 1805 629 Treaty with the Chippewas (Men dota) 1837 630 Treaty with the Sioux (Wash ington) 1837 630 Treaty with the Winnebagoes (Washington) 1837 631 Treaty with the Chippewas(Fond du Lac) 1847 631 Treaty with the Pillager Band (Leech Lake) 1847 632 Treaty with the Sioux (Traverse des Sioux) 1851 632 Treaty with the Sioux (Mendota) 1851 632 (d) Treaty with the Chippewas (La Pointe) 1854 634 Treaty with the Pillagers (Wash ington) 1855 634 Treaty with the Chippewas (Red Lake River) 1863 634 Gen. Pike and the Indians... 635 Treaty of 1805 636 Pike's Address to the Council 636 Details of Treaty 636 _ Pike Hospitably Entertained.. 637 United States Surveys in the Northwest 637 Establishment of Land Offices... 638 Establishment of the Present System of Surveys 638 The First Surveyor General's Office at Marietta, 0 638 United States Land Offices in the Northwest 639 List of Registers and Receivers, Wisconsin 639 First Entries 640 First Auction Sale of Land 641 List of Registers and Receivers, Minnesota 641 List of Wisconsin Territorial and State Officers, Governors, Sen ators, and Representatives from St. Croix Valley 641 Legislative Representation 642 First and Second Constitutional Conventions 643 Governors of Wisconsin 643 United States Senators 643 United States Representatives... 644 District Judges 644 xlii CONTENTS. State Legislature ••• 644 List of Minnesota Territorial and State Officers 647 Census of the Territory in 1849. 647 First Territorial Legislature 648 First Prohibition Law 649 Constitutional Convention 649 List of State Officers and Judicial 649 Senators and Representatives.... 650 Minnesota State Legislatures.... 651 Constitutional Convention of 1857 654 Division of Convention 655 Union of Conventions on a Con stitution 656 Have We a Constitution 656 First Minnesota State Legisla ture 657 Protests Against Legislation 657 Five Million BUI Passed and Adopted 657 State Seal Adopted 658 State Seal Design 659 Adjourned Session of Legislature 660 Protests Against Recognizing Gov. Medary 660 Reports on Protests 661 Land Grants — Railroad Surveys and Construction 665 Northern Pacific Railroad 665 Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad 667 St. Paul & Duluth Railroad 668 Minnesota & Manitoba Railroad 669 Stillwater, White Bear & St. Paul Railroad 670 St. Paul, Stillwater & Taylor's Falls Railroad 671 Wisconsin Central Railroad 671 Taylor's Falls & Lake Superior Railroad 672 Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad 672 A Memorial for " Soo " Railroad 673 Organization of Minneapolis, Sault Ste. Marie & Atlantic Railroad 674 Mileage of Railroads Centring in St. Paul and Minneapolis... 675 Chicago, Burlington & Northern Railroad 675 Congressional Appropriations. ... 675 Inland Navigation 676 George R. Stuntz on Lake Su perior and St. Croix Canal 680 Waterways Convention, 1885.... 682 E. W. Durant's Valuable Statis tics 683 Resolution for St. Croix and Su perior Canal 685 Early Steamboat Navigation.... 686 Steamboat Accommodations 687 First Mississippi Steamboat Of ficers 689 First Mississippi Steamboat Or ganizations 689 List of Steamboats 690 Later Navigation on Northwest Rivers 691 Steamboating on the St. Croix.... 692 Ice Boats 693 James W. Mullen's Reminis cences, 1846 694 St. Croix Boom Company 696 Surveyors General of Logs 696 Organization 696 Conflict over State Boundary 697 Language of Logs 698 Logs Cut from 1837 to 1888 700 Chartered Dams 701 Lumbering and Lumbermen in 1845 702 Lumbering and Lumbermen in 1887 705 St. Croix Dalles Log Jams 706 Population of Northwest Terri tory in 1790 709 Population of Wisconsin Terri tory in 1836 709 Subsequent Census 709 Population of Minnesota in 1849 709 Minnesota State Capitol 710 CONTENTS. xliii Burning of State House 711 Selkirk Visitors 712 Cyclones 713 Isanti and Chisago Cyclone 713 Cottage Grove and Lake Elmo Cyclone 715 Washington County and Wiscon sin Cyclone 717 St. Cloud and Sauk Rapids Cy clone 718 Curious Lightning Freaks 721 Asiatic Cholera on the Royal Arch 721 First Decree of Minnesota Citi zenship 722 International Hotel, St. Paul, Burned 723 Grasshoppers 723 Ancient Mounds 724 Lake Itasca, Schoolcraft and Boutwell Form the Name Itasca. Description of Itasca... 726 Elk and Boutwell Lakes 727 Capt. Glazier's False Claim 727 Copper Mining on St. Croix 728 Rev. Julius S. Webber; Reminis cences 729 Judge'Hamlin — Amusing Inci dent 730 Minnesota Old Settlers Associa tion 731 St. Croix Valley Old Settlers Association 740 Newspaper History 741 Gen. Scott, Maj. Anderson, and Jeff. Davis 752 Jeff. Davis' Marriage at Fort Crawford 753 Dred Scott at Fort Snelling 754 Incidents in DredScott'sHistory 755 Old Betz and Descendants 757 Addenda. Military History of the Rebel lion, 1861 to 1865 759 Gov. Alex. Ramsey's Address to Loyal Legion 759 Thirty-eighth and Thirty-ninth Legislative Sessions of Wis consin 762 ERRATA. Chapter II, page 32, read Stillwater and St. Croix County, instead of Counties. Page 140, read Cyrus G-. Bradley, instead of Cyrus Q. Page 166, read Philip B. Jewell, instead of Philip P. Page 422, read Clifford A. Bennett, instead of Clifton. Page 432, read Stearns, Anoka and Sherburne Counties, in stead of Stearns, Anoka and Morrison Counties. Page 420, read Edmund J. Butts, instead of Edward J. Butts. CHAPTER I. Going West. — In June, 1836, 1 again visited the Penobscot in quest of employment, in which I was unsuccessful. At Still water; above Bangor, I met my kind friend Simeon Goodrich, also out of employment. After mature deliberation we con cluded to go "West. Returning to Bloomfield, I collected the money held for me by Capt. Euel "Weston and was soon in readiness for the journey. But a few days before the time agreed upon for leaving, I received a letter from Simeon Goodrich, which contained the unpleasant information that he could not collect the amount due him and could not go with me. Truly this was a disappointment. I was obliged to set out alone, no light undertaking at that early day, for as yet there were no long lines of railroad between Maine and the Mississippi river. The day at last arrived for me to start. My companions and acquaintances chaffed me as to the perils of the journey before me. My mother gave me her parting words, " "William, always respect yourself in order to be respected." These words, ac companied with her farewell kiss, were long remembered, and, I doubt not, often kept me from evil associations. The stage took us directly to the steamboat at Gardiner. The steam was up and the boat was soon under way. It was the New England, the first boat of the kind I had ever seen. I felt strangely unfamiliar with the ways of the traveling world, but observed what others did, and asked no questions, and so fancied that my ignorance of traveling customs would not be exposed. It was sunset as we floated out into the wide ex panse of the Atlantic. The western horizon was tinged with fiery hues, the shores grew fainter and receded from view and the eye could rest at last only upon the watery expanse. All 2 FIFTY YEARS things seemed Hew and strange. Next morning a heavy fog hung over the scene. The vessel was at anchor in Boston harbor and we were soon on shore and threading the crooked streets of the capital of Massachusetts. I was not lost in the wilderness maze of "Streets, as I had feared I should be, but ou leaving Bos ton on the .evening train I took the wrong car and found myself uncomfortably situated in a second or third class car, crowded and reeking with vile odors, from which the conductor rescued me, taking me to the pleasant and elegant c* to which my first class ticket entitled me. On arriving at Providence I followed the crowd to the landing and embarked on the steamer Presi dent for New York, in which city we remained a day, stopping at the City Hotel on Broadway. I was greatly impressed with the beauty of part of the city, and the desolate appearance of the Burnt District, concerning the burning of which we had read in our winter camp. I was not a little puzzled with the arrange ment of the hotel tables and the printed bills of fare, but closely watched the deportment of others and came through without any serious or mortifying blunder. Next morning I left New York on the steamer Bobert L. Stevens for Albany, and on the evening of the same day went to Schenectady by railroad. Some of the way cars were hauled by horses up hills and inclined planes. There were then only three short lines of railroad in " the United States, and I had traveled on two .of them. At Sche nectady I took passage on a canal boat to Buffalo. I had read about "De Witt Clinton's Ditch," and now greatly enjoyed the slow but safe passage it afforded, and the rich prospect of cities, villages and cultivated fields through which we passed. At Buffalo we remained but one day. We there exchanged eastern paper for western, the former not being current in localities further west. At Buffalo I caught my first glimpse of Lake Erie. I stood upon a projecting pier and recalled, in imagination, the brave Commodore Perry, gallantly defending his country's flag in one of the most brilliant engagements of the war, the fame whereof had long been familiar to the whole country and the thrilling incidents of which were the. theme of story and song even in the wilderness camps of Maine. The steamer Oliver Newberry bore me from Buffalo to Detroit. Prom Detroit to Mt. Clemens, Michigan, I went by stage and stopped at the last named place until October 14th, when, being IN THE NORTHWEST. 3 satisfied that the climate was unhealthy, fever and ague being very prevalent, I returned to Detroit, and on the fifteenth of the Same month took passage on the brig Indiana, as steamers had quit running for the season. The brig was aground two days and nights on the St. Clair flats. A south wind gave us a splen did sail up the Detroit river into Lake Huron. We landed for a short time at Port Gratiot, at the outlet of the lake, just as the sun was setting. The fort was built of stone, and presented an impressive appearance. The gaily uniformed officers, the blue- coated soldiers, moving with the precision of machines, the whole scene — the fort, the waving flags, the moyement of the troops seen in the mellow sunset light — was impressive to one who had never looked upon the like before. A favorable breeze springing up, we sped gaily out into the blue Lake Huron. At Saginaw bay the pleasant part of the voyage ended. The weather became rough. A strong gale blew from the bay outward, and baffled all the captain's skill in making the proper direction. Profane beyond degree was Capt. McKenzie, but his free-flow ing curses availed him nothing. The brig at one time was so nearly capsized that her deck load had rolled to one side and held her in an inclined position. The captain ordered most of the deck load, which consisted chiefly of Chicago liquors, thrown overboard. Unfortunately, several barrels were saved, two of which stood on deck, with open heads. This liquor was free to all. The vessel, lightened of a great part of her load, no longer careened, but stood steady against the waves and before the wind. It is a pity that the same could not be said of captain, crew and passengers, who henceforth did the careening. They dipped the liquor up in pails and drank it out of handled dip pers. They got inglorjously drunk; they rolled unsteadily across the deck; they quarreled, they fought, they behaved like Bed lamites, and how near shipwreck was the goodly brig from that day's drunken debauch on Chicago free liquor will never be known. The vessel toiled, the men were incapacitated for work, but notwithstanding the tempest of profanity and the high winds, the wrangling of crew and captain, we at last passed Saginaw bay. The winds were more favorable. Thence to Macki naw the sky was clear and bright, the air cold. The night be fore reaching Mackinaw an unusual disturbance occurred above resulting from the abundance of free liquor. The cook, being 4. FTFTY TEAKS drunk, had not provided the usual midnight supper for the sail ors. The key of the caboose was lost; the caboose was broken open, and the mate in the morning was emulating the captain in the use of profane words. The negro cook answered in the same style, being as drunk as his superior. This cook was a stout, well built man, with a forbidding countenance and, at his best, when sober, was a saucy, ill-natured and impertinent fellow. When threat after threat had been hurled back and forth, the negro jumped at the mate and knocked him down. The sailors, as by a common impetus, seized the negro, bound him tightly and lashed him to a capstan. On searching him they found two loaded pistols. These the mate placed close to each ear of the bound man, and fired them off. They next whipped him on the naked back with a rope. His trunk was then examined and several parcels of poison were found. Another whipping was administered, and this time the shrieks and groans of the victim were piteous. Before he had not even winced. The monster had prepared himself to deal death alike to crew and passengers, and we all felt a great sense of relief when Capt. McKenzie de livered him to the authorities at Mackinaw. Antique Mackinaw was a French and half-breed town. The houses were built of logs and had steep roofs. Trading posts and whisky shops were well barred. The government fort, neatly built and trim, towered up above the lake on a. rocky cliff and overlooked the town, the whole forming a picturesque scene. We remained but a few hours at Mackinaw. There were ten cabin passengers, and these, with two exceptions, had imbibed freely of the Chicago free liquor. They were also con: tinually gambling. Capt. McKenzie had fought a fist fight with a deadhead passenger, Capt. Pox, bruising him badly. What with his violence and profanity, the brutality of the mate and the drunken reveling of crew and- passengers, the two sober passengers had but a sorry time, but the safe old brig, badly officered, badly managed, held steadily on its course, and Oc tober 30th, fifteen days from Detroit, safely landed us in Chicago. After being so long on the deck of a tossing vessel, I experi- ¦ enced a strange sensation when first on shore. I had become accustomed to the motion of the vessel, and had managed to hold myself steady. On shore the pitching and tossing move ment seemed to continue, only it seemed transferred to my head, IN THE NORTHWEST. 5 which grew dizzy, and so produced the illusion that I was still trying' to balance myself on the unsteady deck of the ship. Chicago, since become a great city, had at that time the ap pearance of an active, growing village. Thence I proceeded, November 1st and 2d, by stage to Milwaukee, which appeared also as a village, but somewhat overgrown. Idle men were numerous, hundreds not being able to obtain employment. Here I remained a couple of weeks, stopping at the Belleview House. After which I chopped wood a few days for Daniel Wells. Not finding suitable employment, I started west with a Mr. Rogers, December 2d. There being no other means of conveyance, we traveled on foot. On the evening of the second we stopped at Prairie Village, now known as Waukesha. On the evening of the third we stopped at Meacham's Prairie, and on the fifth reached Rock River, where I stopped with a Mr. St. John. The evening following we stopped at an Irish house, where the sur roundings did not conduce to comfort or to a feeling of security. Several drunken men kept up a continuous row. We hid our money in a haystack, and took our turn sleeping and keeping watch. We ate an early breakfast, and were glad to get away before the men who had created such a disturbance during the night were up. We moved onward on the seventh to Blue Mound, where we found a cheerful resting place at Brigham's. The eighth brought us to Dodgeville, where we stopped at Mor rison's, On the ninth we reached Mineral Point, the locality of the lead mines, where I afterward lost much time in pros pecting. Mineral Point was then a rude mining town. The night of, our arrival was one of excitement and hilarity in the place. The first legislature of the territory of Wisconsin had been in session at Belmont, near Mineral Point, had organized the new government and closed its session on that day. To cele brate this event and their emancipation from the government of Michigan and the location of the capital at Madison, the people from the Point, and all the region round about, had met and prepared a banquet for the retiring members of the legislature. Madison was at that time a paper town, in the wilderness, but beautifully located on Cat Fish lake, and at the head of Rock river. The location had been accomplished by legislative tact, and a compromise between the extremes. In view of the almost certain division of the Territory, with the Mississippi river as a 6 FIFTY YEARS boundary, at no very distant day, it was agreed that Madison should be the permanent capital, while Burlington, now in Iowa, should be used temporarily. Milwaukee and Green Bay had both aspired to the honor of being chosen as the seat of govern ment. Mineral Point, with her rich mines, had also aspirations, as had Cassville, which latter named village had even built a great hotel for the accommodation of the members of the as sembly. Dubuque put in a claim, but all in vain. Madison was chosen, and wisely, and she has ever since succeeded in maintaining the supremacy then thrust upon her. In my boyhood, at school, I had read of the great Northwest Territory. It seemed to me then far away, at the world's end, but I had positively told my comrades that I should one day go there. I found myself at last on the soil, and at a period or crisis important in its history. The great Northwest Territory, ceded by Virginia to the United States in 1787, was no more. The im mense territory had been carved and sliced into states and ter ritories, and now the last remaining fragment, under the name of Wisconsin, had assumed territorial prerogatives, organized its government, and, with direct reference to a future division of territory, had selected its future capital, for as yet, except in name, Madison was not. In assuming territorial powers, the boundaries had been enlarged so as to include part of New Louisi ana, and the first legislature had virtually bartered away this part of her domain, of which Burlington, temporary capital of Wisconsin, was to be the future capital. Two more days of foot plodding brought us to Galena, the city of lead. The greeting on our entering the city was the ringing of bells, the clattering of tin pans, the tooting of ox horns, sounds earthly and unearthly, — sounds no man can describe. What could it be ?. Was it for the benefit of two humble, footsore pedestrians that all this uproar was produced? We gave it up for the time, but learned subsequently that it was what is known as a charivari, an unmusical and disorderly serenade, generally gotten up for the benefit of some newly married couple, whose nuptials had not met with popular approval. At Galena I parted with Mr. Rogers, my traveling companion, who went south. On the fifteenth of- December* I traveled to Dubuque on foot. When I came to the Mississippi river I sat down on its banks and recalled the humorous description of old IN THE NORTHWEST. 7 Mr. Carson, my neighbor, to which I had listened wonderingly when a small boy. "It was," he said, "a river so wide you could scarcely see across it. The turtles in it were big as barn doors, and their shells would make good ferryboats if they could only be kept above wai er." Sure enough, here was the big river, but covered with ice, scarcely safe to venture on. Several per sons desiring to cross, we made a portable bridge of boards, sliding them along with us till we were safe on the opposite bank. I was now at the end of my journey, on the west bank of the Mississippi, beyond which stretched a vast and but little known region, inhabited by Indians and wild beasts. As I review the incidents of my journey in 1836, 1 can not but contrast the conditions of that era and the present. How great the change in half a century! The journey then required thirty days. It now requires but three. I had passed over but two short lines of railroad, and' had made the journey by canal boat, by steamer, by stage, and a large portion of it on foot. There • were few regularly established lines of travel. From Michigan to the Mississippi there were no stages nor were there any regu lar southern routes. Travelers to the centre of the continent, in those days, came either by the water route, via New Orleans or the Fox and Wisconsin river route, or followed Indian trails or blazed lines from one settlement to another. The homes of the settlers were rude — were built principally of logs. In forest regions the farms consisted of clearings or square patches of open ground, well dotted with stumps and surrounded by a dense growth of timber. The prairies, except around the margins or along certain belts of timber following the course of streams, were without inhabitants. Hotels were few and far between, and, when found, not much superior to the cabins of the settlers; but the traveler was always and at all places hospitably entertained. DUBUQUE. Dubuque was a town of about three hundred inhabitants, at tracted thither by the lead mines. The people were principally of the mining class. The prevailing elements amongst them were Catholic and Orange Irish. These two parties were antago nistic and would quarrel on the streets or wherever brought in contact. Sundays were especially days of strife, and Main 8 . FIFTY YEARS street was generally the field of combat. Women even partici pated. There was no law, there were no police to enforce order. The fight went on, the participants pulling hair, gouging, biting, pummeling with fists or pounding with sticks, till one or the other party was victorious. These combats were also accom panied with volleys of profanity, and unlimited supplies of bad whisky served as fuel to the flame of discord. Dabuque was certainly the worst town in the West, and, in a small way, the worst in the whole country. The entire country west of the Mississippi was without law, the government of Wisconsin Ter ritory not yet being extended to it. Justice, such as it was, was administered by Judge Lynch and the mob. My first employment was working a hand furnace for smelting lead ore for a man named Kelly, a miner and a miser. He lived alone in a miserable hovel, and on the scantiest fare. In Janu ary I contracted to deliver fifty cords of wood at Price's brick yard. I cut the wood from the island in front of the present city of Dubuque, and hired a team to deliver it. While in Dubuque I received my first letter from home in seven months. What a relief it was, after a period of long sus pense, spent in tediously traveling over an almost wilderness country,— amidst unpleasant surroundings, amongst strangers, many of them of the baser sort, drinking, card playing, gambling and quarreling,— what a relief it was to receive a letter from home with assurances of affectionate regard from those I most esteemed. Truly the lines had not fallen to me in pleasant places, and I was sometimes exposed to perils from the lawless characters by whom I was surrounded. On one occasion a dissolute and des perate miner, named Gilbert, came to Cannon's hotel, which was my boarding house while in Dubuque. Be usually came over from the east side of the rirer once a week for a spree. On this occasion, being very drunk, he was more than usually offensive and commenced abusing Cannon, the landlord, applying to him some contemptuous epithet. I thoughtlessly remarked to Can non, "You have a new name," upon which Gilbert cocked his pistol and aiming at me was about to fire when Cannon, quick as thought, struck at his arm and so destroyed his aim that the bullet went over my head. The report of the pistol brought others to the room and a general melee ensued in which the bar IN THE NORTHWEST. 9 was demolished, the stove broken and Gilbert unmercifully whipped. Gilbert was afterward shot in a drunken brawl. I formed some genial acquaintances in Dubuque, amongst them Gen. Booth, Messrs. Brownell, Wilson and others, since well known in the history of the country. Price, the wood con tractor, never paid me for my work. I invested what money I had left for lots in Madison, all of which I lost, and had, in ad dition, to pay a note I had given on the lots. ' ' On February 11th I went to Cassville, journeying thither on the ice. This village had flourished greatly, iu the expectation of becoming the territorial and state capital, expectations doomed, as we have seen, to disappointment. It is romantically situated amidst picturesque bluffs, some of which tower aloft like the walls and turrets of an ancient castle, a characteristic that attaches to much of the bluff scenery along this point. PRAIRIE DU CHIEN. I reached this 6ld French town on the twelfth of February.' The town and settlement adjacent extended over a prairie nine miles long, and from one to two miles broad, a beautiful rilateau of land, somewhat sandy, but for many years abundantly pro ductive, furnishing supplies to traders and to the military post established there. It also furnished two cargoes of grain to be used as seed by the starving settlement at Selkirk, which were conveyed thither by way of the Mississippi, St. Peter and Red rivers. The earliest authentic mention of the place refers to the establishment of a post called St. Nicholas, on the east bank of the Mississippi, at the mouth of the Wisconsin, by Gov. De La Barre, who, in 1683, sent Nicholas Perrot with a garrison of twenty men to hold the post. The first official document laying claim to the country on the Upper Mississippi, issued in 1689, has mention of the fort. This document we transcribe entire: "Nicholas Perrot, commanding for the king, at the post of the Nadouessioux, commissioned by the Marquis Denonville, governor and 'lieutenant governor of all New France, to man age -the interests of commerce amongst the Indian tribes and people of the Bay des Puants (Green Bay), Nadouessioux (Da- kotahs), Maseontins, and other western nations of the Upper Mississippi, and to take possession in the king's name of all the places where he has heretofore been, and whither he will go. 10 EIFTY YEARS " We, this day, the eighth of May, one thousand six hundred and eighty-nine, do, in the presence of the Reverend Father Marest, of the Society of Jesus, missionary among the Na douessioux; of Monsieur de Borieguillot (or Boisguillot), com manding the French in the neighborhood of the Ouiskonche . (Wisconsin), on the Mississippi; Augustin Le' Gardeur, Esq., Sieur de Caurnont, and of Messeurs Le Sueur, Hibert, Lemire 'i and Blein: "Declare to all whom it may concern, that, being come from the Bay des Puants, and to the lake of the Ouiskonches, and to river Mississippi, we did transport ourselves to the country of the Nadouessioux, on tbe border of the river St. Croix, and at the mouth of the river St. Pierre (Minnesota), on the bank of which were the Mantantans; and further up to the interior to- s the northeast of the Mississippi, as far as the Menchokatoux,'.:| with whom dwell the majority of the Songeskitens, and other . Nadouessioux, who are to the northeast of the Mississippi, to take possession for, and in the name of, the king of the countries and rivers inhabited by the said tribes, and of which they are proprietors. The present act done in our presence, signed with our hand and subscribed." Then follow the names of the persons mentioned. The docu ment was drawn up at Green Bay. There is little doubt that this post was held continuously by the French as a military post until 1696, when the French authorities at Quebec withdrew all their troops from Wisconsin, and as a trader's post or settlement, until the surrender in 1763 to the British of all French claims east of the Mississippi. It was probably garrisoned near the close of the latter period. It remained in the possession of the French some time, as the Eng lish, thinking it impossible to compete for the commerce of the Indian tribes with the French traders who had intermarried with them, and so acquired great influence, did not take actual possession until many years later. The post is occasionally mentioned by the early voyageurs, and the prairie which it commanded was known as the "Prairie du Chien," or praire of the dog, as early as 1763, and is so men tioned by Carver. It was not formally taken possession of by the United States until 1814, when Gov. Clarke with two hundred men came up from St. Louis to Prairie du Chien, then under IN THE NORTHWEST. 11 English rule, to build a fort and protect American interests at the village. At that time there were about fifty families, descended chiefly from the old French settlers. These were en gaged chiefly in farming, owning a common field four miles long by a half mile wide. They had outside of this three separate farms and twelve horse mills to manufacture their produce; The fort, held by a few British troops under Capt. Deace, surrendered without resistance, but soon after the British traders at Macki naw sent an expedition under Joe Rolette, Sr., to recapture the post, which they did after a siege of three days, the defenders being allowed to withdraw with their private property on parole. They -were followed by the Indians as Jar as Rock Is land. Meanwhile, Lieut. Campbell, with reinforcements on his way from St. Louis, was attacked, part were captured and the remainder of his troops driven back to St. Louis. Late in 1814 Maj. Zachary Taylor proceeded with gunboats to chastize the Indians for their attack on Campbell, but was himself met and driven back. The following year, on the declaration of peace be tween Great Britain and America, the post at Prairie du Chien was evacuated. The garrison fired the fort as they withdrew from it. The fort erected by the Americans under Gen. Clarke in 1814 was called Fort Shelby. The British, on capturing it, changed the name to Fort McKay. The Americans, on assuming posses sion and rebuilding it, named it Fort Crawford. It stood on the bank of the river at the north end of St. Friole,, the old French village occupied in 1876 by the Dousmans. In 1833 the new Fort Crawford was built on an elevated site about midway in the prairie. It was a strong military post and was commanded at this time by Gen. Zachary Taylor. Many officers, who subse quently won distinction in the Florida Indian, Mexican, and late Civil War, were stationed here from time to time. Within a time included in my own recollections of the post, Jefferson Dayis spirited away the daughter of his commanding officer, Gen. Taylor, and married her, the "rough and ready" general being averse to the match. Prairie du Chien derived its name from a French family known as du Chien, in English "The Dog." By this name the Prairie was known long prior to the establishment of the French stockade and post. By that name it has been known and recog- 12 FIFTY YEARS nized ever since. It has been successively under the French, English and United States governments, and lying originally in. the great Northwestern Territory, in the subsequent divisions of that immense domain, it has been included within the bounds of the territories of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wiscomi :sin. Gov. Wm. H. Harrison, of Indiana Territory, recognized ' Prairie du Chien by issuing commission's to Henry M. Fisher and Campbell as justices of the peace, the first civil commis sions issued for the American government in the entire district of country including West Wisconsin and Minnesota east of the Mississippi. Prior to this time, about 1819, the inhabitants had . been chiefly under military rule. In 1819 the county of Craw-1 ford was organized as a part of Michigan Territory, and blank commissions were issued to Nicholas Boilvin, Esq., with author ity to appoint and install the officers of the new county govern- ' ment. Gov. Lewis Cass established by proclamation the county ; «eat at Prairie du Chien, and John W. Johnson was installed as chief justice of the county court. The entire corps of officers were qualified. In January, 1823, Congress passed an act pro--.; viding for circuit courts in the counties west and north of Lake j Michigan, and Jaines Duane Doty was appointed judge for the district composed of Brown, Mackinaw and Crawford counties, | and a May term was held in Prairie du Chien the same year. I Indian Troubles. — There were some Indian troubles, an ac count of which is given in the biographical sketch of J. H. Lock- : wood. There were other incidents which may be worthy of separate mention. Jn 1827 an entire family, named Methode, '\ were murdered, as is supposed, by the Indians, though the mur- "' derers were never identified. The great incentive to violence and rapine with the Indians was whisky. An intelligent Winn& „* bago, aged about sixty years, told me that "paganini," "fire-1; water" (whisky), was killing the great majority of his people,^ and making fools and cripples of those that were left; that before* the pale faces came to the big river his people were good hunt- ; ers and had plenty to eat; that now they were drunken, lazy and hungry; that they once wore elk or deer skins, that now they '[ were clad in blankets or went naked. This Indian I had- never seen drunk. The American Fur Company had huts or open • houses where the Indians might drink and revel. At an Indian payment a young, smart looking Indian got IN THE NORTHWEST. 13. drunk and in a quarrel killed his antagonist. The friends of the murdered Indian held a council and determined that the mur derer should have an opportunity of running for his life. The friends of the murdered Indian formed in a line, at the head of which was stationed the brother of the dead man, who was to* lead in the pursuit. At a signal the bands of the prisoner were cut, and with a demoniacal yell he bounded forward, the entire line in swift and furious pursuit. Should he outrun his pur suers, he would be free; should they overtake and capture him, they were to determine the mode of his death. He ran nearly a mile when he tripped and fell. The brother of the dead Indian, heading the pursuit, pounced upon him and instantly killed him with a knife. Considering the fact that the Indians were gathered together under the guns of a United States fort, and under the pro tection of a law expressly forbidding the sale of intoxicating liquors to them, the people of the United States were certainly justified in expecting better results, not only in regard to the^ protection of the frontier settlers but for that of the Indians themselves. All came to naught because of the non-enforcement of law. Liquors were shamelessly sold to the Indians and they were encouraged to drunken revelry and orgies by the very men who should have protected and restrained them. The prosperity of Prairie du Chien depended upon the Indian trade, and upon government contracts which the presence of a military force rendered necessary. The Indiafls gathered here in great numbers. Here the Winnebagoes, part of the Menomonies and some Chippewas received their annuities, and here centred also an immense trade from the American Fur Company, the depot being a large stone building on the banks of the Mississippi,. under the charge of Hercules Dousman. FORT CRAWFORD ROBBED. Two discharged soldiers (Thompson and Evans) living afc Patch Grove, thirteen miles away, visited the fort dften. On a morning after one of*their visits a soldier on guard noticed a heap of fresh earth near the magazine. An alarm was given, an examination made, and it was found that the magazine had been burst open with bars and sledge hammers, entrance having beea 14 FIFTY YEARS obtained by digging under the corner picket. Three kegs of silver, each containing $5,000, were missing. The kegs had been passed through the excavation underneath the picket. One keg had burst open near the picket, and the silver was ' found buried in the sand. The second keg burst on the bank of the Mississippi, and all the money was found buried there ex cept about six hundred dollars. The third keg was found months after by John Brinkman, in the bottom of the river, two miles below the fort. He was spearing fish by torchlight, when he chanced to find the keg. The keg he delivered at the fort and received a small reward. On opening the keg it was found to contain coin of a different kind from that advertised as stolen. Brinkman, however, made no claims on account of errors. Thompson, Evans, and a man named Shields were arrested by the civil authorities on suspicion; their trial was continued from term to term and they were at last dismissed. One man, who had seen the silver in the sand during the day and gone back at night to fill his pockets, was seized by a soldier on guard, im prisoned for a year, and discharged. EARLY JUSTICE. A Frenchman shot and killed a couple of tame geese Belonging to a neighbor, supposing them to be wild. Discovering his mis take, he brought the geese to the owner, a Dutchman, who flew into a great rage, but took the geese and used them for his own' -table, in addition to which he had the goose-killer arrested and tried before Martin Savall, a justice of the peace. The defend ant' admitted the killing of the geese, the plaintiff admitted re ceiving them and using them for food, nevertheless the justice gave judgment in favor of plaintiff by the novel ruling that these geese, if not killed, would have laid eggs and hatched about eight goslings. The defendant was therefore fined three dollars for the geese killed, and eight dollars for the goslings that, might have, been hatched if the geese had been permitted to live, and costs besides. Plaintiff appealed to the district court which reversed .' the decision on the ground that plaintiff had, eaten his geese, and the goslings, not being hatched, did not exist. Plaintiff paid the costs of the suit, forty-nine dollars, remarking that a Dutchman had no chance in this country { that he would go back to Germany. The judge remarked that it would be the best thing he could do. IN THE NORTHWEST,. 15 A SOUTHWARD JOURNEY. My original plan on leaving Maine was to make a prospect ing tour through the West and South. I had been in Prairie du Chien for a season, and as soon as my contract to cut hay- for the fort and my harvesting work was done, I started, with two of my comrades, in a birch bark canoe for New Orleans. This mode of traveling proving slow and tedious, after two days, on our arrival at Dubuque, we sold our canoe and took passage on the steamer Smelter for St. Louis, which place we reached on the seventeenth of October. We remained five days, -stopping at the Union Hotel. St. Louis was by far the finest and largest city I had yet seen in the West. Its levee was crowded, with drays and other vehicles and lined with steamers and barges. Its general appearance betokened prosperity. On the twenty-second, I left on the steamer George Collier for New Orleans, but the yellow fever being reported in that city, I re mained several days at Baton Rouge. On the second of Novem ber I re-embarked for New Orleans, where I found a lodging at the Conti Street Hotel. New Orleans was even then a large and beautiful city. Its levee and streets were remarkable for their cleanness, but seemed almost deserted. Owing to a recent visi tation of the yellow fever and the financial crisis of 1837, busir ness was almost suspended. These were hard times in New Orleans. Hundreds of men were seeking employment, and many of them were without money or friends. It was soon very evi dent to me that I had come to a poor place to better my fortunes. After a thorough canvass, I'found but one situation vacant, and that was in a drinking saloon, and was not thought of for an instant. I remained fifteen days, my money gradually diminish ing, when I concluded to try the interior. I took steamer for Vicksburg, and thence passed up the Yazoo to Manchester, where I spent two days in the vain search for employment, offering to do any kind of work. I was in the South, where the labor was chiefly done by negroes. I was friendless and without letters of recommendation, and for a man under such circum- stances to be asking for employment was in itself a suspicious circumstance. I encountered everywhere coldness and distrust. I returned to Vicksburg, and, fortunately, had still enough money left to secure a deck passage to the North, but was obliged to 16 FIFTY YEARS live sparingly, and sleep without bedding. I kept myself some what aloof from the crew and passengers. The captain and clerk commented on my appearance, and were, as I learned from a conversation that I could not help but overhear, keeping, a close eye upon me for being so quiet and restrained. It was true that the western rivers were infested with desperate char- acters, gamblers and thieves such as the Murrell gang. Might I not be one of them. I was truly glad when, on the fifth of December, we landed at St. Louis. It seemed nearer my own country but finding no employment there, I embarked on the steamer Motto for Hennepin, Illinois, where I found occasional employment cutting timber. There was much talk here of the Murrell gang, then terrorizing the country; and I have good reason to believe that some of them at that time were in Henne pin. After remaining about two months, I left, on foot, valise in hand or strapped upon my back, with J. Simpson, for Galena, which place we reached in four days. Finding here Mr. Put nam, with a team, I went up with him on the ice to Prairie du Chien, where, after an absence of five months of anxiety, sus pense and positive hardships, I was glad to find myself once more among friends. During the summer of 1838 I cultivated a farm. I had also a hay contract for the fort. My partner was James C. Bunker. I had worked hard and succeeded in raising a good crop, but found myself in the fall the victim of bilious fever and ague. I contin ued farming in 1839 and furnishing hay to the fort, but continued to suffer with chills and fever. Myself and partner were both , affected, and at times could scarcely take care of ourselves. Help could not be obtained, but ague comes so regularly to torture its victims that, knowing the exact hour of its approach, we could prepare in advance for it, and have our water, gruel, boneset and quinine readj and within reach. We knew when we would shake, but not the degree of fever which would follow. The delirium of the fever would fill our minds with strange fancies. On one occasion I came home with the ague fit upon me, hitched my horses with wagon attached to a post and went into the house. Bunker had passed the shaking stage, and was delirious. I threw myself on the bed, and the fever soon following. I knew nothing till morning, when I found the team still hitched to the post, and, in their hunger, eating it. IN THE NORTHWEST. 17 In November of this year I made a somewhat perilous trip with team to Fort Winnebago, at the -portage of the Fox and Wisconsin rivers. The weather was cold and the military road, much of the distance, covered with snow. There was scarcely a trail over the rolling prairie to guide me. Exposure brought on the chills as I was returning. Fatigued, sick and suffering, I coiled myself on the top of the load. The second day, as the sun was setting, I came in sight of Parish's Grove, but the horses were unwilling to obey my guidance. Coming to a fork in the road they insisted on going to the right. I pulled them to the left. Had I been guided by their "horse sense" they would have brought me in a few moments to the door of Parish's hotel. As it was, I dpove on until far in the night, when we came to a steep hill, two steep for descent in the wagon. I unhitched the team, loaded them with the portablevthings in the wagon to keep them from the wolves that were howling around, mounted one of the horses and descended the hill and found myself at Parish's door, the very place. I had been trying to find for a day and a night. Lieut. Caldwell, quartermaster at Fort Crawford, re ceived the load, and learning something of the perils of the jour ney, gave me eighty dollars instead of the forty he had promised. RETURN TO MAINE. • During the spring and summer of 1840, I fulfilled heavy hay and wood contracts for the fort, and in the autumn of that year concluded to revisit my early home in Maine. I set out September 23d, and reached Chicago in seven days, trav eling with a team. I traveled thence by steamer to Buffalo, by canal boat to Rochester, by railroad and stage to Albany and Boston, by railroad to Lowell, and by stage to Tamworth, New Hampshire. After spending four years amidst tire prairies of the West it was indeed a pleasure to look again upon the grand ranges of mountains in this part of New England. When eleven years of age I had lived where I could look upon these mountains, and now to their grandeur was added the charm of old associ ation. I looked with pleasure once more upon "Old Ossipee," Coroway Peak, and White Face. Time had written no changes upon these rugged mountains. There were cottages and farms on the mountain side. Sparkling rivulets gleamed in the sun- 2 1§ FIFTY YEARS light, as they found their way, leaping from rock to rock, to the valleys beneath. Tamworth is situated on beautiful ridges amongst these mountain ranges. Near this place is the old family burying ground containing the graves of my grand par ents and other near relatives. These mountain peaks seemed to stand as sentinels over their last resting place. I remained at Tamworth a short time, visited the graves of my kindred, and on October 20th pursued my journey to Bloomfield, Maine, my old home. I found great changes. Some kind friends remained, but others were gone. The old home was changed and I felt that I could not make my future home here. The great West seemed more than ever attractive. There would I build my home, and seek my fortune. I found here one who was willing to share that home and whatever fortune awaited me in the West. On January 1st I was married to Mary J. Wyman, by Rev. Arthur Drinkwater, who gave us good counsel on the eve of our depar ture to a new and still wilderness .country. On February 16th we bade adieu to our friends in Maine, visited awhile at Tam worth, and March 20th reached Prairie du Chien, having trav eled by private conveyance, stage and steamer, passing through New Haven, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Frederick City, Maryland, over the National road to Wheeling, Virginia, by steamer down the Ohio and up the Mississippi to our destina tion. Here we made our home until the autumn of 1845, I con tinuing in the business in which I had been previously engaged. At this time a failure in my wife's health rendered a change of climate necessary. PRAIRIE DU CHIEN IN 1836-37. Our history of Fifty Years in the Northwest commences properly at Prairie du Chien in the years 1836-37. The entire country west and north was at that time but little better than a wilderness. Prairie, du Chien was an outpost of civilization. A few adventurous traders and missionaries had penetrated the country above, planting a few stations here and there, and some little effort had been made at settlement, but the country, for the most part, was the home of roving tribes of Indians, and he who adventured among them at any distance from posts or settle ments did so at considerable peril. Prairie du Chien, as we have IN THE NORTHWEST. 19 shown, had been for an indefinite period under various govern ments, at first a French, and later an American settlement, generally under the protection of a military force. It was a primitive looking village. The houses were built for the most part of upright timber posts and puncheons, and were sur rounded by pickets. There was no effort at display. Every - thing was arranged for comfort and protection. AMERICAN RESIDENTS. There were living at Prairie du Chien in 1837 the following Americans with their families: Alfred Brunson, Thomas P. Burnett, Joseph M. and Thomas P. Street, Ezekiel Tainter, John Thomas, Milo Richards, John H. Fonday, Samuel Gilbert, and William Wilson. The following were unmarried: James B. Dallam, Ira B. Brunson, William S. Lockwood, and Hercules Dousman. In addition to these were perhaps near a hundred French families, old residents. Among the more noted were the Brisbois, La Chapelle, Rolette and Bruno families. We include in the following biographical sketches some names of non-residents, prominent in the early territorial history, and others who came to Prairie du Chien later than 1837. BIOGRAPHIES. James Duane Doty. — The life of this eminent citizen is so interwoven with the history of Wisconsin that it might well claim more space than is here allotted to it. The plan of this work forbids more than a brief mention, and we therefore give only the principal events in his life. Mr. Doty was born in Salem, Washington county, New York, where he spent his early days. After receiving a thorough literary education he studied law, and in 1818 located at Detroit, Michigan. In 1820, in com pany with Gov. Cass, he made a canoe voyage of exploration through Lakes Huron and Michigan. On this voyage they nego tiated treaties with the Indians, and returning made a report on the comparatively unexplored region which they had trav ersed. Under his appointment as judge for the counties of Michigan west of the lake, which appointment he held for nine years, he first made his home at Prairie du Chien, where he re sided one year, thence removing to Green Bay for the remainder 2Q FIFTY YEARS of his term of office, at which place he continued to reside for a period of twenty years. In 1830 he was appointed one of the commissioners to locate military routes from Green Bay to Chi cago and Prairie du Chien. In 1834 he represented the coun ties west of the lake in the Michigan legislative council at De- ° troit, at which council the first legislative action was taken affect ing these counties. At that session he introduced a bill to create ' the state of Michigan, which was adopted. The result of this action was the creation of the territory of Wisconsin in 1836. In 1838 Mr. Doty was chosen territorial delegate to Congress from Wisconsin, in which capacity he served four years, when he was appointed governor. He served as governor three years. He acted as commissioner in negotiating Indian treaties. In 1846 he was a member of the first constitutional convention. In 1848 he was elected member of Congress, and was re-elected in 1851. Somewhere in the '50s he built a log house on an island in Fox river, just above Butte des Mortes, and lived there with his family many years. There he gathered ancient curiosities, con sisting of Indian implements, and relics of the mound builders. 'This log house still stands and is kept intact with the curiosities ..; gathered there by the present owner, John Roberts, to whom they were presented by Mrs. Fitzgerald, a daughter of Gov. Doty, in 1877. The cabin overlooks the cities of Menasha and Neenah, and the old council ground at the outlet of Lake Winne bago, where the Fox and Sioux Indians held annual councils, also the old battle ground where the Fox Indians routed the Sioux in one of the hardest fought battles on record. In 1861 Judge Doty was appointed superintendent of Indian affairs, and subsequently was appointed governor of Utah Terri tory, which place he held until his death in 1865. Wisconsin had no truer friend nor more faithful and efficient servant. His aims , were exalted, and he deservedly held a high place in the affec tions of his fellow citizens. James H. Looewood. — Mr. Lockwood was the only practic- ' ing lawyer at the organization of Judge Doty's court. He was the pioneer lawyer in Prairie du Chien, and the first lawyer ad mitted to the bar in what is now Wisconsin. He practiced in Crawford, Brown and Mackinaw counties. He was born in Peru, Clinton county, New York, Dec. 7, 1793. He married Julia Warren in 1822. She died at Prairie du Chien in 1827. IN THE NORTHWEST. 21 He married his second wife, Sarah A. Wright, in St. Louis, Mis souri, in 1834. She died at Prairie du Chien in 1877, much esteemed as one of the pioneer women of the Upper Missis sippi, and respected as a devout Christian, whose faith was proven by her works. The early years of Mr. Lockwood were spent on a farm. He had not the privileges of a classical educa tion, and he may be said to be self educated. In 1810 he com menced the study of law. In 1814 he was sutler in the United States army, and in 1815 at the post at Mackinaw. From 1816 to 1819 he was an Indian trader, his home being at Prairie' du Chien. In 1826 orders came to abandon the fort at Prairie du Chien. The soldiers were transferred to Fort Snelling, but arms and ammunition were left in charge of John Marsh, sub-Indian agent. Mr. Lockwood's family was the only American family at the post. On June 25th of the ensuing year he left for New York by the Wisconsin River route, Mrs. Lockwood remaining at home. The Winnebagoes were a little troublesome at this time, the more so as the soldiers were removed from the post, but no serious disturbance was anticipated. The first night after leaving Prairie du Chien Mr. L. met some Winnebagoes, and all camped together for the night; but the Indians, under their chief, Red Bird, left the camp stealthily before morning, and, proceeding to Prairie du Chien, entered the house of Mr. Lockwood with loaded rifles. Mrs. L., greatly frightened, fled to the store, then in charge of Duncan Graham, an old" English trader. The Indians followed Mrs. L. into the store. Graham counseled with them and they left. As they were acting sus piciously a messenger was sent after Mr. Lockwood in haste. He returned on tbe twenty-seventh and found the inhabitants as sembled, but without ammunition or means of defense. The In dians told the people not to go into the fort, as they would destroy it. As the day passed pickets and embankments were built around an old tavern. About sundown a keelboat came down the river and landed, bearing three dead bodies and sev eral wounded. The sides of the boat had been riddled by bul lets. This ghastly arrival increased the panic. Mr. Lockwood urged organization for defense. He was selected as captain but declined, and Thomas McNair was chosen, who ordered an im mediate removal to the fort. Repairs were made and prepara tions for successful defense. On the day the fighting commenced 22 FIFTY YEARS Red Bird and his companions shot and killed Gagner and Lip- cap. Mrs Gagner, with rifle in hand, held Red Bird at bay till she escaped with one child into the rushes, whence she was res cued by a soldier on patrol duty. The soldier went to the house, where he found Gagner and Lipcap lying dead upon the floor, and an infant child, scalped and with its throat cut, lying under the bed. Gov. Cass, of Michigan, arrived on the fourth of July, greatly to the relief of the besieged' garrison, which he mustered into the service of the United States, appointing Mr. Lockwood quartermaster. Another company, under Capt. Abner Field, was sent from Galena to their relief. Mr. Lockwood sent a messenger to Col. Snelling at Fort Snelling, who promptly sent down a company in a keelboat. The force thus concentrated at the fort was sufficient to overcome the Indians, who were in no plight to engage in a war with the United States. As the result of a council held by the Winnebagoes in the presence of the officers of the garrison, the Indians agreed to surrender Red Bird and Kee-Waw to Maj. Whistler, the Indians asking that the prisoners should not be ironed or harshly treated. Maj. Whistler promised that they should be treated with considera-' tion, and Red Bird, rising from the ground, said, "I am ready," and was marched off with his accomplice, Kee-Waw, to a tent in the rear and placed under guard'. The prisoners were handed over to Gen. Atkinson, and given into the hands of the civil authorities. They were chained and imprisoned, which so chafed the proud spirit of Red Bird that he drooped and soon died of a broken heart. Kee-Waw was afterward pardoned by the president of the 'United States. For this and other out rages perpetrated upon the settlers, not a single Indian suffered the penalty of death, excepting Red Bird, whose pride may be said to have been his executioner. Mr. Lockwood continued in mercantile business at Prairie du Chien many years. He held many positions of honor and trust, acquitting himself with credit. He built the first saw mill north of the Wisconsin river, on the Menomonie river. The famous Menomonie mills now occupy the same site. A small mill had . been commenced prior to this on Black river, but the Indians had burned this mill before it was completed. Mr. Lockwood died at his home, Aug. 24, 1867. John S. Lockwood.— John S., the brother of James H. Lock- IN THE NORTHWEST. 23 wood, was born in 1796 in New York; came to Prairie du Chien in 1838, and thereafter engaged in merchandising. He was a man of exemplary habits and a member of the Presbyterian church most of his life. He raised an interesting family. He died at his home at Prairie du Chien in 1858. Samuel Gilbert settled at Prairie du Chien in 1830. He was of Kentucky birth, a blacksmith by trade, and a model man in habits. Mr. Gilbert, in 1842, became one of the proprietors of the Chippewa Falls mill. He afterward lived at Albany. He followed Mississippi river piloting, removed to Burlington, Iowa, and died in 1878. Mr. Gilbert left four sons, Oliver, lum berman in Dunn county, Wisconsin, John and I. Dallam, lum ber merchants at Burlington, Iowa, and Samuel. Michael Brisbois. — We find the names of Brisbois and some others mentioned in the proceedings of the commission held by Col. Isaac Lee in 1820, to adjust claims to land in Prairie du Chien and vicinity. Michael Brisbois testified that he had been a resident of the Prairie thirty-nine years, which would date his settlement as far back as 1781. Mr. Brisbois lived a stirring and eventful life. He died in 1837, leaving several children. Joseph, the oldest, became a man of prominence" and held many offices in state and church. Charles, the second son, while yet a boy went to McKenzie river, British possessions, in the employ of the Northwestern Fur Company, where he lived thirty years beyond the Arctic circle, and raised a large family. In 1842 he returned to Prairie du Chien, but his children, reared in the cold climate of the frozen zone, soon after his return sick ened, and most of them died, unable to endure the change to a climate so much milder. Bernard W., a third son, was born at Prairie du Chien, Oct. 4, 1808. He was well educated and grew up a leading and influential citizen. As a child he had witnessed the taking of Fort Shelby by the British in 1814, and its recap ture as Fort McKay by the United States troops in 1815. Dur ing the Red Bird Indian war he served as second lieutenant, and for several years was stationed at Fort Crawford. He was also a prominent agent or confidential adviser in the fur company which had its headquarters at Prairie du Chien. He was sheriff of Crawford county and held the office of county treasurer and other positions of trust. In 1872 President Grant appointed him consul to Vernier, Belgium, but ill health compelled an early 24 FIFTY YEARS return. Mr. Brisbois married into the La Chapelle family. He died in 1885, leaving an interesting family. Pierre Lapoint was also before the commission of Col. Lee as an early resident, having lived at the Prairie since 1782. The testimony of these early citizens served to establish the ancient tenure of the lands by French settlers, a tenure so ancient that no one could definitely give a date for its commencement. Mr. Lapoint was a farmer. He reared a large family of children, and died about 1845. Joseph Rolette.— Joseph Rolette was at one time chief jus tice of the county court of Crawford county. He was of French descent and was born in Quebec, L. C, in 1787. He was edu cated for the Catholic priesthood. In 1804 he came to Prairie du Chien. In the early part of his mature life he was an active and successful trader with the Indians on the Upper Mississippi. He was a man of keen perceptions and considerable ambition. He joined the British at the siege of Detroit, and was an officer at the capture of Mackinaw. He was in command of a company in the campaign of the British from Mackinaw to Prairie du Chien, and aided in taking the American stockade. "His early education and associations inclined him to espouse the British cause during the war of 1812, which he did with all the ardor and enthusiasm of his nature. To his family he was kind and indulgent, giving his children the best education possible. One daughter, married to Capt. Hoe, of the United States army, was a very superior woman. One son, Joseph, received all the aid that money could give, and might have risen to distinction, but he early contracted intemperate habits which became in later life tenaciously fixed. This son was at one time a member of the Minnesota legislature. Joseph Rolette, Sr., died at Prairie du Chien in 1842. Hercules Dousman.— The leading Indian trader of the- Up per Mississippi, the prominent adviser at Indian treaties and payments and the trusted agent of the American Fur Company, was Hercules Dousman, a keen, shrewd man, and universally influential with the Indians, with whom it might be said his word was law. He understood all the intricacies involved in the Indian treaty and the half-breed annuities and payments. His extended favors and credits to the Indians, properly proven, of course, would be recognized and paid at the regular payments. IN THE NORTHWEST. 25 He accumulated through these agencies great wealth, which he retained to his dying day. He came to Prairie du Chien, in the employ of Joseph Rolette, in 1828. He afterward married the widow of Rolette. He died in Prairie du Chien in 1878. Rev. David Lowry. — A noble, big hearted Kentuckian, a minister of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, he was located by the government as farmer and teacher of the Indians on Yel low river, near Prairie du Chien, in 1833. For years this good man labored with unquestioned zeal for the welfare of the un tutored Indian. Mr. Lowry informed me, while at his post, that he was fearful that all his labor was labor lost, or worse than useless. The Indian pupil learned just enough to fit him for the worst vices. The introduction of whisky was a corrupting agency, in itself capable of neutralizing every effort for the moral and intellectual advancement of the Indian, with whom intoxication produces insanity. He felt quite disheartened as to the prospect of accomplishing any good. He died at St. Cloud some time in the '50s. Chief Justice Charles Dunn. — When Wisconsin Territory was organized in 1836, Charles Dunn was appointed chief jus tice. He served as judge until Wisconsin became a state in 1848. He was of Irish descent and was born in Kentucky in 1799. He studied law in Kentucky and Illinois, and was admit ted to practice in 1820 at Jonesboro, Illinois. He was chief clerk of the Illinois house of representatives five years. He was one of the commissioners of the Illinois and Michigan canal. In 1829 he was one of a party which surveyed and platted the first town of Chicago, and superintended the first sale of town lots there. He was captain of a company during the Black Hawk War in 1832, and was severely wounded through mistake by a sentinel on duty. In 1835 he was a member of the Illinois house of repre sentatives. In 1837, as judge, he held his first court in Crawford county. In this court, in 1838, indictments were found against certain individuals for selling liquor to whites and Indians con trary to law, when, by evasions, continuances and technicalities, the suits would go by the board. In one case the charge given to the jury by this dignified and courteous Judge Dunn was as fol lows: "Gentlemen of the Jury: Unless you are satisfied that the defendants in this case did deal out, in clear, unadulterated quanti ties, intoxicating drinks, it is your imperative duty to discharge 26 FIFTY years them." The jury, of course, discharged the defendants. Aside from his drinking habits, which interfered much with his useful ness he was a genial gentleman and regarded by his associates as an eminent jurist. He sometimes kept the court waiting till he should become sober, and on one occasion came near losing his life in a drunken spree. He jumped through an upper window of Tainter' s hotel, and escaped with only a broken leg. Judge Dunn was a member of the second Wisconsin constitutional convention. He was state senator in 1853-4-5 and 6. He died at Mineral Point, April 7, 1872. Ret. Alfred Brunson, a distinguished pioneer preacher in the West, was born in- Connecticut, 1793, and received there a common school education. His father died while he was yet a minor, and with commendable zeal and filial love he devoted himself to providing for his mother and her bereaved family, working at the trade of a shoemaker till he was seventeen years of age, when he enlisted as a soldier under Gen. Harrison and served under him until the peace of 1815, when he entered the Methodist ministry, in which, by industry and close application, ¦ he became quite learned and eminent as a divine. His active ministry extended to the long period of sixty-seven years. He was the first Methodist minister north of the Wisconsin river. In 1837 he established a mission at Kaposia and thence removed to Red Rock (Newport), in Washington county, Minnesota. In 1840 he was a member of the Wisconsin legislature. In 1842 he was Indian agent at Lapointe, on Lake Superior. Mr. Brunson was very prominent in the councils of his own church, having represented his conference several times in the general con ference of that body. He is also the author of many essays and other publications, among them "The Western Pioneer," in two volumes, a most entertaining and instructive account of life in the West. Mr. Brunson was married to Eunice Burr, a relative of the famous Aaron Burr. She was a woman of great intelligence and of excellent qualities of heart as well as mind. Her heart over flowed with sympathy for the sick and distressed, and she won by her care for them the affectionate title of " Mother Brunson." She died in 1847. Rev. Alfred Brunson, though an itinerant, was so favored in his various fields of labor that he was able to have his perma- IN THE NORTHWEST. 27 nent home at Prairie du Chien, where he lived from 1835 until the time of his death in 1882. Many incidents in Mr. Brunson' s career are worthy of per manent record. He was among the most hardy and daring of the pioneers. He came down the Ohio and up the Mississippi in a barge to Prairie du Chien in 1835, the barge laden with household furniture and the material for a frame building which, on landing, he proceeded immediately to erect. This house, which he and his family occupied till his death, is still standing. When he established his mission at Kaposia he was greatly in need of an interpreter. An officer at Fort Snelling owned a negro slave who had been a Methodist before going into the army in the service of his master. ' Afterward he had married a Dakota woman and by associating with the Indians had learned their language. This young negro, James Thompson, was a slave, and Mr. Brunson could only secure his services by pur chasing him outright, which he did, paying the price of $1,200, the money for which was raised by subscription in Ohio. " Jim" , was presented with his "free papers," and was soon interpreting the Gospel to the Indians at Kaposia. This is the only instance on record of a slave being sold on Minnesota soil. It will be remembered, however, that the historical "Deed Scott" was also the property of an officer at the Fort, Surgeon Emerson. James Thompson resided in St. Paul in the later years of his life, and died there in 1884. Ira Brunson. — Ira, the eldest son of Rev. A. Brunson, was born in Ohio in 1815, and came to Prairie du Chien in 1836. He was a member of the legislature during the years 1837-38-39 and 40. He was also postmaster many years. He was con tinuously in office in Crawford county until his death in 1884. In 1840 he was appointed special deputy United States marshal for the purpose of removing the settlers from the Fort Snelling reservation. These settlers were mostly from Selkirk, Mani toba. They had been driven out by the grasshoppers and, fleeing southward, had settled about Fort Snelling to be under the pro tection of the Fort. The government, however, considered them intruders and ordered Mr. Brunson to remove them outside the reservation, and to destroy all their dwellings and farm improve ments, which disagreeable duty he performed as well, perhaps, as it could be performed; he, as he afterward told me, being 28 FIFTY YEARS satisfied in his own mind that the removal would be for their ultimate good, the influences of the Fort and of the associations of the motley crowd of hangers on around it being somewhat demoralizing. At any rate the eviction of these western Acadi- ans has never aroused the sympathies of the poet and sentimen talist as did that of the Acadians of the East. John H. Folsom, brother of W. H. C. Folsom, was born in Machias, Maine, Dec. 27, 1813. He was engaged during his youth in clerking. In 1835 he made a voyage as supercargo of a vessel to the Congo coast. In 1836 he came to Michigan, and in 1837 to Prairie du Chien, where he has since continuously re sided. He was married in 1839 to Angelica Pion, who died in 1878, leaving no children. He has a very retentive memory, and is quoted as an authority in the local history of Prairie du Chien. The writer is indebted to him for many particulars re ferring to the early history of that city. Ezekiel Tainter. — Mr. Tainter came to Prairie du Chien in 1 833 from Vermont. He had at first fort contracts, but after- ward engaged in merchandising, farming and hotel keeping. He also served as sheriff. He was eccentric and original in his meth ods, and some amusing stories are told of his prowess in arresting criminals. On one occasion he was about to arrest a criminal. Having summoned his posse, he followed the man until he took refuge in a cabin with one door and two windows. Stationing his men before the door, he thus addressed them: "Brave boys, I am about to go through this door. If I fall, as I undoubtedly will, you must rush over, my dead body and seize the ruffian." Giving the word of command, he plunged through the door and captured the criminal, apparently much astonished at finding himself still alive. At his tavern, one morning, a boarder an nounced that he had been robbed. Uncle Zeke quieted him, and, quickly examining his rooms, found one boarder missing. It was gray twilight. He ordered all to retire but the man who had been robbed. The two sat quietly down as they saw a man ap proaching the house from the bluffs. To their surprise it was the absentee approaching. As he stepped on the piazza, Uncle Zeke dexterously tripped him up with his stiff leg, and seizing him by the throat, shouted to the astonished miscreant: "Where is the money you stole? Tell me at once, or you will never get up." The prostrate culprit, thoroughly frightened, tremblingly IN THE NORTHWEST. 29 answered, "I hid it in the bluff." They marched him to the spot, recovered the money and generously allowed the thief his freedom on the condition of his leaving the country. Uncle Zeke lived to a good old age, and died at the residence of his son Andrew, in Menomonie, Wisconsin. Wyram Knowlton.— Mr. Knowlton was born in Chenango county, New York, in 1816, came to Wisconsin in 1837, and com menced the Study of law. He was admitted to practice in Platte- ville, and in 1840 came to Prairie du Chien an<| opened a law of fice. In 1846 he enlisted and served in the Mexican War, after which he resumed practice. In 1850 he was appointed judge of the Sixth Judicial district of Wisconsin, and served six years. He held the first court in Pierce county in 1854. He was a man of fine ability. He died in the north part of the State in 1873. Robert Lester. — A melancholy interest attaches to the memory of this man on account of his early tragical death. He had come to Prairie du Chien in 1840, and in 1842 had been elected sheriff. Next year his official duties called him to the Menomonie and Chippewa valleys. On his return he had left Lockwood' s mills on the Menomonie, and had passed through Trempealeau and was coasting along the west shore, when an In dian hailed him, calling for bread. Lester passed on without responding. As he reached a point of land the Indian ran across the point and, awaiting his approach, shot him through the heart. Lester rose as the ball struck him, and fell over board. Mr. Jean Bruno, .proprietor of the Chippewa mills, was on his way up river in a canoe, and witnessed the whole transaction. Mr. Bruno described the whole tragic scene. Popu lar excitement ran high at Prairie du Chien. A party of men volunteered to search for Lester's body, which was found at the place of the murder and brought back for interment at Prairie du Chien. The Indian, a Sioux, was arrested and kept in jail a long time, and although he had acknowledged to some of his Indian friends that he had killed Lester, he was acquitted. It was a cold blooded and atrocious murder, and the proof of the Indian's guilt was overwhelming, as he was, by his own confes sion, the murderer; still he was not punished. In this case the prisoner did not languish and die in jail of a broken heart as did Red Bird, the murderer of Gagner and Lipcap. As a rule the courts dealt very leniently with Indian crimirTals. 30 FIFTY YEARS Thomas Pendleton Burnett was born in Virginia in 1800. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in Paris, Kentucky. , He was appointed sub-Indian agent under J. M. Street, in 1829. He came to Prairie du Chien in 1830 and entered upon the duties of the agency. He also practiced law. In 1835 he was a mem ber of the Michigan territorial council and its president. In 1836, after his term of office expired, he married a daughter of Alfred Brunson and, continuing the practice of law, became quite eminent for his skill, and acquired an extensive practice. He was a fluent speaker, well skilled in the management of the cases intrusted to his care. In 1840 he removed to a farm at Patch Grove, Grant county. He was a member of the Wiscon sin constitutional convention which met in 1846. He served but a few weeks when he was called home by the death of his mother and the sickness of his wife. The fatigue of a twenty- four hours' ride of eighty-five miles in a rude lumber wagon was too much for his not very rugged constitution, and four days after his mother's death he followed her to the world of spirits. His devoted wife survived him but three hours. Under circum stances of such unusual sadness did this brilliant and promising lawyer and citizen take his departure from earth. His death created a profound sensation throughout the entire Northwest, where he was so well and favorably known. Henry Dodge, the first governor of Wisconsin Territory, was born in Vincennes, Indiana, Oct. 12, 1782. He came to the lead mines of Wisconsin in 1828. In 1832 he took part in the Black Hawk War, an uprising of the Sac and Fox Indians against the United States government. Mr. Dodge participated as a general at the battle of Bad Axe, his regiment occupying the front rank in that battle. April 30, 1836, he was appointed governor of Wiscon sin by President Andrew Jackson, re-appointed in 1839 by Presi dent Van Buren, and by President Polk in 1845, serving three terms. From 1841 to 1845, during the presidency of Harrison and his successor (Tyler), he served as terrritorial delegate to Con gress. In 1848 he was elected United States senator for the short term, and re-elected in 1851, Senator Walker being his colleague. On the occasion of the motion to admit California, the Wisconsin senators were instructed by the legislature to vote against the measure. Senator Walker disregarded the instruction and voted for the measure. Senator Dodge, although extremely ill at the IN THE NORTHWEST. 31 time, had himself carried to the senate chamber that he might record his vote adversely to the bill. Gov. Dodge rose to the highest position in his State, and chiefly by his own unaided efforts. As a soldier he was brave and efficient, as a governor, congressional delegate and senator he was clear headed, cautious and wise, and altogether a citizen of whom the State might justly be proud. He died in Burlington, Iowa, June 19, 1867. George W. Jones was born in Vincennes, Indiana. He graduated at Transylvania University, Kentucky, in 1825. He was educated for the law, but ill health prevented him from practicing. He, however, served as clerk of the United States district court in Missouri in 1826, and during the Black Hawk War served as aid-de-camp to Gen. Dodge. In 1832 he was ap pointed colonel of militia, and was promoted to a major gener alship. After the war he served as judge of a county court. In 1835 he was elected delegate to Congress from the territory of Michigan, or from that part of it lying west of Lake Michigan, and remained a delegate until the formation of Wisconsin Terri tory, in 1836, when he was elected delegate from the new terri tory. In 1839 he was appointed surveyor general for Wisconsin. He was removed in 1841, but reappointed by President Polk, and continued in office until elected senator from the state of Iowa, which position he held for six years, and was then ap pointed by President Bnchanan minister to New Granada. Dur ing the Civil War his sympathies were with the South and he was imprisoned for awhile at Fort Warren under a charge of disloyalty. He has resided in Dubuque, Iowa, since the forma tion of Iowa Territory. He still lives, a hale and hearty old gentleman, and served as a delegate to the waterways conven tion held in St. Paul, September, 1880. S. G. and S. L. Tainter and John Thomas (father of Hon. Ormsby Thomas, representative from Wisconsin in the Congress of 1887-88) with their families came to Prairie du Chien in 1837. • The Messrs. Tainter and Thomas died many years ago. 32 FIFTY YEARS CHAPTER II. STILLWATER AND ST. CROIX COUNTIES. In September, 1844, reluctantly I bade adieu to Prairie du Chien with its picturesque bluffs and historic associations, and embarked on the steamer Highland Mary, Capt. Atchison, to seek a home and more salubrious climate further north. The voyage was without incident worthy of note, till we reached St. Croix lake, in the midst of a crashing thunder storm and a deluge of rain, which did not prevent us from eagerly scanning the scenery of the lake. The shores were as yet almost without inhabitants. The home of Paul Carli, a two story house at the mouth of Bolles creek, was the first dwelling above Prescott, on the west side of the lake. A few French residences were to be seen above on the west side. On the east bank, below the mouth of Willow river, where Hudson is now situated, were three log houses owned by Peter Bouchea, Joseph Manesse, and Louis Massey. On the high hill west, nearly opposite Willow river, stood the farm house of Elam Greely, and on the same side, on the point, in full view of Stillwater, stood the farm house of John Allen. With the exception of these few dwellings, the shores of the lake were untouched by the hand of man, and spread , before us in all their primitive beauty. There were gently rounded hills sloping to the water's edge, and crowned with groves of shrubby oak, amidst which, especially at the outlet of streams into the lake, the darker pines stood out boldly against the sky. We passed on over the clear, blue expanse of water on which was no floating thing save our boat and the wild fowl which were scared and flew away at our approach, till we reached the head of the lake at Stillwater, the end of our journey. No vember 30th my family arrived on the steamer Cecilia, Capt. Throckmorton. IN THE NORTHWEST. 33 STILLWATER IN 1845. We landed just in front of the store of Nelson & Co. Just below the landing was a clear, cold spring, bubbling out of the earth, or the rock rather. It was walled in and pretty well filled with speckled trout. On the opposite side of the street Walter R. Vail had a house and store; north of Vail's store the house and store of Socrates Nelson. Up Main street, west side, stood Anson Northrup's hotel and Greely & Blake's post office and store. One street back was the residence of John E. Mower, and north of this the mill boarding house, and in the rear the shanty store of the mill company, where the Saw yer House now stands. Up a ravine stood the shanty residence of John Smith. In a ravine next to Nelson & Co.'s store was the residence of Wm. Cove. On Main street, opposite Greely & Blake's store, was the residence of Albert Harris. On the shore of the lake, north of Chestnut street, was John McKusick' s saw mill. Sylvester Stateler's blacksmith shop stood just south of the mill. In Brown's Dakotah, now Schulenberg's addition, near the old log court house, was a log hotel, kept by Robert Kennedy. This was Stillwater in 1845. ST. CROIX COUNTY. From 1819 to 1836 this valley was under the jurisdiction of Crawford county, Michigan, there being no white inhabitants save Indian traders. There was no law dispensed in this region, excepting the law that might makes right. In 1836 the terri tory of Wisconsin, comprising all of Michigan west of the great lakes; also all that portion of Missouri Territory out of which was formed the state of Iowa, which was organized as a territory in 1838, and admitted as a state in 1846; also that portion of Minnesota which lies west of the present state — yet unorganized — known as Dakota, was organized. The year 1837 forms a new era in our history. Gov. Henry Dodge, of Wisconsin, on the part of the national government, was appointed to negotiate with the Ojibways. They met at Fort Snelling. A treaty was made, the Indians ceding to the United States all their lands east of the Mississippi, to near the headwaters of the St. Croix and Chippewa rivers. 3 34 FIFTY YEARS A deputation of Dakotas at Washington, the same year, ceded all their lands east of the Mississippi to the parent government, thus opening to Settlement all this portion of Minnesota and Wisconsin. But few adventurers made their way into this far off region, however, for many years. A steamer once in two months was the only mode of travel, excepting by birch canoe. In October, 1837, at Prairie du Chien, I met a party who had ascended the Mississippi and the St. Croix as far as St. Croix Falls. According to their account they had found the place where creation ended, where a large river, capable of bearing a steamer, burst out of a rock like that which Moses smote. They had seen "the elephant with his quills erect," and were return ing satisfied to their New England home. They had entered the since famous Dalles of the St. Croix, located at the head of navigation on that river. In the year 1838, being the year succeeding the purchase of the lands bordering on the St. Croix river and a portion of her tributaries, may be dated the commencement of the settlement of the St. Croix valley; but with the exception of the Hon. Jos eph R. Brown, the parties that I shall enumerate as opening busi ness, came here for the purpose of lumbering, and in no instance as permanent settlers. The valley was considered too far north and the soil too sterile for cultivation, but many of those who came here in 1838 found out their mistake and made choice of the valley for their permanent homes. They were afterward abun-' dantly satisfied with the healthfulness of the climate and the fer tility of the soil. Several companies were formed this year for the ostensible purpose of lumbering, many members of which became permanent settlers. The first dismemberment of the St. Croix valley from Craw ford county was by the organization of the county of St. Croix. Joseph R. Brown was elected representative to the legislature, from the north part of Crawford county. His residence at that time was Gray Cloud, now in Washington county. Mr. Brown introduced the bill for the organization of St. Croix county, which passed and was approved by the governor of Wisconsiu, Jan. 9, 1840. The writer of these sketches was employed by Messrs. Brown and Brunson (the representatives from this dis tricts, in December, 1S39, to take them with a team from Prairie du Chien to Madison. One of the indispensable requirements IN THE NORTHWEST. 35 for traveling in those days was a large "Black Betty," which was the butt of much wit and humor. Mr. Brown said the con tents of Old Betty must establish a new county away up in the Northwest. The deed was done — the act did pass. I don't know whether Old Betty came back to assist in organizing the county or not. It is well to say Mr. Brown acquitted himself with honor to his constituents, and was successful in the one great object for which he sought the election. This was the precursc^ to coming events — a shadow cast before. For it was under this organiza tion that Northwest Wisconsin and Minnesota first obeyed the mandates of law and order. Under the provision of the act of organization, Hazen Mooers, of Gray Cloud, Samuel Burkelo, of Marine, and Joseph R. Brown, of Dakotah, were constituted a board of county commissioners with county seat located at Dakotah. This town was located at the head of Lake St. Croix, on the west side, on unsurveyed government lands, known as "Joe Brown's Claim." When the Wisconsin legislature of 1840 made this the county seat of St. Croix county it was named Dakotah. JUDGE IRWIN'S COURT IN 1840. The first district court north of Prairie du Chien was called at Dakotah, St. Croix county. This county had been assigned to Judge Irwin's district (Green Bay). The time assigned for the court was June, 1840. Judge Irwin wended his way up Fox river to the portage, down the Wisconsin to Prairie du Chien, up the Mississippi to St. Paul, and across from St. Paul to Da kotah with guides. At Dakotah the regular officers were all absent, but he found at the court house two young men named Brown and six Frenchmen from St. Paul and Little Canada, summoned as jurors by Sheriff Lawrence. Judge Irwin re mained one night, slept in deer skins in the county building, subsisting meanwhile on venison and bear steak. No calendar was to be found and the judge and jurors left for home. The first commissioners' meeting was held Oct. 5, 1840. At this meeting much important work was done. An acre of ground at the county seat was selected for county buildings. A con tract to erect a court house according to specifications was let to J. R. Brown, he to receive for the same eight hundred dollars. 36 FIFTY YEARS The parties agreed upon a deed or conveyance of ground, a syn opsis of which we append. The conveyance cites and reiterates a Wisconsin legislative law establishing St. Croix county, giving to the people the right to locate the county seat by vote and to the county commissioners power to erect county buildings, the se lected location to be the permanent seat of justice of said county. It further provides that the county commissioners shall carry into effect the law of Congress of the United States, entitled "An act granting to counties or parishes, in which public lands are situate, the right of pre-emption to one-fourth section of land, for seats of justice within the same." Approved May 20, 1824. It then cites the vote taken Aug. 5, 1840, locating the county seat at "Brown's warehouse, at the head of Lake St. Croix." Further conditions are set forth in compliance with the law, con firming the location on Joseph R. Brown's land claim. This is the first recorded deed in St. Croix county. Thirty dollars was allowed to J. R. Brown and W. B. Dibble, each, for carrying election returns to Prairie du Chien. The first abstract of votes polled in St. Croix county was for delegate to Congress and for county officers. For delegate to Congress the following vote was cast: Henry Dodge, seventeen; Jonathan E. Arnold, ten. Samuel Burkelo, Hazen Mooers and W. B. Dibble were elected county commissioners; William Holcombe, county treasurer and register of deeds; Phineas Lawrence, sheriff; J. E. Brown, county clerk and clerk of court, and Philander Prescott, assessor. The first recorded deed of property in Stillwater was from Wal ter R. Vail to Rufus S. King, transferring for a consideration of §1,550 a tract bounded east by Lake St. Croix and south and north by lands owned by Churchill and Nelson. Three election precincts had been established in this portion of Crawford county prior to the organization of St. Croix county: Caw-caw-baw-kank, embracing the county adjacent to St. Croix Falls; Dakotah, the county at the head of. Lake St. Croix, and Chan-wak-an the Gray Cloud settlement, on the Mississippi. On July 5, 1841, the commissioners held a meeting and estab lished voting precincts as follows: Gray Cloud — Judges of election, Hazen Mooers, David Howe* Joseph Haskell. IN THE NORTHWEST. 37 Mouth of St. Croix Lake— Judges of election, P. Prescott, Oscar P. Burris, John Burke. Marine Mills— Judges of election, Asa Parker, Samuel Burk elo, T. Harrington. Falls of St. Croix— Judges of election, Joseph W. Furber, Joshua L. Taylor, Jesse Taylor. Pokegama— Judges of election, Jeremiah Russell, E. Myers, E. L. Ely. Feb. 2, 1844, St. Paul and Stillwater were made election precincts by the Wisconsin legislature, and Stillwater was made the county seat. The constituted authorities were not success ful in making out assessments and collecting county revenues. The first estimate of expenditures for the county was for 1842, and amounted to $482. This included the estimate for holding one term of court. Up to the time of changing the county seat to Stillwater much dissatisfaction existed as to the manner in which the county finances had been managed, and there was a general revolt, a refusal to pay taxes. In consequence, the county building at Dakotah remained unfinished and was finally abandoned by the county authorities. J. R. Brown lost on his contract on account of this failure and abandonment. The first successful collection of taxes in St. Croix county, considered legal, was in 1845. Capt. Wm. Holcombe acted during this period as clerk of the commissioners, and register of deeds. In 1846 he deputized W. H. C. Folsom as deputy clerk and regis ter of deeds, and transmitted the records from St. Croix Falls to Stillwater. * EARLY HISTORY OF STILLWATER. In the spring of 1843 Jacob Fisher made a claim on unsurveyed lands at the head of Lake St. Croix, immediately south of Da kotah, spotting and blazing the trees to mark the limits of his claim. Mr. Fisher thought it a good site for a saw mill, and made an offer to Eli as McKean and Calvin F. Leach of the entire claim on condition that they would build a mill. McKusick and Greely were looking for a mill site; Mr. Fisher referred them to McKean and Leach. It was agreed that the four should take the *For the facts in this history I am indebted to John McKusick, Jacob Fisher, Elias McKean, and Kl.au i Greely. 38 FIFTY YEARS claim and erect the mill. Greely improved and held the claim, while McKusick went to St. Louis and procured mill irons and supplies. McKean and Leach operated in the pinery. By April 1, 1844, the mill was finished and in operation. This was the ' first frame building erected in Stillwater. It stood on the lake shore, east of Main street, lot 8, block 18. The second frame huilding was McKusick's boarding house, west of Main street, on block 18. John Allen's family was the first to locate in Still water. Mr. Allen came in the spring of 1844, and subsequently removed to California. The second family was that of Anson Northrup coming soon after. Mr. Northrup built a public house on the west side of Main street, just north of Nelson's alley. Soon afterward came widow Edwards and family from Ohio, relatives of the Northrups; Mrs. Northrup being a daughter of widow Edwards. Socrates Nelson came about this time and built the first store in Stillwater. His family joined him soon afterward. The first marriage was that of Jesse Taylor and Ab- bie Edwards, J. W. Furber, Esq., officiating justice. The second marriage was that of William Cove to Nancy Edwards in May, 1S45. The first white child born was Willie Taylor, son of Jesse Taylor, in 1845. A daughter, Maud Maria, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carli in Dakotah (Schulenburg's addition to Still water), in 1843. Stillwater derives its name from its appropriate location on the banks of the still waters of Lake St. Croix. A post office was established in 1845, and Elam Greely was appointed post master. The first business partnership was that of the saw mill company, already noted. We give here in full the articles of agreement as the first written and the oldest on record in Wash ington county. This document is important not only as fixing a date for the origin or founding of Stillwater, but as an impor tant event, as it thus early laid the foundation of the future prosperity of the city, and indicated the direction in which its energies should be chiefly turned: [Copy of Agreement] This agreement, made and entered into this twenty-sixth day of October, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and forty-three, by the following named individuals, viz.: John McKusick, Elias McKean, Elam Greely, and Calvin F. Leach, for the purpose of IN THE NORTHWEST. 39 building a saw mill near the head of Lake St. Croix, Wisconsin Territory, and for carrying on the lumbering business in all its various branches. Article first — It is understood by this agreement, that the heretofore named individuals form themselves into a company to continue and exist by the name of the Stillwater Lumber Company. Article second — It is agreed to by the heretofore named in dividuals, that the whole amount of property owned and business done by the aforesaid company shall be included in fifteen shares, and to be divided and owned by each individual of the aforesaid company as follows, viz.: John McKusick. five-fifteenths; Elias McKean, three-fifteenths; Elam Greely, four- fifteenths; and Cal vin F. Leach, three-fifteenths. Article third — It is furthermore understood, that each proprie tor of the aforesaid company shall pay his proportion of all the expenses arising from all the business done or transacted by the aforesaid company, and to continue the same ratio, so long a time as said company shall exist and continue to do business under the present form, and likewise any gain or loss, arising or accruing from any or all of the business done by the aforesaid company, shall be shared or sustained by each proprietor of the aforesaid company, in the same ratio as above named, in propor tion to each above named proprietor's share of stock owned in the aforesaid company. Article fourth — It is furthermore agreed to, that the whole amount of money or property that each or either of the proprie tors of the aforesaid company shall invest, advance, or pay for the benefit or use of the aforesaid company, the same amount shall be credited to the separate credit of the proprietor or either of the proprietors of the aforesaid company making such investments, on the books of accounts kept by the aforesaid com pany. Article fifth — It is furthermore understood, that for the amount of money or property that any one of the proprietors of the afore said company shall invest, advance, or pay for the Tbenefit or use of the aforesaid company, more than his proportional share of the whole amount of money or property invested by the afore said company, the same amount of money, with interest, shall be paid or refunded back to said proprietor by the aforesaid 40 FIFTY YEARS company, out of the first proceeds arising from the business done by the company aforesaid. Article sixth — It is furthermore understood, that in case any one of the aforesaid proprietors should at any time hereafter be disposed to sell, transfer or dispose of his share of stock owned in the aforesaid company, he shall first pay to said company all the liabilities or indebtedness of said share of stock, and then give said company the preference of purchasing and owning said share of stock, at the same rates by which said proprietor may have an opportunity to sell said shares of stock. Article seventh — It is furthermore understood that the proprie tors of the aforesaid company, individually, shall have no right, or power, to sign any obligation or due bill, make any contract, or transact any business of importance in the name of, or bind ing on, the aforesaid company, except some one proprietor of the aforesaid company should hereafter be fully authorized by the aforesaid company to act and transact business as agent for the aforesaid company. In testimony whereof, we hereunto set our hands and seals this twenty-sixth day of October, Anno Domini eighteen hun dred and forty-three. John McKusick, Elam Greely, Elias McKean, C. F. Leach. Attest: C. Simonds. This agreement and dates are taken from the original book of records in the possession of John McKusick. After this agreement was signed, until Mr. McKusick became the sole owner, the business was conducted by mutual agreement, there being no constituted agent, except in case of an emer gency. The mill boarding house, a two story building, erected in 1845, was burned in 1846, and immediately rebuilt. In 1846 J. H. Brewster built a small store. McKusick' s store was built the same year, on the southwest corner of Main and Myrtle streets. Some smaller buildings were erected this year. In 1845 a verbal agreement was made with regard to land claims, by which Brown's claim was recognized as extending along the lake shore north of Battle Hollow, where the Min- IN THE NORTHWEST. 41 nesota state prison now stands. South of Battle Hollow, along the lake shore to Nelson, extending three-fourths of a mile west, was the claim of the mill company, originally held by Fisher. South of Nelson's alley, one-half mile down the lake, three-fourths of a mile west, was S. Nelson's claim. When the government survey was made these claims and lines were amicably adjusted and confirmed. A congressional law was in existence making pro - visions for villages and cities built on unsurveyed lands, that such lands should be equitably divided and surveyed into lots, and the actual settler or occupant should be protected in his rights. In May, 1846, a desire was expressed by citizens of St. Paul and Stillwater for the opening of new roads between these cities. The traveled road up to that time was by Haskell's and Bis- sell's Mounds, Louis Roberts and the writer examined a route by White Bear lake. A road was established south of this route in June. In July I started up the St. Croix river with Joseph Brewster, in a batteau, to put up hay for Elam Greely on Kanabec river. We poled our batteau with outfit and camped where now stands the village of Franconia. The next morning early we entered the picturesque Dalles of the St. Croix, then cordelled our boat over Baker's falls, and landed at the village of St. Croix Falls. This village, the first American settlement on the St. Croix, had one large mill with six saws. The water power was utilized by means of a permanent dam with massive piers. A warehouse was perched in a romantic situation amidst the cliffs of the Dalles and furnished with a tramway or wooden railway extending to the summit of the cliffs, for the transportation of goods. A board ing house dubbed the "Barlow House," another the "Soap Grease Exchange," and a few small tenement houses, constituted the village. The leading business men were James Purinton, Wm. Holcombe, Joseph Bowron and Lewis Barlow. We spent half a day in making a portage around the St. Croix falls. The wind being fair, on the third day we sailed as far as Sunrise island. At Wolf creek we passed an Indian trading post. In front of Sunrise island and on the west side of the St. Croix river, a lit tle below the mouth of Sunrise river, stood the trading post of Maurice M. Samuels, long*known as one of the most remarkable and notorious men on the frontier. He was a Jew, but had 42 FIFTY YEARS marri ried a Chippewa woman, claiming that he had married one ofhis own people, the Indians being, according to his theory, de scendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel. On the sixth day we came to the farm of Jeremiah Russell, on Pokegama lake. We found him a pleasant gentleman, en gaged as an Indian farmer. We paddled across the lake to the Presbyterian mission. Mr. Boutwell, the superintendent, was absent. The mission was pleasantly located, the management was excellent, the crops were in fair condition, and well culti vated. Everything about the mission betokened good manage ment. Next day we went to a hay meadow opposite the mouth ¦of Ground House creek, where we put up on this and adjacent meadows sixty tons of hay. We left on the twenty-fourth, camp ing the first night at Chengwatana. On the morning of the twenty-fifth, while passing down Kanabec river, our ears were greeted with some most horrible and unearthly noises. On turn ing a bend in the river we saw a large body of Indians cutting indescribable antics, in the river and on the shore, chasing each other, reeling and staggering to and fro, yelling and firing guns. They seemed a lot of Bedlamites turned out as if to dispute our passage down the river. Pass them now we must. It was too late to retreat. Our batteau was light. I was in the bow, Brews ter was in the stern. The yelling and uproar grew each moment more horrible. Brewster said : ' ' Keep the bow in the best water and pass them in a hurry." He was of great strength; every set of his pole would almost lift the boat from the water. While we were passing several guns were leveled at us, but such was the noise that if any were fired we did not hear them. We were glad when we passed out of range and hearing. While passing we caught a glimpse of the cause of the unusual dis turbance, some whisky barrels, and drunken savages around them, staggering, fighting or lying on the ground in drunken stupor. Landing at Samuels' camp, we learned of him that one Myers had hidden a couple of barrels of whisky on Kanabec river, that the Indians had found them, and the jollification we had witnessed would last till the whisky was all gone. We arrived at Stillwater without further adventure. In July I made another visit to Brairie du Chien. The mail packet for Fort Snelling, on which I expected to return, broke her shaft and returned to St. Louis for repairs. The postmaster IN THE NORTHWEST. 43 at Prairie du Chien offered me seventy dollars to carry the mail to the Fort, which offer I accepted. I bought a skiff, blankets and provisions, hired one man and started. We poled, paddled and rowed against a strong current, the low water compelling us to keep near the centre of the river. We arrived at Bully Wells' on Lake Pepin on the fifth evening and politely asked the privi lege of stopping with him and were promptly refused. It was raining very hard at the time. We drew our skiff up on the' shore, turned it over for a shelter, and crawled beneath it with the mail. As it was a cold, wet night, we suffered severely. As we were passing an island above Red Wing, the day following, we saw some Sioux Indian wigwams, and, as we had no fire water and no food to spare we kept close to the opposite shore. We were, however, observed. An Indian appeared on the shore near the wigwams and beckoned to us to cross over. We made no reply but kept steadily on our course, observing, meanwhile, that the Indian, with his gun, was skulking along through the brush, apparently bent on overtaking and waylaying us. We kept a respectful distance, and fortunately were able to increase it, but not till we were beyond rifle shot did we dare to pause for rest. That night we camped without striking a light, and next day arrived at Point Douglas. I went no further. The hardship and exposure of this trip brought on a severe illness. Mr. David Hone, at whose house I remained for two weeks, un der the care of Dr. Carli, of Stillwater, took the mail to Fort Snelling. Soon as able I returned to Stillwater. In May of this year I had made a claim of government un- surveyed land, covering springs sufficient for a water power. While I was sick at Point Douglas, Joseph Brewster, Martin Mower and David B. Loomis formed a company to build a mill and carry on a logging business. They had agreed upon me as a fourth partner and to build on my claim; Mower and Loomis to attend to getting logs, Brewster and Folsom to build the mill. We moved to our claim Oct. 6, 1846, and went to work in earnest. We agreed upon the name of Areola for the new settlement. The mill was not finished until April 3, 1847, at which time Brewster and Folsom sold out their interest and returned to Stillwater. 44 FIFTY YEARS STILLWATER IN 1846. Living in Stillwater, Jan. 1, 1846, were the following married men: Cornelius Lyman, Socrates Nelson, Walter R. Vail, Rob ert Kennedy, Anson Northrup, Albert Harris, John E. Mower, William E. Cove, John Smith, and W. H. C. Folsom. Among the unmarried men were: John McKusick, C. Carli, Jacob Fisher, Elam Greely, Edward Blake, Elias McKean, Calvin F. Leach, Martin Mower, David B. Loomis, Albion Masterman, John Morgan, Phineas Lawrence, Joseph Brewster, John Carl ton, Thomas Ramsdell, William Rutherford, William Willim, Charles Macey, and Lemuel Bolles. Here follows a list of the pioneers of the St. Croix valley, in 1846, not mentioned elsewhere: Nelson Goodenough, who be came a river pilot and settled at Montrose, Iowa; James Patten, Hugh McFadden, Edwin Phillips, a millwright, an ingenious, ec centric man, who left the valley in 1848; Joseph Brewster, who left in 1848, and settled in Earlville, Illinois; Sylvester State- ler, blacksmith, who removed to Crow Wing county, Minnesota, and O. H. Blair, who followed lumbering, a man of talent, but eccentric. He died in 1878. The first school was taught in 1846, by Mrs. Ariel Eldridge, formerly Sarah Louisa Judd. The second school was taught in 1847, by Mrs. Greenleaf; the third in 1848, by Wm. McKusick. A school house was built in 1848. Rev. W. T. Boutwell, a Presbyterian minister, preached occasionally in the reception room of Northrup' s hotel. Rev. Eleazer Green- leaf, an Episcopalian, came the next summer and established regular services. Prior to the organization of Stillwater, Rev. J. Hurlbut, a Methodist minister, had preached in Dakotah, St. Croix Falls and Marine, but organized no societies. The winter of 1845-46 was very open. All teaming business was done on wheels, except for a few days in December, in which there was snow enough for sledding. A new feature in the trade of the. valley this year was the rafting and running of logs to St. Louis. In December, 1845, Dr. Borup. of La Pointe, and others went by ice and overland with teams to Prairie du Chien, I accom panying them. The first day we came to Point Douglas, at the confluence of the St. Croix and the Mississippi. Between Still- IN THE NORTHWEST. 45 water and Point Douglas, on the route we followed, some dis tance west of the lake, we found but one settler, Joseph Haskell. At Point Douglas there were David Hone, a hotel keeper; Hertzell & Burris, merchants, and Wm. B. Dibble, farmer. We reached Red Wing the second day. At this place lived the famous Jack Frazier, a Sioux half-breed and Indian trader, one Presbyterian missionary, Rev. Denton, and a man named Bush. James Wells, more familiarly known as "Bully Wells," lived with an Indian squaw on the west shore of Lake Pepin, where stands the town of Frontenac. On the third day we went as far as Wabasha, on the west side, three miles below Lake Pepin, where we found several French families. We stopped at Cratt's hotel. On the fourth day we reached Holmes' Landing, now Fountain City. There were then but two houses, both un occupied. About noon we passed Wabasha prairie, now the site of Winona. It was then covered with Indian tepees. At Trempealeau, in the evening of the fifth day, we found two French families. On the next day we reached La Crosse and found there two American families. Two days more brought us to Prairie du Chien. On the way we passed a few French fami lies, and these, with those previously named, constituted the en tire white population between Stillwater and Prairie du Chien. We started on our return with four two horse teams. We took the river road, passing over the ice. In our company was one Tibbetts, from Fort Crawford, and Jonathan E. McKusick, emigrating from Maine to St. Croix valley. They were a social, jovial pair. At Capilaux bluff, Dibble's team was ahead, and my team second. At this place all halted to allow the thirsty an opportunity of liquoring up, which was done at the rear team. Dibble, in going back, left his team unfastened, and while he was "smiling" with his jovial companions the team ran away. The horses soon broke loose from the sled. One horse made for the shore, the other plunged into an air hole in the ice. The entire company rushed to the rescue, and with ropes and poles managed, at last, to float the horse upon the ice in an unconscious condition. All the whisky left by the "smil ing" throng was poured down the hdrse' s throat, but in vain. The animal was dead. No other event of interest occurred except some difficulties experienced in the transportation of the first cat ever brought to Stillwater. "Tom" was caged in a narrow 46 FIFTY YEARS box, and the confinement so chafed his proud spirit that he sickened and at one time was reported dead. At the inquest held over his remains by Capt. McKusick, signs of life were dis covered, and by liberal blood-letting the cat was restored to consciousness and lived several years afterward, a terror to the rats in Stillwater. STILLWATER IN 1847. For about a year the writer had been officiating as justice of the peace with but little official business, but now and then a marriage to celebrate. On one occasion I walked to Marine to marry W. C. Penny to Jane McCauslin. The marriage was cele brated at Burkelo's boarding house. The wedding supper con sisted of cold water and cold pork and beans. The following morning I did not wait for breakfast but returned to Stillwater as I had come, on foot. Another day I rode to Bissell's Mounds and united in marriage John Kenny and a mulatto woman. Friend Kennedy threatened to disown me for thus aiding misce genation. "Such things are intolerable," he said, but from aught I have ever known to the contrary the couple were well assorted. TERRITORIAL ELECTION. On the sixth day of April an election was held for the ratifica tion or rejection of the constitution adopted by the late terri torial convention for the anticipated state government; also a resolution relative to negro suffrage, and an election was or dered for sheriff. The vote resulted as follows: For the constitution, 65; against, 61. For equal suffrage to colored persons, 1; against, 126. For sheriff, Walter R. Vail, 58; W. H. C. Folsom, 72. There were five precincts that held elections — Stillwater, St. Paul, Gray Cloud, Marine, and St. Croix Falls. I immediately gave bonds and qualified as sheriff, and the same day took charge of two criminals, Chippewa Indians, who had been committed by me for murder, while acting as justice. I had previously deputized Ham Gates to take care of them. While in Stillwater they were confined in the basement of the post office building. Their names were Nodin and Ne-she-ke- IN THE NORTHWEST. 47 o-ge-ma. The latter was the son-in-law of Nodin. They were very obedient and tractable, and , I treated them kindly, for which Nodin repeatedly told me he would show me a copper mine on Kanabec river. Nodin died not long after his trial, and before he could redeem his promise. The copper mine is yet undiscovered. Fort Snelling was, at that time, the recepta cle for criminals in this region, and to the Fort I carried these prisoners with a team, — Ham Gates being driver,— unshackled, unbound, my only weapon a pistol without a lock. In May I summoned jurors and visited Kanabec river to procure wit nesses in the case against Nodin and Ne-she-ke- o-ge-ma for the murder of Henry Rust. The first night I stopped with B. F. Otis, on the St. Croix, where Taylors Falls is now situated. On the second day I crossed the river and proceeded up the east side to Wolf creek, thence crossing to the west side, up as far as Sunrise river. There was no inhabitant, Samuels having vacated his shanty. I crossed the river with great difficulty. The water was high, the current was strong and swift, and I could not swim. I found a fallen tree, partly under water, cut a pole, waded out as far as I could into the current, and then by the aid of the pole floated down some distance, until by pawing and splashing I was able to reach the other shore. That night I stopped with an old Indian trader, Mr. Connor, who, with his Indian wife, welcomed me to his bark shanty, divided into rooms by handsome mats, and made me quite comfortable. He had plenty of good food, and entertained me besides by a fund of anecdotes, incidents in Indian history, and adventures of traders, trappers and missionaries in the Lake Superior and St. Croix region. He was a very intelligent and genial man. Next day I went to Russell's farm, paddled a canoe to Ground House river, and traveled thence on foot to Ann river, where I found the parties of whom I was in quest, Greely, Colby, Otis and others, a jolly log driving crew, with whom I spent a very pleas ant evening. On the return journey, about two miles above the mouth of Ground House river, I saw the ruins of the trading house in which Henry Rust was killed. Rust, at the time of his murder, was selling whisky for Jack Drake. Rev. W. T. Bout well gives the following account of the murder: "In the winter of 146 and '47 I visited the camps of Kent & True and Greely .& Blake. On one occasion I met Rust, and asked him to come 48 FIFTY YEARS and hear me preach. He did not attend. On this day I preached at three camps. On the following night, at Greely's camp, came a midnight visitor with word that Rust had been shot. Seventy- five men armed themselves with all kinds of weapons, proceeded to the scene of the tragedy, removed the body of Rust and all valuables from the house, knocked out the heads of two whisky barrels and fired the house, the whisky greatly aiding the com bustion. I removed the body to Pokegama and buried it there. Forty men attended the funeral. They held a meeting and resolved to clear the country of whisky. They commenced by destroying two barrels of it for Jar vis. He begged hard for his whisky, saying he was a poor man, and in debt to Frank Steele at Fort Snelling. The response was, 'Out with your whisky,' and it was destroyed before his eyes. The whisky of two other trad ing stations followed. For a brief period there was peace, but the whisky soon put in an appearance again." The first term of district court held in Minnesota, then Wis consin, was convened in Stillwater, the county seat of St. Croix county, June 1st. It was held in the upper story of John Mc Kusick' s store southwest corner of Maine and Myrtle streets, Hon. Charles Dunn presiding. The session lasted one week. The bounds of St. Croix county then included Crawford county, Wisconsin, on the south, Brown county, Wisconsin, and the Lake Superior country on the east, the region as far as the Brit ish possessions on the north, and to the Mississippi river on the west. The jurors were found within a circuit of a hundred miles. The grand jury was composed of the following gentlemen: Jonathan McKusick, J. W. Furber, J. L. Taylor, W. R. Brown, Chas. Cavalier, J. A. Ford, Hazen Mooers, C. Lyman, C. A. Tuttle, Hilton Doe, Elam Greely, Martin Mower, Jr., Edward Blake, W. B. Dibble, Harmon Crandall, Jerry Ross, James Saunders, Joseph Brown, J. R. Irving, J. W. Simpson, John Holton, Pascal Aldrich, and Albert Harris. Joseph R. Brown acted as clerk of court, Jonathan E. McKu sick as foreman of the grand jury, and Morton S. Wilkinson as prosecuting attorney. The attorneys present were: M. S. Wilkinson, of Stillwater; A. Brunson, of Prairie du Chien; Ben C Eastman, of Platte- ville, Crawford and Frank Dunn, of Mineral Point. There were IN THE NORTHWEST. 49 but few civil cases. Nodin and Ne-she-ke-o-ge-ma were indicted for murder, tried and acquitted on the ground that the killing was the result of a drunken brawl. This season, in addition to attending to my duties as sheriff, I went to St. Louis with a raft of logs. The steamer War Eagle, Capt. Smith Harris, towed through the two lakes, St. Croix and Pepin, a fleet containing ten acres of logs. During the winter of 1S47-8, I was engaged in logging. It was difficult to get supplies to the pineries before the swamps were frozen over. This seasou my goods were taken by batteaus from Stillwater to Clam lake. AMUSEMENTS. — SOCIETY BALL IN STILLWATER. A writer in the Stillwater Lumberman, April 23, 1S77, gives a sketchy account of an old time ball, from which we select a few items: Anson Northrup kept what we called a first class hotel. If a man had blankets he could spread them upon the floor and sleep till the bell rang. If he had none he spread himself on the floor and paid for his lodging by tending stove and keeping the dogs from fighting. It was one of the. aristocratic rules of the house that a man who slept in blankets was not to be disturbed by dogs. At one time our popular landlord got up a ball. He sent round a copper colored card, — a half-breed Indian boy, — to tell all the folks to come. Everybody was invited. At the appointed hour they began to assemble. Soon all in town arrived except one Smith. Frequent inquiries were made for Smith, and at last a deputation was sent to inquire the cause of his absence; when it transpired that he had broken his leg. He said he was helping the landlord roll a barrel of whisky from the landing when the barrel slipped, and, rolling back on his leg, broke it. Northrup said that he had bet him one gallon of whisky that he could not lift the barrel to his lips aud drink from the bung. In attempting to do this the barrel had slipped from his grasp with the result before mentioned. The wife regretted the acci dent very much, and. said that if it had not been for that barrel of whisky, or some other whisky, they might have both attended the dance. She could have put out the fire, locked up the house.. 50 FIFTY YEARS tied up the dog and taken her nine days' old baby with her. "There would be younger babies at the dance," slie said. Everything was ready. The ball opened with three "French fours " or two over. They danced a French two, the music con sisting of one old violin with three strings, played by a half- breed from St. Croix Falls. He played but one tune and called it, ''Off she goes to Miramachee." This carried a "French four" well enough, but when we danced a cotillion or hornpipe there was a great deal of rolling around instead of dancing. We often called for a new tune. "Oh, yes, gentlemen, you shall . have him," but when we got him it was the same old "Off she goes." He worked hard to please the company and the sweat rolled down his manly cheeks like the droppings from the eaves of a saw mill; but all this would not do; it _ was the same old "Off she goes." There were twenty-four couples at the ball. The ladies brought with them their babies, fourteen in number, and ranging from six weeks to six months old. The night passed merrily, uproariously, but without tfagic incident. The fiddler became at last so tipsy that he could no longer play "Off she goes to Miramachee," and staggered off to that locality himself. The only thing direful occurred at the breaking up, about five o'clock in the morning. The fourteen babies had been laid to sleep on a bed, but some malevolent genius during the dance mixed them up and changed their wraps, so that the mothers, in the hurry of their departure, gathered and took home with them each one some other mother's darling, and this deponent saith not that the snarl has ever been untangled and the babies re stored to their rightful mothers. With the year 1S4S a new era dawned upon Stillwater and the • valley of the St. Croix. Great changes had taken place in the little town. There were many new citizens, new buildings had been erected and the streets were much improved. Slubs had been placed over the quagmires on Main street. A stage route had been established to St. Paul, on which stages ran regularly. This was the first stage route in Minnesota. The correction lines of the government survey had been run in 1846-7, chiefly in the latter year. Townshi p, range and section lines were run in 1S47, and in the early part of 1848. Prior to this claims had been made and were held subject to the limita tions of the first legal survey. The creation of the new stat*1 of IN THE NORTHWEST. 51 Wisconsin and the prospective organization of Minnesota Ter ritory, the development of the lumbering business and the formal opening of the government lands to entry, gave an im petus to immigration. Stillwater profited largely by this im migration, it being an objective point. Population increased. The village was regularly surveyed and platted in the fall of 1848, Harvey Wilson, surveyor. Stillwater, although it never aspired to be the future capital of the Territory, became a head quarters for political characters and a place for public meetings for the discussions of territorial and other public questions'. It was convenient of access, and contained up to that time a greater population than was to be found in St. Paul, and it seemed likely to become the commercial metropolis of the Territory. 52 FIFTY YEARS CHAPTER III. BIOGRAPHIES. Joseph Renshaw Brown, one of the best known of the pio neers, came to Dakotah, Schulenberg's addition, in 1839. For items in his history I am personally indebted to him. He was born in 1805, and, when old enough, apprenticed to a printer. On account of ill treatment he ran away and enlisted in the United States army at the , age of fourteen years, serving as a drummer boy. He came with the army to the Northwest Terri tory in 1819. After enlistment he made his first home at Gray Cloud on the Mississippi, where he married a half-breed woman. Wisconsin history says she was the daughter of Robert Dickson, Indian trader and friend of the English in 1812. He learned and spoke the Chippewa and Sioux languages fluently. In 1839 he founded the town of Dakotah, at the head of Lake St. Croix, and erected some log buildings. Through his influence, in part,. St. Croix county was organized, and the county seat located in Dakotah. He built here a two story log court house, which, the county failing to pay for, was left upon his hands. He kept a trading station, was clerk of the county court and county commissioner. He filled several offices of trust and was by far the most impor tant and universally serviceable man in the new county of St. Croix. In 1843 he left Dakotah, and returning to Gray Cloud, continued his Indian trade at that point and further west by means of branch houses. He was a member of the territorial Wisconsin legislature two sessions at Madison. He returned to Stillwater in 1848, left again in 1849, and in 1850 removed to St. Paul, where, in 1852, he purchased of Mr. Goodhue the Pio neer, then the leading Democratic paper of the Territory. Mr. ' . ,- IN THE NORTHWEST. 53 Brown was chief clerk in the Minnesota territorial legislature during the sessions of 1849, 1850 and 1851. In 1854 and 1855 he was a member of the territorial council. In 1857 he was a member of the Democratic wing of the constitutional convention. Dur ing his residence in St. Paul he was interested in building up the town of Henderson, to which place he ran a stage line from St. Paul. About this time, also, he busied himself with the in vention of a steam wagon, calculated to traverse the western plains and drag after it trains of cars. Financial and other dif ficulties prevented the completion of his design, which, however, he never entirely abandoned during the remainder of his life. In fact he went East in 1870 expressly to get his invention per- ' fected, but from this journey he never returned. He died some what suddenly in New York in that year. Mr. Brown was a man of iron will and muscular frame. He owed but little to schools, but was a close observer of men and of the times in which he lived. He was a genial companion and true friend,, and a man of honorable principles. His was a rug ged but generous nature. He was public spirited, far seeing and far reaching in his plans. He believed in the great Northwest. He predicted its future greatness as a wheat growing and agri cultural country, and, as far back as 1839, predicted that a great city would rise at the head of Lake St. Croix or at the Falls of St. Anthony. Tet so little schooled was he in the wisdom of the speculator that he sold the property in St. Paul now known as Kittson's addition, and worth several millions of dollars, for one hundred and fifty dollars, and a lot on Third street, now valued at $25,000, for a box of cigars. Paul Carli. — Mr. Carli was of German and Italian descent. He was born in Italy, July 25, 1805. His father was a merchant. He was married in Chicago, in 1834, to a sister of Joseph R. Brown, and moved in 1841 to the outlet of Bolles creek, on the west side of Lake St. Croix, to a place near the site of Afton. In 1846 he was accidentally drowned in the lake, within sight of his dwelling. His children, Joseph R. and Maria, are residents of Stillwater. Christopher Carli, brother of Paul, was born at Frank- fort-on-the-Main, Germany, Dec. 7, 1811. The youth of Chris topher was devoted to study. He was educated at Heidelberg University, and studied medicine. He came to America in 54 FIFTY YEARS February, 1832. The March following he located in Buffalo, where he practiced medicine three years, and returned to Europe where he remained two years. Returning to America, he prac ticed a year in Chicago, a year in New Orleans and another year in Chicago. He came to Dakotah, St. Croix valley, May 24r 1841. March 12, 1847, he was married to the widow of Paul Carli, Joseph R. Brown officiating as magistrate. He was the first practicing physician north of Prairie du Chien. His home was at Dakotah until the organization of Stillwater. He opened his first office on the west side of Lower Main street, block 28. His practice extended, from Lake Pepin to Lake Superior and from Menomonie Mills, Wisconsin, to the Mississippi river. His mode of travel was by birch canoe, on horseback, on skates ' and on foot. He was a member of the first city council in Still water and has been city and county physician. He opened the first bank in Stillwater when fractional currency was in demand. His floating scrip was all redeemed. Two children, Christopher and Socrates N. , are married and residents of Stillwater. Dr. Carli died Nov. 6, 1887. Lydia Ann Carli. — Mrs. Carli has passed through many stirring scenes, and is one of the first female settlers in the St. Croix valley. A fluent and interesting talker, her recitals of early incidents and adventures are heart eulivening. Lydia Ann Brown was born in Lancaster, Penn., March 18, 1818. In 1834 she came with friends to Chicago, where in 1839 she was married to Paul Carli. She came to Dakotah in 1841, and lived there until 1844. The village was surrounded by Indians and there was no white woman nearer than Marine, twelve miles distant. In 1844 the Carlis removed to the mouth of Bolles creek, near Afton, on Lake St. Croix, where they built themselves a two story house commanding a picturesque view of the lake and the adjacent prairies and hills. It was a lone tenement, midway between Prescott and Stillwater. Mrs. Carli having lost her husband as before narrated, in 1847 was married to his brother, Dr. Chris topher Carli. Phineas Lawrence. — But little is known of the early life of Mr. Lawrence. He had been a river pilot. He was the first sheriff elected in the St. Croix valley, or northwest of Prairie du Chien. He was elected and qualified in 1S41. On serving the first and only summons he was ever called upon to serve, he ££^M^> IN THE NORTHWEST. 55 approached the party summoned, holding up to view the docu ments, and- exclaimed: "I, Phineas Lawrence, high sheriff of St. Croix county, in the name of the United States and of the Immaculate God, command you to surrender." He was a robust, fleshy, cheerful man, and felt in all their force the responsibili ties of the position in which he was placed. His name has been given to a creek in Chisago county, where he once logged. He died in Stillwater in 1847. Jacob Fisher. — Jacob Fisher, a millwright, came to St. Croix Falls in 1842, and being a skilled mechanic found employ ment at once on the old mill at the Falls. He made the first land claim and framed the first building in Stillwater. The building framed was the mill of which mention has been made. This establishes his claim to priority as the first white man who made a movement toward the settlement of Stillwater. Others were before him in the settlement of Dakotah or Schulenberg's addition. Mr. Fisher is a plaiu, (rank, outspoken man, who has no trouble in making his hearers understand exactly what he means. He was born in Canada in 1813, and still resides in Stillwater. He has a wife and one son in California. James S. Anderson was born at Marshalltown, West Vir ginia, on the fourth of February, 1826. When he was twelve years old his parents removed with him to Burlington, Iowa, where he lived for eight years. He came to Stillwater in 1846, where he has since resided. In 1852 he was married to Miss Harriet T. McDonald, at St. Louis, by whom he has had four children, three of whom are now living — Robert M. Anderson, prominently known 'in lumber circles, and Misses Sibella'S. and Ella P. Anderson. Upon Mr. Anderson's arrival at Stillwater, he engaged in the employ of Elias McKean, then a prominent lumberman, now a resident of Washington county. In 1S69 Mr. Anderson formed a partnership with William McKusick, John A. Nelson and Alexander Johnson, under the firm name of McKusick, Anderson & Co., which firm built and operated the large saw mill opposite Stillwater. Four years ago Mr. McKusick retired from the firm, since which time the firm has been J. S. Anderson & Co. In 1874 Mr. Anderson became the senior mem ber of a heavy logging firm known as Anderson & O'Brien, of which the other members were the well known lumbermen J. S. and John O'Brien. In connection with his other business inter- 56 fifty years ests Mr. Anderson was a heavy owner of pine lands, and a stock holder and director in the Lumberman's National Bank. There were two other well known lumber firms of ancient date with which he was connected, and these were McComb, Simpson & Co., organized in 1S50, and also Delano, McKusick & Co., organ ized in 1857. Prom 1857 to 1869 he was also a heavy logger alone. Mr. Anderson died May 8, 1885. His death resulted from a mill accident, his rubber coat having caught in the belt ing of a shaft revolving at a rapid rate. His body was fright fully mangled, but he survived two days, exhibiting, under the circumstances, the most remarkable composure, dictating his will and arranging his business matters as calmly as he might have done on an ordinary occasion. Emanuel Dixon Farmer was born in Tennessee in 1828, and came to Stillwater in 1845, where he has resided ever since, engaged in the lumbering and saloon business. He was married to Parmelia A. Collier, in Stillwater, 1848. Col. John Greely. — Col. Greely was sixty years of age when he came to the West, and although a strong, active and enterprising man in the earlier part of his life, owing to advanc ing years and ill health was rather a spectator than an active participant in the stirring scenes of his new home. He was born at Southampton, Massachusetts, April, 1777. He was married to Hannah Greely, a second cousin, at Hopkinton, New Hampshire, Oct. 5, 1801. He followed the lumbering business on the Merrimac river in early life. He furnished the timber used in erecting the first factory in Lowell, Massachusetts, «cut on the mountains of North New Hampshire. In after life he moved to the west end of Sebec lake, Maine, where he founded the town at first named Greely, but afterward Willimantic, now the site of extensive manufactories where the famous Willimantic thread is made. Col. Greely came to Stillwater in 1847. Born during the Revolutionary struggle, he lived to witness the marvelous growth and prosperity of his country and died during the first year of the war of the Rebellion. Aged as he was, having entered upon his eighty-fifth year, he was intensely interested in the issue of that struggle, and ardently desired to live long enough to witness the triumph of his country's cause. It was not to be. He sank peacefully to rest, Oct. 30, 1861, dying as he had lived, an honest man, his memory revered by in the northwest. 57 all who knew him, and cherished by three generations of de scendants. His children were three sons and five daughters — •Sarah, Mrs. Blake, Mrs Greenleaf, and Phebe and Servia, wives of John McKusick. Miss Sarah alone survives. Mrs. Hannah Greely. — Mrs Greely, the wife of Col. John Greely, was born in Hopkintou, New Hampshire, October, 1787, came to Stillwater in 1847 and died May, 1878, at the advanced age of ninety years. For sixty years she and her husband walked side by side. She survived him seventeen years, and, after a life well spent, resignedly folded her hands and sank to her last repose. Elam Greely'. — Elam, sou of Col. John Greely, was born in Salisbury, New Hampshire, Aug. 13, 1818, and, with his parents, moved to Maine, where they made their home on Sebec lake. In 1840 Mr. Greely came to St. Croix Falls, where he was em ployed by the St. Croix Falls Company the greater part of the time until 1843, when he became a settler at the head of Lake St. Croix. He was one of the original owners of the first mill at Stillwater. In 1844 he sold his interest to John McKusick. The same year he was appointed postmaster at Stillwater. The office was located at the southwest corner cf Main and Chestnut streets. Mr. Greely filled many offices of honor and trust meritoriously. He was a member of the third arid 1 ourth Minnesota territorial councils. ' In 1845, in company with Edward Blake, he did an extensive pine log business, running the logs to St. Louis, in which business he continued until the death of Mr. Blake in 1848. Mr. Greely early identified himself with the interests of Still water, of which he was one of the founders, and which owes much of its prosperity to his efforts. He was married in Ke nosha, Wisconsin, in 1850, to Hannah P. Hinman, who, with three children, a son and two daughters, survives him. His old est son died Oct. 21, 1876. Mr. Greely had many severe re verses in business, but by indomitable energy recovered from them, and was able not only to care for his aged parents, to bring them from Maine and keep them with him until separated by death, but to leave his family well provided for. He died sud denly away from home, Sept. 14, 1883. His body was brought to Stillwater for burial. Hhian Greely.— Himan, son of Col. John Greely, was born 58 fifty years in Franklin, New Hampshire, October, 1828. He came to Still water in 1846, where he followed the business of lumbering. In 1850 he was married to Lucia Darling. After a brief resilience in Stillwater, he removed to Beauford, Blue Earth county, where he remained until his death in 1882. His wife survived him but a few months. The bodies of both were removed aud buried in Fairview cemetery, Stillwater. Mr. Greely applied himself closely to business, and was an honest, upright and intelligent man. His education was derived chiefly from reading and ob servation. He left two sons. Aquilla Greely. — Aquilla, the youngest son of Col. Greely, was born in Greely, Maine, June, 1831. During his youth he- spent several years with friends in Canada, where he learned the art of surveying. He came to Minnesota in 1849, aud followed surveying and lumbering. He died in Stillwater, April 25, 1857. Elias McKean. — A thorough business man, an eccentric man, notably so, an apt man, ready in reply, somewhat harsh, if irritated, but kind in heart and forgiving in spirit, is Elias Mc Kean. He was born in Bradford county, Pennsylvania, June 30, 1817, and received a practical education. His father was a man of some note, and for twenty eight years a circuit judge in Penn sylvania. Elias McKean came to St. Croix Falls in 1841, and for a year was in the employ of the Falls Company, but after ward engaged successfully in business for himself. He was one of the original proprietors of the Stillwater mill, and one of the founders of Stillwater, In 1850 he settled on a farm on the west side of Lake St. Croix. In 1855 he was married to the widow of Calvin F. Leach, and a family of six sons has grown up around them. Calvin F. Leach.— We are not able to give date or place of birth. Mr. Leach came to St. Croix Falls in 1842 and soon after came to the head of Lake St. Croix, and became one of the or iginal owners of the mill, and a founder of the city of Stillwater. In 1850 he was married to Miss — Smith, of St. Anthony. He died in St. Louis in 1853. He was modest aud retiring in his demeanor, correct in his deportment and respected by all his ac quaintances. Socrates Nelson. — Mr. Nelson was born in Conway, Massa chusetts, Jan. 11, 1814, received an academic education, was mar- in the northwest. 59 ried to Mrs.' Bertha D. Bartlett in 1844, at Hennepin, 111., and the same year came to Stillwater, and engaged in selling goods. Previous to his removal to Stillwater he engaged in merchandis ing in Illinois, in 1839, and in St. Louis from 1840 to 1844, where he established a trading post on the Mississippi nearly opposite Reed'^ Lauding, at a place since known as Nelson's Landing. Mr. Nelson was the first merchant in Stillwater. His store stood on Main street. He built a substantial dwelling and lived in it until his death, May 6, 1867. He filled many public posi tions, was territorial auditor from 1853 to 1857, and was a senator in the second state legislature. As a merchant he was very suc cessful, being fitted by nature for commercial pursuits. In 1853, he, with others, built a saw mill in South Stillwater and engaged in lumbering. He was of a free and generous disposition in all his relations of life. He conveyed, as a donation to Washington county, a half interest in the block of land on which the court house stands. His liberality and public spirit did much for the prosperity of Stillwater. His wife and one daughter, Mrs, Fa yette Marsh, survived him, but Mrs. Marsh died in 1880. She was a woman of great sweetness of disposition, and beloved by all who knew her. His widow died in 1885. Mrs. Socrates Nelson. — Bertha D. was born at Conway, Franklin county, Massachusetts, Sept. 6, 1813. She was married to Geo. A. Bartlett, of Conway, in 183S, and removed with him to Knoxville, Illinois, where he died. She returned to her parents in Massachusetts, and removed with them to Hennepin, Illinois. In the fall of 1844 she was married to Socrates Nelson, and came with him to Stillwater. She died Oct. 8, 1885. She was the last of her family, husband and daughter having preceded her to the world of spirits. The large attendance of old settlers from Washington county and elsewhere at her funeral, and the beautiful floral tributes contributed by her friends, attested but partially the respect a'nd veneration in which she was held. Edward Blake.— Of Mr. Blake's early history we have no data. He came to the St. Croix valley in company with Elam Greely in 1840, engaged in lumbering, and died in 1849. Walter R. Vail. — Mr. Vail, the second merchant in Still- 60 FIFTY YEARS water, came West in 1844. He built a store, with dwelling at tached, just south of Socrates Nelson's store, which buildings are still standing and occupied (1886). Mr. Vail was not suc cessful in business and moved away in 1848. John E. Mower.— Mr. Mower was born in Bangor, Maine, Sept. 15, 1815. He was married to Gratia Remick, in Keokuk, Iowa, in 1842, and removed to St. Croix Falls, where he entered the em ploy of the Falls Lumbering Company. Two years later he re- MARTIN MOWER. A PRACTICAL AND SUCCESSFUL LUMBERMAN OF STILLWATER. moved to Stillwater, where he built the second frame dwelling, still standing. Mr. Mower was a millwright and carpenter, but was engaged in lumbering most of his time. He purchased an interest in the mill property at Areola, in 1847, which place he made his home until his death, which occurred June 11, 1879. He left a widow and three daughters, Helen, wife of the late Louis Torinus; Emily, wife of Henry Van Voorhees; and Mary, IN THE NORTHWEST. 61 wife of — Richardson. One son died after arriving at manhood. Mr. Mower was a pleasant, reliable man, a kind husband and loving father. He was honored by his fellow citizens with an election to the.flfth and sixth territorial councils, and to the seventeenth state legislature (house). The territorial legisla ture affixed his name to a county. Martin Mower. — Martin, brother of John E., Mower, came to St. Croix Falls in 1842, and worked in the employ of the Falls Company. Afterward he engaged in lumbering and be came one of the original proprietors of the Areola mill. He was also engaged in manufacturing and merchandising in Stillwater. He built a fine block of buildings on Chestnut street, recently burned down and rebuilt on a larger scale. He has been one of the managing owners of the St. Croix Boom Company from its origin. His business interests have been divided be tween Stillwater and Areola, but he has made the latter place his home since 1846. As a business man he is capable arid shrewd, giving close attention to his business; in his manner somewhat eccentric. He has done much to improve the farming and other interests of the country. William Willim. — A firm, consistent, worthy citizen and true friend of his adopted country is William Willim. He'was born in the parish of Woolhope, Herefordshire, England, June 26, 1821; came to America in 1S38, and to Stillwater in 1844. He was married in 1847 to Clara G. Haskell, and, after her death in 1850, to Joanna W. Hinman. Mr. Willim is a stonemason, plasterer and contractor. He was a member of the sixth Minne sota territorial legislature, and has filled many responsible po sitions in Stillwater. Mr. Willim's was the first naturalization that occurred in the limits of Minnesota. The oath of allegiance, a somewhat unique and original document of its kind, bears date of June 18, 1847, Stillwater, St. Croix county, Wisconsin Territory, and is signed by Joseph R. Brown. Albert Harris. — Mr. Harris was a native of Maine. He was born in 1815 and married to Miss Greenleaf in 1841, who died in 1853. He came to Stillwater in 1S45, where he died in 1856, leaving one daughter, wife of the late Levi Thompson, attorney at law in Stillwater, and one son in California. Mr. Harris was a house carpenter and much respected by his neigh bors. <32 FIFTY YEARS Cornelius Lyman.— Mr. Lyman is of the seventh generation of the Lyman family that came over from England in 1631. He was born in Brookfield, Vermont, Aug. 11, 1792. He was mar ried in Brookfield to Betsey Cushman and came to Illinois at an early date, whence he removed to Marine Mills, in 1842, where he kept a boarding house until 1844, when he removed to Still water, where he kept a boaiding house until 1848. He then re moved to his farm three miles above Stillwater, where, by in dustry and economy, aided by his faithful wife, he was able to build a comfortable home, in which they continued to live until at a good old age they were removed by death, which claimed them in the same year, the husband dying January, 1864, and the wife in April. They were members of the Presbyterian church from early life, and respected as citizens, honored as Christians. Mrs. Lyman was one of the excellent of the earth. Mr. Lyman had an inexhaustible fund of humor, aud was rather fond of practical joking. Many of his jokes were of the rarest description. They left two sons, Cornelius Storrs and David Pride. David B. Loomis. — Few men have been more active in busi ness ,and public life than David B. Loomis. He was born in Wilmington, Connecticut, April 17, 1817. In 1S30 he came with his parents to Alton, Illinois, where, at the age of fifteen, he en gaged as clerk in a store' and served in that capacity five years. Mr. Loomis was in the building in Alton in which Lovejoy was shot and killed for. the expression of sentiments which the nation has since been compelled to adopt. In 1S43 he came to the St: Croix valley and engaged in lumbering. In 1846 he was one of the four original owners of the Areola mill, but iu 1849 sold his in terest to Mr. Mower, and for four succeeding years was in charge of the St. Croix boom. Iu 1847 he was surveyor general of logs and lumber. In 1851 he was a member of the Minnesota terri torial council, and was re-elected in 1S53, serving in all four years, during one of which he was president of the council. In 1853 he was one of a company that built a mill in South Still water. He sold out in 1859. Iu 1861 he entered the army as lieutenant, Company F, Second Minnesota Volunteers, and was promoted to a captaincy. He served three and a half years. Stillwater has been his home since the war. In 1873 he repre sented Washington county in the legislature. IN THE NORTHWEST. 03 William E. Cove. — The year of Mr. Cove's birth is not known. He came to Stillwater in 1844. His marriage to Nancy Edwards, elsewhere noted, was the second marriage in the vil lage. He was by trade a house carpenter. He removed to Minne apolis in 1864. John Smith. — Of the eight first families, that of John Smith was one. Of this particular "John Smith" little is known, ex cept that he was sober and industrious, and, in 1848, moved to parts unknown. John Morgan. — We have no account of the early days of Mr. Morgan, except that he was a native of Pennsylvania. He was living iu Stillwater iu 1845, in the employ of Churchill & Nelson. In 1848 he was elected sheriff of St. Croix county, Wis consin. In the same year he was married to Hannah Harnish. He settled on a farm and kept a "half way house" on the road from Stillwater to St. Paul, when the pioneer stages of Wil- loughby & Power were placed on this route. In 1848 he ob tained a charter from the Wisconsin legislature for a ferry across Lake St. Croix at Stillwater. This ferry changed ownership re peatedly and was discontinued when the bridge was built. Anson Northrup. — This gentleman, whose name was borne by the first steamboat ever launched on the Red River of the North, and who brought the first drove of cattle through from - Illinois to St. Croix Falls, deserves a conspicuous place in the annals of the Northwest. He was born in Conewango, Catarau- gus county, New York, Jan. 4, 1817. His education was limited, but he was a man of more than ordinary native ability and energy. He lived in Ohio some years, and came West in 1838. In 1839 he drove the first herd of cattle through a wilderness country from the Wisconsin river to the St. Croix. In 1841 he removed his family from Ohio to St. Croix Falls. He came by way of St. Louis, from that point embarking on the steamer Indian Queen for the Falls. The steamer was three weeks .making the trip. Above Prairie du Chien crew and passengers were obliged to cut wood to run \ the boat. Mr. Northrup had married Betsey Edwards, daughter of widow Edwards, one •of the pioneers of Stillwater. Charles H., their eldest son, was the first white child born at St. Croix Falls. In the spring of 1844 he moved to Stillwater, where he built and kept the first hotel in that place. From 1847 to 1848 he was part owner of the 64 FIFTY YEARS Osceola saw mill along with Mahony and Kent. In 1849 he re moved to St. Paul, and built the American Hotel on Third street, east from Seven Corners. In 1851 he removed to St. Anthony Falls and built there the J3t. Charles Hotel. In 1853 he removed to Minneapolis, and built the Bushnell House, the first brick building in the city. Subsequently he became a resident at Long Prairie, Swan River and Duluth. Although Mr. Northrup' s genius tended chiefly in the direction of hotel building, his abilites in other directions were beyond question. With equal facility he turned his hand to lumbering, steamboat ing and statesmanship. His great steamboat enterprise was the attempted transfer of the steamer North Star by water from the Mississippi to the Red River of the North. The boat was one hundred feet long by twenty wide, and of light draught. Start ing from St. Cloud in the spring of 1S59 he performed the wonderful feat of ascending the Mississipx^i as far as Pokegama Falls, hoping to ascend further, and during a high stage of water to float the boat over the height of land into some of the tributaries of the Red river. The water was not sufficiently high. The winter following he took the boat to pieces, and removed it by land to Red river, opposite the mouth of the Cheyenne, where it was reconstructed and launched, taken to Port Garry and afterward sold to Mr. Burbank. This boat, its irtme beiug changed to Anson Northrup, was the first steam boat on the waters of Red river. Mr. Northrup's political career commenced and closed with the first Minnesota legislature, 1857-58, he rt-preseuting the counties of Morrison, Crow Wing and Mille Lacs in the senate. During the Rebellion he served as wagon master. He lived iu Texas three years, returned to St. Paul, where he lived in 1S74- 75-76, and now lives in Bismarck, Dakota. Robert Kennedy.— Mr. Kennedy, in 1839, located at Holmes' Landing, now Fountain City, on the banks of the Mississippi, above Winona. In 1S44 he removed to Dakotah, where he kept a hotel in the old tamarack court house, built by Joseph R. Brown. In 1840 he kept a hotel in the Northrup House, Still water; in 1S4S he kept the American Hotel, Shakopee. Subse quently he returned to St. Paul aud kept a boarding house, and for three years the hotel known as "Moffett's Castle." After ward he kept the Snelling House, and last the Bernard House in the northwest. 65 From 1853 to 1856 he was collector of customs for the port of St. Paul, and during that time the fees amounted to the enormous sum of forty six dollars and forty -two cents. Mr. Kennedy spent about thirty years as a landlord, in which capacity he was very popular. Harvey Wilson.— Mr. Wilson was born in Corinth, Saratoga eou-jty, New York, December, 1815. He resided in his native county twenty-five years, then removed to St. Louis, where, for three years, he engaged in surveying. He came to St. Croix Falls in 1843 and to Stillwater in 1847. He acted as J. R. Brown's deputy clerk of court, June term, 1847. He was appointed clerk of the first Minnesota territorial term of court, Aug. 13, 1849, ini which office he continued until his death, Nov. 3, 1876. Mr. Wilson was married in 1851 to widow Mary Stanchfield. Andrew Jackson Short. — Mr. Short was born in St. Clair county, Illinois, in 1818. He came thence to the St. Croix valley and located at Marine in 1843, and commenced running rafts ' with W. B. Dibble. In 1857 and 1858 he gathered logs as 'agent in Lake St. Croix, rafted and run them below, but lost heavily and was in fact financially wrecked. He afterward en gaged in the logging and hardware business in Stillwater. In 1868 he built the famous Dudley mills at Point Douglas, at a cost of $35,000. Mr. Short made Stillwater his home until 1862, when he removed to Hastings. Much credit is due him for what he has accomplished. When he came to the St. Croix valley he could neither read nor write, but by energy, industry and native force of character, notwithstanding a few reverses, he has done far more than many other men in his position could have done. As a man he is genial and social. James D. McComb. — Mr. McComb was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, Feb: 13, 1827, came to Stillwater June 10, 1846, and engaged in mercantile business with John H. Brewster three years, when he entered the firm of Anderson, McComb & Co., Robert Simpson being the third member. They did an ex tensive business for years. They built the large stone store on the corner of Main and Myrtle streets. Mr. McComb in 1860 became clerk in the surveyor general's office, which positibn he held ten years. He was surveyor general of logs and lumber four years, his accurate knowledge of the various marks used admirably fitting him for the position. He served as deputy sheriff in 1846. under 66 fifty years James Fisher, of Prairie du Chien, and in 1S47 under W. H. C. Folsom, of Stillwater. Mr. McComb has passed all the degrees in Odd Fellowship. He was married to Eliza T. McKusick in Stillwater, March 4, 1851. Mrs. McComb died in Stillwater Sept. 17, 1885. William Rutherford. — Mr. Rutherford was born in 1823, in Stanton county, New York, and came to Stillwater in 1844. He married Christina J. Holcombe, at Jackson, Mississippi, in 1849. In 1848 he removed to his farm near Stillwater, where he has since lived. He has been quite successful as a farmer. Mr. Rutherford died March 15, 1888. His name will be remembered with honor. Albion Masterman. — Mr. Masterman has also prospered as a farmer. He was born in Franklin county, Maine, in 1823; received a common school education; was married to Eliza Mid- dleton in 1848; came to Stillwater in 1844, and in 1850 removed thence to his farm, where he died, Aug. 8, 1886. Mr. Master- man's life has been an industrious and exemplary one. Joseph N. Masterman. — Mr. Masterman came to Stillwater, September, 1848. He engaged in lumbering aud scaling continu ously. He was born in Franklin county, Maine, in 1814, and spent his youth at home, but his education was somewhat lim ited. At the age of sixteen years he moved to Schoodic, lived there fourteen years, when he married Alice M. Prescott, and four years later came to Stillwater. His two sons, Wellington and Joseph P., reside in Stillwater. Wellington is auditor of Washington county. Mahlon Black. — Mr. Black is of Scotch descent. His grand father was a naval officer during the war of the Revolution, and a soldier in the war of 1812. Mahlon Black was born in Hamil ton county, Ohio, Oct. 4, 1S20. He spent his youth on his father's farm, and received a common school and academic edu cation. When seventeen years of age he began the study of medicine in Cincinnati Medical College, but did not complete the course. In 1842 he came to Menomonie Mills, Wisconsin, and engaged in lumbering until 1846. In 1847 he was connected with government surveys, and the same year located in Still water. He was a representative in the first, third, and last ter ritorial legislature, also a member of the extra session in 1857. He was mayor of Stillwater in 1S!J0-6L Iu 1862 he enlisted in IN THE NORTHWEST. 67 a company of sharpshooters, which was assigned to the Army of the Potomac. He was promoted to be captain, and provost mar shal in the second division of the Second Army Corps, and one of Gen. Gibbon's staff officers. He was in fifty-four battles and skirmishes, in some of which over 100,000 men were engaged on each side. He was wounded four times, once severely, by a bayonet thrust received in a charge at the battle of Peters- burgh. He served until the close of the war, and received a special and honorable discharge from his commander, Gen. .Smyth, on the face of which are recorded the names of the bat tles in which he participated. In 1867 he removed from Still water to Minneapolis, where he has held the positions of land ex aminer and auditor of Hennepin county. He has the distinction of being the first Odd Fellow initiated in Minnesota. Sept. 21, 1850, he was married to Jane M. Stough, of Pennsylvania. Morton S. Wilkinson. — The record of Mr. Wilkinson, though brief, is brilliant. He was born in Skaneateles, Onondaga coun ty, New York, June 22, 1819; received an academic education in his native town; read law; was admitted to the bar at Syra cuse, New York, in 1842; commenced practice in Eaton Rapids, Michigan, and in 1847 came to Stillwater. Mr. Wilkinson was the first practicing lawyer northwest of Prairie du Chien, was the prosecuting attorney at Judge Dunn's court in Stillwater, June, 1847, and was a member from Washington county of the first territorial legislature in 1849. He removed to St. Paul in 1850, to Mankato in 1857, and in 1859 was elected United States sena tor. In 1860 he was one of the commissioners to compile the state statutes. In 1868 he was elected representative to Congress and at the close of the term was re-elected. From 1874 to 1877, inclusive, he served as state senator from Blue Earth county. Mr. Wilkinson is an eloquent and forcible speaker, and a man of unusual ability, a sound and logical reasoner, and withal fluent. He has been twice married. His first wife was a daughter of Rev. Lemuel Nobles, of Michigan. Mrs. Wilkinson died in Michi gan. He married a second wife before coming West. They reside in Wells, Minnesota. William Stanchfield. — Mr. Stanchfield was a native of Maine, born in the year 1820, was married to Mary Jackins, in Bangor, Maine, in 1840, and came to Stillwater in 1846, where he engaged in keeping a hotel on Main street, which was burned 68 FIFTY YEARS while he was in charge. Mr. Stanchfield died in 1850, leaving a widow who subsequently married Harvey Wilson, and an in fant daughter, who became, years after, the wife of George Davis. Thomas Ramsdell. — Mr. Ramsdell was born at Falmouth, England, Dec. 28, 1820. He married in England and came to this country with his wife in 1843. He settled in Stillwater in 1844, and removed to his farm in 1846, where he has been suc cessful in raising apples and smaller fruits. His wife died in 1851. His second wife was Jane Willey. Mr. Ramsdell has been a quiet, good citizen, reliable and trustworthy. Charles Macy. — An orphan at thirteen years of age, Mr. Macy's early life was full of changes, adventures and vicissitudes. He was born in Canada East in 1821. He lived a somewhat wandering life until 1845, when he came to Fort Snelling, and shortly after to Stillwater, where, in 1846, he made a claim which became his permanent home. He was married in 1854. Jonathan E. McKusick. — There was no more genial, pleas ant, off-hand man than Jonathan E. McKusick. He was the life of public gatherings. His remarks, full of wit and sentiment, would keep his audience in a pleasant frame of mind. At old settlers' meetings his fund of anecdotes, historical incidents and reminiscences were in the highest degree interesting and enter taining. Mr. McKusick was born in Cornish, Maine, in 1812; was married to Minerva King in 1836, and came up the Missis sippi on the ice, in December, 1845, to Stillwater, which he made his home until his death, which occurred Aug. 21, 1876. He took an active interest in the welfare^of the city and held many offices of trust. He served his country during the war of the Rebellion, and in 1863 was appointed quartermaster with the rank of captain, which position he held until mustered out at the close of the war. John McKusick. — Prominent amongst the pioneers of the St. Croix valley, and deserving of special mention for his enter prise and public spirit, is the subject of this sketch. He was born in Cornish, Maine, in 1815; received a common school edu cation; came to Illinois in 1839, and to St. Croix Falls in 1840, where he engaged in the lumbering business, getting logs to the Falls mill, and sawing them. Through industry and economy he saved enough to enable him to become part owner and builder of the first mill in Stillwater. He has held many positions of ^4^^ ^ o/tc^^* £ IN THE NORTHWEST. 69 trust. He served as state senator in 1863-64-65 and 66. He was active in aiding to secure the land grant to build railroads into Stillwater, in the welfare of which city he has ever manifested the deepest interest. He has been one of the largest proprietors, and most liberal in improving^nd adorning the city, has encour aged a sound system of finances, and has steadily opposed the bonding system. Mr. McKusick was married to Phebe Greely in 1847, who soon afterward died. He married his second wife, Servia Greely, in November, 1849. He has three children living, Newton, Chester and Ella. Mrs. McKusick died Feb. 18, 1887. William McKusick, a younger brother of Jonathan E. and John McKusick, came to Stillwater in 1847, and engaged in lum bering. He was a member of the fifth territorial house, and a senator in the second, sixteenth and seventeenth state legislatures. In 1870, with the firm of McKusick, Anderson & Co., he built the large saw mill at Houlton, opposite Stillwater. In 1882 he made his home upon a farm at Big Stone Lake. Noah McKusick, another brother, came to Stillwater in 1847, followed lumbering some years, removed to Oregon, and died there in 1886. Royal McKusick came to the valley in 1848, and died a few years later, leaving a large and respectable family. Ivory E. McKusick. — Ivory E., brother of John and J. E. McKusick, was, born in Maine, July 2, 1827. In 1847 he came to Stillwater, with which city he has since been permanently identified. He spent two years working in the old mill, the first built at Stillwater, and then engaged in lumbering until 1859. In 1862 he was appointed prison guard, and served two years. In 1864 he was in the service of the government, and helped build Fort Wadsworth, Dakota. He served as surveyor general several years, and later has engaged in the forwarding and com mission business. He was married to Sophia A. Jewell, Feb. •9, 1854. He is a man of probity and merit. Charles E. Leonard. — The subject of this sketch was born Feb. 25, 1810, at Worthington, Massachusetts. His father died when he was four years old. In his early life he experienced some vicissitudes. He tried farming and hotel keeping, but owing to poor health was obliged to give up these employments. He started West in 1846, remained awhile in Hancock county, Illinois, and in 1847 came to Stillwater, where he engaged in 70 FIFTY YEARS mercantile pursuits. He removed to St. Anthony in 1850, to St. Paul in 1855, to Point Douglas in 1866, to Sioux City in 1880, and to Princeton, Mille Lacs county, in 1881. Mr. Leonard has held several official positions. In 1852 he was appointed ter ritorial treasurer, and in 1857, serwng four years; was a member of the Democratic wing of the constitutional convention. He did some military service during the Indian outbreak in 1862. He was married to Catherine Yendes, of Rodman, New York January, 1835. Daniel McLean. — Mr. McLean was born in the north of Ireland in 1800 and came to America in his youth with his brothers. He lived successively in Philadelphia, Indianapolis and St. Louis, whence he embarked for St. Croix Falls in 1839, in the employ of the Falls Manufacturing Company. He came to Stillwater in 1848. Through industry and economy he accu mulated a handsome fortune, which, at his death, he left to his heirs in Stillwater. He was an upright christian man. He died in Stillwater in 1873. Robert Simpson. — Mr. Simpson was born in Sussex, England, in 1815. He married Mary Ann Shelley in 1840 and came the same year to the United States. After spending two years in New York and other places, he came to St. Croix Falls in 1842, where he followed lumbering until 1850, when he came to Still water. He belonged to the firm of Simpson, Anderson & Mc Comb, lumbering and merchandising, and engaged in other branches of business. He was a member from Stillwater of the first state legislature. He is a quiet, unobtrusive gentleman, greatly esteemed by those who know him. Mrs. Simpson and an only child died in Stillwater in 1856. William H. Hooper. — This gentleman attained considerable notoriety in later life as an influential Mormon and a delegate to Congress from Utah from 1859 to 1868. He was a man of un questioned ability and an eloquent speaker. His plea for "re ligious liberty," made against the Cullom bill, is said to have been one of the most eloquent speeches ever delivered in Con gress. Mr. Hooper was born in Warwick Manor, Maryland, Dec. 25, 1813. In 1835 he moved to Galena and engaged in mercantile business. In the panic of 1838 Mr. Hooper and his partner failed to the amount of $200,000, but, after years of struggling, the debt was entirely paid. In 1843 Mr. Hooper' engaged in IN THE NORTHWEST. 71 steamboating as clerk on the steamer Otter, on the Upper Missis sippi and its tributaries, and was well known at Stillwater. His boat in 1843 landed the mill irons for McKusick & Co.'s mill. In 1844 he built the steamer Lynx and several other boats, the last being known as the Alex. Hamilton, of which he was part owner. This was burned at St. Louis in 1849, which left him again penniless. In 1850 he emigrated to Salt Lake and there in his business enterprises greatly prospered. Although he es poused Mormonism and became one of its leaders, he was opposed to polygamy. He died in Salt Lake City. James H. Spencer. — James H. Spencer came to Stillwater in 1845, a boy of sixteen. His educational privileges had been limited, but he was ambitious and studious, and by his own unaided exertions acquired a practical business education. He followed lumbering and exploring, and was employed as state timber agent for fifteen years. He was born in Boone county, Missouri, in 1829, and was married to Rose M. Winters, in Still water, in 1869. John T. Blackburn.— The brothers Blackburn were born in Cincinnati, Ohio, John, the elder, in 1823. He came to Stillwa ter in 1844, and has since been actively engaged in lumbering. His home has been at Stillwater, Marine, Taylor's Falls, and Shell Lake, where he now resides. Joseph T. Blackburn. — Joseph, the younger brother, was born in 1834, and in 1847 came to Stillwater. He has followed lumbering and Indian trading. He has made his home at Still water, at Taylor's Falls, and, since 1860, on Totogatic river, in Douglas county, Wisconsin, ten miles from Gordqn. Mr. Black burn enjoys wilderness life, is eccentrie in manner, and attends strictly to his own business. Horace K. McKinstry.— We have no data of Mr. McKins- try's early life. He came to Stillwater in 1846. His family con sisted of his wife, three daughters, and son, John, who after ward married the eldest daughter of Anson Northrup. Mr. McKinstry was a justice of the peace in 1847 and 1848, and was engaged in mercantile business the two succeeding years. He removed to Maiden Rock, Wisconsin, a year or two after and died there March 12, 1884. Seth M. Sawyer.— Mr. Sawyer was born in Skowhegan, Maine, in 1822. He came to Stillwater in 1846, followed lum- 72 fifty years bering, and afterward engaged in building a saw mill in the firm name of Sawyer & Heaton.'- In 1850 he was married to Eliza McKinstry. Mr. Sawyer left Minnesota in 1866 for an extended sojourn in the Southern States, and engaged in business there, but nothing is known positively of his present whereabouts. Henry Sawyer. — Henry, the younger brother of Seth, came from Skowhegan to Stillwater in 1849, and engaged in mercan tile pursuits for two years in partnership with Horace McKinstry. In 1856 he built the first stone block in Stillwater, on lot 2, block 27. In 1857 he built thejBawyer House, a four story hotel. Mr. Sawyer married Lucy Noyes. He died iu Stillwater, Dec. 27, 1865, and his remains were buried in the Kah-ba-kong cemetery, at Taylor's Falls. Alvah D. Heaton. — Mr. Heaton was the partner of Seth Sawyer in building the second saw mill in Stillwater. He came to St. Croix in 1847 and worked at the Osceola mills some time. He was a partner in logging with O. H. Blair and afterward with Wm. Kent. He was a brother-in-law to Hon. Cyrus Aid- rich, representative in Congress from Minnesota. In after years he removed to Idaho. John McKinzie. — Mr. McKinzie was born at Inverness, Scot land, in 1818, and came to America in 1S41. He located in Still water in 1846, and followed lumbering until 1856, when he removed to a farm in the Lyman settlement. He married Rose Carlton in 1872 and removed to Miles City, Montana, in 1879. George McKinzie, a younger brother of John, came to Still water in 1851, and engaged in lumbering and exploring. In 1885 he was adjudged insane and sent to the St. Peter's hospital, from which he was soon .released. He afterward visited Cali fornia, where he was drowned in San Francisco bay. He was unmarried. Henry Kattenberg. — Mr. Kattenberg was born in Prussia in 1821, and married to Arnebia C. Silova, at Kemper, on-the banks of the Rhine, in 1844. He came to America in June, 1847, and to Stillwater in 1848. Mr. Kattenberg opened a shop and engaged in the tailoring business. By industry and close appli cation to business, he prospered and secured a pleasant home. By liberality and kindness in extending credits, and an unfortu nate venture in lumbering, he lost $14,000, which effectually closed his business operations. With characteristic honesty, he IN THE NORTHWEST. 73 turned over to his creditors his homestead and all he had to meet his liabilities. In 1880 he removed to Taylor's Falls and commenced keeping hotel at the Falls House, on Bench street. In October, 1886, he purchased the Dalles House of Mrs. C. B. Whiting. Julius F. Brunswick. — Mr. Brunswick was born in Switzer land in 1826; came to this country in 1846, remained a year in Illi nois, and came to Stillwater in 1848, where he engaged in lumber ing, farming, merchandising, and dealing in pine lands. Mr. Brunswick applied himself closely to business and was success ful. Feb. 29, 1859, he married Margaret Darms, of Stillwater. He died at his home in Stillwater in 1874, leaving a widow and seven children. Henry McLean.— Mr. McLean was born in Washington county, Maine, in 1828, and in 1848 came to Stillwater, which has since been his home. He is engaged in lumbering. In 1851 he married Caroline Cover. Hugh Burns. — Hugh Burns came from Ireland to America in 1830, when he was but eight years of age, lived in the province of New Brunswick until 1848, when he came to Stillwater, where he has since been engaged in lumbering and farming. In 1850 he removed to St. Anthony, in 1855 to St. Paul, and in 1856 to Stillwater. Sylvanus Trask. — Mr. Trask was born in Otsego county, New York, Nov. 16, 1811. He secured a liberal educatiou, and taught school several years in the state of New York. He came to Stillwater in 1848, and in 1852 was married to Euphenia Turner, of St. Paul. He represented the Stillwater district in the first and second territorial legislatures, 1849-51. I' or many years he has been a surveyor and scaler of logs. Ariel Eldridge. — Mr. Eldridge was born in Hartford, Ver mont, June 10, 1815. He was reared during his minority by an uncle, at Cambridge, New York. In 1844 he came to the Wis- •consin lead mines, at Platteville, and in 1848 to Stillwater, where he worked afterward at his trade of house carpenter until 1862, when he opened a book and stationery store. He has held several city and county offices. In 1849 he was married 74 FIFTY YEARS to Sarah L. Judd. Mrs. Eldridge died in Stillwater, Oct. 12r 1886, aged eighty-four years. Mrs. Eldridge taught the first school in Stillwater. Edward White Durant. — Mr. Durant is of Huguenot de scent. During the eighteenth century his ancestors lived in Massachusetts and were active participants in the agitation against English oppression. Edward Durant, Jr., an ancestor five generations from the present, was a delegate to the Provin- T. W. DUItANT. A PROMINENT HINNESOTIAN OF RENOWNED REPUTATION. cial Congress of 1774 and 1775, and chairman of the committee on commercial correspondence. He died in 1782. Others of the family filled prominent places, and were noted for their whole-souled patriotism. Mr. Durant was born at Roxbury, Massachusetts, April 8, 1829. He received a common ^school education, and a year in the academy. He came to Cincinnati in 1838, and in 1844 we IN THE NORTHWEST. 75 find him with his parents in Albany, Illinois. In 1848 he left his parents and came to Stillwater, where he worked three sea sons on the river, running logs. He then became a pilot onthe St. Croix and Mississippi rivers and continued in this business about sixteen years. He acted as salesman for Hersey, Staples & Co. some years. He has been since then engaged in lum bering and a portion of the time as a member of the firm of Durant, Wheeler & Co. The annual sales of this firm amount to over half a million dollars. In 1874 he was a candidate on the Democratic ticket for lieutenant governor and in 1876 was president of the state Democratic convention. He represented his district in the fifteenth, seventeenth and twenty-fourth state legislatures. He was several years grand master of the Masons of Minnesota. He has served as mayor of Stillwater, and often as a member of the council. Mr. Durant, as his record shows him, is one of the most industrious men of the time, and pos sessed of good executive and business abilities. Mr. Durant was married Dec. 29, 1853, to Henrietta Pease, of Albany, Illinois. Oliver Parsons. — Mr. Parsons was born in South Paris, Maine, and is also descended from Revolutionary stock. He came to Stillwater in 1848, where he engaged in merchandising and farming. He removed to Minneapolis in 1876, where he is at present engaged in selling goods. He was married to C. Jewell, April, 1855. Mr. Parsons has ever been an exemplary man. Albert Stimson. — A native of York county, Maine, Mr. Stimson spent there his early life, and, after a few years in New Brunswick, came to Stillwater in 1849. He followed lumbering in his native state and on the St. Croix. He served as surveyor general of the First district, Minnesota, three years. He was a member of the Minnesota territorial councils of 1854 and 1855 and a member of the house in 1853. He was mayor of Stillwater one year, alderman two years, and was also a supervisor of Washington county. From 1870 to 1872 Mr. Stimson was a citizen of Kanabec county, which county he helped organize, ind of which he was one of the first commissioners. His present residence is Anoka. Abraham Van Voorhees. — Mr. Van Voorhees' ancestors- were patriots during the Revolution, and lived in New York and New Jersey. He was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania) Dec. 2, 1793. He was reared as a farmer. His school privileges 76 FIFTY YEARS were limited. "The Major," as he was familiarly styled, once told me that the educational advantages he had received in youth wereVery few, and that his desires and ambitions were far beyond his means to satisfy and fulfill, and he remarked with justifiable pride: "And what I am now, if I amount to anything, I owe to strong nerves and will power; God has always sustained me, and I have always acknowledged allegiance to Him." The major had an ingenious and inventive mind. Being studious and in dustrious, he accomplished much without scholastic training, and became well versed in the sciences, and an acute reasoner. In 1832 he removed to Athens county, Ohio, where for five years he devoted himself to mechanical pursuits and the study of the sciences. In 1837 he removed to Athens, and became editor aud proprietor of the Hocking Valley Gazette, and retained the editor ship six years. While living in Ohio, he served as county treas urer, county surveyor, member of the legislature, and state sena tor. In the latter position he served four years. In 1849 he was appointed by President Taylor register of the United States land ' office at Stillwater, which place he held until 1853. In 1852 Gov. Ramsey appointed him territorial auditor. He was a representa tive in the territorial legislature of 1856 and of the state legisla ture of 1859-60. He was one of the commissioners for locating the capitol and university lands. He was postmaster in Stillwater many years, and when he was eighty years of age acted as surveyor of Washington county. Such is a brief record of an unusually active and useful life. Maj. Van Voorhees was a thoroughly good citizen and christian gentleman. In politics he was Whig and'Republican. His church membership was in the Presbyterian •church, of which he became a member in 1832. In 1817 he was married to Mary Workman Voorhees. He died at his home in Stillwater, Jan. 24, 1879, aged eighty-six years, and was buried with christian and masonic honors. Michael E. Ames, an attorney from Boston, came to Stillwa ter in 1849, and became one of the leading lawyers of the Terri tory. He was urbane and dignified, both in society and at the bar. He was a charming conversationalist, and such a ready and fluent speaker that it was a pleasure to listen to him. Many •of his witty sayings will long be remembered. He was twice married, but his domestic life was by no means a happy one. He died in St. Paul in 1861, his life, no doubt, "shortened by IN THE NORTHWEST. 77 intemperate habits, but he was polite and genial and witty to the last. Joseph Bonin is of French descent. He was born in Mon treal, Canada, Aug. 26, 1820. He was married to Mirgaret Bruce in 1851. The writer first met Mr. Bonin in Stillwater in 1845. He was then in the employ of John McKusick. He had spent much of his life on the frontier as an employe of the fur companies, and could relate many stirring incidents and peril ous adventures. Mr. Bonin located at Baytown at an early day. During the Rebellion he was a member of Company B, First Minnesota Heavy Artillery. Marcel Gagnon.— Mr. Gagnon was born in Lower Canada, Aug. 17, 1825. On arriving at manhood he came to the United States, and was an employe of the American Fur Company sev eral years. He removed to Stillwater in 1845, engaging in lum bering; In 1863 he enlisted in the Minnesota Volunteer Inde pendent Battalion, and served three years. Mr. Gagnon is a polite, pleasant, hard working and independent man. Sebastian Marty was born in Switzerland in 1809, came to America in 1836, to Stillwater in 1845, and located on a farm in section 32, town of Stillwater, now known as the Jackman homestead. In 1850 he made his home in section 30, town of Lakeland, where he resided until his death, Nov. 3, 1885. His widow was formerly Christine Mamsche. He was a quiet, un obtrusive, thoroughly honest and reliable man. John Marty was born in . Switzerland in 1823. He learned the art of manufacturing straw goods in France. He came to America in 1846, to Stillwater in 1848 and not long after settled on his farm in Baytown. He was married to Anna M. Henry, in St. Paul, 1852. Adam Marty. — Mr. Marty was born in Switzerland in 1839. In 1846 he came with his grandparents to America and located at St. Louis. In 1849 he came to Stillwater and learned the printer's trade. He was employed one year by John McKusick. He enlisted April 29, 1861, in Company B, First Minnesota Vol unteers, was severely wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, and honorably discharged. He resides in Stillwater, where he has held responsible positions, and has taken a deep interest in the Grand Army of the Republic, of which he has been post commander. Michael McHale. — Mr. McHale came from Ireland in 1836; 78 FIFTY YEARS located first in Quincy, Illinois; then, 1840, in Galena; in 1842 in Potosi, Wisconsin, and in 1849 at Stillwater. He was inter ested in a saw mill (McHale & Johnson's), and operated also as a contractor in prison work. He was married to Rosanna Mc- Dermott in Wisconsin, 1847. She died in 1856. George Watson. — Mr. Watson is, in common parlance, a self-made man. Left alone in the world and dependent entirely on his own exertions for a livelihood, he learned the carpenter's trade, learned it well, and followed it industriously through life. Mr. Watson was born in Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, Sept. 13, 1823, and came to the St. Croix valley in 1849. He lived a few years in Hudson, and then removed to Stillwater, where he has the credit of building many fine structures. He was married in 1860 to Frances Lyman, of Stillwater. Rev. Eleazer A. Greenleaf was educated at Bangor Theo logical Seminary. He came to Stillwater in 1846, and became pastor of the first Protestant Episcopal church organized north of Prairie du Chien, excepting at Port Snelling and some Indian mission charges. Mr. Greenleaf was married to Susan P. Greely, of Williamsburg, Maine, in 1838. He became a great sufferer in the later years of his life. He died in Stillwater in 1878. Mrs. Greenleaf died in Minneapolis in 1881. J. B. Covey. — Dr. J. B. Covey came to Stillwater in 1844. He was born in Duchess county, New York, in 1784. He prac ticed medicine many years in Missouri. He died in Stillwater ' in 1851. John Shaesby was born in Warwick, England, in 1811; came to America in 1836, to Stillwater in 1848; removed to St. Croix county in 1850, thence to St. Joseph, to Rush River and to Bald win in 1874, where he died in 1880, leaving two children and his widow in comfortable circumstances. His eldest daughter was the wife of Capt. Isaac Gray. John S. Proctor. — Mr. Proctor is of English descent, and was born in Cavendish, Windsor county, Vermont, Feb. 26, 1826. He was favored with a common school education. In 1846 he came to St. Louis, Missouri, and served as mercantile clerk until 1849, when he came to Stillwater and engaged in lumber ing and mercantile pursuits. He was a member of the firm of Short, Proctor & Co., hardware merchants. In 1860 he was appointed warden of the Minnesota state prison, which office he IN THE NORTHWEST. 79 held until 1868. In 1860 he was also appointed secretary and treasurer of the St. Croix Boom Company. He performed the duties of both positions', but continued to serve the boom com pany twenty years. His experience and reliability made him almost the umpire of this company. He was appointed surveyor general for the years 1881 to 1884, inclusive. Mr. Proctor was married to Caroline Lockwood, daughter of John Lockwood, of Prairie du Chien, in 1854. They have one son, Levi. Barron Proctor, brother of John S. Proctor, came to Still water when a young man, but after a few years removed to New Orleans, whence he returned to Stillwater, and in 1873 engaged in flour manufacturing as one of the firm of Cahill, Townshend & Co. He disposed of his interest in 1880. Mr. Proctor was married to Hettie Carson, adopted daughter of Socrates Nelson and widow of John A. Hanford. He lives in St. Paul. Henry Westing is a native of Hanover. He emigrated to America in 1840 and came to Stillwater in 1848. He commenced his business career as a day laborer and by industry, persever ance and tact, rose to a position of wealth and influence. He died in Stillwater, Feb. 26, 1885, much esteemed by his associ ates for his sterling qualities of character. ' Thomas Dunn was born in 1823, in Queens county, Ireland. He emigrated to America in 1826, locating at Miramachi, on the northeast coast of New Brunswick. He came thence to Maine, where he spent two years. He came to the St. Croix valley in 1846, located in Stillwater, where he has since lived and been engaged in lumbering. He is the owner of a valuable land property at Yellow Lake, Burnett county, Wisconsin. He has been a member of the Catholic church since infancy. Charles J. Gardiner was born at Charlotte, Maine, in 1826, and came to Stillwater in 1849, where he followed lumbering and farming. He served as surveyor of the First Minnesota district five years. He was married in 1853 to Pamela Jackman. They Tiave five children. Samuel Staples was born in Topsham, Maine, September, 1805. He came west from Brunswick, Maine, in 1854, and located in Stillwater, where he died, Dec. 26, 1887. He is the elder brother of Isaac, Silas and Winslow Staples. He leaves a widow (his second wife), two daughters, Mrs. E. A. Folsom and Mrs. G. M. Stickney, and two sons, Josiah and Winslow, besides a step-son, William Langly. 80 FIFTY YEARS Josiah Staples, son of Samuel, was born in Brunswick, Maine,. June 20, 1826. He received a good common school education. At the age of thirteen his family removed to Penobscot county, and later to the province of New Brunswick, but returned to Maine in 1840. Iu 1848 he came to Stillwater, and has since been continuously engaged in milling and lumbering operations,. and, latterly, in steamboating.. He was married to Lydia Mc- Glaughlin in 1853. His children are six sons and one daughter. Joel M. Darling was born in Madison county, New York, in 1842. He came to Galena, Illinois, in 1840, and to Stillwater in 1848, where he engaged in farming. He served three years during the Civil War in Company F, Seventh Minnesota, and has since been pensioned for disabilities incurred in the service. He is unmarried. He lives in South Stillwater. EARLY RIVER PILOTS. Joe Perro. — "Big Joe" as he was familiarly called, was large of frame and big-hearted as well, honest, manly, of good report for courage and honesty. He was fearless and prompt in taking the part of the weak and oppressed. We were once pass ing together up Broadway, St. Louis, when we passed a peanut, stand. A small negro boy was crying piteously and begging the peanut vender to give him back his money, to which appeal the peanut vender was obdurate. We halted. Joe Perro organized a court, heard the testimony of man and boy, and satisfied him self that in making change the man had wrongfully withheld a dime due the boy. Joe decided in favor of the boy and ordered the vender of peanuts to pay him the ten cents. He replied in solently: "It is none of your d d business." That was enough to kindle the magazine of Joe's wrath. A sudden blow of his fist, and the man was prostrate on the sidewalk and his peanuts and apples scattered. The last seen of the discomfited street merchant he was on his hands and knees scrambling with the boys for the possession of his scattered fruits, and casting an occasional vengeful glance at the towering form of "Big Joe" departing slowly from the scene of conflict. Mr. Perro is of French parentage, and a native of Kaskaskia, Illinois. He has been a resident of Stillwater since 1844. James McPhail.— Mr. McPhail, as his name indicates, is of Scotch parentage. He was born in Inverness, Scotland, in IN the northwest. 81 1824, and came to America in early life. He was one of the first log pilots on the waters of the Mississippi and St. Croix. He settled in Stillwater in 1848, was married to Eliza Purinton in 1849, and died in St. Louis in 1857. Mrs. McPhail died in Still water in 1885. They left no children. John Cormack. — Mr. Cormack commenced piloting on the St. Croix in 1845. He was married in 1860 to Miss Jackins. He made his home in Stillwater continuously for thirty years, during which time he served as pilot. He died at Princeton, Mille Lacs county, in 1885;, John Hanford. — Mr. Hanford was a St. Croix river pilot in the '40s. He married an adopted daughter of Socrates Nel son, of Stillwater. He died at Stillwater. Mrs. Hanford subse quently married Barron Proctor. John, Leach. — Mr. Leach made his home at Marine many years, during which time he engaged in piloting on the St. Croix; subsequently he removed to Stillwater. In the later years of his life he has been blind. Stephen B. Hanks. — Mr. Stephen B. Hanks, formerly of Albany, Illinois, piloted the first raft from St. Croix Falls to St. Louis in 1842. He followed piloting rafts and steamboats'until 1885. SamuelS. Hanks. — Samuel, a brother of Stephen B., com menced piloting in the '40s, and is still active. Among the early pilots on the St. Croix and Mississippi rivers were Antoine Lapoint. Augustas Barlow, Richard Whiting, James Hickman, George M. Penny, and Daniel McLean. 82 FIFTY YEARS OHAPTEE IT. POLK COUNTY — DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. Polk county contains 700,000 acres of land, well diversified with timber and prairie, uplands- and valleys, rivers and lakes, and fertile enough to sustain a large population. The county was established by the Wisconsin legislature iu 1853, and originally included much more territory than it now contains, new counties having been formed north and east of its present domain. In dian traders had visited it at an earlier period, but the first per manent white settlement was made in 1837, and the first pioneer who came with the serious intention of making permanent im provements was Franklin Steele. As Mr. Steele's history is in a great part the history of the early settlement, we insert it here, and very nearly in the language of Mr. Steele himself, as he com municated it to the writer some years since: "I came to the Northwest in 1837, a young man, healthy and ambitious, to dare the perils of an almost unexplored region, in habited by savages. I sought Fort Snelling (which was at that time an active United States fort) as a point from which to start. In September, 1837, immediately after the treaty was made ced ing the St. Croix valley to the government, accompanied by Dr. Fitch, of Bloomington, Iowa, we started from Fort Snelling in a bark canoe, also a scow loaded with tools, supplies and laborers, descended the Mississippi river and ascended the St. Croix to the Dalles. We clambered over the rocks to the Falls, where we made two land claims, covering the Falls on the east side and the approach to it in the Dalles. We built a log cabin at the Falls, where the Upper Copper trap range crosses the river and where the old mill was afterward erected. A second log house we IN THE NORTHWEST. 83 built in the ravine at the head of navigation. Whilst building, four other parties arrived to make, claim to this power. I found the veritable Joe Brown on the west side of the St. Croix, trad ing with the Indians, a few rods from where Baker & Taylor built their mill (near the end of the present toll bridge). Brown had also cut pine logs, part of which, in 1838, were used by Baker & Taylor, but most of them were burned by forest fires on the ground where they were felled. , In February, 1838, I made a trip to the Falls with a dog team for the relief of one Boyce, who was cutting logs at the mouth of Snake river, and had had some trouble with the Indians. I helped him until he left the country. Peshick, a chief of the Chippewas, said, ' We have no money for logs; we have no money for land. Logs can not go.' He said he could not control his young men and wodld not be responsible for their acts. ' ¦ In the spring of 1838, from Fort Snelling we descended the Mis sissippi river to Prairie du Chien in bark canoes, thence by steamer to St. Louis, Missouri, where a co-partnership was formed by Messrs. Fitch, of Muscatine, Iowa, Libbey, of Alton, Illinois, Hungerford and Livingston, of St. Louis, Hill and Holcombe, of Quincy, Illinois, and myself. We chartered the steamer Pal myra, loaded her with all the materials with which to build a saw mill, including mechanics to do the work, and started for the scene of operations. Plans for procedure, rules and by-laws were discussed and adopted during the journey on the steamer, and the new organization was christened the St. Croix Falls Lumbering Company. Calvin A. Tuttle was the millwright." The trip was made in safety, our immediate plans executed, and the Palmyra was the first steamboat that ever sailed the St. Croix river and lake. Mr. Steele made an estimate for the construction of the mill and dam at $20,000, which he submitted to the company. It was accepted, and Calvin A. Tuttle, a mill wright, was placed in charge of the work, but Mr. Steele sold his interest to the company before the mill was completed. On examination of the records we find that W. Libbey was the first agent of the company. We find also from the same record that Libbey knew little or nothing of the business he had undertaken. With, a few barrels of whisky and one of beads he busied himself trading with the Indians. This was the first whisky sold in the valley, and it was sold in defiance oi' government law. 84 FIFTY YEARS Much could be written about this old pioneer company of the Northwest, and its history, could it be truly written, would con tain many thrilling incidents and scenes worthy of remembrance^ but much is already forgotten and many of the most prominent actors have passed away, leaving no record of their lives. The company, as a corporation, passed through many changes of name and ownership. Its history would be a history of litigations, of wranglings and feuds, of losses and gains, of mistakes, of blun ders and of wrongs. In the first place, the mill was planned by- men practically unfitted for such work, inexperienced in lum bering and unacquainted with the vast expenditures requisite for the opening up of a new country, hundreds of miles from labor and the supplies needed for manufacturing.. There were three requisites present, a splendid water power, abundance of timber at convenient distances and a healthful climate; but these alone did not and could not make the enterprise a success. Had practical, experienced lumbermen been employed the result might have been different, but impractical methods, enormous expenses, with no profits or dividends, caused most of the com pany to withdraw, forfeiting their stock in preference to continu ing with the prospect of total bankruptcy. Goods were brought annually, at great expense, from St. Louis by the large steamers which then controlled the trade of the Mississippi and the St. Croix. The navigation of the St. Croix grew annually more diffi cult, the immense number of logs floated down since 1838 wear ing away the banks and increasing the number and area of sand bars and not infrequently obstructing the channel with jams. It is not known exactly how or when the name of St. Croix came to be applied to the beautiful river bearing it, but La Harpe, in his "Louisiana," gives the most plausible account of its origin: "This name is not ecclesiastical in its associations, but named after Monsieur St. Croix, who was drowned at its mouth." Le Sueur, who explored the Upper Mississippi in 1683, says he left a large river on the east side, named St. Croix, because a Frenchman of that name was drowned at its mouth. As Duluth was the first white man to embark in the waters of the St. Croix, descending it in canoes, from near Lake Superior, which he did in 1680; and as Hennepin and LaSaUe ascended the Mississippi the same year, the name could not have had an earlier origin, but may be fixed as given sometime between 1680 IN THE NORTHWEST. 85 #nd 1683. An old map in my possession, one hundred and twenty-five years old, gives the present name of the river and lake. The St. Croix valley embraces an area of territory from 20 to 90 miles in width, and about 120 miles in length. Its north ern water, Upper Lake St.. Croix, is about 20 miles from Lake Superior. The southern portion is a rich prairie country, inter spersed with groves of hardwood timber. The more northern portion is interspersed with groves of pine, tamarack, cedar, bal sam and hardwoods. The whole district, with a small exception, is a cereal country. It abounds in wild meadows, and much qf the swampy portion will ultimately be utilized by ditching, which will transform it all into a good stock raising country. About eight-tenths of this entire valley is fitted by nature for agriculture. Wheat, the leading cereal, averages ten to thirty bushels per acre; the growth of tame grasses can not be excelled; vegetables grow to wonderful size; native wild fruits abound; cultivated fruits are being successfully introduced; cranberries are being eultivated in the northern part. Wheat, stock, and pine lum ber are the principal articles of export. The southern portion is well watered by the St. Croix and its tributaries— KinnikiT nic, Willow, Apple, Sunrise, and smaller streams, lakes and springs. The northern portion is abundantly watered by the St. Croix and tributaries — Wolf, Trade, Wood, Clam, Yellow, Namakagan, Rush, Kanabec and Kettle rivers. Small streams and lakes are numerous, of which only the largest are named on the maps. The valley is abundantly supplied with water power, capable of running enough manufactories to work up all the products of the country. The soil is, as a general thing, dry and arable. April and May are the seeding months. Crops mature, and are seldom injured by frosts. The whole country adjacent to this valley will answer to this general description. On the twenty-ninth day of July, 1837, our government pur chased the valley of the St. Croix of the Indians at a treaty held at Fort Snelling, Gov. Henry Dodge and Gen. Wm. R. Smith acting as commissioners. The purchase was ratified in Oongress in the spring of 1838. Polk county, originally a part of Crawford, in 1840 became a part of St. Croix, and in 1853 re ceived its present organization and name, the latter in honor of James K. Polk, eleventh president of the United States. This 86 FIFTY YEARS country occupies the eastern part of the valley of the St. Croi* lying between Burnett and St. Croix counties on the north and south, and Barron on the east, the St. Croix river forming its western boundary. The surface is agreeably diversified with forest and prairie land, and is supplied with excellent springs, rivers and lakes. Most of the underlying rock is sandstone. This rock crops out along the banks of the St. Croix and is ex tensively used for building purposes. Lime rock is also found along the river banks, some of which is of a superior grade, notably that below Osceola, which is manufactured into lime and exported. The natural scenery can scarcely be surpassed in the West. The towering, precipitous -bluffs along the St. Croix, the picturesque trap rocks of the Dalles, and the bright clear lakes of the interior have long been an attraction to the tourist. The lakes and smaller streams abound in fish, and the latter are famous for their abundance of brook trout. The county seat at the organization of the county was located at St. Croix Falls. The first election held in the limits of the present county of Polk, prior to its organization, was at St. Croix Falls, then a voting precinct, known as Caw-caw-baw- kang, a Chippewa name, meaning waterfall. The returns of this election were made to Prairie du Chien. I was present at the canvassing of these returns. They were found to be accu rate. Annually since then elections were held at this point and returns made, first to Prairie du Chien, Crawford county, then to Stillwater, St. Croix county, to Hudson, St. Croix county, and to Osceola Mills, Polk county. By an election held in Polk county just after its organization the county seat was re moved to Osceola Mills, by a unanimous vote. The records of the first elections can not be found, they having been stolen from the safe in 1864. The following county officers were elected in 1853: Isaac Freeland, clerk of court and register of deeds; E. C. Tread well, sheriff; Oscar A. Clark, surveyor; Wm. Kent, county treasurer; Harmon Crandall, coroner; Nelson McCarty, district attorney; J. Freeland, clerk of board of supervisors. The first meeting of the board of supervisors was held in Osceola in Isaac Freeland's building, where the offices were located for many years. The first court was held in the school house, Wyram Knowlton presiding. Both petit and grand juries were in at tendance, Isaac Freeland was the first attorney admitted to IN THE NORTHWEST. 87 practice. Isaac W. Hale was the first county judge. The first marriage was that of Lewis Barlow to , at St. Croix Falls. The first birth in the county was that of Charles North rup, son of Anson Northrup, at St. Croix Falls (1844). The first death was that of John Kelly, by drowning (1839), at St. Croix Falls. The first school in the county was established at St. Croix Falls by Miss Tainter, from Prairie du Chien, in 1848. The first school house was built in Osceola in 1852, the second at St, Croix Falls in 1861. The first mail, established in 1840, was carried up the St. Croix river by batteaus in summer and by sleds over the ice in winter. The mail was weekly; the carrier was Dr. Philip Aldrich. The first land mail route was in 1847, from Willow River to St. Croix Falls. The mail was carried by Dr. Aldrich through the woods. The first stage route was estab lished in 1855. The first deed we find of Polk county property is recorded at Prairie du Chien Sept. 2, 1845, from James Purinton to John Witherell, of St. Louis, Missouri, for $4,933, — a deed of trust covering a saw mill at St. Croix Falls. The second deed is from Benj. T. Otis to Edmond Johnson, conveying an undivided interest in a pre-emption claim, known as the Northrup or Jeru salem claim, about one mile east of St. Croix Falls, for $200. The first deed recorded in the county of old St. Croix was Sept. 29, 1845, from James Purinton, of St. Croix Falls, to John H. Ferguson, of the city of St. Louis, Missouri, — consideration $1,552, — of 'St. Croix Falls water power property. The first store was built in St. Croix Falls in 1839 and stocked with goods by the St. Croix Falls Company. The first blacksmith shop and, the first hotel were built at St. Croix Falls. The first grist mill was built at Osceola in 1853. The first crops were raised at "Jerusalem," the first farm in the county, in 1839. "Jerusa lem" was the farm now owned by Wm. Blanding, and was early noted as a resort for pleasure seekers, as a place for picnics and base ball games. The first pre-emption and entry of land was made in 1848, by Harmon Crandall, of Farmington. Settlers came into the county slowly until about 1866, since which time the population has more rapidly increased. THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC. Undoubtedly the greatest curse to the pioneers of a new settlement, and to the aborigines as well, is the liquor traffic. 88 FIFTY YEARS The Indians, under the influence of whisky, became infuriated and were capable of committing any atrocity; the effects upon the whites were not so violent but just as surely demoralizing, and in time as fatal. Among dealers in the vile fluid there was no one more persistent and unscrupulous than Capt. M. M. Samuels. During the summers of 1848 and 1849 there was no other whisky selling house at the Falls. The character of the whisky sold was vile beyond description. Mrs. H and son informed me that they were employed by Samuels during the summer in compounding various roots with tobacco and boiling them, for the manufacture of a strong drink that was sold for whisky. Many, both whites and Indians, were poisoned by this compound. As an emphatic evidence against the vileness of the liquor, I append some of the blighting results: A talented young lawyer, Hall byname, from Philadelphia, be came infatuated with the peculiar whisky furnished by Samuels, and when insane from its effects ran from Barlow's boarding house to a high rock overhanging the St. Croix river, just below the falls, plunged in and was drowned. Another, named Douglas, under the same influence, tried re peatedly to drown himself, when his friends bound him securely ' with cords. He then managed to stab himself. Alexander Livingston, a man who in youth had had excellent advantages, became himself a dealer in whisky, at the mouth of Wolf creek, in a drunken melee in his own store, was shot and killed by Robido, a half-breed. Robido was arrested but man- v aged to escape justice. Livingston, once, when on his way from Wolf creek to Clam falls, sought refuge in my camp, having with him two kegs of whisky. The Indians soon collected at the camp in fighting trim and sung and danced madly about the door of the cabin, and clam ored for scoot-a-wa-bo (whisky). I refused to allow any whisky to be issued. The Indians were furious. Livingston cowered with fear. Foreseeing trouble I ordered Nat Tibbetts^ and Jon athan Brawn to take the kegs and follow me. The Indians stopped their gymnastic performances and gazed intently. With an axe and with a single blow on each keg I knocked in the heads, and the whisky was soon swallowed up in the snow. The In dians sprang forward with demoniac yells and commenced lick ing up the saturated snow, after which they danced around me, IN THE NORTHWEST. 89 calling me "Oge-ma" (captain). I gave them food and they went away sober and apparently satisfied. FRONTIER JUSTICE. In the spring of 1848 there were two rival whisky sellers at or near Balsam lake. Miles Tornell, a Norwegian, was located midway'between the lake and the Falls. Miller, a German", had his post at the lake. Miller was an older trader, and claimed ex clusive rights. A bitter feeling sprang up between them, which resulted, as the testimony afterward proved, in the murder of Tornell. His house was burned, and his body found concealed in a coal pit. One McLaughlin, who was stopping with Tornell, was also murdered. An investigation was set on foot. Samuels and Fields acted as detectives, and fixed the crime upon an In dian, whom they arrested on an island in Blake's lake, and brought to the Falls for trial. H. H. Perkins acted as judge, a jury of good men was impaneled, and the trial was held in Daniel Mears' store. A prosecuting attorney and counsel for the accused were appointed. The Indian frankly confessed the kill ing, and said that he had been hired to do the bloody work by Miller. Another Indian testified to being present on the occasion of the murder. After brief remarks by the lawyers, the jury brought in a verdict of guilty. There was no formal sentence. The Indian was kept under guard till next morning, when, by the unanimous consent of all present, he was hanged to a tree, since blighted, that stood near the old burying ground (later Louisiana street), and was hanged, Samuels officiating as sheriff. The Indians present were permitted to take the body, which they buried with Indian rites. Toward Miller, who ought to have been held as principal, the crowd were unexpectedly lenient. In stead of being hanged upon the same tree, he was merely lashed to it, and flogged, Pat Collins administering fifteen strokes on the bare back with a beech withe. He was then placed on a steamboat and ordered to leave the country, never to return. Of the more active participants in the hanging, Pat Collins, who officiated as hangman, and who flogged Miller, was undeniably a hard citizen. He had a bitter grudge against Miller, and ad ministered the strokes with a will. He was himself hanged some years later in California for highway robbery. Chas. F. Rowley, who assisted in the hanging, lived for some years on a farm at 90 FIFTY YEARS Wolf creek, enlisted in 1861 in the Union army, and was killed in battle. POPULATION OF ST. CROIX FALLS IN 1848. The following heads of families resided in St. Croix Falls in 1848: H. H. Perkins, Edward Worth, G. W. Brownell, Otis Hoyt, J. Saunders, R. Arnold, L. Barlow, A. L. Tuttle, M. M. Samuels, Geo. De Attley, Moses Perin, and W. H. C. Folsom. The following single men claimed this as their home: D. Mears, J. L. and N. C. D. Taylor, P. Kelly, A. Romain, J. and W. E. Marshall W. F. Colby, Dr. De Witt, W. J. Vincent, C. Dexter, A. Youle; H. H. Newberry, J. and O. Weymouth, Geo. Field, W. W. Folsom, J. H. Tuller, J. Dobney, J. Paine, and some others whose names I can not readily recall. NATURAL LANGUAGE. The Indians, when unable to talk English, nevertheless man aged to express themselves intelligibly by gestures, picture writ ing, and vocal utterances, imitating the sounds which they wished to describe. A kind old Chippewa occasionally visited my camp. He would sit by the camp fire and mark out in the ashes the out lines of lakes and streams. In tracing South Clam river, at a certain point he drew a line across the stream, and blew his breath between his teeth and lips in such a way as to perfectly imitate the sound of falling water. Sometime afterward, in exploring Clam river, on rounding a curve I heard the sound of falling water, and found the fall just as he had located it. THE DROWNING OF HAMLET H. PERKINS. Mr. Perkins had been in the village since 1847, acting as agent for the Falls company until the winter of 1850-51, when he was accidentally drowned while attending to his duties. He was engaged in repairing the dam, and was standing on a block of ice. In an unguarded moment he lost his foothold and was car ried by the swift current under the ice. It was two days before his body was recovered. His family left the valley, taking the body with them. A QUAILTOWN MURDER. Sylvester Partridge, a Vermont man, in the year 1846-47, es tablished an Indian trading post three-fourths of a mile above IN THE NORTHWEST. 91 St. Croix Falls. The buildings consisted of a dwelling house, whisky shop, bowling alley, Indian house and stable, the whole inappropriately styled Quailtown, as the hame was a gross slan der upon the innocent birds. The quails in this "Partridge" nest were evil birds. The resort was noted for its riotous dis order. The worst classes met there for revelry and midnight orgies. In the summer of 1849 Alfred Romain and Patrick Kelly met at Quailtown, disputed, fought, were parted, and the next day met "by agreement to continue the fight with pistols. They were to meet at sunrise in front of Daniel Mears' store. An attempt was made to pacify them, but in vain. Only Romain appeared at the appointed place, and not finding Kelly, hunted through the village for him. About 9 o' clock A. M. he found him at the house of Kimball, a mulatto man. Romain shot him at sight, fatally. At the inquest, held by Dr. Hoyt, it was proven that Romain fired four shots into the body of Kelly, each taking effect, and then crushed his skull with the pistol, and that Kelly fired one shot at Romain. Romain was held for murder, but was never brought to trial. After two years' confinement he escaped from the jail at Prairie du Chien. Romain afterward removed to St. Louis, reformed his mode of life and became a steady and respectable man. Kelly was a native of Ireland, and at the time of his death was engaged to be married to an estimable lady, one of the corps of teachers sent out by Gov. Slade. MINERAL PERMITS. In 1846 a party of speculators, composed of Caleb Cushing, Rufus Choate, Robert Rantoul, and others, located a mineral permit, one mile square, covering part of the site of the two towns of St. Croix and Taylor's Falls, with the water power1 as the centre. Their permit was filed in the general land office at Washington. They located another permit at or near the mouth of Kettle river. As no money was ever expended in improving them, these permits were never respected. Subsequently the government resurveyed the lands and sold them. The present title to these lands is perfectly good. MARRIAGE UNDER DIFFICULTIES. In the olden time officers could not always readily be found to execute the laws. Parties desiring to be married, being unable ¦92 FIFTY YEARS to secure the services of a minister or justice of the peace, would seek for an officer on the other side of the river, get on a raft or boat, cast off the fastenings and under the concurrent jurisdiction of the state and territorial authorities, would be pronounced "man and wife." Parties have. had the same rite performed in the winter season while standing on the ice of the St. Croix mid way between the two shores. AN INDIAN SCARE. During the excitement following the Indian outbreak, there was a general feeling of insecurity and alarm. The half-breeds were especially apprehensive of some kind of violence. One bright moonlight evening, at St. Croix, a surveyor was taking some observations, and as his instrument glittered brightly in the moonlight, the half-breeds saw it and fled, badly frightened, fancying a Sioux behind every bush. The whites seeing them running, as if for their lives, caught the panic, and fled over to the Minnesota side. The Taylor' s Falls people were aroused from their peaceful slumbers to find, soon after, that it was a false alarm. Some of the fugitives hid underneath the bridge and clung to the trestle work till morning. THE FIRST FIRE CANOE. I am indebted to Calvin A. Tuttle for the following reminis cence: In July, 1838, the steamer Palmyra, Capt. Middleton, of Hannibal, Missouri, in command, the first steamer on St. Croix waters, brought me to St. Croix Falls, landing in the Dalles, east side, opposite Angle Rock. The snorting of the Palmyra brought many curiosity seeking Indians to the Dalles. They gathered on the pinnacles of the trap rock, peered curiously over and jumped back, trembling with fright at the "Scota Cheman" or "fire canoe," the first that had ever floated on the placid waters of the St. Croix. I had been employed as millwright to erect mills in the new, and, as yet, almost unknown settlement. On the Pal myra came the proprietors, Steele, Fitch, Hungerford; Libbey, Livingston,' Hill, and Russell, with mill irons, tools and provi sions for the enterprise. MILL BUILDING. After climbing over the cragged rocks we came to an Indian trail which led to the Falls, where we found two men, Lagoo and IN THE NORTHWEST. 93 Denire holding the claim for Steele. The fanciful scheme of building a mill up in the wild land looked now like a reality. The men lived in a log cabin just below the Falls, in a small clearing in the timber, near a copper rock range. Boyce and his men had been driven in by Indians from above. Andrew Mackey and others of Boyce's men went to work with us. Thirty- six men had come from St. Louis on the steamer Palmyra. We moved our machinery from the Dalles to the Falls by water and commenced work immediately. Steele's men had been hindered by the Indians from procuring timber for the building of the mill. We obtained a supply from Kanabec river, which arrived September 15th. Building the mill and blasting the rock occu pied our attention during the winter. The mill was soon com pleted and running. During this period the work was often inter rupted and the men were greatly demoralized by the threatening behavior of the Indians. Many of them were frightened into leaving the settlement, but their places were supplied by the company whenever practicable. During 1840 we received some reliable accessions, among them J. L. Taylor, John McKusick Joseph Haskell, Elam Greely, J. W. Furber and A. McHattie. Some frame houses were built near the mill. Washington Libbey was our first agent, Darnes our second (1839), Capt. W. Frazer our third (1840), Capt. Wm. Holcombe our fourth (1841). The first death was of a man drowned in 1840. The first white woman who visited the Falls was Mrs. David Hone. Rev. Boutwell preached here in 1839. A. Northrup and family came in 1840. INDIAN MURDERS. In 1840 Jeremiah Russell, the Indian farmer at Pokegama, Pine county, Minnesota, sent two Chippewa Indians to St. Croix Falls for supplies, who arrived in safety. A band of fifty Sioux Indians were concealed at this (St. Croix Falls) settlement for some days. Within an hour after the arrival of the two Chippewas, the set tlement was surrounded by these Sioux. The whites, seeing that trouble was brewing, secreted the Chippewas for two days, the Sioux closely watching. The white men were restless, and afraid to go to work. Capt. Frazer, Rev. Ayers and myself held a council and explained the situation to the Chippewas, who re plied that they would not expose the whites to trouble. They resolved on leaving and started in open day north over the trap 94 FIFTY YEARS rock ridge, thence through the bushes, where they discovered- two Sioux. The Chippewas were armed and fired on the Sioux, killing them instantly. The Chippewas then started to run. The report of the guns brought squads of Sioux immediately in pur suit, who, firing on the Chippewas, killed one. The two dead Sioux were sons of Little Crow. They were placed by the Sioux in a sitting posture, with backs to a tree, facing the enemy's country, on the second bench near where the mill dam was sub- , sequently built, a double barreled gun standing on the ground between them. They decorated the corpses with war paint, ribbons and mosses. The two Chippewas who killed Little Crow's sons bore the titles Julius and Wezhaymah. The Sioux in pur suit killed Julius, and his head was hung up in a kettle before those he had slain. His body was chopped in pieces and scat tered to the four winds. From an historical letter, written by Mrs. E. T. Ayer, who lives at Belle Prairie, Minnesota, and whom we have elsewhere mentioned, we have the following description of the death of the sons of Little Crow: "Julius was of medium height, stout build, very neat, and when in full dress very few Indians would favorably compare with him. Being a good hunter he had the means of gratifying his taste. His hair was long and abundant, and was kept clean and shining by the frequent use of comb and brush, with the help of a little marrow or bear's oil. Three or four of his numer ous long braids, studded with silver brooches, hung gracefully on both sides of his face and over his arms — the rest of his dress in a manner corresponding. His hair, like Absalom's, did not save him from his enemies. The Dakotas may dance around it for generations and never see its equal. "Wezhaymah made his appearance at Pokegama. As he drew near the houses he gave asalute from his double barreled gun. The Ojibways were much frightened. They believed the Sioux had returned to make another trial for scalps and plunder. The first impulse of the women was to hide. The chief's wife and oldest daughter being at the mission hoUse, went through a trap door into a dark cellar. But when the supposed dead' stood before them, alive and well, there was great rejoicing. "Wezhaymah said that Julius killed both of Little Crow's sons; that the Sioux followed him but a short distance, then all IN THE NORTHWEST. 95 turned after Julius. He took a circuitous route home, traveling in the night and hiding in the day. Julius' parents, Joseph and Eunice, and other members of their family, were members of the mission church. He and his wife made no profession, though they sometimes attended religious worship." About twenty days after, about one hundred Sioux came from Little Crow's band at Red Rock for the bodies of their dead comrades and the gun, having first, by means of spies, satisfied themselves that there were no Chippewas in the vicinity. One morning, as the whites were going to work, they were surprised by the sudden appearance of these Indians, who rushed suddenly down upon them from different trails, gorgeously painted and without blankets. Their movements were so sudden that the whites were completely surprised, and at the mercy of the In dians, who, however, satisfied themselves with searching the camp and appropriating all the victuals they could find, ostensibly searching for the gun which was not to be found where they had left it. Complaining bitterly of its loss, they withdrew to a trap rock ledge near by, where they formed a circle, danced, sung and fired several guns into the air. They then asked to see "Oge-ma, " the agent, and formally demanded the gun. Every one in camp denied any knowledge whatever of the missing article. The Indians were at first much dissatisfied, but finally Little Crow advanced, smoked a pipe and offered it to Capt. Frazer, shook hands and withdrew, apparently in peace. As it is not the custom for Indians to molest the dead, they firmly believed a white man had taken the gun. Little Crow applied to Maj. Plymptorf at Fort Snelling, charging the theft upon the whites. The major in turn wrote to Capt. Frazer at the Falls to make an investigation, as a "result of which the gun was found in a tool chest belonging to Lewis Barlow, concealed under a false bottom. Barlow professed entire innocence and ignorance of the matter, suggesting that his brother must have placed the gun there. Capt. Frazer severely reprimanded him for imperiling the lives of all the whites in the settlement by his foolish and thievish act. The gun was sent to Maj. Plympton, who wrote to Capt. Frazer cautioning him to be on his guard, as the Indians were much irritated. Barlow had earned the contempt and dislike of his fellow workmen. 96 FIFTY YEARS INDIAN BATTLE OF STILLWATER Mr. Tuttle was at the Falls at the time of the famous battle between the Sioux and Chippewas, which was fought in the ravine where the Minnesota state prison now stands, July 3, 1839, and has given me the following account: The Chippewas of the St. Croix had been invited by the officer in command at Fort Snelling to a council, the object of which , was to effect a treaty of peace. Two hundred and fifty or three hundred Chippewas, including their women and children, passed downihe St. Croix in canoes, rested in fancied security in the ravine near the present site of Stillwater, and made a portage thence to Fort Snelling, where, under protection of government- soldiers, the council was held. The pipe of peace had been smoked and the Chippewas were quietly returning home, and had en camped a second time in the ravine, expecting to re-embark the next morning on the waters of the St. Croix. Just at the dawn of the ensuing day, and while they were still asleep, a large body of Sioux, who had stealthily followed them, fell upon them sud denly, and with wild yells commenced an indiscriminate slaugh ter. The Chippewas rallying, drove the Sioux from the ground, thereby retaining possession of their dead, to the number of about thirty. After the smoke of peace at Fort Snelling it was reported that a Sioux had been killed. This incensed them so that they followed in two parties, one party pursuing the St. Croix band and another the Mille Lacs band up Rum river. The latter party overtook the Chippewas at the point where Prince ton is now located, and slew sisty of their number. It was after ward ascertained that the Sioux killed near Fort Snelling. was killed by a Pillager of the Upper Mississippi, an Indian of a band that was not in the counpil. The Sioux and Chippewas, it is true, are bitter, relentless, hereditary foes, but this slaugh ter occurred through a grievous mistake. The Chippewas, on their return, rested at the Falls. Capt. Frazer gave them medi cine, dressed their wounds and fed them. The Indians gave way to the wildest grief at their losses, and when they heard of the sixty killed of the Mille Lacs'ftand, their mourning cries and moans baffled description. THE FIRST LOGGERS. The first logs were cut by J. R. Brown on the Taylor's Falls flat in the winter of 1836-37, but the first regular outfit and IN THE NORTHWEST. 97 camp was that of John Boyce, who came up in a mackinaw boat from St. Louis with eleven men and six oxen, landing at St. Croix Falls late in the faU of 1837. Mr. Andrew Mackey, who was in his party, has furnished me with some items regarding this adventure. The boat was cordelled over the rapids, and, with poles and lines, taken as far as the mouth of Kanabec river, where a camp was established. Boyce had considerable trouble with the Indians. Little Six, a Chippewa chief, came to the camp with two hundred warriors in a defiant, blustering manner, telling him to "go away," to "go back where they came from." Boyce proceeded to the Indian mission at Lake Pokegama and invoked the aid of Rev. Mr. Boutwell, Ely, Ayers and Seymour , who came back with him to the camp and had a "talk" with Little Six, who claimed that the whites had paid no money. Mr. Seymour explained to them the provisions of the treaty, of which they would soon hear; that under its provisions the whites had a right to the timber; that they were not usurpers, that they would live peaceably and not disturb their game. The Indians grunted assentj but refused to allow the whites to remove any of their chingwack (pine). Mr. Seymour, apprehending trouble, advised Mr. Boyce to leave. He determined to remain. The Indians being still troublesome, Mr. Boyce descended the river to the falls, the Indians following. On going over the falls the boat filled and Mr. Boyce lost nearly all he had. The Palmyra shortly after broke the silence of the Dalles with its shrill whistle and brought the news of the ratification of the treaty by Con gress. Boyce sent his boat down the river, built small boats and made haste to return to his camp on Kanabec river, where he re mained through the fall and winter cutting logs. THE FIRST RAFTING. In April and May of 1839, Boyce rafted his logs with poles and ropes made of basswood strings. The high water swept them away. He gathered from the broken rafts enough for one raft, made it as strong as possible, and continued the descent. The raft struck upon the first island and went to pieces. Boyce saved the canoe and a part of the provisions. Boyce was by this time in a furious rage at his want of success, but tried a third time to make a raft. The crew, tiredand hungry, refused to work. A new contract was made and written on a slate, there being no 7 98 FIFTY YEARS paper. The logs were left in the river. Some of them floated down and were sold to the Falls company and to the company at Marine. Boyce lost all his labor and investment; the men got but little for their work. Frank Steele had assisted in supply ing provisions and clothing for the men, the value of which he never received. Boyce was disgusted and left the country. AN INDIAN PAYMENT. Levi W. Stratton, who came up on the Palmyra, July, 1838, gives a few reminiscences from which we select an account of a payment made to the Chippewa Indians the year of his arrival. The crew and passengers of the Palmyra had been greatly an noyed by the Indians, who expected their first payment in July, and besieged the boat in great numbers, demanding it at the hands of the first whites who had come up the river, unable to understand the difference between the regularly constituted au thorities and those immigrants who had nothing to do with the payments. It was not until the first week of November that their goods came for payment. The place where Stillwater now stands was selected as the place where they should assemble. The old stern wheel Gipsey brought the goods and landed them on the beach. The Chippewas came there to the number of 1,100 in their canoes, nearly starved by waiting for their pay ment. While there receiving it the river and lake froze up, and a deep snow came on; thus all their supplies, including one hundred barrels of flour, twenty -five of pork, kegs of tobacco, bales of blankets, guns and ammunition, casks of Mexican dol lars, etc., all were sacrificed except what they could carry off on their backs through the snow hundreds of miles away. Their fleet of birch canoes they destroyed before leaving, lest the Sioux might have the satisfaction of doing the same after they left. Many of the old as well as the young died from overeating, they being nearly starved. Thus their first payment became a curse rather than a blessing to them, for their supplies soon gave out, the season for hunting was past, they were away from home and had no means of getting there, except by wading through deep snow. Many perished in the attempt. As is usual in such cases, I suppose, no one was to blame, but the poor Indians had to suffer the consequences of somebody's neglect. The old Gyp- sey had scarcely time to get through tie lake before the ice formed. IN THE NORTHWEST. 99 INDIAN DANCING AND THEFT. In the rough log cabin at St. Croix Falls were three females, the wives of Messrs. Orr and Sackett, employes of the company, and Miss Young, daughter of a widower of that name, Life in that cabin was by no means a dream of bliss, for in consequence of the mosquitoes, more relentless persecutors than the Indians, ia smudge had to be kept burning night and day, or at least by day when the sun was not shining. The old cabin served, for a kitchen, while an arbor was improvised outside for a dining room. Shortly after the arrival of the immigrants, and before they had learned all the peculiarities of Indian character, they were visited by a party of fifteen or twenty braves, who set about adorning themselves, and spent the forenoon in painting and get ting themselves up in gorgeous rig, regardless of expense, pre paratory to giving a free entertainment. Just before dinner was called, they arranged themselves near the table and gave a dance, which was very much applauded, after which they were given presents of bread and meat, and dismissed, apparently highly , pleased with the success of their exhibition. The household gathered about the table to enjoy their repast, but to their con sternation, not a knife, fork or spoon could be found. While the majority of the Indians were riveting the attention of the new comers by their extaordinary antics, the remainder were quietly abstracting the tableware. They were afterward charged with the theft, but protested innocence. The missing articles were never heard of again. A pig of lead, left outside, disappeared at the same time. The poor Indians denied ever having seen the lead. Mr. Stratton remarked, however, that all their war -clubs, pipes and gun stocks had been lately and elaborately or namented with molten lead. OTHER THEFTS. * At another time, shortly before payment, when the Indians were unusually hungry and troublesome, two barrels of pork and one of butter mysteriously disappeared. The pork barrels were found empty in the river, and also the butter barrel with one-third of the contents missing. The Indians lay all day in camp sick, but protested their innocence. Nevertheless, at payment day a claim of two hundred dollars for the pork and one hundred and fifty for the butter was allowed and kept back. 100 FIFTY YEARS They made no objections to paying for the pork, but protested against paying for the butter, as it did them no good and made them all sick. In September, an old Indian came to the cabin, begging for something to eat. The agent went to the pork barrel and held up a fine piece of pork weighing about twelve pounds, to which the tail was still attached. At sight of this his countenance fell and he went away silently and sullenly. Shortly afterward a yoke of oxen was missing. They had been driven off over some bare ledges of trap to break the trail. An Indian was hired to hunt for them. He found that this same beggar who had been so disgusted with the offer of a piece of pork with the tail attached had driven them off and slaugh tered them. Payment day made all right, and the Indians were compelled to pay a good price for rather poor beef. HARD TIMES. Mrs. Mary C. Worth communicated to the writer the follow ing incidents, illustrating some of the vicissitudes of the early settlers: It was in the fall of 1842. There were about two hundred people in the village, most of them in the employ of James Pur inton, company agent. They were already short of provisions and the winter was rapidly coming on, and the expected boat, with its cargo of provisions for the winter supply, was long delayed. September passed, October came and nearly passed, and still no boat. Snow covered the ground, and thin ice the river. The ice, in finely broken pieces, floated down the rapids and was beginning to gorge in the Dalles, and still no boat. Pro visions were allotted to the resident families, and the gloomi est anticipations filled all minds at the prospect of the long, dreary winter without food; when, on the twenty-eighth of Octo ber, the long expected whistle was heard from the coming steamer. The people rushed frantically down to the old ware house, but the ice was so gorged in the Dalles that no boat could make the landing. No boat was in sight, nor was the whistle heard again. Had it all been an illusion1? The eager throng were again in despair. Another night of cold would blockade the river. Just then the voices of white men were heard from the rocks of the Dalles, and to their great joy they perceived IN THE NORTHWEST. 101 the boats, officers and passengers clambering down from the rocks, with the glad tidings that the boat had reached the land ing, half a mile below, and was then unloading her cargo. The boat, as soon as unloaded, hurriedly departed to avoid being frozen in. The winter passed merrily enough, but clouds and darkness gathered in the spring. Provisions were again short, and had to be apportioned sparingly and equally. Occasionally a deer or a fish eked out the supply, but starvation was again imminent. On this occasion they were relieved by the recep tion of condemned pork from Fort Snelling. The St. Louis pro prietors sent up another boat load of supplies after the opening ef navigation, and all seemed well, when, during the prevalence •of high water, the boom and mill race gave way and the logs, their main dependence, were swept down the river and beyond their control. This important occurrence, as it then seemed to be, opened up for the company and people a new trade from the Yalley below, which has been a source of immense profit. It sug gested the idea of booming and rafting their logs for points down the river, and led to the building of the first saw mill at Still water. ugh! ugh! Mr. Purinton at one time invited a few noted Indians who were begging for food to be seated at his table. He politely asked them if they would have tea or coffee. "Ugh! Ugh! (equivalent to yes, yes) replied the whole party. So Mr. Pur inton mixed their tea and coffee. MRS. WORTH AND MUCKATICE. Muckatice, a Chippewa chief, heard that a barrel of whisky had been stored for safe keeping in the cellar of Mrs. Worth, at Balsam Lake. Muckatice forced himself into the house and at- temped to raise the cellar trap door. Mrs. Worth forbade him and placed herself upon the door. Muckatice roughly pushed her aside. He raised the trap door, and, whiledn the act of de scending, fell. While falling Mrs. Worth suddenly shut the trap door upon him, by which one of his legs was caught. Mrs. Worth held the door tightly down. When at last Muckatice was released, gathering a crowd of Indians he returned and demanded the whisky. Thayer, with ropes, managed to get the barrel out 102 FIFTY YEARS of the cellar and out upon the ground, and seeing the peril of giving so much whisky to the Indians, knocked. in both heads of the barrel with an axe, and the earth drank the poisonous fluid. Muckatice then shook hands with Mrs. Worth, called her very brave, and departed. IN THE NORTHWEST. 103 OHAPTEE V. BIOGRAPHIES. The biographical histories of the early settlers of Polk county considerably antedate the organization of the towns to which they would be referred as at present belonging, and we therefore group together those earliest identified with the history of the valley, and its first settlement at St. Croix Falls, referring also some, such as Joseph R. Brown, Gov. W. R. Marshall and Frank Steele, to localities in which they had been more intimately con nected. Gov. Wm. Holcombe was one of the active < resident pro prietors and agent of the St. Croix Falls Lumber Company from 1838 to 1845. He was born at Lambertville, New Jersey, in 1804; left home when a Doy; went to Utica, New York, where he learned the wheelwright trade. He married Martha Wilson, of Utica; moved to Columbus, Ohio, and was successful in busi ness, but lost all by fire, when he moved to Cincinnati, and from thence to Galena. While in Galena he embarked in steamboat ing on the Mississippi. Mrs. Holcombe died in Galena. From Galena he came to St. Croix Falls, where.he devoted his time as agent to selling lumber and keeping books. Mr. Holcombe took a deep interest in opening the valley to public notice and im provement. He traveled over the wilderness country from Prairie du Chien to St. Croix Falls before there was a blazed path, driving horses and cattle. He helped locate the two first roads in the valley from the mouth of St. Croix lake, via Marine, to St. Croix Falls and from St. Croix Falls, via Sunrise and Rush lakes, to Russell' s farm, on Pokegama lake. He supervised the cultiva tion of the first crops raised in Polk county, at Jerusalem. He 104 FIFTY YEARS settled in Stillwater in 1846, where he became an active worker in behalf of education, and did much to establish the present ex cellent system of schools. In 1846 he was a member of the first constitutional convention of Wisconsin Territory, representing this valley and all the country north of Crawford county. He was a faithful worker on the boundary question, and effected a change from the St. Croix.to a point fifteen miles due east, from the most easterly point on Lake St. Croix, from thence south to the Mississippi river and north to the waters of Lake Superior. His course was approved by his constituents. In 1848 he took an active part in the formation of Minnesota Territoiy, and was secretary of the first convention called for that purpose in Still water. He was receiver of the United States land office at Still water four years. He was a member of the Democratic wing of the constitutional convention for Minnesota in 1857, and was honored by being elected first lieutenant governor of Minnesota in 1857. The name of Gov. Holcombe will long be remem bered in the valley of the St. Croix. He died in Stillwater, Sept. 5, 1870, and was buried with masonic honors. He left two sons, William W. and Edward Van Buren, by his first wife. He mar ried a second wife in Galena, in 1847, who died in 1880. William S. Hungerford was born in Connecticut, Aug. 12, 1805. He was married to Lucinda Hart, at Farmington, Connec ticut, in 1827. He came to St. Louis, Missouri, at an early age and engaged in mercantile pursuits in the firm of Hungerford & Livingston. In 1838 he became one of the original proprietors •of the St. Croix Falls Lumbering Company, and gave his time and talents to its welfare. He was of a hopeful temperament, and even in the darkest hour of the enterprise in which he had embarked, cherished a most cheerful faith in its ultimate suc cess. Hon. Caleb Cushing, whose name was to be associated inti mately with that of Mr. Hungerford in the future history and litigation of the company, recognizing St. Croix Falls as a point promising unrivaled attractions to the manufacturer, in 1846 purchased an interest in the company, which was at once reor ganized with Cushing and Hungerford as principal stockholders. The acute mind of Gen. Cushing recognized not only the pros pective advantages of the water power, but the probability of the division of Wisconsin Territory, which might result in mak- IN THE NORTHWEST. 105 ing St. Croix Falls the capital of the new territory, and formed plans for the development of the company enterprise, which might haVe resulted advantageously had not he been called away to take part in the Mexican War and thence to go on a political mission to China. During his absence there was a complete neg lect of his American inland projects and the enterprise at St. Croix suffered greatly; the new company accomplished but little that, was agreed upon in the consolidation. Cushing had inex perienced agents, unfitted to attend to his interest. He furnished money sufficient, if judiciously handled, to have made a perma nent, useful property here. Conflicting questions arose between Hungerford and Cushing' s agents, which terminated in lawsuits. The first suit was in 1848, Hungerford, plaintiff. Different suits followed, one after another, for over twenty years, which cursed the property more than a mildew or blight. During this time the parties alternated in use and possession, by order of court. Hungerford, during these trials, pre-empted the land when it came in market. For this he was arrested on complaint of per jury. Hungerford, by order of court, was, on his arrest, taken away in chains. He was soon after released. Hungerford was an indefatigable worker. The labor of his life was invested in the improvements of the company. Cushing, being a nian of talent and influence, could fight the battle at a distance. He em. ployed the best legal talent in the land; he met Hungerford at every turn, and Hungerford became a foe worthy of his steel. They unitedly accomplished the ruin of their town. Mr. Hunger ford had an excellent family, making their home at the Falls, dur ing all their perplexities. On the occasion of his arrest he was manacled in presence of his family, who bore it with a fortitude worthy the name and reputation of the father and husband. The litigation ended only with the death of the principal actors. The perishable part of the property, mills and other buildings, has gone to ruin. The whole history is a sad comment on the folly of attempting to manage great enterprises without har mony of action and purpose. Mr. Hungerford died in Monti- cello, Illinois, in 1874. Mrs. Hungerford died in Connecticut in 1880. Mr. Cushing died in 1876. Hon. Henry D. Barron. — Henry Danforth Barron was born in Saratoga county, New York, April 10, 1832. He received a common school education, studied law, and graduated from the 106 fifty years law school at Ballston Spa, New York. He came to Wisconsin in 1851; learned the printer's trade, and was afterward editor of the Waukesha Democrat. In" 1857 he removed to Pepin, Wis consin, and in 1860 received the appointment of circuit judge of the Eighth district. In September, 1861, he came to St. Croix Falls, as agent for Caleb Cushing and the St. Croix Manufacturing and Improve ment Company. He was elected to the lower house of the Wisconsin legislature in 1862, and served as assemblyman continuously from 1862 to 1869, and for the years 1872 and 1873.. During the sessions of 1866 and 1873 he was speaker of the assembly. A portion of this time he held the responsible position of regent of the State University, and was also a special agent of the treasury depart ment. In 1869 President Grant appointed him chief justice of Dakota, which honor was declined. The same year he was ap pointed fifth auditor in the treasury department, which office he resigned in 1872 to take a more active part in advancing the interests of his State. He was chosen a presidential elector in 1868, and again in 1872, and served as state senator during the sessions of 1874, 1875 and 1876, and was at one time president pro tern, of the senate. In 1876 he was elected judge of the Eleventh Judicial circuit. During his service as judge he was highly gratified that so few appeals were taken from his decis ions, and that his decisions were seldom reversed in higher courts. He had also held the offices of postmaster, county attor ney, county judge, and county superintendent of schools. Although formerly a Democrat, at the outbreak of the Rebel lion he became a Republican. Of late years he was a pro nounced stalwart. Throughout his life he never received any profit, pecuniarily, from the prominent positions in which he was placed, his only endeavor seeming to be to advance the interests, influence, worth and ability of the younger men with whom he was associated, and hundreds who to-day hold posi tions of prominence and responsibility, owe their success and ad vancement to his teachings and advice. Of a disposition kind, courteous and generous, he was possessed of a remarkably reten tive memory, which, with his intimate associations with leading men, and familiarity with public life, legislative and judicial, afforded a fund of personal sketches, anecdotes and biographies, at once entertaining, amusing and instructive. IN THE NORTHWEST. 107 The judge was twice married, his first wife having died at Waukesha, leaving him an only son, Henry H. Barron, who was with him at the time of his death. His second marriage was to Ellen K. Kellogg, at Pepin, in 1860. For some time she has made her home with her mother in California, on account of ill health. At the time of his death, which occurred at St. Croix Falls, Jan. 22, 1882, he was judge of the Eleventh Judicial cir cuit. His remains were buried at Waukesha. George W. Brownell. — Mr. Brownell, though not among the earliest of the pioneers of St. Croix valley, yet deserves special mention on account of his scientific attainments, his high character as a man, and the fact that he was an influential mem ber, from the St. Croix district, of the Wisconsin territorial con stitutional convention, he having been elected over Bowron on the question of establishing the new state line east of the St. Croix. Mr. Brownell was born in Onondago, New York, and when a youth lived in Syracuse, where he learned the trade of a carriage maker. He was a resident of Galena, Illinois, over thirty years, where he engaged in mining and geological pursuits. He spent two years in the lead mines of Wisconsin. He was connected with the Galena Gazette some years. In 1846 he visited the Superior copper mining region for a Boston company.. He formed the acquaintance of Caleb Cushing, Rufus Choate, Horace Ran- toul, and others, and located for them mineral permits at St. Croix Falls and Kettle river, and became, this year, a resident of St. Croix Falls. In 1847 he was married to Mrs. Duncan, of Galena. He was elected this year to the constitutional conven tion. In 1851 he returned to Galena and engaged in the grain trade and cotton planting near Vicksburg, Mississippi, in which he was not successful. In 1865 he visited Colorado and made investments there. When on a trip to Colorado, in 1866, the stage was attacked by Indians. Brownell and another passen ger alighted to resist the attack. He was armed with a rifle,. and, if properly supported, would probably have been saved; but most of the passengers remained in the stage. The driver, get ting scared, whipped his horses and drove rapidly away, leaving Brownell and companion, who were overpowered and killed. Their bodies were recovered, shockingly mutilated. His re mains were forwarded to Galena, for burial. Mr. Brownell had 108 FIFTY YEARS a scientific mind, and passed much of his life in scientific stud ies and practical experiments. He attained a good knowledge of geology, mineralogy and chemistry. The foresight of Mr. Brownell on the Wisconsin boundary, and in other public mat ters, has been, in time, generally recognized. He was a good neighbor and kind friend. Col. Robert C. Murphy. — Col. Murphy, a man of fine ad dress and admirable social qualities, made his home at St. Croix Falls in 1860-61 and 62, during which time he was in charge of the Cushing interest and property, which position he left to accept the colonelcy of the Eighth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. His military career was not fortunate and its abrupt termination was a sad disappointment to himself and friends. An article in the Milwaukee Weekly Telegraph, from the pen of one who knew Col. Murphy well, thus sums up some of the salient points in his character and career. We make a few extracts: "Col. Murphy was educated and accomplished. He had been instructed in the Patridge Military School, and was possessed of some experience in Indian fights on the plains with Buraside, bearing scars of that experience, and a recommendation of skill and courage from Gen. Burnside to Gov. Randall. His great in- tuitiveness, his ready manner, his cultivation of mind, gained for him the respect and charity of his superiors, and brought him the respect and confidence of his regiment. His father, a native of Ireland, was a successful practicing lawyer and poli tician in Ohio, without much education; a man of strong natural talent and integrity. Upon his son he showered all his earnings, in the form of that which the father lacked the most — books, schooling and polish. Judge Murphy (the father) was the bearer of important dispatches to Texas from the Tyler and Polk ad ministrations in connection with the annexation of that republic to this country, and is referred to in Benton's 'Thirty Years' as Tyler's 'midnight messenger.' Young Murphy was ap pointed by President Pierce American consul in China, while Gen. Caleb Cushing was minister to that country, and he dis charged important consular and judicial duties there with credit to himself and his government. Upon his return Gen. Cushing selected him to take charge of the Cushing interest and property at St. Croix Falls, in this State. From there he went 'to the front,' and his military career was cut short by his failure at IN THE NORTHWEST. 109 Iuka and Holly Springs. Gen. Grant dismissed him in brief, terse words, but was willing afterward that he should be heard by a board of army officers detailed for that purpose. Stanton was inexorable and refused." After his dismissal from the army he removed to Washington and accepted a clerkship in the post office department where he still remains. It is due to him to say that his own version of his military troubles is ingenious and plausible, and would, if sustained, quite exonerate him from the charges that have pressed so heavily upon him. Edward Worth. — Mr. Worth came to St. Croix Falls from New York State in 1842, where he continued to reside the remainder of his life, experiencing the vicissitudes of pioneer life to their fullest extent. He died in 1863, leaving a widow, an only son (Henry) and two daughters, Myra, wife of W. T. Vin cent, and Sarah, wife of John Blanding, Mrs. Mary C. Worth. — Mrs. Worth was born Oct. 14, 1812, was married to Edward Worth, Dec. 24, 1835, and came to St. Croix Falls in 1842, where she lived till Jan. 12, 1886, when she peacefully passed away: She was a woman of rare mental abil ity, untiring industry and skill in managing her household affairs, and unquestioned courage, as many incidents in her St. Croix experience will evidence. She was a member of the Episcopal church and went to her grave with the respect and admiration of all who knew her. Maurice Mordecai Samuels, better known as Capt. Samuels, was born in London, of Jewish parentage. It is not known exactly when he came to this country. I first met him in 1844, at Prai rie du Chien, at which time he was a traveling peddler. In 1846 I found him in the Chippewa country, living with an Indian woman and trading with the Indians at the mouth of Sunrise river. In 1847 he established a ball alley and trading post at St. Croix Falls, where he lived until 1861, when he raised a company (the St. Croix Rifles) for the United States service, received a commission and served till the close of the war. After the war he became a citizen of New Orleans, and in 1880 changed his resi dence to Winfield, Kansas. While in St. Croix he reared a family of half-breed children. He was a shrewd man and an inveter ate dealer in Indian whisky. Capt. Samuels was sent as a gov ernment agent to the Chippewas of St. Croix valley and the 110 FIFTY YEARS southern shore of Lake Superior, in 1862, to ascertain and re port their sentiment in regard to the Sioux war. It may be said of Capt. Samuels that, however unprincipled he may have been, he was no dissembler, but outspoken in his sentiments, however repel lant they may have been to the moral sense of the community. He died at Winfield, Kansas, in 1884. Joseph B. Churchill was born in New York in 1820; was married in New York to Eliza Turnbull, and came to St. Croix Falls in 1854. He has filled various offices creditably, and has the respect and confidence of his acquaintances. His oldest daughter is the wife of Phineas G. Lacy, of Hudson. His second daughter is the wife of Joseph Rogers. He has one son living. John McLean. — Mr. McLean was born 1819, in Vermont; was married in 1844 to Sarah Turnbull and settled on his farm near St. Croix Falls in 1850. Through untiring industry and honorable dealing he has secured a sufficiency for life, a hand some farm and good buildings. A large family has grown up around him, and have settled in the county. Gilman Jewell came from New Hampshire; was married in New Hampshire and came to the West in 1847. He settled on a farm near St. Croix Falls. He died in 1869. Mrs. Jewell died January, 1888. One son, Philip, resides on the homestead. Ezra, another son, resides at the Falls. The other members of the family have moved elsewhere. Elisha Creech was born in West Virginia, 1831. He came to St. Croix Falls in 1849, and was married to Mary M. Seeds in 1863. They have four children. Mr. Creech has been engaged much of his life in lumbering. Through industry and temperate habits he has made a good farm and a pleasant home. James W. McGlothlin was born in Kentucky; came to St. Croix Falls in 1846, and engaged successfully in sawing lumber at the St. Croix mill in 1846 and 1847, but in 184S rented the mill, being sustained by Waples & Co., of Dubuque, Iowa, but by reason of bad management, he failed and left the valley in 1849. He afterward went to California, where he met a tragic fate, having beep murdered by his teamster. Andrew L. Tuttle.— Mr. Tuttle came to St. Croix Falls in 1849, and was engaged many years as a lumberman and as keeper of a boarding house. He settled on his farm at Big Rock in 1856, where he made himself a comfortable home. He went to Montana IN THE NORTHWEST. Ill in 1865, and died there in 1873. Mrs. Tuttle still resides at the homestead, an amiable woman, who has acted well her part in life. One of her daughters is married to Wm. M. Blanding. One son, Eli, died in 1883, another son, -Henry, died in Montana. Perly, John and Warren are settled near the homestead. John Weymouth was born at Clinton, Maine, in 1815, and came to St. Croix Falls in 1846, where he followed lumbering and made himself a beautiful home on the high hill overlooking the two villages of St. Croix Falls and Taylor's Falls. By frugality and industry Mr. Weymouth has accumulated a competence. He was married in St. .Croix Falls in 1850, to Mary McHugh. One son, John, is married to Miss Ramsey, of Osceola, and a daughter, Mary J., is married to Samuel Harvey, of St. Croix Falls. B. W. Reynolds, a tall, thin, stoop -shouldered man of •eecentric manners, was receiver at the St. Croix land office from 1861 to 1864. He was a native of South Carolina, and a gradu ate of Middlebury College, Vermont. He had studied for the ministry, and, if we> mistake not, had devoted some years of his life to pastoral work, but devoted later years to secular pursuits. ' At the close of the war he returned to South Carolina as a recon- ¦structionist, but in two or three years came North, and located at La Crosse, Wisconsin, where he edited the La Crosse Star. He died at La' Crosse Aug. 17, 1877. Augustus Gaylord. — Mr. Gaylord was a merchant in St. Croix Falls prior to the Rebellion. In 1861 Go v . Harvey appointed him adjutant general of the State. In this office he acquitted himself well. He was an efficient public officer and in private life a high minded, honorable gentleman. James D. Reymert. — Mr. Reymert was born in Norway in 1821, and came to America and settled in Racine in 1845. He was a practical printer, and editor of the first Norwegian paper west of the lakes, if not the first in America, and was a man of recognized literary ability. He was a member of the second Wisconsin constitutional convention, ,1847, from Racine. In 1849 he was a member of the Wisconsin assembly. He came to St. Croix Falls in 1859, and served two years as agent of the St. Croix Falls Company. He was the organizer of a company in New York City, known as "The Great European -American Land Company," in which Count Taub, of Norway, took an 112 FIFTY YEARS active part. This noted company claimed to have purchased the Cushing property, a claim true only so far as the prelimin ary steps of a purchase were concerned. For a time there was considerable activity. The town of St. Croix Falls was resur- veved, new streets were opened, and magnificent" improve ments planned, but failing to consummate the purchase, the company failed, leaving a beggarly account of unpaid debts. William J. Vincent. — Mr. Vincent is of Irish descent. He was born June 10, 1830, and came West when a youth. In 1846, at the age of sixteen, he enlisted in Company H, Mounted Rifles, and served through the Mexican War. In 1848 he came to St. Croix Falls, where he followed lumbering and clerking. He was married to Myra Worth in 1855. In 1861 he enlisted in Company F, First Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, of which com pany he was appointed second lieutenant. He resigned in 1862. He has held the office of county commissioner eleven years, that of county clerk seven years, that of state timber agent four years. In 1879 he served as representative in the Wisconsin as sembly. In 1880 he commenced selling goods with his son-in- law, under the firm name of Vincent & Stevenson. He erected the first brick store building in St. Croix Falls in 1884. Thompson Brothers. — Thomas Thompson was born in Lower Canada, Nov. 11, 1833, and was married to Eliza Clendenning in 1861. James Thompson was born in Lower Canada, Nov. 11, 1840, and was married to Mary A. Gray in 1871. The brothers came to the Falls in 1856 and engaged in lumbering about ten years, and then in merchandising, jointly, but in 1868 formed separate firms. Thomas built the first brick dwelling house in St. Croix in 1882. Mrs. Thomas Thompson died in 1886. James erected a large flour mill in 1879. William Amery was born in London, England, in 1831. He learned the carpenter's trade in London and came to America in 1851, locating at first in Stillwater, but the ensuing year remov ing to St. Croix Falls. He pre-empted the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 31, township 34, range 18, and adjoining lands in 1853, and this has been his continuous home since. He has served as county treasurer four years and held many town offices. He was married to Sarah Hackett in 1855. The town of Amery is named in honor of this respected man. Mr. Amery died Sept. 4, 1887, leaving a widow, two sons and three daughters. IN THE NORTHWEST. 113 Lewis Barlow. — Among the first immigrants to St. Croix Falls was Lewis Barlow, an eccentric, sensitive man. He was a millwright, and, being of an unhappy disposition, led a troubled life. He was the first man married at the Falls. In 1847 he moyed to the Minnesota side, where he owned considerable land. He lived here until 1852 when his family left him. He sold his interests and followed and reunited them at Rock Island,. Illi nois. Here he suffered much and became blind. He traveled with a panorama and so earned a scanty livelihood. In later life he revisited his old home at the Falls, but broken and de jected in spirit. He died at Rock Island in 1872. Levi W. Stratton. — Mr. Stratton was one of the passengers of the Palmyra in 1838. He worked for the St. Croix Company two years. After leaving the Falls, he changed his residence several times, and finally settled at Excelsior, Hennepin county, Minnesota, where he died in 1*884. Mr. Stratton wrote for the Minneapolis papers many interesting reminiscences of pioneer life on the St. Croix. Elma M. Blanding. — Mr. Blanding was born in Harford, Susquehanna county, New York, Feb. 14, 1800. He was mar ried to Eliza Tuttle in 1826. He settled on a farm near St. Croix Falls in 1856, where he died, Sept. 16,* 1871. Father Blanding, as he was affectionately called in the later years of his life, was a man of exemplary habits, of strong religious convictions, and a consistent member of the Presbyterian church. He left a widow, five sons and three daughters. Mrs. Eliza Blanding died Jan. 18, 1887. Wm. M. Blanding, the oldest son, owns a fine farm near the Falls, formerly known as "Jerusalem." He is a surveyor, lumberman and farmer, and a prominent citizen. He was married to Eliza Tuttle. A family of thirteen children has grown up around him. In 1887 he was appointed receiver in the St. Croix land office. John, the second son, is also a farmer in St. Croix Falls. He was married to Sarah, daughter of Edward and Mary C. Worth. Eugene E. is engaged in the drug business at Taylors Falls, and is also surveyor and express agent. He married Joanna Ring, of Taylors Falls, in 1871. Fred, the fourth son, was married in 1885 to Emma Sly. He was appointed United States land receiver at St. Croix Falls in 1887. He died in California, Jan. 30, 1888. Frank, the youngest son, was married to Annie McCourt, and lives on the homestead. 114 FIFTY YEARS Josephine, the oldest daughter, is the wife of Wm. Longfellow, and resides in Machias, Maine. Flavilla, the widow of Charles B.' Whiting, lives at St. Paul, Minnesota. Her husband died in 1868. Mrs. Whiting was executrix of the will of Dr. E. D. Whiting, and successfully controlled a property valued at about $80,000. Mary, wife of Wm. McCourt, died in 1880. WILLIAM M. BLANDING. Frederick K. Bartlett was a native of New England. He came to St. Croix Falls in 1849, as attorney and land agent for Caleb Cushing. He was candidate for judge of the district court in 1850, but was defeated. He subsequently settled in Still water, and later in Hudson, where he died in 1857, leaving a wife and one son, who became a civil engineer and died in St. Paul in 1885, and one daughter, Helen, who achieved some repu tation as a writer for periodicals. IN THE NORTHWEST. 115 Michael Field was born June 8, 1806. He came from a New England family, his father and mother having resided in Connecticut. In early life he removed to New York and resided awhile at Rochester. He engaged principally in transportation business. The earliest work he ever did was on the Erie canal. He was married in 1833 to Miss Reynolds, who died in 1874. His children are Capt. Silas Wright Field (mortally wounded at Shiloh), Norton, a resident of Racine, Wisconsin, Mrs. Fanny Nason, wife of Hon. Joel F. Nason, Phebe and Mary, unmarried and resident in Brooklyn. Mr. Field was married to his second wife, Mrs. Harriet Lee Bracken, in 1882. He was appointed register of the land office at St. Croix Falls by President Lincoln in 1861, and served twenty-six years. Though over eighty years of age he retains his faculties and general health, and his mind is a store house of the early history of the country. ALDEN. The town of Alden embraces township 32, range 17, and twenty-four sections of range 18. It has both prairie and tim ber land, and is abundantly supplied with water. Apple river traverses it from northeast to southwest. There are many tributary small streams, and a large number of small lakes, of which Cedar lake is the largest. This* lies only partially in Alden. The surface is gently undulating. The town of Alden was organized in 1857. The first board of , supervisors were Stephen Williams, William Folsom and H. Sawyer. The first post office was established at Wagon Landing in 1862, V. M. Babcock, postmaster. The first settlers were Wm. Folsom, V. M. Babcock, V. B. Kittel, I. L. Bridgman, Charles Vassau, Jr. , and Humphrey Sawyer, in 1856. Mr. Bridg man raised the first crops in 1857. The first marriage was C. Vassau to Alma Kittel, in 1858, by Rev. A. Burton Peabody. The first white child born in Alden was P. B. Peabody, July 28, 1856. The first death was that of a child, Nicholas W. Gor don, June 10, 1857. Alden has two post towns, Little Falls and Alden. Rev. A. Burton Peabody was born May 22, 1823, in Ando- ver, Windsor county, Vermont. He was the youngest of four minor children, and was left fatherless at eight years of age, and motherless at fifteen. He obtained a good English education 116 FIFTY YEARS in the common schools, and at Chester and Black River acade mies. The winter terms he spent in teaching. In 1844 he came to Janesville, Wisconsin, where he spent two years, partly on a farm and partly in a law office, as a student and clerk. In 1847 he went to Iowa county, and taught school through the winter at Mineral Point. The next year he went to Clarence, Green county, Wisconsin, where he spent four years in teaching. In 1852 he entered the Nashotah Theological Seminary, where he completed the course, and was ordained deacon in the Protestant Episcopal church, June 3, 1855, by the Rev. Bishop Kemper, and took temporary charge of Grace church, Sheboygan. He was married to Charity Esther Kittel, Sept. 22, 1855, at Clarence, by the Rev. Wm. Ruger. In November of the same year he removed to Mississippi, spending the winter at Jackson. In February he went to Middleton, Mississippi, to take charge of a mission work, including several appointments. He came, the June following, to Polk county, Wisconsin, and spent the sum mer at Wagon Landing, on Apple river, where his wife's friends had made a settlement, but in the winter returned to his mission work in the South, and there remained until 1857. Owing to the troubled political condition of the South, he did not deem it ad visable to remove his family thither, and so returned to Wagon Landing and obtained, mission work, visiting at intervals Fos ter's Mills, now New Richmond, Huntington, Cedar Valley, and St. Croix Falls. The intervening country was, much of it, an unbroken wilderness, and he was obliged to make his journeys not infrequently on foot, to cross the swollen streams and dare all the perils of the winter storm. In 1859 Mr. Peabody accepted a call to the rectorship of St. Paul's church, Plymouth, Sheboy gan county, but in 1862 returned to the valley of the St. Croix, and settled on a farm, undertaking meanwhile ministerial work at Prescott and other points, in a line extending as far north as St. Croix Falls. Three years later Prescott and River Falls were made independent, another man taking charge. In 1879 Mr. Pea body undertook additional work on the North Wisconsin railroad, including a large number of places, to be visited monthly. In 1882 his railroad work was limited to Clayton, Cumberland and Hayward. He still has charge, as rector, of Star Prairie and Wagon Landing. Few men have led more laborious lives or been more useful in their calling. He has witnessed the erection IN THE NORTHWEST. 117. of eight churches on the field in which he labored, though con cerned directly in the building of only four. Mr. Peabody' s family consists of seven sons and seven daughters. One of the latter died in infancy. V. M. Babcock settled at Wagon Landing, town of Alden, in 1856. He was born in Rensselaer county, New York; married his first wife in New York and his second wife at Somerset, St. Croix county, Wisconsin. They have four children. He has held town offices ever since the organization of the town. He has been sheriff, and was county superintendent of schools for seven years. APPLE RIVER. The town of Apple River includes township 34, range 16, and derives its name from its principal river. The town is well watered by Apple river and its tributaries, and it also has numer ous lakes, the most considerable of which is White Ash lake. The surface of the town is gently undulating, and was orignally cov ered with pine, interspersed with hardwood groves. There is good wheat soil, and natural meadows are found in some parts. The town was organized Jan. 22, 1876, having been set off from Balsam Lake. There are two post offices, Apple River on the west, and Shiloh on the east town line. BALSAM LAKE. The town of Balsam Lake embraces township 34, range 17, and takes its name from a lake within its bounds. It has an undu lating surface, covered with heavy oak, pine, and maple timber principally. Balsam creek, the outlet of Balsam lake, flows through it in a southerly direction, affording fine water powers. About one-sixth of the surface is covered with lakes. The larg est of these, Balsam lake, in the Indian language An-in-on-duc- a-gon, or evergreen place, gives name to the town. Deer, Long, Wild Goose, and Mud lakes are fine bodies of water with bold, . timbered shores, and abundance of fish. The town is near the geographical centre of the county. The first white man, prior to the organization of the town, to locate within its present bounds was a disreputable trader named Miller, who in 1848 built a shanty on Balsam lake, from which he dispensed whisky to the Indians. This- man was not long afterward driven out of the country. (See history of St. Croix Falls.) The town was organ- 118 , FIFTY YEARS ized in 1869. The first board of supervisors consisted of Geo. P. Anderson, Wright Haskins, and Joseph Loveless. The clerk was H. J, Fall; the treasurer, F. R. Loveless. The first school was taught by Jane Husband. Aaron M. Chase built a shingle mill at the outlet of Balsam lake in 1850, and he seems to have been the first actual settler or the first man to make improve ments. As he had neither oxen nor horses, the timbers for the mill were hauled by man power with the aid of yokes and ropes. Other persons came to the mill and lived there awhile, but the first permanent settlers came in in 1856. They were J. Shep- - herd, Joseph Loveless, Joseph Ravett, and John M. Rogers. Mr. Rogers raised the first crops in the town; Joseph Ravett was the first postmaster. The first marriage was that of J. K. Adams to Miss L. A. Millerman, by W. H. Skinner. The first white child born was a daughter to R. S. Haskins. The first death, that of a child, occurred in 1870. A first class flouring mill has been erected at the outlet of Balsam lake. It is owned by Herman Corning; a saw mill is also in operation at this point. A Metho dist church, 30x40 feet ground plan, was erected at Balsam Lake by the Methodist society in 1886. BEAVER. The town of Beaver includes township 34, range 15. It was set off from Apple River and organized Nov. 15, 1885. The name was suggested as being appropriate from the work of the beaver in past ages. Beaver dams are numerous on all the creeks. These ancient works will mostly disappear with the progress of agriculture. The town is drained by streams flow ing into Apple river. Horseshoe lake, in the northeast corner, is three miles in length. BLACK BROOK. The town of Black Brook includes township 32, range 16. Apple river, with its tributaries, supplies it with abundant water privileges. Black Brook, the principal tributary, gives the town its name, and drains the southern portion. THiere are many small lakes. The surface is undulating and most of the soil good. The post office of Black Brook is in section 32. The North Wisconsin railroad passes through sections 25, 35 and 36. This town was originally a part of Alden, but was organized and IN THE NORTHWEST. 119 set off as a new town Aug. 5, 1867. J. C. Nelson and G. H. Goodrich were the first supervisors. The first settlers (1863) were John Gorsuch, John Reed and Jacob Polwer; the first post master was Gates; the first school teacher, Tina Stark weather; the first marriage that of S. D. Starkweather and Mary Danforth; the first death that of Mrs. Ben Gilman. CLAM FALLS. Clam Falls comprises township 37, range 16> and derives its name from the falls on Clam river. The surface is rolling and timbered with hardwood and pine. It is well watered by South Clam creek and its tributaries. Somers' lake, in section 27, is the only lake. An upheaval of trap rock on Clam creek has caused the ^waterfall from which the town has taken its name. It is a fine water power. A dam for collecting tolls on saw logs has been placed just above the Falls. Good specimens of copper ore are found in the trap. The town was set off from Luck and organized Nov. 15, 1876. The first town meeting was held April, 1877. The first supervisors were Daniel F. Smithy John Almquist and John Bjornson. D. F. Smith was the first settler, built the first saw mill, and raised the first crops. Daniel F. Smith, a peculiar and eccentric" man, was born in Chautauqua county, New York, in 1813; emigrated to Michigan in 1834, where he married Eliza Green the following year, and moved to Racine county, Wisconsin. In 1842 he engaged in lumbering on the Wisconsin river, his home being at Stevens Point. He was of the firms of Smith & Bloomer and Smith & Fellows. Mr. Bloomer was accidentally killed, on which account the business of these firms was closed, Mr. Smith removing to Galena to facilitate the settlement of their affairs. In 1852 he removed to St. Louis; in 1853 to Memphis, Tennessee, where he engaged in the wholesale grocery business, losing heavily, in fact all the accumulations of his life. In the spring of 1855 he leased the St. Croix Falls saw mill, and operated it for two years, when trouble arose and litigation ensued, in which Smith obtained a judgment against Cushing for $1,000. In 1860 he removed to Clinton, Iowa, and thence in the same year to California. He traveled much, visiting mines. He spent some time in mining, and also manufactured shingles. In 1862 he returned to St. Croix Falls and engaged in lumbering for three years. In 1868 he built 120 FIFTY YEARS a sawmill at Butternut Lake, Wisconsin. He did much to open that country to settlement. He was the founder of a town which he called ' ' Luck. " In 1872 he was the first settler at Clam Falls, where he built a saw mill with but one man to assist, and around that mill has sprung up a flourishing settlement. Dan Smith, with undaunted perseverance, has battled his way through life, and has come out victorious over difficulties and opposition that would have discouraged and turned back other men. Mr. Smith is a plain, direct, outspoken man; a man of energy and ability. He has ably and satisfactorily filled many places of trust. For many years he has been a commissioner of Polk county. CLAYTON. Clayton includes township 33, range 15. The town was set off from Black Brook. The surface of a great part of the town is level and was originally marshy, but these marshes have been gradu ally drained, and fine farms and hay meadows have taken their place. The town was organized Nov. 10, 1875. The first super visors were Morris De'Golier, Worthy Prentice and H. D. West The first homestead entries were made in 1865 by Peter Bouchea and John McKay, a Frenchman, both Indian traders, who estab lished a post at Marsh lake, but in six months abandoned it and never returned. The next settlers were Vandyke, Morehouse and Tanner, near the west line of the town, about 1870. The first improvements were made by Elam Greely in 1862, who dug a oanal into Marsh lake to get water to float logs out of Beaver brook, thereby draining great tracts of swamp land. The laying of the North Wisconsin railroad track gave a fresh impetus to business, and conduced greatly to the building of the village of Clayton in section 24. The first sermon in the town of Clayton was preached by Rev. W. W. Ames, a Baptist; the first school was taught by S. M. De'Golier; the first store was opened by A. M. Wilcox, 1874. D. A. Humbird was the first postmaster. The North Wisconsin railway passes through the southeast part and the Minneapolis, Soo & Atlantic passes from the west side to the northeast corner of the town, and has a station, Gregory, in the west part. Reuben F. Little was born June 13, 1839, in Topsham, Devonshire county, England. At ten years of age he began to care for himself, working for sixpence per week, carrying pot- IN THE NORTHWEST. 121 tery in a moulding house. Before leaving England his wages had increased to three shillings per week. In the spring of 1853 he had saved three pounds sterling, and his grandfather gave him two pounds sterling. This five pounds paid his passage to Quebec and Montreal, where he got four dollars per month. Soon after he apprenticed himself, for five years to learn the baker's and confectioner's trade at London, Upper Canada. Sub sequently he took a homestead from the British government at Trading Lake, Upper Canada. In the spring of 1861, at Detroit, Michigan, he enlisted in the United States infantry, regular army, and was promoted suc- KEUBEN P. LITTLE. cessively to first sergeant, to sergeant major, to second lieuten ant, to first lieutenant. He resigned in September, 1865. During the war he served continuously in Gen. George H. Thomas' divi sion, and took part in all the engagements under him, from Miles Springs, Kentucky, to Nashville, Tennessee. On the twenty- second of September, 1863, Mr. Little had the honor of being the last man to leave the Rossville Gap in front of Chattanooga after the disastrous fight of Chickamauga. He was wounded in the battle of Hoover's Gap and Smyrna, andvat the siege of Corinth. Mr. Little was married in 1865, and divorced in 1869, and re married in St. Paul in 1 878. He lost his Canada homestead, and 122 FIFTY YEARS took another homestead in Lincoln, Polk county, Wisconsin, in 1866. Afterward he went to St. Paul and became one of the firm of Little & Berrisford in the wholesale confectionery business. In 1879 he returned to Clayton, formerly part of Lincoln, and reclaimed a swamp of over six hundred acres, making it a productive meadow and tillage farm. Mr. Little has served several years as Clayton's town supervisor. CLEAR LAKE. Clear Lake embraces township 32, range 15. It derives its name from a beautiful clear lake on the western boundary near Clear Lake village. The west part of the town is timbered principally with hardwood, and is good farming land. The eastern part is more diversified, and there are some large groves of pine. Willow river runs through the town. The North Wisconsin railroad trav erses the town diagonally from northeast to southwest. The town was organized June 20, 1877; S. D. Mann, J. C. Gates, and W. B. Ingalls, supervisors. The first settlers were John Hale, L. P. Nash, S. D. Starkweather, and Perry Clark. Lawrence O'Connor was first postmaster; Mr. Starkweather carried the mail on foot. Israel Graves, in 1875, built the first saw mill in Clear Lake vil lage and the first house. There is now at the village a stave mill owned by Symme & Co. Jewett Bros, own a saw mill on Willow river, three miles from the village, which has a capacity of 8,000,000 feet. The lumber is delivered to the railway at the village by a wooden tramway. The lots for the village were pur chased from the government by A. Boody and A. Coventry, in 1856. The plat was made by Symme, Glover & Co. The survey was made by G. W. Cooley. Thomas T. McGee was the first settler (1875), and Stephen H. Whitcomb the second. The first school house was built in 1875, and the first school was taught by Clara Davis in the same year. The village has now a good graded school with three departments, Charles Irle, principal. Its two church buildings, Congregational and Methodist, were destroyed by the cyclone of 1884, but are being rebuilt. The Swedish Lutherans have a church a mile from the village. Chas. Decker was the first postmaster; A. Symme & Co. were the first mer* chants; P. Gates, M.D., the first practicing physician; F. M. Nye the first lawyer. The first marriage was that of John C. Gates and Ella Scovill. The first birth was Chas. W. Whitcomb, and the first death that of a child of Hans Johnson. IN THE NORTHWEST. 123 PINEVILLE. The town of Pineville, a railroad station and village in sec tion 9, is a lumbering centre. The Pineville Lumbering Com pany have here a saw mill with a capacity of 7,000,000 feet. The logs are brought on wooden railways three to ten miles. P. B. Lacy & Co., of Hudson, are the proprietors. 'Frank M. Nye was librn in Shirley, Piscataquis county, Maine, in 1852. His parents removed to Wisconsin in 1854. He was educated at the common schools and at River Falls Academy. He came to Clear Lake in 1879, and was elected district attor ney for Polk county in 1880, and representative in the Wiscon sin assembly in 1885. He removed to Minneapolis in 1887. EUREKA. Eureka embraces township 35, range 18 and a fractional part of range 19. The west part is somewhat broken by the St. Croix bluffs; the remainder is undulating and capable of agricultural improvement. There are many good farms in this town. There are a few small lakes in the eastern part. Eureka was set off from St. Croix Falls, and organized Dec. 16, 1877. The first supervisors were Lucius A. Harper, Jens Welling and William Booth. The first settlers were L. A. Harper, John C. Beede, Henry Cole and others. There are three post offices in the town, — Harper, Cushing and North Valley. At the mouth of Wolf creek, in the extreme northwestern section of this town, J. R. Brown had a trading house in the '30s, and Louis Roberts in the '40s. At this place Alex. Livingston, another trader, was killed by In dians in 1849. Livingston had built him a comfortable home, which he made a stopping place for the weary traveler, whom he fed on wild rice, maple sugar, venison, bear meat, muskrats, wild fowl and flour bread, all decently prepared by his Indian wife. Mr. Livingston was killed by an Indian in 1849. In 1855 Carma P. Garlick surveyed a quarter section here and laid it off into town lots, and had lithograph maps published, calling the prospective village Sebatanna, an Indian town sig nifying "Water Village." Charles Nevers settled here about 1860, and has now a fine farm and good buildings. 124 FIFTY YEARS FARMINGTON. Farmington was organized as a town in 1858. It contains forty-two sections of land, in township 32, ranges 18 and 19, with some fractions of sections on the St. Croix. It is a rich agri cultural town, well diversified with prairie and timber land. Its western portion, along the St. Croix, has the picturesque bluffs common to that river, with so-^e unusually beautiful cas cades and hillside springs, of which the most notable are the well known mineral spring and the springs at the lime kiln. The mineral spring is situated on the St. Croix river, at the base of the bluff, and about one mile and a half below Osceola Mills. A beautiful hotel was built in 1876 on the cliff above, at a cost of about $20,000, which became quite a popular place of resort until 1885, when it was burned. It has not been re built. The property was improved by Currant & Stevens, but afterward sold. The following analysis shows the chemical constituents of a gallon of the water of the spring: GEAINS. Chloride of sodium 053 Sulphate of soda 534 Bi-carbonate of soda 799 Bicarbonate of lime 11.193 Bicarbonate of magnesia . 7.248 Iron and alumina 492 Silica 265 Organic matter a trace Total 20,565 South Farmington Corners has a prosperous cheese factory, owned and operated by Koch Brothers, erected in 1883, turning out in 1884 sixteen tons of cheese and in 1885 over twenty tons. South Farmington has a Catholic church building. The first crops in Farmington were raised by Wm. Kent on a farm near Osceola in 1846, and the same year Harmon Crandall and Richard Arnold improved land and raised crops not far from the present village of Farmington. Here, owing to the sandy nature of the soil, well digging proved rather perilous to the two farmers. Mr. Arnold attempted to dig a well in a depression, a sinkhole, in the prairie. As he dug deeper the sides of the well caved in, almost burying him. He managed IN THE NORTHWEST. 125 by" his own utmost exertions and those of his friend Crandall to escape, but left his boots deeply imbedded in prairie soil. In 1887 the Soo Railroad Company bridged the St. Croix, at the cedar bend at the south point of the leaning cedars, and extended their grade along the base of the precipice overlooking the river above, and commanding an extensive view of bold, picturesque and beautiful scenery. BIOGRAPHICAL. Harmon Crandall. — The Crandall family were the first to settle in Osceola Prairie, in the town of Farmington. Mr. Cran dall moved to his farm in 1846, and lived there many years; sold out and removed to Hudson, where, in later life, he became blind. He had three sons born in Farmington. In 1882 he moved to Shell Lake, Washburn county, where he died, Aug. 8, 1886. Mrs. Crandall died May 11, 1888. Samuel Wall. — Mr Wall was born in 1824, in Shropshire, England; went as a British soldier to the West Indies in 1840; two years later came to New York City; one year later to St. Louis; in 1844 to St. Paul and in 1846 to the St. Croix valley, where he made a permanent home at the lime kiln, which he bought of William Willim. He was married to Anna Maria Moore in 1857. They had been educated as Episcopalians, but are now ¦Catholics and have educated their children in that faith in the schools at St. Paul. Mr. Wall served five years in the British army for thirteen pence a day, but West India rum was. cheap, only ten pence per gallon, and this, Mr. Wall pathetically re marked, "was an unfortunate element for the lime- kiln man." After twenty-six years of struggle Mr. Wall came out victorious and now strongly advises all young men to "touch not, taste not, handle not," anything that can intoxicate. The writer trusts he may stand firm. William Ramsey was born in Ireland in 1814, and came to America with his parents in his youth, first settling in Nova Scotia. In 1834 he came to Washington county, Maine. In 1839 he was married to Sarah Stevens, at Crawford, Maine. In 1849 he went to California. In 1850 he returned, and located on his farm in Farmington, Polk county, where he still resides, an effi cient citizen, who has borne his full part in the organization of town and county, and filled various offices. 126 FIFTY YEARS Hiram W. Nason. — Mr. Nason was born in Waterville, Maine, in 1792. When of age he settled in Crawford, Maine. In 1852 he was married. He came to Polk county, and settled in Farming- ton in 1853. Mr. Nason died in 1859. Mrs. Nason died some years later. They were members of the Baptist church. Their children are Joel F., Levi, Merrill, Crocker, Albert, James, Maria, wife of Thos. Ford, of Farmington, and Frances, wife of Moses Peaselee, of Farmington. Mr. Ford died in 1880. He was a well to do farmer. Mr. Peaselee, also a farmer, has served as sheriff of Polk county. Joel F. Nason. — Mr. Nason was born Aug. 31, 1828, in Washington county, Maine. He was married to Bertha Hans- comb, of Crawford, Maine, in July, 1851. Their children are Everett, Fred, Louisa, wife of Albert Thompson, and Bertha. Mrs. Nason died in 1862. Mr. Nason was married to Mary Ann Godfrey, of Osceola, in 1867. Mrs. Nason died February, 1885. He was married to Miss Fanny Field, of St. Croix Falls, in 1887. Mr. Nason settled in JFarmington in 1852. He engaged in lumber ing many years, and was called by his fellow citizens to fill several important offices. He served eight years as county clerk. He was appointed receiver of the United States land office at St. Croix Falls in 1871, which office he resigned in 1884, when he was elected state senator. John McAdams was born in Tennessee in 1808. He was em ployed for many years on the Louisville (Ky.) canal. He was married to Eliza Robinson in 1840. Mrs. McAdams died in 1844, leaving one son, Melville, born 1842, who came with his father to the St. Croix valley in 1849. He first located at Osceola, but in 1854 removed to Farmington, where he died in 1883. Mr. McAdams was a mineralogist of some ability. . Charles Tea was bprn in Pennsylvania in 1817; came into the St. Croix valley in 1849; was married in 1850 to Mary Mc Adams, sister of John McAdams, and in the same year settled on a farm in Farmington. In 1880 he removed to Southern Iowa. GARFIELD. Garfield includes thirty sections of range 17, and six sections of range 18, township 33. It is well watered and has many small lakes, while Sucker lake, a lake of considerable size, is about equally divided between its own territory and that of Lincoln. IN THE NORTHWEST. 127 Garfield was organized in 1886. The first supervisors were Abra ham Sylvester, James T. Montgomery and Martin Hanson. In 1887 the Minneapolis, Soo & Atlantic railway built through the town from west to southeast and established one station, Der- onda, in the southeast corner of the town. The post office of El Salem is in Garfield. GEORGETOWN. Georgetown comprises township 35, ranges 15 and 16. This town is abundantly supplied with water by Apple river and its tribu taries, and numerous lakes, some of them of considerable size. The largest are Bone, Blake, Powder and Pipe. The timber is hardwood and pine intermingled. Immense quantities of pine have been taken from this town, and still much remains. Wild meadows are plentiful. Georgetown was set off from Milltown and organized Nov. 15, 1879. The first supervisors were David H. Smith, Elisha E. Drake and August Larbell. George P. Anderson was the first settler (1873), and his christian name was affixed to the town. The first school was taught in 1874 by John Burns. A post office was established in 1881 at Bunyan, G. P. Anderson, postmaster. The first sermon was preached by Rev. C. D. Scott, a Methodist. The first birth was that of, Lucy Ander son; the first marriage that of Henry King to Etta Clark. The first death was that of August Larbell. TWO MEN- MURDERED. Oliver Grover and Harry Knight, two prominent lumbermen of Stillwater, on July 2, 1864, were exploring for timber and hay on Pipe lake, section 10, in Georgetown. Not returning to their camp, two miles distant, the watchman at the camp, after wait ing two days, went to St. Croix: Falls and gave the alarm. Many parties went in pursuit of the lost men. Some traces of their presence were discovered on the shore of this lake, but the search was finally abandoned. After some months the Indians con fessed that two of their young men shot the two men, disem- bowled them, burned the entrails and sunk the bodies in the lake. Their bodies were never found. We append the follow ing newspaper clipping: "Finale.— The friends of the two Indians that shot Grover and Knight, last Tuesday delivered to P. B. Lacy, of St. Croix 128 FIFTY YEARS Falls, the valuables that were taken from the bodies of the mur dered men. They consisted of $113 in gold, $282.05 in green backs, $160 in silver, one silver watch, one wallet and one pocket knife. This is probably the closing act of the bloody tragedy which cost two innocent men their lives at the hands of Indians steeped in liquor, and who, fearing the vengeance of the white man, committed suicide." The two murderers had confessed the crime and shot themselves. George P. Anderson. — Mr. Anderson was born in Fulvana county, Virginia, 1825; was educated in the common schools; lived in Ohio eighteen and in Indiana fifteen years, and came to Balsam Lake in 1866. Few men have been more active in the opening up of a new settlement. Mr. Anderson has been several times elected to office in the new county, and was a principal actor in the establishment of the Polk County Agricultural So ciety in 1886. He has a family of fifteen children living. LAKETOWN. Laketown includes township 36, range 18. It is named from the lakes that dot almost every section in the town. Trade lake, with its tributary from Butternut lake, are the principal streams. The town was set off from Sterling and organized April 6, 1875. The first supervisors were L. Bell, S. P. Heard and N. Fornell. The town was settled largely by Swedes, Norwegians, Danes and Alabamians. The latter settled in the northwestern part of the town. In 1869 Caleb Cushing bought the agricultural college lands in the town to the amount of 7,200 acres. The first school house was built in 1870, in section 8. P. Tierney taught the first school. Lindsey McKee was the first settler. He was also the first to sell out and leave. Daniel Swensbarger, a German, bought him out, and a number of his countrymen settled near him. Jacob Swensbarger started a store. N. Grondund built the first blacksmith shop. Peter Olsen built the first saw mill, at the foot of Long lake, in 1875. The first marriage was that of L. McKee and Mary Addington, by L. Bell, Esq. LINCOLN. Lincoln includes township 33, range 16, and the eastern tier of sections of township 33, range 17. It is abundantly watered by Apple river and its tributaries, and has numerous lakes of IN THE NORTHWEST. 129 which Sucker lake is the largest. The soil is well adapted to the culture of wheat. There are many fine farms in this town ship. The surface, originally covered with timber, is undu lating. The town was organized in 1860, being set off from Os ceola. The first town meeting was held April, 1861. A. A. Heald, M. C. Lan§ and John Hurness were the first supervisors. The post town is at Lincoln Centre. The Polk county poor farm is pleasantly situated on a lake in Lincoln, and has been well managed for a series of years by Capt. Wilkie. Amery village is located on Apple river, at the crossing of the "Soo Line " railway. It has two saw mills and a stave fac tory. The Minneapolis, Soo & Atlantic railway passes through Lincoln from southwest to east, and has a station at Apple River crossing, named Amery, in honor of William Amery, one of Polk county's best citizens. Wm. Wilson was born in 1828, at Armagh county, Ireland. At four years of age he came to America with his parents, who lo cated at Canada West, where he learned the baker's trade. In 1849 he came to Osceola and followed lumbering eight years. He was married at Osceola to Leah Moody and located on his home stead in Lincoln in 1870. He has three sons. Mr. Wilson has been a useful citizen and has done his full share of pioneer work. loraine. Loraine includes townships 36 and 37, range 15. It is a heavily timbered district, with hardwood and pine interspersed. The surface is undulating and the soil is much of it good. It is well watered by South Clam creek and tributaries, and has a multi tude of small lakes. There are some fine farms in the northern part of the township. Loraine was organized Nov. 14, 1872. The first town meeting was held April, 1873. The first supervisors were, Frank J. Williams, George Phelps and John Klinch. Wm. Gallespie built the first hotel and opened it in 1873. The first school was taught by Georgia Lacy. The first marriage was that of James Lago and Almeda Johnson. The first white child was George Phillips; the first death that of a child of J. L. Ellis. The first settler was C. Loraine Ruggles. He was somewhat eccentric. He published a book embodying his own adventures during the Rebellion, which he called "The Great American Spy.'' The town was named after him. N. B. Bull and Chas. Anderson were the next settlers. 9 130 FIFTY YEARS Wm. Wallace Gallespie was born in Louisville, Kentucky; lived in his youth in Illinois and came to Marine Mills in 1844. In 1851 he married Cecilia M. Ring, widow of Charles Turner, of Taylor's Falls. In 1878 he moved to his homestead in Lor aine, where he has a good farm and hotel. He has two sons and one daughter. LUCK. Luck includes township 36, ranges 16 and 17. It is a good agricultural region and contains already many valuable farms. The eastern half of the town was originally a rich pine wood region. Much of the timber is yet standing. The town is well watered by Upper Trade and Straight rivers and has many beau tiful lakes, the principal of which are Butternut and North. Luck was organized as a town Nov. 9, 1869. The first supervis ors were Wm. H. Foster, M. C. Pederson and J. J. Bille. The first settlers were Wm. W. Gallespie, W. H. Foster and D. P. Smith (1857). The first marriage was that of W. H. Foster, and his oldest child was the first white child born in Luck. Wm. Gallespie raised the first crops. D. F. Smith built the first saw mill. W. H. Foster was first postmaster. At present there are two post offices, one at the village of Luck, the other at West Denmark. Laura Jones taught the first school in Luck. The town has been settled chiefly by Danes, mostly direct from Denmark. A Danish high school was established in 1884, K. Noregaad, principal, at which different languages are taught. The building cost $3,000. It is beautifully located ou Butternut lake. The Lutherans have three flourishing church organiza tions in this town. William H. Foster was born in Bangor, Maine, in 1828; came to St. Croix valley in 1844; settled in Luck in 1857 and engaged in farming and lumbering. He served in the army during the Rebellion, and was postmaster at Luck for eighteen years. His father, Daniel Foster, came with him to the St. Croix valley in 1844 and died in 1876. His native place was New Hampshire. MILLTOWN. Milltown includes township 35, range 17. It is a good agri cultural and stock growing town. It is watered by the small streams flowing into Balsam, Half Moon and other lakes. The IN THE NORTHWEST. 131 timber is mostly hardwood. There is pine in the eastern part. The Patterson post office is located in section 7, Milltown in section 36. Milltown was set off from St. Croix Falls Dec. 20, 1869. The first town meeting was held Jan. 8, 1870. The first supervisors were John Lynch, M. Fitzgerald, Sr., and John Hurley. The Roman Catholic church was organized here in 1864. Their new house of worship was built in 1870. The first settlers were James and John Rogers. The first school (1865) was taught by Maggie Crawford. The first school house was built in 1866. A grange was organized in 1884. The town has now a good brick school house and a saw and flour mill. Patrick Lillis was born in Ireland in 1807. He came to Polk county in 1856, and, with his amiable wife and enterprising sons, made a claim on what was afterward styled Milltown, an inappropriate name, but given by Mr. Lillis himself, as he humorously remarked, "because there was not a stream large enough for a mill site in the town," and Milltown it remains to> this day. Mr. Lillis prospered and made himself a good home. He died Feb. 26, 1886. Mrs. Lillis died December, 1885. They left six sons. John C. is in Greene county, Texas, Simon C. is in Southern California, and Richard is in Memphis, Tennessee. Henry, the youngest, aged twenty-nine years, has for the past six years been a resident of Tacoma, Washington Territory. The residence of Martin and James is not known. OSCEOLA. Osceola contains all of township 33, range 18, except the eastern tier of sections, and ten whole sections and some fractions of range 19, made somewhat irregular by the St. Croix river boundary, and the obtrusion of three sections of Farmington in the south western part. It is a rich agricultural town, consisting chiefly of prairie, the whole forming a tableland, terminating westward on the precipitous bluffs of the St. Croix It has a good steam boat landing and two good water powers, Osceola and Close's creeks. These are both fine trout brooks. The bluffs overlook ing the St. Croix are bold and high, and, for a great part, pre cipitous. Most conspicuous of these bluffs is the promontory known as Eagle Point, situated just below the Osceola laud ing. An escarpment of limestone, about two hundred feet above the river, projects over its base, not much unlike the celebrated 132 FIFTY YEARS table rock at Niagara Falls. A tall and solitary pine tree stands upon the extreme verge of this rock, the whole forming a con spicuous landmark, visible to a distance of several miles down the river. The cascade on Osceola creek, a few rods above its mouth, has scarcely a rival amongst the waterfalls of the West, It has sometimes been called the Minnehaha of Wisconsin, but while it resembles somewhat in the lower part of its descent that celebrated cascade, the scenery around it is much wilder, perpendicular rocks towering over it to a great height, while the upper part of the fall is over an inclined plain, broken into steps. It is a favorite haunt for artists and photographers. There are several minor waterfalls of great beauty in the vicinity. The trap rock formation crops out in the eastern and northern parts of the town, rich in specimens of copper and silver. Silver is also found in ledges at East Lake. The first land claim in the town, made May 14, 1844, by Mil ton V. Nobles and Lucius N. S. Parker, included the cascade and the present site of the village. The claim was made with the intention of building a saw mill at the outlet of Osceola creek. The mill company, organized in 1844, consisted of M. V. and W. H. Nobles, Wm. Kent, Wm. O. Mahony and Harvey Walker. Mr. Nobles sold his interest and removed to Willow Eiver; Wm. Parker removed to St. Anthony. ,The mill commenced •cutting timber in 1845. It was run at first with a small flutter wheel, which was replaced by a an overshot wheel, 30 feet; that by another, 45 feet, and that by one 50 feet in diameter. In 1845 the company built a two story boarding house, also a shop and office, near the mill. After the completion of the mill Walker withdrew from the firm and Anson Northrup was for a short time a member. Kent & Mahony for a number of years operated the mill, selling lumber in Galena and St. Louis. Mahony left for California in 1852. Around this mill, as a nucleus, the settlement of Osceola and the village were built up. The mill, with its immense water wheel, for so many years a conspicuous object on the river, has long since disappeared. Osceola has had many enterprising business men engaged in merchandising and manufacturing. The first flouring mill was built by Kent Brothers in 1853, just above the cascade. This mill changed owners several times, and was burned in 1880. It was rebuilt by Lovejoy & Sutton in 1883. Its present capacity IN THE NORTHWEST. 133 is one hundred barrels per day. The second flouring mill was built by Dresser.& Wilson in 1867. It is situated on the same stream, a few rods above the first. It has also changed owners several times. Its capacity is fifty barrels per day. The first merchants were Wyckoff and Stevenson, in 1856. These have been succeeded by Rice, Webb, Clark Brothers, Armstrong & Co., Talboys & Staples, Dresser & Wilson, Lacy & Johnson, W. A. Talboys, Gridley & Co., Heald & Thing, Dresser Brothers, and others. Dr. Gray was the first practicing physician. After him, at different periods, came Drs. Hilton, Brooks, Gaskill, Garlick, Marshall, Searles, Cornbacker and Clark. The first deed recorded of Osceola property was a quitclaim from Wm. H. Nobles to Anson Northrup, consideration $3,250, in 1847. The first lawyer settled here was I. P. Freeland. His successors were Button, Dowling, Dyke, McDill, and others. The first sermon preached in Osceola was by Rev. Lemuel Nobles, a Metho dist minister, in 1851. There are two church organizations; each has respectable church buildings. The first Baptist preacher was Rev. S. T. C^tlin, in 1854. The Baptists built the first church in the county in Osceola, 1856. The first log house in the town was built by Richard Arnold in the locality of the famous Drake Troutmere springs. This house was built in 1848. Mr. Arnold raised the first crops in the town of Osceola. The first school house was built in 1852. A high school building was erected in 1868. W. A. Talboys taught the first public school in 1852. Until 1S61 the schools were under the town system. In 1875 a free high school was established. The first post office was established in 1854, and W. C. Guild was postmaster for twenty years. The first town election was held April 5, 1853, when the following supervisory were elected: Wm. Ramsey, chairman; Nelson McCarty and W. C. Guild. At this meeting the town voted a tax of thirty dollars for school and fifty dollars for town expenses. The first Sunday-school was organized by W. A. Talboys in 1852. The first marriage, that of John Buckley to Elizabeth Godfrey, was in 1853. The first white child born was John- Francis, in 1847. The first death was that of Leroy Hubble, by accident.'in 1845. CHANGE OF NAME. The name of the town was originally Leroy, in honor of Mr. Hubble above mentioned. It is to be regretted that this name 134 FIFTY YEARS was not retained, inasmuch as Osceola, though the name of one of the most celebrated Indians in American history, is shared by a post town in the eastern part of the State. It was therefore necessary to call this post town Osceola Mills, a distinction that correspondents and postmasters are not always careful to note. Osceola village remained unorganized until Aug. 10, 1887. The first officers were: President, H. B. Dyke; trustees, W. C. Reilly, R. S. Sutton, G. W. De Long, H. E. Cornbacker, Paul Filzen, S. C. Benjamin; clerk, S. Rowcliff; treasurer, C. W. Staples; supervisor, G. D. McDill; justice of the peace, George Wilson; police justice, T. Post. The village has a splendid situ ation upon the bluffs overlooking the river, and communicates with points on the river by boat, and with overland points by the Minneapolis, Soo & Atlantic railway, completed to this place Aug. 21, 1887. There is also a branch road from Dresser's station to St. Croix Falls. The village was visited by destruc tive fires at various times. Most prominent of these was the burning of the Freeland Hotel in 1857, the Western Hotel in 1878, and the first flouring mill in 1880. BIOGRAPHICAL. Daniel Mears. — Mr. Mears was born in Lynn, Massachusetts, in 1819. His first wife, Emeline Mendon, died in 1850, leaving three sons, Charles, David, and Daniel. In 1852 he was married to Susan Thompson. They have one daughter, Lulu, now Mrs. Wheeler, of Stillwater. Mr. Mears came West in 1848, and sold goods one year at Taylor's Place (since Taylor's Falls). In 1849 he removed his store to St. Croix Falls, where he continued mer chandising and lumbering until 1852, when he went to Willow River as agent in building the first saw mill in what is now Hud son. In 1860 he made himself a permanent'home on a farm near Osceola. He served as state senator from the Twenty-eighth dis trict in 1858-59, and as state timber agent in 1874-75. As an officer Mr. Mears acquitted himself well. In politics he is a Democrat, and while in the senate took an active part in debates. The oldest son, Charles, is editor and proprietor of the Polk County Press. The three sons are married. Nelson McCarty.— Mr. McCarty was born July 4, 1819, in Pike county, Pennsylvania; in 1834 was married to Mary Mc- Kune, and came to St. Croix valley in 1846, where he engaged in IN the northwest. 135 piloting and lumbering. In 1847 he made him a farm on Osceola prairie. He died in 1856. His brother Philip came to Osceola in 1850, and settled on Osceola prairie. William O. Mahony, a native of Ireland, born about 1810, came to America while he was yet a minor, and to St. Croix Falls in 1843. He had learned the trade of a baker, but in 1844 became one of the proprietors of the saw mill at Osceola, and sold his interest in 1860. He was a man of original and eccen tric mind. He went to California in 1862, and died there in 1866. Richard Arnold is of Illinois birth. He came to Osceola in 1845, and moved to his farm near the village in 1848. In 1852 he removed to Taylor's Falls and built the Cascade House. In 1855 he was the first farmer in the towu of Amador, Chisago county. In 1859 he left the valley for Pike's Peak. Colorado. Wm. Kent, Sr., was born in Scotland sometime in 1790. He was married in Scotland, and, with his wife and two eldest children, came to America in 1823. He seems to have lived awhile in New Brunswick, probably till 1829 or 30, when he re moved to Eddington, Maine, whence he removed to the West and made his home at Osceola in 1852, where he and his wife died at an advanced age, honored by all who knew them. His family of six sons and five daughters all grew to mature age, and, except Andrew, who located in Farmington, had homes in Os ceola. The daughters are Anna, wife of Curtis Guild; Agnes (deceased), wife of I. W. Freeland; Jane, wife of Jerry Mudget; Mary (deceased), Wife of Chapin Kimball; and Eva, wife of Henry C. Goodwin. Robert Kent, oldest son of Wm. Kent, Sr., was born in Scotland in 1819; came to Galena, Illinois, in 1840, and to Osceola in 1848, where he has filled many responsible public positions. His first wife, to whom he was married in Galena in 1841, died in 1847, leaving four children. In 1859 Mr. Kent was married to Susan Babb, of Osceola. Andrew Kent was born in Scotland in 1821. He was mar ried in New Brunswick in 1838, but his wife died soon after. He came to Osceola in 1852 and was married to Esther Hill, of Osceola, in 1855. Mr. Kent foilowed lumbering for many years but finally settled on a beautiful farm in Farmington, where he still resides, an industrious, thrifty farmer. 136 FIFTY YEARS William Kent, Jr., was born in New Brunswick in 1824; came to Galena in 1843 and to St. Croix Falls in 1844. He was one of the original owners and builders of the first mill at Os ceola. From time to time he purchased the interests of other partners until he became sole owner of mill and town site. In 1853 he sold the mill to B. H. Campbell, of Galena. Mr. Kent engaged iu steamboating for many years and was a popular com mander. He built the Nellie Kent, the Helen Mar and Maggie. Reany. Of late years he has been engaged in mercantile pur suits. He was married to Nellie Kidder in 1855. Tljey have no children. Mr. Kent is an influential member of the masonic order, and has filled many positions of public trust. James Kent was born in Frederickton, New Brunswick, in 1826; came to Wisconsin in 1850, and was married to Mary Jane Wilson at Osceola in 1858. In 1874 he removed to Ashland, Wisconsin, whejce he died in 1878, leaving a wife and five chil dren. Thomas Kent was born in Richmond, New Brunswick, in 1828. He came to Osceola in 1849 and was married in 1856 to Achsah Hale. He was a practical lumberman and a very active man. He was accidentally killed in 1847, while breaking a jam of logs in Clam river. He left a wife and one child. John Kent was born in Eddington, Maine, in 1831. He came to Wisconsin with his parents in 1852. He was married to Jen nie Kidder in 1866. He was a house carpenter. Lived in Du luth some years but returned and settled in Osceola. Samuel Close in 1845 made a land claim for a mill at the falls of Close creek. Shortly after he abandoned the claim and left the country, leaving his name to the creek and slough. Ebenezer Ayres came from Maine to the St. Croix valley in 1850, and settled on a farm in Osecola, where he made his home during the remainder of his active life. During his last years he became very feeble and partially insane, and his friends placed him in the asylum at Madison, where he died, Aug. 20, 1876. His wife, familiarly known in later years as "Mother Ayres," and greatly esteemed for her excellence of character, died two years later. They reared a family of four sons and seven daughters. The sons Charles, Seth and Andrew are farmers on Osecola prairie. Warren, a fourth son, died in Iowa. The daughters were married — Elizabeth to Ambrose Sevey, Ruth to IN THE NORTHWEST. 137 Walter Carrier, Mary (deceased) to Frank S. Eddy, Sarah to E. R. St. Clair, and to a second husband, H. H. Newberry, all of Taylor's Falls; Abigail to Wm. E. Doe, and to a second hus band, the distinguished phrenologist, O. S. Fowler, of New York; Almenato Clough, of Osceola prairie, and, after his decease, to Wallace, of Osceola; and Emma to Charles P. Fenlason, of Pipestone, Minnesota. Carmi P. Garlick was born in Erie county, Pennsyvania, in 1818; was married in 1842 to Elizabeth Thompson, of Ohio, and come to Amador, Chisago county, Minnesota, in 1854, where he built a saw mill. Not succeeding as he had expected, he betook himself to farming and to the practice of medicine while in Amador, In 1858 he removed to Osceola, where he practiced medicine until he entered the United States service as surgeou during the war of the Rebellion. He died at Milwaukee, Jan. 12, 1864, while in the United States service. He was educated in Columbus (Ohio) Medical College. He left a wife, one son (Louis), and one daughter, wife of Henry Jones, of Osceola. John S. Godfrey was born in Sackville, Halifax county, Nova Scotia, Dec. 18, 1809; was married to Sarah Wright, in Stonnich, Nova Scotia, in 1832; came to Easton, Wisconsin, in 1849, to Taylor's Falls in 1851, and to their beautiful homestead in Osceola in 1852, where he still lives, respected and honored by all his neighbors as an honest, worthy and industrious man. He has sometimes engaged in lumbering, but his chief success has been as a farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey are members of the Baptist church. They have four sons and five daughters. Of his sons, George died in 1872. Of his daughters, Mary Ann, wife of Joel F. Nason, died in 1885. John, the youngest son, was married to Mamie Maxwell, and died January, 1888. The daughters are married— Elizabeth to John Buckley, Charlotte to S. B. Dresser, Eunice to George Clark, and Sarah to Joseph A. Brown. The two oldest sons are married— James to M. Fenla son, Arthur to Mary J. Daniel. William A. Talboys was born in Bristol, England; was mar ried to Mary Rowcliff, in London, in 1845; came to America in 1848, and to Osceola in 1851, where for some years he clerked for Kent Brothers. He taught the first school in Osceola and served four years as county treasurer. He has held many positions of trust. For many years he has been engaged in 138 fifty years lumbering and merchandising. In 1874 he built an elevator for handling wheat. Mr. Talboys and his wife are members of the Methodist church. They have three children living. The° oldest, W. E., is editor of the Grantsburg Sentinel, Burnett county. Frederic C. is in St. Paul. Adelaide E. was married to Benj. Knapp, captain of the steamboat Cleon. Her busband died in 1887. Charles H. Staples. — Mr. Staples was born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, in 1824. In 1848 he came to Bunker Hill, Illi nois, and in the same year was married to Hannah Garland. He was engaged seven years in the milling business, and in 1856 came to Osceola, where he engaged in lumbering, selling goods and medicines. He has filled several county offices. Of their four children, Charles W. was married to May Foster, of Osce ola, in 187S, Eva is married to H. B. Dyke, and Frank to Ella Fiske. J. W. Peake was born Dec. 2, 1822, in Schoharie county, New York. At the age of twenty-one he settled near La Salle, Illinois, and kept a hotel. He came to Osceola in 1854, and settled on a farm. On July 15, 1862, he enlisted in the Tenth Wisconsin Battery, and served till the close of the war. He served several years as town supervisor and assessor. He died at his home, March 13, 1886. George Wilson was born in Susquehanna county, Pennsyl vania, in 1836. His privileges for education were good. He taught school in Pennsylvania; came to Osceola in 1857; followed clerking and teaching school; was nine years in flouring mill and merchandising; was two years register of deeds, and has filled minor offices. He was married to Emma R. Fiske in 1854, at Osceola. They have two sons and two daughters, one the wife of Capt. George Knapp. Samuel B. Dresser. — Mr. Dresser was born in Buxton, Maine, in 1832. During his youth he lived with his parents, chiefly at Bangor, where he received the rudiments of a good education in the common schools, and in Kent Seminary at Readfield. He came to Taylor's Falls in 1851, and followed lum bering" and merchandising until 1862, when he settled on his farm homestead on Osceola prairie. Mr. Dresser was a member of the Twenty-third Wisconsin assembly. He was married to Charlotte M. Godfrey, June 23, 1859. They have one daughter, IN THE NORTHWEST. 139 Helen A., and six sons, Elma T., William A., Lester B., Wy- man H., Mark S., and Frank E. Frederic A. Dresser, brother of Samuel B., was born at Mos cow, Maine, Nov. 2, 1841, came to Taylor's Falls, Minnesota, in 1858, and remained some years, when he removed to Osceola. He served three years during the Civil War in the Thirtieth Wiscon sin Infantry, and left the service with the rank of quartermaster. After the war he was married to Mary E. Thorns, of Biddeford, Maine. During his subsequent residence in Osceola he engaged in mercantile pursuits, served as county treasurer four years and as register of deeds five years, which office he held at the time of his death which occurred Qct. 23, 1886. Oscar A. Clark came to Taylor's Falls in 1881, settled on a farm in Osceola in 1852, and brought hither his parents from Vermont, both of whom have since died. Oscar was a surveyor. He engaged also in the lumbering and commercial business. He was of the firm of Clark Brothers. He enlisted in a Wisconsin regiment during the Rebellion, and served till mustered out, but never returned to his home, and as nothing has since been heard from him, his friends have concluded that he must have been murdered after his discharge, possibly on the way home. Cor nelius, a brother, lives at the Clark homestead; George, a brother, married a daughter of John S. Godfrey. He died in 1873. The widow was subsequently married to Cornelius. Le- man, a brother, settled on a farm in Osceola, and died in 1879, leaving a large family. Andrew, another brother, of the firm of Clark Brothers;" died in Osceola. Oscar F. Knapp. — Capt. Knapp has been conspicuous as a steamboat maker, owner and captain for the last thirty years. He was born in Clinton county, New York, in 1831. At the age of fifteen years he came West and located in Delavan, Wisconsin. In 1852 he removed to Osceola, Wisconsin, where he engaged in lumbering for about four years. In 1856 he was married to Miss Angeline Hayes, of Osceola. In the same year he engaged in the business of steamboating, with which he has been since identified more or less. His first steamboat was the H. S. Allen, which, in company with E. B. Strong, he bought of H. S. Allen, of Chippewa Falls, in 1856, for $5,000. In 1862 he built the En terprise, a small, but serviceable boat of light draft and fair speed. In 1864 Capt. Knapp built the Viola, owned by a stock 140 FIFTY YEARS company. In 1866 he built the G. B. Knapp, in 1879 the Jennie Hayes, and ran these two boats fourteen years. In 1877 he en tered the employment of the United States government, improv ing the navigation of the St. Croix river, in which work he is still engaged. His two sons, Ben and George, succeeded him in the steamboat business. Ben, the oldest son, was born in Osceola in 1857; George, the second son, in 1859. These two boys spent their childhood and youth on the river, and have grown up to be expert pilots and captains, and inherit their father's popu larity as river men. Ben was married to Addie Talboys, June, 1880; George to Claribel Wilson, in 1883. Capt. Knapp has two other children, Viola, now Mrs. Arthur Johnson, and Guy, still a minor. Mrs. Angeline Knapp died at her home in Osceola, March 6, 1883, respected and lamented by all who knew her. Capt. Ben Knapp died Oct. 5, 1887, leaving a wife and two chil dren. Mrs. Elisabeth B. Hates. — Mrs. Hayes was born in 1811, in Dundee, Yates county, New York. Iu 1854 she removed with her husband to Missouri. After his death, in the fall of the same year, she came with her children to Osceola, where she built the Osceola House, which she kept a number of years. The daughters were Angeline B. (Mrs. O. F. Knapp), Mrs. Hubbell and Mrs. Milroy, of New York, and Mrs. Truman Foster, widow, since the wife of Capt. C. G. Bradley. Her sons were George, Frank and David. Capt. George Hayes followed piloting and steamboating, excepting during the Rebellion, when he served as a soldier in the Fourth Wisconsin Volunteers. In the latter part of the war he served as a scout for Gen. Canby. At the present time he has the appointment of steamboat inspector, with office in St. Paul. David has been prominent as a steam boat captain. He now resides in Iowa. Cyrus Q. Bradley was born in Kaskaskia, Illinois, in 1825. In 1845 he came to the lead mines in Wisconsin and to Osceola in 1848. He was married in 1846 to the widow of Truman Foster, of Osceola. Mr. Bradley engaged in lumbering, became a river pilot, running rafts to St. Louis, with stems and blades, called oars and sweeps, before steamboat towing was in vogue. When steamboats became useful in running rafts, he built two steamers especially for raft towing. He had much to do in introducing the steamboat towing business. Mr. Bradley moved to his farm near Osceola in 1874. where he still resides. in the nqrthwest. 141 W. Hale. — Judge Hale' s early life was spent on a farm. He commenced lumbering in 1822, and followed that business and piloting on the Ohio and Alleghany rivers until 1851, when he came to Osceola prairie and opened a farm. Mr. Hale was the first county judge of Polk county, and held the position eight years. He has also served as county superintendent of schools. He was born in Harmony, Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania, in 1802; was married to Nancy McKeene, of Orange county, New York, in 1826. They have four sons, John, Isaac, Silas F., aud Reuben W., and three daughters, Esther (Mrs. Tread well), Malvina (Mrs. Merrick), and Achsah (Mrs. Thomas Kent). Edgar C. Tread well was born March 29, 1832, in Susque hanna county, Pennsylvania. He came with a team from Pennsylvania to Osceola in 1846, where he engaged in lumbering and piloting until 1863, when he enlisted in Company D, Second Wisconsin Cavalry. He was wounded at Yazoo river. He returned to Osceola in 1865 and was married to Esther Hale in 1866. Mr. Treadwell was the first sheriff of Polk county, and has filled other places of trust. Since the war he has resided on his farm. ST. CROIX FALLS. Extended mention has already been made of the village of St. Croix Falls in the general history of the first settlement of the county. The town includes township 34, range 18, and two partial sections of range 19. It was organized in 1854, but unfortunately no records of its organization can be obtained. The surface is agreeably diversified by hill and plain, and is supplied with many species of timber, including maple, elm, and several varie ties of oak. The St. Groix river forms its western boundary, and presents here some of its wildest and most beautiful scenery, including the trap rock ledges of the Dalles. ST. CROIX FALLS VILLAGE. The buildings of the Falls company formed the nucleus of a village which took the name of the Falls. Its history has been given somewhat at length in the history of the settlement, and in " Remi niscences. " It is situated on the east bank of the river, between the upper and lower falls. It contains one first class flouring mill, owned by James Thompson, one wagon and plow factory, owned by Comer Brothers, one agricultural warehouse, 142 FIFTY YEARS two livery stables (Harvey & Co., and Lillis & Co.), two excellent hotels (J. W. Mullen, and C. C. Fiske), one United States land office, one church building (Presbyterian), costing about $2,500, one graded school building, costing $6,000, one town hall and several commodious stores and dwellings. The village was plat ted in 1857, by Marion T. Chandler. The post office was estab lished in 1844. Harvey Wilson was the first postmaster. The Minneapolis, Soo & Atlantic Railway Company have a branch road extending to this place from Dresser's station, a distance of three miles. The village was incorporated Feb. 21, 1888, with the following board of officers: President, J. H. McCourt; trustees, John Comer, Jacob Berger, George Thompson, Charles Amery, Barney O'Neal, Sidney Wall; clerk, Thomas Peck; treas urer, A. Hoagland; assessor, P. B. Jewell; supervisor, S. W. Blanding; constable, Hoover Christopher; justice of the peace, W. B. Bull; police justice, Thomas Peck. St. Croix village has suffered from fires. The heaviest losses were without insurance. The flouring mill was burned April 30, 1863; loss, $8,000. The company's hotel was burned May, 1880; loss, $3,000. Fiske's hotel was burned Sept. 16, 1885; loss, $6,000. WEST SWEDEN. West Sweden embraces township 37, range 17. This is almost exclusively a hardwood timbered district, with some pine in the north. The soil is rich and well watered with Spirit creek and Upper Wood river. The surface is undulating. The north part has numerous lakes and meadows. There is an upheaval of trap rock in section 2 and copper specimens abound. The prin cipal settlers are Swedes. The town was organized Nov. 10, 1875. The first supervisors were N. C. Johnson, A. Larson and A. Dolberg. STERLING. The town of Sterling is composed of township 36, ranges 19 and 20. The east part is heavy hardwood timber land, with rich soil suitable for wheat; the west portion is very sandy and covered with a few scattering oaks and black pines. The whole town is well supplied with hay meadows, which afford great advantages to the stock raiser. The first actual settlers were Samuel Deneen and William Trimmer, who came in the fall of 1855. The year following William Lowell, from Stillwater, entered three hun- IN THE NORTHWEST. 143 dred and twenty acres in sections 14 and 15, range 19, and made extensive improvements. Daniel F. Smith took up the same amount of land in section 9, same town and range, and made im provements. The first white child born was the son of James Cragin, August, 1858. The first white couple married was John Berry and Emily Stout, in 1859. The first death was that of Mrs. Dunlap, sister of William Trimmer, in 1859. The town was organized in 1855. The first town meeting was held at the residence of William Lowell, and Samuel Deneen was the first chairman of the town. The town was called Mos* cow, which name was changed one year after to that of Sterling. It was the largest town in the county then. It was organized into two school districts, but District No. 1 not being able to build a good school house, an old log shanty was fixed up for school purposes, and in this Miss Fanny Trimmer taught the first school. The first saw and grist mill was built by Dr. De neen. Olaf Strandburg established the first blacksmith shop and with it a gun shop. In 1849 Charles F. Rowley built a "stop ping place," so called in those days, on the banks of Wolf creek, at the old crossing, half a mile west of Deneen's, and cultivated a few acres of land. This house was burned one night by a lot of teamsters in a drunken orgie. De. Samuel Deneen, the first white settler in Sterling, was born Dec. 27, 1801, in Youngstown, Ohio. He was married in 1825 to Margaret Conly. He studied medicine in Michigan, and came to Wisconsin in 1854, and to Sterling in 1855. Dr. Deneen practiced his profession, made him a farm, built a saw and grist mill on Wolf creek, established a post office and took an active part in the interests of the new settlement. He and his wife still live on the homestead which they have held for the past thirty years. Mrs. Deneen was born in 1800. William W. Trimmer came to Sterling in 1855 and made a home, building and occupying what was for many years known as "Trimmer's Hotel." Mr. Trimmer died in St. Croix Falls in 1874. Arnold Densmore was born in Nova Scotia, in 1822; was married to Matilda Wallace in 1845, and came to Sterling in 1867, where he died, Jan. 20, 1886, much respected as a neigh bor, citizen and Christian. 144 FIFTY YEARS CHAPTER VI. ST. CROIX COUNTY. Jan. 9, 1840, the Wisconsin legislature created a new county out of Crawford county, including territory west of the Chip pewa river, extending northward to the British possessions, and named it St. Croix. By the same act, a day was designated for an election, at which a county seat was to be chosen and county officers elected. "Mouth of St. Croix," now Prescott, and Caw- caw-baw-kang, now St. Croix Falls, were designated as voting places. Two places only were voted for, "Mouth of St. Croix," and Dakotah, Brown's claim, now Schulenberg's addition to Still water. Dakotah was chosen by a vote of forty-five to thirteen. The returns were made to Prairie du Chien, county seat of Craw ford county, and certificates issued to the county officers elected by C. J. Leonard, clerk of Crawford county. The legislature had at the time of creating the new county made it a probate district, Philip Aldrich being appointed judge. The history of the county until 1848 has been given elsewhere, as connected with the early history of Stillwater. The admission of Wisconsin Territory as a state in 1848 di vided the county, giving it the St. Croix river and state line as its western boundary. The Wisconsin portion of the old county was consequently left without a county seat, while the portion west of the St. Croix had a county seat, but was without state or territorial jurisdiction. Congress, however, declared Wiscon- consin territorial laws to be still in force in the excluded terri tory, and they so remained until the organization of Minnesota Territory. Soon after the admission of Wisconsin, that part of St. Croix couuty within its limits was reorganized for county and judicial purposes, and a new county seat chosen, located in sec- IN THE NORTHWEST. 145 tion 24, township 29, range 19, at the mouth of Willow river. This county seat was at first called Buena Vista. On Sept. 9, 1848, the county commissioners, under the law creating the county, held their first meeting at the county seat, in the house of Philip Aldrich. The commissioners present were Ammah Andrews, chairman; W. H. Morse, and W. R. Anderson, clerk. Philip Aldrich was appointed treasurer. Four voting precincts were established, Mouth of St. Croix, Willow River or Buena Vista, Osceola, and Falls of St. Croix. These early commissioners per formed duties of the most varied character incident to the gov ernment of a new county. There was as yet no county seal, and they were required to draw with the pen upon legal docu ments a scroll representing a seal, and to use other forms, appli ances and devices without legal precedent. At the second meeting of the county commissioners Osceola was represented by Harmon Crandall, he having been absent at the first meeting of the board. Moses Perin was appointed col lector. License for selling intoxicating liquors was fixed at twenty dollars per annum. The rate of taxation was fixed at seven mills on the dollar. The first state election in the county was held at Buena Vista, Nov. 7, 1848. One hundred and fifteen. votes were the whole number cast in the county. The follow ing officers were elected: Senator, James Fisher, of Crawford county; representative, Joseph Bowron, Buena Vista; county commissioners, Wm. H. Morse, Ammah Andrews, Harmon Crandall, Buena Vista; county clerk, W. Richardson, Buena Vista; register of deeds, W. R. Anderson, Buena Vista; judge of probate court, Alvah D. Heaton, Osceola; county treasurer, Philip Aldrich, Buena Vista; coroner, Wm. O. Mahony, Osceola; surveyor, Alex. S. Youle, St. Croix Falls. At the commissioners' meeting, Feb. 28, 1849, the county was divided into the following towns: St. Croix Falls, Buena Vista, and Elisabeth. At an election held Sept. 3, 1849, Hamlet H. Perkins received forty-nine votes for judge, and Joel Foster forty-one. Mr. Perkins was drowned at St. Croix Falls soon after, and the governor appointed Mr. Foster to fill the vacancy. Judge Foster held his first court at Buena Vista. Daniel Noble Johnson was appointed prosecuting attorney in 1849. James Hughes was appointed in 1850. The first district court was held in August, 1850. 10 146 FIFTY YEARS At a special meeting of the commissioners in 1849, James Hughes and J. M. Bailey were appointed a building committee to make estimates for the erection of a court house and jail. At the special meeting of the commissioners, Jan. 15, 1851, the town of Kinnikinic was organized. They had also under consideration the erection of county buildings, and appointed Ammah Andrews to erect the same. Otis Hoyt, for non-attend ance at this meeting of the board, was fined fifty dollars, but the fine was subsequently remitted. The legislature of 1851 changed the name of the town of Buena Vista to Willow Biver, also of the town of Elisabeth to Prescott. At a subsequent meeting the contract with Ammah Andrews to erect public buildings was rescinded, and Daniel Mears was made special agent to build a jail, and three hundred and fifty dollars was appropriated for that purpose. The town of Rush River was organized Nov. 13, 1851. At the request of petitioners, the town of Leroy (now Osceola) was organized Nov. 9, 1852. A day was fixed in 1852 to vote on the change of name, Willow River to Hudson. The name Hudson was adopted by a two- thirds majority. The legislature of 1853 created from the terri tory of St. Croix county the counties of Polk, St. Croix and Pierce, Polk being located on the north, Pierce on the south, and .St. Croix occupying the central portion of the original St. Croix county, and retaining the county seat. St. Croix county, as at present constituted, lies on the east bank of the river and Lake St. Croix, forming, but for slight irregularities on the western line, a parallelogram. It includes townships 28 to 31, and ranges 15 to 19, with fractions of range 20 on the west. The surface varies from gently undulating to hilly. The bluffs along the lake are not precipitous, as on the Up per St. Croix, but are even and continuous, with gently rounded slopes. From the river, eastward, the country is broken and somewhat hilly; the central portions are rolling prairies on which are fine farms, and the eastern portions are level and originally heavily timbered. The eastern tier of townships is covered by a heavy growth of timber known as the Big Woods. The tim ber is composed of basswood, maple, butternut, several species of -oak, and a sprinkling of white pine. The soil is a rich clayey loam and well adapted for grass, grain and root crops. Good build ing and limestone crop out in places. The county is well drained IN THE NORTHWEST. 147 by the St. Croix and its tributaries, Apple, Willow and Kin nikinic on the west and Rush river on the east. Of these tribu taries Apple river is the largest. It rises in Polk county, where it is supplied by numerous lakes, enters St. Croix county and passes diagonally across the northwest corner and empties into the St. Croix river a few miles above Stillwater. Willow river rises in Cylon township and empties into St. Croix lake, just above Hudson. This river passes through a deep gorge in the limestone rock, a few miles above lis mouth, falling in its pas sage over several ledges of rock, producing falls famed far and near for their wildness and grandeur. Kinnikinic river in the south part of the county is famed also for the beauty of its scenery and for its waterfalls. It passes into Pierce county and then, uniting with its southern branch, flows into Lake St. Croix. Rush river rises in Eau Galle, and turns and flows thence to Lake Pepin. These streams have unfailing supplies from springs and small lakes. There is a remarkable formation in the Kinnikinic valley about seven miles above River Falls, called the Monument. It is a ledge of pure white sandstone rock, nearly circular, and rising to a height of sixty feet. It stands on a natural elevation far above the level of the valley and so forms a very conspicuous and curious object. The base is forty or fifty feet wide, and the summit is" a turret-shaped mass of rock about fifteen feet wide and as many high. The part upon which the turret rests is dome-shaped, its sides worn by the rains into deep furrows. Years ago a tree grew upon the summit. The soft sandstone is being gradually worn away by the winds and rains. HOW THE SCHOOL LANDS WERE SELECTED. Philip Aldrich was appointed commissioner in 1848 to locate the state school lands in St. Croix county, at that time including Polk and Pierce counties. It is said that Dr. Aldrich would climb to the summits of the highest mounds, and, casting his eyes east, west, north or south, would proclaim such and such numbers or sections as school lands. Where all were so arable and fertile there was no use in discriminating. At the division of the county in 1853 the part designated as St. Croix county was subdivided into three towns, Buena Vista or Hudson, Willow River and Kinnikinic or Troy. As the population increased these towns were divided and subdivided until they numbered 148 FIFTY YEARS twenty-three. We append their names and dates of organiza tion. Where more than one name is given the last is the pres ent name: Buena Vista, Willow River, Hud son 1849 Malone, Troy 1851 Rush River 1851 Pleasant Valley 1851 Somerset 1856 Hammond 1856 Star Prairie 1856 Dayton, Malone, Kinnikinic 1857 Cold Spring, Richmond 18.57 Erin Prairie 1858 Brook ville, Eau Galle 1858 St. Joseph 1858 Cylon 1859 Warren 1860 Springfield 1860 Emerald 1861 Stanton 1870 Cady 1870 Baldwin 1872 Forest 1881 Glenwood 1885 Some changes were also made in the boundaries of the towns. No progress was made in the erection of county buildings until 1856, when a contract was made by the commissioners with Ammah Andrews to build a court house for $14,300 on the ground originally purchased of Moses Perin. The final cost was $20,045. ST. CROIX AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. An important event to the county was the organization of the St. Croix Agricultural Society, in 1857. Beautiful grounds were chosen on the bluffs one-half mile south of the city of Hud son. The annual fairs of this association, formerly held in rotation at various points in the county, now limited to the grounds south of the city, have always been well patronized and successful. POMONA GRANGE. The Pomona Grange of St. Croix county holds quarterly meetings at various points, alternately. There are subordinate granges at Hudson, Richmond, Hammond, and Warren. There is a co-operative store in the city of Hudson which is well sus tained. These granges are in a flourishing condition. AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. At the taking of the last census there were 2,289 farms in St. Croix county, containing 202,588 acres of improved land, valued at $7,015,198. The farm implements were then placed at a valua tion of $346,374; live stock, at $810,525; and all soil products at IN THE NORTHWEST. 149 $1,815,266. The stock numbered 6,272 horses, 319 mules, 442 oxen, 5,624 cows, and 6,149 other cattle. The average yield of products throughout the county can be fairly placed at these figures: Wheat, 1,375,000 bushels; oats, 800,000 bushels; rye and barley, 35,000 bushels; corn, 200,000 bushels; potatoes, 150,000 bushels; hay, 20,000 tons; cheese, 180,- 000 pounds; butter, 350,000 pounds. During the past few years agriculture has steadily increased while rapid strides have been made in manufactures, so that the totals would be quite materially enlarged now over those of 1885. MANUFACTURES. In manufactures the statisticians have the county down for 112 establishments with a capital of $740,197, utilizing materials to the amount of $1,105,203, evolving products to the sum of $1,488,192, and paying $107,469 in wages per annum. As to manufactures, in round numbers there is produced in the county: Lumber, 50,000,000 feet; shingles, 18,000,000; laths, 7,000,000; furniture, $120,000; barrels, 125,000; flour, 160,000 barrels. ST. CROIX POOR FARM Is located in the northwest part of Kinnikinic, section 11, on each side of the Kinnikinic river. It was purchased in 1870 for $1,000, and the probable present value is $10,000. FIRST TAX ROLL OF ST. CROIX COUNTY, 1848. ST. CROIX FALLS. John McKusick Leach& McKean Edward Johnson Falls of St. Croix Company Dexter & Harrington A. W. Russell Edward Worth Peter Lombair Serno Jonava J. McLanglin Wm. Town AMT. PEOPEETY. 51,500.00 5,400.00 1,115.00 59,700.00 2,585.00 405.00 199.00 40.0075.00 2,204.00 144.00 TOTAL TAX. $10.50 37.80 .81 417.90 18.09 2.83 1.39 .28.52 15.43 1.01 150 FIFTY YEARS FIRST TAX ROLL OP ST. CROIX COUNTY — Continued. NAME. J. Cornelison George De Attley S. Partridge Dan Foster A. Livingston & Kelly John Powers Thos. Foster George Field Adam Sebert Weymouth & Brother. S. S. Crowell Lewis Barlow I. S. Kimball Philip B. Jewell Kent & Mahoney H. Crandall Daniel Coite M. M. Samuels W. H. C. Folsom W. W. Folsom , J. Sanders G. W. Brownell Richard Arnold Wm. R. Marshall Dr. Palmer Joseph Lagroo J. Bascan B. Cheever H. H. Perkins Levi Lagoo M. Shults Total AMT. PEOPEETY. 75.00 .52 50.00 .35 418.00 3.37 30.00 .21 185.00 1.29 21.00 .14 10.00 .08 45.00 31 240.00 1.68 130.00 .91 150.00 1.05 103.00 .72 30.00 .21 7,235.00 50.64 3,631.00 25.42 219.00 1.53 85.00 .57 375.00 2.62 800.00 5.60 210.00 1.47 207.00 1.45 1,755.00 12.28 205.00 1.45 15.00 .10 10. 0Q .07 25.00 .17 25.00 .17 1,100.00 7.70 2,000.00 14.00 50.00 .35 2,000.00 14.00 §94,801.00 TOTAL AMT. $1,642.72 IN THE NORTHWEST. WILLOW RIVER. 151 NAMES. James Purinton.. . Wm. R. Anderson Samuel Clift Joseph Kelner P. D. Aldrich Moses Perin Ammah Andrews. John B. Page Lewis Massey Joseph Lagrew.... Wm. H. Nobles.... Lemuel Nobles.... Milton E. Nobles. John Collier Philip Aldrich Peter F. Bouchea. A. Smith.....' McKnight Wm. Steets Joseph Abear Total AMT. PEOPEETY. TOTAL TAX. S800.00 85.60 75.00 .52 15.00 .10 15.00 .10 195.00 1.36 240.00 1.68 409.00 2.86 1,128.00 7.89 185.00 1.29 190.00 1.33 299.00 2.10 40.00 .28 339.00 2.37 125.00 .87 361.00 2.52 136.00 .96 105.00 .73 149.00 1.03 143.00 .79 38.00 .24 * $4,949.00 $38.71 152 FIFTY YEARS MOUTH OF LAKE ST. CROIX. NAMES. Thomas M. Finch Mrs. Lockwood Freeman, Larpenteur & Co Frank Trudell Louis Barlow Fox & Cro wnenbald I. L. Minox J. R. Rice G. W. McMurphy H. Doe Wm. Kimbrough W. H. Morse Wilson Thing W. C. Copley Willard Thing George Shagor George Barron Joseph Monjon Joseph Mon j on, Jr Henry Thaxter Aaron Cornelison James Cornelison Lewis Harnsberger Totals AMT. PEOPEETY. §176.00 1,181.00 300.00 50.00 600.00 2,625.00 183.00 ° 545.00425.00 340.00 60.00 135.00385.00 50.00 164.00 1,000.00 180.00 235.00 60.0075.00 325.00 265.00 75. 0 0 $9,434.00 TOTAL TAX. $1.23 8.27 2.10 .35 4.20 18.39 1.262.812.97 2.38 .42 .61 2.69 .35 1.15 7.00 1.261.64 42.00 .52 2.27 1.85 .52 $68.91 The above roll was published in pamphlet form, certified to by Wm. R. Anderson, clerk of board of county commissioners, and an order issued to Moses Perin to collect such taxes, and pay over to the treasurer of St. Croix county. The amounts were duly collected. HUDSON CITY. The first settlement in St. Croix county was made on the present site of Hudson city in 1838 by Peter Bouchea, Louis Massey, Wm. Steets and Joseph Lagroo, Frenchmen, who sub sisted chiefly by hunting and fishing, but who also raised garden crops of corn, beans and other vegetables. These people were contented and jovial, fond of dancing and social enjoyment. Beyond the mere pleasure of living they seemed to have but IN THE NORTHWEST. 153 little care and were without enterprise or ambition. More en terprising and industrious people followed them to the new set tlement, and as the public lands were not open for entry until 1848, settled upon the lands and made some improvements, awaiting patiently the time when they could acquire a legal title. The original claimants of the town of Buena Vista in 1848 were Peter Bouchea, Louis Massey, Wm. Steets, Joseph Lagroo, Joseph Lenavil, Revere, Ammah Andrews, W. H. and M. V. Nobles, John B. Page, Philip Aldrich, and W. R. Anderson. These parties, after the survey and prior to the entry of the land, made an equitable division of their claims. Peter Bouchea and Louis Massey were then delegated to pur chase the lands, which they did, Bouchea purchasing the south west quarter of southeast quarter of section 24, township 29, range 20, and Massey, the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 24, township 29, range 20. ' Deeds were then made to the various claimants according to the original agreement. The first individual survey of lots was made on Massey' s entry, Har vey Wilson, of Stillwater, being the surveyor. The village thus platted was at first called Buena Vista, but, some confusion aris ing as to the title of lots in 1851, the legislature changed the name of the town and village to Willow River, which, by vote of the people in 1852, was changed to Hudson. The original proprietors of the village of Buena Vista were Paschal Aldrich, James San ders, Moses Perin, James R. Patten and Joseph Abear. Addi tions were surveyed in 1849 and 1850 by Gibson, Henning and others. To avoid confusion we shall discard the earlier names applied to what has since become the city of Hudson and speak of it solely by its later and better known name. In 1840 the locality, as seen from a passing steamer, seemed a wilderness of orchard oaks and maples, filling the valley of Wil low river, and clothing the slopes of the hills. A closer view might have revealed an occasional shanty, a cabin of the first French settlers, with small gardens, the whole inclosed by high picket fences as a protection against strolling Indians. Seven years later loggers were at work on Willow river under Capt. J. B. Page. The same year a couple of frame houses appeared in the oak openings. The first was built by W. H. Nobles, which is still standing and is occupied by Mrs. Col. James Hughes. The second was built by Ammah Andrews and is now occupied 154 FIFTY YEARS by Horace Champlin. In 1848 James Purinton commenced a saw mill and dam at the mouth of Willow river, which were not completed until 1850. In 1848 Wm. H. Nobles started a ferry over the lake. James Purinton opened a store and Moses Perin built a hotel and boarding house, which stood opposite Cham- plin's present livery stable. In 1849 Miss Richards, from Prairie du Chien, taught the first school. Mrs. A. M. Richardson, the wife of the Methodist minister, the second. A school house was not built until 1855. John G. Putman built the Buckeye House, corner of First and Buckeye streets. Horace Barlow built a residence. Mr. Stone also put up a store building. The first attorneys, Daniel Noble Johnson and Col. James Hughes, com menced practice in Hudson in 1849. The first public building stood on the lot now occupied by the Methodist church. It burned down in the spring of 1851, and an account of the fire, as published at that time, stated that the "court house, Metho dist, Baptist, Congregational and Episcopal churches, together with the high school buildings, were all consumed." It is but fair to say that there were no regular church organizations at this time, but occasional services by local and transient minis ters. Rev. Lemuel Nobles, a Methodist minister, preached the first sermon in 1847. The first society organization was that Richmond and > Fremont > Troy Boardman Star Prairie Baldwin Roberts Deer Park New Saratoga 1 Springs J Hersey Cylon Emerald Glenwood Wilson Woodville Wild wood Brookville Houlton TOWN LOCATION. Hudson Rush River.. Hammond .. Hudson Somerset....Troy Star Prairie.. Richmond...Troy Richmond. . . Star Prairie.. Baldwin Warren Cylon Stanton Springfield..Cylon Emerald Glenwood.... Springfield..Baldwin Eau Galle.... Eau Galle.... St. Joseph... DATE OF PLAT. In 1849 Mch. 26, 1856 July 15, 1856 Aug. 15, 1857 Aug. 28, 1857 Jan. 5, 185S Sept. 24, 1858 1857. Dec. 29, 1859 July 5, 1866 June 15, 1870 Mch. 14, 1873 Jan. 4, 1875 Jan. 25, 1879 Sept. 17, 1878 Dec. 24, 1880 Sept. 16, 1884 July 13, 1885 Jan. % 1886 1886 1886 .* 1886 1886 Not recorded SURVEYOR. Harvey Wilson. Geo. Strong A. W. Miller.... Geo. Strong C. N. Bates E. W. McCiure. J. A. Short W. R. Anderson John McCiure H. J. Baldwin Geo. Strong J. W. Remmington John McCiure.. Geo. Strong Alfred Pierce Alfred Pierce.... H. J. Baldwin., PROPRIETORS. Louis Massey & Co. Daniel McCartney. Hammond&Spaulding. Aptemards Burkhart. Harriman & Reed. M. Bank, Lake St. Cx. John Brown. Gridley & Day. Cox & Powell. Beehe & Boardman. Simonds & Millard. D. R. Bailey. Comstock, Piatt & Co. J. A. Humbird. A. P. Muggey. L. T. Adams. Beebe & McNarama. Hurd Brothers. Glenwood Manf. Co. West Wis. Manf. Co. Woodville Lumber Co. St. Cx. L. & Manf. Co. Wood & Decker. 196 FIFTY YEARS CHAPTER VII. PIERCE COUNTY. This county, named in honor of President Pierce, was sepa rated from St. Croix county in 1853, and organized by the same act that created Polk county, and gave to St. Croix its present limits. It contains about six hundred square miles of territory, lying east of the Mississippi river and Lake St. Croix. It is somewhat triangular in shape, the river and lake forming the hypotenuse, and St. Croix, Dunn and Pepin bounding it by right lines on the north and east, Pepin also forming a small part of its southern boundary. The scenery is picturesque and varied. Along the river and lake is a series of limestone bluffs, broken at intervals by ra vines and valleys, and leaving the impression upon the mind of the traveler on the Mississippi of a rough, broken and inhospi table country, than which nothing could be further from the truth. Beyond these rugged escarpments of limestone and out of sight of the traveler, the country stretches away toward the interior as an undulating prairie, with meadows and rich pas ture lands, with occasional forests, the whole watered and drained by an intricate network of streams tributary to the lake and river, and the three larger streams, the Kinnikinic, which empties into the St. Croix and Big rivers, Trimbelle and Rush, that empty into the Mississippi. Some branches of the Chip pewa also take their rise in this county. These streams uni formly have their source in springs and their waters are conse quently pure, cold and invigorating, flowing over beds of white sand or pebbles, and in their downward course forming many ripples, rapids, cascades and some beautiful waterfalls. Their IN THE NORTHWEST. 197 total descent to the bed of the Mississippi is about four hundred feet, Pierce county has no inland lakes within its limits, nor any indications of their previous existence. The soil is formed chiefly from decomposed rocks or ledges worn down by the abrading forces of water and wind, of frost and heat. The rivers in their downward course have excavated broad valleys, having originally precipitous bluffs on either side, and even bluffs once islands in the midst of the streams. These, by later agencies, have been smoothed to gentle slopes and rounded into graceful mounds, towering sometimes as much as eighty feet above the valley or plains. In some places mere outlines of sandstone or limestone rock are left, turret-like, on the summit of a mound, as monuments on which the geologist may read the record of ages gone. As the character of the soil of a country depends upon the composition of the rocks underlying it, and those removed from the surface, reduced to soil and widely dis tributed, we give what may be considered as the section of any one of the mounds near Prescott in the order of the superposition of strata: At the base — Lower magnesian limestone 250 feet. Above the plain — Upper sandstone 50 feet. On the summit — Trenton, or shell limestone 30 feet. Over a great part of the county the Trenton and limestone are worn almost entirely away, and their former existence is attested only by a few mounds, bluffs and outlines. Drift is not often met with. The soil may be considered as formed out of drift, now removed from its original position, and out of the sandstone and limestone. It is, therefore, soil of the richest quality. By the same act that created the county of Pierce, passed March 14, 1853. Prescott was declared the county seat. The town board of Prescott was constituted the county board. The commissioners were Osborn Strahl, chairman; Silas Wright and Sylvester Moore. At the first county election, Nov. 15, 1853, one hundred and ten votes were cast. The following were the officers elected: County judge, W. J. Copp; sheriff, N. S. Dun bar; treasurer, J. R. Freeman; clerk of court, S. R. Gunn; clerk of board, Henry Teachout; coroner, J. Olive; district attorney, P. V. Wise; surveyor, J. True; register of deeds, J. M. Whip ple. Mr. Whipple was authorized to transcribe the records of St. Croix county up to date of the organization of Pierce. 198 FIFTY YEARS The first assessment in the county, in 1853, amounted to $24. 452. At the meeting of the supervisors, Jan. 18, 1854, the dis trict attorney was allowed forty dollars per annum as salary, Courts were held wherever suitable buildings could be obtained During this year Judge Wyram Knowlton, of Prairie du Chien held the first district court at Prescott. The first records of the court were kept on sheets of foolscap paper, and fastened together with wafers. The first case before the court was that of "The State of Wisconsin, Pierce County, Wm. Woodruff vs. Chas. D. Stevens, August Lochmen, and Chas. Peschke, in Court of said County. In Equity." On reading and filing the bill in complaint, in this case, on motion of S. J. R. McMillan and H. M. Lewis, solicitors for counsel, J. S. Foster, it was ordered that a writ of in junction be issued in the case, pursuant to the prayer of said bill, upon said complainant. Some one, in his behalf, filed with the clerk of said court, a bond for damages and costs in the sum of $1,700, with surety to be approved by the clerk or judge of said court. The first document recorded in the county is an agreement between Philander Prescott and Philip Aldrich, wherein Aldrich agrees to occupy lands adjoining Prescott's, at the mouth of St. Croix lake on the west, and David Hone on the east. The second document is a deed, conveying a tract of three hundred and twenty acres of land from Francis Chevalier to Joseph E. Brown, the land lying near the mouth of Lake St. Croix, and marked by stakes planted in the ground, and adjoining Francis .Gamelle's claim, dated July 20, 1840. In 1857 County Treasurer Avers became a defaulter to the county in the sum of $2,287.76, and to the Prescott Bank, $4,000. In 1861, by act of the legislature, the question of changing the county seat from Prescott to Ellsworth was submitted to the people. The vote as declared was six hundred for removal and three hundred and seventy-three against it. Technical objec tions having been raised as to the legality of the vote, the sub ject was submitted to the people a second time in 1862. The vote for removal was confirmed. In 1863 the district system was adopted and three districts were established by legislative enact ment, but in 1870 the county returned to the original system by which the board of supervisors was made to consist of a chair man from each one of the town boards. A poor farm was estab lished near Ellsworth in 1869, at a cost of $3,600. The county IN THE NORTHWEST. 199 board also appropriated $31,000 for county buildings at Ells worth. The finances of the county have been admirably managed. In 1885 there was no indebtedness, and a surplus in the treasury of $5,000. The educational interests are well cared for. There are over one hundred school districts in the county, with well con ducted schools, and generally with goo.d substantial buildings. The school lands of St. Croix, then including Pierce county, were appraised in 1852 by Dr. Otis Hoyt, — Denniston and James Bailey, and the lands at once offered for sale. Settlers' rights were respected. The county issued $5,000 in bonds to aid in es tablishing the normal school at River Falls. t RAILROADS. River Falls has direct communication with Hudson by a branch of the Chicago & St. Paul railroad. In 1885 the Burling ton & Northern railroad route was surveyed and established, entering the county on the shore of Lake Pepin, and running nearly parallel with lake and river to Prescott, where it crosses Lake St. Croix near its mouth, on a bridge, the total length of which is 520.5 feet, with one draw span 367.5 feet in length, and one piled span of 153 feet. This bridge was completed, and the first train entered Prescott, May 31, 1886. The grade of this road does not exceed fifteen feet to the mile. MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS. The Grand Army of the Republic have posts at the following places: No. 72, A. W. Howard Post RockElm. No. 117, I. M. Nichols "Post River Falls. No. 118, Ellsworth Post .' Ellsworth. No. 189, R. P. Converse Post Prescott. No. 204, U. S. Grant Post Maiden Rock. No. 209, Plum City Post Plum City. The following are the village plats of Pierce county, with date of survey and location: Prescott, town of Prescott I853 Kinnikinic, town of River Falls 1854 Monte Diamond (Diamond Bluff), town of Diamond Bluff. 1854 Saratoga, town of Isabelle I855 River Falls (Greenwood and Fremont), town of River Falls 1856 200 FIFTY YEARS Maiden Rock, town of Maiden Rock 1856 Warren, town of Maiden Rock 1856 Trimbelle, town of Trimbelle 1856 Franklin, town of Trimbelle 1856 Martell (Rising Sun), town of Martell 1856 Beldenville, town of Trimbelle 1857 Trenton, town of Trenton 1857 Plum City, town of Union ...., 1858 El Paso, town of El Paso 1858 Esdaile, town of Hartland '. 1870 Rock Elm, town of Rock Elm Centre 1876 Hogan, town of Trenton 1886 Bay City, town of Isabelle 1887 ORGANIZATION OF TOWNS. The following is the chronological order in which the towns of Pierce county were organized: Prescott* 1853 Spring Valley (Maiden Rock) 1857 Grenwood (now River Falls) 1854 Trenton 1857 Martell 1854 El Paso 1858 Isabelle 1855 Hartland 1859 Trimbelle 1855 Union 1861 Diamond Bluff. 1855 Salem 1862 Clifton 1855 Rock Elm 1862 Oak Grove 1856 Deerfield (Gilman) 1868 Perry (Ellsworth) 1856 Spring Lake 1868 CLIFTON, Situated in the northwestern part of the county, contains a little over thirty full sections of land, those on the St. Croix having a somewhat irregular boundary. The surface is some what broken where traversed by the Kinnikinic and its tribu taries. It includes twenty-four sections on the west side of town ship 27, range 19, and fractional township 27, range 20. It was established in 1855. Its first board of officers were: Supervis ors — Geo. W. McMurphy, chairman; Osborne Strahland G. W. Teachout. C. B. Cox was the first postmaster, in 1852, at a place called Clifton Mills, from which the town afterward de rived its name. This post town is situated on the Kinnikinic, * In 1849 the town of Elisabeth was organized by St. Croix county, and included what is now Pierce county. The first board of supervisors were William Thing, chairman ; Aaron Cornelius, and L. M. Harnsberger ; clerk, Hilton Doe; treasurer, Geo. W. McMurphy. In 1851, by legislative enactment, the name Elisabeth was changed to Prescott. IN THE NORTHWEST. 201 in section 18, township 27, range 18 west. It has one grist mill and two saw mills, belonging to Cox, King&Goodsall. No intox icants are sold here. The Glenwood saw mills, having a capacity of 3,000,000 feet, are located on the lake shore. In 1868 a lime stone quarry was opened on the lake shore, by Oakley & Nichols. In 1881 the firm became Oakley & Hall. They have a patent kiln and good machinery, and some seasons have manufactured as much as 5,000 barrels of lime. George W. McMurphy was born at Newcastle, Delaware, in 1821. In 1845 he came to St. Croix Falls, and in 1848 to Clifton, where he pre-empted the beautiful homestead which he still holds, and where he has successfully followed the business of farming. He has been repeatedly elected to town and county offices. In 1848 he was married to Maria A. Rice. Their chil dren are Augustus (resident of St. Paul), George (a physician living in Ortonville, Minnesota), James A., Robert, Albert and Edward, and two married daughters. Mr. McMurphy is a mem ber of the Congregational church. Osborne Strahl was born in Belmont county, Ohio, in 1818; came to Galena, Illinois, in 1838, in 1845 to Mauston and Stevens Point, Wisconsin, and to Chippewa Falls in 1847. During these years he followed lumbering. In 1850 he came to the town of Elisabeth, St. Croix county, which on subsequent division of towns and counties left Mr. Strahl in Clifton, where he has been engaged in farming. He was married in 1860 to Rebecca Mc Donald. They have two sons, Wm. Day, living in Dakota, Howard P., in River Falls; three daughters, Mabel, wife of Joseph M. Smith, banker at River Falls, and two daughters unmarried. Mr. Strahl filled various town and county offices. Charles B. Cos was born June 25, 1810, in Chenango county, New York. He learned the trade of a miller, lived in Ohio seventeen years and came to Clifton in 1849. He built at Clifton the first saw and grist mill in the Kinnikinic valley, in 1850. He changed his residence to River Falls in 1854, where he lived till 1874, when he removed to California. During the year 1851 he ground three hundred bushels of wheat, the sole product of the valley. Ephraim Harnsberger was born in Kentucky, Nov. 21, 1824, moved with his parents to Illinois in 1832, and to Prescott in 1847, where he pre-empted a homestead of one hundred and sixty acres. He was married at Alton, Illinois, in 1858, to Lizzie Johnson. Their children are Charles, Sarah Etta, and Jennie. 202 FIFTY YEARS DIAMOND BLUFF Is a triangular shaped town, the hypotenuse being formed by the Mississippi river. It contains ten sections and three fractional sections in town 25, range 18, and five sections and five fractional sections in town 25, range 19. It is traversed in the eastern part by Trimbelle river. The town was established in 1857, and the first town meeting was held that year at the home of David Com stock. The town board consisted of: Supervisors — James Akers, chairman; Wilson Thing and C. F. Hoyt; justice, S. Hunter. Susan Rogers taught the first school. This town has the honor of claiming the first white settler, aside from traders, in the Upper Mississippi valley. He came to the site of the present village of Diamond Bluff in 1800, and named it Monte Diamond. We give elsewhere a somewhat extended account of this ancient pioneer, with some speculations concerning him and his descend ants that are plausible enough to warrant their insertion. In historic times a post office was established here in 1854, called at the time, Hoytstown, from C. F. Hoyt, the first postmaster. On the organization of the town the name was changed to Diamond Bluff. Quite a village has since grown up around it. The first frame house was built in 1855, by Enoch Quinby. The first sermon was preached by Rev. J. W. Hancock, a Presby terian minister, for some years a missionary among the Indians. The first birth was that of Mary Day, in 1851, and the first death that of Daniel Crappers, in 1854. Capt. John Paine. — Jack Paine, as he is familiarly called, was born in England, and for the greater part of his life has been a seafaring man. For the past thirty years he has been a steam boat man on the Ohio, Mississippi and Missouri rivers. He has been married three times: first in Rhode Island, second to Mrs. La Blond, of St. Louis, and last to Miss Ressue, of Diamond Bluff. He came to Diamond Bluff in 1848, with four children of his first wife, his second wife having died childless. He is now living with his third wife in La Crosse. They have three children. John Day was born in Martinsburg, Virginia. In 1850 he and his wife and three children, with Allen B. Wilson and his wife, came to Diamond Bluff. Mr. Day is well known as a fear less and enthusiastic hunter. In 1852 he had a close encounter with a large black bear, which, after a desperate struggle, he killed with an axe. The Indians considered Mr. Day as "wau- IN THE NORTHWEST. 203 kon," supernatural, averring that their bravest warriors would not have attacked singly so large an animal. Sarah A. Vance, the wife of Mr. Day, was born in Kentucky. The Vance family were famous pioneers, and some of them were noted Methodist preachers. Miss Vance's first marriage was to John R. Shores, by whom she had two children, one of whom, Isabella, became the wife of A. R. Wilson. Allen R. Wilson.— Mr. Wilson was born in Kentucky; spent his early boyhood in Shawneetown, Illinois; was married to Miss ' Shores at Potosi, Wisconsin, April 16, 1848, and in 1850 came to Diamond Bluff. Mr. Wilson took great interest in politics, was an ardent Republican, and was among the first to volunteer his services for the suppression of the Rebellion in 1861. He enlisted in Company B, Sixth Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteers, and fell in battle, Sept. 14, 1862, at South Mountain. Mr. Wil son was well informed, a close observer of political events at home and abroad, and was a brave and efficient soldier. He left five children. E. S. Coulter. — Mr. Coulter is a Virginian by birth. In early manhood he traveled extensively as a book agent, and finally ' settled at Diamond Bluff, where he successfully engaged in farm ing and dealing in wheat and merchandise. James Bamber, ex-musician in the British and United States armies. Jacob Mead, ex-shoemaker, ex-soldier and miner, a man of superior natural and acquired talent. Charles Walbridge came to Diamond Bluff in 1852. Jacob Mead died in 1884, leaving a large property. Charles F. Hoyt, with his wife and one child, came to Dia mond Bluff from Illinois, in 1853. Enoch Quinby was born at Sandwich, New Hampshire; was married to Matilda Leighton, originally from Athens, Maine. Mr. Quinby and his wife came from Pittsfield, Illinois, to Dia mond Bluff in 1854. THE FIRST SETTLER. There is a pretty well grounded tradition that the first white man who found his way to Diamond Bluff was a French Ven- dean loyalist of the army of Jacques Cathelineau; that he fled from France in 1793 or 1794, landed at Quebec, and was traced by his enemies to Mackinaw and Chicago, where they lost his 204 FIFTY YEARS trail. He came to Diamond Bluff in 1800, and named it "Monte Diamond." He had for his housekeeper the daughter of an Indian chief. He died here about 1824. After his death the Indians always called the place the "Old White Man's Prairie.!' E. Quinby, of Diamond Bluff, to whom we are indebted for this account, adds: "All the additional evidence I can give in regard to this pioneer is that prior to 1793 his wife died, leaving him one daughter, who was deformed. A former friend of his had a beautiful daughter of about the same age of his own. After the uprising and defeat of the Vendeans, they became enemies, and he, to save his life, took his former friend's daughter, instead of his own, and fled to this country. The father pursued them as far as Chicago, where he saw his daughter in company with some Indian girls, and having on her person some ornaments once worn by her mother. He at once seized her and carried her back with him to France, and the old Frenchman found his way to Diamond Bluff." Faribault's son,* now living somewhere in Minnesota, wrote me a few years since, inquiring about the old Frenchman, saying that his grandmother claimed that her *husband was a French nobleman, and that he lived near Lake Pepin. He believed the old Frenchman was his grandfather. The above statements were communicated to the late Capt. Orin Smith, of Galena, Illinois, Allen B. Wilson and myself, in 1854, or in 1855, by an old Frenchman then residing at Potosi, Wis consin, who claimed to have seen and gathered these facts from the old man himself. Capt. Smith was well acquainted with the Frenchman at Potosi, and gave the fullest credence to his account. EL PASO Occupies township 26, range 16. It is drained chiefly by Rush river and its tributary, Lost creek, on the west. The two post villages in this town are, El Paso, located in section 5, and Lost Creek, in section 3. George P. Walker was the first settler. He built the first house and raised the first crop; Thomas T. Magee came in 1855. In 1860 the town was organized, Thomas Hurley and Geo. P. Walker being supervisors. In 1862 Mr. Magee built a saw and flour mill in section 5, and platted the village of El Paso. In 1875 he removed to Clear Lake, Polk county, of * A member o f the well known Faribault family, after whom the town of Faribault has been named. IN THE NORTHWEST. 205 which town he was the first settler. Clara Green taught the first school in El Paso, in 1861. There is one Catholic and one Lutheran church in the village. The name El Paso signify ing a crossing, is of somewhat obscure derivation. ELLSWORTH Was organized under the name of Perry, March 3, 1857, but in 1862 it received its present name. It occupies a central position in the county and includes township 26, range 17. This is a rich farming town, originally timbered with hardwood. The surface is elevated and gently undulating. It is drained on the east by the tributaries of Rush river, but has no large or impor tant streams. The first supervisors were: P. M. Simons, chair man; Caleb Bruce and Wilson Kinnie. The first settler was Anthony Huddleston, who came April 23, 1856, and pre-empted the southeast quarter of section 20. On November 26th, of the same year, came Caleb, Elihu W. and Eli T. Bruce, who pre empted farms on sections 18 and 19. During the same year Wil son and Norris Kinnie and David Klingensmith pre-empted farms in sections 18 and 19. Lilly, Miscen, Russ, aud Campbell eame also in 1855. The first log house in the town was built by Anthony Huddleston in 1855. Norris Kinnie built the first in what was afterward the village of Ellsworth. The first school house, a log building, built was in 1857, and Mary Filkins, now Mrs. G. H. Sargeant, of Minnesota, taught the first school. The, first marriage was that of Charles Stannard and Mary Leonard, in 1855. The first birth, that of the twin children of Wilson. Both died. The first death of an adult was that of Mrs. Jacob Youngman in the winter of 1855. The post office was opened in 1860, with Seely Strickland as postmaster. ELLSWORTH VILLAGE. The original owners of the southern half of section 18, and the northern half of 19, Norris Kinnie, Eli T. Bruce, Henry P. Ames, and Wm. Crippin laid out and platted the village of Ells worth in 1862. Wm. Crippin, built a frame hotel there in 1860. C. S. Dunbar opened a store in 1861. The prospect of Ellsworth becoming the county seat gave a great impetus to business enter prises. This was decided by a popular vote in 1861, but owing to some technical defects was resubmitted to the people of the 206 FIFTY YEARS county in 1862, and then definitely decided. In the year 1862 the citizens of Ellsworth built a log house in which the first terms of court were held; meanwhile the county officers had their offices in the basement of Crippin' s hotel. The permanent county buildings were not erected until 1869. They are built of stone and cost $60,000. In 1863 a frame school house took the place of the old log structure, and in 1874 a commodious brick building was erected, at a cost of $5,000. The Methodists, Lutherans and Catholics have church build ings. There is one newspaper, the Pierce County Herald, edited by E. F. Case and E. S. Doolittle. The Barnes saw mill built in 1867, burned down and rebuilt, has a capacity of about 5, 000 feet per day. A branch railroad, built from Hudson to River Falls, was extended to Ellsworth in 1885. The depot is one mile from the village. The Pierce County Central fair grounds, containing seventeen acres, are located near the village. The grounds are inclosed and are covered with a fine maple grove, in the midst of which is a large flowing spring. D. W. Woodworth was first president of the fair association. Ellsworth has two handsome cemeteries, Maplewood and the Catholic. The village itself is beautifully situated on an elevated plateau originally covered with hardwood timber. The streets are taste fully adorned with maple trees. Anthony Huddleston. — Mr. Huddleston is of Irish descent. He was born in West Virginia in 1804; had but limited educa tional privileges; liyed for a part of his life in Ohio and Indiana, and settled in Ellsworth in 1855, being the first settler in the town. He was a house carpenter for over sixty years. He was a member of the Dunkard church sixty-two years. He was mar ried in 1826, in Ripley, Indiana, to Susannah Whetstone. They have three sons and six daughters living. Perry D. Pierce was born- in Harpersfield, Delaware county, New York. He traces his lineage to ancestors who came across in the Mayflower and landed at Plymouth Rock. He received an academic education, studied law with A. Reckor, Oswego, New York, and was admitted to practice at Cooperstown in 1843, practiced in Albany three years, and in 1854 came to the St. Croix valley, locating first at Prescott, where he served as district attorney for four years, and county judge eight years. He was married in 1860, to Lua E. Searsdall. He is now a resi dent of Ellsworth. IN THE NORTHWEST. 207 Hans B. Warner, of Ellsworth, Pierce county, was born at Gulbrandsdalen, Norway, July 12, 1844; received a common school education; is by occupation a. farmer; emigrated and settled in Dodge county, Wisconsin, in 1853, and thence removed to Pierce county in 1855, where he has since resided. He enlisted in March, 1864, as a private, in Company G, Thirty-seventh Regi ment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry; was wounded and captured in front of Petersburg, Virginia, July 30, 1864, and was held a prisoner of war in Danville and Libby prisons until paroled, Sep tember, 1864; was discharged from service on account of wounds received in battle July 18, 1865. He has held various local offices, and the position of county clerk of Pierce county from January, 1869, to Dec. 21, 1877, when he resigned, to assume the duties of secretary of state, to which office he was elected in 1877, and was re-elected in 1879, serving in all four years. He was elected to the state senate in 1882 and served until 1886. His home business is farming and real estate. He was married in 1866, to Julia E. Hudson. GILMAN. The town of Gilman includes township 27, range 16. The postal villages are Gilman, section 10, and Olivet, section 36. Gilman was organized as the town of Deerfield, in 1868, but in 1869 the name was changed to Gilman. The first supervi sors were Oliver Purdy, Caleb Coon, Bardon Jensen. The first school was taught in 1870, by M. L. Maxgood. A Nor wegian Lutheran church was built in 1883, at a cost of $1,500. There are six school houses with an aggregate cost of $2,000. The first marriage was that of Caleb Coon and Cenith Preston, in 1867. The first birth was a child of this married couple. The first death was that of Mrs. Rufus Preston. The first post office was at Gilman, U. F. Hals, postmaster. The first settlers were B. F. Gilman, in 1859, still a resident; N. B. Lawrence, soon after, now removed; Rufus Preston and family; Joseph and Caleb Coon and families, in 1865, still resident. J. R. Maxgood, B. Jensen and son, E. B. Jensen, the Matthieson brothers, Z. Sigursen, H. Bredahl, S. J. Goodell, Nels Gulikson, M. O. Grinde, Albert Martin, P. Vanosse, and T. B. Forgenbakke are among the oldest citizens. 208 FIFTY YEARS HARTLAND. Hartland occupies township 25, range 17. It has one post vil lage, Esdaile. It has one saw mill and a factory for the manu facture of hubs and bent wood work, operated by Charles Betcher, of Red Wing, Minnesota, which gives employment to seventy-five men and ten teams the year round. The village of Esdaile has also two general merchandise stores and a hotel. Hartland was organized in 1859. The first supervisors were A. Harris, chairman; Joseph Sleeper and R. M. Sproul. Amongst the first settlers were Augustus E. Hodgman, section 24, 1854; James Buckingham, section 28, 1854; Lewis Buckmaster, section 1, 1853. The first school was taught in 1858, by Mary Ann Stonio. The first post office was at Esdaile, Hiram Patch, post master. There are three church organizations, Presbyterian, Methodist and Lutheran (Norwegian), with buildings valued at from $700 to $1,000. There are nine school houses, ranging in cost from $500 to $1,400. The Good Templars have an organi zation. ISABELLE. Isabelle consists of the two upper tiers of section 7, township 24, range 17, the lower tier being much broken in outline by Lake Pepin on the south. It^ contains also fractions of sections in the third tier. Bay City, on the shore of the lake, is the postal town. It was organized in 1855. In 1869 it was annexed to Hartland, but in 1871 it was re-established. The first chair man of supervisors was John Buckingham. The election was held at the house of Abner Brown. Charles R. Tyler and Lo renzo D. Philips settled here in 1854, and built a saw mill where now stands the thriving village of Bay City. Saratoga plat was laid out upon this ground in 1856, by A. C. Morton. A. J. Dexter was the original claimant of the land. Mr. Morton purchased the land which covered a part of Bay City from the government. A surveyor named Markle was employed by Morton to run the lines, which Mr. Dexter considered an intrusion upon his rights, and he shot Markle. Dexter was tried before Judge S. S. N. Fuller, in 1855, was convicted, and sentenced to prison for life. After a few years he was pardoned by Gov. Barstow. IN THE NORTHWEST. 209 MAIDEN ROCK. Maiden Rock occupies the four upper tiers of sections of township 24, ranges 15 and 16, except such portions on the southwestern corner as are cut off by Lake Pepin. It contains about forty sections. The town was organized under the name of Spring Valley, in 1857. Its postal villages are Maiden Rock, on the lake shore, section 15, range 15, and Warren, also on the lake shore, section 7, range 15. The site of Maiden Rock village was purchased from the government in 1853, by Albert Harris and J. D. Trumbull. In 1855 they erected the first house, and in 1856 built a saw and shingle mill. J. D. Trumbull platted the village in 1857, and christened it Maiden Rock, from the celebrated rock of that name a few miles further down the lake. Among the first settlers in the village were J. H. Steel, J. D. Brown, John Foster, and Joseph B. Hull. The first hotel was run by G. R. Barton, in a house built by J. D. Trumbull. This hotel has since been enlarged and is now the Lake View House. The first marriage was that of A. J. Smith and Corinda Eatinger, in 1857; the first birth was that of Ida Trumbull, in 1858, and the first deatty that of William Trumbull, in 1858. The first school was taught by Lottie Isabel, of Batavia, Illinois. The first sermon was preached by Rev. James Gurley, a Methodist preacher from North Pepin. A post office was established in 1856, of which J. D. Trumbull . was postmaster. The receipts the first year were eleven dollars, the expenses, fifty dollars, paid by the postmaster. The town of Maiden Rock has six school houses, one saw and one grist mill. Christopher L. Taylor was born in Oneida county, New York, in 1829; came to Chicago at an early day, and to Maiden Rock in 1868, where he engaged in manufacturing. He served as county supervisor for eight years, and as member of the Wisconsin legislature in 1876. He removed to St. Paul in 1880, where he still resides. He is a dealer in real estate. MARTELL. Martell occupies township 27, range 17. Joseph Martell, John Dee, Louis Lepau and Xerxes Jock, Frenchmen, were the first settlers. They located here in 1847, and remained till 1860, when they moved further west, allured by the attractions of frontier 14 210 fifty years life. -Martell was organized in 1854, with the following super visors: Amos Bonesteel, chairman; M. Statten and R. J. Thomp son. The first school was taught in 1857, by W. Bewel. Martell is the postal village. The first postmaster was O. Rasmunson. There are two evangelical Lutheran churches in the town, built at a cost of $3,500 and $5,000. There is also a good town hall, valued at $600. The Martell Mutual Insur ance Company is in successful operation. oak grove. Oak Grove includes township 26, range 19 (with the exception of section 31 and parts of 30 and 32), and six sections of range 20, in all about forty sections. It is drained 'by Big river. It was set off from Clifton in 1856. Hart Broughton was the first chairman of supervisors. It contains a flouring mill on Big river; . Catholic, Lutheran, and Methodist church buildings; that of the Catholic cost $4,000, and has a school attached. There are seven school houses. Big River is the postal village. John Berry was first postmaster. The first settlers were (1848) the Thing brothers, the Harnsberger brothers, the Cornelius , brothers, Rice, Schaser, McMurphy, Rissue, and the Miner brothers. Lewis M. Harnsberger was born in Kentucky, April 18, 1822, and moved with his parents to Illinois, where he lived nine years. He came to Prescott in 1846, and pre-empted a farm in Oak Grove, where he has since continuously resided. He has filled many public positions creditably. He was married to Annie Jeffreys, of Illinois, in I860. Their sons are Ephraim, Lewis and John. prescott city Is beautifully located at the junction of the St. Croix and Mis sissippi livers. The business portion of the city is on a terrace at the base of the bluff, and between it and the river and lake. The public buildings, churches, school house and residences are chiefly on the upper terrace, or bluff, and command an extensive view of the valley of the two rivers, the whole forming a land scape of unrivaled beauty. The advantages of the position are by no means limited to its picturesque surroundings. Prescott,. from its position at the junction of the two rivers, was early rec ognized as an important point for the reshipping of freight and in the northwest. 211 re-embarkation of passengers. The St. Croix, which comes in from the north, rises within a few miles of Lake Superior, and after running a course of two hundred miles, empties its waters into Lake St. Croix, twenty-four miles above its outlet. The lake is navigable at all times to Stillwater and to Taylor's Falls at the Dalles. The Mississippi comes in from the northwest, and is navi gable to St. Paul, a distance of thirty miles. The two channels at the junction are each about 1,000 feet wide, with an average depth of fifteen feet, and the banks slope to the water's edge, or stand in some places in vertical ledges, thus forming a natural quay along the entire front of the city. The quay, or landing, is semicircular in shape, the upper terrace, or bench, about one hundred feet in height, is likewise semicircular, the convexity being toward the river and lake. The crest of the terrace is worn down by the rains into ravines, leaving rounded points, or promontories, on the summit of which the ancient mound builders have left traces of their peculiar art. The first settle ment of Prescott was made by Philander Prescott, Col. Thompson, Dr. Emerson, and Capt. Scott, the three last named being army officers at Fort Snelling. Mr. Prescott, acting as agent for the others, made the claim in 1836, remaining three years to hold it, when it was left in the care of Joseph Mosier until 1851. In 1837 seven acres were broken and fenced, constituting the entire landed improvements within the present bounds of Pierce county. In 1849 one hundred and fifty acres were improved. Geo. Schaser and H. Doe were the first resident farmers. From 1838 to 1849 a trading post for Indian supplies was kept by per sons holding the claim. W. S. Lockwood opened a store in 1842, and other improvements were made. As the army officers were called to other fields of labor, Mr. Prescott soon found himself in sole possession of the original claim, he purchasing their interests, and in 1849, when the lands had been surveyed by the govern ment, he entered sixty-one acres. In 1853 Dr. O. T. Maxon and W. J. Copp purchased a greater part of the town site and sur veyed and platted it as the city of Prescott. A charter was obtained in 1857. A post office had been established here in 1840, called the "Mouth of St. Croix," but it was removed across the lake and named Point Douglas. The post office was re-estab lished at Prescott in 1852. Dr. O. T. Maxon was first post master. The number of persons who came that year to Prescott 212 FIFTY YEARS is estimated at about one hundred and fifty.* Mr. Schaser platted an addition to the city of sixty-one acres in 1855. When the city received its charter the following officers were elected: Mayor, J. R. Freeman; aldermen, First ward, N. S. Dunbar, Thomas Dickerson and Seth Ticknor; Second ward, Hilton Doe, George W. Oakley, N. A. Miller; president of the council, Seth Ticknor; justices of the peace, I. T. Foster, O. Edwards; city attorney, P. V. Wise; city surveyor, Wm. Howes; superin tendent of schools, Thomas Dickerson. Wm. Schaser built the first frame house, and Mrs. Wm. Schaser was the first white woman. Their daughter Eliza was the first white child born in the new settlement. The first marriage was that of G. W. McMurphy to a daughter of Mr. Rice, April 24, 1848. The first death was that of W. S. Lockwood, in 1847. When the county of Pierce was organized Prescott was desig nated as the county seal;, and so remained until 1862, when; by popular election, Ellsworth was chosen. In 1856 Messrs. Silverthorn & Dudley started a saw mill, which they operated until 1861, when Mr. Dudley purchased his partner's interest, and erected a flouring and saw mill. A wagon and carriage manufactory was established by F. Menicke, in 1862, the Prescott brewery in 1866, by N. P. Husting, and the Prescott machine shops in 1876, by H. B. Failing. The City Bank of Prescott was organized in 1858, Charles Miller, president; W. P. Westfall, cashier; capital stock, $50,000. It . closed in 1862. The Nation il Bank was established in 1877, by W. S. Miller. The first school in Pierce county was taught by a missionary named Denton, at Prescott, in 1843. In 1851 Miss Oliver taught a private school. In 1853 the first district school was established. The school board were: Directors, M. Craig, George W. McMurphy; treasurer, N. S. Dunbar; clerk, Dr. O. T. Maxon; teacher, Miss Matthews. The first school house was built in 1854. A building for a graded school was erected in 1859. A high school building was erected in 1847, at a cost of $20,000. The first religious society was that of the Methodists, organ ized in 1853, under the labors of Rev. Norris Hobart. Their *Note. — When I touched at Prescett in 1845, it was generally known as the "Mouth of St, Croix," though by some called " Prescott's Landing." The residents were Hilton Doe, a farmer; Geo. Schaser, boarding house keeper ; W. S. Lockwood, merchant ; Joseph Mosier, an Indian trader or storekeeper. The principal trade was with Indians. IN THE NORTHWEST. 213 first building was erected in 1856. Its dimensions were 20x32 feet, ground plan. In 1868 they erected a building 40x70 feet, ground plan, at a cost of $4,000. In 1854 the Baptist church was organized by Rev. E. W. Cressy. In 1854 the Congregationalists organized, with Rev. P. Hall as pastor, and in 1855 built a brick church, 40x50 feet, ground plan. In 1855 the Presbyterians organized, and in 1866 built a church. The Lutheran church was organized in 1865, by Rev. C. Thayer. Under the preaching of Rev. M. Guild the Episcopal church was organized in 1872. Previous to this date Revs. Breck, Wilcoxson and Peabody had labored from time to time. The Catholic chureh was organized by Rev. Father Vervais in 1860. In 1868 a church edifice was built. The following social and benevolent orders have organizations in Prescott: Northwestern Lodge, A. F. and A. M organized 1856 Prescott Lodge, I. O. O. F Lodge No. 319, I. O. G. T Prescott Juvenile Temple, No. 1Q8 Prescott Temple of Honor Converse Post, G. A. R Pierce County Agricultural Society, O. T. Maxon, president., 18681876 18771878 1884 1859 The Agricultural Society has fair grounds just east of the city, well arranged, with a half mile race track, and buildings in good condition. Fairs are held annually. Pine Glen cemetery is situated on the bluff half a mile below the city. It was estab lished in 1856. Nature has done much for the site. The view of the Mississippi valley is unobstructed for a distance of from twelve to twenty miles on the south, and to the bend of the river bluffs above Hastings. The grounds are handsomely laid out and adorned with shrubbery. DESTUCTIVE FIRES." Prescott has suffered severely from fires. The following is a partial list of losses: Lowry & Co., sawmill loss $3,500 Todd & Horton's mill ' " 2,000 Stevens, Lechner & Co.. (1854) " 3,000 214 FIFTY YEARS Fire on Main street (1871) loss $22,000 Fire.on Main street (1872) " 12,000 Fire on Main street (1874) " 12,000 -Redman, Cross & Co., flour mills (1877) " 40,000 The latter was insured for $20,000. Total loss, nearly $75,000. BIOGRAPHICAL. Philander Prescott was born in 1801, at Phelpstown, Ontario county, New York. Late in the year 1819 he came to Fort Snelling and remained there, or in the vicinity, the greater part of his life. From his constant association with the Indians, especially with the Sioux, he learned to speak their language. He was also related to them by his marriage with a Sioux woman. This fact, added to his influence among them, and be ing a man not only of a high character for integrity, but well edu cated and intelligent, he was able to render the officers of the Fort much service. He made a translation into the Sioux dia lect of a number of English and French hymns for the use of the mission schools near Prescott. He gave his children an English education. In 1835, while acting as Indian interpreter, he came to the present site of Prescott, and in conjunction with several officers of the Fort, he acting as their agent, laid claim to con siderable territory, and made some improvements in the shape of log buildings. When the army officers were sent to other posts, Mr. Prescott purchased their interests and held the claim. In 1849, after the government survey, he pre-empted sixty-one acres and laid out what he called the city of Prescott. He re sided here and at the Fort alternately until his death, which occurred in 1862. He had been sent by the government on a peace mission to the Indians in rebellion, met them at a point near Mankato, and was cruelly assassinated by those to whom he had ever proven a true friend, and whom he had every reason to suppose friendly to him. George Schaser is a native of Austria, and came to the mouth of the St. Croix, in 1841. In 1842 he returned to St. Louis and married Christine Bucher. Mrs. Schaser was the first white woman resident in Prescott. Mr. Schaser built the first frame house in the settlement, in 1844. This house was regarded for many years as the finest house between Prairie du Chien and St. Paul. In 1855 Mr. Schaser surveyed an addition to Prescott on in the northwest. 215 land he had pre-empted in 1849. In 1858 he built the brick hotel known as the St. Nicholas. Mr. Schaser died May 3, 1884, leav ing a widow, three sons and one daughter. His sons are Henry, Edward and George A. His daughter Emma was married to Capt. John E. Ball (deceased 1881). An older daughter, Eliza, the first child born in Pierce county, was married to E. W. Havi- land, and died in 1880, near New Orleans. William S. Lockwood, a native of New York State, came to Prairie du Chien in 1833, and to Prescott in 1842. The year following his family followed. Mr. Lockwood died in 1847. His widow, Georgiana Barton, was married to Orange B. Walker, of Marine Mills, and died at Marine, Oct. 9, 1885. James Monroe Bailey was born in 1824, in Sullivan county, New York, where his youthful days were passed. He came to Prescott in 1849, where he has since been engaged in farming, mercantile and real estate business. ¦ He was married in 1856, in Prescott, to Nettie Crippin. They have one son, Victor, and two daughters, Myrtle, wife of E. L. Meacham, of Prescott, and Jessamine. Mr. Bailey l^as a very pleasant home in Prescott. He has filled various offices, among them that of treasurer and clerk of St. Croix county, prior to the organization of Pierce. Adolph Werkman was born in Germany in 1826; came to America in 1847, and to Prescott in 1848. He was married at Prescott in 1856. Joseph Manese (alias Joseph Abear) was of French extrac tion and a native of Lower Canada. While yet a youth he, came into the Lake Superior region, where he was employed most of his time in hunting and trapping by the fur companies. His history, if written in full, would abound in stirring incidents and adventures. He was a man of unusual strength and activity, and in disposition light hearted, vivacious and gay even to hi larity. He died in Prescott in 1884. Hilton Doe was a native of New York State, and came to Red Wing, as Indian farmer, about 1840. He settled in Prescott in 1844, in sections 9 and 10, pre-emptions subsequently surveyed into town lots. Mr. Doe married Miss Daily, in Illinois, in 1844. Mrs. Doe died in 1860, Mr. Doe in 1884. Lute A. Taylor, a young man of decided talent, a good classi cal scholar, a brilliant writer and humorist, came to River Falls in 1856, and in 1857, with his brother Horace, established the 216 FIFTY YEARS River Falls Journal, which they continued to publish jointly for three years, when Horace rembyed to Hudson and established the Times. Lute A. removed to Prescott, taking with him the material of the Journal office, and established the Prescott Jour nal, which he edited and published until 1869, when he removed to La Crosse and published the La Crosse Leader until his death, which occurred in 1872. Mr. Taylor was a correspondent of various papers and an entertaining lecturer. As a conversationalist and wit, he was without a rival. A slight impediment in his speech, if any thing, added to the humorous effect of his pithy sayings.. He is well remembered in the valley of the St. Croix. A volume containing his biography and some characteristic sketches has been published since his death. John Huitt, a Canadian, came to Prescott in 1847, and erected the first blacksmith shop in the village. He was mar ried in Prescott to a daughter of Joseph Mosier, and subse quently pre-empted a quarter section of land on Prescott prairie. He built a saw and planing mill on Trimbelle river. He died at Trimbelle in 1873. John M. Rice was born in Sudbury, Massachusetts, in 1805; was married in 1828, in Massachusetts, to Mary A. Goodenough; came in 1837 to Marine, Illinois, and in 1847 to Prescott. Mr. Rice was a house carpenter, but followed also the business of, farming. He was an upright man and a member of the Con gregational church. He died in 1878, leaving one son, David O., living in Prescott; a daughter, Maria A., wife of G. W. Mc Murphy, of Prescott, and a daughter in Illinois. AN INDIAN BATTLE. The feud between the Sioux and Chippewas originated in prehistoric times and from causes not now known. It has been a tribal vendetta, continuous and relentless, with the advantages in favor of the Chippewas, who, in the course of time, have stead ily forced the Sioux westward from the Sault Ste. Marie to the Mississippi at Prescott. We give the following account of one of their battles, being an Indian version, translated and written out by Philander Prescott. This fight occurred in 1711, on the site of the city of Prescott. As the Indians had been supplied by the French with firearms as early as 1700, there is nothing IN THE NORTHWEST. 217 improbable in their alleged use on this occasion. But for the story: ' ' The Chippewas, a thousand strong, attacked a camp of eighteen Sioux lodges by night and killed most of the warriors. The wo men and children fled to the canoes, and, jumping in, pushed from the shore, but, in their hurry, without* paddles. A large eddy in the river carried the canoes round and round, and, as they swept near the shore, the Chippewas seized them, pulled them to the shore and butchered the women and children. A few Sioux warriors had fled up the bank of the lake, where they hid in crevices and caves of the rocks. The Chippewas discov ered their hiding places and killed all but one, who rushed from his retreat, and, diving again and again in the lake, swam for the opposite shore. As often as his head appeared above the water the Chippewas fired a volley of bullets, which fell around like hail, but harmlessly. The bold swimmer finally reached the opposite shore unharmed, when he gave a whoop of joy and disappeared in the thicket. The Chippewas, filled with admira tion at his daring exploit, returned his farewell whoop with in terest." RIVER FALLS Occupies township 27, range 18, and a tier of two sections from range 19. Trimbelle river drains the eastern portion and the Kinnikinic the northwest. Its early history is identified with the history of River Falls city, its first settlement. It was organized in 1854, as Greenwood, but in 1858 the name was changed to River Falls. As River Falls city was not incorpo rated until 1885, we shall give its early history in connection with that of the town. The first settler was Joel Foster, in the fall of 1848. In 1849 came D. McGregor, James and Walter Mapes; in 1850, Messrs. Hayes, Tozer, Penn and Parks, and not long after the Powells and Clark Green. These early settlers chose locations at, or near, the present site of River Falls city, and along the banks of the Kinnikinic, which here, owing to its numerous water falls, offered unusual facilities for milling and manufacturing. The first crop was raised by Joel Foster, in 1849. The first saw mill was built in 1851 by the brothers N. N. and O. S. Powell, just below the site of the present Greenwood mill. This was burned in 1876. In 1854 the Powell brothers platted the village 218 FIFTY YEARS of River Falls, called at first, Kinnikinic, setting apart for that purpose two hundred acres of land. This plat included the up per waterfalls within the present city limits. The largest water power they donated to C. B. Cox as a mill site, to encourage settlement in the village. The brothers co-operated in building up the village, amongst other things building a frame store and stocking it with goods. This was the first store in the Kinni kinic valley. They dealt also in real estate and lumber. The name of River Falls, as applied to the village, dates from the establishment of the first post office, in 1854. Charles Hutchinson was the first postmaster, and the office was held in this pioneer store. J. S. Rounce, in 1870, built the first foundry in Pierce county. The water powers of River Falls have been extensively util ized, many saw and flouring mills having been erected at various times on the Kinnikinic. Of these, in 1886, the more notable are, the Junction mills, owned by Freeman, Rhyder & Co., with a capacity of 400 barrels daily, and a barrel manufactory attached, which gives employment to 40 men and turns off from 300 to 400 barrels daily. • The Greenwood mills, owned by Geo. Fortune & Co., capacity 50 barrels; the Cascade mills, owned by the Baker estate, capacity 50 barrels; the Prairie mill, built by C. B. Cox in 1858, and now owned Jay J. D. Putnam, capac ity 150 barrels. In educational matters River Falls has taken and maintained an advanced position. The first school house was built in 1854, by seven men, at a cost of five hundred dollars. Helen Flint taught the first school. In 1856 a joint stock association was incorporated as "The River Falls Academy." A building was erected, 36x66 feet, ground plan, and two stories in height. Prof. Wilcox was the first principal. This school was maintained as an academy until 1860, at which time it was superseded by the free schools. In the fall of 1879 the building was destroyed , by fire. Subsequently a commodious brick structure was erected in its place at a cost of $15,000. Excellent private schools were maintained by Hinckley, Cody and Baker, for five years during the '60s. The State Normal School, of which a more extended account is given elsewhere, was established here, and a building erected in 1874, at a cost of about $65,000, the people of River Falls and other towns contributing to this fund $25,000, IN THE NORTHWEST. 219 with private subscriptions to the amout of $12,000, and a dona tion of ten acres of land. Of the $25,000 River Falls gave $10,000, Troy $4,000, Clifton $3,000, while Pierce county con tributed $5,000, and Kinnikinic, St. Croix county, gave $3,000 The building, a handsome brick, four stories high, including the basement, stands on an elevated plat of ground in the south eastern part of the city. The first board of instruction consisted of W. D. Parker, president, with the following assistants: J. B. Thayer, conductor of teachers' institute; A. Earthman, history, geography, music; Lucy E. Foot, English literature, reading, spelling; Julia A. McFarlan, mathematics; Margaret Hosford, Latin and English literature. Model department, Ellen C. Jones, teacher, grammar grade; Mary A. Kelley, teacher, inter mediate grade; Lizzie J. Curtis, teacher, primary grade. The following are the churches of River Falls, with date of establishment and name of first pastor when known: Congre gational, 1855, Rev. James Stirratt; Baptist, 1857, Rev. A. Gib son; Methodist, 1858; Episcopal, 1871, Rev. Chas. Thorpe; Cath olic, 1875, Rev. Father Connelly; Seventh Day Adventist, 1881. With the exception of the last named, these church organiza tions have good buildings. The Congregational church building erected in 1857 was superseded by a building in 1867 that cost $10,000. This was destroyed by a tornado in 1868, but has since been rebuilt at the cost of the building destroyed, and a parson age has been added at a cost of $2,000. A Sunday-school was established in River Falls in 1853, and the first sermon was preached, in 1850 or 1851, by Rev. Julius S. Webber, a Baptist missionary. Rev. John Wilcoxson, an Epis copalian, held occasional services as early as 1859. ASSOCIATIONS. The following are the social and benevolent associations of River Falls, with dates of organization: Masonic Lodge, June, 1859; I/O. O. F., 1872; I. O. G. T., March 15, 1877; Juvenile Temple of Honor, March 15, 1877; Temple of Honor, March 31, 1878- A. O. U. W., 1878. The hall, fixtures and charter of the Odd Fellows Lodge was destroyed in the 'fire of 1876, but the lodge was rechartef ed the same year. 220 FIFTY YEARS THE BANK OF RIVER FALLS Was organized Jan. 1, 1874. Bartlett, president; Joseph M. Smith, cashier. Capital, $15,000. It was reorganized in 1883, under state law, R. S. Burhyte, president; W. D. Parker, vice president; J. M. Smith, cashier. Capital stock, $35,000. Total business in 1885, $5,770,733.98. HUDSON & RIVER FALLS RAILROAD. This road was built in 1878, the people of River Falls contrib uting $60,000 to its construction. The road is ten miles in length. In 1885 it was extended to Ellsworth, a distance of twelve miles. RIVER FALLS BOARD OF TRADE Was established in 1884. A. D. Andrews, president; C. H. Keys, secretary. FIRES. Inl875 the Metropolitan Hotel, costing $15,000, and other build ings were burned; loss $30,000. The insurance was light. In 1876 a large portion of the town was destroyed by fire. RIVER FALLS CITY. River Falls was incorporated as a city in 1885. At the first election for city officers, held April 7th, three hundred and nineteen votes were cast, and the following persons were declared duly elected to the positions named: Mayor, A. A. Andrews; treasurer, G. E. Pratt; assessor, E. H. Daniel; aldermen, First ward, W. W. Wadsworth; Second ward, L. M. Rosenquist; Third ward, R. N. Jenson; Fourth ward, L. Styles; marshal, R. N. Bev- ens; city clerk, Allen H. Weld. The license for the sale of intoxicants was fixed at $200. The population of River Falls in 1886 was 1,700. It is a lively, prosperous city, planned on a lib eral scale, with wide streets, well shaded with ornamental trees. The mills, have reservations by which they are separated from the business part of the city. The beauty of the original water falls is somewhat marred by the mills and their debris. Origin ally they were very beautiful and picturesque, and were widely celebrated, and much visited by the lovers of Nature. Of these falls there are four, two on the south branch, one on the north IN THE NORTHWEST. 221 branch, and one some rods below the junction of the two.streams. The falls were not noted for their grandeur, but rather for their quiet beauty, the water falling over ledges but a few feet in height, and so broken in two of them as to present the general appear ance of a succession of stairs, or steps, of unequal elevation, over which the water falls. An interesting feature at the j unction of the two rivers is the cave in which the pioneer settler, Judge Joel' Foster, with his negro boy, spent the winter of 1848-49. From his cave cabin he had full view of the falls on the two streams, no less beautiful in their winter dress of gleaming icicles, with the frost-whitened boughs of the willow and alder drooping over them, than in their summer brightness. The judge has told me that he loved, almost worshiped, this spot. The cave cabin stood about one hundred feet from the sparkling stream.- There, in the early morning, he could cast his line, and have for his regal breakfast the speckled trout. Above him towered a precipice erowned with evergreen trees, and around him, on the borders of the streams, were the elm and maple, and an undergrowth of alder and birch. There certainly could have been no fairer scene in the West. To-day no traces remain of the old cave cabin. The Junction mills have effaced the more beautiful and poetic fea tures of thescene. The judge has passed away, and found a graye on an elevation overlooking his old horn^ and the scenes he loved so well. The judge, although a friend to progress, and active in advancing the material interests of the locality in which he lived, was unalterably opposed to the movement to incorporate River Falls, and did all he could to defeat the measure. When the incorporative act had been passed, he moved outside of the city limits, declaring that he would neither live nor die within them; but having been fatally injured by an accident, he was brought back to his old home, and died within the city. THE FOURTH STATE NORMAL SCHOOL AT RIVER FALLS — HIS TORY. The constitution of the State, adopted in 1848, provides "that the revenue of the school fund shall be exclusively applied to the following objects: , "First — To the support and maintenance of common schools in each school district, and the purchase of suitable libraries and appurtenances therefor. 222 FIFTY YEARS "Second — That the residue of the income of the school fund shall be appropriated to the support of academies and normal schools, and suitable libraries and appurtenances therefor." No effort was made to take advantage of this provision of the constitution for the endowment of normal schools until 1857, when an act was passed providing "that the income of twenty- five per cent of the proceeds arising from the sale of swamp and overflowed lands should be appropriated to normal institutes and academies, under the supervision and direction of a 'board of regents of normal schools,' " who were to be appointed in pursu ance of the provisions of that act. Under this law, the income placed at the disposal of the regents was distributed for several years to such colleges, academies and high schools as maintained a normal class, and in proportion to the number of pupils in the class who passed satisfactory examinations, conducted by an agent of the board. The law under which these schools are organized provides that "the exclusive purpose of each normal school shall be the in struction and training of persons, both male and female, in the theory and art of teaching, and in all the various branches that pertain to a good common school education, and in all subjects needful to qualify for teaching in the public schools; also to give instruction in the fundamental laws of the United States and of this State, and in what regards the rights and duties of citizens." REGULATIONS FOR ADMISSION TO THE NORMAL SCHOOLS. Tuition is free to all students who are admitted to these normal schools under the following regulations of the board of regents: First — Each assembly district in the State shall be entitled to eight representatives in the normal schools, and in case vacan cies exist in the representation to which any assembly district is entitled, such vacancies may be filled by the president and sec retary of the board of regents. Second — Candidates for admission shall be nominated by the superintendent of the county (or if the county superintendent has not jurisdiction, then the nomination shall be made by the city superintendent) in which such candidate may reside, and shall be at least sixteen years of age, of sound bodily health and good moral character. Each person so nominated shall receive a certificate setting forth his name, age, health and character. IN THE NORTHWEST. 223 Third — Upon the presentation of such certificate to the presi dent of a normal school, the candidate shall be examined, under the direction of said president, in the branches required by law for a third grade certificate, except history, theory and practice of teaching, and if found qualified to enter the normal school in respect to learning, he may be admitted after furnishing such evidence as the president may require of good health and good moral character, and after subscribing to the following declara tion: I, , do hereby declare that my purpose in entering this State Normal School is to fit myself for the profession of teaching, and that it is my intention to engage in teaching in the schbols of the State. Fourth — No person shall be entitled tb a diploma who has not been a member of the school in which such diploma is granted, at least one year, nor who is less than nineteen years of age; a certificate of attendance may be granted by the president of a normal school to any person who shall have been a member of such school for one term; provided, that in his judgment such certificate is deserved. As an addition to the work of the normal schools, the board of regents are authorized to expend a sum not exceeding $5,000 annually, to sustain teachers' institutes, and may employ an agent for that purpose. Institutes are regarded as important auxiliaries and feeders to the normal schools. At present one professor from each normal school is employed conducting insti tutes every spring and fall. The normal school fund now amounts to over $1,250,000, and yields an annual income of about $100,000. It will be increased by the further sale of swamp lands, and will prove ample for the objects for which it is set apart. In 1865 the legislature divided the swamp lands and swamp land fund into two equal parts, one for drainage purposes, the other to constitute a normal school fund. The income of the latter was to be applied to establishing, supporting and main taining normal schools, under the direction and management of the board of regents of normal schools, with a proviso that one-fourth of such income should be transferred to the common school fund, until the annual income of that fund should reach $200,000. During the same year, proposals were invited for ex- 224 FIFTY YEARS tending aid in establishment of a normal school, and proposi tions were received from various places." In 1866 the board of regents was incorporated by the legis lature. Joel Foster. — Judge Foster was born at Meriden, Connecti cut, Dec. 15, 1814, He was liberally educated. He came to Ed- wardsville, Illinois, in 1830, and to Hudson, then known as Buena Vista, in 1848. After a careful exploration of the coun try he made choice of the valley of the Kinnikinic, and made him a home in the fall of 1848, at the junction of the two branches of that stream, and within sound of its beautiful cas cades. He was the pioneer settler of the River Falls of to-day. He built the first dwelling house, raised the first crops, and ever proved himself a worthy citizen, first in every good work and enterprise. He was a man of far more than ordinary intelligence and moral worth, was temperate, industrious, public spirited, sagacious and independent. He has filled many positions of responsibility, amongst them that of judge of St. Croix county, During the Mexican War he served as a quartermaster in Col. Bissell's Second Illinois Regiment. Judge Foster was married at Chicago in 1856 to Charlotte Porch. He died at his home in River Falls, Aug. 9, 1885. Jesse B. Thayer was born Oct. 11, 1845, in Janesville, Wis consin; was educated at Milton College in 1870, and is by pro fession a teacher. During the Rebellion he served in the Fortieth and Forty-ninth Wisconsin Volunteers as a private. He served five years as principal of the public schools in Menonlo- nie, and since 1875 has been connected with the State Normal School at River Falls as conductor of institutes. In 1885 he was elected to represent Pierce county in the state assembly. A. D. Andrews. — Dr. A. D. Andrews was born in Lowell, Maine, Sept. 21, 1830. He graduated at the Chicago Medical College in 1860, and in 1861 was commissioned assistant surgeon of the Sixth Wisconsin Infantry, of the famous Iron Brigade, with which he served up to the battle of Gettysburg. After retiring from the army he came to River Falls and engaged in milling, in which business he successfully continued until 1880, when he retired. He was elected state senator in 1878. He was appointed a regent of the Fourth State Normal School in 1877. He died at his home in River Falls, after a short illness, IN THE NORTHWEST. 225 July 23, 1885. He was mayor of the city at the time of his death. Joseph A. Short. — Mr. Short was born in Madison county, New York, April 16, 1806. He learned the trade of a millwright. He visited the East and West Indies. He came to Milwaukee in 1842. In 1849 he went to California, but returned in 1854, and settled in River Falls, where he built a saw and planing mill, laid out an addition to the village and in various ways promoted the interests of the settlement. Mr. Short was a member of the Methodist church sixty years, and of the Masonic fraternity fifty years. He was married Aug. 25, 1831, in New York, to Olive Prossen. He died at his home, May 6, 1886, aged eighty years, leaving a son and three daughters. Allen H. Weld. — Prof. A. H. Weld, widely known as a pioneer educator, and as the author of an excellent grammar, was born in Vermont in 1810. He graduated at Yale College. He came to River Falls in 1858 and taught the first graded school in the village. For two years he was principal of the high school at Hudson, and for six years was superintendent of schools in St. Croix county. He was a member of the state ' board of regents nine years, and was prime mover in securing the location of the State Normal School at River Falls. The excellent character of the schools in St. Croix county, and the high educational position of River Falls, are due to his untiring effort and wise direction. Mr. Weld was a member of the Con gregational church and a consistent Christian as well as a pro gressive, public spirited man. He died in 1882, at his home in River Falls, leaving a widow and one son, Allen P. Allen P. Weld was born in North Yarmouth, Maine, in 1839. In 1859 he graduated at Dartmouth College. He studied law and was admitted to practice in 1867. at Albany, New York. He taught school at Albany three years, and came to River Falls in 1859, where he is a dealer in real estate. He was married in 1872 to Alice Powell, daughter of Lyman Powell. George W. Nichols was born in 1795, atBraintree, Vermont. His father was a soldier in the Revolution. At the age of seven teen he enlisted and served in the war of 1812. , He lived in Vermont fifty years, in Massachusetts ten years, and in 1855 came to River Falis, where he engaged in farming until he was eighty years of age. He was married in Vermont to Deborah Hoba'rt, 15 • 226 FIFTY YEARS who died in 1874. His sons George H. and William H. reside in River Falls. They were soldiers during the war of the Re bellion. His son Isaac N. was a member of Capt. Samuels' company, and was killed at Perrysville, Kentucky. The Grand Army of the Republic post at River Falls has his name. He died in 1887. W. D. Parker. — Prof. Parker was born in Bradford, Orange county, Vermont, in 1839. He received a common school and academic education. At the age of sixteen years he entered the Janesville High School, and four years later graduated. He taught two years in Janesville, four years at Delavan, and one year in Monroe, Green county, Wisconsin. In 1867 he visited . Europe, after which he taught two years at Lake Geneva, Wis consin. He was superintendent of schools five years at Janes ville. In 1875 he was elected to the presidency of the Fourth State Normal School at River Falls. In 1886 he was elected state superintendent of public instruction. Prof. Parker was married to Justine B. Hewes, of Chicago, in 1869. The Powell Family. — William Powell, the father, came to River Falls in 1849, where he lived with his sons until his death, Nov. 30, 1865. His second wife was the widow of Taylor, and the mother of Horace and Lute Taylor, the well known jour nalists. Mrs. Powell died in July, 1884. Lyman Powell came to River Falls with his family in 1855. He was married to Lucinda Taylor, sister of Horace and Lute Taylor. Mr. Powell died at River Falls, Nov. 9, 1872, leaving a wife, two sons and five daughters. Nathaniel N. Powell, the second son, born May 11, 1827, in St. Lawrence county, New York, came to River Falls in 1849, and pre-empted the northeast quarter of section 1, now a part , of the site of River Falls city. He was married to Martha Ann Hart, Sept. 28, 1842, at Hudson. He died at River Falls, Sept. 28, 1862, leaving one son and one daughter. Oliver S. Powell, the youngest son, was born June 19, 1831, and came to Hancock county, Illinois, in 1843, where he lived - eight years. He had no great opportunities for gaining an edu cation. He came to Stillwater in 1849, bringing with him the first threshiDg machine north of Prairie du Chien. He threshed the first grain threshed in the county in the fall of that year, for Fiske, on a farm three miles below Stillwater. In Novem- IN THE NORTHWEST. ,227 ber, 1849, he located in River Falls, pre-empting the south half of the southeast quarter of section 36, town 28, range 19, lands lying just north of those claimed by his brother, and which after ward became a part of River Falls. Mr. Powell was a represen tative in the state assembly in 1870-71-72, and was a county commissioner many years. He was married in 1860 to Elmira Nichols. They have three sons, Harvey C, Newell N. and Lyman T., and four daughters, Lucy M., Sarah H, Amy E., and Miriam. Nils P. Haugen was born iu Norway in 1849; came to America in 1853 and to River Falls in 1854. He graduated in the law de partment of Michigan State University in 1874. Mr. Haugen was phonographic reporter of the Eighth and Eleventh Judicial circuits for several years, and a member of the assembly from Pierce county in 1879 and 80. He was elected railroad commis sioner for Wisconsin in 1881, and re-elected in 1884. In 1886 he was elected representative to Congress. H. L. Wadsworth was born July 10, 1821, in Erie county, New York. He learned the trade of a shoemaker, came West in 1846, and "settled at River Falls some time in the '50s, and engaged in farming. He has filled many positions of trust in the St. Croix valley, and in 1867 represented St. Croix county in the assembly. In 1841 he was married to Miss A. R. Baldwin. Eight children have been born to them. ROCK ELM Includes township 26, range 15. It was organized as a town Nov. 16, 1866. The first town meeting was held at the house of J. Prickett. The first commissioner was Sylvester Fox, chair man. The post offices are at Rock Elm, on the western line of the town, section 19, and Rock Elm Centre, sections 16 and 17. At the latter place is located Rock Elm Institute, a school of high grade, founded in 1880. Harrison Lowater is the principal. The town is well supplied with schools, there being as many as nine within its limits. Among its first settlers were Loomis Kellogg, Charles A. Hawn and Sylvester Fox. SALEM. Salem occupies township 25, range 16. It is drained by Rush river. It was organized as a town Jan. 13, 1862. First 228 FIFTY YEARS board of supervisors, C. C. Carpenter, Eben White and J. H. Shults. The first school was taught in 1857, by Thompson Mc Cleary. The first marriage was that of Harvey Seeley and Kate McKinstry. The first child born was Sarah Fuller. The first death was that of John McCleary, Sept. 2, 1863. The first post office was established at Rush River, May 1860, Joseph Seeley, postmaster. The first settlers were Jeremiah Fuller, from Ohio, and W. Wells, 1846; Harvey Seeley, 1848; Thomas Boyle and James White, 1854; JohnF. Davis from Ireland, 1856 (town 'clerk twenty years); John H. Brasington, from Pennsylvania (town treasurer fifteen years) ; Eben White, James Walsingham, John Strong, H. M. Hicks, from Pennsylvania, 1858; John Foley and brothers, from Ireland, 1856 ; James H. Shults, Joseph Seeley, H. C. Brown, John McCiure, from Ireland; C. C. and Ira W. Carpenter, from Connecticut, 1858. Mrs. Fuller, the wife of the pioneer, was here over six months, during which time she did not see a white woman. SPRING LAKE Is the extreme northeastern town of the county, occupying town ship 27, range 15. The post offices are Oak Ridge and Spring Valley. The town was organized Nov. 10, 1868. The first town meeting was held at the house of A. M. Wilcox. The first super visors were:, W. D. Akers, chairman; Jonas Nebb; Levi Hess, •clerk. The first school was taught in 1866, by Agnes Harriman. The Methodist and Baptist churches have organizations, and the Methodists have a building worth five hundred dollars. The first marriage was that of H. M. Wilcox to Mrs. Kate Rice, of Lake City, by W. D. Akers, justice of the peace. The first child born was a daughter of Ole P. Gardner. The first death was that of Leota Wilcox, in 1864. The first postmaster was B. H. Preston, 1871. The first settlers in the order of their coming were James Gilmore, O. P. Gardner, George Wilcox, John Fran cisco and W. D. Akers. TRENTON. Trenton contains about twenty-eight sections, those on the Mississippi having very irregular boundaries. ' Twenty-four whole sections lie in township 25, range 18, and the remainder in township 24, range 18. Trenton, iu section 33, township 25, is its post village. Trenton was organized in 1S57; James Akers, IN THE NORTHWEST. ' 229 chairman of supervisors-. Wilson Thing, the pioneer settler, came in 1848. TRIMBELLE. Trimbelle includes township 26, range 18. Its post villages are Trimbelle and Beldenville. It was organized March 2, 1855. Its supervisors were F. Otis, chairman, and Aaron Cornelison. Among its earliest settlers were the Cornelisons, F. Otis and M. B. Williams. It has four saw mills and one flouring mill, five school houses and one church (Methodist). Martin B. Williams was born in New York in 1812. He re ceived a common school education, and at the age of sixteen years was thrown upon his own resources. He learned the trade of blacksmith. He was married in New York, and has four sons, Clark M., Frank T., G. Glen and A. Judd. Mr. Williams is one of the pioneer settlers of Trimbelle, and has held many public town and county positions. He served as treasurer of Pierce county four years. He has been a local preacher in the Metho dist Episcopal church for over thirty years. UNION. Union consists of township 25, range 15. It is drained by Plum creek. It has two post offices, Plum Creek, in section 24, and Ono, section 6. It was organized Aug. 15, 1863. Among its first settlers were Eleazer Holt, Hiram N. Wood, and Capt. Horst, who made their homes here in the early '50s. 230 FIFTY YEARS CHAPTER VIII. BURNETT, WASHBURN, SAWYER AND BARRON COUNTIES. BURNETT COUNTY. Burnett county was named in honor of a genial, kind hearted and eccentric lawyer, Thomas Pendleton Burnett, of Prairie du Chien. It is somewhat irregular in outline, and is bounded on the north by Douglas, on the east by Barron, on the south by Polk and Barron counties, and on the west by the St. Croix river. It includes townships 37 to 42, range 14; from 38 to 42, range. 15; from 38 to 41, ranges 16 and 17; from 37 to 40, ranges 18 and 19; from 37 to 38, range 20. Seven of these townships bordering on the St. Croix are fractional. Much of the soil of the county is a sandy loam admirably suited to cereals and yegetables. Some townships in the southeast are first class wheat lands. The timber is mostly a thicket-like growth of small pines, constitut ing what is called pine barrens. The southeast portion of the county is timbered with hardwoods. It is drained by the St. Croix, Trade, Wood, Clam, Yellow, and Namakagon rivers, with their tributaries, and with the Woo'd lakes (Big and Little), Mud Hen, Trade, Yellow, Spirit, and numerous other lakes. There are besides many thousand acres of marsh land. These marsh lands are by no means valueless, as they have given rise to a very important industry — the growing of cranberries. There are fine deposits of iron. Large tracts of bog ore are found in townships 38 to 41, ranges 16 to 19. There is an abundance of wild meadow land, easily drained and profitable to stock growers. The settlers of this county are, for the greater part, Swedish and Norwegian emigrants, an intelligent, moral and religious class of people who, while they cherish the traditions, manners, IN THE NORTHWEST. 231 customs and language of their native country, still readily adapt themselves to American institutions, taking kindly to our com mon school system and to other distinctive features of their adopted country. A liberal spirit has characterized these people in building roads, bridges, school houses, churches, and making other public improvements. They have succeeded well also in their private enterprises, the cultivation of farms and the build ing of homes. ORGANIZATION. The county, originally a part of Polk, was set off March 1, 1856, and included also at that time, and till the year 1877, the present county of Washburn. It was organized in 1865. The first county officers, appointed by the governor, were: Judge, Nimrod H. Hickerson; clerk of court, Canute Anderson; register of deeds, Peter Anderson; treasurer, S. Thompson; sheriff, Mar tin B. Johnson; district attorney, Jacob Larson. Grantsburg was selected as the county seat. The first county supervisors, consisting of Michael Jenson, chairman, Thore Ingebritson and Peter Anderson, met Jan. 24, 1865. The first election was held at the house of Nimrod H. Hickerson, Nov. 7, 1865. The first frame house in the county was built at Grantsburg in 1865, by W. H. Feck. The first crops were raised in township 39, range 18, by Charles Ayer. The finances of the county have been man aged discreetly. The state drainage fund was judiciously ex pended. The first deed recorded in Burnett county was a tax deed from Polk county to Simon Estonson, of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 35, township 38, range 19. It bears date Jan. 20, 1866. THE PINE BARRENS, So prominent a feature in Burnett and other counties in North west Wisconsin, consist of sandy stretches of undulating, though sometimes of level lands, ' sparsely covered with a growth of young pines, generally of the Black Prince variety. In some places, where the trees are crowded thickly together, they are not unlike immense cane-brakes. The trees, from their prox imity, have grown very tall and slender. The lateral branches, crowded together and deprived of sunshine, have perished early and the growth of the young trees is chiefly vertical. The lower dead limbs remaining attached to the trunks give the young 232 FIFTY YEARS forest a peculiarly ragged and tangled appearance. There is abundant evidence to prove the existence of ancient pine forests where these pine barrens are now the only growth. In fact some of the larger trees are still standing, and the charred trunks and decaying remnants of others. The gradations from the younger to the older growth may be very plainly seen. Fire is undoubt edly the efficient cause of the stunted and irregular growth of the pine barrens. The matured forests are destroyed by fii'e, and are succeeded by the young, pines which are further reduced and injured by annual fires. It is a mistake to suppose that the soil of these barrens is necessarily poor. Many of them have a black, sandy soil, capable of producing fine crops. In most of them there is a dense undergrowth of blueberry bushes, produc ing annually millions and millions of bushels of their small but luscious fruit. MURDERS. Burnett county is not without the traditions of lawlessness and murder that tarnish so many frontier settlements, and here, as elsewhere, the primal cause of most of such crimes is whisky. Whisky maddens the brain and nerves the arm of the assassin. Whisky hardens the heart and blinds the eyes to what is right, and the sale of whisky on the frontier, authorized or unauthor ized, in nearly all cases the latter, is the bartering of the human life for gold. The money received for it is the price of blood, although in some instances the seller himself may be the victim. It is whisky that does the work. Jack Drake, a whisky seller at Wood Lake,, whose outfit was supplied by Samuels & Partridge, naturally of a quarrelsome disposition, was especially so when under the influence of liquor. On one of these occasions he was killed by a half-breed known as Robideau, and his body was buried on the shores of Little Wood lake. Robideau was imprisoned a short time at St. Croix Falls, but being carelessly guarded, easily made his escape and was not heard of afterward. What did it matter? It was only the result of a drunken row. The body of a murdered stranger was found by a crew of men working on Little Wood river, in the spring of 1843. He had left Superior City with an Indian guide for St. Paul, and was not afterward seen alive. His land warrants and watch, which had been taken from him, were afterward recovered, and the Indian IN THE NORTHWEST. 233- who had been his guide was himself mysteriously assassinated the following spring. Geezhic — At Wood Lake, Burnett county, Wisconsin, lived in 1874 an aged and blind Indian woman who calculated her pilgrimage on earth by moons. All traces of her traditional beauty as an Indian maiden had long since departed. Shriveled, decrepit, bent, she was the impersonation of afl that is unlovely and repulsive in age. Taciturn and sullen, her mind lethargic and dull, she seemed but little more than half alive, and could not easily be aroused to the comprehension of passing events, or to the recognition of those around her. She must have been. very old. When aroused to consciousness, which was but sel dom, she would talk of things long past. A light would come into her sightless eyes as she recounted the traditions, or de scribed the manners and customs of her people, and spoke with evident pride of their ancient power and prowess when her peo ple planted their tepees on the shores of the "Shining Big Sea Water" (Lake Superior) and drove their enemies, the Dakotahs, before them. Her people wore blankets made from the skins of the moose, elk and buffalo, with caps from the skins of the otter and beaver. There was then an abundance of "kego" (fish) and "wash-kish" (deer). There were no pale faces then in all the land to drive them from their tepees and take their hunting grounds. Of course there had been occasional whites, hunters, trappers and missionaries, but the formidable movements of the now dominant race had not fairly commenced. Counting the years of her life on her fingers, so many moons representing a year, she must have numbered a score beyond a century, -and she had consequently witnessed, before her eyes were dimmed, the complete spoliation of her people's ancestral domain. The physical features of the country have undergone a change.. The towering pines have decayed or been leveled by the wood man's axe. Some of the small lakes have receded, and tall grasses wave and willows grow where once the "kego" sported in the clear blue waters. "The sun drew the waters up into the heavens," but the old shores may still be traced, by the fresh water shells that are crushed by the foot of the explorer, and by the ineffaceable mark of the water breaking upon the beach and undermining the rocky le.dges. A few Indians still linger on the old hunting grounds and 234 FIFTY YEARS about the graves of their fathers, but as a race they are doomed, and the time is not far distant when their only memorials will be the printed or striped rocks that are found along the streams and lakes, and here and there the sunken graves of the van quished race. THE FIRST MISSION. In the autumn of the year 1833 the first mission was estab lished in the St. Croix valley, at the outlet of Yellow lake, in Rurnett county. This may be considered the first actual move ment in opening the way for white settlements in the St. Croix valley. The good and indefatigable laborers, who came away into these western wilds, spent many years in this valley endeav oring to improve the benighted aborigines. Their labors were successful, until the bane of the human family — alcoholic drinks — was introduced by the corrupt border traders. Rev. Fred Ayer (since a resident of Belle Prairie, Minnesota, and a mem ber of the convention that framed our constitution), Mrs. Ayer, with Miss Crooks (afterward Mrs. Boutwell) as teacher, arrived at Yellpw Lake Sept. 16, 1833. Miss Crooks opend her school on the twenty-fourth, with eight scholars. This was evidently the •first school in the St. Croix valley. This mission was under the patronage of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Thirty or forty Indians came to the trading house, a mile from the mission, for the purpose of obtaining ammunition and moccasins for making what is called the fall hunt. During their visit at the traders', Mr. Ayer had the opportunity of ex plaining the object of his mission — schooling their children, and aiding them in agriculture, planting their gardens, and fur nishing them with seeds. To the objects of the mission all lis tened with interest, but, as the chiefs were not present, no reply was made to Mr. Ayer. After obtaining their supplies from the traders, they dispersed for their fall hunt. The school in the meantime progressed, and frequent opportunities occurred for giving religious instructions to adults during the winter. In April some twenty-five families encamped near the misskm; many were interested in the objects which the mission proposed. In the spring of 1834 four families made gardens by the mission and schooled their children; three of the families belonged to the influential in the band. One of these, the chief who visited Washington during the administration of Adams, was Gis-kil-a- way, or "Cat Ear." IN THE NORTHWEST. 235 The Indian mind is suspicious of the white man. Waiingas, "The Wolf," another chief of considerable note, was prejudic ing the minds of his friends against the whites. He openly declared that if the Indians would join him, he would burn the mission house and drive the teachers from his country. On one occasion a party of Indians, including this hostile chief, passed the evening at Mr. Ayer's. The chief closed his speech at mid night with these words : " The Indians are troubled i n mind about your staying here, and you must go — you shall go; not only I say so, but all here present say so !" The next morning all the Indians assembled. The trader, the late Dr. Borup, and his wife were present. Tlie Wolf and his party were determiued to expel all the whites. The friend cf the white man, Cat Ear, took the floor and shaking hands with Dr. Borup and Mr. Ayer, began a speech of half an hour's length. Pointing to The Wolf and to two other chiefs sitting side by side, he says: "I speak for them. Look at them. To them belong this land. Since last evening we have considered this subject. We have changed our minds. The Great Spirit made us all — made us red — you white. He gave you your religion, manners and customs — he gave us ours. Before we saw white man we dressed in skins and cooked with stones. You found our land on the map and come — since then you have clothed and provided for us. Why should we send you away? We only sliould be the sufferers — all of us tell you to stay — again we say, stay. We do not wish you to go; no, no — we say to you all, stay; you may plant and build, but the land is ours. Our Great Father has sent you here — we are glad — we will tell you why we fear the whites — we fear you will get our land away. If this room were full of goods we would not exchange our lands for them. This land is ours and our chil dren's; it is all we have. " The mission at Yellow Lake had been in progress two years. Several families had listened with glowing interest to religious instruction, schooled their children, and cultivated gardens near the mission, when Mr. Ayer visited the band of Indians at Poke gama. Here were some thirty-five or forty families in the year 1835. The chief and two or three families expressed to him a desire to settle down and school their children. They requested him to come and bring all with him who wished to come from Yellow Lake. The reasons that induced him to Pokegama were, 236 FIFTY YEARS first, the means of subsistence were more abundant, both for the Indians and the mission family — wild rice and fish in particu lar; this being the case the Indians could be more stationary and send their children to school. Second, the soil for agricultural purposes was superior to that of Yellow Lake. As one of the leading objects of the mission was to induce the Indians to settle down and adopt habits of civilization, this object could be better attained at this place than at Yellow Lake, where it was com paratively sterile and sandy. A third object gained would be to locate in the midst of a larger number of Indians, with whom we could come in more frequent contact, and last, but not least, put the mission in a nearer point of communication with St. Peter, from whence all the family necessaries were obtained at that day. These reasons, together with the solicitation of one of the chiefs, and his permission to build on his land, and use his wood, water and fish, led Mr. Ayer, in the fall of 1835, to remove to Pokegama. For the continued history of this mission the reader is referred to the history of Pine county. Chippewas of Wood La.ke. — A small band of Chippewas, as late as 1870, lingered about Big Wood lake, unwilling to leave their old hunting grounds. Though brought directly in contact with civilization, they adopted its vices, otherwise remaining savages, taking no part in cultivating the soil or educating their children, contented to live and die in the old fashion of their race. They subsist, as far as possible, by hunting and fishing, and are by no means above begging when occasion may offer. They retain their annual dances and festivals, at the occurrence of which other bands join them from a distnmce. A dance with its accompanying feasts occupies generally about ten days, and is conducted according to rigid formulas. These dances are intended as representations of hunting, fishing or fighting, and are honored accordingly. They are accompanied with music upon rude instruments, and a weird chant in guttural and nasal tones, which may be understood as a poetic recital of their deeds or expression of their feelings. Their dead are buried in con spicuous places. The graves are decorated with splints of timber. A pole with rags and trinkets is planted near the graves. There is nothing that can long mark their resting places or keep them from being desecrated by the share of the plowman. IN THE NORTHWEST. • 237 GRANTSBURG Was founded by Canute Anderson, in 1865, in section 14, town 38, range 19. He built a flour and saw mill, the first in the county, a good hotel, and opened a store. It became the centre of trade for the county, prospered continuously, and now (in 1886) contains a good court house, built at a cost of $7,000 (burned December, 1887), a school house, four churches, two hotels, five stores and numerous shops and dwellings. There are two resi dent lawyers and one physician. Grantsburg is the terminus of the St. Paul & Duluth (branch) railroad, completed in 1884. The scheme of building a branch road to connect with the St. Paul & Duluth railroad at Rush City was long cherished by Canute Anderson, and through his efforts the road was finally built. The county voted $20,000 bonds, at seven per cent interest, which bonds the state of Wisconsin cashed. The road was graded from Grantsburg to the St. Croix river in 1878, from Rush City to St. Croix in 1882. The St. Paul & Duluth Railroad Gompany built the railroad and assumed the bonded indebted ness, payable in fifteen annual installments. Cars ran to the St. Groix river in 1883. The bridge over the St. Croix, completed in 1883, cost $20,000. The road was opened to Grantsburg Jan. 22, 1884. At this opening over a thousand persons were pres ent, five hundred of whom came in on the train. .Canute Ander son made an address of welcome, followed by James Smith, presi dent of the road. Congratulatory letters were read from Hons. S. S. Fifield, Henry M. Rice, and W. H. C. Folsom, the tenor of which was highly complimentary to Mr. Anderson,' and full of hope for the future of the railroad and its terminus. Canute Anderson was born in Norway, 1830. He came to America in 1851, and three years later settled in the northeast quarter of section 2, township 37, range 19, making a large stock farm, part of it being a fine natural meadow, with running stream. In 1858 the first post office in the county (called Ander son) was established at his house, and he was appointed post master. In 1878 he represented Ashland, Barron, Bayfield, Burnett, Douglas, and Polk counties in the legislature. He is and ever has been a master spirit in his county, using all his influence to further the interests of his adopted home. Many of the early settlers were poor, —strangers in a strange land, —and for them Mr. Anderson's house was ever" a resort. It was also 238 « FIFTY YEARS an intelligence office, where the inquiring immigrant could ob tain reliable information as to the country and its resources, and facilities to the settler. In 1860 Mr. Anderson was mar ried to Catharine Nelson, daughter of Magnus Nelson, one of Burnett county's first settlers. The Hickerson Family came from Ohio to Wisconsin. Nim rod H. , the oldest brother, settled on Wood river in 1859, built a saw mill, kept a hotel and established a post office on the St. Paul and Bayfield stage route in 1S60. Mr. Hickerson went to California in 1875, and died there. Joel, the second brother, is a merchant at Grantsburg. He served during the later years of the Civil War as a soldier, Company C, Seventh Minnesota Vol unteers, and was pensioned for disabilities. He was married in 1868 to Mary Anderson. Perry D., the third brother, keeps a hotel in Grantsburg. He was also a member of Company C, Seventh Minnesota Volunteers, and with his brother was mus tered out at the close of the war, and has received a pension for disabilities. He was married to Ellen M. Anderson, daughter of Peter Anderson. They have eleven children. Newton, the fourth son, lives in Grantsburg. He was a soldier in Company D, Twenty-first Ohio, during the war. Was wounded and totally disabled. He has no pension. He is unmarried. The Anderson Family. — The four brothers, Peter, George, Hans and Martin, with their aged parents, came from Norway and settled in Grantsburg in 1883. The father but recently died. The mother is still living, having reached the extreme age of ninety-seven years. During the last six years she has been blind. Peter Anderson was married in Norway in 1846. His wife died in 1877, leaving three sons and four daughters. He was married to his second wife in 1878. Peter has served as county supervisor, and filled other offices. The brothers have been active in promoting the interests of their town and county. Robert A. Doty was born in Niagara county, New York; lived some years in Genesee county, Michigan, and settled in Sterling, Polk county, in 1865. He subsequently became the first settler in the town of Marshfield, Burnett county. He was accidentally killed in 1879 by being thrown from his wagon. His widow and two sons live ia Grantsburg. John H., the oldest son, resides on the old homestead in Sterling. IN THE NORTHWEST. 239> THE CRANBERRY MARSHES. The cultivation of the cranberry is an important industry in Burnett county. The berry is raised chiefly in townships 38 and 39, ranges 17 and 18. The writer of these sketches visited the localities named in 1873, and although there have been many changes and improvements since then, the description quoted from an essay read before the Horticultural Society will still be generally applicable: "The scene on approaching these marshes, where the native cranberry was found, before the white man had commenced to im prove them, was picturesque in the extreme to those who have a taste for Nature's handiwork. There are extensive tracts of land covering thousands of acres, dotted here and there with islands of young pine and points of highland projecting in various shapes into the marshes. It reminded me of an ocean bay, in a calm, only changing the ocean water color to endless green. There are in these marshes somewhere from one to two townships of land, on which cranberries were then growing, or susceptible of being improved so that cranberries can be raised thereon. One township con tains 23,040 acres. The parties operating on the marshes I visited already have sd°me 30 or 40 miles of ditch made, averaging 5 feet at the top, 3 feet at the bottom, with an average depth of 4 feet, at a cost of about 75 cents per rod. These ditches are to drain the water from the marshes when desired. They have dams across these ditches, to flood the marshes when desired. The flooding of the marshes aids in subduing the wild grasses and other in cumbrances, also is essential to the growth of the berries. On these marshes, wherever the flowage is killing the grass, the vine is rapidly spreading, without transplanting. Undoubtedly they would yield a quicker return by transplanting. Large tracts of these lands, which, at this time have no vines, are bought by companies, mostly from the cranberry lands in Eastern Wiscon sin,, who are experienced in this business, and know what they are doing. They openly declare that vines can be grown on these marshes, where sufficient water can be obtained and controlled to flow the lands. Mr. Irvine informed me that this flooding process, and the manner in which it was controlled, was the key to success. I examined the effect which one year alone had ac complished, as these companies commenced operations in 1872. It surprised me when I saw the mode, and heard it explained, 240 FIFTY YEARS that so little was generally known of this business. After the marshes are subdued, dams and ditches built, there is compara tively small cost in raising the fruit until the harvest, when men, women and children flock in from the farming countries to pick, to pack, to store, to dry, to box, and convey to market. An expert will pick from five to ten bushels per day by hand, no rakes being allowed. In 1873 these marshes had an abundant yield. These companies paid to outsiders one dollar and fifty cents per bushel. There are several companies operating in Burnett county. They have made and are making substantial improve ments, in building roads, dry houses, dwelling houses, etc. The past year a saw mill was erected for sawing staves for barrels, lumber for boxes, etc. These marshes are about twenty miles east of the Superior railroad." WASHBURN COUNTY. Washburn county was organized in 1883, and embraces town ships 37 to 42, inclusive, and ranges 10 to 13, inclusive, a total of 24 townships. It is drained by St. Croix waters with the excep tion of the southeast corner, which is drained by a branch of the Chippewa river. It has been a rich timbered region and large forests of pine still remain. The greater part of the county is adapted to agriculture, and is settling rapidly. Two lines of railway traverse the county, one from south to north, and the other from southwest to northeast, giving the county excellent facilities for transportation and marketing of products. The eounty is divided into two towns, Bashaw in the south and Veasie in the north. These towns were organized in 1877, while Wash burn was a part of Burnett county. The first supervisors of "Bashaw were: L. E. Thomas, chairman; John Arbuckle and John McMullen. The town of Bashaw was the first settled. John McMullen settled in township 38, range 13, in 1872, in Bashaw valley. He married a member of the Hart family, old settlers of the town. He died in 1878. L. E. Thomas was the second settler in Bashaw and in Washburn county, and has been officially connected with the town and county organization. He is a native of Michigan, and has followed lumbering and farm ing. L. E. Thomas built the first house. Nellie Raberge taught the first school in Bashaw, in 1881. Miss Raberge has since be come the wife of Milton Stratton. The first post office was IN THE NORTHWEST. , - 241 established in 1880, Mrs. Malcolm Dobie, postmistress. The first sermon was preached by Rev. Ellingwood. G. P. Pearly was the first physician; A. L. Bugbee, the first lawyer. Messrs. Hart, Baker, Gardner and others have large farms in Bashaiv valley. By the act organizing the county, SHELL LAKE was made the county seat. It is beautifully located on the shores of Summit lake. It has a court house, built at a cost of $11,000, in 1885, one of the most tasteful buildings of the kind in the St. Croix valley. The town is built on railroad lands, purchased by the Shell Lake Lumber Company, and by them surveyed into lots. The streets are from sixty-six to eighty feet wide. A restriction in the deeds to the lots and lands against- the sale of alcoholic drinks has been continuously violated. In 1883 the town board fixed license at five hundred dollars, a plain violation of the original agreement. A fine school building with four apartments was built in 1885,. at a cost of $5,000. Prof. Halphyde is principal of the schools- The Episcopalians and Catholics have church buildings. The Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans and Presbyterians have church organizations. The Masons, Good Templars and Knights of Labor have organizations. Summit lake, on the west bank of which the town is situated, is about two and a half miles broad by three and a half long. It, has bold, gravelly shores. The water is deep, clear and pure. The slopes surrounding it are covered with evergreen, and hard wood timber. One small steamer floats upon its waters. The first board of county officers was as follows: Treasurer, Leander E. Thomas; clerk, Frank B. Nelson; sheriff, James- Wynne; attorney, Frank Gudette; register of deeds, Albert L. Bugbee; judge, L. H. Mead; clerk of court, A. Gibson; superin tendent of schools, Clara Stratton; surveyor, Patrick Kelly.. The first circuit court was held in June, 1883, Hon. S. S. Clough, presiding. The county has two court terms for the year, in June and December. The Shell Lake Lumber Company was organized in 1880, under Iowa laws. It is composed of C. Lamb and David Joice and. sons, of Clinton, Iowa; Laird, Norton & Co., of Winona; Wey- erhauser & Dinkeman, of Rock Island, Illinois; S. T. McKnight, 16 242 FIFTY YEARS of Hannibal, Missouri; D. R. Moore, Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Their mills are located on the northwest side of Summit lake. They have a capacity of 50,000,000 feet per year. The capital stock amounts to $500,000. Employment is furnished to 250 men. In 1880 the hour system of labor was adopted. A narrow gauge railroad, twelve miles long, supplied with two locomotives and fifty cars, is used for bringing logs to mill. This road has a steel track and 3,000 feet of piling. The refuse burner of the mill is 20 feet in diameter and 102 in height. There are 63 tenement houses to accommodate the laborers. A. H. Earle superintends this vast concern. Sawyer creek obtained its name from Seth M. Sawyer, of Still water. This stream flows into Yellow river, five miles from Sum mit lake. It rises from springs three hundred feet from the lake, and one hundred feet lower down, and may be considered its subterranean outlet, as visible outlet there is none. The lake, literally a summit lake, the receding and descending slopes, the springs uniting to form a larger stream, form a peculiar land scape, quite park-like in some of its features, and worthy of be ing converted into a park. SPOONER, In the township of Veazie, on the north branch of the Yellow river, township 39, range 12, is a dinner station on the North Wisconsin railroad. The railroad company have fitted up an elegant eating house, and a few neat buildings, the nucleus of a much larger village, cluster around it. VEAZIE VILLAGE Is in township 41, range 10, and has a post office. The town of Veazie, occupying the northern part o'f the county, was organized in 1877. Millions of feet of pine timber have been gathered and marketed from this town, and it is estimated that 150,000,- 600 feet still remain. Ames and Sinnot station are in the town ship of Veazie. SAWYER COUNTY. Sawyer county was organized March 9, 1883. It is comprised of townships 37 to 42, and ranges 5 to 9, inclusive. Of these townships twenty-five are drained by Chippewa waters and five by Namakagon river. The county is heavily timbered IN THE NORTHWEST. 243 with pine, though vast quantities have been taken and marketed. The county seat was located at Hayward in the bill organizing the county. The county officers, appointed by Gov. Rusk, were: .Sheriff, A. Blaisdell; clerk, C. H. Clapperton; register of deeds, H. E. Ticknor; treasurer, R. L. McCormack; county judge, H. W. Hart; attorney, N. E. Ticknor; superintendent of schools, Miss M. Mears; surveyor, W. J. Moulton; coroner, E. G. Gregg. The court house was built in 1885, at a cost of $18,000. The ¦county at its organization assumed the following indebtedness: To Ashland county ' $25,000 To town of Ashland, Ashland county 1,870 'To town of Butternut, Ashland county 2,050 To Chippewa county , 1,900 To town of Flambeau, Chippewa county (disputed claim) 5,000 To town of Big Bend, Chippewa county 3,000 To town of Sigel, Chippewa county 2,000 Outside indebtedness, total $40,820 All this indebtedness, with the exception of the unsettled claim of Flambeau, Chippewa county, has been paid. Since its -organization the county has expended $30,000 on roads to Chip pewa waters. This, added to the cost of the court house, $18,000, a school house for the tjpwn of Hayward, $6,500, town hall for Hayward $5,000, makes a total of expenditures for the county within the past three years of $106,420, a remarkable sum for a new county with so sparse a population to pay, but not so re markable when we take into account the immense value of its lumber products and standing timber. Hayward is the only town in the county. Its first board of .supervisors were: A. J. Hayward, chairman; Thos. Manwarin and Michael Jordan. A. L. McCormack was first treasurer, and -C. C. Claghorn, clerk. The village is situated in sections 21 and 22, township 41, range 9, upon a level pine plateau on the north side of Namakagon river, a tributary of the St. Croix. The village was platted in 1883, but a post office had been established the year before, C. H. Clapperton being the first postmaster. The first marriage in the town of Hayward and county of Sawyer was that of Fred Emmons and Mary Lindmark, in 1883. The first birth was that of a daughter to Al. Blaisdell. The first death was that of Nels J. Eggin. Rev. A. Safford preached the first .sermon. Anna Shafer taught the first school. E. G. Gregg 244 FIFTY YEARS opened the first store. H. E. Ticknor was the first lawyer and J. B. Trowbridge the first physician. The first school house, built at a cost of $5,000, was burned. There was an insurance of $4,500. A new building was erected at a cost of $6,000, with three departments, and with steam heat- ng apparatus. Prof. F. A. Nichols was the principal. The Congregational church at Hayward is one of the finest church buildings in the Northwest. It is built in the Queen Anne style, with circular seats, the whole finished in exquisite taste. Senator Sawyer, after whom the county was named, con tributed a town clock and bell worth $1,000. The Catholics have a church here, and the Lutherans an organization. The Odd Fellows and Knights of Labor have organizations. The Sawyer County Bank was organized March 9, 1884, with a capital stock of $200,000, divided equally between three stock holders, R. L. McCormack, A. J. Hayward and E. H. Halbert, the latter being general manager and cashier. The bank deals in real estate, abstracts, insurance and general monetary busi ness. The business transacted for the year ending June 6, 1886, amounted to $3,000,000. The bank building is a substantial brick. The Hayward Lumber Company has a mill on the Namakagon river. The water power has a fall of eighteen feet and a flowage of about three miles. A sixty foot channel has been left through the flowage for slucing logs. The saw mill has a capacity of 35,000,000 feet per annum. It has a planing mill attached. The company is composed of T. F. Robinson, Weyer- hauser & Dinkeman and R. L. McCormack. Mr. Weyerhauser is president of the company. Mr. Weyerhauser is also president of the Rock Island Lumber Company and of Weyerhauser, Dinkeman & Co., of Rock Island, and is a stockholder in Ren- wick, Crosset & Co., Cloquet, Minnesota, Shell Lake, Barronett, Masons, White River, and Chippewa Falls Lumber companies, and is president of the Beef Slough Boom and Chippewa and Mississippi Logging companies. Mr. Weyerhauser is the most extensive holder and owner of unoperated pine- lands in the West, or probably on the continent. The stockholders of the Hayward Lumber Company are all men of wealth accumulated by their own industry. Mr. R. L. McCormack, the resident stockholder and manager, is admirably adapted for the position he holds. Mr. McCormack was a citizen of Minnesota for four- IN THE NORTHWEST. 245 teen years, and a member of the Minnesota legislature in 1881. He was born in Pennsylvania in 1847. Dobie & Stratton, contractors for pine stumpage on the Lac Oreilles Indian reservation, reside in Hayward. They cut 28, - 000,000 feet of logs in the winter of 1885-86. Malcomb Dobie, of this firm, is a native of Canada. He came to the St. Croix valley in 1864, and was married to Harriet Strat ton, at St. Croix Falls, in 1874. Milton V. Stratton, brother of Mrs. Dobie, was raised at St. Croix Falls, and engaged in business with Mr. Dobie. In 1886, his health failing, he removed to California. BARRON COUNTY. Barron county was formerly a heavily timbered tract of coun try, but is now being rapidly cleared and settled. It is well watered by the Red Cedar and its tributaries, and has many beautiful lakes, among them Turtle, Beaver, Chetek, Red Cedar, Rice, Bear, and Long lakes. The county was first established, as Dallas county, in 1859, and attached to Polk for judicial purposes. In 1868 it was organized for county and judicial purposes, and the county seat was changed from Manhattan to Barron, section 26, township 34, range 12. By act of legislature in 1869, the name of the county was changed to Barron, and the county seat was called by the same name, in honor of Hon. Henry D. Barron, then judge of the Eleventh circuit. It comprises townships 32 to 36, inclusive, and ranges 10 to 14, in all 25 townships. Barron county has three railroads, on the lines cf which thriving settlements have sprung up. The railroads are three, the North Wisconsin, a branch line of the Omaha, and the Minneapolis, Soo Ste. Marie & Atlantic. The North Wis consin railroad passes through the northwestern part of the county. The Chippewa Falls & Superior City branch of the Omaha enters the southeast corner, and traverses the county in a direction west <5f north. The Minneapolis, Soo Ste. Marie .& Atlantic passes through the middle of the county in a direc tion from east to west. TURTLE LAKE TOWN Was organized in 1879. The village of Turtle Lake is situated in sections 30 and 31, township 34, range 14. It contains a large 246 FIFTY YEARS saw mill with a capacity of 40,000,000 feet per annum; a union; depot, used by the North Wisconsin, and Minneapolis, Soo Ste, Marie & Atlantic railroads, and stores, shops and dwellings, all new. The Minneapolis, Soo Ste. Marie & Atlantic railroad was- built through the county in 1885, and completed in 1887. BARRON, The county seat, is a growing lumber town, with farming lands to the south. It has a population of over 1,000. The "Soo- Line" railway has a station here. PERLEY VILLAGE Is located also in Turtle Lake town, in section 8, township 34,. range 14, and on the line of the North Wisconsin railroad. It has a large saw mill with a capacity of 16,000,000 feet per annum. The village is beautifully located on Horse Shoe lake. CUMBERLAND VILLAGE Is situated in the town of Cumberland, section 7, township 35, range 15, on Beaver Dam lake. It is pleasantly situated, and is the largest village on the line of the Northwestern railroad. Its appearance gives evidence of enterprise and thrift on the part of its citizens. The Beaver Dam Lumber Company have here a saw mill with a capacity of 24,000,000 feet per annum. Cook & Co. have a saw mill (burned and rebuilt) with a capacity of 6,000,000 feet. The village has a bank and one newspaper, the Cumberland Advocate, first issued in 1880 as the Herald. Cumberland was organized as a village in 1881, and organized under a city charter in 1885. The population is now about 1,700. The mercantile business will aggregate about $500,000' annually. The aggregate output of lumber is 30,000,000 feet, while other industries aggregate $200,000 per annum. There are four churches, one graded school of five departments in which students are prepared to enter college. There is here one banking house. SPRAGUE Is a village in Cumberland, on the Northwestern railroad. It- has a saw mill with a capacity of about 15,000,000 feet per an num. IN THE NORTHWEST. 247 In Cumberland, on the Northwestern railroad, has a shingle mill and saw mill, the latter having a capacity of about 5,000,000 feet. BARRONETT, In Cumberland, is located in township 36, range 13, in the midst of a well timbered region. Its saw mill, directly on the county line, has a capacity of 25,000,000 feet. M. Bowron has a farm adjoining the village of 250 acres, improved and yielding tame grass. DeGraw and Granite Lake Mills are also located on the North western railroad. Turtle Lake, Scott's Siding, Cosgrove, Barron, the county seat, Cameron and Canton, are on the Minneapolis, Soo Ste. Marie & Atlantic railroad. Chetek, Cameron Junction, Rice Lake and Bear Creek are lo - cated on the Omaha branch. Charles Simeon Taylor. — Mr. Taylor was born in Geneva, Wisconsin, October, 1851; graduated at the Wisconsin State University; studied law and settled at Barron, Barron county, in 1876, where he practices his profession and edits the Barron County Shield. He was elected member of the Thirty- seventh Wisconsin assembly in 1885-86 and represented the counties of Barron, Bayfield, Burnett, Douglas, and Washburn. 248 FIFTY YEARS OHAPTEE IX. ASHLAND, BAYFIELD AND DOUGLAS COUNTIES. ASHLAND COUNTY. Ashland was originally a part of Crawford county, afterward of St. Croix and La Pointe, and was set off from the latter March 27, 1860. It is bounded on the north by Lake Superior and Montreal river, on the east by Oneida, on the south by Price and Chippewa, and on the west by Bayfield and Chippewa coun ties. It includes townships 41 to 47, ranges 1, 2, and 3 east of the fourth principal meridian, and townships 41 to 48 west of the same; the northern towns bordering on Montreal river and Lake Superior are fractional. The group of Apostle islands belongs to this county. The surface is generally level except where broken by the iron and copper ranges in the middle and southern part of the county. The Gogebic range, southeast of Ashland, is especially rich in iron. A railroad along this range connects Ashland with the Michigan roads. The soil is somewhat varied, ranging from sandy loam in the interior, to red clay on the lake shore. The county is drained by Bad, White and Montreal rivers and their tributaries, and the headwaters of the Chippewa. The timber is pine, fir, birch, etc. The Apostle islands, situated in Lake Superior at the mouth of Chequamegon bay, form a fine natural harbor. The group con sists of twenty-two islands, the most considerable of which are Madeline, Oatez, Oak, Hemlock, Rice, Basswood, Presque,- Bear, Sand, and Michigan. The islands range in area from a very few acres up to 14,804. They are heavily timbered with hard wood, have fertile soil, and are well adapted to farm and garden IN THE NORTHWEST. 249 culture. The largest of these islands is Madeline, situated directly at the entrance to Chequamegon bay, and noted as containing the oldest settlement on the lake. Claude Allouez, a Jesuit missionary, landed at Madeline island Oct. 1, 1665, and erected a bark chapel at the place now known as La Pointe, and commenced instructing the Indians of the Algonquin and Huron tribes. Since that time the island has been held by missionaries and trading companies, with some pretty long intervals of abandoment. In 1800, M. Cadot, a French trader, came to La Pointe, erected fortified dwellings and lived here till his death, in 1837. At the commencement of the present century the American Fur Company made its headquarters on the south ern part of the island, and occupied a post there until 1835, when they removed to La Pointe. Rev. Sherman Hall, of the Pres byterian church, established a mission here in 1830. In 1835 Rev. Father Baraga, a Catholic missionary, arrived, and built a church which he occupied until 1841, when he built a better one, which still stands in the inclosure of an ancient burying ground. This church contains a painting said to be over two hundred years old. Some of the graves are quite ancient, and have quaint inscriptions upon their tombstones. One that has often been copied and commented on by' tourists is as follows: "erected to the memory of abraham beaulieau who was accidentally shot as a mark of affection by his brother." These islands are becoming a fashionable resort for tourists, and many of them have been utilized as pleasant summer resi dences. Some of them are occupied by lighthouses of which there are five in all. The islands abound in brown stone, which is being quarried extensively for building purposes. The stone for the Milwaukee court house was taken from the quarries on Basswood island. La Pointe County Election. — In 1848 La Pointe county was set off from St. Croix county, and at an election held Nov. 10, 1848, John H. Wells and Leonard Wheeler were elected justices of the peace, and J. F. Hughes was elected clerk of the board of county commissioners. Returns of their election and that of 250 FIFTY YEARS members of the legislature were made to Hudson, county seat of St. Croix county. Hon. John W. Bell, born in New York City in 1805, in his eighth year went to Canada with his parents, learned to be a watchmaker, a ship builder and a cooper, and came to La Poi nte in 1835, where he has since resided. He carried on the coopering business first, for the American Fur Company, and then for him self established a trading post, became interested in mining stocks, and filled various county offices, having served as county judge and register of deeds a great many years. In later life. he was postmaster at La Pointe. He was married in 1837 to Miss Margaret Brahant, in the Catholic ehapel, by Bishop Baraga. He died in 1888. ASHLAND Is situated on a plateau of about thirty feet elevation, on the south shore and near the head of Chequamegon bay. The first house, a cabin, was built in 1854. Other cabins were added the same year. In the cabin erected by Mr. Asaph Whittlesey, in the winter of 1854-55, was preached the first sermon in Ashland by Rev. L. H. Wheeler, of the Odanah mission. A post office was established in March, 1855, Mr. Whittlesey, postmaster. The first American child born was the second daughter of Asaph Whittlesey. The name of Ashland was conferred upon the town by Martin Beaser, an ardent admirer of Henry Clay, it being the name of Mr. Clay's homestead. The village and post office was first known as Whittlesey, but on the organization of the county in 1860, the name of Ashland was applied to both. The new town was not destined to immediate and continuous pros perity, and at one time, in 1863, had decreased so much in popu lation that its post office was discontinued for a period of nine years. After that date it entered upon an era of prosperity. Julia Wheeler taught the first school in 1859. The Metho dists organized the first Protestant society in 1872. The Catho lics commenced a church building in 1873. In 1872 the first newspaper in Ashland, the Press, was established by Sam S. and Hank O. Fifield, under whose charge it remained until 1874, when S. S. Fifield bought his brother's interest in the paper and has since published it continuously, and in 1888 es tablished a daily. IN THE NORTHWEST. 251 In 1872 the Wisconsin Central railroad commenced work at the bay, and the outlay for improvements that year amounted to $244,800. The Wisconsin Central railroad built the Hotel Chequamegon in 1877. It is built in the form of an L, 120 feet front and 80 feet deep with 400 feet of veranda, and accommo dations for 100 guests. There are numerous other hotels in the city, and several boarding houses receive guests during the summer season. Ashland has vast lumber interests. The Ash land Lumber Company built the first mill, in 1872, which had a capacity of about 15,000,000 feet per annum. The Union mill, built in 1878, has a capacity of about 18,000,000 feet. Mueller & Richie's mill, built in 1881, has a capacity of about 20,000,000' feet. There is also a planing mill belonging to Geo. White. Ashland has become a railroad centre. The Wisconsin Central, St. Paul & Omaha, Milwaukee & Lake Shore and Northern Pa cific concentrate a heavy freight for their elevators and lake docks. The largest dock, in the world was built in Ashland in 1887. It was built almost expressly for iron ore shipments from Penoka and Gogebic ranges. Asaph Whittlesey selected the site of Ashland in 1854, and in conjunction with George Kilborn built the first dwelling. He was the first postmaster. He was appointed in 1855. He repre sented Ashland, Burnett, Douglas, La Pointe, Polk, and St. Croix in the Wisconsin assembly in 1860. J. P. T. Haskell was the second settler in Ashland. He came with his wife, Nov. 2, 1854, but did not long remain. S. S. Vaughn was born in Cuyahoga county, Ohio, Sept. 2, 1830. He came with his brother to La Pointe in 1852, and en gaged in the fishing and fur trade until 1855, when he returned to Ohio. After taking a course in a commercial college, he re turned to Wisconsin in 1856, took a claim of one hundred and sixty acres at Ashland and opened a store at Bayfield. In 1856 he surveyed and platted what is known as Vaughn's addition to Ashland. In 1871 he represented Ashland, Barron, Bayfield, Burnett, Douglas, and Polk counties in the Wisconsin assembly. At Ashland he built docks, warehouses and a store, and in later- years dealt largely in iron mines and in lumber. He was married to Miss E. Patrick, of Ohio, in 1864. He died at Ashland, Feb ruary, 1886. He induced the Wisconsin Central Railroad Com pany to make Ashland their lake terminus. He did more for that city than any other man. 252 FIFTY YEARS Edwin Ellis, M.D., was born in Oxford county, Maine; was educated in Farmington Academy, Colby University and Bow- ¦doin College, where he graduated and afterward completed a medical course at the University of New York. He came West in 1854, and located first at St. Paul, but in 1855 removed to Ashland where he made a claim, which, in part, became in 1873 Ellis' addition to Ashland. He practiced his profession at Ash land and Ontonagon, Michigan. He was married in 1850 to Martha B. Baker, of Sharon, Maine. Martin Beaser, one of the pre-emptors of the site of Ash land, was born in Erie county, New York, Oct. 22, 1822. For many years he was a seafaring man. He spent seven years in whaling, at the close of which time he came to Ontonagon in a sailing vessel, and thence with three companions in a dog sledge to Ashland, arriving February, 1856. Here he pre-empted land, and assisted in laying out the village. He engaged in the mer cantile business. He was drowned in November, 1866, while try ing to cross Chequamegon bay in an open boat during a storm. Mr. Beaser was a public spirited man and freely used his wealth in attempting to build up Ashland. He never lost faith in the ¦ultimate prosperity of his adopted home. Hon. Sam S. Fifield was born inCorinna, Penobscot county, Maine, June 24, 1839. His early days were spent in Bangor, and he had but limited school privileges. He was early thrown npon his own resources and learned lessons in the rough school of life. He spent his time variously, as errand boy, hotel clerk, night watch on a steamboat, toll keeper; but finally, hav ing served a brief apprenticeship in a printing office, he became the proprietor of the Polk County Press in 1862. In 1872 he and his brother Hank O. established the Ashland Press, of which he is now sole editor and publisher. Mr. Fifield entered the political arena as a Republican and has been remarkably successful. His record from the Wisconsin blue book is as follows: 1868-69 — Assembly proof-reader and assistant sergeant-at- arms. 1871-72 — Assembly sergeant-at-arnis. 1874-75-76 — Member of assembly from Ashland, Barron, Burnett, Douglas, and Pplk counties. 1876 — Speaker of the assembly. 1877 — Member of the senate. IN THE NORTHWEST. 253- 1880-81 — Member of the senate. 1882-86- — Lieutenant governor. Mr. Fifield was married to Stella Grimes, at Prescott, 1863. Considering the disadvantageous circumstances of his youth, Mr. Fifield' s career has been a notable one. BAYFIELD COUNTY. Bayfield county includes townships 43 to 52, except as affected by the irregular outline of its lake boundary on the north, and ranges 5 to 9. It has seventy-five miles of lake shore, with some fine harbors, the finest of which are those in the shelter of the Apostle islands, on the northeast. The country is covered with dense growths of evergreen and hardwood timber. Numerous streams flow into the lake on the north, and into the tributaries of the St. Croix on the south. The Chippewa Indians formerly occupied the country. The Red Cliff Indian reservation is lo cated at Buffalo Bay, a short distance north of Bayfield City. The territory of Bayfield county has been successively in the bounds of Crawford, St. Croix and La Pointe. By subsequent subdivisions Douglas and Ashland counties were set off from La Pointe, and the Apostle islands given to Ashland, and the re maining part of La Pointe was organized as Bayfield county, with the county seat at Bayfield, in 1868. Aside from traders and adventurers and the occasional advent of a missionary, the first settler was Elisha Pike, who came with his family in 1855, and settled in section 21, township 50, range 4, not far from Bay field.. Bayfield was -named in honor of Admiral Bayfield of the British Navy, who made a survey of Lake Superior in 1822-23. BAYFIELD. The village of Bayfield was platted in 1856, by H. M. Rice. It has since been incorporated. It is beautifully situated. The site slopes gently from high timbered regions to the shores of the bay. The waters of the bay are deep, clear, and, from the shelter af forded by the Apostle islands, almost unruffled. The harbor thus afforded is among the best on the lake. Bayfield was made a port of entry in 1858. The city is well supplied with stores, mills, hotels, school houses, and churches. There are many pleasant homes, with fountains playing in front, lawns, shade trees and ornamental shrubs. The landscape, especially to those residing 254 FIFTY YEARS in the rear of the city on the higher grounds, is exquisitely beautiful. There are many beautiful trout brooks and ponds in the suburbs. As a summer resort Bayfield is becoming every year better appreciated. The Bayfield Press, established in 1874, is the local newspaper. It is edited and published by Currie C. Bell. WASHBURN Is a new town on the west side of Chequamegon bay. It is the lake terminus of the Omaha railroad. It has a fine harbor, large mills and other enterprises that mark it as a growing town. DRUMMOND, PRATT AND MASON Are prosperous manufacturing villages, with large saw mills, located on White river, on the line of the North Wisconsin rail road. CABLE STATION, On the railroad, in township 43, range 7, contains about a dozen buildings. Mathews, Olson & Co. are working a silver mine near Cable which yields twenty-three dollars per ton. There are .several other villages and stations on the line of the two rail roads passing through this county. DOUGLAS COUNTY. This county occupies the extreme northwestern corner of the State, having a frontage of six townships on the lake by six on . the Minnesota state line, making a total .of thirty-six whole townships and five fractional, the latter lying along the lake. The northern part of the county is drained by the tributaries of ,St. Louis river and Lake Superior, the principal streams being the Nemadji, Middle and Brule rivers. The southern part is drained by the St. Croix and tributaries. The Omaha railroad intersects the county from south to north, having its northern terminus at West Superior. The Northern Pacific crosses the upper tier of towns, having its principal station at Superior. Thriving villages are growing up along these lines of railroad, and the county is being rapidly settled. It was organized as a county in February, 1854, from territory originally belonging .successively to Crawford, St. Croix and La Pointe counties. The first election was held Nov. 7, 1854. The following offi- IN THE NORTHWEST. 255 cers were elected: County judge, J. A. Markland; sheriff, Asa A. Parker; district attorney, R. R. Nelson; register of deeds, F. A. Whitaker; county treasurer, Bradley Salter; supervisors, Frank Perfect, Chas. H. Kimball and Alexander Paul; supervisors' ¦clerk, C. H. Kingsbury; superintendent of schools, J. J. Post; coroner, R. H. Barrett. Judge J. A. Markland held the first term of court, June 4, 1854. The first deed filed in the county was from William Herbert to Geo. L. Becker, being a warranty in section 14, township 47, range 14. Consideration, $250. The deed was recorded February, 1854. At the organization of the county, Superior was made the county seat. SUPERIOR CITY. The site is on a beautiful plateau originally covered with pine, lying on the southern shore of Lake Superior, separated, how ever, from it by the waters of Superior bay, a fine natural har bor shut in from the lake by tongues of land called Minnesota and Wisconsin Points. These approach within a half mile of each other, the space thus left being the original outlet of the bay. Between Wisconsin Point and the main land lie the waters cf Allouez bay, extending in length a distance of three miles, and in width in its widest part about one mile. The Nemadji fiver flows into Superior bay near its outlet. The bay of St. Louis finds an outlet into Superior bay between Rice's Point and a tongue of land a mile or more in length, projecting from the Wisconsin main land. Minnesota Point, which separates Su perior bay from Superior lake, is a strip of land seven miles in length, with an average width of seven hundred feet, beautifully fringed with pines. At the outlet of Superior bay two piers have been constructed, extending into the lake three-fourths of a mile. On one of these piers is a forty-day lighthouse, con structed by the government. The bay forms one of the finest harbors in the world. The plateau on which Superior City is located is about thirty- five feet above the waters of the bay. The site occupies the triangular space lying between St. Louis bay and the bays of Allouez and Superior, and has at least eleven miles of frontage o'n these bays, along which numerous docks and piers have been built and projected, some of them costing as much as $200,000. The government surveys were made in 1853, by George R. Stuntz. 256 FIFTY YEARS In July of the same year J. Addison Bulmer made a location on Allouez Point. In August, John T. Morgan settled at the mouth of the Nemadji river. They were followed by Wm. H. Newton, George E. Nettleton, Benjamin Thompson, Col. D. A. Robertson, R. R. Nelson, and D. A. J. Baker, of St. Paul. In September the Roy brothers and — Cadott came. The same autumn Frank Roy, Abraham Emmuit and Louis Souvenard made pre-emptions of frontage on Superior bay. Several buildings were erected. Mr. Roy and others give to Col. Robertson the honor of building the first house in Superior. It is still standing. In the fall of 1853 mineral explorations were made, and mines were worked during the ensuing winter. An Indian trail was widened and a road opened into the St. Croix valley by which supplies were brought from St. Paul. This road was not wide enough for wagons, but was traveled during the winter in dog sledges and on snow-shoes. The winter following the opening of the road, Messrs. Robertson, Nelson and Baker went over it to St. Paul on foot. In the spring of 1854 Newton and others made additional surveys of the town site of Superior City, and the same was recorded Nov. 6, 1854. Settlers came in rapidly. O. K. Hall built a hotel. At the organization of Douglas county, in 1854, Superior was made the county seat, the proprietors do nating twelve acres of land for county buildings. Two lots for* every eight blocks were donated for schools, twenty lots for churches, and a square for a park. A weekly mail to and from St. Paul was established in July of that year. A saw mill was erected. A land office was established at Superior that year. Rev. David Brooks, a pioneer Methodist minister, preached the first sermon, using a carpenter's shop as an audience room. An old settlers' association was organized September, 1855, known as the Fond du Lac Historical Society. Its officers were: R. B. Carlton, president; W. H. Norton and E. F. Ely, vice presi dents; E. W. Perry, secretary. The Superior Chronicle issued its first number June 12, 1855. It was the first newspaper pub lished at the head of Lake Superior. Ashton & Wise were the publishers. The second number contained the announcement of the opening of the Ste. Marie canal and the passage through it of the first boat, the steamer Illinois. It contained also the aston ishing announcement, from the St. Anthony Express, that a salt lake had been discovered by W. H. Ingersoll, one hundred and IN THE NORTHWEST. 257 fifty miles west of St. Cloud. The salt was said to be of good quality, and in such quantity that it could be gathered by the bushel. Large beds of coal had also been discovered near the lake. The Chronicle was discontinued in 1863 and succeeded by the Superior Gazette in 1864. The Gazette has been succeeded by the Superior Times, now edited by J. Lute, Thomas Bardon, proprietor. Superior City has passed through periods of depression as well as of advancement. At an early period speculators were lured to the spot by the manifest advantages it presented for the building of a great city. The favorable site attracted attention throughout the Union. Wealthy men and men prominent in the political history of the country invested largely. Amongst these we find the names of W. W. Corcoran, of Washington; Robert J.Walker, of New York; G. W. Cass, of Pittsburgh, Penn sylvania; Horace S. Walbridge, of Toledo, Ohio; the Brecken- ridges of Kentucky; the Rice brothers, of St. Paul; and James Stinson, of Chicago. With the influence of these names, and the means furnished, the new city had a rapid, if not healthy growth. The prosperity was short lived. The adjacent country was not sufficiently developed, the shipping interests languished, and those who had been attracted hither by dreams of becoming sud denly rich, were discouraged and moved away, till, in 1858, the city was half deserted. The period of depression continued through the Civil War, and for years afterward, until, by the building of railroads and the consequent development of the country, the claims of Superior as a centre of trade were again acknowledged, and the tide of emigration was turned back. With Allouez, Superior and Duluth bays for its harbor, with its railroads already built, building or projected, its enterprising people are ready to contest with Duluth for the sovereignty of the Unsalted Seas. Superior, being a combination of Old Superior and West Superior under one municipality, was organized as a village Aug. 27, 1887, and held her first village election Sept. 24, 1887, with a population of 6,000 people. It was organized with the following officers: President, L. F. Johnston; trustees, Wm. Munro, Neil Smith, L. G. Moran, A. Lederman, A. A. Cross, and Howard Thomas. 17 258 FIFTY YEARS WEST SUPERIOR Was platted in 1884. The first buildings were erected in October of the same year. The city has now a population of 3,000. It has excellent graded schools, under the supervision of Prof. G. Glen Williams. The Catholics, Presbyterians and Congregation- alists have church buildings, and the Methodists are about to build. A hotel is in process of building that will cost when completed $100,000. West Superior is supplied with water works, the electric light, extensive coal docks and elevators, and has three newspapers, the Superior Inter- Ocean, established June 3, 1886; the West Superior News, established June 24, 1886; and the Sunday Morning Call, established July, 1887. The Bardon Brothers. — James, Thomas and John A. Bar- don came early to Superior City and upheld her doubtful for tunes in the days of trial, never losing faith in her prospective greatness. They have not toiled and watched and waited in vain. The expected railways have been built; the improved harbor, with dredge boats, well built piers and lighthouse, has been completed. Surveys and terminal approaches of other roads insure the commercial prosperity of the city. Thomas has for some years been a resident of Ashland, Wisconsin. Wm. H. Newton, an early citizen of Superior City, is among those who have never lost faith in its future prosperity, believ ing the head of the lake to be the natural terminus of European trade and a centre of American commerce. He is an engineer, surveyor, real estate dealer, and is interested in some of the converging lines of railroad at Superior City. Solon H. Clough. — Mr. Clough was born in Madison county, New York, Aug. 31, 1828; was educated at Fulton Academy*, since known as Falley Seminary, Oswego county, New York. He attended for a short time Hamilton College, New York, stud ied law, and was admitted to the bar at Syracuse in 1851. He came to Hudson, Wisconsin, in the fall of 1857; in 1861 was elected mayor of Hudson; in 1864, judge of the Eleventh circuit, and removed to Osceola. In 1869 he removed to Superior City; in 1876 returned to Hudson, but removed again to Superior in 1881, where he still resides. He was re-elected circuit judge in 1870, and in 1882 was appointed by Gov. Rusk to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Judge Barron. At the conclusion of his term he was re-elected for the ensuing term. Judge Clough was married in 1851 to Kate Taylor, of New York. IN THE NORTHWEST. 259 Vincent Roy, a brother of Peter Roy, well known among the pioneers of the Northwest, was born in Fort Francis in 1825; came to La Pointe in 1839; attended school a few terms, and en gaged in the fur trade. In 1854 he came to Superior, where he still resides, and is an active, enterprising merchant. D. George Morrison, a son of William Morrison, the dis coverer of the source of the Mississippi, resides at Superior City, where he has served as register of deeds for Douglas county since 1856, a period of thirty-one years. He came to Superior in 1854. August Zachau came to Superior in 1852, from Chicago, where he had been for three years, working at the carpenter's trade. He was then twenty -seven years of age, and a Prussian by birth. He was engaged by the Superior Town Site Company to superintend the building improvements going on at what is now the East End. When he came up, no Ste. Marie canal had been dug, and a portage was necessary between Lakes Superior and Huron, involving a change in the line of vessels. He built the first hotel in Superior, the old Pioneer House, which burned in 1857, and also the present Nicollet House, which was built of logs, cut on what is now Tower Slip. He also built the Quebec pier, the first dock ever built at the head of Lake Superior. He also assisted in cutting the old government trail through to the St. Croix river. He was an active participant in the defense of the town site people in their battles with the claim jumping pre- emptioners, who had settled on the lands adjoining, and who filed contests on much of the town site as soon as the plats were re turned to the land office at Willow River, now known as Hudson. In cutting the sixty miles of trail to the St. Croix, every able- bodied man turned out, except enough to guard the homes and cut kindling wood. The axemen ground their axes at Fond du. Lac, the only trading station of importance at that time on the St. Louis river. He pre-empted, in the interest of his fellow suf ferers on the town site, eighty' acres of land, now part of Supe rior. He has always led a quiet, laborious life; now runs a small general store at the East End, and dops a little general con tracting for ties and bridge timbers and dock piling. He has a family of five boys and one girl now living, all in Superior. Among the first settlers were Judge Hiram Hayes, Ritchie and Gates. 260 FIFTY YEARS CHAPTER X. PINE COUNTY. Prior to the organization of Minnesota Territory, in 1849, Pine county was included within the limits of St. Croix county, Wis consin. Until the organization of Chisago county, in 1852, it was within the limits of Ramsey, and from thence until 1854, within the limits of Chisago, when it was organized under its present name. Until 1858 it included the territory of the present coun ties of Kanabec and Carlton. It is. bounded on the north by Carlton county, on the east by the St. Croix river and the state line, and on the west by Aitkin and Kanabec counties. It is well watered by the St. Croix, Kettle and Kanabec rivers with their numerous tributaries. There are many fine lakes within its borders. The finest of these are Cross, Pokegama, Pine and Sturgeon lakes. This county was originally heavily timbered with pine, from which fact it derived its name. Though immense quantities have been removed, the supply is still great enough to make this region a lumberman's paradise for years to come. The facilities for floating logs to the St. Croix are scarce equaled elsewhere. Since 1837 the Kanabec river has been a principal feeder to the lumber trade of the St. Croix valley. In some of the forests a new growth has succeeded the old, and should the land be not otherwise used, the lumberman may yet reap successive harvests in periods ranging from|eight to fifteen years. Much of the land in this county is well adapted for agriculture. The soil is chiefly a sandy loam with clay subsoil. Much of the county will eventually become a good grazing and cereal growing region. The southern townships are heavily timbered with hardwood and are rapidly being converted into good wheat farms. A large quantity of cordwood, piles and IN THE NORTHWEST. 261 ties is annually marketed by means of the railroad. Kanabec river is navigable from Chengwatana and Pine City to Bruns wick, in Kanabec county. The same steamboat that since 1881 has navigated the Kanabec, also makes trips, six miles up the Rice and Pokegama rivers. The first crops raised in the county, except those raised by traders and missionaries, were raised on the Greeley farm, Kanabec river, near the western limits of the county, by Royal C. Gray. At the organization of the county, Herman Trott, George W. Staples and Royal C. Gray were appointed commissioners. The county was attached for judicial purposes to Chisago until 1872, at which date the' county seat, located at Chengwatana by legis lative enactment, was changed by a popular vote to Pine City. The first district court was held in October, 1872, Judge Crosby, presiding; John D. Wilcox, clerk; Edward Jackson, sheriff. The first marriage license, issued in 1872, was to John Kelsey and Mary Hoffman. The first board of county officers, after the removal of the county seat, were: Commissioners, Hiram Brack- ett, George Goodwin and Edward Jackson; auditor, Adolph Munch; register of deeds, Don Willard; county attorney, treas urer and superintendent of schools, John D. Wilcox. The first article recorded by the register of Pine county was a military land warrant, No. 12702, in the name of Prudence Rockwell, located by William Orrin Baker upon the southeast quarter of section 32, township 38, range 20, subject to forty days' pre-emp tion, dated Stillwater, June 19, 1855; T. M. Fullerton, register. Assigned, June 14, 1856, to Enos Jones. The second record is of a warranty deed from John F. Bradford to W. A. Van Slyke, of Ramsey county, of the west half of the northwest quarter of section 30, township 39, range 19, and the west half of the northwest quarter of the same section. The finances of the county were in good condition until 1872, from which time, owing to heavy expenditures for new roads, with possibly injudicious management, and two defalcations of county auditors, considerable embarrassment ensued. In 1876 the state legislature bonded the county indebtedness of $10,000, in ten year bonds, at ten per cent interest. These bonds were readily received by the creditors, and the county is now free from debt. During the last year a bridge 800 feet long was built across theKanabec river near Pine City, at a cost of $3,350, for which the State appropriated $1,500 and the county $1,850. 262 FIFTY YEARS The Lake Superior & Mississippi railroad was completed to Kanabec river in 1868, and in 1869 extended northwest to the county line. The building of this road was speedily followed by the erection of numerous mills along its line, a list of which is appended, with the very remarkable statistics of the losses by fire, from which but four of these mills were exempt: North Branch, Swenson & Co., flour mill; burned; loss, $8,000. Rush City, Taylor & Co., capacity 1,000,000 feet yearly; burned; loss, $3,000. Rock Creek, Edgerton & Co., capacity 2,000,000 feet yearly; burned; loss, $8,000; rebuilt. Rock Creek, Strong & Co., capacity 1,000,000 feet yearly; burned; loss, $1,500; rebuilt. Rock Creek, Long & Co., capacity 1,000,000 feet yearly; removed. Pine City, Ferson & Co., capacity 10,000,000 feet yearly; burned; loss, $50,- 000; rebuilt. Pine City, Ferson & Co., capacity 10,000,000 feet yearly; burned; loss, $25,- 000; rebuilt. Pine City^ Munch & Burrows, stave mill; burned; loss, $10,000. Pine City, Brack ett & Co., capacity 3,000,000 feet yearly. Mission Creek, Taylor & Co., capacity 3,000,000 feet yearly; burned; loss, $12,500; rebuilt. Mission Creek, Taylor & Co., capacity 3,000,000 feet yearly; burned; loss, $12,500. Hinckley, Grant & Co., capacity 1,000,000 feet yearly; burned; loss, $3,000. Hinckley, McKean & Butler, capacity 3,000,000 feet yearly; burned; loss, $7,000; rebuilt. Miller Station, Robie & Co., shingle mill; burned; loss, $3,000. Kettle River, S. S. Griggs & Co., capacity 3,000,000 feet yearly; never oper ated; loss, $5,000. Moose Lake, McArthur & Co., capacity 2,000,000 feet yearly; burned; loss, $30,000. Barnum, Cooley & Co., capacity 1,000,000 feet yearly; burned; loss, $5,000. Barnum, Bliss & Co., capacity 10,000,000 feet yearly. Northern Pacific Junction, Payne & Co., two mills burned; loss, $50,000; rebuilt the third time. POKEGAMA LAKE. This beautiful lake lies in township 39, range 22. It is about five miles in length by one in breadth and finds an outlet in Kanabec river. It is celebrated for its historical associations. Thomas Conner, an old trader, informed the writer of these sketches, in 1847, that he had had a trading post on the banks of this lake thirty years before, or about the year 1816. This was before Fort Snelling was built. Mr. Conner said that there was IN- THE NORTHWEST. 263 a French trading post at Pokegama long before he went there. It was in the spring of 1847, after a wearisome day's tramp, that I made his acquaintance and shared his unstinted hospitality. His post, at that time, was located at the mouth of Goose creek, Chisago county, on the banks of the St. Croix. His rude, port able house was built of bark, subdivided with mats and skins into different apartments. Although at an advanced period in life, his mind "was clear and he conversed with a degree of intelligence which caused me to ask him why he lived thus secluded, away from all the privileges of a civilized life. His reasons, some of them, were forcible; he liked the quiet of the wilderness, away from the turmoils of the envious white race. I learned from him many interesting facts connected with travel ers, traders and explorers of our St. Croix valley. This was the last season he spent on the river. In 1847, when I visited Pokegama, Jeremiah Russell, an In dian farmer, had a very pretty farm on a point of land on the southwest side of the lake, and between the lake and the river. A Frenchman, Jarvis, lived a short distance from Russell. Across the lake from Russell's were the neat and tasteful log buildings and gardens of the Presbyterian mission. The mission was es tablished in the spring of 1836, by Rev. Frederic Ayer and his associates, under the auspicies of the American Board of Foreign Missions. Mr. Ayer had been laboring at Yellow Lake mission, but, owing to the growing unfriendliness of the Indians, had been removed to Pokegama. Much pertaining to the mission work, both at Pokegama and elsewhere, will be found in the biographies of the principal missionaries. We mention here only such inci dents as may be of more general interest. For many of these incidents we are indebted to Mrs. Elisabeth J. Ayer, of Belle Prairie, the widow of Rev. Frederic Ayer, for a long time mission ary to the Ojibways. This estimable lady has passed her eighty- fifth year, but her mind is still clear and her hand steady, her manuscript having the appearance of the work of a precise young schoolmistress. She mentions an old Canadian, who had been in the country sixty years, and for seven or eight years had been entirely blind. He was known as Mushk-de-winini (The-old- blind-prairie-man), also the old trader, Thomas Conner, the re mains of whose mud chimney and foundation of the old trading house may still be seen on the southern shore of the lake. 264 FIFTY YEARS Franklin Steele was the first white man to visit the mission. In the spring of 1837 the mission aided three or four families in building. February, 1837, Rev. Mr. Hall, of the La Pointe mission, visited Pokegama, and organized a church of seven mem bers, — three of whom were natives, — administered the ordinance of baptism to eight persons, and solemnized two marriages, probably the first in the valley of the St. Croix. Revs. Bout well and Ely came to the mission in 1837. A school had been. opened, some Indian houses built, and gardens enlarged, and the future of the mission seemed assured. Mrs. Ayer relates the following account of the BATTLE OF POKEGAMA. In 1841 the Sioux selected this settlement as the place to avenge the wrongs of the Ojibways — some of recent date; the principal of which was the killing of two sons of Little Crow (done in self defense) between Pokegama and the falls of the St. Croix. The Sioux arrived at Pokegama in the night, and stopped on the opposite side of the lake, two miles from the mission. The main body went to the main settlement, and, after examining the ground where they intended to operate, hid among the trees and brush back of the Indian gardens, with orders that all keep quiet on both sides of the lake till a given signal, when the Indians were busy in their gardens, and then make quick work. But their plans failed. Most of the Ojibways of the settlement had, from fear of the Sioux, slept on an island half a mile out in the lake (I mean the women and children), and were late to their gardens. In the meantime a loaded canoe was nearing the oppo site shore and the few Sioux who had remained thereto dispatch any who, in time of battle, might attempt to escape by crossing over, fired prematurely. This gave the alarm, and saved the Ojibways. The chief ran to Mr. Ayer's door and said, express ively: "The Sioux are upon us," and was off. The Indians seemed at once to understand that the main body of the enemy was at hand. The missionaries stepped out of the door and had just time to see a great splashing of water across the lake when bullets came whizzing about their ears, and they went in. The Sioux had left their hiding place and the battle commenced in earnest. Most of the women and children of the settlement were yet ou the island. The house of the chief was well barri- IN THE NORTHWEST. 265 caded and most of the men gathered in there. The remainder took refuge in a house more exposed, at the other end of the village. The enemy drew up very near and fired in at the win dow. One gun was made useless, being indented by a ball. The owner retired to a corner and spent the time in prayer. The mother of the house, with her small'children, was on her way to the island under a shower of bullets, calling aloud on God for help. The missionaries seeing from their windows quantities of bloody flesh upon stumps in the battle field, thought surely that several of their friends had fallen. It proved to be a cow and calf of an Ojibway. The mission children were much frightened and asked many questions, and for apparent safety went up stairs and were put behind some well filled barrels. In the heat of battle two Ojibways came from the island and landed in front of Mr. Ayer's house. They drew their canoe ashore and se creted themselves as well as the surroundings would permit. Not long after three Sioux ran down the hill and toward the can6e. They were fired upon and one fell dead. The other two ran for help but before they could return the Ojibways were on the way back to the island. Not having time to take the scalp of their enemy, they hastily cut the powder horn strap from his breast, dripping with blood, as a trophy of victory. The Sioux drew the dead body up the hill and back to the place of fighting. The noise ceased. The battle was over. The missionaries soon heard the joyful words, quietly spoken: "We still live." Not a war rior had fallen. The two school girls who were in the canoe at the first firing in the morning were the only ones killed, though half the men and boys in the fight were wounded. The Sioux women and boys who had come with their warriors to carry away the spoils had the chagrin of returning as empty as they came. The Ojibways were careful that no canoe should be left within reach of the Sioux. From necessity they took a canoe, made by Mr. Ely, and removed their dead two miles up the river, dressed them (seemingly) in the best the party could furnish, with each a double barreled gun, a tomahawk and scalping knife, set them up against some large trees and went on their way. Some of these' articles, including their head-dresses, were sent to the museum of the American board, in Boston. 266 FIFTY YEARS In the closing scene the missionaries had the opportunity of seeing the difference between those Indians who had listened to instruction and those who had not. The second day after the battle the pagan party brought back to the island the dead bodies of their enemies, cut in pieces, and distributed parts to such Ojibways as had at any" time lost friends by the hands of the Sioux. One woman, whose daughter was killed and mutilated on that memorable morning, when she saw the canoes coming,. with a head raised high in the air on a long pole, waded out into the water, grabbed it like a hungry dog and dashed it repeat edly on the stones with savage fierceness. Others of the pagans- conducted themselves in a similar manner. They even cooked some of the flesh that night in their kettles of rice. Eunice (as she was named at her baptism) was offered an arm. At first she hesitated; but for reasons, sufficient in her own mind, thought best to take it. Her daughter-in-law, widow of her son who had recently been killed and chopped into pieces by the Sioux, took another, and they went into their lodge. Eunice said: "My daughter, we must not do as some of our friends are doing. We have been taught better," and taking some white cloths from. her sack they wrapped the arms in them, offered a prayer, and gave them a decent burial. About this time a Mr. Kirkland was sent from Quincy, Illinois, by a party who wished to plant a colony not far from the mission station. He arrived at Poke gama very soon after the battle. Notwithstanding what had happened he selected a location on Cross lake, just where a rail road has now been in operation for some years. He worked vig orously for two or three weeks, and then went to consult the Indian agent and the military at Fort Snelling. They gave him no encouragement that the two tribes would ever live in peace; and he went home. The Ojibways lived in constant fear, and the place was soon deserted. This was a great trial to the missionaries; but they did not urge them to stay. They sepa rated into small parties and went where they could get a living for the present and be out of danger. The teachers remained at their post, occasionally visiting the Indians in their retreat, hoping they might soon think it safe to return to their homes. In this they were disappointed. These visits were not always very safe. On one of these trips Mr. Ayer was lost, and from cold and hunger came near perishing. Not finding the party he sought, IN THE NORTHWEST. - 267 he wandered about for a day or two. In the meantime the weather became much colder. Not expecting to camp out he took only one blanket and food enough for one meal. In cross ing Kettle river on a self-made conveyance, and there being ice on the opposite shore, he got wet. The Indians, anticipating his visit, had sent a young man to the mission station to guide him to their new locality. He returned in haste, fell on Mr. Ayer's track, and a light sprinkle of snow enabled him to follow it un til he was found. Mrs. Ayer relates several incidents illustrative of Indian char acter. As her husband had been stationed at Yellow Lake, and afterward at Red Lake, these incidents are not necessarily located at Pokegama: A NOBLE CHIEF. The Red Lake Indians- were a noble band — they had a noble chief. In civilization he led the way, in religion he did not op pose. He shouldered a heavy axe, and could be seen chopping on one side of a large tree, in perspiration, while his wife was on the other side, helping all she could with her hatchet. This chief was also an advocate of temperance. Not that he didn't love whisky, but he hated the effect of it on his band. He dic tated a letter to the' president, begging him not to let the white faces bring any more firewater to his people, giving as onereason that they had teachers among them who must be protected, and if they had whisky he did not know what might happen. FRANK CONFESSIONS. In the church there was much childish simplicity. Once when Mr. Ayer was lecturing on the eighth commandment, he paused, and without expecting an answer, said: "Now who is there among you who has not stolen!" One woman began to con fess — another followed, then another. One thought she had stolen about seven times. Another entered more into particulars, mentioning the things she had stolen, till the scene was quite amusing. Another rose to confess, but was cut short by her hus band, who said: "Who knows how many times he has stolen? We are a nation of thieves." And with a few remarks the meet ing closed. 268 FIFTY YEARS A COWARDLY DEED. After a medicine dance, according to Indian custom, they pro posed a feast, but there was nothing on which to feast. There was a large company and all were hungry. Mr. Ayer's cow was in the barnyard near. Three daring fellows sitting by themselves began to taunt each other in regard to their comparative prowess. After an excitement was created, one of them, to show his brav ery, shot the cow. Mr. Ayer was in his garden and witnessed the performance. Two or three of the leading men in this pagan party came immediately to Mr. Ayer to learn whether he would take the cow for his own use. While they were talking (perhaps twenty minutes) the cow was cut in pieces, and in the Indians' kettles preparatory to a good time. After the Indians had sold their land they paid for the cow. AN UNJUST ACCUSATION. Indians are said to be revengeful. They are. So are white men. They fight for their rights. So do white men. They are thieves and liars. So are white men. Quarrelsome, envious, jealous. So are white men. Experience teaches that according to their knowledge they compare favorably with Anglo-Saxons. Sin is none the better, nor less mischievous, for being civilized. A missionary, a good man, too. he was, accused an innocent woman of stealing his shirts that were laid out on the snow to whiten. His wife, not remembering that she had brought them in early in the morning, asked him to go out and get them. But they were not to be found! " Who has been here this morning?" was asked. " Ekwazans; I don't remember any other." " Well, she shan't have those shirts. I'll overtake her before she gets home." He followed her four miles, determined to have his .shirts. The woman declared her innocence, and told him to search the wigwam. He did so, but said himself that it was dpne rather roughly. In the meantime the wife espied the shirts just where she had put them. This affair was ever after a source of regret to them. Some of the Indians laughed heartily; others made remarks rather sarcastic. The woman herself felt disgraced by the accu sation, but never manifested signs of wanting to " pay back," or n a way to avenge the wrong. IN THE NORTHWEST. 269 INDIAN MAGNANIMITY. An employe of the American Fur Company, a "green hand," was crossing a portage. The load on his back was topped off with a bag of flour. The hill was steep and long. Steps were cut in it like a flight of stairs. As he reached the top a mis chievous Indian touched the bag, and it went tumbling to the foot of the hill. The Frenchman immediately sent the Indian tumbling after it. Some of the company advised the French man to run away, for the Indian might kill him. He told them boldly that he would not run away. The Indian gathered him self up, came to the top of the hill, told the Frenchman he had done just right, offered his hand and they were firm friends^ Magnanimous had it been a white man. Rev. Frederic Ayer was born in Stockbridge, Massachu setts, in 1803. When he was two years old the family moved to Central New York. His father was a Presbyterian minister, and they intended that their son should follow the same profes sion; but before he was prepared his health failed and he turned his attention to other business. He commenced his labors for the Indians in 1829, by teaching the mission school at Mackinaw, under the superintendency of Rev. M. Ferry. The pupils of this school were not all Ojibways but were from many different tribes, and spoke different lan guages. Mackinaw was then a general depot of the North American fur traders. They brought not only their own children to the school but such others as parents among whom they were trading wished to send. They were gathered from Lake Winnipeg, British America north, to Prairie du Chien and the head of Lake Michigan south. They were taught in Eng lish only. In the summer of 1830 Mr. Ayer went to La Pointe, Lake Superior, with Mr. Warren, opened a school and commenced the study of the Ojibway language. In 1831 he met at Mackinaw, Revs. Hall and Boutwell, who were Sent out by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions to the Indians, and he returned with Mr. and Mrs. Hall and their interpreter to spend another winter at La Pointe. The next year, 1832, Mr. Ayer wintered with another trader at Sandy Lake. He opened a school there and completed a little ¦270 FIFTY YEARS Ojibway spelliug book which was commenced at La Pointe. In the spring of 1833 he left Sandy Lake for Utica, New York, to get the book printed. Mr. Aitkin, with whom he had wintered, gave him eighty dollars, and with a pack on his back and an experienced guide, he started on his journey. Before they reached Sault Ste. Marie the ice on Lake Superior was so weak that Mr. Ayer broke through and was saved only by carrying horizontally in his hands a long pole to prevent his sinking. Mr. Ayer hastened on to complete the object of his journey, that he might return to Mackinaw in time to go up Lake Supe rior with the traders. Mr. Ayer, hitherto an independent worker, now put himself under the direction of the "American Board," and was sent to Yellow Lake, within the present bounds of Bur nett county, Wisconsin. Miss Delia Cooke, whose name should never be forgotten among the early missionaries of the American board to the Indians, and Miss Hester Crooks, a girl educated at Mackinaw, and who had some experience in teaching, were among the number who coasted up Lake Superior in a Mackinaw boat; the former to La Pointe mission, the latter to Yellow Lake with Mr. and Mrs. Ayer. They wintered in Dr. Borup's family. Mrs. Borup also had, for some years, been a pupil at Mackinaw. The next year Miss Crooks married Rev. Mr. Boutwell and went to Leech lake, and J. L. Seymour and Miss Sabrian Stevens, also Henry Blatchford, an interpreter from Mackinaw, were added to Yellow Lake mission. When Mr. Ayer told the Indians his object in coming among them, they gave him a wel come. But six months later, seeing two or three log houses in process of building, they were much troubled, and met in a body to request him to go away. A Menomonie from the region of Green Bay had stirred them up, not against the missionaries, but against the general government. The speaker said: " It makes the Indians sad to seethe white man's house go up on their land. We don't want you to stay; you must go." Further on he said: " You shall go! " Mr. Ayer answered him. The party left at midnight, and the missionaries went to bed with heavy hearts, thinking they might be thurst out almost immediately. But before sunrise the next morning about two-thirds of the same party returned, and said they had come to take back what they said the night before. The war chief was speaker, but his words were mild. " Why," said he, IN THE NORTHWEST. 271 -"should we turn these teachers away before they have done us any harm?" They would like to have us stay, he said, but added that they did not want any more to come, for the result might be the loss of their lands. We might use whatever their country afforded, but they would not give us any land, or sell us any. "For." said the speaker, "if we should sell our land where would our children play?" Mr. Aj'er finished his school house, and went on with his work as though nothing had happened. But evidently things were not as they should be. The chief seemed to "sit on the fence," ready to jump either way. The war chief was always friendly, but he had not so much control over what concerned us. He did what he could without giving offense, and was anxious that his daughter of fourteen years should be taken into the mission family. Mr. Ayer remained two years longer at Yellow Lake. In the meantime the chief of the Snake River band sent messages inviting the teachers to come and live among them. Accord ingly in the spring of 1836 the mission was removed to Pokegama lake, eighteen miles up the river. The chief did all he had promised, and showed himself a man. Nothing was said here to remind the missionaries that they were using the Indians' wood, water and fish. On the contrary, when they sold their land, it was urged that the teachers' children should be enrolled for an nual payment, the same as their own. The chief said that as they were born on the land it was no more than right, and he wished it might be done. In 1842 Mr. Ayer went with his family to the States; and in Oberlin was ordained preacher to the Ojibways. He soon returned to the Indian country, and David Brainard Spencer, an Oberlin student, with him. They spent the winter of 1842-3 in traveling from one trading post to another, selecting locations for mission ary labor. For their own field they chose Red Lake. When Mrs. Ayer, with her two little boys, six and eight years old, went to join her husband at the new station, Alonzo Barnard and wife and S. G. Wright, all of Oberlin College, went with her. Other missionaries soon followed, and that station was for many years supplied with efficient laborers. More recently the work there was assigned to Bishop Whipple, and is still carried on. Mr. and Mrs. Ayer, in 1865, offered their services to the freed- men of the South and were employed at Atlanta, Georgia. 272 FIFTY YEARS Mr. Ayer organized a Congregational church and a baptistry connected with the house of worship, that he might baptise by immersion or otherwise, according to the wishes of the candi date. He also formed a temperance society, which some months before his death numbered more than six hundred members. There was great grief at his death amongst all classes. An aged man, who had lost a small fortune in his devotion to the Confederacy, embraced the corpse, and said: "If he had not holpen me, I should have before gone him." Many others, in word or action, expressed a similar feeling. All classes of people were represented at his funeral. His remains were buried in the Atlanta cemetery, Oct. 1, 1867. Thus passed away one who had spent a life for the benefit of others. Mr. and Mrs. Ayer in some instances taught three generations of Ojibway blood, and North and South, they were, in the course of their labors, associated for a longer or shorter time, with more than eighty different missionaries, — -anobleband, — withfewex- ceptions worthy the name they bore. Most of them have passed away, and their graves are scattered here and there from British America to Georgia. Rev. William T. Boutwell, who figures so prominently in the history of the early missions in the St. Croix valley, was born in Hillsborough county, New Hampshire, Feb. 4, 1803. He was educated at Dartmouth and Andover colleges, and in 1831, the year of his graduation at Andover, he came to the Northwest as a Presbyterian missionary. He spent one year at Mackinaw, learning the Chippewa language, under the instruc tion of Rev. W. M. Ferry, father of Senator Ferry, of Michigan. In 1832 our government sent an embassy of thirty men, under the control of the Indian agent at Ste. Marie, Henry R. School craft, to trahquilize the tribes and effect some advantageous treaties. The embassy was accompanied by an outfit of soldiers under the command of Lieut. Allen, Dr. Houghton, physician, George Johnson, interpreter, and Mr. Boutwell. The em bassy had a liberal outfit of provisions, equipages and trinkets for the Indians, and .was conveyed in a large bateau of several tons capacity, and some birch canoes, the largest of which was thirty feet long, and capable of containing nine persons. On arriving at Fond du Lac, the head of navigation on the St. Louis river, Mr. Boutwell wrote as follows to the missionary board: IN THE NORTHWEST. 273 "On arriving here I was not a little surprised to find four hundred souls, half-breeds and white men. The scene at our landing was such as I never before witnessed, and enough to fill one, unaccustomed to the like as myself, with wonder, if not with fear. The yelling of Indians, barking of dogs, crying of chil dren, running of the multitude, discharge of musketry, and flourish of flags, was noise in the extreme. At ten o'clock I preached to about forty in English, the first sermon ever preached here, and at 4 p. M. I addressed, through Mr. Johnson, more WILLIAM T. BOUTWELL, than, twice that number of French, half-breeds and Indians; many of the latter of whom for the first time listened to the word of Life. AH listened "with attention and interest. My interpreter sat on my right, while a chief occupied a seat at my left. Around and below me, on the floor, sat his men, women and children, in a state of almost entire nudity, many of whom had no more than a cloth about the loins, and a blanket, but some of the children not even a blanket, — all with their pipes and tobacco pouches, painted with all the variety of figures that can be imagined." 18 274 FIFTY YEARS From Fond du Lac he proceeded with the expedition up the St. Louis river, crossing the falls by a portage, and ascending to the point nearest Sandy lake, which was reached by a portage. The expedition proceeded up the Mississippi to Leech lake. Learning from the Indians at this point that Cass lake, the re puted source of the Mississippi, was not the real source, the ex pedition proceeded, under the guidance of a chief and a number of his tribe, to ascend the river further. When they reached the lake, now known as Itasca, five of the party, Lieut. Allen, Schoolcraft, Houghton, Johnson, and Boutwell, were sent in canoes with Indian guides to explore the shores of the lake. No inlet being found the party came to the conclusion that this was, as the Indians claimed, the true source of the Mis sissippi river. Mr. Schoolcraft being satisfied as to the correct ness of the observations, landed his party on an island near the middle of the lake. He was puzzled to know what name to give the lake, and asked Mr. Boutwell if he knew of any word that would express the term "true head of the river." Mr. Boutwell said he could think of no single word that would express it, but there were two Latin words that would answer the purpose, and those were Veritas — true, and caput — head. Mr. Schoolcraft immediately wrote on a piece of paper the two words, and then erasing the first syllable of the first word and the last syllable of the latter, joined the remaining syllables. He then planted the stars and stripes on a little eminence, and formally christened the lake " Itasca." They then proceeded to descend the Mississippi. "As we were passing through the outlet of the lake," said Mr. Bout well, " I stopped my canoe on the shore and jumped across the Mississippi. I considered that a great thing to relate in after years." The party with their own boats descended the Mississippi, dis tributing tobacco, medals and flags to Indians on their way.* " When I seethe great cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul now," said Mr. Boutwell, "I have to reflect that when we made our memorable trip down the river in 1832 we stopped at St. An thony falls, and I stood on the east bank and looked across the * Several years prior to this William Morrison had a trading station upon the shores ot this lake, and is probably the first white man who visited it, but it does not appear that he identified it as the source of the Mississippi. ' IN THE NORTHWEST. 275 river in profound admiration of the most beautiful landscape I had ever seen, with only a few head of government cattle be longing at Fort Snelling grazing upon it. The whole country on both sides of the river was as God had made it. When we passed the locality of St. Paul there was not even an Indian tepee to be seen V The party halted at a Sioux Indian village at Kaposia, a few miles below St. Paul, and after a short consultation proceeded to the mouth of the St. Croix, and ascending the St. Croix to its source, made a portage of two miles to the source of the Burnt Wood river, which they descended to Lake Superior, and thence returned to their starting place. In the following year Mr. Boutwell established a mission at Leech lake. In giving an ac count of his reception by the Indians, he says: " When I ar rived the men, with a few exceptions, were making their fall hunts, while their families remained at the lake and its vicinity to gather their corn and make rice. A few lodges were encamped quite near. These I began to visit, for the purpose of reading, singing, etc., in order to interest the children and awaken in them the desire for instruction. I told them about the children at Mackinaw, the Sault, and at La Pointe, who could read, write and sing. To this they would listen attentively, while the mother would often reply: ' My children are poor and ignorant.' To a person unaccustomed to Indian manners and Indian wildness it would have been amusing to have seen the little ones, as I ap proached their lodge, running and screaming, more terrified, if possible, than if they had met a bear robbed of her whelps. It was not long, however, before most of them overcametheir fears; and in a few days my dwelling, a dodge which I occupied for three or four weeks, was frequented from morning till evening by an interesting group of boys, all desirous to learn to read, sing, etc. To have seen them hanging, some on one knee, others ¦on my shoulder, reading and singing, while others, whether from shame or fear I know not, who dared not venture within, were peeping" in through the sides of the cottage, or lying flat upon the ground and looking under the bottom, might have provoked a smile; especially to have seen them as they caught a glance of my eye, springing upon their feet and running like so many wild asses colts. The rain, cold and snow were alike to them, in which they would come, day after day, many of them clad merely 276 FIFTY YEARS with a blanket and a narrow strip of cloth about the loins. The men at length returned, and an opportunity was presented me for reading to them. The greater part listened attentively. Some would come back and ask me to read more. Others laughed, and aimed to make sport of both me and my mission." He continued to labor here until 1837, when the Indians be coming troublesome, and having murdered Aitkin, an agent of the fur company, he deemed it advisable to remove the mission to Pokegama lake. He labored here faithfully, much respected by the Indians for his firmness and christian devotion. In 1847 he removed to Stillwater and settled on a farm near the city, where he is spending the remainder of his days, cared for by his affectionate daughter Kate and her kind husband, — Jones. Though infirm in body on account of advanced age his mind is clear and his memory retentive. He enjoys the respect accorded to venerable age, and that which pertains to an early and middle life spent in unusual toils and hardships in the noblest work intrusted to the hands of man. Mrs. Hester Crooks Boutwell deserves honorable mention as the early companion of the devoted missionary. She was the daughter of Ramsey Crooks, of New York, an Indian trader. Her mother was a half-breed Ojibway woman. Hester Crooks was born on Drummond island, Lake Huron, May 30, 1817. Her father gave her a superior education at Mackinaw mission. She was a woman of tall and commanding figure, her black hair and eyes indicating her Indian origin. She was a fluent conver sationalist, and careful and tidy in her personal appearance. She died in Stillwater in 1853, leaving a family of seven children. CHENGWATANA. This town derived its name from the Chippewa words, "cheng- wa" (pine) and "tana" (city), applied to an Indian village which from time immemorial had been located near the mouth of Cross lake. This locality had long been a rallying point for Indians and traders. When the writer visited it, in 1846, it had the appear ance of an ancient place of resort. Half-breeds and whites with Indian wives settled here, and in 1852 there were several log houses, and a hotel kept by one Ebenezer Ayer. There was also a dam built for sluicing logs. Among the early settlers were Duane Porter, George Goodwin, Herman Trott, John G. Randall, IN THE NORTHWEST. 277 Emil, Gustave and Adolph Munch. Mr. Trott built a fine resi dence on the shore of Cross lake, afterward the home of S. A. Hutchinson. The Munch brothers built a store and made other improvements. John G. Randall, in 1856-7-8, manufactured lum ber, ran it down the Kanabec and St. Croix rivers to Rush Seba, Sunrise and Taylor's Falls. In 1852, and soon after the building of the government road to Superior City, a post office and a stage route from St. Paul to Superior City were established. The dam, to which reference has been made, was built in 1848, by Elam Greely. It is at the outlet of Cross lake and has ten feet head. The flowage covers many thousands of acres. The ownership has changed several times. The tolls levied amount to from ten to fifteen cents per thousand feet. The chartered operators con trol the flowage completely, opening and shutting gates at their pleasure. Many of the first settlers removed to other localities. Mr. Trott and the Munch brothers to St. Paul, J. G. Randall to Golorado, and Louis Ayd to Taylor's Falls. In 1856 an effort was made to found a village on the site of the old Indian town of Chengwatana. Judd, Walker & Co. and Daniel A. Robertson surveyed and platted the village of Alham- bra, but the name was not generally accepted, and the old Indian name of Chengwatana superseded it. The town of Chengwatana was organized in 1874. The first supervisors were Duane Por ter, Resin Denman and Ferdinand Blank. Louis Ayd was born in Germany in 1840; came to America in 1852 and settled in Chengwatana. He served three and a half years as a soldier during the Rebellion, and was seriously injured in the service. On his return he settled in Taylor's Falls. He is a well-to-do farmer and dealer in live stock for the meat mar ket. He has been a member of the Roman Catholic church from childhood. He was married to Rosabella Hoffman, of Hud son, Wisconsin, in 1871. Duane Porter, the son of a surgeon in the United States Army in the war of 1812, was born in Washington county, New York, in 1825; came West as far as Illinois in 1852, and to St. Croix Falls in 1844. He was married in 1848 to Mary Lapraire, and in the same year located at Chengwatana. His occupation is that of an explorer and lumberman. He has ten children living. S. A. Hutchinson. — Mr. Hutchinson was a native of Maine, 278 FIFTY YEARS • and while yet a youth came to the valley of the St. Croix, and located at Chengwatana, where he married a Chippewa woman, and raised a family of half-breed children. ' ' Gus " Hutchinson^ as he was familiarly called, had many noble traits of character, and was very popular with his associates. He had a well trained mind; was skilled as a lumberman and explorer, and was of a genial disposition, honest in heart and true in his friendships. He was elected sheriff of Pine county, and served four years- On the night of Aug. 16, 1880. he was found in a sitting posture on his bed, lifeless, a rifle ball having pierced his heart. It appeared, on investigation, that his oldest son wanted to marry an Indian girl, to which his father objected. On the night after the murder the marriage took place in Indian style. Suspicion pointing strongly toward mother and son, they were arrested, and an indictment found by the grand jury against the son. He was tried and acquitted. HINCKLEY. The township of Hinckley was organized in 1872. It includes a large area of land, heavily timbered with pine and hardwood. The soil is varied, consisting of black and yellow sand loam with clay subsoil. It abounds in meadows, marshes, tamarack swamps, pine and hardwood ridges, and is capable of cultivation. THE VILLAGE OF HINCKLEY Lies midway betwen St. Paul and Duluth, on the St. Paul & Du luth railroad. It was founded soon after the completion of the road. The Manitoba railroad passes through the village, run ning from St. Cloud to Superior. It was incorporated in 1885. The following were the first officers: President, James J. Bren- nan; recorder, S. W. Anderson; trustees, James Morrison, Nels Parson, John Perry; treasurer, John Burke; justices of the peace, John Brennan, A. B. Clinch; constable, Andrew Stone. Prior to this incorporation, Hinckley had suffered considerably from the lawlessness of its occasional or transient residents and visitors, and the large majority of the vote in favor of incorpo ration is justly considered as a triumph of law and order. The village has a saw mill doing a large business, a good depot, round house, four hotels, several stores, shops, and fine resi dences, a commodious school house, and two churches — a Lu theran and Catholic. The Minneapolis & Manitoba railroad con- IN THE NORTHWEST. 279 nects here with the St. Paul & Duluth railroad, and is being ex tended to Superior. JamEs Morrison was born on Cape Breton island in 1840. Mr. Morrison was one of the first settlers of Hinckley, having come to the settlement in 1869, in the employ of the St. Paul & Duluth railroad. He has followed farming and hotel keeping. He is an active and industrious man, the proprietor of a large hotel, and a member of the Presbyterian church. SANDSTONE VILLAGE Is located in the northwest quarter of section 15, township 42, range 20. It contains about forty dwellings, three large board ing houses, two stores, one hotel and a stone saw mill with dia mond-toothed saw, built by Ring & Tobin, at a cost of $30,000. The stone quarries of the Kettle River & Sandstone Company are located on sections 3, 10 and 15, in township 42, range 20, and extend two and three-quarters miles on each side of Kettle river. The first work in opening the quarries was done Aug. 22, 1885.. The village plat was surveyed in June, 1887, and a post office established there the February preceding, W. H. Grant, Jr., being the first postmaster. The saw mill and the quarries give employment to about four hundred men. Sandstone is lo cated on the old site of Fortuna. The Kettle River railroad was built to the quarries in 1886, from the St. Paul & Duluth rail road, a distance of five miles. The Manitoba railroad, running to Superior, passes through the village. William H. Gkant, Sr., one of the founders of Hinckley, and the proprietor and founder of the Sandstone enterprise, was born Dec. 23, 1829, at Lyndborough, New Hampshire. He received his education at Hancock Academy, New Hampshire, and Yates Academy, Orleans county, New York. He studied law and was admitted to practice in 1854 at Hillsborough, New Hampshire. He came to St. Paul in 1859, where he still resides, his prop erty interests at Sandstone being immediately under the super vision of his son, W. H. Grant, Jr. He sold his interest in May, 1888, for $100,000. He was married to Martha McKean in New Hampshire, January, 1855. KETTLE RIVER. The town of Kettle River, including townships 43 and 44, lying on the west line of the county, was organized in 1874. S. S. 280 FIFTY YEARS Griggs was chairman of the first board of supervisors. The town contains but one school district. The first settler was S. S. Griggs, who, in company with John S. Prince, of St. Paul, built a saw mill at the St. Paul & Duluth railroad crossing on Kettle river, in 1871-72. This was not a successful venture. A post office was established at the mill, and S. S. Griggs was appointed postmaster. The Manitoba and St. Paul & Duluth railroads pass through the town from south to north. The township now has no settlement except about twenty-four families at the station and village. It is heavily timbered with pine and hardwood. There are meadows, marshes and tamarack swamps, fine streams and beautiful lakes, and much excellent farming land besides. The Pine lakes in township 43, range 21, are beautiful sheets of water. There are no good roads or public improvements. John C. Hanley was born in Covington, Kentucky, and was educated at Oxford College, Ohio. He came to St. Paul in 1849, as a machinist and millwright. He was married in 1853, at St. Anthony, to Sophia Ramsdale. In 1862 he enlisted in Company M, Minnesota Mounted Cavalry, a company recruited principally at Sunrise, Chisago county, by Capt. James Stark ey. He was commissioned second lieutenant and was with Gen. Sibley's ex pedition against the Sioux. Subsequently he received a cap tain's commission, and recruited Company M, Second Minnesota Cavalry, stationed on the frontier. He was mustered out in 1865. He resides at Kettle River. MISSION creek Was organized as a town in 1880. The first supervisors were M. Thomas, T. Johnson, Wm. McKean; Messrs. H. A. Taylor and Philip Riley & Co., of St. Paul, were the first operators here. They built a saw mill with a capacity of 3,000,000 feet per annum. This property has changed owners, and is now held by the John Martin Lumber Company, of St. Paul. It was burned down in 1885, but was immediately rebuilt. PINE CITY. The town of Pine City was organized in 1874. The first super visors were Hiram Brackett, H. B. Hoffman and James Griffith. The village of Pine City was platted in 1869. The original propri etors were James and Stephen H. Petrie, Catherine Sloan and IN THE NORTHWEST. 281 Luther Mendenhall. .The survey was made by B. W. Brunson. Wm. Branch acted as attorney and the acknowledgment was made by J. J. Egan, notary public, of St. Louis county. The village was organized in 1881, but the officers did not qualify until the fallowing year. The oldest settler was probably a Mr. Kirkland, of Quincy, Illinois, who worked for some time on the banks of Cross lake, on the present site of Pine City, hoping to be able to plant a colony there, but, according to the testimony of Mrs. E. T. Ayer, the missionary became disheartened by the Indian troubles, and left in 1841, abandoning his scheme. The completion of the railroad which crosses the Kanabec river at this point gave a great impetus to the prosperity of the village and neighbor hood. It now contains a fine court house, built at a cost of $8,000, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian and Lutheran churches, good buildings for graded and common schools, and three hotels. Pine City has besides a pleasant park, the gift of Capt. Richard G. Robinson, which has been adorned and embellished and named after the donor, "Robinson Park." Richard G. Robinson was born in Jackson county, Iowa,, in 1829; he moved thence with his parents to Illinois, and to St. Groix Falls in 1848, where he followed lumbering, scaling, survey ing and exploring. He lived at St. Croix and Taylor's Falls until 1872, when he received the appointment of land examiner for the Lake Superior & Mississippi Railroad Company. He was in the employ of the company twelve years, making his home at Pine City, where he still lives, engaged in lumbering and real estate. He was married to Catharine A. Fullenwider, of Iowa. Mrs. Robinson died at Pine City in 1885. Hiram Brackett was born in 1817, in China, Maine, and came to Pine City in 1868 from Aroostook county, Maine. He was among the first to make improvements. He built a hotel and was the first postmaster in the town. He died in 1883, leav ing an estimable widow, three sons, John, Albert and Frank, and two daughters, Emily, married to Henry A. Linn, of Milwau kee, and Louise, married to Henry D. Crohurst, of Pine City. Randall K. Burrows, a native of Connecticut, came to Pine Gity in 1869, and, with Adolph Munch, built a large stave mill on the shores of Cross lake. This proved an unfortunate invest ment, resulting in litigation, during the progress of which the 282 FIFTY YEARS mill was destroyed by fire, in 1878. Mr. Burrows was an active, enthusiastic man, and worked hard for the interests of Pine City, filling many positions of trust. He was elected to the state senate from the Twenty-eighth district, in 1874. His seat was contested by John Hallburg, of Centre City. The senate referred the question to the people, but in the election that followed (1875) he was defeated. In 1879 he removed to Dakota, where he died three years later. John S. Ferson came from Michigan to Pine City in 1869. During that and the succeeding year he was principal in build ing a first class steam saw mill. It was located on a bay in the western part of the city. This mill was burned in 1872, rebuilt and burned again. Mr. Ferson has since removed to Dakota. Samuel Millet settled in Pine City in 1869, and in 1870 erected the Bay View House, on an elevated plateau command ing a fine view of Cross lake and Kanabec river. Mr. Millet died in 1879, leaving a widow, two sons and three daughters. rock creek Was organized March, 1874. The first supervisors were Enoch Horton, Frank England, and S. M. Hewson. Obadiah Hew- son was town clerk. Enoch Horton and C. W. Gill were justices of the peace. Mr. Horton was the first settler, he having come to the county in 1872. The year following he raised the first crop. Mr. Horton was from Colchester, New York. Hf was born in 1811, and came to Minnesota in 1862. He was the first postmaster at Rock Creek. Other settlers came in slowly. Edger- ton, Gill & Co. built a saw mill in 1873, with a capacity of 3,000,000 feet. This property has changed hands several times. Capt. Enoch Horton commenced official life at the age of twenty-two years, in New York, where he served twenty-eight years as justice of the peace and county judge. He served dur ing the Rebellion as captain of a company of sharpshooters. ROYALTON Was organized in 1880. ' The first supervisors were Edward Peterson, Alexis Kain and Joseph Heiniger. It is a good farm ing township with many good farms. The first settlement was made by Elam Greely, in 1849, who made a farm and built a large barn, hauling the lumber from Marine Mills, a distance of IN THE NORTHWEST. 283 seventy miles. The town was named in honor of Royal C. Gray, who located on the Greely farm in 1854, in the northwest quarter of section 15, township 38, range 22, on the banks of the Kana bec river. WINDERMERE ' Was organized as a town Jan. 3, 1882. The first supervisors were August Schog, Williant Champlain and Frank Bloom- quist. The towns of Kettle River, Hinckley and Pine City were or ganized, and Chengwatana reorganized by special act of the legislature in 1874, and at that time embraced all the territory in the county. Since 1874, Mission Creek,. Rock Creek and Royalton have been set off from Pine City and Windermere from Kettle River. The following villages were platted at the dates named: Neshodana, by Clark, Cowell & Foster, in townships 41 and 42r ranges 15 and 16, in 1856; Fortuna, by W. A. Porter, surveyor, at the crossing of Kettle river and the military road, January, 1857; St. John's, by M. L. Benson, surveyor, in section 26, town ship 41, range 17, October, 1857; Midway, by Frank B. and Julia L. Lewis, proprietors, in the northwest quarter of section 34, township 40, range 21, September, 1855. ,A ROCK CREEK MURDER. A man passing under the name of Harris had been arrested for stealing horses. George Hathaway started with the prisoner to Sunrise. Five days afterward Hathaway' s dead body was found, and the inquest decided that he probably met his death by stabbing or shooting at the hands of his prisoner, who made his escape, and was never again heard from. Hathaway was a native of Passadumkeag, Maine. THE BURNING OF A JAIL. March 22, 1884, a couple of young men, John Cope and Wil liam Leonard, were arrested for drunkenness and disorderly conduct, and confined in the Pine City jail, a wooden structure. About three o'clock the next morning the jail was found to be on fire. All efforts to extinguish the flames or rescue the un happy prisoners were unavailing. The fire originated from within, in all probability from the careless action of the 284 FIFTY YEARS prisoners themselves in striking matches, either for the purpose of smoking or of exploring their cells. A DISFIGURED FAMILY. Mr. Redman, the agent at the Kettle River railroad station, called my attention to the fact that old Batice is singularly dis figured. He was born without thumbs or big toes. The fingers and remaining toes resemble birds' claws. Two of the fingers of each hand and two of the toes on each foot are united to the tips but have distinct nails. Of his four children three are disfig ured like the father. His grandchildren are many of them worse than himself, one having but one finger. INDIAN FAITH CURE. A woman at Pokegama was badly burned by the explosion of gunpowder while she was putting it in a flask. Her face be came terribly swollen and black. The missionaries did what they could for her. but thought she must die. After two clays the Indian doctors held a medicine dance for her benefit. After they had gone through with their magic arts the woman arose, and, without any assistance, walked around distributing presents to the performers of the ceremony. It was truly wonderful. She recovered rapidly. INDIAN GRAVES. The Chippewas bury their dead much as the whites do. The body is deposited in a grave and covered with earth. A low wooden covering, somewhat like the roof of a house, is reared above it, the gables resting on the ground. The roof is covered with white or bleached muslin, and surmounted by a board cross. Au aperture about six inches square is left in each end of the structure. The head of the grave is toward the west, and here are deposited offerings of fruits and trinkets of various kinds. We found at one grave a broken saucer, an oyster can filled with blueberries, a large red apple, and a pair of old shoes. Friends of the deceased visit the graves for one or two years, renewing their tributes of affection, and bringing offerings of fruit accor ding to the season, and various foods,- from acorns to dried veni son, but in time these visits are discontinued and the graves are neglected and forgotten. IN THE NORTHWEST. 285 STOICISM OF THE INDIAN. On the banks of the Kettle river a five-year-old boy burned his hand badly. The mother, after examining the wound, de cided that it was incurable, ordered the boy to place his hand upon a block, and by a single blow from a common hatchet sev ered it from the wrist. The boy endured the suffering without flinching. Old Batice, alias "Kettle," lived on Kettle river in 1880. Counting by moons he claims to have lived there ninety-nine years. He is certainly very old. He says that he has always been a friend to the whites, and that in the Sioux outbreak of 1862 he counseled his people to remain quiet; that he was the enemy of the Sioux, three of whom he had killed and scalped. To commemorate his warlike deeds in slaughtering his enemies, he wore three large eagle feathers in his gray hair. He claims to be half French. AN INDIAN DANCE. In June, 1880, the Indians were practicing a new dance near the Kettle River railroad station, part of which it was my privi lege to witness. The dance house was a rudely constructed pole frame covered with birch bark, fastened down with willow twigs. About thirty dancers, male and female, and of all ages, were crowded in the dance house, sweating, grunting, hopping and bounding at the tap of a deer skin drumhead, and the " chi-yi- chi-yi-chi-hoo" of a quartette of boys and girls, squatted in a corner of the bark house. The din was incessant, the chant of the singers, or howlers, monotonous and wearisome, yet the dancers stepped and bounded to their rude music as readily as do civilized dancers to the more exquisite music of stringed in struments. This dance was the same that so frightened the Bur nett county people, and required at least ten days for its complete performance. A few minutes' observation amply satisfied us, and we gladly withdrew. 286 FIFTY YEARS CHAPTER XI. KANABEC COUNTY. Kanabec county, prior to 1849, was included in St. Croix •county, Wisconsin; thence until 1852 it was a part of Ramsey county, Minnesota; until 1854 apart of Chisago county; and thence until its organization in 1859, a part of Pine county. It was at tached for judicial purposes at various times to Chisago, Isanti "and Pine counties. In 1882 it was organized for judicial pur poses, Judge Crosby holding the first term of court at Brunswick. The second term was held at Mora in 1884, in the new court iouse. The writer, when a member of the Minnesota senate in 1858, selected the name and introduced the bill for the formation of the county. Its boundaries are Aitkin county on the north, Pine on the east, Isanti on the south, and Mille Lacs on the west. It is well watered and drained by the Kanabec and its tributaries. This river is navigable to Brunswick, and one of its tributaries, Rice river, is navigable six miles from its mouth to Rice lake. The soil is a rich, sandy loam, deep, strong and productive. One-fifth of the entire surface was originally covered with pines. About 25,000 acres are natural meadows, while much of the re mainder is covered with hardwood, and a small portion is brush prairie, which can be easily rendered fit for cultivation. The best crops are wheat, oats and potatoes, but Indian corn can be grown profitably as compared with other localities in Minne sota. Small fruits, wild and cultivated, grow luxuriantly. Cran berries have been shipped in considerable quantities. Redtop, clover, and timothy grow rank, and are profitably cultivated. Upward of 5,000 tons of hay are cured annually. The lumber ing interests are still important, about 75,000,000 feet of logs IN THE NORTHWEST. 287 being annually driven to the Stillwater boom. This county is spotted with lakes and abounds in streams capable of being util ized as water powers. Good building granite is found on the Kanabec river above Mora, which will eventually be quarried and exported. The first permanent settlers were George L. Staples and James Pennington, who came in 1855. They were followed by Stephen W. Tolman, Alvin De Wolf, John L. Spence and others. Gov. Sibley appointed the following as the first board of officers, June 10, 1859: County commissioners, Geo. L. Staples, chairman; Daniel Gordon, Benj. L. Gifford; clerk and register of deeds, James C. Morrison; treasurer, Alvah Lougee; sheriff, Benj. L. Gifford. The first election was held in October, 1859. The fol lowing were elected county officers: County commissioners, Geo. L. Staples, chairman; James Pennington, Geo. Morrison ; audi tor, Benj. Bill. In the bill organizing the county, Brunswick was designated as the county seat, and so remained until 1882, when by popular vote Mora was selected. In 1883 the county built a court house at a cost of $5,000, and a jail costing $2,000. In 1874 the county built a bridge across the Kanabec at Brunswick, the bridge and its approaches being 1,300 feet in length, at a cost of $5,000. In 1879 the county built a bridge across the Kanabec at Grass Lake at a cost of $4,000. As this bridge obstructed navigation in 1884, the county, at a cost of $4,000, rebuilt it in such a way that steamers could pass underneath. In 1883 another bridge was built across the Kanabec in the town of Arthur at a cost of $4,000. The first post office was established at Brunswick in 1859, Geo. L. Staples, postmaster. The first mail was from Anoka via Cambridge to Brunswick. In 1847 Rev. W. S. Boutwell preached the first sermon within the present limits of the county. The first deed recorded was a warranty deed from Ralph Potter to John A^Snyder, both of Illinois, in June, 1857, conveying lands in sections 3 and 10, township 38, range 25. The second deed recorded was from David Bagley to Hersey, Hall, Whitney and Fenno, of Boston, and Isaac Staples of Stillwater, conveying the northeast quarter of section 1, township 38, range 24, and other lands. 288 FIFTY YEAKS ARTHUR. The town of Arthur includes township 39, ranges 23, 24 and 25. It was organized in 1883. The first supervisors were: Ira A. Conger, Andrew E. Westling aud Charles A. Staples; clerk, Stanton D. Seavey. The village of Mora was the first settle ment. Anna C. Larson was the first child born in the town. The first marriage was that of Frederick G. Turner and Edith Perkins. The first death was that of Henry Rust, in 1847, killed by Indians. There is one house of worship, at what is known as the Swedish mission. MORA, A village, platted in 1882, is located in section 11, township-39, range 24, on the Hinckley branch of the Manitoba railroad. Myron R. Kent, owner of the town plat, made the first improve ments, building a hotel and post office, of which he became post master. Alvah J. Conger opened the first store in 1882. The village now contains a court house, school house, two hotels, five stores, three saloons, and many fine residences. Lake Mora, a lovely sheet of deep, blue water, about one hundred and fifty acres in extent, is located within the village limits. The village is beautifully situated on a plateau on the east side of Kanabec river. Stephen L. Danforth lived in the county of Kanabec during the ' 70s. His occupation was that of a farmer or lumberman. He died in Stillwater in 1884. N. H. Danforth, brother of S. L., also settled here in the '70s, and still resides here, an active business man. Alvah J. and Ira Conger are cousins. They came from Maine to Minnesota in 1850. Alvah J. kept the Tombler House in Wyoming. Subsequently he removed to Cambridge, where he kept a hotel and store, and thence removed to Pine City, where he, kept a store until 1882, when he moved to Mora. He was married to Charlotte Pennington. They have no chil dren. Ira Conger has been actively engaged in business at Cam bridge and other places, and moved to Mora in 1883, where he is proprietor of a hotel and store. His oldest son, John, has charge of his business interests. BRONSON. This village is yet unplatted. It is located in section 21, range 24, on the line of the Manitoba railroad. A post office was estab- ' IN THE NORTHWEST. 289 lished here in 1884, of which Frank P. Burleigh is postmaster. Adjoining and including this village is the large farm of Isaac Staples, including 2,000 acres, of which six hundred and fifty acres are under cultivation. The improvements on the farm are two large barns, one store, one blacksmith shop, one wood work ing shop, and commodious dwellings for employes. This farm is headquarters for the lumbering interests of Mr. Staples in Kanabec county. BRUNSWICK Includes township 38, ranges 24 and 25. The town was organ ized in 1883. The first supervisors were Eric Hokansen, John Rines and Haquin Ekman. The first school was taught by Char lotte Pennington, in 1856. The first death was that of Cowan, killed accidentally, in 1857. There are two church organizations," Swedish Baptist and Swedish Lutheran. Stephen E. Tallman built a saw mill in 1870, and a flour mill in 1879. The village of Brunswick is located in the southwest quarter of section 1, township 38, range 24. It was platted in 1856, by Isaac and George Staples. It was originally designated as the county seat. GROUND HOUSE CITY Was platted by Isaac Staples for Hersey, Staples & Co., Jan 17, 1857, in section 7, township 38, range 24. James Pennington was born in Queensborough, New Bruns wick, in 1799. He lived in Houlton, Maine, fifteen years, and came to Kanabec county in 1854 with his family, who were the first permanent settlers in the county. Mr. Pennington farmed and lumbered. He died in December, i887. Mrs. Pennington died in 1878. Six sons and three daughters are living. The sons are residents of Minnesota. The daughters are married as follows: Elisabeth to Grant, of Detroit, Minnesota; Char lotte to A: J. Conger, of Mora, Minnesota; Augusta to B. C. Newport, of Pipestone, Minnesota. George L. Staples settled in section 1, township 38, range 24, in 1855. He lived there eight years and filled various re sponsible offices. He was an upright, conscientious man, much respected by all who knew him. In 1863 he removed to Monti- cello, Minnesota, and died in 1877, leaving a widow, five sons and a daughter. Mr. Staples raised the first crop in the county, 19 290 FIFTY YEARS opened the first store, and gave the name of Brunswick to the town. Isaac Edwin Staples, son of George, was the first white child born in the county. He was clerk of court in Morrison county in 1887. Daniel Gordon was born in Readfield, Maine, in 1809. In 1856 he settled in the southeast quarter of section 1, township 38, range 24. He was, married to widow Tallman in Brunswick. This was the first marriage in the town. Mrs. Gordon died in June, 1885. GRASS LAKE Includes township 38, range 23. It was organized in 1883. It is thickly settled, mostly by Swedes. They have good farms, roads and schools. The first settler was Solomon Anderson; the second, Benjamin Norton; both were farmers. There are in this town three houses of worship, two belonging to the Swedish mission, and one to the Baptists. There are five school houses. The remainder of the county, consisting mostly of pine lands, and including nine townships, is without organization or town ship government. It is divided into three assessment districts over which the county exercises jurisdiction, making levies and collecting taxes. ISANTI COUNTY. Isanti county lies directly west of Chisago and south of Kana bec. It is bounded on the west and south by Sherburne, Mille Lacs and Anoka counties, and contains about fourteen towns. The soil is well adapted for agriculture. The county has no large lakes, but is well watered by tributaries of Rum and Sun rise rivers. It is well timbered in the north with sugar maple. The settlers are chiefly Scandinavians, who, by their industry, have made the plains and oak ridges to blossom with clover and the cereals. The county was organized Feb. 13, 1857. It took its name from a tribe of Indians who some time ago occupied the country about Mille Lacs. The first board of county commis sioners consisted of Oscar Smith, Hugh Wylie and Elbridge G. Clough. The first county officers were: William Tubbs, auditor; F. H. Moon, treasurer; G. G. Griswold, register of deeds; Ste phen Hewson, judge of probate; H. M. Davis, clerk; George L. Henderson, sheriff. The first court was held by Judge C. E. Vanderburgh in October, 1871. Prior to this time Isanti had been attached to Anoka county for judicial purposes. IN THE NORTHWEST. 291 CAMBRIDGE, The county seat of Isanti, was incorporated as a village in 1876. It is pleasantly located on the west side of Rum river. It has one flouring mill, a newspaper office, and several stores, shops, dwellings and churches. The county buildings are neat and con venient. The new court house cost $7,000. It is worthy of mention that B. A. Latta, as county treasurer, paid the first money into the hands of the state treasurer for war purposes. The first postmasters in the county were Van Vliet Ainsley, of Spencer Brook, and G. G. Griswold, in 1858. NORTH BRANCH TOWN Lies on the headwaters of the Sunrise river. It was settled, as early as 1855, by John P. Owens, W. A. Hobbs, B. T. Huntley, and John Schinler. It was organized as a town in 1858, John P. Owens being chairman of the first board of supervisors. John Schinler raised the first crop, in 1857. Schools were established in 1860. OXFORD. Rensselaer Grant, M. Hurley and Stephen Hewson settled within the present limits of this town in 1855. At that time the town was not organized. In 1865 it was included within the limits of North Branch, but in 1878 the town of Oxford was set off as now defined. The first supervisors were John Bachelor, P. Lillygrin and P. Berg. Stephen Hewson was town clerk, and has retained the office ever since. A post office was established in 1863. Stephen Hewson was postmaster, and has held the office continuously ever since. The town is well settled by farmers. In 1870 a cyclone passed through the town, destroying everything in its track, which Was about twenty rods wide. Not a building was left on the homestead of Mr. Hewson. His fine large barn was torn to pieces and the fragments scattered for the distance of a mile. Stephen Hewson is a native of England, which he left in 1844. He resided in Canada a few years, then came to Chicago, and later to Minnesota. He was for awhile a partner in the publishing firm of E. S. Goodrich & Co., then proprietors of the St. Paul Pioneer. He made his present home in Oxford in 1855, and has since that time been intimately identified with its his- 292 fifty years tory and that of the county of Isanti. He was a representative from the Fourth district in the legislature of 1865. He has filled the offices of county auditor, county commissioner and judge of probate court. As an ordained minister of the Methodist church he takes an active interest in religious matters, serving as super intendent of the Sunday-school, and occasionally filling the pul pit. Five of his daughters are school teachers, one of whom, Mary, in 1870, taught the first school in Oxford. He remains hale and hearty in his seventy-seventh year. George W. Nesbit was born in 1828, in Delaware county, New York. He received an academic education. He came in 1856 to St. Francis, Anoka county, Minnesota, and in 1863 to Isanti county. He has been engaged in farming and selling goods, and is an energetic, busy man. He made the first pre-emption tim ber claim on the Mille Lacs reservation, which was rejected. Mr. Nesbit was married in New York and has a family of six chil dren. Rensselaer Grant was born in New York in 1816. His father was a native of Scotland but emigrated to the United States and took' part in the war of 1812. Mr. Grant was mar ried in Saratoga county, New York, in 1837, to Libiah Mitchell. The Grants moved to Illinois in 1S50, and to Isanti county in 1856. Mr. and Mrs. Grant died at North Branch, in 1886, leaving three married sons, two living in Isanti county, and one at Rush City, and three daughters, the eldest married to J. W. Delamater. the second to W. H. Hobbs, the third living in St. Paul. MILLE LACS COUNTY. This county is bounded on the north by Mille Lacs lake and Aitkin county, on the east by Isanti, Kanabec and Aitkin, on the south by Sherburne and on the west by Morrison and Benton counties, and includes about 17 townships extending from south to north a distance of 48 miles, and having a breadth of 12 miles, excepting the two upper series of towns, which have a width of 18 miles. It is, excepting two agricul tural towns in the south, heavily timbered, chiefly with pine. It is well watered by Rum river and its tributaries, and by the body of water known as Mille Lacs, a large picturesque lake, which covers over one hundred and five sections of Aitkin, Crow Wing and Mille Lacs counties. The tributaries of the IN THE NORTHWEST. 293 St. Croix also drain the northeastern part of the county. The southern townships consist of prairies and oak openings, the northern and central parts being covered with hardwood and pine. Immense quantities have been already marketed. The hardwood ridges and flats offer good farming lands, and the wild meadows, scattered over the county, excellent hay and pastur age. Mille Lacs lake, the largest inland lake in Minnesota, is a beautiful and picturesque sheet of water, with receding wooded shores, with but little low land adjoining. The waters are deep and clear and abundantly supplied with fish. This lake, when reached by railways, will be one of the most pleasant summer re sorts in the Northwest. It already attracts the attention of the tourist. A steamer built in 1885 floats upon its waters. The lake is about eighteen miles long by from twelve to fifteen wide, and covers about six townships. Three small islands gem its surface, one of which, from its columnar appearance, seems to be of volcanic or igneous formation. The Mille Lacs reservation covers about four fractional towns, bordering the southern shore of the lake. Since the treaty these lands have been covered by pre-emptions, soldiers' warrants and half-breed scrip, but are held by a doubtful tenure owing to the uncertain and various rulings of the land department. Under the provisions of the treaty, the Indians, a band of Chippewas, were allowed to retain possession until ordered to remove. In anticipation of this order settlements have been made at various periods, and patents have been issued to the pre emptors in a few cases, but in many cases refused. Half-breed scrip has been laid upon thousands of acres under one administration at Wash ington, the permission to be countermanded by another. Mean while the Indians, not having received the order for removal, claim to be the owners of the land, and with some show of justice. In 1882 the Manitoba Railroad Company built a road through the county from east to west, through township 40, ranges 26 and 27. In the early divisions of Minnesota into counties, the territory of Mille Lacs was included in Ramsey and Benton counties. Prior to its present organization, a county called Monroe, cover ing the territory of Mille Lacs, was established but never organ ized. By legislative enactment in 1857 Mille Lacs county was 294 FIFTY YEARS established and organized by the people in 1860, the counties of which its territory was originally a part concurring, and Prince ton was made the county seat. In 1859 there had been effected the organization of one town in the county, known as Princeton. This has since been subdivided into Princeton Greenbush, and Milo. The officers of the town organization in 1859 were: Supervisors, C. W. Houston, Charles Pratt, Joseph L. Cater. The first county election, held April, 1860, resulted in the election of the following officers: County commissioners, Joseph L. Cater, chairman; Samuel Orton, C. S. Moses; auditor and register of deeds, W. W. Payne; clerk of court, S. M. Byers; treasurer, E. J. Whitney; sheriff, Wm. McCauley; probate judge, Samuel Ross. The first term of court was held June 3, 1861, E. C. Vanderburgh, presiding judge. The first recorded deed was from E. J. Whitney to Isaac Staples, and bears date Aug. 4, 1854. MILACCA Has a pleasant site on the Manitoba railroad, on the banks of Rum river at the crossing of the Manitoba & Superior and the junction of the Elk River & Princeton railroad. The Mani toba Company have a good saw mill here, with a capacity of 125,000 feet per day, built at a cost of $50,000. A planing mill is attached. There is a good three story hotel, well kept, here. The village was surveyed and platted March 24, 1886; Chas. Keith, surveyor; James J. Hill, president of the Mille Lacs Lum ber Company, proprietor. It is located in the town of Greenbush. BRIDGMAN VILLAGE, Located in the town of Milo, has a steam saw mill, spoke and hub factory, around which are several residences. PRINCETON. The village of Princeton is located at the junction of the two branches of the Rum river, on a beautiful prairie, surrounded by rich prairie and timber lands. The first log house was built in 1849, and kept as a stopping place by a mulatto known as "Banjo Bill." This house is still standing. The first perma nent settlers were A. B. Damon, O. E. Garrison, C. H. Chad- bourne, Edwin Allen, John W. Allen, Chas. Whitcomb, Joseph L. Cater, W. F. Dunham, and Samuel Ross. They were also IN THE NORTHWEST. 295 the first settlers in the county, and came in 1853-7. In 1855 Messrs. Damon and Allen farmed on the present site of the vil lage. The village was surveyed and platted Feb. 11, 1859, by S. Ross & Co. S. Ross also built a hotel where the North Star Hotel now stands. This year the first frame building was erected and used as a store. W. F. Dunham built a steam saw mill. The first school house was built, although school organization was not effected until 1858. James M. Dayton taught the first school. A post office was established with O. E. Garrison as postmaster. Samuel Ross brought the mail once a week from Anoka. A Con gregational church was established, of which Rev. Royal Twichell was chosen as pastor. The Methodists organized a society the following year. The village was incorporated March 13, 1877, by legislative enactment. The commissioners appointed under the organic act were E. C. Giles, H. B. Cowles, C. H. Rines, B. F. Whiting, and Charles Keith. At the election ordered by them the following officers were chosen: President, C. H. Rines; trustees, F. M. Campbell, Isaiah S. Mudgett, Thomas F. Caly; recorder, Silas L. Staples; treasurer, D. H. Murray; justices of the peace, Scott M. Justice, Charles Keith. The Princeton Appeal was estab lished by Rev. John Quigley in 1873, but discontinued in 1875. In December, 1876, Robert C. Dunn started the Princeton Union, which he still publishes. The Manitoba branch railroad from Elk River to Milacca village passes through Princeton. The first train arrived Nov. 30, 1880. The county contributed $47,000 in bonds at five per cent interest for twenty years, to aid in building the road. The St. Paul, Mille Lacs, Brainerd, Leech Lake & Crookston rail road will, when completed, pass through Princeton. An excel lent school building was erected in 1885, at a cost of about $7,000. Guy Ewing is principal of the school, which is graded. The Grand Army of the Republic have a post here known as the Wallace Rines post. The Masons have an organization, with a splendid hall. A three story hotel, built by Samuel Ross, is kept by his only daughter, Mrs. Barker. A two story brick hotel, the Commercial House, Henry Newbert, proprietor, a handsome structure, was built in 1887. The Mille Lacs County Bank, located here, has a paid up capital of $20,000. Charles Erickson is president; L. P. Hyberg, vice president; Frank 296 FIFTY YEARS Hewse, clerk. Princeton has one steam saw mill, two flouring mills, one feed mill, two elevators with a capacity of 60,000 bushels, and one brewery. A court house and jail are in process of erection at an estimated cost of $10,000. BIOGRAPHICAL. Samuel Ross was born Aug. 22, 1812. He attended Western Reserve College, but through ill health did not graduate. He came to Iowa in 1839, where he was married to Mary Vaughn in 1841. He came to Princeton in 1855, where he took an active part in building up the town and county, filled many prominent and responsible positions in the village and county, and served as representative of the first state legislature. Mrs. Ross died in 1851; Mr. Ross died in 1881, leaving an only daughter, Olive R., widow of A. P. Barker, who was a prominent lawyer of Princeton. Mrs. Barker was elected superintendent of schools in 1880, to which position she has been re-elected and is at pres ent filling the office efficiently. She was the first female super intendent elected in Minnesota. Joseph L. Cater was born in Strafford county, New Hamp shire, in 1828. He came to Princeton in 1855 and engaged in farming. His name appears in all the original organizations of town and county. M. V. B. Cater and sons have also been ac tive and prominent citizens of Princeton. M. V. B. Cater died some years since. Edwin Allen, originally from Welton, Maine, came to Princeton in 1855 and engaged in farming. John H. Allen came from Maine to Princeton in 1854, en gaged in farming and became prominent as a public spirited citizen. - He held various positions of trust in the county and was appointed receiver of the land office at Fergus Falls by President Hayes, and resides there. A. B. Damon came from Maine to Princeton in 1853 and made the first claim on the town site. C. H. Chadbourne was born at Lexington, Massachusetts. At the age of sixteen he embarked in a seafaring life in which he continued nine years. Mr. Chadbourne, wishing to abandon his seafaring ways, and to put himself beyond danger of resum ing them, came to the centre of the continent and located on a farm near Princeton in 1856. He has since followed farming IN THE NORTHWEST. 297 continuously. His farm consists of 900 acres under cultivation, 500 of which is devoted to tame grass and pasturage, on which he feeds 150 head of blooded stock. He has a large dairy which nets him $1,200 annually. He was a member of the state legis latures of 1874-5 and was seven years' county commissioner of Sherburne county. Mr. Chadbourne was married in 1852 to Deborah Crowell. They have three sons and two daughters. 298 FIFTY YEARS- CHAPTER XII. CHISAGO COUNTY. LOCATION — SURFACE — SCENERY. Chisago county, located on the west bank of the St. Croix river, between the counties of Pine on the north and Washing ton on the south, the St. Croix river on the east and the counties of Isanti and Anoka on the west, presents an agreeable variety of surface, upland and generally undulating, covered with hard and soft wood timber, well watered by lakes and streams. Its principal streams are the St. Croix and its tributaries, Rush and Sunrise rivers and Goose creek, and its principal lakes are Chisago, Sunrise, Green, Rush, and Goose lakes. Its lake scenery is unsurpassed in beauty. The county takes the name of its largest and most beautiful lake. In its original, or rather aboriginal, form it was Ki-chi-sago, from two Chippewa words meaning "kichi," large, and "saga," fair or lovely. For eu phonic considerations the first syllable was dropped. CHISAGO LAKE. This lake is conspicuous for its size, the clearness of its waters, its winding shore and islands, its bays, peninsulas, capes, and promontories. It has fully fifty miles of meandering shore line. Its shores and islands are well timbered with maple and other hard woods. It has no waste swamps, or marsh borders. When the writer first came to Taylor's Falls, this beautiful lake was unknown to fame. No one had seen it or could point out its location. Indians brought fish aud maple sugar from a lake which they called Ki-chi sago Sagi-a-gan, or "large and lovely lake." This lake, they said, abounded with "kego," fish. IN THE NORTHWEST. 299° In 1851 the writer, with Bart Emery, made a visit to this beautiful sheet of water. We found it what its Indian name imports, "fair and lovely water." The government had, the year before, completed a survey of the lake, and it was high time that it should be given a name by which it should be des ignated on the map and recognized by civilized visitors. What name more beautiful and appropriate than that which the In dians had already given it. That name we at once recognized and used all our influence to perpetuate under somewhat adverse influences; for Swedish emigrants having settled in its neigh borhood, a strong effort was made to christen it "Swede Lake," but the lake is to-day known as Chisago, and Chisago it is likely to remain. We believe in the policy of retaining the old Indian names whenever possible. As a rule they are far more musical and appropriate than any we can apply. The Indians have left us their lands, their lakes, their streams; let us accept with them the names by which they were known. Some have been translated into English and appear on the maps as Goose, Elk, Beaver and Snake. By all means let us retranslate them in memory of the race that once owned them. DALLES OF ST. CROIX. Chisago county shares with Polk county in the ownership of the wildest and most peculiar scenery in the valley of the St. Croix. At Taylor's Falls, the head of navigation, the river flows between ledges of trap rock, varying in height from fifty to two hundred and fifty feet, for the most part perpendicular, but wildly irregular, as is common in trap rock formations. These ledges are crowned with pine trees and a dense under growth of bushes and vines. The prevailing color of the rock is a cold or bluish gray, but broken occasionally by brilliant patches of coloring, red, yellow or green, as they may be stained by oxides of the metals, or covered with lichens and mosses. This formation is known as "The Dalles," sometime^ improperly styled "Dells." The rocks composing it are porphyritic trap, an igneous rock forced upward from the interior of the earth through crevices in the crust while still in a liquid state and then solidifying in masses, sometimes prismatic but oftener in irregular polygons, and broken by parallel lines of cleavage. Some geological experts claim that these rocks are "in place" 300 FIFTY YEARS as forming a part of the original crust of the earth, but the balance of evidence seems to be in favor of their having been erupted at a comparatively modern period. This is evidenced by the presence of water-worn boulders and pebbles, imbedded in •the trap, somewhat like plums in a pudding, while it was yet plastic; and now forming a species of conglomerate as hard and compact as the trap itself. These rocks are supposed to be "rich in copper and silver, and miners have spent much time in prospecting for these metals. Whatever the origin of the rocks, it is conceded that they were once plastic, at which time this region could not have been a safe or pleasant dwelling place for such beings as now inhabit the world. The theory of a comparatively recent eruption of these rocks is not a pleasant one, for the suggestion forces itself upon the mind that that which has been, at least in recent times, may occur again. The occasional recurrence of earthquakes on our western coast, and the recent severe disturbances in South Caro lina and Georgia, raise the query whether this region may not again be visited with an outburst and overflow of trap, terrible and destructive as the first. The foundations, however, seem firm enough to last forever. The rocks are of unusual hardness, and the crust of the earth is probably as solid and thick here as else where. The Dalles proper are about one mile in length. The river, in its passage through them, varies in width from one hundred and fifty to three hundred feet. It was formerly re ported unfathomable, but in recent years, owing to a filling up process caused by the debris of the log drivers, it is found to be not more than a hundred feet in its deepest place. The river makes an abrupt bend about a bold promontory of trap known as Angle or Elbow Rock. To the first voyageurs this seemed to be the end of the river, and gave rise to the story that at this point the river burst out of the rocks. Much of the frontage of the rocks upon the river is smooth and perpendicular, and stained with oxides of iron and copper. In places it is broken. The upper rocks are disintegrated by the action of rain and frost, and, where far enough from the river, have fallen so as to form a talus or slope of angular fragments to the water's edge. THE DEVIL'S CHAIR. There are some instances in whichj by the breaking away and falling of smaller rocks, larger rocks have been left standing in IN THE NORTHWEST. 301 the form of columns. Most notable of these are the "Devil's Pulpit," and the "Devil's Chair." The former, owing to sur rounding shrubbery, is not easily seen. The latter is a conspic uous object on the western shore of the river a few rods below the lower landing. It stands on the slope formed by the debris of a precipice that rises here about 120 feet above the river. Its base is about 40 feet above low water mark; the column it- THE DEVIL'S CHAIR. self reaches 45 feet higher. It is composed of many angular pieces of trap, the upper portion bearing a rude resemblance to a chair. It is considered quite a feat to climb to the summit. The face of the rocks is disfigured by the names of ambitious and undeserving persons. The nuisance of names and adver tisements painted upon the most prominent rocks in the. Dalles is one that every lover of Nature will wish to have abated. To spend an hour climbing amongst these precipices to find in some conspicuous place the advertisement of a quack medicine, illus- 302 ' FIFTY YEARS trates the adage: "There is but one step from the sublime to the ridiculous." THE WELLS. A more remarkable curiosity may be found on that bench or middle plateau of the Dalles, lying between the upper and the lower Taylor's Falls landings, in what has been not inaptly styled "The Wells." These are openings, or pits, not much unlike wells, in places where the trap is not more than 50 feet above water level, varying in width from a few inches to 30 or 40 feet, the deepest being from 20 to 25 feet. These seem to have been formed by the action of water upon pebbles or boulders, much as "potholes" are now being formed in the rocky bot toms of running streams. The water falls upon the pebbles or boulders in such a way as to cause them to revolve and act as a drill, boring holes in the rock proportioned to the force of the agencies employed. Some of these boulders and pebbles, worn to a spherical shape, were originally found at the bottoms of these wells, but have been mostly carried away by the curious. Some of the wells are cut through solid pieces of trap. The walls of others are seamed and jointed; in some cases fragments have fallen out, and in others the entire side of the wells has been violently disrupted and partly filled with debris. The extreme hardness of the trap rock militates somewhat against the theory of formation above given. It is, however, not improbable that this hardness was acquired after long ex posure to the air. SETTLEMENT AND ORGANIZATION. In the history of St. Croix Falls mention has been made of some of the pioneers of Chisago county. St. Croix Falls and Taylor's Falls, the pioneer settlement of Chisago county, though a river divides them which is also the boundary line of two states, have much that is common in their early history. The inhabitants were always greatly interested in what was going on over the river. We may add, that although they now stand in the attitude of rival cities, their interests are still identical, and we believe that, but for the unwise policy of making St. Croix river a state line, they might be to-day under one city govern ment, and -as compact and harmonious as though no St. Croix river rolled between them. The fiver is their joint property; IN THE NORTHWEST. 303 Doth have the same heritage of trap rocks and pines, the same milling privileges, the same lumbering interests, and, it must be confessed, they remain up to the present time about equally mated. J. R. Brown was unquestionably the pioneer of the set tlement. Frank Steele says he found J. R. Brown trading, in 1837, on the spot now the site of Taylor's Falls. He was not, however, the first white man upon the soil. There is some documentary evidence of the establishment by the French of a fort forty leagues up the St. Croix some time between the years 1700 and 1703. This fort was in all probability erected on the plateau below the Dalles, the distance given, forty leagues, being exaggerated after the fashion of the early voya- geurs. It was called Fort St. Croix. There was also a pre historic settlement, the ruins of which the writer noted as early as 1851, on the school land addition to Taylor's Falls, These were the foundations of nine houses, plainly visible. Over some of them trees two feet in diameter were growing. The rock foundations ranged in size from twenty to thirty feet, with the hearth containing ashes underlying the debris of ages, on smooth hearthstones showing years of service, being apparently a cent- nry old. These were the homes, undoubtedly, of a civilized people, and we may claim for Taylor's Falls, Chisago county, cne of the first improvements made by whites in the limits of Minnesota. During the last half of the last century a prominent trading post was established and maintained for many years on the St. Croix river, which was founded by Pierre Grinow, and during the close of the last century it was in the charge of one James Perlier, who afterward became one of the most useful citizens of Green Bay, Wisconsin. Lawrence Barth was also here in 1793. The evidence of the existence of this trading post rests upon tra ditions and the ruins referred to. Recurring to the pioneer Brown, the most irrepressible of all the advance guard of civili zation, we find him only a transient inhabitant. He stayed lbng enough to cut 200,000 feet of pine logs from the present site of Taylor's Falls, when the neighborhood lost its attractions. These were the first pine saw logs cut in the St. Croix valley. In 1838 a French trader, Robinet, was located at the same place, but in the summer of the same year came Mr. Jesse Tay lor from Fort Snelling where he had been following the business 304 FIFTY YEARS of a stonemason. He had heard of the ratification of the Indian treaty by Congress, and he greatly coveted some of the rich lands brought into market by that treaty. Mr. Taylor, with an Indian guide, came to the Dalles of the St. Croix. As Mr. Steele had already claimed the east side, Mr. Taylor concluded that he would claim the west side. Returning to Fort Snelling he re ported to an associate, Benjamin F. Baker, formed a partner ship and returned with men, boats, provisions and building material, but on his return to the falls he found Robinet, the trader, in a bark shanty (at the present junction of Bridge and River streets). Robinet was in actual possession of the coveted acres. Robinet having no other function than that of a trader, and consequently having no serious designs on the lands was easily bought off, and Baker & Taylor, in August, 1838, com menced improvements, building a log house, a blacksmith shop, a mill, and commencing a mill race which had to be blasted. They also built piers and a wing dam just above the present location of the bridge. The mill was located at what has since become the upper steamboat landing. Mr. Taylor named the lower falls Baker's falls, and the settlement, Taylor's Place. When the town was platted, in 1850, it was called Taylor's Falls. The name came also to be applied to the lower falls. The mill enterprise was a melancholy failure. The builders were not practical mill men. The improvements were expensive. The work of blasting rock and building made slow progress. There was no income as long as the mill was in process of build ing. In the midst of these embarrassments, in 1840, Mr. Baker died. Mr Taylor took entire possession with no other right than that of a squatter sovereign. In 1843 Mr. Taylor sold the unfin ished mill to parties in Osceola, and in 1844 everything movable was transferred to that place. The double log cabin remained, and there Mr. Taylor lived for eight years on the proceeds of the sale, performing in all that time no work more worthy of the historian's notice than fixing his name upon the settlement and falls. Many of the later residents query as to why it was ever called Taylor's Falls. It takes a keen eye to discover any fall in the river at the point named. The falls indeed were once far more conspicuous than they are now, owing to the fact that a large rock rose above the water at the ordinary stage, around which the crowded waters roared and swirled. That rock, never IN THE NORTHWEST. 305 visible in later days, was called Death Rock, because three hap less mariners in a skiff were hurled against it by the swift cur rent and drowned. The old log house, the sole remnant of the Baker and Taylor project, if we may except some holes in the rock made by blast ing, and some submerged ruins of the wing dam and pier, has passed through various changes. It has been used as a store, as a boarding house, as a warehouse, as a church, as a school house, and as a stable. Part of it still remains and is habitable. It is located on lot 18, block 15. In 1846 Jesse Taylor sold his claim to Joshua L. Taylor for two hundred dollars. This claim, like most of the claims made prior to the survey of government lands, was not accurately defined. It included, however, all the lands on the west side of the river, extending northward to the St. Croix Company's claim, at the upper falls, and including the present site of Taylor's Falls. Aside from mill building, nothing was done in the way of improvements until 1846, when Jerry Ross and Benjamin F. Otis commenced farming on what was subsequently known as the Morton and Colby farms. Both raised potatoes and garden vege tables and built houses. This was the first cultivation of the soil in Chisago county. In 1847 Mr. Otis sold his improvements to Wm. F. Colby, who, in that year, raised the first corn grown by white men in the county. In 1846 Thornton Bishop commenced improvements on a farm at the head of the rapids, six miles above Taylor's Falls. J. L. Taylor, in 1848, built a pre-emption, shanty midway between the upper and lower falls. In 1849 he proved up his pre-emption to lots 5, 6 and 7, section 30, town ship 34, range 18. N. C. D. Taylor pre-empted the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 25, and the west half of the same quarter section; also lot 1, section 36, township 34, range 19.' In 1849 Lewis Barlow and Wm. E. Bush became citizens. An abstract of the canvassed returns of an election held November 26th shows but six votes in the settlement. In 1850 W. F. Colby pre-empted the northeast quarter of section 25, township 34, range 19, and W. H. C. • Folsom the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the same. At a regular meeting of the St. Croix county board, held at Stillwater, April 2, 1850, the following judges of election were 20 306 FIFTY YEARS appointed within the present limits of Chisago county: St. Croix Falls precinct, Wm. F. Colby, Wm. Holmes, N. C. D. Taylor; Rush Lake precinct, Levi Clark, Walter Carrier and Richard Arnold. At a meeting, held Oct. 7, 1850, the petition of Lewis Barlow and ten others, of St. Croix Falls precinct, was pre sented, asking for a special election, to elect two justices of the peace. Their petition was granted. The poll was: Wm. E. Bush, one vote; John H. Reid, six votes; Ansel Smith, five votes. Reid and Smith were declared elected. The first survey of town lots was made in 1851, by Theodore E. Parker, of Stillwater, and under this survey the village was legally established as Taylor's Falls. The first deeds recorded in Chisago county were transcripts from Washington county of lands consisting of town site prop erty, dated 1851, conveyed to W. H. C. Folsom by J. L. and N. C. D. Taylor. The movement for the organization of a new county from the northern part of Washington commenced in the winter of 1851-52. A formidable petition to the legislature to make such organization, drawn up and circulated by Hon. Ansel Smith, of Franconia, and the writer, was duly forwarded, presented and ac quiesced in by that body. The writer had been selected to visit the capital in the interest of the petitioners. Some difficulty arose as to the name. The writer had proposed "Chi-sa-ga." This Indian name was ridiculed, and Hamilton, Jackson, Frank lin and Jefferson were in turn proposed. The committee of the whole finally reported in favor of the name, Chisaga, but the legislature, in passing the bill for our county organization, by clerical or typographical error changed the last "a" in "saga" to "o," which, having become the law, has not been changed. The eastern boundary of the county was fixed as the St. Croix river; the southern boundary, the line between townships 32 and 33 ; the western, the line between ranges 21 and 22, for three townships south, and the line between ranges 22 and 23 for the remaining townships north. To show how little was known of the geography of the section we refer to the record of the county commissioners of Washington county, dated Dec. 15, 1848, at which St. Croix district, the present Chisago county, was established as "bounded on the north by Sunrise river and on the west byline between ranges 21 and 22 — an utter impossibility, as the Sunrise river flows in a northerly di- IN THE NORTHWEST. 307 rection entirely through the county and at its nearest point does not come within three miles of the range line mentioned. The election for the first board of county officers was held at the Chisago House, Oct. 14, 1851. Twenty-three votes were polled at this election. The following officers were elected : Commissioners, Samuel Thomson, chairman ; N. C. D. Taylor, Thomas F. Morton ; clerk of board and register of deeds, F. W. Abbott ; treasurer, W. H. C. Folsom. The bill establishing the county provided that "the seat of justi ce of the county of Chisago shall beat such point in said county as the first board of commis sioners elected in said county shall determine." In accordance with this law, at the first meeting of the commissioners, held at the office of N. C. D. Taylor in Taylor's Falls, Jan. 5, 1852, the town of Taylor's Falls was chosen as the county seat, "agreeable to the Revised Statutes, chapter 1st, section 14th." As the population of the county increased the project of mov ing the county seat to a more nearly central position was agitated. In 1858 a vote was taken which resulted in favor of its removal to Centre City. The matter of the legality of the vote was referred to the court, and decided by Judge Welch adversely, on the ground that a majority of the voters of the county had not voted. The county seat consequently remained at Taylor's Falls. In 1861 another vote was taken by which the county seat was removed to Chisago City, and there it remained under somewhat adverse circumstances. Chisago City having but a small popu lation and no conveniences for such a purpose, and being for several years without even a post office, repeated efforts were made for another removal, until in 1875 a vote to remove it to Centre City carried. In January, 1876, the records were removed. The county authorities issued $5,000 bonds for a court house which was erected on a point of land extending into Chisago lake, a beautiful situation. The bonds have been paid and the county is without indebtedness, and has a surplus of about $10,000. The town of Amador comprises two eastern tiers of sections of township 35, range 20, and two fractional sections of town ship 36, range 20, fractional township 35, range 19, and one fractional section of township 36, range 19. The St. Croix river forms its boundary on the north and east. The surface is undu lating. The western and southern part is covered with hard- 308 FIFTY YEARS wood timber and has rich soil. The northern part has oak openings and prairie, with soil somewhat varied, in some places more or less sandy. It is well watered and drained. Thornton Bishop, the first settler, came in 1846, and located a farm on the banks of the St. Croix, at the head of the rapids, in section 34. Richard Arnold settled on Amador prairie in 1854, and was followed by James P. Martin, Carmi P. Garlick and others. Garlick was a practicing physician, but engaged in other work. He built a steam saw mill and made many other improvements, among them laying out the village of Amador in section 9, town ship 35, range 20. H. N. Newbury, surveyor, not succeeding in his undertaking, issued the prospectus of a paper to be called the St. Croix Eagle and to be published at Taylor's Falls. This failing he removed to Osceola. Amador was organized in 1858. The first supervisors were C. P. Garlick, R. Arnold and James Martin. A post office was established in 1857; Henry Bush, postmaster. Mr. Bush had a small farm at the mouth of Deer creek, where he built a large public house, two stories high.. This house burned down. He established a ferry across the St. Croix. He had a large family of boys who roamed the woods freely until one of their number was lost. The other boys came home as usual but of one they could give no account. Parties were organized for the search, which at last was given up as unsuccessful. A year afterward the bones of the missing boy were found some miles away, by the side of a log, where the little wanderer had doubtless per ished of starvation and exposure. Mr. Bishop raised the first crops of the town. The first marriage was that of Charles S. Nevers and Mary Snell, by John Winans, Esq., Feb. 23, 1860. Thornton Bishop was a native of Indiana. He came to St. Croix Falls in 1841 and was married to Delia Wolf in 1842, by Rev. W. D. Boutwell, at the Pokegama mission. This wife was a well educated half-breed. They raised a large family of chil dren. He came to Amador in 1846 and farmed for some time at the head of the rapids, when he sold his farm and moved to Sunrise. In 1880 he removed to Kettle River station. In 1883-84-85-86 he served as commissioner for Pine county. William Holmes came to Amador and settled on a farm at the head of the rapids in 1848. The farm is now held by John Dabney. Mr. Holmes married a sister of Mrs. Thornton IN THE NORTHWEST. 309 Bishop. She was educated at Pokegama mission. They raised a large family of children. In 1852 Mr. Holmes removed to Sunrise and thence to Trade River, Wisconsin, in 1875, where he sickened. His brother-in-law. Bishop, came to his relief, re moved him to his own home and cared for him till he died, May, 1876. James M. Martin was one of the first settlers in Amador. He came originally from Missouri, where he was married. He died July 17, 1887 ; Mrs. Martin dying some years prior. Their sons are James M., Harvey, Charles, Isaac, and Theodore. Their daughters are Mrs. Cowan, Mrs. Wilkes, Mrs. Nordine and Mrs. Lanon. BRANCH. The town of Branch, occupying township 35, range 21, was set off from Sunrise, and organized in 1872. The first supervisors were William Winston, Peter Delamater and Frank Knight. A post office was established in 1869; Geo. W. Flanders, postmas ter. The surface is mostly undulating, and the soil a sandy loam. There are oak openings, and along the course of the north branch of the Sunrise river, which flows through the town from west to east, there are many excellent wild meadows. The north part originally contained pine forests; about 5, 000, 000 feet have been •cut away. Branch contains some pretty and well cultivated farms. The St. Paul & Duluth railroad traverses the town from south to north. NORTH BRANCH STATION. The only village in the town of Branch was platted in Janu ary, 1870, the proprietors being the Western Land Association, L. Mendenhall, agent. The plat includes the north half of the northwest quarter of section 21, and the northeast quarter of section 20, township 35, range 21. The first settler was G. M. Flanders, who opened a store hepe in 1868, which was burned in 1869. Henry L. Ingalls erected a good hotel and other buildings. In 1870 Gurley & Bros, established a store; B. F. Wilkes built a hotel; Winston, Long & Co. established a store. In 1874 J. F. F. Swanson built a flouring mill, which was burned in 1878. The loss was about $6,000, with but little insurance. The village now contains two elevators, three hotels, six stores and the usual pro portion of dwellings. There are two churches, the Episcopalian 310 FIFTY YEARS building, erected in 1883, and the Congregational, in 1884. There is also a good school house. The village was incorporated in 1882. In December, 1884, the store of. Singleton & Bonnafon was burned; loss estimated at $15,000, with but little insurance. Henry L. Ingalls was born in Abingdon, Connecticut, in 1804. In 1832 he was married to Lavina L. Child, of Wood stock, Connecticut, and with his wife and younger brother emi grated to Illinois, settling at Chandler, Cass county. There he remained seventeen years, when, his impaired health necessitat ing a change, with his son Henry he went to California. In 1 853 he returned and settled on Sunrise prairie, then an unbroken wilderness. For seventeen years he lived on his farm and kept a popular country hotel. In 1870 he removed to North Branch and built a large frame residence, where he lived until his death, which occurred Sept. 2, 1876. Mr. Ingalls left three sons, Eph- raim, Henry and Van Rensselaer. Mrs. Lavina L. Ingalls, whose maiden name was Childs, was born in Connecticut in 1806; was married as above stated in 1832, from which time she cheerfully and uncomplainingly shared the fortunes of her husband in the West, undergoing the usual toils and privations of the pioneer. While at Sunrise, during part of the time she had no neighbors nearer than Taylor's Falls. The first post office in Chisago county north of Taylor's Falls was at her house, and was known as Muscotink. She and her husband, during the later years of their lives, were Spiritualists, and derived great comfort from their peculiar phase of belief. Mrs. Ingalls was a talented and kind hearted woman, charitable in act and beloved by her associates. She died Dec. 29, 1879. CHISAGO LAKE. The town of Chisago Lake includes the four western tiers of sections of township 33, range 20, and township 34, range 20. A permanent characteristic of this town is its unrivaled lake scenery, rendering it not only attractive for residences but a favorite resort of visitors. Its principal lake has already been described. The first settler was John S. Van Rensselaer, who located on an island opposite the present site of Centre City in the spring of 1851, and raised a crop of corn and vegetables. He built him a cabin and lived there three years. Eric Nor- berg, a prominent Swede, came to the lake from Bishop's Hill, IN THE NORTHWEST. 311 Illinois, in April, 1851, and being pleased with the locality, came back with a colony of Swedes, including Peter Berg, An drew Swenson, Peter Anderson, Peter Shaline, Daniel Rattick, and others. They came by steamboat, landed at Taylor's Falls June 24, 1851, cut a road to Chisago lake and took undisputed possession of its shores, finding no trace of human occupancy save some deserted Indian tepees and the claim cabin of Mr. Van Rensselaer on the island. Mr. Berg settled on the west part of lot 3, section 35, and southwest quarter of southwest quarter of section 26, township 34, range 20. Peter Anderson on the east part of lot 3, and northwest quarter of northeast quarter of section 35, township 34, range 20. Andrew Swenson on lot 5, section 27, township 34, range 20. Mr. Norberg had come first to the country at the invitation of Miles Tornell, who was mur dered in 1848, near St. Croix Falls, by some Indian assassins, hired to commit the deed by one Miller, a whisky seller. Mr. Norberg originally intended to make his home at Chisago Lake, but died at Bishop's Hill, Illinois, while on a visit in 1853. The colony in 1852 raised the first rye, barley and flax in the county. They also raised potatoes, green corn and vegetables, cut out roads, cleared timber, and made other improvements. Peter Berg raised flax and made linen thread in 1852, the first made in Minnesota. Settlers came in rapidly. Among the arrivals in 1852 and soon after were the Petersons, Strands, Johnsons, Frank Mobeck, Dahliam, Porter, and others. A post office was established in 1858; A. Nelson, postmaster. The town was organized in 1858. The first supervisors were: Eprhraim C. Ingalls, chairman; Frank Mobeck and Daniel Lindstrom. The first church organization in the county was that of the Swedish Evangelical Lutheran, in 1854. Here1 was built the first church edifice in 1855, a frame structure subsequently en larged, but in 1882 superseded by a fine brick building, costing $30,000. Its dimensions are 116x66 feet, ground plan, and the spire is 135 feet in height. A fine organ was purchased at a cost of $1,500. This church building is an ornament to the town and the State, and would be creditable even to our great cities. The first pastor was Rev. P. A. Cedarstam. His successors are Revs. C. A. Hedengrand and John J. Frodeen, the present incumbent. The communicants number about 1,300. In 1880 the St. Paul & Duluth railroad extended a branch 312 FIFTY YEARS road from Wyoming to Taylor's Falls. This passes through the town of Chisago Lake, from west to east, crossing three arms of the lake. To secure this road the town gave $10,000 in twenty year bonds. It obtains in exchange an outlet for the products of its farms and forests. The bridge across Chisago lake was built in 1857, at a cost of $1,500. It has since been made an embank ment bridge at an additional cost of $1,600. Of this the State furnished $1,000 and the county $600. CENTRE CITY, The county seat of Chisago county, was platted May, 1857, on lot 5, section 27, township 34, range 20; Andrew Swenson, pro prietor; Alex. Cairns, surveyor. It is located on a peninsula midway on the east shore of Chisago lake. Few villages are more beautifully situated. It contains two hotels, three stores, a saw and feed mill, two church buildings, a Swedish Lutheran and Swedish Methodist, a school house and many pleasant resi dences. The court house was built in 1876, at a cost of $5,000, on a promontory commanding a fine view of the lake. The depot of the branch of the St. Paul & Duluth railroad is located half a mile south of the village. Summer excursionists assemble here in goodly numbers, and the location bids fair to become very at tractive as a summer resort. During the Indian outbreak in 1862, and the period of uncertainty as to the probable attitude of the Chippewa Indians, the people of Chisago Lake built breast works for protection, on the isthmus connecting Centre City with the mainland, and planted cannon upon them for defense. The remains of these old fortifications may still be seen. Andrew Swenson. -j- Mr. Swenson, the founder of Centre City, came to the shores of the lake in 1851, and made his home on the present site of the city. He was born in Sweden in 1817; came to America in 1850, and remained a short time in New Or leans before coming to Minnesota. He was a farmer and a mem ber of the Methodist church. He was married to Catharine Peterson in 1838. He died in July, 1887, leaving two sons and two daughters. John S. Van Rensselaer came to Chisago Lake in the spring of 1851, and settled on an island, where he lived three years in hermit-like seclusion, raising corn and vegetables. His cabin, always neat and tasteful, was furnished with a choice library. IN THE NORTHWEST. 313 In 1854 he removed to Sunrise Lake, where he lived fifteen years, engaged in farming. He removed thence to Sunrise City. Mr. Van Rensselaer was the founder of the first cheese factories in the county, at Sunrise City and Centre City. He is an honor able and upright man, whose high aim is to exemplify the golden rule in his life and deportment. Axel Dahliam settled on the west shore of East Chisago lake in 1852. Mr. Dahliam had been an officer in the Swedish Army. He was a cultivated gentleman. He died in 1869. Nels Nord was born in Lindhopsing, Sweden, in 1819. In his eighteenth year he enlisted in the Swedish Army and served twelve years. He came to America in 1855 and located on Chi sago lake, in the northeast quarter of section 32, township 34, range 20. He was married in Sweden to Lisa Anderson. They have one son, John P., who has been for seven years the popular and efficient auditor of Chisago county. He was married in 1878 to Hildah, daughter of Rev. 0. A. Hedengrand. They have one daughter. John A. Hallberg was born at Smolland, Sweden, in 1830. He came to America in 1853 and to Centra rCity in 1854. In 1872 he purchased a saw and feed mill of Shogren Brothers. In 1876 he built a hotel. He has held the office of justice of the peace many years and has served four years as county commis sioner. He was married to Matilda E. Carlson in 1870. Chas. A. Bush is of German descent. His father, Wm. H. Bush, lived in Wyoming. His great grandfather came to this country in 1765 and fought on the side of the colonies. Chas. A. came to Minnesota in 1869 from Pennsylvania. He has served as treasurer of Chisago county four years. Lars Johan Stark was born in Sweden in 1826; came to America in 1850, and settled at Chisago Lake in 1852. He was married in 1865, and again in 1870. He has eleven children liv ing. In Sweden he served as clerk ten years. In his American home he has followed farming chiefly. He has served as justice of the peace and county commissioner, and has filled some town offices. He was engrossing clerk of the house of representatives in 1864. He was a member of the house in the sessions of 1865 and 1875. In 1868 he moved to the town of Fish Lake, and in 1877 to Harris. Frank Mobeck. was born in Sweden in 1814. He came to 314 FIFTY YEARS America in 1851, and in 1853 to Chisago Lake, where he settled on lot 5, section 34, township 34, range 20. His home is on a beautiful elevation, on a point of land projecting into the lake. Mr. Mobeck served in the Swedish Army seventeen years. He has raised a large family of children, all of whom are good citi zens. Robert Currie was born in Ayrshire, Scotland. After reaching manhood he was employed many years as superintend ent of a fancy manufacturing company. He was married in Scotland. In 1854, after the death of his wife, he came to America, and in 1855 selected a place for a home on the north shore of west Chisago lake, where he lived till his death by * drowning in 1883. The site of his home was well chosen. It commanded a beautiful view of the lake, and in the sum mer months was luxuriantly adorned with flowers. Mr. Cur rie was a man of fine intellect, well cultivated, and an ardent admirer of his countryman Burns, from whom, and from Shake speare and other masters of English literature he could quote for hours. Mr. Currie' s occupation was farming, but he filled several offices acceptably. He was superintendent of schools, judge of probate and clerk of district court. Though somewhat eccentric, he was a social, kind hearted man. Andrew N. Holm, formerly Andrew Nelson, his name hav ing been changed by legislative enactment in 1867, was born in Sweden in 1829. He learned the trade of carpenter, came to America in 1855 and located in Centre City in 1857, of which city he was first postmaster. He served as a soldier during the Civil War and at its close removed his family to Taylor's Falls, which is still his home. LINDSTROM VILLAGE, Located on the line of the Taylor's Falls branch of the St. Paul & Duluth railroad, on lot 4, section 33, town 34, range 20, was platted in 1880 by G. W. Sewall, surveyor. The proprietors are James and Elisabeth Smith. It is situated on high ground and almost surrounded by the waters of Lake Chisago. It would be difficult to find a lovelier site. Maurice Tombler built the first store and elevator here, in 1881. There are now three stores," one hotel, one railroad station and several shops and dwellings. A post office was established at Lindstrom in 1880; Charles H. Bush, postmaster. IN THE NORTHWEST. 315 Daniel Lindstrom was born in 1825, in Helsingland, Swe- 'den. He had no early advantages for obtaining an education, and spent most of his youth herding goats amongst the mountains in the north part of Sweden. In 1854 he came to America and located on Chisago lake, choosing a beautiful location, which has since been laid out as a village, and bids fair to become a place of popular resort. Mr. Lindstrom was married first in Sweden, and now lives with his second wife, the first having died in 1864. He has a family of three children. He has filled official posi tions in his town acceptably. Magnus S. Shaleen was born in Sweden in 1796; came to America in 1855, and made a homestead near Lindstrom in sec tion 29, town 34, range 20, where he died in 1869. Mrs. Shaleen died in 1873. John, the oldest son, resides on the family home stead. He has served as sheriff of Chisago county six years, and state senator eight years. Peter, the second son, has served as postmaster of Centre City fourteen years, and clerk of the dis trict court five years. Sarah, the eldest daughter, married John Swenson. They have three sons, John H., Henry A. and Oscar, industrious, reliable young men, all in the employ of the St. Paul & Duluth Railroad Company. Mary married Andrew Wallmark at Chisago Lake, in 1856. One daughter is unmarried. CHISAGO city. The village of Chisago City is located on a hardwood ridge, between Chisago and Green lakes, in sections 6 and 7, township 34, range 20. It was platted by Isaac Bernheimer&Co., of Phila delphia, on lot 4, section 7, township . 34, range 20, in 1855. They built a hotel, several dwellings, and a saw and grist mill on the banks of Chisago lake, at an expense of about $7,000. These mills were burned in 1872. A stave factory was built on the site of the burned mills, which was operated successfuly for many years under the management of George Nathan, Otto Wallmark, W. D. Webb and others. This stave mill gave a new impetus to the prosperity of the village, under the influence of which the county seat was transferred to it. Its subsequent , growth, however, did not justify expectations. It was for many years without even a post office. In 1875 the county seat was removed to Centre City. The Lutherans have here one of the finest church buildings in the county. The branch railroad 316 FIFTY YEARS depot is located one mile north, and quite a village has grown up around it. Otto Wallmark was born Dec. 7, 1830, in the province of Halland, Sweden. In his minority he was nine years clerk in a store. He received a common school education. In 1854 he came to America and directly to Chisago City, where he lived many years, making a homestead, which has since been his permanent home. He served eighteen years as Chisago county auditor. He served several years as postmaster at Chisago City, and in 1886 was elected state senator for four years. His first wife was Mary Helene, his second wife, Eva Palmgreen. They have one son and one daughter. Andrew Wallmark, brother of Otto, was born in Sweden in 1826; received a liberal education, and came to Chisago Lake from Sweden in 1854. He has filled several town offices; has been register of deeds for Chisago county nine'teen years; was married to Mary Shaleen in 1856. They have two sons and three daughters. FISH LAKE. The town of Fish Lake includes township 36, range 22. It was originally well timbered, chiefly with hardwood, but 25,- 000,000 feet of pine timber has been cut from it and mostly manufactured in the town. There are some fine lakes in the town, of which the largest and finest are Horseshoe and Cedar. The soil is black clay loam with subsoil of clay. The town was cut off from the town of Sunrise and organized in 1868. The first supervisors were Chas. F. Stark, Benjamin Franklin and John A. Hokanson. A post office was established in 1868; Benjamin Franklin, postmaster. The first settlers were Peter Olaf and Peter Bergland, in section 25. The first school was taught by Miss Mattison. The first marriage was that of John Hokanson and Matilda Samuelson. The first death was that of John Erickson. The population is mostly from Sweden. There is a good Swedish Lutheran church built near the centre of the town. There are also a Swedish Methodist and a Swedish Bap tist society. The people are a well-to-do, independent class. Fish Lake has a saw mill with a capacity of about 1,000,000 feet. In 1877 Hosburg, the watchman of this mill, was killed by Priestly, an Englishman. Hosburg, in accordance with the IN THE NORTHWEST. 317 rules, had ordered him not to smoke on the premises. The Englishman was arrested, tried for murder and acquitted. Peter Berg was born in Sweden in 1801; came to America in 1850, and settled at Chisago Lake in 1851. Some time subse quently he settled on the north shore of Fish lake. In 1886, at the age of eighty-five years, he is still a vigorous, active man. Mr. Berg was married in Sweden. He has one daughter, Katharine, who married Sam Hamilton, of Taylor's Falls. Mr. Hamilton died in 1871. She married as her second husband Swain G. Yon- gren. Benjamin Franklin, though he bears the name of America's most illustrious philosopher, is a native of Sweden, whence he came with a Swedish colony in 1852, settled at Taylor's Falls, and subsequently removed to the northern shore of Fish lake. By way of explaining how he came by his American name we add that soon after his arrival he came to the writer somewhat puz zled as to how he should write his Swedish name in English. He gave it as "Ben Franz Norel," but pronounced it in such a way that it sounded rather like Benjamin Franklin. We suggested that name as a happy solution of the difficulty, telling him some thing about the illustrious man who had made it honorable. He adopted it at once, and has never disgraced it. He is still a worthy, industrious and honorable citizen of Fish Lake. FRANCONIA Includes the two eastern tiers of sections of township 33, range 20, and fractional township 33, range 19, including about fifteen whole sections, and four fractional. The soil is good, and originally supported a growth of hardwood. The surface is undulating. It is well watered by Lawrence and several other small creeks tributary to the St. Croix, and has several small but clear lakes. Ansel Smith was the first settler of the town and village, which he named after Franconia in the White mountains. He came here in' 1852. and located a claim on the present site of the vil lage, on the St. Croix river, section 10, township 33, range 19. He did much for the prosperity of the village and town. He raised the first crops and was the first postmaster (1854). The town was organized in 1858. The first supervisors were Ansel Smith, Leonard P. Day and A. J. Adams. The town is now well set tled and has many excellent farms. The branch St. Paul & Du luth railroad has a depot three-fourths of a mile from the village 318 FIFTY YEARS of Franconia. A German Methodist church is located near the centre of the town. FRANCONIA VILLAGE Was platted in 1858, by Ansel Smith. It was incorporated in 1884. Paul Munch, in 1860, erected a first class, three storied flouring mill on Lawrence creek. A saw mill, erected in 1854 by the Clark brothers and Ansel Smith, has passed through many changes of ownership. It is now the property of Matthews & Jourdain. Henry F. and Leonard P. Day built the first good dwelling in the village, on the banks of the St. Croix, just above the steamboat landing. Margaret Smith taught the first school. The first death in the village was that of Neil Monroe. Ansel Smith came from Vermont to St. Croix Falls in 1850 and engaged in teaching. In 1851 he helped erect the Chisago House in Taylor's Falls. In 1852 he made a claim on the St. Croix river, in section 10, township 33, range 19, and there platted the village of Franconia, clearing away the worst of the timber with his own hands. , He was an energetic, actiye busi ness man, and took an interest not only in the affairs of his town and neighborhood, but in the country at large. He represented his district in the fifth, sixth and seventh legislatures. He was appointed register of the United States land office at Duluth in 1870 and served till 1872. Mr. Smith died at his residence in Duluth in 1878, leaving a wife and three promising sons, two of them practicing attorneys in Duluth; one cashier of a bank in Duluth. Henry F. and Leonard P. Day. —The Day brothers came from St. Lawrence, New York, to the St. Croix valley in 1849, and settled in Franconia in 1852. Henry married Margaret Smith, daughter of David Smith. During the Rebellion he served in Company C, Seventh Minnesota Volunteers. He moved to Florida in 1886. Leonard P. was married to Mary Mitchell in 1856. He died in 1874, leaving a widow, two sons and two daughters. His widow (in 1886) is the wife of Henry Wills, of Osceola. Henry Wills was born in 1829, in Illinois, anP married his first wife in Missouri in 1856, who died in 1878, leaving nine children. Mr. Wills was one of the first farmers in Franconia, and has been active in promoting improvements in his town and county. He moved to Osceola in 1886. IN THE NORTHWEST. 319 The Clark Brothers came from Maine and located in Fran conia in 1854, where they built the first mill in the village. Subsequently they became citizens of Taylor's Falls, engaging in the mercantile, livery, saw and stave mill business. James, the oldest, married' Carrie Jellison in 1863, and moved to Windom, Minnesota. Rufus, the next in age, married Kate Strand in .1860, and died May, 1880, leaving a widow, three sons and one . daughter. Charles, the youngest, was married to Martha J. Gray in 1868, and removed to Fergus Falls. David Smith was born in Scotland. He came to Franconia in 1855, where he has now one of the best farms in Chisago county. His youngest son, James, lives on the old homestead with him. His second son, John, has made his home in Rush City. Andrew, his oldest, served during the Rebellion in com pany C, Seventh Minnesota. His oldest daughter, Margaret, is the wife of H. F. Day. His daughter Nancy is the wife of N. H. Hickerson and resides in California. Barbary, the third daugh ter, is the wife of John Grove of Burnett county. Jonas Lindall was for many years an enterprising and pros perous business man in Franconia. He opened up an extensive wood trade with St. Paul, in which C. J. Vitalis is his successor. Mr. Lindall represented his county in the senate of the fif teenth and sixteenth state legislatures. He was accidentally drowned from a barge of wood at Hastings in May, 1872. His widow is married to Chas. J. Vitalis. Wm. Peaslee came from Maine to the St. Croix valley and settled in Franconia in 1857, and followed mercantile pursuits at that place and at Taylor's Falls. He died at the latter place in 1876. Mr. Peaslee was married at Palmyra, Maine, to Sophia E. Harriman, who, with Clarence, an only son, survives, him. His widow resides in Taylor's Falls and superintends a millinery and fancy store. Clarence succeeds his father in the grocery and dry goods business at Taylor's Falls. He married Rosa, a daughter of Patrick Fox. Charles Vitalis was born in Smolland, Sweden, in 1843; came to America in 1868 and settled in Franconia village. He was for five years employed as clerk. In 1873 he embarked in the mer cantile and wood business. In one year he shipped 13,000 cords of wood, and. has averaged for the last 14 years 7,000 cords, making a total of 100,000 cords. He was married to Josephine 320 FIFTY YEARS Nelson, widow of Jonas Lindall, in 1873. They have three children. Elof, John, Elias and Hans are brothers of Charles Vitalis, residing in the town of Franconia. August J. Anderson was born near Wexico, Sweden, in 1860; came to America with his parents in 1869, and to Franconia. At thirteen years of age he commenced clerking for C. Vitalis, with whom he continued until 1873, when he associated himself with him in the mercantile business. He visited Europe in 1883. Frank N. Peterson. — Mr. Peterson came to America in 1865, and in 1866 settled in the valley of the St. Croix. He attended school at Carver, Minnesota, one year, when he became a trav eling salesman for Leopold & Co., of Chicago, and in 1881 settled in Franconia. He organized the lumbering firm of Borens Brothers & Peterson, which continued until 1886, when a new FRANK K. PETEKSON. organization was formed, called the Franconia Lumber Company, consisting of P. Jordan, Sam Mathews, of Stillwater, and the subject of our sketch. Mr. Peterson has been the president of Franconia since its in corporation. In 1869 he married Miss Ingur Johnson, daughter of Eric Johnson, a pioneer of St. Peter, Minnesota, and is the father of two children, Axel, a promising son, who died in Feb- IN THE NORTHWEST. 321 ruary, 1885, at fourteen years of age, and Maria, now a student in the Ladies' Seminary at Faribault, who is developing marked ability as a pencil artist. Mr. Peterson owns one of the finest houses in the valley, romantically situated, which is supplied with pure spring water. It is a pride to the village and attracts general attention. He is also the inventor and patentee of the Lindholm & Peterson adding machine. HARRIS. The town of Harris contains twenty-four sections of township 36, range 21, the four western tiers of sections. The soil is a sandy loam with clay subsoil. The town is well watered and drained by Goose creek, which entering the town from the north west, and bending at first southward, then eastward, leaves the town near its southeastern line in section 22. The timber con sisted originally of oak openings and pine; 10,000,000 feet of the latter have been removed from the southeastern portion. Lux uriant wild meadows are found along Goose creek. The first improvement was a farm, made by W. H. C. Folsom in sections 21 and 22 in 1854. The first permanent settler was Henry H. Sevy, who located on this farm in 1856. The town of Harris was organized in 1884. HARRIS VILLAGE. A charter organizing Harris village was granted by the dis trict court, under the general law, in 1882. A question arose as to the legality of the act. A subsequent legislature, by leg islative act, confirmed all similarly organized villages in the State. The supreme court decided the organization of such vil lages illegal and the legislative act sanctioning it unconstitu tional. It was subsequently organized legally. The village was surveyed by A. D. Miller and platted in May, 1873, in the south half of section 21, township 36, range 21, Philip S. Har ris and N. D. Miller, proprietors. It derived its name from Philip S. Harris, a prominent officer of the St. Paul & Duluth railroad. Fred Wolf was the first settler, in 1870, and first mer chant and first railroad agent, in 1873. He acted as postmaster subsequently and filled other offices of trust. His interests are intimately blended with those of the village. Isaac Savage was the second settler and merchant. He was the first postmaster, 21 322 FIFTY YEARS in 1873. The first school was taught by Mary Gwinn, in 1873. The first marriage was that of M. P. Smith and Charlotte Swen son. The first child born was Brague, son of W. D. Sayers. The first death was that of Isaac Morrill. A good school house was built in 1877.- The village is rapidly growing. It has an ex tensive trade in hay, wood, ties and piles. Wheat shipments are large. It has four stores, two hotels, three elevators, three hay presses, two wagon and smith shops, one agricultural ware house, one skating rink, one livery stable, two saloons, one meat shop and a railroad depot. LENT. This town includes the whole of township 34, range 21. It is well watered and drained by Sunrise river, but has no lakes. The soil is a sandy loam; the timber chiefly oak openings. The early settlers were Harvey Lent, from whom the town derived its name, William Robinson, James Buchanan, who raised the first crops in 1855, Joshua Oawson, Jesse Moore and others. The town was organized in 1872. The first supervisors were Dawson, Moore and Robinson. The first post , office was established in 1875, at Stacy, a railroad station on the St. Paul & Duluth rail road, which traverses this town from south to north. Frank Dawson was the first postmaster. NESSELL. Nessell includes township 37, range 22. The surface was origin ally covered with a growth of hardwood, with some pine. Of the latter, about 10,000,000 feet has been cut. The soil is adapted to wheat culture. It is well watered. Rush lake occupies a nearly central position, and is a beautiful sheet of water with about fourteen miles of meandering shore line, crystal clear, and deep, well stocked with fish, and bordered with groves of maple, oak and linden. The town was set off from Rush Lake and organ ized in 1870. The first supervisors were Wm. H. McCray, John H. Breit and Matts Colleen. The town is settled by a class of industrious, upright people. There are three churches, with prosperous societies, the Swedish Baptist, the Swedish Lutheran and German Lutheran. Martin Linnellwas the first child born. The first marriage was that of Wm. Vanetta and Anna Johnson, in 1861. Alice Draper taught the first school. Rev. Cedarstam preached the first sermon. IN THE NORTHWEST. 323 • Robert Nessell was the oldest settler. The town was named for him. He was born in Germany in 1834; came to America in 1847, and to Minnesota in 1854. He was married at Sunrise to Kate Torbert, of Shafer, in 1856, and the same year located his present home. Other early settlers are John H. Breit, John Lindsey, P. Kelley, and the Jarchow brothers. Stephen B. Clark made Nessell his home in 1867. Mr. Clark was born in Vermont in 1830; came to Marine in 1851. He served three years during the Rebellion in the Second Wiscon sin Cavalry. He removed to Rush City in 1856. RUSH SEBA. Rush Seba comprises township 37, range 21, and fractional part of township 37, range 20, consisting of about ten sections, irregularly bounded by the St. Croix river. It is timbered with hardwood, has good soil, chiefly a black clay loam, with clay subsoil, and is well watered by Rush river and Rock creek and tributaries. Wild meadows and marshes are intermingled with the timber. The town was organized in 1858, with George B. Folsom, Robert Newell and Timothy Ward as supervisors. A post office was established in 1859, in section 14, George B. Fol som, postmaster. George B. Folsom was the first settler, raising the first crops in the town in 1855. The St. Paul & Duluth rail road traverses the town from south to north. It was built in 1868, and a branch road to Grantsburg, Wisconsin, was built in 1884. Josephine Blanding taught the first school, in 1856. The first death was that of James Ward, who died from accidental poisoning. RUSH CITY. In 1868, at the completion of the St. Paul & Duluth railroad, a depot was built and a station established at the cro'ssing of Rush river, around which rapidly grew up the village of Rush City. It was surveyed and platted by Benjamin W. Brunson, sur veyor, in January, 1870, in the northeast quarter of section 21, township 37, range 26. The Western Land Association, L. Mendenhall, agent, was proprietor. Thomas Flynn was the first settler, he having in 1857 pre-empted the land which afterward became the site of the village. Among the improvements in 1869 was a steam saw mill, built by Taylor & Co. This mill was burned in 1879, at a loss of $13,000. Rush City was incorpo- 324 FIFTY YEARS rated in 1874. Frank H. Pratt was president of the first village council. Rush City has now a commodious town hall, an ex change bank, one elevator, one foundry, a good school house, built at a cost of $3,000; a good graded school, under the super vision of Prof. V. D. Eddy; a lodge of Ancient Order United Workmen (No. 42), a board of trade, a Woman's Christian Temperance Union Association, a Sons of Temperance lodge, a post of the Grand Army of the Republic (Ellsworth Post, No. 58), and a masonic organization (Jasper Lodge). The following denominations have churches and societies: Catholic, Episco palian, German Lutheran, Swedish Lutheran, and Swedish Evan gelical. The Catholics are building a church at a cost of $10,000. Thomas Flynn was born in county Mayo, Ireland, 1828. He came to America in 1831, and lived in Canada East until 1857, when he located in Minnesota, pre-empting the northeast quarter of section 21, township 37, range 21. His farm became the site of the village of Rush City in 1868, and in 1869 he built the first frame house in its limits. Mr. Flynn has been married three times, losing each of his wives by death. He has two sons liv ing, James H. and Frank A. Patrick H. Flynn was born in county Mayo, Ireland, in 1829; came to America in 1831; lived in Canada East until 1857, and coming to Minnesota pre-empted the northwest quarter of section 21. He was married in 1857 to Margaret Kelly, of Illi nois. They have two sons and two daughters living. Mr. Flynn, in 1880, erected the Globe Hotel in Rush City, where he now resides. Rufus Crocker was the second settler in Rush Seba. He was the first justice of the peace and held other offices. Mr. Crocker was married to Miss Mercy Hewson, of Isanti county. He is now a citizen of Rock Creek. Frank H. Pratt was born in Skowhegan, Maine, in 1836. His father, Henry P. Pratt, a veteran editor, who had served twenty years on the Kennebec Journal, and later was con nected with the Somerset Journal and Skowhegan People's Press, came to St. Paulin 1854 with his family, and was associated with John P. Owens as assistant editor of the St. Paul Minneso- tian. On Sunday, May 6, 1855, Mr. Pratt went on board the steamer Royal Arch, which had landed at the St. Paul levee that morning with a cargo of passengers, sick, dying and dead of in the northwest. 325 cholera. Thirteen had already died on the boat. Mr. Pratt, Sr., went on board to alleviate the sufferings of the sick and dying, and in consequence, within two days, himself sickened and died. The writer and his family were passengers on the Royal Arch, and witnesses to these scenes of suffering and death and Mr. Pratt's heroic self-devotion. After his father's death Frank con tinued in the office of the Minnesotian as printer. He worked also in the offices of the St. Paul and St. Peter Tribune and the Prescott Transcript. In 1858-59 he served as local editor and foreman in the Transcript office. In 1860 he removed to Taylor's Falls, and established the Taylor's Falls Reporter, the first news paper published in Chisago county. In 1862 he enlisted in Com pany C. of the Seventh Minnesota Volunteer Infantry; was commissioned second lieutenant, and served until he resigned his office in the latter part of 1864, having been promoted to the captaincy of Company C. After the war he located in Sun rise City, and engaged in mercantile pursuits. In 1872 he re moved to Rush City, continued in mercantile business, and took an active part in all enterprises looking to the welfare of the city. He built;, a store, elevator and a fine residence, which was burned in 1881. Mr. Pratt represented his district in the six teenth legislature. He was married to Helen A. Bossout, at St. Paul, in 1858. They have one son, Fred, and three daughters. Mr. Pratt moved to St. Paul in 1882, where he died, March 25, 1884. Fred, his son, succeeds him in business in Rush City. He is married to a daughter of Jonathan Chase, of East Min neapolis. Voloro D. Eddy was born in Java, Wyoming county, New York, Sept. 7, 1840; received a common school education supple mented by two years' attendance at Griffith Institute, Springfield, New York; gave up his school to enlist in his country's service, as a member of the "Ellsworth Avengers" (the Forty-fourth New York Volunteers). The regiment was mustered into service at Albany, New York, Aug. 8, 1861. He served in this regi ment until June 5, 1864, when he was taken prisoner at Old Church, Virginia. He endured the horrors of prison life until Feb. 26, 1865, and was discharged from service May 20, 1865. In 1868 he came to Taylor's Falls and engaged in. teaching, which he has made his profession, having taught continuously since 1869. He has been county superintendent of schools for 326 FIFTY YEARS twelve years, during which time he has resided at Rush City. Mr. Eddy was married to Frances Cowley, at Taylor's Falls, Sept. 30, 1868. Mrs. Eddy died June, 1881. He was married to Anna R. Olmstead, July 25, 1883, at Arcadia, New York. Ferdinand Sweedorff Christianson was born in Copen hagen, Denmark, April 18, 1837; came to the United States in 1866, to Minnesota in 1868, and to Chisago county in 1870. He was married to Selma A. Willard, at Red Wing, Minnesota, Dec. 12, 1869. He represented Chisago county in the legislature of 1878. He was assistant secretary of state from 1880 to 1882. In 1882 he established the Rush City Bank. In 1883 he was ap pointed member of the state board of equalization, and in 1885 was one of the committee for selecting a location for the Third Hospital for the Insane. SHAFER Comprises all of the territory of township 34, range 19, except ing the plat of Taylor's Falls, and fractional sections in the northeast corner of the township. It was at first heavily tim bered with hardwood, interspersed with marshes and meadows. The soil is good. Lawrence and Dry creeks drain the greater part of the township. It is now well settled, and has many fine farms. A Swedish colony settled here in 1853, consisting of Peter Wyckland, Andros Anderson, Eric Byland, Tuver Wal- marson, and others. The town organized first as Taylor's Falls, but the name was changed to Shafer in 1873. John G. Peterson, John Nelson and John Carlson were the first supervisors. The first school was taught by Ella Wyckoff, in the Marshall district, in 1859. The first marriage was that of Peter Abear to Kittie Wickland. The branch St. Paul & Duluth railroad passes through the southern part of this township. The township con tributed to this road $3,000 in bonds. A railroad station in the southwest quarter of section 32 bears the name of Shafer, de rived, together with the name of the township, from Jacob Shafer, who, as early as 1847, cut hay in sections 4 and 5. He seems to have been in no sense worthy of the honor conferred upon him, as he was but a transient inhabitant, and disappeared in 1849. No one knows of his subsequent career. The honor ought to have been given to some of the hardy Swedes, who were the first real pioneers, and the first to make substantial improvements. in the northwest. 327 Peter Wickland came from Sweden in 1853, and settled in the northeast quarter of section 26. He moved to Anoka in 1860, and was drowned in Rum river in 1880. His son Peter is a prominent merchant in Anoka. Tuver Walmarson was born in Sweden in 1812. He was a member of the Swedish colony of 1853, settled in the northwest quarter of section 26. Mr. and Mrs. Walmarson reared a fine , family of children. Nelson Tuver Walmarson, the eldest son, inherits the industry and frugality of both parents. By hard work and close attention to business the family has prospered abundantly. Andros Anderson came also from Sweden in 1853 and set tled in the east half of the northeast quarter of section 34. Mr. Anderson moved to Taylor's Falls in 1859 and died there in 1873. He left but one child, the wife of Daniel Fredine, of Shafer. Mr. Anderson was a born humorist and fond of practical jokes. On one occasion his ready wit was exercised at the expense of a man to Whom he had mortgaged his farm. Deeming the house in which he lived his own, in the absence of the mortga gee he removed it to Taylor's Falls. The mortgagee, E. W. Holman, told him that he had stolen the house and must replace it. Anderson told Holman to take the house and replace it himself, but if he took his (Anderson's) family along with it he would have him sent to the penitentiary. Mr. Holman did not see his way clear and the house was not disturbed. Eric Byland, another of the Swedish colony, settled in the west half of the southeast quarter of section 23. In 1860 he sold out and moved further west. The farm he left is now owned by John Nelson and is one of the finest farms in Chisago county. Jacob Peterson was born in 1847 and came with his parents to Chisago county in 1854. They located on a beautiful spot in Franconia, on the shore of a small lake, where they made a farm and where Jacob passed his boyhood and youth. In 1881 he commenced business at Shafer station as a merchant and dealer in wood. He was the first postmaster at Shafer. He was married in 1881 to Mary Heline. Ambrose C. Seavey was born in Machias, Maine, in 1824; was married to Elizabeth Ayers, in Crawford, Maine, in 1846, •and came to St. Croix Falls in 1848. In 1852 he removed to Tay lor's Falls, and opened the first blacksmith shop. He was absent 328 FIFTY YEARS two years in Colorado, and when he returned settled on a farm in the town of Shafer. He has a family of four sons and six daughters. SUNRISE. The town of Sunrise includes the two eastern tiers of sections of township 36, range 21, one whole and eight fractional sections of township 36, range 20, and all of township 35, range 20, ex cept the two eastern tiers of sections. It is well watered by the St. Croix and Sunrise rivers and their tributaries. The latter river rises in Washington county, having for its principal source For est lake, and flows through the town in a northerly direction into the St. Croix. It has three considerable tributaries from the west known as North, Middle and South branches. St. Croix river has, as tributary, Goose creek, which flows through the northern part of the town. The soil varies from a rich sandy loam to a sandy soil. The town contains many fine farms. The old gov ernment road from Point Douglas to Superior passes through the town. Sunrise was incorporated as a town Oct. 26, 1858 ;¦ Isaac A. Parmenter, David Lovejoy and A. C. Mattison, supervisors. A post office was established in 1856; George S. Frost, postmaster. The first marriage was that of Robert Nessell and Kate Torbert, by J. D. Wilcox, Esq. The first child born was Joshua Taylor Gallaspie. The first death was of an unknown man who died from the kick of a horse. Wm. Holmes, the first settler, located on Sunrise prairie in 1853, and raised crops on fifteen acres that year. John A. Brown and Patten W. Davis cultivated thirty- five acres the same year on Sunrise prairie. Messrs. Brown, Davis and Ingalls made a wagon road from Sunrise to St. Paul in 1853. John A. Brown, in the same year, built a hotel and opened a store. The hotel was built of logs, the store was a frame, the first erected in Sunrise. In 1855 he built a saw mill. His hotel was burned in 1856. These buildings were the nucleus of Sun rise village. SUNRISE VILLAGE Was platted July, 1857, in the north half of the northeast quarter of section 8, and the west half of the southwest quarter and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section* 4, and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of sec- IN THE NORTHWEST. 329 tion 9, all of township 3, range 20. The proprietors were John A. Brown, J. S. Caldwell and C. L. Willis; surveyor, W. F. Duffy. It contains a first class roller flour mill, a saw mill, both owned by Caspar Spivac, two stores, a school house and several shops and dwellings. In 1857 a colony from Western New York settled in and around Sunrise village. The Wilcoxes, Wilkes, Collins, Gwynne, Smith, and others were of this colony. The village has suffered greatly from fires. The buildings lost at various times were one flouring mill, valued at $10,000 four hotels and several private dwellings. The flouring mill was the property of Mrs. J. G. Mold. Two lives were lost at the burning of the mill. In the fall of 1862, immediately after the Sioux outbreak, and while considerable apprehension was felt as to the attitude of the Chippewas toward the white settlers, a company of volunteers under Capt. Anderson was stationed at Sunrise. This company built temporary quarters of logs, and were very comfortably fixed during the winter. They had presumably a very good time, but repelled no savage foes. KOST VILLAGE Is located in the west half of section 32, township 35, range 20. It has a first class roller flouring mill, owned by Ferdinand A. Kost, erected in 1883 at a cost of $13,000, and a saw mill, also owned by F. A. Kost, erected the same year. It has two stores, a number of shops and dwellings and a post office, established in 1884, of which F. A. Kost is postmaster. CHIPPEWA Was platted March, 1856, by Benj. Dinsmore, surveyor, in the northwest quarter of section 2, and the west half of the north east quarter of section 2, township 36, range 21. The proprie tors were James Starkey, Charles S. Patteys, Michael E. Ames, Isaac Van Etten, and Moses Sherburne. It makes a fair farm. DRONTHEIM Was platted in 1856, in the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 1, township 36, range 20; C. C. P. Myer, proprietor. It is still a brush and swamp plat. 330 FIFTY YEARS NASHUA Was platted July, 1857, H. H. Newbury, surveyor, on lots 6 and 7 of section 33, and lot 5 in section 34, township 34, range 20. Proprietors, N. F. Taylor, W. H. C. Folsom, L. K. Stannard and N. C. D. Taylor. It has made two fair farms. WASHINGTON Was platted August, 1856, W. F. Duffy, surveyor, in the south half of section 35, township 35, range 21. Proprietors, James Y. Caldwell and L. C. Kinney. On this site the Starkey Indian battle was fought. John A. Brown. — Mr. Brown, a native of Pennsylvania, came to Sunrise in 1853, and was for awhile quite prominent, building a store, hotel and other buildings. In 1855 he was mar ried to Emeline Hartwell. He prospered in business, but owing to some domestic difficulties, in 1857 left suddenly for parts un known. His property was sacrificed to meet obligations, and his wife left helpless. Mrs. Brown died in Minneapolis in 1880. Patten W. Davis was a native of Virginia. He came to Stillwater in 1848, and soon after removed to Osceola Mills, where he lived two years. In 1853 he removed to Sunrise, and was associated in business for two years with John A. Brown. He has held the positions of postmaster, town clerk, treasurer, county commissioner, supervisor, and assessor. In 1876 he mar ried a Virginia lady, and returned to his native state. James F. Harvey was born in 1820, in Penobscot county, Maine. He came West in 1847 and settled at Marine Mills. In 1854 he removed to Sunrise and located in the northeast quarter of section 14, township 36, range 21, at what was known as Goose Creek crossing. His first wife, whom he had married in Maine, died shortly after their arrival at Sunrise, leaving one daughter, Maria, wife of Leonard Clark, of Stillwater. Mr. Harvey was married in 1856 to widow Patience Knight, the mother of Mrs. Floyd S. Bates, Albert S. and Frank E., of Taylor's Falls, and Ella Medora Harvey, wife of J. A. Shores, of Minneapolis. Mr. Harvey died at his home in 1864. Mrs. Harvey died at Taylor's Falls in 1871. Floyd .S. Bates, originally from Maine, has been since 1854 a prominent lumberman on the St. Croix, living first at Sunrise, in the northwest. 331 and in later years at Taylor's Falls. He owns an extensive farm in Cass county, Dakota. Of his three brothers, E. Hines resides in Taylor's Falls, and J. Herrick and Charles in Dakota Terri tory. Isaac H. Warner was born in New York in 1830, was mar ried in 1852 and came to Sunrise in 1854, where he followed farming and selling goods. He has served as.postmaster, justice of the peace and held other positions. He has three children. His eldest, a daughter, wife of Samuel McCiure, a lumberman of Sunrise, died February, 1885. Mr. Warner removed to Da kota in 1883. Charles F. Lowe was born in 1815 in Concord, New Hamp shire, received a collegiate education and came to Sunrise in 1855. He interested himself in real estate but devoted about one-half of his time to travel, of which he was passionately fond. He made one trip around the globe, writing back inter esting letters descriptive of what he had seen. He made his last annual tour in 1873, and, while sailing in a small boat in some of the waters of Florida, the boat was struck by a squall, capsized and Mr. Lowe was drowned. Mr. Lowe was a member of the Minnesota constitutional convention. Wells Farr came from New York State to Sunrise prairie in 1854, where he has since lived in a comfortable home, a success ful farmer. He has a family of four sons and two daughters. His oldest daughter is the wife of Ephraim C. Ingalls. His sec ond daughter is the wife of Frank Dawson, of Lent. Mr. Farr died in March, 1888. John G. Mold came to Sunrise in 1854, where he engaged in milling, hotel keeping and mercantile business. He was the proprietor of the Sunrise City mills, since burned. He died in 1873, aged fifty years, leaving a widow, two sons and two daugh ters. George L. Blood, during his early life, was a seafaring man, spending many years upon the ocean, and visiting during this time many foreign ports, keeping a daily record of his jour- neyings. Mr. Blood had learned the trade of house joiner, but coming to Sunrise in 1854, attempted farming, at which he was not successful. In 1864 he removed to Taylor's Falls, where he died in 1869. His life was an exemplary one, and his death that of a Christian. His family returned to their old home in Connecticut. His two sons reside in St. Paul. 332 FIFTY YEARS Joel G. Ryder came from New York to the St. Croix and set tled in the town of Sunrise, near the village, about the year 1855. He was energetic and able, and was called to fill many town and county offices. He was a representative in the fifteenth state legislature. In 1860 he was married to Lizzie Perkins. John Dean was born in 1 8 — ; was married to Mar.y Draper in 1860; came to Minnesota in 18 — ; served some time as river pilot, and settled on his farm near Sunrise City in 1860. Mr. Dean rep resented his district in the house of the twenty-first and twenty- second legislatures. TAYLOR'S FALLS. The village of Taylor's Falls was platted in 1851, a survey of lots having been made at that time by Theodore S. Parker, of Stillwater. Additions were made from time to time as the in creasing population demanded. A year before the survey a frame building was erected on what was subsequently the north west corner of River and First streets. In 1851 and 1852 some streets were opened, but with considerable difficulty, on account of the trap rock, which to be removed required blasting. Bowl ders that could not be removed were buried. The work of cutting a street to the upper steamboat landing was specially difficult. There were no roads to the village, and the only means of travel was by steamboat, bateaux, or birch bark canoes, until the gov ernment road was opened some time in 1856. A post office was established in March, 1851, and a weekly mail was ordered from Stillwater. Prior to this' time a semi-monthly mail had been car ried between the points named. Of the office established in 1851, N. C. D. Taylor was first postmaster. The office was in W. H. C. Folsom's store, Folsom acting as deputy postmaster. The suc cessors of Mr. Taylor have been, Porter E. Walker, Edward P. Wyman, Thomas Holmes, Oscar Roos, George W. Seymour, and N. M. Humphrey ; not a long list for thirty-five years. The location of the office was changed with each successve incumbent. The mail carrier in 1851 was the Hon. Warren Bristol, since then four times a representative and senator from Goodhue county in the state legislature, and United States judge in Arizona. The mail ser vice has passed through all the gradations from a semi-monthly to a semi-daily mail. The mail has been carried in canoes or bateaux, on foot, on horseback, on steamboat and rail car. It is now carried by rail. Of the Baker & Taylor mill an ac- IN THE NORTHWEST. 333 count has been given elsewhere. The next mill, a grist mill, was built by N. C. D. Taylor, W. H. C. Folsom and the Day broth ers, in 1852. It was several years later remodeled and changed into a carding mill, and is now the property of Jonas Gray. King man Brothers built a saw mill in 1857, with a capacity of 12,000 feet per day. Several parties succeeded to the ownership and control of the mill, but, after doing good service for many years, it was abandoned. Clark Brothers built a lumber and stave mill in 1868. After ten years this mill was removed. The first merchant was Daniel Mears, who sold goods as early as 1848. W. H. C. Folsom opened a store in 1850 ; Taylor & Fox in 1852. The Chisago House was built by Thomson & Smith in 1852, on the corner of Bench and First streets. In 1870 the name was changed to Dalles House. It has changed landlords many times, the last being Henry Kattenberg. The Cascade House was built in 1853, on the corner of Walnut and Bench streets, by Richard Arnold. It is no longer used'. The Falls House was built in 1870, on Bench street near Walnut, by Erastus Guard, and converted into a hotel in 1880, with Henry Kattenberg as proprietor, by whom it, was conducted as a temperance house. It is now in charge of Eugene Fitzgerald. The first physician was Lucius B. Smith. Susan Thomson taught the first school. The first marriage was that of Charles D. Turney and Cecilia Ring, Ansel Smith, justice of the peace, tying the knot. Wm. Colby was the first white child born in the village. The first death was that of a three-year-old daugh1- tar of Ansel Smith, in 1852. Rev. W. T. Boutwell preached the first sermon, in 1851. In 1852 three young Episcopal minis ters, Revs. Breck, Myrick and Wilcoxson, alternated in holding services, but did not organize a society. Rev. Julius S. Webber, Baptist, preached occasionally in 1852 and 1853 ; Rev. W. Miner, Congregationalist, in 1856 and 1857 became the first resident min ister. In April, 1859, Rev. Silas Bolles, a Methodist, organized a society, the first in the village. In June, 1859, Rev. A. M. Torbet organized a Baptist society and served as pastor four years. The society built a church in 1861 at a cost of $3,000. In 1860 the Swedish Evangelical Lutherans built a church on the corner of Mulberry and Government streets, at a cost of $1,500. Rev. C. A. Cedarstam was pastor in 1871-72-73, Rev. — Tornell the three succeeding years, and three other pastors have served 334 FIFTY YEARS « since. In 1866 Rev. John G. Hall organized a Presbyterian society, and built a church in 186S, on the corner of River and Chisago streets, at a cost of $1,500. Mr. Hall served as pastor four years. The Roman Catholics erected a church on the cor ner of Walnut and Centre streets in 1873, at a cost of $1,000. They have as yet no settled priest or parish school. The St. Croix Bridge Company was organized in 1854. The incorporators were W. H. C. Folsom, Patrick Fox, Joshua L. Taylor, W. S. Hungerford, Wm. Kent, Nelson McCarty, John Dobney, W. F. Colby, Orange Walker, Fred W. Lammers, and N. C. D. Taylor. The bridge was built in 1856; W. S. Sewall, St. Paul, was the engineer. The capital stock amounted to $4,925, and was divided into 197 shares at $25 each. The bridge was rebuilt in 1870, on the same plan, and in 1884 was replaced by an iron bridge, at a cost of $6,253. The bridge has a span of 150 feet and is a light and graceful structure. It was the first bridge that spanned the St. Croix and Mississippi rivers. The Chisago County Bank was organized in 1858, under the state banking law; capital stock, $25,000; Levi W. Folsom, president; S. C. Gould, cashier. It was closed in 1859. The Taylor's Falls Copper Mining Company was organized Dec. 15, 1874; W. H. C. Folsom, president; George W. Seymour, secretary; L. W. Folsom, treasurer; D. A. Caneday, mining agent. The operations of this company extended to sinking a shaft to a depth of one hundred and thirty feet. The Kahbakong Cemetery Association was organized in 1S53. The first board of officers were W. H. C. Folsom, president ; Joshua L. Taylor, secretary. The cemetery is located a mile and a half from the village and contains fifteen acres of ground beautifully located. Zion Lodge, No. 55, A. F. &. A. M., was organized March 3, 1866. Sherman Post, No. 6, G. A. R., was organized in July, 1882, Caspar Hauser, commander. Taylor's Falls Library As sociation was organized Oct. 8, 1871, E. D. Whiting, president ; J. A. McGowan, secretary. Within two years the library num bered 1,000 volumes and since that time the number has been increased to 1,500. In 1858 the village of Taylor's Falls was regularly incorpo rated with the following board of officers: Trustees, Patrick Fox, president ; W. H. C Folsom, E. D. Whiting, L. W. Fol som; recorder, H. H. Newbury; treasurer, Wm. Comer. IN THE NORTHWEST. 335 AN INDIAN DANCE. The last Indian dance in Taylor's Falls was given by a party of Chippewas in 1856. They had come down the St. Croix in birch canoes with furs and cranberries to exchange with Sam uels in St. Croix village for "scootawabo," or whisky. They re mained about a week, drinking and carousing in their peculiar style. One Sabbath, and when, for a wonder, they were quite sober, they visited Taylor's Falls and gave a series of grotesque and laughable dances in the street, opposite Folsom's store, af ter which they called for presents as tokens of friendship and appreciation, kindly and gravely shook hands and recrossed the river. "Thus departed Hiawatha." 336 FIFTY YEARS OHAPTEE XIII. BIOGRAPHICAL. Jesse Taylor, the first permanent settler of Taylor's Falls,' came to the Falls in 1838, as narrated in the general history of the village. Nothing is known of his life before coming to the Falls, except that he was originally from Kentucky, and lived at Fort Snelling, where he was employed as a stonemason. By the death of his associate, B. F. Baker, he came into posses sion of the mill property and its belongings. This he sold to Joshua L. Taylor in 1846, and removed to Stillwater, where he took a contract for stone work on the prison walls. His name appears as a member of the house from Stillwater in the terri torial legislature for 1851 and 1852. He was married in 1844 to Abigail, daughter of widow Edwards, of Stillwater. He left Stillwater in 1853. Joshua L. Taylor was born in Sanbornton, New Hampshire, in 1816. In 1836 he removed to Alton, Illinois, where he lived until 1840, when he came to Taylor's Falls in the employ of the St. Croix Falls Lumber Company. In 1846 he purchased the property of Jesse Taylor. He engaged in logging until 1849, meanwhile pre-empting portions of the site of Taylor's Falls. In the fall of 1849 he went to California, and was fairly success ful in his mining ventures. He returned to Taylpr's Falls in 1852, where he has since resided. He was married in October, 1856, at Skowhegan, Maine, to Clarinda Wyman. Mrs. Taylor died May 4, 1860, leaving no children. Mr. Taylor built a fine residence in 1856, on block 1, River street, Taylor's Falls, com manding a beautiful view of the river. Mrs. Gilmore, a sister of Mr. Taylor, and her daughter Mary, lived with him many IN THE NORTHWEST. 337 years. Mrs. Gilmore died in 1868. Mary Gilmore was married to D. G. Sampson in 1881 and now lives in Ashland. Mr. Taylor had many opportunities of entering public life, but, with a solitary exception, declined them. At the organization of the territory of Minnesota, in 1849, he was appointed United States marshal, but declined. He was afterward appointed warden of the penitentiary at Stillwater, and served two years. Nathan C. D. Taylor, elder brother of Joshua, was born in Sanbornton, New Hampshire, in 1810; removed to Alton, Illinois, in 1832 and was for several years in the employ of Godfrey, Gil man & Co., merchants of Alton. Mr. Taylor came to St. Croix Falls in 1846. He was one of the original pre-emptors of the site of Taylor's Falls. In 1852 he engaged with Patrick Fox in the mercantile business. They carried on an extensive trade in goods and logs until 1858. The firm of Taylor & Fox erected a good store building on lot 16, block 15. He was a member of the house in the fifth and seventh territorial legislatures, and speaker of the fifth. In 1866 he was elected county treasurer of Chisago county, and thereafter to the same office continuously for ten years. Mr. Taylor never married. He died at Taylor's Falls, March 20, 1887. Thomas F. Morton was born in South Carolina. He came to St. Croix Falls in 1840. In 1850 he settled on a farm adjoining Taylor's Falls, known as the Jerry Ross claim. He pre-empted the southwest quarter of section 25. In 1852 he was married to Mrs. Margaret Boyce, his second wife, mother of Silas Boyce, of Amador. He followed farming successfully a few years, and in 1862 enlisted in his country's service, as a private in Company C, Seventh Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, and along with A\is friends Colby and Guard did noble service, participating in several battles, in one of which, the battle of Nashville, he was wounded by the bursting of a shell. He remained with the regiment, however, until, disabled by his wound and by sick ness at the siege of Spanish Fort, he was compelled to return home. He never recovered his health, but in 1867 peacefully passed away. He was a good man, a brave soldier, and an ex emplary Christian. Henry N. Setzer. — Mr. Setzer is a descendant of a North German family. He was born in Montgomery county, Missouri, Oct. 6, 1825, and received his education at home, which he , 22 338 fifty years left at the age of fourteen years, and afterward at St. Charles College, Missouri. In 1843 Mr. Setzer came to the St. Croix val ley, where he engaged in lumbering for himself and otlfers, and devoted some time to public affairs. From 1843 to 1854 he re sided alternately at Stillwater, Marine, Taylor's Falls and Chengwatana. Mr. Setzer represented the Fourth district, in cluding Marine, Rush Lake, Rice River and Snake River pre cincts, in the house of the first territorial legislature, and the First district, including the counties of Washington, Itasca, Chisago, Superior and' Doty, in the council of the seventh and eighth territorial legislatures. He was a member of the Demo cratic wing of the constitutional convention in 1857. In 1857 he was appointed warden of the state prison at Stillwater, which po sition he held until 1860, when he was appointed register of the land office at Cambridge, Isanti county. He held this position until April, 1861. Having devoted his leisure time to the study of law, and having been admitted to practice in the supreme court of Minnesota, he concluded to devote himself entirely to prac tice. He established a law office in Taylor's Falls with L. K. Stannard. He removed to Superior City in 1869, to Duluth in 1874, and returned to Taylor's Falls in 1877. He has served as town and county attorney in Chisago county for many years, and has an extensive practice in the higher courts. Patrick Fox was born in Tipperary county, Ireland, in 1819; came with his parents to America in 1823, and to Davenport, Iowa, in 1836. In 1841 he came to St. Croix Falls, where he lived three years, moving thence to Stillwater, where he engaged in logging until 1851, when he removed to Taylor's Falls and en gaged in lumbering for a year, then entered into a mercantile partnership with N. C. D. Taylor. The firm closed business in 1858. Mr. Fox has been a public spirited citizen, contributing freely of his means for the improvement of the village, aiding in opening roads, building levees and bridges, and school, houses, before such enterprises could be paid for out of tax revenues. Mr. Fox represented Chisago county in the second legislature, 1860. Mr. Fox is a good neighbor, industrious and temperate. He was married at Davenport, Iowa, to Elisabeth Riley. They have three sons and two daughters. The eldest daughter is the wife of Clarence Peaslee; the second daughter became the wife of Winfield P. Larcy, of Dakota, in 1886. in the northwest. 339 W. F- Colby was born in Whitefield, Maine, June 12, 1818. In his early life he was a sailor. He came to St. Croix Falls in 1843. He was married to Salina De Attly in 1849, and removed to the west side of the river, where he located on the Otis farm which he had previously bought. . He followed lumbeMng and farming and kept a lodging house for travelers. He built a good house, and the first frame barn in Chisago county. He sold his property, consisting of one hundred and sixty acres and improve ments, for $8,000. In 1862 Mr. Colby enlisted in Company C, Seventh Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, and served until the close of the war as sergeant. Mr. Colby is a bluff, square, outspoken man, hearty in his manner, and somewhat sailor -like in his expressions though almost a lifetime has passed since he trod the deck of a vessel. Oscar Roos was born in West Gothland, Sweden, in 1827. He came to America in 1850, and located in Taylor's Falls, where he has since resided continuously, taking an active part in public affairs, and a deep interest in everything pertaining to the growth of the village and county. Mr. Roos was postmaster at Taylor's Falls 8 years, register of deeds 8 years, register of the land office 5 years, and county treasurer 8 years. He is en gaged in exchange, loaning money, etc., and has a branch office in Centre City. He was married to Hannah Swanstrom in 1870. Samuel Thomson, a Pennsylvanian by birth, came to Taylor's Falls in 1851, and in company with Ansel Smith built the Chisago House, a notable enterprise at that time, as neither the resources of the village or surrounding country had been developed in such a way as to give any assurance of success. Mr. Thomson re moved in 1854 to Polk county, and settled on a farm in Osceola, where he made himself an attractive and pleasant home. His farm has long been celebrated for its trout pond. Mr. Thomson has given much attention and been quite successful in fish cul ture. The farm was sold in 1885, and Mr. Thompson removed to Arkansas, where he died Nov. 5, 1886. Susan Thomson, sister of Samuel Thomson, taught the first school in Taylor's Falls, in 1852. She had just come from Penn sylvania, and had traveled on horseback from Stillwater, there being no carriage roads above Marine. She was married to Daniel Mears, of Osceola, in 1852. 340 fifty years George De Attly, a native of Virginia, came to St. Croix Falls with his family in 1847, and removed to Taylor's Falls in 1851, locating in section 25, and making a pre-emption. He was a carpenter. He raised a large and respected family. One son is in the Black Hills, Dakota Territory. His oldest daughter is the wife of Wm. F. Colby, of Taylor's Falls. His second daugh ter was the widow of Jacob Markley. His third daughter is the wife of Alvah Brown. One son, George, resides in Taylor's Falls. Mr. De Attly died in Nebraska. Jacob Markley came from Virginia to the St. Croix valley in 1847, settling first at St. Croix Falls, and in 1851 locating at Taylor's Falls, where he pre-empted the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 24. He went to Montana in 1869, where he died a tragic death. His widow and two children re side in the Black Hills, Dakota. > John Dobney was born in England in 1820; came to America when a child, to Stillwater in 1845, and to Taylor's Falls in 1852. He followed logging for many years, and made himself a perma nent home on a farm in Amador, on the banks of the St. Croix river, in 1858. He was married to Eveline Page, in Michigan, in 1859. . William Dobney, younger brother of John, came to Taylor's Falls from Michigan in 1852, and engaged, with characteristic en ergy, in lumbering and selling goods until his death, which was the result of an accident, he having been thrown violently from a wagon which he was driving, in the spring of 1871. He was married in 1855 to Fanny M. Gray, who with two children sur vives him. The oldest, a son, is married and resides in Minne- apolis. The daughter is the wife of .Dr. Greely Murdock, of Taylor's Falls. Henry H. Newbury came to St. Croix Falls in 1849, and to Taylor's Falls in 1852. Mr. Newbury is a practical surveyor and explorer. He served as county surveyor and commissioner many years. He was married first to Sarah Ayers, widow of E' R. St. Clair, who died in 1874. In 1880 he was married to Fanny M. Gray, widow of Wm. Dobney. Emil Munch was born in Prussia in 1831; came to America in 1849, and to Taylor's Falls in 1852, where, until 1857, he worked at the carpenter's trade, when he removed to Cheng watana, Pine county, and engaged in lumbering and dealing in in the northwest. 341 pine lands. He served as register of deeds in Pine county, and xepresented Washington, Chisago, Pine and Kanabec counties in the house of the third legislature in 1861. He enlisted at Fort Snelling, Minnesota, Oct. 16, 1861, as a private in the First Minnesota Battery, and was chosen captain on the following month; was wounded at Shiloh, April 5, 1862; returned to his battery in September of the same year, took part in the battle of Corinth, October 4th and 5th, and in the after campaign was appointed chief of artillery, in October, 1862, and from effects of exposure on the march was forced to resign in the December following, but again entered the service to fight the Sioux Indians on the Minnesota frontier in May, June and July, 1863. He entered the Veteran Reserve Corps in August, 1863. At the close of the war, in 1865, he settled in St. Paul and acted as deputy state treasurer. In 1868 he was elected state treasurer and held the office until 1872. Mr. Munch lost most of his prop erty in a long litigation, in consequence of some unfortunate ventures in buying pine lands. Subsequent to his term of office as state treasurer he removed to Lakeland and engaged in the lumber business. In 1875 he removed to Afton where he took charge of a flouring mill. He was married in 1865 to Bertha Segar. He died Aug. 30, 1887. Alvin Mason Wilmarth. — Mr. Wilmarth came from Massa chusetts to the valley of the St. Croix in 1849, and to Taylor's Falls in 1852. He has followed lumbering and farming. Mr. Wilmarth is a steady, temperate man. Lucius Kingsbury Stannard was born in Franklin county, Vermont, July 6, 1825. He had good educational advantages and improved them. He completed his literary course at Barkers- field Academic Institute, Vermont, afterward studied law at St. Albans, and was admitted to the bar in 1850. In 1852 he came West and located at Taylor's Falls, where for some years he had charge of the business of Taylor & Fox. In 1857 he was a member of the territorial legislature, representing in the house the counties of Washington, Itasca, Chisago, Superior, and Doty. He was a member of the Republican wing of the constitutional convention of 1857. He represented Chisago, Pine and Isanti counties in the state senate of 1859-60. He was a member of the house of the thirteenth legislature, 1871, rep resenting Washington, Chisago, Pine and Kanabec counties. 342 fifty years He held the position of receiver in the United States land office at Taylor's Falls from 1861 to 1870. He was the first lawyer admitted to practice in the courts of Chisago county. He was associated in his law practice for several years with H. N. Set zer. He has served as prosecuting attorney and probate judge. He served several years as county surveyor. He has, in later years, been engaged in the lumbering and mercantile business, in the firm of Ellison & Stannard. In October, 1884, he was ap pointed register in the land office, which position he now holds. Mr. Stannard has a very pleasant home within the village lim its, but some distance beyond the settled portion. He is a man of sound judgment, of grave and almost severe demeanor, out spoken and positive in his views, but withal a reliable citizen and kind neighbor. He was married in 1858 to Harriet Ste venson, in St. Louis. They have one son, Luke. James W. Mullen was born in Nova Scotia in 1830. He came to Davenport, Iowa, in 1843. He commenced life on a steamboat at the age of fourteen years. JSe was employed on the steamer Boreas, plying between St. Louis and Keokuk, and followed river life most of the time until 1878. In L885 he built the Vincent House, St. Croix. Taylor's Falls has been his home at different times since his marriage in 1854. He was married to Margaret Riley, of Davenport, Iowa. Their children are Wil liam, Edward and Elsa. David Caneday was born in Vermont in 1830, and settled in Taylor's Falls in 1853. Mr. Caneday has devoted much of his time to prospecting as a mineralogist. During the years 1861- 62 he edited the St. Croix Monitor, and from 1881-84 the St. Croix Dalles. In 1862 he enlisted in Company C, Seventh Minnesota Infantry, and served till the close of the war. His record as a soldier was good. After the battle of Tupelo he volunteered to remain with the wounded, of whom there were about sixty, in the hands of the enemy. Two of these wounded were comrades and friends in Company C, Andrew J. Colby and John S. Swenson. The former died. Mr. Caneday remained at great personal risk, and saw the inside of several prisons before being exchanged! After his return Mr. Caneday engaged in mining and prospect ing, except such time as he edited the St. Croix Dalles. He is now mining on Kettle river, in Pine county, Minnesota, and in Bur nett county, Wisconsin. He was married in 1865 to Laura, daughter, of Judge N. M. Humphrey. in the northwest. 343 George B. Folsom was born in St. Johns, New Brunswick, April 9, 1815. He was married to Deborah Sawyer, October, 1842, and came to Taylor's Falls in 1853, where he engaged in lumbering. In 1855 he removed to Rush Seba, locating in sec tion 14. He was the first settler in the town and raised the first crops; built the first log and the first frame house, and was prominent in advancing the educational and other interests of the town. He was appointed postmaster in 1856, and held the office fourteen years. He held the office of county commissioner ten years. In 1875 he was appointed receiver of the land office' at Taylor's Falls, which office he held for ten years, since which time he has resided in the village. Aaron M. Chase was born in Machias, Maine, April 7, 1813. He received a home and common school education. In the fall of 1848 he came to St. Anthony and engaged in lumbering. He and Sumner Farnham ran the first logs down the Mississippi from Rabbit river to Fort Ripley and St. Anthony, in 1849. In the spring of 1849, in company with Pat Morin, he built a tow boat, clearing for that purpose a tow path on the eastern side of the river a distance of eighty miles. He carried freight for the American Fur Company, but the introduction of steamboats put an end to this enterprise. In the fall of 1849 he went to St. Louis and remained there till August, 1850, when he returned North, locating at the outlet of Balsam lake, Polk county, Wis consin, where he built a saw mill. He built a dam and mill, bringing the materials together without other team than himself and five men. After completing the mill he engaged for some years in lumbering. He located at Taylor's Falls in 1853. In 1869 he supervised the building of a series of dams on streams tribu tary to the Upper St. Croix, the water collected by them to be used at low stages to float logs to the St. Croix and down that stream to Stillwater. These dams are operated under a charter from the state of Wisconsin, and have proved a great benefit to the lumbermen. _ Mr. Chase is president of the company. He is a man of strong, clear mind, deliberate in action, positive in his opinions and pointed in his expressions, and withal a kind hearted, generous and true man. Mr. Chase is unmarried. Peter Abear was born in Canada East in 1830; came to Stillwater in 1850, but subsequently removed to Taylor's Falls where, in 1855, he was married to Kitty Wiekland, who died in 344 fifty years 1860, leaving a son, Franklin E., merchant at Anoka. Mr. Abear married again. His second wife died in 1868, leaving a daughter, Mary. Mr. Abear married a third wife, who died in 1874, leav ing no children. Mr. Abear is a machinist but has given much of his attention to farming. ' Levi W. Folsom was born in Tamworth, Carroll county, New Hampshire, Sept. 25, 1821. He was fitted for college at Gilman- ton, entered Penn College at Gettsyburg, Pennsylvania, and graduated in 1848. Returning to New England, he studied law at Cornish, Maine, with Caleb R. Ayer, and was admitted to practice in the county of Carroll, New Hampshire. He came to Taylor's Falls in 1854, and was admitted to practice in the su preme court of Minnesota, and practiced law for a period of fif teen years, when he engaged in real estate and other business. He is a pleasant and agreeable speaker, stands high in the masonic fraternity, is an ardent and uncompromising Democrat, a positive man with strong home and social feelings. He has been vice president of the Taylor's Falls branch of the St. Paul & Duluth railroad since its organization. He was married in 1859 to Abbie Shaw, in St. Paul. Eddington Knowles was born in Kentucky in 1821; came to St. Croix Falls in 1844, and followed lumbering. He was mar ried to Ann Carroll at Taylor's Falls in 1854, and made his resi dence at Taylor's Falls. He enlisted for service during the Re bellion in the Third Minnesota Volunteers, but was discharged for disability before the close of the war. He died at Hayward, Wisconsin, in 1883, leaving a widow and three children. His old est daughter is the wife of Douglas Greely, of Stillwater. His body was brought to the Taylor's Falls cemetery for interment. Dr. Lucius B. Smith. — Dr. Smith was the first regular phy sician in Taylor's Falls, having located here in 1854. He was born in Berlin, Erie county, Ohio, in the year 1824. He was mar ried in 1849, and after some years' practice of medicine in his na tive town he came West and located in Taylor's Falls, where he resided until 1862, when he was appointed surgeon of the Sev enth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, in which regiment were many of his friends and associates. He performed well his duties in that position, but was killed on the day preceding the battle of Tupelo, the division to which he belonged having been ambus caded by Forrest's troops. His remains were carried to the field IN THE NORTHWEST. 3451 of Tupelo and there buried, but have since been removed to Kah- bakong cemetery, at Taylor's Falls. Dr. Smith was a tall man, of fine presence, with the air of an officer, for which reason, doubt less, some sharpshooter, singled him out for destruction. Dr. Smith left a widow, one son, Charles, and one daughter, Mary, the wife of J. W. Passmore. His widow was married to E. D. Whiting. Both are deceased. William Comer was born in Cheshire county, England, in 1812; was married to Elisabeth Davis; came to America in. 1846 and located in St. Louis, where he remained until 1852, when he removed to Pike county, Illinois. In 1854 he removed to St. Croix Falls and in 1855 to Taylor's Falls, where he has since re sided. He has been treasurer of Chisago county two terms, and four years register of the United States land office. For a num ber of years he has held the position of town and bridge treas urer. He and his two sons, George and William, are engaged in the mercantile business. His daughter, Eleanor, is the wife of Benj. Thaxter, of Minneapolis. Dr. Erastus D. Whiting. — The Whiting family, consisting of three brothers, Erastus D., Selah and Charles B., came to Taylor's Falls in 1855, and for many years were prominent Mer chants and business men in the village. Erastus D. Whiting was born in Vernon Centre, Massachusetts, in 1811. He was edu cated in the common schools and at Westfield Academy. At the age of sixteen he commenced reading medicine and graduated at the Ohio Medical College in 1832. He practiced three years in Ashtabula, Ohio, and twenty years in Pike county, Illinois. When he came to Taylor's Falls he retired from practice and en gaged in the mercantile and lumbering business until 1867. Dur ing this time he served in two sessions of the Minnesota legisla ture as representative, 1860-61. In 1869 he visited Europe. He died in Taylor's Falls in 1880. He was twice married; first in 1837, to Emily Bradley, who died in 1866; and second in , to Mrs. Smith (widow of Dr. L. B. Smith), who died in 1872. Selah Whiting was born in Connecticut; came West to Pike county, Illinois, in 1836, and to Taylor's Falls in 1855. He en gaged in the mercantile business. His wife died in 1867. He died in 1868. Charles B. Whiting was born in Litchfield county, Con necticut; came to Pike county, Illinois, in 1836, and to Taylor's 346 FIFTY YEARS Falls in 1855. He was associated with his brothers in the mercan tile business. He was register of the land office four years and served as United States marshal during the war. His first wife died in Taylor's Falls. He was married to Flavilla Blanding in 18—. Mr. Whiting died in 1873. Frederic Tang was born in Prussia in 1819. He learned the trade of house carpenter and served in the Prussian Army one year. He was married in Germany, in 1850; came to Amer ica in 1852 and to Taylor's Falls in 1856. He served three years in Company C, Seventh Minnesota,, during the Rebellion. One son, Frederic, resides at Taylor's Falls, engaged in lumbering. His oldest daughter, Pena, is the wife of Ernest Leske, of Tay lor's Falls. His second daughter, Bertha, is the wife of David Bowsher, of Dakota. Mr. Tang died in November, 1887. Ward W. Folsom was born in 1822, in Tamworth, New Hampshire; was married to Matilda Stedman in 1844; came to Taylor's Falls in 1856, where he kept a boarding house for several years. He died at his home, Sept. 28, 1884. His eldest son, Charles W., was editor of the Taylor's Falls Reporter for several years. He was married to Luella Gray in 1865. He died in 1872. Edward H, his second son, for some years has edited the Taylor's Falls Journal. He started and conducted for some years the Stillwater Lumberman. He was married to Susie Way, in September, 1868. George W. Seymour was born in Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania, in 1828, and came to Taylor's Falls in 1857, where he has since resided, following the occupation of druggist, but occasionally holding a town office. Mr. Seymour held the posi tions of postmaster and justice of the peace for several years, and has been secretary of the Taylor's Falls & Lake Superior rail road since its organization. Mr. Seymour is an active member of the masonic fraternity, an ardent Democrat and thoroughly trustworthy and reliable as a man and friend. He is unmar ried. James A. Woolley, a native of England, came to Taylor's Falls in 1857. He was an engineer and in my employ as engi neer and foreman in the pinery for fourteen years, during which period our association was quite intimate, and I learned to know him and esteem him as a true friend, and faithful to all his obli gations as a man. He was a true Christian and died in full hope IN THE NORTHWEST. 347 of immortality. He promised, when ne knew himself to be dying, to return to earth and revisit me if possible, but so far has not returned. He died in 1874. His family removed to Dakota. His oldest son, John Alley, was killed in Washington Territory by a premature explosion of a blast in a mine, by which nine teen others were killed at the same time. Alida married Wil liam McKenzie and resides at Grand Forks, Dakota. Frank W. F., the youngest son, also lives in Dakota. Patrick Carroll was of Irish birth. His wife is a sister of Patrick Fox. He is about ninety years of age. They have had two sons, Joseph and one drowned, and three daughters, one the wife of E. Knowles, deceased, the other two becoming respec tively the first and second wife of John O'Brien. Mr. O'Brien has two daughters, Minnie and Lizzie, and three sons, William, Joseph and Daniel. Joseph Carroll was born at Davenport, Iowa, in 1840; came to St. Croix wiaen a boy, early in the 50' s, and worked for his uncle, Tatrick Fox, in the pinery; was married to Mary Cotter at Davenport, Iowa, in 1858. He resided at Taylor's Falls until 1861, when he enlisted in a Kansas regiment. He was severely wounded at Springfield, Missouri. He was subsequently trans ferred to a heavy artillery company of colored troops from Ten-. nessee, and commissioned a lieutenant. He was at Fort Pillow during the massacre, was taken prisoner and confined at Ander sonviUe eighteen months. After his dismissal he went to Mem phis and was employed in the police service until 1867, when he and his wife died of yellow fever, leaving two daughters, one the wife of Edward St. John, of Marine, the other of Geo. W. Booth,' of Taylor's Falls. Rev. E. E. Edwards was born in Delaware, Ohio, Jan. 26, 1831; was educated at Indiana Asbury University, and has been employed most of his life in educational work, serving as presi dent of Whitewater College, Indiana, professor of Latin in Ham- line University, professor of natural sciences at St. Charles and McKendre colleges, and president of the Colorado State Agri cultural College. .Mr. Edwards came to Taylor's Falls in the winter of 1860, and remained two years as pastor of the Metho dist Episcopal church, and teacher in the Chisago Seminary. During the last year of the war he was chaplain of the Seventh Minnesota Volunteer Infantry. In the winter of 1885 he again 348 FIFTY YEARS became pastor of the Taylor's Falls Methodist Episcopal church. He was married in 1854 to Alice L. Eddy, of Cincinnati, Ohio. His family consists, of four sons and one daughter. Stephen J. Merrill was born in Schoharie county, New York, in 1827; came to the St. Croix valley in 1848, and to Taylor's Falls in 1861. He was married to Caroline Nelson in 1861. They have six sons and one daughter. He has a beautiful and well improved homestead within the town limits, adjoin ing the cemetery. REV. E. E. EDWARDS. Noah Marcus Humphrey was born in 1809, at Goshen, Smith- field county, Connecticut. He removed to Ohio in 1833, served in the Ohio legislature in 1852 and 1853, and was for six years judge of probate court in Summit county. He was married twice, the second time to Mrs. Young, in 1840. His first wife left two children, Mark, for some time a resident of Taylor's Falls, now deceased, and Laura, wife of David Caneday. Judge Humphrey has been justice of the peace in Taylor's Falls for twenty years, and postmaster for as many more. He was judge -[N THE NORTHWEST. 349 of probate court for ten years, and has recently been re-elected to that position. Royal C. Gray was born in Bakersfield, Vermont, October, 1832. He spent his early life in Vermont and Massachusetts. He came West in 1850, and located in Kanabec county, where he farmed and kept a public house at Greely station, on Kanabec river, until 1860, when he returned to Massachusetts. In 1864 he returned to the St. Croix valley and located in Taylor's Falls, where he still resides. He has been employed by the St. Paul & Duluth Railroad Company for ten years as surveyor and explorer, and holds some valuable pine lands. In 1861 Mr. Gray was mar ried to Ann Eliza Johnson, in Massachusetts. They have one son, Orin. John Philip Owens. — William Owens, the father of John Philip, came to America from North Wales, and served as a sol dier in the war of 1812. John Philip was born Jan. 6, 1818. His father died seven years later, and the son was brought up on a farm by a stepfather. He received an academic education at Cincinnati, Ohio. At the age of seventeen he commenced learn ing the printer's trade, served as an apprentice four years, and graduated on his twenty-first birthday. Having some means in herited from his father, he commenced a newspaper enterprise at Cincinnati, invested and lost all his money. For several years he was engaged as a reporter and assistant editor on various papers in Cincinnati, Louisville, Vicksburg and New Orleans. In 1849 he formed a business partnership with Nat. McLean, of Cincinnati, to establish a paper at St. Paul. He arrived at St. Paul May 27th of that year. The first number of the Minnesota Register was printed in Cincinnati and brought to St. Paul for distribution in July. In October the paper was united with the Minnesota Chronicle, and so published until July, 1850, when it was discontinued. In 1851 Mr. Owens and G. W. Moore started the Weekly Mimnesotian, adding in 1854 a daily and tri-weekly edition. The Minnesotian was ably edited, and was Republican in politics. Owing to poor health, Mr. Owens sold his interest in the Minnesotian. In 1862 he was appointed quartermaster of the Ninth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry. This regiment did service in the State during the Sioux War, but in 1864 was ordered South and attached to the Sixteenth Army Corps. Mr. Owens served as regimental and brigade quartermaster until the close 350, fifty years of the war. In April, 1868, he was appointed register of the United States land office, which position he held until his death, Sept. 11, 1884. He was first Grand Master of the I. O. O. F. in Minnesota;, He left at his death an unpublished manuscript, "The Political History of the State of Minnesota." His first wife was Helen McAllister, whom he married in Ohio in 1848. She left an only daughter, Mary Helen. Mr. Owens' second wife was Frances M. Hobbs, whom he married Oct. 26, 1853, in New York City. Andrew Clendenning was born in 1798, in the north of Ire land. He was a Protestant, united with the Methodist church when a young man and proved ever after a consistent Christian, strong in his religious convictions and a faithful worker. He crossed the ocean in 1835, locating first at New Brunswick. In 1855 he came to Michigan, in 1859 to St. Croix Falls, in 1870 to Taylor's Falls, where he resided until his death, in 1875. He left three sons in Taylor's Falls, Andrew, James and George, and one son in Oregon. One son, Joseph, died in the service of his adopted country, having enlisted in Company C, Seventh Minne sota. One daughter, the wife of Thomas Thompson, of St. Croix Falls, died in 1886. Smith Ellison was born in Marine, Madison county, Illinois, March 15, 1823. He came to Marine Mills in 1844. For two years he was in the employ of Judd, Walker & Co. The next three years he spent at Osceola, Wisconsin. In 1849 he engaged in logging and continued in that business for many years. In 1856 he settled on and improved a farm in Sunrise. In 1868 he removed to Taylor's Falls and formed a partnership with L. K. Stannard in the mercantile and lumbering business. Mr. Ellison was a representative in the eighth legislature, and served as county commissioner eight years. In late years he has been in terested in a saw, planing and flour mill at Stillwater. He is a stockholder and director in the First National Bank at Stillwater and owns large tracts of pine lands. He has applied himself closely to business, is energetic, cautious and thoroughly reli able. Mr. Ellison is unmarried. WYOMING Includes township 33, range 21. The eastern half is well tim bered, the west has oak openings. Sunrise river flows in a IN THE NORTHWEST. 351 northerly direction through the township, and with its tribu taries and numerous lakes supplies it abundantly with water. There are some wild meadows and tamarack swamps. Green lake, in the eastern part jjf the township, is a picturesque sheet of water, five miles in length by one and a half broad, with sloping timbered shores and cedar points projecting into the lake, in one SMITH ELLISON. place forming a natural roadway nearly across, which is con nected with the mainland opposite by a bridge. A colony from Eastern Pennsylvania settled the western part of the township in 1855. The colony was composed of L. O. Tombler, Dr. John W. Comfort, E. K. Benton, and some others, in all ten families. The eastern part had been previously set tled by Swedes. The township was organized in 1858. The 352 FIFTY YEARS supervisors were J. W. Comfort, L. O. Tombler and Fred Tepel. A post office was established at Wyoming with J. Engle as post master. ' The Catholics and Methodists erected churches in 1864. The St. Paul & Duluth railroad was completed in 1868, and in 1879 the branch road to Taylor's Falls. The township was set tled rapidly after the completion of the railroad. At the junc tion of the two roads there is a good depot, two stores and a fine hotel, the latter kept by L. O. Tombler. WYOMING VILLAGE Was surveyed and platted by Ben. W. Brunson in 1869, in por tions of sections 17, 19 and 20, township 33, range 21; proprie tors, Western Land Association, L. Mendenhall, agent. DEER GARDEN VILLAGE Was surveyed and platted by Alex. Cairns, October, 1856, in sections 1 and 12, township 33, range 21; proprietor, Erastus S. Edgerton. Lucius O. Tombler was born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, in 1823. His ancestors were Moravians, who, driven from Ger many in the eighteenth century, came to America, and founded the colony of Bethlehem, a colony famed for its thrift, advance ment in educational matters, and high morality. Mr. Tombler and his wife, Christiana Brown, to whom he was married in 1845, were educated in the Moravian schools. They came with the col- ¦ ony from Bethlehem to Wyoming in 1855, and built a two story log hotel on the St. Paul and Lake Superior stage road, which was long noted as a rest for the weary traveler and a home for the invalid. Mr. Tombler was an energetic, worthy man, genial in his manners, a good farmer, a good landlord, and an accom plished musician besides. Mrs. Tombler possessed superior en dowments as a landlady, and the house soon gained widespread popularity with the traveling public. The first hotel was burned in 1876, but the year following a more commodious building was erected on the grounds, which, with its modern improvements within, and its park-like surroundings, is more popular with the traveling public than its predecessor. The Tombler family con sists of Charles A., the father of Lucius O., born in 1800, but still hale and vigorous, in the possession of all his faculties, two sons, Maurice and Milton, and one daughter, Laura. Charles A., IN THE NORTHWEST. 353 the grandfather, has received the thirty-third degree Scottish Masonic rite. Dr. John Woolman Comfort was born in Bucks county, Pennsylvania, in 1804. He graduated at Jefferson Medical Col lege, Philadelphia, in 1836, and practiced medicine continuously, and, although an accomplished graduate of an allopathic school, was a zealous advocate and exponent of the Thompsonian system, in favor of which he published several works. He was also for some years editor of the Thompsonian Medical Journal. As a physician he was untiring, and impartial in the performance of his duties, never refusing a medical call on account of the poverty of the patient. He was especially kind to the poor. He came to Wyo ming with the colony in 1855, and died there Feb. 9, 1881, leav ing a widow, since deceased, one son in Philadelphia, and two daughters, Mrs. Markley, of Wyoming, and Mrs. Carter, of Mel bourne, Australia. Isaac Markley was born in Montgomery county, Pennsyl vania, April 2, 1822. In the spring of 1849 he came westward, and engaged in steamboating. He commanded the Uncle Toby, and in October, 1850, ran his steamboat from St. Louis to Taylor's Falls for the writer of this work. He engaged in mercantile pur suits for some time in St. Paul, and in 1871 came to Wyoming and located on a farm. He was married to Frances, a daughter of Dr. Comfort. He died at his home, February, 1$83. Joel Wright was born in Pennsylvania in 1800, and came to Wyoming with the Bethlehem colony in 1855. He is a black smith by trade, but has also devoted himself to hunting and trap ping. Mr. Wright has been married three times, and has three children. Randall Wright, second son of the foregoing, was born in Pennsylvania in 1828; was married to Anna Montgomery in 1850, and came to Wyoming in 1855. He is a house carpenter by trade. Frederic Tepel was born in Hanover, Germany, in 1824; received a fair education and learned the trade of blacksmithing. He came to America in 1843, lived in New Orleans one year, in St. Louis ten years, in St. Paul one year, and settled in Wyo ming in 1855. In 1847 he was married to Fredrica Wilmina, of . St. Louis. They have seven children. Mr. Tepel has held many town offices to the satisfaction of his townsmen. He has been for forty years a member of the Methodist church. 23 354 FIFTY YEARS Charles Henry Sauer was born in Germany in 1824; served as a soldier in the German Army three years, and in the twenty- fourth year of his age came to America. The year following he returned to Europe and was married. In 1851 he took up his residence in Chicago, and in 1855 came to Wyoming, and engaged in farming. He has three sons, Fred, Henry and Harvey, and a daughter married to a Lutheran minister. IN THE NORTHWEST. 355 OHAPTEE X1Y. WASHINGTON COUNTY. The early history of Washington county is to be found in the history of St. Croix county, Wisconsin, of which it was a part until the organization of Minnesota Territory in 1849. At the first session of the territorial legislature Washington county was established in full for county and judicial purposes. It included all that part of the Territory lying east of the range line be tween ranges 21 and 22 and north of the Mississippi as far as the British possessions and fractional parts of townships 29 and 30, range 22. The courts held prior to this organization are referred to else where. The first territorial court in Washington county was held Aug. 13, 1849, Judge Aaron Goodrich, presiding; Judge David Cooper, associate. It continued in session six days. There were sixty cases on the calendar. Harvey Wilson was clerk of court; A. M. Mitchell, of St. Paul, United States mar shal; Henry L. Moss, district attorney; John Morgan, sheriff. The lawyers present were H. L. Moss, M. S. Wilkinson, M. E. Ames, A. M. Mitchell, L. Babcock, and David Lambert. The second court house (the first under the new organization) was built in Stillwater, corner of Fourth and Chestnut streets, in 1849, at a cost of $3,600. This was the first court house in the territory of Minnesota. The lot was donated by John McKusick. In this building were held all the courts from 1849 to 1867. In that year Churchill & Nelson donated a city block on Nelson Hill, a fine location overlooking the city and lake, and the county erected upon it a fine stone structure costing $60,000, in cluding jail and ground improvements. 356 FIFTY YEARS The first election was held Nov. 26, 1849. The following board of county officers was elected: Commissioners, John McKusick, Hiram Berkey, Joseph Haskell; treasurer, Socrates Nelson; register of deeds, John S. Proctor; judge of probate, Harvey Wilson; sheriff, Jesse Taylor. At the same election the follow ing persons were elected justices of the peace in their various precincts: St. Croix Falls, Jerry Ross; Point Douglas, Martin Leavitt; Stillwater, Albert Harris and H. K. McKinstry; Ma rine, James Moore and W. H. Johnson. The territory of the county has been from time to time divided and subdivided for the organization of new counties. Wash ington county, however, was divided but once. In 1852 the county of Chisago was set off in the north, since which time its boundaries have been, Chisago on the north, the St. Croix river and lake on the east, the Mississippi river on the south, Anoka and Ramsey counties and the Mississippi river on the west. It includes the following townships: From 27 to 32 inclusive, ranges 20 and 21, and fractional parts of townships 31 and 32, range 19, and fractional part of township 26, range 20. AFTON Was organized as a town in 1858. Joseph Haskell, G. W. Cutler and H. L. Thomas were the first supervisors; Minor H. Thomas, clerk. It includes a fractional part of township 28, range 20. It is well watered by Bolles and Valley creeks, streams tributary to the St. Croix. The southwestern part of the township is rolling prairie, the remainder somewhat broken. The soil is all pro ductive and the streams afford good water powers. The township had French settlers as early as 1837, — Baptist Fornier and others. Joseph Haskell commenced his farm in 1839. Prior to 1850 A. Mackey, L. Bolles, P. J. Carli, T. F. Randolph, E. Bissell, N. H. Johnson, James Getchell, and A. McHattie located in the town. The first crops were raised by the French" settlers. The first marriage was that of Andrew Mackey to Mrs. Hamilton, in 1844. The first child born was Helen M. Haskell, daughter of Joseph Haskell. The first death was that of Paul J. Carli, in 1844, accidentally drowned in the lake. The first road was located between Stillwater and Point Douglas, in 1847. A military road was surveyed from Point Douglas to Superior through this town in 1850. Lemuel Bolles erected a flouring mill on Bolles IN THE NORTHWEST. 357 creek, in the winter of 1845-46, the first to grind wheat north of Prairie_&a- Chiemv The old mill was long since replaced by a new one, and the mill property has changed owners many times, Emil Munch being the last owner. The present mill is a fine structure with a capacity of fifty barrels per day. The first post office was at the old mill; L. Bolles, postmaster. The first organized school was in the Haskell district, in 1855. The Scandinavian Methodists have a church in section 18, built in 1885. The German Lutherans have a church in section 6, and a parochial school. AFTON VILLAGE. In May, 1855, Afton village was surveyed and platted by Has kell, Getchell & Thomas, in section 23; Emerson & Case were the surveyors. The village is beautifully located on the shore ,of the lake and contains one hotel, one church (Congregational), one school house, ah academy building, and several stores, shops and dwellings. The academy, known as the St. Croix Academy, , was established in 1868, and the building, a handsome three story brick structure, erected the same year. Mr. Gorrie was the first principal. Simon Putnam was the first pastor of the Congregational church. SOUTH AFTON Is located one mile south of Afton, on the shores of the lake. It has an elevator, store, warehouses and other buildings. A saw mill was built by Lowry & Co., between Afton and South Afton, in 1854, and rebuilt in 1855 by Thomas & Sons. The Getchell Brothers built a mill in 1861, which was burned. VALLEY CREEK Is a small village on Bolles creek, in sections 9 and 10. Erastus Bolles located here in 1857, and improved the water power, built a machine shop and manufactured edge tools. He sold out to his son, C. E. Bolles, who further improved the property by building a corn and feed mill. In 1860 Gilbert & Buswell erected a flour mill with three run of stone. The post office in this village was established in 1874, with Erastus Bolles as post master. ST. MARY VILLAGE Was platted in 1855, on lots 1, 2 and 3, section 14. Thomas W. Coleman, proprietor; James A. Carr, surveyor. 358 FIFTY YEARS Joseph Haskell was born Jan. 9, 1805, in Kennebec county, Maine. During his minority, he worked with his father on a farm at Skowhegan, Maine. In 1837 he came West, stopping two years in Indiana. July 24, 1839, he arrived at Fort Snell ing on the steamer Ariel, obtained employment of Frank Steele for whom he, with others, rowed a mackinaw boat from Fort Snelling to St. Croix Falls. While at the falls he worked on the dam and mill, then in process of building. In the fall of 1839 he made a trip to Fort Snelling and returned to the Falls, carrying the mail in a birch canoe to Catfish bar, and then across by Indian trail to the Fort. While on this trip he made the claim for his homestead in Afton. In 1840 he put three acres under cultivation, raising corn and potatoes. This was the first attempt at farming, except by the French pioneers, who raised only garden crops, north of Prairie du Chien. September, 1844, he made a trip to Maine, and returned bringing three sisters with him. They kept house for him until he married. Mr. Has kell was married to Olive Furber, sister of J. W Furber, in 1849. They have four children, Helen M., Mary E., Henry Pitt and Hiram A. Mr. Haskell was a representative in the state legislatures of 1869 and 1871. He was of most exemplary habits. He died at his home Jan. 23, 1885. Lemuel Bolles was born in New York. He came to St. Croix Falls in 1840. In 1843 he opened a grindstone quarry in the soft, coarse sandstones, a short distance below the Dalles. In 1844-45 his grindstones were much used. He made Stillwater his home in 1844-55, when he removed to Afton. He was industrious, in genious and eccentric. He died in Stillwater in 1875. Taylor F. Randolph was the first school teacher in Wash ington county. He and his wife taught at Red Rock in 1837-38 -39-^0, under the supervision of the Methodist mission at that place. In 1842 he settled on a farm in a valley near Bissell's Mounds, Afton, where he and his wife died in 1846. Elijah Bissell, in 1842, located a farm near the three mounds in section 8, which now bear his name. He left the county in 1850. Andrew Mackey. — :Mr. Mackey, of whom some mention is made in the chapter concerning the early history, is one of the first pioneers, having come in 1837 with John Boyce to the val ley of the St. Croix in a mackinaw boat, towed from St. Louis IN THE NORTHWEST. 359 to the mouth of Lake St. Croix by a steamer, from which point they poled their boat up to the St. Croix falls, where they landed on the west side. From this point they madea portage and cor- delled their boat, and with poles and lines ascended to Snake river. He engaged for some time in lumbering, and worked at the falls until 1841, when he settled on a beautiful farm, on a part of which Afton is now situated. Mr. Mackey was born in Kil kenny, Ireland, in 1804, and (in 1888) is still living. His wife died in 1873. BAYTOWN Comprises the north half of fractional township 28, range 20. The surface is somewhat uneven and broken, owing to the lake bluff formation, but there is much good farming land. Origin ally it was covered with oaks or oak openings. It derives its name from a bay indenting the western shore of Lake St. Croix. At South Stillwater village a considerable stream, known as Spring creek, flows from some large springs and forms a good water power in its descent to the lake. Two flour mills are lo cated on this stream. In 1842 Francis Bruce built a house on the present site of the office of the St. Croix Lumber Company. In the same year Norman Kittson built a trading post at what has been since known as Kittson's Point. Both of these parties left in 1844 and John Allen built a house and cultivated a field on the east side of Kittson's Point. Allen sold the place in 1846 and removed to California. He raised the first crops in the town. In 1847 Joseph Pero became a prominent settler and made him a good home on Spring creek. Other parties made claims and abandoned or sold them. Fiske & Marty located here in 1848. In 1850 came Ambrose Secrest and some others. In 1852 Nelson, Loomis & Co. built a steam saw mill on the bay. In 1854 Secrest & Booth built a flour mill on Spring creek. In 1858 Baytown was organized as a town. The first super visors were Ambrose Secrest, John Parker and W. H. Crosby; John J. Hale, clerk. BAYTOWN VILLAGE. Socrates Nelson, D. B. Loomis, Levi Churchill, Daniel Mears, and James W. Hinton, in February, 1856, platted the village of Baytown. Harvey Wilson was the surveyor. The location was on the lake shore, lots 3 and 4, section 11, and lot .7, section 2. 360 FIFTY YEARS In 1872 a post office was established called South Stillwater; William Graves, postmaster. BANGOR VILLAGE Was platted May. 1857, by C. I. and J. E. Whitney, Albert and Edwin Caldwell, Wm. Hollinshead, Isaac Staples, and A. J. Short; J. J. Carleton, surveyor. It was situated on the shore of the lake south of Baytown. MIDDLETOWN VILLAGE Was platted in July, 1857, in parts of sections 2 and 3, by Wil liam Holcomb; Myron B. Shepard, surveyor. SOUTH STILLWATER Was platted in January, 1873, by the St. Croix Railway Improve ment Company; Peter Berkey, president; A. B. Stickney, secre tary; J. S. Sewall, surveyor. South Stillwater was made to in clude the platted villages of Baytown, Bangor and Middletown. It has prospered greatly as a manufacturing village. In 1854 Torinus, Staples & Co. built a steam saw mill, to which from time to time they added various manufacturing establishments. Subsequently the firm became the St. Croix Lumber Company. In the spring of 1876 this company sustained a loss by fire on their mill and appurtenances to the value of $70,000, which was not insured. With indomitable energy they rebuilt, and pros pered. The two leading business men in this firm were Louis Torinus and William Chalmers. Turnbull' s steam saw mill, on the lake shore, has a capacity of 100, 000 feet per day . The property is valued at $70,000. The South Stillwater Lumber Company has a mill with a capacity of 90,000 feet per day, with planer and other machinery attached, in which they have invested $70, - 000. The firm consists of D. Tozer, A. T. Jenks, H. McGlinn, E. W. Durant, and R. Wheeler. The mills of the Herschey Lum ber Company, valued at $70,000, have a capacity of 100,000 feet per day. The proprietor, Herschey, lives in Muscatine, Iowa. The Stillwater Dock Company was organized in 1877. The company consists of Durant, Wheeler & Co., St. Croix Lumber Company and Jonah Bachelder. They have built many fine steamers and barges. Their repairing docks are a great con- IN THE NORTHWEST. 361 venience to steamboat lumbermen. The Seuth Stillwater Soap Factory, owned by McKenzie & Co., deserves honorable mention. The construction of the branch railroad from Stillwater in 1872, and the St. Paul & Milwaukee railroad, built in 1883, have greatly increased the prosperity of the village. Aside from mills and manufactories there are many private residences* one hotel, stores, shops, a Lutheran church, and a school house. There are three cemeteries in the village limits known as Hazle- wood, St. Michael's, and the potter's field. The block for the former was contributed by Secrest & Pero, in 1858. St. Michael's was established by the Catholics in 1873. The potter's field was established by the city of Stillwater in 1873. The first death in the limits of South Stillwater was that of Sylvester, son of Joseph Pero. South Stillwater was organized in 1881. First board of officers were: President, B. E. Meigs; clerk, Ed ward Ivison; councilmen, Richard Burns, C. M. Anderson, Charles Kregor; justice of the peace, Ambrose Secrest. South Stillwater has a graded school with four departments. COTTAGE GROVE Includes township 27 and a fractional part of township 26, range 21. It was organized as a town in October, 1858; James S. Nor ris, moderator; William Watson, clerk; John Atkinson, Jacob Moshier, Joel Munger, judges of election; William Watson, John Atkinson, B. Winant, supervisors. Wm. Ferguson, Lewis Hill, James S. Davis, Jonathan Brown, and Jacob Moshier were, the first settlers, locating here in 1844. The first marriage was that of Henry W. Crosby to Hannah Waterman, in 1854. The first child born was Nathan, son of John Atkinson, in 1846; the first death was that of Mehitable, wife of P. P. Furber, in 1851. A post office was established at Cottage Grove village in 1850; J. W. Furber was postmaster. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad was completed through the town in 1871. With its fine natural advantages of soil, and its convenient access to markets, Cottage Grove is well settled and prosperous. COTTAGE GROVE VILLAGE Is situated in section 12. It is a pleasant inland village, well supplied with stores, shops and dwellings. It has one hotel, one school house and three churches, Congregational, Evangelical 362 FIFTY YEARS German Lutheran and Methodist. The Congregational society was organized in 1858, Rev. B. Hall, pastor; the Evangelical in 1874; the Methodist some years later. The Universalists also have an organization. The village was platted in April, 1871, tby John P. and S. W, Furber, James A. McClusky, Margaret M. Ellwell and Clarence Smith, in the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 12; J. W. Furber, surveyor. LANGDON VILLAGE Was platted in December, 1871, in the southwest quarter of sec tion 21, on the line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rail road. It contains an elevator, hotel, three stores, a school house, Catholic church and other buildings. The Catholic church was erected in 1873. Father Huxley is the officiating clergyman. The village was platted by Joseph J. Dodge; C. B. Lowell, sur veyor. Joseph W. Furber was born in New Hampshire in 1813. His ancestors came to this country with the early colonists of New England. His father was a soldier in the war of 1812. During his minority he worked at farming, obtaining, meanwhile, an education in the common schools and at Foxcroft Academy, Maine. He emigrated to the valley of the Mississippi in 1838, locating at Alton, Illinois, where he remained fortwo years. In 1840 he came to St. Croix Falls and engaged in lumbering until 1844, when he located in Cottage Grove. In 1846 Mr. Furber represented Crawford county in the Wisconsin legislature as representative. He traveled on foot as far as Prairie du Chien on his way to the capital of the Territory. He represented the First district in the first Minnesota territorial legislature and was elected speaker of the house; was again a representative in the eighth territorial legislature in 1857; was a member of the tenth and seventeenth state legislatures. In 1857 he was com missioned major general of Minnesota militia. He was also ap pointed United States marshal of Minnesota by President Fill more. He died at his residence in Cottage Grove in 1883. He was a man of strong intellect, sound judgment and high moral character. His widow, Sarah Wimples, to whom he was mar ried in 1843, one son, William W., and two daughters survive him. Samuel W. Furber was born in Stafford county, New IN THE NORTHWEST. 363 Hampshire, in 1819. He removed with his parents to Milo, Maine, and came to Cottage Grove in 1860. Theodore Furber was born in 1817, in Farmington, New Hampshire; came West in 1845 and located at St. Croix Falls. In the following year he moved to Cottage Grove. Mr. Furber was married to Sarah J. Hale in 1843, in Skowhegan, Maine. Mr. and Mrs. Furber visited California in 1867. In 1885 they removed to California. James S. Norris.— James S. Norris was born in Monmouth, Kennebec county, Maine, in 1810. He was married at Newport in 1845 toJttiss Haskell, _Mr. Norris came to St. Croix Falls in 1839, removed to Washington county in 1842, where Jie set- tied on a farm at Cottage Grove, and lived continuously till his death, March 5, 1874. He raised the first crops in Cottage Grove, and though he made farming his chief business, his abilities were such that his fellow citizens intrusted him with many official positions, in all of which he acquitted himself with honor. He acted as county commissioner, was a member of the first territo rial council, member of the sixth and seventh territorial house of representatives, and speaker of the sixth, a member of the Democratic wing of the constitutional convention, and of the twelfth state legislature (house). Lewis Hill was born at Hollis, Maine, in 1822. In 1843 he came to the valley of the St. Croix and located at St. Croix Falls. In 1844 he came to Cottage Grove and engaged in farming, and, excepting a few years spent in Dakota county, has resided there Since. He was married to Abbie Welch in 1854. Their living children are Emma C, Jessie L. and Frederick E. G. Jacob Moshier was born in Nova Scotia in 1820. He re moved with his parents in 1829 to Canada West. In 1839 he re moved to Illinois, in 1843 to St. Croix Falls, and in 1845 to Cottage Grove, where he still resides. He is a house carpenter, and has also been engaged in farming. He was married in 1854 to Maria Shatto. Their children are Annie F., Mahala, Wil liam, Addie, Grant, Laura, and George. William Ferguson came to Cottage Grove in 1844, and made a claim in section 26. John Atkinson was born in Lewiston, Maine, April 4, 1805. He remained in his native town until 1833, resided in Pitts- field until 1844, when he came West and located in Cottage 364 FIFTY YEARS Grove. He pre-empted eighty acres of land, purchased additions to it from time to time, and made for himself a very attractive home, where he resided thirty years. Mr. Atkinson was twice married, first to Hannah Moore, at Lewiston, Maine, who died in 1874, then to Mrs. A. B. Fiske, of Baytown, at which place he now resides, an aged, much respected citizen. His first wife left four sons and two daughters. DENMARK. This town is located on the point of land between the Missis sippi river and Lake St. Croix, and includes the territory lying south of Afton, and between Cottage Grove and Lake St. Croix, fractional townships 26 and 27, range 20. The surface is elevated, somewhat rolling, without lakes or streams, and the soil rich and well adapted to agricultural purposes. The early history of the town is substantially that of its earliest settlement, Point Doug las. It was organized in 1858. Supervisors, John Shearer, Thomas Wright and David Hone. POINT DOUGLAS. Levi Hertzell and Oscar Burris, young men, located in 1839 on the extreme point of the delta between the Mississippi and St. Croix lake, where they cut wood and sold it to the steamboats. They built a log cabin and store, under one roof, and traded with Indians, discharged soldiers and French settlers. They were diligent and industrious, and prospered. In 1846 they built aframe store building. Their trade increased and they grew wealthy. Messrs. Levi Hertzell, Oscar Burris and David Hone, in 1849, platted the village of Point Douglas, Harvey Wilson acting as surveyor. It was named in honor of Stephen A. Doug las. The following settlers came to Point Douglas prior to 1850: Wm. B. Dibble, the Truaxes, Harley D. White, David Barber, E. H. Whittaker, James Shearer, Martin Leavitt, Simon Shin- gledecker, H. A. Carter, Thomas Hetherington, Geo. W. Camp bell, John Allibone, Mark Wright, John ,H. Craig, John O. Henry, and George Harris. The first post office north of Prairie du Chien was established in 1840, on the site of Prescott, at that time known as "Mouth of St. Croix." This office was removed to the opposite side of the lake in 1841, and Levi Hertzell was IN THE NORTHWEST. 365 appointed postmaster. The first school was taught in 1850, by John Craig. Rev. Joseph Hurlbut, a Methodist minister, preached here in 1843. In 1856 Rev. T. Wilc'oxson, Episcopalian, established "St. Paul's Parish." Mr. Woodruff erected a saw mill in 1851. The enterprise was not successful. A. J. Short built a saw mill in 1858, which eventually passed info the hands of John Dudley. The first road to Point Douglas was the Still water county road, located in 1847. The Point Douglas and Lake Superior military road was built in 1849. A ferry was es tablished in 1851 from Point Douglas to Prescott, which was chartered in 1856, and controlled by W. B. Dibble, who also established a ferry from Point Douglas to Hastings in 1857. The first marriage was that of Oscar Burris to Amanda M. Henry, Nov. 14, 1847. The first birth was that of Emmet M. Hone, born in 1845, son of David and Mary G. Hone. Levi Hertzell came to Point Douglas in 1839, and was quite successful in business. In 1846 he was married to Rhoda C. Pond, an adopted daughter of Cornelius Lyman, of Stillwater. In 1849, in company with Burris and Hone, he platted the village of Point Douglas. In the spring of 1856, while in New York, whither he had gone to purchase goods, he mysteriously disappeared, and nothing has since been heard from him. Mrs. Hertzell and her three children were left in a dependent condition, she being able to realize but little from the property held in Point Douglas. She soon after married again. Of her subsequent history nothing is known. Oscar Burris, associated with Levi Hertzell as one of the first settlers of Point Douglas and pioneer merchants and traders, left in 1849 for California. David Hone. — The following statement was given me, on re quest, by Mr. Hone himself: "I was born in Cherry Valley, Otsego county, New York, April 5, 1808, and was married to Mary Henry in 1835. We came by stage over the mountains of Pennsylvania to Pittsburgh and by steamboat from there to Cairo, Illinois, and stopped at the Marine settlement until Sept. 10,1838. At that time I embarked on the steamboat Ariel, at St. Louis, and in twenty-five days reached the head of Lake St. Croix, from which point I proceeded on a flatboat, propelled by ' poles, to St. Croix Falls, the trip occupying two days. I made a pine timber claim on an island opposite the mouth of Kettle 366 FIFTY YEARS river. On my return, which was made with eight companions in birch canoes, I stopped at Marine and made a claim where the Marine mill now-stands, intending to build a saw mill. We then proceeded in our canoes to Galena, where we took passage on the Ariel for St. Louis, landing there November 10th, after an absence of two months, more than half of which had been spent on the water. We reported favorably, and, organizing a com pany of thirteen at Marine settlement, Illinois, with a capital of $26,000, got our material together at St. Louis during the win ter, and embarked on the Fayette, May 4, 1839, for the point afterward known as Marine Mills, Minnesota. We arrived May 13th and commenced at once to work upon the projected mill, which was completed Sept. 1, 1839. I remained at the mill un til March, 1841, when I removed to Gray Cloud. I made a claim at Point Douglas in 1843, and moved upon it in April of that year. In 1844 I built the Union House, the first frame house built in the territory now embraced in Minnesota. At Gray Cloud I acted as justice of the peace. I was appointed deputy sheriff by Sheriff R. D. Lester of Crawford county, and held the office until Minnesota Territory was organized. My first wife died in November, 1864, leaving three sons, Edwin A., John H. and Emmet M. In 1865 I was married to Electa Barnes, of St. Paul. In 1872 I removed to Hastings, my present home." Mr. Hone died at Hastings, July 11, 1887. William B. Dibble was born in the state of New York in 1815. He spent part of his early life in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Ala bama and Illinois. He came to the St. Croix valley in 1839, and was one of the founders of Marine, Minnesota, from whence he removed to Point Douglas in 1844, and established ferries across Lake St. Croix to Prescott, and across the 'Mississippi river to Hastings. He also engaged in farming. He was twice married, first in 1844, to Eliza McCauslin, who died in 1847, then to Mary Wright, who, with nine children, survives him. Mr. Dibble died in 1884. George Harris was born in Pennsylvania in 1824. In 1827 his father removed to Illinois and was killed during the Black Hawk War while acting as sentry. At the age of eight years George commenced working on a farm, and continued nine years. He then removed to Missouri and remained until 1845, when he came to Stillwater and engaged in lumbering. Soon afterward in the northwest. 367 he settled on a farm near Point Douglas, where he still resides. His family consists of a wife (formerly Alice White) and seven children. Harley D. White was born in Orange county, Vermont, in 1812; came to Prairie du Chien in 1840 and engaged in selling goods; removed to Red Rock in 1844 where he sold goods in partnership with Daniel Hopkins, and settled on a farm at Point Douglas in 1847. Some years later he removed to Beattie, Kan sas. He was married to Mrs. E. Tainter, of St. Croix Falls, in 1849. She died in 1850, leaving a daughter, who was adopted into the family of W. H. Tinker, of St. Paul. This daughter became a teacher and taught in the public schools of St. Paul for a period of eighteen years, and with her earnings purchased a home for her foster parents. Mr. White married a second time and reared two sons, one an editor, now residing in Alameda, California. The other is engaged in farming in Kansas. Mr. White died in April, 1888. Thomas Hetherington was born in Northumberland, Eng land, in 1818; came to Canada at the age of sixteen years and to Point Douglas in 1849 and settled on a farm at Basswood Grove, where he died in 1885, leaving his family in good circumstances. He was held in great esteem as an upright man by those who knew him. James Shearer was born at Palmer, Massachusetts, Oct. 30, 1815. He was engaged in the mercantile business from 1837 to 1843, when he sold out and went to Canada. He came to Point Douglas May 8, 1849, and engaged in farming. He held vari ous offices of trust in the county and town. He served as county commissioner for 6 years, postmaster 2 years, chairman of town board of Denmark for 4 years, and town treasurer 12 years. Mr. Shearer was married to Minerva J. Taylor, March 6, 1866. Their children are Marcus, Martha and Irvin. Simon Shingledecker was born in Germany in 1815; came to America in 1831 and located in Ohio, where he worked nine years as a farmer. He removed thence to Illinois, then to St. Louis, and in 1845 came to Hudson, Wisconsin, where he en gaged in lumbering. In 1848 he located on a farm near Point Douglas, which is still his home. In 1850 he was married to Margaret Truax. They have eight children. Caleb Truax was born in Mohawk valley in 1810. He be- 368 FJFTY YEARS came a citizen of Montreal and was there married to Elisabeth Morehouse. He removed to Point Douglas in 1849, where he followed the business of farmer and house carpenter. He was a representative in the fourth territorial legislature. He died at his home in 1878, leaving seven sons and three daughters. Abraham Truax was born in Brooklynn, Canada West. He came to Point Douglas in 1848; removed to Hastings in 1850. While there he was elected sheriff of Dakota county. He re turned to Point Douglas in 1859, where he still resides. He was married to Mary Lahey in 1859. Mrs. Truax died in 1867, leaving five children. George W. Campbell was born in Canton, New York, April 8, 1810. He received a common school and academic education. His father died in 1826, leaving to George W. the care of the family and the management of the estate. He was married in 1832, at Cornwell, Canada West, to Margaret Harriet Robinson. He came to Point Douglas in 1848, where he has lived since, en gaged in farming and lumbering. He was a representative in the first state legislature, 1857-58. Mrs. Campbell died at her home in Point Douglas in 1886, aged seventy-four years. She had been a member of the Episcopal church for sixty years. Six of her seven surviving children with the aged husband and father attended the funeral. Mr. Campbell died in 1887. FOREST LAKE/ This town includes township 32, range 21. The surface was originally covered with hardwood timber, interspersed with wild meadows; the western part with oak, maple, poplar and tam arack. The first settlers were Louis Schiel, Wilson, Rice and Cyrus Gray. Later came Simmons, Posten, Marsh, York, and Banty. The first marriage was that of Francis Cartwright to Mary Long, in 1865. The first child born was Rebecca Simmons. The first death was that of Frederic Veith, in 1867. In 1873 the first school district was organized. A Methodist church was or ganized in 1876 by Rev. Adam Ringer. The Forest Lake Lodge, I. O. G. T., was organized in 1879. A post office was established in 1868; Michael Marsh, postmaster. The town of Forest Lake was organized in 1874; W. D. Benedict, A. C. York and George Simmons, supervisors; Louis Schiel, clerk. IN THE NORTHWEST, 369 FOREST LAKE VILLAGE Was platted May, 1869, in the northwest part of the town, by Luther Mendenhall, agent of the Western Land Company, and surveyed by B. W. Brunson. It is beautifully located on the' shore of Forest lake and is rapidly becoming a popular place of resort for summer tourists and pleasure parties. The lake is almost separated into three distinct parts by points or capes. It is five miles from the northwest to the southeast extremity and is nearly two miles wide at the widest point. Its shores are well timbered and approach the water's edge in gravelly slopes. The indications are that the lake was once much larger. In the= south lakes the water is deepest, averaging twenty feet. The south lakes have also higher banks. The lake covers terri tory in sections 8 to 15, inclusive, of township 32, range 21. Capt. Michael Marsh is a native of Wesemburg, Germany,. and has resided at this lake nineteen years. He has done much to make it attractive as a place of resort. He has built a hotel with seventy-five rooms for the accommodation of summer visitors, and has placed a steamer, the Germania, upon the lake. 'Capt. Marsh was married in Germany and has a fam ily of two sons and three daughters. GRANT. This town Was organized in 1858, under the name of Green field. In 1864 the name was changed to Grant. It comprises township 30, range 21. The soil is a sand and clay loam, with clay gravel subsoil. The surface varies from undulating to roll ing, and was originally well timbered with white, black and burr oak. White Bear lake lies partly within the township, occupy ing about 1,200 acres. Other and smaller lakes are Pine, Stone Quarry, Deep, Ben's, and Long. The first officers of the town were: Moderator, Joseph Crane;. clerk, Jesse H. Soule; supervisors, Albion Masterman, James- Rutherford and Joseph Crane. The first settlers were Albion- Masterman and William Rutherford, in 1849. Soon after came James Rutherford, Thomas Ramsdell and George Bennett. Albion Masterman built the first house, and his wife, formerly Eliza Middleton, was the first woman in the settlement. The first pub lic highway through^the town was the Rum river road. The 24 370 FIFTY YEARS first child born was Castinea O. Rutherford. The first death was that of James, son of James Rutherford. The first school house was built in section 1, in 1856. Joseph Crane taught the first sphool. The first sermon was preached by. Rev. Hamlin, a Free Will Baptist, but the first religious organization was that of the German Protestant Lutheran. Rev. Siegrist was the first pastor. The church building is in section 2, and was built in 1872. The Spiritualists had au organization in 1868, of which Jesse H. Soule was president, and George Walker secretary. Summer meetings were held, and lecturers from abroad invited to address them. DELLWOOD VILLAGE Was platted in September, 1882, on the line of the Stillwater & White Bear railroad, on the shore of White Bear lake; Augustus K. and Carrie Barnum, proprietors; Simon & Morton,, survey ors. EAGLE CITY Was platted in 1854; proprietors, K. Starkey and Chas. G. Pettys; surveyor, Daniel S. Turpen. It is located in the southwest quarter of section 27. MAHTOMEDI Was platted in July, 1883; proprietors, Mahtomedi Assembly; surveyors, Hone & Holland. White Bear lake has become a noted resort for tourists and pleasure parties. A steamboat plies regularly upon its waters during the open months, and the Still water & White Bear, the St. Paul & Duluth and the Wisconsin Central railroads render it easy of access. It is made attractive by the beauty of its scenery, the clearness and brightness of its waters and its convenient distance from St. Paul,, Minneapolis and Stillwater. The Mahtomedi Association have erected here a fine hotel, assembly houses and numerous cottages for the ac commodation of summer visitors. Summer schools are held here under the auspices of the Chautauqua Association. The grounds are also adapted to camp meetings, conventions and military parades. WILDWOOD PARK I Was platted in 1883, by the Park Association; Elmer & Newell, surveyors. It is located on White Bear lake, on the line of the Stillwater & White Bear railroad. IN THE NORTHWEST 371 William Elliott was born in Ireland in 1825. His parents removed to New Brunswick in 1830, whence he came to Minne sota in 1850, and located in Grant in 1862, devoting himself to farming. He had been a pilot and a lumberman. His second wife was Mary Crawford. They have eight children. Frederick Lamb was born in Prussia in 1825; served three years in the Prussian Army, traveled some time for a manufac turing firm in Germany through Switzerland," France, England, .and Italy; came to America in 1848, and to Stillwater in 1849. For some time he was unsettled as to his location, .but in 1852 made his home in Stillwater, where he remained until 1866, when he located in Grant. He was married in 1851 to Lena Laroche. A son and a daughter lost their lives by accident. Three daughters are living. JaMes Rutherford was born in the parish of Elsdon, North umberland county, England, in 1812. In 1818 he came with his parents to America. In 1849 he came to the valley of the St. Groix and located in what is now the town of Grant. He built a flour mill on Brown's creek. He engaged in farming and also in lumbering for many years. He was married to Elisabeth Smith in 1836. He died at his residence Sept. 14, 1874. Four children survive him. Jesse H. Soule has been a prominent and enterprising citi zen of Grant since 1854. He was born at Avon, Franklin county, Maine, in 1823. Mr. Soule came to Grant when there were but six families in the town, and pre-empted one hundred and fifty acres of land, where he made him a pleasant and attractive home. He has held many, positions of trust, having been elected town clerk, which 6ffice he held twenty-two years, justice of the peace, assessor, superintendent of schools and county commis sioner. He represented his district in the house of the sixth state legislature in 1864. Mr. Soule has been married three times. His first wife left one daughter, his second wife two sons, twins, Osmar and Winfield ; his third wife, who still lives, Rachel Michener, to whom he was married in 1871, has three children, Alice, Olive and Reuel. Albion Masterman and William Rutherford, the first settlers of Grant township, are mentioned among the biographies of the chapter on Stillwater. 372 FIFTY YEARS LAKELAND. This town includes the south half of fractional township 29, range 20, and comprises about 65,920 acres. The surface is quite diversified, ranging from undulating prairie land to hills. Be fore settlement there were prairies and oak^openings. The soil is productive and is well cultivated. The first settlers were French, who located along the lake shore in 1838-39. These early settlers raised the first crops, but were gardeners rather than farmers, and were transient. The first American settler was Henry W. Crosby, who came in 1842, and located on the site of the present village of Lakeland. George Clark, a young man, came with him and made a claim near the ferry, but was drowned not long afterward. This was the first death in the town of which we have any mention. The first marriage was that of Wm. Oliver and Mrs. Mary Davis, a- sister of Joseph Haskell, in 1848; the next was that of A. B. Green to Eliza M. Oliver, Oct. 1, 1851. A ferry was established in 1848. Moses Perrin built a hotel and saw mill the ensuing year, and platted the village of Lake land. Another mill was built by Ballard & Reynolds. In 1857 Stearns, Watson & Co. built an extensive saw mill at a cost of $45, 000. This mill changed hands many times, finally passing into the hands of C. N. Nelson, who enlarged it to a capacity of 20, 000, - 000 feet per annum, a $50,000 investment. The St. Paul & Mil waukee railroad traverses this town near and parallel to the lake shore. The town contributed $5,000 in ten per cent bonds to the building of the road, for which they received an equal amount of railroad stock. The St. Paul & Omaha railroad crosses the lake and a part of the northeastern part of the town ship of Lakeland. The railroad bridge has its western terminus in Lakeland, a short distance above the village. Lakeland was organized as a town Oct. 20, 1858. The first board of super visors consisted of Charles A. Oliver, Elias McKean and A. D. Kingsley. LAKELAND VILLAGE, Situated on the lake shore, nearly opposite Hudson, Wisconsin, was platted in 1849 by Moses Perrin. A school was taught in 1852 by Harriet E. Newell. A post office was established in 1854 j • Freeman C. Tyler was the first postmaster. Lakeland has the IN THE NORTHWEST. 373 ^following benevolent and social societies: Masons, Golden Rule Lodge, No. 65, organized in 1867; Temple of Honor, organized 1877; the Independent Order of Good Templars, No. 200, organ ized in 1876. It has a Baptist and Congregational church. Henry W. Crosby was born in Albany, New York, in 1819. He spent his youth in Buffalo. In 1840 he came to St. Croix Falls, and in 1842 to the banks of Lake St. Croix, and located on the site of the village of Lakeland where he resided ten years. During the ensuing thirteen years he followed his trade as machinist at various iplaces, besides serving three years as a volunteer in the Eighth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry. He was married in Cottage Grove in 1845, to Hannah Waterhouse. He has four sons. Reuben H. Sanderson. — Mr. Sanderson was born in Gene see county, New York, in 1831. He received a common school education and studied one year in Brockport Collegiate Insti tute. He came to Lakeland in 1855, and followed the business of a house carpenter. Mr. Sanderson has filled many town offices, and was a member of the Democratic wing of the state constitutional convention in 1857. Newton McKusick, the oldest son of John McKusick, was borh'in Stillwater in 1850. He received a good education in the city schools, completed at the Minnesota State University, and located on a farm in Lakeland in 1871. He was married to Jennie L. Green, of Stillwater, June 6, 1872. His home and farm display taste and thrift worthy of commendation. Capt. John Oliver. — John Oliver was born March 9, 1796, at Land's End, England. He was bred to a seafaring life, and the early part of his life was well spiced with adventure. He escaped from the British service to enter the American, but was twice captured, and after the second capture suffered a rigor ous imprisonment at Dartmoor, England. At the close of the war he came to the United States and became a Boston harbor pilot, a responsible calling which he followed for thirty -three years. He came to the West in 1848, -and settled in Lakeland. In 1819 he was married to Sarah Spear, whose father was one of the celebrated Boston Tea Party in 1774. Capt. Oliver, after his removal to Lakeland, busied himself in farming. He died on -the homestead in 1869, leaving a widow who survived until 1883, and five sons, two having died prior to 1869. Of his seven sons, 374 FIFTY YEARS six were in the Union Army in Minnesota regiments during the- Rebellion: Wm. H., Thomas E., Charles A., George A.. Walter J., and Howard F. Walter J. died in the army. Asa Barlow Green. — The name of Capt. Green was once familiar on the St. Croix. He was a man of varied talents and striking characteristics, who, in a public life extending over a period of many years, figured as a lawyer, sheriff, probate judge, steamboat captain, minister, chaplain, and missionary. He was- born at Warren, Vermont, 1826, and during his minority lived at home. He had a common school education, and by his own efforts attained a knowledge of the law and was admitted to prac tice in Minnesota and Wisconsin in 1858. He served as sheriff in Washington county, held the office of probate judge, and some minor offices. He commanded the steamer Equator in 1859, when that boat was wrecked on Lake St. Croix. He was part owner of the boat. In 1860 he was ordained as a minister of the Calvinist Baptist church. In 1862 he entered the United States service- as chaplain of the Third Wisconsin Volunteers, and served three- years, after which he devoted himself to ministerial and mission ary labors. He died in Whitewater, Wisconsin. L. A. Huntoon located in Lakeland in 1857, and engaged in mercantile pursuits. He served as town clerk and postmaster,. filling the latter position fifteen years. He represented his dis trict in , the house of the seventh and nineteenth legislatures. He died suddenly at his home in 1879, leaving a wife and three children. His oldest son, Samuel, a promising young man, principal of the Hammond high school, and fitting himself for the medical college, was drowned Oct. 9, 1872, in Cutter's lake,. at the age of twenty-one. He was much esteemed and lamented. MARINE. The town of Marine includes townships 31 and 32, range 20, and fractional townships 31 and 32, range 19. The surface is somewhat rolling, and before settlement was timbered chiefly with hardwood. It is dotted with beautiful lakes, some of which have abrupt and hilly shores. The more noted of these lakes are Big, Carnelian, Square, Bony, Terrapin, Long, Fish, and Hay. Next to St. Croix Falls, Marine contains the earliest settlement-, in the valley. In September, 1838, Lewis Judd and David Hone- were deputized by a company of men residing in Marine, Illinois,. IN THE NOKTHWEST. i 375 to visit the Northwest and examine the region recently secured by treaty from the Chippewas, and to return the same year and report upon its advantages of climate, soil and other resources. They were authorized also to locate a claim for a future settlement, if they found one entirely suitable. They embarked on the steamer Ariel at St. Louis, September 10th, and were twenty- five days reaching the head of Lake St. Croix, whence they pro ceeded in a flatboat propelled by poles up the St. Croix as far as the falls, and thence to the mouth of Kettle river. Returning by birch canoes, they stopped at the site of the present village of Marine, and there made a mill claim. They then returned to Marine, Illinois, where they arrived November 10th, and reported favorably on the location chosen. During the following winter a verbal agreement was made by thirteen persons, all of Marine settlement, to start in the spring and build a saw mill on the distant St. Croix. On April 27th this company left St. Louis on the steamer Fayette for the new settlement, which they reached on the thirteenth of May. The Fayette was chartered expressly for this voyage. They took with them mill irons, farming tools, household goods, three yoke of oxen, and cows. The members of the party were Lewis, George and Albert Judd, David Hone, Orange Walker, Asa S. and Madison Par ker, Samuel Burkelo, Wm. B. Dibble, Dr. Lucius Green, Joseph Cottrell, and Hiram Berkey. When they landed they found Jeremiah Russell and Levi W. Stratton in possession of the claim, they having taken possession during the preceding win ter. These men demanded and received three hundred dollars for relinquishing the claim to its rightful owners. The colonists set to work immediately to build a log cabin as a temporary shelter, which being completed, they commenced the mill, and worked with such energy that it was finished in ninety days. The first wheel used was a flutter wheel, which, not proving satisfactory, was replaced by an overshot with buckets. This mill sawed the first lumber in the St. Croix valley. Orange Walker was the first clerk and chieftain of the con cern, and when anything was wanted a call of the company would be made, and the members assembled. No article of agreement existed. Only one book was kept for a series of years — a unique affair, no doubt. The first installment was $200; 376 FIFTY YEARS second, $75 ; third, $50 ; all within two years, after which the company became self sustaining. No partner forfeited his stock. One by one the partners sold out their interest, until Orange Walker and G. B. Judd were the owners. The company was first known as the Marine Lumber Company. In 1850 the name was changed to Judd, Walker & Co., the firm consisting then of the Judd brothers, Orange Walker, Samuel Burkelo, Asa Parker, and H. Berkey. In 1863, when Orange Walker was sole owner, he associated with him Samuel Judd and W. H. Veazie, and the firm name has since been Walker, Judd & Veazie. The colonists raised, during the first year, corn, potatoes aud garden vegetables. They found the Indians peaceably inclined toward the settlers, though the Chippewas and Sioux kept up a constant warfare with each other. During the winter of 1839-40 four members of the company, Parker, Berkey, Green and Dib ble, were sent to the mouth of Kettle river to cut logs. Marine was organized as a town in 1858, with the following supervisors: J. R. M. Gaskell, John E. Mower and B. F. Allen. MARINE MILLS VILLAGE. The settlement gradually grew into the village of Marine Mills, which was not platted, however, until 1853, nor incorporated un til 1875. The following was the first board of officers: President, Orange Walker; councilmen, J. R. M. Gaskell, Ola Westergreen and Asa S. Parker. Until 1842 the mail was received from Ft. Snelling by private conveyance, when a monthly mail service was established from Point Douglas, and Samuel Burkelo was appointed postmaster. The first jury trial in the St. Croix valley was held at Marine, in 1840, before Joseph R. Brown, justice of the peace. The case was that of Philander Prescott against Chas. D. Foote, plaintiff charging defendant with jumping a claim. The jury consisted of Samuel Burkelo, Orange Walker, H. Berkey, David Hone. J. Haskell, J. S. Norris, A. McHattie, A. Mackey, H. Sweezy, Fran cis Nason, and two others. The claim in dispute was located near Prescott. The court adjourned to allow the jury to visit Prescott to ascertain if the claim had been made in accordance with custom. On viewing the premises the jury failed to agree, and the matter was compromised by Prescott allowing Foote eighty acres of the claim. IN THE NORTHWEST. 377 The first white child born in Marine was Sarah Anna Water man, in 1844. Dr. Wright, the first physician, located in Ma rine in 1849. The first marriage was that of Wm. B. Dibble to ¦ Eliza McCauslin, in 1842. The first death was that of a child of W. H. Nobles, in 1843. The first sermon preached was by Rev. J. Hurlburt, a Methodist missionary, Jan. 1, 1844. The first school was taught by Sarah Judd, in 1849. The Swedish Evangelical Lutherans built the first church in the jjown of Ma rine, in section 27, in 1856, a log structure afterward used as a school, its place being supplied by a new structure in section 14 in 1858. In 1874 a large church 50x80 feet, ground plan, and , with steeple 80 feet high, succeeded the second structure. A fine parsonage was attached. This church was blown down by a cy clone in 1884, but was rebuilt. The Swedish Methodists built a church on the south side of Long lake in 1856; C. P. Agrelius, pastor. The Congregation. alists commenced the first church and perfected the first organi zation in Marine village, in 1857. The church was completed anddedicated in 1859. Rev Geo. Spaulding was the first pastor. The second Congregational church was erected in 1878, in sec tion 21. The Swedish Lutherans have a church and congrega tion in the village of Marine. The church was built in 1875. Rey. L. O. Lindh was the first pastor. Oakland Cemetery As sociation was organized in 1872 and the cemetery located near Marine village. IMPROVEMENTS. A passable road was opened from Still water to Marine in 1841.. The government road from Point Douglas to Superior was built through Marine in 1852-3. The company built the first frame dwelling, on a point above the mill, in 1848. The mill company built a frame store in the same year. This building was burned in 1863; loss, $4,000. The only hotel until 1850 was a log build- jng, when the Marine store was built. The Lightner House was built in 185J, the St. Croix House in 1858. The Marine flour mill was built in 1856 by Gaskell & Co. The first flour was manufactured in 1857. The mill is four stories high and is furnished with a turbine wheel. The water, is brought a dis tance of 1,000 feet by an elevated race. The Areola saw mills were built in the winter of 1846-7, by Martin Mower, David B. Loomis, Joseph Brewster and W. H. C. Folsom. They were lo- 378 FIFTY YEARS cated on the river shore three miles below Marine Mills. The motive power is an overshot wheel, propelled by water from two large springs. The mill is now the property of Martin Mower. The losses by fire in Marine have been: The Marine saw mill, Sept. 16, 1863, loss $6,000; Judd & GaskelL's store, Jan. 9, 1864, loss $4,000; Samuel B. Judd's dwelling, April, 1884, loss $12,000; W. H. Veazie's dwelling, April, 1885, loss $6,000. A heavy^flnancial failure occurred in the winter of 1885-6. The firm of Walker, Judd & Veazie were compelled to make an assignment; indebtedness, $250,000. In the ensuing May, by order of the court, the mill property with its assets passed into the hands of a newly constituted organization, styled the Ma rine Lumber Company. This company was composed of the creditors of Judd, Walker & Veazie; B. C. Keater, president; Ed. St. John, superintendent; capital stock, $750,000. In 1888 the property passed into the hands of Anderson & O'Brien. . VASA VILLAGE Was platted in 1856, in section 30, township 32, range 19, by B. F. and Mary Jane Otis and John Columbus; W. P. Payte, sur veyor. James Russell, James Cilley and Frank Register in 1857 built a steam saw mill. James Russell built a three story hotel. A saloon and other buildings were erected, but the village did not prosper, and the site is now abandoned. There are several ancient mounds in the town site which have been utilized to some extent as burial mounds. One in the rear of the school house contains the remaius of Caroline Reid, a sister of Mrs. B. F. Otis, and Hiram Otis, a son of the latter. A mound on the farm of John Copas contains the remains of John Columbus, buried. there at his own request with the body of his favorite dog. A post office was established at Scandia, in the northern part of Marine, in 1878; John M. Johnson, postmaster. The upper part of the town of Marine was at one time organized as a town called Vasa, but has since been merged in Marine. Orange Walker was born at St. Albans, Vermont, Sept. 1, 1801. His ancestors were of English stock and Revolutionary fame. He received a good common school education, and at the age of sixteen entered as an apprentice in a tanner and currier's establishment in St. Albans. After learning the trade he worked at it some time in Milton, Vermont. In 1834 he came West, IN THE NORTHWEST. 379" and located at Jacksonville, Illinois, where he worked at his trade and also engaged in farming until 1839, when he became a member of the Marine Lumber Company, and came with them to Marine, where he resided a period of forty-eight years. Dur ing that time he has been the most active and influential man in the company, having been in almost constant service as its presi dent or principal agent. Mr. Walker was well known to the earlier dwellers in the St. Croix valley as a hale, hearty, well informed man, prompt in fulfilling his engagements, and liberal in everything that pertains to the general good. Mr. Walker filled many public positions. He was county commissioner ten years, postmaster twenty-five years, and represented his district in the house of the Second Minnesota legislature in 1859-60. He was married Sept. 16, 1848, to Mrs. Georgiina Lockwood, of Prescott, formerly Miss Barton, a native of Wilkesbarre, Penn sylvania. Mrs. Walker died Oct. 9, 1885. Mr, Walker died Aug. 17, 1887. Lewis Walker, brother of Orange Walker, was born in St. Albans, Vermont, in 1811; in early life removed to Marine, Illi nois, and in 1853 came to Marine Mills, Minnesota. He spent' many years at the St. Croix upper boom, and the last fifteen years of his life he lived in Osceola. He was a quiet, peaceable citizen, exemplary in his habits and respected by all his ac quaintances. He died in Osceola in 1882. Mr. Walker was married in 1853 to Calphrunia White, who, with two daughters, survives him. The oldest daughter, Ella, has been for many years a teacher in the Minneapolis and St. Paul and other schools. Emma is the wife of Henry Fifield, a printer and jour- alist of Northern Michigan. Samuel Burkelo was born in Kent county, Delaware, March 31, 1800. He came to Marine in 1839, being one of the thirteen constituting the Marine Lumber Company. He remained with the company ten years, removed to Stillwater and engaged in the mercantile business. In 1858 he removed to a farm in Lake land, where he died in 1874. He was one of the commissioners appointed in 1840 to organize St. Croix county, and represented his district in the council of the first and second territorial legis latures. He was married Dec. 7, 1844, to Susan McCauslin, at Point Douglas. Four children survive him. Asa S. Parker was born in Windsor county, Vermont, July 380 FIFTY YEARS 11, 1812. His youth was spent in Vermont, New York and Illi nois. He was by trade a brickmaker. He joined the Marine Company and came to Marine in 1839. He continued a member of the company until 1858, since which time he has been engaged in farming and selling goods at Marine. Mr. Parker is a quiet, unobtrusive gentleman, well posted in general matters. He was a very useful member of the company. He was eight years county commissioner, and has filled responsible town and county positions. He was married in 1859 to Isabella Thompson. Archie I., an only son, living with his parents, was married to Lena Smith in 1883. Hiram Berkey was born in Somerset county, Pennsylvania, Oct. 22, 1813. He came to St. Louis, Missouri, in 1819, but made Gollinsville, Illinois, his home, and engaged in farming. He came to Marine Mills in 1839, and was one of the original company that founded Marine. He sold his interest in 1860, since which time he has been engaged in hotel keeping and farm ing. He served as county commissioner four years, and filled local offices. He was married to Jennie McCarty, of Pennsyl vania, Oct. 23, 1860. They have one son, John R. Geo. B. Judd was born in Farmington, Connecticut, Oct. 19, 1799. In 1832 he came to Illinois and engaged in farming and merchandising. In 1839 he became a member of the Marine Company, and came up on the Fayette, but did not make his residence there until 1862. He retained his interest in the com pany until about 1863. He removed to St. Louis in 1844, and became a member of the enterprising commission firm of Judd & Hammond. After his removal to Marine he engaged in the mercantile and lumbering business. Mr. Judd died at his home in Marine in 1872. JamEs Hale was born in 1822, in Putnam county, Indiana; lived five years in Illinois, and came to Marine Mills in 1844, where he engaged in farming. He was married to Mary Finne- gan in 1855. Mr. Hale died Feb. 9, 1888. John Holt was born in Jefferson county, Kentucky, in 1818. He came to Marine in 1846. In 1852 he was married to Mary Jane Ward, and removed to Stillwater, where for two years he kept the Minnesota House, at the southwest corner of Main and Chestnut streets. Returning to Marine in 1853 he followed lumbering and farming many years. During the latter portion IN THE NORTHWEST. 381 of his life he was afflicted with partial blindness. He died Jan. 12, 1874, leaving two children. George Holt, brother to John Holt, was born in Kentucky in 1822, where he spent his early life. After spending a year at Prairie du Chien, i n 1846 he came to Marine and obtained em ployment with the Marine Company. In 1850 /he removed to Stillwater, and engaged in the livery stable and hotel business until 1853, when he returned with his brother to Marine. He claims to have carried, in 1851, the first leathern mail pouch from Stillwater to Taylor's Falls. During the Rebellidn he served one year in Company G, Fourth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry. While residing in Marine he has been engaged chiefly in farm ing, rafting and lumbering. In 1851 he w,as married to Melinda Ward. They have five children. William Town was born in Rome, N. Y., 1814. In 1836 he removed to Warren county, Illinois, and in 1838 he was mar ried to Louisa Robinson. He came to Marine in 1846; removed to St. Croix Falls in 1847, to Osceola Prairie in 1852, and to Taylor's Falls in 1860, where he died in 1870. His first wife died at Osceola in 1855, leaving three daughters, one the wife of W. J. Seavey, of Taylor's Falls, one the first wife of Henry Mal- len, of Farmington, Wisconsin, and one the wife of E. Hines Bates, of Taylor's Falls. Mr. Town was married in 1857 to Mrs. Mary Collins, formerly Mary Talboys. A daughter of Mrs. Town, by her first husband, is the wife of N. P. Bailey, of Tay lor's Falls. Mr. Town's aged mother came to Osceola Prairie in 1856; and died in June, 1886, aged ninety-seven years. Mrs. Abbott, of Moorhead, and • Mrs. Richmond, of Farmington, are her daughters. Matthias Welshance was born in 1818, in Pennsylvania, where he lived during his minority and learned the carpenter's trade. In 1843 he removed to Galena, Illinois, in 1847 to St. Croix Falls and in 1848 to Marine Mills, where he worked at his trade until 1856. From that time until his death, May 19, 1886, he was engaged in hotel keeping. He was for nine years keeper of the Marine Hotel and has since been proprietor of the St. Croix House. He was married Nov. 12, 1848, to Mary J. Hooper. They have five children living. One daughter, Mrs. Tolan, met a tragic death at the hands of an insane husband, in 1881. Mr. Welshance died in 1886. .382 FIFTY YEARS Benjamin T. Otis was born in Fairfield, Maine, in 1816. He came to St. Croix Falls in 1841, and engaged in lumbering. In 1846 he located on what is known as Colby Flat, on the site of Taylor's Falls, and improved a farm. In 1849 he removed to Marine. His first wife died suddenly at Marine. He was mar ried to Mrs. Church, of Stillwater, in 1859. Henry F., a son by lis first wife, enlisted in 1862, in the Seventh Minnesota Volun teers, .was wounded in 1864, and honorably discharged. William Clark was born in New Brunswick, July, 1815. He came to Marine Mills in 1848, and since has followed lumbering. He married Elisa Jane Nelson in 1861. Mrs. Clark died in 1879, leaving two daughters. James R. Meredith was born Aug. 22, 1812, in White county, Illinois, where he lived until eighteen years of age, when he re moved to Galena, where he spent five years in mining. He went thence to Burlington, Iowa, and in 1849 located in Marine, and was employed by the Marine Company several years. In 1860 he located upon his present farm. In 1 847 he was married" to Elea- ;nor Freeman. They have three children living. John D. and Thomas E. Ward. The Ward brothers are na tives of Massachusetts. They came to the St. Croix valley with their brothers-in-law, John and George Holt. They have engaged •chiefly in steamboating and.river business. Samuel Judd, son of Lewis Judd, was born in Illinois in 1840. He graduated at McKendrie College, Lebanon, Illinois, and came to Marine in 1863, and became a member of the firm of Walker, Judd & Veazie. In 1874 he was married to Amelia D. Flaherty, at St. Louis. Their children are Orange W. and Lucille M. In 1886 he changed his residence to St. Paul. Frederic W. Lammers was born in Germany in 1829. He came to America in 1843, locating first at St. Louis, where he remained two years. In 1845 he removed to the St. Croix val ley, and for several years engaged in lumbering. In 1852 he settled on a farm in Taylor's Falls, and was married to Helen C. Nelson, of Marine. In 1865 he sold his farm and removed to Big Lake Marine. Mr. Lammers has been a public spirited and ex cellent citizen. His family consisted of fifteen children; of these thirteen are living. James R. M. Gaskill was born in Madison county, Illinois, in 1820; graduated from McKendrie College iu 1843; graduated from IN the northwest. 383 the medical department of the Missouri State University iu 1854; practiced medicine a short time at Centralia, Illinois, and came to Marine in 1855, where he practiced medicine and interested himself in milling, lumbering and merchandise. He represented his district in the house of the first legislature of Minnesota, 1857-58, and of the fourteenth and fifteenth, 1872-73. He served during the Rebellion as surgeon of the Forty-fifth Illinois Volun teers. He was for many years a trustee of the Minnesota State Prison. In 1861 he was married to Clara E, Hughes. They have one son and one daughter. NEWPORT. The town of Newport includes fractional townships 27 and 28, range 22, and part of sections 34, 35 and 36, in township 29, range 22. It was organized as a town Oct. 20, 1858. The first supervisors were William Fowler, E. B. Schofield and John Willoughby. The surface is mostly prairie. This town has some points of great historic interest. Gray Cloud island, in the southern part, in the Mississippi river, separated from the main land by a slough, is the place where, according to some histo rians, Le Sueur planted a French fort in 1695. It was styled the "Isle Pelee," and was described as a beautiful "Prairie Island." The description of the island tallies precisely with that of Gray Cloud, and is applicable to none of the other conjectured localities. It is mentioned by many antiquarian writers as a place of rendezvous for French traders during the French domi nation In this part of the continent. Gray Cloud has been known as a trading post for the last hundred years, and has the credit of being the first white settlement in Washington county, and prob ably in Minnesota. Here came Joseph R. Brown in 1838, and here he married the daughter of Dickson, the trader. Hazen Mooers, one of the commissioners of St. Croix county in 1840, Joseph Boucher and others were living at Gray Cloud when the Metho dist mission was established at Kaposia in 1836. Gray Cloud is the translation of the Indian name of the island. It was also borne by an Indian maiden, who became the wife of Hazen Mooers, who seems to have been a man of excellent repute and considerable influence. The Browns cherished for him a very warm feeling of regard. Red Rock, another historic locality, derives its naihe from a painted rock which seems to have been held in great reverence 384 FIFTY YEARS by the Sioux Indians. According to Rev. Chauncey Hobart, a veteran pioneer and preacher still living in Minnesota, it was the . custom among the Sioux to worship the boulders that lie scat tered along the hills and valleys. When a Dakotah was in dan ger, it was his custom to clear a spot from grass and brush, roll a boulder upon it, paint it, deck it with feathers and flowers, and pray to it for needed help. The peculiarity of the painted boulder from which Red Rock took its name is that it was a shrine, to which from generation to generation pilgrimages were made, and offerings and sacrifices presented. Its Indian name was "Eyah Shah," or "Red Rock." The stone is not naturally red, but painted with vermillion, or, as some say, with the, blood of slaughtered victims. The Indians call the stone also "Waukan," or "mystery." It lies on a weathered stratum of limestone, and seems to be a fragment from some distant granite ledge. The Dakotahs say it walked or rolled to its present position, and they point to the path over which it traveled. They visited it occasionally every year until 1862, each time painting it and bringing offerings. It is painted in stripes, twelve in number, two inches wide and from two to six inches apart. The north end has a rudely drawn picture of the sun, and a rude face with fifteen rays. Red Rock is noted as the site of a mission planted here in 1837 by the Methodist Episcopal church, by Alfred Brunson, a distinguished pioneer preacher and missionary. The mission was originally established at Kaposia, on the western bank of the river, in 1837, but removed by Alfred Brunson in the same year to Red Rock. Rev. B. T. Kavanaugh, of this mission, and after ward a bishop of the Methodist Episcopal church South, super intended the erection of the first buildings. Taylor F. Randolph and wife were teachers here, as assistants in the Indian school, and also in a school of mixed bloods and whites. B. T. Kava naugh was postmaster in 1841. John Holton was mission farmer in 1841, under a commission from Maj. Taliaferro, of Fort Snelling. The mission was discontinued in 1842. Mr. Ran dolph and wife made them a home in the town of Afton, where both died in 1844. The first marriage was that of John A. Ford to Mary Holton, daughter of John Holton, in 1843. The first birth was that of Franklin C. Ford, September, 1844. The first death was that of a IN THE NORTHWEST. 385 child of Rev. B. T. Kavanaugh. The village of Newport was platted in 1857. W. R. Brown's addition was platted in 1874. A steam saw mill was built in 1857 by E. M. Shelton & Brothers. The mill was destroyed by fire in 1874. A flour mill was built in its place by Joseph Irish. The first Baptist church was organ ized Jan. 18, 1858. The first commodious house of worship was built in 1878. The Red Rock Camp Meeting Association was organized in 1869. A plat of ten acres, beautifully situated in a natural grove near the village, and on the line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad, was donated to the association by John Holton. These grounds have been improved, and adorned with tasteful cottages. The camp meetings held during the summer are largely attended. GRAY CLOUD CITY Was platted in June, 1856, by J. R. Brown and Truman W. Smith, and surveyed by J. Donald McCullom. NEWPORT VILLAGE Was platted May 2, 1857, by Joseph H. Huganin, R. C. Knox, Wm. and James Fowler, and surveyed by B. Densmore. John Holton came to Red Rock in 1831, with the Methodist missionaries; served some years as Indian farmer under Maj. Taliaferro, Indian agent, and afterward settled on a farm just above the mission ground. He donated ten acres of this farm to the Methodists for camp meeting grounds. Mr. Holton died in 1884, leaving two children, Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Winters. John A. Ford was born in Utica, New York, in 1811. He learned the trade of edge tool and rifle making, and in 1834 came West with his father, locating a land claim where Chicago now stands. In 1841 the son came to Red Rock and erected a store building in which he sold goods for twelve years. Subse quently he engaged in farming. With the exception of the traders Mr. Ford was the first merchant in Washington county. Mr. Ford was a representative in the second territorial legis lature. He was married to May Holton in 1843. Their children are Franklin and Willis. Franklin, the eldest son, was married to Addie Witherspoon in 1870, and resides in Newport. Daniel Hopkins, a native of New Hampshire, came West at an early age. He was a gunsmith by trade. He located in 25 386 FIFTY YEARS Green Bay in 1836, and removed to Prairie du Chien in 1838, where he built a stone shop with a large double window over his workbench and overlooking a spot where he kept his money buried. A large mullein growing over it sufficiently indicated that his treasure was still undisturbed. Growing somewhat doubtful of the security of his hoard, he removed and placed a thousand dollars in a stone quarry as a safer place of deposit. Unexpectedly to him, the quarry was reopened and a well placed blast scattered the old gentleman's treasure to the four winds. He recovered but a portion of it. In 1844 he left Prairie du Chien and came to Red Rock. He was three years associated with John A. Ford in selrinf goods, after which, in 1848, he re moved to St.* Paul, where he opened a store. He died in 1852, aged sixty-five years. William R. Brown was born in Urbana, Ohio, in 1816. He spent his boyhood at home on a farm and served as an appren tice to a carpenter in Mt. Carmel, Illinois. In April, 1848, he came to Red Rock mission in company with Rev. B. T. Kava naugh, Charles Cavalier and Julia Bosnell. He lived upon a farm until 1854, when he sold out and removed to St. Paul, where he dealt in real estate. During the Rebellion he served three years in Company C, Sixth Minnesota Volunteers. He was married in 1841 to Martha Neuman. He died Nov. 25, 1874. William Fowler settled in Newport in 1852 and has become a prominent farmer and successful stockman. His farm, which originally cost him $2,500, he sold in 1887 for $80,000. He was for two years president of the Minnesota Agricultural Society r and five years of the Dairymen's Association. He was a member of the house of representatives in 1872. During the war he ¦ served as lieutenant in the Eighth Minnesota Volunteers. OAKDALE. Oakdale includes township 29, range 21. Originally it was covered with white, black and burr oak timber; the surface is rolling, and the soil well adapted to the cultivation of wheat. It is well watered and has numerous lakes, among which Lake Elmo is favorably known as a summer resort. Oakdale was organized as a town November, 1858. The first supervisors were E. C. Gray, John Bershen and E. L. Morse. The clerk was W. Armstrong. IN THE NORTHWEST. 387 The first settler was B. B. Cyphers, who kept a hotel or stop ping place on Sun Fish lake in 1848. The year following John Morgan built a more commodious house a mile and a half west on the stage road, and this was afterward known as the "Half way House," it being nearly midway between St. Baul and Still water. At this well known station the pioneer stages of Wil- loughby & Powers changed horses at noon, and the passengers took dinner. In 1855 the property passed into the hands of E. C. Gray. The Malones, Lohmans, Grays, Day, Stevens, and Gar diner located here in the '50s. The first post office established was in 1857, in the south part of the town, in section 35. Arthur Stephens was for ten years postmaster. The office was called Oakdale, and was discontin ued and another established at the Half-way House, and called Lohmanville post office. In 1873 it was transferred to the Oak dale station on the railroad. It was discontinued in 1876, and re-established at Bass Lake station, where it has since remained but is now known, as the Lake Elmo post office. The St. Paul & Stillwater railroad passes through this town from east to west. It has three stations, Lake Elmo, Oakdale and Midvale. . The churches of Oakdale are the St. John's Lutheran and the Church of the Holy Angels. These churches have fine buildings and good congregations. The buildings are located on the line of the old stage road, and have spacious burial grounds attached. Lake Elmo is the only village in the town. It is handsomely located on Lake Elmo. The company that platted the village has expended over $65,00'0 on improvements. The hotel is an elegant and spacious building, and a favorite resort for summer tourists. The lake was originally known as Bass lake, and the station was known as Bass Lake station. In 1879 the lake and station were rechristened Elmo, a name certainly more musical and charming than the original, and inferior only to the aborigi nal name, which ought to have been retained. E. C. Gray came originally from Pennsylvania, and located in Oakdale in 1855, having purchased the Half-way House of John Morgan. He died in 1874, leaving a large family of children. Two of his sons, M. P. and W. H, remain on the family home stead. Others are in St. Paul. All are known as men of good business ability. 388 FIFTY YEARS Arthur Stephens was born in Scotland in 1830. He came to America in 1839, lived awhile in -Illinois, learned the trade of a mason and plasterer, came to St. Paul in 1849, worked at his trade until 1854, when he removed to Oakdale, where, with the exception of six years' residence at Stillwater, he has since lived. Mr. Stephens served as postmaster ten years, as county commis sioner three years, and has filled town offices. He was married to Marie Payden in 1852. Their children are Harris S., Arthur; Elizabeth and Emma. ONEKA. The town comprises township 31, range 21. It was organized as a town in 1880. A. J. Soule was the first moderator, George Walker the first clerk and treasurer. The eastern and southern portions are diversified, being quite rugged and uneven. The western part is quite level, and was originally timbered with burr oak and poplars. The town abounds with lakes. Bald Eagle lies partly in the town;. Oneka, Rice, Egg, Eagle, Horse shoe, and others are within the town. Small springs and rivulets abound. A tamarack.swamp, varying in width from a few rods to a half mile, traverses the town from north to south, forming a natural barrier between the eastern andv western divi sions. The principal lake is Oneka, located in sections 9 and 16. Rice lake has been celebrated as. the resort of Indians from Mendota, who camped here annually to gather wild rice for the St. Paul and Minneapolis markets. The first settlers were Fayette Tainter and John Chester, young men who came together in 1850 for the purpose of locat ing claims and baling hay. They carried on a stock farm for five years. The next settlers, Lewis Sempler and his son-in-law, Joseph Freeman, came in 1855. They were followed by Dunn, Barnum, Hatch and Beecroft. The St. Paul & Duluth railroad passes through the western part of the town, entering in section 31, and leaving in section 5. There is but one station upon the road, Centreville, a thriv ing little village, having a hotel, store, school house, etc. Its post office was established in 1874. The first school district was organized in 1867. Ruth Miller taught the first school. The first marriage was that of Joseph Lambert and Mary Courtone. The first child born was Hoyt E., son of O. L. Kinyon, Dec. 27, 1863. The first death was that of Herbert, son of O. L. Kinyon, May 30, 1869. IN THE NORTHWEST. 389 ONEKA, Located in the northeast quarter of section 8, was platted May, 1847, by Franklin Jones; Chas. B. Lowell, surveyor. SHADY SIDE VILLAGE, Located on Bald Eagle lake, was platted in 1880, by Chas. P. Hill; Brinckerhoff & Phillips, surveyors. Daniel Hopkins, Sr., son of Daniel Hopkins, of whom bio graphical mention is made in the history of Newport, was born in New Hampshire. He came to St. Paul in 1850, and engaged in the mercantile business on Third street until 1852, when he re moved to a farm between St. Anthony and St. Paul, and dealt extensively in blooded stock until about 1855-56, when he pur chased the farms of Austin and Tainter, on Rice creek near the railroad. His farm consists of about 600 acres. The railroad has a flag station at the farm known as Hopkins station. STILLWATER. Stillwater comprises fractional township 30, range 20, except ing the site of the city of Stillwater. The surface is rolling and the soil good. It is well watered with rivulets and small lakes. The first settlers in the town outside the city limits were the Lymans, consisting of the father (Cornelius) and two sons, C. Storrs and D. P., Charles Macy, W. T. Boutwell, Sebastian Marty, Wm. Rutherford, J. J. McKenzie, Albion Masterinan, and Dr. James Carey. The first white child born in the town was Emily S., daughter of C. S. Lyman, in 1846. The first death was that of Betsey, daughter of C. S. Lyman, in 1846. The first marriage was that of Abraham Click and Jane Sample, in 1853. The first school was taught by Cynthia Pond, in 1852. The first road through the town was from Dakota village via Carnelian lake and Marine to St. Croix Falls. Messrs. Ruther ford & Booth in 1857 built a flour mill on Brown's creek, which empties into the St. Croix near the head of the lake. The mill was located above McKusick' s lake, and has been for some years abandoned. Brown's creek originally passed through sections 18, 19, 20 and 21 to the river, but was turned in 1843 from its natural course, and made to connect McKusick' s lake with the St. Croix by a new channel cut through sections 28 and 29, thus 390 FIFTY YEARS giving to Stillwater its initial advantages as a manufacturing centre. The Washington county poor farm, consisting of 207 ' acres of improved land with good buildings and other conven iences, was located in this town in 1858. oak park Was platted May 27, 1857. It is situated between the city of '¦ Stillwater and South Stillwater, with frontage on the lake. The proprietors were John Parker, Wm. Dorr, Gold T. Curtis, Mary Curtis, Olive A. B. Anderson, and Wm. M. McCluer. The surveyor was A. Van Voorhes. The township of Stillwater was organized April 3, 1860, with the following board of officers: Moderator, Cornelius Lyman; judges of election, H. Packard, W. T. Boutwell, D. P. Lyman; supervisors, C. Storrs Lyman, H. Packard, Henry A. Jackman ; clerk, Sylvanus Trask. David P. Lyman was born in St. Lawrence county, New York, in 1822. In 1844 he came with his parents to Marine. In 1846 he removed to his present residence in the town of Still water. He was married to Anna J. Hannah, at Farmingdale, Illinois, in 1850. They have five children. Mr. Lyman is an upright, reliable citizen, and a consistent member of the Presby terian church. Henry A. Jackman, a native of Robbinstown, Maine, was born July 30, 1819. He was married to Sarah Blanchard in 1848. Mr. Jackman, with his family, his father and his wife's parents, came West in 1849 and located in Stillwater. In 1851 he removed to his farm. He has since engaged in farming and lumbering, and has filled several important positions. He served as school trustee for 30 years, as county commissioner 8 years, as warden of state prison 4 years, as state prison inspector 20 years, and was a representative in the territorial legislature of 1856, and the state legislature of 1867. Mr. Jackman's father, a native of Brunswick, Maine, died at his son's residence in Still water, April, 1867, aged seventy-four years. He was a man honored for his kindness and sterling integrity. His wife, the mother of Henry A., died in Maine in 1844. Three sons and four daughters survive them. The children of Henry A. Jack- man are Mary E. (Mrs. Russell Pease), James, E. and Alice (Mrs. Wm. A, Boxwell). in the northwest. 391 Frederic J. Curtis, a native of Ireland, was born in 1818. Before coming to America he learned the trade of boot and shoe making. He came to America in 1843, and spent two years in New York City working at his trade. He also spent two years in St. Louis and New Orleans. He came to Stillwater in 1848 and settled on his farm in section 9, where he has since lived. He held the office of sheriff two years. He was one of the first police of the city of Stillwater and has been town treasurer and* school director. He was married to Bridget Fenton in 1849. Their children are Daniel, Thomas, James, Elisabeth, Mary, Maggie, and Ellen B. David Cover was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylva nia, May 22, 1826. In 1844 he came with his parents to St. Louis, Missouri, where he became a river pilot, and engaged in lumber ing for eight years, when he came to Stillwater, and for some years gave his attention largely to selling logs and lumber be tween Stillwater and St. Louis. During the years between 1860 and 1870 his business transactions were heavy, involving hun dreds of thousands of dollars annually, and from some injudi cious movements, due to lack of experience, resulted in dis astrous failure. After his failure he devoted himself to farming and fire insurance business. He was married in 1850 to Elisabeth Harrold. They are the parents of three sons. Mr. Cover was accidentally drowned in Lake St. Croix Sept. 14, 1884. His life was insured for $17,000. John Parker came from Vermont to the valley of the St. Croix in 1848, located for a couple of years at St. Croix Falls, and came to Oak Park, town of Stillwater, about 1850. In 1848 Mr. Parker was married to Susan, daughter of David Cpver, who bore him three children: Edwin E., the oldest, killed by the explo sion of the boilers of the steamer Penn Wright, near Winona; John E., living at home with his mother, and Ella, wife of Henry Pevey, of Stillwater. Mr. Parker was a kind hearted, genial man. He was one of the early river pilots, and came to his death in June, 1867, while in the performance of his duties as a pilot. In handling a line to "snub" a raft, he was caught in its coils and so bruised that he died. WOODBURY, As at present organized, includes township 28, range 21. At the date of its organization, in 1858, it was named Red Rock, and 392 FIFTY YEARS made to include a little over two sections of fractional township 28, range 22. This fragment eontains the famous painted rock, now included in the town of Newport, and from this rock, famil iarly called Red Rock, the town received its first name. The first board of town officers consisted of John Colby, moderator; David Little and C. Schmeiding, judges of election; John Colby, John A. Ford, J. J. Miller, supervisors; Ebenezer Ayers, clerk. The town held the name of Red Rock until 1859, when, by noti fication from the legislature that another town bore the same name, the board changed the name to Woodbury, a name given in honor of Judge Woodbury, of New Hampshire, a particular friend of Mr. Colby, at that time chairman of the board. The fraction containing the painted rock was set off by order of the board of county commissioners, meeting at Stillwater in 1861, and added to Newport. It is said that this act did not meet with the hearty approval of the citizens of the town. The town was originally timbered with various species of oak. The surface is undulating, and in the western part there are ab rupt hills or bluffs. It is a fine agricultural town, well watered with creeks, springs and small lakes. The first settlers were the McHatties, Middletons, Robert Cum- mings, John Towner, and Joseph Cooper. The first marriage was that of John McHattie and Jane Middleton, Jan. 15, 1847. The first child born was Sarah Middleton, afterward the wife of Anthony Fritz, of Newport. The first death was that of Sarah Middleton, May 4, 1849. The first traveled road in the town was from Stillwater to St. Paul via Bissell's Mound. The first post office was established in 1850, at Oakdale, in the northern part of the town; G. Hartoung, postmaster. The first school was taught in 1855 by Miss A. F. Colby. The German Methodist church was organized in 1855; Rev. Jacob Young, pastor. The church and parsonage are built of stone. The Salem Evangelical Lu theran church was organized in 1865; Rev. J. W. Huffman, pas tor. Jacob Folstrom. — The history of Jacob Folstrom reads like a romance: He was born in Sweden June 25, 1793, and when he was nine years of age left home as cabin boy on a steamer commanded by his uncle. The steamer was wrecked on the coast of England. He escaped with his Uncle to Loudon, and there lost sight of him. What was his uncle's fate he never knew. He IN THE NORTHWEST. 393 understood nothing of the English language, and applied to Jue Swedish consul for aid. Lord Selkirk was then raising a com pany of men to go to his settlement on Red river, British Amer ica, and Selkirk, who could speak Swedish, spoke kindly to the friendless lad, and offered to take him with him to the New World. (He, not knowing what else to do, consented to go. After his ar rival he found employment with the Hudson Bay Company for a time, and subsequently came down to the Fort Snelling reser vation. When the settlers were driven from the reservation in 1839, he made a farm in what is now Woodbury, Washington county. At Lake Superior, in 1823, he had been married to Mar garet Burgo, a woman of fine mind. With her limited educa tional privileges, very few of any age or race can be found her equal. Mr. and Mrs. Folstrom were both consistent Christians, and members of the Methodist church for many years. He lived a stirring, adventurous life, and, during his service as mail carrier between Prairie du Chien and Fort Snelling, he had many hair breadth escapes from hostile Indians. He died in July, 1859. His wife survived him till Feb. 6, 1880. Alexander McHattie. — At the age of sixteen Mr. McHattie left his home and worked as a teamster and farmer for about five years, and in 1833 came from Scotland, his native country, to America. He lived a couple of years in Vermont, a short time in New York, Ohio and Indiana. In 1839 he came to Ga lena, Illinois, and migrated thence in the same year to St. Croix Falls. He also made a short stay at Gray Cloud island; was in Prescott in 1840; in 1841 made a home in Afton, and in 1845 at Woodbury. He married Margaret Middleton in 1848. John McHattie. — John, the oldest brother of Alexander McHattie, came from Scotland to this country in 1833, and settled in Woodbury in 1841. He was married in 1846 to Jane Middleton. The Middleton Family. — James Middleton, Sr., with his wife, three sons, William, Samuel, and James, and five daugh ters, came to this country from Ireland. William, the oldest, inspired by filial duty, came first, it being his ambition to secure for his parents a home on American soil. He was not of age when, in 1838, he left Ireland, full of hope and enthusiasm for his project.. He found his way to St. Louis in 1842, and came thence with Hungerford & Livingston to St. Croix Falls. 394 FIFTY YEARS He remained with them two years and then, removing further south, made a claim on unsurveyed government land in what is now the town of Woodbury. During the succeeding year, 1845, he and his brother Samuel worked for John McKusick, and by diligence and self denial succeeded in earning enough to pay ' the passage of his father and his family to the United States, and to bring them to their claim on the prairie. It was a joyful day when the parents arrived, and since then the united family have their home at and near the selected homestead, a model family in their unity of purpose and affectionate regard for each other. William visited California. He died at his home in 1855. Samuel enlisted and did gallant service in the Union Ariffy during the late Civil War as a member of Company E, Tenth Minnesota Volunteers, and died in the hospital at Memphis, Feb. 29, 1865. James, a younger brother, was born in 1833. He made a claim near that of his brother, and is prominent in the community in which he lives. He was sergeant-at-arms in the legislature, a member of the house in 1876, and seryed five years in Washing ton county as county commissioner. Mr. Middleton removed to St. Paul in 1880, where he now resides. The father died in 1854, the mother in 1876. Newington Gilbert was born in Onondaga county, New York, Feb. 17, 1815. Mr. Gilbert settled in Woodbury in 1851. In company with Mr. Buswell he built the North Star flouring mill in 1860. He operated this mill eleven years. Mr. Gilbert was a member of the Democratic wing of the constitutional con vention in 1857. He was married toCelestia Bangs in 1860. They have two children. Ebenezer Ayers was born in Herkimer county, New York. His early life was devoted to hard labor, still such was his zeal for study and the acquisition of general knowledge, that he man aged to acquire a very respectable and thorough education. In 1856 he came with his parents to Fort Wayne. He commenced teaching school soon after and taught eight years. In 1844 he removed to Shelby county, Kentucky. He was married in 1846 to Lucy Connelly, of Shelby county. He removed to Buffalo, New York, in 1850, and sold goods until the spring of 1854, when he located in Woodbury and engaged in farming. He was a man of energy, and possessed of great will power. He took a deep interest in town and county affairs, and served as town IN THE NORTHWEST. 395 clerk in Woodbury eleven years. He was a representative in the Minnesota state legislature in 1867 and 1872, and while in that capacity proved himself a ready debater. He had natural ability as an organizer. He was an active member of the Green back party, and was rigidly opposed to monopolies. He died in 1883. ? 396 FIFTY YEARS OHAPTEE XV. WASHINGTON COUNTY — CONTDNUED. CITY OF STILLWATER. The organization of the territory of Minnesota in 1849 natur ally gave a new impetus to settlement, and marked an era in the progress of the settlements already made. None profited more by the new order of things than did Stillwater. The future metropolis of the St. Croix valley, though yet unorganized even as a village, and governed by town and county law, in 1850 presented a scene of unwonted activity. Out of nearly a hundred arrivals we find the names of John C. Gardiner, Samuel M. Register, H. C. Van Voorhees, John N. Ahl, Ralph Wheeler, Dr. E. G. Pugsley, Dr. Morey, dentist, and Theodore E. Parker, a lawyer. t This year was rendered notable by the establishment of a livery stable, by Holcomb & Johnson, a new store by Burkelo & Mower, a bakery by R. Hersey, by the building of the second saw mill by Sawyer & Heaton, by the commencement of Remmick's brewery, by the advent of Antonio Brothers' circus, and the occurrence of a re markable freshet, on which occasion the steamer Lamartine, taking advantage of the high water, made a pleasure excursion . up the river, and over the shallows at the mouth of Apple river and a short distance up that stream. Morton Wilkinson and Michael Ames were amongst the excursionists, and, looking out from the steamboat upon the broad, deep expanse of the swollen river, congratulated their fellow passengers upon the discovery of a hitherto unknown navigable stream, tributary to the majes tic St. Croix. The Swiss Bell Ringers were on board, and added greatly to the pleasure of the occasion by their weird and pecu liar music. The Lamartine, on returning to Stillwater, found IN THE NORTHWEST. 397 the shores and levees "submerged, and passing over them landed her passengers directly from the boat upon the floor of the Min nesota House, on the southwest corner of Chestnut and Main. The water was four or five feet deep in the street before the hotel. The streets in the lower part of the city have since been raised several feet, so that a flood of the same dimensions would not overflow them as it did then. There has, however, in the memory of the oldest inhabitant, been no other flood equal to that of 1850. Allusion has been made in the history of Stillwater town to the diversion of the waters of McKusick' s lake by a new outlet to the river. This device, so beneficial to the city of Stillwater in other respects, came near resulting in disaster. The old out let of the lake had been obstructed by a dam, while the waters were conducted by a new outlet down a deep ravine and con fined to their channel by dikes consisting of a mixture of clay, sand and gravel. This extended to within six hundred feet of the mill on the lake shore. On May 14, 1852, during a terrible storm, the dam at the new outlet gave way and a tremendous body of water, carrying with it the debris of dikes and dams; rushed tumultuously down the ravine, covering the low shores of the lake beneath, and depositing a new geological stratum of drift over a surface of at least six acres to an average depth of about ten feet. It was wittily said at the time that suph an ex traordinary movement in real estate had never before been inown; but, although a downward movement, that seemed very much like ruin to all concerned, especially to the mill, the ma chinery of which was completely buried, it nevertheless heralded -a rise in prices. Quagmires were filled, unsightly obstructions buried or swept away and a fine plateau for buildings was formed along the lake. The dam was replaced and greatly strengthened, and the water was conducted through pipes and hydrants to the city. Occa sionally, for years afterward, the diggers of cellars or cisterns in the buried region would unearth interesting antediluvian relics. Three barrels of pork were exhumed from the cellar of Mc- Kusick's store, and found in a good state p/ preservation. Some years later remains of a far more ancient character were also unearthed near the corner of Third and Myrtle streets. The tusk of a mastodon was brought up from a depth of thirty-six feet below the surface. 398 FIFTY YEARS CITY GOVERNMENT. Stillwater was incorporated as a city in 1854. The following officers were elected on the first Monday in April of that year: Mayor, John McKusick; recorder, C. D. Gilfillan; treasurer, W. H. Mower; Councilmen, J. C. York, J. N. Masterman, C. Carli. We append a list of mayors from 185«4 to the present time: John McKusick, 1854; John Fisher, 1855; Wm. Willim, 1856-66^7; Albert Stinson, 1857; A. B. Gorgas, 1858; T. M. Fullerton, 1859; Mahlon Black, 1860-61; F. R. Delano, 1862; David Bronson, 1863 -64; Wm. Grover, 1865; C. J. Butler, 1868; Wm. Holcombe, 1869-70; Wm. McKusick, 1871-72; A. K. Doe, 1873; Wm. G. Bronson, 1874-75-76; E. W. Durant, 1877; John S. Proctor, 1878 -79-80; Samuel Mathews, 1881-82-83-84; Hollis R. Murdock, 1885; Isaac Staples, 1886; George M. Seymour, 1887-88, CITY MARSHALS. The following is a complete list of city marshals since 1854: Jonathan E. McKusick, 1854; John Parker, 1855; John Cilly, 1856; Dennis Sullivan, 1857; Robert Hasty, 1858; Thomas Sin clair, 1859; Duncan Chisholm, 1860-61-62-63; John Shortall, 1864-65; John May, 1866, six months; P. E. Keefe, 1867; John May, 1868, six months; John Shortall, 1869; H. Mclntyre, 1870; Duncan Chisholm, 1871; John Lyons, 1872-3, eighteen months; Mathew Shortall, 1873, and continuously to the present time. Mr. Shortall' s long term of office proves him an effective and popular officer. F. L. McKusick is police court officer. He is a veteran of the police force and has acquitted himself to the satisfaction of the people of Stillwater. THE POST OFFICE, Established in 1845, was located first at the corner of Main and Chestnut streets. The first postmaster was Elam Greely. His successors were John McKusick, John S. Proctor, Hariey D. Curtis, Mahlon Black, Abraham Van Voorhes, H. D. Cutler, E. J. Butts, and — McCarthy. During 1845 a citizens' mail was brought from Point Douglas. Its regularity depended some what on the season. During the winter it was brought some times as infrequently as once a month. In 1846 a government line was established from Point Douglas, and the mail was brought with greater regularity. In 1848 a mail coach line was established between Stillwater and St. Paul. The year follow- IN THE NORTHWEST. 399 ing a weekly mail was established. The rapid increase of settle ments on the Upper Mississippi created a demand for more frequent mails; consequently from 1850 to the completion of the railroad leading into Stillwater, a daily mail was brought into Stillwater during the summer by steamboats, and by the Wis consin overland route during the winter. $ RAPID GROWTH. As an evidence of the growth of the city we append post office statistics of salaries, expenses and income for the year 1885: RECEIPTS. Sales of postage stamps, envelopes, newspaper wrap pers, postal cards, etc $12,693' 34 Box rent received 2 166 25 Total $14,859 59 EXPENSES. Postmaster's salary $2,400 00 Expenses for rent, fuel, lights, clerk hire, etc 3,300 00 $5,700 00 Net income $9,159 59 MONEY ORDER BUSINESS. Received for domestic orders $30,305 62 Received for fees on same 131 50 Received for international orders 1,518 81 Received for fees on same : 24 95 $31,980 88 Money orders paid $24,140 88 Certificates of deposit 7,840 00 $31,980 88 REGISTRY BUSINESS. • Domestic and foreign letters and packages registered 1,621 Registered matter in transit 2,327 Total pieces handled 3,948 Number of pouches dispatched daily 24 Number of pouches dispatched semi-weekly 2 Number of pouches received daily... , 24 Number of pouches received semi-weekly 2 HOTELS. The following hotels were built in Stillwater prior to 1850: Northrup House, built by Anson Northrup, northwest corner Main street and Nelson alley, 1844. 400 » FIFTY YEARS Stillwater House, built by Anson Northrup, lot 2, Main street, 1845. Minnesota House, built by Elam Greeley, southwest corner Main and Myrtle, 1846. Lake House, built by John W. Brewster, east side of Main street between Nelson and Chestnut, 1849. Of the hotels built subsequently to 1850, the most popular and well known is the Sawyer House, on the northwest corner of Ghestnut and Third streets. It was built in 1857, by Henry Sa yer, opened by G. E. B. Whitcher, and kept in succession by" and A. Lowell, Isaac Staples, A. Lowell and A. K. Doe. The other hotels built during this period were the Liberty House, by J6hn N. Ahl, 1856; Farmers Home, 1867; Williams House, 1870; Wexio Hotel, 1870; the Keystone House. 1872; the Man sion House, 1872; Central House, 1879; Elliott's Hotel, 1883. CITY BANKS. To Christopher Carli is due the honor of conducting the first banking operations in Stillwater. In 1855 he issued and re deemed fractional currency. Darling, Caswell & Scheffer, Jan. 27, 1857, opened a private banking house, and from 1859 to 1865 operated it as a state bank, when it was changed into the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Stillwater. The capital stock was $50,000. The first officers were: Charles Scheffer, president; O. R. Ellis, cashier. The of ficers in 1886 were: Louis Hospes, president; C. N. Nelson, vice president; F. M. Prince, cashier. The capital stock is $250,000. The gross amount of debits and credits during the year closing June 3, 1886, were $20,000,000. We append the annual i report of 1886: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $727,286 70 Overdrafts 1,745 82 United States bonds to secure circulation 50, 000 00 Dae from approved reserve agents $30,999 72 Due from other national banks 4,266 85 Due from state banks and bankers 3,491 48 38,758 05 Real estate, furniture and fixtures 12, 000 00 Current expenses and taxes paid 11,108 56 Premiums paid 9,000 00 Checks and other cash items ; 1,662 91 Bills of other banks 1,295 00 IN THE NORTHWEST. , 401 Fractional paper currency, nickels and pennies 77 07 Specie 33,392 00 Legal tender notes 17,440 00 53,866 98 Redemption fund with United States treasurer (five per cent of circulation) 2,250 00 Total $906,016 11 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $250,000 00 Surplus fund 60,000 00 Undivided profits . 25,617 60 National'bank notes outstanding ,„ 45,000 00 Dividends unpaid 20 00 Individual deposits subject to check $236,095 72 Demand certificates of deposit 6,305 93 Time certificates of deposit 224,223 41 Cashier's checks outstanding 679 95 , Due to other national banks 3,507 67 Due to state banks and bankers ' 5,266 78 476"',079 46 Notes and bills rediscounted 49,299 05 Total $906,016 11 LUMBERMAN'S NATIO->-#.L BANK, Organized Jan. 10, 1871. Capital stock, $150,000. First of ficers: Isaac Staples, president; H. W. Cannon, cashier. In 1886 the bank had in capital stock $250,000 and a surplus of $50,000. The present officers are: President, Isaac Staples; vice presi- , dent, R. F. Hersey; board of directors, Isaac Staples, R. F. Her- sey, E. S. Edgerton, David Tozer, E. W. Durant, David Bronson, J. McKusick, Matt Clark, Wm. G. Bronson, E. L. Hersey, R. S. Davis. . STILLWATER SAVINGS BANK, Organized Jan. 10, 1873, under an act of the legislature of 1867, with the following board of trustees: Isaac Staple's, presi dent; David Bronson, D wight M. Sabin, Lewis E. Torinus, Wm. Willim, I. E. Staples, and H. W. Cannon. ST. CROIX LUMBERMEN'S BOARD OF TRADE Was incorporated March 8, 1867. The first officers were: Presi dent, David Cover; vice president, Louis Hospes; secretary, E. W. Durant; treasurer, David Bronson, Jr. ; surveyor, Ivory E. McKusick. 26 402 FIFTY YEARS STILLWATER BOARD OF TRADE. The board was organized in January, 1871. The first officers were: President, David Bronson; vice president, C. J. Butler; secretary, D. W. Armstrong; treasurer, C. N. Nelson; board of directors, John McKusick, Isaac Staples, J. E. Schlenk, J. O'Shaughnessy, M. Moffatt, E. W. Durant, J. N. Castle, B. G. Merry, G. M. Seymour, L. E. Torinus. STILLWATER WATER COMPANY. The site of the city abounds in beautiful springs. Charles Hathaway, while excavating on his lot near Third street, struck a large vein capable of supplying 1,000 barrels per day. He con structed a reservoir with an elevation of about fifty feet above the street, and from this source supplies the city with water for sprinkling streets and other purposes. The Stillwater Water Company was organized April 15, 1880, with a capital stock of $100,000, and commenced at once the work of improvement. This company has never yet declared a dividend, having applied all its surplus earnings upon improve ments. They have now 8 J niiles of water mains, 88 hydrants and about 260 taps. The water supply is obtained from Lake Mc Kusick, which is supplied from Brown's creek. The lake is 155 feet above the business portion of the city and is about a mile distant from the same. The water is pumped into a reservoir on the highest spot of ground in the city, which is 110 feet above the lake. The system is similar to that of St. Paul, the city being supplied in part by gravitation, and in part by direct pressure. The elevation of the reservoir results in a saving to the city in the matter of fire engines, etc. Any fire in the busi ness part of the city can be extinguished with the use of hose alone. One fire engine answers the purposes of the city. The first board Of officers were: President, Edward Durant; vice president, R. F. Hersey; secretary and treasurer, H. W. Cannon. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Futile efforts had been made as early as 1859 for the organiza tion of a fire department. In 1872 a fire company of sixty was organized and an engine worth $7,500 was purchased. The first officers of the company were: Chief engineer, David Bronson; first assistant, B. G. Merry; second assistant, H. P. West; ea IN THE NORTHWEST. 403 gineer, C. C. Johnson; secretary, N. T. Lee; treasurer, Fayette Marsh. THE ST. CROIX HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY Was organized in 1872, by the election of the following officers: Foreman, Charles McMillan; assistant, D. B. Loomis; secretary and treasurer, A. K. Doe. The company has received awards of honor for meritorious performance of duty. STILLWATER GASLIGHT COMPANY. This company was organized May 12, 1874, with a capital stock of $25,000 and the exclusive right to the sale and manufacture of gas for a period of forty years. Their buildings are located on Third street. The first officers were: President, Isaac Staples; manager, H. W. Camion; board of directors, John McKusick, t). M. Sabin, Isaac Staples, David Bronson, L. E. Torinus, H. W. Cannon, C. H. Nasb. TELEGRAPH OFFICE. In 1863 a telegraph office was located in Stillwater by a A. C. Lull, and a line extended to St. Paul. The office is on Main street between Chestnut and Myrtle. THE NATIONAL BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Established a line from Stillwater to St. Paul in January, 1880. It has a branch to Marine. UNION ELEVATOR COMPANY Built an elevator near the Stillwater & White Bear depot in 1870-71. It has a capacity of 300,000 bushels. The officers are: President, Louis Hospes; secretary and treasurer, H. W. Cannon. EXPRESS COMPANIES. The first office was established by the Northwestern Express Company, in 1855; Short, Proctor & Co. were agents. This com* pany was succeeded in 1858 by the American, and in 1869 the United States also established an office here. THE STILLWATER BRIDGE. A charter was obtained from the legislature in 1875 to build a bridge across Lake St. Croix, from Stillwater to Houlton. The 404 FIFTY YEARS bridge was completed the ensuing year at a cost of $24,000. It is 1,500 feet long, and is furnished with a pontoon draw 300 feet in length, operated by an engine. LUMBERING INTERSTS. Stillwater is the metropolis of the lumbering interests of the St. Croix valley, and is indebted to them chiefly for its welfare. These are considered separately in other parts of this history. The local interests are centred chiefly in mills and manufactories, of themselves an important element iu the prosperity of the city. The principal proprietors of the saw mills since the first settle ment of Stillwater have been McKusick <^Co., Sawyer & Heaton, McHale & Co., Schulenberg & Co., Hersey, Staples & Co., Her sey, Bean & Brown, Isaac Staples, Seymour, Sabin & Co., Her schey Lumbering Company and Turnbull Lumbering Company. FLOURING MILLS. In 1872 J. H. Townshend and W. F. Cahill erected a flouring mill on Third street. It was run by water brought from Mc Kusick creek, the motive power being an overshot wheel forty- five feet in diameter. In 1880 D. M. Sabin became interested in the firm. The capacity of the mill was increased from fifty to three hundred barrels per clay. A Corliss engine and other im provements were added, and the mill was run on the Hungarian roller system. The firm name was changed to Townshend & Co. The St. Croix flouring mill was built in 1877, on Upper Main street, near the lake, by Isaac Staples. Its dimensions were 40x50 feet. Its capacty was two hundred and fifty barrels per day. It was removed to make way for the buildings of the Car Company. The Stillwater Flour Mill Company was organized under state laws in 1878, and mills were erected on the lower levee, 50x70 feet, ground plan, and five stories high. These mills were run on the Hungarian roller system. The cost was $100,000. Their ca pacity is four hundred barrels p^r day. The- motive power is a Corliss engine of one hundred and seventy-five horse power. The principal owners are R. F. Hersey, Smith Ellison, D. M. Sabin and L. Hospes. MANUFACTORIES Swain's machine shop, D. M. Swain, proprietor, was estab lished in 1873, on Third street between Myrtle and Chestnut. Geo. IN THE NORTHWEST. 405 Swain established a foundry on Third street in 1874. His manufactures consist chiefly of engines, mill machinery and farm utensils. The St. Croix Iron Works, Door, Sash and Blind Factory, established originally as a machine shop in 1865, on the river bank, near the Chicago & Omaha round house, has been owned by various parties. A foundry was added in 1874, and in 1878 Isaac Staples added a sash and blind factory. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORIES. Richard Daw established the Novelty Carriage Works in 1875, one door east of the Sawyer House. D. J. Sullivan established the Stillwater Carriage Works in 1878, one door east of the Sawyer House, but afterward removed to a better location on Second street. Wm. Miller erected the Pioneer Carriage Manufactory in 1866, on Main street. Albeit Saeker in 1872 established a wagon shop on Secpud street between Myrtle and Chestnut. Frederick Steinacker commenced the manufacture of brick in 1859, in a yard located in Ramsey & Carter's addition, but after ward removed to the lower end of Sunfish lake. It is claimed that Herman Tepass' brewery is the outgrowth of the first in the county, if not in the State, a still having been located at the corner of Third and Chestnut streets in 1851. The present site is on Lower Main street. Joseph Wolff's brewery is located on the corner of Main and Nelson streets, and was estab lished in 1868. Heitman & Becker established a bakery in J 879. Messrs. Muller Brothers established a boat factory in 1873. A vinegar factory was commenced by Ciopac & Tuor in 1875, and is con tinued by the latter. Of the several livery stables in Stillwater the first was established by C. A. Bromley in 1853. The Stillwater Building Association, organized under the laws of the State, March 23, 1887, has done much for the pros perity of the city, affording as it does to persons of limited capi tal an opportunity of building suitable homes and business houses. Private enterprise has done much in the erection of substantial blocks for business purposes. Henry Sawyer, in 1856, built the first stone block in the city. It is located on Main street. Other fine blocks were built by McComb, Eldridge, 406 FIFTY YEARS Bernheimer, Elam Greely, Wm. Holcombe. Schlenk, L. E. To rinus, Hersey & Staples, McKusick, and others. Many of these blocks are fireproof and built of stone, and are fine specimens of architecture, convenient and commodious. CHURCH SOCIETIES AND BUILDINGS. Stillwater has sixteen church organizations and fifteen build: ings, the latter having a total valuation of $315,000. The Ascension church (Episcopal) originated in the labors of Rev. E. A. Greenleaf, in 1846; The corner stone of the first building was laid iu 1851. Rev. Joseph A. Russell was the first rector. In 1873 the corner stone of the present edifice was laid by Bishop Welles of Wisconsin. This building cost $10,000, and was burned in 1886 and rebuilt in 1887. The First Presbyterian church grew out of the missionary la bors of Rev. W. T. Boutwell, in 1S47 and 1848. The church was organized in 1849 ; Rev. J. S. Whitney, pastor. The first build ing was erected iu 1851, and the second, the armory, in 1857. The present edifice, located on the corner of Myrtle and Third, was built in 1884, at a cost of $22,000, and the total value of building and ground is $30,000. THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Dates its beginning from a sbciety formed by Rev. James Har rington in 1850. It was organized regularly in 1853 by Rev. T. M. Fullerton. The first house of worship was a small frame on Myrtle street, between Second and Third streets. It was enlarged and improved in 1862. The present edifice ou Third street near Myrtle, with the parsonage adjoining, cost about $4,200. The church has a membership of two hundred. ST. MICHAEL'S (CATHOLIC) CHURCH Was organized in 1853, the first services being held by Rev. Father Peyragrosse, a missionary. The first edifice was built on Fourth and Mulberry streets, and Rev. Father Fisher was the first clergyman in charge. The building was enlarged and improved in 1857. The present commodious edifice was com menced in 1872 and dedicated in 1875. The church property, including the school parish buildings and cemetery of twelve acres in South Stillwater, is worth $130,000. There are now two resident clergymen, Revs. Murphy and Gaughan. IN THE NORTHWEST. 407 ST. MARY'S (CATHOLIC) CHURCH, Rev. P. Alphonse Krusle, pastor, was organized in 1865, and owns a church building on Fifth street, near Pine, valued at $25,000. The total value of church and parish buildings, and of the six lots on which they are located, amounts to $55,000. THE UNIVERSALIST CHURCH Society was incorporated June 6, 1868, and the first preaching was by Rev. E. A. Hodsdon, of St. Anthony. The edifice is on Third street South; cost about $15,000. SWEDISH LUTHERAN. The society was organized in 1871; the church building was erected in 1882-83, at a cost of $15,000. The pastor is Rev. A. F. Tornell. . THE FIRST GERMAN LUTHERAN Church was organized in 1871. The church building and parson age are on Third street, near Olive, and are valued at $4,500. The pastor is Rev. J. J. Weiss. THE NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN , Society uses the German Lutheran church buildings, corner of Olive and Fourth streets. THE GERMAN METHODIST Congregation worships in a frame building, corner of Linden and Everett streets. THE SALEM GERMAN LUTHERAN CHURCH Was formed by the withdrawal of a part of the members of the First German Lutheran church for separate worship. The Swedish church and school, on the corner of Olive and Fourth streets, were purchased for $2,150. To this a parsonage was added at a cost of $2, 150. Rev. L. F. Frey is the pastor. THE DANISH LUTHERAN CHURCH Has a cosy frame edifice on Laurel, between Williams and Owen, but is not holding services at present. The edifice cost #7,000 and the membership is one hundred and fifty. 408 FIFTY YEARS SWEDISH CONGREGATIONAL. The Swedish Congregational church occupies a frame building on Fourth street, between Hickory and Elm streets, which cost $2,000 and has sixty members. THE ST. JOSEPH'S (CATHOLIC) CHURCH Was organized by the present pastor, Rev. Father E. Roe, in 1882, with seventeen members, which has since been increased to eighty families. A frame edifice was erected in 1884, with a seating capacity of four hundred, costing ab»ut $8,000, corner of Olive and Greely streets. The church property consists of the edifice and the priest's house, and cost $11,000. THE SWEDISH METHODIST CHURCH Was organized in 1880 by Rev. C. S. Carlander. The church building is located on Myrtle and Fourth streets, and cost $2,000. THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Has a membership of seventy-five and a frame building erected in 1872 at a cost of $1,200. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. The court house and other public buildings of the city are creditable specimens of architecture, rooms convenient and well adapted to the purposes of their construction. The present court house building is the third erected. Its cost, including that of the jail buildings, the wall around them and other im provements, has been something over $75,000. The city hall, at the corner of Myrtle and Third streets, is a substantial and con venient building. It contains also room for the city officers. The public school buildings have kept pace with the growth of the city. In the summer of 18S7 the city erected a high school building at a cost of $60,000. The engine house is a good build ing, centrally located. An elegant union depot was built in 1887, of brown stone from the Apostle islands, at a cost of $30,000. ¦ The Opera House. — The opera house occupies the site of the old Lake House, on Main street between Nelson and Chest nut streets. It was commenced in 1880 and finished in 1881, un- IN THE NORTHWEST. 409 der the supervision of L. W. Eldred, architect. Its size is 90 xl20 feet, ground plan, and four stories in height, or seventy- one feet from lower floor to cornice. The style of architecture is a blending of the Queen Anne, Victoria and Gothic. The en trance to the upper part of the building is by a stairway twelve feet wide, iu a lofty, ornamental turret. The auditorium is 64 xl20 feet, and beautifully and elaborately finished and fur nished, and is capable of seating over 1,200 persons. It is well lighted, being supplied with 130 gas jets, warmed by steam, and well ventilated. The stage is 39x61 feet, complete in all its appointments, and supplied with all the necessary stage scenery, wings, border bridge, balcony, interior and other decorations. The ceiling of the auditorium is superbly frescoed and the cor nice is adorned with medallions of Shakespeare, Haydn, Schiller, Goethe, Dickens, Handel, Scott, Longfellow, Mozart, Tennyson, and Beethoven. The parts of the building not occupied for stage purposes are appropriated to halls, offices and stores. SOCIETIES AND ASSOCIATIONS. I. O. O. F.— Lodge No. 1, 'organized June, 1849; Stillwater Lodge, No. 51, organized January, 1876. Masonic.; — St. John's Lodge No. 1, organized 1849 ; Washing ton, Royal Arch Chapter, No. 17, organized March, 1868; Bay ard Commandery, K. T., No. 11, organized March, 1878. Knights of Pythias. — Stillwater Lodge, No. 7, organized No vember, 1872. A. O. U. W.— St. Croix Lodge, No. 11, organized July, 1876. Sons of Herman.— Stillwater Lodge, No. 3, organized Janu ary, 1876; Concordia Lodge, No. 19, organized January, 1881. Temperance Societies. — I. O. G. T. Lodge of Stillwater, or ganized in 1859; L'Etoile du Nord Lodge, No. 57, organized May, 1866; Temple of Honor, No. 10, organized September, 1876; Father Matthew Temperance Society, organized November, 1872. Miscellaneous. — St. Ann's Society, organized November, 1866; St. Vincent de Paul Conference, organized October, J 870; St. Joseph Benevolent Society, organized November, 1879; Y. M. C. A., organized in 1878; Washington Counry Bible Society, or ganized in 1851; Northwestern Benefit Soci-ty, No. 1, organized in 1879; Subordinate Union Penn Equitable Association, No. 410 FIFTY YEARS 165, organized in 1880; Stillwater City Hospital, organized March, 1880; Stillwater Mannerchoir, organized in 1S75; the Stillwater Turnverein, organized in 1859; G. A. R., Stillwater Post, No. 13, organized March, 1868. CEMETERIES. The first burial ground was selected in 1846. Ten years later, by a survey of the city, these grounds were included in what is now known as block 3. These grounds were used until the organization of the Fairview Cemetery Association in 1867, when the bodies were removed to the new cemetery in the burial ground in South Stillwater. Fairview cemetery is beautifully located on undulating or hilly ground and is adorned with shrubbery and made attractive by the hand of art. Its lo- . cation is within the city limits, near the corner of Orleans and Fourth streets. WASHINGTON COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. An attempt was made at organization in 1856, but it proved premature. The present society was organized in February, 1871, at Cottage Grove, and incorporated the same year. The first board of officers consisted of J. W. Furber, president; J. S. Norris, vice president; T. Elwell, secretary, and James Mid dleton, treasurer. In 1873 the fair grounds were established near Stillwater, under the joint control of the Agricultural Society and the Driving Park Association. In 1875 the fair grounds were established at Lake Elmo. But one fair had been held there when a cyclone struck the grounds and swept away all the improvements. The society again effected an arrangement by which their fairs were held on the grounds near Stillwater. MINNESOTA STATE PRISON. At the organization of Minnesota Territory Congress appro priated $5,000 for a territorial prison. The legislature expended the money thus appropriated in building a prison at Stillwater. The site was located by a commission appointed by the legis lature in 1849, consisting of John McKusick, E. A. C. Hatch and Lewis Robert. The commission was also authorized to lo cate the Territorial University and select a site in St. Paul for the capitol. Their task was not completed until the ensuing IN THE NORTHWEST. 411 year. Their selection of a location for the university and of a site for the capitol were satisfactory, but it was generally con ceded that the site for the prison was badly chosen. The ground, nine acres, was mostly quagmire, and was, moreover, crowded in a ravine between high bluffs. However, it was convenient to the lake and steamboat landing, and was well watered with pure spring water. In 1851 Jesse Taylor, F. R. Delano, Martin Mower, J. E. Mc Kusick, and Jacob Fisher entered into contract with the com missioners, under the firm name of Jesse. Taylor & Co., to build one stone wing of the prison building, to be inclosed with a stone wall. The dimensions of the wing were 30x40 feet and three stories high. In 1853 an addition was built, and Francis R. Delano was appointed warden. Until 1858 the expenditure of the public money used in building and other expenses was under the control of the warden. Under state rule the warden was relieved of this burden of responsibility. The legislature had provided that prisoners might be received in the peniten tiary not yet convicted of crime, on condition that their board should be defrayed by the counties from which they were sent. ' When this expense was not promptly met by the counties the prisoners thus held were set at liberty. The Washington county grand jury investigated the matter and memorialized the ensu ing legislature, which effected a change in the laws regarding such commitments. Wings were added to the prison, walls were built, shops and other accessories added from year to year, and appropriations were made from time to time. In 1870 an appro priation of $74,000 was made for extending the building. Out side companies were permitted to build shops and manufactories within the prison limits that they might avail themselves of con vict labor. The following are the wardens who have served since the prison was built: Territorial, F. R Delano; state government: Francis O. J. Smith, appointed March 4, 1858; Henry N. Setzer, Aug. 4, 1858; John S. Proctor, Jan. 1, 1860; Joshua L. Taylor, Feb. 16, 1868; A. C. Webber, March 16, 1870; Henry A. Jackman, Oct. 10, 1870; John A. Reid, Aug. 3, 1874; H. G. Stordock, 1887. 412 FIFTY YEARS The following table shows the number of convicts each year up to the present time: 1853 .... 0 1862 .... 7 1871 60 1879 254 1854 .... 2 1863 .... 8 1872 59 1880 254- 1855 .... 8 1864 .... 7 1873 64 1881 247' 1856 1 1865 1866 1867 .... 11 .... 29 .... 36 1874 1875 ... 93 96 1882 1883 1S84 97q. 1857 0 .... 2 S01 1858 1876 90 356 1859 .... 5 1868 .... 31 1877 ]'45 1885 395- 1860 .... 16 1869 .... 47 1878 218 1886, Mar. 31 416 1861 12 1870 ..,. 39 The prison on the whole has been well and humanely managed. There have been occasional outbreaks, easily suppressed, or cases -of individual insubordination, two or three with fatal results to the insubordinates. The prison buildings have been several times visited by dam aging and disastrous fires. The most serious were in 1884. The first occurred January 8th, by which the large workshop and machinery owned by the State and the Northwestern Car Com pany were destroyed. The second occurred January 26th, and destroyed the main prison buildings, including the cells, from which the prisoners were rescued with the greatest difficulty. One perished of suffocation. On this occasion guards, prison officials and some of the convicts displayed heroism worthy of the highest commendation. The convicts on the whole behaved well. Mr. Reid, the warden of the prison, behaved with great coolness and decision, and so averted what might have been a fearful disaster. FIRES. Stillwater has suffered occasionally from fires. The first house burned was the McKusick boarding house, in 1846. The North rup Hotel was burned in 1847. In 1866 a fire occurred on the west side of Main street, between Myrtle and Chestnut, in which twelve buildings were burned, principally frame structures. In 1872 the Lake House and four adjacent buildings were burned. The Schulenburg mill was burned in 1878. Two great fires O-CL- IN THE NORTHWEST. 413 ¦occurred in the penitentiary in 1884. The Episcopal church building and the mills of Hersey & Bean were burned in 1887. Numerous smaller fires occurred at intervals, but owing to the efficiency of the fire companies they were easily suppressed. BONDS AND INDEBTEDNESS. \ Up to 1886 the bonded indebtedness df the city has aggregated the sum of $345,000. The bonds were issued at various times for railway and levee improvements, city bridge, city buildings, water works and current funds. The interest on these bonds has always been promptly met, and the expenditures for improve ments have been more than repaid to the taxpayers by the in creased valuation of property within the eity limits. Isaac Staples, son of Rev. Winslow Staples, was born in Topsham, Maine, Sept. 25, 1816. At eighteen years of age he bought his time of his father for three hundred and sixty dol lars. He found employment on the Penobscot river at lumber ing for two years, when he engaged in selling goods at Old Town, but soon after went into the lumbering business with S. F. Hersey. In 1849 Mr. Staples was appointed agent for the Penobscot Indians living at Old Town, twelve miles above Bangor, on the Penobscot. , In October, 1853, Mr. Staples came to Minnesota for the purpose of purchasing pine lands, and located at Stillwater, moving his family here in 1854. Mr. Staphs represented a wealthy company, composed of himself, S. F. Hersey and some Massachusetts men, who furnished all the money needed to buy pine land or make any other invest ments deemed advisable. They, through the agency of Mr. Staples, purchased immense quantities of pine timber. They built a large saw mill in Stillwater, and dealt in any and all branches of business considered remunerative. The advent of Isaac Staples in Stillwater gave to the city new life. Mr. Staples was indefatigable in his labors, full of vigor and in prime health. His ambition was unlimited, his judgment good. Backed up by a successful lumbering experience in Maine, and with money sufficient to meet all necessary calls, he was financially progress ive and prosperous. In after years Messrs. Staples & Hersey purchased the entire interest of the firm of Hersey, Staples & Go. Subsequently the firm changed to Hersey & Staples and Her sey, Staples & Bean, and finally a division of property was agreed 414 FIFTY YEARS upon. Since the divisou Mr. Staples has been just as extensive ly engaged in the name of Isaac Staples in doing business as at any period in his p;ist life. , In 1887 Mr. Staples purchased the property of the Cushing Company, located at St.' Croix and Taylor's Falls, for $50,000. This property has long been in litigation and consequently has been unimproved. The advent of Mr. Staples, as proprietor, opens a new era in the history of the two villages at the head of navigation on the St. Croix. In addition to his lumbering and real estate interests, Mr. Staples has also engaged in farming and stock raising on an ex tensive scale. He owns one farm of six hundred and forty acres within the limits of Stillwater. This farm is well stocked and supplied with stores, barns, shops and other buildings. It is used as a stock farm, and as a headquarters for supplying his lumbering camps. Mr. Staples has another farm located on the line of the Minne apolis, Soo & Atlantic railway, eleven miles northwest of Still water, known as the Maple Island farm, which contains 1,400 acres of land, inclosed and supplied with barns, farm houses and other buildings. There are fine wells and lakes and some well stocked fish ponds. He owns a flouring mill on this farm. Mr. Staples has a third farm at Bronson, Kanabec county,1 containing 2,000 acres of land, well under cultivation. Ann river flows through this farm, and is supplied with a dam to facilitate the driving of logs into Fish lake. The farm is also made a fitting-out place for the lumbering camps. These three farms are valued at $250,000. Mr. Staples has lived an unusually busy life, and has been unusually successful. Though past the ordinary limit of human life, he is still active, and will probably continue to plan and work as long as he lives. He is happiest when most busily employed. His mind is of the active type. He is restless, alert, far-seeing, systematic, and persistent. Without these qualities he never could have achieved the success that has crowned his career. He has been twice married; first in 1839, to Miss Caroline B. Rogers, of Old Town, Maine, by whom he had one child, who is still living. Mrs. Staples died in 1840. He was again married, Jan, 31, 1841, to Miss Olivia J. Pettengill, of Old Town, Maine, by whom he has had eight children, — four sons and four daughters, — , four of whom are living. IN THE NORTHWEST. 415 • Samuel F. Hersey, of the late firm of Hersey, Staples & Co., was born in Sumner, Maine, in 1812. At an early day he became a citizen of Bangor, Maine, and wisely invested in pine timber lands on the Penobscot waters, when lands were cheap. Their true value was not appreciated by many. The business interests of the county had not been developed and lumber dealing was not profitable. The increase in value on his investments made him a wealthy man. He was a banker, merchant and lumber man. His investments always yielded a rich return. His associates and townsmen often elected him to posts of honor and trust. In 4842-57-65-67 and 69 he was in the Maine state legislature. When he died, Feb. 3, 1875, he was serving his second term (four years) as representative in Congress, from the Bangor or Fourth district of Maine. He died at his home in Bangor. Both houses of Congress paid fitting tributes to his high business, social and christian standing, and his worth as a legislator and statesman. Mr. Hersey was not a citizen of Minnesota, but as early as 1851 became a member of the firm of Hersey, Staples & Co., of Stillwater, and interested himself greatly in Minnesota and Still water enterprises. Amongst other things he aided . in building two railroads, and gave liberally for the erection of the Uni versalis! church and to its library. He was thrice married, and left a family of four sons, the children of his second wife. Roscoe F. Hersey, the oldest son, was born July 18, 1841, in Milford, Maine; was educated at the graded school in Bangor, and clerked in his father's store until 1862, when he volunteered as a soldier in Company A, Eighteenth Maine Infantry. He was appointed second lieutenant and rose to the rank of captain in 1863, but on May 19, 1864, was seyerely wounded at the battle of Spottslyvania Court House, was confined in the hospital nine months, and discharged with the brevet rank of colonel. Col. Hersey spent two years in New Orleans, engaged in the shipping and commission business, and in the spring of 1867 came to Stillwater and thence to Lake City, where he had charge of the lumber and mercantile business of Hersey, Staples & Co. in that city for five years. In 1872 he returned to Stillwater, entered the firm of Hersey, Brown & Bean, dealers in lands, lumber and merchandise. In 1877 he was elected state senator and served one term. He has held many responsible positions. 416 FIFTY YEARS He married Eva C. Wardwell, of Bangor, Maine, Jan. 4, 1864. They have one son, Clinton, an enterprising, public spirited man, inheriting much of his father's will power. Dudley H. Hersey, the second son, was born in Bangor, Dec. 25, 1847. He was educated at Westbrook Seminary, Maine, and came to Stillwater at an early age in the employ of his fa ther. In 1872 he became one of the firm of Hersey, Bean & Brown. Mr. Hersey was married to Estella Wardwell, of Ban gor, Maine, in 1870. They have one son, Samuel F. Eugene M. Hersey, the third son, was born in Bangor, Maine, May 6, 1850. He was educated at the high school in Bangor. With his brother he has been interested in milling and lumbering operations. He was married in 1876. Edward L. Hersey, the youngest son, was born in Bangor, Maine, April 29, 1852; graduated at Westbrook Seminary in 1871, and was married to Mary L. Merrill, of Chicago, in 1§77. JACOB BEAN. Jacob Bean was born in Upper Stillwater, Maine, in 1837. In that centre of the lumbering interests he early and easily took to lumbering, and pursued the business continuously until 1863, when he came to Stillwater, where he became an active member of the firm of Hersey, Staples & Bean, and of Hersey, Bean & Brown. Charles Bean was born in Sandwich, New Hampshire, in 1827; removed toOrono, Maine, in 1835; followed lumbering on IN THE NORTHWEST 417 the Penobscot river for a few years. He came to Stillwater in 1863, and some years later sent for his aged parents, giving them a home until their death. In 1865 he became one of the firm of Hersey, Staples & Bean, dealers in pine land. He is at present with his oldest son in California, where both are inter ested in real estate and irrigation enterprises. Mr. Bean has been twice married and has a family of eight children. The oldest daughter married Jerry Brown, now deceased. Mr. Bean moved to California in 1887. Rudolph Lehmicke was born in Prussia in 1822. He learned the trade of cabinet and organ making; came to America in 1849, and to Stillwater in 1854, working at his trade until 1858. He served one year as justice of the peace, and having studied law was admitted to practice in 1859. In the fall of 1859 he was elected county auditor and served until 1874. He was elected judge of the probate court, in which position he continued until 1881. He has served as inspector of the prison, superintendent of public schools, and member of the board of education. Judge Lehmicke was married in 1853, in Coldwater, Michigan, to Jane Tackeberry. They have a family of five sons and two daughters. Hollis R. Murdock was born in Governeur, New York, Aug. 15, 1832. He graduated- at Williams College, Massachu setts, in 1854, came to Stillwater in 1855, and was admitted to the practice of law in 1856, since which time he has been in continuous practice. , He has held many offices of trust. Has been judge of the probate court and member of the legislature from Washington county, and director of a bank and railroad company. Mr. Murdock was married to Sarah A. Rice, Nov. 3, 1857. George M. Seymour was born in Onondaga county, New York, March 26, 1829. Part of his early life he spent on a farm, but later he learned the carpenter's trade and became a builder and contractor. While in Syracuse he engaged for some years in the manufacture of lumber and staves, and later, of salt. He was married to Anna B. Kingsley in 1851. In 1858 he came to Stillwater, and in 1861 was awarded the prison contract, and en gaged in making cooperage. He was one of the founders of the firms of Seymour, Webster & Co. and Seymour, Sabin & Co. (the Northwestern Car Company). He was sheriff of Washing ton county for two years. 27 . 418 FIFTY YEARS Frank A. Si'YMuuk, only son of George M., was cashier of the First National Bank of Stillwater f..r four years, and subse quently cashier of the Merchants Bank. St. Paul. < Marion O., only daughter of George M. Seymour, graduated from Mount Holyoke Seminary in 1880. LOUIS HOSPES. Louis Hospes, for many years identified with the Schulen- berg-Boeckeler Lumber Company, and father of A. C. Hospes, surveyor general of logs and lumber, E. L. Hospes of the Schu- leuberg-Boeckeler Company, and Otto G. Hospes of the hard ware firm of A. C. Hospes & Co., died April 9, 1888. The de- IN THE NORTHWEST. 419 ¦ceased was born in the landgravate of Hesse-Cassel, Germany, Feb. 8, 1809, and attended school in the city of Witzenhausen until he was sixteen years old. He then became a farmer, which avocation he followed for four years. He then entered the Uni versity of Gottingen, where he made a special study of the theory and practice of agriculture afod of veterinary medicine and surgery. Retiring from the university, for two years he took charge of the farms on some large' estates. In 1832 he sailed from Bremen for America, arriving at New York on Sep tember 4th of that year. Leaving that city on the eleventh of the same month, he arrived in St. Louis on October 18th. From that city he went to St. Charles county, where he engaged in agriculture and other pursuits until 1840. * During his residence there he married Elvira Wurdeman, who survives him. In 1840 he removed to Green county, Southwest Missouri, where he made his home for the next six years among the Ozark mountains, where he and two brothers engaged in the distilling business. In 1848 Mr. Hospes went to St. Louis and entered the employ of Schulenberg & Boeckeler, where he remained until Oct. 21, 1854, when he came to Stillwater tb take charge of the business of his employers here. In 1856 he became a partner in the con cern, and continued so until 1874, when the firm reorganized as the Schulenberg -Boeckeler Lumber Company. When he re tired, his son, E. L. Hospes, succeeded to his interest, which he now holds. In 1871 Mr. Hospes visited Europe with his family, spending a year abroad. In 1862, with his associates, he organ ized the First National Bank of Stillwater, of which he has been president for twenty years. His life in this city has been that •of an active, energetic and generally successful business man, and though conservative in his business operations has always been ready to lend a helping hand to any deserving or practical business enterprise. He was marked for that fixed and reliable ¦character which made his name a tower of strength to any enter prise with which he was connected, and his integrity, extending to little things, became proverbial. Besides the sons named he left two daughters, Mrs. H. E. Mann, of Milwaukee, and Mrs., J. Schlenk, of St. Paul. David Tozer was born in Miramachi, New Brunswick, in 1823., His early opportunities for obtaining an education were somewhat limited, and he obtained only three months' schooling. 420 FIFTY YEARS He came to Stillwater in 1856 and engaged in lumbering, work ing by the month for five years, and afterward independently or in partnership with his brother Albert, and in the firm of Saun- try & Tozer, cuttting and rafting lumber. He was married in Canada, in 1867, to Margaret McKay. Mr. Tozer has been an industrious and successful man. David Bronson was born in Anson, Maine, in 1834. He clerked in Boston from 1850 to 1855, when he came to Stillwater, where he has since been engaged in selling goods, lumbering and manufacturing. He was married in 1861 to Ianthe Davis. John Maloy is of Irish descent. He was born in Ireland, and emigrated to New Brunswick. He came to Stillwater with his family in 1853, and engaged in lumbering. His family consisted of nine sons and three daughters. The daughters are married. Four of the sons are living; two of them, Patrick and William, in Oregon, and the others, James and Robert, in Stillwater. Mrs. Susannah Tepass, nee Burkhart, was born in Germany, Aug. 10, 1824. Her parents emigrated to America in 1847 and settled in Freeport, Illinois, where she was married, in 1849,'to N. Kimmick, and the same year came to Stillwater. Mr. Kim- miek died in 1857. In 1860 she was married to Frank Aiple. Mr. Aiple died Nov. 10, 1868. Dec. 9, 1869, she was married to her present husband, Herman Tepass. Her children are Mary, Herman and Frank Aiple. William E. Thorne came to Stillwater in 1853. He has been an attentive and successful merchant, a polite and honor able gentleman, and a good citizen. Edward J. Butts was born in Delaware county, New York, in 1832; graduated at the Albany Normal School in 1853, and taught school awhile during his minority, and some years after studied law (in 1861), and was admitted to practice in Broome county, New York. In 1862 he enlisted in a New York regiment and served his full time of enlistment. In 1864 he was appointed clerk in the third auditor's office, Washington, which position, he resigned in 1865 and came to Stillwater to practice his pro fession. He served some time as justice of the peace, and for ten years as judge of probate in Washington county. He was collector of internal revenue one year, and was eight years post master in Stillwater, completing his term of service in' 1886. Mr. Butts was married to Augusta Miller in 1856. Mrs. Butts IN THE NORTHWEST. 421 died in 1869, leaving one son and one daughter. Mr. Butts mar ried Ida Ellsworth in 1878. They have one son and two daugh ters. His oldest son is in the military school at West Point. A. B. Easton was born at Mesopotamia, Trumbull county, Ohio, March 1, 1828. His parents were natives of Massachu setts, tracing their lineage to the Pilgrim Fathers. At the age of fourteen years he was clerk in a store, but at the wish of his parents, left the store and attended school, finishing his studies by a course at the high school. Soon after he again assumed the position of clerk, in which he continued two years, when, in 1855, he took charge of his father's hotel. Two years subse- ' quently he came to Stillwater, beginning work as a compositor for the Stillwater Messenger, A. J. Van Voorhes, proprietor. Dur ing the absence of the proprietor Mr. Easton was manager. Finally, in 1863, he and A. B. Stickney rented the paper, which they operated one year, then carried it on alone until 1865. Dur ing this time Mr. Van Voorhes had been filling the position of quartermaster, and on his return made Mr. Easton foreman, where he continued until 1868. The St. Paul Dispatch had just been established, and he was connected with the interests of this paper until his return to Stillwater in 1869. Aug. 6, 1870, he issued the first number of the Stillwater Gazette. His son Wil liam E. was taken as a partner in 1876. Mr. Easton and son have through their ability and industry made the Gazette a read able, reliable and popular paper. Mr. Easton, was married t° Julia Burke, Oct. 14, 1849. They have four sons and three daughters. Edwin A. Folsom was born in Exeter, New Hampshire, June 30, 1833. He spent most of his youth with his parents in Bangor, Maine, where he was educated in the common schools. In 1856 he came to Stillwater and for six years was book-keeper for Hersey, Staples & Co. In 1862 he enlisted in Company C, Eighth Minnesota Volunteers, and was commissioned as captain. He left the service at the close of the war with the rank of brevet colonel. Returning to Stillwater, he served six years as county treasurer, and has since been engaged in lumbering and selling goods under the firm name of Bronson & Folsom. He was mar ried Oct. 12, 1872, to Frances E. Staples. ' John B. H. Mitchell. — The ancestors of Mr. Mitchell were Revolutionary patriots, originally Scotch covenanters, , who set- 422 fifty years tied in North Carolina, but who in after years freed their slaves and came to the Northern States. Mr. Mitchell was born Nov. 26, 1820, in Monroe county, Kentucky. His education was ob tained chiefly in the printing office of H. H. Houghton, of Galena, Illinois. He came to St. Paul in 1852, and was employed two years in the Pioneer printing office. In 1854, in company with T. M. Newson and others, he published the St. Paul Daily Times. In 1855 he located on a farm near South Stillwater. During the early part of the Civil War he was in Nashville, Tennessee, and . reported proceedings of secession conventions to northern pa pers. In 1863 he was elected a member of the Minnesota legisla ture. Mr. Mitchell has filled other offices of trust. He was married in 1850 to Mariana B. Fiske, a daughter of David Fiske, of Baytown. Joseph Schupp was born in Baden, Germany, in 1831 ; received a college and general business education and came to America in 1852, locating first at Buffalo, New York, and thence at Toledo, Ohio, whence he removed to Stillwater in 1858, and engaged in the mercantile business. Commencing moderately, he extended his operations and now owns several buildings and blocks, and conducts a heavy wholesale trade. He was married in 1855 to Mary Fuller, of Toledo, Ohio. They have three sons living,. Joseph A., Thomas O. A. and Frank. Clifton A. Bennett was born in Portage county, Ohio, Sept. 7, 1841. He received a common school and collegiate education. He attended Hiram College during the time that President James A. Garfield presided over it. April 24, 1861, he enlisted in Company D, Twenty-third Ohio Volunteers. He was subse quently promoted to the staff of Gen. W. D. Hazen and served until mustered out at the close of the war. He came to Illinois in 1865, read law and was admitted to practice in 1867; came to Stillwater in 1868, and for ten years was in the office of the surveyor general. In 1878 he was elected clerk of court. Samuel Mathews was born in New Brunswick, July 7, 1832. His opportunities for schooling were limited, and he is practi cally self educated. He came to Stillwater in October, 1856, since which time he has been engaged in lumbering, dealing in pine lands and in the mercantile business. He is a member of the firm of Mathews & Jourdain, and has been quite successful in his business undertakings. Mr. Mathews has been called upon IN THE NORTHWEST. 423 to fill many positions of trust. He has served over twenty-five years as manager, receiving and disbursing agent of the Still water fire department. He served four years as mayor of Still water, was county commissioner for twelve years, and for many years director in the First National Bank of Stillwater. He was married to Elisabeth Foley in 1867. Their children are Samuel, Thomas, James, Mollie, Adie, Stella, and May. John and James Mathews, brothers of Samuel, came to Stillwater in 1856, and are active, enterprising business men and good citize*ns. Their business is farming and lumbering. Peter Jourdain is a native of Canada. He came to Still water about the year 1856, and successfully engaged in lumbering. He is a member of the firm of Mathews & Jourdain, a firm engaged in dealing in logs and in manufacturing them into lumber. Mr. Jourdain has a family. James Rooney was born in New Richmond, Canada East, in 1829. He remained in Canada until 1850, when he removed to Maine, coming ' thence to Stillwater in 1854. He engaged in lumbering, working at first by the month, and gradually acquir ing means and* influence for independent work. He is well situated, has a happy home and prosperous business. He was married to Elisabeth McGuire, of Stillwater, in 1863. They have five children. James N. Castle is a native of Sheffield, Sheffield county, province of- Quebec. He received a common school education; read law four years and was admitted to practice. He came to Minnesota in 1862, and taught school part of the time at Afton until 1865, when he was elected county attorney of Washington county. Mr. Castle served as state senator in the eleventh, twelfth, twenty-first, twenty-second, twenty-third and twenty-fourth leg islatures of Minnesota. He settled in Stillwater in 1866. Abraham L. Gallespie was born at Shiloh, Randolph county, Illinois, in 1836. He came to Osceola, Polk county, Wisconsin, in 1850. In 1859 he moved to Stillwater, since which time, with the exception of a'year spent in Colorado, and two years in the army as a member of Company D, Second Wisconsin Cavalry, he has followed the business of lumbering and dealing in logs. He has filled the position of alderman in Stillwater. He was married to Adelia F. Wilson, of Osceola, in 1860. John C. Gardiner came to Stillwater in 1850, from Washing ton county, Maine. He was born Jan. 5, 1822. On coming to 424 FIFTY YEARS Stillwater he located on a homestead near the city, and followed farming and lumbering for some years. In 1873 he was appoint ed prison guard, which position he held until a recent date. In 1845 he was married to Mary R. Jackman, in Maine. They have two sons living, Frederic and Albert L. Mrs. Gardiner died in August, 1887. V. C. Seward was born July 10, 1845, at Laketon, Wabash county, Indiana. He came to Mankato at the age of ten, served an apprenticeship at printing in the office of the Mankato Independ ent, subsequently attended the Western Reserve College, Ohio; and then became editor of the Cleveland (Ohio) Leader. He re turned to Minnesota in 1869, and founded the Redwood Falls Mail. In 1872 he came to Stillwater and purchased the Stillwater Mes senger in company with S. S. Taylor. He has had entire control continuously since, and has been successful in its management. He was married to Lily M. Lumbard, at Shakopee, Minnesota, in 1873. Ralph Wheeler, one of Stillwater' s early citizens, commenced piloting on the St. Croix in 1850, and has been continuously en gaged in the piloting, steamboating, log and dumber business since. He is one of the original proprietors, of the opera house. He was born in Chautauqua county, New York, in 1829. W. H. H. Wheeler, brother of Ralph, has long been a prominent citizen of Stillwater. He married Lura, daughter of Daniel Mears, of Osceola. Edward Scott Brown, of the firm of Hersey, Bean & Brown, was born Feb. 9, 1830, at Orono, Maine. He received a good education in the common schools and at Foxcroft Academy. He learned the trade of millwright, and in 1852 went to Puget Sound, Washington Territory, via Panama and San Francisco, and was employed two years iu building mills. He returned to Orono in 1854, and in 1855 came to St. Anthony, Minnesota, and engaged in the manufacturing and millwright business. He came to Stillwater in 1873, entered the firm of Hersey, Bean & Brown, and in 1883 was appointed receiver of the Northwestern Car Works. Mr. Brown represented his district in the state senate of 1876. William Lqwell was born in Concord, Maine, April 26, 1807. Mr. Lowell was raised on a farm, but followed lumbering after he was twenty-one years old, with the Coburns on the Kennebec river, and afterward took a vessel around Cape Horn IN THE NORTHWEST. 425 to San Francisco, California, with a cargo of manufactured lum ber, consisting of ready made houses. He returned in 1850 by the overland route. Two years later he came to Taylor's Falls, but in 1853 settled in Stillwater, where he engaged in lumbering as a partner of S. M. Sawyer. He made a fine farm in Sterling, Polk county, Wisconsin, and lived upon it three years. He was interested in locating pine lands in company with the Colburns of Maine, on the St. Croix waters. He was a member of the Minnesota legislature in 1870. He was married in Concord, Maine, in 1836, to Rhoda Heald. She died in 1842, leaving two daughters. In 1856 he was married to Mrs. Elisabeth Rich, sis ter of Isaac Staples. Mr. Lowell died in Stillwater, July 15, 1873, leaving a widow and four children. Albert Lowell was born at Concord, Maine, July 10, 1819. He was married Feb. 5, 1850, to Miss Abby Reed, at Kendall's Mills, Maine. From this union there were four children, of whom three are living, Elmore, Charles G. and Ernest. Mr. Lowell ' spent his early days in farming on the banks of the KenUebec river. In 1854 he came to Stillwater and settled on a farm near Lily lake, a portion of which farm is now used as a driving park. May 19, 1863, he took charge of the noted Sawyer House in Stillwater, which he afterward purchased. Himself, Mrs, Lowell and their son Elmore have by their invariable courtesy and close attention to business made this hotel one of the most popular in the State. They sold and left the hotel, December, 1887. Nelson Holmes Van Voorhes, eldest son of Abraham Van Voorhes, settled in Ohio and became a respected and useful citi zen, at one time representing his district in Congress. Andrew Jackson Van Voorhes, the second son, born June 30, 1824, came to Stillwater in 1855, and in 1856 founded the Stillwater Messenger and conducted it until 1868, excepting two years which he spent in the army during the Civil War. He' was a member of the Minnesota legislature in 1859-60, and served as clerk of the Minnesota supreme court for one year. , From 1863 to 1865 he served as quartermaster in the army, with the rank of captain. He died in Stillwater in 1873. Henry Clay Van Voorhes, the youngest s,on, was born in Athens, Ohio, in 1839, and came with his father to Stillwater in 1850. During the war he was a member of Company B, First 426 FIFTY YEARS Minnesota Volunteers, for about eighteen months, when he was discharged for disabilities. He afterward returned to the field with his brother, Capt. A. J. Van Voorhes, but was not on ac tive duty. At the close of the war he returned to Stillwater, which has since been his home. He was married at Areola, Feb. 9, 1868, to Emily Mower, daughter of John E. and Gracia Mower. In 1887 he went to Alaska. Louisa, eldest daughter of Abraham Van Voorhes, was mar ried to C. A. Bromley. She died in 18—. Maria, the youngest daughter, was married to D. H. Cutler, of Stillwater. C. A. Bromley was born in Plattsburg, New York, Oct. 31, 1829. He came to Minnesota in ±851. He erected a fine livery and sale stable on Chestnut street in 1863. Mr. Bromley served in the war of the Rebellion as captain of Company B, First Min nesota, and afterward of Company I, Sixth Minnesota Volun teers. He was married to Louisa Van Voorhes, who died some years ago. He was married a second time, to a Miss King. Charles J. ButleR was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 6, 1822. He was educated at the Western University of Pennsylvania. He removed to St. Louis in 1839, where he re mained for ten years. He was married to Margaret E. Lansing, of Madison, Wisconsin, in May, 1846. The following July he went as paymaster's clerk, under his father, Maj. John B. Butler, to Mexico, in the Chihuahua expedition, commamded by Gen. John E. Wool. Returning to St. Louis, he engaged in the wholesale grocery business until the spring of 1849, when he disposed of his stock and went to California, where he en gaged in mining operations. In August, 1851, he came to Ma rine as book-keeper for Judd, Walker & Co., remaining with them until he was appointed secretary of the St. Croix Boom Company, which position he held until 1875. In 1856 he re moved to Stillwater. In 1857 he was elected delegate to the con stitutional convention. He served one term as mayor of Still water. In 1862 he served as first lieutenant under David Bron son as captain, and with S. J. R. McMillan as second lieutenant, in the Chengwatana expedition sent from Stillwater to prevent the Chippewas from rising and joining in the Sioux insurrec tion. He purchased the Nelson warehouse, and, with Capt. Isaac Gray as partner, engaged in the towboat business until 1878. Of late years Mr. Butler has been engaged in business in the northwest. 427 ventures in Western Minnesota, but he still retains his residence at Stillwater. Mr. Butler has always been a lover of field sports and his prowess as a sportsman is well remembered by his old friends. He has four children — two sons and two daugh ters. Levi E. Thompson was born in ; St. Lawrence county, New York, May 5, 1829; educated at Troy Wesleyan Seminary, New York; commenced studying law at the age of fourteen; was ad mitted to practice by the supreme court at the age of twenty, and, coming to Stillwater in 1852, commenced practice, having associated with him at various times T. E. Parker, Allen Daw son and John Vanderburgh. He was married, October, 1856, to Martha G. Harris, daughter of Albert Harris, an early settler of Stillwater. Mr. Thompson died Nov. 8, 1887. George Davis was born in Lancaster, Massachusetts, Sept. 22, 1832. He received a good school and academic educa tion. He removed to St. Louis in 1852, and to Stillwater in 1853, where he served some years as a mercantile clerk, then as deputy sheriff, then ten years as sheriff of Washington county. He also served as clerk of the district court, and in 1876 as county auditor. In 1865 he was married to Georgiana Stanchfield, of Stillwater. Mr. Davis died in 1879 and Mrs. Davis in 1882, leav ing five children. Wm. Monroe McCluer was born Sept. 6, 1831, in Franklin- ville, New York. He graduated from Temple Hill Academy, Geneseo, New York, in 1850; studied law in Moscow, New York; graduated at the State and National Law School at Pough- keepsie in 1854, and, removing to Stillwater the same year, en gaged in the practice of his profession, in which he has been eminently successful. In November, 1881, he was appointed ad ditional judge for the First district, an office created by the leg islature at its special session. Judge McCluer served one term in the house of representatives. He was married to Helen A. Jencks, of Waterford, Saratoga county, New York, Sept. 27, 1858. They have one son, Charles M., practicing law in Still water. John Nicholas Ahl was born at Strasburg on the Rhine, Oct. 7, 1807. After seven years' study he was graduated as a physician at Strasburg Medical College in 1839. He emi grated to America and located in Galena, Illinois, in 1843, where 428 FIFTY YEARS he practiced medicine some years. He was married in 1846 to Lucretia Hartman. In 1850 he removed to Stillwater. In 1852 he built the Washington Hotel (afterward changed to Liberty House), on south Main street. He practiced medicine and fol lowed lumbering and hotel keeping in Stillwater until his death, which occurred in 1878. Samuel M. Register is a native of Dover, Delaware. He is of French descent, and some of his ancestors took part in the Rev olutionary War. He was born in 1827, and came to Stillwater in 1850, where he engaged actively in business, dealing in lum ber and pine lands, piloting, steamboating and farming. He was at one time a member of the city council, and a representa tive in the territorial legislature of 1854-5. He was married to Minerva Causlin in 1856. J. A. Johnson was born near the city of Wexio, Sweden, April 24, 1842. In 1854 he emigrated with his parents to the United States, arriving at Marine Mills, Washington county, Minnesota, late in the fall of that year. He remained at Marine and Stillwater till 1858, attending school a large portion of the time. In the fall of that year he went to school at Dubuque, Iowa. After completing the course of study he learned the trade of locomotive, engineer, which occupation he followed till 1866, being in the employ of the United States government the last years of the war, in Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee. After the close of the war, in 1865, he returned north as far as St. Louis, Missouri, where he married Miss Agnes A. Coler, of that city. He has 5 children, 3 boys and 2 girls. His health having been impaired in the government service, he returned to Marine in 1866, where he remained till Jan. 1, 1874. In the fall of 1873 he was elected to the office of sheriff of Washington county, which position he held for six years, and has been twice re-elected without opposition. Retiring from the sheriff's office in 1880, he removed to Fargo, Dakota, and engaged in the sale of agricultural implements, in which business he has remained np to the present time. During his residence in the city of Fargo he has held various offices, such as alderman, member of the board of education, etc. In the fall of 1884 he was nominated for the territorial senate and received a majority of 1,133 votes in Cass county, and 835 out of a total of 1,669 in the city of Fargo. In the spring of 1885 IN THE NORTHWEST. 429 he was elected mayor of Fargo by over 300 majority, after one of the most hotly contested campaigns in the political history of the city. In 1886 he declined a re-election. While sheriff of Wash ington county he devoted his leisure moments to the study of law, and was admitted to practice in all the courts of Minne sota. Although not in active practice his knowledge of law has been of great value to him in the business in which he has been engaged since that time. Gold T. Curtis was born in Morrisville, New York, Aug. 16, 1821. At the age of eighteen he graduated at Hamilton Col lege, New York, and entered upon the study of law with Judge Morrill, Chenango county, New York. He commenced practic ing law at Belleville, New York, in 1850. During the same year he was married to Abigail Anderson, a descendant of Gen. John Stark, of Revolutionary fame, and of the Protestant branch of the royal house of the Stuarts, some of whom came from Scotland to America in 1742. Mrs. Curtis is a lineal de scendant of the unfortunate Mary, Queen of Scots. Mr. Curtis removed to Stillwater in 1854 and entered upon a lucrative law practice. He was elected a member of the Minnesota constitu tional convention. In 1857 he was also nominated for the posi tion of district judge, but was defeated by S. J. R. McMillan. He was "much respected and held some offices of trust in the city and county. At the breaking out of the Rebellion he enlisted in Company I, Fifth Minnesota, and was promoted to the cap taincy of the company, but his health failed and he died in St. Louis July 24, 1862. His remains were brought to Stillwater and interred with military and masonic honors, Aug. -2, 1862. Harley D. Curtis, a native of New York and a brother of Gold T. Curtis, came to Stillwater in 1851. He held the posi tions of postmaster and justice of the peace. Francis Roach Delano. — The ancestors of Mr. Delano came to America in 1621, and were active participants in the stirring scenes and controversies preceding the Revolution. Francis Roach, after whom Mr. Delano was named, was the owner of the ship Dartmouth, one of the vessels out of which the tea was cast into Boston harbor, on the memorable occasion of the Tea Party of 1774. Notwithstanding the affair of fche tea, the family, who were ardent patriots, have preserved as a precious relic some of the tea rescued from the general destruction. 430 FIFTY YEARS Mr. Delano is one of sixteen children in his father's family. He was born in Worcester, Massachusetts, Nov. 20, 1823; received a common school and academic education, and was employed in a machine shop some years. At the age of twenty he was employed in an engineering corps and served two years. He was for two years superintendent of the Boston & Worcester railroad. In 1844 he came to St. Louis, Missouri, and was variously employed until 1848, when he removed to Minnesota and was engaged for a year in St. Anthony (now Minneapolis); in running the government mill. The mill had been leased for five years. Mr. Smith fulfilled the contract, and Mr. Delano, being released from it, came to Stillwater in 1851 and entered into contract with Jesse Taylor, Martin Mower, Jonathan E. McKusick, and Jacob Fisher, under. the firm name of Jesse Taylor & Co. , to build the territorial prison. Mr. Delano was appointed first warden, March, 1853, and served until 1858. He was intrusted with the expenditure of public moneys from territorial authorities, in caring for and improving the prison. When the state government was organized he was released. He was afterward a member of the firm of Delano, McKusick & Go., sawing and selling lumber. J. E. McKusick and Robert Simpson were members of this firm. Mr. Delano moved to St. Paul in 1862, and was afterward engaged in railroad employ ment. In 1862 he was commissioned colonel to take command of five companies during the Indian outbreak. The command was stationed at Chengwatana, Pine county. He died February, 1887. He was married Oct. 11, 1846, to Calista Ann Cavander, who, with two sons, survives him. Henry W. Cannon was born in Delhi, New York, Sept. 25, 1852. He was educated at Delaware Literary Institute. He came to St. Paul in 1870, and in 1871 to Stillwater, where he ac cepted the position of cashier of the Stillwater Lumberman's Bank. In 1882 he was. appointed by President Arthur United States bank comptroller. He was removed by President Cleve land. He is now a resident of New York City, and is engaged in banking. Dwight M. Sabin was born at Marseilles, La Salle county, Illinois, April 25,„1843. The ill health of the father, who was an extensive land owner and stock raiser, necessitated a removal to the seaside in Connecticut in 1856. In consequence of the IN THE NORTHWEST. 431 ¦continued ill health of the father and his death in 1864, young Dwight was deprived of the thorough education to which he as pired, and, being the oldest son, found the cares and responsibili ties of managing his father's business thrown upon his shoulders while he was yet a boy. In 1867 he removed with his mother and younger brother to Minnesota, the year following to Still water, where he engaged in business with the firm of Seymour, Sabin & Co. This firm contracted for the convict labor in the state prison, and engaged in the manufacture of doors, sash, blinds and cooperage. The business in 1874 was extended and made to include the manufacture of agricultural implements, including also a machine, boiler shop and foundry, until it is now one of the most extensive establishments in the country. Mr. Sabin is also interested in other manufactures, among them the C. N. Nelson Lumber Company and the Duluth Iron Gompany. In 1882 Mr. Sabin was the prime organizer of the Northwestern Car Company, with a capital of $5,000,000. The company was to receive a bonus from the city of Stillwater of $100,000 in bonds, on certain conditions. The company pur chased the interests of Seymour, Sabin & Co., thereby coming into possession of their immense manufactories, including those managed under the prison contracts, and elected Mr. Sabin president, and was making rapid progress toward the comple tion of its plans, when, owing to the stringency of the financial world, it was compelled to make an assignment. While Mr. Sabin has been busy with the management of his vast manufacturing establishments, he has been no less active and conspicuous as a public spirited citizen, ever taking a great, interest in the affairs of his adopted city, of the State and coun try at large, aud his talents and efficiency have been recognized by his fellow citizens, who elected him to the state senate in 1871-72-73, and to the house of representatives in 1878 and 1881. He has several times been a delegate to the National Re publican convention, and was chairman of the convention at which James G. Blaine was nominated for the presidency. He was elected to the United States senate in 1883 as the successor of Hon. Wm. Windom. ' 432 FIFTY YEARS CHAPTER XVI. STEARNS, ANOKA AND MORRISON COUNTIES. ' STEARNS COUNTY. Stearns county derived its name from Hon. Charles T. Stearns, a prominent citizen of St. Cloud, a representative of the precinct of St. Anthony Falls in the fifth and sixth territorial councils. It is bounded on the north by Todd and Morrison counties, on the east by Benton, Sherburne and Wright counties, the Missis sippi forming the dividing line against Benton and Sherburne, and Clearwater against Wright county, on the south by Kandi yohi and Meeker, and on the west by Pope county. It contains an area equal to thirty-six townships. It is a fine agricultural county and is well watered by the tributaries of the Mississippi, the principal of which is Sauk river. It has also an abundance of small lakes. Its oldest settlement and principal city is St. Cloud, and among its most flourishing villages are Sauk Centre, Fair Haven, Clearwater, Melrose, St. Joseph, Albany, Paynas- ville, Richmond, and Cold Springs. The county was organized in 1855, under the legislative act of that year. Gov. Willis A. Gorman appointed the following commissioners: David T. Wood, John Ferschniller and John L. Wilson. They held their first meeting at the house of John L. Wilson, April 9, 1855. J. L. Wilson acted as chairman. The board appointed the following county officers: Charles Ketchum, clerk; Robert B. Blake, treasurer; L. B. Hammond, sheriff; N. N. Smith, judge of probate; R. B. Blake, surveyor; and John Harry Weltshimer, assessor. The board established three precincts, viz. : St. Augusta, St. Cloud and Tamarack. The judges of election for St. Augusta were John M. Feble, John G. Lodenbeck and IN THE NORTHWEST. 433 Anton Emholt; for St. Cloud, Joseph Demil, L. B. Hammond and Battise Arsenan; for Tamarack, Henry Foster, Louis Amel and John Smith. License was granted to Joseph P. Wilson, George F. Brott, L. B. Hammond, and O. Carter to run a ferry across the Mississippi river. April 30, 1855, Farmington pre cinct was established. John M. Lindeman, Jacob C. Staples and D. T. Wood were judges of election. July 5, 1855, the first rate of taxation was fixed for the county at one per cent. The first license to sell spirituous liquors was granted to Anton Edelbrock. The first order issued was to pay for county books, $31.86, to John L. Wilson. Ordered that Washington avenue and St. Augusta street be adopted as county roads. Aug. 27, 1855, it was ordered that Chippewa Agency precinct (now in Crow Wing county) be and remain as it was when a part of Ben ton county, and J. D. Crittenden, Truman Warren and D. B. Herriman were appointed judges of election. It was ordered that Long Prairie precinct (now in Todd county) remain as it was when a part of Benton county, and Anson Northrup, Lewis Stone and Harman Becker were appointed judges of election. On Jan. 6, 1856, a new board of commissioners qualified, consist ing of Anton Edelbrock, chairman, Reuben M. Richardson, and M. J. Orth. H. C. Waite was appointed prosecuting attorney. The county was organized for judicial purposes in 1855, and the counties of Crow Wing and Todd were attached. The first term of court was held June 25, 1855; Hon. Moses Sherburne, presiding, Taylor Dudley, clerk, and Joseph Edelbrock, sheriff. The writer is indebted to the efficient clerk of court of 1887, A. L. Cramb, for collecting data, as the old records are quite, unintelligible. Judge E. O. Hamlin held the first term of court under the state organization. At the session of the commissioners in July, 1856, the first > bonds of the county were ordered for building a court house, amounting to $7,000, at twelve per cent interest for eight years. The bonds were offered in New York City by an agent. These bonds were lost, and only two of them were recovered. At the session of the commissioners for August, the donation of John L. Wilson of four blocks of ground, contain ing eight acres, for court house purposes, was accepted. Three- fourths of the ground was sold by the county, and the funds re ceived from the sale, together with $6,000 in bonds issued in 28 434 FIFTY YEARS 1857, and other bonds issued later, were used in erecting the court house. ST. CLOUD. The eastern side of the Mississippi river was the first settled. As early as 1848 David Gilman had located at a point now called Watab. During the ensuing year, Jeremiah Russell, Philip Beaupre and James Beatty were keeping trading posts at Sauk Rapids. In 1849 J. Q. A. and W. H. Wood, brothers, located there. In 1854 the Rapids had become quite a point with its Indian trading posts, its stores and its United States land office. Among the early residents were many subsequently identified with the interests of St. Cloud. In the spring of 1854 John L. Wilson crossed the river at the point now known as the upper landing, then covered with a dense growth of trees and under brush. On the adjoining prairie, a Norwegian, Ole Burgerson by name, had staked out a claim and put up a shanty. Mr. Wilson purchased his interest and in June of the same year erected a frame dwelling (still standing) near the railroad bridge. Nicholas Lake put up a blacksmith shop near by. During this year James Hitchins put up a small log dwelling for Gen. S. B. Lowry, who platted the township of Acadia, now Lowry' s addition to St. Cloud. A post office was established here through his influence. The same year Brott & Co. laid out St. Cloud city. The earliest claimants of the town site, own ing claims fronting on the river, were S. B. Lowry, Ole Burger- son, Martin Woolley, and Michael Zoms. John L. Wilson hav ing purchased the claim of Ole Burgerson, platted the village of St. Cloud, and this was the first recorded of any of the St. Cloud plats. The village of St. Cloud made but little progress until 1856, when a hotel known as the Stearns House, now used in connection with the normal school, was built, a ferry estab lished and other improvements made. A notable incident connected with this ferry is the fact that the Rev. Abbot Alexius Edelbrock, now president of St. John's University, then a lad of thirteen years of age, was ferryman, he being the son of the proprietor of the ferry. The craft was swung back and forth like a pendulum, by the current acting against its keel, being fastened by a long rope some distance up the river. It was not therefore beyond the ability of so youthful a ferryman to manage IN THE NORTHWEST. 435 The post office, established first at Acadia, became the St. Oloud post office and Joseph Edelbrock was appointed post master. He was reappointed by President Cleveland to the same position in 1886. The first newspaper in St. Cloud was the Visitor, established in 1857, by the gifted and somewhat erratic journalist and reformer, Jane Grey Swisshelm. This paper had but a brief and troubled career — the advanced views and dictatorial style of its publisher and editor proving somewhat distasteful to the community at large. Mrs. Swisshelm, who had already won a national reputation, went to Washington, became a contributor to the New York Tribune, and had thereafter a somewhat variable, and upon the whole brilliant, career as a lecturer, editor and reformer. She was amongst the strongest, though not the most radical, of the advocates of woman's rights. She was not a woman suffragist, but directed her efforts chiefly toward establishing the legal identity of married women. She was also very pronounced in her anti-slavery views. The first records of the organization of St. Cloud as a village have been lost. It was reorganized by legislative enactment in 1862, and the following were the first officers: Mayor, Judge L. A. Evans; councilmen, H. C. Burbank, John W. Tenvoorde, Joseph Broker and Barney Overbeck; clerk, A. B. Curry. St. Cloud was organized as a city in 1868, under the following officers: Mayor, Judge E. O. Hamlin; aldermen, L. A. Evans, president; Peter Smith, Thomas Smith, T. C. Alden, Leander Gorton, T. R. Bennett, O. Tenny, C. Bridgman,. Andrew Fritz, L. R. Roberts, Lewis Clarke, H. C. Burbank; clerk, N. F. Barnes. , The city government has been judiciously managed. The United States land office, established first at Sauk Rapids in 1853, was removed to St. Cloud in May, 1858. The first receiver was W. H. Wood. His successors have been S. B. Hayes, C. A. Gilman, W. B. Mitchell, H. C. Burbank, Ole Peterson, and C. F. McDon ald, the present incumbent. The first register was George W. Sweet. His successors have been W. A. Caruthers, T. C.Mc- Glure, H. C. Waite, H. L. Gordon, J. A. Brower, and D.' H. Freeman. The city has paid for various improvements as follows: , City water works on the Holly system, $25,000; city bridge over the Mississippi, 500 feet in length, $42,000; to the Manitoba railroad in real estate and bonds, $100,000; in cash, $27,000; gas works, 436 FIFTY YEARS $10,000. The fire department is well equipped. An electric light plant has been established. Considerable money and work have been expended in dredging Lake George, a beautiful lake about fifty -five acres in extent, lying in the heart of the city, and surrounding it with parks. Street cars have been intro duced and altogether the city has made most commendable ad vancement in all those things that pertain to beauty and com fort. Not less rapid and substantial are its advance's in commerce and manufactures. Before the completion of the railway it had regular communication by water with all river points, and since its facilities for transportation have made it the peer of any in land city of its size in the State. The railroads of St. Cloud are the Manitoba with its various branches and the Northern Pacific, the latter passing through East St.. Cloud. Among the improve ments of which its citizens are justly proud we may mention the St. Cloud dam, -constructed in 1886, at a cost of $200,000. The city gave $100,000 for this improvement. The dam has for its foundation the underlying granite of this section. It is intended as a permanent structure and must conduce largely to the growth and prosperity of the city. The dam has 10 feet head of water and furnishes 1,500 horse power. A flour mill with a capacity of 300 barrels per day is run by the water power. The Phoenix Iron Works, established at a cost of $175,000, give employment to 100 men. Bridgman's steam saw mill has a ca pacity of about 40,000 feet of lumber per day. St. Cloud is backed by a rich agricultural and timbered dis trict. In the vicinity are valuable quarries of jasper, and of gray and red granite. Two granite polishing works, operated by steam, are located near the city. These quarries stretch away to the northeast, through the counties of Benton, Mor rison, Mille Lacs and Kanabec. They give employment to 1,000 men. The Manitoba Railroad Company has purchased re cently about 400 acres of land, on which to build extensive shops and stock yards, calculated to give employment, when com pleted, to 1,000 men. The principal hotels are the Grand Central and the West House! The first bank in St. Cloud was established by Waite & Mc Ciure in 1859. This bank, a private institution, was the beginning of the banking system in St. Cloud. It is now operated by N. IN THE NORTHWEST. 437 P. Clarke.' The First National Bank was organized as a private bank in 1867, with a capital stock of $25,000; James A. Bell, president; Joseph G. Smith, cashier. It was reorganized as a state bank in 1879, with a capital stock of $50,000. In 1886 it was reor ganized as a national bank. The first board of officers have served continuously to date. The business of the bank amounts to over $300,000. The German American National Bank was organized in 1883; Chas. A. Hull, president; Edgar Hull, cashier; capital stock $50,000. The business (in 1886) amounts to $250,000. The present board of officers are: F. E. Searle, president; John Cooper, vice president; F. M. Morgan, cashier. St. Cloud has many fine buildings. The court house cost $40,- 000, and four school buildings an aggregate of $75,000. The bishop's cathedral cost $40,000, and the Catholic church $30,000. The Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, Congre- gationalists, and Lutherans have organizations and good church buildings. The normal school buildings located here cost $100,- 000. St. Cloud University is a flourishing institution. St. John's University, although located in the adjoining town of St. Joseph, has been identified more or less with the interests of St. Cloud, and deserves mention in its history. It was ' originally located two miles south of St. Cloud, but was subsequently removed to a point northwest, a mile distant from the thriving village of Collegeville. The university owes its existence to the zeal, energy and self devotion of the Benedictine Fathers, a colony of whom came to America in 1846. This colony settled first in Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, but in 1856, at the invitation of Bishop Cretin, came to Minnesota, where, the year following, they commenced. their educational work on the banks of the Mississippi near St. Cloud. The school was commenced as a seminary, but in 1869 the state legislature granted authority to confer degrees, and in 1883 formally changed the name from St. John's Seminary to St. John's University. The buildings are ample and commodious, and located pleasantly on the banks of a beautiful lake. The faculty consists of Rt. .Rev. Alexius Edelbrock and twenty-two professors. In 1885 St. Benedict's Hospital was erected at a cost of about $15,000. It is under the supervision of the Bene dictine Nuns. The state reformatory was located at East St. Cloud in 1887. 438 FIFTY YEARS LA SAUK, Formerly St. Joe, adjoining St. Cloud on the north, had a saw and flour mill erected in 1855. These mills were burned in 1886, and rebuilt in 1887. Amongst the early settlers were J. H. Lineman in 1854, J. A. Upham and George Rieder in 1855. Peter Schaeler, a farmer, a native of Germany, came to America in 1850, and to St. Joseph in 1856. John, his only son. retains the old homestead, and was in 1883 engaged in the insur ance business in St. Cloud. John L. Wilson was born in Columbia, Washington county, Maine, in 1820. He came to Minnesota in 1851, locating at St. Anthony, but in the following year removed to Sauk Rapids and in 1854 to St. Cloud. The first deed on record in Stearns county was from John L. Wilson to L. C. Kenna, and bears date of 1855. In 1855 he was married to Harriet N. Corbett. They have three children living. Charles T. Stearns, from whom the county took its name, has been for many years a resident of Louisiana, and is a wealthy planter. Henry G. Fillmore, a nephew of President Fillmore, was born in the state of New York in the '20s, and came to Watab in 1848. He has lived in St. Cloud many years. Nathaniel Getchell was born in Washington county, Maine, in 1828. He came to St. Anthony in 1852, and to Stearns county in 1855. James Keough came from Ireland to America in 1850, and directly to Watab. He settled in St. Cloud in 1854, was mar ried in 1855, and has a large family. Loren W. Collins was born in Lowell, Massachusetts, Aug. 22, 1839. He received a common school education; came to Hastings, Minnesota, some time prior to the Rebellion, studied law with Smith & Crosby and was admitted to practice, but in August, 1862, entered the service of his country in Company F, Seventh Minnesota Volunteers, of which company he was com missioned second lieutenant, and a year later first lieutenant. He was discharged with his regiment at the close of the war, and returned to his law practice. In 1866 he removed to St. Cloud and practiced law. He served as county attorney a number of years; was a member of the Minnesota house of representatives in the northwest. 439 in 1881-83; was appointed judge of the Seventh Judicial district April 8, 1883, and elected to that office in 1884. Nov. 12, 1887, he was appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Judge Berry, an appointment that gives general satisfaction, Judge Collins having won an enviable reputation as a jurist and as a man. Henry C. Waite was born in Albany county, New York, in 1830; graduated at Union College, Schenectady, New York; was admitted to practice law in 1852, and the same year came to Iowa. A year later he removed to Wisconsin, and located at Madison, where he practiced law two years. In May, 1855, he came to St. Cloud, where he has since continuously resided. The first ten years of his residence in St. Cloud he devoted to the practice of his profession, after which he devoted his time to farming and milling. Mr. Waite was a member of the constitutional convention in 1857. He also served several terms in the senate and house. During President Lincoln's administration he served as register of the land office. He was married to Maria D. Clark in 1860. He has two sons. Gen. S. B. Lowry was the son of the devoted and zealous missionary, Rev. David Lowry, who labored among the Winne bagoes in Northern Iowa in the '30s and '40s. He located first at Brockway, ten miles above St. Cloud, and established a trad ing post, but in 1853 removed to St. Cloud, where he surveyed and platted the village of Acadia, afterward known as " Lowry's addition." He made St. Cloud his home until his death, which occurred in 1861. Anthony Edelbrock was the first resident of St. Cloud. His oldest son was the first Child born there. This son died in infancy. His seconcL,son became the abbot of St. John's Uni versity. Mr. Edelbrock is now a resident of Missouri. Joseph Edelbrock was born in Westphalia, Prussia, in 1826. He learned the trade of a carpenter, came to America in 1847, and lived in Chicago until 1855, when he came to St. Cloud and engaged in mercantile pursuits. He is the oldest merchant continuously in business in the city. He served as sheriff two years and as register of deeds four years. He was married in Chicago in 1852, and has six children living. A daughter, the second child born in St. Cloud, is the wife of Peter E. Kaiser. 440 ,FIFTY YEARS John Rengel made a claim here in 1855. He has been and still is a prosperous citizen. He has a family of ten children. Louis A. Evans was born near Philadelphia, Nov. 2, 1822. His forefathers came to America with William Penn and bought of him a township of land, on which still reside many of his de scendants. His father served as a soldier in the war of 1812. Louis was educated at the graded schools in Philadelphia; was apprenticed to a piano maker, and worked at his trade at Cin cinnati, Ohio, Clinton, Mississippi, and New Orleans until 1856, when he came to St. Cloud, where he still resides. During his residence he has served as postmaster, judge of probate, clerk of the district court, editor of the St. Cloud Times, mayor of St. Cloud, and president of the council and member of the house and senate of the state legislature. He was married t6 Elisabeth W. Libby in 1871. Ambrose Freeman. — We have no datum as to when Mr. Free man came to St. Cloud, but it was probably prior to 1860. He was a stonemason, and while working on a cellar wall heard the report of the Sioux uprising and massacre (in 1862), and, drop ping his tools, hurried off to satisfy himself as to the truth of the reports, called a meeting of citizens, and organized a company of twenty-five volunteers to assist in caring for the wounded and burying the. dead. On his return he was commissioned cap tain of the Northern Rangers and marched with his command to the relief of Forest City and Fort Abercrombie. He was with Gen. Sibley's command in 1863, and while riding over the prairie was shot with an arrow by an Indian, and expired in stantly. Nathan F. Barnes has lived a somewhat eventful life. He was born at Portland, Maine, June 26, 1817; received an aca demic education; served as a midshipman in the navy from 1834 to 1839, visiting many parts of the globe. In 1840 he commenced the study of laAv, was admitted to practice in 1843 and practiced awhile at Conway, New Hampshire, where in 1844 he was mar ried. In 1850 he was appointed mail agent on the Isthmus route to California, served six years, and then located in California. Two years later, in 1858, he removed to Alexandria, Minnesota. During the Sioux massacre he and Andreas Darling were the only persons remaining in the neighborhood who escaped being killed. In 1865 he came to St. Cloud, where he has been an active and prominent citizen. He served many years as city IN THE NORTHWEST. 441 clerk and city justice and was elected to the house of the state legislature in 1875. He was influential in securing the location of the normal school in St. Cloud. One son, Percival S., died in the Saulsbury prison during the Civil War. He has one son and one daughter living. Nehemiah P. Clark was born in Worcester county, Massa chusetts, • April 8, 1836. In his youth he attended school in Ken tucky and at seventeen years of age was clerking in a store at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. In 185,6 he came to St. Cloud and en gaged actively in business, selling goods, farming, staging, lum bering, and dealing in pine lands. He has a farm in Le Sauk of 2,000 acres,' a creamery, a cheese factory, and one of the largest and best herds of cattle, horses, hogs and sheep in the State. For office and official honors he has no taste. He served, how ever, as president of the State Agricultural Society in 1886. Oscar E. Garrison was born at Fort Ann, New York, in 1825, and was early thrown upon his own resources. He came to Minnesota in 1850, and built the first house on the shores of Lake Minnetonka where Wayzata is now located. In 1850 he surveyed and platted the village of Wayzata. In 1860 he came to St. Cloud. He made a land claim in Polk county in 1862 and narrowly escaped being murdered by the Sioux at their uprising. His house and property were destroyed. While hiding with his wife and four-year-old son, Indians passed within twenty feet of him. . After a perilous night journey, during which he came almost within touching distance of sleeping jPndians, he ar rived safely at Sauk Centre. The Gilman Family. — The Gilman family of which Charles A. is a descendant came to America from Hingham, England, with the Folsoms, in 1638, and are the founders of the town of Hingham, Massachusetts. The Gilmans were renowned for their loyalty to«fche colonies, and later to the state and national gov ernment. Charles A. Gilman was born in Gilmanton, New Hamp shire, Feb. 9, 1833. His youth was spent at home, where he re ceived a common school and academic education, the latter at Gilmanton Academy. He taught school during the winters. In 1855 he came to Sauk Rapids, Benton county, where he engaged in farming and real estate business; he also filled the offices of auditor and register of deeds. In 1861 he removed to St. Cloud, 442 FIFTY YEARS having been appointed register of the United States land office for that place. He served seven years as register and receiver. He studied law, and was admitted to practice in 1876. Mr. Gil man has lived a busy life, and besides his real estate, law, survey ing and exploring business, he has taken a conspicuous position in the politics of his" State, having served as state senator in the years 1868-69, and as representative from 1875 to 1879. In 1878-79 he served as speaker of the house. From 1881 to 1884 he was lieu tenant governor of the State. He was elected to the legislature several times as a Republican, when the district was strongly Democratic, a high compliment to his ability and integrity. He was married to Hester Cronk, at Sauk Rapids, Jan. 1, 1857. They have six children living. He has lived at St. Cloud since 1861, where he has a delightful home. Of St. Cloud citizens not elsewhere mentioned in this work, and who have been prominent in advancing its interests, are Charles Bridgman, Henry G. Mitchell and son, C. F. McDonald, Lewis Clark, Alonzo F. Cramb, C. F. Davis, Levi S. Geer, Josiah G. Hayward, David L. Kiehle, A. Montgomery, Overbeck broth ers, John H. Owen, and John Cooper. St. Cloud has furnished three able jurists for the supreme bench in this district, E. O. Hamlin, J. M. McKelvy and L. W. Collins. ANOKA COUNTY. Anoka county was organized in 1857, the nucleus or first set tlement being' a small village on the Mississippi, at the mouth of Rum river, named Anoka, from a Chippewa word meaning work or labor. The county has a fine location on the east bank of the Mississippi. Its boundaries on the north are Isanti county, on the east Chisago and Washington counties, on the south Ram sey county, and on the west Sherburne county and the Missis sippi river. Rum river flows in a southeasterly* direction through the county, and by this river, its tributaries and those of the Mississippi and St. Croix, the county is well watered and drained. The valleys of these streams furnish many fine nat ural meadows. The soil is a black sandy loam with clay sub soil. Townships 31, 32 and 33, range 22, are drained "by the tributaries of the St. Croix. Originally consisting of oak open ings, natural meadows and tamarack swamps, interspersed with small lakes, with excellent roads, school houses, churches and IN THE NORTHWEST. 443= town organizations, the county is well settled and has many fine farms under a high state of cultivation. Its proximity to the pineries of Rum river and to the markets of Minneapolis- and St. Paul makes it a desirable location for the lumbermen and farmers. The county is subdivided into the following townships: An oka, Bethel, Blaine, Burns, Centreville, Columbus, Fridley, Grow, Ham Lake, Linwood, Oak Grove, Ramsey, and St. Fran cis. The Northern Pacific and St. Paul, Minneapolis & Mani toba railroads traverse this county near its western boundary,. following the course of the Mississippi river. Outside of Anoka. the first settlement in the county was within the bounds of the- present town of Ramsey. Nathan Shumway, Cornelius Pitman and Daniel Hawthorne settled there in 1850. The first county commissioners were appointed by the gover nor. They were E. C. H. Davis, J. P. Austin and Silas O. Lum. They met June 30, 1857, and appointed the following officers: Sheriff, James C. Frost; treasurer, James M. Mc- Glauflin; coroner, Joseph C. Varney; assessors, Daniel Robbinsr S. L. Guice, Francis Peeler. The first deed on record in the county bears date of June 30, 1857. It conveys the northwest quarter of section 26, township 33, range 24, from Nathaniel S. Davis to Mary S. Small, for a consideration of five hundred dol lars. There is, however, a transcript of a deed from Ramsey county bearing original date of Sept. 11, 1849, conveying the north half of the northwest quarter of section 35, township 31, range 24, from Abel Bloodgood, of Minnesota Territory, to Henry M. Rice, for a consideration of two hundred dollars. The; first town plat, that of Anoka, bears date of July 5, 1854. ANOKA. This town lies on the east shore of the Mississippi and includes- part of fractional township 31, range 24. It is watered by Rum river, which traverses the northwestern part, and by Coon creek in the eastern part. The town originally was chiefly prairie. Its early history is included in that of Anoka county. ANOKA CITY. The county seat of Anoka county is located on the Mississippi at the mouth of Rum river and dates its settlement to the year 444 FIFTY YEARS 1847, when Thomas Holmes located on the east bank of the river, and built the. first log house for a trading post. Aaron Betts, in the employ of Holmes, brought his family with him, the first family in the town. In the winter of 1847-48 Holmes sold out to Simeon P. Folsom, whose family was the second in the town. Mr. Folsom raised the first crop in the township. In September, 1848, Mr. Folsom removed to Sherburne county, selling out his elaim to Louis Roberts. In the winter of the same year Wm. Dahl took possession for Mr. Roberts. In the spring of 1849 Antoine Roberts, brother of Louis, came from Prairie du Chien, took possession of the home, and lived there some years, when he was killed by an Indian. When the land on which the improvements were made was brought into market Louis Roberts entered it. In 1851 Anton Guion entered a quarter section of land on the west side. He immediately sold his claim to Henry M. Rice, who bought it with the intention of platting it as a town site. His brother, Orrin Rice, occupied it and made improvements. Rum river has a fall of five feet, which is fully utilized at Anoka. In 1851 Geo. W. Branch took up a claim on the west side, and built a house near what is now the corner of Main and Ferry streets. This was the first frame house in Anoka, which, from this time forward, grew almost imperceptibly into a village, till in 1855 the census showed nearly 300 inhabitants. In 1860 the population was 602, and in 1886, 5,000. Anoka was incorporated as a city in 1878, with the following board of officers: Mayor, G. W. Church; aldermen, D. C. Dunham, D. H. Lane, L. G. Brown ing, A. Davis, H. N. Seelye, and J. H. Pierce; treasurer, H. E. Lepper; justices of the peace, W. W. Fitch and E. S. Teller; constables, George Geddes and Norman McLean. At that time the city was divided into two wards, the First includ ing the east side, and the Second the west side, of Rum river. In 1881 the west side was changed to the First ward, and the east side became the Second and Third wards. In 1853 Ed. I. Shaw built and opened the first store. It was on the west side, and the building still stands, and is known as the Schuler building. It is now the hospital. Caleb and W. H. Woodbury erected a saw mill on the east side. It was subse quently owned by Woodbury, Shaw & Farnham. During the same year a bridge was built across Rum- river by the govern ment; Orrin Rice, contractor. The first flour mill was finished IN THE NORTHWEST. 445 in 1855. It was burned ten days after with $5,000 worth of wheat and corn a total loss, as there was no insurance. It was owned by A. P. Lane, Caleb and Henry Woodbury. The mill was rebuilt by Caleb Woodbury and Wm. L. Barnes. In 1855 H. L. Ticknor erected and opened the first store on the east side. Rev. Royal Twitchell preached the first sermon and taught the first school. The first mill was utilized on Sundays as a church. The Congregationalists organized the first church in Anoka in 1855, and erected a church building in 1857. The Baptists and Catholics organized in 1856, the Methodists and Episcopalians in 1860, the Universalists in 1867, the Swedish Lutherans in 1870, the Adventists in 1880, and the Free Methodists in 1882. The Masons organized a lodge in 1866, the Knights of Pythias in 1872, the United Workmen in 1877, the Patrons of Husban- bandry in 1874, and the Odd Fellows in 1882. Anoka has suffered from time to time by fires. A flour mill, two saw mills, half a dozen hotels, and a large number of stores have been burned at different times, and twice the business part of the city has been destroyed. Aug. 16, 1884, the entire busi ness portion of the city, including 60 business blocks and the Washburn mills, was consumed. The loss amounted to $750,000, on which there was an insurance of $316,000. The burnt district has since been handsomely rebuilt, and the Washburn flour mill has been replaced with a superior building, five stories high, 60x180, ground plan, and rising to the height of 112 feet. This is one of the finest mills in the State. The court house is valued at $35,000, the city hall at $12,000, and four school buildings at $75,000. The bridge across the Mississippi, a fine structure, 700 feet long, was built at a cost of $100,000. Street cars have been introduced on some of the streets. The principal manufactories are the Lincoln flouring mill, with a capacity of seven hundred bushels per day, owned by the Washburn Mill Company; four saw mills belong ing to the Washburn Mill Company, with a capacity of 50,000,- 000 feet per year; the Anoka Sash and Door Factory, one of the most thriving industries in the city, Jonas Morell, manager; a starch factory, a boot and shoe company, with a capital of $30,- 000, recently organized. Other industries are well represented; the whole giving employment to over 1,000 men. The^Tirst National Bank of Anoka was organized as a private 446 FIFTY YEARS banking institution in 1872. It became a state bank in 1882, with a capital stock of $25,000, and a national bank in 1883, with a paid up capital of $50,000. The officers are: President, H. L. Ticknor; cashier, B. F. Pratt. The Anoka National Bank was organized in 1883, with a paid up capital of $100,000. The officers are: President, W. D. Washburn; vice president, C. C. Grane; cashier, C. S. Guderian. BETHEL Includes township 33 and the twelve south sections of township 34, range 23. Its surface is partially prairie land, and is dotted with small lakes. The first settlers were Quakers, with the ex ception of Rice, Price, O. Evans and Robert Minard, who came in 1855. Bethel post office is located at what is known as Bethel Corners. The town was organized in 1858. The first supervis ors were O. Evans, W. Dickens and R. Price. BLAINE, Named in honor of James G. Blaine, embraces township 31, range 23. It was originally included in Anoka, but was set off and organized in 1877. The first supervisors were Moses Ripley, George Tisdale and Richard de Long. The records have not been kept with sufficient accuracy to enable us to determine who were the first settlers. It appears, however, that the first comers abandoned their claims. Green Chambers is the first settler re corded. He came in 1865. BURNS Includes township 33, range 25, and is in the northwestern part .of the county. The soil is clay loam, and in the western part are many lakes. Of these Twin lakes are ninety feet in depth. The first settler was John Derigan, who was also one of the first set tlers of Elk River township, in Sherburne county. The town was organized in 1869. The supervisors were John D. Keen, John A. Mussey and W. D. Le Clair. A German Lutheran church was built in 1878. CENTREVILLE Includes township 31, range 22. It is the oldest settlement in the county, Alphonse Jarvis having located here in 1840. Frank Lamott settled here in 1849. The first considerable settlement IN THE NORTHWEST. 447 was made on Rice lake, in 1850, by F. W. Traverse and other German families. A Ffcnch colony settled in the eastern part of the town in 1852. Prominent among these colonists were Francis X. Levalle and brother, Oliver and Frank Dupre, Fran- eis Lamott and Oliver Peltier. The town was organized in 1857, with the following commissioners: Oliver Peltier, chairman; Francis Lamott, treasurer, and Stephen Ward. The town was originally a timbered and meadow district. ¦ It has a good black loam soil, and is well watered by Rice lake and numerous small streams. It contains a number of ancient mounds. Its nearest railroad station is Centreville, on the St. Paul & Duluth road, in Washington county. CENTRETILLE VILLAGE Was platted in 1853, by Peltier, Lavalle & Lamott. It contains a substantial brick church known as the Church of St. Gene vieve of Paris, built in 1859. The congregation numbers about four hundred. , COLUMBUS, Township 32, range 22, was settled in 1855 by James Starkey, Isaac Conway, John Kleiner and Henry Batzle. Mr. Conway be came a dealer in real estate, and removed to California where he died. James Starkey figured prominently in the early history of the Territory and State, but may be mentioned here as the founder of the village of Columbus, in 1855 and 1856. He expended $60, - 000 in building a hotel and other improvements, not a vestige of which now remains. FRIDLEY. This town, including fractional township 30, range 24, was organized as Manomin county in 1857, and held that organiza tion, with A. M. Fridley as chairman of county commissioners, until 1870, when it was disorganized and attached to Anoka county, retaining Manomin as its town name until 1879, when it was changed to Fridley by legislative enactment. John Sulli van, G. W. Thurber and Thomas Casey were the first supervisors. The town contains about thirteen sections of land in the eastern part of township 30, range 24, pleasantly located on the east bank of the Mississippi. It is traversed by Rice creek. 448 FIFTY YEARS John Banfil settled here in 1848 and was the first postmaster of the village of Manomin, of which he, was proprietor. He represented the Twenty-fourth district as senator iu the first state legislature. He removed to Bayfield, Wisconsin, and died there in 1886. It has been improved by the introduction of large manufacturing establishments. A flouring mill was built in 1871. In 1887 $100,000 was expended in manufactories, and real estate to the amount of $400,000 changed hands. It has one church building (Episcopal), erected in 1858. grow Includes township 32, range 24. It is watered by Rum river and Coon creek. George Branch settled here in 1853, and about the same period, J. C. Frost, Joseph McKinney, Andrew J. Smith and Walter D. Gary. The town was organized in 1857 as Round Lake, but changed to Grow in 1860, in honor of Senator Grow of Pennsylvania. The first supervisors were Silas O. Lum, W. W. Hank and Wm. Staples. The town records were burned in 1856. In 187;3 the Catholics erected a church building. HAM LAKE, Formerly a part of Grow, was set off and organized in 1871. It includes township 32, range 23. It was settled chiefly by Swedes and Norwegians, of whom Matts Gilbertson, of Norway, was first to locate here. There were riiany transient persons among the first comers, but the first permanent settler of any nation ality was Josiah Hart, from Vermont, who came in 1857. He died in 1876. John Scully came in 1858. The first supervisors were John Rowe, A. B. Lingard and C. Olsen. The Swedes and Norwegians have each a house of worship. LINWOOD. This town, consisting of township 33, and twelve sections of township 34, range 22, lies in the northeastern part of the county. It is well watered and traversed by a chain of lakes. The first settlement was by Joseph Sanson, a German, who lo cated here in 1 855. W. Dickens, an Englishman, came in 1857. Linwood was set off from Bethel and Columbus, and organized September,, 1871. The first town officers were J. G. Green, F. McGregor and Michael Hurley. There is a post office in the IN THE NORTHWEST. 449 village of Linwood. A Methodist church was built in 1873, and a saw and feed mill, by Shan ton & Haskell, in 1875. L. S. Arnold, a .native of Montreal, Canada, born in 1820, came to Minnesota in 1847. He seems to have made his home at Linwood, which he left, but after living some years in Michi gan and Missouri, he again returned in 1866. Samuel Ridge came to Linwood in 1860. J. G. Green, born in 1819, located here 'in 1863, and since 1867 has served as postmaster in Linwood village. He has served several years as county commissioner. The Green broth ers are descendants of the Plymouth Pilgrims. G. W. Haskell was an early settler. He originally came from Skowhegan, Maine. He died in 1885. Michael M. Ryan was born in Ireland in 1845. He came to America in 1858 and settled in Linwood with his father's family. Two brothers enlisted as volunteers during the Civil War, and died in the service. The Hurley Family come to Linwood some time in the '50s. The sons are prominent business men at North Branch, Pine City and Hinckley. The father moved to North Branch in 1887. OAK GROVE Includes township 33, range 24. It abounds in small lakes and the Rum river drains the western portion. The first settlers were David Rogers, Moses Seeley and James Nutter, in 1855. Dennis Mahoney, of Ireland, born in 1813, came to Oak Grove in 1856, held the office of supervisor fourteen years, and that of justice of the peace continuously to the present. The town was organized in 1857, with the following supervisors: A.W. Norris, Dennis E. Mahoney and Peter Brennan. Rose, daughter of Wil liam Smith, was the first child born. RAMSEY, Named in honor of the first territorial governor, occupies frac tional township 32, range 25, in the western part of the county, on the Mississippi river. It was organized in 1857 as Water- town, which name was changed to Dover, and then to Ram sey, in 1885. In 1849 an Indian trading house was opened in section 19, by T. A. Holmes and Thomas Beatty. The first permanent settlement was made by a New England colony 29 450 FIFTY YEARS in 1850, amongst whom were P. Shumway and sons (John and Peter), Nathan and Benjamin Shumway, and Cornelius Pitman. In 1852 the town plat of Itasca was surveyed in sections 19 and 30. William Vincent, Thomas Miller and J. C. Bowers came to Ramsey in 1852. Mr.' Bowers was postmaster for twenty -five years at Itasca, and died Oct. 4, 1879. The first supervisors were Jared Benson, Isaac Varney and Cornelius Pitman. ST. FRANCIS Includes the two southern tiers of sections of township 34, ranges 24 and 25. The first settlers were George Armsby and E. Fowler, in 1855. The town was organized in 1857, but the records have been lost. Dwight Woodbury, who has been prominent in the history of the county, located a water power flour and saw mill and built a hotel on Rum river where the village of St. Francis has since been built, and surveyed the village plat. The mills were destroyed by fire in 1869, but were immediately rebuilt. In 1880 a bridge across Rum river was built at an expense of $7,000. Mr. Woodbury's investments have been over $25,000. Mr. Streetly opened the first store and was first postmaster at St. Francis. AN INDIAN RIOT. In the fall of 1847 a German baron, a single man, and Wm. Noot and wife settled on Big island, in the Mississippi, about two miles above the mouth of Rum river. They were traders. In March, 1848, in consequence of the revolution in Germany, the baron returned to his native land. Noot remained until June, when the Winnebago Indians were removed by Gen. Fletcher. Pending their removal the Winnebagoes made a raid on the trading post, confiscated the whisky and provisions and fastened Noot in a stable and his wife and child in a small cabin, where they were found by S. P. Folsom the same day, sur rounded by drunken Indians and in imminent peril. Noot appealed to Folsom for aid. The Indians, however, were furious and threatened Folsom' s life. The chief, "Whistling Thunder," used his influence in a novel way to quiet the turbulent, by placing before them all that remained of the barrel of whisky, which they eagerly drank. Folsom then released Noot. The wife, who had been previously released, ran with her child, frightened out of her wits, no one knew whither. After a long IN THE NORTHWEST. 451 search the captain found her, and at great risk took her across a slough to the mainland in a canoe, which nearly sank before the shore was reached. Noot afterward went to St. Paul and pur chased eighty acres of land, now in the heart of the city. He was a member of the house, Fourth and Fifth Minnesota legis latures. At present he resides at Big Lake, Sherburne county. Jared Benson. — Mr. Benson was the son of Jared and Sal- lie Taft Benson, and was born in Blackstone, Massachusetts, Nov. 8, 1821. The farm on which he was born was purchased of the Indians by his great, great grandfather. His paternal grandfather, Benoni Benson, and his maternal grandfather, Ebeaezer Taft, served in the Revolutionary War, the former as a lieutenant. Jared Benson, his father, served in the war of 1812. Mr. Benson had a fair common school education and occupied himself in farming until 1844, when he joined the corps of engi neers who were locating the Providence & Worcester railroad. He was afterward agent for the company and superintendent of transportation. In 1856 he came to Minnesota, locating at Anoka and engaging chiefly in farming and stock raising. He has served his townsmen as justice of the peace and county commis sioner. For some years he has been a director of the St. Paul & Pacific railroad. He served as clerk of the house of repre sentatives in 1859-60, and was afterward member and speaker of the house for three years, including the extra session of 1862. He was revenue collector for his district in 1870-72, and was again elected to the legislature in 1878. He was married to 'Martha Taft, of Mendon, Massachusetts, Feb. 5, 1857. They have five children. James C. Frost was born in Rumford, Oxford county, Maine, in 1816. He was raised on a farm. On reaching his majority he came to Jefferson county, Wisconsin, where he lived four teen years. In 1852 he came to St. Anthony and in 1853 to Anoka. He held the office of postmaster several years and was again reappointed in 1888; served fifteen years as sheriff and as a member of the legislature in 1857-58. He was in the employ of the St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Company for nine years. He was married in 1840 and has a family of eight daughters. A. J. McKenney, born in Lowell, Maine, Feb. 20, 1829, came to St. Anthony in 1850 and followed lumbering until 1854, when 452 FIFTY YEARS he came to Ramsey, Anoka county, and located in section 2 as a farmer. He has been a prominent citizen. John Henry Batzle was born in Wurtemburg, Germany, in 1830; came to America in 1837; lived in New York until 1855, when he came to Minnesota and located in what is now the town of Columbus, Anoka county, where he engaged in farming. He has been a member of the Methodist church for twenty-five years. He is in every way much esteemed as a citizen. He was married in 1854, but has no children. John R. Bean was born at Salmon Falls, New Hampshire, April 25, 1831; came to St. Anthony in 1849 and to Ramsey, Anoka county, in 1850, where he made a farm in section 33. He says this was the first farming done in Anoka county. From 1850 to 1859 he lived alternately at his home in St. Anthony and his farm in Ramsey. In 1870 he removed to Anoka city, where he is engaged in lumbering. William Staples was born in 1815, in York county, Maine, where he was married in 1840. He came to St. Anthony in 1850. He has lived in the town of Grow, of which he was one of the founders, for many years. He is a farmer and brick- mason. Abraham McCormack Fridley was born May 21, 1818, at Corning, Steuben county, New York. His parents were Penn- sylvanians, of German descent. He received a common school education. At the age of twenty-one years he was appointed deputy sheriff of Steuben county, and was afterward collector of canal tolls at Corning . In April, 1851, he was appointed by President Fillmore agent for the Winnebago Indians then at Long Prairie, Todd county. In that year he was also admitted to practice law. In 1853 he removed to St. Paul and was elected sheriff of Ramsey county. The next year he removed to St. Anthony Falls and was elected to the house of the territorial legislature. A little later he removed to Manomin, now Frid ley. He was elected a representative in the legislatures of 1869- 70-71 and 79. For many years he cultivated a large farm at Becker. For ten years he has been in the employ of the Mani toba railroad as land agent. He is a Democrat, and in I860 was delegate to the conventions at Charleston and Baltimore. Mr. Fridley died March 26, 1S88, leaving a widow and three sons, Henry C, Frank and David H. IN THE NORTHWEST. 453 Capt. James Starkey was born in England in 1818. He came to America in 1849 and located in St. Paul in 1850. He removed to the town of Columbus, Anoka county, in 1855, and was active in promoting its interests. His first enterprise, the building up 'of the village of Columbus, was not successful. In 1857, by order of Gov. Medary, he. commanded a military expedition against the Chippewas at Sunrise Prairie, the object being to compel them to return to their reservation, an expedition attended with some tragical results, as elsewhere narrated. Capt. Starkey took part in the Civil War as captain of a cavalry company. He was the first to survey a road through the country lying between St. Paul and Lake Superior. He was a repre sentative of the first state legislature. Since 1865 Capt. Starkey has resided at St. Paul,, and is at present prominent as-a citizen and as an official in West St. Paul. SHERBURNE COUNTY. Prior to its organization, Sherburne was part of Benton county. It was named in honor of Judge Moses Sherburne, an appointee , to the bench of the supreme court of Minnesota Territory. The county is bounded on the north by Benton, on the east by Anoka and Isanti counties, and on the south by the Mississippi river. It is somewhat irregularly timbered with pine and hardwood, inter spersed with oak openings, rolling prairie lands and natural meadows. The surface is. generally undulating. A prominent ridge of high land, from three to five miles wide, extends from Elk river in a northeasterly direction into Anoka county. The county is well watered by tributaries of the Mississippi, Elk and St. Louis rivers, and has besides many clear and sparkling lakes. The soil is mostly sandy loam with clay subsoil, and val uable granite quarries are found in the northern tier of towns. David Faribault was the first settler or trader, he having es tablished a post on the Elk river in 1846, where he made a gar den and raised potatoes. In September, 1848, H. M. Rice ana S. P. Folsom bought Faribault's improvements, and Folsom moved his family to the place and built a log cabin on what is now Auditor's addition to Elk River village. He was succeeded in the ownership by Pierre Bottineau. The county was organized in 1856, under territorial law. The governor, Willis A. Gorman, appointed J. H. Stevenson, Eph- 454 FIFTY YEARS riam Nickerson and Eli J. Cutter commissioners (Stevenson being chairman); Eli Houghton, treasurer; H. j. Putnam, register of deeds; Andrew Boyington, judge of probate; John G. Jamieson, county attorney; Orlando Bailey, sheriff. The first commission ers' meeting was held at the house of Joseph Brown, at the village of Humboldt, which was made the county seat and so remained until 1867, when it was removed to Elk River village. The county was attached to Benton for judicial purposes until 1862. Prior to this Mr. Brown's house was used for county commission ers' meetings and for court rooms until burned down some years later, when the commissioners met at the house of John E. Putnam. A court house was built at Elk River on lots donated by J. Q. A. Nickerson, the village donating $1,000 and the county the remainder necessary for the building. Prior to the formation of the state government, the county was divided into election precincts. The first term of district court was held at Humboldt in December, 1862; Judge C. E. Vanderburgh, presiding; J. E. Putnam acting as clerk. The first commissioners who held their meeting at Elk River were H. Houlton, chairman; A. Boyington and O. Bailey. The first meetings were held at the house of J. Q. A. Nickerson. In 1867 the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba railroad was completed through the county on a line parallel with the gen eral course of the Mississppi river. The North Pacific railroad, since built, runs parallel on the same grade. The depots were built upon the same plan and placed on opposite sides of the two tracks. The stations are Elk River, Big Lake, Becker, Clear Lake, and East St. Cloud. The Manitoba has a branch line from Elk River to Princeton and Milacca, built in 1884. The first deed recorded was transcribed from the Benton county records, transfers of property from James Beatty to Rich ard Chute and David Olmstead, and bears date of July 28, 1851. TOWNS. The towns in Sherburne are: Baldwin, deriving its name from F. Eugene Baldwin, an old citizen; Big Lake, from the lake on which located; Becker, from Hon. G. L. Becker, of St. Paul; Blue Hill, from a high hill in the town; Clear Lake, from a lake of that name; Elk River, from the river on the shore of which it IN THE NORTHWEST. 455 is located; Haven, from Hon. John Ormsby Haven, who repre sented his district in the state senate in 1872-73; Livonia, from the christian name of the wife of an old citizen; Orrock, from Reuben Orrock, a pioneer, originally from Scotland; and Pal mer, from Dr. Palmer, of Sauk Centre. Elk River was the first town organized, and included the whole county. The first election was held Sept. 30, 1858, at which the following board of officers was elected: Moderator, Alden B. Heath; supervisors, J. G. Jamieson, Alden B. Heath, J. Q. A. Nickerson; clerk, George H. Davis. VILLAGES OF SHERBURNE COUNTY. Orono, a post office, was established at Orono in 1850. The office was merged into the Elk River post office in 1853. This post office, with the mills erected in 1851, became the nucleus of the Elk River settlement, which some years later became Elk River village, within the corporate limits of which Orono is now situated. Orono was surveyed and platted May, 1855; Ard Godfrey, proprietor. ELK RIVER, Located originally about a mile below Orono, was not platted as a village until 1865. J. Q. A. and Julia Nickerson were the proprietors. It is on the east bank of the Mississippi, at its junction with Elk river, above which it now extends a distance of two miles. It has a pleasant location. It was incorporated in 1881, with C. S. Wheaton, president; W. T. Struble, recorder; N. K. Whittemore, H. P. Burrell and L. Pol lard, commissioners. Elk river affords a fine water power with ten feet head. Mills were erected here in 1851. A great fire in May, 1887, destroyed mill property valued at $50,000. Since the fire a flour mill with a capacity of 250 barrels a day has been completed at a cost of $25,000. A saw mill is also in pro cess of construction. The village has an elevator with a capac ity of 10,000 bushels, 2 town halls, 3 churches, Episcopal, Free Will Baptist and Congregational; a first class school building, with rooms for four departments; a school building at Orono, with two departments; and two- railroad depots, built at a cost of $9,000. In June, 1885, a private bank was. incorporated as the Bank of Elk River. 456 FIFTY YEARS EAST ST. CLOUD, In the town of Haven, is a thriving village. It has one of the best granite quarries in the State. The State, in 1887, located here its reformatory school, receiving a donation of two hundred acres of land, covered with gray and variegated granite. The village was surveyed aud platted in August, 1853; Geo. F. Brott & Co., proprietors. CLEAR LAKE Was surveyed and platted March 24, 1882; Alanson Pott er and wife, proprietors. BECKER Was surveyed and platted Dec. 5, 1870; J. Freeman and H. C. Fridley, proprietors. Mr. Vadnais was the first settler, in 1855. BIG LAKE, Originally Humboldt village, is located on Elk river, ten miles above its junction with the Mississippi. Its first settler was Joseph Brown, a veteran pioneer, but not to be confounded with the invincible Joe R. Brown, elsewhere referred to. Mr. Brown came here in 1848, and made substantial improvements. He died in 1886. His family still reside here. James Ely and Newell Houghton also settled here in 1884. Mr. Houghton was killed at the New Ulm massacre in 1862. John Quincy/ Adams Nickerson was born in New Salem, Franklin county, Maine, March 30, 1825. He received an aca demic education; taught school aud followed farming in Maine. In 1849 he came to St. Anthony Falls, and in 1853 settled at Elk River, which then contained but one house, a hewed log structure, which he, in company with B. F. Hildreth, purchased for a hotel. The house has been enlarged from time to time, and has been continuously under the charge of Mr. Nickerson. He has besides employed much of his time in farming and lumbering, and has dealt in village lots. He was appointed post master at an early day. He has filled various responsible offices, among them that of county treasurer and town and county super visor. He was married to Julia A. Farnham, of St. Anthony Falls, Oct. 2, 1852. They have five children. Henry Bittner was born in Bavaria in 1799; came to Amer ica in his boyhood; enlisted in the United States Army in 1835; IN THE NORTHWEST. 457 served in the Mexican War; was present at the battle of Buena Vista, and when the American forces were surrounded performed a daring feat, carrying a dispatch from Gen. Taylor through the Mexican lines to an American fort. He was a target for the bul lets of the Mexican Army, but arrived at his destination severely wounded. He was discharged on account of his wounds. In 1855 he came to Clear Lake and made him a home. He offered himself as a volunteer during the late Civil War, but was not received on account of age and disability. He died at his home at Clear Lake in 1885. Francis De Lille, of French descent, was born in Canada in 1782. He came with his family to St. Anthony in 1848, and in 1852 to Elk River, where he occupied the first house built in the lower, town. He settled on a farm, where he lived the remainder of his life. He died April 18, 1874, under peculiar circum stances. He was a devout Catholic, and died suddenly in the church while kneeling during a part of the service. His widow and youngest son reside at the old homestead. Mrs. De Lille, formerly Catharine Queenan, of Ireland, is one of the oldest settlers of Sherburne county. She has eight children living, Mary F., married and living in Dakota; Frank, Agnes; Elisabeth, married to Peter Trump of Taylor's Falls; Harriet, wife of Joseph Holt, of Taylor's Falls; Joseph F., Ro- sanna and Sarah, all married. Howard M. Atkins was born in New Sharon, Franklin county, Maine, May 11, 1838. His father was stricken down by lightning, leaving him at the age of thirteen to assist in taking care of the family. Howard was near his father and was struck senseless by the same flash that deprived him of a father. Re covering, he set himself earnestly and seriously to the duties of life, performed his allotted tasks about the household, and suc ceeded in obtaining a good high school education. He came to Princeton, Mille Lacs county, in 1856, studied law and was ad mitted to practice in Mille Lacs county in 1863. Subsequently he practiced law five years in St. Cloud. He came to Elk River in 1876. He has held official positions in Mille Lacs, Stearns and Sherburne counties. Mr. Atkins has acquired an honorable position through his own exertions and richly deserves the re spect of his fellow citizens. He was married in 1862 to Virginia Sinclair, of Illinois. They have two sons and four daughters. 458 FIFTY YEARS B. F. Hildreth was born in Milford, Maine, March, 1822. He learned the trade of a blacksmith and came to St. Anthony in. 1849, and the year following did part of the crew work of the first steamer lauuched on the Mississippi above the falls. Since then he has engaged chiefly in lumbering and farming. In 1850 he was married to M. E. Farnham, of St. Anthony. He removed to Elk River in 1873. Samuel Hayden was born Oct. 12, 1806, at Madison, Maine. He came to Livonia, Sherburne county, in 1856. He has a family of four sons and three daughters, residents of Minnesota. His brother, the Hon. Wentworth Hayden, was a member of the constitutional convention of 1857. The writer of these sketches had known Mr. Samuel Hayden in early life, and distinctly remembered seeing him the winter of 1827, driving an ox team in the pineries on Dead river, Maine. He was then a young man of twenty- one, and the writer t was a boy of ten. Sixty years later they met in Sherburne county, and the writer recognized in the aged man of eighty-one years the young man of twenty-one, though for the moment unable to call his name. It is seldom that memory bridges so wide a chasm. Joseph Jerome settled in the town of Haven in 1846, and is therefore among the first of the pioneers. In 1848 he sold his property to Samuel Sturgis and removed to Michigan. Joshua O. Cater came from Stafford county, New Hamp shire, and was one of the earliest settlers of the town of Haven, where he still lives. J. F. Bean also came from New Hampshire to Sherburne county, and is now a resident of Livonia, and postmaster at Lake Fremont. J. H. Felch, of Maine, an early settler of Livonia, is now liv ing at Elk River. James Brady came to Palmer in 1855. He died about 1868. Joshua Briggs settled in Palmer in 1855, and died there in 1881. Robert Orrock, for whom the town of Orrock was named, died at his home, at a good old age, January, 1885. John G. Jamieson died at Elk River in 1869. A. B. Heath removed to Oregon in 1873, where he still lives. IN THE NORTHWEST. 459 Dr. B. R. Palmer, for whom the town of Palmer was named, was a resident of Sauk Centre and died there in 188.5. Judge Moses Sherburne, for whom the county was named, died at Elk River in 1869. Chas. F. George, who settled in Santiago in 1856, is at present chairman of the board of county commissioners. Royal George, a pioneer of the same date, returned to Ver mont, where he died in 1887. W.'L. Babcock, a merchant of Santiago, still resides here. 460 FIFTY YEARS CHAPTER XVII. BENTON COUNTY. At the organization of Minnesota Territory three counties were created, of which Benton was one. Its eastern boundary followed the course of Rum river from its mouth to its junction with the west branch and thence a line due north to the Mis sissippi river. The boundary line upon the west followed the windings of the Mississippi down to its junction with Rum river, making a county large and irregular in outline, extending from north tb south about one hundred miles, and about forty at its widest point from east to west. The formation of new coun ties since that time has left it with less than eleven townships lying east of the Mississippi river and bounded on the north by Morrison, on the east by Mille Lacs, and on the south by Sher burne counties. The soil is diversified. There is black sandy loam in the plains and a black vegetable mould in the tim ber, with clay subsoils. It is a fair agricultural district, having groves of pine and hardwood in the east and natural meadows, prairies and oak openings in the central and western portions. It is well watered by the Mississippi and its tributaries, Elk, Little Rock and Platte rivers. It has some fine lakes, of which Mayhew, Briggs and Little Rock are the largest. A granite formation underlies most of this county and crops out in many places, furnishing valuable quarries. The granite is plain and variegated and is being worked and shipped extensively. Near the village of Watab there is a rich upheaval. The St. Paul custom house is made of the Watab granite. The Northern Pacific railway passes through this county par allel with the channel of the Mississippi river. The Manitoba, St. Cloud & Hinckley branch passes through the southern tier IN THE NORTHWEST. 461 of towns. The organized towns are Alberta, Gilmanton, Glen- dorado, Granite Lodge, Maywood, Minden, Sauk Rapids, St. George, and Watab. The villages are East St. Cloud, Foley, Oak Grove, Rice's, and Watab. The first settlers were Philip Beaupre, in 1844; David Gil man, in 1848; Jeremiah Russell, Wm. H. Wood, James Beatty, Ellis Kling, Wm. Smith, and J. C. Mayhew, in 1849. Sauk Rap ids was made the county seat, then Watab, then Sauk Rapids. The first board of officers, qualified Jan. 7, 1850, were: Com missioners, Wm. A. Aitkin, chairman; Joseph Brown and James Beatty; assessors, Truman A. Warren and Reuben M. Richard son; attorney, W. D. Phillips. The voting precincts were at Sauk Rapids, Swan River and Crow Wing. The judges of elec tion were: For Sauk Rapids, J. Russell, Wm. Sturgis and. Cur tis Bellows; for Swan River, Philip Beaupre, James Green and Duncan Stewart; for Crow Wing, Allen Morrison, Wm. Morri son and Sylvester Stateler. The first election was held at Pierre Bottineau's house, now in Sherburne county. George Egbert and Thomas Holmes were judges of election. The first court in the county was held Nov. 11, 1850; Bradley B. Meeker, presiding. David Gilman was the first sheriff, John C. Hawley the second. The first deed recorded was from James Hitchins to Wm. F. Cobletts It bore date of Oct. 21, 1850. Taylor Dudley was register of deeds. The land conveyed was a tract lying at the foot of Sauk Rapids, being a land claim of one hundred and sixty acres, purchased from Calvin Potter. SAUK RAPIDS. The site of the village of Sauk Rapids was judiciously chosen. It slopes gently to the river's east bank, giving a pleasant front age to the rapids. Philip Beaupre came here first in 1844. His son, William P., was the first white child here, born May 24, 1852. Geo. O. Sweet was the second, born Aug. 22, 1852. Sev eral Indian traders located here and at Watab. Following Mr. Beaupre came T. A. Holmes, James Beatty, J. Russell, Calvin Potter, James Hitchins, Curtis Bellows, and Charles Webb. The first plat of Sauk Rapids was made and recorded in 1854. The proprietors were J. Russell, G. M. Sweet and S. Van Nest. The surveyor was C. B. Chapman. The village was incorporated in 1881. The commissioners 462 FIFTY YEARS appointed under the general act to effect the organization were Alphonso J. Demeules, Erasmus Cross, B. K. Knowlton. A wagon bridge built across the Mississippi at this point cost $25,000. It was greatly damaged by a storm, and partially destroyed by the cyclone of 1886. The dam across the Mississippi at Sauk Rapids was built in 1870 at a cost of $140,000. The east wing is owned by the Com modore Davidson estate; the west, by the Sauk Rapids Manu facturing Company. The rapids are formed by the eruption of granite ledges across the channel of the river. A flour mill built herewith a capacity of three hundred barrels per day was totally destroyed by the cyclone of April 16, 1886, which was one of the most destructive on record. The estimated loss in Sauk Rapids was $300,000, of which $108,000 was made up by voluntary contributions from St. Paul, Minneapolis and other portions of the State. The public buildings, including the court house, school build ings and several churches, were destroyed, together with many fine stores and dwellings. Since the cyclone the village has been handsomely rebuilt. A new court house has replaced the old one at a cost of $6,000, a new school house has been built at a cost of $12,000 — a model building with rooms for five departments. There are five new church buildings, an Episcopal, Congregational, Methodist and two Lutheran. WATAB. Watab appears to have been a noted Indian trading post from 1844 to 1855. Asa White, D. Gilman, C. W. Borup, N. Myrick, Gen. Lowry, and others were located, or had stations here. Watab was for a short time the county seat of Benton county. A bridge was once built across the Mississippi here, but it has disappeared. The village site was surveyed and platted, and a post office es tablished in 1853. P. Lamfj was postmaster. A steam saw mill was erected here, but was afterward removed. The first im proved farm in Benton county was located in the vicinity. David Gilman, Benjamin Bright and George Goodhue were early settlers. Philip Beaupre was born in Lower Canada, in 1823. As his name indicates, he is of French descent. He received a French education. He came West in 1481 ; entered the employ of the IN THE NORTHWEST. 463 fur company in 1843, and located at Sauk Rapids in 1844. When he arrived there were no white inhabitants, save Indian traders, on the Mississippi north of St. Anthony. Mr. Beaupre built a log house in 1851, and was continuously engaged in trade until succeeded by his sons. He assisted in forming the county, town and village organizations, filling many offices of trust and honor. In 1880 he served as judge of the probate court, and since as collector of customs at Pembina. In 1851 he was married to Teresa de Noyes, of St. Louis, and has a family of seven sons and six daughters, all residing in Benton county. David Gilman.— Hon. David Gilman, of Watab, was born April 29, 1812, at Saratoga, New York. He was left fatherless at the age of six months, and his mother subsequently placed him in the family of a neighbor to be brought up ahd cared for until the age of twenty-one. As he grew older he was not pleased with this arrangement, and at the age of fourteen left his home to adventure for himself. His opportunities for securing an ed ucation were limited. In 1836 he came to Michigan. In 1844 he married Nancy W. Lamb, of Woodstock, Vermont. In 1848 he came to Watab, Minnesota, and made him a permanent home, making himself a useful, influential and public spirited citizen, filling many positions of trust in his town, county and state gov ernments. Amongst the offices filled by him were those of deputy United States marshal, member of the second territorial legisla ture, and of the constitutional convention. He was postmaster at Watab from the establishment of the office in 1849 until 1885, when he died, greatly lamented by his friends and honored by all who knew him. Mrs. Gilman and four children survive him. James Beatty was born in Fairfield county, Ohio, April 27, 1816. When fourteen years of age he went to Cass county, Michigan. He farmed for the Winnebago Indians near Fort At kinson, Iowa, for several years, and coming to Minnesota in 1848 located at Sauk Rapids, which he made his permanent home. He has been engaged as Indian trader, hotel keeper, merchant and farmer. He was a member of the Minnesota territorial leg islatures of 1851, 1853 and 1854. He was married to Eliza Fos- cet, of New York, in 1854. They have three children living. Ellis Kling was born in Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, Oct. 15, 1824. He was brought up as a farmer, and has made farming his occupation through life. He came to Sauk Rapids 464 FIFTY YEARS in 1851. In 1854 he was married to Lucy Lewis, of Belle Prai rie. They have five sons and one daughter. George W. Benedict. — Mr. Benedict was born at Rochester, New York, in 1827. He served an apprenticeship to a printer in Canada for five years. In 1851 he was married to Anna Cronk, a native of Prince Edward county, Canada. For four years he published the Tecumseh (Mich.) Herald and in 1854, having removed to Sauk Rapids, established the Frontiersman for Jere miah Russell. This paper he conducted for three years. He then conducted the New Era for one year. In 1868 he estab lished the Sauk Rapids Sentinel, which he conducted four years, when he started the Alexandria Post and also became a member of a company that published the St. Cloud Press, with which he was connected one year. In 1872 he re-established the Sauk Rapids Sentinel, which he sold to W. L. Nieman, but repurchased after the cyclone of 1886. Mr. Benedict was in the United States revenue service ten years, and served as a member of the state senate one term. J. Q. A. Wood was born in Chichester, New Hampshire, in 1815. He graduated at Union College, New York, in 1843; studied law with President Franklin Pierce; was admitted to practice in 1846, and made his home at Sauk Rapids in 1854, which has been his home ever since, with the exception of some years spent in Kentucky as editor of the Southern Kentucky Shield. This paper was suppressed in 1862. Returning to Sauk Rapids in 1864, he engaged in the practice of law, in which he has since continued. During this period he served eleven years as county attorney, and also a term as probate judge. Mr. Wood was seriously injured in the great cyclone, having been buried in the debris of the court house, from which, with great difficulty, he extricated himself. Mr. Wood is a poetical writer of some reputation, many of his productions having been received with great favor. Among them we may mention "Father is Growing Old, John," "Ode to New Hampshire," and "The Wine of Cyprus." He has one son, a resident of Dakota, and one daughter, the wife of D. C. Roberts of West Superior. William H. Wood was born in London, New Hampshire, Feb. 2, 1817. When he was fourteen years of age his father re moved to Tecumseh, Michigan. He graduated at Dartmouth College in 1839 and afterward took a course in Union College, in the northwest. 465 New York, graduating in 1843. He then returned to Tecumseh, Michigan, where he studied law with Judge Stacy. In 1845 he was admitted to the bar in Lenawee county, Michigan. During the presidential campaign of the year following he edited a pa per in Kentucky, the Rough and Ready, advocating the claims of Gen. Taylor for the presidency. In 1848 he located in Greens- burg, Kentucky, and in 1849 was married to a lady of refine ment, known to the, literary world under the nom de plume of "Minnie Mary Lee." In 1849 he removed to Sauk Rapids, Min nesota. He was there editor of the pioneer paper, the Frontiers man. He afterward owned, and with his gifted wife edited, the New Era, in which he was an ardent supporter of Mr. Lin coln for the presidency in 1860. Meanwhile he practiced his profession and held the office of county attorney for many years. When the land office was established at Sauk Rapids he was ap pointed receiver and served a number of years. He was a member of the first state legislature. In 1869 he was elected president of the New Athens College, Greensburg, Kentucky, and served a short time, when he contracted the disease that af terward terminated his earthly career. Mr. Wood was a man of more than ordinary ability, an eloquent speaker, a fluent and gifted writer, whose influence will long be felt. He left a widow and three children. Mrs. W. H. Wood has been a liberal contributor to maga zines and the author of several volumes, of which a list is here appended: "The Heart of Myrrha Lake;" " Into the Light of Catholicity:" "Hubert's Wife;" "The Brown House at Duf- field;" "Strayed from the Fold;" "Three Times Three; or, Basil, Beatrice, Ethel;" "Story of Annette;" "Hazel Green's Rival." A. De Lacy Wood, son of Mrs. W. H. Wood, edits the Two Harbor Iron Post, in Lake county. P. H. Wood, second son of Mrs. W. H. Wood, edits the Sauk Rapids Free Press. Rev. Sherman Hall was born in Weathersfield, Vermont; was educated at Exeter Academy, Dartmouth College and An dover Theological Seminary. He was married to Betsey Parker in 1831, and ordained the same year as a missionary to the Chip pewa Indians at La Pointe. With them he remained until 1854, when he transferred hisjresidence to Sauk Rapids and organized 30 466 - FIFTY YEARS a Congregational church, of which he continued pastor until his death, Sept. 1, 1859. Mr. Hall made a translation of parts of the Bible into the Ojibway tongue. He was greatly beloved amongst his people for his firm, christian demeanor and pub licly recognized as a man of integrity and sound judgment. He served the people of Benton county as judge of probate court and county superintendent of schools. Jeremiah Russell wag born in Eaton, Madison county, New York, Feb. 2, 1809. He received a common school and academic education, and learned to set type in the office of the Chautauqua Gazette. He subsequently taught school and worked for awhile in printing offices. Removing to Palmyra, he clerked in a store ' several years. In 1835 he came to Michigan, and thence to the Lake Superior country, where he superintended a copper mine for a couple of years, at Left Hand river, near the head of the lake. In 1837 he came to Fort Snelling, and in 1839 accompa nied Frank Steele and others to St. Croix Falls, and engaged" in building a saw mill. In 1840 he went to Pokegama mission as ' government farmer and blacksmith. About 1842, at the closing up of the Pokegama mission in consequence of Indian disturbances, he purchased the old Connor trading post and farm. In 1843, with Elam Greely, he went down the St. Croix and up the Mississippi and Rum rivers in a birch canoe, exploring for pine timber. They found Rum river blockaded at one place a dis tance of three-quarters of a mile, with drifts or rafts of trees, consolidated and held together by the roots of grasses and water willows, the accumulations apparently of ages. Around this raft they made a portage, and ascended a tributary of Rum river to its source, thence down the Kanabec or. Snake river to Poke gama. In 1848 Mr. Russell came to Crow Wing, Minnesota, as agent for Borup & Oakes, Indian traders and fur dealers. In the autumn of 1849 he established himself at a point two miles above Sauk Rapids, and opened up a farm of one hundred and thirty acres. At the end of four years he moved down the river and made a land claim on the west side, including the water power of Sauk Rapids. He owned an interest also in the water power on the east side. In 1854 he was one of the company that sur veyed and platted the village of Sauk Rapids. He established the pioneer newspaper, the Sauk Rapids Frontiersman. ¦Mr, Russell for several years held the office of county auditor IN THE NORTHWEST. 467 and treasurer, and in 1849 was elected to the territorial legis lature. His name appears in the list of members, but he was present only at the opening sessions, and voted for but a single measure. He had told his constituents before his election that he would not serve. At this time he was Democratic in poli tics but in later life voted the Republican ticket. Mr. Rus sell possessed a warm, generous nature, combined with integrity of character, which gained for him the love and esteem of his many friends. Ever ready to extend a willing hand to those in need, and, as far as lay in his power, to assist those in distress, he will ever be remembered with kindly feelings by all who knew him. Though exposed to allthe temptations and vicissitudes of an early settler's life, coming in contact with all kinds of social conditions, he never departed from the path of christian recti tude, and those with whom he came in contact will ever remem ber him for his kind heartedness and gentlemanly bearing. Sept. 20, 1843, he was united in marriage to Miss Sophia Oakes (daughter of the late Chas. H. Oakes), who survives him. Seven children were born unto them, but only three are now alive. These are Mrs. W. L. Nieman, Miss Julia A. and Mr. J. A. Russell. Mr. Russell died at his home in Sauk Rapids in 1885. Edward Oscar Hamlin was born at Bethany, Wayne county, Pennsylvania, June 12, 1828. He received his preparatory education at his native place; entered Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, in 1848, and graduated in 1858, third in his class, and in three years received the degree of A.M. He read law first at' Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania, with Hon. Geo. W. Wood ward (afterward one of the judges of the supreme court of Pennsylvania); at Honesdale, Pennsylvania, later with Earl Wheeler, Esq., and was admitted to the bar Sept. 7, 1852. After practicing for two years at Honesdale, he decided to go West, and in 1855 settled in Sauk Rapids. He was admitted to prac tice in the territorial courts, and in 1856 was admitted to practice by the supreme court. Judge Hamlin was elected the first mayor of the city of St. Cloud. He was nominated by the Demo cratic party for governor, and subsequently for judge of the supreme court. He was also, in 1860, appointed by Gov. Ramsey "a regent of the University of the State of Minnesota," and was subsequently an efficient and zealous member of the state board of normal instruction. 468 FIFTY YEARS Soon after the outbreak of the Rebellion, in 1861, Gov. Ramsey tendered him the commission of major of the Seventh Regiment, Minnesota Volunteers, but' his eyesight being defective, he was obliged to decline it. In 1864 Judge Hamlin was chosen by the Democratic party as one of the delegates to the Democratic national convention. He was appointed as one of the commit tee on platform, and openly denounced, with three others, the platform before it was adopted, because it declared the war for the Union a failure. Judge Hamlin was a war. Democrat, and hung out the stars and stripes over his residence in Sauk Rapids, the first one in that town to do so. In 1873, being an only child and yielding to the solicitations of his parents, Judge Hamlin returned to his native county and opened an office in Honesdale. After a short residence there he removed to Bethany, which has since been his home. He continued the practice of his profes sion in Honesdale until June, 1885, when failing health compelled him to retire. Judge Hamlin has been twice married. His first wife was Mary A., daughter of Judge Eldred, who for a quarter of a century graced the bench of Pennsylvania. She died at St. Cloud, Sept. 27, 1868. In October, 1870, Judge Hamlin married Ella F., daughter of E. B. Strong, Esq., for years clerk of the dibtrict court of Stearns county. MORRISON COUNTY. Morrison county is somewhat irregular in outline. It is bounded on the north by Crow Wing and Cass, on the east by Mille Lacs, on the south by Benton and Stearns, on the west by Stearns and Todd counties. The portion east of the Mississippi originally belonged to Benton county, and the portion on the weSt side to Todd county. It contains 1,139 square miles. The eastern part is well covered with pine and hardwood forests. The west and central portions consist of oak openings and brush prairies. The groves are interspersed with poplar. The sur face is generally level, but is well drained by the Mississippi and its tributaries, mostly small streams. It has some fine lakes in the northern and central parts. The soil is well adapted to farming. A granite range, an extension of the range of Sauk Rapids and St. Cloud, passes through the county. William Nicholson was probably the first settler' in this IN THE NORTHWEST. 469 county. He first came to Swan River in 1847, in company with ten other men. They forded the Mississippi near the mouth of Swan river, made a raft and floated down the river a few miles, where they abandoned it on account of low water, and re turned south, whence they came. The next summer Nichol son returned with twenty-two men, crossed the river at the same place, and cut a road through to the Winnebago agency at Long Prairie. Returning the same year to the crossing, he found Wm. Aiken had made a claim and was building a hotel and store on the east bank of the river. Mr. Nicholson re mained some years in the vicinity, but is now a resident of Lit tle Falls. Wm. Aiken permanently located at Swan River in 1848, one year after Nicholson's arrival at that point. He died in 1851, aged about sixty-five years. He had two Indian wives. They quarreled and fought savagely at the funeral as to which was entitled to the position of chief mourner, wife number one coming off victorious. James Green made a squatter's claim in 1848, and built a saw mill on the east side of the Mississippi by the island at the falls. Wm. Knowles located at the mouth of , Rabbit river in 1849. John Stillwell came to Swan River in 1849. He was a carpenter and worked at his trade until 1856, when he went into the hotel business. He now resides at Little Falls. He and Nicholson are the only old settlers of Swan River re maining in the county. At the organization of the county, in 1856, Little Falls, located on the Mississippi a short distance above Swan River, became the county seat. The year before and the two years following were years of wild speculation. The chief ambition of the spec ulators was to found a city. During these years twenty-four vil lage or town plats were recorded in the office of the register of deeds in Morrison. Not all, however, were located within the bounds of the county, some being platted on unsurveyed government lands. Of these towns, the only one remaining, or of note, is Fergus Falls, Otte» Tail county, platted by'a company from Little Falls. Of the towns located in Morrison county, every one yanished except Little Falls, though Swaii, River, Belle Prairie and Gran ite City kept up an appearance of prosperity for a time. The early history of Morrison county is enlivened by many thrilling incidents of Indian warfare, chiefly of contests between the Sioux and Chippewas. The Sioux had claimed the territory 470 FIFTY YEARS from time immemorial, but over a hundred years ag6 the Chip pewas had driven them westward across the Mississippi and were in possession of the soil. The tribal hostility of the two races continued to manifest itself in predatory and retaliatory raids, and from these the early settlers were often sufferers. Nathan Richardson, the historian of Morrison county, an au thority to whom we are greatly indebted, says that the country was acknowledged to be Chippewa ground before and during the settlement by the whites, but that the Sioux made frequent raids through the counties in parties of from five to twenty-five, their principal object being to possess themselves of Chippewa scalps. The Chippewas retaliated by pursuing, the Sioux into their own prescribed limits. Mr. Richardson avers that the Chippewas were seldom known to treat the white settlers uncivilly, while the Sioux would kill stock to supply their wants, for which the settlers were left without compensation from Indians or government. The Winnebagoes were for some years located within the bounds of Todd and Morrison counties. In 1848 Gen. Fletcher removed them from Fort Atkinson, Iowa, to Long Prairie, west side of the Mississippi; but although the agency was located at Long Prairie, the Indians occupied the Swan River valley within the present limits of Morrison and- Todd counties for a period of seven years, where they engaged partly in hunting and partly in farming, having about two hundred acres under cultivation, when they became dissatisfied and were removed to the Blue Earth country. , When the Winnebago Indians were brought to Long Prairie and the Swan River1 valley, in 1848, the government built Fort Ripley on the west bank of the Mississippi, about twenty miles above the mouth of Swan river. The government still owns the fort and reservation around it, and keeps a garrison there. Fort Ripley, however, has other associations than those connected with the Winnebagoes. It was necessary to place a force here during the Indian outbreak in 1862, the object being $,o overawe and hold in check the Chippewas, who were more than suspected of an intention to make common cause with the Sioux in their warfare against the whites. There the Seventh Regiment, Minne sota Volunteers, had its headquarters for a time. Morrison county was named in honor of Hon. Allen W. Mor rison, who came to Minnesota some time in the '20s, and was IN THE NORTHWEST. 471 prominent in the early history of the Territory. It was organ ized April 18, 1856, by the election of the following county offi cers: Commissioners, Wm. Trask, Elliott J. Kidder andW. W. Stebbins; register of deeds and clerk of board of commissioners, Nathan Richardson; judge of probate, James Fergus; sheriff, Jonathan Pugh; district attorney, W. B. Fairbanks; assessors, W. B. Tuttle and John Fry. The first term of court was held May 15, 1856; Judge Moses Sherburne, presiding. The first deed recorded was dated June 19, 1854, conveying from William Shelafoo to Louis Robair the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter, and lots 3, 4 and 5 of section 30, township 40, range 32. Morrison county is subdivided into the following towns: Ag- ram, Belle Prairie, Buckman, Bellevue, Culdrum, Elmdale, Green Prairie, Little Falls, Morrill, Motley, Parker, Pierz^ Pike Creek, Ripley, Swan River, and Two Rivers. LITTLE FALLS VILLAGE, r , The county seat of Morrison county, is located on the east bank of the ^Mississippi river, in sections 7, 8, 18 and 19 of township 40, range 32. It derives its name from a rapid in the Missis sippi river, formed by the extension across the river of the slate stone ledges of the St. Louis. The site is a prairie, sloping gently to the water's edge. The first survey was made in 1855, by S. M. Putnam. The village grew rapidly from the first, and in 1857 the best lots were selling for $1,000 each. Previous to 1855 the only houses in the place were two cabins, a frame build ing in which E. J. Kidder lived, and a school house. Two hotels were built that year, one by Joseph Batters, the other by W. B. Fairbanks dn& Nathan Richardson. The first settlers were the Kidders, Fairbanks, Batters, Rich ardson, James Green, William Sturgis, William Butler, and O. A. Churchill. James Green came as early as 1848, and took a squatter's claim on the east bank, including the water power, and built a saw mill, but soon after died, and the property passed into the hands of H. M. Rice and Capt. Todd, who in 1850 sold their right to Wm. Sturgis. In 1852 John M. Kidder pre empted the mill power, transferring it to the Little Falls Com pany, consisting of Wm. Sturgis and Calvin Tuttle, organized in 1854 for the improvement of the falls. This company purchased 472 FIFTY YEARS about 1,000 acres of adjoining land from the government, and in 1855 merged into a stock company with a capital of $100,000, of which the original company retained one-half, the remaining half being converted into cash. The stock rose in value at one time two hundred and fifty per cent. The company built a new dam and mills, but the revenue did not keep the property in good condition after the expenditures. These valuable improvements, including the dam and mills, were all swept away|by high water in 1860; the firm became bank rupt, and the valuable power became nearly worthless and en tirely useless, until 1887, when a new company, known as the Little Falls Water Power Company, was formed with a paid up capital of $600,000, which is distributed among eastern and western capitalists. The company is now constructing very ex tensive works, the power of which will have a head, or fall, of twenty feet, thus making it the largest water power, next to M inneapolis, to be found in the whole Northwest. The dam, now about completed, has cost about $200,000. So thoroughly convinced are the people of Morrison county of the great future before it, that, by a majority of over 2 to 1, they voted a subscription of $100,000 in 5 per cent bonds as a bonus to be delivered to the company upon the completion of the work. The village of Little Falls also entered into a contract with the company, agreeing to pay annually a sum of money equal to the taxes imposed upon that corporation, and also to exempt from taxation any manufactory using the water power for a period of , five years. The improvements under process of construction con sist, first, of a dam across the entire river, resting, however, against the head of Mill island; second, a canal on the west side, starting from a point opposite the head of Mill island, and ex tending 1,000 feet down stream. This canal is 80 feet wide and 13 feet deep, is lined with a retaining wall, and provided with head gates at the upper end and with a waste way at the lower end; third, a wheel house, races, and, if found desirable, a wire rope tower for transmitting power to Mill island and' to the east shore. Basing the rental of this power on that of the water power at Lowell, Massachusetts, it would be worth $150,000 per annum. The officers of the company are W. H. Breyfogle, of Louisville, Kentucky, president; M. M. Williams, of Little Falls, secretary and treasurer. IN THE NORTHWEST. 473 Little Falls was incorporated as avillageinl880, Louis Houde president of the board. The improvement of the water power has given a strong impulse to the prosperity of the village. It numbers now amongst its public buildings a court house, school •house having rooms for six grades, two Catholic churches, one Congregational, one Episcopal and one Methodist church. In Belle Prairie, four miles distant, there is also a Catholic church, school and a nunnery. A bridge, built at a cost of $24,000, crosses the Mississippi at this point. The bridge is 400 feet in length. The Little Falls & Dakota railroad, a branch of the Northern Pacific, is finished ' from Little Falls to Morris in Stevens county, a distance of 85 miles. In addition to the mills connected with the water power there is also a steam saw mill. ROYALTON VILLAGE Is located in an oak grove on the Northern Pacific railroad, twenty miles above Sauk Rapids, and ten below Little Falls near the south line of Morrison county. It includes some lands in Benton county. Platte river flows through the village and fur nishes a water power of 8 feet head, improved by a dam, supply ing a flour mill which has a capacity of 250 barrels per day, and a saw mill with a capacity of 40,000 feet. There is 65 feet fall on the Platte within five miles of Royalton below, and 45 feet above the village, yet unimproved. James Hill, of Baldwin, St. Croix county, Wisconsin, with Putney and Nobles erected the flour mill, John D. Logan, the proprietor, having donated the water power and grounds for manufacturing purposes. Mr. Logan has a steam saw mill with a capacity of 30,000 feet per day. The Platte is spanned by an iron bridge. The village has, in addition to its mills, a weekly newspaper, a large elevator, a good graded school with six departments, and three churches, Episcopal, Presbyterian and Methodist. It was surveyed and platted in 1879 by John D. Logan, and incorporated in 1887. The first officers were: President, J. D. Logan; recorder, John Holmes; trustees, J. C. Wakefield, J. C. Higgins, R. Lambert; treasurer, G. E. Putney; justices, Robert Brown, Wm. Jones; constables, Wm. Roller, C. O. Brannen. Peter Roy, a mixed blood of French and Chippewa parent age, was born in Rainy Lake, in 1829. He was educated- at La 474 FIFTY YEARS Pointe, Wisconsin. At the age of twenty-one he came to the agency at Long lake, where he served as interpreter until 1853, when he was elected to the territorial legislature. He opened a farm at Belle Prairie in 1855; became a member of the state leg islatures of 1860 and 1862. In 1866 he removed to Little Falls, where he resided until his death, in 1883. He was a man of large frame and of generous impulses, liberal and open-handed, even to his own pecuniary disadvantage. Wm. Sturgis came to this county from Big Meadow, Sher burne county, Minnesota, in 1850, and located at Little Falls, where he put a ferry across the Mississippi. He also laid out a town and built a saw and grist mill at the mouth of Little Elk river. He was a member of the territorial council from Crow Wing and Sauk Rapids precincts in 1849 and 1851; of the ter ritorial house in 1856, and of the constitutional convention, Democratic wing, in 1857. Some years later he removed, first to Montana, and then to Sturgis, Michigan. James Fergus was born in the parish of Glassford, Lanark shire, Scotland, Oct. 8, 1813. His parents were well-to-do farm ers, and gave him a good education along with excellent moral and religious training. In his youth he was noted for his thoroughness in whatever work he undertook, and his fond ness for good books. At the age of nineteen years he came to America to improve his fortunes, locating first in Canada, where he spent three years, and learned the trade of a mill wright. Becoming involved in some political troubles just before the outbreak of the Papineau Rebellion, he left Canada for the United States, and spent a couple of years in Green Bay and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and at Chicago and Buffalo Grove, Illi nois, going thence to Iowa, and thence to Moline, Illinois, where he found employment in the machine shops and foundries of Buford, Sears & Wheelock. In 1854 he removed to Little Falls, and in company with C. A. Tuttle built a dam across the Missis sippi and platted the village. He subsequently owned the site of Fergus Falls, now a thriving city, that has done well in assuming his name. In 1862 he drove his own team from Little Falls to Bannock, then in Idaho, now in Montana Territory. He became prominent in territorial affairs; was influential in the organization of the new county of Madison, and held many positions of trust and responsibility. He was the commis- IN THE NORTHWEST. 475 sioner appointed for Madison county, served two terms in the Montana legislature, and was a member of the constitutional convention of 1887. At one time he lived in Lewis and Clark counties; he now resides in Meagher county, near Fort Maginnis, where he is engaged in stock raising. His main characteristics are an aptitude for mechanical enter prises, a sturdy independence of thought, a strict integrity of pur pose, and an ardent love of study and good books. He is a typical pioneer, and in the mellow light of his declining days has the respect and love of his contemporaries to a remarkable degree. He is the first president of the Montana Pioneer Association, a position which he worthily fills. Mr. Fergus was married March 16, 1845, to Pamelia Dillin, of Jefferson county, New York. Mrs. Fergus died Oct. 6, 1887. He has one son and three daughters, the latter married and liv ing in Montana. Nathan Richardson was born in Wayne county, New York, in 1829. He was raised on a farm, educated at Romeo, Michi gan, and came to Little Falls in 1855. He served as register of deeds for Morrison county eight years, and was postmaster eleven years. He also served as county surveyor and county at torney, having been admitted to the bar in 1877. He was notary public twenty-five years. He was a representative in the Min nesota legislatures of 1 867, 1872 and 1878. During his first term in the house he represented nineteen counties, nearly one-half the territory of the State. • He served as judge of probate two terms. Mr. Richardson has prepared, by order of the board of county commissioners,' and published in the local papers, a complete and valuable history of Morrison county, to which we are greatly indebted. He was married to Mary A. Roof in 1857, and has a family of three sons and two daughters. Moses La Fond, a Canadian Frenchman, came to Morrison county in 1855, and located at Little Falls, where he commenced as a teamster for the Little Falls Manufacturing Company. He found more lucrative employment, became a butcher, then a - merchant, then a legislator, having been elected a representative in the legislature of 1874. O. A. Churchill. — Orlando A. Churchill was born in Wind sor county, Vermont, in 1825. He came to Illinois in 1843, and to Little Falls in 1855, where he engaged in mercantile pursuits. 476 FIFTY YEARS He was elected to the legislature of 1858, but did not serve, as no session of the legislature was held that year. He served sev eral years as auditor of Morrison county. He removed to St. Paul a few years ago, and later to California, but is now again a resident of Little Falls. John M. Kidder made a claim of government land on the east side of the Mississippi, on the site of Little Falls. He died in 1855, before the land was entered, and the claim was purchased by Wm. Sturgis, a son-in-law of Mr. Kidder, and by him sold to the Little Falls Compamy. Elliott J., a son of John M. Kid^ der, is still a resident of Little Falls. Warren Kobe located at Royalton in 1880 and built an ele vator, store and first class hotel. Mr. Kobe is a public spirited citizen and has expended much in improving the town. Ola K. Black, of Norwegian birth, was one of the first set tlers. Ira W. Bouch came from Buchanan county, Iowa, in 1880, and opened the first store in Royalton. Robert Russell, living on a farm near the village, came from Scotland to America in 1850 and settled here in 1853. Mr. Russell died in July, 1862; Mrs. Russell died in 1876. Three sons and five daughters survive them. Peter A. Green, a farmer, pre-empted one hundred and sixty acres in 1854, a part of which is surveyed into town lots. He built the second building on the town site. Mr. Green was born in 1817,, in Green county, New York, where he married. He died January, 1884. His widow and two sons survive him. Rodolphus D. Kinney was the first settler on' the town site of Royalton, in 1854, erected the first house and was the first post master, in 1856. Mr. Kinney gave the name of Royalton to the post office, the name being that of his birthplace, in the state of Vermont. He was born in 1828; had good educational advan tages in youth and attended Fairmount Theological Seminary in Cincinnati; was an associate of the early Presbyterian missions and was the first school teacher in Morrison county, in 1851 and 1852, at Belle Prairie. He was married in St. Paul in 1852. His eldest son, Jonathan, was bom in 1853. One daughter lives in Alabama and his youngest son is a physician at Royalton. John D. Logan came to Minnesota from Philadelphia in 1855 and located in Hastings; served during the war in Company IN THE NORTHWEST. 477 G, First Minnesota Regular Volunteers. In 1879 he came to Royalton and devoted himself to the development of the water power and the building up of the village. He has a wife and three children. CROW WING COUNTY. The county of Crow Wing was organized in 1857. Prior to this period it was included in Benton and other counties. It now includes eleven whole and eight fractional townships in townships 43 to 47, ranges 28 to 31, inclusive. The Missis sippi river bounds it on the west and northwest, Aitkin county on the east and Morrison on the south. Its soil ranges from a light sandy to a dark loam, with clay subsoil, and the timber includes the pines and the hardwoods common to the latitude. There are also fine meadows and burr oak openings. It is wa tered by the tributaries of the Mississippi and its surface is dotted with lakes. It is well adapted to stock raising and agri culture. C. H. Beaulieu appears to have been the first white man to lo cate within its boundaries. He< established a trading post as early as 1837, near the mouth of Crow Wing river. His suc cessors in trade were Allen Morrison and Donald McDonald. Philip Beaupre was here in 1844. When Fort Ripley was built S. B. Olmstead, with his family, built a house and improved a farm opposite the fort on the east bank of the Mississippi. Mr. Olmstead came from Prairie du Chien in 1849. While re siding here he served as a member of the second, fifth and sixth territorial legislatures, and in 1854 was elected president of the counciL After living here several years, he removed to Texas, and died there some years ago. Mr. Olmstead kept a hotel and managed to secure most of the hay, beef and wood contracts for the fort. Henry M. Rice had a trading post at one time at Crow Wing village, about eight miles above the fort. John H. Fair banks ran a ferry at the village. Other settlers were Wallace Bean, Henry Whipple, F. M. Campbell, W. B. Wakefield, Ed. Lyndes, Albert Fuller, Thomas Cathcart, Daniel S. Mooers, S. C. Abbe, and members of the Beaulieu family. James A. Par ish was the first justice of the peace. John McGillis, who lived at Crow Wing in 1853, was the second and served about fifteen years. In 1856 the first farm was opened on government land, not far from Crow Wing village, by Wallace Bean. The second 478 FIFTY YEARS farm was taken by David McArthur, a'Canadian, originally from Scotland. George Van Valkenburg opened a blacksmith shop at Crow Wing in 1856, lived there two years and was then em-' ployed as government blacksmith by the Indian department, and served as such for twelve years. Crow Wing county was organ ized in 1857, with the following board of officers: County auditor, C. H. Beaulieu; register of deeds, F. M. Campbell; county treas urer, Robert Fairbanks; county commissioners, J. H. Fairbanks, Allen Morrison, S. B. Olmstead; judge of probate court, Dennis Shaft. The county organization took effect Jan. 1, 1858. The county was attached for judicial purposes, first to Ramsey, and then to Morrison county. F. W. Peake came to Crow Wing in 1858, and opened a trading post, and was afterward one of the mercantile firm of Peake & Wakefield. Rev. E. S. Peake, an Episcopal clergyman, came to Crow Wing about the same time, built a church and remained as rector till the breaking out of the war, when he accepted the chaplaincy of a Wisconsin regi ment. After the war he removed to California, and carried on a mission a few years, but later returned to Minnesota and is now stationed at Detroit. Rev. Francis Pierz, a Catholic priest, officiated at Crow Wing and Belle Prairie until 1870, when he returned to his home in Austria. The first district court was held at Crow Wing in 1871, J. M. McKelvey officiating as judge, Chas. Beaulieu as clerk of court, and Wm. Wood as sheriff. Soon after the county organization was abandoned, to be re- resumed in 1870 by legislative enactment. The county officers at the organization were: Commissioners, Wallace Bean, Henry Whipple and F. W. Peake; treasurer, E. B. Snyder; auditor, J. W. Campbell; clerk of court, Chas. H. Beaulieu; sheriff, Wm. Wood. MURDERERS LYNCHED. In 1871, Ellen, daughter of David McArthur, living near Crow Wing village, was murdered by Indians. The murderers were arrested and placed in jail at Brainerd, from which they were taken by a mob and hanged. BRAINERD Is situated on the east bank of the Mississippi, and is a pros perous city. The settlement commenced with the opening of the IN THE NORTHWEST. 479 Northern Pacific railroad. This road has a branch from Brainerd to St. Paul. The railroad company have made Brainerd head quarters for repairing shops; have expended large amounts in improvements, and employ in their business here nearly 1,000 men. The first through train arrived at Brainerd March 11, 1871. In 1870 several claims were made for purposes of speculation, and afterward sold to Mrs. Hester Gilman, of St. Cloud, and other parties, but the greater part of the city site was purchased of the government in 1870, by Hester Gilman and Thomas H. Campbell. The Lake Superior p& Puget Sound Company, organized under the laws of Maine,, and duly authorized by the laws of Minnesota, purchased Gilman' s and Campbell's claims and made the original survey and plat of the town on Sept 25, 1871. The name, Brainerd, was given .to the new town in honor of Mrs. Brainerd Swift, wife of the first president of the Northern Pacific road. In 1883 a new survey was made by Heinze Broth ers. The site was a handsome plain, originally covered with prince pine trees, many of which were left standing as orna mental trees. Among the first settlers we find the names of Charles Darby, E. H. Bly, L. P. White, W. P. Spalding, W. W. Hartley, Stuart Seely, F. W. Peake, S. W. Taylor, E. B. Lynde, John Bishop, T. C. Barnes, and John Martin. The first permanent dwelling, a log house, was built by Charles Darby, the next was built by Stuart Seely, and the third by L. P. White. E. H. Bly built the first store. The Headquarters Hotel, subsequently de stroyed by fire, was built in 1871. Many of the buildings of ancient Crow Wing were moved to Brainerd. The Leland House was built in 1871-2; the Merchants in 1879. The post office was established in 1871, with S. W. Thayer as postmaster. The county seat was removed to this place in 1871, and a court house and jail built by L. P. White, at an expense of $971.60. The first marriage, that of Joseph Gronden and Miss Darby, occurred in 1870. A city charter was obtained Jan. 11, 1873. The following were the first officers: Mayor, EberH. Bly; alder : men, L. P. White, M. Tuttle, W. S. Heathcote, Wm. Murphy, T. X. Goulett; president of the council, L. P. White. Brainerd has a court house, built at a cost of $45,000, and school buildings worth $45,000. The Northern Pacific depot and 480 FIFTY YEARS shops were built at a cost of $500,000, and the Northern Pacific sanitarium at a cost of $35,000. The sanitarium is a hospital for the sick or disabled employes of the entire line of road, and is supported by monthly installments from the employes'. Dr. Beger is superintendent. Brainerd has one steam saw mill with a capacity of 12,000,000 feet per annum, another with a capacity of 3,000,000 feet, and many fine business blocks and tasteful resi dences. It has also electric lights, water works, and street cars, and is making rapid progress as a city. In 1886 a charter was obtained by Charles F. Kindred & Co. to build a dam across the Mississippi. The dam has been com pleted at a cost of $125,000. It has a head of 20 feet, with sufficient flow to secure 25,000 horse power, and a boomage overflowing 3,000 acres, forming a reservoir 12 miles in length, with side lakes, the whole capable of holding 1,000,000,000 feet of logs. The whole city machinery, including electric lights, water works, street cars, and Northern Pacific railroad shops, will be attached to this water power. Crow Wing county contributed $50,000 in bonds to the building of this dam. Brain erd has an opera house, and is well supplied with churches, the Catholics, Presbyterians, Baptists, Congregationalists, Episco palians, Lutherans, and Methodists having organizations and buildings. L. P. White was born in Vermont in 1811. He was self edu cated. He was married in Vermont, Came to Chicago in 1858, and engaged in railroading until arriving at Brainerd, in 1870, where he built the first frame house. His wife was the first white woman resident of the city. Since locating at Brain erd, Mr. White has been the acting agent of the Lake Superior & Puget Sound Company, which has laid out all the town sites from Northern Pacific Junction to Moorhead with the exception of Detroit. Allen Morrison was one of a family of twelve, seven boys and five girls. His father was born in Scotland, but emigrated to Canada, where he died in 1812. Two of the boys were in the English Navy, and killed at the battle of Trafalgar, in Egypt. William Morrison, a brother of Allen, and several years his senior, was among the early explorers of Northern Minnesota, having visited the Territory as early as 1800, and was one of the party who discovered Lake Itasca, the source of the Mississippi IN THE NORTHWEST. 481 river. Allen's first visit to this region was in 1820, when he came to Fond du Lac, as a trader in what was then known as the "Northern Outfit." For several years he was associated with his brother William in the Fond du Lac department, during which time he was stationed at Sandy Lake, Leech Lake, Red Lake, Mille Lacs, and Crow Wing, and when the Indians were removed to White Earth, went there also, and remained until his death. In 1826 he was married to Miss Charlotte Chaboul- lier, who died at Crow Wing in the fall of 1872. She was a daughter of a member of the old Northwestern Fur Company, who was a trader on the Saskatchewan, and died in Canada in 1812. Mr. Morrison was the father of eleven children. Caro line, now in Brainerd, was married to Chris. Grandelmyer in April, 1864. Rachel resides with her sister, Mrs. Grandelmyer. John J. and Allen, at White Earth; Mary, the eldest, now Mrs. J. R. Sloan, at St. Cloud; and Louisa, now Mrs. John Bromley, at Northern Pacific Junction. Mr. Morrison died on the twenty- eighth of November, 1878, and was buried at White Earth, in the historic valley where he had passed so many eventful years. His name, however, will not perish, nor his virtues be forgotten. In the first territorial legislature he represented the district em bracing the voting precincts of Sauk Rapids and Crow Wing, and when the present county of Morrison was set off, the legis lature named it in honor of this esteemed veteran pioneer. Charles F. Kindred, an active, enterprising citizen of Brainerd, is doing for his adopted city all that one man can do. Mr. Kindred, for many years after his arrival in Minnesota, was a trusted agent of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, and while in their employ acquired a thorough knowledge of the resources of North Minnesota, which he uses to the best interest of the section in which he has made his home. He is at present superintending the building of the Kindred dam. 31 482 FIFTY YEARS OHAPTEE XVIII. AITKIN COUNTY. This county consists of an oblong section, six towns in width, lying between Mille Lacs and Kanabec counties on the south, and Itasca on the north. It is a heavily timbered region, upon which the lumberman has drawn for hundreds of millions of feet of lumber, with but little apparent diminution in the quantity of the supply. The whole surface is dotted with lakes and vari egated with natural meadows. The southern portion of the county affords good farming lands. Mille Lacs, in the southern part of the county, is the largest lake, and settlements have already been made along its shores. Sandy lake is second in size. It lies on the great portage route from Winnipeg, by way of St. Louis river to Lake Superior, and has been a noted point on that route for two hundred years. The missions of the Jesuits, and later, of the Presbyterians and Methodists, had been located here and abandoned. The fur trader and the Indian trader have made their headquarters here. Sandy lake has become historic. The county contains about one hundred and three townships, which are drained chiefly by the Mississippi and its tributaries. The Mississippi is navigable from Aitkin to Pokegama falls, a dis tance of over one hundred miles. Aitkin county was created May 23, 1857, but was not organized until July 30, 1872. The first officers chosen were: County com missioners, Nathaniel Tibbetts, chairman; Wm. Hallstrom, Wm. Wade; treasurer, Geo. Clapp; register of deeds, Wm. Hallstrom; auditor, W. E. Crowell; sheriff, James W. Tibbetts. That part of the county including the village of Aitkin was organized into a town in 1873; N. Tibbetts, chairman. The Northern Pacific railroad passes through six townships of this county, namely: IN THE NORTHWEST. 483 townships 27 and 28, range 22 to 27, inclusive. While the road was in process of building in 1870, Nathaniel Tibbetts made a claim where the village of Aitkin now stands, and built the first house, a hotel known as the Ojibway House, and the next spring built the Aitkin House. He moved his family here in 1471. He was appointed the first postmaster at the organization of the county. The county and village of Aitkin were named after Wm. A. Aitkin, who was a prominent trader on the Upper Mississippi for a number of years. AITKIN VILLAGE. Aitkin was made the county seat at the organization of the county. It is pleasantly situated on the west branch of Ripple creek, near the east branch of the Mississippi. It is now a pros perous and thriving village with heavy mercantile establishments, two first class hotels, a good school house, and pleasant homes. One newspaper, the Aitkiii Age, is published here. Warren Potter, Richard Mills, William Wade and George Jenkins are early citizens. In 1873 Capt. Houghton built a steamer, called the Pokegama, to run from Aitkin to Pokegama Falls. This steamer was burned in 1878. Capt. Houghton replaced it with a new boat called the City of Aitkin, which still plies the Mississippi river between the points named. Pokegama Falls is a headquarters for lumbermen and a place for general trade. Wm. A. Aitkin. — The date and place of Mr. Aitkin's na tivity are not positively known. He came to the Chippewa country when a boy of fifteen, as servant to a trader named John Drew, and in time became a successful and well known trader. He died at Sandy Lake in 1851. His life, in common with that of the early traders, was adventurous. He witnessed many stirring scenes, among them the battle of Stillwater Ravine, in 1839. Although raised among the Indians, and con tinually on the frontier, he was noted for his urbanity and geniality, and is well spoken of by the early explorers. Alfred Aitkin, son of the foregoing, was killed by a Chip pewa Indian at Cass lake in 1836. He had stolen the wife of the Indian, and refusing to return her to the enraged husband, was shot by him. The murderer was arrested, taken to Prairie du Chien for trial, tried before Judge Drum's court and ac quitted. ¦484 FIFTY YEARS Nathaniel Tibbetts was born in New Sharon, Maine, March '21, 1824. While a mere boy he moved to Piscataquis county, and in 1845 came to Plover, Wisconsin, and two years later to Stillwater, Minnesota. He engaged in lumbering until 1850, when he moved to St. Anthony, and soon afterward made a claim at the mouth of Elk river, then in Benton county, where he remained until the Civil War, when he enlisted in Company A, Eighth Minnesota, of which company he was commissioned first lieutenant, and was afterward appointed regimental quar termaster. He was mustered out with his regiment at the close of the war, when he returned to his home at Elk River, and re sumed his old business of lumbering. In 1870 he was engaged in the preliminary survey of the Northern Pacific railroad, and lo cated the same year at Aitkin, of which village he was the pio neer, building the first house and barn, keeping the first hotel and serving as the first postmaster. He served four years as county commissioner. He has also served as register of deeds and sheriff. Ten years after his location at Aitkin he removed to Morrison county, where he now resides. His health is some what impaired from the exposure and fatigue of army life. CARLTON COUNTY. Carlton county lies between St. Louis county on the north, Pine on the south, Douglas county, Wisconsin, on the east and Aitkin on the west, and contains twenty-four townships. It is abundantly watered by the St. Louis river and its many tribu taries on the northeast, by the tributaries of the Nemadji and Ket tle rivers on the south. It is well timbered with pine and hard woods. The St. Louis river affords one of the finest water powers in the Northwest. The rapids of this stream extend from the falls at Cloquet to Fond du Lac, a distance of twelve miles. The channel is rocky, the rocks being of a trappean or slaty forma tion, not easily worn by the water, and capable of furnishing good foundations for dams and mills. The first settlers were A. K. Lovejoy, Cephas Bradley, Joseph Meyers, Sexton Lyons, and some others. Mr. Lovejoy died at Thomson, Feb. 11, 1888, aged sixty-three years, leaving a wife. They had been the parents of twenty-four children, twelve pairs of twins. The county was named in honor of R. B. Carlton, who was a representative in the first state legislature. Mr. Carlton died at Fond du Lac, Sept. 10, 1863. IN THE NORTHWEST. 485 The county was organized in 1858, and the county seat located at Twin Lakes, but changed by act of legislature to Thomson. It is subdivided into five towns, Knife Falls, Mahtowa, Moose Lake, Thomson, and Twin Lakes. It has a well defined slate stone range running from northeast to southwest. The same range crops out at Little Falls, Morrison county. THOMSON. The village of Thomson, the county seat of Carlton county, is located on the St. Louis river. The Northern Pacific railroad crosses at this point. A. M. Miller erected a steam saw mill here in 1873. The mill has a capacity of 100,000 feet per day, and has been a profitable enterprise. A.. K. Lovejoy operates a saw mill six miles northwest, which has a capacity of 35,000 feet. The village of Thomson has a good graded school with two departments. CLOQUET. Located on the St. Louis river, was surveyed and platted in 1871. In 1878 Charles D. Harwood erected a steam saw mill at this point with a capacity of 50,000 feet. This was the beginning of a thriving manufacturing village. In 1883 the Knife Falls Lum ber Company rebuilt the Harwood mill, increasing its capacity to 180,000 feet per day. In 1884 the property was transferred to Renwick, Crossett & Co. James Paine, McNair and others built a water power saw mill in 1880, with a capacity of 100,000 feet per day. The C. N. Nelson Company, in 1880, built two steam saw mills with a capacity of 350,000 feet per day. A post office was established in 1879; C. D. Harwood, postmaster. The village was platted and incorporated in 1882; William P. Allen was the first president of the council. It has two newspapers, the Pine Knot Journal, established by Ed. Gottry and J. H. Page in 1884, and the Industrial Vidette, established in 1887. It contains three church organizations with good buildings, the Catholic, Metho dist and Presbyterian. MOOSE LAKE STATION, On the St. Paul & Duluth railroad, is surrounded by a good farming country, and is a pretty, prosperous village. It has a post office, about sixty dwellings and a saw mill. 486 FIFTY YEARS BARNUM STATION On the line of the same road, contains a post office, a saw mill with a capacity of about 50,000 feet daily, a few fine residences, with fine farms adjoining. MAHTOWA STATION, On the same road, has a saw mill and about twenty dwellings. An extensive stock farm is located here. NORTH PACIFIC JUNCTION Is situated on the St. Louis river, at the junction of the St. Paul & Duluth and Northern Pacific railroads. There are about one hundred buildings here including a large saw mill built by Paine & Co., having a capacity of 10,000,000 feet per annum; one school house, one church, and hotels, stores, shops and dwellings. The village was organized in 1881; Cephas Bradley, president. Francis Asbury Watkins is a uative of the state of New Hampshire. He was born in 1,^53; came to Baraboo, Wisconsin, in 1866, to North Pacific Junction in 1881; was married to Anna Wicks, of Pine City, Minnesota, in 1882, and was admitted to practice law in 1883. He is a graduate of Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin. He has served as auditor of Carlton county four years. ST. LOUIS COUNTY. St. Louis county takes its name from St. Louis river, the river itself having been named by some of the early French travelers or Jesuit missionaries, possibly by Duluth or Buade. The county is bounded on the north by Rainy lake and the British boundary, on the east by Lake county, on the south by Lake Superior, St. Louis river and Carlton, and on the west by Aitkin county. The surface is variegated, much of it being broken with deep ravines. It is well watered by streams tribu tary to Rainy lake and Superior, and by innumerable small lakes. Portions of it are heavily timbered with pines and hard woods, and the northern portion is traversed by a rich mineral belt extending through the Vermillion Lake region. The settle ments are chiefly along the shores of Lake Superior and St. Louis river, and on the shores of Vermillion lake. The falls and rapids of St. Louis river are noted for their wildness and grandeur. IN THE NORTHWEST. 487 The scenery on its northern boundary, including the Dalles of the Rainy Lake waters, is not surpassed or even equaled at any point east of the Rocky mountains. The geological formation consists largely of primitive or igneous rocks, trappean, basaltic and granite, and the scenery has a peculiarly grand and sombre appearance. Notwithstanding the igneous character of the for mation there is much excellent farming land on plains and inter vales, while the more abrubt and rocky portions are rich in iron and the precious metals. The j-egion about Vermillion lake has become a centre of mining operations. The region is rich in iron ores. Gold has also been discovered. A mineral region abounding in gold, silver and iron extends from Vermillion lake to Thunder Bay. St. Louis county was organized in 1856. The territorial governor appointed the following officers: Clerk of district court, J. B. Culver; sheriff, J. B. Ellis; register of deeds, R. H. Barrett; auditor, J. E. Brown. The first board of county commissioners elected were C. E. Martin, Vose Palmer and Z. J. Brown. The first meeting was held at Portland, Jan. 4, 1858. At an adjourned meeting held Jan. 20, 1858, the commissioners drew a grand and petit jury. The meetings were held sometimes at Portland and sometimes at Duluth. At a meeting held April 5, 1858, the county was divided into four towns — Duluth, Martin, Carp River and Carlton. At an adjourned meeting three assessor's districts, six school districts and four road districts were formed. The records do not show any previous division into districts or precincts, nor does the name of any clerk ap pear until the meeting of September 14th, when A. B. Bobbins attests as clerk. At a meeting held Sept. 23, 1858, the village of Oneota was established. November 1st E. H. Brown was ap pointed clerk in place of A. B. Robbins. November 14th a bill allowing R. H. Barrett compensation for services as clerk prior to September 1st was passed. His name does not appear prior to this entry. The records show that a court was held in 1850, S. J. R. Mc Millan officiating as judge. Also that a road was made from Oneota to Buchanan and the mouth of Knife river, through Fre mont, Portland and Endion, following^ trail to Lester's river and across French river to Montezuma, and another from Oneota to Fond du Lac. The town of Milford is mentioned as accepting 488 FIFTY YEARS the report. The assessment for St. Louis county for 1859 amounted to $96,836.76. At a special meeting of the county commissioners held Jan. 10, 1866, a resolution was adopted ask ing the legislature to grant authority to St. Louis county to issue $150, 000 to aid in building the Lake Superior & Mississippi rail road. The legislature granted the request and twenty year bonds were issued. We append a list of county commissioners to the year 1863 r E. C. Martin, Vose Palmer, Zach T. Brown, 1858; E. C. Martin, Vose Palmer, W. E. Wright, 1859; W. E. Wright, S. A. Forbes, Sidney Luce, 1860; E. F. Ely, Joseph B. Culver (first meeting), 186'l; E. F. Ely, Harvey Fargo, Levi B. Coffrey (second meeting), . 1861; E. F. Ely,R. B. Carlton, H. Fargo, 1862; H. Fargo, R. B. Carlton, E. G. Swanstrom, 1863. Names of villages that appear in the old records of the board have entirely disappeared. Those villages nearest to Duluth have been absorbed by that vigorous young city. We find a record, bearing date 1859, authorizing an election to decide upon the question of the removal of the county seat from Duluth to Port Byron. There is no record of the result of the election, nor is Port Byron found in a recent map. DULUTH. The site of Duluth was visited as long ago as 1659, by two adven turous Frenchmen, Grosselier and Redission. This was twenty- one years prior to the coming of Greyson Duluth, in whose honor the city of Duluth was named two hundred years later. Capt. Duluth visited the western end of the lake in 1680. Three or four years later Jean Duluth, a brother of the captain, estab lished two trading posts, one at the mouth of Pigeon river, the other on Minnesota Point. Le Sueur followed in 1683, accom panied by a French surveyor, Franquelin, who made a fairly correct map of the region. The attraetion to the early voyageurs was the rich furs to be obtained in the wild regions adjacent. The great American Fur Company early established posts along the northern shore of Lake Superior, and later the Astor Fur Company made its northwestern headquarters at Fond du Lac, a few miles above the present site of Duluth. Nothing was done toward permanent settlement until about the year 1854, when the tide of immigration set in toward the head of the lake, IN THE NORTHWEST. 489' and it became evident that here was to rise cities of no mean importance, one upon the western shore of the lake, rising from the base of Minnesota Point, and the other Superior City, across the gleaming waters of St. Louis bay. For several years the growth of Duluth was slow, and some times its fortunes seemed on the wane, but the construction of a railroad to St. Paul, completed in 1870, and a sudden influx of capital consequent upon this new outlet of trade, and more than all this, the proposed construction of the great Northern Paciflc railroad, gave a new impetus to the growth of the city. The three years succeeding were years of great activity and progress. The population increased from 3,000 to 5,000, and many of the finer older buildings of the city were constructed. The canal was cut through Minnesota Point, thus 'giving to Duluth the most magnificent harbor on the lake, if not in the world. In 1873 the failure of Jay Cooke, who had largely contributed the means for the construction of the Northern Pacific railroad, caused a financial depression similar in its effects to that of 1857. Banks failed, merchants became bankrupt, and the popu lation of the city was reduced to 1,300 souls. The "hard times" lasted until some time in 1878, when the opening up of the great wheat fields in the Red River valley, and the comple tion of the Northern Pacific railroad, again brought prosperity to the more than half deserted city. The population increased in 1878 from 1,300 to 2,200. souls. Two years later the census showed 3,470; and a year later, 7,800. In 1882 the population had increased to 12,000; in 1883 to 14,000; in 1884 to 16,690; in «fl885 to 18,036, and in 1886 to 26,000 souls. Duluth has now a well organized board of trade, produce ex change and chamber of commerce. It has four banks, the Ameri can Exchange, Duluth National, Merchants National, and Bell & Eyster's. These banks had, in 1886, an aggregate capital of $300,000, with deposits of $2,034,281, amounts greatly increased during the year 1887. The taxable valuation of property in Duluth for the year 1886 was $11,773,720. The taxes paid in 1887 amount to $261,376. Duluth has one immense flour mill, with a capacity of 250 bar rels per day. It is five stories in height, and favorably situated; having the lake upon one side aud the railroads upon the other, so that loading and unloading can be carried on at once from vessels and cars. 490 FIFTY YEARS Duluth has also two large flour warehouses with a capacity of 200,000 barrels -each. Large warehouses are also being built by the Northern Pacific and Omaha Railroad companies. The an nual shipment of flour from Duluth has ranged from 164,000 barrels in 1871 to 1,500,000 in 1886, making an aggregate of 8,285,000 barrels in that time. The lumber industry of Duluth is no small factor in the pros perity of the city. The cut of the Duluth district for the past season amounts to 160,000,000 feet of lumber, 43,000,000 shingles, and 22,600,000 lath, of which the city mills have manufactured one-third. Much of this lumber has been shipped to Chicago and the East, and a new district, the Tower mining region, has lately been opened for shipment. We have alluded to the harbor of Duluth as one of the best on the lake. It consists of what is known as the Bay of Superior, a body of water about seven miles long by one mile in width, almost entirely shut off from the lake by a narrow strip of land known as Minnesota Point. The original entrance to this bay was through a channel on the southeast of the Point, separating it from Wisconsin Point, a similar tongue of land in the same line of direction. As this entrance was inconvenient aud difficult, a canal was cut across the point near the mainland, sufficiently large to admit all vessels that pass through Ste. Marie's canal. Since the construction of the canal through Minnesota Point, the old landing in front of the city has been abandoned, and elevators have been built on the shores of the bay. These elevators are the best of their class, and have a total capacity of 20,000,000 bushels. They were ten in number, exclusive of several ware-' houses; two, however, have been destroyed by fire. The walls of the canal have been extended in the form of piers 1,000 feet into the lake. One of these piers is supplied with a lighthouse and a fog horn. The canal is 700 feet long and 250 feet in width. The arrivals and clearances for the port of Duluth in 1886 were 2,180. The fish trade is no inconsiderable part of the industries of Duluth. Two large firms have their headquarters here and the amount of capital invested in the business amounts to $165,000. During 1886 1,200,000 pounds offish were shipped to Duluth for reshipment to other places, from the various fisheries of these companies. The United States fish commissioners, realiz- IN THE NORTHWEST. 491 ing the value of Lake Superior as a reservoir for food fish, have projected the largest fish hatchery on the lakes, to be located at Lester's Park. It is to be under government and state control and will supply the lakes of Superior and Michigan with about 500,000,000 eggs yearly. Duluth was organized and laid out as a village under the town site law of 1844; Richard Ralf, surveyor; Geo. E. Nettleton, J. B. Culver, O. W. Rice, Wm. Nettleton, and Robt. E. Jefferson, proprietors. The date of this organization is not known. We have a statement from Hon. W. G. Le Due, of Hastings, to the effect that in the winter of 1852-53, A. Ramsey, H. M. Rice, Maj. Watrous and himself, with two others whose names he can not recall, organized as a company and projected a town site at the west end of the lake, on the present site of Duluth. Maj. Watrous, the Indian agent, was instructed to take necessary measures to secure the land. Watrous failed to secure the prop erty and the scheme failed. Mr. Le Due projected and intro duced a charter in the territorial legislature, which was passed, for a railroad to Duluth. In 1870 the city of Duluth was first incorporated, and five years later a portion of the same territory was incorporated as the village of Duluth, and the two municipal corporations were still in existence Feb. 25, 1887, when the act imposing certain political obligations upon the then existing city of Duluth be came a law. The second day of March another law went into effect incorporating both the city and village of Duluth as the present city. FOND DU LAC, Located at the head of navigation on St. Louis river, and at the foot of the rapids, is a point of considerable historical inter est, it having long been in use as a trading post. It has been a place of outfit and departure for trading expeditions for two hundred years. The old stone trading house of the Astor Fur Company still remains. It is surrounded by about twenty build ings of more recent date. It is now better known as a station on the Northern Pacific railroad. It was surveyed in 1856 by Richard Ralf and platted into village lots. The plats were signed by James A. Markland, attorney for the proprietors. Fond du Lac is now a village of some magnitude. 492 FIFTY YEARS ONEOTA Was settled some time in the '40s, by Edmund F. Ely and oth ers, and became a village of some note, containing a post office, church and other evidences of prosperity. It was platted as a village in 1856; H. W. Wheeler, surveyor; Marcus W. Mc- Cracken, Bion W. Bacon, Edmund F. Ely, proprietors. The first recorded deed in St. Louis county is a quitclaim deed from B. H. Baer to E. F. Ely, of the town site of Ely; consideration, $1,500. The deed bears date of April 20, 1856. Oneota is now included in the plat of Duluth. CLIFTON. This village was platted in 1858, by John S. Watrous, on the shores of the lake north of Duluth. It is now within the Du luth city limits. PORTLAND, A village on the lake shore above Duluth, was platted in 1856. The proprietors were Aaron B. Bobbins, James D. Ray, C. Mar shall and J. J. Post. It is now within the Duluth city limits. Located on the north shore, was surveyed Dec. 15, 1856, by Chas. Martin; M. P. Niel and others, proprietors. It is now within the Duluth city limits. MIDDLETON, Located on Minnesota Point, was surveyed Aug. 1, 1856; pro prietors, Robert Reed, T. A. Markland. MONTEZUMA, Located on the north shore, was surveyed in May, 1856, by Vose Palmer; proprietor, Frederic Ottoman. BUCHANAN, Located on the north shore, was surveyed in October; 1856; pro prietor, W. G. Cowell. ST. LOUIS FALLS Was surveyed in 1857, by C. E. Clark; Thos. H. Hogan, attor ney for proprietors. IN THE NORTHWEST. 493 FREMONT ISLAND. A peculiar feature of St. Louis bay has been the formation of floating islands, possibly the result of the collection of driftwood and other debris at the mouth of St. Louis river. The rafts thus formed in time became consolidated by the deposition of earthy materials, leaves, twigs and vegetable matter, and are covered with a rank growth of vegetation, at first shrubby, but at last arboreous. The roots of the shrubs and trees interlace, and hold the material of the raft more tightly together. These island rafts are sometimes loosened and float into the bay, and are driven about by the winds from one side of the bay to the other. One of these islands, supposed to be stationary, known as Fremont island, was surveyed and platted in 1856, by C. P. Heu- stis and Chas. A. Post. On the completion of the canal it broke loose from its moorings, floated away and disappeared, in all probability going to pieces in the rough waters of the lake. Located on the southern shore of Vermillion lake, was surveyed Aug. 4, 1884. The proprietors are the Minnesota Iron Com pany, of which Charlemagne Tower is president. The iron mines located in this vicinity are amongst the richest on the continent. Attention was first called to the Vermillion by the reported discovery of gold. »Machinery for crushing and smelt ing was transported thither, but the thousands who rushed to the reputed gold field expecting to become suddenly rich, returned disappointed and disheartened. Attention had long before been called to the fact that there were rich iron mines in the district, but the circumstances were unfavorable for their development. They were in a remote position and accessible only by a journey of several days* through woods and swamps. These mines could be reached and developed only by state aid, which was given in the shape of a grant of swamp lands, to be applied to building a railway from the lake to the mines. This grant hav ing been obtained, Mr. Tower and other capitalists at once invested their millions in the mines, purchasing some 8, 000 acres of land, covering the larger portion of the iron deposits in the district, embracing the present site of the village of Tower. A railroad sixty-eight miles in length was constructed from Tower to Two Harbors, a point twenty-seven miles north of Duluth. This road was completed in the spring of 1884, and the first 494 FIFTY YEARS shipment was made July 3d of that year, the total shipments for the year being 62,124 tons. The shipments for 1885 were 225,484 tons, and for 1886, 304,000 tons. Over $3,000,000 was paid to laborers in the Tower mines iu 1887. Col. George E. Stone, of Duluth, is deserving of praise for his foresight and energy in opening the Tower mines. Mr. Stone labored with untiring zeal after the land grant to aid in build ing the road was given until the road was built aud the mines opened. George R. Stuntz is well known as the government surveyor of the Lake Superior region, whose work covers thousands of miles of North Wisconsin lands, lying along the southern shore of the lake, and who has accurately mapped the meanderings of the influent streams, the bays and shaggy projecting shores of the great "Unsalted Sea." There is no better topographical authority than Mr. Stuntz, and no one better posted as to the location and value of the Northern Wisconsin areas and the Ver million mines. Having early made Superior City and Duluth his home, and for nearly forty years having been identified with the interests of the West Superior country, he is an oft-quoted authority. Many of his published articles contain most valuable information concerning the feasibility of connecting St. Croix and Superior waters. His assertions concerning the mineral wealth of the lake country, made before the development of the mines, have since been verified. Mr. Stuntz is a typical, sensible frontiers man, of American birth, aged about seventy years. Charles Hinman Graves, a native of Springfield, Massa chusetts, born in 1839, received a liberal education, and in 1861 enlisted as a private in the Fortieth Massachusetts Volunteers, but was promoted step by step to the rank of lieutenant colonel. He was severely wounded at the battle of Gettysburg. In 1865 he was commissioned as a colonel in the regular army, but re signed in 1870, and located at Duluth. From 1873 to 1876 he was a member of the state senate. He has held several pub lic positions in Duluth, and stands deservedly high as a citizen. He has labored zealously and efficiently for the prosperity of Duluth. Ozro P. Stearns was born Jan. 13, 1831, at De Kalb, Law rence county, New York. In his youth he was dependent upon his own resources. He graduated at Michigan University in IN THE NORTHWEST. 495 1858, after which he visited California, tried mining for a short time, and returning graduated in the law department of Michi gan University. In 1860 he came to Rochester, Minnesota, and opened a law office. In 1862 he enlisted in Company F, Ninth Minnesota Volunteers, of which he was commissioned first lieutenant, but in 1864 was promoted to the colonelcy of the Thirty-ninth United States Infantry (colored). He served through many battles and campaigns, and was mustered out at the close of the war. In January, 1866, he returned to Roches ter; in 1867 was appointed register in bankruptcy for Southern Minnesota; in January, 1871, he was elected to the United States senate for a short term to fill the vacancy caused by the death of D. S. Norton. In 1872 he removed to Duluth, and in 1874 was apppointed judge of the Eleventh Judicial district, to which office he was elected in the fall of the same year, which position, by re-election, he still holds. Judge Stearns was married in February, 1863, to Sarah Burger, of Detroit, Michigan. LAKE COUNTY. This county lies on the north shore of Lake Superior, between the counties of Cook and St. Louis, extending northward to the British line. The whole region is abrupt, broken into hills and valleys, and rich in silver, iron and other metals. The great Vermillion iron mines of St. Louis county find an outlet through this county by the Duluth & Iron Range railroad, which finds a lake station at Two Harbors. The road was built from Two Harbors to Vermillion lake in 1885, from Two Har bors to Duluth in 1887. The entire road and extensive mines were sold in June, 1887, for $8,000,000, to Porter and others, who are now extending the road from Vermillion lake eastward to Thunder Bay and Port Arthur. It is already completed to Ely, a distance of twenty miles. Emigration during the years 1886-7 to this county has been very extensive. The two counties, Lake and Cook, have many features in common. They are similar in geological formation, produce the same metals in the same generous abundance, and being in the same latitude, and bordering upon the same lake, differ in no wise in climate and but little in productions. Large quantities of pine timber may be found in these counties, and saw mills are located along the lake shore where an accessible 4-96 FIFTY YEARS harbor can be found. There are several harbors between Duluth and Thunder Bay that might be improved by the government, .greatly to the advantage of the country. The silver mines of Isle Royal and along the national boundary are extensive, and yield rich returns to the companies working them. TWO HARBORS, A flourishing village located on the shore of Lake Superior, takes its name from two small harbors bearing that name. The Vermillion Iron Company have built extensive piers into the lake to facilitate the shipping of ores. They have large shops for railroad purposes, with an electric light plant. The company employ about two hundred men. Two Harbors is the county seat of Lake county. COOK COUNTY. Grand Marais is the county seat of Cook county. . It is a round, land-locked harbor. It has a lighthouse, and the govern ment has built a breakwater four hundred feet long, thus mak ing it a harbor of refuge, so that boats can lie with safety in any storm. Grand Marais is one hundred and ten miles from Du luth. on the north shore of Lake Superior. It is the best harbor that Minnesota has except Duluth. It is thirty miles south of the international boundary line, and forty-five miles northeast of the line by Lake Superior. It is the natural outlet for the mineral deposits north. There are large quantities of iron ore within thirty-five miles of the harbor. A railroad line has been run, and men are now at work on the iron deposits with a view of shipping the ore from Grand Marais to points where it is wanted for smelting purposes. Grand Marais was in early days one of the Northwest Fur Company's trading posts, but of late years has been used as a fishing station. Streets in the town are now being laid out, and from present indications Cook county, with its pine lands, iron ore and other mineral resources, will be one of the most thriv ing counties in the State, with Grand Marais as not only a har bor of refuge, but one of the competing ports for the shipment of iron ore. H. Mayhew, to whom we are indebted for items of interest concerning Cook county, is the oldest resident of Grand Marais, and one of the town proprietors. IN THE NORTHWEST. 497 CHAPTER XIX. HENNEPIN COUNTY. Hennepin county was organized March 6, 1852. Prior to the organization of Minnesota Territory it was in Clayton county, Iowa. At the organization of the Territory, in 1849, it was in cluded in Dakota county, aud so remained until set off in 1852. Hon. Bradley B. Meeker held the first court within the present limits of the county, at the old government mill, in 1849. Taylor Dudley was clerk of court, Franklin Steele, foreman of grand jury. The first board of commissioners were Alex. Moore, chair man, John Jackinsand Joseph Dean. The first election was held Oct. 21, 1852, at the house of Col. John H. Stevens, on the west side. The county is a rich agricultural region, abounding with beautiful lakes, of which Minnetonka is the largest and finest. The county is bounded on the north by the Mississippi river and Wright county, on the east by the Mississippi river and Ramsey county, on the south by the Minnesota river and Carver county, on the west by Wright and Carver counties. It is subdivided into the following towns: Bloomington, Brooklyn, Champlin, Crystal Lake, Corcoran, Dayton, Eden Prairie, Excelsior, Green wood, Hasson, Independence, Maple Grove, Medina, Minneapo lis, Minnetonka, Minnetrista, Osseo, Plymouth, Richfield, and St. Anthony. FORT SNELLING. Fort Snelling owes its origin- to the encroachments of British traders on our northern frontier. As early as 1805 Lieut. Zeb- ulen Montgomery Pike, United States Army, was sent with a detachment of troops to explore the Upper Mississippi river to ex pel British traders who might be found encroaching upon our ter- 32 498 FIFTY YEARS ritory, and to secure by treaty a military reservation. Sept. 21, 1805, he encamped on Pike island, at the junction of the Minne sota and Mississippi rivers, and, being pleased with the situation, forthwith made a treaty with chiefs of the Sioux nation to POET SNELLING, ON LINE OF C, M. & ST. P. BY. include all that tract of land lying from below the confluence of the two rivers, up the Mississippi, including the falls of St. Anthony, nine miles in width on each side of the river. The price paid was $2,000. The reserve thus purchased was not used for military purposes until 1819, when a detachment of the Fifth United States Infantry, commanded by Lieut. Col. Henry IN THE NORTHWEST. 499 Leavenworth, was sent to occupy the reservation and build a fort. The building of the fort, with its various stone and wooden buildings, was the work of years. The site of the fort was selected in 1820, by Col. Josiah Snelling, who named it Fort St. Anthony, but at the suggestion of Gen. Winfield Scott, in 1824 the name was changed to Fort Snelling as a worthy compli- pliment to its founder and builder. Notwithstanding the treaty made by Col. Pike in 1805, the Indian claim to the reservation was not extinguished until the treaty of 1837, ratified by the senate in 1838. In 1836, before the extinction of the Indian title, many settlers located on the reservation on the left bank of the Mississippi. These were forcibly removed by the United States government in 1840, under the act of March 3, 1807, an act to prevent settlements being made on ceded lands until duly au thorized by law. The reservation was reduced from time to time, portions being sold. In 1857 Franklin Steele purchased the en tire reservation, with the exception of two small tracts, includ ing the fort itself, for the sum of $90,000, to be paid in three yearly installments. The first payments were actually made, the troops were withdrawn, and Mr. Steele assumed possession. Default having been made in the two remaining payments, the government resumed possession of a small portion of the reservation and fort in 1861. The year following, by act of Con gress, the reservation was reduced. In 1870 it was permanently reduced to 1,531.20 acres. A suit at law between Mr. Steele and the United States government was compromised by releasing him from further payments and granting him a large tract of land lying along the right bank of the Mississippi, north of the fort, with a portion of Pike's island. Maj. Plympton and other officers of the fort, in company with Franklin Steele, made the first land claim, by permit of the government, at East St. Anthony, in 1838. They built a shanty and hired a Frenchman to occupy it. Steele bought out the in terests of the officers associated with him and in 1848 secured a title from the United States. The first saw mill built on this claim was commenced by Mr. Steele, in conjunction with Boston parties in 1847, but was not completed until the following year. The next land claim on the river was made further up, by R. P. Russell and S. J. Findley. This was sold to Bottineau and afterward passed to other parties. The land claim adjoin: 500 FIFTY YEARS ing Steele's, below, was purchased of a Frenchman by C. A. Tuttle in 1848. This claim is npw partially occupied by the State University. W. Henry Cheever made a claim south of Tut- tle's, on which, in 1849, he built a hotel and a huge wooden tower or observatory, nearly one hundred feet in height, over the entrance to which was a rhyming couplet: "Pay your dime And climb." Franklin Steele, before completing his mill and dam, became sole owner of the water power on the east side of the river. During the periods following the property has often changed owners, and sometimes the change has resulted in unprofitable litigation. James J. Hill, in later years, has become the owner of most of the water power of Nicollet and Hennepin islands and of the east shore, and is making valuable improvements. ST. ANTHONY FALLS. St. Anthony Falls was platted as a village in 1849, and was in cluded in Ramsey county until 1856. In 1861 the legislature estab lished satisfactory boundaries, annexing part of town 29, range 24, to Hennepin county. Among the first" settlers of the Falls was Ard Godfrey. The first white child born here was a son of C. A. Tuttle, mill wright. The Luther Patch family, consisting of four sons and two daughters, was the first resident American family at the Falls. Mr. Patch's sons were Edward, Wallace, Gibson, and Lewis; the daughters, Marion, who became "the wife of R. P. Russell, the first marriage at the Falls, Oct. 3, 1848, and Cora, who became the wife of Joseph Marshall. An earlier marriage was celebrated at Fort Snelling May 27, 1835, that of Lieut. Edmund A. Ogden and Eliza Edna Loomis; Rev. Thos. S.1 Wil liamson officiating. This was the first marriage north of Prairie du Chien. The first store was opened by R. P. Russell in 1847, the second, in 1849, by Joseph Marshall. We find Jacob Fisher, of Stillwater, here in 1847, building the dam from Nicollet island to the east shore. Among the operators of the mill who have been prominent citizens of St. Anthony Falls are Sumner W. Farnham, John Rollins, Caleb W. Dorr, John McDonald, and Robert W. Cummings. Some of these men brought their fami lies here. The building of the mill was somewhat delayed by IN THE NORTHWEST. 501 the sinking in the Erie canal of the boats containing the ma chinery, hardware, etc. Standing pine to be used in the mill was purchased of Hole-in-the-Day, a Chippewa chief, cut and floated down from Sauk Rapids to the Falls. Some timber was also brought from Rum river, the flrst cut on that stream, except for government use. At the land sale in 1848, Mr. Steele secured all the land above Tuttle' s to the north limits of the city. Amongst the settlers in 1848 were the Getchells, Smiths, Rogers' and Huse. In 1849, at the organization of the territory of Minnesota, a num ber of others arrived, among them Judge B. B. Meeker, Dr. John H. Murphy, John W. North, J. P. Wilson, and John G. Lennon. During this year the west half of sec. 14, range 29, was surveyed and platted into town lots by W. R. Marshall, B. W. Bronson and S. P. Folsom. Anson Northrup commenced the erection of the first hotel, the St. Charles. John Rollins was elected to the territorial council, W. R. Mar shall and Wm. Dugas to the house of representatives. The dis trict was comprised of St. Anthony Falls and Little Canada. The first school was taught by Miss Electa Bachus, in the sum- , mer of 1849. A post office was established and Ard Godfrey was appointed postmaster. There were occasional mails brought in John Rollins' passenger wagon. In 1850 Willoughby & Powers ran a daily stage line from St. Paul and the mail thence forth was carried regularly. John W. North built a dwelling on Nicollet island, which became a social centre, and was made at tractive by a piano. In 1850 a public library was established, the first in Minnesota. Rev. E. D. Neill, the historian of Minne sota, delivered the first public lecture and preached the first ser mon in 1849. The following year, the Baptists, Methodists, Con- gregationalists and Presbyterians organized societies, and in 1851 the Episcopalians and Universalists. Amongst the acces sions to the population were Judge Isaac Atwater, W. W. Wales, J. B. Bassett, C. W. Christmas, and Joseph Dean. Col. Alvaren Allen opened a livery stable. The St. Anthony Express, the first newspaper, was established May 31, 1851; E.Tyler, proprie tor, Judge I. Atwater, editor. Measures were taken to locate the university in St. Anthony Falls. Citizens contributed $3,000 aid to in the erection of the building. Facilities of communication with the surrounding country were none of the best, yet communication was early established 502 FIFTY YEARS with the Red River country, a dog train having arrived from Pembina, distant four hundred miles, in sixteen days. On this train Kittson, Rolette and Gingras came down to attend the territorial legislature at St. Paul as representatives of Pembina county. Franklin Steele, in 1847, established a ferry above the Falls. In 1854 the Minnesota Bridge Company was organized, consisting of Franklin Steele, H. T. Wells, R. P. Russell, and others. A handsome suspension bridge was finished in 1855. This bridge remained in the control of the company fifteen years, when by an act of the legislature the value was assessed and Hennepin. county purchased the bridge, and it became a free thoroughfare. April 13, 1855, St. Anthony Falls was incorporated as a city with the following officers: Mayor, H. T. Welles; clerk, W. F. Brawley; aldermen, B. F. Spencer, John Orth, Daniel Stanch field, Edward Lippincott, Caleb W. Dorr, and Robert Cummings. In 1872 St. Anthony Falls was annexed to Minneapolis, and placed under the same government, a movement which has re sulted in great benefit to both cities. ST. ANTHONY FALLS. The earliest written descriptions of St. Anthony falls were by the Roman Catholic missionaries, Hennepin and La Salle. The former with Accault and Du Gay ascended the river in a canoe until captured by a band of Sioux Indians. These Indians left the river at a point now the present site of St. Paul and took their prison ers to Mille Lacs. In September, when the Indians set out on their annual hunt, the captives were left to go where they pleased. Accault preferred remaining with the Indians. Henne pin and Du Gay obtained a small canoe and commenced the descent of the Rum and Mississippi rivers to the falls, then called by the Indians Ka-ka-bi-ka Irara or "Severed Rock." They reached the falls about the first of October, and named them after St. Anthony of Padua. The description given by La Salle, a second hand one, was probably derived from Hennepin, Ac cault or Du Gay, as La Salle did not visit the falls, and these voyageurs were his subordinates, and had been sent by him to explore the Upper Mississippi. He says: " In going up the Mississippi again, twenty leagues above the St. Croix is found the falls, which those I sent named IN THE NORTHWEST. 503 St. Anthony. They are thirty or forty feet high, and the river is narrower here than elsewhere. There is a small island in the midst of the chute, and the two banks of the river are bor dered by hills which gradually diminish at this point, but the country on each side is covered by thin woods, such as oaks and other hardwoods, scattered wide apart." This description corresponds very well with the earliest pic tures of the falls, which with "the small island in the midst of the chute" make them resemble slightly a Niagara considerably diminished in height. The historic falls have almost entirely dis appeared or so changed as to become unrecognizable. Spirit island, if this be the island referred to by La Salle as in the midst of the chute, is now so far below the falls that it can scarcely be brought into the same picture with them. The falls have undoubtedly receded, by a process easily explained by a geologist, some distance up the river, and have diminished some what in altitude. The movement of the falls up stream, caused by the breaking off of limestone ledges, overlying sandstone, easily washed from beneath by the falling water, threatened the total obliteration of the cataract unless arrested by artificial means, as the dip or inclination of the rock is such that the alti tude of the falls diminishes with the wearing away of these ledges. It has been found necessary to strengthen the ledges and prevent further erosion by means of aprons, till the present ap pearance of the falls is not unsuggestive of a series of dams. The entire cost of these improvements has amounted to more than $1,000,000. The shores of the islands and mainlands have been covered with mills and manufactories, while the scene is still further disfigured by a maze of railway and other bridges, water ways and flumes. Scarce a vestige of the original falls remain to recall their appearance as they were when the sandaled and robed Franciscan, Hennepin, first gazed upon them. In the midst of this solitude, and on the banks once covered by a sparse growth of trees, one of the finest cities in the West has sprung up as if by magic, and the scene, is one of busy life. This marvelous change has occurred within a space of fifty years. MINNEAPOLIS. From the establishment and occupation of Fort Snelling in 1819, to the settlement of the county in 1840, numerous traders 504 FIFTY YEARS and adventurers, generally of French or Canadian origin, and not infrequently intermarried with Indians, and semi-Indiau in their habits of life, occupied transient homes on or near the military reservation; but these have exercised so little influence upon the development of the country that they merit no recog nition or record from the historian. As a general thing, they disappeared before the march of civilization. A few, wiser, stronger, more far-seeing than the rest, adapted themselves to the new order, made claims, engaged in the enterprises of civil ized life, and thus obtained an honorable position amongst the > pioneers of the country. Of these, Joseph R. Brown, by far the most distinguished, by permission of the military authorities, located in Hennepin county near the falls of Minnehaha, in 1829. He is the first white settler. Maj. Taliaferro, then in command of the Fort, • in the same year made a farm on the shores of Lake Calhoun, and placed Philander Prescott in charge. In 1834 the Pond brothers, missionaries, located on Lake Calhoun and erected the first dwelling worthy of the name within the present limits of the county of Hennepin. In 1849 Philander Prescott made a claim on what is now Minnehaha avenue. Frank Steele obtained permission from the secretary of war to occupy this claim, whereupon Mr. Prescott abandoned it, and made another on land adjoining. This he was allowed to retain. Charles Mos- seaux, by permission of the military authorities, made a claim on Lake Calhoun in 1856. This claim is now occupied by the pavillion. Rev. E. G. Gear, chaplain at Fort Snelling, by per mission of the military authorities, made a claim near Lake Calhoun and employed Edward Brissett to live upon it. After ward a contest arose as to the ownership. Chaplain Gear, by the aid of Judge Black and H. M. Rice, secured a congressional enactment allowing him to purchase the land from the govern ment. David Gohram made a claim on the Lake of the Isles, but subsequently sold out to R. P. Russell. John Berry, the Blais- dells, Pierce Lowell and many others located in the vicinity of Lakes Calhoun and Harriet, and in 1853 were followed by set tlers on nearly all the lands lying immediately west of the Mississippi, in the vicinity of the falls. In 1.854 there were twelve farm houses scattered widsly from the falls to the vicinity of the lakes. It had been evident for some time that a city of IN THE NORTHWEST. 505 Considerable pretensions must arise somewhere in the vicinity of the Fort and the falls. The locality of the coming city was decided largely by advantages of situation, and these were in favor of the locality immediately adjoining the falls, the water power there afforded being a powerful attraction. For the first recognition of these advantages we must go back to a period several years anterior to the location of these claims and there find a starting point in the history of Minneapolis. In 1820 the military authorities at Fort Snelling had erected a stone mill for sawing their own lumber and grinding the grain shipped from St. Lonis. They also built a log house and culti vated a few acres of adjacent ground. This mill, run by the water of the falls, was located a short distance below. This was the first utilization of the water power. The mill, which has long since disappeared, was located on the present site of Sidle, Fletcher & Holmes' flouring mill. In 1854 one saw mill, the flrst in Minneapolis aside from the old government mill, was lo cated just below the falls. It had a capacity of 1,500,000 feet per annum and besides manufactured great quantities of shin gles. It was under the direction of C. King. A steam saw mill was built at the mouth of Bassett's creek, above the falls, in 1856, and another the following year, half a mile further up the river. Thus began the great lumber business of Minneapolis, in 1857 there being three mills with an aggregate capacity of 75,000,000 feet per annum. The attitude of the government with regard to the lands re served about the Fort, the act of 1839, driving off those who had settled upon them and destroying their property, and the uncertainty with regard to the tenure of land claims, acted as an effectual bar to further improvement until ten years later, when Hon. Robert Smith, member of Congress from Alton dis trict, Illinois, and Col. John H. Stevens, the pioneer of Minne apolis, each obtained permits from the secretary of war and the officers of the Fort to occupy one hundred and sixty acres of the reservation. Smith's location included the stone mill, which he agreed to use in grinding Fort Snelling grain. Mr. Smith engaged C. A. Tuttle to operate the mill and hold the claim. Mr. Tuttle was to have an interest for his labor. This interest he afterward sold to Smith, who, when the government relinquished the reservation, transferred his claim to Anson 506 FIFTY YEARS Northrup and others, who were organized into an association for the entry of land. Soon as the entries were completed the land. passed into the hands of the Minneapolis Water Power Com pany, which proceeded at once to improve the water power. Col. J. H. Stevens meanwhile located in person on his permit. and in 1849 built the first frame house in Minneapolis, on the ground now occupied by the union depot. J. B. Bassett pur chased the fraction of land on the river above Stevens, Col.. Emanuel Case the fraction above Bassett' s, A. E. Ames the eighty where the court house stands, and Edwin Hedderly the fraction below the water power. Mr. Stevens made the first sur vey of village lots in the spring of 1854; Chas. W. Christmas, sur veyor. The Smith claim was surveyed by W. R. Marshall in the fall of 1854. In 1856 Atwater' s addition was surveyed. Other ad ditions were added from year to year as the growth of the city demanded. At the release of the reservation in 1855, the entire present site of the city was covered with claims. The name Minneapolis, derived from an Indian wovrd minneT meaning water, and a Greek word polis, meaning city, had been early applied to the new village, Chas. Hoag having first sug gested the name. In March, 1853, the commissioners of Hen nepin county adopted the name as that of a territorial precinct. A government land office had been established in 1854, of which M. L. Olds was register and R. P. Russell receiver. The first newspaper, the Minneapolis Democrat, was established in 1854. During the same year the Masons and Odd Fellows organized lodges, the Presbyterians, Baptists and Methodists organized societies, and public schools were established. In 1857 the court house, at a cost of $12,000, a school house, and several churches were erected. The village of Minneapolis was organized in 1858. H. T. Welles was the first president. In 1867 Minneapolis obtained a city charter. Minneapolis and St. Anthony Falls were united under the same government, by act of legislature, approved Feb. 28, 1872, under the name of Minneapolis, St. Anthony Falls being recognized in the directory as East Minneapolis. The united cities elect in common a mayor and city council, but each is financially responsible as to contracts existing previous to the union, and each maintains its own schools. IN THE NORTHWEST. 507" We append a list of mayors of the two cities prior and subse- sequent to the union: MAYORS OF ST. ANTHONY FALLS. 1855. H. T. Welles. 1864. O. C. Merriman. 1856. Alvaren Allen. 1865. Wm. W. Wales. 1857. Wm. W. Wales. 1866. O. C. Merriman. 1858. Orrin Curtis. 1867. 0. C. Merriman. 1859. Orrin Curtis. 1868. Winthrop Young, 1860. R. B. Graves. 1869. W. W. McNair. 1861. O. C. Merriman. 1870, W. W. McNair. 1862. O. C. Merriman. 1871. Edwin S. Brown. 1863. Edwin S. Brown. MAYORS OF MINNEAPOLIS. 1867. Dorillius Morrison. 187*0. Eli B. Ames. 1868. Hugh G. Harrison. 1871. Eli B. Ames. MAYORS OF MINNEAPOLIS SUBSEQUENT TO THE UNION WITH ST. ANTHONY FALLS. 1872. Eugene M. Wilson. 1881. A. C. Rand. 1873. George A. Bracket. 1882. A. A. Ames. 1874. Eugene M. Wilson. 1883. A. A. Ames. 1875. O. C. Merriman. 1884. Geo. Pillsbury, 1876. Albert A. Ames. 1885. Geo. Pillsbury. 1877. John DeLittre. 1886. A. A. Ames. 1878. A. C. Rand. 1887. A. A. Ames. 1879. A. C. Rand. 1888. A. A. Ames. 1880. A. C. Rand. WATER VERSUS STEAM. Some wonder has been expressed that in the vicinity of one of the finest water powers on this continent there should be found so many saw mills run by steam. The question is partly an economical one, as owing to the heavy expenses entailed upon mill owners to prevent the retrogression of the falls, it may be cheaper for saw mill owners to use steam, especially as they can feed their furnaces with but little expense from the slabs and de bris of their own lumber; but in this case a weightier reason may 508 FIFTY YEARS be found in the fact thatthe west side of the river has been occu pied chiefly by flouring mills, and the saw mills are moved to less eligible localities, and find it more convenient and economical to use steam instead of water. TERRIFIC EXPLOSION AT THE FLOUR MILLS. One of the most remarkable mill disasters of modern times occurred May 2, 1878, in the Washington A mill. About 7 P. M. the sound of a terrific explosion was heard and the city was shaken as by an earthquake. The mill in which it occurred was utterly demolished, as were also the Humboldt, the Zenith and the Palisade, while several others were badly wrecked. There were fourteen lives lost and the property destroyed amounted in value to over $1,000,000. The cause of the explosion was at first not understood, but on thorough investigation was finally attributed to a mixture of exceedingly fine grain and flour dust with the air of the mills, in , such proportion as to form a combustible mixture, which was accidentally ignited. The mills destroyed have since been replaced by better ones. The great Pilsbury A mill, which is perhaps beyond question the largest in the world, was begun in the following year. A canal was cut to supply it with power, and it was equipped with two Victor turbine water wheels of 1,450 horse power each and a 1,400 horse power engine; it was furnished with 400 pairs of rollers, 200 middlings purifiers, 20 , run of stone, 200 bolting reels and other devices in keeping. SUBURBAN RESORTS — LAKE MINNETONKA. This magnificent lake is 10 miles southwest of Minneapolis, and 20 miles from St. Paul. Its extreme length is about 18 miles, varying in width from 1 to 5 miles. Its water area is about 15,000 acres, and its shore line is estimated at nearly 300 miles. A glance at the map will show what a variety of scenery it must have, being so broken and irregular. Its banks and islands are covered with forest trees except at a few points where villages have been located, or where some farmer had, years ago, cleared himself a farm. There are three villages on Minnetonka, viz. : Excelsior, Way zata and Mound City. Excelsior was settled in 1852, by a colony from New York State, and named from the title adopted by IN THE NORTHWEST. 509 the organization before leaving home. It was incorporated about 1879. It is located on a range of hills on the south shore of Lake Minnetonka, of which it has a commanding view. Its present population is about 850. It has two railways, the Min neapolis & St. Louis and the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba, and a motor line. It is distant 18 miles from Minneapolis. The oldest settlement on the lake is Wayzata, on the north shore of Lake Minnetonka, 10 miles from Minneapolis, via the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba railway, which passes through the village. The name Wayzata is a corruption of the Indian word Wy-ze-a-ta, meaning North Shore, or North Side. The village contains about 400 inhabitants, and commands consider able trade from the surrounding country. There are several fine hotels upon the lake, equal if not supe rior to the famous, hotels of eastern watering places. Prominent among these are the Hotel Lafayette, built at a cost of $200,000, the Lake Park Hotel and Excelsior House. Railways reach the lake at several points, and steamers make regular trips for tourists. Minnehaha Falls, rendered famous in Longfellow's poems of Hiawatha, is located on Minnehaha creek, midway between Fort Snelling arid St. Anthony Falls. It is deservedly a favored resort. PUBLIC BUILDINGS IN MINNEAPOLIS COSTING $100,000 AND UPWAED. Courthouse (not completed) $2,000,000 Post office 500,000 Exposition Hall 350,000 Science Hall 125,000 Library building 190,000 Soldiers' Home, near Minnehaha Falls 100,0C0 State University 150,000 Chamber of Commerce 285,000 Temple Court 250,000 Masonic Temple 200,000 City Market House 225,000 Athenaeum 250,000 Hennepin Avenue Theatre 140,000 Washburn Orphan Asylum 125,000 House of Good Shepherd 200,000 Loan and Trust Company 125,000 Guaranty Life and Trust 300,000 Lumber Exchange 150,000 Builders' Exchange 100,000 .510 FIFTY YEARS Knights of Labor Exchange 100,000 & C. Hall Lumber Company 100,000 Bank of Commerce 200,000 Union elevator 375,000 Minneapolis & Pacific elevator - 118,000 ;St. Anthony elevator 154,000 Boston block 100,000 Nicollet House block 100,000 Albert Johnson block 100,000 Globe block 200,000 Wright block 140,000 Mutual block 100,000 Glen block 200,000 Langdon block 120,000 Central block, terrace 150,000 Syndicate block 600,000 West Hotel.. 1,020,000 Gates' tenements 125,000 Lowry's residence , 100,000 Eastman & Cook's saw mill 100,000 Soo & St Marie shops 145,000 North Minneapolis pumping station 214,000 Tubular car works 250,000 Buel tenement block .-. 100,000 Pillsbury A flour mill 1,100,000 "Washburn A flour mill 750,000 Washburn B flour mill 500,000 Morrison flour mill 100,000 Christian & Co.'s flour mill 100,000 High School building 100,000 ¦Church of the Dominican Fathers 100,000 Aggregate value of school property 1,250,000 Aggregate value of church property 1,000,000 Aggregate value of parks and boulevards 1,000,000 POST OFFICE STATISTICS FOE 1886. General business $409,225 Money orders 1.215,951 Income 225,178 Expense 79,436 HISTOEY OF THE POST OFFICE AT MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Postmasters. Established Jan. 7, 1854 Hezekiah Fletcher. Dec. 22, 1854 Carlos Wilcox. April 7, 1856 Alfred E. Ames. April 22, 1857 Samuel Hidden. IN THE NORTHWEST. 511 Postmasters. Aug. 30, 1858 William P. Ankeny. April 4, 1861 David Morgan. July 12, 1865 Daniel Bassett. Nov. 17, 1866 William W. McNair. March 11, 1867 Cyrus Aldrich. April 15, 1871 Geo. H. Keith. June 21, 1882 Orlo M. Laraway. June 22, 1886 John J. Ankeny. The bonded debt of the city is $3,319,000. The city can not -create a debt nor issue bonds to a greater amount than five per ¦cent of the assessed valuation of city property, and the charter prohibits a floating debt. The tax assessments for 1886.... $99,591,762 Barrels.of flour manufactured 6,163,000 Value of other manufactures '. $62,500,000 Feet of lumber manufactured '. 267,197,000 Elevator capacity (bushels) 11,820,000 Bushels of wheat received 34,904,260 Eight bridges span the river at Minneapolis as crossings for the various railroads. The stone arch viaduct of the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba cost $750,000. Municipal expenses, $2,542,714. The following table gives the cut of lumber in Minneapolis for the last sixteen years: 1870 118,233,100 1871 117,157,000 1872 167,918,820 1873 189,970,000 1874 191,305,680 1875 156,665,000 1876 200,371,250 1877 129,676,400 1878 130,274,400 1879 149,151,500 1880 195,452,200 1881 230,402,800 1882 312,239,800 1883 278,716,480 1884 300,724,373 1885 313,998,166 1886 267,196,519 WEST MINNEAPOLIS. West Minneapolis is located about eight miles from the court house, in sections 24 and 19 of township 27, range 24, and is not 512 FIFTY YEARS included within Minneapolis' city limits. The Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Louis, the Hastings & Dakota, and the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba railroads have stations here. It was surveyed in 1886, and organized shortly after. It has two thresh ing machine and other extensive manufactories. The Hennepin county poor farm is located near by. Calvin A. Tuttle. — Mr. Tuttle was born in Holland, Con necticut, in 1811. He received an academic education, and remained with his parents until of age. He learned the trade of millwright with his father. In 1832 he went to Bangor, Maine, and worked at his trade until 1835, when he removed to Alton, Illinois. He came to St. Croix in 1838, and superintended the building of a mill. In 1841 he returned to Alton, where he was married to Charlotte Winkler. He lived in Davenport, Iowa, four years and one year at Chippewa Falls. In 1846 he removed to St. Anthony Falls, where he helped build the first saw mill. Here he worked eight years almost continuously at his trade. He purchased two hundred acres of land here, including uni versity lands, which he sold for $3,500. He removed to West St. Anthony in 1852, to Robert Smith's government permit, and then ran the old government flouring mill, grinding only for the government. The grain, about 5,000 bushels annually, was brought from St. Louis. For holding Smith's permit, and grinding, he received one-eighth of the property. The govern ment grinding was done for the privilege of making a claim on the government reservation. This claim, eighty acres in extent, located in what was then called West St. Anthony, now in the heart of Minneapolis, is worth millions of dollars. Mr. Tut tle sold his interest for $5,000. The old mill was built of stone, 30x30 feet, ground dimensions, two stories in height, with one run of stone. The mill was built in 1822. There was a farm near the mill, cultivated by soldiers. Mr. Tuttle returned to East St. Anthony in 1857, and removed to Minnetonka in 1858, where he lived five years. Thence he removed to Twin Rivers, Morrison county. He has a saw mill, farm and good home at Twin Rivers. In 1887 he returned to Minneapolis to spend the remainder of his days. Cyrus Aldrich. — The subject of this memoir was born June 18, 1808, in Smithfield, Rhode Island. His father was Dexter Aldrich, and was engaged in shipping and merchandising. His LN THE NORTHWEST. 513 mother's maiden name was Hannah White. She was a descend ant of Peregrine White, the first male child born after the land ing of the Pilgrim Fathers. He received such an education as could be obtained at the common schools until he was eighteen years of age^ when he left home to engage for a few years in a sea faring life. This life not proving to his taste, he abandoned it and engaged in other pursuits. At the age of twenty-nine he emigrated to Illinois and located at Alton, where he took a con tract on the Michigan and Erie canal. In 1841, or about four years later, he removed to Galena, Illinois, where he secured employment with the firm of Galbraith & Porter, and engaged in staging and mail contracts. In 1845 he'was elected to the Illi nois legislature. The same year he was married to Clara Heaton, of Indiana, who, with one son and one daughter, survives him. In 1847 he was elected register of deeds of Joe Daviess county; in 1849 was appointed receiver of the land office at Dixon, Illinois; and in 1852 ran for Congress on the Whig ticket against Long John Wentworth, but was defeated by a small majority. He removed to Minnesota in 1855, locating at Minneapolis, then but a small village. In 1857 he was elected a member of the Repub lican wing of the constitutional convention, where his ability for leadership soon brought him to the front. In 1858 he was nominated and elected representative to Congress, Minnesota having meanwhile become a state. In 1860 he was re-elected. This was a trying time, but Mr. Aldrich acquitted himself well, and was especially commended for his devotion to the interests of the soldiers. In 1862 he declined a re-election, but allowed his name to be used (though unsuccessfully) as a candidate for the senate. He did not, however, entirely withdraw from public affairs, but accepted an appointment from President Lincoln as a member of the indemnity committee to adjust claims of settlers who had suffered during the Indian outbreak of 1862. He also ' devoted much of his time and energy to the establishment of the Northern Pacific railway. In 1865 he was elected to the Minnesota legislature. In 1867 he was appointed postmaster of Minneapolis, which position he held for four years. His long* and busy life has been spent chiefly in public service. He had not quite reached the scriptural limit . of human life, but it was evident that his iron constitution had been overtasked and that he needed rest. The retirement and 33 514 FIFTY YEARS rest came too late. His health gradually failed until Oct. 5, 1871, when he closed his eyes upon the scenes of earth. His funeral, conducted from the TJniversalist church, of which he was a member, was one of the largest ever held in the State. Citizens of all parties and classes, the masonic and other social and civil bodies combined in paying the last tribute of respect to one who for fifteen years had been the most active, best known and most respected of their number. Alfred Elisha Ames, M.D., was born at Colchester, Ver mont, Dec. 13, 1814. He was the oldest son of Billy and Phebe (Baker) Ames,, whose ancestors were early colonists from Eng land. Alfred E. commenced the study of medicine in 1832. He occasionally taught school and worked at his trade of brickma- son. He also varied his labors by publishing an arithmetic. He came West in 1838, locating first at Springfield, Illinois; con cluded his medical studies at Rush Medical College, Chicago, in 1845. Before leaving Illinois he was elected to the state senate. In 1851 he came to St. Anthony Falls, made a claim, and entered into partnership with Dr. J. H. Murphy. In 1852 he served as surgeon at Fort Snelling, and in 1853 was elected to the territorial legislature as a member of the house. In 1854 he was elected probate judge; in 1857 member of the Democratic wing of the constitutional convention, and in 1860 became a member of the state normal board. During the remainder of his life he devoted himself to the practice of medicine, but also served the public in many positions of trust. He died Dec. 24, 1874. His wife and five children survive him. Albert Alonzo Ames, son of Dr. A. E. and Martha (Pratt) Ames, was born at Garden Prairie, Illinois, Jan. 18, 1842. He received a high school education at Minneapolis, studied medi cine at Rush Medical College, Chicago, and graduated February, 1862. In August, 1863, he enlisted in the Ninth Minnesota Vol unteers, but shortly after was commissioned assistant surgeon of the Seventh Minnesota Volunteers. He served for awhile in the Indian campaigns. In the fall of 1863 the regiment was ordered South. In July, 1864, he was commissioned as surgeon of the Seventh regiment in place of Dr. L. B. Smith, killed at Tupelo. He was mustered out of service at the close of the war with an excellent record as a physician and surgeon. After the war he devoted himself to the practice of his profession and to' IN THE NORTHWEST. 515 public services in Minneapolis, excepting a period of six years spent in editorial life in California, first on the staff of the Daily Times, andlater as managing editor of the Alta Calif ornian. At the death of his father, in 1874, he returned to Minneapolis and re sumed practice. He has filled the following positions of trust: 1867, member of the Minnesota legislature (house); 1875, member of the city council; 1876, mayor of Minneapolis; 1877, Demo cratic nominee for lieutenant governor (not elected); 1886, Demo cratic candidate for governor (not elected); 1886-87-88, again mayor of Minneapolis. Dr. Ames is a member of such prominent fraternities as the Masonic, Odd Fellows, Druids, Knights of Pythias, and Order of Elks. Dr. Ames was married April 21, 1862, to Sarah, daughter of Capt. Richard Strout, of Minneapolis. Jesse Ames was born in Vinalhaven, Maine, Feb. 4, 1808. From the age of fourteen till his retirement in 1861, Mr. Ames devoted himself to a seafaring life. At the age of twenty -three he was captain of a schooner, and afterward of different ships, brigs, barks or schooners, all of them in the mercantile trade. He made between twenty and thirty voyages to Europe, circum navigated Cape Horn several times, and sailed twice round the globe. Few men have seen more of the world. His last voyage was from New Zealand to London, where he sold his ship, and, coming to America, found him a beautiful home in the North Star State. He is a resident of Northfield, and is, with his son John T., the owner of the well known flouring mills at that place. He was married Oct. 27, 1832, to Margaret Tolman, of Rockland, Maine. They have two sons, one of whom, John T., is a resident of Northfield. The other son, Adelbert A., won distinction during the Civil War, leaving the service with the brevet rank of major general. Since the war he has served as senator from Mississippi, and as governor of that state. Cadwallader C. Washburn. — Hon. C. C. Washburn was a man of rare nobility of character and possessed of an acute and powerful mind. He used his great talents for the good of the country. He was a man of philanthropic impulses and great generosity, as the following munificent gifts to the public will attest: First — To the state of Wisconsin, in 1876, an astronomical observatory, located on the university lands at Madison, in style 516 FIFTY YEARS of architecture and apparatus to carry into execution the design of the institution, equal, if not superior, to that of any like in stitution in the world. Second — The donation of his "Edgewood Home," near Madi son, Wisconsin, for educational purposes. Third — The generously established school located on the shores of Lake Harriet, near Minneapolis, "The Washburn Home for Orphans," for the poor and unfortunate children of Minnesota. Mr. Washburn was born in Livermore, Maine, April 22, 1.818; lived at home until 1838, and devoted some time to obtaining a classical education. In 1838 and 1839 he taught school and clerked in Hallowell and Wiscassett, Maine. In the spring of 1839 he came West to Davenport, Iowa, and was employed a few months with David Dale Owen, on geological work. In 1840 and 1841 he studied law at Rock Island, Illinois. In 1842 he settled in Mineral Point, Wisconsin, and was admitted to practice law at Lancaster, Grant county, in Judge Dunn's court. He continued in practice at Mineral Point; also engaged in real estate and dealing in land warrants, and in 1852 established the Bank of Mineral Point. Mr. Washburn was elected representative to the thirty-fourth, thirty-fifth, thirty-sixth, and fortieth con-' gresses. In February, 1861, the house appointed a special com mittee of thirty-three members on the state of the Union. A majority of the committee reported an amendment to the consti tution of the United States, making slavery perpetual. Mr. Washburn and others made a minority report against making slavery perpetual. On this report we subjoin his remarks: "If this Union must be dissolved, whether by peaceable process or through fire and blood or civil war, we shall have the consolation of knowing that when the conflict is over those who survive will be what they never have been — inhabitants of a free country." Mr. Washburn changed his residence to La Crosse in 1861. He received a colonel's commission to recruit a cavalry regiment that year, and subsequently was promoted to the rank of briga dier general. He was elected governor of Wisconsin in 1872. In 1876 he erected a large flour mill at Minneapolis, which burned in 1878. It was soon after rebuilt. In this mill he introduced the first Hungarian patent process for making flour used in Amer ica. Mr. Washburn died at Eureka Springs, Arkansas, May &.&^Vii4A£u nesota. The son was educated at a high classical school in Christianstad, and in his seventeenth year entered the military service as a cadet and served one year. Disliking its monotony, and having an adventurous spirit he embarked for America, where he found himself abjectly poor, and worked as a cabin boy on a coasting vessel, as a farm hand, and afterward with a shovel on an Illinois railroad until 1853, when he secured a position as an emigrant agent, whose business it was to select homes for Swedish colonists. He, with others, came to Vasa, Goodhue county, Minnesota, where he dealt in real estate, studying law meanwhile with Warren Bristol. He was admitted to the bar in 1858. He was elected county auditor the same year and served till 1860, when he entered the army as captain of Com pany D, Third Minnesota Infantry. At the end of four years he left the service with the rank of colonel. After his return from the war he formed a law partnership with C. C. Webster, and a year later he accepted the position of editor of a Swedish newspaper in Chicago. In 1867 Gov. Marshall appointed him secretary of the state board of immigration, which position he held several years, doing the State excellent service. In 1869 he was elected secretary of state, but before his term of office Jy-ihy VJl //id/rl. ' Sffw I'J ''Way .- IN THE NORTHWEST. 597 expired resigned to accept the appointment of land agent of railway corporations, which enabled him to spend four years abroad. Col. Mattson was for some time editor of the Stoats Tidning, a Swedish paper in Minneapolis, and a large owner and general manager of the Swedish Tribune published in Chicago. He was a presidential elector in 1876. He was again elected secretary of state for 1887-88. He is a versatile writer and a fluent speaker, a frank, outspoken and honorable man. He was mar ried Nov. 23, 1855, to Cherstin Peterson, a native of Bullings- lof, Sweden. They have five children living. Lucius Frederick Hubbard was born Jan. 26, 1836, at Troy, New York. He was the oldest son of Charles F. and Margaret (Van Valkenburg) Hubbard, his father being a de scendant of the Hubbard family that emigrated from the mother country and settled in New England in 1595; his mother coming from the Holland Dutch stock that has occupied the valley of the Hudson river since its earliest history. The father dying early, the son found a home with an aunt at Chester, Vermont, until he was twelve years old, when he was sent for three years to the academy at Granville, New York. At the age of fifteen he was apprenticed to a tinner at Poultney, Vermont, and completed his trade at Salem, New York, in 1854, when he removed to Chicago for three years. He then removed to Red Wing, Minnesota, and started the Red Wing Republican. In 1858 he was elected register of deeds of Goodhue county. In 1861 he sold out his interest in the Republican and ran for the state senate, but was defeated by the small majority of seven votes. In December, 1861, he enlisted in Company A, Fifth Minnesota Volunteers, and was elected captain. In March, 1862, he became lieutenant colonel; in August, colonel; and for conspicuous gallantry at the battle of Nashville was promoted to the position of brigadier general. He participated in the battles of Farmington; of Corinth, where he was severely wounded; of Iuka, the second battle of Corinth; of Jackson and Mississippi Springs; in the siege of Vicksburg; in the battle of Richmond, Louisiana; of Greenfield, Louisiana; of Nashville, where he was wounded and had two horses killed under him, an*at the siege of Spanish Fort. He was mustered out in Oc tober, 1865, at Mobile, Alabama. He was engaged in twenty- 598 FIFTY YEARS four battles and minor engagements and won an enviable record for his intrepidity and coolness. He returned to Red Wing with broken health, the result of fatigue and exposure. In 1866 he engaged in the grain business at Red Wing, and soon thereafter in milling operations on a large scale in Wabasha county. In 1872 he purchased an interest in the Forest mill, at Zumbrota, Goodhue county, and in 1875, with others, bought the mills and water power at Mazeppa, in Wabasha county, the mills soon after being rebuilt and enlarged. In 1868 he raised, through his personal influence, the money necessary for the completion of the Midland railway, a line ex tending from Wabasha to Zumbrota. He subsequently projected and organized the Minnesota Cen tral railway (Cannon Valley), to run from Red Wing to Man kato. As president of the company he secured the building of the road from Red Wing^ to Waterville, about sixty-six miles. In 1878 Gen. Hubbard was nominated for Congress in the Sec ond district of Minnesota, but declined. In 1872 he was elected to the state senate, and again in 1874, declining a re-election in 1876. In the senate he was regarded as one of the best informed, painstaking and influential members. He was on the committee to investigate the state treasurer's and state auditor's offices, and was largely instrumental in recommending and shaping leg islation that brought about the substantial and much needed re form in the management of those offices. He was also one of the three arbitrators selected to settle the difficulties between the State and the prison contractors at Stillwater. He was appointed commissioner, with John Nichols and Gen. Tourtelotte, in 1866, to investigate the status of the state railroad bond, levied in 1858, and finally settled in 1881. On Sept. 28, 1881, Gen. Hubbard was nominated for governor of Minnesota, and was elected by a majority of 27,857, the larg est majority ever received by any governor elected in the State. In 1883 he was renominated and re-elected by a very large ma jority. Gov. Hubbard is an affable, genial, courteous gentleman, whose integrity has never been questioned; a man of the people, and in sympathy with them and the best interests and general prosperity of the State. * Gov. Hubbard was married in May, 1868, at Red Wing, to IN THE NORTHWEST. 599 Amelia, daughter of Charles Thomas, a merchant of that place. He has three children, two boys, aged seventeen and eleven re spectively, and a girl. William Colville is of Scotch descent on his father's side. The ancient homestead of the family at Ochiltree is mentioned by Sir Walter Scott in his novel, "The Antiquary." On his mother's side he is of Irish descent. His ancestors participated in the American Revolution. He was born in Chautauqua county, New York, April 5, 1830; was educated at the Fredonia Academy,- taught school one winter, read law in the office of Millard Fillmore and Solomon L. Haven, of Buffalo, and was admitted to the bar in 1851. He practiced law at Forestville three years, and then removed to Red Wing, Minnesota. His first winter he spent in St. Paul as enrolling clerk of the terri torial council, and the winter following was secretary of the coun cil. In the spring of 1855 he established the Red Wing Sentinel, a Democratic paper, and conducted it until the Civil War broke out. In 1861 he entered the service as captain of Company F, First Minnesota Infantry, and served with that regiment three years, conducting himself with such gallantry as to win promo tion. He was wounded at the first battle of Bull Run, at Nelson's Farm and at Gettysburg, the last wounds received maiming him for life, and necessitating a close of his military career. At the end of three years he left the service with the rank of colonel, and edited the Sentinel until January, 1865, when he took his seat as representative in the legislature. At its adjournment he was appointed colonel of the First Minnesota Heavy Artillery which was stationed at Chattanooga till the close of the war. Col. Colville was mustered out of the service with the brevet rank of brigadier general. In the autumn of 1865 he was elected attorney general of the State on the Union ticket and served two years. In 1866 he ran for Congress in opposition to the Repub lican nominee. In 1877 he was elected as a Democrat to the lower house of the state legislature in the strongest Republican county in the State. The same year he was appointed by President Cleveland register of the land office at Duluth, to which place he has removed his residence. He was married to Miss Jane E. Morgan, of Oneida, New York, in 1867, a descendant of Elder Brewster, who came over in the Mayflower. Martin S. Chandler, for twenty-two years sheriff of Good- 600 FIFTY YEARS hue county, Minnesota, was born in Jamestown, New York, Feb. 14, 1827. He came to Goodhue county in 1856 and engaged for awhile farming at Pine Island. He was elected county commis sioner in 1856, and served until 1858, removing meanwhile to Red Wing, which has since been his home. In 1859 he was elected sheriff of Goodhue county, and held the office for eleven con secutive terms, until 1882, when he was elected to the state senate. He was presidential elector in 1872. He was appointed surveyor general in 1883, which office he held until 1887. He was married to Fannie F. Caldwell, of Jamestown, New York, in 1848. His only daughter, Florence C, is the wife of Ira S. Kellogg, of Red Wing, one of the oldest druggists in the State. Charles McClure was born in Virginia in 1810; was gradu ated at Lewisburg, Virginia, in 1827; studied law and was ad mitted to practice in 1829. He came to Minnesota and located at Red Wing in 1856, where he opened a law office. In 1857 he was a member of the constitutional convention, presidential elector in 1861, state senator in 1862-63 and in 1864 judge of the First district, filling the vacancy caused by the retirement of Judge McMillan. At the fall election of the same year he was elected judge of the First district and served seven years. This district embraced Washington, Chisago, Goodhue and Da kota counties. Judge McCiure is a man of unquestionable ability and integrity. Horace B. Wilson was born in Bingham, Somerset county, Maine, March 30, 1821. His grandfather settled in Maine twenty years prior to the Revolution. He had a fair common school education until sixteen years old, when he attended the Maine Wesleyan Seminary, graduating four years later. He devoted himself chiefly to teaching, and studied law meanwhile, but never practiced. He taught in Cincinnati, Ohio, Lawrenceburg and New Albany, Indiana, until 1850, when he was elected city civil engineer, which position he filled six years. In 1858 he removed to Red Wing, Minnesota, and taught, as professor of mathematics, natural science and civil engineering in Hamline University four years. In 1862 he enlisted in Company F, Sixth Minnesota Infantry, was elected captain, and mustered out at the close of the war. His military service was quite arduous, including campaigning against the Sioux until 1864, when the regiment was ordered South and attached to the Sixteenth Army Corps. IN THE NORTHWEST. 601 In 1866 he was appointed superintendent of schools for Good hue county. In 1870 he was appointed state superintendent of schools, which position he held five years. He was elected repre sentative in the state legislature in 1877, and subsequently he served four terms as senator, and was president pro tem. of that body during the trial of E. St. Julien Cox, and in the absence of the lieutenant governor presided during the trial. For the past few years he has devoted himself to civil engineering, and has had charge of the public improvements of Red Wing. In 1844 he was married to Mary J. Chandler, who died in 1887. Among the prominent early settlers of Red Wing not men tioned in our biographical notices were William Freeborn, for whom Freeborn county was named, and who was a senator in the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth legislatures. Judges Welch and Wilder, W. C. Williston and Warren Bristol, lawyers, both state senators from Goodhue, and the latter a judge in Arizona. Rev. Chauncey Hobart, D.D., a Methodist pioneer preacher, and author of a history of Methodism in Minnesota and an auto biography; Rev. Peter Akers, D.D., an eminent educator; Rev. M. Sorin, D.D., an eloquent preacher, and Rev. Samuel Spates and J. W. Hancock, prominent as missionaries, the latter the first pastor located in the village. Andrew S. Du rant, first hotel keeper; Calvin F. Potter, first merchant. W. W. Phelps and Christopher Graham were appointed to the land office in 1855. WABASHA COUNTY. This county, named in honor of a Sioux chief, lies on the west shore of the Mississippi river and Lake Pepin, between Goodhue and Winona counties. It has a majestic frontage of bold bluffs on the lake and river. From the summit of these bluffs stretch away broad undulating prairie lands, with occasional depres sions, or valleys, caused by the streams tributary to the river. Wabasha village is the county seat. The county is traversed by the St. Paul & Milwaukee railway, and the Zumbrota Valley Narrow Gauge railroad has its eastern terminus at Wabasha vil lage. A railroad from Minneiska to Eyota, in Olmsted county, through Plainview, also passes through this county. Lake City is a thriving village on the lake shore, beautifully situated. The Grand Encampment, located about two miles below Waba sha village, was once a point of great interest. It was from time , .._ ,, 602 FIFTY YEARS immemorial a camping ground for Indians. It has an abundance of ancient mounds. The only people in the county in 1845, when the author first visited this section, were the Campbell, Cratt, Bessian, and a few other French families. Bailey and sons, Dr. Francis H. Milligan, B. S. Hurd, Samuel S. Campbell, a prominent lawyer, and Wm. L. Lincoln came later to Waba sha. Reed's Landing, at the foot of Lake Pepin, was early set tled by Messrs. Reed, Fordyce, Richards, and others. This point controls an immense trade for the Chippewa river, which empties its waters into the Mississippi just opposite. Nathaniel Stacy Tefft is a native of Hamilton, Madison county, New York, where he was born July 16, 1830. He was edu cated in the common schools and academy; in 1848 commenced studying medicine and received his diploma the same year at Cincinnati, after attending lectures at the medical college in that city* In 1856 he came to Minnesota and located in Minne- iska, where he practiced medicine, served as postmaster, justice of the peace, and member of the legislature. In 1861 he re moved to Plainview, where he has taken rank as a leading sur geon and physician in that part of the State. He has also served as member of the state senate (in 1871-72). The writer had the pleasure of meeting him in the legislature of 1858 and found him a strong opponent of the $5,000,000 bill. Dr. Tefft was married to Hattie S. Gibbs, of Plainview, Nov. 10, 1866. James Wells. — In 1845 the writer found Mr. Wells hiving in a stone trading house on the west shore of Lake Pepin, on the first high ground on the shore above Lake City. Mr. Wells had a half-breed family and was very reticent in his manner. He was a member of the first territorial house of representa tives. When the country became more thickly settled he went West and was killed by the Sioux Indians in the massacre of 1862. WINONA COUNTY Was named after the daughter of the Indian chief who, accord ing to the well known legend, precipitated herself from'the fam ous rock on the eastern shore of Lake Pepin, which hqs ever since been known as " Maiden's Rock." The county lies on the west shore of the Mississippi, below Wabasha county. The frontage of the bluffs on the river is unsurpassed for grandeur and beauty,' the bluffs here attaining an altitude of six hundred feet above IN THE NQRTHWEST. 603 the river. The natural castles and turrets crowning these bluffs remind the traveler of the towns on the Rhine and Danube, and it is difficult to realize that they are the handiwork of Nature and not of man. The most striking of these bluffs occupies a position in the rear of the beautiful city of Winona, overlook ing the city and the valley, and affording from its summit pos sibly the finest view on the river. The city of Winona lies on a spacious plateau between the bluffs and the river. In 1845 a solitary log cabin, the resting place of the mail carrier, marked the site, and a large Indian village, belonging to the band of Chief Wapashaw, occupied a portion of the present site of the city. All traces of this village have long since disappeared, and given place to one of the fairest and most flourishing cities on the river. The First State Normal School is located here. The St. Paul & Milwaukee railroad passes through, and the Winona & St. Peter railroad has its eastern terminus in this city. It is also the west ern terminus of the Green Bay & Mississippi. The Chicago, Bur lington & Northern crosses the river here, and has a depot in the city. Daniel S. Norton, at the time of his death United States senator from Minnesota, was born in Mount Vernon, Ohio, in April, 1829. He was educated at Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio; enlisted In the Third Ohio Volunteer Infantry in 1846 for service in the Mexican War; had his health seriously impaired in the service; spent two years in California, Mexico and Central America; returned to Ohio and read law with his father-in-law, Judge R. C. Hurd, practiced in Mount Vernon, Ohio, with Hon. William Windom and came with him to Minnesota in 1855, locat ing at Winona. Mr. Norton served as senator in the first state legislature, where the writer served with him on several com mittees, among them the committee on the $5,000,000 bond bill, a bill which Mr. Norton strongly and earnestly opposed, pre dicting clearly its disastrous results. He also served as senator in the legislatures of 1861-64 and 65, when he was elected to the United States senate, which position he held at the time of his death, in 1870. He was twice married, first in 1856, to Miss Lizzie Sherman, of Mount Vernon, Ohio, who died in 1862. The second time to Miss Laura Cantlan, of Baltimore, in 1868. William Windom, a native of Ohio, came to Wihona in 1855. He had been admitted to practice in 1853, and formed a 604 FIFTY YEARS partnership with D. S. Norton in Mount Vernon, Ohio, who came with him to Winona, where they continued their law partner ship. Mr. Windom has been quite prominent in the politics of the State and county, having served in the United States senate two terms, from 1871 to 1883. He was also a representative in Congress from 1859 to 1869. He served as secretary of the treasury to fill a vacancy. During his congressional career he was an ardent supporter of the Union, and won the respect of the nation for his unswerving firmness in upholding his prin ciples. He is a man of great executive ability, and has used his talents and his wealth, of which he has accumulated a consider able share, in the interests of the public. He has been heavily interested in the building of the Northern Pacific and other railroads, and in real estate. His opportunities have been great, he has wisely employed them, and richly deserves the success he has achieved. Charles H. Berry, the first attorney general of the state of Minnesota, was born at Westerly, Rhode Island, Sept. 12, 1823. He received an excellent school and academic education, gradu ating at Canandaigua Academy in 1846. He afterward read law and was admitted to practice at Rochester in 1848. He practiced his profession at Corning, New York, until 1855, when he removed to Winona and opened the first law office in that city. He was associated until 1871 with C. N. Waterman. When Minnesota became a state, in 1858, he was elected attor ney general and served two years. He was state senator in 1874-75 and has been United States commissioner since 1873. He takes great interest in local and state affairs, especially in educational matters. He has been for many years connected with the city school board and for eight years its president. He was also largely instrumental in locating the State Normal School at Winona. Mr. Berry is a Democrat in politics, is prominent in Masonic circles and a leading member of the Epis copal church. He was married to Frances E. Hubbell, of Corning, New York, Nov. 14, 1850. They have one daughter, Kate Louise, married to Prof. C. A. Morey, principal of the State Normal School. Thomas Wilson was born in Tyrone county, Ireland, May 16, 1827. He received his education in this country, graduating at Meadville College, Pennsylvania, in 1852. He studied law, IN THE NORTHWEST. 605 was admitted to the bar in 1855, and in the same year came to Winona and entered the law firm of Sargent & Wilson, known a few years later as Sargent, Wilson & Windom. He was a mem ber of the Republican wing of the constitutional conventipn in 1857. He was elected district judge of the Fourth district, tak ing his seat in 1858, and serving six years. In 1864 Gov. Miller appointed him to a vacancy on the supreme bench, caused by the resignation of Judge Flandrau, and in the fall of the same year he was elected chief justice for a term of seven years. In 1869 he resigned this position to resume his law practice. In 1881 he was elected as a representative, and from 1883 to 1886, inclusive, as a senator in the state legislature. He was elected as a repre sentative to Congress in 1887. Thomas Simpson is of Scotch parentage, but was born in Yorkshire, England, May 31, 1836. He came to America with his parents when a child, to Dubuque county, Iowa. His educa tional advantages were good, and he learned, when not in school, to assist his father, who was a miner, smelter and farmer. He studied engineering and surveying with E. S. Norris, of Dubuque, and was engaged in government surveys from 1853 to 1856, when he settled in Winona, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1858, when he formed a law partnership with Judge Abner Lewis and Geo. P. Wilson. In addition to his law business he has been a heavy dealer in real estate and money loaning. There are few public enterprises in Winona which he has not actively pro moted. He was a delegate to the national convention that nomi nated Lincoln for the presidency in 1864, also to the convention that nominated Grant in 1868. He served as state senator in 1866-67. He has been an influential member of the Methodist, church. He was married Oct.-^O, 1860, to Maggie Holstein, of Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. They have three sons. Wm. H. Yale was born Nov. 12, 1831, at New Hartford, Con necticut; was educated at Sheffield Institute; came to Winona in 1857, and practiced law. He was state senator in 1867-68, 1876- , 77, and lieutenant governor from 1870 to 1874. Other prominent citizens of Winona are: Dr. James Monroe Cole, the oldest physician in the city; Royal Day Cone, one of the first merchants; Judge Wm. Mitchell; —Norton, a lum berman and county treasurer several years; W. W. Phelps, first president of the State Normal School; Hough, builder of the first large hotel; Hodgins, Yeomans & Laird, lumbermen. 606 FIFTY YEARS CHAPTER XXIII. MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHIES. Pierre Bottineau was born in the Red River settlement, now Dakota, in 1817. His early life was passed amongst the Ojibways in the employ of various fur companies. He has lived an eventful life and endured many hardships as a hunter, trapper and guide. He was early noted as a pilot to and from the Selkirk settlement. In 1843 he removed his family from Selkirk to St. Paul. In 1845 he removed to St. Anthony Falls, east side, where he laid out an addition to the new village. He was also, in 1851, the first settler at Maple Grove, or "Bot tineau's Prairie," in Hennepin county. When he came to Fort Snelling he was employed by Gen. Sibley as a guide. In 1856 he assisted in selecting locations for. forts. In 1858, after the es tablishment of Fort Abercrombie, he located the village of Breckenridge, now in Wilkin county, Minnesota. In 1859 he accompanied Geologist Skinner in his exploring expedition, having for its object the survey and location of salt mines, and was guide to Col. W. H. Noble's wagon road expedition to Frazer river. In 1860 he accompanied a military expedition with Gov. Ramsey to conclude treaties with the Northern Min nesota Chippewas. In 1862 he accompanied Capt. Fisk's Idaho expedition, and, in 1863, Gen. Sibley's expedition to the Mis souri. Mr. Bottineau now resides at Red Lake Falls, Polk county, Minnesota. Andrew G. Chatfield, a member of the Minnesota district bench at the time of his death, was born in the town of Butter nuts, Otsego county, New York, Jan. 27, 1810. In 1838 he was a member of the New York assembly; in 1848 he removed to Ra cine, Wisconsin, where he was elected county judge. In 1853 IN THE NORTHWEST. 607 he was appointed associate justice of the supreme court of Min nesota Territory, and he made his home on a beautiful prairie in Scott county, on which he laid out the town of Belle Plaine. He acted as judge four years and then resumed the practice of law. *In January, 1871, he was elected judge of the Eighth Judicial district, which he held until his death, which occurred Oct. 3, 1875. Judge Chatfield was married in 1836. His widow and an only daughter, Mrs. Cecilia Irwin, reside at Belle Plaine. Hazen Mooers. — Biographical details of Mr. Mooers are scant and unreliable. He was probably born about the year 1796. It is said that he was in the battle of Plattsburgh, Sep tember, 1814, when he was a youth of eighteen years of age, and that he acted as a guard in protecting government and private property. We find by the Minnesota historical collections that he came to Gray Cloud island in 1835 and remained till 1843. It is probable that he remained there till 1848. He was com missioner of St. Croix county, Wisconsin, in 1840-41 and 1842. When he came to Gray Cloud island he was accompanied by a Mr. Robinson, and located in section 23. While at Gray Cloud he was married to a daughter of Dickson, the trader, and sister of Mrs. Joseph R. Brown. We have been unable to find men tion of him later than 1848. John McDonough Berry was born at Pittsfield, New Hamp shire, Sept. 18, 1827. Mr. Berry received an excellent education at the Pittsfield Academy, Phillips Academy and at Yale College, from which he graduated in 1847. He was a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. He was in the law office of Ira Paley, later chief justice of New Hampshire. In 1850 he was admitted to the bar at, Concord, New Hampshire. He commenced practice at Alton Corners, Belknap county, 'New Hampshire. Three years later he came West and located at Janesville, Wisconsin. In 1855 he moved to Faribault, this State, and at once came into prominence. In 1856 he was a member of the territorial house of representatives and chairman of the judiciary committee. In 1862 he was sent to the state senate from Rice county, and in 1864 he was elected associate justice of the state supreme court, a position he has filled with honor to himself and the bar. He removed to Minneapolis in 1879 and died there, greatly lamented, Nov. 15, 1887. An obituary notice from the daily press gives a fair estimate of his character: 608 FIFTY YEARS " He was not a man that mingled much in society or put him self forward on any occasion, yet he had a very social, genial disposition, and every one that knew him valued the acquaint ance highly. As a judge he was universally esteemed. His decisions were always marked by a peculiarly vigorous grasp of bottom facts. His mind was a naturally judicial one. His own ideas were fresh and original, and his way of expressing them unusually vigorous. He devoted himself wholly to his judicial duties and to his family. He was a great reader and student and a great home man. His affections were wholly centred in his wife and children. His distaste for ostentation and publicity is evidenced in his expressed wish for a private funeral." He was married may 26, 1853, to Alice A. Parker, of Roscoe, Illinois, who survives him. Mark H. Dunnell is of Scotch descent. He was born July 2, 1823, at Buxton, Maine. He was raised on a farm, but gradu ated at Waterville College, Maine, in 1849, and for three years following was engaged in teaching, in 1852 he was elected to the Maine house of representatives, and afterward served five years as state superintendent of schools. He studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1856, and in 1860 practiced his pro fession in Portland. In 1861 he was appointed United States consul to Vera Cruz, Mexico. Before going to Mexico he was appointed colonel of the Fifth Maine Volunteers, and partici pated in the first battle of Bull Run. He resigned his consulship in 1862, and returned to Maine, where he aided the governor in recruiting and organizing regiments for the military service. In 1865 he came to Winona, Minnesota, was a member of the Minnesota house of representatives in 1867, and afterward served three years as state superintendent of instruction. He resigned this office to take a seat in Congress, and represented his district a period of ten years. He was married Nov. 20, 1850, to Sarah A. Parrington, of Goshen, Maine. They have three children living. James Heaton Baker, son of Rev. Henry Baker, a Metho dist preacher, and Hannah (Heaton) Baker, was born in Mon roe, Ohio, May 6, 1829. He graduated at Ohio Wesleyan Uni versity in 1852. In 1853 he purchased the Sciota Gazette, at Chillicothe, Ohio. In 1855 he was elected secretary of state on the ticket headed by Salmon P. Chase as governor. In 1857 he IN THE NORTHWEST. 609 removed to Minnesota, where, for two successive terms he was elected to the same office. At the outbreak of the Civil War he resigned, and accepted a colonel's commission in the Tenth Min nesota Volunteers. In 1863 his command was ordered to the South, and he was detached and made provost marshal of St. Louis, and subsequently of the department of Missouri, in which position he served until the close of the war, he being mean while promoted to a brevet brigadier generalship. At the close of the war he was appointed register of the land office at Booneville, Missouri, but in two years resigned and re turned to his farm in Blue Earth county, Minnesota. In 1871 President Grant appointed him commissioner of pen sions, a position for which he was singularly well fitted. He re signed in 1875, and was appointed by President Grant surveyor general of Minnesota. Gen. Baker has been prominent in Ma sonic circles, and has contributed much to the newspaper and periodical press. He was married Sept. 25, 1852, to Rose R., daughter of Reuben H. Thurston, then of Delaware, Ohio, now. of Mankato, Minnesota. This estimable lady died at Washington City, March 21, 1873, leaving two sons, Arthur and Harry E. Gen. Baker, since his appointment as surveyor general, has re sided at Mankato. He served in 1885 and 1886 as railroad com missioner for the State. Horace Burton Strait is of Virginia Revolutionary stock. He was born in Potter county, Pennsylvania, Jan. 26, 1835. His educational advantages were such only as the common schools afforded, and he is largely self cultured. He came to Minnesota in 1855, and engaged in farming near Shakopee, but in 1860 moved to the county seat, and engaged in mercantile business. In August, 1862, he enlisted in Company I, Ninth Minnesota Volunteers, commanded by Col. Alexander Wilkin; was com missioned as captain, and in 1864 as major; was mustered out at the close of the war, since which time he has been engaged in milling, banking and farming. He was president of the First National Bank of Shakopee. He served as mayor of Shakopee in 1870-71-72, when he was elected to Congress, and served by continuous re-elections until 1888, when J. L. McDonald became his successor. He was emphatically a working member. He has been twice married. His first wife died in 1872, leaving one child. 39 610 FIFTY YEARS Judson Wade Bishop was born at Evansville, New York, June 24, 1831. He received an academic education at Fre- donia Academy, and at Union Academy, Belleville, New York. Leaving school at the age of sixteen, he was employed for sev eral years as clerk and book-keeper and in teaching. Having a taste for civil engineering he fitted himself for usefulness in that department at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute of Troy, New York, and in 1853 secured a position as draughtsman on the Canadian Grand Trunk railway. At the completion of the road, in 1857, he obtained employment in railroad surveying, making his residence at Chatfield until 1861, where he purchased a news paper, the Chatfield Democrat. At the first call for troops in 1861 he sold his office, volunteered as a soldier, and was mus tered in as captain of a company in the Second Regiment, June 26, 1861. He was mustered out at the close of the war with the brevet rank of brigadier general, and resumed railroad work, in which he has since been active and conspicuous. For some years he was manager of the St. Paul & Sioux City. His connection with railroad enterprises necessitated his removal in 1864 to Le Sueur, in 1868 to Mankato and in 1873 to St. Paul, which has since been his home. He has also been a heavy dealer in real estate. He was married Jan. 11, 1866, to Nellie S. Husted, of Galena, Illinois, who died Sept. 19, 1878, leaving three sons, Charles Husted, Edwin Judson and Robert Haven. John Louis McDonald. — The paternal ancestors of our sub ject were Highlanders, of the clan "McDonald of the Isle." John Louis was born in Glasgow, Scotland, Feb. 22, 1836; came with his parents to America in 1842, lived a few years in Nova Scotia, then removed to Pittsburgh where he received an academic education. He removed to Belle Plaine, Scott county, Minnesota, in 1855, read law with Judge Chatfield, and was admitted to practice at Shakopee in 1858, removing thither three years later, and continuing in practice, serving as probate judge from 1859 to 1864 and publishing and editing the Belle Plaine Enquirer, and later, the Shakopee Argus, serving two years as prosecuting attor ney, four years as superintendent of schools, two years as state representative (1869-70) and three years as state senator (1874- 75 and 1876). In 1877 he was elected district judge, and served seven years. In 1888 he took his seat as representative in Con gress. Asa judge he is thoroughly well informed, clear-sighted and impartial. IN THE NORTHWEST. 611 Thomas H. Armstrong was born in Milan, Ohio, Feb. 6, 1829. He graduated from Western Reserve College in 1854, com menced the practice of law at La Crosse, Wisconsin, in 1856, practiced at High Forest, Minnesota, until 1870, when he discon tinued practice. Three years later he moved to Albert Lea, Minnesota, and established the Freeborn County Bank.- Mr. Armstrong has acted a prominent part in the legislation of the State, having been a representative in the legislatures of 1864 and 1865, and, as lieutenant governor, president of the senate for the four succeeding terms. He was elected speaker of the house in the legislature of 1865. As a presiding officer he was courteous, dignified, and fair in his rulings, and an excel lent parliamentarian. April 1, 1868, he was married to Mrs. Elisabeth M. Butman, daughter of John Burgess, of Cleveland, Ohio. Augustus Armstong, a younger brother of the foregoing, and a prominent citizen of Albert Lea, died in 1873. Moses K. Armstrong, another brother, has represented Da kota in Congress. James B. Wakefield was born at Winstead, Litchfield county, Connecticut, March 21, 1828. He graduated at Trinity College, Hartford, in 1846; studied law, and was admitted to practice in 1851; came to Shakopee, Minnesota; practiced law two years and removed to Blue Earth City. He has been called to fill vari ous and responsible public positions. He was a member of the legislature several terms, serving as representative in 1858, 63 and 66, and as senator in 1867-68-69. He served as deputy Indian agent at the Lower Sioux agency from 1856 to the Indian out break, and in 1869 was appointed receiver of the Winnebago land office, which position he held six years. From 1875 to 1879 he served as lieutenant governor of Minnesota, and from 1884 to 1886 as member of Congress. He served as a delegate to the Re publican convention which nominated President Grant in 1868, and to the convention which nominated President Hayes in 1876. Mr. Wakefield was married in August, 1864, to Miss Nannette Reinhart, of Blue Earth City. William Wallace Braden was born in Iberia, Ohio, Dec. ¦3, 1837. He was educated in the district schools and reared as a farmer. In November he came to Fillmore county with his father, and engaged in farming. He was a member of the legis- 612 FIFTY YEARS lature in 1866-67, and has served three terms as county treasurer. During the Civil War he served three years with the rank of lieu tenant, and then of captain in Company K, Sixth Minnesota Volunteers, and was for some time detached from his command as provost marshal of Southern Missouri, with headquarters at Springfield. Capt. Braden is prominent as a Mason, and as a Republican takes an active interest in the politics of the State and nation. He was elected state auditor in 1881, and re-elected in 1885. He was married March 7, 1866, to Addie Griswold, of Pennsylvania. Reuben Butters was born in Union, Lincoln county, Maine, May 26, 1816. He received such education as could be obtained at winter schools, and employed himself chiefly in clerking and mercantile pursuits until 1851, when he came to Minnesota and became the first permanent settler in the Minnesota valley above Shakopee. He made the first claim at Le Sueur, having, in con nection with Messrs. Thompson and Lindsey, a station at that place, also at Kasota. He has been engaged chiefly in farming. He has also a stone quarry and store in Kasota, and does a fair amount of trading. Mr. Butters was a member of the first state legislature, and has served seven or eight sessions since. He was county commissioner many years. In politics he is a Democrat. Mr. Butters has been twice married, first in November, 1847, to Elizabeth Hill, of Cleveland, Ohio, and second in May, 1861, to Mrs. Mary E. Rogers, of Maine. He died March 29, 1888. Michael Doran, a most successful business man and promi nent in political affairs, having served six terms in the state senate, was born in the county of Meath, Ireland, Nov. 1, 1829. He received but little education before coming to this country in 1850, when, although over twenty-one years of age, he ob tained two years' schooling. He landed in New York City, re mained in the State about a year and removed to Norwalk, Ohio, where he farmed and kept a grocery store. In 1856 he came westward and located at Le Sueur, where he engaged in farm ing. In 1860 he was elected county treasurer and served and held the office eight years. Since 1870 he has been engaged in banking, farming and real estate operations. He is also one of the owners of the elevator and flouring mill at Le Sueur. In politics he is a Democrat and was an elector on the Mc- Clellan ticket. His senatorial terms were from 1872 to .1875 and IN THE NORTHWEST. 613 1877 and 1879. He has been twice married. His first wife was Ellen Brady, of Norwalk, Ohio, married in May, 1855. His second wife was Catherine J. Grady, of Le Sueur, married Feb. 10, 1864. Andrew McCrea was born in New Brunswick in 1830, re ceived a common school education and learned the business of farming and lumbering. His father having died early, the sup port of a mother and crippled brother devolved upon him. He was married to Jane Murphy, in New Brunswick, when he was twenty-one years of age. Mrs. McCrea died in 1878. He married a second wife in 1880. His family consists of eight sons and one daughter. He came to Minnesota in 1854, removed to Stearns county in 1858, and to Otter Tail county in 1872, where he now resides in the town of Perham. He was a member of the legis lature of 1876-77, and of the senate of 1878 to 1882, inclu sive. In 1885 he was appointed one of the commissioners to locate the second state prison. John W. Blake was born in Foxcroft, Maine, in 1839. His parents moved to Wisconsin in 1840. He received a good edu cation in the common schools, in Milton Academy, and Wiscon sin State University, and became a civil engineer. He served as a soldier during the war of the Rebellion. In 1872 he came to Minnesota, located at Marshall, Lyon county, and the same year was elected a representative in the legislature. He was a mem ber of the senate during the years 1875, 1876, 1882, and 1884. Knute Nelson, born in Norway, came to America, studied law at Wisconsin University, and was admitted to the bar. He came to Alexandria in 1870, where he practiced law. He was a senator in the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth legislatures, and was elected representative to Congress from the Fifth Minnesota district in 1884 and 1886. Mr. Nelson is a man of unquestioned ability and force, a strong Republican, and an enthusiastic advocate of a modified tariff. W. R. Denny was born at Keene, New Hampshire, in 1839; received an academic education, and after spending eight years in Wisconsin, came to Carver, Minnesota, in 1867. He served in the state legislatures of 1874, 1876, 1879, and 1881. He was ap pointed United States marshal from 1882 to 1886. He was Grand Master of the Masonic fraternity in 1884-5. He was married in Wisconsin in 1863, and has a family of four children. PEESENT HOME OP THE AUTHOE. EBECTED BY HIM A.D. 1855. APPENDIX. AN ACCURATE ACCOUNT OF THE VARIOUS TREATIES BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT AND THE INDIAN TRIBES INHABITING THE TERRITORIES OF WISCONSIN AND MINNESOTA. 616 FIFTY YEARS BRIEF HISTORY OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY UNTIL THE CREATION OF WISCONSIN TERRITORY IN 1836. SPANISH CLAIMS. The Spaniards, have made persistent claims to territory lying along the Atlantic coast, the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, and up the valley of the Mississippi, basing their claims on discovery and conquest. - In 1512 Juan Ponce de Leon, a companion of Columbus, dis covered Florida, and planted on its shores the standard of Spain. In 1539 Hernando de Soto visited Florida and having strength ened the Spanish claim adventured west to the Mississippi, on which river he died and in which he was stealthily buried by his surviving followers, who returned to Florida broken and dispirited with the loss of half their number. By virtue of De Soto's discovery of the Mississippi, the Spaniards now laid claim to the land along that river and its tributaries. They also claimed land lying along the Atlantic coast, without limit, north ward. This large and somewhat indefinite empire was by them styled Florida, after the name of the peninsula on which they gained their first foothold. Unable to defend or enforce their claims, they gradually relinquished them, giving up tract after tract, until the peninsula of Florida alone remained to them. This was ceded to the United States in 1819. The government of the Territory was vested in the discoverers. Ponce de Leon was governor from 1512 until 1521. De Soto was governor of Florida and Cuba until 1541. Melendez, by com pact with King Philip, succeeded him, his commission giving him a life tenure. The history of the Spanish possessions is by no means interesting, and illustrates chiefly the Spanish greed for gold. IN THE NORTHWEST. . 617 FRENCH CLAIMS. The French early disputed the claims of the Spaniards and Portuguese to the possession of the New World, and accordingly in 1524 sent a Florentine, Jean Verrazzani, who ^explored the coast from Carolina to Nova Scotia, took possession of it, and called it New France. Ten years later Cartea continued the work, sailing around New Foundland and ascending the St. Lawrence as far as the site of Montreal. In 1564 a French colony located in Florida, but were almost immediately exter minated by the Spaniards. During the following century the French pushed their explorations to the regions of the Missis sippi and the great lakes. In the year 1603 Champlain was en gaged in the exploration of the St. Lawrence, and in 1609, he, with two other Frenchmen, explored Lake Champlain and the country of the Iroquois and took possession of it in the name of Henry IV of France. In 1611 and 1612 he explored Lake Hu ron, entered Saginaw bay, passed down Detroit river, exploring Lake Erie, and laid the the foundation of French sovereignty in the valley of the St. Lawrence. Champlain for many years prosecuted the fur trade where Boston now stands, prior to the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock. We have not space for a complete account of the conflicting claims of the French and English, but will give the boundaries of New France as defined by French and English authorities at different times: 1609 — L' Escartot, in his "Histoire de la Nouvelle France," defines the French boundaries as extending "on the west to the Pacific ocean, on the south to the Spanish West Indies, on the east to the North Atlantic, and on the north to the Frozen Sea." 1683 — Baron La Honton says, "All the world knows that Canada reaches from the 39th to the 65th de grees of north latitude and from the 284th to the 336th degrees of longitude. [More accurately from about 45 to 90 degrees west, or from Cape Race to the Mississippi.] The French government persistently denied the right of the English to any territory west of the Alleghanies.- The great Northwest, therefore, was for a long time under French rule and influ ence. We must accord to France the credit of making the first progress in civil government in the Northwest. They made many permanent settlements and by a wise and pacific pol icy so conciliating the Indian tribes that they were able to hold 618 FIFTY YEARS their positions on the frontier at will. They were early and persistent explorers, and, under the guidance of pious and de voted Jesuit missionaries, planted settlements in the most desir able jplaces. They made a cordon of posts reaching from Louisiana to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, along the Mississippi and Ohio rivers, and along the chain of the great lakes, com pletely surrounded the English colonies and disputed with them the possession of the country. The French-English War of 1689 to 1697 failed to decide satisfactorily the question of the interior domain. In 1712 New France was divided into two provinces, that of Canada and that of Louisiana, the dividing line being the Ohio, Mississippi and Missouri rivers, the Mississippi boundary line extending from the mouth of the Ohio to the mouth of the Mis souri river. Mobile was made the capital of the southern prov ince. The patent or commission of the new province was issued to Crozat, Marquis du Chatel. The Illinois country was after ward added, and it seems probable that the country east of the Wabash was also included in it. All north of the boundary named formed part of the province of Canada. Other boundaries than these have been given by geographers, but these boundaries are sufficiently established by official documents. In 1763 all of the territory claimed by France lying east of the Mississippi river was ceded to the English, the territory lying west to Spain. Virginia, by three royal charters, given in 1606, 1607 and 1611, by the English government, held a part of the Northwest Territory, and in 1776 established three counties north of the Ohio river, named Ohio, Youghiogheny and Monongahela, but in 1787 ceded this territory to the United States. Its settle ment was somewhat impeded by the perils of the wilderness, not the least of which was the doubtful and often unfriendly attitude of the Indians, resulting in many cases from the changes in the tenure of the lands, and the influence of French or English emis saries, generally hostile to American claims. The history of these early settlements is replete with thrilling adventures. The first settlement made in the newly ceded territory was at Marietta, Ohio, in 1788, under the supervision of Gen. Rufus Putnam, nephew of Gen. Israel Putnam, and first surveyor gen eral of the Northwest Territory. The settlement was named Marietta, in honor of Queen Marie Antoinette, who had been a IN THE NORTHWEST. 619 firm friend to the colonies during the Revolutionary struggle. Gen. Arthur St. Clair was appointed governor July 15, 1788, of the newly organized Ohio Territory. The country claimed by Virginia under the royal charters included the land lying between the sea shore on the east, and the Mississippi on the west, the Ohio river on the south, and the British possessions on the north. It will be seen, therefore, that that part of the Northwest Territory lying immediately along the eastern banks of the Mississippi now comprised in the state of Wisconsin and part of Minnesota, has been successively claimed by Spain, France, England, Virginia, and the United States, and under the territorial governments of the Northwest — Ohio, In diana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin territories. That part of Minnesota lying west of the Mississippi belonged to the French by right of discovery, but passed into the hands of Spain, thence back again into the hands of France, by whom, with the territory kn&wn as Louisiana, it was sold to the United States in 1803. The original grant to Virginia included far more than the area of the State and that of the Northwest Terri tory, but was subsequently reduced by grants made by states ly ing north of Virginia, and vexatious disputes arose as to titles, a circumstance calculated to retard rapid settlement. We append the following data concerning the early history of the territory included in the present states of Wisconsin and Minnesota, tabulated for more convenient reference: 1634. Jean Nicollet Yentured into Wisconsin, and explored the c#intry from Lake Michigan for a considerable distance down the Wisconsin river. 1658. Two fur traders penetrated to Lake Superior and. win tered there, probably on Wisconsin soil. 1660. Rev. M. Menard with eight companions came to La Pointe, Lake Superior. 1665. . Claude Allouez, an eminent pioneer missionary, suc ceeded Menard, and re-established the mission at La Pointe. 1669. Father Allouez established a mission on the shores of Green bay, locating it at Depere in 1671. 1670. Father Allouez- made a voyage of the Fox and Wiscon sin rivers to within a short distance of the Mississippi — a near approach to the discovery of the Father of Waters. 1671. In this year the French took formal possession of the whole Northwest, confirmed in ife'89. 620 FIFTY YEARS 1673. Louis Joliet, accompanied by Father James Marquette, discovered the Mississippi river. 1674. Father Marquette coasted Lake Michigan, from Green Bay, by Milwaukee; to the site of the present city of Chicago. 1679. The Griffin, a schooner built by La Salle, and the first to make a voyage of the lakes above Niagara, arrived at the mouth of Green bay. Capt. Duluth held a council, and concluded a peace with the natives of Lake Superior. 1680. About the first of May Father Louis Hennepin arrived at Mille Lacs, as prisoner of a Dakotah war party, who captured him at Lake Pepin, while on his way up the Mississippi. He re mained at Mille Lacs several months. On his return homeward, after being released, he discovered the falls, which he named for his patron saint, Anthony of Padua. His book, published after his return to Europe, is the first printed account of Minnesota. 1683. Le Sueur made a voyage of the* Fox and Wisconsin rivers to the Mississippi. 1688. Nicholas Perrot first planted the cross and arms of France on the soil of Minnesota, and first laid formal claim to the country for France. He built a fort on Lake Pepin, near Lake City. 1695. Le Sueur built a fort on Isle Pelee, in the Mississippi, below Prescott. 1700. Le Sueur established Fort L'Huillier, on the Blue Earth river (near the mouth of the Le Sueur), and first supplied the Sioux with firearms. # 1 716. Le Louvigny's battle with the Fox Indians at Butte des Morts. 1719. Francis Renalt explored the Upper Mississippi with two hundred miners. 1721. Previous to this date a French fort had been established at Green Bay, on the present site of Fort Howard. 1727. The French established a fort on Lake Pepin, with Sieur de Lapperriere as commandant. A trading post, called Fort Beauharnois, was established on the north side of Lake Pepin. 1728. There was a great flood in the Mississippi, and Fort Beauharnois was submerged. A French expedition, under De Lignery, from Mackinaw, punished the Foxes. IN THE NORTHWEST. 621 1734. A battle took place between the French, and the Sacs and Foxes. 1751. Sieur Marin, in command at Green Bay, made a peace with the Indians. 1761. Capt. Balfour and Lieut. Gorrell, with English troops, took possession of Green Bay. 1763. The English, under Lieut. Gorrell, abandoned Green Bay in consequence of the Indian War under Pontiac. Treaty of Paris, by which all the territory of New France, including Wisconsin, was surrendered to the English. About this date the Canadian-French trading establishment at Green Bay ripened into a permanent settlement, the first upon any portion of the territory now forming the state of Wisconsin. By the treaty of Versailles, France ceded Minnesota east of the Mississippi to England, and west of it to Spain. 1766. Capt. Jonathan Carver visited St. Anthony falls and Minnesota river. He pretended to have made a treaty with the Indians the following spring, in a cave near St. Paul, known for several years as Carver's Cave. He also reports a town of three hundred inhabitants at Prairie du Chien. 1774. A civil government was established over Canada and the Northwest, by the celebrated " Quebec Act." 1777. Indians from Wisconsin join the British against the Americans. 1786. Julian Dubuque explored the lead region of the Upper Mississippi. 1788. There was an Indian council at Green Bay. Permis sion to work the lead mines was given to Dubuque. 1793. Lawrence Barth built a cabin at the portage of the Fox and Wisconsin rivers, and engaged in the carrying trade. 1795. French settlement commenced at Milwaukee. 1796. The western posts were surrendered by the English to the United States, and the ordinance of 1787 extended over the Northwest. 1798-99. The Northwestern Fur Company established itself in Minnesota. 1800. Indiana Territory organized, including Wisconsin. 1803. Antoine Barth settled at the portage of the Fox and Wisconsin rivers. 1804. Indian treaty at St. Louis; Southern Wisconsin pur chased. 622 FIFTY YEARS 1805. Michigan Territory organized. 1809. Thomas Nuttall, the botanist, explored Wisconsin. Illinois Territory was organized, including nearly all the pres ent state of Wisconsin. 1812. Indians assembled at Green Bay to join the English. 1814. Gov. Clark took possession of Prairie du Chien. Prairie du Chien surrendered to the British. 1815. United States trading post established at Green Bay. 1816. Indian treaty confirming that of 1804. United States troops took possession of Prairie du Chien, and commenced the erection of Fort Crawford. Col. Miller commenced the erection of Fort Howard, at Green Bay. 1818. State of Illinois was organized; Wisconsin attached to Michigan. Brown, Crawford and Michillimackinac counties were organ ized by the territory of Michigan which embraced in their boundaries, besides other territory, the whole of the present state of Wisconsin. 1820. United States commissioners adjusted land claims at Green Bay. 1822. The New York Indians purchase lands east of Lake Winnebago. James Johnson obtained from the Indians the right to dig for lead by negro slaves from Kentucky. 1823. January. Counties of Brown, Crawford and Michilli mackinac made a separate judicial district by Congress. First steamboat on the Upper Mississippi, with Maj. Talia- fero and Count Beltrami. Lieut. Bayfield, of the British Navy, makes a survey of Lake Superior. 1824. First term of United States court held at Green Bay, Judge Duane Doty presiding. 1825. Great flood on the Red River of the North; a part of the colony driven to Minnesota, and settle near Fort Snelling. 1826. First steamboat on Lake Michigan. 1827. Rush of speculators to lead mines. Treaty with Menomonies at Butte des Morts. 1828. Fort Winnebago built. Indian treaty at Green Bay. Lead ore discovered at Mineral Point and at Dodgeville. 1832. Black Hawk War. IN THE NORTHWEST. 623 Schoolcraft explored sources of Mississippi river. First mis sion established at Leech Lake, by Rev. W. T. Boutwell, now of ¦Stillwater. 1834. The portion of Minnesota west of the Mississippi at tached to Michigan. Gen. H. H. Sibley settles at Mendota. 1835. Catlin and Featherstonhaugh visit Minnesota. 1836. The territory of Wisconsin organized. Nicollet visits Minnesota. 1837. Gov. Dodge, of Wisconsin, made a treaty at Fort Snell ing, with the Ojibways, by which the latter ceded lands on the 'St. Croix and its tributaries; a treaty was also effected at Wash ington with a deputation of Dakotahs for their lands east of the Mississippi. These treaties led the way to the first actual set tlements in the Territory. 1838. The treaty ratified by Congress. Frank Steele makes a claim at St. Anthony Falls. Pierre Parrant makes a claim and builds a shanty on the present site of St. Paul. 1839. Sioux and Chippewa battle fought near Stillwater. 1840. St. Croix county established. The chapel of "St. Paul" built and consecrated, giving the .name to the capital of the state of Minnesota. 1843. Stillwater settled. 1846. August 6th, the Wisconsin enabling act passed. 1847. The Wisconsin constitutional convention meets. The town of St. Paul surveyed, platted and recorded in the St. Croix county register of deeds' office. First improvement of the wa ter power at falls of St. Anthony. Treaty with the Chippewas at Fond du Lac, August 2d. Treaty with the Pillagers at Leech Lake, August 21st. # 1848. May 29th, Wisconsin admitted. August 26th, the "Stillwater Convention" held, to take measures for a separate territorial organization. October 30th, H H. Sibley elected delegate to Congress. 1850. Great flood on the Mississippi. Minnesota river navi gated by steamboats. Census of Minnesota shows population of 4,780. 1851. Permanent location of the capital of Minnesota at St Paul. Treaty of the Traverse des Sioux, opening territory west -of the Mississippi to settlement July 23d. Treaty at Mendota with the Sioux August 5th. 624 FIFTY YEARS 1852. President Pierce appoints Willis A. Gorman governor of Minnesota. 1854. Real estate mania commenced. Treaty with the Chip pewas at La Pointe, September 30th. 1855. Treaty at Washington, District of Columbia, with the Chippewas, and cession of lands in Minnesota, February 22d. 1857. Enabling act to admit Minnesota passed Congress. President Buchanan appoints Gen. Sam Medary governor of Min nesota. Ink-pa-dootah massacre in April. Minnesota constitu tional convention met in June. Constitution adopted in October. 1858. Minnesota admitted as a state. State loan of $250,000 guaranteed. The $5,000,000 loan bill adopted. 1859. Hard times. Work on the land grant road ceases. Collapse of the $5,000,000 scheme. First export of grain this fall. 1860. Federal census, 172,123. 1861. April 13th. President's proclamation for troops re ceived. The First regiment recruits at once. June 22d it em barks at Fort Snelling for the seat of war. 1862. Call for 600,000 men. August 17th, massacre at Acton; 18th, outbreak at Lower Sioux agency; 19th, New Ulm at tacked; 20th, Fort Ridgely attacked; 25th, second attack on New Ulm; 30th, Fort Abercrombie besieged; September 1st, the bloody affair at Birch Coolie; 19th, first railroad in Minnesota in operation between St. Paul and Minneapolis; 22d, battle of Wood Lake; 26th, captives surrendered at Camp Release; military com mission tries 321 Indians for murder, rape, etc.; 303 condemned to die; December 26th, 38 hanged at Mankato. 1863. Gen. Sibley's expedition to the Missouri river. July 3d, Little Crow killed; 24th, battle of Big Mound; 26th, battle of Dead Buffalo Lake; 28th, battle of Stony Lake. Treaty at crossing of Red Lake river with Chippewas, and cession of Dakotah lands, October 2d. 1864. Large levies for troops. Expedition to Missouri river under Sully. Inflation of money market. Occasional Indian raids. 1865. Peace returns. Minnesota regiments return and are disbanded; in all 25,052 troops furnished by the State. Census shows 250,000 inhabitants. 1866-72. Rapid railroad building everywhere, immigration heavy, "good times" prevail, and real estate inflated. IN THE NORTHWEST. ¦& 625 1873. January 7th, 8th and 9th, polar wave sweeps over the State, seventy persons perish. September, the Jay Cooke fail ure creates another panip. Grasshopper raid begins and contin ues five seasons. 1876. September 7th, armed outlaws from Missouri attack a Northfield bank. Three killed, three prisoners. 1877. Minnesota legislature adopts biennial sessions. 1878. May 2d, three flouring mills at Minneapolis explode; eighteen lives lost. 1880. November 15th, hospital for the insane at St. Peter partly destroyed by fire; twenty-five lives lost. 1881. March 1, capitol at St. Paul destroyed by fire. 1886. Cyclone destroys Sauk Rapids. Wisconsin legislature adopts biennial sessions. THE BOUNDARY QUESTION. The question of the western boundary of Wisconsin had been agitated since the Martin bill for the organization of the State had been introduced in 1846. This bill established the present boundary. The majority of the people residing in the valley of the St. Croix were opposed to it on the ground that the interests of the valley on both sides were identical, and that it was not proper that the two sides should be separated by a state line. The question became a political one, and at the election of dele gates for the constitutional convention of Oct. 5, 1846, Wm. Holcombe was elected over Joseph Bowron, as representing the sentiments of the people of the valley as opposed to the proposed boundary line. In convention Mr. Holcombe advocated a boundary line com mencing at Mount Trempeleau on the Mississippi, running due north to Lake Superior. Failing in this, he advocated a boun dary line to be established at a point fifteen miles due east of the most easterly point on Lake St. Croix, said line extending from that point due south to the Mississippi and due north to the tribu tary waters of Lake Superior. In this he was successful, and the constitution in which this boundary line was thus fixed went to the people and was rejected, greatly to the disappointment of the people of the St. Croix valley, who felt that they had been unjustly dealt with. There seems, indeed, to be but little excuse for the attitude of ttie majority of the citizens of Wisconsin 40 626 FIFTY YEARS with regard to this boundary. Certainly but little attention was shown to the interests of the people in the western section of the Territory. Prior to the meeting of the second constitutional convention, Dec. 15, 1847, public meetings were held at St. Croix Falls and in Stillwater, at which latter place enthusiastic resolutions were passed remonstrating against this unnatural boundary, which resolutions were signed by nearly all the citizens of the St. Croix valley, and a few in and around St. Paul, asking the convention to establish the western boundary on a line running due north from the foot of Lake Pepin to Lake Superior. George W. Brownell was elected from the St. Croix district to the second convention, with instructions to work for this boundary. Joseph Bowron, Brownell's opponent, was defeated by a large majority. The following is the abstract of votes: BOWBON. BEOWNELL. Willow River (now Hudson) 7 4 Lake St. Croix 7 14 Stillwater 9 39 St. Paul 41 40 Marine Mills 22 St. Croix Falls 26 18 dam River 6 17 Apple River 1 6 Wood Lake 2 6 Rush Lake 2 8 Osceola (no election) : Totals 101 174 Mr. Brownell made strong and persistent efforts to have the boundary line adjusted in accordance with the sentiments of the people of the valley, but in vain. Morgan L. Martin, delegate to Congress from Wisconsin Territory, had framed the bill establishing the present boundary, and it was urged that any effort to change the line would tend to prevent the immediate admission of the State, and it was thought a political necessity fehat the State should be admitted at once, that it might take part in the ensuing presidential election. Under such pressure the convention made haste to adopt, and the people to accept, a con stitution with boundary lines that should never have been made. The State was admitted in time to cast its electoral vote for Gen. Zachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore. At a meeting held by the people of the St. Croix valley, sub- IN THE NORTHWEST. 627 sequent to this convention and prior to its adoption by the people, the following resolutions were passed, and we append them as expressing very generally the sentiments of the people of the valley: Whereas, By the establishment of the St. Croix river as a part of the boundary line between the State and territory of Wis consin, the inhabitants of our remote settlements are greatly aggrieved, our local rights and privileges neglected and abridged, our geographical, material and natural political alliance with our neighbors of the new territory will be cut off; and Whereas, Our oft repeated remonstrances and appeals to the authorities of the new state have been unavailing; therefore Resolved, That the establishment of the St. Croix river as a part of the boundary of the state of Wisconsin, against the will of the inhabitants of the valley of said river, is unjust, unreasonable and contrary to the principles upon which our government is founded. Resolved, That in establishing the present boundary, our known and acknowledged wishes and interests are invaded by the might of a majority; that as the boundary is now established, so great is the distance and obstacles intervening, severing us, together with the people of Lake Superior, from the seat of government, that we can not enjoy a prompt and equitable share in representation, and we would respectfully admonish our brethren that equal representation involves a principle which is deeply and peculiarly American. Resolved, That the interests of the inhabitants of St. Croix, being identical from the nature of the staple business of the country, the river being the natural centre to which all the business of the valley tends, a boundary severing the natural ties in connection is uncalled for, inconvenient and vexatious. Resolved, That the inhabitants of the territory of the whole Northwest are deeply interested in procuring a just and wise alteration of the present line of divisions, because from the geography of the country, the line as now established, we are robbed of a future star in the galaxy of the American sisterhood of states. Resolved, That we pledge ourselves to stand united and un ceasingly use all honorable means in our power to procure the establishment of a boundary east of St. Croix valley. 628 FIFTY YEARS Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to prepare and forward a memorial to the present legislature on this subject- The resolutions as a whole were unanimously adopted. In accordance with the last resolution the chair appointed. Wm. R. Marshall, G. W. Brownell and W. H. C. Folsom, Esqs., a committee. On motion the secretary was instructed to forward copies of the proceedings of the meeting to the Prairie du Chien Patriotr Galena Gazette and Wisconsin Argus, requesting their publica tion. H. H. Perkins, Chairman. R. V. D. Smith, Secretary. No attention was paid to the action of the public meeting. It is possible that none was expected. It was some satisfaction to the people of the valley to give such an expression of their opinion of the wrong done them. The admission of Wisconsin with the St. Croix as a boundary line left the country immedi ately west of that river virtually without law. Nevertheless, Wisconsin territorial laws were acknowledged west of the St. Croix and were generally considered binding until a new terri torial government should be organized. The territorial gov ernor, Gen. Henry Dodge, had been elected United States senator and therefore could not claim jurisdiction over this part of the territory lying beyond state limits. John Catlin, terri torial secretary, held that the territorial government still existed in the part of the original territory excluded. At a public meeting held in Stillwater, Aug. 26, 1848 (a pre liminary meeting having been held August 24th, at which an understanding was effected with Mr. Catlin and he invited to exercise authority as a territorial officer), steps were taken for the organization of a new territory, and Mr. Catlin, having re moved to Stillwater, issued a proclamation in his official capac ity, ordering an election to be held for the selection of a delegate to Congress. To facilitate this movement John H. Tweedy, ter ritorial delegate from Wisconsin, resigned. The election was held Oct. 30, 1848, and H. H. Sibley was elected as a successor to John H. Tweedy, his papers being certified by John Catlin, secretary of Wisconsin Territory. Mr. Sibley proceeded to Washington, presented his credentials and patiently awaited recognition, which was not very speedily accorded, there being IN THE NORTHWEST. 629 •considerable discussion as to the right of excluded territory to continued political existence. His admission, on the fifteenth of .January,' as a delegate, settled the question and established a precedent that the creation of a state government does not de prive portions of the territory not included within state limits ¦of the right to existence and representation. Mr. Sibley ably presented the claims of his constituents and with great diffi culty succeeded in procuring the passage of a bill organizing the new territory of Minnesota. » With all respect to the action of Congress in receiving Mr. Sibley as a legally elected delegate (and, under the circumstances, the action seems wise), the question still rises: " Had we a legal territorial government?" If we had, what was the necessity for a new organization? Why could not the excluded territory con tinue under the old regime, or inherit, so to speak, the old gov ernment machinery! If we had no legal existence, by what authority could Mr. Sibley represent us ? The Wisconsin terri torial government had ceased to exist. Ours had not begun to live. The territory df Minnesota was created by act of Congress, March 3, 1849, a little over thirty days after the introduction of the bill creating it. There had been some discussion as to the name. In the bill presented by Morgan L. Martin it was named Minnesota. Senator Stephen A. Douglas, chairman of the com mittee on territories, recommended the passage of the bill, and that the new territory be named Itasca. When the bill was be fore the house the names Chippewa, Jackson and Washington were proposed, but the name in the original bill was adopted. It is a compound word, taken from the Sioux language, and has for its meaning "Land of sky-tinted water." The news of the passage of the bill reached Stillwater April 9th, and was re ceived with great rejoicing. The United States land office which had been established at -St. Croix Falls in 1848 was removed to Stillwater July 1, 1849. Abraham Van Voorhes was appointed register and William Holcombe receiver. INDIAN TREATIES. Sept. 23, 1805, at the mouth of St. Peter's river (now Men- ¦dota) with the Sioux. (For account of this treaty see " Gen. Pike and the Indians.") 630 FIFTY YEARS July 29, 1837, at St. Peter (now Mendota), Wisconsin Terri tory, the Chippewa Indians ceded to the United States the follow ing tract of country: Beginning at the junction of the Crow Wing and Mississippi rivers, between twenty and thirty miles above where the Mississippi is crossed by the forty-sixth paral lel of north latitude, and running thence to the north point of Lake St. Croix, one of the sources of the St. Croix river; thence to and along the dividing ridge between the waters of Lake Su perior and those of the Mississippi, to the sources of the Ocha- sua-sepe, a tributary of the Chippewa river; thence to a point on the Chippewa river twenty miles below the outlet of Lake De Flambeau; thence to the junction of the Wisconsin and Pelican rivers; thence on an east course twenty-five miles; thence south erly on a course parallel with that of the Wisconsin river to the line dividing the territories of the Chippewas and the Menomo- nies; thence to the Plover portage; thence along the southern boundary of the Chippewa country to the commencement of the boundary line dividing it from that of the Sioux, half a day's march below the falls on the Chippewa river; thence with said boundary line to the mouth of the Waw-tab* river, at its junc tion with the Mississippi; and thence up the Mississippi to the place of beginning. Henry Dodge, Commissioner. Sept. 29, 1837, at Washington, District of Columbia, the Sioux nation of Indians ceded to the United States all their lands east of the Mississippi river, and all of their islands in the said river, Joel R. Poinsett, secretary of war, commanding, which cession embraced all their land east of the Mississippi and west of the following lines commencing at the Chippewa river, half a day's march below the falls, from thence to Red Cedar river, immediately below the falls; thence to the St. Croix river at a point called the Standing Cedar, about a day's paddle in a canoe, above the lake at the mouth of that river; thence passing between two lakes called by the Chippewas, "Green Lakes," and by the Sioux, " The Lakes they Bury the Eagles in," thence to the Standing Cedar, that "the Sioux split;'.' thence to Rum river, crossing at the mouth of a small creek called Chok- *,.Note.— The Wah-tap — or Wa-tab — empties from the west into the Mississippi just above- Sauk Rapids.— H. M. R. IN THE NORTHWEST. 631 ing creek, a long day's march from the Mississippi; thence to a point of woods that project into the prairie, half a day's march from the Mississippi; thence in a straight line to the mouth of the first river which enters the Mississippi at the east side above the mouth of Sac river (Watab river). The above boundary line was established between the Sioux and Chippewa Indians at Prairie du Chien, Aug. 19, 1825. William Clark, Lewis Cass, Commissioners. St. Paul, East Minneapolis and Stillwater are embraced within the above limits. Nov. 1, 1837, at Washington, District of Columbia, with the Winnebagoes. The Winnebagoes' at this treaty ceded all their lands lying east of the Mississippi river, and received in return $200,000. Of this amount $150,000 was reserved to satisfy the claims of Indian traders, and the remaining $50,000 was paid to certain individuals of the tribe. There was set apart the further sum of $100,000, to be paid, by order of the president of the United States, to mixed blood relatives of these Indians. Simon Cameron, of Pennsylvania, and James Murray, of Maryland, were commis sioned to adjust claims, pay debts and partition the amount alloted to the mixed bloods. The Winnebagoes, including mixed blood relatives, numbered over 4,000 souls. The payments and adjustments were made at Prairie dn Chien, October, 1838. Soon after complaints were made of the arbitrary and unjust distri bution of these funds. The secretary of war, Joel R. Poinsett, countermanded the action of the commissioners and appointed Judge Fleming, of New York, to act as commissioner. The parties were reassembled at Prairie du Chien in September, 1839, and the unpleasant business was in some way adjusted and closed up. Aug. 2, 1847, at Fond du Lac of Lake Superior, the Chippewa Indians of the Mississippi and Lake Superior ceded to the United States the country beginning at the junction of the Crow Wing and Mississippi rivers, thence up the Crow Wing river to the junction of that river with the Long Prairie river; thence up the Long Prairie river to the boundary line between the Sioux and Chippewa Indians; thence southerly along said boundary 632 FIFTY YEARS line to a lake at the head of Long Prairie river; thence in a direct line to the sources of the (Waw tab) river; thence down that river to its junction with the Mississippi river; thence up the Mississippi river to the place of beginning. Isaac A. Verplanck, Henry M. Rice, Commission ers. Aug. 21, 1847, at Leech Lake, the Pillager band of Chippewa Indians ceded to the United States the country beginning at the south end of Otter Tail lake; thence southerly on the boundary line between the Sioux and Chippewa Indians to Long Prairie river; thence up said river'to Crow Wing river; thence up Crow Wing river to Leaf river; thence up Leaf river to its head; thence in a direct line to the place of beginning. Isaac A. Verplanck, Henry M. Rice, Commissioners. July 23, 1851, at Traverse des Sioux (now St. Peter), the See-see-toan and Wah-pay-toan bands of Dakotah or Sioux Indians ceded to the United States all their lands in the state of Iowa; and the territory of Minnesota, lying east of a line begin ning at the junction of the Buffalo river and the Red River of the North; thence along the western bank of said river to the mouth of the Sioux Wood river; thence along the western bank of said Sioux Wood river to Lake Traverse; thence along the western shore of said lake to the northern extremity thereof; thence in a direct line to the junction of Kampeskalake with the Tchan-kas-an-data or Sioux river; thence along the western bank of said river to its point of intersection with the northern line of the state of Iowa, including all the islands in said rivers and lake. Luke Lea, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Alexander Ramsey, Governor and Ex-officio Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Commissioners. A small reservation was set apart for said Indians, which they forfeited by their attack upon the whites in 1862. Aug. 5, 1851, at Mendota, the Med-ay-wa-kan-toan and Wah- pay-koo-tay bands of Dakotah and Sioux Indians ceded to the IN THE NORTHWEST. 633 United States all of their lands in the territory of Minnesota and state of Iowa. Luke Lea, Alexander Ramsey, Commissioners. The two treaties made by Commissioners Lea and Ramsey in cluded the following area: Beginning at the junction of Buffalo river with the Red River •of the North, in Clay county; thence along the western bank of the Red River of the north to the. mouth of Sioux Wood river; thence along the western bank of Sioux Wood river to Lake 'Traverse; thence along its western shore to its southern extremity; thence to the head of Sioux river; thence alongsaid Sioux river to "the northern line of the state of Iowa; thence alongthe southern boundary of the state of Minnesota to the Mississippi river; ;thence up said river to the mouth of Waw-tab river (just north of St. Cloud in Stearns county); thence up that river to its head; thence to the place of beginning. A part of the state of Iowa not included in the above was also ceded to the United States. A large strip of Dakota Territory is included. This last tract includes nearly one-half of the state of Minnesota, containing its now richest and most populous counties. Sept. 30, 1854, at La Pointe, Larke Superior, Wisconsin, the •Chippewas of Lake Superior ceded to the United States all •of their lands lying east of a line beginning at a point where the east branch of Snake river crosses the southern boundary line of the Chippewa country, running thence up the said branch to its source; thence nearly north in a straight line to the mouth of East Savannah river; thence up the St. Louis river to the mouth of East Swan river; thence up the East Swan river to its source; thence in a straight line to the most westerly bend of Vermillion river, and thence down the Vermillion river to its .mouth. Henry C. Gilbert, David B. Herriman, Commissioners. The foregoing treaty embraced all of the country bordering -upon Lake Superior in the state of Minnesota, including the valuable iron and other mines. The city of Duluth is within the limits of the cession. 634 FIFTY YEARS Owing to the efforts of Henry M. Rice, then in Congress, the commissioners were appointed, and to his personal influence with the Chippewas the treaty was made. Feb. 22, 1885, at Washington, District of Columbia, the Missis sippi, Pillager, and Lake Winnibigoshish bands of Chippewa Indians ceded to the United Statesall the lands owned orclaimed by them in the territory of Minnesota, and included within the following boundaries, viz: "Beginning at a point where the east branch of Snake river crosses the southern boundary line of the Chippewa country, east of the Mississippi river, as established by the treaty of July 29, 1837, running thence up the said branch to its source; thence nearly north in a straight line to the mouth of East Savannah river; thence up the St. Louis river to the mouth of East Swan river; thence up said river to its source; thence in a straight line to the most westerly bend of Vermil lion river; thence northwestwardly in a straight line to the first and most considerable bend in the Big Fork river; thence down said river to its mouth; thence down Rainy Lake river to the mouth of Black river; thence up that river to its source; thence in a straight line to the northern extremity of Turtle Lake; thence in a straight line to the mouth of Wild Rice river; thence up the Red River of the North to the mouth of Buffalo river; thence in a straight line to the southwestern extremity of Otter Tail lake; thence through said lake to the source of Leaf river; thence down said river to its junction with Crow Wing river; thence down Crow Wing river to its junction with the Mississippi river;. thence to the place of beginning." Georg-e* W. Manypenny, Commissioner. All lands in Minnesota Territory east of the foregoing boun dary line were ceded to the United, States at La Pointe, Lake Superior, Sept. 30. 1854. Several reservations were set aside in each purchase for the future residence of various bands of said Chippewa and Pillager Indians. It was by the efforts of Henry M. Rice, then in Congress, that- the Indians were invited to Washington, and through his per sonal influence that the treaty was made. Several treaties were afterward made with the Chippewa and Pillager Indians, merely changing or reducing their reservation. Oct. 2, 1863, at the old crossing of the Red Lake river, in IN THE NORTHWEST. 635 the state of Minnesota, the Red Lake and Pembina bands of Chippewa Indians ceded to the United States all their right, title and interest in and to all the lands now owned and claimed by them in the state of Minnesota and in the territory of Da kota within the following boundaries, to- wit: "Beginning at the point where the international boundary between the United States and the British possessions intersects the shore of the Lake of the Woods; thence in a direct line southwestwardly to the head, of Thief river; thence down the main channel of said Thief river to its mouth on the Red Lake river; thence in a southeasterly direction, in a direct line toward the head of Wild Rice river, to a point where such line would inter sect the northwesterr boundary of a tract ceded to the United States by a treaty concluded at Washington on the twenty-second day of February, 1855, with the Mississippi, Pillager and Lake Winnibigoshish bands of Chippewa Indians; thence along said boundary line of said cession to the mouth of Wild Rice river; thence up the main channel of the Red river to the mouth of the Sheyenne; thence up the main channel of the Sheyenne river to Poplar Grove; thence in a direct line to the head of the main branch of Salt river; thence in a direct line due north to the in ternational boundary line; thence eastwardly to the place of be ginning." Alexander Ramsey, Ashley C. Morrill, Commissioners. All the lands included in the foregoing treaty east of the Red River of the North are within the state of Minnesota. The heretofore mentioned treaties include all the lands within the state of Minnesota originally owned by Indian tribes, except the Red Lake reservation, and for its cession a treaty was nego tiated in 1886, which to this date, April, 1888, has not been rati fied. GEN. PIKE AND THE INDIANS. Gen. Zebulon M. Pike, United States Army, was sent by the government in 1805-6 on a tour of inspection, to select sites for forts, and to treat and hold councils with the various Indian tribes of the Upper Mississippi . He met the Sioux in council at the junction of the St. Peter's and Mississippi rivers, Sept. 23, 636 FIFTY YEARS 1805, and informed them that he came to purchase lands for government forts, and to tell them what the Great Father at Washington desired them to know about his people and their government. A part of his speech we subjoin: "Brothers: You old men probably know that about thirty years ago we were subject to the king of England, and governed by his laws. But he not treating us as children we refused to acknowledge him as father. After ten years of war, in which he lost 100,000 men, he acknowledged us as a free and independ ent nation. They knew that not many years since we received Detroit, Michilmackinac, and all the ports on the lakes from the English, and now but the other day, Louisiana from the Spanish; so that we put one foot on the sea at the east, and the other on the sea at the west, and if once children are now men; yet I think that the traders who come from Canada are bad birds amongst the Chippewas, and instigate them to make war on their red brothers, the Sioux, iu order to prevent our traders from going high up the Mississippi. This I shall inquire into, and so warn those persons of their ill conduct. "Brothers, I expect that you will give orders to all your young warriors to respect my flag and protection, which I may send to the Chippewa chief who may come down with me in the spring; for was a dog to run to my lodge for safety, his enemy must walk over me to hurt him. ' ' Brothers, I am told that the traders have made a practice of selling rum to you. All of you in your right senses must know that this is injurious and occasions quarrels, murders, etc., amongst yourselves. For this reason your father has thought proper to prohibit the traders from selling you rum. "Brothers, I now present you with some of your father's tobacco, and some other trifling things, as a memorandum of my good will, and before my departure I will give you some liquor to clear your throats." At this conference the Sioux granted to the United States government a tract nine miles square at the mouth of the St. Croix, and a similar tract at the mouth of the St. Peter's, lying on both sides of the Mississippi and including the falls of St. Anthony. Pike says: "They gave the land required, about 100,000 acres of land (equal to $200,000), and promised me a safe passage for myself and any chief I might bring down. I gave IN THE NORTHWEST. 637 them presents to the amount of about two hundred dollars, and as soon as the council was over allowed the traders to present them with liquor which, with what I gave, was equal to sixty gallons." Pike in his journeying through the territory ordered DickSon and others to haul down the British flag. It is on record that the flags were hauled down, but also that they were hoisted again after Pike's departure. From Pike's own account of one of his inland tours he was hospitably entertained by his red brothers, as the following para graph from his journal will show: "After making this tour we returned to the chief's lodge and found a berth provided for each of us, of good soft bear skins nicely spread, and on mine there was a large feather pil low. I must not here omit to mention an anecdote which serves to characterize more particularly their manners. This, in the eyes of the contracted moralist, would deform my hospitable host into a monster of libertinism; but by a liberal mind would be considered as arising from the hearty generosity of the wild savage. In the course of the day, observing a ring on one of my fingers, he inquired if it was gold; he was told it was the gift of one with whom I should be happy to be at that time; he seemed to think seriously, and at night told my interpreter, 'that perhaps his father (as they all called me) felt much grieved for the want of a woman; if so, he could furnish him with one.' He was answered that with us each man had but one wife, and that I considered it strictly my duty to remain faithful to her. This he thought strange (he himself having, three) and replied that 'he knew some Americans at his nation who had half a dozen wives during the winter.' The interpreter observed that they were men without character; but that all our great men had each but one wife. The chief acquiesced, but said he liked bet ter to have as many as he pleased. The Establishment* of United States Surveys in the Northwest — A Condensed Statement from the Rec ords of the Books in the Surveyor General's Office. On the twenty-sixth day of January, 1796, when the American Congress was in session at Philadelphia, a bill was reported for establishing land offices in the Northwestern Territory. The bill was ably discussed and there was much variance of opinion as 638 FIFTY YEARS to the disposition of the lands to be surveyed and brought into the market. Some favored a proposition to give the lands to actual settlers, and others favored selling the lands at a stipu lated price, applying the proceeds to the payment of the national debt. The bill, when agreed upon, bore the following title: "An act providing for the sale of the lands of the United States in the territories northwest of the river Ohio, and above the mouth of the Kentucky river." The bill was approved by President Washington May 18, 1796. This law established the office of surveyor general with powers specifically limited. It directed him to run lines north and south according to the true meridian, to be known as range lines, and others, crossing them at right angles, to be known as town ship lines, the townships thus formed to consist of areas six miles square, the whole to be subdivided into 36 sections, each a mile square, each to contain 640 acres of land, as near as may be, and to be subdivided into quarters, containing 160 acres, and these quarters to be further subdivided into forties. Marks were to be established at the corners of every township and section. These surveys were not to conflict with Indian treaty and military land warrants, or the course of navigable waters. This admirable device for surveying the public lands grew out of a correspondence between Gen. Rufus Putnam and President Washington, in 1875, in which the former proposed the division of the public lands into townships six miles square, to be marked by township and range lines. Perhaps no more convenient and acceptable plan of survey could have been devised. Gen. Ben jamin Tupper was one of a company of surveyors in 1796 that established the first lines under this new system. This survey was made in Southeast Ohio. The first surveyor general's office was opened at Marietta, Ohio, soon after the approval of the bill, and Rufus Putnam was appointed surveyor general. In 1803 he was removed by President Jefferson and the office was located at Vincennes. A year later it was removed to Cincinnati, in 1814 to Chillicothe, in 1829 to Cincinnati, in 1845 to Detroit, and in 1857 to St. Paul, where it has since remained. The act for the survey of the public lands has since been modified and improved. In 1804 an act was ap proved providing for the marking of quarter sections on the section lines. IN THE NORTHWEST. 639 By the same law under which the lands were subdivided and opened to the public, one section, No. 16, in every township was reserved from sale for the support of common schools. Two townships were also set apart for the support of a university. This was the beginning of the donations of land for school and other purposes. THE UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. The first government land office in Wisconsin north of Min eral Point was located at St. Croix Falls in 1848. Township plats were received, lands advertised and offered for sale in September, covering the ground where the cities of Stillwater and St. Paul are now located, and adjacent country. The office was removed to Stillwater in 1849, and the land district divided by the St. Croix river. The land office for the east side was located at Willow River in 1849, and there remained till 1860, when it was removed to St. Croix Falls. The following are the receivers and registers: 1848. Samuel Leach, receiver; Charles S. Whiting, register. 1849. Moses S. Gibson, receiver; T. D. Catlin, register. 1853. Otis Hoyt, receiver; John O. Henning, register. 1857. J. D. Reymert, receiver; J. B. Spencer, register. 1059. Orpheus Evarts, receiver; J. B. Spencer, register. 1861. Benj. W. Reynolds, receiver; Michael Field, register. 1864. Hiram Calkins, receiver; Michael Field, register. 1869. Fayette Allen, receiver; Michael Field, register. 1871. Joel F. Nason, receiver; Michael Field, register. 1884. Alvah A. Heald, receiver; Michael Field, register. 1887. Alvah H. Heald, receiver; Wm. M. Blanding, register. The first entry in the new district, Aug. 17, 1849, was by W. S. Hungerford. Lot 4, Sec. 19, and Lots 1, 2, 3, Sec. 30, T. 34, R. 18, where the villageof St. Croix now stands. The second entry was by George Brownell, Lot 3, Sec. 20, T. 24, R. 18. The oldest record to be found in the office is the proving up by James Purinton of his pre-emption, July 24, 1848. The first recorded correspondence is a letter from S. Leach, receiver, to Geo. W« Jones, surveyor general, Dubuque, Iowa. In June, 1863, under the receivership of Mr. Reynolds, the safe in the office was blown open with powder and the contents stolen. Some time afterward, in 1865, fifty land warrants and a bunch of keys from the articles 640 FIFTY YEARS missing were thrown in at the office window. They had the ap pearance of having been buried in the ground. FIRST ENTRIES. July 24, 1848. James Purinton, residence, St. Croix Falls. Lot 1, in east fractional part Sec. 23, T. 29 north, R. 20 west, and W. I of N. W. I and S. E. I of N. W. i, Sec. 24, T. 29, R. 20, 137 70-100 acres; price, $1.25; cost, $172 12-100, silver; pre emption act, 1841. This pre-emption is where the dam and mills have since been erected at North Hudson. Aug. 12, 1848. Samuel Burkelo, Orange Walker and Hiram Berkey. Lots 7 and 8, west of river, Sec. 6, T. 31, R. 19, 108 25-100 acres; cost $135 43-100, i gold; pre-emption act, 1840 (Marine Mills). Aug. 16, 1848. Richard Freeborn. West \ of N. W. } and N. E. I of N. W. ], and Lot 3, Sec. 12, T. 28, R. 23, St. Paul; pre-emption act, 1841. The first land offered at public auction sale was Aug. 27, 1848. 4. Albert Henry Judd, Orange Walker, Samuel Burkelo, Hi ram Berkey, George Baldwin Judd, Asa Parker were the pur chasers of Lots 5 and 6, Sec. 7, T. 31, R. 19, west of river; cost, $106 46-100, gold. 5. Martin Mower, David B. Loomis; Lots 7 and 8, Sec. 29, T. 31, R. 19, west of river; cost, $54 81-100, } gold (now Areola). 6. John Allen; Lots 4 and 5, Sec. 2, T. 29, R. 20, west of river; gold (Allen's Point, now South Stillwater). 7. Eleazer R, Steves; Lots 1 and 2, Sec, 14, T. 29, R. 20, east of river; gold, $9.66; silver, $54.85; $64 51-100 (now Hudson). 8 and 9. Stephen Harris; N. I of S. E. i and E. \ of S. W. \, Sec. 22, T. 29, R. 20. 10. Himan W. Greely; E. \ of N. E. }, Sec. 22, T. 29, R. 20, gold. 11 and 12. Albert N. Judd; W. i of S. E. i and E. i of S. W. J, Sec. 22, T. 29, R. 20, gold. 13 and 14. Louis Massey; E. I of S. W. and Lots 1 and 2, Sec. 24, T. 29, R. 20, silver; east of Lake St. Croix (now Hudson). 15 and 16. Peter F. Bouchea, Lot 1, east of river, Sec. 25, T. ::9, R, 20 and Lot 2, Sec. 25, T. 29, R 20; gold, $63 22-100; silver, $10 — $73 22-100. IN THE NORTHWEST. 641 17 and 18. John O'Brien; Lot 3, Sec. 26, T. 29, R. 20 and W. i of S. W. i, Sec. 26, T. 29, R. 20, silver and gold (now Lake land). 19 and 20. Albert H. Judd; E. i of N. E. i, and W. i of N. W. i, Sec. 22, T. 29, R. 20, gold. 21. Himan W. Greely; W. i of N. E. i, Sec. 22, T. 29, R. 20, gold. The above are all the purchasers at the first sale of land in the valley at St. Croix Falls. Sale was continued from day to day until townships 25 to 31 of ranges 19 and 20 were offered, cov ering the settlement of St. Anthony Falls, St. Paul, Cottage Grove, and Point Douglas. The United States land office was moved from St. Croix Falls to Stillwater in September, 1849. The first public sale of lands at Stillwater was Oct. 9, 1849. The office was held in Stillwater nine years. In October, 1858, it was moved to Cambridge, Isanti county; November 3d the first sale of lands was held at Cam bridge. April 7, 1860, the office was burned, many valuable pa pers were destroyed, and many records were replaced from the archives at Washington. July 5, 1860, the office was moved to Sunrise, and Oct. 8, 1868, it was moved to Taylor's Falls, where it is at the present time (1888). list op officers. Receivers. Appointed. Registers. Appointed. Samuel Leech 1848 CharlesS. Whitney ; 1848 N. Green Wilcox 1849 Abraham Van Voorhes 1849 Jonathan E. McKusick 1852 A. Pierce 1852 William Holcomb 1853 Thomas E. Fullerton 1853 Milton H. Abbott 1857 Charles G. Wagner 1857 William H. Mower I860 Henry N. Setzer 1860 Lucas K. Stannard 1861 Granville M. Stickney 1861 Oscar Roos 1871 Charles B. Whiting 1864 ' George B. Folsom.. 1875 William Comer 1866 Peter H. Stolberg 1884 John P. Owens 1869 E. A. Umland. 1887 Lucas K. Stannard 1884 The records do not show the date of commission of any officer; we gather the dates as near as possible from recorded correspond ence. TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT OF WISCONSIN. Governors: Henry Dodge, 1836-41; James Duane Doty, 1841- 44; N. P. Talmadge, 1844-45; Henry Dodge, 1845-48. 41 642 FIFTY YEARS Delegates to Congress: George W. Jones, 1836-37; James D. Doty, 1837-41; Henry Dodge, 1841-45; Morgan L. Martin, 1845- 47; John H. Tweedy, 1847-48. Chief Justice: Charles Dunn, 1836-48. FIRST LEGISLATURE — REPRESENTATIVES OF CRAWFORD COUNTY. First Session, 1836— Council: Thomas P. Burnett.* (Rejected by a ruling of Gov. Dodge, and district left without representa tion.) House: James H. Lockwood, James B. Dallam. Second Session, 1837— House: IraB. Brunson, Jean Brunet.f Third Session, 1838— House: Ira B. Brunson, Jean Brunet. SECOND LEGISLATURE. First Session, 1838 — Council: George Wilson. House: Alex. McGregor. J Second Session, 1839 — Council: George Wilson. House: Alex. McGregor, Ira B. Brunson. Third Session, 1839-40 — Council: Joseph Brisbois. House: Alex. McGregor, Ira B. Brunson. Fourth Session, 1840— Council: Charles J. Learned. House: Alex. McGregor, Ira B. Brunson. THIRD LEGISLATURE — REPRESENTATIVES OF CRAWFORD AND ST. CROIX COUNTIES. First Session, 1840-41 — Council: Charles J. Learned. House: Alfred Brunson, Joseph R. Brown. Second Session, 1841-42 — Council: Charles J. Learned.f House: Joseph R. Brown, Theophilus J. La Chapelle. *The rejection of Thomas P. Burnett as a member of the council, by Gov. Dodge, created great excitement at the time, and the governor was severely criticised for his action. In making the apportionment the governor had made Crawford county a district, but had left it without a representative in the council, although two had been assigned to the house, the governor claim ing that this was equivalent to one in the senate and one in the house. His action, to say the least, was curious and unprecedented. ¦j- Jean Brunet was of French extraction. He made the first manufacturing improvements at Chippewa Falls. I Alexander McGregor, a Scotchman, built a large hotel in Prairie du Chien, and located a claim on the western side of the Mississippi river; opposite which has become the site of the city , of McGregor. In the third session of the territorial legislature he was elected to represent the Dubuque district, and charges were preferred against him of accepting a bribe. Pending the in vestigation of the charges he resigned, removed to the east side of the river and was elected to represent the Crawford district. The ensuing session, the house, by resolution, declared hiin un worthy of confidence. IN THE NORTHWEST. 643 FOURTH LEGISLATURE. First Session, 1842^3— Council: Theophilus La Chapelle. House: John H. Manahan. Second Session, 1843-44— Council: Theophilus La Chapelle. House: John H. Manahan. Third Session, 1845 — Council: Wiram Knowlton. House: James Fisher. Fourth Session, 1846 — Council: Wiram Knowlton. House: James Fisher. FIFTH LEGISLATURE. First Session, 1847 — Council: Benj. F. Manahan. House: Joseph W. Furber. CRAWFORD, ST. CROIX, CHIPPEWA AND LA POINTE COUNTIES. Special Session, 1847 — Council: Benj. F. Manahan. House: Henry Jackson. Second Session, 1848 — Council: Benj. F. Manahan. House: Henry Jackson. First Constitutional Convention, Oct. 5, 1846 — Delegate from "St. Croix county, Wm. Holcombe. Second Constitutional Convention, Dec. 15, 1847. — Delegate from St. Croix county, George W. Brownell. STATE GOVERNMENT OF WISCONSIN. Governors: Nelson Dewey, 1848-52; L. J. Farwell, 1852-54; W. A. Barstow, 1854-56; Coles Bashford, 1856-58; Alex. W. Randall, 1858-62; Louis P. Harvey, 1862; Edward Salomen, 1862-64; James* Q. Lewis, 1864-66; Lucius Fairchild, 1866-72; O. C. Washburn, 1872-74; Wm. R. Taylor, 1874-76; Harrison Luddington, 1876-78; Wm. E. Smith, 1878-82; Jeremiah Rusk, 1882-88. UNITED STATES SENATORS. Isaac P. Walker, June 8, 1848; Henry Dodge, June 8, 1848; •Charles Durkee, Feb. 1, 1855; James R. Doolittle, Jan. 23, 1857; Timothy O. Howe, Jan. 23, 1861; Matt H. Carpenter, Jan. 26, 1869; Angus Cameron, Feb. 3, 1875; Philetus Sawyer, Jan. 26, 1881; JohnC. Spooner, Jan. 26, 1885. 644 FIFTY YEARS UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVES. From districts bordering on the St. Croix: Mason C. Darling, 1848-50; Orasmus Cole, 1850-52; Ben. C. Eastman, 1852-56; C.C Washburn, 1856-62; Luther Hanchett, 1862-63; Walter D. Mc- Indoe, 1863-68; C. C. Washburn, 1868-72; Jeremiah M. Rusk, 1874-78; Hiram L. Humphrey, 1878-84; Wm. T. Price, 1884-88; Nels P. Haugan, 1888. District judges presiding in territory originally included in St. Croix county: Wiram Knowlton, of Prairie du Chien, 1848-50; district — Crawford, Chippewa, St. Croix and La Pointe counties. S. S. Fuller, of Hudson, 1850-60; district — Pierce, St. Croix, Polk, Douglas, and La Pointe counties. Henry D. Barron, of North Pepin, 1860-61; district — Pierce, St. Croix, Polk, Douglas, Ashland, and Bayfield counties. L. P. Weatherby, of Hudson, 1861-67; district — Pepin, Pierce, St. Croix, Polk, Burnett, Douglas, Bayfield, and Ashland coun ties. Herman L. Humphrey, of Hudson, 1867-77; district — St. Croix, Pierce, Pepin, Dunn, and Barron counties. Solon S. Clough, of Hudson, 1864-76; district— Polk, Burnett, Douglas, Ashland, and Bayfield counties. R. P. Bundy, of Menomonie, 1876-85, re-elected until 1891; district — Buffalo, Dunn, Eau Claire, Pepin, Pierce, and St. Croix counties. Henry D. Barron, of St. Croix Falls, 1876-82; district — Chip pewa, Barron, Polk, Burnett, Douglas, Ashland, and Bayfield counties. Solon S. Clough, of Superior, 1882-88; district — Ashland, Barron, Bayfield, Burnett, Chippewa, Douglas, Polk, and Wash burn counties. R. D. Marshall, of Chippewa Falls, 1888. WISCONSIN STATE LEGISLATURE. Representatives of territory originally included in St. Croix county: First Session, 1848 — Senate: Daniel S. Fenton. Assembly: W. R. Marshall. (Seat successfully contested by Joseph Bowron.) Second Session, 1849 — Senate: James Fisher. Assembly. Joseph Bowron. IN THE NORTHWEST. 645 Third Session, 1850 — Senate: James Fisher. Assembly: John 8. Watrous. Fourth Session, 1851— Senate: Henry A. Wright. Assembly: John O. Henning. Fifth Session, 1852 — Senate: Henry A. Wright. Assembly: Otis Hoyt. Sixth Session, 1853— Senate: Benj. Allen. Assembly: Orrin T. Maxson. Seventh Session, 1854 — Senate: Benj. Allen. Assembly: Wm. M. Torbert. Eighth Session, 1855 — Senate: Wm. T. Gibson. Assembly: 8mith R. Gunn. Ninth Session, 156 — Senate: Wm. T. Gibson. Assembly: Almon D. Gray. Tenth Session, 1857 — Senate: Wm. Wilson. Assembly: Orin T. Maxson. Eleventh Session, 1858 — Senate: Daniel Mears. House: James B. Gray, Lucius Cannon. Twelfth Session, 1859 — Senate: Daniel Mears. House: Moses 8. Gibson. Mr. Gibson's seat successfully contested by M. W. McCracken. Thirteenth Session, 1860 — Senate: Charles B. Cox. House: Asaph Whittlesey. Fourteenth Session, 1861 — Senate: Charles B. Cox. House: John Comstock. Fifteenth Session, 1862 — Senate: H. L. Humphrey. House: ¦George R. Stuntz, James W. Beardsley. Mr. Beardsley was elected speaker of the house. Sixteenth Session, 1863 — Senate: N. L. Humphrey. House: Henry D. Barron, Charles B. Cox. Seventeenth Session, 1864 — Senate: Austin H.Young. House: Henry D. Barron, Joseph S. Elwell. Eighteenth Session, 1865 — Senate: Austin H. Young. House: Amos S. Gray (successfully contested by A. C. Stuntz). House: Marcus A. Fulton. Nineteenth Session, 1866 — Senate: Marcus A. Fulton. House: Henry D. Barron, William J. Copp. Mr. Barron elected speaker •of the assembly. Twentieth Session, 1867 — Senate: Marcus A. Fulton. House: Henry D. Barron, John D. Trumbull, H. L. Wadsworth. 646 FIFTY YEARS Twenty -first Session, 1868 — Senate: Wm. J. Copp. House r Henry D. Barron, Eleazer Holt, Marcus A. Fulton. Twenty-second Session, 1869 — Senate: Wm. J. Copp. House: Henry D. Barron, Edward H. Ives, Charles D. Parker. Twenty-third Session, 1870 — Senate: Edward H. Ives. House: Samuel B. Dressor, Oliver S. Powell, Charles D. Parker. Twenty-fourth Session, 1871 — Senate: EdwardH. Ives. House:. Samuel S. Vaughn, Oliver S. Powell, Ruel K. Fay. Twenty -fifth Session, 1872 — Senate: Joseph E. Irish. House: Henry D. Barron, Oliver S. Powell, John C. Spooner. Twenty-sixth Session, 1873 — Senate: Joseph E. Irish. House: Henry D. Barron, speaker; James H. Persons, David C. Fulton. Twenty-seventh Session, 1874 — Senate: Henry D. Barron. House: Samuel S. Fifield, James H. Persons, Harvey S. Clapp. Twenty-eighth Session, 1875 — Senate: Henry D. Barron, House: Samuel S. Fifield, Thomas S. Nelson, Philo Q. Boyden. Twenty-ninth Session, 1876 — Senate: Henry D. Barron. House: Samuel S. Fifield, speaker; Christopher L. Taylor, Philo Q. Boyden. Thirtieth Session, 1877 — Senate: Samuel S. Fifield. House: Woodbury S. Grover, Ellsworth Burnett, Guy W. Dailey. Thirty -first Session, 1878 — Senate: Dana R. Bailey. House: Canute Anderson, Charles A. Hawn, James Hill. Thirty-second Session, 1879 — Senate: Dana R. Bailey. House: Wm. J. Vincent, Nils P. Haugen, James Hill. Thirty-third Session, 1880— Senate: Sam S. Fifield. House: Nils P. Haugen, James Hill, Lars L. Gunderson. Thirty-fourth Session, 1881— Senate: Sam S. Fifield. As sembly: Geo. D. McDill, Franklin L. Gibson, Merton Herrick. Thirty-fifth Session, 1882 — Senate: James Hill. Assembly: Geo. D. McDill, Franklin L. Gibson, speaker; Olof A. Sange- stad. Thirty-sixth Session, 1883 — Senate: James Hill. Assembly: Canute Anderson, John D. Putnam, Geo. D. McDill, James Johnston. Thirty-seventh Session, 1884 — Senate: JoelF. Nason. Assem bly: HansB. Warner, Frank M. Nye, Thomas Porter, Charles S- Taylor, J. B. Thayer. (For thirty-eighth and thirty-ninth Sessions see Addenda.) IN THE NORTHWEST. 647 TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT OF MINNESOTA. Governors: Alexander Ramsey, from June 1, 1849, to May 15, 1853; Willis A. Gorman, from May 15, 1853, to April 23, 1857; Samuel Medary, from April 23, 1857, to May 24, 1858. Delegates to Congress: Henry H. Sibley, Jan. 15, 1849, to March 4, 1853; Henry M. Rice, Dec. 5, 1853, to March 4, 1857; W. W. Kingsbury, Dec. 7, 1857, to May 11, 1858. Chief Justices: Aaron Goodrich, June 1, 1849, to Nov. 13, 1851; Jerome Fuller, Nov. 13, 1851, to Dec. 16, 1852; Henry Z. Hayner, Dec. 16; 1852, to April 7, 1853 (Judge Hayner never presided at a single term and gave but one decision, which was to pronounce the prohibition law unconstitutional); William H. Welch, April 7, 1853, to May 24, 1858. Associate Justices: David Cooper, June 1, 1849, to April 7, 1853; Bradly B. Meeker, June 1, 1849, to April 7, 1853; Andrew G. Chatfield, April 7, 1853, to April 23, 1857; Moses G. Sher burne, April 7, 1853, to April 13, 1857; R. R. Nelson, April 23, 1857, to May 24, 1858; Charles E. Flandrau, April 23, 1857, to May 24, 1858. census of the territory — august, 1849. Precincts. Males. Females. Total. Stillwater 455 154 609 LakeSt. Croix 129 32 161 Marine Mills 142 31 173 Falls of St. Croix 15 1 16 Snake River 58 24 82 St. Paul 540 300 840 Little Canada and St. Anthony Falls 352 219 571 Crow Wing and Long Prairie 235 115 350 Osakis Rapids 92 41 133 Total 2,018 977 2,935 Upon the basis of this population the governor established the following legislative districts: First district: St. Croix precinct, extending on the west side of the St. Croix and Mississippi rivers to the Iowa line; Second district: Stillwater; Third district: St. Paul; Fourth district: Marine Mills and the country north to the British possessions; Fifth district: St. Anthony Falls; Sixth district: The country east of the Mississippi not embraced in the Fourth district, and extending north to the British possessions; Seventh district: All the territory on the west of the Mississippi river not embraced in the sixth and first districts. 648 FIFTY YEARS FIRST TERRITORIAL LEGISLATURE. — HELD SEPT. 3 TO NOV. 1, 1849. Council: David Olmsted, president; district No. 1, James S. Norris; No. 2, Samuel Burkelo; No. 3, William H. Forbes, James McC. Boal; No. 4, David B. Loomis; No. 5, John Rollins; No. 6, David Olmsted, William Sturgis; No. 7, Martin McLeod. House: Joseph W. Furber, of Cottage Grove, speaker; dis trict No. 1, Joseph W. Furber, James Wells; No. 2, M. S. Wil kinson, Sylvanus Trask, Mahlon Black; No. 3, Benj. W. Brunson, Henry Jackson, John J. Dewey, Parsons K. Johnson; No. 4, Henry N. Setzer; No. 5, William R. Marshall, William Dugas; No. 6, Jeremiah Russell, Allan Morrison, Lorenzo A. Babcock, Thomas A. Holmes; No. 7, Alexis Bailly, Gideon H. Pond. The limits of this work preclude the insertion of a complete list of the entire State, and we give, therefore, the representa tion of the St. Croix valley. ' SECOND TERRITORIAL LEGISLATURE, 1851. Council: James Norris, Samuel Burkelo, D. B. Loomis, presi dent. House: John A. Ford, Michael E. Ames, speaker; Jesse Taylor, John D. Ludden. THIRD TERRITORIAL LEGISLATURE, 1852. Council: Elam Greely, David B. Loomis. House: Jesse Tay lor, Mahlon Black, Martin Leavitt, John D. Ludden. FOURTH TERRITORIAL LEGISLATURE, 1853. Council: Elam Greely, David B. Loomis. House: N. Green Wilcox, Albert Stimson, Caleb Truax, John D. Ludden. FIFTH TERRITORIAL LEGISLATURE, 1854. Council: Albert Stimson, John E. Mower. House: John Fisher, Wm. McKusick, Robert Watson, N. C. D. Taylor, speaker. SIXTH TERRITORIAL LEGISLATURE, 1855. Council: Albert Stimson, John E. Mower. House: James B. Dixon, William Willim, James Norris, Samuel Register. SEVENTH TERRITORIAL LEGISLATURE, 1856. Council: John D. Ludden, Henry N. Setzer. House: James S. Norris, JAbraham Van Voorhes, N. C. Taylor, Henry A. Jackman. IN THE NORTHWEST. 649 EIGHTH TERRITORIAL LEGISLATURE, 1857. Council: John D. Ludden, Henry N. Setzer. House: Elam Greely, Mahlon Black, Joseph W. Furber, speaker; L. K. Stan nard. The legislature of 1852 passed a prohibition law and submitted it to the people of the Territory, who adopted it by a vote of 853 for to 622 against. This law was declared unconstitutional by Judge Hayner on the ground that it was unconstitutional to submit a law to the vote of the people. After rendering this decision he resigned his office. At a second appointment in 1855 the counties of Washington, Chisago, Superior, Itasca, and Doty were included in the St. Croix district. A special session was held in May, 1857, to ac cept and make provision to use the magnificent railway land grant donated by Congress. THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION OF 1857. In accordance with the enabling act of Congress, passed March 3, 1857, delegates were elected and met in cbnYention at the capital on the second Monday of July, 1857. REPRESENTATIVES FROM ST. CROIX VALLEY. Washington county: Wm. Holcombe, James S. Norris, Henry N. Setzer, Gould T. Curtis, Charles E. Leonard, Charles J. But ler, Newinton Gilbert, R. H. Sanderson. Chisago county: P. A. Cedarstam, Charles F. Lowe, Lucas K. Stannard, W. H. C. Folsom. The convention continued in session from July 13 to Aug. 29, 1857, and although divided into two wings, accomplished considerable work, such as preparing duplicate state constitu tions and redistricting the State. The St. Croix valley was re- districted as follows: First district, Washington county: Twenty- fifth district, Chi sago, Pine and Isanti counties. GOVERNORS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Henry H. Sibley, May 24, 1858, to Jan. 2, 1860; Alexander Ramsey, Jan. 2, 1860, to July 10, 1863; Henry A. Swift, July 10, 1863, to Jan. 11, 1864; Stephen Miller, Jan. 11, 1864, to Jan. 650 FIFTY YEARS 8, 1866; William R. Marshall, Jan. 8, 1866, to Jan. 9, 1870; Horace Austin, Jan. 9, 1870, to Jan. 7, 1874; Cushman K. Davis, Jan. 7, 1874, to Jan. 7, 1876; John S. Pillsbury, Jan. 7, 1876, to Jan. 10, 1882; Lucius F. Hubbard, Jan 10, 1882, to Jan. — , 1886,: A. R. McGill, Jan. — , 1887, to . SUPREME COURT CHIEF JUSTICES. Lafayette Emmett, May 24, 1858, to Jan. 10, 1865; Thomas. Wilson, Jan. 10, 1865, to July 14, 1869; James Gilfillan, July 14, 1869, to Jau. 7, 1870; Christopher G. Ripley, Jan. 7, 1870, to- April 7, 1874; S. J. R. McMillan, April 7, 1874, to March 10„ 1875; James Gilfillan, March, 10, 1875, to . ASSOCIATE JUSTICES. Charles E. Flandrau, May, 24, 1858, to July 5, 1864; Isaac At water, May 24, 1858, to July 6, 1864; S. J. R. McMillan, July 6, 1864, to April 7, 1874; Thomas Wilson, July 6, 1864, to Jan. 10, 1865; JohnM. Berry, Jan. 10, 1865, to ; George B. Young, April 16, 1874, to Jan. 11, 1875; F. R. E. Cornell, Jan 11, 1875, to May 23, 1881; D. A. Dickenson, June 27, 1881, to ; ° Greenleaf Clark, March 14, 1881, to Jan. 12, 1882; Willian Mit: chell, March 14, 1881, to ; C. E. Vanderburgh. Jan. 12, 1882, to ; L. W. Collins, January, 1888, to . UNITED STATES SENATORS FROM MINNESOTA. James Shields, May 11, 1858, to March 4, 1860; Henry M. Rice, May 11, 1858, to March 4, 1863; Morton S. Wilkinson, March 4, 1860, to March 4, 1867; Alexander Ramsey, March 4, 1863, to March 4, 1875; Daniel S. Norton, March 4, 1867, died July 14, 1870; O. P. Stearns, January—, 1871, to March 4, 1871; William Windom, March 4, 1871, to March 12, 1881; S. J. R. Mc Millan, Dec. 6, 1875, to March 4, 1886; A. J. Edgerton, March 12, 1881, to Oct. 26, 1881; William Windom, Oct, 26, 1881, to March 4, 1883; Dwight M. Sabin, March 4, 1883, to March 4, 1889; C. K. Davis, March 4, 1887, to . REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS. W. W. Phelps, May 11, 1858, to March 4, 1859; J. M. Cave- naugh, May 11, 1858, to March 4, 1858; William Windom, Dec. 5, 1859, tb March 4, 1869; Cyrus Aldrich, Dec. 5, 1859, to March 4, IN THE NORTHWEST. 651 1863; Ignatius Donnelly, Dec. 7, 1863, to March 4, 1869; M. S. Wilkinson, March 4, 1869, to March 4, 1871; E. M. Wilson,. March 4, 1869, to March 4, 1871; John T. Averill, March 4,. 1871, to March 4, 1875; M. H. Dunnell, March 4, 1871, to March 4, 1883; H. B. Strait, Dec. 1, 1873, to March 4, 1879; William S. King, Dec. 6, 1875, to March 4, 1877; J. H. Stewart, Dec. 3, 1877, to March 4, 1879; Henry Poehler, March 4, 1879, to March 4, 1881, H. B. Strait, March 4, 1881, to March 4, 1885; W. D. Wash burn, March 4, 1879, to March 4, 1885; Milo White, March 4, 1883, to March 4, 1887; J. B. Wakefield, March 4, 1883, to March 4, 1887; Knute Nelson, March 4, 1883, to March 4, 1889; J. B. Gilfillan, March 4, 1885, to March 4, 1887; Thomas Wilson, March 4, 1887, John Lind, March 4, 1887; John S. McDonald.. March 4, 1887; Edmund Rice, March 4, 1887. FIRST STATE LEGISLATURE, 1857-8. Richard G. Murphy, president; William Holcombe, lieu tenant governor. Senate: First District — Joel K. Reiner. Twenty-fifth District — W. H. C. Folsom. House: First District— J. R. M. Gaskill, George W. Campbell, Robert Simpson. Twenty-fifth District — John G. Randall. SECOND STATE LEGISLATURE, 1859-60. Senate: First District — Wm. McKusick, Socrates Nelson. Twenty-fifth District — Lucas K. Stannard. House: First Dis trict — E. D. Watson, Abraham Van Voorhes, Orange Walker. Twenty-fifth District — Patrick Fox. THIRD STATE LEGISLATURE, 1861. Senate: Second District — Joel K. Reiner. House: Second District — H. L. Thomas, E. D. Whiting, Emil Munch. FOURTH LEGISLATURE, 1862. Senate: Second District — Joel K. Reiner. House: Second District— Wm. H. Burt, H. L. Thomas, E. D. Whitney. FIFTH STATE LEGISLATURE, 1863. Senate: Second District — John McKusick. House: Second District — Samuel Furber, J. B. R. Mitchell, Ansel Smith. €52 FIFTY YEARS SIXTH STATE LEGISLATURE, 1864. Senate: Second District — John McKusick. House: Second District — Jere M. Soule, R. R. Henry, Ansel Smith. SEVENTH STATE LEGISLATURE, 1865. Senate: Second District — John McKusick. House: Second District — L. A. Huntoon, Ansel Smith, Lars J. Stark. EIGHTH STATE LEGISLATURE, 1866. Senate: Second District — John McKusick. House: Second District — J. B. R. Mitchell, Robert Watson, Smith Ellison. NINTH STATE LEGISLATURE, 1867. Senate: Second District — W. H. C. Folsom. House: Second District — Henry Jackman, Ebenezer Ayres. TENTH STATE LEGISLATURE, 1868. Senate: Second District — W. H. C. Folsom. House: Second District — J. W. Furber, William Lowell. ELEVENTH STATE LEGISLATURE, 1869. Senate: Second District — James N. Castle. House: Second District — Joseph Haskell, W. H. C. Folsom. TWELFTH STATE LEGISLATURE, 1870. Senate: Second District — James N. Castle. House: Second District — James S. Norris, William Lowell. THIRTEENTH STATE LEGISLATURE, 1871. Senate: Second District — D wight M. Sabin. House: Second District — Joseph Haskell, Lucas K. Stannard. FOURTEENTH STATE LEGISLATURE, 1872. Senate: Twenty-second District — Dwight M. Sabin. Twen ty-eighth District — Jonas Lindall. House: Twenty-second Dis trict — Ebenezer Ayers, J. R. M. Gaskill, H. R. Murdock. Twenty-eighth District — Adolph .Munch. IN THE NORTHWEST. 653" FIFTEENTH STATE LEGISLATURE, 1873. Senate: Twenty-second District — Dwight M. Sabin. Twenty- eighth District — Jonas Lindall. House: Twenty-second Dis trict — E. W. Durant, J. R. M. Gaskill, James Huganin. Twenty-eighth District — Joel G. Ryder. SIXTEENTH STATE LEGISLATURE, 1874. Senate: Twenty-second District — Wm. McKusick. Twenty- eighth District — L. K. Burrows. House: Twenty-second Dis trict — D. B. Loomis, Chas. Eckdahl, J. A. McCloskey. Twenty- eighth District — Frank H. Pratt. SEVENTEENTH STATE LEGISLATURE, 1875. Senate: Twenty-second District — Wm. McKusick. Twenty- eighth district — W. H. C. Folsom. House: Twenty-second dis trict — J. W. lurber, E. W. Durant, J. E. Mower. Twenty- eighth district — Lars J. Stark. EIGHTEENTH STATE LEGISLATURE, 1876. Senate: Twenty-second District — Ed. S. Brown. Twenty- eighth District — W. H. C. Folsom. House: Twenty-second District — A. Fredericks, J. S. Middleton, O. W. Eriekson. Twenty-eighth District — W. A. Brawley. •NINETEENTH STATE LEGISLATURE, 1877. Senate: Twenty-second District — Ed. S. Brown. Twenty- eighth District — W. H. C. Folsom. House: Twenty-second District — A. Fredericks, A. Huntoon, O. W. Erickson. TWENTIETH STATE LEGISLATURE, 1878. Senate: Twenty-second District— Roscoe F. Hersey. Twenty- eighth District— John Shaleen. House: Twenty-second Dis trict— Dwight M. Sabin, Wm. Fowler, Charles Peterson. Twenty-eighth District — F. S. Christensen. TWENTY-FIRST STATE LEGISLATURE, 1879. Senate: Twenty-second District — James N. Castle. Twenty- eighth District — John Shaleen. House: Twenty-second Dis trict—A. M. Dodd, Chas. Peterson, Andrew Peterson. Twenty- eighth District — John Dean. 654 FIFTY YEARS TWENTY-SECOND STATE LEGISLATURE, 1881. Senate: Twenty-second District — J. N. Castle. Twenty- eighth District — John Shaleen. House: Twenty-second Dis trict — Dwight M. Sabin, Andrew Peterson, Wm. Schmidt. Twenty -eighth District — John Dean. TWENTY-THIRD STATE LEGISLATURE, 1883. Senate: Twenty-fourth District — J. N. Castle. Thirty-eighth District — John Shaleen. House: Twenty -fourth District— Dwight M. Sabin, C. P. Gregory, A. Stegman. Thirty-eighth District — Levi H. McKusick. TWENTY-FOURTH STATE LEGISLATURE, 1885. Senate: Twenty -fourth District — J.N. Castle. Thirty eighth District — John Shaleen. House: Twenty-fourth District — E. W. Durant, W. H. Pratt, Arthur Stephen. Thirty-eighth Dis trict — Levi H. McKusick. TWENTY-FIFTH STATE LEGISLATURE, 1887. Senate: Twenty-fourth District — E. W. Durant. Thirty- eighth District — Otto Wallmark. House: Twenty-fourth Dis trict — F. Dornfield, R. M. Anderson, C. P. Gregory. Thirty- eighth District — Henry Smith. The first legislature continued in session one hundred and forty-eight days. Its most important measure was the passage of the $5,000,000 loan bill. At the twentieth session a law was passed changing the sessions of the legislature from annual to bi ennial. THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION OF 1857. As a delegate to the constitutional convention of 1857, and a member of what was styled the Republican wing, the writer con siders it not amiss to insert a chapter concerning that somewhat famous and farcical affair. The Congress of 1856-57 passed an enabling act for the forma tion of a state government in Minnesota, providing that a con stitutional convention of delegates, chosen by the people, should assemble at midday, July 13, 1857, at the hall of the house of representatives at the state capitol, and adopt a constitution, sub- . ject to the ratification of the people. IN THE NORTHWEST. 655 The territorial governor, Samuel Medary, ordered an election to be held on the first Monday in June, 1857, for delegates, the number to consist of one hundred and eight. The State was nearly equally divided between the Republicans and Democrats; still the question of politics did not enter largely into the con test, except as a question of party supremacy. The people were a unit on the question of organizing a state government under the enabling act, and in many cases there was but a single ticket in the field. It was a matter, therefore, of some surprise that there should be a separation among the delegates into opposing factions, resulting practically in the formation of two conven tions, each claiming^to represent the people, and each proposing a constitution. The delegates, although but 108 were called, were numbered on the rolls of the two wings as 59 Republican and 53 Democratic, a discrepancy arising from some irregularity of enrollment, by which certain memberships were counted twice. The Republican members, claiming a bare majority, took possess ion of the hall of the house at midnight, twelve hours before the Segal time for opening the convention, the object being to obtain control of the offices and committees of the convention, a mani fest advantage in the matter of deciding upon contested seats. In obedience to the call of the leaders of the party, issued the day before, the writer with other Republicans repaired to the house at the appointed hour, produced his credentials as a dele gate, and was conducted into the illuminated hall by Hon. John W. North. The delegates were dispersed variously about the hall, some chatting together, others reading newspapers, smoking, or snoring, as here and there one had fallen asleep in his seat. Occasionally a delegate nervously examined his revolver as if he anticipated some necessity for its use. The Democratic delegates were elsewhere probably plotting in secret conclave to capture the hall, and perhaps it might be well enough to be prepared for the worst. Thus the remainder of the night passed and the forenoon of July 13th. As soon as the clock struck twelve, the Democratic delegates rushed tumult- uously in, as if with the purpose of capturing the speaker's stand. That, however, was already occupied by the Republican delegates, and the storming party was obliged to content itself with the lower steps of the stand. Both parties at the moment .the clock ceased striking were yelling "order" vociferously, and 656 FIFTY YEARS nominating their officers, pro tern. Both parties effected a tem porary organization, although in the uproar and confusion it was difficult to know what was done. The Democratic wing adjourned at once to the senate chamber, and there effected a permanent organization. The Republicans being left in the undisturbed possession of the hall, perfected their organization, and the two factions set themselves diligently to work to frame a constitution, each claiming to be the legally constituted convention, and expecting recognition as such by the people of the State and by Congress. The debates in each were acrimonious. A few of the more moderate delegates in each recognized the absurdity and illegality of their position, and questioned the propriety of remaining and participating in proceedings which they could not sanction. The conventions continued their sessions inharmoniously enough. Each framed a constitution, at the completion of which a joint committee was appointed to revise and harmonize the two constitutions, but the members of the committees were as bellig erent as the conventions they represented. Members grew angry, abusing each other with words and even blows, blood being drawn in an argument with bludgeons between Hon. Willis A. Gorman, Democratic, and Hon. Thomas Wilson, Republican. An agree ment seemed impossible, when some one whose name has not found its way into history, made the happy suggestion that alter nate articles of each constitution be adopted. When this was done, and the joint production of the two conventions was in presentable shape, another and almost fatal difficulty arose, as to which wing should be accorded the honor of signing officially this remarkable document. One body or the other must ac knowledge the paternity of the hybrid. Ingenuity amounting to genius (it is a pity that the possessor should be unknown) found a new expedient, namely, to write out two constitutions in full, exact duplicates except as to signatures, the one to be signed by Democratic officers and members, and the other by Republi cans. These two constitutions were filed in the archives of the State and one of them, which one will probably never be known, was adopted by the people Oct. 13, 1857. The question arises in the writer's mind as to the legality of the constitution of Minnesota. Have we a constitution1? If so, which one ? The question of legality, however, has never been IN THE NORTHWEST. 657 raised before the proper tribunals, and it is perhaps well to leave it thus unquestioned. FIRST MINNESOTA STATE LBGISLATURE, HELD 1857-8. Under a provision of the constitution adopted Oct. 13, 1857, the legislature was elected and convened December 2d of that year, although the State had not then been admitted to the Union, and Gen. Sam Medary was still recognized as governor, though not at the time in the Territory, and acting through his private secretary. The whole state, judicial and legislative ticket had been elected in October, but none of the state officers could qualify prior to the formal admission of the State. The le gality of their proceedings was called in question. The Repub licans entered a protest against legislation until after the admis sion of the State, but the Democratic party was in the majority, and territorial Democratic officers governed the legislature, and the protest was unheeded.. Nothwithstanding the doubtful valid ity of acts passed by this body, some bold and extravagant measures were proposed and passed, among them the famous $5,000,000 loan bill, authorizing the issue of bonds to that amount, ostensibly to aid in the construction of railroads in Minnesota, and to be used as a basis for banking. This bill was passed near the close of the session, which lasted ninety days, and was an amendment to the constitution to be voted on April 15, 1858.* The result proved even worse than had been predicted by the most ardent opposers of the bill, and although adopted by an overwhelming majprity, speedily fulfilled the predictions of its opponents: The State was flooded with worthless bank issues, based upon these worthless bonds. Financial distress and panic ensued. A reaction followed, and in November, 1860, the amend ment to the constitution was expunged. Of these bonds, $2,275,- 000 had already been issued, when the section granting their is sue was repealed. These the State subsequently redeemed. This bill, though afterward adopted as an amendment to the constitution by an overwhelming majority, was opposed most vigorously in both houses of the legislature, and characterized at the time as mischievous and infamous. Though not present * The loan amendment was approved by Gov. Medary,' through his private secretary, March 9, 1858. The amendment was adopted by the people April 15, 1858, by a vote of 25,023 to 6,733. The amount of bouds issued was $2,275,000. The expunging resolution was adopted Nov. 6, I860, by a popular vote of 19,308 to 710. 42 658 FIFTY YEARS at the time of its passage, on account of sickness, the author fully committed himself as an opponent of the bill, and placed himself on record in an address to his constituents dated March 19th, at the senate chamber, which address was circulated ex- tensively at the time. The views and predictions therein ex pressed as to the disastrous character of the bill have been amply justified and verified by subsequent events. Hon. Chas. F. Lowe, when a member, of the Republican wing of the constitutional convention, had designed and prepared a seal to be used by the incoming state government. It was adopted by that wing of the convention, and Mr. Lowe hoped to have it formally adopted by the first state legislature. At the request of Mr. Lowe, it was presented by the writer, then a mem ber of the senate, and was adopted by the senate and house with many encomiums upon its beauty and appropriateness. The de sign was indeed a beautiful one, and the workmanship of the seal, by Buechner, of St. Paul, was admirable. The design of the seal was as follows: STATE SEAL. IN THE NORTHWEST. 659 A waterfall (supposed to be that of Minnehaha) within a shield; this part of the device was intended to symbolize the idea of water for the amount and varied forms of which Minne sota is distinguished above any other part of our country. In addition was represented the figure of an Indian pointing toward the setting sun, as his course of destiny runs, with his tomahawk, bow and arrows; at his feet opposite the Indian was the figure of a white man, with a sheaf of wheat and the imple ments of agriculture at his feet, representing to the Indian that he must partake of the habits of civilized life or depart toward the setting sun. In one corner of the field appeared a distant view of Lake Superior, with a ship in sail. In another was a view of a river, indicating the Minnesota river, running from the westward, with a steamboat ascending its stream. In rear o£ the shield and waterfall were three trees, which are typical of the three timbered regions, the oak on the left typifying the south and southwest portion of the State, the pine in the centre , typifying the great pine regions of Lake Superior, Upper Mis sissippi and St. Croix, and the maple on the right typifying the north and northwestern portion of the State. For a motto to accompany the words state of Minnesota, A. D. 1858,. which were placed upon the upper rim of the seal, the words placed upon the lower rim of the seal were, " Liberty and Union, Now and Forever One and Inseparable." The act of the legislature went to the governor,' who returned it to the senate approved and signed, July 14, 1858. Some length of time elapsed before the appearance of the great seal as appended to official documents, and when it did appear it was very different from the one adopted, and the credit of the design was given to Rev. E. D. Neill by the news papers commenting upon it. However beautiful and appropri ate the design" of the present great seal of the state of Minnesota, there seems to be no evidence that it was ever legally adopted, and the question may well be raised as to its validity. It lies, however, in the eternal fitness of things that a state without a legal constitution should also be without a seal. At the joint convention of Dec. 19, 1857, Hon. Henry M. Rice and Gen. James Shields, of Mexican War fame, were elected senators. The Republicans supported David Cooper and Henry D. Huff. During this session the presiding officer of the senate 660 FIFTY YEARS was Richard G. Murphy, a somewhat eccentric character. His decisions were often diverting. When perplexing questions arose he would say gravely, "The chair can not decide more than two questions at oncet." After passing many really impor tant measures, the legislature adjourned March 25, to meet June 2, 1858. ADJOURNED SESSION. The legislature met, pursuant to adjournment, June 2d, the State having been admitted in the interim. Lieut. Gov. Hol combe presided over the senate and proved an acceptable and able presiding officer. The five million amendment having been , approved by the people, this legislature passed a banking law, establishing banks in various parts of the State with the five million bonds as a basis. It can do no good at this late day to raise a question as to the validity of the acts of the first state legislature, but it is due to ourselves and others who with us at the time protested against the validity of acts passed at this session, to give a few extracts from senate and house journals tending to show that a feel ing of distrust was quite general. The ground of this opinion was the fact that the legislature elected as a state legislature held its first session prior to the admission of the State, and under the administration of the territorial governor, Medary, through his secretary, acting in his place. The question was openly discussed, not only in the legislature but in the public press of the State. As early as Dec. 8, 1887, the following protest was presented in the senate: Senate Chamber, St. Paul. We, the undersigned senators of the state of Minnesota, do hereby enter and record this, our solemn protest, against the recognition by "this body, in any manner, directly or indirectly, of Samuel Medary, Esquire, governor of the territory of Min- , nesota, as the governor of the state of Minnesota, or as being invested with any of the rights, authority, privileges, powers or functions of governor of said state of Minnesota. And we do solemnly protest against the recognition by this body, in any manner, of the claims of the said Samuel Medary, to exercise any of the rights, authority, privileges, powers or IN THE NORTHWEST. 661 functions of the governor of the state of Minnesota— such claim being wholly unauthorized and unwarranted by the constitution of the state of Minnesota; and in violation of the expressed will of the people of the state of Minnesota, and an attempted usur pation of office, at war with the fundamental principles of free government, and dangerous to the liberties of the people. D. G. Norton, Charles H. Lindsley, Lewis McKune, E. N. Bates, Geo. Watson, E. Hodges, Edwin M. Somees, A. G. Hudson, Boyd Phelps, Jonathan Chase, J. K. Reiner, W. H. C. Folsom, H. L. Thomas, S. S. Beman, James Ridpath, Delano T. Smith. Michael Cook, On December 8th Mr. Norton offered the following resolution to the senate: "Whereas, By the provisions of the constitution the execu tive officers of the State can not qualify until after the admission of the State by Congress, and " Whereas, There is no governor of the state of Minnesota to whom acts may be submitted, as required by the constitution; therefore, "Resolved, That this legislature can pass no acts which could become a law until after the admission of the State by Congress, and the qualification of the governor elected by the people." The resolution was adopted and referred to the following com mittee: Van Etten, Streeter, Jones, Norton, and Folsom. The majority of the select committee reported December 21st, claiming that by the enabling act the people of the Territory were empowered to form a state government, which they did, electing their delegates on the second Monday in July, 1857, to form a state constitution, and take necessary steps for establish ment of a state government; that these delegates met at the time and place appointed, and on the twenty-ninth of August adopted a constitution which was submitted to the people and adopted by a majority of over 28,000 votes. That on the thirteenth of October, in conformity with an article (section 16, article 16) of the constitution then adopted, the people had elected representa- 662 FIFTY YEARS tives to Congress, governor and lieutenant governor, judges and members of both houses of the legislature, the latter to meet on the first Wednesday in December at St. Paul. The majority admitted that the governor elected under the act could not qualify until after the admission of the State, but claimed that the members of the legislature did not rest under the same disability, but were competent to legislate because they derived their power from the constitution itself, and had been directed to meet for that purpose on the first Monday in Decem ber, and that because they were thus required to meet they were authorized to act. The people were omnipotent in the premises. They had declared that the governor should not qualify until after the admission of the State, and that the members of the legislature should meet. It was absurd to suppose this body should be called together and have no power to act. They held, moreover, that the territorial governor was empowered to act until his suc cessor could legally qualify; that the framers of the constitution of Minnesota and the people had declared that he should be continued in office until superseded by a state officer, and that the very time had been specified when he should be thus su perseded, namely, on the admission of the State into the Union, and therefore that Samuel Medary was, de facto and dejure, gov ernor of Minnesota ; that Minnesota was then a state out of the Union, and that the acts' of the first legislature would be legal ized when the State was admitted. The minority report, signed by D. S. Norton and W. H. G' Folsom, claimed that the constitution contemplated an admission into the Union as a prerequisite to the exercise of state sover eignty, in article 5, section 7, where it is enacted that "the term of each of the executive officers named in this article shall com mence upon taking the oath of office, after the State shall be ad mitted by Congress into the Union, etc." Section 9, same article, provides that "Laws shall be passed at the first session of the legislature after the State is admitted into the Union to carry out the provisions of this article. "Section 1, article 16, schedule, provides that all process which • may be issued under the authority of the territory of Minnesota previous to its admission into the Union of the United States, shall be as valid as if issued in the name of the State." Section 8, same article, provides that if the constitution shall be LN THE NORTHWEST. 663 adopted by a vote of the people, the governor of the Territory shall forward a certified copy of the same to the president of the United States, " to be by Mm laid before the Congress of the United States." The minority claimed that under the first of the above cited sections there can be no qualified governor (elected under, and according to "the provisions of the constitution) to whom "bills", must be submitted before they can become laws, until after "admission" — nor indeed can there be any executive officers, contemplated to perform the duties of their several offices, until that time. ' . In reference to the provisions of section 18, article 16, schedule, as inconsistent" with that view, it was claimed that the territorial government should continue, and that its officers should exercise the sovereign powers delegated to them by the Union, until, upon an admission by Congress, and a surrender of sovereignty to the State, its authority should commence. It was claimed that this section (6) of article 16, requiring the legislature to convene on the first Wednesday of December, 1857, was an oversight or error. After considerable debate the ma jority repbrt was adopted by a party vote. A similar protest, signed by all the Republican members of the house, was pre sented to that body. In addition to these protests there was in both branches of the legislature continuous and various protests by the minority against the exercise of legislative functions. In the house, on Jan. 25, 1858, Mr. Sheetz offered a resolution with reference to the causes of the delay in the admission of Minnesota, asking that a committee of three be appointed with instructions to investigate the circumstances of this delay and report to this house upon these points: First — As to whose duty it was to forward to the president for submission to Congress a copy of the constitution. Second — Why an incorrect or incomplete copy of said consti , tution was forwarded to the president. Third — What official correspondence, if any, has passed be tween the governor and the acting governor in regard to this matter. On motion the resolution was adopted. Mr. Sheetz, from the committee appointed to communicate with the acting governor relative to the admission of the state of Minnesota, submitted the following report: 664 FIFTY YEARS To the Honorable House of Representatives: Your committee appointed to inquire into the causes of the probable delay in the admission of Minnesota into the Union, ask leave to make the following report: Your committee find that according to section 8 of the sched ule to the constitution, it is made the duty of the governor of the Territory, upon the adoption of the constitution by the people, to forward a certified copy of the constitution to the president of the United States, to be by him submitted to Congress. Your committee have conferred with his excellency, Acting Gov. Chase, and have ascertained from him that at or about the time of the adjournment of the constitutional conventions, there were deposited with him, as acting governor in the absence of Gov. Medary, two copies of the constitution as adopted by the> two branches of the constitutional convention, one copy signed by fifty '-one members of the Democratic branch of the convention, and the other signed by fifty-three members of the Republican branch of the convention, that the two copies were preserved by him in the same safe, side by side where they now are. Your committee are further informed that a short time prior to the departure of our senators and representatives elect for Washington, the governor caused to be made 'a transcript of the constitution as requested by the schedule and that instrument, which transcript was forwarded to the president of the United States. No record is known to your committee to exist of the time and manner of making such transcript, and your committee, in the absence of the governor and his private secretary, cannot ascer tain whether said transcript contained the names of the members of the two branches of the constitutional convention or not. Your committee are also informed by Acting Gov. Chase that there has been no official correspondence between the gov ernor and himself upon this subject since the departure of the former for Washington. All of which is respectfully submitted and signed. H. W. Sheetz, G. L. Otis, J. J. Cruttenden, Committee. IN THE NORTHWEST. 665 LAND GRANTS, RAILROAD SURVEYS AND CONSTRUCTION. In May, 1857, Congress gave to Minnesota, then a territory, a magnificent grant of about 9,000,000 acres of land, to aid in the construction of several projected trunk roads through her bounds. The roads specified were: From Stillwater, by way of St. Paul and St. Anthony Falls, to a point between the foot of Big Stone lake and the mouth of the Sioux Wood river, with a branch via St. Cloud and Crow Wing to the navigable waters of the Red River of the^North; from St. Paul and St. Anthony via Minneapolis to a convenient point of junction west of the Mis sissippi to the southern boundary of the Territory in the direc tion of the mouth of the Big Sioux river, with a branch via Fari bault to the north line of the state of Iowa, west of range 16; from Winona to a point on the Big Sioux river south of the forty-fifth parallel of north latitude; also from La Crescent via -Target lake, up the valley of Root river, to a point of junction with the last mentioned road, east of range 17, every al ternate section of land designated by odd numbers, for six sec tions in width on each side of said road and branches. It was enacted that the lands granted were to be subject to the dis posal of the legislature. An extra session of the legislature was convened in June, 1857, to accept the grant and devise means to build the road. The financial crisis of 1857 and unwise legislation in 1858, notably the attempt to issue $5,000,000 in bonds to aid in build ing the roads, served to delay the various enterprises projected, and for many years but little work was done, notwithstanding persistent effort at every state legislature to effect favorable changes in the condition of affairs. A few of the $5,000,000 bonds were issued, but the general dissatisfaction, and feeling that they were not issued on a legal or rational basis, depreciated their value, and they were sold at a sacrifice and afterward redeemed by the State. THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. The idea of a railroad from the Atlantic to the Pacific was openly discussed as early as 1837, in which year Dr. Hartwell Carver memorialized Congress on the subject and promulgated his views through the press and by pamphlets. In 1845 Asa 666 FIFTY YEARS Whitney evolved a plan for the northern route, and awakened considerable popular enthusiasm, but by many the project was considered as a swindling scheme, or at best a visionary enter prise. Mr. Whitney made a preliminary survey from Prairie du Chien as far as the Rocky mountains. Mr. Josiah Perham, after ward the first president of the Northern Pacific Railroad Com pany, in 1857 projected a road from Maine to Puget Sound, to . be known as the People's Pacific Railway, and obtained a charter from the Maine legislature, but on bringing his scheme to the atten tion of Congress was prevailed upon by Thaddeus Stevens to abandon this scheme for another, agreeing to aid him in the pas sage of a bill for the construction of the present Northern Pacific route. The bill passed both houses and was signed by President Lincoln, July 2, 1864. The first permanent officers were: Josiah Perham, president; Willard Sear, vice president; Abiel Abbott, secretary; J. S. Withington, treasurer. The grants of land voted by Congress were accepted, and in the following year the states of Wisconsin and Minnesota granted right of way. Not much was done until 1869, when Jay Cooke & Co. became financially interested in the road, and might have been successful in placing the bonds of the road upon the east ern markets but for the European war, during which time the firm of Jay Cooke & Co. went down overburdened with railroad securities. The financial panic of 1873 which followed found the company in possession of 555 miles of completed railroad, of which 450 reached from Duluth to Bismarck, and 105 from Kla math to Tacoma on Puget Sound; but embarrassed by want of funds the enterprise made but little headway, and in 1875 Henry Villard was appointed receiver, and a decree of sale obtained by which the bondholders were enabled to become the preferred stockholders. Under the new arrangement and by the powerful aid of Henry Villard and Thomas F. Oakes, the public, and especially the capitalists of the country, regained faith in the en terprise, and the work was pushed steadily forward until Sep tember, 1883, when the golden spike was driven at Gold Creek by Henry Villard. Mr. Villard resigned the presidency of the road in December of the same year, and Robert Harris succeeded him. The main line of this road extends from Duluth to Tacoma, a distance of nearly 2,000 miles, and the number of miles on the main and branch lines aggregates 3,395. IN THE NORTHWEST. 667 The magnitude of the w^>rk, the leagues of wilderness to be traversed, the mountain ranges to be crossed, the streams to.be bridged, the supposed obstructions from wintry storms to be over come, all these were of such a nature as to make, the project seem impossible. It was, nevertheless, through the liberality of the government and the enthusiasm and executive ability of its managers, accomplished in a comparatively short time. The government contributed to this road a land grant of forty sections to the mile. With this liberal basis, bonds for the required amount of money were speedily furnished to build and equip the road from Lake Superior to the Pacific coast. This road has, however, the advantage of southern roads, in that it traverses a rich agricultural and mineral region throughout almost its entire extent, passing through belts of timbered land not excelled in the quantity and quality of their production. The mineral regions are rich in gold, silver, copper, lead and coal. The country along the road is being rapidly settled, and the property in its possession, and that of those who have made im provements along its line, has increased to many hundred times its original value. THE CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS & OMAHA RAILROAD. The Wisconsin legislature in 1854 chartered a company to construct and operate this road, then called the St. Croix, Su perior & Bayfield railroad. May 3, 1856, Congress granted twelve sections of land to the mile to aid in building a railroad from Hudson in the St. Croix valley to Bayfield on Lake Superior, with a branch to Superior City. July 5, 1864, this grant was in creased to twenty sections per mile, with indemnity lands to make up deficiencies. These lands were ceded directly to the State. A company was created by the state legislature of Wis consin, to which were consigned the lands and franchises granted by the government for the purpose of building the road. The lands and franchises passed through several organized com panies. Impediments to construction arising, extension of time was asked and obtained from the United States and Wisconsin governments, complications arose, delaying the construction still further, other companies claimed part of the indemnity lands, and litigation ensued. The state legislature upheld the char- 668 FIFTY YEARS tered right, and appointed agents to ^atch the timber and pro tect the interests of the company. A sum amounting to $200, - 000 was collected from trespassers and at once applied to the building of the roads in 1879. The St. Paul, Stillwater & Taylor's Falls Company in 1872 had built a line of railroad from Hudson to New Richmond. In 1874 the St. Croix, Superior & Bayfield Company obtained pos session of this line of road and continued it in the direction of Superior, completing it - in 1883 to Superior City, Bayfield, Washburn, and Ashland. The company have built a road from Hudson by River Falls to Ellsworth in Pierce county. The main line to Lake Superior passes through a rich agricultural and im mense pine region. The company have constructed at Wash burn, on Chequamegon bay, extensive docks, elevators, ware houses and shops. There are on the main line 20 wooden bridges from 25 to 100 feet long, 10 from 100 to 300 feet, 10 from 300 to 500 feet, one of them on a branch of White river being 90 feet high. The amount of logs and lumber carried over this road amounts (1888) to 1,240,000,000 feet, aud 1,500,000,000 feet remain. There are few trips more enjoyable to the tourist than the one over this road, terminating as it does on the north, in a region attractive for its beautiful scenery, including the lovely bays of Ashland, Washburn and Bayfield, with their picturesque shores, hills green with spruce pine and balsam, and the -Apostle islands, favorite haunts of summer travelers. The road is splendidly equipped and well officered. THE ST. PAUL & DULUTH RAILROAD (FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE LAKE SUPERIOR & MISSISSIPPI). • The first land grant for Minnesota was made in 1854, for a road from St. Paul to Lake Superior. This bill gave twenty sections per mile to the company building. While the bill was in the hands of the enrolling committee, some fraudulent changes were made in its provisions, as a consequence of which, after it had passed both houses and was in the hands of the president, it was recalled by the house of representatives, which had originated it, the fraudulent passages were pointed out, and the further con sideration of the bill was indefinitely postponed. Railroad enterprise received a check from wjbdch it did not re- IN TBE NORTHWEST. 669 cover in many years. May 5, 1864, Congress gave ten alternate sections on each side of lands to aid in building the Lake Supe rior & Mississippi railroad. This grant was increased to twenty sections per mile, and indemnity lands were given. The state of Minnesota has also given seven sections of swamp land per mile. The city of St. Paul also gave a bonus of $250,000 in city bonds, to run twenty years, and St. Louis county gave $150,000 in bonds for a like period. From the proceeds of these lands and bonds an excellent thoroughfare has been built and maintained. The franchises pertaining to this road changed holders many times before the road was completed. The original incorporators were mostly citizens of Phila delphia who, under the name and title of the "Nebraska & Lake Superior Company," obtained their charter from the terri torial legislature May 25, 1857. Their chartered rights were amended and their name changed to that of "Lake Superior & Mississippi Railroad Company." The times for ' building were extended by Congress and the state legislature from time to time, as asked for by the company. The road was commenced in 1867 and completed to Duluth in 1870, and the name changed to '"¦ St. Paul & Duluth" in 1875. The first cost of building was $7, 700, - 000. The company have in addition built branch roads from White Bear to Minneapolis, from White Bear to Stillwater, from Wyoming to Taylor's Falls, from Rush City to Grantsburg, from North Pacific Junction to Cloquet, and a branch in Pine county to Sandstone City. The Taylor's Falls & Lake Superior branch road received seven sections per mile of swamp lands from the State, $10,000 in ten per cent bonds from the town of Chisago Lake, $5,000 from the town of Shafer, and $18,600 from the town of Taylor's Falls. Presidents of the St. Paul & Duluth railroad: Lyman Dayton, W. L. Banning, Frank Clark, John P. Illsley, H. H. Porter, James Smith, Jr., and Wm. H. Fisher. MINNESOTA & MANITOBA RAILROAD. Under the land grant of 1857 a road was projected between St. Paul and St. Anthony Falls, and completed in 1862, the first railroad in Minnesota, though others had been projected at an earlier period. This road was afterward extended to Brecken- ridge on Red river, and branches were built to St. Cloud, and 670 FIFTY YEARS from St. Cloud via Fergus' Falls and Crookston to the national boundary at St. Vincent, and from Brekenridge through Dakota to the Great Falls in Montana. Subordinate branches to various points in Northern Minnesota, Dakota and Montana were also built. The roads from Minneapolis to St. Cloud and Brecken- ridge were built with German capital. After the completion of the main lines a financial depression occurred, the bonds were sold at a low figure and subsequently passed into the hands of J. J. Hill and others. The aggregate mileage of this road and its branches amount to 2,685 miles. It traverses a wheat growing region not surpassed on the continent. The present terminus, the Great Falls of Missouri, is a mining centre for gold and silver. The country tributary to the road can not fail to make it one of the most important highways of commerce inthe great West, and thus far the energy and ability of its managers has made it equal to the immense demands upon it. STILLWATER, WHITE BEAR & ST. PAUL RAILROAD. Under the grant of 1857, a road from Stillwater to St. Paul was projected, the road to commence at Stillwater and to pro ceed via St. Paul and Minneapolis to the western boundary of the State. The company holding the grant, through legislative action effected a change in the conditions of the grant allowing them to commence at St. Paul, building west and northwest, as a result of which the road from Stillwater to St. Paul was not built. After ten years of inactivity upon this portion of the road, the Stillwater people demanded, through their representa tives in the legislature of 1867, legislation compelling the build ing of the road as originally devised. At this session Hon. John McKusick, not then a member of the legislature, but still an influential man, and representing public sentiment, impor tuned the company holding the franchises, through the president, Hon. Edmund Rice, either to build the road or to transfer the franchises to some, responsible company who would build it. Hon. Henry A. Jackman and the writer, members of the ninth legislature, after conference with the president of the company, introduced a bill conveying the franchises from the original com pany to a company of St. Croix valley men, to be organized forthwith, with the conditions that they at once proceed to build IN THE NORTHWEST. 671 the road from Stillwater to White Bear, connecting with the St. Paul & Duluth at that point. A section was placed in the bill locating the railroad lands near Kandiyohi lake. These lands. were among the most valuable in the grant and were to inure to the new company at the completion of the road. The bill 'was passed and approved by the governor. The road was completed to Stillwater Dec. 20, 1869. The legislature of 1869 transferred 44,246 acres, or one-half of the Kandiyohi lands, to the St. Paul, Stillwater & Taylor's Falls railroad. THE ST. PAUL, STILLWATER & TAYLOR'S FALLS RAILROAD. ' Part of the lands originally granted to the Stillwater, White Bear & St. Paul railroad were transferred by the legislature of 1869 to the St. Paul, Stillwater & Taylor's Falls railroad. The proceeds of the sale were to be applied to the construction of the above named road. The company was organized under the general laws of the State and incorporated' Sept. 23, 1869. The routeof the road defined in the articles of incorporation is between St. Paul and Taylor's Falls by way of Stillwater, passing through or near Marine, with a branch road to Hudson, Wisconsin. ' Length of main line from St. Paul to Stillwater is seventeen and fifty-four one hundredths miles. Hudson branch line from Stillwater junc tion to Lake St. Croix, three and one-fourth. South Stillwater branch line from Stillwater to South Stillwater, three miles. The first train by this line reached Stillwater from St. Paul Feb. 9, 1872. The capital stock, $1,000,000, maybe increased at pleas ure. The number of shares of capital stock is 10,000 of $100 each, limit of indebtedness, $1,500,000. That part of the road to be built from Stillwater to Taylor's Falls up to the present date has not been completed. THE WISCONSIN CENTRAL (BRANCH) RAILROAD. In 1884 the Wisconsin Central built a branch road from Chip pewa Falls via New Richmond to St. Paul, passing into Ramsey county east and south of White Bear. The bridge over the St. Croix river about four miles above Stillwater, belonging to this road, is a fine piece of workmanship, built entirely of iron and resting on solid stone piers. The total length of the structure is 672 FIFTY YEARS 2,400 feet, there being ten spans, each 160 feet long, and a via duct, 800 feet long, on the Wisconsin side. The track is. 87 feet above low water mark. The entire cost of the bridge was about $197,000. It was damaged by a cyclone in 1885 to the amount of $10,000. TAYLOR'S FALLS & LAKE SUPERIOR RAILROAD. The franchises and swamp land grant of the Lake Superior & Mississippi railroad pertaining to the Taylor's Falls branch were in 1875, by legislative enactment, transferred to the Tay lor's Falls & Lake Superior Company. In 1879 these franchises and lands were transferred to the Minneapolis & St. Louis Rail road Company. In the fall of 1879 the St. Paul & Duluth Com pany built a branch road to Centre City. In the spring of 1880 the Minneapolis & St. Louis Company built three miles of road southward from Taylor's Falls, accomplishing in that distance as difficult and expensive work of its kind as had been done in the State, the grading being made through the trap rock ledges of the Dalles, and along the face of the nearly perpendicular bluffs overlooking the river. In the summer of 1880 they transferred * their franchises and one-half their swamp land grant to the St. Paul & Duluth Company, by whom the road was completed from Centre City to the road already built at Taylor's Falls, Oct. 29, 1880. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILROAD — RIVER DIVISION. The river division of this road follows the west bank of the river from Dubuque to Hastings, passing through all the river towns. Crossing the river at Hastings it passes through the towns of Newport, Cottage Grove and Denmark, and the cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis, terminal stations. The line from St. Paul to Hastings was built in 1869, by the Chicago & St. Paul Railway Company, under charter granted to the Min nesota & Pacific Railroad Company in 1857. The present man agement obtained control of the line in 1872. The bridge across the Mississippi at Hastings was constructed in 1878, and was the first iron railroad bridge in the State. In respect to cost and work manship it ranked with the important structures of the North west. The total length of the river bridge is 706 feet, and con sists of an iron draw span 300 feet long, two fixed spans each of IN THE NORTHWEST. 673" 150 feet in length, and a combination span on the north shore 106 feet in length. The cost of the structure was $200,000. In 1884 a branch line was extended from Point Douglas to Still water. MINNEAPOLIS, SAULT STE. MARIE & ATLANTIC. The following memorial, introduced by the writer while a- member of the state senate of 1877, is the first public mention or suggestion of this road as far as we are aware. It was adopted by the legislature, forwarded to Washington, read and duly referred to the committee on railroads: STATE OF MINNESOTA. NINETEENTH SESSION. S. F. NO. 36. A MEMORIAL Introduced by Mr. Folsom, Jan. 12, 1877. TO CONGRESS FOR RIGHT OF WAY AND GRANT OF LAND FOR RAILROAD PURPOSES. To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States m Congress assembled: Your memorialists, the legislature of the state of Minnesota, respectfully represent that the rapidly increasing settlements of the Northwest, the surplus agricultural products and material developments demand greater and cheaper facilities than now existing, and a more direct transit to the Atlantic seaboard and European ports, and eastern products transported to the North west. That the saving in the distance to eastern markets of three hundred miles, by a railroad route from St. Paul and Minne apolis to Sault Ste. Marie, will tend to more fully develop the great wheat growing region of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Dakota, and Montana. The surplus of wheat, which forms one of the most reliable exports from our government, in shortening the distance to European markets three hundred miles will give encouragement to this great source of wealth to our whole land, i nd deserves aid and protection. That by reason of the facts set forth in this memorial, and 43 674 FIFTY YEARS many other considerations, the nearest transit makes cheap transportation and thereby develops the country and increases prosperity. To further these objects, we ask Congress to donate land to aid, and the right of way through government land to build, a railroad from the cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis to the falls of St. Marie's river. Sept. 20, 1879, a large mass meeting was held at St. Croix Falls, the object being to consider the feasibility of the "Soo" route. Over five hundred persons were present, among them delegates from Minneapolis, St. Paul, Stillwater, and Superior City. The subject was discussed and resolutions passed favor ing the building of the road to Sault Ste. Marie via the Dalles of St. Croix. Not, however;till Sept. 12, 1883, were the articles of incorpo ration filed in Wisconsin and Minnesota by ,W. D. Washburn and others of Minneapolis, for the Minneapolis, Sault Ste. Marie & Atlantic Railroad Company. The road was completed, to the "Soo" in December, 1887. At that point it connects with a branch of the Canadian Pacific. The St. Marie river is to be crossed on a union bridge built by the roads centring at that point. It is now under construction, and will eost when completed over a million dollars. The length of the line is about 225 miles. The capital stock is $12,000,000, divided into 80,000 shares of common stock, and 40,000 shares preferred. The board of directors for the first year is composed of the fol lowing persons, all residents of Minneapolis: W. D. Washburn, president; H. T. Welles, John Martin, Thomas Lowry, George R. Newell, Anthony Kelly, M. Loring, Clinton Morrison, J. K. Sidle, W. W. Eastman, W. D. Hale, C. A. Pillsbury, and Chas. J. Martin. The following comparison of distance will be of interest to the pedple of the Northwestern States: Miles. Miles. St. Paul to Chicago 411 Chieago to New York< City 962 New York to Liverpool 3,040 4,413 St. Paul (via Sault) to Montreal , 997 Montreal to Liverpool 2,790 3,787 Difference in favor of Montreal route 626 IN THE NORTHWEST. 675 CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & NORTHERN RAILROAD. The Chicago, Burlington & Northern Company constructed a Toad from Chicago to Savannah, Illinois, and from that point up the Mississippi, along its east bank to St. Paul, crossing the St. ¦Croix at Prescott. The road from Savannah to St. Paul is two hundred and eighty-five miles in length, and was completed in 1886. The cost complete, including rolling stock, was $30,000 3>er mile. The road was built on a grade of nine and eight-tenths feet to the mile, and its curvature nowhere exceeds three degrees in one hundred feet. The St. Croix, Chippewa, Wisconsin, Platte, Grant, and Fever rivers are crossed by iron bridges. MILEAGE OF ROADS CENTRING IN ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS IN 1887. Miles. Manitoba 3,200 Northern Pacific 2,200 Hastings & Dakota 344 Pacific division of the Minneapolis & St. Louis 223 Minneapolis & Pacific 230 •Omaha, Western division 627 Milwaukee, River division 100 Milwaukee, Iowa division 100 Minneapolis & St. Louis..; 100 Burlington & Northern ; 100 .Northwestern, Omaha section 176 Minnesota & Northwestern (now Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City) 200 Wisconsin Central 100 Soo Ste. Marie , 210 North Wisconsin 250 St Paul & Duluth 216 Total 8,476 -CONGRESSIONAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE ST. CROIX RIVER. As early as 1858, when the writer was a member of the Min nesota senate, he introduced a memorial to Congress for the im- -provement of the St. Croix river, and of the Mississippi at Beef -Slough bar, below Lake Pepin. This was the first memorial pre sented on this subject. Subsequent legislatures continued to memoralize Congress, but it was twenty years of continuous pleading before any attention was paid t.o the subject. In 1878 676 FIFTY YEARS Thaddeus C. Pound, representing the St. Croix valley in Con gress, secured the first appropriation. Mr. Pound also secured the first appropriation for the Mississippi reservoirs. The following appropriations were made from time to time: 1878, $8,000; 1879, $10,000; 1880, $8,000; 1881, $10,000; 1882, $30,000; 1883, $7,5Q0. This money has been expended under the supervision of Maj. Farquier and Charles J. Allen of the United States engineering corps, with headquarters at St. Paul. The improvements car ried out consisted in removing snags and all impediments in the channel or along shore, removing sandbars, thus deepening the channel, building wing dams, and riprapping the shores. The work has been well done, and the expenditure is a most judi cious one. INLAND NAVIGATION. As the prosperity of a country depends, next to its natural resources, upon the avenues of communication with other coun tries, the people of the Northwest naturally took a great interest in the improvement of their waterways. The states lying along the Mississippi and its tributaries found by these streams an ad vantageous southern outlet for their produce. But much needed to be done in the direction of improving navigation by clearing away obstructions, deepening the channels, and affording facili ties for crossing rapids. As the settlements extended toward the great lakes, it became evident that the prosperity of the country would be greatly enhanced by communication with the lakes. In the absence or scarcity of navigable streams this com munication, if obtained, must be by the improvement of naviga tion of the upper portion of these streams having their source near the lakes and their connection by canals with the lakes or their tributaries. By this means it was thought a better route to the Atlantic and to the Eastern States would be afforded for grain and other products than that afforded by the Mississippi. In the Minnesota state legislature of 1875 a bill was introduced making an appropriation of $10,000 for a survey of the route connecting the waters of Lake Superior with those of the St. Croix. This bill met with much opposition, but was finally passed, the amount having been reduced by amendment to $3,000. Lucas R. Stannard and Robert B. Davis were appointed com missioners, and with the meagre amount did all that was possi- IN THE NORTHWEST. 677 ble to be done in surveying the route. As the author of the bill, I insert her°e, as a matter of history, and as a sufficient explana tion of my own views and those of the friends of the measure, a synopsis of the arguments presented to the senate advocating the measure: "The route from Duluth via the lakes and St. Lawrence, and the Atlantic to England, according to correct computation, is about six hundred miles shorter than the route via Chicago and New York. The northern route is being made feasihle by the improvements made by the British government on the Welland canal and Lachine rapids, and by the improvements made by our own government on the St. Clair flats and the Sault Ste, Marie canal, by which a depth of water is obtained sufficient to float vessels drawing twenty feet. This route to Europe will be traversed in much less time than the New York route. Vessels will be constructed for this inland American trade, and starting from the west end of Lake Superior with a cargo of grain that two weeks before was waving in the sunlight on northwestern prairies, will pass direct to Europe without breaking of bulk or reshipping, while the southern route requires reshipments at Buffalo and New York. Figures can scarcely do justice to the vast business that will be transacted on this open route as the northern part of the United States and the adjacent British possessions are settled. "The opening of this route will tend to create new treaty stipulations and unlooked for interpretations of the old with the Dominion government, and establish commercial con fidence and secure trade not realized to-day. Cheap transpor tation is the demand of the age, and this route will afford to the hundreds of millions of bushels of wheat and the commerce of Central North America the desired outlet to the best markets of the world. To many these ideas may seem chimerical, but we believe that the progress of the country and the development of her commerce in the not distant future will justify them, and that predictions now regarded as fanciful will be fulfilled to the letter. "Minnesota as a state is just in the age of development. She is rising to power and influence. Much depends upon our legis lature, more than depended upon the legislature of New York when, actuated by good counsels it connected the waters of the 678 FIFTY YEARS Hudson with those of Lake Erie by the 'Clinton Ditch,' so> called in derision by the enemies of the measure. But the wis dom of Dewitt Clinton, the originator of that famous water way, advanced the settlement of the great West at least a quarter of a century. "Minnesota in her location holds the key that will unlock the largest body of fresh water on the globe, and open to it one of the most fertile and extensive wheat growing districts on the continent} a country that will soon vie with the country around the Black sea in the quantity and quality of its grain produc tion. ' ' Shall we stand idly by whilst our neighboring states are mov ing to secure cheaper communications with the seaboard states ? Cheap transportation, the lever that moves the world, is claim ing the favorable attention of Congress, and men and means have been provided to ascertain the most feasible routes on which to bestow her aid for the transferring of the surplus prod ucts of the country to the markets of the East. "The reports made thus far by the national committee make no allusion to Minnesota's great gateway to the East by Lake Superior, nor to the improvement of the Sault Ste. Marie canal. The committee dwelt somewhat elaborately upon the project of connecting the Mississippi with the lakes by means of a canal between the waters of Wisconsin and Fox rivers, neither of them good navigable streams. No authorized survey has ever commended this as a cheap route. Only one plan can be adopted by which a thoroughfare can be made profitable to the govern ment and to the Northwest over this route, and that is to con struct a ship canal along the Wisconsin river from the portage to the mouth. "If the government can be prevailed upon to open up this route no one will deny that it will be of incalculable benefit to the people of Wisconsin, and to those further up the valley of the Mississippi. Let its friends do all they can to push forward the great movement. " To Minnesotians I would say, let Wisconsin have much of our aid. I trust it will not take thirty-five years of the future to open up what thirty-five years of the past has projected. Wis consin alone and unassisted ought to have accomplished thia great work years ago, if the work could have been accomplished as cheaply as it has been represented. IN THE NORTHWEST. 679° "Let Minnesota look nearer home. The headwaters of the St. Croix are nearer to Lake Superior than those of any other navi gable stream. Large Mississippi boats, whenever occasion has demanded, have made their way to the Dalles of the St. Croix. The falls and rapids above this point for a distance of four miles have a fall of but seventy-four feet, an elevation that could be over come by means of locks. By means of wing dams at Kettle River falls, and other improvements at no very great cost, the river could be made navigable to the mouth of the Namakagon. This riyer, though put down as a tributary, is in reality the main stream, and can be navigated to Namakagon lake, which is but thirty miles from Ashland, and can be connected by a canal with Chequamegon bay, or with White river, a distance of only a few miles. "If we pass up the St. Croix from the mouth of the Namaka gon river, we shall find no serious obstructions to navigation till we reach the great dam built by the lumbermen twenty miles below Upper Lake St. Croix. The conformation here is of such a character that an inexhaustible supply of water can be held — more than three times what is held in the celebrated Summit lake in Ohio, which feeds the canal connecting the waters of the Ohio and Lake Erie. It is but a mile from the former lake to the source of Brule river, an affluent of Lake Superior, but as the waters of the Brule are rapid and the channel rocky, and its outlet is on a bleak and unhospitable stretch of lake shore, destitute of any harbor, we prefer the route from the Upper St. Croix lake to the bay of Superior, a distance of about thirty miles, a route well supplied by reservoirs of water, and with no difficult or insurmountable hills to overcome. 1 ' Hon. H. M. Rice, who was one of the commissioners to survey the St. Marie's canal, pronounces this the most feasible and di rect route for our contemplated canal. "Other routes have been proposed, as from the St. Croix to the Nemadji and St. Louis rivers, but of the feasibility of these ¦I am not so definitely informed. "Believing, gentlemen of the senate, that you are in full accord with me that this great Northwest demands not only state aid in developing our natural resources, but the assistance of the general government, I recommend the proper presentation of this subject before Congress by our senators and representa- 680 FIFTY YEARS tives until our prayers are granted for the improvement of the same." In the session of the Minnesota legislature of 1876 I again introduced a memorial to Congress asking for an appropriation of $10,000 to make a government survey of the St. Croix and Lake Superior routes. George R. Stuntz, the veteran explorer, surveyor and civil engineer, who accompanied the United States reservoir commis sion to the Upper St. Croix waters, and who had made previous scientific examinations for the purpose of forming a correct idea of the contour of the summit dividing the waters flowing north and south, and of the practicability of constructing reservoirs, and of the cost of connecting the Lake Superior and St. Croix waters, makes the following report, which is valuable for the reliable data given : "There are evidences that in the glacial period this was the channel through which flowed a river of ice, and that subsequently for a long period a vast volume of water coursed through this channel from Lake Superior to and down the Mississippi. The valley is everywhere of great width in proportion to the present volume of water, showing evidences of currents of great velocity fifty feet above the high water marks of the present time. These ancient banks of the river are composed of heavy drift gravel and boulders bearing the marks of the glacial action and having their origin north of Lake Superior. This valley extends across the height of land in township 45, in range 11 west, and in the northern part of it the Brule river rises and flows north into Lake Superior. "At the copper range in township 48, range 10 west, section 23, a ledge of trap rock stands in the valley. In the eddy of this rock and extending to the southward or up the present stream is a well defined moraine of large boulders and gravel showing that the glacial river ran south. To the north of this point the Brule river makes a straight cut to the lake through sandy red clay deposits peculiar to that region. "In this ancient valley the lowest point on the summit at the headwaters of these two streams is about 460 feet above Lake Superior [Lake St. Croix, at Stillwater, is 117 feet higher than Lake Superior] and 346 feet above Lake St. Croix. Upper Lake St. Croix is 12 feet below this summit. The St. Croix river one IN THE NORTHWEST. 681 mile above the mouth of Moose river is 25 feet below this sum mit. The St. Croix river discharges 15.360 cubic feet of water per minute at the mouth of Moose creek. The Brule river dis charges about 5.805 cubic feet of water per minute in the north part of township 46, range 10. The distance from Taylor's Falls to Lake Superior by the valley of the St. Croix and the valley of the Brule river is nearly 150 miles. "There are several exposures of trap rock along these streams and an abundance of brown sandstone oif good quality for build ing purposes, being easily worked. "Can Lake St. Croix, at Stillwater, be connected with Lake Superior by canal and slackwater navigation? Yes. This question has been definitely settled by the recent examination of the United States engineers, under the direction of Maj. Chas. J. Allen, of the sources of the St Croix river, with reference to the construction of reservoirs to improve the navigation of that river and the Mississippi. "By constructing a dam one mile above the mouth of Moose creek, on the St. Croix, of sufficient height to raise the water 25 feet, cutting a canal 75 feet wide, 12 feet deep, 1£ miles long, across the summit, and building a dam in township 46, range 10, across the Brule river, high enough to raise the water to the same height as the dam on the St. Croix, and you construct a lake over thirty miles long, affording uninterrupted navigation across the summit for that distance, and utilize the waters of the St. Croix and its branches and the Brule, and by the capacity before given the amount of Water is sufficient to pass vessels through locks 75 feet wide, 300 feet long, 12J feet lift, at the rate of 3 per hour, or 73 in 24 hours, at the dryest season of the year. This settles the question of practicability. "The whole improvement will cost less than $8, 000, 000, and by placing the lowest dam and lock at Prescott so as to always hold Lake St. Croix at the high water mark will give two hundred miles of slackwater navigation connecting the Mississippi river with Lake Superior, accommodating boats of large size and deep draft, propelled by steam, at the usual rates of speed used on the rivers. Average cost per mile, $40,000. " It would accomplish another object. The improvement of navigation on the Mississippi river by a system of reservoirs on its tributaries would be most effectually accomplished by hold- 682 FIFTY YEARS ing one or two feet of extra head upon each of the thirteen dams proposed, thus storing up during the spring freshets vastly more water than can be held in the small reservoirs on the tributaries of the St. Croix. There are no very large natural reservoirs in the Upper St. Croix valley. ' ' Hold a three foot head on the lake as a reserve from the spring freshets and you have stored up 34,073,000 cubic yards of water to be used in the dry season in August and September. Con tinue this plan to the source and you have in the St. Croix val ley a continuous reservoir one hundred and fifty miles long. Connect the two systems as proposed above and you have a route furnishing the cheapest transportation that can be had and at the same time obtain a system of large reservoirs to improve the navigation of the Mississippi river. "This is one of the improvements that the Northwest needs for its present, future and more perfect development. " Th e proposition and figures are given, after a series of exami nations extending through a period of over twenty-fiveyears, for the purpose of calling out investigation." THE WATERWAYS CONVENTION OF 1885. Public discussions of the matter in the legislature and in con ventions were not entirely in vain. Public attention was- aroused and interest awakened in the great question of inland navigation. In 1885 the great waterways convention convened in St. Paul, at the call of Gov. Hubbard, of Minnesota. This convention was attended by over 1„000 delegates from the states of Florida, Louisiana, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, and from the territories of Dakota and Montana. Ex-Gov. Bross, of Illinois, acted as temporary chairman. The permanent organization elected Maj. Wm. Warren, of Kansas City, president, Gen. G. W. Jones, of Iowa, vice president, and Platt B. Walker, of Minnesota, secre tary. Various schemes for internal improvement were brought be fore the convention and ably advocated, but each in the interest of a particular section. The members from Florida wanted a* ship canal for that State. Illinois and Eastern Iowa advocated the Hennepin canal scheme. Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Western Iowa, Dakota, and Montana demanded the improve- IN THE NORTHWEST, 683- ment of the Missouri river. Wisconsin and Northern Iowa the completion of the Fox and Wisconsin canal. Minnesota and Wisconsin agreed with all for the improvement of the Missis sippi from the falls of St. Anthony to the Balize, ' for the im provement of the Sault Ste. Marie canal, and for the internal improvements asked for generally in the states and territories represented. The result was "the passage of a series of resolutions recom mending a liberal policy in the distribution of improvements, and favoring every meritorious project for the increase of facili ties for water transportation, but recommending as a subject of paramount importance the immediate and permanent improve ment of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers and their navigable tributaries. It was recommended that the depth of the Missis sippi be increased to six feet between Cario and the falls of St. Anthony. The Hennepin canal was strongly indorsed, as wa* also the improvement of the Sault Ste. Marie, and of the naviga tion of Wisconsin and Fox rivers, of the Red River of the North, and of the Chippewa, St. Croix and Minnesota rivers. The con vention unanimously recommended as a sum proper for these improvements the appropriation of $25,000,000. Some of the papers presented were elaborately prepared, asna deserve to be placed on permanent record. The memorial of Mr. E. W. Durant, of Stillwater, contains many valuable statistics. We quote that portion containing a statement of the resources and commerce of the valleys of the Mississippi and St. Croix: " The Northw«stern States have not had the recognition that is due to the agricultural and commercial requirements of this vast and poplous territory, whose granaries and fields not only feed the millions of this continent, but whose annual export con stitutes a most important factor in the food calculation of foreign nations. During the past decade the general government has expended $3, 000, 000 on the waterways of the Upper Mississippi. The improvements inaugurated by the general government in removing many of the serious impediments to navigation war rants the belief that still more extensive improvements should be made. It is an error to suppose that the palmy days of steam boating on western rivers has passed. In demonstration of this take the quantity of lumber sent down the Mississippi. There was shipped from the St. Croix river during the year 1884 684 FIFTY YEARS to, various distributing points along the Mississippi river 250,- 000,000 feet of lumber, 40,000,000 of lath, 37,000,000 of shingles, 2,000,000 of pickets; from the Chippewa river during the same period, 883,000,000 feet of lumber, 223,000,000 of shingles and 102,000,000 of lath and pickets; from Black river during the same period was shipped 250,000,000 feet of lumber, 40,000,000 shingles, and 32,000,000 lath and pickets, aggregating 1,383,000,- 000 feet of lumber, 300,000,000 of shingles and 176,000,000 of •lath. The tonnage of this product alone foots up over 3,000,000 tons. The lumber value of raft and cargoes annually floated to ' market on the Mississippi will not vary far from $20,000,000. The capital invested in steamboats, 100 in number, used for towing purposes is $1,250,000; while the saw mills, timber plants and other investments incidental to the prosecution of this branch of industry will foot up fully $500,000; while the labor and their dependences engaged in this pursuit alone will equal the population of one of our largest western states. There are sixteen bridges spanning the river between St. Paul and St. Louis, and it is important that some additional safeguards be thrown around these bridges to afford greater safety to river commerce." Mr. Durant says there has been a general cry for some time past that the days of steamboating on the Northern Mississippi and tributaries were over; but he thinks it will be forcibly shown in the coming convention that, if they are, the only cause for it is the extremely short and uncertain seasons for steam boating, resulting from the neglected and filled ^ip channels. If the channels can be improved, so that steamers can be sure of five months' good running each year, he thinks they will prove to be one of the most important means of transportation in the Upper Mississippi valley. They will then be used for the trans portation up and down stream of all heavy and slow freights in preference to railroads, on account of cheapness. It would prove a new and the greatest era in upper river steamboating. it appears from a report made at the convention, that during the year 1884 there were 175 steamboats plying on the Missis sippi from St. Louis to points above. Two thousand seven hundred rafts from the St. Croix and Chippewa passed the Winona bridge, and the total number of feet of logs and lumber floated down the Mississippi from the St. Croix, Chippewa and Black IN THE NORTHWEST. 685 rivers was 1,366,000,000. The total passages of steamers through the Winona bridge for 1887 was 4,492. On the St. Croix, above Lake, St. Croix, during the season of 1887 there were 3 steamers and 25 barges engaged in freight and passenger traffic only. The steamers made 141 round trips between Stillwater and Tay lor's Falls, 75 round trips between Marine and St. Paul, and 20 round trips between Franconia and St. Paul. The following is a showing of the lumber, logs, rafting, and towing business on the St. Croix during 1887: There were 51 steamers engaged in towing logs and lumber out of the St. Croix and down the Mississippi, the total number of feet handled by them being 250,000,000, board measure. The total number of feet of logs (board measure) which passed through the St. Croix boom in 1887 was 325, 000, 000. The lumber manufacture of the St. Croix during that year was valued at $2,393,323. RESOLUTION INTRODUCED AT THE WATERWAYS CONVENTION HELD IN ST. PAUL, SEPTEMBER, 1885. Whereas, The North American continent is penetrated by two great water systems both of which originate upon the tablelands of Minnesota, one the Mississippi river and its tributaries, reach ing southward from the British line to the Gulf of Mexico, water ing the greatest body of fertile land on the globe, — the future seat of empire of the human family on earth, — the other the chain of great lakes flowing eastwardly and constituting with the St. Law rence river a great water causeway in the direct line of the flow of the world's commerce from the heart of the continent to the Atlantic; and Whereas, Between the navigable waters of these continental dividing systems there is but a gap of ninety miles in width from Taylor's Falls on the St. Croix, to Duluth on Lake Superior, through a region of easily worked drift formation, with a rise of but five hundred and sixty feet to overcome, and plentifully supplied with water from the highest point of the water-shed; therefore, Resolved, That we demand of Congress the construction of a canal from Taylor's Falls to Duluth, using the Upper St. Croix and the St. Louis rivers as far as the same can be made navi gable, the said canal to be forever free of toll or charge, and to remain a public highway for the interchange of the productions ¦686 FIFTY YEARS of the Mississippi valley and the valley of the great lakes; and should the railway interests of the country prove powerful enough to prevent congressional action to this end, we call upon the states of the Northwest to unite and build, at their own cost, such a canal, believing that the increased value of the produc tions of the country would speedily repay the entire outlay. EARLY STEAMBOAT NAVIGATION. The Pennsylvania was the first steamer that descended the Mississippi. She came down the Ohio from Pittsburgh, creating the utmost terror in the minds of the simple-hearted people who had lately been rather rudely shaken by an earthquake, and sup posed the noise of the coming steamer to be but the precursor of another shake. When the Pennsylvania approached Shawnee town, Illinois, the people crowded the river shore, and in their alarm fell down upon their knees and prayed to be delivered from the muttering, roaring earthquake coming down the river, its furnaces glowing like the open portals of the nether world. Many fled to the hills in utter dismay at "the frightful appear ance of the hitherto unknown monster, and the dismal sounds it emitted. It produced the same and even greater terror in the scant settlements of the Lower Mississippi. In 1823 Capt. Shreve commanded the Gen. Washington, the fastest boat that had as yet traversed the western rivers. This year the Gen. Washington made the trip from New Orleans to Louisville, Kentucky, in twenty-five days. When at Louisville he anchored his boat in the middle of the river and fired twenty- five guns in honor of the event, one for each day out. The pop ulation of Louisville feted and honored the gallant captain for his achievement. He was crowned with flowers, and borne through the streets by the huzzaing crowd. A rich banquet was spread, and amidst the hilarity excited by the flowing bowl, the captain made an eloquent speech which was vociferously ap plauded. He declared that the time made by the Gen. Wash ington could never be equaled by any other boat. Curiously enough, some later in the season, the Tecumseh made the trip in nine days. The time made by the Tecumseh was not beaten un til 1833, when the Shepherdess carried away the laurels for speed. We have but little definite information as to navigation on the IN THE NORTHWEST. 687 Mississippi during the ten years subsequent to the trip of the Pennsylvania. The solitude of the Upper Mississippi was un broken by the advent of any steamer until the year ] 823. On the second of May in that year the Virginia, a steamer 118 feet in length, 22 in width, with a draught of 6 feet, left her moorings at St. Louis levee for Fort Snelling laden with stores for the fort. She was four days passing the Rock Island rapids, and made but slow progress throughout. It is needless to say that the Indians were as much frightened at the appearance of the "fire canoe" as the settlers of the Ohio valley had been, and made quick time escaping to the hills. Judge James H. Lockwood narrates (see Vol. II, Wisconsin Historical Collections, page 152) that in 1824 Capt. David G. Bates brought a small boat named the Putnam up to Prairie du Chien, and took it thence to Fort Snelling with supplies for the troops. The steamer Neville also made the voyage to Prairie du Chien in 1824. The following year came the steamer Man- dan and in 1826 the Indiana and Lawrence. Fletcher Williams, in his history of St. Paul, says that from 1823 to 1826 as many as fifteen steamers had arrived at Fort Snelling, and that afterward their arrivals were more frequent. During this primitive period, the steamboats had no regular time for arrival and departure at ports. A time table would have been an absurdity. "Go as you please" or "go as you can," was the order of the day. Passengers had rare opportuni ties for observation and discovery, and were frequently allowed pleasure excursions on shore while the boat was being cordelled over a rapid, was stranded on a bar, or waiting for wood to be cut and carried on board at some wooding station. Sometimes they were called upon to lend a helping hand at the capstan, or to tread the gang plank to a " wood up " quickstep. When on their pleasure excursion they strayed away too far, they were recalled to the boat by the firing of a gun or the ringing of a bell. It is doubtful if in later days, with all the improvements in steamboat travel, more enjoyable voyages have been made than these free and easy excursions in the light draught boats of the decades between 1830 and 1850, under such genial captains and officers as the Harrises, Atchinson, Throckmorton, Brasie, Ward, Blakeley, Lodwick, Munford, Pirn, Orrin Smith and others. 688 FIFTY YEARS Before the government had improved navigation the rapids of Rock Island and Des Moines, and snags, rocks and sandbars elsewhere were serious obstructions. The passengers endured the necessary delays from these causes with great good nature, and the tedium of the voyage was frequently enlivened by boat races with rival steamers. These passenger boats were then liberally patronized. The cost of a trip from St. Louis to St. Paul was frequently reduced to ten dollars, and considering the time spent in making the trip (often as much as two or three weeks) was cheaper than board in a good hotel, while the fare on the boat could not be excelled. The boats were frequently crowded with passengers, whole families were grouped about the tables or strolling on the upper decks, with groups of travelers representing all the professions and callings, travelers for pleasure and for business, explorers, artists, and adventurers. At night the brilliantly lighted cabin would resound with music, furnished by the boat's band of sable minstrels, and trembled to the tread of the dancers as much as to the throbbing of the engine. The steamer, as the one means of communication with the distant world, as the bearer of mails, of provisions and articles of trade, was greeted at every village with eager and excited groups of people, some perhaps expecting the arrival of friends, while others were there to part with them. These were scenes to be remembered long, in fact many of the associations of river travel produced indelible impressions. In these days of rapid transit by rail more than half the delights of traveling are lost. Before the settlement of the country the wildness of the scene had a peculiar charm. The majestic bluffs with their rugged escarpments of limestone stretched away in solitary grandeur on either side of the river. The perpendicular crags crowning the bluffs seemed like ruined castles, some of them with rounded turrets and battlements, some even with arched portals. Along the slopes of the bluffs was a growth of sturdy oaks, in their general contour and arrangement resembling fruit trees, vast, solitary orchards in appearance, great enough to supply the world with fruit. On the slopes of the river bank might have been seen occasionally the bark wigwams of the Indian, and his birch canoe gliding silently under the shadow of the elms and willows lining the shore. Occasionally a deer would be seen grazing on some upland glade, or bounding away in terror at sight of the steamer. IN THE NORTHWEST. 689 A complete history of early steamboat navigation on the Up per Mississippi would abound with interesting narratives and incidents, but of these, unfortunately, there is no authentic rec ord, and we can only speak in general terms of the various com panies that successively controlled the trade and travel of the river, or were rivals for the patronage of the public. During the decade of the '30s, the Harrises, of Galena, ran several small boats from Galena to St. Louis, occasionally to Fort Snelling, or through the difficult current of the Wisconsin to Fort Winne bago, towing barges laden with supplies for the Wisconsin piner ies. Capt. Scribe Harris' favorite boat from 1835 to 1838 was the Smelter. The captain greatly delighted in her speed, deco rated her gaily with evergreens, and rounding to at landings, or meeting with other boats, fired a cannon from her prow to an nounce her imperial presence. The Smelter and other boats run by the Harris family held the commerce of the river for many years. In 1846 the first daily . line of steamers above St. Louis was. established. These boats ran independently, but on stated days, from St. Louis to Galena and Dubuque. They were the Tempest, Capt. John J. Smith; War Eagle, Capt. Smith Harris; Prairie Bird, Capt. Niebe Wall; Monona, Capt. Bersie; St. Croix, Capt. ; Fortune, Capf;. Mark Atchinson. These boat owners, with others, subse quently formed a consolidated company. In 1847 a company was formed for the navigation of the Mis sissippi above Galena. The first boat in the line, the Argo, com manded by Russell Blakeley, was placed upon the river in 1846. The boats in this line were the Argo, Dr. Franklin, Senator, Nominee, Ben Campbell, War Eagle, and the Galena. In 1854 the Galena & Minnesota Packet Company was formed by a consolidation of various interests. The company consisted of the following stockholders: O. Smith, the Harrises, James Carter, H. Corwith, B. H. Campbell, D. B. Morehouse, H. M. Rice, H. L. Dousman, H. H. Sibley, and Russell Blakeley. The boats of the new company were the War Eagle, Galena, Dr. Franklin, Nominee, and the West Newton. In 1857 a new com pany was formed, and the Dubuque boats, the Itasca and Key City, were added to the line. This line continued until 1862, and the new boats, Dr. Franklin, No. 2, and the New St. Paul, were 44 690 FIFTY YEARS added. The Galena had been burned at Red Wing in the fall of 1857. The following is a list of the earliest arrivals at St. Paul after the opening of navigation between the years 1843 and 1858: April 5, 1843, steamer Otter, Capt. Harris; April 6, 1844, steamer Otter, Capt. Harris; April 6, 1845, steamer Otter, Capt. Harris; March 31, 1846, steamer Lynx, Capt. Atchison; April 7, 1847, steamer Cora, Capt. Throckmorton; April 7, 1848, steamer Sena tor, Capt. Harris; April 9, 1849, steamer Highland Mary, Capt'. Atchison; April 19, 1850, steamer Highland Mary, Capt. Atchi son; April 4, 1851, steamer Nominee, Capt. Smith; April 16, 1852, steamer Nominee, Capt. Smith; April 11, 1853, steamer West Newton, Capt. Harris; April 8,1854, steamer Nominee, Capt. Blakeley; April 17, 1855, steamer War Eagle, Capt. Harris; April 18, 1856, steamer Lady Franklin, Capt. Lucas; May 1, 1857, steamer Galena, Capt. Laughton; March 25, 1858, steamer Gray Eagle, Capt. Harris. The following list includes boats not named in the packet and company lists with date of first appearance as far as can be as certained: Virginia May 20, 1823 Rufus Putnam April 5, 1825 Mandan 1825 Neville Indiana 1825 Lawrence May 18, 1826 Versailles May 12, 1832 Missouri May 5, 1836 Frontier 1836 Palmyra 1836 Saint Peter's.... 1836 Rolla 1838 Sciota 183- Eclipse 183- Josephine 1 83- Fulton 183- Red River 183- Black Rover Burlington 1883 Ariel 1839 Gypsy 1839 Fayette 1839 Warrior 1840 Enterprise ...1840 Volant 1840 Glancus 1840 Pennsylvania 1840 Knickerbocker 1840 Otter 1841 Highland Mary 1849 Gov. Ramsey (above the falls) 185- Anthony Wayne 185- Yankee 185- BlackHawk 185- Ben Accord 185- Royal Arch 185- Uncle Toby 185- Indian Queen ;185- Di Vernon 185- Osprey 185^ Lamartine 185- Fannie Harris 185- Asia 185- Equator 1860 IN THE NORTHWEST. 691 The following made their appearance some time in the '40s: Cora, Lynx, Dr. Franklin, No. 2, and St. Anthony. The Northern Line Company organized in 1857 and placed the following steamers upon the Mississippi, to run between St. Louis and St. Paul: The Canada, Capt. Ward; Pembina, Capt. Griffith; Denmark, Capt. Gray; Metropolitan, Capt. Rhodes; Lucy May, Capt. Jenks; Wm. L. Ewing, Capt. Green; Henry Clay, Capt. Campbell; Fred Lorenz, Capt. Parker; Northerner, Capt. Alvord; Minnesota Belle, Capt. Hill; Northern Light and York State, Capt. . Commodore W. F. Davidson commenced steamboating on the Upper Mississippi in 1856 with the Jacob Traber. In 1857 he added the Frank Steele, and included the Minnesota river in his field of operations. In 1859 he added the iEolian, Favorite and " Winona. Tn 1860 he organized the La Crosse & Minnesota Packet Company, with the five above named steamers in the line. In 1862 the Keokuk and Northern Belle were added. In 1864 the La Crosse & Minnesota and the Northern Line Packet companies were consolidated under the name of the Northwestern Union Packet Company, with the following steam ers: The Moses McLellan, Ocean Wave, Itasca, Key City, Mil waukee City, Belle, War Eagle, Phil Sheridan, S. S. Merrill, Alex. Mitchell, City of St. Paul, Tom Jasper, Belle of La Crosse, City of Quincy, and John Kyle. This line controlled the gen eral trade until 1874. There' were upon the river and its tributaries during the period named the following light draught boats: The Julia, Mollie Mohler, Cutter, Chippewa Falls, Mankato, Albany, Ariel, Stella Whipple, Isaac Gray, Morning Star, Antelope, Clara Hine, Geo. S. Weeks, Dexter, Damsel, Addie Johnson, Annie Johnson, G. H. Wilson, Flora, and Hudson. • LATER NAVIGATION ON THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI. The Northwestern Union Packet Company, more familiarly known as the " White Collar Line," from the white band painted around the upper part of the smokestacks, and the Keokuk Packet Company, sold their steamers to the Keokuk Northern Line Packet Company, which ^continued until 1882, when the St. Louis & St. Paul Packet Company was organized. Its boats were: The Minneapolis, Red Wing, Minnesota, Dubuque, Rock 692 FIFTY YEARS Island, Lake Superior, Muscatine, Clinton, Chas. Cheever, Dan Hine, Andy Johnson, Harry Johnson, Rob Roy, Lucy Bertram, Steven Bayard, War Eagle, Golden Eagle, Gem City, White Eagle, and Flying Eagle. STEAMBOATING ON THE ST. CROIX. The steamer Palmyra was the first boat to disturb the solitude of the St. Croix. In June, 1838, it passed up the St. Croix lake and river as far as the Dalles. The steamer Ariel, the second boat, came as far as Marine in 1839. t In the fall of 1843, the steamer Otter, Scribe Harris, commanding, landed at Stillwater. The steamer Otter was laden with irons and machinery for the first mill in Stillwater. Up to 1845 nearly every boat that ascended the Mississippi also ascended the St. Croix, but in later years, as larger boats were introduced, its navigation was restricted to smaller craft, and eventually to steamboats built for the special purpose of navigating the St. Croix. Quite a number of these were built at Osceola, Franconia and Taylor's Falls. The follow ing is a list of boats navigating the St. Croix from the year 1852 to the present time: Humboldt, 1852; Enterprise, 1853; Pioneer, 1854; Osceola, 1854; H. S. Allen, 1857; Fanny Thornton, 1862; Viola, 1864; Dalles, 1866; Nellie Kent, 1867; G. B. Knapp, 1866; Minnie Will, 1867; Wyman X, 1868; Mark Bradley, 1869; Helen Mar, 1870; Maggie Reany, 1870; Jennie Hays, 1870; Cleon, 1870. A number of raft steamers, built at South Stillwater and else where, have plied the river within the last ten years. A number of barges were built at South Stillwater, Osceola and Taylor's Falls. The passenger travel on the St. Croix has decreased since the completion of the railroad to Taylor's Falls and St. Croix Falls. An interesting chapter of anecdotes and incidents might be compiled, illustrating the early steamboat life on the St. Croix. We find in "Bond's Minnesota" a notice of one of the first boats in the regular trade, which will throw some light on the subject of early travel on the river. It describes the Humboldt, which made its first appearance in 1852: "In addition, some adventurous genius on a small scale, down about Oquaka, Illinois, last year conceived the good idea of procuring a steamboat suitable to perform the duties of a tri weekly packet between Stillwater and Taylor's Falls, the extreme IN THE NORTHWEST. 693 point of steam navigation up the St. Croix. It is true he did not appear to have a very correct idea of the kind of craft the peo ple really wanted and would well support in that trade, but such as he thought and planned he late last season brought forth. * * Indeed, the little Humboldt is a great accommodation to the people of the St. Croix. She stojjs anywhere along the river, to do any and all kinds of business that may offer, and will give passengers a longer ride, so far as time is concerned, for a dollar, than any other craft we ever traveled upon. She is also, to out ward appearances, a temperance boat, and carries no cooking or table utensils. She stops at the ' Marine,' going and returning, to allow the people aboard to feed upon a good, substantial din ner; and the passengers are allowed, if they feel so disposed, to carry ' bars' in their side pockets and ' bricks ' in their hats. A very accommodating craft is the Humboldt, and a convenience that is already set down 'on the St. Croix as one indispensable." The Diamond Jo line of steamers was established in 1867. Jo Reynolds was president of the company and has served as such continuously to date. Under his general supervision the com pany has been quite successful. The business has required an average of six steamers yearly. In 1888 the line consists of the boats the Sidney, Pittsburgh and Mary Morton. The St. Louis & St. Paul Packet Company, successors of the various old transportation companies, is in successful operation in 1888, employing three steamers. There are but few transient boats now on the river. ICE BOATS. Several attempts have been made to navigate the river during the winter months by means of ice boats, but the efforts have uniformly failed. Of these attempts we mention the two most notable: Noman Wiard, an inventor of some celebrity, made an ice boat in 1856 and placed it on the river at Prairie du Chien, in tending to run between that point and St. Paul. It was elabor ately planned and elegantly finished, and resembled somewhat a palace car mounted on steel runners. It failed on account of the roughness of the ice, never making a single trip. It, how ever, proved somewhat remunerative as a show, and was for some time on exhibition within an inclosure at Prairie du Chien. Martin Mower, of Osceola, Minnesota, invented a boat to run 694 FIFTY YEARS on the ice between Stillwater and Taylor's Falls, in the winter of 1868-9. It made several trips, carrying passengers and freight. The rough ice prevented regular trips and the project was abandoned. STEAMBOAT LIFE — 1846. James W. Mullen, of Taylor's Falls, spent much of his early and middle life on the river, and cherishes many pleasant recol lections of the early days. We have been favored with a few of these, which will give the reader a vivid idea of the scenes de picted : "A. D. 1846 found me a cabin boy on the War Eagle at the St. Louis levee, with sign board up for Stillwater and Fort' Snelling. The levee was a wonder to behold. It was thronged with teams, policemen keeping them in rank. Piles of freight were awaiting shipment. Steamboats for three-quarters of a mile along the levee were discharging and receiving freight; passengers were rushing frantically to and fro; bells were ringing, and boats leaving for the Cumberland, Tennessee, Missouri and Illinois rivers; and New Orleans, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Keokuk, Galena, Still water, and Fort Snelling. "It was a delightful June day on which we pulled out from this busy scene and commenced our voyage to the far off north land, then known as Wisconsin Territory. Capt. Smith Harris gave the last tap of the bell; the lines were loosened; the wheels of the War Eagle revolved slowly at first, and we were soon on the broad bosom of the Mississippi, heading northward in the wake and black smoke of the steamers Ocean Wave, Tobacco Plant and Western Belle. The Luella, the Alton packet, followed us closely, racing with us. All was enjoyment. We pass the steam ers Osprey and Di Vernon. At Nauvoo we note the magnificent Mormon temple on the high ground, and also long files of Mor mons going westward. We pass many fine farms, much beauti ful scenery, and many growing towns, among them Rock Island and Davenport, the latter the home of Antoine Le Clair, a half- breed Indian trader and heavyweight, tipping the beam at three hundred and fifty pounds avoirdupois. He lives there in sump tuous splendor from his profits made in trade. The villages, or tepees, of Sac and Fox Indians are seen along the shores; their bark canoes glide silently over the waters. Further on we as cend for seven miles the sluggish and narrow channel of Fever IN THE NORTHWEST. 695. river, and find ' ourselves at Galena, the home of the Harrises, river captains. "We find at the levee here the steamers Falcon and St. Croix, laden with lead for St. Louis. Back through Fever river to the Mississippi and past Dubuque, an active, rising town; past Cass- ville, the expected but disappointed capital city of -Wisconsin Territory, a lovely location, its castellated hills frowning above it and its fine three story brick hotel and other buildings; past Prairie du Chien and Fort Crawford, with soldiers drilling on the green. Here Amable Moreau, a French Upper Mississippi pilot, came on board. Squads of Indians were hanging around begging for whisky and tobacco. Resuming our way, stemming the current of the river we pass other scenes, other birch canoes gliding over the waves, other tepees and Indian villages along the shore. At La Crosse we find a few whites and lots of Indians on an unimproved prairie, with a background of high bluffs. We pass Trempeleau and then Winona prairie, on Which we find an old Indian village, dating back to unknown time. Opposite the mouth of the Chippewa river we pass Nelson' s Land ing with its two log warehouses and mackinaw boats loading for the Chippewa river. We pass into lovely Lake Pepin, Maiden's Rock' or Lover's Leap rising into a battlement on the right, and the famous Point -no-Point on the left. Out of the beautiful lake again into the river, between low, forest covered islands, till we pass Barn Bluff or Mount La Grange, a 'bold, abrupt and isolated hill just below Red Wing. We passed more Indian tepees, villages and burying grounds, — not that, for the dead bodies of the Indians were not buried but fastened upon scaf folds and the limbs of trees, according to Sioux custom. At the mouth of St. Croix river we pass Prescott Landing^ where lives the old pioneer trader Philander Prescott. Across the St. Croix, opposite Prescott Landing, is Point Douglas. Some miles above Point Douglas we pass Little Crow village, a missionary station, where young Indian boys ran down to the landing and greeted us with such yells as have not rung through these wilds, perhaps, for ages past. " We find St. Paul to be a small village. There are a few houses on a high, almost perpendicular bluff, overlooking the river. At the base of the bluff on the river shore stands a warehouse with the sign ' Ghoteau & Valle.' We are soon at Mendota 696 FIFTY YEARS and Fort Snelling. A squad of soldiers guard the freight over night. We have ample time in the morning to visit the post before starting down the river, and the following morning finds the prow of the Wai" Eagle resting against the Stillwater landing. Here Capt. Harris greets his friends and is warmly welcomed. So far, Stillwater seemed the most active and enterprising village on the whole route. Joe Brown's town, Dakota, lies a short distance above at the head of the lake. Capt. Harris on his return towed a raft comprising ten acres of logs. Big Joe was one of the pilots on the raft." ST. CROIX BOOM COMPANY. Previous to the organization of the boom company, in 1857, the logs were floated down the St. Croix and caught in side booms by individual owners, and owners of lake booms would raft them indiscriminately, regardless of log marks, but with the mark side up for the convenience of scaling. The scaling was done by some responsible party in the interest of the various owners, and balances were settled by exchanges, or if not balanced by cash or by note, to be paid out of the profits of the next year's logs. Instances of fraud seldom occurred. When Minnesota be came a territory this system was superseded by another method of handling,, assorting or delivering. The legislature established surveyor general districts, of which the St. Croix valley was designated as the First. The surveyors general were elected in a joint convention of the two houses of the legislature, and the can didacy for this office, together with questions of salary, became a leading feature in the politics of the district. The surveyors general of the First district have been, Robert Harsyj^Samuel Winship, Charles J. Gardiner, Ivory McKusick, James D. McComb, Z. Wilder Chase, John S. Proctor, and Al. Hospice. The law defining the duties of the surveyors general has been awarded from time to time, and the system of scaling improved till it has reached its present form, in which it meets with very general approval. In 1867 a law was passed giving to the governor the power of appointing surveyors general. The boom company was organized by the territorial legisla ture, Feb. 7, 1851, with a capital stock of $10,000, with privileges of increase to $25,000. The incorporators were Orange Walker and George B. Judd, of Marine; John McKusick, Socrates Nel IN THE NORTHWEST. 697 son and Levi Churchill, of Stillwater; Daniel Mears and Wil liam Kent, of Osceola; and W. H. C. Folsom, of Taylor's Falls. Fred R. Bartlett was the first secretary, but was superseded by David B. Loomis. The first boom was built near an island lying opposite and above Osceola. The surveyor general had his office at Stillwater, an arrangement that gave great satisfaction, but as the boom was not advantageously located, the channel of the river above being too narrow for the annually increasing production of logs, the company, in 1856, obtained a new charter with power to con struct booms from the head of Lake St. Croix to Taylor's Falls. The capital stock was increased to $25,000 with the privilege of increasing it to $50,000. It was subsequently increased to $100,- 000. The incorporators of the new company were Martin Mower, W. H. C: Folsom, Isaac Staples, Christopher Carli and' Samuel Burkelo. The company placed a second boom a mile and a half above Stillwater. The increase of their business compelled them from time to time to build side booms and shear booms to prevent the logs from lodging against the banks or passing bayous or second ary channels, and also to keep the primary channel free from ob structions to navigation. They built firm and expensive piers, drove piling and made canals for the use of steamboats when the main channel was wanted for booming purposes. Notwithstanding all this care, navigation was frequently ob structed by the accumulation of logs. Litigation ensued, and heavy expenses were incurred in defending the rights of the company or paying damages. These controversies were not unat tended with ill feeling. Public meetings were frequently held and denunciating resolutions adopted. In one case, when navigation had been interrupted for fiftyrseven days, the damages were esti mated at $146,525. Some controversies also arose as to jurisdic tion. St. Croix river being the boundary line between two states, the Wisconsin authorities claimed concurrent jurisdiction. The boom company was organized under Minnesota law and its members were residents of Minnesota. The surveyor general of the First district claimed entire jurisdiction and scaled the logs irrespective of the state in which they were cut. The action of the surveyor general had been accepted both by the original owners and purchasers of the logs. 698 FIFTY YEARS In January, 1885, Gov. Hubbard, of Minnesota, appointed A. L. Hospes surveyor general, and the appointment creating some dissatisfaction, a lumberman's board of exchange was organized, and Judsou McKusick was appointed as private scaler. He proceeded, under the direction of the exchange, to scale logs that had already been scaled by Hospes. When the members of the exchange proceeded to take possession of their logs and run them out into the lake, Hospes commenced a series of injunction cases to prevent them from so doing. The exchange brought suit against Hospes in Wisconsin courts to prevent him from scaling logs owned by the exchange. The exchange also declared that McKusick was a deputy of the general surveyor of the Fourth district, Wisconsin. Pending these suits, Hospes commenced a quo warranto proceeding in the Minnesota supreme court to have the articles of incorporation of the exchange annulled, but was defeated on the ground that the exchange could employ a pri vate scaler at will, but held that such scaler could not interfere with the claims of Hospes, he being recognized as surveyor gen eral. In July of the same year the claims of the conflicting parties were settled by the parties themselves, outside the courts, and the question of conflicting jurisdiction has therefore never been legally determined. It is true that some courts have passed ujjon the question, and appeals have been taken to higher courts. The decision of Judge Nelson of the supreme court has been given, a decision that the surveyor general of the First dis trict of Minnesota has a right to scale all logs in his district, yet by his own decision Wisconsin has equal rights under con current jurisdiction. Should both state authorities under their surveyors general claim jurisdiction at the same time, concur rent jurisdiction would lead to a double taxation upon log own ers. It seems, however, to be an admittted principle that when suits between the same parties, in relation to the same matter, are pending at the same time in different courts of jurisdiction, a judgment in the one may act as a bar to further* proceedings in the other. The question ought to be more definitely and satis factorily settled. THE LANGUAGE OF THE LOGS. It may not be amiss to explain somewhat in detail the system of marking adopted by the lumbermen. Owners of logs must IN THE NORTHWEST. 699 be able to identify their property or lose the reward of their labor. A system of marking each log has, therefore, become a feature of the lumbering business, and has been in existence ever since lumbering has been prosecuted. When the business, was confined to a limited number of firms it was an easy matter, and one of mutual arrangement, to Select the property. But firms change; from a score the number of lumber firms increased to hundreds. A record of ownership of log marks is necessary, and a law has been enacted protecting the ownership of a mark as thoroughly as a tracfe mark is protected. This system of marks in the process of time has become a language in itself deep and intricate to the average mind, but as plain as the alphabet to every man having to do with the manufacture of logs. It is the aim of every lumberman originating a mark to make it simple, containing as many straight lines as possible, so that it can be put on the log speedily. These marks are cut on the logs, through the bark and a few inches into the body of the timber, soon after the tree is felled, by a skilled axeman who is charged With the duty. The cut is made deeper than the bark so it will be preserved after the bark comes off. The mark is made upon the side of the log. This system of marks is a language in itself. Every prominent firm has a particular character, which, in a general way, is in dicative of his ownership or interest in the log. This mark may be varied by additional or supplementary characters,, indi cating who cut the log, on whose land it was cut, or under what particular contract it was put into the stream. Some idea of the extent and variety of these marks can be formed from the state ment that there is recorded in the St. Croix district — only a small portion of the entire lumber region of the Northwest — over 1,700 different and distinct characters. Many of these are quaint and interesting, and the whole etymology curious in the extreme. In the books in the surveyor general's office these marks ana figures are the only characters used except in the recording of the marks themselves and of instruments and agreements. The identity of mark and its association of ownership necessarily calls into play the utmost familiarity. To one not thoroughly familiar with the method the book's are about as intelligible as the figures on the side of a Chinese tea chest to the average 700 FIFTY YEARS American. Once a man becomes thoroughly familiar with the marks on a river where lumbering is so extensively carried on as on the St. Croix, he becomes invaluable in the surveyor gen eral's office, or in the booms, identified in some capacity with the scaling process. The fact that some particular character runs through the varied marks of all the leading firms is a key to the readiest understanding, just as the twenty-six characters in the alphabet are necessarily understood before one can read readily or intelligently. When the logs reach the booms th% marks serve as a guide in their distribution by the scaler, whose business it is to meas ure the logs, call out the number of feet in each log to the tallyman, who records it in a book kept for the purpose, the record, together with the mark attached, to be forwarded to the surveyor general's office, there to be posted and footed. A small army of men is engaged in bringing logs to the gap, a narrow passage admitting scarcely more than one log at a time. A catch mark is a mark representing the original mark and is so placed as to appear always upon the upper side when the log floats at rest. Once through the gap, experienced men gather the logs, as they are floated downward by the current, into brills. These are subsequently gathered together in rafts, laid, as a rule, with the logs headed in the direction of the current. Rafts may be transported to any distance southward by the current of the stream, and through the waters of the lake, and not infrequently/ the whole distance by tow boats. AMOUNT OF LOGS CUT FROM 1857 TO 1888. The earlist statistics in the following table are from persons operating, andthe later from record books. We have given the figures in round numbers. The table includes logs cut and floated down the St. Croix river and tributaries: Year. Feet. 1837-38 300,000 1838-39 700,000 1839-40 1,500,000 1840-41 2,500,000 1841-42 3,000,000 1842-43 : 3,500,000 1843-44 8,500,000 1844-45 14,000,000 Yeae. Feet. 1845-46 25,500,000 1846-47.. 26,000,000 1847-48. 37,000,000 1848-49 50,000,000 1849-50 75,000,000 1850-51 87,000,000 1851-52 90,000,000 1852-53 110,000,000 IN THE NORTHWEST. 701 Yeae. Feet. 1853-54..., 125,000,000 1854-55 165,000,000 1855-56 187,000,000 1856-57. 200,000,000 1857-58 135,000,000 1858-59 156,000,000 1859-60 175,000,000 1860-61 160,000,000 1861-62 175,000,000 1862-63 .150,000,000 1863-64 140,000,000 1864-65 144,000,000 1865-66 137,000,000 1866-67 174,000,000 1867-68 183,000,000 1868-69 194,000,000 1869-70 209,000,000 1870-71 170,000,000 Yeae. Feet. 1871-72 224,000,000 1872-73 108,000,000 1873-74 188,000,000 1874-75 178,000,000 1875-76 197,000,000 1876-77 183,000,000 1877-78 225,000,000 1878-79 242,000,000 1879-80 230,000,000 1880-81 247,000,000 1881-82 295,000,000 1882-83 302,000,000 1883-84 230,000,000 1884-85 235,000,000 1885-86 285,000,000 1886-87 350,000,000 1887-88 370,000,000 CHARTERED DAMS. The Namakagon Totogatic Dam Company obtained a chatter in 1869 from the Wisconsin legislature empowering them to con struct two dams for sheering logs, one to be at the outlet of Nama kagon lake, the other on Totogatic river, a stream tributary to Namakagon river, entering that stream about eight mites above its junction with the St. Croix. In 1870, by legislative act, the charter was amended by permission to erect sixteen dams, to be built severally on the waters of the Upper St. Croix, Moose, Eau Claire, Namakagon, Totogatic, Yellow, and Clam rivers. The name was changed to the "St Croix Dam Company," and the capital stock was fixed at $50,000. The incorporators were A. M. Chase, Joel Nason, Henry D. Barron, Wm. Kent, and S. B. Dresser. A. M. Chase was the first president. The company had permission under the charter to hold the water during the sea sons when it was not necessary to navigation on the St. Croix. These dams were usually shut down to gather a head during the months of March and April, with the exception of the dams on the Namakagon and Eau Claire, which have the privilege of gathering and retaining a head of water during any part of the year. The head of water above these dams varied from seven to ten feet, and the average cost of construction was $4,000. The tolls per 1,000 feet at these dams were as follows: Namakagon 702 FIFTY YEARS and Clam, 25 and 20 cents; at Totogatic, 20 and 15 cents; St. Croix, 20 and 15 cents; other dams, 3 to 10 cents. A. M. Chase was the original mover in organizing the corpo ration and forwarding its interests. He was foreman in selecting sites and building the various dams. He was also owner and general agent until within the last few years, when he trans ferred his interests to other parties. The charter expires , in 1893. The dam on Clam river, built at a cost of $10,000, was, in 1886, blown up by dynamite and destroyed by Robert Davidson, who claimed that the flowage interfered with his meadow lands. LUMBERING ON THE ST. CROIX IN 1845. The progress of civilization involving the building of rail ways, the transformation of the wilderness into cultivated fields, the growth of villages and cities, the increased facilities for manufacturing and the bringing the forest domain under law, has created such changes in the business of lumbering as to jus tify the insertion of a chapter relating to the life and surround ings of the early lumberman. Let us go back to the year 1845. The country, save a few sparse settlements on the navigable streams, is as yet an unbroken wilderness, and tenanted only by wild beatets and roving Indians. There are vast regions, densely wooded, in which the sound of the woodman's axe has never been heard, lying about the headwaters of the Chippewa, St. Croix and other streams. These pineries can only be reached by stemming the currents of the minor streams in bateaux or birch bark canoes, or by traversing the country on foot or with teams. Parties operating must purchase their putflt, consisting of teams, supplies of flour, pork, etc., in Illinois or Missouri. Sometimes they drive their teams through unsettled country, without roads, swimming and fording streams, clearing away ob' structions, and camping where night overtakes them. Sometimes they ship their supplies by steamer to Stillwater or St. Croix Falls. When landed at Stillwater the supplies are packed upon flatboats and poled to Taylor's Falls, where they are to be port aged to the head of the rapids, a distance of six miles, and trans ferred to bateaux. The portage is a difficult one. The goods are to be hoisted up over the rocks of the Dalles and placed upon sleds calculated to run upon the bare ground. Consider- IN THE NORTHWEST. 703 ing the inequalities of the surface from the Dalles to the head Of the rapids, the portage is an immensely difficult one. , They are then taken to their place of destination, the bateaux re turning to the Falls for successive loads, the whole transfer requiring considerable time. Sometimes, if late in the season, part or whole of the fleet of bateaux may be caught in the ice, in which case a bushed road must be made, and the supplies trans ported by teams and men. Arriving on the ground, the operators blaze trees on lines surrounding the region which they wish to work during the winter. These claims are generally respected by others. The first work to be done is making a camp, building stables, clear ing streams of obstructions, and making roads. Incidentally the Indians, certain to be visitors at the camps, are to be pro pitiated with presents of flour, pork and tobacco. These pacified and out of the way, the lumberman may say with Alexander Selkirk — "I am monarch of all I survey; My right there is none to dispute." Trespassing is unknown. The lumberman is not conscious that he himself is a trespasser on the domain of Uncle Sam. Nor is he. Has he not the best title in the world? Who is there to dispute it? No government agent ever troubles him, or questions his right to fell the royal trees and dispose of them as he may choose. He is earning by his strong right, arm his title to the trees. He endures much, accomplishes much and is the advance courier of civilization. He spends long months away from the common haunts of men. He is cut off from the mails and from home pleasure. He lives an industrious life. Cold is the day when the stroke of his axe is not heard. The snow deepens around him, the temperature sinks lower and lower, till it would not discredit Labrador; still he toils on unceasingly, and at night builds high his blazing fire, wraps himself up in his buffalo robe and' blankets, and sleeps through the night the sleep of the tired and the just. Meanwhile his appetite is marvelous. The cooking (done by one of the crew) may be of the rudest, and the provisions none of the daintiest, but exercise and the cold gives a relish to the food not often found in the fashionable restaurants. The members of the crew have each allotted duties. To one is intrusted the cooking department, to another the position of 704 FIFTY YEARS teamster, to another that of sled tender; some are choppers, some are swampers, some are sawyers. The records of the camp are kept by the foreman or some person detailed for that purpose. The winter over, the teams are returned to the settlements. The log driving crew succeeds the choppers and. other workers. The logs, having been hauled upon the ice of the driving streams, with the melting of snow are afloat on the swollen streams, and the drivers commence their work, following the logs in their downward course to the mills or booms, dislodging them when they are driven upon shore, and breaking jams when they occur. This work is difficult and attended by considerable exposure, as tbe driver is often obliged to go into the stream. It therefore commands higher . wages than other work. The drivers are with out tents, but a wangan, or small flat boat, containing bedding, provisions and a cooking kit, is floated down the stream so as to be convenient at night. The wangan is managed by the cook alone, and his work, when he ties up for the night, is to take ashore the bedding, cooking material, etc. , build a fire and pro vide a meal for the hungry crew. His cooking utensils are of the rudest kind, consisting of a tin reflector and a few iron pots and pans. The savory repast is scarce finished before the ar rival of the crew, cold, wet, tired, and hungry. They are not particular about a table with its furniture, but are satisfied to eat from a tin plate, sitting or lying on the ground. Hunger satisfied, they spend their evenings by the blazing fire, drying their clothing, jesting, story telling, or recalling the events of the day, or scanning the open or clouded sky for indications of weather changes. When the sky is clear they trace the constel lations, locate the principal stars and planets, or follow the devious windings of the milky way. Some of them have studied astronomy, and some have learned from others, and all are intent, though without books or teachers, on learning the wisdom that Nature teaches, and some are found who have learned to look "from Nature up to Nature's God." Occasionally some rougher specimen mars the order and pleas antness of this wild- wood converse by an oath or coarse remark, heard, perhaps, but unheeded by the more serious and thought ful. Such men are found everywhere, in the streets, saloons, and even in the wilderness, men who pollute the air in which they move with profanity and obscenity. These are not the men IN THE NORTHWEST. 705 who succeed and build up great fortunes; these are not the true conquerors of the wilderness. The sober, thoughtful man is the man who succeeds. It is not necessary that he have the learning acquired from books, or a smattering of science from the schools. He may acquire great knowledge by close study of men, and ob servation of the phenomena of nature, and so make himself a peer of the bookworm and scholar of the library and schools. The acquaintances formed in these camp scenes and toils often result in life long friendships, and the scenes of camp, river and forest become cherished reminiscences to the actors, who are as fond of recalling them as veteran soldiers are of recounting the hairbreadth escapes and stirring incidents of campaign life. The drive ends with the delivery of the logs at the booms and mills, the men are paid off and devote themselves for the re mainder of the summer to other work. LUMBERING ON THE ST. CROIX IN 1886. The St. Croix lumberman, after the lapse of, nearly fifty years, is still a picturesque figure, clad, as he is, in coarse, strong ¦woolen garments, these of brilliant red, yellow, blue and green, or in some cases as variegated as Joseph's coat of many colors. He is usually a man of stalwart frame, which is set off to advan tage by his close fitting garments. His circumstances are, how ever, widely different from his old time predecessor. The rough, hard work of the wildernesss, including the build ing of dams, the construction of reservoirs and roads, and the im provement of the streams, has been accomplished chiefly by his predecessors. He is abundantly supplied with food, produced almost in the neighborhood of the scenes of his winter's work. He travels by rail almost to his destination or drives blooded teams over comparatively good roads, where his predecessors tediously blazed the way and cleared it of underbrush. His camp accommodations are far superior. He is housed in comfort able cabins, warmed with large stoves and heaters, whereas the cabin of the lumberman of 1845 had a fire built on the ground in the centre of the room. The modern camp is well furnished with tables and other conveniences. The cook has a separate room furnished with a cooking stove and modern appliances for cooking. He has his assistant, known as the " cookee" or second cook. The table is spread with a variety of food, and delicacies 45 706 FIFTY YEARS that would have astounded the lumberman of 1845. Each oper ator is limited to his own special work. His bounds are set and he can go no further, except at the risk of the loss of his labor. The work goes on with' clock -like precision and is compara tively easy. Everything is done on a larger scale and more eco nomically. The crews are larger and the life is not near so soli tary. The various crews employed for the spring drive combine and thereby greatly increase their efficiency. They are supplied with better and covered boats. The cook in the drive has in ad dition to his "cookee" a wangan man to assist in managing the boat. The drives are larger and yet more easily handled, the con. vemences are greater and the expenses less. The men are more independent, and owing to the number employed, and the near ness of settlements and villages, more sociable, and possibly more hilarious and less thoughtful. We shall nevertheless find among them men of character, thoughtful, industrious and earnest men> who would have shone in the associations of the earlier camps and who will doubtless in the future be ranked among the suc cessful and capable men, worthy successors of the veterans now leaving the stage of action. Conjecture as to the future of the lumbering industry, and con sequently as to the character of the men engaged in it, would be idle. Who can tell what a day or another fifty years may bring forth ? The pine woods will not last always; already the camps are being pushed further and further to the north and west, and where- ever the denuded pine lands are arable the farmer is making his home. The lumbering industry is also passing into the hands of corporations, and with their extensive means and the armies of men employed by them the forests are disappearing more rap idly than ever. It is possible that the present generation of lum bermen may be the last in the valley of the St. Croix, and that before another fifty years have passed the last of the number may have shouldered his axe or peavy and passed " over the di vide." THE LOG JAMS OF THE ST. CROIX. The St. Croix river in its passage through the Dalles is com pressed into a comparatively narrow channel, by which means the logs driven down the stream are crowded closely together, so closely as to sometimes become firmly wedged or jammed to gether. The jam. generally occurs at a point known as Angle IN THE NORTHWEST. 707 Rock, a huge promontory of massive trap rock extending into the middle of the channel from the Minnesota side, and opposite to the St. Croix landing. The river makes a bend around this rock nearly at a right angle with the channel above. At this point jams are, under certain conditions, almost inevitable. Sometimes they are of small dimensions and are easily broken. Sometimes the logs gather in such quantity and become so tightly wedged that it is a labor of weeks to break them. The first jam worthy of note occurred in 1865, during the preva lence of high water. It is, in fact, only during high water that jams can occur, the current being at such time swift and strong, and the logs apt to accumulate in greater number than in the regular drives, from the fact that logs that have been stranded in former seasons or at low water are floated off, and the river is thus filled with logs from bank to bank. These are crowded into the narrow channel of the Dalles faster than they can be dis charged, and a jam results. , An obstruction once formed, the logs continuing to come in from above fill the channel. The tide cf logs arrested, crowd downward until they rest upon the bot tom of the river, and are heaped upward sometimes to a height of twenty or thirty feet above the surface. The river thus checked in its course rises, wedging the logs more closely and heaping them higher. In the jam of 1865 the river channel was filled nearly to the St! Croix dam, a distance of a mile and a quarter above Angle Rock. This being the first of the great jams excited unusual at tention. Excursionists came up daily in the boats to look upon it. It was indeed a wonderful sight. The logs were heaped to gether in the wildest confusion, and wedged in at all angles. Men and horses were employed to break the jam, which at that time, owing to the inexperience of the workers, was no light task. The modus operandi of jam breaking is to remove logs from the lower part of the jam till some log which serves as a key to the jam is reached. This being removed the logs above commence moving, and, if the haul be a long one, in a short time the move ment is extended to the head of the jam. Perhaps the logs are so heaped above that no water is visible. It matters not; the tremendous current beneath sweeps downward, carrying the logs along, and the spectator beholds a wonderful scene, a river of logs, the current swiftest in the centre of the stream, the logs 708 FIFTY YEARS rolling, tumbling, crashing, grinding, sometimes snapped, in sunder like pipestems. The jam breakers are in the wildest ex citement, cheering and hurrahing, and some may be seen out in the current of logs, jumping from one to another, or making their escape to the shore. Others on the lower part of. the jam at the moment of breaking are carried down the river. Though apparently a scene of great danger, comparatively few accidents occur. The workers are cool, experienced men with steady nerves and stalwart arms, a race of men not surpassed for muscu lar development. In 1877 another jam took place nearly as large as that of 1865. This jam came near destroying the beautiful bridge that spanned the river at the head of the Dalles. Many of the logs carried high in air by the pressure of the logs below struck the bridge, and at times its destruction seemed, inevitable. This ' bridge has since been replaced by an iron structure, much higher than the first, but even this occasionally received a blow from some log carried along by the ourrent at a "present arms." In 1883 another jam of considerable dimensions occurred, but ' it was removed with less labor and expense than its predecessors, and steamboats anchored below were used to aid in breaking it. It cost from $5,000 to $10,000 to break these jams. By far the greatest of the jams occurred in June, 1886. The water was high, the current strong and the river above so full of logs that a log driver might have crossed upon them. This abundance was owing to other causes than those mentioned in the account of the jam of 1865. The dams at Snake, Kettle and other rivers had been simultaneously opened, and the logs in these streams all set free at once in the current of the St. Croix. * On they came in long procession with but little obstruction till they reached Angle Rock, where they were suddenly arrested, and, owing to the force of the current, wedged more tightly and heaped higher than on any previous occasion, and the river- channel was filled with logs to a point two miles above the St. Croix falls formerly known as the dam. To break -this jam, two steamers, two engines, several teams of horses and over two hundred men were employed, and during the six weeks that occurred before it was broken, thousands of visitors came by rail and steamboat to look upon it. This jam was estimated to hold during its continuance 150,000,000 feet of logs. IN THE NORTHWEST. 709 POPULATION OF WISCONSIN. The first census of the Northwest Territory, taken in 1790, does not show the population of the region now known as Wis consin. The census of 1800 gave the following figures: Ohio, 45,363; Indiana Territory, 5,641; Green Bay, 50; Prairie du Chien, 65. According to the census of 1880, the original North west Territory contained a population of 12,989,571, or more than on,e-quarter of the papulation of the United States. The popula tion of Crawford county in 1820 was 492; in 1830, 692; in 1834, 810; in 1836, 1,220; in 1838, 850; in 1841, 1,503; in 1847, 1,409. In 1836-, when Wisconsin Territory was organized, the popu lation of the Territory was 11,883. The whole number of votes cast at the election in 1836 was 2,462. The population, accord ing to the census taken at the close of every five years, was as follows: In 1840, 30,945; in 1845, 155,275; in 1850, 305,301; in 1855, 552,109; in 1860, 775,881; in 1865, 868,325; in 1870, 1,054,- •670; in 1875, 1,236,729; in 1880, 1,315,480; id 1885, 1,563,423. The official compilation of the census of Wisconsin gives the following details: Total population, 1,563,423; white, males, 806,342; females, 748,810; negroes, in full, 5,576; Indians, 2,695. The nativities are divided as follows: United States, 1,064,- '943; Germany, 265,756; Scandinavia, 90,057; Ireland, 36,371; Great Britain, 32,731; British America, 21,887; Bohemia, 15,838; Holland, 7,357; France, 3,963; all other countries, 20,030; sub ject to military duty, 286,289; soldiers of the late war, 29,686. POPULATION OF ST. CROIX, PIERCE, POLK, BURNETT, AND SAWYER COUNTIES. 1840. 1845. 1850. 1855. 1860. 1865. 1870. 1875. 1880.' 1885. St. Croix 618 809 624 2,0401,720 547 5,392 4,672 1,400 12 6,255 6,3241,677 238 11, 039 10, 004 3,422 706 14, 957 15, 101 6,736 1,436 18, 838 * 17, 685 10, 095 2,980 22, 389 19, 760 Polk 12, 884 4,607 2,431 POPULATION OF MINNESOTA. In 1849 the Territory had a population of 4,680. The census taken at periods of every five years shows the following popula- 710 FIFTY YEARS tion: In 1850, 6,077; in 1855, ; in 1860, 172,073; in 1865r 250,099; in 1870, 439,706; in 1875, 597,403; in 1880, 780,773; in 1885, 1,117,798. The following table gives the population of the counties on the St. Croix waters. 1850. 1855. 1860. 1865. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1,056 6,123 1,743 9230 281 51 6,780 2,175 64 31 453 28 11, 809 4,378 648° 93 2,035 286 9,994 6,046 795311 3,901 495 19, 562 7,982 . 1,365 505 5,063 1,230 29, 763 9,765 2,1771,1197, 032' 3,189- MINNESOTA STATE CAPITOL. By the organic act of Minnesota Territory, $20,000 were ap propriated for a capitol building. At the time the. Territory was organized, however (June 1, 1849), the permanent seat of government had not been determined on, and the money was therefore not available. The Central House in St. Paul, a^ log tavern weather-boarded, situated at the corner of Bench and Minnesota streets, where the rear of the Mannheimer block now is, was rented for the public offices and legislative assembly. It was for some months known as "The Capitol." On the lower floor was the secretary of state's office, and the house of representatives chamber. On the second floor was the council chamber and the territorial library. Neither of these legislative halls was over sixteen or eighteen feet square. The rest of the building was used as an inn. The Union colors, floating from, a flag staff on the bank in front of the building, was the only mark of its rank. During his entire term of office, Gov. Ramsey kept the executive office in his private residence, and the supreme court met in rented chambers here and there. On Sept. 3, 1849, the first session of the legislature assembled at the above temporary capitol. Gov. Ramsey delivered his message to the two houses in joint convention assembled, in the hotel dining room. The whole fitting of the assembly rooms was of the plainest description. Considerable discussion ensued during the session on this sub- IN THE NORTHWEST. 711 ject, as to whether the Territory had a right to expend the $20,- 000 appropriated in the organic act, for a capitol building. The question having been submitted to Hon. Wm. Meredith, secre tary of the treasury, he replied that the "Department can not « doubt that the public buildings in question can only be erected at the permanent seat of government, located as described. The second session assembled Jan. 2, 1851, in a brick building, since burned, which occupied the site of the Third street front of the Metropolitan Hotel: At this session the seat of govern ment was fixed at St. Paul, as above noted. D. F. Brawley, Jonathan McKusick, Louis Robert and E. A. C. Hatch were elected building commissioners. Charles Bazille, a pioneer resident and large property owner of St. Paul, donated to the government the block of ground since known as "Capitol Square," and plans drawn by N. C. Prentiss were adopted. The contract was let to Joseph Daniels for $33, 000, but the building finally cost over $40,- 000. It was commenced at once, but not completed until the sum mer of 1853. The third and fourth sessions of the legislature were compelled, therefore, to meet in rented buildings. That of 1852 assembled in Goodrich's block on Third street below Jack son, and that of 1853 in a two story brick row on Third street, where the front of the Mannheimer block now is. BURNING OF THE CAPITOL. At nine o'clock on the evening of March 1, 1881, while both houses of the legislature were in session, and all the halls and departments were crowded with visitors, the dome of the build ing was found to be on fire. The flames spread with too great rapidity to be checked, and all that could be done was to save the contents of the building. The most valuable records and papers of the various offices, and of the legislature, with some of the furniture, were carried out, but the greater part of the contents of the.building, including the valuable law library, the supply of state laws, documents and reports, and all the sta tionery in the secretary of state's store rooms, etc., were a total loss. The Historical Society's library was mostly saved. The entire loss to the State was fully $200,000. Fortunately the city bf St. Paul had just completed a.fine and spacious market house, which was still unoccupied, and its use was at once tendered the State by the city authorities, and while 712 FIFTY YEARS the flames were still' burning the furniture and effects sayed frorh the old capitol were removed thither. At nine o'clock next morning the state departments and both houses of the legislature were again at work in their new quarters. But two days of the session yet remained. Gov. Pillsbury immediately , secured estimates for rebuilding the burned edifice, using the old walls, and an act appropriating $75,000 for that purpose was passed. Work was commenced at once. It was then found that the old walls were too unsafe to use, and at the extra ses sion in September, 1881, the further sum of $100,000 was appro priated for the completion of the building: Its total cost was about $275,000. l The dome of the building is two hundred feet above the ground, giving a noble view to the visitdr who' ascends it. The exterior of the edifice is neat and tasty, and it is altogether creditable to the State, considering its compara tively small cost. SELKIRK VISITORS. In the early days a somewhat primitive people inhabited the Northwest, making their homes on the banks of the Red River of the North and on the shores of Winnipeg, in what was known as the Selkirk settlement, now included in the province of Mani- • toba. They were a mixed race of Scotch, French and Indian stock, born and raised under the government of the Northwest British Fur Company. They were a peaceable, partly pastoral and partly nomadic, trading people. They cultivated the ground quite successfully considering the high latitude of their home and the absence of machinery for farm work, raising wheat, vegetables, cattle and horses. They engaged in hunting and trapping and yearly visited St. Paul with the surplus products of their labor to be disposed of for money or goods. They came usually in caravans consisting of files of carts drawn by cows, oxen and ponies, and commanded by a captain elected to the position who exercised over them a rigid military rule. Their carts were rude, creaking affairs, made entirely without iron, all the fastenings being sinews and leathern thongs. This harness was made of raw hides, Indian tanned, and sewed with animal sinews. Their costume was a happy cross between the civilized and savage. Their caravans included from 100 to 600 carts, which were laden with furs, buffalo robes, buffalo tongues, dried IN THE NORTHWEST. 713 pemmican, etc. As they came a distance of 450 miles, the jour ney required many days, but was made in good military order. The raising of a flag was the signal for starting, the lowering, for stopping, At night the carts were ranged in a circle about the encampment, and sentinels posted.' Their encampment within the suburbs of St. Paul attracted great crowds of the curious. In 1857 their train consisted of 500 carts, and in 1858 of 600, but later, as railroads were built northward and steamers were placed upon the Red River of the North, their number gradually diminished and finally , their visits ceased altogether. CYCLONES. ^Recorded and unrecorded, Minnesota and Wisconsin have had their full share of those atmospheric disturbances that have wrought so much destruction in the Western States. In the early days, when the country was sparsely settled and villages and towns were few and far between, they came and went un noted, or attracting but little attention. They left no traces on the plain, and in the forests only a belt of fallen timber, known as a "windfall." These belts are sufficiently numerous to estab lish the fact that these storms were probably as frequent in early, even in prehistoric, times as at the present. Their movements are more destructive in later times because of the improvements of civilization, the increased number of human habitations and the growth of towns and cities. The tornado has more to de stroy, and as a destroying agent, its movements are better known and more widely published. Scientists are not agreed as to the cause of these destructive phenomena, but enough is known to overthrow the theory so persistently advanced that it is in consequence of the cutting away of the forests and the substitution of farms. lufact much of the country was already prairie land and abundant evidences of tornadoes are found in the midst of old forests in which have since grown up trees of considerable size, and this at a period long before the lumberman commenced his destructive work. We append a few sketches of cyclones that have occurred in comparatively recent times. THE ISANTI COUNTY CYCLONE. This storm occurred in September, 1865, and spent its fury chiefly in Isanti county, but extended beyond and was felt even 714 FIFTY YEARS in Wisconsin. The tornado gathered its wrath in the south western region of Isanti county, in what is called the "Lake Typo settlement," some forty miles north of St. Paul. It was , first discovered in the shape of "two clouds," as the people there residing expressed it, " approaching each other from differ ent directions.'' Suddenly ¦ the mingling of these counter cur- ents of strong winds appeared to form the blackened heavens into a funnel-shaped mass. The direction of the whirlwind was- from southwest to northeast, and after crossing the St. Croix river passed through an unsettled portion of timber lands known as "pine barrens," a growth of scattering pines interspersed with black oaks of medium size. On Wood river, Burnett county, Wisconsin, the trunks of pine trees, three feet in diameter and eighty feet high, were twisted into "broom splints " and carried high in air. The interven ing oaks were also served the same way; and the whole track of the tornado, from thirty rods to three-fourths of a mile in width, had left no tree standing. Pines and oaks were all prostrate,. and promiscuously heaped up in winrows over the ground, their branches and trunks interlocked, and in some places piled to the height of thirty feet. The author of this work lost about 10,000,000 feet of pine logs in Wood river in this cyclone. On Clam river, Wisconsin, for four miles in length and about half a mile in width, the forest was laid in winrows, and parties who came through soon after the ¦ tempest had to cut their way. The tornado, traveling with the velocity of lightning to the northeast, overtook Dr. Comfort, of Wyoming, as he was cross ing Sunrise prairie with a mule team, accompanied by a hired man. The doctor and man saved themselves by clinging to some shrubs near by, but when the fury of the whirlwind had passed, all they could find of their outfit was the poor mules, half frightened to death, and the fore wheels and tongue of the wagon. The hind wheels, box, and the rest of the outfit, together with the doctor's medicine kit, which he had along, when last seen, were bound zenithward. Wm. A. Hobbs, late quartermaster sergeant of the Third Min nesota Battery, Light Artillery, and Orville Grant and brother — sons of R. Grant, Esq., a farmer living in Isanti county — were out hunting, and happened to be caught where the storm IN THE NORTHWEST. 715 passed through the heaviest timber. They saw it approaching, and at first attempted to take shelter in an old school house near by, but soon saw that was no place for them and made for an old pine log which they got behind; soon that commenced to move. Hobbs seized hold of an oak, some ten inches in diame ter, which immediately commenced to be loosened at the roots and to spin around like a top. The tree was prostrated and he with it — he receiving very severe injuries. The Grant boys were also injured, but none near so badly as Hobbs. The log school house shared the fate of the surrounding forest. A resi dent near by states that he saw one-half the roof sailing upward at least four hundred feet above the tops of the tallest trees. THE COTTAGE GROVE CYCLONE. On June 15, 1877, a terrific cyclone visited" the town of Cot tage Grove, Washington county, Minnesota. We append the correct and vivid description taken from the "History of Wash ington County:" "At 9 o'clock p. M. there arose in the southwest a dark and heavy cloud, attended with loud thunder, vivid lightning and a strong wind. The cloud moved forward rapidly; soon the rain began to fall in torrents, when suddenly the wind came dashing with great violence, sweeping everything before it. There seemed to be two currents of wind, one coming from the west and the other from the southwest. These two currents came together in section 22. The stronger current being from the southwest, the storm took a northwestern direction, and did some damage in section 27, taking away a portion of the roof of Ethan Viall's house, and a trunk out of the chamber, no trace of which could be found. A corn cultivator was taken up, some portions of which were never found, while other parts were found two miles from the place of its taking. In section 22, when the currents met, the destruction of property beggars description. The timber in its track, was prostrated; fences were torn up and scattered in every direction; E. Welch's house came in the line of desolation; Mr. and Mrs. Welch had stepped out to look after, some chickens in which Mrs. Welch was specially interested, and, startled by the roar of the wind, were in the act of return ing to the house. When near the door the wind took up the house, bearing it away, and a stick of timber struck both Mr. 716 FIFTY YEAES and Mrs. Welch, knocking them down. When Mr. Welch re covered he had hold of his wife, but she was dead. The stick of timber struck her on the head and caused instant death. The next object in the path of destruction was C. D. Tuttle' s two story dwelling, located in the northwest corner of section 26. The main part of the house was torn to pieces and scattered in every direction, while the wing was left unmoved. The family, consisting of six persons, fled to the cellar and were miraculously preserved. The large barn a few rods further on was completely destroyed. Next in its course was Mr. J. C. Tucker's barn, the roof of which suddenly passed along on the breeze. At this point . the storm turned, taking a northeasterly direction, and struck the house of Robert Williams, damaging the house and entirely destroying the barn. A horse tied to a girder in the barn was found, uninjured, sixty feet outside of the limits of the building, with the girder lying across him, and the strap still tied to it. Next in line was a small lake in the southwest corner of section 23. It was almost robbed of its treasure. The water and mud was- carried a long distance up the bluffs, fifty feet above the level of the lake. Next came the fine house of John Morey, giv ing" a portion of its roof to the excited wind; then passed into the town of Denmark, continuing its destructive course, killing a horse for W. G. Wagner, near the town line. A man known as Michael Schull, a farm hand, was taken up by the wind and dashed against a pile of wood, injuring his brain, causing him to become dangerous. He is now at St. Peter in the insane asylum. The destruction of property was great. No accurate account of the amount of damage done has been compiled. Mr. Tuttle, living in section 26, suffered the most. He estimated his loss at $7,000. His house was situated in a valley surrounded by oak trees, and we would suppose was protected by the strong bulwarks of Nature, and yet house, barn, farming utensils, and machinery were scattered over the country. The next morn ing sheets of tin two feet square, found in Mr .Tuttle's yard, were supposed to have come from a church in Dakota county. Por tions of Mr. Tuttle's house were found miles away. The same cyclone visited Lake Elmo and did great damage, blowing down the depot buildings, Lake Elmo Hotel and other structures. The buildings and trees of the agricultural fair grounds were destroyed. Some parts of the buildings were car ried miles away by the storm. IN THE NORTHWEST. 717 THE CYCLONE AT WHITE BEAR AND MARINE, MINNESOTA, AND CLEAR LAKE, WISCONSIN. Sept. 9, 1884, a storm arose in Hennepin county and did some damage; continuing to White Bear lake, Oneka and Grant, in Washington county, it gathered force and proved very destruc tive to life and property. As it passed through Oneka and Grant its path was about ten miles, in width. Churches, school houses, dwellings, barns, grain stacks, and fences in its way were either partially or wholly destroyed, and the wrecked property was distributed for miles around. The cyclone passed on over Marine, Big Lake and Scandia, crossed the St. Croix, passed over the town of Somerset, Star Prairie, New Richmond, in St. Croix county, and over Black Brook, Clear Lake, Pine ville and Clayton in Polk county and Turtle Lake in Barron, pursuing the usual northeasterly direction common to these cyclones, and disappearing in terrific thunderstorms, in the timbered lands of Barron and Chippewa counties. An eye , witness, Mr. Ivory Hatch, of Oneka, thus describes the approach of the storm: "I was standing near a shed in the barnyard, when suddenly the sky became black and threatening. In about five minutes I saw two funnel-shaped clouds descend and approach each other. I started for the house to warn my family, when, as quick as a flash, I was enveloped in the cloud, and while clinging to a post for safety my grain stacks and buildings disappeared. The storm did mot continue over a minute and a half. I escaped almost miraculously without a bruise." The testimony of others in the neighborhood is substantially the same. In the town of Oneka the destruction was worse than in any other locality. In the track of the storm through Washington county not less than fifty houses were demolished. The loss on each aver aged $600, making a total of $30,000. Losses on barns, machinery and stock raised this sum to $50,000. The loss at Marine was computed roughly at $75,000, which made a total of $135,000, not including hay and grain. The entire loss to Clear Lake was estimated at $200,000. Three persons lost their lives, Mrs. P. Burdick, Willie Kavanagh and John Saunders. The Methodist, Congregational and Swedish churches were leveled with the ground. The timber losses were close to $1,000,000; private prop- 718 FIFTY YEARS erty in villages, loss near $500,000, and all other losses, such as farm property and the like, in the hundred thousands. The total loss in Wisconsin has been placed at six lives and $4,000, €00 in property. THE ST. CLOUD AND SAUK RAPIDS CYCLONE OF 1886. The most destructive storm yet recorded occurred on the after noon of April 14, 1886. The clouds were first seen from St. Cloud to gather a short distance over the basin of the Masour cemetery about three o'clock, Sunday afternoon, iu dark, overhanging masses. Then sharp tongues of lightning darted down with terrific force, and the storm with all its fury burst upon the doomed cities. The south end, or beginning of the cyclone track, was located two or three miles south and a little west of St. Cloud and its total length was twenty-four miles. The property destroyed amounted to over a quarter of a million of dollars, and the loss of life at St. Cloud and Sauk Rapids was seventy- five. If we include those who died later of injuries from wounds, exposure and fright, we may safely say a hundred. The first victim of the cyclone was Nicholas Junneman. The cyclone rising, as we have said, over or near Calvary cemetery, for a space of about three hundred yards in diameter the trees -were uprooted or twisted off, gravestones were thrown flat, and fences demolished. Crossing over Calvary Hill, in a path about one hundred feet wide, it wrecked the small Catholic chapel and badly injured the crucifix located there. Next in its course was the farm house of Nicholas Junneman which was left a pile of ruins, and Mr. Junneman was killed, while his wife was danger ously injured. The first house struck within the city limits was J. W. Tenvoorde's. Just across the street J. Schwartz's two story brick house was almost wrecked. Here the path of the tornado was about two hundred feet wide, and increased until by the time it reached the Manitoba depot the width was six hun dred feet, taking in in its fearful embrace during the length of its course half a hundred or more buildings, which were totally wrecked, moved from their foundations, or more or less dam aged. In many instances there was nothing left to show where a house had stood, and the prairie was covered far and wide with the debris of the. demolished buildings. Over fifty houses in St. Cloud were totally destroyed and as many more badly IN THE NORTHWEST. 719 ¦damaged. Before striking the river it swerved slightly north ward, and thus the costly building blocks and crowded streets in the heart of the city were spared. Had the cyclone veered in its course more to the south, the loss of property and life in St. ¦Cloud would have been incalculable. Striking the river the cyclone appeared to be almost motion less for a few moments, or moved so slowly as to seem to hang •over the face of the water, its huge black column rising toward the zenith. Then leaving the river, this monster of the air struck Sauk Rapids at Stanton's large flouring mill, which was left a heap of ruins. It then took Demeules' store and the Northern Pacific depot, and passed on through the main busi ness part of the place, leaving but one important business house standing, Wood's store, which was badly damaged. Court house, church, school building, post office, newspaper offices, hotels, dwelling houses, all went down under the relentless power of the storm. Streets were blockaded with the wreck so as to be prac tically impassable. The list of dead out of a village of about 1,000 population included some of the leading county officials and prominent citizens. Amongst them were John Renard, county auditor, and Gregg Lindley, register of deeds; also Edgar Hull, president of the German- American National Bank; E. G. Halbert, of the New York Insurance Company, with whom Mr. Hull had just filed an application for a $5,000 policy, was so , ' badly injured that he died in a few days. The destruction of property in Sauk Rapids was far greater than in St. Cloud, as the business portion of the city was almost entirely swept away. , The loss of life was also proportionately greater. After leaving Sauk Rapids the cyclone struck Rice's, a station ¦on the Northern Pacific road, about fourteen miles from the former village. Some four miles southeast of the station, at the house of a farmer named Schultz, a happy wedding party was gathered, a daughter of the farmer having been married to Henry Friday, chairman of the board of supervisors of Lan- gola. Almost before they realized it the terrible power of the storm encircled them, and in the twinkling of an eye nine of the goodly company were mangled corpses, among the number being the groom, While the bride was dangerously if not fatally in jured. The victims also included the Rev. G. J. Schmidt, pastor of the German Evangelical church of Sauk Rapids. The Rev. Mr. 720 FIFTY YEARS Seeder, pastor of the Two Rivers district, was found out on the prairie with both legs broken. At Buckman, Morrison county, several persons were killed, and six or seven farm houses destroyed. The suffering caused by this most terrible of cyclones evoked the liveliest sympathy, and large contributions of money, food and clothing were fof- , warded by the citizens of St. Paul, Minneapolis and other cities throughout the State. G. W. Benedict, of Sauk Rapids, relates his experience in the storm as follows: "I was in the yard at my residence half a mile north of the depot, when I heard a terrible deafening roar, and on looking up I saw what first appeared to be a very heavy black volume of smoke from a railroad engine, but in a moment I re alized what it was. The volume of black cloud soon increased to double its size, and had a funnel shape, gyrating in a peculiar zigzag form. Untold amounts of debris of houses, fences and everything above the surface were shooting and flying with ter rific velocity from the cloud, which took a northerly direction. The horrible writhing demon of destruction, with its deafening roar, increased in volume and force, and hurled to utter destruc tion everything in its path, a great portion of which was car ried miles in the air out of sight as though but trifles of lightest chaff." Thos. Van Etten was walking on the street, going home, when the cyclone struck the town, and he was bodily lifted into the air, carried four hundred feet up a steep hill and landed in a street, literally plastered over with mud. A young man fishing near the end of the bridge, on the opposite side from Sauk Rapids, says that many of the houses were lifted high in the air, and did not seem to be injured until they were dashed to the ground, when they collapsed, and the pieces were scattered in all direc tions. None of the very large number of persons who went into a cellar for protection from the storm were badly injured. The Fink family, the mother and four children of which were almost instantly killed, were in a house which had an excellent cellar, but the family forgot to utilize it. Near the ruins of the Car penter house is a tree about ten inches in diameter, through which a pine board was driven so that it protruded at both sides of the tree. The property loss in Benton county was estimated at $300,000, and in St. Cloud at $56,000. IN THE NORTHWEST. 721 STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. Sometime in the '50s Messrs. Oaks, Rand, Witham, Carson, and twelve other men were in a tent on the banks of Lake St. Croix, just below the mouth of Willow river, during a severe thunder storm. It was about 9 o'clock p. m. when lightning struck the tent and passing down killed Witham and Carson, 1 and severely stunned Oaks and Rand. The other men were not injured, but, heing badly frightened, ran away, and did not return till the following morning, When they found two of the men supposed killed still alive, but dazed and motionless. The two killed were lying close together, while Mr. Oaks lay upon one side and Mr. Rand upon the other. The lightning had struck the men who were killed upon the head, and traversing the body had passed out below the ankles. The current of elec tricity had passed up the arm of Mr. Oaks and down his body^ burning spots the' size of a pea, and plowing lines under the skin, the scars of which, after recovery, were raised in welts nearly as large as' a whipcord. Mr. Oaks was nearly a year recovering. He says that during the time he lay "motionless and apparently stunned he was in full possession of his faculties. Mr. Rand had one side of his body burned to a blister. Prior to this he had been affected with weak eyes, but the electrical treatment there received effected a complete cure. ASIATIC CHOLERA. Minnesota was early visited by this scourge of the eastern world. It was brought up the river on the crowded steamers and created the utmost consternation, and even panic. No one on board the Royal Arch, May, 1853, can forget the dreadful scenes upon this boat. The first case occurred at Galena, that of a child, and the next at La Crosse, that of a woman, who was put ashore in a dying condition twenty miles, above. From thence to St. Paul the boat was a floating hospital, and thirteen corpses lay under a canvas on the lower deck. Notwithstanding the ghastly freight carried by the steamer, and its sick and dying passengers in the cabin above, kind hearts sympathized and kind hands were extended to help; and the dead were buried and every thing possible was done for the sick and suffering survivors, many of whom died after being carried* 46 722 FIFTY YEARS ashore at St. Paul. What these good Samaritans did was at the risk of their own lives, and more than one, among them Henry P. Pratt, editor of the St. Paul Minnesotian, sickened and died from infection caught by ministering to the stricken ones. DECREE OF CITIZENSHIP. The first naturalization papers on record in Minnesota are somewhat unique, and for that reason worthy of preservation, and are herewith presented et literatim: DECREE OF CITIZENSHIP. Territory of Wisconsin, St. Croix County. I, William Willim, an alien by birth, aged twenty-six years, do hereby, upon my oath, make known that I was born in the county of Hereford, in the kingdom of Great Britain and Ire land, on the twenty-sixth day of June, A. D. 1821; that I emi grated from the kingdom aforesaid, and landed in New York, in the state of New York, on the first day of October, 1838; that I was at that time a minor aged seventeen years, and that I have since that time resided in the United States of America; that it is my bona fide intention to become a citizen of the United States, to renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity which I, in anywise, owe to any foreign power, potentate, state or sov ereignty whatever, and more particularly all allegiance and fidel ity which I, in anywise, owe to Victoria, queen of Great Britain, of whom I have heretofore been a subject, and, further that I do not possess any hereditary title, or belong to any of the order of nobility in the kingdom from whence I came; so help me God. William Willim. Sworn and subscribed to before me on this eighteenth day of June, 1847, in open court. Joseph R. Brown, Clerk of District Court of St. Croix County, Wisconsin Territory. Another oath, such as is now administered, to support the constitution of the United States, was signed and attested in like manner. IN THE NORTHWEST. 723 BURNING OF THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. On a clear, cold night in February, 1869, the International Hotel, located at the corner of Seventh and Jackson streets, took fire and was speedily consumed. The alarm was sounded at two o'clock in the morning. The hotel was crowded with boarders, among whom were many members of the legislature, then in ses sion, and their families. The writer occupied a room on the sec ond floor and was among the flrst aroused. Hastily seizing my trunk I hurried down stairs and returned to assist others, but was stopped by the smoke at the entrance. The guests of the house were pouring from every outlet. A group of ladies had escaped to the sidewalk, partly clad, some with bare feet. Lad ders were placed to the windows to save those who had failed to escape in the hallway. Senators C. A. Gilman and Seagrave Smith, with their wives, were rescued in this manner. Many di verting circumstances occurred illustrative of nonchalance, coolness and daring, as well as of bewilderment and panic. Senator Armstrong tried in vain to throw his trunk from a window in which it was wedged fast and was obliged to leave it to the flames. Judge Meeker came out of the house carrying his clothing upon his arm, having a shawl wrapped round his head, and bewailing the loss of the maps and charts of Meeker's dam. Seagrave Smith tarried too long searching for a senate bill, and narrowly escaped sharing the fate of the bill. Many of the guests escaped in their night clothing, and carrying their clothing with them completed their toilet standing in the snow in the light df the burning building. Considering the rapidity of the fire, and the hour at which it occurred it seemed marvel ous that no lives were lost. GRASSHOPPERS. Minnesota has been visited at intervals by that scourge of some of the Western States, grasshoppers. The first visitation was from the Selkirk (now Manitoba) settlement, about 1838-9. The pests are said to have accompanied some of the early immi grants from Selkirk who came down to the reservation about Fort Snelling. They made yearly visitations and threatened to become a serious obstacle to the settlement of the country. Some seasons they proved quite destructive. In 1874-5-6-7 the state 724 FIFTY YEARS legislature made appropriations to relieve those suffering from their ravages in the western and southwestern parts of the State. There were also large private contributions to the relief fund. One of the acts passed at the session of 1877 appropriated $100,- 000 for bounties to pay for the destruction of grasshoppers and their eggs. Townships and villages were also authorized to levy taxes for the destruction of the common enemy, and $75,000 was appropriated to furnish seed grain for those who had lost their crops, and $5,000 was voted for a common relief fund. Special prayers were offered for an abatement of the scourge. In 1877, when the grasshopper appeared in myriads again, the governor appointed a day of fasting and prayer for riddance from the calamity. From some unknown cause the grasshoppers disap peared, and have not since returned in such numbers as to prove a plague. These grasshoppers were a species known as the Rocky Mountain locusts. ANCIENT MOUNDS. The valley of the Mississippi and the valleys of its tributary streams abound with mounds of various sizes and fashions, cir cular, oval or oblong, serpentine and sometimes irregular in out line, and all works of intelligence and design, wrought by some ancient people for purposes now not fully known. It is probable, however, that some were used as places of defense, others were built for sacrificial or religious purposes, others for sepulture, and others still may be the remains Of dwellings. Most of them contain relics, coins or implements made of shells, of flints and in some instances of baked earthenware, and lastly human re mains. These relics are not necessarily of cotemporaneous date, and many of them are comparatively modern. Such mounds were used for burial places long after their original builders had passed away. That they are very ancient is unquestionable. They outdate the traditions of the Indians who inhabited this country at the date of its discovery, while the most ancient remains taken from them indicate as their builders a people widely different from the present aborigines, and possessed of arts unknown to them. Conjecture points to a race from the South, probably the Aztecs, as the mound builders. This race was exterminated in some way, or driven away by some stronger tribes, who may in turn IN THE NORTHWEST. 725 have given place to our present race of Indians. A full descrip tion of these ancient works would require volumes; we can therefore allude only to a few that may be considered typical specimens of their class. At Prairie Village, now Waukesha, Wisconsin, in 1836, the writer saw a mound six feet high, representing a tortoise, the head, feet and tail being still distinctly traceable. Many mounds exist at Prairie du Chien, some quite large, and of varying shape, some representing inclosures or fortifications, with gateways or openings. These are located on the high bluffs east of the Prairie. Many of these, very distinct in the early days, are now almost obliterated by the plowshare of the farmer and the spade . of the relic hunter. The builders of the ancient mounds certainly exercised great taste in their location, as they are generally found in pleas- sant localities, on grassy plateaus or elevated lands, and by the shores of lakes and streams. Some, originally built on plains, have since been overgrown with trees. In some cases trees of immense size have been found growing even on the summit of the mounds. The most notable mounds of the St. Croix valley are at Vasa village, in Marine township, Washington county, Minne sota, and in the neighborhood of Osceola Mills, Polk county, Wisconsin. We append notes of a survey of the latter, made in 1870. They are sixteen in number and we mention only the most remarkable. No. 1 is of circular form, 20 feet in height and 60 in diameter. Trees 2 feet in diameter are found on this mound. Mound No. 2 has a diameter of 90 feet, and was originally 30 feet high; at present but 20. This .mound is also of circular formation. Mound No. 3 is circular in form, 36 feet in diameter and 2 feet high. Mound No. 4 is circular, 40 feet in diameter and 5 feet high. Mound No. 5 is oblong and 40x60 feet in dimensions, and 4 feet high. The largest and finest of these mounds have been nearly destroyed by the encroachments of the road makers. These mounds are located two miles north of Osceola, on .Close creek. Alanson Thompson made a homestead of the land on which they are situated, and built his home immediately in the rear of the two larger' mounds. His garden included many of the mounds. Mr. T. H. Lewis, of St. Paul, made a later survey of these 726 FIFTY YEARS ancient mounds. In the group north of the creek and near the school house, which he classifies as the upper group, he finds ninety-six well developed mounds, and some of them of peculiar shape and great interest. In the group south of the creek, which he calls the lower group, he finds forty-nine mounds, a total of one hundred and forty-five in the two groups; at least five times as many as has been supposed to be there. But one of the mounds is an effigy mound, and this is not clearly defined, plowing iu the field having disturbed the outline of the effigy. The most of them contain bones, as has long been known, and Mr. Lewis finds in them shell relics, which are rarely found in any mounds; also pottery, and beads made from shells. Another peculiar mound not included in this description may be found on the bluff overlooking the St. Croix, not far from the Close creek series of mounds. It is over one hundred feet in length and serpentine in form, one end being enlarged to repre sent the head. There are also fine specimens of ancient mounds- on Chisago lake, near Centre City and Chisago City. The subject is a fascinating one to the archaeologist, but it be hooves him to make haste with his investigations, as these mar velous works are rapidly disappearing, being dug over by the irresponsible and unscientific relic hunter, or worn down by the plow, or carted away for loose earth to mend a roadway or fill a sinkhole. . LAKE ITASCA. The Mississippi appropriately takes its name at the outlet of Lake Itasca, its reputed source. This lake, although known to the fur company adventurers of the eighteenth, and the early part of the nineteenth centuries, received the name Itasca in 1832 from Schoolcraft and Boutwell.. A complete account of the naming of the lake will be found in the biography of Rev. W. T. Boutwell, attached to the history of Pine county in this work. Itasca lies in range 36, townships 133 and 134, and is about three miles in length by one and one-half in width. Its title to the distinction of being the true source of the Mississippi has been frequently called in question. There are tributary lakes of smaller size lying near it, connected with it by small streams, barely navigable for birch canoes. Elk lake, a body of water three-fourths of a mile in length, lying south, is connected with IN THE NORTHWEST. 727 it by a stream 25 links wide and 30 rods in length. Elk lake has an influent stream 2 miles in length, which drains a swamp lying south. Another stream from the south, two miles in length, flows into Itasca, and has its source in a lake one-fourth of a mile long. As this lake has not been named in any original or later town ship map, United States Surveyor Chandler, Chief Clerk B. C. Baldwin and the writer, in January, 1887, agreed to give it the name of Boutwell, in honor of the devoted missionary who vis ited Itasca in company with Schoolcraft in 1832. This lake is really the source of the 'Mississippi, though from its small size is not likely to receive general recognition as such. Lakes Itasca, Elk and Boutwell lie in range 36, township 143, west of the 5th -principal meridian, United States survey, latitude 47.10, and longitude 95.30 west from Greenwich United States survey. The lands bordering on and adjacent to these lakes were surveyed in October, 1875, by Edwin Hall, and lie in Beltrami county, which was named after an Italian traveler who visited this section in 1823. Hon. B. C. Baldwin, a member of the Minnesota constitutional convention of 1857, told the writer that when surveying govern ment lands in 1874, he discovered in range 37, township 143, six miles west of Itasca, a lake two and a half miles in length, with out inlet or outlet, the waters apparently rising, as trees were standing in the water near the shore and submerged at least eight feet. Small lakes of similar character were also discov ered. Twelve miles west of Itasca the tributaries of the Red River of the North have their source. The latest claim made as to the discovery of the source of the Mississippi is that of Capt. Willard Glazier, who, in 1881, claimed to have discovered Elk lake as the source of the Missis sippi. The Minnesota State Historical Society promptly repudi ated his assumptions, and protested against affixing to Elk lake the name Glazier, as the captain was in no sense a discoverer, either of the lake or its connections with Itasca, the adjacent lands having been surveyed in 1875, and partially covered with claims in 1881. With far more justice we might claim for Lake Boutwell, a more remote lake, the distinguished honor of being the true source of the Mississippi. 728 FIFTY YEARS COPPER MINING ON THE ST. CROIX. As early as 1842, a company, composed of the Harris brothers and others, of Galena, Illinois, prospected in the Upper St. Croix valley for copper. Their superintendent, Mr. Crosby, lo cated a mineral permit at Pine island, one mile above St. Croix Falls, where he found rich specimens. Citizens and operatives at St. Croix Mills gave liberally to aid the enterprise, but Mr. Crosby's health having failed he left expecting to spend the win ter in Cuba, but sickened and died at New Orleans, and the min- rng enterprise of the Galena company was never resumed. In 1847, a Boston company, composed of Caleb Cushing, Robert Rantoul, Dexter and Harrington, and others, of Boston, and some other capitalists, located a mineral permit one mile square at St. Croix Falls, and another of the same dimensions on the St. Croix . and Kettle River rapids. This proved to be a speculative scheme of Boston and Washington capitalists and politicians. In 1848, David Dale Owen, a prominent geologist, made an ex ploration of the territory now included in Minnesota and Wis consin and published a report. His work being done at the or der of the government, he was accompanied by a corps of scientific men, and had time and means to make thorough inves tigations. He reported that the trap rock ranges of the St. Croix, a continuation of the copper ranges of Superior, are rich in specimens of copper. These ranges crop out every few miles in a southwesterly direction from Superior. The most southerly are those known as the Dalles of the St. Croix, including as a part the Franconia ledge three miles below. The Kanabec river range crops out near Chengwatana. The Kettle river, range crosses the St. Croix further north. In 1865 the Minnesota legislature placed the sum of $1,000 in the hands of N. C. D. Taylor for the purpose of examining and reporting the different mineral prospects on the St. Croix and its tributaries. He reported the Kettle river veins as being very promising. Mr. Taylor sunk a shaft in a locality in Taylor's Falls to a depth of forty feet and found excellent indications of copper, and some good specimens. He reports most of the rock in the St. Croix valley above Taylor's Falls to be of the different kinds of trap rock, with belts of conglomerate running through them in a direction from northeast to southwest, the conglomer- LN THE NORTHWEST. 729 ate being most abundant on the Kettle river. There are limited patches of sandstone which in places contain marine shells, but no rock in place. Prof. Hall says of the Taylor's Falls vein that it is a very distinct vein and shows quite equal to the early showing of many of the best paying mines of Superior. He regards the Kettle river vein as one of the most promising yet found in the country. Other veins have been discovered in the vicinity of the St. Croix Dalles. Considerable money has been spent in prospect^ ing and development, but more capital is needed than miners have yet been able to obtain. Taylor's Falls Copper Mining Company was organized Dec. 15, 1874, W. H. C. Folsom, president; Geo. W. Seymour, secre tary; Levi W. Folsom, treasurer; David A. Caneday, 'mining agent. They sunk a shaft one hundred and thirty feet deep and found good indications. This mine was worked in 1875-76, at an expenditure of over $5,000. Excellent specimens were found but not in paying quantities. The rock increased in richness as the shaft sunk in depth. The work was suspended for want of material aid. There is but little doubt that as the valley becomes known and populated, that as wealth increases, the mineral resources of the country are better known, mining will become a prominent and profitable industry. REMINISCENCES OF REV. JULIUS S. WEBBER.* We reached Stillwater, June 3, 1850, and moved into the Elfelt house on North Hill. The village contained at that time about thirty dwellings, two hotels, three stores, and a number of saloons. Three religious denominations held services each Sab^ bath, the missionaries in charge alternating through the succes sive Sabbaths, and supporting in addition a union prayer meeting and Sabbath-School, of which Capt. Wm. Holcomb was the first superintendent. The meetings were held in a school house on Third street. My appointments outside of Stillwater were at Willow River, Kinnikinic and Prescott, Wisconsin, and at Cottage Grove and Point Douglas in Minnesota. In 1852 Rev. S. T. Catlin was appointed to that part of my field lying east of the St. Croix * Rev Mr. Webber was bom in the state of New York in 1821 : was educated for the ministry ordained and sent to Minnesota as a missionary by the Calvinistic Baptist church. He came »o Stillwater in 1850. He is now a resident of Fleming, Cayuga county, New York. 730 FIFTY YEARS river, and I formed appointments at Areola, Marine, Taylor's . and St. Croix Falls; We organized a Baptist society at Still water, Oct. 26, 1850, consisting of eight members; Rev. J. P. Parsons and wife, Dean A. H. Cavender and wife of St. Paul, J. S. Webber and wife, constituting a council of recognition. Rev. J. P. Parsons preached the sermon of recognition, and J. S. Webber extended the right hand of fellowship. The first baptism by immersion in the county was administered in a large spring just below Nelson's store," Jan. 30, 1853, the waters of the spring being free from ice. The candidate was Margaret Towner, of Pembina. In 1853 I made a tour of the Minnesota valley to Mankato. On the first day, September 23d, I traveled from Fort Snelling to Shakopee and saw not a human habitation nor a human being on the trail. At Shakopee I found a home with Judge Dowling. On the next day I traveled to Le Sueur. On Sabbath morning I preached at Traverse des Sioux, and in the afternoon I went to Mankato, and stopped at the house of Mr. Hannah, where I preached in the evening, to a congregation that had come together hastily from the neighborhood, the first ser mon preached in Mankato. On the twenty-sixth I preached the first sermon at Le Seuer, and the first sermon at Shakopee on my return. In 1854 I opened on the South Hill, known later as Nelson's addition to Stillwater, a school known as Washington Seminary, which received liberal patronage from the citizens of Stillwater and surrounding country. In May, 1855, I sold the school to Mr. Kent, and it passed into the hands of an Episcopal clergy man. I returned to New York where I have since lived, pur suing my calling, which has suffered thus far no interruption from sickness or infirmities. The remembrance of my association with the people of the ' St. Croix valley is pleasant. Amongst the most pleasant of my recollections are those of the lumbermen of St. Croix, who often made up a large portion of my congregation. They were kind and corteous, attentive hearers and valued as friends and asso ciates. AN AMUSING INCIDENT. An amusing incident occurred in Carver county, in Judge E.O. Hamlin's district (an account of which was published in "The Drawer" of Harper's Monthly, some years after it occurred). IN THE NORTHWEST. 731 Judge Hamlin, going to Chaska to hold his first term of court in Carver county, found the sheriff absent, and his deputy, a for eigner who could speak English very imperfectly, ignorant alike of his duties and of the language in which they were to be per formed, confessed his entire ignorance of "how to open court," but said he could read writing. Therefore Judge Hamlin wrote out the form for opening court, and instructed him when the order was given for "the sheriff to open court," to stand up and read distinctly the form prepared for him. This was in the v usual terms, beginning "Hear ye, hear ye, all manner of per sons having any business," etc., etc., and ending with "come forward and give your attendance, and you shall be heard." At the hour fixed the court room was reasonably well filled. Par ties, witnesses and jurors, together with the district attorney (who at that time went with the judge over the whole district) were in attendance. The judge was on the bench, and the dep- uty sheriff, fully conscious of the dignity of his office, awaited the order of the judge. Upon being told to "make proclama tion for the opening of court," this officer arose, and holding the written form before his eyes, roared out in stentorian tones: " Here we are! Her ewe are!" and running through the remainder of the form closed with "come forward and give your attendance, and you will be sure to be here!" The air of importance with which it was said, together with his self complacency in the discharge of his new duties, was scarcely less amusing than the mistake he had made. Its effect may be better imagined than described. THE OLD SETTLERS ASSOCIATION. By an act of the legislature approved May 33, 1857, the "Old Settlers Association" was incorporated with the following charter membefs: H. H.' Sibley, Socrates Nelson, Franklin Steele, A. L. Larpenteur, Wm. Holcombe, Wm. H. Randall, Wm. Hartshorn, Cornelius Lyman, Lorenzo A. Babcock, J. D. Ludden, David Olmsted, H. M. Rice. Alex. Ramsey, Wm. R. Marshall, Jos. R. Brown, Chas. W. Borup, Henry Jackson, Mar tin McLeod, Norman W. Kittson, Vetal Guerin, J. W. Selby, Aaron Goodrich, and Philander Prescott. These members, with those whom they might associate with them, were duly em powered to buy, sell, hold property, to sue or be sued, to receive donations, to keep a common seal, and to enjoy all the franchises incident to a corporate body. 732 FIFTY YEARS It was provided that no person should be eligible to a mem bership who had not been a resident of the Territory prior to Jan. 1, 1850. The seal of the association was devised by Aaron Goodrich. On the two sides of the seal were represented the past and the future. In the background of the side repre senting the past is delineated a plain; in the distance are seen the last rays of the declining sun; nearer are seen Indian hunt- ersj their lodges, women and children, and a herd of buffalo. Prominent in the foreground of the side representing the fu ture stands an aged man with silvered hair; he leans upon his staff; he is in the midst of a cemetery; the spire of a church is seen in the distance; as he turns from a survey of the various monuments which mark the resting place of departed old set tlers, his eye rests upon a new made grave. It is that of his last associate; he is the last survivor; his companions have fallen asleep. A group of children in the foreground represents the , rising generation of Minnesota which shall reap the fruits of the pioneer's toil'. < SEAL OF THE ASSOCIATION. ORGANIZATION. The first meeting of the Old .Settlers Association was held, in pursuance of public notice, at the hall of the Historical Society of Minnesota, in the capitol, in St. Paul, on Saturday, Feb. 27, 1858. On motion of Judge Goodrich, his excellency Henry H. Sib ley was unanimously elected president. Hon. Aaron Goodrich and Hon. L. A. Babcock were unanimously elected vice presi dents, A. L. Larpenteur, Esq., secretary, and J. W. Bass, Esq. IN THE NORTHWEST. 733 treasurer. After which Gov. Sibley addressed the meeting in a manner able, pertinent and feeling. Several other members spoke. On motion a committee of three was appointed by the chair to report by-laws for the government of the association. Also a committee of three to report such measures as shall be deemed best calculated to effectuate the objects of the charter. The president appointed H. L. Moss, L. A. Babcock and T. R. Potts committee on by-laws, and Aaron Goodrich, B. W. Lott and Chas. S. Cave committee on charter. Judge Goodrich said this occasion was one of deep andabiding interest to the pioneers of Minnesota; that there were epochs in our history that should be commemorated. He desired that the first day of June be fixed upon as the day for the future meet ings of the association; he named this day for the reason that on the first day of June, 1849, the local organization of this Terri tory took place. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the annual meeting of this association be held on the first day of June, providing that when said month shall commence on the Sabbath, said meeting shall be held on the fol lowing Monday. * On motion of Judge Goodrich the following preamble and resolution were adopted: WhereAs, The object of this association and the individuals composing the same are closely allied to and identified with that of the Historical Society bf Minnesota, therefore Resolved, That up to the period in which this association shall possess a hall in which to meet, its place of meeting shall be the hall of said Historical Society. As a matter of history we record the names of the members originally and subsequently enrolled. Ames, Michael E.* Ayer, Frederick.* Abbott, G. S.f Altenberg, William.* Armstrong, William, f Atkinson, John W. Anderson, John. | Arpin, A.* Babcock, Lorenzo A.* Bailly, Alexis.* Bass, Jacob W. Beatty, James. Banfill; John.* Barton, Thomas.* Bazille, Charles.* Becker, George L. 734 FIFTY YEARS Berard, Antoine. f Bevans, Henry L.* - Black, Mahlon. Bautien, V.f Beaulieu, Clement H. Bean, James, t Bishop, Thornton. Beaupre, Philip. Blackburn, John T. Burns, Hugh. Berriwick, J.* Blair, O. H* Boutwell, W. T. Blakeley, Russell. Bolles, Lemuel.* Borup, Chas. W. W.* Bostwick, Lardner.* Bradley, J.* Brady, Patrick.* Brawley, Daniel J.* Brisette, Edmond.* Bromley, C. B. Brown, Joseph R.* Brown, Wm. R.* Brunson, Benj. W /Bryant, Alden. f Buffit, G.f Burkelo, Samuel.* Bottineau, Pierre. Bettington, John C.t Beauchier, Francis, t Besour, A. C* Bailly John.t Boal, James Mc C.* Campbell, George W.* Cavalier, Charles. Caye, Chas. S. Cavender, A. H. Chute, Richard. Clewitt, James R.* Colter, William.* Conway, Chas. R. Cooper, David.* Cormack, John.* Cave, William. Culver, George.* Culver, J. B* Connell, William, t Cummings, R. W. Curtis, Harley.* Chapman, John J.t Cloutier, A.t Colby, Wm. F. Colter, Charles. Carlie, C* Chase, A.'M. Comer, Elias H. Church, Cal.t Dana, Napoleon, J. T. Day, David. Day, James.* Dayton, Lyman.* Desmarais, Louis. Desnoyers, Stephen.* Dewey, John J. , Dibble, William B.* Doe, William E.* Day, Henry T. Day, Leonard P.* Dorr, Caleb D. Dobney, John. Durant, E. W. Day, William P.t Dudley, John. Davis, Patten W. Dresser. Horace.t Elfelt, Charles D. Ely, Edmund F.* Ellison, Smith. Eddy, Frank S.* IN THE NORTHWEST. 735 '.¦$.•$'• Eldridge, Ariel. Eaton, Alonzo. t Elfelt, L. C* Faribault, J. B.* Faribault, Alex.* v Farrington, G. W.t Fisher, Jacob. Forbes, W. H.* Ford, J. A.t Finch, T. M.t ' Findley, S. J.* " Foster, A. D.* , Foster, Thomas.* FreebOrn, William.* French, A R.* Folsom, S. P. Furber, J. W.* Furber, P. P.* Fuller, A. G.t Folsom, W. H. C. Fox, Patrick. Fairbanks, John H. Foster, Henry, t Furber, Theodore. Fisk, Frank. Folsom, Edgar. Folsom, Ward W. Farnham, S. W. Fillmore, R. G. Fisher, John. Finn, William. " Farnham, Rufus, Jr. Gammel, Irenus.* Gibbs, H. R. Gilman, David.* Godfrey, Ard. ..¦.Goodrich, Aaron.* Greely,. Elam.* Guerin, Vetal.* Gautier, Napoleon. Guernsey, W. H. Glenn, Samuel.* Getchel, W. W. Gervais, Benjamin. Gardner, Charles R. Gardner, John C* Gray, Isaac. Guion, Joseph. Hartshorn, W.* Hartshorn, W. E. Hobart, Chancey. Holcombe, William.* Holmes, Thomas.* Hoyt, B. F.* Hoyt, Lorenzo. Hopkins, Daniel.* Hopkins, Peter. Humphrey, J. K. Harris, George. Holton, John.* Houghton, George. Houghton, James. Haskell, Joseph. Hone, David.* Henkly, J. S.t Hoffman, James, t Haskill, Hiram, t Hetherington, Thomas.* Holcombe, W. W. Hill, Lewis. Irvine, J. R.* Irvine, B. F. Jackson, Henry.* Jarvis, W. H.* Johnson, P. K. Johnson, R. W. Jackins, John.* Jackman, H. A. Kellogg, M. N. Kennedy, Robert. 736 FIFTY YEARS Kittson, N. W.* Keogh, James. Knox, M. C. Kent, William. Kattenberg, Henry. Lambert, H. A.* Larpenteur, E. N.* Larpenteur, A. L. Lennon, J. G.* Lennoh, J. E. Leavitt, Martin. Lull, C. P. V. Lyman, Cornelius S.* Lott, B. W.* Ludden, J. D. Leonard, C. E. Loomis, D. B. Lowry, S. B.* Lyman, Stoers B. Lyman, David P. McKenny, J. H* McKenzie, J. G. Masterson, H. F. McKusick, John. McKusick, J. E. ¦ Mitchell, J. B. H. Marshall, W. R. McLeod, Martin,* McCleod, Alexander.* McLean, N.* Murphy, Edward.* Meeker, Bradley B.* Murphy, Alfred C.t McKusick, William. McHattie, Alexander. Manaege, Peter. Mackey, Andrew. McDonald, R.t Masier, Josiah.* Marks, Isaac* Moreau, Charles.* Mahoney, Wm.* Mahoney, Jeremiah. Morgan, John.* Moffett, Lot.* Morrison, W. C. Morrison, Allen.* Morton, T. F.* Moss, H. L. Murray, M. P. Murphy, J. W. Myrick, Nathan. McComb, J. D. McKean, Elias. McMullen, James, f McLean, Henry.t Masterman, Joseph. Manse, John.t Mower, Wm.* Mower, Martin. Mower, JohnE.* Mosher, Jacob. McHale, M.t McHattie, John. McLery, Charles, t Moulton, E. (Jr.)t McCarty, A.f Manse, Charles, t Neill, E. D. Nichols, G. C* Nelson, Socrates.* Nobles, W. H.* Norris, VT. S.* North, J. W. Northrup, Anson. Newbury, H. H. Oakes, C. H* Oakes, David.* Odel, T. S.* Olmsted, David.* IN THE NORTHWEST. 737 Owens, J. P.* Parker, Rodney.* Perin, Moses. Potts, T. R.* Prescott, Philander.* Presley, Bartley.* Pomeroy, J. H. Proctor, J. S. Pond, G. H. Powers, Simon.* Potter, Colver.t Perro, Joseph. Parker, L. N. Parsons, Oliver. Quinn, W. B. Quinn, Peter, t Randall, B. H. Randolph, S. R.* Ramsey, Alexander. Ramsey, J. C* Ravoux, Auguste. Reed, C. M.* Rice, H. M. Rice, Edmund. Robertson, Andrew.* Rice, C. R.* Robert, Louis.* Robert, Joseph.* Richardson, R. M. Rollins, John.* Rose, Isaac* Russell, R. P. Russell, Jeremiah.* Riggs, S. R* Robert, Alexis, t Roy, Peter.* Russell, William. Rohrer, Daniel. Robert, Nelson. Rogers, John. 47 Ramsden, Thomas. Rutherford, Wm.* Rogers, Richard, t Rutherford, James.* Selby, J. W.* Simons, Orlando. Simpson, J. W.* Simpson, Robert. Shaffer, C. E.t Shearer, A. L.* Sherman, M. Spencer,. J. B. Spicer, Nathan, t Shelley, E. Y. Steele, Franklin.* Spencer, John H.t Sawyer, Seth M.* Spates, Samuel, t Somerville, John.t Stevens, J. H. Stone, Lewis.* Sturgis, W.* Sweet, G. W. Setzer, H. N. Stanchfield, Sam.* Sibley, H. H. Stinson, C. F.t Santel, A.t Staples, Josiah. t Shamley, John.t Sanford, H. S.t Shearer, James. Stratton, L. W.* Scott, C. P.t Short, A. J. Sheasby, John.* .Stiles, W. L.t Taylor, J. L. Taylor, Jesse W.* Taylor, N. C. D.* 738 FIFTY YEARS Terry, J. C. Tinker, W. H. Thompson, James (colored). * Trask, Sylvanus. Trower, John.t Thompson, G. W.* Terry, Robert.* Van Voorhes A.* Villaume, Thomas.* Von Tassel, William.* Walker, Orange.* Whitaker, E. H. Whitney, J. C. Wilkinson, M. S. Wilkin, Alex.* Wells, James.* Wilson, Harvey.* Woodbury, Warren.* Willoughby, A.* Wright, Thomas, t Williamson, T. S.* Willim, William. Wilmarth, Alvin M. Wallis, John.t Worthingham, Vm.f White, Asa.* Westing, Henry.* Welshance, M.* Williams, D. D.* Whalen. Patrick.* Yorks, J. C. OBJECTS AND ORGANIZATION. The society was organized in 1849 by a few of the pioneers of the Territory, and incorporated by an act of the first territorial legislature, approved Oct. 20, 1849, this being the first literary institution organized in the Territory; and its "library," then only a few volumes, was the first ever established in Minnesota. The original charter of the society stated its objects to be: "The collection and preservation of a library, mineralogical and geo logical specimens, Indian curiosities, and other matters and things connected with, and calculated to illustrate and perpetu ate the history and settlement of said Territory." The amended charter of 1856 enacted: "The objects of said society, with the enlarged powers and duties herein provided, shall be in addition to the collection and preservation of publications, manuscripts, antiquities, curiosities, and other things pertaining to the social, political and natural history of Minnesota, to cultivate among the citizens thereof a knowledge of the useful and liberal arts, science and literature." x The work of this society may therefore be formulated thus: I. (1) The collection, (2) the preservation, (3) the publication of materials for the history of Minnesota and its people. * Deceased. | Unknown. IN THE NORTHWEST. 739 II. The collection and management of a library containing useful works of reference on the most valuable departments of knowledge. III. The diffusion among citizens of the State of useful knowledge. ITS PROGRESS. In the early days of the Territory, owing to its want of means, the sparse population and its poverty, and the infancy of the com monwealth generally, the society accomplished but little beyond collecting some information regarding the early history of this region, and printing the same in several pamphlet volumes. In 1864 it had only eight hundred and forty volumes in its library. It was then reorganized, and with the aid of a small annual appropriation from the State, since enlarged, has been able to make very gratifying progress. ITS PRESENT CONDITION. It has now comfortable apartments in the state capitol, a building believed to be fireproof; a sufficient income to pay its current expenses, granted partly by the State and partly con tributed by its members; one of the largest and most valuable libraries in the State, containing 22,000 volumes of choice works, together with a cabinet or museum of historical and arch- aelogical curiosities, and a number of historical pictures, engrav ings, manuscripts, etc. An endowment fund of several thousand dollars, accumulated by gifts and membership fees; two lots, eligibly situated, on which at no distant day, will be erected a fireproof building. PROPOSED BUILDING FOR THE SOCIETY. Reference was made before to the building lots of the society. These were purchased by a subscription of the members in 1855,, for the sum of $1,500, in hopes that the society would be en abled to erect thereon a fireproof building for its use, but up to this time it has not been able to do so. The lots are now valued at $20,000 or more. Several months ago an effort was made by the president of the society to raise enough by subscription to insure the commencement of a building to cost, completed, $50,- 000; of this amount $14,500 was subscribed, and it is believed that there are liberal and public spirited citizens of our State who . will contribute the balance when called on, or provide, by will, , 740 FIFTY YEARS for bequests in its aid. Such an edifice would be a perpetual monument to their generosity and public spirit, and would be an inestimable boon to succeeding generations, who will frequent our library in pursuit of knowledge. PRESIDENTS OF THE OLD SETTLERS ASSOCIATION. 1858. Henry H. Sibley. 1859. Socrates Nelson. 1860. J. E. McKusick. 1861. Wm. H. Nobles. 1862. Dr. T. R. Potts. 1863. Frank Steele. 1864. R. M. Richardson. 1865. John D. Ludden. 1866. Socrates Nelson. 1867. Abram Van Voorhes. 1868. Henry H. Sibley. 1869. Nathaniel McLean. 1870. Bartlett Presley. 1871. John H. Stevens. 1872. George L. Becker. 1873. David B. Loomis. Judge Goodrich was secretary of from 1859 until his death, in 1887. 1874. Henry M. Rice. 1875. Alex. Ramsey. 1876. Norman W. Kittson. 1877. Charles H. Oakes. 1878. Mahlon Black. 1879. .Charles E. Leonard. 1880. Benj. H. Randall. 1881. S. P. Folsom. 1882. Jacob W. Bass. 1883. Benj. W. Brunson. 1884. Clement H. Beaulieu. 1885. Henry L. Moss. 1886. R. W. Johnson. 1887. Anson Northrup. 1888. David Day. the Old Settlers Association THE ST. CROIX VALLEY OLD SETTLERS ASSOCIATION. This association was organized Nov. 5, 1875, at the office of Durant & Wheeler, in the city of Stillwater. Charles E. Leonard was elected president, and David B. Loomis, secretary. The lat ter has been re-elected and served continuously to the present time. It is a requisite that members shall have been residents in the Northwest prior to 1850. The following have been presidents of the association, the term of service being limited to one year: Henry A. Jackman. W. H. C. Folsom. Edward W. Durant. Albert Stimson. Henry N. Setzer. Morton S. Wilkinson. 1875. D. B. Loomis. 1882. 1876. Christopher Carli. 1883. 1877. W. T. Boutwell. 1884. 1878. John D. Ludden. 1885. 1879. Henry L. Moss. 1886. 1880. Wm. R. Marshall. 1887. 1881. Daniel Mears. IN THE NORTHWEST. 741 The annual meetings are held on or about the middle of Sep tember, at Stillwater. NEWSPAPER HISTORY IN RAMSEY COUNTY. The St. Paul Weekly Pioneer, established by James M. Good hue as the Minnesota Pioneer, issued its first number April 28, 1849, one day later than the St. Paul Register, but, unlike that paper, it was printed in the place of publication. In March, 1854, Earl S. Goodrich purchased the Pioneer, and on May 1st issued the first number of the Daily Pioneer. On Oct. 31, 1855, the Democrat was merged in the Pioneer, which became the Pioneer and Democrat, which name it continued to bear for six years, when it resumed its former name, the Pioneer. Nov. 8, 1865, the Pioneer was sold to H. P. Hall and John X. Davidson. July 29, 1866, the Pioneer was sold to Capt. H. L. Carver, C. W. Nash and others. April 22, 1874, the Pioneer became the property of David Blakely. April 11, 1875, the Pioneer and Press consoli dated, and the name was changed to St. Paul Pioneer Press, un der the management of the Pioneer Press Company, with J. A. Wheelock editor-in-chief. The Pioneer Press now embodies, by consolidation, twenty-five distinct newspapers. Its daily issue is about 18,000 copies. The stock company is now officered by J. A. Wheelock, president; F. Driscoll, Sr., vice president and treasurer; F. Driscoll, Jr., secretary. The management is in the hands of J. A. Wheelock, editor-in-chief; F. A. Carle, manag ing editor; F. Driscoll, business manager; A. W. Dunn, city editor. The St. Paul Globe was established Jan. 15, 1878, by H. P. Hall, and conducted as an individual enterprise until July 1, 1881, when it was made into a stock company with a capital of $150,000. Its first officers were: President, H. H. Sibley; vice president, P. H. Kelly; treasurer, Albert Scheffer; secretary, Ansel Oppenheim; general manager, H. P. Hall. This company, which was called the St. Paul Globe Printing Company, was sold to a new company, styled the St. Paul Globe Publishing Com pany, Feb. 1, 1885. The first officers of that company were: President,»N. W. Kittson; vice president, P. H. Kelly; treas urer, Albert Scheffer; secretary and general manager, Lewis Baker. All the officers of each company were resident in St. Paul. The Globe publishes daily and weekly editions. 742 FIFTY YEARS The St. Paul Dispatch was founded by H. P. Hall and David Ramaley, Feb. 29, 1868. It has passed through many owner ships. The company publish a weekly and evening daily paper. The St. Paul Daily Times was established in 1854, by T. M. Newson, M. J. Clum and J. B. H. Mitchell. In 1869 it was merged into the St. Paul Press. The Register, Chronicle and Democrat were published in terri torial days, and have been discontinued. Die Volkszeitung, the first German paper of St. Paul, was estab lished in 1857. Another German paper was subsequently estab lished, and the two were consolidated, Sept. 6, 1877, as Die Volkszeitung. It issues daily and weekly editions. Chas. H. Lineau is general manager, A. Wolff, editor-in-chief; C. New- hausen, city editor, and Louis Hern, literary editor. The Northwest Magazine is a monthly journal, devoted to the interests of the Northwest. It was established in 1883. E. V. Smalley is the editor. OTHER ST. PAUL PUBLICATIONS. A. 0. U. W. Guide, weekly Guide Publishing Company, estab lished 1883. Pythian Advocate, monthly, Pythian Company, established 1884. Northwestern Chronicle, weekly (Catholic), Northwestern Pub lishing Company, established 1866. Herald, weekly, Chantler & Nichols, established 1883. Der Wanderer (German), weekly, Wanderer Publishing Com pany, established 1867. Familien Zeitung (German), weekly, Engel-Dreis Company, established 1885. Le Canadien (French), weekly, E. R. Dufresne, L. N. Dixon, established 1877. Nordvesten (Scandinavian), weekly, C. H. Brandt, established 1880. Skaffaren (Swedish Lutheran), weekly, J. E. Osborn, estab lished 1877. Northwestern Lancet, semi-monthly, C. B. Witherle, established 1882. * Northwest Reporter (legal), weekly, West Publishing Company, established 1881. Saturday Evening News, weekly, Lewis & Bole, established 1883. IN THE NORTHWEST. * 743 Western Appeal, weekly, F. D. Parker, established 1885. Home Gazette, monthly, S. Sherin, established 1883. St. Paul Daily Evening News, established 1888. St. Paul Labor Echo, Eric Olson, established 1884. White Bear Lake Breeze, A. H. S. Perkins, established 1879. HENNEPIN COUNTY. The first paper established in Hennepin county as now bounded was the St. Anthony Express, E. Tyler, publisher, Isaac Atwater, editor. The first number was issued May 31, 1857. The Minne apolis Democrat was established in 1854. Neither of these pa pers is to be found in the directory. PAPERS OF- MINNEAPOLIS. Evening Journal, daily, D. B. Blakely, established 1887. Evening Mercury, daily, E. Ferwald, established 1885. Minneapolis Gazette,, daily, W. Bickley, established 1870. Minneapolis Tribune, daily, Will E. Haskell, Tribune Publish ing Company, established 1867. Commercial Bulletin, weekly, Commercial Publishing Company, established 1883. Minneapolis Life, weekly, W. E. Atkins, established in 1885. Saturday Evening Spectator, weekly, C. H. Dubois, established 1879. Temperance Review, weekly, L. Bixby, established 1865. Budstikken (Norwegian), Johann E. Gidde, established 1873. Folkebladt (Norwegian), weekly, Folkebladt Publishing Com pany, established 1878. Svenska Posten (Swedish), weekly, Svenska- American Publish ing Company, established 1885. Svenska Tidning (Swedish), weekly, Svenska Publishing Com pany, established 1883. Svenska Kistna Her olden, weekly, Svenska Herolden Publishing Company, established 1885. Herold (German), weekly, German Press Association, estab lished 1884. Freie Presse (German), weekly, F. Doerr, established 1869. Le Progres (French), weekly, J. B. A. Paradis, established 1884. Echo De V Ouest (French), weekly, A. F. Carrier, established 1883. 744 FIFTY YEARS Free Baptist, weekly, A. A. Smith, established 1882. Northwestern Standard, weekly, Ed. O'Brien, established 1885. Northwestern Presbyterian, weekly, Edgar A. Gay, established 1884. Our Church (Unitarian), semi-monthly, Rev. L. D. Boynton, established 1885. Farm, Stock and Home Journal, monthly, Farm, Stock and Home Company, established 1884. Mississippi Valley Lumberman, weekly, Platt B. Walker, estab lished 1876. Northwestern Miller, weekly, C. M. Palmer, established 1873. Northwestern Trade, bi-weekly, E. E. Haynes, established 1883. Homestead, monthly, Homestead Publishing Company, estab lished 1885. Housekeeper, monthly, Buckeye Publishing Company, estab lished 1878. Medical Mirror, monthly, N. M. Cook, M.D., established 1881. Northwestern Architect, monthly, Bruce & Brundage, established 1884. Pilgrim (Congregational), monthly, Pilgrim Publishing Com pany, established 1881. Poultry and Farm Journal, monthly, 1. 1. Bachellor, established 1877. Real Estate Review, monthly, C. H. Dubois & Co., established 1883. Temperance Educator, monthly, L. Bixby, established 1882. To-Day (Evangelical), Geo. F. Wells, A. S. Edwards, estab lished 1880. Wood and Iron, monthly, Wood and Iron Publishing Com pany, established 1880. Methodist Herald, weekly, R. H. Young, established 1887. EXCELSIOR. Minnetonka Mirror, weekly, W. H. Mitchell, established 1885. Northwestern Tourist, weekly, A. S. Dimond & Son, estab lished 1876. WASHINGTON COUNTY. The first newspaper published in Washington county was the St. Croix Union, established Oct. 8, 1854, in Stillwater. It was IN THE NORTHWEST. 745 continued under the management of Cable & Easton one year, when F. S. Cable sold out to Milton H. Abbott. Soon after Mr. Abbott bought out the interest of M. S. Easton. The paper went down in the crash of 1857. The Stillwater Messenger made its appearance under the man agement of A. T. Van Voorhes, Sept. 11, 1856. It changed ownership several times, and in 1871 Seward & Taylor, the pres ent owners, came into possession. The Stillwater Democrat succeeded the defunct Union in 1858. L. F. Spaulding and C. P. Lane became the editors and proprie tors. It was discontinued in 1861. A. B. Easton and J. N. Castle established the Stillwater Ga zette, the first number appearing Aug. 6, 1870. This paper was successful from the first, and with but few changes in proprietor ship is published at the present day as a daily and weekly by Clewell & Easton. The Stillwater Lumberman was established April 9, 1875, by Ed. H. Folsom. It afterward passed into the hands of a stock company, and was discontinued in 1884. The Stillwater Post, a German paper, was established by W.P. Shilling & Co. Aug. 26, 1876. Two years later it passed into the hands of Wm. Schermuly, and in 1880 it was taken charge of by Julius Duel, who is succeeded by F. C. Neumeier. CHISAGO COUNTY. Taylor's Falls Reporter, F. H. Pratt, established February, 1860; in 1862 the name was changed to Taylor's Falls Monitor; in 1883 the name was again changed to Taylor's Falls Journal; present editor, Ed. H. Folsom. Rush City Pos , Hial P. Robie, established in 1875. Chisago County Times, Taylor's Falls, Rowe & Walker, estab lished April 19, 1888. PINE COUNTY — PINE CITY. Pine County Pioneer, weekly, Ed. C. Gottry, established 1885. CARLTON COUNTY — CLOQUET. Pine Knot, weekly, Dr. H. B. Allen, established 1884. Industrial Vidette, established 1887. 746 FIFTY YEARS ST. LOUIS COUNTY — DULUTH. Tribune, weekly and daily, R. C. Mitchell, established 1881. Lake Superior News, weekly, Wm. S. Woodbridge, established 1878. Duluth DaUy News, established 1885. Duluth SJcandinav, Wesenbergad Hurst, established 1887. Paragrapher, established 1887. Volksfreund, Dworschak & Son, established 1886. Evening Journal, established 1887. TOWER. Tower Press, C. T. Bingham, established 1885. TWO HARBORS. Iron Post, A. De Lacy Wood, established 1887. AITKIN COUNTY — AITKIN. Aitkin Age, weekly, E. F. Barrett, established 1883. CROW WING COUNTY — BRAINERD. Brainerd Dispatch, weekly, Ingersoll & Willard, established 1881. Brainerd Journal, weekly, H. C. Stivers, established 1882. Northwestern Tribune, weekly, Halsted & Pennell, 1872. The News, daily, established 1887. KANABEC COUNTY — MORA. Mora Times, weekly, R. W. Safford, established 1882. MILLE LACS COUNTY — PRINCETON. Princeton Union, weekly, R. C. Dunn, established 1876. MORRISON COUNTY — LITTLE FALLS. Little Falls Sun, weekly, Little Falls Publishing Company, Cyrus D. Auyer, editor, established 1882. Little Falls Transcript, weekly, W. M. Fuller, established 1877. Morrison County Democrat, weekly, Cyrus D. Auyer, estab lished 1886. IN THE NORTHWEST. 747 ROYALTON. Royalton Record, weekly, changed name to Royalton Banner, A. W. Swanson, editor, established 1884. The first newspaper in Morrison county was the Northern Her ald, established in Little Falls, 1856, suspended in 1858. The Little Falls Courier was established later, but discontinued and the Transcript took its place. STEARNS COUNTY — MELROSE AND SAUK CENTRE. Herald and Record, weekly, C. F. Hendryx, established 1867. SAUK CENTRE. Democrat, weekly, Barnum and Henshaw, established 1885. Tribune, weekly, W. C. Brower, established 1873. ST. CLOUD. Der Nordstern (German), weekly, Rosenberger & Remer, estab lished 1874. Journal-Press, weekly, W. Mitchell, established 1857. Times, weekly, C. F. McDonald, established 1861. The first paper in St. Cloud, and in Stearns county, was styled the Minnesota Advertiser. The first number appeared Jan. 1, 1857, H. Cowles, editor, and James Mowatt, publisher. Mrs. Jane G. Swisshelm succeeded to the proprietorship in Decem ber, 1857, and changed the name to the St. Cloud Visitor, and edited it till the destruction of her press and material by a mob, March 24, 1858. The paper reappeared under new auspices and with the name changed to the Democrat. In 1866 W. B. Mitchell changed the name to the Journal. In 1876 he purchased the Press and consolidated it under the name of Journal- Press. The St. Cloud Union was established in > 1861, by C. C. An drews, afterward a general in the Union Army and minister to Sweden and Norway. In 1862 Mr. Wood purchased the paper, but sold it in 1863 to Spafford & Simonton, who sold it in 1864 to R. C. Moore, who published it as the St. Cloud Times. In 1875 it was purchased by the present owner, C. F. McDonald. The Nordstern was originally established by Peter E. Kaiser and Peter Brieke and has now a circulation of 25,000 copies. 748 FIFTY YEARS SHERBURNE COUNTY — ELK RIVER. Sherburne County Star News, weekly, A. N. Dare, established 1875. A. J. Clark started the Sherburne Weekly in 1867, and pub lished it one year, when John W. Thompson started the Elk River News. The Sherburne County Star was established in 1875, and consolidated with the News in 1861. ISANTI COUNTY — CAMBRIDGE. Isanti County Press, weekly, C. W. Van Wormer, established 1874. BENTON COUNTY. Watab Reveille, weekly, J. W. Chasanack, editor, established 1850. Free Press, weekly, A. De Lacy Wood, established 1885. In 1854 Jeremiah Russell and George W. Benedict started the Sauk Rapids Frontiersman, and continued the publication three years, when the New Era made its appearance, published by W. H. Wood assisted by G. W. Benedict. The Era was afterward merged in the St. Cloud Times. In 1868 G. W. Benedict estab lished the Sauk River Sentinel which, with a few changes, has continued to the present time. ANOKA COUNTY — ANOKA. Anoka County Union, weekly, Granville S. Pease, established 1865. Anoka County Herald, weekly, Alvah Eastman, established 1865. DAKOTA COUNTY — FARMINGTON. Dakota County Tribune, weekly, C. P. Carpenter, established 1884. Hastings News, daily, D. F. Chamberlain, established 1881. Hastings Banner, weekly, E. D. Barker, established 1865. Hastings Gazette, weekly, Irving Todd, established 1857. Hastings Bugle Call, monthly, Chamberlain & Smith, estab lished 1886. GOODHUE COUNTY — CANNON RIVER FALLS. Beacon, weekly, S. S. Lewis, established 1876. IN THE NORTHWEST. 749 KENYON. Leader, weekly, U. Curtis, established 1885. PINE ISLAND. Journal, weekly, Holmes & Ingalls, established 1882. RED WING. Red Wing Republican, daily, Red Wing Publishing Company, established 1885. Red Wing Advance Sun, weekly, Red Wing Publishing Com pany, established 1884. Red Wing Argus, weekly, C. L. Davis, established 1864. ZUMBROTA. Independent, weekly, E. A. Mitchell, established 1875. News, weekly, Thompson & Bradford, established 1877. WABASHA COUNTY — MAZEPPA. Tribune, weekly, M. Schrane, established 1877. PLAINVIEW. News, weekly, Ed. A. Paradis, established 1874. Wabasha County Herald, weekly, O. F. Collier & Co., estab lished 1857. Wabasha County Post, weekly, John P. W. Weller, established 1885. WINONA COUNTY — ST. CHARLES. St. Charles Union, weekly, J. S. Whitten, established 1877. Winona Republican, daily and weekly, Sinclair Publishing Company, established 1855. Adler, weekly, Adler Publishing Company, established 1873. Herald, weekly, Boynton & Metcalf, established 1869. Westlicher Herald, weekly Joseph Leicht, established 1881. Wiarus (Polish), weekly, Wiarus Publishing Company, estab lished 1885. NEWSPAPERS IN WISCONSIN. PIERCE COUNTY — ELLSWORTH. Pierce County Herald, weekly, Case & Doolittle, established 1868. Ariel, weekly, John M. Pryse, established 1884. Pierce County Plaindealer, weekly, E. H. Ives, established 1874. 750 FIFTY YEARS RIVER FALLS. Journal, weekly, S. B. Merrick. W. S. Fowler, established 1874. The first paper named in Prescott was the Paraclete, published by C. E. Young, Feb. 14, 1854. The name was changed in 1855 to the Transcript. In 1857 the Northwestern Democrat was issued by Lusk, Wise & Bailey. In 1861 Lute A. Taylor moved the River Falls Journal to Prescott, changing the name to Prescott Journal. In 1868 Flint & Webber purchased the Journal. In 1872, after the fire, the River Falls Journal was revived at River Falls by A. Morse; the office and material were burned. In 1873 M. B. Kimball issued the Prescott Clarion and changed the name to Pierce County Plaindealer. In 1876 E. H Ives became editor and proprietor. ST. CROIX COUNTY — BALDWIN. Bulletin, -weekly, Ferd. Peachman, established 1879. HAMMOND. Hammond Review, weekly, — — Frost, established 1886. HUDSON. Star and Times, weekly, Taylor & Price, established 1855. True Republican, weekly, Cline & Cogswell, established 1871. NEW RICHMOND. St. Croix Republican, weekly, Abe C. Van Meter, established 1869. The Voice, weekly, E. P. Huntington, established 1886. The St. Croix Banner, the first paper in the St. Croix valley, was issued Jan. 20, 1850, by Col. and Mrs. James Hughes. It was printed in the Pioneer office, St. Paul. Saxton & Johnson in the same year commenced publishing the St. Croix Enquirer. These papers were short-lived. In 1853 U. B. Shaver started the Hudson Journal, afterward edited by Col. Hughes as the Hudson Republican. The office was destroyed by fire and the paper discontinued in 1854. The Star was established by Dr. Otis Hoyt in 1855, and in the same year U. B. Shaver established the Chronicle. In 1860 these two papers were purchased by Horace A. Taylor, and consolidated as the Star and Times. IN THE NORTHWEST. 751 In 1856 Col. Hughes issued the Shield and Banner, which was succeeded by a campaign paper called the Pathfinder. The Hud son Democrat was established in 1864 by E. O. Jones and discon tinued in 1875. The True Republican was established by M. A. Fulton in 1875, and sold to the present owners in 1886. POLK COUNTY — CLEAR LAKE. Clear Lake Herald, weekly, A. T. Churchill, established 1884. North Wisconsin News, weekly, Johnson E. Russell. OSCEOLA MILLS. Polk County Press, weekly, Charles E. Mears, established 1860. ST. CROIX FALLS. St. Croix Valley Standard, weekly, George F. Ely, established 1885. The St. Croixian was first established at St. Croix in 1860 by John D. Reymert and Junius Bartlett. S. S. Fifield bought the paper in 1861, and removed it to Osceola, changing the name to Polk County Press. In 1872 0. F. Mears succeeded to the own ership. In 1874 C. C, Jordan established the New Era at Osce ola, but soon discontinued it. The Dalles of the St. Croix was es tablished at St. Croix Falls in 1881 by D. A. Caneday, and dis continued in 1884. The Polk County News was established at St. Croix Falls in 1885 by George H. Ely, who was succeeded by L. A. Ingersoll, who changed the name to St. Croix Valley Stand ard. BARRON COUNTY — BARRON. Barron County Shield, weekly, Charles S. Taylor, established 1876. CHETEK. Alert, weekly, Walter Speed, established 1882. CUMBERLAND. Advocate, weekly, Cumberland Publishing Company, estab lished 1885. RICE LAKE. Barron County Chronotype, weekly, P. H. Swift, editor, estab lished ^1874. Times, weekly, Times Publishing Company, established 1883. 752 FIFTY YEARS SAWYER COUNTY — HAYWOOD. North Wisconsin News, weekly, E. O. Johnson, established 1878. BURNETT COUNTY — GRANTSBURG. Burnett County Sentinel, weekly, W. A. Talboy, established 1875. ASHLAND COUNTY — ASHLAND. Ashland Press, weekly and daily, Sam S. Fifield, established 1872. , Ashland News, weekly, John S. Saul, established 1885. GLIDDEN. Glidden Pioneer, weekly, R. M. Williams, F. A. Healy, estab lished 1884. HURLEY. Montreal River Miner, weekly, Gowdey & Goodale, established 1885. BAYFIELD COUNTY — BAYFIELD. Bayfield Press, weekly, Currie G. Bell, established 1868. WASHBURN. Washburn Bee, weekly, Allan T. Williams, established 1885. Itemizer, weekly, Bareger Brothers, established 1884. DOUGLAS COUNTY — SUPERIOR. Superior Chronicle, John C. Wise, established 185-. Superior Times, Bardon Brothers, established 1870. Inter Ocean, weekly and daily, Street & Co., established 1881. Superior Sentinel, M. B. Kimball, established 1888. Sunday Morning Call, established 1887. WASHBURN COUNTY. Shell Lake Watchman, William Irle, established 1882. AN ODD CHAPTER IN POLITICAL HISTORY — THE BLACK HAWK WAR. Gen. Winfield Scott, when a young man, was stationed at Fort Snelling, at that day perhaps the remotest outpost of the United IN THE NORTHWEST. 753 States. When the Black Hawk War was inaugurated some mili tia from Illinois proffered their services to aid in conquering the savages. With a view to mustering them into the service of the United States two lieutenants were sent by Scott to the then village of Dixon. One of these was a very fascinating, good- looking, easy-mannered, affable, and fluent young gentleman. The other equally pleasant, but an exceedingly modest young man. On the morning when the mustering in was to take place a tall, gawky, slab-sided, homely young man, dressed in a suit of home-made blue jeans, presented himself to the two lieutenants as the captain of the recruits, and was duly sworn in. This was he who afterward became the president of the United States — ¦ the lamented Lincoln. One of the lieutenants, the modest youth, was he who fired the first gun from Sumter, Maj. Anderson. The other, and he who administered the oath, was in after years president of the southern confederacy, Jefferson Davis. AN EARLY RUNAWAY MATCH. We have gleaned from the newspapers the particulars of a love romance in which Jefferson Davis was the central figure. It was down at old Fort Crawford, whose ruins are still to be seen just south of Prairie du Chien. It was away back in 1834, when ex-President Zachariah Taylor, then a colonel in the regu lar army, was commandant of the post. Jeff. Davis, who was then a young lieutenant, was assigned to duty under Col. Taylor, and fell in love with his commander's beautiful daughter. The love making between the young people was the most natural thing in the world under the circumstances, but for some reason Col. Taylor had taken the most intense dislike to the young lieu tenant and frowned upon his suit. In order to prevent his daughter from marrying Davis the grim old warrior sent her to a convent at Baton Rouge. Some months afterward the young lieutenant appeared before Col. Taylor with a document which required his signature. It was an order from Gen. Wayne granting a furlough to Davis. Old Zach. understood human nature well enough to know that when young Davis got his leave of absence he would take a bee line for Baton Rouge, so he immediately dispatched his swiftest messenger to bring his daughter home by the most circuitous route, and thus thwart the young officer, who he knew would be 48 754 FIFTY YEARS hurrying to meet her. When Davis returned to Fort Crawford the coldness between himself and his old commander grew more frigid, while the young woman pined away in the seclusion of a log hut, where her father had established his headquarters, until at last she was released from her imprisonment by her lover, who took her from her father's roof by stealth and in the night, and tak ing her across the river to a spot where a priest was in waiting, they were made man and wife. George Green, an old river man, now eighty vears old, who still lives at Prairie du Chien, is the person who rowed them over the river that night. He says that Davis took the young woman from an upper window in the log cabin and by the assist ance of the chaplain was able to get her beyond the picket lines unobserved. Green was at the river bank in waiting with a canoe and took them to the spot where the marriage ceremony was performed. He says the young lady cried a good deal dur ing the voyage across the river, but she leaned her head on the young, lieutenant's bosom in a way that assured him that she was not altogether unhappy. Soon after the marriage a steamboat from St. Paul came down the river and by a precon certed arrangement halted, took the bridal couple on board and passed on down the Mississippi to Jeff. Davis' home in the South. Gen. Taylor never did forgive Davis for marrying his daugh ter. He never spoke to him from that time until the evening after the close of the battle of Buena Vista. Jeff. Davis had undoubtedly won the battle with his Mississippi Rifles, and as he lay wounded in his tent that night Gen. Taylor walked in, ex tended his hand in friendly greeting and thanked him for his gallant services. But there was no further attempt at recon ciliation after that. Mrs. Davis did not live long, and the lady who now presides over Beauvoir is Mr. Davis' second wife. She was a Miss Howell, of Georgia. DRED SCOTT AT FORT SNELLING. The following incident connected with the famous Dred Scott case, taken from a St. Paul paper of 1887, may prove of interest to the present generation of readers, few of whom are aware that the principal personage in the case was a resident of Fort Snell ing, or more exactly speaking, the chattel of an American officer at that place: IN THE NORTHWEST. 755 In the year 1839 the Fifth United States Infantry was sta tioned on the Upper Mississippi and Wisconsin rivers, and, al - though Fort Crawford (Prariedu Chien) was their headquarters, Fort Snelling was the most important, it being the only military post north of Prairie du Chien, between Lake Superior and the Pacific ocean, and far from the frontier, as the nearest settle ment was several hundred miles away. During the season of open water the post was reached by boats, and in the winter by pony or dog trains, but in the spring before the river was free of floating ice and in the fall before it was frozen, the inhabitants were almost cut off from civilization, as the place was considered inaccessible by all but the hardy voyageur and the postman, who brought the mail on his back twice a month from Prairie du Chien. ' Fort Snelling was the only post office in what is now Minnesota, Dakota and Montana. It was seldom that a stranger made his appearance after the close of navigation, for the timid did not venture so far from the comforts of life. .During the winter the weather was severe, the houses were not so comfortable as now, storm windows and furnaces were unthought of, and stoves were considered luxu ries. It happened that on a cold, dreary day in the early winter the quartermaster was distributing stoves, but did not have more than enough to supply the officers and the married men of the command, and not all of the latter. The surgeon, Dr. Emerson, a giant in body, applied for one for his slave, Dred Scott, but was told by Lieut. McPhail, the quartermaster, who was a man under size, that the darkey would have to wait until the others were supplied, and it was doubtful if there were enough for all. The doctor became very much excited and insinuated that McPhail was lying, whereupon the latter hit the doctor between the eyes, breaking his spectacles and bruising his nose. Emerson, very much infuriated, rushed to his quarters, loaded a pair of huge flintlock pistols, returned to McPhail, who was unarmed, and without cere mony presented them to the head of the little quartermaster. He, not liking their looks, sought safety in flight, and with a speed that showed a good condition of body ran across the parade ground, followed by the doctor. As they neared McPhail' s com pany quarters a friend of his, Lieut. Whitall, and a sergeant, seized firearms and prepared to give their assistance if it was 756 FIFTY YEARS needed. The commanding officer, Maj Plympton, armed with a cane, ran after the doctor, and upon overtaking him put him un-. der arrest. By this time the occupants of all the quarters had gathered upon the scene, too excited to feel the cold or think of stoves, and two parties were quickly formed. The smaller party consisted of the young men, who, anxious for a fight, insisted that by running McPhail had brought disgrace upon himself which could be wiped out only by blood. The other and influential side was composed of men with families, who knew that in case of illness no other physician could be had except from Prairie du Chien, and the roads were such that it might be impossible to get one at all; therefore they urged peace, and after several days of excitement they were able to unfurl the flag of triumph. The terms of settlement between the belligerents were not made known, and those who had hoped for a fight felt that the secrecy added largely to their already heavy disappointment; but the men of peace wore an expression of relief when they realized that if ill, their victory would enable them to obtain the immedi ate services of the doctor, and that there would not be a repeti tion of the duel which had been fought there many years before, the first and last duel ever fought in Minnesota. Although peace was declared, bitter feelings which had risen during the strife still lingered in the heads of all but Dred Scott, the innocent cause of the trouble, who for the first time in his life became at all con spicuous. Shortly after, however, his name was as well known, and oftener heard in social, military and political circles than any other, not only in his own country, but abroad. He left Fort Snelling with , Dr. Emerson, and was afterward in Missouri, where he was one day whipped, as he had often been before. But this proved to be the last time the poor fellow intended sub mitting as a slave, for immediately after a suit was commenced for assault and battery, claiming that as he had been in a free territory he was a free man. His master dying, his widow and daughter defended the suit, which was decided in their favor two days after the inauguration of President Buchanan, and Dred Scott was remanded to slavery. This was considered a great victory for the South, but in reality was not, for the civil ized world became aroused in behalf of freedom, and public opinion, the higher law, was invoked. Civil war soon followed; slavery was abolished, and Dred Scott made free. It was half a IN THE NORTHWEST. 757 century ago that this simple-minded negro lived in slavery in Hennepin, the historic county of Minnesota. OLD BETZ AND THE ST. PAUL TRIBE OF INDIANS. No history of the early days would be complete without men tion of the celebrated and picturesquely homely squaw known as Old Betz and the tribe to which she belonged. The camp of the latter may still be seen at South St. Paul to the number of three or four tepees. The Indians are the descendants of the warriors of Little Crow. They live in canvas tepees of primi tive style, but with the exception of moccasins and a few Indian trinkets they have conformed somewhat to the costumes of the civilized people around them. The Indians living in this vicinity, says A. L. Larpenteur in the Pioneer Press, represent a remnant of the Minnesota Sioux who were not taken to the reservation after the massacre of 1861. There may be nearly a score of families in all, including the inhabitants of the little Indian village at South St. Paul, the aboriginal residents at Mendota, and some red men living near Newport. These are mostly descendants of the members of Little Crow's band. Three or four families have descended from the famous old squaw known as " Old Betz," who died at an ad vanced age only two years ago. At least two of old Betz's daughters are living. They are very large, fleshy squaws, and are frequently seen" on the streets of St. Paul. When you catch sight of a big squaw with a heavy pack slung over her shoul ders, seated in some doorway down street panting for breath, you may make up your mind that it is one of Old Betz's daughters — either Doo-to-win (Scarlet Female) or Pa-zen-ta-win (Medicine Woman) ; for such are their names. They obtain a livelihood suitable to their lingering aboriginal tastes and their condition of life, by selling moccasins, ginseng and wild flowers in their season, and the skins of animals which they hunt or trap. These skins are chiefly muskrat skins. They brin°° several hundred to market in the course of the season. Then the squaws do the begging, and the great white packs which these dusky females carry upon their backs as they trudge along the streets of the city are filled with specked fruit, tainted chickens and meat, dried up cranberries and other unsalable stuff that the commission men of the city have kindly bestowed 758 FIFTY YEARS upon them. An Indian is not so particular about what he eats as a white person. When meat is tainted he boils it until he gets all the taint out. What remains serves as savory sauce for the meat. The Indians are intelligent. They don't have much to say to strangers, but among themselves they are quite sociable, and sit together by the hour smoking pipes and recounting tra ditions and incidents. They are very fond of story telling. They also discuss topics of interest with a freedom and intelligence worthy of a modern white man's debating society. " I have sat with them in their lodges by the hour," says Mr. Larpenteur, "and have been vastly entertained by their anecdotes and dis cussions." So it appears that the Indians hereabout are not so glum and reticent as red men in general are credited with being. There are a great many people in St. Paul who remember Old Betz, and the stories that were told in relation to her, quite well. She was said to be one hundred and twenty years old when she died, and, as there was no evidence to the contrary, and she certainly bore the mark of great age, this estimate of her years was generally accepted. Mr. Larpenteur has reason for think ing that her age has been very much exaggerated. Old Betz told him one day, a short time before her death, in a confidential way, that when soldiers first came to Fort Snelling she was still in her teens. That was in 1819, and, therefore, Old Betz could not have been over eighty-eight when she died. in the northwest. 759 ADDENDA. A history of the Northwest that would omit any mention of the war of the Rebellion would be an unfinished work. It was the original intention of the author of this work to add a mili tary history in which should be placed upon record not only some statistics as to the number of troops contributed to the United States service from the parts of Minnesota and Wiscon sin lying along the Mississippi river, but some account of inci dents connected with the war, which the citizens of the valley would take pride in perusing. The plan was abandoned reluc tantly on account of the want of space for such a record. We are able to furnish a synopsis of the military history of Minne sota taken from a recent address made by ex-Gov. Ramsey be fore the Loyal Legion at St. Paul. It is doubly interesting, com ing as it does from the governor of the State during the earlier portion of the War: Ex-Gov. Alexander Ramsey was called upon to respond to the toast, "Minnesota and the War; For God,. Our Country and the Right." He said: "Amid the many evidences of harmony and prosperity in all sections of the great republic it is difficult to realize that the citizens of Minnesota, within the memory of many still alive, were called upon to preserve the integrity of the United States of America by the force of arms. ' ' There has ever been a community of interest between our own State, in whose midst are found the sources of the Mississippi, and the several states on its borders toward the Gulf of Mexico; the wheat fields of Minnesota, the cotton and sugar plantations of Mississippi and Louisiana must be inseparable, yet it can not be 760 FIFTY YEARS disguised that a short-sighted statesmanship made a vigorous attempt to separate those whom an all-wise Providence had joined together. "In the month of April, 1861, upon official business as gover nor of Minnesota, I was called to the city of Washington. The knots of earnest men and anxious faces in the corridors and reading rooms of the hotels indicated a widespread belief that there was an impending peril, a serious conspiracy upon the part of some in the cotton producing and slave holding states to secede from the Union, although the general government had never infringed upon their rights under the constitution. "On Saturday night, April 13th, the population of Washington was deeply moved by the intelligence that Fort Sumter in the harbor of Charleston had been attacked by insurgents, and that the garrison had surrendered. , "Early Sunday morning, accompanied by two citizens of Min nesota, I visited the war department, aud found the secretary with his hat on and papers in his hand about to leave his office. I said ' My business is simply as governor of Minnesota to tender a thousand men to defend the government.' 'Sit down imme diately,' he replied, ' and write the tender you have made, as I am now on my way to the president's mansion.' " This was quickly done, and thus Minnesota became the first to cheer the president by offers of assistance in the crisis which had arrived. "My action and the acceptance of this offer were dispatched to St. Paul, and in a few days companies in the different towns in Minnesota were being organized, and on the twenty-seventh of the month Adjt. Gen. JohnB. Sanborn issued an order that more companies had been organized than were necessary to complete the First regiment of Minnesota, and on the third of May, hav ing returned to St. Paul during April, I sent a telegram to the president offering a second regiment. "On the twenty-first of June the First regiment, under Col. Gorman, left Fort Snelling, and in one month, on Sunday, the twenty-first of July, distinguished itself as the advance of Heintzleman's division in the battle of Bull Run, Virginia. The Second" regiment, in command of Col. H. P. Van Cleve, a grad uate of West Point, left Fort Snelling in October, and on the nineteenth of January was in close conflict with the enemy near IN THE NORTHWEST. 761 Mill Springs, Kentucky, Gen. Zollicoffer and other insurgent of ficers having fallen under their fire. A third regiment, under Col. H. C. Lester, left the State in November, 1861, and a fourth t regiment, under Col. John B. Sanborn, was soon organized, and not long after a fifth, under Col. Borgersrode, was formed. In the spring of 1862, within a few weeks of each other, the last two left for the seat of war, and were assigned to the Army of the Mississippi, and before the close of May were, with their com rades of the Second, in the action at Corinth. "But while Minnesota was thus rapidly sending forth her able bodied men, she was called upon to endure a trial greater than any of her sister states. On the nineteenth of August there rushed into the governor's office at the capitol a dusty and ex hausted messenger who had been fifteen hours in the saddle with dispatches from Galbraith, the Sioux agent, containing the start ling intelligence that the Sioux had risen and were murdering the settlers and plundering and burning their houses. An hour or two later another messenger arrived from Forest City with in formation that the Sioux had also killed many whites at Acton. • It was evident that there was a general uprising, and that no time was to be lost. "I immediately proceeded to Fort Snelling and consulted as to the best measures to protect our people. Here were only raw recruits, without arms or clothing,. but at length four companies of the Sixth regiment were organized, and that night sent up the Minnesota river to Shakopee, and ex-Gov. H. H. Sibley, who had had a long acquaintance with the Sioux, was placed in command. ' ' From that point they were directed to proceed by land. Tele grams were sent to President Lincoln and the governors of Wis consin, Iowa, Illinois, and Michigan relative to the horrible out break and asking for aid. "When the troops reached St. Peter they were delayed in moulding balls to fit their arms and in preparing canister shot. By September portions of the Third regiment, which had re turned to the State, and the Sixth and Seventh regiments, which had been organized, were in the field, and on the twenty-third of the month had a battle with the Indians at Wood lake, Lieut. Col. Marshall, of the Seventh regiment, your late commander of this legion, leading five companies of his own and two of the 762 FIFTY YEARS Sixth in a successful charge, clearing a ravine of hostile sav ages. "Never before in the history of the republic had so many set tlers fallen from Indian barbarity. In ten days in August about eight hundred white men, women and children were killed, and at least 15,000 persons fled from the scalping knife to St. Paul and other places of security. "During the summer of 1862 the Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Minnesota regiments of Volunteers were organized. In January, 1863, having been elected to represent the State in the United States senate, Lieut. Gov. Swift on and after the tenth of July acted as governor for the unexpired term, who was succeeded by Gov. Stephen H. Miller, both of whom, in every way possible, sustained the general government. "Minnesota during the war had surely not more than 40,000 citizens able to bear arms. She furnished eleven regiments of infantry, one of heavy artillery, three batteries of light artillery, four cavalry organizations and two companies of sharpshooters, and official returns show that she contributed 25,000 soldiers in all." Mention of George H. Hazzard, of St. Paul, unintentionally omitted from the body of the work, is appended below. GEORGE H. HAZZARD. George H. Hazzard is one of St. Paul's wide awake, energetic young men. He is a native of the state of New York. He'came IN THE NORTHWEST. 763 to the West when a youth and located in St. Paul in 1859. He has been engaged in general agencies and real estate, and has served as county commissioner of Ramsey county and filled other city positions in St. Paul. He was a member of the Methodist General Conference in New York City in 1888. He married a daughter of Rev. Benjamin F. Hoyt, of St. Paul. LEGISLATIVE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ST. CROIX VALLEY — WISCONSIN SIDE. Thirty-eighth Session, 1885 — Senators: Hans B. Warner, Joel F. Nason. House: Thomas Porter, James Johnson, Charles S. Thayer, Frank M. Nye. Thirty-ninth Session, 1887 — First Biennial Session — Senate: Joel F. Nason, William A. Rust. House: J. B. Thayer John A. Murphy, H. L. Humphrey, James N. McCourt, Charles S.Taylor.