¦' ¦¦ YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Bought with the income of the ALFRED E. PERKINS FUND 1894 Vital Record of Rhode Island. 1636=18^0. First series. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. A Family Register for the People. By James N. Arnold, Editor of the Narragansett Historical Register. "Is WLy Name-Written in the Book of Life?' Vol 5. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Published under the Auspices of the General Assembly. 1 . ¦ PROVIDENCE, R. I : jSarraganbett Historical Publishing Company. 1894. COPYRIGHTED IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS, AT WASHINGTON, 1894. PlIlKTEl> JJY THK PlIOVlDKNCK JOUKNAL Co., Providence, R. I. INTRODUCTION. KINGS COUNTY, now known as Washington, Is a delightful field for the geneologist and historian to labor in. While the compiler of this volume regrets the sad loss of the old Kings Towne Records, he is happy in thinking that the people kept a very good record up to the period of the Revolution. Here, as in all other portions of the State, the recording from 1776 to 1850 is remarkably poor, and the compiler be lieves, that had this latter period been kept as faithfully as the former, that this work would have been double its present size. The perplexities, difficul ties and annoyances the compiler met in other portions of the State have at tended him here, the nature and character of which none save those who have and experience in the field can form a just idea. It is a source of pride with the compiler to realize and know that his labor of years has been a success and is appreciated by the scholar inter ested in family matters. He is grateful for their words of encouragement, both printed and written. No Rhode Island work has been, better received or has received more or better endorsment than his. THE NAMES OF THE TOWNS. North Kingstown, incorporated Oct. 28, 1674, as Kings ,Tpwne. First settlement 1636. Name Was changed to Rochester, June 23, 17-86-, but restored in 1689. Town divided into North and South Kingstown, Feb. 26, 1722-3, which provided that North Kingstown should be the eldest town. Under authority of Connecticut the town in 1663 was incorporated as Wickford, called Kings Towne because it was the town given the colony through the pleasure of the King. Original name Aquidnessett. Westerly, incorporated May 14, 1669. Original name Misquamicutt. Called Haversham, June 23, 1686. Name restored as Westerly in 1689. Called Westerly because it was the most western town in the colony. South Kingstown, incorporated Feb. 26, 1722-3. Called by the proprietors Pettequomscutt. Charlestown named from King Charles XI. Town incorporated Aug. 22, 1728. Taken/ from Westerly. Original name Shannock. Exeter, incorporated March 8, 1742-3. Taken from North Kingstown. Called by the proprietors, Newbury, in honor of Walter Newbury, Treasurer of the company. Original name Yawgoo. Called Exeter after the English town of that name. Richmond, incorporated Aug. 18, 1747., Taken from Charlestown. Named in honor of William Richmond, a name which served the longest term as As sistant of any yet placed on our records. Hopkinton, incorporated March 19, 1757. Taken from Westerly. Named in honor of Gov. Stephen Hopkins. CONDITION OF THE RECORDS. North Kingstown has several books, but which have been so badly dam aged by fire and smoke as to render a pagination impossible. Our copy printed in this volume, with all its imperfections, is a far better one than ¦can be made to-day from the same sources. 4} INTRODUCTION. SoJth Kingstown has two books, both in good order. They have also in the old Kings Towne Transcripts a list of births, marriages and deaths. These are included in this volume under the North Kingstown records. Exeter has two books, in good order. Westerly has five books; two first need binding; the others in fine condi tion. Qharlestown's first book needs binding; writing good. The second book- is in fine order. Is known as First Council. Richmond has two books. No. 1 needs binding. Is known as Land Evi dence, No. 1. No. 2 has a good binding. Is known as Town Meeting, No. 1. Writing in both good. Hopkinton has five books. Nos. 1, 2 and 3 are known also as Town Meeting 1-2-3. No. 4 is known also as School Committee, No. 1. No. 5 is known also as Militia, No. 1. Writing in all good. The two first need binding. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We still have to thank our dear friends again for their continued interest in our work, for their confidence in us personally and for their many kind nesses. The General Assembly of the State has again been liberal, and has be stowed on the work a liberal subscription, for which we thank them, and also- the Honorable Committee who favorably reported upon so desirable a matter to us and so vital to the success of this enterprise. PLEASE OBSERVE. We also thank the public for the favor in which they received our previous volumes, and for their good wishes towards us in the future. I. That the marriages are given in duplicate, but that nothing beyond the book and page of the original town record, the names and date are given where the bride is placed first. That under the groom the notes are so extended as to include all the items of the record from whence it was taken. The reader will consider the bride being placed first, therefore, as merely am index for him to consult the other entry in its proper place. Should they disagree, give the groom the preference, if possible. That the births and deaths are grouped so as to better enable the reader to see at a glance the names and dates in their natural order of the members of the family. H. That the figures at the left of the name is the book and page of the original town record, the hyphen separating the two apart. HI. That the indexes for all the towns treated in this work are placed in the fore part of the book. No one need look farther than the index to dis cover whether the matter he is in search of is to be found within the covers.. These indexes are so constructed as to show: (a) The namss occurring in their natural order. (b) The names occurring promiscuously, and (c) The places mentioned in the text. TV. That each town is separate and distinct in itself, and the indexes are confined strictly to each town, but all are placed in the fore part of the work for the more handy reference of the reader. Should the reader want his copy rebound, he can do so, and the indexes can be differently placed with no in jury to the others. V. The spelling of the given names are as they stand on the Record in many instances, and when they are not far wrong. This accounts for the variety of spelling in this work. VI. The acts incorporating the several towns of the county are placed be fore the matter itself in that particular town. VH. Every convenience that would aid the reader, and everything that would naturally perplex him, has been carefully studied. While not claiming INTRODUCTION. 5 perfection for our work, we would say that we have spared no pains in order to make it as simple as passible, and yet be comprehensive. How well we have succeeded in this must be left, however, to the reader himself to say. VIII. We have not changed dates here given, but we give it just as It stands on the Record itself. We have observed, however, that the Scotch year is more general in this county than in any other that has come to our ¦notice A REQUEST. It would be a great favor to the compiler of this work if every reader who consults these pages would copy out and send to him at Providence, R. I., copies from his family record in the Bible, or where else the same may be recorded, or any other information he may be possessed of, in order to make these records in the future as complete as possible. It makes no difference whether the party resides in the State of Rhode Island or not. If they can connect with Rhode Island ancestry it is sufficient. While these matters may seem trifling, yet they may become of incalculable value in the future, and therefore we urgently desire that the Vital Records of Rhode Island may be made complete and that errors, wherever found, may be pointed out and cor rected as soon as possible. ANNOUNCEMENT. We have substantial encouragement so far that we feel able to here an nounce that we shall commenice the new year (1894) with a new serial, en titled "RHODE ISLAND COLONIAL GLEANINGS." These volumes will be faithful transcripts of the first record books of the oldest towns in the -State, and papers illustraiting some important State question of history. They will afford much interest to the scholar and will be published so that every poor man can have a copy if he wishes one, as they will be published at popu lar prices. The compiler's long experience in reading old manuscript, and his long and close study of our State history, places him in a position to do an able work. When it is taken into account the many perplexities and difficulties that have on every side beset his path, and of such nature that no other man in the State would have had the courage to face it, and then to see the noble work he has already done. The Vital Record alone is a monument to his industry. The grand work the city of Providence is now doing was put into successful operation! by him, seconded by several thoughtful and intelli gent gentlemen. If the good people of our State will stand by us and our lamp of life holds out, we pledge ourself Rhode Island will have no need to blush for one of her sons. The compiler of these Vital Records means business, and he proposes to be as persistent and as .untiring in the future as he has been in the past, and he does not propose and will not be put down, but means to be heard. "Hew to the line" is the motto on his banner, and the preservation in print of our historical treasures shall be his object, and he asks the endorsement and good feelings of every intelligent citizen of Rhode Island in his behalf, and he asks them to see to it that he has a fair and square show. All he asks for himself he is willing to concede to others, and stands ready to record every courtesy to others that he expects others to grant him. The field is broad enough for all, and he only demands that those who enter it shall enter as scholars should enter and conduct themselves as gentlemen should towards each other, and be willing to learn of each other and assist when occasion demands. All that enter the field with these sentiments will find every day in the week and Sundays in the compiler a friend, adviser, -sympathizer and man. i nsr r> :e x TOWN OF NORTH KINGSTOWN. Names Occurring in Their Natural Order. Marriages commence with page 5; births and deaths with page 53. Airs, 53. Aborn, 5. Albro, 5 53. Aldrich, 5 53. Allen, 5 53. Alverson. 6. Anthony, 6. Armstrong, 6 54. Arnold, 6 55. Atherby, 6. Austin, 6 55. Aylesworth, 7 55. Ayrault, 56. Ayres, 8. Babcock, 8 56. Bailey, 8 56. Baker, 8 56. Barber, 8 57. Barker, 8. Barnes, 8. Barney, 9 57. Bates, 9 57. Baton, 9. Beares, 9. Beasy, 57. Bentley, 9 57. Berry, 9. Bicknell, 9 58. Bidelcom, 9. Bissell, 9 58. Bly, 59. Boone, 10 59 Boss, 10 59. Boltom, 10. Bowen, 10. Braman, 10. Brenton, 10. Briggs, 10 59. Browning, 10 60. Brown, 11 60. Bullock, 12 62. Bull, 12 62. Bundy, 12. Burke, 62. Burkemaster, 62. Burdick, 12. Burgeuss, 12. Burge, 12. Burlingame, 12 62. Burnham, 12. Cahoone, 12. Canuda, 12. Capron, 12. Carder, 12. Card, 12, 62. Carpenter, 13 62. Casey, 13. Case, 13 63. ¦Carr, 13 63. Carter, 63. Ceazer, 14. Chadsey, 14 64. Chamberiand, 14. Champlain, 14 64. Chappell, 14. Chase, 14 64. Cheeseborough, 64. Church, 15 65. Clarke, 15 65. Cleaveland, 15 65. Coatney, 65. Cobb, 15. Codner, 15. Coffin, 15. Coggeshall, 15 65. Cole, 16 66. Collins, 16. Comfort, 16. Congdon, 16 66. Connelly, 17. Cook, 17. Cooper, 17 68. Corey, 17 68. Corpse* 69. Cornell, 18. Cottrell, 18 69. Cozzens, 18 69. Crandall, 18 69. Cranston, 18 69. Crossman, 69. Crowder, 18. Crowell, 18. Crumb, 18. Culverwell, 18. Cutter, 18 69. Dake, 18. Daley, 18. Dare, 18. Davis, 18 69. Dawley, 18 70. Dayton, 70. Dean, 19 70. Dimond, 19 70. Dickerson, 19. Dickinson, 19 70. Dickson, 19 70. Dick, 19. Dixon, 19. Dollmer, 19. Donison, 19. Douglass, 19 70. Downing, 19 70. Durfee, 70. Durgan, 19. Dyre, 19 70. Earle, 19. Eastlix, 19. Eldred, 19 71. Eley, 20. Ellis, 21 72. Enos, 21. Ensworth, 72. Essex, 21 72. Vlll VITAL RECORD OP RHODE ISLAND. Finey, 21. Fish, 21 72. Foster, 21. Fones, 21 72. Fowler, 21 73. Franklin, 22. Frarers, 22. Freebourne, 22 73. Fry, 22. Gaddie, 22. Gallup, 73. Gardiner, 22 73. Garfield, 24. Gavitt, 24. Gifford, 24 76. Gill, 24. Godfrey, 24 76. Godword, 24. Gorton, 24. Goulding, 24. Gould, 24 76. Greene, 24 76. Gwilliami, 25. H Hagan, 25. ' Haley, 25 77. Hall, 25, 77. Hamilton, 26. Hammond, 26 78. Handley, 26. Hannah, 26. Harmon, 26. Harrington, 26 78. Harris, 26. Hartwell, 26. Hart, 26. Harvey, 26 79. Hathaway, 26. Havens, 26 79. Haxson, 27. Haxton, 27. Hazard, 27 79. Hazelton, 27 80. Hazzard, 27. Hedley, 27. Heffernan, 80. Helme, 27 80. Henry, 28. Hiames, 81. Hilliard, 81. Hill, 28 81. Himes, 28. Hiscox, 28. Holland, 28. Holloway, 29 82. Holmes, 29. Hodway, 29. Hood, 29. Hookey, 29. Hopkins, 29. Horton, 29. Hoxsie, 29 82. Huling, 29 82. Hull, 29 82. Hunt, 29, 82. Hutchins, 29. Inman, 30. Irish, 83. Jackson, 30 83. Jacques, 30. Jackwise, 30 83. James, 30. Jecoy, 30. Jenckes, 83. Jenkins, 30 83. Jerket, 84. Jess, 30 84. Johnson, 30 84. Jones, 30. Joslin, 30. Jurden, 30. Justice, 30 84. Justin, 30 84. K Keias, 30 84. Kelley, 30. Kenyon, 30 84. Kettle, 30. King, 30. Kingsley, 31 84. Kinsey, 31. Knowles, 31. Ladd, 31. Latham, 31. Lawton, 31 84. Leach, 31. Learnard, 31. Lee, 31. Letson, 31. Lewiston, 31. Lewis. 31. Lillibridge, 31. Lippitt, 31. Llufio, 84. Lockwood, 31. Long, 31. Lovell, 31. Lovelass, 31 84. Luther, 31. M Macomber, 31. Maguire, 32. Manchester, 32. Markesfield, 32. Mariner, 32. Marshall, 85. Marsh, 32. Matherson, 85. Matteson, 32. Mayfield, 32. McCoone, 32 85. McCotter, 32. McKensie, 85. McLoughlin, 32. McSparran, 32. Medbury, 32. Merrett, 32. Merrill, 32. Miner, 32. Mitchell, 32 85. Montgomery, 32. Moone, 85. Moore, 32 85. Moot, 32. Morey, 32 85. Morley, 33. Moro, 33. Moss, 33. Mott, 33 85. Mumford, 33 86. Munday, 86. Munroe, 33. N Nannie, 86. Nason, 33 86. Newton, 86. Ney. 33. Nichols, 33 86. Niles, 34 87. Norris, 34. Northup, 34 87. North. 89. Noyes, 35. Oatley, 35. Olin, 35 90. Onyon, 35 89. Osborne, 35. Paine, 35. Parmelent, 35. Patterson, 35. Peekham, 35 90. Peek, 90. Perkins, 36 90. Perry, 36. Phillips, 36 90. Pierce, 36 90. Pierson, 37. Pinder, 37 91. Place, 37 91. Porter, 37. Potter, 37 91. Powell, 37. Powers, 37. Pratt, 37. Q R Randall, 37. Rathbun, 37 92. Ray, 38 92. Ralph. 38. Remington, 38 92. INDEX NORTH KINGSTOWN. U Reynolds, 38 92. Rhodes, 39. Richardson, 39 95. Riely, 40. Robinson, 40 96. Rodman, 40. Rods, 40. Rogers, 40. Rookes, 40. Roome, 40 96. Rose, 40 96. Rouse, 40 96. Sambo, 96. ;Sands, 96. Sanford, 40 96. Saunders, 40. Scott, 40 Scranton, 40 96., Seager, 40. Sealey, 40. -Segouche, 40. :Shaw, 40. 96. Sheffield, 41 96. ¦ Sheldon, 96. Sherman, 41 96. Shippee, 41 98. .Shoonmaker, 41. Short, 98. Sigworth, 41 Sisson, 42 98. Slooum, 42 98. Smith, 42 98. Spencer, 43, 99. Spink, 43 100. Spooner, 44. Sprague, 102. Stanton, 102. Steadman, 102. Stafford, 44. Stone, 44. ^Straight, 44 102. Streeter, 45. Stretson, 45. Stuart, 45. Sunderland, 45. Swan, 45. Sweet, 45 102. Tabor, 45. Talford, 45. Tanner, 45 103. Tarbox, 46. Taylor, 46 104. Tefft, 46. Tennant, 46 104. Terry, 46. Tew, 46. Thomas, 46 104. Thurber, 47. Thurston, 47. Tibbetts, 47 106. Tillinghast, 47 106. Tolman, 48. Tbothacker, 48. Tourgee, 48 106. Tripp, 48 106. Trowbridge, 48. Tucker, 48. Turner, 48 107. u Underwood, 48. Updike, 48 107. Utter, 48. Vallett, 48 107. Vaughn, 48 107. Verner, 107. Verry, 107. w Wait, 49. Wall, 49 108. Walmesley, 49. Wanton, 49. Ward, 108. Warner, 49. Wart, 49. Watson, 49 108. Weathern, 108. Weaver, 49. Webb, 49. Weeden, 50 108 111. Weightman, 50 108. Weight, 50 109. Weir, 109. Wells, 50. Westcott, 51 110. West, 51 110. Whaley, 110. Whiteman, 51. White, 51. Whitford, 51 110. Whitman, 51 110. Whitmarsh, 51. Wickham, 51. Wilcox, 51 111. Wilkes, 51. Wilkey, 51 111. Wilbor, 51. Williams, 51. Willis, 51. Willett, 51 111. Wilson, 51 111. Wooden, 111 Woodworth, 52. Wood, 52. Wright, 52 111. X Y Z York, 52 111. Young, 52 111. II. Names Occurring Promiscuously, -Albro, 10 11 13 15 17 18 21 22 23 37 41 42 51. Aldrich, 15 48. Allen, 8 11 12 14 16 17 19 20 21 24 25 26 28 30 31 32 33 36 40 41 44 48 49 50 55 56. Arnold, 41. Austin, 34 102. Avery, 6 32 33 48 50. -Aylesworth, 21. Barton, 14. Bellows, 31. Bell, 37. Boone, 71 100. Boss, 8 22 33 45. Brayton, 35. Browning, 36. Brown, 5 22 34 36 82 : Briggs, 19. Bulkeley, 50. Burge, 20 23 47. Carey, 13. Carpenter, 100. Carr, 89. Casey, 13. Case, 73. Chadsey, 55 64. Champlain, 30 51. Chaplin, 17 26 27 36 41 48 51 52. Chappell, 49. Cheshire, 15. VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. Clarke, 8 12 15 19 38 82. Coggeshall, 12 13 16 31 37 48 52 74. Cole, 9 14 16 17 24 31 33 49 51 60. Congdon, 15 61. Cooper, 20. Corey, 45 55 68 Cottrell, 17. Crandall, 9. D Dane, 23. Dorrance, 37. Dyre, 14 24. Bells, 40. Eldred, 7 8 9 18 21 22 27 32 33 42 51. Fifield, 25. Flanders, 47. Fones, 8 21 30 33 41 72. G Gale, 22. Gardiner, 6 11 17 23 28 37 41 42 43 45 49 65. Gorton), 21 29 44 46 47 Gould, 5 15 26 31 36 44 89. Grafton, 8 44. Greene, 6 47. Grieve, 25. H Hall, 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51. Hammond, 24 37. Harrington, 7 14 21 22 38 44 Hart, 16. Hazard, 10 11 18 22 27 30 31 33 Helme, 8 10 21 22 30 34 36 46 49. Henshaw, 40. Hill, 5 7 10 12 13 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 25 28 29 32 33 34 36 38 39 40 43 46 47 49 50 95. Holden, 25 46. Hull, 9. Hunt. 46. I J Jeneks, 33. Jenkins, 7 9 10 11 14 16 17 18 19 20 23 25 26 29 33 34 36 40 42 44 48 49 50. Johnson, 6. Judson, 50. K L Lawton, 50. Lewis, 12 16 35 40 47 48. Lockwood, 104. M Manchester, 8 13 25 46 47 49. McSparran, 32 35. Morgan, 41. Mumford, 30 31 36 70. N Nash, 33. Nichols, 8 9 12 24 26 28 38 43. Niles, 27 29. Northup, 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51. o Osborne, 18. Palmer, 13 20 39 44. Pearce, 24. Peckham, 13 29 59. Phillips, 9 20. Pitman, 21. Plumb, 20. Potter, 25 71. Q R Ratcliff, 5. Rathbun, 17 90. Remington, 40 73. Reynolds, 20 29 38 54 107. Rhodes. 24. Rouse, 5 8 12 13 16 26 32 35 40 41 47 49. Sanford, 7 24. Sherman, 9 12 14 31 34 39 41 98. Slocum, 6 8 12 13 19 20~ 31 32 35 36 45 47 48 49. Smith, 17 20 46 82. Spencer, 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 48 49' 50 51 52. Spink, 44 82. Sprague, 15 17 20 21 26 36. Stafford, 79. Stillman, 6 17 23 27 28 31 35 40 43 51. Stone, 8 13 14 17 19 22 23 26 27 29 35 38 39- 44 47. Straight, 18. Sweet, 26. Taylor, 12 29 30 31 32 48. Tew, 35. Thomas, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33- 34 35 36 37 38 39 40- 41 42 43 44 45 47 49- 50 51 52. Thurston, 29 32 34. Tibbetts, 5 6 8 9 15 19 21 43 45 49 100. Tillinghast, 6 9 12 15 19 24 25 28 36 40 44 47 50. Torrey, 16 37. Tripp, 9 22 32 36 37 38 41 45 48. Tyler, 16. U V Vaughn, 86. W Watson, 15 22 34 41 42~ 47. Weeden. 28. Weightman, 6 9 10 11 13 43 45 48 50 51. Weight, 5 6 7 9 10 11 16 23 30 33 3S 40 41 42 44 49 51 86. Wightman, 19 21 28 30 32 34 35 64. Willett, 6 22 24 27 31 32 34 41 51. Wilson, 35 40. Woodbridge, 33. X Y Z INDEX NORTH KINGSTOWN. XI- HI. Names of Places. A B Barnstable, Mass., 111. Batavia, N. Y., 95. Boston, Mass., 5 30. Bristol Co., Mass., 9. Gape Florida, 58. Cayuga County, N. Y., 23. Oharlestowni, R. I., 37 45. Cherrybourne Hospital, N. Y., 95. Church of England, 5. Olemsford, Mass., 48. Colchester, Conn., 50. Continental Army, 16. Coventry, R. I., 6 8 10 25 27. D E East Greenwich, R. I., 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 41 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 51 52. England, 40. Essex, 22. Europe, 42. Exeter, R. I., 5 6 11 13 14 15 16 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 29 31 32 39 40 41 42 43 46 50 51 55 70. Freetown1, Mass., 41. G Gloucester, R. I., 8. Goshen, N. Y., 51. Groton, Conn., 20 33. Groton, 'Mass., 33. Greene County, N. Y., 49. Greenwich', R. I., 51. H. Hamilton Mills, R. I., 32. Hopkinton, R. I., 34. Harwidge, Mass., 111. Ireland, 16. J Jamestown, R. I., 9 13 19 27 28 35 36 40 42 50 72 88 104. Johnston, R. I., 45. K Kent County, R. I., 13. Kings Towne, R. I., 8 22 26 30 33 45 79 111. Little Compton, R. I., 5. Liverpool, England, 26. M Maine, 31. Middletown, R. I., 8 31 36- „> Monson, Mass., 52. Moravia, N. Y., 23. N New Bedford, Mass., 26. New Jersey, 40. Newport, R. I., 12 14 19 29 32 33 34 35 40 43 45 46 54 86 87 104 105. New Shorehami, R. I., 37 51 85 90. New York, 19 33 48 75. North Bridgewater, Mass., 30. North Carolina, 61. North Stonington, Conn., 32. Otter Creek, Vt, 107. Peterboro, N. Y., 102. Phenix, R. I., 20. Philadelphia, Pa., 25. Plainfield, Conn., 46 104. Portsmouth, R. I., 7 16 17 22 41 42. Preston, Conn., 16. Providence, R. I., 5 13 19 25 26 29 32 62 76 79. Prudence Island, R. I., 5 19 28 40 48. Q R Rehoboth, Mass., 29 40. Renssalear County, N. Y., 102. Rhode Island, 5 47. Richmond, R. I., 9 17 20 24 26 31 35 36 37 48. Rochester, R. I., 72. Sandwich, Mass., 33. Scituate, R. I., 30 31 36. South Kingstown, R. I., 13 14 16 22 23 25 28 32 33 35 40 41 4z 43 48 49 50 62 67 71 82 87. Stafford, Conn., 56. Sterling, Conn., 48. Stonington, Conn., 40. Swansey, Mass., 9. Tollond County, Conn., 56. Trinity Church, New port, R. I., 20. Troy, N. Y., 95. u Uxbridge, Mass., 15. V Voluntown, Conn., 28. W Warwick, R. I., 7 8 11 14 17 21 24 25 26 27 30 32 35 39 40 44 46 47 48 49 51 77 79 104. West Bridgewater! Mass., 26. Westerly, R. I., 11 24 28 30 31 32 33 40 41 52. West Greenwich, R. I., 6 14 18 19 21 26 2£ 31 32 34 37 39 47 49. Westport, Mass., 47. Wickford, R. I., 33 64. Willettsv N. Y., 40. Windham, N. Y., 49. X Y Z Yarmouth, Mass., 30.. INDEX TOWN OF SOUTH KINGSTOWN. I. Names Occurring in Their Natural Order. Marriages commence with page 5; births page 37; deaths page 61. Abb, 5. Adams, 5. Albro, 5. Almy, 37. Allen, 37 61. Anthony, 5. Arnold, 5. Austin, 6. Aylesworth, 6. Babcock, 6 37 61. Baker, 7. Barber, 7 38. Bardin, 8. Barnes, 8. Bates, 38. Baudish, 8. Beard, 8. Beary, 8 Belcher, 38. Bentley, 8 38. Bent, S. Berry, 38. Bicknell, 8. Billington, 8 38. Bill, 8 38. Bissell, S. Boone, 8. Boss, 8. Bowen, 8. Braman, 8 38. Brand, 8. Braytom, 8 Brenton, 8. Briggs, 8 39. Brightman, 8. Briskow, S. Brookes, 9. Brownell, 9. Browning, 9 39 61. Brown, 9 39 61. Bull, 10 40. Burdick, 10 40. Burnside, 10. Button, 10. Cahoone, 10. Campbell, 10. Card, 10. Carlile, 10. Carpenter, 10 40. Casey, 10 40. Case, 11 40 61. Caswell, 11. Chambell, 41. Champlain, 11 41. Chapman, 11. Chappell, 11 41 61. Clarke, 11 41 61. Cleary, 42. Closon, 12. Coggeshall, 12 42. Cole, 12. Collins, 12 42. Comstock, 12 42. Congdon, 12 42. Connor, 13. Cooke, 13 42. Cottrell, 13 42. Coyhes, 13. Cox, 13. Craddock, 13. Crandall, 13 42. Crossman, 13. Orosswell, 13. Cross, 13 42. Gro'ucher, 14. Crawford, 14. Crumb, 14 43. Curtis, 14 43. D Dake, 14. Davis, 14. Dawley, 14. Dennison, 14. Dewry, 14. Dickinson, 14 43. Dixon, 14. Dockroy, 14 43. Douglass, 14 43. Druce, 14. Dye, 14. Dyre, 43. Earle, 14 43. Easton, 43. Eaton, 14. Eldred, 14. Enis, 14. Enos, 14. Everitt, 14. Fairweather, 15. Fish, 15 43. Foredice, 43. Foster, 15. Fowler, 15. Fox, 15. Franklin, 15 43. Frazier, 15. Frink. 15. Fry, 15. Galen, 15. Gardiner, 15 43 61. Gavitt, 16 44. Ginnodo, 16. Goodbody, 16. Goodchild, 16. Gould, 16 45 61. Gray, 17. u VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. Greenman, 17. Greene, 17. Grinnell, 17. Gutridge, 17. H Hadwin, 17. Haley, 45. Hale, 17. Hall, 17. Hammond, 45. Handsom, 45. Hannah, 17 45. Harrington, 17. Harvey, 17. Haskell, 17. Hatch, 45. Hathaway, 17. Hawkins, 17. Hayes, 45. Hazard, 17 45 61. Hazelton, 18. Healey, 18 47. Helme, 18 47 61. Heydon, 19. Higginbottom, 19 47. Hill, 19. Holburton, 19. Holland, 19 47 62. Holley, 19 48. Holway, 19 48 62. Holloway, 19. Hookins, 19 48. Hopkins, 19. Howard, 19 Howland, 19. Hoxsie, 19. Hoyt, 20. Hull, 20 48 62. Inman, 20. Irish, 20 48. Jackquaws, 20. -James, 20. Johnson, 20. Jones, 20. -Joshua, 20. -Joslin, 20. Justin, 20. K Keais, 20 48. Kenyon, 21 48. Kettle, 21. Kingsley, 21. Knowles, 2L Ladd, 21. Lanphear, 21. Larkin, 22. Letson, 22. Lewis, 22 49 62. Lillibridge, 22 49. Littlefield, 22 49. Littlejohn, 22. Locke, 22. Long, 22. Lunt, 22 49. M Major, 22. Mash, 49. Mawney, 22 49. May, 22 49. McCoon, 22. Miller, 22. Milleman, 22. Mitchell, 22 49. Money, 22. Moore, 22. Morey, 23 49. Mott, 23. Mumford, 23 49 62. Murphy, 23. N Nash, 23 50. Nichols, 23 50 62. Niles, 23 50. Nocoke, 23. Northup, 23. Noyes, 24. Nutter, 24. Nye, 24. Oatley, 24 50. O'Neil, 50. Open, 24. Osborne, 24 50. Overing, 24. Page, 24. Palmer, 24. Parker, 24. Parr, 24. Patterson, 24. Pearce, 24. Peckham, 24 50. Perkins, 25 51 52 62. Perrigo, 25. Perry, 25 51 52 62. Phillips, 26 52. Pindar, 26. Pitman, 26 50 52 62. Pollock, 26 52 62. Popplestone, 26. Popple, 26. Potter, 26 52 62. Powell, 27. Powers, 27 53. Price, 27. Prosser, 27. Prossey, 53. Q R Rathbun, 27. Raymond, 27. Ray, 27. Reynolds, 27 53 63. Read, 28 53. Records, 53. Rhodes, 28 54. Rice, 28. Bobbins, 28 54. Roberts, 28. Robinson, 28 54 63. Rodman, 28 54 63. Rogers, 28 55. Rose, 28 55. Rocwler, 28. Sabin, 29. Sand, 29 55. Sanford, 29. Sarah, 29. Saunders, 29. Scotaway, 29. Seager, 29 55 63. Segouche, 29. Shaw, 29. Shed, 29. Sheffield, 29 55. Sheldon, 29 55 63. Sherman, 30 56. Sias, 31. Sims, 31. Slack, 31. Slocum, 31. Smith, 31 57. Spear, 31. Sprague, 31. Stanton, 31 57. Steadman, 31 57. Stephens, 32. Streeter, 32. Sunderland, 32 57. Swain, 32 57. Sweet, 32. Tabor, 32. Tallman, 32. Tanner, 32 57. Taylor, 32 57 63. Tefft, 32 57. Tennant, 33. Thayer, 33. Thomas, 33. Thompson, 33. Thurston, 33. Tibbetts, 33. Tizzard, 33. Torrey, 58. Totten, 33 58. Tosh, 33. Tourjee, 33. Tripp, 33. Tucker, 33. U Underwood, 34 58. INDEX SOUTH KINGSTOWN. Ill "Vallett, 34. Vaughn, 34. Veal, 34. Verner, 34. w Waite, 58. Walker, 34. Walmesley, 58. Watson, 34 58 63. Wand, 35. Webb, 35 59. Webster, 35. Weeden, 35 59. Weir, 59. Welch, 59. Wells, 35 59. Westcott, 35. West, 35. Whaley, 35. Wheeler, 35. Whitharne, 36. White, 36. Whitford, 36. Whitman, 36. Wilcox, 36 59. Williams, 36 59. Wilson, 36 59. Woodbridge, 36. Woodmansee, 36. Worden, 36 60 63. Wright, 36 60 63. X Y Z York, 36 63. Yost, 60. Young. 36. II. Names Occurring Promiscuously. -Albro, 6 16 30 34. Allen, 11 15 17 19 21 , 22 23 27 28 33 34 35 36. Arnold, 54. Austin, 38. Babcock, 7 8 13 14 15 21 31. Baker, 12 18 27 30 31 36. Barber, 22. Berden, 61. Borden, 45. Bouts, 46. Braman, 42. Brooks, 28. Browning, 38. Brown, 9 10 18 20 27 31. . C Carr, 13. Casey, 28. Case, 6 7 14 18 25. Chapman, 18 25 29 33. Church, 24 29. Clarke, 9 30 33. Coggeshall, 5 12. Cogswell, 5 11 12 14 18 21 24 25 26 27. Congdon, 11 25. -Coombes, 5 10 13 16 17 24 25 27 29 32 34. Crandall, 5 6 8 10 13 16 20 22 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 35 36. Crumb, 47. Curtis, 18. 7Davis, 63. Dehon, 34. Durfee, 7 17 18 31 34. E Eames, 14 34. Everett, 17 25 30 32. Fish, 16. Foster, 29 Frary, 19. Gardiner, 11 12 15 16 18 28 33 36. Gould, 5 6 9 10 32 51 62. Grinnell, 42. H Hammond, 15 16 28 31. Hannah, 9 15 16 24 34 35. Hatch, 5. Hazard, 8 14 29. Hazelton, 25. Helme, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36. Hopkins, 7 26. Hoxsie, 25. Hubbard, 20. Hull, 6 48. I J K Kendall, 14 18 35. Leonard, 5 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 16 17 19 22 25 28 31 33 36. Lewis, 29. Lillibridge, 12 30. Locke, 7 8 10 11 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 33 34 35. M Mann, 12. Mawney, 53 63. McSparram, 18 23 26. Miner, 6 11 18 21 23 31 34. Moore, 35. Mumford, 8 N Newman, 19 23. Nichols, 13 35. Niles, 29. Northup, 8 13 27. Oatley, 24. Palmer, 7 9 12 20. Parker, 30. Park, 15 30. Peckham, 13 14 25. Pendleton, 19. Perkins, 53. Perry, 6 9 11 12 16 23 25 29 33. Pierce, 17 30. Potter, 6 16 23 27 29 49 59. IV VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. Q R Randall, 18. Reed, 5. Richmond, 20 Robiason, 16 17 25 27 28 53 62. Rogers, 32. Scribe, 16. . Seager, 10 22. Seabury,. 57. Sheldon, 5 7 8 10 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 24 26 29 30 32 34 35. Slocum, 11 16 28. Smith, 9. Spencer, 11. Sprague, 11 13 30. Stanton, 21. Steadman, 24. Sterry, 9. Tanner, 19 24 30 31. Tefft, 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 17 23 26 27 28 30. Tdllinghast, 5 7 20 23. Torrey, 8 9 12 13 14 18 19 23 24 26 34 35 36. U V Vernon, 6 8 10 13 14 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 33 34. W Waite, 7 11 15 16 19 21 23 25 27 32. Waldo, 34. Watson, 6 8 9 11 13 16 17 18 19 22 24 26 30 32 33 Wells, 9 10 18 24. Whitman, 16. Wightman, 30. Wilbur, 7. Wilcox, 11. Witherell, 12. X Y Z III. Names of Places. Allenton, Vt, 7 35. Boston, Mass., 5 26 31. Brooklyn, Conn., 17 28. Charlestown, R. 1., 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 28 29 30 35 63. Coventry, R. I., 27 30. Cranston, R. I., 7 22. Dighton, Mass., 22 32. E East Greenwich, R. I., 7 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 23 24 25 30 35. Exeter, R. I., 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 19 22 23 24 27 28 30 33 34 35 36. Fall River, Mass., 14 33. G H Hartford, Conn., 62. Hopkinton, R. I., 8 9 13 14 29 35 36 39 59. Ireland, 16 34. Jamestown, R. I., 9 10 12 15 28 30 34 41. K L Little Compton, R. I., 5 9 12 29. Litchfield, Conn., 20. Lonsdale, R. I., 33. M Middletowm, R. I., 25 34. Monmouth, N. J., 31. Moosup, Conn., 42. N New London, Conn., 27. Newport, R. I., 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 28 29 30 31 35 36 45. North Kingstown, R. I., 5 6 7 8 9 11 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 25 26- 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 44 51 63. North Parish, New Lon don, Conn., 18. North Providence, R. I., 6 11 21. North Stonington, Conn., 12 25. Norwich, Conn., 9 16 29. O P Philadelphia, Pa., 8 17. Point Judith, R. I., 18. Portsmouth, R. I., 6 8 17 29 30. Preston, Conn., 9 14 15 28. Providence, R I., 8 9 11 20 32 36. Prudence Isle, R. I., 6 19. Q R Rhinebeck, N. Y., 35 59. Rhode Island, 5 29. Richmond, R. 1,567 8 11 12 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 33 34 36. Shrewsbury, N. J., IT 31. INDEX SOUTH KINGSTOWN. Spencer, Mass., 6 22. Sterling, Conn., 13 31. Stonington, Conn., 6 7 12 16 17 18 24 28 29 31 34 35. Suffield, Conn., 34. Tiverton, R. I., 45. Trinity Church, New port, R. I.. 9. U V w Warwick, R. I., 5 6 8 9 10 14 27 28 35. Westerly, R. I., 5 7 8 10 11 12 13 15 19 20 22 25 27 31 32 35 36 59. West Greenwich, R. I., 7 19 21 27 34. Wrentham, Mass., 17 25. X Y Z Vol. 5-B iist X)ex TOWN OF EXETER. Names Occurring in Their Natural Order. Marriages commence with page 5; births and deaths with page 38. Adams, 5. Albro, 5 38. Aldrich, 5. Allen. 5. Andrews, 5. Angell, 5. Arnold, 5 38. Austin, 6 38. Aylesworth, 6 39. Babcock, 6 39. Bailey, 6. Baker, 6 39. Barber, 6 40. Barney, 8. Barrows, 40. Bates, 8 40. Baten, 8. Beardmare, 40. Benjamin, 8. Bennett, 8. Benson, 8. Bentley, 8 40. Bill, 8. Bissell, 8 40. Bly, 8. Boone, 8 41. Boss, 8. Bowen, 8. Bowdish, 9. Brayman, 9 41. Briggs, 9 41. Brown, 9 41. Brownell, 9. Browning, 9 41. Burdick, 9. Cahoone, 9. Cammell, 9. Capwell, 9. Carden, 9. Card, 9. Carney, 10. Carpenter, 10. Carr, 10 41. Carter, 10. Casey, 10 41. Case, 10 41. Chace, 10. Chambers, 10. Chapman, 10 42. Champlain, 10 41. Church, 10 42. Clarke, 10 42. Clawson, 11. Cleaveland, 11, Qobb, 11. Codner, 11 42. Coldgrove, 11 43. Comstock, 11. Congdon, 11 43. Coone, 12. Corey, 12. Cornell, 12. Corpse, 12 43. Cottrell, 12 43. Crandall, 12 43. D Davis, 12 44. Dawley, 13 44. Dean. 13. Douglass, 13. Dunn, 13. Dupuy, 13. Dutemple, 13. Dyre, 13: Earl, 13. Eldred. 13 44. Ellis, 14 44. Ensworth, 14 44. Fenner, 14. Fisher, 14. Fones, 14. Foredice, 44. Foster, 14. Fowler, 14. Franklin, 14. Frazier, 14. Freeborn, 14. Fry, 14. Gardiner, 14 44. Gates, 15. Gill, 15 46. Gorton, 15. Gould, 15. Greene, 15 46. Griffen, 16. H ¦ Hall, 16 46. Hammond, 16. Handy, 16. Harrington, 10 47. Harris, 17. Hathaway, 17. Haven, 17. Hawkins, 48. Hazard, 17. Hefrernan, 17. Hendrick, 17. Hesaline, 17. Hiames, 17 48. Hill, 17 48. Hoar, 48. Holloway, 17 48. Hood, 17. VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. Hopkins, 17 48. Hoxsie, 18 48. Hubbard, 18. Huling, 18. Hull, 18. Hunt, 18. I J James, 18 49. Jenckes, 18. Jenkins, 18 49. Johnson, 18. Johns, 18. Jones, 18. Joslin, 18 49. K Kenyan, 18 49. Keppard, 19. Kettle, 19. Kezer, 19. Kingsley, 19. King, 19. Knight, 19. Knowles, 19. Ladd, 19. Lanphere, 19. Lawton, 19 49. Lemoine, 19. Lewis, 19 49. Lillibridge, 21 51. Littlefield, 21. Little, 21. Locke, 51. Lockwood, 21. M Maguire, 52. Maker, 21. Manton, 21. Marshall, 52. Marsh, 21. Matteson, 21. Mias, 21 52. Maxson, 21. McQueen, 21. Merriss, 21. Money, 22 52. Moon, 22 52. Moore, 22 52. Morey, 22 52. Morgan, 22. Moshier, 22 53. Mott, 22. Mumford, 22 53. Mycock, 22. N Nash, 22. Neagers, 22. Newcomb, 22 53. Newton, 22. Ney, 22. Nicholas, 23. Nichols, 23. Niles, 23 53. Northup, 23. Olin, 23 53. Osborne, 23. Palmer, 23 53. Peckham, 23 53. Pendleton, 24. Perkins, 24, 53. Petty, 24. Phillips, 24 54. Pierce, 24 54. Pillsbury, 54. Place, 24. Popple, 24. Potter, 25 54. Pullman, 25. Q R Rathbun, 25 55. Reynolds, 26 55. Rhodes, 28. Rice, 28. Richmond, 28 57. Roberts, 28. Robinson, 28. Robins, 28. Rogers, 28 58. Rouse, 28. Ross, 28. Sanford, 29 58. Saile, 29. Saunders, 29. Sepson, 29. Sewall, 29. Shaw, 29. Sheffield, 29. Shelden, 29 58. Sherman, 29 t>8. Shippee, 30. Sisson, 30. Skillion, 30. Slocum, 30 59. Smith, 30 59. Snow, 30 59. Spencer, 30 59. Spink, 30. Sprague, 30 59. Stafford, 30. Stanton, 30 59. Stone. 31. Strange, 31 59. Straight, 31. Sunderland, 31 60'- Swan, 31. Sweet, 31 60. Tanner, 31 60. Tarbox, 32. Taylor. 32. Tefft, 32 61. Terry, 32 61. Tew, 32. Thomas, 32. Thompson, 32. Thome, 32. Thurston, 32. Tillinghast, 32 60- Tingley, 33. Tombs, 33. Toms, 33. Tourgee, 33. Tripp, 33 61. U Underwood, 33. Vaughn, 33 62. Vincent, 34. w Wadnman, 62. Waite, 34 62. Walker, 34. Walton, 34. Watson-, 34 63. Weaver, 34. Weeden, 34 63. Weightman, 34 63. Wells, 34. Westcott, 34. West, 34. Wheaton, 35. Wheeler, 35. Whitford, 35 63. Whitman, 35 63. Wilbur, 35 63. Wilcox, 35 63. Wilkey, 36 64. Williams, 36. Woodmansee, 36. Wood, 36. X Y Z Young, 37. INDEX EXETER. Ill II. Names Occurring Promiscuously, Albro, 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 34 35 36. Allen, 5 10 11 13 16 28. Angell, 22. Arnold, 9 22. Aylesworth, 35. Babcock, 48. Barber, 7 18 20 21 24 32. Bates, 8 10 11. Bissell, 33. Bradford, 30. Briggs, 26. Brown, 25 56. Burdick, 20 24. Burlingame, 13. -Campbell, 8. Carpenter, 54. Casey, 14 34. Champlain, 11. Chapman, 34. Clarke, 23 40. Coone, 36. •Orandall, 16 17 19 20 22 24 25 30 34. 8. D Dean, 28, 34. Edes, 33. Ellis, 15 33. Fifield. 25. Fones, 14. Frank, 13. Gallup, 16. ¦Gardiner, 5 9 13 15 16 21 24 29 30 33. Gorton, 26 27 32. •Greene, 8 9 11 14 15 17 . 18 20 21 24 26 27 29 30 32 36. H Hall, 6 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 19 22 23 25 26 27 31 32 33 35. Hammond, 22 28 36. Hart, 12. Hazard, 7. Hill, 10 17 27 29 34. Hopkins, 60. Hubbard, 8 28. Hull, 30. Huntington, 26. I J Jenkins, 9 24 25 29. Johnston, 5 6 7 9 13 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 26 29 31 32 34 37. Joslin, 7 8 11 18 26 27 28 32 36. Justin, 17 27. K Kenyon, 8 19 20 21 24 29. I, Lapham, 34. Lillibridge, 22 24 29. Locke, 7 8 9 10 20 24 25 26 32 34. M Manchester, 5 6 20 21 23 27 28 30 36. Matteson, 24. MoReady, 28. Moon, 8 11. Morey, 12 16 17 31. Morse, 30. Moshier, 7 33. Murch, 15. N Nicholas, 20 26. Northup, 11 12 15 17 27 33. O P Palmer, 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 28 29 30 31 32. Peckham, 7 16 28 32. Pendleton, 20 22. Perkins, 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 23 24 25 28 30 31 32 34 35. Pierce, 5 6 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 23 27 31 32 33 35 36. Pitcher, 11. Post, 8. 'Potter, 24. Q R Rathbun, 24 26. Reynolds, 5 6 8 10 12 13 15 17 19 20 22 23 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37. Richmond, 5 18 19 24 27 31 32 35. Sheffield, 23 36. Sheldon, 7 16 24. Sherman, 27. Slocum, 7 8 9 12 14 17 18 19 21 22 28 30 32 33 35. Spencer, 30. Sprague, 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 19 23 24 27 29 30 32 34 36. Stanton, 6 18 19. Steele, 12. Stillman, 7 20 26. Stone, 15. Sunderland, 7 10 11 17 25 27 35. Sweet, 19 24 34. Thomas, 27. Thurston, 30. Tillinghast, 7 9 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 23 24 26 28 30 31 32 36. Tripp, 10 12 14 15 25 26 33 35. U Underwood, 11. V w Waite, 23. Wakefield, 17. IV VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. Waldo, 24. Walker, 21. Weaver, 9. Webb, 17. Weightman, 5 8 17. Wells, 22. West, 18. Wilson, 17 24. Whitford, 54. Whitman, 31. Wilcox, 8 12 13 19 31! 35 60. III. Names of Places, Ashford, Conn., 19 34. Bradford County, Pa., 12. Canterbury, Conn., 14 18. Charlestown, R. I., 8 12 19 28 35. Coventry, R. I., 8 11 12 13 16 20 21 22 23 25 26 28 '30 34 36. Cumberland, R. I., 17. Dutch Reform Church, 13. E East Greenwich, R. I., 6 8 13 16 17 18 19 21 23 24 25 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 40 54. Foster, R. I., 24 28. G Gen. Mifflin (ship), 48. Glocester, R. I., 30. Griswold, Conn., 21 36. H Herkimer County, N. Y.. 13. Hopkinton, R. I., 7 9 12 14 19 20 21 24 25 26 28 36. Ireland, 24. J Jamestown, R. I., 10 11 30. Johnston, R. I., 5. K Killingly, 26. Kings Towne, 14. Lisbon, Conn., 24. Litchfield, N. Y., 13. M Madison, Conn,, 22. N New London, Conn., 33. Newport, R. I., 8 9 10 11 15 16 18 21 23 24 25 30. North Kingstown, R. I., 5 6 8 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 46. North Providence, R. I., 30. Norwich, Conn., 7 12 26. Orange County, N. Y., 12. / Pawtucket, R. I., 30. Plainfield, Conn., 17 23 24. Plattsburg, N. Y., 13. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 22. Portsmouth, R. J., 12. Preston, Conn., 13 17 19 20 36. Providence, R. I., 12 28 33 36. Q R Richmond, R. I., 7 8 9- 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 43 49 53. Scituate, R. 1., 13 36. Smithfield, R. I., 34. South Kingstown, R. I., • 7 8 9 10 11 17 19 20 22 23 24 25 27 29 30 33 35 41 53. Stephenstown, N. Y., 21 36. Sterling, Conn., 13 22. Stonington, Conn., 24 31. Surinam, W. I., 61. Taunton, Mass., 30. Tunbridge, N. Y., 12. Tyringham, Oonn., 26. U V Voluntown, Conn., 8 10' 12 17 20 28 36. W Warren, Pa., 12. Warwick, R. I., 8 10 11 13 16 17 23 24 27 28 32 60 63. Westerly, R. I., 12 23 24. Western, N. Y., 28. West Greenwich, R. I., 5 6 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 52^ 57 60. West Kingstown, R. I 9. X Y Z IKDBX TOWN OF WESTERLY. Names Occurring in Their Natural Order. Marriages commence with page 5; births and deaths page 72. Adams, 5 72. Akins, . 5. Alexander, 5. Allen, 5 72. Alloby, 5. Amos, 5. Austin, 5 72. Avery, 5. Babbitt, 73. Babcock, 5 73. Bacon, 9. Bailey, 9. Barber, 9 78. Barker, 10. Barnes, 10. Barrows, 10. Bartlett, 79. Bates, 10. Bebee, 10. Beers, 10. Belcher, 10. Bell, 11. Bemes, 79. Bennett, 11. Bentley, 11 79. Bent, 11 79. Berry, 11 79. Bessey, 11. Billings, 11. Blackington, 11. Bleason, 11. Bliss, 11. Bliven, 11 80. Bly, 13. Boss, 13 82. Brackett, 13. Bradford, 13. Bragdon, 13 83. Braman, 13 83. Brambley, 13 83. Brand, 13 83. Braughton, 14. Breed, 14. Brian, 14. Briggs, 14 83. Bright, 14. Briton, 83. Broomer, 14. Browning, 14. Brown, 14 83. Budington, 15 84. Buel, 15. Buffington, 15. Bundy, 15. Burch, 15 84. Burdick, 15 84. Burlingame, 17. Burrough, 17. Button, 17 86. Byrns, 18. Campbell, 18. Card, 18. Carpenter, 18. Cartwright, 18. Carr, 18 87. Case, 18. Casson. 87. Chalken, 18. Champlain, 18 87. Chapman, 19 88. Chase, 20 89. Cheeseborough, 20. Chester, 20 90. Church, 20 90. Clarke, 20 90. Classon, 22. Clawson, 22. Coats, 22. Coazen, 22. Cobb, 22. Codner, 22. Coggeshall, 22. Coldgrove, 22 93. Collins, 22 93. Coni^-ok, 22. CongooJi, 23. Cook, 23. Coon, 23 93. Corey, 23 93. Cottrell, 23 93. Crandall, 23 93. Crary, 97. Crocker, 27. Cross, *>" 37. Ormr' 98. Culver, 27. Curtis, 27. Daeriset, 27. Dake, 27 99. Daniels, 28. Darby, 28 99. Davison, 28. Davis, 28 99. Deak, 28. Denison, 28 100. Dennis, 29. Derby, 29 100. Dettreck, 29. Dewry, 29. Dickins, 29. Dixon, 29. Dodge, 29 100. Downing, 29. Doyle, 100. Driscol, 29. Dunbar, 29 100. Dunham, 29. Dunn, 29. Duran, 29. Durfee, 29. Dye, 29. Dyre, 29. Eaglestone, 29. 11 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. Edwards, 29 100. Eglestone, 30. Elderton, 30 101. Eldredge, 30. Eldred, 30. Ellis, 30 101. Enos, 30 101. Fenner, 30. Fellows, 30. Ferguson, 30. Fielden, 30. Fish. 30. Fitch, 30. Fordis, 30. Foster, 30 101. Fowler, 30 102. Frazier, 30 102. French, 31 102. Frink, 31 102. Fry, 31. Fuller, 31 102. G Gage, 31. Gardiner, 31 102. Gavitt, 31 102. Geer, 32 Gibbs, 32. Gifford, 32. Gilbert, 33. ' * Godando, 33. Goodrich, 33. Gorton, 33 104. Gory, 33. Grant, 33. Greenell, 33 104. Greenman, 33 104. Greene, 33 104. • Griffin, 34. H Hadfall, 34. Hadsall, 34. Ha'kes, 34. Hallum, 34. Hall, 34 106. Hammond, 35. Handcock 35. Hardy, 103. Harris, 36. Hasell, 36 108. Hawkins, 36. Hawk, 36 108. Haxston, 36. Hayden, 36. Hazelton, 36 108. Helme, 36. Hern, 36. Hewitt, 36. Hex, 108. Hilliard, 36. Hill, 36 108. Hinckley, 36. Hiscox, 36 108. Hobert, 37. Holly, 37. Holmes, 37. Holway, 37 109. Hopkins, 37. Horiek, 37. Howard, 109. Hoxsie, 37 109. Hubbard, 37 110. Hull, 37 110. Huntley, 37. Ingraham, 37. Irish, 37. Jagers, 38. James, 38. Jerome, 38. Johnson, 38 110. Jones, 38. Justus, 38. K Kenecome, 38. Kenyon, 38 110. Kimber, 38. King, 39. Knight, 39 110. Knowles, 39 110. Ladd, 39. Lake, 39. Lamb, 39. Langford, 39. Langley, 39. Langworthy, 39. Lankford, 39. Lanphear, 39 111. Larkin, 41 113. Lawton, 42 113. Leeds, 42 113. Lee, 42 113. Lester, 42. Lewis; 42 113. Lillibridge, 44. Lippitt, 44. Lock, 44. Lombard, 44. Loomas, 44 116. Long, 44. Lothrop, 44. Loveless, 44. Lovitt, 44. M Maceater, 44. Maccoon, 44 116. Mackee, 44. Mackintosh, 45. Macomber, 45. Mallerson, 45. Maine, 45. Mash, 45. Mason, 45. Maxson, 45 116. McDowell, 46. McDonnell, 46. Meekcome, 46 118. Merriott, 46. Milliard, 46 119. Minor, 46. Mitchell, 46. Moon, 46. Moore, 119. Morris. 47. Mott, 47 119. Mulkins, 47 119. Mumford, 47. Munro, 47. Musgrave, 47. N Nash, 47 119. Nett, 47. Newberry, 47. Newbury, 47. Ney, 47. Nichols, 119. Niles, 47. Noogen, 47 119. Noyes, 47 119. Nutter, 48. Nye, 48 120. o Odell, 120. Otis, 48. Owen, 48. Page, 48. Palmer, 48 120. Palmitter, 48 120. Parker, 48. Parkinson, 48. Park, 48 120. Partelow, 48. Pearce, 48. Peckham, 48 121. Peirce, 49 121. Pendleton, 50 122. Perkins, 51 125. Perry, 51 125. Pettis, 51. Phelden, 51. Phillips, 51. Phinney, 125. ' Pierce, 52. Poes, 52. Pooler, 52 125. Poole, 52. Popple, 125. Porter, 52 125. Potter, 52 126. Potts, 52. Powell, 52. Pratt, 52. Prentice, 52. Prosser, 52. Pullen, 126. Pullman, 52. Purdy, 52. INDEX WESTERLY. iii Quail, 52. R Randall, 53 126. Rathbone, 53 126. Records, 127. Reynolds, 53 127. Rhodes, 54 127. Richardson,- 54. Richmond, 54 127. Rider, 54. Robinson, 54. Rock, 54. / Rogers, 54 127. Rood, 55. Ross, 55 127. Rudd, 56. Russell, 56. Ryan, 56. Satterlee,- 56 129. Sampson, 56. Sanford, 56. Saunders, 56 129. Saweross, 58. Schriven, 58 132. Scott, 58. Seager, 58 132. Seallenger, 58. Searl, 58. Sears, 58. Sharp. 58. Shaw, 58 132. Sheffield, 58 132. Sheldon, 59 133. Shelley, 59 133. Sherley, 59. ¦Sherman, 59. Short, 59. Sims, 59 133. Sisson, 59 133. Skeesuch, 60. Slack, 60 134. Slattery, 60 134. Slocum, 60. Smith, 60 134. Spencer, 61. Stafford, 61. Stanton, 61 135. States, 61. Stephens, 61 135. Stetson, 61 135. Stevenson, 61. Steward, 61 135. Stewart, 61 135. Stiles, 135. Stillman, 61 135. Sturgeon, 63. Stutson, 63. Styles, 63. Sullivan, 63. Swait, 137. Swaros, 63. Sweet, 63. Taft, 63. Tanner, 63. Taylor, 63 137. Tefft, 64 138. Tennant, 64. Thaver, 64. Thompson, 64 138. Thorn, 66. Thurston, 66 140. Tikon,66 140. TillinghasV 66. Toms, 66. Tosh, 66. Truman, 66. Tubbs, 66. Tucker, 66. Turner, 66. u Utter, 66 140. V Varen, 60 141. Vars, 66 141. Viley, 67. Vincent, 07 141. Violet, 67. Vose, 67 141. w Ward, 67 141. Warner, 141. Warren, (57. Waterman, 67. Watson, 07. Weaver, 67 141. Webster, 67. Weeks, 67. Welch, 142. Welden, 07. Weller, 67. Wells, 67 142. Wentworth, 68. West, 68 142. Wheeler, 68 143. White, 68 143. Whittles, 68. Wilbur, 68 143. Wilcox, 69 144. Wilkinson, 70. Williamson, 70. Williams, 70. Willis, 70 145. Winslow, 145. Wilter, 70. Wogg, 70. Woodburn, 70. Woodworth, 70 . Wood, 70. Woodmansee, 70. Worden, 70 145. Wright, 71. X Y Z Yeoman, 71 146. York, 71 146. Young, 71. II. Names Occurring Promiscuously. Adams, 45. Allen, 44. Almy, 37. Avery, 51 60. Babcock, 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 24 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 35 37 41 43 46 47 49 51 53 54 56 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 142. Barber, 17 26 44 45. Barker, 20. Barry, 69. Barstow, 35. Bendall, 69. Berry, 11. Bliss, 62. Bliven, 5 7 20 26 29 41 47 48 60 65 68 Borden, 65. Bright, 35. Brown, 10 26 28 29 44 49 51 Burdick, 8 38 40 43 66 136. Bussell, 14. 8 12 13 17 32 34 35 40 49 55 56 58 70. 12 18 19 25 30 31 40 43 57 59 67. 17 22 25 37 46 52 57 62 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. Campbell, 15 41 56 60 63. Carr, 53 Case 57 Champlain, 24 27 42 61 122. Chase, 25. Cheeseborough, 29. Chester, 41. Clarke, 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 29 31 32 33 34 37 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 56 57 59 60 62 63 64 65 66 68 70. Coggeshall, 21. Coon, 5 8 12 13 14 15 17 19 20 22 23 26 29 30 31 37 39 40 41 44 46 47 54 55 59 60 62 63 65. Crandall, 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 43 44 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71. Crary, 13 27 40 67. Cross, 9 10 13 15 30 31 41 44 52 58 70. D Daman, 63. Danforth, 69. Davis, 24 70. Dawley, 52. Dehon, 8. Denison, 10 17 26 37 46 49 .51 63 64 67 68. Dewry, 130. Dodge, 10. Dorrance, 17. Eddy, 62. Edwards, 58. Eells, 6 7 23 24 30 36 43 50 61. Fish, 6 7 48 58. G Gardiner, 12 21 26 30 31 32 47 51 52 55 57 58 61 71. Gavitt, 47 53. Gillett, 40. Gore, 68. Gorton, 12 20 25 45. Gould, 48. . Greenman, 5 6 15 36 39 45. Greene, 9 10 21 62 80. H Hannah, 24. Hall, 20 42. Hart, 48 67. Helme, 21 30 Hern, 6 11 12 18 19 21 22 33 34 35 36 42 43 45 47 52 55 56 58 62 66 67 68 Hiscox, 17 20 35 41 48 60 Honeyman, 50 Hopkins, 49. Hotchkiss, 69. Hoxsie, 30 41 33 52 69. 14 15 16 24 27 28 37 38 39 48 50 51 59 60 61 69 70. 22 28 34 70 113. 42 54. I J Johnson, 106. Joslin, 8 15 65. K Kendall, 68. Kenney, 10. Knight, 19 29 49 56 59 60 64 70. Lanphear, 27 38 44 47 56 5S 109 129 130. Larkin, 29 36 41 46. Lewis, 43 45 68. Lillibridge, 44. Lost, 95. Lyons, 45. 30 34 M Maccoon, 6 18 20 39 67. Marther, 6. Maxson, 5 10 11 15 16 20 21 23 28 29 30 34 35 38 39 42 44 45 48 50 52 53 54 58 59 60 61 63 69 70. McSparran, 18. Miner, 9 10 11 64 78. Moore, 17 33 41 64. Mulkins', 74. N Newman, 9 23 32 59 64. Northup, 40 67. Noyes, 50. 13 14 24 27 36 37 46 47 55 56 64 67 32 63 49 58 o Osborn, 5. Palmer, 9 15 23 28 31 38 40 50 58 60 62 65- 67 70. Park, 7 11 12 14 18 19 20 21 24 28 30 31 36 37 42 43 50 53 54 55 56 57 59 60 -61 64 67. Peckham, 39. Pendleton, 8 9 10 11 13 14 17 22 26 27 29 31 42 47 48 51 59 60 62 64 65 69. Perry, 13 23 27 52. Phelps, 8. Phillips, 65. Phinney, 10 33 41 42. Potter, 15 26 27 37 55 66. Pratt, 9 15 29. Q R Randall, 5 11 14 24 40 43 45 51 53 66 68. Rathbun, 38 44 51 60. Rhodes, 6 9 11 13 14 15- 16 20 24 31 34 36 37 38 39 41 42 44 46 47 48 50 52 53 54 56 60 69. Richmond, 5 11 14 15 16 17 21 23 27 30 34 36 39 46 47 48 54 56 61 63 66 67 70. Robinson, 38. Rogers, 12 28 52 54 58 62 119. Rossiter, 18 50 65. Ross, 7 25 28 35 46 55 64 69. Sands, 12. Sanford, 70. Saunders, 5 11 16 18 20 23 29 33 34 36 37 41 42 43 45 55 56 59 61 66 110. Shaw, 26 32 35. Sheffield, 33 58. Sheldon, 13. Sims, 133. Sisson, 133. Slocum, 54. Smith, 9 16 20 23 24 27 32 34 36 37 38 40 45 47 49 50 56 60 62 66 67. Stanton, 11 14 48 53 120 121. Stillman, 9 10 11 17 20 32 33 41 44 47 52 58 60 61 63 65 68 70. Sturgeon, 17. Sweet, 121. INDEX WESTERLY. Tabor, 52. Taylor, 8 10 12 13 16 20 25 26 31 32 49 52 60 65. Throop, 44. Thurston, 7 19 65. Tillinghast, 26 39, Trumbull, 27. Tuckerman, 5 22 32 33 49 60 61 63 65. U V Vail, 5 13 18 27 29 32 33 38 39 52 53 58 59 61 71. Vars, 132. Vinton, .49. Vose, 48 59. w Wakefield, 64. Weight, 39. Wells, 41 48 49 65 91, West, 128. Whitman, 57. Wilbur, 9 11 22 29 42 54 66. Wilcox, 7 8 10 12 14 19 25 29 32 35 43 46 47 51 53 58 60 68 69 70. Woodruff, 44 55 64. Worden, 38. X Y Z. York, 20. III. Names of Places. Albany, N. Y., 112. , Alfred, N. Y., 37. Ash ton, England, 44. Baltimore, Md., 35. Bangor, Mass., 55. Benson, Vt., 5. Block Island, 38 53. Boston, Mass., 37. Bristol, Conn., 62. Bristol, England, 52. Bristol, R. I., 89. Brookfield, N. Y., 26 58 69. Brookhaven, L. I., 65. Charlestown, R. I., 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 48 49 50 52 54 55 56 57 58 59 61 64 65 68 71 72 76 77 78 80 81 82 84 85 88 95 96 97 103 104 105 106 107 110 113 127 130 131 145 l-..-. Charlotte Precinct, N. Y., 86. Chenango County, N. Y., 51. Clinton, Conn., 15. Cohoes, N. Y., 52. Colchester, Conn., 70. Connecticut, 5 52 58 70. Coosocky, N. Y., 105. Cortland County, N. Y., 63. Cranston, R. I., 15. D De Kalb, N. Y., 5. Demarara, W. I., 82. Dighton, Mass., 83 86. . E East Greenwich, R. I., 11 66. Exeter, R. I., 10 23 33 39 46 78 106 132. Falmouth, Mass., 47. Feversham, R. I., 88. Freetown, Mass., 89. G Gloeester, 33. Groton, Conn., 5 14 32 33 44 45 47 50 70 77 104 133 144. H Hancock County, Mass., 13. Hanover, Mass., 135. Hopewell, N. J., 14. Hopkinton, R. I., 7 8 9 10 11 14 16 17 19 21 22 23 24 25 31 33 34 35 37 38 40 41 43 44 46 47 48 52 53 54 55 58 59 60 62 63 64 65 66 68 70 71 77 78 82 88 91 93 94 95 96 105 106 108 109 112 120 128 131 137 141 142. Ireland, 38. Isle of Jersey, 68. J K Kingsbury, N. Y., 82. Kings Towne, R. I., 52 64. Lancashire, England, 44. Lebanon, Conn., 10 67. Ledyard, Conn., 45 68. Little Compton, R. I., 54. Lyme, Conn., 37 52 100 113. M Madison County, N. Y., 26. Mason's Island, Conn., 124. Massachusetts, 29. Mendon, Mass., 31 52. Middletown, Conn., 113. Middletown, R. I., 7 67 76. Montville, Conn., 62.' N Nantucket, Mass., 56. New Concord, Conn., 44. New Haven, Oonn., 38. New London, Conn., 5 12 25 26 36 37 45 50 54 59 62 87 95. Newport, R. I., 7 19 20 21 29 30 36 39 43- 44 45 47 48 50 53 54- VI VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 55 62 63 65 81 S2 85 88 90 119 121 127 141. New Shoreham, R. I., 12 20 29 54 63 87. New York, N. Y., 63. New York, 33. Nine Partners, N. Y., 86. North Kingstown, R. I., 14 23 43 49 52 59 67. North Stonington, Conn., 10 11 15 60 68 69 112. Norwalk, Conn., 34. Norwich, Conn., 27 44 51 61 66 67 77 104. Norwich, N. Y., 51. o Oswego County, N. Y., Pawcatuck, river, 136. Peterborough, N. Y., 34 96. Philadelphia, Pa., 30 61. Plymouth County, Mass., 135. Pomfret, Conn., 9 31. Portsmouth, R. I., 42 70. Preston, Conn., 12 15 32 49 56 64 77 128 145. -Providence, R. I., 23. Q R Rhode Island 70. Richmond, R."I., 6 7 8 14 23 30 41 42 44 52 57 62 63 69 88 97 104 105 106 112. Saybrook, Conn., 69. Scituate, R. I., 5 63. Scotland, 38. Scott, N. Y., 63. Seabrook, Conn., 6 18. Seaoonnet, R. I., 68. Sheffield, Mass., 128. Shelton Isle, N. Y., 20. Southold, L. I., 36 40. 66 113. South Kingstown, R. I., 6 7 8 9 13 14 18 19 21 22 24 27 28 33 36 39 40 51 59 63 66 68 69 76 79 85 87 88 95 102. Stephenstown, N. Y., 17 46 112. Sterling, Conn., 39. Stonington, Conn., 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 63 64 65 66 67 69 70 77 78 80 85 87 88 89 100 102 105 113 115 124 125 128 130 132 135 140 141 142 143 146. Sudbury, Mass., 122. Sullivan, Mass., 13. Taunton, Mass., 69. Ticonderoga, 121. Troy, N. Y., 26. U V Volney, N. Y., 5. Voluntown, Conn., 17 18 43 81 105 106 116 128. W Warwick, R. I., 6 32 33 66 67. Waterford, Conn., 27 52 63. Westbrook, Conn., 17. West Greenwich, R. I., 49 62 121 125. West Indies, 124. Westport, Mass., 37. Worcester, Mass., 13 63 64. X Y Z I HDEX TOWN OF CHARLESTOWN. I. Names Occurring in Their Natural Order. Marriages commence with page 5; births and deaths page 17. Adams, 5. Allen, 5. Amnions, 5. Ares, 5 17. Auohmady, 5. Austin, 5 17. Babcock, 5 17. Bailey, 5. Ball, 5. Barber, 5. Barker, 5. Bartlett, 17. Bassett, 5 17. Bliven, 6. Boss, 17. Braman, 6 17. Browning, 6 17. Brown, 6. Burch, 6. Burdick, 6 17. Card, 6. Carr, 6. Cham-plain, 6 18 Chapman, 6. Chappell, 6. Church. 6 18. Clarke, 7 18.- Collins, 7 19. Congdon, 7 19. Cook, 7. Corey, 7. Cornell, 7. Coggeswell, 7. Crary, 7 19. Crandall, 7 19. Cross, 8 20. Davis, 8. Dearling, 8. Devoll, 20. Deck, 8. Dodge, 20. Eanos, 8 20. Earle, 9. Edwards, 9 20. Ellis, 9. ¦ Foster, 9 21. Franklin, 21. Frey, 21. G Gardiner, 9. Gavitt, 9. Greenman, 9 21. Greene, 9 21. GrifEeth, 21. Grinnell, 21. Griffin, 9. Gould, 9. H Hall, 9 21. Hancock, 10. Harvey, 10 22. Hawkins, 10. Hazard, 10 22. Hicks, 22. Hiscox, 10 22. Holburton, 10. Holloway, 10. Hoxsie, 10 22. i' J James, 10. Joshua, 10. Johnson, 10 22. Jones, 23. K Kenyon, 11 23. Kergroin, 23. King, 11. Knight, 11. Knowles, 11 23. Ladd, 11 23. Lanphere, 11. Larkin, 11 23. Lewis, 11 24. Lillibridge, 12 24. Lovatt, 12. Lyster, 12. M Macomber, 12 24. Matthews, 12. Micaul, 24. Millard, 12 24.- Miner, 12. Moon, 12. Moore, 12. Morey, 12. Mumford, 12. N Ney, 12. Niles, 12 24. 11 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. •Olney, 12. Park, 12 24. Peckham, 13 24. Peirce, 13. Perkins, 13. Perry, 13 25. Pettis, 13. Pettey, 25. Phebe, 13. Pierce, 13 25. Pike, 13. , Potter, 13*25. Pullman. 13. Q R ^Rathbone, 13 25. Reynolds, 13. Rhodes, 14 25. Rodman, 14. Ross, 14 25. Sands, 14. Sash, 14. Saulsbury, 25. Saunders, 14. Scribens, 14 25. Seager, 14. Shaw, 14. Sheffield, 14 25. Sheldon, .14. Sherman, 14 26. Simon, 14. Smith, 14. Spencer, 14. Stanton, 14 26. Stiles, 15. Stillman, 15. Sunderland, 15. Swan, 15. Tanner, 27. Taylor, 15 27. Tefft, 15. Thomas, 15. Thompson, 15 Tiger, 15. Trim, 15. Tucker, 15 27. U V Vars, 16. w Ward, 16. Watson, 27. Webb, 16. Webster, 16. Welch, 16 27. Wells, 16 28. Wescott, 16. West, 28. Wilcox, 16 28. Williams, 16. Woodmansee, 16 28. Worden, 16. X Y Z York, 16 28. II. Names, Occurring Promiscuously. Allen 9 16. Avery, 14. Babcock, 5 6 7 9 14 15 16. Baker, 7 11 15. Barber, 10 11 13 15. Billings, 16. Bliven, 6 8. Boss, 10. Brown, 15. Burdick, 9 14. Card, 6. Champlain, 8 13. Church, 9. Clarke, 6 7 8 9 13 14 16. Coggswell, 9. Collins, 13. Colwell. 5 11. Oongdon, 11. Coon, 9 10. Crandall, 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 16. Cross, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. D Davis, 26. Dodge, 10. E Evritt, 7. F G Gardiner, 8 15. Gorton, 15. Griffin, 11 12 15. Grosvenor, 10. H Helme, 7. Hern, 16. Hicks, 7 10 12 14 16. Hill, 8 10. Hiscox, 8. Hoxsie, 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19. I J Joslin, 11. K King, 12 15. Knight, 18. Lewis, 7 9 12 14. Lillibridge, 11. M Maxson, 14. Miner, 14. NOP Parks, 5 7 11 12 15. Perry, 5 6 8 9. Potter, 8 9. Q'.R Rhodes, 11 12. Robinson, 7 10 13. Rosseter, 16. Ross, 7 9 10. INDEX CHARLESTOWN. Ill Saunders, 6. Sekoter, 8. Sheffield, 9. ¦ Sprague, 6. Stillman, 5. Taylor, 7. Tefft, 5. Tillinghast, 15. U V Vail, 10. Vose, 8. W Watson, 5. Wilbur, 8. Witter, 8. X Y Z III. Names of Places. A B Blanford, Mass., 19. C D Dartmouth, Mass., 8. E East Greenwich, R. I., 13 14. Exeter, R. I., 12 13. F G Groton, Conn., 21. H Hopkinton, R. I., 7 8 9 10 16. I Ireland, 28. J Jamestown, R. I., 6 8. K L Lebanon, Conn., 10. M Manville, Conn., 15. N Narragansett Tribe, 10 15. New London, Conn., 6 8.' Newport, R. I., 7. New Shoreham, R. I., 15 16. North Kingstown, R. I., 12 28. North Stonington, Conn., 24. O P Providence, R. I., 9. Q R Richmond, R. I., 5 11 13 South Kingstown, R. I., 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 28. Stonington, Conn., 12 14 15 16 24. T U V W Westerly, R. I., 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. X Y Z I NDEX TOWN OF RICHMOND. Names Occurring in Their Natural Order. Marriages commence with page 5; births and deaths page 23. Adams, 5 23. Albro, 5. Alexander, 5. Allen, 5. Austin, 5. Aylesworth, 5. B Babcock, 5 23. Bailey, 5 23. Baker, 6. Barber, 6 23. Bassett, 6. Bates, 7. Bentley, 7 24. Bicknell, 7. Bitgood, 7. Blanchard, 7. Boss, 7. Braman, 7. Briggs, 7. Browning, 7. Brown, 7. Burdick, 7. Cahoone,. 7. Card, 7 24. Carpenter, 7. Ohace, 24. Chiamplain, 7. Champlain, 8 24. Chappell, 8. Church, 8 24. Closson, 8. Clarke, 8 25. Coldgrove, 9 26. Collins, 9. Congdon, 9 26. Cooke, 9. Coon, 9. Vol. 5— C Corey, 9. Cottrell, 9. Orandall, 9. Gross, 9-. D Dake, 9. Davis, 9. Dawley, 9. Dickinson, 9. Dodge, 9. Douglass. 9. Dye, 9 26. Eldred, 9. Enos, 9 26. Essex, 10. Fenner, 10. Ford, 10. Foredice, 10. Foster, 10 26. Frazer, 10. G Gardiner, 10. Greene, 10. Griffeth, 10 27. Grifun, 11 27. Gurgon, 11 H Hall, 11 27. Harrington, 11 27. Hathaway, 27. Hazard, 11. Hide, 11. Hill, 11. Hiscox, 11. Holloway, 11. Holway, 11. Hoxsie, 11 27. Hull, 12. Irish, 12 28. J James, 12 28. Johnson, 12. Jones, 12. Jordan, 12. K Kelley, 12. Kenyon, 12 28. Knowles, 29. Lane, 14. Larkin, 14 29. Lawton, 14. Lewis, 14 30. Lillibridge, 14 30. Locke, 15. M Maxson, 15 31. Mias, 31. Milleman, 15. Minturn, 15. Mitchell, 15. Moon, 15 31. VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. Moore, 15. Morey, 15. Moshier, 15. Mumford, 15. N Ney, 15 31. Newton, 15. Nichols, 15 31. Niles, 16. Noyes, 16. Nye, 16. o Olney, 16 31. Palmer, 16. Parker, 16. Patterson, 16. Pearce, 16. Peckham, 16. Pendleton, 16. Perrin, 16. Perry, 16 32. Peterson, 16. Pettis, 16 32. Petty, 16 32. Phillips, 16 32. Pierce, 16. Pollard, 16. Potter, 16 32. Powell, 17. Pullman, 17 33. Q R Rathbun, 17. Record, 17 33. Reynolds, 17 33. Rice, j.7. Richmond, 18 33. Robbins, 18. Rogers, 18 33. Ross, 18. Russell, 18. Sabin, 18. Sanford, 18. Saunders, 18. Serel, 18. Sheldon, 18 33. Sherman, 18. Sisson, 33. Slocum, 33. Smith, 18. Stafford, 33. Stanton, 18 33. Star, 18. Steadman, 18. Stewart, 18. Sunderland, 18. Swan, 19. Sweet, 19. Tabor, 19. Tanner, 19. Tefft, 19 34. Tennant, 20. Thomas, 20. Tillinghast, 20. Torrey, 20. Tourgee, 20. Tripp, 20. Tucker, 20 35. Tuck, 20. Turner, 20. U V Vallett, 20. W Watson, 20 35. Weaver, 20. Webb, 20 35. Webster, 20 35. Weeks, 21. Wells, 21. West, 21. Wilbour, 21 36. Wilcox, 21 36. Witter, 21. Woodmansee, 21 36. Warden, 22. X Y Z Yoeman, 22. Young, 22. II. Names Occurring Promiscuously. Albro, 18. Austin, 19. Avery, 6 18. Babcock, 5 7 8 9 18 19. Bailey, 19. Barber, 7 8 9 11 30. Beezeley, 17. Boss, 6 11 17 19. Burbank, 7 9 10 22 Burdick, 10 14. Carpenter, 22. Champlain, 8. Clarke, 6 8 12 13 16. Coon, 11 17. Crandall, 13 20 21. Cross, 8. Culver, 10 16. Durfee, 8. E F G Gardiner, 11 16. Greene, 12.. H Hazard, 13. Helme, 11. Hill, 5 11. Holloway, 11. Hubbard, 13 15 20. I J Johnson, 12 15. Joslin, 7 9 10 12 14 15 16 17 19 20 21. K Kenyon, 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 16 19 20 21 22. Lewis, 5 7 10 16 18. Lillibridge, 5 7 11 14 16 18 21. Locke, 6 8 18 20 22. M Manchester, 11. INDEX RICHMOND. Ill Meech, 14. Moshier, 12. N Northup, 17. O P Palmer, 6 9 10 11 12 13 15 17 21. Peckham, 6. Pendleton, 6 14 16. Perry, 5 6 7.89 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22. Petty, 10 18. Phelps, 11. Potter, 16 18. Q R Randall, 11. Richmond, 5 6 8 10 11 13 14 16 18 19 20 2l. Rogers, . 17. Rouse, 18. Saunders, 14. Sheffield, 17. Slocum, 6. Sprague, 7 19. Stanton, 11 13 14 15 19. Stillman, 6 8 13 18 24. Tefft, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 19 20 21. Thomas, 9. Tilinghast, 7 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 27. Torrey, 9 13 14. Tripp, 16. U V w Watson, 8. Webb, 10 11 12 15. Webster, 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 21. Weightman, 19. West, 21. Wilbur, 14 17 18. Willey, 8. Williams, 7 20. Woodmansee, 7 8 11 13 16 21. X Y Z III. Names of Places. A B Barton, Conn., 19. Brookfield, N. Y., 18. Charlestown, R. I., 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 27 30 31. Coventry, R. I., 17 18 21. D Dartmouth, Mass., 17 32. E East Greenwich, R. I., 10 15 16 20 21 22. Exeter, R. I., 6 7 8 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 33. Fall River, Mass., 10. Foster, R. I., 10. Groton, Conn., 19. H Hopkinton, R. I., 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22. I J K Kingston, R. I., 6. L Lonsdale, R. I., 18 22. M N North Kingstown, R. I., 7 9 11 18 21 33. North Providence, R. I., 31. Norwich, Conn., 17. O P Plainfield, Conn., 18. Preston, Conn., 14. Q R Rome, Me., 10. South Kingstown, R. I., 6 8 9 11 12 15 16 18 20 21 33. Stonington, Conn., 7 10 11 21. T U V Voluntown, Conn., 8 9. W Warwick, R. I., 11 21. Westerly, R. I., 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 14 16 18 19 20 21 24. West Greenwich, R. I., 7 9 16 17. Wickford, R. I., 18. X Y Z I osr id e X TOWN OF HOPKINTON. Names Occurring in Their Natural Order. Marriages commence with page 5; births and deaths page 30. Adams, 5. Allen, 5 30. Arnold, 5 30. Austin, 5. Avery, 5. Atwood, 5. Babcock, 5 30. Baggs, 6. Baid, 6. Bailey, 6. Baker, 6. Barber, 6 31. Bates, 6 31. Benjamin, 6. Bentley, 6 31. Bent, 6. Bicknell, 6. Bitgood, 6. Bliss, 7. Bowler, 7. Bowen, 7. Braman, 7 31. Brand, 7 32. Briggs, -7. Brightman, 7 32. Browing, 7. Brown, 7 32. Burch, 7 32. Burdick, 8 32. Button, 9 34. Byrnes, 9. Card, 9. Carpenter, 9. Carr, 10. Oartright, 10 34. Case, 10. Champlain, 10 34. Chase, 10. Cheeseborough, 10 34. Chever, 10 35. Church, 10 35. Clarke, 10 35. Closson, 11. Codner, 11. Coe, 35. Colegrove, 11 35. Cole, 11 36. Collins, 11 36. Coon, 11 36. Corey, 12. Cottrell, 12 37. Crandall, 12 37. Crocker, 13. Cross, 13. Crumb, 13 38. Colver, 13. D Daniels, 13. Dartts, 13. Davis, 13 38. Dawley, 14. Deak, 38. Deats, 14. Dewey, 14. Dodge, 14 38. Dorrance, 38. Douglass, 14. Downing, 14. Dyer, 14. Dye, 14. Eaglestone, 14. Edwards, 14 39. Eldredge, 14. Enos, 14. F Fenner, 14 39. Foster, 14 39. Frimk, 14. Gallup, 15. Gardiner, 15 39. Gates, 15. Grant, 15. Gray, 15. Greenman, 15. Greene, 15 39. Greffeth, 15. Griffin, 15. Grinnell, 15. Goodwill, 15. H Hadfull, 40. Haley, 15. Hall, 16 40. Harris, 16. Healey, 16. Herring, 16. Hide, 16. Hill, 16 40. Hiscox, 16. Hood, 16. Hotten, 16. Hoxsie, 16. Hull, 16. Irish, 16. Irving, 16. J Jacques, 16. Johnson, 16. Jordan, 16. Joslin, 16 40. u VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLANI*. K Keeney, 17. Kenyon, 17 41. Kezeir, 17. Kingsley, 17. King, 17. Kinney, 42. Knowles, 17. Lake, 18. Lamb, 18 42. Langworthy, 18 42. Lanphere, 18 43. Larkin, 18 43. Latham, 43. Lawton, 19. Leonard, 19. Lewis, 19 43. M Maecoon, 20 44. Maine, 20. Manchester, 20 44. Marrian, 20. Marriott, 20. Matteson, 20. Maxson, 20 44. Maynard, 21. Millard, 21 46. Miner, 21. Morgan, 21. Morey, 21. Mott, 21 46. N Neff, 21. Ney, 21 46. Nichols, 21 46. Niles, 21. Northup, 21. Noyes, 21. Olney, 22. Palmer, 22 47. Palmitter, 22 47. Partelow, 22. Patterson, 22 47. Pearce, 22. Peckham, 22 47. Pendleton, 22. Perkins, 22. Perry, 22 47. Pettey, 22. Pierce, 2. Plumber, 22. Popple, 22 47. Porter, 22 47. Potter, 22 47. Powers, 23. Prosser, 23. Q R Randall, 48. Rathbim, 23. Remington, 23. Reynolds, 23 48. Rhodes, 23 49. Richmond, 23. Rider, 23. Robinson, 23 49. Rogers, 24 49. Ross, 24 49. Salisbury, 24. Sampson, 24. Satterlee, 24. Saunders, 24 49. Scriven, 24. Sheffield, 24. Sheldon, 24 49. Sherman, 24. Sissel, 24. Sisson, 24. Slack, 24. Slocum, 24. Smith, 24. Snow, 24. Spencer, 24. Spicer, 24 49. Stanton, 25. Stearns, 25. Stewart, 25. Stiles, 49. Stillman, 25 49. .Stetson, 50. Stutson, 25. Sutoliff, 25. Sweet, 25. Taber, 25. Tanner, 25 50. Taylor, 26. Tefft, 26 51. Thayer, 26. Thomas, 26. Thompson, 26. Thorp, 26. Thurston, 26 51. Uripp, 51. U Utter, 26 51. Vars, 26. Vincent, 51. Vinson, 26. W Waite, 26 51. Watson, 26. Ward, 26. Warren, 52. Webster, 26. Wells, 27 52. West, 27 52. Wheeler, 27. Whipple, 27. White, 27 53. Whitford, 28. Wilbur, 28 53.. Wilcox, 28 53. Wilkinson, 28 53. Williams, 28. Will, 28. Witter, 28 53. Woodmansee, 29 54. Wood, 29. Warden, 29 54. Wright, 29 54. X Y Z York, 29. II. Names Occurring Promiscuously. Allen, 31. Avery, 6 9 14 17 23 24 26 28. Babcock, 7 11 14 15 19 26 Barber, 6 7 9 10 11 13 16 17 19 25 26. Brown, 12 21 24. Burdick, 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 37 44 49. INDEX HOPKINTON . HI Campbell, 8 10. Carr, 19. Chester, 9 22. Church, 27. Clarke, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28. Collins, 7 10. Coon, 6 7 10 11 12 13 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28. Crandall, 5 8 11 12 13 15 17 22 24 26 44. Cross, 19. D Darron, 15. Davis, 7 10 12 18 19 24 25 27 29. E F Fish, 20. Foster, 36. Gardiner, 6 7 11 14 15 17 18 19 22 24 26 27 28 50. Greene, 11 14 20 25 48. H Hall, 47. Hazard, 7. Helme, 7. Hull, 21 36. Irish, 32 J Joslin, 6 7 11 12. K L Langworthy, 35 43. Lanphere, 41. Larkin, 6 8 9 12 16 18 20 22 25. Latham, 21 23. Lewis, 6 7 12 18 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 26. Lillibridge, 12. Locke, 13. M Maccoon, 23 25. Manchester, 9 16. Maxson, 5 8 10 11 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 28. Miner, 11. Morgan, 15. N Nichols, 7 8 21 28. Northup, 7 11 18 19 43. O P Palmer, 8 9 11 12 14 19 25 26 27. Patterson, 40. Pendleton, 7 9 26. Perry, 5 6 8 28. Post, 17. Potter, 17 27 34. Q R Randall, 9 14 15 19. Reynolds, 53. Richmond, 27. Rogers, 21. Saunders, 24 25 28 29. Sheffield. 52. Sheldon, 18. Smith, 13. Stillman, 5 6 9 11 13 14 15 17 18 20 21 23 24 25 26 28 29. Tanner, 11 ,14 19. Taylor, 35. Tefft, 9. Thomas, 32. Thompson, 16. Thurston, 35. Tillinghast,s6 22. U V w Wakefield, 27. Wells, 5 8 10 17 21 26 28. West, 6 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 19 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29. Whitman, 16. Wilbur, 12. Wilcox, 17 20 39. Williams, 11. Witter, 9 17 18 28. Woodmansee, 14. Woodruff, 18. Wright, 35. X Y Z III. Names of Places. A B Brookfield, N. Y., 12. C&yuga County, N. Y., Cnartestown, R. H., 7 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 24 25 26 33 37 38 44. Chester, N. Y., 6. Colchester, Conn., 14. Connecticutt, 11-- Coventry, R. I., 6 9 16 24 27. D E Eastham, Mass., 10. East Lyme, Conn., 13. Exeter, R. I., 6 8 11 12 15 21 22 26 28. F G Genesee, N. Y., 21. Great Britain, 16. - Griswold, Conn., 24. Groton, Conn., 15. H Hartford, Conn., 21. I J K L Lebanon, Conn., 7. Ledyard, Conn., 34. Leydeni, Conn., 10. Little Hoosick, N. Y., 28. IV VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. M Marthas Vineyard,Mass., 34. Middletown^ R. I., 16. Milton, N. Y., 39. Montville, Conn., 21 27. N New London, Conn., 11 15 18 24. Newport, R. I., 6 7 9 11 13 23 35. New Shoreham, R. I., 7 15 25. North Kingstown, R. I., 7 15 19. North Stonington, Conn., 6 9 11 12 15 16 20 28 43. Norwich, Conn., 9 24 26. O P Plainfield, Conn., 16 28. Preston, Conn., 6 9 20 25 28 33. Providence, R. I., 21. Q R Rhode Island, 11. Richmond, R. J., 5 6 7 8 9 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 25 26 28 36 41 47 48. Shrewsbury, Mass., 38. South Kingstown, R. I., 7 9 13 18 19 24 25 26" 28. Stonington Conn., 5 6 7 8 10 11 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 36 47. Tiverton, R. I., 26. U V Voluntown, Conni., 8 14 20 21 27 36. W Warwick, R. I., 14. Waterford, Conn., 24. Westerly, R. I., 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 27 28 29 31 33 38 44. West Greenwich, R. I., 7 10 15 25 28. Windham, Conn., 21. X Y Z Vital Record of Rhode Island. 1636=1850. First Series. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. A Family Register for the People. By James N, Arnold, Editor of the Narragansett Historical Register. " Is Nly Name Written in the Boole of Life?" Vol. 5. NORTH KINGSTOWN. Part I. Published under the Auspices of the General Assembly. PROVIDENCE, It. I : Narragansett Historical Publishing Company. 1894. ACT INOORPORATING THE TOWNS OF WICKFORD AND KINGS TOWNE. The Secretary allso is ordered to send a letter to the Inhabitants of Nar- raganset in the name of the Councill, and to signify to them, that Mr. Richard Smith, Senr., Capt. Edw'd Hutchinson, and Lut. Jas. Hews are appointed se lect men at Mr. Smith's trading house, and Mr. Rich Smith, Junr., is appointed Constable for the said Town, and Mr. Rich Smith, Senr., is to adminster an oath to him for a faithful dicharge of his office. It is ordered that the Plantation aforesaid shall for the future be called by the name of Wickford. The Coppy of the letter to Wickford hangs upon the file. Colonial Records of Connecticut, Vol. I., page 407. Voted, by the King's Authority in this Assembly, it is approved the Gen erall Councill's Acts in obstrctinge Conecticut Collony from useinge jurisdic tion in the Narragansett country, and the Councill's establishing a towne shipp there, and callinge it Kingstown, with liberty as hath been granted to New Shoreham, and that the charges of our Councill repairinge thither not ex- ceedinge fifty shillings, for every time, shall be paid out of the Generall Treasury; and that futurely, it shall be lawful to summons as many of our inhabitants as they see cause to attend at Narragansett to oppose Connecticut from useinge jurisdiction there; but not in any hostile manner, or to kill or hurt any person. And further bee it enacted, that the Governor, or Deputy Governor, and the mayor, part of the Magistrates on Rhode Island; as they see cause, may send letters or messengers to the New York Governor, con cerning such business; and the charge not exceedinge tenn pound, to be paid out of the Generall Treasury. Rhode Island Colonial Records, Vol. II., page 525. In General Assembly at Newport May 1679. Voted, The Recorder shall draw forth the copy of the Act of the Gener all Assembly in October, 1674, concerninge the confirming of the act of the Generall Councill in establishing a Towneshipp in Narragansett, and calling it King's Towne, which shall be sent to the inhabitants there under the sale .of the Colony. Rhode Island Colonial Records, Vol. III., page 55. NORTH KINGSTOWN. 3VrA.K,B,I-A-<3-£:S. NOTE.— North Kingstown had at one time as fine a Town Record as any town in the State, and full as important and historic. In December, 1869, the records were badly damaged by fire. The books, or rather what remains of them, were so badly burnt and pages become so disarranged that It has become impos sible to give original book and page, as tn the other towns, and hence are omitted here. No doubt errors in names and dates are here made, but this can be relied on far safer than the present condition of the records. This is an honest attempt, therefore, to save what remained of them In September, 1881. ABORN —ah, and Joseph Atherby, Dec. 9, 1724. ALBRO Benoni, and Mary Browning ; m. by Benjamin Weight, Justice of Peace, Jan., 1744. " Samuel, Jr., and Jane Cole, Dec. 3, 1758. " Dorcas, _ and Thomas Phillips, April 23, 1761. " Mrs. Martha, and William Phillips, March 14, 1782. " Ann, and Sewall Kingsley, March, 17S4. " Elizabeth, and David Gardiner, Jan. 26, 1794. ALDRICH Sarah, and Samuel Bisssll, 19, 1753. " Isaac, of Providence, and Mercy Browning, of North Kingstown ; m. by Rev. John H. Rouse, Dec. 22, 1846. ALLEN Christopher, of Rhode Island, and Elizabeth Segouoae, of Little Compton, at Boston, according to the forms of the Church of England, by Rev. Robert Ratclifl,: , 1687. " Elizabeth, and Thomas Hill, Sept. 16, 1716. " Rebecca Cole, and Thomas Hill, March, 1731. " William, of Prudence Island, and Mary Dyre ; m. by George Tibbetts, Jus tice,, Feb. 19, 1737-8. " Abigail and Bicknell, Oct., 1738. " Jonathan, and Elizabeth Huling; m. by Thomas Hiil, Justice,, Nov. 2, 1740. . ^_ Thomas, and Patience Greene ; m. by Thomas Hill, Justice, 20, 1742. " John, of Prudence Island, and Hannah WaE ; m. by Thomas HUl, Jus tice, 1743. " Hannah, arid Nicholas. Northup Jun., March 29, 1750. " Joshua, and Hannah Watson, Sept. 13, 11750. " Thomas, of John, and Ann Corey, of John, dec. ; m. by Jeremiah Gould, Justice, Sept. 4„ 1756. " John, of Thomas, jun., and Mary Gould, of Daniel, dec. ; both of N. Kings town, Jan. 1760. " Anna, and John Corey, Dec. 7, 1772. " Jeffrey, and Elizabeth Richardson ; m. by Elder Simeon Brown, March 3, 1776. " Phebe, and Oliver Carr, April, 1776. " Benjamin, of N. Kingstown, and Sarah Morey, widow of Robert, of Exeter; m. by George Thomas, Justice, April 23,, 1776. " Mary, and Alexander Huling, March 31, 1777. " Marcy,, and William Spencer, Oct. 22, 1781. " Sarali, and Samuel Bissell, March 18, 1782. " Lydia, and Immanuel Case,. May 12, 1782. VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. ALLEN Elizabeth, and George Bissell, Dec. 2, 1787. «• 1— , pnd William Gardiner, Dec. 20, 1790. " Mrs. Dorcus, and Congdon, Feb. 23, 1795. " , and Mary Greene. " John, of Jonathan, and Mary Havens, of Thomas, May 17, 1767. " Thomas G., and Phebe B. Congdon. " Caleb, of Joshua,, and Ruth Underwood, of Benjamin. " Freelove, and Dawley, 28 " Anne, and Warner,, Dec. 13, . " Rose, and Thomas, — , • « Phebe,, of Jonathan, and Jeremiah Aylesworth, of Arthur, July 24, 1763. Mary, and William Corey, Dec. 4, 1812. " Phebe W., (of Thomas G.), and Nathan A(llen) Arnold, Sept. 3, 1820. " Lucy Ann, and Thomas Hill, Jan. 14, 1821. " Caroline, and Ishmeal Blared., May ' 12, ; 1830. " Harriet, and Samuel S. Baker, Sept. 17, 1838. " Lydia, and Benjamin B. Munroe, March 17, 1840. " Daniel, and Mrs. Ruth Arm Flney ; m. by Elder John Slocum, July 27, 1845. " (Julie), E(lma), and Thomas W. Noyes, Sept. 28, 1845. " , and Gardiner, Nov. 11, 1847. ALVERSON David, and Martha Card; m. by George Tibbetts, Justice, — 30, 1735. " Deliverance, and Moon, Dec. 27, 1759. " David, and Phebe Jones, both of N. Kingstown ; m. by William Hall, Jus tice, Jan. 24, 1765. " , and Jenckes Reynolds, May 4, 1767. ANTHONY Adelaide, and Royal Vaughn, Aug. 17, 1792. " James B., son of Gideon Thomas Anthony, and Anna Johnson of Lawton, of Coventry, R. I. ; m. by Elder jPardon Tillinghast, March 15, 1832. " Benjamin, and Ann Weeden, both of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder ,DavM. Avery, May 18, 1845. ARMSTRONG Mrs. Nancy, and John Northup, Oct. 19, 1845. ARNOLD Joseph, and Patience Gifford; m. by William HaU, Justice, Nov. 23, 1732. " Joseph, and Hannah Gifford, both of N. Kingstown; m. by Benjamin Weight, Justice, Aug. — , 1737. " Hannah, and George Thomas, April 15, 1764. " Patience, and Abraham Greene, Sept. 5, 1765. " Ann, and Micah Whitmarsh, June 12, 1774. " Josiah, of N. Kingstown, and Freelove Case, of W. Greenwich ; m. by Elder James Weightman, July 9, 1775. " Edmund, of Joseph, deceased, and Abigail Hyiamea, of George, both of N. Kingstown ; m. by George Thomas, Justice, April 20, 1777. " George, and Margaret Slocum; in. by Elder James Weightman, April 26,. 1778. " Elizabeth, and Samuel Spink, Feb. 26, 1798. " Joseph, of N. Kingstown, and Mercy Browning, of Samuel, Jr., Of do.; m. by Francis Willett, Justice, April 24, 17—. " Oliver, of Josiah, of Exeter, and Anstis Thomas, of George and Hannah of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder 'William Northup, Aug. 4, 1811. " Nathan A(llen), of Edmund, and Phebe W. Allen,, of Thomas G., of N. Kingstown; m. ;by Elder John Gardiner, Sept. 3, 1820. " . Abble, and Benjamin W. Champlain, Nov. 19, 1837. " Joshua, and Lucy A. Lovell; m. by Elder Benedict Johnson, Jan. 3, 1841. " Horatio N., of William and Abigail, and Martha G. Card, of Joshua P. and Harriet; m. by ,Elder Edwin Stillman, March 29, 1842. " Pardon M., and Mercy A. Taylor, both of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder Ed win Stillman, Dec. 23, 1845. " Mary Ann, and Lewis D. Lawton, April 8, 1849. " Perry, and Abigail Sopkronia Greene ; m. by Elder Preserved S. Greene, Jan. 13, 1850. ATHERBY Joseph, and ah Aborn ; on. by William Spencer, Justice, Dec. 9,. 1724. AUSTIN , and Margaret Sunderland, Oct. 25, 1725. NORTH KINGSTOWN MARRIAGES. AUSTIN Stephen, of North Kingstown, and Mary, of Ilortsmouth; m. by William Sanford, Justice of Peace, April 25, 1729. " Benoni, of John, of E. Greenwich, and Mercy Austin, of Jeremiah, of N. Kingstown ; m. by William Spencer, Justice of Peace, Aug., 1729. " Mercy, and Benoni Austin, Aug., 1729. " Ann, and Obediah Rathbun, Sept. 16, 1731. " Elizabeth, and Nichols, Oct. 18, 1736. " Robert, and Elizabeth ; m. by Benjamin Weight, Justice of Peace, July 22, 1739. " Hannah, and Thomas Cobb, 1, 1753. " Sarah, of James, and , May 4, 1755. " James, and Catherine Hunt; m. by William Hall, Justice of Peace, March 4, 1759. " , and Jeremiah Macomber, Aug. 3, 1701. " , and Adam Hunt, 3, 1701. " Lettice, of John', and ; m. by George Northup, Justice of Peace, July 27, 1766. " Mary, and Thomas Spencer, Oct. 15, 1767. " Patience, and Nathan Tanner, Feb. 28, 1768. " Pearces, of John, and Eleanor Smith, of Jeremiah, both of N. Kingstown1; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Oct. 21, 1779. " Paulipus, ¦ of John, and Abigail Northup, of Elizabeth, both of N. Kings town ; m. at N. K. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Dec. 14, 1779. " Prisimus, of John and Elizabeth, and Presilla Smith, of Jeremiah and Mary; m. by Elder William Northup, Dec. 11, 1783. " Mary, and Benjamin1 -Smith, June 8, 1788. " Margaret and Palmer Tanner, Dec. 17, 1789. " Catherine, and Daniel Fones, Jan. 9, 1791. " Mary, and Jonathan Vaughn, Jan. 11, 1796. " , and Ann Baker; m. by William Spencer, Justice of Peace, April 9, 17—. " Anne, and Stephen Sweet, Dec. 16, 17—. " Mary, and James Northup, March 17, . " John1, and " Russell, of James, and Catherine Essex, of Benajah, of Warwick, R. I. ; m. by Daniel Eldred, Justice of Peace, Nov. — , 1802. " Wanton, of Peace and Eleanor and Elizabeth Havens, of William and Lucy ; m. by Elder William Northup, ree. Feb. 28, 1817. " Mary, and Perry, Oct. 22, 1847. AYLESWOETH Robert, and Ann Davis ; m. by William Hall, Justice of Peace, May 20, 1708. " James, of Arthur, of E. Greenwich, and Mary Wood, of William; m. by William Spencer, -Justice of Peace, Feb. 8, 1733. " Robert, Jr., and Susannah Reynolds ; m. by Elder Benjamin' Harrington, , 1737. " James, of E. Greenwich, and Mary Wood, of William ; m. by William Spen cer, Justice of Peace, Feb. 8, 1739. " Mary, and Nathaniel Hotter, Sept. 20, 1739. " Dorcas, and Wanton, Feb. 27, 1758. " Elizabeth, and Samuel Ralph, Feb. 16, 1762. " Sarah, and Benjamin Tanner, ¦ — , 1765. " Mary, and Richard Essex, July 24, 1768. " William, of Arthur, and Catherine Havens, of Rhodes ; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, June, 1774. " Arthur, Jr., and Abigail Dyre, both of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder Nathan Hill, Sept. 14, 1783. I " Martha, and George Thomas, Aug. 10, 1787. " Jeremiah, of ArthuT, and Anna Spencer, of Henry ; m. by Elder Philip Jenkins, , 1703. " Elizabeth, and John Diamond, April 26, 1798. ." Jeremiah, of Arthur, and Phebe Allen, of Jonathan, July 24, 1768. " John1, of Warwick, and Ann Reynolds, of Samuel, of North Kingstown ; m. by Benoni Hall, Justice of Peace, April 19, . " Polly, and John Reynolds, Sept. 20, 1801. g VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. AYLESWORTH , and Chadisey, March 17, 1803. Isaac, of Jeremiah, and 'Sally Corey, of William and Sarah ; m. by Elder William Northup, April 18, 1808. " Samuel Rhodes, of Jeremiah, and Alice Chadsey, of John and Alice ; m. by Isaac Hall, Justice of Peace, Aug. 17, 1808. " Edward D., of Arthur, and Anna Havens, of Coventry, now of Warwick, R. I. ; m. by Rev. Thomas Manchester, , 1811. " Penelope D., and Merchant Weeden, ree. Feb. 14, 1829. " , 0f Samuel Rhodes Aylesworth, and ; m. by Rev. James R. Stone, May 15, 1843. " , and Peleg A. Coggeshall, ree. Dec. 19, 1849. AYRES Mary, and James Reynolds, Jan. 28, 1721-2. " Bethiah, and Nahum Chase, March 8, 1727-8. " Sarah, of Thomas, dec, of N. Kingstown, and Robert , of Robert, of Warwick; m. by Peter Boss, Justice of Peace, Nov. 13, 1736. B BABCOCK George, and Elizabeth Hall, Nov. 28, 1694. " Job, Jr., and Elizabeth Hull; m. by Rouse Helme, Asst., Oct. 10, 1717. " George, Jr., and Susannah Potter; m. by Christopher Allen, Justice. Dec. 20, 1721. " Thomas H., and Eunice A. Northup, of Stukeley; m. by Rev. J. H. Rouse, Jan. 21, 1847. BAILEY Prudence, and Jeremiah Carpenter, March 25, 1806. BAKER Benjamin, and Mary Ha ; m. by William Hall, Justice, — 18, 1704-5. " , and Elizabeth Haxton; m. by Samuel Fones, Justice, March 6, 1715. " John, and Susannah Reynolds; m. by Benjamin Nichols, Justice, Feb. 28, 1722-3. " ¦ , daughter of Benjamin and -^— Fones, , 1725. " Sarah, and West, Nov. 7, 1731. " Joseph, and Sarah Browne ; m. by George. Thomas, Justice, Feb. — , 1733. " Joseph, and Clarke ; m. by Klisha Clarke, Justice, 13, 1754. " Susannah, and Kichard Briggs, March 3, 1755. " Sarah, and William Dyre, Sept. 23, 1770. " George, and Elizabeth B ; m. by Christopher Spencer, Justice, Jan. 21, " Jeremiah, and Deborah Reynolds ; m. by William Spencer, Justice, Jan. 9, . " , of Benjamin, and Ruth ; m.,by Elder William Northup. " Ann, and Austin, April 9, 17 — . " William, of Benjamin, and Carpenter, of Joshua, Dec. 5, 1803. " Thomas S.. of Benjamin, and Elizabeth. Chadsey, of John, deceased ; m. by- Elder Joseph W. Allen, Jan. 18, 1838. " Capt. Samuel S., and Harriet Allen; m. by Rev. B. C. Grafton, Sept; 17, 1838. " Abel S., and Eliza A. Thomas ; m. by Rev. J. R. Stone, Dec. 30, 1839. " Sally S., and James J. Reynolds, March 2, 1841. " iMary W., and Henry Fowler, Jan. 20, 1842. " David S., of Capt. Benjamin and Mary c Watte, of Ool. Joseph; m. by Rev. James R. Stone, June 14, 1842. " Abigail F. and Nathaniel S. Lewis, Dec. 30,. 1849. " Abigail F. and William MoCotter, Jan. 27, 1850. BARBER Moses and Susannah Wait, March 24, 1691-2. (Another date readil "20.") " Moses 'and Elizabeth Eldred ; m. by John Eldred Assistant, May 23, 1765. " William and Mercy Smith ; m. by John Eldred, Assistant, March 22, 1710. " William and Sarah Mumford; m. by William Spencer, Justice, May 5, 1720. Edward and Mary Northup ; m. by John Northup, Justice, May 1, 1773. " Elizabeth A. and Charles A. Slocum BARKER Benajah, of Middletown, and Mary A. La.wton of N. Kingstown; m. by EldJer John Slocum, Dec. 31, 1844. BARNES Thomas, of Glocester, R. I., and Rjth Greene, of Ktngstowne; m. by George Tibbetts, Justice, . , 18—. NORTH KINGSTOWN MARRIAGES. 9 BARNEY Richard, of Isaac, of Swanzey, and Frances Northup, of George, ot N. Kingstown; m. by Bitter William Northup, Aug. 10, 1794. BATES Francis, and Margaret Nichols ; m. by William Spencer, Justice, July 9, 1721, (prob.). " Samuel, and Elizabeth Nichols ; m. by William Spencer, Justice, July 12, 1721. " James, and Eliza ; m. by William Hall, Justice, April 25, 1723. ¦" He^eldah, and. , Dec. 24, 1737. ¦" Mary, and Samuel iCodner, Dec. 28, 1740. " Jonathan, . and Mary Himes ; m. by Thomas Phillips, Justice, March 26, 1747. " Ami©, and John East'ix, Oct. 24, 1762. " Ruth, and Samuel Gavitt, Nov. 09, 1766. " Daniel, of Daniel and Lois, and Ruth Hazard, of John and Abigail; ra. by Elder William Northup, June 15, 1799. " David, and Lowry Sherman, of Benoni. BATON Mary E., and Alfred Thurston, May 12, 1849. BEARES Susannah, and Jonathan Greene, March, 1733. BENTLEY Jane, and John Weightman, Jan. 6, 1700. " Sarah, and • man ; m. by Elisha Cole, Assistant, March 16, 1721. " Jane,, and Clement Reynolds, — S, '1726. " Caleb, and Dorcas Gould; m. by Job Tripp, Justice, Jan. 21, 1738. " Lewhannah, and James James, May 28, 1738. " Bethsheba, and John Bissell, March 20, 1761. " Thomas, and Elizabeth Ohamberland; m. by John Eldred, Assistant, June 6, (1706). " Thomas, and Mary Reynolds ; m. by William Spencer, Justice, May 20. BERRY Charles, and Eleanor Berry ; m. by Benjamin Nichols, Justice. Aug. IS, 1728. " Eleaner, and Charles Berry, Aug. 18, 1728. " Mary, and William Godfrey, Aug. 7, 1729. Dinah (icol.), and William Wright, Feb. 13, 1734. " Mary and Thomas Hill, 8, 1743. " Charles, of Nathaniel and Rebecca, and Sarah Mitchell, of Epkratrr. and Deborah : n. by Christopher Spencer, Justice, Dec. 1, 1757. " Frances, and William Fowler, Nov. 7, 1765. " John, and Phebe Nichols; m. by Job Tripp, Justice, Feb. 6, 17—. " Nathaniel, and Rebecca Nichols: m. by Benjamin Weight, Justice, Tan. 8. BICKNELL — >, and Abigail Allen, of town of Bristol Co., Mass. ; m. by George Tibbetts, Justice, Oct., 1738. " Arnold, and Emetine' Himes ; m. by J. A. Tillinghast, Justice, Dec. 23, 1849. " Nehemiah, of Jesse, and Susan A. Gardiner, of James, dec. ; m. by J. A. Tillinghast, Justice, Sept. 1, 1850. BIDELCOM Daniel, and Ruth Tarbox, both of E. Greenwich ; m. at N. Kingstown, by William Hall, Justice. April 27, 1760. BISSELL Anne,, and Jeremiah Vallett, Dec. 27, 1753. " Samuel, (blacksmith), and Sarah Aldrich ; m. by Immanuel Northup, Jus tice, . 19, 1753. " John, of N. Kingstown, and Bathsheba Bentley, of Richmond; m. by Jeremiah Crandall, Justice, March 29, 1761, " Thomas, and Phebe Congdon, both of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder James Weightman, March 17, 1776. " Daniel, of Thomas, oi N Kingstown, and Waite Congdon, of Benjamin, dec; m. by Eber Sherman, Justice, June 4, 1776. " Samuel, of Thomas, and Sarah Allen, of Jonathan ; m. by Elder James Weightman, March 16, 1782. " George, of Thomas, and Elizabeth Allen, of Capt. Jonathan, both of N. Kingstown; m. bj Elder Jam s Weightman, Dec. 2, 1787. " Samuel, of Thomas, and Ann Spink, of Josiah ; m. by Elder Philip Jen kins, Dec. 15, 1798. " , and Izitt Burgess ; m. at Jamestown by Tiddeman Hull, Justice, Jan. 16, . " John, of Thomas and Ruth Congdon, of Benjamin, 3d., dec. ; m. by George Thomas, • Justice, Dec. 15, 17 — . " Thomas, and Hannah Pinder; m. by Thomas Phillips, Justice. 10 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. BOONE Sarah, and Capt. Samuel Rhodes, March 6, 1724. " Ann, and Jackson, Aug. 15, 1725. " Samuel. Jr., and Mer . Dec. 6, 1736, " , and Ephraim Smith, Feb. 4, 1741. " William,, and Ruth HiU; m. by Eld. Samuel Albro, May 21, 1761. " Richard, and Harty Carey, both of N. Kingstown; m. by Samuel Albro, Feb. 28, 1765. " Samuel, of Samuel, and Margaret Smith, of Ephraim,, of N. Kingstown; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Jan. 7, 1767. " Hannah, and Joseph Clarke, Dec. 13, 176 — . " James, of James, and Mary Weightman, of George ; m. by Elder Philip Jenkins, April 19, 1778. " Martha, and Peleg Clarke, March 11, 1734. " Sarah, and Robert i Eldred, Jan. 1, 1789. " Thomas, of North Kingstown, son of ¦— and Mary, and Susannah Gardiner, of Christopher and Mary, Sept. 21, 1704. " Thomas G., of Thomas and Luceanna, and Hannah Reynolds, of Benjamin and ; m by Elder William Northup. " , and_ Nicholas Snipk. BOSS Peter, and Amie Gardiner ; m. by William Spencer, Justice, Jan. 28, 1719-20. Another record reads "23." " Hannah Martin, and Thomas Smith, June 13, 1711. BOTTOM Sarah, and William Learnard, Feb. — , 1708-9. BOWEN Stephen, of Aaron, and Elnathan, of Coventry, R. I., and Rebecca Hill, of Caleb and Mercy, of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder William Northup, April 22, 1802. BRAMAN James, of James and Elizabeth Carpenter ; m. by Rouse Helme, Justice, Dec. 3, 1721. " Hannah, and VJilliam Himes. March 28, 1845. BRENTON Elizabeth McLoughling, and William G. Shaw, M. D., Oct, 16, 1796. BRIGGS Sarah, and Philip Smith, , 17E.0-1. " Rose, and Nathaniel Havens, Feb. — , 1733-4. " Mary, and Fowler, Nov. — , 1737. " William, of N. Kingstown, and Deliverance Shippee, of East Greenwich ; m. by Benjamin Weight, lustice, May 18, 1740. " John, Jr., and Mary Parmelent; ra. by Thomas Hill, Justice, Dec. — , 1740. " James, and Elizabeth ; m. by Thomas Hill, Justice, July — , 1741. " Richard, of Frances, and Susannah Baker, of Jeremiah ; m. by Nicholas Northup, Justice, March 3, 1755. " Susannah, and Nathaniel Spencer, March 16, 175S. " Hannah, and Samuel Fones, April 20, 1760. " Hannah, and Congdon, . 18, 1760. " John, Jr., and Maiy Tanner, ef Palmer, dec; m. by William Hall, Justice, Dec. 25, 1763. " Eunice, and John Pierce, March 24, 1771. " George, of Richard, and Frances Dyre, of Edward; m. by Elder Philip Jen kins, Feb. 10, 1777. " Wealthian, and Charles Brown, Jan. 15, 1778. Silas, and Elizabeth Spencer, both of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder James Wrejghtman, March 26, 1780. William, Jr., of William, and Hannah Dixon, of Robert, of N. Kings town ; m. by Elder Nathan Hill, Dec. 23, 1788. " Paul, and y Carr, of Gideon, of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder Nathan Hill, . 1, 1798. " , and Mary Joslin, 4. . Henry, of William, and Mary Dickson, of Robert, both of N. Kingstown; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Feb. 7, 1802. BROWNING John, and Ann Hazard (of J eremiah) ; m. by Stephen Hazard, Asst., April 21, 1721. " Sarah, and Eleazer Kelley, Oct. 8, 1721. " Rebecca, and Isaac Bull, April 8, 1731. " Mary, and Benoni Albro, Jan. — , 1744. " Isaac, and Elizabetu ; m. by Samuel Thomas, Justice, Dec. 2, 1754. " Samuel, of Isaac, and Lucy Ktngsley, of Samuel, both of North Kingstown; m. by Elder Philip Jenkins, Dec. 31, 1778. NORTH KINGSTOWN MARRIAGES. 11 BROWNING Gardiner, of, Samuel, and Izelt Cole, of John, both of North Kings town; m. by Elder James Wightman, March '27, 1784. " William, of Samuel, dec, and Sarah Cole, of Capt. John, both of North Kingstown ; m. by Eld. James Whitman, Dec 13, 1787. " Mercy, and Joseph Arnold, April '24, 17 . " Samuel, Jr., and, Phebe Wo—; m. by Benjamin Weight, Justice. " Abbie C, and Jeremiah Gar-diner, March 10, 1826. " Mercy, and Isaac Aldrich, Dec. 22, 1846. BROWN Samuel, and Mary ; m. by George Hazard, Justice, Oct. 22, 1702. " (Samuel), and Anna Warner; m. by William Hall, Justice, April 24, 1707. " William, and Elizabeth Robinson ; m. by Christopher Allen, Justice, Nov. 2, 1707. " Deborah, and Thomas Peckham, Oct. 4, 1722. " Sarah, and Joseph Baker, Feb. — , 1733. " Abigail and (Samuel), Phillips 4, 1733. " Alexander and Honor (Huling), ¦ — , 1739. Date wrong, probably 1709. " and Alice Joslin, March 10, 1744. " Daniel, of Warwick, R. I., and Deliverance Medbury, of North Kings town; m. by Robert Hall, Justice, Oct. 25, 1747. " Martha and Nathaniel Gardiner, Aug. 1, 1762. " Charles, Jr., of Charles, and Mary Congdon, of William ; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Dec. 6, 1767. " William, of Samuel, and Anne Tanner; m. by George Northop, Justice, Sept. 2, 1768. " Benjamin, and Waite Reynolds, both of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder Sam uel Albro, Oct. 17, 1771. " Elizabeth, and Anthony Rathbun, Nov. 7, 1771. " Phenix, of Charles, and Dorcas Congdon, of William, dec. ; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Jan. 16, 1772. " Elizabeth, and Nathan' Brown, Sept. 27, 1772. " Nathan., of Ebenezer, and Elizabeth Brown, of John; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Sept. 27, 1772. " Stukeley, and. Sarah Congdon, both of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder James Weightman, July 30, 1775. " Samuel, Jun., of N. Kingstown, and Anna Ha—, of E. Greenwich ; m. by Elder James Weightman, Aug. 27, 1775. " Elizabeth (widow), and Thomas Phillips, Oct. 27, 1776. " Charles, of Samuel, of N. Kingstown, and Weathian Briggs, of E. Green wich; m. by Elder James Weightman, Jan. 15, 1778. " Mary, and James Eldred, Jan. 28, 1779. " Mrs Abigail, and Benedict Brown, M— 23, 1780. " Benedict, of John, and Mrs. Abigail Brown, of Ebenezer, both of N. Kingstown; m. by George Thomas, Justice, May 23, 1780. " Benjamin, of Benjamin, and Elizabeth Cooper, of James; m. by Elder Phillip Jenkins, Nov. 2, 1780. " Margaret, and William Weeden, March 29, 1781. Penelope, .and Anthony Rathbun, Feb. 18, 1787. " Alexander-, of Beriah, of Exeter, and Mary Thurber, of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder Phillip Jenkins, Jan. 2, 1790. " Abigail, and Elisha Gardiner, , — , . " Charles, of Charles, and Sherman, of Samual, , — , ¦ . " Beriah, and Elizabeth Smith; m. by Benjamin Weight, Justice, 30, -, and James Eldred, Honor, and Samuel Hopkins, April 23, (1729-30). James Eldred, of , and Abigail, and Thomas, of George and Han nah; m. by Elder William Northup, July 2, 1802. Ann, and Henry Spencer, July 10, 1806. Mary, and John Eldred, June 8, 1820. Sarah, and John Pierce, Nov. 6, 1825. Elmathan O, of Samuel and Amie, of Westerly, and Frances G. Hazard, of John, of N. Kingstown, May 11, 1827. Joseph, abd Desire C. Pierce, both of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder John Gardiner, Feb. 24, 1828. 12 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. BROWN Elizabeth, and Samuel A. Toothacker, July 26, 1838. " Jane C, and Jeremiah Willis, March 16, 1847. " Nathan, of Newport, and Mar- Gardiner, of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder John Slocum, July 4, 1847. " Harriet, and Daniel Spink, Jun., Oct. 25, 1847. Ann F., and Willett Himes, Oct. 23, 1848. Edmund A., of Daniel, and Margaret C. Tanner, of Abel; m. by Elder Joseph W. Allen, March 25, 1849. " Amie A., and Samuel Greene, Oct. 15, 1849. William, and Avis Ann Spink; m. by ReV. Alfred H. Taylor, Feb. 11, 1850. Ebenezer, of ('William), and Mrs. Sarah Reynolds, (widow of Daniel, dau. Allen Tillinghast), both of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder William R. Slocum, April 23, 1850. " Elizabeth, and George Baker, Jan. 21, . BULLOQK Celinda, and John P. Case, March 17, 1799. " Jabez, of N. Kingstown, and Lydia A. Hammond, of William, dec. ; m. by Rev. John H. Rouse, Nov. 15, 1841. BULL William, and Mary Coggeshall, Oct. 27, 1692. (Another record reads "Ephraim.") " Ephraim, and Hannah Holway, June 20, 1700. (Another record reads " William.") " Isaac, and Rebecca Browning; m. by Daniel Coggeshall, Justice, April 8, 1731. " Hannah, and Eber Harrington, . " John, and Lydia ; m. by Daniel Coggeshall, Justice, . BUNDY Rebecca, and Edward Rogers, July 16,, 1739. BURDICK Joseph, and Abigail Eldred, of Joseph, of N. Kingstown ; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Jan. 1.0, 17 76 BUEGEUSS Izitt, and — Bissell, Jan. 16, . BURGE Anne Shaw,, and — — Thomas, Aug. 9, 1844. BURLINGAME Audrey, and Arnold Thomas, . 22, 1801. " James, and Abbie A. Sweet ; m. by Rev. Joiin Slocum, Dec. 13, 1847. " Alice, and John Sherman, Nov. 7, 1848. " Hazard, and Hannah Gardiner, May 20, 1850. BURNHAM Alva, and Hannah Holloway Oct. 7, 1639. BCI Harriet, and Caleb Carr, Aug. 4, 183-. CAHOONE William and Sarah Carpenter; m. by Benjamm Nichols, Justice, March 10, 1730. CANUDA Jeune, and John Hull, July 11, 1709. CAPRON Jonathan, of E. Greenwich, and ¦ Greene, of N. Kingstown ; m. by Wil liam Hall, Justice, 30, 1756. " John, of Greene, and Ruhuma, of E Greenwich, and Mary Eldred, of James and Mary ; Dec 4, 1S03. CARDER Thomas R., and Mary E. Hoxsie, both of E. Greenwich; m. by Rev. C. C. Lewis, Sept. 6, 1849. CARD James, of James, and Martha Wait or West, March 4, 1702-3. " Mary, and Joseph Straight, May 15, 1735. " Martha, and David Alverson, — 30, 1735. " Stephen and ; m. by Thomas Northup, Justice, 8, 1740. " Phillip, of N. Kingstown, and Catherine Davis; m. by Thomas Hill, Jus tice, Dec. 3, 1741. " Elizabeth, and • ; m. by El'shn Clarke, Justice, April 12, 1752. " - — ; and Hannah Dyer; m. by Elisha Clarke, Justice, April 2, 1752. " Job, and Martha Eldred ; m. by Samuel Albro, Justice, Nov. 1, 1756. " Sarah, and John Olin Jun, Oct. 13, 1765. " Elizabeth, and Daniel Dawley, Nov. 20, 1774. " Job, of N. Kingstown, son of Jo—, dec, and Barbara Smith, widow of Samuel, and dau. of Benjamin Northup; m. by Eber Sherman, Justiee» June 5, 1782. " Mary, and ; m. by William Spencer, Justice, Oct. 15, . NORTH KINGSTOWN MARRIAGES. 13 CARD , and Martha West; m. by William Hall, Justice, March 24, . Phillip, of Peleg and Alice, and Anstris Helme, of William, and Mar garet; m. by Elder William Northup, Aug. 20, 1807. " Robert, of N. Kingstown, a.id Mary Gardiner, of Exeter; m. by Elder Gershem Palmer,' Sept. 5, 1813. " Martha G., and Horatio N. Arnold, March 29, 1842. " Phillip, and Mrs. Jemima Congdon; m. by Rev. John Slocum, Aug. 11, 1844. CARPENTER Elizabeth, and James Braman, Dec. 3, 1721. " Sarah, and William Cahoone, March 10, 1730. " Tabitha, and ; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Feb. 22, 1732. " Daniel, and Renewed ;. m. by Daniel Coggeshall, Justice, April 29. 1733. " Jeremiah, of East Greenwich, and Elizabeth Reynolds, of N. Kingstown; m. by Samuel Casey, Jus' ice, Dec. 25, 1737. " Dinah, of John, and Joshua Greene, Feb. 12, 1746. " Sarah, and John Reynolds, Jan. 17, 1702. " Elisha, of , Kerit Co., R. I., and Lydia Greene of N. Kingstown; m. by William Hall, Justice, Sept. 20, 1767. " Christopher G., and, . " Hanmah, and , Oct. 30, 17— " and Joshua Greene, Feb. 12, . " Hannah, and Benjn. Rathbun, Oct. 31, . " Francis, and Elizabeth Case, of Joseph. Oct. 4, 1801. " , of\Joshua, and William Baker, of Benjamin; Dec. 5, 1803. " Jeremiah, of Ephraim and Mary, of S. Kingstown, and Prudence Bailey, of Ell and Hannah, of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder Thomas Manchester, March 25, 1806. " Jeremiah, of William and Elizabeth Vaughn, of John, of E. Greenwich; m. by Elder Uershem Palmer, Feb. 5, 1809. " Sarah, and Pardon Vaughn, March 4, 1809. " John J. Jr., of John J. of Providence, and Hannah G. Hall, of Slocum; m. by Rev. James R. Stone, Oct. 22, 1843. " Charles S., of E. Greenwich, and Susie R. Carpenter, of N. Kingstown; m. by Ryv. John H. Rouse, Oct. 8, 1846. " Susie R., and Charles S. Carpenter, Oct. 8, 1846. CASEY Sai'ah, and Ebenezer Slocum, Oct. 11, 1772. " Joseph, of William and Sarah, and Anna Reynolds, of George and Sarah, of Exeter; m. by Elder William Northup, March 31, 1799. " Sally,* and. Isaac Aylesworth, April 18, 1808. 'This should be Carey. CASE Margaret, and Abraliam Perkins, June 29, 1718. " Sanford, and Godfrey, of East Greenwich; m. toy William Hall, Justice, Sept. 1, 1761. " Immanuel, Jr., and A. Rathbun,; m. by Elder Samuel Albro, Oct. 4, 1761. " Ann, and Benjn. Fowler, Jan. 2, 1763. " Sarah, and Thomas Clarke, Dec 20, 1770. I " Freelove, and Josiah Arnold, July 9, 1775. " Immanuel, of South Kingstown, and Lydia Allen, of North Kingstown; m. by Elder James Weightman, May 12, 1782. " ¦ — — , dau of Immanuel; m. .at N. Kingstown to , by Eld. Nathan Hill; ree. Sept. 18, 1784, " John P., of Immanuel, and Celinda Bullock, of John; m. by Eld. Wil liam Northup, March 17, 1799. " Elizabeth, and Francis Carpenter, Oct. 4, 1801. " Blisha, of Joseph and Abigail, and Anne Clarke, of Thomas and Sarah; m. by Eldel- William Northup, April 18, 1805. " ,, ,and Harriet Holloway ; m. by B. L. Peckham, Justice of Peace, April 21, 1814. " Ann P., atnd William A. Shaw ; ree. Feb. 1, 1848. CARR Anne, and ¦ Norihup, , 1715-6, " Mercy, and James Wightman, Feb. 1, 1776. " Oliver, of Jamestown, and Phebe Allen, of Joshua, April — , 1776. " Samuel, of John and Frances Eldred, of Joseph; m. by Ge.rga Thomas, Justice of Peace, Jan. 17, 1779. 14 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. CARR William, of Daniel and Elizntoetth Pierce, of Silas, both of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder Phillip Jenkins, 13, 1794. " —i—, and Paul Briggs, 1, 1798. " Robert Robinson, of ¦ , and Abbie. of Newport, and Mary Davis, of Benjn. and Phebe, of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder William Northup, Feb. — , 1802. Phebe,. and Joseph Eldred, Jan. 15. 1802. " Mary, and William Thomas, Jan. 1, 1808. " Caleb, of Warwick, and Harriet Bu— , of N. Kingstown ; m. by Rev. James R. Stone, Aug. 4, 183—. " Mary M., and Ebenezer Rose, June 11, 1843. " Phebe Ann, and William Rose, Nov. 22, 1843. CEASER Solomon, (negro), and Sweet; m. by Elder Benjn. Harrington, Dec. 12, 1735. " William, and Sarah Wolmesley (col.); m. by George Thomas, Justice of . Peace, March 25, 1768. " Joseph, of N. Kingstown, and Freelove King, of E. Greenwich;, m. by Benjamin Barton, Justice of Peace, Aug. 10, 1780. CHADSEY Jabez, atod Honor Huling (Alexander) ; m. by Edward Dyre, Justice of Peace, March — , 1751. " Jabez, of N. Kingstown, and Mary Corey, of W. Greenwich; m. at N. K. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Sept. 1, 1774. William, and Barbara Eldred, both of N. Kingstown ; m. by Eber Sher man, Justice of Peace, 21, 1776. " Jabez, of Jabez and (Hannah) Greene, of Jeremiah, dec, both of N. Kingstown : m. by Eld Phillip Jenkins, Sept. 30, 1779. " Honor, and Benjamin Jenkins, April 13, 1780. " John, of Jabez, of N. Kingstown, and Alice Fierce, of John, of E. Green wich ; m. at E. G. by George Spencer, Justice of Peace, May 9, 1791. " Jabez (of William, dec), of N. Kingstown, and Martha Greene, widow of Archibald, of E. Greenwich ; m. by George Spencer, Justice of Peace, March 21, 1792. " Elizabeth, and Jonathan Slocum ; m. by Elder Philip Jenkins ; ree. Jan!. 30, 1794. " Circuit, of Jabez and Honor, and Rachel Aylesworth, of Jeremiah and Ann; m. by Elder William Northup, March 17, 1803. " Rowland, of Jabez and Honor, and Patty Pearce, of John' and Eunice ; m. by Elder William Northup, June 22, 1803. '" George, and Elizabeth Spencer, both of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder Wil liam Northup, Oct. 16, 1803 ; ree. April 21, 1804. " Alee, and Samuel R. Aylesworth, Aug. 17, 1808. " Henry T., of Jeremiah G. and Almira W Wightman, both or* N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder J. W. Allen, June 13, 1830. " Elizabeth, and Thomas S. Baker, Jan. 18, 1838. " Mariah W., and Charles F. Woodworth, Nov. 30, 1846. CHAMBERLAND Elizabeth, 'and Thomas Bentley, June 6, . CHAMPLAIN William, and Lucy Lewis; m. by Isaiah Wilcox, Justice, June 18, 1786. " Emblem, and ' ; m. by Elisha Cole, Assistant, Dec. 25, 1721. " Jeffrey, and Mary Northup, of Henry ; m. by William Hall, Justice, Sept. 20, 1725. " Benjamin, of Daniel G.,i of Exeter, and Amie Ann Pierce, of Elisha, of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder J. W. Allen, Sept. 28, 1837. " Benjamin W. and Abbie Arnold; m. by Elder William Northup, Nov. 19, 1837. " George Leroy, of Isaac and Ann, and Clara H. Thomas, of Samuel and Ann, , — , 1847. CHAPPELL James, of S. Kingstown, and Virtue Seranton. of N. Kingstown; m. by Samuel Thomas, Justice, April 4, 1751. " Khoda Ann, and James Eldred, Oct. 3, 1842. Esther C, and Esbon Sanford, Aug. 12, 1850. CHASE Nahum, (mariner), and Bethlah Ayres; m. by William Spencer, Justice, March 8, 1727-8. " Phebe, and Jeremiah Harrington, Feb. — , 1753. " Sarah, and Benjn. Congdon, Nov. — , 1748. " Annie, and Cato Greene, . — , 1779. NORTH KINGSTOWN MARRIAGES. 15 CHASE William E. (schoolmaster), of Josiah s., and Charity, of Uxbrldge, Mass., aged 25 years, and Hannah B. Reynolds, of Henry and Ruth, aged 26 yeais; m. by Rev. Joseph A. Tillinghast, Oct. 3, 1848. " , and James Congdon, . — , . " Jonathan, and (Mary Huling, widow of James). Sept. 3, . CHURCH George H., of George H., and Sarah Gneene Eldred, of Ishmeal ; m. by Rev. John Enock Cheshire, June 13, 1853. Sarah E., and Henry M. Coffin, Dec. 1, 1868. CLARKE William, and Ann Greene ; m. by William Hall, Assistant, Nov. 8, 1730. " Margaret, and , of E. Greenwich; m. by George Tibbetts, May — , 1736. " , and Joseph Bakrer, — . 13, 1754. " Cary, of Caleb, amd Dyre, dau. of Geo. Thomas; m. by Samuel Thomas, Justice, April 6, 1755. " Elisha, and Desire Gardiner; m. by Rev. Samuel Albro, April 10, 1703. " Sarah, and Carr Northup,, March 9, 1766. " Susannah, and John Nichols, March 19, 1769. " Joseph, and Hannah Bo me. Dec. 13, 176—. " Thomas, of Elisha, of N. Kingstown, and Sarah Case, of Josieph, of N. K. ; m. by Elder Solomon Sprague, Dec. 20, 1770. " Peleg, of Oornealius, of E. Greenwich, and Martha Boone, of James, dec., of N. Kingstown; m. at N. K. by George Thomas, Justice, March 11, 1784. " Hannah, and Henry Gardinier, Oct. 26, 1796. " William, of Thomas, of N. Kingstown, and Sarah Hamilton, of Frederic, June 18, 1797. " Patience, and Augustus Morey, May 4, 17 — . " Elizabeth, and James Huling, May 15, . " Margaret, and Peter, , . " May, and ^—t; m. by JeTemiah Gould, Assistant, June 11, 17 — . " Mary, and Benjamin Wart, Jan. 24, 1805. " Anna, and Elisha Case, April 18, 1805. " Elisha, of Thomas and Sarah, and Phebe Reynolds, of Henry and Mary; m. by Elder William Northup, Aug. 5, 1810. " Benjamm T., of Thomas and Sarah, and Mary Ann Reynolds, of Henry and Mary ; m. by Elder William Northup, Jan. 14, 1811. " Esther, and Dickinson ; ree. April 19, 1822. CLEAVELAND Palmer, and Esther Northup, widow of David; m. by John Cong don, Justice of Peace, July 1, 1751. " Deborah, and Tripp, March 8, 1743. " Deliverance, of Exeter, a.nd Hannah , of N. Kingstown ; m. by Thomas Hill, Justice of Peace, ¦ 7, 1743. " John, Esq., and Elizabeth Enos, widow; m. by George Thomas (of Samuel), Justice of Peace,, Jan. 28, 1773. " John, and Mercy Sweet; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, 4,. . COBB Thomas, and Hannah Austin ; m. by Elisha Clarke, Justice of Peace, . 1, 1753. " Mercy, and Jeremiah Niles, Dec. 29, 1778. CODNER Samuel, and Mary Bates; m. by Jeffrey Watson, Justice of Peace, Dec. 28, 1740. COFFIN Henry Martin, arid Sarah Eldred Church; m. by Rev. Justus Aldrich, Dec. 1, 1868. i COGGESHALL Mary, and! Ephraim Bull, Oct. 27, 1692. Mary, and William Bull, Oct. 27, 1692. " Joshua, and Reynolds; m. by Jeremiah Gould, Justice of Peace, , 1725-6. " Waite,, and James Gardiner, March 15, 1749. " Ann, and Ephraim Gardiner, March 12, 1758. " Elizabeth, and William Hall, Aug. — „ 177.3'. " Christopher, of Benjamin, of E. Greenwich, and Anna Hall, of Daniel, of N. Kingstown; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Oct. 13, 1780. " Mrs. Hannah, and John Maguin, Dec. 13, 3 798 " , and Samuel Fry, . 20, . 16 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. COGGESHALL , and John Sheffield, , . Peleg A., of Peleg, of Portsmouth, and - — Aylesworth, of Samuel D.„ of N. Kingstown; m. by Rev. C. C. Lewis, Ree Dec. 19, 1849. COLE Rebecca, and Hill, March 25„ 173—. " Janie, and Samuel Albro, Dee. 3, 1758. " Martha, and Stephen Northup, . — , 1780. " Benjamin, Jr., of N. Kingstown, and Patty Wigjh'hman; m. by Elder Na than Hill, Nov. 2, 1783. " Izitt, and Gardiner Browning, May 27, 1784. " Sarah, and William Browning, Dec. 13, 1787. " Benjamin, and . widow of Samuel Place ; m. by Benjamin Allen, Justice,, . 19, . Hutchinson A., and Sally B. • ; m. by Elder William Northup, Oct. 1, 1817. " George H. T., of Hutchinson A. and Sally B., and Eliza Melissa Crumb, of , and- Susan; m. by Eev. John H. Rouse, Sept. 19, 1848. COLLINS William, of the Continenal Ariiiy, and Catherine Smith of N.Kingstown; m. by Elder Phillip Jenkins, June 3. 1779. COMFORT Abigail, and , Feb. 14, 170—. CONGDON Benjamin, and Elizabeth Sweet, of Benoni; m. by Elisha Cole, assist ant, Nov. 22, 1722. " , and Patience Northup ; m. by William Hall, Justice of Peace, Nov. 16, 1727. " James, and Mary Vaughn ;m. by William Spencer, Justice of Peace, March 30, 1732. " William, and Ann Gifford; m. by Daniel Coggeshall, Justice of Peace, March 30, 1732. " Benjamin, of Benjamin, Jr., and Sarah Chase, of Jonathan ; m. by Im manuel Northup, Justice of Peace, Nov. — , 1748. " Joseph, of Benjamin, and Wall, of John ; m. by Samuel Thomas, Jus tice of Peace, Jan. 10, 1754. " , of Joseph, and Hannah Briggs,, of John; m. by George Northup, Justice of Peace, — — . 18, 1760, " John, Jr., of N. Kingstown, and Abigail Rose, of S. Kingstown; m. by Rev. Joseph Torrey, July 9, 17—; ree. June 29, 1761. " Patience, and Ephraim Gardiner, Oct. 19, 1761. " George, of Joseph, and Ann . both of N. Kingstown ; m. by George Northup, Justice of Peace, April 3, 1764. " Susannah, and Ezekiel Gardiner, May — „ 1764. " Mary, and Charles Brown, Dec. 6, 1767. " Dorcas, and Phenix Brown, Jan. 16„ 1772. " Sarah, and Stukeley Brown, July 30,, 1775. " Mary, and Stephen Sweet, Jan. 28, 1776. " Phebe, and Thomas Bissell, March 17, 1776. " Waite,. and Daniel Bissell, June 4, 1776. George, and Deborah Himes; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Oct. 25, 1781. " Sarah, and Benjamin Davis, Dec. 6, 1781. Henry, of John (of Exeter), dec, and Sarah Vaughn, widow of Jeremiah, late of N. Kingstown, dec ; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Feb. 8, 1787. " Abigail, and Esbon Sanford, March 25, 1787. Thomas R., of N. Kingstown, and Betsey Stewart, of Preston, Conn.; m. by Elder Levi Hart, — 19, 1789. " -J— ah. and Benjamin Shaw, Oct. 13, 1793. — . and Mrs. Dorcas, dau. of Capt. Joshua Allen, of N. Kingstown, at do. ; m. by George Thomas, Justice, of Peace, Feb. 23, 1795. Stephen, of N. Kingstown, and Thankful Stewart, of Preston, Conn.; m. by Elder Samuel Tyler, Juno 24, 1795. ¦Henry, of James, of N. Kingstown, and Sweet, widow', of N. Kings town ; m. by Elder Nathan Hill, 29, 1795. Capt. Daniel, and Mrs. Hannah Thurston, of S. Kingstown; m. by Elder Benjamin Weight, Jan. 24, 1797. Ruth unil John I U.srll, Dec. 15, 17—. " Elizabelh, and S.las Gardner, IH-e. 20. . NORTH KINGSTOWN MARRIAGES. 17 CONGDON Frances, and George Northup, Dec. 20, . " Phebe B. 'and Thomas G. Allen. " Hannah and John J. Reynolds, April 9, 18—. " Anna and — Sherman. " James, of William (dec.) and Chase. James, of N. Kingstown, and Lydia Hedley, of PortsmoutJ?, da,u of , and Rachel. " Frances, of and John, m. by Elder David Sprague, June 19, . George, Jr., of George antt , of Zubanon; m. by Georye Thomas, Justice of Peace, Oct. 8, 1807. Stephen, of William and Ann, and Mercy Spencer, dau. of Jonathan and Ell zabeth Allen, im. at Exeter, Jan. 1,7, 1814. Henry, of James and Lydia. and Waltey Weaver, dau. of David and Mary Cottrell;m. by Elder William Northup,, Feb. 5, 1816. Joseph, of John and Mary, and Phebe Congdon, dau. of William and Phebe Bailey, m. by Elder William Northup. Feb. 23, 1817. " Phebe and Joseph Congdon, Feb. 23, 1817. " , of Daniel and Hannah, and Spink, of Samuel and Elizabeth ; m. by Elder William Northup, recorded June — , 1821. " Benjamin H., of ' Benjamin S.^ and Abbie Ann Spink, of Job; m. by Elder Edwili Stillman, Feb. 12, 1844. " Mrs. Jemima, and Philip Card,. Aug. 11, 1844. " Thomas, of Benjamin, and Eliza Ann Spink, of Boone ; m. by Rev. El- bridge Gale, Dec. 15, 1845. " W., and Mercy Rathbun, Nov. 8, 1846. " Gideon G., of Gideon G. and Elizabeth, of Warwick, R. I., and Mary Nichols Reynolds, of William B. and Susan, of N. Kingstown ; m. by Rev. A. Judson Chaplin, Dec. 14, 1840. " Hannah S., and Danitl S. Hazard, ree. July 15, 1847. " Elizabeth, and Henry S. Tourgee, Novi 13, 1848. CONNELLY Bridget R,, and George S. A. Patterson. COOK, Sarah (widow), and Daniel McCocne, June 19, 1705. " Sarah, and John Ney, Oct. 26, 1710. " Philip, of Charles and Annie, and Hannah Thomas, of Benjamin and Aus tin ; m. by Elder William Northup, Feb. 15, 1799. COOPER Abigail, and Matthew Cooper, Oct. 15, 1721. " ¦ Matthew, and Abigail Cooper, 'Oct. 15, 1721. " Gilbert, of Matthew, and Elizabelh Davis, of John, dec; m. by Samuel Thomas, Justice of Peace, April 7, 1755. " , and Jemima Hart ; m. by Ephraim Gardiner, Justice of Peace, Feb. 28, 1760. " Matthew, and Rebecca Spink, of Capt. Benjamin; m. by William Smith, Justice of Peace, April 1, 1763. " Margaret, and John Bawly, Sept. 17, 1772. " Mary, and John Slocum. Dec. 5, 1779. " Elizabeth, and Benjamin Brown. Nov. 2, 1780. " , of Thomas, dec, and , of Capt. Benjamin ; in. by Elder Na than ,'Hill, May — , 17S2. . " James, Jr., and Ruth Warner, 28, . " Mary, and John P. Whitford, Aug. 5, 1803. " Edmund, of N. Kingstown, son of Gilbert, and Bleanora Miner, of Snow ; m. by Joshua B. Rathbun, Justice of Peace, June 10, 1829. " Elizabeth, and Daniel Northup, March 30, 1841. " John, and Mrs. Lydia Smith; m. by Eev. J. R. Stone, Jan. 19, 1842. COREY' Ann, and Thomas Allen, Sept. 4, 1756. " Harty, and Richard Boone, Feb. 28, 1765. " John, Jr., and Mary Greene ; m. by Elder Samuel Albro, Nov. 13, 1766. " Job, of John, Jr., and Elizabeth Pearce, of N. Kingstown; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, July 30, 1767. " William,- of Caleb, of N. Kingstown, and Martha Herce, of Benjamin, of Warwick; m. by Robert Hall, Justice of Peace, 1771; ree. Sept. 14, 1771. ' ' " John, of Thomas, dec, and Anna Allen, of Christopher; m. by Elder Phillip Jenkins, Dec. 7, 1772. " John, of Samuel, of Richmond, R. I., and Abigail Smith, of Thomas, of N. Kingstown; hi. tiy George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Nov. 7, 1773. ¦ . (Vit. Ree.,. Vol. 5.) 2 18 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. COREY" Mary, and Jabez Chadsey, Sept. 1, 1774. " Sarah, and Nicholas Hart, March 19, 1779. " Esther, and Eldred Reynolds, April 26, 1792. " Mary, and William Hall, June 8, 1803. " Wilham, of William and Elizabeth, and Mary Allen, of Christopher and Margaret; m. by Elder William Northup, Dec. 4, 1812. " Mary, and Benjamm Gardiner, Jan. 28, 1822. William, and , Nov. 26, . CORNELL Abigail, and Caleb Sisson, Aug. 27, 1769. COTTRELL Rachel, and ; m. by William Spencer, Justice of Peace, March 2, 1737. " John, son of Rachel Osborne, and Rogers; m. by James Eldred, Justice of Peace, Nov. 16, 1752. -' Abigail, and Stephen Reynolds, 3, . " Phebe, and . 11 , and Elizabeth Gardiner ; m. by William Hall, Assistant, Dec. — , COZ'ZENS William E., and Elizabeth A. Hunt, Dec. — , . CO Sarah, and Simon Smith, Nov. — , 1739. CRANDALL Jonathan, and , July 26, 1739. Samuel, and Hannah Reynolds, of Joseph, Dec. 12, . " Anstis, and David Northup, March 9, 1789. CRANSTON Ann. and Samuel Spink, Nov. 9. 1837. " Sarah F., and Benj. P. Tucker. CHOWDER Mary, and Wilkes. Jan. 14, 1732-3. CEOWELL Sarah, and John' Straight, Nov. 19, 1721. CRO Esther, and Silas Helme, May 5, 1800. CRUMB Eliza Melissa, and George H. T. Cole, Sept. 19, 1848. CLTLVERWELL Thomas, and Abigail ; m. by George Hazard, Justice of Peace, Feb. 22, 1719-20. CUTTER Thomas, and Talman ; m. by Nicholas Northup, Justice of Peace; ree. July 8, 1763. " John, of W. Greenwich, late of N. Kingstown, and Rosanna Straight of W. Greenwich, Oct, 23, . D DAKE Elizabeth,, and Ebenezer Moon, Jr., June 12, 1735. DALEY Sarah, and James Sweet, — 4, 1736. DARE Mary, and Wescott, Aug. 17, 1718. .DAVIS Ann, and Robert Aylesworth, May 20, 1708. " Isabelle, and Thomas Loveless, Nov. — , 1734. Catherine, and Phillip Card, Dec. 3, 1741. " Elizabeth, and Gilbert Cooper, Apr. 7, 1755.' Joshua, and (Hannah) Spink, (dau. of John) ; m. by Elder Samuel Albro, May IS, 17g0. Mary, and Jonathan Dean, Jan. 4, 1775. ( " Abigail,, and Christopher Greene, May 19, 177—, Benjamin, and Sarah Congdon; in. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Dec. 6, 1781.J ¦" Elizabeth, and Gardinei Reynolds, Apr. 23, 1786. Phe" e, and George Thomas, Nov. 15, 1787. " Lebarca, and Samuel E. Gardiner, March 27, 1799. Ephraim, of John, and Mary Fones, of Jeremiah, 30, — . " Stephen, and Anne Hill. , and Daniel Thomas ; recorded March 29, . " Mary, and Zarobabel Wescott, Aug. 17, . " Elizabeth, and Smith , . — , . " Mary, and Eobert E. Carr, Feb. — , 1802. DAWLEY John,, and Mary Tripp; m. by William Hall, Justice of Peace, . 1, 1729-30. ~= " Lydia, and — Gardiner, . -J 1736. " John, of John, and Margaret Cooper, of Mancer; m. by Elder Phillip, Jenkins, Sept. 17, 1772. NORTH KINGSTOWN MARRIAGES. 19 DAWLEY Daniel, of Nathan, of Exeter, and Elizabeth Card, of N. Kingstown, dau. of Phillip; m. by George Thomas, Justice, . 28, . " „ and Freelove Allen; m. by George Tibbeth, Justice, .28, . " Mary Abbie, and David Northup, Feb. 18„ 1844. DEAN Jonathan, of W. Greenwich, and Nichols, of Thomas, of W. Kings town ; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Nov. 14, 1773. " Jonathan, of W. Greenwich, and Mary Davis, of* N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder James Wightman, Jan. 4, 1775. " William, of N. Y., of Newport, R. I., and Rebecca Williams,, of Benja min, of N. .Kingstown ; m. by Elder John Slocum, Oct. 11, 1847. DIMOND Benjamin, and Abigail Tourgeie; m. by Elisha Clarke, Justice, Sept. 27, 1753. " , and Elizabeth Huling; m. by William Hall Justice, April 17, 1760. " John, of Benjamin, and Elizabeth Aylesworth, of Jeremiah; m. by Elder Philip Jenkins, April 26, 1798. " Elizabeth, and John Fowler, March 15, 1804. Eunice, and Samuel Munroe, Sept. 9, 1832. DICKERSON Mary, and Elisha Reynolds, Feb. 19. 1758. DICKINSON Mary, and Elisha Reynolds,' Feb. 9, 1758. " Charles, and Mary Slocum ; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Dec. 20, 1782. " William A., aud Phebe Greene ; m. by J. A. Tillinghast, Justice, Jan. 17, 18—. " , . of Charles, and Esther Clarke, of Gardiner ; m. by Elder William Northup ; recorded April 19, 1822. DICKSON Mary, and Henry Briggs, Feb. 7, 1802. DICK Jemima, and John Onyon, Jr., June 15, 1755. DIXON Hannah, and William Briggs, Dec 23,, 1788. DOLLINER Rebecca, and , Sept. — , 1706. DONISON Jonathan, of Providence, son of Capt. William, dec, and Avis Huling, of Alexander, of N. Kingstown; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Pea.ce, Aug. 8, 1773. DOUGLASS Mary, and Lewiston, May — , 1767. " Thomas, of N. Kingstown, son of James and Elizabeth Hazard, of James town ; m. at E. Greenwich by John Briggs, Justice of Peace, Feb. 24, 1776. " David, and Susan C. Sherman, Jan. 7, 1850. DOWNING Rebecca, and Thomas Eldred, March 26, 1730. DURGAN James, and EUzabeth Reynolds, of Thomas; m. by Eev. J. E. Stone, April 20, 1841. DY-EE Mary, and William Allen, Feb. 19, 1737-8. " Freelove, and ; m. by Thom::s Hill, Justice of Peace, April 9, 1741. " Edward, and Elizabeth Fish, N.rv. 29, 1750. " Hannah, and Card, April 21, 1752. " , and Cary Clarke, April 6, 1755. " William, and Sarah Baker; m. by Elder James Wightman, Sept. 23, 1770. " Frances, and George Briggs, Feb. 10, 1777. " Abigail, and Arthur Aylesworth, Jr., Sept. 14, 1783. " Samuel, of John, and Waite Eldred, of Thomas, deceased; m. by Elder Phillip Jenkins, July 13, 1786. " Freelove, and John Pierce. " Buth, and Ishmeal Spink, March 19, 1804. " Charles F., and Mrs. Harriet Tourgee; m. by Elder John Slocum, July 21, 1845. EAELE Mary, and Joseph Sheffield, Jan. 27, 1708. " John , and Sarah Potter ; m. by Christopher Allien, Justice of Peace, March 19, 1711-12. EASTLIX John, of Prudence Island, and Amie Bates, Oct. 24, 1762. ELDRED Elizabeth, and Mapes Barber, May 23, 1705. " Mary and Nicholas Gardiner, Oct. 13, 1709. " Penelope, and Ephraim Gardiner, April 28, 1713. " Margaret, and William Gardiner, June 12, 1718. 20 VITAL EBCOED OF EHODE ISLAND. ELDEED Freelove, and Nicholas Northup, June 23, 1720. " Freelove, and Charles Northup. June 23, 1720. " Thomas of N. Kingstown, and Abigail Tucker, of Groton ; m. by John Plumb, Justice of Peace, Oct. 12, 1727. " Thomas and Rebecca Downing; m. by William Spencer, Justice of Peace, March 26, 1730. " Capt. John, and Mary Greene, of John; m. by William Hall, Justice of Peace, Aug. 9, 1733. « , and Waite Gould; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Sept. 1, 1734. " Margaret, and Eber Sherman, Feb. — , 1738. " Thankful, and Daniel Seranton, Sept. 22, 1744. " Martha, and Job Card, Nov. 1, 1750. « , alrd Martha Weeden ; m. by Elder David Sprague, April — , 1759. " Benedict, and Patience Smith; m. by Thomas Phillips, Justice of Peace, , 1764. " Martha, widow of Thomas, of N. Kingstown, and Nicholas , of E. Greenwich; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, July 5, 1769. Gardiner, and Mrs. Martha ; .in. by Georg ©Thomas (of Samuel) Justice of Peace, Jan. — , 1773. " Elizabeth, and Havens Sherman, Oct. 10, 1773. " Abigail, and Joseph Burdick, Jan. 10, 1776. " Barbary and William Chadsey, 21, 1776. " Rhoda (col.) and Prince Greene, June 21, 1778. " Lydia, and John Spink, Dec 27, 1778. " Frances, and Samuel Carr, Jan. 17, 1779. " James, of Seth, and Mary Brown; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Jan. 28, 1779. Waite, and Samuel Dyre, July 13, 1786. " Robert, of James, and Sarah Boone, of James; m. by Elder Nathan Hill, Jan. 1, 1789. " Thomas, of Thomas, and Sarah Spink, of Ishmeal; m. by Elder Philip Jenkins, 24, 1790. " Elizabeth, and Vernon Hiames, Aug. 26, 1795. " Daniel, and Mary Philips ; m. by William Smith, pastor Trinity Church. Jan. 10, 1799. Elizabeth, and Benedict Peckham, Sept. 6, 17—. " Abigail, and John Watson, March 14, — — ¦ " James, and Brawn, of Samuel; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, , . " Elizabeth, and ; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, May " Elisha, and Elizabeth, — , . " Beriah, of James and Lucy, and Elizabeth Peckham, of Benedict and Elizabeth; m. by Elder William Northup, Sept. 7, 1800. " Joseph, of William and Lydia, and Phebe Carr, widow, dau. of James and Ruth Cooper; m. by Elder William Northup, Jan. 15, 1802. " James, of Robert and Hannah, and Joanna Wilson (widow), dau. of George and Joanna Reynolds, of Exeter, though said Joanna Is of Eichmondtown ; m. by Elder William Northup, June 8, 1803. " Mary, and John Capron, Dec. 4, 1804. Susan, and George 'Tillingbast, Sept. 4, 1806. " Beriah, and Elizabeth Reynolds, of Hezekiah ; m. by George Thomas, Town Clerk, April 27, 1807. I " Hannah, and Samuel Spink; ree. Jan. 8,i 1814. " John, of Thomas and Mary Brown, of Phenix; m, by Elder Gersham Palmer, June 8,. 1820. " Ishmael, of Thomas and Caroline Allen, of Thomas G. ; m. by Elder Joseph W. Allen, May 12. .1830. " James, of and Phebe, and Rhoda Ann Chappell, of Francis and .Beth- sheba; m. by Rev. Lemuel N. Burge, Oct. 3, 1842. " Sarah, and Richard Smith,, March 9, 1846. " John O, and Abbie F. Rathbun ; m. by Elder John Slocum, June 13, 1847. " Sarah G., and George H. Church, June 13, 1853. ELEY Elizabeth, and George Mariner, Sept. — , 1722. NORTH KINGSTOWN MARRIAGES. 21 ELLIS Darius, and > ; m. by Samuel Fones^ Justice of Peace, Sept. 23, 1715. " „ and Mary Hall, Feb. 6, 1731-2. " Ruth, and William Havens, Jan. 2, 1766. ENOS Elizabeth, and John Cleaveland, Jan. 28, 1773. ESSEX Richard, of Hugh,, of Warwick, R. I., and Mary Aylesworth, of Arthm', of N. 'Kingstown ; m. by John Gorton, Justice of Peace, July S4, 1768. " Catherine, and Russell Austin, Nov. — , 1802. " Phebe, and Arnold Spink, Nov. 3, 1812. FINEY Mrs. Ruth. xVnn, and Daniel Allen, July 27, 1845. FISH Hannah, and ; m. by Elder Benjamin Harrington, May 7, 1738. " Elizabeth, and Edward Dyre, Nov. 29, 1750. FOSTEE Ann, and Bartholomew Hunt, Nov. 30, 1785. FONES Mary, and Joseph Smith, Dec. 18, 1724. " , and Baker, daughter of Benjamin, , 1725. " Sarah, and Thomas Scranton, March — , 1725-6. " Mary, and Ebenezer Hill, Jan. 1, 1729-30. " Mary, widow of Samuel, and — ; m. by Thomas Northup, Justice of Peace, Nov. 13, 1738. " Elizabeth and John Gardiner, Jan. 4, . " Mary, and Ephraim Davis, . " Lydia, and . " James, and Elizabeth Havens, Feb. . " Margaret, and Eobert Whltford, May 10, . " Mary, and Edward York, Jan. — , 1755. " Mary, and Ebenezer Hill ; ree Nov. 12, 1756. " Samuel, and Hannah Briggs ; m. by William Hall, Justice of Peace, April 26, 1760. FONES ¦ , and John Spencer ; recorded Aug. 3, 1767. " Martha, and Daniel ; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace ; recorded . — , 1768. " Elizabeth, and Christopher Gardiner, Feb. 18, 1775. " Mary,, and Henry Reynolds, May 15, 1785. " Daniel, and Catherine Austin, of James ; m. by Elder Nathan Hill, Jan. 9, 1791. " Rebecca, and Benjamin Tanner, Sept. 25, 1799. " , of James, and > Reynolds, of Peter; m. by William Hall, Jus tice of Peace, Dec. 23, . FOWLER Isaac, and Mary Hopkins; m. by Rouse Helme, Justice of Peace, Jan. 15, 1720-21. " Thomas,, and Mary Hopkins ; m. by Rouse Helme, Justice of Peace, Jan. 15, 172-. " Deborah, and Paske Whltford, July 5, 1723. " 1—, of E. Greenwich, and Mary Briggs ; m. by George Tlbbetts, Justice of Peace, Nov. — , 1737. " Mary,, and ; m. by James Eldred, Justice of Peace, Feb. 17, 1754. " — , and William Weeden,, Nov. — , 1755. " Benjamin, and Ann Case ; m. by Elder Samuel Albro, Jan. 2, 1763. " Delewey, and Sarah Hunt; jm. by William Hall, Justice of Peace, March 11, 1764. " William, of E. Greenwich, and Frances Berry, of Nathaniel; m. by George Thomas (of Samuel), Justice of Peace, Nov. 7. 1765. " Benjamin, of N. Kingstown, son of George, and Freelove Nichols, of W. Greenwich; m. by Elder Solomon Sprague', Dee. 15, 1771. " George, Jun., and Elizabeth Wightman ; m. by Elder James Wightman, Dec. 10, 1781. " Benjamin, of N. Kingstown, and Huldali Randall, of Warwick; m. by Elder John Pitman, Oct. 23, 1791. " Mary, and Peleg Weeden, 5, 1803. " John, of Deleway, of E. Greenwich, and Elizabeth Dimond, widow of John, dau. of Jeremiah Aylesworth ; m. by Judge Jo) n Allen, March 15, 1804. 22 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. FOWLER Samuel Carr, and Elizabeth Fones Havens ; m. by Richard Thomas, Jus tice of Peace, Aug. 19, 1819. " Henry, and Mary W. Baker ; m. by Rev. J. R. Stone, Jan. 20, 1842. FRANKLIN Sylvester R., and Abbie Ann Thomas. FRARERS Ruth, and Benjamin Smith, Dec. 16, 1761. FREEBOTJRNE Thomas, of Portsmouth, and , Jan. 30, 1734. " Sarah F., and Joseph Sealey, Feb. — , . " Capt. Gideon, son of Capt. Gideon, dec, and Freelove W. Weeden, of Peleg; m. by Elder Elbridge Gale, Nov. 13, 1825. . " Huldah S., and Albert Sanford, Dec. 24, 1849. FRY Thomas G., of E. Greenwich, and Hannah A. U. Reynolds, of N. Kingstown; m. by Eev. J. E.^Stone, Feb. 13, 1841. " Anne, and Job Gardiner, Dec. — , . " Samuel, of Thomas, of E. Greenwich, and Coggeshall, of Daniel; m. by Jeffrey Watson, Justice, 20, . Q GADDLE Eobert, of E. Greenwich, son of Joseph and Alice Allen Spencer, of Essex; m. by Rev. Samuel C. Brown, May 4, 1845. GARDINER Nicholas, of Nicholas, and Mary Eldred, of Thomas; m. by John El dred, Assistant, Oct. 13, 1709. " Henry, and Desire Havens, Aug. 4, 1710. " Dorcas, and Abial Sherman, Nov. 20, 1712. " Ephraim, and Penelope EUdred, April 28, 1713. " William, of Henry, and Margaret Eldred, of Capt. John; m. by Rouse Helme, Justice of Peace, June 12, 1718. " Sarah, and Edward Sheffield, April 5, 1719. " Amie, and Peter Boss, Jan. 23, 1719-20. Another record reads "28." " Hannah, and James McSparran, May 22, 1722. " Mary, of Kingstown, and , of E. Greenwich; m. by Francis Wellett, Justice of Peace, , — , 1723. " Mary, and Peleg Tripp, J—, 28, 1728. " Nicholas, and Martha Havens, of William ; m. by William Spencer, Justice of Peace, 12, 1729-30. " Hannah, and John Sweet, March — , 1733-34. " Elizabeth, and Benoni HaU, March — , 1734-5. " Nathaniel, Jun., and Pierce; m. by Elder Benjamin Harrington, 23, 1734. " , and Lydia Dawley ; m. by Peter Boss, Justice of Peace, — , 1736. " Margaret, and Isaac ; m. by Peter Boss, Justice of Peace, Dec. 26, 1736 " Sarah, and ; m. by Job Tripp, Justice of Peace, April — , 1737. " Mary, and John Spencer, March, — , 1739. " Mary, and Jarah Mumford, Nov. 29, 1739. " James, and Waite Coggeshall, March 15, 174.9. " Annan, and Robert Reynolds, July — :, 1742. " Henry, of WUliam, and Mary Helm'.', of Christopher; m. by Samuel Thomas, Justice of Peace, 6, 1750. " Nicholas, of Exeter, and Honor Brown, of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder Samuel Albro, — , 1757. " Ephraim, and Ann CoggeshaU ; m. by Thomas Hazard, Justice of I'eaee.i March 12, 1758. " Ephraim, and Patience Congdon ; m. by Frances Willett, Asst., Oct. 19, 1761. " Nathaniel, of Exeter, and Martha Brown, of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder Samuel Albro, Aug. 1, 1762. " Samuel of E. Greenwich, and Catherine Greene, of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder Samuel Albro, Dec. 18, 1762. " Joshua, of' Benjamin, of S. Kingstown, and Mercy Tanner, of Palmer, of N. Kingstown ; m. by Caleb Hill, Justice of Peace, Feb. 22, 1763. " Desire, and Elisha Clarke,' April 10, 1763. NORTH KINGSTOWN MARRIAGES. 2,3 GARDINER Ezekiel, and Susannah Congdon; m. by Elder Samuel Albro, May — , 1764. " Huling, of Nicholas; Esq., of Exeter, and' Elizabeth Northup, of Col. Immanuel, of N. Kingstown; m. by George Thomas,, Justice of Peace, Feb. 1, 1767. " Christopher, of South Kingstown, and Elizabeth Fones, of N. Kingstown, dau. of James; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Feb. 18, 1775. " Gideon, of Ephraim, and Mrs. Mary Thomas, of George, of N. Kings town ; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Jan. 3, 1782. " Josiah, of Ephraim, and Patience Gardiner, of Silas ; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Sept. 3, 1780. " Patience, and Josiah Gardiner, Sept. 3, l^feo. " Nancy, and Arnold Weeden, Nov. 10, 1783. " Samuel, of Samuel, dec, and Elizabeth Slocum, of William;; m. by Elder Philip Jenkins, March 24, 1789. " William, of S. 'Kingstown, and Allen, of Capt. Joshua, of N. Kings town; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Dec. 20, 1790. " Amos, of Jo — -, of N. Kingstown, and Sarah Watson, dau. of Stephen Champlain, of S. Kingstown; m. by Elder Philip JenMns, Jan. 7, 1794. " Susannah, and! Thomas Boone, Sept. 21, 1794. " David, of Benjamm, and EUzabeth Albro, of Robert; . 13, 1794. Lydia, and Matthew Handley, Sept. 22, 1794. " Martha, and Daniel Weeden, Jan. 14, 1796. " Samuel, and Mary Hazard, of Ephraim, and Mary ; m. by Elder Wil liam Northup, . — , . " John, of E. Greenwich, and Freelove Dyer, of John, of N. Kingstown, " DeUverance, and EUsha TUUnghast, , " William, of N. Kingstown and -4— of Jamestown, Jan. 27, . ' " Jonathan, and Margaret , pp-Q 22 " Nathan, and AbigaU Spink ; m. by Jeremiah Gould, Assistant, . — , 8—. NORTH KINGSTOWN MAKEIAGES. 37 PIERCE John, of E. Greenwich, and Alice Tlbbetts, of N. Kingstown, April 13, " Pattey, and Rowland Chadsey, June 22, 1803. " WUUam, of John, and Be.tsey Tanner, of Benjamin; m. by John AUen, Jus tice, July 3, 1803. " Sarah, and Wanton Spencer, July 4, 1811. " Mercy, and Joseph S. Eeynolds, Feb. 4, 1616. " John, of Giles and Desire, and Sarah Brown, of Stukeley and Sarah ; m. by Elder John Gardiner, Nov. '6, 1825. " Desire C, and Joseph Brown, Feb. 24, 1828. " Aimie A., and Benjamin Champlain, Sept. 28, 1837. " Lydia, and WUbua- Hazard, Dec. 25, 1843.. " Ruth, and. Edward H. Hathaway, Feb. — , 1848. " Maria, and Ezekiel B. Phillips, May 29, 1853. PIERSON James, and Freelove , dau. of Freelove; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Feb. 28, 1784. BINDER Sarah, and WiUiam Moore, Aug. 16, 1775. " Hannah, and Thomas Bissell. . ,(PLACE Joseph, and Johannah , Nov. 9, 1698.) " Mary, and i— Wickham, May 23, 1707. " Samuel, of N. Kmgstown, and Sarah Gill, , of W. Greenwich ; m. by Ephraim Gardiner, Justice of Peace, Jan. 29, 1760. " , of Thomas, of E. Greenwich, and Mary Gardiner; m. by Christo pher Spenoer, Justice of Peace, . " Enock, and Hannah WtUcox, March — , . " , (widow) and Benjamin Cole, 19, . " Scuce, and Joseph Smith, ,. Sarah C, and Sylvester R. J. Himes, NoV. 18, 1849. " Arnold James, and E. Wescott; m. by Rev. Edward Bell, Sept. 9, 1860. ' i PORTER Melissa, and Thomas M. Tourgee, July 27, 1845. POTTER Sarah, and John Earle, March 19, 1711-12. " John, of John, and Mercy Robinson; m. by Christopher AUen, Justice of Peace, Oct. 28, 1714. " Thomas, Sr., and Lydia Sherman ; m. by Christopher AUen, Justice of Peace, Dec. 8, 1720. " Susannah, and George Babcock, Jr., Dec. 20, 1721. " Nathaniel, of Charlestown, and Mary Aylesworth, of N. Kingstown1; m. by Job Tripp, Justice of Peace, Sept. 20, 1739. " AUce, and Joshua Greene, Jan. 1, 1771. " Hannah, and Nicholas Spink, Aug. 12, 1802. f' " "Patience, and WUliam Roome (col.), Jan. — , 1849. " WUUam, of North Kmgstown, and Nancy Kenyon, of Richmond; m. by Elder James Hammond, Aug. — , 1849. POWELL Mrs. Esther, and • ; m. by Rev. Joseph Torrey, Oct. 3, 1738. POWERS Ichabod, and Miriibah ; m. by Daniel CoggeshaU, Justice of Peace, April 8, 1733. PRATT Mrs. Susan, and John Greene, June 3, 1779. Q R RANDALL Huldali, and Benjamin Fowler, Oct. 23, 1791. RATHBUN Samuel, of New Shoreham, and ; m. by WUliam Spencer, Justice of Peace, April 13, 1725. " Obediah, and Ann Austin; m. by WUUam Spencer, Justice of Peace, Sept. 16, 1731. " Job, and Mary Harris ; m. by Samuel Dorrance, Justice of Peace, ¦ 1, 1737. " William, and el Sweet; m. by Job Tripp, Justice of Peace, Dec. 16, 1739. " Sarah, and Abner WUbour, Feb. 8, 1753. " Thomas, and Ho ; m. by Elder Samuel Albro, , 1758. f , and Immanuel Case, Jr., Oct. 4, 1761. 38 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. RATHBUN Anthony, of Samuel, and Elizabeth Brown, of Charles ; m. by George- Thomas, Justice of Peace, Nov. 7, 1771. " Anthony, of Samuel, dec, atod Penelope Brown, of Charles ; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Feb. 18, 1787. " Albert C. G.„ of Benjamin, and Martha Himes, . " Benjamm, and Hannah Carpenter ; m. by WUliam Hall, Assistant, Oct. 31, -, and AbigaU , . " Abraham Borden, of Joshua, and Mary Peckham, of Benoni; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, June 19, 1808. " Thomas R., and Lucy Ann Gardiner: m. by Rev. James R. Stone, May 2, 1841. " Mercy, and >— W. Congdlon, Nov. 8, 1846. " Abbie F., and John C. Eldred. June 13„ 1847. RAY John, and Rebecca Mott; m. by WUliam Spencer, Justice of Peace, May 19, 1728. " John, and Mary — ; m. by Elder Benjamm Harrington, March 6, 1735. RALPH Mary, and Daniel Greene, Jr., Jan. 9, 1737-8. " Samuel, and Elizabeth Aylesworth; m. by John Reynolds, Justice of Peace, Feb. 16, 1762. " , and Peleg Greene, M ¦. 10, 1762. " Mary, and John Moss, 8th, 7m. (1725-6). REMINGTON Elizabeth, and John Kenyon, Jun., July — , 1704. " Hannah, and Thomas Mumford, Jun., Jan. 3, 1705-6. REYNOLDS James, and Sarah , Oct. 7, 1705. " John, and Martha, Tibbetts ; m. by WlUiam Spencer, Justice, Nov. 2, 1721. " James, and Mary Ayres ; m. by Benjn. Nichols, Justice, Jan. 28, 1721-2. " Susannah, and John Baker, Feb. 28, 1722-3. " , and Joshua Coggeshall,' . — , 1725-6. " Clement, and Jane Bentley ; m. by Benjamin Nichols, Justice, . 3, 1726. " John, and , April 9, 1728. Elizabeth, and WUliam Tanner, March — , 1729. " George, and Johannah Spencer; m. by WUliam Spencer, Justice, Sept 14, 1729. " Hannah, and Henry Tibbetts,, Nov. 3, 1734. " , and Joseph Pierce, Nov. 3, 1734. " Elizabeth, and Jeremiah Carpenter, Dec. 25, 1737. " Susannah, and Eobert Aylesworth, Jr., •. — , 1737. Peter, Jr., and Phebe Reynolds ; m. by Job Tripp, Justice, March — , 1738. " Phebe, and Peter Reynolds, Jr., March — , 1738. " John, and Deborah Wightman ; m. by Benjamin Weight, Justice of Peace, 22, 1739. " Susannah, and John Spencer, 3d, 8, 1741. " Robert, and Annah Gardiner; m. by Benoni Hall, Justice of Peace, July — , 1742. " Joseph, of John, and Dorcas Tibbetts; m. by WUliam Hall, Justice of Peace, May 23, 1756. " , and Martha Slocum ; m. by WUUam HaU, Justice of Peace, Nov. 28, 1757. " Elisha, of John and Hannah, and Mary Dickinson, of John and Mary ; m. by Christopher Spencer, Justice of Peaeo, Feb. 19, 1758. " John, of John, and Sarah Carpenter; m. by John Reynolds, Justice of Peace, Jan, 17, 1762., " James, and Rebecca Godfrey ; m. by Caleb Clarke, Justice, Nov. 10, 1762. " Elizabeth, and Thomas Nichols, Sept. 8, 1705. James, of John, and Alverson, of Daniel, May 4, 1767. " Ann, and Giles Olln, Dec. 17, 1709. " Martha, and Robert Tefft, , 24, 1769. Sarah, and Thomas Mitchell, Aug. 1, 1769. " Waite, and Benjamin Brown, Oct. 37, 1771.- - — , and William WaU, Nov. 17, 1771. Francis, of John, and Mrs. Martha Tibbetts, of George, dec. ; m. by Caleb Hill, Justice of Peace, Oct. 25, 1772. NORTH KINGSTOWN MAREIAGES. 39 REYNOLDS Mary, anld Abraham Greene, Jan, 9, 1774. " Esther, and WUliam Reynolds, Jan. 23, 1774. " WlUiam, of John, of Peter, and Esther Eeynolds, of John, of James; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Jan. 23, 1774. " Jabez, of N. Kingstown, and Sybel Keias, of Warwick; m. by Daniel Hall, Justice of Peace, March 14, 1,70. " Mary, and Stephen Northup, Nov. 18, 1782. " , and Samuel Watson, May 21, 1784. " Henry, and Mary Fones; m. by Elder Nathan Hill, May 15, 1785. " Gardiner, of Exeter, and Elizabeth Davis, of Benjamin, of N. Kingstown; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Apr. 23, 1786. " Mary, and John Smith, Oct. 16, 1791. " John, and Mary Hall ; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace. March. 17, 1792. " Eldred, of John, of N. Kingstown, and Esther Corey, of Sheffield, of W. Greenwich: m. by Elder Nathan Hill, April 26, 1792. " Dorcas, and Brownen Nichols. March 6, 1794. " Anna, and Joseph Casey, March 31, 1799. " Jonathan, of Peter, and Mary Tanner, of William, Sept. 4, . " Hannah, and Thomas G. Boone, . " , of Jonathan, and , of Eufus ; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, . " Stephen, of John, and Abagail Cettrell, of Samuel; m. by Eber Sherman, Justice of Peace. . 3, . " Deborah, and Jeremiah Baker, Jon. 9, . " Hannah, and Samuel Crandall, Dec. 12. . " Mary, and Thomas Eentley, May 20, . " Ann. and John Aylesworth, AprU 19, — . " Stephen B., of WUliam J., and Harriet C. Gardiner, Aug. ,7, . " Anne, of Jonathan and Anstis, and ; m. by Elder Wm. Northup, " Jonathan, and Mary Spink, of Nicholas, Jan. 20, 180--. " , daughter of Peter, and Fones, of James, Dec 23, . " John, of Benjamin, and Polly Aylesworth, of Arthur ; m. by Elder WUliam Northup, Sept. 20, 1801. " Jonathan, of WUUam, and Mary Spink, of Nicholas; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Jan. 20, 1803. " EUzabeth, and Beriah Eldred, April 27, 1807. " WUliam, of Benjamin and Susannah, and Susan Nichols, of Samuel and Mary; m. by Elder WUliam Northup, Oct. 25, 1808. " - Phebe, and Elisha Clarke, Aug. 5, 1810. " Mary Ann, and Benj. T. Clarke, Jan 14, 1811. " Joseph S., of Eldred, and Mary Pierce, of Sylvester ; m. by Elder Gersham Palmer, Feb. 4, 1816. " . John J., and Hannah Congdon; m. by Eev. James R. Stone, AprU 9, 18—. " Helena M. W., and Abial Sherman, Sept. 11, 1828. " Mary M., and Vincent Gardiner, Jan. 18, 1829. " Almn-a. Amanda, and Boone Spink, Jr., Sept. 14, 1840. " Hannah A. U., and Thomas G. Fry, Feb. 13, 1841. " Capt. James J., and SaUy S. Baker; m. by Rev. James R. Stone, March 2, 1841. " Sarah, and James Durgam, April 29, 1841. " Elizabeth Frances, and Harrison G. O. Gardiner, July 18, 1841. " Mary Nichols, and Gideon G. Congdon, /Dec. 14, 1846. " Hannah B., and WUUam E. Chase, Oct. 3, 1848. " Mrs. Sarah, and Ebenezer Brown, April 23, 1850. " Mary A., and Tillinghast; ree 27, 1850. RHODES Sarah, and Benoni Pierce, Nov. 10, 1723. " Capt. Samuel, and Sarah Boone; m. by WlUiam Spencer, Justice, of Peace, ber 6, 1724. " — >— , and W.Uiam Utter, Jan. — , 1743. RICHARDSON Elizabeth, and Jeffrey Allen, March 3, 1776. " Benjamin, and EUzabeth Hill ; m. by George Thomas,. Justice of Peace, Dec. 1> • 40 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. J5TELY ., of J— E— , of Newport, and R— Mitchell, of Caroline M— ; m„ by Rev. C. C. 'Lewis, July 7, 1850. ROBINSON Hannah,, and Thomas Mumford, Jr. (should be Remington), May 3, 1704. " John, and Mary Hazard, Oct. 19, 1704. Elizabeth, and WiUlam Brown, Nov. 2, 1707. " Mary, and George Mumford, Aug. 7, 1709. Mercy, and John Potter, Jr., Oct. 28„ 1714. " Lewis, of Rehoboth, Mass., and Margeret Swan, of N. Kingstown ; m. by Ko bert HaU,, Justice of Peace, July 29, 1769. RODMAN EUzabeth, and George Lippitt, July 22, 1855. RODS Penelope,, and Garfield, May 4, 1729. ROYERS Edward, of Westerly, and Rebecca Brmdy, of E. Greenwich ; m. by Benja ruin Weight, Justice of Peace, July 16, 17.39. \ BOOKES Benjamin, of England, and Lucy Ann West, of N. Kingstown ; m. by Rev. John H. Rouse, July 9, 1843. ROOME William., and Patience Potter, (col.); m. by Rev. John H. Rouse, Jan. — , 1849. EOSE AbigaU, and John Congdon, July 9, 17—. " Samuel, of S. Kingstown, and AbigaU Miner, of Stonington, Conn. ; m. by Rev. Nathaniel Eells, Dec 28, 1763. " EUzabeth, and John Smith, March 17, 1799. ". Ebenezer, of Thomas, and Mary M. Carr, of John, of Jamestown ; m. by Rev. Edwin StUlman, June 11, 1843. " WUUam, of Thomas, and Phlebe Ann Carr, of John, of Jamestown; m. by Rev. Edwin StUlman, Nov. 22, 1843. " Benoni S., and Phebe G. Nason ; m. by Rev. Joseph A. TUUnghast, Sept. 10, 1848. " Mrs. Hannah, and Matteson, Oct. 22, 1854. ROUSE , and Margaret Young of Edward; m. by Elder PhUllp Jenkins, Dec. 28, 1776. SANFORD Thomas, and Hannah Northup, of Joseph ; m . by William Hall, Justice of Peace, May 25, 1724. " Joshua, and Mary Westcott ; m. by WiUlam HaU, Justice of Peace, Jan. 9, 1757. " Esbon, of Newport, and Abigail Congdon, of WUliam, of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder Nathan HU1, March 25, 1787. " Albert, and Huldah S. Freeborne, Dee. 24, 1849. " Esbon,. and Esther C. Chappell ; m. by Rev. Daniel Henshaw, Aug. 12, 1850. SAUNDERS Margaret, and John Haley, May 18, 1719. SCOTT Penelope, and James Havens, April 10, 1800. SCRANTON Thomas, of Prudence Island, and Sarah Fones, of N. Kingstown; m. by WUliam Spencer,, Justice of Peace, March — . 1725-6. " Daniel, and Thankful Eldred ; m. by Robert Hall, Justice of Peace, Sept. 22, 1744. " Virtue, and James Chappell, April 4, 1751. " Robey, and Thomas King, . 19, 1754. SCRANTON Dorcas, and Charles Phillips, AprU 12, 1761. SEAGER John, Jr., and Alice Hull ; m. by Christopher Allen, Justice, March 1, 1707-8. SEALEY Joseph, .of New Jersey, and Si rah F. Freeborne. SEGOUCHE EUzabeth and Christopher A len, , 1687. HHAW Benjamin, of Anthony, late of Eveter, dec, and ah Congdon, of James, of N. Kingstown; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Oct. 13, 1793. " Sarah, and William Greene, May 29, 1796. " WUliam Gardiner, of John and Elizabeth, of Newport, and EUzabeth Mc- Laughllng Brenton, of Samuel and Susanna ; m. by Elder WUliam Nor thup, Oct. 16, 1796. " John A., of Willett, N. Y., and Mrs. Ann S. Slocum, of N. Kingstown. " Joseph, of Warwick, R. I., and Harriet Underwood, of Samuel, of S. Kings town; m. by Eev. Cyrus Wilson, May 1, 1843. NORTH KINGSTOWN — -MAEEIAGES. 11 SHAW WUUam A., M. D., and Ann P. Case; m. by Eev. WUliam F. Morgan; recorded, Feb. 1, 1848. SHEFFIELD Joseph,, of Portsmouth, and Mary Earle, of Freetown, dau. of Ralph; m. by WUliam Arnold, Justice, Jan. 27, 1708. " Elizabeth, and Weight, Oat. 17, 1717. " Edward,, and Sarah Gardiner ; m. by Samuel Fones, Justice, April 5, 1719. " Edmund, of Westerly, son of Samuel, and Sarah Ann Gardiner, of Jeremiah, of N. Kingstown; ni. by Rev. Joseph W. Allen, June 8, 1823. " John, of Capt. Benjamin, and > ¦ ¦ CogeshaU, of Daniel, . SHERMAN Abial, and Dorcas Gardiner; in. by Christopher Alien, Justice, Nov. 20, 1712. " Lydia, and Thomas Potter, Sr., Dec. 8, 1720. " Hannah, and Robert ; m. by WiUlam Spencer, Justice, Dec. 26, 1727. " Eber, of WUliam, and Margaret Eldred, of Eobert ; m. by Thomas Northup, Justice, Feb. — , 1738. " Benoni, and Margaret ; m. by Benjamin Weight, Justice, Dec. 24, 1741. " Sylvester, and Mary Sweet; m. by Elder Samuel Albro, July 16, 1758. " WUliam, of N. Kingstown, and —am Sweei , m. by Je,lVney Watson, As sistant, Jan. 28, 1759. " Thomas, and Eebecca Jenkins ; m. by Frances WiUett, Assistant, July 16, 1761. " Eobert, and Tabor, (widow) ; m. by George Thomas, Justice, March 25, 1768. " Havens, of Benoni, and Elizabeth Eldred, of Sylvester; m. by Eber Sherman, Justice', Oct. 10, 1773. " Andrew, of Stephen, dec, and Phebe Sherman, of Eber ; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Feb. 10, 1774. " Phebe, and Andrew Sherman, Feb. 10, 1774. " Moses, of Moses, of Exeter, and Sarah Sherman, of Samuel, Sept. 22, 1774. " Sarah, and Moses Sherman, Sept. 22, 1774. " Henry, of Eber, dec, and Mary Sherman, widow of, Sylvester; m. by Eber Sherman. Justice of Peace, April 16, 1778. " Mary and Henry Sherman, AprU 16, 1778. " Gifle, and James Sherman, March — , 1798. " James, of Sylvester and Giffe Sherman; m. by Slocum Hall, Justice of Peace, March — , 1798. " Peleg, of Eber, of Exeter, and Virtue Huling, of N. Kingstown ; m. by James Fones, Justice of Peace, Dec. 25, 175—. " John, of Henry, and Lydia Whitford; m. by George Northup, Justice of Peace, April 24, -— . " 1, and Anna Congdon, — , . " , Ichabod, and Mary Young; m. by Job Tripp, Justice of Peace, — , . 'i . land Charles Brown, — , . " Lowry, and David Bates, . " Jemima, and Job Sweet, — . " Benjamin, of Bemlngton, and IsabeU Gardiner, of Gideon, of S. 'Kings town ; m. by Oliver Gardiner, Justice of Peace, July 14, 1805. " Abial, of Nathaniel and Elizabeth, and Helena M. W. Reynolds, of Jon athan and Mary ; m. by Elder WUliam Northup, Sept. 11, 1828. " Mary Frances, and Thomas Northup, Aug. 24, 1840. " A., and Sylvester HoUand, June 1, 1845. " John, and Alice Burlingame, Nov. 7, 1848. " Henry S., of John Eeed and Mary S., and Mary E. Gardiner, of Benjamin and Elizabeth, of S. Kingstown; m. by Eev. .1. H. Rouse, April 19, 1849. " Susan O, and David Douglass, Jan. 7, 1850. SHIPPEE Deliverance, and William Briggs, May 18, 1740. " Horace J., of William and Eliza, of E. Greenwich, and Mary G. Wight- man, of Daniel G. ; m. by Rev. A. Judson, Chaplain, March 8, 1847. " Martha F., and John F. Tourgee, Aug. — , 1860. SHOONMAKEE Edward O, and EUza PhilUps, Oct. 1, 1865. SIGWOETH Jemima, and Scipeo WUbur, Nov. 11, 1743. 42 VITAL EECOED OF EHODE ISLAND. SISSON Caleb, of Portsmouth, and Abigail Cornell, of N. Kingstown ; m. by George Northup, Justice, Aug. ,27, 1769. SLOCUM , and Thomas Hazard, Feb. 22, 1727. " Samuel, and Ann Gould ; m. by George Thomas, Justice, 4, 1733. Edward, of Samuel, and Mary Watson, of Samuel; m. by Eobert HaU, Justice, Aug. 20, 1741. " Moses, and Frances Watson; m. by Jeffrey Watson, Assistant, Aug. 21, 1746. " John,, of John, and Eleanor Spink, of Joseph ; m. by WUliam Hall, Jus tice, Sept. 30, 1756. " Martha, and Reynolds, Nov. 28, 1757. " Ebenezer, of Ebenezer, and Sarah Casey, of ; Gideon; m. by George Thomas (of Samuel), Justice, Oct. 11, 1772. " Margaret, and George Arnold, April 26, 1778. " John, of Ebeuezer, and Mary Cooper, of James; m. by Elder PhUlip Jenkins, Dec 5, 1779. " Mary, and Charles Dickinson, Dec. 20, 1782. " Ebenezer, of WUUam, of N. Kingstown, and Mary GwUliam, late of Europe;. m. by Elder PhUUp Jenkins, Jan. 1, 1788. " Elizabeth, and Samuel Gardiner, March 24, 1789. " Mary (widow), and Stephen Northup, Jan. 10, 1793. " Jonathan, and Elizabeth Chadsey ; m. by Elder Philip enMns, ree Jan. 30, 1794. " Mary, and Edward C. Gardiner, Dec. 9, 1709. " Freelove, and Joseph Morey, Oct. 21, . " Mrs. Ann S., and John A. Shaw • . " Ann, and WUUam Northup . — , 17—. " George Washington, of John ai d Mary, and Anstis Thomas, of Benjamin: and Anstis; m. by Elder WUUam Northup, Jan. 9, 1800. " Mar— Anstis, and GUbert Mott, June 30, 1844. " Charles A., of WiUiam R., and Elizabeth A. Barber, . SMITH John, Jr., and Mercy Wesctitt; m. by John Eldred,, assistant, Jan. 8, 1708. " Mercy, and WlUiam Barber, March 22,, 1710. " Abigail (widow), and Peter Tourgee, April 5, 1722. " Joseph, and Mary Fones ; m. by WiUiam Spencer. Justice, Dec. 18, 1724, " Sarah, and John Weight, Feb. 27, 1728. " Phillip, and Sarah Briggs; m. by WUUam Spen.-er, Justice, — , 1730-1. " Simon, and Sarah Co— ; m. by Benjamin Weight, Justice, Nov. — , 1739, " Ephraim, of S. Kingstown, and Boone, of N. Kingstown, Feb. 4, 1741. " (Mary), and James Huling, Feb. 3, 1745. " , and Joshua Pierce April 16, 1747. " Ichabod, of Jamestown, and Hannah Nichols, of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder Samuel Albro, Nov. 25, 1759. " PrecUla, and John Tourgee. Nov. 5, 1761. " Benjamin, of N. Kingstown, and Ruth Frarers, of S. Kmgstown ; m. by Henry Gardiner. Justice, Dec. 16, 1761. " Patience, and Benedict Eldred, — , 1764. " EUzableth, and Thomas Smith, Sept. 14, 1766. " Thomas, and Klizibeth Smith ; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Sept. 14, 1766. " Margaret, and Samuel Boone, Jan. 7, 1767. " Abigail, and John Corey, Nov. 7, 1773. " Catherine, and WUUam Collins, June 3, 1779. " Eleanor, and Pearces Austin, Oct. 21, 1779. " Stephen, and Patience Spoon er; m. by George Thomas, Justice, July — , 1780. " — >— i. and Samuel Lawton, May 8, 1781. " Barbary (widow), and Job Card', June 5, 1782. " PrecUla, and John Austin, Dec. 11, 1783. " Benjamin, and Mary Austin, June 8, 1788. " John, of WilUam, dec, of N. Kmgstown, and Mary Reynolds, of Ben jamin, of Exeter ; m. by Elder Phillip Jenkins, Oct. 16, 1791. " John, of Benajah and Ruth, and Elizabeth Rose, of James and Thank ful; m. by Elder William Northup, March 17, 1799. NORTH KINGSTOWN— MARRIAGES. 43- SMTTH Elizabeth, and Beriah Brown, — 30, — . -¦ j " John, of S Kingstown, and Abigail ; m. by George Tibbetts, Justice, May 31, ,. " Joseph, of N. Kingstown, and Scuce Place, of Exeter, . " , and Sarah Havens; m. by WiUiam Spencer, Justice, Dec. 19, . " , of Joseph, and Elizabeth Davis, . " Nathaniel, and Rebecca. Gardiner, Thomas, of Benjamin, and Hannah Martin Boss, of PhiUip Martin Boss, of Newport; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Jan. 13, 1811. " Avis Ann, and Oliver Spink, Jan. 28. 1827. " Rachel, and Thomas, Sept. 28, 1840. " Mrs. Lydia, and John Cooper, Jan. 19, 1842. " Richard, and Sarah Eldred ; m. by Elder Edwin StUlman, March 9, 1846. SPENCER John, and, Sarah HaU; m. by Benjamin -Nichols, Justice, Oct. — , 1725, " Johannah, and George Reynolds,, Sept. 14, 1729. " EUzabeth, and Harrington, July 4, 1731. " John, of E. Greenwich, and Mary Gardiner, of N. Kingstown) m. by WU liam Spencer, Justice, March — , 1739. " John 3d, of E. Greenwicii, and Susannah Reynolds, of N. Kingstown; m. by Thomas HU1, Justice, 8, 1741. " Elizabeth, and Remington Spencer, Feb. 27, 1757. " Remington, and Elizabeth Spencer, Feb. 27, 1757. " Nathaniel, of WUliam, and Eliza, of E. Greenwich, and Susannah Briggs, of , and Mary; m. by Christopher Spencer, Justice, March 16, 1758. " Nicholas, of E. Greenwioh, and AbigaU HaU, of N. Kingstown ; m. by WUUam Hall, Justice, . — , 1763. " Elizabeth, and John Tibbetts ; recorded Aug. 3, 1767. " John, of E. Greenwich, and Fones, of Daniel, of N. Kingstown); m. by George Thomas, Justice; recorded Aug. 3, 1767. " Thomas, of E. Greenwich, and Mary Austin, of N. Kingstown; m. by WiUiam HaU, Justice, Oct. 15, 1767. " ', and ¦ Havens, AprU 5, 1770. " Christopher, and Patience ; m. by John Northup, Justice, June 24, 1773. " Ebenezer, of John, and Lucy Hall, of William ; m. by George Thomas, Justice, July 9, 1775. " , and Pierce, , 1777. " Elizabeth, and Silas Briggs, March 26, 1780. " (William), and Mary Allen; m. by Elder James Wightman, Oct. 22, 1781. " Peleg, of E. Greenwich, and Hannah Greene, of John, of N. Kingstown ;. m. by George Thomas, Justice, ' 14, 1783. " Audrey, and Samuel Haley, Aug. 25, 1791. " Anna, and Jeremiah Aylesworth, — , 1793. " Lydia, and Nathaniel Spink, June 1, 1798. " Bulk, and John Spencer, May 28, . " John, and Ruth Spencer; m. by Benjamin Nichols, Justice, May 28, .. " John, of Christopher, and Hann; h Manchester ; m. by WiUiam Hall, Jus tice, Feb. 17, . " Mercy, and Alexander Nichols, July 13, — — . " Elizabeth, and Benjamin Weight, , 1801. " EUzabeth, and George Chadsey ; recorded AprU 21, 1804. " Henry, of William and Mary, and Ann Brown, of William and Ann ; m. by Elder William Northup, July 10, 1806. " Christopher, and Hannah Northup; m. by Elder WiUiam Northup; re corded Nov. 22, 1809. " Wanton, of William and Mary, and Sarah Pierce, of Sylvester and Mar' tha; m. by Elder John Gardiner, July 4, 1811. " Mary, and Stephen Congdon, Jan. 17, 1814. " Alice AUeny and Robert Gaddle, May 4, 1845. SPINK Hannah, and Thomas Jackwise, Oct. 24, 1725. " Eleanor, and John Slocum, Sept. 30, 1756. " Sarah, and John Greene, Dec. 24, 1758. " Rebecca, and Matthew Cooper, April 1, 1763. " Mary, and Stukeley Westcott, Jan. 22, 1764. " (Hannali), and Joshua Davis, May 18, 1706. 44 VITAL EECOED OF EHODE ISLAND. SPINK AbigaU, and Joshua ; m. by Robert. Hall, Justice, Oct. — , 1769. " Margaret, and Job Matteson, Dec. 15, 1772. " John, of John, and —ary Weeden, of Daniel; m. by Elder Phillip Jenklne, May 29, 1774. " John, of Samuel, dec, and Lydia Eldred, of Joseph ; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Dec. 27, 1778. " Lucy, and John Northup, 1, 1783. " Desire (Deliverance) Ann, and Andrew Huling, Oct. 28, 1784. " Sarah, and Thomas Eldred, 24, 1790. ' " Samuel, of Ishmeal, and Elizabeth Arnold, of Samuel; m. by Elder Phillip Jenkins, Feb. 26, 1798. " Nathaniel, of Ishmeal, of N. Kingstown, and Lydia Spencer, of George, of E. Greenwich ; m. by Nathaniel Spink, Justice, June 1, 1798. " Ann, and Samuel Bissell, Dec. 15, 1798. i " Abigail, and Nathan Pierce, ,. " Benjamin, of E. Greenwich, and Jean ; m. by George Thomas, Jus tice, April 7, . " John, and Sarah Tibbetts; m. by Jeremiah Gould, Justice, (Aug.) 22, (1725). " Nicholas, of John, and (Ann) Boone, of Samuel (and Mary), (July 20, 1769). " Mary, and Jonathan Reynolds, Jan. 20, 1803. " Nicholas, Jr., of Nicholas and Anna, and Hannah Potter, of Robert and Hannah ; m. by Elder William Northup, Aug. 12, 1802. " Boone, of Nicholas and Anna, and Nancy Tennant, of George and Tabitha ; m. ,by Elder William Northup, April 15, 1803. " Ishmeal, of Ishmeal and Walty, and Ruth Dyer, of Samuel and Waity ; m. by Elder WUliam Northup, March 19, 1804. " Arnold, of Warwick, R. I., and Phebe Essex, of do. ; m. by George Til linghast, Justice, Nov. 3, 1812. i " Samuel, of and Waity, and Hannah Eldred, of Weeden and Mercy; m. by Elder WiUiam Northup; recorded Jan. -8, 1814. " Oliver, and Avis Ann Smith, of Benjamin ; m. by Elder Gershom Palmer, Jan,. 28, 1827. " , and Congdon ; recorded June — , 1821 . " Nicholas N., and Huldah A. Weeden; m. by Rev. B. C. Grafton, July 12, 1837. " Samuel, and Ann Cranston, Nov. 9, 1837. " Boone, Jr., and Almlra Amanda Reynolds ; m. by Rev. James R. Stone, Sept. 14, 1840. " Margery, and Hazard C. Watson, Oct. 10, 1842. , " Abbie Ann, and Benjamin H. Congdon,'. Feb. 12, 1844. " Eliza Ann, and Thomas Congdon, Dec. 15, 1845. " Daniel, Jr., of Daniel, and Harriet Brown, of Daniel ; m. by Elder Joseph W. AUen, Oct. 25„ 1847. " Frances, and Jonathan C Waite, Jan. 1, 1849. " Nicholas S., and Mary F. Northup ; m. by Elder J. A. Tillinghast, Jan. 24, 1850. " Avis Ann, and WiUlam Brown,, Feb. 11, 1350. " Eliza, and Henry A. Phillips, Oct. 29, 1860. ; " Silas, and Phebe J. Luther, Jan, 1 , 1862. " Hannah C, and Charles L. Wightman, Feb. 5, 1866. 6POONER Patience, and Stephen Smith, July — , 1780. " George, of Charles, and Nancy Tillinghast, of Charles; m. by George Thomas, Justice. Sept. 3, 1780. STAFFORD Mercy, and Caleb HU1, Match 23, 1755. " Thomas, and Rebecca Hill, of Thomas ; m. by Elder John Gorton, Fab. — . 1762. STONE Rachel, and ; m. by WUliam Spencer, Justice, , 1731. STRAIGHT John, and Sarah Crowell ; m. by WUUam Hall, Justice, Nov. 19, 1721. " Henry, and , July 5, 1733. " Joseph, and Mary Card ; m. by Elder Benjamin Harrington, May 15, 1735. " Roseanna, and John Cutter, Oct. 23, . " John, of E. Greenwich, and EUzabeth Sunderland, of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder Benjamin Weight, June 17, . NORTH KINGSTOWN MAREIAGES. 45 STEEETER Abbie N., and Alexander G. Greene, . STEETSON Lydia, and Anthony Hathaway, Aug. 7, 1808. ST Hannah, and Eobert Westcott, ¦. STUART Betsey, and Thomas R. Congdon, 19, 1789. " Thankful, and Stephen Congdon, June 24, 1795. " Cyrus H., and Jane Gorton, . SUNDERLAND Margaret, and Austin. Oct. 25. 1725. " Elizabeth, and John Straight, June 17, . " Amie, and Gardiner, Jan 22, 1844. " Daniel,, and Mary Northup, June 7, 1850. SWAN Margaret, and Lewis Robinson. July 29, 1769. SWEET Richard, and EUzabeth Jacques; m. by WUliam Hall, Justice. March 8, 1704. " Ann. and Wightman, Feb. 12, 1729. " Elizabeth, and Benjamin Congdon. Nov. 22,. 1722. " Sarah, and Isaac Tripp, June — , 1729. " Alice, and John West, March — , 1730-31. " Ruth, and Nathaniel Niles, . 3, 1731. " John, and Hannah Gardiner; m. by George Thomas, Justice, March — , 173,3'-4. " James, of Kingstowne, and Ann Weeden. of Newport: m. by Job Tripp, Justice, July 6, 1734. " Bridget, and James Wightman, Sept. 5, 1734. '' , and Solomon Ceaser (col.),, Dec. 12, 1735. " James, and Sarah Daley; m. by Peter Boss, Justice, 4, 1736. " , and Mercy Sweet; m. by Samuel Corey, Justice, June — , 1737. " Mercy, and Sweet, June — , 1737. " —el, and WUUam Rathbun, Dec. 16, 1739. Catherine, and Nicholas Whitford, • ¦ 1, 1739. " Benoni, Jr., and Isabel, 16, 173—. " Job, of James, and Sarah Klngsley, of John ; m. by Samuel Thomas, Jus tice, 18, 1753. " Mary, and Sylvester Sherman, July 16, 1758. " —am, and William Sherman, Jan. 28, 1759. " Stephen, and Mary Congdon; m. by Elder James Wightman, Jan. 28, 1776. Waite, and George Wightman, June 16, 1776. Lucy, and Job Tibbetts, Oct. 4, 1781. " Godfrey, of Capt. Samuel, of Newport, and Mrs. Henretta WU'rey, of John, of N. Kingstown ; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Oct 16, 1794. " (widow), and Henry Congdon, 29, 1795. " Job, and Jemima Sherman ; m. -by James Gardiner. Justice, . " Stephen, late of Charlestown, and Anne Austin; m. by Nicholas Gardi ner, Justice, Dec. 16, 17—. " Mercy, and John Cleveland, . 4, . " . of and Ann, and Sarah Northup. of and Mary; m. by Elder WUUam Northup ; recorded Oct. 1, 1816. " Sally, and Charles Leach, March 16, 1843. " Abbie A., and James Burllngame, Dec. it, 1847. " Edwin A., ot Johnson, R. I., and Mrs. Mercy F. Harvey, of N. Kings town; m. by Eldier John Slocum, May 28, 1848. TABOR (widow), and Robert Sherman, March 25, 1768. TALFORD Margery, and John Northup, Dec. 25, 1771. TANNER John, and Susannah West, of Frances; m. by William Hall, Jurtlce, May 9, 1723. " William, and Elizabeth Reynolds ; m. by WUliam Spencer, Justice, March — r 1729. " Benjamin, and Abigail Tripp; m. by Job Tripp, Justice, Jiuy 2.1, 17:!4. " Paymen, and Mary Hill; m. by George Tibbetts, Justice, Jan. — , 1737-8. " , and Edward Greene, April 28, 1739. " Anis, and Charles ; m. by WUliam Hall, Justice, .Tan. — , 1761, 4|6 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. TANNER Frances, and Roseanna Hunt; m. by William Hall, Justice, Feb. 1, 1701. " Mercy, and Joshua Gardiner, Feb. 22, 1763. " Mary, and John Briggs, Dec 2b, 1763. Benjamin, and Sarah Aylesworth, of Arthur; m. by Caleb HiU, Justice, — , 17'lo. Nathan, and Patience Austin; m, by WiUiam Hall, Justice, Feb. 28, 1768. " Anne, and WUliam Brown,, Sept. 2, 1768. " Ruth, and Christopher Jenkins, Sept. 26, 1770. Palmer, of Benjamin, and Margeret Austin, of James ; m. by Elder Nathan HiU, Dec. 17, 1789. " Benjamin, of Benjamin and Sarah, and, Rebecca Fones, of John and Ruth; m. by Elder William. Northup, Sept. 25, 1799. *' Mary, and Jonathan Reynolds, Sept. 4, . " Betsey, and William Pierce, July 3, 1,803. " Benjamin, of Palmer, and Hunt, of WUliam ; m. by Rev. Thomas- Man chester, April 16, 1815. " James, of N. Kingstown, son of Palmer, and EUzabeth Nason, of David, of Newport; m. by Samuel Hunt, Justice, Oct. 14, 1810. " Margeret C.,, and Edmund A. Brown, March 25, 1849. TARBOX Ruth, and Daniel Bidelcome, April 27, 170O. TAYLOR Ruth, and George Waite, Jan. 9, 1820. " Mercy A., and Pardon M. Arnold, Dec. 23, 1345. " Lydia S., and Samuel C. Kiugsley, Jan. 7, 1855. " Phebe, and Zarobabei Westcott, Jan. 1, 17—. " Mercy Ann, aud Simeon Matte son, . " Mercy, and . TEFFT Esther, and Thomas Mumford, Sr., Nov. 25,- 1708. Joanna, and John Webb,, April 28, 1721. " Robert, of Exeter, 'and Martha Reynolds, of N. Kingstown; m. by Robert Hall, Justice, 24„ 1709. TENNANT Nancy, and Boone Spink, of Nicholas, AprU 15, 1803. TERRY Ebenezer,, and Mary Helme; m, by Rouse Helme, Justice, Nov. 30, 1721. " David, and Sukey Hunt ; Im. by Eev. S. G. Smith, Feb. 4, 1858. TEW Mary, and George Himes, Feb. 15, 1815. ¦THOMAS Sarah, and Jonathan Nichols, June 9, 1723. " George, and Elizabeth PhUUps (widow): m. by William Spencer,, Justice. Feb. 9, 1738. " Samuel, and Ruth Gould. Feb. — . 1739. " , .and John TUUnghast. Sept. 21, 1742. " George, of Samuel, of N. Kingstown, and Phebe Lockwood, of Warwick, R. I. ; m. by Elder Charles Holden. Sept. 25, 1763. " George, and Hannah Arnold; m. by George Northup, Justice,, April 15, 1764. " Waite. and Samuel Northup, Feb. 25, 1779. " Mary, and Gideon Gardiner, Jan. 3. 1782. " George, of Samuel, and Phebe Lockwood, of Amos, of Warwick. R. I,; m. by Rev. Charles Holden, (prob. recorded) July 10, 1784. " George, of N. Kingstown, son of Samuel, dec, and Martha Aylesworth, of Phillip, dec, of E. Greenwich; m. by Elder John Gorton. Aug. 19, 1787. " George, Jr.,, and Phebe Davis, of Benjamin; m. by Elder Nathan HIU, Nov. 15, 1787. " Hannah, and PhUUp Cooke, Feb. 15. 1799. " , and Rose AUen. > . " Samuel, and ¦ MarA, of Plalnfield, . " Daniel, of — and Phebe, and Davis, of Benjamin, and Phebe; m. by Elder WiUlam Northup, ree, March 29, — . " AUce, and TUUnghast, . " Abbie Ann, and Sylvester R. Franklin, . " Anstis, and George Washington Slocum, Jan. 9, 1800. " Benjamin, of George and Phebe, and Elizabeth Thomas, of George and Hannah; m. by Elder William Northup, March 27, 1800. " Elizabeth, and Benjamin Thomas, March 27, 1800. NORTH KINGSTOWN MARRIAGES. 47 THOMAS Arnold, of George, and Audrey Burllngame, of Deacon Elisha, of W. Greenwich; m. by Elder Thomas Manchester, 22, 1801. " -, and James Eldred Brown, July 2, 1802. " Samuel, of Samuel and Penelope, and Anna Lawton, of Edward and An na ; m. by Elder WUliam Northup, — , 1806. WUliam, of George, Jr., and Mary Carr, of Samuel; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Jan. 1, 1808. " Brudah, of Chloe, and Isabel Gardiner, of Betsey; m. by George Thomas, Justice, June 16, 1808. " Anstis, and OUver Arnold, Aug. 4, 1811. " George W., of Daniel, of N. Kingstown, and Sarah Ann WllUams, of Ebenezer, of E. Greenwich ; m. by Elder Pardon- TUUnghast ; ree May 31, 1826. " Sally G., and Samuel Merrett, Jan. 24, 1830. " Eliza A., and Abel S. Baker, Dec 30, 1839. " . and Rachel Smith ; m. by Rev. John H. Rouse, Sept. 28, 1840. " Isaac K., and Elizabeth R. Vaughn; m. by Rev. J. R. Stone, Aug. 31, 1841. " . and Anne Shaw, dau. of Rev. Lemuel Barge; m. by Eev. John* H. Rouse, Aug. 9, 1844. " Clara H., and George Leroy Champlaln, , 1847. " John, and Leucy Ann Watson; m. by Elder Preserved Greene, July 15, 1849. " George S., and Abbie O. Northup ; m. by Eev. A. B. Flanders, Sept. 15, 1861. THURBEE Mary, and Alexander Brown, Jan. 2, 1790. THURSTON Mrs. Hannah, and Capt. Daniel Congdon, Jan. 24, 1797. " Adam M., of Westport, Mass., and Lucy C. Harvey, of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder John Slocum, Apr.1 2, 1848. " Alfred, of George, of Rhode Island, and Mary E. Baten, of Warwick, R. I. ; m. by Rev. C. C. Lewis, May 12, 1849. TLBBETTS (John), of Henry, and Elizabeth Hazzard; m. at E. Greenwich, . 7, 1705. " Ann, and Immanuel Northup, May 4, 1721. " Martha, and John Reynolds, Nov. 2, 1721. " Henry, of George, and Hannah Reynolds, of John; m. by Robert HaU, Justice, Nov. 3, 1734. " Dorcus, and Joseph Reynolds, May 23, 1756. " George, and Susannah WaU; m. by Robert HaU, Justice, Dec. 11, 1760. " Nathaniel, of George, dec, and Waite WaU, of Henry ; m. by Georgle Northup, Justice, Feb. 15, 1766. " John, of Henry, of E. Greenwich, and Elizabeth Spencer, of John, of Warwick; m. by Caleb HUl, Justice; recorded Aug. 3, 1767. " Mrs. Martha, and Francis Reynolds, Oct. 25, 1772. " Job, of , and Lucy Sweet, of James; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Oct. 4, 1781. " Alice, and John Pierce, April 13, . " Elizabeth, and Thomas HUl, . " Sarah, and John Spink, Aug. 22, 1725. " Mary, and Caleb Greene, Jan. 24, ¦. TILLINGHAST John, of E. Greenwich, and Thomas, of N. Kingstown; m. by Thomas Hill, Justice, Sept. 21, 1742. " John, and Mercy Greene, of David; m. by Jeffrey Watson, Justice, Feb. 14, 1754. " Thomas, of Phillip, of E. Greenwich, and Mary Hill, of Thomas, of N. Kings town ; m. by Elder John Gorlon, Aug. 27, 1762. " Nancy, and George Spencer, Sept. 3, 1780. " Elisha, and Deliverance Pierce, of E. Greenwich, . " , and Alice Thomas, . " Joseph R., of PhUllp, and Anne Tillinghast, of John and Ruth, July 31, ' 180—. " Anne, and Joseph B. Tillinghast, July 31, 180—. " George, of George and Mary, and Susan Fldred, of Robert and Sarah; m. by Elder WUUam Northup, Sept. 4, 1806, " Anne, and ¦ TiUinghast, ree. Nov. 27, 1815. 48 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. TILLINGHAST -, oiff Benjamin and Ann, of E. Greenwich, and Anne TUUnghast, of PhUUp and Frances, of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder WUliam Northup, ree. Nov. 27, 1.815. " Harriet E., and Pardon A. Tillinghast, 'March 3, 1850. " Pardon, and Harriet E. TUUnghast, both of E.- Greenwich; m. by Rev. Alfred H. Taylor, March 3, 1850. " , of Sterling, Conn., son of George, and Mary A. Reynolds, of Rich mond, dau. of Robert; m. by Rev. C. C. Lewis, recorded 27, 1850. TOLMAN Mary, and Rufus Northup, March 30, 1768. " , and Thomas Cutter, ree July 8, 1763. TOOTHACKEE Samuel Allen, of Charles, of Clemsford, Mass., and Elizabeth Brown, of Daniel, of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder Joseph W. AUen, July 26, 1838. TOURGEE Peter, of Prudence Island, and Mary Smith, of AbigaU, widow of WU Uam, dec, April 5, 1722. " AbigaU, and Benjamin Dimond, Sept. 27, 1753. " John, andT Priscilla Smith ; m. by Joseph Coggeshall, Justice, Nov. 5, 1761. " Peter, Jr., and Bridget Hill; m. by Elder James Wightman, Dec. 6, 1775. " Patience, and Jonathan Lewis, Feb. 7, 1776. " Prudence, and WUliam Hani, Feb. 4, 1783. " Harriet, and William Oatley, J: ne 19, 1843. " Mrs. Harriet, and Charles F. Dyre, July 21, 1845. •' Thomas M., of N Kingstown, and Melissa Porter, of New York; m. by Rev. Daniel Avery, July 27, 1845. " Henry S., of PhiUip and Peggy, and EUzabeth Congdon, of George and Patience; m. by Rev. A. J. Chaplain, Nov. 13, 1848. " John F., and Martha F. Shippee: m. by Elder John Slocum, Aug. — , 1860. TRIPP Peleg, of S. Kingstown, and Mary Gardiner, of N. Kingstown ; m. by WU liam Spencer, Justice, J 28. 1728. " Mary, and John Dawley, . 1, 1729-30. " Ann, and Robert Moon, Jan. — , 1729. " Isaac, and Sarah Sweet ; m. by William Spenlcer, Justice, June — , 1729. " AbigaU, and Benjamin Tanner, July 29, 1734. " „ and Deborah Cleaveland, of Exeter, March 8, 1743'. " WUUam, and Mary leaches; m. by Job Tripp, Justice, — , . TROWBRIDGE Alice, and , Justice, Anril — , 1709. TUCKER Abigail, and Thomas Eldred, Oct. 12, 1727. , and Sally B. Waite, of Jos-ph and Mary; m. by Rev. A. j Chap lain, ree, AprU 5, 1847. " Benjamin P., and Sarah F. Cranston, . TURNER Jonathan, and EUzabeth Paine, June 9, 1709. u UNDERWOOD Ruth, and Caleb AUen, . " Harriet, and Joseph Shaw, May 1, 1843. UPDIKE Hannah, and Thomas Hazard, May — , 1738. Daniel E., and Elizabeth Wall; m.'by Elder Phillip Jenkins, Feb. 3, 1788. " Sarah, and David Hagan, Feb. 10. 1807. UTTER (Ann), of William, of Warwick, E I., and (Benjamin) Greene, of N. Kings town, Jan. or June — , 1743-14. VALLETT Jeremiah, of N. Kingstown, and Anne Bissell, of John, of do. ; m. by Immanuel Northup, Justice, Dec. 27, 1753. VAUGHN Isaac, and ; m. by Daniel ¦ Coggeshall, Justice, Feb. 14, 1730. Mary, and James Congdon, March 30, 1732. Merabah, and ; m. by WUUam Spencer, Justice, Jan. -, 1736. Jonathan, of Isaac, and Elizabeth Gould; m. at E. Greenwich by Thomas Aldrich, Justice, Jan. 1, 1756. John, and Sarah Havens; m. by WUliam Hall, Justice, April 9 1761 " Mary, and John Whltford, Jr., March 22, 1767. " Ruth, and Nathaniel Luvell, Nov. 1, 1772. NORTH KINGSTOWN MARRIAGES. 49 VAUGHN Sarah (widow), and Henry Congdon, Feb. 8, 1787. " Royal, of N. Kingstown, son of Robert, of E. Greenwich, and Adelaide Anthony, of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder Nathan Hill, Aug. 17, 1792 Jonathan, and Mary Austin; m. by Nicholas Gardiner, Justice, Jan. 11, 1796. " , of Warwick, R. I., and Abial S., of .WUUam, of N. Kingstown. " Elizabeth, and Stukeley Himes, Jan. 13, 1803. " Elizabeth, and Jeremiah Carpenter, Feb. 5, 1809. " Pardon, of Robert, of W. Greenwich, and Sarah Carpenter, of Ephraim, of S. 'Kingstown; m. by Elder Thomas Manchester, March 4, 1809. " Elizabeth R., and Isaac K. Thomas, Aug. 31, 1841. w WAIT Susannah, land '.Moses Barber, March 22, 1691-2. WALL Henry, and Hannah Gould; m. by Thomas HUl, Justice, 13, 1742. " Hannah, and John AUen, — I— — , 1743. " . and Joseph Congdon, Jan. 10, 1754. " Susannah, and George Tibbetts, Dec. 11, 1760. " . Waite. and Nathaniel Tibbetts, Feb. 15, 1766. " Jeremiah, of Henry, and Sarah PhUlips, of Capt. Christopher; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Sept. 26, 1768. " William, of Henry and Reynolds, of John ; m. by Elder PhUUp Jenkins, Nov. 17, 1771. " Mary, and Samuel Nichols, March 16, 1783. " Elizabeth, and Daniel E. Updike,, Feb. 3„ 1788. " Samuel, and ; m. by Francis ChappeU, Justice, Nov. 29, 1818. " Daniel,, of Jeremiah, and EUzabeth C. Hiscox, of Thomas J. ; m. by Eev. John H. Eouse, Feb. 3, 1849. WALMESLEY Sarah, and William Ceaser (colored),, March 25, 1768. WANTON , and Dorcas Aylesworth; m. by Christopher Spencer, Justice, Feb. 27, 1758. WARNER Anna, and (Samuel) Brown, AprU 24, 1707. " Martha, and Sylvester Pierce, Jan. 26, 1775. " Susannah, and Phineus Jenkins, July 19, 1787. " , and Anne AUen, Dec. 13, >— '— . " Ruth, and 'James Cooper, 28, , WART Benjamin, of Benjamin, of E. Greenwich, and Mary Clarke, of Tliomas and Sarah, of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder WiUiam Northup, Jan. 24, 1805. WATSON, Mary, and Edward Slocum, Aug. 20, 1741. " Dorcas, and • ; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Aug. 19, 1736. " Frances, and Moses Slocum, Aug. 21, 1746. " Hannah, and Joshua Allen, Sept. 13, 1750. " Samuel, and Reynolds, of Jo — — , dec. ; m. by George Thomas, Justice, May 21, 1784. " Sarah, and Amos Gardiner, Jan. 7, 1794. " Samuel, and Hannah' ; m. by Benjamin Weight, Justice, March 14, . " John, and Abigail Eldred; m. by Elisha Cole, Assistant, March 14, . " Sylvester, of Benjamin, dec and Abigail Hall, of Slocum, dec; m. by George Thomas, Justice,- June —. 1802. " Mrs. Patience, and Alexander Qardiner, Nov. 25, 1802. " John, of 'Wheeler, of Windham, Greene Co., N. Y'., and L. Watson, of John and Mary, of S. Kirgstown; m. by Elder William Northup ; ree. May 23, 1831. " L., and John Watson; ree May 23, 1831. " Hazard C, and Margery Spink; m. by Eld. John Slocum, Oct. 10, 1842. " Lucy Ann, and John Thomas, July 15, 1849. WEAVER WUliam, of East Greenwich, and ; m. by George Tlbbetts, Justice, 27, 1735.! " Mary, and Samuel Hunt, May 2, 1762. " Waitey, and Henry Congdon, Feb. 5, 1816. WEBB George, and Mary Hannah; m. by Christopher AUen, Justice, April 21, 1708. " John, and Joanna Tefft; m. by Rouse Helme, Justice, April 28, 1721. {Vit. ,Rec, Vol. 5.) 4 50 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. WEEDEN Ann, and James Sweet, July 6, 1734. WiUiam, and Fowler; m. by WUUam Hall, Justice, Nov. — , 1755. " Martha and Eldred, April — . 1759. « ay, and John Spink, May 29, 1774. " William, of Daniel, of Jam.estown, and Margeret Brown, of John, of N Kingstown; m. by George Thomas, Justice, March 29, 1781. " Arnold, of Jamestown, and Nancy Gardiner of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder Nathan Hill, Nov. 16, 1783. " Daniel, of John, of S. Kingstown, and Martha Pierce, of Mercy, of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder PhUUp Jenkins, Jan. 14, 1796. " Peleg, of Benjamin and Susannah, and Mary Fowler, of Benjamin and Freelove; m. by Elder William Northup, • ', 5, 1803. " Freelove N., and Gideon Freeborne, Nov. 13, -1825. " Merchant, of Daniel and Penelope D. Aylesworth; m. by Elder Pardon TlUlnghast; ree. Feb. 14, 1829. HudlahA., and Nicholas N. Spink, July 12, 1837. " Samuel, and Eliza Hazard; m. by Elder David Avery , March 13, 1844. " Ann, and Benjamm Anthony, May 18, 1845. WEIGHTMAN John, and Jane Bentley, Jan. 6, 1700. " (Valentine), and Susannah Holmes ; m. by William Hall, Justice, Feb. 17, 1702-3. Sarah, and Whltford, , 1722-3. " , and Ann Sweet; m. by WiUiam Hall, Assistant, Feb. 12, 1729. " John, and , of Newport ; m. by Job Lawton, Justice, June 4, 1729. ¦" James, of John, and Bridget Sweet, of Samuel ; m. by Robert Hall, Jus tice, Sept. 5, 1734. " Deborah, and John Reynolds, 22, 17o9. " Paul, and Hannah Whitman; m. by George Thomas, Justice, June 23, 1772. " James, of Valentine, and Mercy Carr, of Caleb ; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Feb. 1, 1776. " George, of N. Kingstown, and Waite Sweet, of E. Greenwich; m. by Elder James Wightman, June 16, 1776. " Frederic, of George, Jr., and Sarah Br , of Samuel ; m. by Elder Phil lip Jenkins, April 19, 1778. " Mary, and James Boone, April 19, 1778. " Elizabeth, and George Fowler, Dee 10, 1781. " Patty, and Benjamin Cole, Nov. 2, 1783. " Elizabeth, and Robert Havens, — -, . " Alice, and Job Harrington', June. 8, 1722. Almira W., and Henry T. Chadsey, June 13, 1830. '" . an(1 ; m. by Elder Joseph W. Allen, Sept. 4, 1833. " Mary G., and Horace J. Shippee, March 8, 1847. ¦" Sarah B., and Beriah H. Lawton, Nov. 4, 1847. " Suran W., and Edwin Montgomery, AprU — , 1850. " Charles L., and Hannah C. Spink, Feb. 5, 1866. WEIGHT , and Elizabeth Sheffield; m. by William Spencer, Justice Oct 17 1717. John, and Sarah Smith; m. by WUliam Spencer, Justice, Feb. 27, 1728. , and AbigaU Hull ; m. by WU Ham Spencer, Justice, . " Joseph, Jun., and Elizabeth, Doc. 29, . Benjamin, of Benjamin, and Sarah, of Exeter, and Elizabeth Spencer, of William and Mercy ; m. by Elder WUliam Northup, , 1801. " George, and Ruth Taylor, Jan. 9, 1820. Mary C, and David S. Baker, June 14, 1842. " Sally B., and Tucker; ree April 5, 1847. Jonathan C, of George, and Frances Spink, of Thomas; m. by Rev. A. J. Judson, Jan. 1, 1849. WELLS Mary, and David Whltford, April 5, 1722. Benjamin, and Mary Jurdon; m. by WUUam Spencer Justice Jan 21 1730. John, and ; m. at Colchester^ Conn., by John BuUceley, Justice, Nov 12, 1732. " Peter, and Nov. 4, . NORTH KINGSTOWN MARRIAGES. 51 WELLS a,b, late of Greenwich, now of N. Kingstown, and , late of New Shore ham ; m. by George Thomas,, Justice, Nov. 16, 17—. WESCOTT Mercy, and John Smith, Jr., Jan. 8, 1708. " , and Mary Dare, Aug. 17, 1718. " Mary, and Joshua Sanford, Jan. 9. 1757. " Stukeley, and Mary Spink; m. by Elder Samuel Albro, Jan. 22, 1764. " Zorobabel, and Mary Davis, Aug. 17, . " Robert, of N. Kingstown, and Hannah St—, of E. Greenwich; m. at E. Greenwich, - — . " Zorobabel, and Phebe Taylor; m. by John Spencer, Justice, Jan. 1, 17—. " E., (and Arnold Place, Sept. 9, 1860. "WEST Susannah, and Moses -Barber, March 20 or 24„ 1691-2. " Susannah, and John Tanner, May 9. 1723'. " John, and Alice Sweet; m. by WUliam Spencer, Justice, March — , 1730-1. | " , and Edmund ; m. by WiUlam Spencer, Justice, Aug. 22, 1731. " . and Sarah Baker ; m. by WUliam Spencer, Justice,, Nov. 7, 1731. " Martha, and Card, March 4, . Lucy Ann, and Benjamin Rookes, July 9, 1843. WHITEMAN George, of Thomas, of Warwick,, R. I., and Abbie E. Gardiner, of David, dee, of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder Edwin StUlman, March 9, 1845. WHITE Oliver, and Mary Harmon ; m. by Jeffrey Champlain, Justice, Jan. 21, 1747. WHITi ORD David, and Mary Wells; m. by EUsha Cole, Assistant, April 5, 1722. " , and Sarah Weightman ; m. by Elisha Cole, Assistant), , 1722-3. " Paske, Jr., and Deborah Fowler; m. by Frances Willett, Justice, July 5, 1723. " Nicholas, of E. Greenwich, and Catherine Sweet, of N. Kingston ; m. by Benjamin Weight, Justice, . 1, 1739. " John, Jr., of John, of Exeter, and Mary Vaughn, of Isaac, of N. Kingst town ; m. by George Thomas, Justice, March 22, 1767. " Elizabeth, and George Hunt, Dec. 6,1788. " John P., of Thomas, and Patience, and Mary Cooper, of Gilbert, and Elizabeth; m. by Elder William Northup, Aug. 5, 1803. " Ezekiel, and , Dec.' 17, . " Lydia, and John Sherman, April 24, . " Robert, of E. Greenwich, and Margaret Fones, of N. Kingstown; m. by WUliam Spencer, Justice, May 10, . " Sarah, and Mitchell, . WHITMAN Mary, and WUUam Hoakey, AprU 17, 1760. " Hannah, and Paul Weightman, June 23, 1772. " Valentine,, and Olln. . WHITMARSH Mic-ab, of E. Greenwich, and Ann Arnold, of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder James Wightman, June 12, 1774. WICKHAM , and Mary Place ; m. by John Eldred, Assistant, May 23, 1707. WILCOX Jeffrey, and Sa,r>ih Kimies; m. by WUliam HaU, Justice, AprU 24, 1726. " Mary, and William Greene, March, 30, 1809. " Hannah, and Enock Hace, March, — , . " Thomas, and , . WILKES , and Mary Crowder ; m. by WiUiam HaU, Assistant, Jan. 14, 1732 3. WILKEY Mrs. Henrietta, and Godfrey Sweet, Oct. 16, 1794. 1WILBOR Scipeo, and Jemima Sigworth, (c.l.), Nov. 11, 1743. Abner, and Sarah Rainbow?, Feb. 8, 1753. WILLIAMS Sarah Ann, and George W. Thomas ; recorded May 31, 1820. " Rebecca, and WUliam Dean, Oct. 11, .1847. WILLIS James, and , Oct. 18, 1732. " Mary R., and George A. Mitchell, Oct. 13, 1844. " Jeremiah, of Abel, and I enelope, of New Shoreham, and Jane C. Brown, of Samuel, and Susanna, of Goshen, N. Y.; m. by Re,v. A. J. Chr.p- la:n, March 18, 1847. " Elizabeth A., and Stephen Northup, Feb. 14, 1850. WILLETT Ann, and ; m. by John Eldred, Justice, . WILSON ', and John PhiUips, — , 1735. 52 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. WILSON Joanna (widow), and James Eldred, June 8, 1803. WOODWORTH Charles F., of Monson, Mass., and Marlah W. Chadsey, of Jere miah G., of N. Kingstown; m. by Rev. A. J. Chaplain, Nov. 30, 1846. WOOD Mary, and James Aylesworth, Feb. 8, 1733 or 0. WO Phebe, and Samuel Browning, . WRIGHT WUUam (mulauo), and Dinah Berry, (Indian); m. by Daniel Coggeshall, Justice, Feb. 13, 1734. X Y Z YORK Edward, and Mary Fones; m. by Samuel Thomas, Justice, Jan. — , 1755. YOUNG Margaret, and Rouse, Dec. 28, 1776. " Maryland Ichabod Sherman, ¦ . NO NAME. , of E. Greenwich, and Susannah , of N. Kingstown; m. by WU liam Spencer, Justice, April 7, . Caleb, of Westerly, and Elizabeth, , of N. Kingstown ; m. by WilUam Spencer, Justice, March 16, 1735. NORTH KINGSTOWN. BIRTHS -A.3STID UB-flLTHS. (son), Feb. 3, 1751. " , March 16, 1753. — , March 12, 1755. " — — , Feb. 3, 1757. " — •— s March 31, 1759. , (dau.), Feb. 7, 1761, " , (son), Feb. 4, 1763. " , (son), May 7, 1765. " Abel, Dec. 10, . " Anna, AprU — , . " Sarah, AprU 21, . " , (dau.) of John (of John) and , July 11, 175-. " Dorcas, March 15, 176-. " Eldred, April 2, 1765. Ruth, July 23, 1766. " Sarah, May 19, 1768. " Joseph, of Jabez and Susannah, Feb. 1, 1758. " Henry, March 11, 1759. " Mary, March 14, 176-. " Phebe, Jan. 1, 1765. " Lucy, Dec. 1, 1771. " Joseph (died) May 8, 1758. " WUUam, of Jabez and Sybel, 2d, wUe, . April 20, J.779. " Peter, of James and Rebecca, May 24, 1761. " James, July 5, 1763. " Elizabeth, Nov. 14, 1767. " Dorcas, of Francis (of John) and Anna, Jan. 11, 1773. " Mary, Sept. 26, 1775. " Anna, Dec. 28, 1778. " Martha, April 20, 1781. " — — anis, Aug. 17„ 1783. " Colonel, Oct. 17, 1786. " Tlbbette, Oct. 15, 1788. " — —ah, (dau.), of Jonathan and Anstis, Dec. 3, 1777. " George, July — , 1780. " " Anstis, June 5, 1784. " Elizabeth, of Benjn (of John), and Elizabeth July 19, 1779. " John, Dec. 21, 1730 " as, Nov. 8, 1782. " Mehitable, Aug. 18, 1784 " Anna, i May 17, 1786 " Sarah, Oct. 15, 1787 " Elizabeth, Aug. 12 „ 1780 Waite, Oct. 10, 1791 WUliam W., AprU 26, 1793 " George W., Sept. 5, 1796 " James, Aug. 11, 1708 " Hannah,, June 5, 1602 Qi VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. REYNOLDS , (dau.), of George, (of Joseph), and Sarah, , (son), , of Henry (of John) and Mary, Ann, Elizabeth Fones, than, of and Esther, Nicholas, is, , (son) olon Utter, Esther, WUliam, Sanil Watson, Daniel, , of and Elizabeth, William M., Susannah WaU, Of WiUiam, (of Benjamin) and Susannab. Esther Chapone, of Jonathan anft Mary, Helena Maria WiUiams, Mary Mehltable, Hannah Anne Utter, John Jonathan, WiUiam Peter, WUliam Peter, died, James J., of Geo. W. and Ruth, George W., Charles E., of George W. and Mary Ann, David G., of Gardiner and Elizabeth, Mary, Phebe, Benjamin,, of John B., (of Benjamin), and Mary, Mary, John D., Hazard D„ Abbie, WUliam W. A., Elizabeth, Ann G., Emma, Almira, Allen, Sarah Leontha, Sarah,Stephen,Henry,Mary,Hannah, John, Martha, Peter, Mary, Stephen , May 16, 1780. July 25, 1782. June 8, 1784. June 25, 1787. May 11, 1790. Oct. 15, 1792. 3, 1795. Oct. 24, 1785. Jan. 4, 1788. Oct. 7, 1790. June 11, 1793. June 11, 1793. Sept. 26, 1796. March — , 17- D/ee 22, 17—. AprU 7, 17—. Oct. 17, 17—. Nov. 15, 17—. Aug. 19, 178- March 12, 179- April 13, 179--, May 13, 1797. Feb. 28, 1795. Sept. 23, 1798. May 3, 1800. AprU 3, 1795. Oct, 26, 179- Sept. 27, — Aug. 12, 180- Sept. 1, 180—. Jan. 29„ 180- . Aug. 16, 1807. May 15, 1810. Dec. 7, 181- May 21, 181—. Oct. 1, 1817. Jan. 13, 1818. Dec. 30, 1822. May 30, 1830. Nov. 27, Oct. • H, July 11, Oct. 17, Jan 5, AprU 6, AprU 22, Aug. 31, Aug. 9, Feb. 20, AprU 18, April 23, Dec. 19, Dec. — , Aug. 3 Sept. 25 NORTH laNGSTOWN BIRTHS AND DEATHS 95 REY'NOLDS , of Joseph and Susannah, April 27, . " j March 22 — . , Dec. 21 — " , Oct, 18 — " . Aug. 14 — u i Dec. 13 — " William, 7 July 19 CC Esther, wife of WUliam, Aug. 11 — , -CC Esther, wife of WUliam, d. Sept. 7 . <( Jonathan, of WUUam and Esther, March — „ ,, " Nicholas, Dec. — " James, April — — , " Nicholas, d. Jan. 19 — . " Silas, Oct. — . CC SUas, died (Troy, N. Y.), Oct. 22 — cc Zebulon U., Nov. — , cc Esther, Aug. — — . u WUliam J., March — — . .; Samuel Watson, April — , . " Daniel, of WUliam and Esther, March — , . Daniel, died, at Cherrybourne Hospital, near Batavia, N Y-, March 21, 1821. " Jabez, of Wm., (of Jabez) and Elizabeth, Jan. 31, 1803. -CC James, Nov. 27, 1804. a Lydia. Oct. 9, 1807. tt WUUam K., Sept. 9, 1812. ¦" Bowen, Nov. 11, 1814. " Thomas A., Nov. 1, 1817. i( Richard, June 25, 1820. " Obediah B., Feb 13, 1823. cc Mary Northup, of and Rebecca, AprU 22, . ¦" EUza, Feb. 22, . " AbigaU Burrough, Nov. 28, ¦ . ** Frances, Jan. 24, . " Wm. Hookey, Aug. 29, . " Benjm Burrough, Jan. 2, . cc Sarah Jane, Nov. 21, . " Edwin Nelson, Sept. 20,. . " Edwin Nelson, died, April — , . ¦" Christian, of George and Hannah, , • . ¦" Susannah, 17, . " Isabel, AprU 5, . cc Ann, Nov. 20, . " Robert, Feb. 21, . -it Martha, Feb. 6, . tt Mary, Feb. 6, . " Sarah, Aug. 11, . " Thomas, of Samuel, March 16, . cc Freelove, Oct, 31, . -" AbigaU, M— 13, . •*" Susannah, of Jabez and Mary, Oct. 1, . " James, July 21, . " Jabez, Oct. 22, . '• John, — , . -cc Mary, 11, . u Mary, 2d, 21, . " James, ¦ 15, . " EUzabeth, ' 14, . u Ruth, Dec. 28, . ii Deborah, ' 7, — — . cc Amey, Nov. 18, . RICHARDSON Benjamin, of and Elizabeth, , . " Elizabeth,, 20, . By above wife when she bore the name of Hill. 96 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. RICHARDSON Mary, of and EUzabeth, ROBINSON Mary, of John and Mary, " Sarah, Ruth, ROOME WUliam, of Cato and Dorcas, ROSE Charles Henry, of Charles and Lydia, ROUSE Mary Grant, of John H. and Sophoronia, " Alexander Billings, " John Frederic Hill, Dec. — , . Sept. 30, 1705. Jan. 22, 1706-7. March 12, 1708-9. April 4, . Nov. — , . May 31, 1838. Jan. 20, 1842. Sept, 28, 1844. SAMBO Christopher, of Samuel and Eunice, " Barbara, " James, " Job, " Patience, " Mercy, " George, " Samuel, " Nancy, " Sarah, cc Thomas, SANDS , Maynard, wife of Robert G., died, SANFORD Joseph O, of Esb.on and AbigaU, " Mary, " Dorcas, " WUliam C, " AbigaU, " Esbon, " Rebecca, " Lydia, cc Esther, '¦' Eliza, cc Harriet, '¦' Hannah Hall, cc Peleg Clarke, SCRANTON , (son), of Thomas and Sarah. " Desire, cc AbigaU, of John, " Hannah, SHAW , of Benjamin and Hannah, cc Elizabeth, of William G. and Elizabeth Samuel, cc Samuel, died cc Brenton, cc Susannah, •' Horatio Nelson, SHEFFIELD Joseph, of Joseph and Mary, ¦' Mary, " Nathaniel, Elizabeth, of Joseph and! Mary, cc " (dau.), of WUliam and Hannah, SHELDON (dau.), of John and Sarah, " Thomas, of Isaac, " Susannah. " Gideon, SHERMAN (son), of Jonathan and Mary, " Martha, of Eber and Martha, Dec. 20, 30, May 20, Dec. 13, Nov. 20, Oct. 13, Dec. 22, May 14„ . July 7„ 1795 Jan. 17, 1788 Jan. 28, 1790 May 3, 1792 March 13, 1794, June 3, 1796 June 21„ 1798 Aug. 14, 1800 June 30, 1802 March 21, 1804, July 10, 1806 March 6, 1809 June 12, 1810 June 20, 1812 Nov. 24, 1726, Sept. 7, 1725 May 15, - Oct. 14, 1794 June 23, — Nov. 18, Sept. 20, 1799 Dee 29, Jan. 29, March — , 1800. AprU 1, 1711 Sept. 9, 1712 May 11, 1714 May 21, 1728 May 18, 1705 July 25, 1707, May 15, 1709 Oct. 30, 1711 NORTH KINGSTOWN BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 97 SHERMAN AbigaU, of Eben and Martha, " WUliam, " Mary, " Henry, " Hannah, of Abial and Dorcas, " EzeMel, " Job, of EUsha and! Mary, " EUsha, " Benoni, " Elizabeth. " Stephen, Martha, of Stephen and Sarah, Samuel, Mary, Isabel, (son), of Stephen and Margaret, (son), (dau.), Sarah, of Samuel ana Annan, Christopher, Anne, Elizabeth, Susannah, Mercy, Gideon, Stephen, Samuel, Giffe, of and Mary, i Stephen,Freeborn,James, Mary, Susannah, Jenkins, of Thomas and Bathsheba, Caleb, Martha, Sarah (b. and d.i, of , (of Henry, and Lydia, Sarah, 2d, Lorey,Nathaniel,Anne, Anne, Mary MadeUa, of Wm. N. and Mary MadeUa, James, of Stephen, George,Andrew,Lucy, Abial, William Northup, Cyrus Northup, Potter, of and Abbie, Albert, G'-.orge,Easton, Edwin, Galien Wickham, , of James and Giffie, John, of John and Freelove, Remington, (Vit. Ree, Vol. 5.) 7 March 22, 1714. Dec. 30, 1716 April 13, 1719 Jan. 14, 1724, Oct. 28, 1713 April 13, 1717. June 20, 1716 Nov. 17, 1717 July 7, 1719 March 24, 1722, March 26, 1724 Aug. 11, 1726 March 20, 173—, Oct. 2, Sept. 19, AprU — , 1722 Aug. 2, 1723 Aug. 10, 1725 Sept. 16, 1727 July 13, 1731 May 7, May 20, ¦ Dec 29, March 30, May 4, 1750 June 5, 1752 May 18, 1755 Oct. 29, 1758 June 15, 1762 Oct. 9, 1764 July 8, 1766 Sept. 26, 1768 March 4, 1770, 27, 1758 May 4, 17 — June 30, 176—, May .6, 176— March 31, 1770 Feb. 20, 1772 June 11, 1762. March 16, 1764 Oct. 5, 1766 Aug. 12, Sept. 4, July 1, March 26, d. May 16, 1783 Dec. 29, 18—, Feb. 2, — May 26, — June 7, — Jan. 19, — July 23, — Feb. 19„ — May 14, — Nov. 8, — July 7, — Jan. 17, — July 31, — rob. 1, — June 17, — Dec. 30, — Nov. 22, — April 22, — m VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. SHERMAN Sarah, of John and Freelove, Freelove,Henry, and his wife, chUd, who was widow of Beriah, born, Innocent, of William, Jr., and Amie, Martha,Godfrey, AbigaU, Mary, Gime, Amie, Ichabod, of Peleg, Lydia,Elizabeth.Mary,Moses, Deliverance, of WUUam, Eber,Phebe, AbigaU, Mary, • Edward, Jemima, WUUam,Parthenia,Jacob,Palmer, Peleg, of Eber and Margaret, s Silas, SHIPPEE WilUam Francis, of Horace J. and Mary G., SHORT Charles, of Lucy, SISSON AbigaU, of Caleb and AbigaU, " any, SLOCUM Mary, of Moses, Moses, of Ebenezer and Mary, . (dau.), (dau.), Joseph, of William and Sarah, Sarah, of Abel, , (son) , Elizabeth,Mary, of Ebenezer, John, of George W. and. Anstis, (dau.), (dau.), Arnold, of and SaUy, (dau.), (son), (dau.), (son), of Ebenezer and Sarah, AbigaU, Ebenezer, (da,u.), of Samuel, — > (dau.), SMITH Margaret, of John and Mercy ; Bathsheba, Freelove, of Ephraim and Margaret, Sarah, July 10, Feb. — „ — Sylvester Shierman, Feb. — , March 11, — Jan. 28, — Feb. 5. Aug. 15, July 8, June 10, Dec. 3, April 2, — 11, July 8, April 10, Aug. 7, Jan. 4, Oct. 26, June 29, March 4, ¦ — Dec. 14, March 10, Feb. 16, Nov. 20, May 3, Nov. 9, March 23, Jan. 12, 1848 Jan. 2, 1771 Nov. 23, 1769 Jan. 1, 1774. Oct. 29, March 7, 1748 March 25, 1746. AprU 5, 1747 April 1, 1743 Feb. 21, 1748 Jan. 25, 1756 June 26, 1758 July 23, 1767 June 25, • Oct. 7, March 25, 178 d. Feb. 12, ., Nov. 16, Sunday Aug. 13, 1789 July 21, 1793 Jan. 1, 1804 June 9, 1805 May 28, 1807 June 2, 1809 June 18, , Dec. 7, Oct. 19, Oct. 19, Dec. 17, • Nov. 2, ¦ Feb. 23, April 7, Oct. 2, (30), 1708 April 7, 1710 July 24, 1711 Oct. 4,. 1714 NORTH KINGSTOWN BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 99 SMITH Renewed, of Ephraim and Margaret, Margaret, Ephraim, (dau.), of WlUiam and Avis, (Edward), WUliam, (Ediward), , of William and Elizabeth, 2d w., WlUiam, died in 82d year, , wife of William, Christopher, of Thomas and Jerusha, Abigail, Patience, Jeremiah, of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, Jeremiah, of Jeremiah, Ebenezer, Freelove, Parsallah, Benajah,Lucretla,, of Joseph, Fones, Joseph, (son), of Benjamin and Mary, ¦ (son), Elizabeth, ChUdren's names and dates of birth of John tirely burnt off. Catherine, of John and Christiana, Thomas, of WUliam and , Patience, Patience, (dau.) (dau.) " Daniel, of Daniel and Ro— SPENCER. (son), of WilUam and Elizabeth, " Mary, " Elizabeth, " Jonathan, " WUliam, " Daniel. " WUliam, of John and Sarah, " Lydia, of Henry and Lydia, " Anne, " Elizabeth, " Sarah, " John, " Esther, Edna, " Henry, father of above chUdren, " Nicholas, of Christopher and1 Frances, " Frances, " Phebe, -" Mary, May 8, 1717. May 4, 1719 AprU 13, 1722 March 1, 1746 d. Dec. 11, 1747 Sept. 20, 1748 July 30, 1750, d. Aug. 20, 1750, Aug. 12, 1755 Nov. 2, 1756 Dec. 18, 1745 d. Nov. 20, 1759 Oct. 4, 1753, Sept. 8, 1755 July 22, 17—, Nov. 22, 1755 Dec 6, — Nov. — , June — , April — , AprU 6, Feb. 17, 1789 April 5, 1790 28, 1791 28, 1791 May 18, 1793 Feb. 5, 1795 Jan. — , 179—. July 3, 179 Sept. 7, 1800. Sept. 15, 180— July 8, 180—, and PresUla Smith en- Oct. 1, Dec. 15, 15, d. Sept. 30, May 18, d. Dee 11, Sept. 27, Aug. 25, . -I— 16, AprU 16, 1698 March 29, 1700 May 11, 1702 Jan. 21, 1704 June 30, 1700 June 20, 1708 Feb. 21, 1725-6 AprU 29, 17—, June 13, 17 June 14, 17 Oct. 11, 17 Feb. 12, 17 April 12, 17—. Dec. 26, 17 d. July 13, 17—. April 17, 174— March 27, 17— Sept. 10, 17—. June 12, 175— 100 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. SPENCER SPINK ,H (son), of Christopher and AbigaU, Aug. 14, 1737. AbigaU, wife of Christopher, Thomas, d. Aug. 24, 1737. Dec. 23, 1740. mean (dau.), May 20, 1737. Feb. 20, 1736. ' Aug. 2, 1734. Palmer, of Nicholas and Abigail, March 15, 1779. Isabel, May 28, 178—. EUzabeth, May 28, 178—. Mary, 5, 178—. Nov. 16, 1782. ' Sept. 22, 1784. ' Sept. 14, 1786. June 17, 1788. ' June 16, 1790. ' May 9, 1795. Henry, of Wanton and Sarah, March — , 1812. Mercy Allen, Dec. 21, 1813. March 11, 1822. EUzabeth, d. , . (son), of WUliam, June 20, . (dau.), Sept. — , . Names of rest burnt off. Elizabeth, of Thomas and , Aug. 4, . Amie, 4:,. . WUUam, 18, . Margaret, Dee 4, . AbigaU, of and AbigaU, March 5, . Lydia, April 5, . WUUam, of Henry, July 22, . Mehltable, Nov. 3, . Benjamin, Sept. 16, . Thomas, July 13, . Amie, Jan. 22, . Mercy, Feb. 18, ¦ . Mary, Feb. 18, . Samuel, of John and Hannaih (Carpenter), Dec. 31, 1729. Samuel (Ishmael). Feb. 12, 1731. Oliver, Dee 23, 1733. John, March 21, 1736. Sarah, ¦Sept. 22, 1741. SUas, Jan. 24, 1743. Nicholas, March 3, 1745. Hannah, July 23, 1746. Abigail, of (above) John and. Sarah. (Tibbetts), Sept. 11, 1725. (son1), of Ishmael and DeUverance), Jan. 21, 1702. (dauo, Nov. 7, 1704. Capt. John, b. , 1753; d. In 84th year, , 1837. Anne, of Josiah and Anne, Oct. 6, 175—. Penelope, of and Mary May 20, • . Oliver, June 26, 1765. Daniel, of John and Judeth, Feb. — , 1776. John, of and Waite, July 26, 17—. Silas, Aug. 23, 17—. Waite, Jan. 19, 17—. Isaac. March 3, 17—. Lucia, May 22, 17—. Samuel, Oct. 30, 176—. Hannah, Feb. 23, 176—. Nathaniel, Nov. 16, 1769. Nicholas, born Jan. 24, 1743, d. March 3, 1745. Hannah (Boone, of Samuel), Ms wife, Aug. 19, 1749. Hannah, of Nicholas and Hannah, Jan. 30, 1770. John, June 22, 1771. Mary, March 25, 1773, NORTH KINGSTOWN BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 101 6PINK Samuel, of Nicholas and Hannah, Christopher, Boone, Nicholas, Anna, Lucy, WUUam, Franklin, .Martha, Martha, of John and Judeth, ah (E. G.), of Nathaniel and Lydia, , of Thomas, Frances Ann, Albert E. N., EUza, of and , Samuel, Arnold, Lucy, Judeth, Mary, Matilda, Emeline,Almira,WUliam,Ruth A., Samuel, Ann, his wife, Eliza, of Samuel and Ann, Hannah C, SUas, EUza, died aged 23 years, Nicholas N., Huldah A., his wife, Benjn. Weeden, of Nicholas N. and Huldah A., Frances Ann, Frances Ann, Mary Fowler, Mary Fowler, Frances Ann, Christopher,Christopher,Mary Fowler, Arnold, died aged 47 years, Mahalie, : Hannah C, died aged 36 years, Ann, died aged 60 yrs. 5mos. 9 days, Walter E., of SUas and Phebe, Hattle A., Minnie Mabel, George Tennant, of Boone and Anne, Eliza Ann Sweet, Mary Eleanor, Emeline Fry, Boone, Charlotte, Susannah, Richard Eldred, of Nicholas and Lidge, Penelope, of Oliver, OUver, Arnold, of Samuel and EUzabeth, (Betsey, Joseph,Mary, Feb. 17, 1775. March 17, 1777. April 15, 1779. Feb. 11, 1781. Jan. 10, 1783. Jan. 5, 1785. July 12, 1786. March 27, 1788. July 24, 1790. Nov. 21, 1774. March — , 1800. Feb. 14, 1802. Feb. 27, 1811. Feb. 18, 1814. Jan. 17, 1827. Aug. 30, 1829. March 14, 1813. Nov. 29, 1815. Sept. 29, 1817. Oct. 27, 1819. Nov. 24, 1821. Feb. 12, 1822. Feb. 9, 1825. Sept. 26, 1827. AprU 15, 1830. AprU 12, 1S33. Feb. 11, 1836. Nov. 29, 1315. Sept. 21, 1817. Dec. 22, 1838. Jan. 23, 1840. Sept. 12, 1841. Oct. 10, 1830. Aug. 26, 181—. May 11, 1813. AprU 2, 18—. Sept. 26, 18—. d. Feb. 17, 1843. Oct. 2, 18—. d. AprU 25, 1842. Feb. 6, 18—. Dec. 23, 18—. d. April 19, 18—. May 14, 18—. May 24, 1865. d. March 12, 1865. June 9, 1876. AprU .30, 1878. June 29, 1862. March 28, 1865. May 9, 1875. Feb. 14, . Feb. 10, . Aug. 27, — . Dec. 1.6, . March 4, . July 2, ¦ — ¦. Aug. 15, . Feb. 20, . May 20, — h. June 26. -. June — , . Nov. 16, . Sept. — , . Aug. — :, . 102 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. SPRAGUE Mary, of David, " Deborah, STANTON , of David and Martha, STEADMAN Henry, of Asa and Sarah, bom In Peterooro, Aug. 6, 1800. STRAIGHT Henry, of Joseph and Mary, " Ruth, SWEET James, of Benoni and Elizabeth, " Margaret, " Benoni, " Mary, " Elizabeth, " Thomas, , of John of Catherine, Catherine, , of Thomas and Tabitha, , of Benoni, Jun., and Isabel, EUzabeth,Benoni,Thankful, of Daniel, AUce, EUzabeth, (dau.), (son), (son), (dau.), of James, Jun., — • Oct. 29, 1740, Sept. 8, 175—. of her son was James April 13, 1767. Feb. 9, 1779. Nov. 21, 1780^ March 18, 1782. July 29, 1785. AprU 13, 1787. June 25, 1790. July 15, 1793. March 20, 1795. Nov. 20, 1796. Nov. 20, 1798.. Nov. 9, 17-. Nov. 7, 17—. Nov. 14, 1806. April 24, 1808. July 17, 1814. June 19, 1813. Oct. 28, 1814... NORTH KINGSTOWN BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 10« SWEET WilUam Henry, of Scranton E. and Mary, Mary Ann, George, of Potter and Alceba, William Harris, Washington,Mary R., Daniel H., Lucinda,Esther,Parker HaU, Isaac Henry, Sarah EUza, Amie, of Elnathan, Mary, Elnathan, Elizabeth, of John, Sarah, John, Benoni, TheophUus, James, (dau.), of James and Mary, (son), (dau.), (son), : Gideon, of Job and Sarah, James, Benoni, Jonathan, Margaret, Lydia, Hannah, Ruius, Sarah,Ruth, of Samuel and Sarah, Sarah,Samuel, of and Henrietta, Thomas, Mary,Frances, Robert, AbigaU,Benoni, of James and — -, Eber, Mary,James, Elisha, Freelove,Job, Elizabeth, Margaret, Silas, of Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Isabel, Joshua, Patience, Thankful, Phebe, Tolding, April 13, 1816. Jan. 13, 1819 Dee 19, 1831 July 18, 1833 June 22, 1835 Sept. 26, 1837 July 17, 1840 Dec. 31, 1843 Dec 31, 1843 Oct. 24, 1845 May 7, 1848 May 23, 1851 Nov. — , July 4, June 24, - May 30, June 24, Nov. 7, May 3, — April 30, Aug. 24, April 30, May 28, May 7, Nov. 9, April 11, AprU 11, Oct. 17, Sept. 6, Dec. 4, Dec. 4, Aug. 3, — . Dee 6, 174—, April 4, 17—, AprU 24, - March 14, - Aug. 7, - April 2, June 5, Nov. 25, 4, Oct. 18, AprU 12, Dec. 1, May 13', April 4, 24, March 21, July — , March 27, Oct. — , TANNER WUliam, of WUliam and Hannah, " Benjamin, . Sept. 22, 1712. June 16, 1714. 101 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. TANNER Honor, of William and Hannah, ah, cc " Elizabeth, of Francis and Rosanna, " Phebe, " , of Benjamin, Dec. 15, 1716 Oct. 16, 1723 Jan 19, 172— March 30, 176— Nov. 10, 1763 Feb. 28, 1766 July 3, 1767 April 9, 1769 May 21, 1771 March 27, 1773 Dec. 25, 1774 June 18, 1776 Nov. 21, 1778 June, 13, 1780 March 10, 1782, AprU 15, 1784 Dec. 5, 1787 179— 179— 179— 179—179—179—179— Catherine, of Palmer and Margaret, Job,Benjamin, Mary, Palmer,James, Henry, Abel, , of WUliam and EUzabeth, TAYLOR William. Darts, of Sylvia (col.) TENNANT George, (Jamestown) ¦' Hannah, wife of George, " Benajah. (J.) of George and Hannah, " Mary, (N.) Sarah, (N.), " Luke, " John, of George and Tabitha, " Hannah, (Plalnfield), " George (Plalnfield), of George and Tabitha, " Daniel (PlainfieW.), " Nancy, (Plolnfietld), " Betsey, (Plalnfield), " Honor, (Plalnfield), " , of George and Anstis, " AbigaU, " AbigaU, " Lydia, " Jamea, of John and Mary, John, " Merabah, THOMAS 1 (son), of Abraham and Rose, Dee — , 1723 " Phebe, wife of George, (son of Samuel) ; d. agel 43 years, Nov. 19, 1744. " Juriah, of Samuel and Ruth, May 15, 1757, George, JuI,e 7, Gould, April 7, 174—, " Alice, March 24, 174—, Samuel, Aug. lt 17. " EUzabeth, Feb. 11, . " Ruth., wUe of Samuel, died Jan. 4, . " George, of Samuel, and his wife, Phebe Loclcwood, dau. of Capt. Amos, of Warwick, R. I., children. Ruth, July 1( 1764, " George, March 23, 1766. :' Gould, Aug. 17, 1769. May 11, Dec. 3, June 19, Dec. 3, March 9, May 8, Jan. 25, Aug. 8, 1800 Dec. 6, Oct. 11, Sept. 5, Sept. 6, July 10, 21, Sept. 22, - April 23, - July 13, - Aug. — , - June 13, Jan. — , Jan. — , — — Jan. — , Feb. 28, 17— Feb. 9, 1788 June 1, d. June 21, s. m Feb. 22, Dec. — , 1789 NORTH KINGSTOWN BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 10c THOMAS Daniel, of Samuel and Phebe, Sarah, Sarah, died, , (son), , (son), died, Amos,Amos, died, Sarah Ann, Sarah Ann, died, , son of George, Jr., died, , (dau.), - — , (son), Elizabeth, Martha Augusta, Phebe Ann, (Newport), George W., (Newport), Sally, Jane, Catherine Gould, ab, (dau.) of and Hope, Richard, ty, (dau.), , (son), of Benjamin and , Elizabeth, Elsie Ann, Mariah,Susannah, Arnold, •Nichols AUen, Nichols AUen, died, age 9 -months, Allen (Mason, Mary of Arnold and Audrla, Asel, > Rose, Samuel, Esq.., died, Dyre, (dau.), of George, Jr., and AbigaU, Waitey, of George, (of John) and , Mary,Alcey, AbigaU,An stress, Arnold, of George, (of John) and Hannah, Elizabeth,Hannah,Coggeshall, Elizabeth, of George P., James M.j Hannah, of George P., Gleorge,, of Benj. and Mary, ; j Anstis, Abigail, | | i : j Benjamin,Mary, of Col. George,, ; Sarah, George,John, NOV. 27, 1771 March 17, 1774 Feb. 5, 1775 May 3, 1776 May 19, 1776 Oct. 23, Feb. — , Oct. 23, , , 1778. Nov. 6, 1785 Feb. — , 1788 March 23, 1790 Oct. 11, 1792 Jan. 4, 1795 Nov. 7, 1795 July 30, 1796 , 1798 May 7, 1798 Oct. 11, 1794 March 3, 1797 Feb. 4, 1799 Jan. 5, 1801 Jan. 9, 1804. Jan. 9„ 1804. Nov. 19, 1807 2, 1810 June 23, 1813 5, — Jan. 22, 17- Oct. 11, 177- June 10, 1801 Nov. 17, 1803 Feb. 6, 1806 Oct. 12, 1808 July 16, 1811 Sept. 15, - — July 25, Aug. 7, 180—. Sept. 8, 180—, June 3, 180—. April 12, 1807, June 17, 1809. Nov. 22 Aug. — Sept. 22 Dec. 6 AprU — Dec. — , March — Aug. 19 Aug. 19 AprU 6 Feb. 15 March 20 March 1 Ap- May Feb. — , April 20, Nov. 2, Feb. — ApiU 6 106 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. THOMAS Alice, of Col. George, Benjn, " EUzabeth, •' (son), TEBBETTS (dau.), of George and Dorcas, (dau.), " — (dau.), " (dau.), " (dau.), " (dau.), " (dau.), " George, of George and (Wall, of Wm.), WUliam, " Benjamin, " John, " John, died " Dorcas, " Hannah, of Nathaniel and Waite, Uteorge, TILLINGHAST Mercy, of and Abigail, " John, " Pardon, " Joseph, '• Phebe, " Charles, Allen, " Amie,Anne, of Phillip and Frances, " Fiances Spencer, " Almy R. (N. K.), of Job, " Sidney S., " Ann, wife of Benjamin, died, •: Alice, wife of PhiUip, dau. of Col. George, " Thomas, " PhUUp, of Capt. Joseph R. and Phebe, " WUUam, " Joseph Henry, " Anne Elizabeth, " Harriet Moore, TOURGEE , of Peter and Mary, " ¦ (son), " — (dau.), " (dan.), — (son), " ' (son), cc " Desire, of HolUs and Patience, " WUUam, " Elizabeth, " AbigaU, " Sarah,Charlotte, " Prudence, of John and , Mary,Peter, " Grlzell, (dau.), of Thomas, " PhUlip, " Margaret,Mary, TRIPP Mary, of Othnlel and Mary, Othnlel, " Penelope, " Othnlel, 2d, " Susannah, June — , July -, Oct. — , Dec. — , Jan. v— , 1731-2. Jan. 17, 1733^1 March 14, 1736 May 18, 173— Aug. 26, 174—. Sept. — , Feb. 24, March 2, June 18, Feb. 3, 1772 Jan. 23, Feb. 27, 17— Jan. 6, 17— June, 5, - Dec. — , 176— Jan. 15, 176 Feb. 10, 1767 Sept. 26, 1768 Oct. 25, 17—. Oci. 13, 177— Feb. 7, 1774 Jan. 16„ 1792 AprU 25, 1809 Aug. 24, 18— Dec. 7, 18 Jan. 14, — d. Jan. 19, — June 9, 1808 Oct. 25, 1810 AprU 19, 1813 March 2, 1815 June 22, 1820 Dec. 13, 1722 Oct. 20, 1724 Nov. 18, 1728 Dec. 1, 1730 Feb. 5, 1733^1 Dec. 23, 1735 May 8, 1739 Dec. 19, 17—, Oct. 3, 175-, Jan. 12, 175- March 12, 1758 Feb. 19, 1761 Feb. 5, 1763 June 15, 176- Jan. 30, 17— May 12, 17— May — , Nov. 28, May 15, June 15, May 22. — Aug. 18, Jan. 18, March 22, Feb. 12, NORTH KINGSTOWN BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 107 TRIPP Bridget, of Othnlel and Mary, TURNER Mary, of Jonathan and Elizabeth, " Paine, " Hannah, Oct. 25, . Aug. 20, 1711. May 15, 1713V Aug. 7, 1715. u UPDIKE (son), Deblois, (dau.), (dau.), Joseph, of James and Freelove, Abbie, Sally, John, James, Nathaniel, Susannah, CeUa,Levina, Ceaser,Christopher, AprU — , 1789. Oct. 1, 1792. April 11, 1795. AprU — ', 1802. Feb. 7, 1807. July — June 26 '. Dec, 20 — i— . March 2 Oct. 20 . Oct. 16 . Maj 9 — — Jan. 10 Aug . 6 — - — i. — . Oct . 3 Aug. 20 VALLETT Mary, of Jeremiah and Anne, May 16, 175-. " John, Feb. 10, 175-. '¦' Abia, April 6, 1758. n Anne, Feb. 13, 1760. VAUGHN Nathan, of Aaron and Sarah, June 29, 1765. " Elizabeth, Oct. 6, 1768. cc Joseph Martin, Dec. 15, 1772. '' Elizabeth, of Capt. Jonathan, 1, 17-. " Gideon, Aug. 19, 177-. cc Maria, of Isaac D. and Cynthia, Oct. 15, 1799. cc Harriet Gardiner, July 13, 1802.. cc Edward Augustus, July 16, 1805. cc Charles Manuel, , . ;c Charlotte,, Sept. 8 -. tt Nabby, Sept. 18 . n Christopher, Ma -. " Isaac, , . cc Jonathan, , . cc Nathan, , . cc John, , . " Henry, of Daniel, Oct. 13 . cc Elizabeth (Reynolds), his wife, AprU 2 . cc AbigaU, of Henry ahd EUzabeth, March — . cc Dorcus, March — . cc Daniel, Feb. — , . cc Henry, June — , . " Mary, AprU — , . cc John G., April — , . cc Hannah S., March — , . VERNER Henry, of John, Nov. 27, 17—. " William, Nov. 29, 17— VERRY Elijah, b. (Otter Creek, Vt.,) of John and Sarah, July 20 '-¦ 108 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. w WALL Susannah, of Henry and Hannah, July 2, . « Jeremiah, - March 23, . " Weight, March 6, . " WUUam, AprU 28, . " Henry, ' May 22, . cc Hannah, Jan. — , . " Daniel, Sept. 11, . cc Thomas, of Henry and Maryl, Jan. 18, . " Mary, Feb. 7, . " Hannah, wUe of Henry, died June 4, 1759. " Coggeshall, of Samuel and EUzabeth, Feb. 8, 176-. WARD Wail, of Joseph and Mary, July 11, 1754. " Sarah, Feb. 8, 1756. cc Mary, June 4, 1758. " Susannah, March 10, 1761. " Thomas, April 3, 1764. " Henry, July 20, 1774. WATSON Hannah, of John and Hannah, March 1, 1703-4. " Ann, March 27, 1708-9. " John, March 13, 1709-10. cc Jeffrey, Aug. 3, 1712. " EUsha, Sept. 14, 1714. cc Dorcas, Oct. 25, 1716. c. Amie, Oct. 18, 1719. cc (son), of Samuel, Jr., . 23, 1737. " — - (son), March 28, 1739. WEATHERN Thomas, of John and Deborah, Sept. 5, . WEEDEN Ceaser, of Peter and Lucy, Feb. 14, 1811. cc Caleb, of Caleb and F , Feb. 8, . " Mary Jane, of Marchant and Penelope, AprU 10, . " Chas. Williams, Ja.,. 2, . cc Martha Ann, Nov. 27, . WEIGHT-MAN Catherine, of George and Mary, Feb. 28, 1.725. cc (George), Nov. 7, 1726. cc (David), Aug. 24, 1728. " (John),, Oct. 7, 1730. cc (Valentine), March 13, 1733. cc (dau.), May 13, 1736. cc Samuel, . — , 1739. cc WUUam, of and Barbara, April 27, 1770. " John, March 17, 1772. cc John, 0, Sept. 21, 1777. cc Gideon, Feb. 27, 1774. It Gideon, d. Sept. 3, 1777. tt Phebe, Oct. 24, 1775. It Phebe, d. Jan. 19, 177—. cc Giles, Nov. 26, 1776. cc Giles, d. Feb. 8, 177—. " Gideon, Feb. 22, 177—. cc John, April 14, 178—. cc Phebe, June 27, 178— " B., March 19, 1800. cc Charles L., died, aged 35 years, AprU 18, 1S75. " Alice, of John and Jane, Oct. 26, (1702.) " Sarah, Jan. 23, (1704.) " John, March 11, . " James, Feb. 17, 1. " Jean, M— 20, . cc » 31, •. (I Harry H.. of John (of Thomas) and Mary, ~ jf ZZ; tt Mary, Jan. 13, 1807. " Isaiah, Sept. 8, , NORTH KINGSTOWN BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 109 of Samuel and Alice, WEIGHTMAN Sarah, of John and Mary, " Almidy, " Fannie, " Horace, " Esther Ann, " John Horace, " Bridget, of James, " John, " Daniel, " William, of EUzabeth, " George, " SUas, " Mary, " John, " Elizabeth, " Frederic, " EUzabeth, of Valentine, " EUzabeth, of Holmes and Comfort, " John, WEIGHT Josieph, " George, " Samuel, " Benjamin, " Martha, " John, (dau.), ¦ (dau.), ¦ (dau .) , - — (dau.) , — • (son), Alice, of John and Sarah, Lydia, Eunice,SI on, " „ of Benjamin and Abigail, " WiUiam Beriah, of George and Ruth, " Ann Matilda,. " Jonathan Card, " Martha,, of Joseph, " Reuben, " Oliver, " Henry of Benjamin, " Benjamin, WUliam, " Sarah, " Virtue, " Jonathan, " — (son), of Joseph and Elizabeth, (dau.), " (son), Elizabeth, " Samuel, " Alice, " Benjamin, " Damaries, Phebe, " Mary, WEIR' , of Daniel and Phebe, " Benjamin,WUUam, Aug. 1, April 4, Sept. 4, Oct. 20, AprU 16, Sept. 21, June 22, July 17, July 26, Dec. 10, April July. 2, . Feb. — , . Oct. 24, . April 27, 1697. Aug. 14, 1699. Oct. 13, 1791. . 17, 1703. Feb. 22, 1708-9. . 11, 1725. Sept. 11, 1727. Deo. — , 1729. May — , 1732. Jan. 22, 1734. Jan. 9, 1736. Jan. 5, 1738. . 23, 1729. July July 4, 1742 Oct. 12, 1822 May 20, 1824 AprU 29, 1826 March 10 July 24 13 May 27, 1725. Oct.13, ¦ . June 9, . Jan. 9, . May 12, . Aug. 11 . J 26, ¦ . Aug. 15 . Oct. 16,21, ¦ 28 28, 16, 14 . . 16, • Feb. 27, 1744. April 14, 1746. Oct. 7, 1747. Jan. 17, 1754. 110 VITAL; RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1WEIR — -, of Daniel and Phebe, WESTCOI'T Sarah, of Zerababel and Phebe, Stukeley, " Samuel, " Lewis, " John, of Stukeley and Mary, " Hannah, " Mercy, " Robert, of Zerobabel and Jane, " Margaret, " Zerobabel, " Catherine, " Robert, of Robert and Hannah, " Samuel, " Zerobabel, " Stukeley, " Mary, " Ann, WEST (WUUam, of Francis and Susannah, ("I have Clement,, Instead of Thomas, " Thomas, of Francis and Susannah, " Mary, of Francis, 1VHALEY , (son) of Jane, " - — th, of Thomas and nah, " Theophilus, " Thomas, " Lydia, of Lawrence, " Susannah, " TheophUus, " Thomas, "WHITFORD Lydia, of Joseph and Sarah, Alice, of Thomas and Patience, John Place, Caleb, Joshua, Sarah, Benjamin, Lydia, Elizabeth, Mary, John,Mercy, Martha, , of David and Mary, WHITMAN, John, " , dau. of above John, " Thomas, of and Elizabeth, John, " EUzabeth, " Fr?deric. Weight, " George, WHITMAN Mary, of and Elizabelh, Jan. 5, 1756 May 15, 1759 May 13, 1761 Dee 30,. 1764 Nov. 17, 176 Aug. 26, 17- Oct. 19, — Oct. 21, — Dee 5, 1700 . 8, - Nov. 8, - April 17, - July 8, (17 June 28, — Dee 15, - July 11, - Nov. 27, - March 23, - May 31, 1681) at same date,. R. G. H.) Sept. 18, 1684 June 29,, 1711 . 25, 1693, March 5, 1756 AprU 19, 1758. March 10, 1760 May 13, , Jan. 21, - Feb. 14, - April 10, - March 7, 1724 Feb. 7, 1726 Jan. 5, 1728 Oct. 9, 1730 March 6, 1735-6 Jan. 16, 1740 Aug. 10, - Feb. 23, - April 11, - Nov. 22, - -. 22, Dec. 22, - March — , Jan. 21, - June 11, - Sept. 6, - March 6, - March 29, - June 23, - June 7, - Dec. — , - Feb. — , - April 16, - Oct. 26, 1702 Jan. — , - March — , - Oct. 23, - Sept. 23, - March 7, - Jan. 19, - April 17, 175—, NORTH KINGSTOWN BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Ill "WHITMAN Asa, of and Elizabeth, March 28, 176—. " Valentine, March 1, 176--. '; Daniel, Feb. 20, 176—. " Avis, of George, Oct. 7, 1780. cc George. Dec. 11, 1784. cc Sam'l Wart, Oct. 5, 1789. EC Mary, Sept. 29, 1791. CC Daniel, March 6, 1797. cc Thomas Sweet, Oct. 2, 1799. WILCOX , (son), of Rohert and Sarah, June 26, 1724. " , (son), Oct. 16, 1725. WILKEY , (son), of John and Jane, Nov. 17, 1702. tt — , (dau.), Dec. 21, 1706. tt , Dec. 27, 3 708. " , AprU 30, 1710, .CC , Nov. 4, 1712. .it , Feb. 4, 1714. it , March 23, 1716. " , May 15, 1718. 11 , (dau.), of Jeremiah and Mary, July 4, 1735. tt , (dau.), June 16, 173—. tt , (son), Dec. 27, 17—. It Thomas, of Thomas, Nov. 12, 1735. "WILLETT , of Andrew and Ann, Sept. 26, 1689. a , Sept. 21, 1690. a . June 25, 1693. u Francis. May 13, 1696. a , March 6, 1697-8. WILSON • ¦ (dau.), of Rohert and Catherine, Aug. 10, 1720. a (dau.), Sept. 4, 1722. it (dau.), April 24, . it (dau.), June 28, . it (dau.), Nov. 7, . it (dau.), , • xt (dau.), , ¦ WEEDEN" Josiah, of Peter and Mary, h. in Harwidge, in county of Barnstable, May 16, . cc Charlotte, b. In Kingstowne, Feb. 24, 1697. -WOODEN (son), of Potter and Mary, Feb. 24, 1697. WRIGHT, Susannah, of Capt. Peter, April 25, . a John, June 6, . cc Hannah, Nov. 7, . tl Samuel, AprU 11, . tt Mary, May 29, . cc Daniel, Nov. 11, . cc Deborah, April 4, , tt Sarah, AprU 16, . cc Elizabeth, Recorded Sept. 29, 1779. AprU 13, . X Y Z -YORK Margaret, " James, "YOUNG Nicholas, of Thomas and Mary, Nov. 17, 1691. NAMES LOST. SyMl, Elisha, Joseph, Sarah, Rhodes, Samuel, .Sarah. Dec. 14, 178—. Feb. 19, 1789. July 19, 1791. Oct. 19, 1793. May 29, 1796. Aug. 27, 1798. April 14, 1807. 112 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. NAMES LOST. and Abigail, James, WiUlam, , and Frances, , and Mary, Mary, wUo of , died, , died, AbigaU, his wife, died aged 86 years, , (dau.),, of Francis and Mary, Ebenezer, , (son), , (son), , (son), Francis, father of above, died Oct. 16, 1776. Jan. 13, 1780. Sept. 8, 1781. Aug. 13, 1783. Feb. 22, 1787. Aug. 22, 1789. Feb. 11, 1782. July -, 1727, AprU 15, 1729, Jan. 22, 1731. Feb. 3, 1733, March 24, 1734, May 31, 1681. March 27, 1748, Sept. 10, 1749. Jan. 12, 1751. Jan. 27, 1742. . 3, 1744. AprU 26, 1743. Oct. 3, 1743. March 25 , Dec. 1, >-(— . Feb. 25 , . Dee 9 > • . 15 , . Vital Record of Rhode Island. 1636=1850. first series. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. A Family Register for the People. By James N. Arnold, Editor of the Narragansett Historical Register. Is rvly Name Written in the Book: of Life?' Vol. 5. SOUTH KINGSTOWN. Part II. Published under the Auspices of the General Assembly. PROVIDENCE, E. I : Hakragansett Historical Publishing Company. 1894. ACT DIVIDING THE TOWNE OF KINGS TOWNE. Voted, that the Act for dividing of Kingstown, be not repealed. We, whose names are present Subscribed, being appointed and authorized by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Colony of Khode Island, etc., held at Newport, by adjournment, the third Tuesday of June, 1722, to divide the Town of Kingstown into two towns (with all the equality that could be, and to be called by the name of NORTH and SOUTH KINGSTOWN), have proceed eth as followeth, viz.: Beginning at the Narragansett Bay, at the dividing line between Mr. Francis Willett and Mr. William Robinson, and so continuing said line to the river commonly called Pettaquomscut river, and from thence, a westerly course sixteen degrees southerly into a certtain bound mark in the country road, at a corner of a hedge between Watson and Watson's, and from thence, west four degrees north, until it comes into a highway between Mrs. Mary Haszard and Eber Sherman's and from thence, keeping the highway, which runs west twenty-one degrees north, to a marked tree, near the end of said highway; and from thence, taking a westerly course twenty-seven degrees northerly to a marked tree, something to the southward of Job Babcock, Jr's, house, and so continuing the same course as near as we could, for the bad ness of the way, taking a marked tree marked on four sides, on the other side of the swamps, continuing the same course into a stake and heap of stones at, or near Misquamocock line, and the line continued in the aforesaid Kings town, to the southward of said dividing line, to be called SOUTH KINGS TOWN; and all to the northward to be called NORTH KINGSTOWN. And it is the opinion and intent of the aforesaid subscribers, that if, and in case it should so happen, that the aforesaid line shall run through any man's land, or property, on that side where his house or major part of the land thereunto belonging fall, he shall be one of that Town, and he shall pay rates and taxes into, and do all other duties in the same, for all his said estate as afore mentioned. As witness our hands this 23d of September, one thousand, seven hundred and twenty-two. JONATHAN NICHOLS, WM. WANTON, T. HULL. Voted, that this foregoing return be accepted, and that North Kingstown be the eldest Town. It is voted and enacted by this Assembly, that the Town Meeting to be held at the house of Thomas Joslin, (for the late Town of Kingstown, now North and South Kingstown) on Monday next, to choose jury men to serve in the next General Court of Trials, to be held for this Colony, on the last Tuesday of March next; and that the freemen of each of the respective Towns of North Kmgstown and South Kingstown, meet on the third Wednesday of March next, in each of their respective Towns, and some convenient place in each respective Town, as the Assistant or Justices dwelling in each respective Town, shall appoint, and shall then choose deputies, and give in their proxies for the General Election, and appoint their quarter meet ings, and that the inhabitants of each Town at their Town Meeting on M onday next, be advised thereof by the Assistants of said Town; and that IT VITAL RECORD OP RHODE ISLAND. the Towns of North Kingstown and South Kingstown govern themselves accordingly. And that the Recorder draw up for each Town their Charter, in order to deliver them to the magistrates at the Election, such as shall be chosen for each respective Town. And that all former Charters shall cease, upon their receiving their Charters for each Town. And at their respective Town Meetings to be held on the third Wednesday of March next, each Town shall choose two men,. to join in a Committee to audit the Treasurer's accounts, that each Town of North and South Kingstown may have their proportion of said money, when they have chosen their respective Treasurer's, in proportion accord ing to their taxes for each Town. And that the Records of the late Town of Kingstown be put into the hands of the clerk of North Kingstown, to be and remain in said North Kingstown; and that a copy of all Records belonging to South Kingstown, to be drawn out of the Records of the late Kingstown, and to be delivered to the clerk. of said South Kingstown, when chosen, and to be paid for out of North and South Kingstown treasuries. And that Mr. Rouse Helme and Mr. Francis Willet, be, and- they hereby are appointed to draw a copy of said Records; and that . each Town of North and South Kingstown, shall, after they receive their Charters, choose two petty jurymen, and one grand, juryman, to serve at each General Court of Trials, to be held for this Colony. And it is further ordered, that the day of choice of Town Officers for each Town be mentioned in their Charters. Voted, that the Act for regulating of North and South Kingstown, be im mediately proclaimed. Rhode Island Colonial Records, Vol. IV., pages 322, 323, 324. SOUTH KINGSTOWN. nvr A-R,R,iuA.a-£: s. 1-86 ABB Abigail, residing In South Kingstown, and John Lee, of North Kings town, Aug. 19, 1743. 1-80 ADAMS Joseph, of Westerly, ana Mary Crandall, of South Kingstown; by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, Sept. 4, 1737. 2-2 " Martha, of Ebenezer, and. Sarah ; and Samuel Bentley, of Caleb and Anne, Nov. 15, 1798. 2-1 " John F., and Ann E. Oatley ; by Rev. Pardon Tillinghast, Dec. 31, 1848. 1-105 ALBRO Eunice, and James Whithorne, Oct. 12, 1758. 1-105 " Jeremiah, and Mary Teftt ; "by Jeremiah Crandall, Justice, Oct. 15, 1758. 1-106 " Hannah, of Richmond, E. I., and Michael Letson, of North Kings town, Sept. 28, 1760. 2-54 " Edmund B., and Lucy Ann Smith; by Rev. Wilson Cogswell, Feb. 24, 1848. 2-38 " Phebe A., of Exeter, E. I., and Samuel Rose, of South Kings town, Aug. 4, 1850. 1-68 " ALLEN Christopher, of Rhode Island, and Elizabeth Seyouche, of Little Compton, at Boston; by Rev. Robert Hatch,. 1687. 1-68 " Caleb, and Marcy Northrup ; by Rouse Helme, Assistant, July 15, 1724. 1-70 " Abigail, and Joseph Brarnan, June 27, 1725. 1-85 " Passaval, and Mary Sherman ; by Eouse Helme, Assistant, Dec. 21, 1732. 1-94 " Samuel, and Margaret Congdon ; by Samuel Tefft, Justice, June 25, 1764. 1-96 " Joshua, of Caleb, of North Kingstown, and Hannah Watson, of Jef frey; by Daniel Coggeshall, Assistant, Sept.13, 1750. 1-157 " Mary, of North Kingstown, and Eobert Browning, of South Kings town, March 9, 1.777. 1 — " Ray, of Charlestown, and Susannah Gould, of Soutih Kingstown ; by Samuel Helme, Justice, Dec. 11, 1796. 2-35 '; George, and Mercy Perry, ul John K. and *ally (Gould), Feb. 26, 1836. ' 2-17 " Ann, and Nicholas N. Holland ; by Rev. Silas Leonard, Feb. 1, 1841. 2-55 " Louisa, and Phineas P. Barber, March 13, 1841. 2-1 " Christopher E . and Elizabeth Jaekwurys ; by Rev. Wilson Cogs well, Dec. 11, 1842. 2-1 " , Jonathan, of Horatio and Alice Hazard ; by Rev. Henry C. Coombs, Oct. 6, 1850. 1-91 ANTHONY Mary, and Henry Reynolds, Nov. 9, 1746. 2-1 " Edwin, of ¦ Richmond, R. I., and Mary Perkins, of So. Kingstown; by Rev. Wils.m Cogswell, July — , 1843. 1-103 ARNOLD Ann, of North Kingstown, and Joseph Babcock, of South Kings town, Jan. 1, 1758. 2-54 " Stephen, of Warwick, and Rhuhamali Gould, of South Kingstown; by Rev. Nathan Reed, July 15, 1839. VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-1 ARNOLD George, and Eliza, Justin ; by Rev. Thomas Vernon, Nov. 8, 1839. 2-39 - Sally, and Isaac P. Rodman, July 15, 1847. 1-85 AUSTIN James, and Maigaret Gardiner; by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Dec. 29, 1734. 1-104 " Elizabeth, and William Enis, May 27, 1757. 1-156 " Hannah, of Exeter, E. I., and Samuel Whaley, Jr., of South Kmgstown, June 11, 1769. 1-84 " Thomas, and Harriet Sweet, Of Job; by F. Perry, Justice, Oct. 27, 1791. 2-16 " Eunice, and Robeit Hazard, Oct. 25, 1807. 2-54 " George, and Patience, Gardiner; by Benjamin Hull, Justice, June 16, 1814. 2-26 " Belinda, of South Kingstown, and Liberty N. May, of Spencer, Mass., July 5, 1340. 2-1 " Charles, and Clarissa Tucker; by Rev. Cyrus Miner. Nov. 29, 1841. 2-44 " Abbie, of Geoige, and William N. Steadman, of Henry, July 2, 1848. 1-98 AYLESWOETH Sarah, and Edward Gardiner, Feb. 25, 1754. B 1-73 BABCOCK Deborah, and Joseph Hoxsie, Oct. 17, 1728. 1-85 " Ann, and SUas Greenman, March 23, 1730. 1-73 " Ruth, of South Kingstown, and Caleb Hill, of Prudence Island, Feb. 21, 1730. 1-73 " Abigail, of South Kingstown, and Benjamin Hall, of Portsmouth, April 29, 1731. 1-79 " Mrs. Eunice, of South Kingstown, and Capt. Silas Greenman, of Stonington, Conn., May 10, 1737. 1-83 " Hezekiah, of South Kingstown, and Mary Peckham, of Newport, at Newport; by Daniel Gould, Justice, Jan. 3, 1739-40. 1-90 " Mary, of South Kingstown, and Richard Boss, of Charlestown, Aug. 8, 1745. 1-93 " John, and Jemima Reynolds ; by John Case, Justice, March 17, 1747. 1-95 " Samuel, and Elizabeth Cottrell; by Benjamin Potter, Justice, Jan. 18, 1748. 1-94 " Job, 3d, and Susannah Hopkins ; by Samuel Tifft, Justice, Nov. 20, 1748. 1-95 " Jonathan, and Lydia Lee ; by Bei.jamin Better, Justice, Nov. 26, 1749. 1-95 " Simeon, of Soutih Kingstown, and Elizabeth Cahoone, of Warwick, E. I.; by Benjamin Potter, Justice, April 19, 1750. 1-99 " James, of Samuel, and Sarah Sheldon, of Isaac, lately deceased; by Jeffrey Watson, Assistant, Jan. 31, 1754. 1-108 " Jonathan, of John and Amey Clarke, of Simeon, of Richmond, R. I. ; by Jeffrey Watson, Assistant, March 5, 1755. 1-103 " Joseph, of South Kingstown, and Ann Arnold, of North Kings town ; by Silas Albro, Justice, Jan. 1, 1758. 1-107 " Isabel, and James Stedman, Nov. 11, 1762. 1-108 " John, and Mehitable Sheldon; by Jeremiah Crandall, Justice, Feb. 14, 1.765. 1-157 " Mary, of Hezekiah, and Josephus Peckham, May 25, 1774. 1-156 " Augustus, of HezeJdah, and Mary Browning, of Joseph ; by Edward Perry, Justice, April 1, 1781. i 1-62 " Bridget, of Abijah, and Stephen Browning; by F. Perry, Justice, March 16, 1786.: 2-2 " Cudjo, of Charlestown, and Deborah Card, widow of Abram, of South Kingstown; by F. Perry, Justice, Dec. 22, 1791. 1 " Mehitable, and Caleb Cory, Nov. 11, 1798. 2-32 " Susannah, of Peleg, and John B. Perry, of Samuel, April 11, 1805. 2-23 " Susan S., of South Kingstown, and Jonathan C. Kenyon, of North Providence, Oct. 23, 1839. 2-33 " Hannah E., and Robert C. Peckham, Nov. 14, 1842. SOUTH KINGSTOWN MARRIAGE* 2-43 BABCOCK Rebecca, of Joseph, and William Slocum, of John, of Richmond, R. I., March 30, 1845. 2-28 " Eliza C, of George, and Arnold W. Nye, of William, July 24, 1345. 2-60 " Maria S., of Jesse and Sally S-, and George N. Ciandall. of George W. and Thankful G., Oct. 1, 1845. 2-57 " Isaac P., and Abbie P. Brown; by Rev. A. Durfee, Dec. 11, 1845. 1-87 BAKER Beujaiuln, and Mary Sherman; by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, Sept. 16, 1742. 1-108 " Hannah, und Thomas Hopkins, Jr., Aug. 20, 1765. 1-86 " Munroe, and Marvel Barber : by Rev. Benjamin Waite, Sept. 8, 1793. 1-63 " Stafford, of Exeter, and Mary Croucher, of Newport ; by Rev. Benjamin WaLte, Oct. 27, 1793. 1-68 BARBER Ruth, and George Bentley, March 4, 1723-4. 1-69 " Joseph, and Rebecca P.,tter: by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Feb. 4, 1724. 1 " Martha, and Thomas Barber, Oct. 3, 1727. 1 " Thomas, and Martha Barber ; by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Oct. 3, 1727. i 1-70 " Martha, aud Thomas Parker, Oct. 5, 1727. 1-70 " Mary, and Samuel Teflt, of John, Oct. 1, 1727. 1-70 " Susannah, and Benjamin Perry, June 11, 1727. 1-75 " Benjamin, and Mary Tefft; by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Jan. 11, 1729. 1-76 " Mary, and James Wells, April 22, 1731. 1-85 " Mercy, and Joseph Carpenter. , 1733. 1-79 " Ezekiel, of South Kingrtown, and Hannah Webster, of John, of Westerly, at Westerly ; by Samuel Wilbur, Justice, Nov. 28, 1736. 1-88 " Samuel, aud Abigail Mumford ; by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, July 20, 1744. 1-91 " Lydia, of South Kingstown, and Samuel Hoxsie, of Charlestown, Nov. 27, 1743. 1-93 " Ann,, and James Barber, May 19, 1748. 1-86 " James, and Ann Barber; by John Case, Justice, May 19, 1748. 1-86 " George Reynolds, and Amie Popple ; by Rev. Benjamin Waite, Aug. 4, 1793. 1-86 " Marvel, and Munroe Baker, Sept. 8, 1793. 2-2 '•' Rowland Robinson, of Allenton, Vermont, and Susannah Whaley, of South Kingstown ; by Rev. Benjamin Waite, Oct. 19, 1794. 2-2 " Moses, and Anne Chapman, of Stonington, Conn. ; by Joshua Bab cock, Justice, March 30, 1806. 2-2 " Elizabeth, of Jonathan, and James Barber, of James, April 6, 1809. 2-2 " James, of James, and Elizabeth Barber, of Jonathan, of Exeter, at Richmond; by Rev. Phineas Palmer, April 6, 1809. 2-3 " Jesse, of James, of South Kingstown, and Anna Sherman, of God frey, of North Kingstown, at Exeter; by John Hopkins, Jus tice, Nov. 4, 1813. 2-26 " Susan, of Richmond,, R. I., and Silas Ellery Moore, of Cranston, R. I., March 28, 1839. 2-5 " Elizabeth, and Pitman V. Clarke, both of Richmond, R. I., July 11, 1839. 2-55 " Henry,, and Eliza Ennis, at East Greenwich; by Rev. Thomas Til linghast, Jan. 20, 1840. I 2-55 " Phineas P., and Louisa Allen ; by Rev. Silas Learnard, March 18, 1841. 2-55 " Albert S., of James, and Waity Peckham, of Reuben S. ; by Rev. Ezekiel J. Locke, July 21, 1845. 2-55 " Davis G., son of Rhodtty, and Susan O. H. Clarke, of Joseph; by , Rev. Ezekiel J. Locke, Feb. 1, 1846. 2-50 v " Susannah S., of James, of South Kingstown, and John G. Vaughn, of James T., of West Greenwich, Dec. 24, 1849. 2-56 " Albert S., of James, of South Kingstown, and Eliza Peckham, of Richmond, R. I.„ daughter of Reuben S. ; by Rev. Ezekiel J. Locke, April 21, 1850. VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-18 BARBER Joanna, of South Kingstown, and Gideon R. Hoxsie, of Rich mond, R. I. 2-21 " Charity, and William H. Johnson, Dec. 24, 1854. 1-— BARDIN Susannah, and Capt. Abial Brown,, Oct. 20, 1795. 2-42, 165 BARNES Sarah, and Benjamin Stanton, Nov. 28, 1839. 1-104 BACDISH Nathaniel, and Mary Druce ; by Thomas Hazard, Justice, Jan. 12, 1738. 1-106 BEARD Hannah, and James Sheldon,, Oct. 24, 1762. 1-84 BEARY Richard, and Susannah Saunders ; by Joseph Mumford, Justice, Jan. 14, 1726. 1-68 BENTLEY George, and Rutih Barber; by Rouse Helme, Assistant, March 4, 1723-4. 1-70 " Elizabeth, and Nafflianiel Potter, May 30, 1727. 1-70 " John, an,d Elizabeth Gardiner ; by Rouse Helme, Assistant, May 30, 1727. 1-71, 73 " Tabitha, and Thomas Sweet, April 11, 1728. 1-106 " Bathsheba, of Richmond, R. I., and John Bissell, of North Kings town, March 29, 1761. 1-108 " Elieabeth, and Reward Tabor, Nov. 6, 1763. 1-108 " Dorcas, and Josiih Sherman, Dec. 15, 1763. 2-2 " Samuel, of Caleb and Anne, and Martha Adams, of Ebenezer; by Rev. William Northup, Nov. 15, 1798. 2-6 " Susan Ann, of South KiDgstown, and Daniel Champlain, of Provi dence, Dec. 1.1, 1842. 1-81 BENT John, and Sarah Smith; by Rev. Joseph Torrey, Nov. 13, 1737. 2-12 BICKNELL Almira,, of North Kingstown, and Robert Gardiner, of South Kingstown, Nov. 4, 1849. 2-16 BILLINGTON Patience Bentley, of South Kingstown, and John Baker Has kell, of Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 15, 1808. 1-95 BILL Sarah, and William Powers, of Warwick, R. I., April 12, 1750. 1-106 BISSELL John, of North Kingstown, and Bathsheba Bentley, of Richmond, R. I. ; by Jeremiah Crandall, Justice, March 29, 1761. 1-157 BOONE Mary, of North Kingstown, and William Gardiner, of South Kings town, Jan. 26, 1770. 1-84 BOSS Sarah, and George Gardiner, April 22, 1742. 1-90 " Richard, of Charlestown,, and Mary Babcock, of South Kingstown; by Samuel Babcock, Justice, Aug. 8, 1745. 1-9Q " Susannah, and Abiel Sherman, Jan. 30, 1745. 1-108 " Peter, of South Kingstown, and Susannah Stanton, of Richmond, R. I. ; by Jeremiah Crandall, Justice, Dec. 14, 1763. 2-55 BOWEN Ansel, of Thomas, of Providence, R. I., and Sarah A. Woodman- see, of Richmond, E. I., daughter of Job; by Rev. Ezekiel J. Locke, Oct. 14, 1844. 1-70 BRAMAN Joseph, and Abagail Allen ; by Rouse Helme, Assistant, June 27, 1725. 1-100 " Thomas, and Elizabeth Grinnell; by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Jan. 26, 1775. 2-61 •' Austress, and Alfred Cooke, Sept. 15, 1836. 2-10 " Harty Ana &., of Silas, and William VS. Fry, Oct. 27, 1842. 2-60 " Elizabeth, and Richard Carpenter, Jan. 6, 1850. 2-56 " Henry, and Mary Elizabeth Harvey ; by Rev. Elisha F. Watson, July 15, 1355. 1-77 BRAND Benjamin, of Westerly, and Rebecca Tanner, of South Kingstown; by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, March 16, 1734. 2-42 BRAYTON Abigail, of Portsmouth, and John Segar, of South Kingstown, Nov. 9, 1786. 2-3 BRENTON Frances,' of Newport, and Silas Brown, of South Kingstown, Sept. 11, 1796. 2-55 BRIGGS Charles, and Martha Larkin: by Rev. Thomas Vernon, Dec. 25, 1839. 2-34 " Basheba \V., of William, of South Kingstown, and Ezekiel Phillips, of Joseph, Oct. 17, 1847. 2-55 BRIG11TMAN Joseph, of Hopkinton, and Mary P. Segar, of South Kings town; by Rev. Silas Leonard, Oct. 19, 1740. 1-102 BRISKOW Am, and Amos Button, June 3, 1755. SOUTH KINGSTOWN MARRIAG ES. 1-76 BROOKES John, .and Hannah Osborne ; by Robert Hannah, Justice, April 12, 1732. 1-69 BROWNELL Elizabeth, and John Nichols, May 24, 1726. 1-75 " Esther, and Joseph Tefft, Feb. 22, 1729. 1-90 " Joseph, of Little Compton, and Elizabeth Congdon, of South Kingstown ; by Thomas Brown. Justice, Sept. 20, 1740. 1-96 BROWNING Mrs. Hannah, of Souih Kingstown, ' and .Tedediah Frink, of Preston, Conn., Sept. 7. 1748. 1-97 " Wilkinson, of William, and Susannah Hazard, of Jeffrey; by Jeffrey Watson, Assistant, Feb. 4, 1753. 1-98 " Ann, and John Browning, of William, Jan. 31, 1754. 1-98 " John, of WilUam, and Ann Browning; by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Jan. 31, 1754. 1-106 " Joseph, of William, and Mary Champlain, of Stephen ; by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Feb. 12, 1761. 1-157 " Robert, of South Kingstown, and- Mary Allen, of North Kings town; by F. Perry, Justice, March 9, 1777. 1-156 " Mary, of Joseph, and Augustus Babcock, of Hezekiah, April 1, 1781. 1-107 " Rebecca, of William, and Thomas Segar, Feb. 17, 1785. 1-62 " Stephen, and Bridget Babcock, of Abifjah; by F. Perry, Justice, March 16, 1786. 1-156 " Amie, of William, and Henry Knowles, April 28, 1791. 2-3 " Potter, and Martha Clarke, of Norwich, Conn.; by Eev. John Sterry, Dec. 25, 1820. 2-6 " Martha C, and Peter B. Clarke, Feb. 1, 1843. 2-44 " Mary Ann, and William F. Segar, Aug. 20, 184S. 2-47 " Susan, of Samuel and Dorcas, and Palmer Tucker, of Simeon and SaUy, Feb. 17, 1850. 1-75 BROWN Elizabeth, and Rohert Hannah, May 31, 1730. 1-87 " Ann, of North Kingstown, and Mitihel Case, of South Kings town, March 1, 1743. 1-89 " Hezekiah, of Providence, R. I., and Sarah Teilt, of South Kingstown; by Samuel Tefft, Justice, March 1, 1744. 1-97 " Robert, Esq., and Sarah Sherman ; by Jeffrey Watson, Assistant, May 16, 1753. 1-62 " Jeremiah, Jr. , and Eleanor Lillibridge ; by Rev. Joseph Torrey, Sept. 29, 1776. 1-63 " . Honor, of North Kingstown, and Robert Sherman, of South Kings town, Feb. 26, 1777. 2-23 " Robert, Jr., of South Kingstown, and Susannah Wells, of Hop kinton ; by Rev. Joshua Clarke, Feb. 27, 1791. 1-156 " William, of Hopkinton, and Thankful Davis, of South Kingstown;.. by Samuel Helme, Justice, Oct. 19, 1791. 1 — " Capt. Abiel, and Susannah Bardln; by Samuel Helme, Justice, Oct. 20, 1795. 2-3 " Silas, of South Kingstown, and Frances Brenton, of Newport; by Eev. Mr. Smith, of Trinity Church, Newport, Sept. 11, 1796. 1-51 " Sarah, of South Kingstown, and John Watson, of Jamestown, , Jan. 24, 1799. 2-3 " Silas, of South Kingstown, and Mary Potter, of Exeter ; by Rev. Gresham Palmer, March 9, 1823. 2-55 " Benjamin B., and AbDie Sherman; by Rev. Oliver Brown, Aug. 17, 1831. 2-33 " Sarah,, and WUliam Potter, of Alexander (colored), Oct. 23, 1339. 2-17 " Elizabeth P., of South Kingstown, and Thomas S. Howard, of Newport, May 31, 1840. 2-28 " EUzabeth R., and Isaac Nichols, Dec. 11, 1840. 2-55 " John K., and Mercy Congdon; by Eev. SUas Leonard, Jan. 23, lb41. 2-24 " Abbie, of South Kingstown, and Joshua Locke, Jr., April 10, 1842. 2-55,35 " Palmer A., and Sarah Perry, of John R. and Sally (Gould); by Rev. Thomas V. Wells, May 1, 1842. 2-57 " Abbie P., a,nd Jssac P. Babcock, Dec. 11, 1845. 2-38 " Eliza,, of Eobert and Hannah, of Warwick, R. I., and Peleg C. Rodman, of Christopher G. and Nancy, of South Kingstown, March 22, 1846. 10 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-56 BROWN Josephs., of Joshua C. and SaUy I-I., and Susan A. Nichols, of Ben jamin; by Eev. Thomas Vernon, Nov. 30, 1846. 2-44 " Sarah E., and Capt. EUas Saunders, of John A., March 3, 1850. 2-56 " Joseph A., of Palmer, and Mary AdaUne Card, Of Joshua B. ; by Rev. H. C. Coombes, March 17, 1850. 2-49 " Mary E.„ and Perry G. Underwood, Dec. 25, 1854. 1-68 BULL Hannah, and Job Card, Aug. 27, 1724. 1-69 " Amey, and Joseph CoggeshaU, Jan. 24, 1724-5. 1-89 " Nathan, and Abigail Inman; by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Jan. 27, 1740. 1-90 " Jeremiah, and Ruth Closon; by Samuel Tefft, Justice, June 26, 1745. 2-56 BURDICK Henry B., of Newport, and Margaret R. Patterson; by Re,v. Ezekiel J. Locke, Oct. 11, 1846. 1-85 BURNSIDE Joseph, and Abigail Lee; by Rouse Helme, Assistant, 1735. 1-102 BUTTON Amos, and Ann Briskdw; by Samuel Segar, Justice, June 8, 1755. 1-95 CAHOONE EUzabeth, of Warwick, R. I., and Simeon Babcock, of South Kingstown, April 19, 1750. 1-85 CAMPBELL Charles, and Martha Price ; by Eouse Helme, Assistant, Sept. 17, 1732. 1-80 " John, and EUzabeth ; m. by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, Dec. 15, 1727. 1-68 CARD Margory, and John Foster, June 11, 1724. 1-68 " Job, and Hannah Bull ; by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Aug. 27, 1724. 1-91 " Joshua, and Alice Clark ; by Thomas Brown, Justice, Feb. 26, 1746. 1-96 " Phebe, of South Kingstown, and Elijah Champlin, of Charlestown, Nov. 27, 1751. 1-62 " Ann, of Job, and Jeffrey ChampUn, of EUjah, Oct. 23, 1783. 2-2 " Deborah, widow of Abram, and Cudjo Babcock, of Charlestown, Dec. 22, 1791. 2-21 " Elizabeth, of Charlestown, and John James, of South Kingstown, Dec. 31, 1849. 2-56 " Mary Adeline, of Joshua B., amid Joseph A. Brown, of Palmer, March 17, 1850. 2-39 " Harriet P., of Jamestown, and George P. Hose, of South Kings town, Dec. 5, 1852. 1-108 CARLILE William, and Lois Sunderland; by Jeremiah Crandall, Justice, Jan. 27, 1760. 1-85 CARPENTER Joseph, and Mercy Barber; by Rouse Helme, Assistant, , 1733. 1-88 " Deborah, and Daniel Knowles, March 24, 1744. 1-0S " Jeremiah,, and Abigail Sheldon; by Samuel Tefft, Justice, June 24, 1752. 1-99 " Sarah, and Nathaniel Gardiner, Sept. 21, 1752. 1-98 " Samuel, and Deborah Greenman; by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Nov. 15, 1753. 1-105 Elizabeth, of South Kingstown, x and Peter WeJls, of Westerly, R. I., March 1, 1759. i"63 Mrs. Mary, and Joseph Knowles, March 16, 1783. 1-— " Mary Hannah, and Nicholas Bryant Potter, Jan. 28, 1794. 1-— " Mary, of Stephen, and John Cooke, Sept. 27, 179.3. 2-60 Richard, and Elizabeth Braman ; by Rev. Henrv C. Coombes, Jan. 6, 1850. 2-6, 35 Isaac H., and Abbie Perry, of John R., and Sally (Gould) ; by Rev. Wilson Cogswell, o, t. 30, 1842. 2"45 " Lavina, and Henry Spear, July 28, 1850. ' 2'30 Susan A., and Adolplms Manuel Open, Nov. 7. 1853. 1-102 CASEY Elizabeth, of Exeter, and Jeremiah CrandaU, of South Kingstown Feb. 2, 1710. SOUTH KINGSTOWN MARRIAGES. 11 1-71 CASE Elizabeth, and James York, Jan. II, 1727. 1-70 " Sarah, and Isaac Sheffl Id, Apiil 20, 1727. 1-71 " Ann, and Aaron MUleman, May 23, 1728. 1-73 " Ann, and Aaron WUliams, May 23, 1728. 1-72 " William, and Mercy Crandall; by Eouse Helme, Assistant, Sept. 11, 1729. 1-73 " Joseph, of Joseph, Jr., and Sarah Mumford; by Christopher Allen, Justice, Dec. 18, 1729. 1-87 " Mitihel, of South Kingstown, and Ann Brown, of North Kings town ; by Rev. David Sprague, March 1, 1743. 1-96 " Hannah, and Samuel Wilson, Dec. 30, 1744. 1-92 " Amie, and Samuel Curtis, March 19, 1746. 1-107 " Mercy, of WilUam, of South Kingstown, and John Clarke, Jr., of Newport, July 16, 1755. 2-240 " Sarah, of South Kingstown, and Robert E. Knowles, of North frovidehce, R. I., Sept. 20, 1841. ¦2-6 CASWELL Reuben, and Susannah A. Nichols; by Rev. Elisha F. Watson, Sept. 2, 1844. 2-13 " Mary S., of Gardiner T. and Mary S-, and Wm. Gould, of WilUam (marriage not given), recorded May 17, 1780. ' 1-93 CHAMPLAIN Anne, and Henry Gardiner, June 27, 1736. 1-81 " Mary, and. John Craddock (Indians), Feb. 5, 1737. 1-96 " Elijah, of Charlestown, and Phebe Card, of South Kingstown; by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Nov. 27, 1751. 1-106 " Mary, of Stephen, and Joseph Browning, of Wm., Feb. 12, 1761. 1-63 " Stephen, son of Dinah, widow, and EUzabeth Perry, of Freeman ; by Rev. Benj. Waite, Dec. 20, 1782. 1-62 :' Jeffrey, of Elijah, and Ann Card, of Job ; by F. Perry, Justice, Oct. 23, 1783. 1-84 " Gardiner, of William, and Lydia West, of James, of Westerly, R. I. ; by Rev. Isaiah Wilcox, Aug. 31, 1791. 2-4 " Thomas Hazard, of Jeffrey, of South Kingstown, and Amie Tripp Perry, of Newport, dau. of Joseph ; by Oliver Gardiner, Senator, Oct. 2, 1803. 2-4 " Jeffrey Washington, and Bebecca Perry; by James Congdon, Jus tice, Jan. 30, 1806. 2-46 " Amie, and Thurston Tucker, Jan. 4, 1841. 2-5 " WlUiam, of Eichmond, R. I., and Jane Champlain, of South Kingstown; by Rev. Silas Leonard, March 14, 1841. 2-5 " Jane, aJid William Champlain, March 14, 1841. 2-5 " WUliam, and Adeline B. Tucker ; by Rev. Silas Leonard, AprU 4, 1841. 2-5 " Joseph, 3d., and Mary Whltford; by Rev. Cyrus Miner, Dec. 22, 1841. 2-28 " Elizabeth P., of South Kingstown, and Benjamm Nye, of Charles town, Oct. 11, 1841. 2 6 " Daniel, of Providence, and Susan Ann Bentley, of South Kingstown, by Eev. Wilson Cogswell, Dec. 11, 1842. 2-46 " Ann, of Robert H. and Esther, and Lyndon G. Tefft, of Elijah and Frances, Aug. 18, 1345. 2-60 " John P., of Samuel, and Mary Whaley, of Ezekiel, by Rev. John Slocum, Dec. 29, 1850. 2-2 CHAPMAN Anne, and Moses Barber, March 30, 1806. 1-107 CHAPPELL Mirabah, and WilUam Osborne, Nov. 13, 1,762. 2-4 " Fones and Penelope Hale, by James Helme, Justice, March 12, 1305. 2-00 " Frederic, of Frederic, and Prudence S. Holley, of John, by Eev. Ezekiel J. Locke, Oct. 12, 1846. 2-60 " WUliam J., of Richard, and Deborah Moore, of Nathan, both of Richmond, by E. J. Locke. 1-68 CLARKE Emmanuel, end Margaret Smith, at North Kingstown, by William Spencer, Justice, Jan. 4, 1725. 1-72 " Saran, and John Page, Sept. 21, 1729. 1-85 . " William, and Rebecca Wells, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Sept. 4, 1731. 12 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-85 CLARKE Judith, and Robert Potter, Jr., Sept. 5, 1731. 1-85 " Caleb, and Mary Sheffield, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Dec. 1, 1737. 1-89 " Latham, of Samuel of Jamestown, and Martha Robinson, of Wil liam of South Kingstown, by David Coggeshall, Assistant, April 18, 1745. 1-91 " Alice, and Joshua Card, Feb. 26, 1746. 1-94 " Mitthel, and Martha West, by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Nov. 12, 1748. 1-108 " Amie, of Simeon of Richmond, and Jonathan Babcock, of John of South Kingstown, March 3, 1755. 1-107 " John, Jr., of Newport, and Mercy Case, of William,. of South Kings town, July 16, 1755. 1-105 " James, of Stonington, Conn., and Dorcas Gardiner, of South Kingstown ; by Henry Gardiner, Assistant, Nov. 19, 1760. 1-107 " Lucy, of South Kingstown, and Edward Sand, of Newport. Sept. 15, 1763. 1-63 " Samuel, and Sarah NUes: by Eev. Joseph Torry, AprU 13, 1775. 1-62 " Sarah, and James Helme, Nov. 9, 1777. 2-7 " WUliam Case, and Sarah Cross; by Nathaniel Gardiner, Justice, July 21, 1781. 2-7 " Mary Ann, of WUliam C, and George Douglass, of David, Dec. 18, 1805. 2-16 " Teresa, of South Kingstown, and Bowdoin Hazard, Dec. 6, 1810. 2-3 " Martha, and Potter Browning, Dec. 25, 1720. 2-5 " Pittman V., and EUzabeth Barber, both of Richmond; by Rev. John H. Baker, July 11, 1839. 2-6 " Peter W., and Martha C. Browning; by Rev. Nelson Cogswell, Feb. 1, 1843. 2-6 " Simeon P., of Richmond, and. Catherine C. Perry, of South Kings town ; by Rev. Leander WitherlU, Nov. 8, 1843. 2-6 " Henry, and Mary T. Tucker; by Rev. Silas Learnard, Dec. 2, 1843. 2-55 " Susan O. H., of Joseph, and David G. Barber, of Rhoda, Feb. 1, 1848. 2-53 " Julia F., of Joshua, and John P. Whaley, of Jeremiah W., May 14, 1848. .2-60 " Eouse E., and Sarah- P. WeUs, of Thomas R., Jan. 16, 1849. 2-19 " Cordelia, and John Holland, July 7, 1850. 2-45 " Jane, of Christopher, and Wm. Steadman, of Oliver, Aug. 5, 1850. 2-31 " Emeline, and Samuel G. Northup, Sept. 27, 1855. 1-90 CLOSON Ruth, and Jeremiah Bull, June 26, 1745. 1-69 COUGESHALL Joseph, and Amey Bull; by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Jan. 24, 1724-5. 1-69 COLE Catherine, and George Parker, Oct. 18, 1724. 1-78 COLLINS Jededlah, of Westerly, and Hannah Worden, of South Kingstown, by Isaac Sheldon, Justice^ Aug. 13, 1736. 2-4 " John, of Amos, of North Stonington, Conn., and Eliza Perkins, of James, of South Kingstown ; by Rev. Gershom Palmer, Oct. 25, 1809. 1-107 COMSTOCK Jxib, of East Greenwich, and Hannah Hooklns, of South Kings town, dau. of Christopher ; by John LUUbridge, Justice, Dec. 18, 1763. 2-5 " Joseph, and Sarah R. Comstoek ; by Re,v. Joel Mann, May 31, 1802. 2-5 " Saran R., and Joseph Comstoek, May 31, 1802. 1 — CONGDON Sarah, of Samuel, and Capt. Robert Robinson, of .Christopher, March 15, 1795. "1-90 " EUzabeth, of South Kingstown, and Joseph Brownell, of Little Compton, Sept. 20, 1746. .1-94 " Margaret, and Samuel Allen, June 25, 1748. 2-7 " Mary, of William and Freelove, and John B. Dockray, of John and Mary, Sept. 6, 1779. 1 — " Deborah, of Wlllia.ni, of South Kingstown, and John Fry, of East Greenwich, June 4, 1795. 2-4 " John K., of James, of Charlestown, and Sarah Knowles, of South Kingstown, dau. of Major Wm. ; by Samuel Perry, Justice, Jan. 12„ 1806. SOUTH KINGSTOWN MARRIAGES. 13 2-5 CONGDON James, of James and Rebecca, of Charlestown, and Renewed Knowles, of WUliam and Sarah; by Rev. WUUam Northup, Oct. 11, 1810. 2-55 " Mercy, and John K. Brown, Jan. 28, 1841. 2-23 " Rebecca R., of Charlestown, and Thomas A. Kenyon, of South Kingstown, Oct. 3, 1843. 2-60 CONNOR Daniel, and Susan J. Steadman, of Asa; by Rev. Henry O. Coombes, July 28„ 1850. 1 COOKE John, anld Mary C. Carpenter, of Stephen, by Samuel Helme, Justice, Sept. 27, 1798. 2-61 " Alfred, and Anstress Braman ; m. by William Nichols, Justice, Sept. 15, 1836. 2-12 " Abbie, of EUsha, and Hazard Gavitt, of Reuben, Oct. 28, 1849. 1 COON Lodowick, of Hopkinton, and Thankful WUliams, of So. Kingstown ; by Samuel Helme, Justice, June 4, 1795. 1 — CORY Benjamin, and Catherine James; by Samuel Helme, Justice, June, 1798. 1 — " Caleb, and Mehltable Babcock ; by Samuel Helme, Justice, Nov. 11, 1798. 2-5 " Benjamin S., and Meriah Perry ; by Joseph P. Babcock, Justice, Dec. 15, 1839. 2-24 " Mrs. Hannah, widow of Gardiner, and Nathan LUlibridge, of Gideon, AprU 23, 1848. 2-61 " Augustus, and Clarissa Streeter; m. by Rev. Daniel Carr, Nov. 22, 1875. 1-71, 73 COTTRELL Mary, and Peter Stephens, Sept. 1, 1728. 1-76 " Mary, and Nathan Tanner, May 28, 1734. 1-80 " Patience, of South Kingstown, and Benjamin James, of Westerly, Aug. 27, 1737. I 1-83 " George, and Abigail White; by James Sheldon, Justice, Feb. 10, 1739. 1-95 " Elizabeth, ;and Samuel Babcock, Jan. 18, 1748. 1-62 " WUliam (silversmith), and Mary Tefft, of George ; by G. Peckham, Justice, Dec. 7, 1786. 2-6 " Jesse, and Hannah Steadman; by Rev. SUas Learnard, June 21, 1343. 1 — COYHES William, of Charlestown, and Mary Nocake, of South Kingstown (Indians) ; by Samuel Helme, Justice, March 19, 1795 . 1-76 COX Elizabeth, and Thomas Read, Nov. 3, 1733. 1-81 " Jacob, of Newport, and Mrs. Mary Heydon, of South Kmgstown; by Rev. Joseph Torrey, Sept. 3, 1737. 1-81 CRADDOCK John, and Mary Champlain (Indians), by Rev. Joseph Torrey, Feb. 5, 1737. 1-72 CRANDALL Mercy, and William Case, Sept. 11, 1729. 1-80 ' " Mary, of South Kingstown, and Joseph Adams, of Westerly, Sept. 4, 1737. 1-106 " Elizabeth, and Nathaniel Perkins, March 1, 173S. 1-82 " Martha, and John Frazer, July 31, 1739. 1-102 " Jeremiah, of South Kingstown, and Elizabeth Casey, of Exeter; by Rev. David Sprague, Feb. 2, 1746. 2-60 " George N., of Westerly', R. I., son of George W. and Thankful G., and Maria S. Babcock, of Jesse and Sally S., by Rev. Thomas Vernon, Oct. 1, 1845. 2-21 " Jane M. H., of William and Eandall C. James, of Ezeldel, July 1, 1847. 2-9 " .Benjamin, F., and PatlenceA. Tourjee, by Eev. Elisha F. Watson, Aug. 30, 1852. 2-9 " Clarke, and Ruth A. Foster, by Rev. Eldredge Crandall, Sept. 17, 1865. 1-109 CROSSMAN Mary, of South Kingstown, and James Pierce, of East Greenwich, Nov. 7, 1773. 1 — CROSSWELL Mingrel, of SterUng, Conn., and Mary Sias, of South Kingstown, by Samuel Helme, Justice, Nov. 23, 1794. 1-62 CROSS Sarah, and WUliam Case Clarke, July 21, 1781. 14 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-6 CEOSS Charles, of Joseph, of Charlestown, and Martha B. Hazard, of Brenton, by Joseph P. Babcock, Justice, Sept. 25, 1842. 1-63 CROUCHER Mary, of Newport, and Stafford Baker, of Exeter, Oct. 27, 1793. 1-81 CRAWFORD WUliam, of Warwick, and Mary Wells, of South Kingstown ; by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, Sept. 7, 1738. 2-17 CRUMB Almira P., of Westerly, and Benjamin Holland, of South Kingstown, Aug. 2, 1840. 2-17,62,113 " Mary Ann, and Edward Hazard Holland, Jr., July 4, 1841. 1-92 CURTIS Samuel, and Amie Case, by Jeffrey Hazard, Assistant, March 19, 1746. D 1-157 DAKE Benjamin, and Elizabeth Reynolds, by Emmanuel Case, Assistant, March 23, 1779. 1-104 DAVIS Martha and Edward Read, Oct. 15, 1758. 1-156 " Thankful, of South Kmgstown, and WiUiam Brown, of Hopkinton, Oct. 19, lf791. 2-62 " WUliam A., of Fall River, Mass., and Susan C. Tefft, of South Kingstown, by Rev. Thos. Vernon, Dec. 9, 1840. 2-62 DAWLEY John C, and Mary A. Reynolds, both of Exe'ter, by Rev. SUas Learnard, Aug. 28, 1842. 1-70 DENNISON John, and AUce Perry, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, July 21, 1725. 1 — Dewy Susannah, of South Kingstown, and Ebenezer Vaughn, of East Green wich, Feb. 7, 1796. 1-81 DICKINSON; Mrs. Ann, aod Jereml »u. Niles, April 21, 1737. 2-62 DIXON George, and Sarah Ann Rodman, by Eev. Silas Learnard, May 3, 1840. 2-7 DOCKRAY John Bigelow, of John and Mary, and Mary Congdon, of Wil Uam and Freelove, by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Sept. 6, 1779. 2-52 " Mary and Elisha F. Watson, by Rev. James H. Eames, June 6, 1843. 2-7 DOUGLASS George, of David, and Mary Ann Clarke, of WilUam C, by Rev. Thomas Kendall, Dec. 18, 1805. 1-82 DEUCE Ebenezer, and Mary Hazard; by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, June 6, 1739. 1-104 " Mary, and Nathaniel Baudish, Jan. 12, 1758. 2-34 DYE Mary W., of Asa and Mary, and Edwin A. Peckham, of Judge William Peckham, May 13, 1849. 1-77 EARL Susannah, and Daniel Sherman, May 22, 1735. 1-99 " Abigail, of John, and Isaac Sheldon, of Isaac. Dec. 20, 1746. 2-8 EATON Edgar E., and Mary Ann Smith, by Rev. Wilson CogsweU, Dec. 4, 184.2. 1-70 EI DEED AbigaU and Henry Gardiner, June 30, 1726. 1 7S " Elizabeth, of South Kingstown, and John Rose, of Preston, Conn., June 12, 1734. 1-Sti " WUUam, of North Kingstown, and Abigail Fish, of South Kings town, by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, March 16, 1737. 1-108 " Esther, and Arnold Proser, July 14, 1764, July 15, 1765 (both dates given). 1-104 ENIS Wm., and Elizabeth Austin; by Thomas Hazard, Assistant, May 27, 1757. 2-55 " Eliza, and Henry Barber, Jan. 20, 1840. 1-31 ENOS WiUlam, and Sarah Ladd, by Rev. Joseph Torrey, Oct. 17, 1736. 1-85 EVERITT Daniel, and Mary Sheffield, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, July 12, 1739. 1-98 " Deborah, and Jonathan Holway, May 24, 1753. SOUTH KINGSTOWN- MARRIAGES. 15 2-10 FAIBWEATHEE Solomon, of George, and Louisa Weeden, of London (col.), by Eev. James Hammond, Oct. 15, 1848. 1-76 FISH AbigaU, and Joseph Fox, April 6, 1733. 1-80 " AbigaU, and WiUiam Eldred, March 10, 1737. 1-68 FOSTER John, and Margery Card, both of Westerly, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, June 11, 1724. 1-69 " Jonathan, and Elizabeth Mumford, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Feb. 4, 1724-5. 2-28 " Lydia M., of Othniel of South Kingstown, and Thomas P. Nichols, of Newport. July 17, 1844. 2-9 " Ruth A., and Clarke Crandall, Sept. 17, 1865. 1-72 FOWLER Thomas, and Sybil Knowles, by Robert Hannah, Justice, April 26, 1730. I 1-90 " Simeon, and Mercy Jones, by Samuel Babcock, Justice, March 20, 1745. 1-76 FOX Joseph, and AbigaU Fish, by Christopher Allen, Justice, AprU 6, 1733. 1-94 FRANKLIN Penelope, of Jamestown, and James Sherman, of North Kings town, Sept. 8,. 1748. 1-78 FRAZER Thomas, residing in North Kingstown, and Ann WeUs, of South Kmgstown, by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, Nov. 26, 1735. 1-82 " John, and Martha CrnndaU, by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, July 31, 1739. 1-92 " Martha, and Edmund. Littlefield, -Nov. 30, 1746. 1-106 " Anne, of South Kingstown, and Christopher Potter, of Eichmond, Nov. 23, 1760. 1-90 FEINK Jededlah, of Preston, Conn., and Mrs. Hannah Browning, of South Kingstown, by Eev. Joseph Park, Sept. 7, 1748. 1-100 FEY Hannah, of East Greenwich, dau. of Thomas, and James Sherman, of South Kingstown, Feb. 6, 1755. 1- — " John, of East Greenwich, and Deborah Congdon, of .So. Kingstown, dau. of William, by Samuel Helme, Justice, June 4, 1795. 2-10 " William S., and Harty Ann G. liraman, of Silas, by Matthew Waite, Justice, Oct. 27, 184 2. Q 1-100 GALEN Mercy, and John Young, both of Exeter, Oct. 11, 1760. 1-70 GABDINElt Henry, and Abigail Eldred, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, June- 30, 1726. 1-71 " Benjamin, and Mary Howland, by Christopher AUen, Justice, March 22, 1726-7. 1--69 " Mary, of Nathaniel, and John Kenyon, Jr., March 23, 1726-7. 1-70 " Elizabeth, and John Bentley, March 30, 1727. 1-73 " Dorcas, of South Kingstown, and George Tibbitts, Jr., of North Kingstown. March 11. 1730-1. 1-96 " Ezekiel, of Nicholas, of North Kingstown, and Dorcas Watson, of John, of South Kingstown, by Ephraim Gardiner, Justice, Aug. 29, 1734. 1-85 " Margaret, and James Austin, by Eouse Helme, Aasistant, Dec. 29, 1734. 1-77 " Caleb, and Isabel Sherman, by Christopher Allen, Justice, Feb. 20, 1734. 1-93 " Henry, and Anne Champlain, of Westerly, by Rev. Samuel Scribe„ June 27, 1736. 1-80 " Abigail, and Jeremiah Worden, Nov. 30, 1738. 1-82 " Hannah, and Caleb Westcott, May 27, 1739. 1-97 " Mary, of Exeter, R. I., of John, and Jirah Mumford, of South, Kingstown, Nov. 29. 1739. 1-84 " Amie, and Stephen Tefft, Dec. 10, 1741. 1-86, 87 " George, and Sarah Potter ; by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, Feb. 10, 1742. (Vit. Ree, Vol. 5.) 9 16 VITAL, RECORD OF EHODE ISLAND. 1-84 GARDINER George, and Sarah B oss ; by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, April 22, 1742. 1-104 " John, anld Ann Verner ; by Robert Hannah, (both came from Ire land) about 1743. 1-95 " Thomas, and Mary Higlnbottom ; by Ephraim Gardiner, Justice, April 12, 1744. 1-95 " WUliam, Jr., and Freelove JosHn ; by Ephraim "Gardiner, Justice, May 10, 1744. 1-88 " Edward, of Henry, and Elizabeth Tabor, of WUUam ; by WilUam Robinson, Deputy Governor, May 23, 1745. 1-92 " Mary, and Jonathan Hazard, AprU 16, 1747. 1-99 " Nathaniel, Jr., and Sarah Carpenter ; by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Sept. 21, 1752. 1-98 " Edward, and Sarah Aylesworth ; by Samuel Albro, Justice, Feb. 25, 1754. 1-104 " Hannah, of North Kingstown, and Jeffrey Watson, Jr., of South ¦Kingstown, March 24, 1757. 1-105 " Clarke, and Amie LUlibridlge ; by WUliam Waite, Justice, Nov. 1, 1759. 1-105 " Christopher, of South Kingstown, and Mrs. Mercy Wheeler, of Ston ington, Conn. ; by Rev. Joseph Fish, Jan. 23, 1760. 1-105 " Dorcas, of South Kingstown, and James Clarke, of Stonington, Conn., Nov. 19, 17C0. 1-108 " Thomas, and Abigail Parker; by Jeremiah CrandaU, Justice, June 21, il704. 1-108 " John, of John (weaver), and Bathsheba Watson, of Jeffrey ; by WUUam Potter, Justice, April 30, 7-707. 1-109 " James, and AbigaU Tefft, of Ebenezer, by F. Ferry, Justice, June 27, '1771. 1-157 " WiUiam, of South Kingstown, and Mary Boone, of North Kingstown, by Eev. James Whitman, Jan. 26, 1775. 1-157 " Tabitha, of Caleb, of South Kingstown, and Christopher Nichols, of John, of East Greenwich, March 10, 1779. 2-54 " Patience, and George Austin, June 16, 1814. 2-52 " Mary C, and Moses Wilcox, Jr., Nov. 1, 1840. 2-12 " Robert C, of Exeter, R. I., and Julia Ann Larkin, of Richmond, R. I., by Eev. Dan'l Slocum, Jan. 1, 1844. 2-12 " Sylvester R., of North Kingstown, and Ruth Northup, of South Kingstown, by Rev. John Slocum, Jan. 21, 1847. 2-12 " Marvin, of Amos,, and Sarah Hathaway, of Nathan, both of Exeter, R. I., by Rev. Ezekiel J. Locke, Oct. 17, 1847. 2-12 " Elizabeth, and Wanton Gardiner, Aug. 12, 1849. 2-12 " Wanton, and Elizabeth Gardiner, by Rev. James Hammond, Aug. 12, 1649. 2-12 " Robert, o:' South Kingstown, and Almira BicknieE, of North Kings town, by Rev. Henry C. Coombes, Nov. 4, 1849. 1- — GAVITT Samuel, and Ruth , Nov. 29, 1766. 2-12 " Hazard, of Reuben, and Abbie Cooke, of Elisha, by Rev. Ezekiel J. Locke, Oct. 23, 1849. 2-33 GINNOD© Peggy D., of Soutih Kingstown, and George B. Pitman, of Rich mond, R. I., Jan. 27, 1814. 1-108 GOODBODY John, of North Kingstown, and Anna Rose, of South Kings town, by John Sheldon, Justice, AprU 4, 1765. 2-12 GOODCHILD Isaac, of Newport, and Ann Whaley, of South Kingstown, by Rev. Silas Learnard, Aug. 29, 1841. 1 — GOULD Susannah, of South Kingstown, and Ra,y Allan, of Charlestown, Dec. 11, 1796. 1- — " Martha, and Wm. /Tom-gee, /Jr., Nov. 16, 2797. 1 " Hannah, of John, and Jo'm Touijee, Aug. 16, .1798. 2-35 " Sally, and John Robinson Perry, Oct. 3, 1809. 2-54 " Ruhannah, and Stephen Arnold, of Warwick, July 15, 1839. 2-17 " Rhoda Ann, and Raymond H. Holland, May 2, 1841. 2-52 " Henrietta, and Thomas Webster, March 12, 1846. 2-44 " Sarah C, of Jonathan P., of South Kingstown, and Henry Sanford, of Joseph, now of Norwich, Conn., Sept. 16, 1849. SOUTH KINGSTOWN MARRIAGES. 17 2-13 GOULD WUliam, of WlUiam, and Mary S. Caswell, of Gardiner T. and Mary' S., by Rev. H. C. Coombes, recorded May 17, 1850. 1-91 GRAY" Bethany, of Shrewsbury, N. J., and John Steadman, of South Kings town, Jan. 29, 1746. 1-85 GREENMAN SUas, and Ann Babcock, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, March 23, 1730. 1-79 " Capt. SUas, of Stonington, Conn., and Miss Eunice Babcock, of George, of South Kingstown, by Rev. Daniel Everett, May 10, 1737. 1-98 " Deborah, and Samuel Carpenter, Nov. 15, 1753. 1-100 " Benjamin, and Ruth Sheffield, by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Jan. 23, 1755. 2-33 " Mary H., and Caleb S. Perrigo, of Wrentham, Mass., May 26, 1841. 1-— GREENE Hawkins, and Sarah Tennant. by Samuel Helme, Justice, Feb. 12, 1799. 2-12 " James C, and. Susan Hull, by Rev. SUa.s Learned^ March 4, 1841. 2-12 GRINNELL Daniel, Jr., and Susannah Hopkins, by Rouse Helme, Assist ant, June 14, 1724. 1-70 " Daniel, Jr., and Jane Lewis, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, May 21, . 1727. 1-85 " Mary, and Benjamin Ladd, Oct. 10, 1730. 1-100 " Elizabeth, and Thomas Braman, Jan. 20, 1755. 2-13 " John G., and Rachel A. Perry, by Eev. Augustus Durfee, Oct. 24. 1858. 1-81 GUTEIDGE Mrs. Sarah, and Paine Woodbridge, July 5, 1737, H .2-17, 42 HADWIN Benjamin, of Barney, of South Kingstown, and Mercy D. Peckham, of Perry, of East Greenwich ; by Rev. Nathan Pierce, March 29, 1833. 2-4 HALE Penelope, and Fones Chappell. March 12, 1805. 1-100 HALL Sarah, and Joseph Harvey, Aug. 6, 1754. 1-73 " Benjamin, of Portsmouth, and AbigaU Babcock, of South Kingstown! ; by Chri.-.topher AUen, Justice, April 29, 1731. 1-97 " EUsha, and Elizabeth Joslin ; by Jeffrey Watson, Assistant, May 17, 1753. 1-100 " Sarah, and Jo;eph Harvey, Aug. 6, 1754. 2-39 " Benjamin F:, and Hannah N. Rodman, Aug. 19, 1854. 1-75 HANNAH Eobert, and EUzabeth Brown ; by Eouse Helme, Assistant, May 31, 1730. 1-93 " Catherine, and Joseph Holway, March 1, 1740-1. 1-109 1-IAREINGTON Sarah, of North Kingstown, and Jonathan Sherman, Jr., of South Kingstown, May 17, 1708. 1-100 HARVEY Joseph, and Sarah HaU ; by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Aug. 6, 1754. 2-18 " Mary Ann, of Charlestown, and Peter Hazard, May 22, 1842. 2-18 " Hannah S., and Samuel S. E. Harvey, July, 13, 1845. 2-18 " Samuel S. E., of Thomas B., and Hannah S., of Benjamin, of Newport ; by Rev. Ezekiel J. Locke, July 13, 1845. 2-38 " Lydia Ann, of South Kingstown, and John M. Kobbins, of Brook lyn, Conn., June 3, 1849. .2-44 " Alice, and Edward H. Smith, Oct. 7, 1849. 2-56 " Mary Elizabeth, and Henry Braman, July 15, 1855. 2-16 -HASKELL John Baker, of PhUadelphia, Penn., and Patience Bentley BiUlng- ton, of South Kingstown, by Syl'r Eobinson, Justice, Dec. 15, 1808. 2-12 HATHAWAY Sarah, of Nathan, and Marvan Gardiner, of Amos, both of Exeter, Oct. 17, 1847. 1 I 1 — HAWKINS Thomas, and Hannah Mumford ; by Rouse Heline, Assistant, March 20, 1728. 1-68 HAZAED Stephen, and Mary Robinson; by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Jan. 9, 1723-4. 1-71 " AbigaU. and William Eobinson, March 2, 1726-7. 1-72,74 " Elizabeth, and Benjamin Perry, Jr., July 10, 1729. 18 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-85 HAZARD Amie, and Eber Sherman, Jr., May 30, 1734. 1-78 " OUver, of South Kingstown, and Elizabeth Raymond, of the North Parish of New London; by Rev. Joseph Torrey, Dec. 9, 1736. 1-85 " Mary, and Benjamin Peckham, Jr., March 2, 1739. 1-82 " Mary, and Ebenezer Druce, June 6, 1739. 1-90 " Simeon, and AbigaU Mumford ; by Thomas Brown, Justice, Feb. 6, 1745. 1-92 " Jonathan, and Mary Gardiner ; by Jeffrey Watson, Assistant, April 16, 1747. 1-9,3' " Jeremiah, Jr., of North Kingstown, and Ruth Potter, of South Kingstown; by John Case, Justice, April 24, 1748. 1-108 " Penelope, of Col. Thomas, and WUliam Potter, of Col. Potter, Nov. 18, 1750. 1-108 " EUzabeth, of Robert, of Pt. Judith, and Col. Eobert Hazard, April 19, 1752. 1-108 " Col. Eobert, and Elizabeth Hazard, of Eobert, of Pt. Judith; by Rev. Dr. McSparran, April 19, 1752. 1-97 " Mary, of Stephen, and John Potter, of Ichabod, Aug. 30, 1752. 1-97 " Susannah, of Jefirey, and Wilkinson Browning, ol WUUam. Feb. 4, 1753. 1-108 " Mrs. Hannah, of Col. Thomas, and Col. John WUson,, Nov. 21, 1762. 1-63 " Sarah, of Robert, and Job Watson, Feb. 12, 1766. 1-156 " Alice, and Godfrey Hazard, Feb. 22, 1778. 1-156 " Godfrey, of Simeon and Abigail, and Alice Hazard, of George and Sarah; by Nathaniel Gardiner, Justice, Feb. 22, 1778. 1-62 " Jonathan, of Stephen, and Mary Robir.son, of Sylvester; by N. Helme, Justice, May 12, 1785. 1-84 " Thomas H., and AbigaU Robinson, of Sylvester; by Nathaniel Gardiner, Justice, Feb. 23, 1790. 1-109 " Eobert E., and Anne Underwood, by Samuel Curtis, Justice, Sept. 4, 1791. 1- — " SaUy, and Jeremiah N. Potter, March 23, 1794. 1- — " Mumford, of Newport, and Elizabeth Robinson, of Christopher, of South Kingstown ; by Samuel Helme. Justice, Feb. 18, 1796. 2-16 " Robert, and Eunice Austin ; by Eev. Asher Mine,t", Oct. 25, 1807. 2-16 " Bowdoin,, and Teresa Clarke, at Slonington, Conn.; by Rev. WU liam Randall, Dec. 6, 1810. 2-38 " Eliza, and William H. Eobinson, Dec. 13, 1840. 2-6 " Martha B., of Brenton, and Charles Cross, of Joseph,, of CLarles- town, Sept. 25, 1842. 2-18 " Peter, and Mary Anr Harvey, of Cbarlestcwn ; by Rev. Thomas V. WeUs, May 22, 1842. 2-18 " Abram, and Susan H. Taylor; by Rev. WUson Cogswell, Sept. 18, 1842. 2-33, 35 " Harriet T., and John G. Perry, March 12, 1843. 2-19 " Carder C, and Susan C. Knowles; by Rev. C. T. Chapman, Dec. 10, 1848. 2-38 " Mary A., of Thomas, of South Kingstown, and John A. Rathbun, of North Kingstown, Nov. 11, 1849. 2-1 " Alice, and Jonathan, son of Horatio Allen, Oct. 6, 1850. 2-38 " Susan T., and George W. Rose, Nov. 20, 1850. 2-24 " Thomas E., and Elsa Larkin; by Rev. A. Durfee, Sept. 10, 1854. 1-69 HAZLETON Mary, and Joseph Kenyon, Dec. 27, 1724. 2-17 I-IEALEY Jonathan, of Charlestown, and Sally Reynolds, of South Kings town ; by Rev. John H. Baker, Nov. 24, 1839. 1-85 HELME Dorcas, and Nathan Sheffield, Aug. 18, 1734. I"81 " James, of South Kingstown, and Esther Powell, of North Kings town,; by Rev. Joseph Torrey, Oct. 19, 1738. 1-63 " James, and Sarah Clarke ; by Eev. Joseph Torrey, Nov. 9, 1777. 2-26 " Mary, and Nathaniel Mumford, Jr., May 3, 1801. 2-16 " James, of James, and Alice Perry, of Jonathan ; by Rev. Thomas Kendall, (Jet. 7, 1,-02. SOUTH KINGSTOWN MARRIAGES. 19 2-19 HELME Powell, of South Kmgstown, son of Samuel and Abbie, and Annie E. Kenyon, of Elijah and Mary E. ; by Eev. Thomas Vernon, May 24, 1847. 1-81 HEYDON Mrs. Mary, of South Kingstown, and Jacob Cox, of Newport, Sept. 3, 1737. 1-95 HIGGINBOTTOM Mary, and Thomas Gardiner, April 12, 1744. ' 1-73 HILL Caleb, of Prudence Island, and Ruth Babcock, of South Kmgstown ; by Christopher AUen, Justice, Feb. 21„ 1730-1. 2-39 HOLBURTON Drusilla, of George, and Hazard Peckham, of Reuben, both of Eichmond, Nov. 11, 1849. 2-17 HOLLAND Benjamin, of South Kingstown, and Almira P. Crumb, of Wes terly ; by Eev. Silas Learned, Aug. 2, 1840. 2-17 HOLLAND Nicholas N., and Ann Allen, by Eev. Silas Learned, Feb. 1, 1841. 2-17 " Raymond H., and Rhoda Ann Gould, by Itev. SUas Learned, May 2, 1841. 2-17,62,113 " Edward Hazard, Jr., and Mary Ann Crumb, by Matthew Waite, Justice, July 4, 1841. 2-17 " Abbie, of John, and Stephen Holland, of Henry, Aug. 21, 1845. 2-17 ' " Stephen, of Henry and Abbie Holland, of John, by Ezekiel J. Locke, Aug. 21, 1845. 2-19 " Courtland B., and SUena E. Sims, by Rev. Milo Frary, recorded April 2, 1849. 2-19 " John, and Cordelia Clarke, by Ezekiel J. Locke, July 7, 1850. 1-103 HOLLEY Sarah, and Caleb Sheffield, Dec. 5, 1746. 2-60 " .Prudence T., of John and Frdderic ChappeU, of Frederic, Oct. 12, 1846. 1-70 HOLWAY Nicholas, and Patience Mott, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, May 8, 1726. 1-93 " Joseph, and Catherine Hannah, by Eev. Joseph Torrey, March 1, 1740-1. 1-89 " Penelope, and Samuel Rodman, March 10, 1744. 1-93 " Joseph, and AbigaU NUes, by Rev. Joseph Torrey, Nov. 30, 1746. 1-98 " Jonathan, and Deborah Everett, by Jeffrey Waison, Assistant, May 24, 1753. 2-42 HOLLOWAY Rebecca C, of Charlestown, and George J. Sherman, of Exeter, July 4, 1841. 1-107 HOOKINS Hannah, of Christopher, of South Kingstown, and Job Comstoek, of East Greenwich, Dec. 18, 1763. 1-108 HOPKINS Thomas, Jr., "and Hannah Baker, by Francis Tanner, Justice, Aug. 20, 1765. 1-68 " Susannah, and Daniel Grinnell, Jr., June 14, 1724. 1-72-73 " Thomas, and Hannah Mumford, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, March 20, 1728. 1-94 " Susannah, and Job Babcock, 3d, Nov. 20, 1748. 2-17 HOWARD Thomas S., of Newport, and Elizabeth P. Brown, of South Kings town, by Rev. Wm. H. Newman, May 31, 1840. 1-71 HOWLAND Mary, and Benjamin Gardiner, March 22, 1726-7. 1-72 HOXSIE William, and Margaret Knowles, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, April 14, 1728. 1-73 " Joseph, and Deborah Babcock, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Oct. 17, 1728. 1-85 " Stephen, and EUzabeth Kenyon, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, 1735. 1-91 " Samuel, of Charlestown, and Lydia, Barber, of South Kingstown, by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, Nov. 27, 1746. 1-99 " Mi's. Ann, of Charlestown, and Abial Sherman, of South Kings town, May 10, 1772. 1-62 " Samuel, of Stephen, of Richmond, E. I., and Amie Eeynolds, of James, of West Greenwich, E. I., by Eev. John Pendleton, June 8, 1783. 2-17 " Stephen, and Mary Stanton, by Eev. Lewis Jansen, Nov. 1, 1838. 2-26 " Sally, of Enoch, of Richmond, and Gardiner Moore, of Henry, of South Kmgstown, April 1, 1844. ' 2-18 " Gideon R., of Eouse, of Eichmond, R. I., and Joanna Barber, of South Kingstown, by Eev. Ezekiel J. Locke. 20 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-18 HOYT Betsey, of Litchfield, Conn., and Wm. Henry Hoyt, of Ezra, of" Providence, Nov. 25, 1845. 2-18 " Wm, Henry, of Ezra, of Providence, R. I., and Betsy Hoyt, of Litch field, Conn., by Rev. Thomas Vernon, Nov. 25, 1845. 1-97 HULL Charles, and AbigaU Slack, of Samuel, of Westerly, by John Rich mond, Justice, Dec. 30, 1736. 1-82 " Stephen, and Martha Morey, by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, April 27, 1738. 1-102 " Hannah, of Charles and Samuel Segar, of John, Nov. 27, 1755. 2-12 " Susan, and James C. Greene, March 4, 1841. 1-89 INNMAN Abigail, and Nathan Bull, Jan. 27, 1740. 1-85 IEISH Jededlah, and Thankful Lamphere, by Eouse Helme, Assistant. Dec. 10, 1732. 1-85 JACKQUAWS Nathan, and Margaiet Ltttlejohn; by Rouse Helme, Assist ant, May 15„ 1737. 1-90 " Samuel, and AbigaU Sabin; by Thomas Brown, Justice, Aug. 26, 1746. 2-21 " Taylor, and Mary MitcheU, May 22, 1808. 2-29 " Mary, and Henry Northup, May 8, 1826. 2-29 " Hannah, of South Kingstown, and Jonathan R. Nye, of Charles town, Jan. 8, 1831. 2-45 " Merebah S., and Reuben Wright, Nov. 14, 1841. 2-1 " Elizabeth, aid Christopher E. AUen, Dec. 11, 1842. 2-21 " Nathan, and Mary Ann M. Thurston ; by Rev. A. G. Palmer, July 25, 1868. 1-80 JAMES Benjamin, of Westerly, and Patience Cottrell, of South Kings town; by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, Aug. 27,, 1737. 1-98 " Sarah, of Charlestown, and Isaac Sheldon, of South Kingstown, Jan. 23, 1741. 1- — " Catherine, and Benjamin Cory. June, — „ 1798. 2-16,21 " George, of Eichmond, E. I., and Sarah WUcox, of South Kings town; by Eev. Henry C. Hubbard, AprU 24, 1826. 2-21 " Randall C. of Ezekiel and Jane, M. H. Crandall, of WiUiam; by Rev. E. J. Locke, July 1, 1847. 2-21 " John, of South Kingstown, and Elizabeth Card, of Charlestown; by Rev. Ezekiel J. Locke, Dec. 31, 1849. 1-70 JOHNSON Stephen, and Susannah Long ; by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Feb. 2, 1727. 2-21 " WUUam H., and Charity Barber; by Eev. Pardon TUUnghast,. Dec. 24, 1854 1-90 JONES Mercy, and Simeon Fowler, March 20, 1745. 1-85 JOSHUA and Sarah (Indians), by Rouse, Helme. Assistant, Sept. 28, 1732. 1-72 JOSLIN Mary, and John LUUbridge, March 29. 1730. 1-95 " Freelove, and WilUam Gardiner, Jr., May 19, 1744. 1-97 " Elizabeth, and Elisha HaU, May 17, 1753. 1-156 " Henry, aud Mary Tefft, by Jeremiah CrandaU, Justice, May 21, 1769. 1-91 JUSTIN Ruth, of North Kingstown, and Ebenezer Lewis, of South Kings town, Oct. 17, 1746. 2-1 " EUza, and George Arnold, Nov. 24. 1839. K 1-71,73 KEAIS WUUam, and Margaret ,Knowles, by Rouse Helme, Assistant,. April 14, 1728. SOUTH KINGSTOWN MARRIAGES, 21 1-69 ICENYON Joseph, and Marcy G. Hazelton ; by Eouse Helme, Assistant, Dec. 27. 1724. !-69 " John. Jr., and Mary Gardiner, of Nathaniel; by Christopher Allen, Justice, March 23, 1720-7. 1-85 " Sarah, and Ebenezer Niles, March 25, 1730. 1-85 " EUzabeth, and Stephen Hoxsie, , 1735. 2-23 " Susannah, of Gardiner, and Hazard. Knowles, of William, Jan. 31, 1813. 2-23 " Jonathan C, of North Providence, and Susan S. Babcock, of South Kingstown ; by Eev. Thomas Vernon, Sept. 2, 1839. 2-23 " Thomas A., of South Kingstown, and Rebecca R. Congdon, of Charlestown ; by Rev. Wilson CogsweU, Oct. 3, 1843. 2-19 " Anna E., of Elijah and Mi'ry E., and Powell Helme, of Samuel and Abbie, May 24, 1847. 2-35 " Ellen F„ and WUliam Wanton Ferry, April 3, 1848. 2-64 " Martha A., of Amos, and AUen Kingsley, of WUUam, both of Richmond, R. I., Sept. 4, 1848. 2-23 KETTLE Samuel, of West Greenwich, son of Simon, and Hannah Wells, of John, of South Kingstown; by Rev. E. J. Locke, June 11, 1843. z-43 KINGSLEY Dianna, of WUliam, and Alfred Slocum, of John, both of Rich mond, R. I., Nov. 20, 1846. 2-64 " Allen, of WUliam, and Martha A. Kenyon, of Amos, both of Rich mond; by Rev. Ezekiel J. Locke, Sept. 4, 1848. 1-72 KNOWLES Margaret, and WUliam Hoxsie, AprU 14, 1728. 1-71,72 " Margaret, and WlUiam Keais, April 14, 1728. 1-72 ." Sybil, and Thomas Fowler, April 26, 1730. 1-85 " Stephen, and Francis Roberts, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Aug. 27, 1732, 1-88 " Daniel, and Deborah Carpenter ; by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, March 24, 1744. 1-100 " WiUiam, and AbigaU Segar ; by Benedict Helme, Justice, AprU 29, 1753. 2-23 " WUUam, and Abigail Segar; by Benedict Helme, Justice, Feb. 19, 1755. 1-63 " Joseph, Jr., and Mrs. Mary Carpenter, by S. Babcock, Justice, March 16, 178?.'. 1-156 " Henry, and Amie Browning, of WUUam, by F. Perry, Justice, AprU 28, 1791. 2-4 " Sarah, of Major Wm. of South Kingstown, and John K. Congdon, of James, of Charlestown, Jan. 12, 1806. 2-5 " Renewed, of Wm. and Sarah, and James Congdon, of James and Rebecca, Oct. 11, 1810. 2-23 " Hazard, of WUliam, and Susannah Kenyon, of Gardiner ; by Daniel Stanton, Justice, Jan. 31, 1813. 2-29 " Sally F., and Matthew Nichols, Jr., March 18, 1832. 2-23 " WUliam N., of Jeremiah, and Emeline Lewis ; by Matthew Waite, Justice, Dec. 1, 1839. 2-24 " Eobert E., of North Providence, and Sarah Case, of South Kings town, by Rev. Cyrus Miner, Sept. 20, 1841. 2-64 " Robert E., of Jeremiah N., and Susan P. Tucker, of Simeon, by Rev. Ezekiel J. Locke, Sept. 25, 1845. 2-46 " Mary Ann, of Hazard, and Daniel Sherman, of Joseph, June 19, 1848. 2-19 " Sarah C, and Carder C. Hazard, Dec. 10, 1848. 2-44 " Mary Ann, and Daniel Sherman, June 19, 1849. 1-85 LADD Benjamin, and Mary Grinnell; by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Oct. 10, 1736. 1-81 " Sarah, and WUUam Enos, Oct. 17, 1736. 1-85 LANPHERB Thankful, and Jededlah Irish, Dec. 10, 1732. 22 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-72 LARKIN Abigail, and Joseph Potter, Jan. 14, 1730. 2-55 " Martha, and Charles Briggs, Dec. 25, 1839. 2-12 " Julia Ann, of Richmond, R. I.., and Robert C. Gardiner, of Exeter, Jan. 1, 1844. 2-46 " DeUlla, of John W., and John A. Tucker, of Joshua, Jr., March 6, 1845. I 2-24 " Elsa, and Thomas E. Hazard, Sept. 10, 1854. 1_85 " AbigaU, and Joseph Burnside, 1735. 1-87 " Nickolas, and Cortent Noyes; by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, June 17, 1743. ^86 « John, of North Kingstown, and Abigail Abb, residing in South Kingstown; by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, Aug. 19, 1743. 1-95 " Lydia, and Jonathan Babcock, Nov. 26, 1749. 1-106 LETSON Michael, of North Kingstown, and Hannah Albro, of Richmond, E. I. ; by Jeremiah CrandaU, Justice, Sept. 28, 1760. 1__ « Thomas MltcheU, of North Kingstown, and Hannah Osborne, of Eichmond,, E. I.s by Jeremiah Crandall, Justice, Sept. 28, 1760. 1-7 LEWIS Jane,, and Daniel Grinnell, May, 21, 1727. 1-75 " Elizabeth, of Westerly, and WUUam Reynolds, July 17, 1732. 1.91 « Ebenezer, of South Kingstown, and Ruth Justin, of North Kings town ; by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, Oct. 17, 1746. 2-35 " Phebe Ann, and Robinson Perry, March 11, 1832. 2-23 " Emeline, and WUliam N. Knowles, of Jeremiah, Dec. 1, 1839. 2-47 " Eunice A., of Arnold, of Exeter, and Stephen A. Tefft, of Benja min, of Richmond, R. I., June 20, 1850. 1-72 LILLIBRTDGE John, anld Mary Joslin; by Christopher AUen, Justice, March 29, 1730. 1-105 " Amie, and Clarke Gardiner, Nov. 1, 1759. 1-102 " John, and Susannah Segar; by Samuel Segar, Justice, July 6, 1755. 1-62 " Eleanor, and Jeremiah Brown, Jr., Sept. 29„ 1776. 2-24 " Nathan, of Gideon, and Mrs. Hannah Corey, widow of Gardiner; by Eey. E. J. L^cke, AprU 23, 1848. 1-92 LITTLEFIELD Edmund, aud Martha Fraser ; by Jeffrey Watson,, Assistant, Nov. 30, 1746. 1- _ " Amie, and Abraham Potter, Aug. 11, 1794. 1-85 LITTLEJOHN Margaret, and Nathan Jackways, May 15, 1737. 2-24 LOCKE Joshua, Jr.,, of Eichmond, R. I., and Abb'e Brown, of South Kmgstown; by Eev. Weeden Barber, ApiU 10, 1842. 2-24 " WUUam J. S., of Joshua E., of Eichmond, E. I., and Catherine Steadman, of Henry, of South Kingstown; by Rev. Ezeldel J. Locke. Sept. 24, 184J. 1-70 LONG Susannah, and Sttphen Johnson, Feb. 2, 1727. 2-32 LUNT Sarah, of WUUam, and Samuel 11. PoUock, Nov. 27, 1R08. n 1-88 MAJOR Sarah, of South Kingstown, and Robert Money, oi Exetei, March 31, 1745. 2-144 MAWNEY' Mary, and Elisha R. Potter, July 9, 1810. 2-26 MAY* Libeity N., of Spencer,, Mass., and Belinda Austin, of South Kings town ; by Eev. SUas Learnard, July 5, 1840. 1-77 McCOON Thankful, and Thomas WilUams, Jan. 6, 1734. 1-103 MILLEE Thomas, of Dighton,, Mass., and Mercy Tefft, of South Kings town; by Jeremiah Crandall, Justice, Dec. 16, 1756. 1-71,73 MI'LLEMAN Aaron, and Ann Case ; by Eouse Helme, Assistant, May 23, 1728. 2-21 MITCHELL -Mary, and Taylor Jackways, May 22, 1808. 1-88 MONEY Eobert, of Exeter, R. I., and Sarah Major, of South Kingstown; by Isaac Sheldon, Justice,, March 31, 1745. 2-26 MOORE SUas Ellery, of Cianston. R. I., and Susan Barber, of Richmond,, R. I., by Rev. Thomas Vernon, March 28, 1839. 2-26 " Gardiner, of Henry, of South Kingstown, and SaUy Hoxsie, of Enock, of Richmond, R. I., by Rev. Ezekiel J. Locke, AprU 1, 1844. 1-72,73 1-73 1-75 1-85 1-97 1-88 1-90 2-26 SOUTH KINGSTOWN MARRIAGES. 23 2-26 MOORE Isaac S., of Nathan, of Richmond, R. I., and Catherine J. C. M. Patterson, of James, of South Kingstown, by Eev. Ezeldel J. Locke, Nov. 24, 1844. 2-60 " Deborah, of Nathan, and WUliam J. O. Chappell, of Eichard, both of Richmond, — , . 1-82 MOREY Martha, and Stephen Hull, AprU 27, 1738. 1-81 " Sarah, and John Watson, Sept. 28, 1738. 1-70 MOTT Patience, and Nicholas Hoi way, May 8, 1720. / 1-69 MUMFORD EUzabeth, and Jonathan Foster, Feb. 4, 1724-5. ' Hannah, anld Thomas Hopkins, March 20, 1728. ' Sarah, and Joseph Case,, of Joseph, Jr., Dec. 18, 1729. ' William, and Ann Ray (widow), by Rev. Dr. McSparran, AprU 3, 1729. ' John, and Elizabeth Perkins, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, 1735. '¦' Jirah, of South Kingstown, and Mary Gardiner, of John, of Exeter, R. I., at Exeter, by Eev. Benjamin Waite, Nov. 29, 1739. ' AbigaU, and Samuel Barber, July 26, 1744. " AbigaU, and Simeon Hazard, Feb. 6, 1745. " Nathaniel. Jr., and Mary Helme, by Rev. Benjamin Waite, May 31, 1801. 2-249 " Mary E., of South Kingstown, and Joseph B. Potter, of Richmond, R. I., Oct. 18, 1841. 2-43 " Abbie, and Clarke B. Sherman, Nov. 5, 1843. 1-156 MURPHY Martin, and Mary Steadman, of Thomas, by P. Perry, Justice, Jan. 7, 1778. N 1-38 NASH Isaac, Jr., and Elizabeth Tucker, by John Potter, Justice, May 13, 1723. Z-89 " EUzabeth, and Ebenezer WeUs. Oct. 24, 1726. 1-69 NICKOLS John, and EUzabeth Brownell, by Christopher AUen,, Justice, May 24, 1726. .1-157 " Christopher, of East Greenwich, son of John, and Tabitha Gardi ner, of Caleb, of South Kingstown, by Stephen Potter, Justice, March 10, 1779. 2-29 " Matthew, Jr., and Sally F. Knowles, March IS, 1832. 2-28 " Isaac, and Elizabeth R. "Brown, by Rev. Wm. H. Newman, Dec. 11, 1840. 2-28 " John, Jr., and Ann H. Stanton, by Rev. Cyrus Miner, Jan. 20, 1842. ¦ .2-28 " Thomas P., of Newport, son of WUliam S., and Lydia M. Foster, of OthneU, of South Kingstown, by Matthew Waite, Justice, July 17, 1844. 2-6 " Susannah A., and Reuben CasweU, Sept. 2, 1844. 2-56 •' Susan A., of Benjamin, and Joseph S. Brown, of Joshua C. and Sally H., Nov. 30, 1846. -2-29 " James A., and Mary A. Tefft, by Eev. Pardon TUlinghast, March 11, 1849. 1-71,73 NILES Nathan, and Mary Northup, by Eouse Helme, Assistant, Sept. 12, 1728. 1-85 " Ebenezer, and Sarah Kenyon, by Eouse Helme, Assistant, March 25, 1730. 1-81 " Jeremiah, and Mr,s. Ann Dickinson, by Rev. Joseph Torrey, AprU 21, 1737. 1-93 " AbigaU, and Joseph Holway, Nov. 30, 1746. 1-63 "" Sarah, and Samuel Clarke, April 13, 1775. 2-28 " Edward T., of Simon and Nancy, and Mary Potter, of Aaron and Abbie, by Rev. Thomas Vernon, Dec. 19, 1844. 1 — NOCAKE Mary, of South Kingstown, and WUliam Coyhes, of Charlestown, (Indians), March 19, )795. 1-68 NORTHUP Mary, and Caleb Allen, July 15, 1724. 1-71,73 " Mary, and Nathan Mies, Sept. 12, 1723. 1-89 " Stephen, and Sarah Rooeits, by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Oct. 17, 1744. VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-29 NORTHUP Sarah, and Daniel Tefft, Feb. 9, 1795. 2-28 " Henry, and Mary Jackways, by Daniel Steadman, Justice, May 8, 1826. 2-28 " John V., and Mrs. Hannah B. Sweet, by Rev. Thomas Vernon, Oct. 27, 1844. 2-12 " Ruth, of South Kingstown, and Sylvester R. Gardiner, of North Kingstown, Jan. 21, 1847. 2-29 " Gideon S., of James R., and Mary Ann Thomas, of George, by Eev. Henry C. Coombes, Oct. 6. 1850. 2-31 " Samuel G., and EmeUne Clarke, Sept. 27, 1855. 1-87 NOYES Content and Nicholas Lee, June 17, 1743. 2-29 " Azel, and Sarah Jane Sherman, of Exeter, R. I., by Rev. Ezekiel J. Locke, March 22, 1849. 1-88 NUTTER Samuel, and Elizabeth Rowler, by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, Oct. 28, 1744. 2-29 NYE Jonathan R., of Charlestown, and Hannah Jackways, of South Kings town, by Rev. Jonathan Oatley, Jan. 8, 1831. 2-28 " Benjamin, of Charlestown, and Elizabeth P. Champlain, of South Kmgstown, by Rev. WUson CoggsweU, Oct. 11, 1841. 2-2S " Arnold W., of WiUiam, and Eliza C. Babcock, of George, by Rev. Ezekiel J. Locke, July 24, 1845. o 1_ _ OATLEY John, of Samuel, and Susannah Sherman, of Daniel; by Samuel Helme, Justice, Sept. — , 1796. 2-1 " Ann E., and John P. Adams, Dec. 31, 1848. 2-30 OPEN Adolphus Manuel, and Susan A. Carpenter; by Rev. Isaac M. Church, Nov 7, 1858. 1-76 OSBORNE Hannah, and John Brooks, April 12, 1732. 1- _ « Hannah, of Richmond, R. I., and Thomas MitcheU Letson,, of North Kingstown, Sept. 28, 1760. 1-107 " WUUam, and Mirabah ChappeU; by Francis Tanner, Justice, Nov. 13, 1762. 1-102 OVEEING Henry John, of Newport, and Mary Whltehorne, of South Kings town; by Jeiemiah CrandaU, Justice, Nov. 15, 1755. 1-72 PAGE John, and Sarah Clarke ; by Robert Hannah, Justice, Sept. 21, 1729. 2-52 PALMER Emma, , 1809. 2-35 " John Eobinson, of John and. Hannah, and SaUy Gouldi, of John and Mary, Oct. 3, 1809. 2-33 " John. B., of John and Mary, and Emeline S. Sunderland, of North Kingstown, of Warham and Mercy, by Rev. Benj. Hazelton, April 27, 1826. 2-35 " Robinson, of John R. and SaUy (Gould), and Phebe Ann Lewis, of Westerly, March 11, 1S32. 2-35 " Mary, and Esbon S. Taylor, March 6, 1834. 2-35 " Mercy, and George Allen, Eeb. 26, 1836. 26 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-5 PERRY Mariah, and Benjamin S. Cory, Dec. 15, 1839. 6-55,35 " Sarah, and Palmer A. Brown, May 1, 1842. 2-6,35 " Abbie, and Isaac H. Carpenter, Oct. 30, 1842. 2-33,35 " John G., and Harriet T. Hazard, by ' Rev. WUson Cogswell, March 12, 1843. 2-6 " Catherine C, of South Kingstown, and Simeon P. Clarke, of Rich mond, R. I., Nov.. 8, 1843. 2-33 " George G., of George and Dianna, and Louisa Ann Weeden, of London (colored), by Eev. Thomas Vernon, March 5, 1846. 2-35 " WUUam Wanton, of John E. and SaUy (Gould), and Ellen F. Ken yon, April 3, 1848. 2-13 " Eachel A., and John G. Grinnell, Oct. 24, 18;--8. 1-70 PH1LLIBS Mary, and Wm. Sunderland, May 26, 1726-7. 1-75 " Joseph, and Jerusha Thayer, by Eouse Helme, Assistant, Feb. 2, 1729. 2-43 " Luclnda, of Mehitable, of Eichmond, E. J.„ and Enoch C. Stead man, of Enoch, of So. Kingstown, Oct. 29, 1843. 2-34 " Ezekiel B., of Joseph, of Richmond, R. I., and Basha W. Briggs, of William, of So. Kingstown, by Rev. E. J. Locke, Oct. 17, 1847. 1-81 PINDAR Jacob, of North Kingstown, and Mrs. Mary Smith,, of Boston, at Soutih Kingstown, by Rev. Joseph Torrey, ApiU 2, 1738. 2-33, PITMAN George B., of Eichmond, R. I., and Peggy D. Ginnodo, of South Kingstown, by John Hopkins, Justice, Jan. 2 7, 1814. 2-32 POLLOCK Samuel H., and Saraii Lunifc, of Wm., Nov. 27, 1808. 1-84 POPPLESTONE WUliam, and Sarah WUcox, by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, Oct. 5, 1740. 1-86 POPPLE Amie, and George Reynolds Barber, Aug. 4, 1793. 1-68 POTTER Icliabod, Jr., and Sarah Robinson, by Rouse :Helme, Assistant, Jan. 16, 1723-4. 1-69 " Mary, and Stephen Tallman, Nov. 11, 1724. 1-69 * " Rebecca, and Joseph Barber, Feb. 4, 1724. 1-70 " Ichabod, and Deborah Reynolds, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, 1 March 20, 1725-6. 1-70 " Nathaniel, and Elizabeth Bentley, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, May 30, 1727. 1-70 " Mary, and Joseph Sherman, June 4, 1727. 1-71,73' " Benjamin, and Ruth Sherman, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Feb. 1, 1727-8. 1-71,73 " Susannah, and Elisha Reynolds, June 30, 1728. 1-72 " Joseph, and AbigaU Larkin, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Jan. 14, 1730. 1-85 " Robert, Jr., and Judith Clarke, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Sept. 5, 1731. 1-85 " Capt. Ichabod, and Margaret Potter, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Nov. — , 1735. 1-85 " Margaret, and Capt. Ichabod Potter, Nov. — , 1735. 1-79 " John, and Mary, Perry, by Friends ceremony, Oct. 20, 1736. 1-86,87 " Sarah, and George Gardiner, Feb. 10, 1742. 1-94 " Jonathan, and Mary West, by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Jan. 18, 1748. 1-93 " Ruth, of South Kingstown, and Jeremiah Hazard, Jr., of North Kingstown, April 24, 1748. 1-108 " WiUiam, youngest son of Col. Potter, and Penelope Hazard, eldest dau. of Col. Thomas, by Eev. Dr. McSparran, Nov. 18, 1750. 1-97 " John, of Ichabod, and Mary Hazard, of Stephen, by Jeffrey Wat son, Assistant, Aug. 30, 1752. 1-100 " Martha, and Daniel Weeden, Jan. 7, 1753. 1-108 " Thomas, 'f Ichabod, and Mrs. Elizabeth Reynolds, by Rev. Joseph Torrey, Oct. 29, 1758. I-IOO " Christopher, of Richmond, R. I., and Anne Frazer, by Jeremiah Crandall, Justice, Nov. 23, 1760. 1-109 " Lydia, of Capt. .Benjamin, and WUliam Potter Taylor, Dec. 11, 1760. 2"32 " WUliam,, of Robert, and Mary Rathbun, by Rev. Joseph Torrey, Jan. 24, 1705. SOUTH KINGSTOWN MARRIAGES. 27 1-63 POTTER Mary, of South Kingstown, and Jonathan Perry, of James, March 31, 1777. 2-144 " EUsha R., and Mrs. Mary Perkins, by Rev. Benjamin Waite, Nov. 7, 1790. 1 " Nicholas Bryant, and Mary Hannah Carpenter, by Samuel Helme, Justice, Jan. 28, 1794. 1 " Jeremiah N., and Sally Hazard, by Samuel Helme, Justice, March 23, 1794. 1 " Abraham, and Amie Littlefleld, by Samuel Helme, Justice, Aug. 11, 1794. 2-52 " Maria, and Thomas Robinson Wells, March 15, 1803. 2-32 " Abram, and Abigail Perry, by Matthew Robinson, Justice, March 5, 1809. 2-144 " Elisha R., and Mary Mawney, by Rev. WUUam Northup, July 9, 1810. 2-3 " Mary, of Exeter, and Silas Brown, of South .Kingstown, March 9, 1823. 2-33 " WiUiam, of Alexander, and Sarah Brown (colored), by Matthew Waite, Justice, Oct. 23, 1839. 2-249 " Joseph B., of Richmond, R. I., and Mary E. Mumford, of South Kingstown, by Rev. John H. Baker, Oct. 18, 1841. 2-43 " Susan, of South Kingstown, and David Sherman, Jr., of Coven try, R. I., March 21, 1842. 2-47 " Harriet, and Benjamin H. Taylor, Oct. 30, 1842. 2-28 " Mary, of Aaron and Abbie, and Edward T. Niies, of Simon and Nancy, Dec. 19, 1844. 2-34 " Eouse, and Dorcas G. Watson ; by Rev. Wilson CoggsweU, May 25, 1846. 2-34 " Samuel, of Nicholas E., and Alice Smith, of James W. ; by Eev. Ezeldel J. Locke, May 14, 1848. 2-36 " George, and Elizabeth Suerman, Aug. 16, 1868. 1-81 POWELL Mrs. Esther, of North Kingstown, and James Helme, of South Kingstown, Oct. 19, 1738. 1-95 POWERS WilUam, of Warwick, and Sarah BUI, now residing in South Kings town ; by Benjamin Potter, Justice, AprU 12, 1750. 1-85 PRICE Martha, and Charles Campbell, Sent. 17, 1731. 1-108 PROSSER Arnold, and Esther Eldred, by Jeremiah CrandaU, Justice, (both dates given), July 14. 1764— July 15, 1765. Q R 2-32 RATHBUN Mary, and William Potter, Jan. 24, 1765. 2-38 " John A., of North Kingstown, and Mary A. Hazard, of Thomas, of South Kingstown, by Rev. Henry C. Coombes, Nov. II, 1349. 1-78 RAYMOND , of New London, and Oliver Hazard, of South Kingstown, Dec. 9, 1736. 1-75 RAY ANN (widow), and William Mumford, AprU 3? 1729. 1-70 REYNOLDS Deborah, and Ichabod Potter, March 20, 1725-6. 1-71, ¦; 3 " Elisha, and Susannah Potter, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Jan. 30, 1728. 1-75 " WUUam, and Elizabeth Lewis, residing in Westerly, R. I., at South Kingstown, by Christopher AUen, Justice, July 17, 1732. 1-9.1 " Henry, and Mary Anthony, by Thomas Brown, Justice, Nov. 9, 1746. | 1-93 " Jemima, and John Babcock, March 17, 1747. 1-94 " John, and Abigail Sherman, by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Oct. 24. 1748. 1-106 " EUzabeth, of Exeter, and James Sherman, of South Kingstown, Nov. 19, 1701. 1-108 " Mrs. Elizabeth, and Thomas Potter, of Ichabod, Oct. 29, 1758. 1-157 " Elizabeth, of South Kingstown, and Benjamin Dake, of North Kingstown, March 23, 1779. 1-02 " Amie,, of James, of West Greenwich, and Samuel Hoxsie, of Stephen, of South Kingstown, June 8, 1783. 28 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-17 REYNOLDS Sally, of South Kingstown, and Jorathan Healy, of Cliarlestown, Nov. 24, 1839. 2-62 " Mary Ann, and John C. Dawley, both of Exeter, Aug. 28, 1842. 1-76 READ Thomas, and Elizabeth Cox, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Nov. 3, 1733. 1-104 " Edward, and Martha Davis, by Samuel Casey, Justice, Oct. 15, 1758. s 2-52 RHODES Elizabeth, of Stonington, Conn., and Thomas R. Wells, of South Kingstown, Sept. 28, 1844. 1-75 RICE WiUiam, and Phebe Tripp, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Dec. 10, 1730. 2r38 ROBBINS John M., of Brooldyn, Conn., and Lydia Ann Harvey, of South Kingstown, by Re,v. James Hammond, June 3, 184D. 1-85 ROBERTS Frances, and Stephen Knowles, Aug. 27, 1732. 1-89 " Sarah, and Stephen Northrup, Oct. 17, 1744. 1-90 " Mary, and Stephen Rose, June 10, 1745. 1-68 ROBINSON Mary, and Stephen Hazard, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Jan. 9, 1723-4. 1-68 " Sarah, and Ichabod Potter, Jr., Jan. 16, 1723-4. 1-71 " WUliam, and Abigail Hazard, by Christopher Allen,, Justice, March 2, 1726-7. 1-76 " Ruth, and Joseph Underwood, April 27, 1732. 1-89 " Martha, of WiUlam, of South Kingstown, and Latham Claike, of Samuel, of Jamestown,, April 18, 1745. 1- — " John, of WUliam, of Soutb Kingstown, and Sarah Peckham, of Benjamin, April 9, 1761. 1-62 " Mary, of Sylvester, and Jona.than Hazard, of Stephen, May 12, 17*0. 1-84 ROBINSON AbigaU, of Sylvester, and Thomas H. Haaard, Feb. 23, 1790. 1 — " Capt. Robert, of Christopher and. Sarah Congdon, of Samuel, by Samuel Helme, Justice, March 15, 1795. 1-— " EUzabeth, of Christopher, of South Kingstown, and Mumford Hazard, of Newport, Feb. 18, 1796. 2-38 " WUUam H., and Eliza Hazard, by Rev. SUas Learnard, Dec. 13, 1840. 2^3'4 " Mary N., of South Kingstown, daughter of George C. and George G. Pearce, of George, of Newport, Oct. 15, 1849. 1-89 RODMAN Samuel, and Penelope Holway, by Samuel Tefft, March 10, 1744. 1 " Penelope, and Nathaniel Tripp, Dec. 15, 1791. 2-38 " Samuel, and Mary Peckham, of Benjamin, by Matthew Robinson, Justice, July 15, 1821. 2-62 " / Sarah Ann, and George Dixon, May 3, 1840. 2-38 " Peleg C, of Christopher, and Nancy, of South Kingstown, and EUza Brown, of Robert and. Hannah, of Warwick, R. I., by Rev. Thomas Vernon, March 22, 1846. 2-39 " Isaac P., and Sally Arnold, by Rev. C. T. Brooks, June 15, 1847. 2-39 " Hannah N., and Benjamin F. HaU, Aug. 19, 1854. 1-108 ROGERS Amie, o Saimuel and John Rogers, Jr., Jan. 7, 1704. 1-108 " John, Jr., and Amie Rogers, of Samuel, by Jeremiah Crandall, Justice, Jan. 7, 1764. 1-78 ROSE John, of Preston, Conn., and Elizabeth Eldred, of South Kingstown, by Ephraim Gardiner, Justice, June 12, 1734. i-90 " Stephen, and Mary Roberts; m. by Samuel Tefft, Justice, June 10, 1745. 1-108 " Anna, of South Kingstown, and John Goodbody, of North Kings town, AprU 4, 1765. 2-53' " Elizabeth S., of George and James E. B. Walker, Oct. 25, 1849. 2-38 " Samuel, of South Kingstown, and Phebe A. Albro, of Exeter, by Eev. John Slocum, Aug. 4, 1850. 2-38 " George W., and Susan T. Hazard, by Eev. John Slocum, Nov. 20, 1850. 2-39 " George P., of South Kingstown, and Hannah P. Card, of James town, by Rev. James Hammond, Dec. 5, 1852. 1-88 ROWLEE Elizabeth, and Samuel Nutter, Oct. 28, 3 744. SOUTH KINGSTOWN MARRIAGES. 29 1-90 SABIN Abigail, and Samuel Jackways, Aug. 20, 1740. 1-107 SAND Edward, of Newport, and Ljicy Clarke, of South Kingstown, by Silas Niles, Justice, Sept. 15, 1703. 2-41 SANFORD Henry, and Joseph, of North Kingstown, now of Norwich, Conn., and Sarah C. Gould, of Jonathan P., of South Kingstown, by Rev. Ezekiel J. Locke, Sept. 10, 1849. 1-85 SARAH, and Joshua (Indians), Sept. 28, 1732. 1-84 SAUNDERS Susannah, and Richard 'Beary, Jan. 14, 1726. 2-44 •• Capt. Elias, of John A., and Sarah E. Brown, by Rev. Henry C. Coombes, March 3, 1850. 1-85 SCOTAWAY Hannah, and John Swain, Nov. 6, 1731. 1-83 SEAGER Experience, and Ichabod S. Sheffield, AprU 17, 1740. 1-100 . " Abigail, and William Knowles, April 29, 1753. 2-23 " Abigail, and WUUam Knowles, Feb. 19, 1755. 1-102 " Susannah, and John LUlibridge, July 6, 1753. 1-102 " Samuel, of John, and Hannah Hull, of Charles, by Thomas Hazard, Assistant, Nov. 27, 1755. 1-108 " Elizabeth, of South Kingstown, and Ichabod Sheffield, of Charles town, Nov. 4, 1764. 1-107 " Thomas, and Rebecca Browning, of WUUam, by F. Perry, Justice, Feb. 17, 1785. 2-42 " John, of South Kingstown, and Abigail Brayton, of Portsmouth, by Benjamm Foster, Justice, Nov. 9, 1786. 1 " Elizabeth, and WUliam Perry, March 25, 1792. " 1- — " Benjamin, and Phebe Peckham, by Samuel Helme, Justice, AprU 2, 1795. 2-55 SEAGER Mary P., of South Kingstown,, and Joseph Brightman, of Hopkin ton, Oct. 19, 1840. 2-44* " WUliam F., and Mary Ann Browning, by Rev. C. T. Chapman, Aug. 20, 1848. 1-68 SEGOUCHE Elizabeth, of Little Oompton, and Christopher Allen, of R. I., , 1687. 1-75 SHAW Richard, and Alice Wilson, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Aug. 7, 1729. 2-44 SHED George E., and Eliza Ann Tucker, by Rev. C. T. Chapman, Dec. 25, 1848. 1-70 SHEFFIELD Isaac, and Sarah Case, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, AprU 20, 1727. 1-85 " Nathan, and Dorcas Helme, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, AprU 18, 1734. 1-85 " Mary, and Caleb Clarke, Dec. 1, 1737. 1-85 " Mary, and Daniel Everett, July 12, 1739. 1-83 " Ichabod, and Experience Seager, by John Potter, Justice, AprU 17, 1740. 1-103 " Caleb, and Sarah HoUey ; m. by Thomas Hazard, Assistant, Dec. 5, 1746. 1-100 " Ruth, and Benjamin Greenmam, Jan. 23, 1755. 1-108 " Ichabod, of Charlestown (weaver), and Elizabeth Seager, of South Kingstown (spinster), by Jeremiah CrandaU, Justice, Nov. 4, 1764. 1 — " Martha, of Nathan, of South Kingstown, and Samuel Smith, of Stonington, Conn., Nov. 8, 1795. 1-68 SHELDON John, and Horred Watson, April 11, 1700. 1-70 " John, Jr., and Sarah Sherman, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Feb. 2, 1727-8. 1-70 " Dorcas, and Jonathan Sherman, Jr., Feb. 7, 1726-7. 1-82 " Samuel, and Susannah Sherman, by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, Sept. 23, 1739. 1-98 " Isaac, Jr., of South Kingstown, and Sarah James, of Charlestown, at ,C, by Joseph Church, Justice, Jan. 23, 1741. 1-109 " John, of South Kingstown, and Elizabeth Webb, of Charlestown, by Nathaniel Lewis, Justice, May 29, 1743. 30 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-99 SHELDON Isaac, of Isaac, and Abigail Earl, of John, by Rev. Daniel Everett, who died before the marriage was asserted ; asserted by Jeffrey Watson, Assistant, Dec. 20, 1746. 1-98 " Abigail, and Jeremiah Carpenter, June 24, 1752. 1-99 " Sarah, of Isaac, and James Babcock, of Samuel, Jan. 31, 1754. 1-106 " James, and Hannah Beard, by Frances Tanner, Justice, Oct. 24, 1762. 1-108 " Mehitable, and John Babcock, Feb. 14, 1765. 2-45 " AUce, of Rouse, and Daniel Steadman, of Daniel, Sept. 8, 1850. 1-71,73 SHERMAN Ruth, and Benjamin Potter, Feb. 1, 1726-7. 1-70 " Sarah, and John Sheldon, Jr., Feb. 2, 1726-7. 1-70 " Jonathan, Jr., and Dorcas Sheldon, by Eouse Helme, Assistant, Feb. 1, 1727-8. 1-70 " Josiah, and Mary Potter, by Eouse Helme, Assistant, June 4, 1727. 1-85 " Mary, and Passaval Allen, Dec. 21, 1732. 1-77 " Isabel, and Caleb Gardiner, Feb. 20, 1734. 1-85 " Eber, Jr., and Amie Hazard, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, May 30, 1734. 1-77 " Daniel, and Susannah Earl, by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, May 22, 1735. 1-82 " Susannah, and Samuel Sheldon, by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, Sept. 23„ 1739. 1-87 " Mary, and Benjamin Baker, Sept. 16, 1742. 1-89 " AUce, and PhUUp Sherman, Feb. 14, 1744. 1-89 " Phillip, of Portsmouth, and AUce Sherman, of South Kingstown-, by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Feb. 14, 1744. 1-90 " Abiel, and Susannah Boss, by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Jan. 30, 1745. 1-94 " James,, of South Kingstown, and Penelope Franklin', of Jamestown, at Jamestown, by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Sept.' 8, 1748. 1-95 " Experience, and Joseph Taylor, AprU 6„ 1749. 1-97 " Sarah, and Robert Brown, Esq., May 16, 1753. 1-100 " James, of South Kingstown, and Hannah Fry, of East Gieenwich, daughter of Thomas, by Giles Pierce, Justice, Feb. 6, 1755. 1-94 " Abigail, and John Reynolds, Oct. 24, 1748. 1-102 '¦' Samuel, 'of Newport, and Phebe Smith, of South Kingstown, by Rev. David Sprague,, Sept. 25, 1756. 1-105 " Lydia, of Benjamin, and Isaac Tanner, Dec. 8, 1759. 1-106 " James, of South Kingstown, and Elizabeth Reynolds, of Exeter, by John LUlibrldge, Justice, Nov. 19, 1761. 1-108 " Josiah, and Dorcas Bentley, by Jeremiah Crandall, Justice, Dec. 15, 1763. 1-109 " Jonathan, Jr., of South Kingstown, and Saiah Harrington, of North Kingstown, by Rev. Samuel Albro, May 16, 1768. 1-99 " Abiel, of South Kingstown, and Mrs. Ann Hoxsie,, of Charles town, at C, by Rev. Joseph Parks, May 10, 1772. 2-42 " David, and Hannah Sherman, by Jame,s Parker, Justice, Nov. 26, 1775. 2-42 " Hannah,, and David Sherman, Nov. 26, 1775. 1-63 " Robert, of South Kingstown, and Honor Brown, of North Kings- totwn, by Rev. James Wightman, Feb. 26, 1777. 1 — " Susannah, of Daniel, and John Oatley,, of Samuel, Sept. — , 1796. 1 — " Sarah, and Benjamin Stanton, Dec. 4, 1796. 2-3 " Anna, of Godfrey, and Jesse Barber, of James, Nov. 4, 1813. 2-55 " Abbie, and Benjamin B. Brown, Aug. 17, 1831. 2-42 " George J., of Exeter, and Rebecca C. HoUoway, of Charlestown, by Rev. John H. Baker, July 4, 1841. 2-43 " David, Jr., of Coventry. R. 1., and Susan Potter, of South Kings town, by Rev. John (H. Balcer, March, 21, 1842. 2-43 " Clarke B., of South Kingstown, son of Robert and Abbie Mumford, of Oliver, of Richmond, by Rev. E. J. Locke, Nov. 5, 1843. 2-44,46 Daniel, of Joseph, and Mary Ann Knowles, of Hazard; m. by Rev. E. J. Locke, June 19, 1848. 2-20 " Sarah Jane, of Exeter, and Azel Noyes, of South Kingstown, March 29, 1848. 2-3l> " Elizabeth, and George Potter, Aug. 16, 1863. SOUTH KINGSTOWN MAERIAGES. 31 1 SIAS Mary, of South Kingstown, and Mlngull Crosswell, of Sterling, Conn., Nov. 23, 1794. 2-19 SIMS Silence E., and Courtland B. Holland, April 2, 1849. 1-17 SLACK AbigaU, of Samuel, and Charles Hull, both of Westerly, Dec 30 1736. 2-43 SLOCUM John, Jr., of Richmond, R. I., and Sarah M. Steadman, of Henry of South Kingstown, by Rev. E. J. Locke, Sept. 24, 1843. 2-43 " WUUam, of John of Richmond, R. I., and Rebecca Babcock, of Joseph of South Kingstown, by Rev. E. J. Locke, March 30, 1845. 2-43 " Alfred, of John, and Diana Klngsley, of WiUiam, both of Rich mond, by Rev. E. J. Locke, November 20, 1846. 1-68 SMITH Margaret, and Emmanuel Clarke, at North Kingstown, Jan. 4, 1725. 1-77 " Bathsheba and Jeffrey Watson, Nov. 30, 1732. 1-85 " Mary, and Benjamm Thomas, Sept. 1, 1737. 1-81 " Sarah, and John Bent, Nov. 13, 1737. 1-81 " Mrs. Mary, of Boston, and Jacob Pindar, of North Kingstown, April 2, 173'8. 1-102 " Phebe, of South Kingstown, and Samuel Sherman, of Newport, Sept. 25, 1756. 1- — " Samuel, of Stonington, Conn., and Martha Sheffield, of Nathan of South Kingstown ; by Samuel Helme, Justice, Nov. 8, 1795. 2-8 " Mary Ann, and Edgar R. Eaton, Dec. 4, 1842. 2-54 " Lucy Ann, and Edmund B. Albro, Feb. 24, 1848. 2-34 " Alice, of James W., and Samuel Potter, of Nicholas E., May 14, 1848. 2-44 " Edward H., and Alice Harvey ; by Rev. James Hammond, Oct. 7, 1849. 2-45 " F.sek B., aged 18, son of James W., and Lucy A. Webster, aged 16, dau. of Nathan, by Rev. Ezekiel J. Locke, Nov. 9, 1851. 2-54 " John A., and Ann A. Whaley, by Eev. A. Durfee, Oct. 29, 1854. 2-45 SPEAE Henry, and Levina Carpenter, by Eev. E. J. Locke, July 28, 1850. 2-43 SPRAGUE WiUiam, and AdeUne Whltford, by Rev Silas Learned, Aug. 28, 1842. 1-95 STANTON Isabel, and Nathan Tefft, Sept. 16, 1742. 1-103 " Robert, of Richmond, R. I., and Eliazbeth Whitehorne, of South Kingstown, by Jeremiah- CrandaU, Justice, Jan. 16, 1757. 1-108 " Susannah, of Richmond, R. I., and Peter Boss, Dec. 14, 1763. 1 — " Benjamin, and Sarah Sherman, Dec. 4, 1796. 2-32 " Susannah, of Joseph, and WUliam Peckham, Jr., Feb. 13, 1803. 2-42,165 " Benjamin, and Sarah Barnes, by Rev. John H. Baker, Nov. 18, 1839. 2-17 " Mary, and Stephen Hoxsie, Nov. 1, 1S38. 2-28 " Ann II. , and John Nichols, Jr., liy Rev. Cyrus Miner, Jan. 19, 1842. 1-91 STEADMAN, John, of South Kings'own, and Bethany Gray, of Shrews bury, Monmouth Co., N. J., by Thomas Brown, Justice, Jan. 29, 1746. 1-107 " James, and Isabel Babcock, by Francis Tanner, Justice, Nov. 11, 1762. 1-156 " Mary, and Martin Murphy, Jan. 7, 1778. 1-— " PoUy, and Jonathan Parr, Oct. 29, 1795. 2-42 " WiUiam, of Oliver, and EUzabeth Tucker, of Joshua, by Joseph P. Babcock, Justice, Jan. 23, 1842. 2-6 " Hannah, and Jesse Cottrell, June 21, 1843. 2-24 " Catherine, of South Kingstown, and WUUam J. S. Locke, of Rich mond, R. I., Sept. 24, 1843. 2-43 " Sarah M., and John Slocum, Jr., of Richmond, R. I., Sept 24, 1843. 2-43 " Enoch C, of Enoch, of South Kingstown, and Lucinda Phillips, of Mehitable, of Richmond, R. I., by Rev. E. J. Locke, Oct. 29, 1843. 2-44 - WUliam N., of Henry, and Abbie Austin, of George, by Rev. E. J. Locke, July 2, 1848. (Vit. Ree, Vol. 5.) 10 32 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-60 STEADMAN Susan T., of Asa, and Daniel Connor, July 28, 1850. 2-45 " WUliam, of Oliver, and Jane Clarke, of Christopher, by Rev- H. C. Coombes, Aug. 5, 1850. 2-45 " Daniel, of Daniel, and AUce Sheldon, of Rouse, by Rev. H. C. Coombes, Sept. 8, 1850. 1-71,73 STEPHENS Peter, and Mary Cottrell, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Sept. 1, 1728. 2-61 STREETER Clarrissa, and Augustus) Cory, Nov. 25, 1875. 1-70 SUNDERLAND WUUam, and! Mary Plullips, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, May 26, 1726-7. 1-108 " Lois, and WUliam Carlile, Jan. 27, 1760. 2-33 " Emeline S., of Warham and Mercy, and John B. Perry, of John and Mary, AprU 27, 1826. 1-85 SWAIN John, and Hannah Scotaway, by Rouse Holme, Assistant, Nov. 6, 1731. 1-71,73 SWEET Thomas, and Tabitha Bentley, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, AprU 11, 1728. 1-91 " Lydia, and Ebenezer Tefft, Nov. 6, 1746. 1-84 " Harriet, of Job and Thomas Austin, Oct. 27, 1791. 1 — " Gideon, and SUence WiUiams, by Samuel Helme, Justice, Nov. 30, 1794. 2-28 " Mrs. Hannah B., and John V. Nortlirup, Oct. 27, 1844. 1-77 " Rebecca, of S. K., and Benjamin Brand, of Westerly, March 16, 1-88 TABOR EUzabeth, of WUliam, and Edward Gardiner, of Henry, May 23, 1745. 1-108 " Reward, and Elizabeth Bentley, by Jeremiah Crandall, Justice, Nov. 6, 1763. 1-69 TALLMAN Stephen, and Mary Potter, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Nov. 11, 1724. 1-72,73 TANNER Francis, and Mary Tosk, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Feb. 26, 1728. " Rebecca, and Benjamin Brand, March 16, 1734. " Nathan, and Mary CottreU, by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, May 28. 1734. " Isaac, and Lydia Sherman, of Benjamin, by Wm. Waite, Justice, Dec. 8, 1759. TAYLOR Joseph, and Experience Sherman, by Jeffrey Watson, Assistant, April 6, 1749. " Esbon S., of WlUiam, of North Kmgstown, and Mary Perry, of John R., and Sally (Gould), March 6, 1834. " Wm. Potter, and Lydia Potter, of Capt. Benjamin, by Rev. James Rogers. Dec. 11, 1700. " Susan H., and Abram Hazard, Sept. 18, 1842. " Benjamin H., and Harriet Potter, Oct. 30, 1842. 1-75 TEFFT Joanna, and John Webb, April 28, 1721. 1-70 " Samuel, of John, and Mary Barber, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Oct. 1, 1727. 1-75 " Mary, and Benjamm Barber, Jan. 11, 1729. 1-75 " Joseph, and Esther Brownell, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Feb. 22, 1729. 1-84 " Stephen, and Amie Gardiner, by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, Dec. 10, 1741. 1-95 " Nathan, and Isabel Stanton, by Rev. Daniel Everett, Sept. 16, 1742. I"89 " Sarah, and Hezekiah Brown, of Providence, March 1, 1744. 1-Q1 " Ebenezer, and Lydia Sweet, by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, Nov. 6, 1746. 1-103 " Mercy, and Thomas MUler, of Dighton, Mass., Dec. 16, 1756. 1-103' " John, and Virtue Wightman, by Jeremiah Crandall, Justice, Dec. 25, 1757. 1-105 " Mary, and Jeremiah Albro, Oct. 15, 1758. 1-77 1-76 1-305 1-95 2-35 1-109 2-18 2-47 SOUTH KINGSTOWN MAEEIAGES. 33 1-156 TEFFT Mary, and Henry Joslin, May 21, 1769. 1-109 " AbigaU, of Ebenezer and James Gardiner, June 27, 1771. 1-109 " James, Jr., and Mary Westcott, by F. Perry, Justice, Feb. 6, 1772. 1-62 " Mary, of George, and WUUam Cottrell, Dec. 7, 1786. 1-62 " Martha, and Levi Totten, Julg 8, 1789. 1 — " Daniel, and Sarah Northrup, by Samuel Helme, Justice, Feb. 9, 1795. 2-62 " Susan C, of South Kingstown, and WUUam A. Davis, of FaU River, Mass., Dec. 9, 1840. 2-46 " Lyndon G., of Elijah and Frances, and Ann Champlain, of Robert H. and Esther, by Rev. Thomas Vernon, Aug. 18, 1845. 2-46 " Amie and Benjamin G. Tefft, Nov. 28, 1844. 2-46 " Benjamin G., of Augustus and Abbie, and Amie Tefft, of EUjah and Frances, by Rev. Thomas Vernon, Nov. 28, 1844. 2-29 " Mary Ann, and James A. Nichols, March 11, 1849. 2-46 " Stephen Hazard, of Stephen and Mary B., of North Kingstown, and Phebe Weeden Watson, of Freeman P., and Phebe, of South Kingstown, at Lonsdale, E. I., by Eev. E. F. Watson, Jan. 23, 1849. 2-47 " Stephen A., of Benjamin, of Richmond, R. I., and Eunice A. Lewis, of Arnold, of Exeter, by Eev. George K. Clarke, Jan. 20, 1850. 1- — TENNANT Sarah, and Hawkins Greene, Feb. 12, 1799. 1-75 THAYER Jerusha, and Joseph PhUlips, Feb. 2, 1729. 1-85 THOMAS Benjamin, and Mary Smith, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Sept. 1, 1737. 2-29 " Mary Ann, of George,, and Gideon S. Northrup, of James R., Oct. 6, 1850. 2-52 THOMPSON Bhebe M., of Richmmond, R. I., and Joseph C. Woodmansee, of Eichmond,, July 18, 1841. 2-21 THUESTON Mary Ann M., and Nathan Jackways, July 25, 1868. 1-73 TIBBETTS George, Jr., of North Kingstown, and Dorcas Gardiner, of South Kingstown, by Christopher AUen,, Justice, March 11, 1730-1. 2-46 TTZZAED WUliam,, and Abbie A. Woodmansee, both of Exeter, by Rev. E. J. Locke, Sept. 29, 1847. 1-62 TOTTEN Levi, and Martha Tefft, of George, by Nicholas Gardiner, Justice, July 8, 1789. 1-72,73 TOSH Mary, and Francis Tanner, Feb. 26, 1728. 1 TOURJEE WUliam, Jr., and Martha Gould, by Samuel Helme, Justice, Nov. 16, 1797. 1 " John, and Hannah Gould, of John, by Samuel Helme, Justice, Aug. 16, 17S8. 2-9 " Patience A., and Benjamin P. Crandall, Aug. 30, 1852. 1-75 TRIPP Phebe, and WUUam Eice, Dec. 10, 1730. 1 — " Nathaniel, and Penelope Eodman, by Samuel Helme, Justice, Dec. 15, 1791. 1-68 TUCKEE Elizabeth, and Isaac Nash, Jr., May 13, 1723. 2-46 " Samuel, and Sarah Peckham, by Rev. SUas Learnard, Sept. 16, 1840. 2-46 " Thurston, and Amie Champlain, by Rev. SUas Learnard, Jan. 4, 1841. 2-5 " Adeline B.„ and WUliam Champlain, AprU 4, 1841. 2-1 " Clarissa, and Charles Austin, Nov. 29, 1841. 2-42 " Elizabeth, of Joshua, and WiUiam Steadman,, of Oliver, Jan. 23, 1842. 2-6 " Mary T., and Henry Clarke, Dec. 2, 1843. 2-46 " John A., of Joshua, Jr., and DelUla Larkin, of John W., by Rev. E. J. Locke, March 6, 1845. 2-64 " Susan P., of Simeon, and Eobert E. Knowles, of Jeremiah N., Sept. 25, 1845. 2-46 " Eunice C, and Samuel P. Tucker, Nov. 7, 1848. 2-46 " Samuel P., and Eunice C. Tucker, by Eev. C. T. Chapman, Nov. 7, 1849. 34 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-44 TUCKER Eliza Ann, and George E. ,Shed, Deo. 25, 1848. 2-34 " Jane P., of Sfouth Kingstown, and Nathaniel Peckham, of Middle- town, Jan. 16, 1849. 2-47 " Palmer, of Simeon and Sally, and Susan Browning, of Samuel and Dorcus, by Rev. H. C. Coombes, Feb. 17, 1850. u 1-76 UNDERWOOD Joseph and Ruth Robinson, by Christopher Allen, Justice, AprU 27, 1732. 1-109 " Anne and Robert R. Hazard, Sept. 4, 1791. 2-49 " Perry G., and Mary E. Brown ; m. by Rev. A. Durfee, Dec. 25, 1854. 2-50 VALLETT GUbert, of John, of Eichmond, E. I., and Catherine Wilcox, of Othnlel, of Exeter, by Eev. E. J. Locke, Jan. 1, 1846. 1 — , VAUGHN Ebenezer, of East Greenwich, and Susan Dewy, of South Kings town, ;by Samuel Helme, Justice, Feb. 7, 1796. 2-50 " John G., of James, of West Greenwich, and Susannah S. Barber, of James, of South Kingstown, by Eev. E. J. Locke, Dec. 24, 1849. 1-92 VEAL Rebecca, and' Francis Parker, March 22, 1746. 1-104 VEENER Ann, and John Gardiner, (both came from Ireland) ; m. by Eobert Hannah, Justice, about 1743. w 2-53 WALKEE James E. B., and Elizabeth S. Eose, of George, by Eev. H. C. Coombes, Oct. 25, 1849. 1-68 WATSON Horred, and John Sheldon, April 11, 1706. 1-77 " Jeffrey, 'and Bathsheba Smith, by Christopher Allen, Justice, Nov. 40, 1732. 1-96 " Dorcas, of John, and Ezekiel Gardiner, of Nicholas, Aug. 29, 1730. 1-81 " John, and Sarah Morey, by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, Sept. 28, 1738. 1-96 " Hannah, of Jeffrey, and Joshua Allen, of Caleb, Sept. 13, 1750. 1-104 " Jeffrey, Jr., of South Kingstown, and Hannah Gardiner, of North Kingstown, by Rev. Samuel Albro, March 24, 1757. 1-63 " Job, and Sarah Hazard, of Eobert, by Eev. Joseph Torrey, Feb. 12, 1766. 1:108 " Bathsheba, of Jeffrey, and John Gardiner, of John, AprU 30, 1767. 1-62 " Desire, of John, Jr., and Peleg Peckham, Jr., Aug. 25, 1785. 1 " Capt. John, Jr., and Mary Watson, by Samuel Helme, Justice, Dec. 18, 1794. 1-— " Mary, and Capt. John Watson, Jr., Dec. 18, 1794. 2-51 " John, of Jamestown, and Sarah Brown, of South Kingstown, by Eev. Theodore Dehon, Jan. 24, 1799. 2-51 " Isabel, and John Watson, Aug. 4, 1805. 2-51 " John, anil Isabel Watson, at Suffield, Conn., by Rev. Daniel Waldo, Aug. 4, 1805. 2-51 " Freeman P., of South Kingstown, and Phebe Watson, of James town, at Stonington, Conn., by Rev. Nathaniel Miner, Dec. 13, 1811. 2-51 " Phebe, and Freeman P. Watson, Dec. 13, 1811. 2-52 " Elisha P., and Mary Doekray, by Eev. James H. Eames. June 6. 1843. 2-52 " Henry, of Cyrus and Experience, and Harriet Weeden, of Lon don and Eliza (colored), by Rev. Thomas Vernon, March 19, 1846. SOUTH KINGSTOWN MARRIAGES. 35 2-34 WATSON Dorcas Q., and Rouse Potter, May 25, 1846. 2-46 " Phebe Weedten, and Stephen H. Tefft, Jan. 23, 1849. 2-53 " William W., of South Kingstown, and Susan C. Woodmansee, pf Exeter, by Rev. E. J. Locke, Jan. 30, 1850. 2-32 WAUD Mrs. Mary, and Benjamin T. Peckham, Dec. 5, 1799. 1-75 WEBB John, and Joanna Tefft, by Eouse Helme, Assistant April 28, 1721. 1-109 " Elizabeth, of Charlestown, and John Sheldon, of South Kingstown, May 29, 1743. 1-79 WEBSTEE Hannah, of John, and Ezekiel Barber, Nov. 28, 1736. 2-52 " Thomas, and Henrietta Gould, by Eev. Eldridge Crandall, March 12, 1846. 2-45 " Lucy Ann, of Nathan, and Esek B. Smith, of James W., Nov. 9, 1851. ' 1-100 WEEDEN Daniel, and Martha Potter, by Ee,v. Joseph Torrey, Jan. '/, 1753. 2-33 " LoulJ.a Ann, and George G. Perry (colored), March 5, 1846. 2-52 « Harriet, and Henry Watson June 5, 1765. Dec. 9, 1772. Oct. 9, 1768. April 7, 1769. Jan. 31, 1771. Nov. 1, 1769. June 1, 1771. AprU 7, 1773. Oct. 18, 1796 Fel. 26, 1798. Oct. 7, 1799. March 12, 1801. March 4, 1803. March 11, 1805. Dec. 28, 1807. Jan 3, 1810. Nov. 25, 1757. May 15, 1759. July 1, 1761. July 5, 1764. Sept. 19, 1766. Feb. 26, 1693. April — , 1694. Sept. 2, 1717. April 4, 1697. Nov. 19, 1724. July 13, 1726. July 12, 1728. and Mary, Sept. 2, 1748. July 21, 1756. Sept. 23, 1758. Jan. 17, 1777. March 31, 1778. Feb. 10, 1780. May 19, 1783. May 19, 1783. July 18, 1785. 42 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-1541-154 2-872-872-872-87 2-87 1-16 1-271-272-852-862-86 2-86 2-86 2-861-211-211-211-211-231-231-23 1-22 1-22 1-1381-1381-138 1-138 1-138 1-1381-J38 2-84 1-110 1-110 1-110 2-87 2-872-87 2-87 1-51-51-5 1-5 1-5 1-125 1-125 1-125 1-125 1-1341-121 1-121 1-135 1-144 1-1441-144 1-151 1-150 1-150 1-150 1-160 1-1501-150 1-150 1-1.50 CLARKE John, of Wm. Case and Sarah, " Nathaniel Helme, of Wm. Case and Sarah, CLEARY Hugh George, of Stephen and Ann (Grinnell) ;' Maggie, " Ann Stanton, " Stephen Henry, " Theresa, (b. Moosup, Conn.), COGGESHALL Hannah, of Joseph and Amey, ¦COLLINS Mary, of Hezekiah and Katherlne, " Joseph, COMSTOOK Sarah, of Charles and Anne, " Joshua Perry, of Joseph and Sarah R., " Mary, " Esther, " Elizabeth, " Joseph Erasmus Darwin, of Joseph and Sarah CONGDON WUliam, of Joseph and Mary, " Barberry, " Mary, " Samuel, " Mary, of WUliam and Mary, " Robert, " Sarah, Ann, of WUUam (of Benj.) and Ann, Hannah, " Joseph, of Samuel and Sarah, " Hannah, " George, " Margaret, of Wm. (of James) and Rebecca, " Anne, of WUUam and Rebecca, Thomas Taylor, " Sarah, Stephen Champlain, of Sam'l and Susannah. COOKE, Alice, of John and Elizabeth, Sarah, " George, " Daniel, , Mary S., " Samuel, of Alfred and Austrers (Broman), " Jesse P., CEANDALL, James, of Peter and Susannah, " Mary, " Peter, " John, Elizabeth, Samuel, of Jeremiah and Elizabeth, " Esther " Jeremiah, " Dorcas, CEOSS, Hannah, of Samuel and Ann, COTTRELL, EUzabeth, of Stephen, Jr., and Lydia, " David, '• Abel, at Thomas and Mary, Lydia, of Stephen and Lydia, Stephen, Elizabeth,WUliam, of Thomas and Sarah, Thomas Paine, of John and Margaret, " Susannah, " Sarah, " Susannah, " Abel, of Abel and Mary, " Mary, " Silence, " James Arnold, of Abel and Mary, R. Dec. 0, 1787. Dec. 10, 1789. July 4, 1857. AprU 6, 1861. July 17, 1866. Jan. 28, 1868. Dec. 29, 1869. Oct, 20, 1725. Sept. 6, 1736. AprU 18, 1738. April 13, 1802. March 31, 1803. July 29, 1804. Feb. 12, 1806. March 16, 1809. ., July 20, 1812. June 1, 1724. May 18, 1726. July 28, 1730. Feb. 18, 1733. June 5, 1729. Jan. 27, 1733. May 9, 1735. Feb. 28, 1733. March 25, 1735. March 1, 1758. July 15, 1759. Dec. 9, 1760. Oct. 24, 1759. March 3, 1762. March 6, 1764. March 31, 1766. Dec. 9, 1805. May 15, 1740. June 14, 1742. Jan. 12, 1744. May 10, 1854. July 15, 1853. Feb. 12, 1S45. Oct. 1, 1855. AprU 17, 1709. Feb. 17, 1711. July 4. 1713. June 18, 1716. Feb. 1, 1718-19. Sept. 18, 1750. March 13, 1753. Sept. 19, 1755. May 24, 1758. March 27, 1760. Dec. 4, 1747. AprU 7, 1752. Oct. 22, 1747. AprU 6, 1755. Aug. 20, 1758. Sept. 3, 1761. Jan. 14, 1762. June 28, 1768. Oct. 29, 1770. June 27, 1775. AprU 29, 1780. Feb. 9, 1771. Jan. 8, 1773. AprU 1, 1775. June 22, 1777. SOUTH KINGSTOWN BIETHS. 43 1-150 COTTRELL Thomas, of Abel and Mary, May 7, 1781. 2-84 " Margaret, Dec. 26, 1784. 2-84 " Benjamin Potter, May 30, 1788. 2-89 CEUMB Mary Jane, of Levi Lewis, and Susan, of , March 25, 1854. 2-89 " Amanda, Dec. 7, 1855, 2-69 " Ella P., Feb. 22, 1860. 2-89 " George L., May 12, 1868. 1-137 CUETIS Samuel, of Samuel and Amie, Aug. 14, 1747. 1-137 " Sarah, Feb. 25, 1752. D 1-6 DICKINSON Charles,, of Charles and Mary, 1-6 " PhUip, 1-6 " Sarah, 2r92 DOCKEAY Ann, of John Bigelow and Mary, 2-92 " John Bigelow, 1-6 " Mary, 2-92 DOUGLASS Maria, of George and Mary Ann, 2-92 " EUza, 2-92 " WUliam, 2-92 " Susan, 2-92 " Horace, 2-92 " George Horace,, 1-28 DYEE Hannah, of Charles and Penelope, 1-115 " WUUam, of William and Mercy, Feb. 27, 1716-7. March 17, 1718-19. Jan. 18, 1722-3. Oct. 18, 1779. Oct. 25, 1780. May 7, 1784. July 21,, 1808. June 30, 1811. May 10, 1813. May 12, 1816. Oct. 31, 1820. March 18, 1823. Feb. 13, 1736-7. Oct. 11, 1749. 1-12 EARL Benjamin, of John and Sarah, 1-1 2 " Susannah, 1-12 " AbigaU, 1-12 " Lydia, 1-34 EASTON Sarah, of James and Waite, 1-34 " Mary, 1-34 " Mercy, Dec. 18, 1712. June 25, 1715. Aug. 7, 1724. Dec. 30. 1720. Jan. 30. 1735. July 17, 1737. Aug. 24, 1740. 1-130 FRANKLIN Sarah, of John and Elizabeth, 1-130 " Mary, 1-130 " Prances. 11 30 " William, 1-130 " Robert, 1-0 FISH Jeremiah, of Jeremiah and Mary, 1-8 " Thomas, 1-10 " Patience, 1-12 " Mary, 1-10 " Isabel, 1-5 FOREDICE James, of James and Mary. 1-5 " AbigaU, May 5, 1756. Oct. 29, 1758. Jan. 11, 1761. March 14, 1763. Sept. 26, 1765. July 4, 1724. Sept. 14, 1726. Jan. 28, 1728. Aug. 30, 1730. Feb. 2, 1732. June 2, 1714. March 14, 1717-8. Q 1-28 GARDINER Samuel, of Ephraim and Penelope, 1-8 " Christopher, 1-7 " George, of George and Susannah, 1-7 ," Hannah, 1 -7 " Amie, 3-32 " Anstis, of John and Mary, 1-32 " Hannah, Jan. 16, 1719. June 3, 172ii. July 25, 1720. May 27, 1723. Aug. 15, 1725. March 23, 1721. April 22, 1723. 44 VITAL RECORD OP RHODE ISLAND. 1-321-321-32 1-32 1-32 1-19 1-201-20 1-20 1-9 1-17 1-20 1-1111-111 1-1271-127 1-127 1-127 1-1271-1101-110 1-110 1-110 1-1101-1101-117 1-1171-117 1-1171-1171-117 1-31 3-311-31 1-291-31 1-124 1-124 1-124 1-124 1-124 1-124 1-124 1-124 1-117 1-117 1-117 1-317 1-123 1-35 1-35 1-129 1-129 1-129 1-147 1-147 1-1471-347 1-147 2-102 1-3 54 1-154 1-3 54 3-3 54 1-354 GARDINER Thomas, of John anA Mary, " Amos, " AbigaU, " WUliam, March 11, 1725. March 27, 1729. Sept. 26, 1740. March 18, 1741-2. Mary, 2d wife of above John, mother of two last chUdren. Job, of Nathaniel and Mary, Edward, of Henry, Jr., and Catherine, Mary,Abigail', Henry, of WlUiam and Margaret, Abiel, of Benjamin and Mary, Nathaniel, of Nathaniel and Sarah, Paris,James, Sarah, of Caleb and Isabel, Dorcus, Nicholas, Tabitha,Experience, ¦: Christopher, of Henry and Anne, George,Jonathan, Henry, James,Desire, Clarke, of WlUiam and Freelove, Thomas,Stephen,Mary,Desire,Gideon, WUUam, of John and Mercy, Mary, John, July 23, 1723. Sept. 8, 1723. July 25, 1728. March 9, 1732. Jan. 9, 1726-7. Jan. 20, 1727-8. May 18, 1735. July 28, 17-43. May 30, 1746. AprU 29, 1736. March 16, 1739. Dec. 3, 1744. AprU 8, 1,748. Nov. 1, 1751. Feb. 7, 1737. Jan. 3, 1739. Oct. 14, 1741. June 10, 1748. Sept. 30, 1749. March 31, 1751. Aug. 3, 1737. March 7, 1738. June 7, 1740. Feb. 13, 1,744. Nov. 26, 1749. Nov. 15, 1751. Aug. 1, 1743. Aug. 1, 1743. June 17, 1745. "" John, son of Margaret Rustin, of North Kingstown, b. . — , . " Alan, of John and Mercy, June 3, 1748. " Mary, of Nathan and Catherine, March 5, 1743. " Nathan, May 15, 1747. " Sarah, Dec. 29, 1751. " Susannah, of George, Jr., and Sarah, June 16, 1743'. " George, March, 18, 1745. " Eufus, March 9, 1747. " WUliam, Sept. 8, 1749. " Levi, Sept. 29, 1751. " Mary, of Thomas and Mary, Nov. 23, 1744. Richard, Feb. 3, 1745. " Thomas, March 23, 1746. Tabitha, May 24, 1752. " Frederic, of Thomas (of John) and Martha, Aug. 24, 1751. " Rowland, of George and Sarah, Dec. 1, 1743. " Thankful, Feb. 22, 1744-5. " Benoni, of Nathan and Sarah, . Nov. 5, 1753. " Cynthia, Dec. 27, 1756. " Susannah, Oct. 7, 1758. " Stephen Champlain, of Nicholas and Hannah, Dec. 3, 1755. " George, June 9, 1757. " Eowland, March 18, 1759. " Hannah, Oct. 7, 1763. " Jeffrey, Nov. 12, 1765. " George Perry, of George and Elizabeth, June 14, 1793. GAVITT OUver, of Samuel and Ruth, Dec. 2,3', 1766. " Daniel, Oct. 20, 1768. " Mary, Aug. 2, 1770. " Esther, Feb. 26, 1772. " Elizabeth, Nov. 12, 1773. SOUTH KINGSTOWN BIRTHS. 45 1-154 GAVITT Samuel, of Samuel and Ruth, 1-154 " Hannah, 1-154 cc John, 1-154 " Ruth, 1-154 " Arnold, 1-154 " Perry, 1-27 GOULD Mary, of WUUam and Penelope, 1-27 cc Elizabeth, 1-27 " Waite, 1-27 cc Tabitha, Nov. 10, 1775. April 4, 1779. March 9, 1781. Nov. 9, 1784. Jan. 9, 1787. May 19, 1789, March 11, 1731, Dee. 23, 1733. Jims 10,, 1736. July 12, 1738. H 1-20 1-201-20 1-153 1-153 1-61-6 1-6 1-91-21-21-2 1-2 1-21-2 1-2 1-12 1-16 3-211-29 1-151 1-21 1-36 1-361-361-36 1-361-36 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-20 1-26 1-31-6 1-9 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-321-32 1-32 HALEY Joshua, of John a~d Mary, Dec. 27, 1721. Martha, AprU 7, .1723. " Elizabeth, Aug. 17„ 1726. HAMMOND Nathaniel, of Thomas and Eebecca, March 11, 1746. Mercy, Jan. 18, 1747. HANDSOM Anne,, of John and Mary, Feb. 4, 1720-1. " Sarah, Nov. 6, 1722. " John, Dec. 10, 1724. AbigaU, S»pt. 14, 1726. HANNAH Mary, of Robert and Catherine, Peb. 1, 1713-14. Sarah, Dee. 10, 1716. " Tabitha, Feb. 21, 1717 18. " George, March 26, 1719. " Catherine, June 2, 1721. " Hannah, Oct. 13, 1723. " Elizabeth, March 17, 1725. Ruth, of Robert and Elizabeth, AprU 18, 1731. " Desire, Feb. 11, 1732. Ann, Feb. 28, 1734. HATCH Ezekiel, of Ezekiel (of Newport), and Mary .July 2, 1746. HAY'ES Stove, (a dau.) of Moses M. and Rachel, June 29, 1779. HAZARD Oliver, of George and Penelope, Sept. 13, 1710. " Mary, of Robert, of Thomas and Sarah, of Richard Borden of Tiverton, Feb. 23, 3 716. " Thomas, of Robert, of Thomas and Sarah, of Richard Borden of Tiverton, May, 9, 1718. " Thomas, 2d, of Robert, of Thomas and Sarah, of Richard Borden, of Tiverton, Sept. 15, 1720. " Jonathan, of Robert, of Thoma - and Sarah, of Edchard Borden, of Tiverton, Aug. 17, 1726. " Eichard, of Eobert, of Thomas and Sarah, of Eiehard Borden, of Tiverton, Dec. 31, 1730. " Sarah, of Robert, of Thomas and Sarah, of Richard Borden, of Tiv- ton, June 27, 1734. " Mary, of Hon, George, Esq.., and Sarah, July 16, 1722. " George, June 15, 1724. '• AbigaU, March 12, 1726. " Sarah, Sept. 15, 1729. " Penelope, May 7, 1732. " Carder, Aug. 11, 1734. " Arnold, May 15, 1738. " Robert, of Caleb and AbigaU, May 1, 1723. " Caleb, Jan. 21, 1724-5. Caleb, 2d, Sept. 22, 1726. " Benjamin, of George (of Thomas) and Mary, May 22, 1723. " Simon, of George (of Thomas) and Mary, Aug. S, 1725. " Mary, of George (of Thomas) and Mary, Nov. 23, 1727. " George, of George (of Thomas) and Mary, AprU 16, 1730. " Susannah, of George (of Thomas) and Mary, Dec. 18, 1732. " Enoch, of George (of Thomas) and Mary, Dec. 6, 1735. " Thomas, of George, (of Thomas) and Mary, Oct. 11, 1738. 46 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-8, 25 HAZARD Stephen, of Stephen H. and Mary, July 10, 1723. 1-8, 25 " Mary, Sept. 18, 1725. 1-25 " EUzabeth, July 17, 1729. 1-25 " John, June 26, 1731. 1-7 " Jeremiah, of Jeffrey and Mary,' Aug. 13, 1726. 1-18 " Thomas, ,of Jonathan and AbigaU, Feb. 22, 1727. 1-18 " Susannah, March 24, 1729. 1-18 " Mary, March 22, 1737-8. 1-10 " George, May 22, 1742. 1-16, 24 " Joseph, of Robert and Esther, May 21, 1728. 1-16, 24 EUzabeth, ! May 31, 1730. 1-16, 24 " Esther, Dec. 7, 1732. 1-24 " Stephen, June 13, 1736. 1-24 " Robert, June 13, 1736. 1-22 " Penelope, of Capt. Thomas and^ Alice, Feb. 11, 1730. 3-22 " Hannah, Aug. 5, 1732. 1-22 " Sarah, Jan. 23, 1734. 1-22 " Alice, Aug. 30, 1737. 1-80 " Elizabeth, of Oliver and Elizabeth, Sept. 13, 1737. 1-29 " Sarah, of Samuel and AbigaU, Nov. 26, 1738. 1-33 " Thomas, of Thomas (of Stephen) and Hannah, Nov. 30, 1741. 1-32 " Hannah, of Thomas (of Stephen) and Hannah, Dec. 22, 1745. 1-113 " Stanton, of Robert, Esq., and Esther, June 8, 1743. 1-34 " Martha, of Thomas and Elizabeth, Jt ne 14, 1745. 1-112 " Sarah, - Jan. 10, 1745. 1-113 " Joseph, of WilUam and Phebe, Dec. 20, 1748. 1-142 " Hannah, of Richard and Susannah, AprU 14, 1753. 1-142 " Robert, AprU 11, 1755. 1-142 " George, Sept. 22, 1756. 3.-142 " Benjamin, 'Dee. 26, 1757. 1-142 " Susannah, April 11, 1760. 1-142 " Richard, Nov. 14, 1731. 1-145 " AbigaU, of Dr. Robert and Elizabeth, Aug. 29, 1753. 1-145 " Esther, July 26, 1755. 3-145 " Elizabeth, Nov. 28, 1757. 1-145 " Sylvester Gardiner, of Dr. Robert and Elizabeth, July 27, 1760. 1-143 " Nancy, of Dr. Robert and EUzabeth, AprU 29, 1764. 1-145 " Charles, of Dr. Eobert and EUzabeth, July 14, 1766. 1-142 " Alice, of George and Sarah, Nov. 15, 1754. 1-142 " Thomas, Oct. 3, 1757. 1-142 " George, April 8, 1762. 1-142 " Thomas, 2d, (also 1-145), March 3, 1765. 1-134 " Eobert HuU, of Carder and Alice, AprU 10, 1758. 1-134 " Peter Bowers (Bouts), Dec. 5, 1759. 1-129 " Robert, of Joseph and Hannah, Jan. 31, 1762. 1-129 " Mary, May 29, 1764. 1-153 " Mary, of Knock and Mary, Sept. 6, 1763. 1-153 " Sarah, " Aug. 13, 1768. 1-153 " Enock, Dec. 28, 1775. 1-1 .",3 " Alice, Jan. 11, 1778. 1-152 " Benjamin, of Thomas (of Benj.) and Hannah, Nov. 4, 1784. 1-152 " Thomas, of Thomas (of Eenj.) and Hannah, . May 8, 1787. 1-154 " James Robinson, of Jonathan N. and Mary, Feb.. 10, 1789. 3-154 " Alice Robinson, of Jonathan and Mary, Dec. 12, 1790. 1-154 " Stephen, of Jonathan and Mary, Sept. 20, 1792. 1-154 " Jonathan, Nichols, of Jomihm and Mary, Jan, 16, 1795. 1 -1 54 " Sylvester Robinson, of Thomas H. and Abigail March 3 1791. 2-110 " Eliza Clarke, of Borden and Teresa, Sept. 1, 1813. 2-110 Arnold! W., Oct. 4, 1815. 2-33 0 Alfred, Jan. 15 1818. 2-11 0 " Harriet Teres-i, Jan. 15 1820. 2-110 WUliam Ehod.s, April 21, 1821. 2-110 " Marietta , Feb. 18 1823. 2-13 0 " John Lafayette, Feb. 4, 1825. 2-110 " Nathaniel, Feb. 4 1827. SOUTH KINGSTOWN BIRTHS. 47 2-110 HAZARD Isaac Peace, of Borden and Terese, 2-110 " Edwin Clarke, 2-112 HEALEY Horace Dighton, of Jonathan and SaUy, 1-35 HELME Benedict, of Christopher and Mary, 1-35 « Christopher, 1-35 " Samuel, 1-35 " Mary, 1-10 " Silas, of Ro.ise and S .rah, 1-11 " Sarah, 1-11 " Jonathan, 1-30 " Oliver, 1-30 '« Samuel, 1-29 " Robert, of Nathaniel and Mary, 1-112 " Esther, of James and Esther, 1-112 " Powell, 1-112 " Rouse, 1-112 " Sarah, 1-112 " EUzabeth,. 1-112 " James, 1-112 " Adam, 1-136 " Samuel, 1-136 " Sarah, 1-136 " Gabriel, 1-136 " Nathaniel,, 1-144 '• Catherine, of Robert and Elizabeth, 1-144 " Nathaniel, 1-153 " Mary Hannah, Of Robert and Elizabeth, 1-153 " Ann Harris, 1-153 " Martha Perry, 1-153 " Robert Hanibal, 1-153 " Cyril Ray, 1-152 " James, of James and Sarah, 1-152 " Adam Powell, of James and Sarah, 1-152 " Mary, 1-152 " John Clarke, 1-152 " Esther, 1-152 " Bernon, 1-152 " EUzabeth, 1-152 " Sarah, 1-152 " Mary, 1-152 " Nathaniel, 2-110 " Sarah Clarke, of James, Jr., and AUce, 2-110 " Mercy, 2-110 " James, 2-110 " Jonathan Perry 2-110 " Adam, 2-111 " Esther, of John Clarke and Susannah, 2-111 " Mary, 2-111 " Anne, 1-3 HIGINBOTTOM Mary, of Charles and Mary, 1-25 " Charles,: 1-25 " Mary, 1-25 ". Ann, 1-151 HOLLAND Henry Hooper, of Henry Hooper and Susannah 1-151 " John, 2-113 " Edward, Hazard, 2-333 " Mary Ann (Crumb), his wife, b. Westerly, 2-113 " Julia Ann, of Edward H. and Mary A., 2-113 " John Burrell,- 2-113 " Jesse Babcock, 2-313 " NelUe Knowles, 2-113 " Lizzie, 2-112 ".. Louisa, of Stephen and Abbie, 2-112 " Stephen, Feb. 4, 1829. April 4, 1831. Oct. 1, 1841. March 22, 1723-4. Jan. 31, 1725-6. Sept. 7, 1728. March 9, 1732. May 20, 1724. May 16, 1727. Oct. 14, 1729. June 17, 1731. June 3, 1734. Aug. 12, 1739. July 20, 1740. Juno 17, 1742. April 10, 1744. Jan. 30, 1745. Feb. 15, 1747, March 12, 1749. Nov. 29, 1752. Feb. 7, 1755. July 6, 1757. Oct. 26, 1759. Dec. 24, 1761. April 25, 1764. Sept. 15, 1765. April 2, 1708. June 3, 1773. Jan. 25„ 1781. Sept. 11, 1785. March 18, 1788. Aug. 14, 1778. AprU 5, 1780. Jan. 6, 1782. Sept. 30, 1783. June 28, 1785. March 16, 1787. May 11, 1789. May 8, 1791. May 20, 1794. Sept. 16, 1796. AprU 8, 1804. Aug. 28, 1805. May 11, 1807. Jan. 13, 18,09. May 25. 1811. May 28„ 1805. Sept. 24, 1807. June 14, 1809. March 30, 1,724. March 27, 1726. Oct. 19, 1727. Sept. 15, 1730. July 24, 1767. Nov. 24, 1769. Feb. 4, 1822. Aug. 1, 1824. May 26, 1844. Aug. '6, 1848. July 3, 1854. June 7, 1858. Aug. 1, 1863. AprU 20, 1852. May 14, 1355. (Vit. Ree, Vol. 5.) 11 48 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-130 HOLLEY Daniel, of Jonathan and Deborah, Feb. 11, 1754. 1-130 cc Henry, Dec. 10, 1755. 1-130 " George, Oct. 24, 1757. 1-148 cc WiUiam, of WUUam and Sarah, Dec. 28, 1767.- 1-148 " Benjamin, Oct. 10, 1769. 1-148 " Penelope, May 21, 1771. 1-8 HOLWAY SUence, of Benjamin and Penelope, Aug. 11, 1722. 1-8 cc Daniel, July 14, 1726. 1-111 cc Robert Hannah, of Joseph and Catherine, April 12, 174S. 1-111 cc Joseph, i May 31, 1.744. 1-131 cc Joseph, of Joseph and Abigail Nov. 2, 1747. 1-36 HOPKINS Thomas, of Thomas, March 24, 1742. 1-36 " Mary, Aug. 6, 1745. 1-138 HULL Joseph, of Tristam, 'Oct. 1, 1706. 1-138 Cc Elizabeth (Brill), wife of Joseph, Aug. 23, 1715. 1-138 cc Martha, 2d, wife of Joseph, AprU 5, 1,722. 1-133 cc Sarah, of Joseph and Elizabeth, Sept. 8, 1732. 1-133 cc Tristam, May 28, 1734. 1-133 cc Hannah, May 13, 1736. 1-133 cc Elizabeth, April 7, 1738. 1-31 cc Elizabeth, of Joseph and Martha, June 20, 1741. 1-31 cc Joseph, , Feb 23, 1742. 1-132 cc Thomas, Jan. 30, 1744. 1-132 " Benjamin, Jan. 22, 1748. 1-132 " Thomas, Jan. 23, 1750. 1-132 cc Charles, Sept. 20, 1752. 1-132 c, Martha, Oct. 26, 1755. 1-133 " Lydia, Sept. 23, 1759. 1-115 " William, of William and Mary, Oct. 7, 1737. 1-115 cc James, Aug. 31, 1744. 1-115 •' Mary, Oct. 8, 1746. 1-115 cc Sylvester, Oct. 18, 1757. 1-122 cc Bathsheba, of Charles and AbigaU, June 13, 1738. 1-122 cc Hannah, June 23, 1740. 1-122 " Samuel, May 20, 1742. 1-122 cc Gideon, March . 6, 1744. 1-122 cc Charles, Jan. 26, 1755. 3-146 cc Joseph, of Stephen and Martha, March 22, 1739. 1-146 cc EUzabeth, May 15. 1741. 1-146 CI Stephen, Sept. 17, 1743. 1-146 " Latham, Feb. 17, 1749. 1-146 cc Samuel Dyre, Jan. 20, 1745. 1-146 cc Ellas, April 13, 1748. 1-146 " Sarah, July 1, 1752. 1-146 cc Hannah, Aug. 22, 1754. 1-5 1-5 IRISH Thankful, of Jedediah and Mary, " Joseph, Aug. 24, 1722. AprU 20, 1724. J K 1-10 KEAIS Samuel, of WUliam and Margeret, 1-11 " SybU, 1-1 KENYON James, of James and Ruth, 1-0 " Elisha, of Thomas and Mary, 1-9 " Daniel, 1-9 " Desire, .2-121 « Ellen L., of Thomas G. and Susan, Aug. 19, 1728. Jan. 10, 1729. April 17, 1693. Oct. 26, 1716. June 24, 1721. Nov; 24, 1723. Feb. 12, 1859. SOUTH KINGiSTOWN BIRTHS. 49 1-138 LEWIS Nathaniel, of Nathaniel and Elizabeth, 1-29 LILL1BRIDGE Champlain, of John and Amie, 1-3 " Dorcas, , 1-131 LITTLEFIELD Samuel, of Edmund and Martha, 1-131 " Sarah, 1-131 " Penelope, 1-149 LUNT Mary, of WUliam and Bethany, 1-149 " Joshua, AprU 3, 1763. Sept. 15, 1730. Aug. 27, 1747. Sept. 28, 1747. June 24, 1749. Jan. 1, 1753. Oct. 10, 1781. Aug. 29, 1783. M 1-23 MASH John, of John and Mary, July 6, 1734. 1-23 cc Eowland, Aug. 16, 1736. 1-113 cc Mary, Oct. 19, 1741. 2-128 MAWNEY Mary, wife of FJisha R. Potter, AprU 25, 1779. 2-128 MAY' EUsha G., of Liberty N. and Behnda, Nov. 30, 1844. 2-128 " Horace A., Jan. 35, 1852. 2-128 cc George L., April 29, 1853. 1-17 MOREY' Mary, of Joseph and Sarah, Oct. 18, 1704. 1-17 " Eobert, Aug. 31, 1706. 1-17 " Joseph, Aug. 24, 1708. 1-17 " 'Benjamin, May 2, 1710. 1-17 " Roger, July 2, 1712. 1-17 cc Martha, Dec. 5, 1714. 1-17 " Sarah, Aug. 31, 1717. 2-128 MITCHELL Mary A., of John R. and Mercy E., Aug. 4, 1858. 2-128 " Martha S., April 8, 1860. 1-13 MUMFORD James, of George and Mary, Feb. 7, 1715. 1-13 cc Eobinson, May 1, 1718. 1-13 « Mary, Nov. 27, 1721. 1-13 cc Rebecca, May 2, 1724. 1.-26 " Jirah, of Peleg (of Peleg) and Mary, Aug. 5, 1717. 1-26 a Peleg, July 25, 1719. 1-26 « AbigaU, Nov. 28, 1721. 1-26 n Samuel, Feb. 2. 1723. 1-26 « Content, March 23, 1725. 1-26 " Sarah, Sept. — , 3 728. 1-26 « Peleg, Nov. — , 1729. 1-26 '• Thomas, May 30, 17,33. 1-28 " Stephen, of Joseph and Hannah, March 2, 1718. 1-7 Phebe, of Benjamin and Anne, Nov. 25, 1721. 1-7 •' Samuel, Jan. 20, 1723. 1-7 c< Thomas, March 7, 1724-5. 1-9 « Peter, March 9, 1727-8. 1-7 CC Lucy, of WUUam and Hannah, Jan. 29, 1725. 1-17 cc WiUiam, of William and) Hannah, Sept. 14, 1728. 1-17 cc Nathaniel, of WUliam and Ann, 2d wife, Dec. 29, 1729. 1-17 cc Abigail, of WUliam and Ann, 2d ^wtiife, Dec. 27, 1731. 1-25 cc Paul, March 5, 1734. 1-25 cc Sarah, March 26, 1737. 1-27,34 Simon Ray, April 25, 1739. 1-34 cc Gideon, Dec. 17, 1741. 1-34 cc Augustus, I July 7, 1744. 1-123 " Waite, of Jirah and Mary, June 27, 1742. 1-123 cc Gardiner WUUam, of Jirah and Mary, Nov. 26, 1744. 1-123 cc Jirah, May 30, 1747. 1-123 cc Mary, Aug. 24, 1749. 1-123 cc Mary, 2d, June 17, 1751. 1-123 cc Sarah, May 1, 1753. 1-123 « Hannah, Jan. 18, 1755. 2-1-8 •¦ i mU, of Gardiner William and Elizabeth, Jan. 8, 1770. 50 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-128 MUMFORD Dorcas, of Gardiner IWilllam and Elizabeth, April 8, 1772. May 20, 1774. March 4, 1776. Jan. 12, 1778. Jan. 29, 1780. Feb. 4, 1782. May 8, 1786. 2-128 " Amie, 2-128 cc SUas G., 2-128 cc Oliver, 2-128 " Augustus, 2-128 cc Elizabeth, 2-128 cc Davis, N 1-3 5 NASH Ann Engley, of Ruth Nash, 1-12 NICKOLS Esther, of John and Elizabeth, 1-3 2 " Thomas, of John and Elizabeth, 1-12 « Jean, 2-332 NICHOLS WUliam H. H., of Matthew and Sally, 1-111 " Martha, of Andrew1 and Kachel, 1-111 " Eunice, 1-12 NILES Ebenezer, of Ebenezer and AbigaU, 1-124 " Catherine, of Nathaniel and Mary, 1-10,16 " Catherine, of Nathan and Mary, 1-16 " Mary, 1-16 " Sarah, 1-120 " SUas, of Silas and Hannah, 1-120 " Nathaniel, of SUas and Hannah, 1-120 " . Mary, 1-137 " Sarah, of Jeremiah and Ann, 1-137 " Ann, 1-1,37 " Martha, 1-33 " Simon, of Mingo and Dinah, Nov. 25, 1714. Oct. 27, 1726. Oct. 24, 1728. Oct. 2, 1730. Nov. 5, 1840. Oct. 24, 1741. July 6, 1745. March 4, 1709-10. March 5, 1724-5. July IS, 1729. May 19, 1731. Oct. 22, 1732. Oct. 19, 1745. Feb. 17, 1747. Aug. 16, 1750. March 31, 1743. Sept. 12, 1744. AprU 21, 1746. Nov. 23, 1776. o 1-30 OATLEY Samuel, of Jonathan, Oct. 23, 1726. 1-30 fC Rebecca, Sept. 10, 1728. 1-30 (i Rhoda, Dec. 29, 1730. 1-30 it Benedict, Dec. 25, 1732. 1-30 it Joseph, March 14, 1739. 2136 O'NEIL Abbie RandaU, of James and Mary, Jan. 18, 1651. 2-136 it Mary Ann, April 8, 1353. 2-136 a Susan Dec. 19, 1858. 2-136 it James Daniel, Sept. 2, 1861. 1-2 OSBORNE Hannah, of Nathaniel and Hannah, Aug. 23, 1703. 1-2 cc \ Nathaniel, Nov. 20, 1708- 1-2 " WUliam, Sept. 30, 1711. 1-2 cc Ann, Sept. 13, 1714. 1-2 cc John, Dec. 30, 1715. 1-2 " Abigail, Feb. 25, 1718-9. 1-6 cc Joseph, May 31, 1724. 2-143 PITMAN Sarah Ann, of George B. and Peggy D., 1-34 PECKHAM Peleg, of Benjamin and Mary, 1-13 " Joseph, 1-13 " Isaac, 1-13 " Mary, 1-24 " Timothy, 1-27 " George Hazard, Jr., 1-32 " Josephus, 1-112 " Peleg, 1-151 " Sarah, of WUliam 1-151 " Alice, and Mercy, Dec. 19, 1815. June 28, 1723. an. 14, 1725-6. Dec. 23, 1728. May 28., 1730. July 19, 1737. AprU 14, 1739. Feb. 21, 1742. June 11, 1762. Nov. 28, 1777, Jan. 19, 1780, SOUTH KINGSTOWN BIRTHS. 51 1-151 PECKHAM William, of WilUam ani Mercy, Nov. 11, 1781. 1-151 " Mercy, July 11, 1783. 1-151 " Dorcas, Feb. 7, 1787. 1-151 " Perry, June 30, 1789, 1-151 " Elizabeth, Nov. 9, 1792. 1-150 " EUzabeth, of Peleg, Jr., and DesU-e (N. K.) July 25, 1786. 3-150 " Rufus Wheeler, of Peleg, Jr., and Desire (N. K.) Sept. 27, 1789. 1-150 cc Peleg Brown, of Peleg, Jr., and Desire (N. K.) July 17, 1792. 1-150 CC 'George, of Peleg, Jr., and Desire (N. K.) Feb. 24, 1796. 2-140 " Mary,, of WUliam and Mercy, Aug. 27, 1795. 2-143 CC Josephus, of Josephus and Mary, May 26, 1788. 2-143 " George, Feb. 15, 1735. 2-143 " WUUam Robinson, July 4, 1791. 2-143 " Hannah, May 17, 1795. 2-141 " Susannah Stanton, of WiUlam and Susannah, Jan. 3, 1804. 2-141 " Sarah, of WUUam and Susannah, June 23, 1805. 2-141 " Benjamin, Nov. 18, 1806. 2-141 cc WilUam Stanton,, Sept. 22, 1808. 2-141 " Mercy Perry, AprU 29, 1810. 2-141 cc Dorcas, of WUliam and Susannah, June 5, 1812. 2-3 41 c. Jane Hazard, June 8, 1814. 2-141 cc George Hazard, Feb. 18, 1816. 2-141 cc James, Perry, March 25, 1819. 2-141 cc Edwin Alexander, Dec. 10, 1820. 2 3 41 cc John Cross, Nov. 30, 1822. 2-141 cc Alice Rathbone, March 8, 1826. 2-341 cc Carder, of Benjamin and Mary, Jan. 22, 1800. 2-141 cc Henry Waud, July 22, 1804. 2-141 " Renewed, Jan. 19, 1805. 2-140 " Edward Hazard, of George and Elizabeth, Jan. 2, 1809. 1-10 PERRY , Benjamin, of Benjamin and Susannah, Nov. 7, 1729. 1-115 tl Edward, i March 28, 1731. 1-115 tt Freeman, Jan. 23, 1733. 1-115 tt Mary, Nov. 19, 1735. 1-115 it Susannah, Nov. 19, 1735. 1-135 it Mercy, of James and Mary, Feb. 24, 1754. 1-135 it Anna, March 16, 1756. 1-135 a James, May 26, 1758. 1-135 tt WilUam, June 19, 1759. 1-135 a John, July 28, 1760. 1-151 it John, of John and Hannah, Aug. 7, 1784. 1-142 « Robert N., of John B. and Susan, Dec. 27, 1805. 1-142 « Susan, March 16, 1810. 1-31 « John B., Feb. 14, 1814. 1-31 PERKINS Nathaniel, of Nathaniel and Elizabeth, Jan. 1, 1739. 1-31 cc Susannah, Jan. 13, 1742. 1-110 cc Elizabeth, Dec. 25, 1745. 1-136 " Abraham, March 9, 1747-8. 1-136 cc WiUlam, Nov. 20, 1754. 1-136 cc Sands, May 12, 1757. 1-136 cc James, March 13, 1760. i-136 cc Jenckes, — H — . '• 1-3 34 cc Ebenezer, of Edward and EUzabeth, April 4, 1741. 1-134 Cc Ann, May 19, 1743. 1-134 cc Brenton, March 23, 1745. 2-145 PERRY John Robinson, of John, and Hannah, Aug. 7, 1784. 2-145 « Sarah (Gould, of John and Mary), his wife, Feb. 19, 1789. 2-145 •c Mercy, of John R., and Sarah, Aug. 27, 1810. 2-145 cc Robinson, Oct. 10, 1811. 2-145 cc AbigaU, Jan. 12, 1813. 2-145 cc Mary, July 1, 1814. 2-145 cc John Gould, June 2, 1817. 2145 « Sarah, Aug. 21, 1819. 2-145 cc George Thomas, Jan. 30, 1822. .2-145 " Oliver Hazard, May 12, 1824. 52 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-145 PEREY Rowland, of John R., and Sarah, Jan. 26, 1826, 2-145 " Rowland, 2d, May 1, 1827. 2-145 " IWilliam Wanton, Sept. 9, 1829. 2-145 " James, June 2, 1834. 2-145 '' Amos R., March 22, 1832. 1-134 PERKINS Edward, of Edward and Elizabeth, May 20, 1747. 1-134 " Joseph, Sept. 24, 1749. 1-134 " Abram, Jan. 19,,' 1752. 1-134 " Hannah, Nov. 19, 1753. 1-134 " Benjamm, ' Feb. 7, 1756. 1-5 PHILLIPS Joseph, of Bartholomew and Mary, Aug. 11, 1703. 1-5 " Elizabeth, Sept. 10, 1705. 1-5 " Mary, Feb. 7, 1710. 1-24 " AbigaU, of Joseph and , Jan. 26, 1729. 1-24 " Dorcas, Dec. 15, 1731. 1-24 " Bartholomew, Nov. 10, 1734. 1-24 " Joseph, May 8, 1737. 2-143 PITMAN Sarah Ann, of George B. and Peggy D., Nov. 6, 1817. 2-140 POLLOCK John W., of Wm. WUson and Mary, March 28, 1785. 2-143 " Samuel Holden, of William and Lydia, Sept. 28, 1787. 2-143 Sally S., of Sam'l Holden and Sarah, Oct. 27, 1809. 2-143 " Abbie C, April 14, 1811. 2-143 . " SUnon S., AprU 11, 1813. 1-5 POTTER Rouse, of Ichabod and Margaret, Feb. 13, 1702-3. 1-5 " WUUam, March 4, 1709. 1-5 " Margaret, Oct. 11, 3 73 4. 1-4 " Samuel, of John and Sarah, July 28, 1715. 1-18 " William, of John and Mercy, Jan. 21, 3722-3. 1-18 " Samuel, Jan. 20, 1724 5. 1-18 " Mercy, Aug. 15, 1727. 1-18 " Sarah, Aug. 11, 1730. 1-11 " John, of Ichabod and Sarah, duly 29, 1724. 1-11 " Simeon, Sept. 25, 1726.- 1-11 " Ruth, Jan. 19, 3 727-8. 1-11 " Rouse, Dec. 10, 1729. 1-8 " Joseph, of John, son of Thomas, Sept. 24, 1724. 1-8 " Benjamin, Sept. 24, 1724. 1-3 " Mary, Feb. 4, 1726. 1-9 " Robert, of Ichabod and Deborah, Nov. 26, 1726-7. 1-10 " EUzabeth, Dec. 18, 1728. 1-18,19 " Deborah, Feb. 15, 1732. 1-19 " Ichabod, Sept. 13, 1734. 1-1 j " Ruth, of Benjamin and Ruth, Nov. 8, 1728. 1-19 " Thomas Benjamin, March 8, 1732. 1-10 " Lydia, Sept. 13, 173'4. 1-10 " Joshua, of Joseph and AbigaU, March 7, 1730-1. 1-10 " Abigail Jan. 7, 1732. 1-26 " Eobert, of Eobert and Judith, March 6, 1732. 1-26 " Martha, May 15, 1736. l-3'0 " Hannah , Aug. 24, 1738. 1-36 WiUiam, Jan. 5, 1742. 1-335 " Judith, July 16, 1745. 1-135 " Rouse, Jan. 3, 1748. 1-135 " EUzabeth, Oct. .3', 1750. 1-135 " Marberry, June 17, 1753. 1-135 " Samuel, March 6, 1757. 1-20 " Christopher, of Ichabod (of Ichabod), and Sarah, Nov. 15, 1732. 1-35 " Nicholas, Aug. 31, 1735. 1-3B " Mary, Sept. 26, 1737. 1-123 " Thomas, ot Ichabod (of Robert), anil Margaret, July 2, 1738. 1-128 " WUliam, Nov. 14, 1739 1-128 " Margaret, June 11, 1743 1-136 " Mercy, of WUUam and Penelope, Nov. 26, 1751 1-126 " Thomas Hazard, Dec. 8, 1753 1-320 " Alice, April 2Q, 1750 SOUTH KINGSTOWN BIRTHS. 53 1-126 POTTER Susannah, of WUliam and Penielope, 1-126 ¦' William Robnison, 1-126 " Benedict Arnold, 1-120 " Penelope, 1-126 " William Pitt, 1-126 " Edward, 1-147 " Simeon, 1-137 " Sarah, 1-147 « John, 1-147 •' Pelham, 1-135 " Mary, of Benjamin and Margaret, 3-136 " Susannah, of Thomas, Jr., and Elizabeth, 1-136 " Margaret, 1-3 36 " Thomas, 1-136 " EUsha Reynolds, 1-136 " Asa, 1-136 " Elizabeth, 1-136 " Peggy, 1-123 " Paul Munford, of Deborah, 1-146 " Benjamin, of WilUam and Lydia, 1-142 " James, of Ichabod and Deborah, 1-150 - " Robert, of WilUam (of Robert) and Mary, 1-149 " Stephen, at Stephen and Abigail, 2-140 " John, of George and Sarah, 2-140 " Alice, of John and Mary, 2-3.40 " WUliam, 2-140 " Mary,. 2-144 " Mary (Perkins), 1st wife of Elisha R., 2-3.44 " Mary (Mawneyi), 2d wife of Elisha R., 2-144 " Elisha Reynolds,, of Elisha R. and Mary, 2-344 ••" Thomas, 2-144 " Thomas Mawney, 2-144 " WUliam Henry, 2-144 " James B. Mason, 2-144 " Mary Elizabeth, 2-145 " James H., of Frederic A. and Esther, 2-145 " Sarah A., of Frederic A. and Anna A., 1-3 51 POWERS, Samuel Hoxie, of Samuel and Anne, 1-151 " Mary, 1-3 53 " Martha, 1-153 " Annie, 1-127 PROSSEY, of Arnold and Esther, April 25, 1758. July 13', 1760. Sept. 12, 1761. March 7 1764. AprU 10, 1766. Feb. 15 1768. April 25, 1770. Dec. 13, 1771. May 24, 1774. Dec. 7, 1776. Jan. 2, 1747-8. Aug. 21, 1759. May 23, 1761. Dec. 2, 1762. Nov. 5, 1764. Sept. 4, 1766. June 21, 1770. May 7, 1778. Dec. 7, .1764. Aug. 20, 1763. July 26 1764. Dec. 28, 1766 May 31, 1775. March 25, 1789. April 8, 1792. March 4, 1794. Aug. 30, 1795. April 25, 1779. June 20, 1811. May 4, 1813. Aug. 12, 1814. Nov. 2, 1830. Oct. 1, 1818. Aug. 11, 1820. Oct. 28, 1 850. Aug. 31, 1853. June 2, 1785. April 20, 17,37. June 4, 1789. June 29, 1791. Oct. 9, 1764. Q R 1-133 READ Thomas, of Joseph (aUas Robinson) 1-36 RECORDS Virtue, of John and Deborah, 1-10 REYNOLDS, EUsha,, of Elisha and Susannah 1-19 " Mary, 1-19 " Ichabod, of Elisha and Susannah, 1-19 " Susannah, 1-119 " Elizabeth, 1-119 " Henry, 1-119 " Sarah, 1-121 " Benjamin, of Job and AbigaU, 1-121 " AbfeaU, 1-121 " Phebe, 1-321 " George, 1-121 " Mary, 1-120 " Alice, of Henry and Miry, 1-120 " Sarah, 1-126 " Stephen, of. John and Abigail, 1-126 " Henry, 1-126 " Mary, May 19 1740 June 30, 1 729 April 11, 1731 Sept. 5, 1732. May 16, 1734 Sept. 11, 1737 Oct. 13, 1741 Nov. 9, 1743 Sept. 5, 1746. Nov. 2,7, 1749 March 20, 1731 Oct. 7, 1753 Aug. 31, 1700 April 17, 1749. March 28, 1751 Doc. 5, 1749. July 23, 1751 AprU 20, 1753. 54 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-150 REYNOLDS EUsha, of Henlry and Mary, AprU 19, 1762. 1-150 ' Sarah, June 29, 1764. 1-150 ' Mary, Oct. 18, 1766. 1-150 ' James, Jan. 7, 1769. 1-150 ' Thomas, Jan. 13, 1771. 1-350 ' Henry, Jan. 13, 1774. 1-150 ' Jessie, April 1, 1780. 1-143 ' Lydia, of Lydia Seerant, of Col. Elisha, Aug. 24, 1773. 1-143 ' Jennie. April 14, 1775. 1-143 ' Nancy, March 21, 1777. 1-132 RHODES Annie, of James and Annie, Oct. (20, 1755. 1-132 ' Joseph, Sept. 10, 1758. 2-152 BOBBINS Thomas, of Thomas and EUzabeth (also 2 -255) Oct. 6, 1771. 1-6, 8 EOBINSON Row-land, of WiUiam and Martha, Oct. 8, 1719. 1-6, 8 c John, July 23, 1721. 1-6, 8 Marah, or Mary, Jan. 27, 1722-3. 1-6, 8 c EUzabeth, June 10, 1724. 1-8 ' ' Martha, Nov. 11, 1725. 1-9 ' Christopher, of WUliam and Abigail, Dec. i31, 1727. 1-11 ' WUUam, i Aug. 1, 1729. 1-23 c ' Mary, Oct. 8, 1736. 1-27 ' James, of William and AbigaU, Dec. 31, 1738. 1-110 ' John, Jan. 13, 1742-3. 1-110 ' Christopher, Dec. 31, 1747. 1-121 ' Hannah, of Eowland and Anstis, May 10, 1740. 1-111 ' Mary, Aug. 15, 1751. 1-111 ' WiUiam, Sept. 13, 1758. 1-121 ' Hannaih, of WiUiam and Sarah, Feb. 21, 1751. 1-121 ' AbigaU, Aug. 24, 1753. 1-121 Philip, Oct. 6, 1755. 1-132 James, of Sylvester and Alice, Oct. 3, 1756. 1-132 ' WiUlam, Dec. 20, 1760. 1-132 ' AbigaU, of Christopher and Ruhamah, Jan. 20, 1755. 1-132 Christopher, Nov. 26, 1756. 1-132 ' George, Aug. 3, 1758. 1-132 ' Elizabeth, June, 14, 1760. 1-148 ' Benjamin, . of John and Sarah, Aug. 5, 1763. 1-148 ' Sarah, Drac. 10, 1764. 1-148 ' WUUam, AprU 25, 1766. 1-148 ' John, Dec. 16, 1767. 1-148 Sylvester, July 12, 1769. 1-148 ' Thomas, May 5, 1771. 1-4 EODMAN Thomas, of Thomas and Catherine, March 9, 1707. 1-4 ' Patience, March 22, 1709-10. 1-4 ' John, Dec. 26, 1711. 1-4 ' Joseph, Oct. 1, 1713. 1-4 ' Samuel, March 22, 1716. 1-4 ' Ann, AprU 20, 1718. 1-4 Robert, June 11, 1720. 1-4 ' WiUiam, May 3, 1723. 1-28 ' ' Joseph, of Joseph and Tabitha, March 23, 1733. 1-28 ' Mary, Feb. 7, 1736. 1-28 ' John, March 24, 1737. 1-30 Thomas, July 1, 1740. 1-4 ' Benjamin* July 22, 1726. 1-144 Hannah, wife of Benjamin, Oct. 26, 1723. 1-144 ' Catherine, Of Benjamin and Hannah, Dec. 29, 1753. 1-144 ' Maiy, of Benjamin and Hannah, Dec. 16, 1755. 1-144 " Anne, Dec. 11, 1757. 3 -144 ' Luceanna, AprU 28, 1760. 3-344 Ruth, , Aug. 12, 1763. 3-344 Deborah, Aug. 5, 1766. 2-152 ' Isaac P., eldest son of Samuel and Mary, Aug. 18, 1822. 2-3.52 ' Sally, his wife, daughter of Lemuel H. Arnold, Feb. 25, 18 26. 2-3.52 ' Isaac P., of Isaac P. and Sally, April 21, 1848. SOUTH KINGSTOWN BIETHS. 2-152 EODMAN Sally Lyman, of Isaac P. and SaUy, Feb. 10, 1850. .2-152 " Mary Peckham, March 25, 1852. 2-3 52 cc Samuel, Feb. 6, 1854. 2-152 cc Thomas, 1 March 23, 1856. 2-152 " Samuel, AprU 11, 1858. 3-353 CC Elizabeth Arnold, July 24, 1860. 3-319 ROSE Samuel, of John and' Elizabeth, Oct. 21, 1734. 1-119 CC AbigaU, July 1, 173'6. 3-119 CC Thomas, Jan. 30, 1739. 1-3 3 9 CC John, June 13, 1742. 3-139 " James, Dec. 19, 1744. 1-13 9 cc Phebe, Dec. 4, 1746. 1-3 3 9 cc PhUUp, Deo. 11, 1748. 1-119 cc Stephen, March 1, 1750. -2-153 cc Mary E., of George P. and Harriet P., Sept. 3, 1853'. 2-153 cc George A., July 25, 1856. 2-153 " Thomas, ' j Dec. 3, 1858. 1-116 EOGEES Mary, of James and Mary, Jan. 20, 1743. 2-102 SANES Wm. Case, of Robert G. and Anne, •2-162 " Anne Maynard, 2-164 SEAGER Abigail, of John and AbignU, 2-164 " John, 2-164 " Elizabeth, 2-164 " Sarah, 2-164 " Francis Brayton, 2-164 " Joseph Taylor, ¦2-164 " David Anthony, 2-164 " AUce, 2-164 " Hannah, 1-30 SHEFFIELD George, of Joseph and Mary, 1-30 " Martha Tefft, 1-1 " Ezekiel, of Edmund and Sarah, 1-1 " Elizabeth, 1-7 " Edmund, 1-12 " Jeremiah, of Deborah, 1-25 " WUUam, of Nathan and) Dorcas, 1-25 " Christopher, 1-25 " Elizabeth, 1-25 " Susannah, 1-25 " Nathan, 1»32 " Sarah, of Isaac and Sarah, 1-130 " Dorcas, of William and Lois, 1-130 " Sarah, 1-145 " Edmund, of Joseph and Mary, 1-145 " Prudenee, 1-145 " Joseph, 1-145 " John, 1-3 SHELDON John, of John and Horred, 1-3 " Dorcas, 1-3 " George,, 1-3 " Samuel, 1-3 " WUUam, 1-3 -' Elizabeth, 1-3 " Sarah, 1-8 " Thomas, of Isaac and Susannah, 1-8 " Roger, 1-8 " EUzabeth, 1-8 " Isaac,, 1-8 " John, 1-8 " Susannah, 1-8 " Joseph, June 27, 1785. April 15, 17S7. March 7, 1787. Nov. 5, 1788. AprU 3, 1790. Jan. 18, 1792. Feb. 24, 1794. AprU 13, 1796. March 12, 1798. June 17, 1802. Dec. 27, 1805. July 12, 1718. Sept. 29, 1719. Jan. 31, 1720-1. March 3.6, 1722-3. May 17, 1725. May 8, 1729. Jan. 23, 1730. Nov. 18, 1732. Aug. 8, 1734. Feb. 29, 1736. Oct. 23,-1737. Jan. 3, 1735. May 12, 1753. May 7, 1755. June 21, 1749. June 12, 1751. Jan. 19, 1754. Jan. 24, 1757. Feb. 10, 1706-7. Jan. 4, 1707-8. May 25, 1709. Jan. 15, 1713-14. March 27, 1714. March 31, 1720. Feb. 26„ 1721-2. Feb. 18, 1708-9. Dec' 15, 1710. Nov. 8, 1713. March 4, 1715-16. Aug. 21, 1718. Oct. 23, 1720. March 17, 1721-2. 5(3 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND, 1-8 1-8 1-31 1-31 1-31 1-31 1-31 1-31 1-31 1-1, 127 1-1, 127 1-1, 127 1-1, 3 27 1-1, 127 1-1, 127 1-149 1-149 1-149 1-149 1-149 1-1401-149 1-149 2-1022-162 2-102 2-102 2-1(52 2-102 2-3 02 2-102 2-1622-1022-1622-1022-162 1-21 1-22 1-1251-1251-1251-1251-125 1-36 1-120 1-1291-1291-329 1-3 29 1-3 29 1-1291-143 1-3433-343 1-3431-150 2-1032-160 2-106 2-166 2-1002-106 2-1062-1662-166 SHELDON Palmer, ,of Isaac and Susannah, Benjamin, Sarah, of Isaac and Sarah, Herodias, of John and Sarah, John,Dorcas,AbigaU, Sarah, George, James, of Isaac and Sarah, Samuel, of Isaac and Abigail, Lydia,Sarah, Isaac, Benjamin,Palmer, of John and Elizabeth, Mehitable, John, Isaac, Nathan,, Jonathan, George, Joanna,Augustus Henry, Sarah,Hannah, Dorcas, WlUiam of James and Hannah, J., Waite, of James and Elizabeth (2d wife), Elizabeth, WilUam, of Jonathan and Dorcas, Susannah, Hannah,Samuel, Elizabeth, SHERMAN Daniel of Daniel and Susamiah, Mary, of Josiah and Mary, AbigaU, of Jonathan and Mary, Jonathan, Gideon, Mary, Robert, Amie, of Abiel and Susannah, Nathaniel, of Henry and Ann, John, Maiy, Charles,Henry, Martha, Sarah,Josias, of Benjamin and Mary, Waite, of Jonathan, Jr., and Sarah, EUzabeth, Gideon,Jonathan, of Robert and Honor, Catherine Greene, of John R, and Margaret, David, ,son of David, Hannah, wife of David, David, of David and H-mnah, Lydia B.,. Ruth B., George Washington, of David and Hannah, Susannah E., Nehemiah K., May 16, 1724, March . 4 1727. Jan. 3 1735. May 21, 1729. May 21 1729. Feb. 12, 1732. March 3 1734. May 22 1736. Dee. 17, 1738. April 11, 1743. June 30, 1747. Aug. 23 1749. Aug 17, 17,31. July 22, 1755. July 23, 1758. Jan. 28, 1745. July 20, 1746. April 29, 1748. May 11, 1750. March 29, 1752. May 4, 1755. Oct. 11, 1757. April 10, 1760. Feb. 2.3', 1763. March 30, 1765. May 7, 1767. July 17, 1770. Sept. 17, 1773. July 15, 1776. Oct. 13, 1782. Sept. 20, 1784. March 27, 1785. Aug. 24, 1786. Aug. 12, 1788. May 2, 1790. April 29, 1792. Aug. 28, 1735. Aug. 1, 1727. Oct. 25, 1737. Oct. 14. 1731. Oct. 25, 1741. Nov. 5. 1745. Sept. 14, 1752. June 1. 1746. Aug. 15, ,,1748. Oct. 24, 1750. March 11, 1753. Feb. 1. 1756. March 31. 1759. March 9, 1762. March 29, 1765, Sept! 21, 1745. Jan. 11, 1755. Aug. 12, 1757. Feb. 22, 1763. July 20, 1779. March 5, 1801. AprU 18, 1786. Feb. 3, 1785. Sept. 2, 1805. April 24, 1808. Jan. 7, 1811. Jan. .9, 1815. Aug. 10, 1817. May 14, 1820. SOUTH KINGSTOWN BIRTHS. 57 2-166 SHERMAN Arnold S., of David and Hannah, April 28, 1823. 2166 cc Horace Dunn, Sept. 5, 1826. 2-163 cc Abner 0., of David and Salome (2d wife), Jan. 3, 1839. 2-163 " Jane E., Dec. 28, 1841. 2-163 " Clarissa, A., Feb. 12, 1843. 2-163 cc Joseph, March 5, 1846. 2-163 cc Mary C, March 5, 1846. 1-25 SMITH Jo'hn, of John and Mary, July 26, 1712. 1-25 li Mary, July 17, 1715. 1-25 ti Mary 2d, Aug. 5, 1717. 1-25 tt William, Oct. 9, 1719. 1-27 tl Phillis, Sept. 29, 1723. 1-30 a Arnold, of Ephraim and Mercy, June 30, 1739. 1-33 tl Stafford, March 11, 1740. 1-33 it Abigail, Dec. 19, 1743. 1-137 " James Alexander Seabury, son of Wm. and Magdalen, baptized by Bishop Seabury, born Moy 29, 1788. 1-34 STANTON Latham, of David and Martha, Jan. 13, 1744-5. 2-165 tt Benjamin, of Benjamin and Sarah, June 21, 1800. 2-165 it Daniel, April 3, 1802. 2-165 " Abigail, April 24, 3 301. 2-1 05 " Wm. Knowles\, Nov. 6, 1806. 2-105 " Ann Hoxsie, Jan. 8, 1809. 2-165 it Sarah Sheffiejd, July 9, 1811. 2-165 tt Hannan Sherman, July 10, 1811. 2-165 « James Sherman of Benjamin and Sarah, Jan. 20, 1814. 2-165 tt Mary, Oct. 6, 1816. 2-165 tt John Sherman, March 23, 1820. 1-8 STEADMAN John, of Thomas and Hannah, Sept. 21, 1725. 1-8 " Samuel, Dec. 4, 1726. 1-114 " Daniel, Oct. 10, 1728. 1-114 tt Thomas, Oct. 10, 1730. 1-114 a Enoch, Nov. 5, 1734. 1-114 a Hannah, Feb. 6, 1736. 1-114 u James, March 3, 1738. 1-114 " Saroh, Aug. 30, 1742. 1-114 u WUliam, May 4, 1745. 1-114 " Matthew Gracy, of John and Bethany, I July 4, 1748. 1-114 " Martha, Nov. IS, 1750. B-166 " WiUiam Henry, of WiUiam and Abbie N., May 6, 1855. 2-166 " Hattle -Ann, May 0, 1855. 2-166 " Herbert, AprU 20, 1862. 2-166 " Abbie N., (mother of above) bom Nov.20, 1833. 1-142 SUNDERLAND G-eorge, of William and Penelope, Dec. 29, 1754. 1-142 u Augustus, Dec, 19, 1758. 1-22 SWAIN Elizabeth, of John and Hannah, Sept. 28, 1731. 1-8 TANNER Nathan, of WUliam and Elizabeth, 1-116 TAYLOR Mary, of Joseph and Experience, 1-148 " Ann, of WiUiam and Ann, 1-148 " Sarah, 1-4 TEFFT Samuel, of Samuel and Abigail, 1-4 " Daniel, 1-4 " Stephen, 1-4 " Tennant, 1-4 " Ebenezer, 1-30 " James, of John and Joanna, 1-29 " Abigail, of Samuel and Mary, 1-29 " Mary, 1-29 " Mercy, 1-142 •¦' Hannah, of Tennant and Tabitha, 1-142 " Caleb, Feb. 20, 1709. Nov. 21, 1749. April 26, 1741. June 2, 1744. Jan. 19, 1711-12. June 14, 1714. Oct. 5, 1758. Sept. 29, 1720. Feb. 14, 1723-4. April 21, 1715. Dec. 24, 1731. Jan. 28, 1732. April 24, 1735. June, 28, 1741. Oct. 11, 1743. 53 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-118 TEFFT Sophia, of Samuel, Jr., and Mary, 1-118 " Samuel, 1-118 " Oliver, 1-118 " Alexander, 1-115 " Stanton, of Nathan and Isabel, 1-115 " Isabel, 1-115 " Mercy, 1-315 " Nathan, 1-115 " John, 1-115 " Mary, 1-115 " Sarah, 1-21 TORREY Elizabeth, of Joseph and Elizabeth, 1-21 " Joseph, 1-21 '¦ OUver, 1-21 " Ann„ 2-170 TOTTEN John Levi, of Levi and Martha, 2-170 " EUza, 2-170 " Henry Morris, June 20, 1742. March 22, 1743. July 30, 1746. July 9, 1744. March 14, 1745. Dec. 14, 1749. Aug. 28, 1752. March 24, 1756. May 2, 1758. Aug. 14„ 1762. July 19, 1731. Feb. 4, 1732-3. Feb. 14, 1734-5. May 13, 1737. July 30, 1790. March 26, 1792. March 9, 1794. u 1-13 UNDERWOOD John, of Joseph and Ruth, 1-19 " Joseph, 1-116 " Anne, of WUliam and Susannah, 1-116 " Joseph, 1-128 " Henry, 1-128 " Alice, 1-116 " Samuel, 2-170 " Anne E., of Perry G. and Mary E., Dec. 24, 1732. April 12, 1734. June 26, 1748. Oct. 21, 1744. Jan. 25, 1752. Aug. 24, 1753. Jan. 29, 1756. Sept. 20, 1855. V w 2-183. WAITE Dorcas, of Matthew and Mercy, 2-3 81 " Benjamin' Case,, 2-181 cc John, 2 181 " Samuel, 2-181 " WUUam, 2-181 " WUliam, 1-13 WALMESLEY Thomas, of Thomas and — ¦, 1-13 " Mary, 1-13 " Patience, 1-13 " James, 1-13 cc Sarah, 1-13 " Joseph, 1-14 " Samuel, 1-14 " Benjamin, 1-20 WATSON Hannah, of Jeffrey and Bathsheba 1-116 " Jeffrey, 1-116 " Elisha, 1-110 " Mercy, 1-116 " Dorcas, 1-116 cc Sarah, 1-110 " WiUiam, 1-116 " Bathsheba,, 1-130 CC John, of John, Jr., and Isabel, 3-130 Hannah, 1-130 " Bridget, 1-130 CC Job, 1-130 " Mary, 1-130 " Elisha, 1-130 cc Isabel, 1-131 " Walter, Sept. 25, April 10, April 10, June 16, Sept. 12, Sept. 27„ Jan. 3, Nov. 16, Jan. 5, July 17, Nov. 6, Dec. 27, Dec. 29, Dec. 27, June 2, Oct. 16, July 10, July 10, June 5, Jan. 11, AprU 25, Sept. 16, May 23, Sept. 28, Dec. 24, Aug. 7, Sept. 3, Aug. 5, May 7, May 7, 1816. 1819. 1821. 1823. 1826. 1837. 1706.1708. 1710. 1713. 1715. 1717.1720.1723. 1733.1734.1736.1740. 1742. 1743.1745. 1748. 1737. 1738.1741. 1744.1746.1748. 1753. 1753. SOUTH KINGSTOWN BIRTHS. 59 1-122 J.-1221-1521-1521-152 1-1521-152 2-1801-149 2-180 2-1802-1802-180 2-180 2-1802-180 2-180 2-180 2-180 1-31-3 1-122 1-128 1-1281-120 1-201-181-181-181-181-18 1-18 1-131 1-131 1-1311->131 1-131 2-522-52 2-181 2-181 2-181 2-181 2-181 2-1812-181 1-30 1-101-3 2 1-221-24 1-120 1^1201-1201-120 - 1-19 1-191-19 1-191-19 1-19 1-19 1-13 7 1-3 3 7 1-117 WATSON Robert, of Benjamin and Sarah, " Avis, Isabel, of Job and Sarah, . Job, " Robert Hazard, Walter, " Borden, John, " George, of John and Desire, '¦ Mary, of Elisha, Jr., and Miriam, EUsha, " Joseph Dennison, of Elisha, Jr., and Miriam, " Asa, George, WUUam, " Freeman, of EUsha, Jr., and Susannah, " Susannab, " Elizabeth, " Miriam, WEBB Margaret, of John and Joanna, " Elizabeth, WEEDEN Mercy, of Caleb and Lydia, " John, of Daniel and Martha, " Judah (a dau.), WEIR James, of Daniel and Phebe, WELCH Henry, of WUUam and Catherine, WELLS James, of Peter, Jr., and Ann, " Ann, " Rebecca, " Peter, John, " Samuel, " James, of James (of Westerly) and Mary, " Barbara, " Peter, " Barker, " Joshua, " Thomas Robinson, b. Hopkinton, " Maria (Potter, b. Rhinebeck, N. Y.), his wife, " Thomas Potter, of Thomas R. and Maria, " Mary Robinson, " Hannah Hagadon, " John Hagadon , " Elizabeth Maria, " Sarah Palmer, " Amos Palmer, of and Emma, 2d wife, WILCOX Mary, of Robert and Sirah, " Robert, " Arnold, WILLIAMS McCoon, of Thomas and Thankful, " Henry, " Thomas, " Daniel, " Mary, " Martha, * WILSON Mary, of Jeremiah and Mary, " Samuel, " Jeremiah, " John, " James, " George, " Alice, " Samuel, of Samuel and Hannah, " Samuel, 2d, " John, of Samuel and Hannah, March 27, 1750. July 10, 1752. Sept. 22, 1766. Oct. 25, 1767. Feb. 28, 1769. June 10, 1770. Feb. 9, 1772. Nov. 1, 1774. Dec. 16, 1783. AprU 6, 1775. Oct. 1, 1776. Aug. 30, 3 778. May 24, 1780. March 24, 1782. Dec. 20, 1783. May 16, 1787. March 13, 1789. June 24, 1790. Oct. 30, 1703. Aug. 21, 1723. March 27, 1724. Sept. 24, 1750. AprU 16, 1754. Jan. 18, 1756. Nov. 9, 1749. Oct. 1, 1735. Sept. 30, 1706.' Oct. 20, 1708. Dec. 30, 1710. May 4, 1713. April 14, 1716. Feb. 2, 1725. Nov. 1, 1732. Aug. 1, 1734 Aug. 29, 1737. May 16, 1750. Aug. 24, 1753. Oct. 20, 1785. Aug 24, 1790. AprU 28, 1809. March 20, 1811. May 8, 3813. Jan. 28, 1817. Dec. 15, 1819. Oct. 12, 1823. Sept. 12, 1834. June 4, 1727-8. Sept. 9, 1729. June 7, 1731. Aug. 15, 1735. Feb. 11, 1736. June 10, 1742. AprU 2, 1744. Feb. 2, 1745. April 5, 1747. Nov. 13, 1721. March 23, 1723. May 11, 1726. May 11, 1726. Sept. 2, 1728. Feb. 7, 1730. June 15, 1733. Jan. 16, 1746. Jan. 21, 1747. Jan. 25, 1849. 60 VITAL RECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-138 WILSON John, 2d, of Samuel and Hannah, 1-133 " James, 1-338 " Hannah, 1-138 " George, 1-138 " William, 1-129 " George, of Jeremiah and AbigaU, 1-129 " WUUam, 1-129 " Mary, 1-141 " John, of John and Hannah, 1-141 " Hazaid, 1-141 " Arnold, 1-11 WORDEN Phebe, of Samuel and AbigaU, 1-11 " Benjamin, 1-11 " Penelope, 2-181 WRIGHT Reuben, March 29, 1752. May 20, 1754. Oct. 5, 1756. Dec. 20„ 1758. Oct. 2, 1761. Nov. 26, 1754. Feb. 24, 1756. Dec. 6, 1759. July 24, 1763. Not given. Not given. June 30, 1724. June 7, 1726. March 24, 1723-9. June 6, 1807. X Y Z 2-189 YOST Caroline, of Charles and Margaiet, 2-189 " Charles, 2-189 " Albert J., 3-189 " Louisa, May 30, 1854. Sept. 10, 1856. Feb. 15, 1861. July 27, 1868. SOUTH KINGSTOWN. DEATHS. :2-210 ALLEN Ray, aged 60y., Feb. 6, 1831. B 1-139 BABCOCK Caleb, of Hezekiah and Mary, 2-212 " Amie, of Gideon and Hannah. In 19tb year, 1-141 BROWNING Mary, of Joseph and Mary, 1-141 " Susannah, 1-141 " WUliam, 1-139 BROWN Sarah, wife of Eobert, 2-76 " 'Benjamin Brenton, of Silas and Frances, aged 6y. 3m. 6d., Oct. 17, 1803. 2-112 " SaUy, wife of Palmer A., dau. of John E. and Sally Perry; also 2-250, Dec. 9, 1854. July 10, 1741. July 31, 3796. March 14, 1762. Aug. 26, 1764. Sept. 5, 3.767. May 31, 1750. 1-155 CASE Anne, wife of Immenuel, Esq., in 37y., 1-155 " WiUiam, of Immenuel and Anne, in 22y. 1-131 CHAPPELL WiUiam, of Caleb and Sarah, 1-141 CLARKE Sarah, of John and Mary, Nov. 9, 1773. Oct. 2, 1783. April 15, 1758. Sept. 23, 1758. D E F Q 1-32 GARDINER Hannah, of John and Mary, 1-140 '¦ Mary, wife of Thomas, 2-231 GOULD John; also 2-250, Dec. 31, 1727. June 9, 1752. Sept. 23„ 1828. H 1-36 HAZARD Thomas, of Robert and Sarah (Berden), 1-139 " Hon. George, Deputy Governor, 1-139 " Jonathan, of Thomas, 1-139 " Benjamin, of George, 1-140 ' " Sarah, wife of George, 1-140 " Thomas, of George and Sarah, 1-11 HELME Jonathan, of Rouse and Sarah, 1-139 " Sands, in Surinam, 1-139 " Simeon, in S. Kingstown, 1-139 " Rouse, Esq., 1-140 " Esther, wife of James, 2-232 " James, E"q„ 67y., Om., 1 d., :2 232 " Powell, in 38y., Dec. 2 1719. June 24, 1738. Oct. 15, 1746. Jan. 24, 1748. March 17, 1705. 'Nov. 14, 1761. May — , 1730. May 20, 1738. March 11, 1737. Aug. 28, 3 751. March 22, 1764. May 19, 1777. April 2", 1780. 62 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-232 HELME Rouse, Jr., in 46y., of Rouse and Sarah, Oct. 13, 1789. 2-232 " Nathaniel, Jr., in 28y., Nov. 19, 1789. 2-232 " Adam, in 43y., Jan. 3, 1794. 2-232 « AUce, wife of James, Jr., In 28y., Aug. 16, 1811. 1-152 " Esther, of James and Sarah, 11 l-2m., June 14, 1786. 1-152 " Sarah, Dec. 27, 1792. 1-132 " Mary, May 13, 1797. 2-113 HOLLAND Edward- Hazard, March 8, 1868. 2-113 " Julia Ann, of Edward H. and Mary Ann, May 23, 1866. 1-111 HOLWAY Joseph, of Joseph and Catharine, Oct. 4, 1744. 1-111 " Catharine, wife of Joseph, - Sept. 15, 1745. 1-111 " AbigaU, wife of Joseph, Nov. 5, 1747. 1-20 HULL Peter Ball, of William (of WUUam) and Mary, Feb. 13, 1734. 1-3 40 " Elizabeth, wife of Joseph, 24y. ,1m. 16d., Oct. 9, 1739. 1-340 " Elizabeth, of Joseph, and Elizabeth, June 20, 1738. 1-140 " Tristam, of Joseph and EUzabeth, 16y. 4m. lid., Oct. 8, 1750. 1-140 " Tliomas, of Joseph and Martha, 2d wife, 4y. 4m. 23d., June 21, 1749. 1-144 " Charles, of Joseph and Martha, 2d wife, llw. 74. lOmln., Aug. 23, 1753'. 2-232 " Hannah, wife of Christopher, dau. of John and Hannah (Robinson) Perry ; also 2-249, July 1, 1832. I J K L 1-138 LEWIS Nathaniel, of Nathaniel and Elizabeth, M 1-123 MUMFORD Waite, of Jirah and Mary, 1-123 " Mary, 1-123 " Mary 2d, 2-224 " Mrs. Frances, In 85y., Oct. 7, 1743. Dec. 30, 1749. Feb. 26, 1752. Dec. 15, 1814. N 2-246 NICHOLS William H. H., 20y., 8m., 15d., 2-246 " Sally T., in 60y., July 21, 1861. Oct. 5, 1S72. O P 1-40 PERKINS Ebenezer, of Edward and EUzabeth, . - 2-249 PERRY John B., of Samuel Esq., Nov. 19, 2-249 " Sally, wUe of John Robinson, 58y. 11m. 12d., dau. of and Mary (Gould), March 22, 1847. 2-249 " WUliam Wanton, of John R. and Sally (Gould), at Hartford May 21, 1886. 2-249 " James, of above, 2y. 2m. 8d., 2-249 " Rowland, of above, 2-249 " John, 2-249 " Hannah, widow of John, 2-249 " John Robinson, 73y. 3m. 24d. 2-249 " John, of James, in New York State, 2-249 " Hannah, his widow, 2 249 PITMAN, Peggy D., wife of George- B„ - 219 " Sarah Ann, of George B. aud Peggy D., 2-249 POLLOCK Lydia, wife of WUliam W., Jr., 1-140 POTTER Col. John, of John and Sarah, 1--40 " Mary, wife of Col. John, 1-155 " Mary, wife of WUliam (of Robert), in 25th year, 1816. John Conn., Aug. 10, 1836. Aug. 22, 1826. Sept. 14, 1834. Aug. 29, 1849. Nov. 24, 1857. Sept. 14, 1834. Aug. 29, 1849. April 29, 1817. Nov • 6, 1817. Sept. 21, 1811. AprU 11, 1739. Oct. 23, 1702. Oct. 14, 1768. SOUTH KINGSTOWN DEATHS. 63 1-136 POTTER Margaret, of Thomas and Elizabeth, 2-1442-144 2-249 2-249 Nov. 24, 1769. Mary, wife of EUsha R., March 7, 1809. Thomas, of EUsha tahd Mary, June 15, 1814. Mary, wUe of EUsha R., dau. of Pardon Mawney, at brother-in- law, Jeffrey Davis, in North Kingstown, July 26, 1835. Elisha R., Sept. 26, 1835. Q R 1-150 REYNOLDS James, of Henry and Mary, 1-150 " Thomas, of Henry and Mary, 1-155 " Susannah, wife of EUsha, 84y., 14d., 1-155 " Col. Elisha, 1-9 ROBINSON Mary, of WUliam and Martha, 1-139 " Hon William, 1-148 " Sarah, wife of John, in 31y. ; also 1-156, 2-256 RODMAN Second son of Isaac P. and Sally, Aug. 28, 1769. Sept. 16, 1773. March 10, 1790. Nov. — , 1791. AprU 16, 1723. Sept. 19„ 1751. Jan. 11, 1775. March 3, 1856. 2-164 SEAGEE, Sarah, of John and AbigaU, 1-149 SHELDON Elizabeth, wife of John, in 40y., Dec. 20, 1792. Nov. 23, 1763. 1-156 TAYLOE WiUiam, late of Barnstable, Eng„ Sept. 21, 1770. U V w 1-139 WATSON EUsha, 1-140 " Isabel, wife of John, Jr., 1-82 WORDEN Samuel, 2-268 WEIGHT, Eeuben, 76y. 6m., Sept. 11, 1737. May 22, 1753. Sept. 17, 1727. Nov. 18, 1883. X Y Z 1-140 YOEK Elizabeth, widow of James, of Charlestown, in South Kingstown, in 78y., March 27, 1784. (Vit. Ree, Vol. 5.) 12 Vital Record of Rhode Island. 1636=18^0. First series. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. A Family Register for the People. By James N. Arnold, Editor of the Narragansett Historical Register. Is rvly Name V/ritten in the Book of Life?' Vol. 5. EXETER. Part III. Published under the Auspices of the General Assembly. PROVIDENCE, E. I : Nakragansett Historical Publishing Company. 1894. ACT INCORPORATING THE TOWN OF EXETER. AN ACT for incorporating the west end of the Town of North Kingstown into a Township, and the same to be distinguished and known by the name of Exeter.Be it enacted by the General Assembly of this Colony, and by the authoriety thereof it is enacted that the Town of North Kingstown, in the County of King's County, be divided into two Towns, by a line beginning at the south side of said Town, at the middle of the highway that runs between the farm, now or late of Jeoffry Haszard. and the farm of Eber Sherman, to ex tend from thence northerly to the extent of said highway, as the same runs northwardly; and from the middle of said way, where it meets the cross highway, to extend northwardly in a straight line, to meet the highway that runs between the land of William Hall and Christopher Spencer; and from thence to extend northwardly, as said highway runs to East Greenwich, south lines and that the eastward part of said Town retain the Charter, and name of NORTH KINGSTOWN, and the western part to be called by the name of EXETER, and be incorporated into a Township; and to have and enjoy the like privileges with other Towns in this Colony. * And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that each Town re ceive, and have a proportion of the money in, and belonging to, the Treas ury of said North Kingstown, aeording to the money for which the lands in each Town is mortgaged to the Colony; and that all Justices living within the bounds of said new Town, retain their authoriety, and act as such therein, until the next General Election. Colonial Records of Rhode Island, Vol. V., pages 57, 58. EXETER. 3VI-A.I?,R,I-A.<3-£3 S. 3-220 ADAMS Esther, and Sheffield R.thbun, Jan. 1, 1833. 3-42 AlHRO Thomas, of Exeter, and Saran Hopkins, of West Greenwich ; m. hy the Eev. James Weightman, Jan. 27, 1772. 3-29 " r-ith, and Waite Albro, Jan. 25, 1776. 3-29 " Waitb, 'son of Elder Samuel, of Exeter, and Ruth Albro, dau. of John, of Exeter ; m. hy Rev. James Weightman, Jan. 25, 1776. 3-3.38 " Oliver, and Olive Crandall; m. by Thomas Allen, Justice, Feb. 18, 1793. 3-273 " Amie, and Jeremiah Franklin, May 30, 1819. 3-175 " Jebus (sic), of "Waite, both of Exeter, and Edith Lewis, of Ex eter, dau. of Capt. Stephen; m. by Elder Thomas Manchester, 2-166 ALDRICH Martha, and John Angell. Feb. 4, 1765. 3-191 " Sarah, and John Shlppce, . 3--191 ALLEN Margeret, and Benjamin Nichols, Nov. 27, 1757. 1-154 " William, and Mercy Mumford ; m. by Stephen Richmond, Justice, Dec. 17, 1761. 3-15 . " Chloe, land David Hill, Feb. 11, 1770. 3-55 " Patience, and David D:ivis, Feb. 9, 1715. 3-115 " Penelope, and Daniel Champlain, Dec. 22, 1778. 3-13 " George W., and Lucy Ann Dupuy; m. hy Elder Benedlc John son, Aug. 30, 1841. 3-104 " Mrs. Louisee, and Joseph C. Reynolds, April 25, 1853. 3-111 ANDREWS Peleg, of Exeter, son of Samuel, and Jemima Hunt, of Nortb Kingstown dau. of George ; m. at North Kingstown, by Elder John Gardiner, Nov. 10, 1816. 3-14 '* Martha R., and Russell J. Barber, Sept. 13, 1841. 3-279 " Mary, and Charles Lewis, June 23, . 2-166 ANGELL John, of Johnston, R. I., and Martha Aldrich, of Exeter ; m. by Elder Samuel Albr , Feb. 4, 1765. 1-188 ARNOLD Abigail, and Stephen Watson, Sept.. 4, 1757. 1-157 " Stephen, of North Kingstown, and Martha Gardiner, of Exeter, dau. of Nicholas ; m. by Benjamin Reynolds, Justice, March 3, 1760. 3-4 " Mary, and Joseph Reynolds,, Oct. 29, 1769. 3-5 " Sarah, and Amos Whitiord, March 28, 1770. 8-66 " Oliver, of North Kingstown, son of Joseph, and Hannah ReyV nolds, of Exeter, dan. of Joseph ; m. by George Pierce, Jus tice, Nov. 24, 1782. 3-128 " Oliver, and Phebe Lawton; m. by Elder Solomon Sprague, May 8, 1785. 3-79 " Gideon, and Rebecca Bathbun; . m. by Elder Solomon Sprague, Aug. 18, 1785. 3-83 " Peleg, and Lucy Hopkins ; m. by Elder Solomon Sprague, Oct. 20, 1785. 3-93 " Hannah, and Silas Pierce, Nov. 24, 1785. 3-114 " Russell, of Caleb, and Merabah Terry, dau. of William Booth, ot Exeter ; m. by Stephen Reynolds, Justice, Oct. 24, 1790. 3-160 " Deborah, and Jeremtah Northup, May 25, 1794." VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-271 ARNOLD Mary, and Avery Browning, July 17, 1808. 3-276 " Lucy, and Daniel G. Cliamplain, Dec. 22, 1814. g-83 " Rowland, of Exeter, and Elizabeth Ellis, dau. of Arnold, of West Greenwich ; m. by Elder Gershom Palmer, Feb. 18, 1816. 3-46 •' Freelove B., and Samuel Hopldns, Nov. 7, 1824. 3r184 " Abbie, and Nicholas Gardiner, May 16, 1826. 3-184 " Elizabeth, and Phillip TUUnghast, May 4, 1826. 3-277 '¦' Esther, and Samuel Arnold, April 16, 1839. 3-277 " Samuel, and Esther Arnold, both of North Kingstown ; m. by Elder Benedick Johnson, April 16, 1839. 1-243 AUSTIN Jemima, and Gideon Ellis,, Feb. 14, 1744. 1-238 " Freelove,, and Benjn. Sherman, March 16, 1744. 1-191 " Sarah, and Mosies Sherman, March 31, 1745. 1-180 " Margaret, and Thomas Hill, Feb. 15, 1753. 1-186 " Jeremiah, and Hannah Harrington, both of Exeter, by Benoni Hall, Justice, April 13, 1756. 1-187 " Paskow, and Mary Northup, by Elder Samuel Albro, Sept. 5, 1756. 1-156 " Jeremiah, of Exeter, and Isabel Little^ by Elder Samuel Albro, Sept. 28, 1760. 3-5 " William, of R., son of Joseph, and Martha Rogers, by Newman Parkins, Justice, Feb. 4, 1770. 3-89 " Mary, and John Carr, May 12, 1786. 3-275 " Abigail, and Richard Corey, Jr., May 0.1, 1816. 3-19 " Abbie, and Barber Kenyon, Jan. 5, 1845. 1-182 AYLESWORTH PhiUip, Jr., of North Kingstown, and Deborah Dyre, of Exeter, widow of WUliiim, of said North Kingstown; m. at Exeter by Benoni Hall, Justice, July 1, 1753. 1-190 " Amie, and Joshua Rathbun, Jan. 2, 1755. 1-194 " Mary, and Jeremiah Niles, Dec. 8, 1755. 3-29 " John, of East Greenwich, son of Aruthony, dec, and Bethana Fry, of Exeter, dau. of James ; at Exeter, by George Pierce, Jus tice, March 4, 1771. 3-52 " Anna, and William Petty, Sept. 2, 1772. B 1-189 BABCOCK Joseph, of Samuel, and Sarah Waite, of John ; by Benjamin Reynolds, Justice, Feb. 9, 1758. 1-199 " Deborah, and Asa Moon, Aug. 13, 1758. 1-155 " Lydia, and Joseph Holloway, Oct. 11, 1761. 3-27 " George Waite of Exeter, son of John, and Susannah Fowler, dau. of Simeon, of Exeter ; by Elder Solomon Sprague, Feb. 21, 1771. 3-220 " Penelope, . art! 'Sheffield. Rathbun, Dec. 20, 1829. 1-188 BAILEY/ Robert, of East Greenwich, and Phebe Waite, of Exeter; by Elder Samuel Albro, Jan. 28, 1738. 3-223 " Ely S., son ol Col. Silas, of West Greenwich, and Mercy Clarke, dau. of James, of Exeter ; by Elder Thomas Manchester, Jan. 26, 1806. , 3-281 " Sarah, dau. of Job, and Seth Lewis, Sept. 22, 1849. 1-244 BAKER Mary, and Phillip Greene, Dec. 31, 1750. 1-177 " Elisha. of Exeter, and Sarah Harrington, of Job; by Benoni ¦ HaU, Justice, Feb. 6, 1752. 1-177 " Susannah, and Joseph Sunderland, Feb. 7, 1752. 1-190 " Abel, of North Kingstown, and Anne Reynolds, dau. of George; by Benoni HaU, Justice, Oct. 7, 1758. 1-160 " Asa, and William Cahoone, May 20, 1759. 1-193 " Mary, and Giles Brownell, June 3, 1759. 2-165 " William, Jr., of Exeter, and Anne Gardiner, of West Greenwich; m. by David Stanlton, Justice, June 22, 1764. 2-171 " Sarah, and Pheneas Solomon Lemoine, Feb. 19, 1768. 3-46 " Sarah, and William Harrington, Oct. 10, 1771. 1-194 BARBER Maiy, and Jonathan Barney, Dec. 1, 1754. 1-194 " Z<-bulon, and Elizaibeth Nichols; m. by Newman Perkins, Justice, March 21, 1755. E XETER MARRIAGES . 1-187 BARBER Eleanor, and Josias Barber, Nov. 20, 1756. 1-187 " Josias\, and Eleanor Barber ; m. by Rev. Daniel Barber, Now 20, 1756. 1-195 " Susannah, and Jonathan Rathbun, March 3, 1757. 1-158 " Susannah, and Jeremiah Coldgrove, Oct. 18, 1759. 1-153 " Mary, and John Wilcox, Jan. 31, 1762. 3-13 " Daniel, of Daniel, of Exeter, and Charity Rathbun, of John, of do. ; by Daniel Sunde rland, Justice, Aug. 11, 1769. 3-16 " Deliverance, and Joseph Barber, Jan. 6, 1770. 3-16 " Joseph, of HopMnton, son of WUliam, and Deliverance Barber, of Daniel, of Exeter ; by :Danlel Sunderland, Justice, Jan. 8, 1770. 3-7 " Lydia, and Daniel Lewis, March 21, 1770. 3-132 " Rebecca, and Isaac Wilcox, Jan. 7, 1773. 3-26 " Levi, son of Nicholas, and Elizabeth Ney, of John; m. by Gideon Moshier, Justice, April 29, 1773. 3-26 " LiUibridge, of Susannah, of Exeter, and Alice Wilcox, of Abraham, of Exeter ; by Newman Perldns, Justice, Dec. 30, 1773. 3-58 " Thankful, and James Lewis, Jan. 15, 1775. 3-198 " Asa, of Hopkinton, son of Josiah, and Meriam Barber, of Daniel,. of Exeter ; m. by Elder Solomon Sprague, May 13, 1780. 3-198 " Meriam, and Asa Barber, May 13, 1780. 3-150 " Henry, of Exeter, son of Capt. Jonathan, and Anne Rathbun, of Simeon, of Exeter; by Jettrey Hazard, Justice, Nov. 1, 1792. 3-156 " Mary, and Daniel James, Feb. 5, 1793. 3-155 " Moses, Jr., of Exe'ber, sou of Moses, and Maiy Clarke, of Rich mond, dau. of Moses ; m. by Elder Henry Joslin, March 20, 1794. 3-173 " Wilcox, of LiUibridge, of Exeter, and Mrs. Patience Tefft, of Heze kiah, of Richmond; by J. W. Sheldon, Justice, June 1, 1797. 3-208 " Ruth, and Samuel Lewis, Jr., March 2, 1797. 3-193 '' Susannah, and John Browning, March 2, 1797. 3-182 " Alee, and Thomas Tillinghast, Feb. 7, 1799. 3-210 " Alee, and Isaac WUcox, Feb. 10, 1803. 3-226 " Polly, and John WUcox,, Sept. l, 1805. 3-239 " Rhoda, and Caleb HaU, March 6, 1808. 3-240 " Gardiner, and Eleanor Lewis; by Elder Matthew Stillman, April 17, 1808. 3-253 " Reuben, and Mary Terry ; by Elder Phineas Palmer, Feb. 18, 1610. d-274 " Joanna, and Job Reynolds, Feb. 17, 1811. 3-281 " Hannah, and Daniel LiOlibridge, Aug. 18, 1811. 3-299 " Learnard E., of LiUibridge, and Phebe B. Rathbun, of Rowland; by Elder Gersham Palmer, Nov. 21, 1816. 3-307 " Thomas C, and Susan Congdon ; by Elder Gershom Palmer, Feb. 2, 1824. 3-124 " Silas B.. of Samuel, and Lydia Lewis of Simon; by Elder Peleg Peckham, June 6, 1S24. 3-300 " Mrs. Neltte, and Roswell Valmer, Oct. 29, 1829. 3-280 " Rowland R., of Norwich, Conn., and Mary Browning of Exeter ; by Elder Benedick Johnson, Jan. 12, 1840. 3-13 " Rachel, and Joseph W. LiUibridge, Sept. 6, 1841. 3-14 " RusseU J., of Exeter, and Martha R. Andrews of Richmond; by Elder Benedick Johnson, ¦Sept. 13, 1841. 3-241 " Edward, of Samuel, and SaUy B. Rathbun of Rowland; by Elder John TUlinghast, April 9, 1844. 3-71 " Mary, and Beriah Ney, Dec. 2, 1844. 3-16 " Benjamin T., of Robert, of Exeter, and Maria Champlain, of Ethan, of Hopkhnon, by Elder Daniel Slocum, April 14, 1845. 3-10 " Hiram, of South Kingstown, son of Moses, and Susan E. Sherman, of Samuel, of Exeter, hy Elder Ezekiel J. Locke, Dec. 28, 1845. 3-269 " Thomas D., of Hopkinton, and Olive Lewis, of Exeter, by Elder Thomas TUUnghast, March 9, 1846. 3-228 " Mary, and Thomas Woodmansee, Dec. 12, 1848. 3-228 " Samuel K., iof Hopkinton, and Hannah Tillinghast, of Exeter, hy Elder Thomas Tillinghast, Dec. 12, 1848. 8-205 " Delia, and John Sarle, June 10, 1849. VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-237 1-194 1-159 1-1552-170 3-15 3-136 3-9 3-103-15 3-2983-169 3-185 3-95 3-217 3178 3-230 3-182 2-1771-182 1-185 1-155 3-11 3-60 3-343-77 3-110 1-156 1-189 2-167 3-92 3-110 3-104 3-176 3-170 3-192 3-237 1-243 3-68 3-75 3-286 BARBER Jesse W., of Hopkinton, and Mary A. Lewis, of Voluntown, by Rev. J. G. Post, July 3, 1853. BARNEY Jonathan, of Newport, and Mary Barber of Exeter, by Newman Perkins, Justice, Dec. 1, 1754. BATES John, of Exeter, and Still Morey, of Exeter, dau. of Joseph, by Benjamin Reynolds, Justice, Aug. 10, 1759. Hannah, and Benjamin Bentley, Aug. 23, 1761. . Mary, and William Hetfernan (also 3-96), Feb. 8, 1767. George, of Jonathan, and Joanna Briggs, of Peleg, by Jonathan Bates, Justice, Dec. 14, 1779. Elizabeth, and Lebbeus \Mlcox, June 27, 1793. Benjamin, of John, and Rebecca Wilcox, dau. of Abraham Booth, of Exeter, by Elder Elisha Greene, Jan. 28, 1793. .Mary W., and John Da /is Mius, July 28, 1811. Morey, of Exeter, and Hannah Potter, of Richmond, at Rich mond, by Elder Henry C. Hubbard, June 18, 1826. Olive, and Thomas T. Wilcox, Oct. 21, 1829. Perry, of Mowry, of Exeter, and Eliza Clarke, of Ann, of Rich mond, by Elder Daniel Slocum, July 2, 1846. James W., of Philip, and Harriet N. Palmer, of Gershom, by Elder Ezekiel J. Locke, Nov. 8, 1847. Lewis, of Morey, of Exeter, and Nancy Matteson, widow of Joseph, late of Coventry, dec, by Elder Isaac Greene, Oct. 1, 1854. BATEN Benjamm, of East Greenwich, and Caroline F. Knight, of Warwick, R. 1., by Elder Daniel Slocum, Nov. 27, 1843. " Francis E., of .East Greenwich, and Massena Sunderland, of Warwick, by Elder Daniel Slocum, Aug. 13, 1844. BENJAMIN Betsey, and Job Kenyon, Feb. 15, 1807. BENNETT Harriet, and Ezekiel W. Matteson, Sept. 25, 1843. BENSON John, and Mercy Casey, by Hopson Wilcox, Justice, April 28, 1768. BENTLEY Hannah, and Robert Reynolds, July 15, 1753. Tillinghast, of Exeter, and Sarah Thomas, now of South Kingstown; by Elder Samuel Albro, May 29, 1755. Benjamin, and Hannah Bates, by Elder Samuel Albro, Aug. 23, 1761. Anna, and James Coldgrjve, Jan. 12, 1766.- Benjamin, Jr., and Ruth Fcwler. by Elder James Weightman, Aug. 24, 1780. Gideon, of Exeter, and EUzabeth Neagers, of North Kingstown, by Elder James Weightman, April 5, 1781. Lucy, aud Benjamin Reynolds, Dec. 22, 1785. Nathaniel, of Exeter, and Sarah Card, of Richmond, by Elder Henry Joslin, Dec. 24, 1789. BILL Hannah, and John Hoxsie, May 21, 1761. BISSELL Anna, and Thomas Wells, June 9, 1758. " Samuel, and Mary Frazler, both of North Kingstown, by Elder Samuel Albro, March 2, 1766. " David, son of Samuel, and Elizabeth West, dau. of Capt. Benjamin, by George Pierce, Justice of Peace, March 10, 1785. BLY Job, of Job, of Voluntown, Conn., and Freelove Watson, of Stephen, of Exeter, by Job Kenyon, Justice of Peace, July 14, 1811. BOONE Orpha,, and John Gorton, June 18, 1789. " Richard, Jr., of Exeter, and Betsey Sheffield, of Voluntown, Conn., by Allen CampbeU, Justice, April 23, 1795. " James, of Richard, of Exeter, and Patience Terry, of SUas, of Charlestown, by Peleg Cross, Justice, Jan. 8, 1797. " Elizabelh, and Stephen Vaughn, Dec. 16, 1799. " Sarah, and James Clarke, Feb. 28, 1805. BOSS Edward, of Richmond, and Mary Nichols, of Exeter, dau. of James, by Robert Moon, Justice, Oct. 22, 174S. " Mary (widow), and Abraham Wilcox, Dec. 13, 1791. " EUzabeth, and John Browning, Jan. 12, 1817. BOWEN Desire M., and Benoni Wells, April 3, 1836. EXETER MARRIAGES. 1-188 BOWDISH Mary, and Jeremiah Gardiner, June 23, 1757. 3-55 " Martha, and Jonathan Lewis, Aug. 12, 1779. 1-237 BRAGMAN Solomon, of Exeter, and Content Mumford, of South Kings town, by Elder David Sprague, April 9, 1744. 3-235 ': Lucy, and Joshua Vaughn, Dec. 31, 1798. ;, 3-18 " Ann, and WiUiam C. Potter, AprU 20, 1843. 3-15 BRIGGS Joanna, and George Bates, Dec. 14, 1779. 3-97 " Peleg, Jr., of Exeter, and Elizabeth Chambers, of Newport, by Nich olas Gardiner, of East Greenwich, Justice, Oct. 15, 1786. 3-181 " Mercy, and Samuel Holloway, March 17, 1791. 3-292 " Mary Ann, and George Ray Palmer, May 18, 1823. 3-196 " Cynthia, and William R, Kenyon, Oct. 3, 1842. 3-185 " Charles H., of South K ngstown, son of Gorton, and EUzabeth H. fWoodmansee, of Richmond, by Elder E. J. Locke, Nov. 10, 1847. 1-241 BROWN Ann, and MitcheU Case, March 1, 1743. 1-180 " James, and Damarius Tombs, by Nicholas Gardiner, Justice, Dec. 7, 1752. 1-196 " Jeremiah, of South Kingstown, and Amie Tanner, of Exeter, by Caleb Arnold, Justice, Jan. 19, 1758. 2-181 " Sarah, and Caleb Greene, AprU 16, 1769. 3-26 " Sarah, and Jenckes Wrig'it, Feb. 11, 1779. 3-57 " Penelope, and Daniel Tillinghast, Oct. 17, 1779. 3-130 " Eleanor, and Timothy Money, Dec. 9, 1792. 3-202 " Freelove, and Rowland Rathbun, May 11, 1794. 3-297 " Dinali, and Fortune Congdon, Aug. 16, 1829. 3-277 " Ebenezer, and Almy Franklin, by Elder Benedict Johnson, April 21, 1839. 3-15 " Hannah, and Albert Himes, Deo. 5, 1841. 3-15 " Stukeley, of Exeter, and Susan Ann Sanford, of West Kingstown, by Elder Benedict Johnson, Jan. 24, 1842. 3-230 " EUsha, and Louisa Capwell, bo'fih of West Greenwich, by Elder Daniel Slocum, Sept. 24, 1843. 3-155 " Martha, and Samuel A. Lawton, Oct. 9, 1843. 3-177 " Dianna, and Burrell Hopkins, Feb. 22, 1844. 3-314 " Ambrose, of Seth, and Lydia Lewis, of Thomas, at Exeter, by Elder John TUUnghast, Sept. 17, 1848. 1-193 BROWNELL GUes, and Mary Baker, of John, late of Exeter, deceased, by Benoni HaU, Justice, June 3, 1759. 3-6 " Mary, and Abel Fowler, June 3, 1770. 3-74 BROWNING John, and May Davis, Feb. 28, 1765. 3-74 " John, and Eunice Williams, Aug. 3, 1777. 3-193 - " John, of John, and Susannah Barber, of LiUibridge, by Elder Elisha Greene, March 2, 1797. 3-217 " Eunice, and Preserved Hall, April 12, 1804. 3-271 " Avery, Of John and Mary, and Mary Arnold, of Peleg, by Elder Gershom Palmer, July 17, 1808. 3-75 " John, of Exeter, and Elizabeth Boss,, of West Greenwich, by Elder Stafford Greene, Jan. 12, 1817. 3-280 " Mary, and Rowland R. Barber, Jan. 12, 1840. 3-229 BURDICK Eawson P., of Hopkinton, and Lydia N. Palmer, of Exeter, by Elder Charles A. Weaver, AprU 3, 1843. 1-160 CAHOONE WiUiam, of Exeter, and Asa Baker, Of West Greenwich, by Elder Samuel Albro, May 20, 1759. 1-154 " Reynolds, and Rebecca Rathbun, by Elder Samuel Albro, Nov. 5, 1761. 2-179 " Reynolds, and Mercy Rathbun, by Elder Philip Jenkins, Feb. 12, 1769. 2-167 CAMMELL Deborah, and Jeremiah Greene, July 20, 1765. H-230 CAPWELL Louisa, and Elisha Brown, Sept. 24, 1843. 3-227 CARDEN Ma.iy Ann, and Charles Phillips, F?b. 29, 1852. 3-68 CARD Mary, and Abraham WUcox, Feb. 14, 1770. 3-110 " Sarah, and Nathaniel Bentley, Dec. 24, 1789. 3-11 3-23 3-12 3-89 3-244 3-5 10 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-177 CARNEY Rachel, and George Codner, Feb. 20, 1769. 1-341 CARPENTER Hannah,, and Benjamin Rathbun, Oct. 31, 1732. Thankful Knowles, and Wm. Waite Potter, Sept. 7, 1816. CARR Abigail, and John Congdon, March 8, 177 8. " Freelove, and Elder Nathan Hill, June 6, 1782. " John, of Jamestown, and Mary Austin of Exeter, by Daniel Sunderland, Justice, May 12, 1786. " Hannah, and Michael Dawley, Jan. 19, 1809. Mary, and Giles 3. Jenkins, Feb. 13, 1825. 3-286 CARTER SaUy, and John Mycock, Jan. 25, 1846. 1-243 CASEY Gideon, and Jane Roberts, by Peleg Tripp, Justice, July 31, 1747. ¦2-177 " Mercy, and John Benson, April 28, 1768. 3-273 " Sarah, and John Rathbun, Oct. 10,1776. 1-241 CASE Mitchell, of South Kingstown, and Ann Brown, of North Kingstown, by Elder David Sprague, March 1, 1743. 2-165 " Joseph, of North Kingstown, and AbigaU Waite of Exeter, by Elder Sa.muel Albro, Dec. 29, 1763. 3-65 " Elijah, of Alexander, and SUence Potter, of Joseph, by Eldler Solomon Sprague, — , 1774. 3-63 " Samuel, of West Greenwich, and Cate Wheeler CrandaU, of Exeter, by Elder Ellei Locke, Nov. 26, 1780. 3-127 CHACE Hannah Huling Abbie, and George Whitman, Oct. 3, 1790. 3-97 CHAMBERS EUzabeth, and Peleg Briggs, Oct. 15, 1786. 2-166 CHAPMAN John, of Exeter, and Elizabeth Clarke, of Joseph, of "North Kingstown, by Caleb Allen, Justice, Jan. 8, 1765. 3-15 " Rufus, of Warwick, R. I., and Dorcas SewaU, of Exeter, by Elder Solomon Sprague, May 19, 1770. 3-131 " Mary, and Jeremiah Peckham, Sept. 27, 1792. 1-186 CHAMPLAIN Elizabeth, and John! Gardiner, June 3, 1756. 2-163 " Benjamin, and Elizabeth Gardiner, by Elder Samuel Albro, Feb. 8, 1763. 2-166 " Christopher, and Mary Cottrell, (also 3-1), by Elder Samuel Albro, Feb. 27, 1763. 3-16 " Susannah, and Arnold Wilcox. Jan. 22, 1767. 3-64 " Jeffrey, of Jeffrey, of Exeter, and Hannah Hazard, of South Kings town, dan. of Robert, dec, hy Elder Solomon Sprague, AprU 1, 1777. 3-75 " Samuel, of Exeter, and Alice Reynolds, of Benjamin, by Elder Nathan Hill, Dec 10, 1782. 3-73 " Thomas, of John, of Exeter, and Thankful Coone, of Joseph, of Voluntown, CODn., by Jonathan Butes, Justice, Dec. 17, 17S3. 3-115' " Daniel, of Benjamin, of Exeter, and Penelope Allen, of Matthew, of North Kingstown, by Elder Nathan Hill, Dec. 22, 1788. 3-120 " WUliam, of John, dec, and Abigail Sherman, of Eber, by Stephen Reynolds, Justice, April 5, 1790. 3-141 " Stephen, and Dorcas Dawley, by Elder Ellet Locke, Feb. 9, 1796. 3-284 " George G., of Exeter, and Mary WUcox, of South Kingstown, by Elder Pheneus Palmer, Dec. 1, 1811. 3-276 " Daniel G., of Daniel, and Lucy Arnold, of Oliver, by Elder Gersham Palmer, Dec. 22, 1814. 3-299 " Waity, and Samuel C Potter, Jan. 2, 1831. 3-17 " Dorcas, and Nelson B. Hazard, Dec. 19, 1841. 8-16 " Maria, and Benj. T. Barber, AprU 14, 1845. 2-171 CHURCH Benedict of Jamestown, and Martha WUkey, of Jeremiah, of Exeter ; by WUliam Hall, Justice. March 14, 1768. 3-241 " Phebe, Ann, and James Tew, March 22, 1836. 3-308 " Susan E., and Palmer G. Perkins, Jan. 4, 1852. 1-181 CLARKE Mary, and Thomas Rathbun, June 3, 1753. 1-187 " Mary, and Caleb Gardiner, March 7, 1754. 1-156 " Joshua, of Richmond, and Dorcas Smith, of Simon, of Exeter; by Benjamin Reynolds, Justice, AprU 23, 1760. 2-1P6 " Anne, and Rohert Gardiner, Sept. 28, '1764. 2-166 " Elizabeth, and John Chapman, Jan. 8, 1765. 2-171 " WUliam, of Jonathan, of Newport, and Catharine Stanton, of Exe ter, dau. of David ; by George Pierce, Justice, May 10, 1767. EXETER MARRIAGES. 11 3-28 CLARKE Benjamin, of N. Kingstown, son of Joseph, of Warwick, R. I., and Patience Rathbun, of John, of Exeter, by Jonathan Bates, Justice, Jan. 2, 1780. 3-71 « Abigail, and Joseph Waite, Feb. 23, 1783. 3-166 " John, of James and Barbel ry, and Mary Waite, of Benj. and Sarah, hy Elder William Northup, Jan. 17. 1786. 3-155 " Mary, and Moses Barber, March 20, 1794. 3-172 " Phebe, and Job Dawley, March 16, 1797. 3-179 " Moses, Jr., of Moses, of Richmond, and Abigail Reynolds, of Ste phen, by Elder Henry Joslin, Feb. 22, 1798. 3-237 " James, Jr., of James, and Sarah Boone, of Richard, by Elder Ste phen Alien, Feb. 28, 1805. 3-223 " Mercy, and Ely S. BaUey, Jan. 26, 1800. 3-255 " James, and Hannah Sepson, by Elder Gershom Palmer, Oct. 27, 1811. 3-289 " Susannah, and Daniel Slocum, Oct. 24, 1822 3-110 " Lydia (widow), and Eobert Richmond, Dec. 21, 1826. 3-283 « Deborah P., and Nicholas Marsh, Feb. 21, 1840. 3-169 " Eliza, and Perry Bates, July 2, 1846. 3-8 CLAWSON Bethany, and John Wilkey, June 24, 1770. 1-337 OLEAVELAND Mercy, and Thomas Stafford, Nov. 25, 1743. 3-2 " Margaret, and Peter Wells, Nov. 19, 1769. 3-145 " Deliverance, and Benjamin Lewis, Feb. 10, 1780. 3-94 COBB Hannah, and Jonathan Rogers, Feb. 18, 1.781. 3-99 " Lucy, and Benjamin Rogers, Dec. 27, 1787. 1-243 CODNER Ephariam, of Exeter, and Mary Morey, of South Kingstown, by Robert Moon, Justice of Peace, Nov. 20, 1748. 2-166 " David, and Martha WUbur, by Newman Perkins, Justice, Jan. 16, 1763. 2-177 " George, of Ephariam, and Rachel Carney, by Newman Perkins, Justice, Feb. 20, 1769. 3-247 " John C, of Exeter, son of EUzabeth, and Fannie Tillinghast, of John, late of Exeter, dec, by Stephen Champlain, Justice, July 22, 1810. H90 COLDGROVE Mary, and David Pittey, AprU 23. 1758. 1-158 " Jeremiah, and Susannah r>arber, of Thomas, by Newman Perkins, Justice, Oct. 18, 1759. 1-158 " Mary, and Samuel Ooldgrove, Oct. 18, 1759. 1-158 " Samuel, and Mary Coldgrove. both of Coventry, R. I., by Newman Perkins, Justice, Oct. 18, 1759. 1-158 " Benjamin, of Coventry, R. I., son of Stephen and Sarah ColdV grove, of Exeter, dau. of Ebenezer, by Newman Perkins, Jus tice, Oct. 21, 1759. 1-158 " Sarah and Benjamin Coldgrove, Oct. 21, 1759. 3-11 " James, of Exeter, and Anna Bentley, of South Kingstown, by Dan iel Sunderland, Justice, Jan. 12, 1766. 3-197 COMSTOCK Joel, of Jonathan, of West Greenwich, and Hannah Lawton, of James, of Exeter, by Elder Henry Joslin, Aug. 19, 1798. 1-182 CONGDON Elizabeth, and Samuel Gardiner, May 3, 1750. 1-181 " John, son of James, dec, and Mary Reynolds, of John, hy Benoni HaU, JusUce, March 25, 1753. 3-23 " John, of Exeter, and Mrs. Naomi Tew, of Jamestown, at James town, by Benjamin Underwood, Justice, Oct. 22, 1770. 3-23 - " John, of Exeter, and AbigaU Carr, of Jamestown, by Elder Solo mon Sprague, March 8, 1778. 3-9 " John, Jr., of Exeter, son- of John, and Sarah Morris, of Newport, dau. of WiUlam, by Jonathan Bates, Jr., Justice, March 1, 1781. 3-76 " Benjamin, of Exeter, son of John, and Sarah Sweet, of Warwick, at Exeter, by George Pierce, Justice, Sept. 11, 1785. 3-245 " Jonathan, Of John, late of Exeter, dec, and AbigaU Whitman, ; - of James, by Jonathan Pitcher, Justice, April 13, 1809. 3-307 " Susan, and Thomas C. Barber, Feb. 2, 1824. .3-297 " Fortune, and Dinah Brown, now residing In Exeter, by Isaac Greene, Justice, Aug. 16, 1829. 12 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-289 CONGDON SaUy M„ and WUliam W. Tillinghast, July 3, 1843. 3-309 " Emeline, and Joseph H. Congdon, Sept. 6, 1846. 3-309 " Joseph J. H., son of Nancy, of North Kingstown, and Emeline Congdon, of MatUda, of Charlestown, at Exeter, by Elder Daniel Slocum, Sept. 6, 1846. 3-103 " Susan A., and WUliam A. Morriss, Aug. 27, 1849. 3-73 COONE Thankful, and Thomas Champlain, Dec. 17, 1783. 3-122 " Nancy, and Newman Perkins, July 9, 1791. 3-284 " Almira, and Arnold Ellis, March 30, 1845. 2-177 CAREY Prudence, and Uriah Perldns, July 1, 1768. 3-275 " Richard, Jr., and Abigail Austin, of Solomon, by Elder GershOm Palmer, May 11, 1816. 3-312 CORNELL [Benjamin, of Warren, Bradford Co., Penn., now residing in Exeter, and Mrs. Susan A. WUbur, of Richmond, now re siding in Coventry, by Elder Thomas Tillinghast, Jan. 21, 1841. 1-1S5 CORPSE Mary,, and James Whitford, Dec. 1, 1754. 1-177 COTTRELL Samuel, and Susannah Reynolds, by Elder David Sprague, Feb. 6, 1752. 1-192 " Nathaniel, Jr., and Martha Reynolds, of George, by Benjamin Rey nolds. Justice, Dec. 21. 1758. 2-163 " Nathaniel, and Sarah Smith, by Elder Samuel Albro, June 10, 1762. 2-166 " Mary, and Christopher Champlain, (also 3-1), Feb. 27, 1763. 3-14 " Sarah, and Benjamin Reynolds, Aug. 27, 1769. 3-70 " AbigaU, and Stephen Reynolds, March 3, 1774. 3-7 " David, of Nathaniel, of Exeter, and Sarah Sherman, of Benoni, of North Kingstown, by Elder WUUam Northup, Jan. 28, 1817. 2-163 CRANDALL Sarah, and Christopher Harrington, Nov. 16, 1762. 2-181 " John, Jr., of Exeter, son of John, and Kezia Shaw, of Voluntown, Conn., dau. of Thomas, by Newman Perkins, Justice, May 18, 1768. 2-177 " Hannah, and Thomas James, July 3, 1768. 3-2 " John, of Exeter, and Phillia Freeborn, of Portsmouth, R. I., by Elder Solomon Sprague, Sept. 26, 1780. 3-63 " Cate Wheeler, ,and Samuel Case, Nov. 26, 17S0. 3-33 " Joseph, of Exeter, and OUve Wheeler, of Norwich, Conn., by Rev. Levi Hart, May 24, 1781. 3-118 " Charity, and Zebulon Kenyon, Jan. 12, 1792. 3-144 " Robert, and Margaret Gardiner, Wy Elder Solomon Sprague, July 1, 1792. 3-133 " OUve, and Oliver Albro, Feb. 18, 1793. 3-184 " EUzabeth, and Waite Reynolds, April 28, 1798. 33 " Robert, of Exeter, and Mrs. Lettice Hubbard, of Providence, R. I. ; m. at Tunbridge, Orange Co., N. Y., by Jason Steele, Justice, Oct. 21, 1824. 3-295 " Mary A., and Moses B. Lewis, Jan. 14, 1827. 3-275 " James, of Joseph, of Hopkinton, and Tacy Greene, of Peleg, of Westerly, by Elder Daniel Slocum, Nov. 30, 1844. 3-226 " Catharine, and John Turner, May 25, 1845. D 1-196 DAVIS Elizabeth, and Isaac Gardiner, March 24, 1709. 1-180 " John, and Mary Sherman, of Peleg, by Benjamin Morey, Justice, Dec. 21, 1752. 1-158 " Barney, and Catherine WUcox, of Robert, by Job Tripp, Justice, Sept. 26, 1759. S'7"1 " Mary, and John Browning, Feb. 28, 1765. 3-106 " Experience, and Joseph Reynolds, Oct. 31, 1771. 3-52 " William, now of Exeter, and Mary Greene, of PhUip, of West Greenwich, by George Pierce, Justice of Peace, Sept. 7, 1772. 3-55 " David, and Patience Allen, by Hopson WUcox, Justice, Feb. 9. 1775. EXETER MARRIAGES. 13 2-287 DAWLEY John, of Exeter, and SaUy Rice, of Warwick, by Elder Pardon Tillinghast, AprU 26, 1841. 1-240 " Daniel, and Hannah Sweet, by Nicholas Gardiner, Justice, AprU 26, 1744. 1-184 " Nathan, and Alice Whltford,. at North Kingstown, by Benjamin Allen, Justice, Jan. 4, 1746. 1-179 " Elizabeth, and John' Rathbun, Dec. 13, 1752. 3-12 " Maigaret, and Joseph Rathbun, Aug. 17, 1766. 2-175 " Benjamin, and MUlie Sherman, by Hopson WUcjx, Justice, March 4, 1768. 2-175 " OUver, and Mercy Sherman, by Hopson WUcox, Justice, March 31, 1768. 2-177 " Peleg, of John, Of West Greenwich, late dec, and Margeret Rath bun, of Obediah, of Exeter, by Newman Perkins, Justice, Nov. 27, 1768. 3-158 " MoUy, and Samuel Littlofleld, Feb. 19, 1795. 3-141 " Dorcas, and Stephen Champlain, Feb. 9, 1796. 3-172 " Job, and Phebe Clarke, both of Litchfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y., according to the rites of the Dutch Reformed Church at Plattsburg, N. Y., by John Frank, Justice, March 16, 1797. 3-228 " David, of David, of Exeter, and Mary Reynolds, of Benjn., by Elder Gershom Palmer, Dec. 11, 1806. 3-241 " Vincent, and Sarah' Harrington, by Elder Gershom Palmer, Oct. 13, 1808. 3-244 " Michael, of Oliver, and Hannah Carr, of John, by Elder Gershom Palmer, Jan. 19, 1809. 3-30 " WiUiam, of Nathan, and Phebe Lawton, of Edward, hy Elder Ger shom Palmer March 23, 1809. 3-264 " Sally, and James Sheldon, Dec. 6, 1811. 3-272 " Susannah, and Sobimon Sprague, July 9, 1815. 3'-2 " Beriah, of Job, of Coventry, and Charlotte Rouse, of Sterling, Conn., by Elder James Buiiingame, Jan. 8, 1824. 3-34 " Peleg A., of Shibney, and Abbie P. Northup, of Benjamin, by Elder Gershom Palmer, Jan. 19, 1826. 3-195 DEAN AbigaU, and George Gardiner, Feb. 20, 1800. 3-172 DOUGLASS AUen C, of Joseph, of Exeter, and Catherine Stanton, of Daniel P., of Preston, Conn., by Elder Gershom Palmer, Dec. 23, 1324. 1-184 DUNN Bathsheba, and John Dyre, March 17, 1754. 3-13 DUPUY Lucy Ann, and George W. Allen, Aug. 30, 1841. 3-9 DUTEMPLE Nathan, and Annis T. Joslin, by Elder Benedict Johnson, AprU 17, 1841. 1-182 DYRE Deborajt, and Phillip Aylesworth, July 1, 1753. 1-184 " John, and Bathsheba Dunn, both of North Kingstown, by Elder Samuel Albro, March 17, 1754. 3-137 '•' Anna, and Anthony Shaw, AprU 25, 1793'. 3-152 " Isabel, and John Watson, April 1, 1800. 3-248 " Permerle, and Reynolds Kenyon, March S, 1810. 1-179 EARL WUbur, and Sarah Rathbun, of Thomas, of Exeter, by Benoni Hall, Justice, Dec. '10, 1752. 1-237 ELDRED AbigaU, and John Sweet, Feb. 5, 1743-4. 1-159 " Mary, and Benjamin West, Oct. 7, 1759. 1-155 " Jeremiah, and Ordery Harrington, dau. of Job, by Benjamin Rey nolds, Justice. Oct. 29, 1761. ' 2-163 " John, and Sarah West, by Elder Samuel Albro, March 29, 1762. 2-165 " Abigail, and John Eldred, Jan. 31, 1784. 2-165 " John, of Scituate, and Abigail Eldred. of Exeter, by Elder Samuel Albro, Jan. [31, 1764. 2-175 " Joseph, of North Kingstown, and Sarah Spink, of East Greenwich, by WUUam HaU, Justice Peace, Aug. 29, 1767. (Vit. Ree, Vol. 5.) 13 14) VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-38 ELDRED Jane, and Jeremiah Sweet, July 12, 1771. 3-63 " Mary, and Isaac Rathbun, Jan. 14, 1776. 1-243 ELLIS Gideon, of West Greenwich, and Jemima Austin, of Exeter, by Samuel Casey, Justice, Feb. 14, 1744. " Jeremiah, and PriscUla Greene, both of West Greenwich, by Elder Samuel Albro, Oct. 21, 1759. " OUver, of Gideon, of West Greenwich, and Hannah Reynolds, of Henry, of Exeter, by Elder Elisha Greene, March 1, 1792. " Sarah, and Reynolds LUlibridge, Oct. 5, 1806. • " Elizabeth, and Rowland Arnold, Feb. 18, 1818. " Arnold, of Jeremiah, of West Greenwich, and Almira Coone, of Elisha, of Hopkinton, by Elder Daniel Slocum, March 30, 1848. ; ENSWORTH Leonard, of Joseph, of Canterbury, Conn., and Esther WUcox, of Capt. Job, of Exeter, by Elder EUsha Greene, Jan. 17, 1793. 1-160 3-154 3-260 3-83 3-284 3-148 3-204 3-17 1-191 1-195 3-63-9 3-27 3-60 3-283 3-116 3-273 3-277 3-229 3-229 2-167 3-2 3-29 FENNER Mary, and Isaac Morey, March 22, 1802. FISHER Lucy Ann, and Dutee J. HaU,. Jan. 23. 1842. FONES Eunice, and Francis West, Oct. 1, 1758. FOSTER Mary, and Daniel Rathbun, May 28, 1758. FOWLER Abel, of Simeon, and Mary Brownell, dlau. of Mary (widow), by George Pierce, Justice, June 3, 1770. " Job J., of Simeon, and Ruth Gardiner, of Benoni, by George Pierce, Justice, June 28, /1770. " Susannah, and George Waite Babcock, Feb. 21, 1771. " Ruth, and Benjamin Bentley, Aug. 24, 1780. " EUzabeth, and John Slocum, May 23, 1819. FRANKLIN, Mary, and Abraham Terry, AprU 4, 1791. " Jeremiah, of West Greenwich, son of Joshua and Amie Albro, of Exeter, dau. of SUas, by Elder Gershom Palmer, May 30, 1819. " Almy, and Ebenezer Brown, AprU 21, 1839. " Joseph P., of Exeter, and Mary S. Vaughn, of West Greenwich, by Elder Thomas TUlinghast, Nov. 25, 1844. " Albert &., of Exeter, and Clancey G. Vaughn, of West Greenwich; by Elder Thomas Tillinghast, Dec. 18, 1843. FRAZIER Mary, and Samuel BisseU ; March 2, . 1766. FREEBORN Pnilla, and John CrandaU, Sept. 26, 1780. FEY Bethany, and John Aylesworth, March 4, 1771» Q 1-196 1-240 1-182 1-244 1-244 1-244 1-1781-182 1-187 1-183 1-185 GARDINER Isaac, and Elizabeth Davis, both of KingS Towne, by Samuel Fones, Justice, March 24, 1709. Mary, and John Spencer, March 23, 1732. Samuel, and EUzabeth Congdon, by Job Tripp, Justice, May 3, 1750. Gideon, and Tabitha Gardiner, dau. of John, by Benoni HaU, Jus tice, Sept. 9, 1750. Tabitha, and Gideon Gardiner, Sept. 9, 1750. Joshua, and Deliverance Reynolds, by Benoni Hall, Justice, AprU 28, 1751. Dorcas, and Henry Tanner, AprU 13, 1752. Benjamin, of Benjamin, deceased, and Elizabeth Olin, of Joseph, by Benoni CHall, Justice, Nov. 11, 1753. Caleb, of Thomas, and Mary Clarke, by Newman Perkins, Justice, March 7, 1754. Bridget, and Tliomas Newcomb, Jr., June 2, 1754. Mary, and WUUam Hall, Aug. 25, 1754. EXETER ¦MARRIAGES. 15 1-186 GARDINER John, of Nortli Kingstown, and Eliizabetii Champlain, of Exeter, by Elder Samuel Albro, June 3, 1756. 1-188 " Jeremiah, of Thomas, of Exeter, and Mary Bowdlsh, of West Greenwich, dau. of Joseph, by Joseph ElUs, Justice, June 23, 1757. 1-192 " Mary, and OUver Reynolds, Feb. 8, 1759. 1-157 " WUliam, and Martha Reynolds, dau. of Capt. John, by Benjamin Reynolds, Justice, March 2, 1760. 1-(157 " Martha and Stephen Arnold, March 3, 1760. 1-164 " Ann, and Samuel Morey, Feb. 28, 1762. 2-163 ' " Nicholas, Jr., and Deborah Vincent (also 3-53), by Elder Samuel Albro, Oct. 19, 1702. 2-163 " Elizabeth, and Benjamin Champlain, Feb. 8, 1763. 2-165 " Anne, and William Baker, June 22, 1764. 2-165 " Jonathan, of Newport, and Mary Morey, of Exeter, by Elder Samuel Albro, July 22, 1764. 2-170 " Othniel, and Lydia Reynolds, by William Hall, Justice, Aug. 16, 1764. ' 2-166 " Robert, and Anne Clarke, by Elder Samuel Albro, Sept. 28, 1764. 2-166 " Elizabeth, and Joseph Reynolds, AprU 12, 1765. 3-51 " Benjamin, of Jeremiah, and Tabitha — , May 22, 1766. 2-170 " Amie, and Joseph Nicholas, Jan. 25, 1767. 2-170 " Margaret, and John Reynolds, Jr., AprU 6, 1707. 3-48 " Elizabeth, and Joseph Hollowtay, April 9, 1769. 3-9 " RUth, and Job J. Fowlei', June 28, 1770. 3-50 " Sylvester, son of Nicholas, and Hannah Reynolds, of Jonathan, by George Pierce, Justice, June 6, 1773. 3-60 " Mary, and Joshua Vaughn,, Feb. 4, 1779. 3-144 " Margaret, and Robert CrandaU, July: 1, 1702. 3-169 " Elizabeth, and Clarke Sisson, Nov. 3, 1796. 3-195 " George, of Abel, and AhigiaU Dean;, of Jonathan, of Wes't Green wich, by Elder Chirles. ,'Stone, Feb. 20, .1800. 3-216 " Amie, and James Tillinghast, Feb. 5, 1801. 3-215 " Ruth, aha James Reynolds, March 27, 1803. 3-246 " John, of Exeter, and Francis Hall, of West Greenwich, by Elder Gershom Palmer, July 16, 1809. 3-285 " WUUam H., of Exeter, son of Gould, and Patience A. Hendrick, of James, of North Kingstown, by Elder Gershom Palmer, Dec. 7, 1817. 3-220 " EUzabeth, and Benjamin Griffin, Jr., Nov. 18, 1821. 3-188 " Susannah, and Benjamin LiUibridge, Sept. 29, 1825. 3-184 " Nicholas, of Benjamin C, and Abbie Arnold, of Benjamin, by Elder Gershom Palmer, March 16, 1826. 3-296 " Mercy, and Stephen A. Gardiner, Feb. 1, 1829. 3-296 " Stephen A., and Mary Gardiner; m. by Elder John Gardiner, Feb. 1, 1829. 3-297 " Joseph W., of Gould, and Sally, of Exeter, and Mary W. Hendrick, of James and Hannah, of North Kingstown; m. by Elder WiUlam Northup, Feb. 19, 1829. 3-301 " Zebulon, and Miss Sarah G. Sweet ; m. by Elder Levi Murch, Sept. 4, 1831. 3-10 " Mary, and George A. Wells, Nov. 30, 1845. 3-314 " Sarah, and George B. Sunderland, Jan. 22, 1870. 3-205 GATES Mary, and Job WUcox, Feb. 7, 1771. 3-287 GA , and Mrs. CaroUne, and Joseph Robinson, March 4, 1830. 1-160 GILL Daniel, Jr., of West Greenwich, and Mercy Whitford, of John, of Exeter; m. by Benjamin Reynolds, J. P., Jan. 1, 1760. 3-104 GORTON John, of Samuel, and Orpha Boone, dau. of Richard Booth; m. by Elder ETsha Greene, June 18, 1789. 3-281 " Elizabeth, and Th< mas A. James, June 1, 1817. 3-249 " Mary, and Wlllard W. Perkins, June 15, 1834. 1-237 GOULD Sarah, and Alexander Nichols, Jan. 29, 1743-4. 1-244 GREENE Plii'lp, and Maiy Baker; m. by Peleg Tripp, Justice, Dec. 31, 1750. 16 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-178 GREENE Benjamin, of West Greenwich, son of Henry, dec, and Mehitable Tripp, of Job; m. by Benoni HaU, Justice, Sept. 22, 1752. 3-10 " Mary, and George Pierce, Dec. 2, 1753. 1-160 " PrecUla and Jeremiah EUls, Oct. 21, 1759. 2-163 " David, and Penelope Northrup, by Elder Samuel Albro, Aug. 15, 1762. 2-167 " Jeremiah, and Deborah Cammell, by Elder Samuel Albro, July 20, 1765. 2-181 " Caleb, of West Greenwich, son of Benjamin, and Sarah Brown of Exeter, dau. of Benjamin, by Newman Perkins, Justice, April 16, 1769. 3-52 " Mary, and WUUam Davis, Sept. 7, 1772. 3-100 " Mrs. Sarah, and WUliam Rathbun, July 9, 1786. 3-246 " Job R., of East Greenwich, and Mary Johnson, of West Green wich, by Elder Gershom Palmer, Feb. 28, 1813. 3-282 " Lucy, and Thomas Lewis, Mar. 7, 1813. 3-50 " Isaac, of Benjamin, and EUza Kenyon, of John, late of Exeter, by Elder Peleg Peckham, Nov. 24, 1825. 3-275 " Tacy, and James CrandaU, Nov. 30, 1844. 3-309 " Clarke S., and Mary T. Whitford, by Elder Pardon TUlinghast, Oct. 15, 1848. 3-220 GRIFFEN Benjamin, Jr., of Exeter, and EUzabeth Gardiner, of North Kings town, dau. of David,'. by Elder Gershom Palmer, Nov. 18, 1821. H 1-185 HALL WUliam, son of Benoni, and Mary Gardiner, of Robert, by Benjamin Morey, Jnsijce, Aug. 25, 1754. 2-167 " George, of Coventry, R. I., and Ruth Nichols, of Exeter, by WUliam Hall, Justice, Feb. 10, 1766. 3-25 " William, of WUliam, of North Kingstown, and Lydia Reynolds, of Robert, of Exeter, by George Pierce, Justice, Dec. 20, 1771. 3-67 " Frances, and PhUllp TUlinghast, AprU 13, 1791. 3-9 " James, and Mrs. Lucy Hoxsie, dau. of Capt. John Hoxsie, by J. W. Stieldon, Justice, Nov. 4, 1792. 3-214 " AbigaU, and Christopher, JosUn, Feb. 20, 1803. 3-217 " Preserved H , of Caleb, late of . West Greenwich, and Eunice Browning, of John, of Exeter, by Elder Stephen AUen, AprU 12, 1804. 3-239 " Caleb, of Caleb, of West Greenwich, anld Rhoda Barber, of LiUi bridge, of Exeter, by Robert Crandall, Justice, March 6, 1808. 3-246 " Francis, and John Gardiner, July 16, 1809. 3-166 " Mary, and Samuel B. Reynolds, June 30, 1825. 3-280 " Phebe, and Palmer Lewis, Sept. 22, 1841. 3-17 " Dutee J., of Exeter, and Lucy Ann Fisher, of Warwick, by Elder Benedict, Johnson, Jan. 23, 1842. 3-7 HAMMOND WUUam, of Exeter, son of Joseph, of Newport, and Lucy Waite, dau. of Samuel, of Exeter, hy George Pierce, Justice, Aug. 15, 1779. 3-125 " Jounna, and Smith Tanner, March 4, 1792. 3-310 HANDY WUliam J., of •Andrew, of West Greenwich, and Mary Ann Lan- phere, of OUver, late of Exeter, dec, by Elder Nathan N. Gal lup, Sept. 28, 1846. 1-237 HARRINGTON Lydia, and Abraham WUcox, June 5, 1739. 1-237 " Ebenezer, and Rebecca Sjpencer, by Nicholas Gardiner, Justice, Dec. 18, 1743. 1-177 " Alee, and Daniel Sunderland, Feb. 6, 1752. 1-177 " Sarah, and Elisha Baker, Feb. 6, 1752. 1-186 " Hannah, and Jeremiah Austin, AprU 13, 1756. 1-160 " Amie, and James Reynolds, Jan. 10, 1760. 1-156 " Anna, and Benjamin Reynolds, Nov. 16, 1760. 1-155 " Ordery, and Jeremiah Eldred, Oct. 29, 1761. 2-163 " Christopher, and Sarah Crandall, hy Elder Samuel Albro, Nov. 10, 17i >2. 2-167 " Freelove, and Henry Harrington, May 30, 17'55. EXETER MARRIAGES. 17 2-167 HARRINGTON Henry, and Freelove Harrington, by Elder Samuel Albro, May 30, 1765. 3-3 " David, and Waite Tripp, hy William Hall, Justice, March 27, 1768. 3-46 " William, of Exeter, and Sarah Baker, of Richmond, at Richmond, by George Webb, Justice, Oct. 10, 1771. 3-128 " Christopher, of Christopher, and Amie LiUibridge, of Benjamin, by Stephen Reynolds, Justice, Oct; 21, 1792. 3-241 " Sarah, and Vincent Dawley, Oct. 13, 1808. 2-171 HARRIS EUjah, of Plalnfield, Conn., and Hannah WUkey, of Preston, Oonn., bv Robert Crandall, Justice, Feb. 25, 1768. 3-233 HATHAWAY Nancy, and John Sunderland, ¦ May 17, 1807. 1-184 HAVEN Samuel, and Margaret Raithbun, both of North Kingstown, by Elder Samuel Albro, Jan. 3, 1754. 3-64 HAZARD Hanuah, and Jeffrey Champlain, April 1, 1777. 3-17 " Nelson B., and Dorcas Champlain, both of Exeter, at South Kings town, by Elder Elbridge CrandaU, Dec. 19, 1841. 3-240 " Jason P., of Thomas T,, of West Greenwich, and Betsey M. Lewis, dau. of Moses, late of Exeter, by" Elder John TUUnghast, March 15, 1847. 2-170 HEFFERNAN William, of South Kingstown, and Mary Bates, of Exeter,, (also 3-96) ; m. by Thomas Justin, Justice, Feb. 8, 1767. 3-285 HENDRICK Patience A., and WilUam H. Gardiner, Dec. 7, 1817. 3-297 " Mary W., and Joseph W. Gardiner, Feb. 19, 1829. 3-127 " WUliam A., and Mrs. Sarah Money, m. at Cumberland, by Rev. Samuel Wakefield, April 14, 1838. 3-170 HESALINE William, and Mary Tefft, by Elder Elisha Greene, Jan. 4, 1787. 1-195 HIAMES Spink, and Elizabeth Richmond, by Newman Perkins, Justice, Oct. 6, 1757. 3-15 " Albert, of North Kingstown, and Hannah Brown, of Exeter, by El der Benedict Johnson, Dec. 5, 1841. 1-180 HILL Thomas, of George, of East Greenwich, and Margaret Austin, dau. of Paskow, of Exeter, by Benjamin Morey, Justice, Feb. 15, 1753. 2-163 " Samuel, and Meriam Rathbun, Dy Elder Samuel Albro, Feb. 29, 1762. 2-165 " Mercy, and Benjamin Sweet, Dec. 13, 1(64. 3-15 " Darts, of WUliam, and Chloe Allen, of Jeremiah, by Daniel Sundeilnnd, Just ice,. Feb. 11, 1770. 3-12 " Elder Nathan, of Exeter, and Freelove Carr, of North Kingstown, widow of Slocum Carr, .by Elder James Weightman, June 6, 1782. 3-190 " Sarah, and John Rhodes,, March 14, 1799. 3-155 HOLLOWAY Joseph, and Lydia Babcock, by Elder Samuel Albro, Oct. 11, 1761 . v 3-48 " Joseph, and Elizabeth Gardiner, by George Northup, Justice, April 9, 1769. 2-179 " Joseph, Jun., son of Joseph, and Sarah Tripp, dau. of Bsleg, by Gejige Pierce, Justice, May 23, 1769. 3-63 " Catherine, and Robert Wheaton, March 3, 1776. 3-140 " AbigaU, and Dr. Simon Sprague, J^n. 13, 1782. 3-181 " Samuel, of Joseph, of Exeter, and Mercy Briggs, of Gardiner, of East Greenwich, by Elder Nathan Hill, March 17, 1794. 3-8 " JuUa A. and Jeremiah A. Kenyon, June 30, 1844. 3-257 HOOD James C, of West Greenwich, and Desire C. Richmond, of Volun town, Conn., by Elder WUUad ,R. Slocum, Sept. 4, 1850. 3-126 HOPKINS Honor, and Stukeley Tillinghast, Nov. 22, 1762. 3-42 " Sarah, and Thomas Albro, Jan 27, 1772. 3-44 " Phebe (widow), and John Morey, Jam. 26, 1781. 3-83 " Lucy, and Peleg Arnold, Oct. 20, 1785. 3-46 " Samuel, of Exeter, son of Rufus and Amie, and Freelove B. Ar nold, d..u. of Elijah and SaUy Ann, of Warwick, R. I., by Rev. Jonathan i Wilson, Nov. 7. 1824. 3-177 " Burrell, and Dianna, Brown, both of West Greenwich, by Elder Daniel Slocum, Feb. 22, 1844. 3-64 " Rufus, of Exeter,' and Sally Kettle, of West Greenwich, by Elder Daniel Slocum, March 2, 1844. 1-241 " Phebe, and Simeon Toms, March 13, 1745. 18 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-156 HOXSIE John, of Richmond, and Hannah BUI of Exeter, by Elder Samuel! Albro, May 21, 1761, 3-36 " Samuel, of Richmond, son of (Stephen, and Anna WUcox, of .Thomas, of Exeter, at Exeter, by Robert! Stanton, Justice, Sept. 30, 1772. 3-68 " Anna (widow), and Abraham WUcox, Aug. 20, 1781. 3-133 " Mary, and Freeman PhUlips, April 16, 1786. 3-9 " Mrs. Lucy, and James HaU, Nov. 4, 1792. 3-291 " Collins, of John, dec, and Sarah James, of Joseph, by Elder Ger- snom Palmer, Sept. 9, 1824. 3-276 " Mercy, and Thomas Phillips, Jr., Feb. 26, 1828. 3-302 " Sarah S., and James Sheldon, March 24, 1839. 3-224 " Thankful, and Stephen James, . 3-3 HUBBARD Mrs. Lettice, and Robert Crandall, Oct. 21, 1824. 3-239 HULING George W., of North Kingstown, and Joanna E. LUlibridge, of Exeter, by Elder Samuel West, Dec. 16, 1 824. 3-193 HULL Sarah, and John Spencer, Feb. 25, 1759. 3-111 HUNT Jemima, and Peleg Andrews, Nov. 10, 1816. I J 2-177 JAMES Thomas, of Richmond, and Hannah CrandaU, of Exeter, by Newman Perkins, Justice, July 3, 1768. 3-156 " Daniel, of Joseph, and Mary Barber, of Caleb, by Elder Benjamin Barber, Feb. 5, 1793. 3-268 " Elizabeth, and Newman Perkins, April 9, 1815. 3-281 " Thomas A.,, of Exeter, and Elizabeth Gorton, of West Greenwich, by Elder Stafford Greene, June 1, 1817. 3-291 " Sarah, and Collins Hoxsie, Sept. 9, 1824. 3-15 " Alee, and George Tefft, AprU 1, 1827. 3-306 " Ruth E., and Horace Johnson, July 6, 1837. 3-8 " Susan, and Henry D. Rathbun, March 14, 1841. 3-227 " Reynolds, and Alice Potter, both of Richmond, by Elder Daniel Slocum, March 31, 1844. 3-8 " Phebe A., and Benjamin H. Reynolds, June 30, 1844. 3-224 " Stephen, of Deacon Joseph, and Thankful Hoxsie, by Elder Henry Joslin, not given. 1-178 JENCKES AncUlis, and Samuel Waite, June 26, 1752. 3-5 JENKINS GUes S., son of Lydia Miers. of Exeter, and Mary Carr of New port, dau. of Samuel Greene, by Elder Gershom Palmer, Feb. 13, 1825. 3-246 JOHNSON Mary, and Job R. Greene, Feb. 28. 1813. 3-306 " Horace, of Exeter, and Ruth E. James, of Richmond, by Elder Thomas TiUinghast, July 6, 1837. 3-201 " Clara, and George W. WUcox, Sept. 16, 1849. 1-183 JOHNS Benjamin, and Prudence Thompson, both of Canterbury, Conn. ; m. at Exeter, by Newman Perkins, Justice, March 20, 1754. 2-179 JONES Martha, and Thomas Phillips, Feb. 9, 1769. 3-141 JOSLIN Joanna, and John Rathbun, March 3, 1793. 3-214 " Christopher, of Jobn of Exeter, and Abigail Hall, of Caleb, by El der Thomas TUUnghast, Feb. 20, 1803. 3-8 " Betsey, and Joseph W. Lewis, March 16, 1841. 3-9 " Annis T., and Nathan Dutemple, AprU 17, 1841. 3-7 " John H., of Exeter, and Julia Ann Vaughan, of East Greenwich; m. by Elder Benedict Johnson, Aug. 30, 1841. K 1-186 KENYON John, and Freelove Reynolds , by Daniel Barber,, Justice, June 8, 1755. L-158 " Dorcas, and Gideon Rathbun, Feb. 18, 1759. 1-150 " Christopher, and Mary Rathbun , by Stephen Richmond, Justice, Dec. 27, 1759. EXETER MARRIAGES. ' 19 1-188 KENYON Mercy, and Stephen Watson, March 2, 1780. 3-118 " Zebulon, of John, and Charity CrandaU, of Joseph, by Stephen Reynolds, Justice, Jan. 12, 1792. 3-230 " Job, of John, and Betsey Benjamin, of David, by Elder Gershom Palmer, Feb. 15, 1807. 3-248 " Reynolds, of Exeter, and Permerle Dyre, of Ashford, Conn., by Robert Crandall, Justice, March 8, 1810. 3-125 " Charity, and David Terry, June 6, 1824. 3-50 " Eliza, and Isaac Greene, Nov. 24, 1825. 3-302 " Mary, and William B. Wilcox, Nov. 8, 1830. 3-303 " Sarah, and Ezra Reynolds, Oct. 20, 1H30. 3-196 " WiUiam R., of Exeter,' and Cynthia Briggs, of West Greenwich, by Elder Thomas TUlinghast, Oct. 3, 1842. 3-8 " Jeremiah A., of Richmond, and Julia A. HoUoway, of Charles town ; m. at Exeter, by Elder Daniel Slocum, June 30, 1844. 3-19 "¦ Barber, of Exeter, son of Benedict, and Abbie Austin, dau. of Let tice, by Daniel Slocum, Jan. 5, 1845. 3-129 KEPPARD John, and Hannah Sherman, by Elder Solomon Sprague, March 7, 1797. 3-64 KETTLE Sally, and Rufus Hopkins, March 2, 1844. 3-42 " Nancy, and WiUiam H. Reynolds, July 3, 1848. 3-202 KEZER Anna, and Samuel Perkins, March 12, 1820. 3-14 KINGSLEY Dorcas, and David D. Northup, Oct. 12, 1841. 2-175 KING Earle, of South Kingstown, and Content Richmond, of Stephen, of Exeter, hy David Stanton, Justice, Jan. 24, 1768. 3-105 " Stephen, and Dorcas Watson, by Pheneus Kenyon, Justice, Feb. 24, 1789. 3-217 KNIGHT Caroline F., and Benjamin Baton', Nov. 27, 1843. 1-221 KNOWLES Margaret, and Ezekiel Sherman, Feb. 26, 1747. 2-175 " Samuel, and Abigatt WUcox, by Hopson WUcox, Justice, March 31, 1768. 3-119 LA.DD Mrs. Elizabeth, and Solomon Lewis, July 18, 1790. 3-221 " Eleanor, and Moses Lewis, Nov. IS, 1804. 3-251 " Esther, and Jesse Lewis, Nov. 4, 1810. 3-310 LANPHEEE Mary Ann, and Wm J. Handy, Sept. 28, 1846. 3-291 " Mrs. Eliza, and Jonathan Robbins, Dec 19, 1847. 1-117 LAWTON Benjamin, of Exeter, and Anna Phillips, of North Kingstown, by Benoni HaU, Justice, May 3, 1752. 2-163 " Oliver, and Ann Rathbun, by Elder Samuel Albro, Oct. 21, 1762. 2-170 " Mary, and Ezekiel Tripp, April 20, 1765. 2-176 " Timothy, and Deborah Reynolds, by Elder Samuel Albro, Nov. 21, 1765. 3-128 " Phebe. and Oliver Arno'd, May 8, 0785. 3-117 " Elranor. and Asa WUcox, Oct. 16, 1791. 3-197 " Hannah, and Joel Comstoek, Aug. 19, 1798. 3-30 " Phebe. and William Dawley, March 23, 1809. 3-155 " Samuel A., of Caleb, late of Exeter, dec, and Martha Brown, of Joshua, of Exeter, at East Greenwich, by Elder Pardon TUling hast, Oct. 9, 1843. 2-171 LEM01NE Pheneus Solomon, and Sarah Baker; m. at Exeter by William ¦HaU, Justice, Feb. 19, 176S. 3-95 LEWIS Sylvester, of Exeter, and Sarah Reynolds, of West Greenwich, by Elder David Sprague, June 3, 1748. 3-88 " George, of George, and Elizabeth Pendleton, Jan. 12, 1757. 3-88 " Caleb, and Sybel , at Freston, Conn., April 7, 1757. 2-167 " Randall, of Hopkinton. and Alee Rathbun, of Exeter, by Stephen Richmond, Justice, Nov. 21, 1765. 3-47 " Stephen, son of John, and Alice Sheldon, of Roger, by William Sweet, Justice, Jan. 26, 1770. 3-7 " Daniel, of Jonathan, and Lydia Barber, by Robert CrandaU, Justice, March 21, 1770. 20 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-207 LEWIS Joseph, and Mary Stanton, Jan. 6, 1774. 3-58 " James, and Thankful Barber, Jan. 15, 1775. 3-108 " John, of Jonathan, and Amie Sheldon, of Roger, by Elder Caleb Nicholas, Sept. 28, 1777. 3-55 " Jonathan, 3d, of Exeter, son of Jonathan, 2d, and Martha Bowdish, of Nathaniel, of Preston, Conn., hy Elder John Pen dleton, Aug. 12, 1779. 3-145 " Benjamin, and Deliverance Cleaveland, dau. of DeUverance, both of West Greenwich, by Elder Elisha Greene, Feb. 10, 1780. 3-146 " EUzabeth, and Roger Sheldon, Feb. 14, 1783. 3-171 " William, of Thomas, of Exeter, and Eleanor Straight, of John, of West Greenwich, by Elder Elisha Greene, Nov. 29, 1786. 3-119 " Solomon, of Exeter, and Mrs. Elizabeth Ladd, of Coventry, R. I., by Elder John Burdick, July 18, 1790. 3-163 " Lucy, and Stephen Rathbun, Dec. 17, 1795. 3-208 " Samuel, Jr., of Samuel, and Ruth Barber, of Reynolds, by Elder Elisha Greene, March 2, 1797. 3-189 " Stephen, son of Capt. Stephen, and Hannah Lewis, of Samuel, by Elder Thomas Manchester, Nov. 7, 1799. j 3-189 " Hannah, and Stephen Lewis, Nov. 7, 1799. 3-183 " James, and OUve Rathbun, by Robert Crandall, Justice, Oct. 18, 1798. 3-186 " Ruth, and Alien Tillinghast, July 11, 1799. 3-211 " Lucy, and Nathaniel WUcox, Dec. 23, 1802. 3-213 " John, of Elisha, of Exeter, and Lydia. Tanner, of Benjamin, of South Kingstown, by Stephen Reynolds, Justice, May .29, 1803. 3-222 " Lydia, and SUas Lewis, Oct. 28, 1804. 3-222 " SUas, of Jonathan, Jr., of Exeter, and Lydia Lewis, of James M., of Exeter, by Elder Ellet Locke, Oct. 28, 1804. 3-221 " Moses, of Jonathan, Jr., of Exeter, and Eleanor Ladd, of John, of West Greenwich, by Elder Ellet Locke, Nov. 18, 1804. 3-232 " Dorcas, and Abel Rathbun, Nov. 30, 1806. 3-2,238 " Nathan B., of James, and Sally Richmond, of Stephen, by Elder Gershom Palmer, Feb. 4, 1808. 3-240 " Eleanor, and Gardiner Barber, AprU 17, 1808. 3-242 '¦ Annis, and Caleb Strange, April 16, 1809. 3-250 " Jonathan, Jr., and Mariah Lewis, by Robert Crandall, Justice, March 8, 1810. 3-250 " Mariah, and Jonathan Lewis, Jr., March 8, 1810. 3-251 " Jesse, of Jonathan, and Esther Ladd, of John, of Coventry, R. I., by Elder Gershom Palmer, Nov. 4, 1810. 3-263 " Prudence, and Roger Sheldon, AprU 11, 1811. 3-254 " Daniel, of Elisha, of Exeter, and Elizabeth Lewis, of Daniel, of West Greenwich, by Elder Ellet Locke, Oct. 17, 1811. 3-254 " Elizabeth, and Daniel Lewis, Oct. 17, 1811. 3-262 " Sanford, and Asenefch Palmer, by Job Kenyon, Justice, Jan. 24, 1813. 3-282 " Thomas, of Exeter, son of Stephen, and Lucy Greene, of West Greenwich, dau. of Stafford, by Elder Gershom Palmer, March 7, 181.3. b-133 Reynolds, of Caleb, of Voluntown; Conn., and Bridget Young, of Benjamin, of Exeter, by Job Kenyon, Justice, June 26, 1814. 3-281 EUza, and Benjamin Richmond, AprU 14, 1815. 3-279 " Geriah, and Stephen Richmond, Dec. 3, 1815. 3-124 " Lydia, and SUas B. Barber, June 6, 1824. 3-295 " Moses B., of James, of Exeter, and Mary A. CrandaU, of Samuel of Hopkinton, at Hopkinton, by Elder Matthew StUlman, Jan. 14, 1827. 3-281 James, of Exeter, and Mary Sisson, of Hopkinton, by Elder Weeden Barber, Sept. 2, 1838. 3"8 " Joseph W., of Richmond, and Betsey Joslin, of West Greenwich, by Elder Benedict Johnson, March 16, 1841. 3"9 " Caleb S., of Hopkinton, and Catharine S. Matteson, of West Green wich, by Elder Benedict Johnson, May 9, 1841. EXETER MARRIAGES. i 21 3-280 LEWIS Palmer, of Exeter, and Phebe Hull of West Greenwich, by Elder Benedict Johnson, Sept. 22, 1841. 3-269 " Olive, and Thomas D. Barber, March 9, 1846. 3-240 " Betsey M., and Jason P. Hazard, March 15, 1847. 3-214 " Lydia, and Ambrose Brown, Sept. 17, 1848. 3-281 " Seth, of Exeter, and Miss Sarah Bailey, of West Greenwich, by Elder Benedict Johnson, Sept. 22, 1849. 3-237 " Mary A., and Jesse W. Barber, July 3, 1853. 3-279 " Charles, of Hopkinton, and Mary Andrew of Coventry, R. I., by ' Elder Benedict Johnson, June 23', . 3-175 " Edith, and Jeous Albro, not given. 1-237 LILLIBRIDGE Benjamin, and Amie. Sherman!, by Nicholas Gardiner, Jus tice, Dec 15, 1743. 3-277 " Alice, and Christopher Morey, AprU 6, 1772. 3-128 " Amie, and Christopher Harrington, Oct. 21, 1792. 3-260 " Reynolds, of Jonathan, of Exeter, and Sarah Ellis, of Capt. Au gustus, of West Greenwich, by Elder Thomas Manchester, Oct, 5, 1800. 3-266 " Deborah, and Samuel Reynolds,, July 31, 1808. 3-281 " Daniel, of Gardiner, and Hannah Barber, of LUUbridge, by Elder ' Gershom Palmer, Aug. 18, 1811. 3-267 " EUzabeth, and John Sheldon, Dec. 25, 1814. 3-286 " John, Jr., of Exeter, son of Johu, and Mrs. Phebe Swan, of Gris wold, Conn., at Griswold, by Eider Levi Walker, iJune 4, 1820. 3-290 " Whitman W., of John ; Mercy Whitman, of James, by Elder Ger shom Palmer, March 7, 1823. 3-239 " Johannah E., and George W. Huling, Dec. 16, 1824. 3-188 " Benjamin, of Clarke, aud Susannah Gardiner of Jeffrey, by Elder Gershom Palmer, Sept. 29, 1825. 3-13 " Joseph \\\, and Rachel Barber, by Elder Benedict Johnson, Sept. 6, 1841. 3-158 LITTLEFIELD Samuel, son of S.irah Rathbun, of Stephenstown, N. Y., and Molly Dawley, of Margaret, of Exeter, by Elder Benjamin Bar ber, Feb. 19, 1795. 1-156 LITTLE Isabel, and Jeremiah Austin, Sept. 28, 1760. 3-236 LOCKWOOD Oliver, and Amie 1-1. Thurston, now residing hr Exeter, by Elder Steadman Kenyon, Nov. 5, 1849. M 3-302 MAKER Mrs. Ruth, and Asia E. Wood, 29, 1833. 1-153 MANTON Abigail, and Libbeus Northup, Jan. 19, 1764. 3-283 MARSH Nicholas, of Newport, and Deborah p. Clarke, now residing in Exeter, by Elder Benedict Johnson, Feb. 21, 1840. 1-189 MATTESON Elizabeth, and TheophUus Spencer, Nov. 11, 1757. 3-304 " Hannah, and WUlett Rathbun, Sept. 9, 1832. 3-9 " Catherine S., and Caleb S. Lewis, May 9, 1841. 3-72 " Uriah, and Betsey Moone, both of West Greenwich, by Elder Caleb Greene, June 5, 184:2. 3-182 " Ezekiel P.„ of Coventry, R. I., and Harriet Bennett, of West Greenwich, by Elder Daniel Slocum, Sept. 25, 1843. 3-308 " Samuel K., of West Greenwich, son of Levi, and Almira Spencer, of Edmund, of East Greenwich, by Elder Daniel Slocum, Sept. 6, 1846. 3-95 " Nancy, and Lewis Bates, Oct. 1, 1854. 3-10 MIAS John David, and Mary W. Bates, of James ; m. by Elder Gershom Palmer, July 28, 1811. 2-167 MAXSON Polly, and John Richmond, March 2, 1801. 1-183 M' QUEEN Mary, and John Skellion. May 28, 1754. 3-9 MERISS Sarah, and John Congdon. Jun., March 1, 1781. 3-103 " WUliam A., of William, and Susan A. Congdon, of Clarke, aU of Exeter, by Isaac Greene, Justice, Aug. 27, 1S49. 22 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-130 MONEY Timothy, of Samuel, of Exeter, and Eleanor Brown, of West Greenwich, at Exeter, by Stephen Reynolds, Justice, Dec. 9, 1792. 3-188 " Sarah, and James Young, Sept. 26, 1799. 3-252 " AUen, of Exeter, and Pent lope Westcott, of North Kingstown, by Elder Gershom Palmer, pub. Dec. 10, 1818. 3-127 " Mrs. Sarah, and WUliam A. Hendrick, April 14, 1838. 1-179 MOON Robert, Jun., and Eleanor Waite, of Samuel, by Benoni Hall, Jus tice, Nov. 23, 1752. 1-199 " Asa, of Exeter, and Deborah Babcock, of South Kingstown, by Jeremiah Crandall Justice, Aug. 13, 1758. 2-167 " John, and Ruth Moon, by Elder Samuel Albro, AprU 28, 1765. 2-167 " Ruth, and John Moon, April 28, 1765. 3-59 " Mary, and Harris Weaver, Dec. 20, 1772. 3-170 " Lyman, and Sarah Thurs'on, by Simon LiUibridge, Justice, Sept. 7. 1839. 3-72 " Betsey, and. Uriah Matteson, June 5, 1842. 3-278 MOORE Alee, and Daniel Reynolds, Feb. 18, 1813. 3-231 " John, of Isaac, of West Greenwich, and Betsey Potter, of George, of Richmond, by Elder Daniel Slocum, Dec. 28, 1845. 1-243 MOREY Mary, and Ephraim Codner, Nov. 20, 1748. 1-183 " Mary, and John WUbur, April 28, 1754. 1-194 " Mary, and Jeremiah Wilcox, Nov. 9, 1755. 1-159 " Still, and John Bates, Aug. 10, 1759. 1-154 " Samuel, and Ann Gardiner, of Nicholas ; m. by "Benjamin Rey nolds, Justice, Feb. 28, 1762. 2-165 " Mary, add Jonathan Gardiner, July 22, 1764. 2-167 " Sarah, and John Richmond, Oct. 20, 1765. 3-5 " Lucy, and Stephen Richmond, Jan. 18, 1770. 3-277 " Christopher, of Benjamin, late of Exeter, and Alice LiUibridge, of John, of South Kingstown, late deceased, by WUliam Ham mond, Justice, April 6, 1772. 3-57 " Benjamin, of Joseph, and Ruth Sweet, of John, by Elder John Pen dleton, Jan. 13, 1775. 3-44 " John, and Phebe Hopkins (widow), by Matthew .Wells, Justice, Jan. 26, 1781. 3-204 " Isaac, and Mary iPenner by Benjamin AngeU, Justice, March 22, 1802. 3-234 " TUUnghast, of Exeter, and Elizabeth Vaughn, of Sterling, Conn., Dec. 26, 1805. 3-291 " Esther, and Thomas WUcox, Nov. 1, 1841. 3-282 MORGAN Elisha, of Madison, Conn., and Mary Ann Newton, of Exeter, by Elder Benedict .Johnson, Feb. 21, 1840. 1-196 MOSH1ER Ichabod, and Anna. Tripp, hy Caleb Arnold, Justice, July 13, 1760. 2-179 " Anna, and Benjamin Tripp, March 29, 1,769. 1-181 MOTT Lydia, and WUUam Sweet, March IS, 1753. 1-239 MUMFORD John, Jr., of North Kingstown, son of John, and Mercy Rey nolds, of James, of West Greenwich, at East Greenwich, Oct. 14, 1742 1-237 " Content, and Solomon Brayman, April 9, 1744. 1-154 " Mercy, and WUliam AUen, Dec. 17, 1761. 3-286 MYCOCK John, of Coventry, R. I., and SaUy Carter, of Exeter, by Elder Daniel Slocum, Jan. 25, 1846. N 2-167 NASH Mary, and Benjamin Reynolds,, Nov. 11, 1765. 3-34 NEAGERS Elizabeth, and Gideon Bentley, April 5, 1781. 1-183 NEWCOMB Thomas, Jr., of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and Bridget Gardiner, of Isaac, of Exeter, by Benoni HaU, Justice, June 2, 1754. ¦ 3-282 NEWTON Mary Ann, and Elisha Morgan, Feb. 21, 1840. 3-26 " Elizabeth, and Levi Barber, April 29, 1773. 3-10 NEY Abbie A., and Gershom P. Sherman, July 24, 1843. EXETER MARRIAGES. 23- 3-71 NEY Beriah, of Isaac, and Mary Barber, of tSamuel, m. at Exeter, by Elder John TUlinghast, Dec. 2, 1844. 2-170 NICHOLAS Joseph, of West Greenwich, and Amie Gardiner, of Exeter, by WiUiam HaU, Justice, Jan. 25, 1767. 3-293 " David, of Coventry, R. I., and Lydia E. Sherman, of Exeter, by Elder Thomas TUling-hast, Jan. 8, 1837. 1-237 NICHOLS Alexander, of East Greenwich, and Sarah Gould of Exeter, by Benoni Hall, Justice, Jan. 29, 1743-4. 1,242 " Martha, and Richard Sweet, May 3, 1747. 1-243 " Mary, and Edward Boss. Oct. 22, 1748. 1-194 " EUzabeth, and Zebulon Barber, March 21, 1755. 1-194 " Joseph, of Plalnfield, Corn., and Anna Rathbun, of Exeter, dau. of John, dec, by Newman Perkins, Justice, Jan. 13, 1757. 1-195 " Benjamin, of Exeter, sou of James, and Margaret Allen, of East Greenwich, by Newman Perkins, Justice, Nov. 27, 175,7. 2-167 " Ruth, and George HaU, Feb. 10, 1766.. 3-55 " John, of Andrew, of South Kingstown, and Ihebe Reynolds, of John, of Exeter, by George Pierce, Justice, July 23, 1775. 1-194 NILES Jeremiah, of West Greenwich, and Mary Aylesworth, of Exeter, dau. of Robert, Jr., by Newman Perkins, Justice, Dec. 8, 1755. 3-26 " Elizabeth, and Levi Barber, April 29, 1773. 3-13 " Deborah, and Stephen Weigjitman, AprU 12, 1781. 3-176 " Mary, and Samuel Sherman, Jan. 18, 1794. 1-187 NORTHUP Mary, and Pasikow Austin, Sept. 5, 1756. 2-163 " Penelope, and David Greene, Aug. 15, 1762. 1-153 " Lebbens, and AbigaU Manton, hy W. Waite, Justice, Jan. 19, 1764. 3-157 " Francis, and Solomon Reynolds, Dec. 24, 1793. 3-160 " Jeremiah, son of Judge John, late of North Kingstown, dec, and Deborah Arnold, of Job, late of Coventry, R. I. ; m. at CovenL try, by Elder Thomas Manchester,, May 25, 1794. 3-162 " Stukeley, son of Mary, of North Kingstown, and Phebe Rathbun, of Isaac, by Stephen Reynolds, Justice, Oct. 4, 1795. 3-34 " Abbie P., and Peleg A. Dawley, Jan. 19, 1826. 3-14 " David D., of Richmond, and Dorcas Kingsley, of North Kings town, by Elder Benedict Johnson, Oct. 12, 1841. o 1-182 OLIN Elizabeth, and Benjamin Gardiner, Nov. 11, 1753. 1-185 " Henry, of Warwick, R. I., and Charity Vaughn, of North Kings town, by Elder Samuel Albro, Sept. 1, 1754. 1-238 OSBORNE Abigail, and Thomas WUcox, March 3, 1744. 3-177 PALMER Maiy, and Joseph Pettey, 'March 5, 1801. 3-262 '¦' Aseueth, and Sanford Lewis, Jan. 24, 1813. 3-292 " Amie, and Samuel Sherman, Jr., June. 9, 1822. 3-292 " George Ray, of Gershom, of Exeter, and Mary Ann Briggs, of North Kingstown, dau. of Henry, by Elder Gershom Palmer, May 18, 1823. 3-293 " Gershom, Jr., and Sarah Reynolds, of Benjamm, hy Elder Gershom Palmer, Aug. 18, 1824. 3-300 " Roswell, and Mrs. NeUie Barber, by Elder Nathaniel Sheffield, Oct. 29, 1829. 3-12 " Almira, and WUlett Peckham, June 10, 1841. 3-229 " Lydia N., and Ranson P. Eurdiek, AprU 3, 1843. 3-185 " Harriet N., and James W. Bates, Nov. 8, 1847. 3-66 " James A., of Westerly, R. I., and Susan Elvira Perkins, of Exeter, by Elder Henry Clarke, Oct. 3, 1867. 3-131 PECKHAM Jeremiah, of Newport, R. I., and Mary Chapman, of Exeter, by Elder Solomon Sprague,, Sept. 27, 1792. 24 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-131 PECKHAM Jeremiah, of Benoni, of Newport, R. I., and EUzabeth Whitman, ot Daniel, of Exeter, hy Elder Elle't Lockee, March 18, 1802. 3-12 " Willett, of South Kingstown, and Almira Palmer, of Exeter, by Elder Benedict Johnson, June 10, 1841. 3-7 " James H.. of Warwick, R. I., and Mary W. Tripp, of Exeter, by Elder Benedict Johnson, Dec. 12, 1841. 3-88 PENDLETON Elizabeth, and George Lewis, Jan. 12, 1757. 1-186 PERKINS Charity, and Thomas Rathbun, Dec. 21, 1732. 2-177 " Uriah, of Exeter, son of Newman, and Prudence Corey, of James, of Stonington, Conn., by Stephen Richmond, Justice, July 1, 1768. 3-121 " Silas, of Ebenezer, of Exeter, and Huldah Saunders, of James, of Westerly, R. I., by Robert Burdick, Justice, Aug. 26, 1789.. 3-122 " Newman, and Nancy Coon, at Hopkinton, by Thomas J. Gardiner, Justice, July 9, 1791. 3-124 " John, of Exeter, and Mary Wilcox, of Foster, R. I., by Caleb Pot ter, Justice, Feb. 16, 1792. 3-268 " Newman, Jr., of Exeter, son of 'Newman, and Elizabeth James, of West Greenwich, dau. of Joseph, by David Matteson, Justice, April 9, 1815. 3-202 " Samuel, of Exeter, and Anna Kezer, of Lisbon, Conn., by Rev. Ho ratio Waldo, March 12, 1820. 3-4 " Rhodes, of John, of Exeter, and Mary Tourgee, of Smith, of North Klnsstown, by Simon LiUibridge, Justice, March 28, 1823. 3-249 " WilHard W., of Exeter, and Mary Gorton, of West Greenwich, by Elder Stafford Greene, June 15, 1834. 3-308 " Palmer G., of John P., and Susan E. Church, dau. of Norris H., by Elder Steadman Kenyon, Jan. 4, 1852. 3-184 " Mrs. Hannah M., and Almond S. .Reynolds, Jan. 1, 1864. 3-66 " Susan Elvira, and James A. Palmer, Oct. 3, 1867. 1-190 PETTY David, of Richmond, and Mary Coldgrave, of Exeter, by Daniel Barber, Justice, April 23, 1758. 3-52 " WUliam, and Anna Aylesworth, by WUliam Sweet, Justice, Sept. 2, 1772. 3-177 " Joseph, of Nathaniel, and Mary Palmer of Amos, by Nathan Rath bun, Justice, March 5, 1801. 1-177 PHILLIPS Anna, and Benjn. Lawton, May 3, 1752. 1-195 " Mary, and Samuel Thomas, June 12, 1757. 1-195 " Samuel, of Exeter, and Phebe Thomas, of Richmond, by Newman Perkins, Justice, Oct. 27, 1757. 1-153 " Mary, and Jeremiah Rathbun, Aug. 8, 1763. 2-179 " Thomas, of Exeter, son of Sa.muel, and Martha Jones, of SUas, of Bast Greenwich, by Elder PhUUp Jenkins, Feb. 9, 1769. 3-133 " Freeman, and Mary Hoxsie, by J. W. Sheldon, Justice, April 16, 1786. 3-276 " Thomas, Jun., of Exeter, and Mercy Hoxsie, of West Greenwich, at Warwick, R. I., by Rev. Jonathan WUson, Feb. 26, 1828. 3-18 " Sabra, and Benjamin Richmond, Feb. 20, 1842. 3-311 " EUsha P., of Plalnfield, Conn., and Lucy Reynolds, of Exeter, at Exeter, by Elder Alfred B. Burdick, April 23, 1848. 3-267 " Royal L., and Susan A. Straight, by Elder Pardon Tillinghast, March 15, 1849. 3-227 " - Charles, of Sarah, of Hopldnton, and Mary Ann Carden, dau. of Peter, of Ireland, by Elder Isaac Greene, Feb. 29„ 1852. 3-10 PIERCE George, of East Greenwich, and Mary Greene of West Greenwich, at West Greenwich, by PhUlip Greene, Justice, Dec. 2, 1753. 3-62 " Amie, and Oliver Spink, Dec. 16, 1774. 3-93 " Giles, of Exeter, son of George, and Hannah Arnold, of North Kingstown, dau. of Joseph, at North Kingstown, by Elder Sol omon Sprague, Nov. 24, 1785. 1-242 PLACE Thomas, Jr., and Jemima Spencer, both of Exeter, by Elder David Sprague, Dec. 13, 1747. 1-153 " Peace, and Joseph Smith, Jan. 3, 1763. 2-171 POBPLE Stephen, and Susannah Uullman, by Robert CrandaU,, Justice, Jan. .24, 1768. EXETER MARRIAGES. 25 1^242 POTTER Joseph, of Exeter, and Catherine Spencer, of East Greenwich, by Elder David Sprague, Feb. 14, 1747. 1-242 " Benjamin, and Susamiah Sweet, by Peleg Tripp, Justice, Sept. 15, 1748. 1-195 " Gideon, of HopMnton, and Hannah Rathbun, by Newman Perkins, Justice, Oct. 30, 1757. 3-19 " Mary, and Nathan Wilcox, June 15, 1764. 3-31 " Abel, of Exeter, son of Joseph, and AbigaU Stafford, of Coventry, R. I., dau. of Tliomas, by Elder PhUUp Jenkins, Dec. 16, 1770. 3-65 " Silence, and Elijah Case, ;— , 1774. , 3-178 " Joshua, of Smitheon, of Richmond, and Deborah Young, of Caleb, of Exeter, by Stephen Reynolds, Justice, March 18. 1798. ¦ 3-11 " WUUam Waite, of Exeter, son of WUliam, and Thankful Knowles Carpenter, of Jeremiah, of South Kingstown, by Elder Gershom Palmer. Sept. 7, 1810. 3-12 " Jesse, of Clarke, and Betsey Sherman, of Eber, by Elder Gershom Palmer, March 17, 1825. 3-192 " Clarke, son of WUliam, dec, and Sarah Sherman, of Wanton, by Elder Gershom Palmer. Sept. 1. 1825. 3-299 " Samuel C, of Clarke, and Waitv Champlain, of Natltanlel, by Elder Moses Fifleld, Jan. 2, 1831. 3-15 " Hannah, and Mary Bates, June 18, 1826. 3-18 " WUUam C, of Benjamin, and Ann Brayman, of Solomon, by Elder E. J. Locke, AprU 20, 1843. 3-227 " Alice, ani Reynolds James, March 31, 1844. 3-231 " Betsey, and John Moore, Dec. 28, 1845. 3-17 " Lourania B., and Prince A. Taylor, Aug. 10, 1861. 2-171 PULLMAN Susannah, and Stephen Popple, Jan. 24, 1768. 3-161 " Mercy, aud Joseph WUcox, Jan.. 7, 1796. Q R 1-241 RATHBUN Benjamm, and Hannah Carpenter, by WiUiam Tripp, Justice, Oct. 31, 1732. 1-186 " Thomas, of North Kmgstown, and Charity Perkins, of Ebenezer, of Valentine, by John Brown, Justice, Dec. 31, 1732. 1-179 " Sarah, and WUbur Earl, Dec. 10, 1752. 1-179 '¦' Capt. John, and Elizabeth Dawley, of John, Jr., by Benoni HaU, Justice, Dec. 13, 1752. 1-161 " Thomas, of Exeter, and Mary Clarke, widow of John, late of New port, by Benoni Hall, Justice, June 3, 1753. 1-184 " Margaret, and Samuel Havens, Jan. 3, 1,754. 1-190 " Joshua, and Amie Aylesworth, by Newman Perkins, Justice, Jan. 2, 1755. 1-186 " John, and Mary Ross, by Elder Samuel Albro, July 31, 1755. 1-194 " Anna, and Joseph Nichols, Jan. 13, 1757. 1-195 " Jonathan, of John, dec, and Susannah Barber, of Joseph, by Newman Perkins, Justice, March 3, 1757. 1-195 " Hannah, and Gideon Potter, Oct. 30, 1757. 1-195 " Daniel, and Mary Foster, by Newman Perkins, Justice, May 28, 1758. 1-158 " Gideon, and Dorcas Kenyon, by Newman Perkins, Justice, Feb. 18, 1759. 1-159 " Sarah, and John Wilcox, Sept. 30, 1759. 1-159 " Mary, and Christopher Kenyon, Dec. 27, 1759. 1-154 " Rebecca, and Reynolds Cahoone, Nov. 5, 1761. 2-163 " Marian, and Samuel Hill, Feb. 29, 1762. 2-163 " Ann, and Oliver Lawton, Oct. 21, 1762. 1-153 " Jeremiah, and Mary Phillips, by Elder Samuel Albro, Aug. 8, 1763. 2-167 " Alee, and Randall Lewis, Nov. 21, 1765. 3-19 '• Joseph, of Obediah, and Margeret Dawley, of John, by Daniel Sunderland, Justice, Aug. 17, 1766. 3-13 " Charity!, and Daniel Barber, Aug. 11, 1769. 26 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-177 RATHBUN Margaret, and Peleg Dawley, ,Nov. 27, 1768. 2-179 " Mercy, and Reynolds Cahoone, Feb. 12, 1769. 3-63 " Isaac, of John, and Mary Eldred, of Samuel, by Samuel Gorton, Justice, Jan. 14, 1776. 3-273 " John, of John, of Exeter, and Sarah Casey, of John of West Greenwich, by Elder Caleb Nicholas, Oct. 10, 1776. 3-28 " Patience, and Benjamin Clarke, Jan. 2, 1780. 3-79 " Rebecca, and Gideon Arnold, Aug. 18, 1785. 3-100 " WilUam, and Mrs. Sarah Greene, at Norwich, by Jonathan' Hunt ington, Hon. Justice, July 9, 1786. 3-118 " Phebe, and Jonathan Wilcox, Jan. 1, 1792. 3-150 " Anna, and Henry Barber, Nov. 1, 1792. 3-141 " John, and Joanna Joslin, by Thomas Albro. Justice, March 3, 1793. 3-202 " Rowland, of John, of Exeter, and Freelove Brown, of Zephaniah, of Hopkinton, by Elder Henry Joslin, May 11, 1794. 3-158 " Sarah and Samuel Littlefield, Feb. 19, 1795. 3-162 " Phebe, and Stukeley Northup,, Oct. 4, 1795. 3-163 " Stephen, of Gideon, and Lucy Lewis, of Elisha, by Stephen Rey nolds, Justice, Dec. 17, 1795. 3-174 " Paul, son. of Joshua, and Patience WUcox, widow of Thurston, dau. of Nathaniel Kenyon, by Nathan Rathbun1, .Justice, Sept. 4, 1796. 3-183 " Olive, and James Lewis, Oct. 18„ 1798. 3-249 " Anna, and John Rathbun, AprU 25, ,1802. 3-249 " John, 3d, son of John, Jr., of Exeter, and Anna ' Rathbun, of Joshua, of Tyringham, Conn., by Elder EUiot Locke, AprU 25, 1802. 3-209 " Charity, and Harrington WUcox, Aug. 1, 1802. 3-220 " Olive, and Sheffield Rathbun, Feb. 10, 1803. 3-220 " Sheffield, of Joshua, and Olive Rathbun, of John, by Nathan Rath bun, Justice, Feb. 10, 1803. 3-232 " Abel, of John, Jr., of Exeter, and Dorcas Lewis, of Jacob, of West Greenwich, hy Elder Ellet Locke, Nov. 30, 1806. 3-299 " Phebe B., and Samuel E. Barber, Nov. 21, 1816. 3-280 " Joshua, 2d, and Susannah Richmond, of John, by Elder Gershom Palmer, May 22, 1817. 3-220 " Sheffield, of Exeter, and Dorcas Babcock, of Richmond, by Elder Matthew StUlman, Dec. 20, 1829. 3-220 " Sheffield, of Exeter, and Esther Adams,, of KUlingly, Conn., hy Elder Stafford Greene, Jan. 1, 1833. 3-304 " Willett, of Exeter, son of Sheffield, and Hannah Matteson, of West Gireenwich, dau. of Reuben, by Elder Stafford Greene, Sept. 9, 1832. 3-257 " Beriah L., of Exeter, and Hannah Rathbun, of West Greenwich, by Elder Tliomas TUlinghast, Oct. 31, 1839. 3-257 " Hannah, and Bertha L. Rathbun, Oct. 31, 1839. 3-8 " Henry D., and Susan James, by Elder Benedict Johnson, March 14, 1841. 3-241 '•" Sally 'B., and Edward Barber, AprU 9, 1844. - 3-247 " Sally, and Ira A. Wilcox, Sept. 18, 1842. 3-214 " Sheffield, of Joshua, of Exeter, and Betsey Wood of Joab, of Cov entry, R. I., dau. of Caleb Briggs, hy Isaac Greene, Justice, June 9, 1850. 1-239 REYNOLDS Mercy, and John Mumford, Oct. 14, 1742. 1-241 " WUliam, and Hannah Wilcox, by WUliam Tripp, Justice, Nov. 12, 1745. 1-242 " Benjamin, of John, of Exeter, and AUce Waite, of John, by Benoni HaU, Justice, March 19, 1746. 3-95 " Sarah, and Sylvester Lewia, June 3, 1748. 3-139 " Isabel, and .Solomon Sprague, June 3, 1750. 1-244 " Deliverance, and Joshua Gardiner, AprU 28, 1751. 1-177 " Susannah, and Samuel Cottrell, Feb. 6, 1752. 1-181 " Mary, and John Congdon, March 25, 1753. EXETER MARRIAGES. 27 1-182 REYNOLDS Robert, of Joseph, of West Greenwich, and Hannah Benttey, of Exeter, dau. of James, at Exeter, by Benoni Hall, Justice, July 15, 1753. 3-186 " Freelove, and John Kenyon, June 8, 1755. 1-187 " Robert, of George, and Eunice Waite, of John, by Elder David Sprague, Jan. 20, 1757. 1-180 " Mary, and Reuben Waite, July 13, 1758. 1-190 " Anne, and Abel Baker, Oct. 7, 1758. 1-192 " Martha, and Nathaniel Cottrell, Dec. 21, 1758. 1-192 " OUver, of Capt. John, and Mary Gardiner, of Nicholas, by Benoni Hall, Justice, Feb. 8, 1759. 1-160 " James, of James, and Amie Harrington, by Stephen Richmond), Justice, Jan. 10, 1760. 1-157 " Martha, and WUliam Gardiner, March 2, 1760. 1-156 " Benjamin, of South Kingstown, and Anna Harrington, of John, late of Exeter, by Benjamin Reynolds, Justice, Nov. 16, 1760. 1-154 " Elizabeth, and James Sherman, Nov. 19, 1761. 12-170 " Lydia, and Othnlel Gardiner, Aug. 16, 1764. 2-166 " Joseph, and Elizabeth Gardiner, by Elder Samuel Albro, April 12, 1765. 2-167 " Benjamin, and Mary Nash, both of South Kingstown, by Elder Samuel jAlbro, Nov. 11 , 1765. 2-176 " Deborah, and Timothy Lawton, Nov. 21, 1765. 2-170 " John, Jr., and Margaret Gardiner, by Thomas Justin, Justice, AprU 6, 1767. 3-14 " Benjamin, of Job, and Sarah Oottrell, of Nathaniel, by Daniel Sunderland, Justice, Aug. 27, 1769. 3-4 " Joseph, of Benjamin, of Exeter, and Mary Arnold, of Joseph, of North Kingstown, at North Kingstown, by George Thomas, Jus tice, Oct. 29, 1769. 3-106 " Joseph, of George, of Exeter, and Experience Davis, of WUUam, of West Greenwich, by Elder Solomon Sprague, Oct. 31, 1771. 3-25 " Lydia, and WiUiam HaU, Dec. 20, 1771. 3-38 " Henry, of Henry, of West Greenwich, and Mrs. Jemima Weight- man, of George, of Warwick, R. I., by Elder John Gorton, Sept. 27, 1772. 3-50 " Hannah, and Sylvester Gardiner, June 6, 1773. 3-70 " Stephen, of North Kingstown, and AbigaU CottreU, of Exeter, by Eber Sherman, Justice, March 3, 1774. 3-55 " Phebe. and John Nichols, July 23, 1775. 3-59 " George, of Job, and Nancy Reynolds, of Jonathan, by George Pierce, Justice, May 30, 1779. 3-59 " Nanney, and George Reynolds, May 30, 1779. 3-267 " Anna, and PhiUip TUlinghast, AprU 14, 1782. 3-66 " Hannah, and Oliver Arnold, Nov. 24, 1782. 3-75 " Alice, and Samuel Champlain, Dec. 10, 1782. 3-77 " Benjamin, of Clement, and Lucy Bentley, by George Pierce, Jus tice, Dec. 22, 1785. 3-112 " Benjamin, Jr., of Exeter, and Elizabeth Whltford, of David, by Elder Nathan HUl, May 0, 1790. 3-154 " Hannah, and Oliver Ellis, March 1, 1792. 3-129 " Margaret, and WUliam Weaver, Nov. 11, 1792. 3-157 " Solomon, of Robert and Eunice, of Exeter, and Frances Northup, of Rouse and Sarah, of North .Kingstown, by .Elder William Northup, Dec. 24, 1793. 3-184 " Waite, of Thomas, of West Greenwich, and Elizabeth CrandaU, of Joseph, 175S- 1-164 '¦' Elizabeth, of Joseph and Sarah, Nov. 29, 1758. 1-164 " Joseph, March 29, 1768. 3-27 " George Waite, of George Waite and Susannah, May 11, 1778. 1-169 BAKER Benjamin, of Samuel and Abigail, .Jan. 21, 1749. 1-169 " Amos, Peb- 2, 1750. 1-169 " Thomas, Oct. 29, 1751. 1-169 " Ruth, Feb. 24, 1753. 1-169 " Mary, Nov. 24, 1756. 1-169 " John, July 16, 1759. 1-169 " Peleg, May 23, 1761. 1-169 " Mehltable, March 10, 1764. 1-165 " Dorcas, of Elisha and Sarah, May 18, 1754. 1-165 " David, Dec. 6, 1755. 1-165 '" Harrington, Oct. 8, 17'56. 1-165 " Christian, May 18, 1758. 40 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-215 BARBER. Rebecca, of Nathaniel and Charity, 3-43 "• Mary, of Moses and Barberry, 3-43 " Moses, 3-294 " Moses, Jr., o. Nov. 13, 1768. 3-294 " Mary (Clarke), wife of Moses, Jr., 3-294 " Moses, 3d, of Moses and Mary, 3-294 « Robert, 3-294 " Thomas C, 3-294 " Aaron, 3-294 " Samuel A., 3-294 " Washington, 3-294 " Jefferson, 3-2?4 " Narati^n, 3-294 " Benjamin, 3-294 " Edward, 3-123 " WUcox, of LiUibridge and Alice, 3-123 " Alice, 3-1.23 " Edward, 3-1 23 " Susannah, 3-123 " Learnard, 3-123 " Rhoda, 3-198 " West, of Asa and Marian, 3-198 " Asa, 3-198 " Smith, 3-253 " Mary, of Reuben and Mary, 3-299 " Rowland Rathbun, ot Sam'l C. and Phebe B. 3-299 " SaUy Rathbun, 3-307 " Henry, of Thomas C. and Susan, 3-307 " Clarke, 3-307 " Mary Ann, 3-238 BARROWS Catherine 2d, dau. of Joseph and Deborah 3-6 BATES Joseph, of Jonathan, Jr., and Anna, 1-201 BEARDMARE John, of Thomas and Eleanor, 1-E01 " Gideon, 1-201 " Mary, 1-E01 " Anna, 1-201 " Nicholas, 1-201 " Damarius, 1-201 « Nickolas, 1-201 " Thomas, 1-201 BENTLEY Caleb, of Benjamin, Jr., and Sarah. 1-201 « Joseph, 1-201 " Thomas, 1-201 " .Samuel. 1-201 "' Benjamin, 1-224 " Patience, of Thomas, Jr., and Margaret, 1-224 " Sarah, 1-224 " Benjamm, 1-224 " John, 1-224 " Zervlah, .2-169 " Sarah, of Caleb and Leah, 2-169 " Hannah, 2-169 " WUUam, Note— Eldest born East Greenwich: 1-170 " Niobe, of Caleb and Martha, 3-34 " Isaac, of Gideon and Elizabeth, 3-34 " Christopher, 3-34 " Thomas, 3-87 BISSELL Mary, of Samuel and Sarah, 3-87 " Juhn. 3-87 " Stephen, 3-87 " Sarah, 3-288 " Thomas, of Caleb A. and Mary, 3-288 " Thomas, 3-288 " Mary Ann, June 16, 1755. May 16, 1764. Nov. 13, 1768. Feb. 1, 1774. June 23, 1794. Aug. 21, 1796. Dec. 29, 1798. Nov. 8, 1800. Feb. 19, 1803. Jan. 11, 1807. Jan. 11, 1307. AprU 6, 1809. Aug. 10, 1814. Feb. 14, 1816. March 2, 1774. Aug. 28, 1777. July 17, 1779. July 17, 1779. Nov. 30„ 1787. July 6, 1791. July 21, 1781. Aug. 28, 1787. Nov. — , 1789. AprU 29, 1811. Sept. 23, 1817. AprU 1„ 1824. May 23, 1825. Dec. 5, 1826. March 5, 1838. March 25, 1780. Sept. 25, 1778. May 17, 1740. May 11, 1743. Sept. 26, 1745. Aug. 2, 1749. May 15, 1752. May 19, 1754. May 13, 1756. July 6, 1758. Aug. 25, 1739. March 25, 1740-1. Jan. 4, 1743. Jan. 4, 1746. May 5, 1749. July 22, 1752. Sept. 14, 1754. March 15, 1757. Aug. 23, 1760. AprU 4, 1763. May 12, 1764. Feb. 12, 1766. Jan. 17, 1768. the others Exeter. Nov. 2, 1761. Aug. 3 2, 1781. July 6, 1783. Jan. 13, 1785. Oct. 16. 1779. Sept. 15, 1781. Sept. 29,1783. Aug. — , 1785. July 22, 1823. died Dee. 19, 1824. Oct. 30, 1824. EXETER BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 41 3-176 BOONE Lydia Sheffield, of Richard and Betsey, Feb. 4, 1796. 3-176 cc Thomas, Sept. 13, 1797. 1-202 BRAYMAN Solomon, of James and Elizabeth, July 2, 1723. 1-202 it Sarah, Sept. 18, 1731. 3-97 BRIGGS James, of Peleg and Elizabeth, May 3, 1787. 3-74, 75 BROWNING John, b. Nov. 15, 1742, died Fob. 24, 1832. 3-74, 75 it Mary, wife of John, died July 5, 1776. 3-74, 75 cc Eunice. died AprU 15, 1816. 3-74, 75 cc Jededlah, of John and Mary, Sept. 4, 1767. 3-74, 75 cc John, Oct. 20, 1770. 3-74, 75, cc George Hazard, of John and Eunice, July 7, 1779. 3-74, 75 cc George Hazard, died April 26, 1795. 3-74, 75 cc Mary, June 1, 1781. 3-74, 75 It Eunice, June 4, 1783. 3-74, 75 It Avery, Feb. 8, 1786. 3-74, 75 iCC Annie, March 16, 1788. 3-74, 75 cc Jesse, Aug. 31, 1792. 3-74, 75 It George Williams, Aug. 10, 1796. 3-193 cc Thurston, of Jolm and Susannah, May 3, 1778. 3-271 cc Arnold, of Avery and Mary, May 27, 1810. 3-271 " Hiram, Oct. 6, 1813. 3-271 it Beriah H., Sept. 13, 1819. 3-271 tl Eunice Williams, Dec. 27, 1824. 3-271 a Eunice WUliam s, died Feb. 6, 1831. 3-271 it Clarke, March 10, 1829. 3-15 BROWN James E. (also 3-165), died March 26, 1846. 3-89 CARR Hannah, of John and Mary, Oct. 9, 1736. 3-89 cc John Chapman, AprU 10, 1787. 3-89 " Mercy, March 4, 1789. 3-89 it James Casey, March 13, 1701. 3-89 It Stephen, Jan. 30, 1794. 1-214 CASEY Sarah, of John and Mercy, May 18, 1745. 1-214 cc Sarah, died June 2, 1752. 1-214 cc Mary, AprU 24, 1747. 1-214 It Mary, died June 26, 1752. 1-214 a Samuel, April 14, 1750. 1-214 " Mercy, April 28, 1752. 1-214 cc John, Feb. 28, 1754. 1-214 cc Sarah, Nov. 7, 1755. 1-214 cc Mary, Feb. 7, 1758. 1-211 " Abel, Of John and Mercy, May 21„ 1760. 1-214 " Dorcas, May 11, 1769. 1-223 " Edmund, of Gideon and Jean, Aug. 20, 1747. 1-223 cc Dorcas, of Thomas and Alee, June 16, 1749. 1-223 " Mary, AprU 6, 1751. 3-17 CASE Elijah, of Alexander and . Mary, April 3, 1753. 3-17 " Lydia, Feb. 25, 1757. 3-17 " Joseph, 4th son, Aug. 6, 1759. 3-17 " Hannah, Aug. 7, 1763. 3-17 cc Susannah, Jan. 12, 1767. Note— 3 eldest born Soutli Kingstown, 2 youngest Exeter. 1-208 " Elisha, of Mit.hell and Ann, June 23, 1745. 3-65 cc Mary, of Elijah and SUence, Dec. 12„ 1774. 3-65 " Elijah, Sept. 11 . 1776. 1-205 CHAMPLAIN Jeffrey, of Jeffrey and Mary, Oct. 4, 1726. 1-205 " Thomas, Sept. 17, 1723. 1-205 " Susannah, Jan. x, 1730-1. 1-205 " Mary, Jan. 12, 1732-3. 1-205 " Emblem, Jan. 31, 1734^5. 1-205 " Elizabeth, June 20, 1737. 1-205 cc Christopher, Oct. 13, 1730. 42 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-205 CHAMPLAIN Benjamin, of Jeffrey and Mary, 1-205 " Daniel, 1-220 " John, of John and Freelove, 1-220 " Samuel, 1-220 " William, 1-220 " Stephen, 1-220 " Thomas. 1-220 " AbigaU, 1-220 " Elisha, 1-220 " Susannah, 1-220 " Freelove, 1-217 " Jeffrey, of Jeffrey, Jr., and Mary, 1-217 " George Gardiner, 1-217 " WilUam, 1-217 " Stephen, i 1-217 " Mary, 1-217 , " Susannah, 1-217 " Hannah, 1-217 " Ezekiel, 1-217 " Rowland Gardiner, 3-1 " Christopher, of Christopher and Mary, 3-1 <• Nathaniel, 3-1 " (dau.), Oct. 17, 1767 3-1 " Mary, 3-5 " Nicholas, of Benjamin and Elizabeth, 3-5 " Daniel, 3-73 " Watson, of Thomas and Thankful, 3-98 " Jordan Sprague, of EUsha and Phebe, 3-98 " Elizabeth, 3-75 " John, of Samuel and Alice, 3-75 " Benjamin, 3-75 " Hannah, 3-75 " Waite, 3-75 " Russell, 3-75 " Samuel, 3-151 " Jesse, of Christopher, Jun., and Dorcas, 3-151 " Hannah, 3-151 " Mary, 3-151 " Martha Cottrell, 3-141 " Hannah, of Stephen and Dorcas, 3-141 " Hannah, of Stephen and Dorcas, 3-041 " Stephen, 3-1 " Christopher, died May 26, 1801, In 62d year, 3-1 " Mary, widow of do., died Jan. 12, 1813, in 76th year. 3-1 « WiUiam, of Watson, 3-284 " Sylvester W., of George G., and Mary, 2-173 CHAPMAN Isaac, of John and Elizabeth, 2-173 " Mary, 3-167 CHURCH Martha, of Nathaniel and Lucy, 3-167 " Benedick, 3-167 " Benedick, 3-167 " Susannah, 3-28 CLARKE' John, of Benjamin and Patience, 3^28 " Lydia, * 3-179 « Alee, of Moses, Jr., and AbigaU, 3-179 " Stephen, 3-179 " Susannah, 3-179 " Abigail, 1-224 CODISTER George, of Ephariam, Jr., and Mary, 1-224 " Nathan. 1-224 " Ephariam, 3-146 " EUzabeth, of Ephariam and Peace, 3-146 " Anna, 3-146 " Patience, 3-146 " Barber, 3-146 " Kenyon, Oct. 13, 1741. June 11. , 1744. July 30 , 1744. July 17 , 1746. Aug. 15 , 1749. Aug. 27, 1751. Jan. 23, 1754. June 23, 1756. iNov. 11, 1758. Oct. 31, 1761. June 15, 1767. Oct. 6, 1749. July 19, 1754. May 19, 1756. Feb. 19, 1761. Nov. 1, 1762. Aug. 19, 1764. Aug. 19, 1764. AprU 24, 1767. March 29, 1770. March 11, 1764. Nov. 30, 1765. died May 26, 1769. d. May, 26, 1769. Jan. 18, 1764. Oct. 3, 1769. July 11, 1784. Dec. 15, 1784. Dec. 16, 1787. March 26, 1785. May 9, 1786. Dec. 30, 1788. March 20, 1791. July 23, 1793. Aug. 24, 1796. June 23, 1787. Deo. 4, 1789. Jan. 6, 1792. Jan. 13, 1794. Aug. 20, 1799. died, Sept. 6, 1822. March 9, 1801. th year. Aug. 17, 1808. Aug. 11, 1813. Feb. 14, 1766. Aug. 8, 1767. Jan. 27, 1796. Oct. 19, 1797. March 16, 1798. Aug. 7, 1799. Sept. 22, 1780. March 7, 1783. Sept. 30, 1798. Dec 20, 1799. AprU 16, 1301. Sept. 20, 1803. Feb. 13, 1749. March 4, 1752. Feb. 3, 1753. Dec. 29, 1778. Aug. 29, 1780. Oct. 29, 1782< March 27, 1785. May 1, 1787. EXETER BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 43 ^-146 CODNER Stephen, of Ephraim and Peace, April 1, 1789. 3-146 " David, June 10, 1791. 3-146 " Merabah, Oct. 18, 1794. 3-146 cc Charlotte, July 15, 1798. 3-146 " Phebe, March 29, 1800. 1-204 COLDGROVE Sarah, of John and Susannah, Oct. 18, 1738. 1-204 cc Susannah, May 21, 1740. 1-204 " John, Jan. 21, 1743. 1-204= " James, June 29, 1746. 3-11 cc Susannah, of James and Ann, Sept. 4, 1766. 3-11 " Dorcas, March 27, 1768. 3-11 cc Sarah, Jan. 28. 1770. 3-11 cc RusseU, Note— Youngest borim Richmond. AprU 2, 1772. 1-228 CONGDON James, of John and Mary, Nov. 23, 1753. 1-228 " Hannah, March 4, 1755. 1-228 " John, March 23. 1757. 1-228 " Henry, July 24, 1759. 1-228 cc Jonathan, July 9, 1761. 1-228 cc Benjamin, May 8, 1763. 1-228 " Joseph, April 18, 1765. 1-228 cc Mary, July 31, 1766. 1-228 " Elizabeth, Aug. 17, 1768. 3-23 " Azariah, of John and Naomi, June 18, 1771. 3-23 cc J . Naomi, June 18, 1771. 3-23 cc WUliam, Jan. 1, 1773. 3-33 " Oliver, April 15, 1775. 3-23 " Mary, March 15, 1777. 3-23 " AbigaU, of John and AbigaU (2d m.) Dec. 2, 1778. 3-23 " Carey Oct. 21, 1780. 3-23 " Gideon, Feb. 9, 1783. 3-23 cc Peleg, Oct. 9, 1784. 2-178 CORPSE Anna, of David and Susannah, Dec. 30, 1703. 1-214 COTTRELL AbigaU, of Nathaniel and Deborah, Feb. 16, 1727. 1-214 tt Samuel, Nov. 27, 1729. 1-214 tt Deborah, Nov. 19, 1731. 1-214 it Joshua, Sept. 2, 1733. 1-214 " John, Aug. 15, 1735. 1-214 " John, died April 11, 1737. 1-214 a Mary, May 17, 1737. 1-214 tt Nathaniel, Jan. 18, 1739. 1-214 tt David, March 15, 1742. 1-214 ti Sarah, June 10, 1745. 1-214 a Hannah, Feb. 23, 1748. 3-153 " Abigail, of Samuel and Susannah, Dec. 11, 1752. 3-153 " John. Sept. 29, 1755. 3-153 tt Lucy, Feb. 23', 1758. 3-153 tt Nathaniel, Oct. — , 1760. 3-153 " Nathaniel, died Dec. — , 1762. 3-153 " Martha, July 22, 1762. 3-153 cc Samuel, April 25, 1765. 3-153 cc Freelove, March 30, 1768. 3-153 it Susannah, March 30, 1768. 3-194 tl Benjamin B., of Samuel, Jr., and Susannah, March 25, 1792. 3-194 it Mary, Feb. 11, 1794. 3-194 tl Peckham, March 6, 1796. 3-194 tl Jesse, June 3, 1798. 3S5 CRANDALL Robert, Feb. 21, 1735. 3-35 a Elizabeth, of Robert and Mary, July 6, 1766. 3-35 tt Annie, June 5, 1768. 3-35 ft Robert, Dec 31, 1769. 3-35 tt Joseph, of John, April 22, 1738. 3-33 tt Hannah, of Joseph and Olive, June 14, 1767. 3-33 tt Charity, March 4, 1770. 3-33 tl Joseph, Julv 13. 1771. 4'4 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-33 CRANDALL Olive, of Joseph and OUve, 3-33 " Cate Wheeler, 3-33 " Waite, 3-33 " Edward Wheeler, 3-144 John G., of Robert and Margaret, 3-144 " Mary, 3-144 " Amie, 3-144 " Robert H., 3-144 " Joseph, 3-144 " Waite G., 3-144 " Sarah, 3-144 " Margaret, 3-144 " Hannah, 3-290 SUas C, of Joseph and Hannah C 3-290 " Mary C, Oct. 27, Nov. 23', Dec. 21, May 14, AprU 21, March 12, AprU 4, AprU 12, AprU 16, July 9, Sept. 29, Feb. 14, July 8, March 29, July 19, 1773. 1782. 1784.1788. 1793. 1795.1797. 1798. 1800. 1802. 1804. 1807. 1809. 1832. 1834. D 3-52 DAVIS. Benjamin, of WUUam and Mary, 3-62 " James, (2d son) of David and Patience, 3-62 " Samuel, (3d son) 3-180 DAWLEY Daniel, Jr., of Daniel, 3-241 " MatUda, of Vincent and Sarah, 3-241 " Christopher Harrington, 3-30 " Alcey Ann, of WUliam and Phebe, 3-30 " WUliam, 3-30 " Roxanntt, 3-30 " Elizabeth, Jan. 9, 1774 June 10, 1782 Aug. 1, 1785 April 9, 1789 July 17, 1809 Aug. 3, 1811. Nov. 27, 1814 Sept. 13, 1817 Aug. 11, 182'2 June 22, 1811 1 162 ELDRED Jeremiah, of WUliam and Abigail, 1-162 " WiUiam, 1-102 " John, 1-162 " Ruth, 1-162 " Daniel, 1-162 " James, 1-162 " Thomas, 3-154 ELLIS Ann, of OUver and Hannah, 3-154 " Gideon, 3-168 ENSWORTH Betty, of Learnard and Esther, 3-168 " Esther, 3-168 " Joseph, 3-168 " Job WUcox, Dec. 13, 1738. Dec. 26, 1744 March 5, 1742. Aug. 5, 1744. Oct. 29, 1746. May 12, 1749 Feb. 26, 1752 Nov. 25, 1792. March 11, 1794 Oct. 4, 1795. Feb. 25, 1798 June 24, 1303 Aug. 29, 1805 1-208 FOREDICE James, of John and Lucianna, 1-208 " Sarah, 1-208 " John, 1 -208 " Lncianna, Jan. 30, 1734. Nov. IS, 1737. May 24, 1740. Dec. 12, 1744. Q 1-196 GARDINER Isaac, of Benoni and Mary 1-196 ' Mary, of Isaac and Elizabeth, 1-1 96 ' Elizabeth, 1-196 ' Sarah, 1-190 ' Isaac, 1-196 ' Benoni, 1-1,197 ' Samuel, Jan. 7, 1687-8. Mar. 30, 1711. Mar. 24, 1714-5. May 5, 1716. May. 5, 1718. May 31, 1720. Sept. 27, 1722. EXETER BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 45 1-1, 197 GARDINER Penelope, of Isaac and Elizabeth, July 19, 1725. 1-1,197 " SUas, Oct. 29, 1727. 1-1,197 " Gideon, Jan. 8, 1729. 1-1,197 " Bridget, Aug. 21, 1734. 1-200 " Mary, of Nicholas and Martha, Sept. 22, 1732. 1-200 " WUUam, Sept. 9, 3 734. 1-200 " Margaret, June 13, 1736. 1-200 " Nicholas, Mar. 2, 1738. 1-200 " Martha, Aug. 31, 1739. 1-200 " Ann, May, 28, 1741. 1-200 " Elizabeth, Sept. 22, 1743. 1-200 " HuUng, Aug. 18, 1745. 1-217 " Peleg, of Isaac, Jr., and Margaret, June 2, 1740. 1-217 " Oliver, June 24, 1742. 1-217 " Isaac, Aug. 16, 1744. 1-217 " Nickolas, May 30, 1748. 1-217 " Waite, Oct. 3, 1751. 1-207 " Mary, Sept. 24, 1754. 1-217 " John, Nov. 29, 1756. 1-213 " Lydia, of Jeremiah and Tabitha, June 15, 1741. 1-213 " Phebe, May 27, 1745. 1-213 " Benjamin, Nov. 9, 1747. 1-213 " Othnlel, of Benoni and EUzabeth, June 24, 1742. 1-213 " EUzabeth, Dec. 21, 1743. 1-213 " Latham, Jan. 11, 1745. 1-168 " Latham, died, Feb. 27, 1747. 1-168 " Benoni, Aug. 18, 1747. 1-168 " Benoni, died1 Feb. 27, 1749. 1-168 " Ruth, Jan. 12, 1750. 1-168 " Benoni, Jan. 7, 1752. 1-168 " Lucy, May 15, 1755. 1-168 " Luoy, died Oct. 27, 1756. 1-163 " Abel, of John and Amie, Sept. 2, 1747. 1-163 " Waite, May 4, 1750. 1-163 " ZUpha, Jan. 14, 1752. 1-163 " ZUpha, died Feb. 9, 1752. 1-163 " John, AprU 7, 1753. 1-163 " Henry Greene, AprU 5, 1755. 1-163 " Samuel, May 13, 1757. 3-51 " Benjamin, of Jeremiah, Jnn., Nov. 9, 1747. 3-51 " Tabitha, wife of Benjamin, Sept. 4, 1748. 3-51 " Clarke, of Benjamin and Tabitha, June 20, 1767. 3;51 " WUbur, Dec 16, 1769. 3-51 " Jeremiah, Jan. 3, 1772. 3-51 " Dorcas, Feb. 13, 1774. 3-61 " James, of Nicholas and Dorcas, Oct. 26, 1750. 3-61 " Sylvester, ) Aug. 30, 1752. 3-61 " Francis, April 4, 1755. 3-61 " Dorcas, March ',12, 17'0. 3-61 " Martha, wife of Nicholas, died Sept. 25, 1746. 3-61 " Dorcas, died March 23, 1775. 1-161 " Benoni, of Samuel and Elizabeth, March 30, 1751. 1-161 " ' Mary, Jan. 16, 1753. 1-161 " James, Oct. 1, 1754. 1-3 63 " Sarah, of Caleb and Mary, May 3, 1754. 1-163 " Clarke, Sept. 13, 1755. 1-163 " Ann, March 5. 1757. 1-H63 " Heart, July 15, 1759. 1-176 " Simeon, of Benj. and Elizabeth, Oct. 22, 1754. 1-176 " Alice, May 6, 1756. 1-176 " Mary, Jan. 31 1757. 1-176 " Benjamin, Sept. 13, 1759. 1-176 " EUzabeth, '¦ Sept. 12, 1761. 1-176 " Howland, Sept. 1, 1763. (Vlt. Ree, Vol. 5.) 15 46 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-176 GARDINER Nathaniel, of Benj. and Elizabeth, 1-176 " Caleb, 3-101 " Samuel, of John and Annie, 3-101 " Mary, 3-101 cc Amie, 3-101 " Margaret, 1-166 cc Patience, of Jeremiah and Mary, 1-166 cc Thomas, 1-170 " Elizabeth, wUe of Isaac, 3-53 " Honor, of Nicholas and Deborah, 3-5.3 " Vincent, 3-53 cc Elizabeth, 3-53 " Nicholas, 3-53 cc Beriah, 3-53 " Willett, 3-53 " Elizabeth, 3-53 cc Benjamin Champlin, 3-56 cc Sarah, of Huling and EUzabeth, 3-56 ;' Gould, 3-56 " Wanton, 3-56 " Mary, Note— Eldest born North Klngstot 3-80 tl Sweet, of Abel ' and Dorothy, 3-80 it George, 3-80 " Mary, 3-80 tl Amie, 3-252 tt Nicholas, of George and Dorcas, 3-229 " Nathan AUen, of John (of James) and 3-297 It Harrison, of Joseph Warren and Mary, 3-297 tt Greene, 3-297 it Mary Fields, 3-207 ;c Joseph Warren, 3-297 " Owen G., 3-297 it Massena T., 3-297 " Ansel B., 3-297 ti Calvin P., 1-211 GILL John, of Daniel and Hannah, 1-211 it Sarah, 1-211 « Daniel, 1-211 it Hannah, 1-211 " Susannah, 1-211 tt Samuel, 1-213 GREENE Prudence, of Philip and Hannah, 1-213 cc Mary, 1-175 '¦' Eunice, of Benjamin and Mehltable, 1-175 " Waite, 1-175 " Son (b. and d.), 1-175 " Henry, 1-175 " Margaret, 1-175 " Joseph, 1-175 cc Sarah, 1-175 Cc Benjamin, 1175 " Mary, 1-175 cc Duty, 1-175 " WiUiam, Oct. 11, 1765. Feb. 14, 1768. May 5, 1757. AprU 7, 1759. July 1 1761. Aug. 27, 1767. Dec. 31, 1757. May 23, 1760. died May 20, 1759. Jan. 3, 1763. Dec. 9, 1764. April 10, 1767. Aug. 11, 1769. Nov. 16, 1771. Feb. 13, 1774. Oct. 6, 1776. April 27, 1779. Oct. 7, 1768. Oct. 17, 1772. Dec 5, 1775. March 22, 1778. June 1, 1773. Aug. 19, 1775. Aug. 14, 1777. Aug. 16, 1780. Nov. 7, 1803. , Nov. 17, 1805. May 18, 1830. Nov. 24, 1831. Sept. 10, 1834. March — , 1836. Jan. 8, 1845. Nov. 9, 1846. Jan. 29, 1849. April 24, 1851. June 29, 1732. Sept. 30, 1733. Sept. 25, 1734. April 2, 1740. June 30, 1746. i May 1, 1752. March 7, 1746. Aug. 7, 1748. Feb. 6, 1754. June 1, 1755. Sept. 27, 1756. Aug. 16, 1757. Feb. 24, 1759. Dec. 1, 1760. Dec. 10, 1762. Aug. 13, 1764. May 24, 1766. May 27, 1768. May 20, 1770. H 1-170 HALL Sarah, wife of WUUam, 1-170 " Mary, 1-170 " Mercy, 1-170 " WUliam, in his 87th year, 1-198 " William, of Benoni and Elizabeth, 1-198 " Henry, died July 12, 1733. May — , 1741. Sept. 27, 1757. July 9, 1759. Aug. 3, 1734. Nov. 16, 1736. EXETER BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 4'7 1-198 HALL Isaac, of Benoni and EUzabeth, Sept. 30, 1739. 1-198 Ct OUve, June '3, 1741. 1-198 « Rowland, March 6, 1744. 1-198 a Sarah, Sept. 19, 1749. 1-198 it Elizabeth, Nov. 25, 1755. 1-212 it Rufus, of Samuel and Dinah, June 8, 1744. 1-212 it AUce, May 24, 1746. 1-212 tt Rachel, July 15, 1750. 1-219 it Timothy, of Benjamin and Temperance, .Inn. 12, 1750. 1-166 Benoni, of WUliam, Jr., and Mary, June 20, 1755. 1-166 tt Waite, Feb. 4, 0757. 1-3 66 « Waite, died July 2, 0758. 1-166 CC Isaac, April 6, 1761. 3-69 it Sybel, of Caleb, Dec 27, 1794. 3-69 it Meriam, July 24, 1796. 3-69 tt Sarah, March 15, 1800. 3-69 tl Daniel, April 5, 1804. 1-208 HARRINGTON Alee, of Job and Elizabeth, Oct. 8, 1733. 1-208 cc Elizabeth, March 25, 1734-5. 1-208 cc Sarah, | Aug. 13, 1736. 1-208 cc Henry, Sept. 28, 1738. 1-208 cc Andra, Sept. 2, 1740. 1-208 cc Christopher, Aug. 12, 1742. 1-208 cc Mercy, June 8, 1744. 1-208 cc Ruth, June 11, 1747. 1-398 CC Mary, of John and Anna, Sept. 15, 1737. 1-198 cc Anna, Feb. 24, 1738. 1-193 cc Amie, Nov. 12, 1740. 1-198 " Freelove, Oct. 13, 1742. 1-198 cc Desire, June 14, 1744. 1-198 Cc Desire, died Jan. 26, 1744. 1-198 " EUzabeth, Dec. 2, 1745. 1-198 cc WUliam, Jan. 11, 1746. 1-198 cc Abigail, May 23, 1748. 1-198 " John, Aug. 31, 1750. 1-198 cc Benjamin, Sept. 14, 1752. 1-198 cc Benjamin, died AprU 4, 1753. 1-198 cc John (Senior), died Jan. 27, 1753. 1-203 " Esther, of Eber and Hannah, June 28, 1738. 1-203 " Richard, July 2„ 1739. 1-203 " Hannah, Oct. 8, 1742. 3-113 " Henry, Sept. 27, 1738. 3-113 " Freelove, wUe of Henry, Oct. 13, 1742. 3-113 " John, of Henry and Freelove, March 27, 1766. 3-113 cc Job, March 19, 1768. 3-113 " Henry, Feb. 16, 1770. 3-113 " Gideon, Jan. 11, 1773. 3-113 " Gideon,, died April 22, 1774, 3-113 cc Annie, April 20, 1774. 3-113 Cc AbigaU, Jan. 27. 1776. 3-113 " Elizabeth, Oct. 13, 1777. 3-113 " Freelove, Aug. 3,,' 1779. 3-113 " Daniel, April 6, 1781. 3-113 " Alice, May 12, 1783. 3-113 cc Mary, May 24, 1785. 1-161 " Thomas, of Ebenezer and Rebecca, AprU 4, 1744. 1-161 " Benjamin, Oct. 22, 1745. 1-161 cc Alee, Oct. 22, 1747. 1-161 cc Lydia,, Oct. 2, 1749. 1-161 " Ebenezer, AprU 11, 1752. 1-161 cc Elizabeth, April 19, 1754. 1-161 " Ebenezer Weightman, May 1, 1756. 3-37 cc Alice, of Christopher and Sarah, Dec. 12, 1762. 3-37 " Christopher, Nov. 17, 1764. 3-37 " WUUam, Oct. 16, 1766. 48 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-37 3-37 3-37 3-3 3-33-33-3 3-3 3-33-33-3 3-43-4 3-43-4 3-2063-2063-206 2-287 3-2221-222 3-49 3-49 3-49 3-49 3^9 3-49 3 — 3-48 3-48 3^:8 3-483-483^8 HARRINGTON Sarah, of Cihrlstopher and Saiah, Crandall. Hannah,Christian", of David and Weight, Nicholas, Warder, Sarah,Martha,Mary, Hannah, Waite,Lucy, David,Elizabeth, Phebe, WiUiam, of WilUam and Sarah, Benjamin, Sarah, dau. of Waite, HAWKINS Thomas Hazard, HILL Mary, of Robert and Freelove, " Daniel, HIMES Stephen, of James and AbigaU, Walter, " Mary, " Lydia, " Meriam, June 20, 1769. Sept. 5, 1771. Aug. 31, 1.774. Sept. 5, 1768. Dec. 11, 1771. Jan. 2, 1773. March 25, 17,74. Feb. 25, 1776. AprU 23, 1778. April 18, 1781. June 9, 1783. March 22, 0785. June 24, 1787. June 13, 1789. AprU 6, 1792. March 15, 1772. Oct. 4, 1773. July 8, 1799. bom Sept. 20, 1795. April 23, 1750. Jan. 7, 1752. Jan. 6, 1750. Jan. 28, 1753. Oct. 6, 1755. June 2, 1758. June 23, 1762. Dec 21, 1764. " Potter, HOAR Heizeklel, and Deborah, his wife ; no chUdren recorded. HOLLOWAY Catherine, of Joseph and Lydia, July 19, 1756. " Elizabeth, Dec. 10, 1758. " Lydia, May 7, 1763. " Lydia, died Nov. 23, 1766. " John Weight, June 18, 1765. " John Weight, died Sept. 7, 1779. Note-^J. W. H. was kUled Sept. 7, 1779, at 11 o'clock a. m., lat. 48 deg. 00m. N., long. 40 deg. 00m. W., on board the pri vate shlp-of-war Gen. Mifflin, Capt. Geo. Waite Babcock, being shot by a cannon baU by the enemy whUe he was contending for the rights of his country. 3-48 cc Lydia, wife of Joseph; age 36y. Om. 26d. ; Aug. 18, 1768. 3-48 cc Christopher, of Joseph and Elizabeth, Dec. 19, 1769. 3-48 It Samuel, March 25, 1772. 3-48 tt Elizabeth, wife of Joseph, died Nov. 23 1773 3-181 It Penelope, of S. K., widow of Benjamin, died Nov. 20, 1773. 3-181 It John, of Samuel and Mercy, Oct. 22. 1794. 3-181 " Elizabeth, Oct. 25, 1796. 3-46 HOPKINS Rufus, of Samuel and Freelove B., May 6, 1325. 3-46 « Arnold, March 30, 1827. 3-46 cc Sarah Ann, Feb. 14, 1829. 3-46 cc Alexander S., Feb. 15, 1831. 3-46 cc Bradford, March 25, 1833. 3-46 cc Bradford, d. Feb. 27, 1835. 3-16 cc Emeline, Feb. 6, 1835. 3-46 cc Crawford, ¦ March 12, 1837. 3-46 " Crawford, d. July 16, 1838. 3-46 " Hiram, Nov. 27, 1840. 3-46 " Samuel, AprU 1, 1845. 3-78 HOXSIE Sarah, of John and Hannah, Aug. 7, 1761. 3-78 cc James, March 8, 1763. 3-78 cc Deborah, April 22, 1764. 3-78 cc John, April 20, 1765. 3-78 " BUI,. Nov. 1, 176ii. 3-78 " Mary, ApiU 22, 1768. 3-78 " Phebe, June 7, 1769. 3-78 " Lucy, July 7, 1771. EXETEPv BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 4!J 3-78 HOXS IE Joshua, of John and Hannah, > Oct. 22, 1772. 3-78 " Abigail, May 22, 1774. 378 " Thomas, Dec. 5, 1776. 3-78 cc Calvin, - June 4, 1778. 3-78 cc •Wanton), March 10, 1780, 3-78 " Hannah, of John and Phebe, 2d wife, Nov. 20, 1786. 3-78 cc Thankful, May 3. 1788. 3-78 u Catherine, Nov. 21, 1789. 3-78 It OUve, Aug. 3, 1791. 3-78 u Eason, Oct. 6, 1793. 3-36 tt Susannah, of Samuel and Anna, Feb. 3, 1773. I J 3-156 JAMES Sarah, of Daniel and Mary, 3-156 u Elizabeth, 3-156 a Caleb B„ 3-156 a Phebe, 3-156 " Rodman, 3-156 cc Ruth, 1-163 JENKINS Christian, of PhUip and Mary, 1-163 u Christopher, 1-163 It Gideon, 1-163 It PhUip, 1-225 JOSLIN Henry, of Thomas and Sarah, 1-225 cc Thomas, 1-225 cc Potter, 1-225 " Freeborn, 1-225 " John, 1-1/2 cc Henry, of John and Joanna. 1-172 CC Andrew, 1-172 CC Rufus, Dec. 4, 1795. Dec. 4, 1795, Oct. 10, 1797. June 27, 1301. Feb. 23, 1804, Feb. 23, 1804, Jan. 4, 1751. Jan. 26, 1753. Oct. 6, 1754. Oct. 6, 1756. April 24, 1748. Sept. 26, 1750. Aug. 3, 1753. July 24, 1756. Dec. 32, 1758. June 2, 1755. AprU 16, 1757. April 8, 1759. K 3-199 KENYON Gardiner, of John, 3-199 " Mercy, 3-199 " John, 3-199 " Zebulon, 3-199 " Freelove, 3-199 " Freeman, 3-199 " Remington, 3-199 " Lewis, 3-199 " Amos, 3-199 " Job, 3-199 " Reynolds, 3-199 " Lydia, 3-199 " Joseph Greene, Sept. 24, 1755. Nov. 18, 1757. July 3, 1760. Aug. 25, 1764. July 3. 1766. Jan. 28, 1769. July 27, 1771. July 20, 1774i July 18, 1781. June 24, 1783. Aug. 21, 1786. March 18, 1789. May 19, 1792. 2-176 LAWTON Phebe, of Timothy and Deborah, 2-176 " Elizabeth, 1-211 LEWIS Hannah, of James and Elizabeth, 1-211 " James, 2-164 " Daniel, of Jonathan and Sarah, 2-164 " John, 2-164 " Jean, 2-164 " Jonathan, 2-164 " Benjamin, AprU 9, 1755, Note— Two eldest born Richmond, the others Exeter. 2-164 " Joseph, b. AprU 7, 1750. May 6, 1768. (sic) Aug. 9, 1768. Nov. 29, 1743. Nov. 20, 1745. July 12, 1745. Nov. 10, 1746. Aug. 29, 1748. Aug. 15, 1752, 50 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-207 LEWIS Susannah, of Joseph and Mary, Nov. 22 1775 3-207 Job, Sept. ,10 1776 3-207 " Hannah, Nov. 18 1779 3-207 " R. Kenyon, Feb. 18 1782. 3-207 " Joseph, July 26 1784. 3-207 " Mary, Oct. 25 1786 3-207 " B. Stanton', Aug. 26 1789. 3-207 " Charity, Oct. 27 1792. 3-207 " John R., Jan. T7, 1798. 3-45 " Caleb, of Caleb and Sybel, Aug. 15, 1755. 3-45 " Hannah, June 14, 1761. 3-45 " Elijah,. March 28, 1764. 3-45 " Joel, Nov. 7, 1768. 3-45 " Edmund, Note— Also recorded 2-164. Feb. 28, 1772. 3-88 " AbigaU, of George and EUzabeth, Oct. 28, 1757. 3-88 " George, June 15, 1760. 3-88 " Obediah, Dec. 10, 1764. 3-88 " Mary, Aug. 17, 1766. 3-88 " Asa, May 22, 1769. 3-88 " Betsey, March 3, 1772. 3-88 " Rawland, Dec. 5, 1775. 3-4 " Mary, of James and Elizabeth, Nov. 16, 1763. 3-58 " AbigaU, of James and Thankful, Sept. 19, 1775. 3-58 " James, Feb. 28, 1778. 3-58 " EUzabeth, AprU 27, 1780. 3-58 " Hannah, April 1, 1782. 3-58 " Thankful, July 22, 1784. 3-58 " Lydia, June 12, 1786. 3-58 " Esther, Feb. 12, 1788. 3-58 " Nathan Barber, March 30, 1790. 3-58 " Moses B., AprU 19, 1797. 3-58 " David Maxon, June 24, 1799. 3-58 " Sarah Gates, , . 3-108 " John, of John and Amie, April 3, 1780. 3-108 " Sabra, Aug. 11, 1782. 3-108 " Susannah, Feb. 7, 1785. 3-108 " Amie, May 1, 1787. 3-108 " Benjamin, Oct. 14, 1778. 3-55 " ' Moses, of Jonathan, 3d, and Martha, Sept. 20, 1779. 3-55 " Sarah, Feb. 24, 1781. 3-55 " Anna, — - Oct. 19, 1782. 3-55 " Silas, July 21, 1784. 3-55 " Hannah, Jan. 9, 1786. 3-55 " Jonathan, June 7, 1788. 3-56 " Jesse, May 5, 1790. 3-56 " Joseph Bowdlsh, May 31, 1792. 3-58 " Martha, June 28, 1794. 3-56 " Peleg, Oct. 19, 1796. 3-145 " Amos, of Benjamin and Deliverance, July 8, 1780. 3-145 " Sinthean, Dec. 02, 1781. 3-145 " Jason, March 13', 1783. 3-145 " Jareb, Oct. 2, 1786. 3-145 " Annis, June 22, 1788. 3-145 " Benjamin, June 13, 1790. 3-145 " Hannah, Oct. 6, 1793. 3-171 " Mary, of WilUam and Eleanor, March 29, 1787. 3-171 " Sarah, Jan. 29, 1789. 3-171 " Sarah, d. Dec. 6, 1790. 3-171 " Thomas, Oct. 9, 1790. 3-171 " OUve, Feb. 27, 1792. 3-171 " Andrew, Oct. 5, 1793. 3-171 " Rowland. Jan. 25, 1795. 3-171 " John, Dec. 4, 1796. 3-93 " Prosper, George Dyre, of AbigaU (single), June 1, 1788.. EXETER, BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 51 3-20 LEWIS Betsey, of A?a, Aug. 20, 1789. 3-20 cc Arabella, Dec. 13, 1791. 3-20 cc George, Feb. 17, 1794. 3-20 cc Desire, April 14, 1796. 3-20 . cc Cynthia, April 17, 1798. 3-20 cc Asa, May 22, 1800. 3-183 " James, of James and Olive, Jan. 17, 1799. 3-1S3 cc Simeon Rathbun, March 24, 1S01. 3-183 cc Henry Barber, March 28, 1803. 3-208 cc Abraham, of Samuel, Jr., and Ruth, July 18, 1799. 3-208 cc Daniel, Aug. 12, 1802. 3-213 " Francis Tanner, of John and Lydia, July 11, 1803. 3-213 cc Ira Lane, (prob.) Nov. 14, 1804. 3-213 " Sally CeUnda, Feb. 10, 1807. 3-223 cc Isaac, of Moses and Eleanor, Sept. 23, 1805. 3-221 " Beede, Aug. 13, 1808. 3-221 cc John Ladd, May 1, 1811. 3-221 cc Sarah, Oct. 16, 1812. 3-221 cc Sarah, d. Oct, 16, 1813. 3-223 " Jonathan, Aug. 25, 1814. 3-221 " Moses, June 21, 1817. 3-222 cc Rodman, of SUas and Lydia, Nov. 8, 1805. 3-2 cc James, of Nathan B. and SaUy, Oct. 11, 1810. 3-2 ,c Lucy, July 2, 1813. 3-2 " Thankful, Feb. 26, 1816. 3-2 cc Esther, Aug. 29, 1818. 3-250 cc Prony, of Jonathan, Jr., and Marlah, Oct. 23, 1811. 3-250 cc Hannah, Sept. 10, 1813. 3-251 cc Anna, of Jesse and Esther, Dec. 19, 1811. 3-251 cc Benjamin, April 30, 1815. 3-270 :' Phebe, of Moses and Wealthen, Sept. 27, 1813. 3-270 cc Lydia, May 4, 1815. 3-270 Cc Lydia, d. May 7, 1817. 3-270 cc Mary Ann, Oct. 23, 1817. 3-270 " Maiy Ann, died March 3, 1821. 3-270 cc John T., Oct. 23', 1817. 3-270 " Betsey M., June 27, 1S22. 3-270 cc Moses A., May 7, 1824. 3-270 cc Daniel J., Aug. 18, 1826. 3-282 " Stafford G., of Thomas and Lucy, May 3, 1S14. 3-282 " Palmer, # May 21, 183 6. 3-282 cc Seth, July 17, 1818. 3-295 " Mary Elizabeth, of Moses B. and Mary, Jan. 21, 1328. 3-295 " Nathan Barber, of James and Mary, Feb. 26, 1842. 3-295 " Mary Francis, Oct. 10, 1845. 3-295 cc John Nelson, AprU 23, 1847. 3-295 cc Saunders, May 3, 1849. 3-295 " Saunders, died Aug. — , 1872. 3-295 " Peleg, May 3, 1849. 3-295 " Peleg, died , 1869. 1-213 LILLIBRIDGE, David, of Benjn and Amie, Sept. 18, 1744. 1-21.3 Cc Mary, May 29, 1746. 1-23 3 " Josias, Aug. 18, 1749. 1-213 Jonathan, Aug. 23, 1751. 1-213 cc Gideon, June 16, 1754. 1-213 cc Benjamin, Aug. 14, 1756. 1-213 " Gardiner, Sept. 39, 1758. 1-213 cc Amie, Note— Also recorded 1-221. May 16, 1765. 3-281 " Gardiner, of Daniel and Hannah, Feb. 1, 1812. 3-281 Daniel, July 27, 1S14. 3-2tsl " David, Aug. 17, 1818. 3-281 " Joseph W., Dec. 20, 1821. 3-204 '• Wanton, of Warren and Mary, May 16, 1825. 3-238 " Gardiner, a Rev. soldier, died July 22, 1824. 3-205 LOCKE , Charles B., of EUlot and Mary, May 15, 1787. 52 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. M 3-109 MAGUIRE Ruth, of John and Susan, 3-109 " Constantine, 3-109 " Phebe, 3-109 " Sophia., 1-206 MARSHALL Thomas, of Jacob and Penelope, 3-10 MIAS PhUip Bates, of John and Mary W., 1-209 MONEY Joseph, of Robert and Sarah, 1-209 " Samuel, 1-209 " Elizabeth, 3-252 " Jolvn AUen, born 3-252 " John Wescott, of John A. and Penelope, 3-252 " Mary Eleanor, 3-252 " George Brown, 3-252 " Timothy Alien, 3-252 " Amie Ann, 3-252 " Saran Eanos, 3-252 " James Burrell, 3-252 " Mercy Ann, 3-280 " Daniel Lyman, of Hannah, 2-164 MOON Mary, of Jonathan and Lydia, 2-164 " Ann, 2-164 " Darius, 3-39 " Amie, of John and EUzabeth, 3-39 " Daniel, of Sanford and Elizabeth, 3-39 " Rebecca, of EUzabeth (dec), 3-39 " Robert, of Ebenezer and Sarah, 3-39 " Elizabeth, 3-39 " WiUiam W., 3-39 " Sylvester, 3-258 MOORE Thompson (4th son), of John and Sarah, 3-212 '• Joshua Vaughn, of Thomas and EUzabeth. 3-212 " Thomas Paine, 3-212 " Daniel, 3-212 " Alexander Pope, 3-212 " Lydia Jenkins, 1-200 MOREY Hazard, of Benjamin and Dorcas, 1-200 " Samuel, 1-200 " Benjamin, 1-200 " Mary, « 1-200 " Christopher, 1-200 " Joseph, 1-200 " Stephen, 1-200 " Augustus, 1-198 " Joshua, of Robert and Sarah, 1-198 " Anna, 1-173 " Asa, of Joseph and Sarah, 1-173 " Jesse, 1-173 " Benjamin, 1-173 " Robert, 1-173 " John, 1-173 " Elizabeth, 3-54 " Martha, of Samuel and Ann, 3-54 " Dorcas, 3-54 " Hazard, 3-54 " Sarah, 3-54 " EUzabeth, 3-54 " Gardiner, 3-54 " George, 3-54 " Enock, 3-54 " Ann, 3-54 « George, 3-54 " Enock, Note— Gardiner (above) born West Oct. 6, 1784. July 4, 1786. July 13, 1790. Sept. 7, 1799. AprU 23, 1742. April 5, 1813. Deo. 20, 1745. March 14, 1747. March 31, 1750. Jan. 15, 1793. Sept. 22, 1821. Oct. 27, 1822. Dec. 12, 1825. Aug. 23, 1823. March 24, 1831. July 28, 1833. May 29, 1835. Jan. 26, 1838. Feb. 6, 1813. Dee. 1, 1758. July 6, 1760. Sept. 28, 1763. Dec. 25, 1771. April 12, 1772. Oct. 3, 1803. June 23, 1782. June 3, 1784. July 29, 1787. Jan. 1, 1791. Aug. 9, 1792. Nov. 8, 1798. June 3, 1800. Dec. 2, 1801. AprU 22, 1804. July 14, 1806. May 6, 1739. Jan. 30, 1740. March 13, 1742. May 6, 1745. Dec. 23, 1746. June 28, 1749. March 13, 1751. Jan. 31, 1753. July 1, 1740. Dec. 22, 1742. AprU 8, 1747. Nov. 26, 1750. Jan. 10, 1752. Feb. 13, 1754. Sept. 4, 1757. July 10, 1760. July 5, 1762. Jan. 13, 1765. April 18, 1766. April 18, 1760. Feb. 14, 1768. Feb. 4, 1770. March 28, 1772. March 28, 1772. Aug. 21, 1773. d. Aug. 7, 1772. d. Aug. 4, 1772. Greenwich. EXETER — BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 53 3-27 MORE-* ' Christopher, of Christopher and AUce, June 21, 1773. 3-27 " Mary, Jan. 2, 1776. Note born South Kingstown, — - Exeter. 1-173 cc Hazard (N. K.), of Joseph and Freelove, Dec. 24, 1780. 1-173 cc Joseph, May 22, 1732. 3-82 cc Lydia, of John and Margaret, Oct. 11, 1778. 3-82 It Isaac, \ Sept. 28, 1781. 3-39 MOSHEIR Mehltable, of Ichabod and Anna, , March 3, 1761. 3-39 cc Joseph, Feb. 5, 1765. 3-39 cc Jonathan, Feb. 20, 1770. Note— Joseph (above) born Richmond ; the others Exeter. 1-204 MUMFORD John, of John, Jr., and Mary, Aug. 5, 1743. 1-204 cc Freeman, May 14, 1746. 1-204 '• Judeth, 1st wife of John, Jr., d. Oct. 21, 1739. 2-180 cc Ruth, of Thomas, Oct. 12, 1756. 2-180 " Robinson, Jan. 13, 1758. 2-180 " Sarah, Jan 17, 1760, 2-180 cc Mary, Dec. 10, 1761. 2-180 cc George, Aug. 6, 1764. 2-180 cc Hannah, Nov. 20, 1766. 2-180 cc AbigaU Sept. 23, 1768. 1-174 " Mary, of Perry and Hannah, Dec. 15, 1758. 1-174 cc Judeth, May 3, 1760. N 1-167 NEWCOMB Elizabeth, of Thomas and Bridget, 1-167 " James, 1-167 " Frederick, 1-219 NILES WiUlam, of Nathaniel and Martha, 1-219 " Freelove, 1-219 " AbigaU, 1-219 " Elizabeth, 1-219 " Henry, July 14, 1755. Dec. 13, 1756. May 4, 1758. Dec. 14, 1753. May 25, 1755. Jan. 14, 1757. May 24, 1759. AprU 20, 1761. o 1-213 OLIN Rahanna, of Joseph and Mary, 1-213 " EUzabeth, 1-213 " Mary, 1-213 cc Joseph, 1-213 cc PhUUp, 1-2*13 t cc Wealthiam. 1-213 cc William, 1-213 cc Ruth, 1-213 cc Anne, 1-213 cc Sarah, March 8, 1736. (sic) June 2, 1735. Jan. 10, 1738. Feb. 27, 1740. Dec. 5, 1742. Jan. 27, 1744. Nov. 13, 1747. Aug. 5, 1750. July 30, 1752. March 31, 1756. 3-292 PALMER EUjah, of Gershom and Betsey, 3-292 " Mary Ann, 3-292 " Susan Sherman, 3-292 " Betsey, wife of Gershom, died in her 85th year, 3-292 " Elvira, of George Ray and Mary Ann, 3-292 " Amanda, 3-292 " Angeline, 3-130 PECKHAM Elizabeth Clarke Chapman, of Jeremiah and Mary 3-07 " Mary C, died 1-227 PERKINS John, of Newman and Mehitable, 1-227 " Oliver, 1-227 " Ebenezer, June 2, 3 806, July 1, 1810. Feb. 25, 1815. July 3, 1826. July 10, 1824. June 9, 1826. Sept. 26, 1828, , May 23, 1796. Nov. 12, 3 797, May 30, 1733. June 14, 1735. Aug. 20, 1736, 54 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-227 PERKINS Uriah, of Newman and Mehltable, May 12, 1738. 1-227 " David, Aug. 1, 1741. 1-227 " Samuel, July 15, -1745. 1-227 « Martha, Aug. 21, 1747. 3-3 34 " Thomas, of Uriah, Oct. 8, 1770.. 3-3 34 " Pardon, Dec. 2, 1773. 3 134 " Uriah, Sept. 10, 1780. 3-134 " James, July 29, 1784.. 3-165 cc Newman, Jr., of Newman and Anna, Oct. 5, 1792. 3-165 " Nancy, Jan. 13, 1794. 3-261 " Marvel, Dec. 31, 1796. 3-261 " Samuel, Feb. 15, 1799. 3-261 " AbigaU, April 5, 1801. 3-261 " Hannah, June 26, 1803. 3-261. " PoUy Spooner, Oct. 27, 1805. 3-261 cc Rhoda, Dec. 14, 1807. 3-261 " Paul, March 13, 1810. 3-261 " Andrew Allen, Aug. 13, 1814. 3-310 " Susan H., of Palmer G. and Susan E., Jan. 7, 1853. 3-310 cc Byron F., July 9, 1858. 3-310 " George H., Oct. 13, 1860 3-122 PHILLIPS Thomas, April 20, 1770, died Feb. 11, 1840. 3-122 " Lydia (Whltford), his wife, , 3-122 tt Dorcas, of Thomas and Lydia, Jan. 17, 1794. 3-3 22 cc Elizabeth, Oct. 14, 1796. 3-322 cc Thomas, Jan. 23, 1798. 3-122 cc Mary, March 21, 1801. 3-122 cc John, ' March 13, 1803. 3-122 cc Lydia, March 2, 1805. 3-122 cc James, July 23, 1807.. 3-122 it Samuel, Jan. 21, 1810. 3-122 cc Abbie Ann, March 22, 1812. 3-177 " Samuel (3d son) Jr., of Samuel i and Susannah, AprU 18, 1799. 3-177 cc Annie EUza, of Thomas, Jr., and Mercy, Jan. 14, 1830, 3-177 cc Thomas H., Jan. 1, 1835. 3-177 cc Abbie M., Aug. 2, 1838.. 1-164 PIERCE, Amis, of George and Mary, Sept. 19, 1754. 1-164 cc Christopher, Oct. 3, 1759. 1-164 " GUes, AprU 22, 1765. Note.— Also recorded 3-10, eldest born at East Greenwich, tlie others Exeter. 3-93 cc George, (N. K.) of GUes and Hannah. March 3, 1786. 3-93 cc Amie (E.), Dec. 12, 1787. 3-93 Sarah, (E.), May 23, 1789. 3-93 cc Oliver Spink, Feb. 11, 1791. 3-185 PILLSBURY, EUzabeth, of Tobias, and Susannah, Jan. 24, 1785. 3-185 " Ruth, of do, Sept. 23, 1786, died, Feb. 9, 1787. 3-185 cc Mehitable, of do, Feb. 20, 1790. 1-169 POTTER Abel, of Joseph and Catherine, Nov. 13, 1748. 1-169 Hannah, April 10, 1750. 1-169 '¦ Silence, Jan. 22, 1753. 1-169 " Mary, Jan. 24, 1755. 1-169 " Martha, Feb. 26, 1757. 1-169 " Sarah, May 3, 1759. 1-228 " Eunice, of John and Ruth, Nov. 3, 1753. 1-228 " John, March 6, 1755. 1-22JS " Hannah, June 16, 1758. 1-228 " Deliverance, Sept. 7, 1760. 3-31 cc John, of Abel and Abigail, Sept. 23, 1771. 3-31 " Joseph,, March 29, 1773. 3-31 " Barberry, March 6, 1775. 3-11 cc William Waite, Aug. 8, 1789. 3-11 " Thanld'ul Knowles (Carpenter), ois wUe, Nov 28, 1795. 3-11 " Samuel Carey,, of WUliam and Thankful, Dec. 8, 1817. 3-11 " WiUiam Robert, May 19, 1821. EXETER BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 55 3-113-113-113-113-113-113-11 POTTER Jeremiah Carpenter, of William and Thankful, " Isaiah Knowles, " Nathan L., WUlett F., " George W., ' " John S., Daniel B., May 24, 1823. Feb. 7, 1826. AprU 18, 1828. Sept. 13, 1830. March 4, 1833. Oct. 28, 1835. March 4, 1838. Q R 3-41 RATHBUN Sarah, of Obediah and Anna, 3-41 " Mary, 3-41 " Dorcas, 3-41 " WUUam, 3-41 " Joseph, 3-41 " Margeret, 3-41 " Susannah, 1-228 " Oliver, of Thomas and Charity, 1-228 " Charity, 1-228 " Thomas, 1-228 " Hannah, 1-228 " Simeon, 1-228 " Oliver, 1 223 " Mary, 1-22S " Nathan, 1-211 " Joseph, of Joseph. Jr., and AbigaU, 1-211 " Rebecca, 1-211 " Mary, 1-211 •' Ann, 1-211 . " Jeremiah, 1-211 " George, 3-90 • " John Peck, of Nathaniel and Ann, 3-90 " Margeret (3d dau.), 3-91 " Capt. Nathaniel, 3-91 " Thankful, of Joshua and Amie, 1-167 " Mercy, 3-82 " Margaret, of John and Elizabeth, 3-82 " John, 3-202 " Rowland, 3-202 " Phebe. Brown, of Rowland and Freelove, 3-202 " Sally Brown, 3-202 " Thomas, of Simeon and Anna, 3-202 " Anna, 3-202 " Charity, 3-202 " Mary, 3-202 " OUve, 3-202 " Russell, 3-202 " Simeon, 3-202 « Nathan, 3-202 " Eunice, 3-84 " Joseph, of George and Mercy, 3-269 " Nathan D., of Natlian and Sarah, 3-269 " Charity D., 3-269 " Mary A., 3-269 « John H., 3-100 " Jerome B., of Nathan and Mary, 1-197 REYNOLDS George, Of John and Martha, 1-197 " Ann, 1-197 " Ann, 1-197 " Mary, 1-397 " Mary, 1-197 " OUver, 1-197 " Martha, 1-197 " Martha 2d, June 15, 1732. May 25, 1734. May 5, 1737. Jan. 28, 1744. Sept. 22, 1745. Feb. 20, 1748. April 21, 1750. Feb. 15, 1734. April 12, 1735. Dec 5, 1736. July 3, 1741. May 10, 1745. Feb. 2, 1747. March 25, 1750. May 25, 1753. July 16, 1735. Dec. 27, 1736. NOV. 22, 1738. July 30, 1740. March 27, 1742. March 7, 1743. March 23, 1746. July 16, 1749. d. June or July — , 1750. Nov. 29, 1755. Feb. 25, 1758. Feb. 7, 1758. June 8, 1770. born, Sept. 10, 1765. March 16, 1795. March 21, 1797. Oct. 19, 1771. ' Sept. 26, 1774. Sept. 26, 1774. Jan. 7, 1778. Feb. 10, 1780. Jan. 20, 1782. Sept. 14, 1784. May 17, 1788. Feb. 5, 1790. June 25, 1779. Feb. 6, 1607. May 23, 1809. Sept. 29^ 1811. Oct. 14, 1814. Dec 3, 1859. March 1, 1728. June 7, 1732. d. Aug. — , 1734. April 3, 1736. d. Jan. 7, 1737. June 21, 1739. May 8, 1741. Sept. 19, 1744. 50 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-107 REYNOLDS George, of John and Martha, Sept. 18, 1751. 1-197 " John, Dec. 9, 1753. 1-197 " Lueza, of George and Joanna, July 8, 1743. 1-197 " George, AprU 27, 1745. 1-197 " Lydia, AprU 4, 1747. 1-197 " Joseph, July 9, 1749. 1-197 " Elizabeth, July 9, 1749. 1-197 " George, Dec. 30, 1751. 1-197 " George, d. July 1, 1753. 1-197 " Joanna, March 12, 3755. 1-210 " Henry, of John, (carpenter), Sept. 22, 1724. 1-210 " ThOmas, of Henry and Mehltable, March 18, 1746. 1-210 " Hannah, Feb. 1, 1748. 1-210 " Henry, April 17, 1751. 1-215 " Joseph, of Benjamin and Aloe, July 26, 1747. 1-215 " Jonathan, Aug. 6, 1749. 1-215 " Hannah, Oct. 14, 1752. 1-215 " Hannah, Jan. 26, 1754. 1-215 " Alee. July 21, 1755. 1-23 5 " Benjamin, Oct. 6, 1757. 1-215 " John, Aug. 20, 1759. 1-215 " Mary, (July) Aug. 10, 1763. 1-215 " Margaret, Dec. 14, 1766. 1-215 " Stephen, Aug. 3.0, 1772. 1-215 " Stephen, d. March 27, 1773. Note. — Also recorded 3-135. 1-212 " Christopher, of Christian, dau. of George, Aug. 16, 1747. 1-212 " Christopher, d. Aug. 26, 1747. 1-175 " Hannah, of Jonathan and Ann, July 20, 1756. 1-175 " Ann, May 6, 1758. 1-175 " Jonathan, Oct. 7, 1760. 1-171 " Sarah, of Robert and Eunice, Oct. 17, 1757. 1-171 " Ann, Dec. 15, 1759. 1-171 " Ann, d. March 10, 1760. 1-171 " George, Feb. 19, 1761. 1-171 " Waite, Dec. 26, 1763. 1-171 " Waite, d. March 13, .1769. 1-171 " Eunice, Dec. 29, 1765. 1-171 " Phenews, Feb. 23, 1768. 1-371 " Anna, Dec. 11, 1769. 3-25 " John, of Elisha, March 31, 1758. 3-25 " Mary, May 28, 1760. 3-25 " Elisha, Oct. 29, 1763. 3-25 " Thomas, July 19, 1765. 3-25 " bellah, Feb. 12, 1768. 3-25 " PhUUpa, Sept. 18, 1770. 3-25 " Waite, Oct. 24, 1773. 3-159 " Henry, born Aug. 31, 1759. 3-159 " Mercy (Brown), his wife, Aug. 8, 1761. 3-159 " Margaret, of Henry and Mercy, Dec. 31, 1784. 3-159 " Martha, May 8, 1786. 3-159 " Charles, May 8, 1787. 3-159 " Job, May 20, 1790. 3-159 " EUzabeth, Dec. 3, 1791. 3-159 " Benjamin, Feb. 28, 1796. 3-159 " Abel, May 25, 1798. 3-159 " Phebe, March 1, 1801. 3-159 " Mercy, AprU 18,' 1804. 3-159 " Henry, AprU 22, 1811. 3-5 " Anna, of Joseph, (Of Robert) and Elizabeth, June 28, 1765. 3-14 " Amon, of Benjamin and Sarah, June 17, 1770. 3-14 " Benjamin, Dec. 12, 1772. 3-4 " Mary, of Joseph and Mary, Nov. 2, 1 771. 3-38 " Hannah, of Henry, Jr., and Jemima, March 16, 1773. 3-38 " Elizabeth, July 4, 1774. EXETER BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 57 3-38 REYNOLDS Mehltable, of Henry, Jr., and Jemima, Nov. 18, 1778. 3-38 " Sarah, May 13, 1781. 3-38 " Weightman, Jan. 26, 1783. Note— Two eldest born West Greenwich, the others Exeter. 3-142 " George, of Joseph and Elizabeth, Jan. 24, 1774. 3-142 WiUiam, Feb. 23, 1773. 3-142 " Stephen, Aug. 7, 1778. 3-142 " AbigaU, Dec. 17, 1781. 3-142 " David, July 17, 1784. 3-142 " Sarah, Jan. 20, 3787. 3-70 " Susannah, of Stephen and Abigail, Feb. 11, 1775. 3-70 " AbigaU, Oct. 11, 1776. 3-70 " Lucy, April 5, 1778. 3-70 " Jolin, Aug. 29, 1780. 3-70 " Stephen, May 19, 1782. 3-70 " Samuel, June 7, 3.784. 3-70 " Daniel, July 23, 1786. 3-70 " Job, Dee. 7, 1788, 3-70 " Martha, Feb. 11, 3.791. 3-70 " Sarah, Sept. 1, 1793. 3-59 " Anna, of George and Amie, Aug. 22, 1784. 3-59 " George, July 14, 1786. 3-59 " John Gardiner, Dec. 2, -"790. 3-59 " Abel, May 8, 1793. 3 59 " Dutee, Nov. 24, 1795. 3-59 " Samuel, Oct. 6, 1800. 3-180 " Joseph, of Henry and Anna, April 25, 3.785. 3-180 " Harris, Nov. 3.5, 1786. 3-180 " Susannah, Sept. 3, 1788. 3-180 " Lucy, March 7, 1791. 3-180 " Patience, . April 9, 1794. 3-180 " Jabez, Jan. 14, 1797. 3-161 " John, d., aged 83y. 11m. 8d., Aug. 18, 1794. 3-161 " AbigaU, widow of John, died, aged 83y. 3m. 8d.. July 30, 1798. 3-218 " Gardiner C, of John and Mercy, Oct. 10, 1S04. 3-218 " Asa T., Aug. 17, 1P06. 3-23 8 " Susannah, Oct. 23', 1808. 3-218 " Deborah, May 18, 3 811. 3-23 8 " Abigail, May 18, 1S11. 3-218 " Mercy, Jan. 14, 1814. 3-23 8 " John, Feb. 2, 1816. 3-218 " Jesse Burdick, March 18, 1818. 3-218 " Benjamin Hoxsie, March 23, 1820. 3-218 " Stephen, July 11, 1822. 3-243 " Ezra, of Stephen, Jr., and AbigaU, Jan. 5, 1808. 3-243 " Joanna, Feb. 5, 1811. 3-243 " Clarke, Jan. 12, 1816. 3-43 " Luclnda Nud, Dec 17, 1824. 3-259 " William, of Samuel and Deborah, Jan- 12-13, 1809. 3-259 " Stephen, AprU 26, 1812. 3-266 " Amie, Sept. 8, 1819. 3-274 " Barber, of Job and Joanna, June 14, 1831. 3-274 " Lucy, June 14, 1813. 3-274 " Nathaniel, June 14, 1815. 3-274 " Nathaniel, d. Dec. 6, 1815. 3-274 " Job. d. Feb. 7, 1850. 3-278 " Greene, of Daniel and Alee, June 4, 1813. 3-278 " Ruth, March 24„ 1815. 3-278 " Waite, Sept. 3, 1818. 3-278 " Abigail, AprU 17, 1821. 3-278 " Aley Ann, June 15, 1825. 3-298 " Whitman G., of Almond S. and Hannah M Aug. 25., 185 5. 3-298 " Climer A., May 4, 1858. 2-169 EICHMOND William, of Adam and Mary, Nov. 21, 1762. 2-169 " Preserved, June 25, 1764. '58 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-169 RICHMOND Dorcas, of Adam and Mary, 3-5 " John!, of Stephen and Lucy, 3-225 " Susannah, of John and Polly, 3-225 " Sarah, 3-225 Stephen Hazard, 3-225 . " John Maxson, 3-225 " Mary, 3-225 " George W., 3-225 Robert H., -3-225 " Nancy, 3-225 Lucy, 3-225 " Almira, 3-35 EUza, of Stephen and Margaret, 3-35 " Ephraim, 3-35 " Benjamin, 1-215 ROGERS Thankful, of Joseph and Margaret, 1-215 " Joanna, 1-23 5 " Elizabeth, 1-215 " Margaret, AprU 27, 1766. Dec. 25, 1777. March 22, 1802. Feb. 10, 1804. Dec. 7, 1805. Dec. 25, 1808. Jan. 3, 1811. April 8, 1813. March 9, 1815. June 15, 1817. Nov. 21, 1819, Aug. 21, 1821. Nov. 13, 1819. Dec. 12, 1811. Aug. 12, 1815. Oct. 8, 1742. March 20, 1744. March 10, 1746. Dec. 28, 1748. 3-44 SANFORD Jeremiah, of WUliam C, Jan. 16, 1856. 3-44 " Lydia, Jan. 22, 1858. 3-44 " Edwin A., Sept. 1, 1861. 3-111 SHELDON Roger, of Roger and Elizabeth, Jan. 1, 1785. 3-111 " James, Feb. 15, 1787. 3-131 " John, June — , 1789. 3-264 " James Seager, of James and SaUy, AprU 23, 1812. 3-264 cc Palmer, Sept. 24, 1814. 3-264 " Joseph, Aug. 15, 1817. 3-264 " Elizabeth, July 2, 1820. 3-264 " Oazanda, Feb. 13, 1825. 3-264 " Gardiner Dawley, April 19, 1827. 3-267 " Hannah, of Roger, Jun., and Prudence, Nov. 26, 1812. 3-267 " Sarah, of John and Elizabeth, July 1, 1816. 3-267 " Daniel, March 2, 1818. 3-202 " Benjn., Of James and Sarah T., Nov. 18, 1841. 1-221 SHERMAN Ezekiel, of Jonathan and Mary, June 23, 1721. 1-221 " Elizabeth, of Ezekiel and Margaret, Aug. 18, 1748. 1-221 " WUliam, May 18, 1750. 1-221 " Mary, Doc. 4, 1751. 1-221 " John, Aug. 31, 1753. 1-222 cc Joseph, of Benjamin and Freelove, Jan. 4, 1740. 1-222 " Sarah, Feb. 20, 1747. 1-222 cc Freelove, Dec. 4, 1753. 1-224 cc MelUcent, of Moses and Sarah, July 20, 1747. 1-224 " Elizabeth, Oct. 4, 1749, 1-224 cc Hannah, Feb. 26, 1752. 1-224 " Moses, March 7, 1756. 2-174 " Rufus, of Moses and Mary, Jan. 28, 1759. 2-174 c, Sarah, Jan. 15, 1761. 2-174 " Abiel, Feb. 5, 1767. 3-85 " Gideon, of Robert and Hannah, Nov. 22, 1781. 3-85 " Ebenezer B., April 20, 1783. 3-85 cc Arnold C, Feb. 15, 1785. 3-«5 " Daniel C. March 4, 1787. 3-85 cc Robert N., Sept 10, 1790. 3-85 " WiUett H., Jan. 31, 1792. 3-85 " WUUam Pitt, Mai oh 2, 1794. 3-85 Cc Stukeley B., Feb. 14, 1796. 3-277 cc David, Sept. 26, 1798. 3-277 cc Sarah, April 21, 1801. 3-292 cc Gersham Palmer, of Sam'l, Jr., and Amie, Sept. 20, 1833. EXETER BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 59 3-292 SHERMAN Peleg Arnold, of Sam'l, Jr., and Amie, 1-206 SLOCUM Hannah, of Benjn. and Elizabeth, 1-206 " Mary, 1-206 " Peleg, 1-206 " Elizabeth, 1-206 " Sarah, 3-259 " Sarah F., of Charles A. and Elizabeth A., 3-259 " Georgianna, 1-206 SMITH Christopher, of Simon and Sarah, 1-206 " Dorcas, 3-206 " Sarah, 3-149 " Samuel, of Samuel and Sarah, 3-149 " Reuben, 3-149 " Sarah, 3-69 SNOW Paulina E„ of Samuel and Ann M., 3-69 " WUlard R., 3-69 " James B., 1-S07 SPENCER Robert, of MitcheU and AbigaU, 1-207 " Nathaniel, 1-207 " Michell, 1-207 " Nathan, 1-207 " Joanna, 1-207 " Caleb, of Michell and Abigail, 1-207 " Samuel, ,' 1-207 " James. 1-207 " Theodosia, 1-207 " Lydia, 1-206 " Sarah, 1-206 " Mary, 2-168 " WUUam, of John and Hannah, 2-168 " Nicholas, 2-168 " Abigail, 2-168 " EUzabeth, 2-168 " George, , 1-201 SPRAGUE Solomon, of David and Experience, 1-201 " David. 1-201 " Sarah, 1-201 " Esther, 1-201 " Experience, 1-201 " Lydia, 1-201 " Jeremy, 1-201 " Abigail, 1-201 " Joseph, 1-201 " Joseph, 1-201 " B.enjamin, 1-201 " Benjamin, 3-139 " George, of Solomon and Isabel, 3-139 " Simon, 3-139 " Jeremiah, 3-139 " Phebe, 3-139 " David, 3-139 " Isabel, 3-139 " Sarah,, 3-140 " Elizabeth, of Dr. Simon and AbigaU, 3-140 " Mary, 3-140 " Isabel, 3-140 " Sarah,, 3-140 " Jordan, 3-140 " AbigaU, 3-140 " AbigaU, 3-140 " Penelope Holloway, 2-1 STANTON Daniel,, of John and Sarah, 2-168 STRANGE Sarah, of WUliam and Hannah, 3-147 " Mary, 3-147 " Caleb, 3-5 " Sarah (2d dau.), of Caleb and Annls, Aug. 23, 1826. July 5, 1737. Dec. 12, 1738. July 29, 1740. Sept. 3, 1742. Feb. 14, 1743. June 23, 1855. March 8, 1358. June 18, 1740. Jan. 31, 1741-2. Aug. 11, 1744. AprU 27, 1791. March 22, 1793. April 22, 1795. March 31, 1854. June 13, 1856. Sept. 9, 1862. Feb. 20, 1740. July 30, 1742. AprU 18, 1744. AprU 23, 3746. ¦Jan. 15, 1747. Dec 27, 1750. Aug. 15, 1752. Feb. 26. 1753. March 2, 1755. Aug. 8, 1756. July 17, 0758. July 17, 1758. Dec. 12, 1760. Sept. 1, 1762. March 26, 1764. July 3, 1766. July 8, 1768. AprU 2, 1730. March 14, 1731-2. March 16, 1733-4. May 4, 1736. Oct. 20, 1738. March 13, 1740-1. July 4, 1743. (sic.) Jan. 12, 1744. March 12, 1746. d. March 19, 1746. March 12, 1746. d. March 16, 1746. April 16, 1752. Jan. 17, 1754. June 30, 1761. Oct. 7, 1764. Nov. 28, 1765. Aug. 26, 1768. July 14, 1771. June 24, 1782. April 8, 1784. Feb. 6, 1786. Dec. 6, 1788. Aug. 26, 1790. June 3, 1792. d. Oct. 13, 1795. Feb. 10, 1797. Oct. 30, 1765. AprU 12, 1779. April 12, 1779. April 14, 1781. Feb. 10, 1811. GO VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-143 SUNDERLAND WUliam, of George and Deborah, April 13, 1775. 3-143 " Warham, July 2, 1777. 3-143 " Mary, Feb. 9, 1781. 3-143 " George, March 1, 1783. 3-143 " John, May 27, 1788. 3-143 " Augustus, Dec. 8, 1792. 3-247 " Joseph Wilcox, of Gideon G. and Mary (WUcox), July 17, 1845. 1-207 SWEET Freelove, of Samuel and Sarah, Nov. 1, 1734. 1-207 " Samuel, Feb. 1, 1736. 1-207 " Jonathan, Aug. 9, 1739. 1-207 " Albro, March 34, 1743. 1-207 " Elizabeth, March 11, 1744. 1-199 " Dorothy, of George and Ruth, Nov. 12, 1742. 1-199 " Susannah, May 17, 1745. 1-399 " Mary, June 20, 1747. 1-199 " George, Sept. 28, 1749. 1-3 99 " Jabez, Oct. 9, 1751. 1-199 " Hannah, April 12, 1754. 1-3 99 " Ruth, * May 31, 1757. 1-199 " Elizabeth, Aug. 10, 1759. 1-199 " Almy, Jan. 7, 1762. 1-199 " Orpha, of Robert and Elizabeth, Aug. 11, 1743. 1-3 99 " Benjamin, Jan. 30, 1744. 1-3 99 " ZUpha, May 1, 1746. 1-199 " Elizabeth, • Oct. 7, 1747. 1-199 " Robert, AprU 20, 1749. 1-199 " Nathan, ' April 18, 1751. 1-199 " Ann, Sept. 14, 1752. 1-199 " Dinah, June 13, 1754. 1-199 " Patience, April 2, 1756. 1-245 " Jeremiah, of John and AbigaU, Nov. 14, 1744. 1-245 " Jsesuball, Sept. 21, 1746. 1-205 " George, Nov. 28, 1743. 1-205 " Elizabeth, Jan. 28, 1750. 3-205 " Ruth, June 12, 1753. 1-223 " Naomi, of Henry and Freelove, Dec. 21, 1754. 3-23 " John, of John and Mary, Jan. 13, 1762. 3-21 « WUUam, Jan. 13, 1764. 3-21 " George, AprU 30, 1766. 3-21 " Hannah, March 27, 1708. 3-69 " WUliam, of EUsha and Martha, AprU 5, 1784. 3-258 " Palmer, of Hannah, grandson of John, May 4, 1797. 1-223 1-2231-223 1-2231-223 1-1623-126 3-126 3-1263-1263-3 26 3-027 3-1263-126 3-126 3-126 3-126 3-126 TANNER Gideon, of Joseph and Joanna., " Joanna, " John, " Joshua, " Joseph, " William, of WUUam and Susannah, Jan. 26, 1749. May 3, 1742. July 22, 1745. March 23, 1748. Aug. 27, 1750. Aug. 15, 1752. TILLINGHAST Stukeley (of Exeter), son of Pardon (of West Greenwich), born in Warwick, R. I., Nov. 24, 1741. Honor (Hopkins), (West Greenwich), his wife, Jan. 6, 1745. Anna, (West Greenwich), of Stukeley and Honor, May 26, 1763. Amos, (Exeter), Oct. 23, 1734. Stephen, June 13, 1766. Amie, of Stukeley and Honor, Oct. 29, 1767. Honor, May 24, 1769. Pardon, Feb. 3, 1771. Hannah, Dec. 26, 1772. Stukeley, June 29, 1774. Mary, Jan. 21, 1776. Sarah, Oct. 10, 1777. VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 61 3-126 TULINGHAST Ruth, of Stukeley and Honor, Jan. 29, 1780. 3-126 cc Anstis, Jan. 18, 1782. 3-126 " Clarke, April 17, 1784. 3-126 " James, Aug. 21, 1786. 3-22 cc AUce, (3d dau.) of Pardon and Ruth, May 21, 1767. 3-22 cc Ruth, (4th dau.), Arril 22, 1773 3-22 |CC Ruth, wife of Pardon, d. Aug. 21, 1776. 3-57 cc , of Penelope, (Jamestown), Sept. 28, 1780. 3-57 cc Daniel Holloway, of Danie! and , ¦ — , . 3-57 cc Pardon (Exeter), March 23. 1782. 3-67 " Joseph R., of Phillip and Anna, Dec. 29, 1782. 3-186 " Amie, of AUen and Ruth, Oct. 11, 1799. 3-186 cc AbigaU, Sept. 11, 1801. 3-186 " Charles, Nov. 18, 1803. 3-3 86 " John , Dec. 30, 1805. 3 2°9 " John, of Pardon S., Feb. 1, 1808. 2-180 TEFFT Abigail, of Robert and AbigaU, Oct. 6, 1755. 2-180 " John, Feb. 19, 1758. 2-180 " Robert, Feb. 4, 1761. 2-180 " Joseph, Oct. 13, 1763. 2-180 cc Patience, Dec. 10. 1766. 3-22 cc Martha, of Robert and Martha, May 7, 1771. 3-107 cc Robert, of John and Anna, March 1, 1779. 3-107 cc Abigail, Oct. 6, 1781. 3-007 cc Jeremiah, July 23, 1782. 3-107 " Simon, April 27, 1784. 3-107 cc Mary, June 23, 1786. 3-307 cc David, July 3, 1788. 3-3 87 cc Lydia, of Benjamin T. and Lucy, Feb. 3, 3 800. 3-187 cc Abigail, Feb. 20, 1802. 3-187 cc Lucy, April 25, 1804. 3-087 cc Rebecca, Feb. 15, 3806. 3-087 " Hannah, March. 25, 1808. 3-187 cc Benjamm B., May 6, 3 810. 3-161 cc Lucy, wife of Benjamin T., dau. iof Stephen and Abigail Reynolds, aged 33y., 5m., 6d, Sept. 11, 1811. 3-102 TERRY Seth, Jan. 22, 1764. 3-102 a AbigaU, of Seth and Mary, Jan. 11. 1786. 3-102 " Joanna, March 28, 1787. 3-102 a Moses, Dec. 2, 1788. 3-256 it Charles, of Othnlel and Nancy, Sept. 14, 1811. 3-253 it William R., of Moses and Sarah, June 2, 1812. 3-256 tl Stephen, 1 Nov. 3, 1814. 3-256 it Seth W., Jan. 31, 1816. 3-256 tt Burguess P., Aug. 1, 1817. 3-256 it Whitman Barber, May 23, 1818. 3-256 cc Whitman Barber, d, AprU 3, 1823. 3-256 cc Ellet, April 3, 1820. 3-256 " Silas Whitman, April 3, 1S22. 1-203 TRIPP Job, b. AprU 20, 1701. 1-203 CC Sarah, his wife, b. May 20, 1704. 1-203 CC Peleg, of Job and Sarah, June 13', 1723. 3-203 a Peregrine. Aug. 19, 1725. 1-203 " Charles. Oct. 1, 1727. 1-203 a Charles. d. in Surinam, AprU — , 1748. 1-203 ti Mehitable, Dec. 1, 1729. 3-203 tt Sarah, Dec 20, 1731. 1-203 '•• Job, June 28, 173'4. 1-203 it Amos, Sept. 8, 1736. 1-203 " Mary, March 28. 1739. 1-203 " Phebe, Aug. 13. 1741. 1-203' « Ezekiel, March P. 1743-4. 1-203 " Charles, Sept. 30, 1749. 3 -203 CC Thomas, of William and Mary, May 12, 1740. (Vit. Ree, Vol. 5.) 16 62 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-216 TRIPP Hannah, of Peleg and Sarah, 1-216 " Sarah, 1-216 " Louis, 1-216 Waite, 1-216 " Sarah, of Peregrine and Susannah, 1-216 " Ruth, 1-23 6 " Susannah, 3-169 " Lucy Ann, of John S., 3-169 " Samuel BurreU, 3-169 " Huldah EUza 3-169 " Perry Greene, Jan. 19, 1743 Nov. 11, 1745 Aug. 16, 1747 AprU 1, 1749 Oct. 1, 1749 AprU 15, 1751 Jan. 1, 1753. April 15, 1818 Feb. 23, 1820. Oct. 12, 1821. Oct. 12, 1823. U V 3-235 VAI JGHN Joshua, born Nov. 1, 1773 3-235 ' Lucy, his wife, bom March 21, 1772 3-235 ' Pitt, of Joshua and Lucy, Sept. 24, 1799 3-235 ' Ray Greene, Aug. 3, 1801 3-235 ' Maria Flagg, AprU 18, 1803. 3-235 ' Catherine Isabel, Nov. 18, 1804. 3-197 ' Isaac Watton. of Richard and Esther, March 4, 1798 3-197 ' Lucy, Jan. 5, 1800. 3-197 ' Mary, Jan. 10, 1802. 3-197 ' Sybel, AprU 21, 1803. 3-197 ' AbigaU, Dec. 4, 1806. 3-3 97 ' Betsey, Feb. 17, 1815. 3-197 ' Daniel, Oct. 31, 1813. w 1-226 WAINMAN Sarah, of Richard and Avis, June 10. 1753. 1-226 cc Penelope, Jan. 9, 1755. 1-226 cc Charles, Oct. 22, 1757. 1-209 WAITE Deborah, of Samuel, Jr., and Sarah, July 11, 1725. 1-209 it Caleb, Sept. 11, 1727. 1-209 cc Martha, Dec. 4, 1729. 1-209 " Ruth, May 12, 1732. 1-209 " Lucretta, Jan. 22, 1734. 1-209 " Eleanor, Jan. 9, 1736. 1-209 " Samuel, Jan. 1, 1738. 1-209 cc Catherine, June 19, 1740. 1-209 cc Henry, Jan. 7, 1742-3. 1-209 cc Jonathan, Jan. 7, 1742-3. 1-209 cc Benjamin, Jan. 5, 1745-6. 1-209 " Alee, i June — , 1747. 1-209 cc George, March 22, 1749. 1-3 74 cc Martha, of Joseph and Elizabeth, March 10, 1738. 1-174 " Reuben, July 24, 1740. 1-174 cc Oliver, June 15, 1741. 1-174 cc Elverton, Sept. 14, 1743. l-22;7 cc Mary, of WiUiam and Mary, Feb. IS, 1751-2. 1-227 " Benjamin, Sept. 3, 1753. 1-227 " Isaiah. Jan. 30, 1756. 1-227 cc John, Dec. 20, 1757. 1-227 cc WilUam, Jan. 10, 1760. 1-227 cc Stephen, Oct. 11, 1761. 1-227 cc Nicholas, April 17, 1763. 1-226 cc Jenckes, of Samuel, Jun., and AnsUles, Feb. 6, 1753. 1-226 cc Lucia, June 6, 1756. 1-226 cc Jenckes, March 3, 1759. 1-172 cc Beriah, of Benjamin and Sarah, Nov. 28, 1757. 1-172 " Joseph, Jan. 27, 1759. 1-172 '• Stephen, Jan. 26, 1761. EXETER BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 63 1-172 WAITE Honor, of Benjamin and Sarah, Aug. 18, 1762. 1-172 cc Elizabeth, Feb. 18, 1765. 1-172 cc Edmund, Feb. 26, 1767. 1-172 it Lydia, Dec. 25, 1769. 1-172 " Mary, Jan. 14, 1772. 3-81 cc Benjamin, Jan. 8, 1776. 3-81 cc Sarah, Oct. 8, 1780. 3-81 it Jolmi, Aug. 22, 1785. 1-173 it Elizabeth, of Reuben and Mary, July 19, 1759. 3-26 it Jenckes, of Jenckes and Sarah, May 24, 1781. 3-71 " George, of Joseph and AbigaU, Aug. 10, 1784. 1-176 WATSON Stephen, of Robert, Dec. 7, 1760. 3-152 « Samuel (2d son), of Robert and Rebecca, May 10, 1778. 3-152 It John (3d son), June 22, 1782. 3-177 " John, of Stephen and Mercy, Nov. 24, 1782. 3-177 CC Gardiner, Jan. 17, 1785. 3-177 it Freelove, Note.— Also recorded 3-28. AprU 6, 1790. 3-152 it Patience, of John and Isabel, Sept. 7, 1801. 3-152 " John Kenyon, March 15, 1804. 3-152 ti Stephen Dyer, Oct. 25, 1806. 3-152 it John Mumford, June 20, 1809. 1-171 WKEDEN Peleg, of Caleb and Lydia, Sept. 15, 1759. 1-171 a John, Dec. 22, 1761. 1-225 WEIGHTMAN Thankful, of Titus and Hannah, Sept.. 19, 1752. 3-13 tt Mary, (b. in Warwick), of Stephen and AbigaU, Oct. 22, 1773. 3-13 tt AbigaU, wife of Stephen, died Feb. 22, 1780. 1-210 WHITFORD Sarah, of John and Martha, Sept. 17, 1727. 1-210 u Benjamin, May 1, 1729. 1-210 a Lydia, Nov. 22, 1730. 1-210 tt EUzabeth, April 3, 1733. 1-210 a Mary, Dec. 22, 1735. 1-210 " John, Dec. 1, 1737. 1-210 n Mercy, March 25, 3739. 3-210 a Martha, Jan. 21, 1740. 1-210 , cc Amos, July 25, 3 743. 1-225 WHITMAN EUzabeth, of George and Bridget, Sept. 23, 1752. 3-103 WILBUR AbigaU, of John and AbigaU, May 1, 1752. 3-206 tt John, died Nov 5, 1798. 1-199 WILCOX John, of Abraham and Lydia, July 9, 1741. 1-199 u Job, Feb. 4, 1743 3-24 Thurston, of John and Mary, June 4, 1702. 3-24 Lydia, March 11, 1764. 3-24 Daniel, May 1, 1767. 3-24 Mary, June 4, 1771. 3-24 DeUverance, March 17, 1774 3-68 Libbeus, of Abraham and Mary, Aug. 22, 1763. 3-203 Asa, of Job and Mary, AprU 7, 1772 3-203 Nathan, Aug. 16, 1774 3-203 Esther, Aug. 20, 1776 3-203 Simon, Sept. 3, 1778 3-203 cc Eunice, Aug. 17, 1780 3-203 Job, March 12, 1782 3-203 " Harrington, Sept. 22, 1783 3-203 Mary, Aug. 22, 1785 3-203 " Prudence, AprU 2, 1787 3-203 Ga' es, Sept. 21, 1790 3-203 Hannah, Oct. 7„ 1794 3-203 " Thurston, Nov. 2, 1796 3-132 " Joseph, of Isaac and Rebecca, Sept. 1, 1771 3-3 32 " Charity, July 20, 1776 3-132 " Rebecca, Dec. 23, 1779 3-132 " Isaac, Feb. 22, 1781 3-132 Nathaniel, March 20, 1783 3-132 " Josiah, June 5, 1785 64 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-132 WILCOX Arehaba, of Isaac and Rebecca, Dec. 26, 1787. 3-132 " Jacob, Jan. 10, 1790. 3-132 cc Isaac, died March 16, 1801. 3-231 cc Jeffrey H., (3d son) of Jeffrey and Sarah, Oct. 11, 1783. 3-106 cc Gardiner, of Stephen, June 15, 1797. 3-227 " Rebecca Walton, of Isaiah and Sybel, May 23, 1807. 3-257 cc Charles T., of Othnlel and Nancy, Sept. 14, 1811. 3-207 WILKEY Mary, of Jeremiah and Mary, July 4, 1735. 3-207 Cc Martha, June 16, 1737. 3-207 cc Thomas, March 27, 1739. 3-207 " Peter, Oct. 27, 1740. 3-207 cc John, Jan. 19, 1742. 3-207 cc Lydia, April 13, 1715. 3-207 " Abigail, May 23, 1717. 3-207 " Jeremiah, Dec. 17, 1750. 3-207 " Elizabeth, Aug. 17, 1759. 3-207 " Peter, died Jan. 11, 1741. 3-8 " Sarah, of Martha, AprU 1, 1701. 3-8 " John, of John and Bethany, Aug. 2, 3 771. 3-8 " Jenerate, Nov. 5, 1774. 3-8 cc Joseph Spencer, Sept. 16, 1779. X Y Z Vital Record of Rhode Island. 1636=1850. First Series. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. A Family. Register for the People. By James N. Arnold, Editor of the Narragansett Historical Register. " Is WLy Name Written in the Boole of Life?' Vol. 5. WESTERLY. Part IV. Published under the Auspices of the General Assembly. PROVIDENCE, E. I : Narragansett Historical Publishing Company. 1894. ACT INCORPORATING THE TOWN OF WESTERLY. This Court taking notice of the returne of the Committee, to witt, Mr. John Easton, Mr. Benjamin Smith, James Greene, Edward Smith, Caleb Carr and William Weeden, in reference to the petition or desire of the people inhabiting at Mosquanocott and Pawcatucke in the Kings Province to be made a towneshipp, it being and lying within this jurisdiction, as by his Majesty's Letters Pattents it may appear and considering the power by his Majestye given to this Assembly to order and settle townes, cities and cor porations within this said jurisdiction, as shall seem meet and seeing there doth alsoe appeare good evidence of the trust and good affection of the said people unto his Mejestyes government, established in this Collony, and being also sensibell that the said inhabitants have suffered much in vindicating the same and are a competent number to carry on the affairs there, as in condition of a towneship. Bee it therefore enacted by this Assembly, and by the authority thereof, that the said inhabitants of Musquamacott being seated adjoining to Paw catucke, alias Narragansett or Narragansett River on the west part and boundary of this Collony, and within that part thereof known by the name of the King's Province aforesaid, to wit, Mr. John Crandall, Mr. Tobias San ders and all such others as now are, or hereafter shall be legally admitted as freemen and inhabitants in the said place called Musquamacott, etc., shall be knowne and called by the name of WESTERLY, and shall be reputed and deemed the fifth Towne of this Collony, and shall have use and enjoy all such privilidges and exercise all such methods and forms for the well ordering their towne affaires, as any other towne in this Collony may now use and exercise, and they shall have liberty to elect and send two Deputies to sitt and act in the Generall Assemblys of this Collony from time to time, and are enjoyned to choose and send to the General Court of Trialls one grand jury man, and one for the jury of trials from time to time, and further this Assembly for their the said peoples better governing themselves, and such as come amongst them, and untill his Majestyes pleasure be father knowne doe recommend the care and speciall regard or ordering and appeynt- ing Conservators of the Peace among them unto the Governor, Deputye Gov ernor and Assistants of this Collony, as was by the Governor and Councill began in the year 1665, and hath been since continued disiringe it may still be ordered, and by the said justices, renewed and as occasion requires compleated and established, as they shall see meett, even to erecting Courts for Triall of such small matters as other particular Courts in this Collony may doe in that respect. Rhode Island Colonial Records Vol. II., pages 250, 251. WESTERLY. :m:.a.:r,:r,i.a. g-.es. 2-84 ADAMS Thomas, and Mary Hall (of Edward, dec.) ; m. "by John Eichmond, Justice, Nov. 23, 1732. 3-80 " James, and Mary Randall, both of Groton, Conn. ; m. by Silas Greenman, Justice, Aug. 3, 175G. 6-89 AKINS Andrew J., of Volney, Oswego Co., N. Y., and Hannah Vars, of Westerly ; ;m. by Rev. Tliomas G. Osborn, Dec. 2, 1846. 5-101 ALEXANDER Dixon, of Benson, Vt., M. D., son of Alexander, of De Kalb, N. Y., and Mary Elizabeth Wentworth, of Erastus, of Conn. ; m. iby Rev. Thomas H. Vail, Oct. 2, 1849. 2-119 ALLEN Gideon, and Lydia , Nov. 6, 1,705. 2-119 " Samuel, and Catherine Morris, Aug. 20, 1707. 2-87 " Patience, and William Meekcome, April 2, 1733. 2-94 " Sarah, and Thomas Burdick, Dec. H, 1742. 2-73 " John, and Lydia Richmond ; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, March 30, 1744. 3-93 " Thankful, and Isaiah Lanphear, Oct. 10, 1763. 3-155 " Rachel, and Paul Edwards, April 13, 1782. 4-64 " Polly, and WilUam Noyes, April 21, 1792. 4-120 " Joshua, of James, of Cliarlestown, and Rachel Bliven, of Daniel, 61 Westerly ; m. by S muel Bliven, Justice, March 1, 1798. 4-212 " Greene, of Chirlestown, and Amey Bliven, of Westerly : m. by Elder Abram .Coon, Feb. 12, 1804. 4-257 " Amelia,, and Benjamin Gavltt, May 17, 1814. 5-97 " Frederic Lee, of New London, Conn., and Waite Harris Lippltt. of Christopher, of Westerly ; m. by Rev. Thomas H. Vail, June 4, 1849. 2-72 ALLOBY Sarah, and William Davis, Feb. 7, 1739-40. 6-67 AMOS Eufns, and Betsey White; m. by Rev. Oliver P. Tuckerman, Jan. i 25, 1840. 3-66 AUSTIN Cornelius, of Scituate, and Thankful Saunders,, of Westerly; m. by John Richmond, Justice, Oct. 25, 1733. 3-17 " Barbara, and Daniel Button, Oct. 7, 1752. 4-103 " Champlain, of Stephen, of Charlestown,, and Dolly Hall, of Abigail, of Westerly; m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, (also 4-109), Nov. 20, 1796. 5-52 " Charles W., and Emma Ann Bliven; m. by Rev. Oliver P. Tucker- man, April 25, 1844. 5-25 " Rhoda N., and William E. Burdick, July 4, 1846. 3-32 AVERY Charles, of Groton, and Mary Thurston, of Stonington; m. by Benjamin Randall, Justice, Aug. 28, 1753. 3-17 " Elizabeth, and Benajah Williams, Sept. 1, 1754. B 2-115 BABCOCK Mary, and Thomas Potter, March 19, 1717-8. 2-58 " Lydia, and Eoger Elderton, Sept. 20, 1722. S-112 " Samuel, and Ann Pendleton; m. by John Saunders, Justice, May 15, 1723. 6 VITAL EECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-95 BABCOCK Stephen, and. Anna Thompson', Oct. 12, 1726. 2-95 " Mercy, and Tobias Brand, April 30, 3 730. 2-92 " WUUam, of Westerly, and Sarah Denlson, of Seabrook: m. by Rev. Hezekiah Marther, Aug. 11, 3730. 2-88 " Joseph, and Susanmadi Thompson; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, Dec. 9, 1730. 2-94 « David, of South Kingstown, and Dorcas Brown, of Westerly; m. by George Babaock, Justice, Feb. 24, 1730-1. 2-88 " Anne, and Silas Greenman, March 23, 1730-1. 2-87 " James, and /Content Maxson ; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, July 7, 1731. 2-94 " Ichabod, and Jemima Babcock; an. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, Dec. 1, 1731. 2-94 " ' Jemima, and Ichabod Babcock, Dec. 1, 1731. 2-84 " Amey, and Ezekiel Gavltt, Aug. 9, 1732. 2-76 " Joshua, and Hannah Stanton; m. by Rev. John Maxsom, Aug. 11, 1735.- 2-73 " Mary, and Benjamin Randall, Oct. 22, 1735. 2-72 " Amos, and Elizabeth Brand ; m. by William Hem, Justice, Dec. 20, 1738. 2-14 " Ezekiel, and Eunice Billings; m. by Elder John Maxson, Oct. 26, 1740. 2-14 " AbigaU, and Henry MulMns, Nov. 4, 1740. 2-94 " Content, and WilUam Hlscox (also 3-39), Dec. 22. 1742. 3-11 " Maiy, and William Wilbur, April 17. 1745. 3-6 " Isaac, of Westerly, and Mary, Worden, of Stonington; m. by Rev. Nathaniel Eells, April 17, 1746. 3-12 " Nathan, of Samuel, of Westerly, and Deborah Stafford, of Warwick; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, May 19, 1748. 3-28 " Susannah, and Benjamin Clarke, Nov. 3, 1748. 3-61 " WilUam, of Daniel, and Patience Cottrell; m. by WilUam Bab cock, Justice, Jan. 28, 3 749. 3-20 " Anne, and Joseph Davis. Jan- 18, 1749-50. 3-9 " George, Jr., of Westerly, a nd Mehitable Wheeler, of Stonington ; m. by Rev. Joseph Fish, June 26, 1751. 3-25 " Lucy, and Nathan Breed, June — , 1751. 3-3 " Elizabeth, and John! Burdick, Dec. 1, 1751. 3-25 " Hannah, and Joseph Reynolds, Sept. — , 1752. 3-29 " Mary, and Joseph Davis, Jan. 30, 1753. 3-35 " Caleb, of Westerly,, and Susanna HaU, of Eichmond ; m. by Daniel Maccoon, Justice, Jan. 3 4, 1753. 3-30 " James, and Mary Satterly, Feb. 21„ 1753. 3-31 " John, of Westerly, and Abigail Pearce, of Richmond; m. by Daniel Maccoon, Justice, March 8, 1753. 3-9 " Sarah, and Stephen Chalken, Nov. 5, 1753. 3-33 " Joshua, of Daniel, and Sarah Berry ; m. by William Hern, Justice, Jan. 10, 1754. 3-41 " Elizabeth, and Nathan Smith, Sept. 19, 1754. 3-42 " James, and Sarah Stanton ; m. by SUas Greenman, Justice, Dec. 2, 1754. 3-43 " Prudence, and WUliam Saunders, Jr., Jan. 9, 1755. 3-43 " Samuel, Jr., and Mary Smith; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Jan. S3, 1755. 3-9 " Ichabod, Jr., of Westerly, and Esther Stanton, of Charlestown; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, March 17, 1756. 3-51 " Aune, and Capt. Simon Rhodes, Dee. 15, 1756. 3-44 " Job, and Sarah Porter ; in. by Daniel Maccoon, Justice, Feb. 10, 1757. 3-E5 " James, Jr., of Stonington, and Lucretia Babcock, of Westerly ; m. by Silas Greenman, Justice, July 21, 1757. 3-55 " Lucretia, and James Babe.nck, Jr., July 21, 1757. 3-22 " Ceazar, and Reensy Greeaman : m. by WUliam Hern, Justice, April 7, 1758. 3-72 " Sarah, and John Gorton, Nov. 9, 1760. WESTERLY MARRIAGES. 3-77 BABCOCK OUver, and Silvesitre Belcher; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, July 2, 1761. 3-81 " ISTkanah, and Esther Crandall : m. by James BUven, Justice, (also 4-66), March 28, 1702. 3-86 " Thankful, and Joseph Stanton, Jr.. July 14, 1762. 3-94 " ¦ Benedict, of South Kingstown, and Mary Thompson, of Capt. Joshua, of Westerly ; m. by Eev. Joseph Park, March 2, 1763. 4-19 " Jesse, of Joseph, and AbigaU Mulktn, of Henry; in. by Ichabod Babcock, Justice, March 8. 1763. 3-94 " Mary, and Pheneas Clarke, Nov. 23. 1763. 3-12 " Nathan, of Westerly, and Elizabeth Brown, of Stonington ; m. by Rev. Joseph Fish, May 20, 1764. 3^99 " Joseph, Jr.. and Hannah Champlain ; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, March 31, 1765. 3-104 " Prudence, and EUjah Lewis. Nov. 10, 1765. 3-105 " Ephraim, of Westerly, and, Ann Peckham, of Charlestown ; m. by Eev. Joseph Park, Aug. 10, 1706. 3-109 " Phebe. and Ezekiel Gavitt, Jr., March 22, 1767. 3-115 " Major James, of Westerly, and Joanna MeDoweU, of Stonington, at Stonington. by Rev. Nathaniel Eells. Aug. 27, 1769. 3-114 " Elizabeth, and John Worden. Nov. 12. 1769. 3-123 " Desire, and Zaccheus Reynolds, Dec. 11, 1771. 3-126 " Rebecca, and Champlain Lanphear, March 9, 1772. 3-126 " Anne, and William West, Nov. 1. 1772. 3-130 " Anna and Robert Thompson, March 18, 1773. 3-141 " Amelia, and Nathan Pendleton, Jan. 22. 1775. 3-149 " James, 3d, of James, and Sarah Ross, of John ; m. by Elder Isaiah Wilcox, Jan. 26, 1777'. 4-61 " Deborah, and Nathaniel S'illman, Feb. 26, 1777. 3-160 " "Lucy, and Christopher CrandaU, April 17, 1777. 3-173 " Anne, and Rowland Champlain, May 10, 1777. 3-153 " Prentice, of Isaac, and Anna Gavitt, of William, dec; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, March 15, 1778. 3-154 " Heniry, of James, and Prudence Gavitt, of Hezekiah ; m. by Elder Isaiah Wilcox, Aug. 4, 1778. 3-163 " Samuel, of Nathan, 2d, and Lucy WUcox, of David, dec. ; m. by Elder Isaiah WUcox, May 22, 1779. 3-164 " Nathan, of Samuel, dec, of Westerly, and Nancy Lewis, of Na thaniel, dec, of Hopkinton; m. by Elder Isaiah Wilcox, Aug. 26. 1779. 3-177 " Simon, and Mrs. Hannah Champlain ; m. by Elder OUver Babcock, AprU 6. 1780. 3-170 " Hon. Joshua, of Westerly, and Mrs. Anna Maxson, late of New port; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, May 28, 1780. 3-127 " Isaac, and Amey Gavitt* of Deacon Ezekiel ; m. by Joseph Cran daU. Justice. Nov. 12, 1780. 3-171 " Paul, of Samuel, of Westerly, and Charlotte Crandall, of James, of Eichmond; m. by Joseph CrandaU. Justice, (also 4-76), Nov. 30. 1780. 4-43 " Sarah, and Sylvester Gavitt, Sept. 30 « 1781. 3-176 " Elizabeth, and >7Uliam Blackington, Nov. 27. 1781. 3-176 " Amos, of Isaac, and Mary Babcock, of Joseph;, m. by Elder Thomas Eoss, (also 4-84), Dec 2. 3 781. 3-176 " Mary, amd Amos Babcock, (also 4-84), Dec. 2, 1781. 3-176 " Mary, and Peleg Eoss, Jr., Dec. 2. 1781. 3-175 " Dorcas, anil Nathan Babcock. Feb. 6. 1782. 3-175 " Nathan, of Samuel, dec. of Westerly, and Dorcas Babcock, of David, of South Kingstown: m. by Elder Isaiah WUcox, "eb. 6, 1782. 4-113 " Christopher, Jr., of Charlestown. and Polly Potter, of Middletown; m. by Eev. Gardiner Thurston, June 16, 1782. 3-118 " Joseph, Jr., son of Ichabod, Jr., and Sarah Babcock, of Christo pher; m. by Elder Isaiah Wilcox, Aug. 4, 1782. 3-118 " Sarah, and Joseph Babcock, 'Jr., Aug. 4, 1782. 4-7 " Mary, and William Babcock, Sept. 8, 1782. VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-7 BABCOCK WUliam, of Christopher, and. Mary Babcock, of Ichabod; m. by Elder Isaiah WUcox, Sept. 8, 1782. 4-68 " Mary, and Henry Davis, Aug. 21, 1783, 4-13 " Christopher, of Christopher, and Polly Burdick, of OUver, dec; m. by Elder Isaiah WUcox, Nov. 30, 1783. 4-100 " Anna, and Walter Brand, Jan. 28, 1784. 4-4 " Daniel, of James, dec, of Westerly, and Hannah Burdick, of Peter, of Stonington; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, March 1, 1784. 4-20 " SUas, of Westerly, and Mercy Kenyon, of John, of Richmond, at Richmond ; m. by Elder John Burdick, Jan. 18, 1787. 4-27 " Rhoda, and George Gavitt, March 31, 1788. 4-68 " Jared, of Samuel, of Westerly, and Martha Lewis, of Daniel, of Hopkinton; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Oct. 25, 1789. 4-55 " Je*se, of Isaac, and Hannah Thompson, of Isaac ; m. by Elder Isaiah WUcox, Jan. 23, 1789. 4-97 " Joanna, and Joseph Wilbur, Jr., Jan. 6, 1790. 4-49 " John, of John, dec, of Westerly, and Anna Maxson, of Jonathan, of Richmond; m. by Eld. Henry Joslin, Jan. 10, 1790. 4-60 " Arnold, of Oliver, dec. and Lucy Davis, of Joseph; m. by Elder Isaiah Wilcox, Jan. 17, 1790. 4-100 " Lydia, and Walter Brand. May 16, 1791. 4-74 " Charles, and Lucy Langworthy ;. m. by Daniel Babcock, Justice, Jan. 1, 1792. 4-77 " Joshua, and Ruth Greene ; m. by Elder Isaiah WUcox, March 11, 1792. 4^75 " Deborah, land George Pendleton, Oct. 25, 1792. 4-86 " Delight, and Lemuel Vose, March 13, 1794. 4-105 " John, of Joseph, and Damarius Crandall ; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Dec 4, 1794. 4-108 " Hannah, and Arnold West (also 4-112), Nov. 17, 1796. 4-149 " James, of James, and Saiah Ross, of John ; m. by Elder Isaiah Wil cox, Jan. 26, 1797. 4-3 06 " Jesse, of Westerly, and Mary Barnes, widow, of Hopkinton; m. at Hopkinton by Flder Asa Coon, Aug. 19, 1798. 4-124 " Lois, and William Hebert, Nov. 20, 1798. 4-209 " Capt. Dudley, and Ann Wright, both of Stonington; m. by Charles Phelps, Justice, Jan. 7, 1799. 4-139 " Elizabeth and Joseph Noyes, Jr., Jan. 13, 1799. 4-140 " Hannah, and Richard Berry, March 4, 1799. 4-151 " Asa, of Christopher, and Molly Babcock, of Joseph ; m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, Jan. 16, 1800. 4-151 " MoUy, and Asa Babcock, Jan. 16, 1800. 4-154 " Martha, and Sanford Noyes, Feb. 2, 1800. 4165 '¦ Eouse, of Rouse, of Westerly, and Hannah Brown, of George, of South Kingstown ; m. at South Kingstown, by Rev. Theodore Dehon, Jan. 13, 1801. 4-168 « Stephen, of Christopher, and Phebe Burch; m. by Samuel BUven, Justice, March 22, 1801. 4-180 " Joseph, of Joseph, of Westerly, and Keturah Gavitt, of John, of Charlestown; m. by Nathan Taylor, Justice, AprU 12, 1801. 4-174 " Elizabeth, and John Wilbur-, Sept. 21, 1801. 4-164 " Euth, and Sylvester Crumb, Jr., Oct. 11, 1801. 4-173 " Daniel, of Joseph, and Nancy Babcock, of James; m. by Joseph Pendleton, Justice, Oct. 29, 1801. 4-373 " Nancy, and Danitl Babcock, Oct. 29, 3801. 4-3 71 " Phineas, of Cliristopher, and Thankful Babcock, of Joseph ; m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, Nov. 29, 1801. 4-171 « Thanld'ul, and Phineas Babcock, Nov. 29, 1801. 4-3 72 " Joshua, of Elder Elkanah, and Nancy CrandaU, of John; m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, Dec. 13, 1801. 4-175 « James, of Josep'i and Hannah Rhodes, of Capt. Joseph; m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, May 6, 1802. 4-54 " Nancy, and William BUven, 2d, Jan. 16. 3 803. 4-147 " Charlotte, and Augustus Cramlcll, Sept. 17, 3 803. d-205 " Damarius, and Nathan Burch, Dec. 22, 1803. WESTEELY MAREIAGES. 4-208 BABCOCK Nathan, of Nathan, dec, and Patty Barber, of Peleg; m. by Joseph Pendleton, Justice, March 18, 1805. 4-214 " Nancy,, and WUUam Thompson, March 31, 1805. 4-151 " Asa, of Christopher, of Westeily, and Elizabeth Barber, of Thomas, de .„ of Hopkinton; m. by Charles Greene, Justice, Dec 19, 1805. 4-211 " Dorcas, and Nathan Barber, 3d, Jan. 12, 1806. 4-227 " Benjamin, of Westerly, and Ann WUcox, of Ool. Edward, of Charlestown; m. at Charlestown, by Peleg Cross, Justice, Jan. 26, 1806. 4-250 " Esther, and Stephen Smith, Sept. 6, 1807. 4-241 " David, of Nathan, dec, and Fanny Tefft, of John; m. by Joseph Pendleton, Justice, AprU 7, 1808. 4-255 " Eunice, and Thomas Baiber, May 25, 1809. 4-247 " Paul, Jr., and Am?y Clarke, of Job B. ; m. by Elder Matthew StUlman, Sept. 5, 1811. 4-253 " Asa 2d, and Mary Gavitt; m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, Sept. 12, 1813. 4-256 " Mary, and Joseph Potter, Jr., Oct. 28, 1813. •4-256 " Elisha, and Celia WUbur; m. at Stonington, by Nathaniel Miner, Justice, Jan. 17, 1814. 4-263 " Hannah, and Eobert F. Ferguson, Jan. 23, 1814. 5-15 " Nancy, and John P. HaU, Sept. 3, 1826. 548 " Edward W., and Martha B. Cross ; m. by EUer Matthew StUlman, Nov. 27, 1833. 5-32 " Henry, of Stonington, and Mary Caroline Eoss, of Westerly ; m. by Rev. James Pratt, Feb. 4, 1839. 6-35 " Charlotte, and James E. Irish, Aug. 26. 1839. 5-60 " Sarah A., and Dr. John G. Peirce, June 1, 1840. 5-40 " Perry G., and EUza Sheffield; m. by Eev. A. G. Palmer, AprU 11, 1841. 5-25 " Ezekiel, and Mary W. Lee ; m. by George D. Cross, Justice, Feb. 13, 3842. 5-43 *' Mary Ann, and Benjamin R. Champlin, Sept. 22, 1842. 5-33 " Susan, and George W. Barber, Dec 7, 1842. 5-49 " Rhoda, and Matthew S. Barber, Jan. 8. 1843. -5-47 " Horace, and Abby Jane Cross; m. by Eev. WUliam H. Newman, Sept. 11, 1843. 5-40 " Lydia A., and WUliam P. Taylor, Oct. 5, 1843. 5-74 " Harriet, and Horatio Nelson Campbell, Sept. 8, 1846. 5-75 " Esther, and. Charles A. Stillman, Oct. 4, 1846. 5-76 " Mary Ann, and George G. CrandaU. Oct. 4, 1846. -5-87 " Matilda, and Perry Hoxsie, July 3, 1848. 3-37 BACON Ephraim, of Pomfret, and Mary Vincent, of Westerly ; m. by Benoni Smith. Justice, Feb. 20, 1754. :2-110 BAILEY' Hannah, and Francis Coldgrove, (also 2-115), March 5, 1718-9. °™ 2-96 " Mary, and Edward Rogers, July 22, 172S. 2-72 " Samuel, and Charity Clossen; m. by Samuel WUbur, Justice, Feb. 12, 17.35. ' [It -2-72 " Judeth, and Thomas Brand, May 17, 1739. 2-10 " Mary, and Jonathan Tefft, Jan. 29, 1740. 3-68 " Samuel, Jr., and Hannah York; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Jan. 8, 3.761. -.3-162 " SUas, of Caleb, and Amey Stillman, of Joseph, dec. ; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, May 22, 177.7. 2-88 BAEBER Dinah, and Edward Wilcox, June 14, 1716. 2-92 " Moses, and Mary Larkin ; m. by Theodoty .Rhodes, Justice, AprU 9, 1729. 2-82 " Ezekiel, of South Kingstown, and Hannah Webster, of Westerly ; m. by Samuel WUbur, Justice, Nov. 28, 1736. 3-41 " Mary, and Timothy Peckham, Sept. 19, 1754. 3-56 " Mary, and Darius Waterman, Sept. 23, 1757. 4-21 " Mary, and John WUbur (also 4-10) Dec 30 or 31, 1780. 4-15 " Eunice, and Thomas Dunbar, Aug. 29, 1784. 10 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-9 BARBER Benjamin, of Capt, Nathan, and Fanny BUven, of Major Edward, dec. ; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, Dec. 1, 1784. 4-41 " John, of Nathan, and SaUy WUcox, of Isaiah; m. by Elder Isaiah WUcox, Jan. 9, 1790. 4-190 " Perry, of John and Molly, of Exeter, and Hannah Miner, of Charles, and Eunice, of Stonington; m. by Elder Eleazer Brown, March 30, 1794. 4-42 " Hosea, and Cattern Lanphere ; m. by (Joseph Clarke, Justice, Dec. 18, 1794. 4-125 " Lucy, and Rogers Crandall, Feb. 12, 1797. 4-122 " Ruth, and Daniel Bliven, Jan. 28, il802. 4-197 " Sprague, of Joseph, and Leney StUlman, of Col. George ; m. by Jo seph Pendleton, Justice, AprU 7, 1804. i 4-208 " Patty, and Nathan Babcock, March 18, 1805. .4-151 " Elizabeth, and Asa Babcock, Dec 19, 1805. 4-211 " Nathan, 3d, of Nathan, Jr., and Dorcas Babcock, of iNathan, dec ; m. by Joseph Pendleton, Justice, Jan. 12, 1806. 4-260 " Benjamin P., of Westerly, and Hannah Merrlott, of Hopktoton; m. at Hopkinton, by Elder Matthew Stillman, March 13, 1806. 4-255 " Thomas, of Peleg, and Eunice Babcock, of Joseph, dec. ; m. by- Joseph Pendleton, Justice, May 25, 1809. 4-245 " Peleg Sherman, and Louisa Gavitt; m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, March 15, 1810. 4-41 " John, of Westerly, and Barbara Maxson, of Lebanon, Conn. ; m. by Nathaniel Dodge, Justice, Dec. 9, 1810. 4-254 " Thankful, and Capt. Thomas Dunbar, Jan. 30, 1814. 4-268 " Amos, Jr., of Amois, of Westerly, and Luclnda Champlain, of Paris, of Hopkinton; m. by Daniel Babcock, Justice, Dec. 7, 1815. 4-267 " Jered, Jr., of Westerly, and Lois Lewis, of Ellas, of Hopkinton; m. at Hopkinton, by Elder Matthew Stillman, March 6, 1817. 4-273 " Hosea,, of Westerly, and Fanny Pendleton, of Stonington ; m. at Stonington, by Elder Asher Miner, Oct. 4, 1821. 4-248 " Ketufah, and Capt. Clarke Lanplieie, March 31, 1823. 4-273 " Jared, Of Westerly,, an Eliza Stanton, of Stonington; m. by Elder Asher Miner, Feb. 12, 1825. 5-5 " Paul M., of Westerly, and Almira Dewry, of North Stonitngton ; m. by Elder Asher Miner, Dec. 30, 1827. 5-61 " Geoige S., of Westerly, and Mary A. Boss, of Hopkinton; m. at Hopkinton, by Elder John Greene, March 13, 1842. 5-33 " George W., and Susan Babcock; m. by George D. Cross, Justice, Dec 7, 1842. 5-49 " Matthew S., and Rhoda Babcock; m. by George D. Cross, Justice, Jan. 8, 1843. 5-47 " Dorcas, and Thomas W. Sisson, Dec. 3, 1843. 5-56 " Nancy M., and Davis Lanphere, Sept. 9, 1844. 5-84 " George S., and JuUa A. Otis; m. by Rev. P. F. Kenney, Jan. 28, 1848. 5-100 " Mary E., and Clarke D. Crandall, Aug. 27, 1849. 5-105 " George H. S., of Nathan, and Frances M. Hall, of John; m. by Rev. John Taylor, Feb. 4, 1850. 2-72 BARKER Barberry, and Jarvis Hazleton, Jan. 21, 1735-6. 4-142 BARNES Bessy, and Amos Cross, Dec. 9. 1798. 4-214 " SaUy, and George Brown, Dec. 9, 1804. 5-90 " Matthew, of Amos, and Martha G. Burdick, of Ichabod; m. by Eev. Fred Denison, Sept. 4, 1848. 3-05 BAREONS Ml-s. Lydia, and WUliam Pendleton, March 10, 1725-6. 5-53 BATES Lewis, Jr., of Exeter, and Parah Sima, of Westerly; m. by Eev. BaUph Fhinney,, July 29, 1844. 1-302 BEBEE Mary, and John Clarke, Nov. 1, 1705. 2-73 " Gideon, and Euth Clarke; by Elder John Maxson, Nov. 25, .1735. 3-19 " Mrs. Patience, and Thomas Hiscox,, March 2, 1756. 4-03 BEERS Elizabeth, and John Burdick, Jr., Sept. 23, 1779. 3-09 BELCHER Elizabeth, and Job Stanton, Nov. 11, 1764. 3-77 " Silvestre, and Oliver Babcock,, July 2, 1761. WESTERLY MARRIAGES. 11 3-46 BELL Anna, and Samuel Hern, July 28, 1754. 2-70 BENNETT Richard, of Stonington, and Mary Loveless, of Westerly ; m. by John Richmond, Justice, Jan. 12„ 1726. 2-79 BENTLEY WUliam, and Bathsheba Lewis ; m. by Samuel WUbur, Justice, Aug. 1, 1734. 3-94 " Euth, and Gideon Sat terry*, Jan. 3, 1764. 3-323 BENT John, Jr., of John, of Hopkinton, and Hannah Saunders, of widow EUzabeth, of Westerly ; m. by Eev. Joseph Park, Oct. 10, 1770. 4-139 " Hannah, and WUliam Chapman, Jr., Jan. 24„ 1799. 3-33 BEERY Sarah, and Joshua Babcock, Jan. 10, 1754. 3-47 " Elisha. of Westerly, and Dinah Spencer, of East Greenwich; m. by William Hern, Justice, Jan. 8, 1756. 3-99 " Elijah, and Dinah Saunders ; m. by Rev. Joseph Parks, Oct. 24, 1764. 4-18 " Peleg, and Mary Kenyon; m. by Elder Stephen Babcock, AprU 17, 1774. 4-65 " Mrs. Hannah and Sanford Gavitt, Feb. 23, 1787. 4-89 " Elizabeth, and Paul Lanphere, Feb. 18, 1789. 4-89 " Polly, and Pardon Lanphere, Feb. 25, 1790. 4-149 " Lydia, and Oliver Thurston, March 21, 1793. 4-134 " Peleg, and Hannah Chapman ; m. by Elder Elkanah Babcock, Jan. 21, 1798. 4-129 " Foxton, and Grace Pendleton ; m. by Elder Elkanah Babcock, Feb. 25, 1798. 4-140 " Richard, and Hannah rabcock; m. by Elder Elkanah Babcock, March 4, 1799. 4-160 " Nancy, and James Larkin, Nov. 23, 1800. 4-165 " Nancy, and Pardon Crandall, Feb. 25, 1802. 4-193 " Lyman, of Elijah, of Westerly, and Sally Stillman, of Nathaniel; m. by Joseph Pendleton, Justice, Nov. 22, 1802. 4-216 " Bridget, and John Thompson, 3d, Feb. 27, 1805. 4-228 " Betsey, and Marshall Frink, May 1, 1805. 4-227 " Wain, of Westerly, and Rosanna Frink, of Stonington; m. by Elder Asher Miner, Dec. 7, 1806. 4-232 " Susannah, and Enock Lanphere, Jan. 29, 1807. 4-253 " Samuel F., and Lucy Stanton ; m. at North Stonington by Elder Jededlah Randall, April 13, 1813. 5-13 " Horatio S., and Welthla StUlman; m. by Elder Matthew StUlman, Aug. 23, 1832. 3-121 BESSY, Sarah, and Ebenezer Rathbun, July 23, 1721. 2-85 " Mary, and John Burch, June 20, 1737. 2-72 BILLINGS Benajah, and Bethia Holmes, both of Stonington; m. by WUliam Hem, Justice, Mar. 24, 3 739-40. 2-17 " Trustum, and Elizabeth Lester; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, Sept. 10, 1740. 2-14 " Eunice, and Ezekiel Babcock, Oct. 26, 1740. 3-57 " Jesse, and Grace Breed, both of Stonington ; m. by Eichard Berry, Justice, Mar. 5, 1701. 3-176 BLACKINGTON. WUliam, and Elizabeth Babcock, of Elder Oliver; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Nov. 27, 1781. 2-84 BLEASON, Eachel, and Stephen Saunders, Nov. 19, 1721. 4-243 BLISS SaUy Thurston, and Paul, StUlman, Nov. 19, 1807. 2-121 BLIVEN Edward, and Isabel Macooon; m. by Tobias Saunders, Justice, Oct. 2, 1691. 2-220 " Edward, Jr., and Ann Ross ; m. by Joseph Stanton, Justice, May 30, 1743. 2-119 " Joan, and William Clarke, Sept. 9, 1703. 2-110 " Edward, and Freelove Swaros ; m. by Joseph Stanton, Justice, May 12, 1719. 2-98 " John, and Mercy Rathbone ; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, Nov. 8, 1727. 2-69 " James, and Anna Rhodes; m. by John Richmond, Justice, Jan. 22, 1734. 2-118 " Freelove, and Joshua Saunders, Oct. 25, 1739. 3-19 " Mary, and Joseph Lewis, Sept. 20, 1752. (Vit. Ree, Vol. 5.) 17 12 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-29 BLIVEN John, and Elizabeth Hern ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Jan. 3, 1.753. 3-38 " Sarah, and Wait Lewis, Oct. 2, 1754. 3-45 " Nathan, and Elizabeth Lewis; m. by WiUiam Hem, Justice, March 15, 1755. 3-52 " James,, and Sarah Stetson; m. by Joseph. Crandall, Justice, Dec. 16, 1756. 3-86 " Daniel, of Westerly, and Hannah Greene, of Charlestown; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Nov. 21, 1762. 4-52 " Daniel, of Westerly, and Hannah Greene, of Charlestown; m. by Joseph CrandaU,, Justice, Nov. 21, 1762. 3-94 " Mary, and Lieut. Hezekiah Saunders, Nov. 20, 1763. 4-194 " Samuel, of James and Ann, of Westerly, and Euth Greene, of Jusiah, and Hannah, of Charlestcwii ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, (also 3-104), March 17, 1766. 3-123 " WiUiam, of Edward, Jr., and Eleanor Maxson, of John ; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Oct. 31, 1771. 3-156 " Patience, and Thompson Burdick, March 17, 1773. 3-132 " Edward, 3d, of Edward, and Mary Champlain, of Capt. Samuel; m. by Joseph CrandaU,. Justice, Jan. 6, 1774. 3-130 " Anne, and Pardon Clarke, April 6, 1774. 3-145 - Elizabeth, and Jonathan Sisson, May 12, 1770. 3-151 " Isaac Eoss. of Major Edward, and Nancy Champlain, of William; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Aug. 17, 1777. 3-157 " Thankful, and PYleg Ross, Jan. 15, 1.778. 3-166 " James, Jr., of James, and Mary Hall, widow, dau. of Peleg Ross; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, Feb. 22, 1780. 4-19 " George, of Edward, and Vashti Gavitt, of Capt. Samuel, dec. ; m. by Elder Isaiah Wilcox, Aug. 12, 1784. 4-9 " Fanny, and Benjamin Barber, Dee. 1, 1784. 4-9 " Nancy, and Peter CrandaU, Feb. 9. 1785. 4-121 " Arnold, of Edward, dec, of Westerly, and Nancy WUcox, of Joseph, of Charlestown; m. by Elder Isaiah WUcox, Feb. — , 1788. 4-33 " John, of Westerly, and Lucretia Dodge, of New Shoreham ; m. at New Shoreham, by John Sands Warden, Feb. 8, 1789. 4-28 " Fanny, and Pardon Greene, AprU 9, 1789. 4-29 " Hannah, and Jesse Rogers, Dee. 23, 1789. 4-121 " Arnold, of Edward, of Westerly, and Mary Wilcox, of Joseph, of Charlestown; m. by Elder Isaiah Wilcox, Dec. 31, 1789. 4-34 " Theodoty, of Daniel, of Westerly, and Bathana Rogers, of Nathan, of TSTew London ; m. by Elder Davis Sogers, March 18, 1790. 4-37 " Samuel. Jr., and Elizabeth Hull, of Isaac; m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, Jan. 24, 1790. 4-44 " John, of Daniel, of Westerly, and Barbara Davis, of Joseph, of Charlestown; m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, at Charlestown, Jan. 16, 1791. 4-54 " William, of William, 2d, of Westerly, and Eozina Dodge, of New Shoreham ; m. at New Shoreham, by John Gorton Worden, April 6, 1791. 4-71 " Elizabeth, and Anthony Bennett Boss, Aug. 26, 1792. 4-72 " Luther, of Westerly, and Rebecca Cook, of Preston, Conn. ; m. by Elder Paul Park, Nov. 28, 1792. 4-96 " Joshua, of Westerly, and Rhoda Brown, of Stonington; m. by Elder Simeon Brown, July 30, 1795. 4-101 " Lucy, and George Gavitt, Sept. o, 1795. 4-48 " Henry, of Nathan, and Nancy BUven, of Edward; m. by Nathan' Taylor, Justice, Dec. 31, 1797. 4-48 " Nancy, and Henry BUven, Dec. 31, 1797. 4-181 " Capt. Nathan, Jr., and Mrs. Polly. Taylor; m. by Elder WUUam Gardiner, Feb. 1, 1798. 4-120 " Rachel, and Joshua AUen, March 1, 1798. 1-122 " Ethan, of Samuel, and Mary Hiscox, of Ephraim ; m. by Elder Asa Coon, May 12, 1798. 1-145 " Ruth, and Nathaniel Frazier, Oct. 6, 1799. 4-154 " Desire, and George Clarke, Jan. 19, 1800. WESTERLY MAREIAGES. 13 4-167 BLIVEN WUUam P., of Major WUliam, of Westerly, and Amey Taylor, of Nathan, of Charlestown ; m. at Charlestown by Lemuel BUven, Justice, AprU 5, 1801. 4-122 " Daniel, of Samuel, and Ruth Barber, of Joseph; m. by Joseph Pendleton, Justice, Jan. 28, 1602. 4-54 " William, 2d, and Nancy Babcock; m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, Jan. 16, 1803. 4-199 " Fanny, and Samuel Saunders, Jan. 1, 1804. 4-212 " Amey, and Greene AUen, Feb. 12, 1804. 4-244 " Thankful, and Joseph Gavitt, Nov. 29, 1809. 5-56 " Betsey, and Silas W. Edwards, Nov. 22, 1827. 5-7 " Erastus, and Phebe C. States; m. by George D. Cross, Justice, Nov. 5, 1829. 5-52 " Emma Ann, and Charles W. Austin, AprU 25, 1844. 5-37 " Nancy, and WUlard B. Tefft, June 26, 1846. 5-108 " Abby Jane, and Evan C. Burdick, July 3 5, 1850. 4-10 BLY Abigail, and Clarke StUlman, March 17, 1779. 5-01 BOSS Mary A., and George S. Barber, March 13, 1842. 5-93 BRACKET'! Lucy E., and John A. Taylor, March 21, 1849. 4-13 BRADFORD Alexander, of Alexander (dec), of Stonington, and Lois Pen dleton, of Capt. Benjamin, of Westerly; m. by Joseph Cran dall, Justice, July 14, 1785. 5-28 " Alexander, of Stonington, and Eunice Crandall, of Westerly ; m. by Elder Daniel Coon, Dec. 30, 1840. 5-31 " Col. Charles, and Fanny Fowler ; m. by Rev. Thomas H. VaU, Sept. 30, 1846. 5-100 " Charles H., of Lewis, of Worcester, Mass., and Martha Taylor, of Isaac R., of Stonington; m. by Eev. John Taylor, Aug. 27, 1849. 4-104 BEAGDON Joseph, of Sullivan, Hancock, Co., Mass., and Content Davis, of James, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Nov. 10, 1703. 3-55 BRAMAN Freelove, and Thomas Brand, Oct. 28, 1734. 4-223 BRAMBLEY Perry, and Dorcas Pendleton ; m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, March 4, 1807. 2-103 BEAND Isabel, and Peleg Rogers, Aug. 25, 1726. 2-95 " Tobias, and Mercy Babcock ; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, April 30, 1730. 2-85 " Rebecca, and Caleb Church, Sept. 16, 1731. 2-05 " Benjamm, of Westerly, and Rebecca Tanner, of South Kingstown; m. at South Kingstown, by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, March 16, 1734. 2-71 '" James, and Rachel Hall; m. by Elder John Maxson, March 11, 1735-6. 2-72 " Elizabeth, and Amos) Babcock, Dec. 20, 1738. 2-72 " James, and Rachel Hall ; m. by Elder John Maxson1,, Aug. 10, 1737. 2-72 " Thomas, and Judeth Bailey ; m. by Elder John Maxson, May 17, 1739. 2-118 " Mercy and Henry Wells, July 30., 1739. 2-72 " Benjamin, and Lucy CottreU; m. by Elder John Maxson, June 25, 1740. 2-42 " James,, and Grace Vtiey ; m. by Elder John Maxson, Feb. 22, • 1741. 2-37 " Mary, and Benjamin Broomer, May 8, 1743. 3-55 " Thomas, and Freelove Braman ; m. by Samuel Perry, Justice, Oct. ,28, 1734. 3-5 " Robert, and Prudence Lanphere ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, j Nov. 14, 1751. 3-34 " Judeth, and Moses Warren, Dec. 27, 1753. ¦ 3-37 " Isabel, and Nelson 'Millard,, March 31, 1754. 3-99 " Hannah, and Joseph Crumb, March 17, 1765. 3-132 " Thomas, of Samuel and Nancy1 Brown, of George, dec. ; m. by Oliver Crary, Justice, Nov. 28, 1773. 14) VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-147 BRAND David, of Stontngtonl, son of Benjamin, and Lovice Chase, of Oapt. Oliver, of Westerly ; m. by Elder Isaiah WUcox,, July 18, 1776. 5-170 " Samuel, of Samuel, of Westerly, and Anne Sheffield, of Nicholas, of Richmond; m. by Robert Stanton, Justice, March 9„ 1777. 4-136 " Capt. Nathan, of Samuel, and Susannah Vincent, of Dr. WUUam ; m. by Elder Oliver Babcock, Oct. 24, 1779. 4-100 " Walter, and Anna Babcock,, Jan. 28, 1784. 4-100 " Walter, and Lydia Babcock, May 16, 1791. 4-241 " Russell, of Thomas, and Hannah Thompson, of EUas ; m. by Joseph Pendleton, Justice, Jan. 1„ 1803. 4-210 " Susan, and Thomas C. Slattery, Oct. 13, 1805. 3-111 BRAUGHTON Eunice, and EUjah Crandall, May 20, 1768. 3-25 BREED Nathan, of Stonington, and Nancy Babcock, of Westerly ; m. by Benjamin Randall, Justice, June 16, 1751. 3-57 " Grace, and Jesse Billings, March 5, 1761. 3-94 BRIAN Mary, and Deacon Ezekiel Gavitt, May 8, 1763. 3-91 BRIGGS Jacob, and Freegift Saunders ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, March 14, 1767. 5-35 BRIGHT John, of HopeweU, N. J., and Martha' StUlman,, of Westerly ; m. by" Elder Daniel Coon, Aug. 25, 1839. 2-37 BEOOMBR Benjamin, and Mary Brand, of Thomas ; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, May 8, 1743. 2-79 BROWNING WUUam, of South Kingstown,, and Mary Wilkinson, of Westerly ; m. by George Babcock, Justice, Aug. 5» 1728. 3-139 " Sarah, and George Sheffield, Jr., Jan. 22, 1775. 3-155 " Anna, and Samuel Sheffield,, Dec. 3, 1778. 2-72 BROWN EUzabeth, of Thomas, of Stonington, and James Pendleton', Jan. 6, 1717-8. 2-106 " Peter, and Elizabeth Saunders; ,m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, Dec 15,, 1726. 2-96, 97 " Mary, and Matthew Button, Dec. 20, 1727. 2-96 " George, and Elizabeth Tosh ; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, Sept. 25, 1729. 2-92 " John,, of Westerly, and Abigail Randall, of Stonington ; m. by Eev. Ebenezer Bussell, Oct. 16, 1729. 2-95 " Benjamin, and Abigail Maccoon ; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, April 6, 1730. 2-88 " William, and Dorothy Crandall ; in. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, Sept. 10, 1730. 2-94 " Dorcas, and David Babcock, Feb. 24, 1730-1. 2-94 " AbigaU, and James Pendleton, March 22, 0.731. 2-78 " George, Jr., and Jerusha Lewis, of Joseph; m. by John Richmond, Justice, AprU 4, 1734. 2-37 " Simeon, of Stonington, and Dorothy Hern, of Westerly; m. by Will iam Babcock, Justice, March 1, 1742-3, 3-8 " Rebecca, and Gideon Worden, May 1, 1748. 3-20 " Samuel, of Westerly, and Eleanor Haxston, of North Kingstown ; m. by WUliam Hern, Justice, July 9, 1749. 3-25 " Jesse, of Stonington, and Hannah Leeds, of Groton, Conn; m. by Benjamin Randall, Jqist'ce, Jan. — , 1752. 3-23 " John, of John, and Ruth Saunders ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Jus tice, June 25, 1752. 3-28 " Hannah, and Jonathan Hakes, Nov. 23, 1752. 3-27 " Elizabeth, and James Hall, Jr., Feb. 11, 1753. 3-48 " Ebenezer, of Westerly, and Anna Wells, of Stonington; m. by WUliam Hern, Justice. Feb. 5, 1756. 3-54 " Jonathan, and Elizabeth Burdick ; m. by WlUiam Hern, Justice, March 1, 1757. 3-62 " James, and Lois WlUis ; m. by Rev. Joseph Parks, May 25, 1757. 3-59 " Benajah, and Mary Tefft; m. ,by William Hern, Justice, Jan. 25, 1758. 3-61 " Capt. Joshua, of Hopkinton, and Abigail Saunders, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph Crandall. Justice, June 19, 1758. 3-82 « Sarah, and EUas Lanphere, AprU 22, 1762. WESTERLY MARRIAGES. 15 3-86 BROWN EUsha, and Ruth Pendleton; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justloe, Deo. 30, 1762. 3-12 " Elizabeth, and Nathan Babcock, May (20, 1764. 3-102 " Elizabeth, and John Moon, Oct. 17, 1738. 3-125 " Mary, and John Ruggles Searl, June 24, 1772. 3-132 " Nancy, and Thomas Brand, Nov. 28, 1773. 4-27 * Bamuel, of Westerly, and Amie J. Clarke, of Stonington; m. by llder Joshua Clarke, March 1, 1778. 3-172 " OUve, and Oliver Burdick, Jr., Dec 14, 1780. 3-160 '* Jeptha, of Elder Simeon, and Lydia Gardiner, of Abial, both of Stonington; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, Oct. 13, 1782. 4-8 " Jeptha, of Simeon, and Dorcas Gardiner, of Abial, both of Ston ington ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, at Westerly, Oct. 31, 1784. 4-77 " Robert, of Reuben, of Stonington, and Hannah Burdick, of John, of Westerly ; m. by Elder Elkanah Babcock, March 4, 1792. 4-96 « Rhoda, and Joshua Bliven, July 30, 1795. 4-166 " Mary, and Jesse Babcock, Aug. 19, 1798. 4-165 " Hannah, and Rouse Babcock, Jan. 13, 1801. 4-214 " George, and Sally Barnes; m. by Elijah Palmer, Justice, Dec. 9. 1804. 5-22 " Sarah, and Francis S. West, Sept. 24, 1836. 5-34 " Avery Nelson, and Maria Louisa Peckham ; m. by Eev. James Pratt, July 14, 1839. 5-23 " Randall T., of North Stonington, and Emma Chapman, of Westerly; m. by Elder Daniel Coon, Jan. 3, 1841. 5-65 " Emily, and Aaron Peirce, April 14, 1845. 5-75 " Elizabeth, and Joseph F. Langley, Oct. 4, 1847. 5-102 " Elizabeth S., and Charles H. James, Nov. 6, 1849. 4-126 BTJDINGTON Luke, of EUphal, and Charlotte CrandaU, of Lewis; m. by Joseph Potter, Justice, Oct. 12, 1797. 5-49 BUEL Samuel J., of Clinton, Conn., and Elizabeth N. Chapman, of Wes terly; m. by Eev. Alexander Campbell, Jan. 21, 1844. 5-69 BUFFINTON William, of Cranston, R. I., and Mary A. StUlman, of Wes terly ; m. Jby Rev. Alexander CampbeU, Sept. 9, 1845. 2-123 BTJNDY Nathaniel, of Westerly, and Mary Palmlster, AprU 26, 1724. 3-61 " Joseph, of Preston, Conn., and Mary Tefft, of Westerly; m. by SUas Greenman, Justice, Oct. 31, 1758. 2-47 BUROH Mary, and John Palmlster, Nov. 22, 1712. 2-85 " John, and, Mary Bessy ; m. by Elder John Maxson, June 20, 1737. 2-1 " Zerlah, and John Newbury, Nov. 26, 1739. 2-7 " Thomas, of Stonintgon, and Martha Davis ; m. by WUliam Hern, Justice, Oct. 10,' 1740. 2-119 " Isaiah, and Sarah Dixon, botsh of Stonington; m. at Westerly, by Elder Joseph Maxson, Jan. 20, 1742-3. 3-167 " Hannah, and Seth White, Sept. 3, 1780. 4-168 " Phebe, and Stephen Babcock, March 22, 1801. 4-180 " Thomas, of Henry, and Susannah Pendleton, of Benjamin; m. by Elder Henry Joslin, Jan. 31, 1802. 4-205 " Nathan, and Damarias Babcock; m. by John Cross, Justice, Deo. 22, 1803. 4-229 " Thomas, and Mary Burdick ; m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, Nov. 27, 1806. 2-115 BURDICK Mary,, and Peter Crandall, Feb. 27, 1717-8. 2-118 " Mary, and John Lewis, Jr., March 12, 3718. 2-97 " AbigaU, and William Griffin, Feb. 9, 1726-7. 2-77 " Peter, of Benjamin, and De=ire Reynolds, of Sarah ; m. by John Rich mond, Justice, April 17. 1726. 2-109 " Susannah, and WUUam Wilcox, Jan. 11, 1727-8. 3-9 " Susannah, and WUliam Hiscox, Jan.. 11, 1727-8. 2-90 " John, and Rebecca Thompson ;' m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, Oct. 23, 1730. 2-88 " Edward, and Sarah Clarke; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, Nov. 26, 3730. 16 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-88 BURDICK Robert, and Susannah Clarke; m. by Theodtoty Rhodes, Justice,. Dec. 31, 1730. 2-88 " Ebenzer, and EUzabeth Stewart; m. by John Richmond, Justice, Jan. 21, 1730-1. 2-87 " Samuel Herbert, and Avis Maxson; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Jus tice, Nov. 5, 1731. 2-83 " David, and Mary Thompson; m. by John Richmond, Justice, July 25, 1733. 2-76 " Joshua, and AbigaU Lanphere; m. by John Babcock, Justice, Dec. 25, 1734. 2-76 " Joseph, and Pase Clarke; m. by Elder John Maxson, Aug. 13, 1735. 2-84 " Mary, and George StUlman, Nov. 3, 1737. 2-69 " Benjamin, and Elizabeth Tanner ; m. by Elder John Maxson, Dec. 28, 1737. 2-25 " Thomas, of Stonington, and Penelope Rhodes, of W esterly ; m. by John Eichmond, Justice, Feb. 19, '1737-38. 2-26 " Elisha, and Mary Slack ; m. by Elder John Maxson, Feb. 25,. 1739. 2-4 " Margaret, and John Lewis, May 3, 1739. 2-38 " Martha, and John Corey, Jan. 25, 1741-2. 2-94 " Thomas, and Sarah Allen, both of Stonlngttn; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson,, Dec 6, 1742. 2-79 '• Nathan, and Goodeth Maxson1; m. by Elder John Maxson,, Oct. 14, 1743. 2-77 " Hubbard, and Avis Lewis ; m. by Elder John Maxson, Nov. 1, 1743. 3-39 " Simeon, and Isabel Saunders; m. by Edward Saunders, Justice, Sept. 20, 1747. 3-2 " Edmund,, and Thankful Enos ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, AprU 23, 1749. 3-11 " Ezekiel, and Amey Downing ; m. by WUliam Hern, Justice, July 14, 1750. 3-2 " AbigaU, and Isaac Hall, Nov. 5, 1750. 3-3 " John, and Elizabeth Babcock ; m. by WUUam Hern, Justice, Dec. 1, 1751. 3-33 " EUas, and Hannah CottreU; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, Jan. 17, 1754. 3-33 " Peter, Jr., of Charlestown, and Esther Gavitt, of Westerly ; m. by William Hern, Justice, Jan. 24, 1754. 3-34 " Rebecca, and Abel Peckham, Feb. 24, 1754. 3-40 " Parker, and Thankful Burdick;' m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, June 13, 1754. 3-40 " Thankful, and Parker Burdick, June 13, 1754. 3-42 " Carey, and Dorcas Cottrell; m. by Benoni Smith, Justice, Dec 27, 1754. 3-54 " Elizabeth, and Jonathan Brown, March 1, 1757. 3-63 " Oliver, and Lydia Elderton ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Oct. 19,, 1758. 3-61 " Zacharius, of Hopkinton, and Elizabeth Smith, of Westerly; m. by William Hern, Justice, Feb. 19, 1759. 3-75 " Ruth, and Joseph Sheldon, May 3, 1761 . 3-75 " Judith, and Joseph Johnson, Jr., Feb. 28, 1762. 3-89 " Christopher, and Chlipe Greenman; m. by Joseph Clarke, Jr., Justice. March 24, 1762. 3-82 " Susannah, and Joseph Hiscox, Jr., AprU 15, 1762. 3-88 " Eunice, and Peleg Coon, Jan. 26, 1763. 3-94 " Lois, and Benjamin Pendleton, Feb. 9, 1763. 3-112 " Ichabod, of Eobert, and J'.athsheba Mackee, of John and Bathshe ba; m. by John Taylor, Justice, Feb. 6, 1784. 3-114 " Edith, and Joshua Ross, AprU 27, 1769. 3-120 " Clarke, and Amy Sisson ; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Dec. 12, 1770. 3-156 " Thompson, of David, and Patience Bliven, of John; m. by Joseph. Clarke, Justice, May 17, 1773. WESTERLY MARRIAGES. ' 17 4-110 BURDICK Simeon, and Mary Davis; m. by Samuel- BUven, Justice, Nov. 29, 1776. I 3-153 " Anne, and Joseph Peckham, Jan. 21, 1778. 3-152 " Asa, of Jonathan, and Isabel Davis, of Samuel ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Jan. 28, 1778. 3-153 " Esther, and James Ross, April 9, 1778. 3-159 " Hannah, and Clarke CrandaU, Nov. 21, 1778. 4-63 " John, Jr., and EUzabeth Beers ; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Sept. 23, 1779. 3-172 " Oliver, Jr., and Olive Brown; m. by Elder John Burdick, Deo. 14, 1780. 4-13 " PoUy, and Christopher Babcock, Nov. 30, 1783. 4-4 " Hannah, and Daniel Babcock, March 1, 1784. 4-14 " Ichabod, of Eobert, and Mary Chapman, of WilUam ; m. by Joseph Clarke, 'Jr., Justice, Oct. 21, 1784. 4-81 " Simeon, of Simeon, of Westerly, and Susannah Gardiner, of Deacon Samuel, of Hopkinton ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Feb. 4, 1786. 4-29 " James, of Ephraim, of Charlestown, and Prudence Ross, of Joshua, dec, of Westerly ; m, by Simeon Burdick, Justice, Dec 10, 1788. 4-54 " Kenyon, of Phineas, and Nancy Hiscox, of Thomas ; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Jan. IS, 1790. 4-111 " Rowland, of Oliver, and' Hester Orandall, of Joseph; m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, Oct. 22, 1790. 4-47 " Mary, and Russell Saunders, March 31, 1791. 4-56 " Amey, and Capt. Charles Greene, Nov. 19, 1791. 4-77 " Hannah, and Robert Brown, March 4, 1792. 4-65 " Ethan, late of Stephen-town, N. Y., and Esther StUlman, of West- ly; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Dec. 20, 1792. 4-105 " Thompson, and Amey Sisson; m. by Elder Asa Coon, May 28, 1796. 4-159 " Clarke, and Abigail Hiscox ; m. by Elder Elkanah -Babcock, June 20, 1799. 4-198 " Thankful, and Peleg Wilcox, AprU 25, 1804. 4-199 " Nancy, and Lemuel Chester, Sept. 20, 1804. 4-217 " Rowland, and Martha Chester; m. by Elder Matthew StUlman, March 30, 1806. 4-218 " Christopher, of John, of Westerly, and Polly Fellows, of Ambrose, i of Stonington; m. by Joseph Pendleton, Justice, Nov.. 27, 1806. 4-229 " Mary, and Thomas Burch, Nov. 27, 1806. 4-244 " Ruth, and OUver Stillman, March 1, 1810. 4-163 " Hannah, and Ephraim Hiscox, Nov. 29. 1810. 4-252 " Susan, and William Lanphere, Jan. 24, 1835. 5-30 " Maria A., and William S. Sisson, Dec 17, 1839. 5-58 " Clarke, of Hopkinton, and Clarissa C. Crandall, of Westerly ; m. by Elder Weeden Barber, Jr., March 31, 1844. 5-25 " William R., and Rhoda N . Austin ; m. by Rev. E. T. Hiscox, July 4, 1846. 5-81 " Joseph, of Charlestown, son of Joseph, and Susan M Clarke, of Westbrook, Conn., Idau. of Clewson; m. by Rev. Isaac Moore, Nov. 4, 1847. 5-90 " Martha G., and Matthew Barnes, Sept. 4, 1848. 5-88 " Frances, and John M. Gage, June 18, 1849. 5-108 " Lucinda, and David C. Larkin, May 4, 1850. 5-108 " Evan C, of Joseph G., and Abby Jane Bliven, of Luther; m. by Eev. Fred. Denton, July 15, 1850. 5-86 BURLINGAME Mary D.. and George D. Cross, Jr., May 8, 1848. 5-104 " Maria, and WiUiam .sturgeon, Jan. 2, 1850. 2-3!o9 BUEiROUGH Lydia, and WUliam Pendleton, March 10, 1725-6. 2-96, 97 BUTTON Matthew, of We-terly„ and Mary Brown, of John, of Stonington; m. by John Eichmond, Justice, Dec. 20, 1727. 3-13 " Joseph, and Abigail Rood; m. at Voluntown,, by Samuel Dorrance, Justice, Dec. 22, 1737. 18 VITAL EECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-1 BUTTON Daniel, , of Stonington, and Elizabeth Falmeter, of "Westerly; m. by WlUiam Hern, Justice, Sept. 24, 1744. 3-25 " AbigaU,, and George Thurston, Aug. — , 1752. 3-17 " Daniel, Jr., and Barbara Austin; m. by Daniel Moccoon, Justice, Oct. 7, 1752. 3-32 " Deborah, and John Palmeter,, Nov. 9, 1752. 3-37 " Mary, and Benajah Slack, Feb. 7, 1754. 3-96 BYENS Mary, and WUliam Warden, Oct. 4, 1764. 5-74 CAMPBELL Horatio Nelson, of Wlnthrop,, of Voluntown, Conn., and Har riet Babcock, of Eouse, dec ; m. by Eev. Thomas H. VaU, Sept. 8, 1846. 2-112 CABD Martha, and Joshua Rathbonie, Nov. 30, 1721. 2-82 " Margary, and John Foster,, June 11, 1724. 5-9 CARPENTER Nancy A., and Orman Taft, Feb. 16, 1.845. 5-50 " Susan, and WilUam H. Sherman, June 21, 1846. 5-73 . " Sarah P., and Joseph D. Eathbon'e,, Aug. 9, 1846. 4-224 CARTRIGHT Rebecca, and Frederic Chace, Feb. 1, 1807. 4-246 " Nancy, and John C. Chester, AprU 4, 1808. 4-185 CARR Resolved, of Westerly, and Betsey Hinckley,, of Stonington; m. at Stonington' by Elder Simeon Brown, Dec. 6, 1792. 5-5 " Phebe, and Jonathan P. StUlman, Oct. 28, 1827. 5-14 " Hannah, and Amos StUlman, Oct. 28, 1832. 2-96 CASE Immanuel, of South Kingstown, and Hannah Gavitt. of Westerly; m. by~ John Saunders, Justice, Dec 3, 1714. 4-266 " Hannah, and John Noyes, Dec 24, 1809. 3-9 CHALKEN Stephen, of Seabrook, Conn., and Sarah Babcock, widow of WU Uam ; m. by WUliam Hern. Justice. Nov. 5. 1753. 2-122 CHAMPLAIN Ann, and Samuel Clarke, Jan. 19,; 1698-9. 1-102 " William, Jr., of WilUam, and Mary Clarke, of Joseph, Jr.; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Jan. 18, 1699-1700. 2-125 " Christopher, Jr., and Elizabeth Denison ; m. by Peter CrandaU, Justice, Dee. 5, 1705. 2-112 " Susannah, and Samuel Clarke, May 26, 1720. 2-45 " Christopher, and Hannah HUl ; m . by Rev. James McSparran, AprU 22, '1730. 2-90 " Mary, and Joseph Stanton, Aug. 9, 1738. 3-68 " James, of Westerly, and Mrs. Prudence Hallam, of Stonington ; m. by Eev. Ebenezer Eossiter, Jan. 15, 1734-5. 3-3 " Andrew, and Eunice Greenman; m. by WiUiam Hern, Justice, Jan. 15, 1745-0. 3-20 " Joseph, of Stonington, and Sarah Saunders, of Westerly; m. by WiUiam Hem, Justice, May 24, 1748. 3-23 " Mary, and Stephen Lanphere, Oct. 26, 1749. 3-5 " Sarah, and Sylvester Pendleton, June 10, 1751. 3"9 " William, Jr., and Sarah Pmdletr.n ; m. by WiUiam Hern, Justice, Dec. 4, 1751. 3-45 " Susannah, and Benjamin; Lanphere, March 27, 1755. 3-47 " Esther, and Jonathan Langford, Dec. 25, 1755. 3-49 " Capt. John, of Charlestown, and Thankful Thompson, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph Crandall. Justice, Feb. 26, 1756. 3"51 Col. Christopher, of Charlestown, and Mrs. Lucy Stanton, of Wes terly; m. by WiUiam Hern, Justice, Aug.. 19, 1756. 4-127 " WilUam, Jr., and Sarah Pendleton; m. by William Hern, Justice, Dec 8, 175—. 3-83 " Mary, and Samuel Thompson, July 18, 1762. 3-84 " Susannah, and John Stanton, June 8, 1763. | 3-94 " Eowland, and Hannah Stetson; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, Dec. 21 1763. 3-96 « Eunice, and Daniel Larkin, Aug. 29, 1764. 3-98 " Asa, of Charlestown, and Mary Thompson, of Westerly; ni. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice. March 21, 1765. WESTERLY MARRIAGES. 19 3-99 CHAMPLAIN Hannah, and Joseph Babcock, Jr., March 31, 1765. 3-101 " WlUiam, 3d, and Mary Gardiner ; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, Dec 19, 1765. 3-132 " Mary, and Edward BUven, 3d, Jan. 6, 3774. 3-135 " Sarah, and WUliam Greene, (also 4-40), March 18, 1774. 3-173 " Rowland, of WUliam, dec .. and Anne Babcock, of Nathan ; m. by Elder Isaiah Wilcox, May 10, 1777. 3-151 " Nancy, and Isaac Ross Bliven, Aug. 17, 1777. 3-174 " Oliver, of Capt. Samuel, and Thankful Gavitt, of Stephen; m. by Elder Isaiah WUcox, Jan. 25, 1779. 3-160 " Sarah, and WUliam Rhodes, Jan. 31, 1779. 3-167 " Samuel, of Oapt. Samuel, and . Freelove Eoss, of Isaac ; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Jan. 12, 1/780. 3-167 " AbigaU, and Thomas Slattery, Jan. 16, 1780. 3-177 " Mrs. Hannah, and Simeon Babcock, AprU 6, 1780. 4-21 "" George, and Patience Lamphere, Oct. 5, 1780. 4-155 " Adam B., of Westerly, and Henrietta Coggesnali, of Newport; m. by Rev. Gardiner Thurston, March 27, 1793. 4-93' " Sally, and Stephen Wilcox, May 17, 1795. 4-187 " George, of South Kingstown, and Lydia Thurston, of Westerly; m. by Elder Elkanah Babcock, March 20, 1800. 4-226 " Hannah, and Isaac Ross, May 11, 1807. 4-228 " EUza, and Jedediah Knight, Aug. 21, 1807. 4-245 " Margaret, and Barker Noyes, March 18, 1810. 4-268 " Lucinda, and Amos Barber, Dec. 7, 1815. 5-1 " Charlotte, and WUliam Stillman, Jr., April 30, 1318. 5-2 " Sally, and George H. Sheffield, Jan. 2, 3 825. 5-57 " Sarah Ann, and Wanton LUlibridge, Nov. 7, 1841. 5-43 " Benjamin R., and Mary Ann, Babcock; m. by Elder Daniel Coon, Sept. 22, 1842. 5-53 " James, of Paris, dec, and Phebe A. Gavitt, widow of Isaac P., dau. of SUas Edwards ; m. by Jedediah W. Knight, Justice, July 4, 1844. 3-19 CHAPMAN, Andrew,' of Stonington, and Hannah Smith, of Westerly; m. By WUUam Hern, Justice, Oct. 15, 1745. 3-48 " Sumner, and Elizabeth Herick; m. by WUUam Hern, Justice, Feb. 23, 1756. 3-109 " John, and Mary Crandall ; m. by Elder Joseph Park, Mar. 8, 1767. 4-51 " WUliam, Jr.,, of WUliam, of Westerly, and Bridget Johnson, of Daniel, of Charlestown ; m. by Elder Stephen Babcock, March 14, 1773. 3-139 " EUzabeth, and James Davis, Jan. 5„ 1775. 3-138 " Mary, and Abram Perkins, Jan. 17, 1775. 3-181 " Timothy, of Sumner, and Nancy Pendleton, of Major Joseph; m. by Elder Oliver Babcock, March 14„ 1782. 4-14 " Mary, and Ichabod Burdick, Oct. 21, 1784. 4-182 " Plumb, of WiUiam, dec, and Lois White, of Seth; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Nov. 14, 1784. 4-18 " Sumner, of Sumner, and Nancy Greenman, of SUas ; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, Aug. 27, 1786. 4-28 " Prudence, and Paid Crandall, March, 26, 1789. 4-87 " Joseph, of Westerly, and Elizabeth Kenyon, of Hopkinton; m. at Hopkinton, by Daniel Babcock, Justice, Dec. 21, 1791. 4-119 " Israel, and PoUy Kenyon ; m. by Samuel Brown, Justice, Oct. 20, 1796. 4-131 " Hannah, and Peleg Berry, Jan. 21, 1708. 4-117 " Lucy, and Joseph Sisson, Feb. 4, 1798. 4-139 " William, Jr.,, and Hannah Bent; m. by Elder Abram Conn, Jan. 24, 1799. 4-206 " Elizabeth, and Sanford Sisson, March 3, 1799. 4-51 " WUUam, of Wrilliam, and Mary Johnson, of Reuben ; m. by Elder Elkanah Babcock, June 14, 1799. 4-163 " Case, and PoUy Pendleton ; m. by Elder Abram Coon, Feb. 15, 1801. 20 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-189 CHAPMAN Nancy, and WiUiam Clarke, Feb. 6, 1803. I 4-237 " Samuel, of WUUam, of Westerly, and Abigail Johnson, of John, of Charlestown ; m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, May 13, 1810. 4-255 " Phebe, and Jeremy Crandall, Dec. 20, 1812. 4-265 " John, and AbigaU Sisson; m. by Daniel Babcock, Justice, March 28, 1816. 4-272 " Thomas, of Plumb, of Westerly, and Anna Peckham, of James, of Charlestown ; m. at Charlestown, by Elder Matthew StUlman, Dec. 26, 1819. 5-3 " Joseph, and Eunice Clarke ; m. by Elder Matthew StUlman, Jan. 7, 1826. 5-23 " Emma, and Randall T. Brown, Jan. 3, 1841. 5-58 '' Abby, and Elias R. Maine, May 31, 1843. 5-49 " Elizabeth N., and Samuel J. Bull, Jan. 21, 1844, 5-76 " Julia, and Charles W. Thompson, Dec. 8, 1847. 5-96 " Albert, of Case, of Westerly, and Martha Greene, of Sheffield, of Charlestown; m. by Rev. John Taylor, May 7, 1849. 2-222 CHASE Joshua, and Mary Maxson ; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, May 12,. 1748. 3-62 " Elizabeth, and Elisha Saunders, May 17, 1758. 3-116 " Mary, and Angus McDonnell, Nov. 22, 1769. 3-128 " Eunice, and Nathan- Dye, Nov. 26, 1772. 3-147 " Laviee, and David Erund, July 18, 1776. 3-152 " Rebecca, and William Sims, Nov. 20, 1777. 4-12 " Martha, and Christopher Chester, Jan. 3, 1779. 4-5 " Frederic, of Capt. Oliver and Ruth Fry; m. by Elder Oliver Bab cock, Feb. 2, 1783. 4-166 '' Maxson, and Polly Merriatt ; m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, Dec. 10, 1803. 4-224 Frederic, Jr., of Frederic, of Westerly, and Rebecca Cartright, of Edward, of New Sho raham ; m. at New Shoreham, by John Gorton Worden, Feb. 1, 1807. 5"21 " Eliza, and Samuel Eussel, May 1, 1836. 5"72 " Nathaniel J. L.,and Martha A. WUcox; m. by Rev. E. T. His cox, Jan. l, 1846. 3-65 CHEESEBOROUGH Mrs. Mary, and Ool. WUliam Pendleton, AprU 25, 1751. 3-58 James, of Stonington, and Lucy Pendleton, of Westerly; m. by Benoni Smith, Justice, Feb. 10, 17>8. 3"S5 " Zebulen, and Lydia Pendleton; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, Dec. 10, 1761. 3-104 « Molly, and Thomas Randall, Dec 3, 1765. 3_lli4 Amos, of Stonington, son of Amos, dec, and Anna Gavitt, of Westerly, (widow,) dau. of Stanton York, of Charlestown; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Nov. 10, 1779. 4-12 CHESTEE Christopher, and Martha Chase; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice Jan. 3, 1779. 4-199 " Samuel, and Nancy Burliek; m. by Elder Abram Coon, Sept. 20, 1804. 4-217 Martha, and Rowland Burdick, March 30, 1806. 4-246 « John C, and Nancy Cartright; m. at Shelter Island, N. Y., by Elder Daniel HaU, Aji-il 4, 1808. 2-85 CHUECH Caleb, and Rebecca Brand; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, Sept. 16, 1731. 3"49 " Joshua, and Katherlne Kenyan; m. by Daniel Maccoon, Justice, March 29, 1756. 1-57 CLARKE Joseph, of Westerly, an! Bethia ' Hubbard, dau. of Samuel, of Newport; m. by James barker, Assistant, Nov. 16, 1664. 1_5T Joseph, Jr., and Dorothy Maxson, of John, of Westerly; m. by Tobias Saunders, Justice, Jan. 5, 1692. 1-05 Sarah, of Joseph, and Thomas Reynolds, Oct. 11, 1683. 2-78 Judith, and John Maxson, Jan. 19, 1087-8. > 2-122 " Samuel, and Ann Champlain, Jan. 10, 1098-9. 1'^0'2 " Mary, and William Champlain, Jan. 18, 1099-1700. 2-73 Bethlah, and Thomas Hiscox, Oct. 31, 1703. 1-103 Jollll> of Joseph, Jr., and Mary Beebe, of Samuel, Nov. 1, 1705. WESTERLY MARRIAGES. . 21. 2-119 CLARKE WUUam, and Joan BUven; m. by Peter Crandall, Justice, Sept. 9, 1709. 2-112 '¦ Samuel, of Westerly, and Susannah Uhamplain, of South Kings town; m. by WUUam Greene, Justice, May 26, 1720. 2-110 " Anna, and John Lewis, Nov. 24, 1720. 2-88 '¦ Sarah, and Edward Burdick, Nov. 26, 1730. 2-88 " Susannah, and Robert Burdick, Dec. 31, 1730. 2-85 " William, Jr., of Westerly, and Rebecca Wells, of South Kingstown; m. by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Sept. 1, 1731. 2-76 " Pose, and Eobert Burdick, Aug. 13, 1735. 2-73 " Ruth, and Gideon Beebe, Nov. 25, 1735. 2-88 " Abigail, and William Clarke, Oct. 20, 1736. 2-88 " WUUam, of Westerly, and Abigail Clarke, of Newport, of Capt. Lawrence ;, m. at Newport by Thomas Coggeshall, Justice, Oct. 20, 1736. 2-88 " Simeon, and EUzabeth Sanford; m. by Elder John Maxson, Dec. 20, 1736. 2-90 " Thomas, and Thankful Violet; m. by Elder John Maxson, May 27, 1740. 2-113 " Ephraim, and Elizabeth Dake ; m. by Eev. Joseph Parks, Dec 12, 1745. 3-10 " Joseph, and Deborah CrandaU; m. by John Richmond, Justice, April 25, 1720. 3-177 " Sarah, and Joseph Lewis, June 16, 1743. 3-24 " Elisha, and Mary Potter, Feb. 15, 1743-44. 3-1 " Walter, of Charlestown, ¦ and Rachel Sisson, of Westerly; m. by WUliam Hern, Justice, March 19, 1743-4. 3-15 " Ichabod, and Marcy — — ; m. by WUUam Babcock, Justice, March — , 1744. 3-1 " Ephraim, and Hannah Lanphere ; m. by William Hern, Justice, Dec. 15, 1744. 3-19 " Mary, and John StiUman, Dec. 12, 1745. 3-14 " Stephen, and Sarah Mitchell; m. by WUliam Hern, Justice? Dec. 29, 1745. 3-15 " Thankful, and Ebenezer Crandall, AprU 22, 1746. 3-28 " Benjamin, of Charlestown, and Susannah Babcock, of Westerly ; m. by William Babcock, Justice, Nov. 3, 1748. 3-21 " WUliam, and Jeminna Vincent ; m. by WUUam Hern, Justice, Nov. 13, 1749. 3-2 " Katharine, and John Millard, Oct. 1, 1752. 3-54 " Joan, and Daniel Edwards, Sept. 9, ,1756. 3-56 " Joseph, 4th, and Thankful Davis; m. by Joseph Crandall. Jus tice, Sept. 15, 1757. 3-67 " Eunice, and WUUam Satterly, Sept. 13, 1759. 4-144 " Mary, and Peleg Saunders, (also 3-73), Jan. 1 or 21, 1761. 3-177 " Mary, and Joseph Lewis, May 14, 1761. 3-83 " John, and Mary Saunders ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Nov. 18, 1762. 3-94 " Phineas, of Hopkinton, and Mary Babcock, of Capt. Nathan, of Westerly; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, Nov. 23, 1763. 3-82 " WiUlam, of Newport, and Ruth Peckham, of Westerly; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Nov. .24, 1765. 3-109 " Nancy, and Joshua Pendleton. Jan. 6, 1768. 3-122 " Sarah, and Silas Maxson, March 20, 1771. 3-135 " David, of Ephraim. and Jane Peckham. of Isaac ; m. by Elder John Gardiner, June 8, 1772. 3-129 " Hannah, and WUliam Sweet Peckham. (also 4-102), Jan. 6, 1773. 3-129 " Mary, and Samuel Crandall. Feb. 4, 1773. 3-136 " Pardon, of' Benjamin, of Stonington, and .Anne Bliven, of Major Edward, of Westerly ; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, AprU 6, 1774. 3-143 " Lydia, and Nicholas Young, Feb. 1, 1776. 3-3.43 " Ethan, of Joshua and Hannah of Hopldnton, and Anna Ward, of Samuel, of Westerly ; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Feb. 4, 1776. 3-151 " Anne, and Isaac Peckham, Jr., Sept. 28, 1777. 3-151 " Anne, and Job Johnson, Oct. 30, 1777. 22 VITAL EECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-99 CLARKE George, of Elisha,, and Keturali Maxson, of Joseph; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Jan. 29, 1778. 4-27 " Amey, and Samuel Brown, March 1, 1778. 3-154 " Susannah, and James Rathbone, (also 4-53), Sept. 27, 1778. 4-134 " Nicholas, of WUUam (dec.) and Jemima, of Westerly, and Barbara Wells, of Peter and Elizabeth, of Hopkinton ; m. at Hopkinton, by Elder Joshua Clarke, Jan. 20, 1779. 4-2 " Jemima, and John Clarke, May 26, 1781. 4-2 " John, and Jemima Clarke, of Daniel; m. by Bldetr John Burdick,, May 26, 1781. 3-172 " Lucy, and Benedicte CrandaU, Dec. 7, 1780. 3-180 " Martha, and Edward Saunders, (also 4-56), March 14, 1782. 3-181 " Perry, and Patience York Peckham ; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, . Dec. 1, 1782. 3-131 " Hannah, and James Crandall, Dec. 21, 1782. 4-259 " Hannah, and James Crandall, Nov. 20, 1783. 4-17 " Isabel, and Joseph Varin, Jan. 26, 1786. 4-58 " Joshua, and Wealthy Stillman ; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Feb. 16, 1786. 4-23 " Ichabod,, Jr., of Ichabod, and Mary, or Polly Rock, of Robert, dec. ; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, Nov. 22, 1787. 4-46 " Hannah, and Arnold Saunders, Oct. 21„ 1790. 4-174 " Abel, and Eunice Lanphere; m. by Elder Elkanah Babcock, Oct. 13, 1791. 4-153 " Wait, of WiUiam, and AbigaU Lanphere, of Nathan ; m. by Elder John. Burdick, Nov. 14, 1799. 4-154 " George, of George, and Desire Bliven, of WUUam ; m. by Elder Asa Coon, Jan. 19, 1800. 4-153 " SaUy, and Joseph Tefft, Jan. 24, 1800. 4-189 " WUliam, of South Kingstown, son of Nicholas, and Nancy Chap man, of Timothy ; m. by Joseph Pendleton, Justice, Feb. 6, 1803. 4-185 " Sophia,, and Jessie Maxson, Jr., (also 5-24,) March 20, 1803. 4-212 " John, and Mercy Lanphere; m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, Nov. 29, 1804. 4-237 " Sally, and Cornelius, Stetson, Jr., Dec. 13, 1S07. 4-247 " Deborah, and Hezekiah Lanphere, Feb. 17, 1811. 4-247 " Amey, and Paul Babcock, Jr., Sept. 5, 1811. 4-248 " Wealthy, and Clarke Lanphere, March 1, 1812. 5-3 " Eunice, and Joseph Chapman, Jan. 7, 1826. 5-6T " Frances M., and Edward Peirce, Jan. 26, 1846. 5-81 " Susan M., and Joseph Burdick, Nov. 4, 1847. 2-94 CIXDSSON Bathsheba, and Edward Pierce, Dec. 3, 1731. 2-72 " Charity, and Samuel Bailey, Feb. 12, 1735. 4-5 " John, of Ichabod, of Charlestown, and Marcy Kenyon, of James, dec, of said Town; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, March 11, 1784. 4-230 " Polly, and Parker WUcox, April 26, 1807. 4-231 CLAWSON Eunice, and Isaac Wilcox, Jan. 17. 1808. 3-20 COATS Christopher, of Stonington, and Thankful Pendleton, of Westerly ; m). by William Hern, Justice, May 2, 1748. 2-51 " Victorias, and Isaac Hilliard, April 5, 1751. 4^175 COAZEN Betsy, ]and Jabez Lewis, Nov. 24, 1801. 2-108 COBB Benjamin, and Mary Enos ; m. by George Babcock, Justice, Jan. 30, 1728-9. 5-68 OODNER Thomas J., and EUzabeth L. Edwards; m. by Rev. Oliver P. Tuckerman, June 2, 1846. 4-155 COGGESHALL Henrietta, and Adam B. Champlain, March 27, 1793. 4-158 " Abigail, and Samuel Thompson, Dec. 25, 1794. 2-110 COLDGROVE Francis, and Hannah BaUey ; m. by Thomas Hiscox, Justice, (also 2-115), March 5, 173.8-9. 4-75 " Susannah, and John Pendleton. Dec 11, 1791. 2-74 COLLINS Hezekiah, and Catherine Gifford; m. by Samuel Wilbur,, Justice, Nov. 6, 1735. 3-146 COMSTOCK Sarah, and Eliphalet Harris, July 10, 1776. WESTERLY MARRIAGES. ,' 23 2-86 CONGDON James, of Westerly, son of James, of Providence, R. I., and Celinda Holway, of Benjamin ; m. by Samuel Berry, Justice, May 2, 1732. 5-103 " Prudence G., and Peter Stevenson,, Nov. 19, 1849. 4r72 COOK Rebecca, and Luther BUven, Nov. 28, 1792. 3-88 COON WUliam, of Hopldnton, and Freegift Stetson, of Westerly'; m. by Stephen Saunders, Justice,, Jan. 6, 1763. 3-88 " Peleg, of Hopkinton, and Eunice Burdick, of Westerly ; m. by Stephen Saunders, Justice, Jan. 26, 1763. 3-91 " Thomas, of Hopkinton, and Anne CrandaU, of Westerly; m. by Lawton Palmer, Justice, June 16,, 1763. 3-68 " Jemima, and David Crandall, June 14, 1764. 3-98 " Samuel, of Hopldnton, and Esther Saunders, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, March 25,( 1765. 3-112 " John, Jr., of John, of Hopkinton, and Amie Hisoox, of- Ephraim, of Westerly ; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, May 15, 1771. 2-41 COREY Each?!,, and Theodosius Lanphere, June 22, 1707-8. 2-4 " James, and Sarah Lanphere ; m. by Peter Crandall, Justice, March 21, 1708. / 2-76 " Mary, and Thomas Nett, Dec. 25„ 1734. 2-43 " Isaac, Of Westerly, and Lydia Davis of Stonington, Conn.; m. by John Richmond, Justice, March 23, 1736-7. 2-118 " Hosea, and Lydia Davis; m. by John Richmond, Justice, March 23, 1736-7. 2-58 " James, and Mary Lanphere ; m. by Elder John Maxson, Jan. 21, 1738-9. 2-38 " John, and Martha Burdick, both of Stonington ; m. by Elder John Maxson, Jan. 25,, 1741-2. 5-50 " Alfred B., of North Kingstown, and Eliza Ann Lock, of Eich mond; m. by Eev. William H. Newman, April 9, 1843. 2-105 COTTRELL Dorothy, and John Randall, Dec. 22, 1726. 2-76 " Amey, and Joseph Crumb, June — , 1734. 2-75 " Nicholas, and Rebecca Randall ; m. by Elder John Maxson, Oct. 3, 1735. 2-70 " Eleanor, and Nathan EandaU, July 22, 1736. 2-72 " Lucy, and Benjamin Brand, June 25, 1740. 2-73 " Prudence, and Nathaniel Lanphere, July 7, 1743. 3-1 " Dorcas, and Elisha Lewis, Oct. 25, 1744. 3-10 " Nathaniel, of Westerly, and Mary NUes, of Stonington; m. by Rev. Nathaniel EeUs, March 3, 1744-5. 3-1 " Elizabeth, and Sands NUes,, Sept. 4, 1745. 3-61 " Patience, and WUliam Babcock, Jan. 28, 1749. 3-33 " Hannah, and EUas Burdick, Jan. 17, 1754. 3-42 " Dorcas, and Carey Burdick, Dec 27, 1751. 3-66 " Joshua, of Exeter, and Desire Crandall, of Westerly; m. by Benoni Smith, Justice, March 15, 1759. 3-89 ' " Mary, and Eobert Owen, June 3, 1762. 3-147 " EUas, of Major John, and Phalley Gavitt, of Joseph; m'. by Joseph Crandall,, Justice, Nov. 7, 1776. 4-1 " Abigail, and Thomas Sisson, Jan. 19, 1783. 4-1 " Lois, and Augustus Saunders, Jan. 19, 1783. 4-86 " Daniel, and Merebah Saunders; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, May 21, 1789. 4-45 " Lebbeas, and Mary S undei's ; m. by Joshua Clarke, Justice, May 17, 1793. 4-249 " John, and Lydia Stillman; m. by Elder Abram Coon. Nov. 13, 3 808. 4-242 " Lois, and Daniel StUlman, Nov. 17, 1808. 4-254 " Russell, and Betsey Pendleton : m. by Elder Abram Coon, Jan. 31, 1810. 2-121 CEANDALL Deborah, and George StiUman (also 2-323), April 13, 1700. 2-82 " Joseph, and Ann Langwoi-thy ; m. by Peter Crandall, Justice, Feb. 15, 1715-6. 2-315 " Peter, and Mary Burdick, Feb. 27, 1717-8. 2-78 " Lucy, and John Lewis, of James, March 3, 1717. 24 VITAL EECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-78 CRANDALL Jane, and Cyrus Richmond, Jan, 29, 1718-9. 3-10 " Deborah, and Joseph Clarke, April 25, 1729. 2-88 " Dorothy, and WUliam Brown, Sept. 10, 1730. 2-90 " John, and Mary Crandall ; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, Nov. 19, 1730. 2-90 " Mary, and John Crandall, Nov. 10, 1730. 3-26 " Eber, and Mary Long; m. at South Kingstown by Robert Hannah, Justice, -Feb. 10, 1732. 2-75 " Elizabeth, and Samuel Larkin, Jan. 21, 1734-5. 2-71 " Joseph, and Edith .Hiscox ; m. by Elder John Maxson, May 2, 1736. ¦ 2-72 " Mary, and Samuel Langworthy, Aug. 7, 1736. 2-119 " Lucy, and Thomas William Davis, Dec. 8, 1737. 2-88 " John, and Elizabeth Lewis ; m. by Elder John Maxson, June 28, 1738. 2-45 " Elizabeth, and Joseph Crandall, Dec. 13, 1738. 2-45 " . Joseph, and Elizabeth Crandall ; m. by William Hern, Justice, Dec. 13,, 1738. 2-72 " John, and Esther Lewis; m. by William Hern, Justice, AprU 19, 174.0. 2-42 " Peter, and Esther Frink; m. by WUliam Babcock, Justice, Dec. 22, 1740. 2-90 " James, of Westerly, and Damarias Kenyon, of Charlestown; ni. by WUliam Champlain, Justice, Feb. 27, 1742. 2-119 " Ann, and Henry Hull, Sept. 0, 1742. 3-7 " James, of Westerly, and Damarias Kenyon, of Charlestown; m. by William Champlain, Justice, Feb. 27, 1743-4. 3-108 " Simeon, and Mary Sweet; m. by Elder Joseph Park, June 23, 1745.. , 3-15 " Ebenezer, and Thankful Clarke; m. by William Hern, Justice, April 22, 1746. 3-7 " Deborah, and William Crandall, March 12. 1746-7. 3-7 " WUliam, and Deborah Crandall; m. by WilUam Babcock, Justice, March 12, 1746-7. 3-1 " Jonathan, and Hannah Downing; m. by William Hern, Justice, April 12, 3.747. 3-29 " Anna, and James Rhodes, Dec. 3.4, 1752. 3-29 " Edward, of Westerly, and Sarah Kenyon, of Charlestown; m. by Joseph CrandaU. Justice, Jan. 18, 1753. 3-30 " Eber, of John, Jr., and Elizabeth Crandall, of Eber ; m. by John Larkin, Justice, Feb. 22, 1753. 3-30 " Elizabeth, and Eber Crandall, Feb. 22, 1753. . 3-98 " Benajah, of John, late of Hopkinton, dec, and Elizabetu Slack, of Samuel, dec. ; m. by Benjamin RandaU, Justice, March 18, 1754. 3-46 " Abijah, of Westerly, and Sarah Yeoman, of Stonington ; m. at Ston ington by Rev. Nathaniel Eells, Aug. 29, 1754. 3-56 '" Mrs. Hannah, and Nathan Rogers, Sept. 17, 1757. 3-66 " Edey, and Isaac Thorn, Feb. 27, 1759. 3-00 " Desire, and Joshua Cottrell, March 15, 1759. 3-70 " Jonathan, and Elizabeth Wells; m. by William Hern, Justice, AprU 3, 1760. 3-69 " Bridget, and Thomas Curtis, April 30, 1730. 3"78 " Joseph, and Esther Hull; m. by Benoni Smith, Justice, Aug. 24, 1761. 3-81 " Esther, and Elkanah Babcock (also 4-66), March 28, 1762. 3-87 " Abigail, and Joshua CrandaU, Oct. 20, 1702. 3-87 " Joshua, and AbigaU CrandaU; m. by Elder Joseph Davis, Oct. 20, 1762. 3-91 " Anne, and Thomas Coon, June 10, 1763. 3-95 " Susannah, and Comfort Shaw, April 5, 3 764. 3-68 " David, and Jemima Coon ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, June 14, 1764. 3-97 " Amey, and Nathan Lanphere, Oct. 28, 1764. 3-99 « Anna, and John Tefft, Dec. 16, 3764. WESTERLY MARRIAGES. 25 3-99 CRANDALL Eunice, and Augustus Stanton, Feb. 6, 3 765. '3-101 " Damarias, and Joseph Pendleton, Jan. 19, 1766. 3-302 " Ezekiel, and Mary Pendleton; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, May 22, 1706. 3-109 " Mary, and John Chapman, March 8, 1767. 3-111 " Thomas, of Westerly, and Ruth Rogers, of New London ; m. by Elder Stephen Gorton, May 19, 1767. 3-111 " Elijah, of Joseph, and Eunice Braughton, of John; m. by Elder Thomas Ross, May 20, 1768. 3-111 " James, of Charlestown, and Elizabeth Saunders, of Westerly (widow), dau. of Oliver Chase ; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, June 20, 1768. 3-134 " EUas, of Peter, and Sarah Stillman, of Capt. George; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, April 30, 1769. 3-127 " Joseph, of Joseph, dec, of Westerly, and Martha CrandaU, of John, of Hopldnton, dec. ; m. by Job Taylor, Justice, Sept. 17, 1772. 3-127 " Martha, and Joseph Or.mdall, Sept. 17, 1772. 3-129 " Samuel, of Samuel, of Charlestown, and Mary Clarke, of Daniel, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, Feb. 4, 1773. 3-123 " Enoch, of James, and Hannah Crandall, of Col. John, dec. ; in. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, March 24, 1773. 3-128 " Hannah, and Enoch Orandall, March 21, 1773. 4-91 " Elizabeth, and James Saunders, Oct. 3. 1774. 3-3.40 « Joseph, 4th, of Joseph of Westerly, and Mary Ladd, of John, of Charlestown ; m. by Nathan Burdick, Justice, Feb. 16, 1775. 3-146 " Lydia, and Joseph Saunders, June 30, 1776. 4-70 " Nancy, and Joseph Pendleton, March 23. 1777. 3-160 " Christopher, of James and Lucy Babcock; m. by Elder Isaiah WUcox, AprU. 17, 1777. 3-150 " Elizabeth, and Henry Crandall, July 1,7, 1777. 3-150 " Henry, of Capt. WilUam, of Westerly, and EUzabeth Crandall, of Abijah, of Hopkinton now of Charlestown ; m. by Joseph Cran dall, Justice, July 17, 1777. 4-95 " John, land Anna Gardiner; m. by Elder Simeon Brown, at Stoning ton, Nov. 9, 1777. 3-159 " Clarke, of James, and Hannah Burdick, of Jonathan; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Nov. 21, 1778. 3-161 " Sally, and Nicholas Da-sis, June 6, 1779. 3-162 " Elijah, of Joseph, of Westerly, and Mercy Kenyon, of James, dec, of Charlestown ; m. toy Joseph Crandall, Justice, July 18, 1779. 3-169 " Anna, and Jonathan Greene, Aug. 27, 1780. 3-171 " Charlotte, and Paul Babcock (also 4-76), Nov. 30, 1780. 3-172 " Benedict, of James, of Westerly, and Tacy Clarke, of Ephraim, of Charlestown ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Dec. 7, 1780. -5-150 " Henry, of Capt. WiUiam, and Mary Greenman, of Silas ; m. by Joshua Clarke, Justice, Feb. 24, 1782. 3-180. " Ruth, and Theodoty Johnson, March 31, 1782. 3-131 " James, of James, of Westerly, and Hannah Clarke, of Ephraim, of Charlestown ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Dec. 21, 1782. 3-3 74 " Rebecca, and Samuel Taylor (also 4-202), Jan. 6, 1783. 4-2 " Rhoda, and Lebbensi Ross, March 23, 1783. 4-3 " Elizabeth, and Benjamin Watson, July 9, 1783. 4-259 " James, of James and Sarah, and Hannah Clarke, of Ephraim, Nov. 20, 1783. 4-14 " Elbridge, of Joshua, of Westerly, and Mary Crandall, of Abijah, of Charlestown ; m. by Elder Isaiah WUcox, March 4, 17S4. 4-14 " Mary, and Elbridge CrandaU, March 4, 1784. 4-9 " Peter, of Joshua, and Nancy BUven, of Daniel; m. by Joseph Cran dall, Justice, Feb. 9, 1785. 4-22 " Enock, of James, and Mary Pendleton, of Simeon; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Sept. 18, 1787. 4-19 " Arnold, of Capt. WlUiam, dec, and Dinah Gavitt," of Hezekiah; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Dec. 6, 1787. 26 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-25 CRANDALL Barney, of Capt. WUUam, dec, and Hannah Davis, of WlUiam, dec ; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, March 12, 1788. 4-26 " Joseph, of Joshua, of Westerly, and Molly Greene, of Joshua, of Charlestown, Nov. 25, 1788. 4-28 " Paul, of James, and Prudence Chapman, of WiUiam ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, March 26, 1789. 4-41 '' Mary, and Ebenezer Eathbone, Sept. 23, 1790. 4-111 " Hester, and Rowland Burdick, Oct. 22„ 1790. 4-44 " Clement, of Joshua, of Westerly, and Susannah Davis, of Joseph, of Cliarlestown; m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, at Charles town, Jan. 16, 1791. 4-71 " Stannett, of Capt. William, dec, and Caty Green-man, of Silas: m. by Samuel Bliven. Justice, Aug. 26, 1792. 4-176 " Grace, and David StiUman,, Feb. 20, 1794. ,. 4-105 " Damarius, and John Babcock, Dec. 4, 1794. 4-166 " Nancy, and Nathan Lanphere, Dec. 23, 1794. 4-118 " Joseph, of Westerly, and Nancy Lanphere, of Stonington; m. by -Samuel Brown, Justice, April 3, 1796. 4-110 " Rebecca, and Joseph Saunders, Dec 27, 1706. 4-325 " Rogers, of Phineas, of New London, and Lucy Barber, of widow Content Potter ; m. by Joseph Potter, Justice, Feb. 12, 1797. 4-172 " Joel, of WiUiam, and Ruth Peckham, of Sw^eet; m. by Elder John Gardiner, May 14, 1797. 4-126 " Charlotte, and Luke Budington, Oct. 32, 1797. 4-143 " Esther, and Maxson Stillman, Dec. 8, 3,798. 4-150 " Caty, and Theodoty Hall, Jr., May 5, 1799. 4-150 " James Kenyon, of Elijah, and Lydia Ross, of John ; m. by Elder William Gardiner, Dec 15. 1799. 4-172 " Nancy, and Joshua Babcock, Dec. 3 3, 1801. 4-165 " Pardon, of Major Ethan, of Charlestown, and Nancy Berry, of Capt. Peleg, dec, of Westerly ; m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, Feb. 25 , 1802. 4-147 " Augustus, Jr., of Brookfield, N. Y., son of Augustus, and Charlotte Babcock, of Paul, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph Pendleton, Jus tice, Sept, 17, 1803. 4-238 " James, Jr., of James, and Dorcas Hall, of Mrs. Anna; m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, Dec 4, 1808. 4-249 " Joseph, and Sarah Gavitt, widow of Stephen ; m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, May 3, 1812. 4-255 " Jeremy, and Phebe Chapman; m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, Dec 20, 1812. 4-269 " Elijah, and Esther Gavitt; m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, May 17, 1813. 5-8 " Charles, and Lydia Saunders; m. 'by Elden Benjamin Shaw, March 18, 1827. 5-7 " Lovina, and John A. Saunders, Dec. 6, 1829. 5-9 " John, of Brookfield, Madison Co., N. Y., and Sally Saunders, of Westerly; m. by Elder Thomas TUlinghast, Feb. 20, 1830. 5-H0 " -Barbara, and James CrandaU, Jan. 26, 3 840. 5-110 " James, and Barbara Crandall ; m_ by Elder Daniel Coon, Jan. 26, 1840. 5-28 " Eunice, and Alexander Bradford, Dec 20, 1840. 5-43 " Hannah, G., and WUliam L. Dennis, June 5, 1842. 5-57 " Warren, G., and Sophia W. Saunders; m. by Elder Weeden Bar ber, Jr., Oct. 1, 1842. 5"58 ¦ " Clarissa C. and Clarke Burdick, March 31, 1844. 5"76 " George G., of Their I. and Mary Ann Babcock, of Charles ; m. by Elder Henry Clarke, Oct. 4, 1846. 5-?5 " Francis F. and Henry Crandall, May 7, 1848. 5-85 " Henry, of Westerly, and Frances F. CrandaU, of Troy, N. Y. ; m. by Rev. Fred. Denison, May 7, 1848. 5-04 " Emeline E„ and John 3. Peckham, Feb. 11, 1849. 5-100 " • Clarke D., of Abel, of stonington, and Mary E. Barber, of Henry M., of Westerly; m. by Rev. John Taylor, Aug. 27, 1849. WESTERLY MARRIAGES. 27 3-55 CROCKER Asa, of Norwich, Conn., and Elizabeth Vose, of Westerly; m. by WilUam Hem, Justice, July 4, 1757. 4-251 " George, of Waterford, Conn., son of Stephen and Nancy Lanphere, of Daniel, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph Pendleton, Justice, Dec 6, 1812. 3-1 CROSS Phebe, and Jonathan Falmeter, Sept. 24, 1744. 4-183 " Mary, and Joshua Kenyon, May 5, 1774. 3-165 " Anne,, land Simeon Lewis, Jan. 13, 1780. 4-119 i' John, Jr., of South Kingstown, and Mary Hoxsie, of Gideon, of Charlestown1; m. by Freeman Perry,, Justice, at Charlestown, Jan. 23, 1791. 4-142 " Amos, and Bessy Barnes ; m. by Joseph Potter, Justice, Dec 9, 1798. 5-26 " George D., of Westerly., and Abby Hinckley, of Stonington ; m. at Stonington by Gershom TrumbuU, Justice, Oct. 25, 1829. 5-48 " Martha B.„ and Edward W. Babcock, Nov. 27, 1833. 5-47 " Abby Jane, and Horace Babcock, Sept. 11, 1843. 5-86 " George D.. Jr.. of Hon. George JD. and Mary D. Burlingame. of Gen. Ray G. ; m. by Eev. Thomas II. VaU, May 8, 1848. 2-110 CRUMB Rachel, and Joseph Hazell, Nov. 10„ 173 5. 2-84 " Elizabeth, and Samuel Saunders, Nov. 30, 1732. 2-76 " Joseph, and Amey Cottrell; m. by John Babcock, Justice, June — , 1734. 2-70 " William, and Hannah Lewis; m. by Elder John Maxson, April 25, 1736. 3-20 " Hannah, and Stephen' HaU,, March 27, 1747-8. 3-59 " Elizabeth, and Nathan Saunders, Feb. 23, 1758. 3-67 •' Joseph, and Eebecca Hall; m. by Benoni Smith, Justice, July 26, 1759. 3-95 " William, and Mrs. Edith Thorn; m. by Stephen Lanphere, Justice, April 13, 1764. 3-99 " Joseph, Jr., and Hannah Brand; m. by Stephen Lanphere, Justice, March 17, 1765. 3-124 " David, of Joseph, of Westerly, and Hannah Denison, of Joseph, of Stonington •'; m. by Oliver Crary, Justice, Dec. 12, 1771. 4-59 " Simeon, of WUliam, and Harriet Pendleton, of Samuel ; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, May 25, 1783. 4-26 " Sylvester, and Grace Culver ; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Jan. 23, 1799. 4-164 " Sylvester, Jr., of Sylvester, and Ruth Babcock, of Samuel; m. by Joseph Pendleton,, Justice, Oct. ,11, 1801. 4-176 " Lucy, and Matthew Lanphere, Oct. 22, 1801. 4-269 " AUce, and Joshua Sisson, May 20, 1811. 4-274 " Charles, and Susannah Hiscox ; m. by . Elder Jesse Babcock, April 25, 1822. 5-63 " Charlotte L., and Allen Gory, May 12, 1845. 2-52 CULVEE Thankful, and Ebenezer Hill, Sept. 10, 1744. 4 26 " Grace, and Sylvester Crumb, Jan. 23, 1799. 5-107 " Cynthia A., and Benj imin F. Sisson, June 2, 1850. 3-1 CUETIS John, of Westerly, and Margaret Curtis, of Stonington; m. by WUliam Hern, Justice, March 13, 1744-5. 3-1 " Margaret, and John Curtis, March 11, 17445. 3-69 " Thomas, of Stonington, and Bridget Crandall, of Westerly ; m. by William Hern, Justice, April 30, 1760. D 2-97 DAERISET Andrew, and Rebecca Enos, of 'John ; m. by Jolm Richmond, Justice, March 1, 1727-8. 2-98 DAKE George, and Susannah ; in. by Christopher Champlain, Jus tice, June 15, 1721. 2-119 " Richard, and Content Maxson; m. by Elder John Maxson, Dec. 4, 1739. 2-113 " Elizabeth, and Ephraim Clarke, Dec. 12, 1745. (Vit. Ree, Vol. 5.) 18 28 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-135 DANIELS Susannah, and Samuel Sheffield, Feb. 14, 1799. 2-118 DARBY Ellas, of William, and Lydia Darby, April 23, 1739. 2-118 " Lydia, and EUas Darby, AprU 23, 1739. 2-60 " William, find Experience Prentice; m. by Elder Joseph Parks, Feb. 9, 1743-4. 2-92 DAVISON Rebecca, and Samuel Timer, March 4, 1727-8. 2-106 DAVIS John, and Elizabeth Max on ; m. by Thomas Hiscox, Justice, Aug. 25, 1715. 2-43 " Lydia, and Isaac Corey, March 23, 1730-7. 2-118 " Lydia, and Hosea Corey, March 23, 1736-7. 2-119 " Thomas William, and Lucy CrandaU ; m. by Elder John Maxson, Dec. 8, 1737. 2-69 " Thomas, and Bethiah Maxson ; m. by Elder John Maxson, Jan. 5, 1737. 2-72 " WUUam, and Sarah AUaby ; m. by WilUam Hern, Jus.ice, Feb. 7, 1739-40. 2-60 " Amey, and John Witter, Jr., Sept. 7, 1740. 2-7 " Martha, and Thomas Burch, Oct. 10, 1740. 2-10 " James, and Judeth Maxs n; m. by Elder John Maxson, Jan. 10, 1740. 2-35 " Jededlah, and Annie Dodge, m. by Elder John Maxson, June 5, 1741. 2-83 " WilUam, and Mary Lewis ; m. by WUUam Hern, Justice, April 24, 1745. 3-18 " Joseph, and Comfort Langworthy, both of Stonington ; m. at Stonington by Elder Wait Palmer, — i — — , 1745. 3-20 " Joseph, and Anne Babcock; m. by WlUiam Hern, Justice, Jan. 18, 1749-50. 3-29 " Joseph, of WUliam, and Mary Babcock, of Stephen; m. at South Kingstown by Elder James Rogers, Jan. 10, 1753. 3-54 " Nathan, of Westerly, and Tabitha NUes, of Stonington ; m. by WU liam Hern, Justice, March 3, 1757. 3-56 " Thankful, and Joseph Clarke, 4-th, Sept. 15, 1757. 3-60 " Mary, and EUsha StUlman, Jan. 23, 1759. 3-63 " Mary, and Elisha Stillman, Dec 23, 1759. 3-103 " Elder Joseph, and Penelope Lewis ; m. by Elder Thomas Ross, May 14, 1763. 3-139 " James, of WiUiam, and Elizabeth Chapman, of WiUlam; m. by Elder Joseph Park, Jan. 5, 1775. 3-141 " Marvel, and James Schrivens, March 2, 1775. 3-3 52 " Isabel, and Asa Burdick, Jan. 28, 1778. 4-310 " Mary, and .Simeon Burdick, Nov. 29, 1776. 3-101 " Nicholas of WUl'am, and Sally CrandaU (so called), dau. of Zerdiah West, dec. ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, June 6, 1779. 4-68 " Henry, of AVesterly, and Mary Babcock, of Stonington ; m. at Stonington by Elder Simeon Brown, Aug. 21, 1783. 4-25 " Hannah, and Barney Crandall, March 12, 1788. 4-60 " Lucy, and Arnold Babcock, Jan. 17, 1790. 4-44 " Barbara, and John Bliven, Jan. 16, 1791. 4-44 " Susannah, and Clement Crandall, Jan. 16, 1793. 4-69 " Clarke, of Westerly, and PoUy Miner, of Stonington; m. by Eld. Eleazer Brown, Oct. 21, 1792. 4-104 " Content, and Joseph Bragdon, Nov. 10, 1793. 4-90 " Nancy, and Thomas Duran, Sept. 6, 1795. 4-242 " James, Jr., and Lydia Saunders ; m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, Sept. 10, 1815. 3-36 DEAK John, and Hannah Foster; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, Feb. 26, 3746-7. 3-52 " Content, and Timothy Peckham, June 24, 1756. 5-39 " Denly, and John Ryan, Jan. 18, 1841. 2-3 25 DEN1SON Elizabeth, and WUliam Babcock, Dec. 5, 1705. 2-92 " Sarah, and William Babcock, Aug. 14, 1730. 5-41 " Mary Ann, and Whitman T. Lewis, July 18, 1341. 3-124 " Hannah, and David Crumb, Dec. 12, 1771. WESTERLY MARRIAGES. 29 5-43 DENNIS WUliam L., of Newport, and Hannah G. Crandall, of Westerly ; m. by Elder Daniel Coon, June 5, 1842. 5-34 DERBY Levi Lolhrop. and Esther Saunders; m. by Rev. James Pratt, June 24, 1839. 3-68 DETTEOCK 'Hannah, and Rufus Perkins, March 2, 1760. '4-42 DEWRY Sarah, and Luke Saunders,- Oct. 29, 1781. 4-191 " Amey, and Ebenezer Shelley, Nov. 15, 1799. 5-5 " Almira, and Paul M. Barber, Dec 30, 1827. 3-157 DICKINS Tmstam, of Amos, of New Shoreham, and Martha Wilcox, of Hezekiah ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Oct. 27, 1782. 2-119 DIXON Sarah, and Isaiah Burch, Jan. 20, 1742-3". 2-107 DODGE John, and Elizabeth , Oct. 19, 1710. 2-84 " Mary, and Theodoty Vars. Dec. 21, 1732. 2-82 " Elizabeth, and Samuel Eathbone, March 15, 1732-3. 2-35 " Annie, and Jedediah Davis, June 5, 1741. 3-51 " Trustam, of New Shoreham, and Hannah Larkin, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Oct. 28, 1764. 4-33 " Lucretia, and John Bliven, Feb. 8, 1789. 4-31 " Lydia, and George Wells, Oct. 15, 1789. 4-64 " Rozina, and WilUam Bliven, April 6, 1791. 4-158 " Dea OUver, and Dorothy Lanphere; m. by Joseph Pendleton, Jus tice, March 26, 1800. 2-87 D0W7NING Sarah, and Gideon Johnson, Oct. 23, 1743. 3-1 " Hannah, and Jonathan Crandall, AprU 12, 1747. 3-11 " Amey, and EzeMel Burdick, July 14, 1750. 3-1 " Mercy, and Joshua Vose, March 3, 1752. 3-157 DEISCOL WiUiam, of WUliam, and EUzabeth Eoss, of John ; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, July 27, 1778. 4-15 DUNBAR Thomas, of John, dec, and Eunice Barber, of Nathan; m. by Elder Isaiah Wilcox, Aug. 29, 1784. 4-254 " Capt. Thomas, and Thankful Barber; m. by Elder EUsha Cheese- borough, at Stonington, Jan. 30, 1814. V54 D1TNHAM WUliam E. F., of Freeman, dec, and Eunice Sisson, of Sanford ; m. by Jedediah W. Knight, Justice, Aug. 18, 1844. 5-77 DUNN Mary Ann, and Henry R. Gavitt, Aug. 2, 1847. 5-103 " Edward M., of John E. and Desire A. Gavitt, of Benajah; m. by Thomas H. Vail, Dec. 24, 1849. 4-96 DURAN Thomas, of Massachusetts, and Nancy Davis, of Westerly; m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, Sept. 6, 1795. 4-198 DURFEE John, of James, of Stonington, and Rebecca Saunders, of Joshua, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph Pendleton, Justice, Sept. 15, 1804. 3-81 DYE Esther, and Remington Sear,-, Feb. 1, 1761. 3-128 " Nathan, of Jonathan, of Stmington, and Eunice Chase, of Oliver, of Westerly; m. by Josexih CrandaU, Justice, Nov. 26, 1772. 2-105 DYRE Deborah, and Daniel Lombard, Sept. 24, 1747. 2-71 EAGLESTONE, Ichabod and Thankful HadfaU ; m. by Samuel WUbur, Justice, June 27, 1736. 2-74 EDWARDS, Christopher and Phebe Wells ; m. by Elder John Maxson, Oct. 24, 1735. 2-119 " Thomas and Garthrat Greenman ; m. by Elder John Maxson (also 3-33), Nov. 1. 1742. 3-54 " Daniel, of Charlestown, and Joan Clarke, of Westerly ; m. by Stephen )Saundeiis, Justice, Sept. 9, 1756. 4-133 " Clarke, of Daniel, dec, of Charlestown, and Catharine Maxson, of Tory, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, AprU 6, 1780. 3-171 " Sarah, and Joseph Gavitt, Oct. 1, 1780. 3-155 " Paul, of Westerly, and Rachel Allen, of Stonington, m. at Ston ington by Elder Eleazer Brown, April 13, 1782. 4-191 " Mary, and Samuel ElUs, Nov. 7, 3801. 4-243 " Nancy), and Arnold Hiscox, Feb. 7, 1810. 30 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 5-29 5-285-56 5-683-193-96 2-58 3-30 3-63 3-79 3-1374-160 2-77 3-31 4-83 4-191 2-84 2-97 2-308 3-2 3-2 3-54 3-57 EDWARDS Hannah, and Albert StUlman, May 5, 1818. " Phebe Ann, and Isaac Gavitt, Oct. 7, 1827. " Silas W., and Betsey Bliven; m. by George D. -Cross, Justice, Nov. 22, 1827. " Elizabeth L., and Thomas J. Codner, June 2, 1846. EGLESTONE Dorcas, and WiUlam Hadsall Dee. 4, 1745. " Deliverance, and Benjamin Jones, Sept. 24, 1764. ELDERTON, Roger, and Lydia Babcock; m. by John Babcock, Justice, Sept. 20, 1 1722. " Anna, and John Hawk, Sept. 9, 1751. " Lydia, and Oliver Burdick, Oct. 19, 1758. " Patience, and Wait Saunders, Dec. 16, 1761. ELDREDGE Peter, of Newport, and Esther Pendleton, of Samuel, of Wes terly; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Nov. 20, 1774. ELDRED Esther, and Stephen Gavitt, Sept. 29, 1800. ELLIS Zernlah, and Joshua Lanphere, Oct. 17, 1734. " Mary, and Samuel Tefft, May 5, 1753. " Phebe, and Thompson WeUs, Sept. 27, 1792. " Samuel, and Mary Edwards; m. by Elder Abram Coon, Nov. 7, 1801. ENOS Joseph, and Margaret Webster, Sept. 20, 173 6. " Rebecca, and Andrew Daleiiset, March 1, 1727-8. " Mary, and Benjamin Cobb, Jan. 30, 1728-9. , " John, and Mercy Hall; m. at Stonington by Rev. Nathaniel Eells, Dec. 26, 1743. " Thankful, and Edmund Burdick, April 23, 1749. " Sarah, and John MUlard, AprU 21, 1751. " Elizabeth, and Joshua Lewis, Feb. 23, 1757. " Lydia, and Zebulon Lewis, Feb. 12, 1758. 5-51 FENNEE Eliza, and Charles Gear, Dec. 17, 1843. 4-218 FELLOWS Polly, and Christopher Burdick, Nov. 27, 1806. 4-263 FEEGUSON Robert F., of Philadelphia, Penn., and Hannah Babcock, of Westerly ; m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, Jan. 23, 1814. FIELDEN see Phelden. . 3-92 FISH AbigaU, and Andrew Lothrop, Sept. 14, 1763. 5-71 FITCH Waitey, and Jesse W. Hall, Jan. 8, 1846. 2-79 FORDIS John, ,and Susannah Pettes ; m. by John Hoxsie, Justice, Dec 27, 1733. 2-82 FOSTER John, and Margarey Card ; m. by Rouse Helme, Assistant, June 11, 1724. 2-97 " Elizabeth, and John Lanphere, March 3, 1727-8. 2-72 " Caleb, and Elizabeth Irish; m. by John Eichmond, Justice,, Sept. 24, 1735. 2-70 " Thomas', and Mary Stewart; m. by Elder John Maxson, April 5, . 1730. 3-36 " Hannah, and John Deak, Feb. 26, 1746-7. 3-34 " Jor.athan, Jr., of Eichmond,, and Anna Lawton, of Westerly ; m. Daniel Maccoon, Justice, Nov. 29, 1753. 3-142 " Sarah, and Abel Larldn, AprU 1, 1770. 4-120 " Thomas, of Westerly, and Nabby York, of Stonington; m. by Elder Simeon Brown, Sept. 4, 1791. 4-92 FOWLEE John, of Westerly, and Hannah Helmes, of Stonington; m. at stonington by Elder fcimeon Brown, Aug. 5, 1792. 5-31 " Fanny, and Col. Charles Bradford, Sept. 30, 1846. 3-109 FRAZIEE Gideon, and Mercy G.bbs ; m. by Elder Joseph Park, Oct. 22, 1767. 4-12 " Gideon, and Elizabeth Greene, of WiUiam ; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, March 1, 1785. 4-145 " Nathaniel, of Gideon and Ruth Bliven, of Samuel; ml. by Elder John Gardiner, Oct. 0, 1799. 4-221 " Judith, and Lyman Ross, Jan. 8, 1807. WESTERLY MARRIAGES. 31 6-115 FRAZIER Frances, and Arnold Saunders, Jr., Jan. 29, 1826. 2-74 FRENCH William, and Prudence Gavitt; m. by Joseph Pendleton, Justice, March 1, 1738-9. 2-42 FRINK Esther, and Peter CrandaU, Dec. 22, 1740. 4-228 " Marshall, of Stonington, and Betsey Berry, of Westerly ; m. by Elijah Palmer, Justice, May 1, 1805. 4-227 " Rosanuah, and Wain Berry Dec. 7, 1866. 4-5 FEY Ruth, and Frederic Chase, Feb. 2, 1783. 4-229 FULLER Llndall A., of Pomfret, Conn., and Sarah W' lis of Hopldnton; m. at Hopkinton, by Elder Abram Coon, March 1, 1806. Q 5-98 GAGE John M., of Moses, of Mendon, Mass., and Frances Burdick, of Wel come, of Charlestown ; m. by Rev. John Taylor, June 18, 1849. 3-88 GARDINER Lydla,> and Joseph Sheffield, Jan. 13, 1763. 3-101 " Mary, and William, Champlain, Dec. 19, 1765. 3-131 " Lydia, and Sanford Taylor (also 4-98), June 17, 1773. 4-95 " Anna, and John CrandaU, Nov. 9, 1777. 3-169 " Waitey, and Isaac Vars, Oct. 15, 1780. 4-8 " Dorcas, and Jeptha Brown, Oct. 31, 1784. 4-81 " Susannah, and Simeon Burdick, Feb. 4, 1786. 4-184 " Caty, and Russell Saunders, March 1, 1801. 3-160 " Lydia, and Jeptha Brown, Oct. 13, 1782. 4-195 " Lydia, and John Thompson, March 8, 1804. 2-96 GAVITT Hannah, and Immanuel Case, Dec. 3, 1714. 2-84 " Ezekiel, and Amey Babcock; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, Aug. 9, 1732. 2-42 " Mary, and WiUiam Lewis, Oct. 10, 1733. 2-74 " Prudence, nnd William French, March 1, 1738-9. 2-113 " Benajah and Lois Pendleton; m. by Rev. Joseph Parks, Sept. 7, 1746. 3-33 " Esther, and Peter Burdick, Jan. 24, 1754. 3-62 " John, of Westerly, and Anna York, of Charlestown ; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, April 19, 1758. 3-84 " Anna, and WUliam Gavitt, May 19, 1760. 3-84 " WiUiam, and Anna Gavitt ; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, May 19, 1760. 3-94 " Deacon Ezekiel, of Westerly, and Mary Brian of Stonington; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, May 8, 1763. 3-109 " Ezekiel, Jr., and Phebe Babcock; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, March 22, 1767. 2-118 " Margary, and Oliver Gavitt, Oct. 1, 3 770. 3-118 " Oliver, of Samuel, dec, aDd Margary Gavitt!, of Joseph, both of Charlestown ; m. at Charlestown, by Peleg Cross, Justice, Oct. 3, 1770. 4-11 " George, and AbigaU Hiscox; m. by Elder Joshua Clark, Nov. 4, 1772. 4-186 " John, of Joseph, of Westerly, and Desire WUcox, of Joseph, of Charlestown ; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, Dec 28, 1773. 3-13'8 " Stephen, and Mercy West, both of Westerly ; m. at Stonington, by Elder Ebenezer Brown, May 11, 1775. 3-147 " Phalley, and Elias CottreU, Nov. 7, 1776. 3-153 " Anna, and Prentice Babcock, March 15, 1778. 3-154 " Prudence, and Henry Babcock, Aug. 4, 1778. 3-174 " Thankful and OUver Champlain, Jan. 25, 1779. 3-164 " Anna, and Amos Cheeseborough, Nov. 10, 1779. 3-171 " Joseph, of Westerly, and Sarah Edwards, of Charlestown; m. by Elder John Gardiner, Oct. 1, 1780. 3-127 " Amey, and Isaac Babcock, Nov. 12, 1780. 4_43 " Sylvester, of Benajah, dec, and Sarah Babcock, of Col. James, dec. ; m. by Elder Oliver Babcock, Sept. 30, 1781. 4-19 " Vashti, and George BUven, Aug. 12, 1784. 32 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-231 GAVITT Stephen, Jr., of Stephen, and Mary Lewis, of Joseph ; m. by Elder Isaiah WUcox, Oct. — , 1785. 4-65 " S.anford. of Deacon Joseph, and Mrs. Hannah Berry, of Elijah; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Feb. 23, 1787. 4-19 " Dinah, and Arnold Crandall, Dec 6. 1787. 4-43 " Sylvester of Benajah, dec, and Keturah Pendleton, of William, dec; m. by Elder Isaiah Wilcox, March -30, 1788. 4-27 " George, of Deacon Ezekiel, and Rhoda Babcock, of Isaac ; in. by Elder Isaiah WUcox, March 31, 1788. 4-101 " George, of George, and Lucy Bliven, of John ; m. by Elder John- Gardiner, Sept. 6, 1795. 4-308 " Thomas, of George, of Westerly, and Mellnda -Kennlcome, of Groton, Conn.; m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, Nov. 17, 1796. 4-120 " Eunice, and William Thompson, April 9, 1798. 4-160 " Stephen, of Stephen, and Esther Eldred, widow, dau. of Samuel Pendleton, dec. ; m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, Sept. 29, 1800. 4-204 " Ephraim, and Sally Larkin ; m. by Elder Jesse Babcock,, Feb. 17, 1805. 4-211 " Ezekiel, of Oliver of Westerly, and Hannah WUcox, of Joseph, dec, of Charlestown ; m. at Charlestown, by Samuel BUven, Justice, Nov. 21„ 1805. 4-221 " Samuel and Rebecca Taylor; m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, July 24 1806. 4-230 " Abigail, and Merchant Half, Dec. 17, 1807. 4-244 " Joseph, of Col. John,, and Thankful Bliven, of Major WUliam ; m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, Nov. 29, 1809. 4-245 " Louisa, and Peleg Sherman Barber, March 15, 1810. 4-249 " Sarah, and Joseph CrandaJU, May 3„ 1812. 4-253 " Mary, and Asa Babcock, 2d, Sept. 12, 1813. 4-257 " Benjamin, of Oliver, dec, and Amelia AUen, of Samuel,, dec; m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, May 17, 1814. 4-265 " Ehoda, and Capt. Nathan Pendleton, Oct. 20, 1816. 4-267 " Lucy, and James Wells, AprU 20, 1817. 4-269 " Esther, and Elijah Crandall, May 17, 1818. 5-111 " David, of Stephen, dec, and Martha HaU, of Benjamin; m. by Elder Matthew StUlman, Dec. 21, 1823. 4-203 " Benajah, and Rhoda Gavitt ; m. at Stonington, by Elder Asher Miner, Feb. 29, 1824. 4-203 " Ehoda, and Benajah Gavitt, Feb. 29, 1824. 4-266 " Wells, of Stephen, dec, and Eunice Lanphere, of Matthew, dec, by Elder Matthew StiUman, Dec. 30, 1826. 6-28 " Isaac, and Phebe Ann Edwards ; m. by Rev. Benjamin Shaw, Oct. 7, 1827. 5-18 " Thankful, and Job W. Rathbone, March 28, 1831. 5-53 " Phebe A., and James Champlain, July 4, 1844. 5-77 " Henry K. of Henry C. and Mary Ann Dunn, of John K. ; m. by Rev. Thomas H. Vail, Aug. 2, 1847. 5-78 " Keturah V., and Peleg Saunders, Sept. 22, 1847. 5-88 " Timothy P., and Freelove V. Thompson; m. by Eev. John Taylor, June 5, 1848. 5-103 " Desire A., and Edward M. Dunn, Dec 24, 1849. 5-106 " Abbie C, and Avery P. Peckham, March 2, 1850. 5-109 " Abbie, and Maxson White, Aug. 5, 1850. 8-37 OEER William, and Lydia Hall, both of Preston, Conn.; m. by Benoni Smith, Justice, March 20, 1754. 3-42 " Jonathan, of Groton, and Lois Lanphere, of Westerly ; m. by Benoni Smith, Justice, Jan. 2, 1755. 5-50 " Ebenezer, and Ruth M. Perkins; m. by Rev. WlUiam H. Newman, April 23, 1843. 5-51 " Charles H., of Westerly, and EUza Fenner, of Warwick; m. by Rev. OUver P. Tuckerman, Dec. 17, 1843. 3-109 GIBBS Mercy and Gideon Frazier, Oct. 22, 1767. 2-74 GIFFORD Catharine and Hezekiah CoUinia, Nov. :6, 1735. WESTERLY MARRIAGES. 39 5-67 GILBERT Jolm, of Groton, Conn., and Lydia Perry, of Westerly; m. by Rev. Oliver P. Tuckerman, May 31, 1845. 3-80 GODANDO (mustie), and Mary Mitchell ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Jan. 28, 1762. 5-68 GOODRICH, Samuel W., and Sarah E. Hayden, both of New York; m. by Rev. Thomas H. VaU, March 15, 1847. 3-72 GOETON John, and Sarah Babcock; m. by William Hem, Justice, Nov. 9, 1764. 4-41 " Hannah E., and Pardon S. Beckham, May 25, 3841. 5-63 GOEY AUeni, of Westerly, son of Peter and Martha,, of Glocester, E. I., and Charlotte L. Crumb, of Arnold and Luclnda, of Westerly; m. by Rev. Ealph Phinney, May 12, 1845. 4-23 8 GEANT Prudence, and Samuel Wilcox, „ 1798. 2-94 GEEENELL Daniel, Jr., and Jane Lewis, of Israel; m. at South Kingstown hy Eouse Helme, Assistant, May 21, 1727. 2-88 GEEENMAN Silas, of Stonington, and Anne Babe ck, of Westerly ; m. by Eouse Helme, Assistant, March 23, 1730-1. 3-21 " Margaret, and Joseph Greene, Sept. 20, 1747. 2-319 " Garthrot, and Thomas Edwards (also 3-38), Nov. 1, 1742. 3-3 " Eunice, and Andrew Champlain, Jan. 15, 1745-6. 3-22 " Eeeasey, and Ceazer Babcock. April 7, 1758. 3-89 " Chloe, and Christopher Burdick, March 24, 1702. 3-94 " Elizabeth, and Eobert Helme, Feb. 10, 1703. 3-94 " Catharine, and Oliver Helme, Dec. 25, 1703. 3-41 " Nathan, of Exeter, and Eunice Saunders,, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph CrandaU,, Justice, March 19, 1766. 3-119 " Abigail, and James Rhodes, Feb. 23, 3 708. 3-120 " Catherine, and Nathan Lanphere, Jr., Aug. 1(5, 1770. 8-150 " Mary, and Henry CrandaU, Feb. 24, 1782. 4-18 " Nancy, and Sumner Chapman, Aug. 27, 1786. 4-71 " Caty, and Stennett Crandall, Aug. 26, 1792. 4-94 " SUas and Polly Stillman; m. by Daniel Babcock, Justice, Oct. 17, 1793. 4-274 " Silas, Jr., of Westerly, and Thankful Wells,, of Sa.muel, dec, of Hop kinton ; m. by Elder Matthew Stillman, Dec 20, 1821. 5-79 " William, of SUas, and Frances Hall, of Stanton; m. by Eev. Isaac Moore, Sept. 29, 1847. 2-85 GREENE Benjamin, and Eleanor Randall, March 19, 1714. . 2-69 " Phebe, and Thomas Wells, Sept. 22. 1717. 2-94 " Sarah, and Joseph His'X, March 28, 1739. 3-27 " Sarah, and Joseph Hiscox, March 28, 1739. 3-21 " Joseph, of Westerly, and Margaret Greenman, of Charlestown ; m. by WUliam Hern, Justice, Sept. 20, 1747. 3-22 " Matthew, and Judith Maxson, Dec 1, 1748-9. 3-26 " Amey, and Elisha Lewis, Jan. 10, 1751. 3-59 " WUUam, of Charlestown. and Judith Rathbone, of Westerly; m. at Charlestown by Nathaniel Sheffield, Justice, Jan. 25, 1756. 3-86 " Hannah, and Daniel Bliven (also 4-52), Nov. 21, 1782. 3-304 " Ruth, and Samuel BUven (also 4-194), March 17, 1766. 3-136 " Christopher, of Nathaniel, of Warwick, dec, and Catharine Ward, of Samuel, of Westerly; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Dec. 23, 1773. 3-135 " William, and Sarah Champlain, of Joseph, dec. ; m. by Stephen Saunders, Justice, (also 4 40), March 18, 1774. 3-141 " John, of Exe'er, son of Josias, dec, and Prudence Saunders, of Joseph, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice (also 4-200), March 2, 1775. 3-158 " Samuel, of Joshua, of Westerly, and Desire Ross, of Elder Thomas, of Charlestown; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Nov. 19, 1778. 3-169 " Jonathan, of Josias, dec, of Charlestown, and Anna CrandaU, of James, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, Aug. 27, 1780. 3-180 " WUUam Rathbone, of Capt. William, of Westerly, and Esther John son, of Nathaniel, ot Hopkinton; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, (also 4-178), March 21, 1781. 34 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-169 GREENE Keziah, and Dennis Taylor, Feb. 17, 1782. 4-12 " Elizabeth, and Gideon Fnazier, March 1, 1785. 4-21 " Benjamin, of Capt. William, of Westerly, and Mary Johnson, of Nathaniel, of Hopkinton ; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, Jan. 28, 1787. 4-26 " Molly, and Joseph Crandall, Nov. 25, 1788. 4-28 " Pardon, of Capt. William and Fanny BUven, of Capt. WiUlam ; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, April 9, 1789. 4-56 " Capt. Charles of Petersborongh, N. Y., and Amey Burdick, widow of Robert, of Charlestown ; m. by Joseph Clark, Justice, Nov. 19, 1791. 4-55 " Dorcas, and Thomas Thompson, Jr., Dec. 21, 1791. 4-77 " Ruth, and Joshua Babcock, March 11, 1792. 4-204 " William, of Jonathan, ana SaUy Hall of Isaac ; m. by Samuel BUven, Justice, Jan. 3.7, 1805. 4-234 " Betsey and Benjamin Potter, March 0, 1808. 5-30 " Amey K., and Samuel Saunders, Jr., Nov. 6, 1834. 5-25 " MUlen S., of Stonington, and Thankful StUlman, of Westerly; m. by E. T. Hiscox, Sept. 1, 1846. 5-96 " Martha, and Albert Chapman, May 7, 1849. 2-97 GRIFFIN WUliam, and Abigail 'Burdick; m. by John Richmond, Justice, Feb. 9, 1726-7. H 2-71 HADFALL Rachel and Obadiah Pendleton, June 4, 1736. 2-71 " Thankful, and Ichabod Eagleston, June 27, 1736. 2-86 " Sarah, and Samuel HiU, Dec. 3, 1738. 3-19 HADSALL and Dorcas Eglestone ; m. by WUUam Hern, Justice, Dec 4, 1745. 3-28 HAKES Jonathan and Hannah Brown, of Jonathan; m. by BenonJ Smith, Justice, Nov. 23, 1752. 3-68 HALLAM Mrs. Patience, and James Champlain, Jan. 15, 3734-5. 2-83 HALL James, Jr., and Rachel Meekcome ; m. by Peter CrandaU, Justice, • April 17, 1721. 2-306 •' Benjamin, and Lydia HaU ; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, Jan. 6, 1726-7. 2-306 " Lydia, and Benjamin Hall, Jan. 6, 1726-7. 2-84 " Mary, and Thomas Adams, Nov. 23, 1732. 2-75 " Hannah, and Israel Styles, April 10, 1735. 2-71 " Rachel, and James Brand, March 11, 1735-0. 2-81 " Sarah, and Simeon Tucker, May 1, 1737. 2-72 " Rachel, and James Brand, Aug. 10, 1737. 2-119 " Henry, and Ann Crandall ; m. by Elder John Maxson, Sept. 6, 1742. 2-57 " Anna, and Nathan Meekame,, Dec. 23, 3743. 2-77 " Mercy, and John Enos, Dec 26, 1743. 3-1 " Sarah, and Benjamin Ross, AprU 26, 1741. 2-77 " Anna, and Nathan Maxson, Dec 23, 1643. 3-51 " Anna, and Nathan Maccoon, Dec' 23, 174-3. 3-1 " Phebe, and Simuel Pendleton, Feb. 13, 1744-5. 3-1 " Gideon, and Rebecca Hern ; m. by WUliam Hern, Justice, March 11, 1744-5. 3-20 " Stephen, and I-Iannnh Crumb ; m. by WUUam Hem, Justice, March 27, 1747-8. 3"20 " David, and Judeth WUbur ; m. by WUliam Hern, Justice, May — , 1748. 3-2 " Isaac, and Abigail Burdick; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Nov. 5, 1750. 3-25 " Susanna, and Caleb Babcock, Jan. 14, 1753. 3-27 James, Jr., of Westerly, and Elizabeth Brown, of Norwalk ; m. by Daniel Maccoon, Justice, Feb. 11, 1753. 3-34 " Henry, of Henry, and Sarah HaU, of James ; m. by John Saun ders, Justice, before 1754. 3-34 '" Sarah, and Henry Hall, before 1754. WESTERLY MAREIAGES. 35 3-37 HALL Lydia, and WUliam Geer, March 20, 1754. 3-40 " Benjamin, and Ptaelope Falmeter; m. by WUUam Hem, Justice, i Sept. 14, 1754. 3-63 " Joseph, of Hopkinton, and Teresia Wilcock, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice. Dec 18, 1758. 3-67 " Rebecca, and Joseph Crumb, July 26, 1759. 3-65 " Hezekiah, of Hopkinton, and Dorcas Pecldiam, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Oct. 11, 1759. 3-78 " - Esther,, and Joseph CrandaU, Aug. 24, 1761. 3-117 " Sarah, and Benjamin Ross, March 4, 1770. 4-82 " Martha, and Charles' Saunders, Nov. 25, 1773. 3-140 " Esther, and Stephen Peckham, Feb. 26, 1775. 3-142 " Theodoty, Jr., of Theodoty,, and Mary Peckham, of Isaac; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Jan. 3, 1776. 4-135 " Thomas, of Isaac, Of Westerly, and Eunice Johnson, of Reuben, dec, of Charlestown; m. by Elder Thomas Ross, at Charlestown, May 1, 1777. 3-166 " Mary, and James Bliven, Jr., Feb. 22, 1780. 3-166 " William, of William, dec, of Hopkinton, and Rachel Saunders, of James, of Westerly; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, March 16, 1780. 4-14 " Mary, and Benjamin Peckham, June 11, 1785. 4-20 " Rachel, and Joseph Lewis, Dec. 27, 1786. 4-85 " Capt. Lyman, of Joseph, dec, and Eunice Pendleton, of John; m. by Elder Isaiah WUcox (also 4,30), Jan. 27, 1787. 4-24 " James, of Ephraim, of Charlestown, and Sarah Larkin, of Moses, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Dec 31, 1787. 4-29 " Freegift, and Phelia Mfllard, Dec. 17, 1789. 4-37 " Elizabeth and Samuel Bliven, Jr., June 24, 1790. 4-115 " Braddock, and Susannah Wilcox ; m. by Elder Isaiah WUcox, July 30, 1790. 4-95 " David, and Hannah Young; m. by Elder Blkanah Babcock Nov. 20, 1791. 4-103 " Dolly, and Champlain Austin (also 4-109), Nov. 20, 1796. 4-115 " Lyman, of Westerly, and Phebe Palmer, of Stonington ; m. by Joshua Babcock, Justice, Nov. 27, 1796. 4-206 " Benjamin, and Huldah Wilbur; m. by Elder Elkanah Babcock, June 8, 1797. 4-150 " Theodoty, Jr., and Caty Crandall, of Elijah; m. by Paul Maxson, Justice, May 5, 1799. 4-151 " Amey, and Isaac Nash, Jan. 30, 1800. 5-37 " Stanton, of Westerly, and Mercy Perkins, of Charlestown ; m. by Elder Oliver Bright, July 8, 1800. 4-161 " WUbur, of David, and PoUy Saunders, of Joshua; m. by Pa,ul Max son, Justice, Nov. 16, 1800. 5 171 " Barbara, and Nathan Nash, Oct. 11. 1801. 4-204 " SaUy, and WUliam Greene, Jan. 17, 1805. 4-223 " Vamum, of Theodoty and Caty Saunders, of Joseph ; m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, Feb. 25, 1807. 4-230 " Merchant, and Abigail Gavitt : m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, Dec 17, 1807. 4,-238 " Dorcas,, and James Crandall, Jr., Dec. 4, 180S. '5-12 " Hezekiah, of Westerly, and Jane Smith, of Baltimore, Md. ; m. at Baltimore, by Rev. John E. Bars tow, Nov. 12, 1822. 5-111 " Martha., and David Gavitt. Dec. 21, 1823. 5-15 " John P., and Nancy Babcock: m. by Rev. Benjamin Shaw, Sept. 3, 1826. 5-50 " Keslah, and Alvey Taylor. April 18, 3 843. 5-45 " . Susan, and George Sisson, May 28, 1843. 5-71 " Jesse W., and Waltey Fitch : m. by Eev. E. T. Hiscox, Jan. 8, 1346. 5-79 " Francis, and WUUam Greenman, Sept. 29, 1847. 5-105 " Frances M., and George H. S. Barber, Feb. 4, 1850. 4-162 HAMMOND Ann, aud Christopher Rhodes, Dec. 28, 1800. 4-207 HANDCOX Hannah, and Joshua Saunders, " April 18, 1805. 36 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-166 HARRIS Eliphalet, of Henry, dec, of Westerly, and Sarah Comstoek,, of Caleb, of New London ; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, July 10,. 1776. 2-110 HASELL Joseph, and Rachel Crumb ; m. by Fieter Crandall, Justice, Nov. 10, 1715. 3-73 HAWKINS Mary, and John' Pols, Jan. 8, 1765. 3-30 HAWK John, of Charlestown, and Anna Elderton, of Westerly; m. by John Larkin, Justice, Sept. 9,, 1751. 3-20 HUXSTON EUinor, and Samuel Brown, July 9, 1749. 5-68 HAYDEN Sarah E., and Samuel W. Goodrich, March 15, 1847. 2-72 HAZELTON Jarvis,; and Barberry Barker; m. by Elder John Maxson, Jan, 21, 1735-6. 3-94 HELME Robert, of South Kingstown, and Elizabeth Greenman, of Wes terly; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, Feb. 10, 1763. 3-94 " Oliver, of South Kingstown, and Catharine Greenman, of Wes terly ; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, Dec. 25, 1763. 4-92 " Hannah, and John Fowler, Aug. 5, 1792. 4-183 " Mary, and Christopher Leeds. May 23, 1800. 2-119 HERN WilUam, and Mary Lewis; m. by Elder John Maxson, Oct. 26, 1742. 2-37 " Dorothy, and Simeon Brown, March 1, 1842-3. 3-1 " Rebecca, and Gideon Hall, March 11, 1744-5. 3-23 " WUUam, Jr., and Eunice WUcox; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, June 25, 1752. 3-29 " Elizabeth, and John Bliven, Jan. 3, 1753. 3-46 " Samuel, of Westerly, and Anna Bell, of Stonington; m. by Rev. Nathaniel Eells, July 28, 1754. 5-160 HEWITT Edmund, of Edmund, dec, of Stonington, and Hannah Peckham, of Isaac, of Westerly; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, March 7, 1779. 2-51 HILLIARD Isaac, and Victorias Coats, both of Stonington ; m. at Westerly by John Larkin, Justice, AprU 5, 1751. 2-45 HILL Hannah, and Christopher Champlain, AprU 22, 1730. 2-83 " Mary, of Josias, and Ebenezer Lamb, July 26, 1732. 2-86 " Samuel, and Sarah Hadfall ; m. by WUliam Hern, Justice, Dec 3, 1738. 2-7 " Samuel (negro), and Anna (mulatto); m. by WUliam Hern, Justice, Oct. 21, 1740. 2-52 " Ebenezer, and Thankful Culver, Sept. 10, 1744. 4-185 HINCKLEY Betsey, and Resolved Carr, Dec 6, 1792. 5-26 " Abby. and George D. Cross, Oct. 25, 1820. 2-73 HISCOX Tliomas, of Newport, and Bethiah Clarke, of Westerly; m. at Westerly by Elder Joseph Parks, Oct. 31, 1703. 2-81 " Ephraim, and AbigaU Saunders ; m. by John Richmond, Justice, Oct. 29, 1733. 2-71 " Edith, and Joseph CrandaU, May 2, 1736. 2-S4 " Hannah, and Jonathan Rogers,, Oct. 26. 1737. 2-94 " Joseph, and Sarah Greene : m. by Elder John Maxson, March 24, 1739. 2-98 " WUUam, and Content Bahcock; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, Dec. 22, 1742. 3-39 " William, and Susannah Burdick; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, Jan. 11, 1727-8. 3-27 " Joseph, and Sarah Greene ; m. by Elder John Maxson, March 28, 1739. 3-39 " WUliam, and Content Babcock; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, Dec. — , 1742. 3-24 " Sarah, and Edward Saunders (also 4-57), Aug. 13, 1752. 3-41 " Thomas, Jr., and Elizabeth Saunders ; m. by Benoni Smith, Justice, Nov. 14, 1754. 342 " Joseph, and Bathsheba Mackee ; m. by Benoni Si'.lih, Justice, Dos. 30, 1754. 3-49 " Thomas, of Westerly, and Mrs. Patience Beboc, of Southold, L. I.; m. by Silas Greenman, Justice, March 2, 1756. 3-82 " Joseph, Jr., and Susannah Burdick ; m. by Stephen Saunders, Jus tice, AprU 15, 1762. WESTERLY MARRIAGES. 37 3-99 HISCOX Nathan, and Ruth Saunders ; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, May 7, 1764.. 3-112 " Amey, and John Coon, Jr., May 15, 1771. 4-11 " AbigaU, and George Gavitt, Nov. 4, 1772. 4-142 " Ephraim, of Ephraim, and Mary Sisson, of Thomas; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Oct. 21, 1773. 4-3 " Clarke of Joseph and Bathsheba, and Sarah Saunders, of Edward; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Dec. 12, 1782. 4-14 " Bethlah, aud David Thayer, March 7, 1786. 4-54 " Nancy, and Kenyon Burdick, Jan. 18, 1790. 4^122 " Mary and Eiflian BUven, May 12, 1798. 4-159 " AbigaU, and Clarke Burdick, Jan. 20, 1799. 4-130 " Thomas, of Westerly, and Susanna Wood, of Westport, Mass. ; m. at Westport by WUliam Almy, Justice, Nov. 13, 1797. 4-163 " Ephraim, and Susannah Lanphere ; m. by Elder Abram Coon, Dec. 25, 1800. 4-239 " Clarke, Jr., of Hopldnton, and Mary White, of Westerly ; m. by Elder Abram Coon, Jan. 11, 1809. 4-243 " Arnold, of Hopkinton, and Nancy Edwards, of Charlestown; m. at Charlestown by Elder Abram Coon, Feb. 7, 3810. 4-363 " Ephraim, Jr., and Hannah Burdick; m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, Nov. 29, 1810. 4-274 " Susannah, and Charles Crumb, AprU 25, 1822. 4-124 HOBERT WiUiam, of Westerly, and Lois Babcock, of Hopkinton; m. by Joseph Potter, Justice, Nov. 20, 1798. 4-126 HOLLY SaUy, and Stephen Lanphere, Aug. 12, 1798. 2-72 HOLMES Bethlah, and Benajah Billings, March 24, 1739-40. 3-45 " Thomas, and Zerviah Mason, both of Stonington : m. by Benoni Smith, Justice, Feb. 5, 1755. 2-86 HOLWAY" Celinda, and James Congdon, May 2, 1732. 3-20 HOPKINS Sarah, and Mark Williams, July 2, 1749. 3-48 HOBICK EUzabeth, and Sumner Chapman, Feb. 23, 1756. 3-133 HOXSIE Sarah, and James Sheffield. Dec. 26, 1773. 4-119 " Mary, and John Cross, Jr., Jan. 23, 1791. 5-87 " Perry, of New London, and Matilda Babcock, of Westerly; m. by Rev. Fred Denison, July 3, 1848. 1-57 HUBBARD Bethlah, and Joseph Clarke, Nov. 16, 1664. 2-105 " Thomas, of Boston, and Lydia Kay, of Westerly ; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, May 7, 1747. 4-69 " Tacy, and Edward Sheffield WeUs, Jan. 6, 1791. 4-136 " James, and Amey Stillman ; m. by Elder John Burdick, Jan. 26, 1799. 2-86 HULL Joseph, and EUzabeth Richmond; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, Nov. 11, 1731. 2-77 " Joan, and Thomas Kimber, Nov. 7, 1743. 3-123 " Benjamin, of Joseph and, Lydia, Sa.unders, of Stephen; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Nov. .7, 1771. 3-136 " Martha, and Charles Saunders, Nov. 25, 1773. 3-140 " Benjamin, of Joseph, and Mary Boss, of Peleg; m. by Joseph Cran dall. Justice, Feb. 9, 1775. 4-72 " Thomas, of Thomas, dec, of Westerly, and Amey Peckham, of Abel, of Charlestown ; m. by Eobert Burdick, Justice, Aug. 27, 1791. 4-156 HUNTLEY Joseph, of Lyme, Conn., and Susanna teckham, of Westerly; m. lyy Elder Asa Coon, June 15, 1800. I 3-20 INGRAHAJH Jeremiah, and Elizabeth lanphere, both of Stonington; m. by WUliam Hern, Justice, Nov. 11, 1748. 2-81 IRISH Johanna, and Edward Robinson, Oct. 11, 1708. 2-81 " Mary, and John Eobinson, Aug. 23, 1733. 2-72 " Elizabeth, and Caleb Foster, Sept. 24, 1735. 3-26 " Lydia, and Elisha Lewis, Oct. 30, 1740. 5-35 " James E., of AHred N. Y., and Charlotte Babcock, of Westerly;. m. by Elder Daniel Coon Aug. 20, .1830. 38 .VITAL EECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-83 JAGERS Sarah, and Joseph Stewart, Sept. 6, 1732. 5-102 JAMES Charles H., of WUliam, and Elizabeth S. Brown, of Arnold; m. by Rev. Fred Denlson, Nov. 6, 1849. 4-271 JEROME SaUy, and James StUlman, Dec 2, 1819. 2-13 JOHNSON Joseph, and Mary Lanphere; m. by Elder John Maxson, June 18, 1739. 2-87 " Gideon, of Westerly, and Sarah Downing, of Block Island; m. at Block Island, by Samuel Rathbone, Deputy Warden, Oct. 23, 1743. 3-75 " Joseph, Jr., of Charlestown, and Judith Burdick, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Feb. 28, 1762. 3-97 " Stephen, of Hopkinton, son of Stephen, and Lois Ross, of Westerly, dau. of Thomas; m. by Simeon Eurdick, Justice, Dec 10, 1767. 4-51 " Bridget, and WiUiam Chapman, Jr., March 14, 1773. 4-135 " Eunice, and Thomas Hall, May 1, 1777. 3-151 " Job, of Joseph, of Charlestown, and Anne Clarke, of Darnel, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Oct. 30, 1777. 3-166 " Hannah, and Thomas Taylor, Felb. 6, 1780. 2-178 " Esther, and WUliam Rathbone Greene (also 3-180), March 21, 1781. 3-180 " Theodoty, of Daniel, of Charlestown, and Ruth CrandaU, of James of Westerly; m. by Jos. ph CrandaU, Justice, March 31, 1782. 4-21 " Mary, and Benjamin Greene, Jan. 28, 1787. 4-51 " Mary, and William Chapman, June 14, 1799. 4-237 " AbigaU, and Samuel Chapman, March 13, 1810. 5-28 " George M., of Scotland, and Elizabeth Quati, of Ireland; m. by Rev. Thomas H. Vail, Sept. 14, 1847. 3-96 JONES Benjamin, and Detiveranc? Eaglestoue, both of Stonington, pubUshed by Sylvester Warden, Justice, sometime ago, published also by Elder Wait Palmer, at Stonington, Sept. 18, 1704 ; m. at Wes terly, by Stephen Lanphere, Justice, Sept. 24, 1764. 2-14 JUSTUS Lydia, and Elisha Lewis-, Nov. 30, 1740. K 3-56 KENECOME Abigail, and Valentine Wilcox, Aug. 10, 1757. 4-108 " MalinHa, land' Thomas Gavitt, Nov. 17, 1796. 2-106 KENYON Peter, and Naomi Wels; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, Sept. 15, 1720. 2-35 " George and Anna Lewis : m. by Elder John Maxson, June 16, 1741. 2-90 " Damarias, and James Crandall (also 3-7), Feb. 27, 1742-3. 3-29 " Sarah, and Edward Crandall, Jan. ,18, 1753. 3-37 " Nathaniel, and Elllner Utter; m. by Benoni Smith, Justice, March 21, 1754. 3-49 " Katherine. and Joshua Cnurch, March 29, 1756. 4-18 " Mary, and Peleg Berry, April 17, 1774. 4-183 " Joshua, and Mary Cross, both of Charlestown; m. by Sylvester Robinson, Justice,, C C. Pleas, May 5, 1774. 3-162 " Mercy, and Elijah CrandaU, July 18, 1779. 4-5 " Mercy, and John Closson, March 11, 1784. 4-20 " Mercy, and Silas Babcock, Jan. 18, 1787. 4-87 " Elizabeth, and Joseph Chapman, Dec. 21, 1791. 4-119 " Polly, and Israel Chapman, Oct. 20, 1796. 4-154 " Sally, and Luther Palmer, Dec. 12, 1799. 4-205 " Betsey, and Oates Pendleton, Dec. 6, 1801. 6-11 " Hannah, and Horace Wilcox, March 11, 1831. 5-30 " Bridget, and Ichabod Sisson, Dec. 27, 1846. 5-95 " Harriet M., and John A. Weller, AprU 2, 1849. 2-77 KIMBER Thomas, of New Haven, (sailor), and Joan Hull, of Westerly; m. by William Hern, Justice, Nov. 7, 1743. WESTERLY MARRIAGES. 39 3-32 KING Susannah, and Edmund Pendleton, AprU 9, 1738. 2-77 " Mary, and John Pullman, March 17, 1750-1. 4-228 KNIGHT Jedediah, and EUza Champlain; m. by Elder Abram Coon. Aug. v 21, 1807. 5-32 " J. Whitney, of Westerly, and Mary Ann Perkins, of Sterling, Conn. ; m. by Elder Peleg Peckham, Nov. 26, 1838. 4-192 KNOWLES Joseph M., of Soutih Kingstown, and Mrs. Dorcas TUlinghast, of Exeter; m. at Exeter, by Elder Be.a,amin Weight, Jan. 7, i802. 5-19 " John T., of Westerly, and Elizabeth K. Stanton, of Charlestown.; m. by Elder Thomas TUUnghast, Oct. 23, 1833. 3-140 LADD Mary, and Joseph Crandall, 4th, Feb. 16, 1775. 2-70 LAKE Jeremiah, and Thankful Palmlster; m. by Elder John Maxson, April 1, 1737. 2-83 LAMB Ebenezer, and Mary HUl, of Jarvis; m. by John Eichmond, Justice, July 26, 1732. . 3-31 " , and. Sarah Larkin; m. by Daniel Maccoon, Justice, April 27, 1753. 3-47 LANGFOED Jonathan, and Esther Champlain; m. by Silas Greenman, Jus tice, Dec. 25, 1755. 5-75 LANGLEY Joseph F., of Newport, and Elizabeth Brown, of Westerly; m. by Eev. Thomas H. VaU, Oct. 4, 1847. 2-82 LANUWORTHY Ann, and Joseph Crandall, Feb. 15, 1715-6. 2-72 " Samuel, and Mary CrandaU: m. by Elder John Maxson, Aug. 7, 1736. 2-13 9 " Mary, and Nathan Lanphere (also 3-15). June 22, 1739. 3-3.2 " John, Jr., and Abigail Munro : m. by Stephen Richmond, Justice, May 27, 1742. 3-3 8' " Comfort, and Joseph Davis, . — . 1745. 4-74 " Lucy, and Charles Babcock, Jan. 3. 1792. 4-156 " Betsey, and Sylvonus Maxson, Sept. 24. 3797. 5-29 " Lucy P., and. Alfred Lewis, Sept. 28 1840. 2-42 LANKFOED Ann, and John Lewis (Fuller), June 3, 1741. 2-41 LANPHERE Theodosius, and Richel Carey; m. by Peter Crandall, Justice-, Jan. 22. 1707-8. 2-4 " Sarah, and James Corey, March 21, 1708. 2-324 " Elizabeth, of George, and James Pendleton, Jan. 12, 1709-30. 2-105 " Experience, and John Satterly. Jan. 5, 1726-7. 2-971 " John, and EUzabeth Foster; m. ;by John Richmond, Justice, March 3. 1727-8. 2-95 " Anna, and John Lanphere, July 24, 1730. 2-95 " John, and Anna Lanphere ; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, July 24. 1730. 2-88 " Daniel, and Cattron Prosser; m. by John Richmond, Justice, Jan. 24. 1730-1. 2-77 " Joshua, of Westerly, and .Zerniah Ellis, of Stonington; m. by John Richmond, Justice, Oct. 17, 1734. 2-76 " AbigaU, and Joshua Burdick, Dec 25. 1734. 2-73 " Patience, and Ichabod Prosser, Nov. 26, 1735. 2-58 " Mary, and James Casey, Jan. 21, 1738-9. 2-119 " Mary, and Joseph Johnson, June 18, 1739. 2-119 " . Nathan, and Mary Lang-worthy; m. by Elder John Maxson (also 3-15). June 22, 1739. 2-73 " Nathaniel, and Prudence CottreU ; m. by William Hern, Justice, July 7, 1743. 3-1 " Mercy, and Joseph Saunders (also 3-168), April 5, 1744. 3-1 " Hannah, and Ephraim Clarke, Dec. 15, 1744. 3-19 I " Jerusha, and William Sims. March 24. 1747-8. 3-20 " Jerusha, and WUliam Lewis, March 22, 1747-8. 3-20 " Elizabeth, and Jeremiah Ingraham, Nov. 11, 1748. 3-18 " Amey, and Joba Satterly, Dec 4, 1748. 40 VITAL EECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-23 LANPHERE Stephen, and Mary Champlain; m.,by Benjamin RandaU, Jus tice, Oct. 26, 1749. 3-5 " Prudence, and Robert Brand, Nov. 14, 1751. 3-32 " Martha, and Tony Maxson, Oct. 18, 1753. 3-42 " Lois, and Jonathan Geer, Jan. 2, 1755. 3-45 " Benjamin, and Susannah Champlain; m. by Benoni Smith, Jus tice, March 27, 1755. 3-47 " Content, and Timothy West, Dec. 3, 1755. 3-52 " Mary, and Joshua Vose, Jr., May 3, 1757. 3-63 " Mary, and WUliam Steward, Nov. 30, 1758. 3-67 " Nahor, and Anne Lewis ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Jan. 24, 1760. - 3-89 " Barbara, and Samuel Lewis, Oct. 15, 1761. 3-87 '¦ David, and Sarah Smith; m. by Joseph Clarke, Jr., Justice, March 4, 1762. 3-82 " EUas, and Sarah Brown ; m. by Benoni Smith, Justice, April 22, 1762. 3-93 " Isaiali, of Westerly, and Thankful AUen, of Stonington; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, Oct. 16, 1763. 3-97 " Nathan, Jr., of Westerly, and Amey CrandaU, of Charlestown.; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Oct. 28, 1764. 4-76 " Daniel, of Westerly, and Weltha Worden, of Stonington ; m. at Stonington by Elder Simeon Brown, Nov. 13, 1765. 3-120 " Nathan, Jr., and Catharine Greenman; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Aug. 16, 1770. 3-123 " Nathan, Jr., of Nathan, and Sarah Landers, of John; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke (also 4-300), Oct. 31, 3771. 3-124 " Abram, of John, of Westerly, and Sarah Lanphere, of Ebenezer, of Hopkinton: m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Dec. 29, 1771. 3-124 " Sarah, and Abram Lanphere, Dec. 29, 1771. 3-126 " Champlain, of Stephen, and Rebecca Babcock, of Joseph; m. by Oliver Crary, Justice. March 9, 3 772. 3-126 " Amey, and WiUiam Weaver, March 10, 1772. 4-4 " Wealtha, and Christopher Seager, March 17, 1777. 4-21 " Patience, and George, Champlain, Oct. 5, 1780. 4-22 " Hannah, and Nathan Stillman, Nov. 10, 1785. 4-89 " Haul, and Elizabeth Berry ; m. by Joseph Clarke,, Justice, Feb. 18, 1789. 4-89 " Pardon', and PoUy Berry ; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Feb. 25, 1790. 4-201 " Cynthia, and Barney Sisson, March 7, 1790. 4-3 74 " Eunice, and Abel Clarke, Oct. 13, 1791. 4-42 " Cattern, and Hosea Barber, Dec. 18, 1794. 4-101 " Lydia, and Elisha West, Nov. 23, 1794. 4-166 " Nathan,, of David, and Nancy Crandall ; m. by Joseph Clarke, Jus tice, Dec. 23, 1794. 4-137 " Maxson, of Nathan, dec, of Westerly, and Susannah Freeman,, of Southold, L. I.; m. at Southold, by Elder Elisha GiUett, Nov. 19, 1795. 4-114 " Elisha, of Nathan, and Betsey Potter, of George, dec; m. by Elder John Burdick, Dec. 17, 1795. 4-118 " Nancy, and Joseph Crandall, April 3, 1796. 4-111 " Joshua, of Champlain, and Ruth Thompson, of WiUlam; m. by Elder Samuel Northup. Nov. 4, 1797. 4-123 " Joseph C, of Westerly, and Lucretia Yeomans, of Daniel, of Stonington; m. by Elijah Palmer, Justice, June 6, 1798. 4-126 " Stephen, of Champlain, of Westerly, and SaUy Holly, of South Kmgstown; m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, Aug. 12, 1798. 4-140 " Pally W., and Isaac Peckham, June 30, 1799. 4-153 " AbigaU, and Wait Clarke, Nov. 14, 1799. 4-158 " Dorothy, and Dea. Oliver Dodge, March 26, 1800. 4-163 " Susannah, and Ephraim Hiscox, Dec 25, 1800. 4-176 " Matthew, of Westerly, anld Lucy Crumb, of Stonington ; m. by Elijah Palmer, Justice, Oct. 22, 1801. 4-215 " Simeon, and Susannah Stillman; m. by Elder Abram Coon, Jan. 26, 1804. WESTERLY ¦MAEEIAGES. 41 4-212 LANPHERE Mercy, and John Clarke, Nov. 29, 1804. 4-227 " Asa, and Susanna Saunders, of Stephen ; m. by Elder Jesse Bab cock, Jan. 15, 1807. 4-232 " Enock, and Susannah Berry; m. by John Cross,, Justice, Jan. 29, 1807. 4-225 " Prentice, of Westerly, and Anna Merrlott, of Hopldnton ; m. at Hop kinton by Elder Matthew Stillman, March 13, 1807. 4-247 " Hezekiah, and Deborah Clarke ; m. by Elder Abram Coon, Feb. 17, 1811. 4-248 " Clarke, and Wealthy Clarke; m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, March 1, 1812. 4-251 " Nancy, and George Crocker, Dec. 6, 1812. 4-252 " WiUiam, 2d, and EUza Miner; m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, Dec. 23, 1812. 4-264 " Acors, of Westerly, and Wealthy Stillman, of Hopkinton; m. by Daniel Babcock, Justice C. C. Pleas, Nov. 30, 1815. 4-264 " Amelia, and Daniel Rathbone, March 7, 1816. 4-248 " Capt. Clarke, of David, and Keturah Barber, of Amos, of Hopkin ton ; m. by Elder Matthew StiUman, March 31, 1823. 5-4 " Abby, and Thomas Lewis, Nov. 20, 1825. ¦4-266 " Eunice, and Wells Gavitt, Dec. 30, 1826. 5-6 " Frank, of Westerly, and Waitey Lewis, of Hopkinton ; m. at Hop kinton by Elder Amos P. Wells, Oct. 5, 1828. 4-252 " WilUam, and Susan Burdick; m. at Hopkinton by Elder Christo pher Chester, Jan. 24, 1835. 5-62 " Perry, and Sophia A. Slocum ; m. by Rev. E. T. Hiscox, Sept. 1, 1844. 5-56 " Davis, and Nancy M. Barber ; m. by Rev. Ralph P. Phlnney, Sept. 9, 1844. 5-80 " Horace V., of Stonington, son of Daniel and Sybel G. Sharp, of Charles, of Westerly ; m. by Rev. Isaac Moore, Oct. 9, 1847. 5-91 " Juliet, and Frank Maxson, Nov. 27, 1848. ¦2-106 LARKIN John, and Sarah Tucker; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, June 15, 1726. 2-92 " Mary, and Moses Barber, AprU 9, 172Q. 2-95 " Roger, and Rebecca Tucker; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, March 19, 1730. 2-95 " John, and Mary Maccoon ; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, July 24. 1730. 2-95 " Joseph, and Johannah York ; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, July 24, 1730. 2-75 " Samuel, and Elizabeth CrandaU; m. by John Hoxsie, Justice, Jan. 21, 1734-5. 2-75 " Rebecca, and David Lewis, Aug. 28, 1734. 3-31 " Sarah, and Ebenezer Lamb, April 27, 1753. 3-62 " Daniel, of John, and Susannah Rathbone ; ; m. by Stephen Saun ders, Justice, Feb. 27, 1758. 3-96 " Daniel, and Eunice Champlain; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Aug. 29, 1764. 3-51 " Hannah, and Trustam Dodge, Oct. 28, 1764. 3-142 " Abel, of John,, and Sarah Foster; m. by John Larkin, Justice, April 1, 1770. 4-24 " Sarah, and James HaU, Dec 31, 1787. 4-39 " Lydia, and WUUam Loomas, Aug. 22, 1790. 4-129 " Abel, Jr., of Westerly, and Hannah Larkin, of Hopkinton; m. by Elder Asa Coon, Jan. 25, 1797. 4-129 " Hannah, and Abel Larkin, Jr., Jan. 25, 1797. 4-160 " James, of Kenyon, of Charlestown, and Nancy Berry, of Samuel, of Westerly; m. by Samuel BUven, Justice, Nov. 23, 1800. 4-217 " Jonathan, and Ann Rhodes, of James; m. by John Cross, Justice, Nov. 22, 1804. 4-204 " Sally, and Ephraim Gavitt, Feb. 17, 1805. 5-55 " Samuel S., of Westerly, and Mary A. Potter, of Richmond; m. by Rev.. Alexander CampbeU, Sept. 2, 1844. 5-71 " Susan E., and Joseph Ho ss, Sept. 22, 1845. 42 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 5-106 LARKIN David C, of Richmond, and Lucinda Burdick, of Charlestolwnj ; m. by Elder Henry Clarke, May 4, 1850. 2-1 LAWTON Mary, and Sanford Noyes, Nov. 24„ 1738. 3-34 " Anna, and Jonathan Foster, Jr., Nov. 29, 1753. 3-44 •' Jane, and David Lewis, June 11, 1755. 3-105 " Thomas, of Portsmouth and Amey Poole, of Westerly; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, May 20, 1766. 3-25 LEEDS Hannah, and Jesse Brown, Jan. — , 1752. 4-183 " Christopher, of Thomas, of Stonington, and Mary Helme, of Simeon, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph Pendleton, Justice, March 23, 1800. 5-25 LEE Mary W., and Ezekeil Babcock, Feb. 13, 1842. 5-50 " Mary Esther, and Stiles Sherley, May 1, 1843. 5-54 " Henlry, and Nancy Tefft; m. by Rev. Ralph Phlnney, Sept. 1, 1844. 2-17 LESTER Elizabeth, and Trustum Billings, Sept. 10, 1740. 2-86 LEWIS Ann, and William Eoss, April 18, 173 3. 2-78 " John, of James, and Lucy CrandaU; m. by Joseph Hall, Justice, March 3, 1717. 2-118 " John, Jr., and Mary Burdick, March 12, 1718. 2-113 " Israel, and Mary Mash ; m. by Joseph Hall, Justice, March 27, 1718. 2-112 " Israel, and Bathsheba ; m. by Christopher Champlain, Jus tice, June 30, 1720. 2-110 " John, and Anna Clarke, Nov. 24, 1720. 2-94 " Jane, of Israel, and Daniel GreeneU, Jr., May 21, 1727. 2-96 " Mary, and Nathaniel Lewis, Nov. 13, 1729. 2-96 " Nathaniel, and Mary Lewis ; m. by Theodoty Ehodes, Justice, Nov. 13, 1729. 2-87 " Joseph, and Mary Lewis ; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, April 1, 1731. 2-87 " Mary, and Joseph Lewis, April 1, 1731. 2-42 " WlUiam, and Mary Gavitt ; m. by John Saunders, Justice, Oct. 10, 1733. 2-80 " George, and Sarah Lewis; w. by John Hoxsie, Justice, Nov. 22, 1733. 2-80 " ' Sarah, and George Lewis, Nov. 22, 1733. 2-78 " Jerusha, and George Brown, Jr., April 4, 1734. 2-79 " Bathsheba, and William Bentley, Aug. 1, 1734. 2-75 " David, and Rebecca Larkm; m. by Samuel WUbur, Justice, Aug. 28, 1735. 2-70 " Hannah, and William Crumb, AprU 25, 1736. 2-88 " EUzabeth, and John CrandaU, June 28, 1738. 2-4 " Thankful, and John Lewis, Jan. 21, 1738-9. John, and Thankful Lewis; m. by Elder John Maxson, Jan. 21, 1738-0. John, and Margaret Burdick; m. by Elder John Maxson, May 3, 1739. Esther, audi John Ci-anda 1, April 19, 1740. Elisha. and Lydia Justus ; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, Nov. 30, 1740. John (Fuller), and Ann Lankford; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, June 3, 1741. Anna, and George Kenyon, June 16, 1741. Mary, and WiUiam Hem, Oct. 20, 1742. " Avis, and Hubbard Burdick, Nov. 1, 1743. " Martha, and John Maxson, Sept. 13, 1744. 2-83, 97 " Mary, and WUUam Davis, April 24, 1745. 3-20 " Elisha, and Lydia Irish; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, Oct. 30, 1740. 3-177 " Joseph, and Sarah Clarke; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, June 16, 1743. 3-1 " Elisha, and Dorcas CottreU ; m. by WlUiam Hern, Justice, Oct. 25, 1744. 3-5 " John, Jr., and Prudence MitcheU ; m. by Joshua Clarke, Justice, Sept. 20, 1740. 2-4 2-58 WESTERLY MAEEIAGES. 43 3-28 LEWIS Jonathan, and Tacy Maxson; m. by Joshua Clarke, Justice, Jan. 22, 1740-7. 3-16 " Stephen, and Martha Witter; m. by Nathaniel Lewis, Justice, Oct. 18, 1747. 3-20 " WUUam, of North Kingstown, and Jerusha Lanphere, of Westerly; m. by WUliam Hern, Justice, March 22, 1747-8. 3-22 " EUas, and Susannah Reynolds; m. by Benjamin EandaU, Justice, Sept. 15, 1749. 3-25 " Keziah, and Charles Phillips, Nov. 3, 1749. 3-26 " EUsha, and Amey Greene, Jan. 10, 1751. 3-26 " Abel, and Thankful Maccoon; m. by Benjamin RandaU, Justice, Aug. 2, 1751. 3-19 " Joseph, and Mary Bliven ; m. by William Hern, Justice, Sept. 20, 1752. 3-38 " Wait, and Sarah Bliven ; m. by William Hern, Justice, Oct. 2 3 754. 3-45 " EUzabeth, and 'Nathan BUven, March 15, 1755. 3-44 " David, of Westerly, and Jane Lawton, of Newport; m. by William Hern, Justice, June 11, 1755. 3-47 " Hannah, and Peleg Ross, Dec. 10, 1755. 3-54 " Joshua, and Elizabeth Enos; m. by Stephen Saunders, Justice, Feb. 23, 1757. 3-57 " Zebulon, and Lydia Enos ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Feb. 12, 1758. 3-63 " Esther, and Ezekiel Saunders, Dee. 14, 1758. 3-67 " Anna, and Nahor Lanphere, Jan. 24, 1760. 3-177 " Joseph, of Westerly, and Mary Clarke, of Stonington ; m. by Elder Nathaniel Eells, May 14, 1761. 3-89 " Samuel, and Barbara Lanphere ; m. by Joseph Clarke, Jr., Jus tice. Oct. as, 3761. 3-79 " Sarah, and Isaiah Wilcox, Oct. 15. 1761. 3-3 03 " Penelope, and Elder Joseph Darts, May 14, 1763. 3-104 " Elijah, of Hopkinton, and Prudence Babcock, of Westerly ; m. by Rev. Joseph Park. Nov. 10, 1765. 3-105 " Maxson, of Hopkinton, and Dorcas Rathbone, of Westerly; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, Dec. 22, 1765. 4-157 " Capt. Oliver, of Joseph, dec, and Ruhamah Lewis, of Capt. John ; m. by Elder Stephen Babcock, Feb. 10, 1766. 4-157 " Ruhamah, and Capt. Oliver Lewis, Feb. 10, 1766. 3-135 ¦' Hezekiah, of Westerly, and Anna Maine, of Stonington ; m. at Stonington, by Elder Simeon Brown, March 16, 1766. 4-92 " Mrs. Mary, and John Tefft, Nov. 24, 1773. 3-169 " John, of John, dec, and Amey WUcox, of David, dec. : m. by Elder Isaiah Wilcox, March 16, 1775. 3-143 " Elizabeth, and EUas Millard, AprU 16, 1777. 3-164 " Nancy, and Nathan Babcock, Aug. 26, 1779. 3-170 " Content, and David WUcox, Jan. 1, 1780. 3-165 " Simeon, of Capt. John, of Westerly, and Anne Cross, of Peleg, of Charlestown ; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, Jan. 13, 1780. 4-157 " Capt. Oliver, of Joseph, dec, and Elizabeth Vincent, of Nicholas, dec. ; m. by Elder Oliver Babcock, Aug. 2, 1.781. 4-38 " WiUiam, of John, and Hannah Thompson, of Samuel, dec. ; m. by Elder Isaiah Wilcox, Dec. 22. 1781. 4-6 " Betsey, and Thomas Ross, March 28. 1784. 4-231 " Mary, and Stephen Gavitt, Jr., Oct. — , 1785. 4-20 " Joseph, of Joseph, dec, and Rachel HaU. of Theodoty, dec; m. by Simeon Burdick, Justice. Dec; 27. 1786. 4-08 " Martha, and Jaxed Babcock. Oct. 25, 1789. 4-32 " Nancy, and Nathan Wilcox. Feb. 17, 1790. 4-80 " Matthew, of Eleazor, of Voluntown, Conn., and Hannah Saun ders, of Hezekiah, of Westerly ; m. by Elder Isaiah Wilcox, Feb. 12, 1792. 4-83 " Dorcas, and Lyman Ross, Aug. 29, 1793. (Vit. Roc, Vol. 5.) 19 44 VITAL EECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-94 LEWIS Prentice, and PoUy Thompson; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Dec. 7. 1794. 4-306 " Simeon, and Lydia Sheffield; m. by Samuel Brown, Justice, Dec. 20, 1795. 4-216 " EUas, of Westerly, and Priscilla Lewis, of Stonington; m. at Stonington by Valentino W. Rathbone, V. D. M., Dec. 22, 1796. 4-216 " Priscilla, aud Eliai Lewis, Dec. 22, 1796.' 4-102 " Dorcas, and WUliam Sweet,. Peckham, Apr'] 30, 1797. 4-196 " Jabez, 3d, of Hezekiah, of Westerly, and Lois Lewis, of WU liam, of Stonington 1 m. by Rev. Hezekiah Woodruff about 1797. 4-196 " Lois, and Jabez Lewis, about 1797. 4-3 75 " Jabez, of Westeily, and Betsey Couzen, of Groton, Conn.; m. by Joseph Allen, Justice, Nov. 24, 1801. 4-179 " Abigail, and Benjamin Eoss, Jan. 7, 1802. 4-187 '; Prances, and Simeon Lewis, March 27, 1803. 4-387 " Simeon, of Westerly, and Frances Lewis, of Hopkinton; m. by Elder Abram Coon, March 27, 1803. 4-225 " Maxson, of Westerly, and Polly Maine, of Stonington; m. by Elder David Lillibridje, Get. 21, 1805. 4-267 " Lois, and Jared Barber, Jr., March 6, 1817. 5-4 " Thomas, of Henry, and Abby Lanphere, of Perry ; m. by Elder Matthew StUlman, Nov. 20, 1825. 5-6 " Waitey, and Frank Lanphere, Oct. 5, 1828. 5-29 " Alfred, and Lucy P. Langwortby ; m. by Elder Daniel Coon, Sept. 28, 1840. 5-41 " Whitman T., and Mary Ann Denison ; m. by George D. Cross, Jus tice. July 18, 1841. 2-105 LILLIBEIDGE Thomas, and Mary Woodmansee; m. by Theodoty ' Ehodels, Justice, June 12, 1726. 5-57 " Wanton, of Eichmond, md Sarah Ann Champlain, of Westerly; m. by Rev. Weeden Barber, Jr., Nov. 7, 1841. 5-97 LIPPITT Waite Harris, and Frederic Lee AUen, June 4, 1849. 5-50 LOCK EUza Ann, and Alfred B. Corey, April 9, 1843. 2-105 LOMBARD Daniel, of Netwport, and Deborah Dyre, of Westerly ; m. by Elder Joseph Clarke, Sept. 24, 1747. 4-39 LOOMAS WUliam, of WUUam, of Ashton, Lancashire, Great Britain, and Lydia Larkin, of Daniel (dec) ; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Jus tice, Augj. -22, 1790. 3-26 LONG Mary, and Eber Crandall, Feb. 10, 1732. 3-92 LOTHROP Andrew, of Norwich, Conn., and Abigail Fish, of Groton ; pub lished Sept. 6, 1763, by Rev. Benjamin Throop, at New Con cord, Norwich; m. at Westerly, by Stephen Lanphere, Justice, Sept. 14, 1763. •2-76 LOVELESS Mary, and Richard Bennett, Jan. 12, 1726. 2-4 " Joseph, and Elizabeth Terns ; m. by Elder John Maxson, Jan. 20, 1728. 2-81 " Ann, and Solomon Partelon, AprU 21, 1731. 4-180 LOVITT Keturah, and Joseph Babcock, AprU 12, 1801. M 3-52 MACEATEE Anne,, and Elder John Maxson. Oct. 33 , 1756. 2-121 MACCOON Isabel, and Edward BUven, Oct. 2, 1691. 2-95 " AbigaU, and Benjamin Brown, AprU 6, 1730. 2-95 " Mary, and John Larkin, July 24, 1730. 3-51 " Nathan, and Anna HaU; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, Dec. 23, 1743. 3-22 " Lois, and Caleb Wells, Jan.. 18, 1748-9. 3-26 " Thanld'ul, and Abel Lewis, Aug. — , 1751. 3-54 " Anna, and Samuel West, March 17, 1757. 3-42 MACKEE Bathsheba, and Joseph Hiscox. Dec. 30, 1754. .3-3 3 2 " Bathsheba. and Ichabod Burdick, Feb. 6, 3764. WESTEELY MAERIAGES. < 45 \ 3-38 MACKINTOSK Andrew, of Stonington, and Bridget Perry, of Westerly ; m. by SUas Greenman, Justice, May 29, 1754. 3-88 MACOMBER Jonathan, of Charlestown, and Sarah Varse, of Westerly; m. by Stephen Saundfers, Justice, Sept. 8, 1765. ~* 3-77 MALLERSON Joseph, Jr., of Groton, and Sarah Stewart, of Stonington; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Aug. 18, 1761. 3-43 MAINE Jonas, and Patience Peckham, both of Stonington; m. by Benoni Smith, Justice, June 3, 1756. 3-59 " Jeremiah, of Stonington, and Bathsheba Vose; m. by William Hern, Justice, Feb. 22, 1758. 3-135 " Anna, and Hezekiah Lewis, March 16, 1766. 3-131 " Elizabeth, and Isaac Peckham, July 18, 1773. 4-225 " PoUy, and Maxson Lewis, Oct. 21, 1805. 5-58 " EUas R., of Ledyard, Conn., and Abby Chapman, of Westerly ; m. by Elder 'Weeden Batfber, Jr., May 31, 1843. 2-113 MASH Mary, and Israel Xewis; March 27, 1718. 3-45 MASON Zerviah, and Thomas Holmes, Feb. 5, 1755. 2-78 MAXSON John, and Judeth Clarke, Jan. 19, 1687. 1-57 « Dorothy, and Joseph Clarke, Jr., Jan. 5, 1692. .2-116 " Jonathan, and Content Rogers, May 1. 1707. .2-100 " EUzabeth, and John Davis, Aug. 25, 1715. 2-125 " John, Jr., and Thankful RandaU, Sept. 26, 1724. 2-87 " Content, and James Babcock, July 7, 1731. 2-87 " Avis, and Samuel Hubbard Burdick, Nov. 5, 1731. 2-77 " EUzabeth, and Jonathan Wells, Nov. 29, 1734. 2-73 " Jonathan, and Jemima Mumford; m. by Elder John Maxson, Jan. 6, 1735. 2-47 " John, of Westerly, and Lucy Rogers, of New London ; m. by Elder Stephen Gorton, Oct. 27, 1736. 2-69 " Bethiah, and Thomas Davis, Jan. 5, 1737. 2-119 " Content, and Richard Dake, Dec 4, 1739. 2-10 " Judeth, and James Davis, Jan. 10, 1740. 2-111 " Joshua, and -Anna Slack ; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, Sept. 20, 1742. 3-3 " Samuel, of Westerly, and Euth Rogers, of New London ; m. by Rev. EUphalet Adams, Oct. 13, 1742. 2-79 " Goodeth, and Nathan Burdick. Oct. 14, 1743. 2-79 " WilUam, and Hannah Reynolds; m. by Elder John Maxson, Oct. 14, 1743. 2-77 " Nathan, and Anna HaU ; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, Dec 23, 1743. 2-58 " John, and Martha Lewis ; m. by John Lewis, Jus'tice, Sept. 13, 1744. 3-28 " Lucy, and Jonathan Lewis, Jan. 22. 1746-7. 3-20 " Matthew, and Lucy WUbur; m. by William Hem, Justice, May 2, 1748. .2-222 " Mary, and Joshua Chase, May 12, 1748. 3-22 " Judeth, and Matthew Greene, Dec. 1,1748-9. 3-21 " Matthew, and Martha Potter; m. by Benjamin RandaU, Justice, Dec. 21, 1748-9. 3-22 " Isaiah, and Judith Reynolds; m. by Benjamin Kandall, Justice, Oct. 19, 1749. -3-102 " Jesse, and Keturah RandaU; m. by Rev. John Lyons, Sept. 11, 1753. 3-32 " Tory, and Martha Lanphere ; m. by Benjamin RandaU, Justice, Oct. 18, 1753. 3-41 " Content, and George Potter, Sept. 18, 1754. 3-52 " Elder John, of Newport, and Anne Maccarter, widow, of Westerly ; m. by Elder Thomas Clarke, Oct. 31, 1756. 3-89 " Daniel, and Barredel Ross ; m. by Joseph Clarke, Jr., Justice, March 31, 1762. 3-122 " Silas, of David, and Sarah Clarke, of Joseph; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, March 20, 1771. 3-123 " Eleanor, and WUliam Bliven, Oct. 31, 1771. 3-148 " Thomas, and Hannah Sisson; m. by Elder Joseph Clarke, Dec. 17, 1772. 46 I VITAL EECORD OF EHODE ISLAND. 3-156 MAXSON Elizabeth, and Joseph StUlman, Jan. 27, 1773. 3-181 " Asa, of David, and Lois StiUman, of Joseph ; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Dec 6, 1775. 4-99 " Keturah, and George Clarke, Jan. 29, 1778. 4-90 " Paul, and Susannah StUlman ; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Dec. 22, 1779. 4-133 " Catherine, and Clarke Edwards, April 6, 1780. 3-170 " Mrs. Anna, and Hon. Joshua Babcock, May 28, 1780. 4-4 " Augustus, of Joseph and Thankful Eoss, of John ; m. by Elder Isaiah WUcox, June 5, 1783. 4-7 " Hamuli, and Joseph Varse, July 18, 1784. 4-31 " Amos, and Hannah Potter; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Jan. 3, 1789. 4-49 " Anna, and .John Babcock, Jan. 10, - 1790. 4-32 " Prudence, and Benjamin StUlman, Feb. 11, 1790. 4-31 " Joshua, and Mrs. Thankful StUlman ; m. by Elder John Burdick, March 4, 1790. 4-156 " Sylvanus, of Hopkinton, and Betsey Langworthy, of Stonington ; m. at Stonington by Elder. Joshua Babcock, Justice, Sept. 24, 1797. 4-208 " Elizabeth Ward, and Joseph Stillman, Dec. 23. 1804. 5-24 " Jesse, Jr., and Sophia Clarke ; m. by Elder Abram Coon (also 4-85), March 20, 1803. 4-239 " Silas, and Betsey Stillman ; m. by Elder Abram Coon, Oct. 13, 1808. ,- 4-91 " Barbara, and John Barber, Dec 9, 1810. 5-36 " WUliam E., and Elizabeth M. Smith; m. by Elder Daniel Coon, Dec 2, 1839. 5-91 " Frank, of Asa, and Jtdiet Lanphere, of WUliam ; m. by Rev. Fred Denison, Nov. 27, 1848. 3-115 MCDOWELL Joanna, and Major James Babcock, Aug. 27, 1769. 3-116 MCDONNELL Angus, and Mary Chase, of Capt. Olive*; m. by Joseph Cran daU, Justice, Nov. 22, 1769. 2-83 MEEKCOME Eachel, and James Hall, Jr., April 17, 1721. 2"75 " Joseph, and Jemima Eoss ; m. by John Eichmond,, Justice, Jan. 9, 1734. 2-87 " William, and Patience Allen; m. .. 27. 1805. 4214 " WUliam, of John and N.-ncy Babcock, of Henry; m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, Mar h 31, 1805. 4-233 " Mrs. Polly, and Nathaniel Stillman, March 31, 1808. 4-268 " Pardon, of Westerly, and Lucy Merriott, of Henry, of Hopkinton; m. by Elder Matthew StiUman, Dec. 10, 1816. 5-30 " James B., and Martha Sheffield; m. by Rev. Thomas V. Wells, Aug. 27, 1837. 5-42 " Joshua, Jr., and Phebe Ann StiUman; m. by Elder Daniel Coon, Oct. 30, 1837. 5-51 " Joseph L., and Mary B. Pendleton; m. by Rev. OUver P. Tucker man, Oct. 23, 1843. 5-72 " Henrietta. M., and Dudley R. Wilcox, Nov. 6, 1845. 5-76 " Charles W., and JuUa Chapman ; m. by Rev. John Taylor, Dec 8, 1847. 66 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 5-88 THOMPSON Freelove V., and Timothy P. Gavitt, June 5, 1848. 5-89 " Eliza A., and John D. Peckham, Oct. 9, 1848. 2-86 THORN WUliam, and Sirah Mott, of Edward; m. by John Richmond, Jus tice, July 16, 1738. 3-66 " Isaac, and Edey Crandall ; m. by Benoni Smith, Justice, Feb. 27, 1759. 3-95 " Mrs. Edeth, and William Crumb, April 13, 1764. 3-25 THURSTON George, and Abigiil Button; m. by Benjamin Randall, Jus tice, Aug. — . 1752. 3-47 " Susannah, and WUliam Tanner, Nov. 6, 1755. 3-88 " WUliam, of Honji^con, and Euth Stetson, of Westerly; m. by Stephen Sounders, Justice, Jan. 17, 1763. 3-131 " Joseph, of George, of Hopldnton, and Sarah Taylor, of John, of Westerly; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, Nov. 7, 1773. 4-149 " OUver, of Hopkinton, and Lydia Bei-ry, of Westerly ; m. by Daniel Babcock, Justice, March 21, 1793. 4187 " Lydia, and George Champlain, March 20, 1800. 5-102 " Frances M., and WUliam D. Pendleton, Nov. 5, 1849. 2-81 TIKON Sampson, of Westerly, and Bettey Wogg, of Stonington; m. by WU Uam Hern, Justice, Juce 15, 1748. 4-192 TILLINGHAST Mrs. Dorcas, and Joseph M. Knowles, Jan. 7, .1802. 2-4 TOMS Elizabeth, and Joseph Loveless, Jan. 20, 1728. 2-96 TOSH Elizabeth, and George Brown, Sept. 25, 1729. 4-137 TRUMAN Susannah, and Maxson Lanphere, Nov. 19, 1795. 4-162 " Daniel, of Southold, L. I., and Nancy StUlman, of Westerly; m. by Joseph Potter, Justice, Dec 3.0, 1795. 5-63 TUBBS Jonathan, of Norwich, Conn., and Adeline Newbury, of Westerly; m. by Rev. E. S. Hiscox, July 4, 1844. 2-106 TUCKER Sarah, and John Larkin, June 15, 1726. 2-95 " Rebecca, and Roger Larkin, March 19, 1730. 2-81 " Simeon, and Sarah Hull ; ni. by Samuel Wilbur, Justice, May 1, 1737. 2-45 " Hannah, and Joshua Palmltter, Jan. 19, 1738-9. 2-92 TURNER Samuel, and Rebecca Davison, both of Stonington; m. at Westerly, by John Richmond, Justice, March 4, 1727-3. 3-89 " Samuel, and Abigail Nutter, both of Stonington; m. by Joseph Clarke, Jr., Justice, Nov. 26, 1761. u 2-79 UTTER Thankful, and Thomas Weeks, Nov. 8, 1741. 8-37 " Eleanor, and Nathaniel Kenyon, March 21, 1754. 4-17 VARIN Joseph, of James, dec, and Isabel Clarke, of Ichabod; m. by Robert Burdick, Justice, Jan. 26, 1786. 2-84 VARS Theodoty, and Mary Dodge ; m. by John Eichmond, Justice, Dec. 21, 1732. 2-80 " Mary, and William Saunders, Nov. 15, 1733. 2-111 " Amey, and George Pooler, Aug. 8, 1742. 3-88 " Sarah, and Jonathan Macumber, Sept. 8, 1765. 3-64 " John, and Martha Saunders ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Nov. 19, 1759. 4-7 " Joseph, of Isaac, and Hannah Maxson, of Joseph; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, July IS, 1784. 3-159 « Elizabeth, and Augustus Saunders, Dec. 31, 1778. 3-169 " Isaac, of Westerly, and Waitey Gardiner, of East Greenwich, or Warwick; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Oct. 15, 1780. 4-6 " Sarah, and Peleg Saunders, June 28, 1784. 4-11 " Thomas, of Isaac, of Westerly, and AbigaU Sheldon, of Capt. Isaac, dec, of South Kingstown ; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, Feb. 10, 1785. WESTERLY MAERIAGES. 67 4-16 VARS Edward, of Isaac and Rebecca Peckham, of Abel; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, Dec. 22, 1785. 4-103 " Peleg, of John and Martha, of Middletown, and Sarah Tennant, of George and Hannah, of North Kmgstown ; m. by Elder William Northup, Jan. 5, 1794. 5-20 " Fanny, and Elias Saunders, Sept. 24, 1809. 5-S9 " Hannah, and Andrew J. Aldus, Dec. 2, 1846. 242 VILEY Grace, and James Brand, Feb. 22, 1741. 3-23 VINCENT Jemima, and WUUam Clarke. Nov. 13, 174.9. 3-37 " Mary, and Ephraim Bacon, Feb. 20, 1754. 3-fi2 " WilUam, of Westerly, and Zerriah Eudd, of Norwich, Conn, June 22, 1758. 4-136 " Susannah, ani Capt. Nathan Brand. Oct. 24, 1779. 4-157 " Elizabeth, and Capt. Oliver Lewis. Aug. 2, 1781. 2-90 VIOLET Thankful, and Thomas Clarke. May 27, 1740. 3-1 VOSE Joshua, and Mercy Downing; m. by Benoni Smith, Justice, March 3, 1752. 3-52 " Joshua, Jr., and Mary Lanphere; m. by WUUam Hem, Justice. May 3, 1757. 3-54 " Elizabeth, and Asa Crocker, July 4, 1757. 3-59 " Bathsheba, and Jeremiah Maine, Feb. 22, 1758. 486 " Lemuel, of Joshua, and Delight Babcock, of Elder Elkanah ; m. by Samuel Brown, Justice, March 13, 1794. 4-132 " Joshua, Jr., and Prudence WUcox ; m. by Elder Elkanah Babcock, Jan. 3. 1799. 5-3 " Sophia, and Stephen WUcox, Jr., Oct. 21, 1824. 5-38 " Lemuel, Jr., of Westerly, and Mary Ann States, of Stonington ; m. by Eev. Ira Hart, Dec. 29, 1825. . w 2-90 WARD Samuel, and Anna Ray ; m- by Eev. Joseph Park (also 3-30), Dec. 20, 1745. 3-136 " Catharine, and Christopher Greene, Dec. 23, 1773. 3-143 " Anna, and Ethan Clarke, Feb. 4, 1770. 3-34 WAEEEN Moses, and Judeth Brand; m. by Daniel Maccoon, Justice, Dec. 27, 1753. 3-56 WATEEMAN Darius, and Mary Barker, both of Lebanon, Conn.; m. at Westerly by Benoni Smith, Justice, Sept. 23, 1757. 4-3 WATSON Benjamin, of Benjamin, of North Kingstown, and EUzabeth Crandall, of Jonathan, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Jus tice, July 9, 1783. 3-126 WEAVEE William, of EUsha, of Stonington, and Amey Lanphere, of Stephen, of Westerly ; .m. by OUver Crary, Justice, March 10, 1772. < 2-84 WEBSTER Margaret, and Joseph Enos, Sept. 20', 1716. 2-82 " Hannah, and Ezeldel Barber, Nov. 28, 1736. 2-79 WEEKS Thomas, of Warwick, and Thankful Utter, of Westerly ; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, Nov. 8, 1741. 4-62 WELDEN Betsey, and Sion Sisson, Dec. 11, 1791. 5-95 WELLEE John A., of Stonington, and Harriet M. Kenyon, of Westerly : m. by Eev. Fred Denison, AprU 2, 1849. 2-69 WELLS Thomas, o: Westerly, and Phebe Greene, of Stonington; m. by Dan iel Palmer, Justice, at Stonington, Sept. 22, 1717. 2-109 " Edward, of Westerly, and .Elizabeth CrandaU, of Stonington ; m. by John Richmond, Justice, Jan. 12, 1725-6. 2-106 " Naomi, and Peter Kenj'on, Sept. 15, 1726. 2-85 " Rebecca, and William Clarke, Jr., Sept. 1, 1731. 2-77 " Jonathan, and EUzabeth Maxson; m. by Elder John Maxson, Nov. 29, 1734. 2-74 « Phebe, and Christopher Edwards, Oct. 24, 1735. 2-118 " Henry, and Mercy Brand ; m. by Elder John Maxson, July 30, 1739. 2-87 " Lois, and Thomas Eoss, March 7, 1739-40. (JS VITAL EECORD OF EHODE ISLAND. 3-17 WELLS Thomas, Jr., and Sarah Thompson; m. by WiUlam Hern, Justlce,- April 3, 1745. 3-22 " Caleb, and Lois Maccoon; in. by Benjamin RandaU, Justice, Jan. 18, 1748-9. 3-25 " Edward, and Elizabeth Sheffield; m. by Benjamin Randall, Jus tice, Dec. — , 1749. 3-10 " Barbary, and Joseph Noyes (also 3-144), July 31, 1754. 3-48 " Anna, and Ebenezer Brown, Feb. 5, 1756. 3-70 " Elizabeth, and Jonathan Grandall, AprU 3, 1760. 4-134 " Barbara, and Nicholas Clarke, Jan. 20, 1779. 4-9 " Phebe, and Joseph Potter, Aug. 7, 1784. 4^24 " Elisha, of Matthew, of Hopkinton, and Eunice Wilcox, of David. dec, of Westerly ; m. by Elder Isaiah Wilcox, June 28, 1787. 431 " George, of Hopkinton, and Lydia Dodge, of Westerly; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Oct. 15, 1789. 4-69 " Edward Sheffield, of Hopkinton, and Lucy Hubbard, of -Westerly ; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Jan. 6, 1791. 4-83 " Thompson, of Westerly, and Phebe EUis, of Charlestown; m. by Elder Isaiah WUcox, Sept. 27, 1792. 4188 " Palmer, of Westerly, son of Thompson, of Hopkinton, and Susan nah Perry, of Jonathan, dec, of South Kingstown ; m. by Eev. Thomas KendaU, Sept. 20, 1802. 4-229 " Sarah, and LlndaU A. FuUer, March 1, 1806. 4-240 " Eunice, and Zebulon Stillman, Nov. 17, 1810. 4-207 " James, of Edward S., of Hopldnton, and Luc-y Gavitt. of George, of Westerly; m. by Elder Matthew StiUman, April 20, 1817. 4-274 " Thankful, and Silas Grei nman, Jr., Dec 20, 1821. 5-09 " Lucy E.. aud Franklin W. StUlman, May 28, 1845. 5-101 WENTWOETH Mary EUzabeth, and Dixon Alexander, Oct. 2, 1849. 4-112 WEST James, and Susanna Pullman: m. by Nathaniel Lewis, Justice, Dec. 18, 1751. 3-47 " Timothy, and Content Lanphere; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Dec 3, 1755. 3-54 " Samuel, and Anna Maccoon; m. by WiUiam Hern, Justice. March 17, 1757. 3-83 " John, and Amey Wilcox: m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, Dec. 29, 1705. 3-103 " Content, and Peleg Sisson, Feb. 20, 1707. 3-320 " William, of Timothy (as is said), and Anne Babcock, of Joseph; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Nov. 1, 1772. 3-138 " Mercy, and Stephen Gavitt, May 11, .1775. 4-152 " Esther, and Peleg Sisson, Jr., Feb. 10, 1777. 3-153 " Susanna, and CorneUus Stetson, July 10, 1777. 4-30 " Simeon, and Nancy Thompson; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice. Oct. 30, 1784. 4-101 " EUsha, and Lydia Lanphere: m.-by, Joseph Clarke, Justice, Nov. 23, 1794. 4-108 " Arnold, of James, dec, and Hannah Babcock. of Joseph ; m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice (also 4-112), Nov. 17, 1796. 5-22 " Francis* 8., of the Isle of Jersey, and Sarah Brown, of Westerly : m. at Ledyard, Conn., by Asa Gore, Justice, Sept. 24. 1836. 5-82 " Sally, and Peleg S. Tefft. May 12, 1847. 3-9 WHEELEE Mehitable, and George Babcock, Jr., June 26, 1751. 3-107 WHITE Seth, and Hannah Burch; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Sept. 3, 1780. 4-182 " Lois, and Pliumb Chapman, Nov. 14, 1784. 4-239 " Mary, and Clarke Hiscox, Jr., Jan. 11. 1809. 5-67 " Betsey, and Rufus Ames, Jan. 25, 1846. 5-109 " Maxson, of Charles, of North Stonington, and Abby Gavitt, of Perry, of Soutli King shown'; m. by Rev. Fred. Denison, Aug. 5. 1850. 4-218 WHITTLES Mehitable, and Capt. Peleg WUcox, Sept. 15, 1790. 3-11 WILBUR William, of Seconnett, and Mary Babcock, of Westerly; m. by WU Uam Babcock, Justice, April 17, 3745. 3-20 " Lucy, and Matthew Maxson, May 2, 1748. WESTERLY—— MARRIAGES. 69 3-20 WILBUR Judith, and David HaU, May — , 1748. 3-148 " David, an*U Hannah Pendleton; m. by Richard Barry, Justice, AprU 27, 1705. 3-100 " Jonathan, and Hannah Thompson; m. by Joseph Crandall. Justice. Nov. 7, 1765. 4-21 " John, of Joseph, and Maiy Barber, of Capt. Nathan; m. by Elder Oliver Babcock (also 4-10), Dec. 30, 1780. 4-97 " Joseph, Jr., of Joseph, and Joanna Babcock, of Col. James, dec. ; m. by Elder Isaiah WUcox, Jan. '">, 1790. 4-206 " Huldah, and Benjamin Hall, June 8, 1797. 4-174 " John, of Brookfield, N. Y., son of Joseph, and Elizabeth Babcock, of Westerly, daughter of Nathan ; m. by Joseph Pendleton, Jus tice, Sept. 21, 1801. 4-192 " Ichabod, of David, and Desire StiUman, of Thaniel; m. by Joseph Pendleton, Justice, Feb. 21, 1804. 4-256 '" Celia, and EUsha Babcock, Jan. 17, 1814. 4-274 " Desire, and Isaiah WUbur, Aug. 14, 1825. 4-274 " Isaiah, and Desire Wilbur, both of Westerly; m. at North Ston ington by Elder WUliam Bendall, Aug. 14, 1825. 5-109 " James B., of Westerly, and Ruth Ann Ross, of Saybrook; m. at Saybrook by Eev. Fred WUUam Hotchklss, July 26, 1840. 2-113 WILCOX Edward, of Westerly, and Tamson Thompson, of Taunton; m. by Elder Samuel Danforth, May 1, 1698. 2-88 " Edward, of Westerly, and Dinah Barber, of South Kingstown ; m. I by Rouse Helme, Justice, June 14, 1716. 2-71 " Stephen, and Mercy EandaU ; m. by John Babcock, Justice, July 12, 1736. 2-91 " Anna, and Biyant Pendleton, March 11, 1725. 2-109 " WUliam, and Susannah Burdick; m. by Theodoty Ehodes, Justice, Jan. 11, 1727-8. 2-119 " Edward, of Stonington, and Mercy Eobinson ; m. by WUliam Hern, Justice, Jan. 5, 1738-9. 2-119 " Thomas, and Sarah Tefft; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, July 2,1739. 2-85 " Lydia, and Stephen Saunders, Jr., Aug. 12, 1744. 3-23 " Eunice, and WUUam Hern, June 25, 1752. 3-37 " Hezekiah, and Hannah P.irker; m. by WlUiam Hern, Justice, March 31, 1754. 3-56 " Valentine, and Abigail Kenecome ; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, Aug. 30, 1757. 3-59 " Sarah, and Jonathan Ptilmitter, Jan. 25, 1758. 3-63 " Teresa, and Joseph Hall, Dec. 18, 1758. 3-79 " Isaiah, and Sarah Lewis; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Oct. 15, 1763. 3-10 " Mercy, and Daniel Stanton, July 18, 1762. 3-83 " Amey, and John West. Dec. 29, 1765. 3-125 " Sheffield, of Edward, and Esther, of Eichmond, and Eunice Ross, of Thomas, of Westerly ; in. by Jeffrey WUcox, Justice, Dec 11, 1771 4-186 " Desire, and John Gavitt, Dec. 28, 1773. 3-169 " Amey, and John Lewis, March 16, 1775. 3-163 " Lucy, and Samuel Babcock. May 22, 1779. 3-170 " David, of David, dec, and Content Lewis, of John ; m. by Elder Thomas Eoss. Jan. 1, 3780. 3-172 " Daniel, of Hezeldah, of Westerly, and Prudence Wilcox, of Ed ward, of Stonington; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Dec. 28, 1780. 3-172 " Prudence, and Daniel) Wilcox, Dec. 28, 1780. 3-157 " Martha, and Tmstam Dickins, Oct. 27, 1782. 4-10 " Jesse, of Hezekiah, and Anne Pendleton, of Capt. Peleg; m. Dy Joseph Crandall, Justice, Dec 9, 1784. 4-24 " Eunice, and Elisha Wells, June 28, 1787. 4-33 " Isaiah, and Polly Pendleton; m. by Elder Isaiah WUcox, Jan. 22, 1788. 4-121 " Nancy, and Arnold Bliven, Feb. — , 1788. 4-121 " Mary, and Arnold Bliven, Dec. 31, 3 789. 70 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 441 WILCOX SaUy, and John Barber, Jan. 9, 1790. 4-32 " Nathan, of Elder Isaiah, and Nancy Lewis, of Hez'ildah; m. by Elder Isaiah WUcox, Feb. 17, 1790. 4-115 " Susannah, and Braddock Hall, July 30, 1790. 4-218 " Capt. Peleg, and Mehltable Whittles; m. by Joseph Clarke, Jus tice, Sept. 15, 1790. 4-79 " Asa, and Mercy Rathbone; m. at Colchester, Conn., by Rev. Abel Palmer. Nov. 28, 1791. 4-93 " Stephen, of Elder Isaiah, dec, and SaUy Champlain, of Capt. Wil liam ; m. by Samuel BUven, Justice, May 17, 1795. 4-106 " Benjamin, of Valentine, and Nancy Thompson, of John ; m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, Sept. 28, 1796. 4-218 " Samuel, of Hezekiah, of Westerly, and Prudence Grant, of Con necticut, — - — , 1798. 4-132 " Prudence, and Joshua Vose, Jr., Jan. 3, 1799. 4-198 " Peleg, and Thankful Burdick, of OUver, Jr. ; m. by John Cross, Jr., Justice, April 25, 1804. 4-211 " Hannah, and Ezekiel Gavitt, Nov. 21, 1805. 4-227 " Ann, and Benjamin Babcock, Jan. 26, 1S00. 4-230 " Parker, and Polly Closson ; m. at Stonington by Elijah Palmer, Justice, April 26, 1307. 4-231 " Isaac, and Eunice Clawson ; m. by Elijah Palmer, Justice, Jan. 17, 1808. 5-3 " Stephen, Jr., and Sophia Vose, of Samuel ; m. by Elder iMatthew Stillman, Oct. 21, 1824. 5-11 " Horace, and Hannah Kenyon ; m. by Jededlah W. Knight, Justice, March 11, 1831. " Dudley R., and Henrietta M. Thompson; ir_. iby Rev. E. T. Hiscox, Nov. 6, 1845. " Martha A., and Nathaniel J. L. Chase, Jan. 1, 1846. WILKINSON Mary, and WiUlam Browning, Aug. 5, 1728. WTLLIAMSON Mrs. Dianna C, and John D. Powell, July 14, 1850. WILLIAMS Mary, and Robert Rogers, Oct. 7, 1728. " Benajah, and Elizabeth Avery, both of Groton; m. by Joseph Cran dall. Justice, Sept. 1, 1754. 3-20 " Mark, and Sarah Hopkins ; m. by WiUiam Hern, Justice, July 2, 1749. 3-62 WILLIS Lois, and James Brown, May 25, 1757. 2-75 WITTER Joseph, and Sarah Stewart; m. by Elder John Maxson, Dec 9, 1736. 2-60 " John, Jr., and Amey Davis ; m. by Stephen Richmond, Justice, Sept. 7, 1.740. 3-16 " Martha, and Stephen Lewis, Oct. 18, 1747. 5-10 " Eunice, and Sanford Noyes, Jr., Dec 19, 1845. 2-81 WOGG Betty, and Sampson Tikon, June 15, 1748. .3-53 WOODBURN Samuel, and Prudence Richardson, both of Stonington ; m. by Elder Stephen Babcock, March 4, 1757. 4-17 WOODWORTH Elizabeth, and Jonathan Saunders. June 25, 1771 . 4-130 WOOD Susannah, and Thomas Hiscox, Nov. 13, 1797. 2-105 WOODMANSEE Mary, and Thomas LUlibridge, June 12, 1726. 2-45,77 " Zernlah, and Thomas Rogers, Oct. 3, 1734. 2-111 WORDEN Peter, Jr., and Rebecca Richmond, May 26, 1720. 2-85 " Sarah, and Joseph Pendleton, Jan. 9, 1723. 2-17 " Isaac, and Mehltable Smith ; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, Aug. 31, 1740. 3-6 " Mary, and Isaac Babcock, April 17, 1746. 3-20 " John, and Dorothy Satterly ; m. by WUliam Hern, Justice, May 1, 1746. 3-8 " Gideon, of Westerly, arid Rebecca Brown, of Portsmouth; m. at Portsmouth, by WUliam Sanford, Justice, May 1, 1748. 3-96 " WUliam, of Stonington, and Mary Bjrns, of Rhode Island; m. by Elder Joseph Davis, Oct. 4, 1764. 4-76 " Weltha, and Daniel Lanphere, Nov. 13, 1765. 3-114 " John, of Jo'.to, dec, of Hopldnton, and Elizabeth Babcock, of Joshua, Jr., dec, of Westerly; m. by Joseph Crandall, Jus tice, Nov. 12, 1709. 5-72 5-72 2-79 5-108 2-87 3-17 WESTERLY MARRIAGES. 71 5-19 WORDEN Asa, of Hopkinton, and Mary Ann Sullivan, of Westerly; m. by Rev. Thomas H. VaU, Feb. 28, 1845. 2-70 WEIGHT William (mulatto), and Martha Scallenger (Indian); m. by WU liam Babcock, Justice, March 24, 1745-6. 4-209 " Ann, and Capt. Dudley Babcock, Jan. 7, 1799. X Y Z 3-46 YEOMAN Sarah, and Abijah CrandaU, Aug. 29, 1754. 4-123 " Lucretla,, and Joseph C. Lanphere, June 6, 1798. 2-119 YORK James, and Hannah Stanton, Nov. 13, 16H5. 2-95 " Johannah, and Joseph Lorkin, July 24, 1730. 3-2 " Mary, and Isaac Peckham, April 11, 1750. 3-62 " Anna, and John Gavitt, April 3 9, 1758. 3-68 " Hannah, and Samuel Bailey, Jr., Jan. 8, 1761. 3-95 " W'illlam, and Anne Peckham; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, Nov. 15, 1764. 4-120 " Na.bby, and Thomas Foster, Sept. 4, 1791. 4-222 " Capt. Benjamin, of WUliam and Desire Saunders, of Joshua, both of Charlestown; m. by E3der WilUam Gardiner, Jan. 21, 1801. 3-143 YOUNG Nicholas, of Samuel and Lydia Clarke, of Daniel ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Feb. 1, 1776. 4-95 " Hannah, and David Hall, Nov. 20, 1791. WESTERLY. BIRTHS -A-JNTID DEATHS. 1-173 ADAMS James, of James, Jan. 20, 1697-8. 1-173 n John, May 26, 1700. 1-173 a Jonathan, Sept. 28, 1702. 1-173 " Henry, Sept. 27, 1704. 2-120 ft Honor, of James and Honor, July 11, 1706. 2-120 it Nathaniel, March 25, 1708-9. 2-120 it Thomas, March 24, 1710. 2-120 tl Joseph, March 4, 1714-5. 2-96 tl David, of Nathaniel and Hannah, Sept. 20, 1737. 2-96 " EUjah, Aug. 8, 1734. 2-118 ALLEN Mary, of Samuel and Ca therlne, Sept. 17, 3709. 2-118 " Catherine, Dec. 20, 1711. 2-118 it Elizabeth, Sept. 4, 3.713. 2-118 tt Joshua, AprU 2, 173 5. 2-118 n Samuel, June 26, 1717. 2-119 tt Lydia, of Gideon and Lydia, Feb. 16, 1710. 2-119 " Sarah, Sept. 19, 1711. 2-122 cc Christopher, of Zachariah and Sarah, Jan. 28, 1711-2. 3-35 cc Thankful, of Jonathan and Rachel, Sept. 14. 1744. 3-115 c Pamola, of Samuel and Isabel, June 9, 1769. 3-115 cc Anne, Nov. 11, 3 770. 3-13 5 cc Polly, Nov. 20, 1772. 3-115 cc Ehode, July 26, 1790. 4-120 cc Betsey, of Joshua and Ra chel, Jan 8, 1799. 4-120 cc Patty, June 23, 1800. 4-120 CI Joshua, March 6, 1802. 4-120 " Fanny, Sept. 6, 3803. 4-120 cc Samuel, I Note,— Patty born at Charlestown. Oct. 3, 1805. 4-212 " Greene, of Greene and Amey, Dec. 13, 1805. 3-66 AUSTIN Freegltt, of Cornelius, and Thankful, June 26, 1738. 3-66 te Sarah, Oct. 2, 1740. 3-66 " Hannah, Nov. 30, 1742. 3-66 CC Ruth, March 27, 1745. 3-66 " Stephen, May 17, 1747. 3-66 CC Cornelius, Aug. 7, 1749. 3-101 cc Edward, of Thomas, and Martha, Sept. 23, 1754. 3-101 cc Sarah, Jan. 29, 1757. 3-101 cc Martha, March 24, 1759. 3-101 cc Thomas, April 24, 1761. 3-101 cc David, Note— Thomas born, Westerly, aU others Oct. 27, Chairlestown. 1763. 3-71 cc Hannah, of Jededlah, and Anne, Nov. 26, 1756. 3-71 cc Dorcas, July 7, 1759. 3-71 " John, Aug. 24, 1761. 3-71 cc Anne, Oct. 15, 1763. 3-71 cc Jedediah, June 22, 1766. WESTERLY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 73 B :2-124 BABBITT Mary, died Nov. 8, buried 9th, 1711. 1-172 BABCOCK James, of Capt. James, Jr., Dec. 23, 1688. 1-172 " Elizabeth, Feb. 8, 1691. 1-172 " Samuel, Feb. 15, 1697. 1-172 " Daniel, April 23, 1699. 1-172 " Anna, of Capt. James, Jr., and Elizabeth, Nov. 29, 1701. 1-172 " Sarah, Dec 13, 1704. 1-172 " Sarah, d. Nov. 13, 1705. 2-121 " Joshua, May 17, 1707. 1-95 " John, of John and Mary, May 4, 1701. 1-95 " Ichabod, Nov. 21, 1703. 1-95 " Stephen, May 2, 1706. 2-113 " Mary, of Eobert and Lydia, Aug. 31, 1702. 2-113 Lydia, Nov. 5, 1703. 2-113 " Eobert, May 8, 1706. 2-113 " Elisha, June 5, 1708. 2-113 " Sarah, March 28, 1710. 2-113 " Patience, Dec 23, 1711. .2-113 " Simeon, > Oct. 17, 1714. 2-113 " Ezekiel, June 22, 1716. 2-113 " Joseph, AprU 9, 1718. 2-113 " Eemember, Feb. 11, 1720. ¦2-109 " Susannah, of Oliver and Susannah, Sept. 20, 1705. 2-109 " Thomas, March 7, 1710. 2-109 " Mary, Feb. 8, 1712-3. .2-109 " Nathan, Oct. 12, 1715. 2-109 " Simeon, Sept. 27, 1717. 2-109 " John, May 12, 1720. 2-109 " OUver, Sept. 16, 1722. 2-109 " Joseph, Oct. 18, 1726. 2-120 " William, of John and Mary, AprU 15, 1708. 2-120 " Amey, Feb. 8, 1712-3. 2-120 " Mary, July 23, 1716. 2-120 " Ann, Sept. 14, 1721. .2-124 " John, Jr., of John and Mary, died July 10, buried — 11, 1719. 2-109 " Jonathan, of James, (blacksmith) and Mary, Feb. 18, 1723. 2-74 " Isaac, of Daniel and AbigaU, AprU 24, 1724. 2-74 " WUUam, March 11, 1725-6. 2-74 " Joshua, Dec. 7, 1728. 2-74 " Elizabeth, Jan. 13, 1730-1. 2-74 " James, June 2, 1733. 2-74 " Daniel, March 14, 1735. 2-74 " Elkanah, Aug. 21, 1738. 2-90 « Elizabeth, of George and Susannah, Jan. 25, 1725-6. 2-90 " George, Dec. 27, 1727 2-90 " Martha, Dec. 8, 1729. 2-90 " Susannah, March 10, 1731-2. 2-90 " Christopher, Feb. 27, 1736-7 2-90 " Samuel, May 30, 1739. 2-90 " Hezekiah, May 30, 1739. 2-90 " Eouse, AprU 29, 1746. 2-112 " Nathan, of Samuel and Ann, Nov. 25, 1726. 2-112 " Elizabeth, May 6, 1729. 2-112 " Samuel, May 16, 1731. 2-95 " John, of Stephen and Anna, July 16, 1727. 2-95 " Anna, Jan. 30, 1729. 2-88 " Hosannah, of Joseph and Susannah, AprU 1, 1730. 2-88 " Prudence, Oct. 22, 1732. 2-88 " Joseph, Dec 9, 1734. 2-88 " Jesse, AprU 3, 1737. 2-88 " Hannah. Jan. 27, 1739-40. 2-88 " Joseph, Jan. 9, 1741-2. r 2-88 " Eebecca, April 11, 1744. 7i VITAL EECOED OF EHODE ISLAND. 2-88 BABCOCK Joshua, of Joseph, and Susannah, 2-88 cc Anne, 2-88 cc Ichabod, 2-92 " William, of WUliam, and Sarah, 2-92 cc Joshua, 2-92 " Christopher, 2-92 cc Sarah, 2-92 " Elijah, 2-124 cc Elijah, 2-92 " Ellas, 2-94 " Ichabod of Ichabod and Jemima, 2-94 cc Mary, 2-94 " Joseph, 2-94 cc John, 2-87 cc Ann, of Capt. James and Content, 2-87 " James, 2-87 " Jonathan, 2-113 " Andrew, of Samuel, and Ann, 2-313 cc Silas, 2-94 " David, of David and Dorcas, 2-94 " Jonathan, 2-94 cc Benedick, 2-118 cc Penelope, of EUsha and Sarah, 2-318 cc Eunice, 2-76 cc Henry, of Joshua and Hannah, 2-76 cc Luke, 2-76 cc Adam, 2-76 " Hannah. 2-76 cc Frances. 2-76 cc Paul. 2-76 cc Amelia. 2-76 cc Harriet, 2-76 cc Sally, 2-76 C( Elisha, of WiUiam and Sarah, 2-76 cc William, 2-76 cc Pheneus, 2-76 " Mercy, 2-76 " Samuel, 3-100 cc AbigaU, wife of Jesse, (dau. of Henry wife), born Oct. 15, 1741. 2-124 cc Capt. John, died March 28, 1746. 2-95 Thankful, of Stephen and Anne, 2-124 Eebecca. widow of Joseph, died 3-6 Phebe, of Isaac and Mary, 3-6 John Prentice, 3-8 Isaac, 3-6 Mary, 3-6 Amos, 3-6 Eebecca, 3-6 Ehoda, 3-6 Judah, 3-6 Jesse, 3-6 Abigail, 3-6 Hannah, 3-6 Joshua, 3-12 Thomas, of Nathan and Deborah, 3-12 Benjamin, 3-12 Anne, 3-12 Mercy, 3-12 Samuel, 3-12 Nathan, 3-61 William, of William and Patience, 3-61 Anna, 3-61 Esther, 3-61 Eunice, Oct. 5, 1747. June 18, 1749. June — , 1751. May 19, 1731. Dec. 2, 1732. Sept. 12, 1734. Oct.; 17, 1736. July 19, 1738. d. Dec. 11, 1738. July 28, 1740. Dec 12, 1731. May 9, 1733. Feb. 3, 1736. July 27, 1739. March 30, 1732. Nov. 1, 1734. Oct. 11, 1736. April 12, 1733. Dec. 31, 1734-5. AprU 10, 1734. Nov. 19, 1735. Oct. 21, 1737. Oct. 6, 1734. Jan. 27, 1738-9. April 26, 3.736, July 6. 1738. Sept. 27, 3 740. Jan. 22, 1742-3. May 11, 3.745. Dec 5, 3.748. AprU 19, 1753. May 18, 3756. Oct. 18, 1753. d. Dec 12, 1738. d. Feb. 6, 1751. Sept. 29, 1742. July 14, 1745. Sept. 4, 1747. Mulkins and AbigaU, his Nov. 17, 1747. July 15, 1747. July 24, 1748. Oct. 4, 1750. Jan. 15, 1754. March 11, 1757. Aug. 1, 3759. Oct. 21, 1761. Aug. 21, 1764. July 13, 1766. June 16, 1768. June 16, 1768. June 23, 1770. June 23, 1770. July 29, 1749. April 7, 1751. Nov. 9, 1752. Oct. 32, 1754. March 22, 1757. June 19, 1759. Feb. 23, 1750. March 26, 1753. Jan. 27, 1755. Feb. 23 1757. WESTERLY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 75 3-61 BABCOCK Hannah, of WUliam and Patienre, May 29, 1763. 2-92 cc William, Esq., died Jan. 15, 1751-2. 3-120 " James, of James and Mary, July 31, 1753. 3-120 " Daniel, Feb. 25, 1755. 3-120 " Henry, June -3, 1757. 3-120 " Mary, Sept. 22, 1761. 3-ltJU " Content, March 19, 1764. 3-120 " Barredell, Jan. 19, 1766. 3-1 21) " Lois, May 20, 1768. 3-120 " Patience. Dec. 25, 1770. 3-12 I " Gideon, April 30, 1773. 3-33 " Susannah, of Joshua and Sarah, Jan. 13, 1755. 3-33 " Richard, Feb. 10, 1756. 3-33 " Daniel. Sept. 10, 1757. 4-109 cc WiUiam, of Christopher and Mehitable, Dec. 16, 1755. 4-109 " Amey, June 12, 1757. 4-10-9 " Joshua, March 15, 1759. 4-109 " Joshua, d. Oct. — , 1786. 4-100 " Christopher, July 26, 1761. 4-109 cc Sarah, March 10, 1763. 4-109 cc Eunice. Dec. 28, 1764. 4-109 " Jeremiah, Nov. 23, 1766. 4-109 " Asa. July 6, 1768. 4-109 " Asa, died April — , 1777. 4-109 " Wealthy, June 12, 1770. 4-109 " Wealthy, died June — , 1772. 4-309 cc Stephen, Feb. 27, 1772. 4-109 cc EUas, Oct. 26, 1773. 4-109 Cc Ellas, died AprU — , 1794. 4-109 " Phenias, Feb. 14, 1776. 4-109 " Asa, Oct. 7, 1777. 3-42 cc Amelia, of James and Sarah, ¦ — 1755. 3-42 cc Simeon, Feb. 27, 1758. 3-42 cc ¦Sarah, March 25, 1764. 3-43 " WiUiam, of Samuel and Mary, Dec. 22, 1756. 3-43 " Naham, March 5, 1758. 3-4S CC' Paul, March 30, 1760. 3-43 " Fanny, Jan. 25, 1762. 3-4S " Silas, April 10, 1764. 3-43 " Jared, Feb. 11, 1766. 3-43 " Thankful, ; Feb. 3.5, 1768. 3-0 " Ichabod, of Ichabod, Jr. and Esther, Jan. 15, 1758. 3-0 cc Lucy, July 24, 1760. 3-9 cc Joseph, April 1, 1762. 3-9 cc Mary, April . 8, 1765. 3-9 cc Lodowick, Feb. 18, 1767. 3-9 " Augustus, Jan. 30, 1769. 3-12 cc John Barber, of John and Elizabeth, Aug. 2, 1759. 4-66 cc Linda, of Elkanah and Esther, Feb. 25, 1763. 4-66 CI Joshua, May 8, 1766. 4-66 cc Delight, Feb • 8, 1768. 4-66 cc Amelia, March 5, 1770. 4-66 " Bradley, May 14, 1772. 4-66 cc Luke, May 1, 1774. 4-66 cc Hannah, May 28, 1777. 4-66 " Chancey, Nov. 28, 1779. 4-66 " Lodowick, Jan. 27 17-31. 4-66 cc Esther, April 9, 1784. 4-66 " Elkanah, Note— First 5 recorded also 3-81. June 29, 1786. 3-12 cc Andrew, of Nathan and Elizabeth, April 6, 1765. 3-12 c, Jonathan, Dec. 14, 1766. 3-136 cc Lucy, of John and Lucy, Aug. 14, 1765. 3-130 cc Jemimah, Dec. 28, 1767. (Vit. Ree, Vol. 5.) 23 76 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-136 BABCOCK John, of John and Lucy, Jan. 13, 1769. 3-99 " Hannah, of Joseph (of Ichabod) and Hannah, 1st wife (also 4-112, 3-122), Jan. 2, 1767. 3-99 Elizabeth, of Nathan and EUzabeth, Oct. 30, 1768. 3-99 Charles, Aug. 23, 1770. 3-99 ' Deborah, Aug. 16, 1772. 3-99 ' Mercy, of Nathan and Anna, 2d wife, July 21, 1780. 3-115 Joanna, of Major James and Joanna, June 30, 1770. 3-115 ' James, Dec. 10, 1771. 3-115 ' Ezra. May 13, 1773. 3-115 Charlotte, Nov. 30, 1775. 3-115 ' Anna, Dee. 19, 1773. 4-83 " Jason, of Elder OUver and Silvestre. March 30. 1774. 4-83 ' Stephen, July 26, 1777. 4-83 ' Oliver, , March 29, 1780. 4-53 Nancy, of William and Penelope, Jan. 27, 1775. 4-53 ' John, Oct. 14, 1780. 4-53' ' Sylvester, July 10, 1783. 4-53 ' ' Jesse, Oct. 1, 1785. 4-53 ' Daniel, July 10„ 1788. 4-53 ' ' Clarke, Sept. 28, 1790. 4-53 ' Eunice,, Dec. 17. 1793. 4-149 ' ' Hannah, of James and Sarah, Sept. 3, 1777. 4-149 ' 1 Jesse, May 20, 1784. 4-149 AbigaU, July 20, 1786. 4-149 ' 1 Martha, March 30, 1789. 4-149 ' Joshua, March 20, 1793 Note— Two last bom South Kingstown, in 3-149, name of first Is given as Hannah Clarke. 3-153 ' Stanton Prentice, of Prentice and Anna, Dec 15, 1778. 4-37 ' Henry, of Henry and Prudence, July 22,, 1779. 4-37 ' James, Oct. 16, 1781. 4-37 ' Ezekiel, Oct. 22, 1783. 4-37 Asa, April 26, 1786. 4-37 ' Nancy , Oct. 17, 1788. 4-37 Joshua, AprU 18, 1791. 4-37 *" Joshua, d. Jan. — , 1794. 4-37 ' Hannah, Sept. IS, 1794. 4-37 ' Sarah, July 17, 1796. 4-74 ' Benjamin, of Rouse and Ruth, Sept. 2, 1779. 4-74 Sally, AprU 6, 1782. 4-74 ' Nancy, May 13, 1786. 4-74 Rouse, died June 13, 1801. 4-76 Charlotte, of Paul and Charlotte, Sept. 15, 1781. 4-76 ' Damarias, Oct. 14, 1783. 4-76 ' Mary, May 2, 1787. 4-76 ' Paul, June 3, 1791. 4-76 ' Hannah, Jan. 16, 1800. 4-7 ' Wealthy, of WUliam and Mary, Nov. 22, 1782. 4-7 WUUam, June 13, 1784. 4-113 ' Mary Ann, of Christopher and PoUy, Jan. 22, 1783. 4-13 3 ' James, Nov. 10, 1784. 4-113 " Martha, Aug. 21, 1786. 4-113 ' Christopher, May 23, 1.788. 4-113 ' Elizabeth, Oct. 28, 1790. 4-113 ' Benjamin Perry, Dec. 8, 1792. 4-113 ' Charles, Aug. 8, 1794. 4-113 ' Susannah, Feb. 10, 1799. 4-113 ' Susannah, died Oct. 27, 1803. 4-113 " Martha, died Oct. 27, 1803. 4-113 " Christopher, Sr., died July 2S, 1803. Note— One born Middletown, next three Cliarlestown, the others Westerly. 4-84 Charlotte, of Amos and Mary, Nov. 4, 1784. 4 84 " Amos, Macrch 30, 1790. WESTERLY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 77 4-84 BABCOCK Anna, of Amos and Mary, AprU 1, 1793. 3-127 cc Lucy, of Isaac and Amey, March 19, 1783. 3-127 cc Sarah, April 18, 1785. 3-175 cc Nathan, of Nathan and Dorcas, Oct. 30, 1782. 3-175 cc David, Aug. 16, 1784. 3-175 cc Dorcas, AprU 20, 1786. 44 cc Hannah, of Daniel and Hannah, Feb. 12, 1785. 4-4 cc Daniel, Nov. 17, 1787. 4-4 cc Hannah, March 30, 1789. 4-4 cc James, I Jan. 16, 1791. 4-4 CI Daniel Lee, Jan. 20, 1795. 4-4 " Desire, Note— Hannah, 2d, born Stonington. Feb. 21, 1797. 3-134 cc John Prentice, of Isaac, Jr., and Amey, Oct. 13, 1787. 3-134 cc Denison Avery, at Groton, Feb. 23, 1792. 4-20 cc Samuel, of Silas and Mary, Oct. 19, 1787. 4-20 cc SUas, Note— 1st born Preston, Conn. Aug. 9, 1789. 3-173 cc Asa, of Nathan and Dorcas, 4th wife, Feb. 25, 1788. 4-68 cc Martha, of Jared and Martha, Aug. 8, 1790. 4-68 cc Jared, Aug. 8, 1792. 4-68 cc Clarke, May 21, 1796. 4-55 cc Hannah, of Jesse and Hannah, Sept. 22, 1790. 4-55 " Beley (dau.), Oct. 7, 1792. 4-55 cc PoUy, Oct. 8, 1794. 4-55 cc Ehoda, March 7, 1798. 4-55 ct Lucy Ann, July 31, 1800. 4-55 " Phebe, Sept. 3, 1802. 4-55 cc Jesse, Aug. 31, 1806. 4-55 cc Lydia Ann, Feb. 3, 1809. 4-55 cc Abby, June 21, 1811. 4-55 » cc John Champlaini, July 1, 1814. 4-60 cc Lucy, of Arnold and Lucy, March 25, 1791. 4-60 cc John, Feb. 4, 1793. 4-80 cc Amey, Dec 29, 1794. 4-74 cc Charles, of Charles and Tacy, Aug. 24, 1792. 4-74 cc Jonathan, July 26, 1794. 4-74 cc Tacy, Note— Two eldest 'born Hopkinton. Nov. 14, 1796. 4-77 cc Oliver, of Joshua and Ruth, Dec. 21, 1792. 4-77 cc Silva, Aug. 19, 1794. 4-77 cc Ephraim, March 15, 1790. 4-77 cc Lodowick, Feb. 14, 1798. 4-77 cc Thankful, Feb. 1, 1800. 4-1 '4 cc Jonathan, of Jonathan aud EUzabeth, Sept. 13, 1795. 4-164 cc Harry, March 11, 1797. 4-164 cc Betsey, i June 20,: 1799,<\ 4-164 cc Nancy, Jan. 24, 1301. Note— 1st two born Norwich, Conn.. ; last ttwo Charlestown. 4-105 cc Jchn, of John and Damarias, Feb. 18, 1796. 4-209 cc Frances Ann, of Capt. Dudley and Ann, Oct. 20, 1799. 4-209 cc Dudley Right, Jan. 5, 1802. 4-209 cc Paul, Note— Eldest bom Stonington. Feb. 11, 1805. 4-151 " Caroline, of Asa and Mohy, Sept. 3 8, 1801. 4-151 " Moll.y, wife of Asa, d. Dec. 31, 1802. 4-180 Desire, of Joseph and Keturah, Sept. 25, 1801. 4-180 « Desire, d. Nov. 15, 1802. 4-180 " Hannah. Sept. 10. 1803. 4-180 ,c Hannah, d. July 21, 1804. 4-180 cc DesUe Gavitt, Dec. 19, 1805. Note— Two eldest born Charlestown ; youngest Westerly. 4-165 cc Rouse, of Rouse and Hannah, Oct. 27, 1801. 4-165 cc Rouse, d. May 3', 1802. 4-165 cc Rouse, 2d, May 4, 1803. 7S VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-165 4-1684-1684-1684-1684-168 4-168 4-168 4-1714-171 4-171 4-3 71 4-1714-171 4-1724-172 4-173 4-173 4-173 4-173 4-1734-175 4-375 4-2084-151 4-227 4-241 5-45 4-247 2 247 4-271 5-85-8 5-85-8 5-17 4-190 4-190 4190 4-1904-1904-190 4-263 4-263 4-263 4,2634-2634-263 4-263 4 263 4-2634-2634-263 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-197 4-197 BABCOCK Hannah, of Rouse and Hannah, '¦ Phebe, of Stephen and Phebe, " Stephen, " EUas, " Nathan, " Nathan, " Amanda, " Amanda, Nov. 4, 1805 March 5, 1802. May 10, 1804. March 10, 1806. July 27, 1808. died Dec 11. 1814. Nov. 20, 1810. died Sept. 19, 1312. Note.— Two born Hopldnton; next three Stonington. " AvUda, of Phineas and Thankful, " Phineas, " Christopher Denlson, " Mary, " Hannah, " Nancy B., " Nancy, of Joshua and Nancy, " Joshua, " Nancy, of Daniel and Nancy, " Emory, " Oliver. " Joseph, " Ezra, " James Rhodes, of James and Hannah, " Joseph, " Frank, of Nathan, Jr., and Patty, " Thomas, of Asa and EUzabeth. " Benjamin, of Benjamin and Ann, " David Fenner, of David and Fanny, " Stanton, of Chancey W. and Prudence, " Merlan, of Paul, Jr., and Amey, " Charlotte, " Hannah Almy, of Daniel, Jr., and Anne, " Nathan, of Oliver and Phebe, " Phebe Maria, " Amanda, " Daniel, " Paul, died AprU 21, 1845. BARBER Perry, of John and Molly, born at Exeter " Hannah (Miner, of Charles and Eunice), his wife, born Stoning ton, Oct. 3, 1767. " Perry, of Perry and Hannah, Dec 3, 1794. " Charles Miner, Sept. 13, 1796. " Silas Holmes, July 6, 1799 " Ezra Styles, Oct. 30, 1803. All born Stonington except youngest in Westerly. " Thomas, of Peleg and Isabel, Oct. 24, 1783. " Peleg Sherman, July 4, 1785. " Patty, May 11, 178,7. " Abial, Aug. 14, 1789. Merchant, Feb. 20, 1791. " Experience, April 6, 1703. " Mercy, May 7, 1794. " ' Hannah, April 17, 1790. " Susannah, April 18, 1798. " Isaac, Jan. 20, 1800. Wealthy Ann, May 21, 1802. Note— FU-st, born Hopkinton ; next five Charlestown ; sixth, Hopkhitoni', the othars Westerly. Hosea, of Hosea and Cattern, Sept. 13, 1799. Jared, Sept. 19, 1801. Caty, Nov. 12, 1803. Paul Maxson, Feb. 28, 3806. Eunice, AprU 1, 1813. Sprague, of Sprague, ani Seney, July 2.7, 1804. Sally, June 11, 3 son. Aug. 1, 1802. Sept. 24, 1804. Jan. 2, 1806. Oct. 2, 1807. March 31, 1811. Nov. 15, 1S12. May 26, 1802. died Aug. 2, 1802 < Nov. 20, 1803. Feb. 3, 1806. June 26, 1811. Dec. 24, 1813. Jan. 16, 1816. Aug. 16, 1803. July 31, 1805. Jan. 17, 1806. Sept. 24, 1806. AprU 25, 1807. Sept. 21, 1809. Feb. 8, 1812. May 21, 1812. May 30, 1816. Oct.* 13, 1819. Nov. 19, 1825. Feb. 20. 1827. Oct. 20, 1828. Dec 4, 1829. June 1, 1767. WESTERLY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 7(J 4-260 BARBER Henry Merriott, of Benjamin P., and Hannah, May 7, 1807. 4-260 " Luclnda Merriott, March 8, 1809. 4-260 " Joshua, Dec. 23, 1810. 4-260 cc George Washington, March 18, 1813. 4-255 " Thomas, of Thomas and Eunice, June 4, 1809. 4-255 " Sarah, Nov. 17, 1810. 4-255 " Phebe, April 27, 1812. 4-255 " Joseph B.., Jan. 10, 1814. 4-41 cc Sally, wife of J.olm, died July 5, 1810. 4-41 cc John Maxson, of John and Barbara, Oct. 2, 1811. 4-41 " Wealtha, June 8, 1813. 4-41 cc Phineas Wheeler, April 18, 1816. 4-272 cc Mariah, of Susan, Nov. 9, 1815. 4-272 " Ehoda Ann, of Mercy, June 27, 1816. 5-18 " Charles Albert, of Charles P. and Celestlne Lucy Ann, Sept. 27, 1834. 5-61 " Mary Frances, of George S. and Mary A., Feb. 3, 1843. 5-61 " Harriet Louisa, June 11, 1844. 5-63 •' Josephine, Feb. 8, 1846. 3-11 BARTLETT, Charles Frederick, of Jolm and Lucretia, Feb. 22, 1766. 2-79 BENTLEY, WUliam, of WUliam and Bathsheba, May 29, 1735. 3-121. bent; Hannah, of John, Jr., and Hannah, July 10, 1771. 2-79 BEMES , Ephraim, of James and Sarah, Jan. 11, 1712-3. 2-79 cc James, April 3, 1716. 2-25 BEEEY , Elisha, of Eichard and Susannah, Sept. 7, 1731. 2-25 " Mariah, March 11, 1732-3. 2-25 " EUjah, Feb. 23, 1734-5. 2-25 " Susannah, Sept. 11, 1737. 3-96 cc Bridget, Sept. 17, 1729. 3-69 " Elizabeth, Aug. — , 1726. 3-69 " John, Nov. 27, 1738. 3-69 " Simeon, May 26, 1741. 3-69 " Samuel, Sept. 27, 1744. 3-69 " Peleg, May 30, 1746. Note— 3-69 gives Elizabeth, birthplace South Kingstown, and Elisha, birth, Sept. 6, 1730; Sarah, March 11, 1732, and Su- santnah, Sept. 7, 1736J 3-47 cc Mary, of EUsha and Dinah, April 22, 1763. 4-16 " Hannah, May 20, 1765. 4-16 cc Sexton Palmer, May 8, 1767. 4-16 cc Lydia, March 9, 1769. 4-16 cc Peleg, July 23, 1772. 4-16 cc Sarah, June 20, 1776. 4-16 " Lyman, May 20, 1779. 4-16 cc Samuel, Aug. 27, 1781. 4-16 cc Susannah, May 21, 1784. 3-152 " MoUy, of Samuel, and Holly, Feb. 9, 1769. 3-152 cc Elizabeth, Dec. 20, 1770. 3-152 cc Susanna, Nov. 23, 1772. 3-152 " Eichard, Jan. 28, 1775. 3-0.52 " Anne, , Nov. 23, 1776. 3-152 cc Esther, AprU 28, 1779. 3-152 cc Bridget, June 28, 1781. 3-152 cc Catherine, Oct. 26, 1783. 3-152 cc Samuel Foster, Dec '13, 1785. 4-18 cc Peleg, of Peleg and Mary, June 10, 1775. 4-18 " George Washington, June 11, 177S. 4-18 " Anna, April 29, 1780. 4-18 " Eichard Wain, June 1, 1782. 4-18 cc EUzabeth, Oct. 17, 1784. 4-18 cc EUjah, March 14, 1787. 4-18 cc John Simeon, Aug. 28, 1789. 4-18 cc Elisha, Dec. 20, 1792. 4-140 cc Henrietta, of Eichard and Hannah, June 3, , 1800. 4-131 cc Bridget, of Peleg and Hannah, June 13, 1800. 80 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-193 4-227 4-253 4-253 4-2534-2534-253 4-253 2-1212-1212-121 2-1212-121 2-121 2-121 2-121 2-121 2-121 2-121 2-1212-121 2-121 2-121 2-98 2-98 2-692-98 2-692-692-69 2-69 2-2202-2202-220 2-2202-2202-220 2-220 2-220 2-2202-2204-194 4-194 4-194 4-194 4-194 4-1944-1944-194 4-1944-194 ' 4-194 3-29 3-293-29 3-29 3-293-29 3-29 3-29 3-175 3-3 75 3-175 BEERY Nancy, of Lyman and Sally, Feb. 28, 1804 " Richard Wane, of Wain and Rosanna; born at Stonington, Sept. 28, 1807. Lucy Ann, of Samuel and Lucy, Catherine, Eliza Esther, Samuel Splcer, Charles Henry, Eunice Cowline, BLIVEN Joan, of John and Isabel, Edwin, Rachel, James,JOhn,Freelove, of Edward and Freelove, Joshua, Edward,Isabel, Patience, Peter, Jobu, Nathan, Mary, Sarah,Mercy, of John and Mercy, John,James, of James and Anna, John, Daniel, Mary, Theoaoty, Samuel, Joshua, of Edward, Jr., and Ann, William, Edward, Isaac,Ann,Arnoia, George, Fannie, Jonathan Buraick, Jan. 23, 1814. Nov. 21, 1815. Feb. 5, 1818. Jan. 29, 1820. Sept. 12, 1823. May 16, 1826. May 1, 1692 Aug. 5, 3.694. March 19, 1697. Oct. 27, 1702. Jan. 22, 1707. Dec 20, 1719. March 21, 1720. May 30, 1722. Oct. 22, 1723. June 3, 1725. Feb. 1, 1727. Sept. 22, 1730. Nov. 20, 1732. Feb. 16„ 1734. May 26, 1736. Nov. 25, 1728. aiea Aug. 25, 1728. March 22, 1735. March 22, 1735. March 12, 1737. May 13, 1739. May 3, 1741. March 12, 1744. July 13, 1743. Dee. 15, 1745. July 12, 1748. July 13„ 1750. March 10, 1755. Feb. 7, 1757. Sept. 16, 1759. July 16, 1761 Aug 12, 1764. Nov. 14, 1766. March 12, 1744. Jessie Champlain, Samuel, of James and Ann, born Westerly, Ruth (Greene of Josiah and Hannah), his wife, born Charlestown, March 16, 1746. EUzabeth, of Samuel and Ruth, Dec. 27, 1766. Samuel. Dec. 15, 1768. Luther, Oct. 30, 1770. Ruth, Feb. 5, 1773. Maiy, June 14, 1776. Ethel, May 28, 1778. Daniel, Aug. 20, 1780. James, June 27, 1787. Euth, wife of Samuel, d. Dec 18, 1803'. Patience, of .John and EUzabeth, Sept. 15, 1753. Freelove, Tan. 26, 1756. John, Dec. 23, 1758. WilUam, May 19, 3 762. Elizabeth, Dec. 31, 1764. Lucy, April 25, 1768. Joshua, April 29, 1773. Euth Seager, March 9, 1773. Elizabeth, of Nathan and Elizabeth, Aug. 4, 1755. Nathan, April 17, 1701. Mary, Feb. 15, 1764. WESTEELY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 81 3-175 BLIVEN Henry, of Nathan and Elizabeth, Nov. 27, 1766. 3-175 " Freelove, . June 16, 1770. 3-175 " Abigail, Nov. 3, 1774. 3-175 " Joseph Lewis, • May 5, 1773. 3-52 " Thankful, of James and Sarah, Sept 16, 1757. 3-52 " James, Nov. 20, 1760. 3-52 " Freeman,' March 26, 1766. 3-52 " Sarah, Oct. 25, 3768. 3-52 " Luke, June 20, 1771. 4-52 " Theodoty, of Daniel and Hannah, ' Aug. 23, 1763.- ¦t52 " Anna, June 29, 1765. 4-52 " John, April 5, 1767. 4-52 " Hannah, Feb. 26, 1770. 4-52 " Rachel, March 5, 1772. 4-52 " Daniel, Feb. 20, 1774. 4-52 " Greene, April 30, 1776. 4-52 " Isaac, June 10, 1778. 4-52 " Amey, Sept. 19, 1780. 4-52 " Fanny, .' April 16, 1783. 4-52 " Polly, Oct. 13, 1786. 4-52 " Daniel, ,Sr; died Nov. 15, 1803. Note.— First seven recorded also 3-86. 3-104 " EUzabeth, of Samuel and Ruth, Dec. 27, 1766. 3-104 " Samuel, Dec. 15, 3 768. 3-104 . ¦" Luther, Oct. 30, 1770. 3-104 " Euth, Feb. 5, 1773. 3-104 " Mary, June 14, 1776. 3-104 " Ethel, May 28, 1778. 3-150 " Fanny, of WUUam and Eleanor, Aug. —,"1772. 3-150 " Pardon Clarke, _ Jan. 4, 1774. 3-150 " Eleanor, April 1, 1776. 3-150 " WUliam Barton, Nov. 7, 1777. 3-150 " Desire, Aug. 11, 1730. 3-150 " Edward, May 20, 1783. 3-1510 " John Maxson, April 21, 1785. 3-150 " Thankful, July 27, 1787. 3-150 " Isaac Ross, Dee. 20, 1790 3-150 " Maria, Feb. 10, 1793 3-132 " Nancy, of Edward, 3d', and Mary, May 1, 1774. 3-54 " Simon Ray, of James and Sarah, April 28, 1774, 3-54 " Martha, May 22, 1776. 4-181 " PoUy ( ), wife of Capt. Nathan, Dec. 11, 1774. 4-181 " Eobert Ellery, of Capt. Nathan and PoUy, Sept. 21, 1798. 4-181 " Ann Marlah, Feb. 7, 1800. 4-181 " Francis, Jan. 3, 1802. 4-181 " Francis, died Sept. 29, 1804. 4-181 " Elizabeth, March 24, 1803. 4-3.83 " Francis, Aug. 26, 1805. Note— Two eldest born Charlestown. 3-157 " Isaac, of Daniel and Hannah, 3-157 " Amey, 3-1 57 " Fanny, 3-28 " Isaac, of John and Elizabeth, 3-166 " Hannah, of James and Mary, 3-166 " Benjamin HaU, 3-166 " Betsey, Note— First born Westerly, 2d Valuntown 4-19 " Nancy, .of George and Vashtl, 4-19 " Edward, 4-19 - " PoUy, 4-19 " Samuel, 4-19 " Henry, 4-19 " Noyes, 3-168 " Daniel, 3-108 " James, of Samuel and Euth, June 10, 1778. Sept. 19, 1780. April 16, 1783. Sept. 20, 1778. April 2, 1781. June 17, 1787. June 30, 1791. 3d Newport. Dec. 4, 1784. May 7, 1786. May 27, 1788. Feb. 28, 1792.' AprU 3, 1794. March 17, 1796. Aug. 20, 1780. June 27, 1787. 82 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-1214-121 4-1214-121 4-1214-1214-121 4-121 4-37 4-374-374-37 4-37 4-374-37 4-374-34 4-344'-34 4-44 4-54 4-544-724-72 4-72 3-28 3-284-96 4-96 4-964-964-96 4-1224-1224-122 4-48 4-484-48 4-484-48 4-18 4-48 4-48 4-48 4-194 4-167 4-167 4-122 4-54 4-54 4-54 4-54 4-542-432-4-32-43 2-43 2-43 2-43 2-43 BLIVEN Nancy, wUe of Arnold, Joshua, of Arnold and Mary, Joseph, Nancy, Arnold,Charles Ross, Isaac Ross, Desire,Samuel, of Samuel and Elizabeth, Isaac, Thomas, Luther, Benjamin,Darius,EUzabeth, Mary, Note— Benjamin born Hopkinton and Darius at Charlestown. Daniel, of Theodoty and Bathana, Feb. 27, 1791. Esther May 25, 1795. Nathan Eogers, April 19, 1797. Note— Esther iborn Hopkinton, and Nathan R. a,t Charles town. Hannah, of John and Barbara, Rozina, of WiUiam and Rozlna, Rozina, wife of WUliam, Sally, of Luther and Eebecca, Polly,Samuel Greene, Note— AU born at I Kingsbury, N. Y. Elizabeth, wife of John, died May 14, 1796. Isaac, of John and Elizabeth, died at Demarara, Jan. 24, 180O. died July 12, 1788. July 25, 1790. 'Jan. 31, 1792. iMarch 6, 1794. Feb. 24, 1796. Feb. 12, 1799. Feb. 27, 1801. April 21, 1803. Oct. 1, 1790. May 30, 1793. March 26, 1794. Sept. 23, 1801. Sept. 6, 1803. Dec. 1, 1805. Feb. 2, 1808. May 14, 181 \ Oct. 19, 1792. Aug. 7, 1793. died July 4, 1800. Jan. 18, 1794. July 13, 1796. Jan. 1, 1790. Joshua, of Joshua and Ehoda, Ledyard, Ira,,Ehoda, I Eussell, Betsey Sisson, of Ethel and Mary, Pardon,Alfred, Note— Two youngest born Newport. Abigail, of Henry and Nancy, Henry, Royal, Avery, Albert, Harriet, Horace, Joseph Charies, Thomas N., Ira, of Daniel (of Samuel), Cranston, of WUliam P. and Amey, Prudence, Arestes, of Daniel and Euth, Coddington, of WUliam and Nancy, Asa, William' Dudley, Bradley,John Emery, Eichard, of Jeremiah and Martha, Edward, Susannah, Jeremiah, Martha,Peter, Joseph, Oct. 2, 1796. March 8, 1798. Nov. 22, 1799. Sept. 20, 1801. April 20, 1803. July 13, 1798. July 2, 1800. May 30, 1803. Aug. 18, 1798. May 8, 1801. March 7, 3.803. Jan. 6, 1805. Oct. 28, 1809. July 25, 1812. Aug. 7, 1815. March 28, 1818. July 22, 1820. May 14, 1302. Sept. 10, 1802. Feb. 14, 1804. July 24, 1803. Oct. 11, 1803. Dec 1, 1804. April 22, 1806. Jan. 15, 1808. (Postumous), May 6, 1810. Feb. 26, 1724-5. April 20, 1725. Feb. 19, 1728-9. May 17, 1729. Feb. 12, 1.731-2. Sept. 30, 1732. Nov. 2, 1734-5. WESTERLY BIETHS AND DEATHS. 83 2-43 BOSS John, of Jeremiah and Martha, Oct. 14, 1735. 2-42 " Martha, Oct. 11, 1737. 4-104 BEAGDON; Anna, of Joseph and Content, March 2, 1794. 2-15 BRAMAN Dorcas, of Benjamin and Martha, Feb. 24, 1731-2. 3-103 BRAMBLEY Asa, of William and EUzabeth, Feb. 22, 1746. 3-103 David, Oct. 27, 1748. 3-103 Joshua, March 20, 1750. 3-103 Simeon, Feb. 17, 1752. 3-103 Paul, April 17, 1754. 3-103 Paine, April 17, 1754. 3-103 WilUam, March 27, 1756. 3-303 Perry, Nov. 12, 1758. 3-103 Ulizabeth, March 11, 1761. 3-103 Lucy, Oct. 27, 17C-2. 3-103 Rhoda, April 11, 1764. 3-103 Amelia, April 11, 1764. 2-51,95 BRAND Amos, of Benjamin and Rebecca, Feb. 8, 1735-0. 2-51,95 Rebecca and Lucy, June 28, 1741. 2-51,95 Benjamin, Oct. 2, 1742. 2-51,95 David, Jan. 11, 1744-5. 3-55 Isabel, of Thomas and Freelove, April 28, 1737. 3-55 Jane, S.'pt. 24, 1742. 3-88 ¦ Susanna, of Samuel and Rachel, July 6, 1741. 3-88 Samuel, Oct. 16, 1743. 3-88 Hannah, March 6, 1746. 3-88 Thomas, July 26, 1752. 3-88 Nathan, Aug. 15, 1754. 3-88 Anne, April 9, 1757. 3-88 Walter, May 25, 1760. 3-88 Elizabeth, July 5, 1762. 3-88 Royzell, April 10, 1775. 3-85 Sarah, of John' and Mary, May 18, 1754. 3-85 John, Jan. 18, 1757. 3-85 AbigaU, 17, 1758. 3-85 Thomas, Sept. 10, 1761. 3-141 Fanny, of John and Isabel, May 6, 1771. 3-141 11 Hannah, March 11, 1775. 5-170 a Lucy, of Samuel and Anne, Sept. 1, 1777. ¦4-136 Nathan1, of Capt. Nathan and Susannah, Feb. 12, 1785. 4-136 " Samuel, Feb. 16, 1788. 4-136 it William, Nov. 5, 1790. 4-136 Betsey, Dec. 23, 1793. 4-100 " Sally, of Walter and Anna, July 16, 1785. 4-100 Alpheus, June 8, 1787. 4-100 " Samuel, June 13, 1789. 4-100 Nancy, of and Lydia, Sept. 13, 1791. 4-241 Thomas, of Russell and Hannah, Dec. 13, 1804. 4-241 it Rachel Thompson,, July 9, 1809. 3-91 BRIGGS Anne, of Jacob and Freegift, May 10, 1768. 3-91 cc AbigaU, July 2, 1771. 2-4 BRITON Mary, of James, late of Dighton, Mass., died Dec. 23, 1750. 2-114 BROWN Elizabeth, of Danisjl, March 13, 1705. 2-114 " Mary,, Aug. 3, 1706. 2-114 " Benjamin, March 16, 1708. 2-114 cc Daniel, Nov. 15, 1709. 2-114 cc EUsha, Jan. 26, 1711. 2-114 " Dorcas,, May 23, 1713. 2-114 cc John, Feb. IS, 3 714. 2-114 it Desu-e, ana Frances, 2d wife, Jan. 8, 3 723. 2-115 tt Mary, of John and Ann, Feb. 20, 1708. 2-115 tl Martha, Sept. 24, 1709. 2-115 It John, Oct. 4, 1711. 2-115 It Ann, Nov. 2, 173.4. 2-115 tl Thomas, Oct. 18, 1717. 2-115 " PhUip, of and Martha, 2d wife, Sept. 2, 1721. S4 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-95 BROWN John, of and AbigaU, July 15, 1730.- 2-95 cc Joshua, Jan. 19, 1732-3. 2-95 cc Abigail, June 8, 1735. 2-95 cc Benjamin, of Benjamin and Abigail, March 27, 1731. 2-95 cc Desire, June 18, 1733 - 2-95 cc Frances, March 12, 1735. 2-B5 cc James, March 13, 1737. 2-95 cc John, AprU 3, 1739. 2-95 cc Jeremiah, April 4, 1741. 2-95 cc Desire, March 23, 1743. 2-95 tt Jesse, April 11, 1745. 2-95 11 EUjah, June 10, 1747. 2-95 It Abijah, NOV. 3, 1749. 2-96 cc Mary, of George and Elizabeth, Nov. 20, 1729. 3-48 cc Caleb, of Ebenezer and Anna, Dec. 3, 1756. 3-48 cc Hannah, March 17, 1759. 3-48 cc Lydia, July 9, 1761. 3-48 cc John, March 12 1764. 3-48 cc Amey, Sept. 22, 1766. 3-48 cc Sarah, March 3, 1769. 3-100 " Dorothy, Dec 11, 1771. 3-300 " Nathan, . — , 1774. 4-27 cc Polly, of Samuel and Amey, Feb. 8, 1779. 4-27 cc Samuel, March 2, 1782. 4-27 " Benjamin, Sept. 23, 1786. 4-27 cc Stanton, April 16, 1789. 4-27 cc Phebe, Jan. 14, 1791. 4-27 cc Nancy, July 26, 1793. 4-27 cc AbigaU, Aug. 3, 1795. 4-27 " Elnathan Clarke, April 5, 1797. 4-77 cc Charles, of Robert and Hannah, Dec 16, 1792. 4-77 cc Thomas, Jan. 21, 1798. 4-77 " Susanna StiUman, AprU 8, 1801. 4-77 cc Sebra, Jan. 2, 1804. 4-23.4 cc Lorenzo Dow, of George and Sally, Dec. 27, 1805. 4-126 BUDINGTON Luke, of Luke and Charlotte, Sept. 15, 1799. 4-126 cc Ludowlck, March 6, 1801. 4-126 cc Charlotte, Jan. 21, 1803. 4-126 cc Rhoda Ann, July 15, 1806. 4-180 BURCB : John Irish, of Thomas and Susanna, Nov. 4, 1802. 4-229 cc Thomas, of Thomas and Mary, Aug. 25, 1807. 2-319 BURDICK, Mary, of Benjamin and Mary, July 26, 1699. 2-3 3 9 cc Rachel, July 5, 1701. 2-119 cc Peter, Aug. 5, 1703. 2-13 9 cc Benjamin, Nov. 25, 1705. 2-119 cc John, March 24, 1708. 2-119 cc David, Feb. 24, 1710. 2-119 cc William, June 12, 1713. 2-319 cc Elisha, Sept. 22, 1716. 2-125 cc Hubard, of Hubard, Nov. 24, 1716. 2-3 25 cc Nathan, Feb. 19, 1718-9. 2-125 cc John, May 19, 1721. 2-77,90 It Elnathan, of Peter and Desire, Jan. 14, 1727. 2-77.90 It Mary, June 28, 1728. 2-77,90 cc Peter, May 12, 1730. 2-77,90 cc Content, AprU 1, 1735. 2-77,90 ct Oliver, June 8, 1737. 2-77, 90 " Keturah, Jan. 30, 1741. 2-77, 90 cc Elnathan, AprU 11, 1743. 2-77, 90 cc EUsha, Aug. 1, 1747. 2-77, 90 cc Samuel Park (b. Charlestown), Sept. 10, 1750. 2-76 " Parker, of Joshua and AbigaU, Sept. 11, 1735. 2-79 cc Sylvanus, of Nathan and Goodeth, Sept. 17, 1747. 3-70 ..cc Jonathan, of Jonathan and Judeth, April 1, 1730. 3-70 cc Joseph, Nov. 10, 1733. WESTERLY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. So 3-70 3-70 3-703-703-703-703-70 3-70 3-703-71 3-71 3-71 3-713-71 3-39 3-39 3-39 3-393-39 3-39 3-39 3-106 3-1063-106 3-106 3-106 3-106 3-106 3-106 3-133-33 3-33 3-333-333-33 3-1493-1493-1493-149 3-149 3-223-22 3-92 3-92 3-89 3-89 3-1123-1123-176 3-176 3-176 3-176 3-156 3-156 3-156 3-156 3-1563-156 4-63 4-63 BURDICK OUver, of Jonathan and Judeth, Ruth, Judith,Wealthy,Ephraim, Benjamin,Asa,Hannah, March 27, 1735. Dec. 10, 1737. May 21, 1740. June 18, 1743. May 1, 1746. Aug. 27, 1748. Aug. 6, 1751. Oct. 29, 1755. Joseph ('grandson of the above, said son Joseph supposed to be deceased), Lois, of David and Mary, David, Thompson, Clarke, Anne, Stephen, of Simeon and Isabel, Edith, Isabel,AbigaU, Simeon, Centent, Jonathan,Maxson, of John and Elizabeth, Thompson,Anne,John,Paul, AbigaU, Sarah, Frances, Amey, of Ezekiel, and Amey, Esther, of Peter and Esther, Cynthia, Henry, Hannah,Desire,Oliver, of OUver and Lydia, Sarah,Hazard, Roger, i Rowland, born March 18, 1755. April 1, 1738. April 15, 1740. Dec.15 1744. Feb. 25, 1748. May 17, 1757. March 16, 1748.. July 27, 1750. Feb. 23, 1753. Aug. 11, 1760. Aug. 25, 1762. Nov. 17, 1764. Sept. 26, 1767. Jan. 22, 1751. Sept. 1, 1753. Feb. 2, 1755. Sept. 20, 1756. Oct. 24, 1759. Nov. 22, 1761. Sept. 7, 1763. March 213, 1765. June 29, 1751. Nov. 5. 1754. Nov .26, 1.759. March 1, 1764. April 20, 1768. April 20, 1768. Feb. 7, 1760. Aug. 4, 1761. April 21, 1764. March 13, 1767. June 26, 1769. Note— 1st and 4th born Charles'town, 2d and 5th Westerly, 3d South Kingstown. Stanton, of Oliver and Susannah, April 7, 1760. Mary, Nov. 9, 1761. Ruth, of Zaccheas and Elizabeth, June 24, 1760. Smith, May 3, 1762. John, of Christopher anavld, 3-91 " Susannah, 3-91 " Ichabod, 3-91 " Amey, 3-91 " Tacy, 3-91 " Jane, 3-91 " Lucy, 3-91 " Hannah, 3-91 " Judeth, 3-91 " Marcy, 3-14 " Mitchell, 3-14 " Nathan, 3-14 " PhUena, 4-134 " Nicholas, of WUliam, dec, and Jemima, 4-134 " Barbara (Wells, of Peter and Elizabeth), ton, Jan. 17, 1760. 4-134 " WlUiam, of Nicholas and Barbara, 4-134 " Peter WeUs, 4-134 " Freeman, 4-134 « Barbara, 4-134 " Arnold WeUs, 4-134 " Betsey, 4-134 " Henry, 4-134 " Joshua, 3-90 " Eleanor, of Ichabod and Marcy, 3-90 " Isabel, 3-90 " Ichabod, 3-90 " Sarah, of Joseph, Jr.. and Deborah, 3-90 " Samuel, 3-90 " Nathan, 3-90 * " Nancy, 3-90 " Asa, 3-90 " Simeon, 3-56 " Thankful, of Joseph and Thankful, 3-56 " Lucy, 3-56 ' Desire, 3-56 " Deborah, Feb. 21, 1713-4. Dec. 25, 1715. May 11, 1712. March 4, 1715. AprU 26, 1717. March 3, 1720. Nov. 17, 1718. July 5, 1729. March 30, 1737. April 15, 1741. AprU 23, 1743. ¦ Feb. 25, 1742j Dec. 11, 1744. Sept. 4, 1748. Nov. 20, 1750. Dec 26, 1752. June 16, 1755. May 10, 1758. April 13, 1760. Jan. 12, 1744-5. Oct. 7, 1,747. Jan. 28, 1750-1. Feb. 29, 1751-2. Feb. 17, 1757. June 20, 1769. Oct. 10, 1761. April 18, 1745. April 26, 1747. Sept. 1, 1749. May 29, 1750. Oct. 10, 1753. June 3, 1756. Aug. 13, 1758. March 13, 1760. Sept. 28, 1761. May 1, 1765 Aug. 19, 1767. AprU 9, 1746. Aug. 7, 1748. Oct. 4, 1750. March 21, 1752. his .wife, born Hopkin- Dec 1, Jan. 10, Dec 17, Feb. 6, AprU 5, Sept. 19, Jan. 28, AprU 23, Oct. 8, .Aug. 25, Feb. 2, June 24, Dec. 11, May 9, May 24, May 25, Feb. 13, Dec. 1, June 9, July 27, Jan. 26, 17810.1783. 1784.1787. 1789.1792.1795.1797.1752. 1757.1763. 1753. 1754. 1756.1758.1760. 1762.1758.1761.1763. 1766. (Vlt. Eec, Vol; 5.) 22 92 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-56 CLARKE Lucretla, of Joseph and Thankful, June 14, 1768. 3-56 " Chally, Sept. 24, 1770. 3-173 cc Patience, of Daniel and Mary, Nov. 16, 1762. 3-173 cc Jemima, Sept. 21, 1764. 3-173 " Bridget, April 6, 1766. 3-173 cc Content, May 22, 1771. 3-83 cc John, of John and Mary, Feb. 20, 1763. 3-83 " Sarah, Oct. 15, 1705. 3-83 cc Martha, March 22, 1768. 3-83 cc Stephen, June 26, 1771. 3-83 " Peleg, Sept. 11, 1774. 3-83 cc Mary, Jan. 9, 1776. 3-117 cc Stanton, of Phineas and Mary, May 17, 1764. 3-117 " Elnathan, July 13, 1766. 3-117 cc Joshua, Oct. 25, 1768. 4-1 " Sarah, of WiUiam and Eunice, Jan. 14, 1771. 4-1 " Jemima, Feb. 17, 1773. 4-1 " Waite, April 16, 1775. 4-1 cc Eunice, May 22, 1777. 4-1 « Bathsheba, July 9, 1780. 3-113 Cc Jesse, of Jesse and ISusannah, June 20, 1771. 3-135 " Joshua, of David and Jane, Feb. 26, 1772. 3-135 " Ephraim, AprU 27, 1773. 3-135 cc Waite, Dec 29, 1774. 3-135 cc William, May 18, 1776. 3-135 " Joseph, Oct. 30, 1779. 3-135 cc Jesse, May 26, 1781. 3-135 cc Amey, June 18, 1784. 3-143 " Davis, of Joseph, 3d, and Thankful, June 6. 1773. 3-143 cc Alpheus, Aug. 8, 1775. 3-170 " Catherine, of Lemuel and Cloe, Aug. 3, 1777. 3-170 cc Maxson, Sept. 20, 1779. 3-170 " Samuel, Dec 1, 1782. 3-170 cc David, June 15, 1785. 3-170 " Joseph , Oct. 12, 1787. 3-170 " Truman, April 9, 1790. 3-170 cc Clarissa, May 21, 1793. 3-170 cc Hosea Barber, Nov. 16, 1797. 3-143 " Samuel Ward, of Ethan and Anna, Oct. 17, 1778. 3-143 " Anna, April'22, 1780. 4-99 CI George, of George and Keturah, May 29, 1779. 499 " Augustus, Oct. 9, 1781. 4-99 cc Juae, Oct. 1, 1784. 4-99 cc Keturah, Sept. 16, 1789. 4-99 cc Phebe, July 15, 1792. 4-99 cc Joseph, Oct. 15, 1794. 4-2 cc William, of Nicholas and Barbara, Dec. 1, 1780. 4-2 " Peter WeUs, Jan. 10, 1733. 4-2 cc Freeman, Dec. 17„ 1784. 4-2 cc Barbara, Feb. 6, 1787. 4-2 " Arnold, April 5, 1790. 4-2 cc Lydia, of John, Jr., and Jemima, ¦ Dec. 4, 1781. 4-58 cc Joshua, of Joshua and Wealtha, Feb. 16, 1787. 4-58 cc Elisha, Aug. 3, 1788. 4-58 cc Benjamin,. Jan. 20, 1790. 4-58 " Wealtha, May 30, 1791. 4-58 cc Polly, March 29, 1793. 4-58 cc Simon, Sept. 17, 1794. 4-58 " Henry, AprU 26, 1796. 4-58 cc Ephraim, May 27, 1798. 4-58 " Ephraim, , i died AprU 3, 1802. 4-58 " Nathan, April 10, 1800. 1-58 cc Clarissa, Aug. 29, 1802. 4-58 cc Phebe, July 20, 1804. 4-58 cc Lydia, May 0, 1806. WESTERLY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 99 -4*8 CLARKE Caty, of Joshua and Wealtha, April 16, 1809. 4-23 u Sarah, of Ichabod, Jr., and Mary, Sept. 7, 1788. 4-23 tt PoUy, AprU, 4, 1790. 4-23 tl WUliam, June 27, 1792. 4-23 It Esther, Sept. 12, 1794. 4-23 It Roy Greene, June 27, 1796. 4-23 " Robert Palmer, Nov. 3, 1799. 4-23 It Charles Babcock, Oct. 21, 1803. 4-153 " WUUam, of Waite, ana AbigaU, July 30, 1801. 4-153 cc Ephraim, Aug. 11, 1803. 4-153 cc Susan, ' July 2, 1805. 4-23.2 cc GamUla, of John and Mercy, AprU 27, 1807. 4-232 cc Nancy, Feb. 20, 1809. 5-16 cc John T., died April 12, 1845. -2-110 COLDGROVE Anna, of Francis and Hannah, Jan. 23, 1721 2. 2-110 cc Sarah, June 20, 1724. 2-110 CC Hannah, Note— Also recorded 2-115. June 20, 1724. 2-121 COLLINS Hezekiah, of John and Susannah, Aug. 18, 1707. .2-321 cc Sarah, June 18, 1709. 2-121 cc Jededlah, Nov. 5, 1711. 3-74 COON Anna, of John and Patience, March 10, 1736. 2-58 COEEY James, March 1, 1687. 2-58 cc Sarah, of James and Sarah, Jan. 11, 1707. .2-53 cc Mary, Sept. 3, 1709. 2-58 cc Hope, Sept. 15, 1712. 2-58 cc James, Jr., June 24, 1715. 2-58 cc John, March 16, 1717. 2-58 cc Joseph, May 16, 1719. 2-58 CC Samuel, Oct. 15, 1721. 2-58 cc EUsha, March 7, 1724. 2-58 tt Elisha, died Dec. 7, 1730. 2-58 tl Elizabeth, March 2, 1726. -2-318 It Elisha, of Hosea and Sarah, Feb. 3, 1737-8. 2-41 COTTRELL EUzabeth, of John and laiizabeth, AprU 6, 1733. 2-41 cc Hannah, May 4, 1735. 2-41 cc Dorcasi, May 4, 1737. 2-41 cc Thomas, Sept. 4, 1739. .2-41 .C Benjamin, Sept. 14, 1742. .2-41 c. John. March 12, 1745. 3-10 cc Dorothy, of Nathaniel and Mary, Jan. 22, 1746-7. 4-6 CI John, of Major John (dec.) and Lois, Sept. 22, 1760. .3-147 CC Thankful, of EUas and PhaUey, Sept. 23, 1779. 3-147 cc John, May 19, 1781. 3-147 cc EUas, Dec. 2, 1782. 3-147 cc RusseU, March 31, 1785. 3-147 CC PhaUey, March 3, 1787. 3-J.47 cc Lois, AprU 11, 1789. 3-147 cc Lebbeus, Jan. 29, 1792. 3-147 cc Joshua Gorton, Feb. 10, 1794. 4-86 " Daniel, of Daniel and Mereba, Feb. 13, 1792. 4-86 cc Amelia, Feb. 8, 1795. 4-86 " Polly, Sept. 21, 1797. 4-86 cc Peleg Saunaers, Jan. 29, 1799. 4-86 cc John Boardman, July 3, 1802. 4-86 cc Loisi Ann, Sept. 23, 1806. 4-45 cc Mary, of Lebbeus and Mary, Sept. 8, 1793. 4-249 " SUas H., of Jolm and Lydia, Aug. 25, 1809. 4-254 EusseU, 2d, of RusseU and Betsey, born 1813. at Hopkinton, Dec. 10, 2-82 CRANDALL Joseph, of Joseph and Ann, Jan. 21„ 1716-7. 2-82 cc James, May 12, 1719. .2-82 " WiUlam, Aug. 6, 1721. -2-82 CC Simeon, Jan. 15, 1724-5. 2-82 cc Joshua, Oct. 15, 1727. 94 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-82 CRANDALL EzeMel, of Joseph and Ann, Nov. 21, 1730- 2-82 cc Ann, July 2, 1733. 2-82 " Benj amln, Nov. 29, 1736. 3-153 « Nathaniel, of Eber and Mary, Feb. 28, 1718. 2-115 " Peter, of Peter and Mary, May 30, 1719. 2-115 " Amos, May 19, 1721. 2-115 " Samuel, July 6, 1724. 2-115 cc Edward, Oct. 11, 1726. 2-115 cc Mary, April 25, 17291. 3-26 CC Elizabeth, of Eber and Mary, Jan. 8, 1734. 3-26 CI Amey, Jan. 14, 1736. 3-26 " Desire, June 16, 1738. 3-26 CI Eber, March 13, 1741.. 3-26 " Thankful, Feb. 29, 1742. 3-26 cc Benjamin, April 7, 1748. 3-26 u Mary, June 20, 1750. 3-26 cc Apharinah, May 4, 1752. 3-113 cc Martha, of John /and Hannah, born at Hopkinton , Dec 18, 1736„ 2-49 ft Jonathan, of Joseph, Jr., and EUzabeth, Feb. 16, 1739-40. 2-49 It Phendas. AprU 7, 1743. 2-49 ft Anna, Aug. 23, 1745.. 2-49 a Elijah, Jan. 17, 1747-8.. 2-49 tt Joseph, Feb. 17, 1750. 2-49 u Sylvester, Nov. 7, 1752. 2-49 u Elisha, AprU 15, 1756. 2-49 tt Eunice, of James and Damarius, Jan. 24, 1743-4.. 3-98 tl Esther, of John and Esther, Feb. — , 1742. 3-98 cc Ann, Aug. — , 1740. 3-98 cc Lewis, Aug. — , 1738.. 3-98 cc Mercy, Feb. — , 1734.. 3-98 cc John, Jan. — , 1732. 3-98 tc Hannah, June — , 1730. 3-31 cc Esther, of Peter ana Esther, Nov. 21, 1743. 3-31 cc Peter, Jan. 4, 1745-6.. 3-31 cc EUas, Oct 17, 1747. 3-31 tt Azariah, Dec 22, 1749. 3-31 tt Asher, Feb. 7, 1753-2.. 3-7 cc Eunice, of James and Damarius, Jan. 24, 1744-5. 3-7 cc Ezekiel, Oct. 11, 1746. 3-7 cc Damarius, Sept. 8, 1749. 3-7 cc Enoch, Nov. 1, 1752.. 3-7 cc Christopher, Sept. 1, 1755. 3-7 cc Augustus, March 27, 1761, 3-7 u Cynthia, Feb. 4, 1.763. 3-7 a Charlotte, May 10, 1764.. 3-7 ft James, ¦ July 16, 1766. 3-108 ft Amey, of Simeon and Mary, Oct. 24, 1745- 3-108 tt Caleb, April 7, 1747. 3-1 cc Amos, of Amos and Hannah, April 3, 1747. 3-1 cc Edwara, Jan. 6, 1750.. 3-15 If Thomas, of Ebenezer ana Thankful, May 8„ 1747. 3-15 cc Bethany, June 17, 1749. 3-15 .1 EUzabeth, Sept. 9, 1751.. 3-15 cc Jasper, Sept. ^o, 1754. 3-7 cc Anstress, of WUUam ana Deborah, Feb. 18, 1748-9.. 3-7 " WUliam, Oct. 8, 1751.. 3-7 cc Henry, Jan. 7, 1754. 3-7 cc Ruhamah, May 26, 1756. 3-7 cc Rhoda, July 27, 1758. 3-7 CI Arnold, Oct. 24, 1760. 3-7 cc Rebecca, May 1, 1763. 3-7 cc Barney, Oct. 11„ 1765.. 3-7 cc Stennet, Nov. 1, 1767. 3-7 cc Joel, Jan. 19, 1771. 3-7 cc Beriah, of Joshua ana Eunice, July 5, 1752.. WESTERLY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 95 3-7 3-7 3-73-7 3-7 3-29 3-29 3-293-29 3-1083-108 3-308 3-1083-10S 3-108 3-108 3-108 3-108 3-108 3-463-463-463-80 3-80 3-803-803-80 3-803-80 3-70 3-70 3-703-70 3-70 3^8 3-83-83-8 3-8 3-8 4-259 4-259 4-259 4-2594-2594-259 4-259 4-259 3-102 3-111 3-111 3-111 3-1113-111 3-111 3-1113-111 3-115 3-111 CRANDALL Sarah, of Joshua and Eunice, AprU 21, 1754. " Lucy, May 2, 1756. " Luke, May 29, 1758. " Eldredge, Maich 5, 1760. " Joshua, April 16, 1762. Note— Three younge st born South Kingstown. " Mary, of Edward and Sarah, Aug. 28, 1753. " Remember, Oct. 11, 1755. " AUce, Jan. 12, 1758. " Giaeon, June 10, 1760. " Lyaia, of James, Jr., ana Sarah, Nov. 25, 1754. " Clarke, Sept. 16, 1756. " Benedick. Sept. 1, 1758. " Anne, May 4, 1761. " James, Sept. 20, 1763. Ruth, Jan. 3 3. 1766. " Peter, Jan. 26, 1768. " Paul, Jan. 26, 1768. " Gardner, March 5, 1770. " Mary, Dec. 6, 1773. " Moses, of Abijah and Sarah, Oct. 12, 1755. " Slbbel, June 9, 1759. " Amarlah, April 3, 1762. " Anne, of Eenjamin and AUce, June 25, 1760. " Luke, Aug. 15, 1761. « Amelia, Feb. 4, 1763. " Rowland, April 21, 1764. " Benjamin, . Dec. 5, 1765. " Sarah, Jan. 2, 1767. " Rowland, 2d, June 25, 1769. Note— Elaest born Charlestown. " Trephenla, of Jonathan and EUzabeth, April 29, 1761. " Lyman, Oct. 15, 1762. Elizabeth, May 7, 1764. " Huldali, Feb. 13, 1766. Saberry, April 15, 1768. Note— Eldest born South Kingstown, third Charlestown. Peter, of Joshua and AbigaU, Joseph, Betty, Clement, WUliam, Martin Luther, James, Sejrt. 20, 1763. Lydia, of James and Hannah, James, Fanny, Theodoty, WiUiam, Nathaniel C, Paul, Eunice, of Ezekiel and Mary, SUas, of Thomas and Ruth, Grace, Rogers, Esther,Ruth,Lydia, Ezekiel, Desire, Aug. 1, 1763. Nov. 18, 1765. March 1, 1768. May 7, 1770. March 4, 1773. March 28, 1776. July 10, 1783. July 12, 1789. May 4, 1791. March 29, 1795. Jan. 25, 1797. March 31, 1798. Nov. 2. 1802. Jan. 16, 1767. March 3, 1768. Dec. 7, 1769. March 24, 1772. Aug. 17, 1775. Feb. 28, Sept. 1: Sept. 7, Nov. 9 1778.1781.1783.1786. Note!— First born Westerly, next four Hopkinton ; the young est at iNew London. Samuel Clarke, nat. son of Samuel CrandaU, Jr., and Isabel Lost, June 8, 1768. Elizabeth, of James and EUzabeth, Aug. 8, 1769. 96 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-111 CRANDALL Mary, of James and Elizabeth, 3-111 " OUver, Note— Eldest born Charlestown. 3-134 " Tacy, of Ellas and Sarah, 3-134 " Esther, 3-134 " Ellas, 3-134 " Mary, 3-134 " George, 3-134 " Sarah, 3-111 " Eunice, of Elijah and Eunice, 3-111 " Russell, 3-111 " Mary, 3-130 " Prudence, of Benjamin and Alice, 3-133 " Damarias, of James and Elizabeth, 3-133 " Nancy, 3-133 " Fanny, Note— Eldest born Charlestown. 3-3 60 " Pardon, of Christopher and Tacy, 3-160 " Prudence, 3-133 " Charlotte, of Lewis and Betblah, 3-133 " Joshua, 3-133 « Lodowick, 3-133 " Lewis, 3-133 '• Ehoda, 3-133 " Jolm Bradley, 3-133 " Russell Smith, 3-133 " Dudley, 4-95 " Anna, of Jolm, and Anna, 495 " John, 4-95 " Dorcas, 4-95 " Gardiner, 4-95 " Jeremiah, 4-95 " Hannah, 4-95 " Joshua, 4-95 " Charles, 4-95 " Daniel, 4-95 " John, son of^above, named Dorcas, 4-22 " Enock, of Enock and Mary, 4-22 " Hannah, 4-22 " Bathsheba, 3-140 " Elizabeth, of Joseph and Mary, born 3-159 " Oarke, of Clarke, and Hannah, 3-15") « James, 3-159 " Ephraim, 3-159 " Joseph, 3-159 « Benjamin, 3-159 " Hannah, 3-159 " Peter, 3-159 " Hoxsie, 5-150 " Lydia, of Henry and Elizabeth, 3-55 " Nathan, of Joshua and AbigaU, 3-162 " James Kenyon, of EUjah and Mercy, 3-162 " Catherine, Note— 1st born Charlestown; 2d 3-172 " Hannah, of Benedick and Lucy, 3-172 " John Dodge, 3-172 « Amey, 3-172 " Tacy, 3-150 " WlUiam, of Henry and Mary, 3-150 " Betsey 3-150 " Hannah, 3-150 « Henry, 3-150 " Timothy,, Note— YouDgest born Petersbmy. 3-124 " Alexander, of Jonathan and Elizabeth, Aug ¦ 3, 1771- Sept. 30, 1773. Nov. 30, 1769. Nov. 22, 1772 Sept. 11, 1773. March 4, 1777.. Dec. 12, 1778.'. Sept. 18, 1781. July 14, 1770. July 14, 1772. Oct. 29, 1774. July 10, 1771. July t 26? 1776.- Sept. 4, 1778. Sept. 4, 1778. Jan. 8, 1778.. Oct. 29, 1779. March U, 1778. Aug. 8, 1781.- Oct. 23, 1790. Oct. 24, 1769. Sept. 1, 1771. Jan. 23, 1773. Feb. 15, 1775. April 11, 1776j April 26, 1773. May 3, 1780. Aug. 23, 1782. March , 6 1786. June < % 1788. . Sept. 23, 1790. .Nov. 31, 1793. Feb. 3, 1797. July 16, 1799. June 15, 1809. July 7, 1778. June 16, 1780. May ' 3, 1782. at Hopkinton, Oct. 15, 1778. Jan. 15, 1779. Sept, . 3, 1730. Sept 1, 3.782. March 23, 1785. Oct. 17, 17S7. June 27. 1790. June ¦ 3, 1792. Jan, 23, 1796. March 8, 1779. July 20, 1779. April 30, 1780. May 6, 1784. . Westerly. Sept 22, 1781. Sept. 13, 1783. Sept. 10, 1785. Sept • 3, 1787. Dec. 28, 1782. Dec. 24, 1785. Nov. 26, 1787. Feb. 18, 1790. Sept . 7, 1795. N. Y. Jan. 7, 1783. WESTERLY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 97 3-d24 CRANDALL Barton, of Jonathan and EUzabeth, Jan. 30, 1781. 3-124 « Jonathan, AprU 3, 1770. 3-124 cc Wellsb Feb, 16j 1772. 3-124 II Daniel Eoss, April 12, 1774. 3-124 cc FaUej, May 2, 1776. 4-8 cc Elizabeth, of EUas and Sarah, Aug. 7, 1784. 4-8 cc Ehoda, March 15, 1786. 4-14 " Eunice, of Eldredge ana Mary, July 8, 1785. 4-14 cc WilUam, Note— Both born in Charlestown. March 6, 1787. 4-9 cc Daniel, of Peter ana Nancy, Dec. 23, 1786. 4-9 cc Luke, Dec 21, 1788. 4-9 cc Greene, March 23, 1791. 4-19 cc Susannah, of Arnold and Dinah, July 21, 1788. 4-19 cc Deborah, Oct. 1, 1790. 4-19 cc WUliam Gorton, Oct. 1, 1790. 4-19 cc Erastus, Oct. 14, 1793. 4-25 it Ehoda, of Barney and Hannah, Jan. 25, 1788. 4-25 it WUUam, Sept. 25, 1790. 4-25 11 EUery, April 7, 1791. 4-25 CI Amos CoUins, Nov. 9, 1793. 4-25 cc Henry, Note— Second born Richmond. Dec. 5, 1794. 4-34 tl Molly, of Benedick and Lucy, May 9, 1789. 4-34 It Judeth, July 22, 1791. 4-34 It Gardner, Dec. 7, 1793. 4-26 tt Maxson, of Joseph and Molly, Sept. 17. 1789. 4-26 it Betsey, July 3, 1791. 4-28 .. Paul, of Paul and Prudence, Dec. 26, 1790. 4-28 " Abigail, AprU 13, 1791. 4-28 tt AbigaU, (Ued Dec. 25, 1792. 4-28 cc Thomas Baster, Aug. 7. 1795. 4-28 cc Acors Rathbone, Dec. 15. 1797. 4-28 cc Gardner, Dec 3. 1799. 4-2S cc Gardner, aiea Dec. 11, 1799. 4-28 cc John, March 10, 1801. 4-28 cc WilUam Clarke, July 14, 1803. 4-44 cc Joseph Davis, of Clement and Susannah, born at Charlestown, Oct. 13, 1791. 4-71 cc SUas, of Stennett and Caty, March 16, 3793. 4-118 cc Sophronia, of Joseph and Nancy, Jan. 9, 1797. 4-118 cc Hannah, Jan. 10, 1799. 4-172 cc WiUiam Hazard, of Joel and Ruth, Feb. 21, 1798. 4-172 cc Harry, Aug. • 30, 1800. 4-172 " John, Aug. 2, 1S03. 4-172 cc Joseph, March 15, 1806. 4-172 cc Hannah, May 10, 1809. 4-172 cc Amos, Feb. 29, 18.12. 3-133 cc Dudley, of Rhoda (dau. of Lewis ana Bethiah), July 29, 3.798. 4-125 a Jaros, of Rogers ana Lucy, Jan. 17, 1799. 4-125 a Susannah, Sept. 5, 1801. 5-38 cc Charles, of WUUam and Catharine, May 13, 1816. 538 cc Hannah G., July 6, 1818. 5-38 " Mary Ann, April 11, 1821. 5-38 cc Warren G., Dec. 2, 1823'. 5-38 cc John N., Oct". 3, 1826. 5-38 cc Clarissa Catherine, Sept. 11. 1828. 5-8 cc Anna, of Charles aud Lydia, Feb. 4, 1S28. 5-8 cc Sally IMaria, Feb. 16, 1329. 381 C-RAEY Lucy, of Oliver and HopestUl, March 1, 1703. 3-81 it Oliver, July 29, 3 771. 2 70 CROSS Samuel, May 7, 1724. 2-70 cc Joseph, Dec. 2, 1727. 2-70 cc John, July 31, 1729. 2-70 cc William, June 3, 1730. 98 VITAL EECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-70 CBOSS Mary, March 24, 1732. 2-70 " Susannah, Dec. 6, 1734. 2-70 " Edward, May 23, 1735. 4-13 9 " Dorcas, of John and Mary, 4-139 " EUzabeth, 4-119 " George Delwin, 4-119 " Susannah, 4-319 " Mary, 4-119 " Sarah Alexander, 4-119 " James Madison, 5-26 " John Hobert, of George D. and Abby 5-26 " George Dlllwyn, 5-26 " Abby Jane, 5-26 " James, 5-26 " Sally Babcock, 5-26 " SaUy Babcock, 5-26 " Benjamin Franklin, 5-26 " WUUam Henry, 5-26 " Samuel Hazard, 5-26 " Harriet Babcock, 5-26 " Anna Hobert, 5-26 « Calvin Eichard, 5-26 " Clara Hobert, 2-70 CEUMB Elizabeth, of Joseph and Amey, 2-70 " Joseph, 2-120 " Samuel, of WUUam and Hannah, 2-70 " Daniel, 3-44 " Elizabeth, of Joseph and Amey, 3-44 " Joseph, 3-44 " Samuel, 3-44 " Wait, 3-44 " Amey, 3-44 " WilUam, 3-44 " David, 3-44 " Sylvester, 3-99 " Amey, of Joseph, Jr., and Hannah, 3-99 " Joseph. 3-99 " Samuel, 3-124 " Denlson, of David ana Haimah, 3-124 " Eebecca, 3-147 " David, 3-147 " Hannah, 4-26 " Sylvester, of Sylvester ana Grace, 4-26 " WlUiam, 4-26 " Elizabeth. 4-26 " Joel, 4-26 " Culver, 4-26 " Hantoah, 4-26 " iSands NUes, 4-26 " John, 4-26 " Waite, 4-59 " Nancy, of Simeon and Harriet, 4-59 " Fanny, 4-59 " Else, 4-59 " Simeon, 4-59 ." Ehoda, 4-59 " Prudence, 4-59 " Betsey, 4-59 " Phenias, 4-59 " Charles, 4-59 " Eowland, 4-59 " George Washington, June 26, 1791. Dec 3, 1795. Jan. 24, 1799. April 26 1801. AprU 26, 1803. Aug. 2, 1805. March 5, 1809. Aug. 31, 1821. Jan. 17, 1823. Nov. 8, 1824. Oct. 22, 1826. Sept. 5, 1828. died, Jan. 29, 1831. March 3, 1831. April 21, 1833. May 22, 1835. Jan. 8, 1838. Nov. 11, 1340. May 31, 1843. Dec 32, 1845. Dec. 27, 1734-5. Sept. 22, 1737. Nov. 9, 1740. Aug. 19, 1737 Dec. 27, 1734. Sept. 20, 1738. Aug. 22, 1740- July 6, 1742. July 6, 1745. Aug. 31, 1747. July 18, 1749. Feb. 23, 1751. March 30, 1765. Feb. 10, 1768. March 14, 1769. March 31, 1772. Aug. 27, 1777. Oct. 19, 1773. Nov. 21, 1775. Oct. 18, 1779. April 21, 1782. July 23, 1784. Oct. 7, 1786. Dec 8, 1788. April 14, 1791. July 18, 1793. May 1, 1795. Oct. 29, 1797. Sept. 15, 1783. Dec. 25, 1784. Aug. 24, 1786. March 22, 1788. April 11, 1790. Feb. 25, 1792. April 13, 1795. Feb. 15, 1797. Nov. 12, 1798. Oct. 1, 1800. June 11, 1803. WESTEELY BIETHS AND DEATHS. 99 D '2-98 DAKE Mary, of George and Su annah, 2-98 " John, 2-98 " Elizabeth, 2-85 DAEBY WUliam, nf WUliam and Lydia (also 2-114), :2-113 DAVIS Jolm, of John and EUzabeth, :2-100 " Elizabeth, 2-100 " WiUiam, 2-100 " Martha, 2-100 " John. 2-100 " Joseph, 2-100 " Anna, 2-100 " Judeth, 2-79 " Martha, of WiUlam and Experience, 2-79 " WUUam, 2-79 " Joseph, 2-79 " Mary, 2-79 " Nathan, 2-79 " Thankful, 2-79 " Desire, 2-79 " WiUiam, died Sept. 30, 1740. 3-118 " Sarah, of WUliam (of Peter) and Sarah, "3-118 « Mary, 3-118 " WUUam, 3-118 " Peter, 3-118 " James, • 3-118 " Martha, 3-118 " Nicholas, 3-118 " Aaron, ' 3-118 « Hannah, 3-3.8 " Martha, of Joseph and Comfort, 3-3 3 " Samuel, 3-29 " Anna, of Joseph and , 3-29 <¦ Henry, of Joseph and Mary, 2d wife, : 3-122 " Henry, of Joseph (of WUUam) ana Mary, 23 3-122 " Lucnetia, 3-122 " Mary, 3-122 " Joseph, ' 3-122 " Lucy, 3-122 " Ephraim, 3-122 " Lydia, 3-122 " Amey, ; 3-122 " Clarke, 3-79 " NUes, nf Nathan ana Tabitha, 3-79 . " WUUam, 3-117 " George, of William (of John) and Anna, 3-117 " Joshua, 3-317 " WUliam, 4-50 " Elizabeth, of James and Elizabeth, 4-50 " Anne, 4-50 " Content, 4-50 " Mary, 4-50 " ArmeUa, 4-50 " James, 4-50 " Sarah, 4-59 " Lydia, 4-50 " WilUam, 4-50 " John Chapman, 4-50 " Hannah, 4-50 " AbigaU, 3-3 68 " Maiy, of Martha (also 4-90), 4-90 " Martha, March 4, 1787. 4-84 " PoUy Griffith, alias, of Mary, 3-36 " , of John and Hannah, Jan. 17, 1721. Feb. 22, 1724. AprU 15, 1727. March 4, 1736-7. May 5. 1696. April 17. 1717. May 15. 1719. Aug. 14, 1721. Sept. 18, 1723. Sept. 24, 1726. Jan. 23. 1728-9. April 7, 1731. May 13. 1721. Jan. 25, 3,722-3. May 28, 1726. April 29, 1732. April 24, 1736. March 6, 1738-9. May 30, 1741. Feb. 6, 1743. April 14, 3745. Feb. 20, 1747. Nov. 9, 1749. May 19, 1752. March 20, 1754. Jan. 30, 3 756. March 6, 1759. July 31, 1762. May 25, 1746. Feb. 28, 1747-8. Aug. 7, 1750. Oct. 15, 1754. Wife, Oct. 15„ 1754. Sept. 20, 1756. Aug. 21, 1758. Aug. 27, 1760. Nov. 7, 1763. Sept. 12, 1765. June 7, 1767. March 6, 1769. Feb. 23, 1771. Nov. 12, 1757. Dec 13, 1759. Jan. 20, 1769. March 6„ 1770. Oct. 21, 1771. Nov. 8, 1775. Nov. 8, 1775. July 18, 1777. May 25, 1781. Oct. 11, 1782. Aug. 16, 1784. Jan. 23, 1787. Sept. 27, 1788. Aug. 2, 3790. May 2, 1793. July 20, 1795. Feb. 25, 1802. Nov. 19, 1779. March 7, 1798. June 18, 1747. 100 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-36 DAVIS Christopher, of John and Hannah, Aug. 21, 1749. 3-36 cc John, Aug. 16, 1752. 3-36 cc Joseph, Nov. 27, 1753. 3-36 cc Benjamin, Nov. 27, 1753. 2-119 DENISON Sarah, of Daniel and Mary, Jan. 18, 1709-10. 2-119 " Samuel, Oct. 23, 1711. 5-34 DERBY Horace Babcock, of Levi Lothrop and Esther, Sept. 19, 1840. 5-34 it Harriet Elizabeth, June 8, 1342. 5-34 if WUliam Blanchard, May 11, 1844. 4-114 " Jesse, of Tristam and Martha, Aug. 3, 1783. 4-114 tt Amos, July 14, 1785. 4-114 tt Hezekiah, July 9, 1787: 4-114 it Martha, March 19, 1789. 4-114 CC Nabby, Jan. 3, 1791. 4-114 " Tristam, Nov. 14, 1793. 4-114 " Sylvester, Jan. 7, 1795. 4-114 " Susannah, Sept. 7, 1796. 4-314 " Margaret, May 30, 1301. 4-114 tt Henry, Note — Two youngest born Stonington. March 30, 1804. 2-107 DODGF, John, of John and Elizabeth, Aug. 24, 1711. 2-107 " Mary, March 12, 1713. 2-107 " Elizabeth, Dec. 18, 1714. 2-107 cc Amey, Feb. 20, 1717. 2-107 " Joseph, June 29, 1719. 2-107 " Waiter, Aug. 23, 1721. 2-107 " Catherine, Aug. 16, 1723. 2-107 cc OUver, April 20, 1726. 3-110 " Lydia, of Oliver and Mary, Jan. 22, 1768. 3-17 5 cc Susanna, of Joseph, Jr., and Lucretla, Feb. 14, 1779; 3-175 John, Note — First born Westerly, 2d, Stonington. Dec. 16, 1780; 1-173 DOYLE WUUam, of WiUiam and Elizabeth, Aug. 2, 1698.. 2-123 " Joseph, of WUUam and Eleanor, Sept. 19, 1718. 3-74 CC WUliam, of BhiUp and Sarah, July 2, 1755. 3-74 " . Philip, June 14, 1757. 3-74 " J^rudence, Aug. 1, 1759: 3-74 CC Barbara, March 25, 1762. 3-74 " Ezekiel, May 2, 1765.. 3-157 CI WiUlam, of WUliam and .Elizabeth, June 9, 1779. 3-157 " PhlUp, March 3.3, 17S3 . 3-157 CI Hannah, Aug. 21, 1783. 3-157 " James, Sept. 5, 1785. 3-157 " Lydia, Dec 27, 1787- 3-93 Ezekiel, of Ezekiel (supposed dead) and Desire, both Stonington,. May 17, 3.785. 3-31 DUNBAR John, of John and Anstrus, Aug. 18, 1759. 3-31 " Thomas, May 20, 1764. 3-31 AbigaU, Note— Eldest bom Lyme, Conn. Jan. 28, 1766.. 4-15 cc Anstress, of Thomas and Eunice, Oct. 6, 1786. 4-15 Thomas, Nov. 8, 1788. 4-15 CC Sally Freebody, Nov. 9, 1790. 4-15 " Nathan Barber, Nov. 20, 1796. 4-15 " John, May 30, 1794. 4-15 CC WlUiam Champlain, Sept. 20, 1798. 4^15 " Eunice, Oct. 3, 1800. 4-15 cc Oliver Champlain, Dec 27, 1807. 2-316 EDWARDS Sarah, of Thomas and Josepha, 2-116 " Daniel, ; 2-74 " Phebe, of Christopher and Phebe, Jan. 24, 1720-1. March 15, 1722-3. July 18, 1737. WESTERLY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 101 2-74 EDWARDS Peleg, of Christopher and Phebe, 2-74 " Paine, 2-74 " Patience, 2-74 " Phineas, 2-74 " Prudence, 2-74 " Perry, 3-38 " Leah, of Thomas and Garthrot, 3-38 " Garthrot, 3-38 " Thomas, 3-38 « Paul, 3-38 " Silas, 3-147 " Mary, of Thomas and Mary, 8-147 " Thomas, 3-147 " Sarah, 3-147 " Anna, 3-147 " Silas, 3-147 " Greenman, 3-147 " Daniel, 3-155 " Paul, of Paul and Rachel, 3-155 " Thomas, 3-155 " Jonathan, Note— Eldest born Westerly, others 4-133 " Patty, of Clarke and Catherine, 4-133 " PoUy, 4-133 " Clarke, 4-133 " Daniel, , 4-133 " Daniel, 4-133 " Maxision, 4-133 " Thomas, 4-133 " Benjamin, 4-133 " John, 4-133 " Hannah, 4-133 " Caty, 4-39 " Hannah, of Paul and Rachel, 4-39 " Sarah, 4-39 " Hazard, 4-39 " Patience, 2-58 ELDEETON Joseph, of Eoger and Lydia, 2-58 " Eobert, 2-58 " Bridget, 2-58 " Mary, 2-58 " Anna, ¦ 2-58 " Sarah, 2-58 " Lydia, 2-58 " Joseph, 2d, 4-191 ELLIS Mary Ann, of Samuel and Mary, 2-92 ENOS Joseph, of Joseph and Margaret, 2-92 " Mercy, 2-92 " Benjamin, 2-92 " Margaret, 2-92 " Benjamin, 2-92 " Hannah, Sept. 3, 1741.. Feb. 3, 1743-4. May 16, 1746. Oct. 17, 1749. AprU 4, 1752. Dec 3, 1755. Feb. 26, 1743. June 18, 1745. Oct. L2, 1747. March 4, 1749. July 6, 1752. Sept. 1, 1775. Dec. 29, 1777. June 15, 1780. April 1, 1783. Feb. 10, 1786. Nov. 15, 1789. Aug. 23, 1792. Jan. 9, 1781. March 25, 1782. March 25, 1782. Westerly. Feb. 11, -"-733. June 3, 1733. March 20, 1785. March 4, 1787., died April — , 1791. Sept. 7, 1789. Aug. 22, 1791. Sept 18, 1793. May 25, 1796. July 25, 1798. Sept. 29, 1801. Nov. 6, 1783. Aug. 26, 1786. Sept. 6, 1788. May 30, 1790. Jan. 6, 1723. March 12, 1724. March 27, 1726. April 10, 1728.. Nov. 5, -1730. Jan. 8, 1732. Dec. 10, 1736. Jan. 10, 1744-5. June 20, 1803. June 10, 1718. Nov. 1, 1720. Oct. 25, 1725. May 27, 1729. Feb. 26, 1733. AprU 7, 1736. 2-82 FOSTEE Card of John and Marjory, 2-82 cc Mary, 2-82 cc John, 2-S2 " Hannah, 2-82 cc Christopher, 3-36 cc Gideon, 3-36 " John, 4-120 cc Sally, of Thomas and Naoby, 4-120 cc Thomas, AprU 17, 1725. AprU 20, 1726. Sept. 10, 1727. May 19, 1729. July 5, 1731. Sept. 11, 1734. Feb. 25, 1746. Jan. 30, 1794. Oct. 17, 1797. 102 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-92 FOWLER Damarias, of John and Hannah, June 8, 1793 4-92 " SaUy, Dec. 27, 1794 4-92 " Harriet, Jan. 10, 1797 4-92 " Fanny, Aug. 28, 1798 4-92 " Mary Ann, Aug. 1, 1801 4-92- " OUver Hull, AprU 6, 1803 4-92 cc Powell Helme, June 25, 1805 4-92 cc Emeline, Note— Eldest born Stonington. Nov. 1, 1808 3-109 FRAZIER Nathaniel, of Gideon and Mercy, Jan. 24, 1768 3-109 " Gideon, Oct. 25, 1773 3-109 cc Anne, Dec. 23, 1775 3-159 " Elizabeth, 'Sept. 7, 1778 3-159 " Gideon', Oct. 20, 1782 3-159 " Thomas, April 30, 1784 4-12 " Mercy; of George ana Elizabeth, Dec. 8, 1785. 4-12 cc Mercy, died Dec. 13, 1785 4-12 cc Judeth, June 6, 1787 4-12 " WilUam Greene, Dec. 9, 1788 4-12 cc Joseph, July 26, 1790 4-12 " John Greene, April 14, 1792 4-12 " Thomas, March 8, 1794 4-145 cc Nathaniel Warren Gibbs, of Nathaniel and Ruth, July 17, 1800 4-145 cc Fanny Hoxsie, July 19, 1801 4-145 cc WUUam Robinson, Nov. 7, 1803 4-145 cc Gideon WeUs, March 8, 1806 4-145 tl Charies Greene, Feb. 25, 1809. 2-98 FRENCH John, of WUUam and Prudence, Nov. 15, 1739. 2-98 cc Prudence, June 7, 1743 4-228 FRINK MarshaU, of MarshaU and Betsey, July 15, 1806. 4-228 cc Mary, June 29, 1808 4-228 cc Peleg, July 4, 1810. 4-229 FULLER Sarah W., of Llndall A. and Sarah, July 8, 1807. Q 3-67 GARDINER Benalah, of Thomas and Martha, March 8, 1754. 3-67 " AbigaU, April 29, 1756. 3-67 ' Thomas, Note— Eldest born South Kingstown. Aug. 27, 1758. 2-84 GAVITT Elijah, of Ezekiel, May 28, 1734. 2-84 ' John, July 13, 1736. 2-84 ' William, Nov. 11, 1737. 2-84 ' Amey, Dec. 1, 1739. 2-84 ' Ezekiel, June 15, 1741. 2-84 ' Hannah, March 8, 1742-3. 2-84 ' Lucy, Dec. 5, 1744. 2-84 Elijah, Jan. 6, 1746-7. 2-84 ' ichabod, Oct. 30, 1750. 3-57 ' Oliver, of Samuel and Mary, Feb. 11, 1738. 3-57 ' Susannah, June 14, 1741. 3-57 ' Samuel, Sept. 8, 1743. 3-57 ' Edward, May 6, 1747. 3-57 ' Hannah, Aug. 17, 1751. 3-57 ' Eunice, Aug. 3, 1753. 3-57 Vashut, Sept. 4, 1755. 3-73 ' John, of Joseph and Thankful, July 13, 1744. 3-73 ' Marjory, Sept. 4, 1746. 3-73 ' Joseph, May 13, 1749. 3-73 PhaUey, May 13, 1752. 3-73 ' Sanford, June 28, 1760. 3-73 ' Samuel, March 29, 1763. 3-73 ' Mary, Jan. 1, 1768. 3-61 ' Maiy, of Stephen and Mary, Aug. 14, 1744. WESTERLY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 103 4-11 GAVITT George, of Stephen, Nov. 21, 1745. 4-11 " George of George and Abigail, April 16, 1773. 4-3 L " Thomas, Feb. 26, 1775, 4-11 " Ephraim, Oct. 22, 1777. 4-11 " AbigaU, July 10, 1780, 4-11 " Asa, March 29, 1782. 4-11 " Arnold Saunders, Nov. 16, 1784, 4-11 " Mary, March 16, 1787. 3-143 cc Thankfru, of Stephen and Mary, Oct. 15, 1754. 3-84 " Anna, of WUUam and Anna, Dec 29, 3 761. 3-84 " John, Feb. 19, 1764. 3-84 " WUliam, April 2, 1766. 3-110 " Amey, of Ezekiel and Mary, July 27, 1764. 3-110 cc George, Oct. 28, 1766. 3-129 " Oliver, of Samuel and Ruth, Dec 23, 1766. 3-129 cc Daniel Pearce, Oct. 20, 1768. 3-129 cc Mary, Aug. 2, 1770. 3-129 " Esther, Feb. 26, 1772. 3-118 cc Joseph, of OUver and Marjory, Jan. 26, 1771. 3-118 " Benjamin, July 10, 1772. 3-118 cc Ezekiel, June 26, 1775. 3-118 cc Thankful, Feb. 25, 1781. 3-118 cc Mary, ¦* Oct. 18, 1787. 3-138 cc Elizabeth, of Stephen ana Mercy, Aug. 27, 1775. 3-138 cc Martha, Feb. 13, 1778. 4-186 cc Keturah, of John and Desire, Dec. 8, 1778. 4-186 cc Joseph, Jan. 10, 1781. 4-186 cc Samuel, March 19, 1784. 4-186 cc Thankful, Jan. 21, 1787. 4-186 cc Benjah, June 30, 1791. 4-186 cc Polly, May 7, 1795. 4-186 cc Daniel Lee, Note— Three youngest born Charlestown. Aug. 4, 1799. 3-171 " Sarah, of Joseph and Sarah, 2d wife, Nov. 20, 1781. 3-171 cc Thankful, July 3, 1785. 4-43 " Lois, of Sylvester and Sarah, Nov. 8, 1783. 4-24 " Mary, of Eunice, June 27, 1787. 4-65 " Samuel, of Sanford and Hannah, Oct. 1, 1787. 4-65 cc Sexton Berry, Oct. 1, 1789. 4-65 cc John, Dec. 1, 1791. 4-65 " Joseph, March 4, 1794. 4-65 II Susannah, June 9, 1797. 4-65 " Hannah, Jan. 5, 1800. 4-65 It Sanford, Aug. 11, 1802. 4-65 II Saunders, Jan. 20, 1804. 4-231 " Stephen, of Stephen, Jr., and Mary, Feb. 5, 1790. 4-43 cc Keturali, of Sylvester and Keturah, Sept. 15. 1791. 4-43 CI Sarah, Sept. 3, 1793. 4-43 cc Rhoda, March 28, 1795. 4-43 (I Sylvester, AprU 3, 1797. 4-43 cc Charles Pendleton, Dec. 17, 1798 4-43 cc WiUiam Pendleton, Feb. 19, 1803. 4-43 It Isaac Pendleton, May 9, 1805. 4-101 It Lucy, of George and Lucy, July 7, 1796. 4-101 " Beley, Dec. 7, 1798 4-101 cc Isaac BUven, AprU 24, 1801, 4-101 cc Abby, Feb. 11, 1803. 4-101 cc John BUven, Feb. 9, 18106. 4-101 cc George Washington, ' Feb. 9, 1806. 4-101 cc Fiank, March 12, 1808. 4-101 cc Arnold, May 17, 1810. 4-104 cc Mary Hix, July 3 8, 1812. 4-204 cc Daniel, of Ephraim and Sally, March 3, 1804. 4-2104 cc Sally, Dec. 24, 1805. 4-204 cc Edwin, July 23, 1808. 104 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-204 GAVITT Mary Ann, of Ephraim ana SaUy, AprU 9, 1810. 4-204 cc Abby, June 23, 1812. 4-204 cc Martha Rhodes. Note.— Second born Norwich. Conn. Sept. 21, 1814. 4-211 cc Lydia, of Ezekiel and Hannah. June 30. 1806. 4-211 " Joseph. Aug. 7, 1808. 4-221 " Albert, of Samuel and Rebecca. Feb. 14. 1807. 4-244 " John Emory, of Joseph and Thankful, May 11, 1811. 4-244 cc Francis. May 11. 1811. 4-244 c. WUUam Sidney. Note.— 'Youngest born Charlestown. AprU — , 1813. 5-28 cc Isaac P.. of Isaac and Phebe Ann, Dec 1, 1827. 5-28 cc Sylvester. Feb. 27, 1830. 5-28 It Phebe Ann, March 1. 1832. 5-28 it Amos. Oct. 16. 1837. 3-40 GORTON Grant, of Samuel and Mercy, April 5, 1753. 3-40 u Mary. Sept. 27. 1755. Note.— First born Groton, Conn. ; i second, Richmond. 2-94 GREENELL Susannah, of Daniel and Jane, July 29, 1728. 2-94 cc Susannah, , died, June 17, 1733. 2-94 tt George, March 2, 1731-2. 2-94 CC Susannah, Dec. 25, 1733. 2-94 " Jane, May 30, 1736. 2-96 GREENMAN Catherine, of Silas and Eunice, AprU 22, 1738. 2-96 cc AbigaU, April 15, 1740. 2-96 cc Anna, Jan. 30, 1741-2. 2-96 cc EUzabeth, Nov. 5, 1744. 3-41 cc Rhahama, of Nathan and Eunice, March 23, 1767. 3-41 cc Nathan, Oct. 12, 1774. 3-41 cc Ethan, May 22, 1776. 3-155 cc Luke. Oct. 18, 1779. 4-94 cc Sarah, of SUas and Polly, Oct. 22, 1794. 4-94 cc Silas, Nov. 26, 1796. 4-94 cc Polly, Dec. 1, 1798. 4-94 cc Lucy, Jan. 25, 1800. 4-94 cc Lucy, d. March 2, 1803. 4-94 IC Caty, June 11, 1803. 2-85 GREENE Sarah, of Benjamin and Eleanor, Feb. 28, 1714-5. 2-85 cc HumUlty, Feb. 6, 1716. 2-85 " Eleanor, March 2, 1718. 2-85 CC Benjamin, March 2, 1720. 2-85 It Matthew, March 13, 1722. 2-85 tt Amey, Jan. 7, 1727. 2-85 tt Caleb, March 21, 1729. 2-85 CC Joseph, June 23, 1731. 3-80 cc Margaret, of William and Judeth, Aug. 14, 1759. 3-80 ct WUliam Rathbone, Dec 22, 1761. 3-80 cc Elizabeth, Feb. 4, 1764. 3-80 It Benjamin, Dec. 14, 1765. 3-80 CC Pardon, AprU 24, 1769. 3-80 tt Judeth, of William and Sarah, 2d wife, Nov. 23, 1774. 3-80 cc Margaret, July 5, 1776. 3-80 cc Sarah, Oct. 17, 1777. 3-21 cc Charles, of Joseph and Margaret, June 14, 1749. 3-23 cc Luke, Sept. 18, 1751. 3-21 IC John, Jan. 10, 1754. 3-21 tc Rhody, April 29, 1756. 3-21 cc Edward, March 20, 1760. 3-23 It Perry, ! Feb. 20, 1762. 3-21 It Joseph, Oct. 31, 1764. 3-21 II OUve, March 5, 1768. 4-3 II Lois, of Samuel and Lois, Jan. 22, 1771. 4-3 cc Betsey, May 25, 1774. 4-3 cc Bathsheba, Oct. 10, 1777. 4-3 cc Samuel, May 21, 1780. WESTERLY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 105 4-3 4-3 4-3' 43 4-40 4-40 4-40 4-40 4-40 4-404-40 4-40 4-404-40 4-200 4-200 4-200 4-200 4-200 4-200 4-200 4-2004-200 13-135 3-3 35 3-135 3-80 3-80 3-80 .3-169 3-169 3-169 ,3-169 3-1693-169 3-1693-169 : 3-169 4-178 4-178 4-178 4-178 4-178 4-178 4-178 4-1784-178 4-178 4-1784-178 4-21 4-21 4-28 4-28 •4-28 4-28 -4-28 4444-44 GREENE Margaret, of Samuel and Lois, Oct. 3, 1782. " Stephen, June 18, 1785. " Hannah, Sept. 24, 1788. " Ruth, AprU 5, 1791. Note— Three youngest born Voluntown, Conn. " Judeth, of William and Sarah, Nov. 23, 1774. " Margaret, July 5, 1776. " Sarah, Oct. 17, 1777. " Hannah, AprU 13, 1779. " EUsha Cheeseborough, Feb. 13, 1781. " John, June 31, 1782. " Nathaniel, March 3', 1784. " Prudence, Oct. 31, 1785. CoggeshaU, Aug. 29, 1787. " Thomas, Sept. 29, 1790. " Saunders, of Jolm and Prudence, March 15, 1776. Nathan, Nov. 9, 1777. « OUver Davis,' Jan. 15, 1780. " AbigaU, April 22, 1782. " Hannah, Oct. 15, 1784. " Rowland Thurston, • Oct. 23, 1786. " ' George Saunders, Sept. 15, 1788. " Alpheus Miner, July 27, 1790. " John, Oct. 28, 1792. Note— Hannah bora Charlestown, the next two Hopkinton, the two youngest Stonington. Hannah, of WUUam and Sarah, Nathaniel,Prudence, Elisha Cheeseborough, John, Coggeshall, Josias. of Jonathan and Anna, Jonathan, William, Tacy, Mary, Lucinda, Christopher, Christopher, Gardner, April 13, 1779. March 3, 3784. Oct. 31, 1785. Feb. 13, 1781. June 11, 1782. Aug. 29, 1787. Dec. 23. 3.780. Sept. 18, 1783. Sept. 18, 3.783. May 15, 1736. Aug. 11, 1789. July 8, 1792. June 1, 1795. diea March 16, 1798. March 27, 1797. WUUam Rathbone, of William B. ana Esther, Dec. 15, 1781. died May 13, 1782. Feb. 4, 1783. April 13, 1785. June 17, 1787. Feb. 22, 1790. Feb. 18, 1792. May 9, 1794. aied March 11, 1796. Jan. 11, 1798. June 13, 1800. AprU 12, 1803. WUliam Rathbone, Fogy, WUUam Eathbone, Paraon, Sally, Polly,Nancy, Nancy, Lucy, Fanny, Charles Kfeene, Note— 1st also recorded 3-180. Judeth, of Benjamin and Mary, June 3, 1787. Matila, born at Richmond, Dec. 4, 1790, died at Voluntown, Conn., July 18, 1790. (sic.) Pardon Clarke, of Pardon and Fanny, Jan. 1, 1790. Betsey, Nov. 8, 1791. William BUven, Feb. 9, 1794, Luther BUven, Aug. 29, 1796. Pardon died at Cooksocky, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1799. Note— 3d born Hopkinton; 4th Cooksocky, N. Y. Lydia, of Benjamin, and PoUy, April 21, 1791, Christopher, Feb. 1, 1794 106 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-44 GREENE OUve, of Benjamin and PoUy, 4-444-44 4-44 -140 Jan. 27, 1795.. Benjamin Barber, Nov. 5, 1797. Pardon, March 1, 1800.. Perry, Oct. 25. 1802. . Note— Three eldest born Voluntown, next two Richmond, youngest Hopldnton. Eichard, of John, and AbigaU, born in Exeter ; date not given. H 2-111 HALL Sarah, of James ana Sarah, Dec. 25, 1693. 2-111 " Jane, Aug. 29, 1695. 2-111 " Honor, Aug. 14, 1697. 2-111 EUah, Aug. 23, 1699. 2-111 " James, Sent. 17. 1701. 2-111 " Joseph, July 8, 1703. 2-111 " Mary, Nov. 10. 1705. 2-111 " Benjamin, Nov. 19. 1707. 2-111 " Amey, Sent. 26. 1709. 2-111 " Jonathan, Nov. 18, 1711. 2-83 " Benjamin, of James ana Rachel, April 17, 1722. 2-83 " David, Dec. 11. 1723. 2-83 " Anna, May 1. 1725. 2-83 " Timothy, Dec. 20, 1726. 2-83 " James, May 11, 1729. 2-83 " Amos, July 8, 1731. 4-15 " Amos, of David ana Judeth, Feb. 14, 1749. 4-15 " Eachel, June 8, 1750. 4-15 " Deborah, Oct. 27, 1752. 4-15 " Judeth, Oct. 20, 1754. 4-15 " Lydia, April 20, 1757. 4-15 " David, Sept. 20, 1759. 4-15 " Abigail, March 11, 1764. 4-15 " WUbur, July 21, 1766. 4-15 " Daniel, May 31, 1768. 4-15 " Nathan, Aug. 22, 1770. 4-15 " Benjamin, June 1, 1772. 4-15 " John White, Note— Youngest born Hopkinton. Oct. 4, 17, 3-107 " Elizabeth, of Theodoty and Elizabeth, May 3, 1749. 3-107 " Margaret, June 21, 1751. 3-107 " Theodoty, Aug. 23, 1754. 3-107 " Rihodes, March 23, 1757. 3-107 " Uhloe, July 1, 1759. 3-107 " . Rachel, July 26, 1762. 3-107 " Adam, April 3, 1766. 3-1W7 " Freegift, May 26, 1768. 4-135 " Thomas, of Isaac, born Westerly, Jan. 4, 1754. 4-135 " Eunice (Johnson, of Eeuben), his wUe, born Charlestown, May 20, 1754. 4-135 " Eunice, of Thomas and Eunice, Sept. 23, 1779. 4-135 " Anna, March 20, 1780. 4-135 " Barbara, Feb. 12, 1782. 4-135 Olive, May 20, 1785. 4-135 " Lydia, Jan. 17, 1787. 32 " Thomas, of Isaac and Ab'gall, Jan. 4, 1754. 3-2 " Natiian, March 7, 1776. 3-107 " Lucy, of Charies and Esther, March 27, 1755. 3-107 " Esther, Aug. 3, 1756. 3-107 " Charles, March 9, 1758. 3-107 '¦ Amey, April 14, 1760. 3-107 " Samuel, May 20, 1762. 3-107 •' Lebbens, Nov. 9, 1764. 3-107 " Penelope, March 12, 1768. WESTERLY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 107 3-107 HALL Dorcas, of Charles and Esther, Feb. 11, 1771. 3-107 " Acars Tosh, Oct. 23, 1773. 3-175 Joseph, of Joseph (dec. ), and Tamson, Nov. 19, 1759. 3-175 '; Lymin, Aug. 30, 1762. 3-175 Braddlck, AprU 7, 1767. 3-175 " Dennis, May 27 1770. 3-175 " Warren, Oct. 23, 1772. 3-175 " Merchant, May 6, 1775. 3-65 " ZUpah, of Hezekiah and Dorcas, Feb. 18, 1763. 3-65 " Amey, Feb. 6, 1767. 3-65 " Frances, Feb. 23, 1769. 3-65 " Deborah, Oct. 3, 1771. 3-168 " Susanna, Dec 4, 1774. 3-168 " Anne, Jan. 24, 1777. 3-168 " Hezekiah, April 1, 1779. 3-142 " Mary, of Theodoty and Mary, Jan. 24, 1777. 3-142 " Theodoty, May 2, 1779. 3-142 " Stanton, March 14, 1784. 4-38 " Eunice, of Thomas and Eunice, Sept. 23, 1778. 4-38 " Amey, March 20, 1780. 4-38 " Barbara, Feb. 12, 1783. 4-38 " Olive, May 17, 1785. 4-38 " Lydia, Note. — 2d born Charlestown. June 17, 1789. 3-166 " Weeden, of WUliam and Eachel, AprU 28, 1782. 3-173 " Varnum, of Theodoty and Mary, Sept. 21, 1786. 3-173 " Fi-eeglft, April 3, 1789. 3-173 " Peckham, Aug. 4, 1791. 3-173 " MHrgaret, Sept. 3, 1794. 4-85 " Eunice, of Capt. Lyman and Eunice, Dec 27, 1788. 4-85 " Joseph, June 6, 1790. 4-85 " Joseph, died July 15, 1790. 4-85 " Lyman, Sept. 7, 1791. 4-85 " Lyman, diea Oct. 8, 1791. 4-85 " Lyman, 2d, Sept. 18, 1792. 4-85 " John Pendleton, March 30 1794. 4-85 " Eunice, wUe of Lyman, Note— Eldest child also recorded 4-30. died March 31, 1794. 4-115 " Joseph, of Braddlck and Susannah, Dec. 15, 1791. 4-115 " Hezekiah, March 2, 1794. 4-315 " EUsha, April 23, 1797. 4-3.15 " Thomas, Feb. 2, 1799. 4-13 5 PoUy, Aug. 29, 180O. 4-115 " Polly, died APril 9, 1801. 4-115 " Susanna, Feb. 26, 1802. 4-115 " Tamson, July 13, 1805. 4-115 " AbigaU, Oct. 5, 1808. 4-115 " Hannah, Nov. 7. 1810. 4-115 " Nancy, Feb. 4, 1812. 4-206 " Daniel, of Benjamin and Huldah, June 21, 1798. 4-206 " Patty, Oct. 30, 1799. 4-206 " David, Nov. 29, 1801. 4-206 " Benjamin, Aug. 20, 1804. 4-206 " Judah Ann, Sept. 12, 1800. 4-3.15 " Palmer, of Lyman and phebe, Jan. 8, 1799. 4-315 " Palmer, died July 29, 1307. 4-115 " Phebe, Aug. 4, 1801. 4-315 " Elizabeth, May 11, 1803. 4-315 " Palmer, Nov. 11, 1810. 4-150 " Caty, of Theodoty and Caty, Feb. 8, 1800. 4-3 50 " Theodoty, April 13, 1802. 4-223 '¦' Varnum Saunders, of Varnum and Caty, Dec. ,10, 1807. 4-223 " Elizabeth, Nov. 20, 1809. 4-223 " ' Prudence, AprU 27, 1812. (Vit. Ree, Vol. 5.) 23 108 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-230 HALL Franctna, of Merchant and AbigaU, 4230 It Gordon, 4-230 " Mary Ann, 5-12 tt Susannah, of Hezekiah and Jane, 5-12 tt Elisha, - 5-12 it Charles, 5-15 " Eunice Ann, of John P. and Nancy, 5-15 a John Franklin!, 5-15 a Frances Maria, 2-110 HA9SELL Thankful, of Joseph and Rachel, 2-110 " Mercy, 2-110 u Sarah, 2-110 it Joseph, 2-110 it WiUlam, 2-110 tt James, 2-110 " Jemima, 3-116 HARDY Esther Babcock, of Sarah. Jr., 3-4 HAWK Ann, of John and Ann, 2-88 HAZELTON Barbara, of Jarvis and Barbara, 4-124 HERBERT Polly, of William and Lois, 4-124 a John, 2-77 u Dorothy, of WiUiam and Dorothy, 2-77 it WUUam, 2-77 " Samuel, 2-77 a EUzabeth, 2-77 ti Joshua, 3-23 it Matthew, of WilUam, Jr., and Eunice, 3,23 " Lucy, 3-23 a Anne, 3-23 " Marcy, 3-23 it Eunice, 3-23 it WUUam, Note.— Two youngest born Hopkinton 3-91 HEX Lydia of John aud Anne, 3-91 tt Anne, 3-91 tt John, 3-91 " Joseph, 1-173 HILL John, of John, 1-173 u Mary, •2-87, 97 " Ebenezer and Mercy, 2-87, 97 " Tacy, 2^87, 97 Jonathan, 2-87, 97 " John, 2-87, 97 David, 3-35 it Samuel, of Josiah and Mary, 3-35 n Josiah, 3-35 it John, 3-35 » Ebenezer, , 3-35 n Josiah, Sr., 2-52 n Josiah, of Ebenezer and Thankful. 2-52 it Josiah, 2-52 a Mary, 2-52 " Timothy, 2-52 " Josiah, 2-52 it Ebenezer, 2-73 HISCOX WUliam, of Thomas and Bethiah, 2-73 " Ephraim. 2-73 u Edith. 2-73 tt Mary. 2-73 a Thomas, 2-73 " Joseph. 2-73 tt Hannah. - 3-39 tt WiUiam, of WiUiam and Susannah, 3-39 " David, of WUliam and Content, 3-39 " Susannah, March 27, 1809. March 1, 1812, June 9. 1815. March 24. 1826. Oct. 2, 1827. May 20, 1829. AprU 23, 1828. Oct. 3, 1829. April 14, 1832. July 22, 1716. Feb. 4, 1718. Sept. 17, 1719. May 17, 1721. March 19, 1723. Feb. 4, 1726. Sept. 8, 1727. March 27, 1790. AprU 26, 1754. July 27, 1736. Aug. 23, 1797. Nov. 30, 1798. Feb. 14, 1726. Sept. 22, 1727. Jan. 14, 1730-1. AprU 29, 1734. Sept. 19, 1738. Aug. 31, 1752. May 19, 1754. April 4, 1756. March 30, 1758. Sept. 15, 1767. March 2, 1772. March 29, 1752. AprU 15, 1754. May 1, 1756. March 10, 1758. Oct. 3, 169—. Feb. 27, 1701-2. March 25, 1733-4. Dec. 17, 1727. AprU 25, 1730. Nov. 21, 1734. Nov. 18, 1736. Dec 11, 1712. Oct. 28, 1714. Nov. 10, 1717. April 8, 1719. died Jan. 27, 1754. May 25, 1745. died Nov. 13, 1745. Feb. 27, 1747. Jan. 28, 1749. Sept. 13, 1754. Jan. 15, 1757. May 31, 1705. June 2. 1707. Sept. 6, 1709. Julv 12. 1713. Mav 17. 1715. Anril 22. 1717. Jan. 22, 1719-20. July 13, 1731. Feb. 9, 1743. May 7, 1745. WESTERLY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 109 3-39 HISCOX Content, of WUUam ana Content, April 21, 1747. 3-39 [C Lucy, May 19, 1749. 3-27 a Joseph, of Joseph and Sarah, Jan. 1, 1739-440. 3-27 tt Simeon, April 28, 1742. 3-27 tl Thomas, March 16, 1744. 3-27 u Eunice, Nov. 9, 1747. 3-165 (( Joshua, of Thomas and EUzabeth, Sept. 30, 1755. 3-165 it Edward, May 9, 1760. 3-165 tl Hannah, AprU IS, 1763. 3-165 it Nancy, May 5, 1766. 3-165 (i Thomas, May 22, 17710. 3-42 It Clarke, of Joseph and Bathsheba, Oct. 14, 1760. 4-8 tt Waitey, of WiUlam, Jr., and Penlope, Oct. 25, 1762. 4-8 It WiUiam, May 12, 1764 4-8 It Gardiner, June 2, 1770. 3-148 it Ruth, of Nathan and Ruth, Oct. 12, 1765. 3-148 tl Catherine, Jan. 8, 1767. 3-148 it Nathan, March 23, 1769. 3-348 It AbigaU, June 15, 1772. 3-148 it George Saunders, May 22, 1778. 4-142 tt Amey, of Ephraim, Jr., and Mary, Feb. 26, 1774. 4-142 " Amey, died March 5, 1774. 4-142 tt AbigaU, Nov. 10, 1775. 4-142 a Mary, Nov. 10, 1775. 4-142 n Ephraim, AprU 7, 1778. 4-142 tt Amey, Dec. 19, 1780. 4-142 It Pardon, April 15, 1783. 4-142 it John, Jan. 31, 1786. 4-142 tl Sumner, May 11, 1789, 4-3 tt Sarah, of Clarke and Sarah, Nov. 3,. 1783. 4-3 a Sarah, died Oct. 30, 1788. 4-3 it Bathsheba, Sept. 3, 1785. 4-3 it Clarke, May 28, 1787. 4-3 it Arnold, AprU 11, 1789. 4-3 it ¦Sarah, April 14, 1792. 4-3 it Polly, June 5, 1794. 4-3 u John,, Aug. 16, 1796. 4-3 «t Joseph, June 16, 1799. 4-130 it Susan, of Thomas and Susanna, Sept. 1, 1798. 4-130 " Thomas Jefferson, April 25, 1801. 4-130 it Daniel Chase,i Oct. 17, 1805. 5-17 (( WlUiam B., of Ephraim and Hannah, Sept. 4, 1811. 5-17 tt Almira, May 30, 1814. 5-17 (( lra F., Sept. 14, 1816. 5-17 it Paid E., Oct. 17, 1823. 4-243 " Rowland, of Arnold and Nancy, Dec. 22„ 1810. 4-243 u John S., Note.— First bom Hopkinton. Oct. 2, 1813. 4-163 u 6usannoh (Lanphere), wife of Ephraim, died Feb. 4, 1810. 5-46 tt Charles Edward, of Edwaid T. and CaroUne, March 4„ 1846. 2-91 HOLWAY Benjamin, of Benjamin and Penelope, Dec. 30, 1714 2-91 (C Experience, July 4, 1716. 2-91 CI Experience, died Jan. 21, 1726. 2-91 (C Joseph, Feb. 10, 1717. 2-91 " Penelope, Jan. 12, 1719. 2-91 " WlUiam, Feb. 18, 1721. 2-91 (1 Samuel, AprU 3, 1723. 2-91 " Hannah, Dec. 7, 1724. 2-91 " Hannah, died Dec. 15, 1730. 3-115 HOWARD Henry, of Henry ana Thankful, Aug. 12, 1755. 3-115 " Robert, Feb. 3, 1759. 3-115 " Thankful, Oct. 5, 1761. 2-80 HOXSIE Martha, of Joseph ana Mary, AprU 13, 1729. 2-80 " Gideon, Dec. 14, 1729. 2-80 ,. Sarah, Sept. 14, 1731. 110 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-80 HOXSIE Joseph, of Joseph and Mary, May 8, 1733. 4-136 HUBBARD Amey, of James and Amey, Oct. 6, 1799. 4-136 u James, May 31, 1802. 2-86 HULL Sarah, of Joseph and Elizabeth, Sept. 8, 1732. 2-86 " Tmstam, May 28, 1734. 2-86 tt Hannah, May 13, 1736, 2-86 u EUzabeth, AprU 7, 1738. 3-132 U Thomas, of Thomas and Hannah, April 22, 1770. 3-132 ft Lydia, AprU 15, 1772.. 3-132 it Joseph , May 9, 1775. 3-132 u James,, Aug. 7, 1777. 3-132 " Martha, June 6, 1780. 3-132 II Benjamm, Oct. 19, 1782. 3-158 " Mary (so caUed), dau. of Rachel Saunders (single woman), Jan. 31, 1775, 4-72 it Thoma", of Thomas and Amey, June 21, 1792. I J 2-122 JOHNSON John, of Jonah and M ary, Sept. 8, 1709, 2-74 tt Ezekiel, of Stephen and Susannah, Oct. 23, 1728. 2-74 n Stephen, Sept. 23, 1730, 2-74 it Elizabeth, Jan. 24, 1732-3 2-74 tt Mary, May 24, 1735. 3-127 tt Nathaniel, of Nathaniel and Sarah, Aug. 19, 1753, 3-127 it Christopher, Note— Youngest born Charlestown. June 30, 1773. 3-150 tt Hannah, of Nathaniel and Sarah, July 5, 1757. 3-151 u Polly, Feb. 17, 1765, K 2-68 KENYON Martha, ot Joseph, May 8, 1725. 2-68 " John, Dec. 4, 1727. 2-68 u Mary1, July 20, 1729. 2-68 u Paine, April 20, 1733. 2-68 a Joseph, Feb. 5, 1736. 2-118 " Mary, of Pleter and Nacmi, Aug. 3, 1737. 4-183 if Sally, of Joshua and Mary, Feb. 29, 1776. 4-183 " Polly, Feb. 5, 1779. 4-183 " Betsey, June 23, 1783. 4-183 it Nancy, Feb. 25. 1786. 4-183 tt Nabby, Dec. 11, 1788. 4-183 it Patty, June IS, 1791. 4-183 tt Rowland, Dec. 17, 1797. Note— All born Cliarlestowh except youngest, in Westerly. 4-150 it Lois Ross, of James and Lydia, Sept. 26, 1800. 4-228 KNIGHT Margaret C, of Jedediah and EUza May 13, 1809. 4-228 " EUzabeth D., Oct. 24, 1812. 4-228 it Elizabeth D.* died June 21, 1825. 4-228 " Jedediah Whitney, Feb. 23, 1815. 4-228 " David Crane. Jidy 24, 1817. 4-192 KNOWLES Samuel, of Joseph M. and Dorcas, Nov. 12„ 1802. 4-3.92 " Samuel, died Oct 5, 1805. 4-192 " John TUUnghast, March 10, 1804. 4-192 " Bally, Oct. 24, 1805. 4-192 " Anna, Jan. 11, 1808. 4-192 " Joseph, July 3, 1810. 4-392 b* OetUa, May 29, 1812. 4-192 " Jerah M., Dec 17,, 1814. 4-102 " WUliam, Aug. 23, 1816. 4-192 ii Mumford Gardiner, Sept. 9, 1821. WESTEELY BIETHS AND DEATHS. Ill 241 LANPHEEE Theodorius, of Theodorius and Rachel, Jan. 31, 1707-8. 2-41 " James, Nov. 22, 1710. 2-41 " Joshua, Nov. 23, 1712. 241 " AbigaU, March 27, 1715. 2-41 " Susannah, Dec. 14, 1716. 2-41 " Nathaniel, March 22, 1718. 2-41 " Mary, Dec 14, 1721. 2-41 " Samuel, Dec. 23, 1723. 2-41 " Stephen, Feb. 5, 1725-6. 2-41 " ' Jabez, March 25, 1731. 2-41 " Joseph, Sept. 20, 1736. 2-108 " EUzabeth, of Seth and Sarah, Aug. 10, 1715. 2-109 " Amey, of Richard and Mary, June 22, 1715. 2-109 " Lucy, July 3, 1718. 2-109 " Esther, Feb. 21, 1720-1. 2-109 " Sophia, Oct. 12, 1724. 2-109 " Josepha, Jan. 25, 1725-6. 2-124 " George, died Oct. 6, burled Oct. 7, 1731. 3-15 " Mary, of Nathan and Mary, April 5, 1740. 3-15 " Nathan, Feb. 18. 1742. 3-15 EUsha, Jan. 23, 1744. 3-15 " Jonathan, AprU 19„ 1748. 3-15 " Langworthy, Feb. 5, 1753. 3-15 " Amey, March 20, 1755. 3-23 " Champlain, of Stephen and Mary, July 14, 1750. 3-23 " Amey, ApiU 20, 1753. 3-23 " Susannah, Feb. 25, 1755. 3-23 Hdldah, March 14, 1760. 3-23 " Anson, Fer. 22, 1764. 3-23 " Anson, died March 9, 1764. 3-23 " Ansin, 2d, Jan. 28, 1765. 3-23 " Lua, Dec. 6, 1768. 3-23 PoUy, July 1, 1771. 3-45 " Ruth, of Benjamin ana Susannah, May 27, 1757. 3-100 " Prudence, of Daniel, Jr., and Eunice, Oct. 30, 1759. 3-100 " George, March 31, 1761. 3-100 " Lucretla, Nov. 12, 1762. 3-100 " Elizabeth, June 26, 1764. 3-100 " Rhoda, Aug. 18, 1766. 3-100 " Daniel, May 16, 1768. 3-100 " Jesse, Jan. 20, 1770. 3-100 " Eunice, Sept. 23, 1772. 3-15 " Patience, of Nathan, and Anna, 2d wife, May 26, 1760. '3-15 " Paul, Feb. 25, 1762. 3-15 " Pardon, Feb. 25, 1762. 3-15 " Anne, Feb. 20, 1767. 3-87 " Benoni Smith, of David and Sarah, Sept. 28, 1762. 3-121 " Mary, of Nathan, 2d, and Amey, Aug. 24, 1765. 3-121 " Hannah, Nov. 22, 1767. 3-123 " Ethan, Jan. 19, 1770. 4-76 " Luther, of Daniel and Wealtha. July 27, 1768. 4-76 " Tacy, May 14, 1770. 4-76 " Eunice, Feb. 21, 1772. 4-76 " OUver, Aug. IS, 1774. 4-76 " Lois, Nov. 16, 1777. 4-76 " Joshua, Oct. 1, 1787. 4-76 " Keturah, Aug. 9, 1790. 3-119 " Maxson, of Nathan and Ann, 2d wife, Dec 5, 1769. 3-119 " Catharine, i Nov. 9, 1779. 4-100 " Amey, of Nathan, Jr., and Sarah, July 4, 1772. 4-100 " Elisha, Nov. 19, 1773. 4-100 " Simeon, Nov. 5, 1776. 4-100 Abigail, June 27, 1778. 112 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-100 LANPHERE Susannah, of Nathan, Jr., and Sarah, May 10, 1780.. 4-100 " Enock, Jan, 14, 1782. 4-100 tt Samuel, Oct. 14, 1783. 4-100 ii Hezekiah, Oct. 14, 1783. 4-100 n Joseph, Oct. 12. 1785. 4-100 » WlUiam, May 24, 1787. 4-100 if Acors, Feb. 28, 1790. 4-100 ft SUas, Oct. 3, 1791. 3-126 ii Asa, of Champlain ana Rebecca, Sept. 19, 1722. 3-126 " Joshua, March 5, 1774. 3-126 ii Joseph, Oct. 3, 1775. 3-126 u Stephen, Aug. 16, 1778. 3-126 " Prentice, July 11, 1781. 3-126 ff Rebecca, May -5, 1784. 3-126 tf PoUy, Jan. 11, 1786. 4-67 ti Eussell, of Daniel and Nancy, Dec. 2, 1776. 4-67 tt Mercy, ' Jan. 3, 1782. 4-67 tt William, Oct. 13, 1785. 4-67 u Nancy, Sept. 16, 1787. 4.-67 » Triphena, Oct. 7, 1.789. 4-67 » Daniel, Dec 22, 1792... 4-39 a Perry, of David and Eunice, Oct. 13, 1783. 4-39 it Clarke, Aug. 24, 1787. 4-64 it Wheeler, of Henry and PrlscUla, Oct. 16, 1788. 4-64 it Susannah, Oct. 15, 1790. Note— 1st born Albany, N. Y., 2d Stephentown, N. Y. 4-89 it Abel, of Paul ana EUzabeth, Jan. 25, 1790: 4-89 n Clarke, April 27, 1792. 4-89 a Susannah, March 6, 1795. 4-89 " Pardon, of Pardon and PoUy, b. Hopldnton, Dec. 27, 1790. 4-166 tt Sally, of Nathan and Nancy, Jan. 29, 1795. 4-3.66 it Fanny, . Dec. 9, 1797. 4-114 ff EUsha, of EUsha and Betsey, July 20, 1796. 4-114 ff EUsha, died Aug. 26, 1800, 4-114 ft Betsey, Feb. 1, 1799. 4-137 ff Polly, of Maxson and Susannah. Jan. 27, 1797. 4-137 ff Truman, Oct. 23, 1798. 4-137 ff Nancy, Dec 5, 1800.. 4-137 ff Clarissa, Nov. 26, 1803. 4-3 37 ff Jonathan, Sept. 16, 1808. 4-137 " Bathsheba, Nov. 20, 1811. 4-337 ff Ephraim, Nov. 9, 1815. 4-123 " SaUy, of Joseph 0, and Lucretla, Aug. 16, 1798- 4-123' ff Asa, June 16, 3 801. 4-123 ff George Washington, ( ' ! j Feb. 19, 1803. 4-111 tf Polly, of Joseph and Ruth, Dee. 3, 1798. 4-111 ff SaUy, Jan. 27, 1801. 4-111 tt Asel, AprU 30, 1803. 4-111 it Franklin, June 23, 1805. 4-111 tt Gelia Anne, Dec. 5, 1807. 4-111 it WiUiam Thompson, J" | ' March 7, 1810. 4-111 it Luclnda Bernice, June 18, 1312. 4-111 tf Lewis Thompson, May 25, 1815. Note — Three youngest born North Stonington. 4-126 " Nancy, of Stephen and Sally, AprU 4, 1800; 4-248 if Wealthy, of Clarke and Wealthy, Jan. 9, 1814. 4-248 ff George C, Jan. 28, 1816. 4-248 ft Belinda, Oct. 2, 1818. 4-248 tt Wealthy, wife of Clarke, died Nov. 24, 1822. 4-252 ft Joanna C, of WUliam, 2d, and EUza, April 21, 1814. 4-252 tf Thomas M., June 28, 1816. 4-252 it Gordon M., Aug. 11, 1818. 4-252 " SUas H., Feb. 7, 1821. 4-252 tt Horace, Jan. 25, 1823. 4-252 " Sarah P., Oct. 6, 1824. WESTEELY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 113 4-2522-124 2-97 2-972-69 2-69 2-69 2-69 2-69 2-41 3-72 3-1283-128 3-1283-1283-12,8 3-833-62 3-62 3-142 3-142 3-1423-1423-142 3-142 3-142 3-161 3-176 4-329 4-1294-129 4-129 4-129 4-1294-217 5-112 5-112 5-112 5-112 5-112 5-112 3-1 4-183 4-183 4-179 4-179 4-179 4-179 4-179 4-1794-1794-379 4-179 4-179 4-179 1-3 72 1-1721-1721-172 1-172 1-172 1-372 LANPHERE JuUet, of WlUiam, 2d, and EUza, Oct. 5, 1826. LAEKIN Eebecca, of John (dec.) and widow Rebecca, Oct. 14. 1701. Joseph, of Joseph and Johannah, Feb. 12, 1730-1. Joshua, Aug. 20, 1732. John, of John and Mary, May 1, 1731. Nathan, June 13, 1732-3. Daniel, Dec. 19, 1734-5. Timothy, Oct. 10, 1736. Lebbeus, June 5, l^'SS-g. Benajah, of Samuel and Sarah, June 18, 1732. Daniel, of Samuel and Sarah, April 1, 1739. Moses, of Simeon and Jane, Feb. 11, 1747. Sarah, of Moses and Jane, Aug. 29, 1769. Thomas, Dec. 19, 1771. Isabel, Feb. 15, 1774. Stephen . and Barbara, 2d wife, May 2, 1797. Note— Youngest born at Charlestown. Simeon, of Simeon, dec, Mary, of Daniel and Susannah, John, Abel, of Abel and Sarah, Sarah, Jonathan, Anna, Anna,Daniel, John, Simeon, of Moses and Barbara, born Charlestown, Oct. 22, 1778. Barbara, of Moses and Barbara, born Stonington, April 5, 1781. Abel, of Abel and Hannah, July 4, 1798. Abel, died July 14, 1799. Sept. 18, 1748. July 31, 1759. Feb. 4, 1760. June 14, 1771. Feb. 7, 1773. Jan. 12, 1775. Feb. 24, 1778. died March 6, 1819. Dec. 26, 1781. Dec 1, 1784. Hannah, Nathan, Hirris, Sally Ann, Jonathan, of Jonathan and Ann, Daniel F., of Daniel .and Ehoda, Martha (Hiscox, of Clarke and Mary), his wife, FrankUn, of Daniel F. and Martha, Martha Jane, Sarah EUzabeth, Albert Clarke, LAWTON Thomas, of Josiah and Elizabeth, LEEDS Frank, of Christopher and Mary, LEE William Elliott, of Daniel and Lydia Ann, Nancy Atwater, Sophia, Harriet. Fanny, Sophronla, Benjamin Franklin, Daniel Mather, Allen Campbell, Charlotte,Sally, Note— Eldest born Middletown, Conn., next two Lyme, the others Westerly. LEWIS Joseph, of John, Oct. 16, 1683. " Sarah, Aug. 17, 1687. " Mary, May 4, 1689. " Anna, Jan. 6, 1691. " Abigail, May 20, 1693. " John, Jan. 30, 1698. " William, Feb. 1, 1701-2. May 2, 1800. Aug. 17, 1802. Dec. 30, 1804. Jan. 9, 1807. June 24, 1805. Jan. 10, 1817. March 19, 1817. April 14, 1844. June 14, 1846. May 17, 1850. ' Aug. 6, 1852. May 23, 1751. Nov. 30, 1802. Feb. 22, 1804. Nov. 6, 1784. April 30, 1787. Feb. 20, 1789. Jan. 10, 1791. Oct. 20, 1792. Aug. 25, 3 794. May 9, 1796. Jan. 15, 1798. Oct. 25, 3.799. Aug. 16, 1801. March 10, 1803. 114 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-204 LEWIS Israel, of Israel and Joanna, June 22, 1695. 1-204 tt Benjamin, June 8, 1697. 1-204 it Joanna, May 21, 1700. 1-204 tt Anna, July 13, 1704. 1-204 " Nathaniel, March 23, 1706. 2-137 a Jerusha, of John and Ann, Jan. 11, 1706-7. 2-116 " Jerusha, of < Joseph ana Mary, July 1.3, 1707. 2-116 " Joseph, Dec. 25, 1709. 2-116 it Thankful, June 15, 1720. 2-116 tt Absolam, Nov. 25, 1724. 2-116 tt Hannah, Nov. 21, 1726. 2-107 tt Hannah, of George and EUzabeth, Jan. 15, 1713. 2-107 tt Samuel, Dec. 21, 1715. 2-107 tt Mary, Sept. 21,1716. 2-107 tt James, Dec. 18. 1719. 2-107 tr Ebenezer, March 18, 1722. 2-107 tt Othnlel, April 15, 1723. 2-78 tt John, of John, Jr., and Mary, April 19, 1719. 2-78 tt EUsha, Dec. 30, 1722. 2-78 " Mary, Jan. 22, 1723'-4. 2-78 ti Joseph, Note— Also recorded 2-137. March 2, 1728. 2-78 tt Stephen, of John (of James and Tacy), April 9, 1719. 2-78 tt Joseph, of John and Mercy, 2d wUe, April 21, 1721. 2-78 tt Mercy, July 1, 1726. 2-78 u Edward, June 19, 1728. 2-73 u Joshua, Nov. 20, 1729. 2-78 '¦ Nathan, May 23, 1733. 2-78 " Zebulon, Sept. 3, 1734. 2-78 " Samuel, Sept. 15, 1736. 2-78 " Anne, Jan. 29, 1737-8. 2-78 " Penelope, March 29./1739. 2-78 it John, July — , 1751. 2-112 " Elisha, of Israel and Mary, Feb. 4, 1713-9. 2-112 " Enock, of Israel and Bathsheba, Oct. 13, 1720. 2-110 it Jonathan', of John and Anna. Aug. 21, 1721. 2-110 " John, April 13, 1723. 2-110 tt Avis, Aug. 8, 1725. 2-110 ti Anna, Nov. 13, 1727. 2-110 it Kezia, June 12, 1730. 2-130 - ti Joshua, May 13, 1733. 2-42 tt Ezekiel, of WilUam and Mary, Dec. 16, 1723. 2-42 u WiUiam, AprU 8, 1725. 2-42 it Prudence, April 2, 1727. 2-42 tt Sarah, May 15, 1731. 2-42 n Mary, Sept. 26, 1733. 2-42 ti Anne, May 31, 1735. 2-42 ti Hannah, March 1, 1737-8. 2-42 tt Benjamin, of John and Ann, Jan. 24, 1748-9. 2-96 tt Amos, of Nathaniel and Mary, AprU 29, 1731. 2-96 it Nathaniel, Feb. 28, 1732-3. 2-96 " Mary, July 31, 1735. 2-96 tt Jean, June 22, 1737. 2-96 tt Ehahajmah, Oct. 7, 1739. 2-96 tt EUjah, Oct. 11, 1741. 2-96 ' tt Mary, July 10, 1743. 2-96 tf Israel, Sept. 15, 1745. 2-77 " Elizabeth, of Joseph, Jr., and. Mary, July 18, 1731. 2-77 tt David, Nov. 12, 1733. 2-77 ft Joseph, Nov. 25, 1735. 2-77 tt Oliver, Sept. 23. 1738. 2-77 tt Esther, March 2, 1741. 2-77 « Betsey, July 28. 1744. 2-77 ft Mary, July 24, 1747. 2-77 it Peleg, June 2, 1749. WESTEELY BIRTHS AND DEATHS 115 -2-1 LEWIS Bethana, of EUsha and Dorcas (or Tabitha), Jan. 7, 1745. 2-1 " Mary, Nov. 3. 1746. 2-1 Joseph, died Sept. 23, 1751. 3-139 " John, of John and Thankful, July 17, 1739. 3-139 " Cloe, Aug. 26, 1741. 3-139 " Ruhama, May 19, 1743. 3-139 " Hezekiah, Oct. 24, 1744. 3-139 EUas, Nov. 25, 1746. 3-139 " Simeon, Dec. 25, 1753. 3-139 " Hannah, Sept. 7, 1755. 3-139 " Bernice, Feb. 1, 1758. 3-139 WiUiam, June 24, 1760, 3-139 " Jeptha, May 17, 1763. 3-139 -" Anne, Sept. 22, 1765. 2-14 " Mosh, of EUsha and Lydia (also 3-26), Jan. 12, 1741-2. 3-177 " James, of Joseph and Sarah, Aug. 7, 1745. 3-1.77 " Catherine, May 11, 1746. 3-177 " Valentine, Nov. 29, 1749. 3-177 " Mary, June 9, 1752. 3-177 " Joseph, of and Mary, 2d wUe, ¦Note— Born at Stonington. June 18, 1764. 3-16 " Stephen, of Stephen and Martha, June 18, 1748. 3-16 " Lydia, March 21, 1740-50. 3-28 " Jonathan, of Jonathan and Tacy, Jan. 28, 3748-9. 3-35 " Abel, of Abel and Thankful. Oct. .14, 1751. 3-35 " Augustus, AprU 30, 1753. 3-35 Thankful, March 23, 1755. 3-35 " Nathaniel, Jan. 8, 1757. 3-35 " Phineas, March 2, 1759. 3-26 " Lydia, of Elisha and Amey, Jan. 16, 1752. 3-26 " Asa, Jan. 20, 1754. 3-22 " Eunice, of EUas and Susannah, Feb. 23, 1753. 3-19 " Freelove, of Joseph and Mary, March 15, 1753. 3-19 " Wealthian, June 24, 1755. 3-19 " Mary, Feb. 20, 1757. 3-19 SUva, Feb. 12, 1759. 3-19 " Anna, Feb. 1, 1761. 3-19 " Joseph, Oct. 27, 1762. 4-157 " Rozzell, of Capt. OUver and Ruhama, Sept. 6, 1756. 4-157 " Thankful, Dec. 22, 1768. 4-157 " Thankful, d. Dec. 5, 1770. 4-157 Ellas, Nov. 25, 1770. 4-157 " OUver, May 1, 1772. 4-157 " Simeon, July 18, 1774. 4-157 " Ichabod, July 22, 1776. 4-1-57 Ichabod. d. Oct. — , 1776. 4-157 " Jabez, Oct. 18, 1778_. 4-157 Molly. Sept. IS, 1780.. 4-157 " Euhama, wUe of Capt. Oliver, d. March 27, 1781. 4-157 Capt. OUver, d. Sept. 27, 1804. 3-135 " Jared, of Hezekiah and Anna, March 6, 1767. 3-135 " Anne, Sept. 10, 1/68. 3-135 " Prentice, March 16, 1772. 3-135 " Joha, April 28, 1776. 3-135 " Maxson, Dec. 13, 1782. 3-135 " Amey, Jan. 18, 1784. 3-135 " Josiah, July 31, 1789. 3-135 " Hezeldah, Note— Eldest born Stonington. July 31, 1789. 3-174 " Ichabod, of Nathaniel and EUzabeth, May 7, 1767. 3-174 " Lodowick, April 22, 1771. 3-174 " EUzabeth, April 7, 1773. 3-174 " Horatio Gates, Jan. 16, 1778. 3-174 " Martha, Oct. 21, 1780. 4-79 " Elizabeth, of David and Mary, Oct. 1, 1776. 116 VITAL EECOED OF EHODE ISLAND. 4-79 LEWIS Ruth, of David and Mary, Sept. 21, 1778. 4-79 " Mary, Oct. 8, 178ft. 4-79 " David, April 3, 1783. 4-79 " Soloman, June 29, 1785. 4-79 " Patience, Sept. 3, 1787,. 4-79 " Prudence, Jan. 14, 1790. 4-79 " Tacy, Jan. 14, 1790. 4-79 " Jacob, Sept. 3, 1792. 4-79 " Ichabod Prosser, May 18, 1796. 4-79 " Augustus, Oct. 31, 1798. 3-165 " Simeon, of Simeon and Anne, June 10, 1782. 3-165 " Nathaniel, i March 11, 1784. 3-3 65 " Peleg Cross, Jan. 11, 1791. 3-165 " Anne, Jan. 18, 1793. 3-165 " John, Aug. 16, 1795.. 3-3 65 " Jason Lee, March 31, 1801. 3-3 65 " Anne, wife of Simeon, died Dec 5, 1802. 4-38 " William, of William and Hannah, Oct. 26, 1782. 4-38 " Hannah, Sept. 19, 1784. 4-38 " Chloe, Dec. 16, 1787. 4-38 " Samuel, May 14, 1791. 4-3 S " Jeptha, Feb. 20, 1794. 4-36 " Pardon Thompson, Oct. 17, 1796. 4-38 " Abel, Oct. 26, 1799. 4 20 " Joseph, of Joseph and Rachel, April 25, 1787. 4-20 " Molly, Oct. 14, 1789. 4-78 " Fanny, of Jeptha and Fanny, Sept. 14, 1788. 4-78 " Samuel Gardner, Jan. 23, 1789. 4-80 " Saunders, of Mattheu and Hannah, AprU 1, 1793. 4-98 " Polly, of Prentice and PoUy, Oct. 23, 1795. 4-94 " Prentice, Sept. 27, 1797. 4-94 " Bridget, Dec 21, 1800.. 4-94 " Bridget, died Nov. 14, 1801. 4-94 " Rhoda, Feb. 21, 1802. 4-94 " Anna, AprU 2, 1805. 4-216 " Phineas, of EUas and PrescUla, Feb. 4, 1798. 4-216 " Deney, Nov. 7, 1799. 4-216 " PrescUla, Jan. 16, 18.02. 4-216 " PrescUla, AprU 3, 1802. 4-216 " Rhuhumah, March 23', 1806. 4-216 " Elizabeth, March 23, 1806. 4-196 " John', of John and Lois, AprU 20, 1798. 4-196 " WiUiam, Aug. 29, 1799. 4-196 " Margery, July 28, 1801. 4-196 " Hezekiah, March 8, 1804. 4-187 " Jeptha Malbone, of Simeon and Frances, March 31, 1S04. 4-187 " Enock, Dec. 5, 1805. 4-39 LOMAS Martha, of WUUam and 1 ydia, Sept. 4, 1791. 4-39 WUUam, Aug. 26, 1794. 4-39 " James, Born at Voluntown, Conn. May 26, 1797. M 3-51 MACCOON Mary, of Nathan and Anna, 3-51 " Nathan, 3-51 " Isabel, 3-51 " Timothy, 3-51 " Abram, 2-78 MAXSON Judeth, of John and Judeth, 2-78 " Mary, 2-78 " Mary, 2-78 " Betnlah, 2-78 " EUzabeth, Oct. 21, 1744. May 29, 1746. July 17, 1748. Feb. 9, 1750. April 15, 1753. Sept. 23, 1689. Oct. 26, 1691. March 16, 1692. July 31, 1693. Nov. 7, 1695. WESTERLY- BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 117. 2-78 MAXSON Hatmah, of jQhn and Judeth, June 13, 1698. 2-78 .f John, April 21, 17.11. 2-78 u Dorothy, Oct. 20, 1703. 2-78 tt Susannah, Oct. 19, 1700. 2-78 " Joseph, Dec. — , 3709. 2-78 tt Avis, Dec. 27, 1712. 2-78 it Joseph, d. Dec. ¦-, 1710. 2-60 " Joseph, Jr., March 10, 1692. 2-60 " Bethlah ( ), wife of Joseph, Jr., July 31, 1693. 2-60 " Bethiah, of Joseph, Jr., and Bethlah, Oct. 19, 1716. 2-60 Mary. Aug. 28, 171.-. 2-60 Judeth, Sept. 17, 1720. 2-60 " Josepti, Jan. 20, 1722-3. 2-60 it Zebulon, April 15, 1725. 2-60 tt Susan, Aug. 25, 1727.. 2-60 '¦ Mason, March 6, 1729-30. 2-60 Content, Dec 31, 1732. 2-60 " Nathan, Sept. 30, 1736. 2-116 " Jonathan, of Jonathan and Content, Jan. 16, 1707-8. 2-116 " Content, Jan. 28, 1708. 2-116 Joseph , Jan. 14, 1713.-2. 2-116 •' John, March 2, 1734. 2-116 '¦ Naomi, Msy 0, 1716. 2-116 u Samuel, July 20, 1718. 2-116 " Caleb, Nov. 1, 1721. 2-316 ti Mary, Nov. 20. 1723. 2-58 it WlUiam, of John (of Joseph) and Hannah, Jan. 20, 1717-8. 2-58 tt Amos, March 16, 1720. 2-58 tt Joshua, Feb. 1, 1721-2. 2-58 " Isaiah, Jan. 21, 1723-4. 2-58 tt Goodeth, June 5, 1726. 2-58 tt Tacy, Dec. 15, 1728. 2-58 tt Judeth, Jan. 17, 3.730-1. 2-58 tt Torrey, Jan. 22, 1732-3. 2-58 it Sylvan us, May 3, 1735. 2-58 n Hannah, Dec. 3, 1737. 2-58 it Mary, Nov. 23, 3739. 2-58 it Jesse, and Martha, 2d wife, June 11, 1745. 2-58 tt Ruth, Jan. 31, 1746-7. 2-125 tt John, of John, Jr., and Thankful, Aug. 27, 1725. 2-125 t. Matthew, AprU 27, 1727. 2-125 ft David, July 24, 1729. 2-125 tt Joseph, March 23, 1731. 2-125 tt Benjamin, Feb. 21, 1733. 2-125 tt Stephen, May 3, 1735. 2-125 it Thankful, July 16, 1737. 2-125 " Daniel, Sept. 25, 1739. 2-125 tt Joel, May 28, 1742. 2-125 tt Eleanor, Jan. 24, 1748-9. 2-47 tt Jonathan, of John and Tacy, Aug. 24, 1737. 2-47 » Esther, June 13, 1739. 2-47 it Anne, Jan. 24, 1740-1. 2-79 tt William, of WUUam and Hannah, Nov. 16, 1745. 3-3 " Samuel, of Samuel and Ruth, Sept. 5, 1743. 3-3 tt Ruth, March 5, 1747. 3-3 " EUsha, April 20, 1749. 3-23 " Tliomas, of Matthew, and Martha, Jan. n, 1750. 3-21 tt Peleg, Jan. 7, 1752. 321 it Matthew, Jan. 6, 1754. 3-23 it George, Oct. 10, 1756. 3-21 n Nathan, Dec. 9, 1758. 3-21 tt Abel, Jan. 1, 1761. 3-21 u Luke, AprU 18, 1763. 3-49 " SUas, of David and AbigaU, Dec. 29, 1750. 3-49 tt Asa, March 6, 1752. 118 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-49 MAXSON EUzabeth, of David and AbigaU, July .14, 1754. 3-49 • Harriet, Oct. 19, 1832.. 4-33 « George, of George and Lydia, March 4, 1791. 4-169 tt John, of David and Sarah, June 5, 1791. 4-169 tt John, died July 6, 1791. 4-169 ti PoUy, 1 Aug. 17, 1792. 4-169 n Sarah, July 12, 1794. 4-169 it Nancy, Aug. 31, 1796. 4-46 « Hannah, of Arnold and Hannah, Oct. 27, 1791. 4-46 u Arnold, June 27, 1793. 4-46 n Charlotte, Feb. 4, 1795. 4-46 n Sarah, March 20, 1797. 4-46 ti Polly, Feb. 18, 1800. 4-46 it Betsey, Feb. 18, 1800. 4-46 tt Elisha, May 19, 1802. 4-47 tt EusseU, of EusseU and Mary, Aug. 11, 1792. 4-143 it Clarke, of Clarke and Sarah, Dec 7, 1798. 4-143 . tt Ezekiel, April 1, 1801. 4-143 Mary, May 30, 1803. 4-143 tt Hannah, AprU 23', 1805. 4-184 tt Nathan Gardner, of RusseU and Caty, Nov. 9, 1802. 4-184 it Rowland Clarke, AprU 1, 1803. 4-184 " Joseph Potter, Sept. 4, 1804. 4-184 " John Alancan, Feb. 19, 1806. 4-184 tt Polly Gardner, May 1, 1307. 4-142 •' Stephen, of Susannah, dau. of Stephen, July 8, 1803. 4-199 it Daniel BUven, of Samuel and Fanny, Sept. 30, 1804. 4-199 u Samuel, Nov. 28, 1807. 4-199 tt Fanny, Aug. 18, 1809. 4-199 :t Hannah, AprU 15, 1811. 4-199 u Charles, Feb. 11, 1819. 5-31 n Samuel P., of Samuel and Amey K., June 28, 1835. 5-31 tt Charles Henry, Sept. 10, 1838. 3-S5 SCRIVEN WUUam, of James, June 6, 1727. 3-85 " Maiy, wife of WUUam, July 1, 1726. 3-85 it Alice, of WilUam and Alice, Feb. 10, 1750. 3-85 " James, Aug. 28, 1751. 3-85 " John, Aug. 28, 1751. 3-85 " Josuua, May 17, 1754. 3-85 " Hannah, May 17, 1754. 3-85 " WUliam, Feb. 23, 1756. 3-85 " Zebulon, Oct. 23, 1759. 3-85 " Mercy, Feb. 8, 1761. 3-85 " Thomas (born Exeter), July 26, 1762. 3-85 " Joseph, AprU 10, 1766. 3-85 " Isaac, and EllpHa, 2d wUe, Aug. 15, 1770. 4-4 SEAGEE Euth, of Christopher and Wealtha, Oct. 11, 1777. 4-4 '• Mary Kingston, Oct. 11, 1777. 4-4 n Sarah, March 13„ 1785. 4-4 " Malicha, Oct. 13, 1788. 4-4 " Christopher, Jan. 26, 1794. 4-130 SHAW Thomas, of Peleg and Lucretla, both of Stonington, born Westerly, Feb. 3, 1798. 4-1IJ0 " Nancy, of Peleg and Lucretla, Dec. 16, 3799. 2-112 SHEFFIELD Mary, of Isaac and Jane, Sept. 29, 1721. 2-112 •- Martha, Nov. 20, 1723. WESTERLY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 133- 3-05 SHEFFIELD Nathaniel, of Joseph and Lydia, Oct. 19, 1703. 3-110 " Durcas, of Nathan ana Martha, April 30, 1768. 3-139 " Polly, of George, Jr., and Sarah, Nov. 28, 1775. 4-46 " William, of WiUlam (of George, dec), and Bridget, AprU 27, 1784. 4-46 " James, May 2, 1736. 4-46 " Eunice, March 5, 1788. 4-46 " Dudley, July 2, 1790. Note— Two eldest born Groton, Conn., next Southold, L. I., youngest Westerly. 4-135 it Ehoda, of Samuel and Susannah, AprU 26, 1799. 3-75 SHELDON Phebe, of Joseph and Euth, June 15, 1757. 3-75 " Susanna, Aug. 19, 1758. 4-191 SHELLEY Charies, of Ebenezer and Amey, Aug. 20, 1802. 4-191 " George Washington Chester. March 25, 1804. 3-19 SIMS Samuel, of William and Jerusha, Nov. 1, 1748. 3-19 tt Elizabeth, Oct. 20, 1752. 3-19 " William, Aug. 13, 1756. 3-19 u Esther, May 11, 1758. 3-152 u Esther, of WUliam and Eebecca, May 14, 1778. 3-152 " Phebe, April 29, 1782. 3-152 " William, Aug. 27, 1784. 3-152 it Jeremiah Babcock, Dec. 23, 1787. 3-152 " Samuel Pendleton. May 3, 1790. 3-152 " Elizabeth, May 25, 1792. 4-68 it Deborah, of Samuel and Deborah, Sept. 10, 1780. 4-88 it Nancy, Aug. 16, 1783. 4-88 tt Sylvester Pendleton, Oct. 22, 1785. 4-88 tt SaUy, AprU 11, 1788. 4-88 tt Samuel, Dec 11, 1790. 4-88 " OUver, April 27, 1793. 4-97 " Joseph Thompson, of WUUam ana Eebecca, Oct. 9, 1794. 4-97 tt James, \ Sept. 10^ 1797. 4-273 tt Ichabod Babcock (called Sisson), son of Phebe Sims, Jan. 3, 1802. 4-224 tt WiUiam, of WiUlam, Jr., and SaUy, Aug. 26, 1807. 4-224 " Charles Eaway, Nov. 6, 1808. 3-73 SISSON Oliver, of WUUam and Hannah, March 30, 1738. 3-73 tt Nathan, , i April 14, 1740.. 3-73 " Hannah, Jan. 17, 1742. 3-73 tt Hannah, died soon. 3-73 tt William, July 12, 1744. 3-73 " Bennaja, Sept. 2. 1746. 3-73 tt James, Aug. 25, 1748. 3-73 tt AbigaU, Oct. 24, 1750. 3-73 tt Jonathan, May 2, 1753. 3-73 tt Hannah. June 7, 1755. 3-73 n Thomas, April 4, 1758. 3-93 tt John, of Thomas, Jr. ana Mary, March 3, 1741. 3-93 tt Amey, May 10, 1745. 3-93 " Mary, June 23, 1747. 3-93 tt George, Feb. 5, 1750. 3-93 it Ann, July 19, 1753. 3-93 tt EUzabeth, April 9, 1756. 3-82 n Samuel, of Giles ana Elizabeth, Dec 4, 1747. 3-82 u John, April 10, 1749. 3-82 u Jane, AprU 27, 1751. 3-82 tt Content, . May 20, 1753. 3-82 tt Sarah, March 28, 1755. 3-82 tt Esther, Aug. 6, 1757. 3-82 " Anne, Sept. 5, 1759. 3-82 ti Euth, Dec. 23, 1761. 3-113 tt Sion, of John ana Kuturah, AprU 16, 1768. 3-113 tt Keturah, Sept. 6, 1769. 3-113 tt Content, June 23, 1771. 3-145 tt William, of Jonathan, ana EUzabeth, Oct. 5, 1776. 3-145 it Elizabeth, March 8, 1778. 134 VITAL EECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-145 SISSON Jonathan, of Jonarthan ana EUzabeth, 3-145 tt Nathan, 3-145 tt OUver, 3-145 a Mary, 3-145 " Sarah, 3-145 EC Nancy, 3-145 L, Fanny, 3-145 M Desire, 3-145 ti Henry BUven, 4-152 ti Timothy, of Peleg, Jr., and Esther, 4-152 " Joshua, 4-152 cc GUbert, 4-152 " Eebecca, 4-152 " Esther, 4-152 tt Lucy, 4-152 tt Lodowick, 4-152 u Eobert, 4-152 " Caty, 4-152 Cf Peleg, 4-1 " Thomas, of Thomas and AbigaU, 4-1 tt Hannah, 4-1 " Joshua CottreU, 4-1 (( Lois, 4-1 cc Daniel, 4-1 " Abigail, 4-201 li Cynthia, *of Barney ana Cynthia, 4-201 " Barney, 4-201 it Sally, 4-201 " Charles, 4-201 u Hannah, 4-201 it Ehoda,, 4-206 it Elizabeth, of Sanford and Elizabeth, 4-206 tt Sophia, 4-206 " Damarias, 4-269 cc Maria Catherine, of Joshua and AUce, 4-269 " Joshua Franklin, 4-269 tt CaroUne, 2-27 SLACK AbigaU, of Samuel and AbigaU, 2-27 " WilUam, 2-27 ti Mary, 2-27 It Anna, 2-27 it Temperance, 2-27 " EUzabeth, 2-27 ii Benajah, Note— Also recorded 2-118. 3-37 " WUUam, of Benajah and Mary, 3-167 SLATTERY Thomas C, of 'Hhomas and Abigail, 3-167 cc Abigail, 4-210 41 Susan, of Thomas C. and Susan, 4-210 " Celia, 4-210 cc Abby Ann, 4-210 It Dudley, 2-105 SMITH Hannah, of Benoni and Ruth, 2-105 " WUUam, 2-105 " WUUam, 2-105 " Nathan, 2-105 tt Nathan, 2-105 " Nathan, 2d, 2-105 tt Mary, 2-105 tt Elizabeth, 2-105 tt Eleanor, 2-105 tt Sarah, 2-105 tt Joseph, 2-105 tt Joseph, 3-41 ti — Joseph, of Nathan and Elizabeth, March 27, 1780. March 23, 1782. March 23, 1784. AprU 1, 1786. . AprU 12, 1788. June 17,' 1790. Oct. 4, 1792. Dec 9, 1794. Aug. 12, 1798. July .22, 1777. Feb. 14, 1780. April 30, 1783. March 14, 1785. March 5,.J-787. July 14, 1790. July 34, 1790. Sept. 14„ 1705. Aug. 17, 1797. March 30, 1799. Dec 2, 1783. Sept. 25, 1785. Sept. 2, 1787. Aug. 7, 1789. March 29, 1791. March 9, 1793. June 14, 1790. July 15, 1792. Oct. 11, 1794. May 20, 1797. Aug. 16, 1800. Aug. 7, 1803. July 20, 1800. Jan. 30, 1802. Aug. 13, 1804. Dec. 28, 1812. Sept. 28, 1814. Oct. 1, 1817. Aug. 10, 1715. March 27, 1717. March 24, 1719. Dec. 17, 1724. Oct. 13, 1727. AprU 26, 1731. AprU 24, 1733. Dec. 8, 1755, June 13, 1781. March 31, 1787. Dec. 9, 1805. July 6, 1807. Aug. 6, 1809. Nov. 1, 1813. Nov. 19, 1727. Feb. 13, 1729. aled June 19, 1754. Dec. 22, 1731, died Jan. 11, 1734-5. Feb. 18, 1732-3. Oct. 2, 1737. May 22, 1739. June 22, 1741. July 11, 1745. April 4, 1749. died May 5, 1749. June 15, 3.755. WE8TEELY BIETHS AND DEATHS. 135 3-41 SMITH WiUiam, of Nathan and Elizabeth, March 18, 1757. 3-41 " Joshua, May 6, 1759. 3-12 " Elizabeth, wife of Nathan, died Nov. 12, 1760. 3-75 tt Joseph, of Nathan and Mary, died May. 15, 1774. 4-250 tt Levi Hart, of Stephen and Clarlna, June 23', 1799. 4-250 tt Clarlna, Jan. 9, 1801. 4-250 tt John Wilson, March 17, 1803. 4-250 tt Clarlna, wife of Stephen, died Feb. 20, 1807. 4-250 it Stephen, of Stephen and Esther, 2d wUe, Aug. 19, 1808. 4-250 tt Esther Babcock, March 7, 1810. 4-250 it Davia, Dec. 8, 1811. 4-250 it Maty Fitch, May 10, 1814. 4-250 " Martha Harvey, Sept. 27, 1818. 4-250 tt Elizabeth Moore, June 7, 1818. 4-250 tt Cliarles Vose, Oct. 31, 1819. 4-250 tt William Oakes, Sept. 1, 1821. 4-250 " Harriet Newell, June 5, 1823. 4-250 " Esther, wife of Stephen, died Feb. 17, 1833. 4-193 tt Charles Granderson, of Lemuel, Jr., and Deborah, Jan. 23, 1803. 3-28 STANTON Elizabeth, wife of Jesse, of Stonington), died Aug. 7, 1803. 4-210 STEPHENS Eunice, of Stanton and Eunice, July 24, 1803. 4-210 tc Stanton, Oct. 5, 1805. 4-210 ft Hannah Clarke, Nov. 14, 1807. 4-210 tt John', Aug. 7, 1809. 4-210 ff John, died March 22, 1810. 4-210 ff Joshua F., July 15, 1811. 3-119 STETSON Brenton, of Stephen and Dorcas, April 14, 3768. 3-119 " Elizabeth, Nov. 20, 176w. 3-119 " Sarah, Oct. 5, 1771. 3-119 tt Step lien, July 23,. 1773. 3-153 " Cornelius, Jan. 27, 1779. 3-153 tt James, March 1, 1781. 3-153 " Isaac,, Jan. 26, 1785. 3-153 " Thankful, June 19, 1787. 4-10 " Thomas, of Thomas and Mary (of Hanover, Plymouth Co., Mass.), March 9, J 786. 4-219 -' James Eobinson, of James and Hannah, Aug. 7, 1805. 4-219 it Hannah, Nov. 9, 1807. 4-219 tt Abigail S., Feb. 29, 1S08. 4-219 tt Susannah, Sept. 35, 1810. 3-93 STEWARD Martha, of WUliam and Mary, June 14, 1759.. 3-93 " WUUam, March 7„ 1763. 3-93 " EUsha, June 15, 1763. 3-93 tt Mary, March 16. 1765. 2-83 STEWART Daniel, of OUver and Eebecca. Feb. 23, 1742-3:. 2-83 " Sarah, March 7, 1743-4. 2-83 tt Eebecca, Oct. 31, 1746. 2-75 STILES John, of Israel and Hannah, March 5, 1736. 2-121 STILLMAN Deborah, of George and Deborah, Jan. 11, 1706-7. 2-121 tt Nathaniel, May 2, 1709. 2-121 a Mary, Sept. 27, 1711. 2-121 " George, Feb. 13, 1713-4. 2-121 tf Joseph, Dec 5, 1716. 2-321 ft John, June 14, 1719. 2-121 ti EUsha, April 25, 1722. 2-121 it Benjamin, Note.— Also recorded 2-123 and 2-116. Jan. 25, 1725-6. 2-84 it George, of George and Mary, May 19, 1739. 2-84 it Sarah. April 1, 1746. 2-84 a Joseph, Aug. 30, 1752. 2-84 " Tacy, AprU 14, 1755. 3-19 tt Elizabeth, of John and Mary, Feb. 4, 1746-7. 3-19 it John, March 13, 1752. 3-19 tt Clarke, April 13, 1754. 3-19 ft Anna, Aug. 23, 1756. 136 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-19 STILLMAN Deborah, of John and Mary, April 15, 1760 3-19 • Kelorah, Sept. 28, 1762. 3-109 Samuel, of EUsha and Hannah, Feb. 5, 1747 3-109 " Hannah, Aug. 13, 1753. 3-109 " Martha, May 16, 1756. 3-109 " Judeth, of Elisha and Mary, 2d wUe, Oct. 28, 1759. 3-109 " Elisha, Feb. 26, 1761. 3-109 " Amos, April 24, 1762. 3-109 EUzabeth, Dec. 6, 1765. 3-109 " WilUam, May 4, 1767. 3-4 " Eunice, of Benjamin and Mary, Oct. 8, 1751. 3-4 " Nathaniel, May 29, 1753 3-4 " Nathan, Feb. 1, 1757 3-4 " Waite (son), Nov. 27, 1753. 3-4 " Lydia, May 6, 1760. 3-4 " Mary, March 8, 1762. 3-4 " Benjamin, Nov. 15, 1703. B-4 Wealthy, June 24. 1705. 3-4 " Thankful, April 17, 1767. 3-4 " David, March 27, 1769. 3-4 " Ephraim, Dec 15, 1771. 3-66 " Anne, of Joseph and Mary1, April 7, 1754. 3-66 '¦' Lois, April 18, 1756. 4-93 Susannah, of George, 3d, and Esther, Oct. 8, 1753. 4-93 " George, Sept. 3, 1760. 4-93 " Esther, Feb. 9, 1763. 4-93 " Sarah, Nov. 9, 1766. 4-93 " Sylvester, July 26, 1769. 4-93 " Mary, Feb. 19, 1772. 4-93 " Maxson, June 28, 1774. 4-93 " Luke. Oct. 5, 1776. 4-93 " Lucy, May 30, 1779. 4-93 " Ellas, June 13, 1782. 4-93 u Amey, Note— First five also reeordea 3-58. March 25, 1785. 4-25 " Sabra, of Dea. Joseph ana Eunice. Oct. 28, 1771. 425 Lola, Sept. 7, 1773. 4-25 " Amey, Feb. 2D, 1777. 4-25 " Joseph, Jan. 14, 1779. 4-25 " Lydia, Oct. 16, 1780. 4-25 Paul, Sept. 19, 1732. 4-25 " Zebulon. June 21, 1784. 4-25 " Daniel. June 3, 17S7. 3-156 " Asa, of Joseph and EUzabeth, Dec. 7, 1773. 3-156 Tacy, Jan. 8. 1776. 3-156 " Jesse. Feb. 27, 1778. 3-156 " Silas, Aug. 6, 1780. 4-48 <; Fanny, of John and Mary, Jan. 14, 1777. 4-48 " Susannah, Sept. 12, 1778. 4-43 " Betsey, Feb. 17, 1782. 4-48 Caty, Feb. 15, 1784. 4-48 " Polly, AprU 30, 1786. 4-48 " Phebe, July 17, 1788. 4-43 " Content, Feb. 1, 1791. 4-61 " Nancy, of Nathaniel and Deborah, Oct. 31, 1777. 4-61 " Sarah, Aug. 27, 1779. 4-61 " Desire, Oct. 3, 1783. 4-61 " Nathaniel, Sept. 24, 1783'. 4-61 " OUver Davis, Aug. 28, 1785. 4-61 " Benjamin, July 1, 1789. -4-61 " Ezrr, April 20, 1746. 1-63 " Dorcas, and Gideon Holloway, Nov. 22, 1787. 1-101 " Pardon, and Martha Clarke; m. by Joshua Card, Jr., Justice,. Sept. 4, 1817. 1-67 CAEB John, of Jamestown, and Mary Cross, of Charlestown, dau. of Peleg,. Jr. ; m. by Samuel Perry, Justice, Court of Common Pleas, Dec. 23, 1805. 2-101 CHAMPLAIN Mary, and Joseph S'.anton, Jr.; Aug. 9, 1738. 2-162 " John, of WUliam, of New London, and Eebecca Stanton, of Daniel, of Charlestown; m. by Benj'n Hoxsie, Justice, Dec. 14, 1756. 2-166 " Ann, and James Peckham, Aug. 19, 1757. 1-4 " Jesse, of Charlestown, and Hannah Potter, of South Kingstown ; m.. by David Sprague, Clergyman, April 17, 1774. 1-22 " Sarah, and William Ehodes, Jan. 31, 1779. 1-16 " Jonathan, and Mary Moon ; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, April 2, 1780. 1-20 " John, of Charlestown, and Hannah Congdon, of Samuel, of South Kingstown; m. by Freeman Perry, Justice, June 34, 1781. 1-21 " Nancy, and Joseph Ehodes, Dec. 9, 1781. I'38 " Joshua., of Christopher, of Charlestown, and Mary Congdon, of Sam uel, of South Kingstown ; m. at South Kingstown, by Peleg Cr.iss, Justice, Sept. 3 3, 1792. 1-74 " Amey, and Job Taylor, Nov. 9, 1809. 1-1 CHAPMAN Abigail, and John Pari,-, Nov. 4, 1772. 1-98 CHAPPELI. Scranton, and ZUpha Perkins ; m. by Eev. George K. Clarke,. Nov. 18, 3 840. 1-1.02 CHURCH Charles, and Susannah , Jan. 12, 1759. CH AELESTO W N M AEEIAGES . 1-41 CHUECH Charles, and Mary Cross, both of Charlestown; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, Nov. 23, 17.il. " Caleb, of Isaac, and Lucy Potter, of William ; m. by Peleg Crnssi Justice, Dec. 13, 1795. CLARKE William, and Hannah Knight; April 15, 1700. Sarah, and Edward Greenman, Jr., May 11, 1721. Elisha, of Oharlesitown, and Judith Seager, of South Kingstown; m. by Bouse" Helme, Asst., Dec. 18, 1739. Jonathan, of Charlestown, and Tabitha Westcott, of South Kings town ; m. by Elder Daniel Evriti, Feb. 8, 1739. Bertha, and William Clarke ; May 26, 1754. William, and Bertha Clarke, both of Charlestown; m. by Elisha Babcock, Justice, May 20, 1754. Hannah, and WUliam S. Peckham, Jan. 6, 1773. Ichabod, of Ephraim, of Westerly, and Mary Crandall, of Edward,. of Charlestown ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Jan. 10, 1773. Edward, of Westerly, and Tamar Crandall, of Charlestown; m. hy Elder Thomas C. Eoss, May 31, 1773. Tacy, and Benedict Crandall, Dec. 7, 1780. Judea, and Gideon Crandall, Dec. 12, 1782. Simeon, of Joshua, and Silva Hall, of Peter, both of Charlestown ; m. txy Peleg Cross, Justice, May 10, 1786. Mary, and Newman Tucker, Nov. 27, 1788. Martha, and Pardon Card, Sept. 4, 1817. Sarah, and Thomas Jotoson, March 10, 1842. COLLINS Hezekiah, of Jas., and Mary Hoxsie, of Stephen, Jr. ; m. ,ny Peleg Cross, Justice, Dec. 20, 1787. CONGDON John, of Sou'h Kingstown, and Sarah Hoxsie, of Charlestown; m. by John Hicks, Justice, Oct. 6, 1715. (Also 2-62.) James, Jr., and Eliza! eth Pike, both of Charlestown; m. by John Hicks, Justice, Jan. 30, 1.745. Jaimes, of James and leborah Potter, both of Charlestown; m. by Jos. Hoxsie, Justice, Nov. 23, 1757. Susannah, and Timothy Peckham, March 11, 1759. Margaret, and Cahoone Williams, March 25, 1759. James, of John, and Elizabeth Sherman, of Hopkinton ; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Jan. 23, 1773. Hannah, and John Champlain, June 14, 1781. Catey, and Peleg Cross, Jr., June 2S, 1781. Mary, and Joshua Champlain, Sept. 16, 1792. Ceasar, and Eunice Niks; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, Dec. 26, 1797. " Bristol, Jr., and Hannah Trim (col.); in. by Peleg Cross, Justice, Jan. 3, 1802. COOK Elce, and Ceazer Babcc Jim- and Keziah Woodmansee, both of Charlestown; m. by Samuel Wilbur, Just ce, Dec. 21, 1738. CHARLESTOWN MAREIAGES. 1-31 EANOS jMathlas, of Stephen, of South Kingstown, and Anne Burdick, of Samuel, of Charlestown ; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, March 2, 1788. -2-62 EAELE John, son of Freelove Parker, and Saxah Allen, of William, both of Charlestown ; m. by Stephen Hoxsie, Justice, March 11, 1744. 1-51 EDWARDS Daniel, of Charlestown, and Lois Stillman, of Westerly; m. by (Elder Asa Coon, i:ept. 16, 1797. 1-73 " Jos., and Bathsheba Hiscox ; m. by Elder Abram Coon, Jan. 12, 1809. 1-15 ELLIS Jonathan, of Providence, and Phebe Taylor, of Charlestown; m. J>y Elder Thomas Eoss, May 17, 1778. F •2-62 FOSTER Sarah, and Benjamin Pettis, AprU 2, 1746. Q :2-172 GAEDNEE Lucl, and WUUam Greene; m. iAug. 20, 1767. 1-94 GAVITT Oliver, and Martha Perry; m. by Elder WUson Coggswell, June 30, 1843. r2-169 GEEENMAN Edward, Jun., of Westerly, and Sarah Clarke, of South Kings town; m. in S. K. by Christopher Allen, Justice, May 11, 1721. fi-35 " SUas, and Sarah Peckham, both of Charlestown ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Oqt. 27, 1751. 2-60. 164 GREENE Amos, and Amie Knowles, both of Charlestown ; m. by WU Uam Clarke, Just ce, June 19, 1740. 2-227 " WUliam, and Judith Rathbone ; m. by Nathan Sheffield, Justice, Jan. 25, 1756. ¦a-163 " Mary, and Nathan Kenyon; m. April 18, 1757. 2-172 " Amos, Jun., and Dorcas HaU. both of Charlestown; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, June 9. 1763. .2-172 " WilUam, of Charlestown, and Lucl Gardinier, of Hopkinton ; m. by Nathan Burdick, Justice, Aug. 20, 1767. 1-41 " Amos, of Charlestown, and Elizabeth Thompson, of Westerly ; m. by Eld. E. Babcock, Dec. 25, 1793. 1-51 " Eobert, and Abigail Tefft; m. by James Potter, Justice, Dec. 27, 1798. T.-100 ' " Alvln, and Esther Holburton ; m. by Asa Church, Justice, July 18, 1822. 1-88 " Edward L., and Elizabeth ¦ ¦; m. Jan. 6, 1823. 1-83 " Jason B., and Hannah Saunders ; m. March 18, 1839. 1-96 " Nancy C, and Bradford Kenyon ; m. July 5, 1846. 2-60 GEI'FFIN PhiUip, of Charlestown, and EUzabeth Eeynolds, of Westerly; m. by WiUlam Clarke, Justice, June 17. 1740. 12-&2 " John, and AbigaU Ladd, both of Charlestown; m. hy Nathaniel Lewis, Justice, Oct. 16, 1743. .1-71 " Stephen, and Hannah Hazard, both of Charlestown; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, Nov. 26, 1807. 1-27 GOULD Abigail, and Jos. Cross; m. Nov. 14, 1746. H 2-61 HALL Martha, and Benj'm Braman; m. AprU 28, 1729. a-62 " WUliam, of Westerly, and Sarah Kenyon, ot Charlestown; m. by WUliam Clarke, Justice, July 14, 1744. 2-103 " Consider, of John, Jun., and AbigaU Barker, of Thomas, all of Charlestown; m. by Benj'n Hoxsie, Justice, April 23, 1750. 2-103 " Martha, and Tobias Saunders; m. April 9, 1752. 10 VITAL EECOED OF EHODE ISLAND. 2-224 HALL Potter, and Hannah Lovatt; m. by Benj'n Hoxsie, Justice, Feb-.- 5, 1753. 2-162 " Jonathan, of Wes'-'erly, and Jane Harvey, of Charlestown ; m. by Benj'n Hoxsie, Justice, March 8, 1756. 2-166 " Ephraim, of Benj'n, and Penelope Hall, widow, both of Hopkin ton; m. by Benj'n Hoxsie, Justice, Dec. 11, 1757. 2-166 " Penelope, widow, and Ephraim Hall; m. Dec. 11, 1757. 2-227 " Hannah, and Eobert Burdick; m. March — , 1759. 2-172 " Dorcas, and Amos Greene, Jun.; m. June 9, 1763. 1-27 " SUvia, and Simeon Clarke; mT May 10, 1786. 1-65 " Jane, and Henry Figer, March — , 1804. 1-69 HANCOCK Freelove, and Nathaniel Sheffield; m. Jan. 13, 1805. 1-69 " • Zebulon, and Catherine Sheffield, of Thomas ; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, Feb. 15, 1807. 2-162 HAEVEY Jane, and Jonathan Hall; m. March 8, 1756. 1-19 " Mary, and Jos. Ares ; m. Nov. 16, 1773 1-20 " Thomas, of Charlestown, and Elizabeth Braman, of Slouth Kings town; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, Dec. 29, 1782. 1-55 " Harriet, and Jos. Thompson; m. Feb. 9, 1840. 1-65 HAWKINS Hannah, and Daniel Swan, April 3, 1804. 1-18 HAZARD Jonathan, Jun., and Tacy^Burdick, both of Charlestown; m. by Elder Thomas Ross, Dec. 29, 1781. 1-71 " Hannah, and Stephen Grlllin ; m. Nov. 26, 1807. 1-101 " Arnold W., of South Kingstown, andi Sarah S. Hoxsie of Charles town ; m.. by Rev. Charles P. Grosvenor, Jan. 8, 1837. 1-93 " William H., and Sarah M. Thomas, both of the Narragansett Tribe ;. m. by Elder Weeden Barber, Dec. 30, 1844. 1-73 HISCOX Bathsheba, ahd Jos. Edwards ;¦ m. Jan. 12, 1809. 1-89 " Arnold, Jun., and Martha B. Macomber, both of Charlestown; m. by Elder Daniel CJion, AprU 12. 1842. 3-100 HOLBURTON Esther, and Aivin Oreene ; m. July 18, 1822. 1-63 HOLLOWAY Gideon, and Dorcas Card; m. by Elder Charles Boss, Nov. 22, 1787. 2-166 HOXSIE Sarah, and John Conglon : m. Oct. 6, 1745. (also 1-5). 2-165 " Joseph, of Joseph, of Charlestown, and Mary Peckbam, of Benja min,, of South Kingstown ; m. by John HUl, Justice, Feb. 5, 1754. 2-166 " Mary, and Anos Lewis ; m. AprU 20, 1755. 1-9 " Gideon,, Jr., of Charlestown, and Amie Browning, of WiUlam, of South Kingstown; m. by Sylvester Robinson, Justice, Oct. 20, 1774. 1-43 " Peleg, of Gid.-on, and Lucy Babcock, of, Ichabod,, of Westerly ; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, June 1, 1777. 1-36 " Thomas, of Benjamin,, and Mary Browning, of WUkcrson ; m. hy Peleg Cross, Justice, Dec. 28, 1777. 1-31 " Mary, and Hezekiah Collins; m. Dec. 20, 1787. 1-40 ". Elizabeth, and Peter Perry ; m. June 8, 1794. 1-42 " lodowick, and Euth Taylor, both of Charlestown; m. by Peleg Cross,, Justice, Jan 4, 1795. 1-76 " Capt. Hazard, and Cloe BaUey ; m, at Lebanon, Conn., by Eev. Nehemiph Dodge, Dec. 25, 1806. 1-101 " Sarah S., and Arnold W. Hazard; m. Jan. 8, 1837. 1-95 " Samuel B., of Hazard, and Maria WUcox, of Joseph, Jr. ; m. by Eev. Thomas H. Vail, Sept. 10, 1846. I J 2-61 JAMES Hannah, and Eobert Moore ; m. Nov. 30, 1741. 2-62 " Jonathan, and Mehitable Webb, both of Charlestown; m. by John HickSi, Justice, Jan. 17, 1744. 2-62 " Mary, and Lavid Moore; m. Nov. 24, 1745. 2-226 JOSHUA, son of Negro Will, of Charlestown, and Phebe, a mullato woman, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Nov. 5, 1753. 2-226 JOHNSON Eebecca, and Benjamin Braman ; m. March 17, 1754. CHARLESTOWN MARRIAGES. . 11 2-170 JOHNSON Lucy, and John Stiles; m. Feb. 3.1, 1760. 1-13 " Mary, and Benjamin Tucker; m. AprU 15, 1777. 1-31, 42 " John, of Reuben,, and Mary Adams, of Thomas, both of CharlrfStown; m. by Peleg Cross, Jr., Justice, March 4, 1788. 1-40 " Sarah, and Pardon Perry ; m. March 13, 1803. 1-90, 92 " Thomas, and Sarah Clarke ; m. by Elder Weeden Barber, March 10, 1842. K 2-60 KENYON Ebenezer, and Amie ; m. Nov. 14, 1717. - 2-60 " Mary, and Stephen Larkin ; m. March 9, 1740. 2-60 " Sarah, and Nicholas Larkin; m. Dee. 18, 1740. 2-61 " Sarah, and Nathaniel Pullman. Jr.; m. Jan. 14, 1741. 2-61 " Mary, and Enoch Lewis ; m. Feb. 27, 1742. 2-61 " Elizabeth, and James Lewis (also 1-101) ; m. Feb. 27, 1742. 2-62 « Sarah, and WiUiam HaU, July 14, 1744. 2-60 " Hannah, and Thomas Kenyon; m. AprU 13, 1746. 2-60 " Thomas, of Jolm, aud Hannah Kenyon, of David, both of Charles town; m. by Robert LUlibridge, Justice, April 13, 1746. 2-61 " Enock, and Ann Auchmndy ; m. by Elder Joseph Park, Nov. 24, 1747. 2-224 " Eunice, and Joshua CrandaU, m. Sept. 18, 1750. 2-163 " Nathan, and Mary Greene, both of Charlestown ; m. by Gideon Hoxsie, Justice, AprU 18, 1757. 2-167 '¦' Alice, and Benjamin CrandaU; m. June 26, 1758. 2-62 " Sarah, and WUliam Potter, Jr.; m. July 24, 1763. 1-36 " James, of Daniel, and Lydia Sheffield, of Elisha, both of Charles town ; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, April 22, 1786. 1-34 " Nathan, Jr., of Richmond, and Sarah Tefft, of South Kingstown; m. by Elder Henry Joslin, April 12, 1789. 1-45 " Sarah, and Robert Potter; m. Sept. 30, 3 797. 1-84 '• James N., and Mary ' Stanton, both of Charlestown; m. by Rev. John H. Baker, March 23, 1840. 1-86 " Abbie, and Wilson Cogswell; m. Feb. 11, 1841. 1-96 " Bradford, of Richmond, and Nancy C. Greene, of Charlestown; m. by ;Rev. John W. Colwell, July 5, 1846. 1-97 " James A., and Frances Rathbone, both of Charlestown; m. by Jos. H. Griffin, Justice, ..uly 27, 1847. 2-162 KING Ann. and Jediah Austin ; m. Feb. 3, 1756. 2-31 KNIGHT Hannah, and William Clarke; m. AprU 15, 1700. 2-60 KNOWLES Amie. and Amos Greene (also 2-164) ; mi. June 19, 1740. 2-103 " Eobert. of Daniel, and AbigaU Smith; m. by John Congdon, Jus tice, April 22, 1750. 1-83 " Celia, and John Stanton; m. May 26, 1833. 2-62 LADD Abigail, and John Griffin ; m. Oct. 16, 1743. 2-60 LANPHEEE Susannah, and John Stanton; m. Oct. 16, 1734. 2-60 LAEKIN Stephen, of Ediward, of Westerly, and- Maiy Kenyon, of Ebenezer, of Charlestown ; m. by Stephen Hoxsie, Justice, March 9, 1740. 2-60 " Nicholas, of Edward, of Westerly, and Sarah Kenyon, of Johni, of Cliarlestown ; m. by Stephen Hoxsie, Justice, Dec. 18, 1740. 2-60 LEWIS Mary, and Nathaniel Lewis ; m. Nov. 13, 1729. 2-60 " Nathaniel, and Mary Lewis ; m. by Theo. Ehodes, Justice, Nov. 13, 1729. 2-60 " Jacob, and. Prudence Lewis ; m. by Stephen Hoxsie, Justice, Sept. 9, 1739. 2-60 " Prudence, and Jacob Lewis ; m. Sept. 9, 1739. 2-60 " Mary, and Jos. Sogers ; m. Jan. 17, 1739. ^2 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-61 LEWIS Enoch, and Mary Kenyon, of John, both of Charlestown; m. by- John Hicks, Justice, Feb. 27, 1742. 2.61 " James, of North Kingstown, and Elizabeth Kenyon, of Jonathan, of Charlestown (also 2-101); m. by John Hicks, Justice, Feb.. 27. 1742, 2-62 " Jonathan, Jr., of Exeter, and Sarah Barber, of Charlestown'; m. by John Hicks, Justice, July 27, 1744. 2-224 " A muster man, son of Negro Will, of Cliarlestown, and Mary Matthews, of same town; m. by Nathaniel Lewis, Justice, Feb. 7, 1753. 2-166 " Amos, and Mary Hoxsie, both of Charlestown ; m. by John Hicks, Justice, AprU 20, 1755. 1-16 " Simeon, of Capt. John, of Westerly, and Annie Cross, of Peleg, of Charlestown; m. by Jos. Crandall, Justice, Jan. 13, 1780. 1-81 " Anne, and Jared Babcock; m. June 25, 1830. 2-60 LILLIBRIDGE Thomas, and Mary Woodmansee; m. by Theo Ehodes, Jus tice, June 12, 1726. 2-62 " John, and Marcy Enos, 1>ot[h of Charlestown; in. by Nathaniel Lewis, Justice, Oct. 12, 1743. 2-224 LOVATT Hannah, and Potter Hall ; m. Feb. 5, 1753. 2-61 LYSTER Hannah, and Jos. Woodmansee, July 7, 1719. M 1-85 MACOMBEE Nancy A., and WUliam Ney ; m. Jan. 13, 1840. 1-89 " Martha B., and Arnold Hiscox, Jr.; m. April 12, 1842. 2-224 .MATTHEWS Mary, and son of Negro Will Lewis: m. Feb. 7, 1753. 2-103 MILLAED John, and Freelove Braman, both of Charlestown ; m. by Joseph: Crandall, Justice, Jan. 23, 175.1. 2-165 " Mary, and John Braman, Jr., Nov. 9, 1756. 1-71 MINER Daniel, of Stonington, and Eliztbeth Babcock, of Ephraim, of South Kingstown ; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, Nov. 23, 1807. 2-171 MOON Elizabeth, and Edward Cross ; m. Aug. 7, 1763. 1-16 " Mary, and Jonathan Cknmplin; m. AprU 2, 1780. 2-61 MOOEE Eobert, of John, of Charlestown, and Hannah James, of William, of Charlestown; m. hy Stephen Hoxsie, Justice, Nov. 30, 1741. 2-62 " David, and Mary James, both of Charlestown ; m. by John Hicks, Justice, Nov. 24, 1745. 2-167 " Deliverance, and Edward Perry ; m. Jan. 7, 1759. 1-66 MOREY Gardiner, and Lydia Sheffield ; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, April. 16, 1804. 1-90 MUMFOED WUUam; and Dorcas Browning; m. by Joseph H. Griffin, Jus tice, Jan. 3, 1843. N 1-85 NEY WUUam, and Nancy A. Macomher ; m. by Daniel King, Justice, Jan. 13, 1840. 1-45 NILES Eunice, and Ceaser Congdon; m. Dec. 26, 1797. o 1-66 OLNEY Lemuel, and Mary Simon; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, March 25, 1804. 2-467 PAEK Benjamin, and Hannah Stanton York; m. by Eev. Jos. Park, Deo. 4 (prob.), 1757. 1-1 " John, of Jos., of Charlestown, and Abigail Chapman, of William,. of Westerly ; m. by Eev. Jos. Park, Nov. 4, 1772. CHARLESTOWN MARRIAGES. 13 2-35 PECKHAM Sarah, and SUas Greenman; m. Oct. 27, 1751. 2-165 " Mary, and Jos. Hoxsie; m. Feb. 5, 1754. 2-166 " James, of Daniel, and Ann Champlin, of Jeffrey, both of Charles town ; m. by Benj'n Hoxsie, Justice, Aug. 19, 1757. 2-168 " Timothy, of South Kingstown, and Susannah Congdon, of Charles town ; m. by Jos. Crandall, Justice, March 11, 1759. 1-2 " WUUam S., of 'John, of Westerly, and Hannah Clark, of Jos., of Charlestown ; m. by Jos. CrandaU, Justice, Jan. 6, 1773. 1-25 " Isaac, of Westerly, and Susannah Sunderland, of Charlestown ; m. by Jos. CrandaU, Justice, July 27, 3.7.86. 1-90 " Charles, . of Charlestown, and Mary Ann' Saunders, of Westerly ; m. . by Eld. Weeden Barber, Jr., Oct. 17, 1841. 1-49 PEIRCE Thankful, and Joshua Austin, April 29, 1801. 1-98 PERKINS ZUpha, and Scranton ChappeU ; m. Nov. 18, 1849. 2-165 PERRY Sarah, and David Babcock; m. March 30, 1757. 2-167 " Edward, of Charlestown, and Deliverance Moore, of Exeter; m. by Gideon Hoxsie, Justice, Jan. 7, 1759. 2-167 " Susannah, and Jonathan Babcock; ra. Feb. 10, 1759. 1-1 " Edward, of Benj'n, of Richmond, and Euth Perry, of Samuel; m. by Sylvester Eobinson, Justice, Oct. 7, 1770. 1-1 " Euth, and Edward Perry; m. Oct. 7, 1770. 1-2 " Merebah, and Jeremiah Pierce; m. Jan. 27, 1773. 1-40 " Peter, a mustee man, of Charlestown, and EUzabeth Hoxsie, mustee, of same town : m. by John 'Collins, Justice, June 8, 1794. 1-48 " Hazard, and Abigail Corey ; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, Nov. 23, 1800. 1-63 " Pardon, and Sarah Johnson: m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, March 13, 1803. 1-64 " Hoxsie, and Susannah Cross ; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, Dec. 4, 1803. 1-80 " MEry, and Samuel Ward; m. Jan. 12, 1826. 1-86 " Mary, and Jonathan Tucker; m. Sept. 30, 1840. 1-94 " Martha, and Oliver Gavitt, June 30, 1843. 2-62 PETTIS Benjamin, and Sarah Foster, m. by WUliam Clarke, Justice, April 20, 1746. 2-226 PHEBE, a, mulatto, and Joshua, son of Negro Will ; m. Nov. 5, 1753. 2-224 PIEECE Bathsheba, and Nathan Crandall ; m. April 5, 1753. 1-2 " Jeremiah, of East Gr enwich, son of John, and Merebah Perry, of Samuel, of Charh'stown; m. by Sylvester Eobinson, Justice, Jan. 27, 1773. 2-62 PIKE Elizabeth, and Jaimes Congdon, Jr.; m. Jan. 30, 1745. 2-62 POTTEB Thomas, of Icliabod, and Martha Card, of Charlestown ; m. by WUliam Clarke, Justice, April 20, 1743. 2-3 66 " Deborah, and James Congdon, Nov. 23, 1757. 2-62, 171 " William, Jr., of South Kingstown, and Sarah Kenyon, of Charles town , m. by Christopher Champlin, Justice, July 24, 1763. 1-4 " Hannah, and Jesse Ohajmplin ; m. April 17, 1774. 1-11 " ZUpha, and Jesse Chamall; m. July 2, 3.776. 1-44 " Lucy, and Caleb Church : m. Dec. 13, 1795. 1-45 " Eobert, and Sarah Kenyon ; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, Sept. 30, 1797. 2-61 PULLMAN Nathaniel, Jr., and Sarah Kenyon, of Jonathan, both of Charles town ; m. by William Clarke, Justice, Jan. 14, 1741. Q R 2-61 EATHBONE Joshua, and Dorcas 'Wells, both of Charlestown; m. by WU liam Clarke, Justice, May 4, 1742. 2-227 " Judeth, and WUliam Greene; m. Jan. 25, 1756. 1-97 " Frances, and James A. Kenyon; m. July 27, 1847. 2-60 REYNOLDS EUzabeth, and PhUlip Griffin ; m. June 17, 3740. 1-47 " Elizabeth, and Samuel Stanton ; m. AprU 11, 1799. 14 VITAL EECOED OF EHODE ISLAND. 1-22 EHODES WUliam, of James, of Stonington, and Sarah Champlin, of Chris topher, of Charlestown; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Jan. 31, 1779. 1-21 " Joseph, of Col. James, of Stonington, and Nancy Champlin,, of Col. Christopher, of Charlestown; m. by Joseph Crandall, Jus tice, Dec. 9, 1781. 1-96 EODMAN Caroline, and Gideon Amnions; m. Nov. 10, 1846. 2-60 " ROGERS Joseph, and Mary Lewis ; m. by Stephen Hoxsie, Justice, Jan. 17, 1739. 2-61 " Joseph, of James, and Margaret Webb, of Charlestown ; m. by Joseph Hoxsie, Justice, April 22, 1742. 2-62 " Isaac, and Sarah Ross,, both of Charlestown ; m. by John Hicks, Justice, March 31, 1745. 2-62 EOSS Sarah, and Isaac Rogers ; m. March 31, 1745. 1-6 " Anna, and Job Taylor, Jr. ; m. Dec. 10, 1772. 1-33 " Annie, and Samuel Stanton; m. Oct. 1, 1788. 1-93 " Katherine, and Moses Stanton; m. June 9, 1844. 1-66 SANDS Hannah T., and Peleg S. Thompson ; m. March 18, 1805. 2-224 SASH Hannah, and Isaac Dick; m. Oct. 25, 1753. 2-103 SAUNDEES Tobias, of Westerly, and Martha Hall, of John, of Charlestown; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, April 9, 1752. 2-171 " Tacy, and John Allen ; m. May 19, 1703. 1-21 " Mary, and William Scribens; m. May 31, 1781. 1-83 " Hannah, and Jason B. Greene; m. March 18, 1839. 1-90 " Mary Ann, and Charles Peckham ; m. Oct. 17, 1841. 1-21 SCRIBENS WiUiam, and Mary Saunders, of Isaac, both of Charlestown; m. by Elder John Burdick, May 31„ 1781. 2-60 -SEAGEE Judeth, and Elisha Clarke ; m. Dec. 18, 1739. 2-224 SHAW Mrs. Jemima, and Stanto York, April 30, 1730. 2-101 SHEFFIELD Nathaniel, and Rebecca Stanton, both of Charlestown ; m. Feb. 0, 1740. 2-60 " Martha, and Thomas Spencer, Jr. ; m. June 18, 1741. 2-35 " Abigail, and Jos. Stanton; m. March 6, 1748. 1-35 " Samuel,, ot George, of Westerly, and Annie Browning, of John, of Charlestown; m. by Jos. Crandall, Justice, Dec. 3, 1778. 1-36 " Lydia,, and James Kenyon ; ni. April 22. 1786. 1-50 " George, and Rhoda Burch; m. by John Cross, Justice, Jan. 3, 1S02. 1-66 " Lydia, and Gardiner Morey, AprU 16, 1804. 3-69 " Nathaniel, of Charlestown, and Freelove Hancock, of Stonington, Conn.; m. by Nathaniel Miner, Justice, Jan. 13, 1805. 1-69 " Catherine, and Zebulon Hancock, Feb. 15, 1807. 1-72 " SaUy, and Samuel Burdick; m. Jan. 21, 1808. 2-02 SHELDON John, of South Kingstown, and Elizabeth Wells, of Charles town ; m. by Nathaniel Lewis, Justice', May 29, 1744. 1-24 " Abigail, and Tliomas Vars; m. Feb. 10, 1783. 1-34 SHEEMAN Elizabeth,, and James Congdon; m. Jan. 23, 1773. 1-81 " George Hazard, and Sophia Davis; in. by Elder Christopher A. very, Dec. 34, 1814. 1-66 SIMON Mary, and Lemuel Olney, March 25, 1844. 2-303 SMITH Abigail, and Eobert Knowles; m. April 22, 1750. 2-60 SPENCEE Thomas, Jr., of East Greenwich, and Martha Sheffield of Charles town ; m. by William Clarke, Justice, June 18, 1741. 2-60 STANTON John, and Susannah Lanphere ; m. by John Babcock, Justice, Oct. 16, 1734. 2-101 " Jos., Jr.,, and Mary Champlain ; m. by Elder Jolm Maxson, Aug. 9, 1738. 2-101 " Rebecca, and Nathaniel Sheffield; m. Feb. 6, 1740. 2-35 " Jos., oC Daniel, and Abigail Sheffield; m. by Benj'n Hoxsie, Jus tice, March 6, 1748. 2-227 " Esther, and Icliabod Babcock; m. March 17, 3 756. 1-2 1-33 1-481-48 1-683-68 3-83 1-84 1-93 -171 1-6 1-15 1-18 1-42 1-65 1-74 CllAELESTOWN MARRIAGES. 15 -2-162 STANTON Rebecca, and John Champlin ; m. Dec. 14, 1756. Jos., Jun., of Charlestown, and Thankful Babcock,, of Westerly; m. by Joseph Park, Clefg., July 34, 1702. Samuel, of Daniel, and Annie Ross, of Peleg, both of Charles town; m. by Elder John Gardiner, Oct. 1, 1788. Samuel, of 'this town, and Elizabeth Reynolds, of Soutli Kings town ; m. by Thomas Hoxsie, Senator, April 31, 1799. John B., of Job, and Hannah Crandall, of Enock: m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, Oct. 12, 1300. Ethan, of Augustus, and Nancy Stanton, of Homy ; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, Feb. 0, 1807. Nancy, and Ethan Stanton, Feb. 9, 1807. John, son of Samuel, and Celia Knowles, of Jos. ; m. by Eld. Thomas TUUnghast, May 26, 1833. Mary, and James N. Kenyon ; m. March 23, 1S40. Moses, and Katherlne Ross, both of the Narragansett Tribe ; m. by Eld. Weeden Barber, June, 9, 1.844. i"97 " Mary, and Job Taylor, ot ; m. March 24, 1849. .2-3.70 STILES John, and Lucy Johnson; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, Feb. 11, 1760. 1-51 STILLMAN Lois, and Daniel Edwards ; m. Sept. 16, 1797. 1-25 SUNDERLAND Susannah, and Isaac Peckham; m. July 27, 1786. 1-65 SWAN Daniel, of Stonington, and Hannah Hawkins, of Charlestown ; m. by Senator Thomas Hoxsie, AprU 3, 1804. TAYLOE Martha, and Ebenezer Adams ; m. Sept. 34, 1763. Job, Jr., of Charlestown, and Anna Eoss, of Isaac, of Westerly ; m. by Jos. Park, Clerg., Dec. 10, 1772. " Phebe, and Jonathan Ellis ; m. May 17, 1778. " Phebe, and Asa Crandall ; m. Dec. 28, 1780. " Euth, and Lodowick Hoxsie ; m. Jan. 4, 1795. " Patty, and Potter Crandall, April 11, 1803. " Job, of Nathan, and Amie Champlain, of Samuel, of Westerly; m. by Eev. Jesse Babcock, Nov. 9, 1809. "1-91 " Joseph W., and Lucinda ; m. at Manville, Conn., July 4, 1813. 1-97 " Job, and Mary Stanton, both of Charlestown; m. by Eev. Joseph P. Brown, March 24, 1849. 1-20 TEFFT Sarah, and Asa Crandall; m. Sept. 12, 1782. 1-34 " Sarah, and Nathan Kenyon, Jr. ; m. April 12, 1789. 1-51 " AbigaU, and Eobert Greene; m. Dec. 27, 1798. 1-93' THOMAS Sarah M., and WUliam H. Hazard; m. Dec. 30, 1844. 1-32 THOMPSON Lodowick. oi Westerly, of Elias, Jr., and Hannah Burdick, of Samuel, of Charlestown ; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, Aug. 29, 1788. 1^41 " Elizabeth, and Amos Greene; m. Dec. 25, 1793. 1-66 THOMPSON Peleg S., of Charlestown, and Hannah T. Sands, of New Shore ham ; m. by John Gorton, Warden, March 18, 1805. 1-85 " Joseph, and Harriet Harvey ; m. by Dan. Kinn, Justice, Feb. 9, 1840. 1-65 TIGER Henry, and Jane. Hall ; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, March — , 1804. 1-50 TEIM Hannah, and Bristol Congdon, Jr., (col.) Jan. 3, 1802. 1-13 TUCKER Benjamin, and Mary Johnson, of Gideon, both of Charlestown ; m. April 15, 1777. 1-33 " Newman, and Mary Clarke, both of Cliarlestown; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, Nov. 27, 1788. 1-86 " Jonathan, of South Kingstown, and Mary Perry,, of this town ; m. by Eev. John H. Baker, Sept, 30, 3.840. 1-92 " Joseph B., and Dorcas T. Webster; m. by Joseph H. Griffin, Jus tice, July 19, 1842. 11-99 " Hannah, and Thomas M. Webster; m. March 3, 1850. 16 VITAL EECOED OF EHODE ISLAND. u y 1-24 VAES Thomas, of Isaac, of Westerly, and AbigaU Sheldon, of Isaac, of Southi Kingstown; m, by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Feb. 10, 1785. w 1-80 WAED Samuel, of New Shoreham, and Mary Perry, of Charlestown ; m. at Stonington, Conn., by Coddington Billings, Justice, Jan. 12,. 1826. 2-61 WEBB Margaret, and Joseph Rogers ; m. April 22, 1742. 2-62 " Mehitable, and Jonathan .lames; m. Jan. 3 7, 1744. 2-77 WEBSTER Margaret, and Joseph Eanos : m. Sept. 20, 1716. 2-61 " Mary, and Joseph Woodmansee; m. Aug. 17, 1741. 2-61 " James, and Hannah Woodmansee ; m. by John Hicks, Justice, Sept. 12, 1742. 1-92 " Dorcas T., and Joseph B. Tucker, July 19, 1842. 1-99 " Thomas M., and Hannah Tucker; m. by Elder Henry Clarke,. March 3, 1850. 1-28 WELCH John, of Charlestown, and Lydia Burdick, of Hopkinton; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, Aug. 27, 1774. 1-21 " Katherine, and Simeon Crandall; m. Feb. 22, 1783. 2-61 WELLS Dorcas, and Joshaa Rathbone; m. May 4, 1742. 2-62 " Elizabeth, and John Sheldon; ni. May 29, 174-1. 2-35 WESCOTT Tabitha, and Jonathan Clarke ; m. Feb. 8, 1739. 2-103 WILCOX Joseph, and Mary Burdick, both of Charlestown; m. by William- Hern. Justice, July 28, 1748. 1-67 " Ann, and Benjamin Babcock, Jan. 26, 1806. 1-77 " Joseph, 2d, and Mariah BUven ; m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, Jan. - 20, 1814. 1-95 " Maria, and Samuel B. Hoxsie ; m. Sept. 10, 1846. 2-168 WILLIAMS Cahoone, of Thomas, of South Kingstown, and Margaret Cong don, of James, of Charlestown; m. by Gideon. Hoxsie, Justice,. March 25, 1"59. 2-61 WOODMANSEE Joseph, and Hannah Lyster, both of Westerly ; m. by Chris topher Allen, Justice, July 7, 1719. 2-60 " Mary, and Thomas LiUibridge; m. June 12, 1726. 2-61 " Abigail, and Richard Bailey; m. April 25. 1729. 2-60 " Keziah, and Joseph Eanos, Jr. ; m. Dec. 21, 1738. 2-61 " ' Joseph, of Joseph, and Mary Webster, of John, bath of Charles town ; m. by Stephen Hoxsie, Justice, Aug. 17, 1741. 2-61 " Hannah, and James Webster; m. Sept. 12, 1742. 1-27 WORDEN Abigail, and Joseph Cross ; m, April 25, 1786. 1-49, 51 " Gardiner, of Chrlstoprer, and Nancy Worden, of William ; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, March 18, 1793. 1-49, 51 " Nancy, 'and Gardiner Worlen : m. March 18, 1793. X Y Z 2-224 YORK Stanton, of Charlestown, and Mr.-. Jemima Shaw, of Stonlnj.tcn, Conn.; m. at Stonington, by Rev. Ebenezer Rosseter, AprU 30, 1730. 1-162 ". HopestiU, and Oliver Crary: m. March 16, 1756. 2-167 " Hannah Stanton, and Benjamin Park; m. (Prob.) Dec. 4, 1757. 1-69 " Stephen, and Mary BUven ; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, March 19, 1807.. CHARLESTOWN. births A.isri2 deaths. 1-39 ARES Ezra, of Joseph, and Mary, 1-19 " Solomon, 1-19 " Mary, 1-19 ,, AbigaU, 1-19 tt SUas, 2-32 AUSTIN Joseph, of David and Dinah, 2-32 d Martha, 2-32 » Mary, 2-32 tt Dinah, 2-32 it David, 2-32 a Mercy, Feb. 23, 1774. May 17, 1775.. April 9, 1777. Nov. 18, 1779. April 1, 1782. Feb. 1, 1731. Dec. 7, 1733. Sept. 5, 1735. Jan. 8, 1738. July 21, 1740. Jan. 16, 1743. B 1-79 1-79 1-79 1-13 1-13 1-13 2-34 2-34 2-34 2-34 2-34 2-34 2-34 2-31 2-31 2-31 2-312-312-312-31 2-31 2-31 2-31 2.33 2-1732-1732-1732-1732-373 , 1-101-101-101-10 1-10 I BABCOCK Welcome B., son of Jared, " Daniel L., " Elias L., BARTLETT Leander, son of Dr John. " Paschal Paoll. " Susannah, BASSETT WUUam, born " Experience, his wife, Mary, of WilUam and Experience, Martha, " Lettise, " Sarah, " James, BOSS Richard, of Jeremiah and Martha. " Edward, «¦" Susannah, " Jeremiah, " Martha, " Peter, " Joseph, John, " Hannah, " Jonathan, BRAMAN Freelove, of Benjamin and Martha, BROWNING William, of John and Annie (of John), " Annie,Ruth, " John, " Ephraim, BURDICK James, of Ephraim and Anna, " Anna, " Euth, " Benjamin, " Sarah, Nov. 22, 1819. June 19, 1822. Dec. 9, 1829. Nov. 26, 1777. Nov. 2, 1779. Feb. 25, 1777.. June 2, 1703. Dec. 15. 1702. March 24, 1735. Aug. 22, 1737. March 19, 1740. March. 18, 1744. March 18, 1744.. Feb. 26, 1724.' April 20, 1725. Feb. 9, 1728. May 17, 1729. Feb. 12, 1731. Sept. 30, 1732. March 2, 1734. Oct. 14, 1735. Oct, 11, 1737. July 14, 1739. Dec. 9, 1729. Dec. 1, 1755. May 6, 1757. Feb. 9, 1759. Jan. 1, 1761. Jan. 16, 1763. Dec. 17, 1766. Feb. 20, 1768. Oct. 11, 1769. June 18, 1772. May 25, 1774. 18 VITAL EECOED OF EHODE ISLAND. 1-75 BUEDICK James, Jr., of James, 1-75 it Edith, 1-75 ii Joshua R. 1-75 ti Nancy, 1-75 11 Isaiali, 1-75 « Prudence, 1-75 ii Wealthy, 1-75 ii Sally, 1-75 11 Ephraim, March 8, 1790. April 11, 1793. July 14, 1794. July 10, 1796. Sept. 28, 1799, April 23, 1802. May 9, 1805, April ,3', 1809. AprU 6, 1812. 2-163 2-163 2-163 1-201-20 1-20 1-20 1-20 1-102 1-102 1-102 1-102 1-102 1-102 1-1021-102 1-102 1-102 1-102 1-102 1-1021-102 1-102 1-102 1-102 1-103 1-103 1-103 1-103 1-103 1-103 1-103 1-1031-1033 -103 1-103 2-312-312-312-312-312-312-312-312-31 2-32 2-322-322-32 2-32 2-32 2-32 CHAMPLAIN Thankful, of John, Nov. 10, " John, Jnly 10, " Hannah, Nov. 29, " Thankful, of John and Hannah, July 9, " Sarah, Sept. 30, John, Oct. 11, " Mary, Nov. 30, " Hannah, . Nov. 5, CHUECH Charles, Aug. 26, 1737, died Dec. 21, 1785. " Susannah, his wife, Sept. 4, 1741, died Aug. 8, 1831. " Lydia, of Charles, and Susannah, March 21, " Sylvester, June 28, " Sylvester, died May 3, Penelope,, Aug. 8, Asa, July 13, " Anna, Oct. 1, " Elizabeth, July 21, " Charles, Jr., AprU 17, " Mary, April 8, Samuel K., May 21, " Eebecca, Nov. 4, " Eebecca, died Dec. 16, " Susannah, July 13, " Eebecca, 2d, AprU 17, " Anna, wife of Sylvester 2d, died March 21, " Asa, of Charles and Susannah, July 13. 1766. " Dorcas, wife of Asa, Sept. 24, 1769. " Charles, of Asa and Dorcas, " Dorcas, " Mary, " Mary, Mary, 2d, " Joseph C, " Anna, " Asa, Jr., " Albert, CLARKE William, born " Hannah (Knight), his wife, " WilUam, of WUUam and Hannah, " Jonathan, " Hannah, " Thomas, Ruth, 1756.1759. 1763. 1782. 1785.1787. 1788.1790. 1759. 1761. 1762.1763. 1766. 1768.1771.1774.1776.1778. 1780. 1782. 1782. 1784. 1795. Aug. 25, 1794. Oct. 18, 1796. July 20, 1800. died Oct. 5, 1801. June 22, 1802. AprU 7, 1805. Oct, 23, 1807. April 13, 1810. March 4, 1813. May 27, 1673. April ,3, 1680. Aug. 26, 1701. Oct. 18, 1702. Sept. 8, 1704. March 13, 1706. July 15, 1708. Robert, Oct. 28, 1710. Judith, Aug. 8, 1712. Elisha, July 10, 1714. Caleb, July 20, 1716. James, of William and Eebecca, Aug. 3, 1732. Ann, (prob.) Feb. 15, 1734. Hannah, Feb. 15, 1734. William, Feb. 19, 1736, Gideon, Oct. 15, 1738. CHARLESTOWN^BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 19 2-33 2-332-332-352-352-35 2-33 2-33 2-36 2-36 2-36 1-47 1-471-47 1-471-47 1-471-47 2-3 64 2-1642-1642-164 2-164 2-164 1-74 1-74 1-74 1-75 1-751-75 1-751-75 1-75 2-76 2-76 2-762-762-76 2-762-76 1 5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 3.-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-51-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-391-391-39 2-169 2-169 1-343-34 Jan. 22, 1742. April 18, 1745. Feb 19, 1749^ of Jonathan and Tabitha, Dec. 17, 1739. March 29, 1733. 1737. CLARKE Ruth, of WUliam and Rebecca, " Peter. " Joshua, " Jonathan '•' Abraham. '• Josiah, " Almy, of Simeon, Aug. 23 " Thankful, Feb. 23, 1738. " Elisha, of Elisha and Judith, March 5, 1741. " Robert, " Benjamin, of Ichabod and Mary, Dec. 5, 1773 " John, of Simeon, " Stephen, " Henry, " Simeon, " Jabez, " Mary, of Stephen (Blanford, Mass.), " Sarah, COLLINS, John, of John and Mehitable, " Susannah, " Amos, " Benjamin, " Samuel, " Sarah, " James K., of James and Hannah, " Clara, Richard B., " Jedediah, " Sarah, " Esther, " Elkanah B., " Lucy A., " Anna S., CONGDON James 3d, of James and Silence, " Benjamin, " Margaret, " Gideon, " Joseph, " Christopher, " Stephen, " Margaiet, of John and Sarah. " James, March 4 1742 July 14, 1742 April 9, 1742 Sept. 4, 1786. Sept. 10, 1789. May 17, 1792. Sept. 22, 18)1. Jan, 8, 1806. Oct, 23, 1816. Oct. 23, 1816. April 13, 1745. Feb. 16, 1747- July 27, 1749. Sept. 16, 1751. AprU 24, 1754. Dec. 6, 1756. Aug. 9, 1802. Jan. 17, 1803. March 26, 1805. March 25, 1808.. Dec. 30, 180'J. Dec. 4, 1811. Feb. 26, 1814. April 25, 1820. Feb. 3, 1822.. July 23, 1732. Oct. 23, 1733. June 7, 1735. March 10, 1737. Jan. 30, 1739. Nov. 9, 1740.. June 26, 1743. Aug. 6, 1741. died July 2, 1746. Jolm, Nov. 6, 1739, d. Jan. 19, 1740-1. Sarah, wife of above John, died Nov. 8, 1743. S'arah (Hoxsie), of John and Mary, born Sept. 13, 1731. " James, of John and SarcQi (2d v.ilej, " Joseph, " Sarah, " Isaac, " Isaac, " Mary, " Catherine, " Martha, " Penelope, " Mary, " Mary, 2d, " Frances, " John, " Sarah, " Peleg C, of Joseph and Mary, " Benjamin, " Benjamin, CRARY Joseph, of Oliver and HopestiU, " Christopher, CRANDALL ZUpha, of Caleb and Patience, " Benjamin, Oct. 3 3, 1747. Oct. 13, 1749. March 12, 1752. Dec 16, 1754.. died June 14, 1758.. Dec. 4, 1756.. March 31, 1759.. April 5, 1761 . April 5, 1761. died June 26, 1763.. Nov. 30, 1763. March 9, 1771. Jan, 29, 1773. died June 3, 1774.. Oct. 3'J, 1776. Nov. 6, 1778. died May 23, 1788- Jan. 25, 1757. June 24, 1759. July 15, 1767".. Nov. 10, 1769.. '20 VITAL EECOED OF EHODE ISLAND. 1-34 CEANDALL Mary, of Caleb and Patience, Nov. 16, 1771. H34 « Amie, Nov. 16, 3.771. 1-34 u Nathan, Oct. 20, 1773. 1-11 " Elizabeth, of James and Elizabeth, Aug. 8, L769. 1-11 " Damarius, July 26, 1776. 1-11 u Hannah, of Jesse and Zilpah, Sept. 17, 1778. 1-11 " PoUy, AprU 21 1780. 1-11 a Jesse, Oct. 22, 1781. 3-11 " Potter, July 18, 1733. 1-11 if Asa, Feb. 17, 1789. 1-22 it Member, of Gideon and Judea, April 28, 1783. 1-38 CROSS Peleg, born Dec. 6, 1723 ; died Dec. 27, 1812. 1-38 tt Mary, wife of Peleg ; born July 30, 1735 ; died May 27, 1812 1-38 ct Mary, of Peleg and Mary, May 1, 1755. 1-38 tf Thankful, Sept. 7 1757. 1-38 " Peleg, f June 24, 1759. 1-38 " Mercy, AprU 28, 1761. 1-38 tf Anna, /Dec. 8, 1763. 1-38 If Euhamah, July 27, 1767. 2-172 Ef Euth, of Samuel and Annie, Feb. 20, 1763. 2-172 tf Dorcas, Feb. 15, 1765. 2-172 ;' Martha, March 17, 1767. 2-139 " EUzabeth, of Edward and Elizabeth, Jan. 9, 1764. 1-19 " Mary, of Peleg, Jr., and Catey, Nov. 29, 1781. 1-19 " Sarah, March 31, 1783. 3-19 " Peleg, Dec. 17, 3.784. 1-19 " Catey C, Dec. 20, 1786. 1-19 " Anna, March 26, 1789. 1-19 " John C, March 21, 1791. 1-46 " Nathaniel L., March 26, 1793. 1-46 " Benjamin C, May 19, 1795. "1-46 " Joseph H., May 23, 1797. 1-46 ff Celia, May 31, 1800. 1-46 tf George W., Oct. 22, 1802. 1-99 ff James F., of Charles and Martha B., Dec, 3, 1843. 1-99 ff Carrie E., July 22, 1845. 1-99 " Mary A., Dec. 8, 1846. "1-99 tf MiUard F., Sept. 10, 1850. 1-90 ff Frank P., April 10, 1353. 1 99 tf George C, Present Town Clerk. June 27, 1855. D 1-100 DEVOLL William W., of David S. and Mary C, 2-79 DODGE EUzabeth, of Joseph and Mary, 2-77 EANOS Joseph, Jun., of Joseph and Margaret, 2-77 " Mercy, 2-77 " Margaret, :2-77 " Benjamin, 2-77 " Hannah, :2-77 " Amie, 2-34 " Mercy, of Joseph, Jun., and Keziah, July 28, 1841 July 19, 1744 June 10, 1718 Nov. 1, 1720 Oct. 25, 1728 Feb. 26, 3 732 AprU 7, 1736 June 30, 1738. Sept. 1, 3 739 1-51 EDWARDS Joseph, of Daniel and Lois, 1-51 " WUliam, 1-51 " Nancy, 1-51 " Daniel, :i-51 " John, Nov. 13, 1782. ¦ May 1, 1787. Jan. 20, 1789. Oct. 8, 1798. Sept. 18, 1801. CHARLESTOWN— BIETHS AND DEATHS. 21 ¦ 2-32, 36 FOSTEE Mary, of Caleb and Elizabeth, May 5, 1738. :2-32, 36 " Dorcas, March 29, 1740. 2-32, 36 " Caleb, Jan. 18> 1741. 1-30 FEANKLIN E-izabeth, E., of Abel and Anna (Groton, Ct.), on Dec. 28, 1773. 1-96 FEY Mary E., of James, AprU 28, 1839. 1-96 " Martha S., : Oct. 21 1842. Q 2-169 "2-169 2-169 2-169 .2-169 2-169 2-169 r 2-169 2-169 2-170 : 2-170 2-170 2-170 2-164 2-164 2-164 2-3.64 2-164 2-164 -2-164 1-34 1-34 .1-167 1-511-51 1-88 1-881-881-88 1-881-88 1-88 1-88 1-88 1-88 1-88 1-88 1-88 2-35 ¦2-32 2-32 GREENMAN Silas, of Edward and Sarah, June 11, 1724. " Margaret, Oct. 17, 1725. " Abigail, Nov. 21, 1727. " Edward, , March 9, 1731. u Catherine, Aug. 18, 1732. a Mary, AprU 12. 3.735. a Prudence, Oct. 28, 1736. " Chloe, AprU 8, 1739. " Nathan, Feb. 21, 1740. it Hannali, of SUas and Sarah (also 2-225), Aug. 4, 1753. It Mary (also 2-225), June 26, 1755. " Timothy (also 2-225), March 22, 1757. U Sarah (also 2-225), Sept. 1, 1760. GREENE Amos, of Amos and. Amie, March 25,1741. n William, Feb. 13', 1743. it Hannah, May 7, 1746. a Elizabeth, Aug. 17, 1748. a Ruth, May 17, 1751. it John, Aug. 13, 1754. a Amie, Sept. 14, 1756. " Dorcas, of Braddock, Dec. 7, 1786. tt Hazard, Oct. 22, 1789. tl WUUam EUery, of Lucretia, Jan. 15, 1799. it William, of Robert and Abigail, Nov. 24, 1799. It Jeremiah, March 28, 1801. a Edward L., Elizabeth — , wife of Edward L., Nov. 2, 1796. Dec. 28, 1794. it Martha E., of Edward L. and Elizabeth, April 17, 182.3'. a Martha E., d. Sept. 28, 1323. a Mary A., Oct. 15, 1824. tt Mary A. K., Oct. 11, 1826. it Ruth E., Aug. 9, 1828. " Almira F., Aug. 2, 1830. u Martha J., March 12, 1832. a Mariah L., May 10, 1834. a Hannah A., Jan. 9, 1837. ti Dorcas D. B., June 7, 1840. tl Braddock C, of Nathan, April 27, 1827. GRIFFITH George, of Philip and Elizabeth. Aug. 30, 1743. GRINNELL Susannah, of Daniel and Jane, Dec. 24, 1734. "' Jane, May 30, 1736. H 1-40 HALL Hannah, of Rhodes and Hannah. 1-40 " ¦ Elizabeth, 1-40 " Rhodes, 1-40 tt Lydia, 1-40 tt Thankful, 1-40 " Dorcas, 132 tt Joseph,, Dec. 6, 1779. Jan. 9, 1781. Aug. 16, 1784. March 23, 1786. May 5, 1789. Aug. 6, 1792. died April 17, 1738. VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-79 HARVEY WUliam, of WUlia:n, 2-79 " Solomon, 1-73 HAZARD William Wanton, of Brenton and Ann, 2-35 HICKS Ephraim, of Elizabeth, 1-79 HISCOX Arnold, Jr.,, of Arnold, 1-79 " Anna, 2-33 HOXSIE Sarah, of Joseph and Mary, 2-33 " Joseph, Jr., 2-33 " Deborah, 2-33 " Mary, 2-30 " Barnabas, of Stephen and Elizabeth, 2-30 " Stephen, 2-30 " Elizabeth, 2-30 " Edward, 2-30 " Hannah, 1-29 " Benjamin, Jr., of Benjamin and Sarah, 1-29 " Bathslieba, 1-29 •' Sarah, 1-29 " Ann, 1-29 " Mary, 1-29 ;' Sarah, mother of above children, May 9, 1722; 1-29 " Sarah, of Benjamin and Mary (2d wife), 1-29 " Thomas, 2-166 " Gideon, of Gideon and Dorcas, 2-166 " Martha, 2-166 " Peleg, 1-37 " Mary, of Stephen, Jr., and Elizabeth, 1-37 " Lodowick, 1-37 " Luke, 1-37 " John, 1-37 " Solomon, 1-37 « Euth, 1-13 " Lucy, of Peleg and Lucy, 1-43 " Peleg, 1-43 " Dorcas, 1-43 " John, 1-43 " Esther, 1-43 " Zebulon, 1-43 " Masah, 1-43 " Icliabod, 1-43 " Hannah B., 1-36 " Hazard, of Thomas and M ary, 1-36 " Mary, 1-76 " Benjamin, of Capt. Hazard and Cloe, 1-76 " Mary, 1-76 " Lydia A., 1-76 " Gordon H„ President of the Town Council, 3 832. 1-76 " Thomas S., of Capt. Hazard and Cloe, 1:76 " Abbie C, 1-76 " Sarah P., 1-76 " Samuel B., Dec. 5, 1747. Nov. 5, 1749. March 11, 1810. Jan. 15, 1744. July 15, 1818. March 29, 1821. Sept. 17, 1731. May 8, 1733. May 23, 1735. June 26, 1737. Nov. 1, 1735. May 8, 1738. July 13, 1740. Jan. 19, 1742. Jan. 7, 1744. March 14, 1742. Nov. 13, 1744. Oct. 22, 1746. Aug. 3, 1748. July 5, 1750. died July 11 1750. July 25, 1753. Feb. 13, 1755. July 11, 1752. Sept. 6, 1754. Sept. 15, 1756. Dec. 8, 1767. Dec. 22, 1769. Oct. 14, 3 771. Aug. 12, 1773. Aug. 2. 1778. Feb. IS, 1784. March 29, 1779. May 17, 1780. March 30, 1782. March 12, 1781. May 15, 1785. May 22, 1787. June 7, 1789. Aug. 30, 1791 April 7, 1793. June 17, 1782. April 28, 1786. Nov. 2, 1807. Jan. 18, 1810. Aug. 27, 1811. March 24, 1813. Feb. 27, 1815. July 2, 1818. Sept. 14, 1820. Oct. 9, 1824. I J 2-30 JOHNSON Stephen, March 25, 1704. 2-30 " Susannah, wife of Step! en, Oct. 4, 1709. 2-30 " Ezekiel, of Stephen and Susannah, 2-30 " Stephen, 2-30 " Elizabeth, 2-30 " Mary, 2-30 " Susannah, 2-30 " Sarah, 2-30 " Stephen, Oct. 23, 172s. Sept. 24, 1730. Jan. 25, 1732. May 24, 1735. Nov. 18, 1737. Nov. 22, 1710. March 1.7, 1744. CHARLESTOWN— BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 23 2-30 JOHNSON Hannah, of Stephen and Susannah, 2-35 ' Joseph, of Joseph and Mary, 2-76 ' Joseph, of Joseph, 2-76 ' John, 2-76 ' Mary, 2-76 ' Manuel, 2-76 ' Michael, 2-76 ' Job, 2-76 ' Jared, 2-227 ' Joseph, of Joseph and Judeth 2-227 ' Benjamin, 2-227 ' EUphal, 2-135 JONES Robert, March 29, 1747. April 17, 1730. AprU 17, 1740. Jan. 23, 1743. Feb. 13, 1745. Feb. 3, 1746. April 6, 1752. March 2, 1755. July 29, 1757. March 19, 1763 Oct. 32, 1764. Sept. 10, 1766. died May 2, 1775. K 2-6 KENYON Mary, of Ebenezer and Amie, March 22, 1722. 2-6 " Sarah, , Mareli 28, 1724. 2-6 " Ruth, April 1, 1727. 2-6 " Amie, Oct. 12, 1730. 2-6 " WiUiam, Deo. 5, d. 28, 1732. 2-6 " Catharine, Dec. 27, 1733. 2-6 " Eunice, Feb. 2, 1736. 2-6 " Infant, March 28, d. April 2, 1739. 2-32 " David, Jr., of David and Mary, Jan. 7, 1724. 2-32 " Hannah, Dee. 21,. 1727. 2-32 " Thoonats, Nov. 7, 1729. 2-32 " WilUam, Jan. 30, 1731. 2-32 " Mary, Nov. 24, 1733. 2-32 " Robert, Jan. 10, 1735. 2-32 " Peleg, Feb. 3, 1737. 2-32 " Elizabeth, Jan. 25, 1740. 2-32 " Sarah, April 24, 1742. 2-33 " Pheneus, Oct. 3, 1744. 2-77 " John, of John and Mary, Sept. 29, 1730. 2-77 " Remington, Feb. 6, 1732. 2-77 " Mary, Feb. 4, 1734. 2-77 " Dorcas, Aug. 4, 1737. 2-77 " Hannah, Nov. 1, 1739. 2-77 " Nathaniel, Jan. 4, 1741. 2-77 " Elizabeth. June 20, 1743. 2-79 " George, of Thomas and Catherine, Feb. 4, 1733. 2-79 " Elizabeth, March 5, 1735. 2-79 " Thomas, March 14, 1738. 2-79 " Stephen, Jan. 25, 1741. 2-79 " John, Feb. 25, 1744. 1-33 KERGROIN John Hazard, of Amos, March 26, 1787. 1-33 " Abigail, Sept. 11, 1789. 1-37 KNOWLES Charles, of Daniel and Antries, May 5, 1776. 2-35, 76 IxADD James, of John, !-35, 76 ' Daniel, 2-76 ' Elizabeth 2-76 ' Mary, 2-76 ' Dorcas, 2-76 ' John, 2-76 ' Lydia, 2-76 LARKIN Reuben T., of Reuben and ArllvUle, April 22, 1746. Dec. 7, 1748. Dec. 7, 1750. May 27, 1752. May 27, 1754. May 8, 1756. July 8, 1759. July 30, 1844. (Vit. 'Ree, Vol. 5.) 27 24 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-34 LEWIS Nathaniel, of Nathaniel and Mary, Feb. 28, 1732. 2-34 u .Amos, AprU 20, 1731, 2-34 it Mary, July 31, 1735, 2-34 tf Jane, June 22, 1737. 2-34 ff Ruhama, Oct. 27, 1739. 2-34 ff Elijah, Aug. 10, 17-41. 2-172 M Augustus J., of Amos and Mary, Oct. 10, 1759. 1-80 tt Susannah, of Jos. H. and Margaret, Dec. 17, 1815; d. March 18. 1818. 1-80 it Mary L., May 27, 1818. 1-80 " Nathaniel, Jan. 16, 1822. 1-80 tf Augustus, Jan. 12, 1824. 1-80 " OUver F., May 20, 1827. 2-34 LILLIBRIDGE Sarah, of Thomas and Mary, March 20, 1727. 2-34 " Thomas, Dec. 4, 1729. 2-34 tt .Edward, March 25, 1732, M 1-12 MACU'MBER Abigail, of Jonathan and Sarah, 1-12 tt Annie, 1-12 tt Benjamin, 1-12 it Sarah, 1-12 u Joseph, 1-12 it Dianna, 1-77 " Francis, of Joseph and Fannie, 1-77 tt AbigaU, 1-77 tt John R., 1-77 " Martha, 1-77 1793 O P ¦2-168 PARK Mary, of Benjamin and Hannah S., 2-168 " Jonathan, 2-168 " Joseph, i-4 " John, of John and AbigaU, 1-4 " AbigaU, 1-4 "' Annie, 1-4 " Samuel, 1-4 " Joseph, 1-4 " Kate IC, 1-4 " Benjamin, 1-4 " Marah, 2-233 PECKHAM Hannah, of Daniel and Mary, 2-233 " Mary, 2-233 " Daniel, Jun., 2-233 " Sarah, 2-233 " Abel, Sept. 8, 1758. March 5, 1760. Nov. 13, 1763. Sept. 23, 1773. March 17, 1775. Sept. 28, 1776. Aug. 15, 1778. June 20, 1780. April 28, 1782. AprU 27, 1784. April 5, 1786. Sept. 23, 1720. Feb. 22, 1722. Sept. 25, 1726. Aug. 31, 1729. Feb. 17, 1733. CHARLESTOWN BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 25 .2-233 PECKHAM James, Of Daniel and Mary, Nov. 4, 1733. ¦2-233 tt Annie, Sept. 20, 1742. -2-225 tt Mary, of Daniel, Jr., and Mary, Dec. 19, 1751. 2-225 tt AbigaU, AprU 26, 1752. -2-225 tt Daniel, Oct. 25, 1754. 2-225 tt Mary, Sept. 19, 1756. :2-225 " John H. G. H., of George H., Oct. 24, 1775. 1-39 PERRY Rowland, son of Annie Browning, May 11, 1789. 1-49 it James, of Capt. James and Deborah, March 1, 1798. 2-9 PETTEY Nathaniel, of William and Mary, May 17, 1714. 2-34 tt Susannah, July 6, 1716. 2-34 " Alice, June 4, 1718. 2-34 .t Ephraim, Dec. 12, 1719. 2-34 tt WUUam, June 24 1722. 2-,3'4 tt Joseph, Oct. 27, 1724. 2-34 " Charles, Aug. 10 1727. 2-34 tt John, ' Nov. 23, 1729. 2-34 " Mary, Jan. 3, 1732. 2-3'4 tt David, March 29, 1735. 2-34 tt James, Nov. 14, 1737. 2-76 PIERCE Stephen, of Isaac, Nov. 25, 1740. 2-76 tt Benjamin, April 9, 1743. 2-76 u James, Feb. 25, 1744. 2-76 11 Timothy, March 13, 1747. 2-76 " Isaac, March 8, 1749. .2-79 POTTER Benjamin, of Nathaniel and Mary, Aug. 9, 1721. 2-79 t. Rouse, •April 28, 1728. 2-79 tf Mary, Oct. 10, 1731. 2-79 .. Nathaniel, Aug. 27, 1739. 2-79 " Thomas, May 9, 1734. 2-79 tt Susannah, Dec. 20, 1742. 2-79 " Ebenezer, Sept. 4, 1745. 2-36 tt Ruth, of Thomas and Martha, Sept. 13, 1746. 2-163 tt Annie, of Robert. July 7, 1755. 2-163 tt Hannah, March 20, 1758. :2-163 tt Elizabeth, July 28, 1760. -2-163 tt Robert, May 24, 1762. 2-163 tt Thomas, March 1, 1764. Q R 2-33 RATHBONE Joshua, of Joshua and Dorcas, 2-225 RHODES WUUam, of James and Anna, 2-225 " WUliam, of Deborah, 2-225 " Charles,, 2-165 ROSS, Barberry, of AbigaU, 2-165 " Annie, Jan. 8, 1742. Sept. 13, 1753. Jan. 18, 1789. Sept. 16, 1797. June 15, 1743. Aug. 16, 1747. 2-173 SAULSBURY, Martin^ born Sept. 16, 1767. 1-21 SCRIBENS, WUUams, of WUUam and Mary, April 6, 1782. 2-101 SHEFFIELD, Thomas, of Nathaniel and Hannah, Nov. 25, 1741. -2-101 " Joseph, Aug. 15, 1742. 2-101 " Mary, Jan. 9, 1745. 1-30 " Joseph, of Thomas and Wealthy, Oct. 14, 1763. 1-30 " Amos, Feb. 12, 1766. 1-30 " Samuel, June 27, 1768. 1-30 " Dorcas, April 11, 1771, 1-30 " James, Aug. 27, 177,3'. 1-30 " Thomas, Jan. 9, 1776. 1-30 " George, June 27, 1775. 26 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-30 1-30 1-30 1-35 1-351-35 1-35 1-351-35 1-35 1-35 1-35 1-35 1-35 ln351-35 1-35 2-36 2-36 2-36 2-362-36 2-36 2-36 2-36 2-34 2-34 2-34 2-34 2-34 2-34 2-34 2-135 2-135 1-311-31 1-31 1-47 1-471-471-47 1-47 1-47 1-83 1-83 1 83 1-831 83 .1-83 1-83 SHEFFIELD Anna, of Thomas and Wealthy, " Nathaniel, " Abel, " Lydia, of Joseph and Phebe, " Amos, " Joseph, " Jonathan, " Mary, of Stanton and Anna, " Sarah, " Stanton, " Anna, " Belinda, " Benjamin, " Martha, " Elizabeth, " Robert, " Rebecca, SHERMAN George Hazard, June 6, 1788. " Sophia (Davis), his wife, March 9, 1794. " Thomas Hazard, of Geo. H. and Sophia, " Thomas Hazard, " Lucy A., " Lorina, " Thomas H., " James, " Catherine W., " Martha B., " John B., " Hannah E., " Mary E., STANTON Joseph, Jr. ; also 101, born April 23, 1717. " Mary, his wife; also 101, born July 13', 1722 " Joseph (also 2-101), " Esther (also (2-101), " Mary (also 2-101), " Augustus (also 2-101), " Hannah (also 2-101), Note— In another list the year Is given, ***1746, respectively. Lodowick (also 2-101), Robert, of John and Susannah, Job,Susannah,Benjamin,Hannah, EUzabeth, Samuel, Col. Joseph (70 years old), Col. Joseph, AbigaU, of Daniel, Jun., and Sarah, Thomas, Abel, Samuel, of Samuel and EUzabeth, •Sarah A., Elizabeth,John, Mary, Elizabeth, mother of above children, Caroline E., of John and Celia, Dorcas, ' WiUiam, John H., Caroline E., William, John H., Aug. 30 1780. Dec. 19 1783. April 27 1786. July 8, 1781. Nov. 17 1783. Feb. 1 17S7. Jan. 30 1790. March 18, 1785. April 11, 1787. Aug. 23, 1789. Nov. 21, 1792. April 3, 1797. June 8, 1799. April 25, 1802. Nov. 6, 1804. April 12, 1807. June 21, 1809. March 10, 1816.. March 20, 1818. May 2, 1818. March 18, 1820. March 22, 1822.. Sept. 20, 1?24. Aug. 3, 1827. Feb. 8, 1830. May 22, 1832. Feb. 23, 1835.. July 23', 1838. July 19, 1739.* Nov. 23, 1741. June 18, 1743. March 22, 1745.** Feb. 24, 1747. * * * *173S; "1744, and May 27, Aug. 18, Feb. 15, Aug. 1,7, July 4, March 28, Jan. 2, Dec. 2, April 23, died Aug. 2, May 18, Jam. 21, March 28, Oct. 27, Nov. 23, Oct. 23, July 21, March 6, died May 3, March 10, May 12, May 13, July 16, died Dec. 11, died Dec. 20, died Jan. 2, 1749. 1735. 1737. 1738. 1740. 1742.1743.. 1745. 1752. 1752. 1785. 1787.1791. 1803.1805. 1808. 1810.1814. 1826. 1834. 1836. 1839. 1844.. 1836. 1846.1847.. CHARLESTOWN BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 27 2-36 2-36 :2-36 2-36 2-362-36 2-36 2-36 2-36 2:36 1-68 1-68 1-68 1-68 1-68 1-68 .1-68 1-68 1-68 •1-68 1-1 1-1 1-741-74 1-74 1-74 1-74 1-75 1-75 1-75 1-75 1-91 1-91 1-911-911-911-91 1-91 1-911 91 1-91 1-911-011-911-91 1-1 1-111 1-1 1-1 TANNER Joseph, of John and Jane, Feb. 2, 1719. " Jane, Jan. 24, 1721. tt George, of John and Susannah, Nov. 9, 1723. tt Sarah, Oct. 7, 1720. tt William, Feb. 28, 1727. u John, Nov. 11, 1730. tt Susannah, Feb. 18, 1732. " Mary, Jan. 9, 1734. U Esther, Aug. 22, 1738. " Job, AprU 5, 1740. TAYLOR Nathan, of Nathan and Prudenoe, May 4, 1773. » Polly, Dec. 16, 1774. " Kittury, March 25, 1776. " Martha, Jan. 6, 1778. tt Amie, Dec. 6, 1780. tt Phebe, Feb. 4, 1782. " Sarah, June 26, 1784. " Joseph, Aug. 4, 1786. " Job, June 9, 1789. tt Gilbert, March 16, 1791. " PhUUp, of Joseph and Ruth, Dec. 12, 1770. tt Ichabod, June 28, 1.773. tt Margaret, of Job and Amie, Oct. 1, 1773. " Julia A., Sept. 1, 1810. tt GUbert, Aug. 22, 1813. " Alvah, Sept. 22, 1815. tt Maiy, May 17, 1818. tt George W., Harriet, Oct. 2, 1820. " Oct. 26, 1823. tt EUza, Aug. 2, 1826. " Martha, June 10, 1833. tt Charles K, of Joseph W. and Luclnda, June 17, 1814. tt Charles E., d. March 8, 1818. tt Ransford S., of Joseph and Luclnda, Oct. 14, 1815. " Caroline B., Sept. 1, 1817. tt Caroline B., d. Feb. 8, 1819. tt Sarah A., of Joseph and Lucnda, Feb. 2, 1819. " Margaret M., June 13, 1320. tt John E., - March 25, 1822. tt Joseph E., March 4, 1824. tt Lydia M., of Joseph and Luclnda, Sept. 15, 1825. " Job I., April 29, 1827. tt Hannah M., Oct. 81, 1829. tt George; A., June 24, 1831. tt Phebe L., Jan. 4, 1833. TUCKER Susannalh, boom Nov. 24, 1766. tt Newman, born Jan. 24, 1767. tt Mary, born Oct. 31, 1769. tt Rebecca, born Oct. 1, 1749. tt Hannah, bom Oct. 21, 1755. U V w 2-35 WATSON Simeon, of WUUam anA Mary, 2-35 " Abigail, 2-35 " Elizabeth, 2-35 " John, 2-33 WELCH Charles, of WUliam and Catherine, 2-33 " Mary, 2-33 " John, Feb. 21, 1726. June 5, 1729. June 5, 1732. Jam. 20, 3735. March 30, 1739. Jan. 29, 17-11. May 3, 1716. 28 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-28 WELCH WilUam, from Ireland, died aged 85 years, 10 months and 15 days,. March 10, 1786. 1-28 it Patrick, of John and Lydia, March 18, 1775. 1-28 tt John, Feb. 9, 1776. 1-28 It Henry, Dec. 210, 1779. 1-28 tl Katie, Aug. 9, 1781. 1-28 tl Gilbert, Nov. 15, 1788. 1-28 It Sarah, Feb. 1, 1786 ; d. April 28, 1736. 1-28 it Lois, of John and Lydia, Feb. 16, 1787 ; d. March 11, 1787. 2-33 WELLS Dorcas, of Peter and Amie, (S. K.), Sept. 17, 1720. 2-79 WEST Mary, of Clement and Sarah, Feb. 28, 1726. 2-79 " Richard, Dec. 24, 1728. 2-79 tt Clement (N. K.), Jan. 1, 1731. 2-79 tt Susannah (N. K.), July 14, 1733. 2-79 tt John, Dec. 18, 1736. 2-79 " Elizabeth, May 20, 1738. 2-79 " Thomas, Aug. 6, 1740. 2-79 it EUza, Feb. 6, 1742. 2-79 " Sarah, Jiulty 23, 1745. 1-78 WILCOX George S., of Joseph, Feb. 9, 1799. 1-78 " Mary, Aug. 11, 1801. 1-78 tt Rebecca, July 11, 1804. 1-78 " Edward. Aug. 1, 1806. 1-78 " Hannah, Feb. 25, 1809. 1-78 it Rebecca, Aug. 24, 1811. 1-78 " Nancy,, Feb. 22, 1814. 1-78 " Charlie W., Dec. 6, 1827. 1-78 " Joseph D., Feb. 12, 1829. 1-78 " EUza A., March 16„ 1830. 1-78 " Susan F., . March 26, 1831. 1-78 tt John G.. Present Rep. May 25, 1832. 1-78 tt Nathan,, Nov. 17, 1833. 1-78 " Benjamin F., July 7, 1835. 1-95 tt Governor Edward, died Sept. 7, 1838. 2-77 WOODMANSEE Kezlah, of Joseph and Hannah, Aug. 10, 1719. 2*77 " Joseph, July 28, 1722. 2-77 tt Hannah, June 25, 1724. X Y Z 2-223 YORK Hopes'tJUl, of Stanton and Jemima, 2-223 tt Jemima, 2-223 " Anna, 1-44 tt Hannah, of WUUam and Anna, 1-44 " James, 1-44 tt Isaac. 1-44 tt Augustus, 1-44 tt William, 1-44 tt Elizabeth, 1-44 " Anna, May 24„ Feb. 17, AprU 7, Nov. 15, Feb. 6, AprU 4, July 28, Oct. 15, March 5, Aug. 24, 1734..1739. 1741. 1770. 1772.1776:1778.. 1780.1785.1788. Vital Record of Rhode Island. 1636=1850. First series. JBIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. A Family Register for the People. By James N. Arnold, Editor of the Narragansett Historical Register. Is iVLy Nanne Written in the Book: of Life?" Vol. 5. RICHHOND. Part VI. Published under the Auspices of the General Assembly. PROVIDENCE, E. I : Nakragansett Historical Publishing Cosipany. 1894. ACT INCORPORATING THE TOWN OF RICHMOND. AN ACT for incorporating th,e north part of the Town of Charlestown, in>. King's County, into a Township, the same, to be distinguished and known by the name of Richmond. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of this Colony, and by the authority thereof? it is enacted, that the Town of Charlestown, in the County of Kings County, etc.. be divided into two Towns, by a river that runs across said Town, known by the name of Pawcatuck River; all the lands to the southward of said river, shall retain the name of CHARLESTOWN; and, that all the lands to the northward of said river, be, and hereby is incor porated into a Township, by the name of RICHMOND; and to have and enjoy the like privileges as other Towns in this Oolonv And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that each of said Towns shall have, and receive a proportion of the money in, and belong ing to the treasury of said Charlestown, according to the money for which the lands in each Town is mortgaged to the Colony; and that all Justices- of the Peace and Military Officers living within the bounds of said new Town called Richmond, retain their authority, and act as such therein until the next General Election; and that the eldest Justice of each of said Towns is- hereby empowered to grant forth their warrants to some proper officer, whom they shall appoint, to warn the inhabitants of said Towns to assemble and meet together in some proper place, in said Town, on Friday, the 28t day of this instant August, in order to choose deputies, to represent them at the October Session of this Assembly; and also, to choose Town Officers for- said Towns, agreeably to the laws of this Colony; and that each Town shalli send one grand juror, and one petit juror, to each of the Inferior and Su perior Courts in Kings County. Rhode Island Colonial Records, Vol. V., pages 220, 221. RICHHOND. 2sZLA.TlTiXA.G-ES. 1-285 ADAMS Mary, and Nathan Lewis, Dec. 16, 1756. 1-78 " Anna, and Andrew Nichols, Juno 14, 1764. 1-78 " Thomas, and Abigail Larkin ; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, July- 10, 1764. 1-80 " Patience, and Thomasi Webster, Nov. 17, 1765. 1-135 " Sarah, and Jededlah Collins, Nov. 29, 1767. 1-84 A3L-BE0 Alice, and Joseph' Tefft, Jr., May 22, 1771. 1-128 " Martha, and Noah Wilcox, Nov. 15, 1789. 2-51 ALEXANDEE Esther Ann, and John Allen, Sept. 11, 1848. ,. 1825. 1-175 BEOWN Elizabeth, and Jonathan Maxson, Jan. 6, 1791. 1-552 BUEDICT Amos, of Stonington, Conn., and Elizabeth Nichols,, of Eichmond; m. by E,dward Perry, Justice, Feb. 4, 1761. :2-46 " Stephen, and Mrs. Elizabeth Eldred ; m. by Eldei Weeden Barber, Jr., Oct. 17, 1839. 2-45 " George F., of Charlestown, and Mrs. Mary James, of Richmond; m. by Elder Thomas THlimghast, Aug. 16, 1S42. 2-47 " Reuhen, of Hopkinton, and Mrs. Hannah E. Cooke, of Eiclwnond; m. by Elder Weeden Barber, Jr., Dec. 4, 1842. '2-50 " Elias T., and iLouisa A. Blcknell, both of Hopldnton; m. by Elder Charles C. Lewis,, Sept. 8, 1846. 2-51 " Lydia "P., aud Nelson M. Bearce, Oct. 13, 1847. :2-255 CAHOONE Damarles, and Daniel Pierce. Feb. 3, 1752. 2-50 " Clarke, of Hopkmiton, and Elizabeth Austin, of West Greenwich; m. by Elder Steadman Kenyon, Sept. 29, 1847. 1-13 CARD Prudence, and Elisha Clarke,. Feb. 25, 1746. 1-147 " Mrs. Judeth, and Richard Bailey, Jan. 7, 1768. 1-72 " Joseph, and Elizabeth Lewis; m. by Elder Henry Joslin, Oct. 8, 1789., 2-20 " Mary, and Joseph Griffin, Aug. 24, 1798. 2-11 " Judeth, and Sheffield James, June 28, 1812. 2-23 " Nancy, and Archibald Barber, Oct. 18. 1821. 2-47 " Alzada W., and Clarke H. Eeynolds, Dec. 25, 1842. 1-T75 CAEPENTEE Margaret, and Park Enos, March 29, 1790. 1 82 CHAMPLAIN Hannah, and Simeon Clarke, Oct. 22, 1766. :2-45 " Hannaih,, and Joseph James Woodmansee, Feb. 19, 1843. 8 VITAL EECOED OF EHODE ISLAND. 2-53 CHAMPLAIN Stephen, of South Kingstown, son of George^ and Eliza A'.- James, of George, of Richmond ; m. by Elder 'Geo. K. Clarke,. March 10, 1850. 2-55 CHAPPELL Richard, and Euth Babcock. at Eichmond; m. by Elder A. Durfee, March 12, 1848. 1-256 CHUECH Caleb,, of Westerly, and Lydia Larkin. of Richmond; m. by Ste phen Richmond, Justice, July 29, 1753. 1-285 " Samuel, of Westerly, and Hannah Rogers, of Richmond; m. by- Simeon Perry, Justice, July 18, 1756. 1-286 " Charles, of Hopkinton, and Susannah Kenyon, of Eichmond; m. by Thomas Kenyon, Justice, Jan. 12, 1758. 2-54 " Ebenezer K., of Richmond, and Sophia Bobbins, of Voluntown, Conn. ; m. by John Willey, Justice, at Voluntown, Nov. 27, 1817. 1-12 CLOSSON Alee, and Joseph Woodmansee, Sept. 27, 1750. 1-255 " Mary,, and William Bassett, April 12, 1752. 1-12 CLAEKE Joseph, and Sarah Reynolds; m. by Christopher Ohamplaiiu, Justice. Nov. 15, 1727. 2-278 " Thomas, and Bridget Barber, Dec. 17, 1732. 1-13 " Elisha, and Prudence Card, both ol Charlestown; m. by Jos eph Clarke, Justice, Feb. 25, 1746. 1-13 " Anne, and Samuel Perry, Dec. 26„ 1746. 1-13 " Joseph, Jun., and Hannah Perry, of Samuel. Jun., of Charles town ; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice,, Dec. 26, 1746. 1-284 " Hannah, and John Tefft, Jun., March 14, 1750-1. 1-284 " James, and Elizabeth Kenyon ; m. by Stephen Richmond, Jus tice, April 24, 1755. 1-286 " Anne, and Samuel Cross. March 13, 1757. 1-286 " William, 3d, and Mary Teflt; m. by Elisha Babcock, Justice,. March 20, 1757. 1-286 " Euth, and Thomas Eathbuir, June 20, 1757. 1-550 " Thomas, Jun., of Eichmond,, and Hannah Yeomans ; m. by Sam uel Tefft, Justice, Dec. 8, 1758. 1-553 " Samuel, and Susannah iStanton, both of Richmond; m. by Joshua Clarke, Justice, Sept. 16, 1761. 1-553 " Sarah,, and Thomas Wells, Sept. 17, 1761. 1-554 " Judeth, and Richard Bailey, Jun., AprU 8, 1762. 1-80 " Lois, and Daniel Potter,, Dec. 1, 1765. 1-82 " IBtmeon, of Capt. Simeon, of Richmond, and Hannah Champlain, of Jeffrey, of Exeter; m. by Jeffrey Watson, Justice, Oct. 22, 1766. 1-147 " Elizabeth, and John PlUUlips, Jan. 18, 1768. 1-68 " Joshua, and Elizabeth Dodge; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, Feb. 26, 1769. 1-82 " Nathaniel, of Jonathan, of Charlestown, and Eunice Babcock, of EUsha, of Richmond;; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, March 6, 1771. 1-92 " Moses, of Richmond, and Alee Aylesworth, of Exeter; m. by Ed ward Perry, Justice, Nov. 18, 1773. 1-96 " Stephen, of Hopkinton, and Susannah Potter, of Eichmond; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Nov. 24, 1774. 1-159 " Benjamin, now residing in South Kingstown, and Mercy Kenyon, of Eichmond, at Eichmond ; m. by Joseph Woodmansee, Jus tice, Feb. 26, 1,778. 1-202 " Samuel, of Simeon, and Elizabeth Sheldon, of James ; m. by Elder EUet Locke, June 4, 1801. 2-17 " Luke, of Joshua, and Sarah Tefft, of Clarke; m. by Elder Matthewl Stillman, Feb. 28, 1806. 1- — " Susannah, and Joseph W; Watson, Oct. 16, 1806. 1 — " Joseph, of Joshua, and Joanna Tefft, of Joseph ; m. by Elder Mat thew Stillman, Dec. 20, 1810. 2-8 " Elizabeth, and Champlain Wilcox, Oct. 14, 1335. 2-30 " Alice, and John E. Con,gdon, April 7, 1825. 2-38 " Sally, and James T. Webster, Sept. 9, 1832. 2-46 ¦' James W., and Waity M. Tabor; m. by Elder Weeden Barber, Jr.,. Dee. 29, 1839. EICHMOND MAEEIAGES. 2-46 CLARKE William, and Mary A. Jordan; m. by Elder Weeden Barber, Jr., Feb. 27, 1840. 2-42 " Mrs. Mary, and Edward LiUibridge, Aug. 30, 1840. 2-47 " John S., son of Bradford, and Pamella C. Kenyon, dau. of Lewis1; m. by Elder J. P. Burbank, Oct. 2, 1844. 2-36 " Reynolds H., and Isabella W. Ney ; m. by Elder Thomas Tilling hast, Jan. 20, 1S45. 2-51 " Frances E., and WilUam Perrin, Dec. 4, 1847. 1-128,175 COLDGROVE Eli, of Eichmond, of Oliver, and Mary Coon, of David, of Hopkinton; m. by Elder Henry Joslin, Dec. 16, 1790. 1-78 " Oliver, of Charlestown, and Esther Tefft, of Joseph, of Eichmond;. m. by Edward Perry, Justice, April 26, 1765. 1-554 COLLINS Susannah, and Ephraim Larkin, March 24, 1762. 1-135 " Jedediah, and Sarah Adams ; m. by James Kenyon, Justice, Nov. 29, 1767. 2-6 CONGDON Abigail, and William Reynolds, Nov. 25, 1810. 2-3 " John E., of West Greenwich, son of Samuel D., and Alice Clarke, of Moses ; m. by Elder Gershom Palmer, April 7, 1825. 2-47 COOKE Hannah E., and Reuben 3urdlck, Dec. 4, 1842. 1-128 COON Mary, and Ell Coldgrove, (also 1-175), Dec. 16,1790. 1-92 COEEY Eichard, now residing in this town, and Mary Sherman, (widow) ; m. by Elder Joseph Torrey, Oct. 25, 1773. 1-159 " John, of Samuel, of Eichmond, and Abigail Smith, of Thomas, of North Kingstown, at North Kingstown ; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Nov. 7, 1773. 1-10 COTTRELL Mary, and John Bentley, Dec. 21, 1749. 1-43 CEANDALL George, of South .Kingstown, and Tacy Tanner, of Eichmond,. at Eichmond; (also 1-553), m. by John Webster, Justice, Sept. 20, 1761. 1-72 " Mercy, and Jonathan Kenyon, iJan. 21, 1790. 2-45 " Euth, and Daniel Larkin, Sept. 5, 1842. 2-51 " Sarah, and Silas W. Tefft, Dec. 27, 1847. 1-288 CROSS Samuel, of Charlestown, and Anne Clarke, of Richmond; m. by Elisha Babcock, Justice, March 13, 1757. D 1-1110 DAKE Mary, and Joseph Lane, April 19, 1781. 2-52 DAVIS Sallle E., and. Kenyon Johnson, Sept. 23, 1849. 1-550 DAWLEY Michael, of West Greenwich, and Mary Moore, of Eichmond; m. by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Dec. 29, 1758. 1-552 DICKINSON Gideon, now residing in Hopkiniton, and Mairy Baker, now re siding in Richmond; m- by Edward Berry, Justice, Dec. 4, 1760. 1-68 DODGE Elizabeth, and Joshua Clarke, Feb. 26, 1769. 1-552 DOUGLASS William, of Voluntown, Conn., and Mary Petty, of Eichmond; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, May 1, 1760. 1-255 DYE Eichard, and EUzabeth Babcock, both of Eichmond; m. by Samuel Tefft, Justice, May 4, 1752. 1-550 " John, and Thankful Potter, of William, Jr., of Eicihimoaid ; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, March 22, 1758. 1-550 " Thankful, and Jonathan James, Jr., Dec. 7, 1758. 2-42 " Thomas P., of Hopkinton, and Deborah Kenyon, of Richmond ; m. by Eldetr Thomas Tillinghast, Jan. 1, 1840. 2-40 ELDRED Mrs. Elizabeth, and Stephen Burdick, Oct. 17, 1839. 1-284 ENOS Hannah, and Samuel Wilbur, March 16, 1755. 1-284 " Amie, and John Larkin, Jr., March 30, 1755. 1-553. " Joseph, Jr., and Dinab Barber, both of Richmond; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Jan. 21, 1759. 1-551 " Catherine, and Joseph Kenyon, June 14, 1759. (Vit. 'Ree, Vol. 5.) 28 10 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-147 ENOS Benjamin, and Jerusha Phillips, both of Richmond; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Jan, 14, 1768. 1-159 " Elizabeth, and William Bentley, April 1, 1773. 1-175 " Mary, and Jesse Larkin, Feb. 18, 1790. 1-175 " Park, of Benjamin, of Richmond (dec), and Maigaret Caj-penter, of Daniel, of Richmond ; m. by Elder Henry Joslin, March 29, 1790. 1-175 " Benjamin, of Benjamin, of Richmond (dec), and Penelope Ken yon, dau. oi James (dec), of Charlestown; m. by Elder Henry Joslin, Jan. 13, 1791. 2-42 ESSEX Lucy, and Rowland Hiscox, Oct. 4, 1840. 2-50 FENNER Nathan, of Richmond, and Harriet B. Olney, of Fall River; m. by Elder Christopher C. Lewis. Sept. 21, 1846. { 2j52 " GUbert, of Hopkinton, and Martha S. Tuck, of Richmond; m. by Elder Steadman Kenyon, Oct; 30, 1847. 2-52 '•" Hildah A., and Rufus J. Johnson, April 10, 1849. 2-40 FORD James, of Foster, R. I., and Anistis T. Hoxsie, of Richmond ; n. by Elder Daniel Welb, May 15, 1838. 1-48 FOREDICE Jolm, of Richmond,, and Elizabeth Stanton, of David, of Exe ter; m. by William Petty, Justice, Dee. 6, 1764. 1-48 " Sarah, and John Stanton, Dec. 24, 1764. 1-11 FOSTEE AbagaU, and Joseph Lawton, March 17, 1749. 1-255 " Caleb, and Abigail Watson ; m. by Stephen Richmond, Justice, Feb. 9, 1752. 1-236 " Elizabeth, and Jabez Tucker, Jan. 16, 1754. 1-550 " Gideon, of Hopkinton, aud Judeth Mumford, of Richmond ; m. by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Oct. 12, 1758. 1-48 " Eleanor, and WUUam Sheldon, Jr., Jan. 21, 1765. 1-524 " Lawtom, of Jonathan, late of Stonington (dec), and Susannah Tefft, of Samuel, of Richmond; m. by Edward Burdick, Justice, Nov. 4, 1792. 2-40 " Sanford W., of Eome, Me. , and Sarah G. Babcock, formerly of Westerly, but now of Eichmond, at East Greenwich ; m. by Elder Thomas Tillinghast,, April 7, 1839. 2-51 " Albert G., of Eichmond, and Levina Foster, of Hopkinton ; m. by Elder Steadman Kenyon, Feb. 5, 1849. 2-51 " Levina, and Albert G. Foster, Feb. 5, 1849. 1-43 FEAZEE Jonn, and Sarah Gurgon ; m. by John Webster, Justice, Dec. 6, 1762. Q 1-84 GAEDINER Amie, and Samuel Teflt, Jr., Dec. 9, 1770. 1-96 " Mary, and Robert Pettis, Feb. 7, 1771. 1-58 " Amie, and Isreal Lewis, Feb. 24, 1780. 2-1 " David, of Exeter, son of Nicholas (dec), and Martha Boss, widow of Jonathan, of Richmond; m. by Elder Gershom Palmer, Nov. 26, 1812. 1-428 GREENE Catherine, and PhUUp Kenyon. March 13, 1780. 1-160 " John, of Charlestown, son of AUen, and Elizabeth Hoxsie; m. by Thomas Tefft, Justice. Oct. 28, 1802. 2-53 " Almira, and Benjamin B. Greene, March 2, 1851. 2"83 Benjamin B., of Charlestown, and Almira Greene, of Richmond; m. by Elder David Culver, March 2, 1851. 1-161 GRIFFETH James, and Desire Potter; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Dec. 29, 1768. 1-134 " PhUllp, of John, , and Margaret Webster, of . James ; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, May 21. 1769. 1-433 " Joshua, and Penelope Mlntum, of Jonah; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Dec. 19, 1773. RICHMOND- — MARRIAGES. 11 1-123 GRIFFETH James, and EUzabeth Austin; m. by Joseph Woodmansee, Jus tice, March 25, 1799. 1-433 " PhiUip, of John, and Mary Mlnturn, of Jonas ; m. by Elder Charles Boss, Feb. 23, 1783. 2-20 GRIFFIN Joseph, of Richmond, and Mary Card, of Peleg, at North Kings town; m. by Elder Nathan HIU, Aug. 24, 1798. 1-43 GURGON Sarah, and John Frazer, Dec. 6, 1762. H 1-10 HALL John, of Westerly, and Hannah Rogers, of Richmond ; m. by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Dec. 28, 1749. 1-285 " Eunice, and Amos Patterson, Dec 28, 1756. 1-551 " Susannah, and John Tanner, Aug. 34, 1759. 1-651 " Sylvester, and Rath Larkin ; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, May 1, 1760. 1-48 " Mrs. Anna, and Valentine Hall, Nov. 22, 1764. 1-48 " Valentine, of Richmond, and Mrs. Anna Hall, of Stonington, Conn., at Stonington; m. by Rev. Charles Phelps, Nov. 22, 1764. 1-285 HARRINGTON Hannah, and John Watson, Oct. 31, 1756. 1-552 " Paul, and Thankful Webster, both of Exeter ; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Oct. 32, 1764. 2-47 HAZARD Anthony, and Patience Woodmansee ; m. by Elder Weeden Bar ber, Jr., Jan. 6, 1842. 1-26 HIDE John, and Hannah Stewart, both of Westerly; m. by Stephen Rich mond, Justice, June 9, 1751. 1-26 HILL John, and Jane West ; m. by Benjamin Randall, Justice, . — , 1751. 2-42 HISCOX Rowland, of Hopkinton, and Lucy Essex, of Richmond ; m. by Elder Daniel Coon, Oct. 4, 1740. 1-43 HOLLOWAY George, of Eichmond, and Mercy Baker, of South Kingstown; m. by Thomas LUlibridge, Justice, Dec 5, 1762. 1-553 HOLWAY Elizabeth, and Hopson WUcox, Dec. 10, 1761. 1-82 HOXISIE Stephen, of John (dec), and Elizabeth Kenyon, of John (dec.) ; m. by Eouse Helme, Justice, Feb. 27, 1734-5. 1-13 " Job, of Eichmond, and Anne Eathburn, of Exeter, at Eichmond; m. by John Webster, Justice, March 25, 1749. 1-256 " Mary, and Thomas LUlibridge, Jun., Dec. 12, 1754. 1-43, 553 " Joseph, of Eichmond, and Alice Weekes, of Warwick, at Eichmond; m. by John Webster, Justice, April 23, 1761. 1-286 " Elizabeth, and Thomas Rogers, Jun., March 20, 1763. 1-48 " Jeremiah, awl Sa^ah Niles ; m. by Samuel Tefft, Justice, June 11, 1764. 1-1 " Stephen, and EUzabeth Tefft; m. by George Webb, Justice, Oct. 12, 1766. 1-159 " John, of Stephen, of Eichmond, and Bridget Tripp, of Peregrine, of Exeter; m. by Eobert Stanton, Justice, Feb. 14, 1779. 1-165 " Presbury, of Eichmond, son of Stephen and Elizabeth, and 'AUce Perry, of Charlestown, dau. of Edward and Deliverance, Feb. 27, 1791. 1-202 " Joseph, son of Job, late of Richmond, dec, and Hannah TUUng hast, of Stukely, |of Exeter; m. by Elder Thomas Manchester, Nov., 16, 1797. 2-23 " Joseph, and Susannah ¦ , Oct. 8, 1801. 1-100 " Elizabeth, and John Greene, Oct. 28, 1802. 1-353 " Potter, of Eichmond, son of Gideon, and Mary Sunderland, of George, of Exeter; m. by Samuel Holloway, Justice, March 16, 1807. 1-353 " Gideon, Jun., and Deborah Barber, of Caleb; m. by Elder Ger shom Palmer, Feb. 11, 1810. 2-18 " Martha T., and George Kenyon, Nov. 30, 1817. 2-35 " Hannah, and Eobert Eeynolds, Sept. 17, 1820. 2-53 ." Ruth T., and John T. Sheldon, May 10, 1829. 2-40 "' Samuel A., and Malinda James; m. by Elder John Gardiner, Oct. 2, 1830. 1'2 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-40 HOXSIE Anstis T., and James Ford, May 15, 1838. 2-45 " Barber, and Mehitable James; m. by Elder Benedict Johnson,. Jan. 1, 1843. 2-47 " Mary T., and Robert E. Moore, Nov. 28, 1844. 1-48 HULL Samuel, of South Kingstown, and Freelove Thomas, of Richmond; m. by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Sept. 29, 1763. 1-286 IRISH Jonathan, and Sarah Bailey ; m. by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Jan. 27,. 1757. 1-256 JAMES EUzabeth, and John Tefft, Dec. 26, 1752. 1-285 " Patience, and Job WUcox, Dec 9, 1756. 1-551 " Amos, and Nancy Swan ; m. by John Webster, Justice, Oct. 1,. 1758. 1-550 " Jonathan, Jr., and Thankful Dye ; m. by John Tefft, Justice, Dec 7, 1758. 1-78 " Benjamin, Jr.. and Rhodai Kenyon ; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, June 23, 1764. 1-48 " WiUiam, and Elizabeth Sabens ; m. by George Welbb, Justice, May 14, 1767. 1-161 " Ezekiel, of Edward, and Hannaih Bailey, of Richard; m. by Gideon, Moshler, Justice, June 3, 1768. 1-84 " Sarah, and Clark BaUey, March. 19, 1772. 1-110 " Thomas, Jr., of Col. Thomas, and Dorcas Perry, of George ; m. by Elder Henry Joslin, May 30, 1805. 2-11 " Sheffield, and Judith Card ; m. by Elder Phineas Palmer, June 28,. 1812. 2-25 " Caleb B., and Lucy Reynolds ; m. by Elder Daniel Greene, May 4,. 1823. 2-28 " Frances, and Gardiner Kenyon, Nov. 25, 1824. 2-28 " Nancy, and Joseph T. Barber, Jan. 27, 1825. 2-46 " Malinda, and Samuel A. Hoxsie, Oct. 2, 1830. 2-43 " John L., and Mrs. EUza Kenyon ; m. by Elder Thomas TUUnghast,. March. 22, 1841. 2-43 " Simeon C, and Mrs. EUzabeth S. Locke ; m. by Elder Benedict Johnson, Oct. 3, 1841. 2-45 " Mrs. Mairy, and George F. Burdick, Aug. 16, 1842. 2-45 " Mehltable, and Barber Hoxsie, Jan. 1, 1843. 2-53 " EUza A., and Stephen Champlain, March 10, 1850. 1-250 JOHNSON Ezekiel, of Chairlestown, and Mercy Kenyon, of Richmond ; m. by- John Webster, Justice, Feb. 3, 1754. 2-55 " Mercy, and William Kenyon, Sept. 25, 1825. 2-52 " Rufus J., and Hildah A. Fenner; m. hy Elder Steadman Kenyon, AprU 10, 184©. 2-52 " Kenyon, of 'Jonathan, and Sally E. Davis, of Preserved; m. by Elder- George K. Clarke, Sept. 23, 1849. 1-553 JONES Hannah, and Peter Wilbur, Sept. 25, 1761. 2-46 JOEDAN Mary A., and William Clarke, Feb. 27, 3840. K 1-96 KELLEY Charles, and Sarah Moshler; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Dee-. 28, 3775. 1-82 KENYON Elizabeth, and Stephen Hopkins, Feb. 27, 1734-5. 1-31,2-55 " John, and Elizabeth Webster; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Jan.. 18, 1748. 1-10 " Hannah, and Simeon Watson, Oct. 24, 1748. 1-10 " Penelope, and Simeon Perry, AprU 13, 1749. EICHMOND MAEEIAGES. 13 1-26 1-256 1-256 1-284 1-2S4 1-285 1-286 1-551 1-551 1-552 1-5521-552 1-552 1-781-84 1-1011-161 1-135 1-12 1-43 1-159 1-428 1-58 1-58 1-53 1-428 1-370 1-721-72 1-175 1-255 -2-8 2-18 2-25 2-28 2-332-55 2-352-35 2-42 -2-42 2-43 2-49 KENYON David Jr., and Mary Potter; m. by Stephen Eichmond, Justice, April 21, 1751. Mercy, and Ezekiel Johnson, Feb. 3, 1754. Mary, and WUliam Tefft, March 21, 1754. William, and Hannah Niles; m. by Stephen Eichmond, Justice, March 9, 1755. Elizabeth, and James Clarke, AprU 24, 1755. Thomas, of 'David, and Euth Tefft; m. by Stephen Eichmond, Jus tice, AprU 15, 1750. Susannah, and Charles Church, Jan. 12, 1758. Elizabeth, and Samuel Barber, April 26, 1759. Joseph, Jr., and Catherine Enos; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, June 14, 1759. Giles, and PreslUa Briggs ; m. by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Jan. 3, 1760. Sarah, and Sylvester Kenyon, Jr., Feb. 14, 1760. Sylvester, Jr., and Sarah Kenyon; m. by Samuel Teflt, Justice, Feb. 14, 1760. Benedict, and Amie Barber; m. by Thomas Kenyon, Justice, May 29, 1760. Ehoda, and Benjamin James, Jr., June 23, 1764. Thomas, Jr., and Sarah Steadman; m. by Eev. Joseph Torrey, Nov. 15, 1764. Peleg, and Elizabeth Stanton; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Oct. 1, 1766. Mercy, and George Ney, Sept. 6, 1767. Lydia, and Solomon Baker, Feb. 4, 1770. Abigail, and James Woodmansee, Jan. 7, 1773. Esther, and Joshua Webb, Feb. 16, 1777. Mercy, and Benjamin Clarke, Feb. 26, 1778. Philip, of Eichmond, and Catharine Greene, of Charlestown; m. by Joseph Woodmansee, Justice, March 13, 1780. Jonathan, of Samuel, of Charlestown, and Martha Kenyon, of George, of Richmond; m. by Eobert Stanton, Justice, May 30, 1780. Martha, and Jonathan Kenyon, May 30, 1780. Thomas, of John, of Richmond, and Silvia Saunders, of EUsha, late of Westerly (dec); m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, Nov. 30, 1780. Thankful, and Samuel Barber, Dec. 27, 1782. Mary, and John LiUibridge, Nov. 2, 1789. Anna, and Joseph Webster, Nov. 29, 1789. Jonathan, of Eichmond, and Mercy Crandall, of Hopkinton; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Jan. 21, 1790. Penelope, and Benjamin Enos, Jan. 13, 1791. John, and Elizabeth Webster, Jan. 18, 1748. John, of Richmond, and Charity Barber, of Hopkinton; m. by Elder Phineas Palmer, May 1, 1808. George, of John, and Martha T. Hoxsie, of Joseph ; m. by Elder i Gershom Palmer, Nov. 30, 1817. Barber, of Benedict, and Honor Reynolds, of Jesse; m. by Elder Gershom Palmer, June S, 1823. Gardiner, of SUas, and Frances James, of Thomas ; m. by Elder Matthew StUlman, Nov. 125, 1824. Corey , and Mrs . Waitey Barber ; m. by Elder Henry C. Hubbard, June 1, 1828. William, and Mercy Johnson, of Stephen ; m. by Thomas A. Haz-> ard, Justice, S?pt. 25, 1H25. Ruth Ann, and WilUim \V. Kenyon, March 19, 1838. WiUtan W., of Richmond, and Ruth Ann Kenyon, of Hopkinton; aHRfr Elder Thomas TUlinghast, March 19, 1838. DebwHSf and Thomas P. Dye. Jan. 1, 1840. Hannah E. C, and George S. Peckham, Jan. 13, 1840. Mrs. Eliza, and John L. James. March 22, 1841. Amie A... and SUas Moore, Jan. 1, 1843. 14: VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-47 KENYON Pamelia C, and John S. Clarke, Oct. 2, 1844. 2-50 " Lavina, and Nathan L. Richmond, Sept. 21, 1846. 2-50 " Clarissa, and George C. Santford, Oct. 29, 1847. 1-10 " AbigaU, and John Weaver, Dec 20, 1747. 2_52 " Benjamin F., of Hopkinton, and Mary J. Kenyon, of Richmond;: m. by Elder Steadman Kenyon, Jan. 28, 1850. 2-52 " Mary J., and Benjamin F. Kenyon, Jan. 28, 1850. 1-110 LANE Joseph, of Preston, Conn., and Mary Dake, of Richmond ; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, April 19, 1781. 1-256 LARKIN Lydia, and Caleb Church, July 29, 1753. 1-284 " John, Jr., and Amie Enos. of Richmond; m. by Sylvester Ken yon, Justice, March 30, 1755. 1-551 " Ruth, and Sylvester Hall, May 1, 1760. 1-554 " Ephraim, of Hopkinton, and Susannah Collins, of Richmond; m. by Elder Thomas TiUlnghast, March 24, 1762. 1-78 " AbigaU, and Thomas Adams, July 10, 1764. 1-48 " Samuel, Jr., of Hopkinton, and Sarah Larkin, of Captain Nicholas,. of Richmond; m. by John Burdick, Justice, July 16, 1764. 3-48 " Sarah, and Samuel Larkin, July 16, 1764. 1-78 " Edward, of Richmond, and Hannah Parker, of Hopkinton; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Sept. 14, 1764. 1-92 " Lucy, and Benjamin WUbur, March 23, 1777. 1-175 " Jesse, of Capt. David, and Mary Enos, of Benjamin, dec. ; m. by Elder Henry Josllu, Feb. 18, 1790. 1-160 " WiUiam, of Samuel, and Bathsheba Webster; m. by Elder Henry Joslin, Jan. 21, 1798. 2-45 " Daniel, of Samuel, and Ruth CrandaU, of Joseph, of Westerly; m. by Nathaniel T. WUbur, Justice, Sept. 5, 1842. 2-59 " EmUy, and Ephraim A. Blanchard, July 1, 1850. 1-11 LAWTON Joseph, Jr., of Westerly, son of Joseph, and Abigail Foster, of Jonathan , of Richmond ; m. by John Webster, Justice, March 17, 3749. 1 — LEWIS Izroal, and Jane Babcock, both of Westerly ; m. by Tobias Saun ders, Justice, about 1696. 1-10 " Thomas, of Exeter, and Mary BaUey, of Richard, of Richmond; m. by John Webster, Justice, Sept. 1, 1748. 1-285 " Nathan, of Charlestown, and Mary Adams, of Richmond; m. by Thomas Kenyon, Justice, Dec. 16, 175o. 1-147 " Elnathan, of Richmond, and Margaret Tourgee ; m. by Elder Joseph Torrey, March 22, 1767. 1-147 " Mary, and Joseph Woodmansee, Jan. 19, 1760. 1-92 " Martha, and Jonathan Potter, Jr., Feb. 22, 1776. 1-58 " Isreal, ol Eichmond, son of Enock, and Amie Gardner, of Thomas; m. by Elder John Pendleton, Feb. 24, 1780. 1-72 " Elizabeth, and Joseph Card, Oct. 8, 1789. 1-256 LLLLIBEIDGB Thomas, Jr., and Mary Hoxsie ; m. by Stephen Richmond, Justice, Dec. 12, 1754. 1-285 " Edward, and Patience Tefft; m. by Stephen Richmond, Justtog, Dec. 4, 1755. 1-43 " David, of Exeter, and Marian Moore, of Richmond; m. by1. Thomas LUlibridge, Justice, Oct. 28, 1762. 1-78 " Edward, and Thankful Wells; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Jan. 6, 1765. 1-135 " Mary, and WUliam Eeynolds, April 7, 1771. 1-96 " Sarah, and Hezekiah Tefft, March 23, 1775. 1-92 " Deborah, and Jerah Mumford, March 14, 1776. 1-175 " Thomas, /'Jr., of Thomas, and Alice Sweet, of Joshua, dec. ; m. by Eobert Stanton, Justice, June 10, 1781. 1-370 " John, of Eichmond, and Mary Kenyon, of Charlestown ; m. by Elder Henry Joslin, Nov. 2, 1789. 2-31 " Willett E., of Exeter, and Chloe Barber, of Eichmond; m. by Elder Levi Meech, May 13, 1832. RICHMOND MARRIAGES. 15 2-42 LILLIBRIDGE Edward, and Mrs. Mary Clarke ; m. by Elder Thomas Til linghast, Aug. 30, 1840. 2-35 LOCKE Ezeldel J., and Mrs. Chloe Woodmansee ; m. by Elder Henry C. Hubbard, Oct. 27, 1833. 2-43 " Mrs. EUzabeth S., and (Simeon C. James, Oct. 3, 1841. M 1-550 MAXSON Sarah, and Joseph Tefft, Jr., July 17, 1757. 1-43 " Jonathan, and Mary Woodmansee ; m. by Edward Perry, Jus tice, Dec. 29, 1763. 1-53, 128 " Sarah, and WilUam E. Phillips, Nov. 12, 1789. 1-175 " Jonathan, Jr., of Col. Jonathan, of Richmond, and EUzabeth Brown, of Hopldnton, dau. of John ; m. by Elder Henry Jos lin, Jan. 6, 1791. 1-256 MILLEMAN AbigaU, and William Bentley, April 21, 1754. 1-433 MINTURN Penelope, and Joshua Griffeth, Dec'. 3.9, 1773. 1-433 " Mary, and Philip Griffeth, Fch. 23, 1783. 3.-123 MITCHELL Lydia, and John Bitgood, Jr., Dec. 23, 1779. 1-552 MOON Desire, and Benjamin Barber, May 28, 1761. 2-54 " Phebe Ann, and WUUam O. Taber, Aug. 12, 1860. 1-550 MOORE Mary, and Michael Dawley. Dec. 29, 1758. 1-43 " Marian, and David LUlibridge, Oct. 28, 1762. 1-1 " Lucy, and Smith Potter, Nov. 7, 1765. 1-3.61 " Phebe, and George Niles, Oct. 5, 1767. 1-428 " SUas, and Chloe Phillips; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, March 7, 1780. 2-33 " SUas, Jr., of Richmond1, and Sarah Tripp, of Exeter, dau. of Peregrine; m. by Elder Gershom Palmer, Feb. 20, 1820. 2-40 " Mary Ann, and James Vallett, March 31, 1839. 2-49 " SUas, and Amie A. Kenyon ; m. by Elder Benedict Johnson, Jan. 1, 1843. 2-47 " Robert E., of David, and Mary T. Hoxsie, of David; m. at East Greenwich by Elder Thomas TUlinghast, Nov. 28, 1844. 1-128 " Mary, and Moshler Webster, Oct. 18, 1846. 2-76 MOREY Mary A., and Benjamin Worden, March 25, 1843. 1-255 MOSHIER Elizabeth, and John Webster, Jr., Dec. 6, 1751. 1-96 " Sarah, and Charles Kelley, Dec. 28, 1775. 1-550 MUMFORD Judeth, and Gideon Foster, Oct. 12, 1758. 1-92 " Jerah, of Jerah, late of South Kingstown, and Deborah LUUbrldge, of Richmond, dau. of Thomas; m. by Robert Stanton, Jus tice, March 14, 1776. N 1-161 NEY George, of Charlestown, son of Isaac, and Mercy Kenyon, of Rich mond, dau. of Samuel, dec. ; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Sept. 6, 1767. 2-42 NEWTON Matthew, of Exeter, and Eliza Palmer, of Hopkinton ; m. by Elder Thomas TUlinghast, AprU 12, 1840. 1-552 NICHOLS EUzabeth, and Amos Burdick, Feb. 4, 1761. 1-78 " Andrew, and Anna Adams ; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, June 14, 1764. 1-80 " David, Jr., and Desire Barber; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Jan. 23, 1766. 1-135 " Joseph, of David, jtnd Penelope Woodmansee, of Joseph; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Sept. 24, 1769. 1-121 " David, Jr., and Elizabeth Potter, of Jonathan; m. by George Webb, Justice, AprU 7, 1774. 1-2S4 NILES Elizabeth, and Caleb Barber, Jan. 26, 1755. 1-284 " Hannah, and WUliam Kenyon, March 9, 1755. 1-551 " Abigail, and Moses Barber, Dec 27, 1759. 1-48 " Sarah, and Jeremiah Hoxsie, June 11, 1764. 16 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-161 NILES George, and Phebe Moore ; m. by Job Tripp, Justice, Oct. 5, 1767. 2-53 NOYES Asa T., and Frances A. Babcock, of Charlestown; m. at South Kingstown by Elder David Culver, Dec 1, 3850. 2-36 NEY Isabella W., and Reynolds II. Clarke, Jan. 20, 1845. o 2-45 OLNEY John, and Caroline Sheldon: m. by Elder Pardon Tillinghast, May 22. 1842. 3-50 " Harriet B., and Nathan Fenner, Sept. 21. 1846. 2-42 PALMER Eliza, and Matthew Newton, AprU 12, 1840. 1-78 PARKER Hannah, and Edward Larkin, Sept. 14. 1764. 1-285 PATTERSON Amos, of Westerly, and Eunice Hall, of Richmond; m. by Syl vester Kenyon, Justice, Dec. 28, 1756. 2-51 PEARCE Nelson M., and Lydia P. Burdick; m. by Elder C. C. Lewis, Sept. 13, 1847. 2-52 " Martha M., and James Woodmansee, Oct. 27, 1849. 2-42 PECKHAM George S., of Charlestown, and Hannah E. C. Kenyon, of Rich mond; m. by Matthew B. Potter, Justice, Jan. 13, 1840. 1-428 PENDLETON Zebulon, of Westerly, son of Amos, and Thankful Wells, of Richmond, dau. of Joseph, of Hopkinton ; m. by Joihm Pendleton, Justice, Oct. 15, 17SO. 2-81 PERRIN William, and Frances E. Clarke; m. by Elder C. C. Lewis, Dec. 4, 1847. 1-13 PERRY Hannah, and Joseph Clarke, Jr., Dec. 26, 3 746. 1-13 " Samuel, Jr., and Anne Clarke, of Joseph, both of Charlestown; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Dec. 26, 1746. Simeon, of Charlestown, and Penelope Kenyon, of Eichmond, dau. of John, Jr. ; m. by John Webster, Justice, April 13, 1749. Benjamin, and Alice Soul. ; m. by Joseph Woodmansee, Justice, Dec. 19, 1779. Alice, and Preslmry Hoxsie, Feb. 27, 1791. Dorcas, and Thomas James, Jr., May 30. 1805. 1-550 PETERSON Content, and Joseph Boss, Oct. 27, 1757. 1-11 PETTIS Charies, and Martha Rogers ; m. by Stephen Eichmond, Justice, Jan. 15, 1749. 1-96 " Eobert E., of Eichmond, and Mary Gardiner, of South Kingstown; m. at South Kingstown, by Nathaniel Gardiner, Justice, Feb. 7, 1771. 1-552 PETTY Mary, .and William Douglass, May 1, 1760. 1-255 PHILLIPS Dorcas, and George Webb, Jr., Nov. 19, 1752. 1-10 1-159 1-1651-110 1-1471-147 1-96 1^-28 1-53, 128 2-42 2-49 Jerusha, and Benjamin Enos, Jan. 14, 1768. John, of Joseph, of Exeter, a.nd Elizabeth Clarke, of Thomas, of Eichmond; m. by Simuel Tripp, Justice, Jan. 18, 1768. Abigail, and Philip Potter, April 10, 1777. Chloe, and SUas Moore. March 7, 1780. WUliam E., and Sarah Maxson ; m. by Elder Henrv Joslin, Nov. 12, 1789. Mary, and James Pollard, Feb. 1, 1841. Martha, and .Sylvester Woodmansee, April 21, 1845. 2-255 PIEECE Daniel, of Eichmond, and Damaies Cahoone, of West Greenwich. m. by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Fob. 3, 1752. 2-42 POLLARD James, of !East Greenwich, and Mary Phillips, of Richmond; m. by Eider Thomas Tillinghast, Feb. 1, 1841. 1-11 POTTER David, and Susannah Barber; m. by Stephen Eichmond, Jus tice, Jan. 5, 1748-9. Smith, and Lucy Moore ; m. by Thomas LUUbridge, Justice, Nov. 7, 1765. Martha, and Robert WUcox. Dec. 24, 1749. Patience, and Ezekiil Tifft, Oct. 21, 1750. 1-1 1-11 1-11 RICHMOND MARRIAGES. 17 1-26 POTTEE Mary, and David Kenyon, Jr., April 21, 1751. 1-284 •• Alee, and John Webb, Feb. 20, 1755. 1-550 " Thankful, and John Dye, March 22, 1758. 1-551 " Alice, and John Watson, May 17, 1759. 1-80 " Daniel, and Lois Clarke ; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Dec. 1, 1765. 1-161 " AUce, and Nathaniel Pullman,, Nov. 20, 1706. 1-161 " Desire, and James Griffith, Dec. 29, 1766. 1-135 " Ruth, and John Rice, Oct. 13, 1768. 1-84 " Rebecca, and William Potter, Nov., 7, 1770. 1-84 " WUliam,, of Richmond, son of Nathaniel, of Dartmouth, Mass., (late deceased) and Eebecca Potter, of Ichabod, late of Dart mouth, Mass., deceased; m. by Aaron WUbour, Justice, Nov. 7, 1770. -.1-121 " Elizabeth, and David Nichols, AprU 7, 1774. 1-96 " Susannah, and Stephen Clarke, Nov. 24, 1774. 1-92 " Jonathan, Jr., and Martha Lewis, of George,, both of Exeter; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Feb. 22, 1776. 1-96 " PhUip, of David, and Abigail Phillips, of Bartholomew ; m. by Ed ward Perry, Justice, AprU 10„ 1777. -1-165 " Matthew, of Eichmond, and Mary Braman, of Hopkinton; m. by Elder Asa Coon, Sept. 8, 1796. i 2-8 " Lucy, and Peter Barber, Feb. 13, 1814. 1-285 POWELL Thrcelah, and Jonathan Sherman, Aug. 31, 1755. 1-161 PULLMAN Nathaniel, Jr., now residing in Hopkinton,, and AUce Potter, of Richmond; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Nov. 20, 17Q6. Q R 1-13 RATHBUN Anne, and Job Hoxsie, March 25, 1749. 1-256 " Charity, and Nathaniel Barber, March 8, 1753. 1-286 " Thomas, Jr., of' Exeter, and Ruth Clarke, of Richmond; m. by Samuel Tefft, Justice, June 20, 1757. 1-135 " Simeon, of Exeter, and Anne Russell, of Richmond ; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Oct. 26, 1769. 1-340 RECORD Elizabeth, and Benjamin WUcox, Nov. 14, 1799. 1-14 REYNOLDS Mary, and John Tefft, Dec. 11, 1721. 1-12 " Sarah, and Joseph Clarke, Nov. 15, 1727. 1-10 " Dinah, "and WUliam Witter, Nov. 30, 1749. ¦ 1-135 " WiUlam, Jr., and Mary LiUibridge, of Benjamin; m. by Elder James Sogers, April 7, 1771. .1-175 " Robert, of Richmond, and Jemima Ross, of Charlestown; m. by Elder Charles Boss, Feb. 14, 1782. 1-110 " John, of Stephen, of Exeter, and Mary Tefft, of Benjamin, of Richmond ; m. by Elder Henry JosUn, June 24, 1804. 2-6 " WiUiam, of Eichmond, son of Eobert, and Abigail Congdon, of West Greenwich, daughter of James ; m. hy Elder Gershom Palmer, Nov. 25,, 1810. 2-1 " Job, of Exeter, son of Stephen, and Joanna Barber, of Eichmond, daughter of Caleb ; m. by Elder Gershom Palmer, Feb. 17, 1811. 2-31 " Wells, of Eobert, and Elizabeth Barber, of Caleb ; m. by Elder Ger shom Palmer, May 2fi, 1811. 2-35 " Eobert, Jr., and Hannah Hoxsie, of Reynolds; m. by Elder Gershom Palmer, Sept. 17, 1820. 2-25 " Lucy, and Caleb B. James, May 4, 1823. 2-25 " Honor, and Barber Kenyon, June 8, 1823. 2-36 " Thomas, of Eobert and Jemima, and Joanna Browning, of Isaac, and Margeret; m. by Elder WiUiam Northrup, Oct. 5, 1825. 2-55 " Eobert, of Richmond, and Sarah Torrey, of Exeter ; m. by Elder Nathaniel Sheffield, March 30, 3828. 2-47 " Clarke H., of Richmond, and Alzada W. Card, ot Charlestown; m. at [Norwich, Conn., by Eev. D. N. Beezley, Dec. 25, 1842. 71-135 RICE John, of Captain Richard, of Coventry, R. I., and Ruth Potter, of Thomas, of Richmond : m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Oct. 13, 1768. 18 VITAL EECOED OF EHODE ISLAND. 2-46 EICHMOND Mrs. Angelina P., and Thomas T. Barber, July 10, 1843. 2-49 " Benjamin L., of Exeter, son of Benjamin, and Mrs. EUzabeth E.. Smith, of Norris; m. by Elder Ezekiel J. Locke, Feb. 21, 1846. 2-50 " Nathan L., of Exeter, and Levina Kenyon, of Richmond; m. by Elder C. C. Lewis, Sept. 21, 1S46. 2-54 BOBBINS Sophia, and Ebenezer K. Church, Nov. 27, 1817. 1-25 ROGERS Thomas, and Zerniah Woodmansee ; m. at Westerly, by Samuel Wllbour, Justice, Oct. 3, 1734. 1-1.1 " Martha, and Charles Pettis, Jan. 15, 1749. 1-10 " Hannah, and John HaU, Dec. 28, 1749. 1-11 " Abigail, and Joseph Austin, Aug. 26, 1750. 1-255 " Stephen, and Sarah WUcox ; m. by Stephen Eichmond, Justice, Jan. 26. 1752. 1-255 " Mary, and John Tanner, Jr., March 15, 1752. 1-285 " Thomas, and Dinah Austin ; m. by Stephen Richmond, Justice,. Sept. 7, 1755. 1-283 " Hannah, and Samuel Church, July 3 3, 1756. 1-286 " Thomas, Jr., and Elizabeth Hoxsie ; m. by Thomas LUUbridge, Jus tice, March 20, 17G3. 1-123 " Mary, and Joseph Austin, Dec. 8, 3.777. 1-390 " Avis, and Thomas Rogers, Dec 10, 179.7. 1-390 " Thomas, of Brooldield, N. Y., and Avis Rogers, of Richmond; m. by James Potter, Justice, Dec. 10, 1797. 1-175 ROSS Jemima, and Robert Reynolds, Feb. 14, 3 782. 1-135 RUSSELL Anne, and Simeon Rathbun, Oct. 26, 1769. 2-49 " Albert H., of Lonsdale, and Harriet N. Babcock; m. by Elder Daniel Avery, Aug. 25, 1845. 1-1 SABIN Alice, and Ezekiel Bentley, Sept. 16, 1765. 1-48 " Elizabeth, and William James, Maty 14, 1767. 2-50 SANFORD George C, of North Kingstown, and Clarissa Kenyon, of Rich mond; m. at Wickford by Rev. John C. Rouse, Oct. 29, 1847. 1-53 SAUNDERS Sylvia, and Thomas Kenyon, Nov. 30, 1780. 1-159 SEREL Alice, and Benjamin Perry, Dec 19, 1779. 1-43 SHELDON. William, Jr., ol Richmond, and Eleanor Foster, of Hopkinton; m. by WlUiam Pettey, Justice, Jan. 21, 1765. 1-101 " WUUam, and Anne Bailey, of Samuel ; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, June 7, 1767. 1-202 " Elizabeth, and Samuel Clarke, June 4, 1801. 2-53 " John T., of WiUiam J., of Coventry, and Ruth T. Hoxsie, of Rey nolds, of Richmond; m. by Elder Matthew Stillman, May 10, 1829. 2-45 " Caroline, and John Olniy, May 22, 1842. 1-235 SHERMAN Jonathan, of Benjamin, of South Kingstown, and Tercelah Powell, late of Plaii field, Conn. ; m. by Elisha Babcock, Jus tice, Aug. 31, 1755. 1-92 " Mary, and Eichard Corey, Oct. 25, 1773. 1-159 SMITH Abigail, ami John Corey, Nov. 7, 1773. 2-33 " Mrs. Mary, and Bay Q Tefft, Sept. 24, 1826. 2"49 " Mrs. Elizabeth E., and Benjamin L. Richmond, Feb. 2, 1846. 1-553 STANTON Susannah, and Samuel Clarke, Sept. 16, 1761. 1-554 " Thomas, of Chorlelstoiwn, and Susannah Baker, of Exeter; m. by Elder Samuel Albro, Dec. 10, 1761. i-48 " Elizabeth, and John Foidice, Dec. ,6, 1764, 1-48 " John, of David, of Exeter, and Sarah Fordlce, of Richmond; m. by William Pettey, Justice, Dec. 24, 1764. 1-61 " Elizabeth,- and Peleg Kenyon, Oct. 3. 1766. 2-52 STAR Sarah, and Stephen B. Watson, March 5, 1850. 1-84 STEADMAN Sarah, and Thomas Kenyon, Nov. 15, 1764. 1-26 STEWART Hannah, and John Hide, June 9, 1751. 1-11 SUNDERLAND Jolm, of Exeter, son of WUliam, and Abigail Bailey, of Richard, of Richmond ; m. by John Webster, Justice, March 2 1749. RICHMOND MARRIAGES. 19 • 1-358 SUNDERLAND Mary, and Potter Hoxsie, March 15, 1807. 1-551 SWAN Nancy, and Amos James, Oct. 1, 1758. 1-175 SWEET Alice, and Thomas LiUibridge, June 30, 1781. 2-46 TABER Waity M., and James W. Clarke, Dec. 29, 1839. 2"54 " WUliam O., and Phebe Ann Moon, both of Exeter; m. at Hopkin ton, by Rev. Stanton Austin, Aug. 12, 1860. 2-225 TANNER John, Jr., and Mary Rogers ; m. by Stephen Richmond, Justice, March 15, 1752. 1-250 " George, and Marcy Wilcox ; m. by Samuel Tefft, Justice, July 23 1754. 1-256 " David, of Westerly, and HopestiU Worden, of Richmond; m. by Stephen Richmond, Justice, Nov. 24, 1754. 1-551 " John, of Richmond, and Susannah Hall, of Hopkinton; m. by Thomas Kenyon, Justice, Aug. 14, 1759. 1-43, 553 " Tacy, and George CrandaU, Sept. 20, 1761. 1-1 " Isaac, and Hannah Boss; m. by Richard BaUey, Justice, April 28, 1765. 1-14 TEFFT John, of Richmond, and Mary Reynolds, of Westerly; m. at Westerly, by John Babcock, Justice, Dec. 11, 1721. 1-H " Jonathan, and Mary Webb; m. by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Jan. 26, 1749. 1-11 " Ezekiel, of Richmond, and Patience Potter, of Exeter; m. by Stephen Richmond, (Justice, Oct. 21, 1750. , 1-284 " Jolm, Jr., and Hannah Clarke ; m. by Thomas Kenyon, Justice, March 14, 1750-1. 1-256 " John, and EUzabeth James; m. by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Dec. 26, 1752. 1-256 " WilUam, and Mary Kenyon; m. by Stephen Richmond, Justice, March 21, 1754. 1-256 " AbigaU, and Robert Tefft, March 27, 1754. 1-256 Robert, and Abigail Tefft ; m. hy Stephen Richmond, Justice, March 27, 1754. 1-285 " Patience, and Edward L Uibrldge, Dec. 4, 17 55, 1-285 " Ruth, and Thomas Kenyon, April 15, 1756. 1-286 " Mary, and WiUlam Clarke, 3d, March 20, 1757. 1-550 " Joseph, Jr.,, and Sarah Maxson; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, July 17, 1757. 1-78 " Esther, and OUver Colegrove, April 28, 1765. i-1 " Elizabeth, and Stephen Hoxsie,, Oct.. 12, 1760. 1-84 " Samuel, Jr., son of Joseph, and Amie Gardiner, of George; m. by Robert Stanton, Justice, Dec. 9, 1770. 1-84 " Joseph, Jr.,, of Richmond, son of Joseph, and Alice Albro, of Exe ter, dau. of Samuel ; m. at Exeter, by Elder Solomon Sprague,- May 22, 1771., 1-92 " Thomas, of Joseph, and Lydia Barber,, of Benjamin ; m. by Robert Stanton, Justice, Dec. 10, 1772. 1-96 " Hezekiah, of EzeMel, and Sarah LiUibridge, of Edward, both of Exeter; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, March 23, 1775. 1-126 " Taber, of Joseph, and Sarah Barber, of Caleb ; m. by Elder Charles Boss, July 25, 1782. 1-128 " Ezekiel, of Ezekiel, and Amie WUcox, of Stephen; m. by Thomas Tefft, Justice, Oct. 13, 1785. 1-128 " Sarah, and Benjamin Barber, Oct. 16, 1785. 1-524 " Susannah, and Lawton Foster, Nov. 4, 1792. 1-110 " Mary, and John Reynolds, June 24„ 1804, 1-205 " Edward, of Richmond, and Nancy Turner, of Groton, Conn.; m. by Elder John G. Weigh '.man, Dec 10, 1804. 1-205 " Lucy, and Thomas Tell" Jr., Jan. 31, 1805. 1-205 " Thomas, Jr., of Richmond, son of Thomas, and Lucy Tefft, of George, of Borton, Conn. ; m. by Elder Henry Joslin, Jan. 31, , 1805. 20 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. -2-17 TEFFT Sarah, and Luke Clarke, Feb. 28, 1806. 1-— " Joanna, and Joseph Clarke, Dec 20, 18 JO. 2-30 " Sarah, and John Barber, Feb. 2, 1826. 2-33 " Ray G., of Richmond, and' Mrs. Mary Smith, of South Kingstown; m. by Elder Henry C. Hubbard, Sept. 24, 1320. 2-49 " Deborah, and John A. Barber, Nov. 5, 13461. 2-51 " Sarah, and Jesse O. Barber, Dec. 27, 1847. 2-51 « SUas W., of Silas, of Richmond, and Sarah CrandaU, of Stephen, of Charlestown ; m. by Elder E. J. Locke, Dec 27, 1847. 1-58 TENNANT Freelove, and Job Wilcox, Nov. 30, 1779. 1-48 THOMAS Freelove, and Samuel HuU, Sept. 29, 1763. 1-202 TILLINGHAST Hannah, and Joseph Hoxsie, Nov. 16, 1797. 2-55 TORREY Sarah, and Robert Reynolds, March 30, 1828. 1-147 TOURGEE Margaret, and Elnathan Lewis, March 22, 1767. 1-43,553 TRIPP Peregrine Fry, of Exeter, and Martha Boss, of Jeremiah, of Rich mond; m. at Richmond by John Webster, Justice, Sept. 14, 1760, 1-96 " Ruth, and Charles Boss, Feb. 9, 1775. 1-159 " Bridget, and John Hoxsie, Feb. 14, 1779. 2-33 " Sarah, and SUas Moore, Jr., Feb. 20, 1820. 1-256 TUCKER Jabez, of Westerly, and EUzabeth Foster, of Richmond; m. by John Webster, Justice, Jan. 16, 1754. 2-53 " Brlghtman, and Hannah L. Braman ; m. by Rev. Elbridge Cran dall, Feb. 15, 1845. 2-52 TUCK Martha A., and GUbert Fenner, Oct. 30, 1847. 1-205 TURNER Nancy, and Edward Tefft, Dec 16, 1804. U V 2-44 VALLETT James,, and Mary Ann Moore-; m. by Elder Henry B. Locke, March 31, 1839. w 1-10 WATSON Simeon, and Hannah Kenyon; m. by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Oct. 24, 1748. 1-255 " AbigaU,, and Caleb Foster, Feb. 9, 1752. 1-285 " John, and Hannah Harrington; m. by Thomas Kenyon, Justice, Oct. 31, 1756. 1-551 " John, and Alice Potter; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, May 17, 1759. 1 — " Joseph W., and Susannah Clarke; m. by Eev. Matthew Stillman, Oct. T6„ 1806. 2-52 " Stephen B., aged 45 years, and Sarah Star, widow, aged 41 years; m. by Elder A. D. WUliams. March 5, 1850. 1-10 WEAVER John, of East Greenwich, and Abigail Kenyon, of Richmond; m. by Stephen Richmond, Justice, Dec. 20, 1747. 1-11 WEBB Mary, and Jonathan Tefft, Jan. 26, 1749. 1-255 " George, Jr., and Dorca.s PhUlips ; m. by Stephen Eichmond, Justice, Nov. 19, 1752. 1-284 " John, and Alice Potter; m. by Stephen Eichmond, Justice, Feb. 20, 1755. 1-43 " Joshua, of George, and Es'her Kenyon, of Thomas, son of David; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Feb. 16. 1777. 1-31,255 WEBSTEE Elizabeth, and John Kenyon, Jan. 18, 1748. 1-255 " Jcim, Jr., and Elnizbeth Moshier; m. by Stephen Eichmond, Justice, Dec 6, 1751. 1-552 " Thankful, and Paul Hanlngton, Oct. 12, 1764. 1-80 " Thomas, and Patience Adams ; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Nov. 17, 1765. 1-134 " Margaret, and PhUip Griffeth, May 21, 1769. 1-159 " Mary, and Charles Boss, April 16, 1778. 1-128 " Moshler, and Mary Barber; m. by Elder Henry Joslin. Feb 12 3789. ' RICHMOND MAEEIAGES. 21 1-72 WEBSTEE Joseph, of Eichmond, and Annie Kenyon, of Charlestown; m. by Elder Henry Joslin, Nov. .29, 1789. 1-160 " Bathsheba, and William Larkin, Jan. 21, 1798. 1-255 " EUzabeth, and John Kenyion, Jan. 18, 1748. 2-38 " James T., of Jonathan, and Sally Clarke, of Luke; m. by Elder Thomas Tillinghast, Sep*. 9, 1832. 1-128 " Moshler, and Mary Moore (also 2-50) ; m. at East Greenwich, by Elder Thomas TUUnghast, Oct. 18, 1846. 1-43 WEEKS Alice, and Joseph Hoxsie (also 5-53), April 23, 1761. 1-552 WELLSV Thomas, of Hopkinton, and Saran Clarke, of Eichmond ; m. by John Tefft, Justice, Sept. 17, 1761. 1-78 " Thankful, and Edward LUibridge, Jan. 6, 1765. 1-428 " Thankful, and Zebulon Pendleton, Oct. 15, 17810. 1-26 WEST Jane, and John HUl, , — , 1751. 1-284 WILBOUB Samuel, and Hannah Enos ; m. by Sylvester Kenyon, Justice,. Mar. 16, 1755. 1-550 " WUUam, of Eichmond, and Mary Young, of Exeter ; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Dec. 28, 1758. 1-553 " Peter, of Richmond, and Hannah Jones, of Charlestown; m. by Thomas LiUibridge, Justice, Sept. 25, 1761. 1-553 " Hannah, and Daniel. Wilcox, Dec. 31, 1761. 1-92 " Benjamin, and Lucy Larkin; m. by Joseph Woodimansee, Justice, March 23, 1777. 2-54 " Thomas, of Richmond, now residing in Coventry, R. I., and Sarah Briggs, of Warwick; m. at East Greenwich by Elder Thomas Tillinghast, Jan. 21, 1847. 1-11 WILCOX Robert, of Robert, dec., of Soutih Kingstown, and Martha Potter,. of William, of Richmond ; m. by John Webster, Justice, Dec. 24, 1749. 1-255 " Sarah, and Stephen Bog:»rs, Jan. 20, 1752. l-"256 " Mercy, and George Tanner, July 23, 1754. 1-286 " Amie, and Stephen WUcox, Oct. 4, 1756. 1-286 " Stephen, and Amie WUcox; m. by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Oct.. 4, 1754. 1-285 " Job, of Exeter, and Patience James ; m. by Jeremiah CrandaU, Jus tice, Dec. 9, 1756. 1-553 " Hopson, of Exeter, and Elizabeth Holway, of Richmond; m. by Thomas LtlUbridge, Justice, Dec. 10, 1761. 1-553 " Daniel, Jr., of Stonington, Conn., and Hannah Wilbour, of Rich mond; m. by Thomas LUUbridge, Justice, Dec 31, 1761. 1-43 " Stephen, of Edward, of Richmond,, and 'Sarah Bates, of Exeter;. m. by Thomas LUlibridge, Justice, April 24, 1763. 1-58 " Job, of Richmond, and Freelove Tennantb, of South Kingstown; m. by Elder Thomas West, Nov. 30, 1779. 1-128 " Amie, of Ezekiel Teflt, Oct. 13. 1785. 3-128 " Noah, of Richmond, and Martha Albro, of North Kingstown; m.. by Elder Henry Joslin, Nov. 15, 1789. 1-340 " Peleg, Jr., of Peleg, and Thankful Wilcox, of Stephen; m. by Elder Henry JosUn, Dec. 8, 1796. 1-340 " Thankful, and Peleg Wilcox, Dec. 8, 1796. 1-340 " Benjamin, of Peleg, and Elizabeth Record, of Thomas, dec. ; m. by Elder Henry Joslin, Nov. 14, 1799. 2-8 " Champlain, of Peleg, and Elizabeth Clarke, of Simeon; m. by Elder Gershom Palmer, Oct. 14, 1815. 2-18 " Dianna, and Edward Barber, April 24, 1817. 1-10 WITTEB WUliam, and Dinah Eeynolds ; m. by Samuel Tefft, Justice,. Nov. 30, 1749. 1-281 WOODMANSEE Abigail, and Eichard Bailey, April 25. 1729. 1-25 "'"' Zerniah, and Thomas Rogers, Oct. 3, 1734. 1-1 2 ( " Joseph, ot Richmond, and Alice Closson, of Westerly ; m. by- Stephen Richmond, Justice, Sept. 27, 1750. 1-43 " Mary, and Jonathan Maxson, Dec. 29, 1763. 1-147 " Joseph, Jr., and Mary Lewis; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Jan.. 19, 1769. 1-135 " Penelope, and Joseph Nichols, Sept. 24, 1769. 22 VITAL EECOED OF EHODE ISLAND. Jl-92 WOODMANSEE James, of Joseph and Abigail Kenyon, of Sylvester; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Jan. 7, 1773. 2-35 " Mrs. Chloe, and Ezekiel J. Locke, Oct. 27, 1833. 2-40 " Abner N., ot Hopldnton, and Eliza Boss, of Eichmond; m. a,t East Greenwich by Elder Thomas TUUnghast, Feb. 14, 1839. 2-47 " Patience, and Anthony Hazard, Jan. 6, 1842. 2-45 " Joseph James, of Richmond, son of Joseph, and Hannah Champlain, of Stephen of Exeter ; m. by Elder Ezekiel J. Locke, Feb. 19, 1843. 2-49 " Sylvester, of Samuel,' and Martha PhilUps, of Nicholas ; m. at Lons dale, by Rev. J. P. Bnrbank, AprU 21, 1845. 2-52 " James, and Martha M. Pearce ; m . by Elder Steadman Kenyon, Oct. 27, 1849. m 1-256 WORDEN HopestiU, and David Tanner, Nov. 24, 1754. 1-147 " John, and Susannah Babcock; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Jan. 1, 1769. 2-76 " Benjamin, of Charlestown, and Mary Ann Morey, of Richmond; m. by Elder Soloman Carpenter, March 25, 1843. X Y Z 1-550 YOEMAN Hannlah, and Thomas Clarke, Jr., Dec. 8, 1758. Tl-550 YOUNG Mary, and WUliam Wttbour, Dec 28, 1758. RICHflOND. BIRTHS -A-JNTID DEATHS. 1-14 ADAMS Ezeldel, of Thomas and 1-14 ,f Martha, 1-14 tf Mary, 1-14 tf Thomas, 1-14 ,f Sarah, 1-14 ft Stephen, 1-14 ft Hannah, Mary, Aug. 24, 1734. May 29, 1737. Sept. 13, 17.39. Sept. 24, 1742. Feb. 11, 1745. July 16, 1747. AprU 15, 1750. B 1-273 BABCOCK EUsha, 1-273 " Elizabeth, his wUe. S-273 " Simeon, of EUsha. and Elizabeth, 2-2,73 " Eunice, 2-273 " EUzabeth, 2-273 " Elisha, 2-273 " Alice, 2-273 " Sarah, :2-273 " Susan, .2-273 " Deliverance, (also 2-275), 1-224 " Phebe. of Jesse, 1-224 " Jesse, 1-224 " Anne, 1-224 " Elizabeth, 1-224 " George, 1-224 " Joseph, 1-224 " Mary, 1-224 " David, 1-281 BAILEY Mary, of Richard and AbigaU, 1-281 " Abigail, 1-281 " EUzabeth, 1-281 " Sarah, 1-281 " Samuel, 1-281 " Richard, 1-281 " WiUiam, 1-281 " WiUiam, 1-281 " Smith, 1-281 " Hannah, .1-281 . " Clarke, 1-72 " WUUam, of Richard, Jr., and Judeth, 1-72 " AbigaU, 1-72 " Bridget, 1-275 BAEBEE Susannah, 1-275 " Edward, 1-275 " Moses, 1-275 " Samuel, 1-275 " Hannah, 1-275 " Amie, of Samuel and Ann, May 18, 1718. Nov. 3, 1719. May 31, 1745. July 28, 1746. Sept. 23, 174,7. Dec 17, 1748. May 29, 1750. AprU 25, 1752. Feb. 1, 1754. May 9, 1755. Deo. 3, 1785. April 7. 1787. Feb. 13, 1789. March 23, 1791. May 30, 1793. June 7, 1795. May 14, 1797. Sept. 26, 1799. Dec 18, 1729. Jan. 16, 1731-2. AprU 29, 1734. Dec. 13, 1736. May 26, 1739. May 29, 1741. May 12, 1743. d. May 26, 1757. Oct. 18, 1745. Jan. 13, 1747-8. Jan. 19, 1750-1. July 11, 1762. Aug. 26, 1765. June 24, 1768. Dec. 10, 1727. Nov. 17, 1731. April, 10, 1734. Jan. 7, 1737. July 24, 1739. Nov. 28, 1742. 24 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-275 i2-2i27 2-227 2-227 12-227 1-9 1-91-9 1-9 1-31 1-31 1-311-31 1-8 1-279 1-60 1-60 1-104 1-1041-104 1-104 1-104 1-1041-194 1-194 1-194 1-194 1-419 1-419 1-419 2-278 2-2782-278 2-278 2-278 2-278 2-278 2-278 2-27fi 1-431-41 1-431-41 BARBER Merabah, of Samuel and Ann, " Benjamin, of Caleb and Elizabeth, •' Sarah, " Caleb, " Mary, " Joshua, of Ezekiel and Hannah, " Ezeldel, " Hannah, " Desire, " Elizabeth,, " Benjamin, " Susannah, " Mary, " Mary, of Benjamin and Sarah, " Anne, " Lydia, " Peace, of Samuel, Jr., and EUzabeth, " Patience, " Samuel of Benjamin and Desire, " Benjamin,Albro, Sarah, " Desire, " Jared. of Caleb, Jr., and Jcanna, " Deborah, " EUzabeth, " Joanna, " Caleb, of Benjamin (of Caleb) and Sarah, " Thankful, " Benjamin, BENTLEY James, of WiUiam and Bathsheba, " Greene, " Benjamin, " Benedict, of John and Elizabeth. " Gardiner, " Susanna, " Lucy, of John and EUzabeth, " Niles, " WiUiam, " Sarah, of William and Abigail. " Thomas, " Elisha, " Anna, Nov. 24„ 1747. May 25, 1756. April 17, 1762, Nov. 25, 1764. Dec 3, 1772*. Dec. 6, 1739. Oct. 22, 1742. Sept. 9, 1747. March 20, 1745-6. Oct. 13, 1751. Feb. 7, 1755. Aug. 15, 1758. June 28, 1763. May 11 ,, 1747. Sept. 15, 17K). Feb. 17, 1751.. Aug. 18, 1760. Oct. 27, 1764. May 1, 1702. June 10, 1764. March 9, 1767. June 10, 1770. Aug. 2, 1772. July 16, 1788. March 6, 1790. Sept. 22, 1791. July 8, 1793. May 21, 1796.. March 16, 1799. May 31, 1801. June 6, 1739- March 2,3', 1741. June 20, 1758. Jan. 1, 1741. Oct. 1, 1744. Jan. 1, 1750.. Nov. 15, 1752. Dec 6, 1754. Feb. 16, 1757. Feb. 5, 1755. May 5, 1757.. Oct. 21, 1759. July 20, 1702. 1-305, 302 CARD Judeth, of Benjamin and Tacy, 1-305, 302 " Mary, 1-305, 362 " Sarah, 1 305, 302 " Joseph, 1-305, 302 " Benjamin, 1-305, 362 " Judeth, 1-305, 362 " Er.oek, 3 -SO.". 302 " Newbury, 2-25 " Nancy, of Enock and Mary, 2-25 " Matthew, 2-25 "' Tacy, of Enock, 2-25 " Rodman 8., 1-275 CHACE Mercy, of Joshua and Mercy. 1-3 CHAMPLAIN Mary, of Samuel and Mary, 1-276 CHURCH Caleb, of Caleb and Lydia (Westerly). 2-283 " Samuel, of Samuel and Hannah. 2 283 " Zernlah,, 2-283 SUas. Nov. 9, 1762. Dec. 25, 1763. Aug. 27, 1765. July 2, 1707. April 2, 1770. Dec. 11. 1772. Aug. 8, 1770. March 10, 1778. Oct. 25, 1801. Sept. 22, 1803. Feb. 17, , 1807. Sept. 8, 1814. June 15, 1754. Aug. 18 , 1753 March 1, 3 754. May 18, 1759. Oct. 15, 1701. Oct. 25, 1703. RICHMOND BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 25 2-283 CHURCH Sarah, of Samuel and Hannah, Feb. 18, 1706. 2-283 " Hannah, May 27, 1768. 2-283 " Thomas, Nov. 7„ 1770. 2-283 Waite, March 7, 1773. 2-283 " Eebecca, June 10,i 1775. 1-12 CLARKE Joseph, of Samuel, Aug. 29, 1705. 1-12 " Sarah, wife of Joseph, Oct. 21, 1709. 1-12 " Joseph, of Joseph and Sarah. March 5, 1728. 1-12 " Anne, Oct. 23, 17.30. 1-12 " Joshua, May 13, 1733. 1-12 " Samuel, Dec. 1, 1737. 1-12 " John, July 8„ 1740. 1-12 " Oliver, Nov. 21, 1743. 1-12 " Sarah. June 15, 1745. 1-12 " James, | July 9, 1748. 1-12 " Christopher, April 7, 1751. 2-278 " Ruth, of Thomas and Bridget, -„, J./33. 2-278 WUUam, lidtfOh 5, 1734. 2-278 " Thomas, Dec. 27, 1736. 2-278 " Elizabeth, Feb. 22, 1738. 2-278 Judeth. Feb. 8, 1742-3. 2-278 Lois, Dec. 3„ 1744. 2-278 " Arnold, Oct. 30, 1748. 2-278 " Moses, Dec. 29, 1751. 1-50 " Amie. of Simeon and EUzabeth. Aug. 23, 1737. 1-50 " Thankful, Feb. 23, 1739. 1-50 " Sanford, Oct. 7, 1740. 1-50 " Sanford, died Oct. 5, 1752. 1-50 " Simeon, of Simeon and EUzabeth, Aug. 21, 1742. 1-50 " Gideon, Nov. 21, 1744. 1-50 " Gideon, died Aug. 27, 1752. 1-50 " Bethlah. Oct in, 1746.. 1-50 " Bethiah, died Aug. 18, 3 752. 1-50 "¦ Esbon, Aug. 20, 1748. 1-50 " Esbon, died Aug. 28, 1752. 1-50 " Peleg, July 20, 1750. 1-50 " Peleg, died Aug. 22,' 1752. 1-50 " Aran, July 30, 1752. 1-13 " Rebecca, of WUliam and Rebecca, June 13, 1748.. 1-276 " Weeden, of William, Jun., and Rebecca, Jan. 16, 1756. 1-276 " Remington-, of James and Elizabeth, Jan. 26, 1756. 1-276 " Hannah, Dec. 4, 1757. 1-277 " WilUam, of WiUiam and Mary, Oct. 11, 1757. 2-280 " Ellas, of James and Elizabeth, Aug. 2, 1760. 2-280 " Catherine, Sept. 27, 1764. 2-280 " Rebecca, July 20, 1767. 2-280 " William, Feb. 20, 1770. 2-280 " James, Oct. 12, 1772. 2-280 " EUzabeth, Sept. 2, 1780. 1-50 " Samuel, of Simeon, Jr., and Hannaih, Nov. 20, 1767. 1-50 " Samuel, died Deo. 10, 1767. 1-50 " Mary, Jan. 11", 1709. 1-50 " Stennett, Nov. 24, 1772. 1-50 " Stennett, died Sept. 6, 1778. 1-50 " Hannaih, July 17, 1775. 1-50 " Hannaih, died Sept. 5, 1776. 1-50 " OhamplaJin, July 26, 1777. 1-50 " Champlain, died Sept. 10, 1778. 1-52 " Samuel, Feb. 7, 1780.. 1-52 " Hannah, July 6, 1732. 1-52 " Simeon, Aug. 21, 1786. 1-68 " Rouse, of Joshua and Elizabeth, Dec. 7, 1769, 1-68 Elizabeth, Oct. 17, 1771. 1-68 " WUliam, April 8, 1773. 1-68 " Joseph, of Joshua and EUzabeth, (Vlt. Ree, Vol. 5.) 29 April 8, 1773- 2G VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-68 .1-68 CLARKE Joshua, of Joshua and EUzabeth, Joshua, Jan. 22, 1775. <1. Sept. 19, 1787. 1-68 WeUs, Feb. 15, 1777. 1-68 " Susannah, Jan. 10, 1779. 1-681-68 " Perry, " Hazard, Nov. 21, 1780. May 20, 1783. 1-68 " Luke, Aug. 15, 1785. 1-68 " Mary, July 10, 1787. 1-68 " Joshua, June 28, 1790. 1-293 " Newman, of Moses and AUce, Jan. 31, 1779. 2-26 " Samuel, of Samuel and Renewed, Nov. 21, 1796. 2-26 " Susan S., May 15, 1798. 2-26 Benjamin 8., Sept. 30, 1800. 2-26 " Kenewed, Nov. 14, 1802. 2-20 " Joshua R., Feb. 23, 1805. 2-20 " Dorcas, Feb. 1, 3S03. 2-20 " Mary, Oct. 20, 1810. 2-17 " Sarah, of Luke and Sarah, Jan. 3 8, 1808. 2-17 " Luke, Aug. 23, 1809. 2-17 John Tefft, Sept. 5, 1811. 2-17 " Mary, March 17, 1813. 2-17 " EUzabeth, Nov. 8, 1814. 2-17 " Luclnda, June 2, 1816. 2-17 Ruth, Oct. 2, 1818. 2-17 " Joshua Perry, of Luke and Sarah, March 14. 1821. 2-17 " Reynolds Hoxsie, Feb. 2, 1823. 2-17 Harriet Wells, Aug. 24, 1825. 2-44 " Halsey Perry, of David and Susannah, Aug. 9, 1818. 2-44 " Mary Ann, Nov. 2, 1830. 2-30 " . Susan Mursela, of Abbie, Feb. 5, 1826. 1-165 COLDGROVE Desire, of Oliver and Esther, Nov. 21, 1765. 1-165 Ruth, March 11, 1767. 1-105 " Eli, April 4, 1768. 1-165 " WUliam, July 3, 1769. 1-165 Amos,, Nov. 18, 1770. 1-163 " Joseph, of OUver and Esther, March 8, 1772. 1-163 " Esther,, AprU 3, 1773. 1-163 William,, Sept. 14, 1774. 1-163 " Mary,, Nov. 24, 1775. 1-163 " Brownell, June 12, 1777. 1-163 " Jonathan, Sept. 21, 1778. 1-163 " Nathan. Jan. 12, 1780. 1-163 Elizabeth,, March 31, 1781. 1-363 " Christopher, Feb. 13, 1783. 1-163 " Tliomas, Feb. 22, 1785. 2-30 CONGDON Sally Marah, of John R., Feb. 8, 1826. D 1-106 DYE Samuel, of John and Thankful, 1106 ff Richard, 1-106 ft Elizabeth, 1-106 tf Mary, 1-106 " Jonah. Feb, 26, 1759. Oct. 18, 1761. Feb. 8, 1765. May 21, 1738. July 15, 1771. 1-2731-273 ENOS Marcy, of Joseph, " Catherine, Jr.,, and Kezia. Sept. 1, 1739. Sept. 12, 1741. 1-9 2-43 FOSTER Elizabeth, of Caleb and " John Avery, of Sanford Elizabeth.W. and Sarah, Jan. 7, 1747. AprU 25, 1341. EICHMOND BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 27 1-163 1-134 1-134 2-202-20 2-20 2-202-20 2-20 2-33 Q GRIFFETH John, of James and Desire, " Ladd, of PhUllp (of Cnarlestown), now ol Eichmond, Dec. 31, " Desire, GEIFFIN Stephen C, " Susan, " Peleg, " Emeline, " George W., " Sarah, PriUlp, of Joseph and Mary, Nov. 12, 1767 ond, Dec. 31, 1769. Feb. 22, 1771 May 27, 1799 June 4, 1801 Dec 8, 1802 AprU 11, 3806 Sept. 28, 1808. May 9, 1812 died May 9, 1832 H 1-272 HALL Isaac, of Elizabeth, Aug. 22, 1746. 1-272 " Abner, Dec 10, 1747. 1-272 " Elizabeth, June 13, 1749. 1-272 " Mary, Jan. 30, 1750. 1-272 " Josiah, Aug. 22, 1752. 1-153 HARRINGTON WilUam, of WUliam and Sarah, March 15, 1772. 1-153 " Benjamin, Oct. 4, 1773. 1-153 " John, Aug. 19, 1775. L-153 " Ezeldel, July 23, 1777. 1-153 " Stephen, May 18, 1779. 1-153 " Mary, March 12, 1781. 1-153 " Anna,, Feb. -27, 1783. 1-232 HATHAWAY William, of Zepraalah and Desire, July 24, 1759. 1-70 HOXSIE Joseph, of Joseph and Deboran, May 15, 1729. 1-70 Job, May 21, 1731. 1-70 " Mary, Sept. 19, 1733. 1-70 " Jeremiah, NOV. 8, 1735. 1-70 " JOlMl, Jan. 22, 1737. 1-70 " Thomas, May 25, 1740. 1-70 " Samuel, Dec. 25, 1742. 1-7H " Simeon, July 31, 1745 1-70 " Elijah, Oct. 4, 1748. 1-70 " Joseph, died April 5, 1815, 3.-108 " Frederick, of Job and Anna, Nov. 30, 1760. 1-108 " Edith, of Barnabas and EUzabeth, July 31, 1764. l-ioe " Stephen, Jan. 16, 1768. 1-108 " Enock, July 27, 1769. 1-108 " EUzabeth, April 1, 1772. 1-108 " Esther, May 21, 1774. 1-64 " Joseph, of Jeremiah and Sarah, NOV. 28, I7*>4. 1-64 " Simeon, March 12, 1767. 2-1 " Amie, ol Gideon and Jonah, Sept. 3, 1773. 2-1 " Susannah, AprU 30, 1781. 2-1 " Potter, Jan. 12, 1783. 2-1 " Hannah, Feb. 26, 1785. 2-1 Mary, March 27, 1787. 2-1 " Gideon, March 29, 1789. 2-1 " Rouse, AprU 1, 1791. 2-1 " Almira, May 19, 1793. 2-1 " AbigaU, Aug. 4, 1795. 2-1 Elizabeth, NOV. 4, 1797. 2-1 '• David, ApiU 2, 1805. 2-47 " Eeynolds, Oct. 8, 3 774. 2-47 " Mary (TUUnghast) his wife, Jan. 21, 1776. 2^17 " Hannah TUUnghast, of Eeynolds and Mary, May 1,. 1797. 2-47 " Hannah TUUnghast, d. Jan. 23, 1849. 2-47 " Sarah TUlinghast, March 10, 1790. 2-47 " Clarke, Sept. 15, 1800. -2-47 " Clarke, u. Dec. 7, 1838. 28 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-47 HOXSIE Reynolds, of Reynolds and Mary, 2-47 " Samuel Albro, 2-47 " Mary, 2-47 " Mary, 2-47 " Joseph TUUnghast, 2-47 " Joseph TUlinghast, 2-47 " Ruth, 2-47 " Anstis, 2-47 " Mary, 2-47 " Thomas, 1-376 " EUzabeth, ol Presbury and AUce, 1-376 " Stephen; 1-376 " Susannah, 1-376 " AUce, 1-376 HOXSIE Mary,, of Presbury and Alice, 2-23 " Martha, ol Joseph and Hannah (li* wife), Sept, 2-23 " StiUman L., ol Joseph and Susannah (2d wife), 2-23 " Simon G., 2-23 " Jonah, 2-23 " Sylvester P., 2-23 " Nathaniel P., 2-23 " AbigaU, 2-23 " Stukely T., 2-23 " Sophie Ann, June 30, 1803.. April 2, 1806. Jan. 14, 1808. d. May 3, 1803. April 28, 1810. d. May 6, 1840. April 23, 1812. March, 26, 1814. March 25, 1817. Aug. 13, 1818. Sept. 9, 1792. June 24, 1795- Jan. 2, 1798. Jan. 2, 1800. Aug. 10, 1803. 27, 1798. Feb. 12, 1802. Sept. 3, 1803. Feb. 6,. 1808. Feb. 10, 1810. AprU 21, 1812. Oct. 30, 1814. Sept. 6, 1817. Oct.: 11,: 1819. 1-74 IRISH Thankful, of Jonathan and Sarah (also 149, 280), April 27, 1757. 1-74 " Sarah (also 149, 280), Oct. 25, 1761. 1-74 " Jonathan (also 149, 280), June 2, 1764.. 1-74 " Hannah (also 149, 280), May 13, 1767. 2-282 JAMES Mariarn, ol John and Margaret, Jan. 13, 1750. 2-282 tt Joseph, May 13, 1753. 2-282 tt Paul, , t Sept. 20, 1755. 2-282 tt SUas, March 20, 1758. 2-282 tt Samuel, July 18, 1760. 1-110 k Sarah, of Thomas and Hannah. March 15, 17f0. 1-110 tt Thomas, July 8„ 1772. 1-157 ft Jonathan, of Robert and Anna. June 30, 1788.. 2-5 tt Russell, of John and Elizabeth. Sept. 12, 1797. 2-44 tt * MaUnda. of Gardiner and Hannah, Nov. 8, 1808. 2-44 tt Hannah. Aug. 12, 1810. 2-44 tt WiUlam, May 27, 1812. 2-44 " Simeon Clarke, Sept. 18, 1814. 2-44 tt EUzabeth, March 12, 1837. 2-44 tt EUzabeth, d. March 28, 1817. 2-44 tt Roxanna, Aug. 26, 1822,1 ¦2-44 tt Roxanna, d. March 31, 1840. 2-44 tt Mary C, Jan. 24, 1925. 2-44 tt Betsey Ann, Aug. 7, 1820. 2-44 it Betsey Ann, d. Nov. 25, 1838. K 1-14 KENYON Pheneas, of David and Mary, 1-14 " John, 1-273 " Mercy, of .Samuel and Hannah, 1-118 " Martha, of David, Jr., and Lydia, 1-118 " Lydia, of David and Mary, (2d wife.) Oct. 3, 174-1. Oct. 22, 1747. June 24, 1746. Oct. 11, 1746. Aug. 17, 1752. RICHMOND BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 29 1-118 KENYON Mary, of David and Mary, July 26, 1755. 1-118 " WUliam, AprU 1, 1758. 1-118 " Deborah, March 27, 1763. 1-118 " Potter, March 25, 1768 1-64 " Thurston, ol WiUlam and Hannah, June 8, 1755. 1-64 " David, June 24, 1758. 1-64 " Thankful, Sept. 30, 1763. 1-62 " Jarius, of John and Elizabeth, Feb. 1, 1756. 1-62 " Thomas Webster, March 9, 1758. 1-62 " Mercy, Oct. 29, 1763. 1-70 KENYON PhUlip, of Thomas and Ruth, May 17, 1758. 1-70 " Esther, March 26, 1760. 1-70' " Patience, Jan. 12, 1763. 1-70 " Sprague, May 10, 1766. 1-70 " Mary, April 8, 1768. 1-70 " Pardon, March 19, 1770. 1-102 " Edie, of Benedict and Amie, Aug. 11, 1760. 1-102 " Samuel, April 17, 1762. 1-102 " Remington, June 17, 1764. 1-102 " SUas, Aug. 28, 1766. 1-102 " Benedict, Dec. 26, 1768. 1-102 " John, March 9, 1771. 1-102 " Cctrey, AprU 13, 1773. 1-102 " Amie, Sept. 26, 1774. 1-102 " Betsey, Jan. 3, 1778. 1-102 " Mary, June 30, 1780. 1-102 " George, Feb. 9, 1.783. 1-90 Thomas, (3d son) of Thomas, Jr., and Sarah. Feb. 3, 1765. 1-90 " Steadmam, of Thomas, Jr., and Sarah, . Sept. 20, 1767. 1-90 " Hannaih, May 3, 1771. 1-90 " Simeon, May 3 0, 1773. 1-90 " Sarah, July 17, 1778. 1-188 " Jonathan, ol Jonathan and Sarah, July 13, 1732. 1-188 " Asa, May 7, 1784. 1-188 " Beriali, May 20, 1786. 1-188 " Beriah, died Nov. 30, 1792. 1-183 " EUzabeth, Feb. 28, 1789. 1-188 " Samuel J., Nov. 18, 1791. 1-188 " Samuel J., died Dec. 17, 1793. 1-188 " Samuel B., Dec. 16, 1793. .1-188 Martha, May 27, 1794. 1-188 " Mary, July 2, 1796. 1-188 " Dorcas, I July 23, 1801. 1-188 " Solomon J„ Aug. 8. 1804. 1-220 " Joseph, ol John and Anstis, Nov. 6, 1793. 1-220 " George, AprU 23, 1795. 1-220 " Alioe, March 25. 1797. 1-220 " Amie, Feb. 7, 1799. 1-220 " Charity, May 7, 1801. 1-230 " Gardiner, of SUas and Mary, May 4, 1796. 1-230 " Hannah Champlain. June 8, 1801. 1-126 " EUzabeth, pi Benedict and Orpah, Feb. 9, 1798. 1-126 " Barber, Oct. 4, 1799. 2-44 " Leander A., of Jarvas and Julia, Feb. 22, 1847." 2-58 KNOWLES Kate B., of Charles A. and Abbie S. Dec 20. 1852. 2-58 " James Leroy, May 16, 1855. 1-274 LARKIN Sarah, of Nicholas and Sarah 1-274 tt Edward, 1-274 tt AbigaU, 1-274 tt Kenyon, 1-274 " Lydia, Sept. 13, 1741. Nov. 18, 1742. Nov. 16, 1743. May 14, 1750. Feb. 3, 1753. 30 VITAL EECOED OF EHODE ISLAND. 1-74 1-74 1-741-74 1-741-74 1-74 1-1081-1081-1081-1081-3081-1081-1081-108 1-272 1-272 1-272 1-91-91-91-91-91-91-9 1-91-9 1-2711-271 1-2711-2711-271 1-2711-371 1-2711-271 1-272 1-272 1-272 1-10 2-280 2-2802-280 2-280 2-280 1-277 1-178 1-1791-179 1-179 1-179 1-179 1-1791-1491-1491-3.491-149 1-149 1-1491-149 1-149 1-149 1-149 LAEKIN Nicholas, of Nicholas and Sarah, John, of Lottansett and Prudence, Thomas,Sarah, Joseph, Prudence, Lot, Susannah, ol Edward and Hannah, Tabitha,Nicholas,Sarah, Edward,James,John Martin, Kenyon, LEWIS AbigaU, of James and Abigail, Hannah, Ruth,George B., of George and Sarah, Eleazer, Ezekiel,Elnathan, Samuel, Sarah, Benjamin,Martha,Benjamin, Tacy, of Enock and Mary, Mary,John, * Isreal, Bathsheba, Enock, Elizabeth,Benedict, Joshua, WUUam, of James and Susannah, Gideon,Patience,Thomas, of Thomas and Mary, Benoni, Mary, WUUam, WlUiam 2d, AbigaU, Benjamin, of George and Sarah, Elizabeth, of Nathan ard Mary, Nathan, Benjamin, Thomas, Sarah, Hannah, April 4, 1756.- March 18, 1767. March 15, 1768. May 13, 1739. Sept. 19, 1770. Aug. 24, 1772. March 14, 1774. Sept. 13, 1767. Feb. 4, 1770. April 19, 1772. July 6, 1774. Aug. 23, 1776. March 16, .1779. March 16, 1.781. June 21, 1783. March 28, 1717. Aug. 5, 1720. Feb. 2, 1724. . March 30, 1735. Jan. 11, 1737. June 17, 1739. Jan. 4, 1742. May 20, 1744.. March 17, 1746. AprU 10, 1748. July 16, 1750. died April 22, 1752. Sept. 29, 1743. March 26, 1745. May 15, 1747. . March 28, 1750. Jan. 24, 1752. Feb. 19, 1754. March 31, 1757.. July 11, 1,759. Sept. 24, 1762. May 26, 1748. Dec. 15, 1749. Dec. 15, 1752. Jan. 14, 1748-9. Sept. 28, 1752. n. s. April 14, 1755. Sept. 18, 1757... April 9, 1 163. March 26, 1705. Oct. 11, 1757. July 5, 1764. March 18, 1767. . July 4, 17 70. Oct. 17, 1772. Jan. 3, 1774. March '23, 1776. June 17, 1/79. Anna, Note— Three first born Charlestown, the others Richmond. LILLIBRIDGE Thomas, died, la his 63d year, Aug. 29, 1723, " Sarah, hla wife, d. Jan. — , 1761. " Thomas, Jr., died In his 55th year, Feb. 8, 1757. " Mary, d. of Thomas, d. aged 14 d., Jan. 23, 1729. " Sarah (Barber), dau. of Thomas, Jr., died in her 32d year, Sept. 3, 1758. " A son ol Thomas, 3d, Aug. 29, 1755. " A son of Thomas, 3d, d. Sept. 8, 1755. " Sarah, - , Aug. 27, 1758. " Sarah, d. July 3, 1700: " A son, March 31, 1760: RICHMOND BIRTHS ' AND DEATHS. 31 1-149 LILLIBRIDGE, a son, of Thomas 3d, 2-282 " Deborah, of Thomas and Mary 2-2S2 " Thomas, 2-282 " Joseph, 2-282 " Edward, 2-282 " . Champlain, 1-157 " John, 1-157 " Mary, 1-157 " Thankful, 1-280 " Sarah, of Edward and Patience, 1-280 " Lester,, 1-370 " Sally, of John and Mary, 1-370 " Thankful, 1-370 Thomas, 1-370 " Deborah, 1-370 Polly,, 1-417 " Nabby, of Amos and Phebe, 1-417 " Darcus, 1-417 " Clarissa, 1-417 " Amos, 2-2 " John H.b of John and Hannah, 2-2 " Nancy, d. April 3, 1760. July 8, 1756. March 6, 1761. March 16, 1763. AprU 3, 1765. March 9, 1767. April 22, 1769. March 20. 1771. April 25, 1773. July 16, 1757. Sept. 25, 1759. July 2, 1790. AprU 22, 1792. March 24, 1794. Oct. 27, 1796. April 28, 1800. Sept. 17, 1798. Nov. 13, 1799. June 27, 1801. March 24„ 1803. March 20, 1818. Dec. 1, 1820. M 1-56 MAXSON Mary, of Jonathan and Mary, 1-56 " Jemima, 1-56 " Jonathan, 1-56 " Sarah, 1-8 MIUS Elizabeth, of Oliver, 1-8 " Mary, 1-8 " Ann, 1-8 " AUce, 1-8 " OUver, 1-76 MOON Sarah, of Robert, Jr.a. and Eleanor 1-76 " AUce, 1-76 " Augustus, 1-76 " Waite, June 28, 1764 Jan. 25, 1766 June 9, 1768 Dec. 24, 1770 Sept. 12, 1736 April 6, 1740 Jan. 20, 1742 March 19, 1746 March 18, 1748 May 14, 1754 Nov. 24, 1756 Nov. 2, 1759 Jan. 23, 1762 N 1-187 NEY Hannah, of George and Mercy, 1-187 " Samuel, 1-187 * Thurston, 1-187 " George, 1-187 " Mercy, 1-190 NICHOLS George, of David and Sarah, 1-190 " George, 1-121 " Jonathan, of David, Jr., and Desire, 1-121 " David, 1-121 " Elizabeth*, of David, Jr., and Elizabeth, 2d wife, 1-276 NILES Sarah, of Ebenezer and' Sarah, born Charlestown, 1-275 " Sarah, widow ol Ebenezer, Dec. 7, 1767. Dec. 24, 1769. May 23, 1775. Sept. 2, 1774. March 27, 1777. Nov. 8, 1748. d. Feb. 4, 1785. July 20, 1767. Feb. 20, 1771. Jan. 7, 1775. May 13, 1743. d. Nov. 8, 1803. o 2-51 2-51 OLNl.Y John, born North Providence, R. I., " John, died Richmond, Nov. 14, 1804. Dec. 7, 1847. 32 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-13 PERRY Mary, of Samuel and Anne, 1-271 " Samuel, of Simeon and Penelope, 1-271 " Mary, 1-271 " Samuel, 1-274 " Benjamin, of Edward and Dorcas, 1-274 " Susannah, 1-274 " George, 1-138 PETTIS Mary, of Robert and Mary, 1-138 " Elizabeth, 1-138 " Robert, 1-271 PETTYS Eobert, of Nathaniel, 1-271 " EUzabeth, 1-127 " Nathaniel, 1-271 " Ephraim, 1-52 " Sarah, of William and Mary, 1-52 " Alee, 1-52 " Stephen, 1-52 " Mercy, 1-52 " Joseph, 1-52 " Hannah, 1-52 " Mary, 1-3 PETTY Peleg, of Benjamin and Sarah, 1-276 " Lydia, | 1-276 " James, 1-276 " Elizabeth, 1-279 " Benjamin, 2-54 PHILLIPS John Edwin, ol John and Rebecca, 2-279 potter Thankful, of WUliam, Jr., and Elizabeth, 2-279 " Daniel, 2-279 " Alice, of William, Jr., and EUzabeth, 2-279 " Robert, 2-279 " Mary, 2-279 " Isabel, 2-279 " Jonathan, Note— The two first of the above born 1-13 " Ruth, of Thomas and Martha, 1-13 " George, 1-13 " Peleg, 1-13 " Mary, 1-13 " Thomas, 1-13 " James, 1-13 " Paine, 1-13 " Gideon, 1-274 " Elizabeth, of Jonathan and Mary, 1-274 " Mary, 1-274 " Sarah, 1-274 " Jonathan, 1-274 " Elisha, 1-274 " Susannah, 1-274 " Lyman, 1-274 " Judeth, 1-274 " Martha, 1-274 ¦' Matthew, 1-11 " Income, of David and Susannah, 1-277 " SUas, 1-277 " PhUip, 1-277 « Rhoda, 1-277 " lone, 1-277 " Mary, 1-277 " David, 2-277 POTTER Stephen, of Stephen and Sarah (also 2-281), 1-62 " Mary, of Smlteon and Lucy. 1-62 " Joshua, Dec 28, June 6, Sept. 18, May 1, Dec. 11, Sept. 25, Feb. 9, May 11, May 23, May 13, Feb. 24, Dec 17, Jan. 5, April 13, Jan. 10, Dec. 5, Nov. 1, Dec. 9, Jan. 4, Feb. 27, Aug. 6, AprU 14, June 17, Aug. 30, Sept. 23, March 12, July 31, March 15, Feb. 2, Sept. 16, May 9, May 18, Nov. 9. July 8, In Dartmouth, Sept. 13, Oct. 31, May 14, Nov. 13, Nov. 23, Nov. 6, Sept. 10, Nov. 11, Oct. 27, June 20, March 11, Aug. 26, June 1, March 31, May 1, May 1, Nov. IS, Nov. 11, July 7, April 17, Sept. 13, June 20, Dec 20, Jan. 17, (sic) June 23, Feb. |8, Jan. 15, Aug. 18, 1747. 1749.1750.1754. 1754. 1759. 1762. 1771. 1773.1775. 1739.1741.1743. 1745. 1746.1749.1751.1753. 1759. 1761. 1763. 1751. 1753.1755.1757. 1759. 1851. 1741.1743. 1745. 1748. 1751. 1753.1761. Mass. 1746.1747.1749.1750.1752.1754. 175—. 175—. 1749. 1751.1753.1754. 1756.1753. ' 1760. 1762. 1764. 1768. 1749. 1751 1753.1756. 1758. 1762.1723. 1759.1766. 1738. RICHMOND BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 33 1-62 POTTER Hannan, of Smiteon and Lucy, 1-62 " Rachel, 1-62 " Benjamin), 1-62 " Smiteon. 2-260 " Elisha, of Elisha and Susannah. 2-260 " Perry, 2-260 " Dorcas, 2-8 " Many, ol Mathew and Mary. 2-8 " Matthew Robinson, 2-8 " John Brayman,, 2-8 '• Judeth, 2-8 " Jonathan, 1-196 PULLMAN George, of Jonathan and Sarah 1-196 " Edward. April 18, 1771 AprU 10, 1774 May 16, 1776 Oct. 9, 1778 Jan. 8, 1788 March 5, 1789 Jam. 20, 1791 July 12, 1797 Oct. 23, 1799 May 10, 1803 Nov. 8, 1307 Dec. 26, 1S09 May 17„ 1776. May 17, 1776 Q R 1-187 RECORD Jonathan, of Thomas (dec), and Abia, Aug. 18, 1775. 1-419 REYNOLDS Thomas, of Thomas and Jemima, Dec. 2, 1791. 2-35 " Clarke H., of Robert and Hannah, Dec. 1, 1821. 2-35 " Gideon, Aug. 29, 1823. 2-35 tt Mary, Oct. 23, 1825. 2-35 " Hannah, March 19, 1828. 2-36 " Robert Thomas, of Thomas and Joanna, Sept. 26, 1826. 2-38 " William Henry, Aug. 27, 1823. 2-36 " Harriet NeweU, April 14, 1830. 2-36 " LiUian J., Dec. 17, 1831. 2-36 tt Mary Elizabeth, Aiig. 9, 1S33. 2-36 " Frances W., Oct. 23, 1835. 1-9 RICH UOND Edward, of Stephen and Mary, Dec. 15, 1746. 1-9 " Anne, June 8, 1750. 1-272 ROGERS Hannah, of Thomas and Zernlah, Sept. 21, 1735. 1-272 tf Thomas, March 10, 1741. 1-272 " Sarah, AprU 1, 1744. 1-272 " Waite, Oct. 29, 1747. 1-272 " Elizabeth, July 7, 1750. 1-272 tt Benjamin, of Jeremiah, Jr., and Patience, April 3, 1752. 1-53 " Anne, of Thomas, Jr., and EUzabeth, Jan. 28, 1764. 1-53 t. Zuriah, April 20, 1765. 1-53 tt Elizabeth, May 31, 1767. 1-53 " Thomas, May 31, 1767. 1-53 " James, May 13, 1769. 1-53 " Stephen, April 12, 1771. 1-53 i, Amie, May 31, 1773. 1-561-56 1-272 1-2.72 1-2721-106 1-106 2-275 .2-275 2-275 2-275 2-275 .2-275 2-44 SHELDON Susannah, of William, Jr., and Eleanor, June 13, 1765. Potter, Jan. 4, 1767. SISSON Deborah, ol Barnett and Catherine, AprU l, 1741. " Rodman, June 3, 1744. " Sarah, Nov. 20, 1751. STAFFORD Catherine, of Andrew and Rachel, July 21, 1775. « James, Oct. 6, 1777. STANTON John, of David and Martha, Nov. 25, 1742. " Latham, Jan. 13, 1745. " Elizabeth, April 1, 1747. Catherine, March 5, 1749. « Mary, Dec. 28, 1751. " Hannah, Feb. 19, 1755. Note— Two first born North Kingstown, third South Kings town, fourth Exeter, the two last Richmond. SLOCUM John H., of John and Sarah, March 17, 1346. 34- VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-14 TEFFT John, of John, Dec 4, 1099. 1-14 " Mary, wife of John, Feb. Feb. 5, 1704. 1-14 " Deliverance, of John and Mary, Aug, 19, 1722. 1-14 " Sarah, AprU 27, 1725. 1-14 " Sarah, d. Feb. — , 1726. 1-14 '¦' Jonathan, April 29„ 1727. 1-14 " John, March 9, 1729, 1-14 " Robert, May 25, 1732. 1-14 " Mary, Sept. 20, 1734. 1-14 " Patience, April 21, 1737. 1-14 " Deborah, May 18, 1739: 1-14 " Mehitable, Aug. 3, 1742. 1-14 " Elizabeth, Feb. 10, 1744, 1-14 " Jeremiah, May 29, 1747, 1-14 " William, Jan. 16„ 1749. 1-3 " Elizabeth, of Joseph and Esther, Dec. 20, 1730. 1-3 " WiUlam, Feb. 29, 1732. 1-3 " Joseph, March 19, 1737. 1-3 Ruth, March 27, 1739: 1-3 " Benjamin, June 3, 1741, 1-3 " Esther, Aug. 6, 1743. 1-3 " Thomas, Nov. 10, 1745, 1-3 " Sarah, Aug. 24, 1747. 1-3 " Samuel, Aug. 29„ 1749. 1-276 " Reynolds, of John, Jr* and Hannah, Oct. 6, 1752. 1-276 " Reynolds, d. July 5, 1754. 1-283 " Clarke, Jan. 7, 1761. 1-283 '¦' Hezekiah, of WUliam and Mary, Dec. 16, 1753. 1-282 " Pardon, Jan., 27, 1755. 1-282 " Thankful, March 21, 1757. 1-282 " David, April 19, 1760. 1-282 " WUUam, May 23 „ 1703. 2-282 " Mai-y, March 13, 1766. 2-2S2 " John, May 18, 1767. 2-282 " Mary, April 22, 1769. 1-41 " Caleb, of Joseph, Jr., ard Sarah, Oct. 17, 1757. 1-41 " Mary, Nov. 24, 1758.. 1-41 " Taber, Marc'hi 3, 1761. 1-41 " Jemima, July 10, 1763. 1-41 " Joseph, April 6, 1766 1-41 " Sarah, June 12, 1763. 1-41 " Anstlce, April 1, 1773. 1-41 " Alice, June 16, 1775. 1-41 " Albro, Sept. 27, 1778. 1-15 " Phebe Woodmansee, of Penelope, Jan. 3. 1765. 1-00 " Joanna, of Benjamin and Deborah, Feb. 7, 1766. 1-60 " Edward, March 12, 1768. 1-60 " Elizabeth, Sept. 10, 1770. 1-60 " Asa, June 2, 1772. 1-60 " Jesse, AprU 2, 1776. 1-179 " Mary, of Jeremiah and Rhoda, April 24, 1771. 1-179 " Jeremiah, Dec 29, 1772. 1-179 " John, Dec. 18, 1778, 1-179 " Abigail, March 29, 1781. 1-179 " Rhoda, April 11, 1783. 1-102 " George, of Samuel, Jr., and Amie, May 7, 1772. 1-102 " George, d. Dee. 10, 1773. 1-102 " Susannah, Jun.? 30, 1775. 1-102 " Amie, Dec. 20, 1777. 1-302 " George, Oct. 18, 1780. 1-102 " Josiah, Sept. 12, 1782. 1-102 " Esther, Feb. 6, 1785. 1-102 " Sarahi, Jan. 25, 1787. RICHMOND^— BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 35, 1-102 TEFFT Elizabeth, of Samuel, Jr., and Amie, Nov. 3.6, 1788. 1-102 " WUliam, Oct. 3, 1791. 1-102 " Gardiner, Jan. 26, 1794. 1-206 ft Benjamin, of Thomas and Lydia, Sept. 11, 1773. 1-206 11 Sarah, April 10, 1775. 1-206 " Esther, Feb. 18, 1777. 1-206 " Esther, d. Dec. 5, 1824. 1-206 " Joseph, April 6, 1779. 1-206 " Thomas, Feb. 23, 1783. 1-206 " Welcome, Oct. 4, 1782. 1-206 tt Abram, Jan. 24, 1785. 1-206 t. Abram, d. Oct. 9, 1785. 1-206 " Lydia, Aug. 4, 1786. 1-206 tt Lydia, d. Dec. 27, 1786. 1-206 tt Mary, Jan. 25, 1788. 1-206 tt Mary, d. AprU 5, 1827. 1-206 tt Lydia, June 29, 1790. 1-206 tt Lydia, wife of Thomas, d. May 22, 1797. 1-206 tt Euth, of Thomas and Lydia, July 12, 1794. 1-206 tt Euth, d. Oct. 22, 1826. 2-2S3 tt James, of WUliam and Mary, Feb. 18, 1776. 2-283 tt Joseph, March 8, 1779. 1-126 " Caleb, of Taber and Sarah, Oct. 14, 1782. 1-126 tt EUzabeth. June 16, 1784. 1-181 C4 Joanna, ol Joseph, Jr., and Abigail, Dec 28, 1789. 1-181 " Joseph Maxson, Sept. 13, 1791. 1-181 ff WUUam, Jan. 20, 1794. 1-181 " Nathan, Oct. 4, 1798. 1-181 11 Sarah, Feb. 21, 1800; 1-240 ft Benjamin, ol Samuel Albro and Sarah, Nov. 22, 1798. 1-240 tt Alice Albro, 1st, Aug. 1, 1800. 2-2 " Alice Albro, 2d, July 29, 1802. 2-2 U Joseph, July 21, 1804. 2-2 " Samuel Albro, Aug. 7, 1807. 2-2 ff Taber, July 23, 1809. 2-2 tf Sarah Ann, Nov. 15, 1812. 2-2 ff Jeremiah Gardiner, Nov. 20, 1817. 2-59 TUCKER Ella, of Brightman and Harriet L., May 10, 1849. 2-59 tt Herbert, Nov. 11, 1851. 2-59 " Earle, Jan. 10, 1853. 2-59 tt Wayne, Oct. 24, 1859. U V w 2-273 WATSON William, of Simeon, and Hannah, 2-273 It Hannaih, 2-273 it Perry, 1-26 WEBB Margeret, of John and Joanna, 1-26 tt EUzabeth, 1-26 " Mehltable, 1-26 tt Mary, 1-26 " George, 1-26 t< John, 1-76 tt George, ol George, 1-76 tt Joshua, 1-76 tt John, 1-76 tt Joseph, 1-76 tt Joanna, 1-76 tt Jerusha, 1-15 WEBSTER ThanloTul, of James and Hannal 1-15 tt Margeret, 1-15 tt Hannali, 1-15 tt Stephen, 1-15 tt Zerniah, July 3, May 24, Feb. 12, Aug. 21, March 27, Aug. 11, March 19, May 10, Oct. 10, Aug. 15, Jan. 23, May 20, May 1, May 1, May 1, Feb. 15, Dec. 10, June 8, March 17, Dec 4, 1749.1751. 1754. 1721. 1724. 1726. 1730.1733.1735. 1753. . 1755. 1758. 1762.1762. 1762. 1743. 1744. 1747..1750. 1752- 36 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-15 WEBSTER James, ol James anld Hannah., 1-15 f< Jolm, 1-15 " Daniel, 1-15 tt Saran, 1-15 tt EUzabeth, 1-58 " WiUlam, of John, Jr., and Elizabeth, 1-58 " Mary, 1-58 ,t Thomas, T-58 ft Hannah, 1-58 tt EUzabeth, 1-58 tt John, 1-118 WILBOUR Benjamin, ol Benjamin and Lucy, 1-118 tt Anne, 1-118 tt Vincent, 1-118 tt John, 3-118 » Lucy, 1-118 tt Elizabeth, 1-118 tt EUzabeth, 1-118 tt Elizabeth, 2d, 1-118 tt Eobert Morey, 1-121 WILCOX Lyman, of Benjamin and EUzabeth, 1-15 WOODMANSEE Joseph, of Joseph and Mary, 1-15 t Mary, 1-15 ' John, 1-14 t Penelope, 1-15 t James, 1-15 t Sarah, 1-15 t David, 1-15 t AbigaU, 1-90 t Hazard, 1-15 t Mary Webster, ol Margeret, Sept. 4, 1755. April 2, 1758. Nov. 7, 1761. May 21, 1763. Sept. 25, 1767. Jan. 27, 1753. Aug. 14, 1755. Oct. 20, 1757. Dec. 19, 1759. April 14, 1762. July 24, 1765. June 8, 1777. Sept. 13, 1779. AprU 17, 1781. June 6, 1783. May 15, 1787. July 11, 1789. Dec 16, 1790. Dec. 28, 1791. May 5, 1794. July 17, 1800. June 14, 1742. Feb. 7, 1744. Feb. 13, 1746. Feb. 15, 1749. June 12, 1752. Sept. 5, 1755. June 16, 1759, June 27, 1764. Feb. 4, 1769. Feb. 13, 1766. X Y Z Vital Record of Rhode Island. i636=i85'o. First series. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. A Family Register for the People. By James N. Arnold, Editor of the Narragansett Historical Register. " Is WLy Name Written in the Boole of Life?' Vol. 5. HOPKINTON. Part VII. Published under the Auspices of the General Assembly, PROVIDENCE, E. I: Narragansett Historical Publishing Company. 1894. ACT INCORPORATING THE TOWN OF HOPKINTON. AN ACT for dividing the Town of Westerly, and thereof making two distinct Townships; one to retain the name of Westerly, and the other to be desig nated and known by the name of Hopkinton. Whereas, a great number of Ihe inhabitants of the northern part of the Town of Westerly, preferred a petition, and represented into this As sembly, that the said Town being upwards of twenty miles in length, they are much aggrieved by reason many of them are obliged to travel some- flfteen or sixteen miles, to get an instrument recorded, others eighteen or twenty miles, when business calls them before the Town Council, or to attend at a Court of Justices, the greater part of the public business being at this day transacted and done in the southern parts of said Town; and thereupon prayed that the same may be divided, nature having cut it into two parts, by the large river, called and known by the name of Pawcatuck ; and that they may be entitled to equal privileges with the other Towns in this Colony, on consideration whereof. Be it enacted by this General Assembly, and by the authority thereof it is enacted, that the said Town of Westerly, be, and the same is hereby, made and divided into two distinct and separate Towns; and that such part thereof as lieth to the southward of the aforesaid Pawcatuck river, shall still be and remain a Town, holding its ancient name of WESTERLY; and' all the lands lying to the northward of said river, shall also be, and hereby is erected into and made a Town, to be distinguished, called and known by the name of HOPKINTON; and the inhabitants thereof shall have, hold and enjoy, all and singular, the liberties, privileges and immunities, that the other towns in this Colony are entitled to. New Shoreham and James town excepted. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the money due unto the Town of Westerly, aforesaid, for the Cedar Swamp, shall be legally secured, both principal and intrest, unto those that live on the soutli side of the aforesaid Pawcatuck river ; and they, in return shall be wholly and solely at the expense of defending said swamp; and the Town of Hopkin ton shall not be subject to any costs, and charges on that account; that all the Town debts (except such as may have lately accrued on account of the swamp), shall be equally paid by the Towns of Westerly and Hopkin ton; and all such monies as were due to what, before this act, was the Town of Westerly, shall be applied towards paying off said Town's debts,. except such as are due on account of the swamo. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that all and every of the Justices of the Peace, that were chosen and appointed such for the Town of Westerly, and who live in that part thereof, that is now made Hopkinton, be, and they hereby are. continued in their offices, with full power and ample authority, in every respect, as they had in consequence of their being chosen into and commissionated for said office and that the eldest of them issue his warrant to call the freemen of the said Town of Hopkinton to meet together at some convenient place within the same, in order to choose and appoint officers neccessary for managing and conducting the prudetial affairs of said Town. Colonial Records of Rhode Island, Vol. VI., pages 31, 32. (Vit. Ree, Vol. 5.) 30, HOPKINTON. 3VC -A,.R,:R,I.A.a-.E s- 1-1 ADAMS Martha, and William Douglas, Nov. 13, 1781. 1-41 ALLEN Sarah, and Gideon Foster, March 3, 1765. 1-51 " John, Jr., and Elizabeth Matteson, Doth ol Stonington; m. by Thomas Wells, Justice, Feb.- 11, 1769. 1-1 " Prudence, and Jonathan West, July 27, 1780. ¦3-10 AENOLD Gorton W., son ol Joseph, ol Hopkinton, and Nancy Brown, ol Francis, ol Richmond ; m. by Elder Matthew Stillman, Aug. 13, 1826. 3-37 " Ruth, and Albert BlckneU, . — , 1843. 1-57 AUSTIN Mary, and Amos Palmer, Jr., Feb. 15, 1770. 1-47 AVERY Richardson, ol Richardson, ol Stonington, and Eunice Maxson, ol John, Esq., ol Hopkinton ; m. by Thomas Wells, Justice, Jan. 1, 1766. 5-3 ATWOOD Betsey, and Albert Keeney, March 6, 1853. B 1-116 BAECOCK Simeon, and Sarah Gardiner, Oct. 3, 1743. 1-58 " Sarah, and Amos Lahgworthy, Fdb. 15, 1758. 1-22 " George's negress Mary, and Joshua! Babcock's negro Port, March 9, ,1758. 1-22 " Joshua's negro Port, and George Babcock's Mary, March 9, 1758. 1-27 " Sarah, and James Eldredge, Jan. 24, 1/760. 1-32 " Oliver, and Deborah Knowles ; m. by Joshua Clarke, Justice, Dec. 2, 1761. I 1-32 " John, and Deliverance Knowles; m. by Joshua Clarke, Justice, July 18, 1762. 2-58 " Thankful, and George Rutter Gardiner, Sept. 12, 1767. 1-54 " HezeMah's Indian servant James, and Sarah , a mulatto ; m. hy Joshua Clarke, Justice, Oct. 10, 1768. j 1-54 " Martha, ana Simon Rhodes, Aug. 22, 1769. 1-55 " Rouse, ol .George, late of Hopkinton, dec, and Ruth Maxson, of Capt. John; m. by Elder Joshua. Clarke, Oct. 12, 1769. 1-55 " Peleg, of Oliver, Jr., and 1/ucy Maxson, ol Samuel; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Dec. 14, 1769. 1-56 " Simeon, ol Elisha, ol Richmond, and Mary Perry, ol Simeon, ol Hopkinton, at Hopkinton; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Jan. 7, 1770. 2-16 " Desire, and Zaccheus Reynolds, Dec. 11, 1771. 1-69 " Elizabeth, and Beriah Brown, Dec. 11, 1771. 1-77 " Lois, and Benjamin Baker, Nov. 25, 1773. 1-108 " Peleg, and Ruth Maxson ; m. by Elder John Maason, Jan. 18, 1776. 2-16 " Phebe, and Zaccheus Reynolds, Sept. 16, 1781. 2-57 " Daniel, of Hopkinton, and Content Potter, ol Westerly, at Wester ly; m. hy Elder Joshua Clarke, April 8, 1784. 2-58 " Peleg, of Stonington, and Elizabeth Wells, ol Jonathan, ol Hop ldnton; m, by Elder Joshua Clarke, June 18, 1789. VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-7 BABCOCK Barrodel, alnd John Tanner, March 24, 1791. 2-48 " Alice, and Rowland Lanphere, Dec. 18, 1791. 2-43 " Lois, and Stephen Tanner, March 13, 1794. ,- 2-45 ; i" Jonathan, ol Hopkinton, and PresUla Wlieeler, ol Stonington,. at Stonington ; m. by Elder Christopher Avery, Feb. 20, 1795. 2-54 " Rowland, ol Hezekiah, and Mrs. Nabby White, ol Walter; m. by Elder John Burdick. Jan. 12. 1797. 2-42 " Mary, and Joseph Clarke, Jan. 9, 1800. 2-60 " Amie, and Henry Potter, Nov. 17. 1812. 2-59 " Anna B., and Peleg Babcock, March 22, 1818. 2-59 Peleg, ol Chester, New York, and Anna B. Babcock, ol Westerly,. at HopMnton ; ml by Elder Matthew Stillman, March 22, 1818. 2-96 " Abbie, and John J. Maxson, Feb. 6, 1820. 2-88 " Eliza, and Samuel Gardiner, Feb. 4, 1821. 8-18 " Eliza, and Paul Babcock, Jan. 15, 1843. 3-18 " Paul, and Eliza Babcock; m. by Elder Weeden Barber, Jan. 15, 1843. 4-9 " Mary Ann, and. George C. Crandall, Oct. 4, 1846. 1-77 BAGGS Margaret, and Elisha Larkin, Dec. 17, 1773. 1-112 " Elizabeth, and John Hide, March 27, 1774. 3-13 " Martha, and David Collins, May 13, 1838. 4-7 BAID Leander, ol Newport, and Louisa M. Pearce, ol Richmond ; m. by Elder Charles C. Lewis, March 29, 1846. 1-51 BAILEY Timothy, ol Richmond, and Dorcas Enos, ol Hopldnton; m. by John LarMn, Justice, Feb. 16, 1769. 1-22 BAKER Ruth, and Ellas Reynolds, April 17, 1758. 1-77 " Benjamin, ol Richmond, and Lois Babcock, ol HopMnton, dau. of Oliver ; m. by Elder John Gardiner, Nov. 25, 1773. 1-111 BARBER Mary, and Lodowick Kenyon, Jan. 16, 1777. 1-1 " Peace, and Ephraim Codner, Nov. 3.5, 1778. 1-1 " Benjamin, and Mary Perry, both ol HopMnton; m. hy Edward' Perry, Justice, Aug. 20, 1783. 2-12 " Gate, and Amos Burdick, May 11, 1790. 2-59 " Sarah, and Thomas Potter, Nov. 1, 1798. 2-59 " Dorcas, and Caleb Coon, Dec. 14, 1800. 2-46 " Samuel, ol Thomas, dec, and Thankful Lewis, ol James, of Exe ter; m. hy Elder Henry Joslin, Sept. 2, 1802. 2-65 " Susannah, and George J. Bowler, Nov. 22, 1802. 3-9 " Mary, and Amos N. Palmer, April 3, 1832. 3-10 " Abiel', ot Hopldnton, and Nancy BroSvn., of North Stonington: m. by Elder Thomas TUlinghast, Sept. 29, 1833. 3-11 " Franklin, and Lydia Maxson; m.| at Westerly by Elder Daniel Coon, Aug. 11, 1836. 3-15, 17 " John M., ol HopMnton, and Mary Hiscox, ol Westerly ; m. by Elder Daniel Coon, (also 4-20), March 24, 1841. 3-17 " Waltey, and George W. Richmond, -j , 1S42. 1-54 BATES Caleb, ol Coventry, and Huldah Bowen of HopMnton,, daughter of Charles ; m. hy Elder Joshua Clarke, May 4, 1769. 1-102 BENJAMIN John, ol Preston, Conn., and Grace Waite, of HopMnton; m. hy Elder Thomas West, June 29, 1775. 1-63,12 BENTLEY Susannah, and Billings, Burch, Nov. 13, 1771. 2"45 Elizabeth, and Benjamin Langworthy, Jr., Jan. 8, 1804., --43 " Benjamin P., and Hannah Wilbur ; m. by Elder Abram Coon, Dec; 2, 1806. 2"43 John, and Lydia Wilbur ; m. by Elder Abram Coon, Dec. 3, 1806. -'73 Deborah, and John Tanner, Jan. 25, 1807. 3-103 BENT Catherine, and Thomas Potter Gardiner, April 15, 1773. 3-17 BICKNELL Albert, and Ruth Arnold; m. by Elder David Avery, — : >, 1843. 4-8 " Emeline Amanda,, and George H. Olney, Aug. 11, 1846. 4-15 BICKNELL Mumtord, and Jane Harris; m. by Elder Charles C. Lewis, July 26, 1847. 4-15 BITGOOD Samuel C, and Eliza N. Crandall: m. byi Elder C. C. Lewis Nov 28., 1847. HOPKINTON MARRIAGES. 1-98 BLISS Elder WiUlam. ol Newport, and Elizabeth Wand, late ol Newport, but now ol Hopldnton; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Jan. 9, 1780. 2-65 BOWLER George J., ol HopMnton. and Susannah Barber, ol Westerly, at Westerly ; m. hy Elder Abram Coon, Nov. 22. 1802. 1-19 BOWEN Huldah. and Nathan Greene, Sent. 24, 1756. 1-54 " Huldah. and Caleb Bates, May 4„ 1769. 1-108 BRAMAN James, ol Hopldnton, and Isabel MUlard. ol Westerly; m. by Elder John Gardiner, Dec. 27. 1775. 1-111 " Mary, and Caleb Church, Nov. 27, 1777. 1-121 " Jame^. Jr., and Hannah Lewis: m. hy Elder Joseph Davis, Feb. 24. 1779. 2-43 " Mrs. Anna, and Christopher Brown, Jan. 22, 1789. 2-98 " WUliam. and Thankful Davis: in. by Samuel Helme, Justice. Oct. 19, 1791. 4-9 " Jeremiah W„ ol Christopher, and Sophronia A. Foster; m. by Elder Henry Clarke, Oct. 11. 1846. 1-34 BRAND Judeth. and Isaiah Williams, Nov. 16. 1762. 2-4 " Rayzel, and Dorcas Morey ; m. by David Nichols, Justice, June 8, 1788. 2-6 " Lucy, and Francis Brown, March 8, 1792. 2-57 " Nathan, and Eunice Crandall; m. by Amos Collins, Justice, April 16, 1809. 2-16 BRIGGS Nathaniel, of New Shoreham, son ol Joseph and Margery, and Mary Collins, of John, ol HopMnton ; m. by Elder WUliam Northup, Aug. 27, 3793. 2-9 BRIGHTMAN Joseph, and Sarah Thomas, May 34, 1747. 2-6 " Thomas, son ol Joseph, ol HopMnton, and Thanktul Ney, ol Caleb, of HopMnton; m. by Elder John Pendleton, May 23, 1782. 2-6 "" Martin, and Amie Larkin, ol Amie, widow ; m. by Elder Henry Jos lin, Sept. 25, 1791. 2-76 " Joseph, and Patience Kenyon; m. by Rowland Babcock, Justice, AprU 3, 1814. 1-47 BROWNING Ephraim, ol South Kingstown, and Susannah Davis, ol Hopkin ton; m. by Nathan Burdick, Justice, Feb. 23, 1768. 2-7 " Elizabeth, and Ellas Lewis, Jr., Nov. 19, 1789. 2-6 " Hazard, and Hannah Lewis; m. by Daniel Babcock, Justice, Nov. 24, 1793. -2-49 " Susannah, and Stephen Cole, Nov. 21, 1794. 3-19 " Henry K„ and Ann Elizabeth Card, both ol Charlestown; m. by Elder Weeden Barber, Aug. 1, 1844. 4-7 " Patience B., and SUas H. Lanphere, Dec. 21, 1845. 4.-7 " Thomas, ol HopMnton, and Anna Mariia Powers, of Lebanon, Conn.; m. by Elder C. C. Lewis, Jan. 7, 1846. 1-25 BROWN" Anna, and Joseph Mott, Feb. 18, 1761. 1-46 " Penelope, and Palmer Sheldon, Jan. 10, 1768. ¦2-15 " Ruth, and William Tanner, Feb. 16, 1771. 1-69 " Beriah, ol North Kingstown, and Elizabeth Babcock, ol George, ol HopMnton; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Dec. 11, 1771. 1-67 " Ruth, and WSlliam Tanner, Feb. 16, 1771, also Feb. 16, 1772. 2-19 " Fannie, and Thomas Clarke, Dec. 14, 3780. 2-43 " Christopher, and Mrs. Anna Braman; m. by Elder John Burdick, Jan. 22, 3 789. . 2-6 " Francis, of John, of HopMnton, and Lucy Brand, ol Samuel, ol Richmond ; m. by Elder Henry Joslin, March 8, 1792. 2-56 " Alpheus, of Stonington, now of HopMnton, and Hannah Burdlok, oi Hobert; m. by Elder John Burdick. Jan. 29, 1795. 2-95 « James W-, of HopMnton, and Nabby WUcox, ol Thomas, of West Greenwich ; m. by John Hazard, Justice, Sept. 12, 1819. 3-10 " Nancy, and Gorton W. Arnold, Aug. 13, 1826. 8-10 " Nancy, and Abiel Barber, Sept. 29, 1833. 6-4 " Mary Ann, and Robert Sutcllff, May 18, 1853. 1-63, 121 BURCH BUlings, cl Thomas, late ol Stonington, dec, and Susannah Bentley, of John, of Richmond; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Nov. 13.. 1771. VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-51 BURDICK Sarah, and John Maxson, Oct. 30. 1740. 1-20 " Samuel, ol Stonington, and Amie Maccoon, ol HopMnton; m. by Simeon Perry, Justice, Oct. 31, 175.7. 1-22 " Bridget, and Matthsw Wells, Jan. 5, 1758. 1-116 " Eunice, .and Peleg Coon, Jan. 26, 1763. 1-34 " Hannah, and Nathan Slssel, Feb. 9. 1763. 1-42 " Jean, and Amos Worden, March 25, 1763. 1-36 " Margaret, and Joshua Coon, AprU 7, 1763. 1-35 " WUliam, Jr., and Mary Lamb; m. by Joshua Clarke, Justice, Sept. 23. 1703. 1-38 " Rachel, and Rufus Burdick, Nov. 15, 1763. 1-38 " Rufus, and Rachel Burdick; m. by Lawton Palmer, Justice, Nov. 15, 1763. 1-38 " Lucretia, and Samuel Gardiner, March 1, 1764. 1-38 " EUas, and Elizabeth Cottrell; m. by Job Burdick, Justice, Apru- 23, 1764. 1-38 " Mary, and Newman Herring, Aug. 14, 1764. 1-39 " Deborah, and Benjamin Tetft, Sept. 20, 1764. 1-41 " Daniel, Jr., of Stonington, and Elizabeth Robinson, ;of Hopkinton, at HopMnton ; m. by John Burdick, Justice, Feb. 7, 1765. 1-44 " Phineas, of Westerly, and Penelope Hall, ol HopMnton ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Feb. 5, 1767. 1-54 " Keturah, and John Sisson, iMarch 20, 1769. 1-55 " Hannah, and Abraham Utter, Oct. 14, 1739. 1-57 " Robert, of Stonington, son ol Daniel, and Sarah Remington ; m. by Thomas Wells, Justice, Dec. 24, 1769. 1-57 " Daniel, ol WiUiam, and Temperance Hall, of Benjamin ; m. by John Larkin, Justice, March 19, 1770. 1-62 « TUlemus, ol Nathan, and Lydia Lewis, ol EUsha; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, May .1 5, 1771. 1-303 " Margaret, and Leir Crandall, Jr., July 21, 1771. 1-67 " Amie, and Benjamin Lewl9, Feb. 5, 1772. 1-76 " Anna, and Azariah <¥randall, March 24, 1772. 1-71 " Elizabeth, and Phineas Maxson, Dec. 4, 1773. 1-101 " Elnathan, and Anne Slssons, Jan. 9, 1774. 1-78, 13 2 " Dyer, and Martha Burdick ; m. by Elder Thomas West, Jan. 8, 1775'. 1-78,112 " Martha, and Dyer Burdick, Jan, S, 1775. 1-112 " Paul, and Mary Stanton; m. by Elder Thomas West, Feb. 18, 17175. 1-3 3 2 " John, ol Richmond, and Hannah Carpenter, ol HopMnton ; m. by Elder Thomas Wes t, Nov. 3 2, 1775. 1-113 " Abel, oi Hopkinton, and Comfort Palmer, ol Exeter; m. by Elder Thomas West, Dec. 21, 1775. 1-3.13 " Joseph, and Mary Tanner; m. by Elder Tliomas West, Nov. 28, 1776. 1-114 " Stephen Rose, and Sarah West : m. by Elder Thomas West. Aug. 14, 1777. 2-13 " Eobert, son ol Eobert, and Sarah Williams : m. by John Maxson, Justice, Sept. 21, 1781. 2-78 " Prudence, and Elisha Stillman, Jr., April 24„ 1782. 1-1 " Elijah, and Rlhoda Dyer, both ol Hopldnton : m. by Elder Thomas West. Oct. 5, 1782. 2-11 " Perry, and Tacy Wells, ol Capt. Edward ; m. by Elder John Bur dick, Dec. 19, 1782. 1-102 " Joab, and Sarah Crandall, of Benjamin; m. by Elder John Bur dick, March 27, 1784. 2-16 " Elder John, ol HopMnton. and Thankful Clarke, of Capt. Simeon, of Richmond; m. by, Elder Joshua Clarke, March 9, 1788. 2-8 " Ebenezer. and Jemima CrandaU: m. by David Nichols, Justice, Jan. 31, 1739. 2-5 " Esther, and David Crandall, Jr., Jam 23, 1790. 2-13 " Charles, of HopMnton, and 'Phebe Davis, ol Westerly ; m. by Robert Burdick, Justice, March 15, 1790. 2-12 " Amos, and Gate Barber; m. at Voluntown, Conn., by Allen Camp. beU. Justice, May 11, 1790. HOPKINTON MARRIAQ ES. 2-17 BURDICK Joshua, and Polly Clarke ; m. by Daniel Burdick Justice Dec 1, 1793. Mark Stils, aliias, soh ol Mary Stiles, and Martha WUcox, ol Rob ert, ol Richmond; m. by Thomas Tefft, Justice, Eec. March 17, 1793. Amos, ol Robert, oi Hopldnton, and Catherine Clarke, ol Capt. Samuel, of Westerly, at Westerly ; m. by Elder John Burdick, Jan. 16, 1794. Hannah, and Alpheus Brown, Jan. 29, 1795. Ichabod, Jr., and Hannah Maxson, oi Tory, dec. ; m. by Elder John Burdick, Oct. 1, 1795. Lucy B., and Luke Burdick, Aug. 30, 1798. Luke, ot Luke, and Lucy B. Burdick, ol Samuel ; m. by Elder John Burdick, Aug.. 30, 17&8. Clarissa, and Peleg Mnxson, Jr., June 15, 1809. Abram Lewis, of James, and Catherine Burdick, ol Theodoty ; m. by Nathan Pendleton, Justice, April 14, 1816. Catherine, and Abram Lewis Burdick, AprU 14, 1816. Ichabod, Jr., ol Hopkinton. and Fannie Greene, ol WUliam E., ol Westerly ; m. at S. K. by Elder Matthew Stillman, Nov. 22 1818. Phebe A., and Allen Jordan, Oct. 4, 1840. Horatio N., and Thankful L. Kenyon : m. by Rev. Christopher Chester,, May 27, 1838. Joel, Jr., and Sally Kenyon, oi Benjamin ; m., by Elder Matthew StUlman, Feb. 22, 1821. Jonathan, ol' Newport, and Martha Coon ol Hopkinton; m. by Elder Matthew StUlman, July 21, 1826. WUliam C.„ ol Westerly, and Lucy Orella Gates, of Preston, Conn. ; m. at Norwich, Conn., by Elder William Palmer, Oct. 6, 1831. John P., of HopMnton, and Catherine Irving ol Coventry ; m. by Elder David Avery,, — - — , 1842. Reuben, and Elizabeth Burdick; m. by Elder Weeden Barber, Jr., March 29, 1846. EUzabeth, and Reuben Burdick, March 29, 1846., Lodowick,, ol Nortih Stonington, anil Mary S. Kenyon, ol Rich mond, at Hopkinton ; m. by Elder Henry Clarke, Feb. 13, 1850. BUTTON Thankful, and David Maccoon, Nov. 26, 1761. Rufus, and Elizabeth Hotten ; m. by John Witter, Justice, Feb. 21, IV 62., John, Jr., and Anna Maccoon; m. by John LarMn, Justice, AprU 23, 1769. Mary, and Samuel Wilkinson, Aug. 14, 1774. Mary, and Joseph Deak, Dec. 12, 1775. Anne, aud Joshua Palmitter, Aug. 13, 1782. Penelope, and Jonathan Dyer, Jan. 8, 1785. Lawanto Sarah, and Thomas Wright, Dec. 28, 1787. Amos, Jr., oi HopMnton, and Jemima Wood, ol Coventry; m. by Joseph Manchester, Justice, Feb. 8. 1789. Rnhamah, anu Lyman Potter, April 28, 1799. David, and Elizabeth Lanphere; m. by Josiah Witter, Justice, Oct. 29, 1803. Joseph, and Anne Eagle ston; m. by Jededlah Randall, Justice, Jan. 26. 1807. Joseph, ol Amos, and Elizabeth Lanphere. ol Amasa ; m. by Elder Matthew Stillman, Mareh_21, 3 822. 3-16 " Ann. and Joseph Jordan, Sept. 20, 1840. 1-67 BYRNES Mary, and WilUam Worden, Oct. 4, 1764. 2-6 2-16 2-502-60 2-05 2-55 2-62 2-68 2-68 2-93 3-10 5-1 2-96 2-95 3-17 4-12 4-12 4-19 1-32 1-34 1-54 1-78,112 1-113 1-1 1-1 2-4 2-8 2-46 2-42 2-88 2-97 3-19 CARD Ann Elizabeth, and Henry K. Browning, Aug. 1. 1844. 1-112 CARPENTER Hannah, and John Burdick, Nov. 12, 1775. 10 VITAL RECORD OP RHODE ISLAND. 1-1 CARPENTER HezeMah, and Prudence Johnson, both ol HopMnton; m. by Elder Thomas West, May 20, 1778. 2-7 " Esther, and Pardon CrandaU, Dec. 19, 1799. 2-56 " John, and Esther Crandall; m. by Elder John Burdick, Feb. 4, 1802. 4-3 CARR Annl E., and Nathan H. Langworthy, Feb. 27, 1837. 1-47 CfcRTRIGHT Bryant, Jr., ol HopMnton, and Elizabeth Hall, ol Westerly; m. by Nathan Burdick. Justice, Sept. 17. 1767. 3-16 CASE James R., and Amelia Crumb; m. by Elder Weeden Barber, Feb. 23. 1840, 8-15 " Gardiner, of West Greenwich, and Lucinda Vars, ol Charlestown, at Hopldnton; m. by Elder Daniel Coon, March 28, 1841. 1-23 CHAMPLAIN Amla, abd Nathan lanphere, Dec. 7, 1758. 1-57 " jNatban, and Sarah Foster; m. by Thomas Wells, Justice, Jan. 29, 1770. 2-4 " Huldah, and Hazard Morey, Feb. 11, 178S. 2-8 " Amie, and Daniel Wilcox, Dec. 20, 1789. 2-64 " Ethan, and Hannah Cottrell; m. by Elder Abram Coon, July 4, 1809. 2-75 " Sarah, and Joseph Witter, Jr., June 22, 1811. 2-67 " Hannah, and James K. Crandall, Sept. 5, 1816. 2-88 " Greene, of HopMnton, and PoUy Greenman, ol Westerly ; m. by Thomas V. Wells, Justice, Nov. 15, 1821. 1-65 CHASE Mary, and George Griffith, Dec. 8, 1771. 2-69 CHEESEBROUGH Nabby, and Nathan Langworthy, Dec. 21, 1800. 1-69 CHEVER Edward, son ol Edward, of Eastham, Mass., amd Susannah Max son, of WUliam, of HopMnton; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, June 28, 1772. 1-64 " Susannah, and Fones Palmer, May — , 1783. 1-111 CHURCH Caleb, and Mary Braman ; m. by Elder Joseph Davis, Nov. 27, 1777. 3-8 " Sophia, and Nathan Wilcox, Oct. 23, 1831. 1-50 CLARKE Anna, and Job White, Jan. 6, 1759. 1-31 " Oliver, and Mary Wells ; m. by Joshua Clarke, Justice, Dec. 16, 1761. 1-38 " Amie, and Daniel Lewis, March 16, 1763. 1-43 " Thankful, and Amos Collins, Aug. 10, 1767. 1-55 " Benjamin, of Stonington, son of Benjamin, and Susannah Wheeler, ol HopMnton, at Hopkinton; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Dec. 15, 1769. 1-57 " Benjamin, and Susannah West; m. by Nathan Burdick, Justice, March 27, 1770. 2-9 " Henry, and Catherine Pendleton, Dec. 5, 1776. 2-45 " Sarah, and Peleg Maxson, Nov. 13, 1777. 1-117 " WUlett, ol HopMnton, son of Elder Joshua, and Sarah Pendleton ol Sylvester, ol Westerly ; m . by John Maxson, Justice, April 24. 1779. 1-119 " Hannah, and John Dodge, Nov. 14, 1779. 2-19 " Thomns, and Phanney Brown, Dec. 14, 1780. 2-18 " Job B., and Mrs. Mary Wells, of Jonathan; m. by Elder John Burdick, Jan, 1, 1788. 2-16 " Thankful, and Elder John Burdick, March '.), 1788. 2-3 7 " Polly, and Joshua Burdick, Dec 1, 1791. 2-16 " Catherine, and Amos' Burdick, Jan. 16, 3 794. 2-42 " Joseph, ol Leyden, Conn., and Mary Babcock, of Westerly; m. by Elder Asa Coon, Jan. 9, 1800. 2-52 " Ruhamah, and Robert Kenyon, Jan. 1, 1801. 2-53 " Ephraim, and Sarah Clarke; m. by Elder Asa Coon, March 15, 1801. 2-53 '' Sarah, and Ephraim Clarke, March 15, 1801. 2-45 " EauiCe, «md Joseph Clarke, July 26, 1804. 2-45 " Joseph, and Eunice Clarke; m. by Amos Collins, Justice, July 26, ISO I. 2-72 " Jesse, and Thankful Coon ; m. by Allen Campbell, Justice, Nov. 7, 1805. -2-91 2-91 2-76 2-92 2-97 4-54-5 3-14 3-16 3-18 HOPKINTON MARRIAGES. 11 -2-91 CLARKE Russell, ol Newport, and Elizabeth Taylor, ol Hopkinton ; m. by Elder Abram Coon, Oct. 16, 1808. Russell, son oi Thomas and Sarah Thurston, oi George ol HopMn ton; m. by Elder Matthew StUlman. Aug. 29, 1813. EusseU, and Betsey Langworthy : in. at North Stonington by Elder Asher Miner, May 21, 1815. Joanna, and Rowland T. Greene, Oct. 10, 1812. Charles, ol Job B., and Amanda Eeynolds, of Zaccheus ; m. by Elder Matthew StiUman, Dec 13, 1818. Clarissa A., and Lester Crandall, Nov. 9, 1826. Henry, oi Job B., Esq., and Jerusha Clarke, ol Thomas; m. by Elder Matthew Stillman, Dec. 1, 1833. Jerusha, and Henry Clarke, Dec. i; 3 833. Harriet, and Leonidus Nichols, April 27, 1840. Nancy, and John P. Knowles, Oct. 12, 1841. Corydon. and Julia A. Langworthy ; m. by Elder Henry Clarke, Selpt. 21, 1844. 5-2 " Stephen A., of Henry B., aged 19 years, and Hannah A. Wright, aged 18 years, dau. of Samuel; m. by Elder John Greene, Nov. 5, 1853. 1-40 CLOSSON Mrs. Lydia, and John Corey, Nov. 10, 1764. 1-115 " Nathan, and Mrs. Martha Patterson ; m. by Abel Tanner, Jus tice, Feb. 14, 1784. 1-22 OODNEE Ishmeal, and Margaret Stewart ; m. hy Joshua Clarke, Justice, Feb. 13, 1758. 1-1 " Ephraim, ot Exeter, and" Peace Barber, oi Eichmond; m. by Elder Thomas West, Nov. 15, 1778. 1-113 COLEGEOVE Jeremiah, ol Hopkinton, and Hannah Webster, of Eich mond ; m. by Elder Thomas West, Nov. 13, 1776. 1-113 " Thankful, and William Pettey, June 2. 1776. 1-26 COLE Joseph, ol HopMnton, and Phebe Niles ol Stonington ; m. by Elder Waite Palmer, at Stonington, Aug. 30, 1759. 1-40,120 " Martha, and William Witter, Nov. 1, 1764. 1-99 " Joseph, and Hannah Collins ; m. by Elder John Gardiner, Nov. 17, 1780. 2-49 " Stephen, oi Rhode Island, and Susannah Browning, of Connecticut ; m. at New London by George WiUiams, Justice, Nov. 21, 1794. 1-43 COLLINS Amos, and Thankful Clarke, both of Stonington ; m. at HopMn ton, by Elder John Burdick, Aug. 10, 1767. 1-57 " Catherine, and Lebbeus Sweet, March 11, 1770. 1-62 " Joshua, and Mary White; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Feb. 7, 1771. 1-117 " Susannah, and Fones Gardiner, March 28, 1779. 1-99 " Ruth, and - WiUlam White, AprU 5, 1780. 1-99 " Hannah, and Joseph Cole, Nov. 17, 1780. ' 2-16 " Mary, and Nathaniel Briggs, Aug. 27, 1793. 2-51 " ' John, and EUzabeth Morey ; m. by Elder Samuel Northup, Oct. 19, 1795. .2-67 " Amos, M. D., and Mary Peckham, of Eobert; m. by Henry Joslin, Elder, Feb. 16, 1804. 2-47 " NaMian, and Tabitha Popple, ol George, of Richmond; m. by John Maxson, Justice, April 12, 3 804. 2-74 " Joshua, and Mary Cross ; m. at Charlestown, by Rowland Bab cock, Justice, March 24, 1814. 3-13 " David, ol Hopkinton, and Martha Baggs, ol Richmond; m. by Elder Weedetn Barber, Jr., May 13, 1838. 1-20 COON Joseph', and Elizabeth LarMn ; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, April 14, 1757. 1-116 " Peleg, and Eunice Burdick, Jan. 26, 1703. 1-42 " Sarah, and WftltamJRoss, March 13, 1763. 1,36 " Joshua, of Hopkinton, and Margeret Burdick, oi Stonington, at Stonington ; m. by Elder Waite Palmer, April 7, 1763, 1-22 " Abigail, and Ichabod Prosser, — , 1763. 1-104 " Jemima, and David CrandaU. June 16, 1764. 1-39 " Martha, and Thomas P.vrtelow, Aug. 2, 1764. 12 VITAL EECORD OF EHODE ISLAND. 1-45 COON Amos,, and Sarah Gardiner; m. by Lawton Palmer, Justice,- AprU 5, 1767. 1-49 " Ellas, and Phebe Ney; m.by John Larkin, Jr., Justice, May 1, 1768-.- 1-69 " Samuel, of Capt. John, and Thankful Maxson, of John ; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Jan. 7, 1773. < 1-70 " Bethany, and Sylvester Satterlee, Aug. 8, 1773. 1-112 " Abel and Bathsheba Crandall ; m. by Elder Thomas West, March 30, 1775. 1-113 " Ann, and Asa CrandaU, Jan. 7, 1776. 1-114 " Elizabeth, frnd Ezra Crandall, March 5, 1778. 1-119 ¦' ThanMul, and Joseph Enos, Jan. 5, 1780. 1-S5 " Sarah, and Stephen Potter, Jr., Nov. 29, 1780. 2-1 " Lebbeus, and Mary Worden; m. by Elder Joseph Davis, April 13, 1785. 2-1 " Peleg, and Anne Dye ; m. by Elder Eleazer Brown, AprU 23, 1786. - 2-4 " Margeret, and John Whitlord, Feb. 6, 1788. 2-4 " Elizabeth, and Matthew Wells. Jr.. Dec. 18, 1788. 2-18 " Stephen, oi Hopldnton, and Sarah Stillman, ol Major George ; m. at Westerly by Elder John Burdick. Feb. 23, 1789. 2-18 " Lydia. and Thomas Lewis, Dec. 25, 1792. 2-61 " Tacy, and Lewis Maxson, Jan. 27. 1797_ 2-74 " Isaac, and Martha Hull ; m. by Elder Abram Coon, June 5, 1800. 2-62 " Esther, and Samuel Larkin, Oct. 5, 1800. 2-59 " Caleb, ol Elias, and Doi eas Barber, ol Levi; m. by Elder Henry Joslin. Dec. 14, 1800. 2-72 " ThanMul, and Jesse Clarke, Nov. 7, 1805. 2-95 " Martha, and Jonathan Burdick, July 22, 1826. 4-12 " Ellas, of HopMnton, and Mary Palmer,, ol Westerly ; m. at Exeter by Simon LUUbridge, Justice, Sept. 29, 1840. 4-16 " Martha, and Pardon Lewis, Feb. 13. 1848. 4-4 " Archibald B., of Brookfield. New York, and Phebe A. Crandall, of HopMnton ; m. by Elder Henry Clarke. March 22. 1849. 4-21 " Asa S., ol North Stonington, and Lydia C. Thorp, ol HopMnton, at HopMnton ; m. by Elder C. C, Lewis, March 22, 1852. 1-40 COKEY John, and Mrs. Lydia C.oasein: m. by EldeT John Burdidk,, Nov.. 10, 1764. 1-34 COTTEELL Abigail, and Stephen LarMn, March 31, 1762. 1-38 " Elizabeth, and Elias Bui dick, April 23, 1764. 1-43 " Abigail, and Thaddeus Sweet, Feb. 18, 1766. 1-113 " Mary, and John Waite, Sept. 5, 1776. 2-51 " Mary, and Joseph Spicer, March 6„ 1796., 2-64 " Hannah, and Ethan Champlain, July 4, 1809. 1-27 CEANDALL Diavid, and Sarah Sherman; m. by Joshua Crandall, Justice, Feb. 19,, 1761. 1-304 " David,, and Jemima. Cocn, June 16, 1764. 1-103 '' Levi, Jun.. and Margaret Burdick ; m. by John LatMln, Justlce,- July 21, 1771. 1-63 " Kezia, and Paine Waite, Oct. 29, 1771, 1-76 " Azariah, ol Peter, and Anna Burdick, of Edward, March 24, 1772. 1-72 " Amie, anid Peleg Lewis, April 2, 1772. 1-78,112 " Susannah, and Benjamin Tanner, April 21, 1774. 1-112 " Bathsheba, and Abel Cooni, March 30, 1775. . 1-113 " Asa,, and Ann Coon; m. by Elder Thomas West, Jan. 7, 1776. 1-110 " Peleg, and Eleanor Lewis ; m. by Elder Joseph Davis, Nov. 9, 1777. 1-114 " Ezra, and Elizabeth Coon; m. by Eldter Thomas West, March 5». 1778. 1-102 " Sarah, and Joa,b Burdick, March 27, 1784. 1-103 " Luke, and Martha, Maxson, ol Capt. Matthew; m. by Elder John Burdick, Jan. 6, 1785. 2-3 " Amherst, ol Westerly, and Polly Maxson, ol Samuel; m. by Elder Isaiah Wilbur, Nov. 1, 1787. 2-3 " Archibald, and Susanna Maxson, Feb. 2, 1788. 2-8 " Jemima, and Ebenezer Burdick, Jan. 31, 1798. HOPKINTON MAEEIAGES. 13 2-11 CEANDALL Eowland, ol Hopldnton, and Susannah Kenyon, of Peleg, of South Kingstown, at South Kingstown ; on. by Elder John Bur dick, Nov. 5, 1789. 2-5 " David, Jr., and Esther Burdick; m. by Elder John Burdick, Jan. 23, 1790. 2-13 " Prudence, and Daniel Maxson, March 20, 1790. 2-71 " Pardon, ot Christopher and Esther Carpenter, oi HezeMah; m. by Elder Ellet Locke, Dec. 19, 1799. 2-47 " Lucy, and William Witter, Jr., Jan. 2, 1800. 2-62 " Euth and Nathan Maxson, AprU 28,, 1800. 2-63 " Samuel, Jr., and Elizabelh Vinson, oi Nicholas; m. by Elder John Burdick, Jan. 14, 1802. 2-56 " Esther, and John Carpenter, Feb. 4, 1802. 2-56 " Lydia, and Eusaell Wells, Aug. 5, 1802. 2-57 " Eunice, and Nathan Brand, April 16, 1809. 2-67 " James K„ and Hannah Chaniiplain ; m. by Elder Matthew StUlman, Sept. 5, 1816. 2-98 " Lydia, and Thomas Edwards, Oct. 13, 1821. 2-97 " Nicholas', ol Bm-ney, and Abbie M. Eeynolds, ol Zaccheus ; m. by Elder Matthew StiUman,, Jan. 32, 1822. 2-94 " Susan H., and Lester T. Rogers, April 30, 1825. 2-97 " Lester, of Pheneus, and Clarissa A. Clark, of Thomas, Jr. ; in, by Elder Matthew Stillman, Nov. 9, 1826. 3-16 " Judith, and Joshua CrandaU, Feb. 21, 1841. 3-16 " Joshua, and Judith Crandall; m. by Elder Weeden Barber, Jr., Feb. 21„ 1841. 3-16 " Hannah, and Henry Tabor, Oct. 4, 1840. 8-18 " Mary E., and Henry B. Manchester, Aug. 5, 1844. 4-9 " George C, of Their G., and Marv Ann Babcock, of Charles, both of Westerly ; m. by Elder Henry Clarke, Oct. 4, 1846. 4-10 " Peleg W., and Clarissa Kenyon ; m. by Elder Lucius Crandall, Oct. 18, 1846. 4-12 " Luke, of HopMngton, son of Amherst and Mary, and Mary Ann B. White, of Walter E. and Dorcas B., ol Newport, at New port; m. by Elder Joseph Smith, March 29, 1847. 4-15 " Eliza N., and Samuel C Bitgood, Nov. 28, 1847. 4-4 " 'Phebe A., and ArcMbald B. Coon, March 22, 1849. 4-19 " Mahala, and John S. Potter, AprU 21, 1850. 5-3 " Nathan M., aged 25 years, oi Lester, and Almira J. Wilcox, aged 17 years, of Jeremiah W. ; m. by Rev. Daniel Coon, Jan. 29, 1853. 5-2 CEOCKER Nancy C, and Jerah J. Gray, Jan. 9, 1855. 2-74 CROSS Mary, and Joshua ColUns, March 24, 1814. 3-16 CRUMB Amelia, and James E. Case, Feb. 23, 1840. 1-28 CULVEB Thankful, and Ebenezer HiU, Sept. 10, 1744. D 4-18 DANIELS Washington, of East Ljnne, Conn., and Elizabeth Greene, ol Hoxsie, ol Hopekinton, at HopMnton; m. by Elder C. O. Lewis,. Nov. 30, 1848. 1-42 DAETTS EUzabeth, and Joshua Wells, Feb. 15, 1759. 1-44 DAVIS Hannah, and Samuel Maxson, Dec. 15, 1765. 1-45 " WUliam, oi Westerly, and Anna WUbur, ol HopMnton; m. by Joseph Crandall, Just ce, Feb. 26, 1767. 1-47 " Susannah, and Ephraim Browning, Feb, 23, 1768. 1-104 " Marvel, and William Scriven, Feb. 2, 1775. 1-1 " Tacy,, and Nathaniel Kehyoh, Jun., April 12, 1784. 1-1 " Oliver, ol Jededlah, dec, and Penelope White,, dau. ol OUver ; m- by Robert Burdick, Justice, July 16, 1784. 2-13 " Phebe, and Charles Burdick, March 15, 1790. 2-98 " Thankful and WUliam B;aman, Oct. 19, 1791. 2-66 " Ethel,, and Samuel Langworthy, July 31, 1796. 4-6 " Harriet, and George H. Spice'r, Nov, 9, 1845. 14 VITAL EECOED OF EHODE ISLAND. 4-47 DAWLEY Hannah, and Alexander Webster, March I, 1812. 4-15 " WUliam H.„ and Triphenia H. Tanner; m. by Elder C. O. Lewis, Dec. 19, 1847, 1-26 DEATS John, and Hannah Foster, both ol Westerly; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson:, Feb. 26, 1746-7. 1-75 " Sarah, and Jonathan Lewis, Nov. 10, 1758. 1-39 " Anna, and Amos Eogers, Dec 29, 1764. 1-113 " Joseph, of Eichmond, and Mary Button, of Hopldnton ; m. by Elder Thomas West, Dec. 12, 1775. 1-46 DEWEY David, ol Stonington, and Sarah Witter, of HopMnton; m. by Na than Burdick, Justice!, Jan. 12, 1768. 1-19 DODGE Daniel, of Colchester, and Mary Worden, of Westerly ; m. at Wes terly by Benjamin RandaU, Justice, AprU 11, 1756, 1-119 " John, ol Westerly, and Hannah Clarke, ol Hopldnton; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Nov. 14,, 1779. 2-75 " Lucretia, and Joseph Wl.ter, 2d, Nov. 26, 1812. 1-1 DOUGLASS WUliam, and Martha Adams, both of Voluntown, Conn. ; m. by Elder Thomas West, Nov, 13, 1781. 5-1 " Joel W., and Mehltable Salisbury ; m. by Elder John Greene, Dec. 14, 1851. 1-35 DOWNTNQ Mary, and Samuel Maxson, March 5, 1763. 1-1 DYER RhOda, and Elijah Burdick, Oct. 5, 1782. 1-1 " Jonathan, of HopMnton, and Penelope Button, ol do. ; m. at Ston ington by Joshua Babcock, Justice, Jan. 8, 3785. 2-1 DYE Anna, and Peleg Coon, April 23, 1786, 1-41 EAGLESTONE Patience, and Peter Maine, March 3, 1765. 1-113 " Asa,, and Sarah Lake ; m. by Elder Thomas West, Dec. 31, 1775. 1-107 " Jason, oi Stonington,, and Avis Lanphere, ol HopMnon; m. by WUliam Tanner, Justice, AprU 18, 1784. 2-88 " Anne, and Joseph Button, Jan. 26, 1809. 1-28 EDWAEDS Phebe, and Henry Hall, Dec. 13, 1760. 1-108 " Daniel, ol Charlestown, and Sarah Johnson ol do.; m. by Elder Jolm Gardiner, Dec. 3 3. 1775. 2-73 " Mary, and Asa Sheldon, April 26, 1800. 2-56 " Patty, and Larkin WUcox, Sept. 3. 1801. 2-98 " Thomas, oi Nathan, and Lydia Crandall,, ol James ; m. by Elder Matthew StUlman, Oct. 13, 1821. 1-27 ELDEEDGE James, and Sarah Babcock; m. by Lawton Palmer, Justice, Jan. 24, 1760. 1-51 ENOS Dorcas, and Timothy BaUey, Feb. 16, 1769. 1-119 " Joseph, ol Eichmond, and ThanMul Coon,, oi HopMnton ; m. at Hopkinton by Joseph Woodmansee. Justice, Jan. 5, 1780. 2-43 FENNEB Eeuben, ol John, andl Anstis Tanner, ol William ; m. by Elder John Burdick, Jan. 17, 1793. 2-43 " Abel, oi HopMnton, and Maria Sampson, ol Eichmond; m. by Elder David Avery, > — , 1842. 4^15 " Stacy E., oi Warwick, and Mary M. Greene ol Hopkinton; m. by Elder C. C. Lewis, Sept. 28, 1846. 1-41 FOSTER Hannah, and John Deak, Feb. 26, 1746-7. 1-41 " Gideon, and Sarah Allen ; m. hy Jolm Burdick, Justice, March 3, 1765. 2-10 " Lucy, and Samuel Witter, Jan. 5, 1769. 1-57 " Sarah, and Nathan Champlain, Jan. 29, 1770. 1-98 " Mary, and Nathaniel Palmer, Oct. 31, 1782. 4-9 " Sophronia A., and Jeremiah W. Brami'n, Oct 11, 1846. 1-57 FRINK Anna, and Timothy Maccoon, April 23, 1769. HOPKINTON MARRIAGES. 15. Q 2-17,45 GALLUP Wealthy, and Gardiner WeUs, Dec. 23, 1792. 1-116 GARDINER Sarah, and Simeon Babcock, Oct. 3, 1743. 1-38 Samuel, and Lucretia Burdlclc; m. at Hopkinton, by Joseph Cran dall, Justice, March 1, 1764. 1-45 " Sarah, and Amos, Cooin, April 5, 1767. 1-46 " Lois, and William Greene, Aug. 20, 1767. 2"58 " George Rutter, of North Kingstown, and ThanMul Babcock, of Hop Mnton. ; an. by Elder John Gardiner, Sept. 12, 1767. 1-103 " Thomas Potter, of Samuel, and Catherine Bent, of John; m. by Elder John Gardiner, April 15, 1773. 1-106 " John, Jr., of John, ol Exeter, and Mary Gardiner, of Samuel, ol HopMnton; m. by Nathan Burdick, Justice, Dec. 14, 1775. 1-106 " Mary, and John Gardiner, Dec. 14, 1775. 1-117 " Fones, and Susannah Collins; m. by Elder Thomas West, March 28, 1779. 2-62 " Samuel, Jr., and Ruth Wells; by Elder Abram Coon, May 22, 1803, 3-6 " ThanMul, and Phineas Stillman, Dec. 26, 1810. 2-88 " .Samuel, Esq., of HopMnton, and EUza Babcock, ol Christopher, of Westerly ; m. at Westerly by Elder Matthew Stillman, Feb. 4,. 1821. 3-14 " Mary A., and Charles R. Perry, Oct. 4, 1840. 4-9 GATES Lucy OrUla, and WiUiam C. Burdick, Oct. 6, 1831. 1-111 GRANT John, oi Stonington, and ThanMul Lewis, ol Hopkinton; m. by El der John Gardiner, Oct. <3, 1776. 5-2 GRAY J., aged 38 years, ol John, oi New Shoreham, and Mrs. Na'ncy C. Croker, aged 26 years, oi Hopkinton, dau. ol Sands Palmer : m. by Elder Daniel Coon, Jan. 9, 1855. 2-88 GREENMAN Polly, and Greene Champlain, Nov. 15, 1821. 1-19 GREENE Nathan, ol West Greenwich, and Huldah Bowen, of Westerly ; m. at HopMnton by Benjamin Randall, Justice, Sept. 24, 1756. 1-46 " William, ol Charlestown, and Lois Gardiner ol HopMnton; m. by Nathan Burdick, Justice, Aug. 20, 1767. 2-42 " Benjamin, oi Hopkinton, .and Grace* Rogers, ol David, oi New London; m. by Elder Zadoc Darron, Dec. 13, 1781. 2-18 " William G., and Susannah WMte ; m. by Daniel Babcock, Justice, March 9, 1793. 4-11 " Betsey, and Benjamin Potter, March 6, 1808. 2-76 " Rowland T., and Joanna Clarke, oi Richmond; m. by Elder Abram- Conn, Oct. 10, 1812. 2-76 " Alpheus M., and Abbie Wells, dau. ol Thompson; m. 'by Elder Matthew StUlman, Dec 18, 1812. 2-76 " John, Jr., and Betsey Wills, oi Edward 3., dec; m. by Elder Matthew Stillman, AprU 3, 1813. 2-77 " Caleb, ol North Stonington, and Sophia Peckham, of Groton; m. ' at Groton by Christopher Morgan, Justice, March 3, 1816. 2-93 " Fannie, and Ichabod Burdick, Nov. 22, 181.8. 4-8 " WilUam E., and Nancy C. Kenyon; m. by Elder C. C. Lewis, July 14, 1846. 4-15 " Mary M., and Stacy B. Fenner, Sept. 28, 1846. 4-18 " EUzabeth, and Washington Daniels, Nov. 30, 1848. 1-65 GELFFETH George, oi Phillip, late of Charlestown, dec, and, Mary Chase, of Joshua, late of Westerly, dec. ; m. by Nathan Burdick, Jus tice, Dec. 8, 1771. 2-42 GEIFFIN Rahamah, and Peter Kenyon, April 28, 1794. 3-19 GRINNELL Luclnda, and Jonathan P. LarMn, July 26, 1843. 1-27 GOODWILL Elizabeth, and John Harris, June 15, 1760. H 2-17 HALEY Belcher, ol Stonington, aud Phebe Turner, ol Abel, ol HopMnton ; m. by Eider John Burdick, Jan. 20, 1793, 16 VITAL EECOED OF EHODE ISLAND. 1-42 HALL Mary, and Thomas Stutson, Jan. — , 1758. 1-42 " Sarah, and Joseph WUbur, March 25, 1758., 1-28 " Henry, and Phebe Edwards"; m. by John Larkin, Justice,, Dec. 11 1760. 1-41 " Eunice, and Edward Herce, April 30, 1765. 1-44 " Penelope, and Phineus Burdick, Feb. 5, 1767. 1-47 " Elizabeth, and Bryant Cartright, Jr., Sept. 17, 1767. 1-46 " Dorcas, and Stephen Stlutson, Jan. 9, 1768. 1-57 " Temperance, and Daniel Burdick, March 19, 1770. 1-65 " Margaret, and Isaac Johnson,, Jan. 30, 1772. 1-77 " Esther, and William Fulman, alias Thompson, Jan. 26, 1774, 1-27 HARRIS John, ol Plalnfield, and; Elizabeth GoodwlU, oi Stonington ; m. by Joshua Clarke, Justice, June 15, 1760. 4-15 " Jane, and Mumford BiCknall, July 26, 1847. 4-15 HEALEY Phebe N., and 331ias H. Rathbun, Dec. 12, 1847, 1-38 HEREING, Newman, ol Westerly, and Mary Burdick, ol Edward, ol Hop kinton ; m. !by John Maxson, Justice, Aug. 14, 1734. 1-112 HIDE John, ol HopMnton, and Elizabeth Baggs, of Eichmond; m. by Elder Thomas Weslt, March 27, 1774. 1-28 . HILL Ebenezer, and ThanMul Culiver ; m. by Elder James WMtman, Sept. 10, 1744. 1-35 HISCOX Simeon, and Thankful Wells ; m. by Joshua Clarke, Justice, Dec. 26, 1762. 3-15 " MaTy, and John M. Barber, (also 3-7 and 4-20), March 24, 1841. 4-15 HOOD John, of North Stonington, and Sarah L. LarMn, ol Richmond; m. at HopMnton' by Elder C. C. Lewis, July 21, 1847. 1-34 HOTTEN EUzabeth, and Ruius Button, Feb. 21, 1.762. 1-47 " Joseph, ol Great Brittain, and Soaeil King, ol Westerly ; m. by Nathani Burdick, Justice, Aug. 29, 1768. 4-18 HOXSIE Alice A., and Samuel C. Klngsley, Oct. 9, 1844. 4-1 " William B., and Susan Wilbur; m. by Elder Weeden Barber, Jr., May 21, 1845. 4-18 " George S., of Hokkinton, and Rachel S. Kenyon, ol Richmond ; m. by Elder C. C. Lewis, Sept. 9, 1848. 2-42 HULL Mary Saunders, alias, and Randall Maxson, April 18, 1793. -2-74 " Martha, and Isaac Coon, June 5, 1800. 2-68 IRISH .Hannah, and James Tefft Joslin, Dec. 29, 1802. 3-17 IRVING Catherine, and John P. Burdick, , 1842. 3-17 " EUza Ann, and Horace F. Sheldon, , 1843. 1-23 JACQUES Elizabeth, and Thomas Wilcox, Jan. 22, 1759. 1-44 " Amie, and Ebenezer Lanphere, June 7, 1768. 1-65 JOHNSON Isaac, oi Daniel, ol Charlestown, and Margaret HaU, oi Theo doty? ol Westerly ; m. by Nathan Burdick, Justice, Jan. 30, 1772. 1-108 " .Sarah, ahd Daniel Edwards, Dec. 1,3, 1775. 1-1 " Prudence, and HezeMah Carpenter, May 20, 1778. I"67 " Nabby, and Jesse WUbur, March 4, 1784. 2-65 " Mary, and Nathaniel Lewis, Jan. 4, 1800. 3-7 " Mary A., and Christopher C. Stillman, Dec. 7, 1829. 3-16 JORDAN Joseph, ol Coventry, and Ann Button ol HopMnton; m. by Elder Weeden Barber, Sept. 20, 1840. 3-16 " Allen, ol Coventry, and Phebe A. Burdick ol HopMnton; m. hy Elder Weeden Barber, Oct. 4, 1840. 4-15 " Edmund, and Eunice A. Tefft ; m. by Elder C. C. Lewis, June 28 1847. -2-68 JOSLIN James Tefft, oi Elder Henry, and Hannah Irish, ol Benjamin, for merly ot Middletown, now ol Hopkinton; m. by Elder Thomas Manchester, Dec. 29, 1802. HOPKINTON MAEEIAGES. 17 K 5-3 KEENEY Albert, and Betsey Atwood; m. by Eev. J. G. Post, March 6, 1853. 1-50 KENYON Betajamln, ol Jonathan, ol Charlestown, and Elizabeth Lang worthy, oi Samuel, late ol HopMntota, dec.,; m. by Joseph Cran dall, Justice, Oct. 22, 1768. Tl-111 " Lodowick, of Charlestown, and Mary Barber, ol Hopkinton; m. by Eidetr John Gardiner, Jan. 16, 1777. 1-97 " Eleanor, and Benjamin Langworthy,, March 16, 1779. 1-1 " Nathaniel, Jr., and Tacy Davis, both ol HopMnton ; m. by Elder Thomas West, April 12, 1784. -_1 " Benjamin, oi HopMnton, and Mary Lanphere, ol Nathan, ol Wes terly; m. at Westerly by Elder John Burdick, Feb. 16, 1785. 2-8 Benjamin, oi Benjamin, and Sally Worden, of WUUam ; m. by Elder Isaiah WUcox, Aug. 9, 1787. -"I1 Susanna,, and Eowland Crandall, Nov. 5, 1789. ~"13 Eogelrsi, .and Esther Maxson ; m. by Elder Isaiah WUcox at Wes terly, April 6, 1791. 2"16 " Gideon, and Sarah Larlsin, of Timothy ; m. by Joseph Witter, Jus tice, Oct. 8, 1793. "2-42 " Peter, of Peter, and Rahamah Griffin, of Phillip ; in. by Elder Asa Coon, April 28, 1794. 2-60 " Augustus,, ol HopMnton, and Joanna Pendleton, oi Westerly ; m, by Joseph Potter, Justice, Oct. 11, 1798. ""5SJ " Eobert, oi Hopldnton, and Rahamah Clarke, oi Richmond; m. by Zacchetis Maxson, Justice, Jan. 1, 1801. 2-63 " Burdick, oi Stephen, and Ruth Worden, ol Arnold; m. by Elder John Burdick, Feb. 14, 1802, 2-79 " Wealthy, and Christopher C. Lewis, April 6, 1812. 2-76 " Patience, and Joseph Brightman, April 3, 1814. 4-17 " Euth, aind Benjn. B. Woodmansee, Feb. 7„ 1819. 2-94 " Hannah, and Benjn, Langworthy, Aug. 1, 1819. 2-95 " George W., ol Benjamm, .and Sarah Maxson, oi Benjamin ; m. by Elder Matthew StUlman, Dec. 30, 3 819. 2-96 " Sally, and Joel Burdick, Jun., Feb, 22, 1821. 3-12 " Eansom, and Eliza Maynard ; m. by Elder Amos E. Wells, March 27, 1838. '3-16 " Thankful, and Horatio N. Burdick, May 27, 1838. 3-16 " Maria, and William Kenyan, Nov. 29, 1840, 3-16 " WUliam, and Maria Ktttijon, both ol Eichmond; m. by Elder Wee den Barber,, Nov. 29, 1840. 3-17 " Minerva C, and Godfrey A. Kenyon, — , 1842. 3J.7 " Godfrey A., of HopMnton, amd Minerva C. Kenyon, of Kicihmond; m. by Elder David Avery, — , 1842. 3-17 " EUza, amd Charles P. White, • — , 1843. 4-16 " Ann Frances, amd Daniel Lewis, M. D., May 24, 1846. 4-8 " Namcy C, and WUUam E. Greene, July 14, 1846. 4-10 " Benjamin F., and Mary, C. Langworthy ; m. by Elder Lucius Cran daU, Oct. 17, 1846. 4-10 " Clarissa, and Peleg W. Crandall, Oct. 18, 1846. 4-10 " Charles, and Sarah Langworthy; m. by Elder Lucius CrandaU, Oct. IS, 1846. -4-18 " Eachel S., and George S. Hoxsie, Sept. 9, 1848. 4-19 " Mary S., and Lodowick Burdick, Feb. 13, 1850. 5-4 " Merebah, and WUUam J. Spencer, March 14, 1853. 1-40 KEZIEE Mrs. Lydia, and Jonas Partelow, Sept. 27, 1764. 4-18 KINGSLEY Samuel C, and Alice A. Hoxsie; m. by Elder C. C. Lewis, Oct. 9, 1848. 1-47 KING Soueil, and Josetplh Hotton, Aug. 29, 1768. 1-32 KNOWLES Deborah, and Oliver Babcock, Dec. 2, 1761. 1-32 " DeUverance, and John Babcock, July 18, 1762. :3-16 " John P., and Nancy Clarke ; m. by Elder Daniel Coon, Oct. 12, 1841. 4-7 " Mrs. Sarah Ann., and Samuel Waite, Nov. 27, 1845 1-113 1-32 1-35 1-58 1-50 1-59 1-62 1-108 1-97 IS VITAL EECOED OF EHODE ISLAND. LAKE Sarah, and Asa Eaglestoue, Dec, 31, 1775. LAMB Nathan, and Lydia Plumber ; m. by Joshua Clarke, Justice, July 13, 1762. Mary, and WilUam Burd.dk, Jr., Sept. 23, 1763. LANGWOETHY Amos, ol Thomas, Of New London, and Sarah Babcock, of John, of South Kingstown; m. by John Sheldon, Justice, Feb. 15, 1758, " Elizabeth, and Benjamin Kelnyon, Oct. 22, 1768. " Samuel,, of HopMnton, and Mary Saunders, of Tobias, ol CharlCst- town; m. by Nathan Burdick, Justice, Jan. 24, 1771. " Eachel, and Timothy LarMn, Oct. 5, 1771. Joseph,, and Lois Lewis; m. by Elder John Gardiner, Jan. 4, 1776. Belnjamin, and Eleanor Kenyon, oi Nathaniel; m. by Elder John Burdick, March 18, 1779. 2-66 " Samuel, Jr., of HopMnton,, of Samuel and Mary, and Ethel Davis, of Joseph and Mary, 01 Westerly ; m. by Elder WlUiam Northup, , July 31, 1796. 2-65 " Thomas, ol Amos, of Hopkinton, and Waitey Peckham, of Timothy, ol South Kinestown, May 6, 1797. 2-69 " Nathan, and Nabby Cheesebrough ; m. at Stonington by Elder Heze kiah N. Woodruff, Dec. 21. 1800. 2-66 " Amos, Jr., and Susannah Langworthy, widow; m. by Elder Abram Coon, Jam. 21, 1802. 2-66 " Susannah, and Amos Langworthy, Jr., Jan. 21, 1802. 2-45 " Benjamin, Jr., and EUzabeth Bentley ; m. by Elder Abram Obon, Jan. 8, 1804. 2-91 " Betsey, and Eusslell Clarke, May 21, 1815. 2-94 " Benjamin, and Hamnrh Kenyon ; /m. by Elder Matthew Stillman, Aug. 1, 1819. 4-14 " Content, and Daniel Lewis. June 26, 1823. 4-2 " Nathan H., and Ann E. Carr, Feb. 27, 1837. 3-18 " Julia A., and Corydon Clarke, Sept. 21, 1844. 3-18 " Oliver, and Phebe C. Langworthy; m. by Elder Henry Clarke, Oct. 16, 1844. 3-18 " Phebe C, and Oliver Langworthy, Oct. 16,\ 1844. , 4-10 " Mary C, and Benjamin F. Kenyorn, Oct. 17, 1846. 4-10 " Sarah, and Charles Kmyon, Oct. 19, 1846. 1-44 LANPHERE Ebenezer, of Ebenezer, of Hopkinton, and Annie Jacques, of Hannah, widow ; m. by John Maxson, Justice, June 7, 1768. 1-23 " Nathan, and Amla Champlain; m. by Joshua Clarke, Justice, Dee. 7, 1753. 1-51 " Joshua, Jr., of Joshua,, and Amie Satteriee, ol John, both ol Hop kinton ; m. by John LarMn, Justice, Nov. 13, 1769. l-"7 " Latham, of Joshua, oi Hopkinton, and Anna Wilbur, oi Samuel, ol Eichmond; m. by Elder John Davis, Jan. — , 1772. 2-1 " Rowland, ol Hopkinton, aud Elizabeth Palmltter, ol Stonington; m. by Elder John Burdick, March 25', 1777. " Avis, and, Jason Eaglestoue, AprU 18, 1784. " Mary, and Benjamin Kenyon, Feb. 16, 1785. " Susey, and Ethan Maxson.. Feb. 19, 1791. Rowland, and Alice Babcock; m. by Elder John Burdick, Dec. 18, 1791. " Elizabeth, and David Button, Oct. 29, 3 803. " Elizabeth, and Joseph Button, March 21, 1822. " Belinda, and Clarke A. Potter, Dec. 23, 1838. " SUas H., and Patience B. Browning; m. by Elder C. C. Lewis, Dec. 21, 1845. LARKIN EUzabeth, and Joseph Coon, AprU 14, 1757. " Content, and John Stewart, April 8, 1758. " Thankful, and Eichmond Eeynolds, Nov. 1, 1760. " Stephen, oi HoipMngtom, and Abigail Cottrell, ol South Kings town ; m. by John Witter, Justice, March 21, 1762. 1-107 2-1 2-12 2-48 2-42 2-97 3-15 4-7 1-20 1-23 1-28 1-34 HOPKINTON MARRIAGES. 19 1-36 LARKIN Timothy, ol Westerly, and Sarah Ney, ol HopMngton ; m. by Law- ton Palmer, Justice* June 9, 1763. 1-62 " Timothy, ol HopMnton, son ol John, ol Westerly, and Rachel Langworthy, ol Samuel, late of HopMnton ; m. by Nathan Burdick, Justice, Oct. 5, 1771. 1-77 " EUsha, of Samuel, and Margaret Baggs, ol John, of Richmond; m. by Elder John Gardiner, Dec. 17, 1773. 1-1 " David, Jr., of Richmond, and Sarah Utter, ol Hopkinton; m. by Elder Thomas West, June 10, 1778. 2-6 " Amie, and Martin Brightman, Sept. 25, 1791. 2-16 " Sarah, and Gideon Kenyon, Oct. 8, 1793. 2-62 " Samuel, ol Richmond, and Esther Coon, ol HopMnton ; m. by Elder Asa Coon, Oct. 5, 1800. 3-19 " Jonathan P.. ol Richmond, and Luclnda GrinneU, oi South Kingstown; m. by Elder Weeden Barber, July 26, 1843. 4-10 " Hannah, and Nathan B. Palmer, Oct. 17, 1846. 4-15 " Sarah L., and John Hood, July 21, 1847. 1-19 LAWTON Mary, and Francis West, Feb. 17, 1757. 1-118 " Joseph, Jr., of Hopldnton, and Anne Eathbun, of Joshua; m. hy Elder John Gardiner, Dec. 17, 1778. 1-118 " EUzabeth, and Jededlah Eobinson, Feb. 25, 1779. 1-1 " Ruth, and Amos Morgan, Oct. 13, 1783. 1-114 LEONARD Eunice, and Thomas Tanner, AprU 15, 1777. 1-75 LEWIS Jonathan, ol Daniel, late ol HopMnton, and Sarah Deak. of George, late ol HopMnton; m. by Benjamin UandaU, Justice, Nov. 10, 1758. 1-38 " Daniel, and Amie Clarke; m. by Lawton Palmer, Justice, March 16, 1763. 1-107 " Eleazer; and Thanklul Lewis, Nov. 17, 1765. 1-107 " ThanMul, and Eleazer Lewis, Nov. 17, 3765. 1-15 " WUliam Marsh, ot Stonlngtoi., and Mrs. l-lanmah Maxson, ol Hop Mnton ; m. by John Burdick, Justice, Nov. 5, 1767. 1-55 " Mrs. Lydia and Sylvanus Maxson, Dec. 21, 1769. 1-100 " lsreal, and Sarah Wells ; m. by Elder John Gardiner, AprU 28, 1771. ' 1-62 " Lydia, and TUlemus Burdick, May 15, 1771, 1-65 " Beriah, ol Nathaniel, of Hopldnton, and Lola WeUs, oi Thomas, ol Hopkinton; m. by John Maxson, Justice, Jan. 16, 1772. 1-07 " Benjamin, oi John, and Amie Burdick, ol EzeMel ; m. by Elder Joseph Davis, Felb. 5, 1772. 1-77 " Peleg, of Hopkinton,, and Amie CrandaU, ol Oharletsto'wn, dau. oi Eber ; m, by ISldet John Gardiner, AprU 2, 1772. 1-108 " Lois, and Joseph Langworthy, Jan. 4, 1776. 1-111 " Thanklul, and. John Grant, Oct. 6, 1776. 1-114 " Josiah, and Deborah Palmitter; m. by Elder Thomas West, Jan. 25, 177 7, 1-110 " Eleanor, and Peleg Crandall, Nov. 9, 1777. 1-121 " Hannah, and James Braman, Jr., Feb. 24, 1779. 1-108 " Eunice, and Thomas Smith (Tanner), Nov. 29, 1782. 2-7 ¦¦ Ellas, Jr., and EUzabeth Browning; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, NoV. 19, 1789. 2-2 " Hazard (col.), and Martha WU1; m. »y Peleg Cross, Justice, Nov. 6, 1791. 2-6 " Hannah, and Hazard Browning, Nov. 24, 1791. 2_18 " Thomas, and Lydia Coon, oi Samuel; m. by Daniel Babcock, Jus tice, Dec 25, 1792. 2-50 " Henry, and Edy Wilbur; m. by Elder Abram Coon, Feb. 5, 1794. 2-65 " Nathaniel, and Mary Johnson J m. by Elder A.bram Coon, Jan. 4. 1800. 2-46 " Thankful, and Samuel Barber. Sept. 2, 3 802. 2_71 « Daniel, (ol Daniel and Amie, and Sarah Ann Northup, dau. of Nicholas Carr and Anna, ol North Kingstown ; at North Kings town by Elder WiUlam Northup (also 4-14), Sept. 5, 1805. — , 1843. 2-2 WILL Martha (col.), and Hazard Lewis (col.), Nov. 6, 1791. 1-23 WITTEE John, of John, and Meriam Worden, ol James, ol Stoning* ton; m. by John Maxsom, Jr., Justice, April 7, 1763. l-37,'75 " Josiah, oi Joseph, and Tacy Eeynolds, o'l Zaccheus; m. by John Burdidk, Justice, Feb. 2,, 1764. 1*40,120 " William, and Martha Cole ; m. by John Burdick, Justice, Nov. 1, 1764. 1-41 " Hannah, and Nathan Porter,, Nov, 25, 1764. 1-46 " Sarah, and David Dewey, Jan. 12, 1768. 2-10 " Samuel, and Tacy Porter, Jan. 5, 1769. 2-52 " Samuel, Jr., son o'l Samuel, and Mary Popple, of WilUam, dec. ; m. by Thomas WeUs, Justice, Nov. 12, 1796. 2-47 " William, Jr., and Lucy CrandaU ; m, by Elder Abram Coon, Jan. 2, 1800. 2-75 " Joseph, 2d, ol HopMnton, and Sarah Champlain, formerly ol South, Kingstown ; m. by Elder Matthew StUlman, June 22, 1811. 2-75 " Joseph, 2d, and Lucretia Dodge, ol Joseph ; m. hy Elder Matthew- Stilliman, NoV. 26, 1812. HOPKINTON MAEEIAGES. 29 4-17 WOODMANSEE Benjamin B,, ol Asa, and Euth Kenyon, ol George ; m, by Elder Matthew StUlman, Feb. 7, 1819. 2-8 WOOD Jemima, and Ames Bntton, Jr., Feb. 8, 1789. 1-.19 WOEDEN Mary, and Daniel Dodge, April 11, 3T56. 1-42 " Amos, of Stonington, and Jean Burdick,, ol Westerly ; m. by Stephen , Saunders, Justice, March 25, 1763. 1-23 ," Meriam, and John Witter, AprU 7, 1763. 1-67 " William, and Mary Byrnes, Oct. 4„ 1764. 2-1 " Jane, and Godfrey WMte, Feb. 3, 1784. 2-1 " Mary,, and Lebbeus Coon, April 13, 1785. 2-8 " Sally, and Benjamin Kenyon, Aug. 9, 1787. 2-63 " Euth, and Burdick Kenyon, Feb. 14, 1802. 2-4 WRIGHT Tliomas, and Lawando Sarah Button; m. by Elder Thomas West, Justice, Dec. 28, 1787. 2-47 " John, Jr., and Sabrlna West, ol Francis ; m. by Elder Joseph Davls,- Jnne 29, 1788. 5-2 " Hannah A.,, and Stephen A. Clarke, Nov. 5, 1753. X Y Z 2-72 YOEK EUzabeth, and John Nichols, July 29, 1804, HOPKINTON. BIRTHS A.3STI3 IDBA-TDrlS. 1-66 ALLEN Samuel, ol Stephen, Oct. 15, 1752 1-66 «( Tamson, Nov. 3, 1754 1-66 tt Patience, Nov. 1, 1756 1-66 « WUliam, Oct. 7, 1758 1-66 CC Stephen, Oct. 24, 1760 1-66 CC Sarah, Feb. 2, 1763 1-56 CI Sylvester, Oct. 18, 1764 1-66 cc Merabah, Oct. 26, 1766 3-10 ARNOLD John G., of Gorton W. and Nancy, Oct. 16, 1827 3-10 tt Francis Brown, Dec. 15, 1828 3-10 ft Mary Elizabeth, Sept. 13, 1830 3-10 tt Lucy Ann, Aug. 7, 1832 3-10 tt Lucy Maria, March 6, 1834 3-10 tt Susan Letitla T., March 20, 1841 B T-116 BABCOCK Eunice, ol Simeon and Sarah, i-116 ' Jeremiah, 1-116 ' Thomas, 3-116 ' Lucy, 1-116 ' Dorcas, 1-116 ' Jason, 1-116 ' Lydia, 1-116 ' Hannah, 1-116 ' Lucos, 1-116 ' ' Jonathan, 1-101 ' OUver, ol Oliver and Patience, 1-101 ' Peleg, 1-101 ' Susannah, 1-101 ' 1 Deborah, 1-101 ' Sarah, 1-101 ' Mary, 1-101 ' Euth, 1-101 ' Clarke, 1-101 ' Euhamah, 1-101 ' 1 Parab, 1-101 « ' Ezra, 1-101 ' Luke, 3-25 ' ' Christopher, ol Christopher, 1-34 ' Martha,, oi Christopher and Martha 1-34 ' Mary, 1-43 ' A daughter, 1-119 ' Ehoda, ol Eouse and Euth, 1-119 ' Eouse, 1-119 ' EUzabeth, 1-119 ' Benjamin, Oct. 3, 1744. May 16, 1746. July 21, 1748. Jan. 11, 1750. Dec. 1, 1753. July 9, 1756. June 20, 1759. April 28, 1762. AprU 24, 1765. April 18, 1768. June 28, 174o. Oct. 4, 1748. June 25, 1750. April 11, 1752. April 27, 1756. June 11, 1758. AprU 20, 1760. June 10, 1762. May 16, 1764. May 18, 1766. Sept. 17, 1769. Aug. 6, 1772. Sept. 1, 1759. Jan. 18, 1761. Jan. 1, 1763. AprU 25, 1766. Dec. 17, 1769. May 12, 1773. March 14, 1775. Sept. 2, 1779. HOPKINTON — -BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 31 1-116 BABCOCK Eunice, dau. oi Simeon and Sarah, her chfldren. 1-116 " Barker WeUs, alias, Dec. 19, 1769. 1-116 " Joseph Langworthy, alias, Jan. 29, 1774. 1-116 " Lois, June 13, 1776. 2-42 tt HezeMah, oi HezeMah and Martha, Nov. 25, 1770. 2-42 " Eowland, Sept. 17, 1773. 2-42 tt Luke, April 16, 1778. 2-42 ft Susannah, May 2, 1780. 2-42 tt Martha, Aug. 30, 1781. 2-42 ft Dorcas, March 13, 1785. 2-10 tt Ruth, ol Capt. Samuel and Ruth, Jan. 10, 1771. 2-10 " Meriam Sept. 20, 1772. 2-10 tt Samuel, Oct. 19, 1,775. 2-10 " George Rhodes, May 23, 1778. 2-10 " Martha, June 29, 1780. 2-10 " Beriah, July 6, 1782. 2-57 tt Daniel, of Daniel and Content, Dec. 16, 1784. 2-57 tt Betsey, Feb. 21, 1787. 2-57 " Jacob Davis, Jan. 20, 1789. 2-57 tt Anna, May 9, 1791. 2-57 " George Potter, Nov. 4, 1795. 2-57 ft Oliver, Dec. 12, 179.7. 2-57 " Lucy, Jan. 24, 1801. 2-57 " Mary, Nov. 2, 1806. 2-57 " Emily, June 14, 1810. 2-58 tt Elnathan, oi Peleg and Elizabeth, Sept. 30, 1790. 2-58 tt Hannah, May 80, 1792. 2-58 tf Polly, Jan. 9, 1794. --58 tf Fannie, Nov. 5, 1795. 2-58 " Lucy, March 11, 1799. 2-58 " Peleg, April 7, 1801. 2-94 tt Samuel Franklin, ol Jared, Jr., and Lois, March 7, 1813. 1-1 BARBEE Susannah, of Nathan and ThanMul, Sept. 24, 1755. 1-1 " Moses, July 26, 1757. 3-1 tt ThanMul, May 2, 1759. 1-1 " Nathan, Nov. 7, 1760. 1-1 " Mary, May 27, 1762. 1-1 tt Benjamin, Nov. 20, 1763. 1-1 tt John, Dec. 23, 1765.. 1-1 " Eunice, July 22, 17ro, 1-1 tt Ellen er, May 15, 1775. 1-1 tt Joanna, Jan. 7, 1778. 1-1 " Lydia, June 14, 1780. Note.— 'The two last born In Westerly, the rust in HopMnton. 1-64 " A son to Amie ; reputed lather, Peter Alien Aug. 29. 17R9- 2-60 " Dorcas, of Levi, July 12, 1773. 2-68 tt Jolm Ney, March 13, 1779. 2-68 tt Nicholas, March 13, 1779. 1.-1 tt Benjamin Perry, ol Benjamin and Mary, Jan. 29, 3 785. 2-54 tt Charles Holden, ol Arnold and Mary, July 25, 1795. 2-93 tt Jane G., oi Paul M. and Maria, July 3, 1830. 3-11 tt Oscar Maxson, ol Franklin and Lydin, June 25, '1837. 3-15 tt Mary Elizabeth, of John II, and Mary, Sept. 24, 1844. 4-20 " Mary Elizabeth, ol John H. and Mary, died Feb. 8, 1845. 4-20 tt Hannah Maria, Nov. 5, 1846. 4-20 tt John Clarke, July 25, 1850. 1-70 BATES Charles, of Caleb, Dec. 25, 1772. 2-80 BENTLEY Hannah, ol Benjamin P, and Hannah, Aug. 27, 1808. 2-80 " Benjamin Wilbur, March 8, 1811- 1-108 BRAMAN James, Jr., of James and Milheali, July 25, 17150. 1-108 tt Mltheah, wile oi James, died . — , 1775. 1-21 Mason, of James and Hannah, March 5, 1781. 3 121 tt Lewis, Oct. 14, 1783. 2-55 tt Hannah, Feb. 19, 1786. 2-55 " Benjamin, of Joseph and Cynthia, July 1, 1786. 2-55 tt Joseph, Dec. 25, 1790. 32 VITAL EECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-55 2-55 4-3 4-34-3 -2-98 2-93 2-98 2-98 -2-98 2-98 2-98 2-57 2-57 2-57 2-57 2-9 2-9 2-92-9 2-9 2-92-92-9 2-9 2-9 1-115 1-1151-115 3-115 1-115 2-6 2-62-6 2-62-6 2-6 2-762-432-43 2-43 2-43 3-54 2-56 2-45 3-1211-121 1-121 1-121 1-1213-121 1-121 1-121 1-59 1-29 1 59 1-59 1-59 1-39 1-59 1-59 1-591-48 T-48 BRAMAN Isaac, of Joseph amd Cynthia, Aug. 13, 1797.1 a Washington, March 12, 1799. it Eobert, March 11, 1801. tt Elder WUUam, died Oct. 14, 1841. " WUliam, Jr., died Nov. 30, 1844. u Nabby, of WiUlam and Thankful, June 19, 1796. it Dillie, June 17, 1797. a Sallie, Jan. 15, 1799. tf WUliam, Dee. 22, 1802. it James Woodbridge, April 1, 1805. ti AUce, Oct. 21, 1809. it Zephaniah, Sept. 28, 1811. BEAND Nathan, of Nathan and Eunice, Nov. 23, 1809. " Susannah Vincent, Nov. 22, 1811 . " Christopher Crandall, Nov. 20, 1813. " Samuel Babcock,, Jan. 16, 1816. BRIGHTMAN Jpseph, born Dec. 11, 1715. " Sarah, (Thomas), Ms wife, born June 5, 1722. " Mercy, of Joseph and Sarah, July 22, 1748. tt Henry, Dec 20, 1749. " Thomas, Aug. 4, 1751. ft Joseph, Nov. 17, 1753. tt Mary, AprU 5, 1755. tt Martin, May 13, 1761. " Sarah, Aug. 23, 1763. tt Holmes, June 25, 1767. " Sarah, of Henry and Hannah, Sept. 29, 1777. " Hannah, March 19, 1779. tt Susannah, May 16, 1781. tt Josepn, , March 9, 1783. tt WiUiam, AprU 8, 1785. " Esther, of Thomas and ThanMul, AprU 23, 1785. tt Martha, Oct. 14, .1786. tt Sarah, April 13, 1788. " Mary, AprU 3 3, 1788. " Thomas, Nov. 12, 1790. " Joseph, Nov. 13, 1792. " Martha, of Joseph and Patience, March 23, 1815. BROWN James WUson, of Christopher and Anna, June 7, 1789. tr Nancy, Sept. 18, 1790. tt Jeremiah, May 28, 1792. " Reuben, Sept. 22, 1794. " Clarke, of Stephen aud Hannah, Feb. 23, 1796. " Clarke, of Alpheus and Hannah, Feb. 23, 1796. " Phebe, alias Irish, dau. of Euth Brown, Dec. 29, 1791. BIJRCI- I EUzabeth, oi BUlings and Susannah, Dec. 12, 1771. " Thomas, Sept. 14, 1773. tt Thomas, died Aug. 7, 1775. tt Martha, July 9, 1775. tt Billings, Oct. 26, 1777. tt Samuel, Oct. 15, 1779. tt Susannah, Sept. 12, 1781. tt Susannah, wife of BUlings, died Sept. 24, 1781. BUEDICK WiUiam, bom (N. S.) June 23, 1733. " Sarah, his wife, born (O. S.) Jan. 24, 1721. Their chUdren horn New Style, as follows : " Sarah, of WilUam and Sarah, " WUliam, " Daniel, Luke, " Waite, " Perry, " Mary, " TUlemus, of Nathan amd Goodeth, " Sylvanus, Feb. 14, 1742. Aug. 17, 1744. Dec. 20, 1746. AprU 25, 1749. April 2, 1754. Oct. 28, 1756. March 11, 1704. May 30, 1745. Sept. 17, 1747. HOPKINTON BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 33 1-48 BURDICK Goodeth, of Nathan and. Goodeth, 1-48 1-48 3-481-48 >1-21, 35 1-21, 35 1-21, 35 -1-21, 35 1-21, 35 .1-21, 35 1-371-37 1-37 2-53 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-102 1-102 1-102 1-102 , 1-102 1-102 1-45 1-451-45 1-451-45 1-45 l-4b 2-13 2-13 2-3 3 2-13 2-13 2-13 2-13 ;2-13 2-11 2-31 2-73'2-73 ¦2-73 2-73 2-73 2-73 '2-73' 2-73 2-60 2-602-60 2-60 2-60 2-60 2-602-60 4-94-94-9 4-9 4-9 4-9 Tacy,Adam, Naamara, Sheppard, Thomas, of Edmund and ThanMul, Margaret, John, Tacy,Anna, Sarah, Samuel Hubbard, of John, Prudence, Phtneus, WUUam Clarke, ol William, 3?ranciSL ol Daniel and Elizabeth, Anne. Daniel,Nathan,Eobinson, Abigail, ol Amos and Elizabeth, Sarah, Martha. Jonathan, David, Patience, Abel, ol John and Sybel, Phebe,Merabah, oi Elnathan and Anne, Clement, Clement,Clement Peckham, Anne,Phebe, ol Robert and Sarah, Robert, Simon, Sarah,Rouse, Hannah, of Robert and Sarah Clarke, GUbert,Polly, ol Perry and Lucy, Cynthia, BUlings, ol Billings and Hannah, Babcock, AprU 17, Simeon Thomas,Joel,Sally,Joshua,Polly, Hannah, Ichabod, ol Ichabod and Hannah Benjamin Maxson, Hannah, Martha StUlman, Jonathan Trueman, Martha. Isaac Coe, Welcome Clarke, William C. (born Westerly), Lucy Orllla Gates, his wife, (born Preston, Conn.,) AprU 22, Lucy Estelle, ol Wm. C. and Lucy O., July 18 Martha Jane, Nov. 20: WilUam Henry, July 31 Julia Emma, . . Aug. 11, Oct. 12, Dec 28, July 18, Oct. 18, Aug. 30, Feb. 2, Dec. 27„ Sept. 20, Nov. 20, Dec. 14, Oct. 18, July 24, March 13, Dec. 10, July 20, Dec. 28, June 9, July 17, Sept. 16, March 12, June 2, AprU 11, Feb. 25, Aug. 21, March 12, Aug. 18, Dec 14, Sept. 25, May 1, died Sept. 21, Jan. 4, Jan,. 4, April 18, Jan. 12, Feb. 15, Feb. 15, Oct. 30, (born Charlestown) Aug. 8, March 17, March 19, Feb. 27, Nov. 23, May 21, Sept. 29, Aug. 16, Nov. 20, May 1, May 17, AprU 11, March 23, July 10, April 8, May 4, Feb. 23, March 8, May 3 Aug. 20, March 16, March 30, 1751. 1754. 1759.1762. 3760. 1749.1751. 1753.1755.1760. 1762. 1759. 1761. 1764. 1762. 1765. 1767. 1770. 1772. 1774. 1768. 3 768. 1770.1772. .1774. 1777. 1766.1768. 1774. 1776. 1778.1779.1781. 1782. 1784. 178K. 1788. 1790. 1793.1796. 1799. 17S4. 1786. 1738. 1789. 1791. 1795.1797. 1800.1803. 1806. 1796.1798. 1800. 1802. 1804. , 1806. 1808. 1811. 3 809. 1815. 1832. 1833. 1835. 1837. 34 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-9 49 4-0 2-93 24>3 2-93 2-93 2-93 2-933-12 1-341-34 1-34 1-40 1-104 2-88 2-882-882-97 BUEDICK John Perry, oi Wm. C. and Lucy O., " Harriet Newell, " Lewis, Note.— Two eldest born Ledyard, Conn ton. " Benjamin FranMln, of Ichabod and Fannie, " George Henry, " Albert StiUman, " Frances Elizabeth, " Martha Greene, " Hannah Mary, " Mary Frances, ol Henry BUTTON Hannah, ol Nathan and " Sarah, " • Nathan. " Abel, ol Rufus aud Elizabeth, " Mary, of Amos and Anne, July 10, 1839, April 20, 1841. March 16, 1844. the rest in HopMn- Nov. 3, 1319. March 23, 1821, July 26, 1822. Feb. 22, 1824, April 17, 1826. Oct. 7, 1827. Wilson and Abbie Moore, Nov. 11, 1838. Hannah. Jan. 16, 1761. Jan. 19, 1762. Dec. 7, 1763. Jan. 5, 1763. Sept. 9, 1763. Sanlord N., of Joseph and Aline, Asher H., Joseph Avery, Anne, of Joseph and Elizabeth, AprU 27, 1810. Oct. 25, 1812. March 29, 1816, Jan. 20, 1823. 1-76 CARTRIGHT AbigaU, ol Bryant and EUzabeth, 1-76 " Bryant,, 1-76 tt Lydia, Note j— These chUdren were aU born 1-48 " Bryant, of Bryant, Jr., and Elizabeth, 1-48 tt Elizabeth Weeks, 1-48 tt Jabez, 1-48 tt James, 1-48 " WlUiam, 1-48 tt Tlieodaty, 1-48 tt Cyrus, 1-48 " Penelope, 1-20 CHAMPLAIN Nathan, ol Samuel, 1-20 tt Mary, 1-20 " Jeffrey, 1-20 " Hannah, 1-100 tt Hannah, of Jeffrey and Lydia, 2-9 a Stephen, 2-9 a Barker, 2-9 It Thomas, 2-9 it George Sheffield, 2-9 a Jeffrey, 2-9 it Lyman, 2-9 ft Eunice, 2-9 ff Reuben, 2-9 tf Lydia, 2-64 ff Philip Cottrell, of Ethan and Hannah, 2-64 ft Sa.brina, of Ethan and Hannah, 2-64 ft Pattle, 2-64 ft Amey, 2-64 ff Wealthy, 2-64 tt Maria, ' 2-55 ft George C. Potter, abas, son of Betsey 2-88 tt Edward Greene, of Greene aud Polly, ¦2-88 ff Frank, 2-88 ff Lucy Maria, 2-SS ft Mary Jane, 2-55 CHEESEBROTTGH Pattey, oi Harris and Martha, 2 55 " Harris. 2-55 tt Lydlu. 2-55 tt Samuei , Dec. 30, 1736. May .8, 1739. March 31, 1746. in Marthas Vineyard. Dec. 30, 1736. May 31, 1770. July 10, 1772. July 10, 1772. Jan. 2, 1775. May, 29, 1777. May 17, 1779. Oct. ,7, 1782. (O. S.) Oct. 8, 3.749. (O. S.) Aug. 19, 1751. (N. S.) April 5, 1754. (N. S.) Nov. 5, 1757. Nov. 5, 1774. Feb. 28, 1781. Oct. 27, 1782. Oct. 3, 1784. 'Dec. 24, 1736. July 25, 1788. Aug. 25, 1790. Jan. 20, 1793. Feb. 2, 1795. May 31, 1797. July 21, 1809. July 17, 1811. Sept. 9, 1813. Jan. 23, 1816. Aug. 8, 1817. AprU 27, 1825. Potter, March 16, 1811. March 12. 1823. Jan. 6, 1825. Aug. 20. 1827. Jan. 13, isrso. Sept. 19, 1790. July 33, 1792. .Silly 24, 1704. April 13, 1796. HOPKINTON BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 35 1-77 CHEVER William Maxson, of Edward and Susannah, 1-1 CHUECH Joshua, ol Joshua, Jr., and AbigaU, 1-1 " AbigaU, 2-42 tt Hannah, of Lodowick and Hannah, 2-42 tt Elizabeth, 2-42 tt Adam, 2-4 tt Nancy Coon, alias, of Jemima, 2-10 tt Lodowick, Jr., horn as he says 1-29 CLAEKE 3?hlneus, of Joshua and Hannah. 1-29 •' Joshua, 1-29 " Ethan. 1-29 •¦ Hannah, 1-2S " f nomas, 1-29 " Elizabeth, 3-29 tt Arnold, 1-29 ft Henry, 1-29 tt Willett, 1-28 " Nathan, 1-42 ¦• ,>ob Bennett, 2-9 " Henry, ol Henry and Catharine, 2-9 Phebe, 2-9 - SaUy, 2-9 t. Oliver Pendleton, 2-9 " John VUitt, 2-9 tt EUzabeth, 2-9 " Ethan, 2-19 " Fannie, of Xhomas and Fannie, 2-19 " Nabby, 2-19 tt PoUy, ol Thomas and Fannie, 2-19 >t Betsey. 2-19 " Martha. 2-19 " Nancy. 2-91 tt EusseU, born, 2-91 tt Elizabeth (Taylor) Ms 1st wile. 2-91 " Elizabeth (Taylor) Ms 1st wile. di 2-91 tt Sarah (Thurston), his 2d wile. 2-91 " Sarah (Thurston), his 2d wife. di 2-91 tf Betsey (Langworthy), Ms 3d wile. 2-91 tt Sarah Elizabeth, ol RusseU and Sarah. 2-15 " Amey. oi Job B. and Mary, 2-15 tt Hannah, 2-15 tt Mary, 2-15 " Charles, ,(born Newport), f>_T K tt CorneUa, 2-15 . " Job B.. 2-15 " Paul, 2-15 " EUzabeth Ann, 2-15 tt Sally H., 2-15 tt Henry, 2-15 tt Caroline, 2-15 •• Corydon. 2-57 tt Anna, ol Ezra and Anna, 2-57 " Dartd Wright, oi Thomas and Wealthy (Wright), 4-5 tt Thomas Henry, of Henry and Jerusha. 4-5 " Joshua Maxson, 4-5 tt WUliam Palmer, 4-5 " Leander S'.ott. 4-5 tt Mary Jerusha. 2-44 COE WiUlam, oi Isaac and Sarah, 2-44 tt ¦ Mary Ann, ol Isaac and Sarah, 2-44. " Eliza Jenckes, 2-44 tt John Davis, 2-44 tt Adeline, 1-1 COLEGROVE Hannali, of Jeremiah and Susannah, Feb. 21, 1774. Dec. 9, 17o0. Jan. 20, 1783. Feb. 28, , 1788. Feb. 2, 3790. Feb. 17, 1792. July 13, 1788. Sept. 4, 1800. Feb. 23, 3740. Aug. 17, J 741. March 7, 1745. May 4, 1747. June 10, 1749. Nov. 14, 1751. March 17, 1754. Dec. 2, 1756. Oct. 20, 1759. Feb. 7, 1762. (May 13, 1765. Dec. 16, 1777. Sept. 28, 1779. July 25, 1781. March 29, 1783. April 14, 1785. April 30, 1787. March 30, 1789. Sept. 31, 1781. Aug. 23, 1783. May 21, 1785. May 4, 1787. Feb. 2, 1789. AprU 6, 1791. AprU 13, 1787. May 9, 1789. died Dec 17, 1812. June 17 1793. died Oct. 12. 1814. June 26, 1814. Aug. 19, 1789. June 10, 1791. March 30, 1793. AprU 19, 1795. Oct. 9, 1797. July 28, 1800. Aug. 7, 1802. Jam. 12, 1805. March 8, 1807. May 1, 3.809. Oct. 12, 1812. May 12, 1315. Nov. 9, 1797. t), June 4, 1800. June 15, 1836. Feb. 15, 1838. Nov. 5, 1640. June 2, 1843. June 23, 1845. May 11, 1803. July 14, 1806. May 1, 1809. July 11, 3.810. July 26, 1812. June 21, 1771. (Vit. Ree, Vol. 5.) 32 36 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-1 COLEC 1ROVE Susannah, ol Jeremlaih and Susannah, June 28, 1773. 1-1 tt Dinah, Dec. 18, 1775. 1-1 tt WilUam, ol Jeremiah and Hannah, horn In Voluntown, Conn. Feb. 9, 1781. 1-1 tt Sarah, born in Stonington, Conn., March 16, 1785. 1-102 COLE James, oi Joseph and Phebe, 2d wile, Aug. 21, 3760. 1-102 tt Benjamin >0>orn Stonington) March 14, 1762. 1-102 tt John, Feb. 21, 1764. 1-102 " Stephen, Sept. 27, 1766. 1-102 tt Phebe, Susannah, 3d, wile, Oct. 31, 1767. 1-102 " Susannah, Aug. 28, 1769. 1-102 tt Anna, July 5, 1772. 2-49 tt Nancy, ol Ptephen and Susannah, Jan. 13, 1796. 2-49 tt PoUy, Dec. 9, 1797. 2-49 tt Phebe, July 25, 1801. 1-58 COLLINS Mary, ol John and Mary (also 1-107), Nov. 30, 1769. 1-107 tt John, AprU 19, 1771. 1-107 tt Mehetable, Nov. 19, 1773. 1-107 tt Stephen, June 18, 1776. 1-107 tt Samuel, Aug. 8, 1780. 1-107 tt Daniel, Dec. 13, 1781. 1-104 tt Henry, of Joshua and Mary, Oct. 35, 1772. 1-104 " Martha, Aug. 13, 1774. 1-104 tt HezeMah, AprU 21, 3 776. 1-3.04 tt Oliver, Dec. 14, 1777. 1-304 tt Joshua, 1 Sept. 4, 1779. 2-47 " Nathan, of . and CyntMa (Foster), Sept. 12, 1783. 2-51 " Elizabeth, oi John and Elizabeth. Sept. 29, 1796. 2-51 " Sarah, Feb. 22, 1708. 2-51 " Thomas, Feb. 9, 1800. 2-51 11 Benjamin, Oct. 13, 1802. 2-51" " Anna, March, 18, 1804. 2-51 " WilUam, March, 1, 1806. 2-51 " Amos, March 5, , 1808. 2-67 tt Maria Almy, ol Amos and Mary, Feb. 23, 1805. 2-78 " David, oi Eouse and Merebah, May 10, 3811. 2-74 " Mary Ann, ol Joshua aud Mary, Dec, 28, 1814. 1-36 COON Benjamin, oi Matthew and-'Lydia, Feb. 4, 1740. 1-36 •l Joseph, Jan. 18, 1751. 1-36 " Matthew, Oct. 2, 1752. 1-36 " Jeremiah, July 25, 1754. 1-36 " Sarah (born Eichmond), April 6, 1760, 1-36 tt Anna, Feb. 25, 1762. 1-45 " Joseph, Jr., also 2-43, Feb. 17, 1753. 1-116 " Peleg, oi Peleg and Eunice, Oct. 12, 1763. 1-116 " Eebecca, May 8, 1766, 1-116 " Esther, March 14, 1769. 1-116 tt Joseph,, April 7, 1771. 1-116 " Thompson, June 26„ 1773. 1-116 tt Eunice, Dec. 26, 1775. 1-116 " Arnold, Feb. 6, 1778. 1-116 " Anna, Oct. 7, 1780. 1-116 tt Eichard, ol and Anna,, Aug. 12, 1788. 1-116 " Zerviah, Sept. 11, 1790. 2-2 11 Caleb, ol Ellas and Phebe,' July 25, 1769. 2-2 " Ellas, Oct. 13, 1771. 2-2 " Ellas, died Aug. 10, 1772. °-''' tt Mary, June 10, 1773. 2-2 "- Ellas, Nov. 23, 1775. 2-2 " Thanklul, ol Elias and Phebe, July 21, 1778. 2-2 tt Phebe, July S, 1782. 2-2 " Euth, May 5, 1784. 2-2 " George, May 19, 1788. 2-74 tt Isaac, of William, March 26, 1774. 2-74 " Martha (Hull), his wife, June 6, 17SO. HOPKINTON BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 37 2-74 COON Isaac, of Isaac and Martha, 2-74 " Charles, 2-74 " Martha, 1-106 " Lebbeus, ol Thomas and Anne, 1-106 " Thomas, 1-106 " Anne, :i-106 " Lodowick, .1-106 " Elizabeth, 1-106 " Desire, 2-1 " Eunice, wife of Peleg, 2-18 " Stephen, of Stephen and Sarah, 2-18 " Samuel, 2-18 " George Stillman, 2-48 " Mary, ol Peleg and Anna, 2-59 " Moses Barber, of Caleb, and Dorcas, 2-59 " EUas, 2-59 " Mary, 4-12 " Martha Ann, of EUas and Mary, 4-12 " Euth Mary, .2-72 COTTEELL John, ol John S. and Esther, 2-72 " Susan, 1-33 CBAiNDALL Prudence, of Jeremiah and Kezler, 1-33 " Kezler, 1-33 " Sarah, 1-33 " Jeremiah, 1-33 " Matthew, 1-33 " Luke, 1-33 " Ebenezer, 1-33 " Thankful, 1-33 " Azariah, son oi Peter, 1-33 " Anna (Burdick), ol Edward, 1-76 " Olive, ol Azariah and Anna, 1-76 " Peter, 1-76 " Sarah, 1-32 " Sarah, ol David and Sarah, 1-32 " Sarah, wife of David, died, 1-105 " EUas, of David and Jemima, 1-105 " David, 1-105 " Jemima, "1-105 " Zebbeus, 1-105 " Telek, 1-105 " John, T.-105 " Mercy, 1-105 " Anne, 2-19 " ThanMul, of Levi and Margaret, 2-19 " Christopher, 2-19 " Samuel (horn CharlestoWn), son of Samuel 2-3 " Clarrissa, of Archibald and Susanna, 2-3 " Phineus Maxson, of Amherst and Polly, 2-3 " Ethan, 2-3 " PoUy, 4-13 " Luke, of Amherst ana Mary, 4-33 " Mary Ann, 2-64 " Jairus, ol Rogers and Lucy, 2-64 " Susannah, 2-64 " Eogers, 2-53 " Anna, ol Ezra and Anna, 2-71 " HezeMah, of Pardon and Esther, 2-71 " Prudence, 2-71 " Reuben, 2-63 " Mary Ann, oi Samuel and EUzabeth, 2-63 " Samuel, 2-63 " WUUam Clarke, 2-78 " Henry Clinton, of Elijah and Susannah, 2-78 " Samuel WeUs, 2-78 " Susannah, Sept. 20, 1800. June 6, 1803. Nov. is, 1805. Feb. 15, 1764. July 28, 1766. Jan. 3, 1769. Aug. 18, 1770. Oct. 31, 1772. June 14, 1775. died May 24, 1783. Oct. 22, 1789. June 17, 1791. May 13, 1793. Nov. 5, 1795. Feb, 9, 1801. Jan. 20, 1804. Feb. 21, 1807. March 17, 1843. June ! 7, 1846. May 6, 1815. Nov. 30, 1816. July 17, 1745. Feb. 17, 1749. Jan. 12, 1751. Dec. 17, 1752. June 30, 1755. June 22, 1757. July 21, 1759. Feb • 9, 1762. Dec. 22, 1749. Aug. 16, 1753. Aug. 7, 1773. Feb. 11, 1.7,75. April 16, 1777. March 8, 1762. March 27, 1762. Feb. 17, 1765. Dee. 12, 1766. Jan. 26, 1770. Nov. 22, 1774. July 3, 1776. May 16, 1778. March 19, 1780. Jan. 17, 1783. July 22, 1772. Sept. 22, , 1774. and Mary, Aug . 11 , 1780. Dec, 2, 1788. June 25, 1787. Jan. 11 , 1790. Sept. 16, 1702. March 22, 1795. July 22 , 1811. Jam. 17, 1799. Sept . 5, 1801. May 13. , 1804. Nov. 9, 1797. Sept. 22, 1800. Sept. 3 , 1803. Jan . 6, 1806. Jan. 29, 1803. Jan. 27, 11805. AprU 22, 1S06. July 15, 1809. March 10, 1S13. May 29, 1816. 38 VITAL RECORD OF EHODE ISLAND. 1-73 CEUMB Sarah, ol Daniel, 1-73 u AbigaU, 1-73 ti Hannah, 1-73 tt Daniel, ! 1-73 it Samuel, 1-73 n Daniel, 1-73 tt Hunneman, 1-73 it WUUam, Jan. 20, 1765. Oct. 22, 1766. Dec. 25, 1768. Oct. 22, 17701 Aug. 2, 1772. March 16, 1776. Feb. 2, 1779. May 2, 1781. D 2-7 DAVIS Martha, ol Elder Joseph, May 5, 1746. 2-7 tt Samuel, Feb. 28, 1749. 2-7 tt Comlort, May 18, 1753. 2-7 tt Marvel, Sept. 6, 1755. 2-7 tt Anna, Feb. 4, 1758. 2-7 tt Prudence, July 7, 3760. 2-7 tt Joseph, Oct. 11, 1764. 2^7 tt Tacy, July 13, 1766. 2-7 tt Edward, July 20, 1768. 2-7 tt Clarke, f ' ' \' Nov. 20, 1774. 2-7 tt Elizabeth, May 8, 1776. 2-7 it Ethan, July 16, 1778. 2-7 a Dorcas, March 7, 1780, 2-7 tt Fannie, Feb. 10, 1782. Note.— The first two of the above chUdren horn In Shrews- bury, the next two In Westerly, the rest In HopMnton. 1-48 tt Lydia,, of David and Lydte, May 16, 1768. 1-70 it LUlas Hudson, July 7, 1770. 1-70 tt David, Oct. 31, 1772. 1-70 tt Joshua, April 5, 1775, 2-37 " Jededlah, of Oliver and Penelope, May 2, 1781. 2-17 it Pardon, Nov. 3, 1784. 2-17 it Peter, June 24, 1736. 2-17 it Oliver, March 15, 1788, 2-17 " Mary, Feb. 14, 1790. 2-17 tt Hannah, Nov. 13, 1791. 2-17 a Sarah, Aug. 13', 1793. 2-17 it Lydia, Oct. 13, 1795. 2-17 it Susannah, Sept 24, 1797, 2-17 tt Walter White, Jan. 1, 1300. 2-17 ft Elizabeth, Jan. 14, 1802. 2-17 K Amey, Jan. 20, 1804, 2-84 ff David L., of Aaron and Dorcas, June 27, 1802. 3-26 DEAK Joshua, of John and Hannah, June 18, 1747. 1-26 tt Christopher, Aug. 21, 1749. 1-26 tt John, Aug. 16, 1752. 1-26 " Joseph, NOV. 27, 1753, 1-26 tt Benjamin, Nov. 27, 1753. 1-26 it Hannah, Dec. 16, 1755. 1-26 n Foster, Aug. 23, 1757. 1-26 a Mary, May 27, 1759. 1-33 " WilUam Gould, ol Charles, March 0, 1761. 1-19 DODGE EUzabeth, (b. Charlestown) ol Joseph, (0. S.) July 19, 1744. 1-19 tt Susannah, Nov. 12, 1747. 1-19 tt Joseph, Jr., (b. Westerly) May 2, 1752. 1-19 tt Peter, of Daniel, Jan. 8, 175". 1-4.3 DOEEANCE Daniel, ol Gershom and Margaret, Feb. 6, 1764. 3-43 ft Margary, Oct. 11, 1766. 1-53 Lt Gershom, March 12, 1768. HOPKINTON BIKTHS AND DEATHS. 39 1-53 EDWARDS Paine, of Peleg, 1-105 " Paine, 2d, 1-105 " Christopher, 1-105 " Jacob, 1-105 " Perry, 1-105 " Sarah, 1-117 " Mary, of Phlnens and Mary, 1-117 « Mary, 1-117 " Phineus, 1-117 " Mary, 1-117 " Phebe, 1-117 " Nathan, 1-117 « Sarah, 1-117 " Eunice, 1-117 " Putnam Lewis, 2-2 " Ehoda, of Perry and Rhoda, 2-2 " Prudence, 2-2 " Ruth, 2-2 " Perry, 2-2 " Phebe, 2-2 " Gardiner, 2-2 " Susannah, 2-2 " Henry, March 12 1768. March 1, 1769. Aug. 4, 1771. Aug. 3, 1774, Nov. 5, 1776. Oct. 8, 17,78. Jan. 4, 1771. died Jan. 6, 1773. March 3.8, 17,73. June 18, 1775. Aug. 9, 1777. March 30, 1780. Aug. 28, 1786. March 7, 1789. Jan. 6, 1798. March 32, 1785. Feb. 0, 1787. July 6, 1789. July 32, 1791. AprU 15, 1794. AprU 6, 1796. March 3, 1800. April 23, 1805. 2-12 FENNEE Reuben, of John, Sept. 8, 1769. S-12 it Anstis, wife of Eeuben, April 19, 1776. 2-70 a RosweE, of John, Sept. 1, 1778. 2-70 " Deborah (Wilcox) his wife, Jan. 2, 1779. 2-70 tl Alice, of Eoswell and Deborah, March 27„ 1796. 2-70 tt Esther, April 23, 1798. 2-70 . " Luclnda, Oct. 9, 1800. 2-70 tt Mary, Feb. 23, 1304. 2-43 " Jerah, of Reuben and Anstis, July 18, 1795, 2-43 ff BosweU Borden, AprU 9, 1798. 2-43 tf Eeuben,, Nov. 8, 1793. 2-43 tt Lucy Brown, (born MUton, Cayuga Co., N. Y.,) of Reuben and Anstis, Nov. 5, 1799. 2-43 tf Anstis, wife of Eeuben, died at MUton, N. Y Feb. 12, 1802. 1-29 FOSTER EUzabeth, of Thomas and Mary, July 10, 1739. 1-29 tt Jonathan, June 24, 1741. 1-29 tt Mary, Dec. 12, 1743. 1-29 tt Sarah, Feb. 12, 1746. 1-29 tt WUliam, June 26, 1748. 1-29 tt Hannah, Jan. 10, 1752. 1-29 tt Susannah, Sept. 13, 1755. 1-29 " Thomas, July 25, 1757. 1-31 ,f Elizabeth, of Jonathan and Anna, June 2, 1755. 1-31 tt Jonathan, July 23, 1757. 2-58 tt Christopher, of Gideon, AprU 18, 1765. 2-1 tt Mary Maxson, alias, of Amey of HopMnton, Jan. 24, 1782. 4-3 tt Christopher, died April 27, 1846. Q 1-103 GAEDINER Catharine, of Thomas Potter and Catharine, 1-24 GEEENE Benjamin, of Matthew and Judeth, 1-24 " Hannah, 1-24 " Sarah, L24 " HumUlty, Sept. 30, 1773. March 25, 1751. Aug. 4, 1753. Aug. 14, 1755. April 9, 1757. 40 VITAL EECOED OF EHODE ISLAND. 2-42 GEEENE Matthew, of Benjamin and Grace, 2-42 " Blarjamin, 2-42 " David, 2-42 " Amos, 2-42 " Esther, 2-42 " Lucy, 2-42 " Henry Parks, 2-42 " Thomas Rogers, 2-42 " Paul, 2-46 " Lucy, of Wm. Gardiner and Susannah, 2-46 " Polly, 2-46 " SopMa, 2-46 " WUUam Gardiner, 2-46 " Susannah, 2 77 " James Clarke Tefft, ol Eowland T. and Joanna, 2-76 " Sheffield Wells, of John and Betsey, Dec. 19, March 15, AprU 14, Feb. 25, May 29, April 26, March 28, Dec. 10, Jan. 13, Dec. 8, Dec. 27, April 7, AprU 1, Dec. 15, Dec. 29, July 15, 1783- 1786. 1790.1792. 1794. 1796. 1798.. 1800.1803. 1793. 1794,,1796. 1798. 1799. 1812. 1814,- H 1-24 HADFALL Rachel, of WUliam ana Dorcas, April 13, 1747. 1-24 « Dorcas, Jan. 7, 1749. 1-24 » Joseph, April 24, 1750. 1-24 u WiUlam, Oct. 22, 1752. 1-24 a Sarah, Aug. 29, 1754. 1-24 tt Mary, March 23, 3756. 1-24 u Hannah, Feb. 17, 1758. 1-72 HALL Mary, of James and EUzabeth, April 8, 1753. 1-72 « Eebecca, Oct. 6, 1755. 1-72 Cl James, Oct. 28, 1757.. 1-72 it Elizabeth, Sept. 15, 1759. 1-72 « Joshua, March 25, 1762. 1-72 « Chloe, March 13, 1704. 1-72 " Huldah, June 29, 1766. 1-72 tt Desire, Oct. 7, 1768- 1-72 it Simeon, Jan 27, 1772. 1-25 tt Anna, of Benjamin, Oct. 22, 1752. 1-25 :t Temperance, July 8, 1754. 3-25 " Benjamin, July 30, 1756. 1-25 " AbigaU, Nov. 21, 1758. 1-102 a Christopher, of Henry and Phebe, Sept. 21, 1761. 1-102 tt Caleb, AprU 17, 1763. 1-102 it Henry, ¦March 25, 1765. 1-102 u Phebe. April 3, 1767. 1-102 tt Amne, March 3, 1772. 1-102 a Oliver, May 18, 3 773. 1-120 a John, April 23, 1776. 1-28 HILL Mary, of Ebenezer and Thankful, Feb. 27, 1747. 1-28 tt Timothy, June 28, 1749. " -°S tt Ebenezer, Jan. 25, 1752. 1-28 •' Josiah, Sept. 13, 1754. 1-28 tt Asa, Jan. 11, 1758. 1-28 " ThanMul, Sept. 13, 1700. 2-5 " Martha HaU, alias Patterson, alias daughter ol Mary Hill, widow. who was a Patterson, Dec. 31, 1779. I J 1-110 JOSLIN Elizabeth, ol Elder Henry and Mary, 1-110 1 Martha, . 2-11 ' James Tefft, 2-11 ' Dutee, 2-11 ' Henry, 2-ai ' John Fenner, of EUzabeth March 6, 1775. July 7, 1777. Oct. 31, 1782: March 8, 1786/. Jan. 28, 1788. Feb. 14, 1793. HOPKINTON BIETHS AND DEATHS. 41 2-31 2-68 JOSLIN PoUy Tefft, of Pattey, " George Sheffield, of James Tefft and Hannah, Feb. 4, 1797. July 4, 1803. K 1-24,120 1-24,120 1-24,1201-24,120 1-120 1-21 1-381-38 1-121 1-121 2-65 2-65 2-652-65 2-65 1-104 1-104 1-104 1-104 2-5 2-89 2-89 2-89 2-892-89 2-89 2-892-892-89 2-894-21 4-21 2-8 2-8 2-82-8 2-8 2-8 ¦ 2-8 2-132-33 2 52 2-52 °-52 2-52 2-42 2-75 2-752-75 2-75 2-75 2-75 2-60 3-133-13 3-133-13 3-13 KENYON Peter, of Peter and Annie (0. S.), May 18, 1752. t< Arnold, Oct. 8, 1754. tt Arnold, died Dec. 3, 1776. tt EUzabeth, Feb. 15, 1758. Notew— Another record says Arnold was born in 1755, and Elizabeth Jan. 15, 1758. tt Naomi, of Nathaniel, Jan. 19, 1755. " Wells, Jan. 16, 1758. tt Susannah, of Peleg and Joanna, ,, July 25, 1760. tt Joanna, Nov. 6, 1762. tt Eleanor, of (Nathaniel and Eleanor, Dec. 23, 1761. tt Nathaniel, Oct. 30, 1764. tt Benjamin, of Benjamin and Anne, June 6, 1765. tt Eoger, of Benjamin and Elizabeth, Nov. 5, 1769. tt Elizabeth, Oct. 27, 1771. tt Augustus, Sept. 21, 1773. tt Tacy, June 23, 1777. ¦i Anne, of Peter and Mary, Feb. 18, 1772. tt Peter, Feb. 16, 1775. tt Arnold, Feb. 16, 1776. tt Samuel, Sept. 7, 1782, tt James, of James and Mary, Aug. 26, 1788. tt Mary, of Benjamin and Mary (Lanphere), Sept. 18, 1788. tt Hannah, Nov. 10, 1789. tt EUzabeijh, Oct. 3, 1791. " Ethan, Sept. 10, 1793. tt Sally, Oct. 19, 1795. tt Jedediah, Dec. 25, 1797. tt George W., Dec. 16, 1799. tt Eebecca, Dec. 2, 1801. tt Polly, March 7, 1804. tt Benjamin, March 25, 1807. tt Jarvis, bom in Eichmond, Jan. 2, 1784. tt Jarvis, died in HopMnton, Dec. 8, 1851. tt Simon, of Benjamin and SaUy, March 18, 1789. tt Pruanna, June 21, 1791. tt Polly, July 7, 1793. " Benjamin Aldrich, Dec. 4, 1795. " Augustus, May 17, 1798. tt Sally, July 10, 1801. tt Aaron, Oct. 5, 1805. tt Hannah, ol Roger and Esther, March 20, 1792. tt Esther, July 7, 1797. tt Gardiner, oi Pardon and Mary, May 23, 1794. ft Joshua, Dec. 14, 1795. tt Esther, Jan. 9, 1798. tt David, March 31, 1800. tt Arnold, of Peter and Ruhamah, Aug. 14, 1794. tt Hannah, of Aaron and Lucretla, Sept. 15, 1796. tt Lucretla, i Feb. 16, 1799. tt James, March 25, 1801. ft Sands NUes, March 26, 1803. " Mary, May 6, 1805. " Aaron, April 19, 1807. tt Polly, of Augustus and Joanna, Oct. 31, 1799. tt Betsey, of Burdick, June 6, 1804. " Arnold, ' Jan. 10, 1807. •• Amos, Aug. 7, 1811. " House, Sept. 10, 1814. " Anne, Oct. 7, 1817. 42 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-13 KENYON Lois, of Burdick, 3-13 " Sally, 3-13 " Wattey, 2-69 KINNEY ThanMul OoUlns, of Jonah and Martha, March 10, 1821. Feb. 7, 1824. July 7, 1826. Dec. 2, 1802. 1-37 LAMB Joseph, of Nathan and Lydia, May 22, 1763. 1-37 " Nathan. Jan. 15, 1766. 1-36 LANGWORTHY Mary, oi Samuel and Mary, May 11, 1739. 1-36 tt Elizabeth, May 31, 1741. 1-36 tt Rachel, June 8, 1743. 1-36 " Samuel, Nov. 27, 1745. 1-36 tt Tacy, Nov. ,20, 1747. 1-36 " Joseph, Feb. 6, 174J. 1-36 " Hannah, June 21, 1752. 1-1 tt Samuel, born Nov. 27, 1745. 1-3 tt Mary, Ms wife, born Sept. 20, 1752. 1-1 tt Samuel, of .Samuel amd Mary, Sept. 11, 1771. 1-1 " Tacy, July 1, 1773. 1-1 " Peleg, Oct. 7, 1775. 1-1 " Nathan. Nov. 29, 1777. 1-1 " Saundlce, Dec 16, 1779. 1-1 " Hannah, Feb. 19, 1782. 1-60 " Robert, March 14, 1784. 1-60 tt Benjamin, of Amos and Sarah. Feb. 29, 1760. 1-60 tt Anna, Sept. 8, 1761. 1-60 " Sarah, July 25, 1763. 1-60 " Amos, March 2, 1765. 1-60 " Content, Jan. 21, 1767. 1-60 a Thomas, Dec. 17, 1768. 1-60 " Mary, Aug. 26, 1770. 1-37 " Samuel (of Hopkinton), died Aug. 1, 1763. 1-97 tt Benjamin Kenyon, of Benjamin and Eleanor, Aug. 16, 1780. 1-97 tt John Davis, July 10, 1782. 1-97 tt Eleanor, Oct. 19, 1786. 1-97 tt Amos, Feb. 12, 1789. 2-48 tt Martha, of Samuel and Mercy, Feb. 10, 1788. 2-48 Elizabeth, May 20, 1790. 2-48 tt Daniel, July 23', 1792. 2^:8 it Mercy, March 5, 1794. 2-48 tt Aseneth, July 28, 1797. 2-66 tt Samuel, oi Samuel and Ethel, De;'. 9, 1797. 2-66 tt Ethellnda, May 30, 1800. 2-65 tt Thomas, oi Thomas and Waltey. April 20, 1799. 2-65 tt Waitey, Oct. 14, 1800. 2-65 t( Benjamin Peckham, Dec. 16, 1802. 2-65 " WUliam, March 17, 1705. 2-65 " Sarah, Feb. 14, 1807. 2-65 tt Mary, July 15, 1808. 2-65 " Sarah, Oct. 22, 1310. 2-65 Thomas, June 17, 1812. 2-66 tt Amos, ol Amos and Susannah, Jan. 6, 1803. 2-66 '¦' Joshua Witter June 28, 1804. 2-66 tt Joseph, of Amos and Susannah. Feb. 19, 1806. 2-66 tt Lois Ann, Dec. 6, 1807. 2-66 " Susannah, Dec. 8, 1810. 2-66 " WUUam FranMln, of Nathan and Nabby, Jan. 5, 1802. 2-69 tt Mary Anne,. May 18, 1803. 2-69 tt Eliza, Feb. 11, 1805. 2-65 t. Thomas, Sr., died June 17, 1812. 2-94 " Benjamin K., oi Benjamin and Hannah, Sept. 25, 1820. 2-94 ,f Jeremiah T., AprU 29, 1822. 2-94 tt George Edwin, July 1, 3.824. HOPKINTON BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 43 4-2 LANGWORTHY 'Susan E. ol Nathan II. and Ann E 4-2 " Sarah A., 2-19 LANPHERE Nancy, ol Rowland and Elizabeth 2-19 « SUas, 2-19 " Elizabeth, 2-19 " Lathana, 2-19 « Joshua, 2-19 " PoUy, 2-19 " Eunice, '248 " Clarke, ol Roland and AUce, 2-48 " Sylvia, 1-43 LARKIN Susannah, ol John and Amey, 1-43 " Susannah, 1-43 « Nathan, 1-43 " Anna, i 1-43 « Joseph, 1-43 " Mary, 1-43 « Amey, 1-69 " Margaret, 1-69 " John, 1-69 " Enos, l-('9 " John, Jr., died In Ms 47th year, 2-19 - John, ol John and Amey, In 8y., 1-28 LATHAM David, of John and Lois, 1-28 " Joseph, 1-28 " Sarah,, 1-28 " Sarah,, 1-28 ¦' Mary, 1-28 LEWIS Delight, oi Abel and 'ThanMul, .1-72 " EUas, oi EUas and Susannah, 1-75 " Sarah, ol Jonathan and Sarah, 1-75 " Hannah, 1-75 '¦' Jonathan, 1-75 " Richard, 1-75 " Matthelw, ol Eleazer and Th.aiiM'ul, 1-75 " saTah, 1-307 " Eleazer,, 1-107 " Benjamin, 1-107 " ThanMul, 1-118 " Susannah, ol EzeMel and Susannah, 1-11 a " Ezekiel, 1-118 " Joseph,,. 1-118 " Simeon, 1-118 " Elnathan, 1-118 " Thomas Geer, 1-109 " Henry, ol Moses and Hannah, 1-67 " Nancy, ol Benjamin and Amey, 1-110 " Ethan, ol Paul amd Martha, 1-110 " Martha, 1-110 " Daniel, 4-14 " " Sarah Ann (Northup), Ms wile, 4-14 " Content (Langworthy), 4-14 " Sarah Ann, wUe ol Daniel, died af North 2-10 " Hannah, of„. Nash, 2-9 " Daniel, 3d, son of Jesse, 2-48 " Catey,, oi EUas and Elizabeth, 2-4'8 " Lois, 2-48 " Ellas, 2-48 " Ephraim BrowMng, .248 " Betsey Browning, 2-48 " Pardon, 2-48 " Fannie, 2-48 " Martha, .2-48 " Eunice, Sept. 23, 1777. Aug. 27, 1779. (sic) Feb. 10, 1780. Nov. 22, 1782. Aug. 23, 1784. Sept. 23, 1786. June 25, 1788. Oct. 24, 1793. Aug 2, 1795. Aug. 19, 1756. died March 3, 1764. March 15, 1760. April 17, 1762. Dec. 30, 1764. March 20, 1767. Nov. 23', 1769. Dec. 6, 1771. May 15, 1774. Sept 13, 1776. May 4, 1777. died Aug. 23, , 1781. May 30, 1754. Oct. 5, 1755. Jan. 27, 1758. died July 18, 1759. May 10, 1760. Nov. 4, 1760. July 11, 1761. May 2, 1762. Sept. 25„ 1763. April 20, 1707. Sept. 4, 1771. Feb. 18, 1767. Sept. 10, 1769. Jan. 29, 1772. Marflh 15, 1774. April 12, 1776. March, 28, 1767. Jan. 27, 1769. Nov. 13, 1771. Aug. 29, 1773. Feb, 6, 1776. AprU 8, 1778. Dec. 17, 1770. May 6, 1772. Nov. 30, 1772. July 11, 1775. born May 23, 1778. July 14, 1786. Feb. 2, 1788. Stonington, Conn.„ May 20, 1821. AprU 22, 1780. April 25, 1785. Feb. 15, 1791. March 27, 1793. Aug, 6, 1795. May 17,, 1798. May 17, 1798. Jan. 11, 1806. March 9, 1808. Nov. 19, 1810. June 20, 1814. 44 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-61 LEWIS Simeon Paul, aUaa, (b. Charlestown), Jan. 20, 1792.. 2-50 " Thomas Wilbur, ol Henry and Edy, June 1, 1794, 2-50 " Pardon, June 3, 1796, 2-50 " Matilda,, Dec. 28, 1798.. 2-50 " Moses B., born April 10, 1797.. 2-50 " Mary A„ his wile, Jan. 29, 1803. 4-13 " Pib.ebe M., ol Moses B. and Mary A., Feb. 7, 1831. 4-13 " Moses D„ Jan. 28, 1833. 4-13 " Daniel C, Sept. 20, 1835. 4-13 " Hannah A., May 26, 1837,, 4-13 " Benjamin F„ June 28,, 183S- 4-13 " Susan A., Oct. 8, 1841. 4-13 " Francis J., - Sept. 14, 1845,. 2-65 " George Washington, ol Nathaniel and Mary, Nov, 29, 18O0. 2-71 " Eliza, oi Daniel and Sarah Ann, Aug. 7, 1806. 2-71 " Anna, AprU 15, 1808-.. 2-71 " WUUam Bliss, June 14, 1810.- 4-14 " Daniel C, Feb. 25„ 1815,. 4-14 " Amey, Nov, 16, 1813. 4-14 " Emeline, July 8, 1815, 4-14 " Sarah Content, ol Daniel and Content, July 6, 1824.. 4-14 " Abbie Altoona, Jan. 18, 1830. 4-14 " Elizabeth, ol Daniel and Ann, Aug. 7, 1806. 4-14 " Anne, AprU 15, 1803. 4-14 " WUUam BUss, June 14, 1810. 2-79 " Hannah B., of Christopher C. and Wealthy, Dec. 21, 1812. 2-79 " Christopher C, Feb. 22, 1815.. 2-79 " Alfred, Jan. 31, 1817. 2-79 " Nathan Kenyan, ' Oct, 23, 1818.. 2-79 " Daniel, Feb. 4, 1821.. 2-79 " Welcome, July 7, 1822. 2-79 " Edwin Ransom, Jan. 31, 1827.. 4-8 " Edwin Augustus, of Charles C. and Frances M.„ Feb. 11, 1846.. M 1-27 MACCOON John, of John and Hannah, Dec. 22, 1745.. 1-27 It Samuel, Sept. 26 1747. 1-27 tt Hannah, Aug. 3, 1749. 1-27 tt Abner,, May 25, 1752. 1-27 " Eunice, June. 25, 1754. 1-27 it Arnold, May 25, 1756. 1-30 tt Marvin, of Daniel, Jr., and AbigaU, April 6, 1746. 1-30 "' Timothy, , Oct. 12, 1748. 1-30 U Daniel, Dec 8, 1750. 1-30 " Pliineus, Jan. 18, 1753. 1-30 " James, May 16, 1755. 1-30 "' Elizabeth, Oct. 26, 1757- 1-30 " Elizabeth, died Aug. 27, 1759. 1^30 «( Abigail, June 24, 1760. 1-45 it Joseph, oi Joseph,, and Elizabeth, Feb. 17, 1758. 1-45 tt Thanklul, April 26, 1760. 1-45 tt Mary, Dec. 18, 1762. 1-45 a Amey, April 19, 1765. 3-18 MANCHESTER Henry B., born Jan. 11, 1818. 3-18 tt Mary E. (CrandaU), Ms wife, Dec. 29, 1822. 1-51 MAXSON John, Jr, (bom Westerly), Aug. 27, 1725. 1-51 tt Sarah (Burdick of Samuel), Ms wife, Nov. 18, 1725. 1-51 tt Eunice, of John and Sarah, Feb. 23, 1747, 1-51 tf Lois, Nov. 11, 1748. 1-51 ct John, Nov. 11, 1750. 1-51 tt Tacy, April 3, 1753. 1-51 " ThanMul, Aug. 2, 1755. 1-51 " Sarah, Feb. 11, 1758. HOPKINTON BTETHS AND DEATHS. 45 1-51 MAXSON EUzabeth, of John and Sarah, July 31, 1760, 1-51 ' Richard, Oct. 11, 1703. 1-51 ' Henry, June 7, 1766. 2-11 ' Samuel, of Samuel and Euth, Sept. 5, 1743. 2-31 ' Euth, March 5, 1747. 2-11 ' EUsha, AprU 20/ 1749. 2-11 Lucy, Aug. 27, 1751. 1-44 ' Tacy, Feb. 13, 1754. 1-44 ' Judeth, June 19, 1756. 2-11 ' Phineus, of Samuel and Mary, Jan. 11, 1765. 2-11 Mary, Jan. 9, 1767. 2-11 ' Esther, Dec. 31, 1708. 2-11 ' Barbara, Jan. 1, 1771. 2-11 ' Nancy, Aug. 6, 1775. 2-11 ' Wealthy, May 24, 1779. 1-44 ' ' Stephen, of Stephen and Martha, Aug. 25, 1757. 1-44 ' ' Avis, Oct. 20, 1759. 1-44 ' ' Esther, June 13, 1762, 1-44 ' ' Jared, Dec. 30, 1764. 1-44 ' ' Joel, March 21, 1767. 1-44 ' ' Hannah, Feb. 26, 1769. 1-53 ' ' Ethan, of Samuel and Hannah, April 28, 1768. 1-66 ' ' Susannah, ol WUliam and Lucy, Sept. 16, 1769. 1-66 ' ' WUUam Miner, July 12, 1772. 1-66 ' Lois, Jan. 21, 1776. 1-66 ' Tabor, April 16, 1778. 1-60 ' Hannah, April 1, 1780. 1-66 ' Susannah, March 25, 1782. 1-66 ' Lucy, May 22, 1784. 1-66 ' Aseneth, June 21, 1786. 1-66 ' Elon, Nov. 8, 1788. 1-63 ' Joseph, of Sylvanus and Lydia, April 25, 1771. 1-63 ' Lewis, Dec. 17, 1772. 1-63 ' Sylvanus, Feb. 16, 1775. 1-63 ' Nathan, Oct. 5, 1777. 1-64 ' Benjamin, of Stephen, June 27, 1771. 1-64 ' Thankful, Feb. 27, 1776. 1-78 ' Samuel, 3d, son of Samuel, AprU 1, 1774. 1-78 ' EUsha, 4th, son, April 3, 1776. 1-78 ' Davis, 5th, son, March 13, 1784. 2-49 ' Benjamin, Jr., born Sept. 28, 1775. 2-49 ' Penelope, Ms wUe, Dec. 2, 1782, 2-49 ' Benjamin, ol Benjamin and Penelope, Jan. 23, 1798. 2-49 ' Nancy, April 11, 1800. 2-49 ' David, Dec. 4, 1801. 249 ' Sally, July 8, 1804. 2 49 ' Huldah, Aug. 17, 1806. 2-12 ' George, of George and Anne, ' Nov. 23, 1778. 2-12 ' Nancy, Sept. 17, 1780. 2-12 ' Polly, Feb. 27, 1783. 2-12 " Freelove. of George and Anne. Dec. 2. 1785. 2-12 ' James. March 2. 1788. 2-12 ' Abel. May 11, 1790. 2-12 ' Martha. July 7, 1792. 2-12 ' Henry. Aua:. 1. 1794. 1-120 ' Wealthy, ol Samuel. Mav 24. 1779. 2-45 ' Martha, oi Pelec and Sarah, Ausr. 12. 1779. 2-45 ' Benjamin Clarke. April 5, 1781. 2-45 ' Peleg. June 27, 1783. 2-15 ' iNathan. of Nathan and Nancy, Dec. 16. 1785. 2-15 ' EUzabeth. Oct. 21. 1787. 2-15 " Catharine, Nov. 9, 1789. 2-15 " Matthew, Nov. 27, 1791. 2-15 " Matthew, died Dec. 30, 1791. 2-15 " Isaac Vars, May 23, 1793. 46 VITAL EECOED OF 'EHODE ISLAND. 2-15 MAXSON Edward, ol Nathan and Nancy, Aug. 20, 1797. 2-15 " Sarah, Sept. 16, 1799. 2-7 John Davis, ol Samuel, Jr., and Hannah, March 10, 1788. 2-14 EzeMel, oi EUsha and Eebecca, Sept. 22, 1788. 2-14 Tacy, AprU 6, 1790. 2 14 " Elisha, Jan. 26, 1792. 2-14 '; Darnel, Nov. 6, 1793. 2-14 " AbigaU, Nov. 6, 1795. 2-14 il Ehoda, March 22, 1798. 2-14 " Eebecca, March 21, 1800. 2-14 " Samuel, May 29, 1802. 2-3 4 • " Paul, Dec. 20, 1807. 2-12, 14 " Hannah, oi Ethan and Susey, April 11, 1792. 2-43 " Cliarles Miner, oi WUUam M. and Sylvia, Sept. 8, 1794. 2-50 " Mary Clarke, oi Russell and Mary, JMy 16, 1795. 1-50 " Russell, ol EusseU and Mary, Aug. 25, 1797. 3-50 " Elizabeth, Dec. 25, 1800. 1-50 " Paul Clarke, Feb. 17, 1806. 2-50,90 " George P., ol Russell and Hannah, March 26, 1324. 2-61 " Asa, ol Joseph and Lydia, Feb. 14, 1797. 2-61 " Joel, Dec. 23, 1798. 2-61 " Phebe, May 30, 1801. 2-61 " George Potter, Oct. 27, 1803. 2-61 " Lucy Crandall, July 18, 1807. 2-61 " Thomas, July 19, 1311. 2-61 " Nancy, oi Lewis and Tacy, Nov. 2, 1797. 2-61 " Samuel Coon, July 25, 1800. 2-62 " Nathan, ol Nathan and Ruth, May 7, 1805. 2-62 " Jairus Rogers CrandaU, July 11, '180,7. 2-62 " Nancy Crandall, Dec 22, 1809. 2-62 " Nancy CrandaU, 2d, Dec. 22, 1810. 2-62 " Horace, May 17, 1812. 2-62 Lydia Wells, Oct. 22, 1816. 2-62 " Ellas Irish, ol Peleg and Clarrissa, AprU 3, 1810. 2-90 " Tacy Ann, of EUsha and Lydia, Oct. 12, 1825. 2-90 " Abbie AngeUne, July 2, 1827. 3-7 " David StiUman, ol Samuel and Lucy, Sept. 28, 1828. 3-7 " Nathan, Aug. 5, 1830. 3-7 " Samuel Kay, Nov. 22, 1832. 3-7 " Julia Ann, Oct. 15, 1834. 3-7 " Lucy Angeline, Dec 29, 1836. 1-27 MILLAE.D Sarah, ol JoMi and Catherine, Feb. 25, 1755. 1-27 EUjah, AprU 21, 1758. 1-27 " Catherine, May 24, 1761. 1-42 " Susannah, March 13, 1764. 1-39 MOTT Sarah, ol Ebenezer and Elizabeth, Oct. 4, 1763. N 1-25 NEY Catherine, of Caleb and Catherine, 2-77 " Mary, 2-77 « Joshua, 2-55, 77 " Mary, died, aged 66 years, July 5, 1788. 2-55, 77 « Caleb, died, aged 76 years, July 25, 1796. 1-1 NICHOLS Andrew, of David and EUzabeth, 1-1 " George, 1-1 " John, 1-1 " Desire, 1-1 " Luke, 1-1 " Martha, 1-1 " Amey, 2-72 " Eliza, oi John and Elizabeth, 2-72 « Maria Ann, May 26, 1752. Oct. 22, 1761. March IS, 1758. May 10, 1776. Dec. 31, 1777. Nov. 22, 1779. May 10, 1782. Dec. 13, 1783. Feb. 22, 17S6. Dec. 4, 1787. Aug. 23, 1804. Feb. 16, 1806. HOPKINTON BIKTHS AND DEATHS. 47 O P 2-3 PALMER Nathaniel, born Maiy 13, 1757. 2-3 tt Mary, Ms •wife, born Nov. 18, 1760. 2-3 tt Judeth, of Nathaniel and Mary, Dec. 31, 1782. 2-3 tt Mary, Jan. 29, 1784. 2-3 tt Gideon, Feb. 23, 1785. 2-3 tt Nathaniel, \ Oct. 4, 1786. 2-3 tt Samuel, Aug. 15, 1788. 242 tt Lawton, of Jolm and Hannah, Jan. 31, 1790. 1-75 PALMITER Phebe, ol Nathan and Abigail, Sept. 19, 1770. 1-75 tt Stephen, April 24, 1772. 2-5 PATTERSON Amos (born Stonington, Conn.), March 24, 1734. 2-(5 <( Eunice