YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY From the library of RUSSELL C. LEFFINGWELL Yale 1899 The gift of his daughter MRS. EDWARD PULLING THE OCTOBER, If 13. FOLLOWING WORKS HAVE BEEN Uectntty jmiJltsitjeli, BY LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN, LONDON. Messrs. LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, and BROWN, having just completed and fitted up elegant and commodious Retail Rooms, retiredfrom their Wholesale Business, for the purpose of exhibiting their extensive andvaluable Stack of Books, including an unprecedented Collection of the Rarities and Curiosities of Literature, they take the Liberty respectfully to invite their Friends, and the Amateurs of Literature, to view these interesting Literary Treasures. OF JOHN, DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH, "With his Original Correspondence, collected from the Family Records at Blenheim, and other authentic Sources. By WILLIAM COXE, M.A. F.R.S.F.S.A. Archdeacon of Wilts, and Rector of Bemerton. k Vols. I, and II. in 4to. illustrated with Portraits, Maps, j; and Military. Plans, Price 31. Ss. each. The third volume, which will complete the Work, will be published during the present Year. A SECOND JOURNEY THROUGH PERSIA TO CONSTANTINOPLE, Between the Years 1810 and 1816. With a Journal of .the Voyage by the Brazils and Boubay to the Persian Gulfh; together with an Account of the Proceedings of his Majesty's Embassy, under his Excellency Sir Gore Ousley, Bart. K.S.L. By JAMES MORIER, Esq. Late his Majesty's Secretary of Embassy, and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of Persia. In Royal 4to. with Maps, coloured C^ftumes, and other ' Engravings from the Designs df ae Author, Price 31. 13*. 6 By R. H. BONNYCASTLE, Captain in the Corps of Royal Engineers. In 2 Vols. Svo. Price \l. Is. Bds. A NARRATIVE OF SHIPWRECK OF THE OSWEGO, On the Coast of South Barbary, and of the Sufferings of the Master and the Crew while in bondage among the Arabs; interspersed with numerous Remarks upon the Country and its Inhabitants, and the peculiar Perils of that Coast.— By JUD AH PADDOCK, her late Master. In 4to. price It. Us. __^__ TRAVELS In CANADA, 4nd the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. In 1816 and 1817. By F. HALL, Esq. late Military Secretary to General Wilson, Governor in Canada. In Svo. Price lis. Boards. THE LONDON DISPENSATORY; Containing— 1, Pharmacy— 3. The Botanical Descrip tion, Natural History, Chemical Analysis, and Medici nal Properties, of the Substances of the Materia Medica— 5. The Pharmaceutical Preparations an4 Compositions of the Pharmacopoeias of tbe London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Colleges of Physicians. The whole forming a practical Synopsis of Materia Medica, Pharmacy, and Therapeutics: illustrated with many useful Tables and Copper-plates of Pharmaceutical Apparatus. By ANTHONY TODD THOMSON,F.L.S. &c. In One large Volume Svo. (revised and altered accord ing to the last Edition of the London and Edinburgh Pharmacopeias), Price lbs. Boards. Second Edition. *+# This edition contains the synonyma of the names of the articles, in the French, German, Italian, Spanish, find East Indian languages. fForks recently published by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. MEMOIRS of the late Mrs. ELIZABETH HAMILTON; with a Selection from her Correspond ence, and other unpublished Writings. By MISS BENGER. In 2 vols. 8vo. with a Portrait after Raebairn, 1(. Is. Bds. AN AUTUMN NEAR THE RHINE; Or, Sketches of Courts, Society.and Scenery, in some of the German States bordering on the Rhine. In 8vo. Price lis. LETTERS FROM THE ABBE EDGEWORTH TO HIS FRIENDS, Written between the Years 1177 and 1S07 ; with Me moirs of his Life, including some AccouDt of the late Roman Catholic Bishop of Cork, Dr. Moylan, and Let ters to hiin from the Right Hon. 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THE CIVIL ARCHITECTURE OF VITRUVIUS; Comprising those Books of the Author which relate to the Public and Private Edifices of the Ancients. Translated by WILLIAM WILKINS.Jun. M.A. F.A.S, Fellow or Gonvil and' Cains College, Cambridge, Mem ber of the Society of Dilettanti, and Author of An tiquities of Magna Graecia. Complete in Two Parts. Illustrated by 40 Engravings, executedbuW. LowRY. Elephant tto. 6(. 6*. an.il Royal Fo'.io, 131. 13s. Part II. may be had, separate, Price di. is. in 4to.; or 6/. 6s. in Folio. BACHELOR AMI) THE MARRIED MAN; on. THE EQUILIBRIUM OF THR « BALANCE OF COMKOHT" A Hovel. 2d Edit. In 3 Vols. I2av>. Price 1G». 6d.Bd* 3>ftetrf)e£ of America. NARRATIVE OF A JOURNEY OF FIVE THOUSAND MILES THROUGH THE EASTERN AND WESTERN STATES or AMERICA; CONTAINED IN EIGHT REPORTS ADDRESSED TO THE THIRTY-NINE ENGLISH FAMILIES BT WHOM THE AUTHOR WAS DEPUTED, IN JUNE 1817, TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER ANY, AND WHAT PART OF THE UNITED STATES WOULD BE SUITABLE FOR THE.IR RESIDENCE. WITH REMARKS ON Me. BJRKBECK'S "NOTES" AND "LETTERS." By HENRY BRADSHAW FEARON. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROVVN, PATERKOSTER-ROW. 1818. Printed by A. Strahan, Printers-Street, London. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. In submitting the following pages to the Public, it is my wish that the reader should be put fairly in possession of the circumstances under which they were written. I was deputed by a circle of friends, whose persons and whose interests are most dear to me, to visit the United States of America, in order to furnish them with materials to regulate their decision on the subject of emigration. Into the motives and the views which led to this pro posed measure on their part, it is not requisite that I should enter much in detail ; they are, I fear, known and. felt too generally to render description necessary. Emigration had, at the time of my appointment, assumed a totally new character : it was no longer merely the poor, the idle, the profligate, or the wildly speculative, who were proposing to quit their native country ; but men also of capital, of industry, of sober habits and regular pursuits, men of reflection who apprehended approaching evils j men of upright and conscientious minds, A '2 IV INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. to whose happiness civil and religious liberty1 were essential ; and men of domestic feelings, who wished to provide for the future, support and prosperity of their offspring. Under such circumstances as these it was, that my friends turned their thoughts, in the way of enquiry merely, upon the subject of emigration^ to America. Having so done, they naturallyset themselves seriously to investigate the state of the country and the character of the people? but, singular as it may seem, they were unable to obtain satisfactory information. Most of the books which they could procure contained? evi dently partial statements j some were written to' exalt and some to vilify the situation of the country and its inhabitants, but none of them* possessed that kind of information which was- wanted by my friends ; no lists of prices, of wages, rents, &c.* j no statements, or but imper*. feet ones, relative' to individual trades or manu factures ; little or nothing, in short,, of thafc homely kind of intelligence which was wanted on such an occasion. It was, at length, resolved that some one should visit the country to' make: thej necessary enquires — the lot fell upon. my-. sjelf; but I owe it in justice both to the public * It may be proper , to observe that, in the. following pages, the prices pf live stock, &c. are often stated in what may appear singular amounts ; this arises from turning American dollars into British currency. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. V and to myself to state, that circumstances, which at the time left me free from my usual pursuits, rather than any supposed peculiar fitness for the undertaking, guided their choice of me for the task j although it is among the first pleasures of my life to reflect that they relied at least upon my faithfulness and industry. Recurring to the fact of publication, I pre tend to few, if any, of the accomplishments which are deemed necessary for the regular tra veller, writing professedly for the instruction or amusement of the public. The information; however, which I was deputed to collect, I sought for with all the diligence, and forwarded with all the accuracy, in my power. It was my wish to put my Jriends as much as possible into my situation ~— to inform them both of what I saw myself, and what I learned from others; where I thought that information might be re lied upon. My enquiries were facilitated by various introductions, and aided by some per sonal friends who had previously emigrated; to America. I arrived in the ;city of New York, August 6th, 1817, and finally quitted that place, May 10th, 1818, : after having made a tour, including both: the, Eastern and Western States of' the' American Union. Returned to England], I have,: naturally enough, received applications for information relative to the1 cpuntpy I had Vi INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. visited, from many persons disposed to settle there : some of these were parties of respect ability and capital, not dissimilar in their. views and objects from those which my friends had proposed to themselves. To these, therefore, the information I had collected might be supposed to be not unacceptable j many others, for va rious reasons, may wish to be possessed of these facts : such are the motives which ha.ve induced me to submit my " Reports " to the public. In forming their estimate of this production, 1 have therefore to request of my readers to bear Constantly in mind the view with which I have written, and not expect to find the v/otkthat which the author does not pretend it to be. My object has not been to make a book ; but, circumstances having occurred to give me information which appears valuable because it may be useful, I wish to give it to the world, — and am content to do so in a plain, unvarnished manner. , The work may have many faults and numerous imperfections. Little accustomed as I am to write for the public eye, the critic I presume will find in it much to censure — in style — in arrangement — and perhaps in materials ; but the object I have had in view will, at least, be a pledge to the public of the faithfulness and sincerity of my statements. My intention in writing has certainly been neither to flatter nor deceive : my Reports were originally composed neither with a view to INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. Vll fame nor profit, — neither to exalt a country, to support a party, nor to promote a settlement. I have had every motive to speak what I thought the truth, and none to conceal or pervert it. The interests of my dearest friends depended most intimately upon the correctness of my statements. I wished to put them in possession of every thing I knew : the public will now de cide whether what I have found to communicate be either useful or instructive. TO THE FRIENDS OF CIVIL AND RELIGIOUS LIBERTY, THESE PAGES ARE RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, BY H. B FEARON. Plitistoto, 'Essex, October 2nd, 1818. ERRATA. Page 1. line 8-9. from the bottom, ftmit " in the Southampton frigate." . AS. line 7. for 150, read loo. 182. line IS. for " Shawnee Towni Illinois Territory," Mississippi, &c." read " Kentucky, Shawnee Town* Illinois Territory, &c." SKETCHES OF AMERICA. VOYAGE IN THE SHIP WASHINGTON FROM ISLE OF WIGHT. — CELEBRATION OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE ON BOARD. DEBATING SOCIETY. OFF SANDY HOOK. FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF THE PEOPLE AND OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK MRS. BRADISH's BOARDING-HOUSE. — COMMODORE ROGERS. CONVERSATION AT DINNER SUSPICION OF CORRUPTION IN THE AMERICAN GOVERN MENT CONTRACTS PRICES OF ARTICLES, AND RENT OF SHOPS. New York, August 9th, 1817. MY DEAR FRIENDS, I embrace the first opportunity of communi cating my safe arrival in this land of liberty, which I am enabled to do by the politeness of Sir James Yeo, who sails to day iri. the -South ampton frigate. We landed here on Wednesday the 6th instant. You are aware that the vessel in which I sailed is the Washington, Captain Foreman, which left London the 4th of June. I went on board at the Isle of Wight on the 14th, and we proceeded on our course the following day. The cabin was crowded, having nineteen passengers, amongst whom were Mr. B 2 PASSENGERS. — POLITICAL LIBERTY. or (according to American etiquette) The Honourable John Quincey Adams, (late am bassador , at the Court of St. James's,! but now Secretary of State,) his lady and family : the gentlemen were chiefly Americans. You will be somewhat surprised to learn that Mr. George Washington Adams (eldest son of the Secretary) and myself were the only warm friends of po litical liberty; a subject which, of course, often came upder discussion. All were its advocates in Some limited or refined sense; but we stood alone in wishing its extension to England, to unfortunate Ireland, to France, to the European Continent generally, .and to the brave South Americans. I delivered the letters of r intro duction, with which Alderman Wood and others favoured me, to Mr. Adams ; and wish to acknowledge the polite attentions which, in conr sequence, I received from him. My passage- money was forty guineas, exclusive of wines, &c. A sea-life was to me in every particular novels and not of that class denominated pleasingi Sickness, the usual lot of fresh-water sailors, was my companion. It was extreme for eight daysj and did not take its final leave for fifteen; indeed I had but little appetite the whole of the passage. The weather has been boisterous for the season ; though I believe we were not in imminent danger except upon one occasion, arising from neglect in not taking in sail. The GALE. " 4TH JULY." 3 wind blew a tremendous gale, which the ship, in consequence, was not so well prepared to withstand as she might and ought to have been. My fears were extreme : there was but the turn of a hair between us and eternity. I prayed fervently to that Being, who is the God of the sea as well as the God of the land, and who has protected me throughout my life. The 4th of July is a great American day, being the anniversary of their declaration of independence. It was kept on board with, I presume, its usual sanctity — by good eating and drinking. I felt warm in the cause, viewing that declaration as the common property of the friends of freedom. Several songs were sung. Two by the mate were the most remarkable : they were the evident production of seventeen hundred and seventy-six ; their allusions being to those occurrences which peculiarly belonged to the first stages of the revolution. The toasts were also indifferent. I was not gratified with even an approach to the old English sentiment of " Civil and religious liberty all over the world." In the steerage there were thirteen passengers. They paid twelve pounds each, arid had to find themselves in every thing but water. Among these was a Mr. Davis, an ingenious, clever man. He organized a debating society, which was held iii the steerage twice a week, " weather per- b 2 4 " DEBATING* SOCIETY." — NEW YORK BAY. mitting." Young Mr. Adams and myself frequently attended their sombre discussions. Upon one occasion the question was, " Which is, the best form of government, . a democracy or a moriarchy?" It was strongly contested on both sides,1 and at length determined in favour' of the former by the casting vote of the chairman, who was seated in presidential: state on a water-cask. On the 5th of August, the sound of ."LandO 1" " from the topmast, though communicated : by the gruff' voice of a hardy soh:of Neptutfe, sounded in my' ears " most , eloquent music." In the evening we stood out to? sea, being too near shore. On the morning of the 6th I was called up at four o'clock. We- were off the- Jersey shore, which was crowded: with small craft, We ; soon made Sandy Hook, the entrance into the bay, and " thirty miles from the city of New Yo?k. The busy scene around me, the conscious ness that I was about to be relieved from the worst of- prisons, the serenity of the morning, arid the extreme beauty of New York bay, cerir Veyed impressions which mock description. Every object was to me ari interesting one : first our pilot, his stature, his manners, his dress, were all at this time; objects of my atten tion ; though under other circumstances I should have viewed them with entire indifference. He brought ue thenewspaper, of the morning,; Many "- NEWSPAPER. — LANDING. 5 of the advertisements had to me the character of singularity. One announcing a play, terminated. with', " Gentlemen are informed, that no smok ing is allowed in the theatre. " A newsman from the " Evening Post," and a custom-house officer, were our next visitors. Several sailing boats passed with gentlemen, many of them wearing enormously large straw hats, turned up behind. At one o'clock we anchored close to the city. A boy procured us two hackney coaches, from a distance of about a quarter of a mile. I offered him an English shilling, having no other small coin in my possession. He would not take so little ; " For as how I guess it is not of value. I have been slick in going to the stand right away." This was said with a tone of inde pendence, which, although displeasing to my pride, was not so to my judgment. Mr. Adams satisfied the young republican by giving him half-a-dollar, (2s. 3d.) There was no sense of having received afavor in the boy's countenance or manner ; a trait of character which, I have since-learned, is by no means confined to the youth of America. A simple " I thank you, Sir," would not, however, derogate from a free man's dignity; but I shall not be too fas tidious. We must not expect every thing ; and, after all, even cold independence is preferable to warm servility. Another question, and one ot leading importance, suggested itself to me on b 3 6 APPEARANCE . OF INHABITANTS. this occurrence; namely, Is not labour here well paid? A great number of people were on the wjjarf looking at us . and our vessel. Many of them were of the labouring class. They were not better clothed than men in a similar con dition in England ; but they were more erect in their posture, less care-worn in their counte nances ; the thought of " the morrow" did not seem to form a part of their ideas ; and among them there were no beggars. Intermixed with these were several of the mercantile and genteeler orders. Large straw hats prevailed ; trowsers were universal. The general costume of these persons was inferior to men in the same rank of life in England. Their whole appearance was loose, slovenly, careless, and not remarkable for cleanliness. The wholesale stores which front the riyer, have not the most attractive appear ance. The carts are long and narrow, drawn by one horse ; the hackney cpaches are open at the sides, being suited to this warm climate — lighter and much superior to ours : the charge 25 per qgnt,. higher than in London. The streets through .which we passed to Mrs. Bradish's boarding-house, in State-Street, opposite the Battery, were narrow and dirty. The Battery is a most delightful walk, on the edge of the bay. The houses in State-Street are of the first class. , The one in which I am now writing is about the size of those in Bridge-Street, BOARDING-HOUSES. J Black-friars. The rent is 2400 dollars (5401. sterling) per annum ; taxes are about 80 dollars, (181. sterling.) The mode of living for those who do not keep house, is at hotels, taverns, or private boarding-houses. My present residence is at one of the latter description. There are two public apartments, one for a sitting, the other a dining room. At present, about forty sit down to table. The lady of the house presides at the head of the table, the other ladies who are boarders being placed on her left. The hours are — breakfast, eight o'clock ; dinner, half past three ; tea, seven ; supper, ten. American break fasts are celebrated for their profusion : there are eggs, meat of various kinds, fish, and fowls. My London habits are not yet overcome: lean- hot enjoy any addition to plain bread and butter. The hours of eating are attended to by all with precision : charge, two dollars per diem, exclu- sive of wine. The expense of living here is about 18 dollars per week. There are here at present, the celebrated Commodore Rogers, and several other naval officers ; arriong whom are Decatur, Warrington, and Bidel, all of whom distinguished themselves in the late war : also Mr. Graham, the under-secretary of state, and Mr. Braekenbridge, author of a history of the late war. The two latter gentlemen are said to be upon the point of embarking in the sloop of war Ontario, on a mission to South America. b 4 8 COMMISSIONERS TO SOUTH "AMERICA. That the object of their:' voyage may be to assist the patriots in shaking off the yoke of the in famous Ferdinand, is my heartfelt desire. . Last evening, while I was conversing with Com modore Rogers, a naval officer, attended by two black servants, ascended the steps : he proved to be Sir James Yeo. Commodore R — s, supposing me to be an American, was free in the expression of his feelings ; which, in truth, were honourable to him, and not derogatory to Sir James, or the British navy generally. He referred to the disgraceful conduct of Admiral Cockburn at Havre de Grace, with a forgiving liberality which did him much credit. In his appearance he has more of the English than the American seaman, conveying an idea not dissimilar to the personifications of such characters by Bannister. He is an American by birth, but of Scotch parentage. His anecdotes of persons claiming relationship or acquaintance with, him are nu merous. One mari met himin Baltimore, assured him/that he. had gone to school and eaten porridge and drunk whiskey with him when a boy, at Aberdeen ; another, a very old' man, accosted him, in the Scotch dialect, in Broad way,. New York, and insisted upon it that he was his (Commodore- R.'s) father. - Commodore Rogersis nowthe presideritof the Board of Naval Commissioners at Washington ; an establishment whose objects' and powers are nearly similar to STREET POPULATION. 9 those of , our Admiralty Board. His present busi ness is, in conjunction with Commodore Decatur, to lay the keel of a seventy-four gun ship. His account of the climate of Washington is favour able. He states that he has there a family of seven children, and that for two years' they have had no illness in the house. Immediately upon landing, I treated myself with a glass of cider and some fruit : the charge was dearer than in London. As yet I cannot of course communicate any useful particulars. I have walked alone through the streets for the purpose of forming an independent judgment. Every object is new. I hardly dare trust myself in forming conclusions : one most cheeririg fact is indisputable, the absence of irremediable dis tress. The street . population bears an aspect essentially different from that' of London, or large English towns. One striking feature is in the number; of blacks, many, of whom are finely dressed, the females very ludicrously so, showing ; a partiality to white muslin dresses, artificial flowers, and pink shoes. I, saw b.ut,fe.w well-dressed white ladies,, but am informed that the greater part are at present at the springs of •Balstan and Saratoga.* The dress of the men is. * A place of fashionable summer resort, about 200 miles tVom this city. The route is by way of Albany, whiohi's 160 milesup the Hudson river, and' to which some of the finest steam-boats in the world -gtf three times' a week. The fare; 10 CHURCHES. — HOTELS. rather deficient; in point of neatness and gentility. Their appearance, in common with that of the ladies and children, is sallow, and what we should call unhealthy. Our friend D tells me that to have colour in the cheeks is an infallible cri terion by which to be discovered as an English man. In a British town of any importance, you cannot walk along a leading street for half an hour without meeting with almost every variety in the size, dress, and appearance of the inhabitp ants ; whilst, on the contrary, here they seem all of one family ; and though not quite a ',' drab- coloured creation," the feelings they excite are aot Many degrees removed from the uninteresting Sensations generated by that expression. The young men are talL thin, and solemn : their dress is universally trowsers, and very generally loose great coats. Old men, in our English idea of that word, appear very rare. Churches are numerous and handsome : the interior of one which I have just visited in Broad- way is truly elegant, being fitted up with more taste, splendour, and I presume expense, than many in London. Several hotels are on an extensive scale : the City Hotel has large as the London Tavern; the dining, and some of the including board, is seven dollars, and a tax of one dollar. The tim© usually occupied from New York to Albany is from eighteen and a half to twenty-two hours. STORES. STREETS. 1 1 private rooms, seem fitted up regardless of ex pense. The price of boarding at this establish- mentis, I understand, cheaper than where I reside. The shops (or stores, as they are called) have nothing in their exterior to recommend them: there is not even an attempt at tasteful display. The linen and woollen drapers (dry good stores, as they are denominated) have quantities of their goods laid loose on boxes in the street, without any precaution against theft. This practice, though a proof of their carelessness, is also an evidence as to the political state of society worthy of attention. Masses of the population cannot be unemployed, or robbery would be inevitable. There are a great number of excellent private dwellings, built of red painted brick, which gives them a peculiarly neat and clean appearance. In Broad-way and Wall-street trees are planted at the side of the pavement. The city-hall is a large and elegant building, in which the courts of law are held. In viewing this structure, I feel some objections which require farther ob servation either to remove or confirm. Most of the streets are dirty : in many of them sawyers are preparing wood for sale, and all are infested with pigs, — circumstances which indicate a lax police. ^ Upon the whole, a walk through New York will disappoint an Englishman : there is, on the surface of society, a carelessness, a laziness, an unsocial indifference, which freezes the blood and 12 ' BRITISH GOODS. disgusts the judgment. An evening stroll along Broad-way, when the lariips are alight, will please more than one at noon-day. The shops will look rather better, but their proprietors will not greatly please : their cold indifference riiay be mistaken by themselves for independence, but no person of thought and observation will ever concede to them that they haVe selected a wise mpde of exhibiting that dignified feeling. I disapprove most decidedly of the obsequious' servility of the London shopkeepers, but I am not prepared to go the length of those in New York, who stand with their hats on, or sit or lie along their counters, smoking segars, and spitting in every direction, to a degree offensive to any man of decent feel ings. The prevalence of Dutch names tells me I am there a stranger if but this feeling is often counteracted by viewing the immense quantities of British manufactured goods with which the shops are crowded, as also the number of English works which are advertised, and the placards of " Hone's Riot in London," " Prince's Russia Oil," " Reeves and Woodyer's Colours," and " Day and Martin's Blacking." My abode here has,' as yet, been so short, that you- Cannot expect solid information.; Some things which I state may appear trifling, but I wishT to communicate to yoii my first impres sions, andf to place you, as far as I am able, in my own" situation :. in that point of view you Will regard the following circumstances : . RENTS. — TJtADE. 13 I have been with Mr. Cook (a fellow-passenger of mine,- and very pleasant young, man, a resi dent of Kaskaski, in the Illinois territory) into three shops. The first was a chemist's : of him we enquired the state of trade. He replied that the only business which was good for any thing at this time in New York was shaving, i. e. buying and selling bank-notes. The rent which he paid for his small place astonished me. The next was a hatter's,. at which Mr. C. was not suited. While waiting, a beggar came in, and was relieved with a. Spanish silver piece called a sixpence : it. was the sixteenth of a dollar. Beggars, I am in formed, are very uncommon. The third shop was in the same business,. at which Mr. C. bought a hat : it. was of American manufacture, very nar-, row in the brim, according to the present fashion ; the price was ten dollars (45s.); the quality nearly as good as those sold in London . at.from 24s. to ,27s. The proprietor of this concern. com plained of the want cf busiriess. He stated that it had not been known so bad as during the .last and present years ; that labouring men whowere inclined to work could generally obtain employ ment either in the city or back country; and that among mechanics, masons and carpenters were very good trades. Tasked him the reason of trade being bad. He replied that he did not kriow the reason, that they did not trouble, them selves about reasons. To my remark, — "business is. also dull in. London, he_ answered, " I guess 14 COMMODORE DECATUR. that is the reason, for we take all our things from them in the old country." His rent I thought extravagantly high : he stated that it was one-fourth Cheaper than last year; and that he expected it would be altered next May. This variation in rent, I presume, flows from a mode of letting houses different from ours. You will not of course rtake information so loosely col lected as the present as authentic. I do not myself, and therefore I am sure you will not do so. Yesterday, at the dinner-table, my attention was strongly fixed by a conversation between Commodore Decatur and a gentleman, I pre sume a resident of this city : the following is nearly an accurate report. I would remark that Commodore DeCatur is a member of the Navy Board, arid, of course, concerned in the contracts issuing from that body. Gent. " Well, Comiriodore, there were some good bargains made by some people during the war." Com. D. " So I guess." - Gent. " M , the contractor, did not lose any thing by turning rounds his rations paid well." Com D* " A man ought to profit by what he sellsi" Gent. " Yes ; but derixocrats only had the chance." Com. D. « Contracts are conducted with the COMMODORE DECATUR. 15 most perfect fairness. Government deals with that man who can supply the country to the most advantage." Gent. " If so, how is it that throughout the whole war, and up to the present moment, not a single federalist in any part of the Union has been a contractor ?" Com. D. " I guess they have not made ap plication." Gent. " That I know they have, and myself for one, and at a lower rate by — per cent. than M supplied them." At this part of the conversation, a gentleman sitting on my left remarked that government were perfectly right in pursuing that line of policy ; that they ought to favour those who supported them : this was partially assented to by Coirimodore Decatur. The gentleman before alluded to continued, with some feeling, to com plain of jobs and peculation. These were terms which I had imagined were unknown in the language of the United States : I had hoped that this refined order of things would never be imported from our great but oppressed country to this land, at the emancipation of which from tyranny and taxation every free riiind throughout the world joined in exultation and triumph. The inns and boarding-houses are crowded. At this time great numbers are here from the more southern states. Among other induce ments, they come to avoid the present or appre- 1 6 APARTMENT. —7 ANTICIPATIONS. hended existence of the yellow fever. The room in which I write is in the attic story, every other being occupied. In this small apartment there are two beds. The heat of the weather is excessive, and the visit. of the musquitoes not the most pleasing. I have not yet been eriabled to sleep, until three or four o'clock in the morn ing. Our furniture consists of two old chairs ; the bedsteads are temporary ; a mattress, Cotton sheets and coverlid compose our bedding., There isno bell in the room — the attendance of servants is perfectly unattainable. This may arisefrom the full occupancy of the house, or it may, be a ge neral feature in the condition of the people : in either case it troubles me but little. If there be but. a good government, a healthy and fertile country, and an enlightened people,. I for one, and I am sure you will all join with me, shall be contented and happy. Little inconveniencies and personal privations must be set at nought, when put in ; competition with, 'such important advantages. That the, state of the country and people may realize the hopes I have entertained;, is my constant and sincere prayer. With affec tionate remembrances to you all, I remain very sincerely your's, Henry Fearon. I shall have a report, for it will he too long and too general to, be called a letter, ready to go by the Amity, Capt. Stantorij which is to sail} the 1st September. FIRST REPORT. SITUATION OF NEW YORK. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. — EXAG GERATED STATEMENT* OF AMERICA.— PARTICULARS OF, AND CAPITAL USUALLY EMPLOYED IN THE BUSINESS OF CARVERS, GILDERS, TIMBER-MERCHANTS, DISTILLERS, BUILDERS, DYERS, BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS, TALLOW- CHANDLERS, TAYLORS, PRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS : PRE SENT PROSPECT OF SUCCESS FOR EMIGRANTS IN EACH OF THOSE OCCUPATIONS. — LAWYERS AND DOCTORS TOO NUMEROUS. AMERICAN LITERATURE. HIGH PRICE OF AMERICAN WRITTEN WORKS. AMERICAN EDITIONS OF ENGLISH WORKS.- — MECHANICS' WAGES. SCHOOLS.— RENTS ENORMOUSLY HIGH. COUNTRY. HOUSES TO;. BE SOLD. STATE-TAXES. PROVISIONS ; THEIR QUALITY AND PRICE. CHARGE FOR BOARDING PER WEEK. — . PRICE ' OF CLOTHING. — INDIAN AND FRENCH GOODS CHEAP. RELIGION; THE SEVERAL SECTS. THE RELI GIOUS CHARACTER OF THE PEOPLE OF- NEW YORK. — . MILITARY SERVICE. — - PROPOSAL, FROM MR. DE WINT OF A SETTLEMENT ON THE BANKS OF THE HUDSON. New York, August 31st, 1817. In a letter, dated the 9th instant, I apprised you 'of my safe arrival, arid, of ray then im pressions of this place,: as far as respects the c 18 NEW YORK. inhabitants, and the appearance of the city : those impressions have been in general con- firmedi Concerning the important object of my journey, you will be best capacitated to -form your judgment from the following detail*. They have been collected with as much industry and discrimination, as my own capacity, and the circumstances in which I am placed, have en abled me to exercise. The city of New York, when approached from the sea, presents an ob ject truly beautiful. It is built at the extreme point of Manhaltan, or York Island, which is thirteen miles long, and from one to two miles wide. The city is on the south end, closely built from shore to shore, and extends in length about two miles and a quarter. The population is said^o be 120,000. The East river separates it fro.m Long Island, and the Hudson river from Jersey. Ships of any burden, and to ariy extent, can come close up to the town, v and lie there with perfect safety, in a natural harbour, formed,, by the above-named fine rivers, and a nobler bay, completely protected by the surrounding lands: at present there are a great number of ships' in harbour. New York is without competition the first commercial city in America. This will be seen by a slight view of Mr. Pitkin's " Statis tical Account of the Commerce of the Unifcfl States ;" a work which no person oughttOsbe without, who views the subject of America as ¦)- PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 19 an important topic. The port of New York being open at all seasons gives it a powerful advantage ; the more so, as not only its northern but its two southern rivals, (Philadelphia and Baltimore,) are deprived of this convenience, so desirable in an extensive commerce. The public buildings of a city of such recent birth as that of New York, would appear trifling to the native of an European city, accustomed to contemplate the collected works of successive ages j but you, my friends, in common with my self, look not at such establishments with the eye of an architect or a painter, but as plain men, desirous of knowing every thing concern ing a country, around which some of our most endeared political opinions are entwined : and as we contemplate a removal to this new world, we feel interested in that land, which may not only affect our interest and happiness as in dividuals, but likewise those of many generations yet unborn. The town-hall of tliis city is a noble building, of white marble. The ground around it is planted and railed off. The interior appears well arranged. In the rooms of the mayor and corporation, are portraits of several governors of this state, and some distinguished officers. The state rooms, and courts of justice, are on the first floor. In one of these, a gentleman pointed out to me the celebrated Mr. Emmett, c 2 20 MR. EMMETT. well known in the history of Ireland. He is. a plain man, of the middle size, in a small degree" inclined to corpulency. His dress was not per haps so respectable as a gentleman of his high legal estimation in England, but it accorded with the ideas and habits of the people of this country. His reputation at the bar is of the first order. I was grieved to find native Americaris speak of him with great jealousy. It appears, that in their eyes, he has been guilty of two un pardonable crimes — two sins against the Holy Ghost : the first is in being, as they term it, a foreigner! the second and greatest of all, in being an Irish rebel! But to proceed with the city-hall : the stair-case is circular, lighted by a cupola. The situation of this building is ex cellent in point of effect, and highly ornamental to the city. It would be much more so, had not the basement story, which is of red granite, the appearance of brick. In the immediate neighbourhood of the hall is an extensive building, appropriated to the " New York Institution," " Academy of Fine Arts," and " American Museum." There are also a state prison, hospital, and numerous splendid churches. I might fill many pages> were I to follow in detail the deceptive model of some writers, whose views perhaps may be easily appreciated. One of these I have now before me, who names every house in which public business AMERICAN WRITERS. 21 is transacted — « a public building/' " There is,'' says this writer, " a custom-house,, post-office, public forum, &c." The first is a private house, formerly a bookseller's, belonging to. Messrs. Easthourn and Kirk ; the second is also a pri vate house,. of a very mean description, and in deed quite a disgrace to a commercial^ city.;of the magnitude of New York ; the third is mere ly held in the winter months, in the ballrroom of the city hotel. American habits, prosperity,, and intelligence, are described upon the ."same model ; and I regretto say, in too many instances in this city, are equally devoid of foundation^ Such accounts would appear to answer no other. ends than those of imposition ; and the nation which really stood in. need of these artsx would not deserve to rise and prosper: but. as to the veil thrown over the. real situation of this country, by some recent writers, it is equally the interest of native and emigrant . that it should be withdrawn.. Every American^ if he be a man of sense, would wish to see pourtrayed the real character and condition of his country, in order that he might not only perceive what was excellent, but . also be enabled to discover what there was to amend ancl improve ; while to the respectable emigrant and his family, > the consequences must be lamentable,;when he finds that he has been induced to a change of country by the exaggerated and base, misrepresentations. c 3 22 BUILDING. of romantic or interested individuals. When I survey this city, and remember that but two centuries since, the spot on which it stands was a wilderness, I cannot but be struck with its comparative extent and opulence. Like the country of which it forms a part, it is a striking evidence of the advantages of a cheap and popular government ; but that country is not, as some would represent it, a paradise, any more than the city of New York is as yet a rival either in population, riches, or extent to that of London, In answer to the various enquiries relative to their trades and professions, made by our several friends, I shall now proceed briefly to give the purport of all the information which I have hitherto obtained, either by my own observation Or through the means of the introductions given me ; and in doing this I shall not confine my self to their form of question and answer, as the same fact will in many instances reply to several Of their queries ; and I should wish to give the information in as clear and compressed a man ner as lies within my power. Building appears brisk in the city. It is generally performed by contract. A person intending to have a house erected, contracts with a professed builder; the builder, with a bricklayer ; and he, with all others neces sary to the completion of the design. In some cases, a builder is a sort of head workrnan, TIMBER-TRADE. 2$ for the purpose of overseeing the others; receiving for his agency seven-pence per dayfrom the wages' of each man j the men being employed and paid by him. There are occasional instances in which there is no contract, every thing being paid for according to measure and value. In the city, houses of wood are not now allowed : in the, environs they are very general ; many of them are handsome. They are commonly two stories, and painted white, with green shutters. The expense of a frame (wood) house will be materially affected by situation : on an average they will cost to erect, about the same as a brick house in England. The builder is sometimes his own timber-merchant. Indeed, all men here know a portion, and enter a little into every thing: the necessary consequences of a com paratively new state of society. The timber, or (as the term is here) lumber yards, are not on that large and compact scale with which, in England, our friends C— — and M 1 are familiar. Mahogany yards are generally separate concerns. Oak boards, are this day 51. 12s. 6d. per thousand feet Shingles, (an article used in substitution for tiles or slates,) IL 2s. 6d. per thousand feet, to which is to he added a duty of 15 per cent: Honduras mahogany is five-pence halfpenny to seven-pence farthing the superficial foot ; and St. Domingo, nine-pence three farthings to seventeen-pence halfpenny. c 4 24 CABINET-WORK. Mahogany is used for cupboards, doors, and banis ter^, and for all kinds of cabinet work. Curl maple, a native and most beautiful wood,: is also much approved. Veneer is in generardemarid, and is cut by machinery. Chests of drawers are chiefly made of St. Domingo mahogany; the inside is faced with boxwood : shaded veneer and curl maple are also used1 for this purposed I would remark, that the cabinet work executed in. this city is light and elegant. Indeed, I aril inclined to believe that it is superior to English workmanship. I have seen some with cut glass, instead of brass ornaments, which had a beauti ful appearance. The retail price, of a three feet six inch chest of drawers, well finished and of good quality, is 81. 16s. 6d. ; of a three feet ten, with brass rollers, 51. 8s. A table, ^three feet long, four and a half wide, 31. 7s. 6d. ; ditto with turried legs, 41. 5s. 6d. ; three arid a half long, five and a half wide, (plain,) 31.. 12s; ; ditto better finished, 41. 10s. ; ladies',, work tables, (very plain,) 18s. .Cabinet-makers' shops, of; which there are several in Greenwich-street, Contain a variety, but not a large stock. They are generally small concerns, apparently owned by journeymen who. had just commenced on their own account. . These shops are perfectly open, and there is seldom any person in attend. ^ance. In the centre, a board is suspended with the.notice, " Ring the bell." I have conversed CHAIR-MAKING. 25 with several proprietors : they state their business to have been at one time good, but that there is now too much competition.. • Chair-making- here, and at the town of New ark, ten miles distant, is an extensive business. The retail price of wooden chairsis from 4s. 6d. to 9s. ; of curl maple with rush. seat, lis. ; of ditto with cane seat, 13s. 6d. to il. 2s. 6d. ; of ditto, most handsomely finished, 11. 9s. ; sofas, of the several descriptions enumerated above, are the price of six chairs. I have seen in par lours, of genteel houses,, a neat wooden chair which has not appeared objectionable, and of which the price could not have exceeded 9s. Cabinet-makers, timber-merchants, and builders complain — they all say that their trades, have been good, but that there is now a great in crease in the numbers engaged, and that the times are so altered with the merchants that all classes feeLthe change very ; sensibly. These complaints I believe to be generally well founded; but I do not conceive the depression to be.equal to that felt in England. I would also, make some deduction from their supposed amount of grievances. When did you ever know a body of men "admit, or even feel, that they were doing as much trade, as in their own estimation they ought? or who did not think that there were too many in their particular branches? Every individual desires to be a monopolist, yet no ;wise legislator would ever exclude competition. 26 LAWYERS. A good dabinet-maker, who should have no more than an hundred pounds after paying the expenses of his voyage, would obtain a comfort-! able livelihood ; as would also an active spe culating carpenter or mason under the same circumstances. A greater amount of capital would, of course, be more advantageous. A timber-merchant should have a capital not less than a thousand pounds, as he ought to pay cash for his stock, with the exception of mahogany. The wages of a journeyman car penter is 7s. 10|d. per day ; of a mason, 8s. 5d. This difference arises, I believe, from the latter being an out-door business, which, in the winter months, from the extreme severity of the weather, is of necessity suspended. Cabinet makers are paid by the piece. When in full employment their earnings may amount to 50s. per week : a safe average is 36s. A man in either of the above trades need not be apprehensive but that he should get a living. Our friends A — and N are unfortunate in being " learned gentlemen." Lawyers are as common here as paupers, are" in England. Indeed for those friends I see no kind of opening. Professional men literally swarm in the United States. An anecdote is told of a gentleman walking in Broadway: a friend passing, he called " Doctor," and immediately sixteen per sons turned round to answer to the name. This is even more characteristic of lawyers. At almost SHOPMEN. CLERKS. 27 every private door, cellar, or boarding-house, a tin plate is displayed, bearing the inscription " Attorney at Law." Clerks are not in demand in this or any other occupation. There are here no very large concerns, and most men are capable of attending to their own business. A shopman or clerk, who would receive in London his board, and a salary of from 301. to 1001. sterling per annum, would here experience great difficulty in gaining a situation; and if fortunate enough to obtain one, he would not receive more than from 3^. to 7 dollars per week, exclusive of board and lodging. The causes which generate so great a number of " legal friends" lie beyond the sources of my penetratiou. Perhaps we may date the fre quency cf litigation to the intricacy of the pro fession, which is bottomed on English practice ; while the cheapness of college instruction, and the general diffusion of moderate wealth among mechanics and tradesmen, enable them to gratify their vanity by giving their sons a learned education. This also opens the door to them for an appointment ; and, by the way, the Americans are great place-hunters. As it respects distillation,. There are numerous distillers resident in the city and environs. During the late war this occupation was -profitable, in consequence, .1, presume, of the difficulties attendant; upon jmport- 28 DISTILLATION. ation. There are none who carry on business upon an . extensive scale. The capital em ployed is from one to twenty thousand pounds. The articles- prepared are rum, gin,, and whisky: rum from, molasses ; gin from rye and Indiari . corn: malted grain is .not used. Distillation is in stills made, of .wood, operated upon by steam : there is no particular mode required bylaw.. There are two taxes paid ; the first on the yearly capacity of the still, the second on the spirit, per gallon. The •last , is a general goyerriment-tax, which, is expected to be takeri off the next sessio.ri .of congress.. There are collectors, but. no excise men. The oath or affirmation of the proprietor is. -the mode prescribed by law of ascertain ing the quantity distilled, which is certainly most consonant with civil liberty.. Both whole sale .and retail wine and spirit sellers are grocers : their establishments are called grocery stores.. A great proportion of the retail are small chandlers' shops, . and . are often denon miriated grogshops. They are usually... at the . corners of streets, and mostly owned; by Irishmen. Their Chief commodity.. is New England, or , what is emphatically called " Yankee" rum. All spirits are commonly drunk mixed with cold water, .without sugar. The price per glass, at the dirtiest grog-shops, is two-pence. Here the liquOr is of the ;mOst SPIRIT-SHOPS. 29 inferior description. At the more respectable, for a superior quality three-pence halfpenny; At what are called taverns and porter-houses, establishments similar to our second-rate public houses, seven-pence. The size of the glass is half a gill. It is estimated that there are 1500 spirit-shops in this city ; a fact opposed to my first impressions of American habits, which, On the point of sobriety, were favourable, judging from the absence of broils, and of drunkards iriv the streets : but more attentive observation, aided by the information of old residents, enables me to state that the quantity of malt- liquor and spirits drunk by the inhabitants of New York, much exceeds the amount consumed by the same extent of English population. The beastly drunkard is a character unknown here ; yet but too many are throughout the day under the influence of liquor, or what is not inap propriately termed " half and half!" a state too prevalent among the labouring classes and the negroes. Many date the source of this to the extremes of the climate. Another and a leading cause is, that numbers of the lower orders are European emigrants. They bring their habits with them. They are here better employed and better paid than they were in the country which gave them ; birth ; and they partake too largely of the infirmities of our nature to be provident during the sunshine of prosperity. /30 CARVERS AND GILDERS. Our friend C — - will not be displeased to learn that there are here several large carvers* and gilders' shops. Glass-mirrors and picture- frames are executed with taste arid elegance; but still the most superior are imported froiri England. Carved ornaments are general, though some composition-ornaments are used. Plate- glass is imported from Frarice, Holland, and England, the latter bearing the highest price. Silvering looking-glasses is a separate trade : there is but one silverer in New York, and he is not constantly employed. Carvers and gilders are paid eight-pence three farthings per hour. The sale of prints and pictures is usually com bined with this business. There are here two goM-beaters : one of them is a Mr. Jones from London. Leaf-gold is frequently imported; but they consider their own equal to foreign'; and it bears the same price, 40s. 6d. per packet, containing 20 books. The duty on imported leaf* gold is fifteen per cent. A capital of from 8001. to 20001. would be requisite for a moderately respectable concern. A journeyman gilder would not succeed; a carver may do so perhaps rather better, but neither trades are (to use an Americanism) of the first gmde. "• To Mr. F — — I would remark, that boot and shoe-makers' shops are riumerous, some of them extensive. The price of sole-leather is lid. to 13^d.; of dressed upper ditto, lls.Sd; to 15s.9d.-* SHOEMAKERS. DYERS. 3 1 to this is- to be added a duty of 30 per cent. WellingtoftTboots at the best shops are charged 21, Os. 6d. ; shoes, 13s< 6d. Spanish is much worn for upper leather. They are made neat and with taste : the workmanship appears to me quite equal to the best London. The American leather is. very inferior in quality. Native work men appear as good as English. The business is at present, dull, which, I believe, is usual at this season of the year. A capital of from 500 to 1000 dollars is requisite in a moderate con cern. A master shoe-maker will .not be bene fited by coming here ; a journeyman may. C — whom we knew in London, and who is first rate in his line, has been earning 21. 5s. per week ; but he is upon the point of going to Philadelphia, or perhaps to the Western country, as he cannot have a continuation of employ ment unless he works at an under price. Mr. W. and his Son, who are dyers, would find some difficulty in stepping from the practice of their large concern in , to an Ame rican dye-house; which, from the non-existence of manufacturers in this country, must be essen tially different from an English one. The articles usually done here, are old clothes and Spoiled goods.. A dyer's business in this < city wittiest accord with an English scourer such as Sansom, i» Feftchurcluatreet. The price for dyeing black woollen is 3s.. per yard, | wide ; 32 TALLOW-CHANDLERS. of brown ditto, 3s. ; red, 2s. 6d.'; yellow,' 2s* 6d. ; scarlet, 20s. a . pound. There is no silk, dyed in: the skein, nor are there any silkr weavers in the United States. Fast blue is .mot; done. Re-dyeing old silk is 6|d. per yard. English allum is from 33s. £d. to 36s; per cwt., to which is 'to -be added a duty of 4s.. 6d. ; brazilletto, 140s. to 160s. per ton. j cochineal,- 24s. 9d. per pound, with a duty of 7^ per cent/; logwood, 90s. to 112s. 6d. per ton. The businessis of necessity limited. It is moderately good, and "would not require a capital; of more than from 2001. to 5001. A few journeymen are employed. They earn 21. 5s. per week- The. trade of tallow-chandler is united by some with that of soap-boiler. Any other business may be connected with it, as the law raises no difficulty on the subject. The operation of melting must be removed a specified distance from the closely inhabited part of the city. The pickle-trade is of no account, as families prepare their own. . to 10f_d.; dried beef, 8§d. ; fowls, is.' 91 d. to 2s. 9d. a pair ; ducks, 2s. 3d. to 2s. 9d. a pair ; geese, 2s. 3d. to 3s. lid. each ; turkeys, 3s. 4£d. to 5s. 7^d. each ; pork, 6|d. to 8d, a pound; butter (fresh), 15d. to 20|d. ; eggs, nine for6|d.; cheese, old,9|d.,new,6fdU, English, lOd. tol6d. : I have seen but little of this .article used ; that which' is of American manufacture is extremely bad : potatoes, 3s. 4§d. per bushel ; cabbages, 2|d. each; turnips, 2s. 2|d. per bushel ; peas, 6|d. to lOd. per peck ; salt, 3s. 3d. per bushel ; milk, 5|d. per quart; common fish, 2d. to3ld. per pound; salmon, Is. l^d. to 3s. 4id. per pound; brown soap, 6|d. ; white ditto dressed, 8|d. per pound ; candles, 8|d. per pound ; mould ditto, Is. ; flour per barrel (weighing 196 pounds) is, of the best New York, 46s. 6d. to 49s. 10 jd. ; middling jd&to, 36s. to 40s. 6d. ; rye, 31s. 6 A. ; Phila delphia flour, 46s. l|d. to 47s. 3d. ; Indian ditto, 38s, >9d. to 41s. 6d. ; hogshead of ditto, weighing 800 pounds, l>18s. 6d. to 153s. ; wheat, 7s. 10|d. to 9s. per bushel; rye, 6s. 4d. ditto; barley, 6s. 4d.d>itto ; oats, Is. lOd. ; hops, 19s- to 24s. Ofd. per pound; foreign feathers, 13id. to 14d. a pound ; American ditto, 3s. 1 id. ; a loafof bread weighing 17 oz., 3|d. ; a ditto, 34 oz.,-^d. ; mustard, 3s. to 4s. a pound ; table beer, 5s. 7ld. 44 PRICES. BOARD. for 5 gallons ; common ale, 5§d; per quart ; best ditto, 7d., wine measure; a cask of 9 gallons of ditto, 24s. 9d. ; apples, lOd. per peck; lobsters, 2|d. per pound ; onions, (an article much used,) 3 |d. a rope; cucumbers, 5 for Is. Ifd.; common brown sugar, 7di. apound ; East Indiaditto, 10|d.; lump ditto, 13|d. ; best ditto, l6d. ; raw coffee by the bag, 10|d. apound ; souchong tea, 4s. 6d. to 5s. 7d- a pound; hyson, 5s. 7d. to 6s. 2d. ; gunpowder, 10s. l|d. The quality of provisions I think is in general very good : the beef is ex cellent, mutton rather inferior to ours; fowls are. much larger but not better eating than the English. Candles, are inferior to English ; soap perhaps superior, at least less is required than of ours for any given purpose. Boarding. -r- Persons who are not house-keepers generally live at boarding-houses or hotels. A mechanic pays for his board and lodging lSs.-6d. to 18s. per week ; the usual price is 15s. 9d. ; for which he. has 3 meals a-day, coffee with fish or meat for breakfast ; a hot dinner ; and tea (called sup* per) in the evening; atwhich last the table is filled .with cheese, biscuits, (called Boston crackers*) inolasses, and slices of raw dried beef. Roarding at a moderately respectable house is 8 dollars a week, for what is termed " a transient man ;" oxr at the same house, 5 to 6 dollars per week for a three or six months' resident. Prices vary frojji, 8 dollars to 14 dollars a- week according to CLOTHING. — RELIGION. 45 situation, accommodation,, and respectability. Very few allow four meals a-day, as at that kept by Mrs. Bradish : indeed I am informed that Mrs. B.'s is the best boarding-house in the United States. Clothing and domestic utensils are chiefly of British ' manufacture : they are from 25 to 150 per cent, dearer than in England. Indian goods are much cheaper than with you : silk pocket- handkerchiefs not more than half the price. Canton crapes for ladies' dresses very moderate — - in England they are prohibited: perhaps there are few articles to equal these for gentility com bined with economy and elegance. French silks, fancy articles, and ladies' gloves are also cheap. Religion. — Upon this interesting topic I would repeat, what indeed you are already acquainted with, that legally there is the most unlimited: liberty. There is no state religion, and no govern-' ment prosecution of individuals for conscierice- sake. Whether those halcyon days, which I think would attend a similar state of things in England, are in existence here, must be left for future observation. There are five Dutch Reformed churches ; six Presbyterian ; three Associated Reformed ditto ; one Associated Presbyterian ; one Reformed ditto ; five Methodist ; two ditto for blacks ; one German Reforrried; one Evan gelical Lutheran ; one Moravian ; four Trinitarian. Baptist ; one Universalist ; two Catholic ; three 46 RELIGIOUS SECTS. Quaker; eight Episcopalian j one Jews' Syna gogue, and to this I would add a small Meeting which is but little known, at which the priest is dispensed with, every member following what they call the apostolic plan of instructing each other, and " building one another up in their most holy faith." The Presbyterian and Epis copalian or Church of England sects take the precedence in numbers and in respectability Their ministers receive from two to eight thou sand dollars per annum. All churches are well filled : they are the fashionable places for dis play; and the sermons and talents of the minister offer never-ending subjects of interest when social converse has been exhausted upon the bad con duct and inferior nature of niggars (negroes^ ; the price of flour at Liverpool ; the capture of the Gueurriere; and the battle of New Orleans j The perfect equality of all sects seems to have deadened party feeKng : controversy is but little known. The great proportion of attendants -at any particular church appear to select it eithes because they are acquainted with the preacher, or that it is frequented by fashionable com pany, or their great grandmother went ther® before the Revolution, or because (what will generally have a greater weight than all thes* reasons,) their interest mU be promoted by their so doing* ¦ Licences are not necessary, for either th» preacher or place of meeting. According to RELIGIOUS SECTS. 47 the constitution of the State of New York, no minister of the gospel, or priest of any de nomination, can ever hold any civil or military office or place within the state. In 1806, a law was passed, authorizing any religious denomin ation to appoint trustees, for the purpose of superintending the, temporal concerns of their respective congregations. These trustees become by that act, a body corporate, and capable of all legal transactions, on behalf of the congre gation : they, are allowed, on the part of the whole, to hold estates, which may produce 3000 dollars annually. The episcopalians differ, I believe, in nothing from their establisltedbretbren in England, except that they do not form a part of the state : they have their bishops, &c. as in Great Britain. Ministers of all parties are ordained : they are exempt from military ser^ vice. A case recently occurred in which a tradesman, who occasionally officiated, was de clared exempt, though he had not been ordain ed. I feel little hopes of conveying to you a faithful portraiture of this people* in their -re ligious character: they: differ essentially -from the English sectaries, -in being more solemnly bigotted, more -intolerant,' and more ignorant of- the Scriptures. Their freedom from habits of thinking seems to emanate froni the cold indifference of their constitutional character j and their. attaching ne importance to investigation. 48 MILITARY SERVICE. There is also another feature in their religious national character, which will be considered by different men in opposite points of view. I do not discover those distinctive marks which are called forth in England by sectarianism. There is not the aristocracy of the establishment, the sourness of the presbyterian, or the sanctified. melancholy of the methodist. A cold uniform bigotry seems to pervade all parties ; . equally Jn-' accessable to argument, opposed to investigatioriy; and, I fear, indifferent about truth : as it is, even the proud pharisaical quaker appears under a more' chilling and more freezing atmosphere in this new world. Can it be possible, that the non-exisfc ence of religious oppression has lessened reli-, gious knowledge, and made men superstitiously dependent upon outward form instead of 'internal purity ? ........ ; Military Service. — The laws upon this sub ject ; vary, I believe, in the several states. In that of New York, every male inhabitant can be called out, from the age of 18 to 45, on actual' military duty. During a state of peace, there^re seven musters annually : the fine for non-atterid^ ance is, each time, five dollars. Coriirrianding Officers havediscretionarypower toreceiye substi-' tutes.. An. instance of their easiness to be pleased was.related to me by Mr. , a tradesman of this city. He never attends the muster, but/to avoid the fine,, sends some one of. his men, .who answers to his name ; the same man is not invari- MILITARY SERVICE. 49 ably his deputy on parade : in this, Mr suits bis own convenience ; sometimes the collecting clerk, sometimes one of the brewers, at others a drayman : and to finish , this military pan tomime, a firelock is often dispensed with, for the more convenient warlike weapon — a cudgel. Courts-martial have the power of mitigating the fine, when a satisfactory cause of absence is assigned, and in cases of poverty. I cannot convey certain information upon legal exemp tions. During a period of three months in the late war, martial law existed, and no substitutes were received. Aliens were not called out. In the adjoining state (Jersey) they were com pelled to serve. Instances occurred of residents, who had not taken up their citizenship, being banished to forty miles beyond tide- water. You will probably expect some advice from me as to your emigration. At present I can hardly form an opinion ; that is, such an one as would be deserving of respect. The preceding information has been collected from numerous sources, and with as much care and discrimin ation as I am capable of exercising. It may partly enable you to draw your own conclusions, which I shall greatly prefer to a dependence upon my judgment. Thus much I can safely say of this country, that every industrious man may obtain a living here^ but that it is not that political Elysium, which a certain unprincipled 50 OFFER OF A SETTLEMENT. author and bookseller has so floridly described, and which, the imaginations of many have fondly anticipated. In a few months I hope to be enabled to speak of America with more decision. That the Deity may bless me with a competent and dis cerning mind, and that all your steps maybe directed aright, is my ardent and sincere prayer. The Amity will sail in a few hours ; I must therefore conclude. In my next report, which will lie sent by captain Foreman, of the Wash ington, I shall forward some particulars of the interior of this state. The following letter has just come to hand. « Sir, " Understanding from Miss -, '" of Boston, who came with Mrs. Quincy '" Adams, that you are looking out for a set- " tlement; I beg to offer one, which I think " may answer your purpose. It is at Fishkill- " landing, on the banks of the Hudson : six- " teen frame buildings, witii a church, are " already erected. There is also a good lot of " land. The whole I am disposed to sell on " moderate terms, and with a, liberal credit. " For reference, I refer you to the late pre- " sident, at Quincy. The distance is 60 miles ** from the city of New York. Sloops and steam- ¦" boats pass every day. .v I shall feel much REPORT FORWARDED. 51 " pleasure in receiving a visit from you, pre- " vious to your return to Europe. " J. P. De Wint. " Fishkill-landing, " State of New York." *#* The present report will be taken by Mr. Berthelet, of the house of Berthelet and Reeves, of Montreal ; a gentleman who is going to pursue his medical studies in London, and who has politely consented to be the bearer of this. He sails in the Amity, for Liverpool, on the 4th September. SECOND REPORT. COURTS OF LAW IN NEW YORK. — SLOOP OF WAR, ONTARIO. SLAVERY; ANECDOTE OF A BLACK BARBER. VISIT TO MR. dOBBETT. — SOU. AND AGRICULTURE OF LONG ISLAND. PRICES OF STOCK, AND OF LAND. MAN HATT-EN, OR YORK ISLAND. — COUNTRY HOUSES TO, BE SOLD ; PRICES. — NEWARK, IN JERSEY. — FISHKILLj. ON THE HUDSON. — MR. DE W1NT*S PROPERTY. AMERICAN SERVANTS.' — NEWBURGH. — NO NATIONAL MONUMENT TO WASHINGTON. — AMERICAN EMIGRATION TO CA NADA. — COTTON MANUFACTORY. RETURN TO NEW YORK. ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. MECHANICAL PANORAMA. — THEATRE. — SHAMROCK SOCIETY. — WHAT CLASSES OF EMIGRANTS ARE LIKELY TO SUCCEED, AND WHAT ARE NOT. Newburgh, on the banks of the Hudson. In my last report, conveyed by the politeness of Mr. Berthelet, I gave particulars of various trades and professions. Their length prevented me from entering into those minor details, which perhaps may not be without their utility. My residence in this country has yet been but CITY-HALL. 53 short. Whatever may have been my exertions and enquiries, I am not yet sufficiently familiar ised to the habits and character of the people, to feel confident in my impressions. Minute traits and occurrences, apparently trifling, fre quently attract my notice ; as I conceive it is by means of these, that we are frequently best enabled to form a correct estimate, either of an individual or of an entire community. The 9th of August was, I believe, the date of my first communication. .On the 10th, I attended at the city-hall, to witness an expected trial of our captain, on the charge of the second steward, for alleged ill usage : several passengers and sailors were in waiting to give evidence on both sides. I felt rejoiced to see even the latter; though, when on boafd, they had little of my respect: but such is the attachment created by a long sea voyage. This trial was fifth on the list ; the time spent in waiting I felt as no demand on my pa tience : my mind was occupied ; the objects with which I was surrounded interested, because they were novel to me. The court is in size about one- fourth larger than the lord mayor's court in the Mansion-house. The presiding j udge was a young anan about 26; tall, thin, Sallow, serious, and un interesting : his dress was a long loose great coat andtrowsers. The counsel were of similar ,ages and appearance. The commencement of ,e 3 54 ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. the first trial was delayed from the' want of jurymen: twenty-four had been summoned; seven only were in attendance. The judge pro posed that the first five should be taken from among the by-standers, who were from fifty to sixty in number. This proposition was op posed by the counsel for the plaintiff) who,; among other arguments, urged the possibility that five so chosen might not all be citizens of the United States. This was overruled, and the trial proceeded. It was of a petty nature, not possessed of features useful to communicate : the decision seemed to me just. The technical language used, was borrowed from English prac tice ; the general effect different, especially in the perfect equality of judge, counsel, jury, tip staff, and auditors. Our case was called : it was not tried, in consequence of, I believe, the well- paid management of Counsel. I am informed, on good authority, that great corruption ex ists in those minor courts. The judge is said to have a good understanding with the constable : he receives too, a larger sum incases of conviction than in those of acquittal. It is indisputable that the constables are remarkably anxious for jobs ; and that the judge strongly participates in their feelings. An important legal officer here, has been long known to practise the most disgraced ful imposition ; but his political views are in agreement with, those of .the state government, NATIONAL CHARACTER. 55 and therefore he retains his situation. My im pressions, of the court just referred to were, that it presented a character of more simplicity, (if the term be allowable in any case where law yers are concerned,) but of less dignity,, than those with which we are familiar. The justice awarded in each is perhaps about upon an equality: at least I see no fair reason to give the preference to this side of the Atlantic. When at my boarding-house I am not unoccu pied in observing the characters and conduct of fellow-residents. The manners of Americans differ widely from those of Englishmen : they are more easy, but less polite. A desire to please does not seem to form a feature of the national character. Their easiness of address seems not the result of reflection, or the polish of good so ciety ; but appears to proceed from the general diffusion of moderate wealth, and the national civil institutions. Every man feels not merely independent in his political, but also in his personal condition. The individual acts and thinks as an individual ; and society seems to have diminshed charms for men, who imagine that they have sufficient resources within them selves. The following day, Major Biddle, of the United States' army, had the politeness to take me in the garrison boat on board the ship, of -i war Ontario^, which his brother commanded. She is E 4 56 THE SHU* ONTARIO. waiting to take out commissioners to Soiith America* This vessel is remarkably, fine of her class : she carries twenty thirty-two pounders. and two twelves. Captain Biddle, distinguished: for his bravery in the late war, was in a ham- iribck on deck, being indisposed with a slight fever, as were several of his officers and crew;, his reception of me was most liberal and gentle manly. -"I was much pleased with one of the Lieu tenants. Having adverted to their naval victo ries, he very modestly replied, " I make no claim, "to superiority over the British. Men cannot " be braver than they are ; but they were too . " confident of success, and that feeling has de- " feated men in many things besides battles. " Besides which, Sir, their long unrivalled suc- *' cesses caused them to be la& in their dis-* " cipline, while, on the contrary, we are remark- " ably strict in ours : our discipline is a mode] " in that particular, and nothing can be done " without it at sea." ' The existence of slavery in the United States has, I know, long been to you all a subject both of regret and astonishment. NewYork is called a " free state :" that it may be so theoretically, or when compared With its southern neighbours, I am not prepared to dispute ; but if, in England, "we saw in the Times newspaper such 'advertise ments as the following, we should conclude SLAVERY. 57 that freedom from slavery existed only in words. The first is from the New York Daily Ad vertiser. I have not made a memorandum of the paper from which I extracted the second ; but no American will deny their originality; and, what is worse, I fear there are few who would acknowledge their iniquity : " TO BE SOLD, " A Servant woman acquainted with both city and "country business, about 30 years of age, and sold " because she wishes to change her place. Enquire at " this office, or at 9 1 Cherry- street." " FOR SALE OR HIRE, . ¦ " A likely young Man Servant, sober, honest and " well behaved. He would suit very well for a house "servant or gentleman's waiter, being accustomed to " both. Enquire at this office." The number of blacks in this city is very greatc they have instituted a " Wilberfprce Society ;" and look upon the Englishman whose name they have taken as the great saviour of their race. At Mrs. Bradish's boarding-house I saw but one white servant, ' and I should suppose there were of her own, and of her boarders', at least sixteen blacks. A negro child, about six years of age, ¦often waited upon us at tea: the strength and dexterity of the little thing frequently excite,d tny attention and sympathy. Female blacks often obstructed mypassage up and down stairs. They 58 TREATMENT OF NEGROES. lie about, clinging to the boards as though that had been the spot on which they had vegetated: several belonged to families from the south, and were, as a matter of course, held in unconditional slavery. The men, whether regular servants of the house or not, equally attended upon all at table. There was one waiter on an average to four gentlemen ; yet such was the want of system observed, that few could obtain what they desired. Soon after landing I called at a hair-dresser's in Broadway, nearly opposite the city-hall : the man in the shop was a negro. He had nearly finished with me when a black man, very respectably dressed, came into the shop and sat down. The barber enquired if he wanted the proprietor or his boss, as he termed him, who was also a black": the answer was in the "negative ; but that he wished to have his hair cut. My man turned upon his heel, and with the greatest contempt, muttered in a tone of proud importance, " We do not " cut coloured men here, Sir." The poor fellow walked out without replying, exhibiting in his countenance confusion, humiliation, and mortification. I immediately requested that if the refusal was on account of my being present, he might be called back. The hair-dresser was astonished : " You cannot be in earnest, Sir," he said. I assured him that I was so, and that I was much concerned in witnessing the refusal ANECDOTE. 5Q from no other cause than that his skin was of a darker tinge than my own. He stopped the riiotion of his Scissars ; arid after a pause of some seconds, in which his eyes were fixed upon my face, he said, " Why, 1 guess as how, Sir, what " you say is mighty elegant, and you're an ele- " gant man ; but I guess you are not of these " parts." — "I am from England," said I, 'f where we have neither so cheap nor so en- " lightened a government as yours, but we " have no slaves." — " Ay, I guessed you were " not raised here ; you salt-water people are " mighty grand to coloured people ; yon are "not so proud, and I guess you have more " to be proud of; now I reckon you do not " know that my boss would not have a single " ugly or clever gentleman come to his store, " if he cut coloured men ; now my boss, I " guess, ordered me to turn out every coloured " man from the store right away, and if I did " not, he would send me off slick ; for the slim- " mest gentleman in York would not come to " his store if coloured men were let in ; but you " know all that Sir, I guess, without my telling " you ; you are an elegant gentleman too, Sir." I assured him that I was ignorant of the fact which he stated ; but which, from the earnest ness of his manner, I concluded must be true. " And you come all the Way right away from " England. Well ! I would not have supposed, 60 ANECDOTE. " I guess, that you come from there from your " tongue ; you have no hardness like, I guess, sin " ydur speaking; you talk almost as well as we " do, and that is what I never see, I guess, in " a gentleman so lately from England. I guess " your talk is withiri a grade as good as ours. " You are a mighty elegant gentleman, and if you •* will tell me where you keep, I will bring some " of my coloured friends to visit you. Well, you " must be a smart man to come from England, " and talk English as Well as we do that were " raised in this country." At the dinners-table I commenced a relation of this occurrence to three American gentleman, one of whom was a doctor, the others were in the law : they were men of education and of liberal opinions. When I arrived at the point .of the black being turned out, they exclaimed, " Ay right, perfectly right, " I would never go to a barber's where a coloured " man was cut !" Observe, these gentlemen were not from the south ; they are residents of New York, and I believe were born there. I was upon the point of expressing my opinion, but withheld it, thinking it wise to look at every Jfairig as it stood, and form a deliberate judg ment when every feature was finally before me. They were amused with the barber's conceitabout the English language, which I understand is by no means a singular view of the subject. The exclusion of blacks from the places of LONG ISLAND. 61 public worship where whites attend. I stated at the commencement. In perfect conformity with this spirit is . the fact, that the most degraded white will not walk or eat with a negro ; so that, although New- York is a free state, it is such only on parchment : the black Americans are in it practically and politically, slaves ; the laws of •the mind being, after all, infinitely more strong and more effective than those of the statute book ; and it is these mental legislative enact ments, operating in too many cases besides this of the poor negroes, which excite but little re spect for the American character. August 21 st. (You see I am not very regular in my chronology, wishing rather to throw my ideas on the same subject as nearly as I cari' to gether.) On this day I went to Long Island, for the purpose of visiting Mr.Cobbett, at Hyde- Park Farm, which is 18 miles distant from the city. I had no previous personal knowledge of Mr. C, nor had I letters of introduction to him ', but believing that he could give inform ation and advice concerning America, and afclo feeling a strong desire to see a character, so ce lebrated, I resolved to forego the usual pre requisite in calling upon a stranger. The con veyance from the city to Brooklyn, on Long- Island, is by a steam ferry-boat : the East River, at this point, is about one-third wider thaij the Thames at Greenwich : horses and carriages are 62 BROOKLYN. TAVERNS. driven into the boat, those who ride seldom dis mounting. In order that I might be in time for the stage, I did not go to my lodgings for din ner, supposing that as Brooklyn was a place of considerable population, I should find no diffi culty in obtaining an article so necessary for a traveller. I found there several places of public entertainment, the signs and outward appeaiv ance of which bespoke a similarity to English taverns. The first into which I went had one large public room, without a table, or, I be lieve, a chair, with a bar railed off like a prison. The inhabitant of this department was not dis similar to many of his countrymen : tall, thin, yellow, cold, suspicious, and silent. At this place I did not venture to make known my wants* I passed several others before I presumed to make a second attempt : when I did so, it was at a "Tavern and Hotel ;" the bar was like the one before described, but there was the convenience of a private room, the floor of which was covered with a neat and economical species of carpet, of domestic manufacture. I made known my wants to the landlady; saying, that I was not at all particular, and should be glad of any thing she had in the- house : she walked on to her bar, answering, without looking at me, " I guess we " have got no feed for strangers ; we do not " practise those things at this house, I guess;" The stage was ready : the driver informed me MR. RUFUS KING. 63 that he would take me to Wiggins's Inn, a dis tance of about four miles from Mr. Cobbett's. The vehicle was a kind of light farmer's waggon, with three seats, carrying two persons each : there was no covering, and, of course, a want of protection from the sun 'and dust, both of which, on this occasion, were very unpleasant : miy thermometer in the shade was 88, in the sun 120. Long Island is called the garden of America. We passed some pleasing scenery, and several remarkably fine fields of Indian corn : this ar ticle can hardly be excelled in beauty of appear ance. The residence of* the celebrated Mr. RufusKingis on the road side: it is a frame house, painted white, with green shutters, and would class in England as a fourth-rate country seat. A gentleman informed me, that, were Mr. King travelling, he would not hesitate at riding in our waggon. Mr. K. is what is called a Federalist ; but this trait of real dignity of cha racter is not the peculiar feature of a party : it appertains to all public men in America; at once exhibiting an evidence of their good sense, and the wise institutions of this government. The murder pf American prisoners at Dart moor was the subject of a conversation between myself and an American medical fellow-pas senger, arising from Mr. King's son having been one of the commissioners appointed by the -United States to investigate that most unfortu- 64 MR. C0BBETT. nate and disgraceful transaction. The Doctor was unwilling to censure, in this instance, the conduct of the British. He stated, "that there was a great deal to be said on both sides ; arid that, for himself, he had suspended his judgr ment. Lord Castlereagh arid the English ca binet were, in this gentleman's estimation, " great men, who acted with good intentions " for the welfare of their country." Taxation was partially discussed ; he labouring to con vince me that, in proportion to their means, they (the Americans) were more heavily taxed than the people of England. Upon arriving at Mr. Cobbett's gate, my feelings, in walking along the path which led to the residence of this celebrated man, are diffi cult to describe. The idea of a person self- bariished, leading an isolated life in a foreign. land — a path rarely trod, fences in ruins, the gate broken, a house mouldering to decay*., added to niuch awkwardness of feeling on my. part, calling upon an entire stranger, produced in my mind feelings of thoughtfulness and me lancholy. I would fain almost have returned without entering the wooden mansion, imagining that its possessor would exclaim, " What in- " truding fellow is here coming to break in upon, " my pursuits ?" But these difficulties ceased almost with their existence. A female servant (an Englishwoman) informed me that her master NAPQLEON. ^>5 was from home, attending at the county court* Her language was natural enough for a person in her situation: she pressed me to walk in, " being " quite certain that I was her countryman ; and **¦ she was so delighted to see an Englishman, in- ," stead' of these nasty guessirig Yankies." Fol lowing my guide through the kitchen, (the floor of which, she asserted, was imbedded with two feet of dirt when Mr. Cobbett came there — it had been previously in the occupation of Ame ricans,) I was conducted to a front parlour, which contained but a single chair and several trunks of sea clothes. A French gentleman, whom I found in the house, residing with Mr. Cobbett, interested me much by his character and conversation. He had been iri the suite of Napoleon, and came over with Santini. His account of the Emperor's treatment corresponds with the published nar ratives." Of his late master he speaks in the most affectionate manner. He jumped about, whistled, arid sang with a thoughtless gaiety, peculiarly French. ; At half past eight in the evening Mr. Cobbett had "not returned. My design was to walk back to Wiggins' Inn. This idea I abandoned on the recommendation of an English servant, who, as it proved,, knew little of the country. : He conducted me to the road side, directing' me to proceed in a direction opposite to that which led to Wiggins', stating, that F (56 WALK AT NIGHT. in about one hundred yards* distance I should see a tavern. My walk extended for many hundred yards, but no human habitation ap peared. The night fortunately was fine- — the moon's brilliancy — the surrounding scenery— the serious turn of my mind, and the belief that, for that night, wandering without repose in a strange land was to be my lot, produced feelirigs which would have furnished my poetic friend D- with a good subject for further " night thoughts." The coolness of the air was also a riiost pleasing treat after the oppressive heat which I had experienced during the day. I proceeded at a slow and thoughtful pace, willing to foster a faint hope that I might yet arrive at a tavern. A house appeared, but it was a private one, arid all were gone to bed. I became very uneasy, having in rily pocket a large re mittance from Washington; At length, to my great joy, I saw a light at a considerable dis tance ; it proved to come from a hut by the road side. Upon my approach to the doori, a dog jumped out: when he was partially silenced,' I enquired for a public house ; none was near. This habitation belongs to an old woman, who once kept what is here called a tavern. After the repetition of my request, she answered, by desiring to know, " What do you want with a ¦" public-house? What is your name ? Where were ¦" you raised ? Where are you going ? Ym axe " "P.T "X?*lA"KrT» Tnn/lTVna " ELEGANT LODGINGS." 67 » from York (New York) I guess ? You want a " bed I guess? now I guess if" you be not a hard " character, I will let you have elegant lodgings " I guess ?" I accepted the offer with a com bination of fear and gladness. _ The old lady still sells liquors. Her present stock is con tained in three dirty bottles, carefully preserved in a corner cupboard. At the moment of my entrance, she was supplying a black pedlar with a glass of New England, or what is here deno minated " Yankee" rum. The old lady's witch like appearance, and the cast of character of her guest, were strong drawbacks upon my desire for repose. This pair seemed living portraits of Dirk Hatterick and Meg Merrilies : they looked really terrific. I seated myself, and was busied in physiognomical research, when the man, holding a candle in my face, exclaimed " She wants to look at you." When I had passed my examination, the old woman with drew to prepare a bed ; her guest continued drinking, giving me a great many winks and nods, and saying " how wealthy the old bag gage was." I was heartily glad to find that this sable hero was not to be an occupant of the same house with myself. As the old lady con ducted me to an apartment, she apologized for the passage to it being through a room, in which were an entire family strewed over the .floor. The wretchedness and poverty cf my f 2 68 MB.. COBBETT. chamber must remain uridescribed. Yet I nevef in my life lay down with more sincere gratitude to the Deity, Before Seven o'clock on the following morn ing I regained Mr. Cobbett's. His servant conducted me into a room in which he was Writing, with his coat off. The first question was, " Are you an American, Sir ?" then/ " What were my objects in the United States? " Was I acquainted with the friends of liberty " in London? How long had I left?" &c. He was immediately familiar. I was pleasingly disappointed With the general tone of his manners. His sons, particularly the second^ are genteel young men. Of their talents I had no opportunity to form a judgment. Mr. G thinks meanly of the American people, but spoke highly of the economy pf their govern- riient. He does not advise persons in respect* •able circumstances to emigrate, even in the present state Of Englandi In his ppiriion,«a family who can but barely live upon their . pro perty, will riiofe consult their happiness by not removing to the United Statesl He almost laughs at Mr. Birkbeck's settling in the Western country. This being the first time I had seen this well-known character,; I viewed him with no ordinary degree of interest. A print by Bartollofzi, executed in 1801, conveys a correct outline of his person. His eyes are small, •< and pleasingly good-natured. ^ To the French gentle- MR. COBBETT. 69 man he was attentive ; with his sons familiar ; to his servants easy ; but to all, in his tone and manner resolute and determined. He feels no- hesitation* in praising himself, and evidently believes that he is eventually destined to be the Atlas of the British nation. His faculty of relating, anecdotes is amusing. — Instances when we meet. . My: impressions of Mr. Cobbett are, that those who know him would like him, if they can be content to submit unconditionally to his dicta tion, f* Obey me, and I will treat you kindly ; " if you do not, I will trample on you," seemed visible in every word and feature. He appears to feel, in its fullest force, the sentiment, ••" I have no brother, am like no brother, . ;. '' I am myself alone." The little Frenchman was whistling, jumping,- and singing with all the gaiety of a- delighted boy upon a gala day. In reply te my ques tions concerning the treatment of Napoleon,' lie* was rapid, energetic, and nearly^ unintelli-1 gible. "*' Gover-neur, bad man, rascal man, " insult empe-reur ; empe-reur not like gover- " neur, not speak to him, — Balcomb, Oh ! Oh ! «' Oh ! bad man, bad man— -rats, run, run, run." . Mr. Cobbett complained of the difficulty of obtaining labourers , at a price by which the agri culturist qorild realize a profit : so much so, that he conceives that a farmer in America- cannot f 3 70: LONG ISLAND. support himself unless he has sons, who, with himself, will labour with their own hands. He had contracted with a man to do his mowing : the terms were, an equal division of the produce, Mr. C. took me round his grounds, The con tractor complained that even half the hay, fot merely his labour, was a< hard bargain. With pleasing sensations I departed from Mr. Cobbett's residence ; and most willingly express my ob ligation to him for a reception generous and liberal. Long Island, a part of the state of New York, is chiefly occupied by farmers : their populous capital affords a ready market for produce. This island in length is 120, and in breadth 12 miles. It is divided into counties, two of which retain the names of royalty, after the disappearance of the reality; the first being called King's, the second Queeri's County — such inveterate tyrants are ancient establishments. The west end has a good soil, and is in a state of moderate; cultivation ; the east has a considerable portion of sandy plains. The introduction of gypsum, and other improvements in their mode of agri culture, have much increased the annual pro duce. I am informed that within the last 14 years farms have risen in value 25 per cent. Land is worth from 31. 7s. 6d. to 331. 15s, per acre. A choice of farms may now be purchased in this island at from 151. 15s, to 221. 10s. peU 14 , AGRICULTURE* 71; acre, including necessary buildings. Farrner$ dp riot live extravagantly : few of them have money in reserve. The high price of labour, indifference of the soil, and general want of capital, must cause a long continuance, of this state of things. The agriculturist, who alone can, in this island, enter tain rational hopes of profit, must have sons that will work, and be himself among the foremost by labouring with his own hands. There being no tax upon horses, their labour is preferred, and mules and asses are seldom if ever used. The breed of horses is good, but not large : one fit for a waggon is worth 221. lOs. ; a saddle or drawing florae, 351.; gig horse, 331. 15s. to 561. 5s. j carriage ditto, 901. to 1201. ; fine riding ditto, 901. to!20l. Cows are worth — lean, 91. ; fat, 111. 5s. to 131. 10s. Pigs are sold, per pound, alive ; the present price is 7d. : sheep, 9s. They are very small : an entire carcase is not much larger than a Leicestershire leg of mutton. A sheep, when fattened for market, is 13s. 6d. A good farm cart is worth 71. to 91. ; a ditto waggon, 221. to 231. ; a farmer's man-servant, 241. to 301. per year ; a ditto woman, 121. to 161. Early wheat is cut in the middle of July. The wheat and rye harvest is completed by the end of August ; buck wheat, in October ; Indian corn, ditto; oats, middle of August ; grass, from 1st to the end of July. The seed for winter, rye and wheat, is sown from end of August to end F 4 yg FARMS ON SALE. Of September. The following advertisement^ extracted from the " New York Evening- Post," may convey more specific ideas of the value of farms than the preceding statement. Previous to this notice of public sale,. I applied, .with a view to our friend L , to know the lowest ready money price. Mrs. Ledyard, their owner; informed me that the first would be 100 dollars, and the second 70 dollars, per acre. « FOR SALE AT AUCTION, « At the T. C. H. on the 1st day of March next, the " farm belonging to the estate of the late Dr. Isaac ".- Ledyard, situated one mile south of the village of ".Newtown, Long Island. The Williamsburgh tuiro-> " pike runs through the farm, on one side of which i^ " a new excellent stone wall, half a mile in length. The " farm contains about 150 acres, 15 of which aire a fine " wood lot, with two apple orchards, one old, the other " just beginning to bear well, and a suitable proportion *¦' of good salt meadow. The mansion house is large " and. convenient, four rooms on each floor, with a good, " kitchen and cellars ; attached is a large barn. crib» " hen house, smoke house, well, and a new cistern, &c. *f The court yard' and garden contain a variety of friiit " trees and shrubbery, a large asparagus bed, rasp-' " berries and currants. , - .?' Also- — A. farm adjoining the above, containing " about sixty acres ; attached to which is an equal pfo- " portion of salt meadow, and a lot of young wood, " situated within less than a mile of the farm, containing " ten acfes, with a farm house, barn, well, garden, &c," . Wishing to see, York Island, Mr. Dash wood, a fellow-boarder, had the politeness to accompany FARMS ON SALE. 73 me, in a single horse chaise. We proceeded a few miles beyond Hearlem Bridge, where we visited a farmer with whom Mr. D. was ac quainted. Apple trees were in profusion on the road side. There is no obstacle, and seems, in deed, no objection raised to any person's taking fruit. The scenery, during this ride, particu larly on the margin of the East River, is pleasing and diversified. Country seats are rather nu merous : one half of them, at least, are to be sold or let. My excellent friend S— — could make a pleasing selection on York Island. I enquired the price of several places : they vary, of course, as being affected by causes similar to those which serve to, lessen or to increase the value of houses in England. A residence, two stories high, suf ficiently large for a family of ten or twelve per sons, with a garden, and from two to fifteen acres of land, is from eight thousand to twenty thousand dollars (18001. to 45001. sterling) ; a variation occasioned by difference in the situ ation, or in fhe style of building. The following description I extract from a letter,, sent me by the solicitor of a person to whom I applied. The house referred to is four arid a half miles from the city, and in the immediate neighbourhood of a good road : — - " The. house and other buildings are substari- " tiaUy and neatly built. 74 house on sale; " The cellar to the house is perfectly dry;- ** being partly blown out of the rock. " The house is filled in with brick, furrowed {t off, lathened and plaistered, so as to be as tight *< and comfortable as a brick house. " The two wells on the place are both blown " through a rock ; the one near the house for f" twenty or thirty feet, and both contain ex- " eellent water for family use, particularly the "one near. the house. " Particular pains have been taken with the *' garden; it being a fine level garden spot, and "filled up on one side with mould carted inW if' it, to theheighth of eight or ten feet. " There are a great number and variety of " fruit trees of the most improved and best *« -kinds. " The situation is elevated and healthy, and " commands one of the finest prospects on the " island. a " The terms are 10,000 dollars, which can be '*¦ made payable, a small part in cash, and the re- " sidue in such payments as may be convenient* %;< " H< Fearon, Esq." B (a coach-maker), who sailed in the Ann to Boston, and M (a "chair and fancy japanrier), who came in the Criterion, have got work at Newark, a town in Jersey, ten miles from the city of New York. I have been with NEWARK. 75 them several times, and through their means am possessed of some information relating to mechanics and manufacturers. I made several visits to Jersey : it is situated opposite New York, on the southern banks of the Hudson. An excellent steam ferry-boat connects these states as completely as could be effected by a bridge. In the valleys are black oak, ash, palms, and poplars ; hi some parts there is considerable variety of the red and white oak ; the hickery grows in those situations which are overflowed. The soil is not esteemed prolific. Newark contains a population of about eight thousand persons, including .slaves. It is a manufacturing town of some importance : car riages and chairs are made on a very extensive scale, chiefly for the southern markets. I saw a Very beautiful model of a carriage at Camp- field's factory, which was ordered for a Spanish patriot-chief. This town is delightfully situ ated, and contains a great number of excellent houses. Wishing to see Mr. De Wint's property, at Fishkill, (see the postscript of my first report,) I took a passage in the steam-boat " Chancellor Livingstone ;" fare 3^ dollars, distance 60 miles, time of departure five o'clock in the evening, of arrival half past one the following mornirig* This vessel is, perhaps, equalled by none in the world: she may be denominated, without the 76 STEAM-BOAT. charge of exaggeration, a floating palace ; her length is 175 feet, and breadth 50, and she is propelled by a steam-engine of 80 horse power ; there are' beds for 1 60, and accommodation for 40 more by settees. The ladies have a distinct cabin :: they seem cut off frpni all association or, conversation with the gentlemen. On deck} there are numerous conveniences, such as bag-? gage rooms, smoking rooms, &c. ; on the de scent to "the cabins are placed cards of trades men, and hotels in the chief cities, and also re ligious; tracts, which are chiefly reprints of English evangelical effusions — affording, an other instance of the slavish dependence . of America upon British writers.- The interior, of this: vessel is extremely, splendid. The late pe riod of the day at which we embarked, allowed me but a. limited opportunity, of viewing the bold and grand scenery of this majestic river. .Near the banks is .erected a monument, to that great -ornament of the -federal party, Hamilton.;; he was in the administration, and some say the director, of Washington. Those who knew him ..best state that he was a man far above the ordinary standard of public . characters,: en dowed; indeed, with suck talents as but few mortals are destined to possess ; he was deprived of life :by the celebrated Mr. Aarori Burr, thus adding another, and a splendid victim to the barbarous practice of duelling ~ which, by. the ALEXANDER HAMILTON. 77 way, is very general and almost uniformly fatal m this couritiy. A slight provocation produces a challenge, and if the parties consider them selves of what is called " equal standing," that- is, of families and in worldly circumstances of equal respectability, they rarely decline the combat; and the Atnericans being generally good shots,, and as remarkable for their cool deli beration as, too frequently, for deadly malignity; it is seldom that both parties escape with life. ' In the churchyard of New York there is a monument to Alexander Hamilton ; there is also one to Captain Lawrence, of the Chesa peake : that the latter may be deserving of this distinguished honour I wish not to dispute, but surely Washington is, to say the least, entitled to as much respect as a rash naval officer; yet, .singular to relate, to Washington, the father and saviour of his country, there is no national monument! unless, indeed, you will call by that name an existence in the hearts and affections of the remaining few who are deserving of his unexampled exertions, and equally unparalleled devotion to the sound interests of his country'. But if 'Washington has no monument in Am&. rica, he has one in England that never can de cay but with the annihilation of the British character ; he lives in their generous and liberal minds as a model to the general and the poli tician of the present and every succeeding age. . 78 FOREIGNERS. Relative to Hamilton, I extract the following from a New York publication, written by one, an Englishman by birth, but an American by Adoption : — " General Hamilton was born in one of the English West-India islands; he came to the American colonies when a lad ; entered into the revolutionary war with zeal ; became early in the war one of the aids of General Washington ; gallantly commanded a regiment at the capture of Cornwallis; fought through the revolution ; was a member of the convention from which our national constitution originated ; was the first secretary of the treasury, or chancellor of the exche quer, under the national government; he formed the department, and brought order out of chaos ; he was, perhaps, the ablest Writer, and most eloquent man in America. Even Hamilton, one of the most ingenuous and disinterested of mankind, was called and considered and treated as a foreigner. -His early distinctions are to be ascribed to fhe circumstances of the times, to a poverty of talents. The late President Adams says, in his recent publications, that Hamilton being a foreigner, it could not be supposed that he could have American feelings, or be weU informed on American affairs ! ! ! " But to return to my detail, the boat in which I had embarked for Fishkill was well filled with/pas- ' MR. TOMKINS. 79 sengers. The general occupation was card- playing -t one or two had a book in their hands: those whose beds were in the births fitted up for that purpose were passengers going the en tire . route (to Albany), and who had taken the precaution to have their names early entered in a book kept by the captain for that purpose. Mr. Tompkins, the Vice-president of the United States, was among, the number going to Albany, the seat of the New York State government : he was seated among the other passengers, with out assuming consequence, or receiving any particular attention. In person he is of the middle size, in complexion dark, with a coun tenance at that time thoughtful to an extreme* he is taller than Mr. Waithman, but in other respects the latter gentleman will convey an idea of his cast of character : his solemnity may not have been habitual, for I am told by those who knew him, that he carries jocularity and lively good-nature to an extreme. Newburg, the town where I stopped, is 60 miles from New York ; I obtained a bed after one or two unsuccessful applications at the ho tels which keep open regularly for steam-boat passengers. The following morning I crossed the Hudson to Fishkill landing. The gentleman to whose house I was going was a fellow- passenger in the ferry-boat, though at that time unknown to me. The property for sale con- 80 FISHKILL LANDING. sisted of one hundred acres of land, and fourteen small J&ame (not log) houses ; the price for the whole is €5,000 dollars (56251.) : there is ort this lot a neat frame church, which may be purchased for 2500 dollars (5621. JOs.); it is not fitted up, except a few common seats, .and a pulpit of rather primitive simplicity. A credit of four years will be given, charging the interest; the present cash price is not lower. Mr. De Wint's residence is within half a mile ; I had the pleasure of dining with him in com pany with several ladies and gentlemen of a very superior class. The following day Judge Vanpelt, a neighbouring gentleman and farmer, had the politeness to take me to his house. My reception at both, as well as the style of living, the sub-. stantial elegance of the furniture, and the mental talents of the company, was essentially English. I felt, indeed, for the first time, that I was once more in your little island. That peculiarly British word comfort was well understood in these ho&, pitable mansions. Another thing, too, was here an evident favourite, though, I lament to say* scarcely known on this side the Atlantic — cleanliness : the servants also, were in their dress. neat, and hi their manners attentive, . forming a. striking contrast to what I have too often seea; on other occasions. Servants, , let me, here observe, are called;.; ." helps:" if you call a servant -by .that name SERVANTS'. 81 they leave yoU without notice; Englishmen often incur their displeasure by negligence in eontinUing to use this prohibited word. The difference, however, Would appear merely verbal ; for indeed I should misrepresent the impressions I have received on the subject, if I stated that the Americans really shewed more feeling, or were more considerate in their Conduct towards this clasg of society than the English : every one who knows them will, I think, pronounce the direct Contrary to be the case. A friend Pf mine, the other day, met with a rebuff at his hotel; Which taught him the necessity of alter ing — not his ideas indeed, but his words. Ad dressing the female " help" he said, " Be kind " enough to tell your mistress that I should be "glad to see her." — " My mistress, Sir ! I tell " you I have no mistress, nor master either. " I will not tell her, Sir, I guess ; if you want " Mrs. M — — — you may go to her yoUrself, "I guess. I have no mistress, Sir. In this " country there is no mistresses nor masters; " I guess I am a woman citizen." — The term " boss," as I have before observed, is substituted for that of master : but these I Would rerriark, are not the only instances in this country of the alteration of names, while things remain the same: indeed some very absurd, and even in delicate changes have been made Which cannot well be cormtanicated on pajfer. G 82 WEATHER. Servants are usually engaged by the week: enquiry as to character is not practised : blacks and whites are seldom kept in the same house ; they are chiefly blacks, and, though held in the most degraded estimation, appear to do almost what they please. The condition of their kitchens is what in England would be considered very objectionable: there seem usually several black friends of the servants in this apartment. Their children 1 observed frequently sprawling about the floor like kittens or puppies. Judge Vanpelt is a large farmer : his sheep, I think, he stated at 500, — a large flock for this country. His land appeared rather barren. — Mr. De Wint informs me that their winters are dry and severe : they commence about the 5th of December, and end by the middle of March. At this time the ice begins to break in^ the Hudson. The thermometer is from 5& to 70, from the 1st of April to the middle of May; in July and August it is 78 to 90; in Ma»ch and April the weather is subject to sudden changes : the cold sometimes intense, with much rain and easterly winds. June is a de lightful month, as are also part of September, and the whole of October. The summer hearts and winter colds are usually extreme. The ad vance in the value of land, in this part of the state, has made many of the old settlers men of large property. . The general style of living ^NEWBURG. 83 consists of a plentiful supply of the necessaries of life, with but few of what in England we should call it's comforts. I visited the mountain adjoining Fishkill-landing — a walk to the sum mit was fatiguing, but the prospect amply re paid the labour. The town from which I am now writing (Newburg) appeared, situated in a most delightful and fertile valley, with many fine roads connecting it with several parts of this immense continent. Newburg has a popu lation of 3000, many of whom are of Dutch descent. There are many new and excellent buildings : the genuine log house I have not yet seen. Paper currency seems to be the only /Circulating medium : it is of every amount, and with a reputation infinitely varied ; being regulated according to the distance, and the re putation of the bank. I see no man in absolute want, nor any who appear particularly anxious about their future prospects. These are, per haps, the natural signs of an improving country, and one whose resources, so far from being exhausted, are yet not even called wholly into action. A Lieutenant in the United States army, who has just arrived from his station on the lakes, and is now sitting opposite to me, states that the number of Americans who emi grate from the western part of this State to Canada, is very considerable. I asked, with surprise, what couldbe their inducement. His g 2 84 COTTON [MANUFACTORY. reply was, that "the King gives them great " encouragement, with land for nothing; — no "¦ taxes, and a present of the implements of " husbandry." This is, indeed, " great en- " cou rage m ent ! " and such as we old friends of His Majesty would be happy to see imitated in our native land. Upon returning from my mountain excursion, I visited Vanskank's cotton manufactory. It is advantageously situated on a fine fall of water, which empties itself into the Hudson. The proprietof conducted me over every part of this establishment. It was erected in 1814, has with stood the brunt of British competition, and is said to be profitable. There are sixteen hundred spindles in operation. Children perform the same kind of labour that they do with us : they receive 3s. 4id. per week; women, Us. 3c|. ; men, 31s. 6d. Every part of the machinery is manufactured on the premises. There is also a general shop or store on the ground floor, at which the work people are supplied with any thing they may want, in payment of their wages. The chief articles made are ginghams, plain chambrays, calicoes, and bed ticks ; the latter at a price to exclude English cotton tick. Linens are still imported. The fabric of all the articles! is coarser and stronger than ours : the finishing department is Very defective; but this will be amply compensated by the wear. This ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, &C 85 concern is modelled upon British establishments. Hearing in New York that native manufactories were ruined, I felt astonished in witnessing the prosperous appearance of Mr. Vanskank's; which may be accounted for perhaps by the able way in which it is conducted, and thg excellence of the machinery. Their connection is chiefly with the southern merchants. The question as to the success of domestic manufactories, is one in which I cannot but feel personally a particular interest. My present design is to proceed to the New England states, for further information upon this and other subjects. Returned to New York, I visited the several public exhibitions. The first in order was the " Museum," the collection of which is small — in excellent' condition, and displayed with much taste- The charge is Is. l^d. " The Academy of Fine Arts," as it is called,. is exhibited in the same building, The collection is small ; and, upon the whole, very indifferent, with the exception of two or three rustic pieces^ Among the casts, there are a Venus, an Apollo,. and a fighting gladiator. — Admission, Is. l^d. The printed particulars of this exhibition are pompously denominated, " A catalogue of " paintings, statues, busts, drawings, models^ " and engravings, exhibited by the American " Academy of Fine Arts. Sept. 1. 1817- — " Auditque. vocatus Apollo, — The third Exhi- g 3 86 THEATRES, &C " bitiPn. N. B. The catalogue of pictures is " entirely new. — Printed for the Academy."' Then follows a list of directors and officers for the year 1817; containing a president, vice- president, eleven directors, a treasurer, a secre-: tary, a librarian, and sixteen academicians ! ! Mr. Van Derlyn, an artist of considerable irierit, has a small exhibition, in which is a well executed copy of Lefebre's Napoleon. — Charge, 2s. 3d. There is a mechanical Panorama, exhibiting much ingenious mechanism. The wax-work exhibition is tolerably good : the dresses are splendid. The figure of the Goddess of Liberty feeding the American eagle is beautiful arid in teresting. The Theatre is about the size of the " Royal Circus," and as well fitted up as the second-rate London theatres. The prices are, Boxes, 4s. 6d. Pit, 3s. 4£d. Gallery, 2s. 3d. I went to the pit, concluding that, with an allowance for the difference of country, it would resemble the same department in an English establishment; but found it consisted of none in dress, manners, appearance, or habits above the order of our Irish bricklayers ; — a strong fact this to prove the good payment of labour. Here were men that, if in London, could hardly buy a pint of porter — and should- they ever think of seeing a play, must take up their abode among the gods SHAMROCK SOCIETY. 87 in the upper gallery : yet, in America, they can pay three-quarters of a dollar — free from care, and without feeling, on the following morning, that they must compensate, by deprivation or extraordinary labour, for their extravagance. Many wore their hats, and several stood up during the performance : there did not seem to be any power which could prevent either prac tice. The boxes were respectably filled: the female part of the audience made considerable display. Between the acts gentlemen with drew : indeed at this period the house; in every part, was deserted, except by the ladies. The cause of this practice is to indulge in the fatal habit of rum-drinking. A part of the gallery is allotted for negroes, they not being admitted into any other part of the house. Women never go to the pit. The entertainments were, " Laugh when you can," and the " Broken Sword:" both performed very respectably. The dresses, scenery, and decorations were superior to what I had expected to find them. Agreeably to your wishes I waited upon the gentlemen of the " Shamrock Society," who lately published a pamphlet, entitled, " Hints to Emigrants." This association is composed ex clusively of Irishmen. Among the gentlemen present was the distinguished Dr. M'Neven. Their place of meeting is at a public house, where their business is conducted with much re- g 4 88, SHAMROCK SOCIETY. gularityv The society bears a high character for benevolence, and is no doubt of material service to their distressed countrymen. One of their members had just prevented an imposition which is commonly practised in this city, and, which, in common with all my fellow-passen gers, I had submitted to — the payment of two dollars to the port doctor. Their room is de corated with flags commemorative of American? victories. Their hatred of the English ministry is implacable ; but they do not seem to dis tinguish between our government and people.; It would prove, I think, impossible to make a native of Ireland, who had never been in Eng land, believe that you have among you men who feel fpr their wrongs, and sympathise with their sufferings. These gentlemen being engaged in f a variety pf town occupations, their acquaint ance with America has hardly extended beyond the city of New York '¦> and, as far as I can form a judgment, their capability pf giving such in formation as can be relied uppn is very limited ; much more so, indeed, than their pamphlet might have, caused us to expect. Mr. Alexander Pike, their secretary, is a young lawyer : from him I received much attention, though but little faith can be placed in his answers to our que ries : not that he designs to deceive, but be affects to give intelligence concerning rents of houses, profits of trade, and domestic expend^ EMIGRATION. 89 ture, upon each of which I generally found his statements about 50 per cent, too low ; — the fact is, he is not informed upon these sub jects. To-morrow (the 8th) I shall depart for Bos- ten. My old captain has offered to be the bearer of this. I shall write again, as soon as I have leisure and materials. Even yet I must withhold my advice as to emigration — — The capitalist may manage to obtain 7 per cent, with good security. The lawyer and the doctor will not succeed. An orthodox minister would do so. By the way, the worn-out, ex posed impostor Frey, who said he was converted from Judaism to Christianity, has been attracting large audiences in New York. The proficient in the fine arts will find little encouragement. The literary man must starve. The tutors' posts are pre-occupied. The shop-keeper may do as well, but not better than in London — un less he be a man of superior talent and large capital: for such requisites, I think, there is a fine opening. The farmer (Mr. Cobbett says) must labour hard, and be but scantily remunerated. The clerk and shopman will get but little more than their board and lodging. Mechanics, whose trades are of the first necessity, will do well : those not such, or who understand only 12 90 EMIGRATION. the cotton, linen, woollen, glass, earthenware* silk and stocking manufactories, cannot obtain employment. The labouring man will do well ; particularly if he have a wife and children, wha are capable of contributing, not merely to the consuming, but to the earning also of the com mon stock.. THIRD REPORT. LEAVE NEW YORK FOR BOSTON. EAST RIVER, HELL- GATE. — AMERICAN DISLIKE TO EMIGRANTS. — STEAM BOATS, CONNECTICUT AND FULTON. FIRST LANDING ON CONTINENT OF AMERICA. — STAGES. — ROADS. TAVERNS. MILITARY. CONDITION OF PEOPLE. MRS. FISHER'S. PUBLIC ROADS, AND IDEAS OF THEIR EN DANGERING LIBERTY. NO SLAVES IN NEW ENGLAND. FACE OF THE COUNTRY OF CONNECTICUT, AND RHODE • ISLAND. — ARRIVAL AT PROVIDENCE. RENTS. — PRICES , OF PROVISIONS. — OF LABOUR. — TRADES. COTTON MANUFACTORIES AT PAWTUCKET. PRICE OF LANDS. SIZE OF FARMS. ENTRANCE INTO BOSTON. CHA RACTER OF THE BOSTONIANS. THE ATHENEUM. . CAMBRIDGE COLLEGE. RELIGIOUS SECTS. STATE OF SOCIETY. PEOPLE OF NEW ENGLAND ARISTOCRATICAL. — CLIMATE. HEALTH. — MORALS. — STATE HOUSE. SCENERY. BUNKER'S HILL. — VISIT TO THE LATE PRE SIDENT ADAMS. SERVANTS, SUPERIOR TO -THOSE OF NEW YORK. EUROPEAN POLITICS IN NEW ENGLAND". — • LEAVE BOSTON FOR ALBANY. — PITTSFIELD. MILITARY. HUDSON. — FACE OF COUNTRY. CONDITION AND CHARACTER OF AMERICANS. — ALBANY. — POPULA TION. — 'RENTS. — PRICES OF PROVISIONS. — OF LABOUR. FEELINGS CONCERNING AMERICA. Albany, the River Hudson, &c Sept. 1817. On the 8th of September I left New York for Boston, in the steam-boat " Connecticut," 92 EAST RIVER. Captain Bunker; fare to New London, severe dollars, including board ; distance, about 140 miles ; time, . 214 hours. The various cha racters on board a steam-boat, for ten minutes* before starting, afforded a fruitful source of ob servation. I supposed we should have been much crowded, but found that at the ring of the bell, three-fourths went on shore. The banksl of the East River, are pleasing : by Americansv. and some interested European flatterers, they are bepraised most extravagantly. On the York Island side, there is fine hill and dale scenery; among which are scattered several- Country seats, belonging to the, city merchants,.* The view of Long Island is not so interesting* We passed the navy yard, in which is the far- famed steam-frigate. Eight miles from New York is the difficult passage called Hell Gate* At the moment of passing this strait, a bell rang for breakfast ; the ticket for the partaking .of which, is a receipt given by the captain for the passage-money. My appetite and my curiosity had a strong struggle ; the latter, however, pre vailed. There are here numerous whirlpools, which,, at a state of the tide lower than when I passed, produce aloud roaring noise. The whirl pools are said by Mr. Morse to be occasioned by the narrowness and crookedness of the pas sage, and a bed of rocks, which extend quite across it. A skilful pilot may conduct a ship of LIBERALITY. 93 any burden with safety through this strait, at high water with the tide, or at low water with a fair wind. There is a tradition among the Indians, that at some distant period their an cestors could step from rock to rock, and cross this arm of the sea on foot. - The sound now opened upon our view, with a light-house, at eighteen miles' distance. A Dutch ship sailed by, full of passengers. This sight did not meet with the approbation of my American friends. One of them, who was a farmer, was the first to express his opinion : " There (said he) is some more of them "ere salt- ft Water fellows I guess; curse them I say; I guess ," if I had my will there should never be a salt- " water man employed in the States." This was warmly assented to by those who stood near him. He continued, " What a jag (a load) there is of " them 'ere salt-water fish lately come into the f States. I guess they are starving in the old *' - countries, and when they come here they soon " get kedge (brisk, pr in good health and spirits). " I wish every vessel that brings such freight " might go to the bottom !" Other objects now attracted the old man's attention. His train of illiberal ideas, which I hope and trust are not national, gave way to general observations upon business. He wanted a plasterer at his farm : here his antipathies were lost in a sense of his interest. " I guess I should like one of them 94 NEW HAVEN. " 'ere, if he was a plasterer ; I would not mind " his salt-water lingo a cent, so that he could " plaster."After a passage of twelve hours, we arrived off New Haven, a city in Connecticut, distance from New York by water, almost ninety miles. This small city is said to have a popu lation of about five thousand, and has the repu tation of ranking among the first towns in re spect to beauty in the United States. I have since understood that Colonel Humphreys re sides here: he is largely engaged in Merino sheep, and the woollen trade. I regret very much that I do not take up my residence there for a few days, feeling, as I do, the subject of manufactures to be very important, not only to myself, but to all our friends in Yorkshire. The greater part of our passengers went on shore here. The following day was to be a grand one at the college ; it was what is here called " commencement day." The college is said to be a very excellent one. Those who, like myself, were bound for New London, were re moved to the steam-boat, " Fulton." " The Connecticut" has an engine (en-gine, is the American pronunciation,) of forty horse power: two cabins for gentlemen, one for ladies, a very extensive kitchen and other conveniences. It is fitted up with minute attention to accom modation, and with much elegance : the chief STEAM-VESSELS. 95 fault consists in its havirig too many erections ondeck. In a conversation with Captain Bunker he expressed his decided opinion that steam- vessels, as now i constructed, could safely navi gate the ocean ; this passage from New York to New Haven was often, he said, very boisterous ; and upon one occasion a gale blew so violently that he accomplished the route in the ex traordinarily short period pf six hours. The " Fulton," in most respects a similar boat, has, however, some variations in her construction. The engines of both are on Bolton and Watt's principle. She was built for the Emperor Alexander, and contracted for to be in Russia at a specified time. Captain Hall, the conqueror of our " Guerriere," was to have had the com mand : had he successfully navigated her across the Atlantic, he would have added ariother un fading laurel to his own brow, and that of his country. We landed in New London before day-light : our passage was so rough that I was once more approaching toWards the sick list. At New London I took a place in the coach for Providence. American stages are a species of vehicle with which I know none in England that will compare : they carry twelve passengers — none outside. The coachman, or " driver," as the term is, (and who is not unfrequently a cap tain,) sits inside with the company. In length they are nearly double English stages. Few go 96 STAGES. on springs. The sides are open — the roof being supported by six small posts. The baggage -is carried behind, and inside. Theseats are.pieces of plain board. There are leathers which can be let down from, the top, which are useful as a protection against Wet, but of little service in cold weather. Few of them have doors ; the places pf entrance and exit being by the horses. They form, upon the whole, both in construe-* tion and management, a very unpleasant mode of conveyance. The charges are nearly equal to English inside fares. , We breakfasted at the town of Norwich, (a eity, I believe, it is called ;) distance from New London fourteen miles. It is at the head of the navigatiori of the Thames : three mast-ships can come up to the town. It was in this river that Commodore Decatur was blockaded during the last war : and so approachable are the Connecti cut men represented on the side which promotes their pecuniary interest, that they are said to have had the baseness to; betray their country by giving information to the English admiral when ever their shipping attempted putting out to sea; The mode pf doing this is said to have been by the throwing up blue lights ; a circumstance which has given rise to the party appellation of " blue light men," — a term of reproach used by the democrats against the federalists* Our dinner was at the well-known Mrs.; MRS. fisher's. 97 Fisher's, at Scituate. She is certainly a most original character ; but I must, for the present, pass over a description of this oddity of oddities. The supply for our whole party consisted of beef, a ham, two fowls, potatoes, cabbage, and apple pie. They grumbled at the scantiness of the supply : for myself, no epicure ever enjoyed his dinner more, and chiefly because every thing was cleanly. At the back of Mrs. Fisher's house there is a fine orchard, from' which any person may take as much fruit as they please, free from charge, and without the act being considered a liberty. Mrs. F. makes from forty to a hundred barrels of cider per annum : this year apples are so abundant that it scarcely pays for the trouble. Farms are here worth from thirty to forty dollars per acre. An old man was sitting in the room ; I supposed that he was a day labourer ; 1 ad dressed him with a remark that their roads were bad : " Yes," said he, " roads, I guess, are un- " popular in this state : we think, I guess, that ¦.?' they are invasions of our liberties : we were " mightily roiled (vexed) when they were first f cut, and we always spoiled them in the night !" At six o'clock in the evening we entered Providence, the capital of Rhode Island. We had been thirteen hours travelling fifty miles. Of the general appearance of the country I wished to force myself to think well ; but I must tell the truth, and therefore honestly say, that, as H 98 RHODE ISLAND. — NEGROES. it respects my bird's eye view of its soil and cuK tiVation, I am rather disappointed —but we riiu'st suspend our judgment. The western states are said to be very superior. Where I now am is that part of America Which has been colonized alrnost since the days of Cbhnhbus ; and, of course, is too well occupied to offer present en- couragerrient to English ehiigrants. In Connecticut and Rhode Island there are numerous dairies, Cheese is sold, for export ation, at from ten to twelve Cents a pound; Farms contain from ten to two hundred acres. All houses within sight from the road are farm houses. The geriUirie Country seat has not yet made its appearance in the four states which I have seen. The condition of the people in Connecticut and Rhode Island is an absence of the extreme either of wealth or of poverty. The land is Very stbriy, and the price of produce not commensurate to that of labour. The absence of negroes from these last-mentioned states givW me much pleasUre : certainly not on account of a prejudice against our darker-tinged fellpw- cfeatures, of from a belief that they are of an inferior order in creation'; but from a hatred of oppression, whether exercised in a monarchy ot a republic, more especially, indeed, in the latter,' Which, professing to be built on the basis of freedom, ought 'to respect the rights and protect the liberties of all. In the states of New York AGRICULTURE. 99 and Jersey the treatment of Americans of colour, by their white countrymen, is worse than that of the brute creation. A few of the aborigines still reside here. Their ill-shapen miserable huts exhibit but a small remove towards civilization. With regard to the agriculture. — Stones are cleared from the surface of the land, by large holes being dug, into which they are rolled. Fields of Indian corn, which struck me with so much beauty in Long Island, are here a com paratively melancholy sight. The stalks are not half the height, are at a greater distance from each other, and look as though they were springing from a bed of broken rock. On entering Providence, the capital of Rhode Island, I was much pleased with its beauty. In its appearance, it, combined the attractions of Southampton and Doncaster. There are manufactories in the neighbour hood. On that account I took up my abode at Chapotan's Inn until the 11th. AH places of public social worship are, in the State of New York, called churches — not, as with our dissenters, chapels. In these States, the old English distinction of " church," and " meeting house/' continues. Here is an ex cellent market-house, a workhouse, four or five public schools, an university with a tolerable; jfibrary, a public library, and an hospital. H 2 100 PROVIDENCE. Several of the churches are very handsome ; they, as well as many private houses, are built of wood, painted white, with green Venetian shutters, presenting a neat elegance very superior to our smoky brick buildings. I have not seen a town in Europe or America, which bore the appearance of general prosperity equal to Providence. Ship and house-builders were fully occupied, as indeed were all classes of mechanics. The residents are native Ameri cans. Foreign emigrants seem never to think of New England. Rent and provisions are much lower than at New York. AtPaWtucket, four miles from Providence, are 13 cotton manufactories ; six of which are on a,, large scale. They are not the property of individuals, but of companies. I visited three of these. They had excellent machinery ; not more than one halfofwhichwasin operation. The articles manufactured are the same as described at Fishkill. Children from six to ten years of age, of both sexes, are paid 6s. 9d. per week ; ditto, 11 to 16, 10s. per week ; women, 12s. ; men, fj-s.- to 31s. 6d. Very few 'of the latter are employed. Several of the manufactories of this place are situated on a fine fall of water, 50 feet in length, and passing through several chasms. in a rock which extends across the river. The scenic effect of the fall is most materially injured by the situation of Pawtucket bridge. COTTON-MANUFACTORIES. 101 To a labouring man who accompanied me through the manufactories, I gave half a dollar: I remarked that he addressed men of similar appearance to himself by the titles of " majorj" M captain," and " colonel." The population of this village is very trifling, yet it has " two banks !" The persons employed at all the manu factories combined, are not equal in number to those at one of a moderate size in Lancashire. A considerable portion of weaving is done by women, who have or live in farm-houses. They receive 3^d. per yard for J wide stout dark gingham ; an article which is sold at 13i.d. wholesale, and 15d. retail. These female weavers do not in general follow the occupation regularly; it is done during their leisure hours; and at the dull times of the year. -Some, who have no Other means of support except service, (which is unpopular in America,) lodge with farmers, and. give half the produce of their labour for their board and lodging. The Pawtucket manufacturers have shops or stores in Providence. On their doors a board is affixed, " Weaving given out." During a conversation with a proprietor of one of these establishments, a woman came in, who, from her independent (though not impudent) air, I supposed, must be a customer. His address to her, " I'll attend to you directly," confirmed my opinion. She replied, " I want work, Boss* h 3 102 anecdote of independence. " I guess, for Harriet Angel." He immediately called to his assistant, "• Where is that \fovk for "Miss Angel."-!- What would a starving Man chester weaveress say to this ? and how would ¦Sir Robert Peele feel if addressed in the true language of honest independence ? The road from Providence to Boston is much better than that from New London to the latter place. The appearance of the. country also- improves ; but there is nothing in either as to mere appearance which would be inviting to an inhabitant of our beautiful and cultivated island. From New London to Providence (50 miles), the number of cows which I saw were 16 ; horses, € ; pigs, 10. From Providence to Boston (44 miles), 38 caws, 10 horses, 25 pigs, and 18 sheep. I met several waggons, all of which were drawn by two oxen and one horse. When I travelled in the stage, and we passed boys or girls, they bowed or curt sied. Some of them brought apples to sell, the amount of payment being left to our liberality. We did not meet many persons on the road, and no pedestrians, except a black man and woman, There were no beggars — none that seemed dis tressed— -=¦ all either were at work, or going to or from their labour ; and in all my enquiries of farmers, inn-keepers, store-keepers, manufac turers, tiieir servants, and others, I understand that employment is not difficult of obtainment by industrious and honest men. ENGLISH PREJUDICE. 1Q^ I separated frpm an English fellow-traveller at Providence ; — he proceeded in the stage. During our journey he directed nearly all hi^ discourse to, me, so mpch so that it was supposed we were old friends. , I was by no means proud of this impression, as my fellow-countryman was so full of fhe importance and superiority of England, that any thing American did not, in his eyes, seem worthy of notice. A man passed us on horseback without bowing pr speaking ; my friend exclaimed, ," There, you see they " have neither manners nor common sense in this " country ; if we were in England, you know, ",and a man passed the stage, he would bow and " say, how do you do ?" To this gentleman the old story was strictly applicable of two English men and an American travelling in a stage from Boston. They indulged their patriotism by abusing every thing American. The butter was not so good as the English — nor the beef "— jipr the mutton-rr-nor the peaches- — nor the laws, nor the people — nor the climate — nor the coun try. .Their fellow-traveller was displeased, but he remained silen^. At length there came on a tremendous storm of thunder and lightning. lie then burst forth, boiling with rage — " There, " d you, I guess that that thunder andlight- *' ning is as good as any you have in England." .As far, as I have proceeded I have not seen much good land. If may do -for grazing, but h 4 104 FARMING, J&C. upon' the whole, it is stony arid sterile -. — and what would seem remarkable is, that in these old settled States, at least one-half remains uncultivated. Travelling here conveys none of those delights' which are connected with an English country excursion : here, When your eye carries ybu in imagination to the top of a hill, you feel no relief in the fancied contem plation of your elevated position's presenting a view of fine seats, and extended cultivation. On the contrary, ybu first feel that you could hardly arrive at the summit through the density of a 'gloomy forest ; and even if you could, that your eye Would be fatigued with forests and the parched monotony of unproductive nature. Arable land in the immediate neighbourhood of Boston, is worth frbm 50 to 100 dollars per acre, (111. 2s. 6d. to 221. 5s.,) farm-house and buildings included. The same quantity of land at from 8 to 30 miles from Boston, brings from 20 to 30 dollars ; — meadow and pasturage, from 10 to 30 dollars; orchard ditto, 50 to 100 dollars per acre. Wood land, near towns, is; of course, more valuable than any other, its worth increasing yearly. Moderate sized farms usually contain all the different kinds of land, in, of course, varied proportions. Plaster of Paris is used for manure ; — it does not succeed in those lands within the influence of the sea air: There are some rich farmers in the New England BOSTON. 105 States, but generally it is not an occupation by which more than a living can be obtained. Gentlemen-farmers do not make more than from two to three per cent, on their money. The more wealthy farmers, from 20 to 40 miles from Boston, own large pastures, at the distance of from 30 to 60 miles from their residence, in the mountainous parts of New Hampshire and Ver- riiont, where cattle and sheep- are fattened for the Boston market. , My entrance into Boston was not favoured- by the weather. From its irregularity, and other circumstances, this town in appearance is more English than that of New York. The names are English, and the inhabitants are not so uniformly sallow. In proceeding along the street with my baggage, to Jones's boarding- house in Pearl-street, a gentleman accosted me — " Where are you from ? When did you arrive ? " Any thing new in York ? What is your name ? " Any thing special ?" Boston has a population of 40,000, yet it is not a city : this arises from an apprehension in the inhabitants, that the powers vested in cor porations would be injurious to their liberties. This town is the head-quarters of federalism in politics, and unitarianism in religion. It con tains many rich men. The Bostonians are also the most enlightened and the most hospitable 106 ATHENE UM. tfyat I haye, yet met with ; they, in common, with all New Englanders, have the character of being greater sharpers, and more generally dishonour able, than the natives of the other sections of the union: fpr myself j I should be incline*!, to thinjc otherwise ; and, if I must affix such a re putation, I should . be disposed fp remove it further, south. . K The Atheneum public library, under tiie^ ma nagement of Mr. Shaw; is a valuable establish ments It contains. 1 8,Q00 volumes, four thousand pfj .which are the property of the present secre tary of state. In tins establishmept I observed, American editions of the following works : Rees* CyclppaediajEdinburgh ditto, Calmet's Dictionary and Fragments, Unitarian Version of the NeWj Testament, the Writings pf Mosheim, Jeremy Taylor, Bishop Lowth, M*Knight, Newcomb,, Paley, Murphy's Tacitus, two or three editions, of, Shakspeare, Edinburgh Review, Quarterly difto, and the Christian Observer. English mar gazines and newspapers are filed regularly: among the latter were the Examiner, Coprier, and Morning Post : t\\e former are miseejla- nepus, and colleetejl apparently without regard tp party. Mr. Shaw obligingly offered me access to thiSjlibrary : — hejs a singular character :-^his whole spul i is engrossed by his pursuits; at the same tima, he knows every body, and every body knows him. I .have walked with him in the CAMBRIDGE COLLEGE. 107 streets : — our progress was slow indeed :— -every few yards we were accosted, " Ah, Mr. Shaw, " I have got something for the Atheneum. — a f( Russian copper." — " Well, Mr. Shaw, I have " thought of you — such a snake !" — " How " dp you' do, Mr. Shaw ? I have got a prize — " such a prize .!" Mr. S. " What, something for the Atheneum, " I guess?" " Yes, a stuff'd rat, in fine preservation ; my " brother brought it from Pernambuco/' At Cambridge, four miles from Boston, is situated a college, upon a large and liberal scale. Mr. Washington Adams, who is a student, fook me to view it: it contains 250 apart ments for officers and students. There is a philosophical apparatus, a hall for public reci tations, a. dining hall, and a valuable library* which contains a few, and almost the only stand ard works in the United States, Admission into the college requires a previous knowledge pf mathematics, Latin, and Greek. All students have equal rights — each class has peculiar in structors — they meet twice a day. There are quarterly and annual public examinations. This college is regarded by the orthodox party as he retical in matters of religion — it being observed as somewhat remarkable,, that most of the theo^ logical students leave Cambridge disaffected to wards the doctrine of the Trinity. The staunch i08 SOCIETY OF BOSTON. advocates- of this system taking the alarm, they have established an academy for the education of young men, •" who must be compelled to " learn and to defend the doctrine of their ** fathers," as the most effectual means to op pose the " Cambridge heresies." A legislative act has not yet been obtained to incorporate th& establishment as a College: From my brief ob servation of these two prominent parties, I should be induced to consider the Trinitarians to be much behind their English orthodox brethren in theological knowledge, liberality, and#since- rity ; and the Unitarians (or more properly, the Anti-Tririitarians, for few have gone the whole length of Dr. Priestley) to beat the best too worldly-minded ; — the open avowal of their opi nions being a point upon which they appear to maintain strict reserve; The state of society in Boston is better than iri New York, though the leaven, not of democracy, but of aristocracy, seems to be very prevalent r many of the richer families live in great style; and in houses little inferior to those of Russel Square. Distinctions exist to an extent rather ludicrous under a free and popular government : there are the first class, second class, third class; and the "old families." Titles, too, are dif fusely distributed. Foreigners are not often met with in New England ; — neither are Jews, or Quakers. There' BOSTON. 109 once existed a law in Massachussets, which awarded the punishment of death to the high crime of being a quaker ! It is hardly necessary to observe, that this barbarous statute, enacted by a people who themselves had fled from reli gious persecution, is not at present in existence. It is not now, therefore, civil disabilities which exclude the Society of Friends from this " land of steady habits," but a cause is said to exist for their absence, perfectly adequate to the effect — the New-Englanders are as keen as themselves* The same fact applies, perhaps, to the descendants of Abraham. Boston is not a thriving, that is, not an in- creasirig town : it wants a fertile back country, and it is too far removed from the western states to be engaged in the supply of that new and vast emporium, — except, indeed, with inhabitants, a commodity which, I am informed, they send in numbers greater than from any other quarter. The winds here are violent ; as are also rains, but not nearly so frequent as in England. A clear sky is, I believe, the general characteristic of America : the evenings are certainly most delightful. : The police of Boston must be very far supe rior to that of New York ; at least, if effects may be taken as the criterion. The state of 3$or,als , I, cannot speak upon ; but medical gen tlemen inform me, that their town is not an 110 BUNKER'S HILL. exception to others with regard to purity* one fact is, however, apparent, , that, unlike some other towns, gross vice is not obtruded upon the public gaze. On an eminence in the Mall (a fine public walk), is built the State House, in "which the legislature hold -their meetings. The view from the top of this building is surpassed by nothing which I have seen: the bay with its forty islands— the shipping —¦-the town- — the hill and dale scenery for a distance of thirty miles, pre sent an assemblage of objects which are beauti fully picturesque. A great increase of interest is communicated by the knowledge of the fact, that Boston is the birth-place of the immor* tal Franklin, and that here broke forth the first dawnings of the ever-memorable revolution. The heights of Dorchester and Bunker's Hill are immediately under the eye of the spectator. -On the 20th .of September I walked to BunJ-' ker's Hill : it is about two miles from the centre of Boston. The young gentleman who accom* panied me is a native of the town, and yet' did not know the road to this spot — sacred to pai triotism and to liberty. The hill is one of mo^ derate height. The monument placed here in commemoration of the victory is of brick and wood, without an inscription ; — except what is supplied by the boyish tricks of visitors, who MR. ADAMS, THE EX-FRESIDENT. Ill disfigure it with their names. " J. Fessenderi, "1817," is cut in every direction; so anxious are obscure blockheads for posthumous fame. At the bottom of this hill are now lying two most unexpected and far-famed American mo numents of national glory — the frigates Guer- riere and Java, named after two taken from the British. What would a Franklin, a Patrick Henry, or a Washington have felt, could they have foreseen these things ¦? In the afternoon of this day, young Mr. Adams Came from Quincy to conduce me to his grandfather's (the late Presi dent) at that place. We sailed out of the harbour by way of Hingham : this route increases the dis;- tance 13 miles. The inner and outer harbours are both handsome: they are more extended, but have not that Compact and varied beauty which so pe culiarly belongs to those of New York. We passed Forts Warren and Independence, near which the inhabitants, in 1814, were stationed in shoals of boats, viewing the contest between the Che sapeake and Shannon. So confident were they of the success of their countrymen, that dinners were absolutely prepared in Boston for both the victors and the vanquished : — but in this they were sorely disappointed by the event. The ex-president is a handsome old gentleman of eighty-four ; — his lady is seventy-six : — she has the reputation of superior talents, and great literary acquirements. 1 was not perfectly a 112 GENERAL ARNOLD. stranger here, as a few days previous to this I had received the honour of an hospitable recep tion at their, mansion. Upon the present occasion the minister (the day being Sunday) was of the dinnerparty. As the table of a "latekifig" may amuse some pf you, take- the following par ticulars : — first course, a pudding made of Indian corn, molasses, and butter ; — second, veal, bacos, neck of mutton, potatoes, cabbages, carrots, and Indian beans ; Madeira wine, of which each drank two glasses. We sat down to dinner at one o'clock -: at two, nearly all went a second time tp church. For tea, we had pound-cake, sweet hread, and butter, and bread made of . Indian corn and rye (similar to our brown home-made). Tea was brought from, the kitchen, and handed round by a neat, white servant-girl. The topics of conversation were various — England, Ame rica, religion, politics, literature, science, Dr. Priestley, Miss Edgeworth, Mrs. Siddons, Mr. Kean, France, Shakspeare, Moore, Lord Byron, Cobbett, American revolution, the traitor Gene ral Arnold. Concerning the popularity, among the mass of the people, of this latter personage Mj. Adams related a characteristic; occurrence. Washington, Arnold, and himself were viewing a sjipt pf ground for the purpose of erecting a fortification. A man, with great anxiety depicted upon hi§ countenance, enquired of Mr* A., " Which is General Arnold?, the brave, Arnold? 13 MR. JOHN ADAMS. 113 " the victorious Arnold ?" His curiosity being gratified, he exclaimed with an oath, " I guess, " if I should not glory even in going to hell, pro- " vided General Arnold led me on." The . establishment of this political patriarch consists of a house two stories high, containing, I believe, eight rooms ; of two men and three maid servants; three horses, and a plain car riage. How great is the contrast between this individual — a man of knowledge and inform ation — ¦ without pomp, parade, or vitious and expensive establishments, as compared with the costly trappings, the depraved characters, and the profligate expenditure of — House, and - — ^ ¦ : ! What a lesson in this does America teach ! There are now in this land, ho less than three Cincinnati ! - •The charge at my boarding-house for eight days, being part of the time I spent at Boston, was 31. Is. 8d. I should remark, that neither beer nor ciderwas served at dinner-time— brandy and rum were so ; and the charge, in this instance, is upon the presumption that I availed myself of them accordingly. Education is rightly valued in this state* as one of the most important features of legislation. There are public schools, and amongst them some at which the classics and languages are taught. The expenses Of instruction at private academies professing to give a classical education are about 114 ED UCATC0N. — RELIGION. •100 dollars per "annum ; 50 at a best English school; 32 for a middling ditto; board from two to three dollars per week extra ; female edu cation about 12§ per cent, cheaper. The Lan- Casterian system is npt in operation. Masters ©f free classical schools are exempt from military duty and taxes .- the same exemptions are enjoyed by ministers of every denomination. Clerical gentlemen have here an astonishing hold, upon the minds of meri : fhe degree of reverential awe for the sanctity of their office, and the attention paid to the external forms of religion, (approach almost to idolatry ; — these feelings are, perhaps, never encouraged without be* corning the substitute of real religion, and ex- pelling the active and merital principles of Christianity. A man who values his good name in Boston, hardly dare be seen out of church at the appointed hours ; — this would be, considered as a heinous crime by men who rwould consider the same individual's cheating 'his creditors as of small import. They woukl seem, in these respects, not unlike the peculiarly religious among the Jews of old, who showed their sanctity by a solemn cbuntenarice and a broad garment, who would not eat with um- washen hands, and who regarded it as profafie to pluck ears of corn on a Sabbath-day ; — but the founder of Christianity, in those days drew aside the veil of hypocrisy ; declaring, that it was fornication, false witness* and evil thoughtswhich JtELlGIOUS SECTS. 115 defiled a man — and that neglecting these put- ward observances did not defile a man. His use of the language of Isaiah would, I fear, be but too applicable to the religious bodies of this place: " They draw nigh unto me with their " mouths, and honour me with their lips,, but *( their hearts are far from me." The number of churches is as follows : viz. twelve Congregationalists (nine of which are said to be Anti-Trinitarian) ; two Episcopalian^ three Baptist ; one ditto for blacks ; one Quaker; One -Universalisf ; one Roman Catholic ; two Methodist ; one travelling preacher ditto. There being here1 no peculiar state religion, men are allowed the liberty of choosing to which of the sects existing here they shall belong. To the support of one of these, however, they are com pelled to contribute; and should they neither attend to the worship, or believe jn the doc trines of any of them, the payment must equally ¦be made — and it then goes fo the funds of the Congregationalist body. This enactment would appear rather at war with enlightened legislation, and scarcely reeoncileable with that extreme jea lousy of their liberties, which would appear to have dictated an opposition to their town being .incorporated as a city. — Americans, and espe cially New Englanders, ought to have known that religion, in all its details, is an affair between iGodand the individual, only, and that any at- i 2 116 BOSTON POLFlSTCS. teriipr^at' human interference, is a violation of the rights of conscience, and ranks foremost among the basest of tyrannies. Politics.— Yon may expect some report as to the political principles.", of the inhabitants of this place ; — the following document will speak for itself, and show, more fully than I eahpourtray them, what are the prevailing views and opinions on the subject of European -politics. It consists •of the ?' Appendix'* to " A discourse delivered in Boston, " at the solemn festival in commemoration of the "goodness of God, in delivering the Christian " world from military despotism, "by William " Henry Chdnning, minister of the church in " Federal-street, Boston." " After receiving intelligence of the late asto- " nishing revolutions in Europe, ascertaining " beyond all doubt the entire subversion of that "atrocious military" despotism; which' had 'so "long desolated the Christian and civilized "world, a number ¦ of the citizens of ' this "" metropolis and the commonwealth at large, " assembled on the 8th inst- at the house of " His Honour William Phillips, to corisultupori " the propriety. of noticing these events in a " manner suited to their character and impert- " ance, "and "-to the sentiments which they were ' ' calculated to inspire. Deeply impressed with DISCOURSE ON, BONAPARTE. 117 ^' the magnitude and the benefiCiaf and lasting " influence, of this revolution, upon the best and " dearest interests of society, they had, no hesi- " tatipn in. recommending to their fellow citizens ". the observance of a solemn religious festival 5' in commemoration, of the goodness of God, " in humbling unprincipled ambition, in crush- " ing wicked and unjust power, in delivering " the world from cruel and disgraceful bondage, " in restoring to mankind the enjoyment of their " just rights under the protection of legitimate " government, and in giving to nations the cheer- " ing prospect of permanent tranquillity. For .-*,'. that purpose a large and respectable committee "was. chosen to make the necessary, arrange- c"; ments. , " Concluding prayer and benediction — .Rev. " Dr. Lathrop. . " The musical performances, vocal and in- ¦¦'i strumental, were executed by a very full choir M and band,, in a style of enthusiasm, taste and ." .excellence, seldom equalled in this metropolis. " The celebration was. attended by the governor, *'.CQjmql, and both ^branches of * the legislature. > , " After the religious services, of the; day were " closed, the : Honourable Mr. Gore, chairman *', of the committee of arrangements, introduced *'f, the following resolutions, by remarking on the •*; happy. state of Europe. prior to the f French 1 3 118 RESOLUTIONS* " revolution, the depraved and deplorable eon- " ditioft to which that event reduced the civilized ": world, the just apprehensions of wretchedness " and barbarisrif from the continued despotism " of Bonaparte, and the consequent joy that *' mUst arise from his destruction and the " establishment of order and public freedom itt "Europe. " RESOLUTIONS. " A large number of citizens of the State, of " Massachusetts convened at Boston for the pur- "' pose of expressing, in a solemn manner, their " thanks to Almighty God, for his late gracious " and wonderful interposition, in delivering " Europe from that most fearful despotism, " under which a great portion of the nations " were actually suffering, and which the rest " had just reason to apprehend : and for the " further purpose of manifesting their sympathy " and participation in the general joy of one " hundred millions of the Christian world, and " their delight at the prospect of. a speedy arid " durable tranquillity to Suffering and distracted " nations, the following Resolutions, having " been duly matured, were introduced. - "Resolved, That the citizens of Massachusetts " here assetnbled, contemplate with unfeigned " joy the emancipation of the French people " from thfe Usurped power of a ferocious/fflttlitajy " adventurer ; and they rejoice in the prospect " that thirty-five millions of their fellow men, "have a reasonable expectation of being, blest « with temperate/liberty, adapted to their state i< of society and habits, and a constitution and " administration qf government, apparently con- " formed to their wishes. They congratulate " tiie venerable head of the house of Bourbon " pn his restoration from exile, to the throne " of his ancestors, to which he is called by the '.' entreaties qf his people, and from which he " has been excluded by a series of crimes, at *f which humanity shudders. They remember " the language of their revolutionary sages and "patriots, glowing with affection and respect " toward the late unhappy and injured possessor *¦' of the throne of the Bourbons ; nor can they *' forget that the good understanding between •" this country and France was never interrupted " so long as that family were in power, but that *« ¦injuries and insults, such as no nation ever "before submitted to, have been heaped upon " it by all their successors, from the transient " despot of a day, to the more permanent tyrant, " clothed with imperial authority. It is not " more from a conviction that the interest of '/the United States will be promoted by the y late auspicious events, than from their regard *' to the^happiness pf, other nations, thatthey *' congratulate the Sovereign and People oi i 4 1 20 DUTCH INDEPENDENCE. " France, on the voluntary renewal of theff "ancient' ties. " Resolved, That the people of Massachusetts' " recollect the generous sympathy of the Dutch " towards the American people during the dark- " est period of their revolutionary struggle ; and " rejoice most fervently in tlie glorious emanci- " pation of the United Netherlands. They bless " God, that whilst this people appeared to human " eyes, for ever blotted out of the list of nations,' " He was at that moment preparing its restor- " atibn to independence, and, it maybe hoped,1 " fo glory and power. They rejoice with the "patriotic Hollanders at the return of the illus- " trious house of Orange to their first magistracy} " and do not wonder at their enthusiastic joy" " upon the occasion, when they remember thdi " this ancient family have been always the gallant " and zealous defenders of the rights and UbertiU *' if the Dutch people. ¦ " Resolved, That the liberation of Germany,' "Italy, and Switzerland, and especially of " Prussia, with whom this country is connected " by treaty, are also causes of the most exalted " pleasure to this assembly. " Resolved, That they have always witnessed " with deep emotion, and watched witiv con- " stant anxiety, the struggle of the Spanish and " Portuguese nations for their independence': "and it therefore gives sincere delight to find " this independence fully-confirmed, and nothing ALEXANDER THE DELIVERER. 121 " but the unhappy situation in which this coun- " try is placed in relation, to one of the allies, " prevents their- expressing a just sense of the "virtues and talents of that chief, to whom, " under God, whole nations are so greatly " indebted. " Resolved, That this assembly view with " mingled emotions of admiration and gratitude, " the unexampled magnanimity of the great head "of the Confederacy for -the deliverance qf "Christendom. The- name of Alexander the " Deliverer, will be akvays dear to every lover " of national freedom, while the moderation, dis- " tnterestedness, foresight, and determination of " all the Confederates, to sacrifice every thing to " the future repose of Europe, will cause their " names to be venerated, and the epoch to be for " ever memorable. It is with the greater joy they " perceive this liberality and true wisdom in the " allied councils, as it affords a well-grounded hope " qf a restoration of peace to this country, on " terms compatible with its interest and its honor. " It is because the recent events in Europe have " a direct tendency to render liberty secure, to " check anarchical propensities, to restrain ara- " bition, foster morals and religion, and to " protect property and the arts, and finally, to " give solid peace to the Christian world, that " this assembly hail them as blessings, that -they " bow in humble gratitude before the Almighty, " from whose goodness they all proceed: and 122 f;m works, &c. " it is from a desire it may be known that, with " many thousands qf their countrymen, they *' partake in the joy of all civilized nations, "that these feelings and sentiments are now V proclaimed." These resolutions, having *been severally con s' sidered, were cordially approved and una-ni- <' mously adopted by the assembly. " In the evening f re-works were exhibited, and " by a resolve of the Legislature the State-home " was illuminated, as were some private fyouses, *' in a manner to complete the, saber and dignified y enjoyment of the vast multitudes who united *" in the celebration" „¦ This is, I think, a curious document. The gentlemen, whose names it contains, are the leading men in Boston ; and it may be taken as speaking the general sentiments of the inhabit ants, not only of Boston, but of New England generally, and even pf some persons in New York, upon a subject clearly illustrative of their yiews, at once, of European and general politics. 24th September, 1817, I left Boston for Al- hany, in the stage : the distance is 180 miles ; the fare, 21. 14s. ; charge for all, meals op the rpad? , 2s. 3d. each ; for bed, 2s. 3d. : nothing given to waiters or coachmen. The stage called at my, lodgings at t.WP o'clock in the morning. There was, upon my entrance into it, but one passenger ; he was an American, and, of course, INTERROGATORIES. 123 soon obtained from me the information that I was going to Albany. We were driven about the town for an hour, taking up others ; so that, before our starting, we were well filled with passengers and their luggage. The man be fore referred to was going but ten miles ; yet he must know from every person how far they were travelling, and whether, or not they were " na- tifees" of Boston. An old man, partially deaf, was the last object of his attack. His seat being central, the first question put to him was, "Where are you going, middle on'?" This being answered satisfactorily, the following dialogue ensued : — Q. Do you keep at Boston ? — A. No. Q. Where do you keep ? — A. Fairfield. Q. Have you been a lengthy time in Boston, e'h, say ? — A. Seven days. Q. Where did you sleep last night? — A. street. Q. What number ? — A. Seven. Q. That is Thomas Adonis 's house ? — A. No ; it is my son's. Q. What, have you a son ? - — A. Yes j and daughters. Q. What is your name ? — A. William Henry — — , I guess. Q. Is your wife alive ?-*-A. No, she is dead, I guess. Q. Did she die slick right away ? — A. No ; not by any manner of means. 124i INTERROGATORIES. Q. How a congregatibnalist church, and a military barracks. We arrived on a military field day : soldiers were exercising in the street : , they were dressed in their common clothing; — to distinguish officers from men was difficult : some were armed. with sticks, some with umbrellas, some with muskets ; all were talking, and each seemed to do as he pleased. At the church door, where a man was retailing cider, the sons of Mars were actively engaged in making purchases ; their officers joining in this department of military service. One of our passengers was a labouring-man .: he conversed with ease and with good sense. , I particularly remarked his correct* pronunciation, 126 NAMES. — HABITS. and concluded that this class of society were much superior to the lower orders in England, He afterwards proved to be a Londoner, and had recently emigrated to this country, in the ship Perseus;— an instarice this how cautious travellers ought to be in drawing general con clusions from particular facts. The country froin Boston to Albany did not equal my expectations. The soil appears sterile, and there still remains immense tracts unculti vated. The towns look new and handsome. A barren rock over Which we travelled is named Lebanon; — this, I observe, accords with a point of riatibnal character, which shows itself in a love of striking, of ancient, and of hard names. Counties or towns are denominated Athens, Homer, Virgil, Horace, Cincinnati. Men — Cicero, Brutus, Solomon. Women — Penelope, Adeline, Desdemona. * Upon the condition of the people I have little more to say than to repeat my former remarks. There seems no absolute want : all have the essential necessaries of life ; few its luxuries. Their habits and manners are similar to those 1 have observed in their countrymen generally : all seem tP have a great deal of leisure, and fow, or none to occupy it for the purposes of mental improvement. The grossly coarse and vulgar man is as rare as the solidly intelligent and liberal. Ignorance, I suspect, exists a great 10 KNOWLEDGE. — LIVE STOCK, &C 127 deal more in fact than in appearance. Men seldom converse upon any subject except those connected with their immediate pecuniary in terest; — few appear to have any regard for the general extension of liberty to the whole human family. In order to gain an idea of the agriculture and population of the country, it occurred to me to take an account, as far as I eould, of the live stock, &c. which I saw from the road. This may appear trifling — perhaps almost ri diculous ; but by comparing it with what you would yourself see, under similar circumstances, on an English road, you may gain some useful ideas on the subject. During the route of 180 miles, then, which I have just traversed, I counted twenty-five cows, ten horses, six small farmers' waggons, three men travelling on foot, four on horseback, two families in waggons re moving to the western country, one on foot pursuing the same course. There were no beg gars;— none who appeared much distressed. The cows and horses are smaller than ours ; but (they are compact in shape, and well fed. After having passed through Wesboro, Worcester, Northampton, and Pittsfield (all towns of con siderable importance, and containing many ex cellent buildings) I arrived late in the evening at Albany, the capital of the state of New' York. It is distant from the city of New York about 128 ALBANY. — PRICES. 160. miles, and lies at the head of the sloop navigation of the Hudson River. Should 'the canal to Lake Erie be completed, fhis-must'be- coine a first-rate town : it is, even at present,"a place of extensive business. The building in which the State-legislature meet is called " The Capitol ;" — it is situated on an elevation at the terriiination of the maim street,5 and* certainly presents a fine appearance. — I have only time ,to give /vou the . following unarranged inform ation concerning Albany. The population is about 12,000. Shop keepers, of whom I have conversed with several, icomplain most bitterly of the state of trade.- ? A large body of riiechanics recently left here for want of employment ; — the wages given to those who remain are the same as at New Ybrk : their .board is three dollars per week. I pay at my inn -one and a half dollar per day. Rent of a house and shopina good situation, is from five to seven hundred jdollars per annum, and the taxes abotot .twenty dollars. There are many small wood houses, which are from fifty to onehundred'and •fifty dollars per annum, according to size and .situation. Beef, mutton, and veal, are 5d;to 6|d. per pound ; fowls, 8d. to 9|d. each ; ducks, 13d. -to l6d. ; geese, 2s. 3d. ; butter, 14d. a pound; potatoes, 20d.< a bushel ; flour, 45s. a barrel; •fish, 4d.) to 7d; a pound ; rum and gin, 4s. 6d. iper gallon ;. brandy arid hollands, 9s^6d. EMIGRATION. 129 I must still withhold my advice upon the ge neral subject of emigration. I am not yet pos sessed of evidence from which I can form that matured judgment, which should either give you encouragement, or the contrary. My feelings are certainly those of disappointment ; but feel ing. is a bad guide, and therefore its suggestions must remain, at present,, confined to my own bosom. Perhaps one cause of these unfavour able . impressions is, that, my ideas of this country, in common with your own, were higher than an experience of mankind, or a deliberate view of all the circumstances of this people, -would have justified. Thus much, however, I can say, that, although I see no decidedly promi nent inducement to emigration, yet the poor in dustrious man, who has got a family, and the mechanic who is not earning more than a guinea a week, would find their pecuniary affairs im proved by becoming citizens of this republic. To the capitalist, I can as yet give no satis factory information. With aftxioushopes that I shall receive letters when I arrive at Philadel phia, I must for the present take my leave, in tending to forward a further report by the very first opportunity. FOURTH REPORT. CITrZEN JENET. — SCENERY OF HUDSON RIVER. — RETURN TO NEW YORK, t- VIEW IT MORE FAVOURABLY. — ENOR? MOUS AND DANGEROUS POWERS VESTED IN THE GO VERNOR. — LEAVE NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA. — TRENTON. — GENERAL MOREAU. — RIVER DELAWARE. — JOSEPH BUONAPARTE. — APPEARANCE OF COUNTRY FROM NEW YORK TO TRENTON. — ARRIVAL IN PHILA DELPHIA. — FINE APPEARANCE OF THAT CITY. WANT OF DOMESTIC COMFORT AND CLEANLINESS. — PREPAR ATIONS FOR A GENERAL ELECTION. — FULL PARTICULARS OF THAT OCCURRENCE. — COPIES OF ELECTIONEERING HAND BILLS. — REFLECTIONS UPON POLITICAL LIBERTY IN AMERICA. — VISIT TO MAYOR'S COURT. — LAW PRO CEEDINGS. — Vl'Sit TO THE PRISON. — ITS EXCELLENT MANAGEMENT. — THE PENNSYLVANIAN HOSPITAL. -*¦ PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND INSTITUTIONS. — FINE ARTS,, —- PEALE's MUSEUM. — MARKETS. — PRICES OF PROVISION'S ; OF LABOUR. — RENTS. — RELIGIOUS SECTS. — FANATI CISM OF SOME. — ESTIMATION OF NEGROES. — MILITASY SERVICE.. — CLIMATE. — DISEASES. HIGH CHARGES OF MEDICAL GENTLEMEN. — POOR LAWS. — POLICE,. — STATE OF MORALS; OF MANNERS. — CHARACTER OF PHILADELPHIAN LADIES. — WHAT CLASSES OF EMI GRANTS WOULD BE LIKELY TO SUOCEEJD.— AMERICA RISING IN MY ESTIMATION. — TAXES. Philadelphia, Oct. 12. 1817. The well-known citizen Jenet boarded . at, the inn at Albany, in which I took up my abode* CITIZEN JENET. 131 When ambassador from the republic of France to the republic of America, he was peculiarly prominent, as having under his irifluence a large party, who were actively in opposition to the administration of General Washington : he was in consequence recalled. At present he is an almost unnoticed individual ; though his polite ness in this " land without manners," will cause him to be remarked, at least during his seat at the dinner table. When I arrived at the inn, I was extremely cold. All the fires were surrounded by gen tlemen smoking segars, and lolling back on chairs, with their feet fixed against the chimney piece. An idea of making room for a shiver ing stranger, seemed not to enter into their minds. I left Albany in the steam-boat Rich mond, and proceeded to the city of Hudson^ I hasten on in my detail to the city of New York, the interior of the State not having furnished me with, any features peculiarly different from those already communicated ; but I must not quit the noble Hudson without first contributing my share of praise, in acknowledgment of the de light 1 experienced in viewing the varied scenery of this magnificent river. Upon leavitig Albany, the views which presented themselves were mild and pleasing; as we approached the Cats- kill Mountains, the scene assumed the true cha racter of bold and fearless grandeur. k 2 132 SECTIONAL PREJUDICES. The city of -New York, upon a second visit, improved in my estimation : such is the effect Of comparison ! The season having advanced, many had returned from " the springs," as Bal aton and Savatoga are denominated. This pro duced a most striking improvement in the effect of the public promenade, particularly with re spect to the females : many of them were hand some, and had the appearance of health, while nearly all of them were even splendidly attired. My former acquaintances were eager to know my opiriion of Boston; and to discover how it stoodin; " a stranger's judgment," as compared with their own idolized city. I endeavoured to be impartial in drawing the parallel; but rio qualification of praise, as to their own place of residence, would satisfy them. • Every sentence terminated with; an appeal to some peculiar beauty or excellence which they possessed, and the other toWn wanted ; as, " Remember Broad- " way, Mr. Fearofi !" or " You know, Sir, the " battery, Sir!— the battery, Sir! and Broad- " way, Mr. Fearori, — and the battery; there " can be nothing like these in the world.?' The Bostonians on their part. are equally bigoted in favour of their town ; and indeed I find, almost universally, that sectional prejudices, are as strong amongst themselves, as those which exist generally against England ; for there seems to be no ren^fwng in the likes and dislikes of this people JOSEPH BUONAPARTE. 133 ,"• Upon politics I- have little to communicate. j — I am told that the situations which are in the gift of the Council of Appointment (and they comprise almost every civil office in the State) are bought and sold as commonly as the poor oppressed men of colour are in the neigh bouring states ; or, to bring the matter nearer home, as frequently as seats in our House of Commons. ,, 2d October. Left New York for -Philadelphia, in the steam-boat " Olive Branch." In the evening I arrived at Trenton, which is the capital of New Jersey. General Moreau's stables are still standing in this neighbourhood: his dwelling-house was consumed by fire. King Joseph was negotiating for a house here, in an7 ticipation of his brother Lucien's arrival : the price was to have been 30,000 dollars. At six o'clock in the morning we recommenced our journey for Philadelphia. Joseph Buonaparte's house is situated on the Jersey banks of the river Delaware : in appearance it is equal to a mo derate English country seat. He is said to have bought it for 10,000 dollars, and to have laid out 20,000 more in having it completed in a splendid style. At present he is from home, having gone to view Niagara Falls. His asso- dates are French gentlemen, but he is easy of access, and appears to participate in the interests of the country j — owns a steamJboat, and would be popular, if it were only on account k 3 134 ROUTE TO PHILADELPHIA. Pf his riches. When he arrived in New York frorir Europe, an anecdote is currently related of the American porter who was removing his baggage from the vessel. It was heavy. King Joseph was standing on the wharf; — the honest republican called fo him, " Come, Boney, lend " a hand." At ten o'clock we arrived at Market-street Wharf, Philadelphia. Before I enter upon a description of this truly fine city, it may: be well to occupy a few lines with what remarks I have made on the country through which I have passed. The banks of the Rariton are low, but contain some fine salt meadows. The country from New Brunswick to Trenton is well Cultivated, but the soil appears indifferent : the roads are extremely bad. Easiness of circum stances, or rather an absence of poverty, ap pears to characterise the condition of the h> habitants : the negroes are sorely oppressed. There are many good houses in the towns. Six steam-boats passed us on the Delaware : the scenery of this river possesses no character in common [with that of the Hudson : there is a total absence of the bold and the grand; yet it possesses much that may be termed beautiful, with a calm serenity which is very pleasing. When our boat arrived we were inundated with porters, the. greater part of whom were blacks, the rest were Irish : they had tin plates on their hats or breasts, upon which were written PHILADELPHIA. 135 their names and residences. 1, for the first time, . allowed my trunk to go out of my sight; In England, among strange porters, I should have been more particular, but here such things are .done without hesitation. I should not sup pose that this proceeded from any peculiar feel ings of national honour, or a general spirit of integrity : the real cause lies, I rather think, in the simple fact, that any man may obtain work, and when it is completed, will be liberally paid. The inducements to dishonesty are thus less ened at their true source. My. first impressions of this city were decid-i edly favourable : it gave me ideas of a substantial cast. In the possession of a character essentially different from New York — if has not so much business, not so much gaiety, not so much life ; but there is in Philadelphia a freedom from mere display, a relief from gaudy trappings, an evi dence of solidity, of which its more commercial rival is nearly destitute. The streets are clean, well and regularly built. '- First-rate private houses are numerous, as are also public build ings ; but their architecture is not of the highest order. The foot-paths are impeded by an inju dicious mode of constructing cellars, by which they project into the street; and also by a very slovenly practice of the store-keepers, which is common in America, namely, placing quantities of loose goods outside of their doors. K 4 TM& UKhAWAKE. The quality of some of the water of Phila delphia may be estimated from the experiment of Mr. Hunter, who, upon analysing 220 gallons from a pump in Second-street, found it to con tain the following ingredients : 12 oz. chalk,: 32 oz. salt-petre, 17 oz. magnesia, 24 oz. com mon sea-salt. ¦ • r • ;The Delaware, of which , the Indian name is, Poutaxat, Upon the banks of which this city is built, rises in the .State of New York. ; At this city it is 1360 yards wide, and is navigable for vessels of any burden. It is frozen in the winter months ; a circumstance which materially affects the commercial interests of Philadelphia^ and give3 a great advantage to New York, as the latter- port is rarely closed. , The present population of Philadelphia is estimated at ; 120,000, many : of whom, live. m houses which would adorn any city in the world. Rents are about 25 percent, lower than in .New Yprk : this, I should apprehend, does not pro ceed either from a comparative want of prospe rity, from cheaper materials, or Ipwer-priced labour; but from a more general equality of desirable situations, combined with the exists ence of more real, though perhaps, less. appa*. rent capital. It may be also that rents are in fluenced by the calculating habits of the society of friend?, who reside here in great numbeifjjii After a residence of three days at the hotfl»i$ OUTSIDE SPLENDOUR. 137 removed to a private boarding-house, in one of the bed-rooms of which I am now writing.: The dining-room of this establishment is genteel ; but the other apartments, and more particularly the kitchen, are of a kind not much to excite admiration. I perceived here what — unpleasant as may be the discovery, I think I have ob served elsewhere, and — worse still, what I fear pervades this new world, an affectation of splen dour, or what may be called, style, in thosethings which are intended to meet the public eye ; with a lamentable want even of cleanliness in such matters as are removed from that ordeal. To this may be added, an appearance of uncom fortable extravagance, and an ignorance of that kind of order and neatness which constitute, iii the sight of those who have once enjoyed it, the principal charm of domestic life. I should rejoice to find myself in an error in this judg* ment ; but all I have seen myself, and all I have collected from the observation of others inost competent to form a correct opinion, tend to its confirmation. Last evening I drank tea at a genteel private house. — The furniture was splendid, the table profusely supplied, being loaded with fish, dried beef and sausages ; the bread and butter was roughly cut in huge hunks piled zig-zag., The children's faces were dirty, their hair uncombed, their dispositions evidently 'Untaught, and all 138 FUNERALS. — ELECTIPN. the members of the family, from the boy of six years of age, up to the owner (I was going to say rttaster) of the house, appeared independent of each other. I have seen the same character istics in other families — in some indeed de cidedly the contrary; but these latter would seem to be the ; exceptions, and the former the general rule. '"- *> Funerals are uniformly attended by large walking processions. In the newspapers I have frequently observed advertisements stating the deaths, and inviting all friends to attend the burial. The dead are seldom kept more than two days. At the time appointed, intimate friends enter the house, others assemble outside, and fall into the procession when the bcdy is brought out. Sorrow does not seem depicted in the countenances of any. Many smoke segars, and none appear chargeable with the hypocrisy de^ scribed by the poet of " mocking sorrow with " a heart not sad." The present is a most busy time at this place, to-morrow being the day of election for the governor of the State of Pennsylvania. I have been fortunate in having letters of introduction to the leading man of one of the great political parties which divide this State \ inasmuch as by that means I have Witnessed all the novel ma chinery which is now in such active operation. ' The governrit has 'the gift of from forty to POLITICAL PARTIES. 139 fifty offices, amongst which are those of recorder, alderman, and indeed every, minor as well as important civil occupation. Auctioneers also re ceive their authority to sell from the governor ; and their number being small, the profession be comes a most valuable monopoly. By means of this statement you will see the value and im portance of the office of governor, and will not be surprised that its obtainment should be the object of a severe contest. lo'th Oct. The election being now closed, I can sit down and review it calmly as a whole. It has been to me a highly interesting scene. The political parties at present range I believe as follows : 1st. The violent democrats, called " Patent ',' Democrats." ; ,2nd. The moderate democrats, called by the several names of " Independent Republicans," "Democrats of the Revolution," and " Old " Schoolmen." 3d. Federalists, called also " Tories," " Hert- " ford Conventionalists," and " Blue Light " Men." 4th. No party men, called " Quids." - The present candidates for the office of go vernor are each of them of the democratic party. General Hiester is of the moderate faction, and is also supported against his opponent by the federalists and quids. Mr. Finlay has the pow erful aid of the unyielding democrats ; and, 140 ELECTION OF GOVERNOR. though he is in a minority in the proportion of one to three within the- city of Philadelphia, littledoubt is entertained of his election's having been carried by a large majority through the State at large. All that, are citizens, whether native or naturalized, of the age of 21 years and upwards, and who have paid their taxes, have the rightof voting. It is not necessary that a man should be a householder ip order to pay taxes, there being here a direct or poll tax of 9s. per annum, which alone, when paid by men pos- sessed of the previous! qualification of citizenship, establishes the right to vote. The general elec tion is preceded by an election; in the different wards of officers called Inspectors, whose busi ness it is to receive the ballot ticket of voters : parties try their strength in this 'first step. I witnessed the mode of voting : the persons choosing inspectors attend at a stated place in their own ward, and deliyer in their ballot through a window. The number assembled at any one time did "not exceed tWerity. There was no noise, no confusion, in fact, not even conver sation. I was astonished to witness the anxiety felt by leading men, that their party, should be elected inspectors. The eventual choice at the general election seemed, in fact/ in their esti-r mation, actually to rest upon the having " In spectors" of their bWn party. I remarked; to them that it could be of no consequence of what ELECTIONEERING BETS. 141 party these gentlemen were, as they were pro tected from partial or corrupt conduct by the mode of voting being by ballot. One of them informed me afterwards, that the fact of the in spectors being on one side or the other had been calculated to make a difference of upwards' of 200 votes in a particular section ! — arising from the reception of improper, and the rejection of good votes. The means by which an inspector can effect this, though the mode is by ballot, is said to be remarkably exact. That there may be some truth in this statement, would seem probable from a scene which I witnessed in the evening. I called upon the gentleman' before alluded to. His room was completely crammed with the managers of the forth-comirig election ; and here, instead of finding that the general anxiety was at all connected with .the advance ment of correct political principles, I heard the following conversation : — " I'll bet you fifty (dollars) on Hiester in Chesnut ward." " What majority will you give him ?" " One-fourth." ¦- " Give old Sour Kraut (Hiester) a hundred and thirty, and I'll take you." " Done." " What will you give Finlay in Lower Dela ware ward?" " One hundred." 142 caucus. " And what to Hiester ?" " Three hundred." "Give Bill three and half, and TlitaKe you for five hundred." " No : I'll give him three and half for a pair Of boots." " 'Guess I'll take you for a pair and a hat. — What for Dock ward ?" " I won't bet on Dock : they're all a set of d d Tories." " Will you give Joe four hundred in South Mulberry ?" " I won't take Joe, I guess, in that ward ?" " What will you give Billy in South Mulberry?" " A couple of hundred." " Done for five hundred." All. "What majority upon the whole election, Friend, will you advise us to give ?" Fr. " You must be cautious in your majori ties. We do not know how Beaver and Dauphin (the counties of Dauphin and Beaver) may turn out. — Mind! save yourselves. — If you find Billy (Finlay) going down, take up Sour Kraut (Hiester)." I should have explained, that elections are managed, ami even governed, by a something (a species of meeting) which, I cpnfess, I do not yet perfectly understand : it is called a " Gau' . cus." Candidates do not personally appear* Those who wish to be chosen obtain, as a pre- iat • FEDERALISTS* TICKET. 143 limuiary step, what is termed " The Appoint ment." This is said to secure them the support of the whole of that party from which " the appointment" emanates. An announcement, called " The Ticket," issues from this Caucus a few days before the election ; in this case there were three of these "tickets," severally headed, Federal, Republican, and Democratic. The fe deralists sent to an acquaintance of mine their " ticket," enclosed in the following circular letter ; though I would remark, that canvassing, in the English meaning of that word, is- not allowed : — " Fellow Citizen, " The exercise of the elective franchise is at " all times a privilege of the highest value : — " on the present occasion every federalist has " an opporturiity to aid in dispelling preju- *' dices — in lessening the malignity of party " spirit — in restoring the right of free election, " and of Resisting those dangerous abuses in " government, introduced by office holders, which " if not promptly and steadily checked, threaten " to become inveterate and irremediable. Let " every man be vigilant, active, and firm, on " this" day, and success will crown our efforts. " The inspectors have resolved to open the " poll precisely at 9 o'clock. " October 14. 1817" 1** DEMOCRATIC -ticket. The democratic party adopt the same mode. I enclose you two of their circulars. . These do- cuhients, as well as others which! will follow, are, perhaps, better calculated than any other plan which I could :adopt, to put you in possession of the state of parties, their mode of conduct and feelings towards each' other, and also the general political condition of the whole people. [circular.] " Sir, ; « We enclose you the Democratic Ticket, " which is recommetided by the delegates and " conferrees fairly chosen, after public notice. " We request you to vote it and give it all the "support to which you may deem it entitled. " We consider THIS election as involving the *• most important consequences; Federalism, ." conscious of it's own feebleness and inability " to wrestle with the strength of. democracy, " has made a union with a few disappointed " men ; , hoping through them to turn over, " not only this city and district, but the State " and Union to Federal misrule. " Be Careful to bring with you your receipt "jor county tax. If a naturalized citizen, be " sure to bring your certificate of naturaliza- " tion, as it will, in all probability, be required. " These CaUtions are deemed more than, ever " necessary, from the shameful conduct and " persecuting spirit manifested by the Federal . electioneering. 145 " Judges, at the late ward election. Be on the " ground early. It is of an importance, that •** ^every citizen votes, because it may be that a *i vote would carry a candidate. " Philadelphia, October 6. 1815." <% « DEMOCRATIC ADDRESS. " Citizens, Democrats, Americans ! This is the day qfthe General Election ! If you value your own rights, your own happiness, your political characters, your liberties, oryourRe- " -publican institutions, every man to the poll, " and vote the Democratic Ticket ; it is headed " with the name of the patriot William. Find- " lay. — Citizens ! the times are momentous ! " the seceders from the Democratic ranks have " joined with our old and inveterate political " enemies to put down Democracy. It is an " unholy league between apostates and political " traitors on the one part, and on the other the *' anglorfederalists, the monarchists, the aristo- " crats, the Hartford conventionalists, the blue- " light men, the embargo-breakers, the Henry- f« ites, the men who in time pf Peace cried out «' for War! War! but who in time of war, " called themselves the Peace party. — Huzza *' for William Findlay, and no bribery, — A f long pull, a strong pull, and a pull altogether." L 146, william findlay. federal address., '" " . William Findlay — " 1. A selfish politician, who never served hfe **i country, and always on the lookrOUt for officev "2. An apostate federalist and time server. " 3. A constant office hunter. 4. A treasury **• broker and public defaulter, who exchanged " and used public money for his own benefit.. " 5. One who holds morality in contempt, and ^ maintains and practises the maxim, that the " end. justifies the means-.. 6. One who, has re» " sorted to thebasest falsehoods to support him- ** self. 7' One who intrigued and bargained ** for the .office, and openly electioneered, for. " himself .. 8... A state .inquisitor, who would ^ gag, if not immolate eyery man, not of his ** own.secU 9*. A. man .who has blended the *' public money with. Iris own,, and is yet to ac- " count for misdemeanor in office* .10,. A ha**, " barian, who holds- thafe 'the study pf the law " disqualifies a mara fromi being a judge.' " " Take notice who are the friends of WiL~. "-iiAM Findlay, — 1. Traitor* and apostatesi* " 2. Inveterate aristocrats. 3. Officeholders and " Office -hunters. 4. Cormorants for the loaves "''and fishes,: and friends only to themselvesis " 5. Fugitives from British gaols and justice* "J Take, care 1 ! / — William Findlay's eleetiorf "Will be sure, 1. If the Republicans stay-at *« home. 2. If they are negligent or timid on. ELECTION. 147 *»' the election ground/ . 3,; If ': ejection, like trea* " sury frauds, are not "detected and prevented, " Take advice, — . l.lLook well to ypur ticketsy ** 2. Look well to your, boxes. 3^. Look well " to your tallies." 4. Look well to your. returns ; " and, 5. Look well to those who vote,.that they. ** are qualified." The following morning I was early on the election ground. The place appointed to re ceive Votes* for the city (exclusive of Southwack and the northern liberties,) was in the State? houses— the same building in which; that, im- mortal document was passed — the declara tion of Independence ! There were two inspectors for each ward of the city placed at separate' Windows. 'The electors, delivered, in their votes from, the; street. The ground: was what is here .called manned ; that is, persons in the interest of the parties have written on their hat or breast, " Federal Ticket," or " De mocratic Ticket," soliciting citizens as they approach the poll ,L«« to vote their ticket ;" for which purpose they are prepared to fUrriish them With; the printed ballotting list of their party. The neighbouring public-houses were, of course, occupied by the electioneerers. I resolved to devote to this as much of my time as possible, in obtaining an ihsight into the character and mirid * The city and state are divided into election districts. Th€ wftofe^ terminat€S;in.one day. L 2 148 GENERAL BARKER. of this people, and to observe them acting!; iri their, political capacity. They were all betting upon the election ; but I lament. to say; that few,' if any, appeared to care one straw about principle. Old General Barker (who; I had heard the previous evenirig make a most able speech in favour of Mr. Finlay, at a public meet-* ing of the democrats) was travelling about to the several depots of leading characters. I could hardly credit my sight that he was the same person whom I had heard the previous evening. His chief employment during the day seemed. drinking rum and gin, with any and every body. I made some remarks ;to him concerning .his spefech : he pleasantly answered, " My good " fellow, I did as well as I could, I guess : they " iriade me open the ball." This old general was the companion in arms of Washington : he has been both sheriff and mayor : he has the character of possessing a good heart, and very improvident generosity; ^ ' The election terminated throughout the State in one day. The excitement of party and pei cuniary feeling, by the universality of gambling upon the occasion, was very great ; yet there was no confusion, no disturbance. Let it be borne in ^mind, that here was the right of voting to the utmost extent, and exercised by a people, concerning whorii it is high. praise, to say, that v they are . npt superior in intellect, in information, in honest zeal, and in temperate REDEMPTIONERS. I4@ ideas of liberty, to the English nation ; yet there is much to lament here. The original dp- buments given in the preceding pages are too full upon this point : they, indeed, are far from Complimentary to our nature ; but at the samp. time we should recollect, that in the political, as inthe moral and natural worlds, we must endure evils, in order to insure a preponderance . of good. ' The extent of my approbation, thenj upon this occasion, is a conviction of the com patibility of popular election with peace and good order; and, if possessed by the English people, I should presume, it would npt be at tended with so many abuses. REDEMPTIONERS. . A practice which has been often referred to in connection with this country, naturally excited my "attention. It is that of individuals emi grating from Europe without money, and paying for their passage by binding themselves to the captain, who receives the produce of their labour for a certain number of years. . Seeing the following advertisement in the newspapers, put in by the captain and owners pf' the vessel referred to, I visited the ship, in company with a boot-maker of this city : ; « THE PASSENGERS u On board; the brig Buboria, from Amsterdwv an4 f whorare yvilling to engage theroselve? for ah'nitye*| 'l3/. 150 aUTCH. SLAVES. ?' time, to defray the expences of their passage, consist ?<_ of persons of the following occupations, besideswp- f men and children, viz. 13 farmers, 2 bakers, 2 butch- "-•ers, 8 weavers, 3 taylors, j gardener, 3 masons, " I mfll-sawyer, I white-smith^ 2 slioe-mak'ers,;, 3 ca rt binet-makers; 1 coal-burner, 1 barber, 1 carpenterj "••1 stocking-weaver, 1 cooper, 1 wheelwright, 1 brewer, 'i :l .locksmith; — Apply on hoard of the Bubona, op- f vposite CallQwhill-atreet, inthe river Delaware, or to " W. Qpun and Co. No. 38, South Wharves. Oct. 2, As we ascended the side pf this hulk, a most revolting scene of Want and misery presented itself. The eye involuntarily turried 'for' some relief from the horrible picture of human suf fering, which this living sepulchre afforded. Mi,- — - — enquired if there were any shoe makers on board. The captain advanced: his ......... . . j i r. ' '.' *¦ _ appearance bespoke his office ; he is an Ame rican, fall, determined, and w^th an eye that flashes with. Algerine cruelty. He called in the Dutch language for. shoe-makers, and never can . I forget the; scene which followed. The poor fellows came running up with* unspeakable de light,' no doubt anticipating a relief from their loathsome dungeon. Their clpthes, if rags de serve that denomination, actually perfumed tiie air. Some" were without shirts, others had this article of dtfess^ but of a quality as coarse as fhe worst packing cloth. I enquired of several if they could speak English* They smiled* 'and HOUSE OF ORANGE. 151 gabbled, «« No Engly, no Engly, — one Engly V talk ship." The deck was filthy. The cook ing, washing, and necessary departments were close together. Such is the mercenary bar barity of the Atnericans who are engaged in this trade, that they crammed into one • of tbpsp, ves sels, 500 passengers, 80 of whom died on the passage. The price for wo.men is about. 70 dol lars, men 80 dollars, boys 60 dollars. When they saw at our departure that we had not pur chased, their countenances fell to that standard of stupid gloom which seemed to place them a link below rational beings, Frpm my heart I execrated the European cause of their removal, which is thus daily compelling men to quit the land of their fathers, to becpme voluntary exiles ha a foreign clime : — yet Americans can think and write such sentiments as the following : «* We rejoice with the patriotic Hollanders at " the return of the illustrious house of Orangq » to tfieir first magistracy, and do not wonder " at their enthusiastic joy upon the occasion, " when they remember that this antient family " have been always the gallant and zealous " defenders of the rights and liberties of th$ " Dutch people" An interesting occurrence is said to have taken place the other day, in? Connection with the Ger man Redemptibners' (as by a strange mjsnpirier the Dutch are denominated). A gentleman' of l 4 152 the mayor's COURT. this, city wanted an old couple to take care of hishousp ; — a man, his wife, and daughter were offered to him for sale ; — he purchased them. — They proved to be his father, his mother, and sister ! ! ! ¦I must now conduct yoU back to the city. The mayor's court is for the trial of petty offences. It is four titnes as large, and ten times more convenient for the public than our lord mayor's court. When I "visited it, the mayor and tWo judges Were upon the bench; The first case was for assault and battery. The plaintiff had a stall in a particular field, oh the fourth of July, (the great national, day, being the anniversary of the declaration of indepen dence ;) the defendant claimed a fight to the spot of ground, not that it was his property,' but because he had occupied it the preceding year < The plaintiff, to rid hiriiself of troublesome interference, had, at the time, given the defend ant five vdollars. This sum satisfied the latter for the moment, but afterwards conceiving that he could induce or compel him to pay more, he took with him three men, and they had assaulted and ill-used the plaintiff. Mayor. " How long have you been in " prison ?" - -Defend. " Two months." v Mayor, " Have you not been brought to trial " before?" THE MAYOR'S COURT. 153 Defend. " No." ' Mayor. " In Consideration of your having' " been that period of time in confinement, we " discharge you." Second case. Thomas Rapoon, brought up at the suit of his wife, for ill usage : the charge was fully proved. Mayor. " What do you wish to have done to " your husband ?" Mrs.R. " Nothing, Sir, I discharge him,! " Sir, I guess ; but only I cahnot live with him, " he beats me regularly before mass." ' Mayor. " I will consider the case." Third). William Jackson, for ill-treating his wife. The charge proved, but no decision given during my stay. ¦¦ Fourth. V. Fitzgerald for stealing two tum blers. He spoke in rather a low tone of voice. The court stated to him, " Unless you speak " louder, We cannot attend to your case." — " There," (said the clerk, whose voice was sin gularly weak,) " raise your voice as high as "mine." A decision was not given in this case. Fifth. A man of colour for stealing a saw. Mayor. " Yellow boy! what have you to " say against this charge, are you guilty or not " guilty?" Prisoner. " Not guilty, gentimman, I Was '" going long -Street groggy, man groggy two; " (laughing in the court,) me go long so bad \Si>; THE MAYOR'S COURT,- « groggy, lay down, put saw by side, mari steal " saw; from me, me not steal saw from no 'f man." Mayor. " I guess, you have not been long V in this country, yellow boy ?" Prisoner* <'No: quite long enough.'' (Laugh ing in the court.) , Mayor. " Where do you come from ?" Prisoner. " Jamaica ; you let me out, me back " Jamaica pretty quick." (Universal laughing.) Mayor. " How long have you been in " prison?" - Prisoner. " Seven weeks." . Mayor. " In consideration of your having " had that period of punishment before trial, we- "sentence you to pay the fine of one cent only,, " and £p be further confined for one calendar " mpnth." MUSEUM, PAINTINGS, &C. A brief account of some of the exhibitions of thiscity may not be uninteresting; and may serve, too, incidentally to communicate some ideas as to the manners and pursuits of the people.* ;;jPeale's Museum contains an extensive col lection of the curiosities usual, in such establish-' ments, divided into three departments. The Maminpth skeleton ppmplete, is1 a most tre mendous object. I remarked that there were several quart bottles fitted, with ashes of the peale's MUSEUM. 155 paper called. "Continental money." This was the circulating medium of the Revolution, and by the means of which they carried on that glorious struggle.. The nation have not re deemed their notes, nor . will they ever. I boarded at the house of a widow lady at New York, whose whole family had been utterly ruined by holding these notes. I remarked Talleyrand's oath of allegiance to the United States in his own hand writing ! a cake of portable soup, which was sent from England in 177-5', for the use of the British army ! Penn's curtains ; and a scrap of poetry, called " The Cow Chase," in the hand- writing of the gallant and interesting , Andre, written a few hours before his execution. The portraits in this establish ment are very numerous; including those of Americans of great name, down to those of very limited celebrity. I also remarked the like nesses of Paine, -Arthur O'Conner, and Dr. Priestley The style of their- execution is but little creditable tp the talents of the artist (Mr. Peale), and would seem to be below the standard of his ability, if we judge at least from the spe cimen which he has given in a fine portrait of Na poleon, after David ; where, by the bye, he has eonamittedthe error of substituting an American horse,; marked by the very long shaggy hair near the hoofs, by which they are distinguished.'.-.. > The painting of the Anaconda, which was. 156 EXHIBITIONS. exhibited in Spring Gardens, is. now here, at the.house of Mr. Earl. It is certainly a first- rate production. I remarked in the same room a table of the Connecticut marble, which is so beautiful that it has. become, I am told, an article of export to France. Mr. Sully's collection of paintings is small, but select. They are chiefly of his own execution* " Madame Ricanier returned from the bath" is by a French artist. This is a beautifully executed and delicate picture. The " Country Wedding" by Sully is interesting, and in the style of put best domestic pieces. The idea of the " Ame* rican village politicians," is taken from Wilkie; with much variation in particulars and general effect, the national characters having hardly orie part of contact. " The capture of Major Andre" is particularly interesting : I shall long have before my eyes the lively figure of this accomplished gentleman. Mr. Sully is a por* trait painter : his charges are for a full-length portrait 500 dollars ; half, 200 ; head and hands, 150; bust, 100. The academy of Fine Arts is a highly respect? able institution, which, without the pretence and puff of its sister establishment in New York} possesses a most decided superiority, There are numerous excellent paintings, and a hall of statuary, in which are some fine specranenSs of yenus, the Gladiator, Apollo, &c. PENITENTIARY. 1 57 There is here exhibited what I believe is the first attempt at panoramic painting in America—^ 'a view of the city of Newhaven. Its merits are of a very negative kind. The charge for each of these exhibitions is a quarter of a dollar, — the chief is in Market-street. The time of sale is from day-light to £ o'clock from the 1st of April to fhe 1st of .September, and from day-light to ^o'clock the remainder of the year.. No butchers are allowed tpkjlj in .the -city* nor are live cattle to be driven to the city markets. 160 PROVISIONS, BOARD, &C . PRICES. The prices pf fish vary from 2d. to 6±dr. per pound ; beef, which is of excellent quality, 5^-d. ; mutton, S^d. to 4^d. ; veal, 5^d. ; pork, 5|d. to 7d.; bacon, 7d. to 8d. ; butter, 17d. to SOd. ; cheese, 9^d.; English ditto, l6d. ; onionsj 13d. per peck ; potatoes, 3s. 4^d. a bushel; cab bages, 2^d. each; fowls, l6d. to 2s. 3d. each; ducks, 20d. to 2s. 3d. ; geese, 3s. 44 d. to 4s. 6d. ; turkeys, 5s. 6d. ; these four last articles are one half larger than those you have in England, but I am inclined to think their flesh is inferior in qua lity; strong beer, 20d. per gallon; apples, >3s.4fd. per bushel ; flour, 10 dollars per barrel of 196 pounds ; dipt candles are lOd. per pound ; moulds, 124 d. J moist sugar, 6|d. to 9d. ; lump ditto, Is. to Is. 5d. ; tea, 4s. 6d. to 9s. ; soap; tffd. to lOd. ; chocolate, 13^ d. to 20d. ; raw coffee, 10d. to 13|d. ; Liverpool salt, 3s. 4id; per bushel; loaf of bread, weighing 2 pound 2 ounces, 5|d. ; Indiancorn, per .bushel, 4s. 6d. ; buck-wheat flour, 4s. 6d, Mechanics pay 13s. 6d. to 15s. 9d. per week for board and lodging: many board with their employers < all eat, work, and sleep in companies. Mode rately respectable boarding is from 20s. 3d; to «7s. ; genteel dittp, 31s. 6d. to 54s. Ghargeat inns, 9s. per day, exclusive of beer andliquorss TRADES, WAGES, &C. l6l WAGES. Labourers are paid 4s. 6d. to 5s. 7|d. a day; female servants, 4s. 6d. to 9s. pCf week, with their board ; cooks, 6s. 9d. to 9s. ; men ser vants, 54s. to 67s. 6d. per month ; carpenters earn 31s. 6d. to40sy6d. per week, time of work from sun -rise to suit-set ;, cabinet-makers, 36s. to 40s. 6d., working generally by the piece ; brick layers, 31s. 6d. to 45S. ; tinmen, 27s. to 45s. ; shoemakers, 31s. 6d. to 40s. 6d. — they work more hours than in London; saddlers, 31s. 6d. to 45s. ¦ — this business at present is not good ; cbachmakers, 31s. 6d. to 45s. — at present bad here, but tolerably good at Newark in Jersey; taylors, 31s. 6d. to 40s. 6d. — a va riable business, sometimes good employment, often not, it is a good deal in the hands' of women; printers, compositors and pressmen, 31s. 6d. to 40s. 6d. — employment tolerably good but not 'certain ; apprentices perform the greater part of the work. Individuals may get employment in any of the above trades, but there is no actual want of mechanics. Many leave here for the southern States and the western: country. Men of this class of society may decidedly make themselves extremely confortablein this place. Those who are? here, speaking* generally, receive higher wages,. are= more independent of their masters, live better, have less anxiety for the morrow, M 162 APPAREL. drink more, and are less intelligent- than men following the like occupations in England. PRICES OF WEARING APPAREL, &C Shoes are 13s. 6d. to 15s. 9d. a pair; Wel lington boots, 38s. 3d. to 45s, ; Hessian dittos. 42s. 9d. to 45s. ; jockey ditto, 67s.- 6d. ; ladies* shoes, 4s, 6d. to 5s. 74d, — the leather is not good ; upon a fair average, two pair of English! will last as long as three pair of American ; the best, beaver hat* are 40s, 6d. ; superfine cloth coafs, 81. Is. 6d. ; surtout ditto; 111. -5s. ; pan taloons and trowsers, 45s. to 54s. ; waistcoats, 27s. Clothes made of inferior materials, are from 25 to 50 per cent, lower. India and French silks, China crapes for ladies' dresses, and India handkerchiefs, are one half cheaper than in London, Other articles of wearing apparel, and almost every thing used in domestic economy, are of British manufacture. They pay an import duty of 25 per cent., and when retailed;, are from 25 to 100 per cent, dearer than in London*- . RELIGIOUS SECTS. Having heard that American methodise were distinguished for an extreme degree of fanatical violence in their religious exercises I visited the African church, (aU houses^ of religious assembly being denominated churches,) in which were none but blacks ; and in the EBENEZER CHURCH. 168 evening, " Ebenezer Church," in which were only whites. A? the latter possessed all the characteristics of the former, with considerable additions of its own, to that only is it hecessary that I should call your attention. I went at S o'clock in the evening. The door was locked ; but the windows being open, I placed myself at one of them, and saw that the church within was crowded almost to suffocation. The preacher indulged in long pauses, and occasional loud elevations of voice, which were always answered by the audience with deep groans. When the prayer which followed the sermon had ended, the minister descended from the pulpit, the doors were thrown open, and a considerable number of the audience departed. Understand ing however that something was yet to follow, with considerable difficulty I obtained admis sion. The minister had departed, the doors were again closed, but about four hundred persons remained. One (apparently) of the leading mem bers; gave Out a hymn, then a brother was called upon, to pray : he roared and ranted like a maniac ; the male part of the audi ence groaned, , the female shrieked ; a man sitting next to me shouted; a youth stand ing before me continued for half an hour bawl ing, " Oh Jesus! come down,, come down, " Jesus ! my dear Jesus, i see you ! Mess me, " Jesus ! Oh ! oh ! oh.!, Come down, Jesus !" m 2 164 fanaticism. A small space farther on, a girl about 1 1 years of age was in convulsions,: an old woman, who I -concluded was her mother, stood* on the seat, holding her up in her arms, that her ecstasies might be visible to the whple assembly. In: an other place1 there Was a convocation of -.holy sisters, sending forth most awful yells. A; bro ther now stood forward, stating, that " although ".numbers had gone; he trusted the Lord would " :that night work, some signal favours among:his ?A' dear iambs." Two sisters ¦ advariced towards him, refusing to be comforted, " for the Lord was with them :". another brother prayed — and an other. " Brother Macfaddin" wasnow called upon, ¦and he addressed them with a voice which might almost rival a peal of thunder, the whole -congre gation, occasionally joining responsive to his notesi The madness now became threefold increased, and. such a scene presented itself as I could never have pictured to my imagination,; and as I trust, for the honour of true religion and of human nature, I shall never see again. Had the inha bitants of Bedlam been let loose, they could not have exceeded it. From forty to fifty; were praying aloud and extemporaneously at the same moment of time : some were kicking, mattiy iumping, all clapping their " hands and c fying out in chorus, "Glory! glory! glory! Jesus "Christ is a very good friend ! Jesus, Christ is " a very good 'friend ! Ohn God 1 oh Jesus ! blasphemy. 165 " come doWri ! Glory! glory! glory ! thank you, " Jesus ! tharik you, God ! Oh, glory ! glory ! " glory ! ! !" Mere exhaustion of bodily strength produced a cessation of madness for a few minutes. A hymn was given out and sung ; praying then recommenced ; the scene of mad ness was again acted, with, if possible, increased efforts on. the part of the performers. One of the brothers prayed to be kept from enthusiasm! A girl of six years of age became the next ob ject of attention . A reverend brother proclaimed that, she " had just received a visit from the " Lord, and was in awful convulsions — so hard ik. was the working of the spirit !" This scene continued for some time ; but the audience gra dually lessened, , so that by ten o'clock the field of active operations was considerably contracted. The women,, however, forming a compact co lumn at the most distant corner of the church, continued their shrlekings with but little abate ment. Feeling disposed to get a nearer sight of the beings who sent forth such terrifying yells, I. endeavoured to approach them, but was stopped by several of the brethren, who would not allow of a near approach towards the holy sisterhood. The novelty of this exhibition had, at first sight, rendered it a subject of amusement and interest; but all such feelings soon gave way to an emotion of melancholy horror, when I considered the gloomy picture it represented m 3 166 A FEMALE convert. of human nature, and called to mind that these maniacal fanatics were blaspheming the holy name of Christianity. Notwithstanding my warm love of liberty, I felt that, were Pan absolute lawgiver, I would certainly punish and restrain men who thus degraded their nature, who set so wicked an example of religious blas phemy, and so foully libelled the name and character of revelation. I have since understood that one of the fe male converts upon this occasion had been turned away from her situation the previous evening for stealing five dollars. A gentleman informed me that he was at ** Ebenezer" a few days since, when the preacher stopped in the midst of his discourse, and directed those among his audience who were for King Jesus to stand up. Numbers of men and women immediately rose, shouting "I am •"« for Jesus," " I am for Jesus," " I am for " King Jesus." " Oh, that I eould press him to " my bosom !" " There he comes." " I am for " King Jesus." I am informed that these exhibi tions are neither singular in occurrence nor par tial in extent, and feel at a loss to account for such fanatical enthusiasm in this country : it is by no means an essential part of the creed of either Wesley or Whitfield; and, in Great Britain, few bodies of men conduct their iheetings with more order than the methodists. In Wales, J under- :'i'i enthusiasm. I67 stand, and perhaps in some country parts of England, there may be occasional exhibitions of the same kind ; but they are pf rare oc currence, and comparatively moderate in their excesses. In Ireland I have also witnessed oc casional violence ; but never any thing at all equal to that exhibited at " Ebenezer." In the latter country too we make some allowance for national character : they are all fire — all feeling ; but with Americans, whatever may be their ex cellences. or their defects, they are certainly not chargeable with possessing a superabundance of warm blood : they are, on the contrary, most re markable for complete and general coldness of character and dispositipn. That, therefore, they should be enthusiastic, even in matters of reli gion, would appear a matter of difficult solution. In the individuals, it would seem to burst forth upon prepared occasions, and to exist in com mon with — perhaps actually to spring from, a pold-blopded callousness of disposition. The general theory which attributes warmth of feel ing to the fanatic is perhaps, after all, a false one. Who so bigoted, so exclusive, so illiberal towards others, so wholly devoid of every gene rous sentiment? The extreme fanaticism pf these maniacal saints may perhaps therefore ac tually spring from the absence of real enthu siasm, combined, of course, with gross and ex cessive ignorance. M 4 168 sects'. — negroes. The sects' of this city, and the number of their places of assembly, are as follow: '1 Swedish Lutheran, 3 Quakers, 1 Free ditto, or Whig Quakers, called also Fighting Quakers,' 4 Epis copalian, 4 Baptist, 5 Presbyterian, 4 Roman Catholic, 6 German Lutheran, 1 Moravian, 1 Covenanters, 3 Methodists, 1 Universalist,- 1 Unitarian, 1 Independent, 1 Jews, 2 Black Methodist, and 1 Black Episcopalian. Religious „ controversy appears unknown. Every man 'is expected to choose one of these churches ; and when that is done, he must abide by it as solemnly and as regularly as he does his segar, his rum, and his business. What ever degree of religious intelligence exists,' is confined to the clergy ; who, perhaps, have lost no advantage by the ' abolition of a state-re ligion. estimation of negroes. The three "African churches," as they are called, are for all those native Americans who are black, or have any shade of Colour darker than white. These persons, though5 many of them are possessed of the rights of citizenship, are riot admitted into the churches which are visited by whites. There exists a penal law, deeply written in the minds of the whole white population^ Which subjects their coloured fellow- citizens to unconditional contumely and' never- climate. 16y ceasing insult. No respectability, however un questionable, — no property, however large, — no character, however unblemished, will gain a man, whose body is (in American estimation) cursed -with even a twentieth portion of the blood of his African ancestry, admission into society ! ! ! They are considered as mere Pa riahs — as out-casts and vagrants upon the face Of the earth ! I make no reflection upon these things, but leave the facts for your consider ation. CLIMATE, DISEASES, &C --,- Of the climate of this city I can say but little from personal observation. The weather, at pre sent, is at once healthy and delightful ; the ther mometer ranges from 56 to 70 ; the sky is per fectly serene, and each day is as fine and " clear as the preceding, forming a pleasing contrast to the humidity and frequent changes of our island. The heats of summer, I am told, are excessive, while the colds of winter are equally in the extreme. Spring, in the European under standing of that delightful season, there is none at all. If the appeararice of the inhabitants be taken as a criterion, and if that appearance be not produced or aggravated by other causes (such as excess or unhealthy practices of many kinds), I should say that this climate is riot so congenial: to. the well-being of the hpman con- 170 DISEASES. stitution as that of England. A Philadelphian (particularly a female) is as old at 27, as a Lon doner; at 40. Neither sex possesses fhe English standard of health — a rosy cheek. The young fkhales indeed are genteel ; but their colour is produced by art, but for which disgusting practice, many of them might pass for: beauti ful. You will be surprised to hear, that in the practice of rougeing, the junior branches, of the 'society of friends, are not at all deficient! Englishmen are said to improve in appearance for the first 12 months of their residence, but after that time the face becomes sallow and flabby. In estimating the character of the climate as; shown by the health of the inhabitants, it may be-Well to take into account, on the part of the females, the effect of close stoves and want of exercise ; on the part of the males, the exces sive use of rum and tobacco ; and, with regard to both sexes, the early period of life at which the mass of the population enter into the mar riage state. There are, at any rate, it has been. observed, two things but rarely seen here— - **f good teeth" and " green old age." The leading class of diseases are inflam matory. The yellow fever- to any great or im portant extent has not existed here for the last 11 years.: a few cases occur each year, both here and in the more northern cities. The average of deaths, per day, during the present year, has POOR-LAWS — P0LKEK. I7I been eight ; which, with a city population of 120,000, is not more in proportion than those of London and Paris. Superior medical aid is not cheaper than in London. PROVISIONS FOR THE POOR, POLICE, &C, The poor-laws are administered by sixteen citizens, who are chosen annually by the cor poration, to superintend the provision for the poor. They are empowered, with the appro bation of four aldermen and two justices, to levy an assessment not exceeding, at any one time, 100 cents (4s. 6d.) on 100 dollars (221. 10s.), or one per cent. ; nor more than three dollars per head, on every free man not otherwise rated. The average annual number of paupers supported in alms-houses of this city is 1600; the expense of keeping them 70,000 dollars a year ; the produce of the poor-tax for the city and county of Philadelphia 100,000 dollars. The police is strict, at least in some departs ments. There are fourteen constables and two high constables, whose business it is to peram bulate the streets, which they do with a mace in their hands, and to examine all suspicious looking persons. If such refuse to give a satis factory account of themselves, they are taken before the mayor. There are thirty-six watch men who cry the hour (to imitate which,, sub jects the offender to immediate imprisonment), 172 STATE OF MORALS.. "and six. others who visit, their boxes- to see that they perform their duty. The whole are under the ¦direction, of a " captain," who attends to receive vagrants, rioters and thieves,. Watch men are paid fourteen dollars (63s.) per month, fourteen pence extra for every lamp under their care, and are supplied, with a great coat :. . they are fined for neglect of duty. The cost, for lighting and watching. Philadelphia is 25,000 dollars per annum. I had intended saying some* thing concerning the heads of the police, but shall reserve my remarks for the next communi cation. Circuriistances have recently occurred;, which, if true in all particulars, would prove the magistracy here to be as corrupt as .that of London in the days of Fielding. MORALS, MANNERS, &C Of; the state of public, morals,! find consider* able difficulty in forming my .judgment.-;; The habits of the people. are marked by caption and, secrecy. Although the eyes and ears.; of a stranger are riot insulted in the openness Qf. noon-day with evidence of hardened profligacy I have, nevertheless,- reason to believe in its ex istence to a very great extent ; though perhaps; there is, no Philadelphia parent would say to me\ what a respectable New Yorker did — " There* " is not a father iri thiscity but who is sorry " that he has got a son." CLASSES OF SOCIETY. 173 Toclassify the population of this city, I should pnly have to repeat what I have communicated concerning other parts of the union. There is, of course, here no rank of society corre spondent to the1 peerage, or the " haut-ton," in England; but there are many who keep car riages, have truly elegant houses, and superb furniture. These are called of the " first class ;" and although they have not the pomp or the titles, they have the pride of an aristocracy. The small and middling tradesmen do not make much exertion, live easily, save no money, and appear to care nothing about either the present or future. If they find business getting bad, they do, what is called, " sell out," and pack up for the "back country." The labourer and me chanic are independent, not in purse, but in condition. Neither they nor their masters con ceive that any obligation is conferred by em ptying them. They live well, and may always have a dollar in their pockets. Men are here independent of each other : this will show it self even in half an hour's walk through the streets of .Philadelphia. The dress of the gentlemen is taken from the fashions of England ; that of the. ladies from France, — who very modestly; believe, and indeed have no hesitation in declaring, thafthey combine the excellences of the French and the, English character, without possessing the defects .of 174 ¦ FEMALE VANITY, eitfeefo For myself, I can trace no resemblance to the former, unless it lie in kid gloves sfcnd ar- tiffcial flowers ; nor to the latter, except in a fondness for Lady Morgan's writings, and ah admiration of Lord Wellington's achievements. Could American-; ladies be content to despise instead of copying the vanity of their country men, and fake a few practical lessons from the English female in the management of domestic concerns, and the cultivation of their minds, then, indeed, their fine forms might become peculiarly interesting, — at least to the man of sense. — But I must turn to another subject. Being anxious to depart for the western coun try before the season is too far advanced, I shall intrust this report to Captain Williams, of the Electra, who, I am persuaded, will take par ticular care of, arid deliver it safely upon hii arrival. A letter to our friend M— will go ill the bag of the same ship, advising you of the present communication1. Address to meat " Washington city," as I hope to be there in January, during the sitting of Congress, and after the completion of my western journey. To-morrow 1 intend leaving this city for Pitts burgh. Mr. Mellish tells me that the road is very good. This has relieved my anxiety ; fot the journey has been a source of very uneasy anticipation. As usual, I suppose', I must? say something in the Way of advice. i In my third EMIGRATION. I75 Report I stated, that my feelings were gene rally those of disappointment. • My feelings (to use the same unphilosophical criterion) are now more favourable towards this country. Phila delphia has done much towards raising America in my estimation. But I presume that none will come out until they hear from me again. Were I proceeding no farther than this city, and felt it Hecessary that I should make up my mind^ for or against emigration, I should feel myself most awkwardly situated ; for although it occu pies my attention at all times, I cannot make even an approach towards a decision. The ca pitalist will receive in this State legal interest of six per cent. ; in the state of New York seven per cent. I think that seven, or perhaps eight, might be made upon good security. Property of all kinds is selling every day at the Ex change Coffee Rooms. There is not now my great scope for mercantile speculation. Lands can be purchased, or new and large concerns established : but either of these would be ha zardous. Capital is certainly wanted throughout the country. I think a brewery could be esta blished with sound hopes of success, and not requiring more than from ten to fifteen thousand pounds. A London shopkeeper, with a capital of from three to ten thousand pounds, and who could import his goods from the first markets, would I think succeed— not became there is a 176 AN ENGLISH CARPENTER. want of " dry goods stores ;" for I believe one- half, could be spared : but there is an ignorance of good principles pf business ; and, I. suspect, a very general deficiency of means. Lawyers, doctors, clerks, shopmen, literary. men, artists, and schoolmasters, would, to use an American phrase, " come to a bad market." Mechanics pan. form their own judgment, from the state ments in the preceding pages. Weavers, stock ing-makers, and others, acquainted only with the cotton, woollen, hardware, and linen manufac tures, would find employment very difficult to obtain. A few evenings since. I saw a carpenter and his wife, who have been here but one month, from Hull, in Yorkshire. The, husband stated, that in England he earned 21s. per week ; that he now obtains 31s. 6d. ; that he finds great dif ficulty in getting his money from his employer; that, "taking one thing with another," the ex pense of -living is as nearly like, that in Eng land as possible ; that had he been acquainted with every thing which heat present knows, he would not have left home ; ; but that, having done so, he is well- satisfied ; and has now saved some money — a thing which he had hardly ever ;before done.' I state this man's ; informa* tion, because I consider ? it deserving of your confidence. It is equally ifree; from the. wild rhapsodies, of some persons, and. the deplorable; pictures which several Englishmen in thiscity, AN ENGLISH CARPENTER. 177 and in other parts of the union, have given me of their disappointments, and of America in general. The carpenter's success is just what would attend any other industrious man of the same business, or of several others previously enumerated. His idea of the difficulties Which he had encountered are natural, as he has not been engaged sufficiently long in other pursuits to obliterate these impressions. Could I see him in twelve months from the present tiriie, I think his condition Would be, if I may judge from others, something like the following : — saved fourteen guineas ; living in two small rooms ; independent of his master, and his mas ter of him ; thinks the Americans a very dirty and disagreeable people, and hafes them from his soul ; would be delighted to see old England again, and smoke his pipe and drink his pint, and talk politics with the cobbler, and abuse the taxes ; and then he remembers that he is in America, where he cannot endure the thoughts of having his bones buried ; thinks of returning to England, where his wife is also anxious to go, in order that she may drink tea and gossip with her old neighbours ; then they both Conjure up their former sea sickness, their fear of being drowned, the money that their passage would cost, and that when they got to Hull, his most laborious application Would not more than provide them with a bare existence. He then N 178 EMIGRATION. determines to remain in America, keep the money which he has saved, add as much more jto.it as he can, and make himself as contented and happy as lies in his power. . The man of small property, who intends living upon the interest, and wants to remove to a cheaper country than England, should pause before the object of his choice be Ame rica. From what I have seen of large toWns, living is not, upon the whole, lower than in Eng lish cities. In the interior, it may be less than in the country parts of England. But such a man must, of necessity, have his ideas of hap piness associated with many sources of comfort and gratification, which he Would seek for in vain within the United States. In conclusion, I wish to express my anxious hopes that you are all well ; arid that whether we remain in England or settle in the New World, we may continue to possess, and to deserve, as great a portion of enjoyment as may be consist ent with our improvement in the present state of our existence. P. S. Taxes are of trifling amourit compared7 with the enormous drafts made upon you in that particular. A gentleman of this city, whose house is his own property, but which, if let, would be worth 1301. per annum, obliged me with his collector's receipts for three years; taxes. 179 Mr. Dr. to Liberty Brown, collector, No. ¦ Chesnut Street, for taxes in Middle Ward for 1813. City .Couniy Poor Health Tax. Tax. Tax. Tax. d. c. d. c. d. c. d. c. d. c. House 18 12 5 79 8 70 1 81 34 42 Poll-tax - - • - 1 50 75 72 28 3 25 Ground on which ") the house stands j 1 38 45 66 14 2 63 Water, to July 1814. - - . 5 Total amount, 45 dollars, 30 cents, or 101. 5s. 6d," " taxes foe 1815. Dollars. Cents. City Tax 19 38 Poor ditto County Dog - Ground on stands 10 62 8 19 -1 " 25 lich house "? „ 54 Total 40 98 or 91. 4s. 3d." " TAXES FOR 1816. Dollars. Cents. 18 6l| 10 62 8 19 hich house} 2 65| 5 0 Total 45 8 orl0l.4s.6d." City Tax Poor - County Ground 01 stands Water The following notice from the tax collectors is just published : " TAXES FOB. 1817. Notice is hereby given, that the taxes for 1817 are now due ; and the owners of property and other taxable n 2 180 TAXES. inhabitants pf the city of Philadelphia, district of South- wark and townships of Northern Liberties and Penn, are required to call on the collectors hereafter named, and pay their taxes, or the law will be enforced to com pel payment. The following extract from the collector's warrant, is published for the information of those con cerned. " ' And if any person, charged in the said duplicate, shall neglect or refuse to make payment within 30 days from the time of the demand by you made, you are then hereby authorised and required to levy the tax due by such delinquent, by distress and sale of his goods and chattels, giving ten days' notice of such sale, by written or printed advertisements. And in case goods and chattels cannot be found sufficient to satisfy the same with costs, you are authorised and required to take the body of the said delinquent, and convey him to the jail of the said county of Philadelphia, there to remain until the said tax with costs be paid or secured to be paid, or otherwise be discharged by the course of law. And hereby fail not at your peril.' " s It may be necessary to 'observe, that these are State, not United States taxes. This distinction is essential to be borne in mind, as it is anti cipated that the legislature will abolish the war taxes upon the opening of congress, and you might suppose from that fact, that all internal taxation would be done away. FIFTH REPORT. LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOR THE WESTERN COUNTRY. — PENNSYLVANIA FARMS ; THEIR VALUE. — PRICE OF STOCK; OF LABOUR. PRODUCE SOIL. — TAVERNS. MILITARY. — -LOUDON LANDLORDS; THEIR POLI TICS. — ALLEGANY MOUNTAINS ; THEIR SCENERY. DIFFICULTY OF CROSSING. — M'CONNEL's VILLE. — NU MEROUS EMIGRANTS ; THEIR MODE OF TRAVELLING. SOIL AND PRODUCTIONS OF THE ALLEGANIES. — ^CHA RACTER AND PURSUITS OF THE PEOPLE. CROSSING THE RIVER JUNIATA. BAD STAGES GRENSBURGH. — FACE OF THE COUNTRY TOWARDS PITTSBURGH. — IMPROVED CONDITION OF THE INHABITANTS PITTS BURGH. FINE SITUATION. SCENERY. PRICES OF PROVISIONS ; OF LABOUR. FARMING. — PRODUCE. PRICE OF STOCK. GENERAL EXPENSES. CONDITION OF A PENNSYLVANIA FARMER. COAL TRADES AND MANUFACTURES. NEW ESTABLISHMENTS LIKELY TO SUCCEED. — CAPITAL REQUIRED. RAPID INCREASE OF THE WESTERN COUNTRY. — MODE OF CONDUCTING BUSI- \ NESS. MECHANICS. THEATRE. POPULATION. YOUNG WATSON. LEAVE PITTSBURGH STATE OF OHIO. FACE OF THE COUNTRY. — PRICE OF LANDS. — STATE OF AGRICULTURAL KNOWLEDGE. PRICE OF LA BOUR. — CLIMATE. — WILD ANIMALS. — " FROLIC." — PURSUITS OF WOMEN. — CLASSES OF SOCIETY. — CIN CINNATI. — SLAVERY. — PRICES. — RENTS. — TRADES. N 3 182 WESTERN COUNTRY. — MECHANICS. — WANT OF CAPITAL. MANUFACTURES. STATE OF KENTUCKY. PRICE OF LANDS; OF LA BOUR. — SLAVERY. RENTS. SOIL. PRODUCE. — TRADES MANUFACTURES. PROVISIONS. CLIMATE. — HEALTH. MIDDLETOWN. — LOUISVILLE. WHAT CLASS OF EMIGRANTS WOULD SUCCEED. — LORD SELKIRK. , UNFAIR ACCOUNT Otf MELLISH THE TRAVELLER. — ILLINOIS TERRITORY. — EXTENT. FACE OF THE COUN TRY. NAVIGABLE WATERS. FIRST INHABITANTS. PRESENT POPULATION. — THEIR CHARACTER AND CON DITION. SOIL. — PRODUCE. — SUPPOSED EXPENSE OF ERECTING HOUSES. — WILD ANIMALS. — TOWNS. CONSIDERATIONS REQUIRING THE ATTENTION OF MY FRIENDS. Shawnee Town, Illinois Territory, Mississippi, &c Dec. 1817. After a long and fatiguing journey, I have at length reached the Illinois territory, which in all probability will soon become the twentieth State of this flourishing Republic. In my re port from Philadelphia, sent in the Electra, and which I calculate you will receive by about the 12th December, I forwarded all the inform ation of which I was then in possession. Though I have seen a large portion of this interesting continent, my mind is by no means yet made up concerning it. I have in fact come to no deci sion, and can as yet, at least, make no final re port of the country, or its inhabitants, I feel that my residence here has been too brief to enable me correctly to form a judgment upon THE GREAT VAELEY. 183' what is, in more senses of the expression than one, " a new world," or fully to comprehend a land and a people essentially different from those I have been accustomed to contemplate. Acting under this impression, therefore, I would wish, at least for the present, to give you, as far as lies in my power, facts from which you may form your own judgment, and be enabled here after, perhaps, the better to see the propriety of mine : I shall proceed, therefore, as before, in giving extracts from hiy journal, which I have kept with minute exactness from Philadel phia to this place. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS. October. — Left Philadelphia for Pittsburgh. Passed through an extensive, fertile, well-cul-- tivated, and beautiful tract of land called the " Great Valley." Farms in this district are chiefly owned by Dutch and Germans, and their descendants. They consist of from 50 to 200 acres, each acre worth 200 dollars (451,), and are cheaper at that price than the 50 cent and dollar and half lands, which encumber other parts of the eastern states. The substantial barns, fine private dwellings, excellent breed and condition of live stock, and superior culti vation of the «¦ Great Valley," place it decidedly in advance of the neighbouring lands, and put it fairly in competition with Old England. N 4 184 PENNSYLVANIA FARMS. The proprietors are wealthy. They have the reputation pf being practical opponents of the desolating system of paper money, by keeping their hard cash safely locked up in their " old " country" boxes. Be this as it may, their pro perty, unlike that of their fellow-citizens on the sea-side, has not vanished into, air by the late mighty political changes. They have been blessed by Heaven with excellent land and good- markets ; and although their progress in the ac quirement of " this world's goods" has not been like the rise of Jonah's gourd, neither has it shared the fate of that transitory plant. There are good farms in other districts within 20 miles of Philadelphia, which can be pur chased' at from 80 to 100 dollars per acre, build ings, included. Limestone land will sell for 200 dollars. In a farm of 200 acres, the pro portion may be estimated at 90 acres of plough ing, 50 of meadow, 10 of orchard, and 50 of wood land. The latter,, near the city, is worth 3 to,400 dollars per acre, A farm of the above description is worth,, if within five miles of the capital, 20,0,00 dollars, ; at from 20 to 40 miles' distance, 10,000 dollars. Uncleared lands, in remote parts of the State, vary in price from half a dollar to 20 dollars per acre. ThePennsylvanian. horse is a medium between our saddle,, and heavy cart hprses, and is well suited for most purposes. They are worth from AGRICULTURE. 185 50 to 150 dollars (111. 2s. 6d. to 331. 7s. 6d.). A farm waggon will cost 100 to 120 dollars (221.10s. to 271.); a family ditto, 70 to 90 dob. lars; ditto with springs, 150 dollars; neat gig, 300 ; best ditto, 450 ; a farm cart, 50 dollars. The annual expense of keeping a family waggon and horse is about 50 dollars. Well-improved land will produce, on an aver age, 25 bushels of wheat per acre (a farmer with in eight miles of the city has raised 40) ; ditto of Indian corn, 25 to 50. Wheat is sold at from 160 to 220 cents (7s. 8d. to 9s. lid.) per bushel ; Indian corn,, 80 to 100 cents (3s. 7d. to 4s. 6d.) ; oats, 40 to 55 cents (Is. 9d. to 2s. 5|d.) : they are lighter than the English. Meadows are usually ploughed in rotation, and planted with Indian corn. Orchards are also put under the plough, grain not being considered as inj urious to the fruit. A good milch cow, four years old, is worth 51. 13s. 6d. Sheep are much smaller than ours. Half blood Merino are lis. 3d. ; three- quarters blood, 13s. Gd. ; full ditto* 22s; 6d. ; rams are 41. 10s. to 111. 2s. 6d. ; pigs four weeks old are 2s. 3d. ; a sow and ditto, 11. lis. 6dr. to 21. 14s. j a hog of 100 pounds, lL lis. 6d. to 21, 5s. ; a yoke of oxen, Ml. 15s. to #81. 10s. MINERALS. A copper and zinc mine is worked; aboafc twenty miles from Philadelphia. Iron ore 186 MINERALS. — FARMERS. abounds throughout the State. Bar iron sells for; 120 dollars per ton. Limestone abounds at about fifteen miles from the city. There is also a coarse gray marble in large quantities : it is used for steps and chimney-pieces. The price delivered in Philadelphia is one dollar the cubic foot. The farmers in Pennsylvania are many of them rich : some reside in first-rate houses, and are possessed of most of the conveniences of life. Those remote from a market generally distil their grain, finding whiskey to be the most con venient and profitable form under which to carry and dispose of their stock. The great body of these men are Germans, or of German descent. They are excellent practical farmers, very industrious, very mercenary, and very ignorant. The con dition of the labourer is similar to that in other parts of the United States. ¦ The towns of Lancaster, Harrisburgh; and Carlisle, through which I passed, are all of them considerable in extent and in population. They each contain a large proportion of excellent birick buildings, and the usual erections of market houses, gaols, and churches, all evincing an ex tent of national prosperity, and an advancement towards European establishments truly extraor dinary, when we recollect that this is a country which may be said to be but of yesterday. The German character is- very prevalent through- MR. FLOWER. 187 out this State. The original language is still preserved, and there are even native Pennsylva- nians who cannot speak the English language. Arrived at Chambersburgh, 157 miles from Philadelphia, I went to the inn where the stages from Baltimore and Philadelphia to Pittsburgh usually stop. These stages are two days in ar riving here from the latter, and one from the former city. I secured a place, for which I paid 14 dollars (three guineas), distance 140 miles. This town contains about 240 houses, of all sorts, two or three churches, a gaol and court house. October. — The stage started at three o'clock in the morning. A Mr. Flower, connected with ( Mr. Birkbeck, left Chambersburgh a few days previous, on his return from Illinois to Eng land. What his views of this country are I have not learned, though I should conclude, from the reported statements of an acquaintance, with whom he conversed at Chambersburgh, that his estimation of America is highly favourable. Arrived at eight o'clock at Loudon, at the foot of the north mountain, one of the Allegany ridges. There are here 17 log and 20 frame or brick houses. We were not allowed to break fast at the, tavern in this town, as one of the pro prietors, of the coach had a house at MConnel's Ville. The tavern at Loudon is cheerless and dirty : a number of waggoners were breakfast- 188 ELECTION. — WAGGONS. ing. The election, was a topic of violent de bate; bets, and, as a usual accompaniment, cholcr, ran high. We brought the latest intelli gence of the returns. All had their hopes and fears. The landlord, who is of Dutch descent, was, as a -matter of course, a Hiesterite, because he was descended , from a countryman. The Irish party, for similar reasons, supported Findlay. We were saluted by each at our de parture, u Huzza for Hiester !" " Huzza for <4 Findlay !" My fellow-travellers were citizens of the world : they huzzaed for each with true philanthropic liberality.5 The final return throughout the State elected Mr. Findlay with a majority of seven thousand. I counted 30 regular stage-waggons engaged in the transportation of goods to and from Pittsburgh. They are drawn by four strong well-fed horses, are made upon the model of English waggons, but about one- third less in size. They are from 20 to 35 days in effecting their journey. The articles sent from Philadelphia are hardware, and what are denominated " dry goods." This term in cludes aH articles of woollen, linen, cotton, and silk. Those returned from Pittsburgh are farm ing produce, chiefly flour. It is necessary to understand that the road I am travelling is the only tradhag waggon route to the whole western1 country. This circumstance 'being' taken into GRAND PROSPECT. 189 consideration, in addition to the fact that there is np water carriage, the number of convey ances, though great, is by no means extraor dinary. Proceeded up the north mountain, over a most excellent piece of road, which is part of the new, national turnpike, proposed to extend from the head of the Potowmac to Wheeling, and when completed will be of immense im portance tp the western country, and indeed the whole Unipn, the connection of the old and new sections being at present materially impeded by excessively bad roads. At 11 o'clock, when near the summit of the mountain, we enjoyed a most ex.ten.sive vjew Qf a \atge and beautiful valley, which must contain tens of thousands of acres that have not yet known the hand of the cultivator. The prospect, combining some grand mountain scenery, was the most magnificent I had ever beheld. The interest of the scene was also not a little heightened by the prospect of M'Connel's Ville, which we were approaching. This apparently delightful little town appeared secluded from the rest of the world, amd one might have imagined it another Eden, . cut off by means of woods aiid, trackless wilds, and mountain, snows, from the vices and the corrup. tipJas which, Jn every other quarter, visit and torment mankind. —.But this is merely reverie* We entered the town, proceeded to the tavern, 190 EMIGRATION WAGGONS. where: we breakfasted, and a nearer inspection showed every thing around us to be merely human. , M'Connel's Ville contains 40 houses, chiefly log.- — Beefisnowl0centsapound(5|d.); some times it is only 7 (3fd.); mutton is not con sumed : fowls are 6s. 9d. per dozen ; charge for breakfast, 2s. 3d. — Passed several travellers on foot. from Massachusetts, going with an in?- tention of viewing the western country, and, if satisfied, of selecting a settlement previous to the emigration of their families : they fairly excelled our stage in expedition. Came up with 20 small family waggons ; two of these were broken down, and the horses of all in very bad condition; they were chiefly from Massachusetts, Jersey, and Connecticut. One of these was the joint property of a Dutch andan American family. My companions seemed to know at first sight, from what State the emigrants travelled. The New Englanders were evidently better fitted for the great and unavoidable fatigues of removal, than the natives of Jersey and Maryland. I thought I could even discover in the white in habitants the effects of residing in free and in slave States. The genuine Yankies (New Englanders) are ignorant of slavery ; they have been necessitated to labour with their own hands ; they have not been demoralized by fa miliarity with a system that establishes a barrier 12 FAMILIES OF EMIGRANTS. 191 between fellow-beings on account of their colour; they have not been taught that because their neighbour's face was (to use their own phrase) a grade darker than their own, he was there fore of an inferior species (as I am sorry to see contended for even by Mr. Jefferson) ; they have relied on their own resources, and the conse quence is, that they are more enterprising, more healthy, more enlightened, and altogether better suited to cultivate the wilderness with success, than their slave-holding neighbours. Even the women from New England were walking before their waggons, while the others were either riding or lagging behind. These emigrants preferred travelling in com panies, forming a oneness of interest, and securing an interchange of assistance when necessary. In difficult parts of this tract their progress was so slow as to be hardly perceiv able. Ropes were attached to each side of the waggons, at which, while some were pulling, others were most unmercifully, though neces sarily, whipping the horses, which dragged the waggons five yards at an effort. The getting these waggons and families over the mountains appeared little less than a continuance of mira cles. I was prepared to expect much, but the reality has increased my ideas of the difficulty of this emigration a, thousand fold. Crossed the Juniatta — arrived at Dickenson's 192 BAD ROADS. Tavern — proceeded to Bloody-run, where we arrived at half-past eleven, excessively fatigued — charge for supper and bed, 4s. 6d. In the latter part of this stage nothing could exceed the badness of the roads ; yet the understanding between the . driver and horses was so perfect, that we proceeded, though with almost broken bones, with the exactness of mechanism. A London coachman would in half an hour have dashed the strongest English stage to pieces, and probably broken the necks of his passengers. Seeond day. — Started at three o'clock in the morning : thermometer ten degrees above zero : at nine arrived at Bedford, where we were not allowed to breakfast, as a stage-proprietor lived farther on. We all crossed over to the orchard of a farm house and stole some frozen apples, which our keen appetites caused us to enjoy. — Passed over the Dry Ridge, upon which were great numbers of family and stage waggons : some of the former were from the district of Maine, and had been out 80 days. The progress of our stage was so slow and so painful, that I preferred walking : this afforded me an opportunity of entering into the views and little histories pf fellbw-'travellers. No person here need feet backward, in asking questions, and all answer. without hesitation or reserve. The women I found the most conkflunicative : their husbaaads, ' being chiefly engaged in dragging along their 14 EMIGRANTS. — SCENERY.^ 193 wretched nags. The first I conversed with was from Jersey, out 32 days : she was sitting upon a log which served for the double purpPse of a seat and a fire : their waggon had broken down the day before ; her husband was "with it at a distant blacksmith's : she had been seated there all night: her last words went to my heart: " Ah! Sir, I wish to God we had never left " home." The view from the summit of Dry Ridge even exceeds the one before described. The scenery is bolder, and marked with a character of increased magnificence. The eye takes in at one glance, the various ridges calledthe South, the Blue, the Cove, and the more extended chain, peculiarly denominated the Allegany. The calm serenity of the numerous valleys formed a pleasing contrast with the more stu pendous works of nature with which we were so profusely surrounded. Although there is here much barren country, there is a good deal of fine fertile land. The most prevalent trees are the beech, black, red, and white oaks. Clay slate appears, thus far, to characterise these mountains. — We continued to overtake emigrants' waggons from Maryland, Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and district of Maine. One of the families was that of the brother,in-law and sister of Captain Riley, whose Work, detailing his shipwreck and conse- 194 RUM AND WHISKEY FEED. quent captivity in Africa, has been reprinted in England and attracted such general and well- deserved attention. This family were in great distress. At five o'clock in the evening we reached the top of the Alleganies. Our stage was far behind. This day I had walked about sixteen miles ; and, as was the case the day before, we were not allowed to stop for dinner, there being no coach proprietor upon the road. " The Fountain Inn" is a miserable log-house, or what you would call a dog-hole : it was crowded with emigrants. I asked for something to eat, but could only obtain for answer, " I guess whis- " key is all the feed we have on sale." I have met with several similar instances, when 1 have asked, " Have you any meat ?" *' No." — " Either cold or hot Will make no difference to me." "¦ I guess I don't know." — " Have " you any fowls ?" " No." •—• " Fish ?" " No." — "Ham ?" " No." — " Bread ?" « No."- — « Cheese ?" " No." — - "Crackers (biscuits) ?." " No." — "I will pay you any price; you " please." " I guess we have only rum and *' whiskey* feed." The character of the mountain inhabitants appears cold, friendless, unfeeling, callous, and selfish. All the emigrants with whom I con versed complained of the enormous charges at taverns* Log-houses are the only, habitations 14 LOG HOUSES. 195 for many miles. They are formed of the trunks of trees, about twenty feet in length, and six inches in diameter, cut at the ends, and placed upon each other. The roof is framed in a similar manner. In some houses there are windows ; in others the door performs a double office. The chimney is erected outside, and in a similar manner to the body of the house. Some have clay in their chimneys, which is a precaution very necessary in these western palaces. In some the space between the logs remains open ; in others it is filled with clay. The hinges are generally wood. Locks are not used. In some there are two apartments ; in others but one, for all the various operations of &ooking, eating, sleeping, and, upon great occa sions, washing. The pigs also come in for their due share of the log residence. — By eleven o'clock at night we safely arrived at Somerset, 237 miles from Philadelphia." Started at 3 o'clock on our third day's jour ney : thermometer 6 above zero. — Crossed Laurel Hill. A family from Massachusetts had " camped out" during the night. At five o'clock we found them cooking potatoes for breakfast: they very freely offered us a portion of their homely fare. Perhaps in Essex I ¦ should have thought this no treat — on Laurel Ridge it was a most acceptable one; so naturally does our inclination adapt itself o 2 196 ALLEGANY MOUNTAINS. to our circumstances. This family consisted of ten persons : an old lady, her son and his wife, with seven children, of both sexes, from two to sixteen years of age ; all in ex cellent health, and full of life and spirits ; despising difficulties, and anticipating a rich reward when they arrived in the " land of ". Canaan." The vegetation on this ridge appears superior to that of the Allegany: it is considered to take its name from the calmia latifolia, which grows here profusely. The mountain called Little Chestnut Ridge, succeeds that of Lau rel Hill, the difficulties of the road increasing ; though those which we experienced were " light " as air," compared with those which the poor families were exposed to. The inconveniences of travelling principally arise, not from the mere height of these mountains, but from the abun dance of enormous stones and of mud holes. The road is not turnpike after the small space described previous to arriving at M'Connel's Ville. The trees on Chestnut Ridge are chiefly oak and chestnut : the soil appears chalky. This morning, after a walk of four hours, we halted for the coach to come up; though the pain of riding exceeded the fatigue of walking, yet the having it as a place of final re sort, was desirable : it refreshed us by varying the weariness of our bodies. At half-past ten at night COAL. — EMIGRANTS. 1 97 we arrived at Greensburgh, a town only 36 miles from Pittsburgh. I was delighted with the near prospect of a few days' cessation from fatigue. Started, the fourth day, at four o'clock in the morning, with the high treat of a turnpike-road ; but the advantages arising from this were but of short continuance. We had to descend Tur tle .Creek Hill, which, in consequence of recent rains, had become, if possible, even worse than Laurel Hill. We all got out, and, up to our knees in mud, took our turns in holding up the stage. This tract bore decided evidence of being embedded with coal. At the foot of the hill I came up with a woman and girl, with two infants in their arms, who came, tc'use their own language, " vrom Zomerzetzhire in Hing- land." Collecting from my remarks that- 1 had been in their Country, they spoke of it with heartfelt attachment ; were sorry that they had ever been persuaded to leave it ; they had been told that this was the first place in the world, but they had experienced nothing but difficulties since they had set their foot upon it. The husband was behind, dragging on their little all. It was 45 days since they had left Phila delphia. I assisted them over a brook, and en deavoured to comfort them with the hopes that when they once got settled they would be well repaid for all their toil. Passed through M'Nair's Town, a new log o 3 198 NUMBER OF EMIGRANTS. settlement; also Eastern Liberty Town, con taining softie brick-houses, an hotel, and a large steam grist-mill. At two o'clock we arrived at Hunter's hotel in Pittsburgh. The town was enveloped in smoke* The condition of the people from Chambersburgh to Greensburgh is that of an absence df wealth and of the con veniences of life, with, however, the means of obtaining a sufficient quantity of food. Their habitations,in our ideas, are extremely wretched; but in theirs, the Contrary. The blacksmith and the tavern-keeper are almost the only occupa tions : the former earns from 20s. 6d. to 27s. per week : the profits of the latter must be great, judging from the high charges and bad quality. From Greensburgh to Pittsburgh, the improvement, in size and quality of the houses, is evident ; and the cultivation and condition of the land are^much superior. Many places bear the evident marks of wealth ; the criterion for ascertaining which is, in this country, very tangible. Recurring to my old plan of estima tion, I passed on my road from Chambersburgh to Pittsburgh, being 153 miles, one hundred and three stage-waggons, drawn by four and six horses* proceeding from Philadelphia and Balti more te Pittsburgh, — seventy-nine from Pitts burgh to Baltimore and Philadelphia, — sixty- three waggons, with families, from the several places following : — twenty from Massachusetts, PITTSBURGH. 199 -^r-ten from the district of Maine, — fourteen from Jersey, — thirteen from Connecticut, ~- two from Maryland, — one from Pennsylvania, — one from England, — one from Holland? -f-» and one from Ireland ; about two hundred persons on horseback, — twenty on foot, — one beggar, one family, with their waggon, returning from Cincinnati, entirely disappointed — r a circum stance which, though rare, is by no means, as some might suppose, miraculous. PITTSBURGH. Pittsburgh is, in several points of view, a most interesting town; from its natural situation, being at the termination of two, and the commence ment of a third river, which has a direct commu nication with the ocean, though at the almost incredible distance of 2500 miles ; its scenery, which is truly picturesque ; its exhaustless pos session of that first-rate material for manu factories, o©al ; its original situation as an. early military post, and remarkable for two defeats pf the British, more especially that of General Bradock by the French and Indians, in which the great Washington, first distinguished himself, though but a youth and only a militia col oneL in covering the retreat of our army ; and lastly, its present importance as .being the connecting link between new and nld America ; and though it is not at present a " Birmingham," as the o 4 200 EXAGGERATION. — PRICES. natives bombastically call it, yet it certainly contains the seeds of numerous important manu factories. The published accounts of this city ate so exaggerated and out of all reason, that strangers are usually disappointed on visiting it. This, however, was not my case. I have been in some measure tutored in American gas conade. When I am told that at a particular. hotel there is handsome accommodation, 1 ex pect that they are one remove from very bad-; if " elegant entertainment," 1 anticipate toler able ; if a person is " a clever man," that he is not: absolutely a fool ; and if a manufactory is the " first in the world," I expect, and have generally found, about six men and three boys employed. PRICES. Beef and mutton are S-^d. to 4f d. per pound ; pork, 4^d. to 5d. ; cheese, 94d. to 14d. ; butter, 10d.. to .20d. ; tea,. 6s. 9d. to 12s. 4d. ; moist sugar, 134-d. ; loaf, 20d. to 2s. Id. ; cpffee, 20d.; potatoes, 2s. 3d. to 3s. 4^ d. per bushel ; porter, 6|d. per quart ; fowls; lS^d. each ; ducks, 20d. ; geese, 2s. 3d. to 3s. 4-|d.j turkeys, 3s. 4 jd. to 5s. 8d. ; flour, 27s. to 31s. 6d, per barrel of 196 pounds; .„coal, 4d. per bushel. Mechanic^ board, 15s. 9d.to 18s. per week. FARMING. 201 FARMING. Agricultural produce finds here a ready and an advantageous market. Farming, in this neigh bourhood, is not the most profitable mode of employing capital ; but it is here, as in all other parts of the Union, an independent mode of life. The farmer must labour hard with his own hands. The " help" which he pays for will be dear, and not of that kind to be relied on, in the mode of its execution, as in England. This may not proceed from a worse state of character, but a difference in condition, as compared with our working class. They are paid about fourteen dollars per month, and board. In many instances they expect to sit down with the master, to live as well, and to be upon terms of equality with every branch of the family ; and if this should be departed from, the scythe and the sickle will be laid down in the midst of harvest. There is a class of men throughout the western country called " merchants," who, in the summer and autumn months, collect flour, butter, cheese, pork, beef, whiskey, and every species of farm ing produce, which they send in flats and keel- boats to the New Orleans market. The demand created by this trade, added to a large domestic consumption, insures the most remote farmer a certain market. Some of these speculators have made large fortunes. Land in the neighbourhood of Pittsburgh is 202 PRICES. worth 100 dollars per acre. At a distance of from five to twenty miles, tracts of from 1 to 500 acres, containing meadow, pasturage, arable, and part covered with wood, have been recently sold at from 20to 50 dollarsper acre. Wheatbrings a dollar a bushel ; Indian corn, 75 cents a bushel. A four year pld cart horse is worth from 20 to 30 dollars ; a gig ditto, 50 to 100,; a saddle ditto, 20 to 150 * ; a farmer's waggon, 100 dollars; a family ditto, from 50 to 70 ; cart, 50. An ac quaintance of mine, from Derbyshire, gave yes terday for a cow with a calf by her side, twenty- five dollars. Sheep are from one to three dollars j live hogs from 2|d. to 4fd; a pound ; a good roasting pig, 4s. 6d. Wool is but little in demand since the termination of the war. Mr. , .of Lexington, has informed me that he pur poses making a shipment of it for Liverpool : .should this succeed it will open a new source of profit to, the western farmer. Clean Merino is worth here 5s. 8d. to 6s. 9d. per pound ; fleece, 3s. 5d.,; half-bred, 2s. 3d.; quarter, 21d. A brick house, two stories high, containing ten rooms, may be built, with good management, in the * -A common mode of selling horses is for the owner to gallop through the street, announcing the amount of his last .bidding. , IJiave witnessed several crying out, "twenty-five " dollars," " twenty-five dallars," " twenty-five dattart .;" and after half an hour's exercise, they have been transferred, saddle, bridle, and all, to a new bidder, for twenty-five , dallars, fifty smts. BUILDING. — COAL. 203 country for 4000 dollars (9001.), as the bricks can be made upon the land, and the " help" boarded in the house. In towns, a similar build ing will cost 6000 dollars (13501.), exclusive of the ground, which, in particular situations, as of all towns that promise well, is dearer than the most choice spot in the city of London ! COAL. In the coal hills which I have visited, the mineral is found in a horizontal position, lying at present above level. It is worked by adits or openings into the side of the hills, which draw off the water. The stream being boarded over, the coal is wheeled out in barrows, and tripped from an overhanging stage into one horse wag gons. The waggons are without wheels, and the horses, if blind, are preferred, the hills being so steep, that in case of the least start, nothing can save them from destruction. Labourers earn in the coal excavations 31s. 6d. to 36s. per week. — If the inhabitants of Pittsburgh are determined to call that place after some English town, I should propose that, instead of the "American Birming ham," it bedenominated, with relation to the hu midity of its climate, "the American Manchester;" for I remained at this place several days, during which time the rain never ceased. The smoke is also extreme, giving to the town and . its. in habitants a very sombre aspect ; but an English 204 HEALTH AT PITTSBURGH. medical gentleman who has resided here some years, informs me that there is not a more healthy place in the United States. The diseases are bi lious remittent fevers ; rheumatic among the aged ; a few cases of bronchocele which affects the theroid gland of females ; and inflammatory sore throat in wet weather. Medical aid is easy of attainment, though not always of the most va luable kind. There is of doctors, as of lawyers, too large a supply, and of course many of them very inefficient. A physician here is also a sur geon — prepares his own medicines, and prac tises in every department of the profession ; — generally they are neither so well educated, nor in such respectable circumstances as our medi cal men. TRADES AND MANUFACTORIES. The manufacturing interest of Pittsburgh is that of the United States. Many of the manu-' factories originated during the late war, and all of them flourished during its continuance. At present they are generally upon the wane. A document was issued from their committee last year, setting forth their distress in the strongest language — from which it would appear to equal that of our manufacturing" classes even during the worst period of their sufferings. Mr. Ephrim Portland, the prothonotary of this town, favoured me with the following list of TRADES AND MANUFACTURES. 205- manufactories up to last January, published by the authority of the1 committee. Mr. P. is a gentleman of information, and to whom I am personally indebted for much liberal and kind attention. MANUFACTORIES in and near the city of Pitts burgh, in the State of Pensylvania, in the year 1817- Number Manufacturers. of Men employed. Yearly Amount. Dollars. 1 Augur-maker - 6 3,500 1 Bellows-maker - - - 3 10,000 18 Blacksmiths - 74 75,100 3 Brewers - 17 72,000 3 Brush-makers 7 8,600 1 Button-maker 6 6,250 2 Cotton-spinners and carders 36 25,518 11 Copper-smiths and tin--) plate-workers - 5 100 200,000 7 Cabinet-makers - - 43 40,000 1 Currier - ' 4 12,000 2 Cutlers - - - - 6 2,400 4 Iron-founders 87 1 80,000 3 Gun-smiths, and bridle-"} bit-makers - - j 14 13,800 2 Flint-glass-manufacturers 82 110,000 3 Green (window) ditto - 92 130,000 2 Hardware - 17 18,000 7 Hatters ... 49 44,640 1 Lock-smith - 7" 12,000 1 Linen - 20 25,000 7 Nail - - - 47 174,716 1 Paper - 40 23,000 1 Pattern - 21 1,500 3 Plane ... 6 57,600 . 1 Patten ... - 5 8,000 206 TRADES AND MANUFACTURES. MANUFACTORIES, &c— continued. r-r — * » "'"¦' ¦'" ¦ J '¦'..- . , . Number Manufacturers. of Men employed. Yearly Amount. Deltas- 1 Rope manufacturer 8 15,000 . 1 Spinning machine - - 6 6,000 1 Spanish Brown 2 6,720 1 Silver-plater 40 20,000 2 Steam-engine-makers - 70 125,000 6 Saddlers - 60 86,000 5 Silver-smiths and watch- 1 menders J 17 12,000 14 Shoe and boot 109 120,000 7 Tanners and curriers 47 58,800 ; 4 Tallow-chandlers - 7 32,600 4 Tobacconists 28 21,000 5 Waggon-makers 21 28,500 2 Weavers - - 9 14,562 3 Windsor Chair 23 42,600 2 Woollen - 30 17,000 1 Wire-drawer - - | 12 6,000 1 White Lead - - j 6 40,000 Total number of workmen, 1280. — Di tto, amount, 1,896,396 Dollars. Some of the above manufactories may be de nominated first-rate. This remark applies par ticularly to the nail, steam-engine (high pres sure) and glass establishments. I was astonished to witness such perfection on this side of the Atlantic, and especially in that part of America which a New Yorker supposes to be at the far ther end of the world. At Messrs. Page and Bakewell's glass ware house I saw chandeliers and numerous articles ^REFLECTIONS. 207- in cut glass of a very splendid description; among the latter was a pair of decanters, cut from a London pattern, the price of which will be eight guineas. It is well to bear in mind that the demand for these articles of elegant luxury lies in the Western States ! the inhabitants of Eastern America being still importers from the '¦'¦ Old Country." What interesting themes of reflection are offered by such facts to the philo sopher as well as to the politician ! Not thirty years since the whole right bank of the Ohio was termed the " Indian side." Spots in Te- nessee, in Ohio and Kentucky, that within the life-time of even young men, witnessed only the arrow and the scalping knife, now present to the traveller articles of elegance and modes of luxury which might rival the displays of London and Paris, while, within the last half century, the beasts of the forest, and man more savage than the beast, were the only inhabitants of the whole of that immense tract peculiarly de nominated the " Western Country ;" which isw now partially inhabited, and promises soon to be generally so by man — civilized man, pos sessed of the arts and the pursuits of civilized life. It is already the refuge of the oppressed from every other. nation. May it become the seat of enlightenment, of private virtue and public liber ty ; and it may then, but not till then, expect to rank among the greatest, the most powerful, and the .most respected of the nations of the earth ! 208 ENGLISH GOODS. — RENTS. The rapid and unexampled progress of this country, presents a valuable and an extraor dinary political lesson to the world at large. It shows us what a nation may become when the principles of its government are cheap and liberal, when its resources are called forth, and itspowers expanded by the means of a system emanating from the people, and not repressed by establish ments whose only recommendation is their anti quity, nor compelled to contribute towards the support of a system whiclTdeprives them of the legitimate reward of their industry.. — But: to return to less speculative but more practical detail. The state of trade is at present dull ; but that there is a great deal of business done must be evident from the quantity of " dry goods " and " grocery stores," many of the proprietors of which have stocks as heavy as the majority of London retail dealers. They are literally, stuffed with goods of English manufacture, consisting of articles of the most varied kind, from a man's coat or lady's gown, down to a whip or an oyster knife. Rents, of course, vary according: to situation : houses in the best stands for busi ness are from 400 to 800 dollars per annum ; others are from 150 to 350; — two rooms, or a very small house a little way from town, would be 80 dollars per annum. It is difficult to form a judgment whether there is an opening in any of the present esta-? MANUFACTURES WHICH MIGHT SUCCEED. 209 blished businesses. One fact strongly in favour of the stability of this town is, that there has not been a bankruptcy in it for three years ! ! ! a sin gular contrast this with New York, in which the last published list of insolvents contained upwards of 400 names. Should the establishment of cotton, linen, or woollen manufactories, be thought desirable, the want of machinists, such as you have in England, would be a most material consider ation. Persons with such knowledge, and ca pable of repairing, as well as making every part of the machinery, would be necessary ; and also the constant personal attendance of the pro prietor, would be indispensable. I should have sanguine hopes of the success of an extensive coarse pottery. The freight, Carriage, and other expenses attending the import of such articles from England to Pittsburgh is now from 100 to 200 per cent. Some are of opinion that a slate quarry may be found three miles from hence ; if so, and there were capital and skill engaged, it would prove a fortune. The trade of slating must be united with that of quarrying the material. — Houses are now roofed with shingles, which are dangerous, and not cheap. t» Establishments mightbeadvantageously made, in which the following articles would be of pri mary .importance :. coal, casting sands of every sijrflt*. all kind of clays, every species of plaster of Paris, of lime, of iron, and of ochres, as p 210 GRUMBLERS. — WAGES. they are not difficult of obtainment in Pitts burgh.1 — Lead is brought from Louisiana, and copper from South America. Understanding that mechanics in every occu pation met at " Carey's Porter-house," I went there several times for the purpose of obtaining information. I found them chiefly English, and all discontented with America. One remark made by the leading grumbler, deserves attention. It was elicited by the spirit of opposition. His friend, a stone-mason, said that there was " no- " thing in America but d- d Yankies and " rogues, and that it was not fit for a dog to live " in ;" — " Aye, aye, Bob ; you forget that you " were starving in England. Say what you " will, this, after all, is the poor man's country — " it is the poor man's country, Bob." — " Yes ; " it may be well enough for getting pork and " whiskey, and wages, and all that ; but curse " the country; it would be a good country " enough if it was free from dirty, cheating " Yankies." WAGES, &C Taylors earn from 31s. 6d. to 45s. per week, are now well employed ; carpenter, 31s. 6d. fo 40s. 6d., dull; baker, 31s. 6d. to 40s. 6d., dull; mason, 34s. to 45s., brisk; shoemaker, 31s. 6d. to 36s., brisk ; blacksmith, 31s. 6d. to 36s., didi ; tinman, from 36s. to 45s., dull; printer, fiyni 31s. 6d. to 36s., dullj weaver, no employr BREWERY. THEATRE. 211 ment; glass-blower, 31s. 6d. to 45s., dull; glass-cutter, 31s. 6d. to 67s. 6d., dull ; hatter, 31s. 6d. to 45s., brisk ; brewer, 36s., dull ; nail- cutter, 31s. 6d. to 36s., brisk. I omitted mentioning that I conceive a brew-. ery, upon an extensive scale, with adequate ca pital and skill, would succeed extremely well. There are at present three in the business in Pittsburgh, and none of them sell good beer. The mode is similar to that pursued by Messrs. in London. The erection, or purr chase of an establishment, in which there should be a steam-engine, with a malt-house and other buildings, would require a capital of not more than from 7 to 15,000 pounds. Bottled porter is an article in considerable demand by the emigrants, nearly all of whom take shipping for the more western States, at this place. The use of malt liquors is increas ing in all parts of America. Porter in Pittsburgh is eight dollars per barrel, and 6jd. per quart. THEATRE. The play of " Hamlet," and the farce of *• Turn Out," were acted the evening after my arrival. Upon either I have nothing particular to observe. The acting was equal to the au dience, perhaps superior. A son of the cele brated Lewis performed Horatio : he was dead drunk,: and extremely dirty. Mrs. Entwistle's, p 2 212 YOUNG FINANCIERS. acting in the farce, could scarcely have been ex ceeded by that of Mrs. Davison. Between the acts, two boys, not 14 years of age, were vSry solemnly discussing what the profits of the house would be monthly, if that night could be taken as an average. Prom this they; took a view of what interest the house paid to its owner. Their calculations were made with the precision of state financiers, and their conclu sions drawn with the gravity of sages. After a long dispute, whether the interest were 8|, or 8£ per cent., they determined that the theatre was good property. This occurrence is in per fect accordance with national character. Gain is the education — the morals, the politics, the theology, and stands in the stead of the domestic comfort of all ages and classes of Americans ; it is the centre of their system, from which they derive both light and heat. • A few days after the performance of ; Ham let, Mr. Entwistle, the manager, had for his benefit, that irresistibly amusing burlesque, " Hamlet Travestie." His line of acting is a broad-farce caricature of that of Liston. He personated the modern Danish prince. The au dience were solemn, serious, and dull. The af fecting entrance of the deranged Ophelia, who, instead of rosemary, rue, &c. had an ample sup ply of turnips and carrots, did not move a muscle of their intelligent faces — the ladies, indeed, excepted, who evinced by the frequent use of HAMLET TRAVESTIE. 213' their pocket handkerchiefs, that their sympathies- were engaged on the side of the love-sick maiden. Some who had seen the original Hamlet for the first time a few evenings be fore, gave, vent to their criticisms when the cur tain fell. They thought Mr. Entwistle did not look, sufficiently grave ; and that, as it was his benefit, he acted very dishonourably in shaving (cheating) them Out of two acts ; for that they guessed when Mr. Hutton played that 'ere king's mad son, he gave them five acts for. their dollar. . Mr. assured me that on the following morning, a respectable lawyer of Pittsburgh met him, and said, " I was at the play last night, " Sir, and do not think that Mr. Entwistle acted " Hamlet quite so well as Mr. Hutton." Upon the whole, I consider Pittsburgh,, in every point of view, to be a very important town ; and have no doubt, although its pro sperity is now at a stand,, and property if not declining, is not increasing in value, that it will gradually advance ; and that the time must come when it will be an extensive and very populous city. The present population is 10,000, made up from all nations, and, of course, not free from the vices of each : this indeed is but too apparent upon a very short residence. - A day previous to my departure from; Pitts-: burgh, I called at Carey's Porter-house : Mr. C. stepped forward, and pointing with his , hand to* p 3. 214' YOUNG WATSON.' a young man, said, " Mr. Watsort, Sir." For some minutes! did not comprehend his mean ing. The person to whom he directed my at tention sat in a corner — silent, serious, and indifferent : he was short in stature and mean in appearance. Guess my surprise when I was informed that this Mr. Watson was no other than. Young Watson; he, concerning whom, for some months, our whole country was in a general ferment. I felt some curiosity to know the history of a person so singularly thrust into premature importance. His appear ance greatly disappointed me, not on account of the poverty of his dress, for that I presume results at present from circumstances beyond his controul ; but I had imagined Young Watson to be a daring, bold, enthusiastic, indiscreet young man. He does not seem, however, possessed of any one of these qualities : he is reserved, not from constraint^ but habit, and habit of a kind that more bespeaks an absence of talent than the attendant of mind. The ship Venus, in which he went passenger, was hauled to off Dover* Lavender and another Bow-street officer went on board, having Certain information that he. was there. His face was painted; he had on a far mer's frock coat, stuffed ; shoes without heels. looked stouter, shorter, and younger than de?*, scribed in the proclamation. He went on deck upon knowing that officers were looking for him„ When he was standing by^their side, Miss Wilson, YOUNG WATSON. 215 a cabin passenger, fainted. Lavender, ignorant of his person, told him to take Care of the lady ; — examined the trunks of all the passengers, not excepting that of Watson, who continued sup porting Miss Wilson. The officers did not believe but that he was on board, their information being positive ; they at length whispered to each other in his hearing, " he is not here ;" — they . de parted ; — the ship got under way •, — he con versed with all concerning Young Watson. — Upon arriving in America, Mr. Busby, son of Dr. Busby, who was a cabin passenger, enquired of an Englishman in New York, if young Wat7 son were in America ; being answered in the affirmative, he asked by what ship. " The Ve- " nus." " No, that is impossible, for I came in " the Venus." — " He certainly came in the " Venus." " Under what name ?" — " Thomas " Pearson." " Oh, I know the boy Pearson " very well, we used to call him the proud " • farmer." He has got a situation in a school and receives 501. per annum ; is little known and less regarded. Americans who have heard of him either care nothing about or despise him; for the political part which he has taken : in these few lines you have the particulars of a young man who has excited in no small degree the public attention. He did not express the least gratitude for the extraordinary assistance which,' I presume, he must have received. I p 4 216 WESTERN COUNTRY. asked myself, during his conversation, is it pos sible that this is an individual, one of the fore most among those, to guard against whose mighty machinations, ministers suspended the birthright of Englishmen ? But, however, so it was ; and .in this person we have by no means a novel in» stance of inexperience combined with fanaticism ; neither of which qualities would perhaps ever have been called into action had it not been for the existence of an order of things which de prives a considerable portion of our population of the actual necessaries of life. STATE OF OHIO. Left Pittsburgh for Ohio — the state in which every emigrant I saw on the Alleganies told me he designed settling ; while there the inhabitants are on " the. move" for Alabama and Missouri. Emigration in this country is always in motion, and for ever changing in the points of its attrac tion. The usual mode of travelling hence is to float down the river, as being the easiest, most economical, and most expeditious. The- land route is the most desirable for seeing the country and people. I am now fairly entered upon the western country; a tract which geographers tell us contains fifteen hundred thousand square miles, fifty thousand miles of internal navigation, one hundred thousand of river coast, with an endless intersection of rivers communicating with each other. -To the con- STATE OF OHIO. 217 templative politician this presents a magnificent spectacle ; such an one must feel equally anxious that this almost boundless theatre for human exertion may neither be polluted by political in stitutions, pernicious and destructive in their own nature, nor present to the world the mockery of the best theoretical principles, which, while apparently possessed by the people, are virtually destroyed by an iniquitous perversion of their spirit. — But leaving general views of politics, I pass on to the particulars of the State of Ohio, and shall detain you with but little of minute description until my arrival at Cincinnati, a town which possesses all the features common to the principal towns of this State. The face of the country is an uninterrupted level. Many of those tracts of land which would be desirable for our settlement, should we turn agriculturalists, are pre-occupied, and cannot be bought without an advance which I think disproportionate to their actual value. The agent at the land-office informs me that there are still for sale one million of acres of United States' land, at two dollars per acre, or one dollar and sixty -four cents for prompt pay ment. In all the States there are government reservation lands : these are generally in the most choice situations. Some such tracts have have been sold in the wild state in Tennessee, at the last auction, for the large sum of 38 dol lars per acre ! 218 TAXES. Taxes, on wild land are, on first-rate 2 dol lars per hundred acres ; If dollars on second^ rate ; 1 dollar on third-rate. There is also a county-tax of half the above amounts, as the case may be. These taxes of 6s. 0d. to 13s.' 6d. on art hundred acres are certainly very small, at least with our English ideas of taxation and of pro duce ; yet ybu would be astonished to witness the numerous lots of lands which are sold at auction in all the States on account of non-payment of taxes. I have seen lists in the newspapers, arid at the taverns, which could not contain less in each than four hundred names of defaulters, whbse propefty was to be transferred to the highest bidder. I have been offered a lot of six thousand acres on the Little Miami, by Mr. — , who is re moving to Alabama : the terms are not parti cularly objectionable. Perhaps this would suit us ; at least if I do not see any thing more de sirable further west. The section of country bounding on the Ohio river^ from 25 miles on either side of Cincin nati, and extending back about 100 miles di rectly north, to the late Indian . boundary line, (which, according to treaty, was extin guished a few days since,) is generally an ex cellent body of land, and is well settled, though but small improvements are yet made, except in a few particular places near towns. l3 O PRAIRIES. — IMPROVED FARMS. 2H) The land is closely timbered, except near the head waters of the two Miamas, where there is a beautiful champaign country. The prairies, or natural meadows, are here of considerable ex tent. Grazing is the chief occupation of the inhabitants. The price of land varies very much, according to situation and the proximity of town ships. Farms which are called improved can be bought at from 8 to 30 dollars per acre : the improvements often consist of the erection of rough log buildings, and about from 12 to 20 acres under middling cultivation. Buildings are included in the price per acre. The next class of farms have from 20 to 50 acres under cultiva tion : the proportion of arable and wood is about two-thirds, of meadow and pasturage neatly equal proportions. Any of the land is here ca pable, by culture, of being turned into meadow. The Miamas are navigable in the spring and autumn. Limestone abounds ; coal and iron have not yet been discovered, except in the eastern part of the State. Wheat sells now in the Chillicothe and Cincinnati markets for 3s. 4id. per bushel ; rye, 2s. 8£d. ; Indian corri, 2s. 3d. . There are large prairies in Ross county, on the north branch of Paint Creek, near Chilli cothe ; these prairies are from five to eight miles square : in them there is not a shrub to be seen'. They produce a grass growing thick, and about 220 TREES, &C. OF OHIO. four feet high, which makes excellent fodder : it is similar to Massachusetts upland grass, and is there called English hay. These prairies are filled with herds of cattle fattening for the Baltic more and Philadelphia markets, which are sold in this State, on the hoof, for about 3 dollars per hundred weight. The chief expense of pastur age consists in a man's wages to look after the herds, twice a week, giving them salt, &c. The principal towns are situated on the banks of the river. There are no canals, and indeed not much occasion for them,, the whole State abounding with rivers and creeks, which empty themselves into the Ohio river : produce is con veyed with little expense by this means, during the freshets, or rise of the waters. The trees produced by the best class of land are honey-locust, black walnut, and beech ; — by second quality, sugar-tree, sicamore or butter- wood, and white-wood, used for building and joiners' work; — the third quality produces oak. Throughout this State there is but little under or brush wood,, caused, I presume, by the height and spreading tops of the trees, which prevent the sun penetrating to the ground, and nourishing inferior articles of vegetation. Wood for firing is sold in the towns at from 1| to 3 dollars per cord (equal in consumption to half a chaldron of coals)., The yearly wages, I am informed, of a labour> SEASONS. — HEALTH. 221 ing man is from 581. 10s<, to 651. : of a woman, 311. 10s. With regard to the season^, they are said to have severe winters of from three to four months, with a keen dry air, and cloudless sky ; during summer excessive heat, (thermometer in the "shade, 80 to 96,) with heavy dews at night ; springs, cold and heavy rains ; autumns, fine, followed by " Indian summer," which is truly delightful. This I have experienced, andean say that until now I never knew what really fine weather was. Along the route I have travelled, in this State, there is scarcely an elevation which can be called a hill, with exception of slight bluffs on the margin of rivers. The dreary monotony of limited views of such endless uniformity produces sensations of the most depressing melancholy. The atmosphere, after a hot day, causes head-aches, which frequently terminate in an intermittent fever. A man's being sick, (the term applied to every species of illness,) is as common in this country, as being in distress is in England. In regard to healthiness of situation, there is considerable variety, as the appearance of the inhabitants will in some mea^ Sure indicate ; though as a general character istic, I would say, there is a want of sound regular health, at least if our English ideas of ruddy cheeks are to be taken as a criterion. The people are of a tall, vanity aspect, and seem, 222 MINERALS. A FROLIC. even during their most active occupations, to be the victims of fever and ague. Of the existence of minerals, and to what ex tent and variety, at present but little is known. Judging from the beds of the rivers, and quality of the water, I should presume that coal must be abundant. Salt is found in several situations, particularly on the Kenhaway, The common order of the strata is— r first, sandstone, then lime stone, argillaceous schist, and coal. The wild animals are neither numerous, nor troublesome ; though the wolf and the squirrel are still de predators : but the Sport afforded in capturing them, and the addition which the flesh of the latter makes to the family stock of provisions^ compensate for their lawless invasions of the rights of property. Land is sometimes partially cleared, by what is rather ludicrously termed & frolic. A man having purchased a quarter, or half section, for thepur* pose of settling down, his neighbours assemble upon an appointed day : one cuts the trees ; a second lops them ; a third drags them to the spot upon which a log mansion is to be erected ; others cross the logs, roof the habitation, and in three days the emigrant has a " house over his " head :" — thus ends the American frolic. The raising of food is the next point with the new settler : in this he must rely upon his own re sources. If he be strong-handed^ (has property,) MODES OF CULTURE. 223 he has the trees felled, about one foot from the earth, dragged into heaps, and made into an immense bonfire. Should he be weak-handed, (poor,) he is compelled to be content with what is termed girdling ; which consists in cutting, the bark, thereby, of course, killing the trees ; and he afterwards clears away the underwood, which is seldom considerable. These preliminary oper ations- being effected, according to either mode, grain is sown, and the produce reaped with a fruitfulness of production, and a dexterity truly extraordinary, considering that these oper ations are carried on amidst stumps, (which de cay in from eight to twelve years,) stones, and surrounded by entire trees. The beauty pf an Indian corn crop cannot be exceeded. When cut and carried home, the neighbours assemble to assist in husking ; this is called a husking frolic. In some parts of the country the term frolic admits of a different application ; — the re ligious females present their minister witli a variety of gifts, each according fo their taste or means ; some send a coat, others a hat, and some a goose. They are invited to the preacher's house, to partake of a supper, as a return for th,eir liberality : this is termed a knpt- ^g frolic. Very little agricultural labour is performed by women. The slender means pf many settlers, not enabling them to purchase /British goods at the, high price at which they 224 CLASSES OF SOCIETY. are sold, the females are therefore chiefly em ployed in making articles of domestic clothing. The interior population may perhaps be divided into three classes : First, the squatter, or man who " sets himself down," upon land which is not his own, and for which he pays nothing ; cultivates a sufficient extent to supply himself and family with the necessaries of life ; remains until he is dissatisfied with his choice ; — has realized a sufficiency to become a land owner; — or is expelled by the real proprietor. Second, the small farmer who has recently emi grated, had barely sufficient to pay the first in stalment for his 80 or 160 acres of two dollar land ; cultivates, or what he calls improves, ten to thirty acres ; raises a sufficient " feed" for his family ; has the females of it employed in making or patching the wretched clothing of the whole domestic circle ; is in a condition which, if compelled by legislative acts, or by external force to endure, would be considered truly wretched ; but from being his own master, having made his own choice, from the having " no one to make " him afraid," joined with the consciousness that, though slowly, he is regularly advancing towards wealth ; the breath of complaint is sel dom heard to escape from his lips. Third, the wealthy or " strong-handed" farmer, who owns from five to twelve hundred acres, has oncfourth to one-third under cultivation, of a kind much CLASSES. FARMS. 225 superior to the former ; raises live stock for the home, and Atlantic-city markets ; sends beef, pork; cheese, lard, and butter to New Orleans ; is perhaps a legislator, at any rate a squire (magistrate) ; is always a man of plain business like sense, though not in possession, nor desirous of a very cultivated intellect ; understands his own interest, and that of his country ; lives in sufficient affluence, and is possessed of comfort, ac cording to the American acceptation of the term, but to which we " old country" folks must feel inclined to take an exception: but, in conclusion, and a most important conclusion it is, the ma jority of this class of men were, ten or fifteen •years ago, inhabitants of the eastern States, and not worth, upon their arrival An Ohio, twenty dollars. Well-prepared land in this State produces, per acre, 30 bushels of wheat ; 50 to 75, of Indian corn ; 50 to 75, of rye. Horses are worth from 40 to 100 dollars (91. to 221. 10s.). Cows, (four years old,) 12 to 20 dollars (54s. to 90s.). ¦ The management of farms is full a century behind that of England, there being here a want of improved machinery for the promotion of economy in time and labour,, and no regular attention to the condition of live stock, while the mode of culture in general appears slovenly, and unsystematic. Cows are milked sometimes twice, sometimes once a day, at others four times a Q 226 CINCINNATI. week. Barns are erections which you would not know by that name, and which must materially deteriorate the annual receipts ; — upon the whole, Bowles's rude but delightful picture of " The Farm Yard" would be as unintelligible to an Ohian, as it is to the Cockney, whose ideas of a country life are limited to a Sunday's ex cursion to Chalk-farm and Highbury-barn. CINCINNATI. My arrival in the interesting town of Cincin nati was at 10 o'clock at night. I put up at the Cincinnati hotel, on the banks of the Ohio. When I had remained here half an hpur, the bar-keeper informed me that all their beds were engaged. This, at so late a period in the evening, and with the rain pouring in torrents, was not the most agreeable reception, particularly as I had not rested upon a bed for the four previous nights. A gentleman whom I had seen when in Pennsyl vania endeavoured to procure me a share in that of his friend, his own being already doubly en gaged. The negotiation failing, I applied to, the bar-keeper to be allowed to remain in the house, though without a bed. To this, , he assented, and placing some chairs against the wall, with saddle-bags: for my pillow, I enjoyed a comfortable night's arest. Many persons in this, State have coloured people, which they call their property. The, mode in which they effect this perpetuation of SLAVES. — PRICES. 227 slavery, in violation of the spirit of the Ohio constitution, is to purchase blacks, and have them apprenticed to them. Some are so base as to take these negroes down the river at the ap proach of the expiration of their apprenticeship, and sell them at Natchez, for life ! Yet the first article of the Ohio constitution is, " All men are born equally free and inde pendent" PRICES. I visited the public market before the sun had appeared above the horizon. The whole town presented a scene of life and activity. The market-house is an excellent building, and Tinder judicious regulations ; but the supply on this occasion was neither various nor profuse. Beef and mutton are from 2d. to 3jd. per pound ; veal, 4d. ; pork, 2-J-d. to 4|d. ; potatoes, 2s. 3d. a bushel; flour, 27s. a barrel of 196 pounds ; fowls, lOd. each ; geese, 2s. 3d. each ; turkeys, 3s. 4|d. to 4s. 6d. ; moist sugar, 13d. a pound ; loaf ditto, 20d. ; porter, 27s. to 31s. 6d. per barrel pf 32 gallons, 6|d. per quart ; cider, Us. 3di per barrel ; gin, 5s. 7id. per gallon ; whiskey, 2s. 8d. ; brandy, 13s. 6d. to 18s. ; rum, lis. 3d. ; -shoes, 13s. 6d. to 15s. 9d. per pair ; Wellington boots, 36s. to 40s. 6d. ; Hessian ditto, 49s- 6d. to 5J6dL per yard ; making a coat, 27s. ; hats, of Awerisan, manufacture, 31s. 6d. to 45s, ; rent 0/2 228 TRENT. — TRADE." of'two small rooms, 181. per annum ; ditto, of a small house in a third or fourth rate situation,- from 331.15s. to 671. 10s. The general average' of houses, in good business situations, is from 901. to 1371. 10s. per annum : taxes trifling, indeed I could not ascertain their amount ; a good evi dence that they cannot be oppressive. Women servants are paid 20s. 3d. to 29s. 3d. per month ; . men ditto, 63s. to 72s. Mechanic's board and lodging per week, 13s. 6d. ; respectable ditto, 18s. to 22s. 6d. ; ditto at the best inns, 47s. 3d. These charges are enormously disproportionate •to the rate -of provisions ; although large rents, dear clothing, and high price of labour, are items of no small importance in the hotel and •boarding-house keepers' calculations, and for which allowances should fairly be made. The •wages of mechanics, in all trades suited to the present condition of the country, vary from 36s. to 40s. 6d. per week. Tailors, shoemakers, carpenters, blacksmiths, masons, and sadlers are good trades, and at present are in full employ : these I would distinguish by denominating first- rate ; tinmen, bakers, and hatters, second-rate ; printers, third-rate ; for the weaver there is no employment. A watchmaker, as such, could not obtain a subsistence, watches not being ma nufactured in America ; such a mechanic -pos sibly could get a living by mending watches, and attending to every department of ' silversmiths' TOWN.' — EDUCATION. 229 work. It is thought there is an opening for a? dyer, there being but one in the town,. — an: old woman. You are aware of the sudden rise and im provement of this place : the present population is said to be 10,000 ; though Mr. Williams,, editor of " The Western Spy," told me that he considers it does not exceed eight, including blacks, who are rather numerous. The town is built upon the model of Philadelphia ; and should it ever become as large, which I think not improbable, its whole appearance will be more pleasing. There are five churches bev longing to methodists, episcopalians, presby- terians, quakers, and baptists : two others, large in size, and handsome in appearance, are now erecting. EDUCATION. The School-house, when the whole plan is completed, will be a fine and extensive structure. In the first apartment, on the ground-floor, the Lancasterian plan is already in successful operation : I counted 150 scholars, among whom were children of the most respectable persons in the town ; or, to use an American phrase, " of the first standing." This school-house is, like most establishments in this country — a joint stock concern. The terms for educa tion, in the Lancasterian department, are, to- o. 3 230 SCHOOLS. share-holders, lis. 3d. per quarter; others 13s. 6d. There are in the same building three other departments (not Lancasterian) ; two for instruction in history, geography, and the clas sics ; and the superior department for teaching languages. Males and females are taught in the same rooms, but sit on opposite sides. The terms for the historical, &c. department are — to share-holdters, 22s. 6d. per quarter ; others, 27s. : there were present 21 males and 19 fe males. In the department of languages, the charge is — to share-holders, 36s. per quarter ; others, 45s. Teachers are paid a yearly salary by the company: these men are, I believe, New Englanders, as are the schoolmasters in the western country generally. - I also visited a poor half-starved, civil school master : he has two miserable rooms, for which he pays 22s. 6d. per month : the number of scholars, both male and female, is 28: the terms for all branches 13s. 6d. per quarter: he complains of great difficulty in getting paid ; and also of the untameable insubordination qfhis scholars. The superintendant of the Lancas terian school informs me, that they could not attempt to put in practice the greater part of the punishments as directed by the founder of that system. NEWSPAPERS. 231 NEWSPAPERS. This town produces two newspapers, " The " Western Spy," and " Liberty Hall." The impression of each is said to be 1200 per week. As the terms upon which they are- sold are an index to the want of capital, though not of pro perty, in this country, I extract the following statements verbatim from the XlVth volume of " Liberty Hall," Nov. 10. 1817. " The price of this paper is three dollars and " fifty cents for 52 numbers ; but which may " be discharged by the payment of three dollars " within the year, or two dollars and fifty cents " in ADVANCE. " Subscribers must pay the postage of their " papers. " Payments in advance being to the mutual in- " terest of both parties, that mode is solicited. " A failure to notify a discontinuance at the "expiration of the time subscribed for, will be " considered a new engagement. " When subscribers wish to discontinue, all " arrearages must first be paid.. " Letters to the Editors must be post-paid. " Terms of advertising 1 12 lines, or less,, " for three insertions, one dollar : each conti- " nuance 25 cents. " Longer advertisements in the same pro- " portion. Q. 4 232 newspapers. " When a customer's advertising amounts, in " the course of a year, to $12 and not exceed- " ing $25, a deduction of 20 per cent, will be " made ; and 25 per cent, on all sums above " S25." Terms from the " White Water Gazette." " Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats, Whiskey, Pork, " Bacon, Sugar, Linen, Flax, Feathers, Wool, " Beeswax, Tallow, Candles, Furs, Rags, or " CASH (notes), at market prices, and deliv- " ered at such places as may be agreed upon, " will be taken in payment for subscriptions." The type and general execution of the above- named papers are superior to those of Phila delphia; but, in common with all American newspapers, they are extremely uninteresting, relying almost entirely for matter upon adver tisements and English news, the latter being always made their leading article. From the paper mentioned above '(" Liberty Hall"), and of the same date, I take the following, which is a fair sample of the general contents of every news publication in the United States : — LATEST FROM ENGLAND. New York, Oct. 22. " By the schooner Weymouth, Benedict, ira " 33 days from Liverpool, the editors of the " Mercantile Advertiser received, at a late hour SPECIMEN OF NEWS. 233 " last evening, the papers of that place to the " 17th, London to the 15th ; and by the Maria " Theresa, from Havre, French papers to the " 13th ultimo, all inclusive. They contain no " news of moment. " Accounts from Ireland state, that the " typhus fever had begun to subside. • "The Prince Regent was landed at Brighton " on the 13th, having been at sea four days " and three nights, during which time he visited " the coast of France. ; " Mrs. Cobbett, with her two sons and three " daughters, sailed from Liverpool on the 16th, ". in the Aurora, for New York. " The papers speak of the universal revival " of trade in all parts of the kingdom, and parti- " cularly of the rise of cotton and linen goods. " Paris papers to the 13th contain nothing of " interest. Desbands and Chayoux, who plotted " the assassination of Monsieur and son, had " been shot in the plain of Grenoble. " Lord Wellington had been non-suited in " his prosecution of the printer of the Ghent " Journal, and adjudged to pay the costs. It " is said the duke had appealed from this de- " cision." TRADE AND MANUFACTURES. The, woollen manufactory, the steam grist mill, and a glass-house, are on a tolerably large 234 TRADE. scale : the two former are said not to pay the proprietors. In the main street, English goods abound in as great profusion as in Cheapside. A first-rate shop sells every thing ;- keeps a stock of from 20 to 30,000 dollars ; annual returns may be 50,000 dollars, upon half of which they give from 6 to 18 months' credit. Some of their goods they import direct from England, but more com monly purchase at i Philadelphia; their journey for which purpose, to and from that city; occu pies them three months : goods average 50 day* in arriving. A house at Pittsburgh advances money in payment of carriage, and attends td the receipt of the goods by waggon and their shipment by boats, for which the dealer here pays 5 per cent, commission. The credit which they receive at Philadelphia is from six to seven months, but they can seldom pay at the speci fied time, and are then charged 7 per cent. interest. Shopkeeping has been very profitable, but it certainly is now very much over-done : all complain that trade is extremely dull. I re mark what appears to me an universal and most important error in alii the stores — too large a stock : by this means tradesmen, in, every coun try, are exposed to lose as much as by bad debts. I find much difficulty in deciding whe ther any manufactures in which our Yorkshire and Leicestershire friends could engage would be successful : English ascendancy is so strongly IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. PAPER MONEY. 235 established, that America must be tributary for many years to our country. Some of the best- informed inhabitants are of opinion that cotton; woollen, linen, and stocking-making would suc ceed, if large capital, with competent and varied skill, were employed; but in these opinions I place little confidence. The imports are — nearly every description of English goods, and some French and India : these are received via New Orleans, Baltimore, or Philadelphia ; chiefly the two latter cities The exports are flour, beef, pork, and butter: The town contains two chartered banks and one unchartered, all in_respectable credit ; a branch of " the United States Bank" is also just esta blished there ; the paper money system has gone beyond all bounds throughout the western coun try. Specie of the smallest amount is rarely to be seen, and the little which does exist is chiefly cut Spanish dollars, which are divided into bits of 50, 25, and 12i- cents. Notes of 3£d.-, 65d., 13d., and 2s. 2d. are very common ; indeed they con stitute the chief part of the circulating me dium. I purchased Cincinnati notes in Pitts burgh at 5 per cent, discount, and Louisville notes at 74. This does not proceed from want of faith in those banks, rtor are the latter esteemed less safe than the former : the increase of dis count arises from Louisville being 150 miles farther distant. The same principle applies* to 236 PAPER MONEY. — CINCINNATI* every other town, and operates vice versa upon Pittsburgh. The paper of banks which are not chartered, or which are deficient in reputation^ can be bought, at similar distances from the place of its first circulation, at from 10 to 40 per cent. discount : had I sufficiently understood this trade when I landed in America, I think I could have nearly paid my expenses by merely buying in one town the notes of that to which I was going. There is no difficulty in obtaining them, as there is always a stock on hand at the shavers (brokers) and lottery offices. Had I brought pistoreens (lOd. pieces) from Philadelphia, I should have made 25 per cent, by them : they pass here, in consequence of the want of specie, for thirteen pence. Before I leave Cincinnati, let me say, that I think it a very handsome town ; a town, in fact, that must astonish every traveller when he recollects how recently it has been established. Mr. Piatt is building a house here which "would not disgrace the very first London squares. The number of moderate- sized, well-built brick buildings is considerable;; the three markets are excellent establishments ; the churches are neat and elegant ; the post- office would bear a comparison in its arrange ment and management with that of London; some pf the streets are paved, others are now paving; ground for building in the town is enormously dear; Mr. Piatt (banker and met- "KENTUCKY. 237 chant) informs me that one particular spot, which cost when he first settled here (18 years ago) 30 dollars, is now worth 20,000. • The next consideration is, does this town offer substantial inducement to settlers ? I think not ; it has advanced rapidly, but it cannot continue to do so ; the future progress is certain, but it must be gradual. Property is as high here as in Philadelphia, and all occupations are filled. On the road, every emigrant tells you he is going to Ohio ; when you arrive in Ohio, its ' inhabitants are " moving" to Missouri and Ala bama ; thus it is that the point for final settle ment is for ever receding as you advance, and thus it will hereafter proceed and only be ter minated by that effectual barrier — the Pacific Ocean. KENTUCKY. Being in the neighbourhood of Kentucky, I felt anxious to see a State that forms so very im portant a part of the " Western Country ;" and although I knew it was a slave State, yet having seen so much of practical, slavery in those States denominated free, I did not anticipate that one in which this deplorable order of things is legalized, could be really worse. Ln addition to -this, I had received an impression that the ge nuine Kentuckian had many excellent traits of character. Mr. Mellish says that " they resemble " the Irish ; are frank, affable,- polite, and hos- " pitable in a high degree j they are quick in 238 SOCIALITY. — LAND . " their temper, sudden in their resentment, and " warm in all their affections." A variation of character was evident in a trifling occurrence at the first tavern at which I put up : six gentle men were seated at the dining-room fire drink ing wine and engaged in varied and rational conversation ; this was an instance of sociality which, common as it may appear to you, I had not witnessed in my previous western travels. I proceeded into the interior with the intens- tion of seeing Lexington and then proceeding to Louisville, but found the roads so excessively bad, winter rapidly approaching, and my objects not half effected, that I relinquished that design. This at the time was a source of regret, as I had imagined Lexington from its high reputation to be a Paris in miniature. A gentleman, who is a resident of Lexington, had the politeness to forward me the following particulars of the prices of lands in its vicinity. lands, &c. Lands depend on a variety of circumstances such as the distance from the town, the conve nience of shipping produce, the contiguity of the same to some populous town, the quality of the land, its water privileges, and the perma nency of, such streams. A general estimation may be made as follows : — Those within five miles are from twenty to forty dollars per acre; five to ten miles, ten to twenty dollars ; ten to LAND. — NEGROES. 239 fifteen miles, from five to fifteen dollars. This statement supposes no improvements to have been made on the land. Such land is computed to produce from fifty to seventy-five bushels of Indian corn per acre, and very frequently one hundred bushels when well tilled. As wheat requires land not so rich, its produce is less, being from twenty to thirty bushels per acre ; thirty to forty of -oats ; twenty to thirty of rye ; one thousand to .fifteen hundred pounds of to bacco, and about the same quantity of hemp, may be taken as fair averages, although fre quently a much greater quantity, is produced. " The price of good field negroes is now about " eight hundred dollars. The annual expense of " such hands may be estimated at from seventy- " five to one hundred dollars ; ditto for clothing, " at from twelve to fifteen more ; — say together, " eighty-seven to one hundred and fifteen, or an " average of one hundred dollars per annum. " Their provisions differ but little from hired " white servants." In general, farmers command a ready cash sale for their produce. The old cus tom of carrying it to the New Orleans market is nearly superseded by the creation of a new order of tradesmen, who are a medium between the western farmer and the Orleans merchant. The state of education is improving. The terms are various : the best is 451. per annum, including board. Schoolmasters of talent and 240 TREES. SOIL. PRODUCE. respectability are in demand in Kentucky. In stances exist of their realizing from seven hun dred to fourteen hundred dollars per: annum. Rents may be said to be high in Lexington: there are so few persons really poor, that all houses command great prices. Even buildings of mean appearance let for from fifty to five hundred dollars per annum ; and stores and shops for double these amounts. The trees of this State are various, and some which I have seen are of a very enormous size. The black oak and honey locust denote the richest lands : they grow thirty feet in height. The white and yellow poplar, and cucumber tree, measure in circumference twenty feet. The general character of the soil is chalk, covered with a stratum of vegetable earth from eight to twelve feet in depth. A want of water in the summer season is much felt, except in the vicinity of great rivers and their principal dependent streams. Indian corn is raised here in vast abundance, and almost without labour. Stock of various kinds is raised for the New Orleans, southern, and Atlantic markets. Thirty thousand hogsheads of tobacco were shipped from this State last season, and eighty thousand barrels of flour ; the price of which latter ex periences great fluctuation, varying from four to eight dollars per barrel : at present it is six to seven. Pork is well fed, and of excellent qua- 12 EXPORTS. 241 lity : the present price is three to four dollars per cwt. Beef is also of gppd quality, and the stock has received considerable attention by the mix ture pf English breeds. Whiskey is an extensive article of manufacture : the export of last sea son was one million of gallons. Cordage, yarn, and bagging, have been important busi nesses ; but European competition has materi ally decreased their consumption. The following statement of exports for the last season may be considered correct. Such a statement is useful, as aiding us to form an estimate of the produc tions and wealth of Kentucky. Dollars. Flour and Wheat - - amount of 1,000,000 Pork, Bacon, and Lard - - 350,000 Whiskey ... - 500,000 Tobaccp - - - 1,900,000 Wool and fabrics of Wool and Cotton 100,000 Cordage, Hemp, and fabrics of Hemp 500,000 Cattle .... 200,000 Horses and Mules - - 100,000 Salt-petre and Gun-powder - - 60,000 White and Red* Lead - - 45,000 Soap and Candles - - 27,000 4,78i?,000 " Being at, Middletown, in my way to Louis ville, I met with Mr. ....-¦ . and Mr. , @f Liverpool, together with Dr. B — rrr- and Col. B-t — r-, whp were going to New Or- 242 LAWES' HOTEL. leans. They had been two days and nearly two nights coming in the stage from Lexington, a distance of about fifty miles. We all went to " Lawes' Hotel," the following charges and rules of which are posted up in the public-joom. Board for Horse, per year - Ditto, per week Ditto, per night Ditto, single feed Dinner for Man Supper - Bed - Breakfast - Board, per year Ditto, per week Ditto, per day Rules to be observed by all Gentlemen who choose to board at Lawes' Hotel, Middletown, Kentucky ; 1st. All Gentlemen to give in their names to the Bar keeper. ' 2d. Na Gentleman shall enter the Dining-room un til the second bell rings. 3d. No Gambling allowed in the Bed-rooms. 4th. The doors closed at ten o' Clock, except on the night of public amusement. 5. No Gentleman shall take the Saddle, Bridle, or Harness of another Gentleman without his consent. TREATMENT OF NEGROES. A few minutes before dinner, my attention was excited by the piteous cries of a human voice, accompanied with the loud cracking of a whip. Following the sound, I found Dollars. Cents. 120 3 Oi . 0 18J 0 37t 0 25 ¦ 0 12* 0 25 120 3 FLOGGING A NEGRO. 24<3 that • it issued from a log barn, the door of which was fastened. Peeping through the logs, I perceived the bar-keeper, together with a stout man, more than six feet high, who was called Colonel -, and a negro-boy about 14 years of age, stript naked, receiving the lashes of these monsters, who relieved each other in the use of a horse-whip : the poor boy fell down upon his knees several times, begging and praying that they would not kill him, and that he would do any thing they liked : this pro duced no cessation in their exercise. At length Mr. Lawes arrived, told the valiant Colonel and his humane employer, the bar-keeper, to desist, and that the boy's refusal to cut wood was in obedience to his (Mr. L.'s) directions. Colonel said, that " he did not know what the nig- " gar had done, but that the bar-keeper requested " his assistance to whip Caesar ; of course he " lent him a hand, being no more than he should " expect Mr. Lawes to do for him under " similar circumstances." At table Mr. Lawes said, " that he had not been so vexed for seven ; from Pittsburgh, 4s. 6d. This vast disproportion in charge of freight is pro duced by the difference in time, in navigating up and down the streams of the Ohio and Mississippi. I have not had sufficient experience in these back woods, to feel confidence in the following estimate of expenses for erecting a residence ; it is, however, the most authentic that I have been enabled to procure. A log cabin of two rooms can, I am informed, be raised for 111. 5s. to 161. ; a frame house, 10 to 14 feet square, for 130 to 1501. ; a log kitchen, 7l. to 81. ; a log stable, 7h to 91. ; a barn, 181. to 221. ; fencing, 13d. per rood ; ditching, in prairie land, l6d; to 2s. per rood. INHABITANTS OF ILLINOIS. The inhabitants of Illinois may, perhaps, be ranked as follows : First, the Indian hunters, who are neither different in character or pursuits from their ancestors in the days of Columbus. 2nd, The " Squatters," who are half-civilized and half-savage. These are, in character and habits, extremely .wretched : indeed, I prefer the genuine uncontaminated Indian. 3rd, A medley of land jobbers, lawyers, doctors, and farmers, who traverse this immense continent, founding settlements, and engaging in all kinds s 4 264 STATE OF SOCIETY. — CLIMATE. of speculation. 4th, Some old French settlers, possessed of considerable property, and living in ease and comfort. Concerning the state of society, my expe rience does not allow me to say much, or to speak with confidence. Generally, I suspect that the powers of the legislature are, as yet, weak in their operation. Small provocations insure the most relentless and violent resentments. Duels are frequent. The dirk is an inseparable com panion of all classes ; and the laws are robbed of their terror, by not being firmly and equally administered. A general character of indepen dence, both as to the means of living and habits of society, appears universal. Here, no man is either thought or called " master ;" neither, on the other hand, is there found any coarse vul garity.! A cold, selfish indifference is the com mon characteristic of the labourer and the judge ; and I should hope that Illinois-state constitution will not, when formed, authorize and legalize slavery ; yet the Ohio practice will, I have no doubt, continue as it now is in Illinois, — indenturing negroes for a term qf from 10 to 15 years. This baleful practice promises a perpetuation of practical slavery throughout America. Of the climate 1 know but little from personal experience. The mornings and evenings, at this time, are extremely cold. In July and August WESTERN EMIGRATION. 265 Fahrenheit ranges from 85 to 105. In the win ter (which is not long), from 10 below to 20 above zero. The wildness of the country implies an unformed climate. The disturbance of a great body of surplus vegetable matter, upon the first settling of land, together with the dampness arising from stagnant waters, frequently pro duce bilious fevers and agues. My mind continues undecided concerning our removal. When in England I had hoped, in common with yourselves, that the old settled States of America, which must be so much better suited to our habits and pursuits than an un cultivated wilderness, would have afforded suf ficient inducement to emigration, particularly as our objects are the continuance in well- established habits of industry, and not rapid fortunermaking. With the means of forming a judgment on this subject, I have endeavoured^ as -far as lies in my power, to supply you in the course of my preceding reports. Should your minds be favourable to a western country settlement, I should wish to press upon your deliberate re-consideration the following ideas : First, — Is it essential to your prosperity and ' happiness that you should leave England ? Second, — Do the habits and character of the American people afford you rational grounds for desiring to become their fellow citizens-? 266 EMIGRATION TO ILLINOIS. Third, — Have all of you the dispositions requisite in order to become cultivators^ of a wilderness ? Fourth, • — Assuming that you have those dis positions, are you fitted for such an entire change of pursuits, and can you endure the difficulties and dangers necessarily attendant on such a situation ? If, after cool, deliberate, and rational con sideration, with your minds as free from en thusiastic expectations connected with this continent, as they well can be under the ex istence of the present order of things in Eng land, you can answer in the affirmative, then I have little doubt of the propriety of recommend ing to your attention the Illinois territory. P. S. Should I resolve upon taking New Or leans in my route to Washington, I shall most likely address you from the former city. SIXTH REPORT. LEAVE THE TERRITORY OF ILLINOIS FOR NEW ORLEANS. — CITY OF NATCHEZ. — BOAT LOADS OF NEGROES FOR SALE. PREVALENCE OF BRITISH GOODS. — HABITS, AND STATE OF MORALS. — ' EMBARK ON BOARD STEAM BOAT ORLEANS. — MISSISSIPPI RIVER ; ITS SCENERY. ARRIVAL ,AT NEW ORLEANS. — VAST IMPORTANCE TO THE WESTERN COUNTRY. — HABITS, CHARACTER, MORALS, AMUSEMENTS. — THE MAYOR'S BARBAROUS PROCLAMATION CONCERNING NEGROES. LEAVE NEW ORLEANS FOR THE CITY OF WASHINGTON. — A REVIEW OF THE WESTERN COUNTRY. — CHARACTER OF TRADES MEN MODE OF EMPLOYING CAPITAL. — ARRIVAL IN WASHINGTON. ITS SITUATION. FINE SCENERY. CAPITOL AND PRESIDENT'S HOUSE BRITISH CRUSADE. — EFFECTS IN INCREASING THE PROSPERITY OF THIS CITY. — ARISTOCRATICAL ABSURDITY OF THE ORIGI NAL PLAN OF THE CITY. — POPULATION. — GEORGE TOWN AND ALEXANDRIA. — PRICE OF PROVISIONS. — RENTS. — MECHANICS. — PREVALENCE AND PRICE OF BRITISH GOODS. — PAPER ALMOST THE ONLY CUR RENCY. — THE " VIRGINIAN DYNASTY." — ENGLISH AMBASSADOR. MR. CLAY. PRESIDENT'S DRAWING ROOM. — HABITS. — CUSTOMS. — THE THEATRE. — INCLEDON. — INDIAN JUGGLER. — COBBETT AND HIS FRIEND OF PHILADELPHIA. HIS ILL TREATMENT BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA, AND HIS STATEMENT OF THEIR POLITICAL CORRUPTION. — AMERICAN MANUFACTURES; THEIR PRESENT RUINOUS STATE. — CAPITAL EMPLOYED DURING THE LATE WAR. 268 SLAVERY. — VETERANS OF THE REVOLUTION GENERAL ST. CLAIR. — ATTEND BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS. — THEIR FORMS; MEMBERS; SUBJECTS DISCUSSED. — CORRUPTION IN CAUCUS ELECTION OF PRESIDENT. — GENERAL HAR- PER'S AND MR. RUFUS KING'S SPEECHES UPON THE SUBJECT POET MOORE. OPPOSITION TO NAPOLEON. EUROPEAN POLITICS OF WASHINGTON.. MR. BIRK- BECK'S LETTER TO MYSELF. State of Virginia, and Washington City, March, 1818. At the date of my last, in December, I had not left the Illinois. Since my departure from that territory to the present time, I have travelled more than two thousand miles, and I lament to say that there is not one spot, in the whole of that vast distance, in which I, or indeed any man among you, could be in duced to make a permanent settlement. The white population are the victims of demoralizing habits. _ The native Indians present, of course, nothing but a picture of mere savage life ; and the poor negroes suffer even more than commonly falls to the lot of their oppressed and degraded condition. What a foul stain upon the republic, professing, as they do, the principles of liberty and equal rights, that, out of twenty States, there should be eleven in which slavery is an avowed part of their political constitution ; and that in those called free (New England excepted) the condition of blacks should practically amount to slavery ! Like fhe Greeks of old, they talk of NATCHEZ. 269 freedom, while the degraded Helot is within their doors. Previous to entering into details concerning this city, I would wish to call your attention to two others, certainly not under any idea of their being suitable places fpr emigration, but in con sequence of their immediate and important con nection with the whole Western country. First, Natchez, in the State of Mississippi ; and second, New Orleans, on the Mississippi River, one hundred miles above its entrance into the Gulph of JVTexico. Natchez stands on a bluff, about 250 yards above the level of the river ; a situation, from what I have seen, very unusual on the Mississippi, the greater part being level, and often overflowing its banks. The landing-place is on the river-edge, about half a mile from the town. At this place there are about thirty houses, the greater part of which are whiskey shops, gambling and other houses, in which there is a degree of open profligacy, which I had not before witnessed in the United States. While contemplating this melancholy scene, my attention was directed to the number of boats which were then in port. They consisted of twenty-five flats, seven keels, and one steam- vessel. The flat, I should explain, is a square, covered vessel, of considerable capacity, used for carrying freight from Pittsburgh, and other places below that town, down to New 270 CARGOES OF SLAVES. Orleans; their construction is temporary, and of slight materials, being broken up at New Orleans, as not sufficiently strong to be freighted tip the river. The keel is a substantial, well- built boat, long, and in form resembling the floating bath at Blackfriars Bridge. Observing a great many coloured people, par ticularly females, in these boats, I concluded that they were emigrants, who had proceeded thus far on their route towards a settlement. The fact proved to be that fourteen of the flats were freighted with human beings for sale. They had been collected in the several States by slave- dealers, and shipped from Kentucky for a market. They were dressed up to the best ad vantage, on the same principle that jockeys do horses upon sale. The following is a specimen of advertisements on this subject : — " TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD, " Will be paid for apprehending and lodging in jail, « or delivering to the subscriber, the following slaves, " belonging to Joseph Irvin, of Iberville : — " TOM, a very light Mulatto, blue eyes, 5 feet 10 '.' inches high, appears to be about 35 years of age, an " artful fellow — can read and write, and preaches occa- " sionally. " CHARLOTTE, a black wench, round and full " faced, tall, straight, and likely — about 25 years of " age, and wife of the above-named Tom. " These slaves decamped for their owner's plantation, " on the night of the 14th September inst. " William Kenner & Co." INDIANS. — TRADE. 271 , The treatment of the negroes throughout these States is as villainous as can be well imagined ; and although they are themselves not insensible to the evils of their condition, they do not seem to feel it so acutely as might be anticipated, or as the man of common humanity would feel on their account. This, however, is natural enough, and easy to account for. As the body is en slaved, the mind becomes degraded, and loses a sense of its own dignity, and of the value of in dependence. I observe that there are a few native Indians who raise cotton, and hold slaves; others (but only women) are hired to pick the cotton, their fathers or husbands receiving their wages. No male Indian would submit to the supposed de gradation of being in the employ of any one. — A man possessed of from 2 to 10,0001. capital, with a pliable conscience, above the common feelings of humanity, and whose only object is gain, would soon realize, by the culture of cot ton in this district, a very large fortune. There are here numerous stores ; three fourths of the stock of every one consist pf British goods. Shopfeeeping is profitable. Mechanics are very highly paid, and at this time much wanted in consequence of their having, more than the other classes of society, fallen victims to the late contagious disorders. — " Packwood's li razor strops" have even penetrated into this 272 HOLY LOTTERY. — HEALTH. remote quarter of the globe : the Negro barbers do not, omit making that circumstance a leading point of attraction. Lotteries are as prevalent here as in the east ern States ; the one carrying on at this time is for building a Presbyterian church! The "scheme" is preceded by a long address upon the ad vantages of religion, and the necessity, of all citizens supporting Christianity by purchasing tickets in this holy lottery ! ! The church-yard is opposite to Irvine's hotel (at which I stopped). Two young men that were standing at the door had been warmly engaged in a debate ; one was a resident in Natchez, the other not so ; their subject of controversy was the healthiness of the city ; the latter contended that it was sickly ; his friend could not endure so foul an aspersion upon his native town ; the other explained that he did not mean any thing personal, but he considered Natchez was sickly, and as a strong proof that his opinion was cor rect, he pointed to the church-yard, in which one fourth of the late population had been en tombed in the course of five weeks. This ex planation was of no avail — he should call him out for daring to say that his city was sickly ; to be sure, five hundred people had died in a short time, but men did not live for ever, even among the Yankies (New England). " I say, " Sir, that there is not a more healthy place in A SERJEANT-AT-ARMS. 2J3 " the world than Natchez." — I find it indeed a universal trait of character, that no American will allow any place to be so healthy as the one in which he resides. — Upon the whole I leave Natchez with little knowledge of its inhabitants indeed, but with an impression of its comparative prosperity exceeding any town which I have ever seen. The streets are literally crammed, with cotton bales for the Liverpool market, they are carried to the water-side in carts drawn by two mules, horses being little used, — in consequence, it is said, of the severe chastisement usually inflicted upon them by negro drivers ; thus these much-injured men revenge upon the dumb animal the wrongs they themselves receive from their common owner. During my residence at this town I twice visited the State legislature, which is composed of men who appear any thing but legislators. Their place of meeting was in a kind of superior hay-loft. The imitation of the forms of the British Parliament was rather ludi crous : — • the only business transacted during my stay was the election of a sergeant-at-arms ! NEW ORLEANS. Viewing this city as intimately connected with the considerations of a western country colony, I felt desirous of seeing it. I was aware besides, that this would be desirable to assist my judgment in forming a correct estimation of 27* THE MISSISSIPPI. the whole American people ; for I feel per suaded, that for myself I could not make up a final judgment without personal acquaintance with the entire " body politic." The steam boat " Orleans," being upon the point of de parture, I engaged a place for New Orleans — fare, including board, 81. 7s- 6d. ; distance 800 miles ; time 56 hours. The scenery of the Mississippi in the immediate neighbourhood of Natchez is interesting: till within afewmilesof that cityit becomes extremely dull, being a dead flat, with banks overflowed; for 150 miles, urttil we came near Ppint Caupee church, we were moving through an immense and dreary. forest, without openings or breaks of any kind, destitute of variety, and only pro ducing by its sombre monotPny the most melan- chPly sensations. Approaching to New Orleans, a more civilized country than I had previously seen presented itself, though there were (according to the old story) no men hanging in chains. The banks were cultivated, settlements multiplied, good houses were not uncommon ; while nu merous extensive sugar plantations bespoke wealth and population. Upon my arrival at New Orleans, it is hardly possible to conceive the delight which I experienced ; after a tedious and dreary journey, even the masts of ships afforded me pleasure, as recalling by association i4 NEW ORLEANS. 275 what I should now denominate the comforts of New York and Philadelphia. The increase of this city since it has become a part of the United States is truly extraordinary, affording another proof of the advantages possessed by a people who are unshackled. Originally its trade was conducted by men who purchased the right of monopoly from the parent country, or the viceroys and governors. While this enriched the few, it of course impoverished the many, and was wholly inconsistent with general prosperity. Trade is a plant that can only luxuriously flourish in a free spil. Under the government of Ame rica, every man is left to pursue the bent of his own inclination, and to go to the full extent of his means; —-there exists no monopoly, ex cept that which superior talent or property always must, and always ought to confer. The consequence of this state of things is, that the United States are making unprecedented strides towards substantial wealth and national great ness, though cursed, as I am sorry — mortified to the heart to be obliged to confess, with a population undeserving of their exuberant soil and free government. The French language is still predominant in New Orleans. The population is said to be 30,000; two thirds of which do not speak English. The appearance of the people too was French, and even the negroes evinced, by their T 2 .2,76 MANNERS AND HABITS. antics, in rather: a ludicrous manner, their, pre vious connection with that nation. The general manners and habits are very re laxed. The first day of my residence here was Sunday, and I was not a little surprised to find in the United States the markets, shops, theatre, circus, and public ball-rooms open. Gambling houses throng the J city: all coffee-houses, . to gether with the exchange, are occupied from morning until night, by gamesters. It is said, .that when the Kentuckians arrive at this place, they are in their glory, finding neither limit to, nor punishment of their excesses. The general style of living is luxurious. Houses are ele gantly furnished. The ball-room, at Davis's hotel, I have never seen exceeded in splendour. Private dwellings partake of the same character ; and the ladies dress with expensive elegance. The sources of public amusement are numerous and varied; among them I remark the following: " INTERESTING EXHIBITION. " On Sunday the 9th inst. will be represented in the " place where Fire-works are generally exhibited, near " the Circus, an extraordinary fight of Furious Animals. " The place where the animals will fight is a rotunda of "160 feet in circumference, with a railing 17 feet in " height, and a circular gallery well conditioned and " strong, inspected by the Mayor and surveyors by hira " appointed. INTERESTING EXHIBITION. 277 " 1st Fight — A strong Attakapas Bull, attacked and " subdued by six of the strongest dogs of the country. " 2d Fight — Six Bull-dogs against a Canadian Bear. " 3d Fight — A beautiful Tiger against a black Bear. " 4th Fight — Twelve dogs against a strong and fu- " rious Opeloussas Bull. " If the Tiger is not vanquished in his fight with the " Bear, he will be sent alone against the last Bull, and " if the latter conquers all his enemies, several pieces of u fire-works will be placed on his back, which will pro- " duce* a very entertaining amusement. " In the Circus will be placed two Manakins, which, " notwithstanding the efforts of the Bulls, to throw them " down, will always rise again, whereby the animals will " get furious. " The doors will be opened at three and the Exhibi- " tion begin at four o'clock precisely. " Admittance, one dollar for grown persons and " 50 cents for children. " A military band will perform during the Exhibition. " If Mr. Renault is so happy as to amuse the specta- " tors by that new spectacle, he will use every exertion " to diversify and augment, it, in order to prove to a " generous public, whose patronage has been hitherto " so kindly bestowed upon him, how anxious he is to " please them." I visited the theatre : it is an old building, about two-thirds the size of the little theatre in the Hay-market. The ¦ play was " John of ." Calais," well performed by a French com? pany to a French audience. At a tavern op posite, I witnessed a personal conflict, in which t 3 278 LAW AT NEW ORLEANS. I supposed one of the parties was dirk'd. These things are of every-day occurrence ; and it is not often that they are taken cGgnizance of. by the police. I was present at a criminal trial : the pleadings were a mixture of French and English. The jury consisted of ten French, and two Americans. The counsel were equally divided, being two of each language : the judge was American. The French counsel requested leave to quote the code Napoleon, which was granted, on condition that he should explain to the French part of the jury that it was not law, and that he adduced it on the same principle that he would the works of a poet, merely to illustrate his .ideas. The English law is the law of Louisiana, with such additions as local circumstances have ren dered necessary ; one of which that was cited upon this occasion, is a law against " biting " off the ear, the nose, tearing out the eyes," &c. 1 was proceeding to remark upon the condi tion of negroes in Louisiana, but an official docu ment, lying before me upon the subject, I pre fer forwarding to youj without note or com ment, except to observe that such regula tions as these exist iti spirit throughout nine at least, if not eleven' more of the State re publics! SLAVE-REGULATIONS. 279 " CITY COUNCIL OF NEW ORLEANS. " An ordinance in relation to slaves in the city and sub- " urbs of New Orleans, as also in the neighbourhood " thereof, and to no other persons herein mentioned. The City Council ordains as follows : " Art. 1. No slave or slaves within the city and " suburbs of New Orleans, and the neighbourhood " thereof, shall have, hold, occupy, reside or sleep in " any house, out-house, building or enclosure, other " than his or her owner's, or, his or her owner's repre- " sentatives, or of the person whom he is or they are " serving for hire, without first obtaining a ticket or " tickets from his, her, or their owner or owners, " expressly describing the place which such slave or " slaves is or are allowed respectively to occupy, re- " side, or sleep in, and specifying also the time during " which the aforesaid permission or permissions is or f are granted ; and every slave holding, occupying, re- " siding or sleeping in any house, out-house, building " or enclosure, without obtaining the permission afore- " said, shall be committed to the jail by any officer of " police, or any other white person, there to receive i. twenty, lashes, on a warrant from the mayor, or from " a justice of the peace, unless , the owner or owners qf " such sl(cve or slaves shall previously pay a fine, of five " dollars for each of them, with all costs and charges." — >* fi Aut. 6. The assemblies of slaves for the purpose «' of dancing or other merriment, shall take place only '* on Sundays, and solely in such open or public places «*'. as shall be appointed by the Mayor, and no such " assembly shall continue later than sunset, and all " slaves who shall be found assembled together on any '-' other day than Sunday, or who, even on that day, T 4 280 SLAVE-REGULATIONS. " shall continue their dances after sunset, shall be taken " up by the officers of police, constables, watchmen or " other white persons, and shall be lodged in the public " jail, where they shall receive from 10 to 25 lashes, on " a warrant from the mayor or a justice of the peace ; " the clauses specified in the preceding article against " all owners or occupants of houses or lots, forming or " tolerating such assemblies on their premises, being in " full force against them. " Art. 7- No person giving a ball to free people qf " colour shall, on any pretext, admit or sirffer to be ad- " mitted to said ball any slave, on penalty qf a fine from " 10 to 50 dollars, and any slave admitted to any such ball, ' " shall receive 15 lashes. " Art. 8. Every slave, except such as may be blind " or infirm, who shall walk in any street or open place " with a cane, club, or other stick, shall be carried to " the police jail, where he shall receive 25 lashes, and " shall moreover forfeit every such cane, club or other " stick, to any white person seizing the same, and every1 " slave carrying any arms whatever, shall be punished " in the manner prescribed by the Black Code of thisr " state. Art. 9. If any slave shall be guilty of whooping or " hallooing any where in the city and suburbs, or of " making any clamorous noise, or of singing aloud any " indecent song, he or she shall for each and every such " offence, receive at the police jail, on a warrant from " the mayor, or any justice of peace, a number of " 20 lashes or stripes, and if any such offence be com- " mitted on board any vessel, the master or commander " thereof shall forfeit and pay a sum of 20 dollars for " each and every such offence. " Art. 10. Every slave, who shall be guilty qfdis- "¦ respect towards any white person, or shall insult any PROVISIONS. 281 " free person, shall receive 30 lashes, upon an order from " the mayor, or justice of the peace. " Art. 1 3. The present ordinance shall be printed " in the usual Gazettes, and shall moreover be published " by drum-beat, within the city and suburbs twice a "•• week during fifteen days, and once every month, after " that time. J. SOULIE, Recorder. " Approved, October 15th, 1817. « AUG. MACARTY, " Nov. 3. Mayor." . Provisions are of very bad quality, and most enormously dear. Hams and cheese from Eng land, potatoes, butter, and beef from Ireland, are common articles of import. Cabbages are now ten-pence per head ; turkeys, three to five dollars each. Rents are also very extravagant. Yet to all men whose desire only is to be rich, and to live a short life but a merry one, I have no hesitation in recommending New Orleans. Proposing at once to transport you to the city from which part of this is written, that of Wash ington, I have only now to take a general retro spect of the country which I have left behind. It would be useless to fill up a chasm, which will be. thus left in my narration. I am become morally certain, that the intervening States afford no spot which either you or any conscientious friends of rational liberty could make your residence. With regard, then, to the western country generally, lef 282 WESTERN COUNTRY. me first observe upon the strong evidence which it affords of increasing national wealth, strength, and population. This, indeed, is striking to a de gree which has been the subject of astonishment in various ways. The rapid ratio of its increase, the maturity of its establishments, the ignorance of real freedom among the people, the immense advantages resulting from an enlightened poli tical constitution, and the probable future con dition of this part of the American continent, are all themes calculated to excite speculation, and each affords abundant sources for reflection. Throughout the western country, there are many men of real, but more of fictitious capi tal. In their occupations they are not confined to any one particular pursuit, the same person often being farmer, store and hotel-keeper, land- jobber, brewer, steam-boat owner, and slave- dealer. In their characters they bear evidence of this diversified, though, I think, but in few instances able application of talent. They talk much of American genius, persuading themselves that because they were born on this continent, there is prepared for them, in every department of knowledge, a royal road. All are specula tors ; and each man anticipates making a for tune, not by patient industry and upright conduct, but by " a lucky hit." Should he be disappointed, the consequences must, of course, fall upon his creditors; but neither those who suffer by his MERCHANTS AND TRADERS. 288 failure, nor his neighbours, nor himself, attach to him any kind of disrespect for the trans action. I witnessed some whose success had been astonishing, both as to amount, and the ra pidity with which it had been collected ; as, indeed, must ever be the case with a speculating people in a new country, particularly in one un burdened with taxes, and in which the habits of trade are yet unsettled. Merchants and trades men bear little or no similitude to those of Eng land : their diversified pursuits, and migrating character, cause them to possess more general, but less particular and substantial knowledge. The impression which they convey on first ac quaintance, is that of being well-informed, and comparatively enlightened; but this wears off Upon more intimate acquaintance, if, at least, by the expressions well-informed and enlightened we should imply men of reading or of thought, men possessed of sound information, who take large views, who feel liberally towards men Qf opposite sentiments, and attached to the ge neral cause of human happiness : looked at in this point of view, they are, in truth, any thing but enlightened. This order of men, the mer chant and tradesman, here generally compose the second, some of them rank, in the first class of society. Though residing in a republic, they are, in fact, more really aristocratic than English men similarly circumstanced. The mechanic in 284 BIECHANICS. — TOWNS. this country is naturally an important character, the more so if the town or settlement in which he resides be of recent establishment. If in dustrious and economical, his earnings soon place him on an equality with the second-rate tradesmen ; and should he feel disposed for agriculture, and be willing to forego the comforts of a town life, he may purchase a tract of land, which, if judiciously selected, will in the course of twenty years make him a rich man. I saw many families in this part of the Union in rags and wretchedness : but there is this peculiarity about American poverty — it seems free from anxiety, exhibiting a total carelessness about the future, and apparently leaving the morrow to provide for itself. Towns, which are of any importance, are not what we understand by " country towns :" they are miniature cities, containing numerous first- rate brick buildings; all new, very neat in their exterior, and always high rented. Town pro perty is as high as in Philadelphia, and more so, than in London. The "tide of emigration, it should be observed, is eternally changing its course. The attractions of Ohio are now lost in those of Missouri, Alabama, and, Illinois. LexingtPn was, a short time since, the general magnet : its advances towards prosperity have now, however, ceased to be rapid, and property there has become stationary in value, whilst at PRICES. — BANKS. 285 Louisville it is rising prodigiously. This last- mentioned place, with St. Louis on the Missouri, promise to be ranked among the first towns in the western States. Provisions in the country are cheap, and groceries and clothing enor mously high in price. In towns, 25 per cent. may be added to the former, and the same,- per haps, deducted from the latter ; though, at the lowest market, you would be surprised at the charges, arising from the high price of labour, combined with the extraordinary fact, that the crockery, hardware, linens, cottons, and wool lens, which fill the log-stores of even the most remote parts in the wilderness, are imported from Great Britain. Banks, as I have before remarked, are ex tremely numerous. They afford, to an unlimited extent, all the facilities within the possible ca pacity of an immense paper currency. But still even this species of capital is rarely em ployed in agricultural pursuits : it is engrossed by town lots, building, steam-boats, and mill seats ; in any of which occupations there is cer tainly a profitable opening for the European capitalist. Without further dwelling on this country, or on my journey, I shall now at onee take you. to WASHINGTON. It has been so fashionable with natives, as 286 WASHINGTON.— THE CAPITOL. well as foreigners, to ridicule the federal city, that I had anticipated the reality of Moore's description of - " This famed metropolis, where fancy sees " Squares in morasses, obelisks in trees." . But in this I was pleasingly disappointed. The river Potowmac, at this place, is only na vigable for small craft near its banks. Besides the Potowmac, the River " Tiber" runs through the city; its stream is about the width of the Paddington canal. The ridiculous, though characteristic vanity displayed in altering it from the original name of " Goose Creek," to that of the Tiber, has been happily exposed by Moore. The President's palace, and the Capitpl, si tuated on opposite hills, are the chief public buildings, both of which were nearly destroyed by the buccaneering incursions of our country men, who acted, perhaps, agreeably to their orders, but certainly in opposition to the feel ings, judgment, and character pf the British people. These buildings are now rapidly rising into increased splendour. The Capitp}, in which are both houses of the legislature, and several public offices, stands on a hank of the Po towmac, seventy feet above the level of that river : it as yet consists of but two wings, in tended to be connected by a centre, surmounted by a dome. The architect is Mr. Latrobe: ' FOREIGN ORNAMENTS. 287 Iri the internal construction of this building, he has not evinced even a common knowledge of what contributes to convenience, and still less to elegance of appearance. The apartments are small, crowded, and without unity of design : the exterior, when completed, will, however, produce a really grand effect. Some of the pil lars are of a native marble, of a peculiarly novel and beautiful description, bearing some resem blance to the finest specimens of mosaic. The Americans, however, are not content with the productions of their own country : they have made large imports from Italy of its most ex pensive marble ; and so anxious is even the President himself for " foreign ornament," that he has imported chairs at one hundred dollars each, though the cabinet-makers of Baltimore would have equalled, and I believe surpassed them in every particular, at the price of sixty tdollarsJ . The President's house is at the opposite end. of " Pennsylvania Avenue," commanding a most beautiful prospect. On each side of it stands a large brick building ; one of which is the trea sury, the other the war and navy offices. These are to be connected with the palace, "which, when completed, would form an ornament even 4o St. Peter-sburgh itself. Upon a second visit to the: Capitol, I explored nearly all its recesses. Marks of the late conflagration are still very ap- 288 PATENT-OFFICE. — LIBRARY, &C. parent, while the walls bear evidence of public opinion in relation to that transaction, which seems to have had the singular fate of casting disgrace upon both the Americans and British. Some of the pencil drawings exhibit the mili tary commander, hanging upon a tree ; others re present the President running off without his hat or wig ; some, Admiral sCockburn robbing hen roosts : to which are added such inscriptions as, " The capital of the Union lost by cowardice;" " Curse cowards ;" " A sold the city " for 5000 dollars ;" " James Madison is a ras- " cal, a coward, and a fool ;" " Ask no ques- " tions," &c. The post-office is a large brick building, situ ated at about equal distances from the president's house and the Capitol. Under the same roof is the patent-office, and also the national library, for the use of members of congress. In the first of these departments, I witnessed upwards of nine hundred specimens of native mechanical genius. This would appear to afford decisive proof, that Americans are not deficient in in ventive talent, though it cannot be extensively, or with profit, called into action, until your little .island ceases to be the universal workshop. The library is small, consisting of but 3000 volumes ; but it is select and well chosen, and includes various classes of literature, having d)een the property of Mr. Jefferson, for which THE LOWER ORDERS. 289 he obtained from the United States 20,000 dollars. The former library, containing from 7 to 8000, Was destroyed by our enlightened countrymen. So great has been, at some periods, the depreciation of property in this city, that in 1802, what had originally cost 200,000 dollars, was sold for 25,000. This decay con tinued to go on, until the visit of General Ross, and the subsequent signature of peace : since that time it seems to have risen, like the phcenix from the flames, and is once more partially in creasing in prosperity. There are now a num ber of two and three story brick buildings, none of which are uninhabited ; and also some small wooden houses, though, according to the ori ginal plan, none were to be built less than three stories high, and all to have marble steps. But the childish folly of this scheme was soon sub verted by the natural course of events; and though the existence of " lower orders," even in the capital of the republic, may not accord with the vanity of its legislators, they ought to be told, that neither prosperity nor population can be possessed by any nation, without a due admixture of the natural classes of society. -The population of Washington city is about 9000; of Georgetown, 6000; of Alexandria, 8000 ; and of all other parts of the district of Columbia, 7000 ; making a total of 30,000. 290 PRICES. Alexandria, which is seven miles from the city; may. be considered the sea-port. Georgetown is the residence of shopkeepers, and Washington the depot for office-holders, place-hunters, and boarding-house keepers ; none of whom would appear to be in possession of too much of this world's goods. Between these three divisions of this district there exists considerable jea lousy. prices, &c. There are three market-houses in Washington, and I believe, four market days per week. Negroes are the chief sellers. The supplies at this time are neither good nor various. Beef is from 4fd. to 6|d. per pound; pork the same ; potatoes, 3s. 4 id. per bushel; bread, 2d. per. pound ; beer, 6'^d. per bottle ; milk, 5§d, per quart ; tea, 4s. 6d. to 13s. 6d. per pound ; coffee, 12|d. to l6d. ; sugar, from 54s. to 90s. per. hundred. Rents are as high as elsewhere.., Mechanics are fully employed, and well paid. Shopkeepers are too numerous, and none, of them remarkably successful. British goods> abound, as in every other part of America.. When I had been here a few hours, I went to a store to purchase a pair of worsted gloves :. they were of the commonest kind, such as are sold in London at, 8s, 6d. per dozen. The price was half a dollar per pair. I presented a Phila- PAPER MONEY. 291 delphia one dollar note ; it would not be taken without a discount of 2| per cent. I then tenT dered a Baltimore bank, of the same amount. This being one hundred miles nearer was ac cepted. The store-keeper had no silver change ; to remedy "which, he took a pair of scissors and divided the note between us : I enquired if the half would pass, and being answered in the affirmative, took it without hesitation, knowing the want of specie throughout the country, and being previously familiarized with Spanish dollars cut into every variety of size. I jiPw find that demi-notes are a common circulating medium. Capital is generally wanted,- though my enquiries do not lead me to believe that it can be employed here with any thing more than ordinary advantage. The increase of the federal City cannot be rapid. Here is fine natural scenery, but no decidedly great natural advan tages; little external commerce, a barren soil, a scanty pppulation, enfeebled too by the deadly weight of absolute slavery, and no direct means of communication with the Western country. For the apparently injudicious selection of such a spot, upon which to raise the capital of a great nation, several reasons are given. Some have even gone so far as to attribute to Gen. Washington the influence of pecuniary interest, his property being in the neighbourhood. But the most com mon-argument adduced in support of the choice u 2 ^92 SITE QF WASHINGTON. is thaj; it is central, or rather that it was so ; for the recent addition of new States has removed-the centre very far west, so much so indeed, that the inhabitants of Lexington affirm, that their town must on that ground soon become the, capital ; and even the people of St. Louis, in the Missouri, put in their claim, that city be ing said to be geographically the exact centre of the Union. But assuming that Washington were central, I dp not see much validity in the argument ; — at least if we are to be influenced in our judgment by any country in the old world — where is the important nation, whose capital is placed exactly in the centre pf its dominions? Spain is perhaps the only country which can be adduced, and no very favourable conclusion can be drawn from such an instance : though unquestionably if rivers and soil, if roads and Canals, all united to recommend that situation, it would be in some other respects extremely convenient; but this not being the case, the knowledge of Euclid must be dispensed with for something of more practical, though perhaps more vulgar utility. There may be other objections to this capital : among them I would venture to suggest, that the legislators, and rulers pf a nation, ought to reside in that city which has the most direct Communication with all parts of their country, and of the world at large j they ought to see. VIRGINIAN DYNASTY. ggS with their own eyes, and hear with their own ears, without which, fhoUgh possessed of the best intentions, they must often be in error. Newspaper communications, letters and agents, are but substitutes, and sometimes very poor ones; besides which, I conceive that mere expe dients should not be admitted in national legis lation. Unless this city increases with a ra pidity unsanctioned by the most sanguine anti cipation, the American lawmakers will be half a century behind what they would become by a residence in New York or Philadelphia. Another objection to Washington may suggest itself to some minds, in its neighbourhood to Virginia. The "Virginian dynasty," as it has been called, is a subject of general, and I think very jUst, complaint throughout other parts of America. This State has supplied four of the five presi dents, and also a liberal number of occupants of every other government office. The Virgi nians very modestly assert, that this monopoly does not proceed from corrupt influence, but is a consequence of the buoyancy and vigoUr of their natural talent. Without entering into the controversy, whether or not seventeen States can supply a degree of ability eqUal to that «f Virginia single-handed, I must express my want of respeCt for a State in which every man is either a slave-holder, or a defender of slavery — a State in which landed property is not attach able for debt — a State in which human being*, u 3 294 CUSTOMS. — DRAWING-ROOM. are sold in the streets by the public auctioneer, afe> flogged without trial at the mercy pf their owner or his agents, and are killed almost with out punishment; — yet these men dare to call themselves democrats, and friends of liberty ! — from such democrats, and such friends of liberty, good Lord deliver us ! The customs of society at this season, differ, I presume, in some degree, from those portions of the year when congress is not sitting. ,Tea> parties, and private balls, are now very frequent* Mr. Bagot, the English . ambassador, and his lady, are particularly assiduous in their attentions to all classes, and maintain a strict conformity with the habits of the place. Their cards of invi tation are left at my boarding-house for different gentlemem every day. The speaker (Mr. Clay) gives public periodical dinners. A drawing- room is held weekly at the President's house: it is generally crowded. There is little or no difficulty in getting introduced on these occa sions. Mr. Munroe is a very plain, practical man of business. The custom is shaking, and not tiie degrading one of kissing, hands. Con versation, tea, ice, music, chewing tobacco, and excessive spitting, afford employment for the evening. The dress of the ladies is very elegant, though that of the gentlemen is too frequently rather ungentlemanly. The theatre is a miserable building. I have, attended several representations in it by the INDIAN JUGGLER. COMFORT. 295 sahie company which I saw when in Pittsburgh, Incledon has been here — the Washington critics think him too vulgar, and also an indifferent singer ! In this city I witnessed also the exhibitions bf Sema Soma, the Indian juggler, from London. My chief attention was directed to the audience; their disbelief of the possibility of performing the numerous feats advertised, and their incon- ceiveable astonishment at witnessing the actual achievement, apppared extreme, — apprpachjng almost to childish wonder and astonishment. The few private families to which I have had introductions, do not evince a more accurate knowledge of that English word comfort than I have remarked elsewhere -, indeed, I would class them a century inferior to Boston and half a cen tury behind New York. The boarding-houses and inns partake of the same characteristics. I first applied at the chief, which is Davis's In dian Queen tavern : most of the door-handles are broken ; the floor of the coffee-room is strewed with bricks and mortar, caused by the crumbling of the walls and ceiling; and the cha racter of the accommodations is in unison with this unorganized state of things : the charges are as high as at the very first London hotel. Mr. Law, brother of Lord Ellenborough, re sides here, and is the owner of numerous houses. Mr. H ¦, a Lancashire Cotton-bleacher and u 4 296, MR. COBBETT. friend of Mr. Cobbett, has lately emigrated to this country, and has been recently here, en deavouring to induce this government to lay double duties on all British goods ; what his success has' been I have not learned. . Observing the following statements in the^ Philadelphia Aurora, I forward them to you, as shewing Mr. Cobbett's impressions of the Penn- sylvanian government. " FROM THE HARRISBURG ORACLE. « THE CASE OF WILLIAM COBBETT. " While the subject was before the senate on Tues- " day and Wednesday last, considerable discussion took " place, advocated chiefly by Mr. Lowrie, and opposed " by Messrs. Reed of Westmoreland, C. Smith, Reed " of Philadelphia, and B. R. Morgan. And on the " question of agreeing to the resolution, it was nega- " tived. — Ayes 9. Nays 20. " Immediately after this decision, Mr. Cobbett, who " was present during the debate, walked up to the ". speaker's chair and handed the following to the " speaker, which was read and laid on the table, " To the Honourable the Senate and House of Repre- " sentatives qf the Commonwealth qf Pennsylvania, " in General Assembly met. " The petition of William Cobbett, an Englishman, " this 19th day of February, 1818, " MOST RESPECTFULLY SHEWETH : " That your petitioner has heard with inexpressible " surprise that the senate of the commonwealth has re- " jected the petition lately (presented to that honourable " body by your petitioner ; that seeing the flagrant enbr- " mity of the injustice of which he complained, he con- MR. COBBETT. 29^ Kt ndently hopes that such rejection has arisen from " some great misunderstanding as to the circumstances " of the case ; that he, therefore, most respectfully, but " most earnestly, prays that the honourable senate will, " without loss of time, be pleased to permit him to ap- " pear in person at the bar of their honourable house, *• there to support the prayer of his said petition ; that " he feels the more confidence in the making of this' <* respectful request, since it appears that his petition " has been opposed upon arguments drawn from the " laws and usages of England, where similar requests, *' under similar circumstances, are never refused ; and ** he finally begs leave to be permitted to state (which " he does with the most profound respect) that a sense ** of duty towards his beloved country and his sovereign, " his love of truth and justice, his attachment to real " and his hatred qf sham freedom, are the principal mo- " tives of this his most respectful petition. " Wm. Cobbett. " to the editor of the aurora. " Philadelphia, 23d February, 1818. " Sir, — I have read, in the Democratic Press of this *¦ day, an article, purporting to be an ' extract of a " letter from Harrisburg;' in which extract it is said, " that, after that most honourable body, the senate, had " refused to hear me at its bar, in support of my peti- " tion, another petition was presented by me to the " house of representatives; that this petition was, by 'i some of the members, thought ,' to cast a reflection " on the political, institutions' of this country ; but that, " the subject was an important one, and that, ' if the " individual could he forgotten, it would, perhaps, be " viewed in a different light' - .** This, Sir, is a pretty sort of shuffle indeed! £o, •298 tvir: cobbett. « because I complain of great and shocking injustice, " suffered by me, under these institutions, I am to be *{ accused of casting reflections on the institutions them- " selves, and, on the ground qfthat accusation, my claim " is to be rejected ! — This mode of arguing is afinisher " as to all petitions for redress of grievances. No, no, M Sir ! It is not the ' individual concerned' that needs to " be 'forgotten.' Say, rather, the six thousand three " hundred and seventy three dollars. If these could be *« forgotten, the writer of the extract would, I fancy, " view the matter in the right light in a moment. " It is impossible, Sir, for this* stain on the govern- " ment of the state to be wiped away without the doing " of complete justice. I can perceive, clearly enough;" ei what some persons think will do. They are gently " preparing the way for hushing the people by recom- " mending an act to prevent the like in future ; and thus,', *' to keep the dollars, and, at the same time, as they " imagine, to remove the odium. You remember, I " dare say, the story of La Fontaine's Nun, who, having " had one bastard, became a virgin for the rest of her « life ! " I am, Sir, " Your most humble, " And most obedient servant, " Wm. Cobbett." Mr. H. informs me that he was with Mr. C. at Harrisburgh ; that Mr. C. declares that during thife several years which he resided near the Treasury in London, he did not witness so much bribery, corruption, and place-hunting as he had seen in one week in Pennsylvania ; that the members of the legislature were engaged in IO MANUFACTURES. 299 little except smoking, drinking, and gambling ; and that he could certainly have carried his point had he condescended to bribe. In all these opinions Mr. H. joins his friend. . Although I cannot go the length of Mr. H. and Mr. Cobbett in their wholesale censures, -perhaps from not having had the same opppr- tunities with them of forming a judgment, yet I have become acquainted with facts in Wash ington which no man could have induced me to believe without personal observation. MANUFACTURES OF THE UNITED STATES. The object of Mr. H.'s visit to the capital is one of high national importance, and in which I should have individually felt much interested at an earlier period of my acquaintance with this country ; but I am now, after the most deliberate examination, convinced, that our Yorkshire and Leicestershire friends could not profitably suc ceed as manufacturers. This opinion is amply borne out by memorials to Congress from vari ous parts of the Union, and in these documents it is essential to remark that the request is not for Government to erect new establishments, but to protect those which are in existence from utter ruin. The memorial from Oneida county, in the State of New York, contains the following striking passages : 300 STATE OF MANUFACTORIES. " A. Memorial presented to the Senate qf the " United States, January J. 1818. " To the Honourable the Senate and House of . " Representatives of the United States, in " Congress assembled, the Petition of the " Inhabitants of the County of Oneida, in " the State of New York, as well Manufac- " turers as Others, " RESPECTFULLY SHEWETH : " That the above county contains a greater " number of manufacturing establishments, of " cotton Vand woollen, than any county in, the ".State, there being invested in said establish- " ments at least 600,000 dollars. " That, although the utmost efforts have been " made by the proprietors to sustain those esta- " blishments, their efforts have proved fruitless, " and more than three-fourths qf the factories " remain necessarily closed, some of the pro- " prietors being wholly ruined, and others strug- " gling under the greatest embarrassments. " In this alarming situation, we beg leave to " make a last appeal to the Congress of the " United States. While we make this appeal, " at the present crisis, the extensive embarfass- " ments in most of the great departments of " industry, as well as the peculiar difficulty in " affording immediate relief to manufacturers, " are fully seen and appreciated. Yet your " petitioners cannot believe that the legislature STATE OF MANUFACTORIES. 301 " of the Union will remain an indifferent spec- " tator of the wide-spread ruin of their fellow- " citizens, and look on, and see a great branch " of industry, of the utmost importance in every " community, prostrated under circumstances " fatal to all future attempts at revival, without " a further effort for relief. We would not " magnify the subject, which we now present " to Congress, beyond its just merits, when we " state it to be one of the utmost importance to " the future interests and welfare of the United " States. " We hope to find excuse in the importance " of the subject, for submitting- to the consider- " ation of Congress the following principles- of " political economy, which have been adopted " by the most enlightened governments, and are " deemed not altogether unapplicable to the " United States. " That the public good requires of government " to restrain, by duties, the importation of arti- " cles which may be produced at home, and to " manufacture as much as possible of the raw " material of the country. " That the branches of industry particularly " necessary or useful to the independence qf the " community ought to be encouraged by govern- " ment. " That the most disadvantageous commerce ?> " that whieh exchanges the raw material for " manufactured goods. 302 MANUFACTORIES. " That any nation who should open its ports to " all foreign importations, without a reciprocal " privilege, would soon be ruined by the balance " of trade. " The policy of Great Britain, in support of " which, no wars, however bloody, no expense, "however enormous, are too great a. sacrifice, " ought never to be lost sight of by the United " States. That nation assumes to manufacture "for all nations, but will receive the mamfactures " of none. " But let no one imagine that a general system " qf manufactures is now proposed to be in'tro- " duced into the United States. We would be " understood as limiting our views to the manu- " factories already established; to save those which " have not already fallen, from the ruin which " threatens them. " It might have been expected, that the pre-' " sent fallen condition of manufacturers would " have soothed prejudice and disarmed hostility. " With all their alleged war profits, there are " now none so poor. Is it not seen, that the " destruction of the present manufactories must " inevitably produce the same evils of extrava- " gaintprices in the event of a future war, as " were experienced in the last. " It is objected, that the entire industry of " the country may be most profitably exerted " in clearing and cultivating our extended va-' " cant lands. But what does it avail the farmer,' MANUFACTORIES. 303 " when neither in the nation from which he " purchases his goods or elsewhere, can he find " a market for his abundant crops. Besides, " the diversion of labour from agriculture to " manufactures, is scarcely perceptible. Five " or six adults, with the aid of children, will " manage a cotton manufactory of two thousand " spindles. " From the gloomy condition of the manu- " facturers, the mind, turning to another quar- " ter, is cheered with the brightest prospects " to others. In the more southern states, it is " believed, that the amount received, during "the last year, from the export of two or three " articles of agricultural produce only, exceeds " forty millions of dollars." . The manufacturers of Baltimore use not dis similar language. The amount of capital, real or fictitious, said to have been employed (though I suspect erro neously) in manufacturing establishments pre vious to the late peace, is the following : Hats, - ... ,£2,000,000 Iron, ----- 2,500,000 Leather, - 4,000,000 Cotton and Wool, - - - 10,000,000 Spirituous Liquors, - - - 3,000,000 Wood, - - . - - 500,000 Soap, Candles, Tallow, Oil, Sugar, &c. 600,000 22,600,000 304 MANUFACTURES. Total amount of capital employed in all the manufactories of the United States 22,600,0001. At present this must be greatly reduced ; per haps even two-thirds would not be too large a deduction. Fine sites for cotton and woollen factories exist in every State which I have visited: the Falls of Pasaic, near New York, cannot, for such purposes, be exceeded. Mr. Casey, lately of Liverpool, is endeavouring to form a cotton twist establishment at this place. Much diversity of opinion exists amongst Americans as to the policy which it would be desirable their government should pursue with regard to domestic manufactures ; and it would still appear to remain an unsolved question among them, whether the strong arm of government should or should not, in the present infant stage of the republic, be held out to protect and en courage those establishments, by the usual means of bounties on the one hand, and duties or prohibitions on the other ? Mr. Jefferson originally took the negative side of this ques tion : he wished Americans to remain a nation of agriculturists, deprecating the time when that people should be changed from " robust " and virtuous farmers, into deformed, sickly, " and profligate manufacturers :" but it should now seem, from his letter to the " American " Society for encouraging Manufactures," and also from another letter of his, inserted by Mr. MANUFACTURES. 305 Mellish in a pamphlet he has recently written at, I am informed, the dictation of Mr. Hulme, that he (Mr. J.) has changed his opinions. The general arguments against manufactures are, that their. encouragement will enhance the price - of. clothing : that this will operate as a heavy tax upon the whole community, for the benefit of but a few: that the revenue of the United States would be materially injured, as its chief supply is from duties on imports : that in an. extensive country,. with but a scantypopu-' lation, it is most beneficial to direct the mass of labour to the clearing of. new lands, and other agricultural pursuits : that by so doing they will make greater and more rapid advances in extent of population and amount of national wealth, than by drawing off a part of their capital and labour, and devoting it to purposes of .manufac ture ; . more especially while most of the^articles' wanted can be imported from England 30 to 50per cent, cheaper than it is possible for them to be. [produced, within the Union : that as la bour, is so high and land so cheap, there is an ever-existing, inducement for men to leave fac tories, and free themselves from masters, to be come lords of. their own domain : and that this has been uniformly found to be. the case, — the slow.. advance of manufactures, . and . the conse quent high price of the articles having been a natural result of the situation of the .country: 306 MANUFACTURES. that, in a word, it is the true interest of Ame rica to continue supplying Europe with raw material and with agricultural produce, both of which find there a certain market, while labour is from 25 to 50 per cent, higher than in England, and from 50 to 75 more than on the European continent. On the manufacturers' side of this truly great national question is Mr. De Witt Clinton, go vernor of New York : in a speech which has had few equals in comprehensive and philosophic views, addressed to the legislature, he makes the following able reflections : " The excessive importation of foreign "fa- " brics was the signal of ruin to institutions " founded by enterprising industry, reared by " beneficial skill, and identified with the ge- *i neral welfare. The raw materials of iron, " woollen, and cotton manufactures are abun- " dant, and those for the minor and auxiliary " ones, can, in most cases, be procured at home " with equal facility. Nothing is wanting to " destroy foreign, competition but the steady " protection of the government, and the public " spirit of the country. High duties, and pro- " hibiting provisions applied to foreign produc- " tions, afford the most efficient encouragement " to our manufactures; and these measures " appertain to the legitimate functions of thena- " tional government. — But much maybe done Manufactures. 307 " by the State government, by liberal accommo* 'V dations, by judicious exemptions, and by the " whole weight of its influence ; and much more " may be accomplished by the spirit of the com- " munity. For I am persuaded, that if every " citizen who adopts the fabrics of other na- " tions, would seriously consider that he is not " only paying taxes for the support of foreign " governments, but that he participates in un- " dermining one of the main pillars of our " productive industry, he would imitate the " honourable practice which you have this day " evinced in favour of American manufactures." ', Mr. Mellish stands forth prominent in this discussion : his picture of present distress, if well founded, would be truly deplorable. For myself, 1 have seen nothing in the district of Philadelphia, or indeed throughout America, which justifies his calculation, " that nearly one- " fourth of the whole population are engaged in M unproductive labour ;" but as I wish to put you in possession of the materials from which I draw my conclusions, I forward you Mr. Mel- lish's ideas in his own words : " Failures," he says, " innumerable have " taken, and are taking, place ; and the com- « mercial character of the country is sunk and " degraded in consequence. The surplus wealth '* of the country is drained off, to support our "rivals in Britain; and, in many districts of x 2 308 MANUFACTURES. " the, country, a great portion of the citizens " are at a loss for employment ! Yes, in this " very country, this industrious population are " absolutely at a loss for something to do. It' " is really painful to contemplate the picture ; " but contemplate if we must ; for in no other " Way can we do justice to the subject. " This melancholy picture pervades the coun- " try throughout, less or more ; but it is very " prominent on the Atlantic coast, and parti- " cularly in and about the great commercial " cities. It is calculated that, in Philadelphia " city and county, at least 15,000 people, all " able and willing to work, are either idle, or " occupied in unproductive labour. The pro-, ".portion .-along the seabord is prpbably equal to, " this, through its whole extent; and half, this; ". proportion may be- the estimate fpr all ..thfti " other parts of the country. -j< This will give, along the Atlantic coast, " about - - - - - 150,000. " And in other parts - - - 350,000 "'Making a population, in all, who have " either nothing to do, or are engaged' " in unproductive labour, of - 500;000' « Now, by looking at the last census of — ¦ " the U. S. we will see that the : whole, "population is - - ...- _ 7,239,90$. "Of these, the free white males, between " 16 and 45, amount to - - 1,1 19^,944 "'Females ¦--•' - . ; - 1,105,824' - , ;¦¦ ,,'>-r.{, <• "Total '2,225,768 MANUFACTURES. 309 " This we may assume as the number of in- " habitants in the U. S. fit for productive labor ; " and we find, that if the estimate of those who " are rendered unproductive by existing cir- " cumstances be correct, it amounts to nearly " one-fourth part of the whole !" How these statements of want, of ruin, and of unproductive labour, can be reconciled with a romance in two volumes, called, " Travels in " America," by the same author, I am at a loss to conjecture. It is not to be denied, that there may be individuals unprofitably employed, but, I believe, there is no person in health, and dis posed to labour, but what may, at this moment, obtain advantageous work in America. To con clude, upon this subject of manufactures, as far as I have been enabled to form an opinion, I should incline to think that it is not now the interest of the United States, artificially to en courage their growth, by granting them pecu liar advantages. It appears at any rate certain, that in the present state of things, none of our friends could engage in the cotton or woollen •establishments without a certainty of loss. VETERANS OF THE REVOLUTION. I have been highly interested upon several occasions, by being in company with some of the veterans of the revolution. There is a something in the: associations connected ''-'with. x 3 310 VETERANS OF THE REVOLUTION. that immortal cause, which attracts insensibly towards those who were engaged in it, feelings pf respect-r-almost of reverence. The attention of the government has lately been directed to wards these men in consequence of discussions which have taken place in congress relative to what is called " Revolutionary Claims :" these claims are for monies advanced, or services ren dered, which have never been repaid or recom pensed. The leader of this poor but sacred band of national creditors, is General St. Clair. This respectable veteran is now 80 years of age ; he was the companion of Washington, engaged ip his country's service at the gloomiest periods of the revolution, fought and bled in the cause of liberty; when the national finances were bank* rupt he advanced 1800 dollars of his private property fpr the common defence : this sum has never been repaid ; and in consequence of the scanty amount of his annual income, he has been compelled tP take up his abode in the wilderness. This aged patript, with clothes which might seem from their appearance to have felt the effects of all the seasons for the last ten years, with flaxen hair, tottering limbs, a care-worn countenance, deeply dejected from supposing his country ungrateful, and with one foot in the grave, is now a petitioner to that people in whose service he spent his youth, his treasure, and his blood, aiding theapk in their THE SENATE. 311 emancipation from external dominion, and in raising them into a great and an independent nation. CONGRESS. Congress being sitting, I have several times attended their debates. Their present place of meeting is a temporary one : it was designed, I believe for an hotel, and is in the immediate neighbourhood of the Capitol. My first visit to congress (which assembles at 11 o'clock in the morning, and adjourns at 4 in the afternoon) was to the senate. This body is at present comprised of forty members, the States having increased from their original num ber of thirteen to that of twenty, and each State, regardless of its population, sending two. The gallery is open to all, without orders from mem bers, or __ half a crown to the door-keeper .•• the only form to be observed, is taking off the hat in obedience to a public notice to that effect; The chairman's seat is central, under a hand some canopy ; the members are placed on rich scarlet cushions, some at double, and some at single desks. There are two large fires. The room is carpeted, as is also the gallery. The forms of business are taken from those of our parliament, with a few minor exceptions. One point of variation, at least, from the British senate, is, that every speech is apparently listened to, and x 4 312 : SENATORS. all, whether good of bad, whether marked by su perior excellence or by unequalled'dullness, seem regarded with equal apathy and complete lifeless endurance, neither applause nor censure being allowed ; and it Would not be an easy task to dis cern which were felt, judging from the counte nance. I have heard nearly all their usual speak ers: Mr. Otis, -of Massachusetts, is an eloquent man, butnot remarkable for solidity of reasoning. Mr. Rufus King is a true gentleman, and one whom I should conceive has not many superiors among the public men of any country. Mr. Bar bour, called Governor Barbour, of Virginia, is a speaker who, perhaps, violates all the rules of theoretic oratory, but who, notwithstanding, possesses an irresistible charm from his evident sincerity, and the manliness of his deportment, which, while it rivets the attention of his au dience, compels them to love the object of their admiration. His countenance is one of that kind which, in a few minutes, enlists in its favour all the social affections, and you insensibly feel anxious and predisposed to take that side of the argument of which. so apparently kind and able a man professes himself the advocate. A friend from Boston replied to some observations of mine concerning him, " I entirely agree with " you, in relation to Mr. Barbour; — he is a man " in whom you cannot be deceived, he carries " his heart in his hand.'' There are, in the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 313 .senate, a great proportion of men of experience, of sound ability, and who would do credit to any nation upon earth. The Representative chamber is in the same building, and of about twice the extent. An admission to the gallery is equally easy, and is also open to both sexes. This assembly consists pf nearly two hundred. They want in appearance the age, experience, dignity, and respectability which we associate with the idea of legislators, and which are possessed by the superior branch' of the congress. The interior decorations of this room are marked by an inferiority to the senate, which is rather anti-republican. The members sit on very common chairs, at un- painted desks, which are placed in rows, the whole resembling a Lancasterian school, though without its regularity. Some two or three speakers regularly command attention ; others talk on as long as they please, the members being occupied in writing letters, and in reading or folding up newspapers. This is carried to such an extreme, that it appears fully to justify the charge of Mr. Randolph, that " the House of " Representatives consisted only of a large col- " lection of printers' boys." Spitting boxes are placed at the feet of each member, and, con trary to the practice of the Upper House, at once members and visitors wear their hats. I have been present at numerous discussions, S14 GENERAL ST. CLAIR. among' which were the subjects of " Revolu- " tionary Claims," " a General Bankrupt Bill," -and " General St. Clair's Claim." The latter was the topic when I first entered the gallery of this assembly. The fact of his having advanced 1800 dollars of his private property for national purposes was proved by a receipt, attesting it at the time, given by the next in command. I was surprised to find the question of repay ment of this sum could be made a subject of debate, naturally concluding that this powerful nation would not have suffered itself, even for a moment, to remain debtor tp poor individuals ; and that the mere fact of a revolutionary ge neral having fallen into distress, only required, to be known in order that he should be relieved'.. To my extreme surprise and regret, however, I was speedily undeceived. General St. Clair's claim was so strongly opposed, that I concluded it would necessarily be lost. The arguments advanced by its advocates were, first, that the money was due to him, and if not paid, the country were neither more nor less than swind lers ; and, secondly, that having been one of their political saviours, they ought to go hand and heart to pour oil and wine into his wounds, and not to suffer his gray hairs to descend with sor row to the grave. These reasons met with the following mercenary,, cold-blooded argu ments, in the way of- reply: — "General MR. HENRY CLAY. 315 "> St. Clair certainly has claims upon our grati- " tude ; and if we could be directed by our "wishes, we should assent to the bill: but we " were not sent here by our constituents to be " governed by, or to legislate according to our " feelings. The obtainment of our liberties, ft also, was certainly a valuable acquisition : " but those are arguments foreign to the pre- " sent discussion.* We have now got our con- " stitution, and how it was obtained is, at this " time, a matter of little moment. We are not " eternally to be looking at the past : we are " now free : that is our main consideration : " our duty and true policy is to look at the fu- " ture." The prominent leader of this side of the question was a man gifted with great volu bility of speech, much self-importance in de livery, considerable occasional violence of man ner, and who seemed to command much atten tion, rather from the strength of his lungs, how ever, than the solidity Of his reasoning. This gentleman I found to be Mr. Henry Clay, speaker of the House of Representatives, an active man of business. He is said to under stand the forms of the house better than any other member. His manners are not exactly gentlemanly. His natural talent I should sus pect to be good, though but little cultivated, at least by present application. His mode of speak ing possesses strength, but is totally destitute 316 REVOLUTIONARY CLAIMS. either ¦> of pathos, or of logical arrangement. His arguments against General St. Clair I thought ably refuted. It was proved to demonstration, that, although gratitude ought not to be over looked, this claim was not of that class. It was a demand upon their justice ; and if they did not pay the money, principal and interest, they were actually robbing their creditor. Upon a division the original motion was lost, and an amendment carried, allowing him, on the ground qf national gratitude, 131. 10s. per month. I believe there is not a man in Washington who would insure the General's life for a year and a half. The claims of some of the private soldiers of the revolution were met in a similar spirit. A great number were rejected altogether. Those whose claims were admitted, received, after numerous discussions, the liberal allowance qf L3s. 6d. per week during life. Two of the, Phi ladelphia federalisfc newspapers, in reporting .this debate, were printed . in deep mourning, considering the honour and character . of the, country compromised by such a mean provision for, men towards whom the nation was deeply in debted. Nearly all the members, of the repre-, sentative chamber are young men ; and out of the .190 members, 150, at the least, are lawyera*; a class of men whose minds, here, as elsewhere, appear moulded and contracted by their pro fession, and not possessed of that general know- LAWYERS. 317"- tedge, or not taking those large and equitable views of things, which should be the distinguish-' ing characteristics of the legislators of a great and a commercial people. Last session the member from Baltimore, who is a merchant, introduced the late " tariff." While giving the details, and necessary statements on this most important sub ject, he perceived that nearly the whole assembly, Mr. Speaker included, were inattentive or slum bering. Stopping in the midst of his speech, be apologised for his own deficiency of ability, stat ing " that he perceived the subject he was speak- " ing on was not understood by the body he was " addressing. The exact cause of this he could " not pretend to determine ; but of this he felt "^ quite confident, that there was not a boy in his "counting-rooms but would comprehend the " subject perfectly." This roused the " learned "gentlemen;" and throughout the remainder. of the subject they put on, at least, the aspect of attention. The Statedegislatures are equally infested With lawyers. They occupy, in fact, eight- tenths of all the public situations in America.. This is a great and a crying evil, and being. one that is more likely to increase than diminish, may naturally give rise to some melancholy, forebodings concerning the practical continua tion of this excellent constitution. In relation to the laws of the United States^ 318 JUDGES. I have remarked, on a previous occasion* the dependence of judges upon the counsel. I have been present in courts where this has been strikingly injurious to the cause of justice, though this is not to be understood as an uni versal feature of judicial proceedings ; at least I saw no evidence of it in the Supreme Court at Washington, where Judge Washington is among those who preside. He is nephew to the late general, and resides at Mount Vernon. Some of the judges are, doubtless, men of superior legal knowledge, and high. standing in society ; but there are others who certainly are not in possession of the former, though they may be of the latter qualification ; as, for instance, the Chief Justice of the Common Pleas at New ark, who is a butcher — not a butcher retired from business, and become a lawyer, but he attends to both trades, even on the same day,- selling at 7 c'clpck in the morning a> leg of mutton, and at 11 supplying his customers with a slice of Blackstone. Much evil must necessa rily result from this heterogeneous admixture of ignorance with learning. Although we might hail the appointment of plain men of business, and possessed of good solid understandings, to award justice to their fellow- citizens as an important benefit conferred on society, in substitution of the legal quibbling and learned oppression of the bar and bench ; yet if such men are not per- ]3 LAWYERS. 319 mitted to follow the plain dictates of their own understanding, but are tied down by legal forms, by ancient precedents, and by the laws and prac tice of a country with which they are entirely unacquainted, then, indeed, the . appointment of such men becomes an evil instead of a benefit to society ; and it would be better to place indi viduals on the bench, who, — whatever may be their characters in other respects, — their arro gance of deportment or their political subser viency, — yet, at any rate;, understand the busi ness upon which they are employed. Although there may be, and doubtless are many members of the legal profession who are honourable men, yet from all I have seen, or have been able to understand, the lawyers of this country do not seem to merit a particularly high character. My impression of them is, to use an American mode of estimation, at least thirty- three and a third per cent, lower than of their brethren in England. There are various causes which may have produced this deterioration. In the first place, deep and solid research in any occupation, is neither so much wanted, so much esteemed, nor is it so " marketable" a commodity as in Great Britain ; further, the greater equality of society, which renders men more independent of each other ; the non-classification of the pro fession of the law, which prevents either portion from being deeply studied, while the ease with 320 ELEfaiONS. which, even legal gentlemen can and do alter their mode of obtaining a livelihood, naturally weakens the motives to exertion, and lessens too that strong impression of having at once a reputation, and the very means of existence at stake ; — these latter causes we know to be powerfully operative in England. The vast number of lawyers also, as compared with the amount of American population, divides the business into so many channels, that when a job is obtained, no means. can be afforded to be left untried to render it profitable. These causes, aided by that prolific source of chicanery, our statute book, may account for that of which Americans complain so loudly — the expense of law proceedings, and the want of principle in their professional men. ELECTIONS. To pass to another subject. — In all the elec tioneering addresses which I have seen, it is deserving of remark, that the defeated party com-, plain of the corrupt influence of " Caucus." I have often enquired the meaning of this .term, or the nature of the power exercised, but.have; not received any very satisfactory information,,. An American writer says that it is " a cant " term . fpr (those private , meetings which are " held by the political parties, previous to- elecr " tions, for the purpose k of agreeing upon can* the; Caucus. 321' " didates for office, or concerting any measure '* which they design carrying at the subsequent " public meeting." The other day I called upon a resident of this city, a person of some political importance. Aware that the subject is already and very variously discussed throughout the States, I casually enquired, " Who do you f think, Sir, will be your next president?" He gave no reply, except by a significant nod. I followed up. my enquiry by, " Do you " think, Sir, Mr. Adams will be selected?" To which he answered, with decided confidence, " No; I guess not, Sir; we have the man, we V have the man, we know our man. — Crawford " (the present secretary of the treasury) had it " in caucus last time, within a few." I enquired what he meant by having it in caucus ; for that Mr. Munroe was elected by an overwhelming majority. His answer was, " Ah ! I guess you " don't understand our modes ; when you have " been here a few years, you will comprehend " these things. Only mind, I tell you Adams " never can be president ; for. he. will not be '.' able to do any thing with caucus." From minute enquiry, I understood that this thing called* caucus, was practically invented by Mr. John Adams, during his presidentship ; and that it is now universally. practised in the elec tion to every 'office in America. Since the first choice of Mr. Jefferson, the presidential' elecr tions are managed by private meetings (or Y 322 THE CAUCUS. caucus) of the democratic members of congress, previous to elections : they settle among them selves who shall be president. This, is what is called getting " the appointment in caucus," and an instance never occurs qf the votes being in opposition to caucus. When they have de termined upon who they wish to be president, they send circulars, to their different States, pointing out, by a kind of eonge d'elire, who they have resolved should be elected : and as the right of voting for presidents is confined to a very limited number, there is no instance of the caucus being disobeyed. Mr. Munroe being a democrat was, as a matter of course, voted for by the democratic States ; and those of New England being federal, would not, I be lieve, give a vote upon the occasion. It: ap pears that the membersof the Washington caucus were almost equally divided between Mr. Craw ford and Mr. Munroe; but that some accom modation being agreed upon, the latter got " the appointment." Had his rival obtained this* he and not Mr. Munroe would have been voted for by the democratic States, as a matter of course. These are alarming facts; for thus we see that the very men (the, members of congress) who are directly excluded i by the constitution from, voting, become, by means of a secret something unknown to that constitution, and at variance with both its letter and spirit, the real electors. to the presidentship. How necessary are the most un- THE CAUCUS. 3@S ceasing vigilance^ and the greatest degree of pub lic principle and public virtue, to preserve even the best institutions from gross perversion ! No oligarchy can be more dangerous than this, which deludes the people with a belief that they are all-powerful, and the electors of their chief magistrate, while virtually they are the mere tools of a faction, and have not a voice in the matter. By a reference to the proceedings of Con gress, it would appear that this vitally important subject was brought under their public consider ation in 1816; upon which Mr. Rufus King, and General Harper, made the following obser vations, every syllable of which deserves your most marked attention :— ? Mr. King said, " If there was any part of "the constitution, deemed by its framers and " advocates to be better secured than any other " against the enterprises which have since oc- " curred, it was the very provision on the sub- " ject of election to the presidency. The idea " was, that the action of that particular agency, " which has since controlled it, was as much " displaced by the constitutional plan of elect- " ing the President and Vice President, as could " possibly be devised. We all know the course "which this thing has taken. The election of a ** President of the United States is no longer that " process which the constitution contemplated/ In " conformity with the original view of the authors • y 2 3M ABUSES "OF ELECTION. " of that instrument, I would restore, as the " roughly as possible, the freedom of election to " the people. On the contrary, our progress in " government is not for the better ; it is not " likely, hereafter, to be in favour of popular " rights. It was with the people, the constitu- " tion meant to place the election of the chief " magistrate ; that being the source the least " liable to be corrupt. But if , under the name " of the liberty of the people, we put this power " into other hands, with different interests, we. " place it in a situation in which the rights of the " people we violated. Men now live, who will " probably see the end of our government, as we " now go on ; terminate when it will, the termina- " tion will not be in favour of public liberty. " For five years past, I have seen a character " developing itself, the predominance of which « I fear." ' General Harper said, "As to the main propo- " sition, he was decidedly in its favour ; for this " general reason, that its adoption would tend " to make the election of President less a matter " of juggle and intrigue than it now is. " He would not say that it would have the ef- " feet of wholly excluding intrigue ; of placing " this great election on the footing, on which the " great men who framed the constitution vainly " imagined they: were placing it, of a free, un-" " biassed expression of the public will ; but it ADMIRAL COCKBURN. 325 " would bring it nearer than at present. Party " arrangements and bargains would not be so " easy. Bargains could not be so readily struck " with one State for this great office, with another "for that ; as according to the present mode of " election. Districting the States for electors, " would have a tendency to render the presi- " dential election more free and independent ; " to remove it more from the grasp of party " arrangements ; to prevent bargains between ie profligate agents, and the selling qf the nation "for offices to the highest bidder." The motion to remedy these evils was lost by a large majority. The prevailing American politics of Wash ington at this time are, what is here called democratic. Previous to what they consider the piratical attack of the English government, some among them were strong federalists. The con duct of our soldiers, with the exception of de stroying the public buildings, is said to have been exemplary; private property, and individ uals, receiving the most complete protection. Anecdotes are related of English officers as sisting the ladies — the male population having all run way, leaving their homes to the protection ,pf the women and children. The ,children, particularly in Alexandria, have a dread of the name of " Admiral Cockburn," Similar to that I used to entertain of Buonaparte y 3 326 GENERAL LAC0CK. and the Devil. General Ross is an universal favourite, from being, I presume, more humane, and enforcing the orders of his government with less rigour than that exercised by the naval commander. General Lacock, senator from Pennsylvania, who boarded at the same house with myself, and with whom I had the pleasure of a slight acquaintance, amused me one even ing by a humourous detail of what foreign travellers have said against America^ especially the celebrated poet Thomas Moore, who had visited America in 1803. With the following epistle, dated from Washington, the general was particularly familiar : — " The lover now, beneath the western star, Sighs thro' the medium of his sweet segar ; The weary statesman*, for repose hath fled From halls of council to his negro's shed, Where, blest, he woos some black .Aspasia's grace, And dreams of freedom in his slave's embrace. In fancy now, beneath the twilight gloom, Come, let me lead thee o'er this modern Rome, Where tribunes rule, where dusky Davi bow, And what was Goose Creek once is Tiber now. This fam'd metropolis, where fancy sees Squares in morasses, obelisks in trees, Which travelling fools and gazetteers adorn With shrines unbuilt and heroes yet unborn ; Though nought but wood and they see, Where streetsshould run, and sages ought to be. * Supposed to refer to a charge made by the federalists against a celebrated politician of Virginia. MOORE, THE POET. 327 Oh, great Potowmac ! Oh, you banks of shade, You mighty scenes ! in nature's morning made ; Say, were your towering hills, your boundless floods, Yohc rich savannahs, and majestic woods ; Oh ! was a world so bright but born to grace Its own half-organised, half-minded race Of weak barbarians, swarming o'er its breast Like vermin gender'd in the lion's crest ? Were none but brutes to call that soil their home, Where none but demi-gods should dare to roam ? O'er lake and marsh, through fevers and through fogs, 'Midst bears and Yankies, and frogs, Thy foot shall follow me ; thy heart and eyes With me shall wander, and with me despise." The old general laughed at Moore's conceit ; and observed, that foreigners were commonly disappointed with this country, more particularly those that were, in Europe, friends of liberty. He thought, however, that such a publication was discreditable to our poet, only because he had received while here much personal attention. This same argument was adduced to me by Mr. Boyd, son of Colonel Boyd, with whom I -dined at New Orleans, concerning Moore, and other writers, who told unpleasant truths of their country, or did not view it as the great and faultless political Elysium. That a distin guished individual receiving attentions in a foreign land is a proof of the existence of the common habits of civilized society is un questionable ; but that that should be the criterion by which he is to judge of the whole Y 4 328 NATIONAL CHARACTER. mass of a country, requires no refutation. . Yet I have generally found this to be the standard by' which Americans themselves estimate the different parts of their own continent, as well as of Europe :. it is not .what they saw, but how they were personally; treated, : which forms the burden of their song ; as though in describing a country, either for our friends or the public, we are not bound by every moral tie to speak the truth of. that country, and its inhabitants too, whatever may have been the personal con duct of. individuals towards ourselves. There can be, surely, in this no breach of hospitality ; on the contrary, the man who fells the honest truth of a nation is, as I should conceive, its best friend. Seeing it with the eye of a stranger, he discerns defects which, perhaps, custom has rendered invisible to the eye of the native, and by candidly pointing them out, he affords an opportunity of amendment which would nof otherwise be gained. EUROPEAN POLITICS. What the European politics of Washington are at this time, I should feel some difficulty in ascertaining: what they were in 1813, maybe judged by the following exti'acts from a small pamphlet which has just fallen into my hands : it is entitled " The celebration of the Russian " victories, in Georgetown district of Columbia, " 5th June 1813,including the oration of MriCus- WASHINGTON POLITICS. 329 " tis and the address of Mr. Harper. — Printed by " James B. Carter." After describing in glow ing language the " second Lucifer" (Buonaparte), who, like his archetype, was envious and jealous of the poor remains of human happiness — who spread devastation with his sword, and medi tated the banishment of all true religion ; the writer adds, — " In the redemption of the world " by the arms of Russia, all nations must re- " joice ! And the heart that would not join in " the " Te Deum " which religion and huma- " nity shout for the deliverance of mankind, " must be already attuned to the fell discord " of fiends howling in frantic despair. Can "it then excite surprise that, in America, " among a people enjoying the blessings and "'happiness of a government of their own choice, "the news of Buonaparte's defeat was re- " ceived with a burst of joy and gratitude, such " as a virtuous and humane people would dis- " play upon the downfall of tyranny, and the " promised restoration of peace and prosperity ," to an emancipated world ? Could they con- " template, without emotions of sympathy, " any , portion of the human family, hunted " down by the " dogs qf war," and panting un- *«, der a load of oppression, extortion and cruelty? " While you rejoiced at the successes of Russia, " you evinced a sympathy known only to vir- 4f,,tuous hearts. Then glory in the sexample " you have set the world — shew the parasites 830 RUSSIAN VICTORIES. " of power, and the creatures of ambition, that " freedom and virtue expand and warm your " hearts with general benevolence to mankind " — and teach a tyrant and his minions, that " when the grand destinies of the United States " are most beautifully developed, they will be " seen in sympathy with'those who suffered by " his wrongs, and exulting in his overthrow. " Influenced by such considerations as are " here briefly and faintly described, it was pro- " posed at a meeting of the citizens of George- " town, in the district of Columbia, to testify " their gratulation, and to evince their grati- " tude to the Dispenser of all good, by a suit- " able commemoration of the late Russian " victories." Saturday, the 5th of June, was fixed upon " for the celebration ; and John Peter (Mayor), " Robert Beverly, William Marbuary, Thomas " Peter, Washington Bowie, Francis Dodge, " John I. Stull, and John Lee, Esquires, were « appointed a committee to prescribe and su- " perintend the arrangements for the day. " NARRATIVE OF THE CELEBRATION. " The celebration of the Russian victories « commenced on Saturday, the 5th of June, at " the hour of 2 o'clock, P. M. The company " principally assembled previously, at the Union " Hotel, where the committee of arrangement « announced the following as the the president, &c. 331: " Order of the Day. " In procession to the church — 1st. Ladies. " 2d. President qf the United States, (Madison,) " and Heads of Departments !! 3d. Senators and " Representatives in Congress. 4th. Members of " the Maryland legislature. 5th. Strangers of dis- " tinction. 6th. Citizens. The assembly seated " — 7th. The Russian minister, with his lady, " and suite. 8th. Foreign consuls. 9th. Re- " verend clergy and orator pf the day. 10th. " Committee of arrangement. Exercises in " church — 1st. Solemn music. 2d. Introduce " tory prayer. 3d. Music. 4th. Oration. 5th. " Music. 6th. Concluding prayer. 7th. Grand " Russian march, and adjournment to the hotel. " This order was punctually observed, and " contributed much to the regularity and so- " lemnity of the occasion. - Agreeable to its " terms a vast crowd assembled in the Presby- " terian church at the hour appointed. At half " past two the Russian minister, his lady, coun- " sellor of legation, and secretary, reached the " place in his carriage of state. They were " received by the committee of arrangement, " and escorted to a large pew appropriated es pecially for their accommodation. At the " same time the foreign consuls, accompanied " by the president and vice-president of the " day, were conducted to another large pew 332 RUSSIAN VICTORIES. " adjoining that occupied by the Russian le- " gation. The reverend clergy and the orator " of the day, (Mr.Custis,) were next introduced " by the committee. " The hearts of all in sympathy being suit- " ably tranquillized, the Rev. Mr. Balch, in a " pathetic and reverential strain, addressed fhe " throne of heaven, imploring the blessing of " God upon the assembly. Mr. Custis, after a " short interval of music, then delivered an " highly interesting, historic, and didactic ora- " tion, in a style peculiar to his oratory, and re- " fleeting warm and sympathetic encomiums " upon Russian valour. The scene in the church " was closed with prayer, when the lady of " the Russian minister was conducted to her "carriage, the band playing a fine exhilarating " Russian march. The Russian legation, suc- " ceeded by foreign consuls, and other persons " pf distinction, including senators and reprer " senfatives in Congress, were escorted to the " Union Hotel. " At four o'clock the company entered the " dining rooms, and was seated in the most ".perfect order — the Russian Legation and "foreign consuls ranged on the right, the " Orator pf the day on the left, of the Pre- " sident. , The whole entertainment was sump- " tuous, and beautifully ordered, to which a V company of near three hundred gentlemen " sat down. IMPERIAL AND REPUBLICAN TOASTS. 333 " After the cloth Was removed the President " announced the following toasts : " The United States of America — May justice " be her guide, neutrality her policy, and liberty " the essence of her national existence. " [Music — Hail Columbia. " The Empire of Russia — May this Northern " Star break the power of attraction that has " fastened the Continent of Europe to the mag- " net of France. [Grand Russian air. " When the fourth toast was to be given, the " President called on Mr. Harper of Baltimore " who gave " Alexander the Deliverer." " (This toast was accompanied by a course of " remarks made by Mr. Harper, that' excited " bursts of applause highly descriptive of the " feelings which animated this patriotic as- " sembly.) " Moscow in Flames — This is the holy confla- " gration, that lights the nations of the earth to "independence and peace. [Solemn Russian air. " The Memory of Washington —Oh ! that thy " canonized form, hearsed in death, could burst " its cearnlent and raise a drooping empire ! " [Washington's March. " The heroes of the Revolution— Alas ! the " fruits are fast withering of your patriot toils. " [Solemn Dirge. " The American navy — This is the cradle of " our rights, here let- us cherish, foster and 334 TARS. — ROMAN MATRONS, &C. " honour those heroic spirits, who are destined " to punish the aggression of hostile powers. " [Tars of Columbia. " Capts. Hull, Jones, Decatur, Bainbridge, " and Lawrence; ' and ye too have scattered " thunderbolts.' — Columbia, these thy chosen " sons, outstrip the world in deeds of valour. " [Decatur's March* " The native Tars qf America — Eternal war, " when necessary, for their essential rights. " [Freedom and our Native Land. " Agriculture mourning — Commerce in tears — " You have our sympathies, we can do no more. " [Guardian Angelsl " The. Fair of America — With what Roman " matron may we not compare ? " [Sweet Passion of Love." OFFICIAL COMMUNICATION FROM THE LAND-OFFICE. Having been invited to visit the tomb of the great Washington, which is about 10 miles from hence, I hasten to a conclusion ; and shall leave my own reflections to my next and last report, which I design shall follow this in about three weeks, when I shall have seen Baltimore, and also visited some of the smaller eastern towns. By a private letter to my friend R you are aware of an application which I have made to the land-office, concerning a tract of 40,000 acres ; I inclose you Mr. Meigs's reply. io u TERMS FOR LAND. 335 " SlR, General Land-Office. " In reply to your letter : I have to say, that " the public lands north-west of the river Ohio, " are sold at two dollars per acre, payable one- " fourth cash ; one-fourth in two years ; one- " fourth in three years ; one-fourth in four years. A discount of eight per cent, per '¦' annum for prompt payment reduces the cash " price to one dollar sixty-four cents per acre. " If the instalments are not all paid within five " years, the land is offered at public sale, if it " brings more than the principal and interest " due to the United States, the surplus is paid " to the original purchaser ; if the principal and " interest is not bid, the land reverts to the " United States, and the monies paid on account " are forfeited. " These are the terms of sale without respect " to persons or quantity. " I am very respectfully, "Sir, " Your obedient servant, " Josiah Meigs." " Mr.' Henry Fearon, " At Mrs. Lindsay's, Washington." The present report will go by the British packet free of expense, the English ambassador having acceded to my application in the follow ing polite note, though I had not an introduction to him : 336 LETTER FROM MR. BIRKBECK. " Mr.Bagot presents his compliments to Mr. " Fearon, and has the honour to inform him " that if Mr. F. will send the papers alluded to "in his letter, to Mr. Bagot's house in the " course of Friday next, he will endeavour ; to " transmit them to England in his bag should, " they not prove voluminous." " Washington, " Mr. Henry Fearon, Pennsylvania Avenue." Wishing health and happiness to you all, and indulging the anxious hope that I shall soon see you either on this or the other side of the Atlantic, I for the present take my leave. P. S. I break open the package to inclose a letter from Mr. Birkbeck, in reply to mine when 1 first visited Louisville, it is addressed to me at Baltimore. "SlR, Princeton, Nov. 29. 1817. " It would give me much pleasure to afford "you satisfactory information on the several "particulars you mention, but I am, like your- " self, a stranger in this country, and can there- " fore only communicate to you my opinions in " answer to your inquiries. " To the first, as to the most eligible part of " the United States for obtaining improved' "farms, or uncultivated lands for Englishmen,- " &c. I reply, that with a view to the settlement " of the number of families you mention, it will mr.birkbeck's letter. 337 " be vain to look for improved farms in any " part that I have seen or heard of. Probably " a single family might be suited in almost any " large district, as the changes which are con- " tinually occurring in human affairs, will occa- t( sionally throw eligible farms into the market " every where. But you can have no choice of " cultivated lands, as those you would prefer " are the least likely to be disposed of; and it " is altogether unlikely you should meet with " a body of such lands, for the' accommodation " of thirty or forty families ; considering, too, " that, by travelling a fow days' journey farther " west, you may have a choice of land of equal " value at one-tenth of the price, where they " may settle contiguous, or at least near to each "other, I have no hesitation in recommending " you to do as I have done ; that is, to head " the tide of emigration, and provide for your " friends where the lands are yet unappro- " priated. " After traversing the states of Ohio and " Indiana, looking out for a tract suited to " my own views, and those of a number of " our countrymen who have signified their in- " tentions of following our example, I have " fixed on this spot in Illinois, and am the " better pleased with it the more I see of it.. « As to obtaining labourers. A single settler " may get his labour done by the piece on 338 MR. birkbeck's letter. " moderate ..jterms, not higher than in spine " parts of England ; but if many families, settle " together, all requiring this article, and none ^supplying it, they must obtain it from else- " where. Let them import English labourers, " or make advantageous proposals to such as " are continually arriving at the eastern ports. " Provisions are cheap of course. Wheat three " and fpiuvpence sterling per bushel. Reef ajid " pork two-penqe per pound, groceries and " clothing dear, building moderate, either by " wood, or hrick. Bricks are laid, by the thpu- " sand, at eight dollars or under, including lime. " Privations I cannot enumerate. , Their " amount depends on the previous habits and " present disposition of individuals : for myself " and family, the privations already experienced^ " or anticipated, are of small account compared " with the advantages. " Horses, .60 to 100 dollars, or upwards; " cows, 10 to 20 dollars ; sows, 3 to 5 dollars. > " Society is made up of new-comers chiefly, " and, of course, must partake of the leading " characters, of these. There is generally a " little bias of attraction in a newly settled " neighbourhood^ which brings emigrants from " some particular state pr country, to that jspot?j " and thus a tone is given to the society. Where " we are settling,, society is yet unbprn.as it " were. It' will, as in other places, , be made " up of such as come ; among whom English MR. birkbeck's letter. 339 " farmers, I presume, will form a large pro- " portion. " Roads as yet are in a state of nature. " Purchases of land are best made at the land- " offices : payments, five years, or prompt ; if " the latter, eight per cent, discount. " Mechanics' wages, 1 dollar to 1|. Carpen- " ters, smiths, shoemakers, brickmakers, and " bricklayers, are among the first in requisition " for a new settlement t others follow in course ; " — tanners, saddlers, tailors, hatters, tih-work- " ers, &c. &c. " We rely on good markets for produce, " through the grand navigable communication "we enjoy with the ocean. " Medical aid is not of difficult attainment. " The English of both sexes, and strangers in " general, are liable tp some bilious attacks on " their first arrival ; these complaints seem, " however, simple, and not difficult to manage " if taken in time. " The mamfactures you mention may here- « after be eligible ; cotton, woollen, linen, stock- " ings, &c. Certainly not at present: Beer, "spirits, pottery, tanning, are objects of imme- " diate attention. ! " The minerals of our district are not much "rknown. We have excellent limestone ; Ibe- " Beve We" have coal : wood will, however, be* " the cheapest fuel for some years. z 2 340 mr. birkbeck's letter. " Implements are cheap till you commence " with the iron. A waggon, 35 or 40 dollars; " exclusive of,;tier to wheels. A strong waggon " for the road complete will amount to 160 " dollars or upwards. " The best mode of coming from England to " this 'part of the western country is by an " eastern port, thence to Pittsburg, and down " the Ohio to Shawnee town. Clothing, bed- " ding, household linen, simple medicines of " the best quality, and sundry small articles of " cutlery and light tools, are the best things for " an emigrant to bring out. " I can hardly reply to your inquiry about " the manner of travelling ; it must be suited to " the party. Horseback is the most pleasant " and expeditious ; on foot the cheapest : a " light waggon is eligible in some cases; in " others the stage is a necessary evil. I. see I " shall render you liable to double postage, but " I wished to reply to each of your inquiries as " far as I could. " To serve you or your friends will be a plea- " sure to, Sir, " Yours, &c. &c. " To Mr. H. Fearon, « Morris BlRKBECK.", " Post-Office, Baltimore.*'. Note.*— In preparing these pages for the press, I observe that this communication , of Mr. Birkbeck's forms a part of his recent publication, called " Letters from Illinyjs/' Aug. 1818. SEVENTH REPORT. LEAVE WASHINGTON. — ARRIVE IN BALTIMORE. — CHA RACTER OF THE PEOPLE. — CHURCHES; THEIR ARCHI- ¦ TECTURE. — RELIGIOUS SECTS. — MODE IN WHICH CAPITAL COULD BE ADVANTAGEOUSLY EMPLOYED. — NEW YORK FORUM. — POLITICS OF AMERICANS IN RELATION TO" EUROPE. THEIR. FEELINGS TOWARDS CITIZENS OF FOREIGN BIRTH. PUBLIC RESOLUTIONS UPON THIS SUBJECT. MY FRIENDS COMMISSION MR. FLOWER TO PURCHASE LAND IN ILLINOIS. — REVIEW OF THE CHA RACTER AND CONDITION OF AMERICANS. — THE FIRST SETTLERS. PROGRESSIVE ADVANCEMENT TOWARDS THE COMFORTS AND INTELLIGENCE OF EUROPE. : — THE COLONIAL GOVERNMENT. — THE REVOLUTION ; ITS CAUSE. MR. JEFFESSOn's STATEMENT CONCERNING THE EFFECT OF-PAINE's "COMMON SENSE." EFFECT.OF REVOLUTION.. UPON MORAL AND NATIONAL CHARACTER. — DISORDER. OF THE GOVERNMENT. — REVISION OF THE CONSTI TUTION. — RISE OF THE PARTIES CALLED DEMOCRATS . AND FEDERALISTS ; THEIR ADVERSE EUROPEAN POLI TICS. ADMINISTRATION OF MR. ADAMS. RISE OF MR. JEFFERSON. — INDOLENT CHARACTER OF AMERI CANS ; ITS CAUSE. THE WAR OF 1812. — DEPRECI ATION OF GOVERNMENT SECURITY. NATIONAL LAWS... New York, April 21. 1818.. Having now again arrived at the point from. which I set out in the summer of last year, I have determined to take up my residence in this z 3 342 BALTIMORE. city, at least until I receive the long wished-for letters of my friends , , and , which will, of course, govern my future pro ceedings, and inform me whether to prepare for your reception, either in this city or that of Philadelphia, or return to the western country and make a final arrangement concerning some lots in either Ohio or the Illinois ; or recross the Atlantic, making Liverpool the port of my destination, in order to visit our friends in York shire and Leceisfefshire, previous to my arrival in,London. — — — — — BALTIMORE. On leaving Washington for this place, I took Baltimore in my way, and resided, there sometime. It is a commercial city of great importance ; and, though not at present of the first rank, is rising with a rapidity almost un paralleled, The substantial features- of the American cha racter appear here to be the same as throughout the Union, although the " Baltimorians" them selves, lay claim to a superior reputation for hos pitality, enterprise, and bravery. Taking my own experience as a sample of the first, I most, willingly bear favourable testimony to their cha racter ; but then it must be understood com-' BALTIMORE. 343 pa'ratively, and not in the English sense of the Word. In regard to the second, they appear entitled to it, judging from their shipping, much of which is engaged in hazardous pursuits, to gether with the speculative improvements of their town, and their having, by superior ac tivity, supplanted Philadelphia, in part of the western country trade ; yet the merchants of this city are said to be deficient in capital. Of their bravery; history will speak when recording their gallant and successful defence of their city, though attacked by the combined naval and military forces of England. Dancing and music are the prevailing amuse ments. The ladies dress extravagantly gaily, and ex pensively. Rents, occupations, price of labour, clothing,, employment for, and wages of mechanics, are here so precisely similar to those of the other Atlantic cities, that a detail is unnecessary. Some idea may be gained of the rapid progress of certain parts of the United States, from the ;faet, that 70 years ago Baltimore consisted of 10 houses : it now contains 60,000 inhabitants. • The principal street runs east and west, pa rallel with the river, and is intersected by nu merous others, containing many excellent build ings. North and east of the town the land rises, affording beautiful views of the city and bay. — Steam-boats proceed from here to Nbr- z 3 344 RELIGION. — TRADE. folk in Virginia, and to New London in Con necticut, by way of New York. In the winter months this delightful mode of travelling is interrupted : miserable stages and bad roads are then its substitute. There are several religious sects, the most numerous of which are Roman catholics. Epis copalians, Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, and Quakers, have each a respectable number of partisans ; and an Unitarian church is now building. . In connection with churches, let me observe, by the way, that the architecture of several displays first-rate talent ; and it seems not a little surprising, that such ability should have been overlooked by the conductors of the national buildings at Washington. The most accurate information which I can obtain, causes me to believe that capital could be profitably engaged here, in importing dry goods from Great Britain ; that mechanics, in the usual businesses, can get ready employment, will receive 40s. 6d. per week, and pay for their board and lodging, 15s. 9d. to 18s. In politics Baltimore is a singular exception to all other American sea-port cities, in being anti-federal, or what is here denominated democratic. It lies, however, in a slave State, and seems by no means deficient in all the horrors of that barbarous system. This city also occupies the foremost ranks in deadly, animosity towards England. Having returned through many parts of my " THE FORUM." 345 former route, I have no new facts to, commu nicate, but can say that my impressions of Ame rica are generally confirmed. NEW YORK. There is a highly respectable public assembly occasionally held in New York, called " the Forum :" I have attended twice — the place of meeting is in the ball-room of the city hotel. In the centre a sort of stage is erected, from which the orations are delivered. The charge is 6|d., with free admission for ladies. The receipts are appropriated to charitable purposes. The speakers, as I understand was once fre quently the case in London, are young lawyers, who practise as an assistant»to their more pro fitable exercises. Though the speaking is ex temporaneous, inasmuch as it is not written, yet it appears by no means spontaneous, bearing de cided evidence of previous rehearsal and hard labour. The number of orators upon those oc casions, when I was present, was six. To each side of both the questions was allotted an equal number of advocates ; who, though following each other with the regularity of mechanism, did not even risk a glance at the line of argu ment pursued by their predecessors, each having got his task, by rote; and when their memories failed them, immediate recourse was had to the written speech, carefully deposited in the 346 AMERICAN ORATORY. pocket. Although the talents of these young gentlemen for public display do not rank in the first class of American oratory, yet they may be regarded as presenting a fairaverage sample of the elocution of both the bar and senate ; an elocution which, though saidtobefounded upon the English and French models, is so essentially different from either, that it deserves to be regarded as a distinct species. It is chiefly distinguished by a set logi cal arrangement with regard to matter, but ex pressed in inflated language, unaccompanied by correspondent action ; strong expressions are used to express minor ideas ; words of six syl lables are substituted for deep thought or sound argument; and there is evidently a constant labour after allusions and simile, which are often thread-bare and broken. The manner of their speakers is generally marked by an equal ab sence of modest diffidence and manly boldness : they show little evidence of possessing a literary mind ; their train of argument and their choice of j language are, in their general effect, cold, measured, legal, and bombastic. The question discussed upon -the first evening of my attendance was the following : "Is the " present peace of Europe likely to be of long " continuance ?" The number of the audience was; about 700, full one-half of which were ladies, and all highly respectable in their ap pearance. The place ' of assembly is not suf- 12 POLITICAL VIEWS. 347 passed by any ball-room which I have seen in London. The native political views of all the speakers were the same, though they took oppo site grounds in this debate upon foreign affairs. The. folio wing is a summary of their principles : America, the greatest country in the world ; re publics, the best form of government in the world; the revolution, the most important epoch since the establishment of Christianity ; war, occasionally necessary ; a state of perpetual peace would be a perpetual curse ; Russia, the greatest country in Europe, — will soon be enabled to contend with England at sea ; Napoleon, a fiend — the French, a nation of atheists who do not deserve peace ; English government, very excellent — English people, the contrary ; Alexander, the deliverer, the most virtuous and magnanimous monarch. ever known ; evil necessary in society — a long digression to prove its origin; missionary societies of incalculable benefit, particularly those which were sent to the wild parts of Kentucky and Indiana ; death of the Princess Charlotte must entail upon England dire calamities ;, the holy league, a wise, pacific, and humane combination; liberty and happiness of all parts pf Europe rapidly progressing. The next subject which I heard spoken upon was?i " Is.fit necessary for the interests, of the •" United States,, that its government should -he " in the hands, of a party ?" This elicited, ,simi- 348 POLITICAL SENTIMENTS. lar trains of ideas to those delivered upon the previous evening. There was the same strange, incongruous mixture of republican and anti-re publican sentiments, mixed up in the speech of every orator. The advocates of reform in Eng land were ridiculed with the same breath that praised their own revolution ; popular meetings censured, and the United States' constitution, founded upon the rights of the people, extolled to the skies. Lord Cochrane was abused, the American navy flattered, the rights of man and the excellence of the Emperor Alexander in sisted upon, dangers of parties and cabals ex posed, and popular meetings execrated. This being the close of the season, a valedictory address was delivered by Mr. Fessenden, a gen tleman of very middling talent, and somewhat conceited in his manners. He laid down as the basis of good government, a variety of axioms favourable both to liberty and tyranny. " The " first qualification for all offices, from the presi- " dent down to the lowest constable, ought (he "¦'said) to be, that the candidates were natife " born citizens." This sentiment was frequently repeated, and always tumultuously and unani mously applauded! I was previously well aware of the firm hold which this feeling possesses in the minds of all native Americans ; but I did not anticipate its fearless avowal in a large and mixed assembly. Throughout the States, I " FOREIGNERS !" 349 have remarked that there is a strong line of distinction drawn between citizens of native and qf foreign birth ; and, in some cases, where the latter have professed principles of republicanism in Europe, (a sin which. might, at least, one should suppose, be forgiven them in the United States of America) they are treated with scorn, as out-casts, who ought to have remained in their own country, and have submitted to what ever form of despotism it chose to exert over them. So deeply rooted, indeed, are these sen timents in the American mind, that they give some colour to, though they can hardly justify the address which, I find, unanimously voted in the year 1809, at a meeting in New York of five hundred adopted citizens, from which the following are extracts : " At a respectable meeting, consisting of about " five hundred Adopted Republican Citizens " of the city of New York, held at Lyon's " Hotel, Mott Street,— Mr. Archibald Taylor " being unanimously called to the chair, and " Dr. Stephen Dempsey appointed secretary, " the subjoined address was unanimously " adopted, and ordered to be published. " To the adopted Republican Citizens of the City " of New York. " FELLOW CITIZENS, " A long train of disagreeable circumstances " have called us together, and induced us tc 350 " FOREIGN CITIZENS." " address you upon a subject which, for years, we " have acutely felt and deeply deplored. ' Some " of you, groaning under oppression in your na- " tive land, have voluntarily emigrated from it, " whilst others, more afflicted by despotism, and " less favoured by propitious events, find your- " selves in the condition of involuntary exile. «' All, however, have chosen; as a resting place in " the journey through life, this ' asylum for the " oppressed of all nations.' Here, perhaps, " mistaking the character Pf human nature, we " pleasingly anticipated, from those who avow " themselves the friends of freedom, exemption " from that religious persecution and civil ty- " r'anny, whose inexorable reign had fofCed Us " from our native country. Alas ! how greatly " were we mistaken! how egregiously have we " been disappointed ! Our constitutions and gd- " vernments are indeed free, but between these "Admirable institutions and ourselves a tyranny " is intervened, much less tolerable than that from " which we fed. We have made permanent set- " tlements in the land of our forefathers ; we "admire and we are attached to our republican " institutions; we have domplied with the di sjunctions of the constitutions and the laws, " and we will support them, upon equal terms, " with our lives and our fortunes. But how are " we. treated? What has been our reception? " Has goodfaith been observed? Have the pro- " FOREIGN CITIZENS." 851 '.' mises been performed ? Arc not we, who are " citizens by all the solemnities and obligations of " law, treated as aliens — stigmatized as foreign- " ers. We complain not of the constitutions "and the laws : they are liberal in principle and " benign in operation. They enjoin an abju- " ration of former allegiance : have we not with " alacrity complied with the injunction ? They " require an oath of fidelity to the union and to " the states : devoted in spirit and in truth to " both, we have eagerly taken it. What more " is required ? What more can be expected ? " The laws require no more. Shall an under- " plot, a counter operation, individual jealousy, " and pale faced cabal, frowned upon by the very " elements of the State, subvert the law— put it at " defiance — trample it under foot? The law " places upon the same undistinguishable level, " the citizen of native andthe citizen of foreign " birth. Are we to be told, in this enlightened " age, that the law is not to govern ; that the " essence of well-ordered society is not a go- " vernment of laws, but a government of the " worst passions? Go back then to a state of " anarchy ; tear out the bowels of society ; re- " tvert to the rude condition of untutored nature, " and let the strongest govern. We have never " ceased to cherish and to inculcate those " opinions which are most consonant to the " civil and social state. We' have remonstrated 352 REPORTS DELAYED. " against distinctions, at once impolitick and un- " just, between native and adopted citizens ; but " have not our remonstrances and efforts been " in vain ? No zeal, no exertions, no services, " however disinterested, unremitted, or great, " have been sufficient to shield us from an epi- " thet which, while it poisons the social and " impairs the enjoyment of political life, must " ultimately terminate in the ruin of the repub- " lican party in this city. Alas ! has our repub- " lie turned upon itself, and in the short period " of a few years from the adoption of the con- " stitution." " Resolved unanimously, that 500 copies of " the above address and resolution be printed " in hand-bills for the benefit of our fellow, re- " publican adopted citizens. " Archibald Taylor, - Chairman. " S. Dempsey, - - Secretary." 24th April. — Upon my return from an ex cursion to New Jersey, I received a letter from my friend C , dated " Hertford, Jan. 30." brought by Mr.W.Walford of Bishopsgate-street, who came in the " Minerva, Smyth," and is im mediately proceeding on to Mr. Birkbeck. I am much: concerned to hear, that even at that date, my first was the only report which had reached you. Of the accident which occurred to the " Electra of Philadelphia," and the melancholy catastrophe of Captain Williams, I was apprised REPORTS. 358 by-Loyd's list; but as she -was taken safely into St. Maloes, I had indulged the hope, that before the date of the above letter, you had safely received my communications : they were accompanied by a large packet of newspapers, pamphlets, and some curiosities. Had I been so thoughtful as to have mentioned to Mr. -, of Philadelphia, that I wished a parcel taken to England, he assures me that Mr. Rush, the am bassador, who sailed in the Franklin, seventy- four, would have most willingly conveyed it to London ; — however, this knowledge is now un availing, but I trust that my several reports, including the last from Virginia and Washing ton, dated in Ivf arch, are, by this time, in your possession. Your commission to Mr. Flower, Mr. Birkbeck's associate, to purchase 9,000 acres in the Illinois, is certainly a bold measure ; but as you desire my immediate return, I shall defer the discussion of its merits until I am blessed with the pleasure of meeting you all face to face, and once more enjoying the indescribable delight of your society and an English fire-side. I shall, in all probability, embark by about the middle of next month. Captain H. sails in a few days, and1 1 am sure will take parti cular care of this communication. The remark is now an old one, " That " Americans have no national character." Half a century ago the observation was probably Cor- A A 854 moore's view of Americans. rect; but I think a personal acquaintance will show its utter want of foundation at the present period. Their national character, irt my judg ment, is broadly and distinctly marked ; and, as is common with that of other nations, partakes of a mixture of wisdom and folly, of virtue and vice, of some excellences and of great defects. Although I cannot go the whole length of Moore's description of them, yetwith a mind con stituted, as I presume his to be, and with the disappointments which his strong prepossessions in favour of America must have given rise to, I can easily conceive that he would not find much difficulty in concluding that — " The ru'de 4&- " miliarity of the lower orders, and indeed the " unpolished state of society in general, would " neither surprise nor disgust, if they seemed to " flow from that simplicity of character, that " honest ignorance of the class of refinement', " which may be looked for in a new and inexpe- " rienced people. But when we find them arrived " at maturity in most of the vices, and all the pride " of civilization, while they are still so remote "from its elegant characteristics, it is impossible " not to feel that this youthful decay, this crude " anticipation of the natural period qf corruption, " represses every sanguine hope of the future " greatness and energy of America." National, like individual character, must be -in a great measure formed or controlled, by the SITUATION OF THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA. 355 circumstances in which men are situated. For the creation of a valuable standard of character; Americans are disadvantageously placed : they are far removed from that mass of floating in telligence which pervades Europe, but more especially England ; and in addition to this, as^ people, and in their political eapacity/they have nothing to contend for — nothing to call forth their energies, and but little of external excite ment beyond the pursuits of gain, and merely animal gratification. In their civil condition, all obtain a living with ease. For religion, their priests think for them ; they have neither persecution to excite zeal, opposition or con troversy to awaken them to enquiry, nor yet virtue or knowledge sufficient to show them its advantages ; whilst, in their political capa city, they have the cheapest, theoasiest, and the most reasonable form of government in the world. To illustrate nations by individuals is an old, and iby no means inappropriate mode of estimating political character ; and, for myself, I never knew an individual who was freed from strong 'external excitement, or who possessed every fching which he desired without personal exer tion, that did not sink into indolence, indiffer ence, selfishness, and actual vice. This seems to be made, and wisely so, one of the terms and conditions pf our nature — " Whom the Lord " loveth he chastiseth," is a sacred maxim ; that a a 2 356 CONDITION OF AMERICANS. chastisement is, I believe, as valuable as it is necessary. I have not indeed ^een the character whom I could call excellent, that had not under gone trials, privations, and sufferings. To be come intellectual, energetic, and virtuous, in the present state of our existence, seems to require that we should first know sorrow, and have been acquainted with grief ; not that I am the advo cate for political oppression in order to produce those consequences, or that I wish to see trans planted into this free and hitherto unoppressed country, enormous taxation — iniquity in high places — civil disabilities — religious exclusions — standing armies — and hired spies and inform ers; but that a something must occur, before this people can be roused from their present lethargy, — made, even in a limited degree, deserving of their unparalleled natural and political advan tages — that something of this nature, among the wise dispensations of Providence, will occur, I have no doubt ; for I cannot allow myself to draw the melancholy conclusion of Moore, that what we now see of the character of the people,' bad as it may appear, " represses every sanguine " hope of the future energy and greatness of " America." To understand America correctly, it is, in some measure, necessary to recur to the character and condition pf its first civilized population. They were, in the first instance, emigrants from EARLY POPULATION. 357 the several European nations, particularly Eng land ; the most respectable class of which were those who fled from religious persecution ; no inconsiderable number Of transports ; the great body of the rest were as emigrants ever are — the most enterprising, the most needy, but by no means the most intelligent of their native country. It is such only, generally speaking, that can be induced to quit the land which gave them birth ; even although the exchange should bring with it the most decided advantages^ The word home contains a sacred spell, which rarely can be broken. We cling to the hovels, the rocks, and the sands of our birth-place, with a filial affection which, seldom ceases but with our existence.. These feelings the Deity seems to have implanted for wise purposes in the bosoms of all men. ! The emigrant to a wilder ness will therefore rarely be a man even moder ate in his worldly circumstances ; and he will still more rarely be possessed of regular habits, or a cultivated mind. Exceptions will exist of persons who take distant views, and who can bring every feeling and thought under the guid ance of reflection and principle ; but such will ever be but exceptions, while our nature remains the same. Such then were the seeds of America^ society; let us look at the circumstances in which these men were placed ; in a country where civilization had iriade no progress ;, where a a 3 358 PROGRESS OF SOCIETY. every man, both in mind and body, was fully occupied in obtaining the bare means of subsist ence ; and where their relative situation towards the natives of the soil, was calculated to deaden every just, benevolent, and humane sentiment. As society advanced, indeed, the whole popu lation no longer remained " hewers of wood "and drawers of water." Classification com menced ; but still those whose views, means* or habits could be mental, were extremely limited in number. They left Europe at a dark period, not themselves the finest specimens of the na tional picture ; even those .amongst them who had leisure for literary objects, met with ob stacles at every step — the want of books* the" want of society, and of communication with learned individuals or of scientific bodies. There was besides no history attached totheir country ; they lived indeed in a new world, " which was " endeared to them by no recollections, and "which could neither excite nor gratify their " CuriPsity, by the records of the past." The first accessions of strength from the .?' old c&mtry," furnished little besides, an increase of the manual labour. The colonial govenjr ment introduced some men of information's public education was attended to; riches 'in creased ; the slave-trade was encouraged ; negroes were introduced in every American colony;; the extermination of Indians went on, THE REVOLUTION. 359, the invaders gradually seizing pn their country. Literature was now in some respects advancing, though the colonists depended for their mental as well as bodily ,: clothing upon the mother country ; English, Dutch, Irish, Scotch, Grer- mans, and their several descendants, were be- cofning to speak one language, and have one common interest. They were, as colonists ever an4 necessarily are, inferior to the parent country in the first class of its intelligence, but above its grosser ignorance. Society had at this time ac quired stability. The Revolution now took place. The motives and causes which led to this most important event are deserving of marked atten tion: they were not, as had been the case with most other great national struggles, a dissatis faction generally with their government, or a desire to be an independent people. Their resiatt- anee went to one specific claim of the English ministry, taxation without representation ; this object defeated, their design was to return to their former political condition : that there was no original intention to establish an independent constitution, is admitted by Mr. Jefferson in his " Notes on Virginia" In the April of 1776,, Ibree months before the; declaration of inde pendence, Paine's "Common sense'' appeared* Previous to the publication of this book, the leaders ia the contest were made acquawrtei with its object and general purport. They were A A 4 360 DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. then alarmed — completely frightened at the bare idea of declaring themselves independent. Six individuals could not be found, who, at that time, would go the length of a separation from the mother country, from which a small concession, with regard to the stamp-act,- was hailed with the most enthusiastic delight — the wish of the whole people being to heal the existing differences, and return to their former dependent situation. These facts are necessary to be borne in mind, as they will account for much which exists in the people of the United States at the present day. The effect of " Common Sense" upon the public mind was electric. Men were alarmed indeed — but they read, and conviction flashed upon their minds. Three months after the appearance of this book, the " Declaration of Independence" was signed. The contest now assumed altogether an altered aspect, the struggle was no longer for a rescue from a peculiar mode of taxation, but for the maintaining of rights, political and national, for vital and fundamental principles, which, if once established, would build upon their shores a temple of freedom, and leave it there, a model for other nations and for after ages. The friends of human liberty in Europe crossed the Atlantic to fan their darling flame. Others also emi grated of a more dubious character : America became the receptacle for speculators and RISE OF FEDERALISTS AND DEMOCRATS. 361 fortune-hunters, for adventurers and base and demoralized characters of every shade and de scription. The peaceful pursuits of agriculture were exchanged for those of the sword ; society was shifted from its base, and every thing became disorganized. Peace was at length' proclaimed, but it failed to bring with it those halcyon days, of which the olive-branch is generally considered the precursor, i America was now a chaos, bankrupt alike, it was feared, in morals and in finances. Their warmest patriots doubted whether their independence were not in fact a curse to them. The admi nistration of Washington, which succeeded, was marked by policy, by sound views, and by political wisdom ; but, in drawing up the con stitution, the desire to guard against the possi bility of corruption, nearly produced the effect of destroying all government — a jealousy of power, carried to an imprudent excess, had too much weakened the pillars which should support the political fabric. A revision of the principles of the federal union became necessary to the salvation of the republic. This question gave rise to two great political parties*, practically though not theoretically possessed of opposite * Those who advocated the measure of a revision of the Constitution, for the purpose of increasing the powers of the (general government, took the. name of Federalists,, and their opponents that of Democrats. 36% THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. principles of government, and fostering in their breasts, even unto this day, the most impla cable hatred. The friend of. domestic peace and of public morals, feeling, perhaps too acutely, present evils, without calculating, that *a time for their correction must arrive, fondly dwelt upon a remembrance of those days when they were children of the English family ; for* getting, as men too frequently do when reviewing the past, all that was painful and unpleasant, and only cherishing the recollection and sigh ing after advantages of which they had been deprived. European politics became. now the subject of general attention. The French revolution naturally produced unusual exciter ment : a large majority were its advocates. They considered the event as only a continua- tion.of the struggle which they bad commenced, for the emancipation of the world. Others,, sickened with the effects of their own change, viewed it with jaundiced eyes. Great Britain^ joining, in the confederacy against the new Republic, and the excesses committed by the French, afforded fresh food for the nourishment of political parties on this continent. The federalists now obtained the additional title of English tories, and the democrats, that of French jacobins. ! Revolutionists upon the wildest principles flocked to America. • The French party became so riumerous and so strong, that those who differed from them were MR.ADAMS'S PRESIDENCY. 863 in fact exposed to a system of practical pro scription throughout the Union. I A head, less deliberate and cool than Washington's, would baye been driven into an open alliance with republican France; as it was, the Gallic am bassador ( Jenet) nearly set the administration at defiance. So triumphant indeed were these advocates of desperate measures, that at one period an expression of difference of opinion endangered personal safety, and even a list of proscribed Americans (among which was Mr. John Quincy Adams) was suspended from the mast-head of a French frigate in Boston harbour. This danger^ however, was by pru dence ultimately avoided, and peril from the con trary side would seem next to have followed. The presidency of Mr. Adams (a federalist) succeeded that of Washington. Some of his measures were perhaps compelled by the cir cumstances of the times ; but no friend of liberty can advocate his fourteen years' natu ralization law ; his frequent public prosecutions for libel ; his plans for a standing army, and his aim to obtain the state and style of royalty; The effect of his administration was to re-excite all the violent and turbulent feelings of the de mocratic party, which Washington's policy had allayed. At the termination of the first period of his presidency, a desperate conflict ensued : the federal party were defeated in his person for 364 INCREASE OF POPULATION, &C. the Presidentship by a majority of one. Mr. Jef ferson rose upon his ruins, and from that time to the present, the democratic party have sat at the helm of state. The unsuccessful attempt at re volution in Ireland, threw into America a con siderable number of well-intentioned perhaps, but certainly very diseased members of the body politic ; while the accession of multitudes of the most ignorant classes of society from Hol land and Germany, together with the vast in crease of black population, Tapidly added to the numerical population, extending the range, and increasing the produce of manual labour without adding any thing that was valuable to, if I may so express myself, the stock of national mind; America, in the meantime, in her political capa city, was making rapid advancestowards taking her standing as a first-rate power. Her infernal resources were boundless ; her geographical situation secured her from attack during the weakness, as it were, of infancy ; her populatipn went on increasing in a ratio not paralleled in modern times, but easily to be accounted for upon well-known principles of political economy. At this time it was that the disturbed state of Europe threw into her hands the carrying trade of the world, and enabled her to erect a mer cantile marine, Only second to that of Great Britain. This unexpected, and unpreparedfor influx of wealth, demoralized, while it enriched; SUDDEN PROSPERITY. 365 with the people, there was no preparation, no pupillage, no gradation, no step from the pri mitive log-house to the splendour of fhe palace. European luxury and vice, unadorned by Euro pean knowledge, and not ameliorated by Eu ropean habits of refinement, rapidly overspread the land, and produced their natural and unavoid able consequences. The pursuits of the whole people assumed also a hazardous and speculative cast ; opportunities for indulging which were constantly presented by the disturbed state of European commerce, and by their own vast un peopled continent. The means of living were in the hands of every man, with the occupation of but one-fourth part of his time. They were in -possession of political and domestic ease, the sources, or the value of which their want of reflection prevented them from estimating ; and having at once the means, the time, and the opportunity of gratifying their passions, or indulging their indolence, they have not pur sued learning beyond their school-books. Thus, neglecting to encourage . any pursuits, either individually or collectively, which may be, called -mental, they appear, as a nation, to have sunk Into habits of indolence and indifference ; they are neither lively in their tempers, nor gene rous in their dispositions ; though a great poli tical nation, they have little science and no 'literature ; and, as individuals, while they are 366 war of 1812. theoretically possessed of freedom - and inde: pendence, they are too frequently but mere ma chines in the hands of interested and unprinci pled men. The war of 1812 forms an important epoch' in their history ; it not only called into action all their latent animosities, but it produced an effect which had not been anticipated. It Was found that their resources, though vast,; and even boundless, were as yet unorganized, and not of a kind of which they could immediately avail themselves. Party violence was extreme — loans could not be negotiated — government securities sold at 33% per cent, discount — specie had disappeared, and penny and two-penny notes were a common circulating medium. A convention was held of the New England States, which, had not peace intervened to prevent their views being carried into execution, would probably have terminated in a division of the States. Loans, contracts, jobs, smuggling, peculation, and fraud infected every part of the Union. The nation suffered, — but, as their sufferings were of short duratiPn, they have now almost forgotten their existence. Looking fairly therefore at all these circum stances, we ought not to be surprised to find that American theory is at least two ceniWtes, in advance of American practice. We have usually connected with our ideas of repUblicari- *3 CAUSES OF PRESENT CHARACTER. 367 ism and unpolished manners, a simplicity and honesty of mind which more than compensate for all minor defects. That we should not meet with even an approach to these characteristics in America is by no means extraordinary, when we reflect upon their origin and the materials from which their present character is derived. They were not originally a new people, who have gradually advanced from barbarism to a know ledge pf enlightened political principles; on the" contrary, they formed not even the best portion of an old stock, and they have been placed in novel circumstances, and occupied in pursuits 'little calculated to increase political virtue, or advance mental acquirements. Their constitu tion itself is not an original production ; it is modelled, in fact, uppn that of England, par- staking of most of its forms, intermixed with many peculiarities of the colonial regime. In the instance of Rhpde Island, the original charter of Charles the Second is its present form of govern ment. The laws of England are at this moment, almost without even an attempt at improvement, the laws of America. Old Bailey, Hicks's Hall, and Westminster Causes, with the acts of George the Third, &c. &c &c. are now cited in the most distant courts of law — in the wilderness as well as in 'old America : even the French lawyers in Louisiana are compelled to substitute Coke's In stitutes, Blackstone's Commentaries, and East's 368 ENGLISH BOOKS. — THEATRE, &C Reports^ in the stead, of the laws of the qncien regime, or the modern assistance which could have been derived from the Code Napoleon/ , The theory of education is British, at least so far as that name can be given to mere exter nals ; the plans of public schools, mode of study, and the authors used, being taken from English practice, but without the solidity of enquiry, and variety of assistance derived both from writers and professors,: which characterize our present establishments. , » ,_ ,, The reading of Americans (for I have, not seen in society an approach to what can be called study) is English ; there being few native writers, and but a small number of these who possess the respect of even their own country men. Our" novels and poetry, not excepting those which proceed from the Minerva, presjs, meet with an immediate reprint, and. constitute practically the entire American library. There are theatres, either stationary or occa sional, in most towns of which , the population is two thousand and upwards; yet I know,. of but one native play . (Bunker's. Hill) : itbe per formers too are English, at least in the propor tion to Americans of eight out Of every ten ; so that the stage of this country may justly be de: nominated British. Many of the vulgar sayings, and still more vulgar prejudices, of our little island are transported hither. Frenchmen and DISLIKE OF THE ENGLISH. 369 leeks, Irishmen and bulls, are even the subjects of American ridicule, and in the uncontaminated style of Spitalfields and Shoreditch.*— Another source of intimate communication with England exists in the articles of clothing, and nearly every domestic utensil, being also the manufac ture of our island. Yet, in spite of all these var rious ties of connection with England, and with Englishmen, theyappear generally to regard both 'with jealousy and hatred. Did this dislike pro ceed from correct principles, I should think it honourable to their national character; for we, or at least our government, have certainly left no means untried to prevent them, in the first instance, from obtaining the natural rights pf men, and — "when that was found to be impossible, then to blast all the advantages they had gained, and crush their rising prosperity. But the American hatred of our country is not bottomed upon causes which reason would have [n Washington, on last St. Patrick's day, according to -¦custom, a figure was stuffed similar to our Guy Faux, and called Paddy; he was placed within the gate of the Navy- yard, with pipes, tobacco, and whiskey. — In Philadelphia a gentleman informed me that there were numerous Paddies exhibited in the same style ; some were carried by boys, begging to " remember poor Paddy." This offensive practice was carried to such an extent in New York a few years"back that serious riots were produced by it. There ie now a Jaw ofthat corporation prohibiting " Paddies" being exhibited oa the mhofMaiih. 370 IMITATION OF THE ENGLISH. dictated': its component parts cannot be deno minated to be either rational or reflective : — it is, in source, and in mode of expression, an ex act parallel to that of our most uneducated classes concerning^ the French people, who ai rways dislike Frenchmen, and the only reason they can give for such feelings is, because they are Frenchmen — and because the newspapers say Frenchmen ought to be hated. To copy from a nation like England, which is so pre-eminently distinguished by knowledge, as varied as it is profound, can reflect disgrace on no country; but in the act of imitation there should be judicious selection, and not an indis criminate application of institutions and prac tices, which, though perhaps suited to a peculiar country, and a very mixed state of society, cannot be expected to harmonize with the wants or the character of an other people, under circumstances and in civil condition essentially different. The Americans seem to'have forgotten this, and, like most imitators, very peculiarly excel in the defects of the original. This conduct, on their part, is at tended with serious disadvantages to themselves, and pi events their possession of a solid base upon which to erect a purely American superstructure. At present their mental streams are derived from two sources, (those of the old and of the new world,); of opposite qualities^ either of which used separately, or by a limited and judicious ad. 11 IMITATION. VANITY. 371 mixture, would be beneficial ; but as they are suffered to flow on to the point of their junction without interruption or purification, they only produce muddy and infectious waters. Con verse with an American upon the condition of the world at large, its political situation and true interests, he is rarely clear-headed; not from want of capacity, but the sources of his know ledge have been so jumbled, and his information in general is so ill-arranged, that he is often, in the same breath, an advocate for the extremes of liberty and of slavery. The nation at large dislike England, and yet, both individually and collectively, would be offended should a hint be expressed that they were of Irish or of Dutch, and not of English, descent. They contend for the superiority of their genips in taste, mechanical arts, and literature, and yet they disregardfashions or books which are not imported from* Great Bri* fain. Notwithstanding this voluntary -national dependence, there are, perhaps, no people, not even excepting the French, who are so vain as the Americans ; their self-estimation, and coolr headed bombast, when speaking pf themselves or their country, are quite ludicrous. An anec dote is told of General Moreau, who, at the commencement of the late war with England, was in America : a friend, addressing him, observed that his military talents would be of essential service to the Republic. He replied in the. b b 2 37? NATIONAL VANITY. negatiye ; adding, that there was not a drummer in^th^American army who did not think himself equal^p General Moreau. This- fact will apply tpi.aH occupations with an equal degree of faith fulness. . Every man here thinks he has arrived at the acme of perfection :, the mechanics them selves possess the same feeling. When at Newark, I was informed that some choice designs in chair; japanning and-coach-plating were latelyprodpced by two emigrants^.the natives turned upon their. heels, '' Ay, they guessed, them /ere were " fashions they had left off." ; Every American considers that it is impossible .for a foreigner to teach him any thing, and that his head contains a perfect encyclopaedia. This excessive inflation of mind must be attended with many disadvan tages ; though when I look at fhe various causes which have combined to prodvice it, I am not much surprised at its existence. As a people,.they feel that they have got to gain a character, and, like individuals under similar circumstances, are captious and conceited in proportion to then- defects. They appear to aim at a standard. of high reputation, without the laborious task of deserving it, and practise ..upon themselves the self-deception of believing that i they really, are that which they only wish to be. This feeling has not been lessened by their successes in the late contest with Great Britain ; for, although jn several engagements on our favourite- element NAVAL SUCCESSES. 373 they had an overwhelming superiority, yet there were instances when that was not the case ; and the defeat of '. English frigates, with evejli any disparity of force, was too great an honour to be estimated exactly as it merited. The boasting upon this subject is so extravagant that it bur- lesques'the object of its praise. " America is now the ruler of the waves ;" and every song and joke, fact and falsehood that we have bestowed upon our tars, are transferred to the " Star1- " spangled banner, and: the brave sons of Co- il lumbia," with the characteristic fidelity of a national intellect,, rendered barren from want of culture ; and even on such an occasion has hardly produced an attempt at originality. * The following naval songs are in high repute. The servility of imitation which they exhibit (it is not even pre tended that they are parodies) is a just characteristic of not merely American song-making, but of almost every pursuit in this country. SONG. " Tune— Battle qf the Nile. " Arise ! arise ! Columbia's sons arise ! " And shake off the torpor of sloth and inactivity; " And while the loud cannon reverb 'rates to the skies, " United swear to perish or be free ! — " For mark where her Genius, on her mountains standing, ""Cries with a voice impressive and commanding, " When Heart and hand unites "To guard our country's rights, ". Then death or independence still the watch-word shall be. B B 3 87* THE LATE WAR. My knowledge of the detailsof the late war was extremely limited when I first landed in this country. A short residence here, however, will force upon the attention of air persons an acquaintance with naval history. Every man, woman, and Child in America talk about the Guerriere, the Java; the Macedonia, the Frolic, Lake Erie, Lake Champlain, and the " vast ** inferidrity of British sailors and soldiers to " the true-blooded Yankees.*' A non-inter course act seems to have passed against the sciences, morals, and literature in American' so ciety ; even the ladies are content to be silent', or, when they do express an idea, it is sure to " Huzza! Huzza! Huzza! Huzza! Huzza! Boys! " Rally round the standard which Liberty first ". planted here ; " Huzza! Huzza! Huzza! Huzza! Huzza! Boys! " Columbia's sons will perish or live free ! '¦ SONG. " Tune— >Pull atudy yeo ho,' boys " Yankee sailors have a knack, " Haul away! yeo ho, boys! i! Pulling down a British, Jack, ," 'Gainst any odds you know, boys*. « Come three to one, right sure am I, " If we can't beat them, still we'll try,' « Tb make Columbia's colours fly, « Haulaway! yeo ho, boys! NAVAL AFFAIRS. 37-5 seontain the refined and intellectual names of Commodore Hull, Captain Laurence, and Ge neral Jackson- A knowledge of such events is certainly desirable'; but to cause them, as they are here, to be the never-ending theme of conversation, the circle round .which every thing revolves, is to make the going into, society a punishment instead of a pleasure. This ten dency is stated to have been finely ridiculed by Mr. Jeffrey, of the Edinburgh Review, who visited this country soon after the war. To a question said to have been put to him by Mr. Madison, " What did you think of the war, Mr. Jeffrey ? " he cooly replied, " Upon my word, Sir, I did " not hear of it." , Naval affairs being so frequently the subject of remark,; I took some trouble to investigate the real facts relating to them; and found that 3, large body of the American seamen were British subjects ; and that, more particularly, the forces of their vessels almost ensured suc cess. In the first victory, that of the " Consti tution" over the "• Guerriere," Mr. James states fhe broad-side metal in pounds of the American was 768; of the British, 517: the American complement of men, 468 ; of British, 263 : of size in tons of the American, 1533 $ of British; 1084. In the. affair of the .« United States-'* and " Constitution," which defeated the " Mace>- donian" and " Java," a similar disparity existed $ b b 4 376 LORDS GE ' THE', OCEAN. and in the Lake Erie" fleet, the American amount of broad-side metal in pounds was 928 ; of British, -459 : the size in tons, 1530 ; of British; 865 : in complement of men, 580>; of British, 345. These are matters about which I should have known little, and cared less, had they not been in American society the eternal source of conversation, to the exclusion of every sub- ject-of taste, morals, orliterature, — indeed of every other, except the price of cotton, flour; and niggars. The tyrannical conduct of our government in- naval affairs, their system of impressment anfl of ^flogging, and the absurd and insolent claim of the right- of search, might well, 'particularly the last,' have exasperated the American nation, and more especially her seamen ; still 'the Americans are deserving of great honour for what they really achieved. School-boys in the art of war, they were yet better prepared for it, and evinced more practical dexterity, than our hoary-headed practitioners. But with this limited degree of praise, they are not content; theyNare, forsooth, " the Lords of the ocean!" «: Neptune's choicest sons!" " Victorious, " though the English had great superiority of " force U" " The star-spangled banner is the " astonishment, the admiration, and the glory '.' of the- world! "— with; volumes more of such frothy, senseless bombast. ACCOUNTS OF AMERICA. 377 ' Other causes of their great national pride and vanity suggest themselves to the mind. One may consist in their being so far removed from the seat of the arts and sciences, that their ac quirements arenot tried by the only effectual stand ard — comparison. They are left in undisputed possession of the belief that infancy is manhood ; that puerility is superiority ; and that medio crity is first-rate talent. They have a political republic within themselves; but they send scarcely one representative to the general re public of letters. European writers too, who have never actually visited America, taking •their ideas of the inhabitants, their manners and, institutions, from the laws and political con stitution of the country, have frequently been profuse in their eulogies. Speculating emigrants, from interested motives, have followed in the same track. American authors,, in the sincerity of their hearts, have re-echoed these praises/while politicians, among whom I regret to see Mr. -Munroe occupying a prominent part, have told ihem that they are " the most enlightened nation " in the world ! !" Americans, would be more rthan. human, were . they not injured by this powerful combination against their national im provement. Man's vanity is of all points the •most tender ; and there are few, I believe, willing to reject flattery, . even from any source or to any extent. So far indeed is this carried, in the 378 SOCIAL, INSUBORDINATION. United States, that if a, traveller shpuld point out the smallest defect or error, no inquiry ia ever made by, the Americans into the truth of the charge ; the writer is immediately viewed as a foul calumniator, or guilty of premedi tated falsehood and , intentional insult; and is not unlikely to be denominated a hireling, in the pay of some foreign government. Should this tone of thinking remain uncorrected, it can- hot but produce the most pernicious effects. By such a course, improvement must be checked and error perpetuated. The vanity of this people may thus be gratified ; but they must be content to remain children in knowledge and im provement of every kind, and submit to be rocked for ages in the cradle of European intellect. ., There are additional Considerations worthy pf our attention in forming a correct estimate of the American people. One which suggests it self is, fhe . want of social subordination which exists among them* Servants feel themselves independent of their employers, and children, of their parents. This may be attended with some advantages : it may please when contrasted with the degrading slavery pf the European world ; but it is not free from serious and-peeuliar evils. It increases selfish feelings and pursuits ; it in dividualizes society, and prevents a developed ment of those social qualities which areofim- EARLY MARRIAGES. 370 portant benefit to, as well as the greatest orna* ment of our nature. Early Marriages partly proceed perhaps from this state of things, though the great source of their frequency is certainly, in conformity with a well-known theory —the ease with which the necessaries of life can be ob tained. Arguments are not wanting in favour of youthful, matrimonial engagements ; and, without considering the matter in an individual point of view, it certainly contributes to the more rapid advancement of a country re quiring population. Yet, strong as such rea sons may be, I should, if morally considered, hesitate in bearing my testimony to their so lidity. The youth of twenty, and the female of fourteen, are ill fitted for the cares, anxie ties, and education of a family — neither their bodily nor mental strength has attained ma turity. Those days also which ought to be devoted to the acquirement of solid information, and to the improving, perhaps it may be said, to the creating the character, are necessarily devoted to other objects! The cares of life, under such circumstances, begin to press upon individuals who have not previously had time or opportunity to learn its duties. No provision has been made for the support of a rising family — to this therefore every other object will generally be sacrificed : by these means a sordid and calcu- 380 THE FEMALE CHARACTER. lating spirit is engendered — the more generous feelings of our nature acquire neither strength nor- stability; and every mentaL and ennobling pursuit is abandoned with a view to the getting on in life. The American female character requires oufJ attention : in mental ; pursuits it would appeal5" to be at present but little advanced. This pro ceeds no doubt from a variety of causes ; alt that has been said of the male population, by a natural re-action affecting the female also. The demand, too, (if I may be excused a mercantile phrase upon such a subject,) exceeding the sup ply, together with the comparatively less value set upon domestic comfort^ may, perhaps,, have tended to produce the extreme attention to mere personal ornament, and the universal neglect of' either jmental or domestic knowledge, which ap pears, tp exist among the females here, as com pared with those of England. The .reflections ^generated by these consider ations are, what my personal observation has' confirmed — that a great part of the nation are content to.be employed in procuring the first necessaries of life, and in mere animal enjoy ment. These several causes may have assisted in the prpduction of a general fact, that here all knowledge, beyond that of immediate pecu niary interest, is superficial. The statesman of America has heretefore been STATESMEN. 381 altogether of a different, and, perhaps, a superior race tp those of Europe. There has been in this country nothing of the regularly -trained and family -bom great man. A senator, a secretary of state, or a president, is commonly a lawyer, who has risen by his talents, or perseverance ; and, in addition, he is not unfrequently a farmer: and when his official duties have terminated, he re turns from Washington to his home, and re sumes his former occupations. Erom this domestic and sound mode of conducting the public weal, there has of late years been a par tial deYiation. : Certain families have edged themselves into government-offices, and have proved to; be, in practice at least, •• adhe rents of the doctrine, of hereditary descent •;. yet the general features remain as described :- and, however, discordant the fact may appear with the principles of legitimacy, I believe none will be found hardy enough to •¦ assert, that these men display any want of the knowledge or ability required by their station ; or that they do not play their parts with as much vigour, effect, and integrity, as if they had been the descend ants of an ancient and titled aristocracy. * To judge indeed by the amount of salaries, there mus.t be a lamentable deficiency of intellect on the part of the, Republican-statesmen : — The President of the United States receives an annual salary of only 56251. . and this is found to procure.able.roen, toho have really talent and mirid at their own disposal. The 382 SLAVERY . INDIANS. The existence of slavery in the United States has. -* most visible effect upon the national character. It necessarily brutalizes the minds of the southern and western inhabitants; it lowers, indeed, the tone of humane and correct feeling throughout the Union ; and imperceptibly con tributes to the existence of that great difference which here exists between theory and practice. The treatment of the Indian natipns is but ill calculated to excite liberal cr humane feelings ; for, however Mr, Munroe and others may at tempt to -philosophize upon the benefits which arise from uncivilized man's making way before a more " dense population^" the admitted fact is, that Americans are making continued en. croachments upon the aboriginal inhabitants, either under the semblance of treaties, or by direct warfare, produced, as the present one is said to have been, by designed" aggressions; and aggravating insults on the part of the people ©f the United States. The diversity of laws in separate States, by which acts considered as a crime in one part are not punishable in another, and also many Vice-President, Secretary of State, and Chief Justice, each are paid 11251. per annum; other Judges, 9001.; the Se% cretaries of the Treasury, War and Navy department, eacli 9001. per annum ; the Governor of the State of New York, 16871. 10s. ; ditto of Vermont, 1351. ! ! LAWS. — BANKRUPTS. — PAUPERS. 383 confused impressions of right and wrong, gene rate much evil, while the state of the bankrupt laws, and an immense and complicated paper cur rency *, are universal and increasing evils; each of these having opened an extensive field to the calculations of avidity and the speculations of the dishonest. The list of insolvencies in the State from which I now write is enormous. Failure in trade, so far from being a cause of loss, or subject of shame, is generally the means of se curing a fortune ; and so callous upon this sub ject has the public mind become, that no kind of disadvantage or disgrace attaches to the indi vidual, who takes, therefore, little pains to dis guise the source of his wealth. Although pauperism has not arrived at Eng« fish maturity, nor does it often attract the pub lic eye (for myself, I have seen but three beggars, one of whom accosted me in the gal lery of the House of Representatives in Wash ington) ; yet it does exist, and that to an extent which I had not imagined until the pe rusal of Governor Clinton's most able address to the New York legislature. He there re marks — " Our statutes relating to the poor are * The New York brokers publish a weekly list of the price of the notes of all parts of the Union, in the money- market of that city. There are notes of all the banks to be had at every variety of price, from $ per cent to 40 per cent. discount. 384 POOR-LAWS. — LOTTERIES. " borrowed from the English system. And the "•.5*£eil'ence of tnat country as well as our own, " shows that pauperism increases with the aug- " mentation of the funds applied to its relief. " This evil has proceeded to suqh an alarming *' extent in the city of New York, that the " burdens ' of heavy taxation which it has im* "posed, menace a diminution of the pppula- " tion of that city, and a depreciation of its real "property. The consequences will be very •" injurious to the whole State ; for the decay of* " our great market will be felt in every de- *' partment of productive labour, Under the •" present system the fruits of industry are ap- " propriated to the wants Of idleness; a labo* 138,579 dollars. Amongst the most curious exports may be yanked maple sugar, which amounted to. 4,374 dollars. The gun-powder exported, amounted to 356,522 dollars. FINANCES. LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. 3S7 Although this does not equal in amount the business done previous to the issuing of the English Orders in Council, it is still very large in extent ; and the articles of export being all bulky, they operate as an important nursery for seamen. The finances of the United States are de-* rived from sale of lands, and duties on imports. The latter, in an especial degree, are found very , productive. Still this is in fact, though it may not be in name, internal taxation. It may be well to remember, that one-half of the amount collected is upon British goods, most of which are articles, not of luxury, but of necessity • so that the population of America perform the double duty of defraying their own taxes,' and Contributing towards the payment of ours. The Liberty of the Press exists here to an al most unlimited extent ; and yet it is not used as an organ for putting the people in possession of even domestic information. The newspapers are miserably edited, seldom containing any thing but advertisements, shipping intelligence, and English extracts. The proceedings of Con- * Among the articles of import to the ports of New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, it is a curious fact, that English coal, cheese, potatoes, and porter are frequent : in the more southern States, including even New Orleans (the depot for western country produce), Irish .provisions, and English cheese and hams are imported ! ! c c 9. 388 -NEWSPAPERS. gress are not systematically reported. Some times the substance of a debate will be given three weeks after its occurrence. The business of the State-legislatures rarely appears at all in the public journals, except in the shape of bare lists of bills passed or rejected. The transactions in courts of law, and all minor home proceedings, rarely appear upon record. These sins of omission are certainly to be lamented, as, by, their existence, an interest fails to be ex cited in the public mind on those occurrences, and those subjects, which are, unquestionably, of first-rate importance.. During the late war, it is stated, a military scheme, modelled upon the French law of conscription, was in the' contem plation of the then .Secretary, but now President, Munroe ; the chief of the naval department also recommended to Congress, a plan for the im pressment of seamen, to man their infant navy: but, such is the habitual indolence of the people, and their indifference with regard to public affairs, that theseievents are known but by few individuals. • . The Government, it will be seen, are not free from charges of mal-administration ; but, when compared with England, America can afford an annual increase of corruption for, at least, a few centuries to come ; and although the people are unworthy of, and not alive to their une qualled advantages, they still are their own go- GOVERNMENT. — MECHANIC ARTS. * 389 vernors, and they are vain of the distinction. This one fact, assisted' by the jealousy of rival parties, must preserve the United States for many years from any lengthened series of ob noxious measures, and protect the people from gross inroads upon their liberties or their con stitution. The state of mechanic arts varies, of course, according to the profession. Those which have been encouraged by not being exposed to Eu ropean competition, and which have had the com bined benefit of emigrant and native ingenuity have excelled. Among these I would class shoe, coach, and cabinet making, together with steam-boat and ship-building : I was going to say bank-note engraving, but that would not, perhaps be correct as a general statement of the art in America, though the house of Murray, Draper, and Fairman, of Philadelphia, probably surpass, in the excellence of their art, any others in the world : their notes, executed for the United States Bank, exhibit such eminent talent, that forgery may safely be said to be im possible. Why does not your Bank of England employ this house ? or, if that would be too hu miliating to their pride, why not engage a first- rate English artist, instead of issuing premiums upon forgery (which they afterwards cause to be visited with death) in their disgracefully executed national notes? Piano-forte making c c 3 890 LITERATURE. may be similarly classed : generally, it has not arrived 'at much perfection, although an indi vidual, (Mr. Stuart,"an English gentleman,) who lives at Baltimore, manufactures pianos which I should have little fear of their comparing with those of Clementi or Broadwood. Of the literature of the United States I can say but little. Having examined booksellers' collections, private and public libraries, I find that, like dry goods stores, < their stock consists only of British manufactures. Three American works have lately appeared : the first, a novel,' > called " Keep Cool," I have met with in most of the western and southern States. < Upon its merits I cannot pretend to give an opinion. I took it up several times, with a previous resolution to read at least six pages, but at no one time could: I force myself through a third* With Mr. Wirt's* " Life of Patrick Henry" I have been much in terested : it evinces a mind familiar with polite literature ; and if the title ;were altered from the " Life of Patrick Henry,'' to that of " Sundry " Essays, designed to prove the elegance of the > "English Language, the extent of the author's. •**' powers of imagination and talent of descrip- " tion,' with occasional hints concerning the Life " of Patrick Henry," it would be more descrip tive of the book : for any reader who takes up; this work with the design of becoming acquainted with the late Virginian patriot, will find fre- Sew works. 391 quetit disappointment, on the introduction of eafch incident of Mr. Henry's life, by the extra vagant bombast of the biographer. The work, in short, though bearing evidence of consider able talent, evinces, from the commencement to the termination, a disregard of the requisites for the task which is undertaken, and this by allotting to Patrick Henry a station in the drama inferior to that of the author, Mr. Wirt. Mr. Bristed's " Resources of the United " States" has just been published. The au thor, I am informed, is an Englishman by birth. His work evinces that he is an American Fede ralist by adoption. It contains many important statements, and the usual political admixture Which distinguishes the American writers (par ticularly those of this gentleman's party) upon Government. The following maxims are laid down, in connection with the broadest principles of liberty, the whole presenting a code of poli tical economy for which it is difficult to in vent a name. " It is the duty of every free " Government to train its people gradually to bear " a due weight of internal taxation" — " It is " worse than childish, it is insane policy" (# compliment to the President) " to trust for the " public revenue to the duties upon imported " goods." — " The reduction of the direct tax* " from six to three millions of dollars, and the? " limitation of those three millions to only one cc 4 392 MR.BRISTED-S POLITICS. " year, are fehrful omens of the entire extinction " of that tax !" — " The liberties of Britain are '¦ not about to expire under the pressure of her ".military, or the encroachments ofhergovem- " ment. If they are to perish, they will perish " under the daggers of her Democracy* If she "is to be blotted out qf the list qf independent " and powerful nations* it will be by the para- " cidical hand qf her own rabble, led on to their " own and their country's ruin, by anarchical re- *' 'formers, alike bankrupt in fortune, reputation, f( character,- andprinciple !" — Yet, it is said, " to " : crown all, the Political Sovereignty qf the " nation residing in the people gives the American " people an elevation unknown and unattainable in ' * any o titer country.' ' — " Liberty has struck deep " root in this country. It is entwined with the "first affections of the heart: it is spun into " th\e primitive staple of the mental frame of *c the Americans. It thoroughly pervades, and " perceptively modifies even their domestic life. " It has, in fine, becpme the common reason, " and fhe want of the whole American people." ** — The prosperity and happiness of the Ame- " rican citizens seem too great a price to pay " for the privilege of manufacturing a few yards " of broad cloth, or a few pieces of muslin. " England herself is' a portentous illustration of " this truth: now at this time, and for. the. last " five and twenty years, her manufacturing dis- ENGLISH REFORMERS. — SALMAGUNDI. 393 « tricts have sent forth,' and are issuing out, full .«¦' bands of Luddites and Spenceans, and Jaco- ." bins and anarchists, and rebels and assassins, «!. that continually put to the strength, and « strain the nerves of her Government." — I send these extracts for the purpose of present ing, you at 'one view the mind of the whole Federal party, and indeed that of the entire American, people, concerning English reformers and United States liberty. . Salmagundi *, a work written after the man ner of the Citizen of the World, is a most able native production: for amusement, wit, talent, and. satire I should conceive it can have few 'equals. Mr. Erving, the present ambas sador at the court of Madrid, is said to be one of the authors. Mr. Quincy Adams has pub lished Lectures delivered at Cambridge college, in two volumes. You have, 1 believe, Joel Bar low's national epic, " The Columbiad." There are several other American works ; but,, upon the whole, the native library is extremely cir cumscribed. In the Fine Arts much "advancement has not been made. Individuals have excelled, as in the cases of Mr. Alston and Mr. West, both na- * Of this work I perceive an English edition has been pub lished, with notes and a preface by the editor, illustrative of the, character of the Americans; but upon' the merits of those, not-having read them, I can give no opinion.}-, 39* FUTURE IMPROVEMENT. fives of America. The proofs of their talent, but particularly those of the latter, must descend to future ages. Still, the mind of the American nation is scarcely alive to an enjoyment of the more noble productions of art, or the higher ¦Walks of mental cultivation. . I have thus endeavoured to lay before you a true representation of the American character, with the sources from which it may have been formed, and the causes which have conduced to its production. Although I believe it must improve, yet I am by no means sanguine in my anticipations that improvement will be imme diate, or even rapid in its progress. Many of the causes, external and internal, which have already operated, will continue to exist; and, as I have before said, there would appear to be placed in the very stamina of the character of this people, a coldness, a selfishness, and a spirit of conceit, which form strong barriers against im* provement. Let us, however, still hope for the best. In opposition to these obstacles, there are strong and living truths abroad. The princi ples at least of liberty are acknowledged, and the fact of a free government exists as an ex ample to the world. As rational men these things are worthy of our respect ; and, in the hand of Heaven, we may be assured that all the. rest, however dark and unintelligible to us it may appear, will still finally and effectually « work together for good." MR. BIRKBECK'S " NOTES." 395 27th April, 1818. — A packet of your letters is just arrived, bearing date March 3d. You can scarcely conceive, my dear friends, the delight which their perusal has afforded me. I could fain have launched out into praises of the inventor of writing and the establishment of post-offices : but these are stale topics. Your statement of the non-arrival of my Philadelphia and Illinois Re ports gives me some uneasiness, though I can have little doubt but that they are now in your possession ; as I perceive, by the recent ship news, that the vessels which conveyed them had ar rived in England. You state that Mr. Birkbeck has published a book in London, " Notes on a " Journey to Illinois," and that it has produced an extraordinary sensation. This intelligence does not at all surprise me, and my ideas, upon the perusal of that work, as published in this country, are, that in several of its occasional ad-- missions it confirms my sentiments. I have this- day re-read it with minute attention, and feel so- confirmed in my first impressions, that I expe rience an increased dependence upon my views' of this nation, from having the support of Mr. Birkbeck's high authority. As Captain will not sail until the 29th, I have nearly two days of -leisure, and I do. not know that they can be -better occupied than in making some remarks upon Mr. Birk beck's "Notes," which may tend to illustrate at once that gentleman's views of America and 396 mr. birkbeck's notes. my own. My references are to, the American edition ; this will occasion you some trouble, but that, under my present, circumstances, I cannot prevent. Mr. Birkbeck's entrance into this republic was not, with regard to local circumstances, quite so favourable as mine. The State in which he landed is one of the twelve in which absolute slavery exists, whilst, on the contrary, in that I first visited, actual slavery had" been abolished by law, and it only continues to linger among the practical institutions of the people. Mr. B. says, (at page 22.) "I could hardly " bear to see negroes handled like cattle ; in " selling these unhappy beings, little regard is. " had to the parting of the nearest relations." While waiting at a tavern, Mr. B. is fur nished with evidence of the intellectual cha racter of the Virginians, of which, by the way, I cannot but think his estimation is far beyond their deserts : — " As it rained heavily, every* body was con- " fined the whole day to the tavern, after the " race which took place in the forenoon. The " conversation which this afforded me an op- " portunity of hearing, gave me a high opinion " of the intellectual cultivation of these Vir- " ginian farmers." (Page 16.) I have frequently partaken in the conversa tion of the same class of individuals, and in no VIRGINIA PLANTERS. 39*7 instance-could I conscientiously draw the same conclusion with Mr. Birkbeck. Mr. B. however, in the succeeding paragraph, furnishes his readers with the evidence upon which his judgment is formed. " Negro slavery was the prevailing topic, " the beginning, the middle, and the end, — an " evil uppermost in every man's thoughts, which "all deplored, many were anxious to fly from, " but for which no man can devise a remedy. " One gentleman, in a poor state of health, " dared not encounter the rain, but was wretch- " ed at the thought of his family being for one }' night without his protection from his own "slaves. (Page 17.) Yet at the same time it is said, " Virginia " prides itself on the comparative mildness of " its treatment of slaves !" (Page 22.) , Mr. Birkbeck's gratitude for the liberal re ception which he experienced from " the high- " spirited independence of the Virginians," must surely have biassed his judgment, when he concluded, " that slavery was an evil uppermost " in every man's thought, and which all de- " plored." . That indeed many feel they cannot defend this system by a reference to abstract principles, or the rights of man; that they dread the terrible though rarely inflicted Ven geance of their victims, is probable enough ; and that when they are engaged in argument with 398 mr. birkbeck's Notes. an able and enlightened opppnent, and cannot defend the strange inconsistency existing be tween their professed love of political freedom and their actual domestic tyranny ; that they should then,. I say, and under such circum stances, deplore the evils of slavery; is natural enough ; but that they are sincere advocates for its abolition, or even for a mitigation of its hor rors, is what I have not seen the shadow of ati evidence to induce me to believe ; neither could I have supposed that Mr. Birkbeck would have1 been so unphilosophical as to conclude, that the mere assent to an abstract proposition when th6 mind is not at the moment interested in its denial, is to be fairly taken as a just criterion, by which to judge of the true feelings and cha racter of a people. Let them be judged by their actions ;¦ — it is these only that speak the man. " Mr. Birkbeck says, " A Virginian planter is " a republican in politics, and exhibits the high- " spirited independence of that character." (Page 16.) Feeling a sincere respect for a character really' deserving of this high commendation, I cannot willingly award it to slave-holders. The fol lowing advertisements I take from a newspaper^ as affording some evidence upon the consistency of the " Virginian character :" they were printed as they stand, adjoining each other. They speak a language too plain to: require comment; I therefore leave them to their naked merit. THANKSGIVING, AND NEGROES ,ON SALE. 399 " The Synod of Virginia having, at their last meet- " ing, appointed the first Thursday in December to be " observed, by all the churches under their care, as a u day of thanksgiving to God for the bounties of his *' providence and the blessings of his grace, to be ac- ** companied with humble supplfcation for the conti- " nuance of the former and the increase of the latter; I " propose, in cheerful compliance with the resolution of " Synod, to preach on the occasion to-morrow at eleven " o'clock in the forenoon, in the new methodist church 15 on Shockhoe-Hill ; leave having been given. "John i). Blair." " NEGROES AT AUCTION. " This morning, in front of our office, at 1 1 o'clock, " will be sold fpr cash, 4 Likely Negroes. " J. Brown, Jr. and W. Finney, Auctioneers." Mr. Birkbeck's departure from this State is in a tone of liberal feeling. He observes (page 30.), "¦ On taking leave of Virginia I must observe " that I found more misery in the condition of " the negroes and a much higher tone of moral " feeling in their owners than I had anticipated, "¦ and I depart confirmed in my detestation of " slavery in principle and practice, but with " esteem for the general character of the Vir- " ginians ! !" The precise nature of Mr. Birkbeck's expect ations as to the " tone of moral feeling" which he should find existing among the Virginian planters,' it. is scarcely perhaps possible to ascertain, or; Consequently, to canvass. I can only hope that the use of such an expression at all may 400 Mr. birkbeck's notes. not, however unintentionally, have the effect of misleading ; for I must own I can have no conception of the existence of a " tone qf " moral feeling" among men who falsify, and that not by occasional misdeeds, but by the whole tenor of their conduct, and every habit of their character, even the possibility of its existence! Indeed I would put it to any advocate of liberal and of enlightened political principles, how far it is really possible for us, on cool re flection, to entertain " esteem for the general " character of the Virginians," or whether it be possible to respect men who profess the most enlightened opinions, and yet are, in Mr. Birk beck's language, " slave-masters, irascible, and " too often lax in morals /" and of whom " a dirk " is said to be the common appendage to their " dress." The character of the Americans generally is a subject of great interest to all who contem plate becoming their fellow-citizens. Mr. Birk beck is diffuse upon this subject ; he remarks (page 40.) " that in every department of cpm- " mon life we here see employed persons supe- " rior in habits and education to the same class " in England;" and further (page 72.), the " inhabitants are friendly and homely, not to " say coarse, but well-informed; surprisingly " more so than the English peasantry ;" and that, during his journey from Norfolk to the heart of the Allegany mountains, " he had not 10 habits of labourers. 401 " lost, sight for. a moment of the manners of " polished life." (Page40.) These are certainly rcaptjvating descriptions, and such as I had anti cipated, before I left England, to he the charac ter, of the Americans. Some explanation, how ever, I conceive to be necessary : the difference between American .character and society and those of England is so great, that I almost despair of conveying to your minds a faithful impression on the subject. The agricultural labourer, here is certainly better educated than one of the same class in England ; he is not born nor dpes he continue to vegetate on the spot which gave birth tp his father and grand father ; he not only frequently changes his station, but a^sPjhiSjOceupation ; this necessarily .communicates a range of ideas more extensive than that possessed by the English labourer ; but when the whole character is looked at, and not the mere freedom from rusticity of man ners, and an extension of geographical know ledge, a different conclusion would, perhaps, present itself; and J much doubt, could I now converse with Mr. Birkbeck, with his present improved knowledge, of the American people, whether.he would af this moment award to them the meed of superiority pf character, more espe cially in connection with their " habits," — -and with regard, to the ." manners of polished life" and their being carried " even to the heart of the OD 402 MR. birkbeck's " NOTES >> " Allegany mountains." —I am surprised at the assertion ; but wishing to speak with proper de ference of Mr. Birkbeck, and in looking back to what I myself saw of the inhabitants of those mountains, I really cannot see how we can talk of " the manners of polished life" in a tract of country which presents an absence of all regard to manners, togetherwith an absolute indifference to every person, and a cold disregard of all objects, except as they may promote the merely mercen ary and selfish pursuits of each individual. In deed, without calling upon you to trust to my im pressions, I can scarcely see how the existence of these " manners of polished life" is recondileable with what Mr. Birkbeck himself acknowledges, — and that unwillingly too ; but that feeling by no means weakens the force of his testimony on the subject ; he says, then, " that he has seen a deformity so general, that he cannot help esteeming " it national," which is, " that cleanliness in " houses, and too often in person, is neglected " to a degree which is very revolting to an Eng- " lishman." In comparing the two countries, and previous to awarding the palm of excellence in morals and manners to the inhabitants ' of the New World, let us remember also the strong but too well-founded assertion of Mr. BirkJieok (page 105.), that " intellectual culture has! "frfet " yet made much progress amohg.the generality " pf either sex ;" and more than this,'and worse than this, that "All America is now suffering MANNERS. KNOWLEDGE. 403 " in morals through the baleful influence of negro *' slavery, partially tolerated^ corrupting justice " at the very source" (page 25.) ; and if, turn ing from general representations, we look to the more newly settled part of the country, we shall find Mr. B. declaring that " an unsettled coun- " try, lying contiguous to one that is settled," (which must .be more or less the case with most parts of the western country, and in an especial degree with Illinois,) " is always the place of " retreat forvrude and even abandoned charac- " ters, who find the regulations of society in- *' tolerable." (Page 109.) ? If it be therefore from Mr. Birkbeck's work that you would form your estimate of this coun try, you ought to do so, not by individual parts, but by a candid consideration of the whole ; and should inconsistencies appear, to which, from various causes, any writer on a new country may, be exposed, then of course you will take into your consideration all the circumstances of the case, and form your judgment accordingly. The fact, with regard to the state of knowledge in 'this country, to me appears to be, that men are, in ipoint of information, almost upon a dead i level ; that gradation of intellect which exists in England being here unknown ; so that, in con- ceding the point of greater intelligence to the American labourer, it by no means implies a ge neral superiority. Let us go a little higher in the dd 2 404 MR. BIRKBECK V " NOTES." scale of society than our " hewers of wood and " drawers of water ;" suppose, for an illustration, we take the English country gentleman in the person of Mr. Birkbeck, and compare him with the American land-owner, then indeed the con trast becomes striking. His agricultural pursuits will doubtless be conducted with vigour and ac tivity, and with that application of scientific knowledge to practical pursuits, so common in the country he has -quitted ; while literature, experimental philosophy, or other departments of mental culture, will occupy his leisure hours. On the other hand, to use his own language, " they cultivate indolence as a privilege, exist " in yawning indifference, surrounded with nui- " sances^ and petty wants, the first to be-re- " moved and the latter supplied with a tenth of " the time loitered away in their innumerable " idle days." (Page 143.) The American character is, in one passage, (p. 74.) represented to us as arrived at so high a state of perfection, : that even national antipa thies are annihilated. " National antipathies are " the result of bad political institutions, and " not of human nature. Here, whatever their " original, whether English, Scotch, Irish, " German, French, all are Americans ; and " of all the unfavourable imputations on the " American character, jealousy of strangers " is surely the most absurd and groundless, national antipathies. 405. " The Americans are sufficiently alive to their " own interest, but they wish well to strangers,. " and are not always satisfied with wishing, if " they can promote their; interest by active ser- " vices." My judgment faltered upon the first perusaF. of this passage ; — it so entirely contradicts every conclusion which I had come to upon the subject, that it caused me to hesitate as to the correct ness of my own impressions: but surely Mr. Birkbeck here claims for the Americans a per fection, which is not only, contrary to what they practise, but perhaps is superior to human, nature itself, or, at any rate, to that class of earthly beings with whom, in this age, we must be con tent to associate.. That national antipathies, in deed, are weakened, in infant colonies, similar to that in which Mr. Birkbeck himself is now en gaged, is, no doubt, as consistent with fact as it is with the laws of our being ;. for. in such cases each individual is so dependent upon his neigh bour, that self-interest breaks down minor feel ings : but from what I have seen of this country, I have no hesitation in saying, that any English man who had candidly surveyed it as a whole, and observed the feelings of its inhabitants, par ticularly in the old settled parts, and where the population is dense, would declare that national "foipathies exist here to an extent exceeding any thing, which he had ever seen, or. could have d d 3 406' MR. BIRKBECK'S " NOTES." conceived] when in England. I have already stated many facts which will tend to support this assertion. Let me now observe, that the State of Pennsylvania presents a further illustration of this subject. Between the Americans of Irish and of German extraction, there exists the most deadly animosity, " even unto the third " and fourth generation." In the mind of a German American, the term " Irishman" is one of the most foul reproaches with which his range of ideas supplies him. Throughout Ame rica, (the parts at least which are populated,) Irishmeu are despised, and Englishmen are viewed with cool malignant jealousy and hatred. Instead, indeed, of Americans " wishing well to *¦* strangers and promoting their interest by active " services," they appear to me to possess in alarge degree, and from similar motives too, the feelings which Mr. Birkbeck ascribes to some classes of the back woods men — " a dislike to and jea- " lousy of all strangers." Mr. B. in this case, I presume, judges from his own individual expe rience ; but it should be remembered that he is himself a man of property ; that such persons generally meet with a liberal reception — no Where more so than in America ; and also, that as his residence has been in the heart of a wilderness, he may be expected to know but little of the manners, feelings, or state of so ciety of the whole United States, the greater WAGES, &C. AT PITTSBURGH. 407 portion of the most populous parts of which he has not even visited. There are some minor points that it may be well just to glance at. Mr.B. says, (page 46.) " The journeymen of " Pittsburg, in various branches — shoemakers, " tailors, &c earn two dollars a day," (54s. per week,) and that those among them who are im provident, do not expend their money " in ab- " solute intemperance and profligacy ; they in " general waste their surplus earnings in ex- " cursions or entertainments." — I have only to remark on this, that in October 1817, when 1 was at the place in question, the earnings per week were, according to the statements given me by the mechanics themselves, — tailors,, 31s. 6d. to 45s. ; shoemakers, 31s. 6d. to 36s. : and all the mechanics with whom I conversed complained of the difficulty which they expe rienced in getting paid for their labour, much of what they did receive being given them in orders upon shops for necessaries and cloth ing ; the extra price charged by the store keeper, under these circumstances, causing, in their judgment, a clear loss to them of three quarters of a dollar per week. As to the pur suits of this class of men, in Pittsburgh par ticularly, it will, I believe, tie found upon enquiry, that their " surplus earnings" are ex pended in " absolute intemperance and pro- " fligacy." D D 4 408 MR. BIRKBECK'S " NOTES." It is perhaps from a passage like the following that you may have been induced to form some conclusions on the state of this country ; — : " Vessels," says Mr. B., (page 48.) " of all " sorts and sizes, from 500 tons downwards, " continually passing, and steam-boats crowded "With passengers (on James River); the " same on the Potowmac ; and in the winter, " when the navigation is interrupted by frost, " stages twelve or fourteen in file are seen " posting along to supply the want of that " luxurious accommodation." — This descrip tion, I fear, would give you too flattering an idea of the state of things here. The com merce of the Potowmac will be seen, by a re ference to American imports and exports, to be extremely limited. - At George-town, there may be an average, at any one time, of ten sloops ; at Alexandria, an average of twelve square-rigged vessels, and perhaps 20 sloops. As to " stages travelling twelve or fourteen in file," I have frequented the best roads when steam-boat navigation has been interrupted by ice, and have never seen a number exceeding four, and not commonly more than one stage, during a route of several days. Upon the principles of taxation, this govern ment appear to be considered by Mr. Birkbeck as complete novices ; — " so new (page 75.) is " the government of this country in the1 art and Taxation. 409 " mystery of finance, that the revenue derived " from all this wealth hardly exceeds 40s. " sterling per square mile." A reference to the articles taxed during the late war will be, perhaps, the best mode of as certaining in this particular the talents of the American government. In the session of congress in 1813, duties were laid on stills ; on brandies ; on carriages of every description; licences for retailing all goods of foreign manufacture ; the same for selling spirits ; the same on auction sales ; on sugar ; and on paper. In 1814, further duties Were laid on these several articles, and also on various goods manufactured within the United States ; among which were household furniture, leather, tobacco, beer, shoes, boots, saddles, bridles, cards, umbrellas, paper, caps, hats, candles, and iron ware ; and to illustrate the subject of taxation I subjoin a list of stamps as sold in the city of Philadelphia. " Stamps for sale by John Bioren, Printer and Bookseller, No. 88, Chesnut Street. " Internal Duties, payable by law, after December 31st, 1813. " On Carriages. Dolls. ;CtS. " Upon every coach, the yearly sum of - 20 00 Upon every chariot and post chaise - -17 00 Upon every phaeton and every coachee, having pannel work in the upper division - 10 00 410 MR. BIRKBECK'S " NOTES." . Dolls. Cenis Upon every other four wheel carriage hanging on steel or iron springs - - 7 00 Upon every four wheel carriage hanging upon wooden springs, and every two wheel carriage hanging on steel or iron springs - 4 00 Upon every other four or two wheel carriage, 2 00 " On licences to distillers qf spirituous liquors. '.' For a still or stills employed iri distilling spirits from domestic materials, for each gallon including the head thereof; For 2 weeks (per gallon) - - ,9 For 1 month - - 18 For 2 months - - 32 For 3 months - - - 42 For 4 months - - - 52 For 6 months - - - 70 For 1 year - - - 1 08 (< For stills employed in distilling from foreign materials For 1 month (per gallon) - 25 For 3 months 60 For 6 months - - 1 05 For 1 year - - 1 35 " On sales by auction. " On goods, wares, and merchandize, for every 100 dollars - - - 1 00 On ships or vessels, for every 100 dollars 25 " On refined sugar. " On every pound - 4 " On licenses to retailers of wine, spirituous liquors, and foreign merchandize. " On retailers of merchandize, including wines and spirits - - - 25 00 STAMPS. . 411 n . , Dolls. Cts. Un wines alone - - - 20 00 On spirits alone - - - 20 00 On domestic spirits alone - - 1 5 00 On merchandize other than wines and spirits 15 00 " Where the population is not more than 100 families to a square mile. " On retailers of merchandize, including wines and spirits - . - 15 00 On wines and spirits - - 1 5 00 On spirits alone - - - 12 00 On domestic spirits - - 10 00 On merchandize other than wines and spirits 10 00 " On notes of banks, bankers, notes, bonds, fyc. dis counted by banks, fyc. and on bills qf exchange. " On any promissory note or notes, payable either to bearer or order, issued by any of the banks or companies, who issue and discount notes, bonds or obhgations, either incorporated or not incorporated, which now are, or hereafter may be established in the United States, or by any banker or bankers, ac cording to the following scale : viz. " If not exceeding 1 dollar - - 1 If above 1 and not exceeding 2 - 2 2 - - 3 - 3 3 - - 5 - 5 5 - - 10 - 10 10 - - 20 - 20 20 - - 50 - 50 50 - - 100 - 1 00 100 - - 500 - 5 00 412 MR. BIRKBECK'S " NOTES." Dolls. Cts. If above 500 and not exceeding 1000' - 10 00 1000 - - - 50 00 " On any bond, obligation, or promissory note or notes, not issued by any bank, companies, or bankers aforesaid, discounted by any such bank, cdmpanies or banker, and on any foreign or inland bill or bills of exchange above fifty dollars, and having one or more endorsers, according to the following scale : viz. * " If not exceeding 100 dollars - 5 If above 100 and not exceeding 200 10 200 - 500 25 500 - 1000 50 1000 - 1500 75 1500 - 2000 1 00 2000 - 3000 1 50 3000 - 4000 2 00 4000 - 5000 2 50 5000 - 7000 3 50 7000 - 8000 4 00 8000 - 5 00= " The secretary of the treasury may agree to an annual composition with any bank, in heu of stamp duty,, or one and a half per centum, on the amount of the annual dividend made by such bank." On the grand subject — that of emigration* notwithstanding all the captivating circum stances stated as attendant upon it, a few facts are admitted by Mr. B. himself which require your most deliberate and serious consideration. — First, then, that gentleman informs us, that EMIGRATION. SUCCESS. 413 " every service performed by one man for " another must be purchased at a high rate, " much higher than in England ; therefore, as " long as the English emigrant is obliged to " purchase more than he sells of this service, or " labour, he is worse off than at home." (Page 48.) Second, " After you have used yourself " to repose on your own pallets, either on the " floor of a cabin or under the canopy of the " woods, with an umbrella over your head and " a noble fire at your feet, you will then escape " the only serious nuisance of American tra- " veiling, viz. hot rooms and swarming beds," (126.) Third, " A traveller should always " carry flint, steel, and a large knife, or toma- " hawk, &c. &c." (Page 108.) The instances of great success, of which Mr. Birkbeck states several, are no doubt cor rect : but he certainly might have enlarged the view he has taken ; and perhaps rendered it more correct by the enumeration of many failures. At least, I am myself in possession of several cases, on both sides of this ques tion ; but thinking the criterion to be alto gether an uncertain one, I wave their enu meration. Such individual instances exist in every nation, and in every state of society; and are very frequently caused, not by peculiarity of country, but of individual cha racter. I notice this, because I know that a 414 MR. BIRKBECK'S " NOTES." reader, whose situation is similar to that in which the persons described were originally placed, might naturally be disposed to imagine, that if he were in America, he would be equally successful ; when probably, he may be altogether unfitted for such circumstances. A writer, adverse to this country, could find no difficulty in selecting instances of failure. In deed Mr. B. has himself, upon another subject, said, that " hundreds of these speculations," (making settlements,) " have failed ; " so that if the criterion be a correct one, the argu ment might be turned against himself, for these instances of failure would prove that success is not attainable in the United States. A subject, however, of this magnitude, must be viewed in the general and not in the detail. A man that can " turn his hand to any thing," be active, industrious, sober, economical, and set privations at defiance; 'will- 1 believe be more suc cessful in America, than in any other country on the globe. CAUSES OF LEAVING ENGLAND. The soundness of Mr. Birkbedk's political reasons for emigrating - must be left for every man to judge of in his own mind. By us they will be viewed favourably, because they are pre cisely our own. 'His moral reasons requiresome remark: his objects he states to be, "topro- 12 POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS.- 4l5 « cure for his children a career of enterprise " and wholesome family connexions, in a society " whose institutions are favourable to virtue. (Page 8.) " That institutions favourable to virtue, shall " produce effects' correspondent to their cha- " racter upon the society blessed with them, is " a conclusion so natural, that we should be in- " clined to suspect an error in the estimate of the " institutions themselves, if we found a vicious " people under a good government." (Page 9.) These are conclusions, I conceive, exactly such as a man versed in theoretic speculations upon the nature of society would arrive at, when Contemplating a country like this, previous tp his leaving Great Britain. But I am sorry to Say, that a very brief residence in America will most effectually dispel the charm; and I am much concerned, that Mr. Birkbeck, when writ ing his book in this country, should have, I think, so unnecessarily and gratuitously placed in the1 hands of those, who always oppose correct principles, a weapon with which, from his own ddmissidns, they can so effectually cut down him self, and, what is of infinitely more importance, the principles which he advocates. When he averts that the constitutipn Pf the American government is ^good, he takes a position so strong, that he cannot by any combinatipn of talents be dislodged from it ; but when he ex- 416 MR. BIRKBECK'S " NOTES." tends his ground by concluding "that we should " be inclined to suspect an error in the estimation " qftkejnstitutions themselves, if we find a vicious " people under a good government," his line is most effectually weakened. The American people " are like their fellow men, have," as he himself expresses it, "their irregular and rude " passions ; their gross propensities, and their " follies ; so that after all this is the real world " and no poetical Arcadia." (Page 131.) Could we begin society anew — transported from our present abodes, could we be placed in another Eden, possessing there the aid of all the knowledge and virtue, and freed from all the error and vice of the present day, then we should have rational grounds to an ticipate, that, under a gpod^gpyernment, there would necessarily be found a virtuous people. But as this is not the case, we must, in form ing our judgment on such a subject, look at man as he is, and speculate on society as we find it ; and I think we shall discover, that the ma terials which go to ; the formation of individual and of national character, spring up from a thousand other sources besides that afforded by political institutions. This view of the subject may assist us in solving an otherwise difficult ques tion, namely, why it is, that the people of England are so much in advance of their government ; and why, on the other ¦ handj the people of •AMERICAN REVIEW. 417 America remain so very far behind the princi ples upon which their political system is founded. I have met with but one American Review of Mr. Birkbeck's work ; it is contained in No. 207. of " the Port Folio," a respectable and long established literary publication, edited by Mr. Hall, of Philadelphia. As this article contains a fair specimen of American writing, and also ad mits some awkward political facts, which under other circumstances might perhaps have been concealed, I copy if for your information : — " Mr. Birkbeck landed at Norfolk, with which town he " is not much pleased. A Virginian tavern he describes " as resembling ' a French one with its table d'hote, " though not in the excellence of the cookery; but,' " he adds, that it ' somewhat exceeds it in filth, as it does " an English one ,in charges.' The gentlemen, he " thinks, are republican Ln politics, but irascible, and " often lax in morals. On his approach to Richmond, " he found himself at once in the society of persons " ' who appeared to be as polite, well dressed, and well " instructed, as if they had been repairing to the capital " of Great Britain, ' — whereat, no doubt, he marvelled «¦ mightily., In the city he finds a population of 13,000 " inhabitants, of which nearly one half is stated to be, «' we hope erroneously, negroes. Provisions are scarce, " dear and bad, in that city. The author was horrified, " he says, and well he might be, at the sale of negroes, " in open market. This is a foul blot in an escutcheon li which is blazoned with high honour, with intelligence, " beauty, and taste. The good folks of Richmond, he " says, are making s a grand stir about a monument to E E 418 AMERICAN REVIEW OF " the memory of Gen. Washington ;' and he takes oe- " casion to point out 'the mutilated bust of La Fayette " in their capital, which now stands an object of horror, "of derison,' — as worthy of attention. The project " of a monument was settled long ago, as may be seen " by reference to the debates in our congress (particu- " larly in the senate) soon after the accession of Mr. " Jefferson. Our traveller bears testimony to the ' ur- " banity and real politeness ' of the citizens; of Rich- " tnond; and is pleased to declare, that he saw 'as " good husbandry as would be expected in some well " managed districts of Great Britain.' We were about *' to make some remarks upon our author's practice " of making comparisons, but an intimation at the end " of the volume, which just presents itself, renders all '*' observation unnecessary. We find that the volume " |s intended to contain 'just the particulars ' which