1919 MESSIAHS: CHRISTIAN AND PAGAN MESSIAHS: CHRISTIAN AND PAGAN BY WILSON D. WALLIS ARTIetveRlTAnl BOSTON RICHARD G. BADGER THE GORHAM PRESS COPTEIGHT, 1918, BT RiCHABD G. BaDGEE All Rights Reserved AT Made in the United States of America The Gorham Press, Boston, U.S.A. TO THE MEMORY OF WILLIAM H. GOODING TEACHER, FRIEND, GUIDE " Christianity, after all, is, in one respect, a manifestation conditioned by time and circumstance. Even if the Church was divinely instituted, its history cannot be entirely dis severed from the general history of religious belief." — R. R. Makett, Magic or ReUgion? in The Edinburg Review, April, 1914. " There is a unity in the history of nature and of men." — W. Douglas Mackenzie. PREFACE SAMUEL BUTLER once remarked that " the more orig inal a writer is, the more pleasure will he take in calling attention to the forgotten work of those who have gone be fore him." The present writer would, indeed, fain be orig inal in the sense denoted by Butler, but the circumstances surrounding the subject of messianic religions seem success fully to preclude this type of originality. The topic of messianic religions, in its wider bearings, has been, so far as we are aware, a neglected one. Nowhere do we have a study of the distribution of these phenomena. Neither, it would seem, has any one attempted to correlate the phenomena of a given culture with other social qr political conditions so' as to give us an insight into causes, or even occasions. From this point of view it must be confessed that not even the Jewish messianic movements, the best known and most studied of all of them, have ever received adequate treatment. Theologians have generally restricted their studies to a par ticular period or to a particular influence, paying more at tention to textual matters than to sociological and psycho logical conditions. Even those who have approached the matter historically, as, for example. Greenstone in his study of The Messiah Idea, have left large gaps in the evidence and seem unaware of the connecting threads and the similar underlying conditions that open up a large field for original investigation. Mooney and Chamberlain, among ethnolo gists, have approached the study of American messianic movements from a more profitable angle, but they too have left the evidence incomplete. Although it seems safe to say that no one has attempted this most important study in comparative religion and so ciology, the need for such an investigation has more than once been pointed out by scholars who were familiar with at 8 Preface least some important phases of the major topic. Foremost among these are three American scholars, two of them theo logians, and the other a psychologist, who was earlier a stu dent of theology, and who has remained deeply interested in anthropological theory and Weltanschauung — G. Stanley Hall. In 1892 Dr. Ellinwood in lectures given in Union Theo logical Seminary, New York City, called attention to the universality of a vague expectation of coming messiahs, than which, he declared, " nothing found in the study of the reli gious history of mankind is more striking." He pointed out that " in modem as well as in ancient times nations and races have looked for deliverers or for some brighter hope. The very last instance of an anxious looking for a deliverer is that which quite recently has so sadly misled our Sioux Indians." (Oriental Religions and Christianity, 282-5, New York, 1896. Second Edition.) Several years later another American Biblical scholar in sisted that " Jewish and, Christian scholars ought to be able by this time to break the spell of a name and to accord a fair judgment tot those political leaders, social reformers, mys tics, and prophets who from Simon bar Kozeba to Sabatai Zewi have assumed or received from others the title of the Messiah, . . . These Messianic movements should also be more closely examined in the light of similar phenomena in the East which is so prodigal with the Saoshyants, Mahdis, prophets and revealers." (Nathaniel Schmidt, The Prophet of Nazareth, 93, 1905.) G. Stanley Hall has more recently emphasised this need. (In the first volume of The American Journal of Religious Psychology and in Jesus and Christ im, the Light of Recent Psychology, 1917.) These suggestions have been little heeded. Although we have descriptions of Messiahs and of messianic movements among various peoples there is nowhere, so far as we have been able to ascertain, any comprehensive description or in terpretation of them. For this task the writer can profess no especial fitness. On the contrary, he is especially unfitted for many of its extreme demands of scholarship and erudi tion. Being unable to control much of the source material Preface 9 he has had to depend on translations and the corroborations of more able scholars. It will not be surprising if this has led to mistakes in more than one instance, though in no case has he ventured to decide where specialists in their field have disagreed. Neither can he profess to have presented the data in its completeness. The lacunae will probably not be filled until some published work has called the attention of scholars to a field of research in comparative religion and sociology whose importance has never been adequately realized. If the present work is influential to this end its existence will be, justified. Theologians may retain their peculiar right to judge of the sources which only such thorough scholarship as they possess is able to interpret confidently. But they can no longer claim that the interpretation of the meaning of the facts which they adduce belongs exclusively to them — if, indeed, they have ever made such a claim. The messianic faiths which they present appear in Judaism, but they are not its peculiar possession. Rather do they belong to hu manity. They are a phase of human life which has its par allels in many widely separated, and historically unrelated, regions of the globe; they constitute one chapter in the exulting, if often mistaken, faith of mankind, their comple ment being found in Mohammedanism, in Buddhism, and in those cruder cultures which pertain to savagery. The light of universality must play upon them, in order that we may ascertain wherein they are the outcome of the genius of the Semite, and wherein they share in a larger human brother hood. In no other way can they be properly evaluated. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I The Messianic Movement in Judaism . . .15 II The Mahdi : The Messiah of Mohammedanism 90 III The Buddhist Messiah 120 rV Messianic Movements Among the Negroes . 12G V Messiahs of the North American Aborigines 130 VI The Messianic Idea in Christianity . . .153 VII Messiahs and Miracles 197 VIII The Messiah and Politics 207 IX An Interpretatioin of Messianic Movements 2'40 MESSIAHS: CHRISTIAN AND PAGAN MESSIAHS: CHRISTIAN AND PAGAN CHAPTER I the messianic movement in JUDAISM The Background of Jewish Messianic Hope THE cruder view that each people is responsible for its own life and development has given place to the more fruitful view that no people is solely responsible for its social life and ideals. These can be shown, in many cases, to have been inspired by surrounding and older cultures which have left an impress upon their neighbours. The early life of Judaism is, accordingly, to be found, not in the oldest documents which they have left us, but in the older contigu ous cultures that represent, in part, the dawn of their own life. The Jewish people are members of a larger group of influences that have shot through their civilization giving it new content and, often, new trend. It detracts nothing from the genius of this race to dis cover that the messianic idea itself, which is generally sup posed peculiar to Judaism, has its roots elsewhere and is, after all, only a transplanted idea flourishing more luxuri antly and more persistently in a more favourable soil. As syria, Babylonia, and Egypt have, each of them, probably, influenced Israel in generating the messianic ideal, as well as in many other ways. Thus, Asumasipal's prayer to Ishtar shows belief in the divine mission of the ruler — a prominent idea in the early Jewish belief: " But thou, O Ishtar, mighty princess of the gods, in lift ing up thine eyes didst thou teach me, and didst desire my 15 16 Messiahs: Christian amd Pagan rule. Thou didst take from out of the mountains and didst call me to the threshold of the people, thou didst preserve for me the sceptre of the temples until the becoming old of mankind. And thou, O Ishtar, didst make great my name, and thou hast granted to the faithful salvation, mercy," [Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie, V (1890), p. 70.] Similarly, in Egypt, Merneptah is praised as the divinely- sent protector of Egypt's peace: "Great joy has come into Egypt, rejoicing comes forth from the town of Tomeri {i.e., Egypt). They converse of the victories which Mer neptah has achieved among the Tehenu : ' How amiable is he, the victorious ruler, how magnified is the king among the gods, how fortunate is he, the commanding lord ; sit happily down and talk or walk, or walk far out upon the way, for there is no fear in the heart of the people.' " [Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt, III, 263. Chicago, 1906. God (Egyptian), Hastings' E.R.E., VI, 278.] In what is known as the Leiden papyrus, No. 344, trans lated by Alan H. Gardiner under the title, " Admonitions of an Egyptian Sage " (Leipzig, 1909), there are elements that come close to the messianic ideal, and at least distinctly adumbrate it. The date of the document is not settled, some Egyptologists placing it about the middle of the seventeenth or the sixteenth century, others believing it prior to the year 2100. By either reckoning it easily antedates the appear ance of the messianic idea in Judaism. The speaker, Ipuwer, represents first a state of calamity: " The door-keepers say . . . Let us go and plunder. The washerman refuses tO' carry his load. A man looks upon his son as his enemy. The virtuous man walks in mourning on account of that which has happened in the land. The wrong-doer is everywhere. Plague is throughout the land. Blood is everywhere. Crocodiles are glutted with what they have captured, men go to them of their own accord. For sooth, hair has fallen out for every one. Great and small say : ' I wish I might die.' Little children say : ' He ought never to have caused me to live.' Forsooth, all ani mals, their hearts weep. Cattle moan because of the state of the land. A man strikes his brother, the son of his The Messianic Movement in Judaism 17 mother. The roads are guarded. Men sit over the hushes until the benighted traveller comes, in order to plunder his burden. What is upon him is taken away. He is belabored with blows of the stick, and slain wrongfully. Forsooth, grain has perished on every side. All is ruin." The social order is overwhelmed. " Forsooth, poor men are become owners of good things. He who could make for himself no sandals is now the possessor of riches." There is no longer respect for law. " Folrsooth, the splendid judgment-hall, its writings are taken away. Behold the judges of the land are driven out through the land." After this array of calamities comes the Messiah — if such we may call him. " He bringeth coolness upon that which is hot. It is said he is the herdsman of mankind. No evil is in his heart. When his herds are few, he passes the day to gather them together, their hearts being on fire. Would that he had perceived their nature in the first generation of man kind; then he would have repressed evil, he would have stretched forth his arm against it ; he would have destro'yed their seed and their inheritance. Where is he to-day.? Is he sleeping.? Behold, his might is seen." By Professors H, O. Lange, Ed. Meyer, J. H. Breasted, and others, this has been interpreted as messianic, the proph ecy of a coming prince who would rescue and heal his people, restoring Egypt to her old-time place of prestige and power. A. H. Gardiner refers it to an account of the activity of the god Re, the creator and preserver of mankind, whose return to the earth will restore peace and prosperity. Since Re was regarded as the first king and all subsequent kings as the " sons of Re," it would, as Prof. J. M. P. Smith observes, be natural to think of the messiah king as a re-incarnation of Re. " Indeed," to quote Prof. Smith, " we recall that Micah speaks of a coming Messiah ' whose origins are from of old, from ancient time.' It is to be noticed, however, as Gardiner reminds us, that Ipuwer does not predict the coming of the messianic ruler, but merely gives expression to his longing that such an one might appear. Whether or not the thought is concerned with an individual Messiah in the ordinary sense of the word, the context is too uncertain to determine. But 18 Messiah: Christian amd Pagan it is perfectly clear," and this is a point we would stress, " it is perfectly clear that there is here presented a longing for the coming of a golden age such as that so gloriously de picted and so confidently predicted by the prophets of the Old Testament." [J. M. P. Smith, Semitic Prophecy, in the Biblical World, Vol. 36, No. 4 (April, 1910), p. 223-33. J. H. Breasted, The Earhest Social Prophet, in the American Journal of Theology, Jan., 1910'.] These ideas are, in many respects, similar to the early Jewish hopes wherein the prophets lament the evils that befall the people under wicked rulers, and paint, in contrast, that ideal kingdom of the future when the righteous king shall reign and peace shall prevail. Hammurabi, like other Babylonian rulers, was a descend ant of the gods, their representative on earth, and was expected to inaugurate a golden age of peace. [Cheney be lieves the Jewish messianic hope may be the result of Baby lonian influence. See Messiah, Ency. Bibl. The view that it is derived from Chaldea is advanced by H. P. Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, II, 256. Madras, 1910.] From other older Oriental cultures there comes an unmis takable strain of messianic hope. " Wake ! Be thyself ! Arise, Scourge of thy Foes ! " is the admonition of Krishna in the Bhagavad-Gita. In Zoroastrian religion the idea of a savior, political and moral, is clearly developed. The concept of the Iranian messiah, the Saoshyant, is implied, if not plainly expressed in the Gathas, the oldest portion of the Avesta, whUe in the later Avesta, the nineteenth Yast, the idea reaches fruition. In the later Pahlavi texts it is developed in some detail. The Saoshyant is the greatest and last of the three millenial prophets and will usher in the day of judgment for all man kind. The way is paved by his predecessors, Ukhshetara, Aushetar, and Ukhshatnemah, or Aushetar-mah, each of whom rule or supervise for a thousand years, the world, meanwhile, undergoing slight improvement. The Saoshyant is assisted in his first duties, supervising the resurrection of the dead, by fifteen men and fifteen maidens. A mystic drink confers immortality upon the resuscitated, and the Saoshyant The Messianic Movement in Judaism 19 then proceeds to recompense all according to their deeds. [Art. on Saoshyant, in New Intern, Ency, (1911), N, Soderblom, La Vie Future D'Apres Mazdeisme, 305-^, 246-7, Angers, 1901. J. H. Moulton, Early Religious Poetry of Persia. Cambridge, 1911. Incarnation (Parsi) in Hastings' E.R.E., VII, 198. Ages of the World (ZoroastriabI), lb,, I, 205-10. Messiah, lb., VIII, 579. Gaster, however, in sists that the Zoroastrian Taheb, or Messiah, plays as color less a part as the Messiah in the Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs or in the Apocalypse of Baruch. See Art. Parsiism in Judaism, in Hastings' E.R.E,, IX (1917), p, 640.] The Fathers of the Church regarded Orpheus as the fore runner of Christ, remarking that he had come to teach man kind and had died a tragic death. In fact a Roman em peror placed in his private chapel a statue of Orpheus beside the statue of the Christian Messiah, [Hutton Webster, Ancient History, 513 (D, C, Heath & Co, 1913),] The Greeks, however, had no typical messiahs, though ele ments of messianism had entered feebly into the religious as well as into the social and political life. The Eleusinian mysteries conducted the initiate into a new world of saving, if not absolving grace. The rebirth to a new life was sym bolized in the Demeter and Persephone myth, known to all Greeks, and in the Dionysian rites divine inspiration was ex pected, [Farnell, in art, on Greek Religion in Hastings' E.R.E, For a fuller account, see the excellent chapter on Hellenistic Religions of Redemptions, in S, J, Case, Evolu tion of Early Christianity. Chicago, 1914,] Even in Rome itself, cold, austere, self-controlled, and won derfully cosmopolite, vague foreshadowings of a messianic kingdom are not wanting. The Golden Age pictured by Virgil will be established by Augustus Caesar, ofl'spring of a god, than whom, sings Horace, . , , no boon of nobler worth Fate or kind gods ere gave, or ere shall give Ev'n though the golden age upon the earth Once more may live again. 20 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Caesar " lives to save " — a " winged god who deigns to don a manly frame," a " present god." He is a " patri monial Zeus, and savior of the common race of mankind, all of whose prayers Providence has not only fulfilled but even surpassed. For earth and sea have peace, cities flourish, well-governed, harmonious, and prosperous, the course of all good things has reached a climax, and all mankind has been filled with hopes for the future and good cheer for the present." Such is the optimistic doctrine recorded in a Halicamassus inscription. [Ch. on The Religious Signifi cance of Emperor-Worship in S. J. Case, op. cit., and W. Warde Fowler and others, Virgil and the Messianic Ec logue.'] And so the devout Roman believed that " the birth- dajr of the divine Caesar, which we might justly rate equal to the beginning of all creation, gave another aspect to the whole world, which would truly have perished utterly had not Caesar, the common good fortune of all men, been born." Thus the Eastern pagan world found its Messiah in Caesar, the language in some places bearing a close resemblance in form as well as in spirit to the Jewish messianic psalms and prophecies. For example, an inscription, dated 9—4 b. c, in honor of the birthday of Augustus, declares : " This day has given the earth an entirely new aspect. . , . Rightly does he judge who recognises in this birthday the beginning of life and of all the powers of life ; now is the time ended when men pitied themselves for being bom. All- ruling Providence has filled this man with such gifts for the salvation of the world as designate him the Saviour for us and for the coming generations ; of wars will he raake an end, and establish all things worthily. The birthday of God has brought to the world glad tidings. From his birthday a new era begins." [W. Ramsay, Letters to the Se7>en Churches, 436. London, 1904. Art,, Emperor-Worship, Diet, of the Apostolic Church, I, 330-2, The hymns and eclogues of Virgil were later confused with the Messianic outlook of the prophets, Hastings' E.R.E., VI, 717. Art., Caesarism, in Hastings' E.R.E,, III, 50^6,] The words of the Sibylline Oracle, given by Virgil some fifty years before the birth of Christ, are as follows : " The The Messianic Movement in Judaism 21 last era, the subject of the Sibyl song of Cumae, has now arrived; the great series of ages begins anew. The virgin returns — returns the reign of Saturn. The progeny from heaven now descends. Be thou propitious to the Infant Boy by whom the Iron Age shall expire, and the Golden Age over the whole world shall commence. Whilst thou, 0 Pollio, art consul, this glory of our age shall be made manifest, and the celestial months begin their revolutions. Under thy auspices whatever vestiges of our guilt remain, shall, by being atoned for, redeem the earth from fear forever. He shall partake of the life of the gods. He shall reign over a world in peace with his father's virtues. The earth, sweet boy, as her first fruits, shall pour thee forth spontaneous flowers," Whether this reflects the influence of Hebrew prophecy, or is an adaptation of those prevailing Roman ideas that later expanded into a fully developed eraperor worship under Augustus, it is at least the expression of a vague messianic expectation, even though the Messiah be identified as the ruling Caesar or as the heir to the throne. [See on this point Ellinwood, Oriental Religions and Christianity, 283^4.] For Nero an almost messianic reign was to commence in the East. [E. Renan, The Anti-Christ.'] Vespasian, no doubt as a result of the Jewish influences by which he was surrounded, was induced to accept a messianic character, and to show works of healing and miracles in support of his claims, [Tacitus, Hist,, IV, 81—2; Suetonius, Vesp., 7; Dion Cass., LXVI, 8.] Messianic ideas were, in fact, rife in the Roman empire about this time and liable to attach to any emperor. They represent, however, the influence of Jew ish thought upon Roraan life rather than the reverse, and are really an off^shoot of Jewish messianic faith. The messianic beliefs of Christians of the first and second centuries a. d. off'ered comfort to the citizens of the Eternal City, proud mistress of the world, as well as to poverty-stricken Jewish exiles. [Art. on Akiba Ben Joseph, in Ha.stings' E.R.E., I, 275. Antichrist, Diet, of Apost. Church, I, 67-8. Beast, lb., and in Diet, of Christ and the Gospels. Apocalypse, Ency. Bibl., I, 210^1.] A;fter this brief survey of surrounding cultures let us tum to 22 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan The Growth of the Messianic Idea in Old Testament Times From the first, Jewish national life was closely linked with the religious. Jehovah was the god of the Hebrews and for the Hebrews, national in every sense of the word, and in no sense international. Moses, the law-giver and religion- giver, rose at a time of great need when the Jews were hard- pressed from without and in danger of losing national in- tegritj' and independence. When Moses seemed to fail them in the wilderness and they no longer had actual every-day guidance they turned, disappointed, from his God and wor shipped a golden calf. Nathan Spira, preacher and rector of the Talmudic acad emy in Cracow (1685—1633), a specialist on the Practical Cabala, published in Cracow in 1627 a book called Discover ing Deep Things, in which he argued that Moses prayed to God concerning the appearance of the two Messiahs of the house of Joseph and David. [Dubnow, I, 135.] The sup position that Moses predicted the Messiah is based on Deut. xviii. 18: "I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth ; and he shall speak unto them aU that I shall command him." The Jewish rabbis drew elaborate parallels between Moses and the Messiah, [See J. H. Allen, Hebrew Men and Times from the Patriarchs to the Messiah, 392-3. Boston, 1883. L. S. Houghton, Hebrew Life and Thought, 306. Chicago 1906. A. H. Lewis, Paganism Sunmnng in Christianity, 54-6. New York, 1892. William Smith {Old Testament History from the Creation to the Return of the Jews from. Captivity, 19, 70. New York N. D.) finds promise of the Messiah given in the Garden of Eden as well as later to Abraham. See also S. Schechter, Some Aspects of Rabbinic Theology, 291-2. New York 1910.] Tliis seventeenth century view seems odd to us to-day. Yet half a century has not elapsed since an American theo logian advanced the idea that " in some sense, vague per haps, [Abraham] foresaw a Messiah and a Kingdom of Righteousness, and he was girded with confidence to the last, though he died without the sight." [Frank F. Ellinwood, The Messianic Movement in Judaism 23 Oriental Religions and Christianity, 365. New York 2nd ed. 1896.] There is, of course, no doubt that the messianic idea had its Biblical inception at a much later period. The Prophets who wrote before the Assyrian captivity seem concerned mainly, if not solely, with immediate political ills and reme dies. They deal with present evils and warn the people to re pent because of impending disasters. It is not until after the captivity that we find distinct promise of an ultimate rather than an immediate millennium, in the form of a Messianic Age wherein all wrongs will be righted. The return of the Jews under Zerubbabel had been a disappointment, now that the commonplaces and hardships of habitation in the actual Jerusalem had displaced the glamour which surrounded the Holy City when they longed for it, captives in a foreign land. They had not successfully established national au tonomy. Theirs was not the position among the nations of the world which their pride and ambition deraanded. Un equal to these demands — so at least they thought — were their leaders. Amid these conditions there evolved the idea of a Messiah, ideal and distant rather than immediate and merely practical, who would fulfil national ambitions. As the Messianic Age became increasingly needed national ira patience insisted on fixing its date. [Comill has advanced the view that Zerubbabel was regarded as the Messiah. Carl H. ComUl, The Prophets of Israel: Popular Sketches from Old Testament History, 150. Chicago, 1907, Trans lated by S, P. Corkran. Seventh Edition. The book is one of the best of the earlier expositions. Cheney endorses Cor- nill, Messiah, Ency, Bibl., Ill, 3059,] Most of the Old Testament prophets were inspired with the ideal of a social regeneration of regenerate Israel, It was especially during periods of national stress that promise was given of a Messiah who would cleanse the nation and raise it to a position above aU its neighbors. The exalta tion of Jahweh-worship to its preeminent position above all of the other cults seems to have owed its great impetus to the spur of a national enthusiasm, in answer to a dangerous external attack upon the existence of Israel and of Israel's 24 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan God. "This final touch was given by the aggression of Assyria, and, later, of Babylon. For two years the two tiny Israelitish kingdoras had maintained a precarious inde pendence between the mighty empires of Egypt and Meso potamia. In the eighth century it became certain that they could no longer play their accustomed game of clever diplo macy and polite subjection. The very existence of Israel was at stake ; and the fanatical worshippers of Jahweh broke out in that memorable ecstasy of enthusiasm which we raay fairly call the Age of the Prophets, and which produced the earliest masterpieces of Hebrew literature in the wild effort to oppose to the arras of the invaders the passive resistance of the supreme Jahweh. In times of old, the prophets say, when Jahweh led the forces of Israel, the horses and the chariots of their enemies counted for nought : if in this crisis Israel would cease to think of aid from Egypt or alliance with Assyria — if Israel would get rid of all her other gods and trust only to Jahweh — then Jahweh would break asun der the strength of Assyria and would reduce Babylon to nothing before his chosen people." [Grant Allen, Evolution of the Idea of God, Ch. X; Prideaux, Old and New Testa ment, I, 62, 141, 227,] This was the language of Isaiah in the crisis of a grave national danger. [See Ewald, Die Lehre der Bibel von Gott, Bk. Ill, and his Old Testament Theology, 363 (translated by Goodby). Also S. D. F. Salmond, The Christian Doctrine of Immortality (1903).] Under the Restoration, when the people and prophets alike were optimistic about the present and the immediate future, the messianic idea was not so strongly dominant. [Juda isra, Hastings' E,R,E., VII, 586, 695. C. F. Kent, The Origin and Permanent Value of the Old Testament, 119-21. New York, 1906.] The forecast of a bright future became more vivid and more concrete as the circumstances of the time seemed the raore to contradict it. C'est quand tout semblera perdu que tout sera vraiment suave, said a French man to his compatriots after the Prussian invasion and the Paris revolution, Jeremiah made a sirailar reraark to his brethren after the invasion of Palestine. The Babylonian exile was not only a crisis representing a The Messianic Movement in Judaism 25 fundamental social and political transformation in Israel, but was equally a period of religious transformation. The destruction of the ancient state cleared the way for the con struction of the new, and religion and ritual underwent re vision in keeping with the political changes. [C. F. Kent, Hist, of Jewish People during the Babylonian, Persian, and Greek Periods, 92-8, 147-53. New York 1910. Kittel, His tory of the Hebrews, II, 319, 346; in the Gerraan edition, II, 432, 480. Gotha, 1909. Emil Schurer, History of the Jewish People in the Time of Christ. First Dimsion, I, 188ff. Hugo Winckler, Geschichte Israels in EinzeldarsteUungen, L, chapter entitled Der Jahvismus und die Propheten in Politishen Leben, 78-113. Leipzig 1895, S, E, Fuller, His torical and Religious Significance of the Reign of Manassali, see esp, 71—91, Leipzig 1912, An account of Messianic hope is given by H, O, Taylor, Ancient Ideals, II, 146-71, 132, 228-31, See also Ewald, History of Israel, III, 11, 202, 226, 242, 272, 292; IV, 19, 50, 59-63; V, 67-9,] In the tirae of the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah, " in its complete form the Messianic expectation involved four things : the punishment of foreign nations ; the restoration of Israel to its own land ; a new covenant ; and the rule of a king of David's line, . , , The political coloring varies greatly," some hearts ardently longing for the supremacy over other nations, while sorae yearn more for a religious regeneration, Isaiah's prediction of the child to be bom, whose name, Emmanuel, will testify to the deliverance of Jerusalem from its besiegers, suggests a rapturous descrip tion of the Coming One, whose very name indicates that he will be a hero prince, godlike in his deeds (Isaiah 9:5). [Henry Preserved Smith, The Religion of Israel, 247-8.] The Jews seem to have held throughout to a belief that only a supernatural power could save a nation that is once started on the road to ruin. [J. E. Dewe, Psycliology of Politics and History, 180. 1910, Emil Schiirer, op, cit,] Indeed, Jahweh may intentionally allow Israel to be conquered by Babylon in order to awake their faith in him and so, through disaster, secure their united conversion : " that they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that 26 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan there is no God beside me " (Isaiah xiv). There is no doubt that as Israel's day waned more and more, faith learned to cling with an intenser grasp to this expectation of the consummation of a divine kingdom, and to the prospect of the coming of Jehovah Himself to reign on earth. The message of prophecy became in increasing meas ure the announcement of a future which God held for the theocracy, wherein right should finally be done to his people, justice executed upon His enemies, and hope fulfilled. As the vision of the Messianic era became larger and clearer, the whole conception of the future partook of this expansion and illumination, [Salmond, The Christian Doctrine of Im mortality, 208, Edinburgh, 1903,] In later years, when the Messiah's coming seemed too long postponed, impatient Jews (and Christians) asked: "Where is his promised coming, for since the fathers fell asleep, all things remain in the same condition as since the creation " (2 Peter iii, 4). To arouse and invigorate, a Messiah is needed, [See Huidekofer, Judaism at Rome, 259,] The messianic hope has served as a powerful stimulus to self-preservative effort. When Israel, at whatever period in its history, was impelled tO' a more vigorous religious life, its marvellous ancient courage against external enemies re vived: witness the days of Josiah, those of Zedekiah, those also of Zerubbabel, [Ewald, History of Israel, IV, 242, 272; V, 117,27,] To assert that these efforts were self-preservative is not inconsistent with the fact that every recrudescence of na tionalism has brought misfortune to the Jews and to Juda ism, that " it was the cause of the catastrophe of 678 b, c, of the fall of the Maccabees, of the decay of the Sadducees, of the destruction by Titus, and of the desolation of Judaea in 136." [Herbert Loewe, in Judaism, Hastings' E,R,E., VII, 608, seeras to imply otherwise.] The Messianic Idea in the Apocryphal Books — The First Two Centuries B. C. and the First Century A. D. The development of the messianic hope in the decades pre ceding and following the appearance of Christianity can be The Messianic Movement in Judaism 27 read in the Apocryphal books, made accessible to the lay world largely through the patient efforts of Dr, R. H. Charles. As has been mentioned, in the second century b. c, the messianic hope was practically non-existent. " So long as Judas and Simon were chiefs of the nation, the need of a Messiah was hardly felt. But in the first half of the next century (i, e,, the first century b, c) it was very different. Subject to ruthless oppressions, the righteous were in sore need of help. But inasmuch as the Maccabean princes were themselves the leaders in this oppression, the thoughts of the faithful were forced to look for divine aid. Thus the bold and original thinker to whom we owe the Parables con ceived the Messiah as the supernatural Son of Man, who should enjoy universal dominion and execute judgment on raen and angels. But other religious thinkers, returning to the study of the Old Testament, revived the expectation of the prophetic Messiah, sprung from the house and lineage of David, These very divergent conceptions took such a firm hold of the national consciousness that henceforth the Mes siah becomes almost the central and chief figure in the Messi anic kingdom," [R, H, Charles, Eschatology, 296,] The Messiah would, after purging Jerusalem, allow no stranger to dwell within the gates; " the sojourner and the stranger shall dwell with thera no more," says the Psalms of Solomon (written 70—40 b, c). As for the ungodly nations he wiU destroy them with the word of his mouth ; the hostile nations shall be destroyed. He shall judge the nations and the peoples with the wisdom of his righteousness And he shall possess the nations of the heathen to serve him beneath his yoke. And he shall have mercy on all the nations that come before him in fear. (Yea) the nations shall come from the ends of the world to see his glory, Bringing as gifts her sons that had fainted. The future that is predicted and fondly hoped for is the time when God will succor his own people, the psalmists dwell- 28 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan ing on the vengeance that will befall hostile nations and the sinners among men, rather than on the saving features of this kingdom. It was to be not so much a kingdom of grace as one of power vindicating national superiority. In the Apoc alypse of Baruch, written in the second half of the first cen tury A. D., the Messiah, who in the first Apocalypse is con ceived as wholly passive, is here pictured as a warrior who slays the enemies of Israel with his own hand. " Against Him all the heathen powers are arrayed under a great leader." [Ib., 327.] For the Pharisee who wrote the Similitudes of Enoch, " the blood of the martyred Pharisees cries out to Heaven, and the angels of heaven join their supplications with those of the living. He finds relief in two directions: first, in his conception of the origin of evil, and, second, in the belief in a preexistent Messiah, who will come and establish a uni versal kingdom of righteousness, and execute judgment upon all." (Ib., 75.) Israel, oppressed from without, must have a new ruler, one who brings with him not only new religious conceptions but new temporal authority that will vindicate the reality of this people's racial authority, and vanquish every formidable foe. That portion of the Book of Sirach (second century b. c.) which refers to a Messianic hope Schmidt [See Ecclesiasticus, in the Temple Bible, p. xxvi.] believes to be " manifestly an interpolation," However this may be, " it voices the feel ings of a people sorely oppressed by a foreign enemy, long ing for deliverance and vengeance, encouraged by prophecies concerning the ' end ' and anxious to see the fulfilment of their predictions," As regards the distribution and occurrence of the Messi anic belief the absence of it in certain of the Jewish apocry phal literature is no less significant than its presence in other writings. We have noted its prevalence in the literature of doctrinally tom Palestine during the century or more pre ceding the appearance of Christ, and in the first century of our era. In none of the Alexandrian literature of these cen turies, however, do we find expression of the hope of a per sonal Messiah. Its absence in the Alexandrian writings is The Messianic Movement in Judaism 29 " explained by the fact that, removed from the center of political aspiration and life, and influenced by the more spir itualized Judaism represented in the Book of Wisdom, the faith and ideals of the Alexandrian Jews did not suffer secu larization to the same extent as those of their Palestinian brethren." [It raust be pointed out, however, that if the conception of a personal Messiah is absent, that of a messi anic kingdom is not. The book known as Slavonic Enoch, for example, represents this kingdom as being realized in a coming millennium — not as near at hand.] Great is the contrast in the Palestinian literature of the sarae centuries, wherein " we can trace diversity and raodi- fication of the Messianic belief." The Assuraption of Moses is a protest against the hope of a personal Messiah — a hope then prevalent and potent enough to call forth this extended and dignified protest — and a plea for reversion to the older theocratic idea. Again, " the Apocalypse of Baruch, in the sections written before a. d. 70, foreshadows the coming of the Messiah ; but of the sections composed after the destruc tion of Jerusalem some cherish the hope of a Messianic king dom without a Messiah, others look for a speedy consumma tion and judgment, and one fragment bears witness to the survival of the Sadducaic view of the present and the future." In at least three of the books written after a. d. 70 (Baruch, Sibylhne Oracles, and the Apocal3rpse of Abrahara) , although there is the vision of a Messianic kingdora there is no refer ence to a personal Messiah. Evidently the destruction of Jerusalera dealt a severe blow to the political hopes of Juda ism, but that they were not entirely destroyed is clear from 4 Ezra, where the person of the Messiah is brought into the foreground of the picture of the future." [Maldwyn Hughes, Ethics of the Jexmsh Apocryphal Literature, 309- 12, 249. Alexandrian Theology, Hastings' E.R.E., I, 309,] The Jews of the mother-country were face to face with the great crises which threatened their nation ; those of Alex andria, the Jews of the Dispersion, viewed the course of events from a more dispassionate standpoint. If the latter saw them from a truer perspective, the former viewed them with a more vital interest and national concern. [Dewick, op. 30 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan cit., ch. X.] It was only in later centuries that Alexandria became " the most fatal scene of Jewish turbulence and Jew ish calamity." [H. H. Milman, op. cit., Ill, 42ff. N. Schmidt, op. cit., 80-1, 76. Ch. on the Alexandrians, in J. H. Allen, op. cit.] The history of Palestine from about 105 B.C. till 63 b. C. exhibits a struggle for power by the opposing sects of the Pharisees and the Maccabean house with alternating suc cesses and failures. " When one party was in power it per secuted the other." The psalms of Solomon bear witness to the bitterness of this mutual hatred, a bitterness aug mented by the theological in addition to the pohtical differ ences. Thus the first century b, c. which introduced to Juda ism and to the larger Gentile world John the Baptist and Christ himself was a time of intense activity, and of the impact of many conflicting forces, all of which played their part in shaping the Messianic hope. [M. Hughes, op. cit,, 25-6, 66.] It was the attempt to solve the problem, " why it is that Israel, which with all its perversity is more faithful to the law than other nations, is yet oppressed by them," that led the apocalyptists to cast their gaze into the future, and to foreshadow a Messianic kingdom in which Israel and the law should be vindicated and its enemies overthrown. The emergence of this Messianic Prince is pictured in Jubilees and the Testaments, [Eschatology, in Hastings' E,R,E. Apocalyptic Literature (by R. H. Charles) in Ency, Britt. II ; in Ency, Bibl,, I, 213-50 ; in Diet, of Christ and the Gos pels, Apocrypha, in the last mentioned, I, 79-94, Eschatol ogy (by R, H, Charles), Ency, Bibl,, II, 1351-72, and in Diet, of the Apostolic Church, I, 334-65. Apocalypse, and Christ, Christology, lb., I, 71-81 ; I, 177-99. Also, in lb,, art, Barnabas, Epistle of, 139-40 ; Baruch, Apocalypse of, 142-4; Esdras, The Second Book of, 365-6; Enoch, Book of, 334-40 ; Assumption of Moses, 107 ; Ascension of Isaiah, 100,] In view of this political tinge it is not surprising that Cyrus was regarded by the Israelites as Messiah, for he seemed to insure political salvation. [P.P.C. De La Saussaye, Lehrbuch der Religious geschichte I, 446. Tiibingen, 1905,] The Messianic Movement in Judaism 31 Resuscitation of the Messianic Idea in Roman Days If this relationship between the harshness of the times and the intensity of the messianic hope is true of the days of the prophets, it is none the less true of a later Israel, of the Israel which meets us in the centuries preceding and fol lowing the birth of Christ, " Had the dream of Daniel been realized," it has been said, " and the dominion over the nations been given to the saints of the Maccabean period, the king of Israel would have been worshipped as a God, and Jerusalem rather than Rome would have become the seat of the imperial cult," [Nathaniel Schmidt, The Prophet of Nazareth, 71-2. 1905.] That dream of Jewish national domination was, however, not to be realized. The revival of national strength was short-lived. As national prosperity waxed the messianic idea waned, and, when Israel fell upon evil days, the messi anic idea, now in more favorable soil, took new root and bore fruit abundantly. This inverse relationship is well estab lished. " Scarcely can it be supposed that the cry for a Messiah burst forth with loud accents while the Maccabean prince, Simon, ruled over the country. . . . The Jewish people were then content with the prevailing order of things. If it be true, as the author of the first book of Maccabees avers, that in those days ' every man was sitting under his vine, and under his fig-tree,' we cannot for one moment sup pose that, under such realization of Messianic bliss, there should have existed an impulsive yearning toward another ruler, the iraagined Messiah of the house of David. . . . The sarae may be said of the prosperous reign of his son, John Hyrcanus (b. c. 135—105), Under him almost a Davidic splendor, greatness and power prevailed. By the side of proud national self-consciousness the morbid sigh for an unknown and unknowable royal personage who should yet iraprove upon the present common happiness, can not well be imagined to have burst forth, " The Messianic vision, it must be adraitted by all, was originally bom of gloora. It was always expressed, with more or less demonstrative force, under the somber aspects 32 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan of the times. Its ' reason of existence ' was either the weary night of oppression — or the dim twilight of a dubious des tiny. In the serene radiance of the light of freedom and peace, or the lucid gleam of teraporal bliss, the motive for its being is only hypothetical. If it nevertheless exists under such favorable conditions, it is due to a mere emotional at tachment to the past and a pious repugnance to part from the wonted track cut by venerated ancestors and trodden all along in subsequent ages. That, therefore, the Jews were, under the prosperous reign of the high-priestly prince, John Hyrcanus, little troubled about the Messianic future, may be set down as a reasonable conclusion." [I. Schwab, A Review of the Messianic Idea from the Earliest Times to the Rise of Christianity. Published in Judaism at the World's Parliament of Religions. Cincinnati (R, Clarke), 1894,] Seldom in the history of mankind has the need for a re deemer been so strongly felt as in the century before and the century after Christ, the apocalyptic frame of mind being so wide-spread that even a Seneca could not keep his thoughts frora the early arrival of the end of the world. The messianic character of Augustus reflects the temper of mind of the emperor-worshipping Romans of this age, [Arthur Drews, The Christ Myth, 35. Art., Caesarism, in Hastings' E,R,E,, III, 50-6.] If security lulled the messianic hope into quiescence, dan ger and oppression revived it. For its stimulus Judaism has many peoples to thank, Assyrians, Egyptians, Ro mans, and, later, many a European people. The Apoca lypse fitly represents the messianic raoveraent as beginning at the time when Rorae was extending her dominions over Judea, Its inception was amid " the beginnings of sor row," and the foremnners of the Messiah's advent were dis asters without precedent, "Revolution and Messianism," wrote Ernest Renan, " were indeed the min of the Jewish people considered as a nation," and, perhaps one should add, " the trae vocation of that people, its one contribution to the structure of a world-wide civilization," The first evidence of belief in a Messiah who was expected to deliver Israel has been attributed to the period following The Messianic Movement in Judaism 33 the conquest of Palestine by Pompey, in 63 b. c. [N. Schmidt, op. cit,, 68,] In view of the prevalent Messianic expectation, it can not be considered pure accident that Dosithee proclaimed his raessiahship among the Samaritans at alraost the sarae tirae that Christ proclairaed his raessiah ship among the Jews, [Krauss, Dosithee et les Dositheens. Rev, d. Etudes Juives, Vol. 42 (1901), 27-42; A, Buchler, Les Dositheens dans le Midrash, lb.. Vol. 43 (1901), 50-71 ; Vol. 42, p. 220-31, Dositheans, in Cath, Ency., and in the New Inter. Ency. (1915'), VII, 195.] According to Origen, Dosithee was long believed by some of his followers to be still alive on this earth. The galling oppression of the stranger, and the bitter sense of helplessness under the crushing power of the Roman legions, bred in the Jews a wild despair which made them look forward raore eagerly than ever to the appearance of some one with extraordinary powers, who, as the Messiah, would, in accordance with ancient oracles, free them, and, with them, the world, from the prevailing material and moral bondage, [P. Goodman, A History of the Jews, 28. Lon don, 1909,] While the people were raiserable, impatient, and longing for a leader, " if such a hero had arisen, and had dealt with the Romans as Judas Maccabeus had dealt with the Syrians, he would assuredly have been hailed by the Jews as the Mes siah, the anointed of the Lord, The restlessness and riot ing, which had their center in Jerusalem, prevailed through out Palestine, and nowhere more strongly than in Galilee, the northern provinces in which Jesus, the son of Joseph a car penter, first attracted attention. When Jesus was a tiny child a certain Judas of Galilee, a very ordinary hero indeed, only just escaped the perilous distinction of being altogether believed in by his countrymen, Judas the Galilean had headed a frantic outburst of passionate patriotisra. It had been locally successful. Led by him, the Galileans had re volted and the Romans had retreated, and, like his great namesake, this Judas conquered for a while. But it was for a very little while; and his followers had not time to tum this leader of theirs into Messiah before he was crucified 34 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan by the Romans as a rebel. The enthusiastic reception which was given to this poor straw of a hero shows the tendency of the time and the temper of the people. The very stones seemed crying out for a Redeemer and Deliverer to come unto Zion. Under the circumstances a Messiah was almost bound to appear," [Lady Magnus, Outlines of Jewish His tory, 49, 226. Philadelphia, 1890. Hope for a political Messiah who will save from Roman domination is recognised by G. P. Fisher, History of the Christian Church, 16.] It is easy to forget but important to remember that in the days of Jesus the word " Messiah " would inevitably suggest a powerful king, a warrior, a sudden and successful revolu tion. The Son of Man as pictured in Enoch 37-70 will execute judgraent on men and angels alike. In fact, it was only after the year a. d. 135, in Talmudic times, that Juda ism accepted belief in a Messiah who would die — a belief that may be related directly to the death of the national Messiah-hero, Bar-Kokebas. [Messiah, in Hastings' E.R.E,, VIII, 580, Jesus Christ, lb,, VII, 514, 517, Eschatology, lb., V, 379-80, 381,] Jesus of Nazareth was not accepted by the more patriotic Jews as their Messiah for he failed to respond to national political hopes. Only in the Greek language does the name " Christ " signify the " Anointed One," i, e., the " Messiah." It is true Josephus does not attribute a political .philosophy to the Zealots, the sect led by Judas against the Romans, and says nothing of the messianic hope that dominated them ; but his silence may well be out of regard for Roman feeling. [An interpretation given by Norman Bentwick, Josephu.s, 117. Philadelphia, 1914.] The belief in the coming of a triumphant Messiah was so widely diffused as to be mentioned by both Suetonius and Tacitus, [Cf. H. H. Milman, History of the Jews, II, 210^ 11,] so that Josephus must certainly have been cognisant of it. Only by virtue of this prevailing idea can we explain that state of expectancy which seldom failed to welcome any would-be Messiah. Thus it was that Theudas (beheaded 46 A, D.) could persuade the people to follow him to the river Jordan, expecting to see its waters miraculously divide as The Messianic Movement in Judaism 35 the Red Sea divided for Moses. An Egyptian impostor (about 68 A. D.) could induce thera to go out to the Mount of Olives expecting to see the walls of Jerusalem fall pros trate at his command. Even when the Roman soldiers were raaking preparations to set fire to the temple, a Messiah was able to assemble 6,000 raen, woraen and children, into its courts and porches to await a proraised miraculous deliver ance. [See Josephus, Ant., XX, and Wars, VI ; Edersheira, Sketches of Jewish Social Life in the Days of Christ, 65—7, London, 1896.] Many of these, like Menahem, son of Judah, the Galilean, who appeared during the siege of Jerusalem, clothed in royal garraents, and led the attack upon the Roman garrison, finally fell victims to their messianic pride or arbitrariness. All of them were inspired with a fervor as patriotic as it was religious. Under the prosperous rule of the Maccabees, the old pro phetic hope of a Messiah-king of David's line either lay dormant, or else became transformed into the expectation of a great Maccabean Priest-King of the House of Levi, When the Pharisees found themselves oppressed by the ex isting King of the Jews, the Messianic hope revived. It is clear, also, that at the time of Christ we need not expect to find one stereotyped form of Messianic hope. It was, in deed, a pious belief of certain individuals, not a recognised article of the Pharisaic creed, and, where the belief was held, its expression varied considerably, [Dewick, Primitive Christian Eschatology, ch, IX, and Emil Schiirer, op. cit,] The expectation of a Messiah was no part of the doctrine of the Hillelites, though it was exuberant among the Graeco- Roman Jews, and, among them, was raised to a high pitch by the edict against the Hebrews promulgated by Tiberius and Sejan, [I. M, Wise, History of the Hebrews' Second Com monwealth, 265. Cincinnati, 1880,] The success of Jesus' Messiahship varied according to the needs of the respective classes to whom it appealed, [lb., 260.] Nor is this rela tivism peculiar to any age. The Pharisees cherished the Messianic hope, but with them it was interwoven with the hope of national and political redemption which, with them, 36 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan was inseparable frora it. This was also essentially the doc trine of the Zealots, whose passionate zeal sought to hasten the day of national retribution upon Israel's enemies. [Riggs, History of the Jerdsh People, 108, 249. New York, 1902.] Though the messianic hope was rampant in Palestine, in the books of the Cabbala, which were given shape among the Egyptian Jews, the names " Son of Man " and " Anointed Prince," the terras used when referring to the Messiah, do not occur. [C. R. Conder, Judas Maccabaeus and the Jew ish War of Independence, 68 (1879).] These Alexandrian Jews were apart from the political depression and turmoil, and messianic doctrines were correspondingly absent. [A detailed account of the conditions and doctrines of the Alex andrian Jews of this and proximate periods will be found in August Bludan, Juden und Judenverfolgungen im alten Alexandria, esp, 13-28. Munster i. W. 1906. Also, N. Schmidt, Prophet of Nazareth.] Messianic hope is ex pressed in the Book of Enoch and in that of Solomon (Pales tinian), whereas there is no reference to it in the Sibylline Oracles (Alexandrian). [Ewald, History of Israel, V, 361, 346, 484.] Most of the Messianic prophecies are, as Professor Kent has remarked, [op, cit., 84ff., 175.] determined by the con ditions and especially by the age in which the prophet lived, and their success has been closely related to the nature of the appeal. Before the appearance of John the Baptist and of Jesus of Nazareth the outrages perpetrated by Pilate had given rise to several prophets and saviors. One of these, a Samaritan, called his fellow-patriots to Mount Gerizzim, promising, in proof of his divine mission, to show them the sacred vessels and the ark made by Moses, these objects, ac cording to Samaritan tradition, being buried on that Mount. Many of his followers came under arms ; but the ever-wary Roman knew the political danger involved in religious fer vour and promptly quelled the uprising. [I. M, Wise, op. cit., 244, 253,] Syria, which had been one of the most op pressed of the Roman provinces was most fruitful in messi anic religious movements, while Alexandria, a refuge from The Messianic Movement in Judaism 37 political oppression, furnished none — not even an appealing messianic idea. In Palestine itself there was, prior to the appearance of Christ, not one prevailing idea of the desired and expected Messiah, but at least two distinct ones : there were two classes, each with its own peculiar needs and hopes, and these were not always reconcilable not to say coincident. If Mr. Louis Wallis' interpretation is correct, [Sociological Study of the Old Testament] the messianic idea found its source in the desire of the upper classes of Israel to have foreigners work for them, while they, the successful peoples, ate the wealth of the nations and succeeded to the world's glory. " But the lower classes were infected with social revolution, and wanted to set mishpat, or justice in the land," The final catastrophe of Judaism, its last attempt to get rid of the Roman yoke, is directly traceable to a messianic upris ing of the lower class. Although later in its history Chris tianity was first adopted by the higher classes and by thera imposed upon the peasantry (as in France, England, Ger raany, and raost European countries), in the first centuries of its life it was distinctively and almost exclusively the reli gion of the lower classes, of the poor and oppressed. To them it promised salvation from the oppressor, regeneration and superiority that made the poor rich, the afflicted happy despite their misery. Such a religion was not for the higher classes because the oppression felt by them was the result of conditions external to the nation, not incidental to the social life, as was the case with the poorer classes. [Prideaux, op, cit,, II, 404-5, 425, 1849, Riggs, op, cit,, 152-3, 211, 1 228, The Old Testament is, for the raost part written from the aristocratic point of view, that of the ruling and wealthy classes, and voices their aspirations. For example from its account we might supose that all of the Jews were carried away by Assyria during the captivity, whereas only the leaders and members of the upper classes were taken. The New Testament, on the other hand, reflects the views of the poorer classes who 'had little to do with the affairs of the nation.] Thus the success of Christianity, like the progress of the Jewish reli gion, is in large part a reflex of political conditions. 38 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Some Jewish Messiahs After the Time of Christ The hope for the advent of the Messiah lay dormant in the people awaiting for its fulfillment the time of pressing need ; this hope reached its fulfilment, or at least its highest tension, in the troublous times immediately preceding the destraction of Jerusalem by Titus, " From the simple idea of a warrior, a protector of the people against foreign foes, the Messiah idea developed into the expectation of the rise of a great and glorious king of the house of David." [J. A. Greenstone, The Messiah Idea in Jewish History, 4i%r-^, 54, 84, 111-112,] " The darker the present grew , . . the raore eagerly did their minds turn to the comfort offered by the apocalyptic promises, which predicted the end of their sufferings and the dawn of their delivery." [Buttenweiser, in Jewish Encyclopedia,] Indeed, subsequently to b. c. 63, the Jews at Rome had taught the coraing of a King, or Mes siah, who would have been for the rest of Europe a King from the East: " And ' the People ' of the Great God shall again shine, Loaded with wealth, with gold and silver, And fine purple." As already suggested there can be little doubt that a Messianic excitement " accompanied as usual by anti-Roman feeling," was largely responsible for the Jewish revolt sup pressed by Titus. At this time as well as through the fol lowing fifteen centuries or longer [see below the account of Molcho], Rome's downfall was to be the sign of the Messiah's approach ; or the return of Nero, " the Beast," would herald it. " A dog chased the lion which throttled the Shepherds " of Israel; the chasing dog was a powerful Messiah. The two epistles of Paul which bear, of all his writings, the strongest evidence of an intense Messianic expectation were written at a time when the notion was prevalent in the Jew ish aristocracy, that an emperor at Rome would rival God ; whUe in the second epistle of Paul reflecting this belief, we have a reference to this heathen emperor as one who is to precede the Messiah's coming. [See I Thess. 4 and 5 • II The Messianic Movement in Judaism 39 Thess, 2, Paul, Diet, of Chr, and Gospels, II, 890, Christ, Christology, Diet. Apost, Ch., I, 188-91,] This view was essentially at one with that belief in the Anti-Christ which prevailed through the Middle Ages as an inheritance from New Testament times : An Anti-Christ who would be liberal in bribes, of unbounded wealth, capable of performing great signs and wonders so as to deceive the very elect, and at last tear the moral veil from his face revealing himself a monster of impiety and cruelty. He would inaugurate that awful persecution which would last three years and a half, excelling all previous persecutions in horror, " When the Son of Man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? " asks Christ as though expecting the answer, " No." The vessel of the Church, says Marchantius, a seventeenth century theo logian of Flanders, will disappear in the foam of that boil ing deep of infidelity and be hidden in the blackness of that storra of destruction which sweeps over the earth. The sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven. After the lapse of those three and a half years Christ will descend to earth, destroy Anti-Christ and his world power, thus avenging the blood of the saints. [For the beliefs about the Anti-Christ, see S. Baring-Gould, Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. Boston, 1889.] Earthquakes and widespread famine, it seems, brought the Messianic excitement in Rome to a culmination in a. d. 52. Claudius expelled from Rome the Jews who, to quote Sue tonius, " under the irapulse of Christianity were keeping up a constant disturbance." As Huidekofer observes, the heathen could have had no raotive for exculpating Jews at the expense of Christians. " Hence the allegation that Christianity was to blame for the disturbance must have originated with conservative Jews." The fearful earth quakes which shook Southern Italy again in a. d. 63, through the universal apprehension which they aroused, stimulated Messianic expectations araong Jews and Christians. To supplement this, in June, 64, the city of Rome was nearly destroyed by a fire, only four of the fourteen sections of the city remaining untouched, the other ten being wholly or in 40 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan part destroyed. " Here was an event — Rome's destruc tion — which for more than a century had by many Jews been deemed the precursor of their Messiah's coming. Party strife and Sibylline predictions found place in the capital, whilst in Judea the autumn cannot have passed without premonitions of rebellion. From Josephus we know that revolutionary disturbances were, shortly thereafter, well under way in Judea, [See Huidekofer, Judaism at Rome, N, Y,, 1887, 242ff ;, 229-38; 133, 144-7, 154, 425, 501 ; and the same author's Indirect Testimony of History, 33-5, For the use by Cicero of the phrase, " A King from the East," see the orator's work on Divinations and his De Natura Deorum. Virgil's Messianic Eclogue, edited by Mayor, Fowler and Conway, London, 1907, contains a dis cussion of the question of the messianic concept in Virgil, On the relation between the Dragon and the Messiah, see Hastings' Dictionary of the Apostolic Church, I, 313, art. on Dragon. The religious stiraulus of such events has been discussed by the author in the article on Prodigies and Portents in Hastings' Ency. of Religion and Ethics, Vol, X.] " Amongst the magicians and the false prophets who, to the disturbance of the people, began, in rivalry, with the robbers, to play a more dangerous part, and whom Felix endeavored rigorously to put down, there was an Egyptian Judean who especially distinguished himself (shortly after a. d. 52). He sought to prove, by a perverse interpretation of the Bible, that the walls of Jerusalem, having been subject to the heathen, must fall down in the same way as those of Jericho, under Joshua, had once done, and that only when that had been accomplished would the victory over the world accrue to those who should in that way enter the city. He had already collected many people from the populace on the Mount of Olives, in his advance from the eastern desert, when Felix fell upon him with a large body of horse and cavalry, killing four hundred and taking two hundred pris oners." [J. H. Allen, op. cit., 413. Ewald, History of Israel, VII, 423.] About a decade later, the Roman governor, Festus, was compelled to send cavalry and infantry against a similar The Messianic Movement in Judaism 41 false Messiah, who had promised the people immediate deliv erance from the oppressive Romans, and a cessation of all sufferings, if they would follow him into the desert. [Ib., 426, The account is given in Josephus, Ant,, XX, 8, 10,] It was in the days of intense excitement and concern, when Cleopatra was scheming to effect the overthrow of Herod, that a Judean author foretold the coming destruction of the Roman-Greek state and heralded the coming of a glorious Messiah, [Graetz, Hist of Jews, II, 95, See also 143ff,, 240ff,, 290ff,, 409ff,, 610 ; IV, 18, 494ff. ; in II, 610ff. ; of Messiahs in the early sixteenth century, in IV, 482ff, ; of Charles V (sixteenth century) in IV, 497,] In a word, " To trace the rise of the Jewish revolt is hardly anything less than to trace the growth of the messianic propaganda," [See Shaler Matthews, Messianic Hope in the New Testa ment, 16 ; cf., also, C. A, Briggs, The Messiah of the Apostles, New York, 1895 ; and by the same author. The Messiah of the Gospels.] The periods of greatest oppression and consequent de pression, from 180 b, c, to 100 a, d,, " far from being ages of spiritual stagnation and darkness, . . . might with jus tice be described as the two most fruitful centuries in religion, life and thought in the history of Israel." [R. H. Charles, Religious Development between the Old and New Testament, 115. See also his Apocrypha.] The raessianic conception which Josephus witnessed at work was erainently national and anti-Roraan, In the Asmonian period (cir. 130' b, c), in conformity with Jewish prophecy, the Messiah was to establish a glorious territorial kingdom. The apocalyptic messiah of this age was to origi nate a heaven, descend to earth, establish future judgment, and, as was held after the capture of Jerusalem, avenge the Jews upon their enemies. The raotive for national venge ance died hard. In a, d, 132, a Messiah by name of Bar Kokebas came forward and raised a revolt against the Ro mans which lasted three years and a half, finally resulting, to the great injury of the Jewish cause, in the Hebrew temple being replaced by one dedicated to Jupiter. [Lagrange, Le Messianism (Paris, 1909), esp. pp. 6, 132, 309. Also 42 Messiahs: Christian amd Pagan J, A. Greenstone, op. cit., 89. See Virgil's Messianic Ec logue, edited by J. B. Mayor, W. W. Fowler, and R. S, Conway (London, 1907), Josephus, Hastings' E,R,E., VII, 776, sec, 3-4.] This illustrates the pragmatic value of messianic ideals and is probably what Briggs had in mind when he referred to the Old Testament Messianic prophecies as an " organism of redemption," an ideal to guide the Jew ish people in " their advance toward the goal of history," [C. A. Briggs, Messianic Prophecy. New York, 1891. An older and less valuable treatise will be found in the book of James Drummond, The Jewish Messiah: A Critical History of the Messianic Idea among the Jews from the Rise of the Maccabees to the Closing of the Talmud. London, 1877. See also Shailer Mathews, Messianic Hope in the New Testa ment (Univ. of Chicago Press).] In less than a year Bar Kokebas had conquered fifty forti fied cities and nine hundred and forty-five towns and villages. He led an army of two hundred thousand men. For two and a half years he reigned as king. Only after fifty-two battles did Julius Severus, in 136 a, d,, finally vanquish hira. There is something sublime in this King of Zion bidding defiance to the arraies of proud imperial Rome. [N. Schmidt, op. cit., 88-91; Rev. d. Etudes Juives, I (1880), 42.] This Bar-Kokebas, Son of a Star, whose name was later' turned by his disappointed followers into Bar-Cosba, Son of a Lie, though not the first, nor yet the last, of a long line of Messiahs, is one of the raost dramatic figures. It was an opinion deeply rooted in the breasts of all faithful Israelites, that in the darkest hour of the race of Abraham, when his children were at the extreme point of degradation and wretchedness, even then the arm of the Lord would be re vealed, and the expected Messiah would make his sudden and glorious appearance. In the year 132 a. d., after the death of Trajan and the ascension of Hadrian, that hour seemed to have arrived. Not only was their holy Jerusalem a mass of ruins and inhabited by the stranger, but the pagans were about to take up permanent residence in Sion, and place a Roman idol on the very site of the Holy of Holies. At that moment the Messiah appeared in the person of Bar-Kokebas • The Messianic Movement in Judaism 43 the greatest of the Rabbis openly avowed the justice of his claims ; many miraculous feats were attributed to hira, and thousands of Jews flocked to his banner. [H. H. Milraan, Hist, of the Jews, II, 432-8'. Emil Schiirer, Hist, of the Jewish People in the Time of Christ. First Division, II. 297ff. New York. No date. S. Hecht, Epitome of Post-Biblical History, 33-5 (1882). R. A. S. Macalister, Hist, of Civili zation in Palestine, 101. Merivale, Hist, of the Romans, VII, 316-7, New York, 1896, J. H, Allen, op, cit,, 423. Gibbon's Roman Empire, I, 58'9,] Schindler has referred to Bar Kokebas as the only man who has earned the title of Messiah, if it has been earned by any one, embodying all the qualities expected of the Mes siah, " He was of powerful, herculean build ; tall, muscu lar, strong. He was the model of a soldier. He would sleep on the bare ground, and share the coarse food of his soldiers. In battle he would be seen at the most dangerous points, whirling his battle-axe with undaunted courage. He was a skilful leader, who outgeneralled the most experienced sol diers of Rome, Deep as was his hatred of Rorae was his love for his country. He was raodest and wiUing to listen ; and for aU this his followers worshipped hira. How he had passed his youth, where he had obtained his military knowl edge, nobody knew. There he was at the tirae when all was prepared, and people were only waiting for the leader ; and the impression which he must have made upon the people was such that, without examining his past record; all, the rich and the poor, the learned and the simple, flocked to his ban ner, and obeyed implicitly his comraands. Within the space of a year he storraed fifty fortified places, and freed nine hundred and eighty-five towns held by the Roraans ; and when the year 133 dawned, not a single Roman was to be seen in Palestine." \_Messianic Expectations, 69—73. Mommsen, ProTnnces of the Roman Empire, II, 244. New York, 1887.] Later belief that the messianic period would be preceded by raany raisfortunes and perplexities for Israel [Greenstone, 111—12] raay well have been an inference based on the con ditions that had, as a raatter of fact, prevailed prior to its manifestations. A few examples will illustrate this : 44 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan In the fifth century, an enthusiast, one Moses, arose m the island of Crete, declaring himself the Messiah and attract ing all the Jewish congregations on the island, ' Business was neglected, all the common pursuits of life were forsaken, in the anxious expectation of the time when the new Moses should lead them dryshod through the sea into the Promised Land, So convinced were the people of his mission and of his powers, that they delivered all their belongings to him, and men, women, and children followed him to the sea. Standing on a promontory projecting into the sea, he or dered thera to throw themselves into the ocean, as the waters would surely part for thera, . . . Many were drowned, some were rescued by sailors." " Thus the Jews, whom the mag nanimous offer of a Roman emperor left incredulous, were deluded by the fancies of an enthusiast, or by the snares of an impostor, merely because he promised them miracles." [Greenstone, op, cit,, 109—11 ; G, F. Abbott, Israel in Eu rope. 48-9; H. H, Milman, III, 40, 96ff,, 366.] His suc cess is no doubt partly due to the fact that in the beginning of the fifth century hopes of a millennium were spreading and the long-awaited deliverer was expected. This expecta tion was heightened by the prediction of an ancient Sibylline oracle placing the advent of the Messiah in the eighty-fifth jubilee, between a, d. 440 and 470. " In proportion as per secution became stronger, these hopes grew more vigorous." [Judaisra, Hastings' E.R.E., VII, 598. The Chronicles of Jerahraeel, probably written in the first century b. c, con tain similar speculations. There was a tradition among the Jews that before the destruction of Jerusalem in 686 B. c. the Tabernacle with all its sacred furniture was hidden by Jeremiah, or, according to the Talmud, by Josiah, in a cave in Mt. Nebo, whence it was to be miraculously restored to its place at the coming of the Messiah. 2 Es., X, 22; Ark, Diet, of Apost. Ch., I, 92. In this connection we may warn readers of Josephus to bear in mind that he tried to suppress the messianic expectations of the Jews, or at least to purge them of all political import. He tries generally to divest Jewish sects of all political significance, and anxiously avoids all reference to the stirring messianic expectations The Messianic Movement in Judaism 45 then current among the Jews. See Josephus, Diet, of Apost. Ch., I, 651-2,] Dunaan, who appeared in Nigra, a city of Arabia Felix, in 434, was a similar character in similar conditions. Simi lar, too, is the story of the Syrian reformer. Serene, who appeared about 720, The Jews of that period were suffer ing heavily at the hands of the fanatical Caliph Omar II, " When, therefore, the Messiah arose, promising to restore them to independence and to exterminate their enemies, many Eastern Jews lent an attentive ear to his gospel. The Re deemer's fame reached Spain, and the Jews of that country also, still smarting under the sufferings of centuries and probably disappointed in the extravagant hopes which they had built upon the Arab conquest, hastened to enlist under his banner," Serene, however, after being intercepted by the successes of Caliph Omar II, was delivered over to the Syna gogue and, with his disgrace, disappeared that particular messianic dream. Not long, however, was the dream absent. In less than a generation another reforraer of messianic type appeared in the Persian town of Ispahan, rekindled the enthusiasm and revived the messianic faith. This reformer, who professed to be merely a forerunner, by name, Obaiah Abu Isa ben Ishak, proraised to free the children of Israel from their thraldom. Nor did he exhort in vain. Ten thousand Jews rallied around his standard and the war for independence begun at Ispahan seemed for awhile to proraise success. His raemory was alive up imtil the tenth century but none succeeded him who was able to revive the movement toward liberation, [G, F, Abbott, Israel in Europe, 60—1 ; Silvestre de Sacy, Chrestomathie Arabie, I, 307, Paris, 1826.] The Book of the Bee, written by the bishop Shelemon, or Solomon, a native of Armenia, in the thirteenth century, gives the messianic generations and shows the importance at tached to them at that time, [See the translation by E, A, Wallis Budge, published in Anecdota Oxoniensia, Semitic Series, I, 1886.] So frequent were the messianic disturb ances of the Middle Ages that it became necessary for the Jewish congregations to place all questions bearing upon 46 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Messianic topics or movements before the Nagid of Egypt, [Jewish Quart. Rev., IV, 505 ; X, 140,] As early as the middle of the tenth century, Hasdai, the Jewish statesman of the Cordova Caliphate in Spain, wrote to the Jewish community settled near the mouth of the Volga river to find out " whether there is anywhere a soil and kingdora where scattered Israel is not subordinate and sub ject to others. Having been cast down from our former glory, and now living in exile, we are powerless to answer those who constantly say unto us : ' Every nation hath its kingdom, while you have no trace of a kingdom on earth.' " In reply the king of the Khazars writes, in part : " Our eyes are turned to God and to the wise men of Israel who preside over the academies of Jerusalem and Babylon. We are far away from Zion, but it has come to our ears that, on account of our sins, the calculations concerning the coming of the Messiah have become confused, so that we know noth ing. May it please the Lord to act for the sake of his great Name, May the destruction of his temple, and the cutting off of the holy service, and the misfortunes that have be fallen lis, not appear small in His sight. May the words of the prophet be fulfilled : ' And the Lord, whora ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple ' (Mal, iii, 1), We have nothing in our possession concerning the coming of the Mes siah except the prophecy of Daniel, May the God of Israel hasten our redemption and gather together all our exiled and scattered brethren in my lifetime, in thy lifetime, and in the lifetime of the whole house of Israel, who love his name," [Dubnow, I, 26-27, The author, however, points out that the authenticity of the document is not above suspicion. He thinks it raay more probably reflect the mournful Messi anic temper of the sixteenth century, when this correspond ence was brought to light by Spanish exiles who had raade their way to Constantinople, rather than the state of mind of a Spanish dignitary or a Khazar king of the tenth cen tury. In that case it must be accounted part of the Sab- bataian movement described below,] A powerful messianic movement was initiated in 1096 in the midst of the Crusades, by the German Jews who had long The Messianic Movement in Judaism 47 looked forward to this year as a year of deliverance. Many thousands of them started for the Holy Land by way of the Byzantine Empire. The belief was rife that the ten tribes, from behind their dark mountains, were astir, and wished to unite with their distant brethren in the West, from whom they had long been separated. These dark mountains were, the German Jews declared, before their eyes, brightened with a great brilliancy. So widespread was the raoveraent that the Jews of France dispatched a special messenger to' Constanti nople to obtain reliable inforraation about the success of the movement for deliverance, and to ascertain whether the time of freedom had, in very truth, arrived. It was reported also that from the Byzantine Erapire seventeen congregations had started, undeterred by the necessity of wandering through the desert. [David Kaufmann, A Plitherto Unknown Mes sianic Movement, Jewish Quart. Rev., 10 (1897-8), 139'-51.] A Messiah appeared in France about 1087, another at Cordova in 1117, one in Fez in 1127, all of these moveraents being traceable to the oppression felt by the Jews as a result of the Crusades. In Yemen (Persia) in 1172, just when the Mohamraedans were raaking most ardent efforts to convert the Jews, ap peared a seK-proclaimed forerunner of the Messiah, who declared that the misfortunes of the day betokened the ap proach of the Messianic kingdom. Sirailar tendencies to rebound from under the severest calamities characterized this whole period when the Jews were suffering manifold ills from the direct and indirect effects of the first and second Crusades. The Jewish trav eler, Benjarain of Tudela, who visited his co-religionists in the cities along the Rhine, twenty years after the second Crusade, found them cheerfully awaiting the Messiah. Here, as elsewhere, the wish seemed to yield its own fulfilment and the expectation when at a high pitch was seldom in vain. Came to the fore at this time, about the middle of the twelfth century (1160) one David Alroy, who appeared in Asia Minor and there summoned the brethren to his banner. A wave of enthusiasm spread from Bagdad through both East and West, many giving up all they possessed in order to 48 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan respond to the call. The Synagogue, however, excommuni cated the Messiah, and either his father-in-law, or the execu tioner of the Sultan hiraself, soon dispatched him. Here again, as in the case of Sabbatai and of Molcho ^ death did not extinguish the hopes and beliefs of many of the Jewish followers for his return was confidently expected. [G. F. Abbott, Israel in Europe, 89-90, 171 ; Rev. d. Etudes Juives, IV, 188-91; XVII, 304; A. Neubauer, Mediaeval Jewish Chronicles, 123. The followers of David Alroy formed a sect known as Menakemists (q.v. Jewish Ency., I, 454ff.).] In 1279 or 1280 Abraham Abulafia published a book in which he claimed to be God's mouth-piece. Later, in 1284, in Messina, Sicily, he declared his Messiahship and an nounced that the Messianic era would begin in 1290. Perse cuted in Sicily, he went to the island of Comino, near Malta, about 1288, and there pushed his claims; with what success is not known. One of the two prophets who arose from among his disciples, claiming to be prophets and miracle- workers, foretold in mystic language at Ay lion, in Segovia, the advent of the Messiah. About this tirae flourished also in Avila, Nissim ben Abra ham, who was inspired by an angel to write a mystic work, " The Wonder of Wisdom." He designated the last day of the fourth month of the year 1295, as the date of the Mes siah's appearance. The credulous fasted and practised almsgiving and assembled on the appointed day; but only to find — by what strange chance may only be surmised — that to their garments were attached little crosses. A Lombard enthusiast, Wilhelmina " of Bohemia," claimed to be an Incarnation of the Spirit appointed to save the Jews, Saracens, and false Christians. The sect died out soon after her decease in 1282, In the fourteenth century there appeared, in Persia, an other Messiah, Moses Botarel of Cisneras. Any menace to the Papacy was accepted by the Jews as a good augury and a presage of the coming of the Messiah. This was the case after Charles VIII had poured his forces 1 Reubeni, David, Jewish Ency. X, 388ff., and Molcho, Solomon Ib VII, 604., Judaism, Hastings' E.R.E., VII, 604. ' '' The Messianic Movement in Judaism 49 like a torrent, over the Italian Peninsula, with consequent hard fates for the Jews of Spain and Portugal, who were of the belief that the French conquest marked the end of the Papacy. They decided upon the year 1490 as the year of deliverance, though it was not until 1602 or 1603 that a Messiah, in the person of Ascher Lembein, appeared. Hard days for the oppressors meant the approach of salvation for the oppressed. Ascher preached repentance and contrition, giving assurance that the Messiah would appear in six months. Many devoted disciples in Italy and Gerraany ral lied to his support, but his sudden death brought the dreara to an abrupt end, only to be revived thirty years later by the rauch-trled Marranos of Spain and Portugal. In the troublous days of the beginning of the sixteenth century, " there arose in Istria, near Venice, a German Jew, whose name was Lembein, a foolish and mad prophet, an infatuated man, and the Jews ran after him. And they said, ' Surely he is a prophet, whom the Lord has sent as a prince over his people Israel; and he shall gather the dispersed of Judah from the four comers of the earth.' And some of the men were inclined to him and girded themselves with sack cloth; and every man turned from his evil ways in those days; for they said, 'Our salvation draweth nigh; but the Lord, in his own time, will make haste.' " Tribulations similar to those which beset Lembein, and anticipations of a still worse fate for the entire Jewish com munity, were the fertile soil which produced three Messiahs in the latter part of the fourteenth century — Abrahara of Granada, Shem-Tob, and Moses Botarel. [G. F. Abbott, Israel in Europe, 200^1, 160, 279. The Chronicles of Rabbi Joseph Ben Joshua Ben Meir, the Sphardi, I, 354. London, 1836, Translated by C. H. F, Blalloblotzky,] Isaac Luria (1534-72) proclaimed hiraself as possessing the soul of the Messiah, and announced the date of the messi anic age as 1568, After his death Haylm Vital Calabres claimed to be the Messiah and preached the speedy advent of the messianic era. In 1574, Abraham Shalom, himself a pretender to the Mes siahship, advised Vital to repair to Jerusalem for two years ; 50 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan should he do so the holy spirit would come upon him. In 1616, there appeared in Coromandel another Messiah. Even the poet Moses Luzzate (1707-47) declared his messiahship, fancying himself destined by means of his production, the Second Zohar, to redeem Israel. He had a small band of followers but was several times excoramunicated. [Lent, De Pseudo-Messiis, Art, on Messiah, in the Jewish Encyclo pedia, Messiahs (Pseudo) in Hastings' Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics. Messiah, in the New Intemational Encyclopedia.] During the reign of the Spanish king, Charles V, there appeared in the court of the king of Portugal a man by the name of David, announcing that he had come from India on a mission from his brother, the King of the Jews, to propose an alliance directed toward the recovery of the Holy Land from the Turk. In Portugal, Spain, France, and Italy he traveled on his mission, winning many converts, and even securing an Interview with the Pope. Some of the more worldly-wise detected the iraposture and David fell upon hard days. In the naive and quaint Chronicles of the Rabbi Joseph, we find a lengthy description: " A Jew-man whose name was David, came from a distant country of India into the court of the king of Portugal in those days and said unto him: ' I am a Hebrew, and I fear the Lord, the God of Heaven, and my brother the king of the Jews sent rae unto thee, O king, for help; and now, be a helper unto us and we wiU gO' to war against the Turk, Solyman, and will take the Holy Land from his hands.' And the king said unto him, ' Be thy coming with peace ; and now go, I will send thee unto the high priest ; and what soever he shall say, I will do,' And he went out from him, and abode on Lisbon several days. And the forced Chris tians [Literally, the compelled ones; Jews who had been driven by the Inquisition into outward compliance with ec clesiastical rites,] believed his words. And each said unto his neighbor, ' He Is our deliverer, for God hath sent him ; and they gathered themselves unto him and honoured him much. And the man departed thence, and passed through Spain ; and in all the places through which he passed, many The Messianic Movement in Judaism 51 flowed unto him of those who were scattered there; and he was unto thera a ¦ sturabling block. And he passed over to France and went unto Avignon, And he departed thence, and came unto Italy ; and he raade banners of cunning work, and wrote upon them the names of the Holy ; and many be lieved him in those days. And also unto Bologna, Ferrara, and Mantua, came that man; and he said that he would, with the consent of the kings of the uncircumcised, lead all the Jews who were found in the raidst of them unto his place and into his land. And he spake also unto the pope ; and the children of Israel feared much. And it came to pass, when they spake unto him, saying, ' And what shall we do with our wives this day, if we shall all go into the battle, and what unto their children which they have home.'' ' That he re plied, ' Surely there are many women in our country, like unto these women : fear not, for there is no restraint with the Lord to save,' And he invented a writing of his own heart saying, ' My brother, the king, hath sent unto rae written and sealed with the king's ring; and it came to pass, one day, that his secret was discovered, and they believed him no more ; for he decreed decrees of nothingness," [Translated by Blalloblotzky, London, 1836, II, 149-50. See also, G. F. Abbott, Israel in Europe, 169—70.] Succeeded David, one Solomon Molcho, at first a Christian and an ignorant man. Upon his circumcision the Lord in vested him with profound knowledge, out of which he was enabled to master the Cabala and speak with inspiring elo quence. To kings he preached the Jewish faith, and with the Pope, Clement VII, he had audience and secured permis sion to dwell where he would. " And there came forth a rod from Portugal, whose name was Solomon Molcho, of a stem of Israel, which had been scattered there since the days of destruction ; and he was a lad with the scribes of the king at that time. And when he saw the man David, the Lord touched his heart, and he returned unto the Lord, the God of his ancestors; and he circumcised the skin of his foreskin. And he knew nothing of the law of the Lord, and of the Holy Scriptures in those days; and it came to pass, when he was circumcised, that 52 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan the Lord gave wisdora unto Solomon, and he became wiser than all the men in a very short tirae ; and many wondered at him ; and he went to Italy, and with a daring face he spake of the law of our God in the presence of kings, and hid not his face from them. And he went into Turkey and returned into Rome, and spake with Clement, who extended towards him kindness against the desire of all those who knew law and judgraent. And he gave him a written privilege signed with his name to dwell as it should be pleasing in his sight, and he sumamed himself by the name of Israel ; and he was wise in the wisdom of the Cabala ; and he brought forth from his mouth words of grace, for the spirit of the Lord spake in him ; and His word was constantly upon his tongue. And he continually drew also from the deep fountain of the Cabala goodly words ; and he wrote them upon tables ; but I have not yet seen them. And he preached to many at Bologna and in other places ; and many ran after him to hear his wisdom, and to prove him with riddles. And Solomon told them all their words: there was nothing hid from him which he told them not ; and when they saw the wisdom of Solomon, they said, ' It was a true report which we heard concerning thee, and thou hast gained wisdom exceeding the fame which we heard.' And raany clothed themselves with envy against him; but they could cast nO' evil upon him in Italy, for he was beloved in the sight of the nobles : and he united himself with David, and they were as one in those days. " And Solomon wrote unto the wise men, words of peace and truth, saying : — " ' Incline your ear to hear the words of a worm and no man, a rod out of the stem of the cluldren of our captivity, which came forth from a land of our adversaries, sitting in a forest and in a desert, in a place of thorns, thistles and briers ; there he fed, and there he lay down ; for his father and his mother forsook him; he walked In darkness and had no light, meditating in the night upon his couch by what way the light is parted, that he raight know the place of the dawn, to keep hiraself frora the ways of the violent, that he might walk in the paths of God to seek wisdom of him, and to hear the words of tmth. And He put in his heart anxiety and The Messianic Movement in Judaism 53 trouble at all tiraes, to save his soul from destruction, to shine in the light of life, that he might hold fast unto the right hand of God, and cast from hira the left.' " In an ecstatic vision he was shown an earthquake and a deluge that were to come : " The deluge will be in this coun try and in another country, on the north side, on the utter most part of the earth; and the earthquake in the land of thy kindred. . . . And In those days the earthquake will be in the kingdom of Portugal; and when the deluge shall be at Rome, it shall also' be In the north. And the lightnings which came down from heaven, which separated you from the birds, shew, that after the flood, two great stars shall be seen, one upon the citadel on which were the fowls ; and the second upon the great place which is situated high on the clefts of the rock. And each star shall have a great tail of purple color and they shall be in the sight of the inhabitants of Rome for many days, and they shall all prophesy con cerning them. And the star which shall be seen over the place wfll show, that there shall abide a great weeping over the place, and over all the cities, which are on the west of Turkey, for they shall be in the inheritance of their enemies. And the second star showeth that this shall not be forever; but that Israel shall do valiantly, that singing may be in the morning. . . . And on the self-same day shall rest upon the king Messiah a holy spirit, a spirit of wisdom and under standing, to make him rule over a great people, and to be at eventide a light to shine through the night. After this shall awake from the dust the dead of the world and he will renew them by a perfect resurrection. No Satan and no evil spirit shall then be, and the Lord will give rest to his people ! ' And it came to pass that when the old man left off speaking according to these words, that Solomon awoke and stretched out his hands toward heaven, and said, ' Lord God of Israel, I acknowledge before Thee that Thou hast dealt kindly with me this day, for the sake of thy great mercies, and not according to my righteousness and for the sake of thy loving-kindness, and not for ray innocency ; for what am I, that I should be taught a high matter over which there is a watcher ; if it was not by thy good and great hand, 54 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan to show the good unto criminals which thou hast shown me this day, not according to the work of my hend but accord ing to thy righteousness, 0 living God, that I have seen what I have seen, and my soul is preserved; blessed be the Lord who sheweth goodness unto debtors ! ' . . . " And after I was healed, I went to Rome, to observe the stars and their appearance; and before they came, I told it all unto the pope, and to some of the cardinals belonging to the great of the court, written in a letter. And I also wrote unto the king of Portugal by the hand of his ambassador, for I spake to him in his chamber. And when the earth quake came, they marvelled much. And the ambassadors said unto me, ' If the king had known before thou removedst from Portugal, that thou art so very wise, he had given thee permission to act by every law thou wouldst,' And daily he and his servants honored me much at his house and before the pope." [Chronicles of Rabbi Joseph, II. ] The wonderful vision of Molcho, this would-be Jewish Messiah who lived in the first half of the sixteenth century, ^ to the effect that Portugal would be visited by an earthquake and that Rome and a northern country would be swept by a destructive flood, after which there would appear in Rome, for a few days, two comets with golden tails, had its major fulfilment, Rome was inundated in October, 1630, as also was Flanders ; a brilliant comet appeared ; the earthquake shook Lisbon in January, 1536, with terrible effect. As a result of this fulfilment of prophecies, when Molcho again appeared in Rome, he was greeted with marks of highest con fidence and reverence, and was regarded by all as the mes senger of God. The Inquisition, however, was not so favor ably inclined and soon dispatched him. [Greenstone, Mes siah Idea, 197ff., 118-122. Lagrange, Le Messianisme, 329ff. S. Schechter, Studies in Judaism, 224-5. Morris Joseph, Judaism as Creed and Life, 169, H, H, Milman, Hist, of the Jews, III, 367-8. G. F. Abbott, op. cit., 170-1.] The spirit of martyrs is not consumed in the flames of their martyrdom. The buming of Molcho ^ was but as a 1 Schindler, Messianic Expectations, Chapter VII, describes David Rubeni and Solomon Molcho. The Messianic Movement in Judaism 55 burnt offering unto the Lord. " And the Lord smelled the sweet savour, and took to him his spotless soul, and she is with him as one brought up with him, rejoicing always before him. . . . And many in Italy believed, at that time, that Rabbi Soloraon Molcho had been delivered by his wisdom from the hand of those who sought after his soul to destroy it, and that the fire had no power over him. And there were some witnessed, and sware before the assembly and congre gation, that he stood In his house eight days after the bum ing, and that he went his way thence and they saw him no more ; the Almighty God alone knoweth. And would to God," writes Rabbi Joseph Ben Joshua Ben Meir, the Sphardi, " would to God I could write in a book with cer tainty and sincerity whether his words were true or not." [Said the author's nephew with regard to these Chronicles, written shortly after the events which they describe, " Who soever desireth to find delight in the times past, let him take up this Book of Memorials. . . . Peradventure he will be fa vored to discern between the greatness of heathen kings and that of our Messiah," II, 525,] Canon Moreau, quoted by Baring-Gould, gives the fol lowing account of a messianic raoveraent in the closing days of the sixteenth century and the early part of the seven teenth: " ' In the year 1599 a rumor circulated with pro digious rapidity through Europe, that Antichrist had been born in Babylon, and that already the Jews of that part were hurrying to receive him as their Messiah, The news came from Italy and Germany, and extended to Spain, England, and other Western kingdoms, troubling many people, even the most discreet ; however, the learned gave it no credence, saying that the signs predicted in Scripture to precede that event were not yet accoraplished, and, among others, that the Roman empire was not yet abolished. Others said that, as for the signs, the majority ha.d already appeared to the best of their knowledge, and with regard to the rest, they might have taken place in distant regions without their hav ing been made known to them ; that the Roman empire existed but in name, and that the interpretation of the passage on which its destruction was predicted, might be incorrect; that 56 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan for raany centuries, the most learned and pious had believed in the near approach of Antichrist, some believing that he had already come, on account of the persecutions which had fallen on the Christians; others, on account of fires, or eclipses, or earthquakes. Every one was in excitement ; some declared that the news must be correct, others believed noth ing about it, and the agitation became so excessive, that Henry IV, who was then on the throne, was compelled by edict to forbid any mention of the subject.' " The report spoken of by Moreau gained additional con firmation from the announcement made by an exorcised demoniac, that in 1600, the Man of Sin had been bom in the neighborhood of Paris, of a Jewess, named Blanchefleure, who had conceived by Satan. The child had been baptised at the Sabbath of Sorcerers ; and a witch, under torture, acknowledged that she had rocked the infant Antichrist on her knees, and she averred that he had claws on his feet, wore no shoes, and spoke all languages. " In 1623 appeared the following startling announcement, which obtained an immense circulation among the lower orders : ' We, brothers of the Order of St. John of Jerusa lem, in the Isle of Malta, have received letters from our spies, who are engaged in our service in the country of Babylon, now possessed by the Grand Turk; by the which letters we are advertised, that, on the 1st of May, in the year of our Lord 1623, a child was bom in the town of Borrydot, other wise called Calka, near Babylon, of the which chUd the mother is a very aged woman, of race unknown, called Fort- Juda : of the father nothing is known. The child is dusky, has pleasant mouth and eyes, teeth pointed like those of a cat, ears large, stature by no means exceeding that of other children ; the said child, incontinent on his birth, walked and talked perfectly well. His speech is comprehended by every one, admonishing the people that he is the true Messiah, and the son of God, and that in him all must believe. Our spies also swear and protest that they have seen the said child with their own eyes ; and they add, that, on the occasion of his nativity, there appeared marvellous signs in heaven, for at full noon the sun lost its brightness, and was for some The Messianic Movement in Judaism 67 time obscured,' This is followed by a list of other signs ap pearing, the most remarkable being a swarm of flying ser pents, and a shower of precious stones." [Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, 168—71. The author refers to Moreau, his authority for the above account, as a " contemporary historian." I have not been able to consult the work of Moreau,] In 1640, when the Jews all over Europe were eagerly look ing for redemption, the belief was entertained that all the Jews should rise again and be led to Jerusalem by the Mes siah. When this Messiah had come, " all the ships, barkes, and vessels of Holland should, by the powere of certain strange whirle-winds be loosed from their ankers and trans ported in a moraent to all the desolate ports and havens throughout the world wherever the dispersion was, to convey their brethren and tribes to the Holy Citty." [G. F. Ab bott, Israel in Europe, 251, 278, 296, 494,] Truly this was an age of Messianic dreams, and of such dreams as inspire attempt at fulfilment. The English Jews went so far as to atterapt to prove Cromwell their Messiah, In the reign of Edward I (in 1290) fifteen thousand Jews, supposed to represent all of those in England, were banished. Since that time England's shores had been inhospitable. Now, under the Protectorate, they were allowed to return and to remain unmolested, [Frederick Harrison, Oliver Crom.well. London, 1890,] It Is not surprising, then, in view of their long cherished hope for a future deliverer, that Cromwell's leniency towards Jews should induce some of them to apply to him the epithet of Messiah. Belief in his Messiahship may, in fact, have induced some of the Jews to Immigrate. " About this time. Rabbi Manas seh Ben Israel came to England to solicit the Jews' readmls- sion ; and about the sarae time a deputation of Asiatic Jews arrived also, with the noted Rabbi Jacob Ben Azabel at their head, to make inquiry, whether Cromwell was not that Mes siah they had so long expected. These deputies upon their arrival, pretending other business, were several times in dulged with the favor of a private audience with him; and 58 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan at one of them proposed buying all the Hebrew books and Mss. belonging to the University of Cambridge. But this the Protector refused, rejecting the proposal with scorn. However, they had the liberty of viewing them ; after which they took an opportunity to enquire, among his relations in Huntingdonshire, where he was born, whether any of his ancestors in the male line could not be proved of Jewish extraction," [Raguenet, Hist. d'Olvver Cromwell, 290, Haye, 1727, Gentleman's Magazine, Jan., IS'IO, Vol, 80, p, 12.] [They did not find the desired ancestry. Instead, " their enquiries into Oliver's pedigree not being carried on with all the secrecy such a scherae required, the true purpose of their errand into England became quickly known at London, and was very much talked of; which causing much scandal among the Saints, they were suddenly packed out of the kingdom, without obtaining any of their requests, to the great joy of the Country, as well as the University of Cambridge, which being at that time under a cloud, on account of their former loyalty to the King, had everything to fear from such visitors."] In the sixteenth century, in the days of Joseph de la Reina, a citizen of Safed, Upper Galilee, as in the early days of Roman domination, the destruction of the Evil One was a preliminary condition to the advent of the Messiah. [S. Schechter, Studies in Judasim, 248.] The " Sohar," composed by Rabbi Mose ben Shera Tob de Leon, bom 1250, prophesied the appearance of the Mes siah in the beginning of the fourteenth century. In this ac count he ceased to be the anointed king who was to restore the political status of Israel, and was pictured as a mythical being, the incarnation of the En Sof, or Spirit of the Lord, " the exact image of the Messiah taught by the Christians." [Schindler, 126-8.] When, in the seventeenth century the Christians, both Catholic and Protestant, began with almost unanimity to predict the end of the world and the reappearance of Christ, the Jews remembered the Sohar. They declared the pre diction for the appearance of the Messiah in the beginning The Messianic Movement in Judaism 59 of the thirteenth century a mistake, alleging that the proper time for his appearance was about the same as that pre dicted by their Christian neighbors, namely, the year 1648. In that year their Messiah was to corae, riding upon a lion, reconquer Palestine in a miraculous manner and without arms, and establish the Kingdom of Heaven upon earth. " By that time, the Kabbalists said, the last lot of souls would have arrived on the sublunary world, and with It the soul of the Messiah; and everything would then be in readi ness for the absorption by the En Sof." There can be no doubt that the times amply favored the revival of these forgotten hopes : the Thirty Years War then raging in Gerraany ; the rise of Protestantism ; the in roads which the Turks were making upon Siebenbiirgen ; the discoveries which were so disturbing to the Intelligent as well as to the unintelligent — all these were fostering circum stances and foisted the messianic aspiration. In the seventeenth century, there arose (in 1666) a messi anic movement which affected profoundly or slightly almost the entire Jewish world, raising It to the highest pitch of ex citement by the news that at Smyrna the long awaited Mes siah was to be found. This pretender was none other than Sabbatai Sevi, a Smyman Jew, son of a poulterer in that Mediterranean port. So rapid had been his progress in the Cabala that at eighteen years of age he was made a Rabbi. His fame increased. How could it be otherwise.? Did he not fast from Sabbath to Sabbath and bathe until his life was imperilled.'' And did not his beauty, which already was exquisite, increase from day to day? From his whole body came a delicious odor, suspected by the physician of the family to be a perfume, but found on examination, to be a natural exhalation from the skin. Soon he began to preach, announcing hiraself opfenly as the Son of David and having the temerity, in proof of his divine mission, to utter the Ineffable Name, Jehovah. The offended Rabbis declared him worthy of death, and denounced him to the Turkish tri bunal to be punished for this two-fold impudent sacrilege. Sabbatai was not prepared to stem this effusive torrent and, like the Apostle Paul, made a pilgrimage to Saloniki. A 60 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan similar attitude upon the part of the Rabbis here induced him to look to other lands and he besought refuge, first in Egypt, then in Jerusalem. When passing Gaza there came before him, trembling, one Nathan Benjamin, declaring by the Almighty and Dreadful God, " that he had seen the Lord in his cherub-borne chariot as Ezekiel of old, with the ten Sephiroth murmuring around him like the waves of the sea : a voice came forth, — ' Your Redeeraer is come ; his name is Sabbatai Sevi ; he shall go forth as a mighty one, inflamed with wrath as a warrior; he shall cry, he shall roar, he shall prevail against his enemies." [Isaiah xiii, 13.] This was the turning point of his career. In Jerusalem he preached, proclaiming himself the Messiah; the Rabbis trembled, not with rage, but with fear and awe. The prose lyte, Nathan of Gaza, announced that before long the Mes siah would reveal himself, and seize the crown of the Sultan who would follow him like a slave. Sabbatai resided thirteen years in Jerusalem, then returned to Egypt, and went again, after three years' absence, to Jerusalem, where he openly proclaimed himself Messiah in the Synagogue. This was too much for the Rabbis, who launched an interdict against him and compelled him to return to Smyrna. This time his people received him, despite the attaching ban, with rapture. " In all parts, as if to accomplish the memorable words of Joel, prophets and prophetesses appeared: men and woraen, youths and raaidens. In Samaria, Adrianople, Salonichi, Con stantinople, and in other places, fell to the earth, or went raving about in prophetic raptures, exclaiming, it was said, in Hebrew, of which before they knew not a word, ' Sabbatai Sevi is the true Messiah of the race of David: to him the crown and the kingdom are given.' Even the daughters of his bitterest opponent, R. P'echina, were seized, as Sabbatai had predicted, with the sarae frenzy, and burst out in rap turous acknowledgraent of the Messiah in the Hebrew lan guage, which they had never learned." Sabbatai's claims were further established by his marriage to a young woman who had long declared herself destined to be the wife of the Messiah. The story of this messiah's bride has been romantically told by Israel Zangwill, but we The Messianic Movement in Judaism 61 follow here the more matter-of-fact account given by Schindler, for the story in its unembellished outlines is suffi ciently romantic. " In far-off Poland a whole Jewish colony had been butch ered years before by the Cossacks, one little girl only had been saved by accident. She had been found the next day by a benevolent person half-starved and almost frozen to death, who gave her up to the sisters of a neighboring nun nery. Here she grew up to be a maiden of rare beauty ; and though she had been instructed in the tenets of the Christian religion, she still reraained, so she said, a Jewess at heart. One night this girl was found by some Israelites alraost naked on their burial place. She claimed that the spirit of her father had taken her in the stillness of the night and carried her through the air frora the cloister to this place. He had told her that she was to become the bride of the Messiah. To the astonished Jewish women she even showed the finger marks which her father's spirit had left on her body. The Jews, being afraid to get into trouble for her sake, did not investigate the matter, but sent her to Arasterdam, where, she said, she had a brother. She reraained for a few years In Amsterdam; then went to Frankfort-on-the-Main, and later to Livomo, always claiming that she was to be the bride of the Messiah, She did not, however, lead such a life as would be becoming to such a distinguished person ; for in all these cities she bore an ill name. Whenever the incon sistency of her behavior was shown to her, she would say that because she was to become the wife of the Messiah, her irregularities had been allowed to her by divine revelation. The story of her adventures had reached Cairo and Sabbatai at once corroborated her story, claiming that he had been waiting for her appearance as she had for his. He sent for her, and in the house of the generous Raphael their nuptials were consummated in gorgeous style. This marriage made him at once a Messiah, and he justified his action by refer ring to the prophet Hosea, who likewise had been ordered by God to marry a lewd woman," [Messianic Expectations, 143—4. See also, Voltaire, Ancient and Modern History, VI, 107-13. New York, 1901. Enthusiasts (Religious) in 62 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Hastings' Ency. Religion and Ethics, V, 320.] One wealthy Israelite, of Constantinople, more cautious than the rest, apprehending that this religious frenzy would bring some dreadful persecution against the Jews, went to the Grand Vizier, and requested a certificate that he had never been a believer in the Messiah. This reached the ears of the partisans of Sabbatai; they accused their crafty op ponents of treasonable designs against the Turks, brought forward false witnesses and the over-cautious unbeliever was sentenced to the galleys. From many parts of Europe carae Jews to pay not only their homage, but, what was still better proof of their unwavering confidence, their money, to this future deliverer of his people. He, in response to| their horaage and funds, parcelled out, with great liberality, ! estates in the Holy Land which no more belonged to him than to the deluded purchaser. Nothing succeeds like success but seldom does it consider the price. Sabbatai was moving forward with such headlong impetus that his claims could not long remain uncontested. The test carae when he proceeded to Constantinople and found the Sultan's power greater than his own. It came again when the Sultan proposed to decide the matter for the then wavering Sabbatai by shooting three poisoned arrows at him, suggesting that his invulnerability would be proof of the genuineness of his claims. Again, came the test: If you refuse to submit to this ordeal you have the choice of being put to death or of accepting Mohammedanism. In view of this alternative it involved no great length of time for Sabbatai to decide that his true mission in life was to preach the total abolition of the Jewish religion and the sub stitution for it of Islaraisra. [G. F. Abbott, Israel in Eu rope, 174-6, 242, 281, 326, 484. Voltaire, Essai sur les Moeurs. Morris Joseph, Judaism, 169. Greenstone, op. cit., 213-27. Lady Magnus, Outlines of Jewish History, 226^30. H. H. Milman, Hist, of the Jews, III, 369-80. J. G. Frazer, The Dying God (Golden Bough, 3rd edition). A literary account is given by Israel Zangwill, in his Dream ers of the Ghetto. See also Leroy Beaulieu, Israel Among the Nations, 61, 196, G, Karpeles, Sketch of Jewish His- The Messianic Movement in Judaism 63 tory, 86—9. Graetz, Geschichte der Juden, Vol. VI. Geiger, Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland, V, 100—5 (1892).] Among the downtrodden Jews especially there was re sponse to the appeal of Sabbatai. Among the Persian Jews confidence and excitement ran so high that the husbandmen refused to labor in the fields. Neither would they pay trib ute to the governor, alleging with one voice, that their De liverer had come. Indeed, they readily agreed to pay two hundred tomans if the Messiah did not appear within three raonths. In Poland, where the Jews had but lately suffered terrible persecutions during the Cossack invasions, the Sab- batalan craze assumed most alarming proportions. [G. Karpeles, op. cit., 85—6, 89, P, Goodman, Hist, of the Jews, 104-5, G, F. Abbott, Israel in Europe, 242, 281. Rasker- ville, The Polish Jew, 261ff, Jost, Allg. Geschichte. Isr. Volkes, II, 298ff. (Berlin, 1832), Greenstone, 227, For the Tannaite period see Joseph Klausner, Die Messianischen VorsteUungen des Judischen Volkes im Zeitalter der Tain- naiten, Kralsan, 1903. (A thesis at Heidelberg,)] Even in England the Jews heralded Sabbatai as the Messiah who would reinstate Israel in the Holy Land. We are indebted for this information to an entry in the diary of that versatile gossip, Samuel Pepys, under date of February 19, 1666: " I am told for certain," writes Pepys, " what I have heard once or twice already, of a Jew in town, that in the name of the rest do offer to give any man ten pounds sterling to be paid one hundred pounds, if a certain person now at Smyrna be not within two years owned by all the Princes of the East, and particularly the Grand Segnor, as the King of the world, in the same manner we do the King of England here, and that this raan is the true Messiah. One named a friend of his that had received ten pieces of gold upon this score, and says that the Jew hath disposed of 1100 pounds in this raanner, which is very strange ; and certainly this year of 1666 will be a year of great action; but what the conse quences of it will be, God knows ! " [G. F, Abbott, op, cit,, 281.] " Jonas Salvador, the Jew of Pigueral," wrote Father Simon from Paris in May, 1670, " has often spoken to me 64 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan about a new Messiah who Is now at Adrianople. His name, If I recollect right, is Sabbatai Sevi ; and I have seen a Jew ish convert to him here, who affirms that Sevi performs mira cles. This is raere illusion. However, since this pretended Messiah has become a Mahometan, the Turks go from all parts of Adrianople to see him. M. Hardi has given me a little book of prayers to be said by the Jews who go to Adrianople to see their Messiah. This book has been printed by the Jews of the Portuguese Synagogue at Amsterdam: if you wish to make a pilgrimage I will make you a present of It. However, this new Messiah cannot be any obstacle to your views, as among your good friends, the Jews, one Mes siah need not stand in the way of another. I ara convinced that Sabbatai Sevi has no footing but the understanding carried on between him and some Turkish officers, who are happy in this opportunity of drawing money frora the over- credulous Jews. Those who came to pay their respects to ; the new Messiah are fleeced pretty smartly." [Gentleman's [ Magazine, Vol, 83, p, 614^6 (1813),] Sabbatai's messiahship found a number of claimants. First, in the person of Jacob Querido, brother of Sabbatai's fourth wife. Later, with four hundred followers, he trans ferred his allegiance to Islamism. The tendency toward imi tation Is great, especially when circumstances foster it. Upon his death, his son Berechiah, or Berokia, claimed to be the Messiah. Next carae Miguel Cardoso (1630-1706), who also later went over to Islam, Mordecai Mokiah, " the Re- buker," from 1678^83, made claims to messiahship, at first preaching that Sabbatai was the true Messiah, that his con version to Islam was, for mystic reasons, necessary, that he did not die, and would reveal himself within three years after his supposed death. The persecutions of the Jews in Spain, in Austria, in France, and the pestilence in Germany, were pointed to as heralding the messianic era. Other Sabbatalan followers who proclaimed their raessiahship were Lobele Prossnitz, Isaiah Hasid, Jonathan Eybeschiitz, and, finally, Jacob Frank ( 1726-91 ) , Jacob Frank secured a following araong Turkish and Wallachian Jews and later went to Po- dolia where he revealed himself as Santo senior, " Holy The Messianic Movement in Judaism 65 Lord." He finally advised his followers to elect Christianity, and about one thousand of them did so. [G. F. Abbott, op. cit.] A Russian writer has given us a good account of the Sab batalan movement among the Jews of Poland : " The mystical and sectarian tendencies which were in vogue among the masses of Polish Jewry were the outcome of the Messianic raoveraent, which, originated by Sabbatai Zevi in 1648, spread like wildfire throughout the whole Jew ish world. The movement made a particularly deep impres sion in Poland, where the mystical frame of mind of the Polish-Jewish masses raade a favorable soil for it. It was raore than a mere coincidence that one and the same year, 1648, was marked by the wholesale murder of the Jews of the Ukraine and the first public appearance of Sabbatai Zevi in Smyrna, The thousands of captive Jews, who in the summer of that year had been carried to Turkey by the Tatar allies of Khmelnitzki and ransomed there by their co religionists, conveyed to the minds of the Oriental Jews an appalling impression of the destruction of the great Jewish center in Poland, There can be no doubt that the descrip tions of this catastrophe deeply affected the impressionable mind of Sabbatai, and prepared the soil for the success of the propaganda he carried on during his wanderings in Turkey, Palestine, and Egypt. " When, in the year 1666, the whole Jewish world re sounded with the fame of Sabbatai Zevi as the Messianic liberator of the Jewish people, the Jews of Poland responded with particularly keen, almost morbid sensitiveness. " ' The Jews,' says the contemporary Ukrainian writer Galatovski, ' triumphed. Some abandoned their houses and property, refusing to do any work and claiming that the Messiah would soon arrive and carry them on a cloud to Jerusalem. Others fasted for days, denying food even to their little ones, and during that severe winter bathed in ice-holes, at the same time reciting a recently composed prayer. Faint-hearted and destitute Christians, hearing the stories of the rairacles performed by the false Messiah and beholding the boundless arrogance of the Jews, began to 66 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan doubt Christ.' "Frora the South, the Sabbatalan agitation penetrated to the North, to distant White Russia. We are informed by a contemporary monastic chronicler, that on the walls of the churches in Moghilev on the Dneiper mysterious in scriptions appeared proclaiming the Jewish Messiah ' Sapsai.' " In the course of the eventful year In which the whole Jewish world raved about the coraing of Messiah and depu tations arrived from all over the Jewish world at the ' Castle of Splendor,' Sabbatai's residence in Abydos, near Constan tinople, a delegation was also despatched by the Jews of Poland, In this delegation were included Isaiah, the son of David Halevi, the famous rabbi of Lemberg, author of the Taz, and the grandson of another celebrity, Joel Sirkis, The Polish delegates were sent, as it were, on a scouting expedition, being instructed to investigate on the spot the correctness of the Messianic claims concerning Sabbatai Zevi. " When, in the summer of 1666, they were presented to Sabbatai at Abydos, they were deeply impressed by the sight of the thousands of enthusiastic admirers who had come from all possible countries to render homage to him. Sab batai handed the Polish delegates this enigmatic letter, ad dressed to the Rabbi of Lemberg : " ' On the sixth day after the resuscitation of my spirit and light, on the twenty-second of Tamrauz, I herewith send a gift to the raan of faith, the venerable old raan. Rabbi David of the house of Levi, the author of Ture Zahab — raay he flourish in his old age In strength and freshness ! Soon will I avenge you and comfort you, even as a mother comforteth her son, and recompence you a hundred fold ( for the suff'erings endured by you). The day of revenge is in ray heart, and the year of rederaption hath arrived. Thus speaketh David, the son of Jesse, the head of all the kings of the earth, the Messiah of the God of Jacob, the Lion of the mountain recesses, Sabbatai Zevi.' " The gift referred to in the letter consisted of a shirt which Sabbatai handed over to Rabbi David's son, with the instruction to put it on his aged and feeble father and recite at the sarae time the words, ' May thy youth be renewed like The Messianic Movement in Judaism 67 that of the eagle.' " Having learned from the delegates that a Cabalistic propagandist, by the name of Nehemiah Cohen, who pre dicted the coming of the Messiah, had appeared in Poland, Sabbatai added a postscript in his letter in which he asked that this ' prophet,' being the forerunner of the Messiah, be sent to him speedily. The omniscient Messiah failed to foresee that this Invitation spelled ruin for him. It is gen erally conceded that the interview between Neheraiah, the Cabalistic fanatic, and Sabbatai was one of the causes that accelerated the downfall of the Messiah. After a Cabalistic arguraent with Sabbatai, which lasted three days, Neheraiah refused to acknowledge him as the expected Messiah. While In Adrianople he revealed Sabbatai's plans to the Turkish authorities, and this led to the arrest of the pseudo-Messiah and his feigned conversion to Islam. " The news of the hideous desertion of Judaisra by the redeemer of the Jewish people was slow In reaching the Jews of Poland, and when it did reach them, only a part of his adherents felt it their duty to abandon him. The more credulous rank and file remained steadfast in their loyalty, hoping for further miracles, to be performed by the mysteri ous savior of Judaism, who had ' put on the turban ' tem porarily in order to gain the confidence of the Sultan and afterwards to dethrone him. When Sabbatai died, Poland witnessed the same transformation of political into mystical Messianism which was taking place at the time in Western Europe. " The proximity to Turkey and to the city of Saloniki, the headquarters of the Sabbatalan sect, lent particular in tensity to the sectarian movement in Poland, foraenting a spiritual agitation in the Jewish raasses from the end of the seventeenth down to the end of the eighteenth century. The main center of the movement came to be in Podolia, part of which had been annexed by Turkey, after the Polish-Turkish War of 1672, and was returned to Poland only in 1699 by the peace treaty of Carlowitz. " The agitators and originators of these sects were re cruited partly from the obscure masses, partly from among 68 Messiahs: Christian, and Pagan the Cabalists whose minds were befogged. At the end of the seventeenth century, a Lithuanian Jew by the name of Zadok, a plain, ignorant man, who had been an innkeeper, began to prophesy that the Messiah would appear in 1695. About the same time a more serious propagandist of the Messianic idea appeared in the person of the Cabalist Hay- yim Malakh. Having resided in Turkey, where he had been in contact with the Sabbatalan circle in Saloniki, Malakh returned to Poland and began to muddle the heads of the Jews. He secretly preached that Sabbatai Zevi was the Messiah, and that, like Moses, who had kept the Israelites in the desert for forty years before bringing them to the borders of the Promised Land, he would rise from the dead and redeem the Jewish people in 1706, forty years after his conversion. " Malakh's propaganda proved successful, partly among the ignorant masses of Podolia and Galicia. Malakh was soon joined by another agitator, Judah Hasid, from Shldlo- vltz or Shedletz. Having studied Practical Cabala in Italy, Judah Hasid returned to his native land and began to initiate the studious Polish youths into this hidden wisdom. The cir cle of his pupils and adherents grew larger and larger, and became consolidated in a special sect, which called itself ' the Pious,' or Hasidim. The merabers of this sect engaged in ascetic exercises ; in anticipation of the Messiah, they made public confession of their sins and inserted mystical prayers in their liturgy. Hayyim Malakh joined the circle of Judah Hasid, and brought over to it his Sabbatalan followers. The number of ' the Pious ' grew so large that the Orthodox rabbis became alarmed and began to persecute them. Under the effect of these persecutions the leaders of the sect started a propaganda for a mass-eralgration to Palestine, there to welcome in triumph the approaching Messiah. " Many Jews were carried away by this propaganda. In the beginning of 1700, a troop of one hundred and twenty pilgrims started on their way, under the joint leadership of Judah Hasid and Hayyira Malakh. The emigrants travelled in groups, by way of Germany, Austria, and Italy, stopping in various cities, where their leaders, dressed, after the man- The Messianic Movement in Judaism 69 ner of penitent sinners, in white shrouds, delivered fiery exhortations, in which they announced the speedy arrival of the Messiah. The lower classes and the women were par ticularly impressed by the speeches of the rigorously ascetic Judah Hasid. On the road the Polish wanderers were joined by other groups of Jews desirous of visiting the Holy Land, so that the number of the travellers reached 1300 souls. One party of emigrants, led by Hayyim Malakh, was des patched, with the help of charitable Jews of Vienna, from that city to Constantinople, Another party, headed by Judah Hasid, travelled to Palestine by way of Venice, " After much suffering and many losses on their journey, during which several hundred died or remained behind, one thousand reached Jerusalera, On arriving at their destina tion the newcomers experienced severe disappointment. One of the leaders, Judah Hasid, died shortly after their arrival in the Holy City. His adherents were cooped up in some courtyard, and depended on the gifts of charitable Jews. The destitute inhabitants of Jerusalem, themselves living on the charity of their European brethren, were not in a posi tion to support the pilgrims, who soon found themselves without means of subsistence. Disillusioned and discouraged, the sectarians rapidly dispersed in all directions. Some joined the ranks of the Turkish Sabbataians, who posed as Mohammedans. Others returned to Western Europe and Poland, mystifying credulous people with all kinds of wild tales. Still others in their despair let themselves be per suaded by German missionaries to embrace Christianity. Hayyim Malakh, the second leader of the pilgrims, remained in Jerusalem for sorae time with a handful of his adherents. In this circle symbolic services, patterned after the ritual of the Sabbataians, were secretly held, and, as rumor had it, the sectarians perforraed dances before a wooden Iraage of Sabbatai Zevi, Having been forced to leave Jerusalem, the dangerous heretic travelled about in Turkey, where he main tained relations with sectarian circles. After being banished from Constantinople by the rabbis, Hayyim Malakh returned to his native country, and renewed his propaganda in Podolia and Galicia, He died about 1720." 70 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan But Sabbataianism was not yet dead, "The ill success of the 'Hasidim' failed to check the spread of sectarianism in Poland, In Galicia and Podolia, the conventicles of ' Secret Sabbataians,' dubbed by the people ' Shabsitzvinnikes ' (from the name of Sabbatai Zevi) or, in abbreviated form, ' Shebsen,' continued as before. These Sabbataians neglected many ceremonies, among them the fast of the Ninth of Ab, which, because of its being the birthday of Sabbatai, had been transformed by them from a day of mourning into a festival. Their cult contained ele ments both of asceticism and libertinisra. While sorae gave theraselves over to repentance, self-torture, and mourning for Zion, others Indulged In debaucheries and excesses of all kinds. Alarmed by this dangerous heresy, the rabbis at last resorted to energetic measures. In the summer of 1722, a number of rabbis, coming from various communities, assem bled in Lemberg, and, with solemn ceremonies, proclaimed the harem (excomraunication) against all Sabbataians who should fail to renounce their errors and return to the path of Orthodoxy within a given time. " The measure was partly successful. Many sectarians publicly confessed their sins, and submitted to severe penances. In most cases, however, the ' Shebsen ' clung stubbornly to their heresy, and in 1725 the rabbis were forced to launch a second harem against them. By the new act of excommunication every Orthodox Jew was called upon to report to the rabbinical authorities all the secret sectarians known to him. The act of excommunication was sent out to many coraraunities, and publicly recited in the synagogues. But even these persecutions failed to wipe out the heresy. Secret Sabbataianisra continued to linger in the nooks and corners of Podolia and Galicia, and finally degenerated into the dangerous raovement known as Frankism." [S. M. Dubnow, History of the Jews in. Russia and Poland from the Earliest Times to the Present Day, I, 204-11. Philadelphia, 1916. Translated frora the Russian by I. Friedlander.] The belief in Sabbatai has been retained to this day by a sect of Turkish Jews, the Donraeh, who await expectantly his second coming. [Judaism, Hastings' E.R.E., VII, 605. The Messianic Movement in Judaism 71 Donmeh, Jewish Ency., IV, 639. J. H. Allen, op. cit., 424. E. W. Latimer, Europe in Africa in the Nineteenth Century (Chicago, 1896), p. 77.] " Jacob Frank was born in 1726 in a town of Podolia. His father Judah Leib belonged to the lower Jewish clergy, among whom all kinds of perverted mystical notions were particularly in vogue. Judah Leib fell under suspicion as an adherent of Sabbataianisra, and was expelled frora the community, which he had served as rabbi or preacher. He settled in Wallachia, where little Jacob grew up in an atmos phere filled with mystic and Messianic fancies and marked by superstition and raoral laxity. From his early youth he showed repugnance to study, and reraained, as he later called himself, an ignoramus. While living with his parents in Wallachia, he first served as clerk In a shop, and afterwards became a travelling salesman, peddling jewelry and notions through the towns and villages. Occasionally young Jacob travelled with his goods to adjoining Turkey, where he lived for some time in Saloniki and Smyrna, the centers of the Sabbatalan sect. Here, it seems, Jacob received his nick name Frank, or Frenk, a designation applied [since the Crusades] to all Europeans. Between 1762 and 1755 he lived alternately in Smyrna and Saloniki, and came into con tact with the Sabbataians, participating in their symbolic, semi-Mohammedan cult. It was then and there that Jacob Frank was struck with the idea of returning to Poland and playing the role of prophet and leader araong the local secret Sabbataians, who were oppressed and disorganized. Selfish ambition and the spirit of adventure rather than mys tical enthusiasm pushed hira in that direction. " In 1755 Frank made his appearance in Podolia and, joining hands with the leaders of the local ' Shebsen,' began to Initiate them into the doctrines he had imported from Turkey. The sectarians arranged secret meetings, at which the religious mysteries centering around the Sab batalan ' Trinity ' (God, the Messiah, and a female hypos tasis of God, the Shekhinah) were enunciated. Frank was evidently regarded as the second person of the Trinity and as a reincarnation of Sabbatai Zevi, being designated as 72 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan S.S., i. e., Santo Seriior, * the Holy Lord.' One of these as semblies ended in a scandal, and turned the attention of the rabbis to this new agitation. " During the fair held in Lantzkorona, Frank and two score of his followers, consisting of raen and woraen, had as sembled in an inn to hold their mystical services. They sang their hymns, exciting themselves to the point of ecstasy by merrymaking and dancing. Inquisitive outsiders managed to catch a glimpse of the assembly, and afterwards related that the sectarians danced around a nude woman, who raay possibly have represented the Shekhinah, or Matronitha, the third person of the Trinity. The Orthodox Jews on the market-place, who were not used to such orgies, were pro foundly disgusted by the conduct of the sectarians. They informed the local Polish authorities that a Turkish subject was exciting the people and propagating a new religion. The gay company was arrested, Frank, being a foreigner, was banished to Turkey, and his followers were delivered into the hands of the rabbis and the Kahal authorities (1766)." [Dubnow, I, 211-20,] Later the followers of Frank summoned him from Turkey. " The latter iraraediately appeared in Podolia with a new plan, which, he hoped, would at once rid him and his ad herents of all opponents. In the discourses delivered before his followers Frank dwelt a great deal on his exalted mis sion and on the divine revelations which commanded him to follow in the footsteps of Sabbatai Zevi. Just as Sabbatai had been compelled to embrace the Mohammedan faith tem porarily, so he and his adherents were predestined from above to adopt the Christian religion as a mere disguise and as a stepping stone to the ' faith of the true Messiah.' Filled with thirst for revenge, the sectarians hit upon the thought of lending the weight of their testimony to the hideous ritual murder accusation, which was agitating the whole of Poland at that time, claiming many a victim in the Jewish ranks," [Frank, Jacob, in Cyclopedia of Bibl,, Theol., and Eccles. Literature.] About 1760, Besht, another Polish Jew, inspired no doubt by the Frankish movement, heralded anew the coming of the The Messianic Movement in Judaism 73 Messiah. To his brother-in-law, Kutover, living in the Holy Land, he sent a prophetic manifesto telling of his miraculous vision, or revelation. He herein asserted that on the day of the Jewish New Year, " his soul had been lifted up to heaven, where he beheld the Messiah and many souls of the dead. In reply to the petitions of Besht, ' Let me know, my Master, when thou wilt appear on earth,' the Messiah said: " ' This shall be a sign unto thee : when thy doctrine shall become known, and the fountains of thy wisdora shall be poured forth, when all other men shall have the power of perforraing the sarae raysteries as thyself, then shall disap pear aU the hosts of impurity, and the time of great favor and salvation shall arrive.' " Revelations of this kind were greatly in vogue at the time, and had a profound effect upon mystically inclined minds. The notion spread that Besht was in contact with the prophet Elijah, and that his ' teacher' was the Biblical seer Ahijah of Shilo. As far as the coramon people were concerned, they believed in Besht as a miracle-worker, and loved him as a religious teacher who raade no distinction be tween the educated and the ordinary Jew. The scholars and the Cabalists were fascinated by his wise discourses and para bles, in which the most abstract tenets of the Cabala were concretely illustrated, reduced to popular language, and ap plied to the experiences of everyday life. Besht's circle in Madzhlbozh grew constantly in number. Shortly before his death, Besht witnessed the agitation conducted by the Frank- ists in Podolia and their subsequent wholesale baptism. The Polish rabbis rejoiced in the conversion of the sectarians to Christianity, since it rid the Jewish people of dangerous heretics. But when Besht learned of the fact he exclairaed: ' I heard the Lord cry and say : As long as the diseased limb is joined to the body, there is hope that it may be cured in time ; but when it has been cut off, it is lost forever.' There is reason to believe that Besht was one of the rabbis who had been invited to participate in the Frankist disputation in Leraberg, in 1769. In the spring of the following year, Besht breathed his last, surrounded by his disciples." [Dubnow, I, 228-9,] 74 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan A Messiah by the name of Mordecai, who appeared in Germany in the year 1682 had a considerable following. When the imposture was discovered he was corapelled to flee to Poland to save his life, and nothing further has been re corded about him. The Molokane, the Russian Sabbatarians, expect the com ing of the Messiah, since the promises of the Prophets remain unfulfilled, Jesus being not a Messiah but merely a great prophet. The coming Messiah will not be a King and Con queror, but a great philosopher and moral teacher, who will reveal to mankind the greatest truths, scatter the Mosaic creed over the entire world, and thus establish the reign of universal happiness on earth, " The rites and worship of the Sabbatarians of Russia proper," declares Stepniak, " contain nothing Jewish, On Saturdays they assemble in their houses of prayer, where their elders or teachers deliver a sermon, which is interrupted from tirae to tirae by the sacred songs of the congregation. The Sabbatarians hold these meetings In great secrecy, and also, as a rule, conceal their affiliation to the sect. The criminal code, which still punishes conversion to Judaism with deportation and hard labor, and the easily aroused aversion of the surrounding Christian peasantry, are suf ficient grounds for this, A lady friend of mine, a Socialist, who lived among the Molokane peasantry for the sake of propagandisra, was once invited by her hostess, a Sabba tarian, to one of their secret meetings, when a famous wan dering preacher of the sect was expected to speak. She was instructed not to speak to anybody, and not to answer any questions. On entering the house they had to give the pass-word. " As to the service, it was very unlike that of the Russian Jews. The small congregation was seated in rows on wooden benches on one side of the roora. Opposite there was an open space, on which stood the preacher, in silent prayer, clad in a sort of black raantle, with an open Bible before him. When all were assembled and the doors shut, he delivered a prayer animated by the broad Deistic spirit of the Jews, and then began to address the audience. He spoke of God, the The Messianic Movement in Judaism 75 soul, penitence, and salvation in the same Unitarian spirit, appealing with great power to the emotions of his hearers. After a very pathetic allocution, he fell to the ground, as if overwhelmed by the vehemence of his feelings. " The Sabbatarian colony in the Caucasus, where they were deported in Nicholas I's time, have developed into a sect much more nearly allied to Judaism than that of their Russian coreligionists. They accept the Talraud, and they expect the Messiah in the guise of a king and conqueror, who is to appear at the close of the seven thousandth year, dating frora the creation of the world (Mosaic style). They follow the Jewish ritual in the marriage cereraony and the burial service, and permit divorce ; and they use the Jewish prayers in a Russian translation. " Among the Caucasian Sabbatarians we meet with an other curious subdivision of the sect - — the so-caUed Herrs, who are as completely Judaised as is possible to any of their nationality. They elect a born Jew as rabbi, and they pray in the Jewish language, which they try to learn. The num ber of these Russian moujiks who strive for the sake of their creed to become Jews is small — about one thousand — one-fifth of the whole body of Sabbatarians. None of the branches of this sect give any sign of great vitality. They do not increase, and they have no influence on the popular movements among the masses. They are shunned, and in their tum shun the people." [Stepniak, The Russian Peas antry, 326-9, New York, 1888,] In 1806 Napoleon assembled in Paris the " Jewish Parlia ment " which raised apprehension among the sovereigns of those countries which had cause to fear the machinations of the Eraperor, A circular frora the Russian Holy Synod, sent to the Greek Orthodox clergy, declared that " he now planneth to unite the Jews, whom the wrath of the Alraighty hath scattered over the face of the whole earth, so as to Incite them to overthrow the Christian Church and proclaim the pseudo-Messiah in the person of Napoleon," " By these devices," says Dubnow, " the Government, finding itself at its wits' end in the face of a great war, shrewdly atterapted to frighten at once the Jewish people by the specter of an 76 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan anti-Jewish Napoleon and the Orthodox Russians by Napo leon's leaning toward Judaism, The former were made to believe that the Sanhedrian was directed against the Jewish religion, and the latter were told that it was established by the Jewish ' pseudo-Messiah ' for the overthrow of Christi anity." [Dubnow, I, 348-9.] The Fremdenblatt of August, 1872, describes a Messiah who appeared in Berlin in the last half of the nineteenth century. He told the congregation to announce that the commemoration day of the fall of Jerusalem was no longer to be observed, for the King of Israel had come and was about to assume the throne as a veritable Messiah. At about the sarae tirae another Messiah was operating in Yemen. He distinguished himself as a worker of miracles and in this way attracted the attention of the Bedouins. They were blessed with an increase of flocks. His reputa tion spread far and wide. Later, however, raisfortune came upon the flocks of the worshipping Arabs, whereupon their allegiance turned to opposition, and he was forced to flee for his life. He took refuge in a cave. The Arabs, remember ing that he was a Jew, asserted that he was the Messiah, His Jewish countryraen expected him to crush the Arabs and lead them to the Holy Land, He accepted the character at tributed to him by his followers, receiving many presents and living in princely style until some Arabs waylaid and mur dered him, thus proving his vulnerability and the falsity of his claims, Ari Shocher, as he was called, is not considered dead; he appeared in another form In the neighborhood of Sana, proclairalng that at a later tirae he would reappear in his forraer shape. The government took steps to seize this reappearance, which immediately disappeared and has not been seen since. At Nablous, the modern Shechem, at the foot of the sacred raountain Gerizira, there lives a sect of Saraaritans, small and almost forgotten, among whom the messianic hope still bums with undiminished vigor. Through them the hope of gener ation upon generation voices the expectation of a Messiah still to come. This hope they base on Old Testament inter pretation, but largely on other passages than those used by The Messianic Movement in Judaism 77 Christians. They posit no less than ten " proofs " of his coming. Among these are the promise given to Abrahara ; the advices of Jacob to his sons ; the miracles performed by Moses ; a part of the parable of Balaam : " A star shall come out of Jacob and a rod shall rise out of Israel " ; the disasters that will befall the eneraies of Israel ; the subsequent purification and rectification of the nation, " As to the appearance and coming of the lord Christ, recorded in our chronicles," says Jacob, Son of Aaron, High Priest of the Samaritans, " we regard its validity not from the viewpoint of our law, but as a matter of history. As to the Messiah, with whose coming we are promised, there are proofs and demonstrations in regard to his coming. As our learned men have explained in their voluminous commen taries, he wfll rise and perform miracles and demonstrations ; he will uphold religion and justice. Among other proofs he wfll produce the following three : " 1. The production of the ark of testimony, which is the greatest attestation of Israel. For Deut. xxxi. 19, says: ' It shall be there for thee a witness.' " 2. He will produce at his hand, the staff which was given by the Creator (who is exalted) to our lord Moses (upon him be peace), about whose attribute a reference is made as follows : ' And this shall be to thee as a sign,' in order that miracles be performed thereby. " 3. He must produce the omer of manna which our fa thers ate, while in the wilderness, for forty years. This is the greatest proof, because, after all this period, it will be found not to have undergone the slightest change. When our ancestors, in the days when manna used to fall, would keep some of it till the morrow, it would become rotten and wormy. Therefore, it would be a proof none could deny if it should appear after this long interval, and remain in its sound state. Thus the people of the second kingdom might see it, and confess reverently and increase in exalting and glorifying the Creator (who is exalted), for the power of producing such a marvel. " These three proofs must be verified by the Prophet ; and 78 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan without them his claim would be considered illegal. No mat ter could ever be sustained unless with two or three testi monies, in accordance with the saying of the holy Law: ' Upon the testimony of two or three witnesses a matter is sustained,' Without such proof he has no standing." " There is," says the High Priest, " nothing in prophecy to say whether he will be of the priestly line or not. Some of our learned men say he will corae frora the children of Aaron, and be a priest. Others say that he will be of the children of Joseph, and ' like unto his brethren,' My own private opinion is that he will be of the children of Joseph, " The Messiah will be a prophet, and will be acknowledged as a prophet. That will be his title, as the prophecies give it. But he will also be a king, " The Messiah will not be in any sense a Son of God, He will be a prophet like Moses and like his brethren, as is told in Deut, xviii, 15-22, " The Messiah wfll be a prophet, as I have told you, and will no doubt work signs to prove his mission. There will be unusual signs and wonders. But he is to be a king and rule the earth from Shechem, the ancient seat of power, and frora his holy mountain, Gerizim, He will call all the world to acknowledge hira, and they will do so. He will bring blessings to all nations that acknowledge him," [The Messi anic Hope of the Samaritans. By Jacob, Son of Aaron, High Priest of the Saraaritans, Translated from the Arabic by Abdullah Ben Kori, Edited with an introduction by Wil liam Eleazar Barton, Reprinted from the Open Court, May and September, 1907,] Thus in the remotest parts of Judaism the messianic faith still flourishes. Even the Isolated and almost submerged comraunlty of Falashas, the so-called Jews of Abyssinia, vaguely expect the Messiah and look forward to the re building of Jerusalem. [Agaos, in Hastings' E.R.E., I, 165.] There are many distant echoes of the Eighteen Benedic tions of the Targum, that Aramaic paraphrase of the Old Testament, used in the synagogues of Palestine and Baby lonia, containing prayers for the rebuilding of Jerusalem The Messianic Movement in Judaism 79 and for the near advent of the Messiah and the Resurrection. [Judaism, in Hastings' E.R.E., VII, 696.] The Conditions that have Fostered Jewish Messianic Faith How shall we explain this constant recurrence of the mes sianic idea in Jewish history ? Its ultimate explanation will, of course, not be forthcoming. Yet it is germane to point out that Israel is otherwise peculiar. No other people have shown such racial and religious persistence under the severest trials of poverty, dissemination and social contempt. No other people has shown such persistent and out-vying faith in its destiny, no other such unwavering fidelity to religious law. The messianic peculiarity is not unrelated to these other peculiarities, but rather a counterpart, their supple ment and directly dependent upon them. " If in physiologi cal experiments we cut the connection between brain and heart, we have to arrange for artificial breathing or the functions of life cease ; this the priestly founders of religion did by the introduction of the Messianic kingdom of the future." [H. S. Chamberlain, Foundations of the Nine teenth Century, I, 477-8-3. 1913.] Israel seems, both unitedly and severally, to have realized the importance of this hope. " The magnificent picture of the future kingdom, the glorious position of Israel, the venge ance the Messiah would wreak upon all Israel's enemies, and the vision of the restored Jerusalem and the rebuilt Temple, were a constant consolation to the oppressed and downtrod den Israelites. They fondled the hope with intense affection, the mother sang it to her babe, the father on all occasions related it to his household, the teacher impressed it upon the minds and hearts of his pupils — all were invigorated by the assurance to suffer and hope, to withstand the onslaughts of the enemy, and remain faithfifl to their religion. The feel ing of the ancient Jew towards his persecutor was not sO' much one of hatred and revenge as of sneering pity." [Greenstone, 112-3.] It is still true that, " die messianlsche Idee betrifft einem der Zentralen der jiidische Lehre." [I. Elbogen, in Judaica 80 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan (Berlin, 1912).] In his Dreamers of the Ghetto Israel Zangwfll has shown us the pathetic tragedy of a dream still stirring at the heart of the mummied race, of a fire quenched two thousand years ago stfll slumbering In the ashes, flaming out here and there in fitful, hopeless, and apparently endless atterapts to enkindle the hearts of the faithful with new mes sianic faith. Prayers for the coming of a personal Messiah have in recent years been abolished or modified by liberal Jews and the messianic hope interpreted as the spiritual re generation of the Jews.- [Phflipson, Reform Movement in Judaism, 46, 105, 113', 176, 470. Israel Cohen, Jexmsh Life in Modern Times, 278, 286^7, New York, 1914,] But, al though Reformed Judaism has relinquished hope of the per sonal Messiah, Rabbinical Judaism still holds fast to this hope, [lb,, 8, 115, 117, 163, 168, 181, 246ff., 328, 331, 470, 472, 492,] Many Reformed Jews who have surrendered this belief have given it up reluctantly, and often only half heartedly, reinterpreting it in terms of national or religious regeneration. Thus, one of these eminent Jews, Morris Joseph, who discountenances the messianic belief, assures us that " even the word ' Messiah ' as used in the Hebrew Bible, has not that half-supernatural significance which it has come to possess. It means only the ' anointed one,' and was ap plied to ordinary Israelitish kings like Saul and David and Zedekiah, and even to a foreign potentate like Cyrus, In like manner passages which, according to some interpl-eters, speak of a Golden Age yet to come, were meant only to por tray in highly figurative language a happy state of things that was inaugurated and came to an end long ago." But the renunciation is rauch tempered by a hasty assurance that, " it does not necessarily follow, however, that the be lief in a Messiah or in the Restoration of the Jewish State is a delusion. . . . Among oppressed Jewish communities, such as those of Russia and the East, the belief in the national revival of Israel is a powerful solace and support under galling persecutions. Who would wilfully seal up the springs of so much blessing? Who would dare to tell these compa nies of sorrowing, trusting souls that heir hope is vain, their faith a chimera? No one can say what the future has in The Messianic Movement in Judaism 81 store for us. It may possibly be God's wfll that Israel is once more to enjoy political independence, and be settled in his own land under his own rulers. Nay, it would be rash to declare positively that even the prophets could not have had this far-off event in their minds when they dreamt of the future. If, then, we meet with Jews who believe in the Re turn, in national revival, in a personal Messiah, let no one venture to say dogmatically that they are wrong," [Juda ism in Creed and Life, 169^70 (London, 1903) ; Robertson, The Early Religion of Israel (New York, 2nd ed,, 1892), 116, 499, also seem to admit that the earliest messianic ex pectation referred rather vaguely merely to the " day of Jahaveh " (Amos v, 18-20), and " a good time coming."] As another liberal Jew has phrased it, " Liberal Judaism has always tended to a firra grasp of Messianism, in the form of a behef in the perfectlbflity of human nature, of a steady advance toward that end, and of the ultimate conversion of the world to monotheism, and the establishment of the uni versal Kingdora of God," [Liberal Judaisra, by I, Abrahara, in Hastings' E.R.E,, VII, 901, and Judaism, lb., esp, p. 608, Israel, lb,, 456.] There can be little doubt that since its earliest promulga tion the messianic hope has been shot through with political aspirations. This political-social stimulus has been a thread of continuity from the inception of messianic faith to its very latest manifestations, [W. Staerk, Neutestamentliche Zeit- geschichte, II, 85ff. G. F, Abbott, Israel in Europe, Ch, 24 et passim. Paul Cams, The Pleroma: An Essay on the Ori gin of Christianity, 21, 43, 61 (1909). Geo. P, Fisher, The Beginnings of Christianity with a View of the State of the Roman World at the Birth of Christ, 8-10, 228, 248-57, 26, 370-5, 416-20. New York, 1911, Carl Clemens, Primitive Christianity and Its Non-Jermsh Sources, 190-99, 232, 294, 298, 300-17, 346, 363-8, 139-59, 337-40, 292, 166, 243, 173, Edinburgh, 1912 (translated by R, G, Nisbet). His tory of All Nations Series, II, 225,] The Jewish Messiah has been, throughout, the product of oppression and the apostle of hope. As Jehudah Halevi sings, in his Song of the Oppressed : 82 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Men have despised me, knowing not that shame For Thy Name's glory is my glorious pride, Wounded and crushed, beneath my load I sigh, Despised and abject, outcast, trampled low, How long, O Lord, shall I of violence cry ? My heart dissolve with woe? How many tears without a gleam of light. Has thraldom been our lot, our portion pain! With Ishmael as a lion in his might, And Persia as an owl of darksome night. Beset on either side, behold our plight Betwixt the twain. Wherefore wilt Thou forget us. Lord, for aye? Mercy we crave ! O Lord, we hope in Thee alway. Our King will save! Is this Thy voice? The voice of captive Ariel's woe unhealed? Virgin of Israel, arise, rej oice ! In Daniel's vision, lo, the end is sealed: When Michael on the height Shall stand aloft in strength. And shout aloud in might, And a Redeemer come to Zion at length. Amen, amen, behold The Lord's decree foretold E'en as Thou hast our souls afflicted sore. So wilt Thou make us glad f orevermore ! Wherefore wilt Thou forget us, Lord, for aye? Mercy we crave ! O Lord, we hope in Thee alway. Our King will save ! [Solomon Ibu Gabiral's Song of Redemption; a poet, gram marian and philosopher, bom in Spain in 1021. Translated by Nina Davis, Songs of ExRe by Hebrew Poets. Philadel phia, 1901.] Both Isaiah and the author of Micah had given reason to expect that the Messianic era would be inaugurated imme- The Messianic Movement in Judaism 83 diately after the deliverance of Jerusalem (In 701 b. c.) and that it would herald the overthrow of the power of Assyria, [C. F. Kent, Hist, of Hebrew People, N. Y., 1914, 153—9. Kent is echoing the thought J. Wellhausen, History of Israel, p. 414ff., Edinburgh, 1885.] In the phrase of Wellhausen, the Prophet sat close to the helm of the vessel of state and took a very real part in directing the course of that vessel. [Hist, of Israel and Judah, 108ff. London, 1891, The same view is expressed by H, H, Milman, Hist. of the Jews, I, 417, 469, New York, 1875,] It is certainly fruitless to deny the persistence, even to the present, of this messianic hope In Judaism, The false messiahs that have appeared from time to time — and at no long interval — through the centuries after Christ seera rather to have kept alive this belief than to have submerged it in that discredit into which, to an outsider, they might seem to have brought it, " The disappointment in each par ticular case raight break the spirit and confound the faith of the immediate followers of the pretender, but it kept the whole nation incessantly on the watch. The Messiah was ever present to the thoughts and to the visions of the Jews : their prosperity seemed the harbinger of his coming; their darkest calamities gathered around thera only to display, with the force of a stronger contrast, the mercy of their God and the glory of their Redeemer. In vain the Rab binical interdict repressed the dangerous curiosity which, stfll baffled, would seek to penetrate the secrets of futurity. ' Cursed is he who calculates the tirae of the Messiah's com ing,' was constantly repeated in the synagogue, but as con stantly disregarded. That chord in the national feeling was never struck but it seemed to vibrate through the whole com munity." [H. H. Milman, op, cit,. III, 366.] Without some such hope of national revival what hope is there for a dispersed race? [See on this point, G. F, Ab bott, Israel in Europe, XIX, 39, 85, 89, 212-13,] Through the centuries, and especially in the Ghetto, " The Feast of Tabernacles year after year rekindled their gratitude for the miraculous preservation in the wilderness. The Feast of Dedication reminded them of their deliverance from the 84 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Hellenic yoke. On the Passover Eve was read the Seder, most ancient of house services, and round the festive board were then gathered the shades of gifted men of old who had sung the glories of Israel, and of the brave raen who had suffered for the faith of Israel. Then was retold for the thousandth tirae, with tears and with laughter, to the accom paniment of song and wine, the tale of their ancestors' de parture from Egypt. At the end of the meal the door was opened and a wine cup was left upon the table. This was done for the reception of Elijah, the harbinger of the ex pected Messiah. In this and like domestic rites the memory of the past was annually revived, and, if its splendor made the sordid present look more sordid still, it also kept alive the hope of redemption. The magic carpet of faith, that priceless heirloom of Israel, transported the inmates of the Ghetto out of their noisome surroundings far away to the radiant realms of Zion." The Messianic Utopia never was more real to the Jews than at the periods of greatest oppres sion such as we find, for example, in the seventeenth century. During these troublous years, " from a favourite dream it grew into a permanent desire. It was firmly held that the Redeemer would soon come in His glory and might; would gather His people from the four comers of the earth, would slay their foes, would restore the Temple of Jerusalem, and would compel the nations to acknowledge the Majesty of the God of the Jews." [See the chapters on the Ghetto and on Zionism in G, F, Abbott, Israel in Europe. BaskervIUe, The Polish Jew, 253, New York, 1906, Leroy-Beaulieu, Israel Among the Nations, 70, 203-4, 293-9, 370. The political forces inherent in new religions or religious move ments has been recognized by B. K. Sarkar, in his Science of History and Hope of Mankind. London, 1912.] The messianic ideal, like a pillar of fire, has guided the Jews through the long nights of despair, and, like a veritable will-o'-the-wisp, has faded with the dawn of better times, and vanished in the garish light of freedom and prosperity. Yet still the stream of these messianic aspirations flows on, hid den in prosperity, coming to the surface in times of oppres sion, with a continuity that has remained unbroken from the The Messianic Movement in Judaism 85 tirae of Jereraiah unto the present day. The average Jewish lad in Russia looks forward to the coming of the Messiah as confidently as he anticipates the return of the father to the household. Even in America, the orthodox Jew still antici pates this personal Messiah. During the Passover cele bration held in every Jewish household, the door, at a certain part of the ritual, is thrown open that the Messiah, if he be at the threshold, may enter and not be kept waiting, and a glass of wine is placed aside for Elijah, the forerunner of the Messiah. [Israel Cohen, op. cit., 67.] In the weekly prayers at the Sjmagogue his coming and protection is de voutly besought. The Haggadic Midrashim closes with verses of encouragement, prophesying the redemption of Israel and the advent of the Messianic era, while the twelfth article of the present Jewish creed, as drawn up by Maimoni des, states : " I believe with perfect faith in the coraing of the Messiah, and though he tarry I wfll wait for his coming," The ancient Jewish community in Kai-Fung-Fu, China, finally fell into such religious destitution and decay that even the expectation of a Messiah seems to have been entirely lost. But this was when no member of the comraunlty could read its scrolls, and only one of them, a woman of raore than seventy years, had any recollection of the tenets of their faith, [Cf, the article by David Kaufmann in the Jewish Quarterly Review, Vol. 10; articles on Messiah, in J. Ham burger's Real-Encyclopadie fiir Bibel und Talmud, AbteU., I, 745-50, II, 735-79, Leipzig, 1883; lb., Supplem., II, 76- 93. Leipzig, 1891. B. F. Wescott, An Introduction to the Study of the Gospels, 92-164, London, 1881. Paul Wend- land. Die Hellenistisch-Romische Kultur. Tiibingen, 1907 ; lb.. Die Urchristlichen Literaturformen. Tiibingen, 1912. Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, art. Messias, Vol. IV. Tubingen, 1913, W, Baldensperger, Die Messianisch- Apokalyptischen Hofnungen des Judentums. Strassburg, 1903, Dalman, The Words of Jesus, 234^324. A, Haus- rath, A History of the New Testament Times, I, 191-204, London, 1878, The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopaedia of Religious Knowledge, VII, 323—9, Oeuxfres diverses de Mr. Pierre Bayle. By La Haye, I, 156, Amsterdam, 1727. 86 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Midrash and Midrashic Literature in Hastings' E.R.E., VIII, 626. China (Jews in), lb.. Ill, 668. Ages of the World (Jewish, Christian, Greek, and Roman), lb., I, 190- 205. Judaism, lb., VII, 596.] The Talmud has done much to keep alive this faith in Judaism by constant reference to the Messiah and by pic turing the conditions that betokened his coming : " The generation that will bring the Messiah will consist of but few learned raen. As to those few, their eyes will waste because of their grief and sighing over the many sor rows that will overtake them. There will be new mandares daily pregnant with evil; before the effects of the one have gone, another wifl come. The seven years preceding the Messiah's coraing will be marked by great untoward events, and at the end of the seventh year Messiah will make his appearance. Although the untoward events have happened before and Messiah did not come, it must be remembered that they have not yet happened in the order and in the succession described. Again, at his coming the very schools where the Torah was taught will become houses of ill fame, the large cities will become desolate, and those who taught others religion will themselves become notorious sinners. The dweUers of Palestine will become fugitives, will wander from place to place without exciting pity. Men of learning and piety will be despised : men of distinction will be looked upon as dogs, and there will be a total absence of truth. The young wfll abuse the old and the grey-headed wfll rise for the young, and give them every honor. The daughter will rise against her own mother and the son will be shame less in the presence of his father. Even those known as the most honoured and the most honourable will be full of duplic ity. Whflst there will be abundant wine harvests, there wfll be a very great rise in the price of wine owing to the huge consumption, as drinking wifl go on to an alarming extent. Scepticism wifl be the order of the day and there wifl be no rebuking of the evil-doer. And when all wiU be afflicted \rith the leprosy of sin, then Messiah wifl appear. Even as with the leper when his leprosy had covered all his flesh, the Priest pronounced him clean. The Messianic Movement in Judaism 87 " There is yet another period fixed for the coming- of Mes siah : when we Jews will be quite helpless ; when many will slander us and denounce us to the powers that be and we wfll be in abject poverty. Or again, when all hope of Mes siah's appearance wIU be quite abandoned, when all hope will seem to be gone for ever, then Messiah will put in an ap pearance. And amongst the varied opinions, one is that this world was to last six thousand years, divided into three series of two thousand years each, during the last series of which Messiah was to come. Another opinion has it, that it would be idle to hope for the arrival of Messiah before eighty- five jubilees have passed over the world. R, Samuel b. Nachmlna is inclined to censure those who fix a time for Messiah's appearance, inasmuch as if he does not arrive at the time fixed, the hope deferred may destroy the faith in his coming at all, and that would be a grievous sin, as it is our duty to believe in his coming and patiently await his arrival. Yet another opinion exists, that there is no fixed time for the coming of Messiah, since it entirely depends on Israel's re pentance." [Senhedrin, 97, 11 and 98, See S, Rapaport, Tales and Maxims from the Talmud, New York, 1910, S, Schechter, Some Aspects of Rabbinic Theology, passim. New York, 1910,] " May he establish his Kingdom in your days " is the prayer of the Qaddish ; while in the Sabbath Morning Service raany a Jewish heart echoes the words : " There is none to be compared unto thee, O Lord our God, in this world, neither is there any beside thee, 0 our King, for the life of the world to come; there is none but thee, 0 our Redeemer, for the days of the Messiah." Hopeless, then, of man's assistance, we have searched the proph ets o'er, Seeking promise in the judgments which our fathers writ of yore. This has been the practical answer to the question of the Hasidim, or Law, " Why standeth thou so far off, 0 Jah weh? " [The lines quoted are not Jewish but are taken from a Moorish ballad of 1568, written for the comfort of the 88 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Moris cos prior to the Rebeflion of Granada. H, C. Lea, The Moriscos of Spain, 434h-7, Philadelphia, 1901,] " Cooped up as the Jews were in former ages in Ghettos, isolated from the rest of the population not only locally and socially, but also economically and intellectually, they led a life of their own, self-contained if not always self-con tented, in which they cultivated their traditional ideals and customs and fostered and developed their cultural posses sions. Although they had no land of their own they raade of their Ghetto a little Zion, pending the call of the Messiah whom they were wflling at any moment to follow to the his toric Zion; although they no longer dwelt on the banks of the Jordan or at the foot of Mount Carrael their lives were colored by customs and visions of the Holy Land, and all their sufferings were soothed by the thought that they would one day be gathered again to the land of their ancestors. Living as they did in the midst of all nations, and exposed on every side to obloquy and hostility, they nevertheless had the surest guarantee of survival, for they lived a life of their own and were sustained by the hope of a national restora tion," [Israel Cohen, Jewish Life in Modern Times, 310-11.] " None of the Messiahs," declares Schindler, " ever im proved the state of affairs ; on the contrary, they aU left the nation in still greater misery than they had found it. This, too, is a cause why so very little is known of any of them'. Had they lived in times of prosperity, when their actions could have been judged in calmness ; had they been able to improve the condition of their friends, morally or materiaUy, we should have heard much more of them. But the hard ships of their times were so great that nobody thought of fixing dates or of establishing a historical fame for them." [Messianic Expectations, 155.] It was a wise forethought on the part of Maimonides when, after inserting, in the creed still followed by orthodox Judaism, a plank in favor of the messianic expectations, he added a warning against giving such aspirations a practi cal tum. This warning, as we have amply demonstrated, has been little heeded, but, on the contrary, has been honored The Messianic Movement in Judaism 89 in the breach. Schindler goes beyond the facts when he insists " that the idea of the advent of a Messiah has died of late ; is stone dead now, and ought to be buried by the side of similar defunct ideas, in spite of all opposition which may be raised against its final interment " ; and that " there is not one among us who expects the advent of a Messiah." [Solo mon Schindler, Messianic Expectations and Modern Judaism, 4-5, 86. Boston, 1886.] Even the social obligation to marry was strengthened in Israel by the belief that the Messiah would not come until all souls stored up for the earthly life had been bom, nor has this raotive entirely disappeared in orthodox Judaisra. [I. Abrahams, in art. Marriage, in Hastings' Ency. Rei. and Ethics, VIII, 460.] CHAPTER II the mahdi: the messiah of Mohammedanism MOHAMMEDANISM awaits a Mahdi, or " Director " who is now somewhere concealed and will some day re appear. Upon his reappearance. In true raessianic fashion, injustice will disappear, a raillenniura of happiness will be ushered in, and the law will be restored. Whether or not this Mahdi belief was borrowed by the Mohammedans frora the Jews, and, in fact, paved the way to the acceptance of Mohammed himself as well as of later Mahdi, as seems prob able, it shows a marked resemblance to the Jewish messi anic hope. [Sell, Essays on Islam, 50. Wherry, Commen tary on the Koran, I, 139'-5. Margoliouth, Early Develop ment of Mohammedanism (London, 1914), 18. MacDonald, Muslim Theology, Jurisprudence, and Constitutional Theory, 27, 114 (New York, 1903). Hughes' Dictionary of Islam, 304, 640, 674 (1885). W. Muir, Life of Mahomet, 112-3, 152. Art., " Mahdi," In Ency. Britt. (11th ed.) ; in Hast ings' Ency. of Religion and Ethics ; The New International Ency. Assassins, in Hastings' E.R.E,, II; Incarnation, (Introductory) (Muslira), lb,, VII, 183-4, 197-8, A. Gfl- man. The Saracens, 50, 100, 266, 311-2, 414 (1908). E, C, Sykes, Persia and Its People, 134, 141, Meaken, The Moors, 351, London, 1902, J, W, Buel, Heroes of the Dark Continent, 330-50, San Francisco, 1890, M, F. Von Op- penheim. Von Mittelmeer zum Persichen Golf, I, 121-2, Ber lin, 1899, A, J, B, Wavell, A Modern Pilgrim in Mecca, 24, London, 1913, Ameer Ali Syed, A Short History of the Saracens, 296, London, 1900, H. C, Lukach, The Fringe of the East, 211-2, 264. London, 1913, Art, on Islam, in Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, III, Tiibingen, 1912, B. Meakin, Moorish Empire, 68, Paul Cams, The Pleroma, An Essay on the Origin of Christianity, 111, 1909, 90 The Mahdi: The Messiah of Mohammedanism 91 H. S, Jarrett, History of the Caliphs, p, 5, Calcutta, 1881, WiUiam Muir, The Caliphate, 557-63. Edinburgh, 1916, Napier Malcolm, Five Years in a Persian Town, 73-5, New York, 1907, Ella C. Sykes, Persia and Its People, 134, 141. London, 1910, P, M, Sykes, Ten Thousand Miles in Persia or Eight Years in Iran, 192, New York, 1902, The true Imam is hidden away to be revealed by the Lord later, J, B, Pratt, India and Its Faiths, 310, Ghair Mahdi, Hastings' E,R,E,, VI, 189. The Shias believe he will conquer all re ligions and take vengeance on the wicked, V, Piquet, Les Civilisations de I'Afrique du Nord, 74-6,] Mohamraed car ried his religion to a people already expecting a Mahdi and confident of his arrival. Here, too, disasters precede the dawn of better times. ^ It has been asserted — and denied — that Waraka, an Arab acquainted with Hebrew, and later a Christian convert, a contemporary of Mohammed, had entertained the persua sion that some messenger from heaven, a Mahdi, was about to come into the world. Some scholars believe this expec tation of a Messiah or Mahdi was entertained by the Arabs of Medina as early as a. d. 621, thus insuring a favorable reception of Mohammed's mission. His followers could not believe him dead, but awaited his return, and, until rebuked by Mohammed's father-in-law, were ready to worship him as a god. There can be no doubt that the soil was prepared for the sowing of the seeds of the messianic faith, [Hutton Webster, Early European History, 372, New York, 1917, A, Gllman, The Story of the Saracens, 60^1, 63, 100,] A work written at Mecca in 1883, by a Sherif of that city, bearing the title, The Conquests of Islam, gives the following means of identifying the true Mahdi: 1 According to Mohammedan belief, and as a result of Judeo-Christlan influence. Antichrist wiU overrun the earth mounted on an ass, and fol lowed by 40,000 Jews. " His empire will last forty days, whereof the first day will be a year long, the duration of the second will be a month, that of the third a week, the others being of their usual length. He will devastate the whole world, leaving Mecca and Medina alone in security, as these holy cities will be guarded by angelic legions. Christ at last will descend to earth, and in a great battle will destroy the Man-devil." [S. Baring-Gould, Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, 172. Al-Ash'ari, Hastings' E.R.E., I, 112.] 92 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan " The greatest of these signs shall be that he shall be of the line of Fatima (i. e,, a Sherif, or descendant of the Prophet) ; that he shall be proclairaed Mahdi against his will, not seeking such proclamation for himself, and not caus ing strife amongst the faithful to obtain it, nor even yielding to It till threatened with death by them. He shall be pro claimed in the Mosque of Mecca, not elsewhere; he shall not appear save when there is strife after the death of a Khalifa ; he shall neither come nor be proclaimed until such time as there is no Khalifa over the Moslems. His advent shall coincide with that of Anti-Christ, after whom Jesus will de scend and join himself to the Mahdi, These are the signs of his coming. The others are imaginary or disputed, and whosoever shall, of his own wfll, declare himself to be the Mahdi and try to assert himself by force, is a pretender, such as have already appeared raany times," [Quoted by the Earl of Croraer, Modern Egypt, I, 351-2,] As the following pages will show, most of the Mahdi who have appeared from time to time have not been distinguished by the stigmata given by this Sherif, almost all of them having been self-proclaimed. The Mahdi in Spain, Africa, and Arabia The revolt of the Shiites against the Abbasids in the sec ond century a, h, was a messianic movement in Mohamme danism closely paralleling those of Judaism. The revolt came about the middle of this century, when the Abbasids were hard-pressed, and when the heavens themselves seemed to herald their downf aU. There were great showers of shoot ing stars which both parties interpreted as heralding the downfall of the ruling Abbasids. " Messianic hope was alive, and a Mahdi, a Guided of God, was looked for. This had long been the attitude of the Alids, and the Abbasids began to feel a necessity to gain for their de facto rule the sanction of theocratic hopes. In 143 Halley's comet was visible for twenty days, and in 147 there were again showers of shooting stars. On the part of the Abbasids, homage was solemnly rendered to the eldest The Mahdi: The Messiah of Mohammedanism 93 son of Al-Mansur, the Khalifa of the time as successor of his father, under the title of al-Mahdi, and several sayings were forged and ascribed to the Prophet which told who and what manner of man the Mahdi would be, in terms which clearly pointed to this heir-apparent. The Alids, on their side, were urged on to fresh revolts." [MacDonald, Muslim Theology, etc., 34-5.] It was during the time of oppression when Othman was Caliph (654—5 a. d, ), that Ibn Saba, or Ibn as-Sanda, a Jew from the south of Arabia, appeared in Al-Basra and ex pressed a desire to embrace the Islamic faith. It was not long before the astute Mohammedans discovered that he was a firebrand of sedition, steeped in disaffection toward the existing government and they forcibly removed him. From Al-Basra he went to Al-Kufa, Expelled from Al-Kufa he sought refuge in Syria, From here, too, he was expelled, but not until he had given a dangerous impulse to the already discontented classes of that province. He found a safer re treat in Egypt, and here he set forth strange and startling doctrines, Mohammed was to come again, as was also the Messiah, " Meanwhile Ali was his legate. Othraan was a usurper, and his governors a set of godless tyrants. Impiety and wrong were rampant everywhere ; truth and justice could be restored no otherwise than by the overthrow of this wicked dynasty. Such was the preaching which daily gained ground in Egypt ; by busy correspondence it was spread all over the Erapire, and startled the minds of raen already foreboding evil from the sensible heavings of a slumbering volcano." [Sir William Muir, The Caliphate — Its Rise, Decline and Fall, 216-7. Edinburgh, 1915,] The first Mahdi seems to have been Mohammed Ibn al Hanafiyah, son of Ali, though not of Fatima, He was pro claimed by one Mukhtar in the reign of Abd al Malik (685— 705), after the murder of Hasain, All's son. The Persian foUowers refused to believe him dead, declaring that he would return at the end of seventy years. [A. Gilman, Story of the Saracens, 311,] In the latter part of the eighth century. Hakim Ibn Allah, or Al Mokama, " tlje Veiled," was regarded as divine and 94 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan was worshipped for centuries, despite the fact that during his lifetime his armies were disastrously defeated by Mahdi, the third Abbasid Caliph. That his foUowers might be able to recognize him, he promised to reappear at his subsequent reincarnation as a gray man riding a gray beast. One of the earliest Moroccan Mahdi was Mudhdhen of Tlemcen, In 851 he forbade the cutting, of the hair or nails, and the wearing of ornaraents. This addition to or detrac tion frora the natural person was a reflection upon the Al mighty. He secured many proselytes In Africa and in Spain but was eventually captured and crucified by the Ameer of Andalusia. The next Mahdi was Hameem. He proclaimed his mes siahship in 936 in Ghomara and secured a goodly following. The hours of prayer were reduced from the orthodox five to two — one at sunrise and one at sunset. At each prayer there were to be weepings and three prostrations, the hand being held between the head and the floor. The devotee was to begin his prayer with the words, " Deliver me from sin, O Thou who givest eyes to see the Universe. Deliver me from sin, 0 Thou who drewest Jonah from the stomach of the fish, and Moses from the flood." To the ordinary confession he was to add, " And I believe in Hameem, and In his companion, Abn Ikhlaf, and I believe in Tabia, aunt of Hameem," He provided fasts for Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays dur ing the ten days of Ramadan and the ten of the feast of Shoowal. To break the fast on Thursday was to incur a fine of three bullocks, and to break it on Tuesday a fine of two bullocks. Sows were now permitted as food, but eggs and the heads of animals were, among other things, forbidden. Pilgrimages and certain purifications were aboHshed, This Mahdi also met with crucifixion and his head was sent to Cordova, During the Muwahhadi Period (1149-1269) Mohamraed Ibn Hud assuraed the title of El Madi, " the Director," and secured a large following, though he, too, was overthrown. In this same period, while Abd El Mumin was in charge of affairs in Spain (1130-1163) there arose in the western part of that country a Mahdi. He was, however, forthwith The Mahdi: The Messiah of Mohammedanism 95 captured, and, upon his explanation and confession that he was the " false dawn," was pardoned. [B. Meakim, The Moorish Empire, 87-8. London, 1899,] Early in the tenth century (902) Abn Abdallah (or Obeidalla) found the Berbers of Algeria ready for the call. He drew vast crowds after him and, by their help, defeated the Aghlabid dynasty, getting possession of the capital of the kingdom, " He preached the impending advent of the Mehdl (Mahdi), and, to meet the expectation so raised, sum moned Sa'id the son of his deceased master Mohammed, Sa'id came, but not under his real name. He claimed to be descended from the Imam Iswa'il, and called hiraself Obei- dallah. The adventures of this Mahdi in his flight through Egypt and wanderings as a merchant with a caravan to Tripoli, are little less than a romance. Suspected by the Aghlabis, he was cast into prison, and so remained until re leased by the victorious Abn Abdallah, who for a time pro fessed to be In doubt whether Obeidallah were the veritable Mahdi or not. At last, however, he placed him on the throne, and himself reaped the not infrequent fruit of dis interested labours in the founding of a dynasty, for he was assassinated by command of the monarch who owed to him his throne, but had now become jealous of his influence. As suming the title, Commander of the Faithful, Obeidallah, in virtue of his aUeged descent from the Prophet's daughter Fatima, became the Fatimid Caliph of a kingdom which em braced both the dominions heretofore held by the Aghlabid dynasty, and the nearer districts of the Caliphate bordering on the Mediterranean. Its capital was Al-Mehdiga — near Tunls — the ' Africa ' of Froissart. The narae means ' be longing to the Mehdi.' He made repeated attempts to gain Egypt also, but was repulsed by Mumis, Al-Muktadlr's com mander there." [Sir William Muir, op. cit., 662-3. B. Meakim, 41, 87. Jeremiah Curtin, The Mongols, 206. Bos ton, 1908. A. Gilman, The Saracens, 414^6.] The Mad Hakim (996-1020), most faraous of the earlier Egyptian Mahdi, " disappeared " rather than died, and his reappearance is still confidently awaited by the Druses in the Lebanon Mountains and the Hauran. The Israaili sect, also, 96 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan is inspired by this idea and awaits the retum of a Mahdi, Mohammed Ibn Ismafl, of the famfly of Ali, as, simflarly, do the Carmations. [Art. on Dmses in Ency. Britt., 11th ed.] "At the beginning of the sixth century (twelfth century A, D.) a certain Berber student of theology, Ibn Tumart by name, traveUed in the East in search of knowledge. An early and persistent western tradition asserts that he was a favorite pupil of al-Ghazzali's, and was marked out by him as showing the signs of a future founder of empire. This may be taken for what it is worth. What is certain is that Ibn Tumart went back to the Maghrib and there brought about the triumph of a doctrine which was derived, if modi fied, from that of the Ash'arites. " Ibn Tumart started in life as a reformer of the corrup tions of the day, and seems to have slipped from that into the belief that he had been appointed by God as the reformer for all time. As happens with reformers, from expectation it came to force ; from preaching at the abuses of the govern ment to rebellion against the government. That govern ment, the Murabit, went down before Ibn Tumart and his successors, and the pontifical rule of the Muwahlids, the asserters of God's tawhid or unity, rose in its place. " The success of Ibn Turaart, if halting at first, was even tually complete. As a simple lawyer who felt called upon to protest — as, indeed, all good Muslims, in virtue of a tradition from Muhammad — against the abuses of the time, he accoraplished coraparatively little. As Mahdi, he and his supporter and successor, Abd al-Mu'mim, swept the country. For his movement was not raerely Iraamite and Muslim, but an expression as well of Berber nationalism. Here was a man, sprung from their midst, of their own stock and tongue, who, as Prophet of God, called them to arras. They obeyed his call, worshipped hira and fought for hira. He translated the Qur'an for thera into Berber ; functionaries of the church had to know Berber ; his own theological writings circulated in Berber as well as in Arabic. As Persia took Islam and moulded it to suit herself, so now did ;the Berber tribes." Ibn Tumart, as a personality, is no less interesting be- The Mahdi: The Messiah of Mohammedanism 97 cause of the departure from tradition which he effected, first within himself, and, secondly, within the larger social unit. The current theology explained the anthropomorphic pas sages of the Koran literally, while he gave thera a meta physical interpretation and in this manner explained away the stumbling blocks. As he had power to deliver from na tional enemies so, by virtue of his own divinity, he could pro claim the truth in his own strength, " Such a leader, then, could claim from the people absolute obedience and credence. His word must be for them the source of truth," He accord ingly dispensed with all the prevaUIng analogical arguments. The new theology as entertained by his followers may deserve the epithet of " a strange jumble," but it was a new system and one imposed by this remarkable personality. " With them, the Zahirite system of canon law, rejected by all other Muslim peoples, enjoyed its own brief period of power and glory. Shi'Ite legends and superstitions mingled with philo sophical free thought." Ibn Turaart is one of the most re markable figures that appear upon the stage of Moorish his tory. [MacDonald, 244-9. B, Meakim, 65-70, Art, on Ibn Tumart in Hastings' Ency. Rei, and Eth,, VII, 74-6. Berbers and North Africa, lb., II, 506-19.] Hallaj was executed at Bagdad in a. d. 922 on the charge of pretending to be an incarnation of the Deity and of hav ing disciples who accepted this claim. His head was sent to lOiurasan to be shown to his followers there and the ashes of his cremated body were thrown into the Tigris. But many of his followers refused to believe their lord and master dead and confidently expected his reappearance. They based their faith on a passage in the Koran (IV, 156) regarding Christ's reappearance, declared Hallaj trans ported to heaven, and asserted that the victim of the exe cution of the supposed Hallaj was one of his enemies changed by God into a likeness of their master, or, said others, of a horse or a mule, [Art,, Hallaj, in Hastings' E,R.E., VI, 480-2,] ' " In Hakim a final appeal was raade to raankind, and after the door of raercy had stood open to all for twenty-six years, it was finally and forever closed. When the tribula- 98 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan tion of the faithful has reached its height, Hakim will re appear to conquer the world and render his religion supreme, Dmses believed to be dispersed to China wfll retum to Syria, The combined body of the Faithful wiU take Mecca, and finally Jerusalem, and all the world will accept the Faith," A defender of Hakim, Moktana Baba ud-DIn, whose writ ings were known from Constantinople to India, addressed a letter to Constantine VIII, and one to Michael the Paphla- gonlan, in which he endeavored" to prove that the Christian Messiah had reappeared in the person of Hanza. Hakim had believed himself in direct intercourse with the Deity and even an incarnation of divine intelligence. In 1016 his claims, supported by Ismael Darazi (whence, possibly, the narae " Druse "), were made known in the mosque at Cairo, They received some small support in the Lebanons, where they are still championed by the Dmses, and also, to a slight extent, araong Mohammedan sects In Persia, When Hakim was assassinated in 1020 his vizier and apostle, Hanzi ibn Ali ibn Ahmed, announced that Hakim had but withdrawn for a season, and encouraged his followers to look forward with confidence to his triumphant return. Shortly after the middle of the twelfth century Rashld-ad- Din Sinan announced hiraself as the Imam, and as God in carnate, the all-powerful Mahdi. His lameness was a stum bling block to sorae who expected a Mahdi unblemished physically as weU as spiritually, but among the sect of the Isma'ili he won many followers. [Assassins, in Hastings' E.R.E., II, 141. For a detailed account see S. Guyard in Journal Asiatique, 1877.] Khidr, " the green one," is the name, or title, of a Mo hammedan saint whom Islam believes is still alive and to whom, along the coast of Syria, numerous sanctuaries have been built wherein sacrifices and the first-bom of animals are still offered to him. Mohammedan literature has, at times, identified him with the Messiah, and he has been regarded as a mediator, an ever present help in time of trouble, a balra to the afflicted. [Khidr, in Hastings' E.R.E., VII, 693-5. S. I. Curtiss, Primitive Semitic Religion To-day.] Ibn Khaldun, the great theologian of the fourteenth cen- The MaJidi: The Messiah of Mohammedanism 99 tury, discountenances the belief that Khidr is alive, brand ing it as a superstition. [Araeer Ali, Short History of the Saracens, 295. London, 1910.] But popular belief In Mo hammedan lands, as in more cultured regions, outstrips the limits of conservative dogma. The Shiites expect the return of the last Imam, Moham med al Mahdi, who died in a. d. 873, and never mention his name without adding, " May God hasten his glad advent." This last Imam or Mahdi, when a boy five years of age, pined for his father, who had been deported from Medina to Sa- marra by the tyrant Mutawakkil, and there detained until his death. In his distress the child entered, in search of his father, a cavern not far from the lad's home. From this cavern he never returned, " The pathos of this calamity culminated In the hope — the expectation which fills the hearts of Hassan's followers — that the child may retum to relieve a sorrowing and sinful world of its burden of sin and oppression. So late as the fourteenth century when Ibn Khaldun was writing his great work,. the Shias (Shiites) were wont to assemble at eventide at the entrance of the cavern and supplicate the missing child to retum to them. After waiting for a considerable time, they departed to their homes, disappointed and sorrowful. This, says Ibn Khal dun, was a daily occurrence. When they were told it was hardly possible he could be alive, they answered that as the prophet Khizr (Khidr) was alive, why should not their Imam be alive too? , , , This Imam is therefore called the Mun- tazzar, the Expected One, the Hujja, or the Proof (of the Truth), and the Kaim, the Living." [Araeer Ali, Short History of the Saracens, 295. London, 1900. Art., Kaim, in Hastings' E.R.E. A, Gilman, Story of the Saracens, 266, 311-2, 414.] The Carmations, a religio-polltical sect of the Shi'Ites which arose about the raiddle of the third century a. h., has been productive of many Mahdi. The tenet of this order is that Universal Reason and the Universal Soul have mani fested themselves in human form, and that this human form is subject to a series of reincarnations. The last of these reincarnations will be realized in the Mahdi, at which time the 100 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan end and fullness of human life will be realized. AbdaUah ibn Malraum (died a. h, 180), of this sect, did not die but becarae invisible, so to remain until his reappearance as the Mahdi, [Art,, Carmations, in Hastings' E,R,E,, III, 222-5, contains a description of other Mahdi of this sect,] One of the most remarkable of the African Mahdi was Mohammed Ahmed Ibn Seyyid Abdullah, bom 1848 in Don- galo, in the Sudan. After a varied religious career of revolt against religious authority he proraulgated new religious and social laws and declared hiraself the Mahdi. His followers were greatly oppressed by the tax gatherers and other of ficials of the Turkish and Egyptian governments. Among them his doctrines met with notable success. After thrice defeating the government troops, which the Sudanese had regarded as incoraparably superior and not to be coped with, his claims received increasing attention and respect. Numerous miracles were credited to him, and his claims that the bullets of the enemy would become water when they struck the bodies of his followers seemed for a tirae to have some foundation in fact. The rebellion which he raised against the Turks and English was not quelled until Gordon had been massacred and Kitchener had appeared at Khar toum. The Turkish forces which attacked the Dongala, the Mahdi's followers, shared the superstition that these follow ers were impervious to ordinary bullets, and declared they saw them fall from the Dongala as rain drops off one's body. The Turks were more successful with silver bullets which they made out of doUar pieces, and, almost as effica cious as these, were ordinary bullets hollowed out, a peg of ebony-wood or of copper being then firmly fastened in them. These gave new courage to the soldiers who believed them capable of killing the devil hiraself and, with thera, they returned to the attack with renewed vigor and bravery, [A. J. Mounteney-Jephson, Emin Pasha, 267, New York, 1891,^] No better description of this Sudanese Mahdi and the be liefs inspired by hira can be given than that contained in a [ 1 A similar belief had been current in Scotland. Claverhouse was considered proof against bullets but was eventually killed by a silver The Mahdi: The Messiah of Mohammedanism 101 letter written by one of his followers, Oraar Saleh, to Melimed Emin, Mudir of Hatalastiva, After the ordinary Moham medan greetings and preliminary observations upon the changefulness and temporality of life and the world, and the absoluteness of Allah, in whose hands are the keys of all things, the letter proceeds to its main purpose : " We be long to God's army," writes Omar, " and follow His word only ; with our army is the victory, and we foUow the Imara, Mahoraed el Mahdi, the son of Abdullah — before whom we bow — the Khalifa and Prophet of God — to whom we offer our greetings, and of whom the Master of all has said, ' And in those days there shall be raised from my seat a man who shall fill the earth with justice and light as it was filled before with injustice and darkness' (the Koran). We have now come by his order, and there is no possible result but what is good from his comraandments in this changeful world. We have given ourselves, our children, and possessions to him as an offering to God, and He has accepted them from us. He has bought His true believers, their souls and posses sions with His Word, and Paradise belongs to them. If they are killed, they are kflled as an offering to God, and if they kill, they kfll in His cause, as it is written In the Old Testa ment, in the New Testament, and in the Koran. " In the month of Ramadan, 1298, God revealed the ex pected Mahdi, and made him sit on His footstool, and girded him with the sword of victory. He told him that whoever was his enemy was unfaithful to God and His Prophet, and should suffer in this world and in the next, and his children and goods should become the prey of the true Moslems, and he (the Mahdi) should be victorious over all his foes, though they were as numberless as the sands of the desert ; and who- button made into a bullet. This was during the reign of William and Mary. Belief in immunity from bullets was current in the Plains area during the outbreak of the Sioux in 1890. Again immunity from bullets was promised bis followers by the Moorish Pretender, Jilali el Zarhoumy, " Father of the She- Ass," who disturbed the peace of Morocco early in the present century, and was a forerunner of the Mahdi. A. J. Dawson, Things Seen in Morocco, 308, 313. New York, 1904.] 102 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan soever should disobey him should be punished by God. And God showed him his angels and saints, from the time of Adam tfll this day, and aU the spirits and devils. He has before Him an array — its chief is Israel — to whom our greetings ; and He ever goes before the victorious army, a distance of forty miles. Besides this God related to him many miracles. It was Impossible to count thera, but they were as clear as the sun at midday, whose light is seen by all. And the peo ple flocked to him by the order of God and His Prophet. " He commanded the people to collect and assist him against his foes from all parts of the country, and he wrote to the Governor-General at Khartoum, and to all the gover nors in the Soudan, and his orders were fulfilled. He wrote to every king, especially to the Sultan of Stamboul, Abdul Hamid, to Mahomed Tewfik, Vali of Egypt, and to Victoria, Queen of Brittania, because she was in alliance with the Egyptian Government. Then the people came from every side and submitted to his rule, and told him they submitted to God and His Prophet, and to him, for there Is only one God, and He Is supreme, and they promised they would ab stain frora aU evil, and that they would neither steal nor commit adultery, nor do anything which was forbidden by God. They would give up the world and strive only for God's Word, and make war for their Holy Belief for ever. " And we have found him, the Mahdi, more compassionate to us than a pitying mother ; he lives with the great, but has pity for the poor; he collects the people of honour around him and honours the generous ; he speaks only the truth and brings people to God, and relieves them In this world, and shows them the path to the next." [Quoted by A. J. Mounte ney-Jephson, Emin Pasha, 245'— 8.] The letter concludes with a detailed account of the Mahdi's successes over his various enemies, and an exhortation to join the host of this triumphant one. The Soudanese Mahdi roused a tremor throughout the downtrodden Mohammedan world. During the Egyptian war Mohararaedans from Assma and Lucknow looked to Arabi to restore their fortunes, " for," said they, " we are in a desperate strait and need a deliverer." In Yemen and The Mahdi: The Messiah of Mohammedanism 103 In Hejaz the Arabs, weary of Turkish rule, were ready to join the Mahdi should he cross the Red Sea. [Blunt, India Under Ripon, 203. 1909. For accounts of this Soudanese Mahdi, see article on Mahommed Ahmed in Enc. Britt. (11th ed.) ; F. R. Wingate, Ten Years Captivity in the Mahdi's Camp. London, 1892, esp. Ch. I ; lb.. Fire and Sword in the Sudan. London, 18'96, Ch. IV, XX; lb., Mahdiism in the Sudan. London, 1889; A. J. B. Wavell, A Modern PUgrvm in Mecca, 24; Hist, of All Nations, XX, 385-6. Sir Harry Johnston, Africa, 348. London, N. D. ; S. Low, Egypt in Transition, 12-34, 82; E. M. Bliss, Turkey and the Arme nian A trocities, 62, 327—9 ; De Bunsen, The Soul of the Turk, 205, 258; M. M. Shoemaker, Islam Lands, 25, 37, 45, 48-52, 58, 71-3, 89-91, 98-102. E. FothergiU, Five Years in the Sudan, 15—39, 229. Alf ord and Sword, Egyptian Soudan, Ch. II. London, 1898. A. H. Atteridge, Towards Khar toum, Ch. XIX. London, 1897. W. S, ChurchiU, The River War, I, 12-116, II, 99, 212. B. Alexander, From the Niger to the NUe, II, 357, New York, 1907, W. E, Curtis, Egypt, Bu,rma and British Malaysia, 186—7, 1906,] It Is often deemed advisable to fight fire with fire and to overcome divine aid by countervailing supernatural sanction. Accordingly, when Gordon arrived In Egypt to quell the Mahdi uprising, he was Instructed by the Khedive to embark on the divine raission of subduing the false Mahdi and pre paring the way for the True Messiah, Gordon hiraself seeraed irapressed with the supernatural sanction attaching to his mission and his diary has been likened, by Moncure D. Conway, to what one raight expect in the diary of Peter the Hermit ; containing such verses as " I take this prophecy as my own " ; " And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of Hosts in the Land of Egypt." Hence, con cludes the venerable commentator, " I reached the conclusion that if one scratches the Englishman with a Moslem spear he will find a Crusader." [My Pilgrimage to the Wise Men of the East, 347—8. 1906. See, in confirraation, the pub lished diary of Gen. Gordon.] The Sudanese followers of the Mahdi may be said to have " returned the compliment " by looking upon Gordon as the 104 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Anti-Christ whom their promised Mahdi was destined to de stroy. [A. Gilman, Story of the Saracens, 414. James Darrasteter, Le Mahdi depuis les origines de I'Islam. jusqu' a nos jour. Paris, 1885. E. W. Latiraer, Europe in Africa in the Nineteenth Century, 76-108, W. E. B. Du Bols, The Negro, 45-6. New York, 1915. E. B. Bronson, In Closed Territory, 181. London, 1907. A. B. Lloyd, Uganda to Khartoum, 303, London, 1907,] Many persons had appeared in Egypt prior to 1881 claim ing to be the Mahdi, one of them in Upper Egypt during the time of Ismail Pasha, a contemporary of the Sudanese Mahdi, [Eari of Cromer, Modern Egypt, I, 352, 356ff., 470; II, 20-30, 61-5, N, D. Harris, Intervention and Colonization in Africa, 97, 119, 332-44, 348, New York, 1914,] In 1799 there appeared in Egypt a Mahdi who, though killed by the French, was expected by his foUowers to return. When the French soon afterward retired from Egypt they supposed that the Mahdi's prayers had been answered by Allah. [E. W. Latiraer, 78.] For generations before the appearance of the Sudan Mahdi the ruraor had been abroad that in the latter part of this century a new prophet would arise, gather to hiraself the scattered forces of the faithful and restore the Moslem faith and power to their ancient height. This prepared the way for the announcement in 1881 of himself as the Mahdi foretold by Mohammed, whose advent had been predicted for that year, and gave persuasion to the message which he sent to the sheiks and fakirs round about, declaring his divine mission to reform Islam, establish universal equality, a universal law, a universal religion, and a comraunlty of goods ; with the accorapanying threat that he would destroy all, both Mohararaedan and Christian, who should refuse to accept his claims of being the true prophet. The ignorant and credulous Arabs found further proof of his genuineness in peculiar marks upon his face symbolic of a true prophetic character, and in difference in the length of his two arms, and in difference in the color of his two eyes — differences which pertained to Mohammed the Prophet. [G. M. Towle, England in Egypt, Ch. V. Boston, 1886. Another The Mahdi: The Messiah of Mohammedanism 106 tradition asserted that the Mahdi would have long hands. See Earl of Cromer, op, cit,, I, 351,] As already mentioned the excitement in the Sudan reverber ated to Abyssinia, " There was an old prophecy in Abys sinia, handed down from generation to generation, which said that in the fulness of time a king should arise in Ethiopia, of Solomon's lineage, who should be acknowledged to be the greatest king on earth; and his power should erabrace all Ethiopia and Egypt. He should scourge the Infidels out of Palestine and purge Jerusalem from all defilers. He should destroy all the inhabitants thereof, and his name should be Theodorus." This prophecy brought to the fore a man who had been known as Kassai, but who now clairaed that his narae was Theodorus. Great successes attended his arms and he con quered province after province. When the conquests of the Sudanese Mahdi had reached to the borders of Abyssinia he determined to advance on Omdurman and destroy Mahdiisra, In this he was aided by another prophecy current among the Arabs to the effect that a king of Abyssinia should advance on Khartoum, his horsemen wading in blood, and that he should tie his horse to a lone tree standing on a certain hill near the city. When the war broke out belief in this proph ecy caused almost a panic in Omdurman, Subsequent events, however, failed to justify it, for King John, as he was then known, was struck by a bullet and killed, his army defeated, and his head fell into the hands of the exulting eneray. [E, W. Latimer, op, cit,, 229^48,] The messianic movement initiated by the Sudanese Mahdi stin lingers. In 1903 Mohammed-el-Amin, a native of Tunis, proclairaed himself the Mahdi and secured a following in Kordofan. He was captured by the governor of Kordofan and publicly executed at El Obeid. In April, 1908, Abdel- Kader, a Halowin Arab and ex-dervish, rebelled in the Blue Nile province, claiming to be the prophet Issa (Jesus). He murdered the deputy inspector of the province and the Egyptian mamur, after which the rising was promptly sup pressed and Issa captured and hdnged. [Cf. art,, Sudan, in Ency. Britt,, 11th ed.] 106 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan The Mahdi in India Nor have Indian Mussulmans been without their redeemers, at once religious and political. In the eleventh century A. h. we find a remarkable movement among them, roused by the expected advent of the Imam Mahdi. [F. T. Wheeler, History of India, IV, Part I, 161-3. W. W. Hunter, In Our Indian Mussulmans, was the first to bring home to the English mind the political danger inherent in Mohammedan religious revivals. See also Sell, Essays on Islam.] The revolution in Calcutta has been attributed in part to a reli gious cause, naraely, the uprising of a Mohammedan sect, the Arya Samaj ; there is no doubt that, on occasions, its activity reaches out into the sphere of politics no less assiduously than into that of theology. [J. F, Hurst, Indika, 489-90. Holdemess, Peoples and Problems of India, 122 (Horae University Library), Imperial Gazetter of India, I, 426-8, Oxford, 1909,] My esteemed friend, Mr, Lala Laj pat Ral, author of a book on the Arya Samaj, and for a long time one of the leading members of this organiza tion, stoutly maintains in his treatise that the Arya Samaj is religious, and is not political, though numerous members of the order have been prominent in political uprisings. The fact, however, that these political moveraents emanate from the order shifts the burden of proof upon those who regard the political as only per accidens related to the reli gious. One cannot examine all the facts without perceiving that the Arya Samaj, like alraost all other religious orders, is an easy door to political agitation. It paves the way to agitation and beckons with its psychology, if not with its logic. Sikhisra, also, like many others of these movements, started as a religious reform and ended in political organization, the submerged element coraing prorainently to the fore as its development proceeded. Here, too, as has not uncommonly happened, most or many of the reformers have come from the lower ranks, and, especiaUy from one of the pppressed castes.^ [Imperial Gazetter, I, 426-8. B. F, Sarkar, Sci- 1 Again, Mr. Rai insists (in conversations with the author) that Sikh- The Mahdi: The Messiah of Mohammedanism 107 ence of History and Hope of Mankind, 61, London, 1912, See the whole of section VII on The Relativity of Religiou,s Movements and of Other Aspects of Human Life to the Con junction of Circumstanees.] The Wahhabee movement that spread from the Rebel Camp of Sittana to Lower Bengal, the most simple and rigid form that Islam has ever assumed, entertained the belief In the Mahdi coupled with intense, if not vicious, political aspira tions. Accordingly, in India, notably on the North-West frontier, hope in the Mahdi and the sinister political aim have been welded into a formidable weapon of attack to be wielded against the comraon foe, the uncircumcised infidel who governs them. [W, G, Palgrave, Essays on Eastern- Questions, 125-6. London, 1872.] Less than half a century ago a wretched creature by the name of Hakim Singh, living in extreme filth and dirt, gave himself out as a reincarnation of Jesus Christ, and, in keep ing with that character, beneficently offered to baptise the missionaries who attempted to argue with him. He prom ised to his foUowers, among other things, the destruction of the British Government, which, to him and to others, ap peared responsible for their existing ills. He preached a pure morality and professed to work miracles. This Hakim Singh, or Ram Singh, the leader of a sect that caused a serious outbreak in the Punjab in 1872, is described as a man of considerable ability, the son of a carpenter. He gradually acquired a reputation for extreme sanctity and for the possession of miraculous powers. As his influence and the number of his followers increased, the tendency of his teaching became more political. [Punjab Administra tion Report, 1871-2, p. 412. Sir Alfred LyaU, Asiatic Studies, I, 143. London, 1907. J, G. Frazer, The Dying God. Golden Bough Edition,] About a quarter of a century before this, there appeared in the remote eastern districts of the Central Provinces one ism is only religious; but the fact that the aspiration of the individuals composing it became political soon after becoming religious, and often with proportionate zeal, would seem to speak for itself, and to proclaim a real, if wholly unintended and unconscious, connection. 108 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Gh^si Das, an inspired prophet, who sojourned in the wil derness for six months. He then reappeared and preached to the poor and ignorant the creed of Satnam or the True Name. His followers, when he died in 1850, numbered about half a million. [LyaU, op. cit., I, 144; J. Morrison, New Ideas in India. London, 1906.] Mirza Ghulara Ahmad, bom in the Punjab in 1838, died 1908, made, of aU the Hindoo messiahs, the most extravagant claims. The movement initiated by him may be attributed largely to reaction against the striking success of a Chris tian mission in the Central Punjab and against the impetus of the religious order established by Dayananda. Mirza Ghulara Ahmad was both Mohammedan Mahdi and Christian Messiah; indeed his claims were triplex, for he held himself out as also the Hindu Avatar, or " Expected One." He was the fulfiUment of a prophecy concerning the Second Coming, but he was in no wise subsidiary to Christ. On the con trary, he proclairaed himself superior to him in both per sonality and doctrine. This Mahdi-Messiah was not blind to the parallel between the circumstances of his time and those of the time of Christ. He pointed them out in some detail and with considerable acumen. The political parallel noted by him was, Indians under British rule in very much the sarae subordinate position as Jews under Roman rule. As a corollary: The corruptions of India are very similar to the corruptions of Palestine in the First Century a. d. The truth of his messiahship he proved by miracles, most of which were in the nature of the fulfillment of prophecies — and not wholly auspicious fulfillments. He is said to have successfully predicted the death of no less than one hundred and twenty-one people. Among this number was Pandit Lekh Raul, his chief antagonist in the Arya Samaj, who was assassinated. Another prediction referred to his Christian antagonist. Deputy Abdullah Atham ; but he, being well pro tected, survived the allotted fifteen months. His continued prophecies proved so mischievous that on February 24, 1899, the Government of the Punj ab ordered him to leave off such prophecies, and this he promised to do. He also predicted the birth of sons to certain friends, but The Mahdi: The Messiah of Mohammedanism 109 not always successfully. More successful was his prediction that the rival American of his day, John Alexander Prophet Elijah Dowie, whom he called an impostor, would die before he did; this prophecy, to the great satisfaction of the fol lowers of Ahmad, was fulfilled. Indeed his followers found some justification for his boast: " I shall be guilty of con cealing the truth if I do not assert that the prophecies which God Almighty has granted rae are of a far better quality in clearness, force, and truth than the ambiguous predictions of Jesus." [J. Morrison, New Ideas in India, 202—3. Lon don, 1906. J. B. Pratt, India and Its Faiths, 311. H. P. Beach, India and Christian Opportunity, 240. New York, 1908.] He prophesied and promised that his people would be free from pestilence without plague inoculation, yet he himself died from cholera. Such an inauspicious death afforded lit tle encouragement to his disciples, [The best account of this man and his doctrines is that given by Farquhar, Mod ern Religious Movements in India, 137—48, MacmlUan, 1915. I am indebted to Mr. Lajpat Rai, author of The Arya Samaj, for this reference, and for confirmation of the above description.] This and other instances tend to confirra Farquhar's ob servation that the religious aspect of anarchisra (meaning anti-Government manifestations) is merely the extension and revival of Hinduism. [Ib., 358. See the chapter on Re ligious Nationalism.] The Afghan Mohammedans have entertained the belief that once the Jehad, or Holy War, has been proclairaed, the nuraerous battalions of the infidel becorae powerless against a handful of the Ghazis, or soldiers of the faith. [S. Wheeler, The Ameer Abdur Rahman, 216, London, 1895.] This belief paved the way for the Mad Mullah who led the attack against the British in Malakand in 1897, and who was a bountiful worker of rairacles, " He sat at his house, and all who came to visit him, brought him a small offering of food or money, in retum for which he gave them a little rice. As his stores were continually replenished, he raight claim to have fed thousands. He asserted that he was in- 110 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan visible at night. Looking into his room they saw no one. At these things they marvelled. Finally he declared he would destroy the infidel. He wanted no help. No one should share the honors. The heavens would open and an army would descend. The more he protested he did not want them, the more exceedingly they came. IncddentaUy he mentioned that they would be invulnerable; other agents added arguraents. I was shown a captured scroll, upon which the torab of the Ghazi — he who has kflled an infidel — is depicted in heaven, no fewer than seven degrees above the Caaba itself. Even after the fighting — when the tribesmen reeled back from the terrible army they had assailed, leaving a quarter of their number on the field — the faith of the survivors was unshaken. Only those who had doubted had perished, said the Mullah, and displayed a bruise which was, he informed them, tKe sole effect of a twelve-pound shrapnel shell on his sacred person." [W. L. S. Churchill, The Story of the Malakand Field Force, 41— 2. J Though the emperor Akbar, of the Moghul dynasty (1542—1605) never proclairaed himself the Messiah he went far to make plain his similarity to the Messiah. His birth day was on Sunday, which, said tradition, was the birthday of the Messiah; his mother was called, with his approval, MIriam-makani, i. e., " of the household of Mary." He clairaed the power to perform many miracles: to heal dis eases; cause rain to fall or to cease; and allowed' it to be said of him that he had spoken when a babe in the cradle, which same, said tradition, Jesus Christ had done. He made of himself a priest-king.^ [Akbar, Hastings' E.R.E., I, 272. J. P. Jones, India, Its Life and Thought, 311. New York, 1908. Sir W. W. Hunter, Brief History of the Indian Peo- 1 The only Life of .Tesus prior to the time of Reimarus, who wrote in the first half of the eighteenth century, which possesses any interest for the theologian, was composed by a Jesuit in the Persian language, and was designed for the use of the Moghul Emperor, Akhbar. The au thor, Hieronymus Xavier, was an Indian Missionary, and a nephew of Francis Xavier. It was a skilful falsification of the life of Christ, by omissions and additions from the Apocrypha, " inspired by the sole purpose of presenting to the open-minded ruler a glorious Jesus, in whom there should be nothing to oif end hira." [Schweitzer, The Quest of the Sistorical Jesus, 13-4. English Translation. London, 1911.] The Mahdi: The Messiah of Mohammedanism 111 pies, 137-8. Oxford, 1907.] The Zikris, a ]\Iohammedan sect of Baluchistan, believe that their founder. Dost Mohararaad, was the twelfth Mahdi. His abode, Koh-i-Murad, near Turbat, takes the place of Mecca as the object of their pilgrimages. [Baluchistan, Hastings' E.R.E., II, 340.] Some sects in India, to whom the name of " Ghair Mahdi'm " (" not expecting a Mahdi ") is given, believe the promised Mahdi has already appeared. In the District of Kirman, Baluchistan, they still say that the Mahdi appeared about the end of the fifteenth century in the person of ]Mu- hammad of Jaunpur, who, expelled from India, died, after many wanderings, in 1506, in the valley of Helmend. This sect is known as the " Dhlkri." The Da'ire wale, a similar sect living in the province of Mysore, declared the Mahdi ap peared more than four hundred years ago. [Ghair Mahdi, Hastings' E.R.E., VI, 189.] The Mahdi in Persia and Syria In 940 A. D. the Twelfth Iraam disappeared into a well. He stiU lives in Jabulka, or Jabuka, whence he is expected to reappear as the Mahdi or Kaim. In communication with him were four persons, known as Bab or Gate, transmitters of messages from the Imam to his faithful followers. Mirza Ali Mohammed of Shiraz was one of these Bab who later advanced in station claiming to be the Kaim or Mahdi. He dared proclaira his manifestation in Mecca itself. After his death many of his followers claimed to be the promised one. There was a chaos of manifestations sorely puzzling the raost faithful, not to raention the Turkish Government. It had been prophesied that the Kaim would behead seventy thou sand mullahs like dogs, and it was not so easy to lay the ghost or allay the fears. The Bab who appeared at Ispahan, Persia, about the mid dle of the nineteenth century, and of whom raore wfll be said in the discussion of the political significance of raessi anic movements, was the embodiment of this long deferred hope for a redeemer and savior. Many followed him. [An 112 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan extensive account of the Bab and of Babism will be found in S. G. Wilson, Bahaism and Its Claims. Boston, 1915, See the sarae author, Persian Life and Customs, 62, 146, 185, 221, E, C. Sykes, Persia and Its People, 36, 140-3. L. Oliphant, Haifa or Life in Modern Palestine, 103-7. V. De Bunsen, The Soul of a Turk, 206-7, 251-7. W. E. Curtis, To-day in Syria and Palestine, 219. Journal Asiatic, 6th series. Vol, VII, 329-84, C, M, Remey, The Bahai Move ment. Washington, D, C, 1912. Isaac Adams, Persia by a Persian, 453-90. H. C, Lukach, Fringe of the East, 264ff, London, 1913, A, G, Browne, A Literary History of Persia. London, 1902, Browne, The Babis of Persia, in Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1889, Vol. 21, p. 485ff,, 881ff,, and articles by Browne on Bab, Babis, in Hastings' Ency. of Religion and Ethics, and in the Ency. Britt., 11th edition. In 1915 the New York Public Library published a long list of works relating to Babism and Bahaism.] Bahaisra, which developed out of Babisra, has a leader whose messiahship is abundantly proclaimed. Some repre sent Baha as Christ, while others declare Christ has returned in the person of Abdul Baba Abbas. Baha, indeed, is rep resented as embodying all the promises, rauch as Ghulam Ahmad Quadiani embodied them in India. He is " the Mes siah for the Jews, God the Father, the Word, and the Spirit for the Christians, Aurora or Shah Bahran for the Zoroas- trians, the fifth Buddha for the Buddhists, reincarnated Krishna for the Brahmans, the Mahdi or the twelfth Imam or Husain for the Moslems. All are realized in the coraing of Baha UUah." Bahaism is said to adapt its claims and doctrines to those prevailing in the land where it seeks to gain a foothold, show ing in America a different creed from that flaunted in Persia. American Bahais are said to regard Baha as God the Father, and Abdul Baha Abbas as the Son of God, Jesus Christ. " The promises and prophecies given in the Holy Scriptures have been fulfilled by the appearance of the Prince of the Universe, the great Baba UUah and of Abdul Baha." [S. G. Wilson, Bahaism, 92ff.] One writer declares the whole Bahai movement " a counterfeit of the Messiahship of The Mahdi: The Messiah of Mohammedanism 113 Christ." [G. W. Holmes, in Speer, Missions and Modern History, I, 169, See also, W. A. Shedd in Missionary Re view of the World, 1911.] In 1866-7, Baha UUah (or Baha'u'Uah), who had been graduaUy displacing Subhi-Ezel as leader of the Babi sect, proclaimed liis messiahship as " He whom God shaU mani fest," declaring the Bab had been but the herald of his coming. Baha UUah and his followers were sent to Acre, for his claims caused a division among the Babis and much fll-feeling. The- strength of his opponents waned rapidly and that of Baha UUah grew apace. Acre became the center of a living force that spread abroad and attracted to the little Syrian town pilgrims from all parts of the globe. When Baha UUah died, In 1892, his son. Abbas, generally known now as Abbas Effendl, or as Abdul Baha, became his successor, and since then the sect has been known, after him, as the Bahai. In 1913 the number of Bahaists was com puted as more than two raiUion adherents — Persian and In dian Shiahs, Sunis frora the Turkish Empire and North Africa, Brahmans, Buddhists, Taoists, Shintoists, Jews, and Christian converts in Europe and the United States. One student of the sect has called it " a thing which may revivify Islam, and make great changes on the face of the Asiatic world." [Lukach, op. cit., 264-7.] So far it seems to have exerted Uttle or no political power. Many accounts have been written about Abbas Effendi, the God incarnate, for whom, say his foUowers, the Bab was only a forerunner. An American devotee writes, under date of Washington, D, C, November 19, 1899, " regarding the ' Holy City ' and the Blessed Master, who dwells therein : " Although my stay in Acca was very short, as I was there only three days, yet I assure you these three days were the most memorable days of my life, still I feel incapable of describing them In the slightest degree. " From a raaterial standpoint everything was very simple and plain, but the spiritual atmosphere which pervaded the place, and was manifested in the lives and actions among the Believers, was truly wonderful, and something I had never 114 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan before experienced. One needs but to see them to know that they are a Holy people. " The Master I wiU not atterapt to describe ; I wiU only state that I believe with all my heart that he is the Master, and my greatest blessing in this world is that I have been privileged to be in His presence and look upon His sanctified face. His life Is tmly the Christ life and His whole being radiates purity and Holiness ! " Without a doubt Abbas Effendi is the Messiah of this day and generation, and we need not look for another, "Hoping you will find the joy that has come into my life, from accepting the truth as revealed in these great days, . , ." A similar message comes from Washington under date of December 5, 1899, " It seems to me," says this devotee, " a real Truth-seeker would know at a glance that He is the Master! Withal I must say He is the Most Wonderful Being I have ever met or expect to meet in this world. Though He does not seek to impress one at all, strength, power, purity, love, and holiness are radiated from His raajestic, yet hurable, personality, and the spiritual atmosphere which surrounds Him, and most powerfully affects all those who are blessed by being near Him, is Indescribable, His ideas and sentiments are of the loftiest and most chaste character, whfle His great love and devotion for humanity surpasses everything I have ever before encountered, I believe in Him with all my heart and soul, and I hope all who call themselves Believers will concede to Him all the greatness, all the glory, and all the praise, for surely he Is the Son of God — and ' the Spirit of the Father abideth in Hira,' " Regarding the Household, I found thera all quiet, holy people, living only for the purpose of serving in the Cause of God, They dress very plainly, but with a grace that gives a sort of grandeur to their most humble abode. The purity of their morals is evident from the calm, benign and gufleless faces, which characterize them as a people. To become spiritually more and more like them, and like the Blessed Master, is ray daily supplication to God," The Mahdi: The Messiah of Mohammedanism 115 Another American writes that she was allowed to enter " the special garden of the Manifestation, the one (accord ing to Dr, Kheiralla) described in the prophecies thus: ' The place of my throne is part on the water and part on the land, under a green tent that has neither ropes nor a center pole to sustain it,' , , , The spiritual atmosphere of this place was overwhelming; our tears feU like rain over our faces, and some of the Believers with us cried aloud. Indeed, to enter this room is a great blessing. I have felt nearer to God since that day ! On the chair was a wreath of flowers, and some beautiful cut roses placed there by the Greatest Branch, who commanded that they should be given to us ; also four large oranges, which were on the table opposite, as we left that most sacred place, " From here we were taken to the tomb of the Manifesta tion, and you must excuse me if I do not enter into details about this ; I cannot find words to express myself ; suffice it to say, that the Greatest Branch let me walk in His footsteps and led me by the hand Into this sacred place, where I knelt down and begged of God to cleanse my heart of all impurity and kindle within it the fire of His love, I also remembered there the Assembly in Chicago and begged God's blessing to be showered upon you. After this visit we walked in the garden and our Lord, with His own blessed hands, picked flowers and leaves, which he gave us to take to the faithful Believers in America. " That night He sat us all by the table, and dismissed the servants, saying He would serve us Himself, and He did so. He did not sit at the table with us, but waited upon us ! At the conclusion of the meal He said: 'I have served you to-night that you may learn the lesson of ever serving your fellow-creatures with love and kindness.' He bade us good night and advised us all to rest early, so we went to bed and this night I had a long delicious sleep and rest. " The next morning he brought rae a most beautiful bunch of white narcissus and allowed me to kiss His blessed hand as He gave them to me. He sat down and drank tea with us, then rose and bade us ' adieu,' as we were going back to Haifa that day and He had been called away. As we 116 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan were quitting the city we saw Him standing by the gate, and He smiled at us as we passed. Then we returned ' by the road in the sea ' to Haifa, our hearts both happy and sorrow ful, happy because we had seen Him and sorrowful because we were leaving Him. " Oh, dear people, make firm your faith and belief, for truly He is our Lord. It seems to rae that no one could doubt should He smfle upon them, and no one could turn from Hira should he seek to confirm them I But this He will not do, as God had declared that each must seek to confirm himself and gave to each of us the power or wfll for that purpose, I feel these words are very weak and inadequate, but I assure you no one could describe this place and 'tis foolish to try — to know each must see for himself — there fore pray God earnestly that the blessing of coming here raay soon be bestowed. There is no other place in the world worth seeing, and surely no other King worthy of homage," " This Is He who quenches the thirst from the spring of life," declares a " Declaration Addressed to Americans." " This is He who heals the sick with the antidote of safety and confirras with a flood of grace from His Kingdom. He is of the greatest heirs to the apostles and saints, the Lord is His God and He is His dearest Son (Abdul-Beha)." [For these and similar accounts see Isaac Adams, Persia; By a Persian, 468—90. Grand Rapids, Mich., no date,] Such has been the Influence upon Western minds of the Syrian Messiah, Abbas Effendi, whose doctrines are mystical and symbolical, but kindly, sincere, and charged with pious zeal, [The best account of his teachings is that given by Myron H, Phelps, Life and TeachiTigs of Abbas Effendi: A Study of the Religion of the Babis, or Beha'is Founded by the Persian Bab and His Successors, Beha UUah and Abbas Effendi. Putnam, 1912, Second edition. See also art., Bab ism In New Inter. Ency., and article on Bahaism in America, published in The American Journal of Theology, Jan., 1902, p. 57-8.] Though Bahaism best flourishes on Syrian and other for eign sofl whence it has been transported, messianic hope has not departed from Persia, In the royal stables of Persia, The Mahdi: The Messiah of Mohammedanism 117 it is said, two horses are kept saddled in readiness for the Mahdi and for his Ueutenant, Jesus the son of Mary. [E. W. Latimer, op. cit., 76.] One who travelled through Syria some thirty years ago gives the foUowing description: " In my time there were two Christs in Syria ; one of them a second-sighted admirable person of the Persian religion, had been laid by the Ottoman government in ' little-ease ' at Gaza. The other was between ignorant block and mystical hypocrite, a religious dreamer at large. Born in the Chris tian reUgion, this man was by turns Jew and Mohammedan ; ' he had God's name,' he told me in a terrific voice, ' sculptured between his two eyebrows.' This divine hand writing, be it understood, was in Arabic; that is he had dimples, as a triglyph, or somewhat resembUng the trace (in Arabic) Allah. Herein he would covertly convey, among us Christians, was his mystical name, divine ! and he was himself INIessias of the second appearing. He was bom in Latakia, and in this also, through barbarous ignorance of the Greek letters, he found a witness of the Scriptures unto hiraself. He prophesied to them with a lofty confidence, that the day was toward, when he should ride forth from Damascus' horsemarket unto his eternal glory, and, aU things being fulfiUed in himself, the chfldren of Adam should retum unto their Lord Grod, to be manifested in the whole world. He was a Moslem among the Moslemin. I heard their ribalds deride this self-godded man upon a time as I walked with him in their cathedral mosque, and he went on saying (especiaUy where we met with any simple hareem, near the gates) in an immense murmured voice, ' How great is Mo hammed! yea, 0 ye people! he is the Apostle of AUah!' They mocked him with ' Hafl, Neby ! ' Of the Christians no man trusted him. Yet I have heard simple women, half in awe of a man of so high pretense, beg of him to foresay to them the event of these dangerous times, — ' whether the Nasara would be massacred ? ' And he in mighty tones prophesied to them comfortable things; he said they shoifld have no hurt, these troubles should assuage shortly and Christ's kingdom be established. Also he could show, unto 118 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan any faithful which resorted to him in certain hours, the testimony of miracles; for with solemn gesture, the divine man waved his hands over a little water, then he breathed In mystic wise, and spread his hands, and behold it was made wine : and such had been seen by a simple Christian person of my farafliar acquaintance. Upon a time finding him in the street I bade him wend with me of his charity, to the house of fools, el-Moristan; by his holy power with God, we might heal a mad body: he granted. There entering, when we had passed bars and gates he received from the por ter a cup of water in his hand, and led me confidently to the poor men in durance. He had promised if we found any raging one, with only the name of Allah to appease him : but as all was still, he approached a poor man who sat in a cage, and enquired his name and country and condition. The sad prisoner answered to all things well and civilly ; and the blatant raan of God, when he cried Allah! and breathed with an awesoraeness upon the water, gave him through the bars his bowl, bidding him drink measurably thereof, and if the Lord would he should come to his health : the unhappy raan received it very thankfully. ' Thou hast seen ! ' ( said this doer of rairacles), ' now we raay return.' After a week he sent me his divine word that the dangerous madcap had mended, and was ' about to be sent home as a man in his right mind ' ; — and / did not believe him! This wonder worker, after walking through all Christian sects and Juda ism, had gone over to the Mohammedan profession, in that hoping, said his Christian neighbors, to come again to his own : and this was, after he had put out his little patrimony at an iniquitous usury, to insolvent Moslems : — they having devoured the Nasrany's good, derided him; and a Christian has little or no hope in the Mohammedan judgment seats. The forlorn had fallen between the stools of his natural and his adopted religions, and his slender living was passed from his own into other shrews' hands ; and there was all his grief : the apostate found no charity in either. The Christian peo ple's whisper even imputed to him an atrocious guilt. In better days a boy had served him, and he was known to beat him more and more. Sorae while after, when the boy was The Mahdi: The Messiah of Mohammedanism 119 not found, the neighbors said between their teeth, ' he has murdered the lad and buried Jum ! ' When I last saw him the religion-monger was become a sadder and a silent man; the great sot had now a cross coaled upon his cottage door, in the Christian quarter. He said then with a hoUow throat, ' he was but a sinner,' and denied to me, shaking out his raiment with an affected horror, that ever such as I alleged had been his former pretension. ' Nay ah ! and Ah nay ! ' The soothsayer would persuade me that ' all was but the foolish people's saying.' I found him poring and half weep ing over a written book, which he told me was ' marvellous wise and healthful to the soul, and the copying it had cost him much silver.' The arguraent was of God's creatures, the beasts, and showing how every beast ( after that of the psalm, ' Praise the Lord from the earth, all beasts, creeping things, and feathered fowl') yieldeth life-worship unto God. He read rae aloud his last lesson ' Of the voices of the living crea tures,' and coraing down to the carael, I said, ' Hold there!' every carael-voice is like a blasphemy : it is very blasphemous.' Said he : ' Thou art mistaken, that brutish bellowing in his throat is the camel's making moan unto Allah. — See further it is written here ! — his prayer for patience under oppres sion, inasmuch as he is made a partner in man's affliction.' Neighbors now told me the most sustenance of this sorrow ful man, past the lining of his purse, to be of herbs, which cooling diet he had large leave to gather for himself In the wfld fields." [C. M. Doughty, Arabia Deserta, p. 171-3. Cambridge, 1888,] CHAPTER III THE BUDDHIST MESSIAH IT has been asserted that the conception of history as a moving forward rather than a moving backward or a see-saw, has arisen independently only among two peoples — in Zoroastrianisra and in Hebraism, [See Soderblom's arti cle on Ages of the World (Zoroastrian) in Hastings' E,R,E., I, 210,] Sorae of these older ideas have filtered into the later Buddhist cult, but have not borne much fruit. The reason is not far to seek. The messianic hope is fostered in discontent, born of a desire to arise above one's surround ings and impose a new impetus upon the controUing regirae. Buddhism is a religion of submission rather th^in one of active resistance. It looks for salvation through accepting rather than rejecting the existing order of things. It conse quently offers little incentive to any would-be Messiah. Moreover, the people among whom Buddhism flourishes have an easy-going, submissive character in keeping with their religious doctrine. They furnish relatively few elements of unrest to pave the way for a Messiah; they give out few despairing or even plaintive notes to invite his advent and assistance. There is little incentive to earthly salvation for him who believes : This body is a nest of loathly sores, A dark and shiny skin doth wrap it round: And from a thousand thousand oozing pores It sendeth out its stenches like an open wound Christian nations have been coramitted — and some sav the New Testament justifies it — to a policy of aggressive de fense, while, in the spirit of Buddhism, 120 The Buddhist Messiah 121 The East bowed low before the blast. In patient, deep disdain; She let the legions thunder past. And plunged in thought again, [S, K, Saunders, The Heart of Buddhism; and The Story of Buddhism, 25, New York, 1916.] The spirit of Hinduism and of Buddhism Is not one of regeneration. — " It is only a vague postponement of the moral issues of the soul. There is recognized no future in tervention that can effect a change in the downward drift. They emphasise the fact that according to the sowing shall be the reaping, and that in no part of the universe can fll desert escape its rewards. There is no hint that any pity ing eye of God or devil looks upon the struggle, or any arm is stretched forth to raise up the crippled and helpless soul. Time is the only Savior — time so vague, so distant, that the mind cannot follow its cycles or trace the relations of cause and effect." [Ellinwood, Oriental Religions and Christianity, 347. Cf. art., Jesus Christ, by W. D. Mac- Kenzie, in Hastings' E.R.E., VII, 505, for comparison with Christianity.] But neither messianic faith nor action in accordance with it is entirely absent. Avalokita, the Buddhist " all-sided one," whose face is turned in every direction in order to see everything and save everybody, is a savior far superior to the other great Bodhisattvas — as the future Buddhas are called — to think of whom is better than to do honor to thou sands of Buddhas. At the end of our age he will appear as the thousandth and last Buddha of the age. [See the fol lowing articles in Hastings' E.R.E. : AValokitesvara, II, 256-61. Bodhisattva, II, 739-53. Adibuddha, I, 93-100. Lotus of the Tme Law, VIII, 146-6. (AU by L. De La Vallee Poussin.) Arhat, I, 774-5 (by T. W. Rhys Davids). Incarnation (Buddhist), VII, 187-8; (Indian), 193-7). Moggalava, VIII, 768-70. Moksa, lb., 770-4.] Manjusri, one of the Buddhistic " gods," declared in his bodhisattva vow that he did not wish to become a Buddha quickly, because he wished to remain to the last in this world 122 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan in order to save its beings. [Art., Manjusri, in Hastings' E.R.E., VIII, 406, n. 2 (by Poussin).] The Buddhist expectation of a King of Kings was partly political, partly phflosophical or religious in origin, and has many elements in comraon with the Jewish raessianic expec tation. Gotama, the later accepted Buddha, was the fulfil ment of these hopes only in the limited degree that Jesus was the fulfilment of earlier Jewish hopes. Gotama exceeded in spiritual loftiness the prediction of a King of Kings as much as Jesus exceeded the prediction of the Messiah ; never theless, he partially filled the earlier demand, and had not Gotama risen to the occasion some other would have en deavored to do so. [T. W. Rhys Davids, Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as Illustrated by Some Points in the History of Indian Buddhism, 129—50. London, 1897. Ch. XII, The Christ and the Buddha, in J. P. Jones, India, Its Life and Thought. New York, 1908.] The wa}' for the advent of a Messiah is paved by the belief that Krishna will retum at the end of all time, when physical and moral need have reached their acme upon earth. In the clouds of heaven he will appear upon his white steed. With a comet in his right hand, as a sword of flame, he wfll destroy the old earth by fire, found a new earth and a new heaven, and establish a golden age of purity and perfection in which there will be nothing but pure joy and blessedness. [Arthur Drews, The Christ Myth, 107.] The tenth avatar of Hinduism is to come at a time of great and universal wickedness and establish a kingdom of righteousness on the earth. So similar is this expectation to the Christian messianic hope that " some years ago the Rev. John Newton, of Lahore, took advantage of this pre diction and wrote a tract showing that the tme deliverer and king of righteousness had already come in the person of Jesus Christ. So striking seemed the fulfilment viewed from the Hindu standpoint, that some hundreds in the city of Rarapore were led to a faith in Christ as an avatar of Vishnu." [EUinwood, 282-3. J. T. Sunderiand, The Bible, Its Origin, Growth, etc. New York, 1898. J, P. Jones, India, Its Life and Thought, New York, 1908.] The Buddhist Messiah 123 Early Hindoo and Chinese traditions refer to Buddha's return frora heaven in the flesh. His arrival is to be attested by miracles. He will establish a kingdom of heavenly truth and justice, will die and retum to heaven, " I ara about to descend and be bom araong raen, simply to give peace and rest to aU flesh, and to remove aU sorrow and grief from the world." [Ernest De Bunsen, The Angel-Messiah of Bud dhists, Essenes, and Christians. London, 1880.] In generating messianic hope the Japanese seera tO' have outstripped their slower Eastern neighbors. It is reported, though confessedly not on the best of evidence, that about A, D, 50, a Brahraanical sect was introduced into Japan, the doctrine of which was the rederaption of the world by the son of a virgin, who died to expiate the sins of raen, thus ensuring to them a joyful resurrection, [Manners and Customs of the Japanese in the Nineteenth Century, 247, New York, 1841, John L. Atkinson, Prince Siddartha: The Japanese Buddha. Boston, 1893,] Possessions and in carnations are frequent phenomena among this people and do much to pave the way to intense religious zeal, [Percival Lowell, Occult Japan, 97-192.] The most remarkable of Japanese Messiahs appeared but a few years ago (1910) on the streets of Tokyo, wearing a frock coat of foreign raake and a sleeveless haori over it. This Buddha, or Christ, bore the name of Miyazaki, On the haori were characters meaning Prophet, Buddha, and Mes siah. He had been what the Japanese call a soshi, one of the class of the politically discontented, or, as an unsympathetic writer has defined it, " one of the turbulent class who suffer from too much education and too little to eat, and who are at the root of every disturbance." He had been a journalist. He now pubUshed a book called My New Gospel, In which he set forth his claims as the Messiah-Buddha, — " The consum mation of all the prophecies since the beginning of the world." In the year of his appearance and self-proclama tion he claimed about fifty followers. [Lady Lawson, High ways and Homes of Japan, 284. London, 1910. The subse quent fate of this sect I have not been able to discover, and my efforts to obtain a copy of Miyazaiki's work have, so far, 124 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan been fruitless.] The Lamas place their " Coming Buddha," or Mes siah, in the West and anticipate his arrival from that point of the compass Some have urged that the Tsar was the fulfiUraent of this wish. But the sect of Lamaism known as Ge-lug, or YeUow Hats, derive their divine inspiration from the living Buddhist Messiah, Maitreya, " the next coming Buddha, as revealed through the succession of Indian saints from Asanga down to Atisa, and through the Tibetan saints from Atisa's disciple Brom- ton downwards to Tsong-Kha-pa," [L, A, Waddell, Lhasa and Its Mifsteries, 31, 369. London, 1906, Art,, Lamaism, Hastings' E,R,E,, VII, 787 ; Maitreya, Vol, VIII,] Nor have Buddhists in other lands given up the expecta tion of the retum of a divine being in human form who will save men's bodies as well as their souls. According to the Theosophists there is in India at this time, in the person of Alcyone, or J, Krishnaraurta, one of these messianic reincar nations. [G, Herbert Whyte, The Great Teachers. Theo- sophical Publishing House, London, 1913, Alcyone (J, Krishnamurti) , At the Feet of the Master. Theosophical Publishing House, Los Angeles, Cal, No date,] Gorakh- nath, the patron saint of the Indian State Gorlcha, is ubiqui tous and all powerful, the representative of the god Siva, or even a form of that god. May not the living man be equally the representative of some god — a true Messiah? [Gorakhnath, in Hastings' E,R,E,, VI, 328-30,] In the desire for the Buddha there is hope for one who will bring personal salvation as well as universal good, for a Buddha " Who from all ill and sorrow hast released Me and so many, many stricken folk," This Buddha wiU retum when there are some who understand the message of salvation. Not once only wfll this Buddha come; he will appear from time to time, the conditions of his advent being considered in the canonical books in the light of a natural law. The Buddhist Messiah 125 " As on a crag, on crest of mountain standing, A man might watch the people far below. E'en so do Thou, O' Wisdom fair, ascending, O Seer of all, the terraced heights of truth. Look down, from grief released, upon the nations Sunken in Grief, oppressed with birth and age. Arise, thou hero ! Conqueror in the battle ! Thou freed from debt ! Lord of the pilgrim-band, Walk the world o'er, sublime and blessed Teacher! Teach us the Truth — there are who'll understand," [Rhys Davids, in art,, Desire, Hastings' E,R,E,, IV, 667-8. Pessimism (Indian), lb., IX, S'il— 14.] CHAPTER IV messianic movements AMONG THE NEGROES THE messianic excitement carried to a high pitch by the "Wilderness Worshipers" in 1889 and 1890 among the negroes along the Savannah river In Georgia and South Carolina, when one man after another proclaimed himself the Christ and proraised miracles, may have had its impetus in the white man's domination. Part of the promise held out to his followers by the first of these Christs, a mu latto bearing the name of BeU, was that the world would come to an end on August 16, 1890 ; on which date all ne groes would fade into white raen, all white men become black. The promise of the Messiah carried a " rider " to the effect that all those who wished to ascend on the last day must pur chase wings from him. [Mooney in Fourteenth Annual Re port of the Bureau of Ethnology, Pt. 2.] Under date of January 17, 1916, Prof, Howard W, Odum, of the University of Georgia, writes rae : " We had a negro preacher in South Georgia last year who clairaed to be the Messiah and who got considerable fol lowing from community to community by offering to heal the sick and to save the wicked; however, he charged a fee and was later arrested for obtaining money under false pre tenses. " Another one near Atlanta claimed to be the Messiah ahd organized a sort of membership of the blessed and set a cer tain day when he should arise and fly into the skies. On that day, however, when a considerable number of negroes had gathered, he failed to appear, and was later arrested for taking money under false pretenses. I have heard of a number of such cases, but they are not genuine' cases of mes sianic aspirations, in all probability." At any rate they show a susceptibility on the part of 126 Messianic Movements Among the Negroes 127 those to whom the appeal is made, and this susceptibility is probably soraewhat greater than among their white breth ren. Many of the negro songs, as Prof. Odum calls to my attention, show a genuine feeling of companionship with the Messiah, whora they envisage realistically. [See the negro songs coUected by Prof, Odum and published in The Journal of Religious Psychology, 1910. Dr. J. J, Watson has shown me many songs of similar import collected by him,] To another correspondent I am indebted for the following information : " In two negro insurrections that occurred in this state (Virginia), the leaders, if I remember correctly, claimed supernatural powers and authorities, " In the opening years of the last century — during Gov ernor Monroe's administration (1798-1802) — the negroes near Richmond forraed a plot, rose in large numbers and ad vanced on Richmond, Timely heavy rains flooded the creeks and retarded their advance, giving the whites time to guard against their attack. The leader, it was said, claimed supernatural guidance and power. Mention is made of this attack in the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, published in Richmond by the Virginia Historical Society, " In August, 1831, a body of negroes (60 to 70) rose in Southampton County and massacred 65 whites. Their leader, Nat Turner, declared ' he had been commissioned by Jesus Christ, and that he was acting under inspired direction in what he was going to accomplish.' " Howe, in his Virginia, Its History and Antiquities, pub lished in 1845 by Babcock and Co., Charleston, South Caro lina, gives a fairly fuU account of this insurrection In pages 471—474. In Nat's confession, given on page 472, he says : " ' On the twelfth day of May, 1828, I heard a loud noise in the heavens, and the spirit instantly appeared to me, and said the serpent was loosened, and Christ had laid down the yoke he had borne for the sins of men ; and that I should take It on and fight against the serpent, etc' " [This rising is noticed by other Virginia histories, and accounts of it have frequently appeared in the public prints. Howe, in the sarae volume, refers (p. 126, 127) to the rising in Governor 128 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Monroe's first administration. Information furnished by Mr, G, M. McBryde, of Blacksburg, Virginia, under date of March 19, 1916, W, E, B. Du Bois, The Negro, 196. New York, 1915.] A Santo Domingo Messiah by the name of Olivero gained prominence in that island in 1913 and continued to hold forth in the mountainous section near the center of the island untfl 1917, when United States marines captured him and put an end to his activities. He claimed supernatural power to heal the sick and the ability to perform miracles. Haiti also harbored a savior of his people. Like the Mes siahs of the Plains Area, of the Sudan, and the " Mad Mul lah " of India, he claimed to be proof against bullets. Faith in this invulnerability enabled him to foment and lead several revolutions; and other supernatural powers were attributed to him. He was finally shot, [Information furnished by Mr, Marian E, Beall, forraerly of the U, S, Customs Receiver ship in Santo Domingo,] In 1856-7, an outbreak among South African tribes against the British is directly traceable to the misfortunes which the white men had brought upon them, " An im postor, named Umlanjeni, predicted that if the confederate tribes slaughtered all their cattle, destroyed every peck of corn, and left the ground unfilled in the spring, that at a certain time their ancestors would rise and drive the English into the sea whence they came. He further alleged that he saw in his visions the cattle belonging to the ancestors com ing in huge droves over the liills, and that after the expul sion of the EngUsh, every raan could have as raany as he had provided folds for the eventful day. The com pits also were to be filled without tillage. This delusion took pos session of their fevered imagination, and a number of tribes destroyed every hoof and left their com lying in heaps to rot. Feasting, dancing, and warlike demonstrations occupied their whole tirae. In vain the Government tried to avert the im pending ruin," [MacDonald, in Journal of the Anthropo logical Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol, 19, p. 280-2, Du Bois, op. cit,, 91, The return of the dead he roes was promised,] Messiamc Movements Among the Negroes 129 The distraught negroes of Nigeria are said to expect, as a result of Mohammedan teaching, that a foreign power will come into the land and oppress thera for four years ; then the Mahdi wiU arise and the intruders will be driven out. [G. D. Hazzledine, The White Man in Nigeria, 31, 224,] " The measures taken by the protectorate of Nigeria in recent years to regulate taxation, emancipate slaves, and introduce other reforms led to the rise of numerous Mahdis ; between the years 1900 and 1905 there were a dozen in Sokoto, and as many in the other provinces. In 1905 Mahdis arose simultaneously in Saturu, Banchi, and Konta- gara. Most of these were caught, tried, and executed, the government regarding such severity as necessary for the preservation of order. In 1907 there was one Mahdi at Banchi, ' but the situation was in general satisfactory.' " [Mahdi (by MargoUouth), in Hastings' E.R.E,, VIII, 340,] In the Sudan, as elsewhere, good and stable government renders the appearance of Mahdis rarer and rarer and their adherents fewer and fewer, " To the question whether there were any relics of Mahdiism in the Sudan, the Cairene Jour nal Muqtqtif as early as 1902 (XXVII, 1126) replied that the introduction of security and justice in the place of the long reign of terror which that systera had produced had effectuaUy destroyed its traces." [Ib,] CHAPTER V MESSIAHS OF THE NORTH AMERICAN ABORIGINES The Religious Experience of Primitive Peoples THE religious life of primitive peoples is usually pic tured as one hedged around with peculiar restrictions. Nothing is so inveterate as religious practice, nothing so thoroughly socially sanctified, no restrictions so difficult to escape, as the injunctions of primitive religion. It is only in the higher forms of society, we are insistently reminded, that the individual can make his peace with God after his own inclination, and follow his own plan of salvation. Though there is much truth in this description there can be no doubt that the formal aspects of primitive life have been over-eraphasized. The compulsory aspect of primitive religious life has been magnified into disproportion, the re sultant picture becoming a caricature rather than a charac terization. Primitive religion is, in fact, as rich in content as in form. In the experiences of the Australian medicine-raan there is a new stress of values, a new Interpretation of life and be havior coraparable to the data .presented by WiUiam James in his Varieties of Religious Experiences. The alleged uni formity does not exist. Among the Maori there are, accord ing to Treagear, " some widely different accounts given by those who have returned from the Under World." ^ Among the Kafirs a person sometimes " Intiraates that he has received revelations from the spirit world. He is really a monomaniac," says Theal, " but if his statements are be lieved his power at once becomes greater than that of the highest chief and his coramands are implicitly obeyed," ^ 1 E. Treagear, Maori Race, 419. 2 Theal, Kafir Folk-Lore, 31-2. 130 Messialis of the North American Aborigines 131 In North America there is frequently an achievement of religious independence. Among the Gros Ventres, men went out to fast in the hope of receiving supernatural aid, though not all men tried to acquire such powers and sorae of those who did fafled. As a result of his death experience and the excursion of his soul into the realm of phantom shades, Engawaen Jim, a Northern Shoshone, mistrusted the state ments both of the medicine-men and of the missionaries about the spirit world, since their accounts failed to taUy with his. Even in the ritualistic phase individual innovation has played an important role, as witness Hopi ceremonials,^ Among the Apache it appears that any man may acquire supernatural power, " It is necessary to convince his friends that ' he has the gift,' that Is, he must show that he is a dreamer of dreams, given to long fasts and vigfls, able to interpret omens in a satisfactory raanner, and do other things of that general nature to demonstrate the possession of an intense spirituaUty, Then he wiU begin to withdraw, at least temporarily, from the society of his feUows and de vote himself to long absences, especiaUy by night, in the ' high places.' Such sacred fanes, perched in dangerous and hidden retreats, can be, or untfl lately could be, found in many parts of our reraote western territory." In a word, a man must hear the caU before he can foUow his caUIng, he must show abflity before he can secure recognition. The in dividual who " has it in him " wiU succeed, " Whfle it is regarded as a surer mode of learning how to be a medicine man to seek the tuition of some one who has already gained power and influence as such, and pay him liberaUy in pres ents of aU kinds for a course of instruction lasting a year or longer, I could learn of nothing to prohibit a man from assuming the role of a prophet or healer of the sick, if so dis- 1 Fewkes, 21, A. R. A. B. E. 113. In a letter dated April 17, 1913, Dr. Fewkes tells me he was personally acquainted with no less than four of these innovators. He adds, " You will find much individual inven tion in the semi-secular acts, impromptu and otherwise, of the Hopi clowns or Koyimsi, who carry on their pranks, varying each perfor mance, while the Sacred Katcinas are being danced. One of these is referred to in an article in the American Anthropologist, vol. 12, X. S., p. 59." 132 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan posed, beyond the dread of punishment for failure to cure or alleviate sickness or infirmity. Neither is there such a thing as settled dogma among these medicine-men. Each foUows the dictates of his own inclinations, consulting such spirits and powers as are most amenable to his supplications and charms ; but no two seem to rely upon identically the same influences." " Even in the spirit dance, which is possibly the most solemn function in which the Apache medicine-raen can engage, the head-dresses and kilts adhered closely enough to the one pattern, but the symbolism employed by each medicine-man was entirely different from that adopted by his neighbor." The L'Annee Sociologique School have tried to resolve all individual actions into mere phases of social activity, their source being in the social milieu rather than in the individual. For Durkheim, compulsory religion can have no origin in individuals but only in the etats de I'ame collective, et elle varie comme ces etats. Si elle etait fondee dans la consti tution de I'indvvidu, elle ne se presenterait pas a lui sous cet aspect coercitif, Gehlke has not done Durkheim an injustice in alleging that in his later theory he has made of the indi vidual only a body without a soul- of his own. " His soul is the raind of society incarnated in his body. The social mind is all the mind that exists ; and in this sense the social is the only real." ^ We propose to submit examples of the introduction by in dividuals of new religions and to show that in many of these cases the individual presents to society the coercitive aspect of the religion. These new religions seem to show that the individual is a social system in himself, capable of taking frora other cultures some new idea and giving this to his own group. He, more completely than the group, embodies the religious concepts and is the source of their' development. To account for many of the phenomena of change and prog ress in the social order we must admit the reality of the indi vidual as a separable determining agent. Though often bor- 1 Charles E. Gehlke, Emile Durkheim's Contributions to Sociological Theory, New York, 1915. See, especially, Durkheim, La Vie Religieuse. Messiahs of the North American Aborigines ISS rowed from another group, these concepts are reinterpreted by the individual, infused with new meaning, and by him imposed upon the group. In two senses of the word it may be an imposition upon the part of the individual, for his doctrines often bring the group to ruin. Though they later see the extent to which their wiUs have been swayed by the prophet, their idea^ submerged beneath his own, the tem porary subordination may be complete and thoroughgoing. These instances eloquently chaUenge the subordination of individual to group; nay, more, they seem to demonstrate successfuUy the larger reaUty of individual mind. For example, as the result of the journeys of a certain Southern Massim, one Tokeri, to Hiyoyoa, the chief over the land of the dead, " he warned the people of Mflne Bay to kfll their pigs and to bufld houses in the bush, for, said he, a great wave would presently come from Hiyoyoa and, flood ing the coast, would sweep their dwellings away. FoUowing the wave Hiyoyoa (a mythical person, or god) would ap pear at the head of Mflne Bay, beneath which it now ejdsts. At Gabugabuna, his own hamlet, his words were believed, and many pigs were killed and houses buflt in the bush. At Wagawaga they were content to bufld houses in the bush without slaughtering their pigs, whfle Maivara remained sceptical and refused to act on his prophecies. As time passed and there were no signs of the fulfillment of the prophecy, the feeling of the Bay turned against the prophet. Tokeri coifld not, however, be kflled out of hand, because Samaral, the seat of government, was too near. He was threatened with death so often on account of the pigs he had caused to be kiUed and for the trouble he had caused in the Bay, especiaUy to the old folk, that the Government rose to the occasion, and interned the prophet for a short time upon some technical plea of extortion connected with the pig-kUl- ing, untfl the heat of resentment had abated." [C. G, Selig- mann. The Melanesians of British Nezc Guinea, 656. Macmfl- lan, 1908.] This, if not a case of genuine messianic mani festation, shows at least the inception of messianism in the nature of motives and of circumstances. 134 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Messiahs of the North American Aborigines Among no primitive peoples known to us have messiahs flourished so abundantly and vigorously as among the aborigines of North America, One may suggest two reasons for this frequency: 1, The early Christian influence, represented especiaUy by the Spanish missions and the Jesuits, as well as, later, the English, Christianity, thus, early sowed the seed of raessi anic faith which later brought forth fmit abundantly, espe ciaUy under conditions like those prevafling among the down trodden Jews, Here the fruit of missionary endeavour has had a longer period for full fruition than among any other primitive people, 2, The energy and vigor of the American tribes. They have resisted the disrupting forces of European civilization more arduously than have other savages. Individual and tribal strength, pride in their culture, and disdain of the European, are the traits that have marked the Indian, Like the Jews, though trampled upon, they have disdainfully scoffed at their oppressors. They possessed none of those servile and humble qualities which made of the Negro a profitable and easy slave,-' A bluer blood coursed through their veins ; servility was not to their mood. In many re spects they counted honor above life. It is of the American messiahs, also, that we have the best and most complete accounts, thanks largely to the work of the American ethnologist, Mr. Mooney. He first brought the importance of these phenomena home to us and gave both a vivid description and an incisive interpretation of them. No fitter introduction to this topic could be given than the following two paragraphs from Mr, Mooney's pen (from whom, in the following account, we shall quote liber- ally): " From time to time in every great tribe and every im- 1 In some instances they submitted to enslavement by other Indians ; yet repeated attempts upon the part of Europeans to enslave them ended in failure, and often disastrously. [See, for example, Almon Wheeler Lauber, Indian Slavery in Colonial Times within the Present Limits of the United States, New York, 1913.] Messiahs of the North American Aborigines 135 portant crisis of Indian history we find certain raen rising above the position of ordinary doctor, soothsayer, or ritual priest to take upon themselves an apostleship of reform and retum to the uncorrupted ancestral beliefs and custom as the necessary means to save their people frora irapending destruction by decay or conquest. In some cases the teach ing takes the form of a new Indian gospel, the revolutionary culmination of a long and silent development of the native religious thought. As the faithful disciples were usually promised the return of the earlier and happier conditions, the restoration of the diminished game, the expulsion of the alien intruder, and reunion in earthly existence with the priests who had preceded thera to the spirit world — all to be brought about by direct supernatural Interposition — the teachers have been called prophets, " While aU goes well with the tribe the religious feeling finds sufficient expression in the ordinary ritual forms of tribal usage, but when misfortune threatens the nation or the race, the larger emergency brings out the prophet, who strives to avert the disaster by moulding his people to a common purpose through insistence upon the sacred charac ter of his message, and thus furnishes support to the chiefs in their plans for organized improvement or resistance. Thus It is found that almost every great Indian warlike com bination has had its prophet messenger in the outset, and if all the facts could be known we should proba,bly find the rule universal." [James Mooney, in Handbook of American Indians, II, 309.] / Chief araong these prophets, or Messiahs, and the earliest of whora we have record was Pope, " a celebrated Tewa raedi- cine-raan, native of the pueblo of San Juan, who first appears In New Mexican history in 1675, as a leader either of some prisoners charged with witchcraft, and with killing several missionaries, or of a party that visited the Spanish governor at Sante Fe in that year demanding their release. Later making Taos the seat of his efforts, he quietly preached the doctrine of independence of Spanish authority and the res toration of the old Pueblo life, which developed into a plot to murder or drive from the country the 2400 Spanish colo- 136 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan nists and priests." He and his foUowers succeeded in oust ing the Spaniards. " Having accomplished this much. Pope set about to realize the rest of his dream. Those who had been baptized as Christians were washed with yucca suds; the Spanish language and aU baptismal names were prohib ited; where not already consumed by the burning of the churches, aU Christian objects were destroyed and every thing done to restore the old order of things. This project of obliterating everything Spanish from the life and thought of the Indians met with the same enthusiasm as that with which the plan of revolt had been received, and for a long tirae Pope, dressed in cereraonial garb as he went from pueblo to pueblo, was everywhere received with honor." [Art., Pope, in Handbook of American Indians.] We have another interesting Messiah in the person of " Teuskwatawa " (Teu-skwa-ta wa, skwa te, door, theuni, " to be open," " The Open Door ") the famous " Shawnee Prophet," twin brother of Tecumseh, prominent in Indian and American history immediately before the War of 1812. His original narae was Lalawethika, referring to a rattle or similar instrument. According to one account he was noted in his earlier years for stupidity and intoxication ; but one day, while lighting his pipe in his cabin, he feU back appar ently lifeless and remained in that condition until his friends had assembled for the funeral, when he revived from his trance, quieted their alarm and announced that he had been conducted to the spirit world. In November, 1805, when hardly more than thirty years of age, he called around him his tribesraen and their allies at their ancient capital of Wapakoneta, within the present limits of Ohio, and an nounced himself as the bearer of a new revelation from the Master of Life. " He declared that he had been taken up to the spirit world and had been permitted to lift the vefl of the past and the future — had seen the raisery of evil doers and learned the happiness that awaited those who followed the precepts of the Indian god. He then began an earnest exhortation, denouncing the witchcraft practices and medi cine juggleries of the tribe, and soleranly warning his hearers that none who had part in such things would ever taste of Messiahs of the North American Aborigines 137 the future happiness. The firewater of the whites was poison and accursed ; and those who continued its use would be tor mented after death with aU the pains of fire, while flames would continually issue from their mouths. This idea may have been derived from the white raan's teaching or from the Indian practice of torture by fire. The young must cherish and respect the aged and infirm. All property must be in coraraon, according to the ancient law of their ancestors. Indian women must cease to intermarry with white men ; the two races were distinct and must remain so. The white man's dress, with his fiint and steel, must be discarded for the old-time buckskin and the fire-stick. More than this, every tool and every custom derived from the whites must be put away, and the Indians must retum to the methods the Master of Life had taught them. When they should do all this, he promised that they would be again taken into divine favor, and find the happiness which their fathers had known before the coraing of the whites. FinaUy, in proof of his divine mis sion, he announced that he had received power to cure all diseases and to arrest the hand of death in sickness or on the battlefield. . . . " Intense excitement f oUowed the prophet'sj announcement of his mission, and a crusade commenced against all sus pected of dealing in witchcraft. The prophet very cleverly turned the crusade against any who opposed his supernatural claims, but in this he soraetiraes overreached himself, and lost much of his prestige in consequence. " He now changed his name to Teuskwa'tawa, significant of the new mode of life which he had corae to point out to his people, and fixed his headquarters at Greenville, Ohio, where representatives frora the various scattered tribes of the North- West gathered about him to learn the new doctrines. To establish his sacred character and to dispel the doubts of the unbelievers he continued to dream dreams and an nounce wonderful revelations from time to time. A miracle which finally silenced all objections was the prediction of an eclipse of the sun which took place in the summer of 1806; this was followed by his enthusiastic acceptance as a true prophet and the messenger of the Master of Life. The en- 138 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan thusiasm now spread rapidly and eraissaries traveled from tribe to tribe as far as the Seminole and the Siksike, incul cating the new doctrines." Teuskwa'tawa's success is partly attributable to the fact that he possessed a magnetic and powerful personality. [James Mooney, lb., 729-30. He quotes in part from Drake's Life of Tecumseh.] In practically all of these instances the prophet or mes siah has appeared at a time of great social need. Smohalla, the Nez Perce prophet, and one of the most eminent of the North American messiahs, insisted upon the helplessness of his tribe before the encroachments of the whites. The tribe would be exterminated, said he, unless they found assistance in a higher power. Smohalla found this higher power and obtained from it knowledge of the salvation of the Nez Perce from the white man's deteriorating influence. Should his tribesmen heed this sacred message they were promised strong and sudden help as surely as spring follows winter. WTien the Kickapoo prophet, Kanakiik, visited General Clark to explain his mission, he began with a discourse on the origin of his divine mission and the nature of his doctrine, illustrating the subject by means of a peculiar diagram, and closing with an earnest appeal that his people raight remain undisturbed. The words in which he couched his message show the nature of the circumstances that caUed forth the divine revelation. " My father," said Kanakiik, In addressing General Clark, " the Great Spirit appeared to me ; he saw my heart was in sorrow about our land; he told me not to give up the busi ness, but go to my Great Father and he would listen to me. My father, when I talked to the Great Spirit, I saw the chiefs holding the land fast. He told me the life of our children was short and that the earth would sink. My father, you call all the Redskins your children. When we have chil dren, we treat them well. That is the reason I make this long talk to get you to take pity on us and let us remain where we are. When I saw the Great Spirit, he told me to throw all our bad acts away. We did so. Some of our chiefs said the land belonged to us, the Kickapoos. But this Messiahs of the North American Aborigines 139 is not what the Great Spirit told me — the lands belong to him. The Great Spirit told me that no people owned the lands — that all was his, and not to forget to tell the white people that when we went into council. When I told the Great Spirit, he told me. Mention all this to your Great Father, He will take pity on your situation and let you re main on the lands where you are for some years, when you wfll be able to get through all the bad places . . . and where you wiU get to a clear piece of land where you wiU aU live happy. When I talked to the Great Spirit, he told rae to make my warriors throw their tomahawks in the bad place. I did so, and every night and morning I raise my hands to the Great Spirit and pray to him to give us success. I ex pect, my father, that God has put me in a good way — that our chfldren shall see their sisters and brothers and our woraen see their chfldren. They wfll grow up and travel and see their totems. The Great Spirit told me, ' Our old raen had totems. They were good and had many totems. Now you have scarcely any. If you follow my advice, you wfll soon have totems again.' " [Indian Office Document.] A ballad composed by one W, H, Prather, a colored pri vate in the regiment that helped quell the Siouan outbreak accompanying the ghost dance religion introduced by the Paiute messiah, Wovoka, teUs the story — though with more directness than poetic imagery — of the intent of this reli gion. The baUad, which is called The Indian Ghost Dance and. War, and was very popular with the troops for a whfle, starts : " The Red Skins left their Agency, the Soldiers left their post AU on the strength of an Indian tale about Messiah's ghost Got up by savage chieftains to lead their tribes astray; But Uncle Sam wouldn't have it so, for he ain't built that way. They swore that this Messiah came to them in visions sleep. And promised to restore their game and buffaloes a heap. So they must start a big ghost dance, then all would join their band, And maybe so we lead the way into the Great Bad Land. 140 ¦ Messiahs : Christian and Pagan Chorus : They claimed the shirt Messiah gave, no bullet could go through. But when the Soldiers fired at them they saw this was not true, etc., etc. " If we dance," said a Dakota convert, " our Good Spirit wiU protect us, and when all dancers are sincere, the bullets of the soldiers wfll harmlessly faU to the ground without power to hurt. There is no army so powerful that it can contend with Wakantanka (literaUy, the Most Holy), therefore we are not afraid to remain here." The Great Spirit had prepared a hole in the ground filled with hot water and fire for the reception of all white men and non-believers, and had informed a devotee that " the earth was now bad and worn out; that the Dakota needed a new dwelling place where the whites could not disturb them." [W. K. Moore- head, Field Diary of an Archaeological Collector, 15—19,] In the tribes strongly entrenched, flourishing in their aboriginal vigor and feeling little need of redemption, so long as the outside pressure of civilization scarcely discommoded them, the messianic religion met with little or no success, for the favorable conditions were not present. In vain did the Paiute runners bring to the powerful Navaho the news of the near advent of the messiah and of the resurrection of the dead. To a tribe safely ensconced in the fastnesses of New Mexico and Arizona, apart from deleterious white contact, in numbers over 16,000 strong, having some 9,000 cattle, 119,000 horses, 1,600,000 sheep and goats, rich in herds and silver, the raessage carae in vain, for they felt, in their prosperity, no especial need of a redeemer. "The messengers of good tidings " preached and prophesied for a consider able tirae, but the Navaho were sceptical, laughed at the prophets, and paid but little attention to the prophecies. The doctrinal seed had faUen on barren ground." You cannot save a people who will not have salvation, [Moonev in Fourteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 809^10,] In significant contrast with the attitude of the prosperous Navaho toward the new ghost dance religion was that of the hard-pressed Kiowa with their predisposition to accept the Messiahs of the North American Aborigines 141 new messianic religion, proraising, a^ it did, satisfaction of long and intensely felt needs, the fulfillment of a long-delayed restoration of the more prosperous conditions which charac terized this tribe prior to contact with civilization, " No tribe had made more desperate resistance to the encroach ments of the whites upon their hunting grounds, and even after the failure of the last effort of the confederated tribes in 1874-5, the Kiowa were slow to accept the verdict of defeat. The result of this unsuccessful struggle was to put an end to the boundless freedom of the prairie, where they had roamed unquestioned from Dakota almost to central Mexico, and henceforth the tribes were confined within the narrow limits of reservations. Within five years the great southern buffalo herd was extinct and the Indians found themselves at once prisoners and paupers. The change was so swift and terrible in its effects that they could not believe it real and final. It seeraed to thera like a dreara of sorrow, a supernatural cloud of darkness to punish their derelictions, but which could be lifted from them by prayer and sacrifice. Their old men told of years when the buffalo was scarce or had gone a long way off, but never since the beginning of the world of a time when there were no buffalo. The buffalo still lived beyond their horizon or in caves under the earth, and with its return would come back prosperity and free dom." Hence, when in 1881, a young Kiowa, bearing the appella tion of " Keeps-his-narae-always," began to raake medicine that would bring back the buffalo, setting up for this pur pose a sacred tipi, in front of which he erected a pole with a buffalo skin at the top, then making for hiraself a priestly robe of red color, trimmed' with rows of eagle feathers, his efforts were not looked upon askance by his fellow tribesmen ; on the contrary, being so much in sympathy with his object and feeling so profoundly the necessity of its success, they warmly welcomed the effort and readily acknowledged his authority, " Standing in front of his tipi he called the people around him and told them that he had been cora raanded and empowered in a dream to bring back the buffalo, and if they observed strictly the prayers and ceremonies 142 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan which he enjoined the great herds would once more cover the prairie. His hearers believed his words, promised strict obedience, and gave freely of their blankets and other prop erty to reward his efforts in their behalf." After about a year death terminated his prophecies and his buffalo medi cine without the realization of his hopes. But Kiowa hope was not dead. In 1887, less than a decade after the death of " Keeps-hls-name-always," " In- the-mlddle," another prophet, revived the prophecy, " claim ing to be heir to all the supernatural powers of his prede cessor. He amplified the doctrine by asserting, logically enough, that as the whites were responsible for the disap pearance of the buffalo, the whites theraselves would be de stroyed by the gods when the time was at hand for the return of the buffalo. He preached also his own invulnerability and claimed the power to kfll with a look those who might offend him, as far as his glance could reach. Finally he announced that the time was at hand when the whites would be reraoved and the buffalo would return. He ordered all the tribe to assemble on Elk Creek, where after four days he would bring down fire from heaven which would destroy the agency, the schools, and the white race, with the Indian unbelievers all together. The faithful need not fear pursuit by the troops, for the soldiers who raight follow would wither before his glance and the bullets would have no effect on the Indians. The whole Kiowa tribe caught the infection of his words. Every carap was abandoned, parents took their chfldren from the schools, and all fled to the rendezvous on Elk Creek. Here they waited patiently for their deliverance till the pre dicted day came, and passed, without event, when they re turned with sadness to their camp and their government rations of white man's beef. Pa-ingya (In-the-middle) still lives, but the halo of prophecy no longer surrounds him. To account for the disappointment he claimed that his people had violated some of the ordinances and thereby postponed the destined happiness. In this way their minds were kept dweUing on the subject, and when at last the rumor of a messiah came frora the north he hafled it as the fulfiUment of the prediction." Messiahs of the North American Aborigines 143 In 1891, four years later, another prophet arose, a man with visions of restored tribal life and a return of the abundant supplies of buffalo. But a visit to Wovoko, the Paiute messiah of whom they had just heard, convinced him of the latter's false pretensions, a report which, with broken heart, he both sent by letter in advance and delivered later in person. An observer of the scene when the Kiowa and other tribes asserabled to hear this sorrowful report de scribes it as " dramatic in the highest degree." " Their power, prosperity, and happiness had gone down, their race was withering away before the white raan. The messiah doc trine promised a restoration of the old conditions through supernatural assistance. If this hope was without founda tion, the Indian had no future and his day was forever past," [Ib„ 906.] Tavibo, the Paiute prophet, " went up alone into the mountain and there met the Great Spirit. He brought back with him no tablets of stone, but he was a messenger of good tidings to the effect that within a few raoons there was to be a great upheaval or earthquake. AU the improveraents of the whites — aU their houses, their goods, stores, etc. — would reraain, but the whites would be swallowed up while the Indians would be saved and permitted to enj oy the earth and all the fullness thereof, including anything left by the wicked whites. This revelation was duly proclaimed by the prophet, and attracted a few believers, but the doubting skeptics were too many, and they, ridiculed the idea that the white men would fall Into holes and be swallowed up while the Indians would not. As the prophet could not enforce his belief, he went up into the raountain again and carae back with a second revelation, which was that when the great disaster carae, all, both the Indians and whites would be swallowed up or over whelmed, but that at the end of three days (or a few days) the Indians would be resurrected in the flesh, and would live forever to enjoy the earth with plenty of game, fish, and pine nuts, while their eneraies, the whites, would be destroyed for ever. There would be a final and eternal separation between the Indians and whites, " This revelation, which seemed more reasonable, was 144 Messiahs: Christian and Paggn rather popular for awhfle, but as time wore along faith seemed to weaken and the prophet was without honor even in his own country. After rauch fasting and prayer, he made a third trip to the mountains, where he secured a final revelation or raessage to the people. The divine spirit had become so much Incensed at the lack of faith in the prophe cies, that it was revealed to his chosen one that those Indians who believed in the prophecy would be resurrected and be happy, but those who did not believe in it would stay in the ground and be damned forever with the whites," ^ [J, M, Lee, quoted by Mooney, 14 A, R. A, B. E,, 701-2.] Here again the theme is Indian Tfersus white raan. The Apache medicine-man, Nak ai dokli ni, whose hey-day was in 1881, southern Arizona the field of activity, early In his career began to advertise his supernatural powers, claiming to be able to raise the dead and comraune with spirits, and predict ing that the whites would soon be driven from the land. The Delaware prophet brought a sirailar vision of help frora a higher power that would drive back the English who had so extensively supplanted them on their own territory and leave the Delaware once more in command of all their lands. The Ojibway were misled by sirailar hopes and promises only to be left in greater destitution than before, as were, later, the Kiowa, who had been promised the retum of the buffalo herds^^^Tlie motive back of the great Ghost Dance .'Ireligiorrthat swept across the Plains a quarter of a century ago and roused the Sioux to their last outbreak was, at bot tom, an attempt to restore the old tribal life, and, In some cases, by way of forwarding this restoration, to drive out the disturbing whites. - Frora the first of these messianic religions when the Tewa expeUed the Spaniards, in the seventeenth century, untfl the Sioux were inspired by the religious fervor of a new doc trine, there has been throughout the driving force of an outside pressure. These religions of salvation have arisen 1 Again the sad sequel: "It was not long after this that the prophet died, and the poor miserable Indians worried along for nearly two de cades, eating grasshoppers, lizards, and fish and trying to be civilized untU the appearance of a new prophet Quoit-tsow, who is said to be the son, either actual or spiritual of the first one." Messiahs of the North American Aborigines 145 when the tribe was hard-pressed and facing subjugation if not annihflation. The Messiah was responding to the higher law that calls upon the individual to save his group. Most of these attempts were unsuccessful. Nevertheless, if many failed and few succeeded in the attainment of their object, they at least effected that unification and solidification of the tribe which was a prerequisite to success. The Messiah who introduced the Shaker religion among the Squaxin tribe of Puget Sound, Washington, when his soul left his body and went to heaven, was told at the threshold that he must either sojourn in hell or return to his people and teach them to live the good life. It raay be that some such alternative is presented, in one guise or an other, to each of these prophets in tum. It may be clear to them as to no other in the tribe that either they as mem bers of the tribe must deteriorate with it, or there must be a complete conversion, a new attitude and new morals em bodied in a genuine rejuvenescence. The Messiah is, in al most every case, a reformer, sowing the seeds of a higher ethics. Dr. Clark Wissler has recently emphasised the fact that this outburst of reUgious activity in the Plains area in 1890 came in a period of great economic readjustment. " The buffalo went out by 1880 and the Indians were closely con fined, supported by rations and urged to becorae agricul turists. In raany cases these unfortunate people set dog gedly at their difficult task, presenting one of the raost pathetic spectacles of modem times. With this new life their social ideals and machinery were decidedly out of joint. According to the testimony of one who carae to manhood during this period, raany young raen were so overwhelmed by the vacuity of the new life that they took to suicide or other less direct ways of throwing their lives away. In our opinion this status afforded unusual conditions for the as similation and diffusion of new traits, and the somewhat abnormal character of the stimulus should be recognized in all theoretical discussions based upon this phenomenon," [Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Nat ural History, XI (1916), 869-70. For a not unsimflar 146 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan interpretation given by the present writer, see the American Anthropologist, December, 1916,] A woman of the Thompson River Indian tribe who had been to the land of souls, depicted its wonders, " She ap peared about 1891, and averred that by dreams and visions she was destined to be the savior of the Indians, She also claimed that she was invulnerable and could not be shot. She preached against the whites, and wanted the Indians to foUow her to battle against them." The tribe, however, was not prepared for such action. " She raet with so much opposition from the chiefs of the different bands, and other leading Indians who favored the whites, that she turned back on reaching Nicola Valley (British Columbia), deeming it inadvisable to go further, abandoned her project, and went home," Here the faflure Is a failure of the group to respond. An other occasion might have found the group in different mood : " had she come twenty years earlier it Is difficult to say what might have been the result, as even now she has more than one admirer among the upper division of the tribe," [Teit, in Jesup Expedition Publications, I, 366, Anthropological Publications of the American Museum of Natural History.] Another remarkable messianic manifestation, and one ap parently historically unrelated to the North American mani festations, was reported some years ago frora South Araer ica. The Messiah was a raediclne-man of Beckaranta, a Guiana Indian who had spent some of his youth in George town, had been an interpreter to Schomburgk, and had learned a little English. " His horae was in Ibirimayeng at the foot of Mt. Roraima. When about twenty-five years of age he called the Indians together about hira in the valley of Kukenan, and announced himself as the Messiah, Thou sands of Indians of diverse and even hostile tribes gathered there. Huts were built and presents of all sorts were brought by every family to the ' prophet ' — knives, scissors, rairrors, hooks, beads, needles, etc. He had a special hut built for himself, to hide frora the people; and he had, it is said, a harera consisting of the choicest girls from all the Indian tribes. He rarely showed hiraself and then only be- Messiahs of the North American Aborigines 147 hind a screen or masked so as to have only his eyes free. For several weeks drinking festivals and sirailar perform ances were kept up from sunset to sunrise, — the women were busy making paiwari, which the raen drank in their hammocks. One mid-night the ' prophet,' appearing sud denly before the people, gave a long talk in which he declared that the Great Spirit, Makunalma, had spoken to him and told him that his brown children were not destined to be driven out by the whites. He went on to say that the In dians were to have firearms instead of bows and arrows, to have white girls for wives, and also to have white skins instead of brown. In order that this might be properly ac complished, they were all to die within three nights, each by the hand of another, and on the night of the next full moon the bodies of the dead would arise and come down from Mt, Roralraa in their white skins to enjoy the land, " When the Indians hesitated to begin killing one another, he clubbed some of them and broke their skulls so that they fell into the troughs in which the paiwari was being made. Of this liquor raixed with the blood of the dead he drank himself and gave others to drink. Then the passion of the Indians being fully aroused, intertribal hates made them selves felt, and some four hundred people of both sexes and all ages, fell victiras to a bloody massacre," The full moon and the night of resurrection came but those four hundred did not retum to life. The people being disillusioned, the prophet was knocked down with a club, joined the ranks of the four hundred, and, like thera, did not revive in proof of his prophecy.-' [Mr, S, A, Barrett has recently described what he calls " the Messiah Cult " among the Pomo Indians of California, but his description is rather that of inspired medicine-men 1 Equally successful in leading the group captive was the Eskimo " Great Sage " who, upon a cold night, induced his barefoot followers to climb with him a mountain whence they would be taken up into heaven. With the breaking of dawn their illusion was gone, and with frostbitten feet they acknowledged their error. [See the article by the late Prof. A. F. Chamberlain, New Religions Among the North Amer ican Indians, etc. Journal of ReUgious Psychology, Jan., 1913, VI, 1-49. Incarnation (American) in Hastings E.R.E., VII, 184i-6]. 148 Messiahs: Chr^tian and Pagan than of Messiahs. See Ceremonies of the Pomo Indians, 440. University of California Publications in American Arche ology and Ethnology, Vol. 12, No. 10, July 6, 1917. Prof. A. L. Kroeber assures the writer, however, that tme messi anic cults have flourished in California among the Pomo.] From about 1870 to 1872, a ghost dance swept the north ern part of California, coraing to these tribes from the north- em Paiute of Nevada, and having its origin in the same famfly as the later ghost dance already described. The ideas of the two movements were essentially identical. Is it not curious, then, that this first movement succeeded notably in California and fafled conspicuously everywhere else, whereas in the later movement of 1889 or 1890 there was conspicuous success elsewhere and as notable failure in the self-same California area? In answering this question Dr. Kroeber suggests : " That the Calif ornlans remained im passive toward the second wave, is intelligible on the ground of imraunlty acquired by having passed through the first. But that a religion which showed its inherent potentiality by spreading to wholly foreign tribes, should in 1870 have been unable to make any eastward progress and in 1890 sweep like wild fire more than a thousand miles to the east, is re raarkable. The only explanation seems to be that the bulk of the Indian tribes in the United States in 1870 had not been reduced to the necessary condition of cultural decay for a revivalistic influence to impress them. In other words, the native civilization of northern California appears to have suffered as great a disintegration by 18*70', twenty or twen ty-five years after its first serious contact with the whites, as the average tribe of the central United States had under gone by 1890, or frora fifty years to a century after similar contact began. As regards the Plains tribes, among whom the second ghost dance reached its culmination, the destruc tion of the buffalo raay be ascribed the same influence in the breaking up of their old life, as the sudden overwhelming swamping of the natives by the California gold seekers. In each case an interval of from ten to twenty years elapsed from the dealing of the substantial death blow to the native civilization, until the realization of the change was sufficiently Messiahs of the North -American Aborigines 149 profound to provide a fruitful soil for a doctrine of restora tion. " Individual tribes," continues Dr. Kroeber, " had of course been subject to quite various fortunes at the hands of the whites when either ghost dance reached them. But it is also known that they accorded the movement many locally diverse receptions. Sorae threw theraselves into it with an alraost unlimited enthusiasm of hope ; others were only slightly touched or remained aloof. This is very clear from Mooney's classical account of the greater ghost dance, and it can be conjectured that an Intensive study would reveal the skeptical or negative tribes to have been so situated that their old life did not yet appear to themselves as irrevocably gone, or as so thoroughly subject to the influences of Cau casian civilization that they had accepted the change as final. Then, too, it must be remerabered that the wave, as it spread, developed a certain psychological momentum of its own, so' that tribes which, if left to themselves or restricted to direct intercourse with the originators of the raovement, might have remained passive, were infected by the frenzy of differ ently circumstanced tribes with whom they were in affiliation," In view of the correlations pointed out in preceding ac counts of messianic manifestations, especial interest attaches to the further observation, that, " These phenomena can be traced in the history of the California ghost dance, iraper fect as our inforraation concerning it is. The Karok and Tolowa seem to have thrown themselves into the cult with greater abandonment than the Yurok, The Hupa, at least to all intents, refused to participate. This is perhaps to be ascribed to the fact that they were the only tribe in the region leading a stable and regulated reservation life. But it is not clear whether this circumstance had already led them to a conscious though reluctant acceptance of the new order of things, or whether sorae other specific cause must be sought." [Information furnished by Prof. A. L. Kroeber from advance pages of his Handbook of the California Indians, which will soon be published by the American Bureau of Ethnology, Washington, D. C] About the middle of the nineteenth century, a Venezuelan 160 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Indian, by the name of Venancio, proclaimed himself the Messiah, the second Christ and the messenger of the Cre ator. " Venancio used to have his adherents beaten. The people gathered about him to take part in the drinking, wfld dances and other excesses, and gradually a large number of the Indians became his disciples and joined him in his mad actions. The disturbances increased until a young officer with a number of soldiers was sent to the village. He drove away the ' Messiah ' and his foUowers, not without cmelty and the destruction of a number of the villages, where the inhabitants had accepted the new doctrine," A little later a deserter bearing the narae of Bazilio Melgueiro, proclaimed himself a new Christ and imitated the deeds of Venancio. [Chamberlain, op, cit,, 44.] Among the Icana Indians dwelling on the Cubate, a sraall tributary of the Rio Icana, lived in 1903, Anizetto, a Mes siah who, a quarter of a century before, had proclairaed hiraself a second Christ, and had secured a large following. In 1880 a savior appeared in the person of a medicine man of the Arapaso, a tribe of Betoyan stock, living on the central Caiary-Uaupes. " He called himself Vicente Christo and carried on dialogues with the spirits of the dead, and with ' Tupana,' the God of the Christians. He and his foUowers danced around the cross. He asserted that he was the rep resentative of Tupana and the father of the missionaries, whom God, first at his request, had sent to the Caiary. Through the power of his personality, he carried away the rainds of the Indians all along the river and had a great reputation. Soon, however, he misused his power. He bade his followers drive away all the whites, since they deceived the Indians. The people on the Rio Negro were alarmed and feared a rising of the Indians. So a number of valiant rubber-gatherers seized the ' Messiah,' gave hira a good beat ing, and kept him in prison a few days at Barcellos. This caused his authority and his power to dwindle, and his ad herents fell away. But even to-day Christo has imitators on the Caiary." [Koch-Griinberg, Zwei Yahre unter den Indianem. Reisen in Nordwest-BrazUien, 1903—1905, I, 40. Berlin, 1909-10.] Messiahs of the North American Aborigines 161 Koch-Griinberg, from whom the above account is quoted, marvels that this raessianic movement should break out again in the same restricted region, the region occupied by the Arawakan tribes. The raarvel, if there is one, is that it should occur at all in this region. Once initiated, followers wfll find it easy to imitate by treading the path of the origi nator. By the criteria which we have applied, the criteria of opression and of endeavor to' effect political or social re demption, this area Is of the entire South American continent the one most suited for the appearance of the messianic faith. In view of the large number of favorable conditions with which it is there correlated we can not view its presence or its persistence in this area as merely fortuitous. It is in some sense the outcome of those conditions where it finds fertile soil. It rose in response to a need and it reappeared in response to sirailar needs stfll unfulfilled. The entire situ ation is too thoroughly consonant with conditions favorable to the appearance of Messiahs in other portions of the world to adrait of any other interpretation than that here, too, we have an example of the law that calls upon the individual to save his group. Major Tarbell reports a Messiah among the Moros, of the island of Mindanao, Philippines, who claimed to be Jesus Christ. He was accompanied by an older man claiming to be God himself. One of the miracles they performed for the conversion of the Incredulous was the breaking of what ap peared to be a solid Iron bar, but was found by Major Tar bell to have been soldered. For a whfle they had the fol lowing of almost the entire tribe. A Messiah is introduced by C. E. Kllboume, in his book, An Army Boy in the Philip pines, and there seems ample foundation in fact for this intro duction. The Bontoc Igorot still look for the retum of the culture hero, Lumawig, who wfll restore the old tribal order of things. [Jeriks, The Bontoc Igorot. Manfla, 1895.] Ratzel tells us that as an independent offshoot of Christi anity, in Upolu, Siovedii a native of Savali, founded the " gimblet-religion," Professing to converse with God and to work miracles, he enjoined a mutual confession of sins in cases of sickness ; and his divine service was rendered spe- 152 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan cially impressive by the discharge of firearms. Also in Samoa, a native, who taught the invocation of the God of the Heaven, brought with him on his retum from the whale- fishery an old woman who used to " touch " for diseases from behind a curtain, alleging that Christ resided within her, [The History of Mankind, I, 190-1. London, 1896. Trans lated by A. J. Butler.] According to Mr. D. Jenness, a Messiah appeared among the Hau Haus of New Zealand about 1880, and, in 1912 one among the Papuans of New Guinea, near the German boundary, [Mr. Jenness wrote me this information Jan. 6, 1918, from a dug-out " Somewhere in France," and was not able to cite the references.] There are probably few other cases reported from Oceania ; and there can be no doubt that nowhere in savagery have Messiahs fiourished so abundantly as in the Americas. CHAPTER VI THE MESSIANIC IDEA IN CHRISTIANITY WE have given an account of the life of the Messianic idea in Judaism after the time of Christ. In the foUowing pages we wish to point out something of its devel opment in Christianity during these sarae centuries. The movements to which we refer are almost exclusively extra- theological but not entirely so. In some cases the ideas are a blend of elements taken in part from Judaism and in part from Christianity. This applies especially to the sect which we shaU first describe, and which was one of the earliest of them, namely. The Ebionites This sect arose in Judaeo-Christian circles in the early cen turies A. D. Its members regarded Christ as a revived Moses. At basis it was an attempt to combine what was charac teristic of Judaism with a faith in Jesus as the Messiah. Cerinthus, one of the leading Ebionite scholars, rejected the preexistence of Christ and taught the miUennial reign of the Messiah in Jerusalem, [Ebionism, in Hastings' E.R.E., V, 139-46. Sec. on Ebionites, in lb., VII, 533. Eschatology, lb., V, 388.] whither he would return to triumph over anti- Christ. [Ebionites in Catholic Ency., V, 243, and in Ency. Britt., VIII, 842; Clementine Literature, in Ency. Britt., VI, 492. Ebionism, Diet, of ApostoHc Church, I, 139-40.] Simflarly, Justin (Dial., 80) believed that the seat of the Messiah's kingdom would be a restored Jerusalem, where all beUevers, together with the patriarchs and the prophets, would enjoy happiness for over one thousand years. [Mil lennium, Ency. Bibl., Ill, 3097.] 153 154 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Elkesaites The Elkesaites, or Elchasaites, a branch of the Ebionites, was a Jewish-Christian sect which arose In Palestine, or east of the Jordan, about 100 a. d. In their later development they promulgated the doctrine that Christ had appeared often in the course of the world's history. He was fash ioned in Paradise as Adam and since that time has appeared often in the guise of various personalities, or as a phantom. Although Jesus of Nazareth was one of the incamatlons of the Christ, Elkesai, the founder of the sect, was as truly an incarnation, the latest and most notable manifestation of the great being. Though Elkesai himself made no such claims ¦ — ¦ they would have been inconsistent with his declaration that the Son of God had appeared to him in a form of enor mous proportions — his followers bestowed this doubtful honor upon him. [They described Christ as an angel ninety- six miles high, accompanied by a female angel of the same stature. He was of huraan parentage and had appeared after his incarnation as Jesus of Nazareth. Ebionites, in Ency. Britt., VIII, 842. Elcesaltes, in Cath. Ency., V, 372. Elkesaites, in Hastings' E.R.E., V, 262-9. Cerinthus, Cerinthians, lb.. Ill, 318—20. Cerinthus (last quarter of the first century a. d.) looked upon Jesus as a mere incarna tion of the Christ. Cerinthus, Diet, of the Apostolic Church, I, 172. J. F. Hurst, History of the Christian Church, I, 207-13, 320, 431. New York, 1897. W. Moeller, History of the Christian Church a. d. 1-600, p. 99^103. London, 1912.] Mandaeans The Mandaeans, another early Judeo-Christian sect, re garded Christ as the leader and chief of evil spirits who had led mankind astray. They describe him as posing as a won der-worker and as being defeated by one who performs still greater miracles. They picture a restoration or millenniura preceded by an anti-Christ. Two hundred and forty years after the appearance of this false Messiah there came to the world, say their holy books, sixty thousand saints out of Pharaoh's world to take the place of the Mandaeans who The Messianic Idea in Christianity 155 had been extirpated — though the anti-Christ had been crucified. [Mandaeans, in Ency. Britt., XVII, 556. Hast ings' E.R.E., VIII, 383-384. New Inter, Ency., XIV.] Eux;hites The Euchites, a sect sprung from Syrian Monachism, which flourished from the middle of the fourth century until the sixth century, believed In the liberal effulgence of the divine spirit; so rauch so, that " if an angel, a patriarch, a prophet, or Christ Himself is named to him, he will reply in each case: 'That am I myself.'" [Euchites, in Hastings' E.R.E., V, 571.] Thus, the Euchite claimed to be not only a representative, but Christ himself. The intensity of his prayer brought him into iraraediate community with the Godhead, which then took up its residence within hira. [Messalians, in Catholic Encyclopaedia.] This may be con sidered a variation of the belief entertained by the Eucharists to the effect that the leadership of the Messianic ecclesia in Judaea was, after the death of Jesus, assigned to his brother James, and, after hira, for several generations, to the oldest living representative of his family. [Eucharist, in Ency. Britt., IX, 876.] Marcionism The founder of Marcionism came to Rome about 140 a. d. He gave currency to the belief that there were two Christs. The Christ referred to in the Old Testaraent prophecies would appear later as the messenger of the Old Testament God, and in the raanner therein depicted. [Marcionism, in Hastings' E.R.E., VIII, 407.] Christ was not the Son of the God of the Hebrews, but of the good God, not to be identified with the God of the Covenant, They admitted that the Jewish Messiah was yet to come and would found a millennial kingdom on earth, [Marcionites, Cath, Ency., IX, 645—9. Marcion and the M'arcionite Churches, Ency. Britt., XVII, 691-3.] Montanism About the beginning of the second century a. d. Montanus began in the Syrian village of Ardaban, probably not far 156 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan frora Philadelphia, his prophecies of the coming of Christ, whose advent was placed at Pepuza, west of Eumenia, in the near future. Here, in the place which he renamed Jerusa lem, collected his adherents from all quarters. [Montanism (by H. J. Lawlor), in Hastings' E.R.E., VIII, 823-31. Eschatology, lb., V, 388 (by J. A. MacCulloch). Sec. on Montanism and Monarchlanism, in art., Heresy (Christian), lb., VI, 616. J. F. Hurst, I, 233-40, 290 et al.] In the days of Julius Africanus, as still earlier in the time of Irenaeus, the Messiah was expected in the seventh mil lennium, that is, the sabbath millennium. Later it was ar gued that the coming of the Messiah would be in the middle of the sixth day, meaning, 5500' years after the creation, [Irenaeus, V, 28, 3, Hastings' E.R.E., Ill, 605,] The terrible social evils following upon the civil war, brought on by the double election of Emperors in the four teenth century, the dreadful signs of the Divine wrath ex hibited by the " Black Death," made of the sect known as " Friends of God," seers and prophets of the Second Cora ing, or the End, [Friends of God, Hastings' E,R.E,, VI, 139,] Among the Taborltes, prophets appeared who foretold the speedy end of the age, and incited to war in order to clear the way for the reign of Christ, This intensified the resolve of the authorities to nip all such movements in the bud, and they burned Hans Bohm, who, in a, d, 1476 claimed a com mission from the Virgin Mary, In 1616 appeared a work en titled A Demonstration of the Coming of Christ, attributed, falsely, to Basil, bishop of Seleucia in the fifth century. Anabaptists In 1531 Melchior Hoffmann suspended baptism for two years, intimating that the Lord would then come to assurae the reigns of govemment at Strassburg, and usher in an era of peace and rest for all the oppressed. " The effect was magical, the religious and social exciteraent intense. In or der to be present in Strassburg when the Lord came, he quietly retumed to Strassburg early in 1533." Though he The Messianic Idea in Christianity 157 was thrown into prison and kept there until his death ten years later, his doctrine bore bloody fruit in the country to the north. Toward th^ end of 1533 a horde of excited Ana baptists poured into the city of Miinster, in Westphalia, be lieving that the hour for setting up Christ's kingdora at Miinster as the New Jerusalera, had arrived, " Jan Mat- thys, a baker of Haarlem, a disciple of Hoffman, inspired with a fanatical hatred of the upper classes, now proclaimed himself the promised prophet Enoch, and ordered the re sumption of baptisra as a final preparation for the coming King, In a short time thousands were baptised. In Janu ary, 1534, two of his missionaries entered Miinster, where they baptised Rothmann and other leaders, and announced the setting up of the earthly kingdom, in which there should be no magistracy, no law, no marriage, and no private prop erty. Soon John of Leyden, a gifted young man of twenty- five years, appeared and took over the leadership of the new theocracy. Catholics and Lutherans fled, and the city fell completely into the hands of these fanatical Anabaptists. Matthys now declared Miinster to be the New Jerusalem, and invited aU the oppressed Anabaptists thither. Thousands of deluded and persecuted people sought to reach this place of safety and happiness, only to be destroyed on the way or ruined at last in the city. The city was soon beseiged by the forces of the bishop, assisted by neighboring princes, whfle within its walls murder, polygamy, and crirae ran riot. After more than a year of ever increasing shame, the terrible orgy ended in massacre and cruel torture in 1536." According to another account this Matthys, or Matthie- son, declared himself a second Gideon, and issued forth to vanquish the enemy, he and all of his party being killed in the affray. His place as leader was then taken by Bock- hold, better known as John of Leiden, who declared himself the true successor of David, claiming royal honors and ab solute power in the new Zion. Visions from heaven conferred upon him extraordinary powers. Under this sanction he legalized polygamy and himself took four wives, one of whom he brutally beheaded with his own hands in the market place. Soon, however, perished by the sword he who had taken the 158 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan sword, " whose fatal doctrine was that the time of enduring oppression had passed away, that the sword must be drawn, and that the tme believers were summoned to subjugate the kingdoms of the world, and especially Miinster," [Enthusi asts (Religious), and Anabaptism, in Hastings' E,R,E., V, and I, resp. Also Mennonites, lb,, VIII, Anabaptists, in Ency, Britt.] The early Anabaptists invariably regarded any religious reform as Involving social amelioration, the socialism of the sixteenth century being largely Anabaptist. Thomas Miinzer had believed In the use of the sword, and his power ful personality had given the whole movement in Germany a fanatical and dangerous chiliastic bent, which brought ruin upon his cause, " From the belief of Hoffmann that Christ was soon to set up His Kingdom on earth and de stroy the wicked, it was but a step to the effort to set up the kingdom by destroying the wicked, and we have the ' fanatical ' Anabaptists and John of Leyden's horrible ' kingdom ' at Miinster as the outcome," [Hastings' E,R,E., I, 411,] It was during the time of Luther that Thomas Miinzer, a delegate from the founder of Protestantism sent to deter mine the legitimacy of the claims of the prophet Nicholas Storch, went to Prague and announced the dawn of the new dispensation, with the redress of all social grievances, " Re turning to Saxony, he initiated a communistic system, which he declared to be Divinely ordered. Banished by Luther's influence, he spread his views in Niiremberg and Switzerland, and then returned to M.iihlhausen, through the districts where the Peasants War was raging. Here he convinced them of his mission so that their social program was backed by the conviction that God was directing them through this prophet," The raovement initiated by Miinzer bore further fruit in the labors of Melchior Hoffmann, a leather-dresser from Swabia who was teaching east of the Baltic. He calculated the end of the age as coming in the year 1533, though he seems to have hit upon this prior to the activity of Miinzer. From Sweden he travelled through Denmark and Friesland The Messianic Idea in Christianity 159 to Strassburg, where he arrived in 1529. He now devoted himself to an exposition of the Apocalypse, expanding the idea that the few years left were the period of the Two Wit nesses. In Leonard and Ursula Jost he recognized inspired prophets, he himself becoming Elijah, the inspired inter preter. Driven out of Strassburg, he travelled through the Netherlands and Westphalia, transforming the Anabaptist movement tfll it was thoroughly impregnated with miUennial views. He announced that Strassburg was the New Jerusa- leraj whence the arraies of the Lord would destroy His ene mies ; he accordingly repaired thither to prepare for the fated day, A few weeks after his arrival in the New Jerusa lem he was thrown into prison. Here he lingered several years. Since the predicted day did not arrive as scheduled, he revised his calculations from time to time, but never gave up his fundaraental conviction, though he became aware of the outbreak of civfl war consequent upon his teachings. Fifth Monarchy Men The Fifth Monarchy Men was a Puritan sect which arose in England and at first supported the govemment of Oliver Cromwell, in the belief that it was a preparation for the " fifth monarchy." By this they meant, following the prophecy in Daniel, the monarchy succeeding the Assyrian, Persian, Greek, and Roman, the age when Christ should reign on earth with his saints for a thousand years. They wished to abolish aU existing laws and customs and substitute the code of Moses, The Fifth Monarchy Men did not long remain faithful to Cromwell, Their revolt is described by Carlyle araong the happenings of Thursday, April 9, 1657 : " The Fifth-Monarchy, headed raainly by one Venner, a Wine-Cooper, and other civic individuals of the old Feak- and-Powel species whom we have transiently seen emitting soot and fire before now, has for a long time been concocting underground ; and Thurloe and his Highness [I, e., Crom well] have had eye on it. The Fifth Monarchy has decided that it will rise this Thursday, expel carnal sovereignties; 160 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan and call on the Christian population to introduce a Reign of Christ, — which it is thought, if a beginning were once made, they wfll be very forward to do. Let us rendezvous on Mfle-End Green this day, with sword and musket, and assured heart: perhaps General Harrison, Colonel Okey, one knows not who, will join us, — perhaps a miracle will be wrought, such as heaven might work in such a case, and the reign of Christ actually take effect. " Alas, Heaven wrought no miracle : Heaven and his High ness sent a Troop of Horse into the Mile-End region, early in the morning; seized Venner and some twenty ringleaders, just coming for the rendezvous ; seized chests of arras, many copies of a flaming Pamphlet or War-manifesto with title A standard set up; seized also a War-flag with Lion Couchant painted on it. Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and this motto, ' Who shaU rouse him up ? ' . . . But in two days' time, these ancient individuals and they are all lodged in the Tower." [Thomas Carlyle, Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches with Elucidations, Vol. Ill, Pt. X, Speech IX. Albany, N. Y,, 1889. The belief of the Fifth Monarchy Men that neither bullets nor steel could injure them recalls identical beliefs in North America, the Sudan, and India.] Other Messianic Movements in England and Scotland About 1633 Arise Evans gave warnings that the kingdom of Charles was doomed. Two years later he renewed the message, and was punished by imprisonment for his kindness. When the Civfl War broke out he received a revelation to uphold the Established Church, and attacked the General Baptists. When his inspiration was challenged he offered in confirraation of it a prediction which was to be fulfilled in a week. Its success confirraed him and he was permitted to continue his admonition of the ruling powers, though these admonitions seeraed to be without success. The political turmoil of the tirae of CromweU and of Charles I gave rise to numerous prophets. Among these was Anna Trapnel, who entered on her career about 1643. She is known to have joined the AUhaUows church, of the Fifth- The Messianic Idea in Christianity 161 Monarchy persuasion, in 1650. Soon after the dissolution of the Nominated Parliament, three books of her prophecies were published. Her activity was greatest during the year preceding the death of Cromwell. She went into trances, and spoke her prophecies in rude rhyme so rapidly that she could, with difficulty, be reported. She referred to herself as the poor Instrument, or the Voice. " The burden of the new teaching was the immanent retum of Christ, as soon as the three and one-half times were fulfilled." In 1770, as Ann Lee, a leader of the Shaker sect, lay in an English prison, she had a revelation in which the nature of sin and the reality of the eternal life was unfolded to her. She believed that Christ was incarnate in her. Members of the order acknowledged this claim and called her " Mother Ann." [Hastings' E.R,E,, III, 782,] Joanna Southcott, born in Devonshire, England, about 1760, founder of the sect of the Southcottians, or South- cotters, declared herself, when past sixty years of age, to be pregnant with another Messiah, one whose name was to be Shiloh, " Her foUowers made costly preparations for the birth of their expected prince, and had a cradle constructed at an expense of two hundred pounds (about a thousand dollars). The disease by which she was deceived terminated her death ; but her deluded disciples, after having been com- peUed to inter her, persisted in the belief that she was to bear the Shiloh, and gave out that she would rise again with the chfld in her arms, Mr, Foley, rector of Old Swinford, near Stourbridge, was said to be a firra believer in the resur rection of the prophetess ; and another clergyman used to go regularly to expound her writings at Bristol, The Southcotters abound principally in the northern counties. At Ashton-under-Lyne, they have a splendid temple, which cost them nine thousand pounds ($45,000). Their worship is described as awfully wild and tumultuous. The men are known by their wearing long beards and brown hats. At present [the account was written before 1880] it seems, both warning and sealing have subsided ; they are waiting in awful suspense for the commencement of the thousand years' reign on the earth. Yet it is said that they do not mean that 162 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Christ wfll corae in person, but in spirit, and that the sealed who are dead before that time will be raised from their graves to partake of this happy state." To those who believed in her raission and who subscribed to the things revealed to her in her " Warning," Joanna gave a sealed written paper bear ing her signature. This they obtained for half a crown (about sixty cents). It sealed the possessor against the day of judgraent, and assured signal honor from the Mes siah when he should come again. [Cyclopedia of Bib., Theol,, and Eccl, Literature, IX, 896-7,] John Barclay, the founder (in 1773) of the Bereans, a sect which originated in Edinburgh, found strong messianic leanings in the Psalms, believing that in this he was following the apostles. He translated the Psalms into English verse, bringing out, in each line, the Messianic aspiration that he believed to be hidden in it in the original. For him prac- ticaUy every verse was laden with a messianic raessage, [Bereans, in Hastmgs' E.R.E., II, 523.] Edward Irving, bom in Scotland in 1792, the founder of a sect named after him, published a book on The Coming of the Messiah in Glory and Majesty, in which he declared his ardent belief in the personal rule of Christ on earth. The appearance of " gifts " was to be the sign of the ap proach of the Son of Man. The apostle was constituted for the " ingathering of the nations." Evangelists were at first sent out into the highways; apostolic journeys were undertaken in Europe and elsewhere; their object was not to propagate the gospel in the spirit and on the method of the great missionary societies, but to bear final testimony before nations and kings to the coming of the Day of the Lord. " The witnesses had no zeal for the extension of the Church, but for its preparation as a bride for her husband. If they were in a peculiar sense God's people, it was only because they were aroused, expectant, waiting for the final baptism. Their testimony given, they were content to wait in spiritual readiness for the rending of the heavens." [Irving and the Catholic Apostolic Church, Hastings' E.R.E., VII, 426.] This Catholic Apostolic Church, as it is soraetimes called, has apostles who are channels of the Holy Ghost and of The Messianic Idea in Christianity 163 the mysteries of God. The " prophets " explain scripture and exhort to holiness. For ecclesiastical purposes the church is in twelve tribes, placed under a central episcopacy of forty-eight members, though this existed on paper, rather than in fact, as an ideal plan. The last " apostle " died on February 3, 1901. The liturgy dates from 1842 and Is based on liturgies of the Anglican, Roman and Greek churches. Lights, incense, vestments, holy water, and chrism, are in constant use. The congregation is presided over by its " angel " or bishop. In 1864 a woman in England, by the name of Mary Ann Girling, proclaimed herself the final revelation of God. Her teachings were concerned primarily with conduct, inculcating celibacy and communism. Part of her doctrine was her own immortality. Her death in 1886 ruined the cause. [Hastings' E.R.E., V, 319.] About half a century ago James White organized The New and Latter House of Israel in Kent County, England. At Christ's reappearance 144,000 redeemed souls were to greet him and reign with him. The chief relic of these Jez- reeUtes is an enormous unfinished building near Gillingham. The Camisards The Camisards, who escaped from France early in the eighteenth century and took refuge in England, where they were known as the French Prophets, prophesied and worked rairacles, preached coraraunism, and heralded the advent of a Messiah who was about to establish his kingdom with terri ble consequent doom for the wicked. Even among the Eng lish they gained a considerable following, but a quietus finally had to be put on their meetings and they were brought into discredit in 1708 when they proclaimed that on May 25th of that year, one of their number, Thomas Emes, would rise from the dead. His failure to fulfil the prophecy of his co religionists brought about the rapid decay of that sect, [Camisards, Hastings' E.R.E. New Inter, Ency,, IV (1914) ; Catholic Ency,, III,] and was largely responsible for the disappearance of the belief in a Messiah who was to 164 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan restore them to their land and their religion. [Voltaire, Siecle de Louis XIV, p. xxxvi. J. F. Hurst, II, 778-9.] Adventists In 1831 a certain WiUiam Mfller, an American, after careful study of the Bible and especiaUy the prophecies re lating to the Messiah, decided that Christ would appear at the end of the world in clouds of glory and would rule in Canaan, on the throne of David, for a period of one thou sand years. The two thousand three hundred days men tioned by the prophet Daniel he considered as meaning years. Four hundred fifty-three b. c. was the commencement of the seventy weeks preceding the first coming. Four hundred fifty-three b. c. plus two thousand three hundred years equals 1843, Hence, Christ would retum in 1843. He had a number of followers. When the prediction failed. Snow, a disciple, pointed out that Miller had made a misculculation, the proper date being October 22, 1844. As the day approached groups of fol lowers put aside all earthly occupations and fen^ently awaited the expected coraing. Though again doomed to disappointment they met in conference at Albany, New York, in 1845, and formulated their faith in the near com ing, in the flesh, of the Son of God. Though they have since divided into six independent denominations this has remained a fundamental tenet of their creeds. [Adventists, Second, in Ency. Britt., I; in New Intern. Ency., I, 168; in Catholic Ency,, I, 166, A popular work has been C, T. Russel, The Millennial Dawn. 2 vols, Allegheny, Pa., 1889, It Is little more than a continuance of the confusion intro duced by the early Christians when they mingled Biblical accounts of the second advent of Christ with the ideas of the Stoics as to a universal conflagration. See art, by Troeltsch, Histography, Hastings' E,R,E,, VI, 717,] Friends of the Temple Simflar to the Adventists are the Friends of the Temple, a sect which originated in Wiirtemberg in 1861, and soon The Messianic Idea in Christianity 165 established its headquarters in Palestine. Its members ex pect the retum of Christ in the near future. [Hastings' E.R.E,, VI, 141-2,] The Overcomers A sect known as the Overcomers, holding views similar to the Adventists, originated in Chicago in 1881. Its mem bers later emigrated to Jerusalem, where they prefer to be known as the American Colony in Jerusalem. They hold communistic views about property, accept the prophecies literally, and await the speedy coraing of Christ. They have acquired a few converts and live a life of siraple indus try and charity. [See the accounts given in The New In ternational Ency., and in The Americana, The writer had an opportunity to visit this colony a few years ago,] The Theosophists The most ardent believers of the present day in the return of Christ are the Theosophists, a pseudo-philosophical and religious sect that seems to flourish most extravagantly in India and, araong western countries, in the State of Cali fornia. Their doctrines are a mixture of vague discourses on matters passing beyond the realm of experience: of the Infinite ; of mysticism ; effulgences ; emanations ; the cosmic ; essences. They discourse wordfly in terms of Hindu phi losophy, of rebirths, reincarnations, triumph of spirit over raatter, the ascendancy of spirit. Christ, as well as all great prophets, will be reborn — has been reborn often. [See especiaUy, the numerous books of Mrs. Annie Besant; for example. The Changing World. Chicago, 1910, Esoteric Christianity. Los Angeles, 1913. Reincarnation. London, 1916.] Theosophy seems not altogether apart from political in trigues. In September, 1917, Mrs. Besant was reported to have been arrested by the British for inciting political trou bles in India, where she was then travelling and lecturing. A few years ago she was said to be regarded by the English- speaking Hindus as the goddess Saraswati herself ; they were ready to give her a place in their pantheon as one of the 166 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan defenders of their faith against the mighty influences of the West. [J. P, Jones, India, Its Life and Thought, 404-11. New York, 1908,] ^ About the middle of the last century George GflfiUan, a Scotchman, gave expression to his hope and expectation of the Second Coming, based on present disasters, " We expect that our increasing dangers and raultiplying foes, that the thousand-fold might that seems rushing upon us, is a token that aid is coming, and that our Achilles shall ' no more be silent but speak out,' shaU lift his ' bow, his thunder, and his alraighty arm ' — shall take unto hira his great power and reign." [Bards of the Bible, 336ff. Edinburg, 1852. Pa- rusia, in Hastings' E,R,E., IX, 636-7,] The European war has aroused hopes and expectations of the near approach of the retum of the Messiah in other hearts than the Adventists. At this time (1918) the public, both lay and clerical, is more tolerant of some of these expressions than it would be in ordinary times, Scott Anderson, a lecturer and formerly a pastor in Los Angeles, California, is heralded by those who advertise his coming as one who " gives a Scriptural interpretation of the great war and describes the glory that is to follow the early inaugura tion of Messiah's kingdom," In an address made in Fresno, California, on July 29, 1917, he is reported as saying: " Messiah will not compromise with satan concerning the rulership of the world, and this great tribulation (i, e,, the war) is perraitted for the complete overthrow of the adver sary and all the evil institutions instigated by him among the children of men, and not one vestige of them wfll remain, " The lease of power to the Gentfle nations expired in 1914; satan is moving out and Christ is moving in — hence the great commotion incident to the transfer of world do minion, ' The kingdoms of this world shall become the king dom of our Lord and His Christ,' As Christians our al legiance is to king Jesus, ", , , Babylon will be destroyed by the same mighty army that will overthrow the kings of the earth. Following the The Messianic Idea in Christianity 167 great tribulation Messiah's glorious kingdom wiU be fully inaugurated in power and glory, the dead will be awakened and the world of mankind wfll be blessed," [Reported in the Fresno (California) Republican, July 30, 1917,] A simflar doctrine was preached in Zeichen der Zeit, in June, 1917, [A paper of the German Evangelical Lutheran Church, published in Brookfield, Illinois,] An article en titled " The Approaching End," points out how we know that the end of all things approaches — yea, is already at hand. There are quotations from the New Testaraent (espe ciaUy Matth. 24: 33, 2 Peter 3: 3 and 4) showing that the end is to be preceded by some great catastrophe ; there are signs that the reappearance of Christ is near at hand; the heavens have been witnesses (Joel 3:3-4; Luke 21:25-8), sun, moon, and stars have proclaimed the advent : " Uberali, HouT Man die Feierliche Warnungsbotschaft : " Der Herr komrat ; das Gericht ist nahe herbeigekommen ; der Tag seines Zomes Ist nahe." These are not isolated tendencies nor are they heresies. The churches have accepted this interpretation and have fanned the flames. One writer estimates that " In probably ninety per cent of the Bible summer schools, which assemble this season [1917] in numbers larger than ever, this doc trine will be openly or surreptitiously exploited. It is being taught from hundreds of pulpits, and Bible classes all over the country are led by de-vlous windings through the sacred literature to this certain goal of the teachers' exegesis," [J, E, McAfee, in The New Republic, August 18, 1917, Vol. 12, No. 146, p. 72. For a discussion of the beUef in the return of Christ see G. R. Noyes, A Collection of Theological Essays, 393-402. Boston, 1891.] Another example may be given frora the War Extra of the Bible Students Monthly, Vol. IX, No. 6, published in Brook lyn, N. Y., wherein we are assured that, " We are to-day in the closing hours of the period allotted by God for the selec tion of the Church, and ' The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand,' — now in the full sense of its establishment in the earth. The institutions of * this present evil world ' are passing away in a great Time of Trouble, and soon the Lord 168 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan wiU establish His Kingdom of Righteousness, which wfll deal out justice to aU humanity." Pastor RusseU, the founder of this publication, it seeras, insistently pointed to the near ness of Messiah's Kingdom. " Time and again, oraUy and through the public press, he announced to the peoples of earth that the Age was now closing and would pass away with a great Time of Trouble, due to begin, according to Bible chronology, in 1914, and that this trouble would eventuate in the greatest revolution and most destructive anarchy the earth has ever known, to be followed immedi ately by the full setting up of Messiah's Kingdom of ever lasting peace, which would bring blessings to all the peoples of the world — the living and the dead," — and similar words of inspiration to console the expectant. Reincarnations of Christ We have already referred to some of the alleged reincar nations of Christ, and little reraains to be added except a few more examples of this belief. One of these reincarnations was Savely Kapustin. This man was a Prussian officer and a Quaker, the leader of the Doukhobors, a Russian Sect of Christians which originated early in the nineteenth century. He gained such power over his fellows that he was able to proclaim hiraself to thera as the reincarnated Christ, and to allow thera to share divine honors with hira. His foUowers, however, were forbidden to acknowledge allegiance to any earthly leader. [Doukhobors, in Hastings' E.R.E., IV, 865-7. Ency. Britt., VII, 314.] In spite of this injunc tion, however, they consider Christ as only a man of godlike intellect whose soul has migrated into many mortals, araong whom Kolesnikov, an early sponsor, is included, along with Kapustin. [Dukhobortsy, New Inter. Ency., VII, 314.] In Russia, beyond the Volga, Bashkin started a new faith in which he denied that Christ was equal with the Father, and that the bread and wine in the Eucharist were truly the blood and flesh of Christ. This was put down in the sixteenth century, soon after its promulgation, but was soon revived under Kosoy, a Moscovite, who declared Jesus The Messiamc Idea in Christianity 169 was not God but simply a man. He rejected the theory of Redemption, the miracles performed by icons, and declared it wrong to pray to the saints, whose relics should be buried and not indecently exposed in the churches. The prayers, fasts, and ceremonies of the Church had no higher sanction than that of huraan tradition. Monasticism likewise he re jected. Soon, however, Bashkin went the way of most here tics and was condemned to confinement in a monastery, from which he subsequently escaped and raade his way into Lithu ania. These movements can not have fafled to influence the early Doukhobors. It is possible, too, that the Anabaptist and the Quaker movements paved the way to their doctrines. Ilarion Pobirohin, a well-to-do wool dealer living in the village of Goreloe, in Tambor, upon adopting the Doukhobor faith, was not content with being a son of God, like the others, but claimed to be Christ. He iraraediately estab lished a theocratic despotism, choosing twelve apostles and as many " Death-bearing Angels " appointed to punish those who relapsed from the faith after once having given it their adherence. Adrian Pushkin, a raerchant of Perm, became possessed of a craze that he was a new incarnation of Christ, and sent a paper to the Holy Synod to establish his claims. His frankness was punished with strict solitary confinement for fifteen years ^ he was released when a broken old man, only to die a few raonths afterward. To Kapustin the Doukhobor are said to have bowed " as before the Deity." [A. Maude, A Peculiar People: The Doukhobors, 20, 129, 146, 162, 164, 173, 178. London, no date.] He, upon his part, " ruled like a king, or rather a prophet. He expounded the tenets of the Doukhobors in a raanner to tum them to his own peculiar profit and advan tage. He attached peculiar importance to the doctrine of the transmigration of souls, which was already known to them; he also taught that Christ is bom again in every be liever; that God is in every one, for when the Word becarae flesh it became this (i. e., man in the world) for all time, like everything divine. But each human soul, at least as long as the created world exists, remains a distinct individual. 170 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Now, when God descended into the individuality of Jesus as Christ, He sought out the purest and most perfect man that ever existed, and the soul of Jesus was the purest and most perfect of all human souls. God, since the tirae when he first revealed himself in Jesus, has always remained in the human race, and dwells and reveals Hiraself in every believer. But the individual soul of Jesus, where has it been? By virtue of the law of the transraigration of souls It raust necessarfly have aniraated another human body ! Jesus himself said, ' I ara with you always, until the end of the world.' Thus the soul of Jesus, favored by God above all human souls, has from generation to generation continually animated new bodies ; and by virtue of its higher qualities, and by the peculiar and absolute command of God, it has invariably re tained a remembrance of its previous condition. Every man, therefore, in whom it resided knew that the soul of Jesus was in him. In the first centuries after Christ this was so universally acknowledged among believers, that every one recognized the new Jesus, who was the guide and ruler of Christendom, and decided all disputes respecting the faith. The Jesus thus always bom again was called Pope. False Popes, however, soon obtained possession of the throne of Jesus; but the tme Jesus only retained a small band of believers about him, as he predicted in the New Testaraent, ' Many are called, but few are chosen.' These believers are the Doukhobors, among whom Jesus constantly dwells, his soul animating one of them. ' Thus Sylvan Kolesnikof, of Nilolsk,' said Kapustin, ' whom the older among you knew, was Jesus ; but now, as tmly as the heaven is above me and earth under my feet, I am the true Jesus Christ your Lord ! ' " [Baron A. von Haxthausen, Studien uber die inneren Zustdnde, das Volkleben, und insbesondere die Idndlichen Einrichtungen Russlands. 3 vols. 1847—62.] Even Leo Tolstoy referred to the religion of the Doukho bors as " the germinating of that seed sown by Christ eight een hundred years ago : the resurrection of Christ himself," finding the realization of the Christian life in " the existence and gathering together of people who even now realize that toward which we are all striving. And behold, these people The Messianic Idea in Christianity 171 exist ! " [Vladimir Tchertkoff, Christian Martyrdom in Rv,ssia. London, 1897. J, W, Bienstock, Tolstoi et les Doukhobors, Faits historiques reunis. Paris, 1902,] Verigin, one of the " Fasting " Doukhobors, was regarded by some of this sect as Christ, the Saviour, the " Door to the Kingdom of Heaven " ; by some as a God-raan or earthly Deity; by some as a Prophet; while others considered him no raore than an ordinary raan. A document dated July 28, 1901, declares: " ' Great is the Lord above all the nations, for his good ness and mercy endureth for ever,' And His goodness is that He has been born by the Spirit of the Most-Holy Vir gin Mother of God the Queen of Heaven, one of the blessed race of Loukeriya Verigin. This Lord is our Leader, Peter Vasilyevitch Verigin, His beauty is in his Wisdom; in flesh he is pure, "We strive towards hira, esteem him God and Tsar, and with full desire yield ourselves to his power," It has been suggested, with plausibility, that he was the Messiah whom the Canadian Pilgrims expected to meet in Winnipeg. His mother they hold in the greatest reverence, even as is befitting the mother of God, On this pilgrimage from northwest Canada to Winnipeg they had a leader who posed as a John the Baptist. Said an observer: " In front stalks the new ' John the Baptist,' his jet-black beard and long hair floating in the autumn wind. Suddenly he will stop, with eyes glaring before hira, then leap forward, clutch ing at the air with extended, groping hands, crying, ' I see Hira, I see Jesus. He is coraing. He is here,' The dementia can be seen to run through the procession like a wave at these words. The chant rises higher, stronger and militant, and many of the Spirit-Wrestlers show similar symptoras of see ing Hiin who is invisible. All who have seen it say it is like a dreadful dream, that It is incredible, unrealizable — hun dreds of raen, with the light of insanity in their eyes, roara- ing whither and for what they know not, and aniraated by a belief that brings the dark ages into the dawn of the twen tieth century, " They are eating, to supplement the gifts of bread made 172 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan by the villages en route, dried rosebuds, herbs, leaves, grasses, in fact, alraost anything vegetable in its origin. They be lieve there will be no winter and no cold weather, that there wifl be two summers this year. Mr. Speers asked ' John the Baptist,' who was one of the earliest to discard his rubbers : ' Where are your boots ? ' " ' Jesus had no boots,' was the answer. " ' But your feet will get cold? ' protested the kindly agent. " ' Jesus keeps my feet warm,' replied the forerunner. " Many of them walk the entire night, their bodies seem ing insensible to fatigue that would kill many men. When they raarched into Yorktown they bore from a dozen to twenty stretchers, improvised of poplar poles and gray blankets, on which they bore their sick and feeble folk. By the hand they led a man past fifty years of age, born blind. He is now in the Immigration HaU. I saw him an hour ago, his sightless eyes uplifted in an ecstacy of beatific vision." Peter Verigin, the leader of the Saskatchewan Doukho bors, has merited the title of a remarkable man. " He has altered the character of the comraunlty, has changed their mode of agriculture, gradually introducing modem methods, and has built up an organization out of chaos. Several thou sand acres have been broken, and the area under cultivation this year (1903) will be much greater than that sown last year. Whfle no doubt there are in so large a body a few who look with jealousy upon Peter Verigin, the great bulk of the Doukhobors undoubtedly have irnplicit faith in him. From early raorning, when the village is roused by the sing ing by a chorus which patrols the street, until evening, when the same choir sings them to sleep, the villagers find their work in comraon very agreeable to them." [Maude, 227—8, 236, 237, 264.] The Khlysti (Flagellants), or Men of God The Russian sect of the Khlysti, or Flagellants, follow a man who proclairaed in 1646 : " I am the God announced by the prophets, come down on earth the second time for the The Messianic Idea in Christianity 173 salvation of the human race, and there is no God but rae." The tenet of this sect is that a succession of Christs has foUowed the founder of their order, elevation to this rank being attained by perfect surrender to the influence of the Spirit, who subdues the flesh. Their ecstatic methods of worship result in much prophecying, but they are forbidden to commit these to writing, and, consequently have developed no dogma. [Enthusiasts (Religious), E.R.E., V, 319,] According to the tradition of the Khlysti, there descended in the days of Czar Alexis, in the year 1645, upon Mount Gorodin, in the district of Vladimir, in great power, on a wagon of fire surrounded by a cloud, " God the Father, ac companied by the hosts of heaven," The wagon returned to heaven but the Lord hiraself remained on earth and became raanifest in the person of Daniel Philoppitch (spelled also, Phflippon, Phflipovitch, or Danelo Filopovitch), Among the twelve commandments given out by this " God the Father " the first declared : " I am the God of whom the prophets spoke, I came for the second time into the world (the first coming being at Jerusalem) to redeera the souls of raen. There is no God besides me." [H, W, Williams, Russia of the Russians, 165 ff. New York, 1914. Khlysti, in New Inter. Ency., Vol. 13, p. 208.] Danelo Filopovitch proclairaed hiraself God and delegated Ivan Souslof to be Christ, his son. He lived with a woman whom he called the Mother-of-God, or the Daughter-of-God. From among his adherents he chose twelve apostles. He coUected his followers in a decrepit and empty church in the vUlage of Rabotniki, on the Volga, and was there worshipped by them. Souslof, after handing on his authority to Loup- kin, died in Moscow In 1716. Loupkin acknowledged his wife to be a Mother-of-God. With the assistance of twenty apostles he taught in Nizhni-Novgorod, Vladimir, and Yaro- slaf. The govemment tried hard to put down the raove ment. Docifius, Bishop of Rostof, one of the converts, after being deprived of his bishopric, was tortured and executed in the presence of Peter the Great, by having his stomach tom to pieces with pincers in the Red Place in Moscow. [Many of the Khlists, or Hlists, are Finns. They have 174 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan adopted many of the old communistic practices. A, Maude, op. cit., 99-103. Stepniak, The Russian Peasantry, 268-9. New York, 1888.] The first accounts of this order were written in the latter part of the seventeenth century. In a trial held at Moscow between 1733—9 Prpkofi Lupkin, a soldier of the body-guard appears as " Christ," his wife and several nuns, as " Moth ers of God," Moscow was the center of operations of the Christs Serge Osipov, Vasali Stepanov, and raore famous than these, Andreyan Petrov, who, known as the " Happy Idiot," had the entree to the houses of the aristocracy, and carries on his propaganda there for the sect, not entirely without success. Other communities, also, possessed " Christs " and " Mothers-of-God " at an early date, " Lupkin and Petrov belong to the seven ' Christs ' named by the legend which describes the origin of the Men of God, Since the reports of the trial prove the correctness of the assertions of their tradition regarding the seven ' Christs ' and the ' Mothers-of-God,' Akulina and Nastasya, the tradi tion may be trusted as to what It relates concerning the earlier ' Christs,' Danila Philipov and Ivan Suslov, Of these the first is said to have also ranked as ' God Zebaoth,' and to have founded the sect about the raiddle of the seven teenth century in the governraent district of Kostroma, while the second, as his disciple spread it in the Oka and Volga dis tricts and introduced it into Moscow, Ancient songs of the Khlysti speak of one ' Christ,' Averyan, who lived in the fourteenth century, and of another, Yemelyan, who labored in Moscow in the tirae of Ivan the Terrible. The majority of Russian Scholars consider the sect rauch older than his torical inforraation reaches." [Men of God, Hastings' E.R.E,, VIII, 544-6,] The pretensions of the founder of the Khlysti sect were supported by the tradition that his coraraandments were issued by a son born to hira fifteen years before his appear ance in the world, of a woman one hundred years old. This son, Ivan Tiraofejen, ascended with Daniel, his father, into the heavens. Here they tarried a whfle; then descended Jesus the Christ, in the person of Ivan, who at once com- The Messianic Idea in Christianity 175 menced to preach, assisted by his twelve disciples, the twelve comraandments given by his father. He entered into holy matrimony with a maiden known as the Mother of God, After crucifixion and burial on a Friday, Ivan rose from the dead the foUowing Sunday and appeared araong his follow ers. Again he was seized by the authorities, tried, and cruci fied a second time, this tirae his skin being removed. One of his female followers then wrapped the body in a sheet, out of which a new skin formed. He again resurrected and went about preaching, later taking up his residence in Moscow, in the house later known as the New Jerusalera. [Cyclo pedia of Bibl,, Theol., and Eccl. Literature, V, 71.] The Khlysti repudiate this title, which is given them by the outside world, and caU themselves Lyudi bozhii, raeaning, " Men of God," They believe that God is to be found only among themselves, ordinary Christian church goers being, in their view, mere worldlings. Formerly they called them selves " Christu," those who have Christ in their midst, that is, in their leaders. Among them are many Christs. They draw down the spirit by dances, by songs, and by fasts, but principally by dancing. One who succeeds In receiving the spirit in full becomes a Christ, or even a God of the highest rank, that is, a Christ of the highest rank, or, a Mother-of- God, Those who receive the Spirit in a less degree are in vested with the title of one of the apostles, or of one of the ecclesiastical saints, and honored as prophets or prophet esses. For, say they, even Jesus of Nazareth becarae a Christ only after receiving the spirit as the sequel to bap tisra. These individuals have received the spirit as a per manent possession, but, by the same means, others may re ceive it as a temporary possession. It must be confessed, however, that these Christs are seldom actuated by a messianic ideal. The holy spirit is regarded as a power which shuns observation, revealing him self in secret, and being averse to publicity. Consequently, if a man talks about the Spirit he loses it. Yet, sometimes the Christs, Mothers-of-God, prophets, and prophetesses es pecially, and also ordinary raerabers of the coraraunity, when in the ecstatic state, break into iraprovised doggerel, and 176 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan prophesy the " comraon fate " of individual members of their sect and the " private fate " of individuals not members. Always the Spirit operates unfettered and chooses for Him self whatsoever form he cares to create. During the summer solstice they dance around a tub of water over which they see the " golden Christ " appearing in the steam that rises above the vessel. About 1770 arose the Skoptsi, or Castrators, as a reac tion to the Flagellants. It was founded by a man who de clared himself God incarnate. They look ardently for the millennium. Christ will retum when their nurabers reach 144,000. Those who wish to enter the order must submit to castration. There are Messiahs of every type. Not all of them are blatant in their claims, not all of them arise in a society that is hard-pressed and despondently hopeful, nor do they all seera disposed to press their clairas. To illustrate this let me quote the description of a Messiah of the Pacific Coast given by Miss Janet May Bingham. " About 1910 or 1911, a raan living in Seattle, Washing ton, clairaed to be the reincarnation of Christ. He was tall and fair with long curly hair, and did look astonishingly like pictures of Christ. As far as I know he raade no particular atterapt to preach a gospel or enforce recognition — he said he was Christ and let It go at that. He wandered around on crutches. He seemed to be a little lame. He had the ap pearance of a raan just recovered from a severe fllness and seemed very frafl. When he met a little child he would stop, place his hand on its head and speak to it. All the children appeared to like him though they appeared to be somewhat abashed in his presence. He paid no particular attention to older children or to grown-ups. I do not think he was insane. He seemed honestly to believe he was Christ, and to try to live and act accordingly. I rather admired him — not that I ever so much as spoke to hira — but he had a most beautifuUy serene expression that was irresistible." Similar reincarnations strolled the streets of Berkeley, California, in the years 1915 and 1916, some as isolated The Messianic Idea in Christianity 177 individuals, without subscribers to their claims, others with a fluctuating body of foUowers and admirers. [Another Messiah flourished in San Diego, CaUfomia, about 1908. I have not been able to learn detafls about hira.] None of these seem to be the product of any peculiar social conditions — they seem rather an epiphenomenon, a flitting light rather than a torch, a vagary whose existence cannot be accounted for, or justified, by any plausible rea soning. " Sports " are not confined to the biological realm, but flourish equally weU in the social, the psychic, and the reUgious. Such was the " Leatherwood God," a messiah who played an iraportant role in the frontier portions of the state of Oflio in the fifties, first claiming miraculous powers, later claiming to be God Himself, and, to their woeful un doing, leading many of this pioneer coraraunity across the AUeghanies to the Promised Land — that is to Philadelphia, — ^where they were to be transported to eternal bUss. [He met his fate by drowning in the river there — whether accidentally or deliberately is not known. A literary de scription, which elaborates but does not otherwise depart from the facts, is given by Wflliam Dean HoweUs, The Leatherwood God.] The closest analogue in America to this Leatherwood God was probably John Alexander Dowie, who regarded hiraself as Elijah the Restorer, foretold by Malachi, by St. Peter, and by Christ himself — such were his pretensions. The next step, says his apologist, would have been to declare himself a reincarnation of the Messiah, the Son of God, which many who watched his development believed would have been the next step had not unforeseen sectarian troubles interrupted his career. He had established at Zion, near Chicago, a settleraent for his followers and over it he was for some time undisputed dictator. His adherents numbered over twenty thousand, though eventually they broke away from his influence and even ousted hira from the community on charges of immoral practices. [For details see Rolvix Harlan, John Alexander Dowie and the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church in Zion. Evansvflle, Wis., 1906. A disser tation at the University of Chicago. Dowie, Analyzed and 178 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Classified, Century Magazine, Vol. 64, (Oct., 1902), 928-44.] The Book of Oahspe, published by an American dentist, a spiritualist, about 1881, refers to Christ as a false God, Loveamong, who brought on war and later changed his narae, falsely calling himself Christ. He raised up tribes of mortal warriors, who call themselves Christians, and remain war riors to this day. [Oahspe, in Hastings' E.R.E., IX, 428.] At a convention of his denoraination in 1893, the Reverend Frank W. Sanford, a Free Baptist minister, announced that he had received Divine revelations commanding him to preach to the whole world before the " coming of the end." At Shiloh, Maine, he founded the Holy Ghost and Us Society. The views of this order are pronouncedly chiliastic, — and Sanford himself is Elijah. He conducted a disastrous voy age to Africa, during which a number of his followers died from insufficient food and care, and was in consequence con victed, on December 9, 1911, of causing the death of six persons. He was sent to a govemment prison. In the latter part of 1896 Williara S, Crowdy founded the Church of God and Saints of Christ, Crowdy had been a railway cook untfl he received a revelation as " a prophet of God sent to the whole world," Crowdy is believed by his foUowers to be in direct coraraunication with the Deity, to utter prophecies by the will of God, and to perform miracles. On his death the prophetic office lapses until a new vision appears. [Hastings' E,R,E,, V, 320,] About 1830' there appeared in an indefinite region de scribed as " a state bordering on Kentucky," an impostor who clairaed to be the Son of God, the Savior of mankind, who had appeared on earth to call the impious and sinners to their duty. He declared that if his hearers did not raend their ways he would cause the earth to crumble beneath them. Many people, including persons of wealth and posi tion, received the message with attention and respect. At last a German humbly besought the Messiah to explain his message in German, since many of the man's auditors did not understand English, and It was a shame that salvation should be denied thera merely because of a weakness in linguistic abflity. The Messiah, in reply, confessed that he The Messianic Idea in Christianity 179 did not know German. " What," came the retort from the German, " you the Son of God and don't speak aU languages, and don't even know German? Come, come, you are a knave, a hypocrite, and a madman. Bedlam is the place for you." This brought a laugh from the spectators, who then withdrew ashamed of their credulity. [J. G. Frazer, The Magic Art, I, 409.] National Saviors It has been said with much truth that when disaster is most heavy the hope of deliverance is most lively ; but when prosperity smfles it is forgotten. Suffering often breeds a cheerful countenance whfle satisfaction makes a wry face. In a more vituperative spirit the evil of the times was not infrequently liberally wished on the evil doers. [Baring- Gould, Origin and Development of Religious Belief, I, 77—8. London, 1892.] The ideas in Western Europe which have, in its earlier history, fostered this faith are, in large part, common knowledge : the hope for deliverance from oppres sion, the gleam of a beckoning future whose content is either in the golden age of the past or in sorae long awaited age to come. The substance and meaning of these ideas has never been better expressed than by Baring-Gould, whose descrip tion of thera we quote : " A nation that suffers clings to the traditions of the past, and hopes for the future. The present is to it one of the bitterest sorrow and degradation ; but it had a glorious past — at least it chooses to think so — and before it is a glorious future, which it is determined to look forward to. The Esthonian from the time of the German invasion lived a life of bondage under a foreign yoke, and the iron of his slavery entered into his soul. He sang : — In the bosom of the forest Where the bushes fling their shadows. Where the alder boughs are dripping. Where the birches sadly waver, There of mossy cairns are seven. Not adorned by loving fingers. 180 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Nor by watchful eyes attended. One contains our tears of anguish. One contains our chains of bondage , Qne is o'er our smitten heroes, In the fourth wails gnawing famine. In the fifth humiliations. In the sixth the plague is lurking. In the seventh utter ruin. And he told how the ancient hero Kalewipoeg sits in the realms of shadows with his fist in the rock waiting tfll his country is In its extreraity of distress, when he will draw his hand out of the living stone, and return to earth to avenge the injuries of the Esths, and elevate the poor crushed people into a mighty power. " The suffering Kelt has his Brian Boroimhe, or Arthur, who will come again, the first to inaugurate a Fenian Mil lennium, the second to regenerate Wales. Olger Dansk, iron mace in hand, waits tiU the time arrives when he is to start from his sleep to the assistance of the Dane against the hated Prussian, The Messiah is to come, and restore the kingdom to the Jew, Charlemagne was the Messiah of Mtediaeval Teutondora, He it was who founded the great German empire, and shed over it the blaze of Christian truth and now he sleeps in the KyffTiauserberg, seated at a stone table, waiting till German heresy has reached its climax and Gerraany Is wasted through internal conflicts, to rush to earth once more and revive the great empire and restore the Catholic faith. The expectation of a Messiah, and of a golden age, is the child of hope, and hope is the child of oppression. The most down-trodden peoples are those which believe most intensely in a future age of triumph. What a Savior is to a weary soul, and Heaven is to a forlorq spirit that a Messiah and a future golden age are to an oppressed and suffering people, " Greece and Rome had neither. Why? Because Greece and Rorae were not under bondage. If they fabled of a golden age, that age was past; but there was none in the future. Ovid sings of the change of the ages frora gold to silver, frora sflver to brass, and from brass to iron; but he The Messianic Idea in Christianity 181 holds out no hope of a future renovation. Horace, with cruel acrimony, generalizes the same idea, and raakes of de generation a law : ' The age of our fathers, worse than that of our grandfathers, gave birth to us, and we, stfll further depraved, shaU give birth to a race inferior to our own.' TibuUus joins his voice to the concert of raalediction against the present age, and regrets the happy age when barbarisra reigned supreme. The most eminent phflosophers bowed to the traditions of the past." [Baring-Gould, Origin and De velopment of Religious Belief, I, 414-6, Ch. on The Human Ideals,] Not until the tirae of Lucretius, who lived in the days of Rorae's waning glory do we have a refutation of this doctrine of the golden age and an insistence that the civilization of his day had corae to its own but slowly and by building upon a cruder past — in a word, by gradual evolution, [A view weU expressed in Lucretius' De Rerum Natura.] If the messianic idea is anywhere expressed by Latin writers it is in Virgil, a poet of this age, [In his so-called Messianic Eclogue,] The partition of Poland elicited many messianic ideals and politico-messianic movements among the Poles, who pic tured the coming salvation as threefold: social, political and religious. All of them portray a time when the downtrodden nations, and especiaUy Poland, wfll be free from the ag gressor, [Lutoslawski, Le Messianisme Polonais. Published in Atti del in Congresso Internationale di Filosofia, Bologna, 1911, p. 186—92, Poland offers a favorable soil, Georg Brandes, Poland: A Study of the Land, People, and Literature, 239 ff. New York, 1904, Monica Gardner, Poland: A Study in Na tional Idealism. New York, No date,] Many a national hero is but biding the day when the oppressor is driven forth from the land and he may return in power. Every Greek of the Orthodox Church knows that the priest of Hagia Sophia, or Saint Sophia, bides the day when the Turk sliaU be ousted from Constantinople and na tional ambition be fulfilled. Within its walls he reraains sleeping untfl that happy consummation is realized. Simi- 182 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan larly, Boabdfl, the last of the Moorish kings of Spain, lies spell-bound within the Alhambra in a slumber unbroken until the eve of St. John — a story famiUar to lovers of Washing ton Irving. [The Alhambra.] " I will unto the veil of Avalon, to heal me of grievous wound," were Arthur's words, neither he nor his foUowers believing that he was dying. Fitting is the epitaph: Hic jacet ArTHURUS, rex quondam REXaUE FUTURUS, for he but sleeps in Avalon, waiting for the time when he shall wake to free Britain once more. [Geo, W, Cox, The Mythol ogy of the Aryan Nations, 225-^6, 139, London, 1903, John Fiske, Myths and Myth-Makers; Old Tales and Superstitions Interpreted by Comparative Mythology, 26, 201—2. New York, 1893', S, Baring-Gould, Curious Myths of the Mid dle Ages, 92-110, Boston, 1889. Thomas Bulfinch, King Arthur and His Knights, Ch, 23, Morte D 'Arthur.] In Switzerland, by the Vierwaldstattersee, three Tells are awaiting the hour when their country shall again need to be delivered from the oppressor. Charlemagne, says an other tradition, is reposing in the Untersberg, sword in hand, waiting for the coming of Anti-Christ. In a lofty mountain in Thuringia the great Emperor Frederick Barbarossa slum bers, his knights around him, until the time comes for him to sally forth and raise Germany to the first rank among the nations of the world. It would be interesting to know whether recent events in that war-stricken land have re-vived this faith among the peasantry. Do they think he has now slept until his beard has grown thrice around the marble table on which he leans — the sign that the time of reawak ening is at hand — or that the ravens circling about the Kyffhauserberg proclaim the time not yet at hand? [Yes, says a writer in the Sunday edition of the San Francisco Examiner, Feb., 1917.] According to another version Barbarossa is lying in the Untersberg near Salzburg. When the dead pear-tree which, thrice cut down, plants itself afresh, shall bud forth and blossom, the gaUant Rothbart wfll come out into the broad daylight, hang his shield on the bright flowered bough, throw down his gauntlet as a gage to evfl-doers and, aided by the The Messianic Idea in Christianity 183 good and chivalrous few who will still be inhabitants of this bad world, will vanquish cruelty and -wickedness, and realize the dream of a golden age which they have so long antici pated, [The story has been given popular expression by Margarethe MuUer, Gluck Auf, 91-6, New York, 1901, P, V, Bacon, German Composition, 64, New York, 1913, An account of the expected return of Frederick Barbarossa is given by Schindler, op, cit,, 21.] The French peasantry still expect the retum of Napoleon Bonaparte, Has that expectation been heightened during these horrible years of the European War when France has been fighting for her very existence ? In the mountains along the Rhone, opposite the village of Beauchastel, can be seen erabodied in the contour of the granite, the features of a face, to which the narae of " the lost Napoleon " has been given. [Cf, Albert Bigelow Paine, in Saint Nicholas, Jan., 1918, Vol, L, 215—7,] Even in Rus sia his advent was looked for and the belief prevailed that Napoleon had retumed from St, Helena in the person of Tchichikof, [Stephen Graham, Undiscovered Russia, 47.] At the present time the sect known as the " Worshippers of Napoleon," who revered him as a Christ, seems to have died out. [Men of God, Hastings' E.R.E., VIII, 544-6.] In Scotland, beneath the Eilden hills, sleeps Thomas of Erceldorae. The French who were murdered in the Sicilian Vespers at Palermo still slumber tfll the time coraes when they shall awake and avenge themselves. Reluctant, indeed, is human nature to give up hope for revenge or hope for restoration. Ogier the Dane, a contemporary and ally of Charlemagne, took ship one night from France and was not seen again for a full hundred years. The interval was spent on a beautiful isle in the company of a lovely fairy, under whose enchant ments the time passed so quickly and happily that he thought not once of his continental home. Not until the crown was playfully snatched from his head did raeraory retum, and with it a desire to regain his old home. When he arrived in Paris he found everything changed; Hugh Capet and not Charlemagne was on the throne. He 184 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan won fresh laurels in fighting the Moors and came back to Paris with great honors. After the death of the king he was to be wedded to the queen. On the eve of this happy consummation the jealous fairy again carae to claim him for her own and transported him to Avalon. " There," con cludes the story, " in company with the great King Arthur of Britain, he still lives, and when his fllustrious friend shall retum to resume his ancient reign he will doubtless retum with him, and share his triumph." [Ogier the Dane, in Bul finch, Legends of CharlcToagne.] For a long while the belief was current that Olaf Tryggves- son, or Olaf I (969^1000), king of Norway, was stiU alive and would retum to his kingdom. He had not been drowned in the sea fight but had saved himself by diving under the keels of the enemy vessels. Like Arthur he was stiU dream ing away the time in Avalon waiting the day of retum. " Much was hoped, supposed, spoken, but the truth was, Olaf Tryggvesson was never seen in Norseland more," is the sad plaint of an old mourning skald ; while the skald of Halfred Vandreda is even raore pessiraistic, and declares : " It never was the will of fate That Olaf from such perilous strait Should 'scape with life ! this truth may grieve — What people wish they soon believe." [Thomas Carlyle, The Early Kings of Norway. Olaf, Ency. Britt., XX, 62. Anglo-Saxon Classics, VII, 248. New York, 1907. Another version is to the effect that Olaf made a pilgrimage to Rome and lived long as a hermit in the Holy Land. H. H. Boyeses, Norway, 171. New York, 1904.] Balder, one of the sons of Woden, was to return to deliver mankind frora sorrow and death. He was to retum amid prodigies and the crash and decay of a wicked world, in glory and joy and a glorious kingdom would be renewed. In Norse belief darkness heralds the dawn, destruction paves the way for reconstruction. Ragnarok is the Norse word that describes both phases of the crisis. " The grow ing depravity and strife in the world proclaim the approach of this great event. First there is a winter caUed Fimbul- The Messianic Idea in Christianity 185 winter, during which snow will fall from the four comers of the world, the frosts will be very severe, the winds piercing, the weather tempestuous, and the sun will impart no glad ness. Three such -winters will pass away without being tem pered by a single summer." War and destruction will spread over the whole earth: Brothers slay brothers; Sisters chfldren Shed each other's blood. Hard is the world ; Sensual sin grows huge. There are sword-ages, ax-ages; Shields are cleft in twain; Storm-ages, murder-ages ; TiU the world fall dead, And men no longer spare Or pity one another. [Bulfinch, Stories of Gods and Heroes. Anglo-Saxon Clas sics, V, 722-3; XI, 323-9. New York, 1911. R. B. Ander son, Norse Mythology, 413-27. Chicago, 1891. The verse is from the Elder Edda. A. and E. Keary, The Heroes of Asgard: Tales from Scandinavian Mythology, Ch. IX. New York, 1893. The idea is probably native to Scandinavia and, in spite of the close paraUel, not borrowed from Chris tianity.] Roderic, or Don Rodrigo as he was known to the Span iards, the last Gothic king of Spain, his countrymen refused to believe dead. To lend strength to their belief the manner of his death had been enveloped in mystery. After the last fatal fight with the Moors his sandals and his horse were found along the river bank, but his body, probably carried out to sea, was never found. The Goths of Spain, refusing to believe him dead, declared he would corae from his resting place in some ocean isle, healed of his wounds, once raore to lead the Christians against the infidels. In Spanish legend he is represented as spending the rest of his life In pious acts of penance, raeanwhile being slowly devoured by snakes in punishraent for the sins he had committed. At last the crime 186 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan was expiated and Don Rodrigo was perraitted to go to the peaceful isle, whence his countrymen long awaited his tri umphant return. [Stanley Lane-Poole, The Story of the Moors in Spain, 21-2. New York, 1898. H. E. Watts, The Christian Recovery of Spain, 19. New York, 1894.] The story has been best told by Washington Irving in his Legends of the Conquest of Spain (chapter XVIII) : " A raystery has ever hung, and must ever continue to hang, over the fate of King Roderic, in that dark and doleful day of Spain. Whether he went down in the storm of battle, and atoned for his sins and errors by a patriot grave, or whether he survived to repent of them in herralt exile, must reraain matter of conjecture and dispute. The learned Arch bishop Rodrigo, who has recorded the events of this dis astrous field, affirms that Roderick fell beneath the vengeful blade of the traitor Julian, and thus expiated with his blood his crime against the hapless Florinda, but the archbishop stands alone In his record of the fact. It seems generaUy admitted that Orelia, the favorite war-horse, was found en tangled in a raarsh on the borders of the Gaudalete, with the sandals and mantle and royal insignia of the king lying close by him. The river at this place ran broad and deep, and was encumbered with the dead bodies of warriors and steeds ; it has been supposed, therefore, that he perished in the stream ; but his body was not found within its waters. " When several years had passed away, and men's rainds, being restored to some degree of tranquillity, began to oc cupy theraselves about the events of this dismal day, a rumor arose that Roderic had escaped from the carnage on the banks of the Guadalete, and was still alive. It was said, that having from a rising ground caught a view of the whole field of battle, and seen that the day was lost, and his army flying in all directions, he likewise sought his safety in flight. It is added, that the Arab horsemen, while scouring the mountains in quest of fugitives, found a shepherd arrayed in royal robes and brought hira before the conqueror, be lieving him to be the king himself. Count Julian soon dis pelled the error. On being questioned, the trembling rustic declared that while tending the sheep in the folds of the The Messianic Idea in Christianity 187 raountains, there came a cavalier on a horse wearied and spent and ready to sink beneath the spur. That the cavalier with an authoritative voice and menacing air coraraanded him to exchange garments with him, and clad himself in his rude garb of sheep-skin, and took his crook and his rude scrip of provisions, and continued up the rugged defiles of the raountains leading towards Castile, untfl he was lost to ¦view. " This tradition was fondly cherished by many, who clung to the belief in the existence of their monarch as their main hope for the redemption of Spain. It was even affirmed that he had taken refuge, with many of his host, In an island of the * Ocean sea,' from whence he might yet return once raore to elevate his standard, and battle for the recovery of his throne. " Year after year, however, elapsed, and nothing was heard of Don Roderick ; yet, like Sebastian of Portugal, and Arthur of England, his name continued to be a rallying point for popular faith, and the raystery of his end to give rise to roraantic fables." In spite of the fact that Don Sebastian left the Portuguese in worse plight than he found them, his campaigns in Africa, disastrous as they were, raised hopes of great national do minion and made of hira an undying hero. Consequently the belief was current that he was not dead but raerely hidden and resting for the day when he should restore and recreate Portuguese prestige. So persistent was this belief and so realistic the anticipation of his return in the flesh that several pretenders clairaed the honor of being the returned Don Se bastian. The raost prominent of these pretenders, after a career of two years in Venice (1589—1600), fell into the hands of the Spaniards, and his dreams of reinvigorating the Portuguese nation were at an end, [See Sebastian, in New Inter, Ency, (1916), Vol, 20, p, 654, Miguel Martins D'Antas, Les faux Don Sebastien. Paris, 1866,] " The lower classes of the Portuguese people refused to believe that the young king was dead, and it was not long before impostors arose, who tried to make profit out of this credulity. The history of these impostors is as curious in 188 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan its way as those of the ' False Smerdis,' the ' False De- raetrius,' and the pseudo-Louis XVII's, and proves how strong a hold the raemory of Don Sebastian, in spite of his being a rash and foolhardy tyrant, had taken upon the minds of the Portuguese people. The first two of these impostors, who were mockingly called the ' King of Ericeira ' and the ' King of Pennamacor ' from the headquarters of their oper ations, were Portuguese of low birth, whose risings were easfly put down. The original inventor of the idea was the son of a tiler of Alcobaca, named Sebastiao Gonzales, who, after leading a profligate life, had retired to a hermitage near Pennamacor, From this retirement he emerged in July, 1584, and declared he was King Sebastian ; that he had escaped after the battle of Alcacer Quibir, and had since been praying in the hermitage, but that the miseries of his people had reached his ears, and he had determined to come forth to reraedy them. He was accompanied by two men, who styled themselves Dom Christovao de Tavora and the Bishop of Guarda, and began to collect raoney in Pennamacor and the neighborhood. The trio were speedily arrested and marched through the streets of Lisbon to show that they were im postors ; and the false Sebastian was then sent to the galleys for life, and the pretended Bishop of Guarda was hanged. In the following year, one Mattheus Alvares, son of a mason at Ericeira, declared himself to be the lamented Dom Se bastian, to whom he bore a considerable personal resem blance, and solemnly promised to marry the daughter of Pedro Affonso, a rich farmer, whom he created Count of Torres Novas, His future father-in-law advanced the im postor a large sum of money, and he had raised a small corps of eight hundred fanatical followers, when the cardinal- archduke thought it necessary to send royal troops against him. The poor enthusiasts were defeated with great loss, and both the pretender and Pedro Affonso were hanged and quartered in Lisbon, " This severe punishraent effectually checked the appear ance of any fresh impostors in Portugal itself, and the popu lace, though firmly convinced that Dom Sebastian would one day appear again, were not to be deceived by any more pre- The Messianic Idea in Christianity 189 tenders, " But these stories had spread far beyond the limits of Portugal, and two more attempts to impersonate the mon arch were made in Spain and Italy, The first of these im postors was a handsome young man named Gabriel Espinosa, who bore a striking resemblance to the King of Portugal, and who was given out as Dom Sebastian by a Portuguese Jesuit, named Maduj al, who introduced hira to Donna Anna, a natural daughter of Don John of Austria, and induced her to believe in him. The whole scheme partook rather of the nature of a personal intrigue than of a political plot. Donna Anna, who was very wealthy, showered favors on the young man and his sponsor, and even advocated his clairas to Philip II. The deception was, however, too' obviously ab surd to gain many supporters, and Espinosa and his clerical adviser were both executed in 1694, Far more curious is the story of Marco Tullio, a poor Calabrian peasant, who could not speak a word of Portuguese, but who nevertheless as serted that he was Dom Sebastian in 1603, twenty-five years after the disaster of Alcacer Quibir, His story was raost carefully worked out, and his iraposture ranks among the most extraordinary on record. He asserted that he was the king, and had saved his life and liberty by remaining on the battle-field araong the dead bodies ; that he had made his way into Portugal, and had given notice of his existence to the Cardinal-King Henry, who had sought his life; that he then returned to Africa, because he was unwilling to disturb the peace of the kingdom by a civil war, and travelled about in the garb of a penitent; that he next became a herralt in Sicily, and was on his way to Rome to declare himself to the Pope, when he was robbed by his servants, and obliged to find his way to Venice, When he told this elaborate tale at Venice, he got a few Portuguese residents there to believe in him, and was soon arrested in that city at the deraand of the Spanish arabassador as an impostor and a criminal. He was several times examined, but stuck to his story so cleverly, and with such obstinacy, that the authorities, who were not sorry to embarrass the Spanish Govemment, refused to pun ish him as an impostor. The story of his claim spread so 190 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan widely abroad, that the enemies of Spain becarae anxious to prove it true, and to set him up as a thorn in the side of Philip III, The Prince of Orange went so far as to send Dom Christovao, son of the Prior of Crato, to request the Venetian authorities to make further inquiries; but those prudent governors only held a solemn public examination, when the Calabrian told his tale again, and then expeUed him frora their dorainions without expressing any opinion as to its truth. From Venice he went to Padua in the dis guise of a monk, and thence to Florence, where the Grand Duke of Tuscany had him arrested and given up to the Spanish Viceroy at Naples, He was imprisoned in the Cas tle del Ovo,' publicly exposed, and sent to the galleys ; and as he raade adherents even there he was transferred to San Lucar, and eventually executed. The singular boldness of this imposture, and the tenacity with which the ignorant Calabrian stuck to his story, in spite of its evident falsity, raake it raeraorable in the history of pretenders." It Is significant, too, that these pretenders appeared dur ing " a tirae of unexarapled disaster for the country in every quarter " when " the Portuguese, with their independence, seemed to have lost all their old courage and heroism." [H. Morse Stephens, The Story of Portugal, 286-90. New York, 1891.] The Greek erapire during the oppression of Islam pic tured for itself an emperor of the future, who was to be one of the emperors of the past rairaculously awakened frora his sleep to overcorae Islara and obtain dorainion over the world. Everywhere this legend of a sleeping eraperor and future savior is closely interwoven with the tradition that anti- Christ and oppression precedes the national triumph. In fact, throughout Europe the belief in anti-Christ was inten sified by the excitement incurred by the crusades. The time came when the people saw Antichrist, or his forerunner, in every ecclesiastical, political, national, or social opponent, and " the catchword ' Anti-Christ ' sounded on all sides : in the struggle between the Emperor and the Pope, the Guelfs and Ghibellines, opposing Franciscans and the Papacy, be tween heretics and the Church, reformative social movements The Messianic Idea in Christianity 191 and the ruling powers opposed to them; in sculpture and painting, in lyric, epic, and dramatic poetry the motives were supplied by the prophecy of anti-Christ." [Anti christ, In Hastings' E,R,E, ; New Inter, Ency. ; Cath. Ency. ; Ency. Britt,] In the thirteenth century, to the spiritual Franciscans, as well as to the short-lived sect known as Almericans, the Church was regarded as Babylon and the Pope as Antichrist, [Almericans, in Cyclopedia of Bibl,, Theol. and Eccl, Litera ture, I, 169, Papacy, in Hastings' E,R.E., IX, 623, For a curious defence of the pope against the Antichrist charges, which the author takes as supporting his divinity, see the article on the Papacy in the Catholic Encyclopaedia, Con sult, in this connection, Mommsen, Provinces of the Roman Empire, II, 214-5, New York, 1887 ; and art. Deification, in Hastings' E.R.E., IV, The Mediaeval FlageUants allied themselves -with chfliastic expectations. In the early part of the fifteenth century, a certain Conrad Schmidt, one of the order of the Flagellants known as the Brethren of the Cross, gave himself out as an incarnation of Enoch, and prophesied the approaching fall of the Church of Rome, FlageUants, in Hastings' E,R,E,, VI, 50,] In Russia when the church Councfl in 1666 pronounced an anathema against the old faith, the Rascolniks, adherents of the old orthodoxy, announced that the reign of Antichrist had come. The date of the Councfl was itself confirraation of this, for it combined the apocalyptic thousand years of Satan's bondage with the " number of the beast," " The popular theologians had no doubt whatever about it, and announced, on the .authority of the same book, that as the reign of Antichrist was to last over three years, the end of the world would therefore come in 1669. They fixed even the date of this portentous event. Some declared it would come about on the eve of Whitsunday, others at the same hour on the eve of Quinquagesima Sunday, " The discovery was striking enough to stir the popular imagination, and many took the bait. When, however, the fatal nights had passed over, and the whole of 1669 with them, and yet the world was left standing pretty rauch as 192 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan before, the over-bold prophets had to experience the usual meed of jokes and abuses from the disappointed people. Protopop Avvacum, the raost prorainent of the early Rascol niks, explained, as most unsuccessful oracles are wont to do, that his prophecy about the reign of Antichrist raust be taken in a spiritual sense — that Antichrist had not yet come in the fiesh, but that he reigned in the spirit in the contami nated church. " With the advent to power of Peter the Great the Rascol substituted for the spiritual Antichrist a living and strik ingly concrete one in the person of the Czar himself. A sovereign who strove to deprive the men of their likeness to God by taking off their beards ; who had numbered the peo ple in defiance of a clear prohibition of the Lord; who changed the tiraes of the years and the days of the saints (introduction of the new calendar in place of the old one, which had begun the year on the 1st of September) ; who had married an unchristian heathen (a Protestant, Cather ine I), and had had her crowned as empress in the church; who daily coramit bed what was regarded by the people as sacrflege — could not be other than Antichrist himself. A certain Talizin, merchant by occupation and Rascolnik by creed, was the first to formulate these views in writing. He was arrested, tortured, and conderaned to be suffocated by smoke. But the Idea struck root ; It generated spontane ously in the minds of thousands, " Panic-stricken by the dread of Antichrist, and driven on by the hardships of their lives, scores of thousands of the peasants and artisans of the towns fled to the Rascol set- tleraents in search of bodily and spiritual safety," [Step niak, The Russian Peasantry, 264-5, 279^81, 319,] In 1811 the authorities discovered in the province of Tambov a sect caUed Stranniky, or Begumy (Wanderers), which they at once declared to be dangerous, knouting and transporting them to the Siberian mines. They had given full development to the doctrine of Antichrist, making this doctrine the key-note of their teaching, " The Czar is In their opinion the Prophet of the Beast ; the officials are his ministers ; the two-headed Imperial eagle The Messianic Idea in Christianity 193 is the seal of Antichrist, the sign of the dragon. Every one who offers any kind of horaage to the agents of Antichrist, or who pays taxes for their unholy purposes, or allows him self to be numbered and registered, or accepts ^ passport or any other document sealed with the Imperial erablera, ex cludes himself from the book of the living, and is doomed to perdition as Antichrist's servant and abettor, " They look upon their coreligionists who came to terms with the Beast with the same disgust and abhorrence as they lavish on the NIconians. " In describing ' the renewing of Antichrist,' as the ' Wan derers ' caU the Emperor's coronation, their founder Efim indulges in the following details : ' Then there come to wor ship him, — i. e., to offer him the oath of allegiance — those fierce fiends the bishops, then the mock-popes (Satan's horses, who transport souls to hell, to their father the evil one) ; next follow the various foul apostatic sects — the NIconians first, then the Old Believers (P'opovzy), the accursed Ar menians, and the Poraorzy, who are hateful to God.' " The faithful are warned to resist anything emanating from the Czar, and as they cannot do this successfully, that their only safety lies in fUght. The most zealous of these sectarians carry out this principle to the letter. They spend their lives in wandering from place to place. They never reraain for long together in the sarae locality, always living concealed in the houses of their hosts without the knowledge of the authorities. They pay no taxes, apply for no pass ports, give no bribes, and avoid all contact with the agents of Antichrist," The belief in Antichrist is not yet a thing of the past. In a Russian village of the present day, if a baby is bom of unusual appearance, it is liable to be taken for the Devil, or for Antichrist ; and a stranger who can not give a satis factory account of hiraself raay raeet with the sarae fate, [Stephen Grahara, Undiscovered Russia, 47. New York, 1912.] A prophecy of the raonk Fratre Johannes, who lived about 1600, has been much quoted since our entrance into the Euro pean War, This prophecy was discovered in an old parch- 194 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan raent in the Convent of the Holy Ghost, at Wiesmar, Ger many. As a key to the prophecy it has been pointed out in the press of this country that: The Kaiser Is a German Lutheran, and has a withered arm. Germany represents the Black Eagle, Austria, her ally, has an eagle as her insignia. Russia represents the white eagle. France is the Cock. The British Empire is the Leopard, Thus equipped It is easy to see the ease with which some Americans have applied the prophecy of Antichrist and his times to the year 1918, The prophecy declares: " The real Antichrist will be one of the monarchs of his time, a Lutheran Protestant, He wfll invoke God and give himself out as his messenger or apostle, " This prince of lies will swear by the Bible, He will rep resent hiraself as the arra of the Most High, sent to chastise corrupt peoples, " He will have only one arm, but his innumerable armies, who will take for their device, ' God is with us,' will resemble the infernal regions, " For a long tirae he will act by craft and strategy. His spies will overmn the earth, and he will be master of the secrets of the nights. He will have learned men in his pay, who will maintain and undertake to prove his celestial mis sion, " A war will afford him the opportunity of throwing off the mask. It will not be in the first instance a war which he will wage against a French Monarch. But It will be one of such nature that after two weeks all -will realize its universal character. " Not only all Christians, but Mussulmans and even more distant peoples will be involved. Armies will be involved from the four quarters of the earth. " For by the third week the angels will perceive that the man is Antichrist and that all will become his slaves if they do' not overcome this conqueror. " Antichrist wiU be recognized by various tokens — in spe cial he will massacre the priests, the monks, the women, the The Messiamc Idea in Christianity 195 children and the aged. He will show no mercy, but will pass torch in hand like the barbarians, but invoking Christ. " His words of imposture ¦will resemble those of Christians but his vows wfll be like those of all the human race. " He will have an eagle in his arms, there wfll also be an eagle in the arras of his Confederate. But the latter will be a Christian and will die from the Malediction of Pope Bene dict, who will be elected at the beginning of the reign of the Antichrist. " In order to conquer Antichrist, it will be necessary to kill raore men than Rome ever contained. It will need ¦the energies of all the kingdoms because the cock, the leopard, and the White Eagle will not be able to make an end of the black eagle without the aid of the prayers and vows of the huraan race, " Never will humanity have been faced with such a peril, because the triumph of the Antichrist would be that of the deraon, who will have taken possession of his personality, " For it has been said that twenty centuries after the in carnation in work the beast will be incarnated in his turn and will raenace the work with as raany evils as the divine in carnation has brought it graces, " Toward the year two thousand Antichrist will be made manifest. His army will surpass in nurabers anything that can be imagined. There will be Christians among his cohorts and there will be Mohararaedans araong the defendants of the lamb as well as some heathen soldiers. " For the first time the lamb will be red — for blood will flow in the domains of the four elephants at once. " The black eagle will come from the land of Luther, and will raake a surprise attack upon the cock, " The white eagle will come from the north, " The black eagle will find itself forced to let go the cock In order to fight with the eagles, whereupon the cock will have to pursue the black eagle into the land of the Antichrist to aid the white eagle, " The battles fought up to that time will be as nothing compared to that which will take place in the Lutheran country. 196 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan " When the beast finds himself lost he wiU becorae furious, " Men will be able to cross the rivers over the bodies of the dead, " Antichrist will sue for peace many times, but the seven angels who march before three animals of the land will have proclaimed that victory will not be given except on condi tions that Antichrist wfll be crushed like straw upon the threshing floor, " The three aniraals will not be perraitted to cease fight ing so long as Antichrist has soldiers, " It will be made manifest that the combat, which will be fought out in that part of the country in which Antichrist forges his arms is not a human conflict. The animal defend ers of the lamb will exterminate the last array of Antichrist, " Antichrist will lose his crown and will die in solitude and madness. His empire will be divided into twenty-two states but none will have any longer fortifications, armies, or ships of war, " The white eagle, by order of Michael, will drive the Cres cent out of Europe, where there will be no longer any but Christians, He will install himself at Constantinople," [The manuscript referred tO' is kept in a glass case in the city of Wiesmar,] CHAPTER VII MESSIAHS AND MIRACLES IAMBLICUS, it is true, indulged in laughter when asked if it were true that he sometimes floated in the air when saying his prayers ; but he was a plulosopher, not a messiah. During the Sabbatalan craze a banker in Amsterdam who had uttered sorae irreverent remarks about the Messiah sud denly fell down dead. After this proof of supernatural In tervention the belief of the credulous crowd in the miraculous and far-reaching power of the Messiah could never be shaken, [Schindler, 145—6.] Perhaps, as Relraarus insisted (in the first part of the eighteenth century), in Jerusalem, when all the people had been looking for a manifestation of the raes siahship of Jesus, a miracle would have had a tremendous effect upon popular credence : " If only a single miracle had been publicly, convincingly, undeniably, performed by Jesus before all the people on one of the great days of the Feast, such is human nature that all the people would at once have flocked to His standard." [Schweitzer, The Qiiest of the Historical Jesus, 19. Consult this work for a de tailed account of the importance assigned to miracles by various writers on the life of Christ. See also, Miracles, In Hastings' Ency. Rei. and Ethics, Vol. VIIL] When the Hurons declared that nothing had gone right with them since the coraing of the Jesuits into their midst and attributed their misfortune to the visitation of the latter, Brebeuf replied by " drawing the attention of the savages to the absurdity of their principles." That nothing had turned out weU for the Hurons he did not for a raoment deny. " The reason," he said, " plainly is that God is angry with your hardness of heart." At these words the malignant Huron wizard at whose bidding the councfl had been called and Brebeuf summoned before it, fell down dead at the feet 197 198 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan of the missionary. No longer was there any doubt of the sanction of his mission by a supernatural being. [Charle voix, Histoire de la France Nouvelle, I, 192.] Simflarly, the Mandan chief who, thanks to the aid of arsenic borrowed from the whites, was able successfully to prophesy the exact time and suddenness of the death of his opponents, rose in the estimation of his people, as a raan possessing great supernatural power. [Catlin, Letters, II, 117,] Araong the messianic religions that have appeared in ab original America the supernatural element has always been prorainent. Pope, the first of these prophets, who flourished in the Pueblo region In 1680, a medicine man of the Tewa, " had corae back frora a pilgrimage to the far north, where he claimed to have visited the magic lagoon of Shipapu, whence his people traced their origin and to which the souls of their dead returned after leaving this life. By these an cestral spirits he had been endowed with occult powers and commanded to go back and rouse the Pueblos to concerted effort for the deliverance from the foreign yoke of the strangers. Wonderful beings were these spirit messengers. Swift as light and impalpable as thought they passed under the earth from the magic lake to the secret subterranean chamber of the oracle and stood before hira in shapes of fire, and spoke, telling him to prepare the strings of yucca knots and send them with the message to all of the Pueblos far and near, so that in every vfllage the chiefs raight untie a knot from the string each day and know when they came to the last knot that then was the time to strike (their eneraies the Spaniards)." The Delaware prophet of 1762 procured his raessage to his people directly frora the " Master of Life," whom he visited In a journey to the spirit world. " Ignorant of the way and not knowing any person, who, ha^ving been there, could direct him, he performed a mystic rite In the hope of receiving some light as to the course he should pursue. He fell into a deep sleep, in which he dreamed that it was only necessary to begin his journey and that by continuing to walk forward he would at last arrive at his destination. Messiahs and Miracles 199 " Early next morning, taking his gun, ammunition and kettle, he started off, firmly con^rinced that by pressing for ward without discouragement he should accomplish his ob ject. Day after day he proceeded without incident, until at sunset of the eighth day, while preparing to encamp for the night by the side of a small stream In a little opening in the forest, he noticed running out from the edge of the prairie, three wide well-trodden paths. Wondering somewhat that they should be there, he finished his temporary lodging and, lighting a fire, began to prepare his supper. While thus engaged, he observed with astonishment that the paths grew more distinct as the night grew darker. Alarmed at the strange appearance, he was about to abandon his encarap raent and seek another at a safer distance, when he remera bered his dream and the purpose of his journey." The first path and likewise the second, proved culs de sac, but the third took hira into the presence of the Master of Life from whom he derived the divine message that he carried to his people. The Shawnee prophet, Teuskwatawa, i. e., " The Open Door," reinforced his supernatural knowledge by the assist ance of information derived from the white raan. " By sorae means he had learned that an eclipse of the sun was to take place in the sumraer of 1806. As the time drew near, he called about hira the scoffers and boldly announced that on a certain day he would prove to them his supernatural au thority by causing the sun to become dark. When the day and hour arrived and the earth at raid-day was enveloped in the gloom of twilight Teuskwatawa, standing in the midst of the terrified Indians pointed to the sky and cried, ' Did I not speak truth? See, the sun is dark! ' There were no more doubters now. All proclaimed hira a true prophet and the raessenger of the Master of Life. His farae spread abroad and apostles began to carry his revelations to the remotest tribes." The prophet was held to be an incarnation of Manabozho the great "first doer" (culture hero) of the Algonquin, and his words were believed to be the direct utterances of a deity. Smohalla gave evidence of his divine incarnation by fall- 200 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan ing into trances and lying rigid for a considerable time. " Unbelievers have experimented by sticking needles through his flesh, cutting him with knives, and otherwise testing his sensibility to pain, without provoking any responsive action. It was asserted that he was surely dead, because blood did not flow frora the wounds. These trances," says Murray, who seeras to have witnessed thera, " always excite great in terest and often alarra, as he threatens to abandon his earthly body altogether because of the disobedience of his people, and on each occasion they are in a state of suspense as to whether the Saghalee Tyec will send his soul back to earth to reoccupy his body, or will, on the contrary, abandon and leave thera without his guidance. It is this going into long trances, out of which he comes as from heavy sleep and almost immediately relates his experiences in the spirit land, that gave rise to the title of ' Dreamers,' or believers in dreams, coraraonly given to his followers by the whites." This prophet, like the one previously described, added to the re spect entertained for hira by his followers, by predicting sev eral eclipses and conveying the idea to his believers that he was able to control the eleraents and the heavenly bodies. He subraitted to Major MacMurray an almanac of a preced ing year requesting him to readjust it for eclipses, since " it did not work as it had formerly done." MacMurray's Inability to repair the 1882 almanac so that it would prog nosticate the eclipses for 1884 lost him much respect in the eyes of the prophet as " a wise man of the east." Wovoka, the Paiute prophet who originated the great Ghost Dance religion of the Plains, received his principal revelation when the sun " died," that is, during an eclipse (in 1887?), when he feU asleep during the day, was trans planted to the other world, and there corarauned ¦with God, receiving the raessage that he brought back to his people. " God gave hira control over the elements so that he could make it rain or snow or be dry at wiU, and appointed him his deputy to take charge of affairs in the west, whfle ' Gover nor Harrison ' would attend to matters in the east, and he, God, would look after the world above. He then returned to earth and began to preach, as he was directed, convincing Messiahs and Miracles 201 the people by exercising the wonderful powers that had been given him." The failure of certain things to happen according to the prediction of the Messiah, Wovoka, in September, 1890, caused a temporary loss of faith on the part of the Cheyenne, but their faith was reinvigorated by the Shoshoni and Ara- paho from Wyoming, who shortly thereafter visited thera, bringing the report that " in their journey as they carae over they had met a party of Indians who had been dead thirty or forty years, but had been resurrected by the messiah, and were now going about as if they had never died." The delegates whom the Sioux sent to investigate the claims of the Paiute Messiah retumed with an account of his wonderful performances. " It was claimed that he could make animals talk and distant objects appear close at hand, and that he carae down from heaven in a cloud. He conjured up before their eyes a vision of the spirit world, so that when they looked they beheld an ocean, and beyond it a land upon which they saw ' all the nations of Indians coming home,' but as they looked the vision faded away, the messiah saying that the time had not yet come. Should the soldiers attempt to harm him, he said he need only stretch out his arms and his enemies would become powerless, or the ground would open and swaUow them. On their way home if they should kill a buffalo they raust cut off its head and tail and feet and leave them on the ground and the buffalo would come to life again." This promise was confirraed by their experience on the return trip. Said one of these delegates : " When coraing we carae to a herd of buffaloes. We kflled one and took everything except the four feet, head, and tail, and when we carae a little ways frora it there were the buffaloes corae to life again and went off." Thus was the Messiah's proraise fulfilled. A further promise of the Messiah had been, " I will shorten your journey when you feel tired of the long ways, if you call upon me." " This we did," said his followers, " when we were tired. The night came upon us, we stopped at a place and we called upon the Messiah to help us because we were tired of the long journey. We went to sleep and in 202 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan the raorning we found ourselves at a great distance from the place where we had stopped." [The above account is based on Mooney's study in 14 A. R. B. E., see especiaUy pp. 659-60, 663, 674-5, 719, 771-2, 813, 819, 821, 907, 1-^62.] The Mohammedan Mahdis reveled in miracles, scarcely one of thera failing to make pretence at being adept in their per formance. Their claims to such power have been frequently mentioned in the accounts already given of them. Even Ibn Tumart was not free from such pretensions. To restore the faith of sorae who were about to desert him he bade a few of his trusty followers subrait to burial with reeds provided for breathing purposes. He then called the weary ones to their graves and said he would prove to them the bliss of those who had died in his cause. To Ibn Tumart's question carae answers from these buried faithful followers which left in the minds of those present no doubt of the bliss in store for them. Then, when they had gone away convinced, this heartless Mahdi, reflecting that the dead tell no tales — although they had only finished doing so — filled up the vents to the graves by lighting fires over them. Their re ward was truly in the next world. [B. Meaken, Moorish Empire, 69.] A similar trick and sirailar treachery is said to have been employed by a Moorish pretender of the nine teenth century. The condemned Hallaj is described in the oldest historical books that mention him, as a reckless and unprincipled agi^ tator who " dabbled in alchemy and magic, and imposed on the vulgar by perforraing rairacles which were only the tricks of a clever conjurer." [Hastings' Ency. of Religion and Ethics, VI, 481.] Rashid ad-Din Sinan, a twelfth century Mahdi, clairaed to be able to answer letters that he had not read, and could hold conversations with a trunkless head. [Assassins, Hastings' E.R.E., II, 141.] Supernaturalism has been a frequent appeal among the Jewish peoples. The prophets of the Old Testament repeat edly appealed to natural disasters as heralds of the approach of " the day of the Lord." Joel gave assurance that the " great and dreadful day " would be announced by signs in Messiahs and Miracles 203 heaven and on earth. Prophets would appear on every side ; there would be rivers of blood, fire, smoke, a darkened sun, a bloody moon. The writer of Acts refers to sirailar oraens, [Acts II, 17-21 ; Joel ch, I and II. ] Did not Jesus also predict earthquakes, famines, pestilence in divers places, as the beginning of the birthpangs, while the immediate signs of his coming were eclipses, a darkened moon, stars falling from the sky, the air troubled, the sea roaring, the people fleeing in terror, not knowing whither they raight tum to escape the overwhelming disaster? [Matt,, Mark, Luke, See Prodigies and Portents in Hastings' Ency, of Rei, and Ethics, X,] A supernatural character befits the divine ruler. Hence to assure the divine nature of the ruler, and as a logical result of his supposed divinity, his origin was attributed to some other than natural birth, " It seems to me that a hero totaUy unlike any other huraan being could not have been born without the agency of the deity," said the biographer Arrian when discussing the parentage of Alexander the Great, " He to whora the gods theraselves reveal the future, who iraposes their will even on kings and peoples, cannot be fashioned by the sarae worab which bore us ignorant raen," said the Augustan writer Arellius Fuscus, in his discussion of astrologers. The wise ApoUonius of Tyana, a contem porary of Christ, was traditionally believed to be a descend ant of Proteus, god of Egypt, His birth was accompanied by an appropriate display of rairacles : " swans sported about the raother in the meadow, and a thunderbolt descend ing from heaven arose aloft again, thus presaging the won derful accomplishments by which ApoUonius was to be dis tinguished." Son of God was an appeUation frequently ap plied to rulers in Egypt, Babylonia, and Assyria, and in Greece and Rome to the serai-divine hero. Augustus was given the title of Dei fUius, and many wonders preceded and followed his supernatural birth, if we are to believe Suetonius. [Articles on Incarnation, in Hastings' E.R.E., VII, 188- 200.] Theudas, who was beheaded by Cuspius Fadus in 46 a, d,, and who, in the reign of Claudius, announced himself the 204 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Messiah, did not depend upon military strength or diplo macy, but looked for a miraculous establishraent by God of the Kingdom of Israel in place of the Roman empire, 'The fifth century enthusiast, Moses of Crete, inspired such faith in his power to divide the waters of the sea and lead the peo ple dry-shod to the Promised Land, that his foUowers threw themselves off a cliff into the Mediterranean, anticipating the fulfillment of the proraise, [Greenstone, 109-11,] Bar-Cochba, the Jewish Messiah who arose in Syria about A, D, 130, puffed forth burning tow from his mouth in order to give himself the appearance of spitting fire. With his knees he cast back the huge stones thrown by the Roman siege machines. [H. Graetz, History of the Jews, II, 410.] The Messiah who was foretold by Moses de Leon, in the thir teenth century, was to be heralded by signs and miracles, resurrection of the dead and mutual extermination of Ma hometans and Christians, [lb., IV, 18.] Lobele Prosnitz, the Sabbatalan impostor who flourished in Berlin early in the eighteenth century, gained divinity in the eyes of the credulous through dazzling letters on which alcohol and tur pentine burned. [Ib,, V, 219,] The Christians, while not disputing these miracles were disposed to give them another interpretation. Thus, the at tempt raade by the Jews in 363, under the benignant Era peror Julian, to rebuild the temple, was, according to the Christian writers, connected with raost wonderful miracles whose purpose was to warn the Jews and glorify Christ. [II, 601,] Miracle working has been an almost invariant accompani ment of all the messianic claims and manifestations of which we have record, giving confidence to the messiah and re kindling the ardor and faith of his followers, converting the dubious, and fortifying the confident, [Miracles, Hastings'' E,R.E,, VIII, and sec. on Miracles and Resurrection in art., Jesus Christ, lb., VII, 513-4, 523-4. Miracles, and Resur rection, in Diet, of Christ and the Gospels,] Simon Magus, so called because of his practise of sorcery, or magic, who was bom in Saraaria, and attained farae in the first half of the first century a. d., maintained his religious Messiahs and Miracles 205 prestige by means of his magic art. His Samaritan follow ers recognized hira as the incarnation of the Suprerae Deity, and he, nothing loth to accept these honors announced him self as supremely divine : " Ego sura Dei, ego sura Speciosus, ego Paracletus, ego Omnipotens, ego omnia Dei," are words attributed to him by St. Jerome. A statue is said to' have been erected to him in Rome, dedicated to " Semoni Deo Sancto." According to one early authority, Hippolytus, he was buried alive at his own request, confident that he would rise again on the third day. Another account declares he met his death when he at tempted, in proof of supernatural power, to fly, falling, in answer to the prayers of Peter, and fracturing his thigh and ankle bones ; then. In despair, committing suicide. The church fathers, from Irenaeus on, declare he was re garded by his followers as Messiah, a manifestation of the supreme deity. Some suppose him to be the Antichrist so frequently referred to In the Apocalyptic writings, [See the accounts given in art, Messiahs, False, in the Ency. Bibl., and in the Cyclopaedia of Bibl., Theol. and Eccles. Litera ture.] In 1167, the same year that Da-vid Alroy proclairaed his messiahship in Fez, to' the great detriment of the Jews of that place, an Arabian professed to be the Messiah, and to work miracles. He declared he was a prophet sent from God, and suggested that, to test his claims, they sever his head, assuring them that he would retum to life afterward. The king applied the test, nothing loth to take the clairaant at his word ; resurrection did not follow. Not long after this a Jew dwelling beyond the Euphrates called himself Messiah and drew after him a large following. As a proof of his raission he declared he had been cured of leprosy in the course of a night. He, too, perished, with consequent hard fate for his devotees. In 1178 a false Messiah arose in Persia, seducing with miracles many of the people. In 1176 David Almasser, in Mora^via, a great cabbalist, pretended he could make himself invisible. In 1199 David el-David, a man of learning, and a magician, clairaed messiahship in Persia. [Ib.] 206 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Simflarly, the Antichrist is expected to perform miracles nuraerous and wonderful. " The Man-fiend wiU heal the sick, raise the dead, restore sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, speech to the dumb; he wiU raise storms and calm them, will remove raountains, raake trees flourish or wither at a word. He will rebufld the teraple at Jerusalem, raaking the Holy City the capital of the world. Popular opinion added that his vast wealth would be obtained frora hidden treasures, which are now being concealed by the deraons for his use." [Frora Rabanus Maurus' work on the life of Antichrist, given by S. Baring-Gould, Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, 168. Boston, 1889.] Cagliostro, the God on earth heralded by Cardinal De Rohan shortly before the French Revolution, was a worker of prodigious rairacles. He raade diaraonds out of nothing and had unbounded wealth. On one occasion he coUected his followers about hira to witness the resurrection of the athe ist, D'Alembert. The Encyclopedist appeared, a skeleton wrapped in a winding sheet, and assured them that there was no other world — presumably not even the one from which he had come. In 1781 he was astonishing the people of Stras burg by his cures. According to his own version he had been a friend of Abraham as well as one of the guests at the wed ding in Cana, and raeanwhile had discovered the art of living forever. A cardinal of the church, De Rohan, erected to him a marble bust bearing an inscription hafling him as God of the earth. [Shailer Mathews, The French Revolution, 49- 50 New York, 1911. A short time before this, during the reign of Louis XVI, owing to the prevalence of miracles at a Jansenist's grave, the gates at the St. Meddard Cemetery were closed. Next morning over the locked gates appeared the foUowing inscription : " By order of the king. God is hereby forbidden to work miracles in this place."] CHAPTER VIII THE MESSIAH AND POLITICS Judaism THE career of the Messiah anticipated by the Samaritan colony at Shechem, in Syria, will be one of " victory and tranqufl rule, primarily religious, but with some political significance." [Open Court, May and Septeraber, 1907.] The messianic ideal of Israel has never lost its political tinge. It began -with political aspirations foremost and they have never receded, save here and there and for a raoraent only, into the background. This belief we have already discussed in the chapter on the Jewish Messiah where we have sho-wn the very large extent to which this Messiah was a savior frora poUtical oppression. There is good reason for the political affiliation. Sorae kind of belief in a future of rewards and punishments seems necessary to a nation groaning under oppression. Under the most stinging wrongs they hope, and hope breeds belief in salvation. Then is the future assured. So throughout Judaism the raessianic ideal, though little raore than an uneasy dream of an ideal future, has brightened the existing present reality and made it tolerable. The political needs have called forth a long succession of Messiahs who, in turn, have fanned the flames and kept these needs allA'e. Only in the dying coraraunity of isolated Jews in China has this ideal faded frora sight. [Israel Abraharas, Jewish Life in the Middle Ages, 5, 168. Philadelphia, 1911. G. Karpeles, A Sketch of Jewish History, 34ff. Emfl Schiirer, History of the Jewish People in the Time of Christ. Second Division, II, 128ff. New York. No date. Art., China (Jews in), Hast ings' E.R.E.] The conditions surrounding the inception of the messianic 207 208 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan hope have already been referred to. We may now make brief reference to the political crises wluch at once gave origin and impetus to this belief. The great forward movement in the religion of Israel dates from about the middle of the eighth century b. c, a tirae of outward prosperity, the long Araraaen war being over, and the frontiers, thanks to Jeroboam II, rectified to the advantage of Israel. To Jahweh was given the credit for Israel's victories and the resurgent commerce which came in their train. He was duly repaid by offerings and sacri fices, though the material for them was frequently the result of extortion and robbery. But Araos, the first of these prophets whose writings have been given the honor of a separate book, saw the threat writ ten in the expanding power of Assyria, that wolf which was already prowling about the fold. It was this impending ca lamity, unforeseen by the masses, which called forth the stir ring eloquence of this prophet. He demanded a new con ception of Jahweh and a new ethical attitude toward him. As the day of national reckoning approached, Hosea sought to continue the ethical reform of Amos and instil even loftier ideas of Jahweh's demands upon Israel, Next came Isaiah, who dared to state that Assyria had been, in the hand of Jahweh, a scourge to punish Israel for her wickedness ; this being accoraplished, Assyrian arabition and cruelty raust be punished. About the year 626 news of the havoc which the Scythians were working in the districts north of Palestine, raenacing Judah itself, caused the prophets to preach repentance in order to avert the threatened blow. It was at this crisis that Jereraiah spoke and wrought great influence in giving trend to the religious development. The prophet's acti-vity was again aroused by the defeat of Pharaoh at the battle of Carchemish. " His earlier anticipation of Judah's ruin at the hands of a foe frora the north had not been realized ; the Scythians carae very near but there is no evidence that they invaded Judah, Now, however, there was the prospect of the domination of a raore powerful nation, namely, Chaldea, Accordingly, in the fourth year of Jehoiakim (about 604— The Messiah and Politics 209 603 B. c), Jereraiah directed his disciple, Baruch, to write down a number of prophecies which he had composed since the beginning of his ministry in 626, with the object of showing that the judgment then threatened had been raerely postponed and not averted," The first reference to the raes sianic age probably dates frora the period of the ruin of the kingdom which was consequent upon the capture of Zede kiah, It was in the later religious gathering at Shechem that national sentiment was greatly stimulated. [Israel, Hast ings' E.R.E., VII. See Zech., iii, 8 and vi, 12.] The second century b, c, furnishes another excellent in stance of the relation between politics and religion. The Maccabaean war was, in its inception, purely a religious affair. The Jews took up arras against the Syrians to de fend the Law, which had been greatly endangered by the persecutions of Antiochus IV Epiphanes. This explains the participation in the revolt of that rigidly and exclusively reUgious party, the Hasidaeans. When, in 166, Judas Mac cabaeus purified the temple defiled by Antiochus Epiphanes, and restored the Jewish religion, the aims which inspired the war were accoraplished. The treaty of Lysias (162) en sured the religious liberty of the Jews. The Hasidaeans, having attained their object, refrained from further partici pation in the war, the political aims being secured through the continued prosecution of the war by the Maccabaeans. [Hasidaeans, Hastings' E.R.E., VI, 526. Judaisra, lb., VII, 586-7. Israel, lb., 456,] Had all the Jews in later Roraan days accepted one leader, instead of dissipating their energies by following now this, now that, Messiah, the poUtical consequences raight well have been very forraldable, " Had the Jews under Vespasian acted with the sarae united energy as in the revolt under Hadrian, the struggle would have been a forraidable one; and their Messiah raight perhaps have been for imperial what Hannibal was for consular Rome," [J, H, Allen, op, cit,, 421, As Israel Cohen (op, cit,) has conclusively shown, disintegration of the faith, separation into ever- widening sects and creeds, is breaking up the racial integrity of the Jews and raaking the prospect of a revived Jewish na- 210 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan tion correspondingly more remote. " Since the dawn of emancipation a change has come over Jewry."] David el-David, the Persian Messiah who operated in the last years of the twelfth century, raised an army against the king, though he was defeated and beheaded, vast num bers of Jews suffering a similar fate for the part they had taken in the rebellion, [See art, Messiah, in Cyclopaedia of Bibl,, Theol,, and Eccl. Lit,, Vol, VI,] As we have seen in the account given of various Jewish Messiahs, many, if not most of them, were iraplicated in political moveraents, Mohammedanism. A: Africa and Arabia As early as the seventh century a, d,, Abd el MeUk found hiraself involved in a war with the followers of Solman, These were under the command of a daring leader by narae of Moktar who claimed to be a lieutenant of the Mahdi prora ised by the Prophet, The Mahdi referred to was the son of Ali by another wife than Fatima, and, at that time was living in retirement at Mecca, Ibn Tumart, of whora an account has already been given, imbued the surrounding tribes with an Intense devotion to his sanctity, while, by the compilation of several important works in their own tongue — notably the Murslfldah, " Di rectress " or " Guide," and the Tanhid or " Unity,"— he impressed them with his learning and thus added to their adrairation. At last his followers carae to blows ¦with the imperial troops, and were defeated. Later, however, having gained the support of the Masmuda tribes he carae into con trol of affairs. He then devoted himself raore than ever to the austerities of hermit Ufe, leaving political affairs in the hands of his foUower, Abd el Mumin, [B, Meaken, Moorish Empire, 66—70,] The movement of revolt started among the Berber tribes of Algeria in a, d, 902 was headed by a missionary who gave hiraself out as forerunner of the Mahdi, proraised them abundant goods of both worlds, and caUed thera to arms. " Then there appeared among them Sa'id, the son of Ahmad, the son of Abd Allah, the son of Mayraun the occulist ; but The Messiah and Politics 211 it was not under that narae. He was now Ubayd Allah al- Mahdi himself, a descendant of AU and of Muhammad ibn Israa'il, for whom his ancestors were supposed to have worked and built up this conspiracy. In a. h. 296 (a. d. 909) he was saluted as Commander of the Faithful, with the title of al-Mahdi. So far the conspiracy had succeeded." [MacDonald, Mu,slim Theology, 44-5,] Not long since, the head of the Brotherhood of as-Sanusi, founded in 1837 by Mohararaad ibn Ali as-Sanusi, established a theocratic state at Jarabub, in the eastern Sahara, between Egypt and Tripoli, It has been predicted that this order is fomenting plans which will soon take a political turn, " Sooner or later," says Mr, MacDonald, " Europe — in the first instance, England in Egypt and France in Algeria — will have to face the bursting of this storm. For this Mahdi is different from him of Khartura and the southern Sudan in that he knows how to rule and wait; for years he has gathered arms and araraunitions, and trained raen for the great Jehad, When his plans are ready and his tirae is corae, a new chapter will be opened in the history of Islara, a chapter which wfll cast into forgetfulness even the recent volcanic outburst in China. It will then be for the Ottoman Sultan of the time to show what he and his Khalifate are worth. He wiU have to decide whether he will throw in his lot with a Mahdi of the old Islam and the drearas of a Muslim millenniura, or boldly turn to new things and carry the Successorship and the People of Muhammad to join the civflized world," [Op, cit,, 61-3, Written in 1903, E. W. Latimer, Europe in Africa, 78. Africa, in Hastings' E,R,E., I, 161,] Though this prophecy has not yet been fulfilled, it was no very rash one. Since the early centuries of Mohamme danism Berber leaders have been wont to appear in the guise and with the claims of prophets, men rairaculously gifted and with a message from God. " These wild tribesraen, with all their fanaticisra for their own tribal liberties, have always been peculiarly accessible to the genius which clairas its mis sion from heaven. So they had taken up the Fatimid cause [in the fourth century a. h.] and worshipped Ubayd Allah, 212 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan the Mahdi, And so they continued thereafter, and stiU continue to be swayed by saints, darwishes, and prophets of all degrees of insanity and cunning. As time went on, there came a change In these prophet-led risings and saint- founded states. They graduaUy slipped over from being frankly anti-Muhammadan, to being equaUy frankly Muslim, The theology of Islam easily afforded them the necessary point of connection. All that the prophet of the day need do was to claira the position of the Mahdi, that Guided One, who according to the tradition of Muhammad was to come before the last day, when the earth shall be filled with vio lence, and to fill It again with righteousness. It was easy for each new Mahdi to select from the vast and contradic tory mass of traditions in Muslim eschatology those which best fitted his person and his time," The political danger in Algiers and Morocco of these Mohammedan sects with their inspired and inspiring leaders has been recognized by both French and English. The di rect action of the Sanusiyah in the insurrections in Algiers seems not yet proven, but " even though no overt acts can be alleged, yet the widespread influence of their teaching and their known dislike to all modern methods of civilization have doubtless been very powerful factors in leading others on in the way of raore active and pronounced opposition, and their Zawiyahs have always been open to rebellion." This is not surprising. The raotto of the order is : " The Turks and the Christians are in the sarae category : we ¦will destroy them both at the sarae tirae," The Sanusiyah is the most irrecon cilable enemy of the French, and reflects the growing discon tent in the MusUm world over the increasing occupation by Christians of lands till lately open to the followers of Islara. [SeU, Essays on Islam, Ch. on Religious Orders. Frisch, Le Maroc, 190. Castries, L'Islam, 238. Meakin, The Moor ish Empire, 198. Duveyrier, La Confrerie Mtistdmane, 14. Silva White, From Sphinx to Oracle, 27, 124.] In 1910 warning was again given of the danger to Euro pean interests involved in the religio-polltical organization of the Senoussi of North Africa. The Senoussi was a great religious chief who held court in the Hinterland of Tunis. The Messiah and Politics 213 The slaves in particular accepted the new faith with avidity for it promised them a new dignity as well as a doorway to freedom. " If the Senoussi gave the signal, hundreds of thousands of brave swordsraen and rifle-bearers would pre cipitate themselves upon the Europeans and the Turks who, between them, held North Africa." [The Spectator, March 10, 1910.] The Moorish Pretender has indeed been just such a dangerous character as was prophesied. [He is de scribed by A. J. Dawson, Things Seen in Morocco. New York, 1904.] After Italy joined the Entente nations in May, 1915, the order assumed a raore and more unfriendly attitude toward them and an increasingly friendly attitude toward their enemy Turkey. [Senussi, in New Inter. Ency. (1916), XX, 708, and in Ency. Britt., XXIV, 649-51.] A man by the name of Mokrani, claiming to be the Mahdi, raised an insurrection in 1870. Many similar insurrections directed against the invaders, followed the French occupation of Tunisia in 1881. [Revue Tunisiemie, IX (1902), 205.] At least one writer has recognized the political iraportance of Mahdiism in Abyssinia and has sounded a note of warning. [A. B. Wylde, Modern Abyssinia, 11, 71. London, 1901.] The Alids inspired the people with the idea that the Mahdi would corae from the house of Ali. His word was truth and to hira explicit obedience was due. Further political raoves linked them by still stronger bonds to the cause of the Mahdi, without whose success they could never be recompensed for the great sacrifices made to the cause. In A. H. 270, when the government attempted to apprehend a raan whom they considered dangerous, a certain AbdaUah Ibn Maimun al- Qaddah, he escaped to Basra. There he lived for some time in hiding. Later his grandson, UbaidaUah, went to northern Syria and thence to Egypt and the far west of North Africa, where he appeared in A. H. 297 at Kalrwan, as the Mahdi and first Khalifate of the Fatimids. Some separated from hira, refusing to acknowledge him as the Mahdi, his political power being to that extent impaired. [Art. Carmations, In Hastings' E.R.E., Ill, 222-5 ; see above, Ch. on The Mahdi.] " Abu-Abdallah, the son of a lamplighter in the mosque of 214 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan his native village, was a man of exceptional ability as well as of unusual training. He studied in the best schools of his day — Cordova, Bagdad, and Cairo, where he displayed great aptitude as well as great zeal. After the completion of his education he retumed to his home araong the tribesmen of Masmoudah in the country of Sus. His travels and his studies, directed by a keen and vigorous intellect, had given him a profound insight into human nature, while the supe riority of his literary attainments obtained for him the great est respect frora the simple and ignorant shepherds among whora his lot was cast. From the day of his retum, he af fected an air of mystery well calculated to impose upon a credulous and highly imaginative people. He assumed the title of Al-Mahdi, or The Leader, a word synonymous with Messiah, a personage whose advent has been predicted by the founders of alraost every sect of Oriental origin. He de- clairaed with audacity and eloquence against the sins of the degenerate Moslems. In common with all reformers whose success demands a real or apparent exhibition of sanctity, his life afforded an edifying example of self-denial and of the practice of the raost austere virtue. His garments were scanty and of the coarsest materials. His sole possessions consisted of a staff and a leathern bottle. Subsisting upon alms, and sleeping in the court-yards of the mosques, where, during the day, with impassioned oratory, he exhorted the wayward to repentance, he did not remain long in solitude. Crowds gathered to participate in his devotions and to enjoy the benefit of his prayers. The erratic genius of the Berber, impressed with an exhibitiou so congenial with its nature and actuated by the love of novelty, soon recognized in the holy man a guide whose inspiration was directly derived from heaven. Among the first of his disciples was a youth of dis tinguished lineage and unusual personal attractions, naraed Abd-al-Muraen, whora the Mahdi, as he was now universaUy called, selected as his councillor, and whose talents for war and executive abflity, as soon becarae evident, were superior to those of any indi^ridual of his tirae. Accorapanied by a sraaU band of followers, the Mahdi advanced by easy stages to Morocco, the depravity of whose citizens he constantly Tlie Messiah and Politics 215 represented as worthy of the severest punishment that could be inflicted by the wrath of an outraged Deity. " The first public act of the Mahdi after his arrival was one whose unparalleled audacity was admirably calculated to establish the sacredness of his pretended mission as far as the raost distant frontiers of the empire. On one of the Fridays of the festival of Ramadhan, a great concourse had assembled in the principal mosque of the capital to await the coming of the Sultan. Before the royal cortege appeared, an emaciated figure, meanly clad and intoning In deep and solemn accents verses from the Koran, strode through the assemblage and seated hiraself, without cereraony, on the throne. The reraonstrances of the attendants of the raosque produced no effect on the intruder, and even at the approach of Ali himself he retained his seat, while the entire congre gation rose and stood reverently in the presence of their monarch. In the raind of devout Moslems, mental eccen tricity and insanity are nqt infrequently considered evi dences of divine inspiration; the most outrageous denunci ations are received with humility by the greatest potentates ; and, encouraged by impunity, the dervish and the saint, sure of the toleration of the sovereign and the applause of the multitude, do not hesitate to violate every feeling of decency and reverence in the prosecution of their schemes of irapos ture. The existence of this superstitious prejudice pre vented the raolestation of the Mahdi, whose reputation had preceded him, but whose person was as yet unknown to the inhabitants of Morocco. Not content with usurping his place, the audacious reforraer even ventured, in scathing terms, to reprove the Sultan in the presence of the asserably, and warned hira that if he did not correct the faults of his govemment and the vices of his subjects he would be speedily called upon to render an account of his neglect to God. The amazement and consternation of the Prince were only ex ceeded by the apprehensions of the people, who awaited, with equal anxiety, the accomplishment of a rairacle or the out break of a revolution. " From that day the religious authority of the Mahdi was established throughout the African dorainions of Ali. His 216 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan audiences were nurabered by the thousands. Proselytes in vast multitudes assented to his doctrines, and his movements began to seriously occupy the attention of the govemment, whose officials saw with unconcealed dread his fast-increas ing popularity and the effect which his harangues and his ostentatious asceticism were producing upon the capricious and easily deluded masses. He was examined by the minis ters, some of whom advised his immediate execution, but, as he had hitherto confined himself to religious exhortations and had asserted no pretensions to the exercise of temporal sovereignty, the impolitic clemency of Ali, unmindful of the simflar circumstances which had attended the elevation of his own famfly to power, dismissed, unharmed, the most danger ous enemy of his life and his throne. The lesson he had just been taught was not lost on the wary impostor, who, of all distinctions, coveted least the honors of martyrdom. He left the capital and repaired to Fez, where for a considerable period he kept himself in seclusion, but, through his devoted emissaries, still retaining and indeed increasing his influence over the ignorant populace, deeply Impressed with the mys tery that surrounded his movements as well as with the oracu lar messages with which he nourished the curiosity and stimu lated the expectations of his foUowers. At length, without warning, he reappeared in the streets of Morocco. The en thusiastic welcome he received made it apparent that his popularity had been in no respect diminished during his ab sence. His insolence and his extravagance now became more offensive than ever. He denounced, in epithets conveying the greatest opprobrium, the public and private conduct of the monarch and his court. Assisted by his disciples, he seized the wine vessels in the bazaars and emptied their contents into the streets. The sight of a rausical instrument roused hira to fury and was the signal for its destruction, as well as for the raaltreatment of its owner. His piety could not tolerate even the songs of mirth, and those who presumed to enjoy this harmless arausement in his hearing were speedily sflenced with a shower of blows. The climax of impudence and outrage was attained when the Mahdi, having one day encountered in one of the public thoroughfares of the capi- The Messiah and Politics 217 tal the sister of Ali, who, in corapliance with the prevalent custom of the Moorish ladies of Africa and Spain, had dis carded the veil, roundly abused her for this violation of the injunctions of the Prophet and ended by precipitating her from her saddle into the gutter, to the horror and consterna tion of her nuraerous retinue. An offence of this flagrant character coraraitted by one unprotected by the influence of the grossest superstition would, under Oriental law, have been instantly punishable with death. But the reverence enter tained for the sacred profession of culprit, the general sus picion of his want of responsibfllty, and a fatal indifference to his rapidly increasing power suggested the Iraposltion of an insignificant penalty, and the bold and reckless innovator was banished from the city. In obedience to the letter, if not to the spirit of his sentence, he betook himself to a neighbor ing cemetery, erected there a miserable hovel, and surrounded by the significant memorials of the dead, began anew his prophecies of impending evil and his declamations against the vice and corruption of the dignitaries of the empire. The leniency with which his offences had been treated by the authorities was distorted by fear and fanaticism into perse cution and injustice, and the -violator of law was at once exalted into a martyr. The passions of the ignorant were then artfully aroused by the representations that the life of their leader wa.s threatened, and a body-guard of fifteen hundred well-armed soldiers was organized to watch con stantly over the safety of the self-styled Messenger of God. The Sultan now began to realize, when too late, the results of his iU-timed indulgence. He sent a pereraptory order for the Mahdi to leave the vicinity of the capital. The lat ter, aUeging that he had already coraplied with the directions of his sovereign as indicated by the sentence of his banish ment, and feeling secure in the raidst of his devoted adherents, at first declined to abandon his position ; but, on hearing that measures were already taken for his assassination, he fled in haste to the distant town of Tinaraal, where he had disclosed his pretended mission. " Of all the prophets and reforraers, the progenitors of dynasties, the conquerors of kingdoms, the restorers of the 218 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Faith, which from its origin have appeared in the domain of Islam, none possess a greater claim to' distinction than Abu-AbdaUah, sumamed the Mahdi, the founder of the sect of the Almohades. Without the comraanding genius and originality of Moharamed, he equalled that remarkable per sonage in keenness of perception and energy of character, and far surpassed hira in education, in eloquence, in practical acquaintance with the foibles and the prejudices of huraan- Ity. The suggestive exaraples of his predecessors, who had attained to supreme power through pretensions to inspira tion and martial achievements, incited him to establish for himself a political and religious empire. With more of the charlatan and less of the soldier in his mental composition than had characterized raany reformers, he retained to the last his retiring asceticism, but in case of emergency he did not hesitate to boldly risk his life on the field of battle. No scholar was better versed than he in the literature and sci ence of his age. His sagacity was proof against the insinu ating arts of the most accomplished negotiator. In the prosecution of his ambitious projects he never considered the corafort or the safety of his foUowers ; in the exaction of his vengeance every sentiraent of pity and Indulgence was ruth lessly cast aside. His Influence over his disciples was raain tained by appeals to superstition and by arts of imposture congenial with the temperament of the ignorant and the credulous. To conceal these frauds, the wretched instru ments by whora they had been effected were promptly put to death. Such persons as were sO' unfortunate as to incur the enraity of the false Prophet were buried alive. Such was the extent of his power over the raasses, that the criraes perpe trated by his orders or with his sanction were regarded in the light of virtues ; that his spurious clairas to divinity were accepted by entire nations who revered hira even more than his great prototype Mohamraed, and who demonstrated their enduring faith in his mission by raising his friend and suc cessor, to whora his authority had descended, to an equality with the greatest potentates of the age." [S. P. Scott, History of the Moorish Empire in Europe, II, 249-54, 259- 60. London, 1904.] The Messiah and Politics 219 There, in the raosque, he [Abu-Abdallah] first openly an nounced his claim to temporal power. A sympathetic audi ence was excited to frenzy by his mysterious predictions and his fervid eloquence ; his claim to universal dominion as the Champion of the Faith and the restorer of the purity of Islara was received with vociferous applause by the multi tude, and in the midst of the turmofl Abd-al-Mumen and ten of his companions, rising and drawing their swords, swore eternal fealty to their leader. Their example was followed by the entire congregation ; and thus, a second time, in the centre of the Sahara was inaugurated a Mohararaedan refor mation the precursor of a gigantic but unsubstantial and impermanent empire. This decisive step had no sooner been taken than the Mahdi proceeded to organize his govemment by the appointraent of civil and military officials. Abd-al- Mumen was made vizier; the ten proselytes who had sworn aUegiance in the raosque were united In a Suprerae Council ; and the subordinate bodies, composed respectively of fifty and seventy disciples, were charged with the raanageraent of affairs of Inferior moment ; the result of their deliberations being subject to the approval or rejection of the Mahdi himself. The revolutionists, whose numbers, daily recruited by accessions from the martial tribes of the Desert had now become formidable, assuraed the narae of Alraohades, or Uni tarians, not only to distinguish thera from the Christians, whose trinitarian dogma and adoration of images caused them to be designated by all Moslems as idolaters, but to indicate as well a retum to the original sirapllcity of Islam, long corrupted by the heterodox practices and dissolute man ners of their Almoravlde rivals. A strange and mysterious fatality seemed to attach to the fortunes of the latter in every field where they encountered the armies of the newly arisen Prophet. In four successive engagements the soldiers of Ali, seized with a panic in the presence of the enemy, yielded to the attack of the Berber cavalry ; their standards and baggage were taken, and thousands of fugitives, butch ered in headlong flight, expiated with the loss of life and honor their efferalnacy and their cowardice. " The opinion generally prevalent in the rainds of the illit- 220 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan erate, that raflitary success is an infallible criterion of reli gious tmth, began to produce its effect on the Almoravides. The terror experienced by them at the sight of the enemy — really due to relaxation of discipline and apprehension of the miraculous powers of an audacious charlatan — was universally attributed to supernatural influence. The mis sion of the Mahdi required no further demonstration of its divine origin. Henceforth his utterances were received by both friend and enemy as the oracles of God. His credit daily increased among the credulous and passionate inhabi tants of the Desert. The Alraoravide soldiers shrank frora an encounter with a foe whose white standards seeraed to be invested with the raystic qualities of a talisraan. The Mahdi, renouncing in a raeasure his character of affected huraility, now assuraed the porap of a sovereign. He surrounded him self with a splendidly appointed body-guard. His throne was approached by suppliants for favor with the debasing and complicated cereraonial of Oriental despotism. He de manded, in arrogant and menacing language, subraission and tribute from Ali, who, dejected from repeated misfortune, began to share with his ignorant subjects the awe which en veloped the person and the attributes of his triumphant and forraidable adversary. The plans of the latter had hereto fore been accoraplished without an established base of oper ations, the caraps of the Alraohades being moved from place to place over the drifting sands of the Desert ; but now, the direction of an army of twenty thousand raen, the subsistence and shelter of a vast multitude of non-combatants, and the dignity and power of a new and growing political organiza tion urgently demanded a settled habitation and a recognized centre of authority. Among the lofty crags of a mountain spur extending from the range of Tlemcen to the Atlantic stood the village of Tinamal. Its retired situation, its natu ral defences, its proximity to both the rich cities of the coast and the fertile regions of the Interior, the character of its people, who were to a man ardent believers in the raission of the Mahdi, made it an admirable point either for the in auguration of a conquest or the institution of an harassing system of predatory warfare. It was approached by narrow The Messiah and Politics 221 and tortuous paths which, -winding along the raountain side, disclosed, on the one hand, an Inaccessible cliff, on the other, an abyss whose depths were shrouded in perpetual gloom. From its battlements, almost hidden in the clouds, the prog ress of a hostile party could be watched for railes as, with slow and uncertain steps, it pursued its hazardous way. In this mountain fastness the Mahdi fixed his residence and es tablished his capital. The natural impediments in the path of an invader were greatly multiplied by the artificial re sources of engineering skill. Towers and fortresses were raised at points comraanding the various approaches to the mountain stronghold. Drawbridges were thrown across roaring torrents. Walls and gateways obstructed the pas sage, where an insignificant force might with ease check the progress of a nuraerous army. The village of Tinamal soon becarae a city, whose inhabitants, subsisting by the plunder of their neighbors, becarae the scourge and the terror of the peaceable and defenceless subjects of Ali. After a long sojourn in his seat of power, the Mahdi about to succurab to a fatal disease, deterrained to signaUze his closing days by an enterprise worthy of the pretensions he had assuraed and of the success which had hitherto favored his undertak ings. An army of forty thousand men was asserabled for the capture of Morocco. In a desperate conflict under the wall of that city, the Almoravides, who outnumbered their oppo nents two to one, were put to fUght and pursued with terrible carnage to its gates. But the fortunes of the Almohades, heretofore invincible, were now destined to receive a serious blow. Unaccustomed to the conduct of a siege, the soldiers of Abd-al-Mumen habituaUy neglected the precautions which, in the presence of an enemy, are Indispensable to the security of a camp. Within the immense circuit of the capital were marshalled for a final struggle the collected resources of the empire. Thousands of fugitives from the recent disastrous battle had found asylum behind its walls. Reinforcements had been drawn from every African province as well as from the diminished Andalusian armies, their own strength already sorely taxed by repeated incursions of the Christian foe. The constructing and handUng of raflitary engines were con- 222 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan fided to a body of Byzantine and Sicflian engineers enlisted for that purpose. The soldiery was animated by the pres ence and exaraple of the Sultan, who had for the time aban doned the Koran for the sword, and stood ready to perform the part of a valiant and resolute coraraander. The citizens, moved to desperation by the approach of an enemy whose relentless character had been established by the raassacre of fugitives and prisoners, and frora whose ferocity, aggravated by prolonged opposition, they could expect no indulgence, co-operated manfully with the garrison in the defence of their homes, their families, their property and their king. The first sallies of the Almoravides, conducted by leaders trained to partisan encounters in the wars of Spain, were signally disastrous to the besiegers. The latter, suddenly checked in an uninterrupted career of victory, were disconcerted and disraayed, and their confidence was shaken in proportion as the spirits of their adversaries rose. The attacks of the latter became more vigorous and deterrained; a general engageraent followed, the Alraohades were routed with terrific slaughter, and it was only by the exertion of strenuous effort that Abd-al-Muraen and a handful of sur-vivors were enabled to escape the lances of the Alraoravide cavalry. The depres sion caused by a single disaster was more potent in its effect upon the minds of the disciples of the Mahdi than the pres tige derived from a score of ¦victories. The influence which had exercised its mysterious sway over the iraagination of all who had presuraed to dispute the clairas of the irapostor was perceptibly impaired. The fickle tribesmen deserted his standard by thousands. But in the course of a few years his eloquence and tact were able to repair the losses he had sustained; another army coraraanded by Abd-al-Muraen issued from the mountains, and a brilliant victory obtained over the followers of Ali retrieved the honor and credit of the Almohade cause. The Mahdi did not long survive his triuraph. Overcome with the excitement occasioned by the retum of his soldiers with their array of spofls and cap tives, he died, after having committed to the faithful Abd-al- Mumen the accomplishment of the task of conquest and refor mation which he had so successfully begun." [S. P. Scott, The Messiah and Politics History of the Moorish Empire in Europe, II, 254—9. Lon don, 1904.] The Mahdist movement of the Egyptian Sudan was in spired mainly by the political oppression under which the people suffered. The followers of the Mahdi were first and foreraost the Baggara who " perceived in this Mahdi one who could be used to' shake off Egyptian rule." His followers regarded hira as the only true coraraander of the faithful, endued with divine power to conquer the whole world. He did, in fact, liberate the Sudanese frora the extortions of the Egyptians and, at the time of his death, was planning an invasion of Egypt. [Sudan, in Ency. Britt., XXVI, 17.] The Wahabis, a liberal sect of Mohamraedanism, not only sought emancipation from the shams and ceremonials and elaborate superstitions of Islara, but also revolted against their political oppressors and sought to free themselves from Turkish tyranny. [See The Bookman, Vol. XLV, 498.] The first rebellion in Andalusia after the death of Abd-er- Rahraan, came, not from Christians, nor frora any special political sect of Arabs or Berbers, but from certain devout sons of Islam, namely, the theological students of Cordova. [Stanley Lane-Poole, The Moors in Spain, 73. New York, 1898.] The Moors of Almonacir, Spain, after the decree of expul sion (1526), fortified theraselves in a castle near Saragossa and placed their hopes in succor frora Africa in the prom ised resurrection of the Moor Alfatimi, who was to return mounted on his green horse. [H. C. Lea, The Moriscos of Spain, 90. Philadelphia, 1901. The belief in a raounted Mohararaedan warrior of great or raagic power, hidden away in some recess of the country, to reappear later, was a com mon element in the beliefs of the Spanish Moors. Cf. Wash ington Irving, Legends of the Alhambra. Philadelphia, 1910 ; and The Alhambra.] In 1609 the Moriscos at Muela de Cortes, Spain, who had taken refuge in the mountain fastnesses, at first demanded a year in which to prepare for the expatriation ordered and then, when these were carried out, they revolted, but gave up when the hope that Alfatimi, whom tradition declared had 224 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan been concealed under the mountains since the days of King Jayne, was dissipated. " Araong all Mohammedans religious fanaticism is consid ered as the best safeguard of national sentiment, the most effective raeans of patriotic exultation, and the strongest weapon of resistance to foreign aggression. That," writes Araeen Rihani, " Is why the new kingdora of Arabia is based foreraost on the clairas and sanctions of Islara." [The Revo lution in Arabia, The Bookman, July, 1917, Vol. XLV.] Rihani has characterized the Arabian revolution of 1917 as of purely religious nature in origin. The proclaraation of the Grand Sherif and of the Uleraa of Mecca quote the Koran in justification of the revolution and call upon the Arabs to arise and re-establish a pure State of Islara in accordance with the Sunnah and the Sacred Traditions of the Prophet. " The new kingdom of Arabia," in the words of the proclamation, " has the sanction in the book of Allah and is destined to revive the glory and the pristine purity of the Faith." " And so," remarks Rihani, " Sherif Hussein, raainly by virtue of his religious office, was the chosen leader." India The fact that most of the Hindu efforts at reform have originated during the past few years is taken by some as indicative of the influence of Christianity. [For example, by Ptatt, India and Its Faiths, 166. London, 1915.] But the political aspirations have played such a dominant role that Christianity can be given only partial credit for them, and perhaps a minor credit. Though these politico-religious movements in India have been largely inspired by Hindus, Sir Valentine Chirol goes too far when he asks us to believe that they have been confined to Hindus. The evidence abun dantly disproves his statement that " not a single Mohamme dan of any account is to be found in the ranks of disaffected politicians." [Indian Unrest, 5. London, 1910.] As a Hindu paper, the Dharma of Calcutta, said when discussing Indian Unrest, " politics is part of religion, but it has to be cultivated in an Aryan way in accordance with The Messiah and Politics 225 the precepts of the Aryan religion." Kartiki, the god who is the chief commander of the armies of the gods, has come into the fray. " He is coming forward with his bow to as sist you against the deraons of sin, who stand In the way of your accoraplishing that great object, and as he is up in arms, who can resist? " The first attack of the Hindu against the British was inspired by zeal to offset the teaching of the Christian mis sionaries, beginning with a campaign, inaugurated in 1887 by the Hindu Tract Society of Madras, designed to influ ence the loyal Hindus against the missionaries. With few exceptions, " wherever political agitation assumes the most virulent character, there the Hindu revival also assumes the most extravagant shapes." Well raay the Brahraan exclaira : " If Mother India, though reduced to a mere skeleton by the oppression of alien rulers during hundreds of years, stiU pre serves her vitality, it is because the Brahmans have never relaxed In their devotion to her." In recent years Brahmaps have figured prominently, not only in the social and religious revivals of India, but also' in the political move ments that have been their almost invariant accompanlraent. [Ib., Ch. H to IV.] These agitations have by no raeans been confined to the Hindus. So strong has been the political power of the Mo hammedan priests in the Punjab that one disgruntled Eng lishman declared they have contributed nothing to the com mon stock but inflammatory counsel and " a fanatical yell in the rear of the battle." [H. B. Edwards, A Year on the Punjab Frontier in 184.8-9, 1, 89-90. London, 1851.] The great tribal upheaval that occurred In the Malakand in 1897 was due to the priesthood of the Afghan border, who realized that the influence of civilization was detrimental to the Mohammedan religion, " A great day for their race and faith was at hand. Presently the moraent would arrive. They must watch and be ready. The mountains became as full of explosives as a magazine," and the Mad Mullah, whose exploits we have depicted elsewhere, precipitated the conflict. [W. L. S. Churchill, The Story of the Malakand Field Force, Ch. III. London, 1898.] 226 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan In India the sixteenth century was a period of political depression and of the decay of religious zeal. The wicked ness which prevailed was attributed to the worldliness of the Ulama. These Ularaa corabined the functions of judge, magistrate, lawyer, and divine. When the cry had been raised against these functionaries, " every man with a griev ance, every man smarting under injustice, was ready to join in the chorus. Meantime earnest men were preaching that the Lord of the period was about to appear. They formed brotherhoods holding property in comraon. They aban doned their ordinary avocations, and lived on charity. They met together every day to rant and pray. They devoted themselves, heart and soul, to converting backsliders and preparing the world for Mahdi. The natural result fol lowed. False Mahdis appeared in all directions, surrounded by crack-brained disciples. . . . The fanaticism was not confined to the lower order. . . . Many men of distinguished learning caught the infection." [J. Talboys Wheeler, His tory of India under Mussulman Rule, Vol. IV, Pt. I,] Perhaps nowhere in the world, unless it be in Arabia and in Northern Africa, have political moveraents been so vitally a part of religion as in India. The war of 1857 had its inception in a religious offence given, or believed to have been given, to the Hindu and Mohararaedan troops by doling out to thera the greased bullets which their religion would not allow thera to put into the mouth. (This was in the days when the soldier had to bite his cartridges.) The Wahabi movement, at one time threatening to involve India in a severe frontier war, was outspokenly religious, a crusade against the infidels. The recent convulsion in Bengal was similarly stimulated, the bomb being carried in one hand, and their bible, the Bhagavad Gita, in the other. In remote tiraes It was by rousing the religious zeal of the people that Sivaji succeeded in founding an empire. It was a " Mad Mullah," an inspired religious zealot, who led the attack against the British in the Malakand in ISDS. This fanatic had been Inspired to preach a Jehad, or Holy War, against the unbelievers. The derision with which he was at first received by the people changed to awe and ad- The Messiah and Politics 227 miration when they saw him boldly pushing forward with his meagre retinue against a powerful enemy. He affected independence of all earthly assistance, placing his sole reli ance on the Heavenly Hosts who were fighting on his side. The boldness of his advance fired the latent fanaticism of the people and a wave of religious enthusiasm overcame every prejudice. Young men and old women, and even children, flocked to the standard of the leader under whose direction they were to gain rich loot in this world or attain Paradise in the next. The fanatics fought bravely for eight days, fully entitling those that fell to any reward that such a death raay bring. [Viscount FIncastle and P. C. Eliott- Lockhardt, A Frontier Campaign, 28—9'. G. C. Narang, Transition of Sikhism Into a Political Organization, 1—3. Lahore, India, 1910. H. L. Nevill, Campaigns on the North- West Frontier, 249-50.] Gokul Chand Narang, in a study of " The Transition of Sikhisra into a Political Organization," has shown, not only that this transition is real, but that it had its beginnings early in the history of that order and developed gradually frora the time of Gum Nanak, at the beginning of the six teenth century. Gurn Nanak saw in religious revival the only remedy that could save the Hindu community of his day from impending destruction. The condition of the Hindus in the Punjab at that time was deplorable. Nearly every vest ige of their greatness had disappeared. Centuries of inva sion, foreign misrule, and persecution, had produced the greatest depression. Spiritual subjection and stagnation had greatly augmented the demoralization. Nanak was the first among the Hindus to raise his voice against the tyranny and oppression which were the climax of centuries of oppres sion. He leavened Hindu thought throughout the Punjab by pointing out the necessity of linking faith and hope with works and daring. [See also W. Crooke, in art. HInduisra, Hastings' E.R.E., VI, 707. J. P. Jones, India, Its Life and Thought, 62-6. New York, 1908.] The Sikh comraunlty graduaUy passed frora a group of reUgious raystics into an array, and from a sect into a nation. [Pratt, op. cit., 247.] And yet not untfl Sir W. W. Hunter wrote Our Indian 228 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Mussulmans, was the political danger accompanying reli gious revivals recognized ! The evolution of the Arya Samaj recaUs very forcibly that of Sikhism — at first merely organized reUgious and moral reform, soon developing into a formidable political if not a forraidable raflitary raovement. [Sir Valentine Chirol, op. cit., 117. London, 1901. Jones, op. cit., Ch. XIII. Arya Samaj In Hastings' E.R.E., II, 57-61. Brahma Samaj, lb., 813-24.] There seems some foundation for the statement credited to Wifliara II, the present Gerraan Emperor (1918), that " all religious movements are in reality political move raents." Hungry souls, like hungry storaachs, are prompt to vio lence. It was when the ancient political fraraework of Indian society was undergoing a fundaraental change that we find the ideas regarding Gotaraa and his mission crystallizing into new shape. Patriarchlal societies developed into auto cratic kingship. Then arose the hope for the ideal monarch, the Chakka-vattI, king of kings, irresistible and mighty, who would rule in righteousness over a happy people. [Rhys Davids, Lectures, etc., 129-30. Analogies might be pointed out in Judaism.] Persia The Bab which appeared at Ispahan during the last cen tury, raay hiraself, as Sell believes, have had no political aspirations, and perhaps until his death the Babis were inter ested mainly in religious reform. Yet even before his death his followers, in their despair and despondency, had turned upon the Govemment — as has frequently occurred among Mohararaedan sects in Africa and in India. However rauch the political aspirations of the earlier sect may be minimized, as, for example, by their greatest apologist. Prof. Browne, the potentiality of political development is incisively present. Although in recent years this religious order has fomented no political troubles, " To the politician the matter is not devoid of importance ; for what changes may not be effected The Messiah amd Politics 229 in a country now reckoned almost as a cypher in the balance of national forces by a religion capable of evoking so mighty a spirit? Let those who know what Muhammed raade the Arabs, consider weU what the Bab raay yet raake the Per sians." [Browne, Episode of tlie Bab, lit. IX. Carabridge, 1891. SeU, Essays on Islam, 72. E. C. Sykes, Persia and Its People, 36, 140-3. A, V, W, Jackson, Persia, Past and Present, 48-50, 376, Art, (by Browne) on Bab, in Hast ings' E,R.E., and in the Ency. Britt.] Although Abbas Effendi recoraraended abstention frora politics, his followers were accused of instigating the Consti tutional Moveraent in Persia. [E. G. Browne, The Persian Revolution of 1905-9. Cambridge, 1910.] China and Tibet Oriental wisdom frequently has a tum for practical af fairs. Many years ago the Chinese government gave prac tical recognition to the political force embodied in religious movements by requiring that a register of all the incarnate gods in the Chinese empire be kept in the Colonial Office at Peking. " The number of gods who have thus far taken out a license is one hundred and sixty. Tibet is blessed -with thirty of them, northern Mongolia rejoices in nineteen, and southern Mongolia basks in the sunshine of no less than fifty-seven. The Chinese govemment, with a paternal solici tude for the welfare of its subjects, forbids the gods on the register to be re-bom anywhere but In Tibet. Tbey fear lest the birth of a god in Mongolia should have serious politi cal consequences by stirring the dormant patriotism and warlike spirit of the Mongols, who raight rally around an ara- bltious native deity of royal lineage and seek to win for him at the point of the sword, a temporal as well as a spir itual kingdom. But besides these public or licensed gods there are a great many little private gods, or unlicensed practitioners of divinity, who work miracles and bless their people in holes and comers ; and of late years the Chinese government has winked at the rebirth of these pettifogging deities outside of Tibet. However, once they are bom, the 230 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan govemment keeps an eye on them as well as on the regular practitioners, and if any of them misbehaves he is promptly degraded, and banished to a distant monastery, and strictly forbidden ever to be bom again in the flesh." [An account of this peculiar union of " die weltllche Macht mit der gelstlichen Autoritat," will be found in Globus, 1889, I have here adopted the rendering given by J, G, Frazer in The Dying God (Golden Bough edition),] It was a Chinese statesman of the fourth century b, c. (Ch'u Yuan, 332-296 b, c), who declared: "Heaven is man's Origin ; and when oppressed with poverty he recalls his Source. For when men are overwrought and worn out, who is there that does not cry to heaven? " [God (Chinese), Hastings' E.R.E., VI, 274.] Inasrauch as the reincarnation of the Dalai Laraa opens the way for political intrigue, the Chinese govemment has taken a hand In the matter and has exercised a certain meas ure of control over the god's reappearance in human form. In 1793 China prescribed for the selection of the divine ruler the so-called " oracle of the um." By this lottery scheme the names of competing infants are written on a slip of paper and put into a golden urn. Prayer and other rites are held and the first name drawn proclaims the fortunate one. In 1808 an imperial edict gave official directions for the work ing of the scheme. This edict has been engraved on stone slabs at the door of the great temple of Lhasa, where it re mains to this day. In spiritual raatters, also, Chinese imperialism seemed to have the upper hand of Dalai Lamaism and to use this su premacy as a means of maintaining its political superiority ; much as, in the Middle Ages, the temporal superiority of the Pope was vindicated by his spiritual superiority and the de structive power of his anathemas. On March 31, 1877, for example, the Peking Gazette, after denouncing a recalcitrant re-incarnating Lama who had insulted the Imperial Chinese Resident at Lhasa and carried off the official seals, announced that the Emperor, as Son of Heaven, had decreed that the Lama's soul, in punishment for this offense, would not be allowed to transmigrate when its earthly house was de- The Messiah and Politics 231 stroyed. [Art., Incarnation (Tibetan), in Hastings' E.R.E., VII, 200. By L. A. WaddeU.] Europe The Camisards, the Protestants of the Cevennes, whom the Govemment of Louis XIV sought to convert by force of arms, were greatly fortified in their resistance by prophe cies of speedy deliverance, based on the Apocalypse. In fectious ecstasy fell upon the people so that they heard supernatural voices and spoke with strange tongues. Thanks to this enthusiasm the little community was able for ten years to hold out against the large armies sent to subdue and destroy thera. [Camisards, in Hastings' E.R.E., Ill, 175—6. Some description of the times Is contained in Robert Louis Stephenson's Travels Tmth a Donkey through the Cevennes, in the section on The Country of the Canflsards.] The relation in Europe between the organized Church and politics is a much described topic and we do not propose even to touch upon it here. Our concern is, rather, with political crises and the accompanying or consequent reli gious revival. Nor can we hope to do more than give a few exaraples of this association. To develop the topic ade quately would require a volurae in itself. In England the middle of the seventeenth century was a time of great religious as of great political upheaval. The intimate connection between the political and religious con ditions was pointed out by Mooney. " Hatreds were intense and persecutions cruel and bitter, until men's rainds gave way under the strain. ' The air was thick with reports of prophecies and rairacles, and there were raen of all parties who Uved on the borderland between sanity and insanity.' This was due chiefly to the long continued mental tension which bore on the whole population during this troublous pe riod, and In particular cases to wholesale confiscations, by which famiUes were ruined, and to confinement In wretched prisons, suffering from insufficient food and brutal treat raent. Individuals even in the established church began to assert supernatural power, whfle nuraerous new sects sprang up, with prophecy, rairacle working, hypnotism, and con- 232 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan vulsive ecstasy as part of their doctrine or ritual," such as the Ranters, the Quakers, and the Fifth Monarchy Men. [Fourteenth An. Rep. Bureau of Ethn., Pt. II, 936ff,] If foes within the nation stimulate religious zeal, foes without that threaten the whole nation are aU the more ef fective. There is a turning anew to the God of the nations. This has never been raore araply iUustrated than during the great European war. Germany has its national God, so has France, so has England. 'The layman, the theologian, the churchman, all point Him out as the God of their nation. He aids or Is asked to aid, and is thanked for aiding their respective arraies. In vain do a few voices, crying in the wilderness, reraonstrate against this reaction to the Jahweh- isra of Old Testament times. [Such reraonstrances have been voiced by Charles Osboume, Religion in Europe and the World War (Dodd Mead and Co., 1916), and by H. G. Wells, God the Invisible King. New York, 1917,] Aside from the revival of the old Jehovistic God the war has given tremendous and altogether unprecedented impetus to religious faith. In some cases it has destroyed faith. Thus it happened to that liberal and modernist, M, Loisy, [See his Religion et la Guerre. Paris, 1915,] For the most part, however, it has been a stimulant to the weary, a steady ing influence to the wavering, a staff to the sceptical, " As is natural in times of stress," says an American writ ing from Paris In April, 1915, " a national religious revival seems imraanent. In spite of the reduction of population, every church in Paris was filled on Christmas eve, and at St, Genevieve, near the Pantheon, where some special serv ices were being held during the following week, the crowds extended some distance out into the street. This is the more remarkable when one reraembers the atheistic and anti- religious tendencies in France of recent years," [Published in The American Oxonian, II (1915), 95,] The increase in religious zeal was not limited to France but occurred in both England and Germany, and, we raay suppose, in the other countries at war. In the early weeks of the war the churches in Berlin and in London were filled to overflowing, although there were many special services, [The literature is al- The Messiah and Politics ready voluminous. See, e, g.. The Independent, August 30, 1915. War, Religion, and the Man in the Street, Contem porary Review, 1917, and The Living Age, July 27, 1917. The Retum of Religion (by William Barry), The Nineteenth Century and After, July, 1917, also. Living Age, October 6, 1917. Christianity and War (by M. D. Petre), Edinburgh Review, Oct., 1915. Chapter on The German Religious Con sciousness and the War, in A. D, McLaren, Germanism from Within. New York, 1916. Chapter on The Religious Re- ¦vival, in H. G. Wells, Italy, France, and Britain at War. New York, 1917. Vida D. Scudder, The Church and the Hour. New York, 1917, Foakes-Jackson, Faith and the War. London, 1915,] As Jules Bois has said, " It is only in the course of grave national crises , , , that there manifests itself a religious spirit, free from aU internal sectarian dissensions and from conflict between orthodox doctrines and free thought — a spirit harmonious, integral, disdainful of petty details, and welded together in the fire of a glowing and mystic enthusi asm. Such is the case of France. . . . There has been and there stfll is [1917] between all creeds a kind of rivalry of devotion and concord. Every Sunday in Alsace, the Protes tant parson helps the cure with the Mass, acting as organist. Dying soldiers hear prayers read by the reglraental chaplain, irrespective of the church to which he belongs. The authen tic story of the rabbi of Lyon, who was slain on the battle field at the raoment when he presented a crucifix to a wounded Catholic officer is well known," [The France Who Prays, The Bookman, July, 1917. See in this connection the chap ter on Moral Evil and Racial Hope in Rev. Geo. A, Gor don, Aspects of the Infinite Mystery. Boston, 1916.] Thus, in the present European war God has shown himself not merely " very plainly as a group figure, a rational per sonage," but as an Individual Savior as well, [Elsie C. Parsons, Social Rule, 147, New York, 1916.] The story of the effect of national crises on religious faith has been most dramatically portrayed by H, G. Wells in his book, Mr. Britling Sees It Through. It will be worth our while to consider for a moment, 234 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Mr. Britling and His God We have all read, or wfll read, Mr. Britling Sees It Through. We will read it because, as ex-President Taft has said, it represents experiences through which we, too, as the Great War progresses, ¦wifl pass.^ Part of these ex periences are religious. When Mr. Britling sees the begin ning of the conflict he is non-religious. We might expect less religious reaction from him than if he were irreligious, atheistic or evenly actively agnostic. These often prove good soil if only they are cultivated properly. Yet without any of these qualifications Mr, Britling emerges a religious raan. What has been responsible for his conversion and to what has he been converted? He has found God, You will have to read the story of this God the Invisible King In order to become acquainted with his attributes. He is certainly not the jealous na tional God of the Hebrews — the God so rampant araong the warring European and Mohararaedan peoples. Neither, Mr. Wells assures us, is he the God of Christendora. The nature of this God and his attributes he describes very vividly. This God is finite, liraited by fate or Necessity ; he is kindly and helpful to the struggling soul. But only to the struggling soul. He believes in progress and is ready to help with sympathy, though never with miracle, the soul that is endeavoring to find the light and is struggling to wards it. More than this God is powerless to do — he would, even as we huraan beings would, but cannot. He is reraark- ably like the Greek's demi-urge, an Intermediary with liraited powers seeking to intervene between the harsh decrees of Fate and the sad lot of raortals. He can no more destroy this stem outer Necessity than he can arbitrarily save humanity. Mr. Wells drives home the fact that his God Is truth not poetry. " God is no abstraction nor trick of words, no Infinite. He is as real as a bayonet thrust or an embrace." If others say, " Show us this person ; let us hear hira," the reassurance is, " If they listen to the sflences within, pres- iThe above was written in February, 1918. The Messiah and Politics 235 cntly they wiU hear him." [God the Invisible King, 56.] But if those who insistently listen insist also that they do not hear hira? Mr, Wells would, I presmnc, reply, " Then, indeed you are to be pitied, for you are deficient in tlus sensibility," Other comfort there seems none. It is as though one listened faithfully to an opera and fafled to find therein any rausic, any exaltation of the soul, God is a music of exaltation tremulously pervading our souls, if only we have ear for It, In some ways Mr. Wells' proof of God reminds us of Des cartes' famous ontological proof of God. I find in rae the thought of an Infinite Being; only an Infinite Being could supply a conception of the Infinite ; therefore the Infinite Being exists. Here the existence of the conception is taken as proof sufficient of the existence of the object conceived. Is this also Mr, Wells' method or does he adduce other ob jective proofs? If he does I have failed to discover them. The assumption is clear ; the legitimacy of it is another mat ter and apart. In nuraerous passages quoted frora other writers he points out the irapUed or expressed belief in prog ress and betterment and thus the belief in God. But what has that to do with the existence of the hypothecated God? Have not all men believed for centuries in a Ptolemaic sys tem, in the justice of their cause, in a prolongation beyond the grave of the mundane life? Why does Mr. Wells rule one of these out of court and reserve another a^ the exemplar of tmth? Has he discovered or has he created God? The belief, he says, is " crystaUising out of the intellectual, social, and spiritual confusions of this tirae." " People ha bituaUy religious," he writes elsewhere, " have been stirred to new depths of reality and sincerity, and people are think ing of religion who never thought of religion before." [Italy, France, and Britain at War, 200.] Needs call forth faith and faith finds God. [God the Invisible King, 6.] Mr. Wells realizes that in all of the warring countries re Ugion is in the air and God is crystallizing out of it. Now that we are in the war may we not anticipate sorae sirailar stirring of spirit here? Already the prediction has been 236 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan made that " Religion in this stormful crisis is coming to its own among the American people. . . . Before the war is over the American people wfll have made their God. That is now in the raaking. Perhaps It would be more exact to say that God already exists, and that the people are engaged in find ing hira. For in periods of peace and plenty, in the raidst of ' the daily round and the coramon task,' a nation is liable to forget that it has a God." [President Charles F. Thwing, article on God in the Making, published by the National Editorial Service in August, 1917. Also, Araerican Opinion, in Hibbert Journal, Oct., 1917; Living Age, Dec, 1917,] Surely it doth seem that, in this realm at least, " knowl edge is but the servant of desire and hope and faith," Mr, Britling found God because his desire, his hope, and his faith deraanded one. His God, it is tme, does not satisfy all. [E. g., his friend and neighbor the Countess of Warwick, See her article on The God of Mr, Britling — And of Our Fathers, The Bookman, Aprfl, 1917, Vol, 45, p, 145-7,] But if he wishes to apply the name God to this particular set of deraands and hopes, why should we say hira nay? After all, his views depart scarcely at aU frora those of Vol taire. " I had rather worship a liraited than a ¦wicked God," writes Voltaire in Candide. " I cannot possibly of fend him when I say : ' Thou hast done all that a powerful, kind, and wise being could do. It is not thy fault if thy works cannot be as good and perfect as thou art,' " [Voltaire's ¦view came from an age of political foment and personal persecution. Perhaps he was influenced in this for mulation by the Monodology of Leibnitz who insisted that God had chosen the best of all possible worlds, having been limited in the opportunities, Francis Bradley facetiously referred to it as the best of all possible worlds, everything in it being a necessary evil. See Bradley, Appearance and Reality.] To any one who can read the signs of the times the indi cations of a religious revival are sufficiently ample. Na tional calaraity brings our thoughts and emotions to a focus. We become unitedly concerned about our salvation. There is bound to be in it something of the mob psychology. We The Messiah and Politics 237 think and act in masses ; the individual isolation is gone, and, in its place, is the intenser but more unthinking ardor of united action. The critical factor Is in abeyance. We are more open to suggestion, less able to check extravagance of thought and action. We wish to be saved. The wish is father to the thought. We find a method of salvation not raade with human hands and to it we entrust ourselves and our fortunes. So it has 'been throughout all the centuries of history and so it remains to-day the world over, among the most cmlized as among the raost uncivilized of peoples. Mr. Britling raay well regard his experience as typical rather than exceptional. He has given expression to a coramon need. He has found a God because he has deraanded a God to make life rational and worth living. Whether his God is identical with the God of his fellows who seek him in like manner is a point we shall not take up at this time. If this God is but an emphasised portion of Mr. Britling hiraself, then there would seem to be as raany Gods as there are Mr. Britlings, and as various in character. But this need not detract from their efficacy nor from their reality. For, as Robert Louis Stevenson once reraarked, every raan is, in the last resort, his own doctor of divinity, and, whatever his indebtedness to others, must work out his own salvation in his own way. While the effect of the War upon Mr. Wells represents what has taken place again and again, there Is another type of reaction directly in opposition. This type is exemplified in its noblest form by M. Alfred Loisy, a French modernist, whose faith has gone to pieces in the tumult of the fray. Nor, should we, perhaps, say that his faith has gone to pieces. Rather it has anchored itself anew to other im pulses than the orthodox religious ones, if religious they shoifld be called. He is insulted that the Germans should flout their God as Teutonic, German in make-up as in sym pathy, and pose self-righteously as the pets of this old Jahweh-Woden. He is not a little chagrined that the Pope has not limited himself to impartiality rather than to strict neutrality In a struggle of causes where one should be im partial but no one can with honor be neutral. 238 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan His arralgnraent is, however, much deeper than this. It is not merely that the churches have failed; what is of tre mendously raore iraport is that Christianity has failed. The teachings of Christ have fafled egregiously because they have found no place for patriotism, for loyalty to group or na tion. They have thus fafled to meet one of the most search ing problems of the tirae of the great teacher, and they offer no solution to contemporary conflicts of interests and ideals save such solution as no citizen can accept, no patriot har bor for a single moment. Under no circumstance, it would seera — here M. Loisy has raany interpreters to the con trary, though he is not controversial — is war, from the standpoint of the teachings of Christ, justifiable. We, of the present day, can not shrink frora war as always inferior to peace. If we are to sing, " Glory to God in the highest," let us have no lower aspiration than " Peace on earth to men of good will." Let our peace be a peace designed to foster righteousness, not one that passively paves the way to evil. Uppermost always must be social obligation. " The faraous rights of man are the obligations of society to the indi vidual, the duties of aU to each. Not less obvious or neces sary are the duties of the individual to society, of each to all. The foundation of these duties, which is also the found ation of society, of all huraan order, of the enduring reli gion, is siraply that each Individual owes himself entirely to the society which has reared him, because he owes to it every thing he is." Thus M. Loisy stands out as first and fore most a patriot and a Frenchraan. If we raay add our sad sequel to these fine sentiraents of the author just quoted, it is that what he has said ¦wfll prove good dogma for the conquering Teuton as well as for the resisting Frenchraan. If the Frenchman owes to France everything, then, by parity of reasoning, the German owes to Germany everything — unswerving allegiance, sacrifice to the group. Must we not, then, transcend the patriotic loyal ties and superirapose upon thera some inclusive ideal which ¦will reconcile their conflicting interests? Must we not keep a self not national to ourselves if we are to speak of inter national duties? [A. Loisy, Religion and the War. Eng- The Messiah and Politics 239 lish translation. Oxford, 1915. See also, the chapter on Pulpits of Hate, in D. Thomas Curtin, The Land of Deepen- ing Shadow: Germany at War. New York, 1917. H. A. Gibbons, Paris Reborn: A Study in CiTnc Psychology. New York, 1915. The Present Truth, Vol. II, Series No. 26. Published at Takoma Park, Washington, D. C, Jan. 1, 1918.] Mohamraedanisra, as we have seen, has a sirailar story. The Mahdi, the Mohararaedan Messiah, has arisen again and again araong the downtrodden and oppressed, promising de liverance and freedora. The Mahdi raovement which resulted in General Gordon's death in the Sudan, taught the English the potency of this inspiration, and they have had other simi lar lessons in India. The Ghost Dance religion which swept across the Plains Area in our own country a little raore than a quarter of a century ago, culminating in the massacre of General Custer, was a movement inspired by a Messiah, a politico-religious reformer who now lives a quiet and unob trusive life among the Paiute Indians of the South-West._ There is nothing improbable in Prof. Shorey's suggestion that the large space allotted by Herodotus to national and local festivals, cults, shrines, oracles, the religion of the dead, the worship of heroes. Indicates that the crisis of the Persian wars temporarily stimulated the popular faith In the supernatural. [Philosophy (Greek), in Hastings' E.R.E., IX (1917), 860.] CHAPTER IX an INTERPRETATION OF MESSIANIC MOVEMENTS " The worth and interest of the world consists not in its elements, be these elements things, or be they the conjunctions of things; it exists rather in the dramatic outcome of the whole process, and in the mean ing of the successive stages which the elements work out." — William James. The Conditions Which Foster Messianic Faith ' ' T) ARE souls in dark and stagnant tiraes have believed Xvin progress and have inculcated a vagUe raessianic hope." [Hayes, Introduction to Sociology, 483. Appleton, 1916. J Such rare souls to which we give the narae of mes siahs have flourished in many parts of the earth's surface and in many stages of civilization. They are not unknown to the rudest savagery ; they have brought hope to our early European forebears ; they have come with the dawn of Ori ental history and they still rise, now and then, to cheer the path of at least two races of Oriental peoples, the Hebrews and their cousins, the Arabs. Messianic faith can, In raany cases, be traced to an at tempt to revive a decadent religion. But that this is only part of the story, and perhaps the smaller part, the preced ing chapters have shown. The counterpart of the decaying religious or social life which makes up the complement of raessianic faith, is an active resistance to this decadence, a vigorous reaction by the given individual or group. Indeed, if the individual or group is sufficiently anxious, the reUgion, or the society, can always be shown to be in need of a savior of some kind. To zealots, as some one has said, the decay of religion is always obvious. " Fanatics are always ready to denounce the wickedness of the times, to proclaim the advent of a prophet, to herald the dawn of a miUennium." If, now, " the multitude are always grateful to know that they are 240 An Interpretation of Messianic Movements 241 Hvlng at an important crisis ; on the eve of some portentous catastrophe which is to aggrandize themselves and chastise everybody else," we have the stage set for the appearance of the messiah and the successful playing of his role. But if the multitude is not pleased to have such information — and it is, as a matter of fact, often in unreceptive mood — the zealot wfll be zealous In vain. On the other hand, if it longs to be saved, and there is no zealot at hand, a zealous people will stir up one. Reason is helpless when matched with obsti nate hope, for obstinate hope is always a refusal to apply reason to the situation. So, when a people have once heart- fly embraced a chimera and cheer one another with it, evi dence does Uttle to dissipate the fllusion. Hope fosters faith, and faith finds some agency of belief, even if this be only a voice. Hope is a poor companion for a man in need, says Hesiod. But it is reaUy the best of corapanlons, the most inspiring and invigorating. The man without hope may be Ukened to the Indian's hibernating bear — he gnaweth his own foot within his fireiess house and cheerless home. [See Greenvflle Klelser, How to Develop Self -Confidence. New York, 1910. Naive but essentially true.] With all our search for a rationale of the raessianic hope we shaU never arrive at a coraplete understanding of it, never so thoroughly know the conditions under which it arises, as to be able safely to predict its occurrence at a given tirae and place. But we can show, I beUeve, sorae of the larger features common to its manifestations, and can describe the types of mind and the social conditions which foster it, as weU as those which are unfavorable to its genesis. The Attitude That Fosters Messianic Faith For purposes of interpretation we raay distinguish two types of attitude, the active and the passive, the one favor able to messianic hope, the other a damper upon It, though the diff'erence is, of course, one of degree. If we view human nature in the large, the struggle for sal vation may be said to be wide-spread and persistent. No human society survives unless it feels and responds to some 242 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan phase of this need. Man lives In a world of competing forces and is strangled by them unless he struggles. He meets these forces in variant manner. " He may think his enemies to be natural phenomena, such as the cold of winter which threat ens hira with starvation; or they may be human foes, who constantly endanger his life and happiness. They may be untoward social circumstances which lay heavy burdens upon him In every hour of his existence, 'They raay be the ira- personal forces of an inexorable destiny in whose meshes he seeras hopelessly entangled, or destiny raay have becorae per sonalized in the form of demoniac powers lurking in every shadow ready to pounce upon him at any moraent. Or he may regard his worst enemy to be gross materialistic exist ence which chokes and tarnishes his soul shut up in the prison house of the body. Again, he may laraent that he has yielded to the wicked impulses of his heart and thus placed his conscience under the burden of sin and guilt. These hostile forces, acting singly or in combination, tend to make man conscious, early in his experience, of the need of sal vation. " His conception of the content of salvation naturally varies with his notion of his foes. He longs for a land of plenty with security from all invading and plundering armies ; he pictures a Utopia where life for everybody, and for him self in particular, will be free from distressing circumstances ; he seeks to anticipate fate by providing himself with safe guards against all the deraons ; he looks for sorae means to release the soul from its prison chamber, purge it of its irapuritles through contact with raatter, and enable it to soar aloft to the ethereal regions whence it came ; or, finally, he yearns for deliverance from sin and guflt, and the restoration of a pure heart, that he may fiU his Ufe with noble ethical attainments," The process of salvation is two-fold: he relies upon him self or upon some extemal superhuman forces, " He makes himself weapons of war and buflds fortresses to ward off the attacks of his eneraies. He corrects social Uls by reorgan izing society and establishing new form of government. He protects himself from the demons of a fatalistic world by An. Interpretation of Messianic Movements 243 prying into their secrets, learning their foibles, and forrau- lating charms or other magical devices for thwarting their designs. The soul enveloped in base matter struggles through self-cultivation of its own Inherent divine character to free itself frora its prison house. The wicked irapulses of the heart are nullified through a volitional acti^vity of man who establishes laws for the regulation of his conduct and purges all evil out of his life. In all this raan is pri marily his own savior and salvation is essentially a mat her of his own attainment," The other process of salvation is one in which reliance is placed primarily on external assistance, " He is under the special care of a mighty savior-deity who is capable of carrying him safely through the vicissitudes of life. His soul is delivered from its thraldom in matter through the help of a divine deliverer who descends to its rescue and his success in the struggle against sin, guilt, and the power of evfl-desire is assured through divine aid which frees hira frora bondage of the past and fills his heart with new and holy irapulses. This general type of faith raay be terraed redemp tion-religion, in contrast with the former type which raight be called attalnraent-rellglon. The two types, to be sure, shade into one another. Most religions of attalnraent have a place for the notion of the deity's help as a supplement to human effort, while most redemption-religions require some measure of activity on man's part. But the general dis tinction is clear. In one case it is human endeavor which stands in the foreground and conditions attainment; in the other, human effort counts only as an accessory to the re deeming work of the deity." The problem of salvation is a story of individual peculiarities interwoven with a fluctuat ing and inconstant world which is variously apprehended by individual men. [S. J. Case, Evolution of Early Christian ity, 284-6. Chicago, 1914. The two attitudes, passive and actively resistant, are well described by MacDonald, Aspects of Islam, Ch. VIIL] So rauch for the psychological setting. Let us now con sider two diverse raethods of interpretating our coUated data, namely, 244 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Psychological versus Statistical Methods of Interpretation Shall We Interpret Messianic Movements by Psychological or by Statistical Methods? It would be difficult to find two points of view that appear, at first blush, to have less in common than the psychological and the statistical. The one attempts to explain a social state or action by the conscious raotives and desires that precede or accorapany the social state or action ; the other refuses to accept such states of raind at their face value, treats raotives and intentions as only a portion of the whole situation, and gives thera no unique subjective but only an objective value. The psychologist is interested priraarily in the nature and Intensity of the conscious states which are parts of the respective situations ; while the statistician is interested in their recurrence under sirailar situations and in the uniformity of this recurrence. As we shall see, how ever, these two points of view are, perhaps, not separate and apart, but the one may play into the hands of the other. To illustrate the apparent independence and virtual inter dependence of these two methods of treatment, the psycho logical and the statistical, we could scarcely find better exam ple than the phenomena of messianic religions. Here we bave the play of strong motives and an intensity of psycho logical influences that can scarcely be out-paraUeled. Sta tistics will apply to good purpose since these messianic mani festations are both numerous and widespread. Moreover, when we seek for causative Influences, we find that any psy chological interpretation must take refuge in statistics to support its case, while, conversely, no statistical investiga tion that Is not guided by psychological analysis is, in the least, trustworthy — perhaps not even possible. Messianic manifestations in aboriginal America afford a good illustration of the difficulties inherent in the problem of interpretation. The first of these occurred in 1675 in the pueblo of San Juan, among the Tewa, Here we find a dozen conditions any one of which might, conceivably, be the cause. How shall we know whether the real cause is the genius and enthusiasm of the leader, the favorable social An Interpretation of Messianic Movements 245 atmosphere, the attempt to withstand outside pressure, or some other of the manifold forces at work? An intensive study will bring out the details of the situation more clearly, but will it identify efficient causes? While the psychologist puzzles over this one instance the statistician will seek exara ples of messianic manifestations in other areas. He will bring other examples from the Plains area and from the Eastern States, Shall we suppose that a study of these manifestations in the Eastern and Plains tribes can be of value in determining the causes of a simflar raanifestation in the Pueblo region, or shall we consider thera as incapable of throwing light on these causes — inasrauch as the former are unique and geo graphically separate from the Tewa instance? It seems legitimate to extend the survey to these other tribes. In thera we may find the rationale more prorainently to the fore than in the Pueblo tribe. We raay consider the Tewa as but one instance of raany and view all the American messianic moveraents as a class to which the Tewa belong. When we wish to Interpret messianic movements in Amer ica should we liralt our consideration to thera or should we include other similar movements in various parts of the globe? This step we may be inclined to take with more hesitation because of separation in tirae, in geography, and in culture — differences which some consider a vital weakness in any classification. ^- Let us see, then, how the psychological and statistical methods, respectively, apply. In the North American mani festations there is a great diversity of psychological condi tions ; an intensity of feeling is about the only psychological phase common to all of thera. But one extraneous influence is invariably present, naraely, a threatened or impending break-down of the tribal life, due to outside pressure from other groups. In some cases the Messiah and his followers are aware of this condition ; in other cases they appear tO' be unconscious of it. If this be the cause the recognition of it is not essential to its efficacy. _^ In view of the prevalence throughout aboriginal America of this common cause, for such we take it to be, the story of 246 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan messianic moveraents in other lands has an added interest. They abound in Mohararaedan countries: in Algeria, Mo rocco, Tunisia, the Sudan, Abyssinia, India. "They are found araong African tribes, in Melanesia, the Philippines, Thibet, China, and in the older Buddhistic Japan as weU as in the Japan of to-day. In Judaism the messianic idea has found place from the days of Jereraiah to the present hour and raay be expected to reappear at any time. Historical and geographical continuity, the contagion of culture, wfll _explain much but not all, for the faith has flourished and Messiahs have arisen most frequently, if not solely, among the poor and down-trodden classes and at the moment when the hand of the oppressor was heaviest. This is as true of , the Mahdi of Mohammedanism and of the Messiah of Juda- j Ism as of the Messiahs of North America. ^¦^ The investigator may easily enough describe these in stances but how shall he interpret them? Shall we consider thera as belonging to many different classes, or shall we' say that all may be brought into one class, the class of messianic religions? Shall we give them a psychological or shaU we give them a statistical interpretation, that is, consider the prevalence of some objective condition, whether or not that condition is recognized by those who participate in these movements ? Why is it that rare souls who have lived in dark and stag nant times have inculcated a messianic hope? Is it because they were rare souls and believed in progress or is it because the times were dark and stagnant? Only a rare soul is capable of Instilling the idea and only dark and stagnant times supply the need for it. There must be a savior to proclaim salvation; there must be also a people wflUng to be saved; and there must be some impending calamity from which they wish to be saved. The whole phenomenon is an example of a struggle for survival, of a struggle intensified by the danger. Yet, the messianic faith can flourish with out the favorable external conditions, for, as has been said, " fanatics are always ready to denounce the wickedness of the times, to proclaira the advent of a prophet, to herald the dawn of a raillenniura," and a certain /portion of the multi- An Interpretation of Messianic Movements 247 tude are always grateful to know that they are living at an important crisis, " on the eve of some portentous catas trophe which is to aggrandize themselves and chastise every body else," Thus, our problem is part of a larger problem. How shall we deterraine cause and effect in social life? and will be answered only when that is answered. Let us then, for a moment tum to this larger problem, and to illustrations frora other phases of social life, [In the Deceraber, 1911, number of The Educational Review (Vol, 42, p, 514-6), in an article on The Significance of President LoweU's Statis tics, the author discussed a sirailar problem in the field of education, and suggested that " perhaps no mathematical demonstration will ever be convincing proof of the efficacy or failure of a given educational system."] In a sense every phase of culture may be given a psycho logical interpretation. Even stone impleraents and all ma terial objects may be looked upon as the gratification of some desire — else they would not be made or used. This raay be said of every form of social life; any and all of it may be viewed as the response to a demand, the creation of a desire. Psychology, however, does not wholly deterraine cul ture but is, on the contrary, largely determined by it. Peo ple have a certain forra of social life and a certain material culture because this is what they want, but it is also true that they want it because they have it. Perhaps in the last resort the one principle wiU explain as much as the other. We are rational beings because we will to be so and we will it because we are such. If this interplay of psychology and sociology be adraitted - — and it can be amply demonstrated — a psychological ex planation of any portion of social life becomes hazardous. The explanation may lie embedded in psychology or in the social, material, or economic life. Suppose we wish to in terpret some actual situation of social or psychic life, as the anthropologist and historian atterapt to do : what weight are we to give these respective clairaants, any one of which may, conceivably, be a sufficient explanation? Let us take, for illustration, some of the situations in 248 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan point; for example, the practice of killing or abandoning the aged. There need be no dispute about the facts, for hypothetical cases will serve equally well. We find a number of tribes which kfll or abandon the helpless aged. The practice is best exemplified in North America among the Eskimo and the Dakota. These tribes give quite different explanations for the practice. The Es kimo, like the old Scandinavians, say that the spirit of the deceased enters the next world in the condition in which, it leaves this one. Hence, in order to save an aged parent from an enfeebled and miserable condition In the next world. It becomes a filial duty to dispatch him or her before age has spoiled the chances of a vigorous postmortera existence. There is reason to believe that the kiUing is done precisely frora this raotive, and, in raany cases, reluctantly, though the whole systera of religious belief sanctions it. The Dakota abandon the aged because they are not able to keep up with the tribe on the march, but they show affec tion by leaving food and shelter ahd fuel for the abandoned. Both of these peoples are noraadic. The aged are cared for in camp and abandoned only when they are unable to keep up on the march. Do the psychological motives ex plain the practice or shall we say that they are secondary rather than priraary, the effect rather than the cause, the excuse but not the reason, and shall we look to nomadic life and the harsh conditions of existence as more fundamental and causative? An aged Fijian will say that he cannot stand the taunts of his fellows who liken his encroaching feebleness to the weakness of women, and he wfll accept a voluntary death cheerfully enough, A Hindoo widow ¦will immolate herself because she prefers to do so. Are these the real reasons or only the reflexes from more profound conditions which lie beyond the individual's control and so only an effervescence of deeper currents? Again, consider the motives and the conditions associated with infanticide. The newborn are killed from various mo tives : it is unseemly for twins to appear, or for a child to be born whfle another is not yet weaned, or to be born at a cer- An Interpretation of Messianic Movements 249 tain season of the year. Suppose that this season is the season of drought, or the one when game is scarce; suppose that the tribes which practice infanticide raost are those which find it most difficult to subsist where Nature is chary of a food supply, or where the tribe is isolated and does not need a surplus of warriors to recruit its ranks. Shall we look to unrecognized economic motives as the deeper and more compelling ones or shall we take the natives' own un derstanding of the case at its face value and find in this practice, not one deep-lying cause, but causes as various as the motives which induce to infanticide and, at the same tune, condone it? So much for examples. Illustrations in two phases of social psychic life present the issue as well as illustrations in two hundred phases. But It is, perhaps, not so obvious that two examples in a given phase carry as much weight as two hundred. Some, no doubt, feel that if we have illustration after fllustration of the correlation of abandonment of the aged ¦with nomadic life, and case after case in which infanti cide is associated with harsh economic life, then the thesis that the economic social conditions and not the psychologi cal occasioning motives are the determining factors is cor respondingly strengthened. If, on the other hand, we find certain psychological raotives associated with certain prac tices, whether there is or is not the harsh economic demand, then, conversely, the psychological stimulus is shown to be sufficient and it raust be taken as the causative element ; the others as auxfliary but superfluous. Or, should we say that in some cases the two factors (social-economic and psycho logical) are jointly causative, while in other cases one alone is causative? What the proffered solution of a given problem of this kind would be is for us at this raoraent not so important as the method by which one would proceed with the task; for, after all, the value of the solution can never be conceived as lying apart from the method by which that solution has been reached. Assuredly, any serious inquirer into social or psychic causes wiU welcome additions to the data. He will feel safer 260 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan with two hundred instances than with two. But why? If it is merely because he likes to have more raaterial, to extend his range of activity, then he has gi'ven greater amplitude to the problem, but he Is not necessarily any nearer the heart of it. He may romp in larger confines, but he Is still confined to romping. If, however, he insists that this increase of data does take hira nearer to the heart of the problem, then he has a faith in the solvent power of arithmetic which it would befit him to justify ; for we may assume that he is catholic enough to wish to save our inquiring souls as weU as his own. Yet if he cannot get truth by counting noses, how can he get it by counting tribes? Isn't there something paradoxical in say ing that we cannot understand the efficient causes in tribe A or In tribes A— F In North America If we are liraited to thera, but that we can understand them in larger measure, that is raore intensively, after an excursus araong tribes in other parts of the world though these tribes do not have and never did have any historical contact with the tribes in North America? Isn't it like searching amid the careers of Alex ander the Great, Napoleon the First, and Emma Goldman for the biography of George Washington ? Can the alchemy of arithmetic transpose such supposition into seeming? The process may be above arithmetical alchemy. The search for raore data raay be actuated, not by a desire for raultipllcity, but by a desire for corapleteness and unity. We strive, in a word, to include all the members of a class or type, in order that we may understand the class, and so the individual raerabers of it. That this class is real and not figurative can be plausibly urged. We speak, for exaraple, of the abandonment of the aged among the Eskimo. But this resolves, after all, into abandonment by various indi viduals — there is no tribal abandonment. We speak of the custom, and properly enough, as an attribute of Eskimo culture, and so treat the area as a unit rather than as a mul tiplicity of individual behaviors. In much the sarae way our Fijian, Australian, and other tribal units can be gath ered into one class, a class and a unity as real as the Eskimo class and unity; for both are syntheses, both are but the An Interpretation of Messianic Movements 251 outcome of our system of classification. The justification for finding this unity in multiplicity is its usefulness. The microscopic survey of the microbe woifld, I suppose, justify it in considering as complex, multiform, and incapable of being reduced to any unity, the creature which we accept as a single individual. If the voice of dissent insists that in these various tribes we have a hiatus in culture, space, and historical relations, not found in our acceptance of the Eskimo as a unit of culture, we raight reply first, that the difference is only a matter of degree, and, secondly, that it is not material. If we can study geological formation in this raanner, why not sociological formation? Cosmic history has not been made by uniform causes any more than has hu man history. Human nature is no more variant in its fun damentals than is soil or rocks, and the atmosphere that envelops the globe has had no more uniforra history than the social atraosphere that envelops raan. But in this day only a bold heart would draw the inference. To retum to our problem : Is it any easier to explain the causative influences that operate this centipede class than it is if we chop it up IntO' so many monopede tribes each supported by its own psychic and social crutches ? If Amer ican and African society has had no influence upon Hebrew society, how can these cultures help to explain Hebrew cul ture? If we remeraber that the multiplicity consists in the variety of times and places where social life is unfolding, rather than in the nature of that life itself, some of the diffi culty disappears. Social life is playing its role in many places and under many guises ; but it is composed the world over of much the same stuff and strives for surprisingly simi lar things. The relation between the psychology and the statistics of social life is a bothersome one. We count the number of correspondences and of lack of correspondences to see whether our law holds good, and consider an overwhelming majority of correspondences a good proof of the law. Thus our logic of interpretation falls back for its ultimate con firmation upon statistics, and it is difficult to see how we could accept a law which was not demonstrated by an actual 252 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan count of cases in which it is put to the test. Statistics, then, appear to be vital. But can they, in themselves, give us any solution or must they always be sub servient to some other program, a witness which we summon, but only a witness and never a court of decision? Take the abandonment of the aged or infanticide as cases in point. It might tum out that these customs are correlated with ex tremes of temperature, with amount of rainfall, or with a belief that the sun passes around and over a stationary earth in twenty-four hours. At least they are, as a raatter of fact, correlated with dusky skins, and the absence of them with white skins. Then, if statistics, as such, are to prove any thing, they prove that the color of the skin has as much to do with the custom as has economic conditions. In fact. It proves the causative power of pigmentation more completely, for the correlation is much higher. But if statistics can only offer their evidence and we are to judge of their value, what is to guide us? First, we might say, no one would believe that a change of pigmentation would produce any change in ethics. But unless we have statistical proof of this, isn't our declaration a matter of mere faith? Obscure things do affect our ethics: a shifting of the wind to the rainy quarter may upset a raan's liver and cause him to insult his wife. There is no reason why it should do so, but it does. Why, then, may not a change of complexion lead to infanticide and parenticide? Statis tics, it seeras, wfll show us the correlation between two things that we single out, but can never tell us whether we have singled out the proper interacting factors. If, however, our logic of causes has no weight without statistical proof, and, moreover, is not proved even when the correlation is com plete, how can we make inference with any confidence? The answer to this question is, I am inclined to think, that what one singles out as the cause of social events is largely a matter of choice. In a sense, and for that matter in a very real sense, the entire social complex must be viewed as a cause, or, if you like, the whole universe. Yet various phases of the universe and of the social complex may vary without any apparent or corresponding degree of change An Interpretation of Messianic Movements 253 in a given trait of social life, and we look for raore intimate correlations. That phase of social or physical environment which affects most the given trait is our main interest. The answer is to be found in that phase which most consistently involves a change In the given trait. If, for example, when ever we have the favorable physical environment we find the given trait, say infanticide or abandonment of the aged, ap pearing, then it is preferable as an explanation. But if changes of religion, ethics, or other motives can effect a dif ferent practice when physical environment remains the sarae, then this is preferable. If we have the same proportion of correspondences in each case, there is no reason to prefer one to the other. If, however, we extend the class by includ ing raany raore instances, we have a new angle on the phe nomena. It is not enough to discover that red hair is cor related with moral disposition. We raust ask if change in color of hair tends to be followed by change In character and whether this is greater than the change that takes place when there is no change in pigmentation. The correlation of psychic state (motive) with practice is not enough. We raust know whether the psychic state is present irrespective of other psychic or physical conditions, or is only aroused by others, and so is an occasioning cause but not a sufficient one, that is, not the prime mover. The results of any such statistical and psychological ex amination will, of course, be highly tentative. But this is of the essence of the case and casts no discredit upon the raethod by which cause and effect in social life raust be de terrained, [Acknowledgment is due the American Journal of Soci ology fpr permission to use the above material, p, 247 to p, 263, which appeared originally in that Journal, March, 1917,] There appear to be, then, two points of view frora which we may interpret messianic raanifestatlons : we raay include aU of them in one class as so many diverse expressions of the sarae fundamental desire finding outlet now in this, now in that group at various indeterminate or, at best, only partly determinate times. Our explanations follow the 254 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan event. We can not predict that a Messiah will appear at a given time and place. Some sort of prediction we can make, though never, of course, with complete assurance of its ful fiUraent, [In this respect we are in soraewhat the sarae di lemma as the life insurance company with regard to its pre diction of raortality. It cannot determine what indl^vidual will die at a given time or place. The Ufe insurance company is infinitely better off in this regard than are we, but the prob lems are, after all, much the same,] Our prediction must be vague. We may, let us say, predict more Messiahs among the Hebrews than araong ascetic Buddhists, more for a dis contented and struggling Mohammedanism than for a philo sophic and well-satisfied Taoism or Confucianism,^ As we become more intimately aware of the conditions prevailing araong two given peoples we raay with raore as surance predict a greater number of Messiahs from the one group than from the other. We cannot go farther than this and say that if we knew all of the conditions we could pre dict with absolute confidence. In all social life there are imponderables whose influence can never be predetermined. In all group life as in all individual life there is an element of freedom which takes indeterminate direction and upsets the most careful calculation. It is not true that, given the suitable conditions, the messiah will appear. The appear ance of a messianic faith is itself one of the conditions. Even a political revolution does not get under way until dis content over-balances oppression. The spirit of resistance may be fanned but is not created by injustice and persecu tion. The group raay play the martyr and be led an un willing but unresisting victim rather than turn in its might upon the cause of its ills. These two points of view, the search for uniform causes 1 The Moriscos of Spain offer a good example of our liability to go astray in the matter of prediction. Here, if anywhere, the conditions were such as might be expected to call forth a Mahdi. Yet none in the long course of their oppression and struggle for political and religious freedom seems to have appeared. At least I deem it safe to suppose that so thorough and careful a historian as Lea would not have passed them by, and there is no reference to them in his work. [The Moriscos of Spam. Philadelphia, 1901.] An Interpretation of Messianic Movements 255 and the search for unique causes in the respective groups where the Messiahs appear, are not mutuaUy exclusive. They are suppleraentary rather than contradictory ; each is to be used for what it is severally worth, and each is a contingent check upon the other. To view our problem from these two angles rather than from one is to get some conception of the two dimensions of the phenomena — the universal and the particular, what is common and what is unique. There are laws of history and laws of society, else any study of either is fruitless ; but, as William James has said, to speak of these laws as soraething inevitable, which science has only to discover, and whose con sequences any one can then foretell, since nothing can alter or avert thera — to conceive of thera thus is idle folly. The iraponderables forever play their part in social life and no law is adequately forraulated which leaves thera out of ac count. So far as these laws undervalue Individual differ ences and the other imponderables they may justly be called " the raost pernicious and immoral of fatalisms." [Willia^D" James, The Will to Believe, 216-62. New York, 1898.] The truth is, " we cannot do raore than conjecture, with raore or less confidence, but never with certainty oi predic tion, how any given man or any given community of men wfll behave under any given set of conditions. . . . Each indi^vidual has, when considered as a human being, some thing peculiar to himself which is not and cannot be cora pletely known or raeasured." [Lord Bryce, War and Hu man Progress, Atlantic Monthly, September, 1916 (Vol. 118). A. L. Kroeber, The Superorganic, American Anthropologist, April-June, 1917, Vol. 19, No. 2, esp. 194^- 206.] The Messiah's Initiative and the Group's Response A survey of messianic movements and a correlation of the Messiah's initiative with the prevailing social atmosphere, seems to Indicate that the individual is member of a class and the vehicle of a higher purpose which envelopes his individual and unique efforts, Whether this purpose is imparted to 256 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan him by the group of which he is a part and for whose sal vation he strives is another question. The individual is re acting to his environment and that environment may be very different from the environraent of the group. How, then, shall we answer that rauch-asked question. Is this individual initiative or social corapulsion? We create an unreal difficulty when we consider individual initiative and social law as mutually exclusive or as, when referred to the same act, incompatible concepts. Both con cepts are referable to the same act, just as the genius, in his accomplishment, raay be both the most indebted man and the greatest contributor of his age. In fact, one raight almost say that he is the one because he is the other. Individual Initiative may properly describe an act which is, at the sarae time, the forwarding of a group purpose. We may as well ask the question: Does the raan raove to ward town in the morning because he wishes to get to his office or is it because the train he boards Is moving in that direction ? Is it any the less the fulfilment of his wish because the environment happens to be favorable? Why do not all the individuals of the group become Messiahs? The same act may be designed to- save both the indi^vidual and his group. Both aims raay be co-ordinated In the indi vidual. The individual is not included in the group as a particle of air is included in a foot-ball, so that every im pulsion is but a propiflsion resulting from contact with other particles of the same closed system. A better analogy is the pack of wolves, in which there is concert between the indi vidual members, but not a socially closed systera of influences. Each individual wolf entertains relations with the outside non-wolf world in rauch the sarae way that the whole pack does. To him as an Indi^vidual may corae the influence frora without which he imparts to the entire pack. Concerted action may thus be prompted directly by his alarm of danger or bis communication that game has been scented. Though the reward be for the pack, it Is none the less the result of individual stimulus. To inquire what religion a man would have without the social stimulus is perplexing enough, for coraplete independ- An Interpretation of Messianic Movements 257 ence from social currents seems as difficult to perceive as silly to desire. But it seems clear enough, also, that his life would lose in effectiveness if the forces of gravity ceased to apply to him, or if oxygen no longer revitalized his blood corpuscles. Is the social dependence different in kind or only in degree from the physical and the physiological? Man is part of the gravitational, part of the biological, and no less a part of the social systera. But he not only is a part of thera; he has a part in thera. No doubt the individual is often ignerant of the higher social purposes within which many of his individual purposes revolve. Society, too, may be held under the dominant pur pose of an individual while convinced that this acceptance is wholly self-willed. Groups are misled to their undoing, are blinded to every rational and practical consideration, when the Messiah has brought them under his spell. If we answer that society obeys only when it chooses, we must admit the counterpart, the individual is compelled by society only when he chooses to coraply. At best it can only irapose alterna tives, and he may, at tiraes, reject the alternatives and hira self irapose an entirely new issue. The individual is a self- complete system of purposes and capable of introducing into the group elements not previously there. Tide's answer to the allegation that Christ's originality is revoked by the discovery that his doctrines are to be found in the Greek and Jewish thought of the day. Is a complete reply. " Even if the whole gospel had been compiled from a great variety of Jewish and Greek writings," says Tiele, " yet two incontestable facts, which are in reality one, still remain. One is, that all the truths, which are said to have been recognized already, are here reduced to one great prin ciple ; and the other, that one person was the prime mover, who realized that principle in hiraself and his life, and by so doing aroused enthusiasm for it in his disciples." [Elements of the Science of Religion, I, 253—4. See Art. Jesus Christ, in Hastings' E.R.E. VIL] Thus, though " even the greatest religious personality known to history influenced and was in fluenced by tradition, alike in his work and his development, this did not diminish his originality, for the old becomes new 258 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan when appropriated and applied by a deep and original genius." [Harold Hoffding, The Philosophy of Religion.] Mohammed may have used as his models, now Judaism, and now Christianity; he may have woefuUy misunderstood the historical basis as well as the spiritual essence of both sys tems ; yet he tempered them with his own spirit and with the peculiar mental standpoints of his people, giving to the prod uct, by virtue of his creative personality, an indi^viduality all its own. This is why he, .who once through Arabia was driving camels, was soon to drive half the world. We must not, on the other hand, forget that instance after instance has shown us, in the social or political conditions of the tribe or nation, needs that caU forth the new religion, a divinity that shapes the Messiah's ends, rough hew them how he raay. Though the Messiah may initiate, he does so profitably only when there is a certain predisposition on the part of the group, a predisposition fostered by untoward circumstances. In practically all of these messianic mani festations we find the individual responding, as does also the group, to the higher law of self-preservation, a law operative under its own appropriate conditions, and expressive of how society and the Indi^vidual behave under such compulsions. In the words of William James, " Social evolution is the re sultant of two whofly distinct factors, — the individual, de riving his peculiar gifts from the play of physiological and intra-social forces, but bearing all the power of initiative and origination in his hands ; and, second, the social environ ment, with its power of rejecting both him and his gifts. Both factors are essential to change. The community stag nates without the impulse of the individual. The impulse dies away without the syrapathy of the coraraunity." [The Will to Believe, 232. New York, 1898.] There is that much truth and no more in the historian's as surance that " a great king is the result of a great need " ; that " When the nation is sore beset, when the times are full of presage of disaster, and min hangs ominously on the horizon ; then the great king comes to rescue his people from danger, to restore order and well-being, and to reign over a An Interpretation of Messianic Movements 259 realm once more raade happy and prosperous by his efforts." [Stanley Lane-Poole, The Moors in Spain, 98. New York, 1898.] Does the Group Transcend the Messiah or tlie Messiah the Group? ^ The messianic religions which we have seen at work fur nish examples of genuinely individual initiative, efficient in giving new trend to the social development. A school of sociologists would assure us that this is, after all, but the response of the individual to the call of the social, that the individual is but the vehicle of society's purpose, and that he initiates only when, because, and in so far as society wiUs such initiative. It seems clear that society must be in some such state of preparedness and wfllful seeking as adverse circumstances indicate. The Messiah cannot save a people which is so self-satisfied that it feels no need of salvation. But, as our examples abundantly show, he can supply that need by rousing the group to a new realization of their actual or supposed needs. To do this is to raake the group re ceptive. So far is this individual directive force frora being always in accord with the group's weU-wishing, that it fre quently works the group's undoing. Such was the case when the Eskimo of South Greenland became so absorbed in the new doctrine enunciated by their Messiah, Habakkuk, as to discontinue hunting and live off the provisions of the previ ous winter. The Guiana Indians were so obsessed by the Messiah's words as to act upon his assurance that aU raust die -within three nights, each to f aU by the hand of his fellow, in order to secure resurrection in white skins wherein to re possess the land that was fast being wrested frora them. Some four hundred people feUed each other in a bloody massacre which, even so, was not gory enough to entafl the promised reward. Scarcely less misfortune came upon the group of Cretan Jews who followed their false Messiah of the fifth century, Moses, to their woefifl undoing. 1 The author has discussed a similar problem in an article, " Individual Initiative and Social Compulsion," The American Anthropologist, Dec, 1915. 260 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan In these and similar instances the individual mind is, so far at least as this religious life is concemed, the larger mind, comprising within its purposes the social raind and prescribing the program which the social is to adopt and pursue. This adoption and adherence on the part of the social Is often independent of the group welfare, or even works against it. Yet so completely is the group held in the grip of the individual that its impulse to respond sweeps aside every consideration of welfare, every faculty of critical judgraent, all taint of scepticism. Is this Individual dorainence as real and ultimate as it is specious? As happened in the Guiana tribe, we may find an unfavorable reaction upon the part of society once its delusion and deception is coraprehended by it. There is re volt frora the indoctrinated faith and perhaps death for the hypnotiser. Society Is once raore in the ascendant, having recognized the error into which the individual has led it. Thus the reality and the ultiraate triuraph of the social dominance seems assured. Is this recurrence of social authority merely the rebound of the social to Its own, or but a temporary restoration, only to become subject, again and again, to individual mind? An Eskimo coraraunity furnishes an instructive example of this interplay of social and individual forces. In the Eskimo community it is not uncommon for sorae individual gradually to acquire more and more wealth than his fellows and, pari passu, to rise in influence. He may brutally dominate the coraraunity until every meraber of it is in fear of his life, none of them daring to gainsay him. But a time comes when this man of wealth must give away to the coraraunity all of his acquisitions — or suffer deatli for his failure to coraply with the coraraunity's deraand. The man who domi nates the coraraunity, killing, by caprice, this or that indi vidual who is displeasing to hira, keeping every raeraber of it in fear of his life, is eventually overthrown, for finally the coraraunity summons up courage "to kill him and appoints some one to carry out this punishraent. Society is again in the ascendant and, although other indi'viduals wiU, from time to time, repeat the aggression, the community will, in the An Interpretation of Messianic Movements 261 case of each of them, e-ventuaUy brush them aside, persist in its O'wn way, and triumph in its own strength. So it was with the " tyrant " of Ancient Greece, [For the Eskimo see especially Nelson's account in the IS'th Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology,] The sociologist, however, will not be warranted in drawing over-much comfort from such instances. The only reason that society seeras to revert to the ascendancy as one tera- porarlly surrendered is because, in the recital of the circum stances, we start with the Individual and stop with the group, whereas we have, no right to start or to stop with one rather than with the other. So far as the phenomena of recurrence are available they afford not a permanent ascendancy marked by periodic lapses of one authority rather than the other, but an endless series, a cycle of individual and social authority. This group seeras ultlraately to transcend this individual ; but it is not the same group, neither in Its sociological nor in its psychological make-up, as that which was previously at the beck and caU of the individual. If, then, we retain the sameness in individual and group, respectively, we at once pass into the infinite series of which a cycle is the only way of representing respective dominance. Nor is it clear in what helpful sense we may allege that the Messiah dominates only when society wills it. We find this dominance when society wills otherwise. It is true in the sense that an array surrenders only when it wills to do so. Yet this wflUng occurs under such untoward circurastances, when the act of surrender contravenes its more inclusive pur poses and expresses the fulfilment of the broader purposes of the eneray, that we may well speak of its surrender as com- peUed by the foe rather than the result of its own choice. How we explain or express it depends upon our point of view in describing, since dominance involves always two fac tors, and the phenomena can be described from the point of view of the interests and activities of the dominating, or from those of the dominated. Our interests usually hover about the fulfilment of the larger systems of purposes rather than of smaUer ones ; wherefore, we prefer to say. The raan feeds Messiahs: Christian and Pagan or beats the dog, rather than the equally tme and necessary corollary. The dog permits itself to be fed or beaten. When the dog procures food by self-initiated tricks familiar to itself and to its master, we raay prefer to say. The dog secures food from the master, rather than The master gives the dog food; But our preference has not hit upon any greater tmth. The student of aniraal psychology wfll pre fer those expressions which describe the circurastances frora the point of view of the interests and activities of the dog. In a precisely siraflar manner the social psychologist raay persist in his attitude with regard to the reality and per manence of the social as contrasted ¦with the illusoriness of the individual. In this case, the messiah, since he has chosen the social point of view for the orientation of his phenomena, and his descriptions come necessarily from the social angle. The ultimate reality of society is no more a fact than the ultimate reality of the individual. Each society is member of a larger society from which raany influences and tenden cies — if not all of thera ! — have come. Any given society may — shall we say must ? — be considered the resultant of continuous historical influences reaching back into the re motest past and touching every form of previous social life. The motives which lead the sociologist to resolve the Mes siah into mere social and historical antecedents will logically compel him to dissolve the social group into similar histori cal antecedents. To do this is to give up the problem of society versus the individual. The positing of such a prob lem involves the treatment of society and individual as dis tinct and self-complete. If reciprocal units. Thus the social influences are — like the gravitational — one of the dimensions in which the Messiah must realize hira self. His developraent will be conditioned by many phases of the social dimension whose deterrainations more intimately concern individual psychology than does any physical dimen sion which circumscribes individual action. Yet oxygen and the gravitational forces are as necessary to the Messiah as are favorable social atmosphere and impetus. Nor, for that raatter, does wisdora flourish without physiological nourish ment ; — An Interpretation of Messianic Movements 263 The empty spit Ne'er cherished wit; Minerva loves the larder. The Messiah craves the social nourishment as well. When, however, all has been said, the social seems raerely a polarity or a diraension in which his personality finds raeaning and by which it is conditioned in its expression. How could it come within the grasp of individual raind if individual mind were not a self-sufficient reality? Though social influences are largely responsible for the ability of the individual to grasp their meaning, he creates thera as truly as they create him. As Goethe says, Der Mensch erkennt sich nur im Menchen, nur Das Leben lehret jedem was er sei, — but this is equally true of the group, for it, too, coraes to its own only as raember of a larger group. " All men's minds, they say," reraarks Pindar, " are stirred by whatsoever wave at the instant roUeth nearest to the mainsheet of the ship " ; but each Is wafted according as he turns his safls, and the Messiah raay so trim them as to make headway even against an adverse wind. The Mission of Jesus In his book on The Religious Life Emile Durkheira has referred to the prejudice entertained by raaiiy people to ward a comparative study of religion if that study includes an account of their own religion. This fact, which probably all of us have observed, has its explanation in human psy chology. The prejudice Is no doubt in large part due to the fact that the religious devotee looks upon such an objective study as disregarding the essential eleraents In his religion and thus giving it a distortion that is little short of raisrepresenta- tion. At best it disregards the purport and inner raeaning of the religion. It leaves hira with much the same feeling he has when, in reply to his incisive arguments, he is told that he has uttered six hundred monosyUabic and twice as many 264 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan polysyllabic words punctuated with fourteen commas and sixteen periods. Here is truth but here also is a blatant disregard of the meaning and purpose of the argument. A classification of philosophers in terms of weight, com plexion, and stature may be a raodel of truthfulness as well as of inaptness, and may afford a miniraura of amuseraent to the serious student of the history of thought. Such classifications are, however, permissible If they serve a pur pose. There are times when we wish to view phenomena frora a new or unaccustomed angle in order to form an esti mate frora that point of view. Nor can there be any valid objection to this form of occupation. An objection is hot in order until it be insisted that this is the only method of estimation. If, therefore, we wish to view a messianic religion frora a historical, a geographical, or a coraparative point of view, is there a valid objection? This does not preclude other methods of approach or diverse angles of interpretation. Let all interpretations be taken for what they are severally worth. Christianity like any other faith can be viewed from various angles, as can also the career of Jesus, the Messiah whose clairas are accepted by the devotees of this faith. The historian will at once ask for the historical back ground of the life of Christ. [" The cultured man of to-day is a person who thinks historically, and can construct his future only by means of historical self-knowledge. This holds good for every sphere of life, even for the religious sphere."] That background has been given in preceding pages. A raoraent's retrospect wiU show us that he inherited the traditions of the prophets; that he lived in a tirae when raessianic prophecies were rife; that the tiraes caUed for national salvation ; that the gospels declare his consciousness of these needs. Opinions raay differ and do differ, as to the conditions under which Jesus discovered his messiahship, interpreted the detafls of his task, and made known his mission to his disciples ; but " it is now almost uni versaUy admitted that Jesus knew himself as the Messiah, that personal representative of Jahweh for whom Israel An Interpretation of Messianic Movements 265 waited and for the signs of whose appearing they searched heaven and earth." The historian will remind us also, that " a prevalent be lief among the Jews fixed the duration of the world at seven thousand years, of which six were nearly expired, — the re raaining thousand being the Messiah's triuraphant reign. In the calamities of the tirae, it was felt that ' the whole crea tion groaned and travailed in pain ' for the birth of the coming One ; and the ' seventy weeks ' predicted in the Book of Daniel were by the general interpretation just fulfilled. ' Through the whole East,' says Suetonius, ' an old and constant opinion had spread that the destined rulers of things should come about this time from Judaea.' ' When you bury me,' said a dying Jew, ' put shoes on my feet and a staff in my hand, that I may be ready when Messiah cometh,' Many a man, 'just and devout was waiting (like Simeon) for the consolation of Israel ' ; many a raother hoped in her heart that her new-bom child should be the ex pected one," [J. H. Allen, op. cit., 393-4.] Little wonder, then, that Jesus was asked whether he were the expected one or they should wait for another. For, " in Judaea expectation was at its zenith. Holy persons — such as old Simeon, who, legend tells, held Jesus in his arras (Luke ii, 25-32), Anna, daughter of Phanuel, regarded as a prophetess — passed their life about the temple, fasting and praying that it might please God not to withdraw them frora the world tiU he had shown them the fulfilment of the hopes of Israel. We are conscious of a brooding life, the approach of something unknown. " This confused mixture of clear views and of dreams, this alternation of deception and hopes, these aspirations cease lessly driven back by an odious reality, found at last their expression in the incoraparable man to whom the universal conscience has decreed the title ' Son of God ' — most justly, since he has given to religion a direction which no other is or probably ever will be able to emulate." [E. Renan, The Life of Jesus, 89-90. Boston, 1896.] Sorae response to these demands was almost inevitable: " The Sibylline mystics at Alexandria, the poets at Rome, 266 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan the peasants in Syria, were wound up to the expectation of ' some beginning of a new order of the ages,' some hero ' who from Palestine should govem the habitable world,' some cause in which ' the East should once more wax strong.' " [A. P. Stanley, Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church, III, 415. New York, 1906.] In the days of the prophets the word " Messiah," " the anointed one," was used raost frequently when the prophet had in mind the clash of nations, dynasty succeeding dynasty, and empire overthrowing empire. The anointed of Israel is a Son of David who will come to overthrow all of Israel's foes. In the lifetime of Jesus and from the very province in which he lived, Galflee, Messiahs had appeared raaking claim to be national saviors. Of these events the Man of Nazareth was surely aware, and to him the word Messiah would inevitably suggest a powerful historical king, a war rior, an army, a resistless revolution. [See on this point Jesus Christ, Hastings' E.R.E., VII, 517.] Certainly neither his followers nor his enemies dissociated his raission from political aspirations. That they enter tained a belief in the political character of his messiahship is abundantly shown by the story of Herod's attempt to kill the babe, and by the charges brought before Pilate that he claimed to be king of the Jews. It is significant, too, that this claim his accusers stressed raore than the claira that he was the Son of Man or the Son of God, since the two latter in their eyes constituted blaspheray, while it was not con sidered blaspheray to claim to be the Messiah. While there is no doubt that these were the claims of both friends and enemies, there is as little doubt that they were not the claims of Christ. He was the child of his age, to be sure, but he was also the parent of a new doctrine. The messianic hope was taken up by him but it was given out as a new doctrine, transfused with a new meaning; with a meaning so utterly different from the time-honored inter pretations that neither friends nor eneraies could, at the time, apprehend its meaning. He was a national sa^vior but not a political savior. Other ills he saw and other remedies. Israel was to be saved, but not by acquiring the coveted An Interpretation of Messianic Movements 267 political domination. The kingdora was a reality but not one raade with hands, not resplendent with political glory, honor at horae, and dominion abroad. There were other worlds to conquer and other weapons of warfare to forge. Only gradually did his followers grasp a thought so far in advance of their age, only gradually did they ascertain the demands of the Messiah whose claims they had admitted. When, therefore, we compare Jesus with the other Messiahs, whether of his race or of another, we are struck by two outstanding facts : a remarkable similarity and a reraarkable difference. The conditions which called forth the messianic claim are reraarkably like those which have caUed forth messianic clairas in other times and other climes ; the response to these demands was a unique response, a filling of the old bottles with new wine, a quenching of the thirst by a new draught. Moreover, this unexpected response to the deraands brought about a transforraation in those de mands theraselves. As his followers were given other than they had asked, so they came to ask other things. The new fulfillment in itself created a new deraand and a new attitude. Thus the Christ who was the product of his age becarae the creator of a new age. [Ch. IX, Christianity, in C. H. Moore, The Religious Thought of the Greeks from Homer to the Triumph of Chris tianity. Cambridge, 1916. B. I. Bell, Goodness and Re ligion, Atlantic Monthly, October, 1916, Vol. 118, p. 363, Sect. IV, on Messiah, Diet, of Christ and the Gospels, II, 177. J. H. AUen, op. cit., 405ff. A. M. Fairbaim, The Philosophy of the Christian Religion, 12, 314-5, 399-402. New York, 1909. 0. Steams, The Aim and Hope of Jesus, published in, Christianity and Modern Thought. Boston, 1891. R. H. Hutton, Theological Essays, 295ff. Theo Parker, Views of Religion, 261. Boston, 1890. R. M. Wen- ley, The Preparation for Christianity in the Ancient World, 131ff. New York, 1898. W. Sanday^ Outlines of the Life of Christ, Ch. VI, The Messianic Crisis. New York, 1905. Emest Renari, The Life of Jesus, esp. 252-93. Boston, 1896. R. Rhees, The Life of Jesus of Nazareth, Pt. II, Ch. VI. The Messianic CaU. New York, 1908. W. Whipple, The Story- 268 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan Life of the Son of Man. New York, 1913. A. Harnack, What is Christianity? New York, 1901. E. A. Bosworth, Studies in the Teaching of Jesus and His Apostles. Pt. I, Jesus' conception of Himself and his Mission. New York, 1911. Shafler Mathews, The Gospel and the Modern Man, lOff, 81-6. F. W. Farrar, Life and Works of St. Paul 37, 83-5. New York, 1893. C. Geikie, Life and Words of Christ, 2 Vols. New York, 1890. A. Edersheira, Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, 2 Vols. New York, 1899, L, H. MiUer, Our Knowledge of Christ. An Historical Approach. New York, 1914, F, G. Peabody, Jesus Christ and tlie Christian Character, 45ff, New York, 1906,] Was this not the fulfiilraent of the prophecy of Isaiah: " And there shall come forth a sprig out of the stem of Jesse and a branch shall grow out of his roots ; and the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdora and of understanding, the spirit of counsel and raight, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord ; the deUght of whose life shaU be the fear of the Lord, And he shaU not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears. But with righteousness shall he judge the poor and reprove with equity for the oppressed of the earth; and he shall sraite the tyrant ¦with the rod of his mouth and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked. And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins. The wolf also shall dwell with the larab, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the f atling together ; and a little child shaU lead them," There is some truth in Oesterley's Insistence that messian ism, in its ¦widest sense, redemption from present ills by super natural means erabodied in a personality, is eleraental, one of the comraon characteristics of raan. It is deeply erabedded in huraan nature and finds a responsive chord in alraost every environment. There is sorae truth, too, in his further association of the messianic Idea with a dualistic conception of life. When the world is conceived of, as almost always it is conceived, as a An Interpretation of Messianic Movements 269 world in which two masterful and opposing powers are oper ative, the good and the evil, the messiah will be closely linked with the forces of good. This is one reason why the pre dominance of evfl is the harbinger of the messiah ; this is why his coming is heralded by wars and calaraltles manifold. The height of the evil power calls forth the greatest resist ance from the good, and Anti-Christ will suraraon the messiah. The Heilbringer, or culture-hero, is, however, a type of phflosophy rather than a tme precurser of the messiah, though Oesterley would imply that the culture-hero is the messiah's distant prototype. Very vaguely can a relation ship here be traced, for the messiah is almost always other than the culture-hero. The latter may at raost be taken as a sort of John the Baptist of raessianlsra, not its iraraediate inspiration. [See W. O, E. Oesterley, The Evolution of the Messianic Idea: A Study in Comparative Religion. London, 1908.] ^ So thoroughly did the tiraes foster the ambitions of the Messiah that one scholar has ventured to declare none of them a creative genius. " They never dominated their time," declares Schindler, " They never dominated their time : on the contrary, they were carried away with the ciirrent. They never moved the masses ; they rode on the crest of the popular wave. They were merely the supply to a public de- man. Their Messianic assumptions, sincere or hypocritical, becarae possible only on account of a popular hope in the appearance of such a person. None of thera appeared at a tirae of national prosperity; they all without exception stepped upon the stage In times of calamity. They could grow only upon ground fertflized by misery. Whenever the national wretchedness had become unbearable, whenever the spirit of the people had become so depressed that they des paired of themselves, the hope sprang up that help raust come frora outside, from above : that a man raust appear who would improve their, condition. But at such times of calam ity the human judgment becoraes biassed, and the reasoning powers lose their normal strength. A drowning man will cling to a straw: so a nation in despair will cling to the most childish hope." [Op. cit., 154-6.] But, in the 270 Messiahs: Christian and Pagan fine phrase of Alfred Loisy, " To keep a firm hold on life man has need of hope as an indispensable anchor. An il lusion is not vain which gives one the courage to face un avoidable deprivations." [The War and Religion, 38. English translation by Arthur Galton. Oxford, 1915.] ' With assurance, then, we may declare that, " to under stand the Christian moveraent one must see it as related to the stream of Jewish life which shaped a new ethnic epoch in the first quarter of the second century before Christ. Palestine long before the tirae of Christ had been incapable of supporting all the Jews, and the stress of economic need had scattered enormous nurabers of Jews throughout the en tire world. On the whole, these Jews of the Dispersion syra- pathlsed with the less privileged classes of Palestine and constituted a body of raen and women possessed of much the same social mind and enriched with the same national ideals as those of the coramon people and the Pharisees in Palestine. The great hope of di^vIne deliverance which nourished them sprang frora the econoraic and political situation into which foreign nations had forced thera." But we raust not forget that, though sprung from economic and political conditions, its energies were directed to other ends, inasmuch as it trans cended the conditions out of which it originated. " By the time it becarae one of the world moveraents throughout the Roraan Empire it was recognized by its adherents as neither political nor econoraic, but that thing which so raany ' ma terialist ' interpreters of history fail to estimate justly, a supernatural religion. And it was as a religion avowedly supernatural that Christianity raoved out into history and wrought its changes. Here again it is possible to see a spiritual tendency as a social raoveraent breaks away from the conditions which gave it rise and becomes on its own ac count an independent cause." [Shafler Mathews, The Spiritual Interpretation of History, 53^7. Cambridge, 1916. In this connection see the account of the Messianic Hope given in E. Schiirer, A History of the Jertdsh People in the Time of Jesus Christ, 2nd Division, Vol. II, 126-87. English translation. Edinburgh, 1890.] As Shailer Mathews has well expressed it, Jesus An Interpretation of Messianic Movements 271 tegrated in the social currents of his day. It would be in deed difficult to think of him as developing his particular mes sage of divine salvation in the midst of any other surround ings than those of the Je'wlsh people. But after the hopes and prayers of Pharisaism, the passions and beliefs of the Jewish piety of his day, had passed through his own in dividual experience, they becarae soraething new. Scattered parallels, similarities in words between Jesus and the philoso phers of Greece or the master rabbis of the Jews, are beside the mark. They no more account for Christianity than chemical elements out in the sunlight account for acorns. Acorns are made of such elements after they have been manipulated by sorae tree. Jesus contributed himself and his individual experiences to history and historical forces were recombined in him. He was indeed the Vine with branches." [The Spiritual Interpretation of History, 115—6. See the concluding pages of Heinrich Paulus, Das Leben Jesu, 2 vols, Heidelberg, 1828.] While we remember the Vine, let us not forget the branches of individual contribution and unique value, of a life which, short as it was, changed the course of the ages. INDEX Abbas Effendi, 113 Abbasids, 94 Abn AbdaUah, 95, 213 ff. Abdallah ibn Maimum, 100 Abraham, 22 of Granada, 49 ben Nissim, 48 Abulafia, Abraham, 48 Adventists, 164 Ahmad, Mirza Ghulam, 108 Akbar, 110 Alcyone, 124 Alexander the Great, 203 Alexandria, Jews of, 28-30, 36-7 Alfatimi, 223 Alids, 92 Almericans, 191 Al Mokama, 93 ff. Alroy, David, 47 ff. Anabaptists, 156 ff. Anderson, Scott, 166 Anizetto, ISO Antichrist, 39, 56, 58, 92, 206, 104, 191 ff. Apache, 131-2 Apocalypse of Baruch, 19 Apocrypha, 27 ff., 36 ApoUonius of Tyana, 203 Arabs, Arabia, 91 ff. Arabia FeUx, 45 Arthur, 180 Arya Samaj, 106, 228 Asmonian period, 41 Assjnfia, IS, 24, 32, 203 Asurnasipal, 16 Augustus, 32 Aushetar, 18 Aushetar-mah, 18 Avatar, 108 Awacum, Protopop, 192 Avolokita, 121 Bab, Babism, 111 ff., 228-9 Babylon, 56, 191 Babylonia, 15, 18, 24, 203 Baggara, 223 273 Baha, Bahaism, 112 ff. Balder, 184 Barclay, John, 162 Bar-Kokebas, 34, 41 ff., 204 Bashkin, 168 Beckaranta, 146 Bee, Book of, 45 Bell, 126 Benjamin, Nathan, 60 of Toleda, 47 Berechiah, Berokia, 64 Besant, Mrs. Annie, 165 Besht, 72-3 Bhagavad Gita, 18, 226 Blanchefleure, 56 Boadbil, 183 Bodhisattvas, 121 Bontoc Igorot, 151 Boroimhe, Brian, 180 Botarel, Moses, 48-9 Brahmanism, 123 Cabbala, Cabbalists, 36, 52, 59, 68, 73 Caesar, 20-1 CagUostro, 206 Calabres, Hayim "Vital, 49 CaUfomia Indians, 149 Camisards, 163, 231 Cardosa, Miguel, 64 Castrators, 176 Charlemagne, 180 China, 229 China, Jews, in, 207 Chinese, 123 Church of God and Saints of Christ, 178 CromweU, 57-8, 160 Crowdy, WiUiam S., 178 Crusades, 47 Da' ire wale. 111 Dakota, 140 Dansk, Olger, 180 David, Alroy, 205 Almaser, 205 274 Index David, el-David, 205 Reubeni, 50-2 Delaware, 144 Demeter, 19 Dionysian rites, 19 Dongala, 100 Donmeh, 70 Dosithee, 33 Dost Mohammed, 111 Doukhobors, 168 Dowie, 109, 177 Druses, 95 Dunaan, 45 Durkheinii 132 Ebionites, 153 Egypt, ancient, 16-8, 32 modern, 203 Elkesaites, 154 Elijah, 85 Emes, Thomas, 163 Engawaen Jim, 131 En Sof, S8 Eskimo, 260 Esthonian, 179 Euchites, 155 Evans, Arise, 160 Eybeschiitz, Jonathan, 64 Falashas, 78 Fatima, 92 Fifth Monarchy Men, 159, 232 FlageUants, 191 Franciscans, 191 Frank, Jacob, 64, 71-3 Frederick Barbarossa, 182 Friends of God, 156 the Temple, 164 ff. GaUlee, 58 Ge-lug, 124 Ghair Mahdi, 111 Ghdsi Dis, 108 Ghazi, 109-10 Ghetto, 83-4, 88 Ghost Dance, 139-40, 144, 239 GilfiUin, George, 166 Girling, Mary Ann, 163 Gordon, Gen., 103 Gorkhnath, 124 Gotama, 122, 228 Greeks, 19 Gros "Ventres, 131 Guiana Indians, 146 Hakim, 95, 98 ibn AUah, 93 ff. Singh, 107 Hallaj, 97, 202 Hameem, 94 Hammurabi, 18 Hasdai, 46 Hasid, Isaiah, 64 Judah, 68-70 Herrs, 75 Hillelites, 35 Hindu, 224^7 Hiyoyoa, 133 Hoffman, Melchior, 156 Hopi, 131 Horace, 181 Hosea, 61 Hyrcanus, John, 31 Ibn Saba, 93 Initiative of messiah, 255 ff. Ipuwer, 16-8 Irving, Edward, 162 Isaiah, 25, 82-3 ben Ishak, Obaiah Abu Isa, 45 Ishtar, 15-6 Ismaili, 95 Ispahan, 45 ben Israel, Rabbi Manasseh, 57 Japanese, 123 Jerahmeel, Chronicles of, 44 Jeremiah, 24-5, 44, 85 Jesus, 34, 37, 93, 110, 107, S 2S7-8, 263 ff. Jews, 22 ff. JezreeUtes, 163 Joel, 202 John of Leyden, 157 Josephus, 34, 41, 44-5 Josiah, 44 Jost, Leonard and Ursula, 159 Judas, of GaUlee, 33 Kafirs, 130 Kaim, 111 Kalewipoeg, 180 Kanakiik, 138-9 Kapustin, Savely, 168 Karmatians, 96, 99 ff. Keeps-his-name-always, 141 Khidr, 98 Khlysti, 172, 174 ff. Kickapoo, 138 Index 275 Kiowa, 140-4 Kolesnikof, Sylvan, 170 Kosoy, 168-9 Krishna, 18, 122 Krishnamurta, 124 Lamaism, 124, 230 Leatherwood God, 177 Lee, Ann, 161 Lembein, Ascher, 49 de Leon, Rabbi Mose ben Shem Tob, 58 Loupkin, 173 Lucretius, 181 Luria, Isaac, 49 Luzzate, Moses, 50 Maccabees, 26, 30-1, 35 Magus, Simon, 204-5 Maimonides, 88 Maitreya, 124 Malakh, 68-9 Mandaeans, 154 Manjusri, 121 Maori, 130 Marcionism, 155 Massim, Southern, 133 Matthys, Jan, 157 Menahem, 35 Menakemists, 48 Men of God, 175 Merneptah, 16 Midrashim, Haggadic, 85 Millennium, 153 ff., 180 MiUer, WiUiam, 164 Miyazaki, 123 Mokiah, Mordecai, 64 Mokrani, 213 Moktar, 210 Mohammed, 91, 93, 258 Ahmed Ibn Seyyid AbduUah, 100 al Mahdi, 99 Ibn al Hanafiyah, 93 Hud, 94 Ismail, 96 Moktana, Baba ud-Din, 98 Molcho, Solomon, 51 ff. Molokane, 74 Montanism, 155 Mordfecai, 74 Moriscos, 254 Moros, 151 Mothers of God, 174 Moses, 22 Moses, of Crete, 44, 204, 259 Mudhen of Tlemcen, 94 MuUah, Mad, 109-10, 226 Miinzer, Thomas, 158 Nagid, of Egypt, 46 Nak ai dokli ni, 144 Napoleon, 75-6, 183 Navaho, 140 Nebo, Mt., 44 Nero, 21, 38, 44 New Guinea, 152 New Zealand, 152 Nez Perc^, 138 Nigra, 45 Oahspe, Book of, 178 ObeidaUa, 95 Ogier, 183 Ojibway, 144 Olaf Tryggvesson, 184 Olivero, 128 Omar II, 45 OriginaUty of messiah, 257 Orpheus, 19 Osipov Srege, 174 Overcomers, 165 Paiute, 140, 148, 201 Papacy, 48-9 Passover, 85 Paul, 38 Pepys, Samuel, 63 Persephone, 19 Persia, 45-8, 116-7 Petrov, Andreyan, 171 Pharisees, 35 Philoppitch, Daniel, 173 Pobirohin, Ilarion, 169 Poland, 7, 61, 69-74 Pomo, 148 Pope, 191 Pop^, 135-6, 198 Prophets, Old Testament, 2 202, 208-9 Prossnitz, Lobele, 64, 204 Proteus, 203 Psychological interpretations, 244 ff. Pushkin, Andrian, 169 Qaddish, 87 Quakers, 232 Querido, Jacob, 64 !ff., 276 Index Ram Singh, 107 Ranters, 232 Rascolnik, 192 Rashid-ad-Din Sinan, 98 Re, 17 de la Reina, Joseph, 58 Revival, religious, 232 ff. Roderic, 185 ff. Rome, 19-21, 32, 39 ff., 42-3, 203 RusseU, Pastor, 168 Sabbatai Sevi, 59 ff., 71 Sadducees, 26, 29 Sa'id, 210 Samaritans, 76-8 Sanusi, '211 Saoshyant, 18-19 Satndm, 108 Sebastian, Don, 187 ff. Seminole, 138 Seneca, 32 Serene, of Syria, 45 Shaker, 145 Shalom, Abraham, 49 Shawnee, 136 Shebsen, 70-1 Shekhinah, 71 Shelemon, 45 Shem-Tob, 49 Shiites, 92, 99 Shocher, Ari, 76 Shoshone, Northern, 131 SibylUne oracles, 20-21, 29, 44 Sikli, 227-8 Siksike, 138 Sioux, 144, 201 Siovedi, 151 Siva, 124 Skoptsi, 176 SmohaUa, 138, 199 Snow, 164 Solomon of Armenia, 45 Souslof, Ivan, 173 South American Indians, 150 Southcott, Joanna, 161 Squaxin, 145 Statistical interpretation, 244 ff. Stepanov, Vasali, 174 Syria, 36 Taborites, 156 Taheb, 19 Talmud, 44, 86 Targum, 78 Tchichikof, 183 Tell, 182 Testament, of the Twelve Patri archs, 19 Teuskwatawa, 136 ff., 199 Tewa, 135, 244 Theodorus, 105 Theosophists, 124, 165 ff. Theudas, 34, 203 Thomas of Erceldome, 183 Thompson River Indians, 146 TibuUus, 181 Titus, 26 Tokeri, 133 Trapnel, Anna, 160 Ibn Tumart, 96, 210 Turner, Nat, 127 Ukhshetara, 18 Ukshatnemah, 18 Umlanjeni, 128 Venancio, 150 Venner, 159 Verigin, 171 ff. Vespasian, 21 Vicente Christo, 150 Virgil, 20-21, 40 Vishnu, 122 Voltaire, 236 Wahabi, 107, 223, 226 Wanderers, 193 Waraka, 91 WeUs, H. G., 233 ff. White, James, 163 WUderness Worshippers, 126 WiUiam II (Germany), 194, 228 Wilhelmina of Bohemia, 48 Wovoka, 143, 200, 201 Yellow Hats, 124 Yemen, 47, 76 Zealots, 34, 36 Zikris, 111 Zohar, Second, 49, 58 Zoroastrianism, 18-19, 120 3 9002 00582 343^ 1 I t )M1