YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THE HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND BY GILBERT BURNET, D.D. BISHOP OF SALISBURY. A NEW EDITION CAREFULLY REVISED, AND THE RECORDS COLLATED WITH THE ORIGINALS, BY NICHOLAS POCOCK, M.A. LATE MICHEL FELLOW OF QUEEN'S COLLEGE. VOL. II. OXFORD AT THE CLARENDON PRESS MDCCOLXY -THE SECOND PAET. OF THE PROGRESS MADE IN THE REFORMATION TILL THE SETTLEMENT OF IT IN THE BEGINNING OF QUEEN ELIZABETH'S REIGN. THE PKEFACE, -L HE favourable reception which the former part of this work had, together with the new materials that were sent me from' noble and worthy hands, have encouraged me to prosecute it, and to carry down the History of the Reformation of this Church till it was brought to a complete settlement in the be ginning of queen Elizabeth's reign ; which I now offer to the world. The great zeal of this age for what was done in that, about religion, has made the History of it to be received and read with more than ordinary attention and care : and many have expressed their satisfaction in what was formerly published, by contributing several papers of great consequence to what re mained. And since I found no part of the first volume was more universally acceptable, than that wherein I was only a transcriber ; I mean the Collection of Records and authentic Papers, which I had set down in confirmation of the more re markable and doubtful parts of the History; I continue the same method now. I shall repeat nothing here that was in my former preface ; but refer the reader to such things as concern this History in general, and my encouragement in the under taking and prosecution of it, to what is there premised to the whole work : and therefore I shall now enlarge on such things as do more particularly relate to this volume. The papers, that were conveyed to me from several hands, are referred to, as the occasion to mention them occurs in the History, with such acknowledgments as I thought best became this way of writing, though far short of the merits of those who furnished me with them. But the storehouse from whence I drew the greatest part both of the History and Collection, is the often celebrated Cotton library, out of which, by the noble favour of its truly learned owner, sir John Cotton, I gathered BURNET, PART II. B a THE PREFACE. all that was necessary for composing this part, together with some few things which had escaped me in my former search, and belong to the first part ; and those I have mixed in the Collection added to this volume, upon such occasions as I thought most pertinent. But among all the remains of the last age, that are with great industry and order laid up in that treasury, none pleased me better, nor were of more use to me, than the Journal of king Edward's reign, written all with his own hand ; with some other papers of his, which 1 have put by themselves in the beginning of the Collection : of these I shall say nothing here, having given a full account of them in the History of his reign, to which I refer the reader. I find most of our writers have taken parcels out of them, and sir John Hayward l has transcribed from them the greatest part of his book; therefore I thought this a thing of such consequence, that upon good advice I have published them all faithfully copied from the originals. But as others assisted me towards the perfecting this part, so that learned divine, and most exact inquirer into historical learning, Mr. Fulman, rector of Hampton-Meysey in Glouces tershire, did most signally oblige me, by a collection of some mistakes I had made in the former work. He had for many years applied his thoughts with a very searching care to the same subject, and so was able to judge more critically of it than other readers. Some of those had escaped me, others had not come within my view ; in some particulars my vouchers were not good, and in others I had mistaken my authors. These I publish at the end2 of this volume, being neither ashamed to confess my faults, nor unwilling to acknowledge from what hand I received better information. My design in writing is to discover truth, and to deliver it down impartially to the next age ; so I should think it both a mean and criminal piece of vanity to suppress this discovery of my errors. And though the number and consequence of them had been ' [Hayward (Sir John) The life in the second volume of Kennett's and raigne of King Edward VI; History of England, ed. 17 19.] with the beginning of the raigne of 2 [In the present edition they are Queen Elizabeth. London 1636. inserted in the notes to the places i2mo. first published in 4to. 1630. to which they refer, and are distin- The references made in this vo- guished by the addition of the letter lume are to the edition published [F].] THE PREFACE. 3 greater than it is, I should rather have submitted to a much severer penance, than have left the world in the mistakes I had led them into : yet I was not a little pleased to find that they were neither many, nor of importance to the main parts of the History ; and were chiefly about dates, or small varia tions in the order of time. I hope this part has fewer faults, since that worthy person did pursue his former kindness so far as to review it beforehand; and with great judgment to correct such errors as he found in it : those I had formerly fallen into made me more careful in examining even the smallest matters. Yet if, after all my care, and the kind censures of those who have revised this work, there is any thing left that may re quire a further retractation, I shall not decline to make it so soon as I see there is need of it ; being, I hope, raised above the poor vanity of seeking my own reputation, by sacrificing truth to it. Those tp whose censure I submitted this whole History in both its parts, were chiefly three great divines, whose lives are such examples, their sermons such instructions, their writings such unanswerable vindications of our church, and their whole deportment so suitable to their profession, that, as I reckon my being admitted into some measure of friendship with them among the chief blessings of my life, so I know nothing can more effectually recommend this work than to say, that it passed with their hearty approbation, after they had examined it with that care, which their great zeal for the cause concerned in it, and their goodness to the author, and freedom with him, obliged them to use. They are so well known, that, without naming them, those of this age will easily guess who they are,; and they will be so well known to posterity by their excellent writings, that the naming them is so high an advantage to my book, that I much doubt whether it is decent for me to do it. One of them, Dr. Lloyd3, is now, while I am writing, by his majesty's' favour, promoted to the bishopric of St. Asaph : a dignity to which how deservedly soever his great learning, piety, and merit, has advanced him, yet I particularly know how far he was from any aspirings to it ; it was he I described in my former preface, that engaged me first to this design, and 3 [He was consecrated bishop of afterwards Bishop of Lichfield and St. Asaph Oct. 3rd, 1680; and was Coventry, and finally of Worcester.] B 2 4 THE PREFACE. for that reason he has been more than ordinary careful to exa mine it with that exactness that is peculiar to him. The other two are the reverend, learned, and judicious deans of Canter bury and St. Paul's, Dr. Tillotson and Dr. Stillingfleet, too well known to receive any addition from the characters I can give of them. Others gave me supplies of another sort, to enable me to go through with an undertaking that put me to no small expense. I am not ashamed to acknowledge, that the straitness of my condition made this uneasy to me, being destitute of all public provision : but I should be much ashamed of my ingratitude, if I did not celebrate their bounty who have taken such care of me, as not to leave this addition of charge on one who lives not without difficulties. I must again repeat my thanks for the generous kindness, protection, and liberal supplies of sir Har- bottle Grimstone, master of the rolls, this being the sixth4 year of my subsistence under him, to whom I must ever acknow ledge that I am more beholden than to all men living. The noble Mr. Boyle, as he employs both his time and wealth for the good of mankind, (for which he considers himself as chiefly born, and which he has promoted not only in his own excellent writings, that have made him so famous over all the world, but in many other designs that have been chiefly carried on at his cost,) so hath he renewed his kindness to me in largesses suit able to so great a mind. Others were also pleased to join their help. The right honourable the lord Finch, now lord high chancellor of England, whose great parts, and greater virtues, are so conspicuous, that it were a high presumption in me to say any thing in his commendation, being in nothing more emi nent than in his zeal for, and care of this church, thought it might be of some importance to have its history well digested ; and therefore, as he bore a large share of my expense, so he took it more particularly under his care, and, under all the burdens of that high employment which he now bears, yet found time for reading it in manuscript, of which he must have robbed himself, since he never denies it to those who have a right to it on any public account ; and hath added such re marks and corrections as are no small part of any finishing it 4 [The author had been appointed preacher at the Rolls' Chapel by sir Harbottle Grimstone in 1675.] THE PREFACE. 5 may be judged to have. The lord Russell, the inheritor of that zeal for true religion, and the other virtues that have from the first beginnings of the reformation, in a continued entail, adorned that noble family of Bedford, beyond most others of the kingdom, did espouse the interest of the protestant religion in this particular, as he has done on all other more public oc casions ; and by a most liberal supply encouraged me to prose cute this undertaking. That worthy counsellor, whose cele brated integrity and clear judgment have raised him so high in his profession, Anthony Keck, esq. did also concur in easing me of the charge that searching, copying, and gathering mate rials, put me to : and having received as much from these my noble benefactors as did enable me to carry on my design, I did excuse myself at other persons' hands, who very generously offered to supply me in the expense which this work brought with it. That was done in a most extraordinary manner by the right honourable the earl of Halifax, whom if I reckon among the greatest persons this age has produced, I am sure all that know him will allow that I speak modestly of him : he indeed offered me the yearly continuance of a bounty, that would not only have defrayed all this expense, but have been an entire and honourable subsistence to me ; and though my necessities were not so pressing as to persuade me to accept it, yet so unusual a generosity doth certainly merit the highest acknowledgments 1 can make for it. But I now turn to that which ought to be the chief subject of this preface ; to remove the prejudices, by which weak and unwary persons have been prepossessed in their judgments concerning the reformation, during that period of it that falls within this volume. I know the duty of an historian leads him to write as one that is of neither party, and I have endea voured to follow it as carefully as I could, neither concealing the faults of the one party, nor denying the just praises that were due to any of the other side, and have delivered things as I found them, making them neither better nor worse than indeed they were : but now that I am not yet entered into that province, and am here writing my own thoughts, and not relating the actions of other men, I hope it will be judged no indecent thing to clear the reader's mind of those impressions, which may either have already biassed him too much, or may, 6 THE PREFACE. upon a slight reading of what follows, arise in his thoughts : unless he were prepared and armed with some necessary re flections, which every one that may possibly read this History has not had the leisure, or other opportunities, to make to such a degree as were needful. It is certainly an unjust way of proceeding, in any that is to be a judge, to let himself be secretly possessed with such im pressions of persons and things as may bias his thoughts : for where the scales are not well adjusted, the weight cannot be truly reckoned. So that it is an indirect method to load men's minds with prejudices, and not to let them in to the trial of truth till their inclinations are first swayed such a way. I deny not but in matters of religion most commonly men receive such notions, before they can well examine them, as do much deter mine them in the inquiries they make afterwards, when their understandings grow up to a fuller ripeness : but those preoc cupations, if rightly infused, are rather such as give them general notions of what is good and honest in the abstracted ideas, than concerning matters of fact : for every wise and pious man must avoid all such methods of instruction as are founded on falsehood and craft : and he that will breed a man to love truth, must form in him such a liking of it, that he may clearly see he would bribe him into no opinion or party by false or indirect arts. But since men are generally so apt to let some easy notions enter into their minds, which will pre- engage their affections, and for most part those who set them selves to gain proselytes, do begin with such arts ; it will not be amiss to give the reader such an account of these, as may prepare him against them, that so he may with a clearer mind consider what is now to be delivered to him, concerning the reformation of religion*among us. I shall begin with that which is most commonly urged ; that the whole church being one body, the changes that were made in religion did break that unity, and dissolve the bond by which the catholic church is to be knit together ; and that therefore the first reformers began, and we still continue, a schism in the church. In answer to this, it is to be considered, that the bishops and pastors of the church are obliged to instruct their people in the true faith of Christ, according to the scriptures : the THE PREFACE. 7 nature of their function, being a sacred trust, binds them to this ; they were also at their consecration engaged to it by a formal sponsion, according to the questions and answers that are in the Roman Pontifical to this day. Pastors owe it as a debt to their -people to teach them according to the scriptures : they owe a charity to their brethren, and are to live with them in the terms of .brotherly love and friendly correspond ence ; but if that cannot be had on easier terms than the con cealing necessary truths, and the delivering gross errors to those committed to their charge, it is certain that they ought not to purehase it at so dear a rate. When the pastors of this church saw it overrun with errors and corruptions, they were obliged, by the duty they owed to God and to their people, to discover them, and to undeceive their misled flocks. It is of great importance to maintain peace and unity ; but if a party in the church does set up some doctrines and practices, that do much endanger the salvation of souls, and makes advantages by these, so that there is no hope left to gain them by rational and softer methods ; then, as St. Peter was to be withstood to his face in a lesser matter, much more are those, who pretend no higher than to be his successors, to be withstood, when the things are of great moment and consequence. When heresies sprung up in the primitive church, we find the neighbouring bishops condemned them without staying for the concurrence of other churches ; as in the case of Samosatenus, Arius, and Pelagius : and even when the greatest part of the church was become Semi-Arian, and many great councils, chiefly that at Ariminum, consisting of above eight hundred bishops, as some say, had through ignorance and fear complied, the orthodox bishops did not forbear to instruct those committed to their care according to the true faith. A general concurrence is a thing much to be laboured for ; but when it cannot be had, every bishop must then do his duty so as to be answerable to the chief bishop of souls. So that, instead of being led away by so slight a prejudice, we must turn our inquiries to this, Whether there were really such abuses in the church, as did require a reformation 1 and whether there was any reason to hope for a more general con currence in it ? In the following History the reader will see what corruptions were found to be both in the doctrine and 8 THE PREFACE. worship of this church : from whence he may infer what need there was of reformation. And it is very plain, that they had no reason to expect the concurrence of other churches ; for the council of Trent had already made a great progress, and it was very visible, that, as the court of Rome governed all things there, so they were resolved to admit of no effectual reformation of any considerable matters ; but to establish, by a more formal decision, those errors and abuses that had given so much scandal to the Christian world for so many ages. This being the true state of the case, it is certain, that if there were really great corruptions, either in belief or man ners, in this church, then the bishops were bound to reform them : since the backwardness of others in their duty could not excuse them from doing theirs, when they were clearly convinced of it. So that the reader is'to shake off this pre judice, and only to examine whether there was really such need of a reformation ; since, if that be true, it is certain the bishops of this, as well as of other churches, were bound to set about it ; and the faultiness of some could be no excuse to the rest. The second prejudice is, that the reformation was begun and carried on, not by the major part of the bishops and clergy, but by a few selected bishops and divines, who being supported by the name of the king's authority, did frame things as they pleased ; and by their interest at court got them to be enacted in parliament : and after they had re moved such bishops as opposed them, then they procured the convocation to consent to what was done : so that upon the matter, the reformation was the work of Cranmer, with a few more of his party, and not of this church, which never agreed wholly to it, till the bishops were so modelled as to be compli ant to the designs of the court. In short, the resolution of this is to be taken from a common case ; when the major part of a church is, according to the conscience of the supreme civil magistrate, in an error, and the lesser part is in the right. The case is not hard, if well understood ; for in the whole scripture there is no promise made to the major part of the pastors of the church ; and there being no divine promise made about it, it is certain that the nature of man is such, that THE PREFACE. 9 truth, separated from interest, hath few votaries : but when it is opposite to it, it must have a very small party. So that most of those things which needed reformation, being such as added much to the wealth and power of the clergy, it had been a wonder indeed, if the greater part had not opposed it. In that case, as the smaller part were not to depart from their sentiments, because opposed in them by a more numerous party that was too deeply concerned in the matter ; so it was both natural for them, and very reasonable, to take sanctuary in the authority and protection of the prince and the law. That princes have an authority in things sacred, was so uni versally agreed to in king Henry's reign, and was made out upon such clear evidence of reason and precedents, both jn the Jewish state, and in the Roman empire, when it turned Christ ian, that this ground was already gained. It is the first law in Justinian's Code, made bv Theodosius when he came to the empire, That all should every where, under severe pains, follow that faith which was received by Damasus bishop of Rome, and Peter of Alexandria. And why might not the king and laws of England give the like authority to the archbishops of Canterbury and York ? When the empire, and especially the eastern part of it, had been, during the reign of Constantius, and Valens succeeding him after a short interval, so overspread with Arianism, it is scarce to be imagined how it could have been reformed in any other manner : for they durst not af first trust it to the dis cretion of a synod ; and yet the question then on foot was not so linked with interest, being a speculative point of divinity, as those about which the contests were in the beginnings of the reformation. It is not to be imagined how any changes in religion can be made by sovereign princes, unless an authority be lodged with them of giving the sanction of a law to the sounder, though the lesser part of a church : for as princes and lawgivers are not tied to an implicit obedience to clergymen, but are left to the freedom of their own discerning, so they must have a power to choose what side to be of, where things are much inquired into. The jurisdiction of synods or councils is founded either on the rules of expediency and brotherly correspond ence, or on the force of civil laws : for when the Christian be- 10 THE PREFACE. lief had not the support of law, every bishop taught his own flock the best he could, and gave his neighbours such an ac count of his faith, at, or soon after, his consecration, as satis fied them, and so maintained the unity of the church. The formality of synods grew up in the church from the division of the Roman empire, and the dignity of the several cities ; which is a thing so well known, and so plainly acknowledged by the writers of all sides, that it were a needless imposing on the reader's patience to spend time to prove it. Such as would understand it more perfectly, will find it in De Marca, the late archbishop of Paris' books De Concordia Imperii et Sacer- dotii5, and in Blondel's works, De la Primaute de VEglise6. None can imagine there is a divine authority in that which sprang from such a beginning. The major part of synods cannot be supposed to be, in matters of faith, so assisted from Heaven, that the lesser part must necessarily acquiesce in their decrees, or that the civil powers must always measure their laws by their votes : especially where interest does visibly turn the scales. And this may satisfy any reasonable man as to this prejudice ; that if archbishop Cranmer and Holgate, the two primates and metropolitans of this church, were in the right, in the things that they procured to be re formed, though the greater part of the bishops, being biassed by base ends, and generally both superstitious and little con versant in the true theological learning, did oppose them, and they were thereby forced to order matters so, that at first they were prepared by some selected bishops and divines, and afterwards enacted by king and parliament, this is no just ex ception to what was so managed. And such a reformation can no more be blasted by being called a parliament religion, than the reformations made by the kings of Israel, without or against the majority of the priests, could be blemished by being called the king's religion. A third prejudice is, that the persons who governed the affairs at court were weak or ill men : that the king being under age, things were carried by those who had him in their 6 [Marca (Petrus de), Dissertatio- « [Blondellus (David) De la Pri- num de Concordia Sacerdotii et maute" en l'Eglise &c. Genev. 1641. Imperii &c. lib. 8. ed. tertia auctior. fol.] Par. 1704. fol.] THE PREFACE. 11 power. And for the two great ministers of that reign, or rather the administrators of it, the dukes of Somerset and Northumberland, as their violent and untimely deaths may seem to be effects of the indignation of Heaven for what they did ; so they were both eminently faulty in their administra tion, and are supposed to have sought too much their own ends. This seems to cast a blemish on their actions, and to give some reason to suspect the things were not good which had such instruments to advance them. But this prejudice, compounded of many particulars when taken to pieces, will appear of no force to blast the credit of what, they did. By our law, the king never dies, and is never young nor old ; so that the authority of the king is the same, whether administered by himself or by his governors, when he is under age : nor are we to judge of men by the events that befal them. These are the deepest secrets of Divine Pro vidence, into which it is impossible for men of limited under standings to penetrate : and if we make judgments of persons and things by accidents, we shall very often most certainly conclude falsely. Solomon made the observation, which the series of human affairs ever since hath fully justified, that there are just men, to whom it happens according to the work of the wicked ; and wicked men, to whom it happens accord ing to the work of the righteous : and the inquiring into these seemingly unequal steps of God's governing the world, is a vanity. As for the duke of Northumberland, the reformation is not at all concerned in him ; for if we believe what he said, when there was the least reason to suspect him, on the scaffold, he was all the while a papist in his heart : and so no wonder if such a man, striking in for his own ambitious ends with that which was popular, even against the persuasions of his con science, did very ill things. The duke of Somerset was indeed more sincere ; and though he was not without his faults, (which we may safely acknowledge, since the man of infalli bility is not pretended to be without sin,) yet these were not such heinous transgressions, but rather such as human infir mity exposes most men to, when they are raised to an high condition. He was too vain, too much addicted to his own notions, and, being a man of no extraordinary parts, he was too much at the disposal of those, who by flatteries and submis- 12 THE PREFACE. sions insinuated themselves into him ; and he made too great haste to raise a vast estate to be altogether innocent : but I never find him charged with any personal disorders, nor was he ever guilty of falsehood, of perverting justice, of cruelty, or of oppression. He was so much against the last of these, that he lost the affections of the nobility for being so careful of the commons, and covering them from the oppression of their landlords. The business of his brother, though it has a very ill appearance, and is made to look worse by the lame account our books give of it, seems to have been forced on him : for the admiral was a man of most incurable ambition, and so in clined to raise disturbance, that, after so many relapses and such frequent reconciliations, he still breaking out into new disorders, it became almost necessary to put him out of a capa city of doing more mischief. But if we compare the duke of Somerset with the great ministers even in the "best courts, we shall find him better than most of them : and if some few have carried their prosperity better, many more, even of those who are otherwise recorded for extraordinary persons, have been guilty of far greater faults. He who is but a little acquainted with history, or with the courts of princes, must needs know so much of this argument, that he will easily cure himself of any ill effects which this prejudice may have on him. A fourth prejudice is raised from the great invasions which were then made upon the church-lands, and things dedicated to pious uses ; which is a thing hated by men of all religions, and branded with the odious names of sacrilege, and robbing of God ; so that the spoils of religious houses and churches seem to have been the secret motives that at first drew in, and still engage, so many to the reformation. This has more weight in it than the former, and therefore deserves to be more fully considered . The light of nature teaches, that those who are dedicated to the service of God, and for instructing the people, ought to be so well provided for, that they may be delivered from the dis tractions of secular cares, and secured from the contempt which follows poverty ; and be furnished with such means as may both enable them to know that well wherein they are to in struct others, and to gain such an interest in the affections of those among whom they labour, as modest hospitality and libe- THE PREFACE. 13 ral almsgiving may procure. In this all nations and religions have so generally agreed, that it may be well called a law of nations, if not of nature. Had churchmen been contented with this measure, it is very probable things had never run to the other extreme so much as they have done. But as the pope got to himself a great principality, so the rest of his clergy de signed to imitate him in that as much as was possible : they spared no pains, nor thought they any methods too bad, that could set forward these projects. The belief of purgatory, and the redeeming of souls out of it by masses, with many other public cheats imposed on the world, had brought the wealth of this and other nations into their hands. Upon the discovery of this imposture, it was but a reasonable and just proceeding of the government to reassume those lands, and dispose otherwise of them, which had been for most part fraudulently drawn from the former ages : for indeed the best part of the soil of England being in such ill hands, it was the interest of the whole kingdom to have it put to better uses. So that the abbeys being generally raised and endowed by the efficacy of those false opinions, which were infused into the people, I can see no just exception against the dissolution of them, with the chantries, and other foundations of like superstition ; and the fault was not in taking them away, but in not applying a greater part of them to uses truly religious. But most of these monasteries had been enriched by that, which was indeed the spoil of the church : for in many places the tithes which belonged to the secular clergy were taken from them, and by the authority of papal bulls were given to the monasteries. This was the original of the greatest mis chief that came on this church at the reformation : the abbots having possessed themselves of the tithes, and having left to those who served the cure, either some small donative or sti pend, and at best the small tithes or vicarage, those who pur chased the abbey-lands from the crown in the former reign, had them with no other charge reserved for the incumbents but that small pittance that the abbots had formerly given them : and this is now a much less allowance than the curates had ia the times of popery; for though they have now the same right by their incumbency that they then had, yet in the time of superstition, the fees of obits, exequies, soul-masses, 14 THE PREFACE. and such other perquisites, did furnish them so plentifully, that, considering their obligation to remain unmarried, they lived well, though their certain maintenance was but small: but these things falling off by the reformation, which likewise leaves the clergy at liberty in the matter of marriage, this has occasioned much ignorance and scandal among the clergy. I shall not enter into the debate about the divine right of tithes : this I am sure of, a decent maintenance of the clergy is of natural right, and that it is not better looked to is a public reproach to the whole nation ; when, in all other religions and nations, those who serve at the altar live by it. The ancient allowances for the curates in market towns being generally so small, because the number and wealth of the people made the perquisites so considerable, has made those places to be too often but ill supplied : and what way this makes for the se ducers of all hands, when the minister is of so mean a condition, and hath so incompetent a maintenance, that he can scarce secure himself from extreme want and great contempt, I leave it to every man to judge. This is as high a contempt of religion and the gospel as any can be, and is one of those things for which this nation has much to answer to God ; that now, in one hundred and twenty years' time 7, so little has been done by public authority for the redress of such a crying oppression. Some private persons have done great things this way, but the public has yet done nothing suitable to the occasion : though their neighbour na tion of Scotland has set them a very good example ; where, by the great zeal and care of king James, and the late blessed king, -acts and orders of parliament have been made for exam ining the whole state of the clergy, and for supplying all poor livings so plentifully, that in glebe and tithes all benefices are now raised to at least fifty pounds sterling yearly. What greater scorn can be put upon religion, than to provide so scantly for those that are trusted with the care of souls, that some hundreds of parishes in England pay not ten pounds a year to their pastors, and perhaps some thousands not fifty ? This is to be numbered among those crying sins that are bringing down vengeance on us, since by this many souls are ? [The date of the first publication of this was 1681.] THE PREFACE. 15 left to perish, because it is not possible to provide them with able and faithful shepherds. I shall not examine all the par ticular reasons that have obstructed the redress of this mis chief ; but those concerned in it may soon find some of them out in themselves. And here I acknowledge a great and just prejudice lies against our reformation, which no man can fully answer. But how faulty soever we may be in this particular, they of the church of Rome have little reason to object it to us, since the first and true occasion of it was of their own doing. Our fault is, that, at the dissolution of the monasteries, restitu tion was not made to the parish priests of what the popes had sacrilegiously taken from them. And now that we are upon the utter extirpation of popery, let us not retain this relic of if. And I pray God to inspire and direct his majesty and his two houses of parliament effectually to remove this just, and, for aught I know, only great scandal of our English reformation. A fifth prejudice, which seems to give ill impressions of our reformation, is, that the clergy have now no interest in the consciences of the people, nor any inspection into their man ners ; but they are without yoke or restraint. All the ancient canons for the public penance of scandalous offenders are laid aside, and our clergy are so little admitted to know or direct the lives and manners of their flocks, that' many will scarce bear a reproof patiently from them : our ecclesiastical courts are not in the hands of the bishops and their clergy, but put over to the civilians, where too often fees are more strictly looked after than the correction of manners. I hope there is not cause for so great a cry ; but so it is, these courts are much complained of; and public vice and scandal is but little inquired after, or punished : excommunication is become a kind of secu lar sentence, and is hardly now considered as a spiritual cen sure, being judged and given out by laymen, and often upon grounds, which, to speak moderately, do not merit so severe and dreadful a sentence. ' There are, besides this, a great many other abuses, brought in in the worst times, and now purged out of some of the churches of the Roman communion, which yet continue, and are too much in use among us ; such as plu ralities, non-residences, and other things of that nature : so that it may be said, that some of the manifest corruptions of popery, where they are recommended by the advantages that 16 THE PREFACE. accompany them, are not yet throughly purged out, notwith standing all the noise we have made about reformation in mat ters much more disputable, and of far less consequence. This whole objection, when all acknowledged, as the greatest part of it cannot be denied, amounts indeed to this ; that our reformation is not yet arrived at that full perfection that is to be desired. The want of public penance, and penitentiary ca nons, is indeed a very great defect : our church does not deny it, but acknowledges it in the Preface to the office of Commina- tion. It was one of the greatest glories of the primitive church, that they were so governed, that none of their number could sin openly without public censure, and a long separation from the holy communion ; which they judged was defiled by a promiscuous admitting of all persons to it. Had they consulted the arts of policy, they would not have held in converts by so strict a way of proceeding, lest their discontent might have driven them away ; at a time when to be a Christian was at tended with so many discouragements, that it might seem dan gerous, by so severe a discipline, to frighten the world out of their communion. But the pastors of that time resolved to follow the rules delivered them by the apostles, and trusted God with the success, which answered and exceeded all their expectations: for nothing convinced the world more of the truth of that religion, than to see those trusted with the care of souls watch so effectually over their manners, that for some sins, which in these loose ages in which we live pass but for common effects of human frailty, men were made to abstain from the communion for many years, and did cheer fully submit to such rules as might be truly medicinal for curing those diseases in their minds. But, alas! the churchmen of the latter ages being once vested with this authority, to which the world submitted as long as it saw the good effects of it, did soon learn to abuse it; and to bring the people to a blind subjection to them. It was one of the chief arts by which tho papacy swelled to its height : for confessors, instead of bringing their penitents to open penance, set up other things in the room of it ; pre tending they could commute it, and in the name of God ac cept of one thing for another : and they accepted of a peni tent's going either to the holy war, or, which was more holy THE PREFACE. 17 of the two, to one of the pope's wars against heretics, or de posed princes ; and gave full pardons to those who thus en gaged in their designs. Afterwards (when the pope had no great occasion to kill men, or the people no great mind to be killed in his service) they accepted of money, as an alms to God : and so all public penance was laid down, and murder or merchandise was set up in its room. This being the state of things at the reformation, it is no wonder if the people could not be easily brought to submit to public penance ; which had been for some ages entirely laid aside : and there was reason why they should not be forward to come under the yoke of their priests, lest they should have raised upon that foundation such a tyrannical dominion over them, as others had formerly exercised. This made some reformed churches beyond sea bring in the laity with them into their courts, which if they had done merely as a good expedient for removing the jealousy which the world then had of ecclesiastical tyranny, there was no great objection to have been made to it ; but they made the thing liable to very great exception, when they pretended a divine institution for those lay-elders. Here in England, it is plain the nation would not bear such authority to be lodged with the clergy at first: but it will appear in the following work, that a platform was made of an ecclesiastical discipline, though the bishops had no hope of reducing it into practice till the king should come to be of age, and pass a law for the au thorizing of it ; but he dying before this was effected, it was not prosecuted with that zeal that the thing required in queen Elizabeth's time : and then those who in their exile were taken with the models beyond seas, contending more to get it put in the method of other churches than to have it set up in any other form, that contention begat such heat, that it took men off from this and many other excellent designs. And whereas the presbyters were found to have had anciently a share in the government of the churches, as the bishop's coun cil and assistants ; some of them, that were of hot tempers, de manding more than their share, they were by the immoderate use of the counterpoise kept out of any part of ecclesiastical discipline ; and all went into those courts commonly called the spiritual courts; without making distinction between those causes of testaments, marriages, and such other suits that re- BUR^T, PART II. c 18 THE PREFACE. quire some learning in the civil and canon law, and the other causes of the censures of the clergy and laity, which are of a more spiritual nature, and ought indeed to be tried only by the bishops and clergy ; for they are no small part of the care of souls, which is incumbent on them : and by them only ex communications ought to be made, as being a suspension from the sacred rites of Christians, of which none can be the competent judges, but those to whom the charge of souls is committed. The worst that can be said of all these abuses is, that they are relics of popery, and we owe it to the unhappy contests among ourselves that a due correction has not been yet given to them. From hence one evil has followed, -not inferior to these, from whence it flows ; that the pastoral charge is now looked on by too many, rather as a device only for instructing people, to which they may submit as much as they think fit, than as a care of souls, as indeed it is. And it is not to be denied but the practice of not a few of us of the clergy has confirmed the people in this mistake ; who consider our function as a method of living, by performing divine offices, and making sermons, rather than as a watching over the souls of the flocks committed to us, visiting the sick, reproving scandalous persons, reconcil ing differences, and being strict at least in governing the poor, whose necessities will oblige them to submit to any good rules we shall set them for the better conduct of their lives. In these things does the pastoral care chiefly consist, and not only in the bare performing of offices, or pronouncing sermons, which every one almost may learn to do after some tolerable fashion. If men had a just notion of this holy function, and a right sense of it before they were initiated into it, those scan dalous abuses of plurality of benefices with cure, (except where they are so poor and contiguous, that both can scarce maintain one incumbent, and one man can discharge the duty of both very well,) non-residences, and the hiring out that sacred trust to piti ful mercenaries at the cheapest rates, would soon fall off. These are things of so crying a nature, that no wonder if the wrath of God is ready to break out upon us. These are abuses that even the church of Rome, after all her impudence, is ashamed of; and are at this day generally discountenanced all France over. Queen Mary here in England, in the time of popery, set herself effectually to root them out : and that they should THE PREFACE. 19 be still found among protestants, and in so reformed a church, is a scandal that may justly make us blush. All the honest prelates at the council of Trent endeavoured to get residence declared to be of divine right, and so not to be dispensed with upon any consideration whatsoever. And there is nothing more apparently contrary to the most common impressions, which all men have about matters of religion, than that benefices are given for the office to which they are annexed : and if in matters of men's estates, or of their health, it would be a thing of high scandal for one to receive the fees, and commit the work to the care of some inferior or raw practitioner, how much worse is it to turn over so important a concernment as the care of souls must be confessed to be, to mean hands ! And, to conclude, those who are guilty of such disorders have much to answer for ; both to God, for the neglect of those souls for which they are to give an ac count ; and to the world, for the reproach they have brought on this church, and on the sacred functions, by their ill prac tices. Nor could the divisions of this age ever have risen to such a height, if the people had not been possessed with ill impressions of some of the clergy, from those inexcusable faults that are so conspicuous in too many that are called shepherds ; who clothe themselves with the wool, but have not fed the flock ; that have not strengthened the diseased, nor healed the sick, nor bound up that which was broken, nor brought again that which was driven away, nor sought that which was lost, but have ruled them with force and cruelty. And if we would look up to God who is visibly angry with us, and has made us base and contemptible among the people, we should find great reason to reflect on those words of Jeremy, The pastors are become brutish, and have not sought the Lord ; therefore they shall not prosper, and all their flocks shall be scattered. But I were very unjust, if, having ventured on so plain and necessary a reprehension, I should not add, that God has not so left this age and church, but there is in it a great number in both the holy functions, who are perhaps as eminent in the exemplariness of their lives, and as diligent in their labours, as has been in any one church in any age since miracles ceased. The humility and strictness of life in many of our prelates, and C 2 20 THE PREFACE. some that were highly born, and yet have far outgone some others, from whom more might have been expected, raises them far above censure, though perhaps not above envy. And when such think not the daily instructing their neighbours a thing below them, but do it with as constant a care as if they were to earn their bread by it ; when they are so affable to the meanest clergymen that come to them ; when they are so nicely scrupulous about those whom they admit into holy or ders, and so large in their charities, that one would think they were furnished with some unseen ways ; these things must raise great esteem for such bishops, and seem to give some hopes of better times. Of all this I may be allowed to speak the more freely, since I am led to it by none of those bribes, either of gratitude, or fear, or hope, which are wont to corrupt men to say what they do not think. But I were much to blame, if, in a work that may perhaps live some time in the world, I should only find fault with what is amiss, and not also acknowledge what is so very commendable and praiseworthy. And when I look into the inferior clergy, there are, chiefly about this great city of London, so many, so eminent, both for the strictness of their lives, the constancy of their labours, their excellent and plain way of preaching, (which is now per haps brought to as great a perfection as ever was since men spoke as they received it immediately from the Holy Ghost,) the great gentleness of their deportment to such as differ from them, their mutual love and charity, and, in a word, for all the qualities that can adorn ministers or Christians, that if such a number of such men cannot prevail with this debauched age, this one thing to me looks more dismally than all the other affrighting symptoms of our condition ; that God having sent so many faithful teachers, their labours are still so ineffectual. I have now examined all the prejudices that either occur to my thoughts, or that I have met with in books or discourses, against our reformation ; and I hope, upon a free inquiry into them, it will be found that some of them are of no force at all, and that the other, which are better grounded, can amount to no more than this, that things were not managed with that care, or brought to that perfection, that were to be desired ; so that all the use we ought to make of these objections is, to be directed by them to do those things which may complete THE PREFACE. 21 and adorn that work, which was managed by men subject to infirmities, who neither could see every thing, nor were able to accomplish all that they had projected, and saw fit to be done. But from the matter of the following History another objec tion of another sort may arise, which, though it has no relation to the reformation, yet leaves no small imputation on the na tion, as too apt to change, and be carried about with every re ligion in vogue ; since m little more than twenty years' time there were four great changes made in religion : and in all these the main body of the nation turned with the stream, and it was but a small number that stood firm, and suffered for their consciences. But if the state of the nation be well consi dered, there will be nothing in all this so strange as at first view it may perhaps appear : for in the times of popery the people were kept in such profound ignorance, that they knowing nothing of religion beyond the outward forms and pageantry, and being highly dissatisfied with the ill lives of the clergy, and offended with their cruelty against those that contradicted their opinions, it is no wonder that they were inclined to hear preachers of any sort, who laid out to them the reasons of the doctrine they delivered, and did not impose it on them in gross, as the others had done. These teachers, being also men of innocent tempers and good lives, and being recommended to the compassion of the nation by their sufferings, and to their esteem by their zeal and readiness to run all hazards for their consciences, had great advantages to gain on the belief and af fections of the people. And, to speak freely, I make no doubt but if the reformation had been longer a hatching under the heat of persecution, it had come forth perfecter than it was. This disposition of the people, and king Henry's quarrelling with the pope, made the way easy for the first change : but then the severities about the supremacy on one hand, and the six articles on the other, made people to stagger and reel be tween the two religions. And all people being fond of new things, and the discoveries of the impostures of the priests and lewdness of the monks increasing their dislike of them, it was no wonder the reformation went on with so little tumult and precipitation till king Edward's time. But though there were then very learned and zealous divines, who managed and car- 22 THE PREFACE. ried on the changes that were made, yet still the greater part of the clergy was very ignorant and very corrupt ; which was occasioned by the pensions that were reserved out of the rents of the suppressed monasteries to the monks during their lives, or till they were provided with livings. The abbey-lands that were sold, with the charge of these annexed to them, coming into the hands of persons who had no mind to have that burden lie longer on them, they got these monks provided with bene fices, that so they might be eased of that charge8. And for the other abbeys that still remained with the crown, the same course was taken ; for the monks were put into all the small benefices that were in the king's gift. So that the greatest part of the clergy were such as had been formerly monks or friars, very ignorant for most part, and generally addicted to their former superstition; though otherwise men that would comply with any thing rather than forfeit their livings. Under such incumbents nothing but ignorance and unconcernedness in religion could prevail. By this means it was that the greater part of the nation was not well instructed, nor possessed with any warmth and sincere love to the reformation ; which made the following change under queen Mary more easily effected. The proceedings in king Edward's time were likewise so gentle and moderate, flowing from the calm temper of archbishop Cranmer, and the policy of others, who were willing to accept of any thing they could obtain, hoping that time would do the business, if the overdriving it did not precipitate the whole affair ; that it was an easy thing for a concealed papist to wea ther the difficulties of that reign. There were also great scan dals given by the indiscretion of many of the new preachers. The misgovernment of affairs under the duke of Somerset, with the restless ambition of the duke of Northumberland, did alienate the nation much from them: and a great aversion commonly begets an universal dislike of every thing that is done by those whom we hate. All these things concurred to prepare the minds of the people to the change made by queen Mary. But in her reign popery did more plainly discover itself in the many repeated burnings, and the other cruelties then openly exercised : the nation was 8 [See page 24, infra.] THE PREFACE. 23 also in such danger of being brought under the uneasy yoke of Spanish government ; and they were many of them in fear of losing their new-gotten church-lands. These things, together with the loss of Calais in the end of her reign, which was uni versally much resented as a lasting dishonour to the nation, raised in them a far greater aversion to her government, and to every thing that had been done in it, than they had to the former. The genius of the English leads them to hate cruelty and tyranny; and when they saw these Were the necessary concomitants of popery, no wonder it was thrown out with so general an agreement, that there was scarce any considerable opposition made to it, except by some few of their clergy, who, having changed so oft, were ashamed of such repeated recanta tions, and so resolved at last to stand their ground ; which was the more easy to resolve on under so merciful a prince, who punished them only by a forfeiture of their benefices, and, that being done, took care of their subsistence for the rest of their lives; Bonner himself not being excepted, though so deeply dyed in the blood of so many innocents. All these things laid together, it will not seem strange that such great alterations were so easily brought about in so short a time. But from the days of queen Elizabeth, that the old monks were worn out, and new men better educated were placed in churches, things did generally put on a new visage : and this church has since that time continued to be the sanctu ary and shelter of all foreigners, and the chief object of the envy and hatred of the popish church, and the great glory of the reformation ; and has wisely avoided the splitting asunder on the high points of the divine decrees, which have broken so many of the reformed beyond sea ; but in these has left divines to the freedom of their several opinions : nor did she run on that other rock, of defining at first so peremptorily the manner of Christ's presence in the sacrament, which divided the German and the Helvetian churches ; but in that did also leave a latitude to men of different persuasions. From this great temper it might have reasonably been expected, that we should have continued united at home ; and then for things sacred, as well as civil, we had been out of the danger of what all our foreign enemies could have contrived or done against us. But the enemy, while the watchmen slept, sowed his tares 24 THE PREFACE. even in this fruitful field ; of which it may be expected I should give some account here ; and the rather, because I end this work at the time when those unhappy differences first arose, so that I give them no part in this History : and yet I have, in the search I made, seen some things of great import ance, which are very little known, that give me a clearer light into the beginnings of these differences than is commonly to be had; of which I shall discourse so as becomes one who has not blindly given himself up to any party, and is not afraid to speak the truth even in the most critical matters. There were many learned and pious divines in the beginning of queen Elizabeth's reign, who, being driven beyond sea, had observed the new models set up in Geneva, and other places, for the censuring of scandalous persons, of mixed judicatories of the ministers and laity ; and these, reflecting on the great looseness of life which had been universally complained of in king Edward's time, thought such a platform might be an effectual way for keeping out a return of the like disorders. There were also some few rites reserved in this church, that had been either used in the primitive church, or, though brought in of later time, yet seemed of excellent use to beget reverence in holy performances ; which had "also this to be said for them, that the keeping these still was done in imitation of what Christ and his apostles did, in symbolizing with the Jewish rites, to gain the Jews thereby as much as could be; so it was judged necessary to preserve these, to let the world see, that, though corruptions were thrown out, yet the reform ers did not love to change only for change sake, when it was not otherwise needful : and this they hoped might draw in many, who otherwise would not so easily have forsaken the Roman communion. Yet these divines excepted to those, as compliances with popery ; and though they professed no great dislike to the ceremonies themselves, or doubt of their lawfulness, yet were they against their continuance upon that single account, which was indeed the chief reason why they were continued. But all this debate was modestly managed, and without violent heat or separation : afterwards some of the queen's courtiers had an eye to the fair manors of some of the greater sees, and, being otherwise men of iH tempers and lives, THE PREFACE. 25 and probably of no religion, would have persuaded the queen, that nothing could unite all the reformed churches so effect ually, as to bring the English church to the model beyond sea ; and that it would much enrich the crown, if she took the re venues of bishoprics and cathedrals into her own hands. This made those on the other hand (who laid to heart the true interest of the protestant religion, and therefore endeavoured to preserve this church in that strong and well modelled frame to which it was brought, particularly the lord Burleigh, the wisest statesman of that age, and perhaps of any other,) study how to engage the queen out of interest to support it : and they demonstrated to her, that these new models would certainly bring with them a great abatement of her prerogative ; since, if the concerns of religion came into popular hands, there would be a power set up distinct from hers, over which she could have no authority. This she perceived well, and therefore resolved to maintain the ancient government of the church : but by this means it became a matter of interest; and so these differences, which might have been more easily reconciled before, grew now into formed factions : so that all expedients were left unattempted which might have made up the breach : and it becoming the interest of some to put it past reconciling, this was too easily effected. Those of the division, finding they could not carry their main design, raised all the clamours they could against the churchmen ; and put in bills into the parliament against the abuses of pluralities, non-residences, and the excesses of the spiritual courts. But the queen being possessed with this, that the parliament's meddling in these matters tended to the less ening of her authority, of which she was extremely sensible, got all these bills to be thrown out. If the abuses, that gave such occasion to the malcontented to complain, had been effect ually redressed, that party must have had little to. work on : but these things furnished them with new complaints still. The market-towns being also ill provided for, there were voluntary contributions made for lectures in these places. The lecturers were generally men that overtopped the incumbents in diligent and zealous preaching ; and they depending on the bounty of the people for their subsistence, were engaged to follow the humours of those who governed those voluntary contributions. 26 THE PREFACE. All these things tended to the increase of the party ; which owed its chief growth to the scandalous maintenance of the ministers of great towns, for which reason they were seldom of great abilities ; and to the scandals given by the pluraUties and non-residences of others that were overprovided. Yet the go vernment in civil matters was so steady all the queen's reign, that they could do no great thing, after she once declared her self so openly and resolutely against them. But upon king James' coming to the crown, and the divi sions that came to be afterwards in parliaments, between the too often named parties for the court and country, and clergy men being linked to the interests of the crown; all those who in civil matters opposed the designs of the court resolved to cherish those of the division, under the colour of their being hearty protestants, and that it was the interest of the reformed religion to use them well, and that all protestants should unite : and indeed the differences between them were then so small, that if great art had not been used to keep them asunder, they had certainly united of their own accord. But the late unhappy wars engaged those who before only complained of abuses into a formed separation ; which still continues, to the great danger and disgrace of the protestant religion. I shall not make any observations on latter transactions, which fall within all men's view ; but it is plain, that from the beginning there have been laboured designs to make tools of the several parties, and to make a great breach between them, which lays us now so open to our common enemy. And it looks like a sad forerunner of ruin, when we cannot, after so long experience of the mis chievous effects of these contests, learn to be so wise as to avoid the running on those rocks, on which our fathers did so unfor tunately split : but, on the contrary, many steer as steadily towards them, as if they were the only safe harbours, where they may securely weather every storm. But being now to lead the reader into so agreeable a pro spect, as I hope the reformation of the church will be to him, I will hold him yet a little longer before I open it ; and desire him, for his better preparation to it, to reflect on the nature of religion in general, and of the Christian in particular. That religion is chiefly designed for perfecting the nature of man, for improving his faculties, governing his actions, and securing THE PREFACE. 27 the peace of every man's conscience, and of the societies of mankind in common, is a truth so plain, that, without further arguing about it, all will agree to it. Every part of religion is then to be judged by its relation to the main ends of it : and since the Christian doctrine was revealed from Heaven, as the most perfect and proper way that ever was for the advancing the good of mankind, nothing can be a part of this holy faith but what is proportioned to the end for which it was designed. And all the additions that have been made to it, since it was first delivered to the world, are justly to be suspected ; espe cially where it is manifest at first view that they were intended to serve carnal and secular, ends. What can be reasonably supposed in the papacy, where the popes are chosen by such intrigues, either of the two crowns, the nephews of the former pope, or the craft of some aspiring men, to entitle them to in fallibility or universal jurisdiction 1 What can we think of re deeming souls out of purgatory, or preserving them from it, by tricks, or some mean pageantry, but that it is a foul piece of merchandise? What is to be said of implicit obedience, the priestly dominion over consciences, the keeping the scriptures out of the people's hands, and the worship of God in a strange tongue, but that these are so many arts to hoodwink the world, and to deliver it up into the hands of the ambitious clergy 1 What can we think of the superstition and idolatry of images, and all the other pomp of the Roman worship, but that by these things the people are to be kept up in a gross notion of religion, as a splendid business, and that the priests have a trick of saving them, if they will but take care to humour them, and leave that matter wholly in their hands ? And, to sum up all, what can we think of that constellation of prodigies in the sacrament of the altar, as they pretend to explain it, and all really to no purpose, but that it is an art to bring the world by wholesale to renounce their reason and sense, and to have a most wonderful veneration for a sort of men, who can with a word perform the most astonishing thing that ever was ? I should grow too large for a preface, if I would pursue this argument as far as it will go. But if, on the other hand, we reflect on the true ends of this holy religion, we must needs be convinced, that we need go no where else out of this church to find them ; but are completely instructed in all parts of it, and 28 THE PREFACE. furnished with all the helps to advance us to that which is in deed the end of our faith, the salvation of our souls. Here we have the rules of holy obedience, and the methods of re pentance and reconciliation for past sins, clearly set before us : we believe all that doctrine which Christ and his apostles de livered, and the primitive church received : we have the com fort of all those sacraments which Christ instituted, and in the same manner that he appointed them ; all the helps to devo tion that the gospel offers are in every one's hand. So what can it be that should so extravagantly seduce any who have been bred up in a church so well constituted, unless a blind superstition in their temper, or a desire to get heaven in some easier method than Christ has appointed, do strangely impose on their understandings, or corrupt their minds. Indeed the thing is so unaccountable, that it looks like a curse from Hea ven on those who are given up to it for their other sins ; for an ordinary measure of infatuation cannot carry any one so far in folly. And it may be laid down for a certain maxim, that such as leave us have never had a true and well formed notion of religion, or of Christianity in its main and chief de sign ; but take things in parcels, and without examining them suffer themselves to be carried away by some prejudices which only darken weaker judgments. But if it is an high and unaccountable folly for any to for sake our communion, and go over to those of Rome, it is at the same time an inexcusable weakness in others, who seem full of zeal against popery, and yet upon some inconsiderable objections do depart from the unity of this body, and form separated assemblies and communions, though they cannot ob ject any thing material either to our doctrine or worship. But the most astonishing part of the wonder is, that in such differences there should be so little mutual forbearance or gentleness to be found ; and that these should raise such heats as if the substance of religion were concerned in them. This is of God, and is a stroke from Heaven on both sides for their other sins : we of the church communion have trusted too much to the supports we receive from the law, we have done our duties too slightly, and have minded the care of souls too little ; therefore God, to punish and awaken us, has suffered so many of our people to be wrested out of our hands : and THE PREFACE. 29 those of the separation have been too forward to blood and war, and thereby have drawn much guilt on themselves, and have been too compliant with the leaders of their several fac tions, or rather apt to outrun them. It is plain, God is offended with us all, and therefore we are punished with this fatal blindness, not to see at this time the things that belong to our peace. And this leads me to reflections of another sort, with which I shall conclude this preface, which I have now drawn out to a greater length than at first I intended. It is apparent, the wrath of God hangs over our heads, and is ready to break out upon us. The symptoms of our ill condition are as sad as they are visible : and one of the worst is, that each sort and party is very ready to throw the guilt of it off themselves, and cast it on others, with whom they are displeased ; but no man says, What have I done? The clergy accuse the laity, and the laity condemn the clergy; those in the city charge the coun try, and the country complains of the city: every one finds out somewhat wherein he thinks he is least concerned, and is willing to fix on that all the indignation of Heaven ; which, God knows, we ourselves have kindled against ourselves. It cannot be denied, since it is so visible, that universally the whole nation is corrupted, and that the gospel has not had those effects among us which might have been expected, after so long and so free a course as it has had in this island. Our wise and worthy progenitors reformed our doctrine and wor ship ; but we have not reformed our lives and manners : what will it avail us to understand the right methods of worshipping God, if we are without true devotion, and coldly perform pub- he offices, without sense and affection ; which is as bad as a beadroll of prayers, in whatever language they be pronounced? What signifies our having the sacraments purely administered among us, if we either contemptuously neglect them, or irre verently handle them, more perhaps in compliance with law, than out of a sense of the holy duties incumbent on us ? For what end are the scriptures put in our hands, if we do not read them with great attention, and order our lives according to them ? And what does all preaching signify, if men go to church merely for form, and hear sermons only as set dis courses, which they will censure or commend as they think 30 THE PREFACE. they see cause ; but are resolved never to be the better for them? If to all these sad considerations we add the gross sensuality and impurity, that is so avoWedly practised that it is become a fashion, so far is it from being a reproach ; the oppression, injustice, intemperance, and many other immorali ties among us ; what can be expected, but that these abomina tions receiving the highest aggravation they are capable of from the clear light of the gospel which we have so long en joyed, the just judgments of Heaven should fall on us so signally, as to make us a reproach to all our neighbours ? But as if all this were not enough to fill up the measure of our iniquities, many have arrived at a new pitch of impiety, by de fying Heaven itself with their avowed blasphemies and athe ism : and if they are driven out of their atheistical tenets, which are indeed the most ridiculous of any in the world, they set up their rest on some general notions of morality and na tural religion, and do boldly reject all that is revealed ; and, where they dare vent it, (alas ! where dare they not do it ?) they reject Christianity and the scriptures with open and im pudent scorn, and are absolutely insensible of any obligation of conscience in any thing whatsoever : and even in that mo rality which they for decency's sake magnify so much, none are more barefacedly and grossly faulty. This is a direct at tempt against God himself ; and can we think that he will not visit for such things, nor be avenged on such a nation ? And yet the hypocrisy of those who disguise their flagitious lives with a mask of religion is perhaps a degree above all ; though not so scandalous till the mask falls off, and that they appear to be what they truly are. When we are all so guilty, and when we are so alarmed by the black clouds that threaten such terrible and lasting storms, what may be expected but that we should be generally struck with a deep sense of our crying sins, and turn to God with our whole souls ? But if, after all the loud awakenings from Heaven, we will not hearken to that voice, but will still go on in our sins, we may justly look for unheard-of calamities, and such miseries as shall be proportioned to our offences ; and then we are sure they will be great and wonderful. Yet if, on the other hand, there were a general turning to God, or at least if so many were rightly sensible of this, as, THE PREFACE. 31 according to the proportion that the mercies of God allow, did some way balance the wickedness of the rest ; and if these were as zealous in the true methods of imploring God's favour, as others are in procuring his displeasure, and were not only mourning for their own sins, but for the sins of others ; the prayers and sighs of many such might dissipate that dismal cloud which our sins have gathered, and we might yet hope to see the gospel take root among us : since that God, who is the Author of it, is merciful, and full of compassion, and ready to forgive ; and this holy religion, which by his grace is planted among us, is still so dear to him, that if we by our own unwor- thiness do not render ourselves incapable of so great a blessing, we may reasonably hope that he will continue that which at first was by so many happy concurring providences brought in, and was by a continued series of the same indulgent care ad vanced by degrees, and at last raised to that pitch of perfection which few things attain in this world. But this will best ap pear in the ensuing History, from which I fear I may have too long detained the reader. September 10, 1680. THE HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. PART II.— BOOK I. Of the Life and Reign of King Edward the Sixth. liDWARD, the sixth king of England of that name, was the only son of king Henry the Eighth, by his best beloved queen Jane Seymour, or St. Maur, daughter to sir John Seymour, who was descended from Roger St. Maur, that married one of the daughters and heirs of the lord Beauchamp of Hache. Their ancestors came into England with William the Con queror, and had at several times made themselves considerable by the noble acts they did in the wars. He was born at Hampton-Court on the twelfth day of October, being St. Ed- Edw.vi. ward's eve in the year 1537, and lost his mother the day1 after fffi5^,' 1 Yourself say Two days after in best authorities. [B] the Appendix of torn. i. p. 295. His Queen Jane died the 24th of Oc- journal says a few days after. [G] tober, in a journal written by Cecil, The king's journal, printed by that was in twelve days after King your lordship, says, ' within few days Edward's birth. So it is in the .after the birth of her son, died.' Herald's Office. [S] George Lilly, who lived at the same [The 12th of October in 1537 fell time, and near the place — Duode- on a Friday. A letter printed in State cimo post die moritur. — Chron. Papers, i. 372, dated 'this Wednes- And so the continuation of Fabian, day mornyng,' speaks of the Queen's October 23. These seem to be the confessor 'preparing to ministre to BURNET, PART II. D 34 THE HISTORY OF [part a [Hayward, he was born2 ; who died, not by the cruelty of the chiru^geons Sanders.]"1 ripping up her belly to make way for the prince's birth, (as some writers gave out, to represent king Henry barbarous and cruel in all his actions ; whose report has been since too easily followed ;) but, as the original letters that are yet extant, shew, she was well delivered of him, and the day following was taken with a distemper incident to women in that condi tion, of which she died. And christ- He was soon after christened; the archbishop of Canterbury, and the dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk •', being his godfathers, [Hall, p. according to his own journal; though Hall says, the last was 2 25'-" only his godfather when he was bishopped. He continued [Hayward, under the charge and care of the women till he was six years P- *74-J 0\d . an(j tnen ne was pU^ un(jer the government of Dr. Cox and Mr. Cheke : the one was to be his preceptor for his man ners, and the knowledge of philosophy and divinity ; the other for the tongues and mathematics. And he was also provided with masters for the French, and all other things becoming a prince, the heir of so great a crown. His dispo- He gave very early many indications of a good disposition to learning, and of a most . wonderful probity of mind ; and, above all, of great respect to religion, and every thing relating her grace the sacrament of unction. Eighth — printed for the Camden There can be no doubt this was Society, 1859, from Cotton MSS. Wednesday Oct. 24. And the fol- Vesp. A. xxv. fol. 38-46.] lowing extract from a contemporary 2 The queen died on the 14th, diary is conclusive : ' On Saynte say Hall [p. 825], Stow [p. 375], Edwardes eve Fryday in the morn- Speed [p. 1039], and Herbert [p. yng, was prince Edward boom, the 492], [and Holinshed, p. 944] ; on trew son of K. H. the viii. and the 15th, saith Henninges, [Thea- quene Jane his mothur in Hamton trum Genealogicum, torn. 4. par. 3. Corte. His godffathurs was the p. 105] ; on the 17th, if the letter of deuke of Norfock, and the deuke the physicians be true, in Fuller's of Suffocke, and the Bisschop of Church Hist. [lib. 7] p. 422. Cot- Caunterbery; and his godmothur ton. Libr. [Nero C. x. fol. 2.] was his owne sister, which was It was copied from its original in dooughter of quene Kataryn a fore the Cotton Library, and yourself sayd. On Saynte Crispyns eve gave credit to them in the forecited Wensday, dyid quene Jane in child- place of your Appendix, [part i. bed, and is beryid in the castelle p. 295. G] of Wynsor.' s The Duke of Suffolk wag d. Extract from p. n. of the Lon- father at his confirmation, not at don Chronicle during the reigne of his baptism. [S] Henry the Seventh and Henry the sition. book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 35 to it. So that, when he was once in one of his childish diver- [Fuller, sions, somewhat being to be reached at, that he and his com- TO" ***'* panions were too low for, one of them laid on the floor a great Bible that was in the room to step on ; which he beholding with indignation, took up the Bible himself, and gave over his play for that time. He was in all things subject to the orders laid down for his education, and profited so much in learning, that all about him conceived great hopes of extraordinary things from him, if he should live: but such unusual beginnings seemed rather to threaten the too early end of a life, that by all appearance was likely to have produced such astonishing things. He was so forward in his learning, that, before he was [Cotton eight years old, he wrote Latin letters to his father, who was Ner0' q x a prince of that .stern severity, that one can hardly think those *>!• *> S1<1- , , . , . , , , , ,. TT and Fuller, about his son durst cheat him by making letters for him. He vii. 423.] used also at that age to write both to his godfather the arch bishop of Canterbury, and to his uncle, who was first made viscount Beauchamp, as descended from that family, and soon after earl of Hertford. It seems queen Catharine Parr under stood Latin, for he wrote to her also in the same language. But the full character of this young prince is given us by Car- [ibid.] dan, who writ it after his death, and in Italy, where this prince was accounted an heretic; so that there was nothing to be got or expected by flattering him : and yet it is so great, and withal so agreeing in all things to truth, -that, as I shall begin my Collection of Papers at the end of this volume with his Collect. words in Latin, so it will be very fit to give them here in English. " All the graces were in him. He had many tongues when Cardan's " he was yet but a child: together with the English, his na- 0f him. " tural tongue, he had both Latin and French. Nor was he " ignorant, as I hear, of the Greek, Italian, and Spanish, and " perhaps some more : but for the English, French, and Latin, " he was exact in them ; and apt to learn every thing. Nor " was he ignorant of logic, of the principles of natural philo- " sophy, nor of music. The sweetness of his temper was such " as became a mortal, his gravity becoming the majesty of a " king, and his disposition suitable to his high degree. In sum, " that child was so bred, had such parts, was of such expecta- " tion, that he looked like a miracle of a man. These things D 2 36 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. " are not spoken rhetorically, and beyond the truth, but are " indeed short of it." And afterwards he adds, " He was a " marvellous boy. When I was with him, he was in the fif- " teenth year of his age, in which he spake Latin as politely " and as promptly as I did : he asked me what was the subject " of my books, de Reruin Varietate, which I had dedicated to " him. I answered, that in the first chapter I gave the true " cause of comets, which had been long inquired into, but was 3 " never found out before. What is it ? said he. I said, it was " the concourse of the light of wandering stars. He answered, " How can that be, since the stars move in different motions ? " how comes it that the comets are not soon dissipated, or do " not move after them according to their motions ? To this I " answered, They do move after them, but much quicker than " they, by reason of the different aspect, as we see in a crystal, " or when a rainbow rebounds from the wall : for a little " change makes a great difference of place. But the king " said, How can that be, where there is no subject to receive "• that light, as the wall is the subject for the rainbow? To " this I answered, that this was as in the milky-way, or where " many candles were lighted, the middle place where their " shining met was white and clear. From this little taste it " may be imagined what he was. And indeed the ingenuity " and sweetness of his disposition had raised in all good and " learned men the greatest expectation of him possible. He " began to love the liberal arts before he knew them ; and to " know them before he could use them : and in him there was " such an attempt of nature, that not only England, but the " world, has reason to lament his being so early snatched " away. How truly was it said of such extraordinary persons, " that their lives are short, and seldom do they come to be " old. He gave us an essay of virtue, though he did not live " to give a pattern of it. When the gravity of a king was " needful, he carried himself like an old man ; and yet he was " always affable and gentle, as became his age. He' played on " the lute : he meddled in affairs of state : and for bounty, he " did in that emulate his father ; though he, even when he en- " deavoured to be too good, might appear to have been bad : " but there was no ground of suspecting any such thing in tire " son, whose mind was cultivated by the study of philosophy." book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 37 It has been said4, in the end of his father's life, that he then A design designed to create him prince of Wales : for though he was j^princ e called so, as the heirs of this crown are. yet he was not by a of Wales. formal creation invested with that dignity. This pretence was made use of to hasten forward the attainder of the duke of Norfolk, since he had many offices for life, which the king in tended to dispose of; and desired to have them speedily filled, in order to the creating of his son prince of Wales. In the mean time his father died ; and the earl of Hertford and sir King Hen- Anthony Browne were sent by the council to give him notice of ^ it, being then at Hertford5, and to bring him to the Tower of London ; and, having brought him to Enfield, with his sister the lady Elizabeth, they let him know of his father's death, and that he was now their king. On the thirty-first of January Jan. 31. the king's death was published in London, and he proclaimed ^f/T"" ' king. At the Tower, his father's executors, with the rest of the King Ed- privy-council, received him with the respects due to their ^"the king, : so tempering their sorrow for the death of their late Tower. master, with their joy for his son's happy succeeding him, that by an excess of joy they might not seem to have forgot the one so soon, nor to bode ill to the other by an extreme grief. The first thing they did was, the opening king Henry's will : King Hen- by which they found, he had nominated sixteen persons to be opened. his executors, and governors to his son, and to the kingdom, [Rymerxv. till his son was eighteen years of age. These were, the arch bishop of Canterbury ; the lord Wriothesley, lord chancellor ; 4; the lord St. John, great master 6 ; the lord Russell, lord privy seal ; the earl of Hertford, lord great chamberlain ; the viscount Lisle, lord admiral ; Tunstall, bishop of Durham ; sir Anthony Browne, master of the horse ; sir William Paget, secretary of state ; sir Edward North, chancellor of the court of augmenta tions ; sir Edward Montague, lord chief justice of the common pleas; judge Bromley, sir Anthony Denny, and sir William Herbert, chief gentlemen of the privy-chamber ; sir Edward Wotton, treasurer of Calais ; and Dr. Wotton, dean of Canter- 4 [See parti, p. 347.J 6 Supply, of the household. [G.] 5 [Holinshed says Hatfield. [The original document has, ' of our Hertford is taken from king Ed- house.' Rymer xv. 1 15. The council ward's Journal.] book, p. 1, has < of the household.'] 38 THE HISTORY OF [>ABT «• bury and York. These, or the major part of them, were to execute his will, and to administer the affairs of the kingdom. By their consent were the king and his sisters to be disposed of in marriage : but with this difference ; that it was only ordered that the king should marry by their advice ; but the two sisters were so limited in their marriage, that they were to forfeit their right of succession, if they married without their consent ; it being of far greater importance to the peace and interest of the nation who should be their husbands, if the crown did devolve on them, than who should be the king's wife. And by the act passed in the thirty-fifth year of king Henry, he was empowered to leave the crown to them, with [Ibid. what limitations he should think fit. To the executors, the p.n6.] ]jing added by his will a privy-council, who should be assisting to them. These were, the earls of Arundel and Essex ; sir Thomas Cheyney, treasurer of the household ; sir John Gage, comptroller ; sir Anthony Wingfield, vice-Chamberlain ; sir William Petre, secretary of state ; sir Richard Rich, sir John Baker, sir Ralph Sadler, sir Thomas Seymour, sir Richard Southwell, and sir Edmund Peckham. The king also ordered, that, if any of the executors should die, the survivors, without giving them a power of substituting others, should continue to administer affairs. He also charged them to pay all his debts, and the legacies he left, and to perfect any grants he had begun, and to make good every thing that he had promised. [Council The will being opened, and read, all the executors, judge 00 ' p' ™ Bromley and the two Wottons only excepted, were present, and did resolve to execute the will in all points, and to take an oath for their faithful discharge of that trust. Debate But it was also proposed, that, for the speedier despatch of choosing a things, and for a more certain order and direction of all affairs, protector, there should be one chosen to be head of the rest, to whom [Ibid. p. 5,] ambassadors and others might address themselves. It was added, to caution this, that the person to be raised to that dignity should do nothing of any sort without the advice and consent of the greater part of the rest. But this was opposed by the lord chancellor, who thought, that, the dignity of his office setting him next the archbishop of Canterbury, who did not much follow secular affairs, he should have the chief stroke in the government; therefore he pressed, that they might not book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 39 depart from the king's will in any particular, neither by adding to it nor taking from it : it was plain, the late king intended they should be all alike in the administration, and the raising one to a title or degree above the rest was a great change from what he had ordered. And whereas it was now said, that the person to be thus nominated was to have no manner of power over the rest, that was only to exalt him into an high dignity with -the less envy or apprehension of danger; for it was certain great titles always make way for high power. But the earl of Hertford had so great a party among them, that it was agreed to ; the lord chancellor himself consenting, when 5 he saw his opposition was without effect, that one should be raised over the rest in title, to be called the protector of the king^s realms, and the governor of his person. The next point held no long debate, who should be nominated to this high trust; for they unanimously agreed, that the earl of Hertford, by reason of his nearness of blood to the king, and The earl of the great experience he had in affairs, was the fittest person. c-^oae^T " So he was declared protector of the realm, and governor to [Council " the king's person ; but with that special and express condi- ' " tion, that he should not do any act but by the advice and " consent of the other executors, according to the will of the " late king." Then they all went to take their oaths ; but it was proposed, that it should be delayed till the next day, that so they might do it upon better consideration. More was not done that day, save that the lord chancellor was ordered to deliver up the seals to the king, and to receive them again [Ibid. p. 7.] from his hands ; for king Henry's seal was to be made use of, either till a new one was made, or till the king was crowned : he was also ordered to renew the commissions of the judges, the justices of peace, the presidents of the north, and of Wales, and of some other officers. This was the issue of the first council-day under this king : in which, the so easy advance ment of the earl of Hertford to so high a dignity gave great occasion to censure ; it seeming to be a change of what king Henry had designed 7. But the king's great kindness to his uncle made it pass so smoothly ; for the rest of the executors, not being of the ancient nobility, but courtiers, were drawn in 7 [E. Hertford signs before all the others on this first day.] 40 THE HISTORY OF lpabt n. easily to comply with that which was so acceptable to their young king. Only the lord chancellor, who had chiefly op posed it, was to expect small favour at the new protector's hands. It was soon apparent what emulation there was be tween them : and the nation being then divided between those who loved the old superstition, and those who desired a more complete reformation ; the protector set himself at the head of the one, and the lord chancellor at the head of the other party. Which is The next day the executors met again, and first took their coundf " oaths most solemnly for their faithful executing the will. They [Ibid. p. 9.] also ordered all those who were by the late king named privy counsellors to come into the king's presence, and there they de clared to the king the choice they had made of his uncle ; who gave his assent to it. It was also signified to the lords of the [Ibid. council, who likewise with one voice gave their consent to it. p. 10.] ^n(j despatches were ordered to be sent to the emperor, the French king, and the regent of Flanders, giving notice of the [Ibid. king's death, and of the constitution of the council, and the no- p- II'-' mination of the protector during the minority of their young king. All despatches were ordered to be signed only by the protector ; and all the temporal lords, with all the bishops •l l2 '1 about the town, were commanded to come and swear allegiance Feb. 1. to the king. On the second of February the protector was de clared lord treasurer and earl marshal, these places having been designed for him by the late king upon the duke of Nor folk's attainder. Letters were also sent to Calais, Boulogne, Ireland, the marches of Scotland, and most of the counties of England, giving notice of the king's succession, and of the order now settled. The will was also ordered to be enrolled, and every of the executors was to have an exemplification of it 6 under the great seal : and the clerks of the council were also ordered to give to every of them an account of all things done The bi- in council under their hands and seals. And the bishops were shops take required to take out new commissions of the same form with nJssioZ those they liad taken out in king Henry's time ; (for which, see for their the former part, vol. i. p. 267 ;) only with this difference, that bishoprics. . . . , „ . [Council there is no mention made ol a vicar-general in these commis- Book, sjonSj as was iu the former, there being none after Cromwell advanced to that dignity. Two of these commissions are yet book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 41 extant; one taken out by Cranmer, the other taken out by Bonner. But this was only done by reason of the present juncture, because the bispops being generally addicted to the former superstition, it was thought necessary to keep them under so arbitrary a power as that subjected them to ; for they hereby held their bishoprics only during the king's pleasure, and were to exercise them as his delegates in his name, and by his authority. Cranmer set an example to the rest, and took out his commission ; which is in the Collection. But this was after- Collect. wards judged too heavy a yoke ; and therefore the new bishops um ' 2' that were made by this king were not put under it ; (and so Ridley, when made bishop of London in Bonner's room, was not required to take out any such commission ;) but they were to hold their bishoprics during life. There was a clause in the king's will, requiring his executors [Eymerxv. to make good all that he had promised in any manner of ways. Fcmincu Whereupon sir William Paget, .sir Anthony Denny, and sir Book, William Herbert were required to declare what they knew of The i-eason the king's intentions and promises ; the former being the secre- of ta« new 0 ' a creation of tary whom he had trusted most, and the other two, those that many no- attended on him in his bedchamber during his sickness; though emen- they were called gentlemen of the privychamber ; for the ser vice of the gentlemen of the bedchamber was not then set up. Paget declared, that, when the evidence appeared against the duke of Norfolk and his son the earl of Surrey, the king, who [Ibid. used to talk oft in private with him alone, told him, that he in- p- 2 •-! tended to bestow their lands liberally : and since by attainders, and other ways, the nobility were much decayed, he intended to create some peers ; and ordered him to write a book of such as he thought meetest: who thereupon proposed the earl of Hertford to be a duke ; the earl of Essex to be a marquis ; the •viscount Lisle to be an earl, the lords St. John, Russell, and Wriothesley, to be earls ; and sir Thomas Seymour, sir Tho mas Cheyney, sir Richard Rich, sir William Willoughby, sir Thomas Arundel, sir Edmund Sheffield, sir John St. Leger, sir — Wymbish, sir — Vernon of the Peak, and sir Christopher Danby, to be barons. Paget also proposed a distribution of [ibid. the duke of Norfolk's estate. But the king liked it not, and p' made Mr. Gates bring him the books of that estate ; which being done, he ordered Paget to tot ivpon my lord of Hertford's liead 42 THE HISTORY OF [part ii, (these are the words of his deposition) a thousand marks ; on the lord Lisle, St. John, and Russell, 200Z. a year ; to the lord Wriothesley 1001. and for sir Thomas Seymour BOOZ. a year. But Paget said it was too little ; and stood long arguing it with him : yet the king ordered him to propose it to the persons concerned, and see how they liked it, And he putting the king in mind of Denny, who had been oft a suitor for him, but he had never yet in lieu of that obtained any thing for Denny, the king ordered 2001. for him, and four hundred marks for 7 sir William Herbert; -and remembered some others likewise. [Ibid. But Paget having, according to the king's commands, spoken p- 2 J to these who were to be advanced, found that many of them desired to continue in their former ranks, and thought the lands the king intended to give were not sufficient for the maintenance of the honour to be conferred on them : which he reported to the best advantage he could for every man, and endeavoured to raise the king's favour to them as high as he could. But while this was in consultation, the duke of Norfolk, very prudently apprehending the ruin of his poste rity if his lands were divided into many hands, out of which he could not so easily recover them ; whereas, if they continued in the crown, some turn of affairs might again establish his fa mily ; and intending also to oblige the king by so unusual a compliment, sent a desire to him, that he would be pleased to settle all his lands on the prince, (the now king,) and not give them away : for, said he, according to the phrase of that time, they are goodly and stately gear. This wrought so far on the king, that he resolved to reserve them for himself, and to reward his servants some other way. Whereupon Paget pressed him once to resolve on the honours he would bestow, and what he would give with them, and they should afterwards consider of the way how to give it. The king growing still worse, said to him, "that, if aught came to him but good, as he thought " he could not long endure, he intended to place them all about " his son, as men whom he trusted and loved above all other : " and that therefore he would consider them the more." So, after many consultations, he ordered the book to be thus filled [Ibid. up : " The earl of Hertford to be earl marshal and lord trea- P- *9-l " surer, and to be duke of Somerset, Exeter, or Hertford ; and " his son to be earl of Wiltshire, with 8001. a year of land, and booki.J THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 43 *' 300£. a year out of the next bishop's land that fell void ; the " earl of Essex to be marquis of Essex ; the viscount Lisle to " be earl of Coventry ; the lord Wriothesley to be earl of Win- " Chester ; sir Thomas Seymour to be a baron and lord admiral ; " sir Richard Rich, sir John St. Leger, sir William Willoughby, " sir Edmund Sheffield, and sir Christopher Danby, to be " barons : with yearly revenues to them, and several other " persons." And having at the suit of sir Edward North, pro mised to give the earl of Hertford six of the best prebends that should fall in any cathedral, except deaneries and treasurer- ships; at his suit he agreed, that a deanery and a trea- surership should be instead of two of the six prebendaries. And thus, all this being written as the king had ordered it, the [Ibid. king took the book, and put it in his pocket, and gave the se- p' 3°'-' cretary order to let every one know what he had determined for them. But before these things took effect the king died : yet, being on his death-bed put in mind of what he had pro mised, he ordered it to be put in his will, that his executors should perform every thing that should appear to have been pro mised by him. All this Denny and Herbert confirmed ; for they [ibid. then waited in his chamber : and when the secretary went out, P' 31^ the king told them the substance of what had passed between them, and made Denny read the book over again to him; where upon Herbert observed, that the secretary had remembered all but himself: to which the king answered, he should not forget him ; and ordered Denny to write 400£. a year for him. All these 8 things being thus declared upon oath, and the greatest part of them having been formerly signified to some of them, and the whole matter being well known and spread abroad, the execu tors, both out of conscience to the king's will, and for their own [Ibid. honours, resolved to fulfil what the king had intended, but was p' 3*'J hindered by death to accomplish. But, being apprehensive both of wars with the emperor and French king, they resolved not to lessen the king's treasure nor revenue, nor to sell his jewels or plate but to find some other ways to pay them ; and this put them afterwards on selling the chantry lands. The business of Scotland was then. so pressing, that Bal-Tfh| affairs Scot- naves, who was agent for those that had shut themselves within land. the castle of St. Andrew's, had this day 1180Z. ordered to be g^ carried to them for an half year's pay to the soldiers of that p. ,7.j 44 THE HISTORY OF [part II. [Ibid. p. 19.] Feb. 6, '547- the king knighted.[Stow, p. 593-] [CouncilBook,p. 22.] Secularmen had their eccle^ siastical dignitiea. garrison : there were also pensions appointed for the most leading men in that business. The earl of Rothes' eldest son had 280Z., sir James Kircaldy had 200Z., and many others had smaller pensions allowed them, for their amity, as it is ex pressed in the council-books. That day the lord protector knighted the king, being authorized to do it by letters pa tents. So it seems, that as the laws of chivalry required that the king should receive knighthood from the hand of some other knight; so it was judged too great a presumption for his own subject to give it, without a warrant under the great seal. The king at the same time knighted sir John Huble- thorn, the lord mayor of London. When it was known abroad what a distribution of honour and wealth the council had re solved on, it was much censured : many saying, that it was not enough for them to have drained the dead king of all his trea sure, but that the first step of their proceedings in their new trust was to provide honour and estates for themselves: whereas it had been a more decent way for them to have reserved their pretensions till the king had come to be of age. Another thing in the attestations seemed much to lessen the credit of the king's will, which was said to be signed the thirtieth of Decem ber, and so did bear date : whereas this narration insinuates, that it was made a very little while before he died, not being able to accomplish his design in these things which he had pro jected : but it was well known that he was not so ill on the thirtieth of December. It may perhaps seem strange, that the earl of Hertford had six good prebends promised him ; two of these being after wards converted into a deanery and a treasurership. But it was ordinary at that time. The lord Cromwell had been dean of Wells ; and many other secular men had these ecclesiastical benefices without cure conferred on them. For which, there being no charge of souls annexed to them, this might seem to be an excuse. Yet even those had a sacred charge incumbent on them in the cathedrals ; and were just and necessary en couragements, either for such as by age, or other defects, were not fit for a parochial charge, and yet might be otherwise capable to do eminent service in the church ; or for the sup port of such as in their parochial labours did serve so well as to merit preferment, and yet perhaps were so meanly provided book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 45 for, as to need some further help for their subsistence. But certainly they were never intended for the enriching of such lazy and sensual men, who, having given themselves up to a secular course of life, had little of a churchman but the habit and name; and yet used to rail against sacrilege in others, 9 not considering how guilty themselves were of the same crime, enriching their families with the spoils of the church, or with the goods of it, which were put into their hands for better uses. And it was no wonder, that, when clergymen had thus abused these endowments, secular men broke in upon them ; observing plainly, that the clergy who enjoyed them made no better use of them than laics might do : though, instead of reforming an abuse that was so generally spread, they, like men that minded nothing more than the enriching of them selves, took a certain course to make the mischief perpetual, by robbing the church of those endowments and helps it had received from tho munificence of the founders of its cathedrals, who were generally the first Christian kings of this nation ; which, had it been done by law, would have been a thing of very bad consequence ; but as it was done, was directly con trary to the magna charta, and to the king's coronation oath. But now they that were weary of the popish superstitions, observing that archbishop Cranmer had so great a share of the young king's affection, and that the protector and he were in the same interests, began to call for a further reformation of religion, and some were so full of zeal for it, that they would not wait on the slow motions of the state. So the curate and Images churchwardens of St. Martin's in Ironmonger-lane, in London, ^"out took down the images and pictures of the saints, and the cru- authority „.,,,., ,. out of one cifix, out of their church, and painted many texts ot scripture churcu in upon the walls ; some of them according to a perverse transla- *£^°£[ tion, as the complaint has it : and in the place where the cru- Book, cifix was, they set up the king's arms, with some texts of scrip- P- +°-l ture about it. Upon this, the bishop and lord mayor of Lon don complained to the council. And the curate and church wardens being cited to appear, answered for themselves, that the roof of their church being bad, they had taken it down ; and that the crucifix and images were so rotten, that, when they removed them, they fell to powder : that the charge they had been at in repairing their church was such, that they could 46 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. not buy new images : that they had taken down the images in the chancel, because some had been guilty of idolatrytowards them. In conclusion, they said, what they had done was with a good intention ; and if they had in any thing done amiss, they asked pardon, and submitted themselves. Some were for punishing them severely : for all the papists reckoned, that this would be a leading case to all the rest of this reign : and if this was easily passed over, others would be, from that re missness, animated to attempt such things every where. But on the other hand, those at court, who had designed to set for ward a reformation, had a mind only so far to check the heat of the people, as to keep it within compass, but not to dis hearten their friends too much. Cranmer and his party were for a general removing of all images ; and said, that in the late king's time, order being given to remove such as were abused to superstition ; upon that, there were great contests in many places, what images had been so abused, and what not; and that these disputes would be endless, unless all were taken away. An account In the purest times of Christianity they had no images at all sressTof10 'n their churches. One of the first councils, namely, that at image- Elvira in Spain, made a canon against the painting what they [A.D. 277.] worshipped on the walls. Epiphanius was highly offended when he saw a veil hanging before the door of a church, with a picture on it; which he considered so little, as not to know 10 well whose picture it was, but thought it might be Christ's, or some other saint's ; yet he tore it, and gave them of that place money to buy a new veil in its room. Afterwards, with the rest of the pomp of heathenism, images came to be set up in churches ; yet so as that there was no sort of worship paid to [Fox, lib. them. But, in the time of pope Gregory the First, many went ix. p. 71.] jnto extremes about them ; some were for breaking them, and others worshipped them. That pope thought the middle way best ; neither to break, nor to worship them ; but to keep them only to put the people in mind of the saints. Afterwards, there being subtle questions started about the unity of Christ's person and will, the Greek emperors generally inclined to have the animosities raised by these removed by some comprehen sive words, to which all might consent ; which the interest of state, as well as religion, seemed to require : for their empire book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 47 every day declining, all methods for uniting it were thought good and prudent. But the bishops were stiff and peremptory: so, in the sixth general council, they condemned all who dif- [A.D. 680.] fered from them. Upon this, the emperors that succeeded would not receive that council; but the bishops of Rome or dered the pictures of all the bishops, who had been at that council, to be set up in the churches : upon which the em perors contended against these, or any pictures whatsoever in churches. And herein that happened which is not unusual; that one controversy rising occasionally out of another, the parties forsake the first contest, and fall into sharp conflicts about the occasional differences. For now the emperors and popes quarrelled most violently about the use of images ; and ill names going a great way towards the defaming an opinion, the popes and their party accused all that were against images as favouring Judaism, or Mahometanism, which was then much spread in Asia and Africa : the emperors and their party ac cusing the others of Gentilism and heathenish idolatry. Upon [Fox, vol. i. this occasion, Gregory III. first assumed the rebellious preten- p' I43'-" sion to a power to depose Leo the emperor from all his domi nions in Italy. There was one general council at Constanti- [A.D. 786.] nople, that condemned the use or worship of images ; and, soon after, another at Nice did establish it. And yet, at the [A.D. 787.] same time, Charles the Great, though not a little linked in in terest to the bishops of Rome, holding both the French and imperial crowns by the favour of the popes, wrote, or employed Alcuinus (a most learned countryman of ours, as these times " went) to write in his name, against the worship of images. And in a council at Frankfort it was condemned; which was [A.D. 794.] also done afterwards in another council at Paris. But, in such [A.D. 825.] ages of ignorance and superstition, any thing that wrought so [Fox, lib. much -on the senses and imaginations of the people, was sure to prevail in conclusion. And this had, in a course of seven more ages, been improved (by the craft and impostures of the monks) so wonderfully, that there was no sign of divine adora tion that could be invented, that was not applied to these images. So in king Henry's time that temper was found, that such images as had been abused to superstition should be re moved ; and for other images, external worship (such as kneel ing, censing, and praying before them) was kept up ; but the 48 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. people were to be taught, that these were not at all intended to the image, but to that which was represented by it. And upon this there was much subtle arguing. Among Cranmer's papers, I have seen several arguments for a moderate use of 1 1 images. But to all these they opposed the second Commandr ment, as plainly forbidding all visible objects of adoration, together with what was in the scriptures against the idolatry" of the heathens, and what the fathers had written against the gentiles. And they added, that how excusable soever that practice might have been in such dark and barbarous ages, in which the people knew little more of divine matters than what they learned from their images ; yet the horrible abuses that followed, on the bringing them into churches, made it necessary now to throw them all out. It was notorious, that the people every where doted on them, and gave them divine honour. Nor did the clergy, who were generally too guilty themselves of such abuses, teach them how to distinguish aright : and the acts of worship, that were allowed, were such, that, beside the scandal such worship had in it, and the danger of drawing people into idolatry, it was in itself inexcusable to offer up such external parts of religious adoration to gold or silver, wood or stone. So Cranmer and others, being resolved to purge the church of this abuse, got the worst part of the sentence, that some had designed against the curate and churchwardens, to be mitigated into a reprimand; and, as it is entered in the council-books, " In respect of their submission, and of some " other reasons, which did mitigate their offence," (these were Cranmer's arguments against images,) " they did pardon their " imprisonment, which was at first determined ; and ordered " them to provide a crucifix, or at least some painting of it, " till one were ready ; and to beware of such rashness for the " future." But no mention is made of the other images. Many be- The carriage of the council in this matter discovering the down PUU inclinations of the greatest part of them, and Dr. Ridley having images ; in his Lent sermon preached against the superstition that was generally had to images and holy water, it raised a great heat At which over England : so that Gardiner, hearing that on May-day the muchTf- IS PeoPle of Portsmouth had removed and broken the "images of fended. Christ and the saints, writ about it, with great warmth, to one ix.°p! 54.] captain Vaughan, that waited on the protector, and was then book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 49 at Portsmouth. " He desired to know whether he should send " one to preach against it ; though he thought that was the cast- " ing precious stones to hogs, or worse than hogs, as were these " Lollards. He said, that Luther had set out a book against " those who removed images, and himself had seen them still " in the Lutheran churches : and he thought the removing " images was on design to subvert religion and tlie state of the " world : he argues for them from the king's image on the " seal, Cassar's image on the coin brought to Christ, the king's " arms carried by the heralds : he condemns false images : but " for those that were against true images, he thought they " were possessed with the Devil." Vaughan sent his letter to the protector, with one from Gardiner to himself ; who, finding the reasoning in it not so strong but that it might be answered; wrote to him himself, '•' that he allowed of his zeal against in- The pro- " novations, but that there were other things that needed to to h°m " be looked to as much. Great difference there was between about it. " the civil respect due to the king's arms, and the worship " given to images. There had been a time, in which the abuse Tlie letters " of the scriptures was thought a good reason to take them Fox.s Acts " from the people ; yea, and to burn them : though he looked and Monu- ii ¦ . • t -r 1 1 ments. " on them as more sacred than images ; wlucli, it they stood [p 55 sqq.] 12 " merely as remembrancers, he thought the hurt was not " great : but it was known that for the most part it was other- " wise : and upon abuse the brazen serpent was broken, though " made at God's commandment : and it being pretended that " they were the books of the people, he thought the Bible a " much more intelligible and useful book. There were some " too rash, and others too obstinate : the magistrate was to " steer a middle course between them; not considering the " antiquity of things so much as what was good and expe- " dient." Gardiner writ again to the protector, " complaining [Ibid. P. " of Bale and others, who published books to the dishonour of 5^ " the late king ; and that all were running after novelties ; " and often inculcates it, that things should be kept in the " state they were in till the king were of age : and in his letters " reflects both on the archbishop of Canterbury and the bishop " of Durham for consenting to such things." But, finding his letters had no effect on the protector, he Gardiner wrote to Ridley, " that by the law of Moses we were no more Ridley, BURNET, PART II. B 50 THE HISTORY OF [part II. who had preached images.[ibid. p. 7'] [Ibid. p. 72.] [Ibid. 73-] [Part ii. p. 321. and Kecords, p. 294. 5-3 " bound not to have images than not to eat blood-puddings. " Image and idol might have been used promiscuously in " former times, as king and tyrant were ; yet there, was a " great difference between these, according to the notions we " now have. He cites pope Gregory, who was against both " adoring and breaking them : and says, the worship is not " given to the image, so there is no idolatry : but to him re- " presented by it : and as the sound of speech did by the ear " beget notions in us, so he did not see but the sight of an " image might stir up devotion. He confessed there had been " abuses, as there is in every thing that is in men's hands : he " thinks imagery and graving to be of as good use for instruc- " tion, as writing or printing : and, because Ridley had also " preached against the superstition of holy water to drive " away devils, he added, that a virtue might be m water as " well as in Christ's garment, St. Peter's shadow, or Elisha's " staff. Pope Marcellus ordered Equitius to use it : and the " late king used to bless cramp-rings, both of gold and silver, " which were much esteemed every where ; and when he was " abroad, they were often desired from him. This gift he " hoped the young king would not neglect. He believed the " invocation of the name of God might give such a virtue to " holy water as well as to the water of baptism." For Ridley's answer to this, I never saw it ; so these things must here pass without any reply : though it is very probable an ordinary reader will, with a very small measure of common sense and learning, see how they might have been answered. The thing most remarkable here is about these cramp-rings, which king Henry used to bless, of which I never met with any thing be fore I saw this letter : but since I understand the office of blessing of these rings is extant, as it was prepared for queen Mary's use, as shall be told in her reign ; it must be left to conjecture, whether he did it as a practice of former kings, or whether, upon his being made supreme head, he thought fit to take on him, as the pope did, to consecrate such things, and send them about : where, to be sure, fancy and flattery would raise many stories of the wonderful effects of what he had so blessed; and perhaps these might have been as true as the reports made of the virtues of Agnus Dei's, touched beads, blessed pebbles, with such other goodly ware, which the friars B00K »•] THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 51 are wont to carry about, and distribute to their benefactors, as 13 things highly sanctified. This I set down more fully, and have laid some things together that fell not out till some months after this, being the first step that was made towards a refor mation in this reign. Upon this occasion, it is not unlikely that the council wrote Feb. 12, their letters to all the justices of peace of England, on the Tht/com- twelfth of February, letting them know, that they had sent mission of down new commissions to them for keeping the peace : ordering 0f ^h"3 106S them to assemble together, and first to call earnestly on God P®aoe- for his grace to discharge their duties faithfully, according to Book, the oaths which they were to take ; and that they should im- p' *61 partially, without corruption or sinister affection, execute their office, so that it might appear that they had God, and the good of their king and country, before their eyes ; and that they should divide themselves into the several hundreds, and see to the public peace ; and that all vagabonds and disturbers of the peace should be duly punished ; and that once every six weeks they should write to the lord protector and council, the state in which the county was, till they were otherwise commanded. That which was sent into the eountv of Norfolk will be found Collect. in the Collection. Numb- 3" But now the funeral of the deceased king, and the corona tion of his son, were to be despatched. In the coronation ce remonies that had been formerly used, there were some things that did not agree with the present laws of the land ; as the promise made to the abbots for maintaining their lands and dignities : they were also so tedious, that a new form was or dered to be drawn, which the reader will find in the Collection. Collect. The most material thing in it is the first ceremony, whereby um • 4- the king being shewed to the people at the four corners of the stage, the archbishop was to demand their consent to it ; and yet in such terms as should demonstrate he was no elective prince: "for he being declared the rightful and undoubted " heir both by the laws of God and man, they were desired to " give their good-wills and assents to the same, as by their " duty of allegiance they were bound to do." This being Feb. 13, agreed on the thirteenth of February, on the day following ^g' Hen. king Henry's body was, with all the pomp of a royal funeral, ry buried- B 2 52 THE HISTORY OF [pA«T IL [Hayward, removed to Shenes, in the way to Windsor. There great ob- p- 27I-] servation was made on a thing that was no extraordinary mat ter : he had been extreme corpulent, and, dying of a dropsy, or something like it, it was no wonder if a fortnight after, upon so long a motion, some putrid matter might run through the coffin. But Shenes having been a house of religious women, it was called a signal mark of the displeasure of Heaven, that some of his blood and fat dropped through the lead in the night : and, to make this work mightily on weak people, it was said, that the dogs licked it next morning. This was much magnified in commendation of friar Peto, afterwards made car dinal, who (as was told, p. 151 of the former part,) had threat ened him, in a sermon at Greenwich, that the dogs should lick his blood : though, to consider things more equally, it had been a wonder indeed if it had been otherwise. But having met with this observation in a manuscript written near that [Feb. 15.] time, I would not envy the world the pleasure of it. Next day [Feb. 16.] he was brought to Windsor, and interred in St. George's cha pel. And he having by his will left that church 600?. a year for ever, for two priests to say mass at his tomb daily, for four obits yearly, and a sermon at every obit, with 101. to the poor, 14 and for a sermon every Sunday, together with the maintenance of thirteen poor knights ; the judges were consulted how this should be well settled in law : who advised, that the lands, which the king had given, should be made over to that college by indentures tripartite ; the king being one party; the pro tector, and the other executors, a second ; and the dean and chapter of Windsor, a third party. These were to be signed with the king's hand, and the great seal put to them, with the hands and seals of all the rest : and then patents were to be given for the lands, founded on the king's testament, and the indentures tripartite. Soul- But the pomp of this business ministered an occasion of in- examined, quiring into the use and lawfulness of soul-masses and obits, which came to be among the first things that were reformed. Christ had instituted the sacrament to be celebrated in remem- s For Shene read Syon. [S.] Syon was a nunnery. (Ibid. p. 29.) 9 [Shene was a monastery. Vide The author copies the mistake from Dugdale's Monasticon, vi. 540. — Hayward, p. 271.] book l] THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 53 brance of his death, and it was a sacrament only to those who did participate in it : but that the consecrating the sacrament could be of any use to departed souls, seemed a thing not easy to be conceived ; for if they are the prayers of the living that profit the dead, then these would have done as well without a mass. But the people would not have esteemed bare prayers so much, nor have paid so dear for them : so that the true original of soul-masses was thought to have been only to in crease the esteem and wealth of the clergy. It is true, in the primitive church there was a commemoration of the saints de parted in the daily sacrifice; so they termed the communion ; and such as had given any offence at their death were not re membered in it : so that for so slight an offence as the leaving a priest tutor to one's children, which might distract them from their spiritual eare, one's name was to be left out of that com memoration in Cyprian's time ; which was a very dispropor- tioned punishment to that offence, if such commemorations had been thought useful or necessary to the souls departed. But all this was nothing to the private masses for them, and was indeed nothing at first but an honourable mention of such as had died in the faith. And they believing then generally that there was a glorious thousand years to be on earth, and that the saints should rise, some sooner, and some later, to have their part in it ; they prayed in general for their quiet rest, and their speedy resurrection. Yet these prayers growing, as all superstitious devices do, to be more considered, some began to frame an hypothesis to justify them by ; that of the thou sand years being generally exploded. And in St. Austin's time . they began to fancy there was a state of punishment, even for the good, in another life ; out of which, some were sooner, and some later freed, according to the measure of their repentance for their sins in this life. But he tells us, this was taken up without any sure ground ; and that it was no way certain. Yet by visions, dreams, and tales, the belief of it was so far pro moted, that it came to be generally received in the next age after him : and then, as the people were told that the saints in terceded for them, so it was added, that they might intercede for their departed friends. And this was the foundation of all that trade of soul-masses and obits. Now the deceased king had acted like one who did not believe that these things signi- 54 THE HISTORY OF [part n. fied much ; otherwise, he was to have but ill reception in pur gatory, having by the subversion of the monasteries deprived the departed souls of the benefit of the many masses that were 15 said for them in these houses : yet it seems at his death he would make the matter sure ; and, to shew he intended as much benefit to the living, as to himself being dead, he took care that there should be not only masses and obits, but so many sermons at Windsor, and a frequent distribution of alms for the relief of the poor. But upon this occasion it came to be examined, what value there was in such things. Yet the archbishop plainly saw that the lord chancellor would give great opposition to every motion that should be made for any further alteration, for which he, and all that party, had this specious pretence always in their mouths ; that their late glo rious king was not only the most learned prince, but the most learned divine in the world; (for the flattering him did not end with his life ;) and that therefore they were at least to keep all things in the condition wherein he had left them, till the king were of age. And this seemed also necessary on considerations of state : for changes in matter of religion might bring on com motions and disorders, which they, as faithful executors, ought to avoid. But to this it was answered, that as their late king was infinitely learned, (for both parties flattered him dead as well as living,) so he had resolved to make great alterations, and was contriving how to change the mass into a communion: that therefore they were not to put off a thing of such conse quence, wherein the salvation of people's souls was so much concerned, but were immediately to set about it. But the lord chancellor gave quickly great advantage against himself to his enemies, who were resolved to make use of any error he might be guilty of, so far as to ease themselves of the trouble he was like to give them. Thecrea- The king's funeral being over, order was given for the creation of peers. The protector was to be duke of Somerset ; the earl of Essex to be marquis of Northampton ; the viscount Lisle to be earl of Warwick; the lord Wriothesley earl of Southampton ; besides the new creation of the lords Seymour, Rich, Willoughby of Parham, and Sheffield : the rest it seems excusing themselves from new honours, as it appeared from the deposition of Paget, that many of those, on whom the late tion of peers, book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 55 king had intended to confer titles of honour, had declined it formerly. On the twentieth of February, being Shrove- Feb. 20, Sunday, the king was crowned by the archbishop of Canter- n^n€oro" bury, according to the form that was agreed to : the protector serving in it as lord steward ; the marquis of Dorset as lord constable ; and the earl of Arundel as earl marshal, deputed by the protector. A pardon was proclaimed, out of which the duke of Norfolk, cardinal Pole, and some others, were ex cepted. The first business of importance after the coronation was The lord the lord chancellor's fall:. who, resolving to give himself ^moled wholly to matters of state, had on the eighteenth of February fr°m his put the great seal to a commission, "directed to sir Richard10 [Collect. " Southwell, master of the rolls ; John Tregonwel, esq. master Numb. 5.] '; of chancery ; and to John Oliver, and Anthony Bellasis, " clerks, masters of ehancery ; setting forth, that the lord " chancellor being so employed in the affairs of state that he " could not attend on the hearing of causes in the court of " chancery, these three masters, or any two of them, were " empowered to execute the lord chancellor's office in that " court in as ample manner as if he himself were present; " only their decrees were to be brought to the lord chancellor " to be signed by him, before they were enrolled." This being 16 done without any warrant from the lord protector, and the other executors, it was judged a high presumption in the lord chancellor thus to devolve on others that power whieh the law had trusted in his hands. The persons named by him in creased the offence which this gave, two of them being canon ists ; so that the common lawyers looked upon this as a prece dent of very high and ill consequence : and, being encouraged by those who had no good-will to the chancellor, they peti tioned the council in this matter, and complained of the evil consequences of such a commission; and set forth the fears that all the students of the law were under, of a change that was intended to be made of the laws of England. The council remembered well they had given no warrant at all to the lord chancellor for the issuing out any such commission; so they sent it to the judges, and required them to examine the com- lfl For Richard read Robert [S.] [For an explanation of this mistake, see Part iii. p. 169.] 56 THE HISTORY OF [part II. Feb. mission, with the petition grounded upon it: who delivered their opinions on the last of February, that the lord chancellor ought not, without warrant from the council, to have set the seal to it ; and that, by his so doing, he had by the common law forfeited his place to the king, and was liable to fine and imprisonment at the king's pleasure. This lay sleeping till the March 6. sixth of March, and then the judges' answer being brought to the council, signed with all their hands, they entered into a debate how far it ought to be punished. The lord chancellor carried it very high ; and, as he had used many menaces to those who had petitioned against him, and to the judges for giving their opinions as they did, so he carried himself inso lently to the protector, and told him, he held his place by a better authority than he held his: that the late king, being empowered to it by act of parliament, had made him not only chancellor, but one of the governors of the realm during his son's minority ; and had by his will given none of them power over the rest to throw them out at pleasure, and that there fore they might declare the commission void if they pleased, to which he should consent ; but they could not for such an error turn him out of his office, nor out of his share of the government. To this it was answered, that, by the late king's will, they, or the major part of them, were to administer till the king was of age; that this subjected every one of them in particular to the rest ; that otherwise, if any of them broke out into rebellion, he might pretend he could not be attainted nor put from the government ; therefore it was agreed on, that every of them in particular was subject to the greater part. Then the lord chancellor was required to shew what warrant he had for that he had done. Being now driven from that which he chiefly relied on, he answered for himself, that he had no warrant ; yet he thought by his office he had power to do it ; that he had no ill intention in it, and therefore submitted himself to the king's mercy, and to the gracious consideration of the protector and the council; and desired, that, in respect of his past services, he might forego his office with as little slander as might bo ; and that, as to his fine and imprisonment, they would use moderation : so ho was made to withdraw. "The counsellors, (as it is entered in. the eouncil- " book,) considering in their consciences his abuses sundry [CouncilBook, p. IOI.] book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 57 " ways in his office, to the great prejudice and utter decay of " the common laws, and the prejudice that might follow by the " seals continuing in the hands of so stout and arrogant a [Ibid. P. " person, who would as he pleased put the seals to such com- 103'] 17 " missions without warrant, did agree, that the seal should " be taken from him, and he be deprived of his office, and " be further fined, as should be afterwards thought fitting ; " only they excused him from imprisonment." So he being called in, and heard say all he could think of for his own justification, they did not judge it of such importance as might move them to change their mind. Sentence was therefore [Ibid. p. given, that he should stay in the council-chamber and closet I°4'-' till the sermon was ended ; that then he should go home with the seal to Ely House, where he lived ; but that, after supper, the lord Seymour, sir Anthony Browne, and sir Edward North, [Ibid. p. should be sent to him, and that he should deliver the seal into 1°5'-' their hands ; and be from that time deprived of his office, and confined to his house during pleasure, and pay what fine should be laid on him. To all which he submitted, and acknowledged the justice of their sentence. So the next day the seal was put [March 7. into the lord St. John's hands11, till they should agree on a BookTp. fit man to be lord chancellor; and it continued with him io7] several months. On the day following, the late king's will LIbl4/ p- being in his hands for the granting of exemplifications of it under the great seal, it was sent for, and ordered to be laid up in the treasury of the exchequer : and the earl of Southampton continued in his confinement till the twenty-ninth of June, but then he entered into a recognizance of four thousand pounds to pay what fine they should impose on him, and upon that he was discharged of his imprisonment. But in all this sentence they made no mention of his forfeiting his being one of the late king's executors, and of the present king's governors ; either judging, that, being put in these trusts as he was lord chancellor, the discharging him of his office did by consequence put an end to them : or perhaps they were not willing to do any thing that might seem to change the late king's will ; and therefore, by keeping him under the fear of a severe fine, they 11 29 Junii, Sigillum magnum Edw. 6. p. 4., Dugdale, Orig. Jurid. Will. Paulet Militi, Domino S. Jo. [B.] de Basing liberatum fuit. Pat. 1. 58 THE HISTORY OF [pabt.il chose rather to oblige him to be absent, and to carry himself quietly, than by any sentence to exclude him from his share in that trust. Which I incline the rather to believe, because I find him afterwards brought to council without any order entered about it : so that he seems to have come thither rather on a former right, than on a new choice made of him. Thus fell the lord chancellor, and in him the popish party lost their chief support, and the protector his most emulous rival. The reader will find the commission, with the opinion of the judges Collect. about it, in the Collection ; from which he will be better able ' "" to judge of these proceedings against him, which were summary and severe, beyond the usage of the privy- council, and without the common forms of legal processes. But the council's au thority had been raised so high by the act mentioned, page 263 of the former part, that they were empowered sufficiently for matters of that nature. The pro- That which followed a few days after made this be the more hiroffice S censure(l» since the lord protector, who hitherto held his office by patent, but by the choice of the rest, and under great restrictions, was now resolved to hold it by patent, to which the late chancellor had been unwilling to consent. The pretence for it was, that the foreign ministers, the French ambassador in particular, desired to be satisfied concerning his power, and how far they might treat with him, and depend on the assurances and March 13. promises he gave. So the protector and council did on the Book, p. thirteenth of March petition the king, that they might act by "7-] a commission under the great seal, which might empower and justify them in what they were to do. And that was to be 18 done in this manner : the king and the lords were to sign the warrant for it, upon which the lord St. John (who, though he had the keeping of the great seal, was never designed to be lord keeper, nor was empowered to hear causes) should set the seal to it. The original warrant was to be kept by the protector, and exemplifications of it were to be given to foreign [Ibid. p. ministers. To this order sir Thomas Cheyney set his hand ; upon what authority I do not so clearly see, since he was none of the executors. By this commission (which will be found in Numb* -6 tlie Collection) ** is set fortn» " fchat ^e king, being under age, " was desired, by divers of the nobles and prelates of the " realm, to name and authorize one above all others to have book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 59 " the charge of the kingdom, with the government of his " person ; whereupon he had formerly by word of mouth " named his uncle to be protector and governor of his person ; " yet, for a more perfect declaration of that, he did now ratify " and approve all he had done since that nomination, and con- " stituted him his governor, and the protector of his kingdom, " till he should attain the full age of eighteen years ; giving " him the full authority that belonged to that office, to do " every thing as he by his wisdom should think for the honour, " good, and prosperity of the king and kingdom : and, that " he might be furnished with a council for his aid and assist- " ance, he did, by the advice of his uncle and others, nobles, " prelates, and wise men, accept of these persons for his coun- " sellors : the archbishop of Canterbury ; the lord St. John, " president ; the lord Russell, lord privy-seal ; the marquis of " Northampton, the earls of Warwick and Arundel, the lord " Seymour, the bishop of Durham, the lord Rich, sir Thomas " Cheyney, sir John Gage, sir Anthony Browne, sir Anthony " Wingfield, sir William Paget, sir William Petre, sir Ralph " Sadler, sir John Baker, doctor Wotton, sir Anthony Denny, " sir William Herbert, sir Edward North, sir Edward Mon- " tague, sir Edward Wotton, sir Edmund Peckham, sir Thomas " Bromley, and sir Richard Southwell ; giving the protector " power to swear such other commissioners as he should think " fit : and that he, with so many of the council as he should " think meet, might annul and change what they thought " fitting ; restraining the council to act only by his advice and " consent." And thus was the protector fully settled in his power, and no more under the curb of the coexecutors, who were now mixed with the other counsellors, that by the late king's will were only to be consulted with as they saw cause. But, as he depressed them to an equality with the rest of the coun sellors, so he highly obliged the others, who had been formerly under them, by bringing these equally with them into a share of the government. He had also obtained to himself an high authority over them, since they could do nothing without his consent ; but he was only bound to call for so many of them as he thought meet, and was not limited to act as they advised, but clothed with the full regal power ; and had it in his hands to obhge whom he would, and to make his party greater by 60 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. calling into the council such as he should nominate. How far this was legal, I shall not inquire. It was certainly contrary to king Henry's will. And that being made upon an act of parliament, which empowered him to limit the crown and the government of it at his pleasure, this commission, that did change the whole government during the king's minority, seems capable of no other defence, but that, it being made by 19 the consent of the major part of the executors, it was still warrantable even by the will, which devolved the government on them, or the major part of them. All this I have opened the more largely, both because none of our historians have taken any notice of the first constitution of the government during this reign, and, being ignorant of the true account of it, they have committed great errors : and because, having obtained, by the favour of that most industrious collector of the transactions of this age, Mr. Rushworth, the original council-book for the two first years of this reign, I had a certain authority to follow in it ; the exactness of that book being beyond any thing I ever met with in all our records. For every council-day the privy counsellors that were present set their hands to all that was ordered: judging so great caution necessary when the king was under age. And there fore I thought this a book of too great consequence to lie in private hands ; so, the owner having made a present of it to me, I delivered it to that noble and virtuous gentleman sir John Nicolas, one of the clerks of the council, to be kept with the rest of their books. The state And having now given the reader a clear prospect of the Germany111 sta*e of the court, I shall next turn to the affairs that were [Council under their consideration. That which was first brought g3 ] ' ' before them was concerning the state of Germany. Francis Burgartus, chancellor to the duke of Saxe, with others, from the other princes and cities of the empire, were sent over, upon the news of the former king's death, to solicit for aids from the new king toward the carrying on the war with the emperor. In order to the clearing of this, and to give a just account of our councils in reference to foreign affairs, especially the cause being about religion, I shall give a short view of the state of Germany at this time. The emperor, having formed a design of an universal monarchy, laid hold on the differences of book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 61 religion in Germany, as a good mean to cover what he did, with tho specious pretence of punishing heresy, and protecting the catholics. But, before he had formed this design, he pro cured his brother to be chosen king of the Romans, and so Jan. n., declared his successor in the empire ; which he was forced afnand^1 to do, being "obliged to be much in Spain and his other here- crowned ditary dominions ; and being then so young as not to enter EomiTns. into such deep counsels as he afterwards laid. But his wars [Sleidan, in Italy put him oft in ill terms with the pope ; and, being likewise watched over in all his motions by Francis the First and Henry the Eighth, and the Turk often breaking into Hungary and Germany, he was forced to great compliances with the princes of the empire ; who, being animated by the two great crowns, did enter into a league for their mutual defence against all aggressors. And at last, in the year 1544, Feb. 20. in the diet held at Spire, the emperor, being engaged in war began at with France and the Turk, both to secure Germany, and to ^Te- . [Sleidan, obtain money of the princes, was willing to agree to the edict fol. 235.] made there; which was, that, till there was a free council in Germany, or such an assembly in which matters of religion might be settled, there should be a general peace, and none was to be troubled for religion ; the free exercise of both religions being allowed ; and all things were to continue in the state they were then in. And the imperial chamber at Spire 20 was to be reformed ; for the judges of that court being all papists, there were many processes depending at the suit of the ecclesiastics against the protestant -princes, who had driven them out of their lands : and the princes expecting no fair dealing from them, all these processes were now suspended, and the chamber was to be filled up with new judges, that should be more favourable to them. They obtaining this decree, contributed very liberally to the wars the emperor seemed to be engaged in : who, having his treasure thus filled, Sept. 24. presently made peace both with France and the grand signior, ^T ha3m" and resolved to turn his wars upon the empire, and to make peace with use of that treasure and force they had contributed, to invade [ibid. fol. their liberties, and to subdue them entirely to himself. Upon 243-] this he entered into a treaty with the pope, that a council peaceVith should be opened in Trent ; upon which he should require the the Turk. princes to submit to it, which if they refused to do, he should 62 THE HISTORY OF [part n. make war on them. The pope was to assist him with ten thousand men, besides heavy taxes laid on his clergy ; to which he willingly consented. But the emperor, knowing that if religion were declared to be the ground of the war, all the protestants would unite against him, who were the much greater number of the empire, resolved to divide them among them selves, and to pretend somewhat else than religion as the cause of the war. There were then four of the electors of that religion ; the count palatine, the duke of Saxe, the marquis of Brandenburg, and the archbishop of Cologne ; besides the landgrave of Hesse, the duke of Wurtemberg, and many lesser princes, and almost all the cities of the empire. Bohemia, and the other hereditary dominions of the house of Austria, were also generally of the same religion. The northern kings and the Swiss cantons were firmly united to them : the two crowns of England and France were likewise concerned in interest to support them against the Austrian family. But the emperor got France and England engaged in a war between themselves, so that he was now at leisure to accomplish his designs on the empire ; where, some of the princes being extreme old, as the count palatine, and Herman, archbishop of Cologne ; others, being of soft and inactive tempers, as the marquis of Branden burg ; and others discontented and ambitious, as Maurice of Saxony, and the brothers of Brandenburg; he had indeed none of the first rank to deal with, but the duke of Saxe and the landgrave of Hesse, who were both great captains, but of such different tempers, that, where they were in equal com mand, there was no great probability of success. The former was a prince of the best composition of any in that age ; he was sincerely religious, and one of the most equally tempered men that was then alive, neither lifted up with success, nor cast down with misfortunes ; he had a great capacity, but was slow in his resolutions. The landgrave, on the other hand, had much more heat, was a quicker man, and of an impatient temper, on which the accidents of life made deep impressions. When the emperor began to engage in this design, the pope, being jealous of his greatness, and desirous to entangle him in a long and expenseful war, published -the secret ends of the league ; and opened the council in Trent in November 1545, where a few bishops and abbots, with his legates presiding over book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 63 them, usurped the most glorious title of the most holy cecume- [History nical council, representing the catholic church. They entered, c0*eoU by such slow steps as were directed from Rome, into the dis- of Trent, 21 cussion of articles of doctrine; which were, as they were p' I27sqq^ pleased to call it, explained to them by some divines, for most part friars, who amused the more ignorant bishops with the nice speculations with which they had been exercised in the schools ; where hard and barbarous words served in good stead to conceal some things not so fit to be proposed barefaced, and in plain terms. The emperor, having done enough towards his design, that a council was opened in Germany, endeavoured to keep them from determining points of doctrine, and pressed them to examine some abuses in the government of the church, which had at least given occasion to that great alienation of so many from the see of Rome and the clergy. There were also divers wise and learned prelates, chiefly of Spain, who came thither full of hopes of getting these abuses redressed. Some of them had observed, that in all times heresies and schisms did owe their chief growth to the scandals, the ignorance, and negligence of the clergy, which made the laity conceive an ill opinion of them, and so disposed them, both in inclination and interest, to cherish such as opposed them ; and therefore they designed to have many great corruptions cast out : and ob serving that bishops' nonresidence was a chief occasion of all those evils, they endeavoured to have residence declared to be of divine right ; intending thereby to lessen the power of the papacy, which was grown to that height, that they were slaves to that see, taxed by it at pleasure, and the care of their dioceses extorted out of their hands by the several ranks of exempted priests : and also to raise the episcopal authority to what it was anciently, and to cut off all these encroachments which the see of Rome had made on them, at first by craft, and which they still maintained by their power. But the court of Rome was to lose much by all reformations ; and some cardinals openly declared, that every reformation gave the heretics great advantages, and was a confession that the church had erred, and that these very things, so much complained of, were the chief nerves of the popedom ; which being cut, the greatness of their court must needs fall : and therefore they did oppose all these motions, and were still for proceeding in 64 THE HISTORY OF [part II. January, 1546, princes meet at Frankfort. establishing the doctrine. And though the opposing a decree to oblige all to residence was so grossly scandalous that they were ashamed of it, yet they intended to secure the greatness of the court by a salvo for the pope's privilege and dignity in granting dispensations. These proceedings at Trent discovered what was to be expected from that council, and alarmed all the protestants to think what they were to look for, if the emperor should force them to submit to the decrees of such an assembly, where those whom they called heretics could expect little, since the emperor himself could not prevail so far as to obtain or hinder delays, or to give preference for matters of discipline to points of doctrine. So the protestants met at Frankfort, and entered into councils for their common safety, in case any of them should be disturbed about religion ; chiefly for pre serving the elector of Cologne, whom the pope had cited to Rome for heresy. They wrote to the emperor's ministers, that they heard from all hands, that the emperor was raising great forces, and designing a war against them ; who thought them selves secured by the edict of Spire, and desired nothing but the confirmation of that, and the regulation of the imperial chamber, as was then agreed on. A meeting being proposed between the emperor and the landgrave, the landgrave went to 22 him to Spire, where the emperor denied he had any design of a war, with which the other charged him ; only he said, he had with great difficulty obtained a council in Germany, and there fore he hoped they would submit to it. But, after some ex postulations on both hands, the landgrave left him ; and now the thing was generally understood, though the emperor did still deny it, and said he would make no war about religion, but only against the disturbers of the peace of the empire. By this means he got the elector palatine to give little or no aid to the other princes. The marquis of Brandenburg was become jealous of the greatness of Saxe, and so was at first neuter ; but afterwards openly declared for the emperor. But Maurice, the duke of Saxe's near kinsman, who by that duke's means was settled in a fair principality, which his uncle George had left him only on condition that he turned papist, notwithstand ing which he got him to be possessed .of it, was made use of by the emperor as the best instrument to work his ends. To him therefore he promised the electoral dignity, with the book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 65 dominions belonging to the duke of Saxe, if he would assist him in the war against his kinsman, the present elector ; and gave him assurance, under his hand and seal, that he would make no change in religion, but leave the princes of the Augsburg Confession the free exercise of their religion. And thus the emperor singled out the duke of Saxe and t*ne landgrave from the rest, reckoning wisely, that, if he once mastered them, he should more easily overcome all the rest. He pretended some other quarrels against them, as that of the duke of Brunswick, who, having begun a war with his neighbours, was taken prisoner, and his dominions possessed by the landgrave. That, with some old quarrels, was pretended the ground of the war. Upon which the princes published a writing to shew that it was religion only, and a secret design to subdue Ger many, that was the true cause of the war ; and those alleged were sought pretences to excuse so infamous a breach of faith, and of the public decrees ; that the pope, who designed the destruction of all of that confession, had set on the emperor to this, who easily laid hold on it, that he might master the liberty of Germany ; therefore they warned all the princes of their danger. The emperor's forces being to be drawn toge ther out of several places in Italy, Flanders, Burgundy, and Bohemia, they whose forces lay nearer had a great advantage, if they had known how to use it ; for in June they brought June, into the field seventy thousand foot and fifteen thousand horse, the elector and might have driven the emperor out of Germany, had they and land- ,,. „ , v-ii j grave arm. proceeded vigorously at first : but the divided command was [Thuanus, fatal to them ; for when one was for action, the other was hb "• ,caP- ' ' 14. vol. 1. against it. So they lost their opportunity, and gave the em- p 69.] peror time to gather all his forces about him, which were far inferior to theirs in strength : but the emperor gained by time; whereas they, who had no great treasure, lost much. All the summer, and a great deal of the winter, was spent without any considerable action, though the two armies were oft in view one of another. But in the beginning of the July 20, winter, the emperor, having proscribed the duke of Saxe, and ^>£e'of promised to bestow the principality on Maurice, he fell into Saxe and Saxony, and carried a great many of the cities, which were pr0Scribed. not prepared for any such impression. This made the duke y^™'. separate his army, and return to the defence of his own No'v ^ BURNET, PART II. F 66 THE HISTOKY OF [part u. the elector country, which he quickly recovered, and drove Maurice al- Saxo™!11*0 ™st out of all his own principality. The states of Bohemia 23 [Ibid. fol. a]So declared for the elector of Saxony. Jan]7, This was the state of affairs there. The princes thought *S46, they had a good prospect for the next year, having mediated dudedbe- a peace between the crowns of England and France, whose laTd'and18 forces fallmg into Flanders must needs have bred a great dis- , France. traction in the emperor's councils. But king Henry's death gave them great apprehensions, and not without cause; for when they sent hither for an aid in money to carry on the [Council war, the protector and council saw great dangers on both Book, p. hands: if they left the Germans, to perish, the emperor would be then so lifted up, that they might expect to have an uneasy neighbour of him ; on the other hand, it was a thing of great consequence to engage an infant king in such a war; there fore their succours from hence were like to be weak and [10 March, very slow. Howsoever, the council ordered Paget to assure Book" them, that within three or four months they should send fifty II2-1 thousand crowns to their assistance, which was to be covered [Ibid. p. thus : the merchants of the Stillyard were to borrow so much II3'J of the king, and to engage to bring home stores to that value ; they having the money, should send it to Hamburg, and so to the duke of Saxe. But the princes received a second blow in the loss of Francis the First of France, who having lived long in a familiarity and friendship with king Henry, not ordinary for crowned heads, was so much affected with the news of his death, that he was never seen cheerful after it. He made royal funeral rites to be performed to his memory in the church of Notre Dame, to which the clergy (who, one would have thought should have been glad to have seen his funerals celebrated in any fashion) were very averse ; but that king had emancipated himself to a good degree from a servile subjection to them, and would be obeyed : he outlived the March 31, other not long, for he died the last of March. He was the Francis I. cllief patron of learned men, and advancer of learning, that died. had been for many ages : he was generally unsuccessful in his wars, and yet a great commander. At his death he left his son an advice, to beware of the brethren of Lorraine, and to depend much on the counsellors whom he had emploved. But his son, upon his coming to the crown, did so deliver himself book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 67 up to the charms of his mistress Diana, that all things were ordered as men made their court to her ; which the ministers that had served the former king scorning to do, and the bro thers of the house of Lorraine doing very submissively, the one were discharged of their employments, and the other governed all the councils. Francis had been oft fluctuating in the business of religion. Sometimes he had resolved to shake off the pope's obedience, and set up a patriarch in France, and had agreed with Henry the Eighth to go on in the same counsels with him. But he was first diverted by his alliance with Clement the Seventh ; and afterwards by the ascendant which the cardinal of Tournon had over him, who engaged him at several times into severities against those that received the reformation; yet he had such a close eye upon the em peror's motions, that he kept a constant good understanding with the protestant princes, and had no doubt assisted them if he had lived. But upon his death new counsels were taken ; the brothers of- Lorraine were furiously addicted to the in terests of the papacy, one of them being a cardinal, who per suaded the king rather to begin his reign with the recovery of 24 Boulogne out of the hands of the English ; so that the state of Germany was almost desperate before he was aware of it. And indeed the Germans lost so much in the death of these two kings, upon whose assistance they had depended, that it was no wonder they were easily overrun by the emperor. Some of their allies, the cities of Ulm and Frankfort, and the duke of Wurtemberg, submitting "themselves to the emperor's mercy, the rest were much disheartened ; which is a constant forerunner of the ruin of a confederacy. Such was the state of religion abroad. At home, men's minds were much distracted. The people, The design especially in market-towns and places of trade, began generally farther re- to see into many of the corruptions of the doctrine and worship, i°^^L°n and were weary of them. Some preached against some abuses : Glasier, at Paul's Cross, taught, that the observance of Lent [April, was only a positive law ; others went further, and plainly con- 59°^' p' demned most of the former abuses. But the clergy were as much engaged to defend them. They were for the most part such as had been bred in monasteries and religious houses : for there being pensions reserved for the monks, when their houses F 2 68 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. f were surrendered and dissolved, till they should be otherwise provided, the court of augmentations took care to ease the king of that charge, by recommending them to such small benefices as were at the king's disposal ; and such as purchased those lands of the crown, with that charge of paying the pensions to the monks, were also careful to ease themselves by procuring benefices for them. The benefices were generally very small, so that in many places three or four benefices could hardly af ford enough for the maintenance of one man. And this gave some colour for that abuse of one man's having many benefices that have a care of souls annexed to them ; and that not only where they are so contiguous, that the duty can be discharged by one, and so poor that the maintenance of both will scarce serve for the encouragement of one person, but even where they -are very remote, and of considerable value. This cor ruption, that crept in in the dark ages of the church, was now [Cap. 13. practised in England out of necessity. By an act made in king VstatY Henry the Eighth's time, none might hold two benefices with- vol. 3. p. out a dispensation, but no dispensation could enable one to hold J three13; yet that was not at this time much considered. The excuses made for this were, that in some places they could not find good men for the benefices, but in most places the livings were brought to nothing. For while the abbeys stood, the abbots allowed those whom they appointed to serve the cure in the churches that belonged to them (which were in value above the half of England) a small stipend, or some little part of the vicarage tithes13 ; and they were to raise their subsistence out 12 [« The contrary of this appears bishops could from time to time in- from the register of faculties granted crease their allowance out of the by archbishop Parker ; wherein may tithes of the benefice, in what pro be found very many dispensations portion they pleased, even beyond of triality of benefices with cure of the first dotation of it. The bishops souls, enabling the grantee to hold indeed have the same right still, as any third living with two, or any Dr. Ryve (Vicar's plea) hath fully two with one already possessed ; or proved ; but the interposition of the to hold any three hereafter to be ob- common law would now hinder the tained." Harmer, p. 66.'] execution of it. The vicars then 13 [" The case of vicars was not were not left to the pleasure of the so bad before the reformation as abbot or religious house, to whom after. Before it, the fees of sacra- the church belonged. But the bi- ments, sacramentals, diriges, &c, shops endowed the vicarages with were very great ; since, very incon- what proportion of tithes and emo- siderable. Before the reformation, luments they thought fit ; in many book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 69 of the fees they had by the sacraments, and other sacramentals ; and chiefly by the singing masses for the poor that died ; for the abbeys had the profit of it from the rich. And masses went generally for two-pence ; a groat was thought a great bounty. So they all concluded themselves undone, if these things were withdrawn. This engaged them against any reformation, since every step that was made in it took their bread out of their mouths. But they, being generally very ignorant, could op pose nothing with the force of reason or learning. So, although they were resolved to comply with any thing, rather than forfeit 25 their benefices; yet in their hearts they abhorred all reforma tion, and murmured against it where they thought they might do it safely : some preached as much for the old abuses, as others did against them. Dr. Pern, at St. Andrew's Under- shaft, justified the worship of images on the twenty-third of April ; yet on the nineteenth of June he preached a recantation [Stow, p. of that sermon. Besides these, there were great prelates, as 94-J Gardiner, Bonner, and Tunstall, whose long experience in af fairs, they being oft employed in foreign embassies, together with their high preferment, gave them great authority ; and they were against all alterations in religion. But that was not . so decent to profess ; therefore they set up on this pretence ; that, till the king, their supreme head, were of age, so as to consider things himself, all should continue in the state in which king Henry had left them : and these depended on the lady Mary, the king's eldest sister, as their head, who now professed herself to be in all points for what her father had done ; and was very earnest to have every thing enacted by him, but chiefly the six articles, to continue in force. places reserved to the vicar one half impropriated livings, which have of all manner of tithes, and the whole now no settled endowment, and are fees of all sacraments, sacramentals, therefore called, not vicarages, but &c, in most places reserved to them, perpetual, or sometimes arbitrary not some little part of, but all the curacies, they are such as belonged vicarage tithes, and in other places formerly to those orders who could appointed to them an annual pen- serve the cure of them in their own eion of money. In succeeding times, persons, as the canons regular of when,the first endowments appeared the order of St. Austin, which being too slender, they increased them at afterwards devolved into the hands their pleasure. Of all which, our of laymen, they hired poor curates ancient registers and records give to serve them at the cheapest rate abundant testimony. This was the they could, and still continue to do case of all vicarages. As for those so." Harmer, p. 66.] 70 THE HISTORY OF [part 11. On the other hand, Cranmer, being now delivered from that too awful subjection that he had been held under by king- Henry, resolved to go on more vigorously in purging out abuses". He had the protector firmly united to him in this design. Dr. Cox and Mr. Cheke, who were about the young king, were also very careful to infuse right principles of reli gion into him ; and, as he was very capable of understanding what was laid before him, so he had an early liking to all good and generous principles ; and was of so excellent a temper of mind, that, as he naturally loved truth, so the great probity of his manners made him very inclinable to love and cherish true religion. Cranmer had also several bishops of his side ; Holgate of York, Holbeche of Lincoln, Goodrich of Ely, and, above all, Ridley elect of Rochester, designed for that see by [Sept. 5.] king Henry 14, but not consecrated till September this year. Old Latimer was now discharged of his imprisonment, but had no mind to return to a more public station, and did choose rather to live private, and employ himself in preaching. He was kept by Cranmer at Lambeth, where he spent the rest of his days, till he was imprisoned in queen Mary's time, and attained 4he glorious end of his innocent and pious life. But the apprehensions of his being restored again to his old bishopric, put Heath, then bishop of Worcester, into great anxieties ; sometimes he thought, if he consented to the reforma tion, then Latimer, who left his bishopric on the account of the six articles, must be restored, and this made him join with Journal of the popish party : at other times, when he saw the house of of com- commons moved to have Latimer put in again, then he joined mons. [p.6. ;n the counsels for the reformation, to secure friends to himself January 8, , ,. ^. „ 1549.] by that compliance. Others of the bishops were ignorant and weak men, who understood religion little, and valued it less ; and so, although they liked the old superstition best, because 14 Quaere How? When in the time translated to Lincoln. [G] commission granted for the exa- [This mistake has also been noticed mination whether the marquis of by Wharton in the ' Specimen of Northampton could lawfully marry Errors', p. 68, where he says, that after the divorcement of his wife Henry VIII. died Jan. 28, 1547, Anne for adultery, bearing date and that the vacancy at Rochester three months after the death of was caused by the translation of king Henry, even May the 7th, Holbeche of Rochester to Lincoln 1 Edward VI. Holbeche was bi- August 9th, 1547.] shop of Rochester, and not at that book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 71 it encouraged ignorance most, and that was the only sure sup port of their power and wealth, yet they resolved to swim with the stream. It was designed by Cranmer and his friends to carry on the reformation but by slow and safe degrees, not hazarding too much at once. They trusted in the providence of God, that he would assist them in so good a work. They knew the corruptions they were to throw out to be such, that they should easily satisfy the people with what they did ; and 26 they had many learned men among them, who had now for divers years been examining these matters. There were also many that declared they had heard the late king express his great regret for leaving the state of religion in so unsettled a condition ; and that he had resolved to have changed the mass into a communion, besides many other things. And in the act of parliament which he had procured (see page 263, first part) for giving force and authority to his proclamation a proviso was added, that his son's counsellors, while he should be under age, might set out proclamations of the same au thority with these which were made by the king himself. This gave them a full power to proceed in that work ; in which they resolved to follow the method begun by the late king, of sending visitors oyer England with injunctions and articles. A visita- They ordered them six several circuits or precincts. The first ma(je over was, London, Westminster, Norwich, and Ely. The second, England. Rochester, Canterbury, Chichester, and Winchester. The third, Sarum, Exeter, Bath, Bristol, and Gloucester. The fourth, York, Durham, Carlisle, and Chester. The fifth Peterborough, Lincoln, Oxford, Coventry, and Lichfield. And the sixth, Wales, Worcester, and Hereford. For every circuit there were two gentlemen, a civilian, a divine 15, and a register. They were designed to be sent out in the beginning of May, as appears by a letter, to be found in the Collection, written Collect. the fourth of May to the archbishop of York. (There is also r^nner'a' in the registers of London another of the same strain.) Yet Register, the visitation being put off for some months, this inhibition was fj?Ll°s" suspended, on the sixteenth of May, till it should be again Register, renewed. The letter sets forth, that the king being speedily fol- 38-] 16 This rule was not observed; vilian; in some two divines; in some in some circuits there were four vi- one gentleman, and in some three. sitors ; in others six ; in some no ci- See Cranmer's Mem. p. 136. [S.] 72 THE HISTORY OF [part n. to order a visitation over his whole kingdom, therefore neither the archbishop, nor any other, should exercise any jurisdiction while that visitation lasted. And since the minds of the people were held in great suspense by the controversies they heard so variously tossed in the pulpits, that, for quieting these, the king did require all bishops to preach no where but in their cathedrals; and that all other clergymen should not preach but in their collegiate or parochial churches, unless they ob tained a special license from the king to that effect. The design of this was, to make a distinction between such as preached for the reformation of abuses, and such as did it not. The one were to be encouraged by licenses to preach wherever they desired to do it ; but the others were restrained to the places where they were incumbents. But that which of all other things did most damp those who designed the reforma tion, was the misery to which they saw the clergy reduced, and the great want of able men to propagate it over England. For the rents of the church were either so swallowed up by the suppression of religious houses, to whom the tithes were generally appropriated, or so basely alienated by some lewd or superstitious incumbents, who, to preserve themselves, being , otherwise obnoxious, or to purchase friends, had given away the best part of their revenues and benefices, that there was very little encouragement left for those that should labour in the work of the gospel. And though many projects were thought on for remedying this great abuse, yet those were all so powerfully opposed, that there was no hope left of getting it remedied, till the king should come to be of age, and be able by his authority to procure the churchmen a more propor tioned maintenance. Somehomi- Two things only remained to be done at present. The one 27 pUed°m waSj to <*raw UP some ho™1!68 f°r the instruction of the people, which might supply the defects of their incumbents, together with the providing them with such books as might lead them into the understanding of the scripture. The other was, to select the most eminent preachers they could find, and send them over England with the visitors, who should with more authority instruct tlie nation in the principles of religion. Therefore some were appointed to compile those homilies ; and twelve were at first agreed on, being about those arguments book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 73 which were in themselves of the greatest importance. The 1st 16 was, about the Use of the Scriptures. The 2nd, Of the Misery of Mankind by Sin. 3rd, Of their Salvation by Christ, 4th, Of True and Lively Faith. 5th, Of Good Works. 6th, Of Christian Love and Charity. 7th, Against Swearing, and chiefly Perjury. 8th, Against Apostasy, or declining from God. 9th, Against the Fear of Death. 10th, An Exhortation to Obedience, nth, Against Whoredom and Adultery, setting forth the State of Marriage, how necessary and honourable it was. And the 12th, Against Contention, chiefly about Matters . of Religion. They intended to set out more afterwards ; but these were all that were at this time finished. The chief de sign in them was, to acquaint the people with the method of salvation according to the gospel ; in which there were two dangerous extremes at that time that had divided the world. The greatest part of the ignorant commons seemed to consider their priests as a sort of people who had such a secret trick of saving their souls, as mountebanks pretend in the curing of diseases ; and that there was nothing to be done but to leave themselves in their hands, and the business could not miscarry. This was the chief basis and support of all that superstition which was so prevalent over the nation. The other extreme was, of seme corrupt gospellers, who thought, if they mag nified Christ much, and depended on his merits and interces sion, they could not perish, which way soever they led their lives. In these homilies therefore special care was taken to rectify these errors. And the salvation of mankind was on the one hand wholly ascribed to the death and sufferings of Christ, to which sinners were taught to fly, and to trust to it only, and to no other devices for the pardon of sin. They were at the same time taught, that there was no salvation through Christ but to such as truly repented, and lived accord ing to the rules of the gospel. The whole matter was so ordered, to teach them, that, avoiding the hurtful errors on both hands, they might all know the true and certain way of attaining eternal happiness. For the understanding the New Testament, Erasmus1 Paraphrase, which was translated into English, was thought the most profitable and easiest book. 16 These titles are not as they are in the original book. They are only abridged. [S.] 74 THE HTSTORY OF [part ii. Therefore it was resolved, that, together with the Bible, there should be one17 of these in every parish church over England. They next considered the articles and injunctions that should be given to the visitbrs. The greatest part of them were only the renewing what had been ordered by king Henry during Cromwell's being vicegerent, which had been much neglected since his fall. For as there was no vicegerent, so there was few visitations appointed after his death by tbe king's au thority: but the executing former injunctions was left to the several bishops, who were for the most part more careful about the six articles, than about the injunctions. Articles " is S0 I10W; &\\ the orders about renouncing the pope's power, i tions for " and asserting the king's supremacy ; about preaching, teach- the ™ifca- " ing the elements of religion in the vulgar tongue ; about the lib.ix. p. 5.] " benefices of the clergy, and the taxes on them for the poor, " for scholars, and their mansion-houses ; with the other in- " junctions for the strictness of churchmen's lives ; and against " superstitions, pilgrimages, images, or other rites of that kind, " and for register-books ; were renewed. And to these many " others were added ; as, that curates should take down such " images as they knew were abused by pilgrimages or offerings " to them ; but that private persons should not do it. That in " the confessions in Lent they should examine all people whe- " ther they could recite the elements of religion in the English " tongue. That at high mass they should read the Epistle " and Gospel in English ; and every Sunday and holyday they " should read at matins one chapter out of the New Testa- " ment, and at even-song, another out of the Old, in English. " That the curates should often visit the sick, and have many " places of the scripture in English in readiness, wherewith to " comfort them. That there should be no more processions " about churches, for avoiding contention for precedence in " them. And that the Litany, formerly said in the processions, " should be said thereafter in the choir in English, as had [ibid, p.6.] cc Deen ordered by the late king. That the holyday being insti- " tuted at first that men should give themselves wholly to God ; " yet God was generally more dishonoured upon it than on the 17 [The Paraphrase of Erasmus 2 vols.] upon the Newe Testamente. Lond. >s The injunctions are only ab- by Edw. Whytchurch, 1548, 9. fol. stracted, not the articles. [S.] book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 75 other days, by idleness, drunkenness, and quarrelling, the people thinking that they sufficiently honoured God by hearing mass at matins, though they understood nothing of it to their edifying ; therefore thereafter the holyday should be spent, according to God's holy will, in hearing and reading his holy word, in public and private prayers, in amending their lives, receiving the communion, visiting the sick, and reconciling themselves to their neighbours. Yet the curates were to declare to their people, that in harvest-time they might upon the holy and festival days labour in their har vest. That curates were to admit none to the communion who were not reconciled to their neighbours. That all dig nified clergymen should preach personally twice a year. That the people should be taught not to despise any of the ceremonies not yet abrogated, but to beware of the supersti tion of sprinkling their beds with holy water, or the ringing of bells, or using of blessed candles for driving away devils. That all monuments of idolatry should be removed out of the walls or windows of churches, and that there should be a pulpit in every church for preaching. That there should be a chest with a hole in it for the receiving the oblations of the people for the poor ; and that the people should be exhorted ' to almsgiving, as much more profitable than what they for- ' merly bestowed on superstitious pilgrimages, trentals, and ' decking of images. That all patrons who disposed of their ' livings by simoniacal pactions should forfeit their right for ' that vacancy to the king. That the Homilies should be read. That priests should be used charitably and reverently' for their office' sake. That no other primer should be used but ' that set out by king Henry. That the prime and the hours ' should be omitted where there was a sermon or homily. That ' they should in bidding the prayers remember the king their 29 " supreme head, the queen dowager, the king's two sisters, the lord protector and the council, the lords, the clergy, and ' the commons of the realm ; and to pray for souls departed .this life, that at the last day we with them may rest both ' body and soul. All which injunctions were to be observed, ' under the pains of excommunication, sequestration, or depri- ' vation, as the ordinaries should answer it to the king, the 'justices of peace being required to assist them." 76 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. injunctions Besides these, there were other injunctions given to the bishops, "that they should see tlie former put in execution, [Fox, vol. " and should preach four times a year in their dioceses ; once p.' 6.] " at their cathedral, and three times in other churches, unless " they had a reasonable excuse for their omission. That their " chaplains should be able to preach God's word, and should " be made labour oft in it : that they should give orders to " none but such as- would do the same; and if any did other- " wise, that they should punish them, and recal their license." These are the chief heads of the injunctions, which being so often printed, I shall refer the reader, that would consider them more carefully, to the Collection of these, and other such curious things, made by the right reverend father in God An thony Sparrow, now lord bishop of Norwich'9. These were These being published'20, gave occasion to those who cen sured Cen sure(i all things of that nature to examine them. The removing images that had been abused gave great oc casion of quarrel ; and the thing being to be done by the clergy only, it was not like that they, who lived chiefly by such things, would be very zealous in the removing them. Yet, on the other hand, it was thought necessary to set some restraints to the heats of the people, who were otherwise apt to run too far, where bounds were not set to them. The article about the strict observance of the holyday seemed a little doubtful ; whether by the holyday was to be understood only the Lord's- day, or that and all other church-festivals. The naming it singularly the holyday, and in the end of that article adding festival-days to the holyday, seemed to favour their opinion that thought this strict observance of the holy- day was particularly intended for the Lord's-day, and not for the other festivals. And indeed the setting aside of large por tions of time on that day for our spiritual edification, and for the service of God, both in public and private, is so necessary 19 These articles are not in bi- by Rich. Grafton, 1547, 4t0. At the shop Sparrow's Collection, but were end of the volume are, " Articles printed anno 1547. [S.] to bee enquired of in the kynges 20 [" Injunccions geven by the majestie's visitacion." These, which moste excellent Prince Edward the are omitted by Sparrow, are printed sixte, &c, to all and singuler his in Strype, Eccles. Memor. vol. 2. p. loving subjectes, as wel as of the 48. sqq.] Clergie, as of the Laietie." London, book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 77 for the advancement of true piety, that great and good effects must needs follow on it. But some came afterwards, who, not content to press great strictness on that day, would needs make a controversy about the morality of it, and about the fourth Commandment, and framed many rules for it, which were stricter than themselves or any other could keep, and so could only load men's consciences with many scruples. This drew an opposition from others, who could not agree to these severi ties ; and these contests were, by the subtilty of the enemies of the power and progress of religion, so improved, that, instead of all men's observing that time devoutly as they ought, some took occasion, from the strictness of their own way, to censure all as irreligious who did not in every thing agree to their notion concerning it; others, by the heat of contra diction, did too much slacken this great bond and instrument of religion, which is since brought under so much neglect that it 30 is for most part a day only of rest from men's bodily la bours, but perhaps worse employed than if they were at work : so hard a thing it is to keep the due mean between the ex tremes of superstition on the one hand, and of irreligion on the other. The corruption of lay-patrons in their simoniacal bargains was then so notorious, that it was necessary to give a check to it, as we find there was by these injunctions. But whether either this, or the oath afterwards appointed to be taken, has effectually delivered this church of that great abuse, I shall not determine. If those who bestow benefices did consider, that, the charge of souls being annexed to them, they shall answer to God severely for putting so sacred a trust in mean or ill hands, upon any base or servile accounts, it would make them look a little more carefully to a thing of so high consequence, and nei- thor expose so holy a thing to sale, nor gratify a friend or ser vant by granting them the next advowson, or be too easily over come with the solicitations of impudent pretenders. The form of bidding prayer was not begun by king Henry, as some have weakly imagined, but was used in the times of popery, as will appear by the form of bidding the beads in king Henry the Seventh's time, which will be found in the Col- Collect. 1 . W « , 1 j Numb. 8. lection : where the way was, first, for the preacher to name ana open his text, and then to call on the people to go to their 78 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. prayers, and to tell them what they were to pray for ; after which, all the people said their beads in a general silence, and the minister kneeled down likewise and said his. All the change king Henry the Eighth made in this was, that, the pope and cardinals' names being left out, he was ordered to be mentioned with the addition of his title of Supreme Head, that the people, hearing that oft repeated by their priests, might be better per suaded about it ; but his other titles were not mentioned. And this order was now renewed; only the prayer for departed souls was changed from what it had been. It was formerly in these words: "Ye shall pray for the souls that be departed, " abiding the mercy of Almighty God, that it may please him, " the rather at the contemplation of our prayers, to grant them " the fruition of his presence :" which did imply their being in a state where they did not enjoy the presence of God, which was avoided by the more general words now prescribed. The injunctions given the bishops directed them to that, which, if followed carefully, would be the most effectual means of reforming, at least the next age, if not that wherein they lived. For if holy orders were given to none but to those who are well qualified, and seem to be internally . called by a divine vocation, the church must soon put on a new face: whereas, when orders are too easily given, upon the credit of emendicated recommendations or titles, and after a slight trial of the knowledge of such candidates, without any exact scrutiny into their sense of things, or into the disposition of their minds; no wonder, if, by the means of clergymen so ordained, the church lose much in the esteem and love of the people, who, being possessed with prejudices against the whole society for the faults which they see in particular persons, become an easy prey to such as divide from it. August, Thus were the visitors instructed, and sent out to make their gi tector went circuits in August, about the time that the protector made his into Scot- expedition into Scotland. For the occasion of it I shall refer [Stow, p. the reader to what is already said in the former part of this 594-] work. Before they engaged deeper in the war, sir Francis Brian was sent over to France, to congratulate the new king, and to see if he would confirm these propositions that were agreed to during his father's life, and if he would pay the pen sion that was to be given yearly till Boulogne was restored ; book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 79 and chiefly to obtain of him to be neutral in the war of Scot- Thuanus, land, complaining of that nation, that had broken their faith io.'voi.TP with England in the matter of the marriage. To all which the P "3] French king answered, that for these articles they mentioned, he thought it dishonourable for him to confirm them ; and said, his father's agent Poligny had no warrant to yield to them, for by them the English were at liberty to fortify what they had about Boulogne, which he would never consent to : that he was willing to pay what was agreed to by his father, but would have first the conditions of the delivery of Boulogne made more clear. As for the Scots, they were his perpetual allies, whom he could not forsake if they were in any distress". And when Questions it was pressed on him, and his ambassador at London, that tlier Scot. " Scotland was subject to the crown of England ; they had no land was a regard to it. When the council desired the French ambassador dom, or to look on the records which they should bring him for proving suhject to their title, he excused himself, and said, his master would not interpose in a question of that nature, nor would he look back to what was pretended to have been done two or three hundred years ago, but was to take things as he found them; and that the Scots had records likewise to prove their being a free king dom. So the council saw they could not engage in the war with Scotland, without drawing on a war with France, which - made them try their interest with their friends this year to see if the marriage could be obtained. But the castle of St. An drew's was now lost by the assistance that Leo Strozzi brought from France. And though they in England continued to send pensions to their party, (for in May 1300Z.21 was sent down by Henry Balnaves, and in June 19,51. was sent to the earl of[May4.] Glencairn for an half year's payment of his pension,) yet they ^une ?• could gain no ground there, for the Scots now thought them- Book, p. selves safer than formerly ; the crown of England being in the l7 •! hands of a child, and the court of France being much governed by their queen-dowager's brothers. They gave way to the borderers to make inroads, of whom about two thousand fell into the western marches, and made great depredations. The Scots in Ireland were also very ill neighhours to the English there. There were many other complaints of piracies at sea, and of a [Sept. 25. ship-royal that robbed many English ships : but how these B°ok 21 [The sum is 1279?. in the Council Book, p. 163.] P- 238-l 80 THE HISTORY OF [part n. came to be complained of, I do not see ; for they were in open war, and I do not find any truce had been made. The French agent at London pressed much that there might be a treaty on the borders before the breach were made wider. But now the protector had given orders for raising an army, so that he had no mind to lose that summer. Yet, to let the French king see how careful they were of preserving his friendship, they ap pointed the bishop of Durham, and sir Robert Bowes, to give the Scotch commissioners a meeting on the borders the fourth of August ; but with these secret instructions, that, if the Scots 32 would confirm the marriage, all other things should be pre sently forgiven, and peace be immediately made up ; but if they were not empowered in that particular, and offered only to treat about restitutions, that then they should immediately break off the treaty. The bishop of Durham was also ordered to carry down with him the exemplifications of many records, to prove the subjection of the crown of Scotland to England; some of these are said to have been under the hands and seals of their kings, their nobles, their bishops, abbots, and towns. He was also ordered to search for all the records that were lying at Durham, where many of them were kept, to be ready to be shewed to the Scots upon any occasion that might require it. The meeting on the borders came to a quick issue, for the Scottish commissioners had no power to treat about the mar riage. But Tunstall, searching the registers of his see, found many writings of great consequence to clear that subjection, of which the reader will see an account in a letter, he writ to the Collect. council in the Collection of papers. The most remarkable of Numb. 9. tnese waSj flje homage king William of Scotland made to Henry the Second, by which he granted, that all the nobles of his realm should be his subjects, and do homage to him ; and that all the bishops of Scotland should be under the archbishops of York ; and that the king of England should give all the abbeys and honours in Scotland, at the least they should not be given without his consent ; with many other things of the like nature. It was said, that the monks in those days, who generally kept the records, were so accustomed to the foreino- of stories and writings, that little credit was to be given to such records as lay in their keeping. But having so faithfully acknowledged what was alleged against the freedom of Scotland, I may be allowed booki.J THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 81 to set down a proof on the other side for my native country, copied from the original writing yet extant under the hands and seals of many of the nobility and gentry of that kingdom. It is a letter to the Pope ; and it was ordinary, that of such public letters there were duplicates signed ; the one of which was sent, and the other laid up among the records : of which I have met with several instances. So that of this letter, the copy which was reserved, being now in noble hands, was communi cated to me, and is in the Collection. It was upon the pope's Collect. engaging with the king of England to assist him to subdue um ' IO' Scotland that they writ to him, and did assert most directly, that their kingdom was at all times free and independent. But now, these questions being waived, the other difference about the marriage was brought to a sharper decision. On the twenty-first of August the protector took out a com- August 21. mission to be general, and to make war on Scotland ; and did B0°0™p devolve his power during his absence on the privy-council ; and 208.] appointed his brother to be lord lieutenant for the south, and the earl of Warwick-(whom he carried with him) lord lieutenant for the north ; and left a commission of array to the marquis of Northampton for Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk ; to the earl [!bid. p. of Arundel for Sussex, Surrey, Hampshire, and Wiltshire ; and 2I ' aq to sir Thomas Cheyney for Kent. All this was in case of an in vasion from France. Having thus settled affairs during his ab sence, he set out for Newcastle, having ordered his troops to march thither before; and, coming thither on the twenty- seventh of that month, he saw his army mustered on the twenty- August 27, 33 eighth, and marched forward to Scotland. The lord Clinton ?patten A commanded the ships, that sailed on as the army marched ; ii] which was done, that provisions and ammunition might be brought by them from Newcastle or Berwick, if the enemy should at any time fall in behind their army. He entered into Scotch ground Sept. 2. the second of September, and advanced to the Paths the fifth ; where, the passage being narrow and untoward, they looked [Sept. 5 for an enemy to have disputed it, but found none; the Scots '""l having only broken the ways, which, in that dry season, signi fied not much but to stop them some hours in their march. When they had passed these, some little castles, Dunglass, Thornton, and Inner wick, having but a few ill-provided men g , in them, surrendered to them. On the ninth they came to [ibid.E.i.] BURNET, PART II. G 82 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. Falside, where there was a long fight in several parties, in which there were one thousand three hundred of the Scots slain. And now they were in sight of the Scotch army, which was, for numbers of men, one of the greatest that they had ever brought together, consisting of thirty thousand men; of which ten thousand were commanded by the governor, eight thousand by the earl of Angus, eight thousand by the earl of Huntley, and four thousand by the earl of Argyle, with a fair train of artillery, nine brass, and twenty-one iron guns. On the other side, the English army consisted of about fifteen thousand foot and three thousand horse, but all well appointed. The Scots were now heated with the old national quarrel to England. It was given out, that the protector was come with his army to carry away their queen, and to enslave the king dom. And, for the encouraging the army, it was also said, that twelve galleys and fifty ships were on the sea from France, and that they looked for them every day. The pro- The protector, finding an army brought together so soon, fers tothe an<^ s0 much greater than he expected, began to be in some Scots. apprehension, and therefore he writ to the Scots to this effect : wooV'p. that they should remember they were both Christians, and so 8S- . should be tender of the effusion of so much blood ; that this p. 125.]' war was not made with any design, but for a perpetual peace, by the marriage of their two princes, which they had already agreed, and given their public faith upon it ; and that the Scots were to be much more gainers by it than the English ; the island seemed made for one empire ; it was pity it should be more distracted with such wars, when there was so fair and just a way offered for uniting it ; and it was much better for them to marry their queen to a prince of the same language, and on the same continent, than to a foreigner : but if they would not agree to that, he offered that their queen should be bred up among them, and not at all contracted, neither to the French, nor to any other foreigner, till she came of age, that by the consent of the estates she might choose a husband for herself. If they would agree to this, he would immediately return with his army out of Scotland, and make satisfaction for the damages the country had suffered by the invasion. [Bucha- This proposition seems to justify what the Scotch writers say, nan, 1. p. , . , „, ,. . 298.] though none of the English mention it, that the protector, book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 83 what for want of provisions, and what from the apprehensions he had of so numerous an army of the Scots, was in great straits, and intended to have returned back to England without hazarding an engagement. But the Scots thought they were so much superior to the English, and that they had them now at such a disadvantage, that they resolved to fall upon them next day. And, that the fair offers made by the protector 34 might not raise division among them, the governor having communicated these to a few whom he trusted, was by their advice persuaded to suppress them : but he sent a trumpeter Rejected to the English army with an offer to suffer them to return y em without falling upon them ; which the protector had reason to reject, knowing that so mean an action in the beginning of his administration would have quite ruined his reputation. But to this, another, that came with the trumpeter, added a [Hayward, message from the earl of Huntley, that the protector and he, p' 2 2'* with ten or twenty of a side, or singly, should decide the quarrel by their personal valour. The protector said, this was no private quarrel, and the trust he was in obliged him not to expose himself in such a way ; and therefore he was to fight no other way but at the head of his army. But the earl of Warwick offered to accept the challenge. The earl of Huntley sent no such challenge, as he afterwards purged himself when he heard of it. For as it was unreasonable for him to expect the protector should have answered it, so it had been an affronting the governor of Scotland to have taken it off of his hands, since he was the only person that might have chal lenged the protector on equal terms. The truth of the matter was, a gentleman, that went along with the trumpeter, made him do it without warrant, fancying the answer to it would have taken up some time, in which he might have viewed the enemy's camp. On the tenth of September the two armies drew out, and Sept. 10, fought in the field of Pinkey, near Musselburgh. The English of p;nkey had the advantage of the ground. And in the beginning of ne^r Mu3- the action a cannon ball from one of the English ships killed [Hayward, " the lord Grame's eldest son, and twenty-five men more ; which 2861 put the earl of Argyle's Highlanders into such a fright, that vi,j they could not be held in order. But, after a charge given by the earl of Angus, in which the English lost some few men, the a 2 84 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. Scots gave ground; and the English observing that, and breaking in furiously upon them, the Scots threw down their arms and fled; the English pursued hard, and slew them without mercy. There were reckoned to be killed about four teen thousand, and fifteen hundred taken prisoners, among whom was the earl of Huntley, and five hundred gentlemen ; and all the artillery was taken. This loss quite disheartened the Scots, so that they all retired to Stirling, and left the [Patten, whole country to the protector's mercy : who the next day ' TO' went and took Leith ; and the soldiers in the ships burnt some of the sea-towns of Fife, and retook some English ships that had been taken by the Scots, and burnt the rest. They also put a garrison in the isle of St. Columba in the Frith, of about two hundred soldiers, and left two ships to wait on them. He also sent the earl of Warwick's brother, sir Ambrose Dudley, [Sept. 21, to take Broughty, a castle in the mouth of Tay ; in which he p.ogoV ' Put tw0 hundred soldiers. He wasted Edinburgh, and unco vered the abbey of Holyrood-house, and carried away the lead and the bells belonging to it. But he neither took the castle of Edinburgh, nor did he go on to Stirling, where the queen, with the stragglers of the army, lay. And it was thought, that, in the consternation wherein the late defeat had put them, every place would have yielded to him. . But he had some private reasons that pressed his return, and made him let go the advantages that were now in his hands, and so gave the Scots time to bring succours out of France; whereas he might easily have made an end of the war now at once, if he had followed his success vigorously. The earl of Warwick, who had a great share in the honour of the victory, but knew 53 that the errors in conduct would much diminish the protector's glory, which >had been otherwise raised to an immeasurable Sept. 1 8. height, was not displeased at it. So, on the eighteenth of September, the protector drew his army back into England ; and, having received a message from the queen and the go vernor of Scotland, offering a treaty, he ordered them to send commissioners to Berwick to treat with those he should appoint. As he returned through the March and Teviotdale, all the chief men in these counties came in to him, and took an oath to king Edward, the form whereof will be found in the Collection; Numb.'n. and delivered into his hands all the places of strength in their book i. j THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 85 counties. He left a garrison of two hundred in Home-castle, under the command of sir Edward Dudley ; and fortified Rox- , burgh, where, for encouraging the rest, he wrought two hours with his own hands, and put three hundred soldiers and two hundred pioneers into it, giving sir Ralph Bulmer the command. At the same time the earl of Lennox and the lord Wharton made an inroad by the west marches ; but with little effect. On the twenty-ninth of September the protector returned Sept. 29. into England full of honour, having in all that expedition lost tector-re- not above sixty men, as one22 that then writ the account of it turned to J England. says : the Scotch writers say, he lost between two and three hun- [Patten, dred. He had taken eighty pieces of cannon, and bridled the P- ^'J two chief rivers of the kingdom by the garrisons he left in them ; and had left many garrisons in the strong places on the frontier. And now it may be easily imagined how much this raised his reputation in England ; since men commonly make auguries of the fortune of their rulers from the successes of the first designs they undertake. So now they remembered what he had done formerly in Scotland ; and how he had in France, with seven thousand men, raised the French army of twenty thousand, that was set down before Boulogne, and had forced them to leave their ordnance, baggage, and tents, with the loss of one man only, in the year 1544 ; and that, next year, he had fallen into Picardy, and built New-Haven, with two other forts there. So that they all expected great success under his government. And indeed, if the breach between his brother and him, with some other errors, had not lost him the advantages he now had, this prosperous action had laid the foundation of great fortunes to him. He left the earl of Warwick to treat with those that should be sent from Scotland. But none came ; for that proposition had been made only to gain time. The queen-mother there was not ill pleased to see the interest of the governor so much 22 [The Expedicion into Scotlade made in the first yere of his Ma- of the most woorthely fortunate iesties most prosperous reign, and prince Edward, Duke of Soomerset, set out by way of diarie, by W. uncle unto our most noble souereign Patten, Londoner. Vivat Victor. lord ye kiges maiestie Edward the This volume, of which there is a VI. Goouernour of hys hyghnes copy in the King's Library, is not persone, and Protectourofhys graces paged or foliated, but is dated on realmes, dominions and subjectes : the last leaf, 1548.] 86 THE HISTORY OF part n\] impaired by that misfortune, and persuaded the chief men of that kingdom to cast themselves wholly into the arms of France, and to offer their young queen to the dauphin, and to think of no treaty with the English. So the earl of Warwick returned to London, having no small share in the honour of this expedition. He was son to that Dudley, who was attainted and executed the first year of king Henry the Eighth's reign. But whether it was that the king afterwards repented of his severity to the father, or that he was taken with the qualities [Mar. 12, 0f the son, he raised him by many degrees to be admiral, and 1543 viscount Lisle. He had defended Boulogne, when it was in no good condition, against the dauphin, whose army was believed fifty thousand strong ; and when the French had carried the basse-town, he recovered it, and killed eight hundred of their men. The year after that, being in command at sea, he offered 36 the French fleet battle ; which they declining, he made a de scent upon Normandy with five thousand men, and, having burnt and spoiled a great deal, he returned to his ships with the loss only of one man. And he shewed he was as fit for a court as a camp ; for being sent over to the French court upon the peace, he appeared there with much splendour, and came off with great honour. He was indeed a man of great parts, had not insatiable ambition, with profound dissimulation, stained his other noble qualities. The protector at his return was advised presently to meet the parliament, (for which the writs had been sent out before he went into Scotland,) now that he was so covered with glory, to get himself established in his authority, and to do those other Thevisitora things which required a session. He found the visitors had injunctions performed their visitation, and all had given obedience. And those who expounded the secret providences of God with an eye to their own opinions, took great notice of this; that on Acts and the same day in which the Visitors removed, and destroyed most ments, °f the images in London, their armies were so successful in |Hb. ix. Scotland in Pinkev-field. It is too common to all men to mag- l>. I 7 nn Hereford, Norwich, Worcester and Chichester; and sent down to the commons. On the seventeenth a, proviso j- V p' was sent after it, but was rejected by the commons, since the lords had not agreed to it. On the twentieth it was sent up [Ibid. p. agreed to, and had afterwards the royal assent. " By it, "first, the value of the holy sacrament, commonly called the " sacrament of the altar, and in the scripture the supper and " table of the Lord, was set forth ; together with its first insti- " tution : but it having been of late marvellously abused, some " had been thereby brought to a contempt of it, which they had " expressed in sermons, discourses, and songs, in words not fit " to be repeated ; therefore whosoever should so offend, after " the first of May next, was to suffer fine and imprisonment " at the king's pleasure ; and the justices of the peace were to 29 [This was on Saturday the twenty-sixth of November. Journals of Lords, p. 301.] book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 95 "take information, and make presentments of persons so offend- "ing, within three months after the offences so committed, " allowing them witnesses for their own purgation. And it [Cap. 1, " being more agreeable to Christ's first institution, and the voit"*ea' " practice of the church for five hundred years after Christ, 3-] " that the sacrament should be given in both the kinds of bread "and wine, rather than in one kind only; therefore it was "enacted, that it should be commonly given in both kinds, " except necessity did otherwise require it. And it being also "more agreeable to the first institution, and the primitive " practice, that the people should receive with the priest, than " that the priest should receive it alone ; therefore, the day " before every sacrament, an exhortation was to be made to "the people to prepare themselves for it, in which the benefits " and danger of worthy and unworthy receiving were to be " expressed : and the priests were not without a lawful cause to " deny it to any who humbly asked it." This was an act of great consequence, since it reformed two Commu- abuses that had crept into the church. The one was, the deny- "o°ntg?~- 1$ ing the cup to the laity ; the other was, the priest's communi- both kinds. eating alone. In the first institution it is plain, that, as Christ bade all drink of the cup, and his disciples all drank of it, so St. Paul directed every one to examine himself, that he might [1 Cor. xi. eat of that bread and drink of that cup. 'From thence the 2 -' church for many ages continued this practice ; and the super stition of some, who received only in one kind, was severely censured ; and such were appointed either to receive the whole sacrament, or to abstain wholly. It continued thus till the belief of the corporal -presence of Christ was set up ; and then the keeping and carrying about the cup in processions not being so easily done, some began to lay it aside. For a great while the bread was given dipped in the cup, to represent a bleeding Christ, as it is in the Greek church to this day. In other places the laity had the cup given them, but they were to suck it through pipes, that nothing of it should fall to the ground. But since they believed that Christ was in every crumb of bread, it was thought needless to give the sacrament in both kinds : so in the council of Constance the cup was ordered to be denied the laity, though they acknowledged it to have been instituted and practised otherwise. To this the 96 THE HISTORY OF [pabtii. Bohemians would never submit ; though to compel them to it much blood was shed in this quarrel. And now in the reforma tion this was every where one of the first things with which the people were possessed, the opposition of the Roman church herein to the institution of Christ being so manifest. And all At first this sacrament was also understood to be a commu- private n;on 0f ^e D0^y ana blood of Christ, of which many were to be masses put * . " , down. partakers : while the fervour of devotion lasted, it was thought a scandalous and censurable thing if any had come unto the Christian assemblies, and had not stayed to receive these holy mysteries ; and the denying to give any one the sacrament was accounted a very great punishment : so sensible were the Christians of their ill condition when they were hindered to participate of it. But afterwards, the former devotion slacken ing, the good bishops in the fourth and fifth centuries com plained oft of it, that so few came to receive ; yet the custom being to make oblations before the sacrament, out of which the clergy had been maintained during the poverty of the church, the priests had a great mind to keep up the constant use of these oblations, and so persuaded the laity to continue them, and to come to the sacrament, though they did not receive it : and in process of time they were made to believe, that the priest received in behalf of the whole people. And whereas this sacrament was the commemoration of Christ's sacrifice on the cross, and so, by a phrase of speech, was called a sacrifice; they came afterwards to fancy that the priest's consecrating and consuming the sacrament was. an action of itself expiatory, and that both for the dead and the living. And there rose an infinite number of several sorts of masses ; some were for com memorating the saints, and those were called the masses of such saints ; others for a particular blessing, for rain, health, &c. and indeed for all the accidents of human life, where the addition or variation of a collect made the difference : so that all that trade of massing was now removed. An intimation was also made of exhortations to be read in it, which they intended next to set about. These abuses in the mass gave great advantages to those who intended to change it into a commu nion. But many, instead of managing them prudently, made unseemly jests about them ; and were carried by a lightness 43 of temper to make songs and plays of the mass : for now the booki;] THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 97 press went quick, and many books were printed this year about matters of religion, the greatest number of them being concern ing the mass ; which were not written in so decent and grave a style as the matter required. Against this act only five bishops protested. Many of that order were absent from the parlia ment, so the opposition made to it was not considerable. The next bill brought into the house of lords was concerning An act the admission of bishops to their sees" by the king's letters admission patents. Which being read, was committed to the archbishop <>f bishops. of Canterbury's care on the fifth of November, and was read statutes iv. the second time on the tenth, and committed to some of the P"T3^ . . . . [Nov. 15 ] judges ; and was read the third time on the twenty-eighth of [Nov. 16.] November, and sent down to the commons on the fifth of December30. There was also another bill brought in, concern ing the ecclesiastical jurisdiction in the bishops' courts, on the seventeenth of November, and passed, and sent down on the thirteenth of December. But both these bills were put in one, and sent up by the commons on the twentieth of that month, and assented to by the king. By this act it was set forth " that the way of choosing bishops by conge dUelire was tedious " and expenseful ; that there was only a shadow of election in " it, and that therefore bishops should thereafter be made by [ibid. p. 4.] " the king's letters patents, upon which they were to be conse- " crated : and whereas the bishops did exercise their authority, " and carry on processes, in their own names, as they were " wont to do in the time of popery ; and since all jurisdiction, " both spiritual and temporal, was derived from the king, that " therefore their courts, and all processes, should be from " henceforth carried on in the king's name, and be sealed by the " king's seal, as it was in the other courts of common law, after " the first of July next ; excepting only the archbishop of " Canterbury's courts, and all collations, presentations31, or 30 [This was read the first time Lords pp. 297, 298, 302, 304.] on Tuesday Nov. 15, the second time 31 The archbishop might only use on the 1 6th, and committed to the his own name and seal for faculties Bishops of Durham and Ely, the and disputations ; being in all other Chief Baron, and the King's attorney, cases as much restrained as other It was read the third time Nov. 28, bishops. [G.] again Dec. 3, and with a provision The archbishop of Canterbury annexed on Dec. 5, and sent to might use his own name in all facul- the Commons. Journals of the ties and dispensations. [S.] BUBNET, PABT II. H 98 THE HISTORY OF [pabt ii. " letters of orders, which were to pass under the bishops' " proper seals as formerly." Upon this act great advantages were taken to disparage the reformation, as subjecting the bishops wholly to the pleasure of the court. The an- At first bishops were chosen and ordained by the other cient ways . . , of electing bishops in the countries where they lived. The apostles, by bishops. £bat spirit of discerning, which was one of the extraordinary gift's they were endued with, did ordain the first fruits of their labours ; and never left the election of pastors to the discretion of the people : indeed, when they were to ordain deacons, who were to be trusted with the distribution of the public alms, they appointed such as the people made choice of; but when St. Paul gave directions to Timothy and Titus about the choice of pastors, all that depended on the people by them was, that fi Tim. iii. they should be blameless and of good report. But afterwards, i. 1.1. o.j j.fle p0verty 0f the church being such, that churchmen lived only by the free bounty of the people, it was necessary to con sider them much ; so that in many places the choice began among the people ; and in all places it was done by their approbation and good liking. But great disorders followed upon this, as soon as, by the emperors turning Christians, the wealth of church-benefices made the pastoral charge more desirable ; and the vast numbers of those who turned Chris tians with the tide, brought in great multitudes to have then- votes in these elections. The inconvenience of this was felt early in Phrygia, where the council of Laodicea made a canon 44 against these popular elections. Yet in other parts of Asia, and at Rome, there were great and often contests about it. In some of these many men were killed. In many places the inferior clergy chose their bishops ; but in most places the bishops of the province made the choice, yet so as to obtain the consent of the clergy and people. The emperors by their laws made it necessary, that it should be confirmed by the metropo litans : they reserved the elections of the great sees to them selves, or at least the confirmation of them. Thus it continued till Charles the Great's time. But then the nature of church- employments came to be much altered : for though the church had predial lands with the other rights that belonged to them by the Roman law, yet he first gave bishops and abbots great territories, with some branches of royal jurisdiction in them, look i.J THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 99 who held these lands of him, according to the feudal laws. This, as it carried churchmen off from the humility and abstrac tion from the world, which became their function ; so it sub jected them much to the humours and interests of those princes, on whom they had their dependence. The popes, who had made themselves heads of the hierarchy, could not but be glad to see churchmen grow rich and powerful in the world; but they were not so well pleased to see them made so much the more dependent on their princes : and no doubt by some of those princes, that were thus become patrons of churches, the bishoprics were either given for money, or charged with reserved pensions. Upon this the popes filled the world with the complaints of simony , and of enslaving churchmen to court interests ; and so would not suffer them to accept of investitures from their princes ; but, set up for free elections, as they called them, which they said were to be confirmed by the see apo stolic. So the canons secular or regular in cathedral churches were to choose the bishops, and their election was to be con firmed at Rome. Yet princes in most places got some hold of those elections, so that still they went as they had a mind they should : which was oft complained of as a great slavery on the church ; and would have been more universally condemned, if the world had not been convinced that the matter would not be much the better if there should have been set up either the popular or syhodical elections, in which faction was like to sway all. King Henry had continued the old way of the elections by the clergy, but so as that it seemed to be little more than a mockery; but now it was thought a more ingenuous way of proceeding, to have the thing done directly by the king, rather than under the thin covert of an involuntary election. For the other branch about ecclesiastical courts, the causes before them concerning wills and marriages, being matters of a mixed nature, and which only belong to these by the laws of the land, and being no parts of the sacred functions, it was thought no invasion of the sacred offices to have these tried in the king's name. But the collation of benefices and giving of orders, which are the chief parts of the episcopal function, were to be performed still by the bishops in their own names. Only excommunication by a fatal neglect, continued to be the punish ment for contempts of these courts ; which belonging only to h 2 100 THE HISTORY OF [PABT II. Lords, p. 302.] An act against va< gabonds. [Cap. 3, Statutes, vol. iv. p. the spiritual cognizance, ought to have been reserved for the bishop, with the assistance of his clergy. But the canonists had so confounded all the ancient rules about the government 45 of the church, that the reformers being called away by con siderations that were more obvious and pressing, there was not that care taken in this that the thing required. And these errors or oversights in the first concoction have by a continu ance grown since into so formed a strength, that it is easier to see what is amiss, than to know how to rectify it. [Nov. 30 On ^he twenty-ninth of November32 the bill against vaga- Joumais of bonds was brought in. By this it was enacted, " That all that " should any where loiter without work, or without offering " themselves to work three days together ; or that should run " away from work, and resolve to live idly, should be seized on; " and whosoever should present them to a justice of peace, was " to have them adjudged to be his slaves for two years, and " they were to be marked with the letter V. imprinted with a " hot iron on their breast." A great many provisos follow concerning clerks so convict ; which shew that this act was chiefly levelled at the idle monks and friars, who went about the country, and would betake themselves to no employment ; but; finding the people apt to have compassion on them, they continued in that course of life : which was of very ill con sequence to the state ; for these vagrants did every where alienate the people's minds from the government, and persuaded them, that things would never be well settled till they were again restored to their houses. Some of these came often to London, on pretence of suing for their pensions, but really to practise up and down through the country : to prevent this, there was a proclamation set out, on the eighteenth of Sep tember, requiring them to stay in the places where they lived, and to send up a certificate where they were to the court of augmentations, who should thereupon give order for their constant payment. Some thought this law against vagabonds was too severe, and contrary to that common liberty, of which the English nation has been always very sensible, both in their own and their neighbours' particulars. Yet it could not be denied, but extreme diseases required extreme remedies ; 32 [The house was adjourned from Monday the 28th, to Wednesday. Journals of Lords, p. 302.] book i. J THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 101 and perhaps there is no punishment too severe for persons that are in health, and yet prefer a loitering course of life to an honest employment. There followed in the act many excellent rules for providing for the truly poor and indigent in the several places where they were born and had their abode. Of which this can only be said, that as no nation has laid down more effectual rules for the supplying the poor than England, so that indeed none can be in absolute want ; so the neglect of these laws is a just and great reproach on those who are charged with the execution of them, when such numbers of poor vagabonds swarm every where, without the due restraints that the laws have appointed. On the sixth of December, the bill for giving the chantries An act, to the king was brought into the house of lords. It was read fhantries6 the second time on the twelfth, the third time on the thirteenth, tothe king. and the fourth time on the fourteenth of that month 33. It was statutes, much opposed, both by Cranmer on the one hand, and the po- vol iv. p. pish bishops on the other. The late king's executors saw they could not pay his debts, nor satisfy themselves in their own pretensions, formerly mentioned, out of the king's revenue ; and so intended to have these to be divided among them. Cranmer opposed it long ; for the clergy being much impoverished by the sale of the impropriated tithes, that ought in all reason to 46 have returned into the church, but upon the dissolution of the abbeys were all sold among the laity ; he saw no probable way remaining for their supply, but to save these endowments till the king were of age, being confident he was so piously dis posed, that they should easily persuade him to convert them all to the bettering of the condition of the poor clergy, that were now brought into extreme misery. And therefore he was for reforming and preserving these foundations till the king's full age. The popish bishops liked these endowments so well, that, upon far different motives, they were for continuing them in the state they were in. But those who were to gain by it were so many, that the act passed ; the archbishop of Canter- [Journals bury, the bishops of London, Durham, Ely, Norwich, Hereford, °f l°*g a> Worcester, and Chichester dissenting. So it being sent down to the house of commons, was there much opposed by some 33 [It was read the third time on 15th. Journals of Lords, pp. 307, the 14th, and tbe fourth time on the 308.] 102 THE HISTORY OF [part n. burgesses ; who represented, that the boroughs, for which they served, could not maintain their churches, and other public works of the guilds and fraternities, if the rents belonging to them were given to the king ; for these were likewise in the act. This was chiefly done by the burgesses of Lynn and Co ventry, who were so active, that the whole house was much set against that part of the bill for the guild-lands : therefore those who managed that house for the court took these off by an assurance, that their guild-lands should be restored to them, and so they desisted from their opposition, and the bill passed on the promise given to them, which was afterwards made good by the protector. In the preamble of the act it is set forth, " that the great superstition of Christians, rising out of their " ignorance of the true way of salvation by the death of Christ, " instead of which they had set up the vain conceits of purga- " tory, and masses satisfactory, was much supported by tren- " tals and chantries. And since the converting these to godly " uses, such as the endowing of schools, provisions for the poor, " and the augmenting of places" in the universities, could not " be done by parliament, they therefore committed it to the " care of the king. And then, reciting the act made in the [Statutes, " thirty-seventh year of his father's reign, they give the king 25.] ' " all such chantries, colleges, and chapels, as were not possessed " by the late king, and all that had been in being any time " these five years last passed ; as also all revenues belonging to " any church for anniversaries, obits, and lights, together with " all guild-lands which any fraternity of men enjoyed for obits, " or the like ; and appoint these to be converted to the main- " tenance of grammar-schools, or preachers, and for the iri- " crease of vicarages." After this followed the act, giving the [Cap. 13. king the customs known by the name of tonnage and poundage, ' p' ¦J besides some other laws of matters that are not needful to be [Cap. 15. remembered in this History. Last of all came the king's ge- J i • P- 33] neral pardon, with the common exceptions, among which, one was of those who were then prisoners in the Tower of London, in which the duke of Norfolk was included. So, all business [Journals being ended, the parliament was prorogued from the twenty- p. 3i30S' f°urtn °f December to the twentieth of April following. Acts that Butj having given this account of these bills that were passed, mrPT*R TWO- posed, but I shall not esteem it an unfruitful piece of history to shew what not carried. book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 103 other bills were designed. There were put into the house of [Nov. 15. lords two bills that were stifled: the one was, for the use of LorSfp.0 the scriptures, which came not to a second reading ; the other 197-] 47 was, a bill for erecting a new court of chancery for ecclesiasti- ibid. p. cal and civil causes ; which was committed to some bishops and 3°°-l temporal lords, but never more mentioned. The commons sent up also some bills which the lords did not agree to. One was [Nov. 11. about benefices, with cure and residence; it was committed,'1 '-?' but never reported. Another was, for the reformation of di- [Dec. 5. vers laws, and of the courts of common law ; and a third was, commons, that married men might be priests, and have benefices. To P- 2-] this the commons did so readily agree, that, it being put in on the nineteenth of December, and read then for the first time, it was read twice the next day, and sent up to the lords on the twenty-first. But, being read there once, it was like to have [journals raised such debates, that, it being resolved to end the session ° ,°j-\S' before Christmas, the lords laid it aside. But, while the parliament was sitting, they were not idle in The con- the convocation ; 'though the popish party was yet so prevalent meets. in both houses, that Cranmer had no hopes of doing any thing [N.OT- 5- till they were freed of the trouble which some of the great Cone, iv! bishops gave them. The most important thing they did was, 15-1 the carrying up four petitions to the bishops, which will be house found in the Collection. First, that, according to the statute ^i^ons"6 made hi the reign of the late king, there might be persons em- Numb. 16. powered for reforming the ecclesiastical laws. The second, that, according to the ancient custom of the nation, and the tenor of the bishops' writ to the parliament, the inferior clergy might be permitted again to sit in the house of commons, or that no acts concerning matters of religion might pass without the sight and assent of the clergy. The third, that, since divers prelates, and other divines, had been in the late king's time appointed to alter the service of the church, and had made some progress in it, that this might be brought to its full per fection. The fourth, that some consideration might be had for the maintenance of the clergy the first year they came into their livings, in which they were charged with the first-fruits ; to which they added a desire to know, whether they might safely speak their minds about religion, without the danger of any law. For the first of these four petitions, an account of it 104 THE HISTORY OF [part II, The infe rior clergy desire to be admitted to have repre sentativesin the house of commons. Numb. 17. shall be given hereafter. As to the second, it was a thing of great consequence, and deserves to be further considered in this place. Anciently, all the free men of England, or at least those that held of the crown in chief, came to parliament : and then the inferior clergy had writs as well as the superior ; and the first of the three estates of the kingdom were the bishops, the other prelates, and the inferior clergy. But when the parliament was divided into two houses, theh the clergy made likewise a body of their own, and sat in convocation, which was the third estate. But the bishops having a double capacity, the one of ecclesiastical prelature, the other of being the king's barons, they had a right to sit with the lords as a part of their estate, as well as in the convocation. And though, by parity of rea son, it might seem that the rest of the clergy, being freeholders as well as clerks, had an equal right to choose or be chosen into the house of commons ; yet, whether they were ever in possession of it, or whether, according to the clause prcemo- nentes in the bishops' writ, they were ever a part of the house of commons, is a just doubt. For, besides this assertion in the petition that was mentioned, and a more large one in the se cond petition which they presented to the same purpose, which is likewise in the Collection, I have never met with any good 48 reason to satisfy me in it. There was a general tradition in queen Elizabeth's reign, that the inferior clergy departed from their right of being in the house of commons, when they were all brought into the praemunire upon cardinal Wolsey'slegatine power, and made their submission to the king. But that is not credible ; for as there is no footstep of it, which, in a time of so much writing and printing, must have remained, if so great a change had been then made ; so it cannot be thought, that those who made this address but seventeen years after, that submission, (many being alive in this who were of that convo cation, Polydore Vergil in particular, a curious observer, since he was maintained here to write the history of England,) none of them should have remembered a thins: that was so fresh, but have appealed to writs and ancient practices. But though this design of bringing the inferior clergy into the house of com mons did not take at this time, yet it was again set on foot in the end of aucen Elizabeth's reisn. and reasons were offered to book i. THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 105 persuade her to set it forward ; which not being then success ful, these same reasons were again offered to king James, to induce him to endeavour it. The paper that discovers this was communicated to me by Dr. Borlace, the worthy author of the History of the Irish Rebellion 34. It is corrected in many places by the hand of bishop Ravis, then bishop of London35, a man of great worth. This, for the affinity of the matter, and the curiosity of the thing, I have put into the Collection, with a Numb. 18 large marginal note, as it was designed to be transcribed for king James. But whether this matter was ever much con sidered, or lightly laid aside, as a thing unfit and unpracticable, does not appear ; certain it is, that it came to nothing. Upon the whole matter, it is not certain what was the power or right of these proctors of the clergy in former times. Some are of Coke iv. opinion, that they were only assistants to the bishops, but had Inst- 3' 4" no voice in either house of parliament. This is much confirmed by an act passed in the parliament of Ireland, in the twenty- eighth year of the former reign, which sets forth in the pre amble, "that though the proctors of the clergy were always " summoned to parliament, yet they were no part of it, nor had " they any right to vote in it, but were only assistants in case " matters of controversy or learning came before them, as the " convocation was in England : which had been determined by " the judges of England, after much inquiry made about it. " But the proctors were then pretending to so high an au- " thority, that nothing could pass without their consents ; and " it was presumed they were set on to it by the bishops, whose " chaplains they were for the most part. Therefore they were " by that act declared to have no right to vote." From this, some infer they were no other in England, and that they were only the bishops' assistants and council. But as the clause prcemonentes in the writ seems to make them a part [Eymer of the parliament, so these petitions suppose that they sat in cfo.]P' the house of commons anciently ; where it cannot be imagined they could sit, if they came only to be assistants to the bishops ; 34 [Borlace, (Edmond). The his- mentini66i. Lond. 1680. fol.] tory of the execrable Irish rebellion, 35 [Thomas Ravis, bishop of Glou- traced from many preceding acts, to cester, translated to London, May tihe grand eruption in 1641, and 18, 1607, died Dec. 14, 1609.] thence pursued to the act of settle- 106 THE HISTORY OF [pakt n. for then they must have sat in the house of lords rather as the judges, the masters of chancery, and the king's council do. Nor is it reasonable to think they had no voice ; for then their sitting in parliament had been so insignificant a thing, that it is not likely they would have used such endeavours to be restored to it ; since their coming to parliament upon such an account must 49 have been only a charge to them. [Statutes, There is against this opinion an objection of great force from 98.] ' the acts passed in the twenty-first year of Richard the Second's reign. In the second act of that parliament it is said, " that it " was first prayed by the commons ; and that the lords spiritual, " and the proctors of the clergy, did assent to it ; upon which " the king, by the assent of all the lords and commons, did " enact it." The twelfth act of that parliament was a repeal of the whole parliament that was held in the eleventh year of [Ibid. p. that reign ; and concerning it, it is expressed, " that the lords " spiritual and temporal, the proctors of the clergy, and the " commons, being severally examined, did all agree to it." From hence it appears, that these proctors were then not only a part of the parliament, but were a distinct body of men, that did severally from all the rest deliver their opinions. It may seem strange, that, if they were then considered as a part of either house of parliament, this should be the only time in which they should be mentioned as bearing their share in the legislative power. In a matter that is so perplexed and dark, I shall presume to offer a conjecture, which will not appear perhaps improbable. In page 1 29 of the former part, I gave the reasons that made me think the lower house of convocation consisted at the first only of the proctors of the clergy36. So that by the proctors of the clergy, both in the statute of Ireland, 36 [See parti, p. 113, where Pole, to the Records, where the names of dean of Exeter, is spoken of as being the clergy are signed, the bishops, of the lower house of convocation ; abbots, and priors, as belonging to and p. 129, for the conjecture that the upper house; the deans, arch- abbots, deans, and archdeacons, sat deacons and proctors, as of the lower in the upper house. This opinion house. It is a remarkable instance of the author admits (part iii. p. 81.) carelessness that the mistake should to have been adopted without any havebeenrepeatedinthissecondpart, good ground. The author, at the the whole ofwhich was composed after time of writing the first part of his the publication of the first part of history, probably had not seen the the history. See Harmer's Specimen document inserted in the addenda of Errors, pp. 28-35, and 72-77.] book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 107 and in those made by Richard the Second ,is perhaps to be understood, the lower house of convocation : and it is not un reasonable to think, that, upon so great an occasion as the an nulling a whole parliament, to make it pass the better, in an age in which the people paid so blind a submission to the clergy, the concurrence of the whole representative of the church might have been thought necessary. It is generally believed, that the whole parliament sat together in one house before Edward the Third's time, and then the inferior clergy were a part of that body without question. But when the lords and commons sat apart, the clergy likewise sat in two houses, and granted subsidies as well as the temporalty. It may pass for no un likely conjecture, that the clause prcemonentes was first put in the bishops' writ for the summoning of the lower house of con vocation, consisting of these proctors; and afterwards, though there was a special writ for the convocation, yet this might at first have been continued in the bishops' writ by the neglect of a clerk, and from thence be still used. So that it seems to me most probable, that the proctors of the clergy were, both in England and Ireland, the lower house of convocation. Now before the submission which the clergy made to king Henry, as the convocation gave the king great subsidies, so the whole business of religion lay within their sphere. But after the sub mission, they were cut off from meddling with it, except as they were authorized by the king : so that, having now so little power left them, it is no wonder they desired to be put in the state they had been in before the convocation was sepa rated from the parliament ; or at least that matters of religion should not be determined till they had been consulted, and had reported their opinions and reasons. The extreme of raising the ecclesiastical power too high in the times of popery, had now produced another, of depressing it too much. For seldom 50 is the counterpoise so justly balanced, that extremes are reduced to a well-tempered mediocrity. For the third petition, it was resolved that many bishops and divines should be sent to Windsor to labour in the matter of the church service. But that required so much consideration, that they could not enter on it during a session of parliament. And for the fourth, what answer was given to it, doth not appear. 108 THE HISTORY OF [PAET II. [Nov. 30. C.C.C.C.No. cxxi. p. S a.] [Wilkina, Cone. iv. 16] The state of affairs in Ger many. Apr. 24, 1547. duke of Saxe taken. On the twenty-ninth of November a declaration was sent down from the bishops concerning the sacraments being to be received in both kinds ; to which John Tyler3?, the pro locutor, and several others, set their hands : and being again brought before them, it was agreed to by all without a contra dictory vote; sixty -four being present, among whom I find Polydore Vergil was one. And on the seventeenth of December the proposition concerning the marriage of the clergy was also sent to them, and subscribed by thirty-five affirmatively, and by fourteen negatively38 ; so it was ordered, that a bill should be drawn concerning it. I shall not here digress to give an account of what was alleged for or against this, reserving that to its proper place, when the thing was finally settled. And this is all the account I could recover of this con vocation. I have chiefly gathered it from some notes and other papers of the then Dr. Parker, (afterwards archbishop of Canterbury,) which are carefully preserved with his other MSS. in Corpus Christi college library at Cambridge. To which library I had free access by the favour of the most learned master, Dr. Spencer, with the other worthy fellows of that house ; and from thence I collected many remarkable things in this history. The parliament being brought to so good a conclusion, the protector took out a new commission ; in which all the addition that is made to that authority he formerly had, is, that in his absence he is empowered to substitute another, to whom he might delegate his power. And thus this year ended in England. But as they were carrying on the reformation here, it was declining apace in Germany. The duke of Saxe and the landgrave were this year to command their armies apart. The duke of Saxe kept within his own country; but having there unfortunately di vided his forces, the emperor overtook him near the Elbe at Muhlberg, where the emperor's soldiers crossing the river, and pursuing him with great fury, after some resistance, in which he himself performed all that could be expected from so great a captain, was taken prisoner, and his country all pos sessed by Maurice, who was now to be invested with the 37 For Tyler read Taylour. [S.] scripserunt affirmantes 53, negantes 38 [Cui proposition! multi sub- 22. Wilkins, Cone. iv. 16.] book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 109 electoral dignity. He bore his misfortunes with a greatness [Sleidan, and equality of mind that is scarce to be paralleled in history. Neither could the insolence with which the emperor treated him, nor the fears of death, to which he adjudged him, nor that tedious imprisonment which he suffered so long, ever shake or disorder a mind that was raised so far above the inconstancies of human affairs. And though he was forced , to submit to the hardest conditions possible, of renouncing his dignity and dominions, some few places being only reserved for his family ; yet no entreaties nor fears could ever bring him to yield any thing in matters of religion. He made the Bible his chief companion and comfort in his sharp afflictions ; which he 51 bore so, as if he had been raised up to that end, to let the world see how much he was above it. It seemed inimitable ; and therefore engaged Thuanus, with the other excellent [Thuanus, writers of that age, to set it out with all the advantages that ' ^1 so unusual a temper of mind deserved. Yet had those writers lived in our age, and seen a great 'king, not overpowered by a * superior prince, but by the meanest of his own people, and treated with equal degrees of malice and scorn, and at last put to death openly, with the pageantry of justice ; and bearing all this with such invincible patience, heroical courage, and most Christian submission to God, they had yet found a nobler subject for their eloquent pens : but he saved the world the labour of giving a just representation of his behaviour in his sufferings, having left his own portraiture drawn by himself in such lively and lasting colours39. The landgrave of Hesse saw he could not long withstand the emperor's army, now so lifted up with success ; and there fore was willing to submit to him on the best terms that his sons-in law, the elector of Brandenburg and Maurice of Saxe, could obtain for him. Which were very hard : only he was to enjoy his liberty, without any imprisonment, and to preserve his dominions. But the emperor's ministers dealt most unfaith fully with him in this : for in the German language there was but one letter's difference, and that only inverted, between per petual imprisonment, and any imprisonment, (ettrig for emig40 ;) [Thuanus, 39 [Published in the reign of 40 [The story, which has no ab- Charles II. The allusion is to the solutely contemporary authority, is celebrated Icon Basilike.] taken from De Thou, where the two 110 THE HISTORY OF [part I. Apr. 16, 1546, Herman excommu nicated at Borne.[Sleidan, fol. 2 70, and 302.] Nov. 4. Hermanresigned.[Ibid. fol. 302.] Collect. Numb. 19. so, by this base artifice, he was, when he came and submitted to the emperor, detained a prisoner. He had not the duke of Saxe's temper, but was out of measure impatient, and did exclaim of his ill usage ; but there was no remedy, for the emperor was now absolute. All the towns of Germany, Mag deburg and Bremen only excepted, submitted to him, and redeemed his favour by great sums of money, and many pieces of ordnance. And the Bohemians were also forced to implore his brother's mercy, who, before he would receive them into his hands, got his revenue to be raised vastly. And now the empire was wholly at the emperor's mercy. Nothing could withstand him, who had in one year turned out two electors. For Herman bishop of Cologne, as he was before condemned by the pope, so was also degraded from that dignity by the emperor ; and Adolph, whom he had procured to be made his coadjutor, was declared elector. Many of his subjects and neighbour princes offered their service, if he would stand to his own defence ; but he was very old, and of so meek a temper, that he would suffer no blood to be shed on his account ; and therefore withdrew peaceably to a retirement4', in which he lived four years, till his death. His brother, that was bishop of Munster, and dean of Bonn, who had gone along with him in his reformation, was also turned out ; and Gropper was made dean, who was esteemed one of the learnedest and best men of the clergy at this time. He is said to have expressed a generous contempt of the highest dignity the see "of Rome could bestow on 'him, for he refused a cardinal's hat when it was offered him ; yet in this matter he had not behaved himself as became so good a man and so learned a divine : for he had consented to the changes which had been made, and was in a correspondence with Martin Bucer, whom Herman brought to Cologne ; (as will appear by an excellent letter of Bucer's to him, which will be found in the Collection, concern ing that matter;) by which it is plain, he went along with them from the beginning. But it seems he did it covertly and 5! phrases are given at length, written in the Roman character. ' Nicht ein einig tag gefangen sein, et Nicht ein ewig tag gefangen sein.' The author appears to have been ignorant of German and to have read in as m , a mistake which has been per petuated in subsequent editions.] 41 [The resignation of Herman and succession of Adolph is placed by Sleidan in 1547, January 25.] book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1547.) Ill fearfully, and was afterwards drawn off, either by the love of the world, or the fears of the cross : of which it appears Bucer had then some apprehensions, though he expressed them very modestly. Gropper's memory being in such high esteem, and this letter being found among Bucer's papers, I thought the publishing of it would not be unacceptable, though it be of a foreign matter. Germany being thus under the power and dread of the [Hist, of emperor, a diet was summoned to Augsburg ; where the chief T^.eni church was taken from the protestants, and put into the car- P- 25°V] dinal of Augsburg's hands, to have the mass set up again in it ; though the town was so much protestant, that they could find none that would come to it, but some poor people who were hired. The emperor, among other propositions he put into the diet, pressed this, that all differences in religion, which had so distracted Germany, might be removed. The eccle siastical princes answered, that the only way to effect that was, to submit to the general council that was at Trent. Those that were for the Augsburg Confession said, they could submit to no council where the pope presided, and where the bishops were sworn to obey him ; but would submit to it, if that oath was dispensed with, and their divines admitted to defend their opinions, and all the decrees that had been made were again considered. In this difference of opinion, the emperor thought, that, if the whole matter should be left to his discretion^ to which all should be bound to submit, he would then be able to determine it as he pleased. So he dealt privately with the electors Palatine and Saxe; and, as they published it after wards, gave them secret assurances about the freedom of their religion, and that he only desired this to put him in a capacity of dealing on other terms with the pope. Upon which they consented to a decree, referring the matter of religion wholly to his care. But the deputies from the cities, who looked on this as a giving up of their religion, could not be wrought to do it without conditions, which they put into another writing, as explanatory of the submission : but the emperor took no notice of that, and only thanked them for their confidence in him ; and so the decree was published. All this was in some sort necessary for the emperor, who was then in very ill terms with the pope about the business of Piacenza. For the pope's 112 THE HISTORY OF [part n. Sept. 10. natural son, Petrus Aloisius, being killed by a conspiracy, the Petrus governor of Milan had seized on Piacenza, which made the Aloisius pope believe the emperor was accessary to it ; for which the [Sleidan, reader is referred to the Italian historians. The pope saw the fo1- 315-] emperor in one summer delivered of a war, which he had hoped would have entangled him his whole life ; and though in decency he could not but seem to rejoice, and did so, no doubt, at the ruin of those whom he called heretics, yet he was not a little grieved to see the emperor so much exalted. The pro- At Trent the legates had been oft threatened and affronted Trent!gS * Dv *ne emperor's ambassadors and bishops, who were much set on reforming abuses, and lessening the power of the see of Rome. So they had a mind to break up the council : but that would have been so scandalous a thing, and so resented by the emperor, that they resolved rather on a translation into some town of the pope's, to which it was not likely the imperialists would follow them ; and so at least the council would be April 21. suspended, if not dissolved. For this remove, they laid hold setsionof on tne nrst c°l°ur they could find. One dying of a malignant 53 Bologna, fever, it was given out, and certified by physicians, that he died of the plague ; so in all haste they translated the council to Bologna. The imperialists protested against it, but in vain ; for thither they went. The emperor was hereby quite dis appointed of his chief design, which was, to force the Germans to, submit to a council held in Germany; and therefore no plague appearing at Trent, he pressed the return of the council [Hiat. of thither. But the pope said, it was the council's act, and not Trent his ; and that their honour was to be kept up ; that therefore p. 260.] sucn as stayed at Trent were to go first to Bologna, and acknowledge the council, and they should then consider what was to be done. So that now all the hope the Germans had was, that this difference between the pope and emperor might give them some breathing ; and time might bring them out of these extremities, into which they were then driven. Upon these disorders the foreign reformers, who generally made Germany their sanctuary, were now forced to seek it [Sleidan, elsewhere. So Peter Martyr, in the end of November this 0 " 3I9--' year, was brought over to England, by the invitation which the archbishop of Canterbury sent him in the king's name. He was born in Florence, where he had been an Augustinian book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 113 monk. He was learned in the Greek and the Hebrew, which drew on him the envy of the rest of his order, whose manners he inveighed oft against. So he left them, and went to Naples, where he gathered an assembly of those who loved to worship God more purely. This being made known, he was forced to leave that place, and went next to Lucca, where he lived in society with Tremellius and Zanchius. But being also in danger there, he went to Zurich with Bernardinus Ochinus, that had been one of the most celebrated preachers of Italy, and now forsook his former superstitions. From Zurich he went to Basle ; and from thence, by Martin Bucer's means, he was brought to Strasburg, where Cranmer's letters found both him and Ochinus. The latter was made a canon of Canterbury, [May 9, with a dispensation of residence : and, by other letters patents, 4 forty marks were given yearly to him, and as much to Peter Martyr. There had been this year some differences between the Eng- TheFrench fish and French concerning the fortifications about Boulogne. aboutBou- The English were raising a great fort by the harbour there, logne. This being signified to king Henry by Gaspard Coligny, after wards the famous admiral of France, then governor of the neighbouring parts to Boulogne ; it was complained of at the court of England. It was answered, that this was only to make the harbour more secure ; and so the works were ordered to be vigorously carried on. But this could not satisfy the French, who plainly saw it was of another sort than to be intended only for the sea. The king of France canie and viewed the country himself, and ordered Coligny to raise a fort on a high ground near it, which was called the Chastilian fort, and commanded' both the English fort and the harbour. But the protector had no mind to give the French a colour for breaking with the English ; so there was a truce and further cessation agreed on in the end of September. These are all the considerable foreign transactions of this year in which England was concerned. But there was a secret contrivance laid at home of a high nature, which though it broke not out till the next year, yet the beginnings of it did now appear. 54 The protector's brother, Thomas Seymour, was brought to The breach such a share in his fortunes, that he was made a baron and lord theprotec. admiral. But this not satisfying his ambition, be endeavoured tor and BURNET, PART II. I 114 THE HISTORY OF . [part ii. the admi- to have linked himself into a nearer relation with the crown, [Aug. 3o. % marrying the king's sister, the lady Elizabeth. But, finding Rymer xv. he could not compass that, he made his addresses to the queen dowager, who, enjoying now the honour and wealth the late king had left her, resolved to satisfy herself in her next choice, and entertained him a little too early ; for they were married so soon after the king's death, that it was charged afterwards on the admiral, that, if she had brought a child as soon as might have been after the marriage, it had given cause to doubt whe ther it had not been by the late king, which might have raised great disturbance afterwards ; but, being thus married to the queen, he concealed it for some time, till he procured a letter from the king, recommending him to her for a husband ; upon which they declared their marriage, with which the protector was much offended. Being thus possessed of great wealth, and being husband to the queen dowager, he studied to engage all that were about the king to be his friends ; and he corrupted some of them by his presents, and forced one on sir John Cheke. That which he designed was, that whereas in former times the infant kings of England had had governors of their persons, distinct from the protectors of their realms, which trusts were divided between their uncles, it being judged too much to join. both in one person, who was thereby too great ; whereas a go vernor of the king's person might be a check on the protector : he would therefore himself be made governor of the king's person ; alleging, that, since he was the king's uncle, as well as his brother, he ought to have a proportioned share with him in the government. About Easter this year he first set about this design, and corrupted some about the king, who should bring him sometimes privately through the gallery to the queen's lodgings ; and he desired they would let him know when ihe king had occasion for money, and that they should not always trouble the treasury, for he would be ready to fur nish him : and he thought a young king might be taken with this. So it happened, that the first time Latimer preached at court, the king sent to him to know what present he should make him : Seymour sent him 40/. ; but said, he thought 20/. enough to give Latimer, and the king might dispose of the rest as he pleased. Thus he gained ground with the king, whose sweet nature exposed him to be easily won by such artifices. book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1547.) 115 It is generally said, that all this difference between the bro thers was begun by their wives, and that the protector's lady, being offended that the younger brother's wife had the prece dence of her, which she thought belonged to herself, did there upon raise and inflame the differences. But in all the letters that I have seen concerning this breach, I could never find any such thing once mentioned ; nor is it reasonable to imagine that the duehess of Somerset should be so foolish as to think that she ought to have the precedence of the queen42 dowager ; therefore I look upon this story as a mere fiction : though it is probable enough there might, upon some other accounts, have been some animosities between the two high-spirited ladies, which might have afterwards been thought to have occasioned their husbands' quarrel. 55 It is plain in the whole thread of this affair, that the pro tector was at first very easy to be reconciled to his brother, and was only assaulted by him ; but bore the trouble he gave him with much patience for a great while ; though in the end, seeing his factious temper was incurable, he laid off nature too much when he consented to his execution. Yet all along till then, he had rather too much encouraged his brother to go on, by his readiness to be, after every breach, reconciled to him. When the protector was in Scotland, the admiral then began to act more avowedly, and was making a party for himself, of which Paget took notice, and charged him with it in plain terms. He asked him, why he would go about to reverse that which him self and others had consented to under their hands 1 Their fa mily was now so great, that nothing but their mutual quarrel ling could do them any prejudice : but there would not be wanting officious men to inflame them, if they once divided among themselves ; and the breaches among near friends com monly turned to the most irreconcilable quarrels. Yet all was ineffectual ; for the admiral was resolved to go on, and either get himself advanced higher, or to perish in the attempt. It was the knowledge of this which forced the protector to return 42 She is acknowledged to have an act of parliament for the disin- been an insolent woman, p. 194, heriting and excludiug from his and to have had a great power honours his children by his former over her husband, where it is as- wife. [G.] signed as a chief cause of procuring 1 2 116 THE HISTORY OF [part 11. from Scotland so abruptly, and disadvantageous^ for the se curing of his interest with the king, on whom his brother's ar tifices had made some impression. Whether there was any re conciliation made between them before the parliament met, is not certain : but, during the session, the admiral got the king to write with his own hand a message to the house of commons, for the making of him the governor of his person ; and he in tended to have gone with it to the house, and had a party there, by" whose means he was confident to have carried his business : he dealt also with many of the lords and counsellors to assist him in it. When this was known, before he had gone with it to the house, some were sent to him in his brother's name, to see if they could prevail with him to proceed no fur ther. He refused to hearken to them, and said, that if he were crossed in his attempt, he would make this the blackest parliament that ever was in England. Upon that he was sent for by order from the council, but refused to come : then they threatened him severely, and told him, the king's writing was nothing in law, but that he, who had procured it, was punish able for doing an act of such a nature, to the disturbance of the government, and for engaging the young king in it. So they resolved to have sent him to the Tower, and to have turned him out of all his offices ; but he submitted himself to the pro tector and council ; and his brother and he seemed to be per fectly reconciled. Yet, as the protector had reason to have a watchful eye over him, so it was too soon visible, that he had not laid down, but only put off, his high projects till a fitter conjuncture; for he began the next Christmas to deal money again among the king's servants, and was on all occasions in fusing into the king a dislike of every thing that was done, and did often persuade him to assume the government himself. But the sequel of this quarrel proved fatal to him, as shall be told in its proper place. And thus ended the year 1547. 1548. On the eighth of January next year Gardiner was brought Jan. 8. before the council, where it was told him, that his former Book™, offences being included in the king's general pardon, he was 2<55-] thereupon discharged. A grave admonition was given him to 56 carry himself reverently and obediently, and he was desired to declare whether he would receive the Injunctions and Homilies, and the doctrine to be set forth from time to time by the king book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1548.) 117 and clergy of the realm. He answered, he would conform himself as the other bishops" did, and only excepted to the homily of Justification, and desired four or five days to consider of it. What he did at the end of that time does not appear from the council-book, no further mention being made of this matter; for the clerks of council did not then enter every thing with that exactness that is since used43. He went home to his diocese, where there still appeared in his whole behaviour great malignity to Cranmer, and to all motions for reformation ; yet he gave such outward compliance, that it was not easy to find any advantage against him, especially now since the council's great power was so much abridged. In the end of January the council made an order concerning The mar- the marquis of Northampton, which will oblige me to look back Srs,?f a little for the clear account of it. This lord, who was brother ton sues a to the queen dowager, had married Anne Bourchier, daughter a^,°tery°r to the earl of Essex, the last of that name ; but she being con? [Jan. 28. victed of adultery, he was divorced from her, which, according Book, p. to the law of the ecclesiastical courts, was only a separation 275-] from bed and board. Upon which divorce it was proposed in king Henry's time to consider what might be done in favour of the innocent person, when the other was convicted of adultery. So, in the beginning of king Edward's reign, on the seventh of May, a commission was granted to the archbishop of Canter bury, the bishops of Durham and Rochester, (this was Hol beche, who was not then translated to Lincoln,)^ to Dr. Ridley, and six more, ten in all, of whom six were a quorum, to try 43 [" It had been more cautious in touching such things as they shall the historian to have said that he pass from time to time, as also for a could not find such exact entries memorial unto them of their own made by them. For I find an order proceedings. Unto which office of Council made 1550, April 19th, William Thomas was appointed by and entered in the beginning of a the King's highness with the advice large original book, containing the of his aforesaid Council and in pre- acts of council for the last four years sence of the same Council sworn. of King Edward 6th, that there shall Accordingly all the acts of Council be a clerk attendant upon the said are therein entered largely and with Council, to write, enter, and regis- great exactness, the original hands ter all such decrees, determinations, of the privy counsellors then pre- and other things as he should be ap- sent being added to the acts and pointed to enter in a book to remain orders of every several day." Har- alway6 as a ledger as well for the mer's Specimen of Errors, p. 77.] discharge of the said Counsellors, 118 THE HISTORY OF [part II. Ex MSS. D. Stilling- fleet, [Lambeth, No. 1108, fol. 144 — 161.] whether the lady Anne was not by the word of God so lawfully divorced, that she was no more his wife, and whether there upon he might not marry another wife. This being a new case, and of great importance, Cranmer resolved to examine it with his ordinary diligence, and searched into the opinions of the fathers and doctors so copiously that his collections about it grew into a large book, (the original whereof I have perused-;) the greatest part of it being either written or marked, and inter lined with his own hand44. This required a longer time than the marquis of Northampton could stay ; and therefore, pre suming on his great power, without waiting for judgment, he solemnly married Elizabeth, daughter to Brooke, lord Cobham. On the twenty-eighth of January information was brought to the council of this, which gave great scandal, since his first marriage stood yet firm in law. So he, being put to answer 44 [This paper has been very erroneously described by the author, and imperfectly by subsequent read ers and editors. The whole subject, including the paper here alluded to as well as the other paper mentioned further on, p. 58, occupies the last 48 folios of the Lambeth MSS. No. 1108. The important passages, whichever way they seem to incline, are underlined in red ink, and it seems doubtful if the author's read ing extended much beyond these passages; for his description is throughout extremely careless and in many cases entirely wrong. The tract begins at fol. 144, which is marked De Divortio, and on the back is the quotation from Hermas ; next comes the opinion of Origen ; that of Euaristus which is on the second page of fol. 146, as well as those of Cyprian, Lactantius, and Hilary, on the back of fol. 148, are taken no notice of by the author. The first page of fol. 152 is vacant ; on the back is the reference to S. Basil, where the grossest mis representation on the part of the author occurs. The reference to S.Jerome occurs in the middle of fol. 153, that to Chromatius on the back of fol. 154, but it does not bear out what the author says. Quotations from SS. Chrysostom' and Augustine are given from fol. JS5 to 157. Fol. 158 is entirely blank, with the exception that it contains the name of Rupertus. Fol. 159 contains the texts of scrip ture, and fol. 160 the reference to popes and councils. This folio is endorsed twice De Divortio, as if it were the end of the book, and yet there can be no doubt that fol. 161, which contains the reference to the councils of Aries, Elvira, and Milevi, forms part of the same book, for it is half of the same sheet of which fol. 144 is the other half. The whole volume is so loosely and carelessly put together that it is conjectured that fol. 159 may have originally formed, as the author's description seems to imply, the commencement of the tract. Strype and Baker had both seen this volume, of which Baker truly observes, that the quo tations are put down without any reflections ; but neither of these writers could have carefully read through the whole document, or they would certainly have commented upon Burnet's inaccuracies.] book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1548.) 119 for himself, said he thought that by the word of God he was discharged of his tie to his former wife ; and the making mar riages indissoluble was but a part of the popish law, by which it was reckoned a sacrament ; and yet the popes, knowing that the world would not easily come under such a yoke, had, by the help of the canonists, invented such distinctions, that it was no uneasy thing to make a marriage void among them : and that the condition of this church was very hard, if upon adulteries the innocent must either live with the guilty, or be exposed to temptations to the like sins, if a separation was only allowed, but the bond of the marriage continued undissolved. But, since he had proceeded so far before the delegates had given sentence, it was ordered, that he and his new wife should 57 be parted ; and that she should be put into his sister the queen dowager's keeping, till the matter were tried, whether it was according to the word of God, or not ; and that then further order should be given in it. Upon this the delegates made haste, and gathered their arguments together, of which I shall give an abstract, both for the clearing of this matter, (concern ing which not many years ago there were great debates in parliament,) and also to shew the exactness of the proceedings in that time. Christ condemned all marriages upon divorces, except in the The case of adultery ; which seemed manifestly to allow them in ^"j^0" that case. And though this is hot mentioned by St. Mark and was suf- St. Luke, yet it is enough that St. Matthew has it. Christ ^ra ° also defined the state of marriage to be, that in which two are again. one flesh; so that, when either of the two hath broken that union, by becoming one with another person, then the marriage is dissolved. And it is oft repeated in the gospel, that married persons have power over one another's bodies, and that they are to give due benevolence to each other ; which is plainly contrary to this way of separation without dissolving the bond. St. Paul, putting the case of an unbeliever departing from the partner in marriage, says, the believing party, whether brother or sister, is not under bondage in such a case ; which seems a discharge of the bond in case of desertion : and certainly adul tery is yet of a higher nature. But against this was alleged, on the other side, that our Saviour's allowing 'divorce in the case of adultery was only for the Jews, to whom it was spoken, 120 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. to mitigate the cruelty of their law, by which the adulteress was to be put to death; and therefore he yielded divorce in that case to mitigate the severity of the other law. But the apostle, writing to the Gentile Christians at Rome and Corinth, [Lambeth, said, the wife was tied by the lata to the husband as long as fol° iVq 1 ' he lived; and that other general rule, Whom God has joined together, let no man put asunder, seems against the dissolving the bond. To this it was answered, that it is against sepa rating as well as dissolving ; that the wife is tied to her husband; but if he ceaseth to be her husband, that tie is at an end : that 1 our Saviour left the wife at liberty to divorce her husband for adultery, though the law of Moses had only provided, that the adulterous wife, and he who defiled her, were to dier; but the husband who committed adultery was not so punishable ; there fore our Saviour had by that provision declared the marriage to be clearly dissolved by adultery. [Ibid. fol. From hence they went to examine the authorities of the I44'J fathers. Hermas was for putting away the adulteress, but so as to receive her again upon repentance. Origen thought the [Ibid. fol. wife could not marry again after divorce. Tertullian allowed 4 divorce, and thought it dissolved the marriage as much as [Ibid. fol. death did. Epiphanius did also allow it. And Ambrose in one I4^ place allows the husband to marry after divorce for adultery, [Ibid. fol. though he condemns it always in the wife. Basil allowed it on either side upon adultery. Jerome, who condemns the wife's marrying, though her husband were guilty of adultery ; and who disliked the husband's marrying again, though he allowed him to divorce upon adultery, or the suspicion of it ; yet, when [Ibid. fol. his friend Fabiola had married after a divorce, he excuses it, 1 saying, it was better for her to marry than to burn. Chro- matius allowed of second marriages after divorce. And so [Ibid. fol. did Chrysostom, though he condemned them in women so 58 J55J divorcing. St. Austin was sometimes for a divorce, but [Ibid. fol. against marriage upon it ; yet in his Retractations he writ 15 '* doubtfully of his former opinion. In the civil law, the Christian emperors allowed the power of divorcing both to husband and wife, with the right of marrying afterwards. Nor did they restrain the grounds of divorce only to adultery, but permitted it in many other cases ; as, if the wife were guilty of treason, had treated for another husband, had procured an book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1548.) 121 abortion, had been whole nights abroad, or had gone to see the public plays without leave from her husband ; besides many other particulars : against which none of the fathers^ had writ, nor endeavoured to get them repealed. All these laws were confirmed by Justinian, when he gathered the laws into a body, and added to it where they were defective. In the canon law it is provided, that he whose wife is defiled must not be denied lawful marriage. Pope Gregory denied a second [Ibid. fol. marriage to the guilty person, but allowed it to the innocent -• after divorce. Pope Zachary allowed the wife of an incestuous adulterer to be married, if she could not contain. In the canon- law, the council of Tribur is cited for allowing the like privilege to the husbands. By the council of Elvira, a man that finds that his wife intends to kill him may put her away, and marry another ; but she must never marry. The council of Aries [Ibid. fol. recommended it to husbands whose wives were found in adul tery not to marry during their lives. And that of Elvira denied the sacrament to a wife who left an adulterous husband, and married another; but she might have the communion when her first husband died : so the second marriage was accounted good, but only indecent. But the council of Milevi forbids both man and wife to marry after a divorce. All these were collected by Cranmer, with several very important reflections on most of the quotations out of the fathers, With these, there is another paper45, given in by one who was against the dissolving [IDid- io]- 45 The fathers and canons cited secundas nuptias contrahere. It is in that paper are Hermas, Tertul- rightly described by Baker, and the lian, Origen, Basil, Ambrose, Jerome reference to S. Chrysostom ends at Augustine, Chrysostom: the coun- fol. 167, the next leaf being vacant. cils of Aries, Elvira and Milevi. If Fol. 169 begins a new paper, being any modern authorities are cited, I part of the same leaf with fol. 170, have not noted them. [B.] which is vacant. It contains the [This document also has been eight answers printed inNo. 20 of the so imperfectly described that it is Collection without the Questions. thought better to give some account On the back is given Autoritates of it, especially as no reader seems doctorum admittentium repudium to have discovered that the leaves propter adulterium, et post, ob earn are put together in the wrong order, causam factum repudium, novas etiam It occupies the remaining leaves of priore conjuge superstate nuptias. the volume, part of which is de- The authorities quoted are Augus- scribed in note 44, from fol. 162 to tine, Tertullian, Hilary, and for fol. 182. Fol. 162 to 168 is a dis- others reference is made to Erasmus' tinct paper, headed, Quod non liceat Commentary on 1 Cor. vii. post divortium vivente priore conjuge From 171 to the end of fol. 102 THE HISTORY OF [part II. Collect.Numb. 20. Some fur ther ad vance in the re formation. [Fox, lib. ix. p. 7.] the bond, in which there are many quotations brought, both from the canon law and the fathers, for the contrary opinion. But most of the fathers there cited are of the latter ages ; in which the state of celibate had been so exalted by the monks, that, in all doubtful cases, they were resolved still to prefer that opinion which denied liberty for further marriages. In conclusion, this whole question was divided into eight queries, which were j>ut to some learned men ; (who these were does not appear ;) and they returned their answer in favour of the second marriage, which will be found in the Collection. In the end, sentence was given, allowing the second marriage in that case, and by consequence confirming the marquis of North ampton's marriage to his second wife, who upon that was suf fered to cohabit with him. Yet, four years after, he was advised to have a special act of parliament for confirming this sentence ; of which mention shall be made in its due time and place . The next thing that came under consideration was, the great contradiction that was in most of the sermons over England. Some were very earnest to justify and maintain all the old rites that yet remained; and others were no less hot to have them laid aside. So that, in London especially, the people were wonderfully distracted by this variety among their teachers. The ceremonies of Candlemas, and their observance of Lent, 59 with the rites used on Palm-Sunday, Good-Friday, and Easter, is certainly a separate book with the insertion of a single leaf, fol. 180, which is distinct and does not belong to it, as it contains the questions printed at the beginning of No. 20 of the Collection of Re cords. Fol. 171 begins with Quod non liceat a divortio facto repudii gratid, novum inire conjugium. This is divided into 19 paragraphs, the numbers being marked in red ink, which are written on fol. 171, 172, and are continued on fol. 179 and fol. 181, which are the other halves respectively of 172 and 171. Fol. 173 is an insertion on which are answered seriatim the 19 para graphs of fol. 171, and it is con tinued on fol. 178. Fol. 174 is an other paper, headed. Quod liceat p ost divortium secundum inire conju gium. This contains a few lines of preface and then five paragraphs all on the same folio, of which the remaining half, viz. fol. 177, is va cant. Fol. 175 and 176 are a se parate paper containing replies to the five paragraphs of the previous paper. At the end of the whole on the back of 1 8 1 is written Collectiones de divortio. The book is so loosely put together that the leaves might easily be taken apart and arranged in their proper order. The editor believes that attention has never before been drawn to the fact of their being displaced.] book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1548.) 123 were now approaching. Those that were against them con demned them as superstitious' additions to the worship of God, invented in the dark ages, when an outward pageantry had been the chief thing that was looked after. But others set out the good use that might be made of these things ; and taught that, till they were abolished by the king's authority, they ought to be still observed. In a visitation that had been made, (when I cannot learn, only it seems to have been about the end of king Henry's reign,) it had been declared, that fasting in Lent was only a positive law." Several directions were also given about the use of the ceremonies, and some hints, as if they were not to be long continued; and all wakes and Plough-Mondays were suppressed, since they drew great assemblies of people together, which ended in drinking and quarrelling. These I have also inserted in the Collection ; Collect. having had a copy of the articles, left at the visitation of um ' the deanery of Doncaster, communicated to me by the favour of a most learned physician and curious antiquary, Dr. Na thaniel Johnston, who sent me this, with several other papers out of his generous zeal for contributing every thing in his power to the perfecting of this work. The country people generally loved all these shows, proces sions, and assemblies, as things of diversion ; and judged it a dull business only to come to church for divine worship, and the hearing of sermons : therefore they were much delighted with the gaiety and cheerfulness of those rites. But others, observing that they kept up all these things, just as the hea thens did their plays and festivities for their gods, judged them contrary to the gravity and simplicity of the Christian religion, and therefore were earnest to have them removed. This was [Wilkins, so effectually represented to the council by Cranmer, that an 2°^0, 1T' order was sent to him about it. He sent it to Bonner, who, [jan, 27.j being dean of the college of bishops in the province of Can terbury, was to transmit all such orders over the whole pro vince. By it, the carrying of candles on Candlemas-day, of ashes on Ash -Wednesday, and palms on Palm-Sunday, were forbidden to be used any longer. And this was signified by [Jan. 28. Bonner to Thirlby, bishop of Westminster, on the twenty- Register, eighth of June, as appears by the register. ft)1- ' IO-l After this, on the sixth of February, a proclamation was A procla mation 124 THE HISTORY OF [part II. againstthose who innovated without authority. Numb. 22. [Feb. 21. Wilkins'Cone. iv. 22.] The ge neral tak ing away of all images. Numb. 23. Processio nals in festo Irmo- centium. issued out against such as should on the other hand rashly innovate, or persuade the people from the old accustomed rites, under the pains of imprisonment, and other punishments, at the king's pleasure ; excepting only the formerly-mentioned rites : to which are added, the creeping to the cross on Good- Friday, taking holy bread and water, and any other, that should be afterwards at any time certified by the archbishop of Canterbury to the other bishops, in the king's name, to be laid aside. And, for preventing the mischiefs occasioned by rash preachers, none were to preach without license from the king or his visitors, the archbishop of Canterbury, or the bishop of the diocese where they lived; excepting only incumbents preaching in their own parishes. Those who preached other wise were to be imprisoned till order were given for their punishment ; and the inferior magistrates were required to see to the execution of these orders. This proclamation, which is in the Collection, was necessary for giving authority to the archbishop of Canterbury's letters, which were censured as a 60 great presumption for him, without any public order, to appoint changes in sacred rites. Some observed, that the council went on making proclamations, with arbitrary punishments, though the act was repealed that had formerly given so great authority to them. To this it was answered, that the king by his su premacy might still in matters of religion make new orders, and add punishments upon the transgressors ; yet this was much questioned, though universally submitted to. On the eleventh45 of February there was a letter sent from the council to the archbishop, for a more considerable change. There were every where great heats about the removing of images, which had been abused to superstition : some affirming, and others denying, that their images had been so abused. There were in the churches some images of so strange a nature, that it could not be denied that they had been abused. Such was the image of the blessed Trinity, which was to be censed, on the day of the Innocents, by him that was made the bishop of the children : this shews it was used on other days, in which it is like it was censed by the bishop where he was present. 45 [This is a mistake, probably copied from Fox, lib. ix. p. 8, for February 21, which is the date as signed in the Records and in Cran mer's Register, fol. 32 a.] book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1548.) 125 How this image was made, can only be gathered from the prints that were of it at that time : in which the Father is represented sitting on the one hand as an old man with a triple crown and rays about him, the Son on the other hand as a young man with a crown and rays, and the blessed Virgin between them, and the emblem of the Holy Ghost a dove spread over her head. So' it is represented in a fair book of the hours according to the use of Sarum, printed anno 152646. The impiety of this did raise horror in most men's minds, when that inconceivable mystery was so grossly ex pressed. Besides, the taking of the Virgin into it was done in pursuance to what had been said by some blasphemous friars, of her being assumed into the Trinity. In another edition of these, it is represented by three faces formed in one Iread. These things had not been set up by any public warrant ; but, having been so long in practice, they stood upon the general plea that was for keeping the traditions of the church ; for it was said, that the promises made to the church were the same in all ages, and that therefore every age of the church had an equal right to them. But for the other images, it was urged against them, that they had been all consecrated with such rites and prayers, that it was certain they were every one of them superstitious : since it was prayed, that they might be so blessed and consecrated, that whosoever worshipped them might, by the saints' prayers and aid, wham they represented, obtain every thing that he desired. So they resolved on an entire removal of all images. And the protector, with the council, wrote to Cranmer, that, for putting an end to all these contests, and that the living images of Christ might not quarrel about the dead ones, it was concluded they should all of them be taken down ; and he was to give order to see this executed in his own diocese, and to transmit it to the other bishops, to . be in like manner executed by them. There were also orders given, that all rich shrines, with all the plate belonging to them, should be brought in to the king's use, and that the clothes that covered them should be converted to the use of the poor. This gave Gardiner, and those of his party, a new 46 [Horse beatas Marias Virginis secundum usum Sarum, Parisiis, per Franciscum Regnault 1526. 4to.] 126 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. affliction : for in his diocese he had' been always on their side that were for keeping up the images. But they all submitted ; and so the churches were emptied of all these pictures and 61 statues, which had been for divers ages the chief objects of the people's worship. Some re- And now, the greatest care of the reformers was, to find the 0n pretcV best mei1 theJ COuld> wh° should be liceI1Sed ty the king'S ers,Mayi3. authority to preach. To whom the council sent a letter in the Numb. 24. beginning of May, intimating, that, by the restraint put on preaching, they only intended to put an end to the rash con tentions of indiscreet men, and not to extinguish the lively preaching of the pure word of God, made after such sort as the Holy Ghost should for the time put in the preacher's mind : they are therefore charged to preach sincerely, and with that caution and moderation, that the time and place shall require ; and particularly, that they should not set on the people to make innovations, or to run before those whom they should obey ; but should persuade them to amend their fives, and keep the commandments of God, and to forsake all their old superstitions. And for the things not yet changed, they ought to wait patiently, and to conclude, that the prince did either allow or suffer them : and in delivering things to the people, they were ordered to have a special regard to what they could bear. But this temper was not observed. Some plainly condemned it as a political patching, and said, Why should not all these superstitions be swept away at once ? To this it was answered by others, that, as Christ forbade the pulling up of the tares, lest with them they should pull up good wheat ; so, if they went too forwardly to the changing of things, they might in that haste change much for the worse : and great care was to be had not to provoke the people too much, lest in the infancy of the king, or in some ill conjuncture of affairs, they might be disposed to make commotions. And the compliances that both Christ and his apostles gave to the Jews, when they were to abrogate' the Mosaical law, were often insisted on. It was said, if they who were clothed with a power of miracles, for the more effectual conviction of the world, condescended so far ; it was much more reasonable for them, who had not that book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1548.) 127 authority over men's consciences, and had no immediate signs to shew from heaven, to persuade the people rather by degrees to forsake their old mistakes, and not to precipitate things by an overhaste. This winter there was a committee of selected bishops and Bishops divines appointed for examining all the offices of the church, , examine and for reforming them. Some had been in king's Henry's th,e offices time employed in the same business, in which they had made a church. good progress, which was now to be brought to a full per fection. Therefore, the archbishops of Canterbury and York ; the bishops of London, Durham, Worcester, Norwich, St. Asaph, Salisbury, Coventry and Lichfield, Carlisle, Bristol, St. David's, Ely, Lincoln, Chichester, Hereford, Westminster, and Roches ter ; with doctors Cox, May, Taylor, Haynes, Robertson, and Redmayn ; were appointed to examine all the offices of the church, and to consider how far any of them needed amend ment. - The thing they first examined was, the sacrament of the eucharist ; which being the chief symbol of Christian com munion, was thought to deserve their chief care. And here they managed their inquiries in the same manner that was used in the former reign ; in which, when any thing was con- 62 sidered in order to a change, it was put into several queries, to which every one in commission was to give his answer in writing. It is no wonder if the confusions that followed in queen Mary's reign have deprived us of most of these papers ; yet there is one set of them preserved relating to some ques tions about the priest's single communicating ; Whether one man's receiving it can be useful to another ? What was the oblation or sacrifice that was made of Christ in the mass? Wherein the mass consisted 1 When the priest's receiving alone began ? Whether it was convenient, to retain that, and continue masses satisfactory for departed souls ? Whether the gospel ought to be taught at the time of the mass ? Whether it were convenient to have it all in a known tongue or not ? And when the reserving or hanging up of the sacrament first began ? To these the bishops made their several answers. Some an swered them all ; others answered only a few of them ; it is like, suspending their opinions about those which they 128 THE HISTORY OF [part II. answered not. The bishops of London, Worcester, Chichester, and Hereford, gave in their answers once in one paper to gether4? ; but afterwards they joined with the bishops of Nor wich and St. Asaph, and all those six gave a joint answer in one paper. Those are not all subscribed, as those which 1 inserted in the former volume were ; or at least the papers I have are not the originals. But Cranmer's hand is over every one of them48, marking the name of the bishop to whom they belonged ; and Dr. Cox hath set his hand and seal to his Numb. 25. answer 4s. By these, which are in the Collection, the reader will perceive how generally the bishops were addicted to the old superstition, and how few did agree in all things with Cranmer50. It may be thought, that these questions were given 4? The bishops of London, Worcester, Chichester, and Here ford's answers related to another set of questions. [B.] 48 Cranmer's hand is not over Richard Cox, nor W. Menevens. nor John Taylor's, who have subscribed their own names. [B.] 49 I can assure your lordship there is no mystery in this. Cox had sent in his paper folded and closed with wax : the foldings yet remain, according to which foldings the paper had been sealed, which is now torn where it had been sealed, and some of the paper left upon the wax. [B.] 50 [This paper has also been very imperfectly described. It begins at fol. 6, No. 1 108," of the Lambeth M,SS. The first leaf contains the questions written on the left hand side of the page, with the answers opposite to them on the same page, written in a very small hand and in very bad spelling, and headed Lin- colnien. The next leaf is vacant. Fol. 8 is headed Cantuarien. fol. 10 Rqffen. and they contain respectively the answers of the archbishop of Canterbury and the bishop of Ro chester. Fol. 11 is signed at the bottom of the first page as well as on the back, Ric. Cox. He begins with the fifth question and give's the questions with the answers, number ing them from 1 to 7, not from 5 to 1 1 . The questions are repeated also on fol. 13 which is signed at the end of the first page, By me, John Taylor. The back of it and fol. 14 are va cant. Fol. 15 begins with four questions, after which comes The answer of Richard bishop of Coven- tre and Lichfelde to the articles above written. Fol. 16 is vacant. Fol. 17 contains four questions, after which An answer to the ques tions signed by W. Meneven. Fol. 18 also contains four questions after which come- the four answers signed, Ric. Cox, with a broken seal. The bishops of Durham, Salisbury, and Bristol, give their answers on fols. 19, 23, 25 respectively. There is a distinct paper which begins at fol. 40 of the same volume and which appears to have been originally de scribed as The answers of the bishops of Worcester of Hareford and of Chichestres thenamesof the bishops of London, Norwich and S.Asaph having been apparently added after wards. The author has taken no notice of fol. 43, which begins with the questions written in a good hand, book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1548.) 129 out before the act of parliament passed, in which the priest's single communicating is turned into a communion of more : yet by that act it was only provided, that all who came to receive should be admitted ; but priests were not forbid to consecrate, if none were to communicate, which was the thing now inquired into. It is certain there was no part of worship more corrupted Thecorrup- than this sacrament was. The first institution was so plain and Offioe 0fthe - simple, that, except in the words, This is my body, there is communion nothing which could give a colour to the corruptions that were afterwards brought in. The heathens had their mysteries, which the priests concealed with hard and dark words, and dressed up with much pomp, and thereby supported their own esteem with the people, since they looked on these to be of so high a nature, that all those who had the ordering of them were accounted sacred persons. The primitive Christians retained the first simplicity of divine institutions for some ages. But afterwards, as their number increased, they made use of some things not unlike those the heathens had practised, to draw the Gentiles more easily into their belief, since external shows make deep impressions in the vulgar. And those that were thus brought over might afterwards come to like these things for their own sakes, which were at first made use of only to gain the world. Others, finding some advantage in such services, that were easy, and yet appeared very pompous, that they might cover great faults by countenancing and com plying with the follies that were in vogue, contributed liberally to the improvement of them. And after the Roman emperors turned Christian, much of that vast wealth, of which they and 63 their people were masters, was brought into the church, and applied to these superstitions. Yet it became not so universally , corrupted, till, by the invasion of the Goths, Vandals, and other barbarous nations, the Roman empire was broken and divided into many kingdoms. These new conquerors were rude and ignorant, wholly given to sensible things; and learning perhaps Cranmer's, the seven occu- in the edition of Strype's Cranmer, pying the firs't page, nor of fol. 44 published by the Ecclesiastical vyhich contains questions meant to History Society, vol. .ii, p. 478. break down the answers previously Fol. 46 belongs to another sub- given. These have been printed ject.] BURNET, PART II. K 130 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. being universally extinguished, gross superstition took place ; for more refined superstitions would not serve the turn of darker ages : but as they grew in ignorance, they continued in the belief and practice of more absurd things. The high opinion they justly had of this sacrament being much raised by the belief of the corporal presence of Christ in it, which came in afterwards, then the dull wits of the priests, and the wealth of the people, were employed to magnify it with all the pomp possible. All the vessels and garments belonging to it were consecrated and anointed with much devotion ; the whole office was in an unknown tongue. A great part of it was to be secretly whispered, to make it appear the more wonderful charm. But chiefly the words of consecra tion were by no means to be heard by the people; it being fabled, that, when, the words were spoken aloud, some shep herds had repeated them over their bread, which was thereupon presently turned into flesh. Besides that, it was but suitable, that a change, which was not to be seen, should be made by words not to be heard. The priest was not to approach it but after so many bowings, crossings, and kissings of the altar ; and, all the while he went through with the office, the people were only now and then blessed by a short blessing, The Lord be with you, and even that in Latin. Then, after consecration, the bread was lifted up, and all the people worshipped it as if Christ had appeared in the clouds. It was oft exposed on the altar, and carried about in processions, with the ceremonies of carrying flambeaux before it, which the greatest persons ac counted it an honour to do ; the priest that carried it all the while going pompously under a rich canopy. This was also thought most effectual for all the accidents of life. And whereas it was at first only intended to be a com memoration and communion of the death of Christ ; that seemed almost forgotten, but it was applied to all other ends imaginable. That which brought in most custom was trentals, which was a method of delivering souls out of purgatory by saying thirty masses a year for them. And whereas it was observed, that men, on the anniversaries of their birthdays, wedding, or other happy accidents of their lives, were commonly in better humour, so that favours were more easily obtained ; they seemed to have book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1548.) 121 had the same opinion of God and Christ ; so they ordered it, that three of these should be said on Christmas-Day, three on Epiphany, three on the purification of the blessed Virgin, three on the Annunciation, three on the Resurrection, three on the Ascension, three on Whit-Sunday, three on Trinity-Sunday, three on the Assumption of the blessed Virgin, and three on her birthday ; hoping that these days would be the mollia tempora, when God and Christ, or the blessed Virgin, would be of easier access, and more ready to grant their desires. Yet the most unaccountable part of all was, the masses on the saints' days ; praying that the intercession of the saint might make the sacra- fice acceptable ; that the saint for whose honour these oblations were solemnly offered, would by his merits procure them to 64< be accepted, and that the sacrifice might bring to them a greater indulgence, being offered up by the suffrages of the saint. If the sacrifice was of Jesus Christ, and was of its own nature expiatory, how this should be done in honour to a saint, and become of greater virtue by his intercession, was a thing very hard to be understood. There were many" pieces of ridiculous pageantry also used in it, as the laying the host in the sepulchre they made for Christ on Good- Friday ; and that, not only the candles that were to burn at the Easter celebration, but the very fire that was to kindle them, was particularly con secrated on Easter-Eve. Some masses were believed to have a peculiar virtue in them : for, in the mass-book printed at London, anno 1500 50, there is a mass for avoiding sudden death, which pope Clement made in the college, with all his cardinals, and granted to all who heard it two hundred and seventy days ' of indulgence, charging them, that they should hold in their hand a burning candle all the while it was saying, and for five days after should likewise hold a candle, kneeling during the whole mass ; and to those that did so, sudden death should do no harm. And it is added, that this was certain and approved in Avignon, and all the neighbouring places. All this I have opened the more largely, to let the reader plainly understand what things were then in this sacrament that required reforma- mation : and I have gathered these things out of the mass-book then most used in England, and best known by the name of the Missal after the use of Sarum. 50 [Missale ad usum Ecclesiae Sarum. Lond. R. Pynson, 1500. fol.] , K 2 132 THE HISTORY OF ' [part ii. a new of- The grst step these deputed bishops and divines made was, commu- to reform this. But they did not at once mend every thing mon set tna(. requ[re(j it, but left the office of the mass as it was, only adding -to it that which made it a communion. It began first with an exhortation, to be used the day before, which differs not much from that now used; only, after the advice given concerning confession, it is added, that such as desired to make auricular confession should not censure those who were satisfied with a general confession to God; and that those who used only confession to God and to the church should not be offended with those who used auricular confession to a priest ; but that all should keep the rule of charity, every man being satisfied to follow his own conscience, and not judging another man's in things not appointed by God. After the priest had received the sacrament, he was to turn to the people, and read an ex hortation to them ; the same we now use, only a little varied in words. After that followed a denunciation against sinners, requiring them who were such, and had not repented, to with draw, lest the Devil should enter into them, as he did into Judas. Then, after a little pause, to see if any would withdraw, there was to follow a short exhortation, with a confession of sins, and absolution, the very same which we do yet retain. Then those texts of scripture were read which we yet read, followed with the prayer, We do not presume, &c. After this, the sacrament was to be given, in both kinds ; first to the min isters then present, and then to all the people, with these words : The body of our Lord Jesus Christ, which ivas given for thee, preserve thy body unto everlasting life ; and, The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, which Was shed for thee, preserve thy soul unto ever-lasting life. When all was done, the congregation was to be dismissed with a blessing. The bread was to be such as had been formerly used, and every one of the breads so consecrated was to be broken in two or more pieces ; and the people were to be taught that there was no 65 difference in the quantity they received, whether it were small or great, but that in each of them they received the whole body of Christ. If the wine that was at first consecrated did not serve, the priest was to consecrate more ; but all to be without any elevation. This office being thus finished, was set forth with a proclamation, reciting, that whereas the parliament book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1548.) 133 had enacted, that the communion should be given in both kinds to all the king's subjects; it was now ordered to be given in the form here set forth : and all were required to receive it with due reverence and Christian behaviour, and with such uniformity as might encourage the king to go on in the setting forth godly orders for reformation, which he intended most earnestly to bring to effect by the help of God ; willing his subjects not to run before his direction, and so by their rashness to hinder such things ; assuring them of the earnest zeal he had to set them forth, hoping they would quietly and reverently tarry for it. This was published on the eighth 51 of March ; and on the thirteenth, books were sent to all the bishops of England, requiring them to send them to every parish in their diocese, that the curates might have time both to instruct themselves about it, and to acquaint their people with it ; so that by the next Easter it might be universally received in all the churches of the nation. This was variously censured. Those that were for the old superstition were much troubled to have confes- It is vari- sion thus left indifferent, and a general confession of sins sured. to be used, with which they apprehended the people would for the most part content themselves. In the scripture Chiefly, there was a power of binding and loosing sins given to the cu]ar con. apostles. And St. James exhorted those to whom he wrote, to fe^io,n was ,. , . , . „ . . laid down. confess their faults to one another, Afterwards penitents came to be reconciled to the church, when they had given public scandal either by their apostasy or ill life, by an open confession of their sins; and, after some time, of separation from the other pure Christians in worship, and an abstention from the sacrament, they were admitted again to their share of all the privileges that were given in common to Christians. But, according to the nature of their sins, they were, besides the public confession, put under such rules as might be most proper for curing these ill inclinations in them ; and, according to the several ranks of sins, the time and degrees of this penitence was proportioned. And the councils that met in the fourth and fifth centuries made the regulating these penitentiary canons the chief subject of 51 [The order of the Communion, ton, printer to his moste royall Ma- Imprinted at London the eight daie' iestie. In the yere of our Lorde . of Marche, in the second yere of the M.D.XLVIII. Cum priuilegio ad reigne of our souereigne lorde Kyng imprimendum solum.] Edward the VI. By Rychard Graf- 134 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. their consultations. In many churches there were penitentiary priests, who were more expert in the knowledge of these rules, and gave directions about them, which were taken away in Constantinople, upon the indiscretion of which one of them had been guilty. For secret sins there was no obligation to confess, since all the canons were about public scandals ; yet for these, the devout people generally went to their priests for their counsel, but were not obliged to it ; and so went to them for the distempers of their minds, as they did to physicians for the diseases of their bodies. About the end of the fifth century they began in some places to have secret penances, either within monasteries, or other places which the priests had appointed; and, upon a secret confession, and performing the penance imposed, absolution was also given secretly ; whereas in former times confession and absolution had been performed openly in the church. In 66 the seventh century it was every where practised, that there should be secret penance for secret sins, which Theodore, arch bishop of Canterbury, did first bring into a method and under rules. But, about the end of the eighth century, the commu tation of penance, and exchanging it for money, or other services to the church, came to be practised :. and then began pilgrimages to holy places, and afterwards the going to the holy war ; and all the severities of penance were dispensed with to such as undertook these. This brought on a great relaxation of all ecclesiastical discipline. Afterwards crusades came in use, against such princes as were deposed by popes ; and to these was likewise added, to encourage all to enter into them, that all rules of penitence were dispensed with to such as put on that cross. But penitence being now no more public, but only private, the priests managed it as they pleased ; and so by confession entered into all men's secrets, and by absolu tion had their consciences so entirely in their power, that the people were generally governed by them. Yet because the secular priests were commonly very ignorant, and were not put under such an association as was needful to manage those designs, for which this was thought an excellent engine ; there- " fore the friars were employed every where to hear confessions, and to give absolutions. And, to bring in customers to them, two new things were invented. Tlie one was, a reserving booki.J THE REFORMATION. (1548.) 135 of certain cases, in which such as were guilty of them could not be absolved but by the popes, or those deputed by them ; and the friars had faculties in the pope's name to absolve in these cases. The other was, on some occasion the use of certain new secrets, by which men were to obtain great indul gences; either by saying such prayers, or performing such impositions : and these were all trusted to the friars, who were to trade with them, and bring all the money they could gather by that means to Rome. They being bred up to a voluntary poverty, and expecting great rewards for their industry, sold those secrets with as much cunning as mountebanks use in selling their tricks : only here was the difference, that the ineffectualness of the mountebanks' medicines was soon dis covered, so their trade must be but short in one place ; whereas the other could not be so easily found out ; the chief piece of the religion of those ages being to believe all that their priests taught them. Of this sort the reader will find in the Collection an essay of indulgences as they were printed in the Collect. Hours after the use of Sarum52, which were set down in Eng lish, though the prayers be all Latin, that so all the people might know the value of such ware. Those had been all by degrees brought from Rome, and put into people's hands, and afterwards laid together in their offices. ¦ By them, indulgences of many years, hundreds, thousands, and millions of years, and of all sins whatsoever, were granted to such as devoutly said such collects ; but it was always understood, that they must confess and be absolved, which is the meaning of those expres sions concerning their being in a state of grace. And so the whole business was a cheat. And now all this trade was laid aside, and confession of secret sins was -left to all men's free choice ; since it was certain that the confession to a priest was no where enjoined in the scriptures. It was a reasonable objection, that, as secret con fession and private penance had worn out the primitive practice 67 of the public censuring of scandalous persons, so it had been well if the reviving of that discipline had driven out these later abuses ; but to let that lie unrestored, and yet to let con- 53 [Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis in usum Ecclesise Sarisburiensis. Paris. Regnault, 4to. et 8vo, 1526.] 136 THE HISTORY OF [part n. fession wear out, was to discharge the world of all outyyard restraints, and to leave them to their full liberty, and so to throw up that power of binding and loosing, which ought to take place chiefly in admitting them to the sacrament. This was confessed to be a great defect, and effectual endeavours were used to retrieve it, though without success : and it was openly declared to be a thing which they would study to repair : but the total disuse of all public censure had made the nation so unacquainted with it, that, without the effectual con currence of the civil authority, they could not compass it. And though it was acknowledged to be a great disorder in the church, yet, as they could not keep up the necessity of private confession, since it was not commanded in the gospel ; so the generality of the clergy being superstitious men, whose chief influence on the people was by those secret practices in con fession, they judged it necessary to leave that free to all people, and to represent it as a thing to which they were not obliged, and in the place of that ordered the general confession to be made in the church, with the absolution added to it. For the power of binding and loosing, it was by many thought to be only declarative ; and so to be exercised, when the gospel was preached, and a general absolution granted, according to the ancient forms. In which forms, the absolution was a prayer that God would absolve ; and so it had been still used in the absolution which was given on Maundy-Thursday ; but the formal absolution given by the priest in his own name, I absolve thee, was a late invention to raise their authority higher, and signified nothing distinct from those other forms that were an ciently used in the church. Others censured" the words in distributing the two kinds in the Lord's supper ; the body being given for the preserving the body, and the Mood of Christ for preserving the soul. This was thought done on design to possess the people with an high value of the chalice, as that which preserved their souls ; whereas the bread was only for the preservation of their bodies. But Cranmer, being ready to change any thing for which he saw good reason, did afterwards so alter it, that in both it was said, Preserve thy body and soul : and yet it stands so in the prayer, We do not presume, &c. On all this I have book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1548.) 137 digressed so long, because of the importance of the matter, and for satisfying the scruples that many still have upon the laying aside of confession in our reformation. Commissions were next given to examine the state of the chantries and guildable lands. The instruction about them will be found in the Collection ; of which I need give no abstract Collect. here, for they were only about the methods of inquiring into um ' *7' their value, and how they were possessed, or what alienations had been made of them. The protector and council were now in much trouble. The war with Scotland they found was like to grow chargeable, since they saw it was supported from France. There was a rebellion also broke out in Ireland ; and the king was much indebted : nor could they expect any subsidies from the parlia ment ; in which it had been said, that they gave the chantry- lands, that they might be delivered from all subsidies : there fore the parliament was prorogued till winter. Upon this the 68 whole council did on the seventeenth of April unanimously resolve, that it was necessary to sell five thousand pounds a year of chantry-lands for raising such a sum as the king's occasions required; and sir Henry Mildmay was appointed to treat about the sale of them. The new communion-book was received over England with- Gardiner out any opposition. Only complaints were brought of Gardiner, ^ ™*° that he did secretly detract from the king's proceedings. Upon bies. which the council took occasion to reflect on all his former Book!p. behaviour. And here it was remembered, how at first, upon 356.] his refusing to receive the king's injunctions, he had been put in the Fleet, where he had been as well used as if it had [Ibid. p. been his own house ; (which is far contrary to his letters to * the protector, of which mention has been already made ;) and that he, upon promise of conformity, had been discharged. But when he was come home, being forgetful of his promises, he had raised much strife and contention, and had caused all his servants to be secretly armed and harnessed, and had put public affronts on those whom the council sent down to preach in his diocese ; for in some places, to disgrace them, he [Ibid. p. went into the pulpit before them, and warned the people to 359'-' beware of such teachers, and to receive no other doctrine but what he had taught them. Upon this he had been sent 138 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. for a second time ; but again, upon his promise of conformity, was discharged, and ordered to stay at his own house in London. That there he had continued still to meddle in [ibid. p. public matters ; of which being again admonished, he desired 3 °'-' that he might be suffered to clear himself of all misrepresenta tions that had been made of him, in a sermon which he should preach before the king, in which he should openly declare how well he was satisfied with his proceedings: yet it is added, [Ibid. p. that in his sermon, where there was a wonderful audience, 3 I'i he did most arrogantly meddle with some matters that Were contrary to an express command given him, both by word of mouth, and by letters ; and in other matters used such words as had almost raised a great tumult in the very time, and had spoken very seditiously concerning the policy of the kingdom. So they saw that clemency wrought no good effect on him ; and it seeming necessary to terrify others by their proceedings with him, he was sent to the Tower, and the door of his closet was sealed up. Thus it is entered in the council-book, signed, E. Somerset, T. Cant., W- St. John, J. Russell, and T. Cheyne. Yet it seems this order was not signed when it was made, but some years after : for the lord Russell signed first Bedford ; but, remembering that at the time when this order was made he had not that title, therefore he dashed it out, (but so as it still appears,) and signed, J. Russell. ^ox'sActs The account that Gardiner himself gives of this business is, ments. that, being discharged upon the act of pardon, he was desired pib. ix. p. t0 prom;se that he would set forth the Homilies ; and a form was given him, to which he should set his hand : but he, con sidering of it a fortnight, returned, and said, he could not subscribe it; so he was confined to his house. Then Ridley and Mr. Cecil (afterwards the great lord Burleigh, lord trea surer to queen Elizabeth, at that time secretary to the pro tector) were sent to him, and so prevailed, that he did set his hand to it. But, upon some complaints that were made of him, he was sent for after Whit- Sunday, and accused, that he had carried palms, had crept to the cross, and had a sepulchre 69 on Good-Friday, which was contrary to the king's proclama tions : all which he denied, and said, he had and would still give obedience to what the king should command. That of affronting the king's preachers was objected to him ; to which book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1548.) 139 he answered, telling matter of fact how it was done, but he does not in his writing set it down. Then it was complained, that in a sermon he had said, The apostles came away rejoicing from the council, the council, the council; repeating it thus, to make it seem applicable to himself. This he denied. Then it was objected, that he preached the real presence in the sacrament, the word real not being in scripture ; and so it was not the setting forth the pure word of God : he said, he had not used the word real, only he had asserted the presence of Christ in such words as he had heard the archbishop of Canterbury dispute for it against Lambert, that had been burnt. He was commanded to tarry in London ; but he de sired, that, since he was not an offender, he might be at his liberty. He complained much of the songs made of him, and of the books written against him, and particularly of one Philpot in Westminster, whom he accounted a madman. Then he relates, that Cecil came to him, and proposed to [ibid. p. him to preach before the king, and that he should write his '5J sermon; and also brought him some notes, which he wished him to put in his sermon : he said, he was willing to preach, but would not write it, for that was to preach as an offender ; nor would he make use of notes prepared by other men. Then he was privately brought to the protector, none but the lord [Ibid. p. St. John being present, who shewed him a paper, containing -J the opinion of some lawyers of the king's power, and of a bishop's authority, and of the punishment of disobeying the king : but he desired to speak with those lawyers, and said, no subscription of theirs should oblige him to preach otherwise than as he was convinced. The protector said, he should either do that or do worse. Secretary Smith came to him to press him further in some points ; but what they were is not mentioned. Yet by the other papers in that business it appears, [Ibid. p. they related to the king's authority when under age, and 7S'-' for justifying the king's proceedings in what had been done about the ceremonies ; and that auricular confession was indif ferent. So the contest between him and the protector ended, and .there was no writing required of him ; but he left the whole matter to him, so that he should treat plainly of those things mentioned to him by Cecil. He chose St. Peter's day, [June 19.] because the gospel agreed to his purpose. Cecil shewed him 140 THE HISTORY OF [part n. some notes, written with the king's hand, of the sermons preached before him, especially what was said of the duty of a [Ibid. p. king ; and warned him, that, whenever he named the king, he 761 should add, and his council. To this he made no answer ; for though he thought it wisely done of a king to use his council, yet, being to speak of the king's power according to scripture, he did not think it necessary to add any thing of his council ; and hearing, by a confused report, some secret [Ibid. p. matter, he resolved not to meddle with it. Two days before ?7'J he preached, the protector sent him a message not to meddle with those questions about the sacrament that were yet in controversy among learned men ; and that therefore he was resolved there should be no public determination made of them beforehand in the pulpit. He said, he could not forbear to speak of the mass, for he looked on it as the chief foundation 70 of Christian religion ; but he doubted not that he should so [June 28.] speak of it, as to give them all content. So the day following Numb. 28. the protector writ to him, (as will be found in the Collection,) requiring him, in the king's name, not to meddle with these points, but to preach concerning the articles given him, and about obedience and good life, which woidd afford him matter enough for a long sermon ; since the other points were to be reserved to a public consultation. The protector added, that he held it a great part of his duty, under the king, not to suffer wilful persons to dissuade the people from receiving such truths as should be set forth by others. But Gardiner pre tended that there was no controversy about the presence of Christ. And so the next day he took his text out of the Parker's gospel for the day, Thou art Christ, &c. In his sermon cf^Ch "Sol (°^ wnicn I ^aye seen large notes) he expressed himself very Cant. fully concerning the pope's supremacy as justly abolished, and p-iXj ^ie suPPress'on °f monasteries and chantries ; he approved He preach- 0f the king's proceedings : he thought images might have been the king. we'l used, but yet they might be well taken away. He ap proved of the sacrament in both kinds, and the taking away that great number of masses satisfactory, and liked well the new order for the communion. But he asserted largely the presence of Christ's flesh and blood in the sacrament : upon which many of the assembly, that were indiscreetly hot on both sides, cried out, some approving, and others disliking it. book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1548.) 141 Of the king's authority under age, and of the power of the council in that case, he said not a word ; and upon that he was imprisoned. The occasion of this was, the popish clergy began generally to have it spread among them, that, though they had ac- ' knowledged the king's supremacy, yet they had never owned the council's supremacy. That the council could only see to the execution of the laws and orders that had been made, but could not make new ones ; and that therefore the supre macy could not be exercised, till the king, in whose person it was vested, came to be of age to consider of matters himself. Upon this the lawyers were consulted ; who did unanimously resolve, that the supremacy, being annexed to the regal dignity, was the same in a king under age, when it was executed by the council, that it was in a king at full age ; and therefore things ordered by the council now had the same authority in law that they could have when the king did act himself. But this did not satisfy the greater part of the clergy : some of whom, by the high flatteries that had been given to kings in king Henry's time, seemed to fancy that there were degrees of divine illumination derived unto princes by the anointing them at the coronation ; and these not ex erting themselves till a king attained to a ripeness of under standing, they thought the supremacy was to lie dormant while he was so young. The protector and council endeavoured to have got Gardiner to declare against this, but he would not meddle in it. How far he might set forward the other opinion, I do not know. These proceedings against him were thought too severe, and without law ; but he being generally hated, they were not so much censured as they had been if they had fallen on a more acceptable man. And thus were the orders made by the council generally obeyed ; many being terrified with the usage Gardiner met with, from which others inferred what they might look for, if they were refractory, when so great a bishop was so treated. 71 The next thing Cranmer set about was, the compiling of a Cranmer Catechism 53, or large instruction of young persons in the catechism. 63 This Catechism was first made viewed by him. [S.] in Latin by another, but translated [Wharton observes, (Specimen of by Cranmer's order, and it was re- Errors, p. 78,) " In truth Cranmer 142 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. grounds of the Christian religion. In it he reckons the two first commandments hut one, though he says many of the ancients divided them in two. But the division was of no great consequence, so no part of the Decalogue were suppressed by the church. He shewed, that the excuses the papists had for images were no other than what the heathens brought for their idolatry ; who also said, they did not worship the image, but that only which was represented by it. He particularly takes notice of the image of the Trinity. He shews how St. Peter Would not suffer Cornelius, and the angel would not suffer St. John, to worship them. The believing that there is a virtue in one image more than in another, he accounts plain idolatry. Hezekiah broke the brasen serpent when abused, though it was a type or image of Christ, made by God's com mand, to which a miraculous virtue had been once given. So now there was good reason to break images, when they had been so abused to superstition and idolatry ; and when they gave such scandal to Jews and Mahometans, who generally accounted the Christians idolaters on that account. He asserts, besides the two sacraments of baptism and the Lord's supper, the power of reconciling sinners to God, as a third ; and fully owns the divine institution of bishops and priests ; and wishes that the canons and rites of public penitence were again re stored ; and exhorts much to confession, and the people's dealing with their pastors about their consciences, that so they might upon knowledge bind and loose according to the gospel. Having finished this easy, but most useful work, he dedicated it to the king : and, in his epistle to him, complains of the great neglect, that had been in former times, of catechising ; only translated this Catechism out discourse of his own to the exposi- of Dutch, at least translated it from tion of the second commandment, the Latin translation of Justus and inserted some few sentences Jonas, who had translated the Dutch elsewhere." The title is, * Cate- Catechism, as both the title and the chismus, that is to say, a shorte preface of it might have informed Instruction into Christian Religion the historian. The title saith it for the synguler commoditie and was overseen and corrected by the profyteof children and yong people.' archbishop; and Cranmer himself, Lond. by Ny colas Hyll, for G waiter in another book, speaketh of this Lynne, 1548, i6mo. It was re- Catechism in these words : ' A printed in 8vo. Lond. without date, Catechism by me translated and set about 1552.] forth.' He added indeed a large booklJ THE REFORMATION. (1548.) 143 and that confirmation had not been rightly administered, since it ought to be given only to those of age, who understood the principles of the Christian doctrine, and did upon knowledge, and with sincere minds, renew their baptismal vow. From this it will appear, that, from the beginning of this reformation, the practice of the Roman church in the matter of images was held idolatrous. Cranmer's zeal for restoring the penitentiary canons is also clear : and it is plain, that he had now quite laid aside those singular opinions which he formerly held of the ecclesiastical functions ; for now, in a work which was wholly his own, without the concurrence of any others, he fully sets forth their divine institution. All these things made way for a greater work, which these A general selected bishops and divines, who had laboured in the setting tion of aU forth of the office of the communion, were now preparing ; the offices which was, the entire reformation of the whole service of the church church. In order to this, they brought together all the offices " set about. used in England. In the southern parts, those after the use of Sarum were universally received, which were believed to have been compiled by Osmund bishop of Sarum. In the north of England, they had other offices after the use of York. In South Wales, they had them after the use of Hereford. In North Wales, after the use of Bangor. And in Lincoln, another sort of an office proper to that see. In the primitive church, when the extraordinary gifts ceased, the bishops of the several churches put their offices and prayers 72 into such a method as was nearest to what they had heard or remembered from the apostles. And these liturgies were called by the apostles' names, from whose forms they had been composed ; as that at Jerusalem carried the name of St. James, and that of Alexandria the name of St. Mark ; though those books that we have now under these names are certainly so interpolated, that they are of no great authority : but in the fourth century we have these liturgies first mentioned. The council of Laodicea appointed the same office of prayers to be [366 A-D-l used in the mornings and evenings. The bishops continued to draw up new additions, and to put old forms into other methods. But this was left to every bishop's care : nor was it made the subject of any public consultation till St. Austin's time ; when, in their dealings with heretics, they found they took advantages 144 THE HISTORY OF [PART II; It was re solvedthere should be a new liturgy. from some of the prayers that were in some churches. Upon ' this, he tells us, it was ordered, that there should be no prayers used in the church but upon common advice; after that the liturgies came to be more carefully considered. Formerly, the worship of God was a pure and simple thing ; and so it con tinued till superstition had so infected the church, that those forms were thought too naked, unless they were put under more artificial rules, and dressed up with much ceremony. Gregory the Great was the first that took much care to make the church-music very regular ; and he did also put the liturgies in another method than had been formerly used. Yet he had no such fondness of his own composures, but left it to Austin the monk, whom he sent over into England when he consulted him in it, either to use the Roman or French rituals^ or any other, as he should find they were most likely to edify the people. After this, in most sees there were great variations ; for as any prelate came to be canonized, or held in high esteem by the people, some private collects or particular forms that he had used were practised in his, or perhaps, as his fame spread, in the neighbouring dioceses. In every age there were notable additions made : and all the writers almost, in the eighth and ninth centuries, employed their fancies to find out mystical sig nifications for every rite that was then used ; and so, as a new rite was added, it was no hard matter to add some mystery to it. This had made the offices swell out of measure, and there was a great variety of them ; missals, breviaries, rituals, ponti ficals, portoises, pies, graduals, antiphonals, psalteries, . hours, and a great many more. Every religious order had likewise their peculiar rites, with the saints' days that belonged to their order, and services for them ; and the understanding how to officiate was become so hard a piece of the trade, that it was not easy to learn it exactly, without a long practice in it. So now it was resolved to correct and examine these. I do not find it was ever brought under consideration, whether they should compose a form for all the parts of divine worship, or leave it to the sudden and extemporary heats of those who were to officiate, which some have have called since that time, the worshipping by the Spirit: of this way of serving God they did not then dream ; much less that the appointing of forms of prayer was encroaching on the kingly office of book i.] THE REFORMATION. ' (1548.) 145 Christ ; but thought, whatever praying in the Spirit might have been in the apostles' time, (where yet every man brought his psalms, which are a sort of prayers as well as praisesT and 73 these look like some written composures, as St. Paul expresses. it,) that now, to pray with warm affection and sincere devotion was spiritual worship ; and that, where it was the same thing that, was to be daily asked of God, the using the same expres sions was the sign of a steady devotion, that was fixed on the thing prayed for; whereas the heat that new words raised, looked rather like a warmth in the fancy. Nor could it agree with the principles of a reformation, that was to divest the churchmen of that unlimited authority which they had formerly exercised over men's consciences, to leave them at liberty to make the people pray after them as they pleased ; this being as great a resignation of the people, when their devotion depended on the sudden heats of their pastors, as the former superstition had made of their faith and conscience to them. So, it being resolved to bring the whole worship of God under set forms, they set one general rule to themselves, (which they afterwards declared,) of changing nothing for novelty's sake, or merely because it had been formerly used. They resolved to retain such things as the primitive church had practised, cutting off such abuses as the later ages had grafted on them; and to continue the use of such other things, which, though they had been brought in not so early, yet were of good use to beget devotion ; and were so much recommended to the people by the practice of them, that the laying these aside would perhaps have alienated them from the other changes they made. And therefore they resolved to make no change without very good and weighty reasons ; in which they considered the prac tice of our Saviour, who did not only comply with the rites of Judaism himself, but even the prayer he gave to his disciples was framed according to their forms ; and his two great insti tutions of baptism and the eucharist did consist of rites that had been used among the Jews. And since he who was deliver ing a new religion, and was authorized in the highest manner that ever any was, did yet so far comply with received prac tices, as from them to take those which he sanctified for the use of his church, it seemed much fitter for those, who had no such extraordinary warrant to give them authority in what they did, BURNET, PART II. L p. IO.] 146 THE HISTORY OF [part n. when they were reforming abuses, to let the world see they did it not from the wanton desire of change, or any affectation of novelty : and with those resolutions they entered on their work. In the search of the former offices, they found an infinite deal of superstition, in the consecrations of water, salt, bread, incense, candles, fire, bells, churches, images, altars, crosses, Vessels, garments, palms, flowers ; all looked like the rites of heathenism, and seemed to spring from the same fountain. [Fox, vol. When the water or salt were blessed, it was expressed to be to this end, that they might be health both to soul and body ; and devils (who might well laugh at these tricks which they had taught them) were adjured not to come to any place where they were sprinkled ; and the holy bread was blessed to be a defence against all diseases and snares of the Devil ; and the holy incense, that devils might not come near the smoke of it, but that all who smelled at it might perceive the virtue of the Holy Ghost ; and the ashes were blessed so, that all who were covered with them might deserve to obtain the remission of their sins. All those things had drawn the people to such confidence in them, that they generally thought, that, without those harder terms of true holiness they might upon such su perstitious observances be sure of heaven. So all these they 74 resolved to cast out, as things which had no warrant in scripture, and were vain devices to draw men away from a lively applica tion to God through Christ, according to the method of the gospel. Then the many rites in sacramental actions were con sidered, all which had swelled up to an infinite heap. And as some of these, which had no foundation in scripture, were thrown out, so the others were brought back to a greater sim plicity. In no part of religion was the corruption of the former offices more remarkable, than in the priests' granting absolu tion to the living and the dead. To such as confessed, the absolution was thus granted : / absolve thee in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. To which this was added: And I grant to thee, that all the indulgences given, or to be given thee, by any prelate, with the blessings of them, all the sprinklings of holy water, all the devout beatings qf thy breast, the contritions of thy heart, this confession, and all thy other devout confessions, all thy fastings, abstinences, almsgivings, watchings, disciplines, prayers, and pilgrimages, book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1548.) 147" and all the good thou hast done or shall do, and all the evils thou hast suffered or shall suffer for God ; the passions of our Lord Jesus Christ, tlie merits of the glorious and blessed Virgin Mary, and of all other saints, and the suffrages of all the holy catholic church, turn to thee for the remission of these and all other thy sins, the increase of thy merits, and the attainment of everlasting rewards. When extreme unction was given to dying persons, they applied it to the ears, lips, nose, and other parts with this prayer : By this holy unction, and his own most tender mercy, and by the intercession of the blessed Virgin, and all the saints, may God pardon thee what ever thou hast sinned, by thy hearing, speaking, or smelling ; and so in the other parts. And when the dead body was laid in the grave, this absolution was said over it ; The Lord Jesus Christ, who gave to St. Peter and his other disciples power to bind and loose, absolve thee from all the guilt of thy sins ; and in so far as is committed to my weakness, be thou absolved before the tribunal of our Lord, and may thou have eternal life, and live for evermore. This was thought the highest abuse possible ; when, in giving the hopes of heaven, and the pardon of sins, which were of all the other parts of religion the most important, there were such mixtures : and that which the scriptures had taught could be only attained by Jesus" Christ, and that upon the sincere belief and obedience of his gospel, was now ascribed to so many other procuring causes. These things had possessed the world with that conceit, that there was a trick for saving souls, besides that plain method which Christ had taught, and that the priests had the secret of it in their hands ; so that those who would not come under the yoke of Christ, and be saved that way, needed only to apply themselves to priests, and purchase their favour, and the business would be done. There were two other changes, which run through the whole offices. The one was, the translating them into a vulgar tongue. The Jewish worship was either in Hebrew, or, after the cap tivity, in the Syriac, and vulgar tongues of Palestine. The apostles always officiated in the tongues that were best under stood; so that St. Paul did copiously censure those who in prayers or psalms used any language that was not understood. And Origen, Basil, with all the fathers that had occasion to L 2 148 THE HISTORY OF [part n. mention this, took notice, that every one in their own tongue 75 worshipped God. After the rending of the Roman empire by the Goths and other barbarous nations, the Roman tongue did slowly mix with their tongues, till it was much changed and altered from itself by degrees ; yet it was so lpng a doing that, that it was not thought necessary to translate the liturgy into their languages. But in the ninth century, when the Slavons were converted, it being desired that they might have divine offices in their own language, while some opposed it, a voice was said to be heard, Let every tongue praise God : upon which pope John the Eighth writ to Methodius, their bishoj), that it might be granted ; and founded it on St. Paul's Epistle to the Corinthians, and on these words of David, Let every tongue praise the Lord. And in the fourth council of Lateran it was decreed, that bishops, who lived in places where they were mixed with Greeks, should provide fit priests for perform ing divine offices, according to the rites and language of those to whom they ministered. But the Roman church, though so merciful to the Greeks and Slavons, was more cruel to the rest of Europe ; and since only Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, had been written on the cross of Christ by Pilate, they argued, that these languages were thereby consecrated ; though it is not easy to apprehend what holiness could be derived into these tpngues by Pilate, who ordered these inscriptions. It was also pretended, that it was a part of the communion of saints, that every where the worship should be in the same tongue. But the truth was, they had a mind to raise the value of the priestly function, by keeping all divine offices in a tongue not understood; which in people otherwise well seasoned with superstition, might have that effect ; but it did very much alienate the rest of the world from them. There was also a vast number of holydays formerly observed, with so many prayers and hymns belonging to them, and so many lessons that were to be read ; which were many of them such impudent forgeries, that, the whole breviary and missal being full of these, a great deal was to be left out. There is in the whole breviary scarce one saint, but the lessons concerning him con tain some ridiculous legend, such as indeed could not be well read in a vulgar tongue, without the scorn and laughter of the hearers ; and for most part the prayers and hymns do relate to book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1548.) 149 these lying stories. Many .of the prayers and hymns were also in such a style, that the pardon of sin, grace, and heaven, were immediately desired from the saints; as if these things had come from their bounty, or by their merits, or were given by them only ; of which the reader shall have a little taste in the Collect. Collection, in some of the addresses made to them. um ' 29' The reformers, having thus considered the corruptions of the former offices, were thereby better prepared to frame new ones. But the priests had officiated in some garments which were appropriated to that use, as surplices, copes, and other vestments ; and it was long under consideration whether these should continue. It was objected, that these garments had been parts of the train of the mass, and had been superstitiously abused only to set it off with the more pomp. On the other hand it was argued, that, as white was anciently the colour of the priests' garments in the Mosaical dispensation, so it was used in the African churches in the fourth century ; and it was thought a natural expression of the purity and decency 76 that became priests : besides, the clergy were then generally extreme poor, so that they could scarce afford themselves decent clothes; the people also, running from the other ex treme of submitting too much to the clergy, were now as much inclined to despise them, and to make light of the holy func tion; so that, if they should officiate in their own mean gar ments, it might make the divine offices grow also into contempt. And therefore it was resolved to continue the use of them ; and it was said, that their being blessed and used supersti tiously, gave as strong an argument against the use of churches and bells ; but that St. Paul had said, That every creature of God was good ; and even the meat of the sacrifice offered to an idol, than which there could be no greater abuse, might lawfully be eaten ; therefore they saw no necessity, because of a former abuse, to throw away habits that had so much decency in them, and had been formerly in use. In the compiling the offices, they began with morning and evening prayer. These were put in the same form they are now, only there was no confession nor absolution ; the office beginning with the Lord's Prayer. In the Communion Service the Ten Commandments were not said as they are now, but in other things it was very near what it is now. All that had been in the order of tho communion formerly mentioned was 150 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. put into it. The offertory was- to be made of bread, and wine mixed with water. Then was said the prayer for the state of Christ's church, in which they gave thanks to God for his wonderful grace declared in his saints, in the blessed Virgin, the patriarchs, apostles, prophets, and martyrs ; and they commended the saints departed to God's mercy and peace, that, at the day of the resurrection, we with them might be set on Christ's right hand. To this, the consecratory prayer which we now use was joined as a part of it, only with these words, that are since left out ; With thy Holy Spirit vouchsafe to bless and sanctify these thy gifts and creatures of bread and wine, that they may be unto us the body and blood of thy most dearly beloved Son, &c. To the consecration was also joined the prayer of thanksgiving now used. After the conse cration, all elevation was forbidden, which had been first used as a rite expressing how .Christ was lifted up on the cross ; but was, after the belief of the corporal presence, made use of to shew the sacrament, that the people might all fall down and worship it. And it was ordered, that the whole office of the communion, except the consecratory prayer, should be used on all holydays, when there was no communion, to put people in mind of it, and of the sufferings of Christ. The bread was to be unleavened, round, but no print on it, and somewhat thicker than it was formerly. And though it was anciently put in the people's hands, yet, because some might carry it away, and apply it to superstitious uses, it was ordered to be put by the priest into their mouths. It is clear, that Christ delivered it into the hands of the apostles, and it so continued for many ages ; as appears by several remarkable stories of holy men carrying it with them in their journeys. In the Greek church, where the bread and wine were mingled together, some began to think it more decent to receive it in little spoons of gold, than in their hands ; but that was condemned by the council in Trullo : yet soon after they began in the Latin church to ap point men to receive it with their hands, but women to take it in a linen cloth, which was called their dominical. But when 77 the belief of the corporal presence was received, then a new way of receiving was invented, among other things, to support it : the people were now no more to touch that which was con ceived to be the flesh of their Saviour, and therefore the priest's thumb and fingers were particularly anointed, as a necessary book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1548.) 151 disposition for so holy a contact ; and so it was by them put into the mouths of the people. A litany was also gathered, consisting of many short petitions, interrupted by suffrages between them ; and was the same that we still use, only they had one suffrage that we have not, to be delivered from the ty ranny of the bishop of Rome, and all his detestable enormities. In baptism, there was, besides the forms which we still re tain, a cross at first made on the child's forehead and breast, with an adjuration of the Devil to go out of him, and come at him no more. Then the priest was to take the child by the right hand, and to place him within the font ; there he was to be dipped thrice, once on the right side, once on the left, and once on the* breast ; which was to be discreetly done : but if the child were weak, it was sufficient to sprinkle water on his face. Then was the priest to put a white vestment or chrysome on him, for a token of innocence, and to anoint him on the head, with a prayer for the unction of the Holy Ghost. In confirmation, those that came were to be catechised ; which having in it a formal engagement to make good the baptismal vow, was all that was asked : (the Catechism, then was the same that is now, only there is since added an explanation of the sacraments.) This being said, the bishop was to sign them with the cross, and to Jay his hands on them, and say, I sign thee with the sign of the cross, and lay my hands on thee, in the name of the Father, &c. The sick, who desired to be anointed, might have the unction on their forehead, or their breast only ; with a prayer, that, as their body was outwardly anointed with oil, so they might receive the Holy Ghost, with health, and victory over sin and death. At funerals, they recommended the soul departed to God's mercy, and prayed that his sins might be pardoned, that he might be delivered from hell, and carried to heaven, and that his body might be raised at the last day. They also took care that those who could not come, or be brought to church, should not therefore be deprived of the use of the sacraments. The church of Rome had raised the belief of the indispensable necessity of the sacraments so high, that they taught they did ex opere operato, by the very action it self, without inward acts, justify and confer grace, unless there were a bar put to it by the receiver : and the first rise of the 152 THE "HISTORY OF [part ii. questions about justification seems to have come from this ; for that church teaching that men were justified by sacramental actions, the reformers opposed this, and thought men were justified by the internal acts of the mind : if they had held at this, the controversy might have been managed with much greater advantages; which they lost in a great measure by descendinc; to some minuter subtilties. In the church of Rome, pursuant to their belief concerning the necessity of the sacra ments, women were allowed in extreme cases to baptize ; and the midwives commonly did it ; which might be the beginning of their being licensed by bishops to exercise that calling. And they also believed that a simple attrition with the sacraments was sufficient for salvation in those who were grown up ; and 78 upon these grounds the sacraments were administered to the sick. In the primitive church they sent portions of the sacrament to those who were sick, or in prison : and did it not only with out pomp or processions, but sent it often by tbe hands of boys, and other laics, as appears from the famed story of Se- rapion ; which as it shews they did not then believe it was the very flesh and blood of Christ ; so, when that doctrine was received, it was a natural effect of that belief, to have the sa crament carried by the priest himself with some pomp and adoration. The ancients thought it more decent, and suitable to the communion of saints, to consecrate the elements only in the church, and to send portions to the sick, thereby expressing their communion with the rest. The reformers considering these things, steered a middle course : they judged the sacra ments necessary, where they could be had, as appointments instituted by Christ; and though they thought it more ex pedient to have all baptisms done in the church at the fonts, than in private houses, thereby signifying that the baptized were admitted to the fellowship of that church ; yet, since our Saviour had said, That where two or three are gathered to gether, he will be in the midst of them ; they thought it sa voured too much of a superstition to the walls or fonts of churches, to tie this action so to these, that where children, either through infirmity, or the sharpness of weather, could not be without danger carried to church, they should be denied baptism. But still they thought public baptism more expressive book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1548.) 153 of the communion of the saints ; so that they recommended it much, and only permitted the other in cases of necessity. This has since grown to a great abuse ; many thinking it a piece of state to have their children baptized in their houses ; and so bringing their pride with them even into the most sacred per formances. There may be also a fault in the ministers, who are too easily brought to do it. But it is now become so uni versal, that all the endeavours of some of our bishops have not been able to bring it back to the first design of not baptizing in private houses, excepting only where there was some visible danger in carrying the children to church. As for the other sacrament, it was thought by our reformers, that, according to the mind of the primitive church, none should be denied it in their extremities ; it never being more necessary than at that time to use all means that might strengthen the faith, and quicken the devotion, of dying persons ; it being also most expedient that they should then profess their dying in the faith, and with a good conscience, and in charity with all men : therefore they ordered the communion to be given to the sick ; and that, before it was so given, the priest should examine their consciences, and upon the sincere profession of their faith, and the confession of such sins as oppressed their consciences, with the doing of all that was then in their power for the completing of their repentance, as the forgiving in juries, and dealing justly with all people, he should give them the peace of the church in a formal absolution, and the holy eucharist. But, that they might avoid the pomp of vain pro- v cessions on the one hand, and the indecencies of sending the sacrament by common hands on the other, they thought it better to gather a congregation about the sick person, and 79 there to consecrate and give the sacrament to that small as sembly ; where, as Christ's promise, of being in the midst of two or three that were gathered together in his name, should have put an end to the weak exceptions some have made' to these private communions ; so on the other hand it is to be feared, that the greater part retain still too much of the super stition of popery : as if the priest's absolution, with the sacra ment, and some slight sorrow for sin, would be a sure passport for their admittance to heaven ; which it is certain can only be had upon so true a faith, as carries a sincere repentance, with 154 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. a change of heart and life,, along with it ; for to such only the mercies of God, through the merits of Jesus Christ, are applied in all ordinary cases. The pre- To all this they prefixed a preface concerning ceremonies, the Book of same that is still before the Common Prayer Book. In which Common preface they make a difference between those ceremonies that were brought in with a good intent, and were afterwards abused ; and others, that had been brought in out of vanity and superstition at first, and grew to be more abused : the one they had quite rejected, the other they had reformed and re tained for decency and edification. Some were so set on their old forms, that they thought it a great matter to depart from any of them ; others were desirous to innovate in every thing : between both which they had kept a mean. The burden of ceremonies in St. Austin's days was such, that he complained of them then as intolerable, by which the state of Christians was worse than that of the Jews ; but these were swelled to a far greater number since his days, which did indeed darken religion, and had brought Christians under a heavy yoke : therefore they had only reserved such as were decent, and apt to stir up men's minds with some good signification. Many ceremonies had been so abused by superstition and avarice, that it was necessary to take them quite away : but since it was fit to retain some for decency and order, it seemed better to keep those which were old than to seek new ones. But these that were kept were not thought equal with God's law, and so were upon just causes to be altered : they were also plain and easy to be understood, and not very subject to be abused. Nor did they, in retaining these, condemn other nations, or pre scribe to any but their own people. And thus was this book made ready against the next meeting of parliament. Eeflections In it the use of the cross was retained, since it had been the new use(i Dy the ancient Christians as a public declaration that liturgy. they were not ashamed of the cross of Christ : though they acknowledged this had been strangely abused in the later ages, in which the bare use of the cross was thought to have some magical virtue in it ; and this had gone so far, that in the Roman Pontifical it was declared, that the crosier-staff was to be worshipped with that supreme degree of adoration called Latria. But it was thought fit to retain it in some book i.j THE REFORMATION. (1548.) 155 parts of worship ; and the rather, because it was made use of among the people to defame the reformers, 'that they had no veneration for the cross of Christ. And therefore, as an out ward expression of that in the sacrament of baptism, and in the office of confirmation, and in the consecration of the sacra mental elements, it was ordered to be retained, but with this difference ; that the sign of the cross was not made with the opinion of any virtue or efficacy in it to drive away evil spirits, 10 or to preserve one out of dangers, which were thought virtues that followed the use of it in the Roman church : for in bap tism, as they used the sign of the cross, they added an adjura tion to the evil spirit not to violate it ; and iu the making it said, Receive the sign of the cross both in thy forehead and in thy heart, and take the faith of the heavenly precepts. Thus a sacramental virtue was pretended to be affixed to it, which the reformers thought could not be done without a warrant from a divine institution, of which it is plain there was none in scripture. But they thought the use of it only as an expression of the belief of the church, and as a badge of Christianity, with such words added to it as could import no more, was liable to no exception. This seems more necessary to be well explained, by reason of the scruples that many have since raised against significant ceremonies, as if it were too great a presumption in any church to appoint such, since these seem to be of the nature of sacraments. Ceremonies that sig nify the conveyance of a divine grace and virtue are indeed sacraments, and ought not to be used without an express insti tution in scripture ; but ceremonies that only signify the sense we have, which is sometimes expressed as significantly in dumb shows as in words, are of another kind : and it is as much within the power of the church to appoint such to be used, as it is to order collects or prayers ; words and signs being but different ways of expressing our thoughts. The belief of Christ's corporal presence was yet under consideration : and they, observing wisely how the Germans had broken by their running too soon into contests about that, resolved to keep up still the old general expressions of the sacraments being the whole and true body of Christ, without coming to a more par ticular explanation of it. The use of oil on so many occasions was taken from the ancient Christians, who, as Theophilus 156 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. says, began early to be anointed ; and understood those words of St. Paul, of God's anointing and sealing, literally. * It was also anciently applied to the receiving of penitents. But it was not used about the sick, from the apostles' times, till about the tenth century : and then, from what St. James writ to those in the dispersion, of sending for the elders to come to such as were sick, who should anoint them with od, and their sins should be forgiven them, and they should recover ; they came to give it to those that were dying, but not while there was any hope of life left in them : though it is clear, that what St. James writ related to that extraordinary gift of healing, by imposition of hands, and anointing with oil, which yet con tinued in the church when he writ that Epistle. And it is plain, that this passage in St. James was not so understood by . the ancients, as it is now in the Roman church ; since the ancients, though they used oil on many other occasions, yet applied it not at all to the sick till after so many ages, that gross superstition had so disposed the world to new rites, that there could be no discovery or invention more acceptable than the addition of a new ceremony, though they were then much oppressed with the old ones. The changes that were made, and those that were designed to be made, occasioned great heats every where. And the pulpits generally contending with one another ; to restrain ' that clashing, the power of granting licenses to preach was taken from the bishops of each diocese, so that none might give them but the king and the archbishop of Canterbury. 81 All preach- Yet that not proving an effectual restraint, on the twenty-third ™timere°r °^ September a proclamation is said to have come out, setting strained, forth, that whereas according to former proclamations none Cone /iv.' was to preach but such as had obtained licenses from the king 3°] or the archbishop; yet some of those that were so licensed had abused that permission, and had carried themselves irreve rently, contrary to the instructions that were sent them : there fore the king, intending to have shortly an uniform order over all the kingdom, and to put an end to all controversies in re ligion, about which some bishops and other learned men were then assembled ; and though many of the preachers so licensed had carried themselves wisely, to the honour of God, and the king's great contentation ; yet, till the order now preparing. book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1548.) 157 should be set forth, he did inhibit all manner of persons to preach in any public audience, to the intent that the clergy might apply themselves to prayer for a blessing on what the king was then about to do ; not doubting but the people would be employed likewise in prayer, and hearing the-Homilies read in their churches, and be ready to receive that uniform order that was to be set forth ; and the inferior magistrates were required to see to the execution of this. I never met with any footstep of this proclamation54, neither in records, nor in letters, nor in any book written at that time. But Mr. Fuller has printed it, and Dr. Heylyn has given an abstract of it [Fuller, lib. from him. If Fuller had told how he came by it, it. might Heylyn ' have been further examined. But we know, not whether he p- 64] saw the printed proclamation, or only a copy of it. And if he saw but a copy, we have reason to doubt of it ; for that might have been only the essay of some projecting man's pen. But, because I found it in those authors, I thought best to set it down as it is, and leave the reader to judge of it. Having thus giyen an account of the progress of the refor- The affairs mation this summer, I shall now turn to transactions of state, this "year" and shall first look towards Scotland. The Scots, gaining time [Thuanus, the last winter, and being in daily expectation of succours from IS.' p' ^j France, were resolved to carry on the war. The governor began the year with the siege of Broughty Castle, a little below Dundee. But the English that were in it defended themselves so well, that, after they had been besieged three months, the siege was raised, and only so many were left about it as might cover the country from their excursions. The English on the other side had taken and fortified Haddington, and were at work also at Lauder to make it strong. The former of these lying in a plain, and in one of the most fruitful counties of Scotland, within twelve miles of Edinburgh, was a [Buchanan, very fit place to be kept as a curb upon the country. About llb- *v- p- the end of May six thousand men were sent from France under the command of d'Esse : three thousand of these were Ger mans, commanded by the Rhinegrave ; two thousand of them were French, and a thousand were of other nations55 ; they 84 This proclamation was printed 85 [Ac mille diversi generis equi- by Grafton among king Edward's tesduceFranciscoAnglurioEtaugio. proclamations. [S.] Thuanus, v. 15. p. 189.] 158 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. landed at Leith; and the governor having gathered eight thousand", Scots to join with them, they sat down before Had dington ; and here the Scottish nobility entered into a long consultation about their affairs. [Thuanus, The protector had sent a proposition to them, that there might be a truce for ten years. (But whether he offered to remove the garrisons, does not appear.) This he was forced to upon many accounts. He saw the war was like to last long, and to draw on great expense, and would certainly end in another war with France ; he durst not any more go from court, and march himself at the head of the army, and leave 82 the king to the practices of his brother. There were also great discontents in England; many were offended with the changes made in religion ; the commons complained generally of oppression, and of the enclosing of grounds, of which the sad effects broke out next year : he began to labour under the envy of the nobility ; the clergy were almost all displeased - with him. ; and the state of affairs in Germany made it neces sary to join with the king of France against the emperor. All this made him very desirous of such a peace with Scotland as might at least preserve the queen from being disposed of for ten years. In that time, by treaty and pensions, they might hope to gain their ends more certainly than by a war, which only inflamed the Scots against them, according to the witty saying of one of the Scots, who, being asked what he thought of the match with England, said he knew not bow he should like the marriage, but he was sure he did not like the way of wooing. On the other hand, the French pressed the Scots to send their young queen into France in the ships that had brought over their forces, who should be married to the dauphin, and then they might depend on the protection of [Buchanan, France. Many were for accepting the propositions from Eng land, (particularly all those who secretly favoured the refor mation ;) they thought it would give, them present quiet, and free them from all the distractions which they either felt, or might apprehend, from a lasting war with so powerful an enemy ; whereas the sending away of their queen would put them out of a capacity of obtaining a peace, if the war this year proved as unsuccessful as it was the last ; and the defence they had from France was almost as bad as the invasions of p. 300.] book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1548.) 159 the English, for the French were very insolent, and committed great disorders. But all the. clergy were so apprehensive of their ruin by the marriage with England, that they never judged themselves safe till the thing was out of their power by the sending their queen into France. And it was said, that when once the English saw the hopes of the marriage irre coverably-lost, they would soon grow weary of the war; for then the king of France would engage in the defence of Scot land with his whole force, so that nothing would keep up the war so much as having their queen still among them. To this many of the nobility yielded, being corrupted by money from France ; and the governor consented to it, for which he was to be made duke of Chastelherault in France, and to have an estate of twelve thousand livres a year. And so it was agreed The Scot- to send their queen away. . This bring gained, the French i^ge^to" ships set sail to sea, as if they had been to return to France, France. but sailed round Scotland by the isles of Orkney, and came into Dumbarton Frith, near to which the queen was kept, in Dumbarton castle; and, receiving her from thence with an honourable convoy that was sent to attend on her, they carried her over to Bretagne in France, and so by easy journeys she was brought to court, where her uncles received her with great joy, hoping by her means to raise' and establish their fortunes in France. In the mean time the siege of Haddington was carried on The siege with great valour on both sides. The French were astonished Jg,3^ at the courage, the nimbleness, and labours -of the Scotch Thuanus, Highlanders, who were half naked, but capable of great hard- LP"I9°'-' 83 ships, and used to run on with marvellous swiftness. In one sally which the besieged made, one of those got an English man on his shoulders, and carried him away with that quick ness, that nothing could stop him ; and though the English man bit him so in the neck, that, as soon as he had brought him into camp, he himself fell down as dead, yet he carried him off, for which he was nobly rewarded by d'Esse. The English defended themselves no less courageously ; and though a recruit of about one thousand foot, and three hundred horse, that was sent from Berwick, led by sir Robert Bowes and sir [Ibid p. Thomas Palmer, was so fatally intercepted, that they were almost all to a man killed, yet they lost no heart. Another 160 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. [Buchanan, party of about three hundred escaped the ambush laid for p' 3°I-J them, and got into the town, with a great deal of ammunition and provisions, of which the besieged were come to be in want. , But at the same both Home-castle and Fast-castle were lost. [Ibid. p. The former was taken by treachery ; for some coming in as deserters, seeming to be very zealous for the English quarrel, and being too much trusted by the governor, and going often out to bring intelligence, gave the lord Home notice, that on that side where the rock was, the English kept no good watches, trusting to the steepness of the place : so they agreed, that some should come and climb the rock, to whom they should give assistance ; which was accordingly done, and so it was surprised in the night. The governor of Fast-castle had summoned the country people to bring him in provisions ; upon which (by a common stratagem) soldiers, coming as country men, threw down their carriages at the gates, and fell on the sentinels ; and so, the signal being given, some, that lay con cealed near at hand, came in time to assist them, and took the castle. A fleet sent The protector, till the army was gathered together, sent a Scotland. ^eet °^ snips to disturb the Scots, by the descents they should make in divers places ; and his brother being admiral, he com manded him to go to his charge. He landed first in Fife, at St. Monan ; but there the queen's natural brother, James, after wards earl of Murray, and regent of Scotland,- gathered the country people together, and made head against them. The English were twelve hundred, and had brought their cannon to land ; but the Scots charged them so home, that they forced them to their ships : many were drowned, and many killed ; the Scots reckoned the number of the slain to be six hundred, [Ibid. p. and a hundred prisoners taken. The next descent they made Butwasnot was no more ProsPerous to them : for, landing in the night at successful. Mountross, Erskine of Dun gathered the country together, p^gj/J18' an<* divided them in three bodies, ordering one to appear soon after the former had engaged; the enemy, seeing a second and a third body come against them, apprehending greater numbers, ran back to their ships ; but with so much loss, that, of eight hundred who had landed, the third man got not safe to the ships again. So the admiral returned, having got nothing but loss and disgrace by the expedition. book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1548.) 161 But now the English army came into Scotland commanded by the earl of Shrewsbury : though both the Scotch writers and Thuanus say, the earl of Lennox had the chief command ; [Thuanus, but he only came with the earl of Shrewsbury, as knowing the p' I9IJ country and people best, and so being the fitter both to get intelligence, and to negotiate, if there was room for it. The Scots were by this time gone home for the mbst part ; and the 84 nobility, with d'Esse, agreed, that it was not fit to put all to hazard, and therefore raised the siege of Haddington, and Aug. 20. marched back to Edinburgh. The lord Grey, with a great gadding-0 part of the English army, followed him in the rear, but did ton raised. not engage him into any great action ; by which a good oppor tunity was lost, for the French were in great disorder. The English army came into Haddington. They consisted of about seventeen thousand men ; of which number seven thousand were horse56, and three thousand of the foot were German lanceknights, whom the protector had entertained in his ser vice. These Germans were some of the broken troops of the protestant army, who, seeing the state of their own country desperate, offered their service to the protector. He too easily entertained them ; reckoning, that, being protestants, they would be sure to him, and would depend wholly on himself. But this proved a fatal counsel to him; the English having been always jealous of a standing, but much more of a foreign force about their prince : so there was great occasion given by this to those who traded in sowing jealousies among the people. The English, having victualled Haddington, and repaired the fortifications, returned back into their own country : but had. they gone on to Edinburgh, they had found things there in great confusion. For d'Esse, when he got thither, having lost five hundred of his men in the retreat, went to quarter his soldiers in the town ; but the provost (so is the chief magis trate there called) opposed it. The French broke in with force, and killed him and his son, with all they found in the streets, men, women, and chddren : and, as a spy, whom the English had in Edinburgh, gave them notice, the Scots were now more alienated from the French than from the English. 56 [Igitur Levinius qui Anglorum lium peditum, septingentorum equi- partes tunc sequebatur, terrestribus turn erat. Thuanus, lib. v. cap. 15, copiis praeficitur ; ese octodecim mil- p. 19 1 .] BURNET, PART II. M 162 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. The French had carried it very gently, till the queen was sent away ; but reckoned Scotland now a conquered country, and a province to France : so the Scots began, though too late, to repent the sending away of the queen. But it seems the Eng lish had orders not to venture too far ; for the hopes of the marriage were now gone, and the protector had no mind to engage in a war with France. These things happened ill the beginning of October. D'Esse, apprehending that at Hadding ton they were now secure, the siege being so lately raised, re solved to try if he could carry the place by surprise. The English from thence had made excursions as far as Edinburgh ; in one of which the French fell on them, pursued them, and killed about two hundred, and took sixscore prisoners, almost within their works. Soon after, d'Esse marched in the night, and surprised one of their outworks, and was come to the gates : where the place had been certainly lost, if it had not been for a French deserter, who knew, if he were taken, what he was to expect. He therefore fired one of the great cannon, which, being discharged among the thickest of the French, killed so many, and put the rest in such disorder, that d'Esse was forced to quit the attempt. From thence he went and fortified Leith, which was then but a mean village ; but the situation of the place being recommended by the security it now had, it soon came to be one of the best peopled towns in Scotland. From thence he intended to have gone on to take , Broughty Castle, and to recover Dundee, which were then in the hands of the English ; but he was ordered by the queen regent to make an inroad into England. There, after some slight engagements, in which the English had the worst, the Scotch and French came in as far as Newcastle, and returned loaded with spoil : which the French divided among them- 85 [Thuanus, selves, allowing the Scots no share of it. An English priest P- r941 was taken, who bore that disgrace of his country so heavily, that he threw himself on the ground, and would not eat, nor so much as open his eyes, but lay thus prostrate till he died : this the French, who seldom let their misfortunes afflict them, looked on with much astonishment. But at that time the English had fortified Inch-keith, an island in the Frith, and [Ibid. p. put eight hundred men in it. Seventeen days after that, '95-1 d'Esse brought his forces from Leith, and recovered it ; having book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1548.) 163 killed four hundred English, and forced the rest to sur render. Thus ended this year, and with it d'Esse's power in Scot- Discon- land. For the queen mother and the governor had made great Scotland. complaints of him at the court of France, that he put the nation to vast charge to little purpose ; so that he was more uneasy to his friends than his enemies : and his last disorder at Edin burgh had on the one hand so raised the insolence of the French soldiers, and on the other hand so alienated and in flamed the people, that, unless another were sent to command, who should govern more mildly, there might be great danger of a defection of a whole kingdom. For now the seeds of their distaste of the French government were so sown, that men came generally to condemn their sending the queen away, and to hate the governor for consenting to it ; but chiefly to abhor the clergy, who had wrought it for their own ends. Monsieur de Thermes was sent over to command ; and Mon- Monluc luc, bishop of Valence, came with him to govern the counsels, ther to be and be chancellor of the kingdom. He had lately returned loTf chan~ from his embassy at Constantinople. He was one of the wisest [Thuanus, men of that time, and was always for moderate counsels in p' I95'^ matters of religion ; which made him be sometime suspected of heresy. And indeed the whole sequel of his life declared him to be one of the greatest men of that age ; only his being so long and so firmly united to queen Catharine Medici's interest, takes off a great deal of the high character which the rest of his life has given of him. But he was at this time unknown, But was and ill represented, in Scotland ; where they, that looked for received advantages from their alliance with France, took it ill to see a Frenchman sent over to enjoy the best office in the kingdom. The queen mother herself was afraid of him : so, to avoid new grounds of discontent, he left the kingdom, and returned into France. Thus_ ended the war between Scotland and England this year, in almost an equal mixture of good and bad success. The English had preserved Haddington, which was the chief matter of this year's action. But they had been at great charge in the war, in which they were only on the defensive : they had lost other places, and been unsuccessful at sea ; and, which was worst of all, they had now lost all hopes of the marriage, and M 2 164 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. were almost engaged in a war with France, which was like to ' fall on the king when his affairs were in an ill condition, his people being divided and discontented at home, and his trea sure much exhausted by this war. The affairs The state of Germany was at this time most deplorable : the many." pope and emperor continued their quarrelling about the trans- [Sleidan, lation of the council. Mendoza at Rome, and Velasco at Bo logna, declared, in the emperor's name, that a council being called by his great and long endeavours for the quieting of 86 Germany, and he being engaged in a war to get it to be re ceived ; and having procured a submission of the empire to the council, it was, upon frivolous and feigned causes, removed out of Germany to one of the pope's towns : by which the Germans thought themselves disengaged of their promise, which was, to submit to a council in Germany : and therefore that he protested against it as an unlawful meeting, to whose decrees he would not submit ; and that, if they did not return to Trent, he would take care of settling religion some other way. But the pope, being encouraged by the French king, The empe- was not ill pleased to see the emperor anew embroil himself displeased vvith the Germans ; and therefore intended the council should with the oe continued at Bologna. Upon this the emperor ordered translation . . ... ofthecoun- three divines, Julius Pflugius, bishop of Naumburg, Michael thelnterim Sidonius, and Islebius Agricola, to draw a form of religion. to be The two former had been always papists, and the latter was [Thuanus, formerly a protestant, but was believed to be now corrupted p. 171. by the emperor, that the name of one of the Augsburg Confes- Sleidan, ¦.,,,, , fol. 330.] S10n might make what they were to set out, pass the more easily. They drew up all the points of religion in a book, which was best known by the name of the Interim, because it was to last during that interval, till a general council should meet in Germany. In it all the points of the Romish doctrine were set forth in the smoothest terms possible : only, married [Sleidan, men might officiate as priests, and the communion was to be fol 3 3 3 • • Thuanus, glven m both kinds. The book being thus prepared, a diet Feb7 Diet WaS summ0Ded to Augsburg in February, where the first thing at Augs- done was, the solemn investiture of Maurice in the electorate burs- of Saxony. He had been declared elector last year by the emperor before Wittenberg : but now it was performed with Maurice &reat ceremony on the twenty-fourth of February, which was book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1548.) 165 the emperor's birthday ; John Frederick looking on with his made elec- usual constancy of mind. All he said was, " Now they triumph g^ony. " in that dignity, of which they have against justice and equity [Thuanus, " spoiled me : God grant they may enjoy it peaceably and sieidan, " happily, and may never need any assistance from me or my P- 332-] " posterity." And, without expressing any further concern about it, he went to his studies, which were almost wholly employed in the scriptures. The book of the Interim being prepared, the elector of Brandenburg sent for Martin Bucer, who was both a learned and moderate divine, and shewed it him. Bucer, having read it, plainly told him, that it was nothing but downright popery, only a little disguised : at which the elector was much offended, for he was pleased with it : and Bucer, not without great danger, returned back to Strasburg. On the fifteenth of May 15. March5? the book was proposed to the diet ; and the elector . e ntSd6]PP' thought that king Henry's will disabling them from the suc cession, in that case would be a stronger restraint ; and so it was laid aside. Another bill was put in for ecclesiastical juris- 69 The festivals between Easter Bridegroom was with them ; as also and the Ascension day were not so, Michaelmas. [G.] on the pretended reason that the book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1549.) 181 diction. Great Complaints were made of the abounding of vices and immoralities, which the clergy could neither restrains nor punish ; and so they liad nothing left but to preach against them, which was done by many with great freedom. In some of these sermons, the preachers expressed their apprehensions of signal and speedy judgments from Heaven if the people did not repent ; but their sermons had no great effect, for the nation grew very corrupt, and this brought on them severe punishments. The -temporal lords were so jealous of putting power in churchmen's hands, especially to correct those vices- of which themselves perhaps were most guilty, that the bill was laid aside. The pretence of opposing it was, that the- greatest part of the bishops and clergy were still papists in their hearts : so that, if power were put into such men's hands, it was reasonable to expect they would employ it chiefly against those who favoured the reformation, and would vex them on that score, though with pretences fetched from other things. There was also put into the house of commons a bill for A design reforming of processes at common law, which was sent up by £f ^a " the commons to the lords ; but it fell in that house. I have common ... . . . law into a seen a large discourse written then upon that argument, in body. which it is set forth, that the law of England was a barbarous [^eb- x,5- ° Journals kind of study, and did not lead men into a finer sort of learn- 0f Com ing, which made the common lawyers to be generally so ig- mona' p' •' norant of foreign matters, and so unable to negotiate in them ; therefore it was proposed, that the common and statute laws should be, in imitation of the Roman law, digested into a body under titles and heads, and put in good Latin. But this was. too great a design to be set on, or finished, under an infant king. If it was then necessary, it will be readily acknow ledged to be much more so now, the volume of our statutes being so much swelled since that time ; besides the vast number 97 of reports, and cases, and the pleadings growing much longer than formerly : yet whether this is a thing to be much ex pected or desired, I refer it to the learned, and wise men of that robe. The only act that remains of this session of parliament, The aljmi- about which I shall inform the reader, is the attainder of the r,al's attam- ¦ .... der.. admiral. The queen dowager, that had married him, died in [cap. 18.. September last, not without suspicion of poison. She was a JjJ "*es' good and virtuous lady, and in her whole life had done nothing 6i.] 182 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. unseemly, but the marrying him so indecently, and so soon after the king's death. There was found among her papers a discourse written by her concerning herself, entitled, The Lamentation of a Sinner 69, which was published by Cecil, who writ a preface to it. In it she with great sincerity acknow ledges the sinful course of her life for many years ; in which she, relying on external performances, such as fasts and pil grimages, was all that while a stranger to the internal and true power of religion, which she came afterwards to feel by the study of the scripture, and the calling upon God for his Holy Spirit. She explains clearly'the notion she had of justi fication by faith, so that holiness necessarily followed upon it ; but lamented the great scandal given by many gospellers : so were all those called who were given to the reading of the scriptures. The queen She being thus dead, the admiral renewed his addresses to dymgThe the ^a^J Elizabeth, but in vain : for as he could not expect courted the that his brother and the council would consent to it, so, if he beth. had married her without that, the possibility of succeeding to the crown was cut off by king Henry's wdl. And this attempt of his occasioned that act to be put in which was formerly mentioned, for declaring the marrying the king's sisters, with out consent of council, to be treason. Seeing he could not compass that design, he resolved to carry away the king to his house of Holt in the country ; and so to displace his brother, and to take the government into his own hands. For this end he had laid in magazines of arms, and listed about ten thousand men in several places ; and openly complained, that his brother intended to enslave the nation, and make himself master of all; and had therefore brought over those German soldiers. He had also entered into treaty with several of the nobility, that envied his brother's greatness, and were not ill pleased to see a breach between them, and that grown to be irreconcilable. To these he promised, that they should be of the council, and that he would dispose of the king in marriage to one of their daughters. The person is not named. The protector had often told him of these things, and warned him of the danger into which he would throw himself by such ways : but he per- 6» [' The lamentacion of a Syn- the Ignorance of her blind Life.' ner : Made by the moste vertuouse London, 1548. 8vo.] Lady, Quene Caterine, bewailynge book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1549.) 183 sisted still in his designs, though he denied and excused them as long as was possible. Now his restless ambition seeming Jan. 17. incurable, he was on the nineteenth?0 of January sent to the sentto'the Tower. The original warrant, signed by all the privy-council, f°wer- is in the council-book formerly mentioned ; where the earl of Book, p. Southampton signs with the rest ; who was now, in outward 451.-] appearance, reconciled to the protector. On the day following 454.] the admiral's seal of his office was sent for, and put into secre- ^-W'1*' tary Smith's hands. And now many things broke out against him ; and particularly a conspiracy of his with sir W. Sharing- ton, vice-treasurer of the mint at Bristol, who was to have furnished him with ten thousand pounds, and had already coined about twelve thousand pounds?1 false money, and had clipped 98 a great deal more, to the value of forty thousand pounds in all ; for which he was attainted by a process at common-law, and that was confirmed in parliament. Fowler also, that waited in the privy-chamber, with some few others, were sent to the Tower. Many complaints being usually brought against a sinking man, the lord Russell, the earl of Southampton, and secretary Petre, were ordered to receive their examinations. And thus the business was let alone till the twenty-eighth?2 of February, in [Feb. 22.] which time his brother did again try if it were possible to bring him to a better temper : and as he had, since their first breach, granted him eight hundred pounds a year in land to gain his friendship, so means were now used to persuade him to submit himself, and to withdraw from court, and from all employment. But it appeared, that nothing could be done to him that could cure his ambition, or the hatred he carried to his brother. And therefore, on the twenty-second of February, [Council a full report was made to the council of all the things that were °°T p' informed against him ; consisting not only of the particulars formerly mentioned, but of many foul misdemeanours in the discharge of the admiralty : several pirates being entertained by him, who gave him a share of their robberies, and whom he had protected, notwithstanding the complaints made by other 70 [The entry in the Council thousand. [S.] Book is headed, ' At Westminster 72 [This is a mistake for Feb. 22, on Thursday the 17th of January, as appears from the Council Book, 1548.'] p. 471.] 71 For twelve thousand read ten 184 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. princes ; by which the king was in danger of a war from the princes so complaining. The whole charge consists of thirty- Collect, three articles, which will be found in the Collection. The Numb. 31. particularSj as it is entered in the council-book, were so mani festly proved, not only by witnesses, but by letters under his own hand, that it did not seem possible to deny them. Yet he had been sent to, and examined by some of the council, but refused to make a direct answer to them, or to sign those answers that he had made. So it was ordered, that the next [Council day all the privy-council, except the archbishop of Canterbury, Book, p. and sir John Baker, speaker to the house of commons, who Tlbid was engaged to attend in the house, should go to the Tower p- 472] and examine him. On the twenty-third the lord chancellor, with the other counsellors, went to him, and read the articles of his charge, and earnestly desired him to make plain answers to them, excusing himself where he could, and submitting him self in other things : and that he would shew no obstinacy of mind. He answered them, that he expected an open trial, and [Ibid. his accusers to be brought face to face. All the counsellors p. 484.] endeavoured to persuade him to be more tractable ; but to no purpose. At last the lord chancellor required him on his alle giance to make his answer. He desired they would leave the articles with him, and he would consider of them; otherwise he would make no answer to them. But the counsellors resolved [Ibid. p. not to leave them with -him on those terms. On the twenty- 485 -J fourth of February it was resolved in council, that the whole board should after dinner acquaint the king with the state of that affair, and desire to know of him whether he would have the law to take place ; and since the thing had been before the parliament, whether he would leave it to their determination ; so tender they were of their young king in a case that con cerned his uncle's life. But the king had begun to discern his seditious temper, and was now much alienated from him. The council When the counsellors waited on him, the lord chancellor kingto*116 °Pened the matter to the king, and delivered his opinion for refer the leaving it to the parliament. Then every counsellor by him- ^eparlia- se^ sP°ke ms mind, all to the same purpose. Last of all the ment ; protector spoke : he protested this was a most sorrowful bnsi- 99 ^86.]' p' ness to him ; that he had used all the means in his power to keep it from coming to this extremity ; but were it son or book i. J THE REFORMATION. (1549.) 185 brother, he must prefer his majesty's safety to them, for he weighed his allegiance more than his blood : and that therefore he was not against the request that the other lords had made ; and said, if he himself were guilty of such offences," he should not think he were worthy of life ; and the rather, because he was of all men the most bound to his majesty, and therefore he could not refuse justice. The king answerd them in these words: " We perceive that there are?3 great things objected who con - " and laid to my lord admiral my?4 uncle, and they tend to trea- sente t0lt' " son ; and we perceive that you require but justice to be done. " We think it reasonable, and we will?5, that you proceed ac- " cording to your request." Which words (as it is marked in the council-book) coming so suddenly from his grace's mouth, [Ibid. p. of his own motion, as the lords might well perceive, they were 4 ™ marvellously rejoiced, and gave the king most hearty praise and thanks ; vet resolved that some of both houses should be [Ibid. p. sent to the admiral, before the bill should be put in against him, to see what he could, or would say. All this was done, to try if he could be brought to a submission. So the lord chan cellor, the earls of Shrewsbury, Warwick, and Southampton, and sir John Baker, sir Thomas Cheney, and sir Anthony Denny, were sent to him. He was long obstinate, but after much persuasion was brought to give an answer to the first [Ibid. p. three-articles, which will be found in the Collection at the end 4 9'-' of the articles ; and then on a sudden he stopped, and bade [Ibid. p. them be content, for he would go no further : and no entreaties 491 '* would work on him, either to answer the rest, or to set his hand to the answers he had made. On the twenty-fifth of February the bill was put in for at- [Journals tainting him, and the peers had' been so accustomed to agree to ° ,.°-r-ia' such bills in king Henry's time, that they did easily pass it. All the judges, and the king's council, delivered their opinions, The bill that the articles were treason. Then the evidence was brought : {^ne ln many lords gave it so fully, that all the rest with one voice houses. consented to the bill; only the protector, for natural pity's sake, as is in the council-book, desired leave to withdraw. On the twenty-seventh the bill was sent down to the commons, [Ibid. p. with a message, that if they desired to proceed as the lords 34 'J 73 [There is great things which be objected] ?4 [mine] ?fl [we will well] 186 THE HISTORY OF [PART II. [Journals of Commons, P-9-] [CouncilBook, p. 492.] [Ibid. p. 493-] [Ibid. p. 494-][15 Mar.] [Ibid. p. 495-] Collect.Numb. 32. March 20, the admiral beheaded. had done, those lords that had given their evidence in their own house should come down and declare it to the commons. But there was more opposition made in the house of commons. Many argued against attainders in absence, and thought it an odd way that some peers should rise up in their places in their own house, and relate somewhat to the slander of another, and that he should be thereupon attainted : therefore it was pressed, that it might be done by a trial, and that the admiral should be brought to the bar, and be heard plead for himself. But on the fourth of March a message was sent from the king, that he thought it was not necessary to send for the admiral : and that the lords should come down and renew before them the evi dence they had given in their own house. This was done ; and so the bill was agreed to by the commons in a full house, judged about four hundred ; and there were not above ten or twelve that voted in the negative. The royal assent was given on the fifth of March. On the tenth of March, the council resolved to press the king that justice might be done on the admiral ; and since the case was so heavy and lamentable to the pro- 100 tector, (so it is in the council-book,) though it was also sorrow ful to them all, they resolved to proceed in it, so that neither the king nor he should be further troubled with it. After dinner they went to the king, the protector being with them. The king said, he had well observed their proceedings, and thanked them for their great care of his safety, and com manded them to proceed in it without further molesting him or the protector ; and ended, / pray you, my lords, do so ?6. Upon this they ordered the bishop of Ely to go to the admiral, and to instruct him in the things that related to another life ; and to prepare him to take patiently his deserved execution. And on the seventeenth of March, he having made report to them of his attendance on the admiral, the council signed a warrant for his execution, which will be found in the Collection, to which both the lord protector, and the archbishop of Can terbury, set their hands. And on the twentieth his head was cut off. What his behaviour was on the scaffold I do not find??. 76 [And I pray you my lords so do.] 77 There is a pretty remarkable account of his death and behaviour in bishop Latimer's fourth sermon, ed. 1. p. 56, (left out of the follow- book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1549.) 187 Thus fell Thomas lord Seymour, lord high admiral of Eng land, a man of high thoughts, of great violence of temper, and ambitious out of measure. The protector was much censured Censures for giving way to his execution, by those who looked only at Up0nit; that relation between them, which they thought should have made him still preserve him. But others, who knew the whole series of the affair, saw it was scarce possible for him to do more for the gaining his brother than he had done. Yet the other being a popular notion, that it was against nature for one brother to destroy another, was more easily entertained by the multitude, who could not penetrate into the mysteries of state. But the way of proceeding was much condemned ; since to attaint a man without bringing him to make his own defence, or to object what he could say to the witnesses that were brought against him, was so illegal and unjust, that it could not be defended. Only this was to be said for it, that it was a little more regular than parliamentary attainders had been formerly ; for here the evidence upon which it was founded was given before both houses. One particular seemed a little odd, that Cranmer signed the And on warrant for his execution ; which, being in a cause of blood, -!!t°me^ ' o J ' signing tne was contrary to the canon-law. In the primitive times, church- warrant men had only the cure of souls lying on them, together with ecution?* the reconciling of such differences as might otherwise end in suits of law before' the civil courts, which were made up of in fidels. When the empire became Christian, these judgments, which they gave originally on so charitable an account, were by the imperial laws made to have great authority ; but fur ther than these, or the eare of widows and orphans, they were forbid, both by the council of Chalcedon, and other lesser councils, to meddle in secular matters. Among the endow ments made to some churches, there were lands given, where the slaves, according to the Roman law, came within the patri mony of these churches ; and by that law masters had power of life and death over their slaves. In some churches this power had been severely exercised, Laws against ing editions,) where amongst other the letter referred to by him on the things he says, * He (the admiral) scaffold were genuine, which Lati- died very dangerously, irksomely, mer says he saw. [B.] horribly.' And surely, so he did, if 188 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. church- even to maiming and death, which seemed very indecent in a men's med- churchman. Besides, there was an apprehension that some matters of severe churchmen, who were but masters for life, might be blood. more profuse of the lives of such slaves than those that were to transmit them to their families. Therefore, to prevent the 101 waste that should be made in the church's patrimony, it was agreed on, that churchmen should not proceed capitally against any of their vassals or slaves. And, in the confusions that were in Spain, the princes that prevailed had appointed priests to be judges, to give the greater reputation to their courts. This being found much to the prejudice of the church, it was decreed in the fourth council of Toledo, that priests, who were chosen by Christ to the ministry of salvation, should not judge in capital matters, unless the prince should swear to them that he would remit the punishment ; and such as did otherwise, were held guilty of blood-shedding, and were to lose their degree in the church. This was soon received over all the western church ; and arguments were found out afterwards by the canonists to prove the necessity of' continuing it: from David's not being suffered to build the temple, since he was a man of blood; and from the qualification required by St. Paul in a bishop, that he should be no striker ; since he seemed to strike, that did it either in person, or by one whom he deputed to do it. But when afterwards Charles the Great, and all the Christian princes in the west, gave their bishops great lands and dominions, they obliged them to be in alK their councils, and to do them such services as they required of them by virtue of their tenures. The popes, designing to set up a spiritual empire, and to bring all church-lands within ^it, re quired the bishops to separate themselves from a dependence on their princes as much as it was possible : and these laws formerly made about cases of blood were judged a colour good enough why they should not meddle in such trials; so they procured these cases to be excepted. But it seems Cranmer thought his conscience was under no tie from those canons, and so judged it not contrary to his function to sign that order. [Journals The parliament was on the fourteenth of March prorogued 353L]rds'P 'to the fourth of November; the clergy having granted the king a subsidy of six shillings in the pound, to be paid in three years. In the preamble of the bill of subsidy they acknow- book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1549.) 189 ledged the great quietness they enjoyed under him, having no Subsidies let nor impediment in the service of God. But the laity set ^Tciww out their subsidy with a much fuller preamble, of the great and laity. happiness they had by the true religion of Christ ; declaring, statutes' that they were ready to forsake all things rather than Christ ; vo1- iv- P- ! as also to assist the king in the conquest of Scotland, which [Cap. 36. they call a part of his dominion : therefore they give twelve- ltld- P- ?8-l pence in the pound of all men's personal estates, to be paid in three years. But now to look into matters of religion: there was, imme- Anewvisi- diately after the act of uniformity passed, a new visitation, which it is probable went in the same method that was ob served in the former. There were two things much com- plained of: the one was, that the priests read the prayers generally with the same tone of voice that they had used for merly in the Latin service ; so that it was said, the people did not understand it much better than they had done the Latin formerly. Thjs I have seen represented in many letters ; and it was very seriously laid before Cranmer by Martin Bucer. The course taken in it was, that in all parish churches the ser vice should be read in a plain audible voice ; but that the for mer way should remain in cathedrals, where there were great quires, who were well acquainted with that tone, and where it agreed better with the music that was used in the anthems. 102 Yet even there, many thought it no proper way in the Litany, where the greatest gravity was more agreeable to such humble addresses, than such a modulation of the voice, which, to those unacquainted with it, seemed light ; and for others, that were more accustomed to it, it seemed to be rather use that had re conciled them to it, than the natural decency of the thing, or any fitness in it to advance the devotion of their prayers. But this was a thing judged of less importance. It was said, that those who had been accustomed to read in that voice, could not easily alter it : but as those dropped off and died, others would be put in their places, who would officiate in a plainer voice. Other abuses were more important. Some used in the Some of communion-service many of the old rites ; such as kissing the at,us°s con. altar, crossing themselves, lifting the book from one place to tinued in another, breathing on the bread, shewing it openly before the service. distribution, with some other of the old ceremonies. The peo- 190 THE HISTORY OF [part II. Collect. Numb. 33. [Wilkins, Cone. iv. p. 26.] [Fox, lib. ix. p. 10.] pie did also continue the use of their praying by beads ; which was called an innovation of Peter the Hermit, in the twelfth century. By it ten Aves went for one Pater-Noster ; and the reciting these so oft in Latin had come to be almost all "the devotion of the vulgar : and therefore the people were ordered to leave that unreasonable way of praying ; it seeming a most unaccountable thing, that the reciting the Angel's salutation to the blessed Virgin should be such a high piece of divine worship. And that this should be done ten times for one prayer to God, looked so like preferring the creature to the Creator, that it was not easy to defend it from an appearance of idolatry. The priests were also ordered to exhort the people to give to the poor. The curates were required to preach and declare the Catechism, at least every sixth week. And some priests continuing secretly the use of soul-masses; in which, for avoiding the censure of the law, they had one to communicate with them, but had many of these in one day ; it was ordered, that there should be no selling of the communion in trentals, and that there shouldbe but one communion in one church, except on Easter-day and Christmas ; in which the people coming to the sacrament in greater numbers, there should be one sacrament in the morning, and another near noon. And there being great abuses in churches and church yards, in which, in the times of popery, markets had been held, and bargains made ; that was forbid, chiefly in the time of divine service or sermon. ' These instructions, which the reader will find in the Collec tion, were given in charge to the visitors. Cranmer had also a visitation about the same time ; in which the articles he gave out are all drawn according to the king's injunctions. By some questions in them, they seem to have been sent out before the parliament, because the book of service is not mentioned : but the last question save one being of such as contemned married priests, and refused to receive the sacrament at their hands, I conceive that these were compiled after the act con cerning their marriage was passed, but before the feast of Whitsunday following ; for till then the Common-Prayer-Book was not to be received. There were also orders sent by the council to the bishop of London, to see that there should be no special masses in St. Paul's church ; which being the mother- book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1549.) 191 church in the chief city of the kingdom, would be an example to all the rest ; and that therefore there should be only one communion at the great altar, and that at the time when the 103 high mass was wont to be celebrated, unless some desired a sacrament in the morning, and then it was to be celebrated at the high altar. Bonner, who resolved to comply in every thing, sent the council's letter to the dean and residentiaries of St. Paul's, to see it obeyed. And indeed, all England over the book was so universally received, that the visitors did return no complaint from any corner of the whole kingdom. Only the lady Mary continued to have mass said in her house ; All receiv- of which the council being advertised, writ to her to conform ervj0g1^w herself to the laws, and not to cast a reproach on the king's ceptthe government : for the nearer she was to him in blood, she was ntJd. p. to give the better example to others ; and her disobedience 44-1 might encourage others to follow her in that contempt of the king's authority. So they desired her to send to them her comptroller, and Dr. Hopton, her chaplain ; by whom she should be more fully advertised of the king and council's pleasure. Upon this, she sent one to the emperor to interpose for her, that she might not be forced to any thing against her conscience. At this time there was a complaint made at the emperor's The ambas- court of the English ambassador, sir Philip Hobby, for using sad01"^116 0 ' r .i ' & emperor s the new Common-Prayer-Book there : to which he answered, court not he was to be obedient to the laws of his own prince and country: ^e j™ and as the emperor's ambassador had mass at his chapel at London without disturbance, though it was contrary to the law of England ; so he had the same reason to expect the like liberty. But the emperor espousing the interest of the lady Mary, both Paget (who was sent over ambassador extraordinary to him, upon his coming into Flanders) and Hobby promised in the king's name, that he should dispense with her for some time, as they afterwards declared upon their honours, when the thing was further questioned ; though the emperor and his ministers pretended, that without any qualification it was pro mised, that she should enjoy the free exercise of her religion. The emperor was now grown so high with his success in Ger many, and that at a time when a war was coming on with France, that it was not thought advisable to give him any 192 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. A treaty of offence. There was likewise a proposition sent over by him to for the the protector and council, for the lady Mary to be married to lady Mary. Alphonso, brother to the king of Portugal. The council en- Galba^B. tertained it ; and though the late king had left his daughters xii. [fol. but 10,000Z. a-piece, yet they offered to give with her 100,000 crowns in money, and 20,000 crowns worth of jewels. The infant of Portugal was about her own age, and offered 20,000 crowns jointure. But this proposition fell ; on what hand I do She writ to not know. The lady Mary writ on the twenty-second of June concerning to the council, that she could not obey their late laws ; and that the new she did not esteem them laws, as made when the king was not [Fox, ' °f agej and contrary to those made by her father, which they Lb. ix. were all bound by oath to maintain. She excused the not p. 44.] . •> sending her comptroller, Mt. Arundel, and her priest : the one did all her business, so that she could not well be without him ; the other was then so ill, that he could not travel. Upon this the council sent a peremptory command to these, requiring them to come up and receive their orders. The lady Mary [Ibid. p. wrote a second letter to them on the twenty-seventh of June, 4 'J in which she expostulated the matter with the council. She said she was subject to none of them, and would obey none of the laws they made ; but protested great obedience and sub jection to the king. When her officers came to court, they were commanded to declare to the lady Mary, that, though 104 the king was young in person, yet his authority was now as great as ever : that those who have his authority, and act in Who re- his name, are to be obeyed : and though they, as single per- to obey, as sons, were her humble servants ; yet, when they met in coun- other sub- cy they acted in the king's name, and so were to be considered iects did. by all the king's subjects as if they were the king himself. They had indeed sworn to obey the late king's laws, but that could bind them no longer than they were in force ; and, being now repealed, they were no more laws, other laws being made in their room. There was 110 exception in the laws; all the king's subjects were included in them : and for a reformation of religion made when a king was under age, one of the most perfect that was recorded in scripture was so carried on when Josiah was much younger than their king was ; therefore they gave them in charge to persuade her grace (for that was her title) to be a good example of obedience, and not to encourage booki.J THE REFORMATION. (1549.) 193 peevish and obstinate persons by her stiffness. But this busi ness was for some time laid aside. And now the reformation was to be carried on to the esta blishing of a form of doctrine, which should contain the chief points of religion. In order to which, there was this year great inquiry made into many particular opinions, and chiefly concerning the presence o'f Christ in the sacrament. There The man- was no opinion for which the priests contended more igno- Christ's rantly and eagerly, and that the people generally believed presence in more blindly and firmly, as if a strong belief were nothing else ment ex- but winking very hard. The priests, because they accounted ammed- it the chief support now left of their falling dominion, which being kept up might in time retrieve all the rest : for while it was believed that their character qtialified them for so strange and mighty a performance, they must needs be held in great reverence. The people, because they thought they received the very flesh of Christ ; and so (notwithstanding our Saviour's express declaration to the contrary, that the flesh profiteth nothing) looked on those who went about to persuade them otherwise, as men that intended to rob them of the greatest privilege they had. And therefore it was thought necessary to open this fully, before there should be any change made in the doctrine of the church. The Lutherans seemed to agree with that which had been the doctrine of the Greek church, that in the sacrament there was both the substance of bread and wine, and Christ's body likewise : only many of them defended it by an opinion that was thought akin to the Eutychian heresy, that his human nature, by virtue of the union of the Godhead, was every where ; though even in this way it did not appear that there was any special presence in the sacrament more than in other things. Those of Switzerland had on the other hand taught, that the sacrament was only an institution to commemorate the sufferings of Christ. This, because it was intelligible, was thought by many too low and mean a thing, and not equal to the high expressions that are in the scripture, of its being the communion of the body and blood of Christ. The princes of Germany saw what mischief was like to follow on the diversity of opinions in explaining the sacrament ; and as Luther, being impatient in his temper, and too much given to dictate, took it BURNET, PART II. ° 194 THE HISTORY OF [part n. very ill to see his doctrine so rejected ; so, by the indecent way of writing in matters of controversy, to which the Germans are too much inclined, this difference turned to a direct breach J05 among them. The landgrave of Hesse had laboured much to have these diversities of opinion laid asleep, since nothing gave their common enemies such advantage as their quarrelling among themselves. Martin Bucer was of'a moderate temper, and had found a middle opinion in this matter, though not so easy to be understood. He thought there was more than a remembrance,- to wit, a communication of the body and blood of Christ in the sacrament ; that in general a real presence ought to be asserted, and that the way of explaining it ought not to be anxiously inquired into ; and with him Calvin agreed, that it was truly the body and blood of Christ, not figura tively, but really present. The advantage of these general expressions was, that thereby they hoped to have silenced the debates between the German and Helvetian divines, whose doctrine came likewise to be received by many of the cities of the empire, and by the elector palatine. And, among Martin Buceris papers, I met with an original paper of Luther's?8, Collect. (which will be found in the Collection,) in which he was willing ' 34' to have that difference thus settled : "Those of the Augsburg " Confession should declare, that in the sacrament there was " truly bread and wine ; and those of the Helvetian Confession " should declare, that Christ's body was truly present : and so, " without any further curiosities in the way of explaining it, in " which diyines might use their liberty, the difference should " end." But how this came to take no effect, I do not under stand. It was also thought that this way of expressing the doctrine would give least offence, for the people were scarce able to bear the opinion of the sacrament's being only a figure; but wherein this real presence consisted, was not so easy to be made out. Some explained it more intelligibly in a sense of law, that in the sacrament there was a real application of the merit of Christ's death, to those who received it worthily ; so that Christ as crucified was really present : and these had this to say for themselves, that the words of the institution do not call the elements simply Christ's body and blood, but his body broken and his blood shed, und that therefore Christ was really present as he was crucified, so that the importance of really 7S [See Part iii. p. 175.] book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1549.) 195 was effectually. Others thought all ways of explaining the manner of the presence were needless curiosities, and apt to beget differences : that therefore the doctrine was to be esta blished in general words; and, to save the labour both of ex plaining and understanding it, it was to be esteemed a mystery. This seems to have been Bucer's opinion ; but Peter Martyr inclined more to the Helvetians. There were public disputations held this year both at Oxford Public dis- and Cambridge upon this matter. At Oxford the popish party about it. did so encourage themselves by the indulgence of the govern ment, and the gentleness of Cranmer's temper, that they be came upon this head insolent out of measure. Peter Martyr had read in the chair concerning the presence of Christ in the sacrament, which he explained according to the doctrine of the Helvetian churches. Dr. Smith did upon this resolve to contradict him openly in the schools, and challenge him to dis pute on these points ; and had brought many thither, who should by their clamours and applauses run him down : yet [Wood,] this was not so secretly laid, but a friend of Peter Martyr's 0°onq' brought him word of it before he had come from his house, [p. 267.] 106 and persuaded him not to go to the schools that day, and so disappoint Smith. But he looked on that as so mean a thing, that he would by no means comply with it. So he went to the divinity-schools. On his way, one brought him a challenge from Smith to dispute with him concerning the eucharist. He went on and took his place in the chair, where he behaved himself with an equal measure of courage and discretion. He gravely checked Smith's presumption, and said, he did not decline a dispute, but was resolved to have his reading that day, nor would he engage in a public dispute without leave from the king's council : upon this a tumult was like to rise, so the vice-chancellor sent for them before him : Peter Martyr said, he was ready to defend every thing that he had read in the chair in a dispute; but he would manage it only in scrip ture-terms, and not in the terms of the schools. This was the beating the popish doctors out of that which was their chief strength ; for they had little other learning but a sleight of tossing some arguments from hand to hand, with a gibberish kind of language, that sounded like somewhat that was sublime ; but had really nothing under it. By con- o % 196 THE HISTORY OF [part n. stant practice they were very nimble at this sort of legerde main, of which both Erasmus and sir Thomas More, with the other learned men of that age, had made such sport, that it was become sufficiently ridiculous : and the protestants laid hold on that advantage which such great authorities gave them to disparage it. They set up another way of disputing from the original text of the scripture in Greek and Hebrew, which seemed a more proper thing, in matters of divinity, than the metaphysical language of the schoolmen. This whole matter being referred to.the privy-council, they appointed some delegates to hear and preside in the disputa tion : but Dr. Smith being brought into some trouble, either for this tumult, or upon some other account, was forced to put in sureties for his good behayiour. He, desiring that he might be discharged of any further prosecution, made the most humble submission to Cranmer that was possible; and being thereupon set at liberty, he fled out of the kingdom : it is said he went first to Scotland, and from thence to Flanders. But, [May 28.] not long after this, Peter Martyr had a disputation before the commissioners sent by the king, who were, the bishop of Lin coln, Dr. Cox, then chancellor of the university, and some [May 29.] others ; in which Tresham, Chadsey, and Morgan, disputed L aJ 3°-i against those three propositions: 1. In tlie sacrament of thanksgiving there is no transubstantiation of bread and wine in the body and blood of Christ. 2. Tlie body or blood of Christ is not carnally or corporally in the bread and wine; nor, as others use to say, under the bread and wine. 3. The body and blood of Christ are united to the bread and wine [Fuller, sacramentally. Ridley was sent also to Cambridge, with Hist Univ. some others of the king's commissioners ; where, on the 20th, Camb. p. , - 127.] 24th, and 27th of June, there were public disputations on these two positions : " Transubstantiation cannot be proved by the plain and " manifest words of scripture ; nor can it be necessarily col- " lected from it ; nor yet confirmed by the consent of the " ancient fathers. " In the Lord's supper there is none other oblation and " sacrifice than of a remembrance of Christ's death and of " thanksgiving." [June 20. Dr. Madew defended these ; and Glyn, Langdale, Sedgwick, book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1549.) 197 and Young, disputed against them the first day : and the Fox, lib. ix. 107 second day Glyn defended the contrary propositions ; and p' 1°4'-' Pern, Grindal, Guest^ and Pilkington, disputed against them. On the third day the dispute went on, and was summed up in [June 25.] a learned determination by Ridley against the corporal pre- I2a]' sence. There had been also a long disputation in the parlia- . ment on the same subject ; but of this we have nothing remain ing, but what king Edward writ in his Journal. Ridley had, by reading Bertram's book of the body and blood pf Christ, been first set on to examine wed ihe old opinion concerning the presence of Christ's very flesh and blood in the sacrament : and, wondering to find that in the ninth century that opinion was so much controverted, and so learnedly writ against by one of the most esteemed men of that age, began to conclude, that it was none of the ancient doctrines of the church, but - lately brought in, and not fully received, till after Bertram's age. He communicated the matter with Cranmer, and they set themselves to examine it with more than ordinary care. Cranmer afterwards gathered all the arguments about it into the book which he writ on that subject; to which Gardiner set out an answer, under the disguised name of Marcus Con- stantius : and Cranmer replied to it. I shall offer the reader in short the substance of what was in these books, and of the arguments used in the disputations ; and in many other books which were at that time written on this subject. Christ in the institution took bread, and gave it : so that The man- his words, This is my body, could only be meant of the bread. preaence Now the bread could not be his body literally. He himself explained also calls the cup, The fruit of the vine.' St. Paul calls it, The to the bread that we break, and the cup that we bless; and, speak- scnpture' ing of it after it was blessed, calls it, That bread, and that Vorks?!! * cup. For the reason of that expression, This is my body ,- it P- 29 B(M-] was considered, that the disciples, to whom Christ spoke thus, were Jews ; and that they, being accustomed to the Mosaical rites, must needs have understood his words in the same sense they did Moses' words concerning the paschal lamb, which is called the Lord's passover. It was not that literaUy, for the Lord's passover was the angel's passing by the Israelites, when he smote the first-born of the Egyptians ; so the lamb was only the Lord's passover, as it was the memorial of it: 198 THE HISTORY OF [part n. and thus Christ, substituting the eucharist to the paschal lamb, used such an expression, calling it his body, in the same man ner of speaking as the lamb was called the Lord's passover. This was plain enough ; for his disciples could not well under stand him in any other sense than that to which they had been formerly accustomed. In the scripture many such figurative expressions occur frequently. In baptism, the other sacrament instituted by Christ, he is said to baptize with the Holy Ghost and with fire : and such as are baptized are said to put on Christ; which were figurative expressions. As also, in the sacrament of the Lord's supper, the cup is called the new testament in Christ's blood, which is an expression full of figure. Further, it was observed, that that sacrament was in stituted for a remembrance of Christ, and of his death ; which implied, that he was to be absent at the time when he was to be remembered. Nor was it simply said, that the elements were his body and blood ; but that they were his body broken, and his blood shed; that is, they were these, as suffering on the cross : which as they could not be understood literally, for Christ did institute this sacrament before he had suffered on 108 the cross ; so now Christ must be present in the sacrament, not as glorified in heaven, but as suffering on his cross. From those places where it is said, that Christ is in heaven, and that he is to continue there; they argued, that he was not to be any more upon earth. And those words in the sixth of St. John, of eating Christ's flesh, and drinking his blood, they said were to be understood not of the sacrament ; since many receive the sacrament unworthily, and of them it cannot be said that they have eternal life in them: but Christ there said of them that received him in the sense that was meant in that chapter, that all that did so eat his flesh had eternal life in them; therefore these words can only be understood figura- • tively of receiving him by faith, as himself there explains it. And so, in the end of that discourse, finding some were startled at that way of expressing himself, he gave a key to the whole, when he said, his words were spirit and life ; and, that the flesh profited nothing, it was the spirit that quickened. It was ordinary for him to teach in parables ; and the receiving of any doctrine being oft expressed by the prophets by the figure of eating and drinking, he, upon the occasion of the B00K i-] THE REFORMATION. (1549.) 199 people's coming to him after he had fed them with a few loaves, did discourse of their believing in these dark expres sions ; which did not seem to relate to the sacrament, since it was not then instituted. They also argued, from Christ's ap pealing to the senses of his hearers in his miracles, and especi ally in his discourses upon his resurrection, that the testimony of sense was to be received where the object was duly applied, and the sense not vitiated. They also alleged natural reasons against a body's being in more places than one, or being in a place in the manner of a spirit, so that the substance of a com plete body could be in a crumb of bread, or drop of wine ; and argued, that, since the elements after consecration would nourish, might putrefy, or could be poisoned, these things clearly evinced, that the substance of bread and wine remained in the sacrament. From this they went to examine the ancient fathers. Some And from of them called it bread and wine; others said, it nourished ^e fathers- the body, as Justin Martyr ; others, that it was digested in Works, i. the stomach, and went into the draught, as Origen. Some p' 2fi4-l called it a figure of Christ's body j so Tertullian, and St. Aus- [Ibid- P- tin : others called the elements types and signs ; so almost all the ancient Liturgies, and the Greek fathers generally. In the creeds of the church it was professed, that Christ still sat on the right hand of God ; the fathers argued from thence, that he was in heaven, and not on earth. And the Marcion- ites, and other heretics, denying that Christ had a true body, or did really suffer ; the fathers appealed in that to the testi mony of sense, as infallible. And St. Austin giving rules con- [Ibid. pp. eerning figurative speeches in scripture ; one is this, that they 5' must be taken figuratively, where in the literal sense the thing were a crime ; which he applies to these words of eating Christ's flesh, and drinking his blood. But that on which they put the stress of the whole cause, as to the doctrine of the fathers, was the reasoning that they used against the Eutychians, who said, that Christ's body and human nature was swaUowed up by his divinity. The Eutychians, arguing [ibid. pp. from the eucharist's being called Christ's body and blood, 2 9' 2" in which they said Christ's presence did convert the sub stance of the bread and wine into his own flesh and blood ; 109 so in like manner, said they, his Godhead had converted the manhood into itself. Against this, Gelasius bishop of Rome, 200 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. and Theodoret, one of the learnedest fathers of his age, argue in plain words, that the substance of the bread and wine remained, as it was formerly, in its own nature and form ; and from their opinion of the presence of Christ's body in it, without converting the elements, they turned the argument to show how the divine and human nature can be together in [Cranmer's Christ, without the one's being changed by the other. Peter p. 287.] Martyr had brought over with him the copy of a letter -of St. Chrysostome's, which he found in a MS. at Florence, written to the same purpose, and on the same argument; which was the more remarkable, because that Chrysostom had said higher things in his sermons and commentaries, concerning Christ's being present in the sacrament, than any of all the fathers : but it appeared by this letter, that those high expres sions were no other than rhetorical figures of speech, to beget a great reverence to this institution; and from hence it was reasonable to judge, that such were the like expressions in other fathers, and that they were nevertheless of Chryso- stom's mind touching the presence of Christ in the sacrament. That epistle of his does lie still unpublished, though a very learned man, now in France, has procured a copy of it ; but those of that church know the consequence that the printing of it would have, and so it seems are resolved to suppress it if they can. From all these things it was plain, that though the fathers believed there was an extraordinary virtue in the sacrament, and an unaccountable presence of Christ in it, yet they thought not of transubstantiation, nor any thing like it. But when darkness and ignorance crept into the church, the people were apt to believe any thing that was incredible ; and were willing enough to support such opinions as turned religion into external pageantry. The priests also, knowing little of the scriptures, and being only or chiefly conversant in those writings of the ancients that had highly extolled the sacrament, came generally to take up the opinion of the corporal pre sence ; and, being soon apprehensive of the great esteem it [Ibid. p. would bring to them, cherished it much. In the ninth cen tury, Bertram, Rabanus Maurus, Amalarius, Alcuinus, and Joannes Scotus, all writ against it; nor were any of them censured or condemned for these opinions. It was plainly and strongly contradicted by some homilies that were in the Saxon tongue, in which not a few of Bertram's words occur ; 1 73-] book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1549.) 201 particularly in that which was to be read in the churches on , Easter-day. But in the eleventh or twelfth century it came to be universally received; as indeed any thing would have been that much advanced the dignity of priesthood. And it [Ibid- p. was further advanced by pope Innocent the Third, and so 2 established in the fourth council of Lateran ; that same council in which the rooting out of heretics, and the pope's power of deposing heretical princes, and giving their dominions to others were also decreed. But there was another curious remark made of the progress of this opinion. When the doctrine of the corporal presence was first received in the western church, they believed that the whole loaf was turned into one entire body of Jesus Christ : so that in the distribution one had an eye, .a nose, or an ear ; another a tooth, a finger, or a toe ; a third a collop, or a piece of tripe : and this was supported by pretended miracles suited 110 to that opinion; for sometimes the host was said to bleed, parts of it were also said to be turned to pieces of flesh. This continued to be the doctrine of the church of Rome for near three hundred years. It appears clearly in the renunciation [Ibid.p.46.] which they made Berengarius swear. But when the school men began to form the tenets of that church by more artificial . and subtle rules ; as they thought it an ungentle way of treat ing Christ to be thus mangling his body, and eating it up in gobbets, so the maxims they set up about the extension of matter, and of the manner of spirit's filling a space, made them think of a more decent way of explaining this prodigious mys tery. They taught, that Christ was so in the host and chalice, that there was one entire body in every crumb and drop : so that the body was no more broken ; but, upon every breaking of the host, a new whole body flew off from the other parts, which yet remained an entire body, notwithstanding that dimi nution. And then the former miracles, being contrary to this conceit, were laid aside, and new ones invented, fitted for this explanation ; by which Christ's body was believed present after the manner of a spirit. It was given out, that he some times appeared as a child all in rays upon the host, sometimes with angels about him, or sometimes in his mother's arms : and, that the senses might give as little contradiction as was possible, instead of a loaf they blessed then only wafers, which 202 THE HISTORY OF [part n. are such a shadow of bread as might more easily 'agree with their doctrine of the accidents of bread being only present ; and, lest a larger measure of wine might have encouraged the people to have thought it was wine still, by the sensible effects of it, that came also to be denied them. This was the substance of the arguments that were in those writings. But an opinion, that had been so generally received, was not of a sudden to be altered : therefore they went on slowly in discussing it, and thereby did the better dispose the people to receive what they intended afterwards to establish concerning it. And this was the state of religion for this year. Proceed- At this time there were many anabaptists in several parts anabap- of England. They were generally Germans, whom the revo- ' lutions there had forced to change their seats. Upon Luther's first preaching in Germany, there arose many, who, building on some of his principles, carried things much further than he did. The chief foundation he laid down was, that the scrip ture was to be the only rule of Christians. Upon this, many argued, that the mysteries of the Trinity, and Christ's incar nation and sufferings, of the fall of man, and the aids of grace, were indeed philosophical subtilties, and only pretended to be deduced from scripture, as almost all opinions of religion were ; and therefore they rejected them. Among these, the baptism of infants was one. They held that to be no baptism, and so were rebaptized : but from this, which was most taken notice of, as being a visible thing, they carried all the general name Of whom of anabaptists. Of these, there were two sorts most remark- two sorts, able. The one was, of those who only thought that baptism ought not to be given but to those who were of an age capable of instruction, and who did earnestly desire it. This opinion they grounded on the silence of the New Testament about the baptism of children. They observed, that our Saviour, com manding the apostles to baptize, did join teaching with it: and they said, the great decay of Christianity flowed from this 111 way of making children Christians, before they understood what they did. These were called the gentle, or moderate anabaptists. But others, who carried that name, denied almost all the principles of the Christian doctrine, and were men of fierce and barbarous tempers. They had broke out into a general revolt over Germany, and raised the war, called the book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1549.) 203 rustic war; and, possessing themselves of Munster, made one of their teachers, John of Leyden, their king, under the title of The King of the New Jerusalem. Some of them set up a fantastical, unintelligible way of talking of religion, which they turned all into allegories : these, being joined in the common name of anabaptists with the other, brought them also under an ill character. On the twelfth of April there was a complaint brought to the council, that, with the strangers that were come into Engr » land, some of that persuasion had come over, and were disse minating their errors, and making proselytes : so a commission Rot. Pat. was ordered for the archbishop of Canterbury, the bishops of 3 regn. Ely, Worcester, Westminster, Chichester, Lincoln, and Ro- [ap-Rymer, Chester, sir William Petre, sir Thomas Smith, Dr. Cox, Dr. May, and some others, (three of them being a quorum,) to examine and search after all anabaptists, heretics, or contemners of the Common Prayer. They were to endeavour to reclaim them, to enjoin them penance, and give them absolution : or, if they were obstinate, to excommunicate and imprison them, and to deliver them over to the secular power, to be further proceeded against. Some tradesmen in London were brought before these commissioners in May, and were persuaded to abjure their former opinions : which were, " that a man re- " generate could not sin ; that though the outward man sinned, " the inward man sinned not ; that there was no Trinity of " Persons ; that Christ was only a holy prophet, and not at " all God ; that all we had by Christ was, that he taught us " the way to heaven ; that he took no flesh of the Virgin; " and that the baptism of infants was not profitable." One of those, who thus abjured, was commanded to carry a fagot next Sunday at St. Paul's ; where there should be a sermon, setting forth his heresy. But there was another of these ex treme obstinate ; Joan Bocher, commonly called Joan of Kent. " She denied that Christ was truly incarnate of the Virgin, [Wilkins, " whose flesh being sinful, he could take none of it : but the °no' 1Vl " Word, by the consent of the inward man in the Virgin, took " flesh of her." These were her words. They took much pains about her, and had many conferences with her ; but she was so extravagantly conceited of her own notions, that- she rejected all they said with scorn : lvhereupon she was adjudged 204 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. an obstinate heretic, and so left to the secular power. The Collect. sentence against her will be found in the Collection. This m ' being returned to the council, the good king was moved to sign a warrant for burning her, but could not be prevailed on to do it : he thought it a piece of cruelty, too like that which they had condemned in papists, to burn any for their con sciences. And, in a long discourse he had with sir J. Cheke, he seemed much confirmed in that opinion. Cranmer was em ployed to persuade him to sign the warrant. He argued from the law of Moses, by which blasphemers were to be stoned. He told the king, he made a great difference between errors in other points of divinity, and those which were directly against the Apostles' Creed : that these were impieties against God, which a prince, as being God's deputy, ought to punish ; as the king's deputies were obliged to punish offences against 112 the king's person. These reasons did rather silence, than satisfy the young king ; who still thought it a hard thing (as in truth it was) to proceed so severely in such cases : so he set his hand to the warrant, with tears in his eyes ; saying to Cranmer, that if he did wrong, since it was in submission to his authority, he should answer for it to God. This struck the archbishop with much horror, so that he was very unwill ing to have the sentence executed. And both he and Ridley took the woman then in custody to their houses, to see if they could persuade her : but she continued, by jeers and other insolences, to carry herself so contemptuously, that at last the sentence was executed on her, the second of May the next Ananabap- year, bishop Scory preaching at her burning. She carried um ' herself then, as she had done in the former parts of her pro cess, very indecently, and in the end was burnt. This action was much censured, as being contrary to the clemency of the gospel ; and was made oft use of by the papists, who said, it was plain, that the reformers were only against burning when they were in fear of it themselves. The woman's carriage made her be looked on as a frantic person, fitter for Bedlam than a stake. People had generally believed, that all the statutes for burning heretics had been repealed : but now, when the thing was better considered, it was found, I that the burning of heretics was done by the common law ; so that the statutes made about it were only for making the con- book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1549.) 205 viction more easy ; and the repealing the statutes did not take away that which was grounded on a writ at common law. To [Wilkins, end all this matter at once : two years after this, one George °^c" 1V' Van Pare, a Dutchman, being accused for saying that God the Father was only God, and that Christ was not very God, he was dealt with long to abjure, but would not : so, on the sixth of April, 1551, he was condemned in the same manner that Joan of Kent was ; and on the twenty-fifth of April was Another burnt in Smithfield. He suffered with great constancy of r^prii 24. mind, and kissed the stake, and fagots that were to burn him. Stow, p. Of this Pare, I find a popish writer saying, that he was a man of most wonderful strict life ; that he used not to eat above once in two days ; and, before he did eat, would lie some time in his devotion prostrate on the ground. All this they made use of to lessen the credit of those who had suffered formerly ; for it was said, they saw now that men of harmless lives might be put to death for heresy, by the confession of the reformers themselves. And in all the books published in queen Mary's days, justifying her severity against the protestants, "these in stances were always made use of ; and no part of Cranmer's life exposed him more than this did. It was said, he had con- This was sented both to Lambert's and Anne Askew's death, in the for- ^Jed oen" mer reign, who both suffered for opinions which he himself held now : and he had now procured the death of these two persons ; and, when he was brought to suffer himself after wards, it was called a just retaliation on him. One thing was certain, that what he did in this matter flowed from no cruelty of temper in him, no man being further from that black dis position of mind ; but it was truly the effect of those principles by which he governed himself. For the other sort of anabaptists, who only denied infants Disputes baptism, I find no severities used to them : but several books theCb™-ng were written against them, to which they wrote some answers, tism of in- 113 It was said that Christ allowed little children to be brought to him, and said, of such was the kingdom of heaven, and blessed them. Now if they were capable of the kingdom of heaven, they must be regenerated ; for Christ said, none but such as were born of water and of the Spirit could enter into it. St. Paul had also called the children of believing parents holy ; which seemed to relate to such a consecration of them as was 208 THE HISTORY OF. [part ii. made in baptism. And baptism being the seal of Christians, in the room of circumcision among the Jews, it was thought the one was as applicable to children as the other. And one thing was observed, that the whole world in that age having been baptized in their infancy, if that baptism was nothing, then there were none truly baptized in being ; but all were in the state of mere nature. Now it did not seem reasonable that men who were not baptized themselves should go and baptize others : and therefore the first heads of that sect, not being rightly baptized themselves, seemed not to act with any authority when they went to baptize others. The practice of the church, so early begun, and continued without dispute for so many ages, was at least a certain confirmation of a thing which had (to speak moderately) so good foundations in scrip ture for the lawfulness, though not any peremptory, but only probable proof for the practice of it. The doc- These are all. the errors in opinion that I find were taken trme of notice 0f at this time. There was another sort of people, of predestina- r r tion much whom all the good men in that age made great complaints. abused. Some there were called gospellers, or readers of the gospel, who were a scandal to the doctrine they professed. In many sermons I have oft met with severe expostulations with these, and heavy denunciations of judgments against them : but I do not find any thing objected to them, as to their belief, save only that the doctrine of predestination having been generally taught by the reformers, many of this sect began to make strange inferences from it ; reckoning, that since every thing was decreed, and the decrees of God could not be frustrated, therefore men were to leave themselves to be carried by these decrees. This drew some into great impiety of life, and others into desperation. The Germans soon saw the ill effects of this doctrine. Luther changed his mind about it, and Melancthon openly writ against it. And since that time the whole stream of the Lutheran churches has run the other way. But both Calvin and Bucer were still for maintaining the doctrine of these decrees ; only they warned the people not to think much of them, since they were secrets which men could not penetrate into ; but they did not so clearly shew how these consequences did not flow from such opinions. Hooper, and many other good writers, did often dehort people from entering into these book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1549.) 207 curiosities ; and a caveat to that same purpose was put after wards into the article of the church about predestination. One ill effect of the dissoluteness of people's manners broke Tumults in out violently this summer, occasioned by the inclosing of lands ?9. ng an ' While the monasteries stood, there were great numbers of people maintained about these houses ; their lands were easily let out, and many were relieved by them. But now the num bers of the people increased much, marriage being universally allowed ; they also had more time than formerly, by the abro gation of many holydays, and the putting down of processions 114 and pilgrimages ; so that, as the numbers increased, they had more time than they knew how to bestow. Those who bought in the church lands, as they every where raised their rents, of which old Latimer made great complaints in one of his court-sermons, so they resolved to inclose their grounds, and turn them to pasture : for trade was then rising fast, and corn brought n°t in so much money as wool did. Their flocks also being kept by few persons in grounds so inclosed, the land lords themselves enjoyed the profit which formerly the tenants made out of their estates : and so they intended to force them to serve about them at any such rates as they would allow. By this means the commons of England saw they were like to be reduced to great misery. This was much complained of, and several little books were written about it. Some proposed a sort of Agrarian law, that none might have farms above a set value, or flocks above a set number of two thousand sheep ; which proposal I find the young king was much taken with, as will appear in one of the discourses he wrote with his own hand. It was also represented, that there was no care taken of the educating of youth, except of those who were bred for learning ; and many things were proposed to correct this : but in the mean time the commons saw the gentry were like to reduce them to a very low condition. The protector seemed much concerned for the commons 80, and oft spoke against the oppression of landlords. He was natu rally just and compassionate, and so did heartily espouse the cause of the poor people, which made the nobility and gentry hate him much. The former year, the commons about Hamp ton-Court petitioned the protector and council, complaining, ?'¦» [See Part iii. p. 189.J m [Ibid. Part iii. p. 190.] 208 THE HISTORY OF [part II, [Journalsof Lords, P- 337-] Many are easilyquieted. [Hayward, p. 292.] that whereas the late king in his sickness had inclosed a park there, to divert himself with private easy game, the deer of that park did overlay the country, and it was a great burden to them ; and therefore they desired that it might be dis- parked. The council, considering that it was so near Windsor, and was not useful to the king, but a charge rather, ordered it to be disparked, and the deer to be carried to Windsor ; but with this proviso, that if the king, when he came of age, de sired to have a park there, what they did should be no preju dice to him. There was also a commission issued out to inquire about inclosures and farms ; and whether those who had pur chased the abbey-lands kept hospitality, to which they were bound by the grants they had of them ; and whether they en couraged husbandry. But I find no effect of this. And indeed there seemed to have been a general design among the nobility and gentry to bring the inferior sort to that low and servile state to which the peasants in many other kingdoms are re duced. In the parliament an act was carried in the house of lords for imparking grounds, but was cast out by the commons; yet gentlemen went on every where taking their lands into their own hands, and inclosing them. In May the commons did rise first in Wiltshire; where sir William Herbert gathered some resolute men about him, and dispersed them, and slew some of them. Soon after that, they rose in Sussex, Hampshire, Kent, Gloucestershire, Suffolk, Warwickshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Leicestershire, Worces tershire, and Rutlandshire ; but by fair persuasions the fury of the people was a little stopped, till the matter should be represented to the council. The protector said, he did not wonder the commons were in such distempers, they being so oppressed, that it was easier to die once than to perish for 115 want ; and therefore he set out a proclamation, contrary to the mind of the whole council, against all new inclosures ; with another, indemnifying the people for what was past, so they carried themselves obediently for the future. Commissions were also sent every where, with an unlimited power to the commissioners, to hear and determine all causes about in closures, highways, and cottages. The vast power these com missioners assumed was much complained of; the landlords said, it was an invasion of their property to subject them thus to the pleasure of those who were sent to examine the matters, book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1549.) 209 without proceeding in the ordinary -courts according to law. The commons, being encouraged by the favour they heard the protector bore them, and not able to govern their heat, or stay for a more peaceable issue, did rise again, but were anew quieted. Yet the protector being opposed much by the coun cil, he was not able to redress this grievance so fully as the people hoped. So in Oxfordshire and Devonshire they rose again, and also in Norfolk and Yorkshire. Those in Oxford shire were dissipated by a force of fifteen hundred men, led against them by the lord Grey. Some of them were taken and hanged by martial law, as being in a state of war ; the greatest part ran home to their dwellings. In Devonshire the insurrection grew to be better formed ; But those for that country was not only far from the court, but it was sbire grew generally inclined to the former superstition, and many of the formidable. old priests ran in among them. They came together on the tenth of June, being Whit-Sunday81 ; and in a short time they [June 9.] grew to be ten thousand strong. At court it was hoped this might be as easily dispersed as the other risings were. But the protector was against running into extremities, and so did not move so speedily as the thing required. He, after some days, at last sent the lord Russell with a small force to stop their proceedings. And that lord, remembering well how the duke of Norfolk had with a very small army broken a formid able rebellion in the former reign, hoped that time would like wise weaken and disunite these ; and therefore he kept at some distance, and offered to receive their complaints, and to send them to the council. But these delays gave advantage and strength to the rebels, who were now led on by some gentlemen ; Arundel of Cornwall being in chief command among them: and, in answer to the lord Russell, they agreed on fifteen arti cles52, the substance of which was as follows : 1. " That all the general councils, and the decrees pf their Their de- " forefathers, should be observed. mau 3- 2. " That the act of the six articles should be again in force. 3. " That the mass should be in Latin, and that the priests '' alone should receive. 81 [The mistake is from Fuller, they drew up their demands in seven vu- 393-] articles.' [S.] 82 After articles add, ' Before this BURNET, PART II. P 210 THE HISTORY OF [part II. Cranmerdrew an answer to them. Ex MS. Coll. C. C Cant. [cii. P- 337- printed in Strype's Cranmer, App. N°. 40. J 4. " That the sacrament should be hanged up, and wor- " shipped ; and those who refused to do it should suffer as " heretics. 5. " That the sacrament should only be given to the people " at Easter in one kind. 6. " That baptism should be done at all times. 7- " That holy bread, holy water, and palms be again used; " and that images be set up, with all the other ancient cere- " monies. 8. " That the new service should be laid aside, since it was 116 " like a Christmas game ; and the old service again should be " used, with the procession in Latin. 9. " That all preachers in their sermons, and priests in the " mass, should pray for the souls in purgatory. 10. " That the Bible should be called in, since otherwise the " clergy eould not easily confound the heretics. 11. " That Dr. Moreman and Crispin should be sent to them, " and put in their livings. 12. " That -cardinal Pole should be restored, and made of " the king's council. 13. " That every gentleman might have only one servant " for every hundred marks of yearly rent that belonged to "him. 14. " That the half of the abbey and church lands should be " taken back, and restored to two of the chief abbeys in every " county ; and all the church boxes for seven years should be " given to such houses, that so devout persons might live in " them, who should pray for the king and the commonwealth. 15. " And that for their particular grievances, they should " be redressed, as Humphrey Arundel and the mayor of Bod- " min should inform the king ; for whom they desired.a safe- " conduct." These articles being sent to the councd, the archbishop of Canterbury was ordered to draw an answer to them, which I have seen, 'corrected with his own hand. The substance of it was, that their demands were insolent, such as were dictated to them by some seditious priests : they did not know what gene ral councils had decreed; nor was there any thing in the church of England contrary to them, though many things had been formerly received which were so. And for the decrees, book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1549.) 211 they were framed by the popes to enslave the world, of which he gave several instances. For the six articles, he says, they had not been carried in parliament, if the late king had not gone thither Jn person, and procured that act ; and yet of his own accord he slackened the execution of it. To the third, it was strange that they did not desire to know in what terms they worshipped God. And for the mass, the ancient canons required the people to communicate in it ; and the prayers in the office of the mass did still imply that they were to do it. For the hanging up and adoring the host, it was but lately set up by pope Innocent and Honorius, and in some places it had never been received. For the fifth ; The ancient church received that sacrament frequently, and in both kinds. To the sixth ; Baptism, in cases of necessity, was to be ad ministered at any time ; but out of these cases, it was fit to do it solemnly : and in the ancient church it was chiefly done on the eves of Easter and Whit-Sunday ; of which usage some footsteps remained still in the old offices. To the seventh ; These were late superstitious devices : images were contrary to the scriptures, first set up for remem brance, but soon after made objects of worship. 117 To the eighth : The old service had many ludicrous things in it ; the new was simple and grave : if it appeared ridiculous to them, it was as the gospel was long ago, foolishness to the Greeks. To the ninth : The scriptures say nothing of it : it was a superstitious invention, derogatory to Christ's death. To the tenth : The scriptures are the word of God, and the readiest way to confound that which is heresy indeed. To the eleventh : These were ignorant, superstitious, and deceitful persons. To the twelfth : Pole had been attainted in parliament for his spiteful writings and doings against the late king. To the thirteenth : It was foolish and unreasonable. One servant could not do a man's business ; and by this many ser vants would want employment. To the fourteenth : This was to rob the king, and those who p 2 212 THE HISTORY OF [part II. They make new de mands;[Hayward, P- 293-] Whichwere also rejected. [Holin- shed, p. 1005.] had these lands of him ; and would be a means to make so foul a rebellion be remembered in their prayers. To the fifteenth : These were notorious traitors, to whom the king's council was not to submit themselves. After this, they grew more moderate, and sent eight articles: 1 . Concerning baptism. 2. About confirmation. 3. Of the mass. 4. For reserving tbe host. 5. For lioly bread and water. 6. For the old service. 7. For the single lives of priests83. 8. For the six articles. And concluded, God save the king ; for they were his, both body and goods. To this there was an answer sent, in the king's name, on the eighth of July 84, (so long did the treaty with them hold,) in which, after expressions of the king's affection to his people, he taxes their rising in arms against him their king, as contrary to the laws of God. He tells them, that they are abused by theh* priests, as in the instance of baptism ; which (according to the book) might, necessity requiring it, be done at all times : that the changes that had been set out were made after long and great consultation ; and the worship of this church, by the ad vice of many bishops and learned men, was reformed as near to what Christ and his apostles had taught and done as could be; and all things had been settled in parliament. But the most specious thing that misled them being that of the king's age, it was shewed them, that his blood, and not his years, gave him the crown. And the state of government requires, that at all times there should be the same authority in princes, and the same obedience in the people. It was all penned in a high threatening style ; and concluded with an earnest invitation of them to submit to the king's mercy, as others that had risen had also done ; to whom he had not only shewed mercy, but granted redress of their just grievances ; otherwise they might expect the utmost severity that traitors deserved. But nothing prevailed on this enraged multitude ; whom the priests inflamed with all the artifices they could imagine ; and among whom the host was carried about by a priest on a cart, 83 That the service might be said or sung in the choir. [S.] 84 [An answer with this date has been printed from the original in the State Paper Office, in Tytler's Original Letters, vol. i. p. 178. It does not correspond very exactly to the description in the text, which has been abridged from Fox, lib.ix. p. 14.] book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1549.) 213 that all might see it. But when this commotion was thus grown to a head, the men of Norfolk rose the sixth of July, being led The rebel- by one Kett, a tanner. These pretended nothing of religion, j^t headed but only to suppress and destroy the gentry, and to raise the by Kett, a 118 commons, and to put new counsellors about the king. They piohn' increased mightily, and became twenty thousand strong ; but ahed> P- had no order nor discipline, and committed many horrid out rages. The sheriff of the county came boldly to them, and required them, in the king's name, to disperse, and go home : but had he not been well mounted, they had put him cruelly to death. They came to Moushold-Hill, above Norwich, and were much favoured by many in that city. Parker, afterwards archbishop of Canterbury, came among them, and preached very freely to them of their ill lives, their rebellion against the king, and the robberies they 'daily committed; by which he was in great danger of his life. Kett assumed to himself the power of judicature ; and under an old oak, called from thence the oak of reformation, did such justice as might be expected [Hayward, from such a judge, and in such a camp. The marquis ofp-29''J Northampton was sent against them, but with orders to keep at a distance from them, and to cut off their provisions : for so it was hoped, that, without the shedding much blood, they might come to themselves again. When the news of this rising A rising in came into Yorkshire, the commons there rose also, being further rimdV16' encouraged by a prophecy, that there should be no king nor 3°°-] nobility in England : that the kingdom should be ruled by four governors, chosen by the commons, who should hold a parliament, in commotion," to begin at the south and north seas. This they applied to the Devonshire men on the south seas, and themselves on the north seas. They, at their first rising, fired beacons, and so gathered the country, as if it had been for the defence of the coast : and meeting two gentle men, with two others with them, they, without any provocation, murdered them, and left their naked bodies unburied. At the same time that England was in this commotion, the news came that the French king had sent a great army into the territory TheFrencK of Boulogne ; so that the government was put to most extraor- Bou\„^n- e dinary straits. ois- There was a fast proclaimed in and about London. Cranmer A fast at court preached on the fast-day at court : I have seen the greatest wher; 214 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. Cranmer part of his sermon, under his own hand ; and it is the only Ex MS. sermon of his I ever saw. It is a very plain, inartificial dis- , C. c. c. course ; no shows of learning, or conceits of wit in it : but he [cii. p. 409, severely expostulated, in the name of God, with his hearers for printed m tnejr jjj i;YeSj ^eir blasphemies, adulteries, mutual hatred, op- Remains, pression, and contempt of the gospel ; and complained of the P- !9°-J slackness in punishing these sins, by which the government became, in some sort, guilty of them. He set many passages of the Jewish story before them, of the judgments such sins drew on, and of God's mercy in the unexpected deliverances they met with upon their true repentance. But he chiefly lamented the scandal given by many who pretended a zeal for religion,"but used that for a cloak to disguise their other vices. He set before them the fresh example of Germany ; where people generally loved to hear the gospel, but had not amended their lives upon it ; for which God had now, after many years' forbearance, brought them under a severe scourge : and inti mated his apprehensions of some signal stroke from Heaven upon the nation, if they did not repent. Exeter be- The rebels in Devonshire went and besieged Exeter, where [Jul 2 *^e citizens resisted them with great courage. They set fire to Holinshed, the gates of the city ; which those within fed with much fuel, P- IDI -J for hindering their entry, till they had raised a rampart within the gates; and when the rebels came to enter, the fire being 119 spent, they killed many of them. The rebels also wrought a mine ; but the citizens countermined, and poured in so much water, as spoiled their powder. So, finding they could do no thing by force, they resolved to lie about the town, reckoning that the want of provision would make it soon yield. The lord Russell, having but a small force with him, stayed a while for some supplies, which sir William Herbert was to bring him from Bristol : but, being afraid that the rebels should inclose him, he marched back from Honiton, where he lay ; and finding they had taken a bridge behind him, he beat them from it, killing six hundred of them, without any loss on his side. By this he understood their strength, and saw they could not stand a brisk charge, nor rally when once in dis order. So the lord Grey, and Spinola, that commanded some Germans, joining him, he returned to raise the siege of Exeter, which was much straitened for want of victuals. The rebels book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1549.) 215 had now shut up the city twelve days : they within had eat their horses, and endured extreme famine, but resolved to perish rather than fall into the hands of those savages ; for the rebels were indeed no better. They had blocked up the ways, and left two thousand men to keep a bridge, which the king's forces were to pass. But the lord RusseU broke through them, and killed about one thousand of them : upon that, the rebels raised the siege, and retired to Lanceston. The lord Russell But is re- gave the citizens of Exeter great thanks in the king's name for t^™ebeis their fidelity and courage ; and pursued the rebels, who were defeatedby now going off in parties, and were killed in great numbers. Ruggen. Some of their heads, as Arundel, and the mayor of Bodmin, Tempson and Barret, two priests, with six or seven more, were [Fox, taken and hanged. And so this rebellion was happily subdued ' ' *x-j in the west about the beginning of August, to the great honour [Aug. 6, of the lord Russell ; who, with a very small force, had saved p I025.] Exeter, and dispersed the rebels' army, with little or no loss at all. But the marquis of Northampton was not so successful in Norfolk. He carried about eleven hundred men 8S with him, but did not observe the orders given him, and so marched on to Norwich. The rebels were glad of an occasion to engage with him, and fell in upon him the next day with great fury ; and the town not being strong, he was forced to quit it, but lost one hundred of his men in that action, among whom was the lord Sheffield, who was much lamented. The rebels took about thirty prisoners, with which they were much lifted up. This being understood at court, the earl of Warwick was sent against Warwick them with six thousand foot, and fifteen hundred horse, that ^gP^j| were prepared for an expedition to Scotland. He came to at Norfolk. Norwich, but was scarce able to defend it ; for the rebels fell often in upon him, neither was he well assured of the town. But he cut off their provisions ; so that the rebels, having wasted all the country about them, were forced to remove : and then he followed them with his horse. They turned upon him ; but he quickly routed them, and killed two thousand of them, and took Kett their captain, with his brother, and a great many more. Kett was hanged in chains at Norwich next January. The rebels in Yorkshire had not become very numerous, 85 [Holinshed (p. 1033) says 1300. So also Hayward, p. 297.] 216 THE HISTORY OF [part n. not being above three thousand in all ; but, hearing of the defeating of those in other. parts, they accepted of the offer of pardon that was sent them : only some few of the chief ring- 120 leaders continued to make new stirs, and were taken, and hanged in York the September following. When these commotions were thus over, the protector pressed that there might be a general and free pardon speedily proclaimed, for quieting the country, and giving their affairs a reputation abroad. This was much opposed by many of the council ; who thought it better to accomplish their several ends, by keeping the people under the lash, than by so pro fuse a mercy. But the protector was resolved on it, judging A general the state of affairs required it. So he gave out a general pardon. pardon of all that had been done before the twenty-first of August ; excepting only those -few whom they had in their hands, and resolved to make public examples. Thus was Eng land delivered from one of the most threatening storms that at any time had broke out in it ; in which deliverance the great prudence and temper of the protector seems to have had no small share. Of this whole matter advertisement was given Collect. to the foreign ministers in a letter, which will be found in the Numb. 36. Co]lection A visita- There was this year a visitation of the university of Cam- Cambridee DI"idge- Ridley was appointed to be one of the visitors, and to preach at the opening of it: he thereupon writ to May, dean of St. Paul's, to let him know what was to be done at it, that so his sermon might be adjusted to their business. He received answer, that it was only to remove some superstitious practices and rites, and to make such statutes as should be found needful. But when he went to Cambridge, he saw the instructions went further. They were required to procure a resignation of some colleges, and to unite them with others ; and to convert some fellowships, appointed for encouraging the study of divinity, to the study of the civil law. In parti cular, Clare Hall86 was to be suppressed. But the master and fellows would not resign ; and after two days labouring to per- 86 There were no other colleges fellows; as appears by king Ed- to be suppressed besides Clare Hall, ward's Statutes, drawn up before in order to found a new college of the visitors came down, compared civilians, either by uniting it to with his injunctions (all upon the Trinity Hall, or by augmenting the Black book) drawn up after. number of Trinity Hall to twenty Indeed Trinity Hall was to be book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1549.) 217 suade them to it, they absolutely refused to do it. Upon this Ridley said, he could not, with a good conscience, go on any further in that matter : the church was already so robbed and stripped, that it seemed there was a design laid down by some, to drive out all civility, learning, and religion out of the nation : therefore he declared, he would not concur in such things ; and desired leave to be gone. The other visitors complained of him to the protector, that he had so troubled them with his barking, (so indecently did they express that strictness of con science in him,) that they could not go on in the king's service. And because Clare Hall was then full of northern people, they imputed his unwillingness to suppress that house to his partial affection to his countrymen ; for he was born in the bishopric of Durham. Upon this, the protector writ a chiding letter to him. To it he writ an answer, so suitable to what became a bishop, who would put all things to hazard rather than do any thing against his conscience, that I thought it might do no small right to his memory to put it, with the answer which the protector writ to him, in the Collection. These, with many Collect. more, I found among his majesty's papers of state, in that re- *"m"). 59, ppsitory of1 them commonly called the Paper-office : to which I had a free access, by a warrant which was procured to me from the king by the right honourable the earl of Sunderland, one of the principal secretaries of state ; who very cheerfully and generously expressed his readiness to . assist me in any thing that might complete the history of our reformation. 121 That office was first set up by the care of the earl of Salisbury, when he was secretary of state in king James' time : which though it is. a copious and certain repertory for those that are to.write our history ever since the papers of state were laid up there, yet for the former times it contains only such papers as surrendered in order to the union canon, and civil law. [B.] or new foundation, wherein Gar- The two colleges of Clare Hall diner, bishop of Winchester, then and Trinity Hall could not be master, did good service : who re- brought to surrender, in order to fused to. surrender, and that I sup- the uniting them. Some visitors pose partly upon politic reasons, were for doing it by the king's ab- For had he parted with his old solute power. To this Ridley would house, he would never have been not agree, and for this he was com- niade master of the new law-college, plained of. [S.] 1 though he were doctor both of the 218 THE HISTORY OF [part n. that great minister could then 'gather together ; so that it is not so complete in the transactions that fall within the time of which I writ. A contest There was also a settlement made of the controversy con- about pro- cerninp: the Greek tongue. There had been in king Henry's nouncmg ° ° . . ... the Greek, time a great contest raised concerning the pronunciation of the Greek vowels. That tongue was but lately come to any perfection in England, and so no wonder the Greek was pro nounced like English, with the same sound and apertures of the mouth : to this Mr. Cheke, then reader of that tongue in Cambridge, opposed himself, and taught other rules of pronun ciation. Gardiner was, it seems, so afraid of every innovation, though ever so much in the right, that he contended stiffly to have the old pronunciation retained ; and Cheke persisting in his opinion, was either put from the chair, or willingly left it, ' to avoid the indignation of so great and so spiteful a man as Gardiner was, who was then chancellor 8? of the university. Cheke wrote a book88 in vindication of his way of pronouncing Greek ; of which this must be said, that it is very strange to see how he could write with so much learning and judgment on so bare a subject. Redmayn, Poynet, and other learned men, were of his side, yet more covertly : but sir Thomas Smith, now secretary of state, writ three books on the same argument, and did so evidently confirm Cheke's opinion, that the dispute was now laid aside, and the true way of pronounc ing the Greek took place ; the rather because Gardiner was in disgrace, and Cheke and Smith were in such power and autho rity : so great an influence had the interests of men in sup porting the most speculative and indifferent things. Bonner Soon after this, Bonner fell into .new troubles ; he continued falls into t0 oppose every thing as long as it was safe for him to do it, while it was under debate, and so kept his interest with the papists : but he complied so obediently with all the laws and orders of council, that it was not easy to find any matter against him. He executed every order that' was sent him so 87 Cheke was not put from the successor Nicholas Carr, p. 59 and chair nor did he part with it, till otherwise. [B.] after he was sent for by the king 88 [Disputatio de Pronunciatione to instruct the prince, as appears lingua- Grceca?. Basil. 1555, i2m0.] from the account of the life of his book i. THE REFORMATION. (1549.) 219 readily, that there was not so much as ground for any com plaint; yet it was known he was in his heart against every thing they did, and that he cherished all that were of a con trary mind. The council being informed, that, upon the com- [Wilkins, motions that were in England, many in London withdrew from J"}0'1V' the service and communion, and frequented masses, which was laid to his charge, as being negligent in the execution of the king's laws and injunctions; they writ to him, on the twenty- third of July, to see to the correcting of these things, and that he should give good example himself. Upon which, on the [ibid. p. twenty-sixth following, he sent about a charge to execute the 36-l order in this letter, which he said he was most willing and desirous to do. Yet it was still observed, that, whatsoever obedience he gave, it was against his heart. And therefore he was called before the council on the eleventh of August. [Eox, Ub. There a writing was delivered to him, complaining of his re- j^"'-' missness ; and particularly, that whereas he was wont formerly, tions are on all high festivals, to officiate himself, yet he had seldom or §lve" never done it since the new service was set out : as also, that 122 adultery was openly practised in his diocese, which he took no care, according to his pastoral office, to restrain or punish ; therefore he was strictly charged to see these things reformed. He was also ordered to preach on Sunday come three weeks at St. Paul's Cross; and that he should preach there once am,^ p. quarter for the future, and be present at every sermon made *3-] there, except he were sick : that he should officiate at St. Paul's at every high festival, such as were formerly called majus duplex, and give the communion : that he should proceed against all who did not frequent the common-prayer, nor re ceive the sacrament once a year ; or did go to mass : that he should search out and punish adulterers : that he should take care of the reparation of churches, and paying tithes, in his diocese, and should keep his residence in his house in London. As to his sermon, he was required to preach against rebellion, setting out the heinousness of it ; he was also to shew what was true religion ; and that external ceremonies were nothing in themselves, but that in the use of them men ought to obey the magistrate, and join true devotion to them ; and that the king was no less king, and the people no less bound to obey, when he was in minority, than when he was of full age. 220 THE HISTORY OF [part h. in his ser- On the first of September, being the day appointed for him noTset *° Preach, there was a great assembly gathered to hear him. forth the He touched upon the points that were enjoined him, excepting power un- that about the king's age, of which he said not one word. But der age, as since the manner of Christ's presence in the sacrament was a required to thing which he might' yet safely speak of, he spent most of his d much for his justification as the answers could do, if they were in my power. He is not accused of rapine, cruelty, or bribery ; but only of such things as are incident to all men that are of a sudden exalted to a high and disproportioned greatness. What he did about the coin was not for his own advantage, but was done by a common mistake of many governors, who, in the necessity of their affairs, fly to this, as their last shift, to draw out their business as long as is possible ; but it ever rebounds on the government, to its great prejudice and loss. 139 He bore his fall more equally than he had done his prosperity ; and set himself in his imprisonment to study and reading : and fading on a book85 that treated of patience, both from the principles of moral philosophy and of Christianity, he was so much taken with it, that he ordered it to be translated into English, and writ a preface to it himself, mentioning the great comfort he had found in reading it, which had induced him to take care that others might reap the like benefit from it. Peter Martyr writ him also a long consolatory letter, which was printed both in Latin, and in an English translation86: and all the reformed, both in England and abroad, looked on 85 [Wermylierus (Otho), A spi- Lynne, 1550. i6mo. It has been rituall and most precyous Pearle, several times reprinted.] teachyng all Men to loue and em- 8« [A copy in MS. is in the royal brace the Crosse. Sett forth by the collection, 17 C. v. An epistle writ- Duke hys Grace of Somerset, as ten by D. Peter Martir to the Duke appeareth by hys Epistle set before of Somerset, translated by Thomas the same. London, for Gwalter Norton. Lond. 1550. i6mo.] book i. J THE REFORMATION. (1549.) 245 his fall as a public loss to that whole interest, which he had so steadily set forward. - But, on the other hand, the popish party were much Hfted The papists up at his fall ; and the rather, because they knew the earl of ™"chliffced Southampton, who they hoped should have directed all affairs, was entirely theirs. It was also believed, that the earl of Warwick had given them secret assurances ; so it was under stood at the court of France, as Thuanus writes. They had [Thuanus, also, among the first things they did, gone about to discharge ^s.f P* the duke of Norfolk of his long imprisonment, in consideration of his great age, his former services, and the extremity of the proceedings against him, which were said to have flowed chiefly from the ill offices the duke of Somerset had done him. But this was soon laid aside. So now the papists made their ad dresses to the earl of Warwick. The bishop of Winchester wrote to him a hearty congratulation, rejoicing that the late tyranny (so he called the duke of Somerset's administration) was now at an end : he wished him all prosperity ; and desired, that, when he had leisure from the great affairs, that were in so un settled a condition, some regard might be had of him. The bishop of London, being also in good hopes, since the protector and Smith, whom he esteemed his chief enemies, were now in disgrace, and Cranmer was in cold if not in ill terms with the earl of Warwick, sent a petition that his appeal might be re ceived, and his process reviewed. Many also began to fall off from going to the English service, or the communion, hoping that all would be quickly undone that had been settled by the duke of Somerset. But the earl of Warwick, finding the king But their so zealously addioted to the carrying on of the reformation, ^?^oon that nothing could recommend any one so much to him, as the promoting it further would do, soon forsook the popish party, and was seemingly the most earnest on a further reformation that was possible. I do not find that he did write any answer to_ the bishop of Winchester : he continued stid a prisoner. And for Bonner's matter, there was a new court of delegates appointed to review his appeal, consisting of four civilians, and four common lawyers ;* who, having examined it, reported, that the process had been legally carried on, and the sentence justly given, and that there was no good reason why the 246 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. appeal should be received: and therefore they rejected it. This being reported to the council, they sent for Bonner in the beginning of February, and declared to him, that his appeal was rejected, and that the sentence against him was in full force still. Ambassa- But the business of Boulogne was that which pressed them thTempe- most. They misdoubting, as was formerly shewn, that Paget ror- had not managed that matter dextrously and earnestly with 140 the emperor, sent on the 18th of October, sir Thomas Cheyney and sir Philip Hobby to him, to entreat him to take Boulogne into his protection ; they also sent over the earl of Huntingdon to command it, with the addition of a thousand men for the garrison. When the ambassadors came to the emperor, they desired leave to raise two thousand horse and three thousand Cott. libr. foot in his dominions for the preservation of Boulogne. The P IK "R " [fol. i i emperor gave them very good words, but insisted much on his and 119.] league with France, and referred them to the bishop of Arras, who told them plainly, the thing could not be done. So sir Thomas Cheyney took his leave of the emperor, who, at part ing, desired him to represent to the king's council, how neces sary it was to consider matters of religion again, that so they might be all of one mind ; for, to deal plainly with them, till that were done, he could not assist them so effectually as other wise he desired to do. And now the council saw clearly they had not been deceived by Paget in that particular, and there- The earl of fore resolved to apply themselves to France for a peace. But ton leaves now *^e earl °f Warwick falling off wholly from the popish the court, party, the earl of Southampton left the court in great discon tent. He was neither restored to his office of chancellor, nor made lord treasurer; (that place, which was vacant by the [Feb. 3.] duke of Somerset's fall, being now given to the lord St. John, [Jan. 19.] who soon after was made earl of Wiltshire ;) nor was he made one of those who had charge of the king's person. So he began to lay a train against the earl of Warwick ; but he was too quick for him, and discovered it : upon which he left the court in the night, and it was said he poisoned himself, or pined away with discontent : for he died in July after. A new of- So now the reformation was ordered to be carried on ; and di"nationT tnere beinS one Part of tne divine offices not yet reformed, book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1549.) 247 that is, concerning the giving orders, some bishops and divines, brought now together by a session of parliament, were ap pointed to prepare a book of ordination. But now I turn to the parliament, which sat down on the A session fourth of November. In it a severe law was made against mre^rha unlawful assemblies : that if any, to the number of twelve, An act should meet together unlawfully for any matter of state, and, mulTuary1" being required by any lawful magistrate, should not disperse assemblies ; themselves, it should be treason ; and if any broke hedges, or statute's, violently pulled up pales about enclosures, without lawful au- vo1- 1T- P- thority, it should be felony. It was also made felony to gather the people together without warrant by ringing of bells, or sound of drums and trumpets, or the firing of beacons. There was also a law made against prophecies concerning the king or [Cap. 15. his council, since by these the people were disposed to sedition: i,1Wp' for the first offence it was to be punished by imprisonment for a year, and 101. fine ; for the second it was imprisonment during fife, with the forfeiture of goods and chattels. All this was on the account of the tumults the former year, and not with any regard to the duke of Somerset's security, as some have without any reason fancied ; for he had now no interest in the parliament, nor was he in a condition any more to ap prehend tumults against himself, being stripped of his so much envied greatness. Another law was made against vagabonds ; And relating, That the former statute made in this reign being too gfbonds™ severe, was by that means not executed ; so it was repealed, tc.aP- l6- 141 and the law made in king Henry the Eighth's reign put in lrs.'] force. Provisions were laid down for relieving the sick and impotent, and setting the poor that were able to work : that once a month there should be every where a visitation of the poor by those in office, who should send away such as did not belong to that place ; and those were to be carried from con stable to constable, till they were brought to such places as were bound to see to them. There was a bill brought in for the repealing of a branch of the act of uniformity ; but it went no further than one reading. On the 14th of November the bishops made a heavy com- Thebi- plaint to the lords, of the abounding of vice and disorder, and Mr°a\™ v- that their power was so abridged that they could punish no i ng of e_c^ sin, nor oblige any to appear before them, or to observe the censures. 248 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. [Journal of orders of the church. This was heard by all the lords with 359.1"' p' great regret, and they ordered a bill to be drawn about it. [ibid. p. On the 18th of November, a bill was brought in, but rejected 36°'^ at first reading, because it seemed to give the bishops too much power. So a second bill was appointed to be drawn by a committee of the house. It was agreed to, and sent down to [Nov. 23.] the commons, who laid it aside after the second reading. They thought it better to renew the design that was in the former reign, of two and thirty persons being authorized to compde the body of ecclesiastical laws ; and when that was prepared, it s.eemed more proper, by confirming it, to establish ecclesias tical jurisdiction, than to give the bishops any power, while the rules of their courts were so little determined or regulated. TCap. 1 1. So an act passed, empowering the king to name sixteen persons vol. iv. p. °f tlie spiritualty, of whom four should be bishops ; and sixteen III-1 of the temporalty, of whom four should be common lawyers, who, within three years, should compile a body of ecclesiastical - laws : and those, being nothing contrary to the common and statute laws of the land, should be published by the king's warrant under the great seal, and have the force of laws in the ecclesiastical courts. Thus they took care that this should not be turned over to an uncertain period, as it had been done in the former reign, but designed that it should be quickly fin ished. The bishops of that time were generally so backward in every step to a reformation, that a small number of them was made necessary to be of this commission. The effect that it had shall be afterwards opened. [Dec. 5. There was a bill brought into the house of commons, That J ournal 01 ° . ' Commons, the preaching and holding of some opinions should be declared p' I3 ' felony : it passed with them, but was laid aside by the lords. An act A bill for the form of ordaining ministers was brought into the forms of house of lords, and was agreed to ; the bishops of Durham, S>™g Carlisle, Worcester, Chichester, and Westminster, protesting [Cap. 12, against it. The substance of it was, That such forms of ordain- vofiv?p in& nnnisters as should be set forth by the advice of six prelates 112.] and six divines, to be named by the king, and authorized by a warrant under the great seal, should be used after April next, An act and no other. On the second of January a bill was put in duke'of16 against the duke of Somerset, of tho articles formerly men- Somerset, tioned, with a confession of them signed by his hand. This he book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1550) 249 was prevailed with to do, upon assurances given that he should [Journal be gently dealt with, if he would freely confess, and submit °f^°™i8' himself to the king's mercy. But it was said by some of the lords, that they did not know whether that confession was not 142 drawn from him by force ; and that it might be an ill precedent to pass acts upon such papers, without examining the party, whether he had subscribed them freely and uncompelled : so they sent four temporal lords, and four bishops, to examine [Ibid. p. him concerning it. And the day following the bishop of Co- ventry and Lichfield made the report, that he thanked them for that kind message, but that he had freely subscribed the confession that lay before them. He had made it on his knees before the king and council, and had signed it on the 13th of December. He protested his offences had flowed from rash ness and indiscretion, rather than malice, and that he had no treasonable design against the king or his realms. So he was fined by act of parliament in 3,0001. a year of land ; and he lost all his goods and offices. Upon this he wrote to the coun cil, acknowledging their favour in bringing off his matter by a fine; he confessed that he had fallen into the frailties that often attend on great places, but what he had done amiss was rather for want of true judgment, than from any malicious meaning : he humbly desired they would interpose with the king for a moderation of his fine, and that he might be par doned, and restored to favour ; assuring them, that for the future he should carry himself so humbly and obediently, that he should thereby make amends for his former follies. This was much censured by many as a sign of an abject spirit ; others thought it was wisely done in him, once to get out of prison on any terms, since the greatness of his former condition gave such jealousy to his enemies, that, unless he had his par don, he would be in continual danger, as long as he was in their hands. So on the sixth of February he was set at liberty, [Council giving bond of 10,000£. for his good behaviour; and being g0? 'p' limited that he should stay at the king's house of Shene, or his [ibid. p. own of Sion, and should not go four miles from them, nor come to the king or the council, unless he were called. He had his pardon on the sixteenth of February, and carried himself after t that so humbly, that his behaviour, with the king's great kindness j, to him, did so far prevail, that, on the tenth of April after, he [ibid. p. 250 THE HISTORY OF [part II. The refor mation is set on vi gorously. Collect.Numb. 47. [Cap. 10. Statutes,vol. iv. p. 110.] [Ibid. p. in.] was restored into favour, and sworn of the privy-council. And so this storm went over him much more gently than was ex pected ; but his carriage in it was thought to have so little of • the hero, that he was not much considered after this. But to go on with the business of the parliament. Reports had been spread, that the old service would be again set up ; and these were much cherished by those who still loved the former superstition, who gave out, that a change was to' be expected, since the new service had been only the act of the duke of Somerset. Upon this the council wrote on Christmas- day a letter to all the bishops of England, to this effect ; " That " whereas the English service had been devised by learned " men, according to the scripture, and the use of the primitive " church ; therefore, for putting away those vain expectations, " all clergymen were required to deliver to such as should be " appointed by the king to receive them, all antiphonals, mis- " sals, grayles, processionals, manuals, legends, pies, portuasses, " journals, and ordinals, after the use of Sarum, Lincoln, York, " or any other private use : requiring them also to see to the " observing one uniform order in the service set forth by the " common consent of the realm, and particularly to take care " that there should be every where provision made of bread " and wine for the communion on Sunday." This will be 143 found in the Collection. But, to give a more public declara tion of their zeal, an act was brought into parliament about it, and was agreed to by all the lords, except the earl of Derby, the bishops of Durham, Coventry and Lichfield, Carlisle, Wor cester, Westminster, and Chichester, and the lords Morley, Stourton, Windsor, and Wharton. By it, not only all the books formerly mentioned were to be destroyed ; but all that had any image, that had belonged to any church or chapel, were required to deface it before the last of June ; and in all the Primers set out by the late king, the prayers to the saints were to be dashed out. There was also an act for a subsidy, to be paid in one year, for which there was a release granted of a branch of the subsidy formerly given. Last of all came the king's general pardon, out of which those in the Tower, or other prisons, on the account of the state, as also all anabap tists, were excepted. Thus were all matters ended ; and on the first of February book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1550.) 251 the parliament was prorogued : only in the house of commons there was a debate that deserves to be remembered. It seems that before this time the eldest sons of peers were not members of the house of commons : and sir Francis Russell becoming, by the death of his elder brother, heir apparent to the lord Russell ; it was, on the twenty-first of January, carried upon a [Journal debate, That he should abide in the house as he was before. „ m" . ... mons, p. So it is entered in the original journal of the house of com- 15.] mons ; which was communicated to me by Mr. Surle and Mr. Clark, in whose hands it is now, and is the first journal that ever was taken in that house. But it may be expected that I should next give an account of the forms of ordination now agreed on. Twelve were ap pointed by the council to prepare the book, among whom Heath, bishop of Worcester, was one ; but he would not con sent to the reformations that were proposed in it : so on the eighth of February he was called before the council, and re quired to agree to that which all the rest had consented to. But he could not be prevailed with to do it : wherefore, on the Heath, bi- fourth of March, he was committed to the Fleet, because (as it Worcester is entered in the council-books) that he obstinately denied to put in pri- subscribe the book for the making of bishops and priests. He agreeing had hitherto opposed every thing done towards reformation in witn the others ar>- parliament, though he had given an entire obedience to it when pointed to it was enacted : he was a man of a gentle temper and great ?ra7 the P r & book tor prudence, that understood affairs of state better than matters ordina- of religion. But now it was resolved to rid the church of those rco^mcil compilers, who submitted out of fear, or interest, to save their Book, p. benefices ; but were still ready, upon any favourable conjunc ture, to return back to the old superstition. As for the forms of ordination, they found that the scripture mentioned only the imposition of hands, and prayer. In the Apostolical Constitutions, in the fourth council of Carthage, and in the pretended works of Denis the Areopagite, there was no more used. Therefore all those additions of anointing, and giving them consecrated vestments, were later inventions : but most of all, the conceit, which from the time of the council of Florence was generally received, that the rites by which a priest was ordained were, the delivering him the vessels for consecrating the eucharist, with a power to offer sacrifice to 252 THE HISTORY OF [part II. The ad ditions broughtinto the church of Rome in giving orders. God for the dead and the living. This was a vain novelty, 144 only set up to support the belief of transubstantiation ; and had no ground in the scriptures, nor the primitive practice. So they agreed on a form of ordaining deacons, priests, and bishops ; which is the same we yet use, except in some few words that have been added since in the ordination of a priest or bishop : for there was then no express mention made in the words of ordaining them, that it was for the one or the other office ; in both it was said, Receive thou the Holy Ghost, in the name of the Father, fyc. But that having been since made use of to prove both functions the same, it was of late years altered, as it is now. Nor were these words, being the same in giving both orders, any ground to infer that the church esteemed them one order ; the rest of the office shewing the contrary very plainly. Another difference between the ordi nation-book set out at that time, and that we now use, was, that the bishop was to lay his one hand on the priest's head, and with his other to give him a Bible, with a chalice and bread in it, saying the words now said at the delivery of the Bible. In the consecration of a bishop there was nothing more than what is yet in use, save that a staff was put into his hand, with this blessing, Be to the flock of Christ a shepherd. By the rule of this ordinal, a deacon was not to be ordained before he was twenty-one, a priest before he was twenty-four, nor a bishop before he was thirty years of age. In this ritual all those superadded rites were cut off, which the later ages had brought in to dress up these performances with the more pomp ; whereof we have since a more perfect account than it was possible for them then to have. For in our age Morinus, a learned priest of the Oratorian order, has published the most ancient rituals he could find ; by which it appears, how these offices swelled in every age by some new I addition. About the middle of the sixth century, they anointed and blessed the priest's hands in some parts of France ; though the Greek church never used anointing, nor was it in the Roman church two ages after that ; for pope Nicolas the First plainly says, it was never used in the church of Rome. In the eighth century, the priest's garments were given with a special benediction for the priest's offering expiatory sacrifices; it was no ancienter that that phrase was used in ordinations : book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1550.) 253 and in that same age there was a special benediction of the priest's hands used before they were anointed ; and then his head was anointed. This was taken partly from the Levitical law, and partly because the people believed that their kings de rived the sacredness of their persons from their being anointed: so the priests, having a mind to have their persons secured and exempted from all secular power, were willing enough to use this rite in their ordinations. And in the tenth century, when the belief of transubstantiation was received, the delivering of the vessels for the eucharist, with the power of offering sacri fices, was brought in, besides a great many other rites. So that the church did never tie itself to one certain form of ordi nations ; nor did it always make them with the same prayers : for what was accounted anciently the form of ordination, was in the later ages but a preparatory prayer to it. The most considerable addition that was made in the book interroga- of ordinations was, the putting questions to the persons to be jjL0,^™* 145 ordained ; who, by answering these, make solemn declarations in the new of sponsions and vows to God. The first question, when one is presented to orders, is, Do you trust that you are inwardly moved by the Holy Ghost to take upon you this office arid mi nistration, to serve God, for the promoting his glory, and for the edifying of his people ? To which he is to answer, He trusts he is. It has been oft lamented, that many come to receive orders before ever they have seriously read over these questions, and examined themselves whether they could, with a good conscience, make the answers there prescribed : since it is scarce credible, that men of common honesty would lie in the presence of God on so great an occasion ; and yet it is too visi ble, that many have not any such inward vocation, nor have _ ever considered seriously what it is. If it were well appre hended, that heat that many have to get into orders would soon abate ; who perhaps have nothing in their eye but some place of profit, or benefice, to which way must be made by that preceding ceremony : and so enter into orders, as others are associated into fraternities and corporations, with little previous sense of that holy character they are to receive, when they thus dedicate their lives and labours to the service of God in the gospel. In the primitive church the apprehension of this made even good and holy men afraid to enter under such 254 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. bonds ; and therefore they were often to be dragged almost by force, or catched at unawares, and be so initiated : as appears in the lives of those two Greek fathers, Nazianzen and Chryso stom. If men make their first step to the holy altar by such a lie, (as is their pretending to a motion of the Holy Ghost, concerning which they know little, but that they have nothing at all of it,) they have no reason to expect that blessing which otherwise attends on such dedications. And it had been happy for the church, if all those that are authorized to confer orders had stood on this more critically ; and not been contented with a bare putting these questions to those who come to be or dained, but had used a due strictness beforehand, suitable to that grave admonition of St. Paul's to Timothy, Lay hands suddenly on no man, and be not partaker of other men's sins. In the sponsions made by the priests, they bind themselves to teach the people committed to their charge, to banish away all erroneous doctrines, and to use both public and private monitions and exhortations, as well to the sick as the whole, within their cures, as need shall require, and as occasion shall be given. Such as remember that they have plighted their faith for this to God, will feel the pastoral care to be a load indeed, and so be far enough from relinquishing it, or hiring it out perhaps to a loose or ignorant mercenary. These are the blemishes and scandals that He on our church, brought on it partly by the corruption of some simoniacal patrons, but chiefly by the negligence of some, and the faultiness of other clergymen ; which could never have lost so much ground in the nation upon such trifling accounts as are the contests-since raised about ceremonies, if it were not that the people, by such palpable faults in the persons and behaviour of some church- ¦ men, have been possessed with prejudices, first against them, and then, upon their account, against the whole church: so that these corrupt churchmen are not only to answer to God for all those souls within their charge that have perished through their neglect, but in a great degree for all the mis chief of the schism among us, to the nourishing whereof they have given so great and palpable occasion. The importance of 146 those things made me judge they deserved this digression, from which I now turn to other affairs. book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1550.) 255 The business of Boulogne lay heavy on the council. The French had stopped all communication between Calais and it ; so that it was not easy to supply it from thence. The council, to rid the nation of the foreigners, sent them all to Calais, with 3000 English ; and resolved to force a way through, if it came to extremities : but at this time both the French and English were well disposed to a peace. The king of France knew the emperor intended to go into Germany next summer; so he longed to be at liberty to wait on his motions. The English It is re- council, that opposed the delivery of Boulogne chiefly to throw deliver off the duke of Somerset, that being done, were all convinced Boul°gneto the that it was not worth the cost and danger of a war : only they French. stood on the indecency of yielding it ; especially they having raised such clamours against the protector, when he went about the delivering it up. So they made great shows of pre parations to defend it ; but at the same time were not unwilling to listen to propositions of peace. One Guidotti, a Florentine, that lived in England, was employed by the constable of France, Montmorency, to set on a treaty ; yet he was to do it without owning he had any orders from that king. He went often to and again between Paris and London ; and at last it was re solved on both sides that there should be a treaty. But at this time there was a great change of affairs in Italy. Pope Paul the Third, having held that see fifteen years, died the Pope Paul tenth of November, in the eighty-second year of his age ; much [Thuanus, broken in mind at the calamity of his family, the killing of his P- 2I2-l son, the loss of Piacenza, and the ingratitude of his grandchild. Upon his death, all the cardinals, being gathered from Bo logna, Trent, and other neighbouring places, entered the con clave, where one that is to have such a share in the following part of this work was so much concerned, that it will be no im pertinent digression to give an account of it. There were great animosities between the imperialists and the French ; cardinal Farnese had also many votes that followed him : so that these three factions were either of them strong enough to exclude any that was unacceptable to them. Cardinal Pole Cardinal was set up by Farnese as a moderate imperialist, who had elected carried it so well at Trent, that he saw he would not blindly P°Pe- follow the emperor. He had lived many years at Viterbo, where he was made legate, after he had given over his prac- 256 THE HISTORY OF [partii, tices against England. There he gave himself wholly to the study of divinity, not without some imputations of favouring heresy : for one Antonio Flaminio, that was also suspected of Lutheranism, lived with him ; Tremellius, that learned Jew, who had been baptized in his house, was also known to "incline that way ; and many, who left their monasteries, and went to Germany, used to stay some time with him on their way, and were well received by him ; nor would he proceed against any suspected of heresy. There was cause enough to raise suspicion in a less jealous people than Italians. Yet the vast zeal that he had shewn for the exaltation of the papacy made ad those things be overlooked. He was sent one of the pope's legates to Trent, where he asserted the German doctrine of justification by faith ; but upon the emperor's setting out the Interim, he wrote freely against it. He was indeed a man of an easy and generous temper, but much in the power of those whom he 147 loved and trusted. Farnese therefore, looking on him as one that would be governed by him, and that was acceptable to the imperialists, and not much hated by the French, the cardinal of Guise being his friend, resolved to promote him ; and, by the scrutiny they made, it was found that they were [Thuanus, within two of the number that was requisite. But he seemed P'2'3-' so little concerned at it himself, that he desired them not to make too much haste in a thing of that nature ; for that dig nity was rather to be undertaken with fear than to be am bitiously desired. The cardinals, who had heard of such things among the ancient Romans, but had seen few such modern instances, and who valued men by nothing more than their ambitious aspiring, imputed this either to dulness or hypocrisy. He himself seemed nothing affected with it,- and did not change his behaviour, and carried it with an equal ity of mind, that became one who had divided his time between philosophy and divinity. Caraffa, that hated him, did all he could to alienate the conclave from him ; he objected to him, not only heresy, but also the suspicion of incontinence, since he bred up a nun who was believed to be his daughter. Of these things he coldly purged himself : he shewed, that he had suf fered so much on the account of religion in his own country, that he was beyond the suspicion of heresy ; and he proved, that the girl whom he maintained among the nuns was an book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1550.) 257 Englishman's daughter, to whom he had assigned an allowance. Caraffa prevailed little, and the next night the number was complete, so that the cardinals came to adore him, and make [Tbid- p- him pope : but he, receiving that with his usual coldness, said, it was night, and God loved light better than darkness ; there fore he desired to delay it till day came. The Italians, who, whatever judges they may be about the qualifications of such a pope as is necessary for their affairs, understood not this tem per of mind, which in better times. would have recommended one with the highest advantages, shrunk all from him : and, after some intrigues usual on such occasions, chose the cardinal [Feb. 8. De Monte, afterwards pope Julius the Third ; who gave a _ 2I, i ' strange omen of what advancements he intended to make, when he gave his own hat, -according to the custom of the popes, who bestow their hats before they go out of the con clave, on a mean servant of his, who had the charge of a mon key that he kept : and being asked what he observed in him to make him a cardinal, he answered, as much as the cardinals had seen in him to make him pope. But it was commonly said, that the secret of this promotion was- an unnatural affec tion to him. Upon this occasion I shall refer the reader to a letter, which I have put in the Collection, written by cardinal Collect. Wolsey, upon the death of pope Adrian the Sixth, to get him- UTn • 4 • self chosen pope : it sets out so naturally the intrigues of that court on such occasions, that, though it belongs to the former volume, yet, having fallen upon it since I published it, I thought it would be no unacceptable thing to insert in this volume, though it does not belong to it. It will demonstrate how likely it is that a bishop chosen by such arts should be the infallible judge of controversies, and the head of the ohurch. And now to return to England. It was resolved to send A treaty ambassadors to France ; who were, the lord Russell, Paget, tkVjw_ now made a lord, secretary Petre, and sir John Mason. Their liah and instructions will be found in the Collection. The substance of collect. 148 them was ; they were not to stick about the place of treaty, ^^049' hut to have it at Calais or Boulogne, if it might be : they were tions given to agree to the delivery up of Boulogne ; but to demand, that 1;°h ^m.ng" the Scotch queen should be sent back for perfecting the mar- bassadors, riage formerly agreed on : that the fortifications of Newhaven BURNET, PART II. * 258 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. and Blackness should be ruinated : that the perpetual pension agreed to king Henry should still be paid, together with all arrears that were due before the wars : they were only to in sist on the last, if they saw the former could not be obtained : they were to agree the time and manner of the delivery of Boulogne to be as honourable as might be. For Scotland, they being also in war with the emperor, the king of England could not make peace with them, unless the emperor, his ally, who had made war on them upon his account, were also satis fied : all places there were to be offered up, except Roxburgh and Aymouth. If the French spoke any thing of the king's marrying their king's daughter Elizabeth, they were to put it off, since the king was yet so young. They were also at first to agree to no more but a cessation. So they went over on -the 21st of January. The French commissioners appointed to treat with them were, Rochepot, Chatdlon, Mortier, and De Sacy ; who desired the meeting might be near Boulogne, though the English endeavoured to have brought it to Guisnes. Upon the English laying out their demands, the French answered them roundly, that, for delivering up the queen of Scots, they would not treat about it, nor about a perpetual pension ; since, as the king was resolved to marry the Scotch queen to the dauphin, so he would give no perpetual pension, which was in effect to become a tributary prince ; but for a sum of money they were ready to treat about it. As to Scotland, they de manded that all the places that had been taken should be restored, as well as Roxburgh and Aymouth, as Lauder and Dunglass. The latter two were soon yielded to, but the com missioners were limited as to the former. There was also some discourse of razing the fortifications of Alderney and Serk, two small islands in the channel, that belonged to Eng land : the latter was in the hands of the French, who were willing to yield it up ; so the fortifications both in it and Alder ney were razed. Upon this there were second instructions Collect. sent over from the council, (which are in the Collection,) that Numb. 50. they should so far insist on the keeping of Roxburgh and Ay mouth, as to break up their conference upon it : but if that did not work on the French, they should yield it rather than give over the treaty. They were also instructed to require hostages from the French till the money were all paid, and to book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1550.) 259 offer hostages on the part of England till Boulogne was de livered ; and to struggle in the matter of the isles all they could, but not to break about it. Between the giving the first [Rymer xv. and second instructions, the lord St. John was created earl of p' 2I7'-' Wiltshire, as appears by his subscriptions. The commissioners finished their treaty about the end of February, on these arti- Articles of cles, on condition that all claims of either side should be re- e rea y' served as they were at the beginning of the war. This was a [Rymer temper between the English demand, of all the arrears of king Henry's pension, and the French denial of it ; for thus the king reserved all the right he had before the war. Boulogne . was to be delivered within six months87, with all the places 149 about it, and the ordnance, except what the English had cast since they had ;t ; for which surrender the French wero to [Ibid. p. pay 400,000 crowns, (then of equal value with the English 2I3'J noble ;) the one half three days after the town was in their hands, and the other in the August after. There was to be a [Aug. 15.] peace with Scotland ; and Roxburgh and Aymouth, Lauder and Dunglass, were to be razed ; and there was to be a free trade between England, France, and Scotland. Six hostages [ibid. p. were to be given on either side ; all the English were to be 2I4'l sent back upon the delivery of the town ; and three of the French on the first, and the rest on the second payment. The French hostages were, the duke of Enghien ; the marquis de Mayenne, son to the duke of Guise ; Montmorency, son to the constable ; the duke of Tremouille ; the vicedam of Chartres ; and Hunaudaye, son to Annebaut, the admiral. On the Eng lish side were, the duke of Suffolk ; the earl of Hertford ; the earl of Shrewsbury ; the earl of Arundel's son, the lord Strange ; and the lord Matravers. So was the peace concluded ; all the articles in it were duly performed, and the hostages delivered back. It was proclaimed in London on the 29th of March, being confirmed by both the kings. Only it was much ob served, that, when it was to be confirmed in England, the earl of Warwick, on pretence of sickness, was absent. Those who 87 [This is a mistake for six weeks, a die data? praesentis tractatus resti- The words of the treaty are, ' Item tuentur in manus et potestatem conventum concordatum et conclu- Christianissimi Regis, &c.' Rymer, sum est, quod urbs Bollonise et por- xv. p. 213.] tus ejusdem. . . . ante sex septimanas s 2 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. began to conceive great jealousies of him thought this was to make a show to the people that he abhorred so dishonourable a thing, as himself had oft called it during the duke of Somer set's administration ; and that therefore he would not by his presence seem to consent to it,, though he had signed all the orders for it. And now was the king entering in the fourth year of his reign, free from all wars, which had hitherto much distracted The earl of his government. So the council was more at leisure to settle govemsthe tne affairs at home. But the earl of Warwick, beginning to councils, form great designs, resolved first to make himself popular, by calling all that had meddled in the king's affairs to a strict account ; and either to make them compound for great sums, by which the king's debts should be paid, or to keep them under the lash till he made them subservient to his ends. He began with the earl of Arundel, to whose charge many things being laid, he submitted himself to a fine of 12,000Z. to be paid in twelve years. This was the more taken notice of, because Southampton, Arundel, and he, with sir Richard Southwed, master of the rolls, had been the chief contrivers of the duke of Somerset's fall : Southampton was driven away, Arundel fined, and Southwell was soon after put in the Fleet for dis persing some seditious bills This wrought much on the vulgar, who imputed it to a secret curse on those who had conspired against the duke of Somerset ; and the delivery of Boulogne made it yet more plain that the charge against him was chiefly grounded on malice. After Arundel's disgrace, all the duke of Somerset's friends made their compositions, and were dis charged; sir Thomas Smith, sir Michael Stanhope, Thomas Fisher, and William Gray? each of them acknowledged they owed the king 3000^. and sir John Thynne submitted to 6000Z. fine. Ridley But I shall next prosecute the narration of what concerned BhVof " ^e church. It was now resolved to fill the see of London : London. Ridley, being esteemed both the most learned and most thoroughly zealous for the reformation, was pitched on to be the man. So on the 21st of February he was writ for, and on the 24th he was declared bishop of London and Westminster, and was to have 1000^. a year of the rents of the bishopric ; ISO and, for his further supply, was dispensed with to hold a pre- book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1550.) 261 bendary of- Canterbury and Westminster. It was thought needless to have two bishoprics so near one another ; and some, gaping after the lands of both, procured this union. But I do not see any reason to think, that at any time in this reign the suppression of the deaneries and prebends in cathe drals was designed. For neither in the suppression of the bishoprics of Westminster, Gloucester, or Durham, was there any attempt made to put down the deaneries or prebendaries in these places ; so that I look on this as a groundless conceit, among many others that pass concerning this reign. For Thirlby of Westminster, there was no cause given to throw him out, for he obeyed all the laws and injunctions when they came out, though he generally opposed them when they were making. So, to make way for him, Wdliam Repps, the bishop of Norwich, was prevailed with to resign, and he was pro- [Jan.^i.] moted to that see, vacant (as his patent has it) by the free re signation of William the former bishop. And the same day, being the first of April, Ridley was made bishop of London [Rymer, and Westminster. Both were, according to the common form, xv' p" 222'* to be bishops durante vitd naturali, during life. The see of Winchester had been two years as good as vacant Proceed- by the long imprisonment of Gardiner, who had been now Gardiner. above two years in the Tower88. When the Book of Common Prayer was set out, the lord St. John and secretary Petre were sent with it to him, to know of him whether he would conform himself to it or not ; and they gave him great hopes, that, if he would submit, the protector would sue to the king for mercy to him. He answered, that he did not know himself guilty of any thing that needed mercy ; so he desired to be tried for what had been objected .to him according to law. For the book, he did not think, that, while he was a prisoner, ' he was bound to give his opinion about such things ; it might be thought he did it against his conscience, to obtain his liberty : but if he were out of prison, he should either obey it, or be liable to punishment according to law. Upon the duke of Somerset's 89 fall, the lord treasurer, the earl of Warwick, sir William Herbert, and secretary Petre were sent to him : 88 [See Part iii. p. 193.] falls. The proceedings in council 89 The duke of Somerset was not are signed by him. [S.] then fallen. It was between his two 262 THE HISTORY OF [part II. [Fox, lib. ix. p. 81.] Some arti cles are sent to him. Which he signed, with some exceptions. (Fox says90, this was on the ninth of July : but there must be an error in that ; for Gardiner in his answer says, that, upon the duke of Somerset's coming to the'Tower, he looked to have been let out within two days, and had made his farewell feast : but when these were with him, a month or thereabout had passed : so it must have been in November the former year.) They brought him a paper, to which they desired he would set his hand. It contained, first, a preface, which was an acknowledgment of former faults, for which he had been justly punished : there were also divers articles contained in it, which were, touching the king's supremacy ; his power of ap pointing or dispensing with holydays and fasts ; that the Book of Common Prayer set out by the king and parliament was a most Christian and godly book, to be allowed of by all bishops and pastors in England, and that he should both in sermons and discourses commend it to be observed ; that the king's power was complete now when under age, and that ad owed obedience to him now, as much as if he were thirty or forty years old : that the six articles were justly abrogated ; and that the king had full authority to correct and reform what was amiss in the church, both in England and Ireland. 151 He only excepted to the preface ; and offered to sign all the articles, but would have had the preface left out. They bid him rather write on the margin his exceptions to it: so he writ, that he could not with a good conscience agree to the preface ; and with that exception he set his hand to the whole paper. The lords used him with great kindness, and gave him hope that his troubles should be quickly ended. Herbert and Petre came to him some time after that, but how soon is not so clear, and pressed him to make the acknowledgment without exception: he refused it, and said, he would never defame himself; for when he had done it, he was not sure but it might be made use of against him as a confession. Two or three days after that, Ridley was sent to him, together with the other two, and they brought him new articles. In this paper the acknowledgment was more general than in the for mer : it was said here in the preface, that he had been sus pected of not approving the king's proceedings ; and, being 90 Fox says it. It is so in king Edward's Journal. [S.] booki.J THE REFORMATION. (1550.) 263 appointed to preach, had not done it as he ought to have done, and so deserved the king's displeasure, for which he was sorry. The articles related to the pope's supremacy, the suppression New arti- of abbeys and chantries, pilgrimages, masses, images, the ador- to j^ ing the sacrament, the communion in both kinds, the abolish- [lbid.p.82.] ing the old books, and bringing in the new book of service, and that for ordaining of priests and bishops, the completeness of the scripture, and the use of it in the vulgar tongue, the lawfulness of clergymen's marriage, and to Erasmus' Para phrase, that it had been on good considerations ordered to be set up in churches; He read all these, and said, he desired first to be discharged of his imprisonment, and then he would freely answer them all, so as to stand by it, and suffer if he did amiss : but he would trouble himself with no more articles while he remained in prison; since he desired not to be de livered out of his troubles in the way of mercy, but of justice. After that, he was brought before the council ; and the lords [lbid.p.83.] told him, they sat by a special commission to judge him, and so required him to subscribe the articles that had been sent to him. He prayed them earnestly to put him to a trial for the grounds of his imprisonment, and when that was over, he would clearly answer them in all other things : but he did not think he could subscribe all the articles after one sort ; some of them being about laws already made, which he could not qualify ; others of them being matters of learning, in which he might use more freedom : in conclusion, he desired leave to take them with him, and he would consider how to answer them. But they required him to subscribe them all, without any qualification ; which he refused to do. Upon this the But he, re- fruits of his bishopric were sequestered ; and he was required si™nfhem, to conform himself to their orders within three months, upon was hardly pain of deprivation : and the liberty he had of walking in some open galleries, when the duke of Norfolk was not in them, was taken from him, and he was again shut up in his chamber. All this was much censured, as being contrary to the liber ties of Englishmen, and the forms of all legal proceedings. It was thought very hard to put a man in prison upon a com plaint against him ; and without any farther inquiry into it, after two years durance, to put articles to him : and they which 264 THE HISTORY OF [part II. Latimer'sadvice to the king concerning his mar riage. Hooper is made bi shop of Gloucester : spoke freely said, it savoured too much of the inquisition. But 152 the canon law not being rectified, and the king being in the pope's room, there Were some things gathered from the canon law, and the way of proceeding ex officio, which rather ex cused than justified this hard measure he met with. The sequel of this business shall be related in its proper place. This Lent old Latimer preached before the king. The discourse of the king's marrying a daughter of France had alarmed all the reformers, who rather inclined to a daughter of Ferdinand, king of the Romans. (To a marriage with her it is no wonder they all wished well ; for both Ferdinand and his son Maximilian were looked upon as princes that in their hearts loved the reformation, and the son was not only the best prince, but accounted one of the best men of the age.) But Latimer in his sermon advised the king to marry in the Lord ; and to take care that marriages might not be made only as bargains, which was a thing too frequently done, and occasioned so much whoredom and divorcing in the nation. He ran out in a sad lamentation of the vices of the time, the vanity of women, the luxury and irregularity of men : he com plained, that many were gospellers for love of the abbey and chantry lands : he pressed, that the discipline of .the church, and the excommunicating of scandalous persons, might be again set up : he advised the king to beware of seeking his pleasure too much, and to keep none about him who would serve him in it : he said, he was so old, that he believed he would never appear there more, and therefore he discharged his conscience freely : he complained the king's debts were not paid, and yet his officers lived high, made great purchases, and built palaces: he prayed them all to be good to the king, and not to defraud the poor tradesmen that wrought for his stores, who were ill paid. This I set down, not so much to give an account of that sermon,, as of the state of the court and nation, which he so freely discoursed of. Wakeman, that had been abbot of Tewkesbury, and was after made bishop of Gloucester, died in December last year ; and on the third91 of July this year, Hooper was by letters 91 [Harmer observes (Specimen book saith, on the 1,5th of May Mr. of Error, p. 92), that 'The council Hooper was constituted bishop of book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1550.) 265 patents appointed to be his successor. Upon which there fol- [Rymer xv. lowed a contest9'2 that has since had such fatal consequences, that of it we may say with St. James, How -great a matter hath a little fire kindled ! It has been already shewn, that the vestments used in divine service were appointed to be re tained in this church ; but Hooper refused to be consecrated But refuses in the episcopal vestments. The grounds he went on were, episcopal that they were human inventions, brought in by tradition or vestments. custom, not suitable to the simplicity of the Christian religion ; that all such ceremonies were condemned by St. Paul as beg garly elements : that these vestments had been invented chiefly for celebrating the mass with much pomp, and had been con secrated for that effect; therefore he desired to be excused from the use of them. Cranmer and Ridley, on the other hand, alleged, that traditions in matters of faith were justly rejected ; but in matters of rites and ceremonies, custom was oft a good argument for the continuance of that which had been long used. Those places of St. Paul did only relate to uPon tnia 1 i /> 1 t • , ¦ 1-1 • 1 a great dis- the observance of the Jewish ceremonies, which some in the pute rises. apostles' time pleaded were still to be retained, upon the autho rity of their first institution by Moses : so this implying that 153 the Messias was not yet come, in whom all these had their accomplishment, the apostles did condemn the use of them on any such account ; though when the bare observing them, without the opinion of any such necessity in them, was likely to gain the Jews, they both used circumcision, and purified themselves in the temple. If then they, who had such absolute authority in those matters, did condescend so far to the weak ness of the Jews, it was much more becoming subjects to give obedience to laws in things indifferent. And the abuse that had been formerly was no better reason to take away the use of these vestments, than it was to throw down churches, and take away the bells, because the one had been consecrated, and the other baptized, with many superstitious ceremonies. Therefore they required Hooper to conform himself to the law. Cranmer, who, to his other excellent qualities, had joined a [Cranmer's singular modesty and distrust of himself, writ about this dif- ^*™f™' '. Gloucester : king Edward's Journal relate to his nomination, the second saith, July 20th Hooper was made to the signing of his patent.] bishop of Gloucester : the first may 92 [See Part iii. p. 199.] 266 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. ference to Bucer, reducing it to these two plain questions : Whether it was lawful, and free from any sin against God, for the ministers of the church of England to use those gar ments in which they did then officiate ; since they were re quired to do it by the magistrate's command ? And whether he that affirmed that it was unlawful, or on that account refused, to use those vestments, did not sin against God; calling that unclean which God had sanctified, and the magistrate required ; since he thereby disturbed the public Bucer's order of the kingdom ? To this Bucer writ a large answer on opinion th© eighth of December this year. He thought that those concerning » Jo them. who used these garments ought to declare they did not retain Scripta them as parts of Moses' law, but as things commanded by the Anglicana, law 0f the land. He thought every creature of God was good, and no former abuse could make it so ill, that it might not be retained ; and since these garments had been used by the ancient fathers before popery, and might still be of good use to the weak when well understood, and help to maintain the ministerial dignity, and to shew that the church did not of any lightness change old customs, he thought the retaining them was expedient : that so the people might, by seeing these vestments, consider of the candour and purity that became them : and in this sense he thought, to tlie pure all things were pure ; and so the apostles complied in many things with the Jews. Upon the whole matter, he thought they sinned who refused to obey the laws in that particular. But he added, that since these garments were abused by some to superstition, and by others to be matter of coutention, he wished they were taken away, and a more complete" reforma tion established. He also prayed that a stop might be put to the spoiling of churches, and that ecclesiastical discipline against offenders might be set up ; for, said he, unless these manifest and horrid sacrileges be put down, and the complete kingdom of Christ be received, so. that we all submit to his yoke, how intolerably shall the wrath of God break out on this kingdom ! The scripture sets many such examples before our eyes, and Germany offers a most dreadful prospect of what England might look for. [Ibid. p. He writ also to Hooper upon the same argument. He 7°5'] wished the garments were removed by law ; but argued fully book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1550.) 267 for the use of them till then : he lamented the great corrup tions that were among the clergy, and wished that all good men would unite their strength against these ; and then lesser abuses would be more easily redressed : he also answered 154 Hooper's objections on the principles formerly laid down. Peter Martyr was also writ to ; and, as he writ to Bucer, he was fully of his mind, and approved of all he had writ about it. And he added these words, which I shall set down in his own terms, copied from the original letter : Quce de Hopero ad me And Peter scribis, non potuerunt non videri mira; certe illis auditis obstupui. Sed bene habet, quod episcopi literas meas vide- runt ; unde invidid ego quidem sum liberatus. Ecce illius causa sic jacet, ut melioribus et piis nequaquam probetur. Dolet, dolet, idque mihi gravissime, talia inter evangelii professores contingere. Ille toto hoc tempore, cum illi sit in- terdicta concio, non videtur posse quiescere : suae fidei con- fessionem edidit, qua rursus multorum animos exacerbavit : deinde queritur de consiliariis, et fortasse, quod mihi non re- fert, de nobis : Deus felicem catrastrophen non loetis actibus imponat. In English : " What you wrote to me about Hooper " could not but seem wonderful to me : when I heard it, I was " struck with it. It was well that the bishops saw my letters, " by which I am freed from their displeasure. His business is " now at that pass, that the best and most pious disapprove of " it. I am grieved, and sadly grieved, that such things should " fad out among the professors of the gospel. All this while " in which he is suspended from preaching, he cannot be at " rest : he has set out a profession of his faith, by which he " has provoked many : he complains of the privy counsellors ; " and perhaps of us too, of which he says nothing to me. God " give an happy issue to these uncomfortable beginnings." This I set down more fully, that it may -appear how far either of these divines were from cherishing such stiffness in Hooper. He had been chaplain to the duke of Somerset, as appeared by his defence of himself in Bonner's process ; yet he obtained so much favour of the earl of Warwick, that he writ earnestly in his behalf to the archbishop to dispense with the use of the garments, and the oath of canonical obedience at his consecra tion93. Cranmer wrote back, that he could not do it without 93 The oath of canonical obedience, as printed in the form of con- 268 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. incurring a praemunire : so the king was moved to write to him, warranting him to do it, without any danger which the law could bring on him for such an omission. But though this was done on the fourth of August, yet he was not consecrated [March 8.] till March next year ; and in the mean while it appears by Peter Martyr's letters that he was suspended from preaching. A congre- r£h\s summer John A Lasco94, with a congregation of Ger- gation ot . .... Germans mans, that fled from their country upon the persecution raised m London, there for not receiving the interim, was allowed to hold his p. 242.] assembly at St. Austin's in London. The congregation was erected into a corporation. John A Lasco was to be super intendent, and there were four other ministers associated with him. For the curiosity of the thing, I have put the patents in Collect. the Collection. There were also 380 of the congregation made denizens of England, as appears by the records of their patents. But A Lasco did not carry himself with that decency that be came a stranger who was so kindly received ; for he wrote against the orders of this church, both in the matter of the habits, and about the posture in the sacrament, being for sitting rather than kneeling. Polydore This year Polydore Vergil, who had been now almost forty Vergil years in England, growing old, desired leave to go nearer the England, sun. It was granted him on the second of June 95 ; and, in secration, an. 1549, is so unexcep- chap. 6. sect. 68. [B.] tionable, that there seems to be no 94 They were most of them Ne- ground for scruple ; being only a therlanders, or French, only a few promise of all due reverence and Germans, and consequently not obedience to the archbishop, &c. It concerned with the Interim ; and seems to have been the oath of su- the language they officiated in was premacy, which at that time con- the Low-German and French, &c. tained expressions more liable to Utenhov. Narrat. de institut. et dis- exception, being a kind of et cetera sipat. Belgarum, &c, p. 12, 28, &c. oath requiring obedience to acts and Those that went off with A Lasco statutes made or to be made, and were Low-Germans, French, Eng- concluding with, So help me God, lish, or Scots. lb. p. 22. This all saints, &c. seems confirmed by what is said, Fuller, who was once of opinion p. 250 of this volume, of their being that it was the oath of canonical of the Helvetian Confession, and of obedience that Hooper scrupled, yet their reception in Denmark. How- altered his opinion (Worthies in ever, I am not positive further than Somersetshire, p. 22) upon these or Utenhovius' account will bear me such like reasons. If Parsons' au- out, which I have not by me. [B.] thority were of any weight, he ex- 95 The passport was signed in pressly says, it was the oath of su- March 1554, to go with four ser- premacy. De tribus convers. par. 3. vants, and three horses. [S.] book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1550.) 269 consideration of the public service he was thought to have done 155 the nation by his History, he was permitted to hold his arch- Rot. Pat. 4. deaconry of Wells, and his prebend of Nonnington, notwith- p.fr'tVJ' standing-his absence out of the kingdom. On the 26th96 of [ap.Rymer, ' June Poynet was declared bishop of Rochester, and Coverdale xv' p' 234'J was made coadjutor to Veysey, bishop of Exeter. About the end of this year, or the beginning of the next, A review of there was a review made of the Common Prayer Book. Seve- ^oniwer ral things had been continued in it, either to draw in some of Book. the bishops, who by such yielding might be prevailed on to j^ r' concur in it ; or in compliance with the people, who were fond mer< xv- of their old superstitions. So now a review of it was set about. Martin Bucer was consulted in it ; and Alesse, the Scotch divine mentioned in the former97 part, translated it into Latin for his use. Upon which Bucer writ his opinion, which he BucSr's ad- finished the fifth of January in the year following. The sub- ^rninsTit stance of it was, that he found all things in the common ser vice and daily prayers were clearly according to the scriptures. He advised, that in cathedrals the quire might not be too far separated from the congregation, since in some places the peo ple could not hear them read prayers. He wished there were a strict discipline to exclude scandalous livers from the sacra ment. He wished the old habits might be laid aside, since some used them superstitiously, and others contended much about them. He did not like the half office of communion or second service to be said at the altar, when there was no sacra ment. He was offended with the requiring the people to receive at least once a year, and would have them pressed to it much more frequently. He disliked that the priests gene rally read prayers with no devotion, and in such a voice that the people understood not what they said. He would have the sacrament delivered into the hands, and not put into the mouths of the people. He censured praying for the dead, of which no mention is made in the scripture, nor by Justin Mar tyr, an age after. He thought that the prayer, that the ele ments might be to us the body and blood of Christ, favoured transubstantiation too much ; a small variation might bring it 96 [The letters patent are dated 29th. King Edward's Journal says June 6. Vide Rymer, Feed. xv. that he did homage June 30th.] p. 237. He was consecrated June 97 [See part I. p. 308.] 270 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. nearer to a scripture form. He complained that baptism was generally in houses, which, being the receiving infants into the church, ought to be done more publicly. The hallowing of the water, the chrism, and the white garment, he censured as being too" scenical. He excepted to the exorcising the Devil, and would have it turned to a prayer to God ; that authorita tive way of saying, I adjure, not being so decent. He thought the godfathers answering in the child's name not so well as to answer in their own, that they should take care in these things all they could. He would not have confirmation given upon a bare recital of the Catechism ; but would have it delayed till the persons did really desire to renew the baptismal vow. He would have catechising every holyday, and not every sixth Sunday : and that people should be still catechised, after they were confirmed, to preserve them from ignorance. He would have all marriages to be made in the full congregation. He would have the giving unction to the sick, and praying for the dead, to be quite laid aside : as also the offering the chrisoms at the churching of women. He advised, that the communion should be celebrated four times a year. He sadly lamented the want of faithful teachers ; and entreated the archbishop to see to the mending of this, and to think on some stricter ways of examining those who were to be ordained, than barely the 156 putting of some questions to them. Ad this I have gathered out the more largely, that it may appear how carefudy things were then considered : and that almost in every particular the most material things which Bucer excepted to were corrected afterwards. But at the same time, the king having taken such care of him, that, hearing he had suffered in his health last winter by the want of a stove, such as is used in Germany, he had sent him 20/. to have one made for him. He was told that the king would expect a new year's gift from him, of a book made for his own use : so, upon that occasion, he writ a book entitled, Bucer writ Concerning the Kingdom of Christ98. He sets out in it the the°king''s m'series of Germany, which, he says, were brought -on them by nee. their sins ; for they would bear no discipline ; nor were the ministers so earnest in it as was fitting : though in Hungary it 98 [De Regno Christi libri duo. Bas. 1557.] book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1550.) 271 was otherwise. He writes largely of ecclesiastical discipline ; which was intended chiefly for separating ill men from the sa crament, and to make good men avoid their company, whereby they might be ashamed. He presses much the sanctification of the Lord's day, and of the other holydays, and that there might be many days of fasting : but he thought Lent had been so abused, that other times for it might be more expedient. He complains much of pluralities and nonresidence, as a re mainder of popery, so hurtful to the church, that in many places there were but one or two, or few more sermons in a whole year : but he thought that much was not to be expected from the greatest part of the clergy, unless the king would set himself vigorously to reform these things. Lastly, he would have a complete exposition of the doctrine of the church di gested, and set out : and he proposed divers laws to the king's consideration; as, 1. For catechising children. 2. For sanctifying holydays. 3. For preserving churches for God's service, not to be made places for walking, or for commerce. 4. To have the pastoral function entirely restored to what it ought to be ; that bishops, throwing off all secular cares, should give themselves to their spiritual employments : he advises that coadjutors might be given to some, and a council of presbyters be appointed for them all. It was plain, that many of them complied with the laws against their minds ; these he would have deprived. He advises rural bishops to be set over twenty or thirty parishes, who should gather their clergy often toge ther, and inspect them closely : and that a provincial synod should meet twice a year, where a secular man, in the king's name, should be appointed to observe their proceedings. 5. For restoring church lands, that all who served the church might be well provided : if any lived in luxury upon their high revenues, it was reasonable to make them use them better; but not to blame or rob the church for their fault. 6. For the maintenance of the poor, for whom anciently a fourth part of the church's goods was assigned. The 7th was about marriage. That the prohibited degrees might be well settled ; marriage without consent of parents 272 THE HISTORY OF [part II. annulled ; and that a second marriage might be lawful after a divorce, which he thought might be made for adultery, and some other reasons. 8. For the education of youth. 157 9. For restraining the excess of some people's living. 10. For reforming and explaining the laws of the land, which his father had begun. 11. To place good magistrates; that no office should be sold, and that inferior magistrates should often give an account to the superior, of the administration of their offices. 12. To consider well who were made judges. 13. To give order that none should be put in prison upon slight offences. The 14th was for moderating of some punishments : chiefly, the putting of thieves to death, which was too severe ; whereas adultery was too slightly passed over : though adultery be a greater wrong to the suffering party than any theft, and so was punished with death by Moses' law. The king This book was sent to the young king. And he having thmks of received it, set himself to write a general discourse about a reforming . « many ab- reformation of the nation, which is the second among the dis- ", 1S' courses written by him, that follow the Journal of his reign. Remains, In it he takes notice of the corrections of the book of the Numb. 2. Liturgy which were then under consideration ; as also, that it was necessary there should be a rule of church discipline, for the censure of ill livers ; but he thought that power was not to be put into the hands of all tl)e bishops at that time. From thence he goes on to discourse of the ill state of the nation, and of the remedies that seemed proper for it. The first he proposes was the education of youth ; next,- the cor rection of some laws ; and there either broke it off, or the rest of it is lost. In which, as there is a great discovery of a mar vellous probity of mind, so there are strange hints, to come from one not yet fourteen years of age. And yet it is all written with his own hand, and in such a manner, that any who shall look on the original will clearly see it was his own work : the style is simple, and suitable to a child. Few men can make such composures, but somewhat above a child will appear in their style; which makes me conclude it was all a device of his own. book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1550.) 273 This year the king began to write his Journal himself. The He writes first three years of his reign are set down in a short way of aii°pr™ ted- recapitulating matters : but this year he set down what was higs during done every day, that was of any moment, together with the foreign news that were sent over. And oftentimes he called to mind passages some days after they were done ; and some time, after the middle of a month, he tells what was done in the beginning of it : which shews clearly it was his own work ; for if it had been drawn for him by any that were about him, and given him only to copy out for his memory, it would have been more exact : so that there remains no doubt with me but that it was his own originally. And therefore, since all who have writ of that time have drawn their informations from that Journal ; and though they have printed some of the letters he wrote when a child, which are indeed the meanest things that ever fell from him ; yet, except one little fragment, nothing of it has been yet published : I have copied it out entirely, and set it before my Collection. I have added to it Collect. some other papers that were also writ by him. The first of w™f>a 158 these is in French ; it is a collection of many passages out of Remains, the Old Testament against idolatry and the worshipping of images, which he dedicated to his uncle, being then protector ; the original under his own hand lies in Trinity college in Cam bridge, from whence I copied the preface and the conclusion, which are printed in the Collection after his Journal. There was nothing else done of moment this year, in rela- Ridley vi- tion to the church, save the visitation made of the diocese of cege London by Ridley, their new bishop. But the exact time of [Ridley's it is not set down in the register. It was, according to king f0i. 305.] Edward's Journal, some time before the 26th of June : for he writes, that on that day, sir John Gates, the high sheriff of Essex, was sent down with letters to see the bishop of London's injunctions performed, which touched the plucking down of superaltaries, altars, and such like ceremonies and abuses : so that the visitation must have been about the beginning of June. The articles of it are in bishop Sparrow's Collection. They are concerning the doctrines, and lives, and labours, and chari ties of the clergy ; viz. Whether they spake in favour of the bishop of Rome, or against the use of the scripture, or against the Book of Common Prayer? Whether they stirred up BURNET, PART II. T 274 THE HISTORY OF [part II. Collect. Numb. 52. He orders all altars to be turned to tables for the com munion. sedition, or sold the communion, or trentals, or used private masses any where? Whether any anabaptists or others used private conventicles, with different opinions and forms from these established? Whether there were any that said the wickedness of the minister took away the effect of the sacraments, or denied repentance to such as sinned after bap tism? Other questions were about baptisms and marriages. Whether the curates did visit the sick, and bury the dead, and expound the Catechism, at least some part of it, once in six weeks ? Whether any observed abrogated holydays, or the rites that were now put down ? To these he added some injunctions, which are in the Collec tion. Most of them relate to fhe old superstitions, which some of the priests were still inclinable to practise, and for which they had been gently, if at all, reproved by Bonner. Such were, washing their hands at the altar, holding up the bread, licking the chalice, blessing their eyes with the paten or sudary, and many other relics of the mass. The ministers were also required to charge the people oft to give alms, and to come oft to the communion, and to carry themselves reve rently at church. But that which was most new was, that there having been great contests about the form of the Lord's board, whether it should be made as an altar, or as a table ; therefore, since the form of a table was more like to turn the people from the superstition of the popish mass, and to the right use of the Lord's supper, he exhorted the curates and churchwardens to have it in the fashion of a table, decently covered ; and to place it in such part of the quire or chancel as should be most meet, so that the ministers and communi cants should be separated from the rest of the people: and that they should put down all by-altars. There are many passages among ancient writers, that shew their communion tables were of wood ; and that they were so made as tables, that those who fled into churches for sanctuary did hide themselves under them. The name altar came to he given to these generally, because they accounted the eucharist a sacrifice of praise, as also a commemorative sacrifice of the oblation which Christ made of himself on the cross. From 159 hence it was, that the communion table was called also an altar. But now it came to be considered, whether, as these terms had book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1550.) 275 been on good reason brought into the church, when there was no thought of the corruptions that followed ; so if it was not fit, since they did still support the belief of an expiatory sacri fice in the mass, and the opinion of transubstantiation, and were always but figurative forms of speech, to change them : and to do that more effectually, to change the form and place of them. Some have fondly though^ that Ridley gave this injunction after the letter which'the council writ to him in the end of November following. But as there was no fit time to begin a visitation after that time this year, so the style of the injunctions shews that they were given before the letter. The injunction only exhorts the curates to do it, which Ridley could not have done in such soft words, after the council had re quired and commanded him to do it : so it appears, that the injunctions were given only by his episcopal power. And that afterwards, the same matter being brought before the council, who were informed, that in many places there had been con tests about it, some being for keeping to their old custom, and others being set on a change, the council thought fit to send their letter concerning it to Ridley in the beginning 96 of No vember following. The letter sets out, that altars were taken away, in divers places, upon good and godly considerations, but still continued in other places ; by which there rose much contention among the king's subjects ; therefore, for avoiding that, they did charge and command him to give substantial order through all his diocese for removing all altars, and set ting up tables every where for the communion to be admin istered in some convenient part of the chancel : and, that these orders might be the better received, there were reasons sent with the letters, which he was to cause discreet preachers to declare, in such places as he thought fit, and that himself should set them out in his own cathedral, if conveniently he could. The reasons9? were, to remove the people from the supersti tious opinions" of the popish mass; and because a table was a more proper name than an altar, for that on which the sacra ment was laid. And whereas in the Book of Common Prayer these terms are promiscuously used, it is done without prescrib- 9fi For beginning say the 24th. [S.] 97 These reasons were drawn up by Ridley. [S.] T 2 276 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. ing any thing about the form of them, so that the changing the one into the other did not alter any part of the Liturgy. It was observed, that altars were erected for the sacrifices under the law ; which ceasing, they were also to cease : and that Christ had instituted the sacrament not at an altar, but at a table. And it had been ordered by the preface to the Book of Common Prayer, that, if any doubt arose about any part of it, the determining of it should be referred to the bishop of the diocese. Upon these reasons therefore was this change ordered to be made all over England, which was universally executed this year. Sermons on There began this year a practice, which might seem in itself davs fof- no* onty innocent) Dut good, of preaching sermons and lectures bidden. on the week-days, to which there was great running from neighbouring parishes. This, as it begat emulation in the clergy, so it was made use of as a pretence for many to leave their labour, and gad idly about. Upon complaint therefore made of it, Ridley had a letter sent to him from the councd 160 against all preaching on working-days, on which there should only be prayers. How this was submitted to then, is not clear. But it cannot be denied, that there have been since that time excesses on all hands in this matter : while some have, with great sincerity and devotion, kept up these in market-towns ; but others have carried them on with too much faction, and a design to detract from such as were not so eminent in their way of preaching. Upon these abuses, while some rulers have studied to put all such performances down, rather than to cor rect the abuses in them, great contradiction has followed on it; and the people have been possessed with unjust prejudices against them, as hinderers of the word of God : and that oppo sition has kept up the zeal for these lectures ; which neverthe less, since they have been more freely preached, have of late years produced none of the ill effects that did fodow them for merly, when they were endeavoured to be suppressed. And thus I end the transactions about religion this year. The rest of the affairs at home were chiefly for the regulating of many abuses, that had grown up and been nourished by a long continuance of war. All the foreign soldiers were dis missed : and though the duke of Lunenberg had offered the king ten thousand men to his assistance, and desired to enter booki.J THE REFORMATION. (1550.) 277 into a treaty of marriage for the lady Mary, they only thanked him for the offer of his soldiers, of which they, being now at peace with all their neighbours, had no need ; and since the proposition for marrying the lady Mary to the infant of Portu gal was yet in dependence, they could not treat in that kind with any other prince till that overture was some way ended. There were endeavours also for encouraging trade, and reform ing the coin. And at the court things began to put on a new visage : for there was no more any faction ; the duke of So merset and the earl of Warwick being now joined into a near alliance ; the earl's eldest son, the lord Lisle, marrying the duke's daughter : so that there was a good prospect of happy times. In Scotland, the peace being proclaimed, the government The affairs was now more entirely in the hands of the duke of Chatel- °fnd00t' herault, who gave himself up wholly to the counsels of his base [Thuanus, brother, who was archbishop of St. Andrew's. And he was so p- 2 abandoned to his pleasures, that there was nothing so bad that he was ashamed of. He kept another man's wife openly for his concubine. There were also many excesses in the govern ment. Which things, as they alienated all people's minds from the clergy, so they disposed them to receive the new doctrines, which many teachers were bringing from England, and pre pared them for the changes that followed afterwards. The queen-mother went over into France in September, pretending it was to see her daughter, and the rest of her kindred there : where she laid down the method for the wresting of the go vernment of Scotland out of the governor's hands, and taking it into her own. The emperor appointed a diet of the empire to meet in the And of end of July 98, and required all to appear personally at it, ex- i-j^™^ ' cept such as were hindered by sickness, of which they were to Thuanus, make faith upon oath. And at the same time he proscribed p' the town of Magdeburg, But the magistrates of that town set out a large manifesto for their own vindication, as they had 161 done the former year. They said, " They were ready to give " him all the obedience that they were bound to by the laws of " the empire. They were very apprehensive of the mischiefs 98 [Caesar . . . significabat . . . de- Quintil. quibus ut omnes intersint crevisse conventus Imperii habere et rogat et jubet &c. Thuanus, vi. Augusta? Vindelicorum ad vi. Kal. 17. p. 228.] THE HISTORY OF [part ii. " of a civil war. They were not so blind as to think they were " able to resist the emperor's great armies, lifted up with so " many victories, if they trusted only to their own strength. " They had hitherto done no act of hostility to any, but what " they were forced to for their own defence. It was visible, " the true ground of the war of Germany was religion, to ex- " tinguish the light of the gospel, and to subdue them again to " the papal tyranny : for the artifices that were formerly used " to disguise it did now appear too manifestly ; so that it was " not any more denied. But it would be too late to see it, " when Germany was quite oppressed. In civil matters, they " said, they would yield to the miseries of the time : but St. " Peter had taught them, that it was better to obey God than " man ; and therefore they were resolved to put ad things to " hazard, rather than to make shipwreck of faith and a good " conscience." There were tumults raised in Strasburg, and divers other towns, against those who set up the mass among them ; and, generally, ad Germany was disposed to a revolt, if they had had but a head to lead them. [Ibid. p. The emperor had also set out a very severe edict in Flan- 229-* ders, when he left it, against all that favoured the new doc trines, as they were called. But the execution of this was stopped at the intercession of the town of Antwerp, when they perceived the English were resolved to remove from thence, [July 26.] and carry their trade to some other place. When the diet was opened, the emperor pressed them to submit to the council, which the new pope had removed back to Trent. Maurice of Saxe answered, he could not submit to it, unless all that had [Ibid. p. been done formerly in it should be reviewed, and the divines of I3°'^ the Augsburg Confession were both heard and admitted to a suffrage ; and the pope should subject himself to their decrees, and dispense with the oath which the bishops had sworn to him : on these terms he would submit to it, and not otherwise. This was refused to be entered into the registers of the diet by the elector of Mentz ; but there was no haste, for the council was not to sit till the next year. The emperor complained much that the Interim was not generally received : to which it was answered by the princes, that it was necessary to give the people time to overcome their former prejudices. All seemed to comply with him : and Maurice did so insinuate himself into him, that the siege of Magdeburg being now formed, and a book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1550.) 279 great many princes having gathered forces against it, among whom the duke of Brunswick and the duke of Mecklenburg were the most forward : yet he got himself declared by the diet general of the empire, for the reduction of that place; and he had 100,000 crowns for undertaking it, and 60,000 [Ibid. crowns a month were appointed for the expense of the war. p' 233*l He saw well, that, if Magdeburg were closely pressed, it would soon be taken, and then all Germany would be brought to the emperor's devotion : and so the war would end in a slavery. But he hoped so to manage this small remainder of the war, as to draw great effects from it. This was a fatal step to the emperor, thus to trust a prince who was of a different religion, and had a deep resentment of the injury he had done him, in detaining his father-in-law, the landgrave of Hesse, prisoner, against the faith he had given him. But the emperor reck- 162 oned, that, as long as he had John duke of Saxe in his hands, Maurice durst not depart from his interests; since it seemed an easy thing for him to repossess the other of his dominions and dignity. Thus was the crafty emperor deluded ; and now put that, upon which the completing of his great designs de pended, into the hands of one that proved too hard for him at that in which he was such a master, cunning and dissimula tion. In these consultations did this year end. In the beginning 1551. of the next year there was a great complaint brought against The com- i> 1 , ¦ -, r- n t i 1 tij- pliance of Dr. Oglethorp, afterwards bishop of Carlisle under queen Mary, the popish and now president of Magdalen college in Oxford. But he, to clersy- secure himself from that part of the complaint that related to religion, being accused as one that was against the new book of service, and the king's other proceedings, signed a paper, (which will be found in the Collection,) in which he declared, Collect 8vo., with Confutatio quorun- can assure your lordship they are dam articulorum de votis monasticis wrote to Parker, not to Cranmer. Pet. Martyris Itali.] And if your lordship has any doubt 1 This was not before Cranmer, of it, I can make it very evident. but long after, before archbishop [B.] booki.J THE REFORMATION. (15.51.) 281 163 ligion ; and called, in St. Paul's words, God to be a witness against his soul if he lied. He had also, in the beginning of this reign, made a recantation sermon of some opinions he had held concerning the mass ; but what these were, king Edward's Journal (from whence I gather it) does not inform us 3. Day, # bishop of Chichester, did also now so far comply as to preach a sermon at court against transubstantiation, though he had re fused to set his hand to the Book of Common Prayer, before it was enacted by law. For the principle that generally ran among the popish party was, that though they would not con sent to the making of such alterations in religion, yet, being made, they would give obedience to them, which Gardiner plainly professed ; and it appeared in the practice of all the rest. This was certainly a gross sort of compliance in those who retained the old opinions, and yet did now declare against them ; and, in the worship they offered up to God, acted con trary to them : which was the highest degree of prevarication, both with God and man, that was possible. But Cranmer was always gentle and moderate : he left their private consciences to God ; but thought, that, if they gave an external obedience, the people would be brought to receive the changes more easily; whereas the proceeding severely against them might have raised more opposition. He was also naturally a man of bowels and compassion, and did not love to drive things to extremities. He considered, that men who had grown old in some errors could not easily lay them down, and so were by degrees to be worn out of them. Only in the proceedings against Gardiner and Bonner, he was carried beyond his ordi nary temper. But Gardiner he knew to be so inveterate a papist, and so deep a dissembler, that he was for throwing him out, not so much for the particulars objected to him, as upon the ill character he had of him. Bonner had also deceived 3 The particulars were: 1. con- Paul's cross in London Anno 1547, cerning submission to governors in 15 Mary: by Master Richard Smith, church and state; 2. concerning D. D. and reader of the King's Ma- unwritten traditions ; 3. concern- jesty's lecture in Oxford ; revoking ing the sacrifice of the mass, &c. ; therein certain errors and faults by as maybe seen in his retractation, him committed in some of his books. printed at London, an. 1547 cum It was repeated at Oxford, July the priv. entitled, ' A godly and faithful 24th, the same year. [B.] retractation made and published at death. 282 THE HISTORY OF [part n. him so formerly, and had been so cruel a persecutor upon the statute of the six articles, and was become so brutal and luxu rious, that he judged it necessary to purge the church of him : and the sees of London and Winchester were of such conse quence, that he was induced, for having these well supplied, to stretch a little in these proceedings against those dissembling bishops. Bucer's In the end of February he lost his friend Martin Bucer, on whose assistance he had depended much, in what remained yet to be done. Bucer died of the stone, and griping of the guts, on the 28th of February4. He lay ill almost all that month, and expressed great desire to die. Bradford, who will be men tioned in the next book with much honour, waited most on him in his sickness. He lamented much the desolate state of Germany, and expressed his apprehensions of some such stroke coming upon England, by reason of the great dissoluteness of the people's manners, of the want of ecclesiastical discipline, and the general neglect of the pastoral charge. He was very patient in all his pain, which grew violent on him : he lay oft silent ; only, after long intervals, cried out sometimes, Chastise me, Lord, but throw me not off in my old age. He was, by order from Cranmer and sir John Cheke, buried with the highest solemnities that could be devised, to express the value the university had for him. The vice-chancellor, and all the graduates, and the mayor, with all the town, accompanied his funeral to St. Mary's ; where, after prayers, Haddon, the uni versity orator, made such a speech concerning him, and pro nounced it with that affection, that almost the whole assembly 164 shed tears. Next, Dr. Parker, that had been his most inti mate friend, made an English sermon in his praise, and con cerning the sorrowing for our departed friends. And the day following Dr. Redmayn, then master of Trinity college, made another sermon concerning death ; and in it gave a full ac count of Bucer's life and death. He particularly commended 4 It is not very material whether executors of his will. he died this day or the day after. Nicholas Carr, likewise present, But he died the ist of March, if says Calendis Martiis in his letter Parker and Haddon's account may to Cheke. These I suppose are the be taken, who were present, and best authorities. [B.] bore a part at his funeral, and were booklJ THE REFORMATION. (1551.) 283 the great sweetness of his temper to all, but remarkably to those who differed from him. Redmayn and he had differed in many things, both concerning justification, and the influ ences of the divine grace. But he said, as Bucer had satisfied him in some things, so he believed, if he had lived, he had satisfied him in more ; and that, he being dead, he knew none alive from whom he could learn so much. This character given him by so grave and learned a man, who was in many points of a different persuasion from him, was a great commendation to them both. And Redmayn was indeed an extraordinary person. All in the university, that were eminent either in Greek or Latin poetry, did adorn his coffin with epitaphs ; in which they expressed a very extraordinary sense of their loss : about- which one Carr5 writ a copious and passionate letter to sir John Cheke. But Peter Martyr bore his death with the most sensible sorrow that could be imagined ; having in him lost a father, and the only intimate friend he had in England. He was a very learned, judicious, pious, and moderate person. Hischarac- Perhaps he was inferior to none of all the reformers for learn- ter- ing; but for zeal, for true piety, and a most tender care of preserving unity among the foreign churches, Melancthon and he, without any injury done the rest, may be ranked apart by themselves. He was much opposed by the popish party at Cambridge ; who, though they complied with the law, and so kept their places, yet, either in the way of argument, as it had been for dispute's sake, or in such points as were not deter mined, set themselves much to lessen his esteem. Nor was he furnished naturally with the quickness that is necessary for a dispute, from which they studied to draw advantages ; and therefore Peter Martyr writ to him to avoid all public disputes with them : for they did not deal candidly on these occasions. They often kept up their questions till the hour of the dispute, that so the extemporary faculty of him who was to preside might be the more exposed ; and, right or wrong, they used to make exclamations, and run away with a triumph. In one of his letters to Bucer, he particularly mentions Dr. Smith for an instance of this. It was that Smith, he said, who writ against the marriage of priests, and yet was believed to live in 5 Nicholas Carr, Regius Professor and a great restorer of learning in of the Greek tongue in Cambridge, that University. [G.] 284 THE HISTORY OF [part n. adultery with his man's wife. This letter was occasioned by the disputes that were in August the former year, between Bucer and Sedgwick, Young and Pern, about the authority of the scripture and the church. Which disputes Bucer intending to publish, caused them to be writ out, and sent the copy to them to be corrected; offering them, that, if any thing was omitted that they had said, or if they had any thing else to say which was forgot in the dispute, they might add it: but they sent back the papers to him without vouchsafing to read them. At Ratisbon he had a conference with Gardiner, who was then king Henry's ambassador ; in which Gardiner broke out into such a violent passion, that, as he spared no reproach ful words, so the company thought he would have fallen on Bucer and beat him. He was in such disorder, that the little vein between his thumb and fore-finger did swed and palpi- 165 tate ; which, Bucer said, he had never before that observed in any person in his life. Gardiner is But as Bucer was taken away by death, so Gardiner was epnve . goon af(.er6 pUt 0VL^ whieh was a kind of death ; though he had [Fox, lib. afterwards a resurrection fatal to very many. There was a ix. p. 84.] comm;ss;0n issued out to the archbishop ; the bishops of Lon don, Ely, and Lincoln ; secretary Petre ; judge Hales ; Grif fith, and Leyson, two civilians 7, and Goodrick, and Gosnold, two masters of chancery, to proceed against Gardiner for his contempt in the matters formerly objected to him. He put in a compurgation, by which he endeavoured to shew there was malice borne to him and conspiracies against him, as appeared by the business of sir Henry Knyvet, mentioned in the former part, and the leaving him out of the late king's will, which he said was procured by his enemies. He complained of his long imprisonment without any trial, and that articles of one sort after another were brought to him : so that it was plain he was not detained for any crime, but to try if such usage could force him to do any thing that should be imposed on him. He declared, that what order soever were set out by the king's council, he should never speak against it, but to the council themselves: and that though he could not give con- 6 Soon after — read sometime be- 7 Griffith Leyson was only one fore. It was on the 14th of Fe- civilian: the other was John Oliver, bruary. [S.] LL.D. [B.] book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1551.) 285 sent to the changes before they were made, he was now well satisfied to obey them ; but he would never make any acknow ledgment of any fault. The things chiefly laid against him were, that, being required, he refused to preach concerning the king's power when he was under age ; and that he had affronted preachers sent by the king into his diocese, and had been negligent in obeying the king's injunctions ; and conti nued, after all, so obstinate, that he would not confess his fault, nor ask the king mercy. His crimes were aggravated by this, that his timely asserting the king's power under age might have been a great mean for preventing the rebedion and effu sion of blood, which had afterwards happened, chiefly on that pretence, to which his obstinacy had given no small occasion. Upon this, many witnesses were examined ; chiefly the duke of Somerset, the earls of Wiltshire and Bedford, who deposed against him. But to this he answered, that he was not re quired to do it by any order of council, but only in a private discourse, to which he did not think himself bound to give obedience. Other witnesses were also examined on the other particulars. But he appealed from the delegates to the king in person. Yet his judges, on the 18th of April 8, gave sen tence against him ; by which, for his disobedience and con tempt, they deprived him of his bishopric. Upon that he re newed his protestation and appeal : and so his process ended, and he was sent back to the Tower, where he lay till queen Mary discharged him. The same censures, with the same justifications, belong both to this and Bonner's business : so I shall repeat nothing that was formerly said. He had taken a commission, as well as Bonner, to hold his bishopric only during the king's pleasure ; so they both had the less reason to complain, which way soever the royal pleasure was signified to them. Eight days after 9, on the 26th of April, Poynet was translated from Rochester to 8 [His successor had been pre- ter, was appointed and admitted viously appointed, as appears by the Bishop of Winchester.' Archseolo- following extract from the Council gia, vol. xviii. p. TS3-] Book: 9 [The letters patent are dated 'At Westminster the 8 Day of March 23, 1550-1. Vide Rymer, March an. 1550. This day, by the Feed. xv. p. 253.] See also Harmer, King's Majesty's own appointment,' Specimen of Errors, p. 99. Doctor Poynete Bishop of Roches- 286 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. Winchester ; and had two thousand marks a year in lands as signed him out of that wealthy bishopric for his subsistence. [April 6.] Dr. Story 10 was made bishop of Rochester. Vesey, bishop of xvfp!?82.] Exeter> did a^o resign, pretending extreme old age; but he 166 had reserved 4851. a year in pension for himself during life, out of the lands of the bishopric ; and almost all the rest he had basely alienated, taking care only of himself, and ruining [Aug. 4, his successors. Miles Coverdale was made bishop of Exeter. 283.] So that now the bishoprics were generally filled with men well Hooper affected to the reformation u. The business of Hooper was crated now also settled : he was to be attired in the vestments that upon his Were prescribed when he was consecrated, and when he conform.-ity. preached before the king, or in his cathedral, or in anj' public [March 8.] pjace; DUt he was dispensed with upon other occasions. On these conditions he was consecrated in March ; for the writ for doing it bears date the 7th of that month. So now, the bishops being generally addicted to the purity of religion, most of this year was spent in preparing acticles, which should contain the doc trine of the church of England. Many thought they should have begun first of all with those. But Cranmer, upon good reasons, was of another mind, though much pressed by Bucer about it. Till the order of bishops was brought to such a model, that the far greater part of them would agree to it, it was much fitter to let that design go on slowly, than to set out a profession of their belief, to which so great a part of the chief pastors might be obstinately averse. The corruptions that were most important were those in the worship, by which men, in their immediate addresses to God, were necessarily involved in unlawful compliances ; and these seemed to require a more speedy reformation. But for specu lative points there was not so pressing a necessity to have them all explained, since in these men might with less prejudice be left to a freedom in their opinions. It seemed also advisable to open and ventilate matters in public disputations and books, written about them for some years, before they should go too hastily to determine them ; lest, if they went too fast in that 19 For Dr. Scory. [G.] [Pro- " The greater part of the bishops bably the author spelt the name as were enemies to the reformation. he found it in the Letters Patent, [S.] where it is written as in the text.] book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1551.) 287 affair, it would not be so decent to make alterations after wards ; nor could the clergy be of a sudden brought to change their old opinions. Therefore, upon all these considerations, that work was delayed till this year ; in which they set about it, and finished it, before the convocation met in the next February. In what method they proceeded for the compiling of these articles ; whether they were given out to several bishops and divines to deliver their opinions concerning them, as was done formerly, or not, it is not certain. I have found it often said, that they were framed by Cranmer and Ridley ; which I think more probable ; and that they were by them sent about to others, to correct or add to them as they saw cause. They are in the Collection, with the differences be- Collect. tween these and those set out in queen Elizabeth's time marked u 5S" on the margin. They began with the assertion of the blessed Trinity, the The Arti- incarnation of the eternal Word, and Christ's descent into hell ; JW30° ar(f' grounding this last on these words of St. Peter, of his preach- prepared. ing to the spirits that were in prison. The next article was about Christ's resurrection. The fifth, about the scriptures containing all things necessary to salvation: so that nothing was to be held an article of faith that could not be proved from thence. The sixth, That the Old Testament was to be kept still. 167 The 7th, For the receiving the three Creeds ; the Apostles', the Nicene, and Athanasius' Creed : in which they went ac cording to the received opinion, that Athanasius was the author of that Creed, which is now found not to have been compiled till near three ages after him. The 8th makes original sin to be the corruption of the na ture of all men descending from Adam ; by which they had fallen from original righteousness, and were by nature given to evil : but they defined nothing about the derivation of guilt from Adam's sin. The 9th; For the necessity of prevailing grace, without which we have no freewill to do things acceptable to God. The 10th ; About divine grace, which changeth a man, and yet puts no force on his will. The 11th ; That men are justified by faith only ; as was de clared in the homily. 288 THE HISTORY OF [part n. The 12th ; That works done before grace are not without sin. The 13th ; Against all works of supererogation. The 14th; That all men, Christ only excepted, are guilty of sin. The 15th ; That men who have received grace may sin afterwards, and rise again by repentance. The 16th ; That the blaspheming against the Holy Ghost is, when men out of malice and obstinately rail against God's word, though they are convinced of it, yet persecuting it ; which is unpardonable. The 17th ; That predestination is God's free election of those whom he afterwards justifies ; which though it be matter of great comfort to such as consider it aright, yet it is a danger ous thing for curious and carnal men to pry into : and, it being a secret, men are to be governed by God's revealed will. They added not a word of reprobation. The 18th ; That only the name of Christ, and not the law or light of nature, can save men. The 19th ; That all men are bound to keep the moral law. The 20th ; That the church is a congregation of faithful men, who have the word of God preached, and the sacraments rightly administered : and that the church of Rome, as well as other particular churches, have erred in matters of faith. The 21st; That the church is only the witness and keeper of the word of God : but cannot appoint any thing contrary to it, nor declare any articles of faith without warrant from it. The 22nd ; That general councds may not be gathered with out the consent of princes ; that they may err, and have erred, in matters of faith : and that their decrees in matters of salva tion have strength only as they are taken out of the scriptures. The 23rd ; That the doctrines of purgatory, pardons, wor shipping of images and relics, and invocation of saints, are without any warrant, and contrary to the scriptures. The 24th ; That none may preach or minister the sacra ments, without he be lawfully caded by men who have lawful authority. The 25th ; That all things should be spoken in the church in a vulgar tongue. The 26th ; That there are two sacraments, which are not book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1551.) 289 bare tokens of our profession, but effectual signs of God's good- 168 will to us; which strengthen our faith, yet not by virtue only of the work wrought, but in those who receive them worthily. The 2~th ; That the virtue of these does not depend on the minister of them. The 28th ; That by baptism we are the adopted sons of God ; and that infant baptism is to be commended, and in any ways to be retained. The 29th ; That the Lord's supper is not a bare token of love among Christians, but is the communion of the body and blood of Christ ; that the doctrine of transubstantiation is con trary to scripture, and hath given occasion to much super stition : that a body being only in one place, and Christ's body being in. heaven, therefore there cannot be a real and bodily presence of his flesh and blood in it : and that this sacrament is not to be kept, carried about, lifted up, nor worshipped. The 30th ; That there is no other propitiatory sacrifice, but that which Christ offered on the cross. The 31st; That the clergy are not by God's command obliged to abstain from marriage. The 32nd ; That persons rightly excommunicated are to be looked on as heathens* till they are by penance reconciled, and received by a judge competent. The 33rd ; It is not necessary that ceremonies should be the , same at all times ; but such as refuse to obey lawful ceremo nies ought to be openly reproved as offending against law and order, giving scandal to the weak. The 34th ; That the Homilies are godly and wholesome, and ought to be read. The 35th ; That the Book of Common Prayer is not re pugnant, but agreeable to the gospel, and ought to be received by all. The 36th ; That the king is supreme head under Christ : that the bishop of Rome hath no jurisdiction in England : that the civil magistrate is to be obeyed for conscience sake : that men may be put to death for great offences : and that it is lawful for Christians to make war. The 37th ; That there is not to be a community of all men's goods; but yet every man ought to give to the poor according to his ability. BURNET, PART II. U 290 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. The 38th ; That though rash swearing is condemned, yet such as are required by the magistrate may take an oath. The 39th ; That the resurrection is not already past, but at the last day men shall rise with the same bodies they now have. The 40th ; That departed souls do not die, nor sleep with their bodies, and continue without sense till the last day. The 4lst ; That the fable of the Millenaries is contrary to scripture, and a Jewish dotage. The last condemned those who believed that the damned, after some time of suffering, shall be saved. Thus was the doctrine of the church cast into a short and plain form : in which they took care both to establish the positive articles of religion, and to cut off the errors formerly intro duced in the time of popery, or of late broached by the ana- 169 baptists and enthusiasts of Germany; avoiding the niceties of schoolmen, or the peremptoriness of the writers of controversy; leaving, in matters that are more justly controvertible, a liberty to divines to follow their private opinions, without thereby dis turbing the peace of the church. There was in the ancient church a great simplicity in their creeds, and the exposition of the doctrine. But afterwards, upon the breaking out of the Arian and other heresies con cerning the person of Jesus Christ, as the orthodox fathers were put to find out new terms to drive the heretics out of the equivocal use of these formerly received, so they too soon grew to love niceties, and to explain mysteries with simdes, and other subtleties, which they invented : and councils afterwards were very liberal in their anathematisms against any who did not agree in all points to their terms or ways of explanation. And though the council of Ephesus decreed that there should be no additions made to the creed, they understood that not of the whole belief of Christians, but only of the creed itself; and did also load the Christian doctrine with many curiosities. But though they had exceeded much, yet the schoolmen getting the management of the doctrine, spun their thread much finer; and did easily procure condemnations, either by papal- bulls, or the decrees of such councils as met in these times, of all that differed from them in the least matter. Upon the progress, of the reformation, the German writers, particularly Osiander> book i.J THE REFORMATION. (155 1.) 291 Illyricus, and Amstorfius, grew too peremptory, and not only condemned the Helvetian churehes for differing from them in the manner of Christ's presence in the sacrament, but were severe to one another for lesser punctilios ; and were at this time exercising the patience of the great and learned Me- lancthon, because he thought, that, in things of their own na ture indifferent, they ought f 0 have complied with the emperor. This made those in England resolve on composing these arti cles with great temper in many such points. Only one notion, that has been since taken up by some, seems not to have been then thought of ; which is, that these were rather articles of peace than of belief: so that the subscribing was rather a compromise not to teach any doctrine contrary to them, than a declaration that they believed according to them. There appears no reason for this conceit, no such thing being then declared ; so that those who subscribed did either believe them tp be true, or else they did grossly prevaricate. The next business in which the reformers were employed Some cor- this year was, the correcting the Common Prayer Book, andma(iemthe the making some additions, with the changing of such particu- Common lars, as had been retained only for a time.11 The most consider- Book. able additions were, that in the daily service they prepared a short, but most simple and grave, form of a general confession of sins ; in the use of which they intended, that those who made this confession should not content themselves with a bare recital of the words, but should join with them in their hearts a particular confession of their private sins to God. To this was added, a general absolution, or pronouncing, in the name of God, the pardon of sin to all those who did truly repent, and unfeignedly believe the gospel. For they judged, that if the people did seriously practise this, it would keep up in their 170 thoughts frequent reflections on their sins ; and it was thought, that the pronouncing a pardon upon these conditions might have a better effect on the people, than' that absolute and un qualified pardon which their priests were wont to give in con fession : by which absolution, in times of popery, the people were made to believe that their sins were thereupon certainly forgiven; than which nothing could be invented that would harden them into a more fatal security, when they thought a [u See Part iii. p. 210.] V 2 292 THE HISTORY OF [part u. full pardon could be so readily purchased. But now they heard the terms, on which they-could only expect it, every day promulgated to them. The other addition was also made, upon good consideration, in the office of the communion, to which the people were observed to come without due serious ness or preparation : therefore, for awakening their consciences more feelingly, it was ordered, that the office of the commu nion should begin with a solemn pronouncing of the Ten Com mandments, all the congregation being on their knees, as if they were hearing that law anew ; and a stop to be made at every Commandment, for the people's devotion, of imploring mercy for their past offences, and grace to observe it for the time to Come. This seemed as effectual a means as they could devise, till church-penitence were again set up, to beget in men deep reflections on their sins, and to prepare them thereby to receive that holy sacrament worthily. The other changes were, the removing of some rites which had been retained in the former book : such as the use of oil in confirmation, and extreme unction ; the prayers for souls departed, both in the communion service and in the office of burial ; the leaving out some passages in the consecration of the eucharist, that seemed to favour the belief of the corporal presence, with the use of the cross in it, and in confirmation ; with some smaller variations. And, indeed, they brought the whole Liturgy to the same form in which it is now, except some inconsiderable variations that have been since made for the clearing of some ambi guities. An ac- In the office of the communion, they added a rubric concern- count of jn„ the posture of kneeling;, which was appointed to be stid the kneeling in or o' rr the com- gesture of communicants. It was hereby declared, that that union. gesture was kept up, as a most reverent and humble way of ex pressing our great sense of the mercies of God in the death of Christ there communicated to us ; but that thereby there was no adoration intended to the bread and wine, which was gross idolatry : nor did they think the very flesh and blood of Christ were there present ; since his body, according to the nature of all other bodies, could be only in one place at once : and so he, being now in heaven, could not be corporally present in the sa crament. This was by queen Elizabeth ordered to be left out of the Common Prayer Book ; since it might have given of- book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1551.) 293 fence to some, otherwise inclinable to the communion of the church, who yet retained the belief of the corporal presence. But, since his12 present majesty's restoration, many having ex cepted to the posture, as apprehending something like idolatry or superstition might lie under it, if it were not rightly ex plained; that explication which was given in King Edward's time was again inserted in the Common Prayer Book. For the .posture, it is most likely that the first institution was in the table-gesture, which was lying along on one side. But it was apparent, in our Saviour's practice, that the Jewish 171 church had changed the posture of that institution of the pass- over, in whose room the eucharist came. For though Moses had appointed the Jews to eat their paschal lamb standing, with their loins girt, with staves in their hands, and shoes on their feet ; yet the Jews did afterwards change this into the common table-posture : of which change, though there is no mention in the Old Testament, yet we see it was so in our Saviour's time ; and since he complied with the common custom, we are sure that change was not criminal. It seemed reason able to allow the Christian church the like power in such things with the Jewish ; and as the Jews thought their coming into the promised land might be a warrant to lay aside the posture appointed by Moses, which became travellers best; so Christ being now exalted it seemed fit to receive this sacrament with higher marks of outward respect than had been proper in the first institution, when he was in the state of humiliation, and his divine glory not yet so fully revealed. Therefore in the primitive church they received standing and bending their body, in a posture of adoration : but how soon that gesture of kneeling came in, is not so exactly observed, nor is it needful to know. But surely there is a great want of ingenuity in them that are pleased to apply these orders of some later popes for kneeling at the elevation, to our kneeling : when ours is not at one such part, which might be more liable to exception, but during the whole office ; by which it is one continued act of worship, and the communicants kneel all the while. But of this no more needs to be said than is expressed in the rubric, which occasioned this digression. Thus were the reformations both of doctrine and worship Some or ders given 12 [This was written and published in the reign of King Charles II.] 294 THE HISTORY OF LPABT n- tothe prepared: to which all I can add of this year is, that there charms were six eminent preachers chosen out to be the king's chap lains in ordinary : two of those were always to attend at court ; and four to be sent over England to preach and instruct the people. In the first year, two of these were> go into Wales, and the other two into Lancashire; the next year, two into the marches of Scotland, and two into Yorkshire ; the third year, two into Devonshire, and two into Hampshire; and the fourth year, two into Norfolk, and two into Kent and Sussex : these were, Bid, Harle13, Pern, Grindal, Bradford; the name of the sixth14 is so dashed in the king's Journal, that it cannot be read. These, it seems, were accounted the most zealous and readiest preachers of that time ; who were thus sent about as itinerants to supply the defects of the greatest part of the clergy, who were generally very faulty. The lady The business of the lady Mary was now taken up with more tmSto" heat than formerly. The emperor's earnest suit, that she have mass might have mass in her house, was long rejected: for it was chapel. said, that as the king did not interpose in the matters of the emperor's government, so there was no reason for the emperor to meddle in his affairs. Yet the state of England making his friendship at that time necessary to the king, and he refusing to continue in his league, unless his kinswoman obtained that favour, it was promised, that for some time, in hope she would reform, there should be a forbearance granted. The emperor's ambassadors pressed to have a license for it under the great • seal : it was answered, that, being against law, it could not be done. Then they desired to have it certified under the king's hand in a letter to the emperor ; but even that was refused : so that they only gave a promise for some time by word of 172 mouth ; and Paget and Hobby, who had been the ambassadors with the emperor, declared they had spoke of it to him with the same limitations. But the emperor, who was accustomed to take for absolute what was promised only under conditions, writ to the lady Mary, that he had an absolute promise for the free exercise of her religion : and so she pretended this, when she was at any time questioned about it. The two grounds i» For Harley afterward bp. of Hereford. [G.] 1 14 The name of the sixth was Knox. [S.] book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1551.) 295 she went on were, that she would follow the ancient and uni versal way of worship, and not a new invention that lay within the four seas : and that she would continue in that religion in which her father had instructed her. To this the king sent an answer, telling her, that she was a part of this church and na- [jan. 24, tion, and so must conform herself to the laws of it; that the '55 ]¦ Fox lib. ix. way of worship now set up was no other than what was clearly p. 46.] consonant to the pure word of God ; and the king's being young was not to be pretended by her, lest she might seem to agree with the late rebels. After this she was sent for to court, and pains were taken -to instruct her better : but she refused to hear anything, or to enter into any reasonings ; but said, she would still do as she had done. And she claimed the promise that was said to be made to the emperor : but it was told her, that it was but temporary and conditional. Whereupon the last summer she was designing to fly out of England ; and the [ibid. king of France gave sir John Mason, the English resident, no- P- 48-] tice, that the regent of Flanders had hired one Scipperus, who should land on the coast of Essex, as if it had been to victual his ship, and was to have conveyed her away. Upon this infor mation, order was given to see well to the coast ; so the design being discovered, nothing could be effected. It was certainly a strange advice to carry her away ; and no less strange in the king's ministers to hinder it, if there was at that time any de sign formed to put by her succession : for if she had been be yond sea at the king's death, it is not probable that she could have easily come to the crown. The emperor's ambassador solicited for her violently, and said, he would presently take leave, and protest, that they had broken their faith to his mas ter : who would resent the usage of the lady Mary as highly as if it were done immediately to himself. The counsellors having no mind to draw a new war on their heads, especially from so victorious a prince, were all inclined to let the matter fall. There was also a year's cloth lately sent over to Antwerp ; and 1500 quintals of powder, with a great deal of armour, bought there for the king's use, was not come over. So it was thought by no means advisable to provoke the emperor, while they had such effects in his ports ; nor were they very willing to give higher provocations to the next heir of the crown. Therefore they all advised the king not to do more in that matter at pre- 296 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. sent, but to leave the lady Mary to her discretion ; who would certainly be made more cautious by what she had met with, and would give as little scandal as was possible by her mass. The king is But the king could not be induced to give way to it; for he very ear- thought the mass was impious and idolatrous : so he would not nest o i against it. consent to the continuance of such a sin. Upon this the council [March 22. ordered Cranmer, Ridley and Poynet to discourse about it with a!^n ' him. They told him, that it was always a sin in a prince to permit any sin : but to give a connivance, that is, not to punish, was not always a, sin ; since sometimes a lesser evil connived at might prevent a greater. He was overcome by this ; yet not so easily, but that he burst forth in tears, lamenting his sister's 173 obstinacy, and that he must suffer her to continue in so abo minable a way of worship, as he esteemed the mass. So he answered the emperor's agents, that he should send over an ambassador to clear that matter. And Dr. Wotton was de spatched about it ; who carried over attestations from all the council, concerning the qualifications of the promise that had been made : and was instructed to press the emperor not to trouble the king in his affairs at home in his own kingdom. If the lady Mary was his kinswoman, she was the king's sister and subject. He was also to offer, that the king would grant as much liberty for the mass in his dominions, as the emperor would grant for the English service in his dominions. But the emperor pretended, that when her mother died, she left her to his protection, which he had granted her, and so must take care of her. And the emperor was so exalted with his suc cesses, that he did not easily bear any contradiction. But the council being further offended with her for the project of going beyond sea, and being now less in fear of the emperor, since they had made peace with France, resolved to look more nearly to her. And finding that Dr. Mallet and Barkley, [Fox, lib. her chaplains, had said mass in one of her houses, when 1X' p' +7'-' she was not in it, they ordered them to be proceeded [Dec. 4, against. . Upon which, in December the last year, she writ I55°-l earnestly to the council to let it fall. By her letter it ap pears that Mallet used to be sometimes at his benefice, [Ibid. where it is certain he could officiate no other way but in P- 48.] (hat prescribed by law : so, it seems, his conscience was not very scrupulous. The council writ a long answer, which, being book i. THE REFORMATION. (155 1.) 297 in the style of a churchman, seems to have been penned either Thecouncil by Cranmer or Ridley. In which letter they fully cleared the ™* to'her matter of the promise : then they shewed how express the law [Dec. 25. was, with which they could not dispense ; and how ill grounded 1 8' -1 her faith, as she called it, was. They asked her what warrant [Ibid. there was in scripture, that the prayers should be in an un- p" 49-l known tongue ; that images should be in the church ; or, that the sacrament should be offered up for the dead. They told her, that, in all questions about religion, St. Austin, and the other ancient doctors, appealed to the scripture ; and if she would look into these, she would soon see the errors of the old super stition, which were supported by false miracles and lying stories, and not by scripture, or good authority. They expressed themselves in terms full of submission to her ; but said, they were trusted with the execution of the king's laws, in which they must proceed equally. So they required her, [ibid. if the chaplains were in her house, to send them to the sheriff p' 5°'^ of Essex. But, it seems, they kept out of the way, and so the matter slept till the beginning of May this year, that Mallet was found, and put in the Tower, and convicted of his offence. Upon this there passed many letters between the council and [Ibid. her ; she earnestly desiring to have him set at liberty, and p' s°' Bqq'-' they as positively refusing to do it. In July the council sent for Rochester, Englefield, and Wal- [ibid. p. grave, three of her chief officers ; and gave them instructions 5*-] to signify the king's express pleasure to her, to have the new service in her family ; and to give the like charge to her chap lains, and all her servants ; and to return with an answer. In August they came back, and said, she was much indisposed, and received the message very grievously. She said, she would obey the king in all things, except where her conscience was 174 touched : but she charged them to deliver none of their mes sage to the rest of her family ; in which they being her servants could not disobey her, especially when they thought it might prejudice her health. Upon this, they were sent to the Tower. The lord chancellor, sir Anthony Wingfield, and sir William And sent Petre, were next sent to her, with a letter from the king, and h°™e to instructions from the council, for the charge they were to give to her and her servants. They came to her house of Copthall [Aug. 28.] in Essex. The lord chancellor gave her the king's letter, which 298 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. she received on her knees ; and said, she paid that respect to the king's hand, and not to the matter of the letter, which she knew proceeded from the council : and when she read it, she said, Ah! Mr. Cecil took much pains here™: (he was then secretary of state in Dr. Wotton's room.) So she turned to the counsellors, and bid them deliver their message to her. She wished them to be short, for she was not well at ease ; and would give them a short answer, having writ her mind plainly to the king with her own hand. The lord chancellor told her, that all the council were of one mind, that she must be no longer suffered to have private mass, or a form of religion dif ferent from what was established by law. He went to read the names of those who were of that mind ; but she desired him to spare his pains ; she knew they were all of a sort. They next told her, they had order to require her chaplains to use no other service, and her servants to be present at no other, than But she what was according to law. She answered, she was the king's tractable most obedient subject, and sister ; and would obey him in every thing, but where her conscience held her, and would widingly suffer death to do him service : but she would lay her head on a block rather than use any other form of service than what had been at her father's death : only she thought she was not worthy to suffer death on so good an account. When the king came to be of age, so that he could order these things himself, she would obey 'his commands in religion: for although he, [Archasolo- good sweet king, (these were her words,) had more knowledge ^isTl"' *^an any °^ ^"s years, yet he was not a fit judge in these mat ters : for if ships were to be set to sea, or any matter of policy to be determined, they would not think him fit for it, much less could he be able to resolve points of divinity. As for her chap lains, if they would say no mass, she could hear none ; and for her servants, she knew they all desired to hear mass : her chaplains might do what they would, it was but a while's im prisonment : but for the new service, it should never be said in her house ; and if any were forced to say it, she would stay no longer in tho house. When the counsellors spake of Ro chester, Englefield, and Walgrave, who had not fully executed 18 ["Ah ! good Mr. Cicill tooke from the Council Book, see Archse- muche pains here." For the whole ologia, vol. xviii. pp. 154-166.] account of this transaction, extracted book i.] THE REFORMATION. (15.51.) 299 their charge ; she said, it was not the wisest counsel to order her servants to control her in her own house ; and they were the honester men not to do such a thing against their con sciences. She insisted on the promise made to the emperor, which she had under his hand, whom she believed better than them ad : they ought to use her better for her father's sake, who had raised them almost out of nothing. But though the emperor were dead, or would bid her obey them, she would not change her mind ; and she would let his ambassador know how they used her. To this they answered, clearing the mis- 175 take about the promise, to which she gave little heed. They told her, they had brought one down to serve as her comp- troder in Rochester's room : she said, she would choose her [ibid. p. own servants ; and if they went to impose any on her, she l64-l would leave the house. She was sick, but would do all she could to five ; but if she died, she would protest they were the causes of it : they gave her good words, but their deeds were evil. Then she took a ring from her finger, and on her knees gave it to the lord, chancellor, to give to the king as a token from her, with her humble commendations ; and protested much of her duty to him ; but she said, this will never be told him. The counsellors went from her to her chaplains, and de livered their message to them, who promised they would obey. Then they charged the rest of the servants in like manner, and also commanded them to give notice if those orders were broken : and so they went to go away. But as they were in the court, the lady Mary called to them from her window, to send her comptroller to her ; for she said, that now she herself received the accounts of her house, and knew how many loaves were made of a bushel of meal, to which she had never been bred, and so was weary of that office ; but if they would needs send him to prison, she said, I beshrew him if he go not to it merrily and with a good-will; and concluded, I pray God to send you to do well in your souls and bodies, for some of you have but weak bodies. This is the substance of the report these counsellors gave when they returned back to the court on the 29th of August 16. By which they were now out of all [ibid. p. hopes of prevailing with her by persuasions or authority : so ' 16 [This report is in the 13th volume of the Domestic Papers in the 300 THE HISTORY OF [part n. it was next considered, whether it was fit to go to further ex tremities with her. How the matter was determined, I do not clearly find : it is certain the lady Mary would never admit of the new service, and so I believe she continued to keep her priests, and have mass ; but so secretly, that there was no ground for any public complaint. For I find no further men tion of that matter than what is made by Ridley, of a passage that befel him in September next year. [Sept. 8, He went to wait on her, she living then at Hunsden : where Nor would s^e received him at first civilly, and told him, she remembered she hear of him in her father's time; and at dinner sent him to dine ley preach. with ner officers. After dinner he told her, he came not only [Fox, lib. to do his duty to her, but to offer to preach before her next ix. !>¦ I 3 X .1 Sunday : she blushed, and once or twice desired him to make the answer to that himself. But when he pressed her further, she said, the parish church would be open to him, if he had a mind to preach in it; but neither she, nor any of her family, should hear him. He said, he hoped she would not refuse to hear God's word : she said, she did not know what they called God's word ; but she was sure that was not now God's word that was called so in her father's days. He said, God's word was the same at all times. She answered, she was sure he durst not for his ears have avowed these things in her father's time, which he did now : and for their books, as, she thanked God, she never had, so she never would read them. She also used many reproachful words to him, and asked him, if he was of the council. He said not. She replied, he might well enough be, as the council goes nowadays; and so dismissed him, thanking him for coming to see her, but not at all for offering to preach before her. Sir Thomas Wharton, one of her officers, 'carried him to a place where he desired him to drink ; which Ridley did : but, reflecting on it, said, he had 176 done amiss, to drink in a place where God's word was rejected; for if he had remembered his duty, he should upon that refusal' have shaken the dust off his feet for a testimony against the house, and have departed immediately. These words he was observed to pronounce with an extraordinary concern, and State PaperOffice.No.35, and, toge- the princess Mary, is in the Coun- ther with the letters on the subject cii Book, pp. 360-381.] which passed between the king and ^ book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1551.) 301 went away much troubled in his mind. And this is all I find of the lady Mary during this reign. For the lady Elizabeth, she had been always bred up to like the reformation ; and Dr. Parker, who had been her mother's chaplain, received a % strict charge from her mother, a little before her death, to look well to the instructing her daughter in the principles of true religion : so that there is no doubt to be made of her cheerful receiving all the changes that had been established by law. And this is all that concerns religion that falls within this The de- year. But now a design came to be laid, which, though it ^jS0f broke not out for some time, yet it was believed to have had a Warwick. great influence on the fall of the duke of Somerset. The earl of Warwick began to form great projects for himself, and thought to bring the crown into his family. The king was now much alienated from the lady Mary ; the privy-council had also embroiled themselves so with her, that he imagined it would be no hard matter to exclude her from the succession. There was but one reason that could be pretended for it, which was, that she stood illegitimated by law; and that therefore the next heirs in blood could not be barred their right by her : since it would be a great blot on the honour of the English crown to let it devolve on a bastard. This was as strong against the lady Elizabeth, since she was also illegitimated by a sentence in the spiritual court, and that confirmed in parliament : so if their jealousy of the elder sister's religion, and the fear of her revenge, moved them to be widing to cut her off from the suc cession, the same reason that was to be used in law against her was also to take place against her sister. So he reckoned that these two were to be passed over, as being put both in the act of succession, and in the late king's will, by one error. The next in the will were the heirs of the French queen by Charles Brandon ; who were, the duchess of Suffolk, and her sister : though I have seen it often said, in many letters and writings of that time, that all that issue by Charles Brandon was illegitimated, since he was certainly married to one Mor timer before he married the queen of France, which Mortimer lived long after his marriage to that queen 17 ; so that all her 17 Charles Brandon first married John Nevil, marquis Mountague, Margaret, one of the daughters of widow of sir John Mortimer; se- 302 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. children were bastards. Some say he was divorced from his marriage to Mortimer, but that is not clear to me. Theaweat- This year the sweating sickness, that had been formerly ing sick- botn jn jjenrv the Seventh and the late king's reign, broke out with that violence in England, that many were swept away by it. Such as were taken with it died certainly if they slept, to which they had a violent desire ; but if it took them not off in twenty-four hours, they did sweat out the venom of the distemper : which raged so in London, that in one week eight hundred died of it. It did also spread into the country, and the two sons of Charles Brandon by his last wife, both dukes of Suffolk, died within a day one of another 18. So that title was fallen. Their sister by the half blood was married to Grey, lord marquis of Dorset : so she being the eldest daughter to the French queen, the earl of Warwick resolved to link himself to that family, and to procure the honour of the dukedom of 177 Suffolk to be given the marquis of Dorset, who was a weak man, and easily governed. He had three daughters: the eldest was Jane, a lady of as excellent qualities as any of that age ; of great parts, bred to learning, and much conversant in scrip ture ; and of so rare a temper of mind, that she charmed all who knew her : in particular the young king, about whom she was bred, and who had always lived with her in the familiarities of a brother. The earl of Warwick designed to marry her to Guilford, his fourth son then living, his three elder being already married ; and so to get the crown to descend on them, if the king should die, of which it is thought he resolved to take care. But apprehending some danger from the lady Elizabeth's title, he intended to send her away : so an ambas sador was despatched to Denmark, to treat a marriage for her with that king's eldest son. The king To amuse the king himself, a most splendid embassy was treats with condly Anne, daughter of sir An- 3rd Mary. [G.] thony Browne, by whom he had 18 And both lie buried in the issue, after marriage, Mary, wedded chancel of Bugden church, they to Thomas Stanley, lord Monteagle; dying at the bishop's house. [S.] thirdly Mary, queen of France, as [This paragraph was added in the sir William Dugdale hath it in the text of the folio edition of 1715, with text, though in the scheme adjoined the exception that for the words by him, the order is inverted. 1st chancel of Bugden church were sub- Anne, 2nd Margaret, but repudiate, stituted church of Brandon. book i. THE REFORMATION. (1551.) 303 sent to France, to propose a marriage for the king to 'that the French king's daughter Elizabeth, afterwards married to Philip of^;fOTea Spain. The marquis of Northampton was sent with this pro- with his position, and with the order of the garter. With him went the [May 21^ earls of Worcester, Rutland, and Ormond ; the lords Lisle, Hayward, Fitzwater, Bray, Abergavenny, and Evers ; and the bishop of Ely, who was to be their mouth : with them went many gen tlemen of quality, who, with their tram, made up near five hundred. King Henry received the garter with great expres sions of esteem for the king. The bishop of Ely told him, [June 20.] They were come to desire a more close tie between these crowns by marriage, and to have the league made firmer be tween them in other particulars. To which the cardinal of Lorraine made answer in his way of speaking, which was always vain, and full of ostentation. A commission was given to that cardinal, the constable, the duke of Guise, and others, to treat about it. The English began first, for form's sake, to desire the queen of Scots, but that being rejected, they moved for the daughter of France, which was entertained ; but so that neither party should be bound in honour and conscience till the lady were twelve years of age. Yet this never taking effect, it is need less to enlarge further about it ; of which the reader will find all the particulars in king Edward's Journal. The king of [Hayward, France sent another very noble embassy into England, withp'3I9-J the order of St. Michael to the king, and a very kind message, that he had no less love to him than a father could bear to his own son. He desired the king would not listen to the vain rumours, which some malicious persons might raise to break their friendship ; and wished there might be such a regulation on their frontiers, that all differences might be amicably re moved. To this the young king made answer himself, " That " he thanked his good brother for his order, and for the assur- " ances of his love, which he would always requite. For ru- " mours, they were not always to be credited, nor always to " be rejected ; it being no less vain to fear all things, than it " was dangerous to doubt of nothing : and for any differences " that might arise, he should be always ready to determine " them by reason rather than force, so far as his honour should " not be thereby diminished." Whether this answer was pre- 304 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. pared beforehand, or not, I cannot tell ; I rather think it was : otherwise it was extraordinary for one of fourteen to talk thus on the sudden. A con- But while all this was carrying on, there was a design laid 178 aCS the to destroy the duke of Somerset. He had such access to the duke of So- king, and such freedoms with him, that the earl of Warwick had a mind to be rid of him, lest he should spoil all his pro jects. The duke of Somerset seemed also to have designed in April this year to have got the king again in his power : and dealt with the lord Strange, that was much in his favour, to persuade him to marry his daughter Jane ; and that he would advertise him of all that passed about the king. But the earl of Warwick, to raise himself and all his friends higher, pro- [Oct. u. cured a great creation of new honours. Grey was made duke So^'1' of Suffolk, and himself duke of Northumberland; for Henry State Pa- Percy, the last earl of Northumberland, dying without issue, meatic vol. bis next heirs were the sons of Thomas Percy, that had been xhi. 56.] attainted in the last reign for the Yorkshire rebellion. Paulet, then lord treasurer, and earl of Wiltshire, was made marquis of Winchester ; and sir William Herbert, that had married the marquis of Northampton's sister, was made earl of Pembroke. The lord Russell had been made earl of Bedford last year, upon his return from making the peace with the French ; sir Thomas Darcy had also been made lord Darcy. The new duke of Northumberland could no longer bear such a rival in his greatness as the duke of Somerset was, who was the only person that he thought could take the king out of his hands. [Oct. 16. So on the 17th of October the duke was apprehended, and ^loeff' sent t0 the Tower ? and with him the lor °™eech " nor deed ; and have been always as faithful and true to this **t^nexe- " realm, as any man hath been. But for so much as I am by [Fox.lib.ix. " law condemned to die, I do acknowledge myself, as well as P- 9§-] , 314 THE HISTORY OF [part II. Holin- ihed,). 1068.] ' others, to be subject thereto. Wherefore, to testify my obedience which I owe unto the laws, I am come hither to suffer death ; whereunto I willingly offer myself, with most ' hearty thanks to God, that hath given me this time of repent ance; who might through sudden death have taken away my life, that neither I should have acknowledged him, nor ' myself. Moreover there is yet somewhat that I must put ' you in mind of, as touching Christian religion ; which, so ' long as I was in authority, I always diligently set forth, and ' furthered to my power : neither repent I me of my doings, ' but rejoice therein, sith that now the state of Christian reli- ' gion cometh most near unto the form and order of the ' primitive church ; which thing I esteem as a great benefit ' given of God both to you and me ; most heartily exhorting ' you all, that this, which is most purely set forth to you, you ' will with like thankfulness accept and embrace, and set out ' the same in your living : which thing if you do not, without ' doubt greater mischief and calamity will follow." When he had gone so far, there was an extraordinary noise 185 heard, as if some house had been blown up with gunpowder ; which frighted all the people, so that many ran away, they knew not for what : and the relator, who tarried still, says, it brought into his remembrance the astonishment that the band was in that came to take our Saviour, who thereupon fell back- Hayward, wards to the ground. At the same time sir Anthony Browne '' 3I4'l came riding towards the scaffold, and they all hoped he had brought a pardon ; upon which there was a general shouting, Pardon, pardon, God save the king ; many throwing up their caps ; by which the duke might wed perceive how dear he was to the people. But as soon as these disorders were over, he made a sign to them with his hand to compose themselves, and then went on in his speech thus : " Dearly beloved friends, there is no such matter here in " hand, as you vainly hope or believe. It seemeth thus good " unto Almighty God, whose ordinance it is meet and neces- " sary that we all be obedient to. Wherefore I pray you all " to be quiet, and to be contented with my death ; which I am " most willing to suffer. And let us now join in prayer to the " Lord for the preservation of the king's majesty, unto whom " hitherto I have always shewed myself a most faithful and Holin- hed, >. 1068.] book i.J THE REFORMATION. (155 1.) 315 " firm subject. I have always been most diligent about his " majesty, in his affairs both at home and abroad ; and no less " diligent in seeking the common commodity of the whole " realm ; (upon this the people cried out, it was most true ;) " unto whose majesty I wish continual health, with all felicity, " and ad prosperous success. Moreover, I do wish unto all his " counsellors the grace and favour of God, whereby they may " rule in all things uprightly with justice : unto whom I ex- " hort you all in the Lord to shew yourselves obedient, as it is " your bounden duty, under the pain of condemnation ; and " also most profitable for the preservation and safeguard of the [Holin- " king's majesty. Moreover, for as much as heretofore I have p ,^5Qi " had affairs with divers men, and hard it is to please every " man, therefore, if there have been any that have been of- " fended or injured by me, I most humbly require and ask him " forgiveness ; but especially Almighty God, whom, throughout " all my life, I have most grievously offended : and all other " whatsoever they be that have offended me, I do with my " whole heart forgive them." Then he desired them to be quiet, lest their tumults might trouble him ; and said, " Albeit " the spirit be willing and ready, the flesh is frail and waver- " ing ; and through your quietness I shall be much more " quieter. Moreover, I desire you all to bear me witness, that " I die here in the faith of Jesus Christ, desiring you to help " me with your prayers, that I may persevere constant in the " same to my life's end." Then Dr. Cox, who was with him on the scaffold, put a paper His death. in his hand, which was a prayer he had prepared for him. He read it on his knees ; then he took leave of all about him, and undressed himself to be fitted for the axe. In all which there appeared no change in him, only his face was a little ruddier than ordinary : he continued calling, Lord Jesus, save me, till the executioner severed his head from his body. Thus fell the duke of Somerset18 : a person of great virtues, And cha- eminent for piety, humble and affable in his greatness, sincere racter. and candid in all his transactions. He was a better captain than a counsellor ; had been oft successful in his undertakings, 186 was always careful of the poor and oppressed ; and, in a word, 18 [ See Part iii. p. 209.] 316 THE HISTORY OF [part n. had as many virtues, and as few faults, as most great men, espe cially when they were so unexpectedly advanced, have ever had. It was generally believed, that all this pretended conspi racy, upon which he was condemned, was only a forgery : for both Palmer and Crane, the chief witnesses, were soon after discharged: as were also Barteville and Hammond, with ad the rest that had been made prisoners on the pretence of this plot. And the duke of Northumberland continued after that in so close a friendship with Palmer, that it was generally be lieved he had been corrupted to betray him. And indeed the not bringing the witnesses into the -court, but only the deposi tions, and the parties sitting judges, gave great occasion to con demn the proceedings against him : for it was generally thought, that all was an artifice of Palmer's, who had put the duke of Somerset in fears of his fife, and so got him to gather men about him for his own preservation ; and that he afterwards, being taken with him, seemed through- fear to acknowledge all that which he had before contrived. This was more confirmed by the death of the other four formerly mentioned, who were [Fox.lib.ix. executed on the 26th of February, and did all protest they had p' "'-' never been guilty of any design, either against the king, or to kill the lords. Vane added, that his blood would make Nor thumberland's pillow uneasy to him. The people were gene rally much affected with this execution ; and many threw hand kerchiefs into the duke of Somerset's blood, to preserve it in remembrance of him. One lady, that met the duke of Nor thumberland when he was led through the city in queen Mary's reign, shaking one of these bloody handkerchiefs, said, " Behold the blood of that worthy man, that good uncle of " that excedent king, which was shed by thy malicious prac- " tice, doth now begin apparently to revenge itself on thee." Sure it is, that Northumberland, as having maliciously con trived this, was ever after hated by the people. But, on the other hand, great notice was taken that the duke of Norfolk (who, with his son the earl of Surrey, were believed to have fallen in all their misery by the duke of Somerset's means) did now outlive him, and saw him fall by a conspiracy of his own servants, as himself and his son had done. The proceeding against his brother was also remembered, for which many thought the judgments of God had overtaken him. book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1551.) 317 Others blamed him for being too apt to convert things sacred to his own use, and because a great part of his estate was raised out of the spoils of many churches ; and some late writers have made an inference from this, upon his not claiming the benefit of clergy, that he was thus left of God not to plead that benefit, since he had so much invaded the rights and revenues of the church. But in this they shewed their ignorance : for by the statute, that felony of which he was found guilty was not to be purged by clergy. Those who pleased themselves in com- [Fox, paring the events in their own times with the transactions of llb- lxj the former ages, found out many things to make a parallel be tween the duke of Somerset, and Humphrey the good duke of Gloucester in Henry the Sixth's time ; but I shall leave the reader in that to bis own observation. Now was the duke of Northumberland absolute at court, all offices being filled with those that were his associates. But here I stop to- give a general view of affairs beyond sea this 187 year, though I have a little transgressed the bounds of it, to give an account of the duke of Somerset's fall all together. The siege of Magdeburg went on in Germany. But it was coldly The affairs followed by Maurice, who had now other designs. He had of Ger_ . . many. agreed with the French king, who was both to give him assist ance, and to make war on the emperor at the same time when he should begin. Ferdinand was also not unwilling to see his brother's greatness lessened; for he was pressing him, not without threatenings, to lay down his dignity as king of the Romans, and thought to have established it on his son. All the other princes of Germany were also oppressed by him, so that they were disposed to enter into any alliance for the shaking off of that yoke. Maurice did also send over to try the inclinations of England; if they would join with him, and contribute 400,000 dollars towards the expense of a war for the preservation of the protestant religion, and recovering the liberty of Germany. The ambassadors were only sent to try the king's mind, but were not empowered to conclude any thing. They were sent back with a good answer, that the king would most willingly join in alliance with them that were of the same religion with himself; but he desired, that the matter of religion might be plainly set down, lest, under the pretence of that, war should be made for other quarrels. He 318 THE HISTORY OF [part. II. [Nov. 17. Thuanus,p. 278.] Proceed- inga at Trent. desired them also to communicate their designs with the other princes, and then to send over others more fully empowered. Maurice, seeing such assistances ready for him, resolved both to break the emperor's designs, and, by leading on a new league against him, to make himself more acceptable to the empire, and thereby to secure the electoral dignity in his family. So, after Magdeburg had endured a long siege, he, giving a secret intimation to some men in whom they confided, persuaded them about the end of November to surrender to him ; and then broke up his army : but they fell into the do minions of several of the popish princes, and put them under very heavy contributions. This alarmed all the empire ; only the emperor himself, by a fatal security, did not apprehend it till it came so near him, that he was almost ruined before he dreamed of any danger. This year the transactions of Trent were remarkable. The pope had called the council to meet there, and the first of May this year there was a session held. There was a war now broken out between the pope and the king of France on this occasion. The pope had a mind to have Parma in his own hands ; but that prince, fearing that he would keep it, as the emperor did Piacenza, and so he should be ruined between them, implored the protection of France, and received a French garrison for his safety. Upon this, the pope cited him to Rome, declaring him a traitor if he appeared not : and this engaged the pope in a war with France. At first he sent a threatening message to that king, that, if he would not restore Parma to him, he would take France from him. Upon this the king of France protested against the council of Trent, and threatened that he would call a national council in France. The council was adjourned to the tenth of September. In the mean while the emperor pressed the Germans to go to it. So Maurice, and the other princes of the Augsburg Confession, or dered their divines to consider of the matters which they would propose to the council. The electors of Mentz and Trier went [HiBtory of to Trent. But the king of France sent the abbot of Bedosana 188 Trent"p° tbither, to make a protestation, that, by reason of the war that 300.] the pope had raised, he could not send his bishops to the coun cil ; and that therefore he would not observe their decrees : (for they had declared in France, that absent churches were not book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1551.) 319 bound to obey the decrees of a council ; for which many au thorities were cited from the primitive time.) But at Trent they proceeded for all this, and appointed the articles about the eucharist to be first examined: and the presidents re commended to the divines to handle them according to scrip ture, tradition, and ancient authors, and to avoid unpro fitable curiosities. The Italian divines did not like this : for [ibid. p. they said, to argue so was but an act of the memory, and was 3°5'-' an old and insufficient way, and would give great advantage to the Lutherans, who were skilled in the tongues ; but the school learning was a mystical and sublime way, in which it was easier to set off or conceal matters, as was expedient. But this was done to please the Germans : and, at the suit of the emperor, the matter of communicating in both kinds was postponed till the German divines could be heard. A safe conduct was de sired by the Germans, not only from the emperor, but from the council. For at Constance, John Huss and Jerome of Prague were burnt upon this pretence, that they had not the council's safe conduct ; and therefore, when the council of Basle called for the Bohemians, they sent them a safe conduct, be sides that which the emperor gave them. So the princes de sired one in the same form that was granted by those of Basle. One was granted by the council, which in many things differed from that of Basle ; particularly in "One clause, that all things should be determined according to the scriptures, which was in that safe conduct of Basle, but was now left out. In October an ambassador from the elector of Brandenburg came to Trent, who was endeavouring to get his son settled in the archbishop- [ibid. p. ric of Magdeburg, which made him more compliant. In his 3"-J first address to the council he spake of the respect this master had to the fathers in it, without a word of submitting to their decrees : but in the answer that was made in the name of the council, it was said, they were glad he did submit to them, and would obey their decrees. This being afterwards complained of, it was said, that they answered him according to what he should have said, and not according to what he had said. But in the meanwhile the council published their decrees about the eucharist ; in the first part of which they defined, that the way of the presence could hardly be expressed, and yet they called transubstantiation a fit term for it. But this might be well 320 THE HISTORY OF [partii. enough defended, since that was a thing as hard to be either expressed or understood as any thing they could have thought [Ibid. p. on. They went on next to examine confession and penitence. 32&'* And now, as the divines handled the matter, they found the ga thering proofs out of scripture grew endless and trifling ; for there was not a place in scripture where / confess was to be [Ibid. found, but they drew it in to prove auricular confession. From P- 33°-] that they went on to extreme unction. But then came the am- [Ibid. bassadors of the duke of Wittenberg, another prince of the P- 334-J Augsburg Confession, and shewed their mandate to the em peror's ambassadors ; who desired them to. carry it to the pre sidents : but they refused to do that, since it was contrary to the protestation which the princes of their Confession had made [Ibid. against a council in which the pope should preside. On the 189 P- 335-1 25th of November they published the decree of the necessity of auricular confession, that so the priest might thereby know how to proportion the penance to the sin. It was much cen sured, to see it defined that Christ had instituted confession to a priest, and not shewed where or how it was instituted. And the reason for it, about the proportioning the penance, was laughed at, since it was known what slight penances were uni versally enjoined to expiate the greatest sins. But the ambas- [Ibid. sadors of Wittenberg moving that they might have a safe con- P- 33°-] duct for their divines to ccrine and propose their doctrine ; the legate answered, that they would not upon any terms enter into any disputation with them ; but if their divines had any scruple, in which they desired satisfaction, with a humble and obedient mind, they should be heard. And for a safe conduct, he thought it was a distrusting the council to ask any other [Ibid. than what was already granted. Soon after this, there arrived p' 339 J ambassadors from Strasburg and from other five cities; and those sent from the duke of Saxe were on their journey : so the emperor ordered his ambassadors to study to gain time till they came ; and then an effectual course must be taken for compassing that about which he had laboured so long in vain to bring it to a happy conclusion. And thus this year ended. Asesaionof The parliament was opened on the 23rd 19 of January, and parliament. 19 [In the statutes of the realm menced on the thirtieth of January. this session is said to have com- A note is added, stating that old book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1552.) 321 sat till the 15th of April. So I shall begin this year with the account of the proceedings in it. The first act that was put into" the house of lords was for an order to bring men to divine service ; which was agreed to on the 26th, and sent down to the commons, who kept it long before they sent it back. On the 6th of April, when it was agreed to, the earl of Derby, the [Journal bishops of Carlisle and Norwich, and the lords Stourton and ° 42°,ri3' Windsor, dissented. The lords afterwards brought in another bill for authorizing a new Common Prayer Book, according to the alterations which had been agreed on the former year. This the commons joined to the former, and so put both in one act. By it was first set forth, " that, an order of divine service An act au- " being published, many did wilfully abstain from it, and re- theTew8 "- fused to come to their parish churches ; therefore all are Common " required, after the feast of All-hallows next, to come every ^^ " Sunday and holyday to common prayers, under pain of the tCaP- 1- " censures of the church. And the king, the lords temporal, vol. iv. p'. " and the commons, did in God's name require all archbishops, x3°-] " bishops, and other ordinaries, to endeavour the due execu- " tion of that act, as they would1 answer before God for such " evils and plagues, with which he might justly punish them, for " neglecting that good and wholesome law : and they were fully " authorized to execute the censures of the church on all that " should offend against this law. To which is added, that " there had been divers doubts raised about the manner of the " ministration of the service, rather by the curiosity of the " ministers and mistakers, than of any other worthy cause ; " and that, for the better explanation of that, and for the " greater perfection of the service, in some places where it was " fit to make the prayer and fashion of service more earnest " and fit, to stir Christian people to the true honouring of "Almighty God; therefore.it had been by the command of " the king and parliament perused, explained, and made more 190 " perfect. They also annexed to it the form of making bishops, " priests, and deacons ; and so appointed this new book of " service to be every where received after the feast of All- printed copies assign its commence- King's reign, the latter beginning ment to the twenty-third, which on the twenty-eighth day of Janu- accounts for this cession being cited ary.] as the 5th and 6th years of th(- BURNET, PART II. T 322 THE HISTORY OF [part n. " Saints next, under the same penalties that had been enacted " three years before, when the former book was set out." Which was It was upon this act said by^the papists, that the reformation sured Ce" was bke to change as oft as the fashion did : since they seemed never to be at a point in any thing, but new models were thus continuady framing. To which it was answered, that it was no wonder that the corruptions, which they had been introducing for above a thousand years, were not all discovered or thrown out at once ; but now the business was brought to a fuller per fection, and they were not like to see any more material changes. Besides, any that would take the pains to compare the offices that had been among the papists, would clearly perceive, that in every age there was such an increase of additional rites and ceremonies, that, though the old ones were still retained, yet it seemed there would be no end of new improvements and addi tions. Others wondered why the execution of this law was put off so long as till the end of the year. All the account I can give of this is, that it was expected that by that time the new body of the ecclesiastical laws, which was now preparing, should be finished ; and therefore, since this act was to be executed by the clergy, the day in which it was to be in force, was so long delayed, till that reformation of their laws were concluded. Anactcon- On the eighth of February a bill of treasons was put in, and treasons, agreed to by all the lords, except the lord Wentworth. It was [Feb. 18. Sent down to the commons, where it was long disputed. And Lords, pp. many sharp things were said of those who now bore the sway : 402, 403.] that whereas they who governed in the beginning of this reign had put in a bill for lessening the number of such offences ; now they saw the change of councils, when severer laws were pro posed. The commons at last rejected the bill, and then drew [Cap. 2. a new one, which was passed. By it they enacted, "that if statutes, u any sh0uld call the king or any of his heirs named in the 144.] " statute of the 35th of his father's reign, heretic, schismatic, " tyrant, infidel, or usurper of the crown ; for the first offence " they should forfeit their goods and chattels, and be im- " prisoned during pleasure ; for the second, should be in a " praemunire ; for the third, should be attainted of treason : " but any who should advisedly set that out in printing, or " writing, was for the first offence to be held a traitor. And " that those who should keep any of the king's castles, artidery, book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1552.) 323 l "or ships, six days after they were lawfully required to deliver " them up, should be guilty of treason : that men might be " proceeded against for treasons committed out of 'the kingdom " as well as in it. They added a proviso, that none should be" " attainted of treason on this act, unless two witnesses should " come, and to their face aver the fact for which they were to " be tried ; except such as without any violence should confess " it : and that none should be questioned for any thing said or " written but within three months after it was done." This proviso seems clearly to have been made with relation to the proceeding against the duke of Somerset, in which the witnesses were not brought to aver the evidence to his face ; and by that means he was deprived of all the benefit and ad vantage which he might have had by cross-examining them. 191 It is certain, that, though some false witnesses have practised the trade so much, that they seemed to have laid off all shame, and have a brow that cannot be daunted ; yet for the greatest part a bright serenity and cheerfulness attends innocence, and a lowering dejection betrays the guilty, when the innocent and they are confronted together. On the third of March a bill was brought in to the lords for An act holydays and fasting-days, and sent down to the commons on^uhoj!f s the 15th of March ; by whom it was passed, and had the royal days. assent. In the preamble it is set forth, "That men are not statutes, "at all times so set on the performance of religious duties as vol-lv- P- " they ought to be ; which made it necessary that there should "be set times, in which labour was to cease, that men might on " these days Wholly serve God : which days were not to be " accounted holy of their own nature, but were so called, " because of the holy duties then to be set about ; so that the " sanctification of them (was not any magical virtue in that " time, but) consisted in the dedicating them to God's service : " that no day was dedicated to any saint ; but only to God, in " remembrance of such saints : that the scripture had not de- " termined the number of holydays, but that these were left to " the liberty of the church. Therefore they enact, that all " Sundays, with the days marked in the Calendar and Liturgy, " should be kept as holydays : and the bishops were to proceed " by the censures of the church against the disobedient." A proviso was added for the observation of St. George's feast t 2 324 THE HISTORY OF [part n. by the knights of the garter : and another, that labourers or fishermen might, if need so required, work on those days, either in or out of harvest. The eves before holydays were to be kept as fasts ; and in Lent, and on Fridays and Saturdays, abstinence from flesh was enacted : but if a holyday fell to be on a Monday, the eve for it was to be kept on Saturday, since Sunday was never to be a fasting-day. But it was generally observed, that, in this and all such acts, the people were ready enough to lay hold on any relaxation made by it ; but did very slightly observe the stricter parts of it ; so that the liberty left to tradesmen to work in cases of necessity was carried further than it was intended, to a too public profanation of the time so sanctified ; and the other parts of it, directing the people to a conscientious observing of such times, was little minded. [Journal On the fifth of March a bill concerning the relief of the poor 408.] ' was put into the house of lords. The form of passing it has given occasion to some to take notice, that, though it is a bill for taxing the subjects, yet it had its first birth in the lords' house, and was agreed to by the commons. By it the churchwardens were empowered to gather charitable collections for the poor ; and, if any did refuse to contribute, or did dissuade others from it, the bishop of the diocese was to proceed against them. [Ibid. p. On the ninth of March the bishops put in a bid for the security of the clergy- from some ambiguous words that were in the sub mission, which the convocation had made to king Henry in the 2 1st year of his reign: by which they were under a, prae munire if they did any things in their courts contrary to the king's prerogative ; which was thought hard, since some through ignorance might transgress. Therefore it was desired, that no prelate should be brought under a praemunire unless they had proceeded in any thing after they were prohibited by the king's writ. To this the lords consented ; but it was let fall by the commons. An act for There was another act brought in for the marriage of the 192 16 ?ofthe clergy> which was agreed to by the lords ; the earls of Shrews- riage c ?Lergy- bury, Derby, Rutland, and Bath, and the lords Abergavenny, Ibid.' P°' Stourton, Monteagle, Sandes, Windsor, and Wharton, protesting 4OI-l against it. The commons also passed it, and it was assented to [Cap. 12. by the king. By it was set forth, "that many took occasion, vol.Tv™' "from words in the act formerly made about this matter, to 146VJ book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1552.) 325 " say, that it was only permitted, as usury and other unlawful " things were, for the avoiding greater evils ; who thereupon " spake slanderously of such marriages, and accounted the " children begotten in them to be bastards, to the high dis- " honour of the king and parliament, and the learned clergy of " the realm ; who had determined, that the laws against priests' " marriages were most unlawful by the law of God, to which " they had not only given their assent in the convocation, but " signed it with all their hands. These slanders did also occa- " sion, that the word of God was not heard with, due reverence : " whereupon it was enacted, that such marriages, made accord - " ing to the rules prescribed in the book of service, should be " esteemed good and valid ; and that the children begot in " them should be inheritable according to law." • The marquis of Northampton did also put in a bill for con- [March 9. firming his marriage, which was passed; only the earl of Derby, J ^^ the bishops of Carlisle and Norwich, and the lord Stourton, dis- 409-] sented. By it, " the marriage is declared lawful, as by the law " of God indeed it was ; any decretal, canon, ecclesiastical law, " or usage to the contrary notwithstanding." This occasioned another act, that no man might put away his wife, and marry [March 19. another, unless he were formerly divorced ; to which the bishop " p- of Norwich dissented, because he was of opinion, that a di vorce did not break the marriage bond. But this bill fell in the house of commons, being thought not necessary ; for the laws were already severe enough against such double mar riages. By another act, the bishopric of Westminster was quite sup- [ibid. p. pressed, and reunited to the see of London : but the collegiate 4°7"J church, with its exempted jurisdiction, was still continued: Another bill was put in against usury ; which was sent from An act the lords to the commons, and passed by both, and assented to. aSamst r J usury. By it an act, passed in parliament in the 37th year of the late [Cap. 20. king's reign, '¦' that none might take above twenty per cent, for voj "Tes' " money lent, was repealed; which, they say, was not intended x55-] " for the allowing of usury, but for preventing further incon- " veniences. Add since usury was by the word of God for- " bidden, and set out in divers places of scripture as a most " odious and detestable vice ; which yet many continue to " practise, for the filthy gain they made by it : therefore, from 326 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. " the first of May, all usury or gain for money lent was to " cease ; and whosoever continued to practise to the contrary " were to suffer imprisonment, and to be fined at the king's " pleasure." This act has been since repealed, and the gain for money lent has been at several times brought to several regulations. It was much questioned, whether these prohibitions of usury by Moses were not judicial laws, which did only bind the nation of the Jews ; whose land being equally divided among the 193 families by lot, the making gain by lending money was forbid to them of that nation : yet it did not seem to be a thing of its nature sinful, since they might take increase of a stranger. The not lending money on use was more convenient for that nation; which abounding in people, and being shut up in a narrow country, they were necessarily to apply themselves to all the ways of industry for their subsistence : so that every one was, by that law of not lending upon use, forced to employ his money in the way of trade or manufacture, for which they were sure to have vent, since they lay near Tyre and Sidon, that were then the chief places of traffic and navigation of the world ; and without such industry the soil of Judaea could not possibly have fed such vast numbers as lived on it ; so that it seemed clear that this law in the Old Testament properly belonged to that policy. Yet it came to be looked on by many Christians as a law of perpetual obligation. It came also to be made a part of the canon law; and absolution could not be given to the breakers of it, without a special faculty from Rome. But, for avoiding the severity of the law, the invention of mort gages was fallen on ; which at first were only purchases made, and let back to the owner, for such rent as the use of the money came to : so that the use was taken as the rent of the land thus bought. And those who had no land to sell thus, fell upon another way : the borrower bought their goods, to be paid within a year, (for instance 110Z.) and sold them back for a sum to be presently laid down as they should agree ; (it may be 100/.) by this means the one had 100/. in hand, and the other was to have 10/. or more at a year's end. But this, being in the way of sale, was not called usury. This law was looked on as impossible to be observed in a country like Eng land : and it could not easily appear where the immorality lay book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1552.) of lending money upon moderate gain, such as held proportion to the value of land, provided that the perpetual rule of Christian equity and charity were observed ; which is, not to exact above the proportion duly limited by the law, and to be merciful in not exacting severely of persons who by inevitable accidents have been disabled from making payment. This digression I thought the more necessary, because of the scruples that many good and strict persons have still in that matter. Another act passed both houses against all simoniacal pac- a bill tions, the reservation of pensions out of benefiaes, and the^™8*81" granting advowsons while the incumbent was yet alive. It was [Journal agreed to by the lords, the earls of Derby, Rutland, and Sussex, ° 4°o.]' the viscount Hereford, and the lords Monteagle, Sandes, Whar ton20, and Evers, dissenting. But, upon what reason I do not know, the bill was not assented to by the king ; who being then sick, there was a collection made of the titles of the bills which were to have the royal assent, and those the king signed, and gave commission to some lords to pass them in his name. These abuses have been oft complained of, but there have been still new contrivances found out to elude all laws against simony ; either bargains being made by the friends of the parties con cerned without their express knowledge, or bonds of resigna tion given, by which incumbents lie at the mercy of their patrons ; and in these the faultiness of some clergymen is made the colour of imposing such hard terms upon others, and of robbing the church oftentimes by that means. 194 There was a private bill put in about the duke of Somerset's A repeal of estate, which had been by act of parliament entailed on his 0f tire duke son in the 23rd year of the last king's reign. On the third of of Somer- March it was sent to the house of commons, signed by the[journai0f king; it was for the repeal of that act. Whether the king Commons, was so alienated from his uncle, that this extraordinary thing was done by him for the utter ruin of his family, or not, I can not determine: but I rather incline to think it was done in hatred to the duchess of Somerset and her issue. For the estate was entailed on them by that act of parliament, in pre judice of the issue of the former marriage, of whom are de scended the Seymours of Devonshire : who were disinherited and excluded from the duke of Somerset's honours by his pa- [20 This is a mistake for Windsor, as appears from the Journal, p. 420.] 328 THE HISTORY" OF [part n. tents, and from his estate by act of parliament ; partly upon some jealousies he had of his former wife, but chiefly by the power his second wife had over him. This bill of repeal was much opposed in the house, though sent to them in so unusual [Journal of a way by the king himself. And though there was on the ommons' eighth of March a message sent from the lords, that they should make haste towards an end of the parliament, yet still they stuck long upon it ; looking on the breaking of entails, that were made by act of parliament, as a thing of such conse quence, that it dissolved the greatest security that the law of England givesfor property. It was long argued by the com mons, and was fifteen several days brought in. At last a new bill was devised, and that was much altered too: it was not quite ended till the day before the parliament was dissolved. But, near the end of the session, a proviso was sent from the lords to be added to the bill, confirming the attainder of the duke and his complices. It seems his enemies would not try this at first, till they had by other things measured their strength in that house ; and finding their interest grew there, they adventured on it : but they mistook their measures, for the commons would not agree to it. In conclusion, the bill of repeal was agreed to. But whereas there had been some writ ings for a marriage between the earl of Oxford's daughter and the duke of Somerset's son, and a bdl was put in for voiding [lbid.p.21.] these; upon a division of the house the 28th of March, there were sixty-eight that agreed, and sixty-nine that rejected it: so this bill was cast out. By this we see what a thin house of commons there was at that time, the whole being but 137 members. But this was a natural effect of a long parliament ; many of those who were at first chosen being infirm, and others not willing to put themselves to the charge and trouble of such constant and long attendance. It is also from hence clear, how great an interest the duke of Somerset had in the affections of the parliament. The com- Another bill gave a more evident discovery how hateful the mons re- , J fuse to at- dulte of Northumberland was to them. The bishop of Durham Msho^of was' uPon some complaint brought against him of misprision of Durham treason, put into the Tower about the end of December last [Journal of year- What the particulars were, I do not find ; but it was Commons, visible that the secret reason was, that he being attainted, the p. 21.] *» book i. J THE REFORMATION. (15.52.) 329 duke of Northumberland intended to have had the dignities and jurisdiction of that principality conferred on himself: so that he should have been made' count palatine of Durham. Tunstall had in all points given obedience to every law, and to all the injunctions that had been made: but had always in 195 parliament protested against the changes in religion ; which he thought he might with a good conscience submit to and obey, though he could not consent to them : only in the matter of the corporal presence he was still of the old persuasion, and writ about it22. But the Latin style of his book is much better than the divinity and reasonings in it. So what he would have done, if he had been required to subscribe the articles that were now agreed on, did not appear ; for he was all this while prisoner. There was a constant good correspondence between Cranmer and him; though in many things they differed in opinion : yet Tunstall was both a man of candour and of great moderation, which agreed so well with Cranmer's temper, that no wonder they lived always in good terms. So when the bill for attainting him as guilty of misprision of treason was passed in the house of lords on the 31st of March, being put in on the [Journal of 28th, Cranmer spake so freely against it, that the duke of ¦Lo5ds» ??-,' Northumberland and he were never after that in friendship together. What his arguments were, I could not recover ; but, when he could do no more, he protested against it, being se conded only by the lord Stourton. How it came to pass that the other popish lords and bishops, that protested against the other acts of this parliament, did not join in this, I cannot imagine ; unless it was, that they were the less concerned for Tunstall, because Cranmer had appeared to be so much his friend, or were awed by their fear of offending the duke of Northumberland. But when the bill was carried down to the commons, with the evidences against him, which were some depositions that had been taken, and brought to the lords; they who were resolved to condemn that practice for the fu ture, would not proceed upon it now. So on ^he fifth of April [April 4. they ordered the privy-counsellors of their house to move the commons, lords, that his accusers and he might be heard face to face; P-2I-l and that not being done, they went no further in the bill. [22 Cuthberti Tonstalli de Veri- in Eucharistia, lib. 2. Lutet. ap. tate Corporis et Sanguinis Domini Vascosan. i5S4> 4-to-] 330 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. By these indications the duke of Northumberland saw how little kindness the house of commons had for him. The par liament had now sat almost five years; and, being called by the duke of Somerset, his friends had been generally chose to be of it. So that it was no wonder, if upon his fad they were not easy to those who had destroyed him : nor was there any motion made for their giving the king a supply. Therefore the duke of Northumberland thought it necessary for his in terest to call a new parliament : and accordingly, on the 15th The parlia- of April, the parliament was dissolved ; and it was resolved to unsolved. sPen(l this summer in making friends ad over England, and to have a new parliament in the opening of the next year. The convocation at this time agreed to the articles of reli gion that were prepared the last year : which, though they have been often printed, yet since they are but short, and of so great consequence to this history, I have put them into the~ Collection, as was formerly told. Thus the reformation of doctrine and worship were brought to their perfection; and were not after this in a tittle mended or altered in this reign, nor much afterwards ; only some of the articles were put in more general words under queen Elizabeth. Areforma- Another part of the reformation was yet unfinished, and it cleaiastical was *be chief work of this year ; that was, the giving rules to courts con- the ecclesiastical courts, and for all things relating to the government of the church, and the exercise of the several 196 functions in it. In the former volume it was told, that an act had passed for this effect; yet it had not taken effect, but a commission was made upon it, and those appointed by king Henry had met and consulted about it, and had made some progress in it, as appears by an original letter of Cranmer's to that king in the year 1545, in which he speaks of it as a thing then almost forgotten, and quite laid aside : for from the time of the six articles till then the design of the reformation had been going backward. At that time the king began to re- assume the thoughts of it ; and was resolved to remove some ceremonies, such as the creeping to the cross, the ringing of bells on St. Andrew's eve, with other superstitious practices : [Cranmer's for which Cranmer sent him the draught of a letter to be p e^4 ]8' written in the king's name to the two archbishops, and to be by them communicated to the rest of the clergy. In the post- booki.J THE REFORMATION. (1552.) 331 script of his letter he complains much of the sacrilegious waste [ibid. p. of the cathedral church of Canterbury, where the dean and4l6] prebendaries had been made to alienate many of their manors upon letters obtained by courtiers from the king, as if the lands had been desired for the king's use ; upon which they had surrendered those lands, which were thereupon disposed of to the courtiers that had an eye upon them. This letter should have oome in in the former volume, but I had not seen it then ; so I took hold on this occasion to direct the reader to _it in the Collection. Collect, It was also formerly told, that an act had passed in this reign to empower thirty-two persons, who should be named by the king, to make a reformation of the ecclesiastical laws, which was to be finished within three years. But the revolu tions of affairs, and the other more pressing things that were still uncompleted, had kept them hitherto from setting to that work. On the first23 of November last year a commission was given to eight persons to prepare the matter for the re view of the two and thirty, that so it might be more easily compiled, being in a few hands, than could well be done if so many had been to set about it. These eight were, the arch bishop of Canterbury and the bishop of Ely; Dr. Cox and Peter Martyr, two divines ; Dr. May and Dr. Taylor, two doctors of the law ; and John Lucas and Richard Goodrick, two common lawyers. But on the 14th of November the com mission was renewed ; and the bishop of London was named in the room of the bishop of Ely, one Traheron24 in the room of May, and Gosnald in Goodrick's room. These, it seems, desiring more time than one year to finish it in, for two of the years were now lapsed, in the last session of the parliament they had three years more time offered them. But it seems the work was believed to be in such a forwardness, that this • 23 For first, read eleventh. [S.] of Edward. This preferment he va- 24 Bartholomew Traheron, after- cated in the same year after Mary's ward made lecturer of Divinity at accession, and was not restored to Frankfort in the new moulding of it in the reign of Elizabeth. The the" congregation there, in' queen mistake probably originated in an Mary's days ; and dean of Chiches- erroneous assertion in Wood's Ath. ter in queen Elizabeth's. [G.] Oxon. 1st edit., which was omitted [This is a mistake. He was dean in the second edition.] of Chichester in 1553 in the reign 332 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. continuation was not judged necessary ; for the royal assent was not given to that act. After the parliament was ended, they made haste with it. But I find it said in the preface to the book, as it was printed in queen Elizabeth's reign, that Cranmer did the whole work almost himself25 : which will jus tify the character some give of him, that he was the greatest canonist then in England. Dr. Haddon 26, that was University Orator in Cambridge, and sir John Cheke, were employed to put it in Latin. And they did so imitate the style of the Ro man laws, that any who reads the book will fancy himself to be reading a work of the purer ages of that state, when their language was not yet corrupted with these barbarous terms I97 which the mixture of other nations brought in, and made it no where more nauseously rude than in the canon law. The work was digested and cast into fifty-one titles, to bring it near the number of the books of the Pandeets, into which Justinian had digested the Roman law. It was prepared by February this year, and a commission was granted to thirty- two persons, of whom' the former eight were a part : consisting of eight bishops, eight divines, among whom John a Lasco was one, eight civilians, and eight common lawyers. They, were to revise, correct, and perfect the work, and so to present it to the king. They divided themselves into four classes, eight to a classis ; and every one of these were to prepare their correc tions, and so to communicate them to the rest. And thus was the work carried on and finished ; but, before it received the royal confirmation, the king died, and this fell with him : nor do I find it was ever since that time taken up or prosecuted with the care that a thing of such consequence deserved ; and therefore I shall not think it improper for me, having before shewed what was done, in the next place to give an account of what was then intended to be done ; and is now very fit to be well considered. 25 All that I find in that preface summse negotii prsefuit. [S.] is, that these thirty-two were di- 26 Haddon never was University- vided into four classes, and that orator at Cambridge; as appears what was concluded in one class from a very exact catalogue upon was to be communicated to the the Orator's book, and otherwise. rest ; and that summse negotii prse- [B.] fuitTho. Cranmerus, Archiep. Cant.; Haddon was the king's professor as it was fit he should preside. [B.] of civil law, and not the University Cranmer's part is thus expressed, Orator. [S.] book i.J ' THE REFORMATION. (1552.) 333 The first title was of the Trinity, and the catholic faith ; The chief in which those who denied the Christian religion were to suffer neadsof it- death, and the loss of their goods. The books of scripture were numbered, those called apocryphal being left out of the canon ; which, though they were read in the church, it was only for the edification of the people, but not for the proof of the doctrine. The power of the church was subjected to the scriptures : the four general councils were received ; but ad councils were to be examined by the scripture ; as were also the writings of the fathers, who were to be much reverenced, but, according to what themselves have written, they were only to be submitted to when they agreed with the scriptures. The second title contains an enumeration of many heresies, vis. against the Trinity, Jesus Christ, the scriptures, about original sin, justification, the mass, purgatory; and censured those who denied magistracy to be lawful, or asserted the community of goods, or wives; or who denied the pastoral office, and thought any might assume it at pleasure ; or who thought the sacraments naked signs, who denied the baptism pf infants, or thought none could possibly be saved that were not baptized; or who asserted transubstantiation, or denied the lawfulness of marriage, particularly in the clergy; or who asserted the pope's power ; or such as excused their ill lives by the pretence of predestination, as many wicked men did : from which and other heresies all are dissuaded, and earnestly exhorted to endeavour the extirpation of them. The third was about the judgments of heresy before the bishop of the diocese, even in exempted places. They were to proceed by witnesses ; but the party, upon .fame, might be required to purge himself: if he repented, he was to make public profession of it in those places where he had spread it ; and to renounce his heresy, swearing never to return to it any more : but obstinate heretics were to be declared., infamous, incapable of public trust, or to be witnesses in any court, or to have power to make a testament, and were not to have the 198 benefit of the law. Clergymen falling into heresy were not to return to their benefices, unless the circumstances were such that they required it; and thus all capital proceedings for heresy were laid down. The fourth was about blasphemy, flowing from hatred or 334 THE HISTORY OF [parth. rage against God, which was to be punished as obstinate he resy was. The fifth was about the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's supper. To which is added, that imposition of hands is to be retained in the ordination of pastors ; that marriages are to be solemnly made ; that those who renew their bap tismal vow be confirmed by the bishop ; and that the sick should be visited by their pastors. The sixth was about idolatry, magic, witchcraft, or consult ing with conjurers ; who were to be arbitrarily punished, if they submitted : otherwise to be excommunicated. The seventh was about preachers ; whom the bishops were to examine carefully before they licensed them : and were once a year to gather together all those who were licensed in their dioceses, to know of them the true state of their flock ; what vices abounded, and what remedies were most proper. Those who refused to hear sermons, or did make disturbance in them, were to be separated from the communion. It seems it was designed, that there should be in every diocese some who should go round a precinct, and preach like evangelists, as some then called them. The eighth was about marriage ; which was to be after asking banns three Sundays, or holydays. Those who were married in any other form than that in the book of service, were not to be esteemed lawfully married : those who corrupted virgins were to be excommunicated, if they did not marry them ; or if that could not be done, they were to give them the third part of their goods, besides other arbitrary punishments. Mar riages made without the consent of parents or guardians were declared null. Then follow the things that may void mar riages ; they are left free to all. Polygamy is forbid ; mar riages made by force are declared void ; mothers are required to suckle their children. The ninth is about the degrees of marriage. All those in the Levitical law, or those that are reciprocal to them, are forbidden. But spiritual kindred was not to hinder marriage, since there was nothing in scripture about it, nor was there any good reason for it. The tenth was about adultery. A clergyman guilty of it was to forfeit all his goods and estate to his wife and children ; book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1552.) or if he had none, to the poor, or some pious use ; and to lose his benefice, and be either banished, or imprisoned during life. A layman was to restore his wife's portion, and to give her the half of his goods, and be imprisoned, or banished, during life. Wives that were guilty were to be in like manner punished. But the innocent party might marry again: yet such were rather exhorted, if they saw hope of amendment, to be recon ciled to the offending party. No marriage was to be dissolved without a sentence of divorce. Desertion, long absence, capital enmities, where either party was in hazard of their life, or the constant perverseness or fierceness of a husband against his wife, might induce a divorce. But little quarrels might not do 199 it ; nor a perpetual disease, relief in such a misery being one of the ends of marriage. But all separation from bed and board, except during a trial, was to be taken away. The eleventh was about admission to ecclesiastical benefices. Patrons were to consider, the choice of the person was trusted to them, but was not to fee abused to any sacrilegious or base ends : if they did otherwise, they were to lose their right for that time. Benefices were not to be given or promised before they were void ; nor let lie destitute above six months, other wise they were to devolve to the bishop. Clergymen before their ordination were to be examined by the archdeacons, with such other triers as the bishop should appoint tp be assistant to them : and the bishop himself was to try them, since this was one of the chief things, upon which the happiness of the church depended. The candidate was to give an oath to answer sincerely, upon which he was to be examined about his doc trine, chiefly of the whole points of the Catechism, if he under stood them aright ; and what knowledge he had of the scrip tures : they were to search him well, whether he held heretical opinions. None was to be admitted to more cures than one ; and all privileges for pluralities were for ever to cease : nor was any to be absent from his cure, except for a time, and a just cause, of which he was to satisfy his ordinary. The bi shops were to take great care to allow no absence longer than was necessary : every one was to enter upon his cure within two months after he was instituted by the bishop. Prebenda ries, who had no particular cure, were to preach in the churches adjacent to them. Bastards might not be admitted to orders, 336 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. unless they had eminent qualities. But the bastards of patrons were upon no account to be received, if presented by them. Other bodily defects, unless such as did much disable them, or made them very contemptible, were not to be a bar to any. Beside the sponsions in the office of ordination, they were to swear that they had made no agreement to obtain the benefice to which they were presented ; and that if they come to know of any made by others on their account, they should signify it to the bishop ; and that they should not do any thing to the prejudice of their church. The 12th and 13th were about the renouncing or changing of benefices. The 1 4th was about purgation upon common fame, or when one was accused for any crime, which was proved incompletely, and only by presumptions. The ecclesiastical courts might not reexamine any thing that was proved in any civil court; but upon a high scandal a bishop might require a man to purge himself, otherwise to separate him from holy things. The form of a purgation was, to swear himself innocent ; and he was also to have four compurgators of his own rank, who were to swear, that they believed he swore true : upon which the judge was to restore him to his fame. Any that were under suspicion of a crime might by the judge be required to avoid all the occasions from which the suspicion had risen : but all supersti tious purgations were to be rejected. The 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th, were about dilapidations, the letting of the goods of the church, the confirming the former rules of election in cathedrals or colleges, and the colla tion of benefices. And there was to be a purgation of simony, 200 as there should be occasion for it. The 19th was about divine offices. In the morning on holy- days, the Common Prayer was to be used, with the communion service joined to it. In cathedrals, there was to be communion every Sunday and holyday ; where the bishop, the dean, and the prebendaries, and all maintained by that church, were to be present. There was no sermon to be in cathedrals in the morning, lest that might draw any from the parish churches ; but only in the afternoons. In the anthems, all figured music, by which the hearers could not understand what they sung, was to be taken away. In parish churches there were only to book i.J THE REFORMATION. (1552.) 337 be sermons in the morning ; but none in the afternoon, except in great parishes. All who were to receive the sacrament were to come the day before, and inform the minister of it ; who was to examine their consciences, and their belief. On holydays in the afternoon the Catechism was to be explained for an hour. After the evening prayers, the poor were to be looked to ; and such as had given open scandal were to be examined, and public penitence was to be enjoined them : and the minister, with some of the ancients of the parish, were to commune together about the state of the people in it ; that if any carried themselves indecently, they might be first cha ritably admonished; and, if that did not prevail, subjected to severer censures; but; none were to be excommunicated with out the bishop were first informed, and had consented to it. Divine offices were not to be performed in chapels, or private houses, lest the churches should under that pretence be neg lected, and errors more easily disseminated; excepting only the houses of peers and persons of great quality, who had numerous families ; but in these, all things were to be done according to the Book of Common Prayer. The 20th was about those that bore office in the church ; sextons, churchwardens, deacons, priests, and rural deans. This last was to be a yearly office ; he that was named to it by the bishop, being -to watch over the manners of the clergy and people in his precinct, was to signify the bishop's pleasure to them, and to give the bishop an account of his precinct every sixth month. The archdeacons were to be general vi sitors over the rural deans. In every cathedral, one of the prebendaries, or one procured by them, was thrice a week to expound some part of the scriptures. The bishops were to be over all, and to remember that their authority was given to them for that ond, that many might be brought to Christ, and that such as had "gone astray might be restored by repentance. To the bishop all were to give obedience according to the word of God. The bishop was to preach often in his church ; was to ordain none for rewards, or rashly ; was to provide good pastors, and to deprive bad ones : he was to visit his diocese every third year, or oftener, as he saw cause ; but then he was to do it at his own charge : he was to have yearly synods, and to confirm such as were well instructed. His family was BURNET, PART II. Z 338 THE HISTORY OF [parth. to consist of clergymen, whom he should bring up to the ser vice of the church ; (so was St. Austin's, and other ancient bi shops' families constituted :) this being a great means to supply the great want of good and faithful ministers. Their wives and children were also to avoid all levity or vain dressing. They were never to be absent from their dioceses, but upon a 201 public and urgent cause : and when they grew sick or infirm, they were to have coadjutors. If they became scandalous or heretical, they were to be deprived by the king's authority. The archbishops were to exercise the episcopal function in their diocese ; and were once to visit their whole province, and to oversee the bishops, to admonish them for what was amiss, and to receive and judge appeals, to call provincial synods upon any great occasion, having obtained warrant from the king for it. Every bishop was to have a synod of his clergy some time in Lent, so that they might all return home before Palm-Sunday. They were to begin with the Litany, a sermon, and a communion ; then all were to withdraw into some private place, where they were to give the bishop an account of the state of the diocese, and to consult of what required advice : every priest was to deliver his opinion, and the bishop was to deliver his sentence, and to bring matters to as speedy a con clusion as might be ; and all were to submit to him, or to appeal to the archbishop. The 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, and 29th titles are about churchwardens, universities, tithes, visitations, testaments, ecclesiastical censures, suspension, sequestration, deprivation. The 30th is about excommunication ; of which, as being the chief ecclesiastical censure, I shall set down their scheme the more fully. Their de- Excommunication they reckon an authority given of God to c'ernin'tiie the church, for removing scandalous or corrupt persons from use of ex- the use of the sacraments, or fellowship of Christians, till they cation™11 &*ve c^ear s'Sns 0*" tbeir repentance, and submit to such spi ritual punishments, by which the flesh may be subduefl, and the spirit saved. This was trusted to churchmen, but chiefly to archbishops, bishops, archdeacons, deans, and any other appointed for it by the church. None ought to be excommu nicated but for their obstinacy in great faults ; -but it was never book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1552.) 339 to be gone about rashly ; and therefore the judge who was to give it was to have a justice of peace with him, and the min ister of the parish where the party lived, with two or three learned presbyters, in whose presence the matter was to be examined, and sentence pronounced, which was to be put in writing. It was to be intimated in the parish where the party lived, and in the neighbouring parishes, that all persons might be warned to avoid the company of him that was under excom munication ; and the minister was to declare what the nature and consequences of excommunication were, the person so cen sured being cut off from the body of Christ : after that, none was to eat, or drink, or keep company with him, but those of his own family : whosoever did otherwise, if being admonished they continued in it, were also to be excommunicated. If the person censured continued forty days without expressing any repentance, it was to be certified into the chancery, and a writ was to issue for taking and keeping him in prison till he should become sensible of his offences : and when he did confess these, and submitted to such punishments as should be enjoined, the sentence was to be taken off, and the person publicly recon ciled to the church. And this was to take place against those, who, being condemned for capital offences, obtained the king's pardon, but were notwithstanding to be subject to church censures. 202 Then follows the office of receiving penitents. They were first to stand without the church, and desire to be again re ceived into it, and so to be brought in : the minister was to declare to the people the heinousness of sin, and the mercies of God in the gospel, in a long discourse, of which the form is there prescribed: then he was to shew the people, that, as they were to abhor hardened sinners, so they were to receive, with the bowels of true charity, all sincere penitents ; he was next to warn the person, not to mock God, and deceive the people, by a feigned confession ; he was thereupon to repeat, first a'general confession, and then more particularly to name his sin, and to pray to God for mercy to himself, and that none by his ill example might be defiled ; and finally to be seech them ad to forgive him, and to receive him again into their fellowship. Then the minister was to ask the people whether they would grant his desires ; who were to answer, z 2 340 THE HISTORY OF ' [part u. A project for reliev ing the clergy re duced to great po verty. they would : then the pastor was to lay his hand on his head, and to absolve him from the punishment of his offences, and the bond of excommunication ; and so to restore him to his place in the church of God. Then he was to lead him to the communion table, and there to offer up a prayer of thanks giving to God for reclaiming that sinner. For the other titles, they relate to the other parts of the law of those courts, for which I refer the reader to the book itself. How far any of those things, chiefly the last about excom munication, may be yet brought into the church, I leave to the consultations of the governors of it, and of the two houses of parliament. It cannot be denied, that vice and immorality, together with much impiety, have overrun the nation : and though the charge of this is commonly cast on the clergy, who certainly have been in too many places wanting to their duty ; yet, on the other hand, they have so little power, or none at all by law, to censure even the most public sins, that the blame of this great defect ought to lie more universally on the whole body of the nation, that have not made effectual provi sion for the restraining of vice, the making illmen ashamed of their ways, and the driving them from the holy mysteries, till they change their course of life. There was another thing proposed this year for the correct ing the great disorders of clergymen, which were occasioned by the extreme misery and poverty to which they were re duced. There were some motions made about it in parliament, but they took not effect : so one writ a book concerning it, which he dedicated to the lord chancellor, then the bishop of Ely. He shewed, that, without rewards or encouragements, few would apply themselves to the pastoral function, and that those in it, if they could not subsist by it, must turn to other employments ; so that at that time many clergymen were car penters and tailors, and some kept alehouses. It was a re proach on the nation, that there had been so profuse a zeal for superstition, and so much coldness in true religion. He com plains of many of the clergy who did not maintain students at the universities according to the king's injunctions ; and that in schools and colleges the poor scholars' places were gene rally tided with the sons of the rich ; and that livings were most scandalously sold ; and the greatest part of the country book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1552.) 341 clergy were so ignorant, that they could do little more than read. But there was no hope of doing any thing effectually 203 for redressing so great a calamity, till the king should be of age himself to set forward such laws as might again recover a competent maintenance for the clergy. This year, both Heath of Worcester, and Day bishop of Heath and Chichester, were put out of their bishoprics. For Heath, it ouToftheir has been already said, that he was put in prison for refusing bishoprics. to consent to the book of ordinations. But for Day, whether 1551.] he refused to submit to the new book, or fell into other trans gressions, I do not know. Both these were afterwards de prived, not by any court consisting of churchmen, but by se cular delegates, of whom three were civilians, and three com mon lawyers, as king Edward's Journal informs us. Day's sentence is something ambiguously expressed in the patent that Scory bishop of Rochester had to succeed him ; which bears [Rymer xv. date the 24th of May, and mentions his being put there in the p- 3°3 ¦' room of George late bishop of that see, who had been deprived or25 removed from it. In June following, upon Holbeche bi shop of Lincoln's death, Taylor, that had been dean of Lin- [Aug. i, coin, was made bishop. This year the bishopric of Gloucester Jj^*1 ] was quite suppressed, and converted into an exempted arch- [May 20.] deaconry; and Hooper was made bishop of Worcester. In the December before, Worcester and Gloucester had been united, by reason of their vicinage, and their great poverty, and that they were not very populous : so they were to be for ever after one bishopric with two titles, as Coventry and Lich field, and Bath and Wells were; and Hooper was made bishop of Worcester and Gloucester. But now they were put into another method, and the bishop was to be called only bishop of Worcester. In all the vacancies of sees, there were a great many of their best lands taken from them : and the sees that before had been profusely enriched, were now brought to so low a condition, that it was scarce possible for the bishops to subsist : and yet, if what was so taken from them had been converted to good uses, to the bettering the condition of the poor clergy over England, it had been some mitigation of so heinous a 25 [The letters patent are dated per deprivationem is used in case May 23. They use the words de- of Heath, bishop of Worcester.] privationis seu remotionis, whereas 342 THE HISTORY OF [part n. robbery ; but these lands were snatched up by every hungry courtier, who found this to be the easiest way to be satisfied in their pretensions : and the world had been so possessed with the opinion of their excessive wealth, that it was thought they never could be made poor enough. The affairs This year a passage fell out relating to Ireland, which will give me occasion to look over to the affairs of that kingdom. The kings of England had formerly contented themselves with - the title of lords of Ireland : which king Henry the Eighth, in the thirty-third year of his reign, had, in a parliament there, changed into the title of a kingdom. But no special crown or coronation was appointed, since it was to fodow the crown of England. The popes and the emperors have pre tended, that the conferring titles of sovereign dignity belonged to them. The pope derived his claim from what our Saviour said, that all power in heaven and in earth was given to him, and by consequence to his vicar. The emperors, -as being a dead shadow of the Roman empire, which title, with the de signation of Csesar, they still continued to use, and pretended, that, as the Roman emperors did anciently make kings, so they had still the same right : though, because those emperors made kings in the countries which were theirs by conquest, it was an odd stretch to infer, that those, who retained nothing of their empire but the name, should therefore make kings in 204 countries that belonged not to them ; and it is certain, that every entire or independent crown or state may make for or within itself what titles they please. But the authority the crown of England had in Ireland was not then .so entire, as, by the many rebedions that have fallen out since, it is now become. The heads of the clans and names had the conduct of all their several tribes, who were led on by them to what designs they pleased ; and though, within the English pale, the king was obeyed, and his laws executed almost as in Eng land, yet the native Irish were an uncivilized and barbarous nation, and not yet brought under the yoke; and for the greatest part of Ulster, they were united to the Scots, and followed their interests. There had been a rebellion in the second year of this reign : but sir Anthony St. Leger, then deputy, being recalled, and sir Edward Bellinghame sent in his room, he subdued O'Canor booklJ THE REFORMATION. (1552.) 343 and O'More, that were the chief authors of it ; and, not being willing to put things to extremities, when England was other wise distracted with wars, he persuaded them to accept of pensions of 100Z. a-piece, and so they came in and lived in the English pale. But the winter after, there was another rebel lion designed in Ulster by O'Neal, O'Donnel, O'Docart, and the heads of some other tribes ; who sent to the queen dowager of Scotland to procure them assistance from France, and they would keep up the disorders in Ireland. The bishop of Va lence, being then in Scotland, was sent by her to observe their strength, that he might accordingly persuade the king of France to assist them. He crossed the seas, and met with them, and with Wauchop, a Scotchman, who was the bishop of Armagh of the pope's making, and who, though he was blind26, was yet esteemed one of the best at riding post in the world. They set out ad their greatness to the French bishop, to engage him to be their friend at the court of France : but he seemed not so well satisfied of their ability to do any great matter, and so nothing fodowed on this. One passage fell out [Melville's here, which will a little discover the temper of that bishop. Mem°ir3> When he was in O'Dccart's house, he saw a fair daughter of his, whom he endeavoured to have corrupted, but she avoided him carefully. Two English grey friars, that had fled out of England for their religion, and were there at that time, ob serving the bishop's inclinations, brought him an English whore, whom he kept for some time. She one night looking among his things, found a glass full of somewhat that was very odoriferous, and poured it all down her throat ; which the bishop perceiving too late, fell into a most violent passion ; for it had been presented to him by Soliman the Magnificent, at his leaving that court, as the richest balm in Egypt, and was valued at two thousand crowns. The bishop was in such a rage, that all the house was disturbed with it; whereby he discovered both his lewdness and passion at once. This is re lated by one that was then with him, and was carried over by him to be a page to the Scotch queen ; sir James Melville, who lived long in that court, under the constable of France, and 26 He was not blind, only short- questa virtu, di correr alia posta sighted : II quale huomo di bre- meglio d' huomo del mondo. Hist. vissima vista era commendato di del Cone. Trid. 1. 2. p. 144. [B.] 344 THE HISTORY OF [part n. was afterwards much employed by the prince elector, palatine in many negotiations ; and coming home to his own country, was sent on many occasions to the court of England, where he lived in great esteem. He in his old age writ a narrative of all the affairs that himself had been concerned in, which is one 205 of the best and perfectest pieces of that nature that I have seen. The original is yet extant under his own hand in Scot land : a copy of it was shewed me by one descended from him, from which I shall discover many considerable passages, though the affairs in which he was most employed were -something later than the time of which I am to write. But to return to Ireland. Upon the peace made with France and Scotland, things were quieted there, and sir Anthony St. Leger was in August 1550 again sent over to be deputy there. For the reformation, it made but a small progress in that kingdom. It was received among the English, but I do not find any endea vours were used to bring it in among the Irish. This year Bale was sent into Ireland. He had been a busy writer upon all occasions, and had a great deal of learning, but wanted temper, and did not write with the decency that became a di vine, or was suitable to such matters; which it seems made those who recommended men to preferment in this church not think him so fit a person to be employed here in England. But the bishopric of Ossory being void, the king proposed him to be sent thither. So in August this year Dr. Goodacre was sent over to be bishop of Armagh, and Bale to be bishop of Ossory. There were also two other, who were Irishmen, to be promoted. When they came thither, the archbishop of Dublin intended to have consecrated them according to the old pontifical ; for the new book of ordination had not been yet used among them. Goodacre and the two others were easily persuaded to it, but Bale absolutely refused to consent to it ; who being assisted by the lord chancellor, it was carried, that they should be ordained according to the new book. When Bale went into his diocese, he found all things there in dark popery ; but before he could make any reformation there, king Edward's death put an end to his and all such designs. A change Jn England nothing else that had any relation to the reforma- order,of the tion passed this year, unless what belongs to the change made garter. ;n t]le order of the garter may be thought to relate to it. On book i. J THE REFORMATION. (15,52.) 345 the 23rd of April the former year, being St. George's day, a proposition was made to consider the order and statutes, since there was thought to be a great deal of superstition in them ; and the story upon which the order was founded, concerning St. George's fighting with the dragon, looked like a legend formed in the darker ages to support the humour of chivalry, that was then very high in the world. And as the story had no great credibility in itself, so it was delivered by no ancient author. Nor was it found that there had been anv such saint : there being among ancient writers none mentioned of that name, but George of Alexandria, the Arian bishop, that was put in when Athanasius was banished. Upon this motion in the former year, the. duke of Somerset, the marquis of Northamp ton, and the earls of Wiltshire and Warwick, were appointed to review the statutes of the order. So this year the whole order was changed ; and the earl of Westmorland and sir Andrew Dudley, who were now to be installed, were the first that were received according to the new model ; (which the reader will find in the Collection, as it was translated into Latin King Ed- out of the English, by the king himself, written all with his Remains own hand, and it is the third paper after his Journal.) The Numb. 3. preamble of it sets forth the noble design of the order, to animate great men to gallant actions, and to associate them into 206 a fraternity, for their better encouragement - and assistance ; but says, it had been much corrupted by superstition, therefore the statutes of it were hereafter to be these": It was no more to be called the order of St. George, nor was he fo be esteemed the patron of it ; but it was to be called the order of the garter. The knights of this order were to wear the blue riband or garter as formerly; but at the collar instead of a George, there was to be on one side of the jewel a knight carrying a book upon a sword point, on the sword to be written Protectio, on the book Verbuin Dei; on the reverse, a shield, on which should be written Fides ; to express their resolution, both with offensive and de fensive weapons, to maintain the word of God. For the rest of the statutes I shall refer the reader to the paper I mentioned. But this was repealed by queen Mary, and so the old rules took place again, and do so still. This design seems to have been chiefly intended, that none but those of the reformed religion 346 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. might be capable of it ; since the adhering to and standing for the scriptures was then taken to be the distinguishing character between the papists and the reformers. This is the sum of what was either done or designed this year with relation to religion. As for the state, there was a strict inquiry made of all who had cheated the king in the sup pression of chantries, or in any other thing that related to churches ; from which the visitors were believed to have em bezzled much to their own uses ; and there were many suits in the star-chamber about it. Most of all these persons had been the friends or creatures of the duke of Somerset : and the in quiry after these things seems to have been more out of hatred to him, than out of any design to make the king the richer by what should be recovered for his use. But on none did the Paget de- storm break more severely than on the lord Paget. He had frombeing Deen chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, and was charged a knight of with many misdemeanours in that office, for which he was fined in 6000I. But that which was most severe was, that on St. George's eve he was degraded from the order of the garter for divers offences : but chiefly, because he was no gentleman, nei ther by father's side nor mother's side. His chief offence was his greatest virtue. He had been on all occasions a constant friend to the duke of Somerset ; for which the duke of Nor thumberland hated him mortally, and so got him to be de graded to make way for his own son. This was much censured as a barbarous action, that a man who had so long served the crown in such public negotiations, and was now of no meaner blood than he was when king Henry first gave him the order, . should be so dishonoured, being guilty of no other fault but what is common to most courtiers, of enriching himself at his master's cost ; for which his fine was severe enough for the ex piation. But the duke of Northumberland was a person so given up to violence and revenge, that an ordinary disgrace did not satisfy his hatred. Sir Anthony St. Leger, another knight of the order, was at the same time accused, upon complaint sent from the arch bishop of Dublin in Ireland, for some high words that he had used. But these being examined, he was cleared, and admitted to his place among the knights at the garter. Many others that were obnoxious came in, upon this violent prosecution, to book i.] THE REFORMATION. (1552.) 347 g07 purchase the favour of Northumberland, who was much set on framing a parliament to his mind, and so took those methods which he thought likeliest to work his ends : it being ordinary for men of insolent and boisterous tempers, who are generally as abject when they are low, as they are puffed up with pros perity, to measure other people by themselves ; therefore, knowing that the methods of reason and kindness would have no operation on themselves, and that height and severity are the only ways to subdue them, they use that same way of gaining others which they find most effectual with them selves. This year the king went on in paying his debts, reforming The in- the coin, and other ways that might make the nation great and trade! ° wealthy. And one great project was undertaken, which has been the chief beginning and foundation of the great riches, and strength of shipping, to which this nation has attained since that time. From the days of king Henry the Third, the free towns of Germany, who had assisted him in his wars, ob tained great privileges in England ; they were made a corpo ration, and lived together in the Stillyard near the bridge. They had in Edward the Fourth's time been brought into some trouble for carrying their privileges further than their charter allowed them ; and so judgment was given that they had forfeited it : but they redeemed themselves out of that, by a great present which they made to the king. That which , chiefly supported them at court was, that they, trading in a body, were not only able to take the trade out of all other persons' hands, by underselling them, but they had always a great stock of money ; and so when the government was in a strait, they were ready, upon a good security, to lend great sums; and on lesser occasions could obtain the favour of a statesman by the presents they made him. But now trade was raised much above what it had been ; and courts becoming more magnificent than formerly, there was a greater consump tion, particularly of cloth, than had ever been known. The discovery of the Indies bad raised both trade and navigation, so that there was a quicker circulation of the wealth of the world than had been in former ages. Antwerp and Hamburg, lying both conveniently, the one in the mouth of the Elbe, and the other near the mouth of the 348 THE HISTORY OF [part n. Rhine, which were the two greatest rivers that fell into those seas, the merchants of those two cities at that time had the chief trade of the world. The English began to look on those Easterlings with envy. All that was imported or exported came for the most part in their bottoms ; all markets were in 'their hands, so that commodities of foreign growth were vented by them in England, and the product. of the kingdom was bought up by them. And all the nation being then set much on pasture, they had much advanced their manufacture ; inso much that their own wool, which had been formerly wrought at Antwerp, was now made into cloth in England, which the Stillyard-men obtained leave to carry away. At first they shipped not above eight cloths in a year, after that 100, then 1000, then 6000 ; but this last year there was shipped in their name 44,000 cloths; and not above 1100 by all others that traded within England. The merchant-adventurers found they could not hold out, unless this company was broke ; so they put in their complaint against them in the beginning of this year ; to which the Still- yard-men made answer, and they replied. Upon this the council made a decree, that the charter was broken, and so 208 dissolved the company. Those of Hamburg and Lubeck, and the regent of Flanders, solicited the council to have this redressed, but in vain; for the advantage the nation was to have by it was too visible to admit of any interposition. But the design of trade being thus set on foot, another project of a higher nature followed it. The war was now begun between the emperor and the king of France ; and that, with the per secution raised in Flanders against ad that leaned to the doc trine of the protestants, made many there think of changing their seats. It was therefore proposed here in England to open a free trade, and to appoint some marMowns, that should have greater privileges and securities for encouraging mer chants to live in them, and should be easier in their customs than they were any where else. Southampton for the cloth trade, and Hull for the northern trade, were thought the two fittest places : and for the advantages and disadvantages of this design, I find the young king had balanced the matter exactly ; for there is a large paper, all written with his own hand, containing what was to be said on both sides. But his booki.J THE REFORMATION. (1552.) 349 * death, and queen Mary's marrying the prince of Spain, put an end to this project: though all the addresses her husband made, seconding the desires of the Easterlings, could never prevail to the setting up of that company again. If the reader would understand this, matter more perfectly, he may find a great deal of it in the king's Journal, and in the fourth paper King Ed- that follows it, where the whole affair seems to be considered Remain8, on all hands : but men that know merchandise more perfectly, Numb. 4. will judge better of these things. This summer, Cardan, the great philosopher of that age, Cardan in passed through England. He was brought from Italy on the ng an account of Hamilton, archbishop of St. Andrew's, who was then desperately sick of a dropsy. Cardan cured him of his disease ; but, being a man much conversant both in astrology and magic, as himself professed, he told the archbishop, that, though he had at present saved his life, yet he could not change his fate, for he was to die on a gallows. Tn his going through England he waited on king Edward, where he was so entertained by him, and observed his extraordinary parts and virtues so nar rowly, that on many occasions he writ afterwards of him, with great astonishment, as being the most wonderful person he had ever seen. But the mention of the Scotch archbishop's sickness leads The affairs me now to the affairs of Scotland. The queen had passed land through England from France to Scotland last year. In her passage she was treated by the king with all that respect that one crowned head could pay to another. The particulars are in his Journal, and need not be recited here. When she came home, she set herself much to persuade the governor to lay down the government, that it might be put in her hands ; to which he, being a soft man, was the more easily induced, be cause his brother, who had great power over him, and was a violent and ambitious man, was then so sick, that there was no hope of his life. He had also received letters from France, in such a style, that he saw he must either lay down the go vernment, or not only lose the honour and pension he had there, but be forced to struggle for w"hat he had in his own country. Whether the French understood any thing by their 209 spies in the court of England, that it had been proposed there to persuade him to pretend to the crown, and were therefore 350 THE HISTORY OF [part n. the more earnest to have the government out of his hands, I do not know; but, though I have seen many hundreds of letters that passed in those times between England and Scot land, I could not find by any of them that be ever entered into any treaty about it. It seems his base brother had some thoughts of it; for when he was so far recovered that he could inquire after news, and heard what his brother had done, he flew out in a passion, and called him a beast for parting with the govern ment, since there was none but a lass between him and Memoirs8 the crown. I set down his own words, leaving a space void p- 73-] for an epithet he used of the young queen, scarce decent enough to be mentioned. There had been a great consultation in France what to do with the queen of Scotland. Her uncles pressed the king to marry her to the dauphin; for thereby another kingdom would be added to France, which would be a perpetual thorn in the side of England : she had also some prospect of succeeding to the crown of England; so that on all accounts it seemed the best match in Europe for the dau phin. But the wise constable had observed, that the Spaniards lost by their dominions that lay so remote from the chief seat of their government, though these were the richest countries in Europe; namely, Sicily, Naples, Milan, and the Nether lands : and wisely apprehended, that France might suffer much more by the accession of such a crown, which not only was remote, but where also the country was poor, and the people not easily governed. It would be a vast charge to them to send navies, and to pay armies there. The nobility might, when they would, by confederating with England, either shake. off the French government, or put them to a great expense to keep it : so that, whereas Scotland had been hitherto, by a pension, and sometimes by a little assistance, kept in a perpe tual alliance with France, he apprehended by such an union it might become , their enemy, and a great weight on their go vernment. This the constable pressed much, both out of his care of his master's interest, and in opposition to the house of Guise. He advised the king rather to marry her to some of his subjects, of whom he was well assured, and to send her and her husband home into Scotland ; by which means the per petual amity of that kingdom might be preserved on easy booki.J THE REFORMATION. (1552.) 351 terms. But the king was so possessed with the notion of the union of that crown to France, that he gave no ear to this wise advice, thinking it flowed chiefly from the hatred and enmity which he knew the constable bore the family of Guise. This the constable himself told Melville, from whose narrative I have it. The queen mother of Scotland, being possessed of the government, found two great factions in it. The head of the one was the archbishop ; who now recovering, and finding himself neglected, and the queen governed by other counsels, set himself much against her, and drew the clergy for the most part into his interests. .The other faction was of those who hated him and them both, and inclined to the reforma tion. They set up the prior of St. Andrew's, who was their young queen's natural brother, as their head, and by his means offered their service to the queen, now made regent. They 210 offered that they would agree with her to send the matrimo nial crown to the dauphin, and consent to the union of both kingdoms ; only they desired her protection from the violence of the clergy, and that they might have secretly preachers in their houses to instruct them in the points of religion. This offer the queen readily accepted of; and so, by their assist ance, carried things till near the end of her regency with great moderation and discretion. And now the affairs of Scotland were put in a channel, in which they held long steady and quiet, till about six years after this, that, upon the peace with the king of Spain, there were cruel counsels laid down in France, and from thence sent over into Scotland, for extir pating heresy. But of that we shall discourse in its proper place. As for the affairs of Germany, there was this year a great The affair and sudden turn of things there; with which the emperor Ambrose and Henry, two of his other sons. Some other Tower of of his friends were made prisoners, among whom was sir Tho- [StowTp. mas Palmer, the wicked instrument of the duke of Somerset's 240 6"-l fall, who was become his most intimate confidant ; and Dr. San dys, the vice-chancellor of Cambridge. Now did all people go to the queen to implore her mercy. She received them all very favourably, except the marquis of [Holin- Northampton, Dr. Ridley, 'and lord Robert Dudley. The first shed, p. f these had been a submissive fawner on the duke of North- 1089.] umberland; the second had incurred her displeasure by his sermon, and she gladly laid hold on any colour to be more se vere to him, that way might be made for bringing Bonner to London 4 again ; the third had followed his father's fortunes. [Stow, p. On the 27th, the lords chief justices Cholmeley and Montague 13 'J were sent to the Tower ; and the day after, the duke of Suffolk and sir John Cheke went after them, the lady Jane and her husband being still detained in the Tower. Three days after an order came to set the duke of Suffolk at liberty, upon engage ment to return to prison when the queen required it : for it was generally known that he had been driven on by Dudley ; and as it was believed that he had not been faulty out of malice, so his great weakness made them little apprehensive of any dan gers from him : and therefore the queen being wdling to ex press a signal act of clemency at her first coming to the crown, it was thought best to let it fall on him. The queen Now did the queen come towards London, being met on the London waJ* ^y ner sister Elizabeth, with a thousand horse, who had gathered about her to show their zeal to maintain both their titles, which in this late contest had been linked together. She made her entry to London on the third of August with great solemnity and pomp. When she came to the Tower 5, the duke of Norfolk, who had been almost seven years in it ; Gardiner, the bishop of Winchester, that had been five years there ; the 4 There needed no colours ; he Elizabeth to be illegitimate, and not had given too just offence. In a lawfully begotten, &c. according to MS. C.C.C. Miscel. P. this account God's law; and so found both is given « Sunday, July 16, Dr. Rid- by the clergy and acts of parliament, ley, bishop of London, preached at in Henry the 8th's time; which the Paul's Cross ; where he declared in people murmured at.' [B.] his sermon .... the lady Mary and 6 [See Part iii. p. 220.] bookii.J THE REFORMATION. (1553.) 387 duchess of Somerset, that had been kept there near two years ; and the lord Courtenay, (whom she made afterwards earl of Devonshire,) that was son to the marquis of Exeter, and had been kept there ever since his father was attainted ; had their liberty granted them. So now she was peaceably settled in the throne without any effusion of blood, having broke through a confederacy against her, which seemed to be so strong, that, if he that was the head of it had not been universally odious to the nation, it could not have been so easily dissipated. She was naturally pious and devout, even to superstition; had a generous disposition of mind, but much corrupted by melan choly, which was partly natural in her, but much increased by the cross accidents of her life, both before and after her ad vancement ; so that she was very peevish and splenetic towards the end of her life. When the differences became irrecon- she had cilable between her father and mother, she followed her mo- jeen in. * danger in ther's interests, they being indeed her own, and for a great her father's while could not be persuaded to submit to the king ; who, being nne ' impatient of contradiction from any, but especially from his own child, was resolved to strike a terror in all his people, by putting her openly to death : which her mother coming to know, writ her a letter of a very devout strain, which will be found in the Collections. In which, " she encouraged her to Collect. " suffer cheerfully, to trust to God, and keep her heart clean. um ' 2- " She charged her in all things to obey the king's commands, " except in the matters of religion. She sent her two Latin 241 " books, the one of the Life of Christ, (which was perhaps the ¦ " famous book of Thomas a Kempis ;) and the other, St. Je- " rome's Letter. She bid her divert herself at the virginals or " lute ; but above all things to keep herself pure, and to enter " into no treaty of marriage, till these ill times should pass " over; of which her mother seemed to retain still good hopes." This letter should have been in my former volume, if I had then seen it ; but it is no improper place to mention it here. At court, many were afraid to move the king for her ; both the duke of Norfolk and Gardiner looked on, and were unwilling to hazard their own interests to preserve her. But (as it was And was now printed, and both these appealed to) Cranmer was the {^"n- only person that would adventure on it. In his gentle way he mer's told the king, that she was young and indiscreet, and tnere- c c 1 388 THE HISTORY" OF [part ii. fore it was no wonder if she obstinately adhered to that which her mother, and all about her, had been infusing into her for many years ; but that it would appear strange if he should for this cause so far forget he was a father, as to proceed to ex tremities with his own child : that if she were separated from her mother, and her people, in a little time there might be ground gained on her ; but to take away her life would raise horror through all Europe against him. By these means he preserved her at that time. She sub- After her mother's death, in June following;, she changed nutted to ° => her father, her note ; for, besides the declaration she then signed, which was inserted in the former part of this work, she writ letters of such submission, as show how expert she was at dis sembling. Three of these to her father, and one to Cromwell, Collect. I bave put in the Collection ; " in which she, with the most 4> 5> 6- ' " studied expressions, declaring her sorrow for her past stub- " bornness and disobedience to his most just and virtuous laws, " implores his pardon, as lying prostrate at his feet : and, con- " sidering his great learning and knowledge, she puts her soul " in his hand, resolving that he should for ever thereafter di- " rect her conscience ; from which she vows she would never " vary." This she repeats in such tender words, that it shews she could command herself to say any thing that she thought fit for her ends. And when Cromwell writ to her, to know " what her opinion was about pilgrimages, purgatory and relics, " she assures him, she had no opinion at all, but such as she " should receive from the king, who had her whole heart in " his keeping ; and he should imprint upon it, in these and all " other matters, whatever his inestimable virtue, high wisdom, " and excellent learning, should think convenient for her." So perfectly had she learned that style that she knew was most acceptable to him. Having copied these from the originals, I thought it not unfit to insert them, that it may appear how far those of that religion can comply, when their interest leads them to it. From that time this princess had been in all points most ex actly compliant to every thing her father did ; and after bis death she never pretended to be of any other religion than that which was established by him : so that all that she pleaded for in her brother's reign was only the continuance of that way of book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (15.53.) 389 worship that was in use at her father's death. But now, being come to the~crown, that would not content her : yet, when she thought where to fix, she was distracted between two different schemes that were presented to her. £42 On the one hand, Gardiner and all that party were for The de- bringing religion back to what it had been at king Henry's B1,PS *°r c ° ° . ' . changing death ; and afterward, by slow degrees, to raise it up to what it religion. had been before his breach with the papacy. On the other hand, the queen, of her own inclination, was much disposed to return immediately to the union of the catholic church, as she called it : and it was necessary for her to do it, since it was only by the papal authority that her illegitimation was removed. To this it was answered, that all these acts and sentences that had passed againstjier might be annulled, without taking any notice of the pope. Gardiner, finding these things had not Gardiner's such weight with her as he desired, (for she looked on him as P01*0^ a crafty temporizing man,) sent over to the emperor, on whom she depended much, to assure him, that if he would persuade her to make him chancellor, and to put affairs into his hands, he should order them so, that every thing she had a mind to should be carried in time. But Gardiner understood she had sent for cardinal Pole: so he writ to the emperor, that he knew his zeal for the exaltation of the popedom would undo all ; therefore he pressed him to write to the queen for moderating her heat, and to stop the cardinal's coming over. He said that Pole stood attainted by law, so that his coming into England would alarm the nation. He observed, that upon a double ac count they were averse to the papacy : the one was for the church ' lands, which they had generally bought from the crown 011 very easy terms ; and they would not easily part with them. The other was, the fear they had of papal dominion and power, which had been now for about twenty-five years set out to the people as the most intolerable tyranny that ever was : there fore, he said, it was necessary to give them some time to wear out these prejudices ; and the precipitating of counsels might ruin all. He gave the emperor also secret assurances of serv ing him in all his interests. All this Gardiner did the more warily, because he understood that cardinal Pole hated him as a false and deceitful man". Upon this the emperor writ to the 390 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. queen several letters with his own hand, which is so hardly legible, that it was not possible for me, or some others to whom ' I shewed them, to read them so well as to copy them out ; and one that was written by his sister, the queen of Hungary, and signed by him, is no better : but, from many half sentences, I find, that all was with a design to temper her, that she should not make too much haste, nor be too much led by Italian coun sels. Upon the return of this message, the seal, which had [July 20.] been taken from Goodrich, bishop of Ely, and put for some days in the keeping of Hare, master of the rolls, was on the He is made 13th of August6 given to Gardiner, who was declared lord [Aug. 23.] chancedor of England, and the conduct of affairs was chiefly put in his hands. So that now the measure of the queen's counsels was to do everything slowly, and by such sure steps as might put them less in hazard. The duke The first thing that was done was the bringing the duke of umJberiand Northumberland to his trial. The old duke of Norfolk was and others made lord high steward; the queen thinking it fit to put the first character of honour on him, who had suffered so much for being the head of the popish party. And here a subtle thing was started, which had been kept a great secret hitherto. It 243 was said, the duke of Norfolk had never been truly attainted ; and that the act against him was not a true act of parliament : so that, without any pardon or restitution in blood, he was still duke of Norfolk''. This he had never mentioned all the last reign, lest that should have procured an act to confirm his at tainder. So he came now in upon his former right, by which all the grants that had been given of his estate were to be de- [Aug. 18.] clared void by common law. The duke of Northumberland, [Holin- with the marquis of Northampton and the earl of Warwick, Sh8o lP were brought to their trials. The duke desired two points might be first answered by the judges in matter of law. The 6 ['At Richemond the 23d day of Book, Harl. 643. See also Part iii. August, an° 1553. p. 220.] This daye the Queene's highnes 7 Yet in the second session of this made the Right Reverend Father in parliament, a private act passed, to God Steeven Gardenere Bishope of make void the duke of Norfolk's at- Winchester, Lord Chauncelor of tainder. [S.] Englande.' Extract from Council bookii.J THE REFORMATION. (1553.) 391 one, Whether a man, acting by the authority of the great seal, and the order of the privy council, could become thereby guilty of treason? The other was, Whether those who had been equally gudty with him, and by whose direction and commands he had acted, could sit his judges ? To these the judges made answer, that the great seal of one that was not lawful queen could give no authority nor indemnity to those that acted on such a warrant : and that any peer that was not, by an attain der upon record, convicted of such accession to his crime, might sit his judge, and was not to be challenged upon a surmise or report. So these points, by which only he could hope to have defended himself, being thus determined against him, he con- And con fessed he was guilty, and submitted to the queen's mercy : so demned- did the marquis of Northampton, and the duke's son, the earl of Warwick, who (it seems by this trial) had a writ for sit ting in the house of peers. They were all three found guilty. Judgment also passed next day, in a jury of commoners, against sir John Gates, and his brother sir Humphrey8 ; sir An- [Aug. 19.] drew Dudley, and sir Thomas Palmer, confessing their indict ments. But of all these, it was resolved that only the duke of Northumberland, and sir John Gates and sir Thomas Palmer, should be made examples. Heath, bishop of Worcester, was employed to instruct the duke, and to prepare him for his death. Whether he had been always in heart what he then Athisdeath professed, or whether he only pretended it, hoping that it he had been might procure him favour, is variously reported ; but certain it always apa- is, that he said he had been always a catholic in his heart : yet this could not save him. He was known to be a man of that temper, so given both to revenge and dissimulation, that his enemies saw it was necessary to put him out of the way, lest, if he had lived, he might have insinuated himself into the queen's favour, and then turned the danger upon them. So the earl of Arundel, now made lord steward of the household, with others, easily obtained that his head should be cut off, together with sir John Gates' and sir Thomas Palmer's. On the 22nd of August he was carried to the place of exe- [Stow, p. cution. On the way there was some expostulation between "4vl Gates and him ; they, as is ordinary for complices in ill actions, 8 For Humphrey, read Henry. [S.] 392 THE HISTORY OF [part II. [Harl.MSS. 284. fol. 127, printed in Tytler, ii. 23°-] His cha racter. [Fox, vol. iii. p. 13.] laying the blame of their miseries on one another : yet they professed they did mutually forgive, and so died in charity together. It is said, that he made a long speech, accusing his former ill life, and confessing his treasons : but that part of it which concerned religion is only preserved. In it he exhorted the people to stand to the religion of their ancestors, and to reject that of later date, which had occasioned all the misery of the foregoing thirty years ; and desired, as they would prevent the like for the future, that they would drive out of the nation 244 these trumpets of sedition, the new preachers : that for him self, whatever he had otherwise pretended, he believed no other religion than that of his forefathers ; in which he appealed to his ghostly father, the bishop of Worcester, then present with him : but, being blinded with ambition, he had made wreck of his conscience by temporizing, for which he professed himself sincerely penitent. So did he, and the other two, end their days. Palmer was little pitied, as being believed a treacherous conspirator against his former master and friend, the duke of Somerset. Thus died the ambitious duke of Northumberland. He had been, in the former parts of his life, a great captain, and had the reputation of a wise man : he was generady successful, and they that are so are always esteemed wise. He was an extra ordinary man in a lower size, but had forgot himself much when he was raised higher, in which his mind seemed more exalted than his fortunes. But as he was transported by his rage and revenge out of measure, so he was as servde and mean in his submissions. Fox, it seems, was informed, that he had hopes given him of his life, if he should declare himself to be of the popish religion, even though his head were laid on the block : but which way soever he made that declaration, either to get his life by it, or that he had really been always what he now professed, it argued that he regarded religion very little, either in his life or at his death. But whether he did any thing to hasten the late king's death, I do not find it was at all inquired after : only those who considered how much guilt disorders all people, and that they have a black cloud over their minds, which appears, either in the violence of rage, or the abjectness of fear, did find so great a change in his de portment in these last passages of his life, from what was in book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1553.) S93 the former parts of it, that they could not but think there was some extraordinary thing within him from whence it flowed. And for king Edward's death, those who had affairs now in King Ed- their hands were so little careful of his memory, and indeed so ^!al s glad of his death, that it is no wonder they made little search about it. It is rather strange that they allowed him such funeral rites : for the queen kept a solemn exequie, with all the other remembrances of the dead, and masses for him, used in the Roman church, at the Tower on the eighth of August, the [Aug. 9> same day that he was buried at Westminster; the lord trea- 613. 'h'o- surer, (who was the marquis of Winchester, still continued in lm|ned> P- that trust,) the earls of Shrewsbury and Pembroke, being the principal mourners. Day, that was now to be restored to his see of Chichester9, was appointed to preach the fune ral sermon : in which he commended and excused the king, but loaded his government severely ; and extolled the queen much, under whom he promised the people happy days. It was intended that all the burial rites should have been accord ing to the old forms that were before the reformation : but Cranmer opposed this vigorously; and insisted upon it, that, as the king himself had been a zealous promoter of that re formation, so the English service was then established by law. Upon this he stoutly hindered any other way of officiating, and himself performed all the offices of the burial I0; to which he joined the solemnity of a communion. In these, it may be easily imagined, he did every thing with a very lively sorrow ; 245 since, as he had loved the king beyond expression, so he could not but look on his funeral as the burial of the reformation, and in particular as a step to his own. On the twelfth of August the queen made an open declara- The were better used ; for Peter Martyr was pre- England. served from the rage of his enemies, and suffered to go beyond sea. There was also an order sent to John a Lasco and his congregation to be gone, their church being taken from them, and their corporation dissolved ; and an hundred seventy-five of them went away in two ships to Denmark on the 17th of September, with ad their preachers, except two, who were left to look to those few which stayed behind ; and being engaged in trade, resolved to live in England, and follow their con sciences in the matters of religion in private, with the assistance of those teachers. But a Lasco, after a long and hard passage, arriving at Denmark, was as ill received there as if it had been a popish country, when they understood that he and his com pany were of the Helvetian confession : so that, though it was December, and a very severe winter, they were required to be gone within two days ; and could not obtain so much as liberty to leave their wives or children behind them, till theyxould provide a place for them. From thence they went, first, to Lubeck, then to Wismar and Hamburg, where they found the disputes about the manner of Christ's presence in the sacra ment had raised such violent animosities, that, after much bar barous usage, they were banished out of all those towns, and could find no place to settle in till about the end of March, that they came to Friseland, where they were suffered to plant themselves.18 17 [See Wilkins' Concilia, torn. JohannemUtenhoviumGandavum,' iv. p. 93, for ' Queen Mary's pro- being approved by John a Lasco clamation for the driving out of the and the rest as a true account. realm, strangers and foreigners.'] From this narration it appears, thaf 18 ['A most exact account of the although some of the company went foundation and dissolution of this to Hamburg, Lubeck, Wismar, &c. German congregation in England, yet that a Lasco himself went not with their subsequent removals, was thither with them. He left Den- written by Utenhovius, one of the mark on the 19th of November, ministers, at the desire of the con- passed through Holsatia.and arrived gregation, and is printed at Basle, at Embden the 4th of December. He 1560, 8°. with this title, 'Simplex et was accompanied with a servant of fidelis narratio de instituta et demum the king of Denmark, by whom he dissipata, Belgarum aliorumque pe- sent back a severe, or rather un- regrinorum in Anglia ecclesia, per mannerly letter to the king. In this book ii. J THE REFORMATION. (1553.) 403 Many in England, seeing the government was set on severe ManyEng- courses so early, did infer, that this would soon grow up to an yondfl^e" extreme persecution ; so that above a thousand persons fled be yond seas : most of them went in the company, and as the ser vants, of French protestants ; who, having come over in king Edward's time, were now required, as the Germans had been, to return into their own country. The council, understanding this, took care that no Englishman should escape out of their hands; and therefore sent an order to the ports, that none should be suffered to go over as Frenchmen, but those who brought certificates from the French ambassador. Among those that had got over, some eminent divines went ; who, either having no cures, or being turned out of their benefices, were not under such ties to any flock : so that they judged themselves disengaged, and therefore did not, as hirelings, leave their flock to the persecution then imminent, but rather 251 went to look after those who had now left England. The chief of these that went at first were Cox, Sandys, Grindal, and Home. Cox was without any good colour turned out both of his deanery of Christ-Church and his prebendary at West minster 19 : he was put into the Marshalsea ; but on the 1 9th of August was discharged. Sandys was turned out for his sermon before the duke of Northumberland at Cambridge : on what account Grindal was turned out, I know not. Home, soon same relation of Utenhovius is was dean of Westminster, and pre printed at large the charters given bendary of Windsor, of all which he by King Edward to John a Lasco was deprived about this time. The and his -congregation, which the cause of his deprivation was pro- historian had before mentioned and bably supposed to have been that put it into his collection for the cu- he had acted in favour of Queen riosity of the thing, as himself saith. Jane. For being a considerable It was also published by Mr. Prynn, person in king Edward's court at in his trial of archbishop Laud, the time of his death, and having I will further add, that it is more been much employed even in state correct in Utenhovius than in the affairs, he could not well avoid to be ' transcript ; which is the case of all concerned in that matter if he were the instruments and memorials pub- then present at court. He was lished by him which I have had married indeed at this time, but I occasion to compare, either with the do not think that was alleged as a originals or with other copies.' — cause of his deprivation. For they Specimen of Errrors, p. 123.] did not yet proceed to deprive the 19 [' Cox had no prebendary (the married clergy until some months historian would have said prebend) after this.' Specimen of Errors, at Westminster but besides his p. 124.] deanery of Christ-Church, Oxford, Dd2 404 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. after he got beyond sea, printed an apology for his leaving his country ; he tells, that he heard there were some crimes against the state objected to him, which made him come up from Durham to clear himself. It was said, that three letters had been written to him in the queen's name, requiring him to come up ; and intimating, that they were resolved to charge him with contempt, and other points of state. He protests that he had never received but one, which was given him on the road ; but seeing how he was like to be used, he withdrew out of England : upon which he takes occasion in that discourse to vindicate the preachers in king Edward's time, against whom it was now objected, that they had neglected fasting and prayer, and had allowed the people all sorts of liberty. This, he said, was so false, that the ruling men in that time were much of fended at the great freedom which the preachers then took, so that many of them would hear no more sermons : and he says for himself, that though Tunstall was now his great enemy, he had refused to accept of his bishopric20, and was id used and threatened for denying to take it. The queen All these things tended much to inflame the people. There- thosTwho ^ore great care was taken, first, to oblige ad those noblemen had served who had assisted the queen at her coming to the crown ; since a grateful acknowledgment of past services is the greatest en couragement, both to the same persons to renew them, and to others to undertake the like upon new occasions. The earl of Arundel was made lord steward; sir Edward Hastings was made master of the horse, and afterwards lord Hastings ; sir John Gage," lord chamberlain ; sir John Williams, who had proclaimed the queen in Oxfordshire, was made lord Wil liams ; and sir Henry Jerningham, that first gathered the men of Norfolk about her, was made captain of her guard. But Ratcliff, earl of Sussex, had done the most considerable service of them all ; for to him she had given the chief command of her army, and hehad managed it with that prudence, that others were thereby encouraged to come in to her assistance : so an unusual honour was contrived for him, that he might 20 As far as I understand his in his bishopric;' answers.. ..'I meaning, this was meant of the ad- never meddled with his office; I ministration of episcopal power, was in danger of much displeasure For Home having said, ' The bishop because I would not take upon was not ashamed to lay to my charge me his office,' &c. [B.] .... that I had exercised his office book ii. J THE REFORMATION. (1553.) 405 cover his head in her presence ; which passed under the great seal the second of October, he being the only peer of England in whom this honour was ever conferred, as far as I know21. The like was granted to the lord Courcy, baron of King-sale in Ireland, whose posterity enjoy it to this day : but I am not so well informed of that family, as to know by which of our kings it was first granted. The queen having summoned a par liament to the tenth22 of October, was crowned on the first [Stow, p. of that month by Gardiner ; who, with ten other bishops, all in their mitres, copes, and crosiers, performed that ceremony with great solemnity : Day preaching the coronation sermon; who, it seems, was accounted the best preacher among them, since he was ordered to preach both at the late king's funeral, and now again at the coronation But Gardiner had prepared a largess of an extraordinary The queen 252 nature for the -quee'n to distribute that23 day among her people, ^n™ °^e ' besides her general pardon : he caused a proclamation to be charges all published, which did set forth, " that whereas the good subjects " of England had always exhibited aid to their princes, when " the good of the public, and honour of the realm, required it ; " and though the queen, since her coming to the crown, found " the treasury was marvellously exhausted, by the evil govern- " ment of late years, especially since the duke of Northumber- " land bare rule ; though she found herself charged with " divers great sums of her father and brother's debts, which " for her own honour, and the honour of the realm, she deter- " mined to pay in times convenient and reasonable ; yet having " a special regard to the welfare of her subjects, and account- " ing their loving hearts and prosperity the chiefest treasure " which she desired, next to the favour and grace of God ; " therefore, since in her brother's last parliament, two tenths, " two fifteenths, and a subsidy both out of lands and goods were " given to him for paying his debts, which were now due to her ; 21 Dr. Fuller assures us in his presence of the king and his heirs, Church History, book ix. p. 167, and not to put it off but for his own that he had seen a charter granted ease and pleasure. [G.] by king Henry the 8th, the 16th of 22 The tenth, read the fifth. [S.] July, in the 18th of his reign, and, w The day of her coronation, read, confirmed by act of parliament, to a month before ; for it was on the 1st Francis Brown, a commoner; giving of September. [S.] him leave to put on his cap, in the 406 THE HISTORY OF [part ii A parlia ment sum moned. [Fox, vol. iii. p. 15. Oct. 5. Journal of Commons,p. 26.] [Machyn's Diary, p. 46.]Bishops violentlythrust out for not worship ping the Great dis order in elections. " she of her great clemency did fully pardon and discharge " these subsidies ; trusting her said good subjects will have " loving consideration thereof for their parts, whom she " heartily requires to bend themselves wholly to God, to serve " him sincerely, and with continual prayer, for the honour " and advancement of the queen and the commonwealth." And thus matters were prepared for the parliament : which was opened the tenth 24 of October. In the writ of summons, and all other writs, the queen retained still the title of supreme head. Taylor bishop of Lincoln, and Harley bishop of Here ford, came thither, resolving to justify their doctrine. Most of the other reformed bishops were now in prison ; for, besides these formerly mentioned, on the fourth of October the arch bishop of York was put in the Tower, no cause being given, but heinous offences only named in general. When the mass begun, it is said that those two bishops withdrew, and were upon that never suffered to come to their places again. But one Beal 2S, the clerk of the council in queen Elizabeth's time, reports this otherwise, and more probably ; that bishop Taylor took his place in his robes, but, refusing to give any reverence to the mass, was violently thrust out of the house. He says nothing of Harley, so it is probable that he followed the other. The same writer also informs us, that, in many places of the country, men were chosen by force and threats ; in other places those employed by the court did by violence hinder the commons from coming to choose ; in many places false returns were made ; and that some were violently turned out of the house of commons ; upon which reasons he concludes that it was no parliament, since it was under a force, and so might be annulled, as the parliament held at Coventry, in the 38th year of king Henry the Sixth, was, upon evidence of the like force, declared afterwards to be no parliament. The journals of the house of lords in this parliament are lost ; so there is no light to be had of their proceedings, but from the imperfect journals of the house of commons. On the second day of the session, one moved in the house of commons for a review of king Edward's laws. But that being 24 The tenth, read the fifth. This mistake is taken from Fabian and Fox. [S.] 26 This name in Fox is Hales, vol. iii. p. 976. [B.] book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1553.) 407 a while argued, was at this time laid aside, and the bill for tonnage and poundage was put in. Then followed a debate 253 upon Dri Nowell's being returned from Loo in Cornwall, whe ther he, being a prebendary of26 Westminster, could«sit in that house ? and the committee being appointed to search for pre cedents, it was reported, that he, being represented in the con- [Oct. 13.] vocation house, could not be a member of that house ; so he was cast out. The bill of tonnage and poundage was sent up [Oct. 12.] to the lords, who sent it down to the commons to be reformed [Journal of . .. Commons, in two provisos that were not according to former precedents. p. 28.] How far this was contrary to the rights of the commons, who now say, that the lords cannot alter a bill of money, I am not able to determine. The only public bill that passed in this An act for . short session was for a declaration of treasons and felonies ; by jng SOme which it was ordained, that nothing should be judged treason, severe but what was within the statute of treasons in the 25th of Ed- map , ward the Third ; and nothing should be so judged felony, that Statutes, was not so before the first year of king Henry the Eighth, ex- I08.] cepting from any benefit of this act all such as had been in [Journal of prison27 before the last of September; who were also excepted p°^.] ' out of the queen's pardon at her coronation. Two private bills [Ibid. p. also passed ; the one for the restoring of the wife of the late 2 "¦' marquis of Exeter, who had been attainted in the 32nd year of king Henry's reign ; and the other for her son Edward Courtenay earl of Devonshire. And so the parliament was prorogued from the 21st to the 24th of October, that there might be a session of parliament consisting only of acts of mercy ; though this repeal of additional treasons and felonies was not more than what had passed in the beginning of king Edward's reign, without the clog of so severe a proviso, by which many were cut off from the favour designed by it. Some have thought, that since treasons had been reduced by the second act of Edward the Sixth to the standard of the 25th of Edward the Third, that therefore there was somewhat else designed by this act than barely the repealing some late severe acts, which being done the first of Edward the Sixth, needed not be now repealed, if it imported no more. And since this act, as it is worded, mentions, or rather excepts, 26 Yet Tregonnell, a prebendary of 27 For treason, petty treason, or Westminster, sat in the house in the misprision of treason, [was inserted secondsessionofthisparliament.[S.] here in the edition of 1715.] 408 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. those treasons that are declared and expressed in the 25th of Edward the Third, they have inferred that the power of par liaments declaring of treasons ex post facto, which was re served by^that statute, is hereby taken away; and that nothing is now to be held treason, but what is enumerated in that sta tute. Yet this is still liable to debate ; since the one may be thought to be declared and expressed in general words, as well as the other specialties are in more particular words ; and is also still in force. So nothing seems comprehended within this repeal, but the acts passed in king Edward's reign, declaring other crimes to be treason ; some are added in the same act, and others in that of the 3rd and 4th of his reign, chap: 5. Nor is it likely, that if the parliament had intended to have deli vered the subjects from the apprehensions of all acts of attain der, upon a declaration of new treasons, they would not have expressed it more plainly ; since it must have been very grate ful to the nation, which had groaned heavily under arbitrary attainders of late years. The mar- When the parliament met again, the first bill the commons queenCa- entered on was that of tonnage and poundage, which they tharine to passed in two days. Then was the bill about king Henry's confirmed! marriage with the queen's mother sent down on the 26th by [Journal of £he lords, and the commons passed it on the 28th ; so strangely Commons, L a- a p. 29.] was the stream turned, that a divorce that had been for seven 2o4 years much desired by the nation, was now repealed upon [Cap. 1. fewer days' consultation. In the preamble it was said, " That vol. ivep\ " truth, how much soever obscured and borne down, will in the 200.] " end break out : and that therefore they declared, that king " Henry the Eighth, being lawfully married to queen Catha- " rine by the consent of both their parents, and the advice of " the wisest men in the realm, and of the best and ribtablest " men for learning in Christendom, did continue that state " twenty years, in which God blessed them with her majesty " and other issue, and a course of great happiness ; but then " a very few malicious persons did endeavour to break that " happy agreement between them, and studied to possess the " king' with a scruple in his conscience about it: and, to sup- " port that, caused the seals of some universities to be got " against it, a few persons being corrupted with money for " that end. They had also by sinistrous ways, and secret book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1553.) 409 " threatenings, procured the seals of the universities of this " kingdom ; and, finady, Thomas Cranmer did most ungodlily, " and against law, judge the divorce, upon his own unadvised " understanding of the scriptures, upon the testimonies of the " universities, and some bare and most untrue' conjectures ; [Ibid. " and that was afterwards confirmed by two acts of parlia- p' 2 " ment, in which was contained the illegitimacy of her ma- " jesty : but that marriage not being prohibited by the law of " God, and lawfully made, could not be so broken ; since what " God hath joined together, no man could put asunder : all " which they considering, together with the many miseries " that had fallen on the kingdom since that time, which they " did esteem plagues sent from God for it ; therefore they de- " clare that sentence given by Cranmer to be unlawful, and of " no force from the beginning : and do also repeal the acts of " parliament that had confirmed it." By this act, Gardiner had performed his promise to the Which was queen, of getting her iUegitimation taken off, without any re- ^ed.0611 lation to the pope's authority. But in the drawing of it, he shewed that he was past all shame ; when he could frame such an act, of a business which himself had so violently and ser- vdely promoted. The falsehood of that pretence of corrupting universities has been shewn in the former volume ; but it was all they had now to say.- The laying it all upon Cranmer was as high a pitch of malice and impudence as could be devised ; for, as Gardiner had been setting it on long before Cranmer was known to king Henry, so he had been joined with him in the commission, and had given his assent to the sentence which Cranmer gave. Nor- was the divorce grounded merely upon Cranmer's understanding of the scriptures, but upon the fullest and most studied arguments that had perhaps been in any age brought together in one particular case ; and both houses of convocation had condemned the marriage before his sentence. But because in the right of his see he was legate to the pope, therefore, to make the sentence stronger, it went only in his name, though he had but a small share in it, compared to what Gardiner had. By this act there was also a second iUegitimation brought The_queen ^ ° ° carries it on the lady Elizabeth, to whom hitherto the queen had been severely to very kind, using her on all occasions with the tenderness of a ^z^th 410 THE HISTORY OF [part u. sister; but from this time forwards she handled her more severely. It was perhaps occasioned by this act, since before 255 they stood both equally illegitimated; but now the act that legitimated the queen, making her most certainly a bastard in law, the queen might think it now too much to use her as she had done formerly. Others suggest a more secret reason of this distaste. The new earl of Devonshire was much in the queen's favour, so that it was thought she had some inclinations to marry him ; but he, either not presuming so high, or really having an aversion to her, and an inclination to her sister, who, of that moderate share of beauty that was between them, had much the better of her, and was nineteen years younger, made his addresses with more than ordinary concern to the lady Elizabeth ; and this did bring them both in trouble, as shall be afterwards shewn. The laws The next bill that was sent from "the lords to the commons kin/ Ed- was ^or *^e rePealing king Edward's laws about religion. It ward re- was sent down on the 31st of October, and argued six days in [Journal of the house of commons ; but in the end it was carried, and sent Commons, Dack to the lords. The preamble of it sets forth the great dis- [Cap. 2. orders that had fallen out in the nation by the changes that Statutes, had been made in religion, from that which their forefathers vol. iv. p. 202.] had left them by the authority of the catholic church : there upon all the laws that had been made in king Edward's time about religion were now repealed ; and it was enacted, that, from the 20th of December next, there should be no other form of divine service but what had been used in the last year of king Henry the Eighth, leaving it free to ad till that day to use either the books appointed by king Edward, or the old ones, at their pleasure. An act Another act was passed, which the commons sent up to the aftontSag 6 l°r(^s' against all those who by any overt act should molest or priests. disquiet any preacher, because of his office, or for any sermon ibii 'p. ' *^at ^e might have preached ; or should any way disturb them 2°i-] when they were in any part of the divine offices, that either had been in the last year of king Henry, or should be after wards set forth by the queen ; or should break or abuse the holy sacrament, or break altars, crucifixes, or crosses: those that did any of these things should be presented to the justices of peace, and be by them put in prison, where they should lie book n. J THE REFORMATION. (1553.) 411 three months, or tdl they were penitent for their offences ; and if any rescued them, they should be liable to the same punishment. But to this a proviso was added by the lords, that this act should no way derogate from the authority of the ecclesiastical laws and courts, who might likewise proceed upon such offences ; and a certificate from the ordinaries, that such offenders were punished by them, being brought to the justices of peace, they were to proceed no further : or if the justices made a certificate that they had punished them according to law, the ordinary might not punish them a second time. But [Journal of the commons were now so heated, that they sent up another p.om^onB' bill to the lords against those who came not to church, nor to sacraments, after the old service should be again set up ; the inflicting of the punishments in these cases being left to the ecclesiastical courts. This fell in the house of lords, not so much from any opposition that was made, as that they were afraid of alarming the nation too much, by many severe laws at once. Another law was made for securing: the public peace against An act against 256 unlawful and rebellious assemblies ; that if any to the number unlawful of twelve or above should meet to alter any thing of religion assembliei established by law, and being required by any, having the ibid. p. queen's authority, to disperse themselves, should continue after aiI'l that an hour together, it should be felony ; or if that number met to break hedges or parks, to destroy deer or fish, &c. and did not disperse upon proclamation, it should be felony ; or if any, by ringing of bells, drums, or firing of beacons, gathered the people together, and did the things before mentioned, it was felony; if the wives or servants of persons so gathered, carried meat, money, or weapons to them, it should be felony ; and if any above the number of two, and within twelve, should meet for these ends, they should suffer a year's imprisonment ; empowering the sheriffs or justices to gather the country for the resistance of persons so offending, with penalties on all, between eighteen and sixty, that, being required to come out against them, should refuse" to do it. When this act was known, the people then saw clearly how they had been deceived by the former act, that seemed so favourable, repealing all acts of new treasons and felonies ; since there was so soon after it an 412 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. act passed that renewed one of the severest laws of the last reign, in which so many things, that might flow from sudden heats, were made felonies, and a great many new and severe [Cap. 17. provisos were added to it. The queen's discharge of the sub- ibid, p. . , .. 2I8.] sidy was confirmed by another act. The mar- There followed two private acts, which occasioned more de- Northamp- bate ^an ^he public ones had done : the one was, the repeal ton's se- of the aet that had confirmed the marquis of Northampton's riage is marriage ; it was much argued in the house of commons, and annulled. on fhe 28th of November it was agreed to. It contains, that [Journal of D Commons, the act of confirming the divorce, and the second marriage, was P- 31-] procured more upon untrue surmises and private respects, than for any public good, and increase of virtue ; and that it was an encouragement for sensual persons to practise by false allega tions that they might be separated from their wives, rather than a precedent to induce people to live with their wives in a godly sort : thereupon the act was repealed, and declared void and of no effect. In this it seems the arguments that were against it in the house of commons had so moderated the style of it, that it was not repealed as an act sinful in itself, but it was only declared that in that particular case the divorce was unlawfully made ; for it is reasonable to believe, that the bishops had put in the first draught of the bill a simple repeal of it, and of all such divorces, founded on the indissolubleness of the marriage bond. And the The other act was about the duke of Norfolk, for declaring Norfolk's flis attainder void. The patentees that had purchased some attainder, parts of his estate from the crown, desired to be heard to plead Commons, against it. But the session of the parliament being near at an P- 32-] end, the duke came down himself to the house of commons on the fourth of December, and desired them earnestly to pass his bill; and said, that the difference between him and the patentees was referred to arbiters, and if they could not agree it, he would refer it to the queen. It was long argued after that, but in the end it was agreed to. It sets forth, that the act, by which he was attainted, had no special matter in it, but only treasons in general, and a pretence, that, out of the par liament's care for the king,- and his son the prince, it was ne- 257 cessary to attaint him : that the reasons they pretended were, his using coats of arms, which he and his ancestors had and book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (15.53.) 413 might lawfully use. It further says, that the king died the next night after the commission was given for passing the bill ; and that it did not appear that the king had given his assent to it : that the commission was not signed by the king's hand, but only by his stamp ; and that was put to the nether end, and not, to the upper part of the bill, which shewed it was done in disorder ; and that it did not appear that these com missioned for it had given the royal assent to it. Upon which considerations, that pretended act is declared void and null by the common laws of the land. And it is further declared, that the law was, and ever hath been, that the royal assent should be given, either by the king being present, or,- in his absence, by a commission under the great seal, signed with his hand, and publicly notified to the lords and commons. The last act of which I shall give an account, was the con firmation of the attainders that had been made. On the 3rd of November 28, archbishop Cranmer, the lord Guilford Dudley, Cranmer and the lady Jane his wife, with two other sons of the duke of attainted? Northumberland, (which were all, except the lord Robert, who [Holin- was reserved for greater fortunes,) were brought to their trial. 1093.] These all confessed their indictments. Only Cranmer appealed to those that judged him, how unwillingly he had consented to the exclusion of the queen ; that he had not done it till those whose profession it was to know the law had signed it : upon which he submitted himself to the queen's mercy. But they were all attainted of high treason, for levying war against the queen, and conspiring to set up another in her room. So these judg ments, with those that had passed before, were now confirmed by act of parliament. ^ And now Cranmer was legally divested of his archbishopric, But the which was hereupon void in law, since a man that is attainted tert,ury i3 can have no right to any church benefice ; his life was also at not de- . , , _.,. i-ii iii claredvoid. the queen s mercy. But it being now designed to restore the ecclesiastical exemption and dignity to what it had been an ciently, it was resolved, that he should be still esteemed arch bishop, tid he were solemnly degraded, according to the canon law. The queen was also inclined to give him his life at this time, reckoning, that thereby she was acquitted of all the obligations she had to him ; and was resolved to have him pro- 28 For third of November, read the thirteenth. [S.] 414 THE HISTORY OF [part II. ceeded against for heresy, that so it might appear she did not act out of revenge, or on any personal account. So all that followed on this against Cranmer was, a sequestration of all the fruits of his archbishopric ; himself was still kept in prison 29 : nor were the other prisoners proceeded against at this time. The queen was desirous to seem willing to pardon injuries done 29 [' This, if true, would be a mat ter of great moment, and make -a considerable change in the history of our church. But really it is a mere fiction. For immediately after his attainture, the see of Canterbury was declared void, and the dean and chapter of Canterbury thereupon as sumed the administration of the spi ritual jurisdiction of the archbishop ric, as in other cases of vacancy. ' The attainture was completed in the middle of November 1553, and on the sixteenth of December fol lowing the dean and chapter of Can terbury gave out commissions to several persons for the exercise of the archiepiscopal jurisdiction in their names and by their authorities. The chapter continued in possession of this jurisdiction till the publica tion of cardinal Pole's bulls of pro vision to the archbishopric, viz. till the beginning of the year 1556 ; and during that time gave commissions to the several officers and judges of the courts of the archbishopric, had the spiritual jurisdiction of all vacant bishoprics; gave institution to all benefices in them, and in the diocese of Canterbury; gave com missions for the consecration of bi shops, &c; of all which acts done, a peculiar register was made, entitled, Vacatio sedis metropoliticce Christi Cantuariensis post depositionem Tho- mce Cranmer nuper archiepiscopi Cantuariensis primo de crimine lessee majestatis authoritate Parliamenti convicti et deinde ob varias hareses authoritate sedis apostolicm depositi, degradati, seculari brachio traditi, et postremo in alma universitate Ox- oniensi igne consumpti^sub annis Domini 1553, 1554 et 1555, regno- rum vero Philippi et Maria regum, Sf-c. During this time all acts and instruments begin with these words : Nicholaus Wotton utriusque juris doctor decanus Ecclesice Cathedralis et Metropolitices Christi Cantuar. et ejusdem ecclesice capitulum ad quern et quos omnis et omnimoda juris- dictio spiritualis et ecclesiastica, qum ad Archiepiscopum Cantuarien- sem, sede plena, pertinuit, ipsa sede jam per attincturam Thomee Cran mer, ultimi Archiepiscopi ejusdem, de alta proditione attincti et adju- dicati, vacante, notorie dinoscitur pertinere. Thus in particular be- ginneth the first instrument of the register, dated 1553, December the sixteenth. Long before his degra dation also, the pope had solemnly excommunicated and deposed Cran mer for heresy; for it did not con cern him to take any notice of the pretence of high treason. In the bull of provision to Cardinal Pole to the archbishopric of Canterbury, dated 1555, December 1 1, Pope Paul saith that he had by a solemn sen tence excommunicated and deposed from the see of Canterbury, filium iniquitatis Thomam Cranmer olim archiepiscopum Cantuariensem, ob notorias hareses. This bull suffi ciently disproveth the historian's re lation. But that which is chiefly to be regarded herein, is the register of the vacancy before mentioned, which puts it beyond all doubt that the see of Canterbury became void im mediately upon the attainture of Cranmer, and was at least in Eng land so accounted.' — Specimen of Errors, p. 127.] bookilJ THE REFORMATION. (1553.) 415 against herself, but was so heated in the matters of religion, that she was always inexorable on that head. Having given this account of public transactions, I must re late next what were more secretly carried on ; but, breaking -out at this time, occasioned the sudden dissolution of the par liament. Cardinal Dandino, that was then the pope's legate at the The queen emperor's court, sent over Commendone (afterwards a cardinal) at,out a re_ to bring him a certain account of the queen's intentions con- cpntilia- • T • • i tl0n Wltn cerning religion : he gave him in charge, to endeavour to speak Kome. with her in private, and to persuade her to reconcile her king- 258 dom to the apostolic see. This was to be managed with great secrecy, for they did not know whom to trust in so important a negotiation : it seems, they neither confided in Gardiner, nor in any of the other bishops. Commendone, being thus in structed, went to Newport, where he gave himself out to be the nephew of a merchant, that was lately dead at London ; and hired two servants, to whom he was unknown, and so he came over unsuspected to London. There he was so much a stranger, that he did not know to whom he should address himself. By accident he met with one Lee, a servant of the queen's, that had fled beyond sea during the former reign, and had been then known to him ; so he trusted him with the se cret of his business in England. He procured him a secret audience of the queen, in which she freely owned to him her resolution of reconciling her kingdom to the see of Rome, and so of brinsino- all things back to the state in which they had been before the breach made by her father : but she said, it was absolutely necessary to "manage that design with great prudence and secrecy, lest, in that confusion of affairs, the dis covery of it might much disturb her government, and obstruct her design. She writ by him to the pope, giving him assur ance of her filial obedience ; and so sent Commendone to Rome. She also writ by him to cardinal Pole,' and ordered Commen done to move the pope,, that he might be sent over with a legatine power. Yet he that writ that cardinal's life insinuates, [FlCchier, that the queen had another design in desiring that Pole might cardinal be sent over; for she asked him, whether the pope might not Commen- . 1 • j don, p. 50.] dispense with the cardinal to marry, since he was only in dea con's orders ? Before Commendone left England, he saw the 416 THE HISTORY OF [part h. duke of Northumberland executed, and soon after he made all the haste that was possible to carry those acceptable tidings to Rome ; and by his dexterity in this negotiation, he laid the foundation of those great fortunes to which he was afterwards advanced. There was no small joy in the consistory, when the pope and the cardinals understood that a kingdom, from which they had drawn so much wealth in former times, was now to become again tributary to them. So there was a public rejoic ing for three days.-in which the pope said mass himself, and distributed his ordinary largess of indulgences, of which he was the more bountiful, because he hoped they should come in credit again, and be purchased at the rates at which they had been formerly sold. Yet in the consistory Commendone did not positively say he was sent by the queen, that being only communicated to the pope : all he told the cardinals was, that he understood, from very good hands, that the queen was very well disposed to that see, and that she desired that a legate might be sent over with full powers. Many of the cardinals thought this was too bare a message ; and that it was below the papal dignity to send a legate tid the pope was earnestly desired to do it by an express message, and an embassy sent by the queen. But it was said, that Commendone had said nothing but by the queen's express orders, who was yet in so unsettled a condition, that, till she held a session of parliament, it might much endanger her to appear openly in such a matter : they were to remember, how England had been lost by too much stiffness formerly ; and they were to imitate the shepherd in the parable, who left his ninety-nine sheep, to seek the one that was strayed. So it was granted, that Pole should go le- But gate with a full power. But Gardiner coming to know this, 259 Sourney sent to tne emPeror to stop his journey ; assuring him, that by the em- things were going well on, and that his coming over" would peror' spoil all. At this time the emperor began to think of marrying his son Philip to the queen, who, though she was above nine years elder than he, yet, being but thirty-seven years old, was not out of hopes of having children. The emperor saw, that if England were united to the Spanish crown, it would raise that monarchy to a great height : they should have all the trade of the world in their hands, and so enclose France, that it seemed as probable a step to the universal monarchy as that he had book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1553.) 417 lately lost in Germany. When this match was first proposed, I do not know; but I have read some parts of a letter concerning it, (for it is not all legible,) which was written by the queen of Hungary, and signed by the emperor, in the beginning of No vember : this, though it was not the first proposition, yet seems to have followed soon after it. The queen entertained the motion easily, not trusting to the affections of her people, nor thinking it possible to have the papal authority set up, nor the church lands restored, without a foreign force to assist her. It is said, and I have shewn some ground to believe, that she had some inclinations to cardinal Pole ; and that the emperor fearing that might be an hindrance to his design, therefore the s cardinal's coming over was stopped till the queen was married to his son Philip. But of this I find no certain footsteps. On the contrary, Gardiner, whose eye was chiefly upon the arch bishopric of Canterbury, would rather have promoted Pole's pretensions to the queen; since her marrying a subject, and not a stranger, would have made the government much easier, and more acceptable to the people : and it would have been the best thing he could do for himself, if he could have persuaded her to marry him, who alone was like to stand between him and that dignity. The true account of it is : the emperor pressed her, first, to settle the state, and consummate her marriage ; and that would more easily make way for what was to follow : for Gardiner had assured him, the bringing in of the papal power, and mak ing up the marriage, both at once, would be things of such ill digestion, that it would not be easy to carry them together ; and therefore it was necessary to let a considerable interval go between. This being resolved on, it was apparent the marriage ought to go first, as that which would give them more strength to conclude the other. And this was the true reason of stop ping cardinal Pole at Dillingen30; which the emperor at first did by his own authority, but afterwards got the queen to send one to him to the same purpose. She sent Goldwell (after- The queen .,i 1 , sent one to wards bishop of St. Asaph) to him, with the two acts that were him. 30 A town on the Danube. Car- to proceed on his journey ; upon dinal Pole was stopped in his jour- which, he went back to Dilling, a ney by Mendoza, sent post to him town belonging to the cardinal of | from the emperor, desiring him not Augsburg. [S.] BURNET, PART II. b e 418 THE HISTORY OF [part n. passed for the justifying of her mother's marriage, and for bringing all things back to the state in which they were at her father's death. Thereby she let him see,' that she was going forward in the business for which he was sent : but withal she told him, that the commons, in passing those acts, had ex pressed great aversion to the taking of the supremacy from the crown, or the restoring of the pope's power, and that they were much, alarmed to hear he was coming over legate ; and it pre judiced her affairs, that the message she had sent by Commen done had been published in the consistory. Therefore she de sired him to keep out of England till he were further adver- 260 tised. But, to let him see how much she depended on his counsels, she desired he would send her a list of such persons as should be made bishops ; for many were now to be turned out. To this (besides the answer which he might have writ to herself, that I have not seen) he writ a copious answer, in a tedious paper of instructions, which he gave to Goldwell ; the conclusion of which, summing up his whole mind fully enough, Collect. I thought sufficient to put into the Collection, for the instruc- um ' 9- tions are extreme long, and very full of words to little purpose. They seem to be of his own handwriting, but of that I am not well assured, having seen nothing else of his hand, except his subscription. The advice The substance of it was this : " He rejoiced much at the two theSeuee° " ac*s ^at were passed, but yet he censures them both, be- " cause he observed some defects in them : in the act for con- " firming her mother's marriage, he found fault that there was " no mention made of the pope's bulls by the authority of " which only it could be a lawful marriage. In the other, he " did not like it, that the worship of God, and the sacraments, " were to be as they were in the end of her father's reign ; for " then the, people were yet in a state of schism, arid schismatics " have no right to the sacraments : the pope's interdict stdl lay " on the nation, and, till that were taken off, none could with- " out sin either administer or receive them. He told her, that " Commendone had said nothing in her name to the consistory, " but had spoken to them only on the reports which, he said, " he had heard of her from good hands ; and it was necessary " to say somewhat, in order to the sending a legate : that " many in the consistory had opposed the sending of him, be- book n.J THE REFORMATION. (1553.) 419 " cause there was no express desire sent about it ; but it was " carried, that he should come over with very full graces, and " power to reconcile the kingdom on very easy terms. He " also toldjier, he was afraid, that, when the pope and cardinals " should hear that he was stopped, they would repent their " benignity, and take this as an affront, and recal him and his " powers', and send another that would not be so tender of the " nation, or bring with him such full powers : that, to prevent " this, he had sent one to the pope and cardinals, to mitigate " their displeasure, by letting them know, he was only stopped " for a little while, till the act of attainder that stood against " him was repealed ; and, to make a show of going forward, he " had sent his household stuff, to Flanders : but would stay " where he was, till he had further orders. He said, he knew " this flowed chiefly from the emperor, who was for using such " political courses, as himself had followed in the business of " the Interim/and was earnest to have the state settled, be- " fore she meddled with religion ; he had spoke with his con- " fessor about it, and had convinced him of the impiety of such " courses, and sent him to work on him. He also told the " queen, he was afraid carnal policy might govern her too " much, and that she might thereby fall from her simplicity in " Christ, in which she had hitherto lived. He encouraged her " therefore to put on a spirit of wisdom and courage, and to " trust in God, who had preserved her so long, and had settled " her on the throne in so unlooked for a manner. He desired " she would shew as much courage in rejecting the supremacy, " as her father had done in acquiring it. He confessed, he 261 " knew none in either house of parliament fit to propose that " matter : the spiritualty had all complied so far, had written " and declared for it so much, that it could not flow from them " decently ; and the temporalty being possessed of the church " lands, would not willingly move it ; therefore he thought it " best for herself to go to the parliament, having beforehand - " acquainted some few both of the spiritualty and temporalty " with her design ; and that she should tell both houses, she " was touched in her conscience, that she and her people were " in a schism from the catholic church and the apostolic see : " and that therefore she had desired a legate to come over to " treat about it, and should thereupon propose, that the attainder b e % 420 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. " might be taken off from him, that he might be capable " to come on that message. And he protested, that he had " never acted against the king or kingdom, but only with de- " sign to reduce them to the unity of the church, neither be- " fore nor after the attainder. And whereas some might ap- " prehend a thraldom from the papacy, she might give them " assurance, that they should see all things so well secured, " that there should no danger come to the nation from it ; and " he assured them, that he, for his part, should take as much " care of that as any of all the temporalty could desire." What recommendation she sent for the sees that were to be declared vacant, I do not know. But Gar- When this despatch of his was brought into England, Gar- th"dsSare diner, by the assistance of the emperor, convinced the queen, preferred that his method was impracticable, and that the marriage must be first despatched. And now Gardiner and he did declare open enmity to one another. Gardiner thought him a weak man, that might have some speculative knowledge of abstracted ideas, but understood not the world, nor the genius of the English nation. Pole, on the other hand, thought him a false man, that made conscience of nothing, and was better at in trigues and dissimulation than the government of the church. But the emperor saw Gardiner had so prudently managed this parliament, that he concluded his measures were rather to be followed than the cardinal's. The house In the house of commons it was given out, that it was neces- disrieased3 sarv *° Sa^n the queen to the interest of the nation, and to with the turn her from foreign counsels and aid, by being easy to her in with Spain, the matter of religion ; and therefore they were ready both to repeal the divorce and king Edward's laws. But when they saw the design of the marriage, and uniting with Rome, was still carried on, they were all much alarmed : so they sent their speaker, and twenty of their house with him, with an earnest and humble address to her not to marry a stranger. This had so inflamed the house, that the court saw more could not be expected from them, unless they were satisfied in that The parlia- point : so on the sixth of December the parliament was dis- dissdved. s°lve(l- Upon that Gardiner sent to the emperor to let him [Journal of know, that the marriage was like to meet with such opposition p, 32i ' that, unless extraordinary conditions were offered, which all book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1553.) 421 should see were much to the advantage of the English crown, it could not be carried without a general rebellion. He also assured him, that if great sums of money were not sent over to gratify the chief nobility and leading men in the country, both for obliging them to his interest, and enabling them to carry elections for the next parliament, the opposition would be such, that the queen must lay down all thoughts of marrying his 262 son. Upon this, the emperor and his son resolved to offer what conditions the English would demand: for Philip reck oned, if he once had the crown on his head, it would be easy for him, with the assistance which his other dominions might give him, to make all these signify little. And for money, the emperor borrowed twelve hundred thousand crowns, (which in English money was 400,000/. for the crown was then a noble,) and promised to send it over, to be distributed as Gardiner and his ambassadors should think fit : but made his son bind him self to repay him that sum, when he had once attained the crown of England. And this the emperor made so little a secret, that when, a year after, some towns in Germany, that had lent a part of this money, desired to be repaid ; he an swered them, that he had lent his son 1,200,000 crowns -to 1,200,000 marry him to the queen of England, and had yet received of ^^w1* him only 300,000 crowns ; but he had good security for the land to pro- rest, and the merchants were bound to pay him 1 oo,oooZ. ster- con3ent 0f ling: and therefore he demanded a little more time of them, the nation Ad this was printed soon after at Strasburg, by the English marriage. there, in a book which they sent over to England ; in which, both the address made by the commons in parliament, and this answer of the emperor's to the towns, is mentioned. And that whole discourse (which is in the form of an address to the queen, the nobility, and the commons) is written with such gravity and simplicity of style, that, as it is by much the best I have seen of this time, so in these public transactions there is no reason to think it untrue. For the things which it relates are credible of themselves ; and though the sum there men tioned was very great, yet he that considers that England was to be bought with it, will not think it an extraordinary price. In that discourse it is further said, that as Gardiner corrupted many by bribes, so, in the court of Chancery, common justice was denied to all but those who came into these designs. 422 THE HISTORY OF [part n. The pro- Having thus given an account of what was done in the par- of tiie con- liament, I shall next shew how the convocation proceeded. ™°'™- Bonner, being to preside in it, as being the first bishop of the Wilkins' province of Canterbury, appointed John Harpsfield, his chap els YV' 'a'n' to Preach> wh° took his -text out of the twentieth of the Acts, (ver. 20.) Feed the flock. He ran out in his bidding prayers most profusely on the queen's praises, comparing her to Deborah and Esther31, with all the servilest flatteries he could invent ; next he bid them pray for the lady Elizabeth : but when he came to mention the clergy, he enlarged in the praises of Bonner, Gardiner, Tunstall, Heath, and Day, so grossly, that it seems the strains of flattering churchmen at that time were very coarse ; and he ran out so copiously in them, as if he had been to deliver a panegyric, and not to bid the beads. In his sermon he inveighed against the late preachers for not observ ing fasts, nor keeping Lent, and for their marriages, which he severely condemned. Disputes Weston, dean of Westminster, was presented prolocutor by the sacra- the lower house, and approved of by Bonner. Whether any ment. 0f ^e bishops that had been made in king Edward's time sat among them, I do not know : but in the lower house there was great opposition made. There had been care taken that there should be none returned to the convocation but such as would comply in all points : but yet there came six non-compliers, who, being deans or archdeacons, had a right to sit in the con- 263 [Ibid.] vocation. ' These were, Philpot, archdeacon of Winchester; Philips, dean of Rochester ; Haddon, dean of Exeter32; Chey ney, archdeacon of Hereford ; Aylmer, archdeacon of Stow ; [Fox, vol. and Young, chanter of St. David's. Weston the prolocutor pro- m. p. 16.] p0se(j t0 them on the 1 8th of October, that there had been a Catechism printed in the last year of king Edward's reign in the name of that synod, and, as he understood, it was done without their consents, which was a pestiferous book, and full of heresies ; there was likewise a very abominable book of Common Prayer set out : it was therefore the queen's pleasure that they should prepare such laws about religion as she would ratify with her parliament. So he proposed, that they should begin 31 After Esther, add Judith, Mary 32 [He is so called both by Fox and the sister of Martha, and the Vir- Godwin, but his name is omitted by gin Mary. [S.] Le Neve in his catalogue of deans.] book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1553.) 423 with condemning those books, particularly the articles in them contrary to the sacrament of the altar : and he gave out two questions about it, Whether in the sacrament, upon the sancti fication of the bread and wine, all their substance did not vanish, being changed into the body and blood of Christ ? and, Whether the natural body of Christ was not corporally present in the eucharist, either by the transubstantiation of the ele ments into his body and blood, or by the conjunction of con comitance, as some expressed it ? The house was adjourned till the 20th, on which day every man was appointed to give in his answer to these questions. All answered and subscribed in ¦ the affirmative, except the six before mentioned. Philpot said, whereas it was given out that the Catechism was not approved by the convocation, though it was printed in their name : it was a mistake ; for the convocation had authorized a number of persons to set forth ecclesiastical laws, to whom they had committed their synodal authority ; so that they might well set out such books in the name of the convocation. He also said, that it was against all order to move men to subscribe in such points before they were examined : and, since the number of these on the one side was so unequal to those on the other side, he desired that Dr. Ridley, Mr. Rogers, and two or three more, might be allowed to come to the convocation. This seemed very reasonable ; so the lower house proposed it to the bishops : they answered, that these persons being prisoners, they could not bring them ; but they should move the council about it. A message also was sent from some great lords, that they intended to hear the disputation : so the house adjourned till the 23rd. There was then a great appearance of noblemen and others. The prolocutor began with a protestation, that by this dispute they did not intend to call the truth in doubt, to which they had all subscribed ; but they did it only to satisfy the objec tions of those few who refused to concur with them. But it was denied to let any prisoners, or others, assist them ; for it was said, that that being a dispute among those of the convo cation, none but members were to be heard in it. Haddon and [Fox, vol. Aylmer, foreseeing they should be run down with clamour and lu' p' noise, refused to dispute ; Young went away : Cheyney being next spoke to, did propose his objections ; that St. Paul calls 424 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. the sacrament bread after the consecration ; that Origen said, it went into the. excrement; and Theodoret said, the bread and wine did not in the sacrament depart from their former sub stance, form, and shape. Moreman was called on to answer him : he said, that St. Paul calling it bread was to be under stood thus, the sacrament or form of bread. To Origen's authority he answered nothing : but to Theodoret he said, the 264 word they render substance stood in a more general significa tion, and so might signify accidental substance. Upon this, Aylmer, who had resolved not to dispute, could not contain himself, but said, the Greek word, ovtrla, could not be so under stood, for the fodowing words of form and shape belonged to the accidents, but that only belonged to the substance of the elements. Upon this there followed a contest about the signi fication of that word. Then Philpot struck in, and said, the occasion of Theodoret's writing plainly shewed that was a vain cavil ; for the dispute was with the Eutychians, whether the body and human nature of Christ had yet an existence distinct from the divine nature ? The Eutychians said, it was swadowed up by his Godhead ; and argued from some expressions used concerning the sacrament, as if the presence of Christ in it had swallowed up the elements : against which Theodoret, accord ing to the orthodox doctrine, argued to prove, that there was in Christ a human nature not swallowed up ; and said, that as in the sacrament, notwithstanding the union of Christ with the elements, they did not depart from their substance, form, and shape, so the human nature of Christ was not absorbed by its union to the Godhead. So it plainly appeared, this word sub stance stood for the nature of the elements. Moreman being straitened in answering this, Philpot said, if "he had not an answer ready, he would desire him to think on one against their next meeting : upon this the prolocutor checked him, as if he were bragging too soon. He insisted on his argument, but was commanded to be silent. Haddon upon that proposed an other argument from these words of our Saviour, The poor you have always with you, but me you have not always; that therefore his body was not in the sacrament. To this the pro locutor answered, that Christ was not to be always with us so as to receive our alms, which is all that was intended by that place : but Haddon brought a copious citation out of St. Austin, bookh.] THE REFORMATION. (1553.) 425 applying that very place to prove, that Christ's natural pre sence was no more on earth after his ascension into heaven. To this Dr. Watson opposed another place of St. Austin, and [Fox, vol. some dispute was about those places. After that, Haddon read m' p' * 'J more authorities of fathers, asserting that Christ was in heaven, and not on earth : the words of the institution did plainly ex press it, both because the sacrament was to be in remembrance of Christ, and because it was to continue until his coming again. But to this they said, he was not on earth in a bodily manner : and they endeavoured to take away the force of the argument from the words, until his coming again, by some other acceptions of the word until. But Haddon asked them, whether they thought Christ did eat his own natural body, when he instituted and took the sacrament? They said, he did. Upon that he answered, that that was so absurd, that he thought it needless to argue more with those who could yield it : and so he sat down. Philpot argued, that Christ could not receive his own body in the sacrament, since it was given for the remission of sins, of which he was not capable, having no sin : Weston answered, he might receive it, as well as be bap tized ; but Philpot answered, he was baptized, as he said him self, to be an example to others. So ended this day's dispute. On the 25th, Philpot, who was ordered to begin that day, 265 had prepared a long discourse in Latin : but Weston inter- [ibid. rupted him, and said, he must make no speech, he was only to propose his arguments, and that in English ; though it had been before ordered that the dispute should be in Latin. Then Philpot went to explain what sort of presence he would dis pute against, and what he allowed. Here Weston again inter rupted him, and bid him form his argument. Upon that he fell down on his knees, and begged of the lords and privy counsel lors that were present, that he might have leave to speak his mind ; which they granted him : so, he said, for their sacrifice of the mass, he would prove that it was no sacrament at all, and that Christ was no way present in- it ; which if he should not do, before the queen and her council, against any six that would maintain the contrary, he should be willing to be burnt before the court gates. Upon this there was great outcrying that he was mad, and talked idly ; and Weston threatened to send him to prison. But this noise being laid, and he claiming the 426 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. privilege of the house for the freedom of speech, was required to go on to an argument. Then he proved, that Christ was in heaven ; for himself said, i" leave the world, and go to my Fa ther: and, to prove there was no ambiguity in these words, he observed, that his disciples said upon this, Now thou speakest plainly, -without any parable. It was answered by Dr. Cned- sey, that those words were only meant of his visible ascension, but did not exclude his invisible presence : and he cited some words of Chrysostom's, that Christ took his flesh with him, and also left his flesh behind him. Weston and the rest said, that authority was unanswerable ; and for a while would not [Fox, vol. hear his answer. But Philpot shewed him, that Chrysostom's "¦ p- 0J WOrds must be understood in a large sense, as believers are said to be flesh of his flesh ; for that father applies that also to baptism from these words, As many as are baptized into Christ have put on Christ : so the flesh that Christ left on earth, ac cording to him, is not the corporal presence in the sacrament. Upon this, Pye, dean of Chichester, whispered somewhat to the prolocutor; who thereupon said to Philpot, that he had dis puted enough. He answered, that he had a dozen of argu ments, and they were enjoining him silence before he had got through one of them. They threatened to send him to prison if he spoke more. He said, that was far from the promise they had made of hearing them fully ; and from what was preached last Sunday at Paul's, that all things should be answered in this disputation. But Pye said, he should be answered another way. Philpot replied, there was a company of them now got together, who had heretofore dissembled with God and the world ; and were now met to suppress God's truth, and to set forth false devices, which they were not able to maintain. After this Aylmer stood up., and brought many authorities out of Greek authors, to prove that ovo-la in Theodoret could only be understood of the substance of bread and wine : and Moreman desired a day's time to consider of them. Then Pern, though he had subscribed with the rest, brought some arguments against transubstantiation : for which the prolocutor chid him, since he had before subscribed. Aylmer answered, that it was against the freedom of the house for any to be so chid for [Ibid. p. delivering his conscience. It was now become late ; so they *1-] adjourned to the 27th. bookh.] THE REFORMATION. (1553.) 427 266 Then they again disputed about Theodoret's words, where Haddon shewed, that he said the symbols retained the same substance that they had before. After that, Cheyney fell to argue about those words : he acknowledged a real presence, but denied transubstantiation, and pressed Theodoret's au thority so close, that Watson said he was a Nestorian ; and if Theodoret, who was but one, was of their side, there was above a hundred fathers against them. Upon this Cheyney quoted Irenseus, who had said, that our flesh was nourished by the bread and wine in the sacrament. He also cited Hesychius, who said, that in the church of Jerusalem the symbols that were not consumed in the communion were burnt afterwards : he desired to know, whether the ashes were the body of Christ, or what it was that was burnt 1 To all this Harpsfield made a [Fox, vol. long answer concerning God's omnipotence, and the weakness m- p' 22l of men's understandings, -that could not comprehend divine mysteries. But Cheyney still asked, what it was that was burnt 1 Harpsfield replied, it was either the substance of bread, or the body of Christ; and afterwards said, it was a miracle. At that Cheyney smiled, and said, then he could say no more. Weston asked, whether there was not enough said in answer to these men's objections 1 Many of the clergy cried out, Tes, yes : but the multitude with repeated cries said, No, no. Weston said, he spake to those of the house, and not to the rude multitude. Then he asked those divines* whether they would now for three days answer the arguments that should be put tp them ? Haddon, Cheyney, and Aylmer said, they would not : but Philpot offered to do it. Weston said, he was a madman, and fitter to be sent to Bedlam. Philpot said, he, that had carried himself with so much passion and so little indifferency, deserved a room there much better. Weston, neg lecting him, turned to the assembly, and said, they might see what sort of men these were, whom they had now answered three days : but though they had promised it, and the order of disputation did require it, that they should answer in their turn three days, they now declined it. Upon that Aylmer stood up and answered, that they had made no such promise, nor undertaken any such disputation; but being required to give their reasons why they would not subscribe with the rest, they had done it, but had received no answer to them, and 428 THE HISTORY OF [parth. therefore would enter into no further disputation before such judges, who had already determined and subscribed those ques tions. So the house was adjourned to the 30th ; and then Philpot appeared to- answer, but desired first leave to prosecute his former argument, and urged, that since Christ as man is like us in all things without sin, therefore as we are restrained to one place at a time, so is Christ but in one place, and that [Fox, vol. is heaven ; for St. Peter says, The heavens must contain him 111. D. 23 .1 till the restitution of all things. To this it was answered, that Christ being God, his omnipotence was above our understand ing ; and that to shut him in one place was to put him in pri son. Philpot said, he was not speaking of his divine nature, but that as he was man he was like us : and for their saying, that Christ was not to be imprisoned in heaven, he left to all men to judge whether that was a good answer or not. Much dis course following upon this, the prolocutor commanded him to [Ibid. come no more into the house. He answered, he thought him- p' 2Ar'* self happy to be out of their company. Others suggesting to the prolocutor, that it would be said the meeting was not free, 267 if men were put out of the house for speaking their minds; he said to him, he might come, so he were decently habited, and did not speak but when he commanded him. To this he an swered, that he had rather be absent altogether. Weston con cluded all by saying, You have the word, but we have the sword ; truly pointing out wherein the strength of both causes lay- Censures This was the issue of that disputation : which was soon after onlt! up printed in English ; and in Latin by Valerandus Pollanus32, and is inserted at large in Fox's Acts and Monuments. What ac count the other side gave of it, I do not find. But, upon all such occasions, the prevailing party, when the inequality was so disproportioned, used to carry things with so much noise and disorder, that it was no wonder the reformers had no mind to engage in this dispute. And those who reflected on the way of proceeding in king Edward's time, could not but confess things had been managed with much more candour and equality. For 32 [Pollanus (Valerandus,) Vera tlca, Londini in comitiis Regni ad Expositio disputationis institute 18 Octob. anno 1553. Roma?, 1554. mandate D. Mariae Reginae Anglise i6mo.] et Hiberniae in Synodo Ecclesias- book n.] THE REFORMATION. (1554.) 429 in this very point there hud been, as was formerly shewn, dis putes for a year together, before there was any determination made : so that all men were free at that time to deliver their opinions without any fear ; and then the disputes were in the universities, where, as there were a great silence, and collection of books, so the auditors were more capable of being instructed by them : but here the point was first determined, and then dis puted ; and this was in the midst of the disorder of the town, where the privy-council gave all possible encouragement to the prevailing party. The last thing I find done this year was, the restoring Veysey to be bishop of Exeter, which was done on the 28th of December33. In his warrant for it under the great seal it is [Rymer, said, that he, for some just troubles both in body and mind, had xv' p' 3+0'l resigned his bishopric to king Edward, to which the queen now restored him. And thus ended this year. Foreign affairs did not so much concern religion, as they had done in the former reign ; which, as it made me give some account of them then, so it causes me now not to prosecute them so fully. In the beginning of the next year the emperor sent over the 1554. count of Egmont, and some other ambassadors, to make the Ambass*- . . . . . QOrs sen* proposition and treaty of marriage betwixt his son and the from the queen. In the managing of this treaty Gardiner had the chief f™^'^ hand ; for he was now the oracle at the council-board : he had marriage. thirty years' experience in affairs, a great knowledge of the shed, p. courts of Christendom and of the state of England, and had I093-] great sagacity, with a marvellous cunning, which was not al ways regulated by the rules of candour and honesty. He, in drawing the articles of the marriage, had a double design : the one was, to have them so framed that they might easily pass in parliament ; and the other was, to exclude the Spaniards from having any share in the government of England, which he intended to hold in his own hands. So the terms on which it was agreed were these : 33 ['TheregisterofCanterburybe- resign pro corporis metu 1551 Au- fore mentioned recordeth that Vey- gust 14, and was restored by the sey was restored to his bishopric be- queen's patent bearing date 1553, cause he had been induced by fear September 28.' Specimen of Errors, to resign it in the time of King Ed- p. 129. This is also the date in the ward. The author of Athena? Ox- Patent Roll as printed in Rymer.] onienses saith, that he was forced to 430 THE HISTORY OF [part ii, The articles The queen should have the whole' government of England, flymer, witn ^e giymg °f offices and benefices, in her own hands : so *v. p. 377-] that though Philip was to be called king, and his name was to be on the coin, and the seals, and in writs, yet her hand was to give force to every thing without his. Spaniards should not be admitted into the government, nor to any offices at court. 268 The laws should not be altered, nor the pleadings put into any other tongue. The queen should not be made to go out of England, but upon her own desire. The children born in the marriage should not go out of England, but by the consent of the nobility. If the queen outlived the prince, she should have 6o,oool. a year out of his estate, 40,000 out of Spain, and [Ibid. 20,000 of it out of the Netherlands. If the queen had sons by P- 379-] h}ffl) tney should succeed, both to her own crowns, and the Netherlands, and Burgundy: and if the archduke Charles, Phdip's only son, died, they should succeed to all her and his dominions. If she had only daughters, they should succeed to her crowns, and the Netherlands, if they married by their brother's consent ; or otherwise, they should have such por tions as was ordinarily given to those of their rank : but if the queen had no issue, the king was not to pretend to any part of the government after her death ; but the crown was to descend, [Ibid. according to the laws of England, to her heirs. There was to p-381-] be a perpetual league betwixt England and Spain; but this was not to be in prejudice of their league with France, which was still to continue in force. These were the conditions agreed on, and afterwards con firmed in parliament : by which it appears, the Spaniards were resolved to have the marriage on any terms ; reckoning, that if prince Philip were once in England, he could easily enlarge his authority, which was hereby so much restrained. The match It was now apparent, the queen was to marry the prince of oVnTd^ Spain, which gave an universal discontent to the whole nation. [Stow, All that loved the reformation saw, that not only their religion p' r 'l would be changed, but a Spanish government and inquisition would be set up in its stead. Those who considered the civil liberties of the kingdom, without great regard to religion, con cluded, that England would become a province to Spain ; and they saw how they governed the Netherlands, and heard how they ruled Milan, Naples, and Sicily : but above all, they heard book ii. J THE REFORMATION. (1554.) 431 the most inhuman things, that ever any age produced, had been acted by them in their new conquest in the West Indies. It was said, What might they expect, but to lie at the mercy of such tyrannical masters, who would not be long kept within the limits that were now prescribed ? All the great conditions now talked of were but the gilding the pill ; but its operation would be fatal, if they once swallowed it down. These things had influence on many; but the chief conspirators were, the plots to op- duke of Suffolk, sir Thomas Wiat33, and sir Peter Carew : the P"88,1*: . . . . [Godwin, one was to raise the midland counties, the other to raise Corn- p. 340.] wall, and Wiat was to raise Kent ; hoping, by rising in such remote places so to distract the government, that they should be able to engage the commons, who were now as much dis tasted with the queen, as they had been formerly fond of her. But as Carew was carrying on his design in the west, it came to be discovered ; and one that he had trusted much in Are disco- it was taken : upon that Carew fled over into France. Wiat vere " was in Kent when he heard this; but had not yet laid his business as he intended: therefore, fearing to be undone by the discovery that was made, he gathered some men about wiat 269 h™, and on the 25th of January went to Maidstone. There m^.out" he made proclamation, that he intended nothing but to pre- shed, serve the liberty of the nation, and keep it from coming under p' io93'J the yoke of strangers ; which, he said, all the council, one or two excepted, were against : and assured the people, that all the nobility and chief men of England would concur with them. He said nothing of religion, but in private assured those that were for the reformation, that he would declare for them. One Roper came, and declared him and his company traitors ; but he took him, with some gentlemen that were gathering to oppose him. From thence he went to Rochester, and writ to the sheriff of Kent, desiring his assistance against the stran gers; for there were already, as he said, an hundred armed Spaniards landed at Dover. The sheriff sent him word, that, if he and those with him had any suits, they were to make them to the queen on their knees, but not with swords in their hands ; and required them to disperse under pain of treason. Wiat kept his men in good order, so that they did no hurt, but only took all the arms they could find. 33 [See Part iii. p. 224.J 432 THE HISTORY OF ¦[part II. [Jan. 27, Holinshed, p. 1094.] The Lon doners re volt. At the same time one Isley and Knevet gathered people together about Tunbridge, and went to join with Wiat. The queen sent down a herald to him with a pardon, if he would disperse his company in twenty-four hours ; but Wiat made him deliver his message at the end of Rochester- bridge, and so sent him away. The high sheriff gathered together as many as he could, and shewed them how they were abused by lies : there was no Spaniards landed at all ; and those that were to come were to be their friends and confederates against their enemies. Those that he brought tqgether went to Gravesend to meet the duke of Norfolk and sir Henry Jerningham, who were come thither with six hundred34 men from London; and they, hearing that Knevet was in his way to Rochester, went, and intercepted, and routed him : sixty of his men were killed, the rest saved themselves in the woods. The news of this disheartened Wiat much, who was seen to weep ; and called for a coat, which he stuffed with angels, designing to have, escaped. But the duke of Norfolk march ing to Rochester with 200 horse and 600 foot, commanded by one Bret, they were wrought on by a pretended deserter, Harper, who seemed to come over from Wiat : he persuaded the Londoners, that it was only the preservation of the nation from the Spaniards that they designed ; and it was certain none would suffer under that yoke more than they. This had such an effect on them, that they all cried out, Vie are all Englishmen ; and went over to Wiat. So the duke of Norfolk was forced to march back. And now Kent was all open to Wiat, who thereupon sent one to the duke of Suffolk, pressing him to make haste and raise his country ; but the bearer was intercepted. Upon that, the earl of Huntingdon was sent down with some horse to seize on him. The duke was at all times a mean-spirited man ; but it never appeared more than now : for, after a faint endeavour to raise the country, he gave it over, and concealed himself in a private house ; but was be trayed by him to whom he had trusted himself, into the hands of the earl of Huntingdon, and so was brought to the Tower. Wiat's party increasing, they turned towards London. As they came to Deptford, sir Edward Hastings and sir Thomas 34 [Apparently a mistake of the author's forfve hundred. seems taken from Holinshed, p. 1094.] The account book ii. J THE REFORMATION. (1554.) 433 Cornwadis came to them, in the queen's name, to ask what 270 would content them ? Wiat desired, that he might have the Wiat's de- command of the Tower ; that the queen might stay under his man 3- guard ; and that the council might be changed. Upon these extravagant propositions there passed high words, and the privy counsellors returned to the queen. After this she went [Hohnshed, into Guildhall, and there gave an account of her message to Wiat, and his answer. And for her marriage, she said, she did nothing in it but by advice of her council ; and spoke very tenderly of the love she bore to her people, and to that city. On the 31st Wiat was become 4000 strong, and came near Southwark. On the second of February he fell into South- He came to wark. Some of his company had a mind to have broken into [Feb. 3. Winchester-house, and robbed it ; but he threatened to hang St°w> n . . p- 019.] any that should do it. _ He was put in hope, that, upon his coming to Southwark, London would have declared for him ; but in that he was deceived : the bridge was fortified, so that he found it was not possible to force it. Here he held a coun cil of war with his officers : some were for turning back into Kent, to disperse a body of men that the lord Abergavenny had gathered together ; but he said, that was a small game : the strength of their party was in London, and therefore it was necessary for him to be there as soon as he could ; for, though they could not open the bridge to him, yet he was assured, if he were on the other side, many would come out to him. Some were for crossing over to Essex, where they heard the people were well affected to them ; but they had not boats enough, so he marched to get over at Kingston-bridge. On the fourth they came to Kingston, where the queen had He crossed ordered the bridge to be cut : but his men repairing it, he at King- crossed the river that night ; and, though he lost much time ™\'6 by the mending of one of his carriages that broke by the way, Holinshed, he was at Hyde-park by nine of the clock next morning, it p' io9 'J being Ash Wednesday. [Fet>- M The earl of Pembroke had gathered a good body of men to But is de- have fallen on him, for his men were now in great disorder ; but they looked on, to let him cast himself into their hands. He did not march by Holborn, as some advised, but came down to Charing Cross. There the lord Clinton fell in between the several bodies of his men, and dispersed them so, that he had BURNET, PART II. F f 434 THE HISTORY OF [part n. not 500 left about him : but, with those that remained, he passed through the Strand and Fleet-street to Ludgate, where he stopped, in hopes to have found tbe gates open to him. That hope failing, he returned back ; and, being now out of all And taken, heart, was taken at Temple-bar by a herald. All this while the queen shewed great courage ; she would not stir out of Whitehall, nor go by water to the Tower, as some advised her, but went with her women and priests to her devotions. This was a rebellion both raised and dispersed in as strange a manner as could have been imagined. Wiat was a popular and stout man, but had not a head for such an undertaking ; otherwise the government was so feeble, that it had not been a difficult thing to have driven the queen to great straits. It was not at all raised upon pretence of religion ; which, accord ing to the printed account set out by the queen's order, was not so much as once named. And yet some of our own writers [Stow, say, that Poynet, the late bishop of Winchester, was in it35. Poynet was ^u* *n*s *s certainly false : for so many prisoners being taken, not in that it is not to be imagined but this would have been found out, and published, to make that religion more odious; and we 271 cannot think but Gardiner would have taken care that he should have been attainted in the following parliament. Christopherson soon after writ a book 36 against rebellion, in which he studies to fasten this rising on the preachers of the new religion, as he calls it ; and gives some presumptions, that amount to no more but little flourishes of his wit, but never names this, which had been a decisive proof. So that it is but a groundless fiction, made by those who have either been the 35 Poynet wrote a book to justify shame enogh,' p. 8.] the resisting the Queen, which I 36 [An exhortation to all menne have seen. [S.] [This book is to take hede and beware of rebel- entitled, ' A short treatise of Politic lion : wherein are set forth the Power,' &c. The initials on the causes that commonly moue men to title page are D. J. P. B. R. W. It rebellion, and that no cause is there seems doubtful who was the author, that ought to moue any man there- That he was in the rebellion is as- unto, with a discourse of the miser- serted by Stow, who is followed by able effects that ensue thereof, and Heylyn. See Collier ii. 363. of the wretched ends that all re- The following extract from Ma- belles come to, most necessary to chyn's Diary refers to Poynet. be redde in this seditiouse and trou- ' The 27 day of July was the nuw blesome tyme ; made by John Chri- bisshope of "W was devor- stoferson. London, 1554, i6mo.] syd from the bucher wyff with book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1554.) 435 authors, or at least have laid down the principles of all the re bellions in the Christian world ; and yet would cast that blame on others, and exempt themselves from it, as if they were the surest friends of princes, while they design to enslave them to a foreign power, and will neither allow them to reign, nor to live, but at the mercy of the head of that principality, to which all other powers must bend, or break, if they meet with an age that is so credulous and superstitious as to receive their dic tates3?. This raw and soon-broken rebellion was as lucky to Gardi ner, and those who set on the marriage, as if they had pro jected it: for now the people were much disheartened, and their own designs as much fortified ; since, as some fevers are critical, and cast out those latent distempers, which no medi cines could effectually purge away, and yet, if they were not removed, must in the end corrupt the whole mass of blood ; so in a weak government, to which the people are ill-affe_cted, ill-digested rebellions raise the prince higher, and add as much spirit to his friends as they take from the faction against him, and give a handle to do some things, for which otherwise it were not easy, either to find colours or instruments. One effect of this 38"was, the proceeding severely against the The lady lady Jane, and her husband the lord Guilford, who both suf- h™^™ fered on the twelfth of February. The lady Jane was not band exe- much disordered at it : for she knew, upon the first jealousy, she must be the sacrifice ; and therefore had now lived six months in the continual meditations of death. Feckenham, [Godwin, afterwards abbot of Westminster, was sent to her by the queen, p' 342'-' three days before, to prepare her to die. He had a long con versation with her ; but she answered him with that calmness of mind, and clearness of reason, that it was an astonishing thing to hear so young a person of her sex and quality look on death, so near her, with so little disorder, and talk so sensibly, both of faith and holiness, of the sacrament, the scriptures, and the authority of the church. Feckenham left her, seeing he could work nothing on her ; but procured, as is said, the con tinuance of her life three days longer, and waited on her on 37 [For a most minute and par- published by the Camden Society, ticular account of this rebellion, see 1850.] 'The Chronicle of Queen Jane,' 88 [See Part iii. p. 225.] F f 2 436 THE HISTORY OF [part n. the scaffold. She writ to her father to moderate his grief for her death ; (which must needs have been great, since his folly Her prepa- had occasioned it.) " She expressed her sense of her sin in death. ' " assuming the royal dignity, though he knew how unwdlingly " she was drawn to it ; and that, in her royal estate, her en- " forced honour had never defiled her innocent heart. She " rejoiced at her approaching end; since nothing could be to " her more welcome, than to be delivered from that valley of " misery, into that heavenly throne, to which she was to be " advanced, where she prayed that they might meet at last.'' [Fox, vol. There was one Harding 39 that had been her father's chap- 272 111 T) 1 "7 1 lain, and that was a zealous preacher in king Edward's days ; before whose death he had animated the people much to pre pare for persecution, and never to depart from the truth of the gospel : but he had now fallen away himself. To him she writ a letter full of severe expostulations and threatenings for his apostasy; but it had no effect on him. It is of an extraordinary strain, full of life in the thoughts, and of zeal, if there is not [Ibid. p. too much, in the expressions. The night before her execution 'J she sent her Greek Testament, which she had always used, to her sister, with a letter in the same 40 language ; in which, in most pathetic expressions, she sets out the value that she had of it, and recommended the study and practice of it earnestly [Ibid.] to her. She had also composed a very devout prayer for her retirements ; and thus had she spent the last moments of her life. She expressed great tenderness, when she saw her hus band led out first ; but soon overcame it, when she considered how closely she was to follow him. He had desired to take leave of her before he died ; but she declined it, since it would be rather an increase of grief, than any addition of comfort to them. She said, she hoped they would shortly meet, and be united in a happier state ; and with a settled countenance she saw them bring back the beheaded body to the chapel, where 39 Thomas Harding, afterwards 1537. According to Ascham, who antagonist to Bishop Jewel. [G.] may be supposed to have given in 40 The letter I suppose must have her age at lowest, she was aged fif- been wrote in English, as it stands teen in the year 1550 ; when he in Fox, vol. iii. p. 35, and as printed found her reading Plato's Phaedon in amongst the letters of the martyrs, Greek ; which was very unusual at p. 662. [B.] That lady, under her that age, but would have been ex- picture, is said to have been nata traordinary indeed at thirteen. [B.] book n. J THE REFORMATION. (15.54.) 437 it was to be buried. When she was brought to the scaffold, [Holin - which was raised for her within the Tower, to prevent the .1099'./' compassion which her dying more publicly might have raised, she confessed she had sinned in taking the queen's honour, when it was given her : she acknowledged the act was unlawful, as was also her consenting to it ; but, she said, it was neither procured nor desired by her. She declared, that she died a true Christian ; and hoped to be saved only by the mercy of God in the blood of Christ. She acknowledged that she had too much neglected the word of God, and had loved herself and the world too much, for which that punishment had come justly to her from God : but she blessed him that had made it a means to lead her to repentance. Then, having desired the people's prayers, she kneeled down and repeated the 51st Psalm. Then she undressed herself, and stretched out her head on the block, and cried out, Lord, into thy hands I recom mend my spirit : and so her head was cut off. All people lamented her sad and untimely end, which was not easily consented to, even by the queen herself. Her death [Fox, vol. had a most violent operation on judge Morgan, that had pro- m' p' 3° '-' nounced the sentence : soon after, he fell mad ; and, in all his ravings, still called to take away the lady Jane from him. In deed the blame of her death was generally cast on her father rather than on the queen, since the rivalry of a crown is a point of such niceness, that even those who bemoaned her death most could not but excuse the queen, who seemed to be driven to it, rather from considerations of state, than any resentment of her own. On the 17th of February was the duke of Suffolk Her fa- tried by his peers, and condemned: he suffered on the41 21st. *^1_exe' He would have died more pitied for his weakness, if his prac- [Stow, p. tices had not brought his daughter to her end. Next, Wiat 22,J„ . 1 • , • j [April 11. was brought to his trial ; where, in most abject words, he stow, p. begged his life, and offered to promote the queen's marriage, if 6z3-] 273 they would spare him : but for all that he was beheaded. Bret was hanged in chains at Rochester. In all, fifty-eight were executed in several places, whose attainders were confirmed by an act of the following parliament ; six hundred of the rabble were appointed to come before the queen with halters about their necks, and to beg their lives, which she granted them : 41 For twenty-first, read twenty-third. [S.] 438 THE HISTORY" OF [part ii. and so was this storm dissipated. Only the effusion of blood after it was thought too liberal ; and this excess of punishment was generally cast on Gardiner, and made him become very hateful to the nation, which has been always much moved at a repetition of such sad spectacles. The lady The earl of Devonshire and the lady Elizabeth came to be Elizabeth , , „ ,. , ... . . . J , . , , unjustly suspected ot the plot, as it the rising in the west had been set suspected on by the earl, with design, if it had succeeded", to have mar- ting, ried the lady Elizabeth, and put her in the queen's room. Wiat did at his death clear them of any occasion to his confederacies. Yet the queen, who was much alienated from her sister upon old scores, was not unwilling to find a pretence for using her [March 17. ill ; so she was made a prisoner. And the earl of Devonshire Holinshed, . . „ 1 n. p. 1101.] had, upon the account formerly mentioned, offended the queen, who thought her kindness ill requited, when she saw he neg lected her, and preferred her sister ; so he was again put into Many se- prison. Sir Nicholas Throgmorton was also charged with that ceedings. same guilt, and brought to his trial, which lasted ten hours; but was acquitted by the jury : upon which they were cast into prison, and severely fined, some in two thousand pounds, and some in a thousand marks. This was fatal to his brother sir John, who was cast by the jury upon the same evidence that his brother had been acquitted ; but he protested his innocence to the last. Sir John Cheke42 had got beyond sea, finding he was also suspected and sought after ; and both sir Peter Carew and he, hoping that Philip would be glad at his first admission to the crown of England to shew acts of favour, went into Flanders ; where, upon assurances given of pardon and mercy, they rendered themselves 43 : but, upon their coming into Eng land, they were both put into the Tower. Carew made his escape, and was afterwards employed by queen Elizabeth in her affairs in Ireland. Cheke was at this time discharged; but, upon some new offence, he was taken again in Flanders, in May 1556, and was prevailed upon to renounce his religion, and then he was set at liberty: but was so sadly affected at the unworthiness of that action, that it was believed to have cast 42 Cheke was sent to the Tower selves, but were seized in their jour- with the duke of Suffolk, and had ney, bound and thrown into a cart, license to travel. [S.] and sent prisoners to England. [S.] 43 They did not render them- book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1554.) him into a languishing, of which he soon after died. There The impos- was a base imposture set up at this time, of one that seemed to *p{£t°inth8 speak from a wall with a strange sort of voice. Many seditious the wall. things were uttered by that voice, which was judged of vari- - ed,™. ously. Some called it the spirit of the wall. Some said it riI7-] was an angel that spake; and many marvellous things were reported of it : but the matter being narrowly inquired into, it was found to be one Elizabeth Crofts, a girl, who, from a pri vate hole in the wall, with the help of a whistle, had uttered those words. She was made to do penance openly at Paul's for it ; but, by the account then printed of it, I do not find any complices 44 were found, except one Drake, to whom no par- [stow, p. ticular character is added. So it seems it was a trick laid be- 62^ twixt these two ; for what purpose I cannot find. Sure enough, in those times, it was notdaid to the charge of the preachers of the reformation. Which I the rather take notice of, because of the malignity of one of our historians, who has laid this to the 274 charge of the Zuinglian gospellers, though all the proof he offers for casting it on them is in these words; For I cannot consider this but as a plot of theirs ; and sets it up in oppo sition to the notorious imposture of the Maid of Kent, men tioned in the former volume, and says, Let not the papists be more charged with that, since these were now as faulty. The nation being now settled, the queen did next give in- The in structions to the bishops to proceed to visit the clergy, accord- t^Tthe bT-S ing to some articles which she sent them, which will be found shops. in the Collections. In those, after a long and invidious pream- jsrumb.'I0. ble of the disorders that had been in the time of king Edward, she commanded them to execute all such ecclesiastical laws as had been in force in her father's reign : that the bishops should in their courts proceed no more in the queen's name : that the oath of supremacy should be no more exacted of any of the clergy : that none suspected of heresy should be admitted to orders: that they should endeavour to repress heresy, and punish heretics ; that they should suppress all naughty books and ballads : that they should remove all married clergymen, and separate them from their wives ; but for those that re- 44 Seven persons were discovered queen, the prince of Spain, the mass, to be complices; the words spoken and confession. [S.] from the wall were against the 440 THE HISTORY OF [part II. [Fox, vol. iii. p. 31.] Proceed- ingsagainst the bishops that adher ed to there- formation. Collect.Numb. n. nounced their wives, they might put them into some other cure, or reserve a pension out of their benefice for them : that no religious man who had professed chastity should be suffered to live with his wife : that care should be taken of vacant churches ; that, till they were provided, the people should go to the neighbouring churches : that all the ceremonies, holy- days, and fasts, used in king Henry's time, should be again observed : that those who were ordained by the new book in King Edward's time, not being ordained in very deed, the bishop, if they were otherwise sufficient, should supply what was wanting before, and so admit them to minister : that the bishops should set forth an uniform doctrine of homilies ; and compel the people to come to church and hear divine service : that they should carefully look to all schoolmasters and teachers of children : and that the bishops should take care to set forth the premises, with all kind of virtue, godly living, and good example ; and endeavour to keep down all sort of vice. These were signed on the 4th of March, and printed, and sent over the kingdom. But, to make the married bishops examples of the severity of their proceedings, the queen gave a special commission45 to Gardiner, Tonstall, Bonner, Parfew bishop of St. Asaph, Day, and Kitchin of Llandaff, making mention, "that with great grief of heart she had heard, that " the archbishop of York, the bishops of St. David's, Chester, " and Bristol, had broken their vows, and defiled their func- " tion, by contracting marriage : therefore those, or any three " of them, are empowered to call them before them ; and, if " the premises be found to be true, to deprive and turn them " out of their bishoprics." This I have put into the Collec tion, with another commission to the same persons, " to call the " bishops of Lincoln, Gloucester, and Hereford before them ; " in whose patents it was provided, that they should hold their 48 [The dates of the deprivations are preserved in the diary of Henry Machyn, published by the Camden Society — 'The 16 day of Marche was deprevyd the archebysshope of Yorke and the bysshope of Lyn- kolne, doctur Tayller, and the bys shope of Chester, the bysshope of sant Davys. The 17 day of Marche was deprevyd the bysshope of Harf- ford and the bysshope of Glosetur; commyssyonars that dyd depreyffe them, my lord chansseler and my lord of Durram, my lord of Londun, my lord of Chechastur, and my lord of sant Asse.'] bookilJ THE REFORMATION. (1554.) 441 " bishoprics so long as they behaved themselves well : and " since they, by preaching erroneous doctrine, and by inor- " dinate life and conversation, as she credibly understood, had " carried themselves contrary to the laws of God, and the " practice of the universal church ; these, or any two of them, " should proceed against them, either according to ecclesiastical " canons, or the laws of the land, and declare their bishoprics 275 " void, as they were indeed already void." Thus were seven bishops all at a dash turned out. It was much censured, that, there having been laws made allowing marriage to the clergy, the queen should by her own authority, upon the re pealing these laws, turn out bishops for things that had been so well warranted by law : for the repeal was only an annulling of the law for the future, but did not void it from the beginning : so that however it might have justified proceedings against them for the future, if they had lived with their wives, yet it could not warrant the punishing them for what was past ; and even the severest popes, or their legates, who had pressed the celibate most, had always, before they proceeded to deprive any priests for marriage, left it to their choice, whether they would quit their wives or their benefices; but had never summarily turned them out for being married. And for the other bishops, it was an unheard-of way of procedure, for the queen, before any process was made, to empower delegates to declare their sees void, as they were indeed already void. This was to give sentence before hearing. And all this was done by virtue of the queen's supremacy ; for though she thought that a sinful and schismatical power, yet she was easily persuaded to use it against the reformed clergy, and to turn them out of their benefices upon such unjust and illegal pretences. So that now the proceedings against Gardiner and Bonner, in which were the greatest stretches made that had been in the last reign, were far outdone by those new delegates. For the archbishop of York, though he was now turned out, yet he was still kept prisoner ; till king Philip, among the acts of grace he did at his coming over, procured his liberty. But his see was not fided till February next; for then Heath had his conge d'elire. [Feb. 15 On or before46 the 1 8th of March this year were those other l55S'^ 46 ['The register of Canterbury, in recorded, testifieth that on the 20th which all these deprivations are of March, 1554, the bishops-of Win- 442 THE HISTORY OF [part n. [March 19. sees declared vacant : for that day did the conge d'elire go out p-^740XV *° *^e deans an(l chapters of St. David's, Lincoln, Hereford, Chester, Gloucester, and Bristol; for Morgan, White, Parfew, [May 10.] Cotes, Brookes, and Holyman. Goodrich of Ely died in April this47 year. He seems to have complied with the time, as he had done often before ; for he was not at all cast into any trouble, which it cannot be imagined he could have escaped, since he had put the great seal to the patents for the lady Jane, if he had not redeemed it by a ready consenting to the changes that were to be made. He was a busy secular spirited man, and had given himself up wholly to factions and intrigues of state ; so that, though his opinion had always leaned to the reformation, it is no wonder if a man so tempered would prefer the keeping of his bishopric before the discharge of his conscience. [Oct. 28.] Thirlby of Norwich was translated to Ely, and Hopton was made bishop of Norwich48. But Scory, that had been bishop of Chichester, though, upon Day's being restored, he was turned out of his bishopric, did comply merely : he came before Bonner, and renounced his wife, and did penance for it^ and had his absolution under his seal the 14th of July this year ; Chester, London, Chichester, and in the same register the dean and Durham, by virtue of the Queen's chapter of Canterbury assumed the commission directed to them, pro- spiritual jurisdiction of the see of nounced the sentence of deprivation Bristol, void per spontaneam re- upon John Taylor, Bp. of Lincoln, signationem Pauli Bushe. 1354. ob nullitatem consecrationis ejus et Junii 21.' Specimen of Errors, defectum tituli sui quern habuit a p. 133.] Rege Edwardo Sexto per literas pa- 47 There is an institution upon tentes cum hdc clausula dum bene se his register by his authority, May gesserit, upon John Hooper, bishop 9th, 1554. And in a catalogue of of Worcester and Gloucester, prop- their bishops upon their black book ter conjugium et alia mala merita et it is said Decimo Maii, anno Do- vitiosum titulum ut. supra, upon John mini 1554, — mortem obiit apud So- Harlowe, bishop of Hereford, propter mersham, &c. This, I think, has conjugium, et heresin, et ut supra, been taken notice of ; I only men- upon John Bird, bishop of Chester, tion it because it is from unques- propter conjugium,. No sentence of tionable authority. [B.] [Harmer deprivation was pronounced at that also says (Specimen of Errors, time upon Bush, bishop of Bristol, p. 134) ' he died in May, either on Whether he evaded it by renouncing the ninth or tenth day of the his marriage, or by any other sub- month.'] mission, is uncertain. But he was 48 Hopton, by the register of Can- never deprived. However, willingly terbury, was consecrated the 28th of or unwillingly he resigned his October. Anthony Harmer, p. 134, bishopric in June following. For says it was the 35th of October. [S.] book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1554) 443 which is in the Collection. But it seems this was out of fear ; Numb. 1 3. for he soon after fled out of England, and lived beyond sea un til queen Elizabeth's days, and then he came over : but it was judged indecent to restore him to his former see, where it is likely this scandal he had given was known ; and so he was made bishop of Hereford. The bishop of Bath and Wells, 276 Barlow, was. also made to resign, as appears by the conge d'elire for Bourne to succeed him, dated the 19th of March. Therein it is said, that the see was vacant by the resignation of the former bishop ; though, in the election that was made on the 28th of March, it is said, the see was vacant by the re moval or deprivation of their former bishop. But I incline to believe it truer, that he did resign49 ; since he is not mentioned in the commissions formerly spoken of. But that was not all ; for at this time a book was set out in his name50, whether written by him, or forged and laid on his name, I cannot judge, in which he retracts his former errors, and speaks of Luther and CEcolampadius, and many others, with whom, he says, he had familiarly conversed, with great bitterness. He also ac cuses the gospellers in England of gluttony, hypocrisy, pride, and ill nature : and indeed it is one of the most virulent invec tives against the reformation that was written at that time. But it is not likely, if he had turned so heartily as the strain of that book runs, that he would have been quite thrown out51 : especially since he had never married52, so I rather look on it 49 ['It is most certain that Barlow where this passage is alluded to ; — did resign. For in the aforesaid The conclusion of that note ap- register is a commission granted to pears to have been written by the certain persons, by the dean and author, though printed in the folio chapter of Canterbury, to act during edition as if it had been sent to him the vacancy of the see of Bath and by his unknown correspondent.] Wells, which is there said to be M Especially since he had never void per liberam et spontaneam re- married. Query, — whether he were signationem Willielmi Barlowe ul- not at that time married ? Sir John timi episcopi et pastoris ejusdem, Harington, in his Continuation This Commission was given be- of bishop Godwin, and who by his tween 20th December, 1553, and being of Somersetshire, was the 25th March, 1534.' Specimen of better capacitated to know, says, that Errors, p. 135.] he had some sons, one whereof in 50 [A dialogue describing the ori- his time was a worthy member of the ginal ground of these Lutheran church of Wells, and five daughters. factions, and many of their abuses, [G.] He was married, and had se. Lond. 8vo. 1553.] ven sons and five daughters. [S.] 81 [See the note to part 1, p. 18. 444 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. as a forgery cast on his name, to disgrace the reformation. He fled beyond sea, where he lived till the beginning of queen Elizabeth's reign ; and then it seems there was some offence taken at his former behaviour, for he was not restored to Bath and Wells, but put into Chichester, that was a much meaner52 bishopric. Thus I have given a clear account, and free of all partiality or reservation, of the changes made in the most of the sees in England. The two archbishops, Cranmer and Hol- gate ; the bishops, Ridley, Poynet, Scory, Coverdale, Taylor, Harvey 53, Bird, Bush, Hooper, Ferrar, and Barlow, were ad removed; Rochester was void, and Griffith was put into it [April i.] this April. Goodrich dying now, Thirlby succeeded him; and Sampson of Coventry and Lichfield dying soon after, Bayne succeeded him. So here were sixteen new bishops brought in, which made no small change in the church. The mass When this was done, the bishops went about the executing where set °f the queen's injunctions. The new service was every where UP- cast out, and the old ceremonies and service were again set up. In this business none was so hot as Bonner ; for the act that repealed king Edward's laws being agreed to by the commons, to whom the lords had sent it, he, without staying for the royal assent, did that very night set up the old worship at Paul's on St. Catharine's day ; and it being the custom, that on some holydays the quire went up to the steeple to sing the anthems; that fell to be on that night ; which was an antic way of be ginning a form of worship, to which the people had been long disused : and the next day, being St. Andrew's, he did officiate himself, and had a solemn procession 54. 62 Harvey, read Harley. [S.] king's books but £535, whereas Chi- Bishop Harley is said to have been Chester is £677. [G.] deprived because married, by Fox S4 ['Bonner had restored the mass and Godwin, though no notice be in the church of St. Paul's, on the taken of it in the order. [G.] 27th August, 1553, as was before 53 Wells had lately been much related out of Stow and Grafton. impoverished by the alienations in If St. Andrew's day be the next day Barlow's time ; the regret whereof to St. Catharine, our English calen- might probably make him less de- dar indeed wants great reformation, sirous of returning to it. Afterward which placeth it five days after St. its profits were raised by the lead- Catharine. But it may be pre- mines, about Bishop Stillingfleet's sumed that if the calendar can re time : however, it is valued in the tain any friends to plead its cause, BOOK ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1554.) 445 The most eminent preachers in London were either put in prison, or under confinement ; and as all their mouths had been stopped by the prohibiting of sermons, unless a license were obtained, so they were now to be fallen on for their mar riages. Parker estimates it, that there were now about 16,000 clergymen in England ; and of these 1 2,000 were turned out upon this account : some he says were deprived without con viction, upon common fame ; some were never cited to appear, and yet turned out ; many that were in prison were cited, and turned out for not appearing, though it was not in their power; 277 some were induced to submit, and quit their wives for their livings: they were all summarily deprived55. Nor was this it may in this case get the better of the historian.' Specimen of Errors, P- 1 37-] 55 ['The historian would have obliged us if he had pleased to ac quaint us in what book or writing Parker hath delivered this account. The testimony of so grave and so worthy a person would have ex cluded all doubt. In the ' Defence of priests' marriages,' wrote by an unknown layman, and published by Parker, this passage may indeed be found, fol. 6." Is thus the honour of the clergy preserved to drive out so many, twelve of sixteen thousand, (as some writer maketh his account,) to so great a peril of getting their li vings, and this just at the point of harvest ? Here it may be easily ob served, that this author will by no means vouch for the truth of this computation. It would in truth be a very extraordinary matter, if twelve thousand clergymen should have married between the end of the year 1548, and the middle of 1553. I cannot affirm of my own knowledge that the account is extravagantly false, but am very apt to believe it. And in this belief I am confirmed; for that having had the curiosity to compute how many clergymen were deprived for marriage in this reign in the diocese and peculiar of the see of Canterbury, I found the pro portion far short of this account. For whereaB there are contained therein about 380 benefices and other ecclesiastical promotions, no more than 73 clergymen therein were deprived for marriage or any other cause ; which far from the proportion of 12 to \6 scarce bears the proportion of 3 to 16. Yet, Thornden and Harpsfield were as vigorous in prosecuting the married clergy of that diocese as any zealots in any part of England. As for the severe and unjust proceedings against some of the married clergy related by the historian; the author before mentioned attesteth the same thing. But when the historian saith they were all summarily de prived, I fear this is an addition of his own. For this author, on the contrary, saith, that a year's time was allowed to the clergy to abjure their heresy and put away their wives : although in some places their enemies were so zealous that they dispossessed many of them be fore the year expired. The first de privation which I find to have been made on this account was in the church of Canterbury, by Thornden, then Vice- dean : who on the 16th of March, 1554, deprived six pre bendaries, one of them the arch- 446 THE HISTORY OF [part II. Books a- gainst the marriage of the clergy. all ; but, after they were deprived, they were- also forced to leave their wives, which piece of severity was grounded on the vow, that (as was pretended) they had made ; though the falsehood of this charge was formerly demonstrated. To justify this severity of procedure, many were set to write against the marriage of the clergy. Smith, of whom I made mention in the former book, that had then so humbly recanted and submitted, did now appear very boldly, and reprinted his book, with many additions. But the most studied work was set out by Martin, a doctor of the laws56. It was certainly, for most part, Gardiner's work ; and I have seen the proof sheets of a great part of it, dashed and altered in many places by Gardiner's hand. This Martin had made his court to Cranmer in former times. He had studied the law at Bourges, where Francis Balduin, one of the celebrated lawyers of that time, had publicly noted him for his lewdness, as being not only overrun himself with the French pox, but as being a cor rupter of all the university ; which Balduin certified in a letter57 to one in England, that took care to print it. It was also printed, that Bonner had many bastards, and himself was believed to be the bastard of one Savage, a priest in Leicestershire, that had been bastard to sir John Savage of Cheshire. Which priest, by Elizabeth Frodsham, the wife of one Edmund Bonner, had this Edmund, now bishop of London ; and it seems his mother did not soon give over those her lewd courses, for Wymmesley, archdeacon of London, was another of her bastards. That kennel of the uncleanness of the priests bishop's brother, archdeacon also, six preachers, and two minor ca nons of that church. In the register of the vacancy may be found many processes against and deprivations of married clergymen ; from whence it appears plainly, that the usual forms of proceeding were at least in many cases observed, and that all were not summarily deprived.' Specimen of Errors, p. 137.] 66 [Martin (Thomas) LL. D. 'A traictyse declaryng and plainly proving, that the pretended mar riage of priestes and professed per sons is no marriage, but altogether unlawful.' London by Robert Caly, ^ShA* 4-to. Also 'A confutation of Dr. John Poynet's book, entitled, A defence for the Marriage of Priests,' &c, London, 1555, 4to.] 57 This letter I have now by me, printed in Bale's Declaration of Bon ner's Articles, fol. 47, 48, but it was not Martin, but his host, that was overrun with the French p-x ; Ha- bitabat in Acad. Biturigum, apud quendam nomine Boium, sacrifi- culum turpissimum, — toto corpore leprosum, et infami morbo Gallico infectum. Though Martin's cha racter there is bad enough. [B.] book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1554.) 447 > and religious houses was again on this occasion raked and exposed with too much indecency ; for the married priests, being openly accused for the impurity and sensuality of their lives, thought it was a just piece of self-defence to turn these imputations back on those who pretended to chastity, and yet led most irregular lives, under that appearance of greater strictness. This was the state in which things were, when the new par- A new par liament met on the second of April. Gardiner had beforehand iamen ' prepared the commons, by giving the most considerable of them pensions; some had 300?, and some 100I. a year, for giving their voices to the marriage. The first act that passed seemed of an odd nature, and has a great secret under it. The speaker of the house of commons brought in a bill, de claring, that whereas the queen had of right succeeded to the The regal crown ; but, because all the laws of England had been made aertedtobe by kings, and declared the prerogatives to be in the king's in a queen, person ; from thence some might pretend, that the queen had king. no right to them : it was therefore declared to have been the EJ?3?'/' " ... Statutes, law, that these prerogatives did belong to the crown, whether vol. iv. p. it were in the hands of male or female ; and whatsoever the 222'^ law did limit and appoint for the king, was of right also due to the queen, who is declared to have as much authority as any other her progenitors. Many in the house of commons wondered what was the The secret intention of such a law ; and as people were at this time full of tnat°act°r jealousy, one Skinner, a member of the house, (who in queen 278 Elizabeth's time took orders, and was made dean of Durham,) Ex MSS. said, he could not imagine why such a frivolous law was de- petyt! sired, since the thing was without dispute ; and, that that which was pretended of satisfying the people, was too slight : he was afraid there was a trick in these words, that the queen had as great authority as any of her progenitors ; on which perhaps it might be afterwards said, she had the same power that William the Conqueror exercised, in seizing the lands of the English, and giving them to strangers ; which also Edward the First did upon the conquest of Wales. He did not know what relation this might have to the intended marriage, there fore he warned the house to look well to it ; so a committee being appointed to correct it, such words were added as 448 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. brought the queen's prerogative under the same limitations, as well as it exalted it to the height of her progenitors. But one Fleetwood, afterwards recorder of London, told the earl of Leicester the secret of this, in queen Elizabeth's time, who writ down his discourse ; and from thence I have copied it. There was one that had been Cromwell's servant, and much employed by him in the suppression of monasteries : he was a man of great notions, but very busy and factious ; so, having been a great stickler for the lady Jane, he was put in the Fleet, upon the queen's first coming to the crown, yet within a month he was discharged; but upon the last rising, was again put up, and indicted of high treason : he had great friends, and made application to one of the emperor's ambassadors, that was then the chancellor of the duohy of Milan, and by his means he ob tained his liberty. Being brought to him, he shewed him a new platform of government, which he had contrived for the queen. She was to declare herself a conqueror ; or that she, having succeeded to the crown by common law, was not at all to be limited by the statute laws, since those were only re strictions upon the kings, but not on the queens of England ; and that therefore all those limitations of the prerogative were only binding in the persons of kings, but she was free from them : upon this, he shewed how she might establish religion, set up the monasteries, raise her friends, and ruin her enemies, and rule according to her pleasure. The ambassador carried this to the queen, and seemed much pleased with it ; but de sired her to read it carefully, and keep it as a great secret. As she read it, she disliked it, and judged it contrary to the oath she had made at her coronation : and thereupon sent for Gardiner, and charged him, as he would answer it before the judgment- seat of God, at the general day of the holy doom, that he would consider the book carefully, and bring her his opinion of it next day, which fell to be Maundy-Thursday. So, as the queen came from her Maundy, he waited on her into her closet, and said these words ; My good and most gracious lady, I intend not to pray your highness with any humble petitions, to name the devisers of this new invented platform : but here I say, that it is pity that so noble and virtuous a lady should be endangered with the pernicious devices of such lewd and subtle sycophants; for the book is naught, and book n.] the REFORMATION. (1554.) 449 most horrible to be thought on. Upon this, the queen thanked him, and threw the book into the fire ; and charged the am bassador, that neither he, nor any of his company, should receive more such projects from any of her people. This made 279 Gardiner apprehend, that if the Spaniards began so soon to put such notions into the queen's head, they might afterwards, when she was in their hands, make somewhat of them ; and therefore, to prevent such designs for the future, he drew the act ; in which, though he seemed to do it as an advantage to the queen, for the putting of her title beyond dispute, yet he really intended nothing by it, but that she should be restrained by all those laws that the former kings of England had consented to : and because king Henry the Vllth, though his best right to the crown flowed from his marriage to the heir of the house of York, had yet taken the government wholly into his own hands ; he, fearing lest the Spaniards should pretend to such a power by the authority which marriage gives the husband over the wife, got the articles of the marriage to be ratified in parliament ; by which they not only confirmed those agreed on, but made a more full explanation of that part of them, which declared the entire government of the kingdom to belong only to the queen. To this the Spaniards gave too great an occasion, by publishing Great jea- king Philip's pedigree, whom they derived from John of Gaunt. j£"Sg s of They said, this was only done to conciliate the favour of the nishpower. nation, by representing him not a stranger, but a native. But this gave great offence ; concerning which I have seen a little book that was then printed: it was there said, that king Henry the Vllth came in, pretending only to marry the heir of the house of York ; but he was no sooner on the throne, than he declared his own title, and kept it his whole life. So it was said, the Spaniard would call himself heir of the house of Lan caster, and upon that pretension would easily wrest the power out of the queen's hands, who seemed to mind nothing but her devotions. This made Gardiner58 look the better to the secur ing of the liberties of the crown and nation ; so that it must 58 If John Bale be good author- White, and Harpsfield maintaining ity, the English were forward the same — Bale's Declaration of enough, in setting forth genealogies Bonner's Articles, fol. 9. [B.] from John a Gaunt ; Gardiner, BURNET, PART II. G g 450 THE HISTORY OF [part n. be acknowledged, that the preserving of England out of the hands of the Spaniards at that time seems to be almost wholly owing to him. The hi- In this parliament, the marquis of Northampton- was restored DuAam°f in blood. And the act for restoring the bishopric of Durham restored. not having gone through the last parliament when it was dis- Btatutes, solved, was now brought in again. The town of Newcastle vol. iv. p. 0pp0seci it much, when it came down to the commons. But the bishop of Durham came to them on the 1 8th of April, and gave them a long account of all his troubles from the duke of Northumberland, and desired that they would despatch his bill. There were many provisos put into it, for some that [Ibid. p. were concerned in Gateside ; but it was carried in the house, 22 7'-' that, instead of these provisos, they should send a desire to [April 19, him, recommending those persons to his favour : so, upon a Commons division, there were one hundred and twenty against it, and P» 34-1 two hundred and one for it. After this, came the bid confirming the attainders of the duke of Suffolk, and fifty-eight 59 more, who were attainted for the late rebellion. The lords put in a [April 28. proviso, excepting entailed lands out of their forfeitures ; but lbl^- -, the commons rejected the proviso, and passed the bid. Then did the commons send up a bill for reviving the statutes made against Lollardy : which being read twice by the lords, was laid aside. The commons intended next to have revived60 the statute of the six articles : but it did not agree with the design at court to take any notice of king Henry's acts ; so this was 280 let fall. Then they brought in another bdl to extirpate erro neous opinions and books ; but that was at the third reading laid aside. After that they passed a particular bid against Lollardy in some points, as the eating of flesh in Lent ; but that also being sent up to the lords, was at the third reading laid aside by the major part of the house ; so forward were the commons to please the queen, or such operation had the Spanish gold on them, that they contrived four bills in one ses sion for the prosecution of those they called heretics.. But, to 59 [The bill for confirmation of Commons, p. 35.] attainder of the late duke of Suf- 60 The bill was to avoid and not folk, Wyatt, and other, to the to revive the statute of the six arti- number of 52 persons, was read a cles. [S.] second time, April 25. Journal of book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1554.) 451 give some content on the other hand, they passed a bill, that neither the bishop of Rome, nor any other, should have any power to convene, or trouble any, for possessing abbey-lands ; this was sent up to the lords, but laid aside at that time, assur ance being given that the owners of those lands should be fully secured. The reason of laying it aside was, that since by law the bishop of Rome had no authority at all in England, it was needless to pass an act against his power in that particular, for that seemed to assert his power in other things : and since they were resolved to reconcile the nation to him, it was said,' that it would be indecent to pass an act that should call him only bishop of Rome, which was the compellation given him during the schism ; and it was preposterous to begin with a limitation of his power, before they had acknowledged his au thority. So this was laid aside, and the parliament ended on [May 5. the 25th of May. Co—sf But the matters of the convocation are next to be related. P- 36] Those of the reformation complained every where, that the wilkins' disputes of the last convocation had not been fairly carried ; Conc- 1V- that the most eminent men of their persuasion were detained in prison, and not admitted to it ; that only a few of them, that had a right to be in the house, were admitted to speak, and that these were much interrupted. So that it was now resolved to adjourn the convocation for some time, and to send the pro locutor, with some of their number, to Oxford, that the dispu tations might be in the presence of that whole university. And since Cranmer and Ridley were esteemed the most learned [March 10.] men of that persuasion, they were, by a warrant from the queen, removed from the Tower of London, to the prisons at Oxford. And though Latimer was never accounted very learned, and was then about eighty years of age, yet he having been a celebrated preacher, who had done the reformation no less service by his labours in the pulpit, than others had done by their abler pens, he was also sent thither to bear his share in the debates. Those who were sent from the convocation came to Oxford Some sent on the 13th of April, being Friday. They sent for those *° ^rtde bishops on Saturday, and assigned them Monday, Tuesday, with re- and Wednesday, every one of them his day, for the defending bishops. of their doctrine : but ordered them to be kept apart ; and [Fox< To1- m p. 36.] oga 452 THE HISTORY OF [pabt "• that all books and notes should be taken from them. Three questions were to be disputed. 1 . Whether the natural body of Christ was really in the sacrament ? 2. Whether any other substance did remain, but the body and blood of Christ ? 3. Whether in the mass there was a propitiatory sacrifice for the sins of the dead and living ? When Cranmer was first brought before them, the prolocutor 281 made an exhortation to him to return to the unity of the church. [Fox, vol. To which he answered with such gravity and modesty, that m. p. 37-1 many were observed to weep : he said, he was as much for unity as any, but it must be an unity in Christ, and according to the truth. The articles being shewed him, he asked, whe ther by the body of Christ they meant an organical body? They answering, it was the body that was born of the Virgin ; then he said, he would maintain the negative of these ques tions. Cranmer On the 16th, when the dispute with Cranmer was to begin, lspu es' Weston, that was prolocutor, made a stumble in the beginning [Ibid. p. of his speech ; for he said, Ye are this day assembled to con- '-1 found the detestable heresy of the verity of the body of Christ in the sacrament. This mistake set the whole assembly a laughing ; but he recovered himself, and went on : he said, it was not lawful to call these things in doubt, since Christ had so expressly affirmed them, that to doubt of them was to deny the truth and power of God. Then Chedsey urged Cranmer witiVthe words, This is my body: to which he answered, that the sacrament was effectually Christ's body as broken on the cross ; that is, his passion effectually applied. For the expla nation of this he offered a large paper containing his opinion : of which I need say nothing, since it is a short abstract of what he writ on that head formerly ; and of that a full account was given in the former book. There fodowed a long debate about [Ibid. p. these words. Oglethorp, Weston, and others, urged him much, that Christ, making his testament, must be supposed to speak truth, and plain truth ; and they ran out largely on that. Cranmer answered, that figurative speeches are true; and when the figures are clearly understood, they are then plain likewise. Many of Chrysostom's high expressions about the sacrament 41.] book n.] THE REFORMATION. (1554.) 453 were also cited ; which, Cranmer said, were to be understood of the spiritual presence received by faith. Upon this much time was spent, the prolocutor carrying himself very undecently towards him, calling him an unlearned, unskilful, and impu- [Eox, vol. dent man : there were also many in the assembly that often 1U" p' 43'-' hissed him down, so that he could not be heard at all ; which he seemed to take no notice of, but went on as often as the noise ceased. Then they cited Tertullian's words, The flesh is fed by the body and blood of Christ, that so the soul may be nourished by God. But he turned this against them, and said, hereby it was plain, the body as well as the soul received food in the sacrament ; therefore the substance of bread and wine must remain, since the body could not be fed by that spiritual presence of the body of Christ. Tresham put this argument to him : Christ said, as he lived by the Father, so they that eat his flesh should live by him ; but he is by his substance united to his Father, therefore Christians must be united to his sub stance. To this Cranmer answered, that the similitude did not import an equality, but a likeness of some sort : Christ is essen tially united to his Father, but believers are united to him by grace; and that in baptism, as well as in the eucharist. Then they talked long of some words of Hilary's, Ambrose's, and Justin's. Then they charged him, as having mistranslated [Ibid. p. some of the passages of the fathers in his book ; from which he 49J vindicated himself, saying, that he had all his life, in all man ner of things, hated falsehood. 282 After the dispute had lasted from the morning till two of the [Ibid p. clock, it was broke up ; and there was no small triumph, as if 5° '* Cranmer had been confounded in the opinion of all the hearers, which they had expressed by their laughter and hissing. There were notaries that took every thing that was said ; from whose books Fox did afterwards prmt the account of it that is in his great volume. The next day Ridley was brought out ; and Smith, who was And Eid- spoke of in the former book, was now very zealous to redeem r April 17.1 the prejudice which that compliance was like to be to him in his preferment : so be undertook to dispute this clay. Ridley [ibid. p. , began with a protestation, declaring, that whereas he had been SIJ formerly of another mind from what he was then to maintain ; he had changed upon no worldly consideration, but merely for 454 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. love of the truth, which he had gathered out of the word of God, and the holy fathers : but because it was God's cause he was then to maintain, he protested that he might have leave afterwards to add, or to change, as upon better consideration he should see cause for it. He also desired he might have leave to speak his mind without interruption ; which though it was promised him, yet he was often stopped, as he went on explaining his doctrine. He argued against the corporal pre sence, as being contrary to the scriptures that spoke of Christ's leaving the world ; as being against the article of his sitting at the right hand of God ; and against the nature of the sacra ment, which is a remembrance: he shewed, that by it the wicked receive Christ no less than the godly ; that it is against nature to swallow down a living man ; that this doctrine intro duced many extraordinary miracles, without any necessity; and must have given advantage to the heretics, who denied Christ had. a real body, or a true human nature; and that it was contrary to the doctrine of the fathers : he acknowledged that it was truly the communion of his body, that is, of Christ's death, and of the heavenly life given by him ; and did, in a strong nervous discourse, as any I ever saw on that subject, gather together the chief arguments for his opinion. Smith argued, that, notwithstanding Christ's being at the right hand of God, he was seen on earth: Ridley said, he did not deny but he might come and appear on earth, but that was for a moment, to convince some, and comfort others, as St. Paul and St. Stephen ; though, he said, it might be they saw him in heaven ; but he could not be, at the same time, both in heaven and on earth. They returned oft to Chrysostom's words, and pressed him with some of Bernard's ; but as he answered the sayings of the former, that they were rhetorical and figurative ; so he excepted against the judgment of the latter, as living in an age when their opinion was generally received. The dispute [Fox, vol. held till Weston grew weary, and stopped ad, saying, You see m- P-65-] tjie obstinate, vainglorious, crafty, and inconstant mind of this man ; but you see also the force of truth cannot be shaken : therefore cry out with me, Truth has the victory. This being echoed again by the audience, they went away with great triumph; and now they reckoned the hardest part of their work was over, since Latimer only remained. * book ii. J THE REFORMATION. (1554.) 455 283 Latimer being next day brought forth, told them, he had And Lati- not used Latin much these twenty years, and was not able to mer- dispute ; but he would declare his faith, and then they might do as they pleased. He declared, that he thought the pre sence of Christ in the sacrament to be only spiritual, since it is that by which we obtain eternal life, which flows only from Christ's abiding in us by faith; therefore it is not a bare naked sign : but for the corporal presence, he looked on it as the root of all the other errors in their church. He enlarged much against the sacrifice of the mass, and lamented that they had changed the communion into a private mass; that they had taken the cup away from the people, and, instead of ser vice in a known tongue, were bringing the nation to a worship that they did not understand. He perceived they laughed at him ; but he told them, they were to consider his great age, -and to think what they might be when they came to it. They pressed him much to answer their arguments: he said his memory was gone, but his faith was grounded on the word of God ; he was fully convinced by the book which Dr. Cranmer had written on that subject. In this whole disputation, as Ridley wrote of it, there was Censures great disorder, perpetual shoutings, tauntings, and reproaches ; Pp^ it so that it looked liker a stage than a school of divines ; and [Fox, vol. the noise and confusions, with which he had been much of- m' p" fended when he was in the Sorbonne, were modest, compared to this. On April 28, they were again brought to St. Mary's ; where [Apribo.] Weston told them, they were overcome in the disputation, therefore he required them to subscribe with the rest. Cran mer objected against their wa^r of disputing: he said, they would not hear any one argue against their errors, or defend the truth ; that oftentimes four or five of them were speaking at once, so that it was impossible for any to hear, or to answer all these : in conclusion, he refused to subscribe. Ridley and Latimer made the same answers. So they were all judged heretics, and the fautors of heresy. Then they were asked, Whether they intended to turn 1 They answered, That they would not turn : so they were judged obstinate heretics, and declared to be no more members of the church. Upon which Cranmer answered ; " From this your judg- [Ibid. p. 75-] 456 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. " ment and sentence, I appeal to the just judgment of Almighty . " Gbd, trusting to be present with him in heaven, for whose " presence on the altar I am thus condemned." Ridley answered ; " Although I be not of your company, " yet I doubt not but my name is written in another place, " whither this sentence will send us sooner than we should by " the course of nature have come." Latimer answered ; " I thank God most heartily that he " hath prolonged my life to this end, that I may in this case " glorify God with this kind of death." To them Weston answered ; " If you go to heaven with this " faith, then I will never come thither, as I am thus per- " suaded." After this, there was a solemn procession in Oxford, the host being carried by Weston the prolocutor, who had been (as himself said in his disputation) six years in prison in king Edward's time. This gave him now great repute, though he 284 was known to be a constant drunkard. Ridley wrote to him, desiring to see what the notaries had written, and that he might have leave to add in any part, as had been promised , him ; but he had no answer. On the 23rd of April, the com missioners sent from the convocation returned to London. Cranmer sent a petition, sealed, by Weston, to be delivered to the council ; in which he earnestly begged their favour with the queen, that he might be pardoned for his treason, since they knew how unwillingly he consented to the patents for ex cluding her. He also complained of the disorder in the dis putes lately had ; saying, that he was not heard nor suffered to propose his arguments; but all was shuffled up in a day, though he had matter on that subject for twenty days' work ; that it looked like a design to shut up all things in haste, and make a triumph, and so to condemn them of heresy : he left it to their wisdom to consider, if this was an indifferent way of handling such a matter. Weston carried this petition half way ; and then opening it, and finding what it contained, he sent it back, and said, he would deliver no such petition. Cranmer was so kept, that though Ridley and Latimer could send to one another, yet it was not easy for theni to send to [Fox, vol. him, without giving money to their keepers. In one of Rid ley's letters to Cranmer, he said, he heard they intended to iii. p. 76.] book n.] THE REFORMATION. (1554.) 457 carry down Rogers, Crome, and Bradford, to Cambridge, and to make such a triumph there, as he had lately made of them at Oxford : he trusted the day of their deliverance out of all their miseries, and of their entrance into perpetual rest, and perpetual joy and felicity, drew nigh : he prayed God to strengthen them with the mighty spirit of his grace. He de sired Cranmer to pray for him, as he also did for Cranmer. As for the letters which these and the other prisoners writ in their imprisonment, Fox gathered the originals from all people that had them : and sir Walter Mildmay, the founder of Emmanuel college, procured them from him, and put them into the library of that college, where I saw them ; but they are all printed by Fox61, so that the reader, who desires to see them, may find them in his Acts and Monuments. Of them all, Ridley writ with the greatest connection and force, both in the matter, and in the way of expression. , This being now over, there was great boasting among all The pri- the popish party, as if the champions of the reformation had Londo^set been foiled. The prisoners in London, hearing they intended ?ut in writ- to insult over them as they had done over those at Oxford, set reasons out a paper, to which the late bishops of Exeter, St. David's, against dis- and Gloucester, with Taylor, Philpot, Bradford, Crome, San- word of ders, Rogers, and Lawrence, set their hands on the eighth of mouth- May. The substance of it was ; " That they, being prisoners, nei- [Fox, vol. " ther as rebels, traitors, nor transgressors of any law, but m' p' 2'^ " merely for their conscience to God and his truth, hearing it " was intended to carry them to Cambridge to -dispute, de- 61 Most of these letters are printed tion here within this realme gave by Fox ; but your lordship knows, their lyves for the defence of Christes the letters .of the Martyrs were pub- holy Gospel written in the tyme of lished in a distinct volume, with a theyr affliction and cruell impryson- preface by Coverdale (probably the ment. Though they suffer payne publisher), and printed by John amonge men, yet is their hope full Day, an. 1564; which I could have of immortalitie, Sap. 3. Imprinted wished had been taken notice of by at London by John Day, dwelling your lordship in this place. [B.] ouer Aldersgate, beneath Saint Mar- [The volume referred to here is tines, 1564. Cum gratia et priuilegio entitled, 'Certain most godly, fruit- Regia? Majestatis. 8vo.' The let- ful and comfortable letters of such ters are arranged separately under true Saintes and holy Martyrs of the names of the writers, and not God as in the late hloodye persecu- otherwise in chronological order.] 458 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. " clared they would not dispute, but in writing, except it were " before the queen and her council, or before either of the " houses of parliament ; and that for these reasons : 1. '¦' It was clear, that the determinations of the universities " were already made : they were their open enemies, and had " already condemned their cause before they had heard it ; 285 " which was contrary both to the word of God, and the deter- " minations they had made in king Edward's time. 2. " They saw the prelates and clergy were seeking neither " to find out the truth, nor to do them good, otherwise they " would have heard them when they might have declared " their consciences without hazard ; but that they sought only " their destruction, and their own glory. 3. " They saw that those who were to be the judges of " these disputes were their inveterate enemies ; and, by what " passed in the covocation-house last year, and lately at " Oxford, they saw how they must expect to- be used. 4. " They had been kept long prisoners, some nine or ten " months, without books or papers, or convenient places of " study. 5. " They knew they should not be heard to speak their " minds fully, but should be stopped, as their judges pleased. 6. " They could not have the nomination of their notaries, " who would be so chosen, that they would write and publish " what their enemies had a mind to. Therefore they would " not engage in public disputes, except by writing ; but they " would give a summary of their faith, for which they would " be ready to offer up their lives to the halter, or the fire, as " God should appoint. " They declared, that they believed the scriptures to be the " true word of God, and the judge of all controversies in the " matters of religion ; and that the church is to be obeyed, as " long as she follows this word. That they believed the Apo- " sties' Creed, and those creeds set out by the councds of Nice, " Constantinople, Ephesus, and Chalcedon, and by the first " and fourth councils of Toledo ; and the symbols of Athana- " sius, Irenaeus, Tertudian, and Damasus. That they believed "justification by faith ; which faith was not only an opinion, " but a certain persuasion wrought by the Holy Ghost, which " did illuminate the mind, and suppled the heart to submit it- bookilJ THE REFORMATION. (1554.) 459 " self unfeignedly to God. That they acknowledged an inhe- " rent righteousness ; yet justification, and the pardon of sins, " they believed came only by Christ's righteousness imputed " to them. They thought the worship of God ought to be in " a tongue understood by the people ; that Christ only, and " not the saints, were to be prayed to ; that immediately after " death the souls pass either to the state of the blessed, or. of " the damned, without any purgatory between ; that baptism " and the Lord's supper are the sacraments of Christ, which " ought to be administered according to his institution ; and " therefore they condemned the denying the chalice, transub- " stantiation, the adoration, or the sacrifice of the mass, and " asserted the lawfulness of marriage to every rank of men. " These things they declared they were ready to defend, as " they often had before offered ; and concluded, charging all " people to enter into no rebellion against the queen, but to " obey her in ad points, except where her commands were " contrary to the law of God." In the end of this month62, the lady Elizabeth was taken [May 19. out of the Tower, and put into the custody of the lord Wil- ?.ox> Vg 1-, dams ; who waited on her to Woodstock, and treated her with 286 great civility, and all the respect due to her quality : but this not being" so acceptable to those who governed, she was put under the charge of sir Henry Bedingfield, by whom she was more roughly handled. On the 20th of July63; prince Philip landed at Southampton. Prince Phi- When he set foot to land first, he presently drew his sword, rj§,i|^ s" and carried it a good way naked in his hand. Whether this was one of the forms of his country, I know not ; but it was interpreted as an omen, that he intended to rule England with the sword ; though others said, it shewed he intended to draw his sword in defence of the nation. The mayor of Southampton brought him the keys of the town; an expression of duty always paid to our princes : he took them from him, and gave 62 ['The 20 day of May my lade Stow, p. 624, says, it was on the Elisabeth the quen's syster cam 19th July : * The lord admiral owt of the Towre, and toke her met with the said prince the nine- barge at Towre Warfe and so to teenth of July about the Needles, Rychemond, and from thens unto and from thence accompanied him Wyndsor, and so to Wodstoke.' Ma- unto Southampton, where he ar- chyn's Diary, p. 63.] rived the morrow after, the twenti es [This date is given by Fox; eth of July.' Holinshed, p. 11 18.] 460 THE HISTORY OF [part ii, them back without speaking a word, or expressing by any sign that he was pleased with it. His stiffness amazed the English, who use to be treated by their kings with great sweetness on such occasions ; and so much gravity in so young a man was not understood, but was looked on as a sign of vast pride and And is moroseness. The queen met him at Winchester; where, on tne"ueen0 the 25th of Jn]J' Gardiner married them in the cathedral, the king being then in the 27th, and the queen in the 38th year of her age. They were presented from the emperor by his ambassador, with a resignation of his titular kingdom of Jeru salem, and his more valuable one of Naples, which were pledges of that total resignation that followed not long after. [Aug. i.] So on the 27th of July64 they were proclaimed "by their new titles : " Philip and Mary, King and Queen of England, France, " Naples, Jerusalem, and Ireland ; Princes of Spain and Sicily, " Defenders of the Faith ; Archdukes of Austria ; Dukes of " Milan, Burgundy, and Brabant ; Counts of Hapsburg, Flan- " ders and Tyrol :" Spain having always delighted in a long enumeration of pompous titles. It was observed, how happy marriages had been to the Austrian family ; who, from no extraordinary beginnings, had now, in eighty years time, been raised by two marriages; first, with the heir of Burgundy and the Netherlands, and then with the heir of Spain, to be the greatest family in Christendom : and the collateral family by the marriage of the heir of Bohe mia and Hungary was now the greatest in the empire. And surely, if issue had followed this marriage, the most extra ordinary success possible would have seemed to be entailed on them. But there was no great appearance of that : for as the queen was now far advanced in years, so she was in no good state of health ; a long course of discontent had corrupted both the health of her body and the temper of her mind : nor did the matter alter much by her marriage, except for the worse. 64 [The proclamation was made titles had been announced in a ser in London on the ist of August, mon preached July 29 by Harps- as appears from the Grey Friars' field, at Paul's Cross, as appears Chronicle, p. 91 : ' The furst day of from Machyn's Diary, p. 67 ; and August was a proclamacion made in previously in Winchester cathedral London for the hole stylle both for immediately after the marriage cere- the kynge and the qvvene and alle mony, as appears from Holinshed, ther domynyons of both.' Their p. 1120.] j book n.] THE REFORMATION. (1554.) 461 The king's wonderful gravity and silence gained nothing upon the English; but his niagnificence and bounty was very ac ceptable. He brought after him a vast mass of wealth : seven He brings and twenty chests of bullion, every chest being a yard and trfasure some inches long, which were drawn in twenty carts to the with him Tower; after which came ninety-nine horse, and two carts, land. g loaded with coined gold and silver. This great wealth was perhaps the sum that was formerly mentioned, which was to be distributed among the English; for it is not improbable, that though he empowered his ambassadors, and Gardiner, to promise great sums to such as should promote his marriage, 287 yet that he would not part with so much money till it was made sure, and therefore he ordered this treasure to be brought after him. (I mention it here, yet it came not into England till Oc tober and January following.) He made his entry into London with great state. At his first settling in England, he obtained of the queen that Act of fa- many prisoners should be set at liberty; among whom the chief wU^imone were, the archbishop of York, and ten knights, with many other persons of quality. These, I suppose, had been committed either for Wiat's rebellion, or the business of the lady Jane ; for I do not believe any were discharged that were imprisoned on the account of religion. As for this archbishop, though he went along in the reformation, yet I find nothing that gives any great character of him. I never saw any letter of his, nor do I re member to have seen any honourable mention made of him any where ; so that he seems to have been a soft and weak man ; and, except those little fragments of his opinions in some points about the mass, (which are in the Collection,) I know no re mains of his pen. It seems he did at this time comply in mat ters of religion, for without that it is not probable that either Philip would have moved for him, or that the queen would have been easily entreated. The intercessions that Philip made for the lady Elizabeth He pre- and the earl of Devonshire did gain him the hearts of the na- ^d Na tion more than any thing else that he ever did. Gardiner was beth. much set against them, and studied to bear down the declara tion that Wiat had made of their innocency all that he could ; but it was made so openly on the scaffold, that it was not possi ble to suppress it. Before, in his examinations, Wiat had ac- 462 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. cused them, hoping to have saved himself by so base an action ;. but he redeemed it all he could at his death. This had broken Gardiner's design, who thought all they did about religion was but half work, unless the lady Elizabeth were destroyed : for he knew, that though she complied in many things, yet her education had been wholly under the reformed; and, which was more to him, who judged all people by their interest, he reckoned that interest must make her declare against the papacy (since otherwise she was a bastard) if ever she should outlive her sister. Philip opposed this at first upon a generous account, to re commend himself, by obtaining such acts of favour to be done by the queen. But afterwards, when the hopes of issue failed him by his marriage, he preserved her out of interest of state ; for if she had been put out of the way, the queen of Scotland (that was to be married to the dauphin) was to succeed ; which would have made too great an accession to the French crown : and besides, as it afterwards appeared, he was not without hopes of persuading her to marry himself, if her sister should die without issue. For the earl of Devonshire, he more easdy obtained his freedom, though not till some months had passed. That earl being set at liberty, finding he was to lie under per petual distrusts, and that he might be, perhaps upon the first disorder, again put into the Tower, to which his stars seemed to condemn him, resolved to go beyond sea ; but died within a year after, as some say, of poison. He was All this I have laid together, (though it fell not out all at 288 loved by once>) that I might give a full account of all the acts of grace the Eng- that Philip did in England : but for the rest of his behaviour, it was no way acceptable to the people; for as he engaged the nation in all his interests, so that henceforth, during this reign, England had no share in the consultations of Europe, but was blindly led by him, which proved fatal to them in the conclu sion by the ignominious loss of Calais ; so his temper and way of deportment seemed most ridiculous, and extravagantly formal to the English genius, which naturally loves the mean between the excessive jollity and talkativeness of the French, and the sullen staidness of the Spaniard ; rather inclining more to the briskness of the one than the superciliousness of the other. And indeed his carriage was such here, that the acting him lish. book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1554.) and his Spaniards was one of the great diversions of queen Edzabeth's court. The hall of the court was almost continually shut all his time, and none could have access, unless it were first demanded with as much formality as ambassadors use in asking audience : so that most of the nobility left the court, few staying but the officers of the household. Gardiner had now the government put entirely in his hands : Gardiner and he, to make his court the better with the new king, ™im much preached at St. Paul's the 30th of September 65 ; where, after in a ser- he had inveighed long against the preachers in king Edward's p^ voi time, which was the common subject of ad their sermons, heui-P-85-l ran out much in commendation of the king, affirming him to be as wise, sober, gentle, and temperate, as any prince that ever was in England ; and if he did not prove so, he was con tent that all his hearers should esteem him an impudent liar. The state of the court continued in this posture tid the next parliament. But great discontents did now appear every where. The severe executions after the last rising, the marriage with Spain, and the overturning of religion, concurred to alienate the na tion from the government. This appeared no where more con fidently than in Norfolk ; where the people, reflecting on their services, thought they might have the more leave to speak. There were some malicious rumours spread, that the queen was with chdd66 before the king came over. This was so much resented at court, that the queen writ a letter to the justices there (which is in the Collection) to inquire into those Collect. false reports, and to look to all that spread false news in the um " I4' county. The earl of Sussex, upon this, examined a great many ; but could make nothing out of it. It flowed from the officiousness of Hopton, the new bishop of Norwich; who thought to express his zeal to the queen, whose chaplain he had long been, by sending up the tales of the country to the council table ; not considering how much it was below the dignity of the government to look after all vain reports. This summer the bishops went their visitations, to see every 66 ['The 30 day of September sermon; and ther wher as grett a dyd pryche at Powlles Crosse my audyensse as ever I saw in my lyff.' lord chansseler the bysshope of Machyn's Diary, p. 69.] Wynchester, and he mad a goodly 66 [See Part iii. p. 223.] 464 THE HISTORY OF [partii. Bonner's thing executed according to the queen's injunctions. Bonner hisvfsfta"1 went nis witn the rest- He had ordered nis chaplains to draw tion. a book of Homilies, with an exposition of the Christian religion. m°p! 86.1 He says, in his preface to it, that he and his chaplains had com piled it ; but it is likely he had only the name of it, and that his chaplains composed it. Yet the greatest, and indeed the best part of it, was made to their hands ; for it was taken out 289 of the Institution of a Christian Man, set out by king Henry, only varied in those points in which it differed from what they were now about to set up : so that concerning the pope's power, since it was not yet established, he says nothing for or against it. The articles6? upon which he made his visitation will be Collect. found in the Collection ; and by these we may judge of ad the other visitations over' England. " In the preface, he protests " he had not made his articles out of any secret grudge or dis- " pleasure to any ; but merely for the discharge of his con- " science towards God and the world. The articles were ; " Whether the clergy did so behave themselves in living, " teaching, and doing, that, in the judgment of indifferent men, " they seemed to seek the honour of God, of the church, and " of the king and queen 1 Whether they had been married, " or were taken for married ? And whether they were di- " vorced, and did no more come at their wives 1 Or whether " they did defend their marriages ? Whether they did reside, " keep hospitality, provide a curate in their absence \ And " whether they did devoutly celebrate the service, and use " processions ? Whether they were suspect of heresy 1 Whe- " ther they did haunt ' alehouses and taverns, bowling-alleys, " or suspect houses 1 Whether they favoured, or kept company " with any suspect of heresy ? Whether any priest lived in the " parish that absented himself from church ? Whether these " kept any private conventicles ? Whether any of the clergy " was vicious, blasphemed God or his saints, or was guilty of " simony ? Whether they exhorted the people to peace and 67 [Fryday the 14th of Septem- every warde, a boke containing 126 ber were sett out by the bushope of artycles as well towching the mysde- London to be enquired of thoronghe meynour of the clergie as the layety. out his diocesse by 4 substanciall « Chronicle of Queen Jane.' 1850.] persons therto by him appoynted, in book ii. j THE REFORMATION. (1554.) 465 " obedience ? Whether they admitted any to the sacrament " that was suspect of heresy, or was of an ill conversation, an " oppressor, or evil-doer ? Whether they admitted any to " preach that were not licensed, or refused such as were ? " Whether they did officiate in English ? Whether they did " use the sacraments aright 1 . Whether they visited the sick, " and administered the sacraments to them ? Whether they " did marry any, without asking the banns three Sundays 1 " Whether they observed the fasts and holydays ? Whether " they went in their habits and tonsures? Whether those " that were ordained schismatically did officiate without being " admitted by the ordinary 1 Whether they let leases, for " many years, of their benefices 1 Whether they followed " merchandise or usury ? Whether they carried swords or " daggers in times or places not convenient ? Whether they " did once every quarter expound to the people, in the vulgar " tongue, the Apostles' Creed, Ten Commandments, the two " commandments of Christ for loving God and our neighbour, " the seven works of mercy, seven deadly sins, seven principal " virtues, and the seven sacraments ?" These were the most considerable heads on which he visited. One thing is remarkable ; that it appears, both by these and No reordi- the queen's injunctions, that they did not pretend to reor- th 0ge or_ dain those that had been ordained by the new book in king dained in Edward's time ; but to reconcile them, and add those things ward's that were wanting : which were, the anointing, and giving the time- priestly vestments, with other rites of the Roman Pontifical. In this point of reordaining such as were ordained in heresy or 290 schism, the church of Rome has not gone by any steady rule : for though they account the Greek church to be guilty both of heresy and schism, they receive their priests without a new or dination. Yet after the time of the contests between pope Ni colas and Photius, and much more after the outrageous heats at Rome between Sergius and Formosus, in which the dead bodies of the former popes were raised and dragged about the streets by their successors, they annulled the ordinations, which they pretended were made irregularly. Afterwards again, upon the great schism between the popes of Rome and Avignon, they did neither annul nor renew the orders that had been given : but now in England, though they BURNET, PART II. H h 466 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. only supplied at this time the defects, which they said were in their former ordination, yet afterwards, when they proceeded to burn them that were in orders, they went upon the old maxim, that orders given in schism were not valid ; so they did not esteem Hooper nor Ridley bishops, and therefore only degraded them from priesthood, though they had been or dained by their own forms, saving only the oath to the pope : but for those who were ordained by the new-book, they did not at all degrade them, supposing now they had no true orders by it. Bonner, in his visitation, took great care to see ad things were every where done according to the old rules, which was the main thing intended ; other points being put in for form. [Fox, vol. When he came to Hadham, he prevented the Doctor, who did iii. p. 86.1 , . , , , , not expect him so soon by two hours, so that there was no ringing of bells, which put him in no small disorder ; and that was much increased, when he went into the church, and found neither the sacrament hanging up, nor a rood set up : there upon he fell a railing, swearing most intemperately, calling the priest an heretic, a knave, with many other such goodly words. The priest said, all these things should be amended speeddy ; and, knowing that a good dinner was the best way to temper bishop Bonner, he desired him to go and dine at his house: Bonner's but Bonner took it so ill, that Hadham, which was one of his own churches, was an ill example to those about it, that he lost all patience ; and reaching at Dr. Bricket (that was the parson's name) to beat him, he misguided the stroke, which fell on sir Thomas Josselin's ear with great force. Feckenham, then [Ibid. p. dean of Paul's in Dr. May's room, studied to appease Josselin, ?'-' and said to him, that the bishop's being so long in the Mar shalsea had so disordered him, that in his passion he knew not what he did ; but, when he came to himself, he would be sorry for what he had done. Josselin answered, he thought, now that he was taken out of the Marshalsea, he should be carried to Bedlam. But Bonner continued in his fury: and though he had purposed to stay at his house there some days, and had ordered provisions to be made, yet he would needs be gone, though it disordered the rest of his visitation ; for he came to every place sooner than he intended, or had given notice. The carvers and makers of statues had now a quick trade book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1554.) 467 for roods and other images, which were to be provided for all places. Bonner had observed, that in most churches the walls were painted with places of scripture ; and in many places there were passages written that either favoured the marriage of the clergy, or were against the corporal presence, a,nd the 291 sacrifice of the mass, and the multiplicity of the ceremonies of the church: so he did at his return send out episcopal letters, [Oct. 25. on the 34th of October, to raze all those paintings. Upon ?j°x' ^k this it was generally said, that the scriptures must be dashed out to make way for the images ; since they were so contrary one to another, that they could not decently stand together. There were many ludicrous things every where done in deri sion of the old forms, and of the images : many poems were printed, with other ridiculous representations of the Latin ser vice, and the pageantry of their worship. But none occasioned more laughter than what fell out at Paul's the Easter before ; the custom being to lay the sacrament into the sepulchre at the even-song on Good-Friday, and to take it out by break of day ¦on Easter morning. At the time of the taking of it out, the quire sung these words ; Surrexit, non est hie ; He is risen, he is not here : but then the priest looking for the host, found The sacra- it was not there indeed, for one had stolen it out, which put ^^n, them all in no small disorder ; but another was presently [March 25. brought in its stead. Upon this a ballad followed, that their1 ' ' ' God was stolen and lost, but a new one was made in his room. This raillery was so salt, that it provoked the clergy much. They offered large rewards to discover him that had stolen the host, or had made the ballad, but could not come to the know ledge of it ; but they resolved ere long to turn that mirth and pleasantness of the heretics into severe mourning. And thus matters went on to the 1 ith of November68, when Anewpar- the third parliament was summoned. In the writ of summons, j-1™™,^ the title of supreme head of the church was left out, though it Journal of was still by law united to the other royal titles : and therefore p°™7j0n3' this was urged, in the beginning of queen Elizabeth's reign, as a good reason for annulling that parliament, since it was not called by a lawful writ. Now was cardinal Pole allowed to «8 [This mistake is noticed by Mary's Statutes. The nth of No- Fox, vol. iii. p. 88. as having been vember fell on Sunday.] made by the printer of Queen H h 2 468 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. come into England. The emperor had this summer brought him to Flanders, where, to make amends for the rudeness of stopping him on his way, he desired him to mediate a peace between France and him ; but that had no effect. It soon appeared, that all things were so well prepared by Gardiner's policy, and the Spanish gold, that it would be an easy matter to carry every thing in this session. The lord Paget and the lord Hastings were sent from the king and queen to bring the cardinal over. At the opening of the parliament, it was an unusual sight to see both king and queen ride in state, and come into it with two swords of state, and two caps of mainte nance carried before them : the swords were carried, one by the earl of Pembroke, the other by the earl of Westmoreland ; The attain- and the caps by the earls of Arundel and Shrewsbury. The dinal Pole nrst bill put into the lords' house was the repeal of the attain- repealed. ,jer 0f69 cardinal Pole; it began on the I7th, and was sent [Journal of . Lords, down to the commons on the 19th, who read it three times [journal of *n one day70 and sent it up. This bill being to be passed be- Commons, fore he could come into England, it was questioned in the p' 37'-1 house of commons, whether the bill could be passed without making a session, which would necessitate a prorogation. It was resolved it might be done ; so on the 22nd the king and [Ibid. queen came and passed it. It set forth, that the only reason p'3 '-' of his attainder was, because he would not consent to the un lawful separation and divorce between king Henry, and his most godly, virtuous, and lawful wife, queen Catharine : there fore they, considering the true and sincere conscience of the 292 cardinal in that point, and his other many godly virtues and qualities, did repeal that act. He comes On the 24th?1 he came to London, but without the solem- to London ; [Fox, vol. iii. p. 88.] 69 I have noted under cardinal read twice on the 19th, and the Pole's picture from Ciaconius and third time on the 20th. [S.] Petramellarius, that he was at last '' ['Item, the 24 of the same cardinal presbyter (though first only monyth came in the cardinalle deacon), which will hardly consist Powle by watter, and soo came unto with what is said, vol. i. p. 221, the corte at Whythalle ; and in the that he did not rise above the de- myddes of the brygge the kynge gree of a deacon ; though, I sup- mette hym, and soo eche other sa- pose, cardinals are of equal dignity, lute other goodly and reverently ; [!*¦] and soo wente in unto the Qwene, 70 Thrice in one day. It was and soo she mett them at hare gret book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1554.) 469 nities of a legate's entry, because the pope's authority was not yet set up by law. What cardinal Pole's instructions were, I do not know ; nor is it fully understood by learned men what was the power of a legate a latere in those days. But I found, in the king's paper office, the original bull of cardinal Beaton's legatine power in Scotland, which it seems was inter cepted by some of the king's ships, in the passage by sea thi ther : or was sent up to London by those who killed him, and possessed themselves of his castle and goods. And I having mentioned this bull to those learned men, by whose direction I have governed myself in this work, I did, by their advice, give it a room in the Collection, though it be large ; since no doubt Collect. cardinal Pole's bull?2 was in the same form?3. In it theNumb-'7' reader will clearly perceive what authority was lodged in the legates to overthrow and dispense with almost all the rules and canons of the church ; only some peculiar things (which were more conspicuously scandalous) were still reserved to the apo stolic see itself, whose singular privilege it has been always esteemed to dispense with the best things, and allow of the worst; so the pretenders to those graces paid proportionably for them : this authority was too sacred to be trusted even to a legate, it being the prerogative of the popes themselves to be the most eminent transgressors of all canons and consti tutions. The cardinal first declared what his designs and powers were to the king and queen ; and then on the 27th a message [Journal of was sent to the parliament to come and hear him deliver his ^"J0113' legation : which they doing, he made them a long speech, chamber and she salutyd hym ; and bull of cardinal Pole's legatine then they talked a whylle, and he power is entered in the beginning departyd unto the place at Lambyth of his register kept at Doctors' the wyche was preparyd for hym.' Commons, which ought in the first Grey Friars' Chronicle, p. 93.] place to have been consulted. . . . 72 [The bull is printed in Wil- From thence it will appear how kins' Concilia, torn. iv. p. 91, dated false the conjecture of the historian 8 March, 1554, and headed, 'Bulla is, that Pole's bull was in the same Papce Julii III. potestatem concedens form with Beaton's bull, which he cardinali Polo, Angliam ecclesice pronounceth to be without all doubt. Romance reuniendi. Impress. Lon- For in truth they differ altogether dini 1685.] both in matter and form.' Speci- 73 ['We have no such necessity of men of Errors, p. 140.] borrowing light from Scotland. The 470 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. And makes inviting them to a reconciliation with the apostolic see ; from thePparlia-° wuence he was sent by the common pastor of Christendom to ment. reduce them, who had long strayed from the enclosure of the The queen church. This made some emotion in the queen, which she to be with fondly thought was a child quickened in her belly : this redou- child. bled the joy, some not sparing to say, that as John Baptist leaped in his mother's belly at the salutation of the Virgin, so here a happy omen followed on this salutation from Christ's vicar. In this her women, seeing that she firmly believed her self with child, flattered her so far, that they fully persuaded her of it. Notice was given of it to the council, who that night [Foxi vol. writ a letter to Bonner about it, ordering74 a Te Deum to be m' p' '-! sung at St. Paul's, and the other churches of London, and that collects should be constantly used for bringing this to a happy perfection. All that night, and next day, there was great joy about the court and city75. On the 29th the speaker reported to the commons the sub stance of the cardinal's speech ; and a message coming from the lords for a conference of some of their house with the lord chancellor, four earls, four bishops, and fonr lords, to prepare a supplication for their being reconciled to the see of Rome, it was consented to : and the petition being agreed on at the committee, was reported, and approved of by both houses. It contained an address to the king and queen : The parlia- « That whereas they had been guilty of a most horrible 293 ment's pe- . J ° . tition to be " defection and schism from the apostolic see, they did now trthe'see " sincerely repent of it ; and, in sign of their repentance, were of Rome.] " ready to repeal all the laws made in prejudice of that see : " therefore, since the king and queen had been no way defiled " by their schism, they pray them to be intercessors with the " legate to grant them absolution, and to receive them again " into the bosom of the church." So this being presented by both houses on their knees to the 74 [The same order as issued to they shuld say the masse of the the dean and chapter of Canterbury Holy-Gost with prossessyon and to is printed in Harmer's Specimen of sing Te Deum and ryngyng, and to Errors, p. 175.] pray to God to gyffe him thankes 75 [' The 29 day of November of owr gracious Quen of her qwyck- was commandyd by the byshope of enyng with chyld, and to pray.' London thrughe ys dyosesse that Machyn's Diary, p. 76.] book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1554.) 471 king and queen, they made their intercession with the cardinal, who thereupon delivered himself in a long speech : " He thanked the parliament for repealing the act against The cardi- " him, and making him a member of the nation, from which "f™akea " he was by that act cut off ; in recompense of which he was speech. " now to reconcile them to the body of the church. He told [f °^ g°*j " them, the apostodc see cherished Britain most tenderly, as " the first nation that had publicly received the Christian faith. " The Saxons were also afterwards converted by the means of " that see ; and some of their kings had been so devoted to it, " that Offa, and others, had gone to visit the thresholds of the " apostles. That Adrian IV, an English pope, had given Ire- " land to the crown of England ; and that many mutual marks " of reciprocal kindness had passed between that common " father of Christendom and our kings, their most beloved " sons : but none more eminent than the bestowing on the " late king the title of Defender of the Faith. He told them, " that in the unity with that see consisted the happiness and " strength of all churches : that, since the Greeks had sepa- " rated from them, they had been abandoned by God, and " were now under the yoke of Mahometans. That the dis- " tractions of Germany did further demonstrate this ; but most " of all, the confusions themselves had felt, ever since they " had broken that bond of perfection. That it was the ambi- " tion and craft of some, who for their private ends began it, " to which the rest did too submissively comply ; and that the " apostolic see might have proceeded against them for it, by " the assistance of other princes, but had stayed looking for " that day, and for the hand of Heaven. He ran out much " on the commendation of the queen ; and said, God had sig- " nally preserved her, to procure this great blessing to the " church. At last, he enjoined them for penance to repeal the " laws they had made ; and so, in the pope's name, he granted And grants " them a full absolution, which they received on their knees : iution. " and he also absolved the whole realm from all censures." [Nov. 30. , Journal ot The rest of the day was spent with great solemnity and commons, triumph : all that had been done was published next Sunday P- 38-l at Paul's76. There was a committee appointed by both houses [Lee. 2.] 76 [See, for an account of this, Machyn's Diary, p. 77, and the Grey Friars' Chronicle, p. 93.] 472 THE HISTORY OF [part II. [Dec. 26. Journal of Lords,pp. 480, 481.] [Ibid.p. 484.] The act of repealing all laws against that see. [Cap. 8. Statutes, vol. iv. p. p. 246.] [Ibid.p. 248.] to prepare the statute of repeal, which was not finished before the 25th 77 of December ; and then, the bishop of London only protesting against it, because of a proviso put in for the lands which the lord Wentworth had out of his bishopric, it was agreed to, and sent to the commons. They made more haste with it ; for they sent it back the 4th of January, with a desire that twenty78 lines in it, which concerned the see of London and the lord Wentworth, might be put out, and two new provisos added. One of their provisos was not liked by the lords, who drew a new one ; to which the viscount Mon tague, aud the bishops of London and Coventry, dissented. $ The twenty lines of the lord Wentworth's proviso were not put out ; but the lord chancellor took a knife, and cut them out of the parchment, and said, " Now I do truly the office of a chan cellor :" the word being ignorantly derived by some from can celling. It is not mentioned in the Journal that this was done by the order of the house ; but that must be supposed, other wise it cannot be thought the parliament would have consented to so unlimited a power in the lord chancellor, as to raze or cut out provisos at his pleasure. " By the act is set forth, their former schism from the see " of Rome, and their reconciliation to it now ; upon which all " acts, passed since the 20th of Henry VIII. against that see, " were specially enumerated and repealed. There it is said, " that, for the removing of all grudges that might arise, " they desired that the following articles might, through " the cardinal's intercession, be established by the pope's " authority: 1. "That all bishoprics, cathedrals, or colleges, now esta- " blished, might be confirmed for ever. 2. " That marriages made within such degrees as are not " contrary to the law of God, but only to the laws of the 77 [This is a mistake in the Jour nal of the house of Lords, Die Mer- curii videlicet 250 Decembris. Wed nesday fell on the 26th.] 78 [The Journal states that the bill was accompanied by ' a request that the two clauses containing nineteen lines, and concerning the bishops of London, &c, and the lords Wentworthe, &c, should be clearly put out,'. . . . and adds, that the said nineteen lines were not razed nor taken out of the Act, but the chancellor in the sight of all the lords, with a knife, cut them, say ing these words, " I now do rightly ' the office of a chancellor," p. 484.] book n.j THE REFORMATION. (1554.) 473 " church, might be confirmed, and the issue by them declared " legitimate. 3. " That all institutions into benefices might be confirmed. 4. " That all judicial processes might be also confirmed. " And finally, That all the settlements of the lands of any a proviso " bishoprics, monasteries, or other religious houses, might con- *°r enurcn- v " tinue as they were, without any trouble by the ecclesiastical " censures or laws. " And, to make this pass the better, a petition was procured A petition " from the convocation of Canterbury, setting forth, that convoca- " whereas they, being the defenders and guardians of the *ion about " church, ought to endeavour, with ad their strength, to re- [ibid. " cover those goods to the church, which in the time of the p- 249-l " late schism had been alienated ; yet, having considered well " of it, they saw how difficult, and indeed impossible, that would " prove, and how much it would endanger the public peace of " the realm, and the unity of the church : therefore they, pre- " ferring the public welfare, and the salvation of souls, to " their own private interests, did humbly pray the king and " queen to intercede with the legate, that, according to the " powers given him by the pope, he would settle and confirm " ad that had been done in the alienation of the church and " abbey lands, to which they, for their interests, did consent ; " and they added an humble desire, that those things which " concerned the ecclesiastical jurisdiction and liberty might be " reestablished, that so they might be able to discharge the " pastoral cure committed to them. Upon this the cardinal " granted a full confirmation of those things ; ending it with " a heavy charge on those who had the goods of the church in " their hands, that they would consider the judgments of God " that fell on Belshazzar for his profane using the holy vessels, " though they had not been taken away by himself, but by his " father. And he most earnestly exhorted them, that at least " they would take care, that, out of the tithes of parsonages or " vicarages, those who served the cures might be sufficiently 295 " maintained and encouraged. This was confirmed in parlia- " ment ; where also it was declared, that all suits about these " lands were only to be in the queen's courts, and not in the " ecclesiastical courts : and if any should, upon the pretence of " any ecclesiastical authority, disturb the subjects in their pos- 474 THE HISTORY OF [part ii [Journal of " session, they were to fall into a praemunire. It was also de- p.°252!] " clared, that the title of supreme head never of right belonged " to the crown ; yet all writings, wherein it was used, were " still to continue in force : but that hereafter, all writings " should be of force, in which, either since the queen's coming " to the crown, or afterwards, that title should be, or had been " omitted. It was also declared, that bulls from Rome might " be executed : that all exemptions, that had belonged to reli- " gious houses, and had been continued by the grants given of " them, were repealed, and these places were made subject to " the episcopal jurisdiction, excepting only the privileges of the " two universities, the churches of Westminster and Windsor, [Ibid. " and the Tower of London. But, for encouraging any to p- 253-J « bestow what they pleased on the church, the statutes of " Mortmain were repealed for twenty years to come ; provided " always, that nothing in this act should be contrary to any of " the rights of the crown, or the ancient laws of England ; but " that all things should be brought to the state they were in at " the 20th year of her father's reign, and to continue in that " condition." An address For understanding this act more perfectly, I shall next set tie inferior down the heads of the address which the lower house of con- clergy, vocation made to the upper ; for most of the branches of this [Wilkins . . . Cone, iv.' a°t had their first rise from it : I have put it in the Codection, - 95-] having found it among archbishop Parker's papers. " In it Numb. 16. " they petitioned the lords of the upper house of convocation " to take care, that, by their consent to the settlement of the " church lands, nothing might be done in prejudice of any just " title they had in law to them : as also, it being said, in the " grant of chantries to king Edward, that schools and hospitals " were to be erected in several parts of the kingdom, they de- " sired that some regard might be had to that ; likewise; that " the statutes of Mortmain might be repealed. And whereas " tithes had been at all times ' appointed for the ecclesiastical " ministry ; therefore they prayed, that all impropriations " might be dissolved, and the tithes be restored to the church. " They also proposed twenty-seven articles of things meet to " be considered for the reformation of the church; namely, " that all who had preached any heretical doctrine should be " made openly to recant it : that Cranmer's book of the sacra- book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1554.) 475 " ment, the late service-books, with all heretical books, should " be burnt ; and all that had them should be required to bring " them in, otherwise they should be esteemed the favourers of " heresy : that great care should be had of the books that " were either printed or sold : that the statutes made against " Lollards might be revived, and the church restored to its " former jurisdiction : that all statutes for pluralities and non- " residence might be repealed, that so beneficed men might " attend on their cures : that simoniacal pactions might be " punished ; not only in the clergy that made them, but in the " patrons, and in those that mediated in them : that the liber- " ties of the church might be restored according to the magna " charta ; and the clergy be delivered from the heavy burdens 296 " of first-fruits, tenths, and subsidies : that there might be a " clear explanation made of all the articles of the praemunire ; " and that none should be brought under it, till there were " first a prohibition issued out by the queen in that particular ; " and that disobedience to it should only bring them within " that guilt : that all exemptions should be taken away ; all " usury be forbid ; all clergymen obliged to go in their habits. " The last was, that all who had spoiled churches without any " warrant might be obliged to make restitution." The next act that was brought in was. for the reviving the The laws statutes made by Richard the Second, Henry the Fourth, and ^fas Henry the Fifth, against heretics ; of which an account was revived. given in the first book of the former part. The act began in gtXtes, the house of commons ; who, as was observed in the former vol. iv. p. parliament, were much set on severities. It was brought in on [Journal of the 12th of December, and sent up to the lords on the 15th, Commons, who passed it on the 18th of that month. The commons put ^03^alof in also another bill, for voiding all leases made by married Lords, p. priests. It was much argued among them ; and the first ?jo^mgl of draught being rejected, a new one was drawn, and sent up to Commons, the lords on the 19th of December ; but they, finding it would P- +°-l shake a great part of the rights of the church lands, that were made by married priests or bishops, laid it aside. Thus did the servile and corrupted house of commons run so fast, that the bishops themselves were forced to moderate their heats. They all understood how much the queen was set upon having the church raised as high as could be, and saw there was 476 THE HISTORY OF [part II An act de claringtreasons. [Cap. 10. Statutes, vol. iv. p. *55-] Another against se ditiouswords.[Cap. 3. Statutes, vol. iv. p. 240.] [Ibid. 240.] nothing so effectual to recommend any to her favour, as to move high in these matters: and though their motions were thought too violent, and rejected, yet their affections were thereby discovered ; so that they knew they should be looked on as men deeply engaged in these interests. After this, the bill of treasons was brought in. This was also argued for some days in the house of commons, but at last agreed to. By it, any who denied the king's right to the title of the crown, with the queen's, or endeavoured to put him from it, together with them that did several other offences, were to forfeit all their goods, and to be imprisoned during life ; and clergymen were to be deprived by their ordinaries : in these cases, the second offence was to be treason. But if any should compass the king's death, and utter it by any overt deed during his marriage to the queen, the first offence of this kind should be treason. It was also enacted, that the parlia ment haying petitioned the king, that if the queen died with any issue, he would take on him the government of them tiU they came of age ; to which he had assented : therefore, if the queen died before her children came to be of age, the govern ment of the kingdom should be in the king's hands ; if it were a son, till he were eighteen ; or if a daughter, till she was fif teen years of age : and in all that time, the conspiring his death was to be treason. The witnesses were to be brought before the parties, and none was to be tried for any words, but within six months after they were spoken. Another act passed, upon a report made of some heretical preachers, who had, as was informed, prayed in their conven ticles, that God would turn the queen's heart from idolatry to the true faith, or else shorten her days, and take her 297 quickly out of the way: all therefore that so prayed for taking away the queen's life, were to be judged traitors ; but if they shewed themselves penitent for such prayers, they were not to be condemned of treason, but put to any corporal punishment, other than death, at the judge's discretion. This was passed in great haste, for it was thrice read in the house of lords, and passed on the 16th of January, in which the parliament was dissolved. There was another act passed'8, against those that spread 78 [This is part of the same act.] book n.] THE REFORMATION. (1.5.54.) 477 lying reports of any noblemen, judges, or great officers ; that such as spread them should be imprisoned till they brought their authors, according to former acts. If any spread such reports of the king and queen, they were to be set on a pil lory, and pay 100?. or have their ears cut off, and be three months prisoners ; and they were to pay 100 marks, and suffer one month's imprisonment, though they had authors for them, if they reported them maliciously : but if their reports tended to the stirring of any insurrection, they were to lose their right hands, and upon a second offence to suffer imprisonment during their lives; but they were to be proceeded against within three months after the words so spoken. Ad the bills being ended, the parliament was dissolved on Gardiner is the 16th of January, to Gardiner's no small joy. He had ^f^n. now performed all that he had undertaken to the queen, or [Journal the emperor : upon which he had the reputation that he was p. 4go.] ' formerly in, of a great statesman, and a dextrous manager of affairs, much confirmed and raised ; since he had brought about, in so small a time, so great a change, where the in terests of those who consented to it seemed to lead them another way. To those who had apprehended the tyranny of Rome, he had said, that, as our former kings had always kept it under in a great measure, so there was less danger of that now, since they saw that all princes had agreed to preserve their own rights entire, against the pope's pretensions. He shewed them, that therefore all the old laws against provisions from Rome were still kept in force. And so, upon cardinal [Wilkins, Pole's being called over, there was a commission sent him under t °^" lv' p' the great seal, bearing date the 10th of November79, au thorizing him to exercise his legatine power in England. By this he shewed them, that no legate should ever come into 79 [« This license bears date on 8th day of the same month to sum- the 10th of December that year, as mon a convocation. In obedience may be seen in the cardinal's own to which Bonner summoned the Register, wherein it is enregistered. clergy to meet on the 2nd of De- In like manner Pole afterwards ob- cember following. Which I observe, tained a license from the queen, because the historian in speaking of 'SSSi Nov. 2, to hold a convoea- this convocation hath not fixed the tion, as the historian relateth, page time of it." Specimen of Errors, p. 324; in virtue of which license he I42-] sent his mandate to Bonner on the 478 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. England, to execute any power, till his faculties were seen and approved by the queen. Others thought this was but a vain imagination; for if the papacy were once fully established, and people again brought under the old superstition, of esteem ing the popes Christ's vicars, and the infallible heads of the church, it would not be possible to retain the people in their obedience, since all the assistance that the princes of Christen dom of this time had from their subjects, in their wars with the popes, flowed chiefly from this, that they generally did no more submit implicitly to their priests. But if once that blind obedience were restored, it would be easy for the priests, by their private dealings in confession, to overturn governments as they pleased. Great fear But that which stuck most was, that the church lands were, church hj the canon law, so indissolubly annexed to the church, lands. that they could not be separated from it. To this it was an- j swered, that they should secure it by a law at Rome, and 298 1 should confirm all the alienations that had been made, both by consent of the clergy, and by the pope's authority committed to the legate. Yet even that did not satisfy many, who found some laws in the canon so strict, that the pope himself could not dispense with them : if the legate did it, the pope might refuse to confirm it, and then it was nothing ; and what one pope did, another often recalled. So it was said, that this confirmation was but an artifice, to make it pass the more easily, Besides, all observed, that, in the cardinal's confirma tion of those lands, there was a charge given to all to be afraid of the judgments of God that fell on Belshazzar for using the holy vessels ; which was to pardon the thing, and yet to call it a sacrilege, for which they might look for the vengeance of God. So that the cardinal did at the same time both bind and loose ; and it was plain, both by that clause, and the re peal of the statute of Mortmain, that it was designed to possess people with the opinion of the sin of retaining church lands. It was thought this confirmation was rather an indemnity and permission to keep them, than a declaring the possessors had any lawful title to them ; so that, when men were near death, and could no longer enjoy those lands themselves, it was not to be doubted but the terrors of sacrilege, and the punishments due to it, with the hope of that relief and comfort that soul- book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1554.) 479 masses might bring them in purgatory, would prevail with many of them to make at least great, if not entire, restitutions. This point being carried by those who did not understand what future danger their estates were in, but considered the present confirmation, and the other advantages which they were to have for consenting to this act ; all the rest passed with no opposition. The act about the proceeding against heretics passed more easily than any thing that had been proposed : so it seems the oppo sition that was made to other acts came not from any that fa voured the reformation, otherwise this would have found some resistance. But now it was the only way to the queen's favour, and to preferment, to run down that which was called heresy. After the dissolution of the parliament, the first thing taken Consulta- into consideration was, what way to proceed against the here- the way of tics. Cardinal Pole had been suspected to favour the protestants, dealing ,. iii withhere- but seemed now to be much alienated from them ; and there- tics. fore when Tremedius, who had declared himself a protestant, came to him at Brussels, he would not see him, though he was his godfather. He came over into England, much changed from that freedom of conversation he had formerly practised : he was in reserves to all people, spoke little, and had put on an Italian temper, as well as behaviour : he brought over two Italians, Prioli and Ormaneto, who were his only confidants. He was a man of a generous and good disposition ; but knew how jealous the court of Rome would be of him, if he seemed to favour heretics : therefore he expressed great detestation of them. Nor did he converse much with any that had been of that party, but the late secretary Cecil, who, though he lived for the most part privately at his house near Stamford, where he afterwards built a most sumptuous house, and was known 299 to favour the reformation still in his heart ; yet in many things he complied with the time, and came to have more of his confidence than any Englishman. The cardinal professed himself an enemy to extreme pro- The cardi- ceedings. He said, pastors ought to have bowels, even to ^„jS ate their straying sheep : bishops were fathers, and ought to look courses. on those that erred as their sick children, and not for that to kill them : he had seen, that severe proceedings did rather in flame than cure that disease : there was a great difference to be made between a nation uninfected, where some few teachers 480 THE HISTORY OF [part n. came to spread errors; and a nation that had been overrun with them, both clergy and laity. The people were not so violently to be drawn back, but were to have time given them to recover out of those errors, into which they had been led by the compliance and writings of their prelates. Therefore he proposed, that there should be a strict reformation of the man ners of the clergy carried on. He had observed in every country of Christendom, that all the best and wisest men ac knowledged, that the scandals and ignorance of the clergy had given the entrance to heresy : so he moved, that there might be a reviving of the rules of the primitive church ; and then, within a little time, men might by degrees be brought over. I have not found that he proposed the receiving the council of Trent ; which is the more strange, since he had been himself one of the legates at the first session of it : but it seems it was not thought seasonable to propose it tid the councd were first ended and dissolved. 5utGardi- On the other hand, Gardiner, who had no great sense of er is for ecclesiastical matters, but as they served intrigues of state, and nes. being himself of such a temper, that severe proceedings wrought much on him ; judged that the executing the laws against the Lollards was that in which they were chiefly to trust. He was confident the preachers then in prison were men of such tem pers, that, if they saw they were to be burnt, they would com ply ; or if they stood out, and were burnt, that would so terrify the rest, that the whole nation would soon change. He re membered well how the Lollards grew in England, only upon cardinal Wolsey's slackening the execution of the laws against them : and upon the passing of the statute of the six articles, many submitted ; so that if king Henry had not discouraged the vigorous execution of that act, all had turned. He did not deny, but a reformation of the clergy was a good and fit mean: but said, that all times could not bear such things; and if they went to reform their manners, the heretics would from thence take advantage of raising clamours against a scandalous clergy ; which would increase rather than lessen the aversion the people had to their pastors. So Gardiner complained, that Pole, by his intention of coming over too hastily, had almost precipitated all things; and now, by his gentle proceedings, would as much prejudice them another way. All these reason- book n.] THE REFORMATION. O555.) 481 ings were such as became a man of Gardiner's temper, which being servile and abject, made him measure others by himself. He was also at this time highly provoked by the reprinting of his books of True Obedience 80, which he had writ in the time of king Henry, and to which Bonner had made the pre face. In these books, Gardiner had not only argued against the pope's supremacy, and for the king's, ¦but had condemned SOOthe king's marriage with queen Catharine, calling it often " incestuous and unlawful ; and had justified the king's di- " vorcing her, and marrying his most godly and virtuous wife " queen Anne." This being reprinted in Strasburg, was now conveyed into England ; and it was acknowledged to be a handsome piece of spite in the reformed, thus to expose him to the world. But though this nettled him much, yet he was confident enough, and excused himself, that he had erred through fear and weakness, as St. Peter had done ; though it was an unreasonable thing to compare an error of near thirty years continuance to the sudden denial of St. Peter, that was presently expiated with so true and sincere a repentance. Between these two counsels, the queen would have a mean To which way taken, to follow both in part. She encouraged Pole to go ^^^en on in the correcting the manners of the clergy ; and likewise pressed Gardiner to proceed against the heretics. She also sent ambassadors to Rome ; who were, the viscount Montague, the bishop of Ely, and sir Edward Came, one to represent every state of the kingdom ; to make her obedience to the pope, and to obtain a confirmation of all those graces .cardinal Pole had granted in his name. On the 23rd of January, all the bishops went to Lambeth to 1555. receive the cardinal's blessing and directions. He wished them L0*' ^6 ; to return to their cures, and treat their flocks with all gentle ness, and to endeavour rather to gain them that way, than to use extremity and rigour. And on the 25th81, there was a 80 [De vera Obediencia. With monyth was the Conversione of the preface of Edmunde Boner bis- sent Paulles day, and there was a shop of London, translated into generall procession with the chil- English, and printed by Michal derne of all the scolles in London, Wood:- with the preface and con- with alle the clarkes, curattes, and elusion of the traunslatour. From parsons and vikeres, in coppes with ! Rome 26 of Octobre, 1553, i6mo.] their crossis; and the qwere of 81 [' Item the 25-day of the same Powlles in lyke wysse; and dyvers BURNET, PART II. ! i 482 THE HISTORY OF [part n. solemn procession through London ; there went first a hundred and sixty priests, all in their copes, eight bishops next, and last of all came Bonner himself, carrying the host, to thank God for reconciling them again to his church ; and bonfires were burning all the night. And, to keep up a constant remem brance of it, it was ordered, that St. Andrew's day should be still observed as the anniversary of it, and be caded. The feast of the Reconciliation ; and processions, with all the highest so lemnities they at any time use, w.ere to be on that day. They begin But now they turned wholly to the prosecution of the here- gers and ^cs- There had been thirty of them taken at a meeting near others, Bow-Church, where one Rose, a minister, gave them the com- Fox, vol. munion according to the English book of service ; so they were m. p. 93.] all pUt in prison. On the 22nd of January82, Rogers, with p gg-i others, were brought before the council: he had been a pre- [Ibid. p. bendary of Paul's, and in a sermon, after the .queen was come 9°-l to London, had zealously asserted the doctrine he had formerly preached ; and, as it has been shewn, was confined to his house, upon the tumult that had been at Paul's. He was much pressed to fly over into Germany; but he would not hearken to it, though the necessities of ten chddren were great temptations. He was esteemed one of the most learned of the reformers; so that when those of the convocation were required to dispute, they desired that Ridley and he might be suffered to come and join with them. It was resolved to begin with him, and some others, at the council-board, to see if they could be easily brought over. He was accordingly brought before the council ; where being byshoppes in their habbettes, and mandment gevyn to make bonfiers the bysshoppe of Londone in hys thorow alle Londone, for joy of the pontificalles and coppe, berynge the pepulle that ware convertyd lyke- sacrament under a canyppy, and 4 wyse as sent Powlle was convertyd.' prebenttes berynge it in their gray Grey Friar's Chronicle, p. 94.] amos; and soo up unto Ledynhalle 82 ['The 22 day of Januarii was with the mayer and aldermen in raynyd at my lord chansseler scarlet, with their cjokes and alle plasse, by-syd sant Mare Overes, ser the crafttes in their best aray j and JohnHoper.lattebysshopeofGlose- soo came 'downe agayne on the tur doctur Crome, as the parson of other syde and soo to Powlles a- Wyttyngtun colege, harold Tom- gayne ; and then the kynge with son, Rogars, parsun or veker of sant my lorde cardinalle came to Powlles Pulkers, and dyvers odur.' Ma- and harde masse, and went home chyn's Diary, p. 80.] agayne ; and at nyght was com- book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1555.) 483 asked by Gardiner, whether he would knit himself to the [F°x, vo1- 301 catholic church, and receive the pope as the supreme head 1 m' p' " he said, he knew no other head of the church but Christ ; and Who, re- for the pope, he had no more authority in England than any comply,0 other bishop, either by the word of God, or the authority of the church, for four hundred years after Christ. But they' objecting that he had acknowledged king Henry to be supreme head ; he answered, he never acknowledged him so to be su preme, as to forgive sins, bestow the Holy Ghost, or be a judge above the word of God. But as he was going to explain him self, Gardiner pressed him to answer plainly. He objected to Gardiner, that all the bishops had for many years preached against the pope. Gardiner said, they were forced to it by the cruelty of the times ; but they would argue no more with him : now mercy was offered ; if he rejected it, justice must come next. Rogers said, if they had been pressed to deny the pope's power by cruelty, would they now by the same motives force others to acknowledge it ? for his part, he would never do it. Other ten were called in, one after another ; and only one of them, by the lord Effingham's favour, was let go upon a gene ral question, if he would be an honest man ? But all the rest answering resolutely, were sent back to prison, and were kept much stricter than formerly ; none being suffered to come near them. On the 28th of January63, the bishops of Winchester, Lon- Were don, Durham, Salisbury, Norwich, and Carlisle, sat in St. Mary [iDfd p. Overhay's in Southwark ; where Hooper was first brought be- IOO-l fore them. It needs not to be doubted, but Bonner remembered that he had informed against him, when he was deprived in king Edward's time. He had been summoned to appear be fore the queen, soon after she came to the crown ; and it was pretended, he owed her great sums of money : many advised him not to appear, for that it was but a pretence to put him, and a great many more, in prison, where they would be kept till laws were made to bring them out to a stake. But he would not withdraw : so now he and Mr. Rogers were singled out and begun with. They were asked, whether they would 83 [' The 28 day of January was Cardmaker, and odur, and Card- examynyd at sant Mare Overes, maker recantyd.' Machyn's Diary, bysshope Hoper, doctur Crom, and p. 81.] I i 2 484 THE, HISTORY OF [part n submit or not ? They both refused to submit : Rogers being much pressed, and continuing firm in his resolutions, Gardiner said, it was vain-glory in him to stand out against the whole church. He protested it was his conscience, and not vain-glory, that swayed him ; for his part, he would have nothing to do. with the antichristian church of Rome. Gardiner said, by that he condemned the queen and the whole realm to be of the [Fox, vol. church of Antichrist : Rogers said, the queen would have done in. p. 101.] wen enough, if it had not been for his counsel. Gardiner said, the queen went before them in those counsels, which proceeded of her own motion. Rogers said, he would never believe that. The bishop of Carlisle said, they could all bear him witness to it. Rogers said, they would all witness for one another. Upon that, the comptroller and secretary Bourne, being there, stood up in court and attested it. Then they asked Rogers, what he thought of the sacrament? He said, it was known he had never meddled in that matter, and was suspected by some to be of a contrary opinion to many of his brethren ; but yet he did not allow of their corporal presence. He complained, that, after he had been confined half a year in his house, they had kept him a year in Newgate, without any fault ; for they could not say he had broken any of their laws, since he had been a 302 prisoner all the while ; so that merely for his opinion they were now proceeding against him. They gave Hooper and him time till next morning 8i, to consider what they would do : but they And con- continuing in their former resolution, were declared obstinate demned. heretics, and appointed to be degraded, and so to be delivered iii. p. 102.] into the sheriff's hands. Hooper was only degraded from the [Ibid. order of priesthood. . Then Rogers desired he might be suf- p. 103.] fered to speak with his wife, concerning his ten children : they answered, she was not his wife, and so denied it. Upon this, they were led away to Newgate. On the 4th of February85, early in the morning, Rogers 84 [' The 29 day of January wher Hoper and Rogers, sumtyme vycker raynyd at sant Mare Overes for of sant Polkers. The same day was herese, Hoper and Rogers, and cast Rogers cared betwyn 10 and 11 of to be brennt, and from thens cared the cloke into Smyth-feld, and to Nugatt.' Machyn's Diary, p. 81.] bornyd for aronyus opinions, with a 85 [' The 4 day of Feybruary the grett compene of the gard.' Ma- bysshope of London went into Nu- chyn's Diary, p. 81.] gatt, and odur docturs, to dysgratt book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1555.) 485 was caded upon to make ready for Smithfield : he was so fast asleep, that he was not easily awakened ; he put on his clothes carelessly, being, as he said, so soon to lay them off. When Rogers' he was brought to Bonner to be degraded, he again renewed ^^yT' his desire to see his wife, but could not obtain it. He was led [Fox, vol. to Smithfield, where he was not suffered to make any speech m' p' I0 to the people ; so, in a few words, he desired them to continue in that doctrine which he had taught them, and for which he had not only patiently suffered all the bitterness and cruelty that had been exercised on him, but did now most gladly re sign up his life, and give his flesh to the consuming fire, for a testimony to it. . He repeated the 51st Psalm, and so fitted himself for the stake. A pardon was brought, if he would re cant : but he chose to submit to that severe, but short punish ment, rather than put himself in danger of everlasting burnings by such an apostasy. So the fire was set to him, which con sumed him to ashes. For Hooper, after they had degraded him, they resolved to [ibid. p. send him to Gloucester86: at which he much rejoiced, hoping "s'-' by his death to confirm their faith, over whom he had been formerly placed. He was carried thither in three days. After Hooper he came, he had one day's interval given him, which he spent (ji^oe*tei.. in fasting and prayer. Some came to persuade him to accept of the queen's mercy, since life was sweet, and death was bitter. He answered, the death that was to come after was more bitter, and the life that was to follow was more sweet. As some of his [Ibid. p. friends parted with him, he shed some tears, and told them, all his imprisonment had not made him do so much. On the ninth he was led out to his execution ; where, being denied leave to speak, but only to pray in the strain of a prayer, he declared his belief. Then the queen's pardon being [ibid. p. shewed him, he desired them to take it away. He prayed I2W earnestly for strength from God to endure his torments pa tiently ; and undressed himself, and embraced the reeds. When he was- tied to the stake with iron chains, he desired them to spare their pains, for he was confident he should not trouble them. The fire was put to him, but the wood being 86 ['The g day of Feybruarii be- and Sandurs to Couentre, boyth to twyn 5 and 6 in the mornyng de- be bornd.' Machyn's Diary, p. parted master Hoper to Gloceter 82. J 486 THE HISTORY OF [part II. green, burnt ill, and . the wind blew away the flame of the reeds : he prayed oft, 0 Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me, and receive my soul ; and called to the people for the love of God to bring him more fire, for the fire was burning his nether parts, but did not reach his vitals. The fire was re newed, but the wind still blew it away from rising up to stifle him, so that he was long in the torment. The last words he was heard to say were, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. One 303 of his hands dropped off before he died ; with the other he continued to knock on his breast some time after ; and was in all near three quarters of an hour a burning87. Next these, was Sanders condemned, and sent to Coventry to be burnt, where he suffered on the eighth of February. U] „' jog-i He had been made a prisoner for preaching, notwithstanding the queen's prohibition, and was condemned for refusing to conform to the new laws. When he was led out to the stake, a pardon was likewise offered him : but he said, he held no heresies, but the blessed gospel of Christ, and that he would never recant. When he came to the stake, he embraced it, and said, Welcome the cross of Christ, welcome everlasting life. And so he was burnt. And Taylor Dr. Taylor followed next, who was parson of Hadley. Some tibia* p6y °f l"s neighbouring priests came to Hadley, and resolved to - say mass in his church. He went thither, and openly declared against it, but was by violence thrust out of the church. Gar diner, being informed of this, writ for him to come up. Many of his friends wished him to go out of the way : he said, he must follow Christ, the good shepherd, who not only fed his flock, but died for it. He was old, and thought he should never be able, at any other time, to do his good God such service as he was then called to ; so he went with much cheer fulness. Gardiner received him with his ordinary civilities of traitor, villain, heretic, and knave. He answered, he was none Sandersburnt at Coventry. [Fox, vol. [Ibid, p "5-] '37-1 [Ibid. p. 1 39-] 87 Here I could have wished your lordshiphad taken notice of Hooper's loyalty, which was very signal, as appears from his printed apology, ' When she was at the worst, I rode myself from place to place, as it is well known, to win and stay the people for her party. And whenas another was proclaimed, I preferred her, notwithstanding the proclama tions; I sent horses out of both shires,' Gloucester and Worcester, ' to serve her in her great danger ; as sir John Talbot, knt., and Wil liam Ligon, esq. can testify,' &c. And more to this purpose. [B.] book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1555.) 487 of these ; and put Gardiner in mind of the oaths he had sworn, both to king Henry and king Edward. Gardiner said, an un- • lawful oath was not to be kept ; and charged him for hinder ing mass to be said at his church. He said, he was by law parson of Hadley, and no man had a right to come thither, and defile his church and people with idolatry. After some discourse on that head, he was sent to the King's Bench prison; and being carried before the council on the 22nd of January, he refused to turn. After that he was condemned and degraded: and it was resolved to send him to Hadley88 to be burnt there. All the way he expressed great cheerful ness. When he was brought to the stake, he said to the -people, he had taught them nothing but God's holy word, and was now to seal it with his blood ; but one of the guard struck him over the head, and made him give over speaking. Then he went to his prayers, and so to the stake, where he was put in a pitch barrel. As the fagots were laying about him, one [Fox, vol. flung a fagot at his head, which broke it, and fetched a great U1' p- 14 deal of blood : but all he said was, 0 friend, 1 have harm [Ibid. p. enough, what needed that? He repeated the 51st Psalm in English; at which one of the guard struck him over the mouth, and bid him speak Latin. He continued in his ejacu lations to God till the fire was kindled, and one of the guard cut him in the head with his halberd, so that his brains fell out. This was done on the 9th of February. Bradford was also at the same time condemned, but his exe cution was respited. Soon after the condemnation of these men, six others were apprehended on the account of heresy. 304 By this Gardiner saw, that what he had expected did not Gardiner is follow ; for he thought a few severe instances would have ed. turned the whole nation, but finding he was disappointed, he l1^ would meddle no more in the condemning of them ; but left [ibid, the whole matter wholly to Bonner, who undertook it cheerfully, p- I49'J being naturally savage and brutal, and retaining deep resent ments for what had befallen himself in king Edward's time. These cru- The whole nation stood amazed at these proceedings, andelvi n much cen sured. 88 [' The 6 day of Feybruarii foke, and to be brennt.' Machyn's doctur Tayller was sent into Suf- Diary, p. 82.] 488 THE HISTORY OF [part n. the burning of such men, only for their consciences, without the mixture of any other thing so much as pretended against them. And it was looked upon as a horrible cruelty, because those men had acted nothing contrary to the laws ; for they were put in prison, at first for smaller matters, and there kept, till those laws were passed, by which they were now burnt. So that, remembering Gardiner's plea for himself in his impri sonment, when he desired to be first tried, and discharged in the" particular for which he was committed, before new matter was brought against him ; all men saw now how much more justly those men might have demanded the like at his hands. But now the spirit of the two religions shewed itself. In king Edward's time, papists were only turned out of their benefices, and at most imprisoned ; and of those there were but very few : but now, that could not serve turn, but barbarous cruelties must be executed on innocent men, only for their opinions. One piece of severity was taken notice of among the rest : the [Fox, vol. council sent for those who were to be burnt in the country, and m- p' I4 '* required of them a promise to make no speeches; otherwise they threatened to cut out their tongues immediately : so they, to avoid that butchery, promised to obey those cruel orders. Reflections The manner of Hooper's death made those, who judged too Hoopers CI"itically of divine providences, reflect on the dissension that death. had been raised by him about the vestments ; as if he, who had kindled that fire, had suffered now more than ordinary for that reason. But all that difference was at an end before this ; for Ridley and he, between whom there had been the greatest animosity, becoming partners in the same sufferings, were per fectly reconciled to each other. He writ twice to Ridley, who [Ibid. p. writ him an answer 89, as soon as he could convey it ; in which I2I-J he declared, how entirely he was knit to him, though in some circumstances of religion they had formerly jarred a little : it was Hooper's wisdom, and his own simplicity, that had divided them ; every one following the abundance of his own sense : but now he assured him, that in the bowels of Christ he loved him in the truth and for the truth. He encouraged him to prepare for the day of his dissolution ; after which they should 89 [The letter is printed in Cover- without date. The volume does not dale's Letters of the Martyrs, fol. contain Hooper's letters.] 44, in Latin and English, and is book n.] THE REFORMATION. (1555.) 489 triumph together in eternal glory: he expressed "great joy " for what he heard of Cranmer's godly and fatherly con- " stancy, whose integrity and uprightness, gravity and inno- " cence, was known to the whole nation : and he blessed God, " that had given, in his reverend old age, such a man to be the " witness of his truth ; for miserable and hardhearted was he, " whom the godliness and constant confession of so worthy, so " grave, and so innocent a man, would not move to acknow- " ledge and confess his truth." It had been happy if the fires that consumed those good men had put an end to these contests : and if those that have been since engaged in the like, will reflect more on the sense they 305 bad of them when they were now preparing for eternity, than on the heats they were put in concerning them, when perhaps ease and plenty made their passions keener, they may from thence be reduced to have more moderate thoughts of such matters. If the English nation was dissatisfied with what was done Thesebum- since the beginning of this reign, it cannot be imagined but ^gvVd b their discontent received a great increase by what was now the nation. acted. Those that favoured the reformation were awakened- to have more serious thoughts about it ; since they saw those that had preached it died so patiently and resolutely, rather than they would deny it. It begot in them greater tenderness to their me mories, and a more violent aversion to their persecutors. The rest of the nation, that neither knew nor valued religion much, yet were startled at the severity and strangeness of these proceed ings ; and, being naturally of relenting and compassionate tempers, were highly disaffected to the king, from whom they believed that this flowed. The queen had before declared, she would force nobody in these points ; so they thought it not reasonable nor decent to charge her with it. Gardiner, with the other bishops and privy counsellors, had openly in court purged themselves of it ; and laid it on the queen, being therein more careful of their own credit than of her honour. So now it could fad nowhere but on the king; the sourness of whose temper, together with his bigotry for that religion, made it reasonable enough to impute it to him : besides, he had been bred in Spain, where the inquisition was let loose on all that were suspected of heresy, without any restraint : and his 490 THE HISTORY OF [part 11. father had, during his whole reign, been always, as far as he purges15 safely could he, a persecutor' of protestants. Philip could not himself but see that all was cast on him ; and, understanding that em' thereby he should become unacceptable to the nation, and so not be able to carry on his design of making himself master of England, he was something concerned to clear himself of these [Fox, vol. imputations. Therefore Alphonsus90, a Franciscan friar, that ' was his confessor, in a sermon before him on the loth of February, preached largely against the taking away of people's lives for religion ; and in plain terms inveighed against the bi shops for doing it : he said, they had not learned it in scrip ture, which taught bishops in the spirit of meekness to instruct those that opposed them ; and not to burn them for their con sciences. This startled the bishops ; since it was now plain, that the Spaniards disowned these extreme courses : and here upon there was a stop for several weeks put to any further But they severities. But the popish clergy, being once engaged in blood, - cute^by ha,re been always observed to become the most brutally cruel of the clergy. any sort of men ; so that it was not easy to restrain them : and therefore they resolved, rather than the heretics should not be prosecuted any further, to take the blame of it avowedly on themselves. A petition There was at this time a petition printed, and sent over from againstper- .,.,, secution. some beyond sea, to the queen, in which they set before her the danger of her being carried away by a blind zeal to perse cute the members of Christ, as St. Paul was before his conver sion : they put her in mind how Cranmer had preserved her in her father's time ; so that she had more reason to believe he loved her, and would speak truth to her, than all the rest of her clergy ; whom they compared to Jezebel's prophets. They 306 gathered many passages out of Gardiner's, Bonner's, and Tun- stall's writings, against the pope's supremacy, and her mother's marriage ; and shewed that they were men that by their own confession had no conscience in them, but measured their ac tions and professions by their fears and interests : and averred, that it was known that many of that faction did openly profess, that, if they lived in Turkey, they would comply with the reli gion of the country. They said, that the Turks did tolerate 90 Alphonsus a Castro, famous for his treatise De Haeresibus. [G.] n.] ([THE REFORMATION. (1555.) 491 Christians, and the Christians did in most places suffer Jews ; but the persecution now set on foot was like that which the scribes and pharisees raised against the apostles ; for they then pretended that they had been once of their religion, and so were apostates and heretics. They also said, (but by a com mon mistake,) that the first law for burning in England was made by Henry IV. who, to gratify the bishops that had helped him to depose king Richard II. and to advance himself to the throne, as it were, in recompense of that service, had granted them that law ; which was both against all humanity, and more particularly against the mercifulness of the Christian religion. They" remembered her, that in king Edward's time none of the papists had been so used : and in conclusion they told her, she was trusted by God with the sword for the protection of her people, as long as they did well ; and was to answer to him for their blood, if she thus delivered them to the mercy of such wolves. From the queen, the address is turned to the nobility, warn ing them of the danger of not only losing their abbey-lands, but all their liberties; and being brought under a Spanish yoke, which had ruined many of the best countries in the world : they are told, they must resolve to come under heavy taxes, and a^general excise, such as was in the Netherlands; and that ad this would come justly on them, who had joined in the reformation, for base ends, to get the church lands ; and now, thinking those were secured to them, forsook it : but for all these things they were to answer heartily to God. From them, it turns to the people, and exhorts them to re pent of their great sins, which had brought such judgments on them : and in the end, begs the queen will at least be as favourable to her own people as she had been to the strangers, to whom she allowed a free passage to foreign parts. This discourse is writ in a strong and good style, much beyond the rate of the other books of that time. Upon this, some were set on work to write in defence of such proceedings ; so a book was set out about it, with divers arguments, of which the substance follows : They said, the Jews were commanded to put blasphemers to Arguments death ;' and those heretics were such, for they blasphemed the c^gTe-retics. 492 THE HISTORY OF [partii. sacrament of the altar, which was the body of Christ, and called it a piece of bread. They noted also, that the heathens had persecuted Christians ; and if they had that zeal for their false religion, it became Christians to be much more zealous for theirs : they made use of that expression in the parable, Compel them to enter in ; and of St. Paul's, i" would they were cut off that trouble you. They alleged, that St. Peter had, by a divine power, struck Ananias and Sapphira dead ; which seemed a good warrant for the magistrate to put such persons to death. They said, that the heretics themselves were for 307 burning, when they had power; and that those that died then by their hands had expressed as much courage in their deaths, and innocence in their lives, as they had ever done. They cited St. Austin, who was for prosecuting the Donatists;. and though he had been once of another mind, yet, finding severi ties had a good effect on them, he changed, and was for fining or banishing of them. These were the arguments for and against those proceedings. But, leaving them to the reader's judgment, I proceed in the history. I intend not to write a pompous martyrology, and therefore hereafter I shall only name the persons that suffered, with the reasons for which they were condemned : but, except in a very few instances, I shall not enlarge on the manner of their trial and sufferings ; which being so copiously done by Fox, there is nothing left for any that comes after him. In some private passages which were brought to him upon flying reports, he made a few mistakes, being too credulous ; but in the account he gives from records, or papers, he is a most ex act and faithful writer ; so that I could never find him in any prevarication, or so much as a designed concealment. He tells the good and the bad, the weakness and passion, as wed as the constancy and patience of those good men who sealed their faith with their blood ; who were not all equal in parts nor in ' discretion : but the weaker any of them were, it argued the more cruelty in their persecutors to proceed so severely against such inconsiderable persons. They pro- The first intermission being over, on the 16th of March, bum more. Thomas Tomkins, a weaver in Shoreditch, was burnt in Smith- [Fox, vol field 9', only for denying the corporal presence of Christ in the 111. p. I54-J 91 ['The 16 day of Marche was a veyver bornyd in Smythfeld dwell- book ii.]' THE REFORMATION. (1555.) 493 sacrament. Bonner kept him many months in his house, hop ing to have wrought on him by fair means ; but those having no effect, one day he tore out a great deal of the hair of his beard, but, to conceal that, made his beard be clean shaved : and another time he held his hand in the flame of the candle so long, till the sinews and veins shrunk and burst, and spurted in Harpsfield's face, that was standing by, who, interposing with Bonner, got him to give over any further cruelty at that time. The next that suffered was one William Hunter of Brent- [Fox, vol. wood, an 'apprentice of nineteen years old, who had been drawn on in discourse by a priest, tid he brought him to deny the presence in the sacrament, and then was accused by him. His own father was made to search for him to bring him to justice ; but he, to save his father from trouble, rendered him self. Bonner offered him forty pounds if he would change, so mercenary a thing did he think conscience to be : but he an swered, if they would let him alone, he would keep his con science to himself, but he would not change; so he was con demned, and sent to be burnt near his father's house; where he suffered on the 20th of March. [March 26. On the same day, Causton and Higbed, two gentlemen of I50'.^ ' good estates and great esteem, were burnt near their own houses in Essex. On the 28th of March, William Pigot was burnt at Brain- [Ibid. P. tree, and Stephen Knight at Maiden ; and on the 29th John Lawrence, a priest, was burnt at Colchester. In all their processes, the bishops brought no witnesses against them ; but did only exhibit articles to them, according 308 to the way of those courts, called ex officio, and required them to make answers ; and upon their answers, which were judged heretical, they condemned them : so that all this was singly for their consciences, without the pretence of any other matter. Ferrar, that had been bishop of St. David's, being dealt Ferrar, bi- with by Gardiner to turn, and refusing to do it, was sent down David's, *' to Caermarthen ; where his successor Morgan sat upon him, condemned and gave him articles about the marriage of priests, the mass, [ib;a. p. and some other things : to which his answers being found he- l65] ing in Sordyche, for herese, by 8 namefras ' Machyn's Diary, of the cloke in the mornyng, ys p. 83.] 494 THE HISTORY OF [part n [Fox, vol. retical, he was condemned. He put in an appeal to cardinal m. p. 180.] p0jej but ;t wag not receiveci . yet ft seems that delayed the execution till they heard from him ; for though he was con demned on the 13th, he was not burnt before the 30th of March. About that time was Rawlins White, an honest poor fisher man, burnt at Cardiff; it was in March, but the day is -not mentioned : he was very ancient, and was put in prison only because he had put his son to school, that he might hear the Bible read by him. After a year's imprisonment, the bishop of Llandaff condemned him, upon articles to which he answered as an heretic. [Ibid. p. On the 24th of April, George Marsh, a priest, was burnt at 1 s'l Chester, being judged as the others had been: only at his death there was a new invention of cruelty ; a firkin of pitch was hung over his head, that, the fire melting it, it might scald his head as it dropped on it. After this, one Flower, that had been in orders, but was a wounds rash indiscreet man, went on Easter-day into St. Margaret's a pnest at cnurcn jn Westminster, and there, with a knife, struck at, and the altar, andisbumt wounded the priest, as he was officiating. He for some time himself Sy' justified what he had done, as flowing from zeal; but after- condemn- wards he sincerely condemned it. Bonner upon this, proceed- mer act. *" iQg against him as an heretic, condemned him to the fire ; and [Ibid. p. he was burnt on the 24th of April in Westminster church- [Ibid. p. yard92. This fact was condemned by all the reformed, who 92 [Machyn's Diary, pp. 84, 85, and hyt the prest on the hed, and supplies the following particulars : struck hym a grett blowe, and after ' The 14 day Aprell, the wyche was ran after hym and struck hym on Ester day, at Sant Margatt parryche the hand and cloyffe ys hand a at Westmynster, after masse was grett way, and after on the harme done, one of the menysters, a prest a grett wond : and then was syche of the abbay, dyd helpe hym that a cry and showtt as has not byne ; was the menyster to the pepull, and after he was taken and cared who wher reseyving of the blessyd to presun, and after examynyd sacrament of the Lord Jhesus Cryst, wherfor he dyd ytt. ther cam in to the chyrche a man 'The 20 day of Aprell was raynyd that was amonke of Elly, the wyche at Powlles afor the bysshope of was marryed to a wyff; the sam London, and many odur, and my day ther that sam man sayd to the lord oheyffe justys, and my lord menyster, What doyst thow gyff mayre and the shreyffes; ys name them ? and as sone as he had was ;" he was a monke spokyn he druw his wod-knyffe, of Ely; and there was a goodly book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1555.) 495 knew thaj; the wrath of man was not the way to accomplish the" righteousness of God. In the Jewish government, some extraordinary persons did execute vengeance on notorious of fenders ; but that constitution Was in all its policy regulated by the laws given by Moses, in which such instances were pro posed as examples, whereby they became a part of the law of that land ; so that in such cases it was certainly lawful to exe cute punishment in that way : so in some kingdoms, any man that finds an outlawed person,, may kill him. But where there is no law warranting such things, it is certainly against both religion, and the laws of all society and government, for private persons to pretend to the magistrate's right, and to execute justice upon any account whatsoever. There was at this time a second stop put to the execution of The queen heretics ; for till the end of May more fires were not kindled : 3urrender people grew generally so enraged upon it, that they could not UP a" the bear it. I shall therefore now turn myself to other things, lands that that will give the reader a more pleasing entertainment. hands'11 *" On the 28th of March, the queen called for the lord trea- [Fox, vol. surer; sir Robert Rochester, comptroller; sir William Petre, m-P-' secretary of state ; and sir Francis Englefield, master of the wards. She said, she had sent for them to declare her con- 309 science to them concerning the church lands that continued still in the crown : she thought they were taken away in the time of the schism, and by unlawful means, therefore she could not keep them with a good conscience ; so she did surrender and relinquish them. If they should tell her, that her crown was so poor that she could' not wed maintain her dignity if she parted with them ; she must tell them, she valued the salva tion of her soul more than ten kingdoms, and thanked God her husband was of the same mind; and therefore she was resolved to have them disposed as the pope or his legate should think fit : so she ordered them to go with the lord [Ibid. p. chancellor, to whom she had spoken of it before, and wait on * 3'-' the legate, and signify it 'to him, together with the value of sermon, and after he was cast and Westmynster that dyd hurt the prest, condemnyd to have ys hand that and had ys hand stryken of at the hurt the prest cut off, or he shuld post, and after he was bornyd aganst suffer, and after dysgracyd, and after sant Margett chyrche withowt the cared to Nuwgatt. The 24 day of cherche-yerde.'] Aprell was the sam man cared to 496 THE HISTORY OF [part 11. those lands. This flowed from the strictness of the queen's conscience, who then thought herself near the time of her de livery, and therefore would not have such a load lie on her ; of which she was the more sensible, by reason of a bull which pope Julius had made, excommunicating all that kept any abbey or church lands; and all princes, prelates, and ma gistrates, that did not assist in the execution of such bulls. Some said, this related to the business of England ; but Gar diner said, it was only made for Germany ; and that bulls had no authority, unless they were received in England. This did not satisfy the people much ; for if it was such a sin in Ger many, they could not see but it was as bad in England : and if the pope had his authority from Christ and St. Peter, his bulls ought to take place every where. Pope Julius Pope Julius died soon after this, on the 20th of March; [March 21, and, on the 6th of April after, cardinal Marcedus Cervinus Sleidan, was chosen pope ; a man of great gravity and innocence of and' Mar- life. He continued to keep his former name, which had not cellus sue- jjeen ^one a great while, except by Adrian VI. between whose ceeds. ° r d [April 9. temper and this man there was a great resemblance. He pre- CouncU of sently turned all his thoughts (as Adrian had done) to a re- Trent, p. formation of the corruptions of that see ; and blamed his pre decessors much, who had always put it off: he thought nothing could make the papacy more reverenced, than to cut off their excessive and superfluous pomp ; whereby they would be the more esteemed all the world over, and might, on surer grounds, expect the protection of God. He had been one of the legates at Trent, and there observed what was represented as the root of all heresy and disorder, that the clergy were generally corrupted, and had, by many exemptions procured [Ibid.] from Rome, broken all the primitive rules. Upon his first election, he called for the cardinal of Mantua, and, having observed him to be a man of great probity, told him, he knew it was ordinary for all popes, at their first coming to the throne, to talk of reformation ; but he would talk little, being resolved to do more ; only he opened his mind to him, that if ' ever he went back from it, he might have this check upon him, that so honest a man as he was would know him to be a knave and an hypocrite. He would suffer none of his friends that were in remote parts to come to Rome ; nor his nephews, that book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1555.) 497 were in Rome, to come within the court : he was resolved to have sent all priests and bishops home to their benefices ; and talked much cf their non-residence with great detestation : he would not change his table, nor his custom of making one read to him when he was sitting at it. One day, after a long musing 310 at dinner, he said, he remembered the words of Adrian VI. " That the pope was the most miserable of all men ; his whole " life was bitterness, his chair was full of thorns, and his way " of briars :" and then, leaning with his hand on the table, he said, I do not see how they canJ>e saved that hold this high [Godwin, dignity. These thoughts did so affect him, that, on the twelfth p' 3SI'^ day after he was chosen pope, he sickened, and died ten days after. These things are reported of him by the learned [April 30.] Onuphrius, who knew him well : and they will not be thought impertinent to have a room in this story. As soon as the news of his death came to England, the [May 30.] rT'iip rnippn queen writ, on the 29th day of May, to Gardiner, the earl of re0om- Arundel, and the lord Paget, who were then at Calais, mediat- mends car- . _ . 1f_ ., . dinal Pole ing a peace between' the Jbrench and Spaniard; which they tothe pope- could not effect, but only procured a truce : she desired them ^2m upon, to deal with the cardinal of Lorraine, the constable, and the death. other French commissioners, to persuade their master to set up cardinal Pole, that he might succeed in that chair, since he seemed every way the fittest person for it ; adding, (as will ap pear by the letter which is in the Collection,) that she had Collect. done this without his knowledge or consent. This could not come in time to Rome, where, on the 23rd of that month, Caraffa was chosen pope, who was called Paul IV, and who was as Paul IV. different from his predecessor as any man could be. He had c°^n put on an appearance of great strictness before, and had set [Sleidan, up a religious order of monks, called Theatines : but upon his p' 4 coming to the popedom, he put on the greatest magnificence possible, and was the highest spirited and bloodiest pope, that had been since Julius the Second's time. He took it for a great honour, that, on the day of his elec- The Eng- tion, the English ambassadors entered Rome, with a great sadors train of 140 horse of their own attendants. On the 23rd of =ome to Rome. June, in the first consistory after he was crowned, they were [Hist, of heard. They fell prostrate at his feet, and acknowledged the ^™tdlpof steps and faults of their schism, enumerating them all; for so 367.] BURNET, PART II. K k 498 THE HISTORY OF [part n. the pope had ordered it : confessing they had been ungrateful for the many benefits they had received from that church, and humbly asking pardon for them. The pope held some consult ation, whether he should receive them, since in their creden tials the queen styled herself queen of Ireland ; that title being assumed by king Henry iii the time of schism. It seemed hard to use such ambassadors ill ; but, on the other hand, he stood upon his dignity, and thought it belonged only to his see to erect kingdoms : therefore he resolved so to temper the matter, that he should not take notice of that title, but should [June 8.] bestow it as a mark of his favour. So, on the 7th of June, he did in private erect Ireland into a kingdom ; and conferred that title on the king and queen, and told them, that otherwise he would not suffer them to use it in their public audience. And it is probable, it was the contest about this that made the audience be delayed almost a month after their arrival. This being adjusted, he received the ambassadors graciously, and pardoned the whole nation; and said, "That, in token of his " esteem of the king and queen, he gave them the title of the " kingdom of Ireland, by that supreme power which he had " from God, who had placed him over all kingdoms, to sup- " plant the contumacious, and to build new ones." But, in his private discourses with the ambassadors, he complained that 311 the church lands were not restored : which, he said, was by no means to be endured; for they must render all back to the The pope last farthing ; since they belonged to God, and could not be restoring of kept without their incurring damnation : he said, he would do the church any thing in his power to gratify the king and queen ; but in toryofthe this, his authority was not so large as to profane the things council of dedicated to God. This would be an anathema, and a conta- Trent. [p. 368.] gion on the nation, which would bring after it many miseries ; therefore he required them to write effectually about it. He repeated this to them every time he spake to them ; and told them also, that the Peter-pence must be paid in England, and that he would send a collector to raise it : he himself had been employed in that office when he was young, and he said he was much edified to see the forwardness of the people, espe cially those of the meaner sort, in paying it : and told them, they must not expect St. Peter would open heaven to them, so long as they usurped his goods on earth. 1 book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (155.5.) 499 The ambassadors seeing the pope's haughty temper, that he could endure no contradiction, answered him with great submis sion ; and so gained his favour much : but knew well that these things could not be easily effected ; and the viscount Montague was too deeply concerned in the matter himself to solicit it hard; for almost his whole estate consisted of abbey-lands. Thus was this business rather laid over, than fully settled. But now to return to the affairs in England. There came instruc- complaints from all places, that the justices of peace were t0 the jus- remiss in the matters of religion ; and particularly in Norfolk, tloea for 1 • • searching that these things were ill looked to : so instructions were sent after all thither, (which will be found in the Collections,) requiring the ^eercetsed justices to divide themselves into ten or twelve districts, that Collect. they might more narrowly look into all particulars; that um • '9- they should encourage the preachers sent to instruct that county, and turn out such as did not come to church, or con form in all things, but chiefly the preachers of heresy ; that the justices and their families should be good examples to the rest ; that they should have one or two in every parish to be secretly instructed for giving information of every thing in it; and should look strictly to all vagabonds that wandered about, and to such as spread false reports. This was thought to have so much of the inquisition in it, that it was imputed to the coun sels of the Spaniards. And they seemed to have taken their pattern from the base practices of those called delatores, that [Tacit. are set out by Tacitus as the greatest abuse of power that ever was practised by the ill emperors that succeeded Augustus; who going into all companies, and complying with what might be acceptable to them, engaged men into discourses against the state ; and then gave such informations against them, which, without their discovering themselves by being brought to prove them, were made use of to the ruin of the accused persons. This was certainly very contrary to the freedom of the English temper, and helped to alienate them the more from the Span iards. But it may be easily imagined that others were weary Bonner of severities, when Bonner himself grew averse to them : he Im^g"^' complained, that the matter was turned over upon him, the persecute 1 1. u anv more ; rest looking on,, and leaving the execution of these laws wholly to him. So when the justices and sheriffs sent up heretics to 312 him, he sent them back, and refused to meddle further. Upon k k a 500 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. But is re- which, the king and queen writ to him, on the 24th of May, proceed by complaining of this, and admonished him to have from hence- the king fortn more regard to the office of a good pastor and bishop ; and queen. ° , , . , and when such offenders were brought to him, to endeavour to remove them from their errors ; or if they were obstinate, to proceed against them according to law. This letter he ' caused to be put in his register, from whence I copied it, and Collect. have placed it in ihe Collections. Whether he procured this Numb. 20. nimsei£ for a colour to excuse his proceedings ; or whether it was sent to him by reason of his slackness, is not certain ; but the latter is more probable, for he had burnt none during five weeks : but he soon redeemed that loss of time. The At this time the nation was in expectation of the queen's queen's delivery. And on the 3rd of May, the bishop of Norwich expected, writ a letter to the earl of Sussex, of which I have seen the but in vain, original, that news was brought him from London93, that the TStrvne s . Mem. Ec- queen had brought forth a noble prince ; for which he had Te °le d^ Deum solemnly sung in his cathedral, and in the other churches 87.] thereabout. He adds in the postcript, that the news was con firmed by two other hands. But, though this was without any ground, the queen continued still in her opinion that she was with child : and on the 29th of May, letters were written by the council to the lord treasurer, to have money in readi ness, that those who were appointed to carry the joyful news of the queen's happy delivery might be speeddy despatched. In the beginning of June she was believed to be in labour, and it flew over London again, that she had brought forth a son. The priests had settled all their hopes on that ; so they did every where sing Te Deum, and were transported into no small ecstasies of joy. One more officious than the rest made a sermon about it, and described all the lineaments of their young prince : but they soon found they were abused. It was said, that they had been deceived, and that the queen had no great belly ; but Melville in his Memoirs says, he was assured 93 [' The 30 day of Aprell and morrow after, yt was tornyd odur- the last day of Aprell thydynges ways to the plesur of God. But cam to London that the quen's yt shall be when yt plesse God, for grace was delivered of a prynce, I trust God that he wyll remem- and so ther was grett ryngyng bur ys tru servands that putt ther thrugh London, and dyvers plases trust in hym-, when that they calle Te Deum laudamus songe ; and the on hym.' Machyn's Diary, p. 86.] book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1555.) 501 from some of her women, that she did cast forth at several times some moles and unformed pieces of flesh. So now there was small hopes of any issue from her. This increased the sourness of her temper ; and king Philip, being so much younger than she, growing out of conceit with her, did not much care for her ; but left her some months after. He saw no hope of children ; and, finding that it was not possible for him to get England in his hands without that, gave over all his designs about it: so, having lived with her about fifteen months after their first marriage, he found it necessary to look more after his hereditary crown, and less after his matrimonial one ; and henceforth he considered England rather as a sure ally, that was to adhere firmly to his interests, than as a nation which he could ever hope -to add to his other crowns. All these things concurred to increase the queen's melancholy humours, and did cast her into an ill state of health ; so that it was not probable she could live long. Gardiner upon that set himself much to have the lady Elizabeth put out of the way; but, as it -was formerly said, king Philip preserved her. And thus affairs went on, as to civil matters, till the meet- [Oct: 21.] ing of the next parliament in October following. But I now jngsagainst return to the proceedings against the poor men called heretics ; ~retlcs- 813 who were again, after a short intermission, brought to new iii. p! 203.] sufferings : John Cardmaker, that had been divinity-reader at St. Paul's, and a prebendary at Bath94; and John Warne, an upholsterer in London, were both burnt in Smithfield on the 30th of May95, for denying the corporal presence; being pro ceeded agaist ex officio. On the 4th of June there was a [Ibid. p. piece of pageantry acted on the body of one Tooly, who being executed for a robbery, did at his death say something that savoured of heresy : upon which, the council writ to Bonner 94 [' There had been monks in that church.' Specimen of Errors, the church of Bath until the disso- p. 142.] lution of the monastery. But since 95 [< The 30 day of May was that time, neither monks nor pre- burnt in Smythfeld master Card- bendaries had any place therein, maker, sumtyme veker of sant Cardmaker had been really pre- Bryd, and master Varren, cloth- bendary of Wells ; and in king worker, dwellyng aganst sant Johns Edward's Council-book, I find or- in Walbroke, an hupholster, and dered, 1531, Feb. 18, 'A letter to ys wyffbehyng in Newgate.' Ma- the chapter of Wells in favour of chyn's Diary, p. 88.] Mr. John Cardmaker, chancellor of 502 THE HISTORY OF [part n. [Pox, vol. iii. p. 211.] [Ib*id. p. 208.] [Ibid. p. 222.] [Ibid. p. 23'-] to inquire into it, and to proceed according to the ecclesiastical laws. He thereupon formed a process, and cited the dead body to answer the points objected to him : but he, to be sure, neither appearing nor answering, was condemned and burnt. After this, on the 10th of June96, Thomas Hawkes, a gentle man in Essex, who had lived much in the court, was also burnt at Coxhad: and on the same day, John Simpson and John Ardeley, two husbandmen, were also burnt in Essex. Thomas Watts, a linendraper, was burnt at Chelmsford. On the 9th 9?, Nicholas Chamberlain, a weaver, was burnt at Colchester ; and on the 15th, Thomas Osmond, a fuller, was burnt at Manning- tree ; and the same day William Bamford, a weaver, was burnt at Harwich. These, with several others, had been sent up by the earl of Oxford to Bonner, because they had not received the sacra ment the last Easter, and were suspected of heresy : and articles being given to them, they were upon their answers condemned, and sent to be burnt in the places where they had lived. But upon this occasion, the council, fearing some tumult or-violent in Essex to rescue, writ to the earl of Oxford and the lord Rich, to gather gentry, and the country, and to see the heretics burnt98. The earl of Oxford, being some way indisposed, could only send his people to the lord Rich, who went and obeyed the orders that had been sent him, for which letters of thanks were written to him99: and the council understanding that some gentlemen The coun cil writ to the lords assist at these burn' ings. [June 3. . CouncilBook, p '59-1 . 96 [' The 10 day of Juin was de- levered owt of Nuwgatt 7 men to be cared into Essex and Suffoke to borne.' Machyn's Diary, p. 89.] 97 [Fox, vol. iii. p. 232, for 9th says 14th.] 98 [' At Hampton Court, the third of June, 1555 A letter to the lord Riche, praying him to be present at Colchester, Manytree, and Harwiche at such time as the offenders that are already con demned for heresy shall be there executed. In consideration whereof he is unburdened from being at Raleigh and other places mentioned in the former letters sent unto him from hence. A letter to the earl of Oxforde to cause so many of his officers, ser vants and tenants as his lordship shall think convenient to attend upon the lord Riche at Colchester and Manitrye at the execution of such persons as are there appointed to suffer, for the better execution of justice, Council Book, p. 259.] 99 [The extract is as follows : — ' A letter to the lord Riche, wherein he is required on the king and queen's highnes' behalf to render thanks unto Edward Bery, gentle man, and diverse other of the hun dred of Rocheforde in Essex, for coming so honestly and of them selves to Colchester and other places book ii.]- THE REFORMATION. (1555.) 503 had come to the burning at Colchester, that had not been writ [June 27. to, but, as tho words of the letter have it, had honestly and o/B°^cl themselves gone thither, writ to the lord-Rich to give them p- 273] the council's thanks for their zeal. I find in the council-books many entries made of letters writ to several counties, to the nobility and gentry to assist at these executions : and such as made excuses were always after that looked on with an ill eye, and were^ still under great jealousy. After these followed the execution of Bradford in July l : Bradford's he had been condemned among the first, but w,as not burnt till dom. now. He had been a prebendary of St. Paul's, and a cele- [?ox> vo1-., Ill T) 232. I brated preacher, in the end of king Edward's days. He had preserved Bourne in the tumult at Paul's Cross: and that afternoon, preaching at Bow-Church, he severely reproved the people for the disorder at Paul's ; but three days after was [Ibid. p. put in prison, where he lay, removed from one prison to 233 '-1 another, near two years. Wherever he came, he gained so much on the keepers, that they suffered him to preach and give the sacrament to his fellow-prisoners. He was one of those that were carried before the council on the 22nd of January, where Bonner accused him of the tumult at Paul's ; though all he pretended to prove it by was, that his way of speaking to the people shewed he thought he had some authority over them, and was a presumption that he had set on the sedition. Bradford appealed to God, that saw his inno- cency, and how unworthily he was requited for saving his 314 enemies, who rendered him evil for good. At last, refusing to conform himself to the laws, he was condemned with the rest on the 31st of January, where that rescue was again laid to his charge, together with many letters he had written over England, which (as the earl of Derby informed the parliament) had [Ibid. p. done more hurt than he could have done, if he had been at 2i '-1 liberty to preach. He said, since he understood that they acted by a commission which was derived from the pope, he in the shire, arid assisting the sheriff Bradford, a grett precher by kyng at the said execution.' — The Coun- Edwards days, and a talow-chan- cil-Book is for several pages chiefly dler's prentes dwellyng by Nugatt, occupied with letters such as the by 8 of the cloke in the mornyng author describes in the text.] with a grett compane of pepull.' 1 ['The furst day of July whent Mechyn's Diary, p. 91.] into Smythfeld to borne master 504 THE HISTORY OF [part ir. could not answer ihem, having sworn never to acknowledge that authority : what he had done at Paul's was at Bourne's earnest desire, who prayed him, for the passion of Christ, to speak to the people ; upon which he stepped up to the pulpit, and had almost been killed with the dagger that was thrown at Bourne, for it touched his sleeve. But in the points of reli gion, he professed his faith so constantly, that for that cause he was condemned. Yet the saving of Bourne was so publicly known, that it was thought indecent to proceed against him [Fox, vol. so quick as they did with the rest. So both Heath archbishop sqqP]'245' of York> and Day bisnoP of Chichester, Weston, Harpsfield, and the king's confessor, and Alphonsus a Castro, went to see him, and endeavoured to gain him ; but all to no purpose. It looks very ill in Bourne that he never interposed for Bradford, nor came once to visit him : and as, when Bradford was be fore the council, Bourne's brother, the secretary, was very sharp upon him, so, when he was brought to his trial, Bourne himself, then bishop of Bath and Wells, being present, did not open his mouth for him, though he appealed to him as to the business of the tumult. With Bradford one John Lease2, an [Ibid. p. apprentice of nineteen years old, was led out to be burnt, who was also condemned upon his answers to the articles exhibited to him. When they came to the stake, they both fell down and prayed. Then Bradford took a fagot in his hands, and kissed it ; and so likewise kissed the stake, expressing thereby [Ibid. p. the joy he had in his sufferings; and cried, 0, England, re pent, repent, beware of idolatry and false antichrists! But the sheriff hindering him to speak any more, he embraced his fellow-sufferer, and prayed him to be of goodcomfort, for they should sup with Christ that night. His last words were, [Ibid p. Strait is tlie way, and narrow is the gate, that leadeth into 2S5'-* eternal life, and few there be that find it. Now the persecution was carried on to other places, Bonner stopping in it again. But Thornton, suffragan of Dover, Harpsfield, archdeacon of Canterbury, and some others, re solved likewise to. shew their zeal. This Thornton had, from the first change made by king Henry, been the most officious and forward in every turn; and had been the first in this reign that had set up the mass at Canterbury. He was much 2 For Lease read Leafe. [S.] book a] THE REFORMATION. (1555.) 505 despised for it by cardinal Pole : but Pole could not hinder the fury of these men, without drawing on himself-the pope's indignation. The pope was his professed and inveterate enemy ; but knew not how to vent his hatred to him, since he had done such an eminent service to the church, as the reconciling of England. Gardiner understanding this, sent secretly to Rome, to give ill characters of Pole, which the ill-natured pope was ready enough to receive. Gardiner designed to be made a cardinal; and to get Pole recalled, and himself made arch bishop of Canterbury. The pope was resolved, on the first occasion, to take the legatine power from Pole, and give it to Gardiner : but Pole was so much in the queen's favour, that 315 this required some time to bring it about. This made Gardiner [Godwin, study to preserve Cranmer as long as he lived. It seemed p'35I-l more reasonable to have begun with him, who had indeed been the chief author of the reformation, and promoter of that they called heresy : nor had Gardiner such kindness for him, as to interpose on his account ; but he knew that, as soon as he was burnt, Pole would be presently invested in the see of Canter bury. Therefore he suggested, that if he could be any way brought off, it would be the most effectual means possible to extirpate heresy ; for if he, who had so much set on these doc trines, did forsake them, it would confound the whole party, and bring over at least all that were weak or staggering: whereas, on the other hand, if he died resolutely for it, his death would confirm them all very much. This was a colour good enough to preserve him. But why the see of Canter bury was not declared vacant, since he was now pronounced an obstinate heretic, I do not so well apprehend : whether there was any thing in the pall, or the latter inventions of the ca nonists, that made it necessary not to fill his see so long as he lived, I know not. Pole being in these circumstances, durst neither offend those at Rome, nor openly hinder the prosecu tion of heretics, which it seems he would have done more steadily, if it had not been for fear of the pope's taking thereby advantages against him ; who had before given out in the con clave, that he was a favourer of heresy, and therefore would the more easily be induced to believe any thing that might be written over to Rome to his prejudice. Those that sat in Canterbury to judge the heretics had four Somebumt 506 THE HISTORY OF [part n. at Canter- men brought before them : two priests, Bland and Frankesh ; [Fox vol anc* Shiterden3 and Middleton, two laymen. They were con- hi. p. 301.] demned u/pon their answers to the articles exhibited to them, and burnt at Canterbury the 25th of June4 : and in July [ibid. p. Margery Polley was burnt at Tunbridge on the like ¦ account, who was the first woman that suffered in this reign. [Ibid. p. Christopher Ward5 was condemned with her, and burnt in Dartford. On the 22nd of July Diriek Carver was burnt at Lewes : and on the 23rd John Launder was burnt at Stoning6. They had been taken in London, and brought before Bonner ; but he would not meddle with them, and desired they might be sent to their own ordinaries : one of them being of Surrey, was within Gardiner's jurisdiction, who resolved to proceed no more against the heretics ; so he procured a letter from the council to Bonner, requiring him to proceed against them, who thereupon presently condemned them. Pretended There were at this time several discoveries of plottings in some put to several counties, especially in Dorsetshire and Essex ; but the the torture nature of these plots is not set down in the council-books. discovery. Some were taken and put in the Tower. Two or three privy counsellors were sent thither on the 9th of June, with a letter from the council to the lieutenant of the Tower to put them to the torture, according to their discretions : yet nothing follow ing upon this, it is probable these were only surmises devised by the clergy to set on the couneil more severely against them, whose ruin they were contriving by all the ways they could think on. There was also an outrage committed on two friars, Peto and Elston, who were Franciscans of the Observance. They had spoken sharply against king Henry in the business of the 316 divorce, and had fled beyond sea on that account: therefore the queen had sent for them, and not only procured the attain der that had passed against them to be repealed in the last par liament, but made Peto her confessor : and, being resolved to The queen raise religious houses in England again, she had begun with rebuilds 8 Sheterden. [S.] day of July was bornyd at Cantur- 4 25th of June, read on the 12th bery 4 men for herese, 2 prestes of July. [S.] [This date is con- and 2 layemen.' p. 91.] firmed by the following extract 5 [Fox calls him Waid.] from Machyn's Diary. 'The 12 <"> Stoning read Sieving. [S.] book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1555.) 507 their order, the Franciscans of the Observance, and with their the Fran- house at Greenwich, which was the first that was suppressed ; house at as was shewn in the former book : and therefore she ordered Greenwich. that to be rebuilt this summer. So Elston and Peto going down by water, there were stones flung at them by some that were ashore in London. This the queen resented highly ; so she sent the lord treasurer to the lord mayor, requiring him to make proclamation of a reward to any that should discover those who had done it : but it could not be found out. She or dered all sir Thomas More's? works to be printed together in one volume, which were in the press this year : and it was given out as an extraordinary thing, that king Edward had died, and she succeeded to the crown, that very day in which he was beheaded. But, in publishing his works, one piece of fraud Sir Thomas has occurred to me since the former part was printed. I have W0T\La seen the manuscript out of which his letters were printed, printed. where the originals of the letters that he writ to his daughter, Mrs. Roper, are, with the copies of those that he writ to Cromwell. But among these there is a long letter concerning the Nun of But his let- Kent, in which he speaks fully of her hypocrisy and other vil- tn^ Nun of lainies. It contains many remarkable passages concerning her, Kent was of the high opinion he at first had of her ; how he was led into it, and how he was afterwards convinced " that she was the " most false dissembling hypocrite that had been known, and " guilty of the most detestable hypocrisy, and devilish dissem- " bled falsehood : and he believed that she had communication " with an evil spirit." This letter was at that time concealed, but not destroyed : so I find the conjecture I made about it in my former part has proved triie ; though I did not then hope to come by the letter itself, as I have done since. It seems it was resolved to raise the credit of that story ; and, since the Nun was believed to be both a martyr and a prophetess, it is like she might have been easily gotten to be canonized : and therefore so great a testimony from such a man was not thought fit to be left in her way. The letter I have put into the Collections. Numb' 21 Concerning this edition of sir Thomas More's works, I shall 7 [The works of sir Thomas More written by him in the English tongue, Lond. fol. 1557.] 508 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. recal to the reader's mind what was said in the former part KastaU about his life, pretended to be writ by Rastad ; who was now hifwork1 *^e publisher of his works, and so much encouraged in it, but did not that the queen promoted him soon after to be a judge : and so mite his jt jg not i^iy tnat Rastall ever writ any such book, other wise he had now prefixed it to this edition. Nor is it probable that the stories which Sanders vented in his name afterwards concerning Anne Boleyn, or queen Elizabeth's birth, were then so much as contrived : otherwise it is not credible that they should not have been printed at this time ; since the lady Eliza beth, being the only object of the fear and jealousy of the popish party, was now out of the queen's favour, and a prisoner : so that we cannot doubt but all such stories would have been very acceptable to the queen, and the clergy would have taken care to have published them, for the defaming her, and blasting her title. And therefore these, things seem to be afterwards 317 contrived in revenge, when queen Elizabeth began to proceed severely against that party, after the many and repeated con spiracies they had engaged in against her life. The queen But now the queen resolved to endow so many religious restores all nouses as the revenues of the church that were in her hands the church ' lands that could maintain : and about that, and some other particulars, she +k=°!!!SL.0 wrd some directions to the council with her own hand, which tne crown. ' Collect. will be found in the Collections. I have seen two copies of 2' these, that differ a little ; but I follow that which seemed to me to be best derived from the original. She desired, " that those " who had commission to treat with the cardinal about the " goods of the church might wait on him once a week, to finish " that and some other matters that were to be prepared for " the parliament : she particularly recommended the care of " having good preaching encouraged, which she wished might " be well looked to ; and she advised a general visitation, both " of the universities and churches, to be made, by such as the " cardinal and they should think fit. As for the punishment " of heretics, she wished it might not be done rashly ; yet she " would have justice done on those who by learning studied to " deceive the simple : but would have it so managed, that the " people might see they were not condemned but upon just " occasions ; and therefore ordered that some of the council " should be present at all the burnings about London, and that book n.] THE REFORMATION. (1555.) 509 " there should be every where good sermons at those times : " she also verily believed that many benefices should not be in " one man's hand ; but that every priest ought to look to his " cure, and reside upon it. And she looked on the pluralities " over England to be a main cause of the want of good preach- " ers ; whose sermons, if joined with a good example, would " do much good ; and without that, she thought their sermons " would profit little." And now I return to the burnings, from which I am not un- More here- willing frequently to break off, since a continued relation of 1CS um ¦ such things cannot be but an ungrateful entertainment to the reader. In July one Juxon9 was burnt at Chichester. On [Fox, vol. the 2nd of August James Abeys l0 was burnt at Bury in Suffolk. |-jbid'_ p ' On the 8th of August, Denley11 a gentleman, was burnt at32Id "Oxbridge; and Robert Smith at Weybridge12. On the 26th p. 324.] George Tankervil13 was burnt at St. Alban's. And on the 28th ^%.-] of August Patrick Packingham also was burnt there. On the [Ibid. p. 31st of August, one Newman was burnt at Saffron Walden in p^ p Essex ; and Robert Samuel, a preacher, was burnt at Ipswich. 324-] There were also, in August, six burnt in one fire at Canter- 345] bury. Elizabeth Warne burnt at Stratford-le-Bow, Stephen P^- P- Whorwood14 at Stratford, Thomas Fust at Ware, and William [ibid. P. Hall15 at Barnet; but of their sufferings, the days16 are not 32 J marked17. In September, on the 6th day of the month, 9 [Fox calls him Iveson.] death is recorded in Machyn's Diary 10 ['The 2 day of August was a as follows, p. 92. 'The 24 day of shumaker bornyd at sant Ed- August was borriyd at Stratford of mundebere in Suffolke for herese.' Bowe in the conte of Mydyllsex, a Machyn's Diary, p. 92. Fox calls woman, wife of John Waren cloth- him Abbes.] worker a huphulster over agaynst 11 ['The 8 day of August between sant John's in Walbroke; the 4 and 5 in the mornyng was a pre- wyche. . . . John her hosband was soner delevered unto tbe shreyff of bornyd with on Cardmaker in Medyllsex to be cared unto Ux- Smythfeld for herese both ; and the bryge to be bornyd; yt was the same woman had a sune taken at markett day — out of Nuwgate dele- her bornyng and cared to Nuwgatt vered.' Machyn's Diary p. 92.] to his syster for they will borne 12 For Weybridge read Uxbridge. boyth.' That of William Hall is [S.] [Fox also says Uxbridge.] supplied in the following extract 13 [Tankerfield. Fox.] p. 94- 'The 31 day of August 14 Whorwood read Harwood. whent out of Nugatt a man of Es- [S.] sex unto Barnett for herese by the 15 [Fox calls him Hale.] shreyff of Medyllsex, to borne ther. 'J '.« [The date of Elizabeth Warne's 17 After 'marked' read, and in this 510 THE HISTORY OF [part n. |Fox, vol. George Catmar, and four others, were burnt at Canterbury, On the 20th, Robert Glover, a gentleman, and one Cornelius Bangey, were burnt at Coventry : the same month, but we P*"1, Pp" know not on what days, William Allen was burnt at Walsing- 360'.] ham, Roger Coo at Yerford, Thomas Cob in Thetford. Tho mas Haywood, and John Garaway, at Lichfield, were also burnt on the same account. On the 16th of October following, [Thirlby's William18 Wolley and Robert Pigot were burnt at Ely ; where XtGQ*lSuGI"- ' fol. 81.] Shaxton19, that had been bishop of Salisbury in king Henry's time, and quitted his bishopric on the account of the six articles, but in the end of that reign recanted, and was now bishop 318 suffragan'20 of Ely, condemned them21. It is enough to have named all these, who were burnt merely by the proceedings ex officio ; for being forced, either to accuse themselves, or to die however, they chose rather plainly to answer those articles that were ministered to them, and ' so were condemned for their answers. Ridley and But on the 16th of October, Ridley and Latimer offered up burnTat their lives at Oxford, on which it may be expected I should en- Oxford, large a little. The bishops of Lincoln, Gloucester, and Bristol, iii.°p.' 4°6.-| were sent to Oxford by a special commission from the cardinal to proceed against them. As soon as Ridley heard they pro ceeded in the name of the pope, by authority from the cardinal, he put on his cap, having stood bareheaded before that, be cause he would express no sign of reverence to those who acted by such a commission. He said he paid great respect to the cardinal as descended from the royal family, and a man endued with such learning and virtue; that therefore he month of August Richard Hook scopo — Roberto Steward, Decano suffered at Chichester. [S.] Eliensi, Joanne' Christopherson 18 For Wolley read Wolsey. [S.] S.T. B. Decano Norvicensi, &c. 19 Shaxton could not condemn Registr. Thyrlby, fol. 81, 82, where them, being there only as an assist- the process may be seen. [B.] ant. They were condemned by 20 Again for suffragan to the John Fuller, LL.D., Vicarium in bishop of Ely. [G.] spiritualibus Domini Thoma? Epi- 2l Shaxton did not condemn scopi Eliensis — et ejusdem Com- them, Fuller the bishop's chan- missarium — legitime constitutum cellor condemned them. Ste- — ad negotia infra scripta expe- ward, dean of Ely, and Christo- diendum — in capella B. Marias pherson, [Fox, vol. iii. p. 358.] Eliensis — assistentibus ei tunc ibi- Dean of Norwich with others, were dem Reverendo in Christo patre in the commission, but the chancel- Nicholao — modo suffragano epi- lor was the chief. [S.] book n.] THE REFORMATION. (1555.) 511 honoured and reverenced him ; but for his legatine authority from the bishop of Rome, he utterly renounced it : and there fore would shew no reverence to that character. And so, put ting off his cap as he spoke of him on other respects, he put it on again when he named his being legate ; and being required to put it off, refused to do it on that account ; but one of the beadles did it for him. After that, the bishop of Lincoln made [Fox, vol. him a long exhortation to recant, and acknowledge the see of Rome ; since Christ had built his church on St. Peter, and the fathers had all acknowledged the preeminence of that see, and > himself had been once of that opinion. To which he answered, it was upon the faith which St. Peter confessed, that Christ had founded his church : he acknowledged the bishops of Rome had Pbld- P- been held in great esteem, both for the dignity of the city, and the worthiness of the bishops that had sat in it ; but they were only esteemed patriarchs of the west ; and the church had not then thought of that power, to which they had since advanced themselves : he confessed he was once of their mind, but it was as St. Paul had been a persecutor ; he had seen since such [Ibid. p. ' spots in the church of Rome, that he could never return to it. 4 9'J Upon this followed much discourse : in conclusion, they objected to him some articles about those opinions which he had main tained a year and an half before that in the schools ; and re quired him to make his answers to them. He began with a [Ibid. p. protestation, that by answering them he did not acknowledge 42° the pope's authority, and then answered them as he had done before. Latimer used the like protestation and answers. So they were allowed one night's respite to consider better whether they would recant or not : but next day they appear ing, and adhering to the answers they had made, were declared obstinate heretics, and ordered to be degraded, and so delivered over to the secular power. After that, new attempts were made on Ridley to persuade him to accept of the queen's mercy ; but all being to no pur pose, tho writ was sent down to burn them. The night before the [Ibid. p. execution, Ridley was very joyful, and invited the mayor and 429j his wife, in whose house he was kept, to be at his wedding next day: at which when the mayor's wife wept, he said he per ceived she did not love him ; but he told her, though his break fast would be sharp, he was sure his supper would be sweet : 512 THE HISTORY" OF [part ii. he was glad to hear that his sister would come and see him 319 die, and was in such composure of mind, that they were ad amazed at it. Next morning, being the 16th, they were led out to the place of execution, which was before Balliol college : they looked up to the prison to have seen Cranmer, but he was then engaged in dispute with some friars, so that he was not in his window ; but he looked after them with great ten derness, and, kneeling down, prayed earnestly that God would strengthen their faith and patience in that their last but painful passage. When they came to the stake, they embraced one another with great affection, Ridley saying to Latimer, Be of good heart, brother ; for God will either assuage the fury of the flame, or enable us to abide it. Dr. Smith was [iCor.xiii.] appointed to preach, and took his text from these words; If I give my body to be burnt, and have no cliarity, it profiteth nothing. He compared their dying for heresy to Judas' hang ing himself; and warned the people to beware of them, with as much bitterness as he could express. The best of it was, the [Fox, vol. sermon lasted not above a quarter of an hour. When he had m. p. 430.] flc-n^ Ridley was going to answer him ; and the lord Williams, that was appointed by the queen to see the execution, was inclined to hear him : but the vice-chancellor said, except he intended to recant, he was not to be suffered to speak. Ridley answered, " he would never deny his Lord, nor those truths of his, of which " he was persuaded ; God's will be done in him : he committed " himself to God, who would indifferently judge all." Then he addressed himself to the lord Williams, and said, " Nothing " troubled him so much, as that he had received fines of some " who took leases of him when he was bishop of London, and " these leases were now voided ; he therefore humbly prayed, " that the queen would give order, that those might be made " good to the tenants, or that the fines might be restored out " of his goods which he had left in his house, and were of far " greater value than those fines would amount to ; and that " some pity might be had of Shipside, his brother-in-law, who " was turned out of a place he had put him in, and had now " attended on him with great care." Then thoy both prayed and fitted themselves for the stake ; Latimer saying to Ridley, Be of good comfort, we shall this day light such a candle in England, as I trust by God's grace shall never be put out. book n.] THE REFORMATION. (1555.) 513 Then gunpowder being hanged about their bodies in great quantities to hasten their death, the fire was put to, and La timer was with the first flame, the powder taking fire, put out of pain, and died immediately. But Ridley had a more linger ing torment ; for they threw on the fire so much wood, that the flame could not break through it : so that his legs were almost consumed before this was observed ; and then one open ing the passage to the flame, it put an end to his life. Thus died these two excellent bishops ; the one for his piety, learning, and solid judgment, the ablest man of all that ad vanced the reformation ; and the other, for the plain simplicity of his life, esteemed a truly primitive bishop and Christian. Of his care of his bishopric, the instructions he gave at his visita tion, chiefly of the monasteries, will give a good evidence ; and therefore I have put them in the Collection, as they were copied Collect. from the register of Worcester, by that ingenious and worthy umb' ^3' counsellor Mr. Summers, who, out of his zeal to the reforma tion, searched all the books there, that he might gather from 320 them such things as he thought could be of use to this work. Bonner had made an ill retribution to Ridley for the kindness he had shewed his friends when he was in possession at London ; for he had made Bonner's mother always dine with him, when he lived in his country-house of Fulham, and treated her as if she had been his own mother ; besides his kindness to his other friends. Heath, then bishop of Worcester, had been kept pri soner a year and a half in Ridley's house, where he lived as if he had been at his own ; and Heath used always to call him the best learned of all the party ; yet he so far forgot grati tude and humanity, that though he went through Oxford when he was a prisoner there, he came not to see him. When they lay in the Tower, both Cranmer and they were, by reason of the number of prisoners, put into one chamber for some months; but after they came to Oxford, they could scarce send messages to one another ; and men had laid off humanity so much, that all the while they lay there, none of the uni versity waited on them. Few that favoured their doctrine were then left ; and of the rest, it is no wonder that none came to visit them : nor did they supply them with any thing they needed ; for all the charity that was sent to them came from London. BURNET, PART H. L 1 514 THE HISTORY OF [part a Suits about This summer there was a strict search made after all the churches8. °fg'oods °f the church that had been embezzled: and all that had been visitors, either in king Henry or king Edward's time, were brought into suits about it ; but many compounded, and so purchased their qniet by an offer to the church of some large gratuity ; and according to the greatness thereof, their affection to the church was measured. Many of those did favour the reformation, which made them give the more bountifully, that so they might come under good characters, and be the less suspected. Gardiner's The parliament was opened on the 21st of October. The and death, chancellor came thither, both then and on the 23rd, but could [Fox, vol. come no more22. It was reported, that he had stayed long for dinner that day that Ridley and Latimer23 were to be burnt, tid one should bring him word that the fire was set to them ; but the messenger coming post, did not reach London till four o'clock in the afternoon, and that he then went cheerfully to dine ; but was at dinner struck with the idness of which he died. It was a suppression of urine, which held him till the [Nov. 13.] 12th of November, on which he died. He had great remorse for his former life ; and Day bishop of Chichester coming to him, and comforting him with the assurance of justification through the blood of Christ ; he answered him, " he might speak " of that to him or others in his condition ; but if he opened " that gap again, and preached that to the people, then fare- 22 Gardiner's picture [which was frowning brows, eyes an inch within placed here in the folio editions]. If the head, a nose hooked like a buz- ypur lordship has seen this picture zard, wide nostrils like a horse; a with the seals, &c. it must be Gardi- sparrow mouth, &c.' And truly by ner's ; though I have seen two pic- this description it may be Gardi- tures at Trinity College and Trinity ner's. [B.] Hall, said to be Gardiner's, very un- 23 [Ridley and Latimer were like this. I have often suspected it burnt at Oxford on the 16th of to belong to Horn, who was a severe October. Gardiner was in the house rough sort of a man, and gives the of peers on the 2 1st and the 23rd bugle horns for his arms, but with- of October, and of his appearance out a chevron ; which, though they there Bale says, ' His duobus die- are said to belong to the Gardiners, bus ita mihi visus est non modo yet Gardiner, when he was chancellor seipsum iis rebus superasse quibus of Cambridge, gives different pater- cseteros superare solet ingenio, elo- nal arms, as may be seen in the ap- quentia, prudentia, pietate, sed etiam pendixtoArchbishopParker'sAntiq. ipsas sui corporis vires.' See his Brit. Poynet his successor describes life in Lord Campbells's Lives of him thus ; ' He had a hanging look, the Chancellors.] book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1555.) 515 " well altogether. He often repeated those words, Erravi [Parker, " cum Petro, sed non flevi cum Petro"1* ; I have erred with gritl'llcel. "Peter, but I have not mourned with him." He was of ap-5»-l nobler descent than is commonly known ; for though he took the name Gardiner from his supposed father, yet he was then believed to be the base son of Richard Wood vide26, that was brother to queen Elizabeth, wife to king Edward the Fourth26, so that he was of kin to king Henry the Eighth, in the second and third degree of consanguinity ; which might be the cause that he was so suddenly advanced to the bishopric of Win chester. This is mentioned by sir Edward Hobbey, in a letter he writ to one of those that had fled beyond sea, giving him an account of his death ; where he says of him, he was a man 321 of higher descent than he was commonly reputed ; and on the margin it is said, he was nephew to a queen of England. This explains that which I find objected both to him and Bonner in one of the books that were written in the defence of the [Poynet, married clergy ; that no wonder they were such enemies to p0iitic marriage, since both of them were born in adultery. He was Power> a man well skilled in the canon and civil laws, and mode rately in divinity. He had a good style in Latin, and under stood the Greek well ; but his strength lay in deep dissimula tion, a quickness of apprehension, a great prospect of affairs, a close and artificial way of concealing his mind, and insinuat ing himself into the affections and confidences of other persons. He did comply all Henry the Eighth's time ; and would will ingly have done the like in king Edward's time, but that Cranmer knew him too well to be directed by him, and handled him as he deserved. But the usage he then met with so reco vered him with queen Mary, that she put him in the greatest trusts ; and now, when a cardinal's hat was like to fad on his head, he was carried off, and all his ambitious projects fell with him. Of his servile compliance in promoting king Henry's 24 [Negavi cum Petro, exivi cum ville mentioned by the historian. Petro, sed nondum flevi cum Petro.] With Godwin agreeth Mills, in 25 [' Bishop Godwin delivereth a his genealogical catalogue of the more probable relation, which he nobility of England.' Specimen of affirmeth to have received from a Errors, p. 143.] kinsman of Gardiner, that he was 26 For Edward the Sixth, read the base son of Lionel Woodville Edward the Fourth. [S.] [Alluding bishop of Salisbury; which Lionel to a misprint in the first edition, was the son of Richard Wood- corrected in the second.] L 1 2 516 THE HISTORY OF [part II. Collect. Numb. 24. Collect.Numb. 25. Collect.Numb. 26. [Jan. 1. 1556. Stow, p. 627.] divorce, I have found fresh instances, besides those that are mentioned in the former volume. When he went to Rome, in the year 1529, Anne Boleyn writ a very kind letter to him, which I have put in the Collection. By it the reader will clearly perceive that he was then in the secret of the king's designing to marry her, as soon as the divorce was obtained. There is another particular in that letter, which corrects a conjecture, which I set down in the beginning of the former book, concerning the cramp-rings that were blessed by king Henry ; which I thought might have been done by him after he was declared head of the church. That part was printed before I saw this letter. But this letter shews they were used to be blessed before the separation from Rome ; for Anne Boleyn sent them as great presents thither. The use of them had been (it seems) discontinued in king Edward's time ; but now under queen Mary it was designed to be revived, and the office for it was written out in a fair manuscript, yet extant : of which I have put a copy in the Collection. But the silence in the writers of that time makes me think it was seldom, if ever practised. But to return to Gardiner's officious com pliance in the matter of the divorce ; I have put in the Col lection a letter of his to king Henry, written in such confidence to him, that even cardinal Wolsey was not to see it. In it he sets out the pope's timorousness so plainly, that he writes, he saw nothing but the fear he was in of the emperor's forces kept him from granting what was desired; therefore he advised the king to do the business once in England, and then leave it to the emperor to complain; not doubting but he would be put off by as many delays as were now used in the king's business. Heath, archbishop of York, had the seals in February2? after ; they having been during that interval in the hands of sir Nicholas Hare, then master of the rolls ; and he was made chancellor during the queen's pleasure. The queen also, con sidering that Whitehall had been taken from the see of York28, had a scruple in her conscience against living in it : but Heath and she agreed it thus : Suffolk-Place, by the duke's attainder, was now in the queen's hands ; so she gave that to the see of 27 Heath was appointed chancellor on new year's day. [S.] 28 [Vide Part i. p. 80.] book n.] THE REFORMATION. (1555.) 517 York, which Heath sold, and converted it to tenements, and 322 purchased another house near Charing- Cross, which from thenceforward was caded York-house. But for the parliament, it was now much changed; men's The temper minds were much alienated from the clergy, and also from the "-j^t IT queen, who minded nothing else but to raise them to great much wealth and power again. On the 28th of October it was [J^fl of moved in the house of commons to give a subsidy, and two Commons, fifteenths, for paying the debts of the crown ; but it was op- P' posed with great vehemence. It was said, that the queen had profusely given away the riches of the crown, and then turned to the laity to pay her debts : why did she not rather turn to the spiritualty ? But it was answered, that the convocation had given her a subsidy of six shillings in the pound; and the queen asked now, after almost three years' reign, nothing but what she had discharged her subjects of at her first coming to the crown. Yet the heats grew such, that on the 1st of No- [Oct. 31. vember, secretary Petre brought a message from her, that she 1 p'43'l thanked them that had moved for two fifteenths for her: but she refused it : so the subsidy was agreed on. On the 29th of [Nov. %.] November the queen sent for the house of commons. When discharges they were come, she said to them, she could not with a good the olergy conscience take the tenths and firstfruits of spiritual benefices : and first- it was a tax her father laid on the clergy, to support his dig- ^Jlta' nity of supreme head; of which since she was divested, she Journal 'of would also discharge that. Then the legate made a speech to p°™^ons' shew that tithes and impropriations of spiritual benefices were the patrimony of the church, and ought to return to it. The queen upon that declared, that she would surrender them up [Nov 20. likewise to the church. Then one Story of the house of com mons kneeled down, and said to the queen, that the speaker did not open to her their desire that licenses might be re strained. This was a great affront to the speaker ; so he, re turning to the house, complained of Story. This member thought he might assume more liberty ; for in Edward the Sixth's time, when the bill for the first book of the English service passed, he spoke so freely against it, with such re flections on the king and the protector, that he was put in the sergeant's hands, and sent to the Tower. The words he had said were, Wo unto thee, 0 England, when thy king is a E°cles. x- 518 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. child; and an impeachment was drawn against him. But, upon his submission, the house ordered the privy counsellors to declare to the protector, that it was their resolution that he should be enlarged : and they desired that the king would forgive his offence against him and his council. Now he had indiscreetly appeared against all licenses from Rome, thinking he had a privilege to talk more freely : but he confessed his [Nov. 20.] fault, and the house, knowing that he spake from a good seal, Dom. bom. forgave him. He was afterwards condemned for treason in [P-44-] queen Elizabeth's reign. [Ibid. p. Qn the 23rd of November, the bill for suppressing the first- fruits and tenths, and the resigning up all impropriations that were yet in the queen's gift to the church, to be disposed of as the legate pleased, for the relief of the clergy, was brought into the house. It was once thought fit to have the surrender of impropriations left out ; for it was said, the queen might do that as well by letters patents ; and if it were put into the bid, it would raise great jealousies, since it would be understood, that the queen did expect that the subjects should fodow her ex ample : but it was resolved, by all means possible, to recover the tithes to the church ; so it was put into the bid. It was 323 long argued: some said, the clergy would rob the crown, and the nation both ; and that the laity must then support the [Dec. 3, dignity of the realm. It was particularly committed to sir Commons, William Cecil and others, to be examined by them". On the p'4 J 13th of December the house divided about it; 126 were against it, and 193 were for it. t^0!' V' f There was a bill sent down against the countess of Sussex, Commons, wu° had left her husband and gone into France, where she p- 44] lived openly in adultery, and bare children to others. A bid [Dec. 5, was pUt in> to the same purpose, in the first parliament of this reign to take her jointure from her, and declare her children bastards ; and was then cast out by the commons ; and had Against now again the same fate. Another bill was put in against the had fled be- ducness of Suffolk and others, who had gone beyond sea, to re- yond Bea, quire them to return under severe punishments : but though it was agreed to by the lords, yet, upon a division of the house of 29 The 13th of December. The parliament was dissolved on the 9th of December. [S.] book u.] THE REFORMATION. (1555.) 519 commons, it was carried in the negative. The greatest and [Dec. 6, wealthiest of those who favoured the reformation, seeing how commons, ill a condition they must be in if they stayed in England, were P- 46] gone beyond sea : so it was now endeavoured to force them to return, or to make them lose their estates. But the commons thought they had already consented to too severe laws against them, and therefore would add no more. The duchess of Suf folk had been persecuted while she was in the Netherlands, but narrowly escaped. Another bill was put in for the incapacitat- iI>ec- 1> c i c • • p 1 Ibid. p. ing ot several persons from being justices30 of peace ; but was 48] cast out by the commons at the first reading. This was chiefly against such as were suspected of remissness in the prosecuting of heretics ; but the commons would do nothing to encourage that : nor was it necessary, since it was in the queen's power to leave out of the commission such as she excepted to : but it shewed the zeal of some, who had a mind to recommend them selves by such motions. There was a complaint put into the house of commons, by An act de- the wife of one Rufford, against Bennet Smith, who had hired fro™h°ne two persons to kill her husband ; and which, as the act passed benefit of about it says, was one of the most detestable murders that had feap^'y, ever been known in England. But Smith, that had hired, and statutes, afterwards paid the murderers, might by the law claim, and 2Q2.] have the benefit of clergy. It is, and hath been an ancient cus tom in this nation, that, for some crimes, those who can read are not to suffer- death. This was at first done with a declara tion, that either they had vowed, or were then resolved to en ter into orders ; which was the cause that" no bigamy, that is, none that had been twice married, or such as married widows, were capable of it ; because such could not receive orders : and the reading was only to shew that they were in some sort qua lified for orders ; though afterwards, the reading, without any such vow or promise, was all that was required to give one the benefit of clergy. This was granted as an appendix of the ec clesiastical immunity; for the churchmen were not satisfied that their own persons should be exempted from punishment, but would needs have all that resolved to come among them be 30The bill was, that no servants to should be justices. It was read the gentlemen, and wearing their clothes second time on the 12th of Novem- (except the king and queen's), ber. [S.] 520 THE HISTORY OF [part II. [Nov. 1 8. Journal of Commons,P- 44-] [Nov. 22, ibid. p. 45.] [Dec. 4. Journal of Lords, p. 5°9-] Sir An thonyKingston put in the Tower for his behavi our in the house of commons.Ex Lib. Concil. [p. 3^9-] likewise preserved from the punishment due to those crimes, which they had formerly committed. So Rufford's wife peti tioning that Smith might by act of parliament be debarred that benefit ; they sent her to the queen, to beg that she would 324 order Smith to be brought from the Tower, where he was then kept, to the bar of their house : which being done, the other partners and actors confessed all ; and though he at first denied, yet he afterward confessed. So the bill was sent up by the commons to the lords, where it was much opposed by the clergy, who would not consent that any diminution should be made of their ancient privileges: but the heinousness of the fact wrought so much on the greater part, that it was passed ; the earls of Arundel and Rutland, tho bishops of London, Wor cester, Norwich and Bristol, the lords Abergavenny, Fitzwater and Lumley, protesting31. Pates was now bishop of Wor cester, upon Heath's translation to York. He was (as some say) designed to be bishop of that see by king Henry upon La timer's resignation ; but being engaged in a correspondence with the pope and cardinal Pole, he fled beyond sea. But the truth is, that upon the death of Jerome de Ghinucci, he was at Rome made bishop of Worcester by the pope, and was there upon attainted : but his attainder had been repealed by the former parliament, and so he was restored to that see. On the 9th of December32 the parliament was dissolved. And the day following33, sir Anthony Kingston, who had been a main stickler in it, and had one day taken the keys of the house from the sergeant, which (it seems) was not displeasing to the major part of the house, since they did nothing upon it, was sent to the Tower : and that same day, (as it is in the council-books,) the bishop of Ely delivered to the lord treasurer the pope's bull, confirming the king and queen's title to Ireland; 31 [The journal adds the name of the bishop of Bangor to the dissen tients, and omits that of Lord Aber gavenny, p. 509.] 32 ' The 10 day of Desember was had to the Towre ser Anthony Kyngston, knyght, and to the Flett, and cam owt agayn shortely after.' Machyns' Diary, p. 98.] 33 [This day was delivered unto the hands of the lord treasurer by the reverend father in God the bi shop of Ely, to be safely reposed in the King and Queen's majesty's treasury, the Pope's holiness' bull under lead, touching the erection and confirmation of their majesty's title of king and queen in the realme of Irelande, bearing date at Rome, J555> Septimo Idus Junii, anno pontificatus sui primo. Extract from Council Book, p. 329.] book n.] THE REFORMATION. (1555.) 521 bearing date the 7th of June. Kingston lay in the Tower tdl the 23rd of the month ; and then he submitted, and asked pardon, and was discharged. But he was next year accused to have engaged in a design with some others to have robbed the exchequer of 50,000£34. Whereupon six of them, Udal, Throgmorton, Petham35, Daniel, Stanton, and White were executed for felony. What evidence was brought against them, I do not know. But Kingston died on his way to London. From the parliament I turn next to the convocation, where Cardinal the cardinal was now at more liberty, being delivered from g^vo^- Gardiner's jealousies and opposition. He obtained of the tion makes queen, on the 2nd of November, a warrant under the great reforming seal, giving him dcense to hold a synod. The license he had tne clergy> formerly taken out is made mention of; and, to avoid all ambi- 1st Par. guities, which might arise from the laws or prerogatives of the 3- Ee£- crown, she authorized him to call that, or any other synod after, and to decree what canons he should think fit : she also authorized the clergy to meet, consent to, and obey those ca nons, without any danger of the law. This was thought safe on both sides ; both for preserving the rights of the crown, and securing the clergy from being afterwards brought within the statute of praemunire, as they had been upon their acknow ledging cardinal Wolsey's legatine power. To this convoca tion Pole proposed a book he had prepared, which was after wards printed with the title of The Reformation of England by the Decree of cardinal Pole -p and is now put into the volumes of the councils3?. The first decree is, that there should be constantly a re- The heads membrance of the reconciliation now made with Rome in every J^",!^ mass ; besides, a procession, with other solemnities, on the an- tion. 325 niversary of it. He also confirmed the constitutions of Otho and Othobonus, forbidding the reading of all heretical books ; and set forth the catholic faith, in the words of that exposition 34 Add — and with it to have eight who suffered : the three be- made a rebellion. [S.] sides those named were Rossey, 36 For Petham read Peckham. Bedyl and Dethick. [S.] [S.] 37 [De reformatione, 4to, Rom. 36 White was not executed ; he 1562. There are several editions of discovered the conspiracy. For/e- this date, for which see the Bodleian lony, read high treason, and were Catalogue.] executed accordingly. There were 522 THE HISTORY OF [part n. of it, which pope Eugenius sent from the council of Florence to those of Armenia. The 2nd was, for the careful administering and preserving of the sacraments ; and for the putting away of all feasting in the festivities of the dedications of churches. The 3rd exhorts the bishops to lay aside all secular cares, and give themselves wholly to the pastoral office ; and to re side in their diocese, under the highest pains. Their canons are also1 required to reside, and also other clergymen. All pluralities of benefices with cure are simply condemned : and those who had more benefices with cure were required within two months to resign all but one ; otherwise -it was to be de clared that they had forfeited them all. The 4th is, that whereas the residence of bishops could not be of great use, unless they became truly pastors to their flock; which was chiefly done by their preaching the word of God ; that had been, contrary to the apostles' practice, much neglected by many : therefore he requires them to preach every Sunday or holyday; or if they were disabled, to find other fit persons to do it. And they were also in private to instruct and exhort their people, and all the other inferior clergy, and to endeavour to persuade them to the catholic faith ; or, if need were, to use threatenings. And because of the great want of good preachers, the cardinal declared he would take care there should be homilies set out for the instruction of the nation. In the mean while, every bishop was to be sending such as were more eminent in preaching over their diocese, thereby to supply the defects of the rest. The 5th is about the lives of the bishops ; that they should be most strict and exemplary ; that they should lay aside all pride and pomp ; should not be clothed in silk, nor have rich furniture; and have frugal tables, not above three or four dishes of meat ; and even so many he rather allows, considering the present time, than approves ; that at their table the scrip tures, or other good books, should be read, mixed with pious discourses ; that they should not have too great numbers of servants or horses. But that this parsimony might appear not to flow from avarice, they were to lay out the rest of their re venues on the poor, and for breeding young scholars, and other works of piety. All the same rules he sets to the inferior clergy, with a due proportion to their stations and profits. book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1555.) 523 The 6th is about giving orders ; they were not to be rashly given, but upon a strict previous examen. Every one that was to be ordained was to give in his name a long time before, that there might be time to inquire carefully about him. The bi shops were charged not to turn over the examination upon others, and think their work was only- to lay on their hands; but were to examine diligently themselves, and not super- ficiady : and to cad to their assistance such as they knew to be pious and learned, and in whom they might confide. The 7th was about conferring benefices, which in some sort came also within that charge, Lay hands suddenly on no man. They were to lay aside all partiality in their* choice, and seek out the most deserving ; and to make such as they put in bene fices bind themselves by oath to reside. 326 The 8th was against giving the advowsons of benefices be fore they were vacant. The 9th was about simony. The 10th against the alienations of any of the goods of the church. The 11th was, that in every cathedral there should be a seminary for supplying the diocese ; of whom two ranks were to be made : the one of those who learned grammar ; the other, of those who were grown up, and were to be ordained acolyths ; and these were to be trained up in study and virtue, till they were fit to serve in the church. And a tax of the fourth penny was laid on the clergy for their maintenance. The 12th was about visitations. These were all finished, agreed to, and published by him in February next year. In these decrees mention is made of homilies, which were in- Ex MSS. Poll P P tended to be published : and among archbishop Parker's papers Canj I find the scheme he had of them was thus laid : he designed four books of homilies. The first, of the controverted points, for preserving the people from error. The 2nd for the exposi tion of the Creed and Ten Commandments, the Lord's Prayer, the salutation of the Virgin, and the sacraments. The 3rd was to be for the saints' days, and the Sundays and holydays of the year; for explaining the Epistles and Gospels. And the 4th was concerning virtues and vices, and the rites and ceremonies of the church. 524 THE HISTORY OF [part n. Pole's de- By all these it may appear, how well-tempered this cardinal forminethe waSt ^e never set on the clergy to persecute heretics, but to church. reform themselves ; as well knowing, that a strict exemplary clergy can soon overcome all opposition whatsoever, and bear down even truth itself. For the common people are gene rally either so ignorant, or so distracted with other affairs, that they seldom enter into any exact discussion of speculative points, that are disputed among divines; but take up things upon general notions and prejudices : and none have more in fluence on them than the scandals or strict fives of church men. So that Pole, intending to correct ad those, laid down good rules to amend their lives, to throw out those crying scandals of pluralities and non-residence ; to oblige bishops to be exact in their examinations before orders, and in conferring benefices on the most deserving, and hot to be biassed by par tial affections. In this last thing himself was a great example : for though he had an oidy brother38, (so I find him called in one of the cardinal's commissions to him with some others, though I believe he was a bastard brother, David, that had continued all king Henry's time in his archdeaconry of Derby ; he, either to punish him for his former compliance, or to shew he had no mind to raise his kindred, did not advance him till after he had been two years in England ; and then he gave him only the bishopric of Peterborough, one of the poorest of the bishoprics ; which, considering his nearness to the crown, and high birth, was a very small preferment. But above all, that design of his, to have seminaries in every cathedral for the planting of the diocese, shews what a wise prospect he had of the right methods of recovering a church, which was over run, as he judged, with heresy. It was the same that Cranmer 327 had formerly designed, but never took effect. Certainly, per sons formed from their childhood with other notions, and another method of living, must be much better fitted for a holy character, than those that have lived in the pleasures and follies of the world ; who, unless a very extraordinary change is wrought in them, still keep some of their old customs about 38 Cardinal Pole had two bro- David was not his brother, nor a thers, Arthur and Jeffrey, both ar- bastard, for there is no bull of dis- raigned in the year 1562 for a con- pensation in his favour among spiracy against queen Elizabeth, those sent over at that time. [S.] bookii.J THE REFORMATION. (1555.) 525 them, and so fall short of that gravity and decency that be comes so spiritual a function. He shewed the weakness of his spirit in one thing, that, being against cruel proceedings with heretics, he did not more openly profess it; but both suffered the other bishops to go on, and even in Canterbury, now sequestered in his hands, and soon after put under his care, he left those poor men to the cruelties of the brutal and fierce popish clergy. In this he was to be pitied, that he had not courage enough to contend with so haughty a pope as Paul IV. was ; who thought of no other way of bearing down heresy, but by setting up the inquisition every where: so Pole, it seems, judged it sufficient for him not to act himself, nor to set on any; and thought he did enough, when he discouraged it in private : but yet he granted commissions to the other bisljops and archdeacons to proceed against those called heretics. He was not only afraid of being discharged of his legation, and of losing the archbishopric of Canterbury, which was now ready to fall upon him ; but he feared to be sent for to Rome, and cruelly used by the pope, who remembered all the quarrels he formerly had with any of the cardinals, and put cardinal Morone (that was Pole's great friend) in prison, upon suspicion of heresy. All these things prevailed with Pole to give way to the persecution : and it was thought that he himself hastened the execution of Cran mer, longing to be invested with that see ; which is the only personal blemish I find laid on him. One remarkable thing of him was, his not listening to the proposition the Jesuits made him of bringing them into Eng land. That order had been set up about twelve years before this, and was in its first institution chiefly designed for propa gating the doctrines of that church in heretical or infidel coun tries; to which was afterwards added, the education of chil dren. It was not easily allowed of at Rome, because the bishops did universally complain of the great numbers of exempted regulars ; and therefore at first it was limited to a small number; which restriction was soon taken off. They, besides the vows of other orders, took one for a blind and universal obedience to the see of Rome; and because they were much to be employed, they were dispensed with, as to the hours of the quire, which made them be called a mongrel 526 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. order between the regulars and seculars. They have since that time, by their care in educating youth, by their indefa tigable industry, and chiefly by their accommodating penances, and all the other rules of religion, to the humours and inclina tions of those who confess their sins to them, drawn almost all the world after them ; and are raised now to that height both of wealth and power, that they are become the objects of the envy and hatred of all the rest of their own church. They suggested to Pole, that whereas the queen was restoring the goods of the church that were in her hands, it was but to little purpose to raise up the old foundations ; for the Benedictine order was become rather a clog than a help to the church : they therefore desired that those houses might be assigned to them, for maintaining schools and seminaries, which they should 328 set on quickly ; and they did not doubt but by their dealing with the consciences of those who were a dying, they should soon recover the greatest part of the goods of the church. The Jesuits were out of measure offended with him for not enter taining their proposition ; which I gather from an Italian ma-" nuscript, which my most worthy friend Mr. Crawford found in Venice, when he was chaplain there to sir Thomas Higgins, his majesty's envoy to that republic : but how it came that this motion was laid aside, I am not able to judge. [Nov. 30. There passed nothing else remarkable this year ; but that, Fox, vol. ;n the en(j 0f November, John Webbe, a gentleman, George Roper, and Gregory Parke, were burnt all at one stake in Can- Philpofs terbury. And on the 18th of December, Philpot, that had martyr- disputed in the convocation, was burnt in Smithfield39. He [Ibid. p. was, at the end of that meeting, put in prison for what he had 459'J said in it, though liberty of speech had been promised ; and the nature of the meeting did require it. He was kept long in [Ibid. p. the stocks in the bishop of London's coal-house, and many 4 2-J conferences were had with him, to persuade him to change. By what Bonner said in one of them, it appears, that he hoped they should be better used upon Gardiner's death : for Bonner told him, he thought, because the lord chancellor was dead, they would burn no more : but he should soon find his error, 39 ['The 18 day of Dessember to be bornyd, on master, betwyn 8 and 9 of the cloke in the gentyllman for herese.' Machyn's mornyng was cared into Smythfeld Diary, p. 98 ] book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1556.) 527 if he did not recant. He continued stedfast in his persuasion, Philpot's and pleaded, that he had never spoken nor written against dom.^ their laws since they were made, being ad the while a pri soner, except what he had said in conference with them : yet this prevailed not with Bonner, who had as little justice as mercy in his temper. On the 16th of December he was con demned, and delivered to the sheriffs. He was at first laid in irons, because he was so poor that he could not fee the jailor ; but the next day, these were by the sheriffs' order taken off. As he was led into Smithfield, on the 18th, he kneeled down, and said, / will pay my vows in thee, 0 Smithfield. When [Fox, vol. he was brought to the stake, he said, Shall I disdain to suffer m' p' 49 at this stake, since my Redeemer did not refuse to suffer on the cross for me ? He repeated the 106th, 107th, and 108th Psalms, and then fitted himself for the fire, which consumed him to ashes. So this year ended, in which there were sixty- seven burnt for religion ; and of those, four were bishops, and thirteen were priests. In Germany, a diet was held at Augsburg, where the peace 1556. of Germany was fully settled : and it was decreed, that the ^o^S11 princes of the Augsburg Confession should have the free li- [Thuanus, berty of their religion ; and that every prince might in his p^'gg7? own state establish what religion he pleased ; excepting only the ecclesiastical princes, who were tp forfeit their benefices if they turned. Those of Austria and Ferdinand's other heredi tary dominions, desired freedom for their consciences: but Ferdinand refused it ; yet he appointed the chalice to be given in the sacrament. The duke of Bavaria did the like in his dominions. At all this the pope was highly offended, and talked of deposing Ferdinand. He had nothing so much in his mouth as the authority former popes had exercised, in deposing princes at their pleasure. He had sworn to the car dinals, before he was chosen, that he would make but four cardinals in two years : but he created seven within one half 329 year, and would not hear the consistory argue against it, or remember him of his promise ; but said, his power was abso lute, and could not be limited. One of these cardinals was Gropper, the dean of Cologne, a man of great learning and virtues, but inconstant and fearful ; as was shewn in the former 528 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. book40; he refused to accept of that dignity, so generally sought after in their church ; and was more esteemed for re jecting it, than others were that had by their ambition aspired to it. Charles the in the end of this year, and the beginning of the next, a Fifth's re- , , , . „ „ J ' , . , ., J ° . ° , signation. memorable thing tell out ; ot which it 1 give a large account, [Thuanus, j fo not fear to ^Q mucn censured by the reader for it ; espe- xvi. 20. p. J . r s 70] cially since it is not impertinent to this work, the king and queen being so much concerned in it. It was Charles the Fifth's laying down, first, some of his hereditary dominions in October this year; and the rest, with the empire, not long after. He had now enjoyed the one forty years, and the other thirty-six. He was much disabled by the gout, which had held him almost constantly for several years ; he had been in the greatest fatigues that ever any prince had undergone, ever since the seventeenth year of his age : he had gone nine times into Germany, six times into Spain, seven times into Italy, four times into France ; had been ten times in the Nether lands, had made two expeditions into Africa, and been twice in England, and had crossed the seas eleven times. He had not only been a conqueror in ad his wars, but had taken a pope, a king of France, and some princes of Germany, prisoners, besides a vast accession of wealth and empire from the West Indies. But he now growing out of love with the pomp and greatness of the world, began to have more serious thoughts of another life ; which were much increased in him by the answer one of his captains gave him, when he desired leave to retire, and being asked the reason, said, that between the affairs of the world, and the hour of death, there ought to be some in terval. He found his fortune turned ; his designs in Germany were blasted : in the siege of Metz, he saw he could no more command triumphs to wait on him ; for though his army con sisted of 100,000 men, yet he was forced to raise his siege with the loss of 40,000 men ; and though his wars had been this year more successful both in Italy and Flanders, yet he thought he was too old to deal with the king of France. It was thought his son set this forward, who had left England in discontent ; being weary both of his queen, and of holding a 40 [See partii. book 1, p. 51.] book ii,] THE REFORMATION. (1556.) 529 titular crown only in her right, being excluded from the go vernment. All these things concurring, made the emperor, in a solemn assembly at Brussels on the 25th of October, in the [Thuanus, presence of his son, and Maximilian king of Bohemia, and of the ^70.'] duke of Savoy, and his two sisters, the queens dowager of France and Hungary, with a vast number of others of lower quality, first give his son the golden fleece, and so resign the headship of that order to him ; and then, the dukedoms of Burgundy and Brabant, and the other provinces of the Nether lands. Two months after that, he resigned all his other here ditary dominions : and the next year he sent a resignation of the empire to the diet, who thereupon did choose his brother Ferdinand emperor : to which the pope made great excep tions ; for he said, the resignation ought to have been only to 330 him, and that, being made as it was, it was null ; and upon that he would not acknowledge the new emperor. Charles stayed some time in Flanders in a private house ; for he left all his palaces, and had but little company about him. It is said, that when Seld, his brother's secretary, being sent to him, was leaving him once late at night, all the candles on the stairs being burnt out, and none waiting to light him down, the late emperor would needs carry the candle down after him : the other, as may be well imagined, being much confounded at it, the emperor told him, he was now a private man ; and his servants, knowing there was nothing now to be had by attending, did not wait carefully. He bade him tell his brother what a change he had seen in him, and how vain a thing the attendance of courtiers was, since he was so soon forsaken by his own servants. He reserved but 100,000 crowns a year for his own use, and sixty servants. But, at his coming into Spain, he found even that small pension was not readdy paid ; at which he was observed to be much dis pleased. He retired to a place in the confines of Castile and Portugal, which he had observed in his hunting to be fit for a retreat, by reason of the pleasantness of the situation, and the temperateness of the air: and there he had ordered a little apartment of seven rooms, fourteen foot square, to be built for him. He kept only twelve servants about himself, and sent the rest to stay in the neighbouring towns. He gave himself at first much to mechanical curiosities, and BURNET, PART II. M m 530 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. had great varieties of clocks, and some other motions, which surprised the ignorant monks, who were afraid they were the performances of magic; especially his machines of birds of wood, that did fly out and come back, and the representations of armies, that by springs engaged and fought. He also de signed that great work of carrying the Tago up a hill near Toledo, which was afterwards done at a vast charge. He gave himself to gardening and used to graft and imp42 with his own hand ; and, keeping but one horse, rid abroad sometimes, attended only by one footman. The making of clocks was not then so perfect as it is since ; so that he could never bring his clocks to strike in the same minute : and he used upon that to say, he saw the fody of en deavouring to bring all men to be of the same mind in religion, since he could not bring machines to agree exactly. He set himself also much to study ; and, in the second year of his retirement, went oftener to the chapel, and to the sacra ment, than he had done at first. He used also to discipline himself with a cord, which, after his death, having some marks of the. severity he had put himself to, was laid up among his son's chiefest rarities. But amidst all this it was believed he became in most points to be of the belief of the protestants be fore he died : and as his confessor was burnt43 afterwards for heresy, so Miranda, the archbishop of Toledo, who used to come often to him, was upon the same suspicions kept long in prison. Near the end of two years, at the anniversary of his mother's funeral, who had died but a few years before, having lived long mad, he took a conceit that he would see an obit made for himself, and would have his own funeral rites per formed ; to which he came himself, with the rest of the monks, 331 and prayed most devoutly for the rest of his own soul, which set all the company on weeping. Two days after he sickened of a fever, of which he died on the 21st of September 1558 : a rare and great instance of a mind surfeited with the pomps and glories of the world, seeking for that quiet in retirement, which he had long in vain searched after in palaces and camps. Cranmer's And now I return to the affairs of England. The 21st of trial. 6 [« A rare use of this word as a « [He was burnt in effigy only. verb. As a noun it is often used See Pallavicini, lib. v. p. 426.] for a graft or bud.~] book n.] THE REFORMATION. (1556.) 531 March was Cranmer brought to the end of all his afflictions, and received his crown. On the 12th of September the former [Fox, vol. year, Brooks, bishop of Gloucester, came to Oxford as the 1U p' 544'] pope's subdelegate ; and Martin and Story, commissioners from the king and queen, sat with him in St. Mary's to judge him. When he appeared before them, he paid a low reverence to [Ibid. p. them that sat in the king and queen's name ; but would give 54S'-" none to Brooks, since he sat by an authority from the pope, to which he would pay no respect. Then Brooks made a long speech, to set forth his apostasy and heresy, his incontinence, and finally his treason ; and exhorted him to repent ; and in sinuated to him great hopes of being restored to his see upon it. After this, Martin made a speech of the difference between the [Ibid p. civil and ecclesiastical authority. 547'-' When they had done, Cranmer first kneeled down, and said the Lord's Prayer; next he repeated the Apostles' Creed. Then he told them, he would never acknowledge the bishop of Rome's authority : he owned his allegiance to the crown, ac- [Ibid. p. cording to the oath he had often sworn ; and the submitting to 54 ,J the pope was directly contrary to that : he could not serve two masters. He said, the bishops of Rome not only set up preten sions that were contrary to the power of princes, but they had also made laws contrary to those made by God : instancing it in the worship of an unknown tongue, the denying the chalice to the people, the .pretending to dispose of crowns, and exalt ing themselves above every creature ; which shewed them not to be the vicars of Christ, but to be antichrists, since all these things were manifestly contrary to the doctrine of Christ, that was delivered in the gospel. He remembered Brooks, that he had sworn to the king's supremacy. Brooks said, it was to king Henry VIII. and that Cranmer had made him swear it. To which Cranmer replied, that he did him wrong in that ; for it was done in his predecessor Warham's time, who had assert- " ed the king's supremacy: and it was also sent to be dis cussed in the universities, and they had set their hands and seals to it ; and that Brooks, being then a doctor, had signed it with the rest : so that, all this being done before he came to be archbishop, it ought not to be called his deed. After this, Story made another speech of the authority of [ibid. p. the church, magnifying the see of Rome, and enlarging on 549'1 m m 2 532 THE HISTORY OF [part n. those arguments commonly insisted on; and desired Brooks would put Cranmer to make a plain answer, and cut off all de bates. Then followed a long discourse between Martin and Cranmer : in which Martin objected, that he had once sworn to the pope when he was consecrated ; but that, aspiring to be archbishop, he had changed his mind in compliance to king [Fox, vol. Henry : that he had condemned Lambert of heresy, for deny- m. p. 550.J jng ^e presence 0f Christ [n the sacrament, and afterwards turned to that himself. To all this Cranmer answered, pre tending, that never man came more unwillingly into a bishopric 332 than he did to his : that he was so far from having aspired to it, that, though the king had sent one post to him to come over to be consecrated, he being then in Germany, yet he had de layed his journey seven weeks, hoping that in all that time the king might have forgot him : that, at his consecration, he pub licly explained his meaning in what sense he swore to the pope ; so that he did not act deceitfully in that particular : and that, when he condemned Lambert, he did then believe the corporal presence ; which he continued to do, till Dr. Ridley shewed him such reasons and authorities as persuaded him to change his mind, and then he was not ashamed to retract his [Ibid. p. former opinion. Then they objected his having been twice 551 J married, his keeping his wife secretly in king Henry's time, and openly in king Edward's reign ; his setting out heretical books and articles, and compelling others to subscribe them ; his forsaking the catholic church, aud denying Christ's pre sence in the sacrament of the altar, and disputing against it so publicly lately at Oxford. He confessed his living in marriage, and that he thought it was lawful for all men to marry ; and that it was certainly better to do so than to lie with other men's wives, as many priests did. He confessed all the other articles; only he said, he had never forced any to subscribe. [Ibid. p. After this, Brooks made a long speech to him, with many of *52-] the common arguments concerning the pope's power, and the presence in the sacrament : to which Cranmer made another [Ibid. p. large answer. Then many witnesses were examined upon the 5S4] points they had heard Cranmer defend in the schools ; and, in conclusion, they cited him to appear before the pope within eighty days, to answer for all those things which were now ob jected to him. He said, he would do it most widingly, if the book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1556.) 533 king and queen would send him ; but he could not go, if he were still detained a prisoner. After this, he was sent back to prison, where he lay till the [Ibid. p. 14th of February this year ; and then Bonner and Thirlby J were sent down to degrade him. Bonner desired this employ ment, as a pleasant revenge on Cranmer, who had before de prived him : but it was forced on the other, who had lived in great friendship with Cranmer formerly, and was a gentle and good-natured man; but very inconstant and apt to change. They had Cranmer brought before them ; and then they caused to read their commission, which declared him contumax for not coming to Rome, and required them to degrade him. They clothed him in pontifical robes, a mitre, and the other garments, with a crosier in his hand : but the robes were made of canvass, to make him show more ridiculous in them. Then [Fox, vol. Bonner made a speech full of jeers : This is the man that de- m" p' spised the pope, and is now judged by him : This is the man that pulled down churches, and is now judged in a church : This is the man that contemned the sacrament, and is now condemned before it : with other such expressions. At which Thirlby was much offended, and pulled him oft by the sleeve, desiring him to make an end ; and challenged him afterwards, that he had broke the promise he had made to him before, of treating him with respect. And he was observed to weep much ad the while. He protested to Cranmer, that it was the [Ibid. p. most sorrowful action of his whole life, and acknowledged the 55 'J great love and friendship that had been between them ; and 333 that no earthly consideration, but the queen's command, could have induced him to come, and do what they were then about : he shed so many tears, that oft he stopped, and could not go on in his discourse for the abundance of them. But Cranmer said, his degradation was no trouble to him at all : he reckoned himself as long ago cut off from all dependence and communion with the see of Rome ; so their doing it now with so much pageantry did not much affect him : only he put in an appeal [Ibid. p. from the pope to the next free general council. He said, he s5 was cited to Rome, but all the while kept a prisoner ; so there was no reason to proceed against him in his absence, since he was willing to have gone thither and defended his doctrine: he also denied any authority the pope had over him, or in 534 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. Heisde- England; and therefore appealed from his sentence. But, graded. notwithstanding that, he was degraded : and all that ludicrous attire was taken, piece after piece, from him, according to the ceremonies of degradation, which are in use in the church of Rome. But there were new engines contrived against him. Many had been sent to confer with him, both English and Spanish divines, to persuade him to recant : he was put in hopes of fife and preferment again, and removed out of prison to the dean's lodgings at Christ Church ; where all the arguments that could be invented were made use of to turn him from his former persuasion : and, in conclusion, as St. Peter himself had with curses denied his Saviour, so he, who had resisted now almost three years, was at last overcome ; and human in- Herecants. firmity, the fears of death, and the hopes that were given him, prevailed with him to set his hand to a paper, renouncing all the errors of Luther and Zuinglius, acknowledging the pope's supremacy, the seven sacraments, the corporal presence in the eucharist, purgatory, prayer for departed souls, the invocation of saints : to which was added, his being sorry for his former errors ; and concluded, exhorting all that had been deceived by his example or doctrine to return to the unity of the church : and protesting, that he had signed it willingly, only for the discharge of his own conscience. [Fox, vol. Fox, and other later writers from him, have said, that one 1U- P- 559] reason of this compliance was, that he might have time to finish his answer to Gardiner's book, against that which he had written concerning the sacrament: and Fox has printed the letter which he avouches to prove this by. But the good man, it seems, read the letter very carelessly ; for Cranmer says no such thing in it; but only, that he had appealed to the next general council, to try if that could procure him a longer delay, in which he might have time to finish his book : and between these two there is a great difference. How long this was signed before his execution, I find it no where marked ; for there is no date put to his subscription. Cranmer's recantation44 was presently printed, and occa- 44 [All the Submyssions and Re- truely set forth both in Latyn and cantations of Thomas Cranmer, English. Londini in JEdibus Jo- lately Archebyshop of Canterburye, hannis Cawodi, 1556. 4to.] bo ok ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1556.) 535 sioned almost equally great insultings on the one hand, and dejection on the other. But the queen was not at all wrought on by it : and was now forced to discover, that her private resentments governed her in this matter, which before she had disowned. She was resolved he should be made a sacri fice, for giving the judgment of divorce in her mother's mar riage ; and though hitherto she had pretended only zeal for redgion, yet now, when that could be no more alleged, yet she persisted in her resolution of having him burnt. She said, 334 since he had been the great promoter of heresy, that had cor rupted the whole nation, that must not serve his turn, which would be sufficient in other cases ; it was good for his own soul, and might do good to others, that he repented ; but yet she ordered the sentence to be executed. The writ went out the 24th of February, which will be found in the Collection. Collect. Heath took care not only to enrol the writ, but the warrant ' '" sent to him for issuing it, which is not ordinary. It is like he did it to leave it on record to posterity, that he did it not in course, as he did other writs, but had a special order from the queen for it. The long time that passed between the date of the writ, and the execution of it, makes it probable that he < made the formerly-mentioned recantation after the writ was brought down ; and that the fears of death, then before his eyes, did so far work on him, that he signed the writing : but when the second order was sent down to execute the former, he was dealt with to renew his subscription, and then to writo the whole over again, which he also did ; all this time being under some small hopes of life : but conceiving dkewise some jealousies that they might hum him, he writ secretly a paper containing a sincere confession of his faith, such as flowed from his conscience, and not from his weak fears ; and, being brought out, he carried that along with him. He was carried to St. Mary's, and set on a place raised higher for him to be more conspicuously seen. Cole, provost of Eton, preached : [Fox, vol. he ran out in his sermon on the mercy and justice of God, m- p' s °'J which two attributes do not oppose or jostle out one another : he applied this to princes, that were gods on earth, who must be just, as well as merciful ; and therefore they had appointed Cranmer that day to suffer : he said, it was he that had dis solved the marriage between the queen's father and mother, 536 THE HISTORY OF [part n. had driven out the pope's authority, had been the fountain of all the heresies in England ; and, since the bishop of Rochester and sir Thomas More had suffered for the church, it was meet that others should suffer for heresy: and, as the duke of Northumberland had suffered in More's room, so there was no other clergyman that was equal or fit to be balanced with Fisher but he. Then he turned to Cranmer, and magnified his conversion, which, he said, was the immediate hand of God ; that none of their arguments had done it, but the in ward working of God's Spirit : he gave him great hopes of heaven ; and assured him, there should be dirges and masses said for his soul in all the churches in Oxford. [Fox, vol. All this while Cranmer expressed great inward confusion, m. p. 5 '-J i;ft;ng Up his eyes often to heaven, and then letting them fall downward, as one ashamed of himself; and he often poured out floods of tears. In the end, when Cole bid him declare his faith, he first prayed, with many moving expressions of deep remorse and inward horror : then he made his exhortation to the people, first, " not to love or set their hearts on the things " of the world ; to obey the king and queen out of conscience " to God ; to live in mutual love ; and to relieve the poor ac- " cording to their abundance. Then he came to that on which, " he said, all his past life, and that which was to come, did " hang ; being now to enter either into the joys of heaven, or " the pains of hell. He repeated the Apostles' Creed, and de- " clared his belief of the scriptures : and then he spake to that " which, he said, troubled his conscience more than any thing " he had ever done in his whole life ; which was, the subscrib- " ing a paper contrary to the truth, and against his conscience, " out of the fear of death, and the love of life : and, when he " came to the fire, he was resolved that hand that had signed [Ibid. p. " it should burn first. He rejected the pope as Christ's enemy, 5 2'1 " and antichrist: and said, he had the same belief of the sa- " crament which he had published in the book he writ about it." Upon this, there was a wonderful confusion in the assembly : those who hoped to have gained a great victory that day, see ing it turning another way, were in' much disorder ; they called to him to dissemble no more. He said, he had ever loved sim plicity, and, before that time, had never dissembled in his whole life. And, going on in his discourse with abundance of tears, book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1556.) 537 they pulled him down, and led him away to the stake, which was set in the same place where Ridley and Latimer were burnt. All the way the priests upbraided him for his changing; but he was minding another thing. When he came to the stake, he first prayed, and then un- He suffers dressed himself ; and, being tied to it, as the fire was kindling, ™ith great* he stretched forth his right hand towards the flame ; never constancy , . ....... of mind. moving it, save that once he wiped his face with it, till it was burnt away, which was consumed before the fire reached his body. He expressed no disorder for the pain he was in ; sometimes saying, That unworthy hand ! and oft crying out, [Fox, vol. Lord Jesus, receive my spirit ! He was soon after quite burnt. But it was no small matter of astonishment to find his heart entire, and not consumed among the ashes: which, though the reformed would not carry so far as to make a miracle of it, and a clear proof that his heart had continued true, though his hand had erred, yet they objected it to the papists, that it was certainly such a thing, that, if it had fallen out in any of their church, they had made it a miracle. Thus did Thomas Cranmer end his days, in the sixty-seventh year of his age. He was a man raised of God for great ser vices, and well fitted for them. He was naturally of a mild His cha- and gentle temper, not soon heated, nor apt to give his opinion rac er- rashly of things or persons : and yet his gentleness, though it oft exposed him to his enemies, who took advantages from it to use him id, knowing he would readily forgive them, did not lead him into such a weakness of spirit, as to consent to every thing that was uppermost : for as he stood firmly against the six articles in king Henry's time, notwithstanding all his heat for them, so he also opposed the duke of Somerset in the matter of the sale and alienation of the chantry lands, and the duke of Northumberland during his whole government, and now resisted unto blood: so that his meekness was really a virtue in him, and not a pusillanimity in his temper. He was a man of great candour : he never dissembled his opinion, nor disowned his friend ; two rare qualities in that age, in which there was a continued course of dissimulation, almost in the whole English clergy and nation, they going backward and for ward, as the court turned. But this had got him that esteem with king Henry, that it always preserved him in his days. 538 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. He knew, what complaints soever were brought against him, he would freely tell him the truth : so, instead of asking it from other hands, he began at himself. He neither disowned his esteem of queen Anne, nor his friendship to Cromwed and the duke of Somerset in their misfortunes ; but owned he had the same thoughts of them in their lowest condition, that he had in their greatest state. He being thus prepared by a candid and good nature for the searches into truth, added to these a most wonderful did- 336 gence ; for he drew out of all the authors that he read every thing that was remarkable, digesting these quotations into common-places. This begat in king Henry an admiration of him : for he had often tried it, to bid him bring the opinions of the fathers and doctors upon several questions; which he commonly did in two or three days' time : this flowed from the copiousness of his common-place books. He had a good judgment, but no great quickness of apprehension, nor close ness of style, which was diffused and unconnected ; therefore when any thing was to be penned that required more nerves, he made use of Ridley. He laid out all his wealth on the poor, and pious uses : he had hospitals and surgeons in his house for the king's seamen : he gave pensions to many of those that fled out of Germany into England ; and kept up that which is hos pitality indeed at his table, where great numbers of the honest and poor neighbours were always invited, instead of the luxury and extravagance of great entertainments, which the vanity and excess of the age we live in has honoured with the name of hospitality, to which too many are led by the authority of custom to comply too far. He was so humble and affable, that he carried himself in all conditions at the same rate. His last fall was the only blemish of his fife ; but he expiated it with a sincere repentance, and a patient martyrdom. He had been the chief advancer of the reformation in his life ; and God so ordered it, that his death should bear a proportion to the for mer parts of his life, which was no small confirmation to ad that received his doctrine, when they heard how constantly he had at last sealed it with his blood. And though it is not to [Parker, be fancied that king Henry was a prophet, yet he discovered Brit"p sucn things in Cranmer's temper as made him conclude he was 509.] to die a martyr for his religion ; and therefore he ordered him book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1556.) 539 to change his coat of arms, and to give pelicans instead of cranes, which were formerly the arms of his family ; intimating withal, that as it is reported of the pelican, that she gives her blood to feed her young ones ; so he was to give his blood for the good of the church. That king's kindness to him subjected him too much to him ; for great obligations do often prove the greatest snares to generous and noble minds. And he was so much overborne by his respects to him, and was so affected with king Henry's death, that he never after that shaved his beard, but let it grow to a great length : which I the rather mention, because the pictures that were afterwards made for him, being taken according to what he was at his death, differ much from that which I have put in my former45 volume. Those who compared modern and ancient times, found in him so many and excedent qualities, that they did not doubt to compare him to the greatest of the primitive bishops ; not only to the Chrysostoms, Ambroses, and Austins ; but to the fathers of the first Rate that immediately followed the apostles, to the Ignatiuses, Poly carps, and Cyprians. And it seemed necessary that the reformation of this church, which was indeed nothing else but restoring of the primitive and apostolical doctrine, should have been chiefly carried on by a man so eminent in all primitive and apostolical virtues. And to those who upbraided the reformed with his fall, it was answered, that Liberius, whom they so much magnify, had fallen as foully upon a much slighter temptation, only out of a desire to reenter to his see, from which he had been banished ; and that he persisted much longer in it. 337 But now I shall give account of the rest that were burnt others suf- this year. On the 27th46 of January, Thomas Wirtle4?, a ^r*j^° priest ; Bartlet Green, a gentleman ; Thomas Brown, John account V B [Fox, vol. iii. p. 513.] 45 [There were several portraits the men was a gentyllman of the in the folio editions to which allusion ender Tempull; ys nam master is often made by the author, as well Gren ; and they wer all bornyd by as in the notes by Fulman, Baker, 9 at 3 postes ; and ther wher a and others.] commonment thrughe London 46 [Machyn's Diary, p. 99, assigns over nyght that no yong folke the date January 22. ' The 22 day shuld come ther, for ther the of January whent into Smythfeld to grettest number was as has byne heme, betwyn 7 and 8 in the morn- sene at shyche a tyme.'] yng, 5 men and 2 women ; one of 47 [Whittle. Fox.] 540 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. Tudson, and John Went, three tradesmen ; Isabel Foster and Joan Warne ; having all been presented because they came not to church ; articles were put to them, and upon their answers they were all condemned, and burnt in Smithfield at [Fox, vol. the same stake. And on the 31st of that month, John Lomas, and four women, were burnt at Canterbury. They were pre sented, because they came not to confession; whereupon articles being given them, they were found guilty of heresy, l*bld/ P- and burnt in one fire. In the beginning of March, two women [Ibid. were burnt at Ipswich : three tradesmen were burnt in Salis- [Plbid9'] buI7 on the 24th of March- 0n the 29th of April48, Robert p. 571.] Drakes, a priest; Wdliam Tyms, a deacon; and four trades men, that were sent out of Essex because they came not to church, were condemned, and all burnt together in Smithfield. [Ibid. p. John Hanpole, and Joan Booek49, were burnt at Rochester on [Thirlby's the first of April ; and on the second, John Hadier, a priest, Register, was burnt \n Canterbury50. [Fox, vol. Six tradesmen were sent up from Colchester ; and the bi- m. p. 5 J sh0p 0f London, who had hitherto kept his prisoners for some time, to see if he could prevail with them, growing weary of that fruitless labour, and becoming by many acts of cruelty less sensible of those affections which belong to human nature, did without any more ado exhibit the articles to them ; and they answering in the way he accounted heresy, he gave them time to consider if they would recant till the afternoon: but they continuing in the same mind, he condemned them, and sent them back to Colchester, were they were ad burnt in one fire. [Ibid. p. On the 15th of May he gave yet a more astonishing instance ''J of his barbarity51. Laverock, an old cripple, a man of sixty- 48 [Machyn's Diary, p. 104, says, burham ; of which vicarage he was 'The 24 day of Aprell, in the morn- first deprived and afterwards burnt yng betyme was cared to Smyth- for maintaining erroneous and here- ffeld to be bornyd 6 men ; and more tical opinions. Fox (p. 696.) like- was cared into the contry to be wise says he was burnt at Cam- bornyd.'] bridge, as also the letters of the 49 [John Harpole and Joan Beach, martyrs, p. 517. [B.] Fox.] »i ['The 15 day of May was 60 John Hullier, a priest, was cared in a care from Nuwgatt thrug burnt at Cambridge, as appears London unto Strettford-a-Bow to from Thirlby's register. He is there borne 2 men ; the on blyne, the said to have been vicar of Bad- thodur lame; and 2 tall men, the book n.] THE REFORMATION. (1556.) 541 eight years old, and John Ap-Priee, a blind man, were upon the like account condemned, and burnt in the same fire at Strat- ford-le-Bow ; they comforting one another, that they were now to be freed of their lameness and blindness. The day after, [Fox, vol. three women were burnt in Smithfield : another blind man, [i^id'A. with a tradesman, were burnt at Gloucester this month. On 589.] the 21st of the month, three were burnt at Beccles in Suffolk. On the 6th of June, four men were burnt at Lewes in Sussex. Pbl<*- P- Another was burnt there on the 20th, and one was burnt at Leicester on the 26th. But, on the 27th of June, Bonner made an unheard of execution of thirteen, whereof eleven were men, and two women, all burnt in one fire in Stratford-le- Bow52. He had condemned in all sixteen ; but, by what inter cession I do not know, three of them were preserved by a [Ibid. p. warrant from cardinal Pole. It seems Bonner thought it not worth the while to burn those singly, and therefore sent them in such droves to the stake : but whether the horror of this action, or the discontent because the cardinal had saved some of them, wrought on him, I know not ; the latter being the more likely : he burnt no more till April next year. The 30th of June three were burnt at Bury in Suffolk. On [Ibid. p. the 16th of July three men were burnt at Newbury. But this rf^ p_ July there was done in Guernsey an act of as great inhu- 6*5-] . . 1 j 1 A strange manity, as ever was recorded in any age. A mother and her barbarity two daughters were burnt at the same stake ; and one of them, at Gfb^_ a married woman, big with child, when she was in the fire, the ing a child violence of it bursting her belly, a boy fell out into the flame, thDf^_ that was snatched out of it by one that was more merciful than [ibid. p. the rest : but after they had a little consulted about it, the infant was thrown in again, and there was literally baptized with fire. There were many eyewitnesses of this, who attested it afterwards in queen Elizabeth's time, when the matter was inquired into, and special care was taken to have full and evi dent proofs of it. For indeed the fact was so unnatural, that a man must either be possessed with a very ill opinion of the one was a penter, the thodur a 52 [' The 27 day of June rod from clothworker; the penter ys name Nuwgatt unto Stretford-a-Bow in was Huw Loveroke, dwellyng in 3 cares 13, 11 men and 2 women, Seythen lane ; the blynd man dwell- and ther bornyd to 4 postes, and yng in sant Thomas apostylles.' ther were a 20,000 pepull.' Ma- Machyn's Diary, p. 105.] chyn's Diary, p. 108.] 542 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. actors, or be well satisfied about the number and credibility of the witnesses, before he could believe it. But lies and forge ries are seldom made of actions done in the face of the sun, [Fox, vol. and before so great an assembly as was present at this. There in, p. 627.] fore complaint being made of it to queen Elizabeth, the dean of Guernsey was put in prison for it : and afterwards, he and nine more, that were all accessary to it, took out their pardons. So merciful was the government then, to pardon an action of such a monstrous nature, because done with some colour of law : since it was said, the mother was condemned to be burnt, and no exception was made of her belly. On the 18th of July [Ibid. p. two women and one man were burnt at Greenstead. On the [Ibid. p. 1st of August Joan Waste, a blind woman, was burnt at Derby. rfw) ' ^n *^e ^^ °^ September one was burnt at Bristol ; and another 636.] " in the same place on the 25th of that month. On the 24th four were burnt at Mayfield in Sussex. On the 27th a man [Ibid. p. and a woman were burnt at Bristol: and on the 12th54 of "37] October a man was burnt at Nottingham. And thus ended the burning this year : those that suffered were in ad eighty- five. All these persons were presented as suspect of heresy, and were required to answer the questions that the bishop put to them ; which related to the corporal presence in the sacra ment, the necessity of auricular confession, or the sacrifice of the mass : and, upon the answers they made, were condemned to the fire. But none of them were accused of any violence committed on the persons of any churchman, or of any affront put on their religion ; and all their sufferings were merely for their conscience, which they kept as private as they could : so that it rather appeared in their abstaining from the communion of a church, which they thought had corrupted the chief parts of worship, than in any thing they had said or done. It was an unusual and an ungrateful thing to the English nation, that is apt to compassionate all in misery, to see four, five, six, seven, and once thirteen burning in one fire ; and the sparing neither sex nor age, nor blind nor lame, but making havoc of all equally : and above all, the barbarity of Guernsey raised that horror in the whole nation, that there seems ever since that time such an abhorrence to that religion to be derived 54 [Fox speaks of this case as that of a shoemaker at Northampton, October 11.] book n.] THE REFORMATION. (1556.) 543 down from father to son, that it is no wonder an aversion so deeply rooted, and raised upon such grounds, does upon every new provocation, or jealousy of returning to it, break out in most violent and convulsive symptoms. But all those fires did not extinguish the light of the reform- The refor- ation, nor abate the love of it. They spread it more, and 8preads for kindled new heats in men's minds ; so that what they had read au tn.e Per_ 11 secution. of the former persecutions under the heathens seemed to be now revived. This made those who loved the gospel meet oft to gether, though the malice of their enemies obliged them to do it with great caution and secresy ; yet there were sometimes at their meetings about 200. They were instructed and watched over by several faithful shepherds, who were widing to hazard their lives in feeding this flock committed to their care. The chief of these were Scambler and Bentham, afterwards pro moted by queen Elizabeth to the sees of Peterborough and Lich field : Foule, Bernher, and Rough, a Scotchman, that was af terwards condemned and burnt by Bonner. There was also care taken by their friends beyond sea to supply them with good books ; which they sent over to them for their instruction and encouragement. These that fled beyond sea went at first for the most part to France, where, though they were well used in opposition to the queen, yet they could not have the free exercise of their religion granted them ; so they retired to Geneva, and Zurich, and Arau, in Switzerland ; and to Stras burg and Frankfort in the upper Germany ; and to Emden in the lower. At Frankfort an unhappy difference fell in among some of The trou- them who had used before the English Liturgy, and did after- Frankfort wards comply with it, when they were in England, where it ^no"g,the had authority from the law ; yet they thought, that, being in there. foreign parts, they should rather accommodate their worship to those among whom they lived ; so, instead of the English Li turgy, they used one near the Geneva and French forms. Others thought, that when those in England, who had compiled their Liturgy, were now confirming what they had done with their blood, and many more were suffering for it, it was an high contempt of them and their sufferings to depart from these forms. This contradiction raised that heat, that Dr. Cox, who [Fuller, Ub. lived in Strasburg with his friend Peter Martyr, went thither ; vm- p' 3°-l 544 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. and, being a man of great reputation, procured an order from the senate, that the English forms should only be used in their church. This dissension being once raised, went further than perhaps it was at first intended. For those who at first liked the Geneva way better, that, being in foreign parts, they might all seem to be united in the same forms, now began to quarrel with some things in the English Liturgy ; and Knox, being a man of a hot temper, engaged in this matter very warmly ; and got his friend Calvin to write somewhat sharply of some things in the English service. This made Knox and his party leave Frankfort, and go to Geneva. Knox had also written in- [Troubles decently of the emperor, which obliged the senate of Frankfort forf p^i l to squire him to be gone out of their bounds. There fell in other contests, about the censuring of offences ; which some of the congregation would not leave in the hands of the ministers only, but would have it shared among the whole congregation. Upon these matters there arose great debates, and many papers were written on both sides, to the great grief of Parker and others, who lived privately in England ; and to the scandal of the strangers, who were not a little offended to see a company of people fly out of their country for their consciences, and, in stead of spending their time in fasting and prayer for their per secuted brethren at home, to fall into such quarrels about mat ters, which themselves acknowledged were not the substantiate of religion, nor points of conscience : in which certainly they began the breach, who departed from that way of worship which they acknowledged was both lawful and good. But there followed too much animosity on both sides, which were the seeds of all those differences that have since distracted this church. They who reflected on the contests that the Novatians raised, 340 both at Rome and Carthage, in Cyprian's time ; and the heats the Donatists brought into the African churches, soon after the persecution was over, found somewhat paradel both to these schisms now during the persecution, and to those afterwards raised when it was over. Pole is I now return to the affairs of England. On the 22nd of March, made arch- jj^ very " find in the counties a sufficient number of justices of peace that ously. '9 The reason given in the cardi- Fridesvidm jacebat corpus Catherine nal's letter for raising her body is uxoris Petri Martyris. [S.] Quoniam juxta corpus sanctissimm book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1557.) 555 would carefully look after it; and in towns they were gene rally harboured. Letters were written to some towns, as Co ventry and Rye, which are entered in the council-books, re commending some to be chosen their mayors, who were zealous catholics. It is probable, that the like letters might have been written to other towns; for the council-books for this reign are very imperfect and defective. But all this did not advance their design. The queen understood that the numbers of the heretics rather increased than abated : so new counsels- were to be taken. I find it said, that some advised that courts of inquisition, like those in Spain, might be set up in England. In Spain the inquisitors, who were then all Dominicans, re ceived private informations ; and upon these laid hold on any that were delated or suspected of heresy, and kept them close in their prisons till they formed their processes ; and, by all the ways of torture they could invent, forced from them confes sions, either against themselves or others, whom they had a mind to draw within their toils. They had so unlimited a jurisdiction, that there was no sanctuary that could secure any from their warrants ; nor could princes preserve or deliver men out of their hands ¦ nor were their prisoners brought to any public trial, but tried in secret ; one of the advocates of the court was for form's sake assigned to plead for them ; but was always more careful to please the court than to save his client. They proceeded against them, both by articles, which they were to answer, and upon presumptions; and it was a rare thing for any to escape out of their hands, unless they redeemed themselves, either by great presents, or by the dis covery of others. These had been set up first in the county of Toulouse, for the extirpation of the Albigenses ; and were afterwards brought into Spain, upon Ferdinand of Arragon's driving the Moors out of it, that so none of those might any 347 longer conceal themselves in that kingdom : who being a false and crafty sort of men, and certainly enemies to the govern ment, it seemed necessary to use more than ordinary severity to drive them out. But now those courts examined men sus pected of heresy, as well as of Mahometanism ; and had indeed effectually preserved Spain from any change in religion. This made the present pope earnest with all the princes of Christen dom to set up such courts in their dominions : and Philip was 556 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. so much of the same mind, that he resolved to have them set up in Flanders ; which gave the first rise to those wars that followed afterwards there, and ended in the loss of the seven provinces. A design to in England, they made now in February a good step to- inquisition wards it. For a commission was given to the bishops of London in England. an(j j^ the \or& North, secretary Bourne, sir John Mordaunt, sir Francis Englefield, sir Edward Walgrave, sir Nicholas Hare, sir Thomas Pope, sir Roger Cholmeley, sir Richard Read, sir Thomas Stradling, sir Rowland Hall, and sergeant Rastad ; Cole, dean of Paul's, William Roper, Randolph Cholmeley, and Wil liam Cook ; Thomas Martin, John Story, and John "Vaughan, doctors of the law, " That since many false rumours were pub- " lished among the subjects, and many heretical opinions were " also spread among them ; therefore they, or any three of them, " were to inquire into those, either by presentments, by wit- " nesses, or any other politic way they could devise ; and to " search after all heresies ; the bringers in, the sellers, or " readers of all heretical books. They were to examine and " punish ad misbehaviours or negligences in any church or " chape], and to try all priests that did not preach of the " sacrament of the altar ; ad persons that did not hear mass, " or come to their parish church to service ; that would not " go in processions, or did not take holy bread or holy water : " and if they found any that did obstinately persist in such " heresies, they were to put them into the hands of their ordi- " naries, to be proceeded against according to the laws : giving " them full power to proceed, as their discretions and con- " sciences should direct them ; and to use all such means as " they could invent for the searching of the premises : em- " powering them also to call before them such witnesses as " they pleased, and to force them to make oath of such things " as might discover what they sought after." This commission Collect. I have put in the Collection. It will shew how high they in tended to raise the persecution, when a power of such a nature was put into hands of any three of a number so selected. Be sides this, there were many subordinate commissions issued out. This commission seems to have been granted the former year, and only renewed now : for in the rolls of that year, I have met with many of those subaltern commissions relating to book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1557.) 557 • this, as superior to them. And on the 8th of March after this, a commission was given to the archishop of York, the bishop suffragan of Hull, and divers others, to the same effect ; but with this limitation, that if any thing appeared to them so in tricate that they could not determine it, they were to refer it to the bishop of London and his colleagues, who had a larger commission. So now, all was done that could be devised for extirpating of heresy, except courts of inquisition had been set up ; to which, whether this was not a previous step to dispose the nation to it, the reader may judge. 348 \ I shad next give an account of the burnings this year. On Proceed- the 15th of January six men were burnt in one fire at Can- thf^e?™3 terbury ; and at the same time two were burnt at Wye, and *^s- two at Ashford, that were condemned with the other six. iii. p! 655'.] Soon after the fore-mentioned commission, two and twenty K;1(i'p' were sent upfrom Colchester to London60: yet Bonner, though seldom guilty of such gentleness, was content to discharge them. As they were led through London, the people did openly shew their affection to them, above a thousand following them. Bonner, upon this, writ to the cardinal, that he found they were obstinate heretics : yet since he had been offended with him for his former proceedings, he would do nothing till he knew his pleasure. This letter is to be found in Fox. But [Ibia'- p- the cardinal stopped him ; and made some deal with the pri soners to sign a paper, of their professing that they believed that Christ's body and blood was in the sacrament, without any further explanation ; and that they did submit to the catholic church of Christ, and should be faithful subjects to the king and queen, and be obedient to their superiors, both spiritual and temporal, according to their duties. It is plain, this was so contrived, that they might have signed it, without either prevari cating or dissembling their opinions : for it is not said, "that they [ibid. p. " were to be subject to the church of Rome, but to the church °'J " of Christ ; and they were to be obedient to their superiors, " according to their duties ;" which was a good reserve for their consciences. I stand the longer on this, that it may ap pear how willing the cardinal was to accept of any show of submission from them, and to stop Bonner's rage. Upon this, they were set at liberty. But Bonner got three men and two 60 [The Chronicle of the Grey Friars, p.o8,seems to put this on Sept. 5,1556.] 558 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. women presented to him in London in January 61 ; and, after he had allowed them a little more time than he had granted [Fox, vol. others, they standing still firm to their faith, were burnt at m. p. o.j gm;thfield on the 12th of April. After that, White, the new bishop of Winchester, condemned three, who were burnt on the [Ibid. p. 3rd of62 May in Southwark; one of these, Stephen Gratwick, 2 'J being of the diocese of Chichester, appealed from him to his own ordinary : whether he expected more favour from him, or did it only to gain time, I know not ; but they brought in a counterfeit, who was pretended to be the bishop of Chichester, (as Fox has printed it, from the account written with the man's own hand,) and so condemned him. On the 7th of May, three [Ibid. p. were burnt at Bristol. On the 18th of June two men and five [Ibid. p. women were burnt at Maidstone. And on the 19th, three men °°7-] and four women were burnt at Canterbury ; fourteen being thus in two days destroyed by Thornton and Harpsfield. In which it may seem strange, that the cardinal had less influence to stop the proceedings in his own diocese, than in London : but he was now under the pope's disgrace, as shall be after- [Ibid. p. wards shewn. On the 22nd of June six men and four women °7J-] were burnt at Lewes in Sussex, condemned by White; for Christopherson, bishop elect of Chichester, was not yet conse- [Ibid. p. crated. On the 13th of July two were burnt at Norwich. On [i9bid p *^e ^n<* °^ August ten were burnt at Colchester, six in the 698.] morning, and four in the afternoon ; they were some of those who had been formerly discharged by the cardinal's orders. [61 'The 3 day of April five per- ken all this account, that this hap- sons out of Essex were condemned pened later than the 25th of May. for herese 3 men and 2 women, Machyn's Diary says, p. 136, 'The one woman with a staff in her hand 23 day of May dyd pryche the bys- to be bornyd in Smythfeld.' Ma- shope of Wynchaster doctur Whytt chyn's Diary, p. 130. From the at sant Mare Overes in Sowthwarke same diary it appears that they were and ther was a heretyke ther for to burnt April 6. ' The 6 day of Aprell heare the sermon.' Strype (Eccles. was bornyd in Smythfeld 5, 3 Mem. iii. p. 376) adds, that his men and two women for herese; name was Steven Gratwick, but on was a barber dwelling in Lym- gives no authority. Machyn, p. 137, strett and on woman waB the wyff of continues., 'The 28 day of May. . . . the Crane at the Crussyd-frersbesyd was bornyd beyond sant George's the Towre hille keping of a in ther. parryche 3 men for heresie a dyssyd Ibid. p. 131.] Nuwhyngtun.' Strype (ibid.) adds 62 [It appears from Fox, from that their names were Gratwick, whom the author seems to have ta- Morant and King.] book 11.] THE REFORMATION. (1537.) 559 But the priests in the country complained, that the mercy shewed to them had occasioned great disorders among them ; heretics and the favourers of them growing insolent upon it ; and those who searched after them being disheartened. So now, 349 Bonner, being under no more restraints from the cardinal, new complaints being made that they came not to church, con demned them upon their answers to the articles which he ob jected to them. At this time one George Eagle, a tailor, who used to go [ibid. p. about from place to place, and to meet with those who stood J for the reformation, where he prayed and discoursed with them about religion, and from his indefatigable diligence was nick named Trudge-over, was taken near Colchester, and was con demned of treason for gathering the queen's subjects together ; though it was not proved, that he had ever stirred them up to rebellion ; but did it only (as himself always protested) to en courage them to continue stedfast in the faith : he suffered as a traitor. On the 5th of August, one was burnt at Norwich ; [ibid. p. and on the 20th, a man and a woman more were burnt at Ro- r^'j Chester : one was also burnt at Lichfield, in August, but the p- 7°3-] day is not named. The same month, a complaint was brought to the council, of the magistrates of Bristol, that they came seldom to the ser mons at the cathedral; so that the dean and chapter used to go to their houses in procession with their cross carried before them, and to fetch them from thence : upon which, a letter was written to them, requiring them to conform them selves more willingly to the orders of the church, to frequent the sermons, and go thither of their own accord. On the 17th of September, three men and one woman were [Ibid. burnt at Islington near London63 ; and on the same day two m^f "2 women were burnt at Colchester. On the 20th, a man was 7I3-] burnt at Northampton ; and in the same month one was burnt at Laxefield in Suffolk. On the 23rd a woman was burnt at [ibid. p. Norwich. There were seventeen burnt in the diocese of Chi- m4-^. _# 63 ['The 17 day of September wyff dwelling in sant Donstans 7l6pl whentowtofNuwgattunto Yslyng- in the Est, of the est syd of sant ton beyonde the buthes towardes the Donstons cherche-yerd with master chyrche in a valley to be bornyd 3 Waters sargant of armes, and all ther men, on woman, for herese duly bornyngwas ' Machyn's.Diary, proved; 2 of them was man and p. 152.] 560 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. [Fox, vol. chester about this time ; one was a priest, thirteen were laymen, [ibid' p! an£l three women : but the day is not marked. On the 18th64 7J9-] of November three were burnt in Smithfield. On the 22nd of 722.] December John Rough, a Scotchman, was burnt, whose suffer- [Ibid. p. jn„ wag on tnjg occasion . Qn the 12th of December there was 723. j ° a private meeting of such as continued to worship God accord ing to the service set out by king Edward, at Islington ; where he was to have administered the sacrament according to the order of that book65. The new inquisitors had corrupted one of this congregation to betray his brethren ; so that they were apprehended as they were going to the communion. But Rough being a stranger, it was considered by the council, whether he should be tried as a native. He had a benefice in Yorkshire in king Edward's days ; so it was resolved, and signified to the bishop of London, that he should be proceeded against as a subject. Thereupon Bonner objected to him his condemning the doctrine of the church, and setting out the heresies of Cran mer and Ridley concerning the sacrament, and his using the service set out by king Edward ; that he had lived much with those who for their heresies had fled beyond sea ; that he had spoken reproachfully of the pope and cardinals, saying, that when he was at Rome he had seen a bull of the pope's that li censed stews, and a cardinal riding openly with his whore with him ; with several other articles. The greatest part of them he 64 [This is probably a mistake for men.'] the 13th of November. Machyn's 6fl ['The 12 day of December Diary, p. 157, says, 'The 12 day of being Sunday there met certain per- November ther was a post sett up sons that were Gospellers and some in Smythfeld for 3 that shuld have pretended players at Yslyngtun,tak- beyn bornyd, butt boyth wod and yng serten men and one Ruffe a colles ; and my lord abbott of West- Skott and a frere for the redyng of minster cam to Newgatt and talked a lecture and odur matters ; and the with them, and so they wher stayd communyon was played and should for that day of bornyng. have byne butt the gard came to sune 'The 13 day of November was or ever the chief matter was begone.' sant Erkenwald eve, the 4 and 5 Machyn's Diary, p. 160. yere of king and quen, whent owt 'The 20 day of Desember was of Newgatt unto Smythfeld to be condemnyd for herese ser John bornyd 3 men, on was Gybsun the Ruffe prest, a Skotte and a woman sun of sergantt Gybsun sergantt of to be bornyd in Smythfeld for ' armes, and of the reywelles, and of 'The 22 day of Desember were the kynges tenstes ; and 2 more, the bornyd in Smythfeld 2, one ser John whyche here be ther names — Gyb- Ruffe, the frere and a Skott, and a sun, Haliday and Sparow thes 3 woman for herese.' Ibid. p. 161.] book n.J THE REFORMATION. (1557.) 561 confessed, and thereupon he, with a woman that was one of the congregation, was burnt in Smithfield. And thus ended the burnings this year ; seventy-nine in all being burnt. 350 These severities against the heretics made the queen shew The lord less pity to the lord Stourton than perhaps might have been hanged for otherwise expected. He had been all king Edward's time a murder. most zealous papist, and did constantly dissent in parliament from the laws then made about religion. But he had the former year murdered one Argall and his son, with whom he [Godwin, had been long at variance : and, after he had knocked them down with clubs, and cut their throats, he buried them fifteen foot under ground, thinking thereby to conceal the fact ; but it breaking out, both he and four of his servants were taken, and indicted for it. He was found guilty of felony, and con demned to be hanged with his servants in Wiltshire, where the murder was committed. On the 6th of March they were "hanged at Salisbury66. All the difference that was made in [Ibid.] their deaths being only thus ; that whereas his servants were hanged in common halters, one of silk was bestowed on their lord. It seemed an indecent thing, when they were proceeding so severely against men for their opinions, to spare one that was guilty of so foul a murder, killing both father and son at the same time. But it is strange, that neither his quality, nor his former zeal for popery, could procure a change of the sen tence, from the more infamous way of hanging, to beheading ; which had been generally used to persons of his quality. It has been said, and it passes for a maxim of law, that though 66 ['The 28 day of January was Staynes, and so to Bassyngstoke, had to the Towre my lorde Sturton and so to Sturtun, to sufer deth, for murder of 2 gentyllmen, the fa- and ys 4 men.' Ibid. p. 127. 'The ther and the sune and ere, master 6 day of Marche .... was hangyd Argylles and ys sune, the wyche was at Salysbere in the markett plasse shamfully murdered in ys own the lord Sturtun for the deth of old plasse.' Machyn's Diary, p. 125. master Argy He and yong Argyll ys 'The 2 day of Marche rod from the sune; the wyche they wher sham- Towre my lord Sturtun with ser fully murdered by tbe lord, and dy- Robart Oxinbryge the leyff-tenantt vers of ys servandes ; the wyche he and 4 of my lordes servandes and mad grett lamentasyon at ys deth with serten of the gard, thrugh for that wyllfull ded that was done, London, and so to Honsley, and and sayd as he was on the ladder ther lay alle nyght at the seyne of ' Ibid. p. 128.J the Angell, and the morow after to BURNET, PART II. O 0 562 THE HISTORY OF [part n. in judgments of treason the king can order the execution to be by cutting off the head, since it being a part of the sentence, that the head shall be severed from the body, the king may in that case remit all the other parts of the sentence except that; yet in felonies the sentence must be executed in the way prescribed by law ; and that, if the king should order beheading instead of hanging, it would be murder in the sheriff, and those that execute it : so that in such a case they must have a pardon under the great seal for kiding a man unlawfully. But this seems to be taken up without good grounds, and against clear precedents : for in the former reign the duke of Somerset, though condemned for felony, yet was beheaded. And in the reign of king Charles the First, the lord Audley being likewise condemned for felony, all the judges delivered their opinions, that the king might change the exe cution from hanging to beheading ; which was done, and was not afterwards questioned. So it seems the hanging the lord Stourton flowed not from any scruple as to the queen's power of doing it lawfully, but that on this occasion she resolved to give a public demonstration of her justice and horror at so cruel a murder ; and therefore she left him to the law, without [March 2.] taking any further care of him. On the last of February he was sent from London, with a letter to the sheriff of Wiltshire, to receive his body, and execute the sentence given against him and his servants ; which was accordingly done, as has been already shewn. Upon this, the papists took great ad vantage to commend the strictness and impartiality of the queen's justice, that would not spare so zealous a catholic, when guilty of so foul a murder. It was also said, that the killing of men's bodies was a much less crime than the killing of souls, which was done by the propagators of heresy ; and therefore if the queen did thus execute justice on a friend, for that which was a lesser degree of murder, they who were her enemies, and guilty of higher crimes, were to look for no mercy. Indeed, as the poor protestants looked for none, so they met with very little, but what the cardinal shewed them ; 351 and he was now brought under trouble himself for favouring thorn too much, it being that which the pope made use of to cover his malice against him. Now' the war had again broken out between France and book n.J THE REFORMATION. (1557.) 563 Spain, and the king studied to engage the English to his assistance. The queen had often complained to the French court, that the fugitives, who left her kingdom, had been well entertained in France. She understood that the practices of Wiat, and of her other rebellious subjects, were encouraged from thence ; particularly of Ashton, who went often between the two kingdoms, and had made use of the lady Elizabeth's name to raise seditions, as will appear by a letter (that is in the Collection) which some of the council writ to one that Collect. attended that princess. She was indeed the more strictly kept, and worse used upon that occasion. But besides, it so hap pened, that this year one Stafford had gone into France, and gathered some of the English fugitives together, and with money and ships, that were secretly given him by that court, had come and seized on the castle of Scarborough : from whence he published a manifesto against the queen, that, by bringing in the Spaniards, she had fallen from her right to the kingdom ; of which he declared himself protector. The earl of Westmoreland took the castle on the last of April ; and Staf- [Holin- sited TJ ford, with three of his complices, being taken, suffered as 1133'.] ' traitors on the 28th of May. His coming out of France added The queen much to the jealousy, though the French king disowned that jeai0UB of he had given him any assistance. But Dr .Wotton, who was then theFrench. ambassador there, resolved to give the queen a more certain discovery of the inclinations of the French, that so he might engage her in the war, as was desired by Philip : he therefore caused a nephew of his own to come out of England, whom when he had secretly instructed, he ordered him to desire to be admitted to speak with the French king ; pretending that he was sent from some that were discontented in England, and desired the French protection. But the king would not see him till he had first spoken with the constable. So Wotton was brought to the constable ; and Melville, from whose Me- [Melville's -r 1 i • -ii i ¦ mi Memoirs, moirs 1 draw this, was called to interpret. Ihe young manpp. 332- first offered him the service of many in England : that, partly 33S'J upon the account of religion, partly for the hatred they bore the Spaniards, were ready, if assisted by France, to make stirs there. The constable received and answered this but coldly ; and said, he did not see what service they could do his master in it. Upon which he replied, they would put Calais into his. 002 war. 564 THE HISTORY OF [vart ii. hands. The constable, not suspecting a trick, started at that, and shewed great joy at the proposition : but desired to know how it might be effected. Young Wotton told him, there were a thousand protestants in it, and gave him a long formal pro ject of the way of taking it ; with which the constable seemed pleased, and had much discourse with him about it : he pro mised him great rewards, and gave him directions how to pro ceed in the design. So the ambassador, having found out what he had designed to discover, sent his nephew over to the queen ; who was thereupon satisfied that the French were re solved to begin with her, if they found an opportunity. Her husband king Philip, finding it was not so easy by letters or messages to draw her into the war, came over himself about 352 the 20th of May, and stayed with her till the beginning of July. In that time he prevailed so far with her and the council, that she sent over a herald with a formal denunciation And de- of war, who made it at Rheims, where the king then was, on nounces tke y^ 0f june_ g00n after> she sent over 8000 men, under the command of the earl of Pembroke, to join the Spanish army, that, consisting of near 50,000 men, sat down before St. Quintin's. The constable was sent to raise the siege with a The great great force, and all the chief nobility of France. When the defeat ^w0 arm;es were jn v;ew 0f one another, the constable intended given the „ m ' French to draw back his army ; but by a mistake in the way of it, Quintin's. tne7 ^ *n some disorder. The Spaniards upon that falling [Aug. 10. on them, did, with the loss only of 50 of their men, gain an p. 1 134.] ' entire victory. 2500 were killed on the place, the whole army was dispersed, many of the first quality were killed, the con stable with many others were taken prisoners. The French king was in such a consternation upon it, that he knew not which way to turn himself. Now all the French cursed the pope's counsels, for he had persuaded their king to begin this war, and that with a manifest breach of his faith. This action lost the constable that great reputation which he had acquired and preserved in a course of much success; and raised the credit of the duke of Guise, who was now sent for in all haste, to come with his army out of Italy, for the preservation of his own country. France indeed was never in greater danger than at that time : for if king Philip had known how to have used his success, and inarched on to Paris, he could have met bookii.J THE REFORMATION. (1558.) 565 with no resistance. But he sat down before St. Quintin's, which Coligny kept out so long, till the first terror was over that so great a victory had raised : and then, as the French took heart again, so the Spaniards grew less, as well in strength as repu tation ; and the English, finding themselves not well used, returned home into their country. As soon as the pope heard that England had made war upon France, he was not a little inflamed with it : and his wrath was much heightened, when he heard of the defeat at St. Quintin's ; and that the duke of Guise's army was recalled out of Italy ; by which he was exposed to the mercy of the Spaniards. He The pope is now said openly, they might see how little cardinal Pole re- ^h cardi- garded the apostolic see, when he suffered the queen to assist nalPole. their enemies against their friends. The pope being thus in censed against Pole, sought all ways to be revenged of him. At first he made a decree (in May this year) for a general re vocation of all legates and nuncios in the king of Spain's domi nions ; and among these, cardinal Pole was mentioned with the rest. But Came understanding this, went first to the cardi nals, and informed them what a prejudice it would be to their religion to recal the cardinal while things were yet in so un settled a state in England. Of this they were all very sensi ble, and desired him to speak to the pope about it. So, in an audience he had of him, he desired a suspension might be made of that revocation. The pope pretended he did it in general in all the Spanish dominions ; yet he promised Carne to propose it to the congregation of the inquisition, but he was resolved not to recal it ; and said, it did not consist with the majesty of the place he sat in to revoke any part of a decree which he had solemnly given. In the congregation, the pope endeavoured to have got the concurrence of the cardinals, but 353 they were unwilling to join in it. So he told Came, that though he would recal no part of his decree, yet he would give orders that there should be no intimation made of it to cardinal Pole ; and that if the queen writ to him to desire his conti nuance in England, it might be granted. He also let fall some words to Carne of his willingness to make peace with king Philip ; and indeed at that time he was much distasted with the French. Of this, Carne advertised the king, though he was then so much better acquainted with the pope's dissimula- 566 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. tion than formerly, that he did not lay much weight on what he said to him ; as will appear by the despatch he made upon Collect. this occasion, which is in the Collection. Whether the queen ' 34' did upon this write to the pope, or not, I do not know. It is probable 6? she did : for this matter lay asleep till September ; and then the pope did not only recal Pole, but intended to destroy him. He did not know where to find a person to set up against the cardinal, since Gardiner was dead, and none of the other bishops in England were great enough, or sure enough to him, to be raised to so high a dignity. Peto, the Franciscan friar, seemed a man of his own temper, because he had railed against king Henry so boldly to his face ; and he being chosen by the queen to be her confessor, was looked on as the fittest to be advanced. So the pope wrote for him into England ; and when he came to Rome, made him a cardi- And recals na^ ' anc^ sen* over ^s duHsj declaring that he recaded Pole's his lega- legatine power, and required him to come to Rome, to answer p wer. £-or gome accusations he had received of him, as a favourer of heretics. This might have perhaps been grounded on his dis charging that year so many delated of heresy68, upon so am biguous a submission as they had made. The pope also wrote to the queen, that he was to send over cardinal Peto with full power, requiring her to receive him as the legate of the apo stolic see. The queen called for the bulls; and, according to the way formerly practised in England, and still continued in Spain, when bulls that were unacceptable were sent over, she ordered them to be laid up without opening them. It has been shewn in the former part, how archbishop Chichely, when he was so proceeded against by pope Martin, appealed to the next general council ; and some that desired to see the form of such appeals in those ages, have thought it an omission in me, that I had not published his appeal in the Collection of Records at the end of that work ; therefore, upon this occasion, I shall refer the reader to it, which he will find in the Collection. But Numb. 35. now, cardinal Pole resolved to behave himself with more sub- 67 The queen and Philip both this by another letter. [S.] [See wrote to the pope in favour of car- both letters in Mem. Eccles. iii. App. ninal Pole. The letter is dated pp. 23i-2«.~| May_2 1, _ shewing how serviceable 68 They were twenty-two in num- he had been in restoring religion in ber; their submission is in Fox, p. England. The parliament seconded 1792. [S.l book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1558.) 567 mission. For though the queen had ordered the pope's breve to him not to be delivered, yet of himself he laid down the en signs of his legatine power : and sent Ormaneto, who had the [Hist, of title of the pope's datary, and was his friend and confidant, to ^"n" give an account of his whole behaviour in England; and to p- 379-] clear him of these imputations of heresy. This he did with so much submission, that he mollified the pope : only he said, that Pole ought not to have consented to the queen's joining in war with the enemies of the holy see. Peto had begun his journey to England : but the queen sent him word not to come over ; The queen otherwise she would bring him, and all that owned his author- aanuTof0 ity, within the praemunire. So he stopped69 in his journey ; cardinal and, dying in April following, enjoyed but a short while his newiegate. new dignity; together with the bishopric of Salisbury, to which 354 the pope had advanced him, clearly contrary to the old law then in force against provisions from Rome. This storm against Pole went soon over, by the peace that was made between Philip and the pope ; of which it wdl not be unpleasant to give the relation. The duke of Guise having carried his army out of Italy, the duke of Alva marched to wards Rome, and took and spoiled all places on his way. When he came near Rome, all was in such confusion, that he might have easily taken it ; but he made no assault. The pope called the cardinals together, and, setting out the danger he was in with many tears, said, he would undauntedly suffer martyrdom ; which they, who knew that the trouble he was in flowed only from his restless ambition and fierceness, could scarce hear without laughter. The duke of Alva was willing to treat. madTiTe- The pope stood high on the points of honour ; and would needs tween ^e keep that entire, though he was forced to yield in the chief the king matters: he said, rather than lose one jot that was due to of sPain- him, he would see the whole world ruined ; pretending, it was Council of Trent, p. 380.] 69 From the answer to 'English 14, cap. 2, 5, and that he was then Justice' (supposed to be wrote by an old decrepit man; besides other sir William Cecil, or by his order) authorities that might be named if it appears that Peto was now in it were material. It was the bulls England, p. 20, 23, &c. Edit. Eat. that were stopped at Calais, with p. 28 ; as likewise from the Answer, the nuncio or bearer, which may p. 147, 159. Ciaconius says the have occasioned the mistake of God- same thing, an. Dom. 1557, and win and others. [B.] Pallavicini, Hist. Cone. Trid. lib. 568 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. not his own honour, but Christ's, that he sought. In fine, the duke of Alva was required by him to come to Rome, and on his knees to ask pardon for invading the patrimony of the church, and to receive absolution for himself and his master. He being superstitiously devoted to the papacy, and having got satis faction in other things, consented to this. So the conqueror was brought to ask pardon, and the vain pope received him, and gave him absolution with as much haughtiness and state as if he had been his prisoner. This was done on the 14th of September ; and the news of it being brought into England on the 6th of October, letters were written by the council to the lord mayor and aldermen of London, requiring them to come to St. Paul's, where high mass was to be said for the peace now concluded between the pope and the king ; after which bonfires were ordered. One of the secret articles of the peace was the restoring Pole to his legatine power. The begin- War being now proclaimed between England and France, wargb°- a the French sent to the Scottish queen regent to engage Scot- tween land in a war with England. Hereupon a convention of the England ° . . r ,.„ and Scot- estates was called. But in it there were two different parties. land. Those of the clergy liked now the English interest as much as they had been formerly jealous of it ; and so refused to engage [Buchanan, in the war, since they were at peace with England. They had also a secret dislike to the regent, for her kindness to the heretical lords. On the other hand, those lords were ready enough to gain the protection of the regent, and the favour of France; and therefore were ready to enter into the war, hoping that thereby they should have their party made the stronger in Scotland, by the entertainment that the queen re gent would be obliged to give to such as should fly out of Eng land for religion. Yet the greater part of the convention were against the war. The queen regent thought at least to engage the kingdom in a defensive war, by forcing the English to begin with them. Therefore she sent d'Oyselle, who was in chief command, to fortify Aymouth ; which by the last treaty with England was to be unfortified. So the governor of Berwick making inroads into Scotland, for the disturbing of their works; upon that d'Oyselle began the war, and went into England, and besieged Warwick Castle. The Scottish lords upon this met at Edinburgh, and complained that d'Oyselle was engaging them 355 book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1557.) 569 in a war with England without their consent, and required him to return back, under pain of being declared an enemy to the nation ; which he very unwillingly obeyed. But while he lay there, the duke of Norfolk was sent down with some troops to defend the marches. There was only one engagement between him and the Kers; but, after a long dispute, they were de feated, and many of them taken. The queen regent, seeing [Buchanan, her authority was so little considered, writ to France to hasten P- 3°9-l the marriage of her daughter to the dauphin ; for that he being thereupon invested with the crown of Scotland, the French would become more absolute. Upon this a message was sent from France to a convention of estates that sat in December, to let them know, that the dauphin was now coming to be of age, and therefore they desired they would send over some to treat about the articles of the marriage. They sent the archbishop of Glasgow, the bishop of Orkney, the prior of St. Andrew's, who afterwards was earl of Murray, the earls of Rothes and Cassillis, the lord Fleming, and the provosts of Edinburgh and Montrose, some of every estate, that in the name of the three estates they might conclude that treaty. These wars coming upon England when the queen's treasure was quite exhausted, it was not easy to raise money for carry ing them on. They found such a backwardness in the last parliament, that they were afraid the supply from thence would not come easily, or at least that some favour would be desired for the heretics. Therefore they tried first to raise money by sending orders under the privy-seal for the borrow ing of certain sums. But though the council writ many letters to set on those methods of getting money ; yet they being without, if not against law, there was not much got this way : so that after all it was found necessary to summon a parlia ment, to assemble on the 20th of January. In the end of the year the queen had advertisements sent her from the king, that he understood the French had a design on Calais ; but she, either for want of money, or that she thought the place secure in the winter, did not send those supplies that were necessary ; and thus ended the affairs of England this year. In Germany there was a conference appointed to bring The affairs matters of religion to a fuller settlement : twelve papists and °^Germa- twelve protestants were appointed to manage it. Julius Pflugius, [Aug. 14. 570 THE HISTORY OF [parth. Hist, of that had drawn the Interim, being the chief of the papists, Trent ^ move(*» tnat ^eJ s"ould begin first with condemning the heresy 382] of Zuinglius. Melancthon upon that said, it was preposterous to begin with the condemnation of errors till they had first settled the doctrines of religion. Yet that which the papists expected followed upon this ; for some of the fiercer Lutherans, being much set against the Zuinglians, agreed to it. This raised heats among themselves, which made the conference break up, without bringing things to any issue. Upon this occasion, men could not but see that artifice of the Roman church, which has been often used before and since with too great success. When they cannot bear down those they call heretics with open force, their next way is to divide them among themselves, and to engage them into heats about those lesser matters in which they differ ; hoping that, by those animosities, their endeavours, which being united would be dangerous to the common enemy, may not only be broken, but directed one against another. This is well enough known to all the reformed : and yet many of 356 them are so far from considering it, that upon every new occa sion they are made Use of to serve the same designs ; never reflecting upon the advantages that have been formerly taken from such contentions. Apersecu- In Erance the number of the protestants was now increased testants in much : and in Paris, in September this year, there was a France. meeting of about two hundred of them in St. Germains, to re- [Thuanus, ° ' xix. 15. ceive the sacrament according to the way of Geneva; which p. 664.] being known to some of their neighbours, they furnished them selves with stones to throw at them when they broke up their meeting. So, when it was late, as they went home, stones were cast at some of them ; and the enraged zealots forced the doors, and broke in upon the rest. The men, drawing their swords, made their way through them, and most of them escaped ; but one hundred and sixty women 7°, with some few men, delivered themselves prisoners to the king's officers that came to take them. Upon this there were published all the blackest calumnies that could be devised, of the loose and pro miscuous embraces that had been in this meeting; and so exactly had their accusers copied from what the heathens had 70 [' Foeminse atque imbellis sexus rerum capitalium qusesitori se tra- numero fere 120 Joanni Martinio didere.' Thuanus, p. 664.] book n.] THE REFORMATION. (1558.) 571 anciently charged on the meetings of the Christians, that it was said, they found -the blood of a child, whom they had sacrificed and eaten among them. These things were confi dently told-at court, where none durst contradict them for fear of being judged a favourer of them. But afterwards there was printed an apology for the protestants. In it they gloried - much, that the same false accusations, by which the heathens had defamed the primitive Christians, were now cast on them. Those that were taken were proceeded against ; six men and one woman were burnt. Tt had gone further, if there had not come envoys, both from the German princes and the cantons of Switzerland, to interpose for them : upon which, since the king needed assistance in his wars, especially from the latter, the prosecution was let fad. The pope was much troubled when he heard that the king would exercise no further seve rity on the heretics: and though himself had hired them in his wars, yet, he said, the affairs of France could not succeed as long as their king had so many heretics in his army. That [Hist, of king had also made two constitutions that gave the pope great Cf0mncilt offence ; the one, that marriages made by sons under thirty, p. 381.] and daughters under twenty-five, without their father's con sent, should be void : the other was, for charging the eccle siastical benefices with a tax, and requiring all bishops and curates to reside on their benefices. So scandalous a thing was non-residence then held, that every where the papists were ashamed of it. Upon which the pope complained anew, that the king presumed to meddle with the sacraments, and to tax the clergy. The beginning of the next year was famous for the loss of Calais is Calais. The lord Wentworth had then the command of it ; but besieged, the garrison consisted only of 500 men, and there were not [stow, above 200 of the townsmen that could be serviceable in a siege. p" 32"l The duke of Guise, having brought his army out of Piedmont, was now in France ; and being desirous, when the constable was a prisoner, to do some great action which might raise him in reputation above the other, who was his only competitor 357 in France, set his thoughts on Calais, and the territory about it. There were two forts on which the security of the town de pended. The one, Newnambridge, a mile from it, that com manded the avenues to it from the land ; from which to the 572 THE HISTORY OF [pA«T "• town there was a way raised through a marsh lying on both hands of it. On the other side, to the sea, the fort of Risbank commanded the harbour ; so that the whole strength of the place lay in those two forts. [Thuanus, On the first of January the duke of Guise came and sat pX677-l down Defore li- Tne governor having but a small force within, did not think fit to weaken it by sending such supplies as those forts required ; so they were taken without any opposition. Then the town being thus shut up, the enemy pressed it hard, and drew the water out of its current, by which the ditches about the town and castle were drained ; and, having prepared devices for their soldiers to pass them without sticking in the mire, they made the assault, after they had opened a great breach by their ordnance : and, when the sea was out, others crossed on that side, and so carried the castle by storm ; which the governor had looked on as impregnable, and so had brought his chief force to the defence of the town. Seeing the castle thus unexpectedly lost, he did all he could with his small force to regain it ; but, being still repulsed, and having lost 200 of And taken, his best men, he was forced to render the place on the 7th of Ibid. p. January. By their articles, all the townsmen and soldiers were 679-l to go whither they pleased, only he and fifty more were to be [Grafton's prisoners of war. Thus, in one week's time, and in winter, was U p°558.' so strong a town lost by the English, that had been for many ed. Lond. ages in their hands. It was taken 210 years ago by Edward III. after the battle of Cressy ; and was still called the key of France, as long as it continued in English hands. But now, in a time of war, it was in as ill a condition as if they had been in the profoundest peace : and though Philip had offered to put men into it, yet the English, being jealous that those advertise ments were but artifices of his to persuade them to admit a Spanish garrison into it, left it in so naked a condition, that the governor could do little to preserve it. But yet, that it might appear he had not been too careful of himself, he was content to agree that he should be a prisoner of war. Guisnes From this the duke of Guise went to Guisnes, commanded by rest of that the lord Grey; whose garrison consisted of about 1 100 men: but territory the loss of Calais had much disheartened them. At the first taken by . _ . theFrench. impression the French carried the town, and the garrison re- [Thuanus, tjre(j jnto ^ castle ; but Grey, breaking out on the soldiers, p-68o.] book n.] THE REFORMATION. (15,58.) 573 that were fallen to plundering, did beat them out again, and burnt the town. The French battered the castle till they made a breach in the outworks of it, which they carried, after a long resistance, in which the English lost 300 : so the lord Grey was fain to render it, he and all the officers being made prisoners of war. There was another castle in that little county, Hammes, which lay in such a marsh that it was thought inaccessible ; but the garrison that was in it aban doned it, without staying till the enemy came before them. The French writers speak more meanly of the resistance made by the lord Grey than of that made by the lord Wentworth ; for they went out of Guisnes about 800 soldiers, whereas there went not out of Calais above 300. But one of our own writers [Stow, p. magnifies the lord Grey, and speaks dishonourably of the lord r^2' ^ er~ 358 Wentworth ; adding, which was an invention of his own, that Grafton, ii. he was attainted for the losing of Calais. All that historian^ [stow, p. ground for it is only this ; that there was indeed a mock-cita- 634-] tion issued out against the lord Wentworth, to which he could not appear, being not free from his imprisonment by the French all this reign ; but he came over in the beginning of the next, when, the treaty of peace being on foot, he obtained his liberty, and was tried by his peers in the first parliament in queen Elizabeth's reign, and acquitted. It was, as he alleged for himself, his misfortune to be employed in a place, where he had not so much as a fourth part of that number of men that was necessary to hold out a siege. But, in the declinations of all governments, when losses fall out, they must be cast on those that are intrusted, to excuse those who are much more guilty, by neglecting to supply them as the service required. Among the prisoners, one of the chief was sir Edward Grimston, the comptroller of Calais, and a privy counsellor. He had often, according to the duty of his place, given advertisement of the ill condition the garrison was in : but whether those to whom he writ were corrupted by French money, or whether the low state of the queen's treasury made that they were not supplied, is not certain. It was intended he should not come over to discover that : and therefore he was let lie a prisoner in the Bastile ; and no care was taken of him, or the other prisoners. The ransom set on him was so high, that, having lost a great estate, which he had purchased about Calais, he resolved not 574 THE HISTORY OF [part u. to do any further prejudice to his family by redeeming his li berty at such a rate ; and intended either to continue a pri soner, or make his escape. He lay above two years in the Bastile, and was lodged in the top of it. At the end of that time he procured a file, and so cut out one of the bars of the window, and, having a rope conveyed to him, he changed clothes with his servant, and went down on the rope ; which proving a great deal too short, he leaped a great way, and, having done that before the gates were shut, made his escape without being discovered. But his beard, which was grown long, made him fear he should be known by it: yet by a happy providence he found in the pockets of his servant's clothes a pair of scissors, and, going into the fields, did so cut his beard, that he could not have been known; and having learnt the art of war in the company of the Scotch guard de Manche, he spake that dialect : so he passed as a Scotch pil grim, and by that means escaped into England. And there he offered himself to a trial ; where, after the evidence was brought, his innocence did so clearly appear, that the jury were ready to give their verdict without going from the bar. So he was acquitted and lived to a great age, dying in his 98th year. He was great grandfather to my noble patron and bene factor sir Harbottle Grimston, which has made me the more willing to enlarge thus concerning him, to whose heir I owe the chief opportunities and encouragements I have had in com posing of this work. Now the queen had nothing left of all those dominions that her ancestors had once in France, but the isles of Jersey, Sark taken Guernsey, Alderney, and Sark. The last of these, being a French ¦ naked place, only inhabited by some hermits, but having the advantage of a harbour, the French made themselves masters of it. The strength of it consisted in the difficulty of the ascent; the little fort they had being accessible but in one place, where two could only go up abreast. So an ingenious 359 Fleming resolved to beat them out of it : he came thither, and, pretending he had a friend dead in his ship, offered them a And re- good present if he might bury him within their chapel. The **kf" !?y- French consented to it, if he would suffer himself and his men ous strata- to be so narrowly searched, that they might not bring so much gem' as a knife ashore. This he consented to ; and, as he landed book ii.] the REFORMATION. (1558.) 575 with his coffin, the Frenchmen were to send some to his ship to receive the present. So the coffin being carried into the chapel, and the French apprehending nothing from unarmed men, the coffin was opened, which was full of good arms, and every man furnishing himself, they broke out upon the French, and took them all ; as their companions in the ship did those who went aboard to bring the present. The news of the loss of Calais filled England with great dis- Great dis content. Those who were otherwise dissatisfied with the con- England.1" duct of affairs, took great advantages from it to disparage the government, which the queen had put into the hands of priests, who understood not war, and were not sensible of the honour of the nation. It was said, they had drained her treasury by the restitutions and foundations they got her to make ; and, being sensible how much the nation hated them, they had set the queen on other ways of raising money than by a parliament : so that never did the parliament meet with greater disorder and trouble than now. But that loss affected none so deeply as the queen herself, who was so sensible of the dishonour of it, that she was much oppressed with melancholy, and was never cheerful after it. Those who took on them to make comments on divine Providence, expounded this loss as their affections led them. Those of the reformation said, it was God's heavy judgment upon England for rejecting the light of his gospel, and persecuting such as stid adhered to it. But, on the other hand, the papists said, Calais could not pros per, since it had been a receptacle of heretics, where the laws against them had never been put in execution. King Philip* as soon as he heard of this loss, wrote over to England, de siring them to raise a great force with all possible haste, and send it over to recover Calais before it was fortified ; and he would draw out his army, and join with them : for if they did not retake it before the season of working about it came on, it was irrecoverably lost. Upon which there was a long con sultation held about it. They found they could not to any purpose send over under 20,000 men ; the pay of them for five months would rise to 170,000Z. Garrisons, and an army against the Scots, and securing the coasts against the French, would come to 1 50,000Z. The setting out of a fleet, and an army by sea, would amount to 200,000£. ; and yet all that would be too 576 THE HISTORY OF [part II. Collect. Numb. 36. A parlia ment is called. [Wilkins, iv. 156.] [Cap. 10. Statutes, vol. iv. p. 332.] [Journal of Commons, P- 47-1 [Cap. 11. Statutes,vol. iv. p. .336-] little, if the Danes and Swedes, which they were afraid of, should join against them. There was also great want of am munition and ordnance, of which they had lost vast quanti ties in Calais and Guisnes. All this, would rise to be above 520,000/., and they doubted much whether the people would endure such impositions, who were now grown stubborn, and talked very loosely : so they did not see how they could possi bly enter into any action this year. One reason among the rest was suggested by the bishops : they saw a war would oblige them to a greater moderation in their proceedings at 360 home ; they had not done their work, which they hoped a little more time would perfect; whereas a slackening in that Would raise the drooping spirits of those whom they were now pursuing. So they desired another year to prosecute them, in which time they hoped so to clear the kingdom of them, that with less danger they might engage in a war the year after. Nor did they think it would be easy to bring new raised men to the hardships of so early a campaign ; and they thought the French would certainly work so hard in repairing the breaches, that they would be in a good condition to endure a strait and long siege. All this they wrote over to the king on the first of February, as appears from their letter, which will be found in the Collection. The parliament was opened on the 20th of January ; where the convocation, to be a good example to the two houses, granted a subsidy of eight shdlings in the pound, to be paid in four years. In the house of peers, the abbot of Westminster, and the prior of St. John of Jerusalem, took their places ac cording to their writs. Tresham, that had given great assist ance to the queen upon her first coming to the crown, was now made prior. But how much was done towards the endowing of that house, which had been formerly among the richest of England, I do not know. On the 24th of January the lords sent a message to the commons, desiring that the speaker, with ten or twelve of that house, should meet with a committee of the lords ; which being granted, the lords proposed, that the commons would consider of the defence of the kingdom. What was at first demanded, does not appear ; but, after several days arguing about it, they agreed to give one subsidy, a fif teenth and a tenth : and ordered the speaker to let the queen book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1558.) 577 know what they had concluded ; who sent them her hearty thanks for it. Then, complaints being made of some French- [c,aP- 6- men, that were not denizens, it was carried, that they should 326.] go out of the kingdom, and not return during the war. The abbot of Westminster, finding the revenues of his house were much impaired, thought, that, if the old privileges of the sanctuary were confirmed, it would bring him in a good reve nue from those that fled to it ; so he pressed for an act to con firm it. He brought a great many ancient grants of the kings of England, which the queen had confirmed by her letters patents; but they did not prevail with the house, who pro ceeded no further in it. In this parliament the procurers of [Cap. 4. wilful murder were denied the benefit of clergy; which was L^'W' carried in the house of lords by the greater number, as it is in their Journals : the bishops did certainly oppose it, though [Journal of none of them entered their dissent. Sir Ambrose and sir Ro- SI°s.]S' P' bert Dudley, two sons of the late duke of Northumberland, [Ibid. p. were restored in blood. The countess of Sussex's jointure was ^-J taken from her, for her living in adultery so publicly, as was 527.] formerly mentioned. In the end of the session, a bill was put [Cap.i. in for the confirming of the queen's letters patents : it was de- 3,^j p' signed chiefly for confirming the religious foundations she had made. As this went through the house of commons, one Cox- [March 5. ley 72 said, he did not approve such a general confirmation of commons those she had given, or might give, lest this might be a colour P- 5°-l for her to dispose of the crown from the right inheritors. The 361 house was much offended at this ; and expressed such dislike at the imagination that the queen would alienate the crown, that they both shewed their esteem for the queen, and their resolution to have the crown descend after her death to her sister. Coxley?3 was made to withdraw, and voted guilty of [Ibid. great irreverence to the queen. He asked pardon, and desired it might be imputed to his youth : yet he was kept in the ser geant's hands till they had sent to the queen to desire her to forgive his offence. She sent them word, that at their suit she forgave it ; but wished them to examine him, from whence that motion sprung. There is no more entered about it in the 71 The complaint was made against able. [S.] all the French denizens as well as 72 Coxley read Copley. [S.] others, but the act was more favour- 73 Coxley read Copley. [S.] BURNET, PART II. P p 578 THE HISTORY OF [part n. Journal, so that it seems to have been let fall. The parlia- [Nov. 5.] ment waSj 0n the 7th of March, prorogued to the 7th of No vember ?4. The king Soon after this, the king of Sweden sent a message secretly treatTa6" to the lady Elizabeth, who was then at Hatfield, to propose marriage marriage to her. King Philip had once designed to marry her lady Eliza- to the duke of Savoy, when he was in hope of children by the beth ; queen ; but that hope vanishing, he broke it off, and intended to reserve her for himself. How far she entertained that mo tion, I do not know : but for this from Sweden, she rejected it, since it came not to her by the queen's direction. But to that it was answered, the king of Sweden would have them begin with herself, judging that fit for him, as he was a gentleman ; and her good liking being obtained, he would next, as a king, address himself to the queen. But she said, as she was to entertain no such propositions unless the queen sent them to her ; so, if she were left to herself, she assured them she would not change her state of life. Upon this the queen sent sir Thomas Pope to her in April, to let her know how wed she approved of the answer she had made to them ; but they had now delivered their letters, and made the proposition to her, in which she desired to know her mind. She thanked the queen for her favour to her, but bade Pope tell her, that there had been one or two noble propositions made for her in her brother king Edward's time ; and she had then desired to con tinue in the state she was in, which of all others pleased her best, and she thought there was no state of life comparable to it : she had never before heard of that king, and she desired never to hear of that motion more : she would see his mes senger no more, since he had presumed to come to her without the queen's leave. Then Pope said, he did believe if the queen offered her some honourable marriage, she would not be averse to it. She answered, what she might do afterwards she did not know ; but protested solemnly, that, as she was then in clined, if she could have the greatest prince in Christendom, 74 [And my lord Chancellor pro- Regina? prsesens Parliamentum pro rogued this parliament unto the rogavit in quintum diem Novem- fifth day of November next. Jour- bris proxime futurum. Journal of nal of Commons, p. 51. Dominus Lords, p. S34-] Cancellarius ex mandato Domina? book ii. J THE REFORMATION. (1558.) 579 she would not accept of him ; though perhaps the queen might Which is think this flowed rather from a maid's modesty, than any set- Thffi£d tied determination in her : this I take from a letter Pope wrote about it, which is in the Collection. Yet her life at this time Collect. was neither so pleasant, nor so well secured, but that, if her Numb' 37- aversion to a married state had not been very much rooted in her, it is not unlikely she would have been glad to be out of the hands of her unkind keepers ; who grew the more appre hensive of her, the more they observed her sister to decay : and, as the bishops did apprehend she would overthrow all 362 that they had been building and cementing with so much blood ; so some of them did not spare to suggest the putting of her out of the way. And now that she is so near the throne, in the course of this History, I shad look back through this reign, to give account of what befel her in it. When she was suspected to be accessary to Wiat's con- She was spiracy, the day after his breaking out, the lord Hastings, sir anvils'186 Thomas Cornwallis, and sir Richard Southwell were sent for reign. her to come to court. She then lay sick at her house at Ash- m. p' 792'.j bridge ; but that excuse not being accepted, she was forced to * , go : so, being still ill, she came by slow journeys to the queen. She was kept shut up in private at court from the 4th of March to the 16th, and then Gardiner, with nineteen of the council, came to examine her about Wiat's rebellion. She positively denied she knew any thing of it, or of sir Peter Carew's de signs in the west, which they also objected to her. In conclu- [Ibid. p. sion, they told her the queen had ordered her to be sent to 9 the Tower till the matter should be further inquired into : and though she made great protestations of her innocence, yet she was carried thither, and led in by the traitor's gate ; all her own servants being put from her. Three men, and as many women of the queen's servants, were appointed to attend on her ; and no person was suffered to have access to her. Sir John Gage, who was the lieutenant of the Tower, treated her very severely, kept her closely shut up, without leave to walk either in the galleries, or on the leads ; nor would he permit her ser vants to carry in her meat to her, but he did that by his own servants. The other prisoners were often examined about her, and some were put to the rack, to try if they could be brought any way to accuse her : but though Wiat had done it, when p p 2 580 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. he hoped to have saved his own life by so base an action ; yet he afterwards denied that she knew any of their designs ; and, lest those denials he made at his examinations might have been suppressed, and his former depositions be made use of against her, he declared it openly on the scaffold at his death. After some days' close imprisonment, upon great intercession made by the lord Chandos, then constable of the Tower, it was granted that she might sometimes walk in the queen's rooms, in the presence of the constable, the lieutenant, and three [Fox, vol. women ; the windows being all shut. Then she got leave to m- P- 795-1 walk in a little garden for some air; but all the windows that opened to it were to be kept shut when she took her walk : and so jealous were they of her, that a boy of four years old was severely threatened, and his father sent for and chid, for his carrying flowers to her. The lord Chandos was observed to treat her with too much respect ; so he was not any more trusted with the charge of her, which was committed to sir Henry Bedingfield. About the middle of May she was sent, under the guard of the lord Williams and Bedingfield, to Woodstock. She was so straitly kept, and Bedingfield was so sullen to her, that she believed they intended to put her privately to death. The lord Williams treated her nobly at his house on the way, at which Bedingfield was much dis- [Ibid. p. gusted. When she was at Woodstock, she was still kept under 363 95-J guards, and but seldom allowed to walk in the gardens; none being suffered to come near her. After many months' impri sonment, she obtained leave to write to tbe queen; Be'ding- [Ibid. p. field being to see all she wrote. It was believed, that some '^'J were sent secretly to kill her ; but the orders were given so strictly, that none of them could come near her without a special warrant : and so she escaped at that time. But after king Philip understood the whole case, he broke all those designs, as was formerly shown ; and prevailed to have her sent for to 798 1 P court- When she came to Hampton-Court she was kept still a prisoner. Many of the council, Gardiner in particular, dealt often with her to confess her offences, and submit to the queen's mercy. She said she had never offended her, not so much as in her thoughts ; and she would never betray her own inno- cency by such a confession. One night, when it was late, she was sent for by the queen, before whom she kneeled down, and book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1558.) 581 protested she was, and ever had been, a most faithful subject to her. The queen seemed still to suspect her, and wished her to confess her guilt, otherwise she must think she had been unjustly dealt with. She answered, that she was not to com plain, but to bear her burden ; only she begged her to con ceive a good opinion of her. So they parted fairly, which king Phdip had persuaded the queen to ; and, being afraid that the sourness of the queen's temper might lead her into passion, he was secretly in a corner of the room, to prevent any further breach, in case she should have been transported into new heats : but there was no occasion given for it. Soon after that, she was discharged of her guards, and suffered to retire into the country : but there were always many spies about her ; and she, to avoid all suspicion, meddled in no sort of business, but gave herself wholly to study. And thus she passed these five years, under no small fears and apprehensions ; which was perhaps a necessary preparation for that high degree to which she was soon after advanced, and which she held in the greatest and longest course of prosperity and glory that ever any of her sex attained to. The bishops, when the parliament were sitting, did always The pro- intermit their cruelties; but as soon as it was over, they fell gressofthe J persecu te them afresh. On the 28th of March, Cuthbert Simpson, tion. that was in deacon's orders, with two others, were burnt in iii°p'»°6i Smithfield''5. Simpson had been taken with Rough, that suf fered the year before this. He was put to much torture ; he lay three hours on the rack : besides, two other inventions of torture were made use of, to make him discover all those in London who met with them in their private assemblies: but he would tell nothing, and shewed such patience, that the bi shops did publicly commend him for it. On the 9th of April [lbid- P- a man was burnt at Hereford ; on the 1 9th 76 of May three men were burnt at Colchester. At this time, complaints being 75 [< The 21 day of Marche .... in Wodstret, ys name is . . . . ' Ma- wher browth into the .... afor the chyn's Diary, p. 169.] bysshope of London and odur 7S For the 19 May read 26th; lernyd men of the temporolte 3 for three men read two men and men, the wyche ther opinions wher one woman. There were indeed shyche that they wher juged and three men burnt on the 19th of condemnyd to suffer deth by fyre ; May at Norwich, not at Colchester. one man was a hossear, dvvellyng [S.j 582 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. made to the queen that books of heresy, treason, and sedition were either brought in from foreign parts, or secretly printed [Fox, vol. in England, and dispersed among he? subjects; she set out on the 6th of June a proclamation of a strange nature : " that " whosoever had any of these, and did not presently burn " them, without reading, or shewing them to any other per- 364 " son, they should be esteemed rebels ; and, without any " further delay, be executed by the martial law"." On the [Ibid. p. 27th of that month, when seven were to be led out to be 733-1 burnt in Smithfield, it was proclaimed in the queen's name, that no man should pray for them, or speak to them, or say, God help tlism: which was thought a strain of bar barity beyond all the example of former times, to deprive dying men of the good wishes and prayers of their friends. But however this might restrain men from giving outward signs of their praying for them, it could not bind up their inward and secret devotions. Those seven had been taken at [Ibid. p. a meeting in Islington, with many others ; of whom some died 734'-' in prison, and six others were burnt at Brentford the 14th of July. The rest of them were kept by Bonner, who now seemed to have been glutted with the blood of so many innocents, and [Ibid. p. therefore to have put a stop to the effusion of more ; yet those 11-J that were kept prisoners by him did not so entirely escape his fury but that he disciplined them himself with rods tdl he was weary ; and so gave over that odd way of pastoral correction, rather to ease himself, than in pity to them whom he whipt. [Ibid. p. Qn ^e jQtn 0f juj ft mjnister- was burnt at Norwich. On the 74-2.] •> [Ibid. p. 2nd or 3rd of August a gentleman was burnt near Winchester. [ibM. p ^n August, four were burnt at Bury ; and in November, three 744-] more were burnt there. On the 4th of November, a man and a woman were burnt at Ipswich ; at that time a woman was 745.]* p- burnt at Exeter. And, to close up all, on the 10th of No- P^- P- vember three men and two women were burnt at Canterbury, [Ibid. p. which made in all thirty-nine this year. There had been 75°-] seventy-nine burnt the former year, ninety-four the year be fore that, and seventy-two the first year of the persecution; which in all come to two hundred and eighty-four. But he that writ the preface to bishop Ridley's book De Coma Do- 77 Martial law. The words of the proclamation are, ' according to the order of the martial law.' [S.] book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (15.58.) 583 mini, who is supposed to be Grindal?8, afterwards archbishop of Canterbury, says, that in the two first years of the queen's persecution there were above eight hundred put to most cruel kinds of death for religion : by which it seems Fox, on whom I depend for the numbers I have assigned, has come far short in his account. Besides those that were burnt, many others died in bonds, of whom there are sixty reckoned''9. There were also great numbers of those who were vexed with long and grievous imprisonment ; and though they redeemed their lives by the renouncing, or rather the dissembling of their consciences, yet this being but forced from them, they carried with them their old opinions : and the wound they gave their consciences to save their lives, as it begot in many of them great horror for what they had done, so it raised in them the most mortal hatred to those who had driven them to such straits ; so that if that religion was hateful before to the na tion, for the impostures and scandals that were discovered in the clergy, and some few instances of their cruelty, the re peated burnings, and other cruelties, of which now they saw no end, did increase their aversion to it beyond all expression. At first the bishops dealt earnestly with those who were The me- brought before them to recant ; and were ready at any time to pe"eeoU. receive them : the queen's pardon was also sent to them as tions of 365 they were ready to be tied to the stake, if they would then turn. [Council But now it was far otherwise ; for in the council-books 80 there i?°ok of , Mary and 78 The author of the preface to sirRichardePexsall,knight,sheriffof voj j_ ' Ridley'sbookwasWilliamWhittyng- the county of Hampshire, signifying p. I3i.] ham, according to Bale (p. 684, that the queen's majesty cannot but 731.), who knew the man well, as find it very strange that he hath well as his writings. [B.] stayed one Bembrigge from execu- [Wood says (an. 1579.), 'The tion, being condemned for heresy; public works that he hath done as and therefore he is straightly com- to learning are,. ... (4) Nich. Ryd- manded to cause him to be executed ley's Declaration of the Lord's out of hand, and if he still continu- Supper. Genev. 1556.' To which eth in the catholic faith as he out- Whittyngham put a preface of his wardly pretendeth, then to suffer own making.] some such discreet and learned man 79 Lord Burleigh, in the * Execu- as the bishop of Winchester shall tion of Justice,' says, there died by appoint, who is written unto for this imprisonment, torments, famine, purpose, to have access unto him, and the fire, near 400. On this we and to confer with him for the bet- may depend. [S.] ter confirmation of him in the catho- 80 [The following is the extract lie faith, and to be present with him from the Council Book, ' Also to at his death, for the better aiding of 584 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. is an entry made of a letter, written on the 1st of August this year, to sir Richard Pexsall, sheriff of Hampshire, signifying " that the queen thought it very strange that he had delayed " the execution of the sentence against one Bembridge, con- " demned of heresy, because he had recanted ; requiring him " to execute it out of hand : and if he still continued in the ca- " tholic faith, which he outwardly pretended, he was then to " suffer such divines as the bishop of Winchester should ap- " point to have access to him for confirming him in the faith ; " and to attend on him at his death, that he might die God's " servant : and as soon as the sheriff had thus burnt him, " he was to come to the council, and answer for his pre- " sumption in delaying it so long." The matter of fact was thus ; Bembridge being tied to the stake, and the fire taking hold on him, he, through the violence of it, yielded, and cried [Fox, vol. out, / recant. Upon which the sheriff made the fire be put lu- P- 743-J ou^. . an(j Bembri(Jge signed such a recantation as Dr. Seton, who was near him, writ for him : but for all that, upon this order of council, he was burnt ; and the sheriff was put in the Fleet. So that now it appeared that it was not so much the conversion of those they called heretics, as their destruction, that the bishops desired. And so much were their instruments set on these severities, that though they saw the queen declining so fast, that there was no appearance of her living many days; yet, the week before she died, they burnt, as hath been said, five together in one fire at Canterbury. An unhap- There was nothing done in the war with France this year, tionTainst but the Sendim3 0ut a fleet °f 120 sWPS' with 7000 landmen in France. it, under the command of the lord Clinton, who landed at Port xx.^T'o' Conquet, in the point of Bretagne ; where, after a small resist- 697-] ance made by the French, he burnt the town : but the country being gathered together, the English were forced to return to their ships, having lost above 600 of their men. The design was, to have seized on Brest, and fortified it ; which was pro posed by king Philip, who had sent thirty of his ships to their assistance. This the French knowing by some of the prisoners him to die God's servant. The said his doing herein. Also to the Bi- sheriffis also commanded to make shop of Wynchester for the purpose his indelayed repair hither imme- aforesaid.'] p. 131. diately after the execution, tp answer book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1558.) 585 whom they took, went and fortified Brest, and kept a great body of men together, to resist, in case the English should make a second impression. But the lord Clinton, seeing he could do nothing, returned, having made a very expensive and unprosperous attempt. The English had lost their hearts ; the government at home was so little acceptable to them, that they were not much concerned to support it ; they began to think Heaven was against them. There were many strange accidents at home, that struck Strange terror in them. In July, thunder broke near Nottingham with j^™^. such violence, that it beat down two little towns, with all the dents. houses and churches in them : the bells were carried a good U*T' p' way from the steeples, and the lead that covered the churches was cast four hundred foot from them, strangely wreathed. The river of Trent, as it is apt upon deluges of rain to swell and overrun the country ; so it broke out this year with extra- ggg ordinary violence, many trees were plucked up by the roots, and with it there was such a wind, that carried several men and children a great way, and dashed them against trees or houses, so that they died. Hailstones fell that were fifteen inches about in other places; and, which was much more terrible, a contagious intermitting fever, not unlike the plague, raged every where : so that three parts of four of the whole nation were infected with it. So many priests died of it, that in many places there were none to be had for the performing of the offices. Many bishops died also of it, so that there were many vacancies made by the hand of Heaven against queen Elizabeth came to the crown ; and it spreading most violently in August, there were not men enough in many counties to reap the har vest ; so that much corn was lost. All these symptoms con curred to increase the aversion the people had to the govern ment; which made the queen very willing to consent to a treaty of peace, that was opened at Cambray in October ; to which she sent the earl of Arundel, the bishop of Ely, and Dr. Wotton, as her plenipotentiaries. The occasion of the peace was from a meeting that the a treaty of bishop of Arras had with the cardinal of Lorraine at Peronne : j^°® ^?" in which he proposed to him, how much Philip was troubled at land, the continuance of the war, their forces being so much engaged ^"spain. in it, that they could make no resistance to the Turk , and the [Thuanus, J P- 687.] 586 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. mean while heresy increasing and spreading in their own do minions, while they were so taken up, that they could not look carefully to their affairs at home, but must connive at many things : therefore he pressed the cardinal to persuade the king of France to an accommodation. The cardinal was easily in duced to this, since, besides his own zeal for religion, he saw that he might thereby bear down the constable's greatness; whose friends, chiefly his two nephews, the admiral and Dande- lot, who went then among the best captains in France, were both suspect of being protestants ; upon which the latter was shortly after put in prison : so he used all his endeavours to draw the king to consent to it ; in which he had the less oppo sition, since the court was now filled with his dependents ; and his four brothers, who had got all the great offices of France into their hands, and the constable and admiral being prisoners, there was none to oppose their counsels. The king, thinking that by the recovery of Calais, and the places about it, he had gained enough to balance the loss of St. Quintin's, was very willing to hearken to a treaty : and he was in an ill state to continue the war, being much weakened both by the loss he The battle suffered last year, and the blow that he received in July last ; lines1^6 *^e marsnal de Thermes being enclosed by the count of Eg mont near Gravelines, where the French army being set oil by the count, and galled with the English ordnance from their ships, that lay near the land, was defeated, 5000 killed, the marshal and the other chief officers being taken prisoners. These losses made him sensible that his affairs were in so ill a condi tion, that he could not gain much by the war. The num- The cardinal was the more earnest to bring on a peace, be- protestants cause the protestants did not only increase in their numbers, growing in ^uj they came so openly to avow their religion, that, in the [Hist, of public walks without the suburbs of St. Germain, they began to 367 TrentP°f s'n§> David's Psalms in French verse. The newness of the 384.] thing amused many, the devotion of it wrought on others, the music drew in the rest ; so that the multitudes that used to di vert themselves in those fields, instead of their ordinary sports, did now nothing for many nights but go about singing psalms : and that which made it more remarkable was, that the king and queen of Navarre came and joined with them. That king, besides the honour of a crowned head, with the small part of book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1558.; 587 that kingdom that was yet left in their hands, was the first prince of the blood. He was a soft and weak man ; but his queen, in whose right he had that title, was one of the most . extraordinary women that any age hath produced, both for knowledge far above her sex, for a great judgment in affairs, an heroical greatness of mind, and ad other virtues, joined to a high measure of devotion and true piety : all which, except the last, she derived to her son Henry the Great. When the king [Hist, of of France heard of this psalmody, he made an edict against it • 2°un.cil of and ordered the doers of it to be punished : but the numbers 385.] ' of them, and the respect to those crowned heads, made the busi- • ness to go no further. On the 24th of April was the dauphin married to the queen The dau- of Scotland. Four cardinals, Bourbon, Lorraine, Chastdlon, Phmniar- nos i/D.0 and Bertrand, with many of the princes of the blood, and the queen of other great men of France, and the commissioners sent from rrhuanus Scotland, were present. But scarce any thing adorned it more *x. 8. p. than the Epithalamium written upon it by Buchanan ; which was accounted one of the perfectest pieces of Latin poetry. After the marriage was over, the Scotch commissioners were [ibid. p. desired to offer the dauphin the ensigns of the regality of Scot- J land, and to acknowledge him their king : but they excused themselves, since that was beyond their commission, which only empowered them to treat concerning the articles of the mar riage, and to carry an account back to those that sent them. Then it was desired that they would promote the business at their return to their country : but some of them had expressed their aversion to those propositions so plainly, that it was be- deved they were poisoned by the brethren of the house of Guise. Four of them died in France ; the bishop of Orkney, and the earls of Rothes and Cassillis, and the lord Fleming. The prior of St. Andrew's was also very sick ; and though he recovered at that time, yet he had never any perfect health after it. When the other four returned into Scotland, a con vention of the estates was called, to consult about the proposi tions they brought. This assembly consists of all those members that make up a A conven- parliament ; who were then, the bishops, and abbots, and priors, ^j0, in who made the first estate ; the noblemen, that were the second Scotland. estate ; and the deputies from the towns, one from every town, 588 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. only Edinburgh sends two, were the third estate. Anciently all that held lands of the crown were summoned to parliaments, as well the greater as the lesser barons. But in king James the First's time, the lesser barons, finding it a great charge to attend on such assemblies, desired to be excused from it ; and procured an act of parliament exempting them, and giving them 368 power to send from every county two, three, four, or more, to represent them : but they afterwards thought this rather a charge than a privilege, and did not use it ; so that now the second estate consisted only of the nobility. But the gentry finding the prejudice they suffered by this, and that the nobility grew too absolute, procured, by king James the Sixth's favour, an act of parliament restoring them to that right of sending de puties, two from every county, except some small counties that send only one, but according to the ancient law, none has a vote in the elections but those who hold lands immediately of the crown of such a value. The difference between a parlia ment, and a convention of estates, is, that the former must be summoned forty days before it sits ; and then it meets in state, and makes laws, which are to be prepared by a committee of all the estates, called the lords of the articles : but a convention may be called within as few days as are necessary for giving notice to all parts of the nation to make their elections : they have no power of making laws, being only called for one parti cular emergent ; which, during the division of the island, was chiefly upon the breaking out of war betwixt the two nations, and so their power was confined to the giving of money for the occasion which then brought them together. In the convention now held, after much debate and opposi tion, whether they should consent to the demand made by the ambassador sent from France, it was carried, that the dauphin should be acknowledged their king, great assurances being given, that this should be only a bare title, and that he should pretend to no power over them. So the earl of Argyle, and the prior of St. Andrews, who had been the main sticklers for the French interest, upon the promises that the queen regent made them, that they should enjoy the free exercise of their religion, were appointed to carry the matrimonial crown into France. But as they were preparing for their journey, a great revolution of affairs fell out in England. book ii.] THE REFORMATION. (1558.) 589 The parliament met on the 5th of November. On the 7th, A session of the queen sent for the speaker of the house of commons,' and FnEngTand. ordered him to open to them the ill condition the nation was in: P™1™1 of Commons, for though there was a treaty begun at Cambray, yet it was p. 51.] necessary to put the kingdom in a posture of defence, in case it should miscarry. But the commons were now so dissatisfied, that they could come to no resolution. So, on the 14th day of [ibid. p. November, the lord chancellor, the lord treasurer, the duke of &2'^ Norfolk, the earls of Shrewsbury and Pembroke, the bishops of London, Winchester, Lincoln, and Carlisle, the viscount Montague, the lords Clinton and Howard, came down to the house of commons, and sat in that place of the house where the privy counsellors used to sit. The speaker left his chair ; and he, with the privy counsellors that were of the house, came and sat on low benches before them. The lord chancellor shewed the necessity of granting a isubsidy, to defend the nation both from the French and the Scots. When he had done, the lords withdrew ; but though the commons entered, both that and the two following days, into the debate, they came to no issue in their consultations. 369 The. queen had never enjoyed her health perfectly since the The false conception that was formerly spoken of; upon which fol- sickness, lowed the neglect from her husband, and the despair of issue, that increased her melancholy : and this receiving a great ad dition from the loss of Calais, and the other misfortunes of this year, she, by a long declination of health, and decay of her spirits, was now brought so low, that it was visible she had not many days to live ; and a dropsy coming on her, put a conclu sion to her unhappy reign, and unfortunate life, on the 17th And death. of November, in the 43rd year of her age, after she had reigned five years, four months, and eleven days. At the same time cardinal Pole, as if one star had governed Cardinal both their nativities, was also dying; and his end being hast ened by the queen's death, he fodowed her within sixteen hours, in the 59th year of his age. He left his whole estate Thuanus, to Aloysio Priuli, a noble Venetian, with whom he had lived six XX'J21'-, and twenty years in so entire a friendship, that, as nothing could break it off, no neither was any thing able to separate them from one another's company. Priuli, being invited by pope Julius to come and receive a cardinal's hat, preferred 590 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. Pole's company before it ; and as he had supplied him in his necessities in Italy, so he left his country now to live with him [Thuanus, Jn England. Pole made him his executor : but Priuli was of p ^0W a more noble temper than to enrich himself by his friend's wealth ; for as he took care to pay all the legacies he left, so he gave away ad that remained, reserving nothing to himself but Pole's breviary81 and diary. And indeed the cardinal was not a man to raise a fortune, being, by the greatness of his birth, and his excellent virtues, carried far above such mean His charac- designs. He was a learned, modest, humble, and good-natured ter' man ; and had indeed such qualities, and such a temper, that, if he could have brought the other bishops to follow his mea sures, or the pope and queen to approve of them, he might have probably done much to have reduced this nation to popery again. But God designed better things for it ; so he gave up the queen to the bloody counsels of Gardiner, and the rest of the clergy. It was the only thing in which she was not led by the cardinal. But she imputed his opinion in that particular rather to the sweetness of his temper, than to his wisdom and experience : and he, seeing he could do nothing of what he projected in England, fell into a languishing, first of his. mind, that brought after it a decay of his health, of which he died. I have dwelt the more copiously on his character, being willing to deny to none of whom I write, the praises that are due to them : and he being the only man of that whole party, of whom I found any reason to say much good, I was the more widing to enlarge about him, to let the world see how little I am biassed, in the account I give, by interest or opinion. So that if I have written sharply of any others that have been men tioned in this reign, it was the force of truth, and my abhor rence of their barbarous cruelties, that led me to it, more than my being of a contrary persuasion to them. It is certain, that Pole's method of correcting the manners of the clergy, and being gentle to the reformed, would in all appearance have been much more fatal to the progress of the reformation ; that was set forward by nothing more than by the severities shewed 370 to those that differed from them, and the indulgence of the bishops to the vices of their own party. Yet Pole had a vast 81 Ex quibus Polus Deum precari solitus erat, breviarium vocamus et diurnale. Beccatell. p. 8o. [B.] book n.] THE REFORMATION. (1558.) 591 superstition to the see of Rome ; and though his being at the council of Trent had opened his eyes to many things, which he had not observed before ; yet he still retained his great sub mission to that see, and thought it impossible to maintain the order and unity of the church, but by holding communion with it; which carried him, in opposition to many apprehensions himself had of some theological points, stid to support the in terests of the papacy. His neglect of the offer of it, when it was made to him, shewed this flowed from no aspirings of his own, but purely from his judgment : so that, what mistakes soever his education and heats with king Henry, and the dis asters of his family, might have involved him in, it cannot be denied, that he was a man of as great probity and virtue as most of the age, if not all, of that church, in which he lived. For the queen herself, her character has appeared so mani- Thequeen's festly in her reign, that I need make no further description of c arao er' her. She was a woman of a strict and innocent life, that allowed herself few of the diversions with which courts abound. She was bred to learning, and understood the Latin 8- tongue well ; but what further knowledge she had, does not appear to me. She was constant at her devotions, and was as much addicted to the interests and humours of the clergy, as they could have wished her. She had great resentments of her own ill usage in her father's and brother's times ; which made her be easily induced to take her revenge, though she coloured it with her zeal against heresy. She did not much mind any other affairs but those of the church ; so that if she could have extirpated heresy, she seemed to regard all other things very little ; and being given up to follow the dictates of Rome with a nice scrupulosity of conscience, it was no wonder she went on in these designs very vigorously. For as the pope was ever calling on all princes that were under his obedience to set up the courts of inquisition ; so the fourth general council of Lateran, to which, with the other general councils, she paid no less reverence than to the scriptures, charged catholic princes to extirpate all heretics out of their dominions : such as were slack must be required to do it by their bishops ; and if that prevailed not, they were to be excommunicated by them : and if they continued negligent, and under that censure 82 She understood and wrote well both in Spanish and French. [S.] 592 HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION. (1.558.) book 11.] a year, they were to be deprived by the pope, and their do minions to be giyen to others, who should take more care to S!?k *&• extirpate heresy. The pope had also in February this year Council of published a constitution, to which he had made all the cardi al ' p' nals set their hands, confirming all former decrees and canons against heretics; declaring, that ad prelates, princes, kings, and emperors, that had fallen into heresy, should be under stood to be deprived of their dominions, without any further sentence ; and that any catholics, who would take the forfeiture, should have a good title to all that they invaded and seized. The bishops, besides the other canons binding them to proceed against heretics, were, by the words of the oath of obedience which they swore to the pope at their consecration, engaged to oppose and persecute the heretics with all their might: so that their giving severe counsels, and the queen's following 371 them, flowed mainly from the principles of their religion ; in which the sourness of her temper made it the more easy' to persuade her to a compliance to those courses to which her inclination led her, without any such motives. To conclude, her death was as little lamented as any of all our princes ever was, the popish clergy being almost the only mourners that were among her own people. Thus lived and died Mary queen of England by inheritance, and of Spain hy marriage. THE END OP THE SECOND BOOK. THE HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. PART II— BOOK III. Of the Settlement of the Reformation of Religion in the beginning of Queen Elisabeth's Reign. 'oiUEEN Mary's death was concealed for some hours. What Queen Eli- the secret consultations were upon it is not known ; but the zabeth suc- „ . ceeds. issue of them appeared about nine o'clock. Then the lord [Camden, chancellor went to the house of lords, and first imparted to p' 369^ them the news of the queen's death ; which, as it struck the bishops with no small fear, so those counsellors who had been severe in their advices about her sister, did apprehend she might remember it against them. Yet they all agreed to pro claim her queen; and, by the zeal they expressed for her coming to the crown, intended to balance the errors they had formerly been led to, rather in compliance to the late queen's resentments, than out of any ill-will they bore herself. They sent for the house of commons, and the lord chancellor signi fied to them the queen's death ; which, he said, would have been a much more sorrowful loss to*them, if they had not such a successor, that was the next and undisputed heir to the crown, Elizabeth, of whose right and title none could make any ques- BURNET, PART II. Q q 594 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. tion ; therefore they intended to proclaim her queen, and de sired their concurrence. This was echoed with many and long repeated cries : God save queen Elizabeth ; Long and happy may she reign. And pro- The parliament being declared to be dissolved by the late 374 claimed l ° J queen. queen's death, the lords proclaimed Elizabeth queen1 ; and went E^ert 'n 'n*° fj0n(lon, where it was again done by the lord mayor, and Papers, received every where with such excessive joy, that there was p' 2 '-' no sign of sorrow expressed for the death of queen Mary, but what the priests shewed; who, in so public and universal a joy, were forced to betake themselves to secret groans, since they durst not vent them in public. Never did any before her come to the throne with so many good wishes and acclama tions, which the horror of the cruelties, and the reflection of the disasters of the former reign, drew from the people, who now hoped to see better times. And comes The queen was then at Hatfield, where having received the to London. , . , [Stow, news of her sister s death, and of her being proclaimed queen, p. 635.] gne came from thence to London. On the 19th, at Highgate, all the bishops met her2, whom she received civdly, except Bonner, on whom she looked as defiled with so much blood, that she could not think it fit to bestow any mark of her favour on him. She was received into the city, with throngs much greater than even such occasions used to draw together, and followed with the loudest shouts of joy that they could raise. She lay that night at the duke of Norfolk's house in the Charter-house, and next day went to the Tower. There at her entry she kneeled down, and offered up thanks to God for that great change in her condition ; that whereas she had been formerly a prisoner in that place, every hour in fear of her life, she was now raised to so high a dignity. She soon 1[£The23daj'ofNovemberthequen council-book, which I have seen. Elsabeths grace toke here gorney November 24,she was at theCharter- from Hadley, beyond Barnett, to- house; it does not appear from ward London, unto my lord North's thence that she was at the Tower plase, with a M. and mor of lordes, till December 1. [B.] knyghtes, and gentyllmen, lades and Queen Elizabeth stayed some gentyllwomen, and ther lay 5 days days at Hatfield; she came to the . . .' Machyn's Diary, p. 179.] Charter-house 24 November. On 2 The queen was at Hatfield No- the 28th she went to the Tower, vember 20, and yet there November and came to Westminster on the 22, as appears from a register or 23rd of December. [S.] book in.] THE REFORMATION. (15.58.) 595 cleared all people's apprehensions as to the hardships she had formerly met with, and shewed she had absolutely forgot from whom she had received them; even Bedingfield himself not excepted, who had been the chief instrument of her sufferings : but she called him always her gaoler, which though she did in a way of raillery, yet it was so sharp, that he avoided coming any more to the court. She presently despatched messengers to all the princes of Christendom, giving notice of her sister's death, and her suc cession. She writ in particular to king Philip a large acknow ledgment of his kindness to her, to whom she held herself much bound for his interposing so effectually with her sister for her preservation. She also sent to sir Edward Carne, that had She sends a been her sister's resident at Rome, to give the pope the news -Rome? ° of her succession. The haughty pope received it in his ordi- [History of nary style, declaring, "that England was held in fee of the 0f Trent, " apostolic see ; that she could not succeed, being illegitimate, P1 385] " nor could he contradict the declarations made in that matter " by his predecessors Clement the Seventh and Paul the " Third ; he said, it was great boldness in her to assume the " " crown without his consent ; for which in reason she deserved " no favour at his hands : yet, if she would renounce her pre- " tensions, and refer herself wholly to him, he would shew a " fatherly affection to her, and do every thing for her that " could consist with the dignity of the apostolic see." When But to no she heard of this, she was not much concerned at it ; for she effect- had written to Carne, as she did to her other ministers, and had renewed his powers upon her first coming to the crown, being unwilling in the beginning of her reign to provoke any party against her : but hearing how the pope received this address, she recalled Carne's powers, and commanded him to 375 come home. The pope on the other hand required him not to go out of Rome, but to stay and take the care of an hospital, over which he set him : which it was thought that Carne pro cured to himself, because he was unwilling to return into Eng land, apprehending the change of religion that might follow ; for he was himself zealously addicted to the see of Rome. As soon as Philip heard the news, he ordered the duke of King Philip Feria, whom he had sent over in his name to comfort the late in mar. queen in her sickness, to congratulate the new queen, and in nase- Q q 2 596 THE HISTORY OF [part u. [Camden, secret to propose marriage to her ; and to assure her, he should procure a dispensation from Rome : and at the same time he sent thither to obtain it. But the queen, though very sensible of her obligation to him, had no mind to the marriage. It appeared by what hath been said in the former book, and by the sequel of her whole life, that though upon some occasions, when her affairs required it, she treated about her marriage, yet she was firmly resolved never to marry. Besides this, she saw her people were generally averse to any foreigner, and particu larly to a Spaniard : and she made it the steady maxim of her whole reign, from which she never departed, to rule in their affections as well as over their persons. Nor did she look on the pope's dispensation as a thing of any force to warrant what was otherwise forbidden by God: and the relation be tween king Philip and her being the reverse of that which was between her father and queen Catharine, it seeming to be equally unlawful for one man to marry two sisters, as it was for one woman to "be married to two brothers, she could not consent to this marriage without approving king Henry's with queen Catharine : and if that were a good marriage, then she must be illegitimate, as being born of a marriage which only the unlawfulness of that could justify. So inclination, interest, and conscience, all concurred to make her reject king Philip's motion. Yet she did it in terms so full of esteem and kindness for him, that he still insisted in the proposition ; in which she was not willing to undeceive him so entirely as to put him out of all hopes while the treaty of Cambray was in dependence, that so she might tie him more closely to her interests. The queen The French, hearing of queen Mary's death, and being ° itd alarmed at Philip's design upon the new queen, sent to Rome to the to engage the pope to deny the dispensation, and to make him England, declare the queen of Scotland to be the right heir to the crown of England, and the pretended queen to be illegitimate. The cardinal of Lorraine prevailed also with the French king to order his daughter-in-law to assume that title, and to put the arms of England on all her furniture. The But now to return to England ; queen Elizabeth continued queen's to employ some of tho same counsellors that had served queen [Camden, Mary: namely, Heath, the lord chancellor; the marquis of P- 369] AVinchester, lord treasurer; the earls of Arundel, Shrewsbury, book in.] THE REFORMATION. (1558.) 597 Derby, and Pembroke3; the lords Clinton and Howard, sir Thomas Cheyney, sir William Petre, sir John Mason, sir Richard Sackville, and Dr. Wotton, dean of Canterbury and York. Most of these had complied with all the changes that had been made in religion backward and forward since the latter end of king Henry's reign, and were so dextrous at it, that they were still employed in every new revolution. To them, who were all papists, the queen added the marquis of 376 Northampton, the earl of Bedford, sir Thomas Parr4, sir Ed ward Rogers, sir Ambrose Cave, sir Francis Knolles, and sir William Cecil, whom she made secretary of state; and soon after she sent for sir Nicholas Bacon ; who were all of the reformed religion. She renewed all the commissions to those formerly intrusted ; and ordered, that such as were imprisoned on the account of religion should be set at liberty. After this, [Bacon's a man, that used to talk pleasantly, said to her, that he came ft^ to supplicate in behalf of some prisoners not yet set at liberty, vol. ii. p. She asked, who they were ? He said, they were Matthew,, Mark, Luke, and John, that were still shut up ; for the people longed much to see them abroad. She answered him as plea santly, she would first talk with themselves, and see whether they desired to be set at such liberty as he requested for them. Now the two great things under consultation were, religion Aconsulta- and peace. For the former, some were appointed to consider ^change how it was to be reformed. Beal>, a clerk of the council, gave of religion. advice to Cecil, that the parliaments under queen Mary should ;;;. p'819!] be declared void ; the first being under a force, (as was before related,) and the title of Supreme Head being left out of the summons to the next parliament before it was taken away by law : from whence he inferred, that both these were not law fully held or duly summoned ; and this being made out, the laws of king Edward were still in force. But this was laid aside as too high and violent a way of proceeding ; since the annulling of parliaments upon little errors in writs, or some particular disorders, was a precedent of such consequence, that to have proceeded in such a manner would have unhinged all the government and security of the nation. More moderate 3 The earl of Pembroke favoured 4 For Parr read Parry. [S.] the reformation. [S.] 5 [Fox calls him Hales.] 598 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. courses were thought on. The queen had been bred up from her infancy with a hatred of the papacy, and a love to the reformation : but yet, as her first impressions in her father's reign were in favour of such old rites as he had still retained ; so in her own nature she loved state, and some magnificence in religion, as well as in every thing else. She thought that in her brother's reign they had stripped it too much of external ornaments, and had made their doctrine too narrow in some points ; therefore she intended to have some things explained in more general terms, that so all parties might be compre hended by them. She inclined to keep up images in churches, and to have the manner of Christ's presence in the sacrament left in some general words ; that those who believed the cor poral presence might not be driven away from the church by too nice an explanation of it. Nor did she like the title of Supreme Head ; she thought it imported too great a power, and came too near that authority which Christ only had over the church. These were her own private thoughts. She con sidered, nothing could make her power .great in the world abroad so much as the uniting all her people together at home : her father's and her brother's reign had been much distracted by the rebellions within England, and she had before her eyes the instance of the coldness that the people had expressed to her sister on all occasions for the maintaining or recovering of the dominions beyond sea ; therefore she was very desirous to find such a temper, in which all might agree. She observed, that in the changes formerly made, particularly in renouncing the papacy, and making some alterations in worship, the whole clergy had concurred, and so she resolved to follow and imitate these by easy steps. A method There was a long consultation had, about the method of the 377 of doing it changes she should make : the substance of which shall be proposed. " Collect. found in the Collection, in a paper, where, in the way of ques tion and answer, the whole design of it is laid down. This draught of it was given to sir William Cecil, and does exactly [Camden, agree with the account that Camden gives of it. That learned p- 37' sqq] an(i judicious man has written the history of this queen's reign with that fidelity and care, in so good a style, and with so much judgment, that it is without question the best part of our English history : but he himself often says, that he had Numb. I. book m.] THE REFORMATION. (1558.) 599 left many things to those who should undertake the history of the church ; therefore, hi the account of the beginnings of this reign, as I shall in all things follow him with the credit that is due to so extraordinary a writer, so, having met with some things which he did not know, or thought not necessary in so succinct a history to enlarge on, I shall not be afraid to write after him, though the esteem he is justly in may make it seem superfluous to go over these matters any more. " It seemed necessary for the queen to do nothing before a The heads "parliament were called; for only from that assembly could oflt" " the affections of the people be certainly gathered. The next " thing she had to do was to balance the dangers that threat- " ened her both from abroad and at home. The pope would " certainly excommunicate and depose her, and stir up all " Christian princes against her : the king of France would lay " hold of any opportunity to embroil the nation ; and by the " assistance of Scotland, and of the Irish, might perhaps raise " troubles in her dominions. Those that were in power in " queen Mary's time, and remained firm to the old supersti- " tion, would be discontented at the reformation of religion : " the bishops and clergy would generally oppose it ; and, " since there was a necessity of demanding subsidies, they " would take occasion, by the discontent the people would be " in on that account, to inflame them : and those who would " be dissatisfied at the retaining of some of the old ceremonies) " would on the other hand disparage the changes that should " be made, and call the religion a cloaked papistry, and so " alienate many of the most zealous from it. To remedy all " these things, it was proposed to make peace with France, " and to cherish those in that kingdom that desired the re- " formation. The curses and practices of Rome were not " much to be feared. In Scotland those must be encouraged " who desired the like change in religion ; and a little money " among the heads of the families in Ireland would go a great " way. And for those that had borne rule in queen Mary's " time, ways were to be taken to lessen their credit throughout " England : they were not to be too soon trusted or employed " upon pretence of turning ; but those who were known to be " well affected to religion and the queen's person were to be " sought after, and encouraged. The bishops were generally 600 THE HISTORY OF [part n. " hated by the nation : it would be easy to draw them " within the statute of praemunire, and, upon their falling " into it, they must be kept under it till they had re- " nounced the pope, and consented to the alterations that " should be made. The commissions of the peace, and for the " militia, were to be carefully reviewed, and such men were to " be put in them as would be firm to the queen's interests. 378 " When the changes should be made, some severe punishments '•' would make the rest more readily submit. Great care was " to be had of the universities, and other public schools, as " Eton and Winchester, that the next generation might be " betimes seasoned with the love and knowledge of religion. " Some learned men, as Bill, Parker, May, Cox, Whitehead, " Grindal, Pilkington, and sir Thomas Smith, were to be or- " dered to meet and consider of the book of service. In the " mean while the people were to be restrained from innovating " without authority : and the queen, to give some hope of " a reformation, might appoint the communion to be given " in both kinds. The persons that were thought fit to be " trusted with the secret of these consultations were, the mar- " quis of Northampton, the earls of Bedford and Pembroke, " and the lord John Grey. The place that was thought most " convenient for the divines to meet in was sir Thomas Smith's " house -in Channon-rovv, where an allowance was to be given " for their entertainment." The for- As soon as the news of the queen's coming to the crown was in many to known beyond sea, all those who had fled thither for shelter the refor- fcft return [ni0 England : and those who had lived in corners mation. , ¦ , , . during the late persecution, now appeared with no small assur ance ; and these, having notice of the queen's intentions, could not contain themselves, but in many places began to make changes, to set up king Edward's service, to pull down images, and to affront the priests. Upon this the queen, to make some discovery of her own inclinations, gave order, that the Gospels and Epistles, and the Lord's Prayer, the Apostles' Creed, and the Ten Commandments, should be read in English, and that the Litany should be also used in English ; and she forbade the priests to elevate the host at mass. Having done this, on [Wilkms, the 27th of December she set out a proclamation against all Cone. iv. . r o r. 180,] innovations, requiring her subjects to use no other forms of book iii. J THE REFORMATION. (1558.) 601 worship than those she had in her chapel, till it should be otherwise appointed by the parliament, which she had sum moned to meet on the 23rd of January. The writs were issued out by Bacon, into whose hands she had delivered the great seal. On the 5th5 of December she performed her sister's [stow, p. funeral rites with great magnificence at Westminster. The 3S'^ bishop of Winchester being appointed to preach the sermon, did so mightily extol her and her government, and so severely [Cotton taxed the disorders which he thought the innovators were ™-b°-y.e8P- guilty of, not without reflections on the queen6, that he was 94] thereupon confined to his house till the parliament met7. One of the chief things under consultation was, to provide Parker de- men fit to be put into the sees that were now vacant, or that signed to r be arch- might fall to be so afterwards, if the bishops should continue bishop of intractable. Those now vacant were, the sees of Canterbury, h™** Hereford, Bristol, and Bangor ; and in the beginning of the next year the bishops of Norwich and Gloucester died : so [Sept. 7, that, as Camden hath it, there were but fourteen bishops living r^58'! when the parliament met. It was of great importance to find p. 372.] men able to serve in these employments, chiefly in the see of Canterbury. For this, Dr. Parker was soon thought on. Q70 Whether others had the offer of it before him, or not, I cannot [Collect. tell : but he was writ to by sir Nicholas Bacon on the 9th of um " '* December to come up to London ; and afterwards on the 30th of December by sir William Cecil, and again by sir Nicholas Bacon on the 4th of January. He understood that it was for some high preferment ; and being a man of an humble temper, distrustful of himself, that loved privacy, and was much dis abled by sickness, he declined coming up all he could : he 5 For 5th December read 13th. perous reign in peace and tran- [S.] quillity, with the blessing which the 6 [This sermon has been printed prophet speaketh of, if it be God's from the copy amongst the Cotton will, Ut videat filios filiorum et pa- MSS. by Strype, Mem. Eccles. iii. cem super Israel .- ever confessing App. p. 277. It does not contain that though God hath mercifully any reflections on queen Elizabeth, provided for them both, yet Maria The only allusion to her is in the optimam partem elegit j because it following passage, p. 286. ' And as is still a conclusion, Laudavi mor- we for our parts have received wor- tuos magis quam viventes.~] thily detriment and discomfort upon 7 The council set him at liberty her departing, so let us comfort on the 19th of January, and the ourselves in the other sister whom parliament met on the 25th. [S.] God hath left, wishing her a pros- 602 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. begged he might not be thought of for any publie employ ment, but that some prebend might be assigned him, where he might be free both from care and government ; since the in firmities, which he had contracted by his flying about in the nights in queen Mary's time, had disabled him from a more public station. That to which he pretended, shews how mode rate his desires were: for he professed, an employment of twenty nobles a year would be more acceptable to him than one of two hundred pound. He had been chaplain to queen Anne Boleyn, and had received a special charge from her, a little before she died, to look well to the instruction of her daughter in the principles of the Christian religion; and now the queen had a grateful remembrance of those services. This, joined with the high esteem that sir Nicholas Bacon had of him, soon made her resolve to raise him to that great dignity. And since such high preferments are generally, if not greedily sought after, yet very willingly undertaken by most men, it will be no unfit thing to lay open a modern precedent, which indeed savours more of the ancient than the latter times ; for then, instead of that ambitus, whieh has given such offence to the world in the latter ages, it was ordinary for men to fly from the offer of great preferments. Some ran away when they understood they were to be ordained, or had been elected to great sees, and fled to a wilderness. This shewed they had a great sense of the care of souls, and were more apprehensive of that weighty charge, than desirous to raise or enrich themselves or their families. It hath been shewed before, that Cranmer was very unwillingly engaged in the see of Canterbury ; and now, he that succeeded him in that see, with the same designs, was drawn into it with such unwillingness, that it was almost a whole year before he could be prevailed upon to accept of it : the account of this will appear in the series of letters both written to him and by him on that head; which were com municated to me by the present most worthy and most reve rend primate8 of this church. I cannot mention him in this place without taking notice, that as in his other great virtues and learning he has gone in the steps of those most eminent archbishops that went before him ; so the whole nation is wit- 8 [This was first published in 1681, when Sancroft was archbishop of Canterbury.] book in.] THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 603 ness how far he was from aspiring to high preferment, how he withdrew from all those opportunities that might be steps to it, how much he was surprised with his unlooked-for advance ment, how unwillingly he was raised, and how humble and affable he continues in that high station he is now in. But this is a subject that I must leave for them to enlarge on, that shall write the history of this present age. 380 In the beginning of the next year, the queen having found 1559. that Heath, archbishop of York, then lord chancellor, would Ba«>n not go along with her, as he had done in the reigns of her keeper. father and brother ; and having therefore taken the seals from _ ^ him, and put them into sir Nicholas Bacon's hand, did now by 1558.] patent create him lord keeper. Formerly those that were keepers of the seal had no dignity nor authority annexed to their office ; they did not hear causes, nor preside in the house of lords, but were only to put the seals to such writs or patents as went in course ; and so it was only put in the hands of a keeper but for some short interval. But now Bacon was the first lord keeper that had all the dignity and authority of the lord chancellor conferred on him ; and his not being raised to that high title perhaps flowed from his own modesty : for as he was one of the most learned, most pious, and wisest men of the nation ; so he retained in ad his greatness a modesty equal to what the ancient Greeks and Romans had carried with them to their highest advancement. He was father to the great sir Francis Bacon, viscount St. Alban's, and lord chancedor of England, and will be always esteemed one of the greatest glories of the English nation. The queen was now to be crowned ; and having gone on the [Jan. 14. 12th of January to the Tower, she returned from thence in g*0^' p' state on the 13th. As she went into her chariot, she lifted up her eyes to heaven, " and blessed God that had preserved her " to see that joyful day, and that had saved her, as he did his " prophet Daniel, out of the mouth of the lions. She acknow- " ledged her deliverance was only from him, to whom she offered " up the praise of it." She passed through London in great triumph : and having observed that her sister, by the sullenness of her behaviour to the people, had much lost their affections ; therefore she always used, as she passed through crowds, but more especially this day, to look out of her coach cheerfully on 604 THE HISTORY OF [part n. them, and to return the respects they paid her with great sweet ness in her looks ; commonly saying, God bless you, my people ; which affected them much. But nothing pleased the city more than her behaviour as she went under one of the triumphal arches : there was a rich Bible let down to her, as from heaven, by a child, representing Truth ; she with great reverence kissed both her hands, and, receiving it, kissed it, and laid it next her heart ; and professed she was better pleased with that present than with all the other magnificent ones that had been that dav made her by the city. This drew tears of joy from the specta tors' eyes. And indeed this queen had a strange art of insinu ating herself by such ways into the affections of her people. Some said, she was too theatrical in it : but it wrought her end ; since by these little things in her deportment she gained more on their affections, than other princes have been able to do by The more real and significant arts of grace and favour. The day fol- queens lowing she was crowned at Westminster by Oglethorp bishop tion, [Jan. of Carlisle, all the other bishops refusing to assist at that so- chyn'sa lemnity. He, and the rest of that order, perceived that she 381 Diary, p. would change the religion then established, and looked on the alterations she had already made as pledges of more to fodow ; and observed, by the favour that Cecil and Bacon had with her, that she would return to what had been set up by her brother. They had already turned so oft, that they were ashamed to be turning at every time. Heath, Tunstad, and Thirlby had complied in king Edward's time as well as in king Henry's ; and though Thirlby had continued in credit and favour with them till the last, yet he had been one of those who had gone to Rome, where he made such public pro fessions of his respect to the apostolic see ; and he had also assisted at the degradation and condemnation of Cranmer ; so that he thought it indecent for him to return to that way any more: therefore he, with all the rest, resolved to adhere to what they had set up in queen Mary's time. There were two of king Edward's bishops yet alive, who were come into Eng land ; yet the queen chose rather to be consecrated by a bishop actually in office, and according to the old rites, which none but Oglethorp could be persuaded to do. After that she gave a general pardon according to the common form. liament " On tae ^r(* °f January, being the day to which the parlia- meets. book in.] . THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 605 ment was summoned, it was prorogued till the 25th 9, and then [Journal of it was opened with a long speech of the lord Bacon's, in which p.0*,,*'.] he laid before them " the distracted estate of the nation, both [Journal " in matters of religion, and the other miseries that the wars mons, p. " and late calamities had brought upon them : all which he 53-] " recommended to their care. For religion, the queen desired " they would consider of it without heat or partial affection, or " using any reproachful term of papist or heretic, and that " they would avoid the extremes of idolatry and superstition " on the one hand, and contempt and irreligion on the other ; " and that they would examine matters without sophistical " niceties, or too subtle speculations, and endeavour to settle " things so as might bring the people to an uniformity and " cordial agreement in them. As for the state of the nation, " he shewed the queen's great unwillingness to lay new impo- " sitions on them ; upon which he ran out largely in her com- " mendation, giving them all assurance, that there was nothing " she would endeavour more effectually than the advancing of " their prosperity, and the preserving their affections. He " laid open the loss of Calais, with great reflections on those " who had been formerly in the government ; yet spoke of it as " a thing which they could not at that time hope to recover ; " and laid before them the charge the government must be at, " and the necessities the queen was in ; adding in her name, " that she would desire no supply but what they did freely " and cheerfully offer." One of the first things that the commons considered was, whether the want of the title of Supreme Head, which the queen had not yet assumed, was a nullity in the summons for this and other parliaments, in which it had been omitted : but after this had been considered some days, it was judged to 382 be no nullity ; for the annulling of a parliament, except it had been under a force, or for some other error in the constitution, was a thing of dangerous consequence. But, leaving the consultations at Westminster, I shall now The treaty give- an account of the treaty of peace at Cambray. That at * am" which things stuck most was, the rendering of Calais again to [Camden,P- 373-] 9 [A copy of the commission pro- nuary is in the State Paper Office, roguing the meeting of parliament Domestic Series, vol. 2.] from the 23rd to the 25th of Ja- 606 THE HISTORY OF [part II. [Camden,P- 378-1 A peace with France agreed to. the English, which the French did positively refuse to do. For a great while Philip demanded it with so much earnestness, that he declared he would make peace on no other terms; since as he was bound in point of honour to see the English, who engaged in the war only on his account, restored to the condition that they were in at the beginning of it ; so his in terest made him desire that they might be masters of that place, by which, it being so near them, they could have the conveniency of sending over forces to give a diversion to the French at any time thereafter, as their alliances with him should require. But when Philip saw there was no hope of a marriage with the queen, and perceived that she was malting alterations in religion, he grew less careful of her interests, and secretly agreed a peace with the French. But, that he might have some colour to excuse himself for abandoning her, he told her ambassador, that the French had offered him full satisfaction in all his own concerns, so that the peace was hin dered only by the consideration of Calais ; and therefore, un less the English would enter into a league with him for keep ing up the war six years longer, he must submit to the neces sity of his affairs. The queen, perceiving that she was to expect no more assistance from the Spaniard, who was so much engaged to the old superstition that he would enter into no strict league with any whom he accounted an heretic, was willing to listen to the messages that were sent her from France, by the constable and others, inducing her to agree to a peace. She on the other hand complained that the queen of Scotland, and her husband in her right, had assumed the title and arms of England : it was answered, that was done as the younger brothers in Germany carried the title of the great families from whence they were descended ; and for titles, the queen of England had little reason to quarrel about that, since she carried the title and gave the arms of France. The queen and her council saw it was impossible for her to carry on the war with France alone. The laying heavy im positions on her subjects in the beginning of her reign" might render her very ingrateful to the nation, who loved not to be charged with many subsidies : and when the war should pro duce nothing but some wastes on the French coasts, which was all that could be expected, since it was unreasonable to look book m.] THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 607 for the recovery of Calais, it might turn all the joy they were now in at her coming to the crown into as general a discontent. It was the ruin of the duke of Somerset, that he had engaged in a war in the beginning of king Edward's reign, when he was making changes in religion at home : therefore it was necessary to yield to the necessity of the time, especially since 383 the loss of Calais was no reproach on the queen, but on her sister. So it was resolved on to make a general peace, that, being at quiet with their neighbours, they might with the less danger apply themselves to the correcting what was amiss in England, both in redgion and the civil government. At length [Kymer, a peace was made on these terms : that there should be free xv- p' 5°Sv* commerce between the kingdoms of England, France, and [Camden, Scotland : the French should keep Calais for eight years, and p' 3 2'-" at the end of that time should deliver it to the English ; and if it were not then delivered, they should pay to the English 500,000 crowns, for whieh they should give good security by merchants that lived in other parts, and give hostages till the security were given : but if during these years the queen made war on France or Scotland, she was to lose her right to that town; or if the French or Scots made war on her, Calais should be presently restored, to which she was still to reserve her right : Aymouth in Scotland was to be razed, and a com mission was to be sent down to some of both kingdoms to agree all lesser differences. On these terms a peace was made, and proclaimed between those crowns ; to which many of the English, that did not apprehend what the charge of a war for the regaining of Calais would have amounted to, were very averse ; thinking it highly dishonourable, that they, whose ancestors had made such conquests in France, should be now beaten out of the only remainder that they had on the continent ; and thus make a peace, by which it was in effect parted with for ever : for all these conditions about restoring it were understood to be only for palliating so inglorious a business. But the reformed cast the blame of this on the papists ; and some moved, that all the late queen's council should be questioned for their misgovernment in that parti cular : for it was thought nothing would make them so odious to the nation as the charging that on them. They on the other hand did cas£ the blame of it on the lord Wentworth, 608 THE HISTORY OF [part n. that had been governor of Calais, and was now professedly one of the reformed, and had been very gentle to these of that persuasion during his government. But he put himself on a trial by his peers, wliich he underwent on the 22nd of April ; and there did so clear himself, that he was by the judgment of the peers acquitted. The pro- The queen's government being thus quieted abroad, she was thedlarHa°f thereby at more leisure to do things at home. The first bill ment. that was put into the house of lords to try their affections and [Journal of disposition to a change in the matters of religion, was that for 544.546.] the restitution of the tenths and first-fruits to the crown. It was agreed to by the lords on the 4th of February, having been put in the 30th of January, and was the first bill that was read: the archbishop of York, the bishops of London10, Worcester, Llandaff, Lichfield, Exeter, Chester, and Carlisle, protested against it : these were all of that order that were at the session, except the bishops of Winchester, Lincoln, Ely, and the abbot of Westminster, who it seems were occasionally [Journal of absent. On the 6th of February it was sent down to the com- Commons, mons, t0 which they readily agreed, and so it had the royal assent. By it, not only the tenths and first-fruits were again restored to the crown, but also all impropriated benefices, 384 which had been surrendered up by queen Mary. They ad- But the commons, reflecting on the miseries in which they dress to the jla J ^ j o ' her marry- debate about an address to the queen to induce her to marry. 1J^\ , On the 4th of February it was argued in the house of com- 54.] mons ; and on the 6th the speaker, with the privy counsellors of the house, and thirty members more, were sent with their [Camden, desires to the queen. " They expressed the affections of the P- 375-] " nation to her, and said, that if they could hope she might be " immortal, they would rest satisfied ; but that being a vain " imagination, they earnestly besought her to choose such a " husband as might make the nation and herself happy, and " by the blessing of God bring such issue as might reign after " her death, which they prayed God might be very late. She The queen's " said, she looked on that as an expression both of their affec- " tion and respect, since they had neither limited time nor 10 [The name of the bishop of Winchester has been omitted. See Journal of Lords, p. 546.] book in.] THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 609 " place. She declared, that she had hitherto lived in a single " state with great satisfaction, and had neither entertained " some honourable propositions, which the lord treasurer knew " had been made to her in her brother's time, nor had been " moved by the fears of death that she was in, while she was " under her sister's displeasure ; (of which she would say " little ;) for though she knew, or might justly suspect by " whose means it was, yet she would not utter it, nor would " she charge it on the dead, or cast the burden of it wholly " upon her sister : but she assured them, if ever she married, " she would make such a choice as should be to the satisfac- " tion and good of her people. She did not know what credit " she might yet have with them ; but she knew well she " deserved to have it, for she was resolved never to deceive " them : her people were to her instead of children, and she " reckoned herself married to them by her coronation. They " would not want a successor when she died ; and, for her part, " she should be well contented that the marble should tell " posterity, herb lies a queen that reigned so long, and " lived and died a virgin : she took their address in good " part, and desired them to carry back her hearty thanks for " the care the commons had of her.'' The Journals of the house of lords are imperfect, so that we find nothing in them of this matter : yet it appears that they likewise had it before them ; for the Journals of the house of [Journal of commons have it marked, that on the 15th of February there p, 54_j ' was a message sent from the lords, desiring that a committee of thirty commoners might meet with twelve lords, to consider what should be the authority of the person whom the queen should marry. The committee was appointed to treat con cerning it : but it seems the queen desired them to turn to other things that were more pressing ; for I find nothing after this entered in the Journals of this parliament concerning it. 385 On the ninth of February the lords passed a bill for the re- They re cognising of the queen's title to the crown. It had been con- tiaTto the sidered, whether, as queen Mary had procured a former repeal crown. of her mother's divorce, and of the acts that passed upon it, LordS; p. declaring her illegitimate, the like should be done now. The 546_] lord keeper said, the crown purged all defects ; and it was statutes, needless to look back to a thing which would at least cast a ™2g ^ p' BURNET, PART II. R r 610 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. reproach on her father : the inquiring into such things too anxiously would rather prejudice than advance her title. So he advised, that there should be an act passed in general words asserting the lawfulness of her descent, and her right to the crown, rather than any special repeal. Queen Mary and her council were careless" of king Henry's honour ; but it be came her rather to conceal than expose his weakness. This being thought both wise and pious counsel, the act was con ceived in general words, " that they did assuredly believe and " declare, that by the laws of God and of the realm she was " their lawful queen, and that she was rightly, lineally, and " lawfully descended from the royal blood, and that the crown " did without all doubt or ambiguity belong to her, and the " heirs to be lawfully begotten of her body after her ; and " that they, as representing the three estates of the realm, did " declare and assert her title, which they would defend with " their lives and fortunes.'' This was thought to be very wise counsel : for if they had gone to repeal the sentence of divorce which passed upon her mother's acknowledging a precontract, they must have set forth the force that was on her when she made that confession ; and that, as it was a great dishonour to her father, so it would have raised discourses dkewise to her mother's prejudice, which must have rather weakened than strengthened her title: and, as has been formerly observed, this seems to be the true reason why in all her reign there was no apology printed for her mother. There was another act passed for the restoring of her in blood to her mother, by which she was qualified, as a private subject, to succeed either to her grandfather's estate, or to any other's, by that blood. The acts But for the matters of religion, the commons began ; and Passedecon- on the 15fch of February brought in a bill for the English ser- cerning re- vice, and concerning the ministers of the church. On the 21st [Journal of a bill was rea(l f°r annexing the supremacy to the crown Commons, again ; and on the 17th of March another bid was brought in, 58.] ' "" confirming the laws made about religion in king Edward's time. And on the 21st another was brought in, that the queen should have the nomination of the bishops, as it had been in king Edward's time. The bill for the supremacy was passed [Journal of by the lords on the 18th of March ; the archbishop of York, grfj.]8' P" *^e ear* °f Shrewsbury, the viscount Mountague, and the book in.] THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 611 bishops of London, Winchester, Worcester, Llandaff, Coventry and Lichfield, Exeter, Chester, and Carlisle, and the abbot of Westminster, dissenting. But afterwards the commons an nexed many other bills to it, as that about the queen's making- bishops, not according to the act made in king Edward's time, but by the old way of elections, as it was enacted in the 25th 386 year of her father's reign, with several provisos ; which passed [Journal of in the house of lords with the same dissent. By it, " all the ^.-j3' p" " acts passed in the reign of king Henry for the abolishing of [Statutes, " the pope's power are again revived ; and the acts in queen 35o.] " Mary's time to the contrary are repealed. There was also " a repeal of the act made by her for proceeding against he- " retics. They revived the act made in the first parliament " of king Edward against those that spoke irreverently of the " sacrament, and against private masses, and for communion " in both kinds ; and declared the authority of visiting, cor- " recting, and reforming all things in the church, to be for " ever annexed to the crown, which the queen and her succes- " sors might by her letters patents depute to any persons to " exercise in her name. All bishops, and other ecclesiastical [Ibid. p. " persons, and all in any civil employment, were required to 'J " swear, that they acknowledged the queen to be the supreme " governor in all causes, as well ecclesiastical as temporal, " within her dominions ; that they renounced all foreign " power and jurisdiction, and should bear the queen faith " and true allegiance : whosoever should refuse to swear it " was to forfeit any office he had either in church or state, " and to be from thenceforth disabled to hold any employment " during life. And if, within a month after the end of that " session of parliament, any should, either by discourse or in " writing, set forth the authority of any foreign power, or do " any thing for the advancement of it, they were to forfeit all " their goods and chattels : and if they had not goods to the , " value of twenty pounds, they were to be imprisoned a whole " year ; and for the second offence, they were to incur the " pains of a praemunire ; and the third offence in that kind " was made treason. To this a proviso was added, that such [Ibid. p. " persons as should be commissioned by the queen to reform 3S4j " and order ecclesiastical matters, should judge nothing to bo " heresy but what had been already so judged by the author- r r 2 612 THE HISTORY OF [part n. Collect.Numb. 2. The bi shops op pose the queen's supremacy. [C.C.C. Camb.oxxi. P- 137- printed in Strype's Annals.] [O.C.C.Camb. cix. 5. p. 67. printed in Parker'sCorrespon dence, p. 77-] " ity of the canonical scriptures, or by the first four general " councils, or by any other general council, in which such doc- " trines were declared to be heresies by the express and plain " words of scripture : all other points, not so decided, were to " be judged by the parliament, with the assent of the clergy " in their convocation." This act was in many things short of the authority that king Henry had claimed, and the severity of the laws he had made. The title of supreme head was left out of the oath. This was done to mitigate the opposition of the popish party. But be sides, the queen herself had a scruple about it, which was put in her head by one Lever, a famous preacher among those of the reformation, of which Sandys, afterwards bishop of Wor cester, complained to Parker in a letter that is in the Collec tion. There was no other punishment inflicted on those that denied the queen's supremacy but the loss of their goods ; and such as refused to take the oath did only lose their employ ments : whereas to refuse the oath in king Henry's time brought them into a praemunire, and to deny the supremacy was treason. But against this bill the bishops made speeches in the house of lords. I have seen a speech of this kind was said to have been made by archbishop Heath ; but it must be forgery put out in his name : for he is made to speak of the supremacy as a new and unheard-of thing, which he, who had sworn it so oft in king Henry's and king Edward's times, could not have the face to say. The rest of the bishops opposed it, the rather, because they had lately declared so high for the pope, that it had been very indecent for them to have revolted so soon. The bishop of Durham came not to this parliament11. There were some hopes of gaining him to concur in the reform ation : for in the warrant the queen afterwards gave to some for consecrating the new bishops, he is first named; and I have seen a letter of secretary Cecd's to Parker, that gives him some hope that Tunstall would join with them. He had been offended with the cruelties of the late reign ; and though the resentments he had of his ill usage in the end of king Edward's time had made him at first concur more heartily to 11 The bishop came not to the parliament for his presence was needed in the north, for guarding the marches against the Scots, and the French, ready to invade Eng land. [S.] book in.] THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 613 the restoring of popery, yet he soon fell off, and declared his dislike of those violent courses : and neither did he nor Heath bring any in trouble within their dioceses upon the account of religion ; though it is hardly credible that there was no occa sion for their being severe, if they had been otherwise inclined to it. The bishop of Ely 12 was also absent at the passing of this act : for though he would not consent to it, yet he had done all that was prescribed by it so often before, that it seems he thought it more decent to be absent, than either to consent to it, or to oppose it. The power that was added for the queen's commissionating The begin- some to execute her supremacy gave the rise to that court, £igf[ com-6 which was commonly called the high commission court; and™1881011- was to be in the room of a single person, to whom, with the title of lord vicegerent, king Henry did delegate his authority. It seems the clergymen, with whom the queen consulted at this time, thought this too much to be put in one man's hand, and therefore resolved to have it shared to more persons, of whom a great many would certainly be churchmen; so that they should not be altogether kept under by the hard hands of the laity, who, having groaned long under the tyranny of an ecclesiastical yoke, seemed now disposed to revenge themselves by bringing the clergy as much under them : for so extremes do commonly rise from one another. The popish clergy were now every where beginning to de claim against innovation and heresy. Harpsfield had, in a sermon at Canterbury in February, stirred the people much to sedition : and the members belonging to that cathedral had openly -said, that redgion should not, nor could not be altered. The council also heard that the prebendaries there had bought up many arms : so a letter was written to sir Thomas Smith to examine that matter. Harpsfield was not put in prison, but received only a rebuke. There came also complaints from many other places of many seditious sermons : so the queen, following the precedent her sister had set her, did in the be ginning of March forbid all preaching except by such as had a license under the great seal. But lest the clergy might now 12 The bishop of Ely was absent, April and joined with the other dis.- being in an embassy at Cambray; senting bishops. [S.] but was come over on the 17th of 614 THE HISTORY OF [part n. in the convocation13 set out orders in opposition to what the queen was about to do, she sent and required them, under the pains of a praemunire, to make no canons : yet Harpsfield, 388 [Fuller, lib. that was prolocutor, with the rest of the lower house, made ix. p. 55-1 an address to the upper house, to be by them presented to the [Wilkins, queen for the discharge of their consciences. They reduced p°°7o.]V' the particulars into five articles14. 1. That Christ was cor porally present in his sacrament. 2. That there was no other substance there but his body and blood. 3. That in the mass there was a propitiatory sacrifice for the dead and the living. 4. That St. Peter and his lawful successors had the power of feeding and governing the church. 5. That the power of treating about doctrine, the sacraments, and the order of divine worship, belonged only to the pastors of the church. These [Fuller, lib. they had sent to the two universities, from whence they were x- P- 5 -1 retur-ned, with the hands of the greatest part in them to the first four : but it seems they thought it not fit to sign the last ; for now the queen had resolved to have a public conference about religion in the abbey-church of Westminster. [Fox, vol. The archbishop of York was continued stdl to be of the m. p. 22.J councjj . g0 ^ne conference being proposed to him, he, after he had communicated it to his brethren, accepted of it, though with some unwillingness. It was appointed that there should be nine of a side, who should confer about these three points : 1. Whether it was not against the word of God, and ihe custom of the ancient church, to use a tongue unknown to the people in the common prayers and the administration of the sacraments ? 2. Whether every church had not authority to appoint, change, and take away ceremonies and ecclesiastical rites, so the same were done to edification. 3. Whether it could be proved by the word of God, that in the mass there was a propitiatory sacrifice for the dead and the living ? All was ordered to be done in writing. The bishops, as being actually in office, were to read their papers first upon the first point, and the reformed were to read theirs next ; and then they were to exchange their papers, without any discourse 13 [See Part iii. p. 275.] The articles also may be seen in 14 [The history of this convoca- Fuller, from whom probably the tion has been preserved in Wilkins, author took his account.] from the Register of Convocation. bookhi.] THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 615 concerning them, for the avoiding of jangling. The next day they were to read their papers upon the second, and after that upon the third head ; and then they were to answer one an other's papers. The nine on both sides were, the bishops of Winchester, Lichfield, Chester, Carlisle, and Lincoln, and doc tors Cole, Harpsfield, Langdale, and Chedsey, on the popish side; and Scory, late bishop of Chichester, Cox, Whitehead, Grindal, Home, Sandys, Guest, Aylmer, and Jewel, for the protestants. The last of March was appointed to be the first [Fox, vol. day of conference, where the privy-council was to be present ; m' p' 23J and the lord keeper was to see that they should not depart from the rules to which they had agreed. The noise of this drew vast numbers of people to so unusual a sight ; it being expected that there should be much fairer dealings now, than had been in the disputes in queen Mary's time. The whole house of commons came to hear it, as no doubt the lords did also, though it is not marked in their Journal. At their meeting, the bishop of Winchester said their paper was not quite ready, and pretended they had mis taken the order ; but Dr. Cole should deliver what they had prepared, though it was not yet in that order that they could copy it out. The secret of this was, the bishops had in their private consultations agreed to read their paper, but not to 389 give those they called heretics a copy of it. They could not decently refuse to give a public account of their doctrine, but they were resolved not to enter into disputes with any about it. This seemed to be the giving up of the faith, if they should suffer it again to be brought into question. Besides, they looked on it as the highest act of supremacy for the queen to appoint such conferences ; for she and her council would pre tend to judge in these points, when they had done disputing. For these reasons, they would not engage to make any ex change of papers. The lord keeper took notice, that this was contrary to the order laid down at the council-board, to which the archbishop of York had in their names consented. But they pretending they had mistaken the order, Cole15 was appointed to deliver their minds, which he did in a long discourse, the greatest part of which he read out of a book, that will be found 15 Cole's speech seems to be a reply to Home, and so should be set after it. [S.] 616 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. Collect. in the Collection. For though they refused to deliver a copy of it, yet Parker some way procured it, among whose papers I found Arguments it. The substance of it was, " That although it might seem that tin service. " the scriptures had appointed the worship of God to be in " a known tongue ; yet that might be changed by the au- " thority of the church, which had changed the sabbath " appointed in the scripture, without any authority from " thence. Christ washed his disciples' feet, and bid them do " the like ; yet this was not kept up : Christ instituted the " sacrament of his body and blood after supper ; and yet the " church appointed it to be received fasting : so had the church " also given it only in one kind, though Christ himself gave it " in both. And whereas the apostles, by authority from the " Holy Ghost, commanded all believers to abstain from blood, " yet that was not thought to oblige any now : and though " there was a community of goods in the apostles' times, it " was no obligation to Christians to set up that now : so that " this matter was in the power of the church. And since the " church of Rome had appointed the Latin service to be every " where used, it was schismatical to separate from it : for, " according to Irenasus, all churches ought to agree with her, " by reason of her great preeminence. Upon which they ran " out largely to shew the mischiefs of schism, both in France, " Spain, Germany, and in other countries. And for the Bri- " tains and Saxons of England, their first apostles, that con- " verted them to Christianity, were men of other nations, and " did never use any service but that of their native language. " All the vulgar tongues did change much, but the Latin was " ever the same : and it was not fit for the church to be " changing her service. The queen of Ethiopia's eunuch read " Isaiah's book, though he understood it not ; upon which God " sent Philip to him to expound it : so the people are to come to " their teachers, to have those things explained to them which " they cannot understand of themselves. There were many " rites in the Jewish religion, the signification whereof the " people understood as little then as the vulgar do the Latin " now ; and yet they were commanded to use them. The " people were to use their private prayers in what tongue they " pleased, though the public prayers were put up in Latin; " and such prayers may be for their profit, though they un- book in.] THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 617 " derstand them not, as absent persons are the better for the 390 " prayers which they do not hear, much less understand. " They said, it was not to be thought that the Holy Ghost " had so long forsaken his church, and that a few lately risen " up were to teach all the world. They concluded, that they " could bring many more authorities ; but they, being to de- " fend a negative, thought it needless, and would refer these " to the answers they were to make." When this was done, the lord keeper turned to those of the Arguments other side, and desired them to read their paper. Home was asaui3t xt- appointed by them to do it. He began with a short prayer to God to enlighten their minds, and with a protestation, that they were resolved to follow the truth, according to the word of God. Then he read his paper, which will be also found in the Collection. " They founded their assertion on St. Paul's Collect. " words, who, in the 14th chapter of his First Epistle to the " Corinthians, had treated on that subject of set purpose ; and " spake in it, not only of preaching, but of praying with the " understanding ; and said, that the unlearned were to say " Amen at the giving of thanks. From that chapter they " argued, that St. Paul commanded that all things should " be done to edification, which could not be by an unknown " language : he also charged them, that nothing should be " said that had an uncertain sound ; and that, as the sound of " a trumpet must be distinct, so the people must understand " what is said, that so they might say Amen at the giving of " thanks. He also required those that spake in a strange lan- " guage, and could not get one to interpret, to hold their " peace ; since it was an absurd thing for one to be a barba- " rian to others in the worship of God : and though the speak- " ing with strange tongues was then an extraordinary gift of " God, yet he ordered that it should not be used where there " was no interpreter. They added, that these things were so " strictly commanded by St. Paul, that it is plain they are not " indifferent, or within the power of the church. In the Old " Testament the Jews had their worship in the vulgar tongue ; " and yet the new dispensation being more internal and spi- " ritual, it was absurd that the worship of God should be less " understood by Christians than it had been by the Jews. The " chief end of worship is, according to David, that we may , 618 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. " shew forth God's praises, which cannot be done if it is in a " strange tongue. Prayer is the offering up of our desires to " God ; which we cannot do, if we understand not the language " they are in. Baptism and the Lord's supper are to contain " declarations of the death and resurrection of Christ, which " must be understood, otherwise why are they made ? The use " of speech is to make known what one brings forth to another. " The most barbarous nations perform their worship in a " known tongue, which shews it to be a law of nature. It is " plain from Justin Martyr's Apology, that the worship was " then in a known tongue ; which appears also from all the "ancient Liturgies; and a long citation was brought out of " St. Basil for the singing of psalms, duly weighing the words " with much attention and devotion, which, he says, was prac- " tised in all nations. They concluded, wondering how such " an abuse could at first creep in, and be still so stiffly main- " tained ; and why those, who would be thought the guides " and pastors of the church, were so unwilling to return to the " rule of St. Paul, and the practice of the primitive times.'' There was a great shout of applause when they had done. 391 They gave their paper, signed with all their hands, to the lord keeper, to be delivered to the other side, as he should think fit : but he kept it till the other side should bring him theirs. The papists upon this said, they had more to add on that head ; which was thought disingenuous by those that had heard them profess they had nothing to add to what Cole had jTriday, said. Thus the meeting broke up for that day, being Satur day ; and they were ordered to go forward on Monday, and to prepare what they were to deliver on the other two heads. The papists, though they could complain of nothing that was done, except the applause given to the paper of the reformers ; yet they saw by that how much more acceptable the other doctrine was to the people, and therefore resolved to go no further in that matter. At the next meeting, they desired that their answer to the paper read by the reformed might be first heard. To this the lord keeper said, that they had de livered their mind the former day, and so were not to be heard till they had gone through the other points ; and then they [Fox, vol. were to return on both sides to the answering of papers. They "' p' J?'J said, that what Cole had delivered the former day was extern- book m.] THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 619 pore, and of himself ; but it had not been agreed on by them. This appeared to all the assembly to be very foul dealing ; so they were required to go on to the second point. Then they pressed, that the other side might begin with their paper, and they would follow ; for they saw what an advantage the others had the former day by being heard last. The lord keeper said, the order was, that they should be heard first, as being bishops now in office : but both Winchester and Lincoln re fused to go any further, if the other side did not begin. Upon which there followed a long debate ; Lincoln saying, that the first order, which was, that all should be in Latin, was changed, and that they had prepared a writing in Latin : but in this, not only the counsellors, among whom sat the archbishop of York, but the rest of his own party, contradicted him. In [Fox, vol. conclusion, ad, except Feckenham, refused to read any more papers : he said, he was willing to have done it, but he could not undertake such a thing alone : and so the meeting broke up. But the bishop of Winchester and of Lincoln said, the doc- The con- trine of the catholic church was already established, and ought tween the not to be disputed, except it were in a synod of divines : that PaPiats and . protestants it was too great an encouragement to heretics, to hear them breaks up. thus discourse against the faith, before the unlearned multi tude : and that the queen, by so doing, had incurred the sen tence of excommunication ; and they talked of excommunicat- [Camden.p. ing her and her council. Upon this they were both sent to 373'J the Tower. The reformed took great advantage from the issue of this debate to say, their adversaries knew, that, upon a fair hearing, the truth was so manifestly on their side, that they durst not put it to such hazard. The whole world saw that this disputation was managed with great impartiality, and without noise or disorder ; far different from what had been in queen Mary's time : so they were generally much confirmed in their former belief, by the papists flying the field. They on the other hand said, they saw the rude multitude were ndw carried with a fury against them ; the lord keeper was their professed enemy ; the laity would take on them to judge, after they had heard them ; and they perceived they were already determined in their minds, and that this dispute was only to set off the changes that were to be made with the pomp of a victory : and they blamed the bishops for undertaking it at 620 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. first, but excused them for breaking it off in time. And the truth is, the strength of their cause, in most points of contro versy, resting on the authority of the church of Rome, that was now a thing of so odious a sound, that all arguments brought from thence were not like to have any great effect. Upon this whole matter, there was an act of state made, and signed by many privy counsellors, giving an account of all the steps that were made in it ; which will be found in the Collect. Collection. This being over, the parliament was now in a better dispo sition to pass the bill for the uniformity of the service of the church. Some of the reformed divines were appointed to re view king Edward's Liturgy, and to see if in any particular it was fit to change it. The only considerable variation was [Lambeth made about the Lord's supper, of which somewhat will appear MSS. 959. from the letter of Sandys to Parker. It was proposed to have printed in the communion-book so contrived, that it might not exclude CorreT on- ^le Delle^" °f the corporal presence ; for the chief design of the dence.] queen's council was, to unite the nation in one faith ; and the greatest part of the nation continued to believe such a presence. Therefore it was recommended to the divines, to see that there should be no express definition made against it ; that so it might lie as a speculative opinion, not determined, in which every man was left to the freedom of his own mind. Hereupon the rubric that explained the reason for kneeling at the sacrament, that thereby no adoration is intended to any corporal presence of Christ's natural flesh and blood, because tJiat is only in heaven, which had been in king Edward's Liturgy, was now left out. And whereas at the delivery of the elements in king Edward's first Liturgy, there was to be said, Tlie body or blood of our Lord Jesus Christ preserve thy body and soul to everlasting life; which words had been left out in his second Liturgy, as favouring the corporal pre sence too much ; and instead of them, these words were or dered to be used in the distribution of that sacrament, Take and eat this, in remembrance that Christ died for thee, and feed on him in thy heart by faith with thanksgiving ; and drink this in remembrance that Christ's blood was shed for thee, and be thankful; they now joined both these in one. Some of the collects were also a little altered ; and thus was book in.] THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 621 the book presented to the house. But for the book of ordina tion, it was not in express terms named in the act ; which gave an occasion afterwards to question the lawfulness of the ordinations made by that book. But by this act, the book that was set out by king Edward, and confirmed by parlia ment in he fifth year of his reign, was again authorized by law; and the repeal of it in queen Mary's time was made void. So the book of ordinations being in that act added to the book of common prayer, it was now legally in force again ; as was afterwards declared in parliament, upon a question that was raised about it by Bonner. 393 The bill that was put in on the 15th of February, concern- Debates . , .,.,.... pi about the ing the new service, being laid aside, a new one was framed, act 0f uni_ and sent up by the commons on the 18th of April, and debated fonnity. in the house of lords. Heath13 made a long speech against it, 0f Com- rather elegant than learned : " He enlarged much on the ™°"s> P- " several changes which had been made in king Edward's Cotton " time : he said, that both Cranmer and Ridley changed their pS^V/ap" " opinions in the matter of Christ's presence : he called Ridley fol. 87.] " the most notably learned man that was of that way. These " changes he imputed to their departing from the standard of " the catholic church : he complained much of the robbing of " churches, the breaking of images, and the stage-plays made " in mockery of the catholic religion." Upon all these reasons he was against the bid. The bishop of Chester spake also to [Cotton it : " he said, the bdl was against both faith and charity : that jj xviijesp' " points once defined were not to be brought again into ques- *>!• "4-. " tion : nor were acts of parliament foundations for a church's strype's " belief : he enlarged on the antiquity of their forms ; and Annals *• " said, it was an insolent thing to pretend that our fathers 27-34.] " had lived in ignorace. The prophets oftentimes directed " the Israedtes to ask of their fathers. Matters of religion " could not be understood by the laity. It was of great con- " sequence to have their faith well grounded. Jeroboam made " Israel to sin when he set up a new way of worship ; and not " only the orthodox, but even the Arian emperors ordered, that 13 Abbot Feckenham made that Appendix to Tierney's edition of speech, and not Heath. [S.] [The Dodd's Church History, vol. ii. Ap- speech is in the Cotton MSS., from pendix, p. cclvi.] which it has been printed in the 622 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. " points of faith should be examined in councils. Gallio, by " the light of nature, knew that a civil judge ought not to " meddle with matters of religion. In the service-book that " was then before them, they had no sacrifice for their sins, " nor were they to adore Christ in the host; and for these " reasons he could not agree to it ; but if any thought he " spoke this because of his own concern, or pitied him for " what he might suffer by it, he would say in the words of " our Saviour, Weep not for me, weep for yourselves." After him spake Feckenham, abbot of Westminster: "He " proposed three rules, by which they should judge of reli- " gion ; its antiquity, its constancy to itself, and the influence " it had on the civil government : he said the old religion [Cotton " began in the time of king Lucius, according to Gildas ; the D xviiiM " book now proposed was not used before the two last years 8. printed " of king Edward ; the one was always the same, the other AnnakT8 " was changed every second year, as appeared in the point of App. pp. " the presence of Christ in the sacrament : there had been 24.— 1*1 f\ " great order and obedience in queen Mary's reign ; but now " every where great insolences were committed by the people, " with some very indecent profanations of the most holy " things. He recommended to them, in St. Austin's words, " the adhering to the catholic church : the very name catholic, " which heretics had not the confidence to assume, shewed " their authority. The consent of the whole church in all " ages, with the perpetual succession of pastors in St. Peter's " chair, ought to weigh more with them than a few new a preachers, who had distracted both Germany and England " of late." Thus I have given the substance of their speeches, being all that I have seen of that side. I have seen none at all on the other side, though it is not probable but some were made in defence of the service, as well as these were against it. But upon this occasion I shall set down the substance of the second 394 paper, which the reformed divines had prepared on the second point, for the conference about the authority of every parti cular church to change or take away ceremonies. I do not put it in the Collection, because I have not that which the papists prepared in opposition to it. But the heads of this paper were as followeth: book in.] THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 623 " It is clear by the Epistles which St. Paul writ to the Co- Arguments " rinthians, and other churches, that every church has power Ganges " in itself to order the forms of their worship, and the ad- made in " ministration of the sacraments among them, so as might best " tend to order, edification, and peace. The like power had " also the seven angels of the churches, to whom St. John " writ. And for the first three ages, there was no general " meeting of the church in synods ; but in those times, the " neighbouring pastors and bishops, by mutual advice rather " than authority, ordered their affairs : and when heresies " sprung up, they condemned them, without staying for a " general determination of the whole church. There were also " great differences among them in their customs, as about ob- " serving Lent and Easter. Ceremonies grew too soon to a " great number. When errors or abuses appeared, private " bishops reformed their own dioceses : so those who came in " the room of Arian bishops, even when that heresy was " spread over all the east, and the see of Rome itself was de- " filed with it, yet reformed their own churches. Ambrose " finding the custom of feasting in churches on the anniversa- " ries of the martyrs gave occasion to great scandals, took it " away. Even in queen Mary's time, many of the old super- " stitions of pilgrimages and relics, which had been abolished " in king Henry's time, were not then taken up again : from " which they argued, that if some things might be altered, " why not more ? So that if there was good reason to make " any changes, it should not be doubted but that as Hezekiah " and Josiah had made by their own power, so the queen " might make reformations ; which were not so much the set- " ting up of new things, as the restoring of the state of reli- " gion to what it was anciently ; which had been brought in " by consent of parliament and convocation in king Edward's " time." The rules they offered in this paper about ceremo nies were, that they should not be made necessary parts of worship ; that they should not be too many, nor dumb and vain, nor should be kept up for gain and advantage. These were the arguments used on both sides : but the re formed being superior in number, the bill passed in the house of lords14; the archbishop of York, the marquis of Winches- 14 [The printed Journal of the what passed between Saturday, House of Lords omits all notice of April 22, and Monday, May 1. It THE HISTORY OF [part II. [Cap. 19. Statutes,vol. iv. p. 381.] [Journalof Lords, P-57I-] [Journal of Com mons, p. 60.] [Cap. 24. Statutes, vol. iv. P-397-] ter, the earl of Shrewsbury, the viscount Montague, the bi shops of London, Worcester, Ely, Coventry, Chester, and Car lisle, and the lords Morley, Stafford, Dudley, Wharton, Rich, and North, and the abbot of Westminster, dissenting. By this act the new book was to take place by St. John Baptist's day. Another act passed, that the queen might reserve to herself the lands belonging to bishoprics, as they fell void, giving the full value of them in impropriated tithes in lieu of them. To this the bishops dissented on the 7th of April, when it passed in the house of lords. But when this came to the commons, there was great opposition made to it. Many had observed, that in Edward the Sixth's time, under a pretence of giving some endowments to the crown, the courtiers got all the church lands divided amongst themselves ; so it was believed the use to be made of this would be the robbing of the church, 395 without enriching the crown. After many days' debate, on the 17th of April, the house divided, and 90 were against it, but 13315 were for it; and so it passed. On the 5th 16 of May another bill passed with the like op position. It was for annexing of all religious houses to the crown. After that, there followed some private acts for de claring the deprivation of the popish bishops in king Edward's time to have been good. When they were restored by queen Mary, the sentences passed against them were declared to have been void from the beginning ; and so all leases that were made by Ridley, Poynet, and Hooper, and the patents granted by the king, of some of their lands, were annulled. appears from the Journal of the House of Commons (p. 60), that ( the bill for the unity of service in the church and administration of the sacraments was read the third time April 20, and passed to the lords with eight other bills, April 25.' The particulars are supplied by sir Simonds D'Ewes(p,27), who says, that the fifth of the nine bills, which were read for the first time in the house of lords on the 26th of April, was ' touching the uniformity of common prayer and service in the church, and admin istration of the sacraments;' and that it was read a second time on the following day, and the third time on the 28th of April, being opposed by the peers mentioned in the text, and also by the bishops of Llandaff and Exeter, (p. 29). He gives the said catalogue of names as dissentientes (p. 28), and in both instances omits the name of the abbot of Westminster.] 15 [The number was 134, as ap pears from the Journal, p. 60.] 16 [The bill was read the third time, April 29. Journal of Com mons, p. 61.] i i ii bookiu.] THE REFORMATIO^. 1559.) 625 It was particularly remembered in the house of commons, that Ridley had made the confirming of these leases his last desire, when he was going to be tied to the stake. The ground on which the sentences were declared void was, because the parties had appealed ; though in the commission, by virtue of which the delegates deprived them, they were empowered to proceed notwithstanding any appeal. To this, not only the bishops, but the marquis of Winchester, and the lords Stafford, Dudley, and North, dissented. It shews the great moderation of this government, that this marquis, notwithstanding his adhering to the popish interest in the house of lords, was still continued lord treasurer : which employment he held fourteen years after this, and died in the 97th year of his age, leaving 103 issued from his own body behind him. He was the greatest instance of good fortune and dexterity that we find in the English history; who con tinued lord treasurer in three 'such different reigns as king Edward's, queen Mary's, and queen Elizabeth's were. There was a subsidy, and two tenths and two fifteenths [Cap. 21. given by the parliament, with the tonnage and poundage, for W1 W' the queen's life ; and so on the 8th of May it was dissolved. There were three bills that did not pass in the house of Bills that commons ; but upon what account they were laid aside, it does p^ed^but not appear. The one was for the restoring of the bishops that not passed. had been deprived by queen Mary. There were but three of these alive, Barlow, Scory, and Coverdale : the first of these had resigned, and the last, being old, had no mind to return to his bishopric l7 : so perhaps it was not thought worth the while to make an act for one man's sake, especially since there were so many vacant bishoprics in the queen's hands, and more 17 I suppose Coverdale might tice at archbishop Parker's conse- have other reasons, for in a book cration, where togd laned talari entitled 'Part of a register,' I find utebatur; and if he would not use him ranked with those that then, the episcopal habits on such an oc- or soon after, were styled Puritans, casion, I am fully persuaded he p. 12, 23, 25, &c; and having been never would. However, it was very of the English congregation at Ge- well in your lordship to treat him neva, might probably there receive with tenderness, he having been a a tincture that he could not be peaceable good man, and a very brought to consent to impositions, useful instrument in the reforma- (Troubles of Frankfort, p. 188. 215.) tion. [B.] This further appeared by his prac BURNET, PART II. s s 626 THE HISTORY OF [partii. were like to fall. The other bill was, for the restoring of all persons that were deprived from their benefices because they were married. This the queen ordered to be laid aside, of which Sandys complained much in his letter to Parker : but yet the queen took no notice of the laws formerly made against their marriage, and promoted many married priests, particu larly Parker himself. There was no law now in force against clergymen's marrying ; for queen Mary had only repealed the laws of Edward the Sixth, which allowed it, but had made none concerning that matter : so there was nothing but the canon law against it ; and that was resolved to be condemned, by continuing that article of religion concerning the lawfulness of their marriage among those that should be set out. The next bill that came to nothing was, a new act for giving au thority to thirty-two persons to revise the ecclesiastical laws, 396 and digest them into a body ; it was laid aside at the second reading in the house of commons, and has slept ever since. Thebi- When the parliament was over, the oath of supremacy18 shops re- was soon after put to the bishops and clergy. They thought, oath of su- If they could stick close to one another in refusing it, the premacy. qUeen would be forced to dispense with them, and would not keri,[ap. at one stroke turn out all the bishops in England. It does not n,"j!'-, "' appear how soon after the dissolution of the parliament the oathlq was put to them ; but it was not long after, for the last collation Bonner gave of any benefice was on the 6th of May this year. The oath being offered to Heath archbishop of York, to Bonner of London, Thirlby of Ely, Bourne of Bath and Wells, Christopherson of Chichester20, Bayne of Lichfield, White of Winchester, and Watson of Lincoln, Oglethorp of 18 [The letters patent directing 19 The oath was tendered to them the lord keeper and seventeen others in July. [S.] See note (21), from to receive, the oaths of the clergy which it appears that this re- and others, are dated 23 May, 1559, mark of Strype's applies only to and are printed in Rymer, xv. 518. Heath of York and Thirlby of Ely. It is remarkable, that there are let- Strype takes his statement from ters patent directed to four others Stow, p. 639.] to receive the oath from Bourne, 20 Christopherson died before the bishop of Bath and Wells, dated parliament met. [S.] [He was bu- Oct. 18, 1559, and to inform of his ried Dec. 28, 1558, according to refusal to do so, without delay. Leneve. See also Machyn's Diary, These are also printed in Rymer, p. 184, for an account of his fu- xv. 545.] neral.] BOOK III.] THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 627 Carlisle, Turberville of Exeter, Pole of Peterborough, Scot of Chester, Pates of Worcester, and Goldwell of St. Asaph, they did all refuse to take it : so that only Kitchin bishop of Llan- daff took it. There was some hope or Tunstall ; so it was not put to him till September : but he being very old, chose to go out with so much company, more for the decency of the thing, than out of any scruple he could have about the supremacy, for which he had formerly writ so much'21. They were upon their refusal put in prison for a little while ; but they had all their liberty soon after, except Bonner, White2'2, and Watson. There were great complaints made against Bonner, that he had in many things, in the prosecution of those that were pre sented for heresy, exceeded what the law allowed ; so that it was much desired to have him made an example. But as the 21 [The dates of the deprivation have been preserved in Machyn's Diary, as follows : ' The 29 day of May was depreved of ys byshope- ryke of London doctur Boner, and in ys plasse master Gryndall, & . . . electyd dene of Powlles, and the old dene depreved, master . . .' p. 200. ' The 2 1 day of June was 5 bys- shopes deprevyd, the bysshope of Lychfeld and Coventre, and the bysshope of Carley, the bysshope of Westchester, the bysshope of Lan- daffh, and the bysshope of .... ' Ibid. p. 201. 'The 26 day of June was deprevyd of ther bysshoprykes the bysshope of Wynchestur and the bysshope of Lynckolne at master Hawse the kyng shreyff in Myn- syon lane, and the bysshope of Wynchester to the Towre agayne, and the bysshope of Lynckolne de- levered away.' Ibid. p. 201. ' The 5 day of July was deposyd of ther byshoperykes the archeby- shope of Yorke doctur Heth, and the bysshope of Ely docthur Thurlbe, at my lord treysorer plasse at Frers Augustyne.' Ibid. p. 203. 'The 20 day of July the good old the bysshope of Durham cam rydyng to London with three-score hors, and so to Sowth .... unto master Dolman howsse, a talow- chandler, and ther he lys aganst the chene gatte.' Ibid. p. 204. 'The 28 day of September was Myghellmas-evyn, was the old bys shope of Durram doctur Dunstall was deposyd of hys bysshope-pryke of Durram, because he shuld not reeseyff the rentes for that quarter.' Ibid. p. 214.] 22 [The bishop of Winchester was afterwards liberated, and died in January of the following year, as appears from Machyn's Diary : 'The 7 day of July was sant Thomas of Cantebere day, my good lord of Wynchastur doctur Whytt came owt of the Towre, with the leyftenantt ser Edward Warner, by 6 in morn- yng, and so to my lord keper of the brod selle, and from thens unto master Whyt, John, altherman, and ther he lys,' p. 203. 'The 12 day of January ded good master docthur Whyt, latt byshope of Wynchestur in Hamsbyre, at ser Thomas Whytes plasse, the wyche ded of a aguw, and he gayff myche to ys servandes.' Ibid. p. 223.I s s a 628 THE HISTORY OF [part II. The queen's gentlenessto them. [Camden, P- 376-] queen was of her own nature merciful, so the reformed divines had learned in the gospel not to render evil for evil, nor to seek revenge ; and as Nazianzen had of old exhorted the or thodox, when they had got an emperor that favoured them, not to retaliate on the Arians for their former cruelties; so they thought it was for the honour of their religion to give this real demonstration of the conformity of their doctrine to the rules of the gospel, and of the primitive church, by avoid ing all cruelty and severity, when it looked like revenge. All this might have been expected from such a queen, and such bishops. But it shewed a great temper in the whole na tion, that such a man as Bonner had been, was suffered to go23 about in safety, and was not made a sacrifice to the re venge of those who had lost their near friends by his means. Many things were brought against him, and White, and some other bishops ; upon which the queen promised to give a charge to the visitors, whom she was to send over England, to in quire into these things ; and after she had heard their report, she said, she would proceed as she saw cause : by this means, she did not deny justice, but gained a dttle time to take off the edge that was on men's spirits, who had been much pro voked by the ill usage they had met with from them. Heath was a man of a generous temper, and so was wed used by the queen ; for as he was suffered to live securely at his own house in Surrey, so she went thither sometimes to visit him. Tunstall and Thirlby lived in Lambeth with Parker with great freedom and ease ; the one was learned and good natured, the other was a man of business, but too easy and flexible. White and Watson24 were morose sullen men, to which their studies as well as their tempers had disposed them ; for they were much given to scholastical divinity, which 397 23 Bishop Andrewes, who gives a very particular account of the treat ment of the several bishops, has this account of Bonner : ' Bonerus autem Londinensis qui regnante Maria cum laniense praeesset in odium venerat omni populo (ut nee tutum esset ei prodire in publicum, ne saxis obrueretur) ille quidem in carcere consenuit.' Tortura Torti, p. 146, 147. [B.] 24 Watson, who was fellow and master of St. John's college, was noted for polite learning ; I suppose it was Dr. John Watson, that was given to scholastical divinity, styled Scotist by Erasmus. [B.] [The account is taken from Godwin, who however does not speak of White as he does of Watson, who, he says, was 'of a stiffness in his humour, next to sullen or morose].' book in.] THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 629 inclined men to be cynical, to overvalue themselves, and de spise"; others. Christopherson was a good Grecian, and had translated Eusebius and the other church -historians into Latin, but with as little fidelity as may be expected from a man vio lently addicted to a party. Bayne was learned in the Hebrew, which he had professed at Paris in the reign of Francis the First. All these chose to live still in England; only Pates, [Fuller, ix. Scot, and Goldwell, went beyond sea. After them went the P- 58] lord Morley, sir Francis Englefield, sir Robert Peckham, sir Thomas'25 Shelley, and sir John Gage; who, it seems, desired to live where they might have the free exercise of their reli gion : and such was the queen's gentleness, that this was not denied them, though such favour had not been shewed in queen Mary's reign. Feckenham, abbot of Westminster, was a cha- ritablej|and generous man, and lived in great esteem in Eng land. Most of the monks returned to a secular course of life ; but the nuns went beyond sea. Now the queen intended to send injunctions over England ; A visitation and in the end of June they were prepared. There was great ^3^™°" difficulty made about one of them : the queen seemed to think dered by the use of images in churches might be a means to stir up de- e queen' votion, and that at least it would draw all people to frequent them the more ; for the great measure of her counsels was, to unite the whole nation into one way of religion'26. The re formed bishops and divines opposed this vehemently : they put all their reasons in a long writing which they gave her concerning it; the preface and conclusion of which will be found in the Collection. " They protested they could not Collect. " comply with that, which, as it was against their own con- •Numb- "¦ " sciences, so it would prove a snare to the ignorant : they The queen " had often pressed the queen in that matter, which it seems ^"°^m " stuck long with her : they prayed her not to be offended images in " with that liberty they took thus to lay their reasons before " her, it being a thing which Christian princes had at all times " taken well from their bishops. They desired her to commit " that matter to the decision of a synod of bishops and divines, 25 For Thomas read Richard. Shelley, esq.] [S.] [The author apparently co- 26 This matter belongs to the pies the mistake from Godwin. Fnl- year 1560 or 1561. [S.] ler, lib. ix. p. 59, calls him Thomas 630 THE HISTORY OF [part II. Reasons broughtagainst it. " and not to do such a thing merely upon some political consi- " derations ; which as it would offend many, so it would reflect " much on the reign of her most godly brother, and on those " who had then removed all images, and had given their lives " afterwards for a testimony to the truth. " The substance of their reasons (which for their length I " have not put in the Collection) is, that the second Com- " mandment forbids the making of any images, as a resem- " blance of God. And Deut. xxvii. there was a curse pro- " nounced on those who made an image, an abomination to " the Lord, and put it, in a secret place; which they ex- " pounded of some sacraria in private houses : and Deut. iv. " among the cautions Moses gives to the people of Israel to " beware of idolatry, this is one, that they do not make an " image; for the use of these does naturally degenerate into " idolatry : the Jews were so sensible of this after the cap- " tivity, that they would die rather than suffer an image to be " put in their temple. The Book of Wisdom calls an image, " a snare for the feet of the ignorant. St. John charged those " he writ to, to beivare of idols. So Tertullian said, it was " not enough to beware of idolatry towards them, but of the " very images themselves. And as Moses had charged the " people not to lay a stumblingblock in the way of the blind ; " so it was a much greater sin to leave such a trap for the 398 " weak multitude. This was not for edification, since it fed the " superstition of the weak and ignorant, who would continue " in their former dotage upon them, and would alienate others " from the public worship ; so that, between those that would " separate from them if they were continued, and the multl- " tude that would abuse them, the number of those that would " use them aright would be very inconsiderable : the outward " splendour of them would be apt to draw the minds of the " worshippers, if not to direct idolatry, yet to staring and dis*- " traction of thoughts. Both Origen and Arnobius tell us, " that the primitive Christians had no images at all. Irenaeus " accused the Gnostics for carrying about the image of Christ. " St. Austin commends Varro, for saying that the old Romans " worshipped God more chastely, without the use of any " images. Epiphanius tore a veil with an image on it ; and " Serenus broke images in Gregory the Great's time. Valens book in.] THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 631 " and Theodosius made a law against the painting or graving (< of the image of Christ : and the use of images in the eastern " churches brought those distractions on that empire, that laid " it open to the invasions of the Mahometans." These reasons prevailed with the queen to put it into her injunctions, to have all images removed out of the church. The injunctions given by king Edward, at his first coming [Wilkins, to the crown, were all renewed, with very little variation. To "si.i' these some things were added, of which I shall give account. " It was no where declared, neither in the scriptures, nor The heads " by the primitive church, that priests might not have wives ; j*^^ " upon which many in king Edward's time had married. Yet " great offence was given by the indecent marriages that some " of them then made. To prevent the like scandals for the " future, it was ordered, that no priest or deacon should marry " without allowance from the bishop of the diocese, and two " justices of the peace, and the consent of the woman's parents [ibid. p. " or friends. All the clergy were to use habits according to l J " their degrees in the universities ; the queen declaring, that " this was not done for any holiness in them, but for order " and decency. No man might use any charm, or consult with " such as did. All were to resort to their own parish churches, " except for an extraordinary occasion. Inn-keepers were to " sell nothing in the times of divine service. None were to " keep images or other monuments of superstition in their " houses. None might preach but such as were licensed by " their ordinary. In all places they were to examine the causes " why any had been in the late reign imprisoned, famished, or " put to death, upon the pretence of religion ; and all registers " were to be searched for it. In every parish the ordinary " was to name three or four discreet men, who were to see " that all the parishioners did duly resort on Sundays and [Ibid. p. " holydays to church ; and those who did it not, and upon ad- l " monition did not amend, were to be denounced to the ordi- " nary. On Wednesdays and Fridays the common prayer and " dtany was to be used in all churches. All slanderous words, " as papist, heretic, schismatic, or sacramentary, were to be "• forborne under severe pains. No books might be printed " without a license from the queen, the archbishop, the bishop 399 " of London, the chancellor of the universities, pr the bishop 632 THE HISTORY OF [partii. [Wilkins, " or archdeacon of the place where it was printed. All were C°i88]V " to kneel at tne prayers, and to shew a reverence when the " name of Jesus was pronounced. Then followed an explana- " tion of the oath of supremacy, in which the queen declared, " that she did not pretend to any authority for the ministering " of divine service in the church, and that all that she chal- " lenged was that which had at all times belonged to the im- " perial crown of England ; that she had the sovereignty and " rule over all manner of persons under God, so that no foreign " power had any rule over them ; and if those who had for- " merly appeared to have scruples about it, took it in that " sense, she was well pleased to accept of it, and did acquit " them of all penalties in the act. The next was about altars " and communion-tables : she ordered, that, for preventing of " riots, no altar should be taken down but by the consent of " the curate and churchwardens ; that a communion-table " should be made for every church, and that on sacrament- " days it should be set in some convenient place in the chancel ; " and at other times should be placed where the altar had " stood. The sacramental bread was ordered to be round and " plain, without any figure on it, but somewhat broader and " thicker than the cakes formerly prepared for the mass. " Then the form of bidding prayer was prescribed, with some " variation from that in king Edward's time : for whereas to [Ibid. p. « the thanksgiving for God's blessings to the church in the " saints departed this life, a prayer was added, that they with " us, and we with them, may have a glorious resurrection '; " now those words, they with us, as seeming to import a prayer " for the dead, were left out." Reflections for the ru[e about churchmen marrying, those who re made on . . jo' the injunc- fleeted on it said, they complained not of the law, but, as St. tions. Jerome did in the making a law in his time, they complained of those that had given occasion for it. Ministers wearing such apparel as might distinguish them from the laity was certainly a means to keep them under great restraint, upon every indecency in their behaviour laying them open to the censures of the people ; which could not be, if they were ha bited so as that they could not be distinguished from other men : and human nature being considered, it seems to be a kind of temptation to many, when they do but think their bookih.] THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 633 disorders will pass unobserved. Bowing at the name of Jesus was thought a fit expression of their grateful acknowledging of our Saviour, and an owning of his divinity : and as standing up at the Creed, or at the Gloria Patri, were solemn expres sions of the faith of Christians ; so, since Jesus is the name by which Christ is expressed to be our Saviour, it seemed a de cent piece of acknowledging our faith in him, to shew a re verence when that was pronounced ; not as if there were a pecu liar sanctity or virtue in it, but because it was his proper name, Christ being but an appellation added to it. By the queen's care to take away all words of reproach, and to explain the oath of supremacy, not only clearing any ambiguity that might be in the words, but adowing men leave to declare in what sense they swore it, the moderation of her government did much appear; in which, instead of inventing new traps to catch the weak, which had been practised in other reigns, all possible care was taken to explain things so, that they might be as comprehensive to all interests as was possible. They 400 reckoned, if that age could have been on any terms separated from the papacy, though with allowance for many other super stitious conceits, it would once unite them all ; and in the next age they would be so educated, that none of those should any more remain. And indeed this moderation had ad the effect that was designed by it for many years, in which the papists came to church, and to the sacraments. But afterwards, it being proposed to the king of Spain, then ready to engage in a war with the queen upon the account of her supporting of the United Provinces, that he must first divide England at home, and procure from the pope a sentence against the queen, and a condemnation of such papists as went to the English service ; and that, for the maintaining and educating of such priests asjmould be his tools to distract the kingdom, he was to found seminaries at Douay, Louvain, and St. Omer's, from whence they might come over hither, and disorder the affairs of England : the prosecution of those counsels raised the popish party among us, which has ever since distracted this nation, and has oftener than once put it into most threatening con vulsive motions, such as we feel at this day. After the injunctions were thus prepared, the queen gave The first out commissions for those who should visit all the churches of ^fs8i„nm' England : in which they lost no time, for the new book of ser- 634 THE HISTORY OF [part m Collect. Numb. 7. [Camden, P- 376.] vice was by law to take place on St. John Baptist's day ; and these commissions were signed that same day. One of those commissions, which was for the archbishopric and province of York, is put into the Collection. It was granted to the earls of Shrewsbury and Derby, and some others, among whom Dr. Sandys is one. The preamble sets 'forth, " that God having set the queen " over the nation, she could not render an account of that " trust, without endeavouring to propagate the true religion, " with the right way of worshipping God, in all her dominions : " therefore she intending to have a general visitation of her " whole kingdom, empowered them, or any two of them, to " examine the true state of all the churches in the northern " parts ; to suspend or deprive such clergymen as were un- " worthy, and to put others into their places ; to proceed " against such as were obstinate by imprisonment, church cen- " sure, or any other legal way. They were to reserve pen- " sions for such as would not continue in their benefices, but " quitted them by resignation ; and to examine the condition " of all that were imprisoned on the account of religion, and " to discharge them ; and to restore all such to their benefices " as had been unlawfully turned out in the late times." This was the first high commission 2? that was given out; that for the province of Canterbury was without doubt of the same nature. The prudence of reserving pensions for such priests as were turned out was much applauded ; since thereby they were kept from extreme want, which might have set them on to do mischief ; and by the pension which was granted them upon their good behaviour, they were kept under some awe, which would not have been otherwise. That which was chiefly condemned in these commissions was, the queen's giving the visitors authority to proceed by ecclesiastical cen sures, which seemed a great stretch of her supremacy: but it was thought, that the queen might do that as well as the 401 lay-chancellors did it in the ecclesiastical courts ; so that one abuse was the excuse for another. These visitors having made report to the queen of the obe dience given to the laws and her injunctions, it was found, that 27 This was not a high commisi sion warranted by act of parlia ment ; but a commission for a royal visitation by virtue of the queen's supremacy. [S.] book in.] THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 635 of 9400 beneficed men in England, there were no more but [Fuller, ix. fourteen bishops, six abbots28, twelve deans, twelve archdea- p- 69'^ cons, fifteen heads of colleges, fifty prebendaries, and eighty rectors of parishes, that had left their benefices upon the ac count of religion : so compliant were the papists generally. And indeed the bishops after#this time had the same appre hension of the danger into which religion was brought by the jugglings of the greatest part of the clergy, who retained their affections to the old superstition that those in king Edward's time had : so that, if queen Elizabeth had not lived so long as she did, till all that generation was dead, and a new set of men better educated and principled, were grown up and pnt in their rooms, and if a prince of another religion had suc ceeded before that time, they had probably turned about again to the old superstitions as nimbly as they had done before in queen Mary's days. That which supported the superstitious party in king Edward's time most was, that many great bishops did secretly favour and encourage them : therefore it was now resolved to look well to the filling of the vacant sees. It has been said before, that Parker was sent for to London Parker's by the queen's order, and the archbishopric of Canterbury nesTto'ac'- was offered him : he was upon that cast into such a perplexity cept of the of mind, that he was out of measure grieved at it. As soon as rio 0f Can- he was returned home, he writ a letter to the lord keeper ; terbury. which, with all the other letters that passed in this matter, I have put into the Collection. " He professed he never had Collect. " less joy of a journey to London, and was never more glad to Num • ¦ " get from it, than upon his last being there. He said, it was " necessary to fill that see with a man that was neither arro- " gant, faint-hearted, nor covetous : an arrogant man would " perhaps divide from his brethren in doctrine, whereas the " whole strength of the church depended on their unity ; but " if there should be heart-burnings among them, and the pri- 28 [Fuller, from whom this is pro- black friars in Smithfield, and the bably taken, says, ' six abbots and friars at Greenwich, were all sup- abbesses.' The houses are enume- pressed ; the abbots and monks of rated as follows byStow,p. 640, 'Also Westminster were put out, a dean, thehouses of religion by queenMary, prebends, and canons placed there, at the priory of St. John of Jerusa- and so named the college of West- lem by Smithfield, the nuns and minter founded by queen Eliza- brethren of Sion and Shene, the beth.'] 636 THE HISTORY OF [partii. " vate quarrels, that had been beyond sea, should be brought " home, the peace of the church would be lost, and the success " of all their designs would be blasted : and if a faint-hearted " man were put in, it would raise the spirits of all their adver- " saries : a covetous man was good for nothing. He knew " his own unfitness both of body and mind so well, that though " he should be sorry to offend him and secretary Cecil, whom " he honoured above ad men in the world, and more sorry to " displease the queen ; yet. he must above all things avoid " God's indignation, and not enter into a station, into which " he knew he could not carry himself so as to answer it either " to God or the world for his administration. And if he must " go to prison for his obstinate untowardness, (with which it " seems they had threatened him,) he would suffer it rather " with a quiet conscience, than accept of an employment which " he could not discharge. He said, he intended by God's " grace never to be of that order, neither higher nor lower. " He knew what he was capable of: he was poor, and not " able to enter on such a station; he had a rupture, which " made him that he could not stir much ; therefore he desired " some place in ihe university, where he might wear out his 402 " life tolerably. He knew he could not answer their expecta- " tion, which made him so importunate not to be raised so " high. He said, he had great apprehensions of differences " like to fall out among themselves ; which would be a pleasant " diversion to those of the church of Rome. He saw some " men were men still, even after ad their teaching in the " school of affliction. He protested he did not seek his own " private gain or ease ; he had but two or three years more " of life before him, and did not intend to heap up for his " children." This he writ the first of March. The business of the parliament made this motion to be laid aside till ..that was dissolved ; and then, on the 17th of May, the lord keeper wrote to him concerning it : he told him, that he saw, by a resolution taken that day in the queen's presence, that it would be very hard for his friends to get him delivered from that charge. For his own part, if he knew a man to whom the characters in his letter did agree better than to himself, he should be for preferring of such a one ; but knowing no such, he must be still for him. On the 19th, after that, the book in.] THE REFORMATION. (15.59.) 637 lord^keeper and secretary Cecil signed a letter in the queen's name, requiring him to come up ; and after that they sent a second command to him to come to court on the 28th of the month. He came up, but again excused himself. Yet at last, being so often pressed, he writ to the queen herself, " protest- " ing that extreme necessity forced him to trouble her, both " out of conscience to God, and regard to her service : he " knew his great unworthiness for so high a function ; there- " fore as on his knees he humbly besought her to discharge " him of that office, which did require a man of more learning, " virtue, and experience, than he perfectly knew was in him- " self. He lamented his being so meanly qualified, that he " could not serve her in that high station ; but in any other " inferior office he should be ready to discharge his duty to " her in such a place as was suitable to his infirmity." But in the conclusion he submitted himself to her pleasure. In the end he was with great difficulty brought to accept of it. So on the 8th29 day of July the conge d'elire was sent to Can terbury ; and upon that, on the 22nd of July, a chapter was summoned to meet the first of August ; where the dean and prebendaries meeting, they, according to a method often used in their elections30, did by a compromise refer it to the dean to name whom he pleased : and he naming doctor Parker, ac cording to the queen's letter, they all confirmed it, and pub lished their election, singing Te Deum upon it: On the 9th [Rymer, of September31 the great seal was put to a warrant for hisxv' P-54I-J consecration, directed to the bishops of Durham, Bath and Wells, Peterborough, Llandaff, and to Barlow and Scory, (styled only bishops, not being then elected to any sees,) re quiring them to consecrate him. From this it appears, that neither Tunstall, Bourne, nor Pole were at that time turned out : it seems there was some hope of gaining them to obey the laws, and so to continue in their sees. This matter was delayed to the 6th3'2 of December. Whe- He is con secrated 29 Mason has it the 18th of July. 31 [A copy of the queen's letter [S.] is in the State Paper Office, Do- 30 There had been but one elec- mestic, vol. vi. 41.] tion since the prior and monks 32 [A copy of this commission were changed into a dean and pre- is in State Papers, Domestic, vol. bendaries. [G.] vii. 56.] 638 THE HISTORY OF [partii. archbishop ther this flowed from Parker's unwillingness to engage in so bury!" er" high a station, or from any other secret reason, I do not know. [Rymer, But then, the three bishops last named refusing to do it, a new wilkins, v warrant passed under the great seal, to the bishop of Llandaff ; iv.198.] Barlow, bishop elect of Chichester; Scory, bishop elect of 403 Hereford; Coverdale, late bishop of Exeter; Hodgkins, bi shop suffragan of Bedford ; John, suffragan of Thetford ; and Bale, bishop of Ossory ; that they, or any four of them, should consecrate him. So by virtue of this, on the 9th of December, Barlow, Scory, Coverdale, and Hodgkins, met at the church of St. Mary-le-Bow ; where, according to the custom, the conge d'elire, with the election, and the royal assent to it, were to be brought before them : and these being read, witnesses were to be cited to prove the election lawfully made ; and all who would object to it were also cited. All these things being per formed according to law, and none coming to object against the election, they confirmed it according to the usual manner. On the 17th of December Parker was consecrated in the chapel at Lambeth by Barlow, Scory, Coverdale, and Hodg kins, according to the book of ordinations made in king Ed ward's time : only the ceremony of putting the staff in his hands was left out of the office in this reign. He being thus consecrated himself, did afterwards consecrate bishops for the [Dec. 21.] other sees : namely, Grindal, bishop of London ; Cox, that had been king Edward's almoner, bishop of Ely ; Home, bishop of Winchester ; Sandys, bishop of Worcester ; Meyrick, bishop [Jan. 2 1, of Bangor ; Young, bishop of St. David's ; Bullingham, bishop 1500.] Qf L[nco[n . Jewel, bishop of Salisbury, (the great ornament of that age for learning and piety ;) Davis, bishop of St. Asaph ; [Mar. 24.] Guest, bishop of Rochester; Berkeley, bishop of Bath and [July 14.] Wells; Bentham, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield; Alley, [Feb. 16, bishop of Exeter ; and Par33, bishop of Peterborough. Barlow I-J and Scory were put into the sees of Chichester and Hereford. And some time after this, in February 1561, Young was trans lated from St. David's to York, there being now no hopes of 33 For Scambler. Thomas Davis Davis was not consecrated till May of St. Asaph, and Richard Cheney 26, 1561, nor Richard Cheney till of Gloucester, being some of the April 19, 1562. The author has first set of bishops, should have omitted mention of Parkhurst of been remembered, though enume- Norwich, consecrated Sept. 1,1560.] rated a while after. [G.] [Thomas For Par, read Scambler. [S.] book iii.] THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 639 gaining Heath to continue in it; which it seems had been [Camden, long endeavoured, for it was now two years that that see34 p' 377'1 had been in vacancy. In like manner, after so long waiting to see if Tunstall would conform35, there being now no more hope of it, in March 1561, Pilkington was made bishop of [Mar. 2.] Durham. Best36 was afterwards made bishop of Carlisle, and Downham bishop of Chester. [May 4.] I have given the more distinct account of these promotions, The fable of because of a most malicious slander, with which they were *he ^a?'B- J head con- aspersed in after-times. It was not thought on for forty futed. years after this. But then it was forged, and published, and spread over the world, with great confidence, that Parker himself was not legally or truly consecrated. The author of it was said to be one Neale, that had been sometime one of Bon ner's chaplains. The contrivance was, that the bishop of Llandaff being required by Bonner not to consecrate Parker, or to give orders in his diocese, did thereupon refuse it : upon that the bishops elect being met in Cheapside, at the Nag's-head tavern, Neale, that had watched them thither, peeped in through an hole of the door, and saw them in great disorder, finding the bishop of Llandaff was intractable. But (as the tale goes on) Scory bids them all kneel, and he laid the Bible upon every one of their heads or shoulders, and said, Take thou authority to preach the word of God sincerely ; and so they rose up all bishops. This tale came so late into the world, that Sanders, and all the other writers in queen Elizabeth's time, had never . heard of it : otherwise we may be sure they would not have concealed it. And if the thing had been true, or if Neale had 404 but pretended that he had seen any such thing, there is no reason to think he would have suppressed it. But when it might be presumed that all those persons were dead that had been present at Parker's consecration, then was the time to invent such a story ; for then it might be hoped that none could 34 May, dean of St. Paul's, was authorizing Robert Tempeste to re elected archbishop, but died before ceive the rents, &c, during her he was consecrated. [S.] [He died pleasure : in them it is stated that Aug. 12, 1560. See Leneve.] the bishopric was vacant by the de- 36 [Tunstall died on the 18th of privation of Cuthbert, late bishop November, 1559. Vid. State Paper deceased. Vid. Rymer, xv. 569.] Office, Domestic, vol. vii. 39, and 36 [Best was consecrated on tbe Antiq. Brit. p. 468. The queen is- same day with Pilkington, March 2, ued letters patent Feb. 27, 1566, 1561.] 640 THE HISTORY OF [part ii, ker, fol. 3. contradict it. And who could tell but that some who had seen bishops go from Bow-church to dine at that tavern with their civilians, as some have done after their confirmation', might imagine that then was the time of this Nag's-head consecration. If it were boldly said, one or other might think he remembered it. But as it pleased God, there was one then living that remembered the contrary. The old earl of Nottingham, who had been at the consecration, declared it was at Lambeth, and described all the circumstances of it, and satisfied all reasonable men, that it was according to the form of the church [Reg. Par- of England. The registers both of the see of Canterbury, and of the records of the crown, do all fully agree with his relation. For as Parker's conge d'elire, with the queen's assent to his election, and the warrant for his consecration, are all under the great seal ; so, upon the certificate made by those who conse crated him, the temporalities were restored by another warrant, also enrolled ; which was to be shewed in the house of lords when he took his place there. Besides that the consecrations of all the other bishops made by him shew that he alone was first consecrated without any other. And, above all other testimo nies, the original instrument of archbishop Parker's consecration lies still among his other papers in the library of Corpus Christi College at Cambridge, which I saw and read. It is as manifestly an original writing as any that I ever had in my hands : I have put it in the Collection, for the more full dis covery of the impudence of that fiction. But it served those ends for which it was designed. Weak people hearing it so positively told by their priests, came to believe it ; and I have myself met with many that seemed still to give some credit to it, after all that clear confutation of it made by the most inge nious and learned bishop Bramhad, the late primate of Ireland. Therefore I thought it necessary to be the larger in the account of this consecration ; and the rather, because of the influence it hath into all the ordinations that have been since that time derived down in this church. Some excepted against the canonicalness of it, because it was not done by all the bishops of the province, and three of the bishops had no sees when they did it, and the fourth was only a suffragan bishop. But to all tnis it was said, that after a church had been overrun with heresy, those rules, which were Collect.Numb. 9. [Bram- b all's Works, p. 1045.] book in.] THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 641 to be observed in its more settled state, were always superseded; as appears particularly when the Arian bishops were turned out of some great sees ; for the orthodox bishops did then ordain others to succeed them, without judging themselves bound by the canons in such cases. And bishops that had been rightly consecrated could certainly derive their own character to others, whether they were actually in sees or not. And a suffragan bishop, being consecrated in the same manner that other bishops were, though he had a limited jurisdiction, yet was of the same order with them. All these things were made out with a great deal of learning by Mason, who, upon the publishing of that fiction, wrote in vindication of the English ministry. 405 Thus were the sees filled, the worship reformed, and the queen's injunctions sent over England. Three things remained yet to be done. The first was, to set out the doctrine of the church as it had been done in king Edward's time. The second was, to translate the Bible, and publish it with short notes. And the third was, to regulate the ecclesiastical courts. The bishops therefore set about these. And for the first, though they could not by public authority set out the articles of the church till they met in a convocation ; yet they soon "after prepared them. And for the present, they agreed on a short profession of their doctrine, which all incumbents were obliged to read and publish to their people. This will be found in the Collection, copied Collect. from it as it was then printed. In the articles made- in king Edward's reign, which I have put in the Collection, the reader will find on the margin the differences between those and these marked. In the third article, the explanation of Christ's descent to hell was left out. In that about the scriptures, they now added an enumeration of the canonical and apocryphal books ; declaring, that some lessons were read out of the latter for the instruction of the people, but not for the confirmation of the doctrine. About the authority of the church, they now added, that the church had power to decree rites and ceremonies, and had authority in controversies of faith ; but still subordinate to the scripture. In the article about the Lord's supper, there is a great deal left out; for instead of that large refutation of the corporal presence, from the impossibility of a body's being in more places at once ; from whence it follows, that since Christ's body BURNET, PART II. T t 642 THE HISTORY OF [partii. is in heaven, the faithful ought not to believe or profess a real or corporal presence of it in the sacrament ; in the new articles MSS. C. it is said, That the body of Christ is given and received after Cant nS a spiritual manner ; and the means by which it is received is [CXXI. faith. But in the original copy of these articles, which I have seen subscribed by the hands of all that sat in either house of convocation, there is a further addition made. The articles were subscribed with that precaution which was requisite in a matter of such consequence ; for before the subscriptions there is set down the number of the pages, and of the lines in every page of the book, to which they set their hands. In that article of the eucharist, these words are added ; Christus in caelum ascendens, corpori suo immortalitatem dedit, naturam non abstulit : humance enim naturae, veritatem, juxta scripturas perpetuo retinet, quam uno et definito loco esse, et non in multa vel omnia simul loca diffundi, oportet : quum igitur Christus in caelum sublatus, ibi usque ad finem saeculi sit permansurus, atque inde, non aliunde, (ut loquitur Augustinus,) venturus sit ad judicandum vivos et mortuos, non debet quisquam fidelium, camis ejus et sanguinis realem et corporalem (ut hquuntur) praesentiam in Eucharistid, vel An expla- credere vel profiteri. In English thus ; " Christ, when he Chrft" of " ascended into heaven, made his body immortal, but took not presence in " from it the nature of a body ; for still it retains, according to ment ™~ " ^e scriptures, the verity of a human body, which must be " always in one definite place, and cannot be spread into many, " or all places at once. Since then Christ, being carried up to " heaven, is to remain there to the end of the world, and is to " come from thence, and from no place else, (as says St. Austin,) 406 " to judge the quick and the dead ; none of the faithful ought. " to believe or profess the real or (as they call it) the corporal " presence of his flesh and blood in the eucharist." But it is But this in the original is dashed over with minium ; yet so, suppressed. that it is still legible. The secret of it was this : the queen and her council studied (as hath been already shewn) to unite all into the communion of the church : and it was alleged, that such an express definition against a real presence might drive from the church many who were still of that persuasion; and therefore it was thought to be enough to condemn transubstan tiation, and to say, that Christ was present after a spiritual book n.] THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 643 manner, and received by faith ; to say more, as it was judged superfluous, so it might occasion division. Upon this, these words were by common consent left out : and, in the next con vocation, the articles were subscribed without them, of which I have also seen the original. This shews that the doctrine of the church, subscribed by the whole convocation, was at that time contrary to the belief of a real or corporal presence in the sacrament ; only it was not thought necessary or expedient to publish it. Though from this silence, which flowed not from their opinion, but the wisdom of that time, in leaving a liberty for different specula tions as to the manner of the presence, some have since inferred, that the chief pastors of this church did then disapprove of the definition made in king Edward's time, and that they were for a real presence. For the translating of the Bible, it was divided into many parcels. The Pentateuch was committed to William Alley, bishop of Exeter. The books from that to the second of Samuel were given to Richard Davis, who was made bishop of St. David's when Young was removed to York. All from Samuel to the second book of Chronicles was assigned Edwin Sandys, then bishop of Worcester. From thence to the end of Job to one whose name is marked A. P. C37. The book of the Psalms was given to Thomas Bentham38, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. The Proverbs to one who is marked A. P.39 The Song of Solomon to one marked A. P. E40. All from thence to the Lamentations of Jeremy was given to Robert Home, bishop of Winchester. Ezekiel and Daniel to Bentham41. From thence to Malachi to Grindal, bishop of London. The Apocrypha, to the book of Wisdom, was given to Barlow, bishop of Chichester ; and the rest of it to Parkhurst, bishop of Norwich. The Gospels, Acts, and Epistle to the Romans, were given to Richard Cox, bishop of Ely. The Epistles to the Corinthians 37 A. P. C. stands for Andrew have signed with the initial letters Pierson, Cantuar. [S.] of his see.] [He was chaplain to archbishop 39 [The initials are A. P. C. and Parker and prebendary of Canter- mean probably Andrew Pierson.] bury.] 40 A. P. E. stands for Andrew 38 [The initials T. B., which ap- Perne, Eliensis [S.J pear at the end of the Psalms, have 41 [The initials here are T. C. L. been thought to indicate Thomas meaningThomasCoventryandLitch- Becon, as Bentham would probably field. T t 2 644 THE HISTORY OF [part II. Collect.Numb. 10. to one marked G. G42. I know not to whom the rest of the New Testament was assigned. All these allotments 1 gather from the Bible itself, as it was afterwards set out by Parker. What method they followed in this work, I cannot discover ; unless the rules afterwards given in king James' time, when the translation was revived, were copied from what was now done : which rules, for the curiosity of the thing, I shall put in the Collection, as I copied it from Bishop Ravis' paper. They were given with that care that such a matter required. There were many companies appointed for every parcel of the scripture, and every one of a company was to translate the whole parcel: then they were to compare these together ; and when any company had finished their part, they were to communicate it 4Qiy to the other companies. So, it is like, that at this-timethose several bishops, that had undertaken the translation, did asso ciate to themselves companies, with whose assistance they per fected it afterwards : and when it was set out, at the end of every section, the initial letters of his name that had translated it were printed, as W. E., E. W. for Will. Exon. and Edwin Wigorn. ; and so in the rest. In what year this was first printed, I am not so well assured : for I have not seen the first impression of it ; but I believe it was in the year 1561 43, or soon after it; for the almanack prefixed for the moveable feasts begins with that year. As for the canons and rules of the church government, they were not so soon prepared. There came out some in the year 1571, and more in the year 1597, and a far larger collection of them in the first year of king James' reign. But this matter has yet wanted its chief force ; for penitentiary canons have not been set up, and the government of the church is not yet brought into the hands of churchmen. So that in this point the reformation of the church wants some part of its finishing in the government and discipline of it. The begin- Thus did queen Elizabeth again recover the reformation of ningsofthe religion : and it might have been expected, that, under such divisions of y , . . l . thischurch. moderate and wise counsels, things should have been carried [Wilkins, Cone. IV. pp. 263, 352.] 42 C. G. stands for Christopher Goodman [S.] [the initials are G. G. and stand for Gabriel Goodman Dean of Westminster.] 43 The new translation of the Bible was not printed before the year 1572. [S.] [It appeared in the year 1568.] book h.] THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 645 with that temper, that this church should have united in its endeavours to support itself, and become the bulwark of the reformation, and the terror of Rome. But that blessing was, by the sins of the nation, the passions of some, the interests of others, and the weakness of the greatest part, in a great measure denied us. The heats that had been raised beyond sea were not quite forgotten ; and as some sparks had been kindled about clergymen's habits in king Edward's reign, so, though Hooper and Ridley had buried that difference in their ashes, it broke out again concerning the vestments of the inferior clergy. Other things were also much contested; some were for setting up ecclesiastical courts in every parish, for the exercising of discipline against scandalous persons ; others thought this might degenerate into faction. These lesser differ ences were craftily managed by some who intended to improve them so far, that they might have the church lands divided among them ; and they carried these heats further in queen Elizabeth's reign, than one would imagine, that considers the temper of that government. But since that, still by many degrees, and many accidents in the civil government, they are now grown to that height, that, though, considering the grounds on which they have been, and still are maintained, they appeared. to be of no great force or moment ; yet if the animosities and heats that are raised by them are well examined, there is scarce any probable hopes left of composing those differences, unless our lawgivers do vigorously apply themselves to it. The reformation in Scotland. Having given this account of the establishment of the refor mation here in England under queen Elizabeth, I have in some sort discharged myself of the design of my engagement in this work ; but since the settlement of religion in Scotland was 408 made the same year, I shall next give some account of that ; which I do with the more assurance, having met with several [Melville's important things relating to it in Melville's Memoirs43, that Me P-77-sqq. 44 [The author has referred to sir James Melville of Halhill, 1349 these Memoirs, supra, pp. 204, 209, —1593, from the original manu- and 214, and elsewhere. They have script.' See the preface to this been published by the Bannatyne volume, p. 3, where tbe editor gives club, 4to Edinburgh, 1827, with the his opinion that the descendant al- title, ' Memoirs of his own life by luded to at p. 205, was George Scott 646 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. are in none of the printed books. When the treaty began for a peace between the two crowns of France and Spain, the secret reason of making it was, to root out heresy ; so much was expressed in the preamble to it, that to extirpate heresy, to have a general council called, and the church fully reformed both from errors and abuses, those princes had entered into a firm peace. The cardinal of Lorraine writ to his sister, the queen regent of Scotland, that now, since they were making peace, they were resolved to purge the world of heresy. He also writ to the archbishop of St. Andrew's to the same effect. The queen regent was much confounded at this. She was now forced to break her faith with those who had served her interests hitherto; and to whom she had often promised, that they should not be troubled for their consciences. The danger was also very great from their combination, since the queen of England would certainly assist them ; both because the reli gion was the same in both countries, and because, by dividing that kingdom, she would secure the north of England from the mischief Scotland could do it, if moved and set on to it by France. But the bishops in Scotland, shutting their eyes upon all dangers, resolved by some signal instance to strike a terror into the people. The archbishop of St. Andrew's, having gathered a meeting of many bishops, abbots, and divines, brought before them one Walter Mill, an old decrepit priest, who had long given over saying mass, and had preached in several places of the country. Mill's mar- They had in vain dealt with him to recant ; so now, he was brought to his trial. They objected articles to him, about his asserting the lawfulness of priests' marriages ; denying the seven sacraments ; saying the mass was idolatry ; denying the presence of Christ's flesh and blood in the sacrament ; and con demning the office of bishops, speaking against pilgrimages, and teaching privately in houses. [Spots- To these he answered beyond all their expectation ; for he o61 ' P' was so °'^ anc^ iufirm> that they thought he could say nothing. He said, " he esteemed marriage a Jblessed bond, and free for " all men to enter into it ; and that it was much better for of Pitlochrie, a younger son of sir g-iret Melville, one of sir James' John Scott of Scotstarvet, and Mar- daughters.] book ra.J THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 647 " priests to marry, than to vow chastity and not keep it, as " they generally did. He said, he knew no sacraments but " baptism and tbe Lord's supper ; the rest he left to them. " He said, the priest's sole communicating was as if a lord " should invite many to dinner, and ring a bell for them to " come ; but when they came, should turn his back on them, " and eat all himself. He said, that Christ was only spiritually " in the sacrament ; and that there was no other sacrifice but " that which he offered on the cross. He held, that they were " bishops indeed who did the work of a bishop, and not they " who sought only their sensual pleasures, and neither re- " garded the word of God, nor their flocks. He knew pilgrim- " ages had been much abused, and great uncleanness was " committed under the colour of going to them ; but there was " no ground for them in scripture." Upon these answers he was required to recant ; but he said, he knew he was to die once, and what they intended to do 409 with him, he wished they would do it soon. Upon this, he was declared an obstinate heretic. But the country was so [Bucha- alienated from them, that they could not find a man to burn nan> P- .... . 3I°-J him ; and he that had the jurisdiction in that regality refused to execute the sentence. Yet at last, one of the archbishop's servants was gotten to undertake it : but in the whole town they could find none that would sell them a cord to tie him to the stake ; so they were forced to put it off till the next day ; and then, since none other could be had, the archbishop sent the cords of his own pavilion for that use. When Mill was brought to the stake, he said, he would not go up of his own accord, because he would not be accessary to his own death ; but if they would put their hand to him, they should see how cheerfully he should do it. That being done, he went up, and said, I will go in to the altar of God. He exhorted the people to be no more seduced by the lies of their priests, but to depend upon Christ and his mercy ; for whose doctrine, as many martyrs had offered up their lives, so he blessed God that had so honoured him to call him to give this testimony, for whose glory he most willingly offered up his life. When the fire was set to him, he called to the people to pray for him, and continued to cry, Lord, have mercy on me, till he could speak no more. 648 THE HISTORY OF [part a The nation His suffering was much resented by the inhabitants of St. provoked Andrew's, who raised a great heap of stones in the place where ^| **• he was burnt, for a memorial of it ; and though the priests wood, p. scattered them often, they renewed them still, till a watch was 97'-' set about it. In all parts of Scotland, and especially in the towns, and in the families of the nobility and gentry, the reformation had been received, and secretly professed. So they began now to consult what to do. They had many meetings in several places ; and, finding their interest was great over the kingdom, they entered into confederacies to maintain the true religion. [Spots- Before the parliament met4ast year, they had sent a petition lig.l P to ^e too late, that the constable had given him good advice, in grant h- dissuading the match with Scotland, and, fearing to be entan- religion. gled in a long chargeable war, he resolved to send one thither [Melville s t0 ^q^ the true occasion of these stirs. So the constable pro- Memoirs, ... p. 78 sqq.] posed to him the sending of Melville, by whom he had under stood, that the reason of all their disorders was the queen's breaking her word to them in the matters of religibn. He carried Melvide to the king, and in his presence gave him instructions to go to Scotland, and see what was the true cause of all these disorders ; and particularly how far the prior of St. Andrew's (afterwards the earl of Murray) was engaged in them ; and if he, by secret ways, could certainly find there was nothing in it but religion, that then he should give them assurances of the free exercise of it, and press them not to engage any further till be was returned to the French court, where he was promised to find a great reward for so important a service : but he was not to let the queen regent understand his business. He found, upon his going into Scotland, that it was even as he had formerly heard, that the queen regent was now much hated and distasted by them ; but that, upon an oblivion of what was past, and the free exercise of their reli gion for the future, all might be brought to peace and quiet. But is But before he came back, the king of France was dead, the lUed' constable in disgrace, and the cardinal of Lorraine governed bookui.] THE REFORMATION. (1560.) 651 all : so he lost his labour and reward, which he valued much less, being a generous and virtuous man, than the ruin that he saw coming on his country. The lords that were now united against the queen-mother came and took St. Johnstoun. From thence they went to Stirling and Edinburgh ; and every where they pulled down monasteries : all the country declared on their side ; so that the queen regent was forced to fly to Dunbar Castle. The lords sent to England for assistance, which the queen readily granted them. They gave out, that they desired nothing but to have the French driven out, and religion settled by a par liament. The queen regent, seeing ad the country against her, and apprehending that the queen of England would take advantage from these stirs to drive her out of Scotland, was content to agree to a truce, and to summon a parliament to A truce ' meet on the 10th of January. But the new king of France jjfg,?ot. ° sent over M. de Croque with a high threatening message, that land. he would spend the whole revenue of France, rather than not Buchanan, be revenged on them that raised these tumults in Scotland. P- 3' 7-1 The lords answered, that they desired nothing but the liberty of their religion ; and that being obtained, they should be in all other things his most obedient subjects. The queen regent, having gotten about 2000 men from France fortified Leith, and in many other things broke the truce. There came over also some doctors of the Sorbonne to dispute with the minis- [ibid. p. ters, because they heard the Scottish clergy were scarce able 3l8'J to defend their own cause. The lords gathered again, and, seeing the queen regent had so often broke her word to them, they entered into consultation to deprive her of her regency. Their queen was not yet of age ; and in her minority, they pretended that the government of the kingdom belonged to the 412 states : and therefore they gathered together many of her mal-administrations, for which they might the more colourably put her out of the government. The things they charged on The queen her were chiefly these : " that she had without law begun a deposed. " war in the kingdom, and brought in strangers to subdue it ; " had governed without the consent of the nobility ; embased " the coin to maintain her soldiers ; had put garrisons in free " towns, and had broke all promises and terms with them. " Thereupon they declared her to have fallen from her re- 652 THE HISTORY OF [part II. [Spots- wood, p. 140.] The Scots implore the queen of England'said. [Bucha nan, p. 321.] ,[Spots- wood, p. 142.] jjlbid. p. -H3-] [Ibid. p. p. 144.] [April 5.] " gency, and did suspend her power till the next parliament;" So now it was an irreconcilable breach. The lords lay first at Edinburgh, and from thence retired afterwards to Stirling : upon which the French came and possessed themselves of the town, and set up the mass again in the churches. Greater supplies came over from France under the command of the marquis of Elbceuf, one of the queen regent's brothers ; who, though most of his fleet were dispersed, yet brought to Leith 1000 foot, so that there were now above 4000 French soldiers in that town. But what accession of strength soever the queen regent received from these, she lost as much in Scotland : for now almost the whole country was united against her ; and the French were equally heavy to their friends and enemies. They marched about by Stirling to waste Fife, where there were some small engagements between them and the lords of the congregation. But the Scots, seeing they could not stand before that force that was expected from France the next spring, sent to queen Elizabeth to desire her aid openly ; for the secret supplies of money and ammunition, with which she hitherto furnished them, would not now serve the turn. The councd of England apprehended that it would draw on a war with France : yet they did not fear that much ; for that kingdom was fallen into such factions, that they did not apprehend any great danger from thence till their king was of age. So the duke of Norfolk was sent to Berwick to treat with the lords of the congrega tion, who were now headed by the duke of Chatelherault. On the 27th of February they agreed on these conditions : " They " were to be sure allies to the queen of England, and to assist " her both in England and Ireland, as she should need their " help. She was now, on the other hand, to assist them to " drive the French out of Scotland : after which they were " still to continue in their obedience to their natural queen. " This league was to last during their queen's marriage to the " French king, and for a year after : and they were to give " the queen of England hostages, who were to be changed " every six months.'' This being concluded, and the hostages given, the lord Grey marched into Scotland with 2000 horse and 6000 foot. Upon that, the lords sent and offered to the queen regent, that, if she book m.] THE REFORMATION. (1560.) 653 would send away the French forces, the English should like wise be sent back, and they would return to their obedience. This not being accepted, they drew about Leith to besiege Leith is it. In one sally which the French made, they were beaten b>ys^ed baek with the loss of 300 men. This made the English more English. secure, thinking the French would no more come out : but ^ood,B "p. they, understanding the ill order that was kept, sallied out HS-l again, and kdled near 500 of the English. This made them 413 more watchful for the future. So the siege being formed, a fire broke out in Leith, which burnt down the greatest part of the town : the English playing all the while on them distracted them so, that, the soldiers being obliged to be on the walls, the fire was not easily quenched. Hereupon tbe English gave the assault, and were beaten off with some loss : but the duke of Norfolk sent a supply of 2000 men more, with the assur ance of a great army if it was necessary ; and charged the lord Grey not to quit the siege till the French were gone. Ships were also sent to lie in the Frith, to block them up by sea. The French, apprehending the total loss of Scotland, sent [Ibid. p. over Montluc, bishop of Valence, to London, to offer to restore T4 'J Calais to the queen of England, if she would draw her forces out of Scotland. She gave him a quick answer on the sudden herself, that she did not value that fish-town so much as she did the quiet of Britain. But the French desiring that she would me- [Bucha- diate a peace between them and the Scots, she understood that, ^l^' and sent secretary Cecil and Dr.Wotton into Scotland to conclude it. As they were on the way, the queen regent died in the The queen castle of Edinburgh, on the 10th of June45. She sent for some of g^^d the chief lords before her death, and desired to be reconciled to dies. them ; and asked them pardon for the injuries she had done ^afp. them. She advised them to send both the French and English 146-] soldiers out of Scotland; and prayed them to continue in their obedience to their queen. She also sent for one of their preachers, Willock, and discoursed with him about her soul, and many other things, and said unto him, that she trusted to be saved only by the death and merits of Jesus Christ ; and so 45 [Cecil and Wotton, writing to Illustrations, vol. i. p. 329. Elizabeth, inform her of the death The date in the text is taken of the queen dowager having taken from Spotswood, p. 146-] place on the nth of June. Lodge's 654 THE HISTORY OF [part II, A peace is concluded. [Spots- wood, p. H7] [Buchanan, p. 326.] Reforma tion is settled in Scotland by parlia ment.[Aug. 1. Acts of Pari, of Scoland,vol. ii. p. 525.] [Spots-wood, p. 150-] ended her days : which if she had done a year sooner, before these last passages of her life, she had been the most univer sally lamented queen that had been in any time in Scotland. For she had governed them with great prudence, justice, and gentleness ; and in her own' deportment, and in the order of her court, she was an example to the whole nation : but the directions sent to her from France made her change her mea sures, break her word, and engage the kingdom in war ; which rendered her very hateful to the nation. Yet she was often heard to say, that if her counsels might take place, she doubted not to bring all things again to perfect tranquillity and peace. The treaty between England, France, and Scotland, was soon after concluded. The French were to be sent away within twenty days ; an act of oblivion was to be confirmed in parliament ; the injuries done to the bishops and abbots were referred to the parliament ; strangers and churchmen were no more to be trusted with the chief offices, and a parliament was to meet in August for the confirming of this. During the queen's absence, the nation was to be governed by a council of twelve ; of these the queen was to name seven, and the states five. The queen was neither to make peace nor war, but by the advice of the estates, according to the ancient custom of the kingdom. The English were to return, as soon as the French were gone : and for the matter of religion, that was referred to the parliament ; and some were to be sent from thence to the king and queen, to set forth their desires to them : and the queen of Scotland was no more to use the arms and title of England. All these conditions were agreed to on the 8th of July ; and soon after, both the French and English left the kingdom. In August thereafter the parliament met, where four acts 4] 4 passed : one, for the abolishing of the pope's power : a- second, for the repealing of all laws made in favour of the former su perstition; a third, for the punishing of those that said or heard mass ; and the fourth was a confirmation of the "confes sion of faith, which was afterwards ratified and inserted in the acts of parliament, held anno 1567. It was penned by Knox, and agrees in almost all things with the Geneva Confession. Of the whole temporalty, none but the! earl of Athol,''and the lords Somerville and Borthwick, dissented to it: they book in.] THE REFORMATION. (1560.) 655 said, they would believe as their fathers had done before them. The spiritual estate said nothing against it. The abbots struck in with the tide, upon assurance, that their ab beys should be converted to temporal lordships, and be given to them. Most of the bishops, seeing the stream so strong against them, complied likewise; and, to secure themselves, and enrich their friends or bastards, did dilapidate all the revenues of the church in the strangest manner that has ever been known : and yet, for most of all these leases and aliena-, tions, they procured from Rome bulls to confirm them ; pre tending at that court, that they were necessary for making friends to their interest in Scotland. Great numbers of these bulls I myself have seen and read : so that, after all the noise that the church of Rome had made of the sacrilege in England, they themselves confirmed a more entire waste of the church's patrimony in Scotland ; of which there was scarce any thing reserved for the clergy. But our kings have since that time used such effectual endeavours there, for the recovery of so much as might' give a just encou ragement to the labours of the clergy, that universally the inferior clergy is better provided for in no nation than in Scot land ; for in glebe and tithes, every incumbent is by the law provided with at least 50/. sterling a year ; which, in propor tion to the cheapness of the country, is equal to twice so much in most parts of England. But there are not among them such provisions for encouraging the more learned and deserving- men as were necessary. When these acts of the Scottish par liament were brought into France to be confirmed, they were rejected with much scorn ; so that the Scots were in fear of a new war. But the king of France dying in the beginning of Francis the December, all that cloud vanished ; their queen being now died. [Dec. only dowager of France, and in very ill terms with her mother- J^nJu^ha" in-law, queen Catharine de Medici, who hated her because she 327.] had endeavoured to take her husband out of her hands, and to give him up wholly to the counsels of her uncles. So she, being ill used in France, was forced to return to Scotland, and govern there in such manner as the nation was pleased to sub mit to. Thus had the queen of England separated Scotland entirely from the interests of France, and united it to her own : and, The civil wars of 656 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. being engaged in the same cause of religion, she ever after this had that influence on all affairs there, that she never received any disturbance from thence during all the rest of her glorious reign. In which, other accidents concurred to raise her to the greatest advantages in deciding foreign contests that ever thk crown had. In July, after she came to the crown, Henry the Second of 415 France. France was unfortunately wounded in his eye at a tilting, the [July 8.] Deaver of his helmet not being let down ; so that he died of it soon after. His son, Francis the Second, succeeding, was then in the 16th year of his age, and assumed the government in his own name ; but put it into the hands of his mother, the cardinal of Lorraine, and the duke of Guise. The constable was put from the court, the princes of the blood were not regarded, but all things were carried by the cardinal and his brother ; between whom, and the queen-mother, there arose great misunderstandings, which proved fatal to the queen of Scotland : for she, being much engaged with her uncles, and having an ascendant over her husband, did so divide him from his mother, that before he died she had only the shadow of the government. This she remembered ever after against her daughter-in-law, and took no care of her afterwards in all her miseries. But the prince of Conde, with the admiral, and many others, resolving to have the government in their hands, engaged some lawyers to examine the point of the king's majority. These writ several books on that subject to prove, that two and twenty was the soonest that any king had been ever held to be of age to assume the government : and that no strangers nor women might be admitted to it by the law of France, but that it belonged to the princes of the blood, during the king's minority ; who were to manage it by the advice of the courts of parliament, and the three estates. So that the design now concerted between these great lords, to take the king out of their hands who disposed of him, was grounded on their laws : yet, as this design was laying all over France, papists and pro testants concurring in it, it was discovered by a protestant, who thought himself bound in conscience to reveal it. Upon this, the prince of Conde and many others were seized on ; and [Dec. 4.] had not tho king's death, in the beginning of December 1560, book in.] THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 657 saved him, the prince himself, and all the heads of that party, had suffered for it. But upon his death, Charles the Ninth, that succeeded him, being but eleven years old, the king of Navarre was declared regent ; and the queen-mother, who then hated the cardinal of Lorraine, united herself to him and the constable, and drew the weak regent into her interests. Upon this some lawyers, examining the power of the regents, found, that the other princes of the blood were to have their share of the govern ment with him ; and that he might be checked by the courts of parliament, and was subject to an assembly of the three estates. In July, the next year, there was a severe edict passed against the protestants, to put down all their meetings, and banish all their preachers. The execution of it was put into the hands of the bishops ; but the greater part of the nation would not bear it. So in January thereafter another edict passed, in a great assembly of the princes of the blood, the privy counsellors, and eight courts of parliament, for the free exejjcise of that religion; requiring the magistrates to punish those who should hinder or disturb their meetings. Soon after this, the duke of Guise and his brother reconciled themselves to the queen-mother, and re- 416 solved to break that edict. This was begun by the duke of Vassy ; where a meeting of the protestants being gathered, his servants disturbed them : they began with reproachful words ; from these it went to blows and throwing of stones, and by one of them the duke was wounded ; for which his men took a severe revenge, for they killed sixty of them, and wounded two hundred, sparing neither age nor sex. After this, the edict was every where broken. Many lawyers were of opinion, that the regent could not do it ; and that the people might lawfully follow the next prince of the blood in defence of the edict. Upon this his brother, the prince of Conde, gathered an army. In the beginning of the war, the king of Navarre was killed at the siege of Rouen ; so that, by the law, the prince of Conde ought to have succeeded him in the regency : and thus the wars that followed after this could not be called rebellion ; since the protestants had the law and the first prince of the BURNET, PART II. V U 658 THE HISTORY OF [part n. blood of their side, to whom the government did of right belong. Thus began the civil wars of France, which lasted above thirty years ; in all which time the queen of England, by the assistance she sent them, sometimes of men, but for the most part of money and ammunition, did support the protestant interest with no great charge to herself. And by that she was not only secured from all the mischief which so powerful a neighbour could do her, but had almost the half of that king dom depending on her. The wars The state of the Netherlands afforded the dke advantages theriands. iQ those provinces ; where the king of Spain, finding the pro ceedings of the bishops were not effectual for the extirpation of heresy, their sees being so large, intended to have founded more bishoprics, and to have set up the courts of inquisition in those parts; and apprehending some opposition from the na tives, he kept garrisons of Spaniards among them, with many other things, contrary to the loatus introitus that had been agreed to, when he was received to be their prince. The people, finding all terms broken with them, and that by that agreement they were disengaged from their obedi ence if he broke those conditions, did shake off his yoke. Upon which followed the civil wars of the Netherlands, that lasted likewise above thirty years. To them the queen gave assistance ; at first more secretly, but afterwards more openly : and as both they and the French protestants were assisted with men out of Germany, which were generady led by the brave, but seldom fortunate, Casimir, brother to the elector palatine, so the money that paid them was for the most part furnished from England. And thus was queen Elizabeth the arbiter of all the neigh bouring parts of Christendom. She at home brought the coin to a true standard : navigation prospered : trade spread, both in the northern seas to Archangel, and to the East and West Indies : and, in her long wars with Spain, she was always vic torious. That great armada, set out with such assurance of conquest, was, what by the hand of Heaven in a storm, what by the unwieldiness of their ships and the nimbleness of ours, so shattered and sunk, that the few remainders of it returned with irrecoverable shame and loss to Spain again. She reigned BOOKm.] THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 659 in the affections of her people ; and was admired for her 417 knowledge, virtues, and wisdom, by all the world. She always ordered her counsels so that ad her parliaments were ever ready to comply with them ; for in every thing she followed the true interest of the nation. She never asked subsidies but when the necessity was visible ; and when the occasions that made her demand any vanished, she discharged them. She was admired even in Rome itself, where Sixtus the Vita di Fifth used to speak of her and the king of Navarre, as the [Tom ;j only princess that understood what it was to govern ; and pro- p-6o.] fanely wished he might enjoy her but one night, hoping they would beget a new Alexander the Great between them46. But if that had been, and the child had taken after the father, it would have been more like Alexander the Sixth. Notwithstanding all the attempts of Rome against her per son and government, she still lived and triumphed. In the first ten years of her reign, all things were carried with such moderation, that there was no stir about religion. Pope Pius the Fourth, reflecting on the capricious . and high answer his mad predecessor had made to her address, sent one Par- [May 5, paglia47 to her, in the second year of her reign, to invite her to join herself to that see, and he would disannul the sentence 46 [Gregorio Leti, whose work is jesty was resolute and immoveable here alluded to, is an author of no in her religion. And yet some not credit. He has earned the name of more knowing of councils, but more the Italian Varillas for his want of daring of conjectures than others, historical truth and accuracy. With who love to feign what they cannot regard to the book quoted for this find, that they may never appear to anecdote, he himself observed, be at a loss, avouch that the pope 'qu'une chose bien imaginfe faisait promised to revoke the sentence beaucoup plus de plaisir que la r>4- against her mother Anne Boleyn's rite' quand elle n'itait pas mise dans marriage, to confirm our English un beau jour. ~\ liturgy by his authority, to permit 47 [See this letter in English in the English the communion under Fuller, lib. ix. p. 68. Fuller adds, both kinds, provided she would own 'What private proposals Parpaglia the pope's primacy, and cordially made to her majesty on condition unite herself to the Catholic church. she would be reconciled to Rome, is Yea, some thousands of crowns, uncertain. Some conceive the pope but all in vain, were promised to might promise more than he meant the effectors thereof, wherein his to perform ; but would he perform holiness, seemingly liberal, was more than he did promise, nothing really thrifty, as knowing such his had been effected. A bargain can sums, if accepted, would within one never be driven, where a buyer can year return with a hundredfold in- on no terms be procured. Her ma- crease,' p. 69.] u 11 2 660 THE HISTORY OF [part II. [Cotton MSS. Ju lius P. fol I63-] Catena, [Vita di Pio V. P-H3-] [Collect. Numb. 1 2 Vita di Sisto V. [Tom. ii. p. 274.] against her mother's marriage, confirm the English service, and the use of the sacrament in both kinds : but she sent the agent word to stay at Brussels, and not to come over. The same treatment met abbot Martinengo48, who was sent the year after with the like message. From that time, all treaty with Rome was entirely broken off. Pius the Fourth proceeded no further ; but his successor, Pius the Fifth, resolved to contrive her death, as he that writ his Life relates49. The unfortunate queen of Scotland, upon the wars in her country, was driven to seek shelter in England, where it was at first resolved to use her well, and to restore her to her crown and country ; as will appear by two papers, which, for their curiosity, being originals, I have put into the Col- '-' lection. The one is the advice that sir Henry Mildmay gave about it : the other is a long letter written concerning it by the earl of Leicester to the earl of Sussex. They were given me by that most ingenious and virtuous gentleman, Mr. Evelyn ; who is not satisfied to have advanced the knowledge of this age, by his own most useful and successful labours about plant ing, and divers other ways, but is ready to contribute every thing in his power to perfect other men's endeavours. But while the English council intended to have used the queen of Scotland well, her own officious friends, by the fre quent plots that were in a succession of many years carried on, sometimes by open rebellion, as in the north of England and in Ireland, but more frequently by secret attempts, brought on her the calamities of a long imprisonment, and death in the conclusion. Her death was the greatest blemish of this reign, being generally censured by all the age, except by pope Sixtus the Fifth, who was a man that delighted in cruel executions, and 48 [See Tierney's edition of Dodd's Church History, vol. ii. App. No. 48. for ' A note of the consultation had at Greenwich, May 1, 1561, by the queen's ma jesty's commandment upon a re quest made to her majesty by the king of Spain's ambassador, that the abbot Martinengo, being a nuncio from the pope, and arriving at Brussels, might come into the realm with letters from the pope and other princes to the queen's majesty.' Taken from a MS. in the State Paper Office.] 49 [Catena (Girolamo.) Vita del Papa Pio V. dedicata al santissimo Signor nostro, Sisto Quinto. Rom. 1,586, 4to, and again Rom. 1587, 8vo.] book in.] THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 661 so concluded her to be a happy woman, that had the pleasure to cut off a crowned head. But queen Elizabeth's own pre- 418 servation from the many designs that were against her life, made it in some sort, if not necessary, yet more excusable in her : especially that unfortunate queen having herself cherished the plot of Babington and Ballard, and having set her hand to the letters that were written to them about it, though she still denied that, and cast the blame of it on her secretaries, who, as she said, had gotten her hand to them without her know ledge. The pope had deposed the queen, (as will appear by his sentence, which I have put in the Collection,) and the Collect. queen of Scotland being the next heir to the crown, and a um 'I3' zealous papist, those of that redgion hoped, by destroying the queen, to set her in her room ; which put England in no small disorder, by associations, and other means that were used for preserving the queen, and destroying the popish interest. The rebellions and plots in England and Ireland were not a little supported by the assistance of king Philip of Spain, who did all he could to embroil the queen's affairs at home, though still without success. But the steps of the queen's proceedings, both against papists and puritans, are so set out by her great and wise secretary, sir Francis Walsingham, in so clear a man ner, that I shall set it down here as a most important piece of history ; being written by one of the wisest and most virtuous ministers that these latter ages have produced. He wrote it in French to one monsieur Critoy, a Frenchman, of which I have seen an English copy, taken, as is said, from the original. " Sir, " Whereas you desire to be advertised touching the pro- Walsing- " ceedings here in ecclesiastical causes, because you seem to ^^ n_e " " note in them some inconstancy and variation, as if we in- cerning > " clined sometimes to one side, and sometimes to another ; and proCeed- " as if that clemency and lenity were not used of late, that ings * J . against " was used in the beginning : all which you imputed to your both pa. " own superficial understanding of the affairs of this state, Pjj£° ™8d " having notwithstanding her majesty's doings in singular re- " verence, as the real pledges which she hath given unto the " world of her sincerity in religion, and of her wisdom in go- 662 THE HISTORY OF [part ii. " vernment, well meriteth. I am glad of this occasion to im- " part that little I know in that matter unto you, both for " your own satisfaction, and to the end you may make use " thereof towards any that shall not be so modestly and so " reasonably minded as you are. I find therefore her ma- " jesty's proceedings to have been grounded upon two prin- " ciples. " The one, that consciences are not to be forced, but to be " won and reduced by force of truth, with the aid of time, and " use of all good means of instruction and persuasion. " The other, that causes of consciences, when they exceed " their bounds, and grow to be matter of faction, lose their " nature ; and that sovereign princes ought distinctly to punish " their practices and contempt, though coloured with the pre- " tence of conscience and religion. " According to these principles, her majesty, at her coming "to the crown, utterly disliking the tyranny of Rome, which " had used by terror and rigour to settle commandments " of men's faiths and consciences ; though as a princess of 419 " great wisdom and magnanimity she suffered but the exercise " of one religion ; yet her proceedings towards the papists " was with great lenity ; expecting the good effects which time " might work in them : and therefore her majesty revived not " the laws made in the 28th and 35th of her father's reign, " whereby the oath of supremacy might have been offered at " the king's pleasure to any subject, so he kept his conscience " never so modestly to himself; and the refusal to take the " same oath, without further circumstances, was made treason. " But contrariwise, her majesty, not liking to make windows " into men's hearts and secret thoughts, except the abundance " of them did overflow into overt and express acts or affirma- " tions, tempered her law so, as it restraineth every manifest " disobedience, in impugning and impeaching, advisedly and " maliciously, her majesty's supreme power, maintaining and " extolling a foreign jurisdiction. And as for the oath, it was " altered by her majesty into a more grateful form ; the hard- " ness of the name and appellation of Supreme Head was re- " moved, and the penalty of the refusal thereof turned only " to disablement to take any promotion, or to exercise any " charge, and yet of liberty to be reinvested therein, if any book in.] THE REFORMATION. (1559.) 663 " man should accept thereof during his life. But after, when '•' Pius Quintus excommunicated her majesty, and the bulls of " excommunication were published in London, whereby her " majesty was in a sort proscribed, and that thereupon, as " upon a principal motive or preparative, followed the rebel- " lion in the north ; yet, because the ill humours of the realm " were by that rebellion partly purged, and that she feared at " that time no foreign invasion, and much less the attempt of " any within the realm, not backed by some potent power and " succour from without, she contented herself to make a law " against that special case of bringing in and publishing of " any bulls, or the like instruments ; whereunto was added a " prohibition upon pain, not of treason, but of an inferior de- " gree of punishment, against the bringing of the Agnus Dei's, " and such other merchandise of Rome, as are well known not " to be any essential part of the Romish religion, but only to " be used in practice, as love-tokens, to enchant and bewitch " the people's affections from their allegiance to their natural " sovereign : in all other points her majesty continued her " former lenity. But when, about the twentieth year of her " reign, she had discovered in the king of Spain an intention " to invade her dominions ; and that a principal part of the " plot was, to prepare a party within the realm, that might " adhere to the foreigner ; and that the seminaries began to " blossom, and to send forth daily priests and professed men, " who should by vow taken at shrift reconcile her subjects " from their obedience, yea, and bind many of them to attempt " against her majesty's sacred person ; and that, by the poison " which they spread, the humours of most papists were altered, " and that they were no more papists in conscience, and of " softness, but papists in faction ; then were there new laws " made for the punishment of such as should submit them- " selves to such reconcilements, or renunciation of obedience. " And because it was a treason carried in the clouds, and in " wonderful secrecy, and come seldom to light ; and that there 4£0 " was no presuspicion thereof so great as the recusancy to come " to divine service, because it was set down by their decrees, that " to come to church before reconcidation was to five in schism, " but to come to church after reconcilement was absolutely " heretical and damnable. Therefore there were added laws 664 THE HISTORY OF [partii. " containing punishment pecuniary, videlicet, such as might " not enforce consciences, but to enfeeble and impoverish the " means of those about whom it resteth indifferent and ambi- " guous, whether they were reconciled or not. And when, " notwithstanding all this provision, the poison was dispersed " so secretly, as that there was no means to stay it, but by " restraining the merchants that brought it in ; then, lastly, " there was added a law, whereby such seditious priests of new " erection were exiled, and those that were at that time in the " land shipped over, and so commanded to keep hence upon " pain of treason. This hath been the proceeding, though in- " termingled, not only with sundry examples of her majesty's " grace towards such as in her wisdom she knew to be papists " in conscience, and not faction and singularity, but also with " extraordinary mitigation towards the offenders in the highest " degree, committed by law, if they would but protest, that if " in case this realm should be invaded with a foreign army, by " the pope's authority, for the catholic cause, as they term it, " they would take part with her majesty, and not adhere to " her enemies. " For the other party, which have been offensive to the *' state, though in another degree, which named themselves " reformers, and we commonly call puritans, this hath been " the proceeding towards them ; a great while, when they in- " veighed against such abuses in the church as pluralities, ff nonresidence, and the like, their zeal was not condemned, " only their violence was sometime censured. When they re- " fused the use of some ceremonies and" rites, as superstitious, "they were tolerated with much connivancy and gentleness; " yea, when they called in question the superiority of bishops, " and pretended to a democracy into the church, yet their pro- " positions were here considered, and by contrary writings " debated and discussed. Yet all this while it was perceived " that their course was dangerous, and very popular : as, be- " canse papistry was odious, therefore it was ever in their " mouths, that they sought to purge the church from the relics " of papistry ; a thing acceptable to the people, who love ever " to run from one extreme to another. " Because multitude of rogues and poverty was an eyesore, f ' and a dislike to every man ; therefore they put into the book iii. THE REFORMATION. {1559.) 665 " people's head, that if discipline were planted, there should " be no vagabonds nor beggars ; a thing very plausible. And ^ " in like manner they promised the people many of the impos- " sible wonders of their discipline : besides, they opened to the " people a way to government, by their consistory and pres- " bytery ; a thing, though in consequence no less prejudicial " to the liberties of private men than to the sovereignty of " princes, yet in first show very popular. Nevertheless this, " except it were in some few that entered into extreme con- " tempt, was borne with, because they pretended in dutiful " manner to make propositions, and to leave it to the provi- " dence of God and the authority of the magistrate. 421 " But now of late years, when there is issued from them " that affirmed, the consent of the magistrate was not to be " attended ; when, under pretence of a confession, to avoid " slander and imputations, they combined themselves by classes " and subscriptions ; when they descended into that vile and " base means of defacing the government of the church by " ridiculous pasquils ; when they began to make many sub- " jects in doubt to take oaths, which is one of the fundamental " parts of justice in this land, and in all places ; when they " began both to vaunt of their strength, and number of their " partisans and followers, and to use comminations that their " cause would prevail through uproar and violence ; then it " appeared to be no more zeal, no more conscience, but mere " faction and division : and therefore, though the state were " compelled to hold somewhat a harder hand to restrain them " than before, yet was it with as great moderation as the " peace of the state or church could permit. And there- " fore, sir, to conclude, consider uprightly of these matters, " and you shall see, her majesty is no more a temporizer in " religion : it is not the success abroad, nor the change of " servants here at home, can alter her ; only, as the things " themselves alter, she applied her religious wisdom to me- " thods correspondent unto them ; still retaining the two rules " before mentioned, in dealing tenderly with consciences, and " yet in discovering faction from conscience, and softness from " singularity. Farewell. " Your loving friend, " F. Walsingham." 666 HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION, (i 5.59-) bookih. Thus I have prosecuted what I at first undertook, the pro gress of the reformation, from its first and small beginnings in England, till it came to a complete settlement in the time of this queen : of whose reign, if I have adventured to give any account, it was not intended so much for a full character of her and her counsels, as to set out the great and visible bless ings of God that attended on her ; the many preservations she had, and that by such signal discoveries, as both saved her life, and secured her government ; and the unusual happiness of her whole reign, which raised her to the esteem and envy of that age, and the wonder of all posterity. It was wonderful indeed, that a virgin queen could rule such a kingdom, for above forty -four years, with such constant success, in so great tranquillity at home, with a vast increase of wealth, and with such glory abroad. All which may justly be esteemed to have been the rewards of Heaven, crowning that reign with so much honour and triumph, that was begun with the reforma tion of religion. THE END OF THE THIRD BOOK, AND OF THE HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. CONTENTS OF THE SECOND PART OF THE HISTORY. [The pages referred to are those of the first and second folio editions, as printed in the inner margin of this edition.] BOOK I. Of ihe life and reign of king Edward the Sixth. 1547- KlNG Edward's birth and bap tism, Page i His education and temper, 2 Cardan's character of him, ibid. A design to create him prince of Wales, 3 King Henry dies, and he succeeds, ibid. King Henry's will, ibid. Debate about choosing a protector, 4 The earl of Hertford is chosen, . . 5 It is declared in council, ibid. The bishops take out commissions, 6 Reasons for a creation of peers, . . ibid. Affairs of Scotland, 8 Lay men in ecclesiastical dignities, ibid. Images taken away in a church in London, 9 The progress of image-worship, . . ibid. Many pull down images, 1 1 Gardiner is offended at it ibid. The protector writes about it .... ibid. Gardiner writes to Ridley about them, 12 Commissions to the justices of peace 13 The form of coronation changed, . . ibid. King Henry's burial, 13 Soul-masses examined, 14 A creation of peers, 15 The king is crowned, ibid. The lord chancellor is turned out, ibid. The protector made by patent, . . 17 The affairs of Germany, 19 Ferdinand made king of the Ro mans, ibid. The diet at Spire ibid. Emperor makes peace with France, and with the Turk, 20 And sets about the ruin of the protestants, ibid. Protestant princes meet at Frank fort, 21 Duke of Saxe, and landgrave of Hesse arm., 12 PeacebetweenEnglandandFrance, 23 Francis the First dies, ibid. A reformation set about in Eng land, 24 A visitation resolved on, 26 Some homilies compiled, 27 Injunctions for the visitation, .... 28 Injunctions for the bishops, .... 29 Censures passed upon them, .... ibid. 668 CONTENTS OF THE Protector goes into Scotland, .... 31 Scotland said to be subject to Eng land, ibid. Protector enters Scotland, 33 Makes offers to the Scots ibid. The Scots' defeat at Musselburgh, 34 Protector returns to England, .... 35 The visitors execute the injuncions, 36 Bonner protests and recants, .... ibid. Gardiner would not obey, ibid. His reasons against them, ibid. He complains to the protector, . . 38 The lady Mary complains also, . . 39 The protector writes to her, .... ibid. The parliament meets, ibid. An act repealing severe laws, .... 40 An act about the communion, . . 41 Communion in both kinds, ibid. Private masses put down, 42 An act about the admission of bi shops, 43 Ancient ways of electing bishops, ibid. An act against vagabonds, 45 Chantries given to the king, .... ibid. Acts proposed, but not passed, . . 46 The convocation meets, 47 And makes some petitions, ibid. The clergy desire to have represen tatives in the house of commons, ibid. The grounds of that, 48 The affairs of Germany 50 Duke of Saxe taken, ibid. The archbishop of Cologne resigns, 5 r A decree made in the diet, 52 Proceedings at Trent, ibid. The council removed to Bologna, 53 The French quarrel about Bou logne, ibid. The protector and the admiral fall out, 54 1548. Gardiner is set at liberty, c§ Marquis of Northampton sues a di vorce, 56 The arguments for it, 57 A progress in the reformation, . . 58 Proclamation against innovation, 59 All images taken away, 60 Restraints put on preachers, .... 61 Some bishops and doctors examine the public offices and prayers, 61 Corruptions in the office of the communion, 62 A new office for the communion, 64 It is variously censured, 65 Auricular confessionleftindifferent, ibid. Chantry lands sold, 67 Gardiner falls into new troubles, 68 He is ordered to preach, 69 But gives offence, and is imprisoned, 70 A catechism set out by Cranmer, 71 A further reformation of public of fices, ibid. A new liturgy resolved upon, . . 72 The changes made in it, 73 Preface to it, 79 Reflections made on it, ibid. All preaching forbid for a time, . . 81 Affairs of Scotland, ibid. The queen of Scots sent to France, 82 The siege of Haddington, ibid. A fleet sent against Scotland 83 But without success, ibid. The siege of Haddington raised, 84 Discontents in Scotland, 85 The affairs of Germany, ibid. The book of the Interim, 86 Both sides offended at it, ibid. Calvin writes to the protector, . . 88 Bucer writes against Gardiner, . . ibid. A session of parliament, ibid. Act for the marriage of the clergy, 89 Which was much debated, ibid. Arguments for it from scripture, . . ibid. And from the fathers, 90 The reasons against it examined, 91 An act confirming the liturgy, . . 93 Censures passed upon it, 94 The singing of psalms set up, .... ibid. 1549- An act about fasts, 95 Some bills that did not pass, .... 96 A design of digesting the common law into a body, ibid. The admiral's attainder, 97 He was sent to the Tower, ibid. The matter referred to the parlia ment 99 SECOND PART OF THE HISTORY. 669 The bill against him passed, 99 The warrant for his execution, . . ipo It is signed by Cranmer, ibid. Censures upon that, ibid. Subsidies granted, IOi A new visitation, ibid. All obey the laws except lady Mary, 103 A treaty of marriage for her, .... ibid. The council required her to obey, 104 Christ's presence in the sacrament examined, ibid. Public disputations about it, .... 105 The manner of the presence ex plained, 107 Proceedings against anabaptists, . . no Of these there were two sorts. . . . ibid. Two of them burnt, 112 Which was much censured, ibid. Disputes concerning infant bap tism, ibid. Predestination much abused, .... 113 Tumults in England, ibid. Some are soon quieted, 114 The Devonshire rebellion, 115 Their demands, ibid. An answer sent to them, 116 They make new demands, 117 Whieh are rejected, ibid. The Norfolk rebellion, ^bid. The Yorkshire rebellion, 118 Exeter besieged, ibid. It is relieved, and the rebels de feated, no The Norfolk rebels are dispersed, ibid. A general pardon, 120 A visitation of Cambridge, ibid. Dispute about the Greek pronun ciation, ibid. Bonner in new troubles, ibid. Injunctions are given him, 121 He did not obey them, 122 He is proceded against, ibid. He defends himself, 123 He appeals, 1 25 But is deprived, 126 Censures past upon it, . . , 127 The Frenchfall into Boulogne, ... . 128 111 success in Scotland, 129 The affairs of Germany, ibid. 134 I3S A faction against the protector, . . 130 Advices about foreign affairs 131 Paget sent to the emperor, ibid. But can obtain nothing, j,. Debates in council, ibid. Complaints of the protector, The counsellors leave him . . . The oityofLondonjoins with them, 136 The protector offers to submit, . . Jbid. He is accused, and sent to the To^er, 138 Censures passed upon him, ibid. The papists much lifted up, 139 But their hopes vanish, ibid. A treaty with the emperor, 140 A session of parliament, ibid. An act against tumults, iibid. And against vagabonds, ibid. Bishops move for a power of cen tring. i4t An act about ordinations, ibid. An act about the duke of Somer- se*> ibid. The reformation carried on, 142 A book of ordinations made, .... 143 Heath disagrees to it, and put in Prison, ibid. Interrogations added in the new book, 144 Boulogne was resolved to be given to the French, 146 Pope Paul the Third dies, ibid. Cardinal Pole was elected pope, ibid. Julius the Third chosen, 147 A treaty between the English and French, ibid. Instructions given the English am bassador, ibid. Articles of the treaty, 148 The earl of Warwick governs all, 149 Ridley made bishop of London, ibid. Proceedings against Gardiner, .... 150 Articles sent to him, ibid. He signed them with exceptions, 151 New articles sent him, ibid. He refuses them, and is hardly used, ibid. Latimer advises the king about his marriage, 152 6/0 CONTENTS OF THE Hooper made bishop of Gloucester, 1 5 2 But refuses the episcopal garments, ibid. Upon that great heats arose, .... ibid. Bucer's opinion about it, 153 And Peter Martyr's, 154 A German congregation at London, ibid. Polydore Vergil leaves England, . . ibid. A review made of the Common- Prayer-Book, 155 Bucer's advice concerning it, .... ibid. He writ a book for the king, .... 156 The king studies to reform abuses, 157 He keeps a journal of his reign, ibid. Ridley visits his diocese, 158 Altars turned to communion tables, ibid. The reasons given for it, 159 Sermonsonworking-days'forbidden,ibid. The affairs of Scotland, 161 And of Germany, ibid. 1551- The compliance of the popish clergy, 162 Bucer's death and funeral, 163 His character, 164 Gardiner is deprived, 165 Which is much censured, ibid. Hooper is consecrated, 166 Articles of religion prepared, .... ibid. An abstract of them, 167 Corrections in the Common -Prayer- Book, 169 Reasons of kneeling at the commu nion 1 70 Orders for the king's chaplains, .. 171 The lady Mary has mass still ibid. The king is earnest against it, ... . 172 The council write to her about it, ibid. But she was intractable, 1 74 And would not hear Ridley preach, 175 The designs of the earl of Warwick, 1 76 The sweating sickness, ibid. A treaty for a marriage with the daughter of France, 177 Conspiracy against the duke of So merset, 1 78 The king is alienated from him, . . 179 He is brought to his trial, ibid. Acquitted of treason, but not of felony, 180 Some others condemned with him, 181 The seal is taken from the lord Rich, 182 And given to the bishop of Ely, . . ibid. Churchmen's being in secular em ployments much censured, .... 183 Duke of Somerset's execution, .... 184 His character, 185 Affairs of Germany, 186 Proceedings at Trent, 187 1552. A session of parliament, 189 The Common-Prayer-Book con firmed, ibid. Censures passed upon it, 190 An act concerning treasons, ibid. An act about fasts and holy-days, 191 An act for the married clergy,.. .. 192 An act against usury, ibid. A bill against simony not passed, 193 The entail of the duke of Somer set's estate cut off, 194 The commons refuse to attaint the bishop of Durham by bill, .... ibid. The parliament is dissolved, .... 195 A reformation of the ecclesiastical courts is considered, ibid. The chief heads of it, 197 Rules about excommunication, . . 201 Projects for relieving the poor clergy, 202 Heath and Day deprived, 203 The affairs of Ireland, ibid. A change in the order of the garter, 205 Paget degraded from the order, . . 206 The increase of trade, 207 Cardan passes through England,. . 208 The affairs of Scotland, ibid. The affairs of Germany, 210 Proceedings at Trent, 211 An account of the Council there,.. 212 A judgment of the histories of it, ibid. The freedom of religion established in Germany, 2 13 The emperor is much cast down,. . 214 1553- A regulation of the privy council, ibid. A new parliament, ibid. SECOND PART OF THE HISTORY. 671 The bishopric of Durham suppress ed, and two new ones were to be raised, 2ij Avisitationfortheplate in churches, 216 Instructions for the president in the north, 217 The form of the bishops' letters pa tents 218 A. treaty with the emperor, 219 The king's sickness, 221 His care of the poor, ibid. Several marriages, 222 He intends to leave the crown to lady Jane Grey, ibid. Which the judges opposed at first, ibid. Yet they consented to it except Hales 222 Cranmer is hardly prevailed with, 224 The king's sickness becomes despe rate, ibid. His last prayer, ibid. His death and character ibid. BOOK II. The life and reign of queen Mary. QUEEN Mary succeeds, but is in . great danger, 233 And retires to Suffolk, ibid. She writes to the council, 234 But they declare for the lady Jane, ibid. The lady Jane's character, ibid. She unwillingly accepts the crown, 235 The council writes to queen Mary, ibid. They proclaim the lady Jane queen, ibid. Censures passed upon it, 236 The duke of Northumberland much hated, 237 The council send an army against queen Mary, ibid. Ridley preaches against her, .... 238 But her party grows strong, .... ibid. The council turn and proclaim her queen, 239 The duke of Northumberland is taken, ibid. Many prisoners are sent to the Tower, ibid. The queen comes to London, .... 240 She was in danger in her father's time, ibid. And was preserved by Cranmer, . . 241 She submitted to her father, ibid. Designs for changing religion, .... 242 Gardiner's policy, ibid. He is made chancellor, ibid. DukeofNorthumberland and others attainted, ibid. He at his death professes he had been always a papist, 243 His character, 244 King Edward's funeral, ibid The queen declares she will force no conscience, 245 A tumult at Paul's, ibid. A proclamation against preaching, ibid. Censures passed upon it, 246 She uses those of Suffolk ill, .... ibid. Consultations among the reformed, 247 Judge Hales barbarously used, . . ibid. Cranmer declares against the mass, 248 Bonner's insolence, ibid. Cranmer and Latimer sent to the Tower, 250 Foreigners sent out of England, . . ibid. Many English fly beyond sea, .... ibid. The queen rewards those who had served her, 251 She is crowned, and discharges a tax, ibid. A parliament summoned 252 672 CONTENTS OF THE The reformed bishops thrust out of the house of lords, 252 Great disorders in elections, .... ibid. An act moderating severe laws, .. 253 The marriage of the queen mother confirmed, ibid. Censures passed upon it, 254 The queen is severe to the lady Elizabeth ibid. King Edward's laws about religion repealed, 255 An act against injuries to priests, ibid. An act against unlawful assemblies, ibid. Marquis of Northampton's second marriage broken, 256 The duke of Norfolk's attainder annulled, ibid. Cranmer and others attainted, .... 257 But his see is not declared void, . . ibid. The queen resolves to reconcile with Rome, ibid. Cardinal Pole sent legate, 258 But is stopped by the emperor, .. 259 The queen sends to him, ibid. His advice to the queen, 260 Gardiner's methods are preferred, 261 The house of commons offended with the queen's marriage then treated about, ibid. The parliament is dissolved, .... ibid. 1,200,000 crowns sent to corrupt the next parliament, 262 Proceedings in the convocation, . . ibid. Disputes concerning the sacrament, ibid. Censures past upon them, 263 1554- Ambassadors treat with the queen for her marriage, ibid. Articles agreed on, ibid. The match generally disliked, .... 284 Plots to oppose it are discovered, ibid. Wiat breaks out in Kent, ibid. His demands, 286 He is defeated and taken, ibid. The lady Jane and her husband executed, 271 Her preparations for death, ibid. The duke of Suffolk is executed,. . 272 The'lady Elizabeth is unjustly sus pected, 273 Many severe proceedings, 273 The imposture in the wall, ibid. Instructions for the bishops, . . . 274 Bishops that adhere to the reforma tion deprived, ibid. The mass every where set up, 276 Books against the married clergy, 277 A new parliament, ibid. The queen's regal power asserted, ibid. The secret reasons for that act, . . ibid. Great jealousies of the Spaniards, 279 The bishopric of Durham restored, ibid. Disputes at Oxford, 280 With Cranmer, 281 And Ridley 282 And Latimer, 283 Censures passed upon them, .... ibid. They are all condemned, ibid. The prisoners in London give rea sons why they would not dispute, 284 King Philip lands, 286 And is married to the queen, .... ibid. Hebrings agreat treasure with him, ibid. Acts of favour done by him, 287 He preserves the lady Elizabeth, . . ibid. He was little beloved, 288 But much magnified by Gardiner, ibid. Bonner's carriage in his visitation, ibid. No re ordination of those ordained in king Edward's time, 289 Bonner's rage, 290 The sacrament stolen, . . . .' 291 A new parliament, ibid. Cardinal Pole's attainder repealed, ibid. He comes to London, 292 And makes a speech to the parlia ment, ibid. The queen is believed with child, . . ibid. The parliament petition to be recon ciled, 293 The cardinal absolves them, ibid. Laws against the see of Rome re pealed, 294 A proviso for church lands, ibid. A petition from the convocation, . . ibid. An address from the inferior clergy, 295 Laws against heretics revived, . . 296 An act declaring treasons, ibid. Another against seditious words, . . ibid. Gardiner in great esteem, 297 SECOND PART OF THE HISTORY. 673 The fear of losing the church lands, 297 Consultations howto deal withhere- tics, ^gS Cardinal Pole for moderate courses, 299 But Gardiner is for violent ones, . . ibid. To which the queen is inclined, . . 300 1555- They begin with Rogers and others, ibid. Who refusing to comply are judged, 301 Rogers and Hooper burnt, 302 Sanders and Taylor burnt, 303 These cruelties are much censured, 304 Reflections made onHooper's death, ibid. The burnings much disliked, .... 305 The king purges himself, ibid. A petition against persecution, . . ibid. Arguments to defend it, 306 More are burnt, 307 Ferrar and others burnt, 308 The queen gives up the church lands, ibid. Pope Julius dies, and Marcellus succeeds, 309 Paul the IVth succeeds him, .... 310 English ambassadors at Rome, . . ibid. Instructions sent for persecution, 311 Bonner required to burn more, .. 312 The queen's delivery in vain ex pected, ibid. Bradford and others burnt, 313 Sir Thomas More's works publish ed, 316 His Letter of the Nun of Kent, . . ibid. Ridley and Latimer burnt, 318 Gardiner's death and character, . . 320 The temper of the parliament is much changed 322 The queen discharges tenths and first-fruits, ibid. An act against those that fled be yond sea rejected, 323 An act debarring a murderer from the benefit of clergy opposed, . . ibid. Sir Anthony Kingston put in the Tower, 324 Pole holds a convocation, ibid. The heads of his decrees, ibid. Pole's design for reforming of abuses, 326 BURNET, PART II. Pole will not admit the Jesuits to England, 327 Philpot's martyrdom, 328 Foreign affairs, . . : ibid . Charles the Vth's resignation, .... 329 Cranmer's trial, 332 He is degraded, 333 He recants, ibid. He repents of it, 334 His martyrdom, 335 His character, ibid. Others suffer on the like account, 337 A child born in the fire and burnt, ibid. The reformation grows, 338 Troubles at Frankfort among the English there, 339 Pole is made archbishop of Canter bury, 340 Some religious houses are endowed, ibid. Records are razed, 341 -Endeavours for the abbey of Glas tonbury, ibid. Foreign affairs, 342 The pope is extravagantly proud,. . ibid. He dispenses with theFrench king's oath, 343 And makes war with Spain, .... 344 1557- A visitation of the universities,' . . 345 The persecution set forward 346 A design for setting up) the inqui sition, 347 Burnings for religion, 348 Lord Stourton hanged for murder, 350 The queen is jealous of the French, 351 The battle at St. Quintin's, 352 The pope offended with cardinal Pole, ibid. He recals him, 353 The queen refuses to receive car dinal Peto, ibid. A peacebetween the pope and Spain, 354 A war between England and Scot land, ibid: ' The affairs of Germany, 355 A persecution in France, 356 I558- Calais is besieged, ibid. X X C74 CONTENTS OF THE And it and Guisnes are taken, . . . 357 Sark taken by the French, 358 and retaken strangely, ....'. 359 Great discontents in England, .... ibid. A parliament is called, 360 King of Sweden courts the lady Elizabeth, 361 But is rejected by her, ibid. She was ill used in this reign, .... 362 The progress of the persecution, . . 363 The methods of it, 364 An expedition against France, . . 365 Many strange accidents, 365 A treaty of peace, 366 The battle of Gravelines, ibid. Many protestants in France, .... ibid. DauphinmarriesthequeenofScots, 367 A convention of estates in Scotland, ibid. A parliament in England, 368 The queen's sickness and death, . . 369 Cardinal Pole dies, ibid. His character, ibid. The queen's character, 370 BOOK III. Of the Settlement of the Reformation of Religion in the beginning qf queen Elizabeth's reign. QUEEN Elizabeth succeeds 373 And comes to London, 374 She sends a despatch to Rome, . . ibid. But to no effect, ibid, King Philip courts her, 375 The queen's council, ibid. A consultation about the change of Religion, 376 A method proposed for it, 377 Many forward to reform, 378 Parker named to be archbishop of Canterbury ibid. 1559- Bacon made lord keeper, 380 The queen's coronation, ibid. The parliament meets, 381 The treaty at-Cambray, 382 A peace agreed on with France, . . ibid . The proceedings of the parliament, 383 An address to the queen to marry, 384 Her answer to it, ibid. They recognise her title, 385 Acts concerning religion, ibid. The bishops against the supremacy, 386 The beginning of the high commis sion, 387 A conference at Westminster, .... 388 Arguments for the Latin Service, 389 Arguments against it, 390 The conference breaks up, . . 391 The liturgy corrected and explain ed, 392 Debates about the act of uniform ity, 393 Arguments for the changes then made, 394 Bills proposed, but rejected, .... 395 The bishops refuse the oath of su premacy, 396 The queen's gentleness to them, . . ibid. Injunctions for a visitation, 397 The queen desires to have images retained, ibid. Reasons brought against it, ibid. The heads of the injunctions, .... 398 Reflections made on them, 399 The first high commission, 400 Parker's unwillingness to accept of the archbishoprio of Canterbury, 401 His consecration, 402 The fable of the Nag's-head confut ed, 403 The Articles of Religion prepared, 405 SECOND PART OF THE HISTORY. 675 An explanation of the presence in the sacrament, 405 The translation of the Bible, .... 406 The beginnings of the divisions, . . 407 The reformation in Scotland, .... ibid. Mill's martyrdom, 408 It occasions great discontents, .... 409 A revolt at St. Johnstoun, ...... 410 The French king intends to grant them liberty of religion, 411 But is killed, ibid. A truce agreed to, ibid. The queen regent is deposed, .... 412 The Scots implore the queen of Eng land's aid, ibid. Leith besieged by the English, . . ibid. The queen regent dies, 413 A peace is concluded, ibid. The reformation settled by parlia ment, ibid. Francis the Second dies, ibid. The civil wars of France, 415 The wars of the Netherlands, .... 46 The misfortunes of the queen of Scotland, 417 Queen Elizabeth deposed by the pope, 4r8 Sir Francis Walsingham'sletter con cerning the queen's proceedings with papists and puritans, .... ibid. The conclusion 421 3 9002 00586 8006