m is*a ^' p" ^1 . iv» ^iF' -^' 'Jtpf ' J.#^*^*'- \ *,f rss-lif,! .,' t- JOHN MURPHY, PRINTEK, PUBLISHER AND BOOKSELLEE, 146 Market street, Baltimore, Has recently added to his former business, a BOOK STORE and BOOK BINDERY, which are worked in connection with one of the most complete and extensive PRINTING establishments IN THE COUNTRY, undcr the same roof and under his own immediate superintendence To such as contemplate Printing or Publishing, the advantages resulting from this combination enable him to otter inducements pecuniary and otherwise not attainable under other circumstances. His facilities, in point olroom and materials, are such as will enable tiim to execute all orders in his line in the neatest manner, at short notice, and on the most accommodating terms. He tenders his services to the Public under the full assur ance that no eflbrt will be wanting on his pai't to furnish such orders as he may receive, either for Printing or Books, in a satisfactory manner, • Good Articles, Low Prices, and Punctuality, may be relied on. A General j&ssortment of School Books, Stationery, &c. constantly on hand, LIST OF CATHOLIC BOOKS PUBLISHED AND FOB SALE AS ABOVE. ^ liberal Discount rnade io the Trade, the Rev. Clergy, Religious Sodeiies^ ln$tiiiiiions^ Sfc. ^c. Recently Published, CONCILIA PROVINCIALIA, BALTIMORI Habita ab Anno 1S29 usque ad Annum 1S41. 1 vol. bvo. boards, 1 00 Recently Published, COMPENDIUM RITUALIS EOMANI, ad usum Dicecesum ProvinciEe Baltimorensis, jussu Concilii Provincialis Baltimorensis iii., ap- probante SS. D. N. Geegorio PP. XVI., editum. 1 vol. 12mo. sheep, rolled edges, . . 1 00 Recently Published, EXCERPTA EX RITUALI ROMANO pro administratione Sacramentorum, ad Commo- diorem MissionariorumDioecesum Provinciae Bal timorensis usum, juxta Decretum Concilii Balti morensis 111., approbante SS. D. N. Greqorio PP. XVI. 1 vol. 32mo. roane, . . 60 The above works (printed by ordei- qf the last Provincial Council) are sold at very low prices, the style in which they are gotten up, and the limited sah-s, taken into consideration. They are beautifully printed on fine paper, and may each be had in a vai'iety of bindings. From the many flattering notices that have been taken of these works, we select the follow- iug brief extracts : (From ike Religious Cabinet.) '* Compendium Ritucdis Romani ad usum Dice cesum, &c. "This Ritual, published by Mr. Murphy, has been issued in compliance with a resolution of the second provincial council, held at Baltimore, in 1833, ^nd with the authorization of the Pope, who charged the Rt. Rey. Dr. Rosati with the superintendence of the publication. It is the Ro man Ritual with some additions and omissions. The parts omitted are such as are inapplicable in this country. The additions are, 1. The ques tions and answers for baptism and marriage in English and French ; 2. Several notes relative to the administration of the Sacraments; 3. An ap- {)endix containing a short formula for blessing baptismal water, the form of blessing and giving the scapular, -the form of receiving converts into the Church, and short instructions for the admin istration of the sacraments. The Ritual is hand somely printed; aud bound in a very neat aud ap propriate manner." *' Concilia Provincialia BaUimori habita, &c. '''The above is a handsome octavo volume of 221 pages, containing, in addition to the four pro vincial councils, the proceedings of the synod held in 1791 by Dr. Carroll, then bishop of Balti more, and several articles of discipline enacted in 1810 by the bishops of the United States. The volume is furnished in the end with copioua indices." "Excerpta ex' Rittudi Romano, &c. "This is the title, of a volume containing such extracts from the Roman Ritual as are needed by clergymen, for the administration of the sacra ments and the discharge of the ordinarj'- functions of the ministry. An appendix has been added, consisting of short instructions which will be found very useful. This little volujne, with a copy of which we have been favored by the pub lisher, has been produced in a very neat form, and is very handsomely executed." {From the Catholic Herald.) " We have been favored by the publisher with copies of these works, and admire much the style in which they are brought out. From their nature, their circulation must be limited, and therefore the expenses of the publisher must be considerable. Acts of the Provincial Councils are most interesting, as they contain the progress . of order and discipline in the American Church to the present day. "TheRoman Rjtual, adapted to thecircumstancea of our counti;y in the administration of the sacra ments, form a most desirable volume for the uni form practice of the clergy, on all points of disci pline." {From-the Boston Pilot.) "'Excerpta Ex Rituali Romano.' This is cer tainly the prettiest specimen of printing and bind ing we have for a long time seen; and reflects much to the credit of the publisher." {From, the JVeiu England Re-porter, Boston.) **The neatness of these works cannot be sur passed; the taste displayed in their typography and binding merits the highest praise." {From the New York Freeman^s Journal.) "The beauty and accuracy of the typographical execution of these works are highly creditable to the publisher." LIST or CATHOLIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Just Published. A CONFERENCE ON THE AUTHORITY OF THE CHURCH, held March 1st, 1679, between James Bbnignus Bossuet, Bishop of Condom (afterwards of Meaux), and John Claude, Calvinist Minister at, Charenton; to gether with Reilections on a Treatise by M. Claude, bythe Bishop of Condom. First Amer ican, from the last London edition. 1 vol. 8vo. bound in boards, . ... 50 CATECHISM OF THE COUNCIL of TRENT, published by command of Pope Pius V. — Translated into English, by the Rev. J. Donovan, Professor, &c. Royal College, Maynooth. First American from the Dublin edition, 1 vol. octavo, bound in cloth, 1 50 SERMONS ON THE FOUR MARKS OF THE CHURCH, with illustrations, by the Rev. John Fletcher, D. D. 2 vols. 8vo. bound in hoards, 2 50 SERMONS ON VARIOUS RELIGIOUS and MORAL SUBJECTS, by the Rev. John Fletcher, D. D. 1 vol. Sfo. bd in boards, 1 50 A HISTORY OF THE PROTESTANT "EE FORMATION" in England and Ireland, showing how that event has impoverished and degraded the main body of the people in those countries — in a series of letters, addressed to all sensible and just Englishmen, by Wm. Cobbett. To which is added, his letter to the Earl of Ro- dan, on the subjecc of Religion, 1 vol. 12mo. hoards, .... . 50 THE BOOK OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH: in a series of letters addressed to Robert Southey, Esq. LL. D. on his "Book of the Church." By Charles Butler, Esq. 1 vol. 12mo. boards, ....... 50 CHALLONER'S HISTORY OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS, 1 vol. sup. royal, 32mo. . .... 60 A SURE WAY TO FIND OUT the TRUE RELIGION, in a Conversation between a Father and his Son. By the Rev. T. Baddcly, 1 vol. sup. royal, 32mo. ..." 25 FHAYEH BOOKS. ST. JOSEPH'S MANUAL, or Catholic Guide during the Morning and Evening Service of the Chnrch. Compiled by the Rev. E. Dam- PHOux, D. D., 1 vol. sup. roj'al, 32mo. bound in sheep, 62^ It may be had in a variety of bindings. Opinions of the Press. "We have received a copy of this truly beautiful and useful Prayer Book, — ihe best, we thinit, that bas aa yet been publislied in America. The name of tbe author is a sufiicietit guarantee for ita merit; but. in addition lo tliat, is to be found the abort, but nervous approbation, of the Most Reverend Archbishop of Baltimore. We have not limt; to say more of it in the present numlier — but recommending it cordially and with perfect confidence to the Catholic community." " New York Catholic RugUier. " We have just received a copy of the new Prayer Book — St. Joseph's .Manual, brought out by Mr. John Murphy of Halliinnre. The neatness and cor rectness of the volume are llijihly creditable to him. As to the volume itself, it contnina the prayers and proses of the Chnrch fir all Sundays and Festivals, and Vespers for all Sundays and Festivals, including the chapters, hymns and collects, so as to form an abridged Missal, and a complete Vesperal. *' As lo private devotions, the usual prayers for moming end evening. Mass, Confesfi n, &c. &c. are almost all entirely new, and free from the inaccuracies which we regret lo meet with in several olher Prayer Books. The whole is illustrated by scriptural quota tions, adapted to the various festivals of the church and other devotions, well calculated to strengthen Ihe faith, and animate the piety of the sincere christian." PhiladeliMa Catliolic Herald. THE URSULINE MANUAL, or a Collec tion" of Prayers, Spiritual Exercises, &c. interspersed with the various instructions neces sary for forming youth to the practice of Solid Piety. X This Prayer Book is embellished with beauti ful steel engravings, and may be had in a variety of bindings', varying in price, from $1 to $2 60. FLOWERS OF PIETY, selected from ap proved sources and adapted for general use. This is a neat miniature Prayer Book, embel lished with beautiful steel engravings, and may be had in a variety of bindings, varying in price from 25 CIS. to f 1 50. THE CHRISTIAN'S GUIDE TO HEAVEN; or, A Manual of SprniruAL Exercises, for the use qf Cailiolics, .... 25 THE CHRISTIAN'S COMPANION TO PRAYER, the Sacraments, and the Holy Sacrifice of Mass. 32mo. ... 25 DAILY EXERCISES; consisting of the Holy Mass and Vespers, with morning and even ing prayers. To which is added a selection of Hymns, 48mo. ...... 25 This is a very neat arid convenient little minia ture Prayer Book — it can be had in every varie ty of binding, varying in price from 25 cents to $1 00. THE ROSARY OF THE BLESSED VIR GIN, 32mo. paper, . 6i John Murphy, has recently commenced the publication of a uniform series of Juvenile Works, translated from the French, under the name of the "CABINET LIBRARY." The publication of this series was undertaken, under the convicr tion,tbatin affording to children a pleasing method of instruction, he would greatly facilitate the at- tainmentof an object which christian parents have so much at heart, the virtuous training of their offspring. W~itb these views, the Cabinet Li brary is offered to the patronage of the commu nity, with the hope that it will meet with a lib eral support. Great pains are taken in selecting and getting np this little Library; e.ach volume will contain about 160 pages, 32mo., Ihey will be beautifully printed on fine white paper — each number is il lustrated with a neat engraving, and a beautiful title page, printed in fancy colors, ornamental chapter heads, &c. A number of the Library will appear every two or three months— they will be neatly done up in paper and ornamental cloth, with gilt edges, &c. which will be very appropriate for premiums, presents, &c. Price in ornamental paper, . . 25 cents Cloth, gilt, . . . . 37| " ¦VVorJis piiblisliea in tl»e Cabinet liibi-ary. No. 1. MARIA, OK Confidence in God Ulti mately Rewarded. Translated from the French. No. 2. THE WOODEN CROSS, by C. Schmid. Translated from the French. No. 3. THR LILY OF THE VALLEY. Trans lated from the French. OPIWIOWS OF THE PRESS. " Maria is a tale suited to the capacities of youth and is the first of a series of Juvenile Works to bo called the Cahinet Library, the publication of which as the preface informs ua, has been undertaken from a JOHN MURPHY, BALTIMORE. conviction that hy affording to children n plensing method of instruction, christian jmrentawiil lie facili tated in tho uttiiinn>ent of itn object so di.'iir to thcin as the virtuons tiaining of ilicir otrsprlng. Every iicces- sion from Catholic hands to that literotqre which ia designed for llie youthful minc^nust be received with peculiar pleasure, scanty us the supply has heen here tofore ; and we ini^i that Catholic parents will encour- ace by their hbcral patronage, ull such und(Tlakings aa tlie present, calculated, as they are, to afford mental aliment for ihoir children free from irreligious and anti- catholic corruptions with which so large a portion of the hooks for children in the Enyiish language abound." iV. K. Freeman's Journal. {Fi'om the Catholic Herald.) "7Vi€ TVooden Cross. — This lieauliful Hnle gem is now on our lable from the publishi'r, Mr. IMurphy of Kaltimorc, andneither in matter nor execution can it be excelled. It is ihus introduced to notice by the publisher to the render; 'The beautiful and iuslruc- tive lillle narrative here presented to the youthful reader, is the second number of the Cabinet Library, and the publisher in issuing it, (eels confident that it^i fitness to promote the object of his undertaking, will be readily admitted.' Its name is really unworthy its intrinsic value, as it constitutes an epitome ofreligion, charity, virtue, and an unwavering reliance upon the providence of Cod under afflictions, and could be read with profit by parent* as well as children ; yet it is given in the most pleasing and winnim; form to tho youthful mind, and cannot fail of prodnuing the desired ends by its perusal. Most earnestly do we call upon parents to patronize the Cabinet Library." {From the Boston Pilot.) " 'The Wooden Cross,' is the title of a beautiful reli gious story from the French, jupt published by J. Mur phy, Baltimore, and makes the second number of his Cabinet Library, for Catholic youth. It is elegantly printed and boimd, and is embellislied wilh a neat cut, representing a little child bending before the altar and the mother standing and looking fondly on her.". {F^iomtke New llngland Reporter.) "We have received from the publisher, a copy of the CaMnet Library, No. 9, containing a very interest ing and pretty story called 'i/ic IVooden Cross,' bemg a translation from the French. Like'all the works ema nating from the press of Mr. Murphy, ir is handsomely and tastefully got up; thetypography legible and well executed, and the binding in a. style corresponding .with the neatness of the work." ENGRAVS!^GS. PORTRAIT OF THE RIGHT REV. DR. ENGLAND, a beautiful mezzotint engrav ing, by Sartain, 25 " JJikcness of Bishop Ensjand. — We had presented to us some short lime back an elegantly executed en graved likeness of the late Right Rev. Dr. F.ngland, which, for beauty of style, and fidelity of features, could not be exceeded. It reflects ggeat credit on the artist, Mr. Sartain, and the gentleman who has got it out, IVTr. John Murphy, of Baltimore. From the uni versal esteem and affectionate remembraricf! enter tained for the lamented prelate, we have no doubt that the enterprize of the publisher will be nmply repaid." Catholic Herald. THE LORD'S PRAYER, beautifully illus trated, ..... 25 iJC5=. FRENCH ENGRAVINGS, PIOUS MEDALS, CRUCIFIXES, PRAYER BEADS, Ste. are kept con stantly on hand, and sold at very moderate prices. Preparing for puhlic ation, and will he ready- early in 1843. ALTAR CARDS, suitable for Missionaries, &c.— These Cards are in preparation under the puper- intendence of^a Reverend gentleman of acknow ledged taste and iudgment in such matters; also, PRiEPAR ATIO AD MISSAM pro opportunitate Sa- cerdotis facienda. GRAT I A RUM ACTIONES post Missam. They will be handsomely illustrated, and sold at very moderate prices. In addition io the foregoing^ all the Standard kept crmsiantly on hand, and will be furnished ai prompt attention. Irr Press, and will be published early in 1843, A MANUAL OF CATHOLIC MELODIES, Hymns, Psalms, &c. WitU the orclditnry ISxeiclses of Piety. Fubliahed wilh the approbation of tho Rti Rev. Hishop Whelan, The author of the work mentioned above wae led lo the compilation of ii by a desire to supply what he con sidered a notable deficiency in the stock of sacred ipu- sic in this eounti-y. It may be said that, in genera], the vaiious collections of music intended for thQ Ciiurch service are ample cirough in their materials; but so far we arc in want of a Manual adapted to family use, to school [inrposos, or to the pious entertainipentof youth on such oecasions as first communion, catechetical in struction, Sec, and there is no doubt that the cause of religion would be exlenRively aided by the publication of a work of this description, furnished with good ma terials and judiciously arranged. It is hoped that the Manual now offered to the public will be found to com bine these advantages. Il has been compiled from the most approved works, and presents, in addition to the usual devotional exercises, a meLhodical series of Hymns, Anihems, Psalms, &,c., each accompanied with an appropriate melody, and so arranged as to an swer every jjurpose of Catholic piety ahd worship. TERMS. -rXhe work will be cornprised in about 400 pages, ]8mo. It will bcprinted on fine paper, and de livered to suhscribers, well bound in sheep, al |:1 per, copy. A liberal discount will be made to Clergymen, Teachers, Sunday School Societies, Pious Confraterni ties and others, who may want the work by the quantity. PROSPECTUS or THE UNITED STATES CATHOLIC MAGAZINE, A MONTHLY PERIODICAL, Containing chiefly selections from the best Catho lic Reviews, and other publicaiions. The work hitherto issued under the name of tlie Religious Cabinet, will appear, from tbe 1st of January, 1843, under the tille of the United States Catholic Magazine. This change has been made by the proprietors, at the solicitation of several friend/» of the periodical, who were desirous that its name should be more definitely expressive of the character which it proposes to sustain. In entering, uporT tlie second volume of the work, the publisher would respectfully invite attention to the object and condition of the periodical. The United States Catholic Magazine is an ecclesiastical and lite rary journal, having for its aim to defend and advance the cause of Catholicity, by imparting such informa tion as may have a bearing, however remote, upon the interests of religion. Its pages will be open there fore to controversial and moral essays, tales illustra tive of Catholic praciice, historical sketches, commu nications on the progress of science, poetry, and in general to all ecclesiastical and literary intelligence. The publication was commenced, under its former tille, in January, 1849, and though a very limited exer tion was made to procure subscriptions, it has acquired a solid fooling, and its circulatinn is continually on the increase; a circumslance which maybe considered, not presumptuously, as a favorable evidence of the merit which it enjoys in the public estimation. Trie co-operation that Ijjis been secur'ed in the prepai'ation of ils contents, will furnish in future a more varied,, and a more able lis't of arHcles. It is the design of the pub lisher to make such improvements in the paper and typography as will present the work in a f(v1o unsur passed in point of finish and elegant appearance. To enable him to accomplish this dct^igOjand to, produce a periodical which the Catholic body in the United States may feel no hesitation in i-anking among the most use ful and most intere?ting channels of instruction, (and he can say with confidence that as regards cheapness, it will compete with any r^imilar publication in the United States,) ho solicits a continuance of their patronage. TERMS.— The United States Catiiouo Maga zine will he issued regularly, on the first of every month, and each number will consist of sixty-four pages, 8vo. printed in handsome type and on fine pa per, at Thiee DoUars per ^nnum, pfiyahle i/ii advance. All letfei-s and communications mupt be post-paid^ and directed to John Murphy, Publisher, 146 Market street, Baltimore. Catholic Works printed in this countiy are Publisher's Prices. Ml orders will meet with MISCELLANEOUS PUBLISHED BY JOHIV MURPHY, 146 Mavktt street, lalttmorc. BURNAP'S LECTURES TO YOUNG MEN, On the Cultivation of the Mindj the Formation of Character, and the Conduct of Life.— fid edition, revised and enlarged. 1 vol. ISmb., muslin stamped. 75 cts. BXTRNAF'S Lectures on the Sphere and Duties of Woman, M And Other Subjects.— 1 vol. l-2ino., muslin stamped. $1. t^^ Irhe extensive and still increasing sale of these deservedly popular works, IW^ induces the publisher, in order to meet the wishes of parents and others who are |;^ desirous of making useful and appropriate presents, to have a limited number of ^^ copies of each work done up in Extra Gilt Binding, at the low price of $1 50 fa^ per copy. 11^]! From the many flattering notices that hare been taken of these works, both in England and this lit'ut'l country, we select the following brief extfact,s. awZ We take pleasure in recommending it as a work that all parents should place in the hands of ^^ their daughters, and the husband in that of his wife. — N. Y. Ladies^ Companion. ^^ It is unnecessary for us now to enlarge on the literary merits of this gentleman, to refer to W^ the estimate put on his former course of lectures both in England and America, or to speak of /4[fi\ the literary credit derived to Baltimore from his labors as an author. We have already spoken IK^ of these things, and given copious extracts from the lectures themselves. In addition to this f|^ course, we hope, — a hope which we expressed some weeks since, and now repeat — to see a liPj,') second edition of the tbrmer course, "lieciures to Youijg Men." This is necessary to put a ^Jll complete set into the hands of every admirer of them, and we trust the suggestion will not be ^A lost. — Baltimore Sun. ¥^M We commend the book to trie attention of every female, whether young or old, and what- ^^ ever station she may fill. They will find a true friend in the author, and cannot fail to draw ?J|V\ improvement from his admonitions. — Boston Courier. [16311 The style is sufficiently ornate, without being ambitious — the sentiments pure and elevated. ^^Bi ' We would recommend the ladies to purchase it, for, unlike the fashionable publications of the [i^^J day, this work instructs while it amuses. — N. O. Crescent City. \J(jf'/ This work should be in the hands of every young lady who is desirous of mental and moral ^^ improvement. We are really gratified that such a book should have issued from a Baltimore ^oS press. — SileVh. Protestant. ^'>^ GEMS OF IRISH ELOQUENCE, WIT AND ANECDOTE. Jf] By J. HoBAN, Esq. of the Washington Bar- — 1 vol. 12mo., muslin stamped. ^1. 'fM'jj BIBIiX: QXTADKUPXSDS: WI . . THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE ANIMALS MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE, «^ t>^