<&oo.^7& ¦< Ut. ^t^'-AyifUj ayM/rtd/ si Ml* A GENEALOGICAL HISTORY OF THE DESCENDANTS OF Stephen and Ursula Streeter OF GLOUCESTER, MASS., 1642, AFTERWARDS OF CHARLESTOWN, MASS. . 1644-1652. With an account of the Streeters of Goudheret, Kent, England. By MILFORD B. STREETER, BROOKLYN, N. Y. SALEM, MASS. Eben Putnam, Publisher, 1896. Printed bt Aylwahd & Huntress, Ubc Salem |prcs0. Salem, Mass. PREFACE. TwBNTY-nine years ago, when just at the threshold of my business life, I passed a winter under the roof of my grandfather Barzaleel Streeter. I was a boy of eighteen, he an old gentleman of nearly eighty years. A scanty salary, combined with a strong desire to live within it, kept me within doors those long even ings. I read much. I frequently fell to questioning my grandparent about his early life. It was plain, but it interested me. By degrees I drew from him a fairly complete record of his father's and grandfather's fam ilies in regard to which his memory was very good. I found myself hungering to go beyond these, but for the moment was barred by the natural limitations of his recollection. But the seed was sown; T discovered in thelibraries the accumulated volumes of the "Jew England His torical and Genealogical Register " and, with the ma terial and information I there gathered, I was soon immersed in a pursuit which broadened as T advanced and gradually developed into intense fascination. Beginning with but small expectations in the line of family record, I followed on because it was a pleasure to do so, and each discovery of new records added fuel to the flame. A new departure in my business life a few years later took me widely over the western and (iii) IV PREFACE. southern states and my genealogy was never forgot ten. Still later I settled again permanently in the east where I have been happily placed for working upon my pet subject. While my labor in this line has al ways been greatly intermittent, because of close busi ness application and the usual waywardness of this kind of correspondence, yet I have steadily progressed toward my goal and now seem to have arrived at a point where it is practically useless to defer printing. I wish the reader to understand that this work is not at all professional. It makes no pretensions as a his tory. The gathering of the records and fitting them together, while it has taken time, patience and persist ence, has been a fascinating pursuit, and I have en joyed it more than I can ever tell; but beyond getting the material together to perfect the lineage in all its American branches, and possibly to connect reliably with our undoubted English parentage, I have never had any intention. I am well aware that copious notes and more fullness of detail would have added greatly to the interest of a work like this, and I re gret that I have been unable to do more in that line, but I could not undertake that labor; with all my other responsibilities it was simply impossible. I am thank ful to have been spared to present to my family and to all persons interested what is here printed. Some one after me has the field for embellishment. Here, at least, are preserved the hard facts so far as I have been able to gather them. It is to be regretted that these records are not more perfect than they are, especially where the incomplete ness is due to the indifference of those who are most nearly affected. I have certainly done everything in PREFACE. my power to make them as complete as possible and hope to be pardoned for such gaps and mistakes as may be discovered. I owe much to those who have helped me to gath er the records here printed. Mr. John S. Barry of Barryville, Iowa, was an early and earnest correspond ent. Mrs. Clara Kittrell of Attleboro, Mass., was an enthusiastic early helper. Mr. Daniel S. Pond of the Streator branch presented me with voluminous records which he had been at much pains to put to gether. Of course such work as this would be impos sible without cooperative help from all sides and while I wish to thank, unstintedly, all who have aided me yet it is only fair to remark that my interest in com pleting and preserving these records was also theirs, and I have felt that I had almost a right to demand of them some labor in the cause. I have discovered that genealogies are frequently full of errors of date, some times very annoyingly so. I hope no serious errors will be found in this, yet it is hardly supposable that any work will entirely escape this misfortune. I have been extremely careful to avoid them, and where they are discovered I would esteem it a kind favor to be personally notified, so that I can make the correction in my own copy and perhaps some day cure them in a new edition. As these records are scattered throughout the different branches and families of our name, the missing andincomplete records will be noted. It will give me the greatest pleasure to receive cor rections or additional records from any quarter. If I have anything wrong I want to know it. Let no one think this work was undertaken for profit. I was never quite foolish enough to look for money in this VI PREFACE. line. Some persons with whom I have corresponded have entertained considerable suspicion that a legacy of some kind was underneath my efforts. Let me assure all parties that my researches have developed a very consistent absence of wealth all along the line. Neither rank, large means, nor professional life seems to have gilded the name to any great extent. Most emphatically we belong to the common people and I have no regrets to express. A word as to a cherished tradition that has followed the generations in more than one of the great branches of the family. Three Streeter brothers are said to have emigrated to this country. My grandfather had it that they were French. I have proved that all the branches that come out of New England run straight back to Steeven and Ursula Streeter of Charlestown, Mass., 1644. He was the father of three sons (Stephen, Sam uel and John) of unknown age, possibly born in Eng land, and these sons may have been the starting point of this long-kept tradition of two hundred and fifty years, but bear in mind that two of these sons left no known descendants behind them. As we all trace to the father Steeven, so we all trace to his eldest son Stephen.1 Curiously enough the son Stephen left three sons, (Samuel, John and Joseph) all of whom were fruitful, and at this point commence the three great divisions of the name. At this time 1706-17 the three parent families from which we have all descended, were clustered in and 'It is known that he had another son, Stephen, horn 20 June, 1667, hut trace of him is lost immediately. PREFACE. Vll about the towns of Attleboro and Wrentham, Mass., and Cumberland, R. I., all adjoining towns. So much for the tradition of the three brothers. The first great family disturbance or migration seems to have been to the neighborhood of Chester field and Concord, N. H, about the year 1770; though one branch, Samuel's (my own) had earlier re moved to Framingham, Mass., and other fragments to the towns of Sturbridge, Charlton, Greenwich, Ux- bridge, Oxford, Douglass and Hopkinton. These records have been practically complete for a good many years and the arrangement for the printer about two years. Little details only were wanting, yet I have almost despaired of finding the time and mood for completion. A year ago I found an opportunity to make further search of records in England and postponed printing in hope of being able to add to the interest of this book. With these remarks, by way of introduction and explanation, I present this work to the tender mercies of the reader. May 1, 1895. Mileobd B. Streetek. EXPLANATION. Stephen Streeter1 is the first generation. His descendants who bear the family name stand in nu merical order on the left margin from himself to No. 1834. Small figures at the end of a name, thus, " Ste phen,2" indicate the generation to which the individ ual belongs. Figures in parenthesis after a name, forming the subject and standing at the head of a distinct notice, thus Enoch4 (49), denote the numerical order in which he stands, and will be found by turning back to that number. All children in the family record with figures in pa renthesis following their names, thus " 122 Joseph5 (311)," are subjects of future treatment and will be found forward at No. 311 in the left marginal col umn. The pedigree of each individual forming the head of a distinct family is traced directly through the sev eral generations to the ancestral head, thus " 1611 Samuel L.8 (914), son of James7 (Moses,6 Stephen,5 Stephen,41 Samuel,5 Stephen,2 Stephen1)." From page 86 to 209 where a number occurs in the smaller type, one hundred should be added. Thus on page 86, reference to 1295, should be to 1395. (viii) THE STREETERS OF GOUDHERST, KENT, WITH NOTES ILLUSTRATIVE OE THE HISTORY OE THE EAMILY IN ENGLAND. BY EBEN PUTNAM. During a portion of the year 1894, I was engaged upon genealogical work in England and, in connection with other work, I attempted to establish beyond doubt the locality whence came Stephen Streeter the emi grant. How far I was successful in this the reader may judge from a perusal of the following pages. At first I was baffled in my attempts to locate any leading clew which would give me a starting point for my re searches. Mr. Streeter, the compiler of the valuable history of the family, had in former years hastily examined the ground and was of the opinion, with which I agreed, that the ancestors of the family came from southeastern England. The comparatively few wills on file at Somerset House did not afford abundant suggestions, nor did they reveal any connected pedi gree. My attention was at first directed to a family settled at Bramshott, in Hampshire, as likely to have supplied emigrants for America. More about this family will (ix) X THE STREETERS OF GOUDHERST, KENT. be discovered by the reader later in these pages. It was a worthy and more or less influential family of dissenters, principally Friends, one of whom suffered martyrdom. Moreover this 'Bramshott family was allied with the Sylvesters of Berkshire, and Shelter Island, N. E. It was while preparing to visit the sources of information pertaining to the families of Bramshott and vicinity that, in examining one of the manuscripts in the British Museum relating to Kent, my eye caught the name Stephen Streeter mentioned in the will, proved in 1630, of John Pope of Hawk- herst. As from that vicinity came many of the con temporaries of Stephen Streeter, the thought imme. diately flashed upon me "this may be the sale of the lands which our Stephen possessed prior to his de parture for America." At any rate it was the first substantial clew I had found, although I had searched the probate records in the Prerogative Court of Can terbury and for the diocese of Rochester and the Feet of Fines and had examined to some extent the Lay Subsidies. My time was limited. I went to Cranbrook, Hawk- herst and Goudherst, neighboring parishes in Kent, and was rewarded by finding unmistakable proofs that there, for several centuries, had been settled a family of Streeters and which later investigations have led me to consider the " home family." A testy and incon siderate rector, with little love for genealogy and still less for Americans, prevented an examination of- the Hawkherst registers, a difficulty and omission after ward in part supplied from another source. I wish, however, to state in this connection, that, of a score or more of ecclesiastical custodians of records it was THE STREETERS OF GOUDHERST, KENT. xi my good fortune and pleasure to meet in the course of my investigations, the case above mentioned was the only one in which not only every facility was afforded me to pursue my quest but many personal kindnesses and courtesies advanced. The usually cultivated gentlemen holding the livings are more or less interested in the history of the present and past inhabitants of their parishes. It was at Goudherst that I finally located the prob able home of Stephen Streeter prior to his migration to New England. Careful investigation of the records at Canterbury, at Cranbook, and of the Lay Subsidies for the Lathe of Scray and neighboring parts, failed to reveal the presence of any Stephen Streeter who might have been the emigrant other than he of Goudherst. In vestigations set on foot to find another Stephen, in any of the localities where the name was found at that date, failed. The facts then which lead me to believe that Ste phen Streeter of Goudherst was identical with him of New England are principally as follows : similarity of social position, locality, association and connec tion with families who are known to have sent emi grants to this country, the fact that Cran brook and vicinity was a centre of Presbyterian and Independent religious life, occupation, age, and the repetition of the same Christian names in much the same order. As yet no absolute proof has been found, by which to identify the two men. The finding of a relative's will mentioning Stephen as in New England, or the baptism of his children coinciding with the known ages of the children he is supposed to have brought Xll THE STREETERS OF GOUDHERST, KENT. to America — these facts, which are necessary, in view of the lack of knowledge among his descendants as to his former home, are wanting to prove absolutely the identity of the two. Cranbrook is situated about forty miles southeast of London in the extreme southern central part of Kent. It is about eighteen miles due north of Hast ings in Sussex, which is the nearest seaport and the place famous as that of debarkation of William the Norman. Hawkherst is about four miles south of Cranbrook and is the southernmost point of the triangle formed by Hawkherst, Cranbrook, and Lam- berherst. A small part of the parish is in Sussex. Hawkherst was attached to the manor of Wye and was a part of the possessions of the Abbey of Bat tel in Sussex founded by William. The church at Hawkherst was "founded by the abbot of Battel in the reign of Edward III. Some four miles north of Hawk herst and about three miles west of Cranbrook is Goudherst and two miles farther to the west on the same road is Lamberherst forming the westernmost point of the triangle. Goudherst is situated on a hill which commands a fine view of the surrounding coun try. Alighting at Goudherst station a steep climb of a mile or more brings one to the church at the head of the street and at the top of the hill. About the ancient edifice are clustered thememorials of the dead, but of comparatively recent date. Contrary to ex pectation it is a rare occurrence to find in England gravestones of as early date as the earlier ones in America. Inside the churches there are the monu ments of the chief families of the place and often of great antiquity, but such memorials are entirely THE STREETERS OF GOUDHERST, KENT. XI11 distinct from the exterior gravestones. There are no memorials of the Streeters in the church or burial ground at Goudherst, although at the beginning of the century there were standing a number of stones erect ed to the members of the Stringer family. The church is dedicated to St. Mary and is picturesque. Formerly it had a very large and tall spire which on the 23d of August, 1637, was struck by lightning and so weak ened by that and the resultant fire that it was taken down. In those days the tower contained five bells which were melted by the lightning. At this time and earlier these parishes had a much larger population than at present. Kilburne in his " Survey of the county of Kent," published in 1659, states that Hawkherst was " very populous, and one of the greatest parishes in the county (not having a town therein). Only four parishes in the county, viz. : Maidstone, Cranbrook, Feversham and Goudherst, all of which have towns in them, were found to have more communicants than this (which within twenty years past had atleast 1400 communicants), but it hath very many poor therein." The parish of Goudherst is eight miles long and four broad and is continuous hill and dale, with extremely fertile lands. The many small streams which have their rise in the parish all go to form the river Teis. In the fifteenth and following century and "within memory there were many cloth iers here, but there are none now " (1790). The same may be said of Cranbrook which is, up hill and down dale across country, but a half hour's brisk walk from Goudherst. Hasted, in his history of Kent, says of the clothing business, " it was exercised by persons who possessed most of the landed property in the XIV THE STREETERS OF GOUDHERST, KENT. Weald inasmuch that almost all of the eminent fami lies of these parts, now of large estate, some ennobled by titles, are sprung from and owe their fortunes to ancestors who have used this great staple manufact ure." Among those families he mentions Austens, Courthopes, Plumers, Stringers. They were usually called, from their dress, the " Gray Coats of Kent," and were a body so numerous and united as to con trol the county elections. That the people of Kent prided themselves upon their birth and generally considered themselves supe rior to the people of the remaining counties is well known. Land in that county descended in a different manner than in the rest of England and according to the manner of gavelkind -1 Each son received an equal portion and in case of failure of male issue the daugh ters inherited in equal shares, which tended to level the distinctions prevailing in feudal countries. A Kentish man then and to-day feels his importance; the yeomanry and better class of farmers are true Yan kees and in speech and appearance could not be dis tinguished from the New England farmer. From Kent came the greater portion of the early emigrants to New England. The counties of Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk, with adjoining parts, were also very largely represented. The city of London peopled 1 Gavelkind is a peculiar system of tenure prevailing chiefly in the country of Kent. The chief peculiarities of the custom are the following. (1). A tenant can aliene his lands hy feoffment at fifteen years of age. (2). There is no escheat on at tainder for felony. (3) . Generally the tenant could always dispose of his land by will. (4) . In case of intestacy the estate descends not to the eldest son hut to all the sons in equal shares. " Every son is as great a gentleman as the eldest son is." Gravelkind is no doubt correctly traced to the Saxon land-law prevailing before the Conquest. It is supposed to be an concession extorted from the Conqueror hy the superior bravery of the men of Kent. Encyclopwdia Britannica. THE STREETERS OF GOUDHERST, KENT. XV largely by people from the home counties also con tributed her quota. From Cranbrook and vicinity came the families of Sheaffe, Brattle, Willard, Cushman, Ruck, Foster, Stow, Bigg, White, Bridgdon, Beale, Hosmer, and many others. Indeed the registers of Cranbrook present as many familiar names to a New Englander as those of Salem, Mass. The derivation of the name Streeter is probably similar to that of Bridger, Churcher or Churchman, Brooker, Feilder, etc., that is, given to a resident of some cottage or place under or near by a bridge, church, brook, field. Thus Streeter would indicate that the individual so named lived on or near the street. The most common form of that class, however, would be and is Street from Atte street which is the early form of that name. The comparative rarity of the name Streeter and its being confined in early times to Kent and Sus sex suggests a common origin of those bearing the name in direct contrast to Street which occurs in sev eral counties, chiefly in Devonshire, Hampshire, Som erset and Sussex. The German form is Streda, while the Danish is Straeter. In the 10th year of Edward III (1336-7) Flemings were encouraged to settle in England and teach the industry of cloth making and it may be that they introduced the form of the name Streeter or it may be a survival of the Danish inva sions, although surnames were not adopted until the 11th and 12th centuries, and then were not perma nent, and were confined to the landholders. The com moner sort of people did not settle down to hereditary surnames till a much later date. Xvi THE STREETERS OF GOUDHERST, KENT. The earliest mention of the name I have found is in Additional MSS. (British Museum) relating to Kent, 33892, fo. 63, where mention is made of Richard Streetere as a witness to a grant made by Richard Rysden of Goudherst to Galfred Aleyn of the same of a messuage in the denne of Turyoden, in Goud herst. This was in 5th Henry VI (1426) . Twenty- four years later the men of Kent rose in their might under the leadership of Jack Cade to obtain redress of many wrongs. This uprising was in the nature of an organized protest and among the people were gentlemen and yeomen. The army advanced to Lon don and some fighting was indulged in. It was the third of July that Cade and his followers entered London, and a day later a compromise was effected and pardons issued to the participants. So many are the pardons and in such order that it is evident that muster rolls were kept. Says a writer in the Proceedings of the Kent Ar chaeological Society, in several hundreds the constable regularly summoned as if legally his nien, and many parishes, particularly Marden, Smarden, Hawkherst, Northfleet, Boughton, Malherbe and Pluckley, fur nished as many men as could be found to-day capable of bearing arms. In the Patent Rolls of 28th Henry VI will be found many of the pardons, which are grouped by parishes. There are twenty names of Goudherst men; some may have been out in the first uprising, and apparently the leaders were the Culpep- yrs of that parish, an important and wealthy family in later years and then of consequence. Following the name of John Culpepyr, gentleman, but without des ignation as to rank, are twelve names among them THE STREETERS OF GOUDHERST, KENT. XV11 that of Richard Streter. No other Streter occurs on the rolls and in the churchwardens' accounts of Hawk herst beginning in 1515 the name does not, occur. Not till the time of Henry VIII do I again find any record of the name and this time in the Valor Ecclesiasticus, and in connection with Lamberherst, being probably that Richard Streeter who died in 1524 whose will is appended. The length of time between 1426 and 1524 suggests the possibility that the latter Richard may have been a son or grandson of the first Richard. However, the meagre gleanings at hand show nothing further and it may with justice be supposed that the family be came settled and permanently known as Streeters at the end of the thirteenth or beginning of the fourteenth century, and from that time to this have been in some way connected with Goudherst. There may have been another family by the name in Sussex at about that same time but I am inclined to believe them off shoots from Goudherst. Prior to this date, 1400, the persons holding the name, if so designated, were not of enough importance to come under the eye of the inquisitor or other officials or to take a leading part in affairs sufficiently to get their names upon record; and of those early records only parts have come down to us, and of those not all are accessible or readily deciphered. From the somewhat scanty material at hand I have prepared the accompanying genealogical table and have added in the following pages abstracts from va rious records. Some attempt has been made to show the general standing of the family during the seventeenth cen- XVlii THE STREETERS OF GOUDHURST, KENT. tury. At this present time while the name is not common in England and comparatively rare in Kent, at least amongst the land-owning class, there are a number of families in London and the southern coun ties, some of prominence in business and others of more or less social distinction. NOTES TO ILLUSTRATE THE PEDIGREE. Eichard Streetere of Goudhurst, co. Kent. A witness to a grant made by Richard Eysden of Goudhurst to Galfred Aleyn of the same place, of a messuage in the deune of Tuiy- oden, in Goudhurst. Dated 5th Hen. VI (1426). He was therefore born as early as 1400, probably earlier, and it is possible he was the father of Eichard Streter of Goudhurst (yeoman?), living in 1450 when he took part in the rising in Kent under the leadership of Jack Cade. If this Eichard is not identical with the above he was probably born as early as, if not earlier than, 1425. Eichard Streter, will dated 1524; prob. 1 Oct., 1524. buried in churchyard at St. Stephen ; son John " the house I bought of Thomas Bell," wife Juliane to have said house during lifetime or until marriage ; son Thomas ; to John Creswell ; to the three orders of Friars at Canterbury "church at Lannehurst ;" to Thomas Streter "if he be pi'este" (i. e. priest) ; if son Thomas die s. p. his house to remain to my son John, then to my dau. Katherine and her children. Son John Creswell, executor. Arch. Cant. 16, Quire 5. The identification of Lannehurst with Lamberhurst how ever is not clear to my mind, yet the variation in the spelling is not greater than many instances that have come to my knowledge." I do not find " Lannehurst " mentioned in early or modern topographical works on Kent. THE STREETERS OF GOUDHURST, KENT. XIX Thomas Streter of Gouderst, 26 Dec, 1537; prov. 8 May, 1538 ; to be buried in churchyard at Gowderst. To seven poor folk 7d ; to mother ; to cousin Alya Tayler ; resi due to wife Agnes whom exectr'x. Wit : Thomas Durhame, John Lovepson, John Ackynson. Arch. Cant. 21, Quire 7. John Streter of Lamberherst, Sussex, 26 Jan., 37 H. VIII (1546) ; prob. 8 March ; buried in churchyard ; widow of Eobert Corkyn shall have my chamber I now lie in for one year after death, fire, free ingress, etc., etc. ; residue to son Eobert, whom exec. Eeal estate disposed of as follows : to son Eobert, messuage called Sokes — all I lately bought (with shop adjoining) of Mr. Person, also piece of land called Grubland. Son Edward ; son Gabriel ; son Wm. ; son (Steven1) £40 to be paid in three years. Grubland is charged with the legacies to sons. Wit. : Wm. Menge, clerk, Earf Sundall, Eoger Doutton, et al. Rochester, fo. 148, v. 10—1542-1547. Eobert Streeter, who is mentioned in the above will, sold Grubland in Lamberhurst, 1547. The Valor Ecclesiasticus of Henry VIII, 1509-1547, gives John Streteer as holding lands of the Ecclesiastical College of Lyngfild, in the parish of Lamberhurst, and Thomas Stret er in Kingston of the Monastery of "Teoxburie." John Streeter of Lamberhurst in 1558, 1561, and 1573 in which year he was elected " head borough." John Streater, of Gowthurst, 20 July, 31st Eliz. (1589) ; prov. 11 Nov., 1589 ; to poor of parish ; daus. Faith & Hes ter, when 23 or married ; son Arthur, a debt due from God- dard Crottenden of Burcaashe ? now in the hands of his widow Joane; son Steven Streater, all such tools, etc., pertaining to my occupation and all such leather and ware 1 This name is undoubtedly Steven although vei-y illegible. Both Mr. Waters and myself read it Steven. XX THE STREETERS OF GOUDHURST, KENT. Son Samuel. Sister Margery and her children. Mary Streater, dan. of my son Arthur. Edward and Susan, children of my son Steven, vi d. apiece when seven years old. To William Butcher, son of my dau. Dorothy, when seven. To dau. Faith, to be delivered to her by her aunt Elizb. Hendley. Wife Margery to have lands and tenaments in G. during life or marriage ; then to my son Steven, he to pay to my two sons John and Peter Streater, £40 at their age of thirty years. Wit : Thomas Eussell, Thomas Love. Arch. Cant. 47, fo. 283. From this will it is evident that John Streater was a work er in leather. His son Steven presumably followed his father's trade, and Steven of New England was a cordwainer, i. e., shoemaker. Peter Streator of Bexley, Kent, Glover, 18 Sept., 1623; prob. 5 Nov., 1647, by Mary Medhurst ; to Eebecca and Margery Cheeseman, daus. of David C, £5 each; to Thos. Snode, £10 ; to Wm. Bostocke and his wife Katherine", £10 ; to godson Peter B. To Thos. Bostocke, my wife's god son ; godson Peter Medhurst, £5 and all my working imple ments ; rest of my dau. Katherine Bostocke's children, 12s each ; apprentice Thomas Addams ; residue to loving wife Margaret Streater and to Mary Meadhurst, wife of James, whom extrx. P. C. C. Fines, 231. Margaret Streater, widow, of Bexley, 3 Oct., 1647; prov. 1 Nov., 1647; late husband Peter; daus. Mary Mead hurst and Mary Snode, wife of Thomas Snode. Fines , 227. A Peter Streeter had Margery, bapt. 1609 ; Catherine, bapt. 1611. Compare will of John Streater of Gowdhurst. Arthur Streater, "the writer," witness to will of Henry Sennock of Lamberhurst, Kent. — 11 Apr., 40th Elizb. Proved 9 Apr., 1598. Eochester, v. 19, Part I. THE STREETERS OF GOUDHURST, KENT. Xxi The will of this Arthur Streater is given below. Arthur Streater of Lamberhurst, Kent, 28 Feb., 1604 ; 24 May, 1605. Young son Wm. Streater and four daus. Mary, Frances, Ellen and Elizb. Streater, all profit and com modity arising from wood called Winbridge in Lamberhurst (i. e. 30 A.) to be felled and sold when it has 16 years growth and to be paid to my said children as they come to the age of 2 1 ; but as Mary and Frances will be of age before that time, etc., etc. ; wife Grace ; to Walter Streater and his heirs my lands and tenaments in Lamberhurst called Win bridge (i. e. 40 A.) after wife Grace's decease. Authority to sell land on east side of road from Bryham to Lindreege Cross, 40 A. called Stuxfield, as his land is now mortgaged. Said son Walter when 21 ; brother Stephen Streater solo exec. Kinsman Walter Henley, and Edw. Keyley, overseers. Entreats Mr. Amhurst to correct and amend his will. Wit. : John Giles, Thos. Garthford. Eochester, fo. 8, v. 19, 2d Part. The following deeds relate to Walter, son of the Arthur above. In British Museum, Seals No. 30,551, 30,172, 30,173, are to be seen an indenture bond and power of attorney of Walter Streator of Cranbrook, Kent, clothier. These are abstracted below. All are sealed by Walter Streater with a fleur-de-lis. 30,172. Deed for 12 A. of land called Sonde Croft or Sonde Land, in Hellingeleigh, Sussex, from Walter Streater (and wife Anne), of Cranbrook, Kent, clothier, to Sir John Pelham of Loughton, Sussex, Bart, lately in possession of John Studdoll and Eichard Dufibrdred. The seal of Anne looks like a Katherine wheel. £114. 2 Nov., 1659. 30,551, bond for same, same date, £228. Wit. : John Fuller, Henry Lobey, John Derkin. 30,173, power of attorney of Walter Streater to friends Henry Mascall of East Heathly, Sussex, gent., and John XX11 THE STREETERS OF GOUDHURST, KENT. Newington of do., yeo., to give seizin of 3 parcels of meadow described in above, to Sir John Pelham. Same date. Wit. : Wm. Bartholomew, Nathaniel Streattear and John Ealy. The Lay Subsidy lists (assessments for taxes) of 3d and 4th Charles I (1627-8), 12th Charles I (1636), and 16th Charles I (1640), for Goudhurst all give the name of John Streater assessed for lands. The name does not occur in the lists for Cranbrook or Hawkhurst. From Gowdhdest Register. 1583, Stephen Streater married to Kattiom Barnes, or Barins. Oct. 1589, John Streeter, buried. 1591, Margerie Streeter, widow, married to Edw. Besberye. 1595, John Streeter married to Joane Banks. 1608, Katherine Streeter, buried. 1609, Susan Streeter married to John Stringer. 1616, Stephen Streeter, buried. Thomas, of George and Elizabeth Streeter, bapt. 3 Nov., 1637. Hannah, dau. of George and Mary Streeter, bapt. 9 Feb., 1639. John Streeter married to Ann Newman, 20 June, 1641. From Registers in (? vicinity of ) Goudhdrst. 1588, Doritie Streeter, married. 1594, Faythe " " 1614, Frances " " 1636, Joan " " 1643, John " " 1694, Elizabeth " buried. 1694, John " " 1703, George, '• " William Streeter and Agnes had Jane, bap. 1605. Mariah, bap. 1607 ; died 1608. Alice, bap. 1609. John, bap. 1611. THE STREETERS OF GOUDHDRST, KENT. XX111 Stephen Streeter had Symon, bap. 1602. Sara, bap. 1609. John Streeter had Joan, bap. 1616. Cranbrook Registers. Marriages. John Streater to Elizabeth Pyerson, 9 Feb., 1594-5. John Streater to Mary Durrant, widow, 3 May, 1598. Thomas Peters to Jane Stringer, 27 May, 1605. John Streater to Aga "Weller, 14 Jan., 1610-11. John Streeter to Anne Maken, 17 Nov., 1618. Baptisms. 10 July, 1591, Anne Streater. 2 Dec, 1593, John Streater. 15 Aug., 1596, Mary Streater. 8 Jan., 1603-4, Anna Streater. 21 Nov., 1619, Steven of John Streter. Burials. 23 Feb., 1584-5, Anne Streater. 25 Oct., 1586, Jeremy Streater. 3 Jan., 1596, Charitie Streater. 1597, Plague, no record. 10 Feb., 1617-8, Joane Streeter uxor. 25 Feb., 1619-20, John Streeter " poore."1 6 Dec, 1619, Steven Streeter "puer."1 Eichard Streater of London, merchant, 2 Sept., 1645 ; prov. 22 Sept., 1645. bros. John, Edward, James, Daniel Streater, £3 ; lands in Petnbrey, Kent, called Marden or Cul pepper Hayes, 40 A., in occupation of Thomas Hartredge, yeo., and estate in Ashburnham in Essex. 50 A. now in oc cupation of John Field, gent. ; to my wife Mary, whom exec. Overseers, Thomas and John Hartredge. P. C. C. Eivers, 115. JSo on the record; both should be " puer," or "hoy." XXIV THE STREETERS OF GOUDHURST, KENT. Was not the brother John mentioned in the above will Col. John Streater? and was not this Eichard formerly of Goudhurst ? John Martin, citizen and haberdasher of London, dat. 7 Apr., 1640; prov. 1640. Sister Anne Streater ; sister Mar- grett Wildinge. Friend Wm. Englebert, exr. P. C. C. Coventry 61. Thomas Pope of Tenterden, yeoman, 19 Sept., 1635; to Thomas, son of my son-in-law John Henley, and to Joan, dau. of my son-in-law John Henley ; to Thomas Pope and his son George Pope. Arch. Cant. 59, fo. 59. John Pope, ofHawkhurst, the elder, yeoman; prov. 28 Sept., 1630. Wife Mary; dau. Elizb ; younger son John; John, son of my son Edward and his daughter Mary ; eldest son John; son William, mess, and lands called the "Mace" bought of George and Stephen Streeter, all in Hawkhurst on the Denne of Ockley ; to Wm. Pope, his son, messuage in Cranbrooke; three daus. Elizb, Catherine, and Joane. Com. Cant. Harl. 32,662. Note. The Pope family has been, and still is, an extensive and influential family about Cranbrook. The mention of George and Stephen Streeter as above would seem to suggest close relationship. There was a George in Goudhurst in this time and a plausible suggestion is that George and Stephen were sons of Stephen who died in 1616, and came between Edward and Susan and Symon. Stephen Streeter who came to New England was born probably as early as 1600, more likely ten years earlier. A valued correspondent, W. P. Haskett Smith, Esq., of Goudhurst, writes me " Our Streeters are not, as far as I know, connected with those of Sussex, e. g., John Streeter of Lewes, who had a son Aaron, born about 1610, or John Streeter of Itchersfield near Horsham who charged an annu ity upon a farm called Fulford's and died before 17 May, . THE STREETERS OF CANTERBURY, KENT. XXV 1624 (vide deed of that date) [see Charter to Thomas Streeter on page xxx — E. P.J. There were other Streeters in the neighborhood of Canter bury, e. g., William Streeter, who by will dated 28 Sept., 1571, gave £60 to a loan fund for small traders (Emily Streeter is his executrix). George Streeter married 1602 ; William Streeter married 1613, both of Canterbury [see extracts from Canterbury registers printed below] ; John Streeter of Fordwich, yeo man, born 1594, married in 1624, and Christopher Streeter of Fordwich, publicly whipped in 1664 (A.rcJi. Gantiana, vol. xvm, 101) ; Thomas Streeter of Faversham, tailor 1634 and 1642, and other names could be supplied, but I see no reason for regarding these as connected in any way with the Streeters of Goudhurst or the places near it. The name is found in all the parishes round about here and the different registers mention many." I have used the items sent by Mr. Haskett Smith in conjunction with my own gleanings from the vicinity of Goudhurst. John Streator, dated 21 May, 1655 ; prov. 8 Nov., 1655. Sister Alice Page, if she die to John, son of Thomas Page. Thomas Page, £10; sister's son, with remainder to his son John ; sister's son Eichard Parson and if he die to his children ; sister's dau. Anne Marchant, and if she die to her children. Three children of John Whitington, to Nicholas Dobson o"f Berwick, the elder, for their use. To Wm. son of Eobert Whitington and if he die to the other children of said Eobert ; to Marg't W., dau. of Thos. Wade ; to Nicholas Hay ward : to poor of Wilmington. Thos. Parsons , sister's son, exr. Overseers, Wm. Nicholas of Willingdon, and Edmond Wade of Sylneston. Wit. : Eobert Hamlin, Thos. Eussell. P. C. C. Aylett, 427. John Streeter of Holy Cross, Westgate, near city of Canterbury, yeoman, 19 Oct., 1655; prov. 15 Dec, 1655, XXVI THE STREETERS OF CANTERBURY, KENT. by relict. Sister Anne Streeter, £40 & she to have her dwelling in my now dwelling house, the portion she doth now inhabit, and keeping for self and maid. Brother Thomas Streeter lease of farm in par. of St. Stephens, also Hack- ington, Kent; he to pay Isabel Eps £10, and to' Eichard Freeman £10. Wife Alice sole exr. She with child. To Wm., son of Thomas Taylor of Feversham, malster, £10 when 21. Elizabeth Bellingham, dau. of wife. P. C. C. Berkeley, 430. John Streater, of Holy Cross, Canterbury, yeoman, and Thomas Streeter of Feversham, tailor, bondsmen on license of Tobias Page to marry Ellen Hams, 12 Nov., 1634. Cant. Mar. Lie. John Streater in 1641 on license of Daniel Lawrence to marry Jane, widow of Nicholas Honewood. Cant. Mar. Lie. 6 Nov., 1655, John Streater of Westgate Court, buried. Eeg. St. Dunstan's, Canterbury. Register St. George's, Canterbury. 1541, 7 May, Thomas of John Streeter, bapt. 1549, 2 June, William Streeter and Elizabeth Watson, married. 1556, 26 Dec, John, son of Wm. Streater, baker, at home, bap tized. 1556-7, 2 Jan., Elizabeth, wife of William Streater, baker, of childbirth, buried. 1571, 25 Nov., William Streeter, buried. 1572, 15 April, Emlin Streeter and John Trott, married. 1595-6, 6 Jan., Elizabeth Streeter and Thomas Porredg, mar ried. 1607, 15 May, Myldred, daughter of William Streeter, buried. 1641, 4 Oct., wife of Wm. Streeter, buried. 1644, 22 Sept., Wm. Streeter, buried. 1678, 3 Sept., John Streater of London and Katherine Sonds, married. THE STREETERS OF CANTERBURY, KENT. XXV11 William Streeter of Canterbury, yeoman, and Isabella Eastday of St. Mary Magdalen, 11 Oct., 1613. Cant. Mar. Lie. William Streeter in Canterbury, 1619, 1642-3. John Streter of St. Mary Magdalen, in Canterbury, 3 Aug., 1567 ; prov. 3 Sept., 1567 ; wife Elizabeth sole exec. Wit: George Moore, James Eeynolde, Wm. Cole. Arch. Cant. 40, fo. 116. Register of St. Mary Magdalen, Canterbury. 1566, 13 April, Mary Streter, buried. 1567, 30 July, John Streter, buried. 1571, 1 Dec, John Blackborne and Elizabeth Streter, married. 1605, 5 May, Thomas Streeter, bapt. 1611, 13 Oct., Jane, daughter of Wm. Streeter, bapt. 1611, 22 Oct., Clement, wife of William Streater, buried. 1758,' 23 Aug., Johnson Streater, buried. George Streeter of St. Peter's, Canterbury, turner, and Joan Knight, of Holy Cross, at Westgate, 2 June, 1602. Cant. Mar. Lie. Mary, daughter of Joane Knight, now wife of George Streater, baptized 10 Oct., 1602. Eeg. of St. Peter's, Cant. Register op St. Dunstan's, Canterbury. 1571-2, 30 Jan., Thomas Streter, buried. 1581, 10 April, Agnes Streater, buried. 1631, 14 Jan., John Streeter, a prisoner in the gaol, buried. 1655, 6 Nov., John Streater of Westgate Court, buried. 1667, 21 June, Dorcas Streater, buried. Register op St. Alphage, Canterbury. 1580, 18 July, John Streater of this parish, married to Lucy Scott, of Boughton under Bleane. 1609, 14 April, Sara, dau. of Wm. Streeter, bapt. XXV111 THE STREETERS OF CANTERBURY, KENT. 1611, 22 Oct., Clemence, wife of Wm. Streeter, buried. (Also on Register of St. Mary Magdalen parish.) 1758, 12 Feb., Sarah of Edw. and Sarah Streeter. 1758, 15 Mar., Sarah Streeter, buried. 1685, 26 March, Joseph Streater of St. Benedict's, Paul's wharf, stationer, set. about 21, to Mrs. Bethia Mosely of Dover, Kent, spinster, set. 20, with consent of mother Mrs. Hannah Nelson. At Barnes, Surrey. Vicar Gen. Arch. Cant. Mar. Lie. John Streeter of Fordwich, yeo., set. 34, to Ann Beach of Hackington, widow, set. about 45, 15 Dec, 1624. Cant. Mar. Lie Wm. Eobinson of St. Dunstan's, Canterbury, set. 21, to Margaret Beech, alias Streeter (dau. of the above.) At Pa- trix bourne. 14 Oct., 1637. Cant. Mar. Lie. Adm. on estate of Ann Walter, widow, of Sevenock, to daughter Hester Streeter. 21 June, 1634-5. Kentish Administrations. Agnes Streeter of Chilham, widow, at Chilham, to Law rence Awdlye, yeo., 7 Jan., 1607. Cant. Mar. Lie. William Streater, of Sesalter, 15 Nov., 1555; prob. 25 Jan., 1555-6; buried in churchyard at Sesalter. Agnes Aley, "the mayde that Keepeth me to have my sherte and £12 ;" to John Chamber and his wife Margaret; residue to Margaret Norberye " my dame " whom e'xtr'x. Wit : Wm. Swavy, John Chamber, John Hardynge. Arch. Cant. 30, Quire 6. Adm. on estate of John Streeter, "parts beyond seas," to Thomas Jeffries, creditor. P. C. C. Adm. 1641, fo. 45. John STREATORof Westbourne, Suffolk, blacksmith, dated 21 Dec, 1623 ; proved by exec. 6 Sept., 1626. To be bur. THE STREETERS OF SUSSEX. XXIX in church at Westbourne ; to Cathedral church at Chichester, £12 ; dau. in law Margaret Burrett, £20 given by her father Wm. Burrett, also £10 when 21 years or marriage ; cousin Eichard Streator of Greene in Suffolk, and his children ; to Sible Crowther, my wife's best gowns, etc. ; to Bridget, wife of John Page, my wife's best , a pair of sheets, etc. ; to Thos. Page, the son of John, 20sh. when 21 ; to John Page, my father-in-law, my wife's 2d best gowne ; to Wm. Mattocke and Thos. Aldridge, whom exec. Overseers, Wm. Walliston, Eichard Stent, John Passenger. Proved. P. C. C. Hile, 112. Thomas Streetor, A.M., instituted rector of church at Sewington in Kent, 23 June, 1629. His successor instituted in 1668. p. 282, vol. II, Pasted's, Kent. Eichard Streater of Lannringe, Sussex, yeo., 13 April, 1656 ; prov. 27 June, 1656 ; son John, messuage called Brick- house in L. also 6 A. called "Coxes," and £150 left him by his uncle John Elliott, late of Broadwater in Sussex, yeo. ; son Grenado " North Burnett Farme " in L. ; son Edward building employed as a malthouse in L., lately bought of Edward Hide, "my tent and smith shops," messuage called "Deanes." wife Anne, exec. dau. Alice, £200 when 21; dau. Sarah, wife of John Gilbert, and her two c'h. Anne and Thomas. I have in my hands the portions of Anne and Ee- becca Campion, children of Thos. of Worthinge, late dec'd, and he charges his wife with this. Loving friends Wm. Fletcher and Thos. Bottinge of Tassing to be overseers. Wit. : John Wheeler & John Fletcher. P. C. C. Berkeley, 243. From Col. Add. Charters in B. Museum. 15,222. Indenture or contract between Elizabeth, vice- comiti Sussex, to John Hussey, Esq., and Johanna his wife, etc., and Thomas Streater, land in Fuleforde also Fuleconde et Hechyngfelde (Itchingfield, Surrey) dated at Westminster, 26 Mar., 20 Eliz*. 1578. XXX THE STREETERS OF HAMPSHIRE. John Streeter of Itchenfield near Horsham, charged an annuity upon a farm called Fulford's and died before 17 May, 1624. Ancient Deed. Hampshire Streeters. The Bramshott family belonged to the Society of Friends. The annexed wills and vital records give more or less infor mation about this family. An old work published in London in 1738 and entitled "Sufferings of the Quakers, 1660-1666," throws some light upon the entries in the Friends' Eegisters.1 "In 1658, Elizabeth Streater of Bramshott, as she was going to meeting, met a priest on the highway, and speaking to him by way of reproof, he was offended and procured her commit ment to Winchester Gaol, and at the next sessions she was fined £5, and for non-payment detained twenty-one weeks, having then a sucking child^at home, which was not permitted to be brought to her. At length she was released by order of a committee of Parliament. She was again prosecuted for non-paj'ment of tythes and committed to gaol in 1665. Her husband, Henry Streater, in 1660, had £42 worth of goods (three mares and a cow) distrained on a demand of £4, for non-payment of tythes, and on the 13th, 11th mo., 1660, he, with several others was seized at a meeting in Alton, forcibly dragged through the streets to an inn, and guarded there three days and nights by soldiers ; then put into a wagon and carried to Alresford, where they were kept at an inn all night and not suffered£to have any beds, and next morning conveyed to Winchester and put into the marshal's custody who had them before some justices, who committed them to prison for refusing the oaths. In another place it is stated that the seizure was made at his brother's house in Al ton at a meeting, and that he died in gaol at Winchester 1st, 2d mo., 1661." This family is of particular interest on account of its con nection with New England people, i. e., the Sylvesters so 1 At Devonshire House, London- THE STREETERS OF HAMPSHIRE. XXXI well known as of Shelter Island. My friend, Mr. H. F. Waters, placed at ray disposal his collection of Sylvester and Brinley wills thus establishing this connection. In 1664 the Council directed that Secretary Bennett write to Streter to hinder the meeting of Quakers. (State Papers.) Henry Streater, of Bramshott, yeo., 3 Nov., 11 Chas. Prov. 21 May, 1639, by Henry S. ; to church at B., 5/; poor, £3 ; wife Joane ; son James, £150 ; son Eobert, house at Pittertield & £150 ; daus. Joane, Jaue, Barbery, Katherine, when 21, each £250 ; sou Henry to be exec. Brother Eichard Jackman, of Wisborough Greene, Sussex, yeo., and Eoger Aylinge of Bramshott & cozen John Whiter of Whitley, and James Pamby of Thurby in Surrey, yeo., overseers. Wit : Peter Shitty e, Joffe Okestrott. P. C. O— Harvey 72. Joane Streater of Bramshott, widow, 20 Oct., 1649; prov. 11 June, 1 656. Poor of Bramshott and Heathly ; eldest son Henry S. ; second son James S. ; eldest dau. Joane, wife of Wm. Dee ; dau. Joane, wife of Wm. Wake ; dau. Barbary, wife of Sam'l Wattleton : Katherine, wife of Moses Meane ; grandchildren Elizb and Mary Dee ; grandchild Abraham Wattleton ; grandchildren Eobert and Jane Streater ; grand children Henry, Elizabeth and Sara Streater, when 21. To son Eobert S., my tenament called Little Mexhurst, in parish of Hirdford, Sussex, now in possession of Thos. Beaknell. Overseers, Eoger Ayleinge, and Wm. Gill, my kinsmen. Wit : Moses Meane, Wm. Wake. P. C. C. Berkeley, 248. James Streeter of Stratford Langthorne, Westham, Es sex, dated 31 May, 1669 ; prov. 10 Sept., 1669 ; citizen and grocer of London ; born in Bramshott, Hants ; to be buried in Dotchett church by late wife ; sister Streeter, wife of brother Henry dec'd, and her children by 2d husband ; bro-in-law Wm. Weake and his children by my own sister; bro. -in-law Moses Neave. Daniel, son of Thomas Clarke, late of St. XXX11 THE STREETERS OF HAMPSHIRE. Clements, Cheapside, dec'd ; Doshett dau. of friend Eichard Newland, gent., of Westham; friend Eichard Newland's bro. Eobert Newland and friend Thos. Walley ; bro. -in-law Thos. Brinley fellow of King's College, Oxford, and his brother Wm. Brinley. Brother Eichard Huckle of Mosely, Surrey. Kinswoman Katherine Crow, wife of C. of Holborn; bro. -in law Joseph Denham and his children ; cozen Elizb. Baker, dau. of bro. -in-law Giles Baker, late wife's earrings, necklace. Brother Eobert Streeter and his children ; bro-in-law Samuel Wattleson of Eeading, Berks and his children. Codicil. Sister-in-law Anne Brinley, widow. Wm. Dee of Eeading and his wife, Joane, my sister. P. C. C. Coke, 108. Thos. Brinley of Dotchett, Berks, Esq., 13 Sept., 1661; prov. 11 Dec, Cod. 10 Oct., 1661. Eldest son Francis; wife Anne ; second son Thomas ; third son Wm. ; dau. Mary Sil vester widow, and her dau. Mary, and her husband Peter, dec'd; dau. Grissel, wife of Nath'l Silvester (who was of Shelter Is., N. E.). Bro. Lawrence Brinley and his son Eichard of London, merchant. Codicil. Wit. by Wm. Ware, Budd Ware, Wm. Carter, William Brinley. P. C. C— May, 193. Anne Brinley, widow; will 1670; mentions Huckles, Sylvesters, etc., but no Streeters. From Friends' Records. — London, commence about 1640. Hants. Elizabeth Streater, born 1 mo. 9 dy. 1638, of Henry and Elizb. Alton meeting. Henry Streater, born 12 mo. 9 dy. 1646, of Henry and Elizb. Alton meeting. Sarah Streater, born 8 mo. 25 dy. 1648, of Henry and Elizb. Alton meeting. Mary Streater, born 9 mo. 16 dy. 1650, of Henry and Elizb. Alton meeting. John Streater, born 8 mo. 20 dy. 1652, of Henry and Elizb. Alton meeting. THE STREETERS OF HAMPSHIRE. XXXlii Samuel Streater, born 10 mo. 9 dy. 1654, of Henry and Elizb. Alton meeting. Arthur Streater, bom 6 mo. 30 dy. 1657, of Henry and Elizb. Of Bramshott. Mary Streater, born 5 mo. 31 dy. 1671, of Henry and Mary. Sarah Streater, born 7 mo. 29 dy. 1683, of Henry and Mary. Anne Streater, born 11 mo. 7 dy. 1685, of Henry and Mary. Elizabeth Streater, born 5 mo. 25 dy. 1681, of Henry and Mary. Sarah Streater, born 3 irio. 27 dy. 1684, of James and Susanna, of New Alresford. John Streater, born 10 mo. 14 dy. 1686, of James and Susanna. Susanna Streater, born 5 mo. 21 dy. 1688, of James and Su sanna. Sarah Streater, born 3 mo. 27 dy. 1684, of James and Susanna. No more births to end of 1700. Elizabeth Streater, Jr., of Bramshott, m. John Barnard, of Heathly, 4 mo., 14 dy., 1668. Henry Streater, of Bramshott, rn. Mary Soane, of do., 8, 14, 1674. Robert Streater, of Alresford, m. Katherine Locke, of Holly- bourn, 2, 14, 1675. Sarah, dau. of Henry, of Bramshott, m. John Vallor, of Enelly, 3, 18, 1675. Sarah, dan. of Henry, of Bramshott, m. John Woods of Lon don, 4, 7, 1709. Mary, spinster, dau. of Henry and Mary of Bramshott, m. John Ellis, of Penzance, 7, 23, 1703. Deaths begin 1657. Henry Streater, of Bramshott, died a prisoner in Winchester gaol for truth's sake, buried 2, 1, 1661, at Bramshott. Robert, Jr., of Alresford, bur. at Alton, 1, 24, 1676. Eobert, of Alresford, bur. at Alton, 11, 26, 1679. Katherine, of Alresford, bur. at Alton, 10, 11, 1681. Susanna, w. of James, bur. at Alton, 5, 24, 1688. Jane, Sr., of Alresford, bur. at Alton, 7, 6, 1689. Eliz"., widow, of Bramshott, bur. at Alton, 8, 18, 1689. Arthur, of Bramshott, bur. at Alton, 3, 17, 1680. Thomson, wid. of Robert, of Alresford, bur. at Alton, 6. 24, 1702. Anne, of Henry and Mary, of Bramshott, bur. there 12, 8, 1709. XXxiv COL. STREATER AND OTHERS. Henry, of Bramshott, bur. there, 12, 22, 1722-3 ; d. 12, 18, 22-3. Samuel, died at Kingston on Thames, 3, 23, 1728, citizen of London, bur. in Bramshott, 3, 28, 1728. Mary, d. 10, 28, 1732, se. 79 1-2 ; of Bramshott, wid. of Henry, bur. 11, 2, 1732. Elizabeth, d. 9, 6, 1739, dau. of Henry and Mary, bur. at. Bram shott, 9, 12, 1739. All the above belonged to Alton meeting. Harl. Charters, 111 H. 36. Indenture between John Streater, James Flesher & Henry Twyford in behalf of Eichard and Henry Atkins, patentees in printing law books, and parties who agree to print all law books solely for them. 20 Mar., 1669. From Domestic State Papers. 1649-50, 22 March. Pass issued for Lt. Jno. Streater of Capt. Evans' company, in Col. Henry Cromwell's regiment in Clonmel, to march with forty horse to Milford Haven for Ireland. 1650. Pay warrant to Lt. John Streater. 1653, Sept. 12. John Streater committed to gaol for pub lishing seditious pamphlets. He was still a prisoner in Jan., 1654. 1655-6, Feb. 29. Petition of John Streater for an inter est in printing the Bible, in respect to disbursements made by him. 1656, April 23. Petition of John Streater and others con cerned in printing the Bible. They have seen the Protector's order that the copy of the Bible should be entered in the Eeg- ister book of the Stationers' company. The copy is not the right of Barker but of Bill, being in Barker's hands in trust for Bill. The order will lay us open to suits ; beg a hearing and time for perfecting impressions and selling stock before entering the bible to any party or persons. 1656, Nov. 13. Petition of John Streater to Council. States he has been sued for putting foreigners at work ; some COL. JOHN STREATER. XXXV of whom have- been soldiers, served the Commonwealth and have the right to exercise any trade. 1659, July 30. Captain Streater to have charge of the ar tillery train. 1660, April 2. Col. John Streater's allowance. Ordnance department. 1661, Nov. 6. Note on Col. John Streeter's discharge from the gate-house. Nov. 19, reference to his petition for pay ment of over £500 due for printing several papers for the King's benefit. 1662-3. Again imprisoned, evidently for printing some thing disagreeable to the church, for he is released upon prom ise to the Bishop of London, not to print any works of sedition, heresy, or treason, and upon his promise not to pry into af fairs of state. 1666. John Streater gave information against Samuel Speed who printed a book entitled " Power and Practice of Court Leets " scandalous to government, etc. Nothing more is found of John Streater in the Domestic State Papers from which the above references are taken, but in 1688, under date of 23d Oct., William Penn writes to Lord Dartmouth, " This person was Colonel Streeter's son ; he served and was wounded at Tangiers. A sober and brave young man." Presumably Col. John Streater entered the Parliamentary service, served with some distinction and at the end of the Commonwealth was of sufficient use and con sequence to be entrusted with control of artillery, "and pre sumably in his capacity as printer was able to perform some favors for the party seeking King Charles' restoration. A printed " Letter to Fleetwood " is in the Boston public library, bearing his mark as author and printer, and dated 166 — . Evidently he was a character of some importance. Perhaps Eobert Streater, who in 1662, petitioned as "his Majesty's painter" for permit to erect a house and workshop in Longacre, his building to be an ornament, etc., and who in 1663 had a grant to the office, upon its surrender by Sir Eobert Howard, of sergeant-painter, was a near connection. XXXVI COAT OF ARMS. In 1667, James Streater was commissioned lieutenant in one of the regiments to be raised that year. Assigned to Lt/Col. Wood's regiment. He may be the son of Colonel Streeter, to whom Penn refers twenty years later. A Thomas Streater of Chatham, in 1662, petitions for relief having been employed in the late wars by Major Boswell to carry packets between England and France, and His Majesty's commission to Colchester at the time of the siege, for which he promised him favor when at Calais, at the time he put the major in his man's white apparel. Benjamin Streater, living inTothill street, near the sign of the Fleece, Westminster, gentleman, testified that he knew Capt. Benj. Mason (accused of delinquency) and had known him ever since he came [to be a soldier in the Lord General EssexVlife guard, which was in 1642, this deponent being then one of the same life guard and a fellow soldier with him, and clerk of the troop. Deposition dated 1650. State Papers. The only Streeter pedigree in the College of Arms is found aniong^the'unofficial^manuscripts of Sir George Nayler, Gar ter, Hto.'Z— 12, fo. 151. It is as follows : I Chris topher s.p. Francis Hall = Anne, dau. and 2d son oi Francis Hall oi' Newsam. co-heir of Walter Morrel. Francis, ob. in Scotland. John Elizabeth. s. p. Margaret. William Anne. s.p. Susanna = Col. John Streiter of Lewis, co. Sussex. William Jopeph Streiter = Bethia, dau. of Susanna ob. Charles Moseley uxor Edmund of London, at- Chipsey, dyer torney. of London. Elizabeth uxor William Car ter of Bick- ington in co. Somerset, clothier. This pedigree is undated, but probably of the time of Charles I. Very likely the Col. John Streiter of the above pedigree is identical with Col. John Streeter, the printer, mentioned in the extracts given from Domestic State Papers. COAT OP ARMS. XXXV11 There is no grant or confirmation of arms to Streeter, but additional MSS. 5533, fo. 161, British Museum, an unofficial copy of the Visitation of Surrey in 1662, and entitled Pedi grees and Arms of London families, has a sketch of a coat of arms credited to Streeter of Lewisham, in Surrey. These arms may have been granted, but cancelled for non-payment of fees, perhaps intended as a confirmation of arms assumed dur ing Cromwell's time. These arms are reproduced below. It will be seen that there is a family resemblance between these and the arms of Stringer1 of Goudherst. i*u^ Burke in his General Armory gives the heraldic bearings of " Streeter of Kent," as Crest. An'eagle, wings expanded argent, beaked and legged gules. Arms. Argent, on a chevron gules : between three hurts, each charged with a fleur de lys of the field, three birds, wings expanded, of the same. This latter description resembles the coat of arms shown above in some particulars and as Burke probably obtained his description from some tombstone, county history or family papers, it is likely that the two had a common origin. No evidence of their early use has been found and they were probably assumed by some member of the family raised to affluence, without regard to the authorities of the College of Arms. 1 Arms of Stringer, granted, 3 Nov., 1664, to Stephen Stringer of Goudhurst, Esq. , to John Stringer of Ashford, and Thomas Stringer, Per chevron or and sable, in cheif two eagles displayed of the second, in a base a fleur de lis of the first. FIRST GENERATION. 1. Stephen" Streeter,1 first of Gloucester, Mass., 1642, stands as the patriarchal head of this American branch of the Streeter family under consideration. The date of his arrival in New England is at present unknown ; but probably, about 1639-40. He is cer tainly not mentioned among the lists of those passen gers, many of whom came to this country during those periods of imigration, 1630-1637. Mr. Babson in his History of Gloucester says "he may have pre ceded the settlers of 1642, as Mr. Blynman's grant includes a lot primarily given to him. He had a house here, but did not remain in town long after its per manent settlement." In 1644, we find him at Charles- town as a householder, and is undoubtedly the person intended by the clerk, but called in the record Steeven Streete, who took the Freeman's oath May 29th of that year. March 21, 1652, he and wife Ursula, united with the Church, being but two and one-half months before he made his will. When in London, England, in the summer of 1886, I visited that great storehouse of Probate records, Somerset House. In searching amongst the records of by-gone centuries, I discovered a large number of Probate documents in both the Streete and Streeter names, running through the 16th and 17th centuries. I examined many of those bearing the Streeter name (J) 2 FIRST GENERATION. without finding a very probable connection with the Stephen Streeter of the new world. Last year how ever, 1894, I obtained the services of Mr. Eben Put nam, a well known genealogist, who, following up my beginnings eventually found in an unlooked for man ner, evidences which seem to conclusively show that Stephen Streeter came from Goudherst, Kent. The reader is referred to the article by Mr. Putnam de scribing the English home of the family. The name Streeter may be of the same common origin as Streete, or more likely as Mr. Putnam thinks, a survival of the Danish occupation. The names Streeter and Streete was common in the south of England, particularly in the counties of Kent and Surrey. Many Streeters live in those same locali ties to-day. The name Streete is much more common and widely distributed. Mr. Streeter made his will June 10th, 1652 ; but the date of its probate is not given. His decease quite probably occurred soon after. The following is a full copy of his will, as found on record at the Probate office in Cambridge, Mass. : " The last will and Testament of Steeven Streeter, Shoemaker, inhabi tant in Charlstowne, deceased, made the . . Whereas God's Goodness in a good composure of mynde knowing God calls mee to order and settell, as well my outward as inward estate, I doe therfore in pur suance of that duty declare the inclinations of my spirit therein in each perticular to bee as doe in the following declaration thereof expresse. 1. — In the first place I doe commend unto my Loving freind Richard Sprague my daughter Hannah, which I doe Resigne up to him in respect of Soule and Body to bee educated and provided for as his owne childe. 2. — And for my yonger childe Rebecca Streeter, I doe give and commend hereunto the care and Education of my Christian friend Charles Chaduche of Wattertowne. 3. — As for my Estate I doe hereby declare my will to bee Thus : first that my Beloved wife Ursula Streeter shall and is to injoy the house of my present aboad, or the Rent thereof during her life. STEPHEN STREETER. O 4. — And such Estate as God hath lent mee in movables of one kinde or other, my will is That after all my Just depts are payed, wth the charges of my Brniall, that all shal bee in my wives hands provided, And it is my will that ray daughter Sarah Streeter should have out of the stocke the one half e, In case Rebecca bee disposed off as above mentioned els but one third bee payed to her at the Age of eaighteen years And the rest off the stock 5. — besides the hous to goe to my other daughter or daughters : 6. — And the House at my wives decease to goe to my three sonns : That is to say on inst halfe to bee my eldest sonn Steevens ; And the other halfe equally to bee devided betwixt my other twoo sonns Samuell and John Streeter : 7. — And my will is That if my wife shall change her condition intoo A married estate, Before marriage my overseers of my will shall have suffi cient security for the disposall of the House According to this my Last will : 8. — And Likewise for the one halfe of the movable estate to be payed unto my daughters, In case the other halfe bee payd before to Sarah : 9. — Alsoo In case God take away any of my children before they come to Age then the estate according to the proportions above, Is to goe to the Inlardgments of the portions of them that survive of them : 10. — And I doe hereby declare my Will is That my Loving wiffe Ursula Streeter should bee My full and sole Executrix of this my Last will and testament. 11. — And I doe hereby commend it unto the care and faithfullness of my Loving f rends, viz : Mr Richard Russell, Richard Sprague and Ralph Mow- sall to bee my Overseers to see to the due performance of this my last will in each perticular as I have above expressed: And 12.— to testify this to be my Last will I have hereunto set my marke this tenth of the fourth month A thousand six hundred and fifty twoo. The marke of Steeven "\>1 J Streeter. Witness vs : 1/ Samuell Cartar. Joshua Tyd. Francis Bowen.'' " The 24th day of the 5th month 1652. A true Inventory of the Hous and goods of Steeven Streeter, shoe maker of Charltowne, Inhabitant, late deceased. Imprimis— In Redy money of Spanish coyne 13-10-00 Item— In Leather for his Trade 06-00-00 Item— twoo Tabells, and a Ginstall 01-05-00 Item — twoo Bushells wheat, one Bushell Rye, one bush Indian 00-17-00 Item— Three Bedds 01-10-00 Item— Three Ruggs 02-06-00 Item— Three Blanquetts 00-15-00 Item — his weaging cloaths 01-10-00 4 FIRST GENERATION. Item— His Lasts, Lead and Hamer 00-16-00 Item- A little featherbed, a coverlit, a bolster, a pillow 01-10-00 Item— In Pewter 01-05-00 Item — A payer of Curtains 01-00-00 Item— three bedsteeds 00-15-00 Item— Six payr of sheets 01-16-00 Item — twenty pound of yearne 01-00-00 Item— A Iron pott and a ould chest 00-05-00 Item— A Kettell, a skellet and a skomer 00-15-00 Item— pothaugers, a fire shovell, a pa tongus a grid-iron 00-06-00 Item— five keys and Locks, A Bible and other Lumber 01-03-00 These Things were Prised by faithful Rouse Samuel Cartar Robert Cutler." As stated in the will, Mr. Streeter was a shoemak er. His wife was Ursula . She is said to have been the daughter of Henry Adams of Braintree, the emigrant ancestor of that family, who came to New England about 1630. But around this statement there has been thrown a shadow of doubt. Mr. Adams made his will 1646, which was probated June 8, 1647, in which he states that his " sons Peter and John and daughter Ursula shall have the ground in the Neck . . during the terme I was to enjoy it, until it returne into the towne's hands againe from whom I had it." Speaking of his wife, " if she marry, then my will is y* Joseph, Edward and my daughter Ursula, should enjoy all my ground in the field that lyeth in the way to Waymouth ferry, and my house Lott, with all the houses and fruit trees," &c, " at the death or marriage of my wife ; Provided, they and their mother shall pay to my son Samuel that wch is due to him for the ground I bought of him." . . . It will readily be seen from the above, that Ursula Adams was evidently living at her father's home in 1646, no allusion whatever being made to her married THE STREETER FAMILY Page 4'A When the Streeter Genealogy was issued in 1896 we suspected that Ursula, the wife of Stephen the emigrant and the mother of the first generation born in America, was daughter of Henry Adams of Braintree Mass., but concluded our evidence in sufficient for positive statements A new publica tion came from the press in 1927 sponsored by Ed ward Dean Adams, and in this book we find our Ursula declared 5th child and only daughter of Hen ry Adams of Braintree, and some additional details regarding her family, based upon the exhaustive re search of the late J. Gardner Bartlett, a talented genealogist. Major Eben Putnam, the publisher of my book and a valued fellow laborer with me in important searches in England, joins me in believing that a satisfactory solution has been found concern ing the parentage of Ursula, and we are happy in this conclusion. In this new work Ursula is mentioned as born about 1619 and as coming to New England with her father and mother and brothers in 1638, where she married Stephen Streeter about 1640. Her children are named as follows: STEPHEN, born about 1641 SARAH, " 1643 HANNAH, Nov. 10, 1644 SAMUEL, " about 1647 REBECCA, " 1649 JOHN, " 1651 MARY, in 1653 This leaf is printed as supplimentary to my work, to be placed at page 4, and upon request I will gladly mail a copy to all who have my book. Milford B. Streeter April 15, 1929 113 Hooper Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. STEPHEN STREETER. 5 condition. Mr. Streeter died 1652, leaving six living children, and one then unborn. After Mr. Streeter's decease, his widow married (2), Oct. 13, 1656 or 7, in Charlestown, Samuel Ho sier of Watertown, who died July 29, 1665. He was admitted freeman May 18, 1631. In his will dated July 28, proved Oct. 3, 1665, he gives all his estate, except £10, to his wife, and after her decease to go to Stephen Payne, and his children ; 40s. to the pastor; 40s. to the church • to his brother's son in England; to his sister and Mrs. Prout, and to wife's Ursula's children. Inventory of his estate £435 : 12s. 6d. Ursula married (3) , about 1666, William Robinson of Dorchester, the emigrant, whose name first appears on the church rolls in Dorchester, 1636 ; made free man May 18, 1642, and the following year became member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company. Feb. 25, 1651, he bought of John Phillips of Boston for £150, an estate in Dorchester " near unto Napon- sett River," with the house, barns, &c, with several other parcels of land and meadow. Oct. 7, 1664, he sold for £96 to Timothy Tileston of Dorchester, a " little house and ten acres of land on Tide-mill Creeke, and half a corn water-mill stand ing on the tide in the creeke, commonly called Salt Creeke or Brooke, near Captain's Neck ;" which mill it is said he had bought of Edward Breck, and was standing late as- 1857, known as Tileston's mill. The date of Mr. Robinson's birth is approximately ascertained from the birth of his first child to be about 1615. He died July 6, 1668 ; and as related by Rev. John Elliot of Roxbury in his diary, he was " drawn 6 FIRST GENERATION. through by ye cogwheel of his mill and was torn in pieces and slain." In his will, he gives " Loving wife Ursula," his dwelling house, orchard, meadow, hempyard, that part of the new barn and old barn, I now enjoy, stable, cow yard, one-half the pasture, 7 acres salt marsh by the river, and half the fresh meadow by Thomas Trott's, and all the planting ground near his house being 11 acres, all of which she shall enjoy as long as she continues his widow ; after which he provides for his son Increase, eldest son Samuel, daughters Pru dence Bridge, Waiting Penniman, and his wife's (Ursula) daughter Mary Streeter, to which latter he gives £4. This Mary was born after her father's decease. Mr. Robinson's will was endorsed as follows: — " This Will of our late Deare ffather William Robinson written on the other side with his owne hand which wee Acknowledge wee doe all agree & Consent to bee allowed & Recorded & made good as wittnes our hands : this : 31 : July : 1668. her Ursula X Robinson. mark Samuel Robinson. Increase Robinson. John Bridge, Joseph Penniman. For her fourth and last husband, Ursula married, July 15, 1673, Griffin Crafts of Roxbury. His former wife was Alice, and they were among the earliest members of Dr. Elliot's church. According to said church records she died March 26, 1673 aged 73. It appears that he outlived Ursula, and married a third wife Dorcas , leaving her a widow in 1690. The Boston records show the following children by Griffin and Alice Crafts : STEPHEN STREETER. 7 i. John, b. July, 1630. ii. Mary, b. Aug. 10, 1632. iii. Abigail, b. Mar. 28, 1634. iv. Samuel, b. Oct. 2, 1637. June 27, 1671, Ursula, then widow of William Rob inson, sold to Daniel Andrews of Salem, Mass., for £90, a dwelling house and 130 acres of land in Wa- tertown. [Bond's Hist. Wutertoivn.] Children of Stephen and Ursula Streeter : 2. Stephen,2 (9;, b. ; d. , 1689. 3. Sarah,2 under IS in 1652, when her father's will was made. 4. Samuel,2 living June 18, 1669, when he acknowledged pay ment of the fourth part of the value of the house and lands left by his father Stephen. Savage and Wyman, mention him as being of Concord, Mass. ; and Barry as sumes to have fouud him and wife Mary there with ch., Judah, b. 1666 ; Eleazer, b. 1668 ; John, d. 1667 ; John, b. 1671 ; but a subsequent search revealed the name to be Stratton, instead of Streeter. 5. John,2 was a soldier in King Philip's war, 1675, where all further trace of him ends. He received as pay £3 : 6s. 9d. 6. Hannah,2 b. Nov. 10, 1644. 7. Rececca.2 8. Mary,2 b. after her father's decease, about 1652. SECOND GENERATION. 9. Stephen2 (2), son of Stephen,1 died in Cam bridge, Mass., 1689. He had lived in Charlestown, Watertown, with wife Deborah in 1667, Muddy River, now (Brookline) , and Cambridge. lie inherited from his father one-half the Charlestown homestead, which he and wife Deborah, then resident at Muddy River, sell in 1679. In 1681, they sell land in Charlestown, formerly his father's, to Richard Russell. Nothing more is known of his personal history, nor any will or administration, are found on record. His wife was Deborah , who was admitted to the church in full communion at Cambridge, July 13, 1701 ; and after her husband's decease, she married, Aug. 10, 1704, Samuel Sears of Wrentham. Wyman mistakes when he says she died, April 7, 1689 ; it was the daughter Deborah. Children : 10. Stephen,3 b. June "20, 1667, Watertown. No further trace. 11. Sarah,3 b. Oct. 2, 1669, in Watertown. 12. Samuel,3 (18), b. probably at Muddy River. 13. John,3 (28), b. probably at Muddy River. 14. Rebecca,3 b. Sept. 3, 1683, Cambridge. 15. Deborah,3 b. Sept. 25, 1685 ; d. April 7, 1689, Cambridge. 16. Joseph,3 (44), b. Sept. 18, 1687; d. Oct. 22, 1736. 17. Benjamin,3 b. Nov. 25, 1689 ; d. Apr. 23, 1690. (8) THIRD GENERATION. 18. Samuel,3 (12), son of Stephen2 (Stephen1), born probably at Muddy River ; died at Framingham 1752. He had probably removed from Cambridge to Attleboro in the meantime, about 1706, where the town records show purchases to have been made Jan. 15, 1706-7 ; May 19, 1713 ; Jan. 19, 1716-17 ; and sold land there April 1, 1713. In Aug. 30, 1717, he bought land from J. Willard in Sudbury ; later, the records show him to be at Framingham. He made his will April 23, 1751, which was pro bated Sept. 16, following, viz: — In the Name of God, Amen, I Samuel Streeter of Framingham, In the County of Middlesex, yeoman, Being of Parfect mind and memory, Do Make this my Last Will and testament as followeth. Impr. — I Commit my Soul to God and my Bopy to the Earth Deceantly To Be Buryed By my Exers out of my Esteate; and as Touching the Rest of my Tempooral Esteate as God hath mercyfully Bestowed upon me I Dispose of as followeth. Impr. — first it is my Will That the twenty & five Pounds Which I am Obliged to Pay to my Beloved Wife Mercy Streeter By virtue of a Con tract made Betwixt myself & my .->d Wife Before Marriage Which twenty & five Pounds Reduced to Lawful money is three Pounds, Six Shillings & Eight Pence Which first of all Within Tewlve months after my Decess is By my Exer" to be Paid to my sa Wife, out of my Esteate. And now When my Funeral Charges and Just Debts Being Paid out of my Esteate By my Exer8 the Remainder of my Esteate I Dispose of as fol loweth, Viz. : Item : — I give & Bequeath unto my Son Steaven Streter a Duble Portion of my Real, Personal & movable Estente, Deducting out of his sd. Dubble (9) 10 THIRD GENERATION. Portion thirteen Pounds reduced to Lawful money is one Pound forteen Shillings and Eight Pence Which he Recived of me as Part of his Portion Item. — I Give and Bequeath the Rest of my Estate Real & movable to my Beloved Children and Grand Children to Be Devided as followeth, Viz. . To my Belov-ed son Samuel Streter one equal Single Share with my other Children first Deducting out of his share twenty Pounds old tenor, which is equal to Two Pounds 0-13-8 Lawfull money Which he hath all Ready Reeived of me for Part of his Portion — and To my Be loved Daughters Sarah Evens, Susanna Dillens, and Deborah Belkanp, Each of them one Single Share, first Deducting out of the sd. Deborah's thirty Pounds old tenor which is equal to four Pounds Lawfull money. and to my Grand Child Jemima Streeter, Child of my Daughter Mary Streter one equal single Share. and to my five Grand Children Who are the Children of my Decessed Daughter Mercy Heley, one single share to be Devided In Equal Propor tion Betwixt them, Whose names are William, Oliver, Mary, Pheby & Lily Hely — and to my two grand Children Who are children of my De ceased Daughter Eelizabeth Friscol, one single share to Be Equally Devid ed Betwixt them Which Sums is to Be Paid to them By Deaon Moses Pike out of my estate Whom I apoint my Executor of this my Last Will & Testement. Given under my hand & Seal this twenty third day of April 1751 for ye twenty fourth year of his majesties Reign. his Samuel X Streter. Signed & sealed in Presents of malk Samuel Eddy. Elizabeth Boyle. Josiah Browne. Framingham, September 16, 1751. Be it Known To all men By these presants that whereas I Samuel Streater of Framingham in the County of Middx & province of the Mas sachusetts Bay in new England Husbandman Have made and Declared my Last will & testament in writeing Bareing date the Twenty third Day of April one thousand seven Hundred Fifty and one, I the said Samuel Streater by this presant Condicle Do ratine & confirm my said Last will & testament and Do give & bequeath unto my well beloved wife after my Deacas my Cow, A Galoon Gown, a vaile Hancachif & Gloves, and to her Daughter Elizabeth How a pair of Gloves And to my well Beloved Daugh ter Deborah Belknap a vaile a Hancachief and a pair of Gloves, all to be paid for out of my Estate, and my will & meaning is that this Condicle or Schedule be & be adjudged to be part and percel of my said Last will and testiment & that all things herein mentioned & contaned be faithfully per formed and as fully & as ampley in every respect as If the same were so Declared & sett Down in my said Last will & testament. SAMUEL STREETER. 11 In witness I have Hereunto sett my hand & seal the Day & year first above mentioned. hi« Samuel X Streater (Seal.) In presants of us. marke Daniel Winch. Ebenr Hemenway Jurr. Framingham October 30th, 1751. These are to Signify that we have no objections to make against the within written Last will & Testiineut of our Honoured Father nor against the Schedule thereto annexed as witness my hands the day above sd. his Stephan X Streater mark Sewell Streeter Jedidiah belknap his John X Evens. mark Inventory £406 : 5 : 10; taken by Josiah Browne, Noah Eaton & Aaron Pike. Nov. 27, 1751. Mr. Streeter married (1) Deborah , who died Nov. 13, 1708 ; married (2) Mercy , who was probably a widow Howe, as in the codicil of his will mention is made of her daughter Elizabeth Howe. Children : 19. Mary,4 bapt. Feb. 2, 1696-7; m. Sewell Streeter; admit ted to Framingham church from Reading, 1721. It is not yet known to what family Sewell Streeter belongs. Children : i. Jemima.,5 20. Sarah,4 bapt. Feb. 2, 1696-7 ; m. John Evans. 21. Stephen4 (54), bapt. Sept. 4, 1698; d. in Douglass, Sept. 22, 1756. 22. Samuel,4 (66), bapt. Jan. 7, 1699-1700; d. June 7, 1763, in Charlton. 23. Mercy,4 bapt. May 14, 1704; m. Aug. 2, 1722, William Healy, at Rehoboth, Mass. She died before 1751. 12 THIRD GENERATION. Children : i. William.5 ii. Oliver.5 iii. Mary.5 iv. Phebe.5 v. Lily.5 24. Susanna,4 bapt. Apr. 28, 1706, in Cambridge; m. — Dillon. 25. Joseph,4 b. May 10, 1708 ; d. Oct. 22, 1736. 26. Deborah,4 b. ; m. Jedediah Belknap, of Framing ham. 27. Elizabeth,4 b. ; m. Ebenezer Frissell. of Framing ham, son of Samuel Frissell and Martha (Alexander), b. Feb. 22, 1697-8. She died, and he m. (2), Jan. 11, 1749, wid. Mary Eames, who, after his decease, m. Sam uel Fairbanks, and then John Sliattuck. Mary d June 12, 1822, aged 95. Ch., by Elizabeth: i. Elizabeth,5 b. Dec. 26, 1736 ; living, in 1762, in Hop- kinton, unm. ii. Sarah,5 b. June 8, 1740; m. Jona. Cody, of Ilop- kinton. 28. John3 (13), son of Stephen2 (Stephen1), born probably at Muddy River (Brookline), Mass.; re moved from Cambridge to Attleboro, and settled about 1706, in that part of the town known as Cum berland, Mass., where he died April 5, 1729; adminis tration on the estate granted widow Judith, May 5, 1729. The records of Attleboro show that he bought land there April 30, 1705, April 30, 1706, and Feb. 26, 1714^-15. The Cambridge First Church records show that Dec. 29, 1700, he owned the Covenant, and was a member there. May 5, 1729, his widow was ap pointed administratrix of his estate; and subsequently, March 8, 1737-8, an appraisement was made and filed, SAMUEL STREETER. 13 representing a total value of £420 ; but as the estate admitted of only one of the sons without prejudice to the rest, it was agreed that the whole estate be set tled upon John, the eldest son, he having purchased of his mother, the widow, her dower or thirds, and the other children which are of age, with the minors by their guardians, having also prayed for the same, and having nominated and appointed Noah Carpenter, Samuel Tyler and Jeremiah Ingraham, to make a just apprisement of the whole estate, the following divis ion was made among the heirs, viz. : To sons James, Josiah, and Jeremiah, £23 : 6 : 8, each, in Bills of Credit of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay or in silver money in one year after said date. To daughters Mary Ward, Abigail, Rachel, Sarah, Amey, and Hannah, the same in amount as their brothers; said John paying to the respective persons the respective sums Interest at 6 per cent, for every year and part of a year until their respective times of payment are ended. " And whereas the Widow's Dower or 'Ihirds of the Real Estate accord ing to the appraisement of the whole is £140 which said sum is not di vis- able Among the Children Untill after the Death of the said Widdow, altho Purchased by the said John and by this Decree ordered To be to him said John, his heirs and assigns forever, yet under the same Proviso and Conditions, viz : — " Provided the said John Streeter his heirs," &c. "Pay to the other 10 Children of the said John Streeter, deceased, or their Legall Representa tives, their Respective Shears of said 140 Pounds one year after the death .of ye said widdow with Interest for the same at six per cent, for the said year, viz." To sons James, Josiah, Jeremiah & Isaiah £11 13s 4d. each. To daughters Mary Ward, Abigail, Rachel, Sarah, Amey and Hannah, the like sum. May 16, 1738. [N. B. The name of Isaiah is omitted in the original records of the first division.]. Mi-. Streeter married (1), April 9, 1700, at Cam bridge, Mary "Whitcomb, who died in Attleboro, Feb. 5, 1715-16; married (2), Aug. 1, 1716, in Rehoboth, 14 THIRD GENERATION. Judith Shores or Shares, of Wrentham, and after her husband's decease, she was published May 20, 1738, to Edward Day of Attleboro. Children, by Mary (first three in Cambridge) : 29. Hannah,4 b. Dec. 26, 1700. 30. Maky,4 b. Mar. 29, 1702 ; m. Ward. 31. John4 (78), b. April 6, 1704 ; d. 1757. 32. Elizabeth,4 b. Mar. 27, 1706, in Attleboro; bapt. at Re- hoboth, May 19, 1706; d. June 7, 1706. 33. James4 (88), b. Mar. 26, 1707; bapt. at Rehoboth, May 4, 1707. 34. Jonathan,4 b. Mar. 2, 1708-9 ; d. before 1738. 35. Elizabeth,4 b. Oct. 13, 1711 ; d. Apr. 7, 1712. 36. Josiah4 (97a), b. Mar. 3, 1712-13. 37. Jeremiah4 (98), b. Feb. 3, 1715-16. Children, by Judith: 38. Abigail,4 b. Sept. 17, 1717. 39. Rachel,4 b. Feb. 24, 1719. 40. Sarah,4 b. Feb. 9, 1721-22. 41. Isaiah4 (105), b. July 29, 1724. 42. AMY,4b. July 15, 1726. 43. Hannah,4 b. Apr. 30, 1729. 44. Joseph3 (16), son of Stephen2 (Stephen1), born in Cambridge, Sept. 18, 1687; died in Wren tham, Oct. 22, 1736. He lived a while at Attleboro, where he bought six acres of land of Lemuel Titus, lying by Squissitt hill; recorded April 1, 1713. Also from Samuel Titus, eight and one-quarter acres, lying on the right of Samuel Streeter's land, and adjoining* High Sqnissett meadow and Benjamin Robinson's land; recorded April 1, 1713. He had also received from his brother Samuel, one and three-quarter acres, adjoining the aforesaid lot, and recorded the same clay; likewise, he deeded from Jeremiah Ingraham, twelve acres near JOSEPH STREETER. 15 Squissett hill, near said Joseph's house; recorded March 5, 1715-16. He married June 4, 1717, Elizabeth Titus, of Attle boro, who was made administratrix, and made return of a lengthy inventory on the Cumberland records, which seems to include a paper dated at Boston. The widow Elizabeth dates an inventory of personal es tate, at Suffolk Co., Nov. 15, 1737, of £159. An in ventory, signed by Daniel Peck and Walcott, Oct. 13, 1737, gives real and personal estate, £621:14: 0. The Suffolk County records, Boston, April 12, 1748, allows widow Elizabeth £90 for the support of nine children, the youngest son born after his father's decease. The father is repeatedly mentioned as late of Wrentham, County of Suffolk, Mass. A commission being fully authorized to divide and set off the estate, gives Elizabeth, the widow, one-third as dower; and the balance to eldest son Joseph, 2d son Benjamin, 3d son Enoch, 4th son Ebenezer, youngest son Nathan, eldest daughter Elizabeth, 2d daughter Abigail, 3d daughter Rebecca, and young est daughter Ruth. Children, born in Wrentham: 45. Elizabeth,4 b. Sept. 12, 1718. 46. Joseph4 (112), b. July 5, 1719 ; d. Aug. 8, 1778. 47. Abigail,4 b. Sept. 23, 1723. 48. Benjamin4 (120), b. Dec. 1, 1724. 49. Enoch4 (127), b. June 9, 1726. 50. Rebecca,4 b. Sept. 16, 1729. 51. Ebenezer4 (137), b. Feb. 22, 1730-1. 52. Ruth,4 b. ; m. April 30, 1754, Benjamin Cummings. 53. Nathan,4 b. Mar. 8, 1736, after his falher's decease. FOURTH GENERATION. 54. Stephen4 (21), son of Samuel3 (Stephen2, Stephen1), baptized Sept. 4, 1698; lived in Framing ham; thence removed to Douglass, Mass., where he died Sept. 22, 1756, yeoman. Dec. 14, 1744, he, of Douglass, purchased from the Sutton committee, so called, 160 acres — the old farm — now abandoned. He married Catherine Adams; they covenanted together at church in Framingham, Feb. 7, 1725. There is a tradition among the descendants of the Rev. Zebulon Streeter (a son of this marriage), also by the descendants of Dr. John Streeter (another son), that the said Catherine was a sister to Deacon John Adams, the father of the second President of the United States. The utmost care has been taken in searching: for the possible truth of this belief; but nothing as yet has been discovered to confirm the said tradition, that Dea. John Adams ever had a sister Catherine. Children, (seven born in Framingham) : 55. Esther,5 b. Jan. 13, 1724-5 ; m. Feb. 28, 1744, Josiah Ha ven, of Framingham. He d. deranged. Children : i. Asa.6 ii. Silas.6 iii. James.6 iv. . Mary.6 (16) SAMUEL STREETER. 17 56. Stephen5 (148), b. Feb. 14, 1726-7 ; d. Jan. 8, 1812. 57. Abigail,5 b. Jan. 15, 1728-9 ; m. Smith, of Grafton, Vt. 58. Elizabeth,5 b. Jan. 9, 1729-30. 59. John5 (Streator— 160) , b. Feb. 14,1731-2; d. Aug. 24, 1810. 60. Ursula,5 b. Nov. 9, 1733. 61. Adams5 (175), b. Dec. 31, 1735 ; d. Sept. 14, 1786. 62. Zebulon5 (185), b. Mar. 24, 1739 ; d. Oct. 4, 1808. 63. Naphtali,5 b. Mar. 6, 1741, in Douglas. He deeds land in Royalston, Mass., 1764 and 1768. 64. Samuel, 5 b. Jan. 16, 1743, in Douglas. 65. Mary,5 b. April 1, 1747 ; probably m. Mar. 16, 1779, Ben jamin Green, of Spencer, Mass. 66. Samuel4 (22), son of Samuel3 (Stephen,2 Stephen}), baptized Jan. 7, 1699-1700, at Cambridge; died in Charlton, Mass., June 7, 1763. In May, 1742, he bought the place in Hopkinton, now occupied by Mr. Augustus Phipps, town clerk, and sold the same in 1745 to Thomas Butler. He was one of the organ izers of the township of Charlton, to which place he removed about 1754 and died there. He married July 27, 1719, Experience, daughter of Nathaniel Haven, born April 23, 1703. Her father was son of Richard Haven of Lynn, Mass., who came from the west of England to America about 1645, and settled on a farm in Lynn, near Flax pond. Sam uel and his wife were members of the church at Fra mingham, where they covenanted May 14, 1721; and were dismissed from the church at Hopkinton to Sutton church in 1745. March 27, 1754, the Governor and Council were petitioned by Samuel Streeter and others of West Oxford for the erection of a new township, on account of the distance from church, and other grievances. 2 18 FOURTH GENERATION. The petition was granted, and at the first meeting held March 12, 1755, of the organization of Charlton township, Samuel Streeter was elected " Tything- man," and Samuel Streeter, Jr., one of the "Surveyors of Highways." Children : 67. Joseph5 (195), b. Aug. 3, 171. in Chesterfield, N. H., April 5, 1789 and d. April3, 1870. Her husband prob. cl. in Boston, Mass., and she m. (2), 1837, as his 3d wife, Charles F., son of John and Zipporah Daniels, of Chesterfield, b. Mar. 8, 1783 and cl. Mar. 9, 1866. Mr. Daniels m. (1) Judith Bab bitt of Westmoreland ; (2), a widow Kendrick, by whom all his children were born. Children by Benoni : i. Lydia A.,7 b. May 26, 1807 ; m. Aug. 19, 1833, Ne hemiah C, son of Nehemiah and first wife Alice L. Andrews, of Chesterfield, N. II. ; a farmer. He d. April 7, 1867, aged 56. She d. Aug. 23, 1871. No issue. ii. Urania M.,7b. Oct. 1, 1809 ; m. Feb. 2, 1837, as his 2d wife, Prescott W., son of Calvin Gilson and Mehitabel (Partridge), b. in Chesterfield, N. II., Dec. 31, 1812 and' d. Nov. 7, 1877; blacksmith bazeleel streeter. 45 He m. (1), Adeline Whitney, who cl. in 1836, in her twentieth year. Children, by Urania : i. Calvin P. Gilson,8 b. Oct. 5, 1839. For a num ber of years was proprietor of the upper ferry; rem. to Putney, Vt., where he was living in 1882 ; m. Mar. 24, 1867, Ann E. (949/)), clau. of Clark Streeter, and 2d wife Mary E. (Smith), of Chesterfield, N. H., b. Nov. 17, 1848. Children : i. Mary A.,9 b. Dec. 27, 1867. ii. Annie M.,9 b. May 11, 1869. iii. Fred C.,9 b. Aug. 24, 1876. ii. Adeline L.,8 b. Jan. 16, 1841 ; m. (1), Oct. 3, 1858, John M. Farnum ; (2), May 12, 1879, George A. Shackleton, of Thompson- ville, Conn. ; afterwards of Chesterfield. 278. Bazeleel5 (117), afterwards changed to Barzillai, son of Joseph4 (Joseph,2, Stephen2 Ste phen1), born in Cumberland, R. I., May 1, 1759. He was at North Adams in 1782, and Chesterfield, 1786; removed thence to Swanzey, N. H., where he died April 6, 1839. His name appears in a Cumberland, R. I., paper called rrA list of Lieut. Gould's Division — Lieut. Na than C. Gould, Feb. 24, 1777." Also as " Barzzilla Streter Corpl." on roll of Col. Archibald Craig's regi ment raised for the Continental service by the Colony of Rhode Island to serve for fifteen months ending with March 16, 1778. He is said to have served through the whole war and drew a pension to the end of his days. He married Nancy Brown of Cumberland, R. I., born 1757, and died in Swanzey, N. H., July 22, 1847, aged 90. She was a most excellent and estimable woman. 46 fifth generation. Children : 279. Pkdtia,6 b. 1780; m. John Aldrich, and d. at Jackson, Penn., Sept 15, 1865. 280. Sebastian6 (789), b. Apr. 15, 1783, in No. Adams, Mass. ; d. in Woodstock, Vt., June 9, 1867. 281. Joseph B.6 (800), b. Mar. 26, 1787, in Chesterfield, N. H. 282. Russell6 (807), b. Apr. 15, 1791 ; cl. Feb. 15, 1880. 283. Barzillai,6 (817), b. Apr. 16, 1795 ; d. in Boston, Nov. 2, 1869. 284. Judith,6 b. 1798, in Swanzey; cl. Nov. 20, 1837; m. May 10, 1823, Nathaniel, son of Farnum Fish, b. Feb. 18, 1799, and d. May 13, 1839. Children (born in Swanzey) : i. Rachel,7 b. Oct. 14, 1824; m. Alonzo F. Lane, of Swanzey. ii. Nancy B.,7 b. Sept 24, 1827 ; m. Josiah Parsons, of Swanzey. iii. Susan M ,7 b. Feb. 1, 1830 ; m. Elisha F. Lane, of Swanzey, and had oue son living (1886), in Keene, N. H., supposed to be the only descendant of Barzillai Streeter, living in that place, all the daughters of Mr. Fish being deceased. 285. Laura,6 b. ; d. in Swanzey, Dec. 31, 1839 ; m. (1), a Mr. Bishop, of Richmond, N. H. ; (2), Solomon Peck, of Royalston, Mass. 286. Nancy,6 b. June 11, 1804, in Vernon, Vt. ; d. Jan. 27, 1866, at Stukely, Canada East ; ir. Calvin Richardson. 287. Mary,6 b. ; d. Jan. 15, 1837, in Washington, Vt. ; m. Bagley. 288. Johnston5 (118), son of Joseph4 (Joseph,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born in Cumberland, R. I., Oct. 16, 1761; died in Vermont. The Chesterfield, N. II., records show him to have resided there from 1785 to 1795, about which time he removed to Hartford, N. Y.; thence to Vermont, after which but little is known of him. His family record, what little there is of it, was furnished through the joint efforts of Mrs. Hannah Wilkinson of Woon- ENOCH STREETER. 47 socket, R. I., and his grandson Sebastian Streeter of Lovilia, Monroe Co., Iowa. He was a tailor. June 10, 1791, while of Cumberland, he bought of William Streeter of Chesterfield, land in that town. Jan. 28, 1783, he and his brother Barzillai deed to their brother Ebenezer of Mendon, Mass., all interest in estate and dower of their grandmother Elizabeth. He married Oct. 19, 1783, Lydia, daughter of Jon athan Mason of Cumberland, R. I. Children : 289. 290. Nancy,6 » , . > twins. Nellie,6 > 291. Joseph,6 d. young. 292. Barton,6 b. ; d. ; m. W., whose residence is unknown. ; had a son Oscar 293. Lucinda6. 294. Patience6. 295. Willari,6 d. young. 296. Sylvester6 (819), b. Jan. 17, 1793; d. 1863. 297. Sally6. 298. Mason J.6 (833), b. Dec. 13, 1799. 299. Amanda6. 300. WlLLARD6. 301. Enoch5 (119), son of Joseph4 (Joseph3 Ste phen2 Stephen1), born June 22, 1763; was a resident of Chesterfield, but doubtless removed from there be fore 1800; but little is known of him. He married, 1785, Esther, daughter of William Randall, and removed from town before 1800. Children (born in Chesterfield) : 302. Randall,6 b. Sept. 28, 1785 ; removed to Providence, R. I., thence to Sodus Pt., N. Y., where he d. abt. 1825. 303. Mary,6 b. June 5, 1787 ; m. William Gould. 304. Arnold,6 b. Dec. 25, 1788; d., unm. 305. Whipple,6 b. Jan., 1791; removed to Mich.; m. , and left children Uriah, Arnold and others. 48 FIFTH GENERATION. 306. Simeon Dbxter Sheldon6 (842), b. June 6, 1794; d. May 18, 1855. 307. Polly,6 b. ; m. Stephen Brooks. 308. . Sally,6 b. ; m. Dr. Anson Andrews. 309. Sophia,6 b. 1801 ; d. July, 1839, aged 38 years; m. Levi Seager. 310. Thomas Jefferson6 (854), b. May 1, 1803; d. Dec. 23, 1839. 311. Joseph5 (122), son of Benjamin4 (Joseph3 Stepthen,2 Stephen1), born April 27, 1748; married May 14, 1772, Abigail Whiting. March 11, 1776, while of Wrentham, he and wife Abigail, sell their homestead, after which there is no further trace. Children (born in Wrentham) : 312. Patiknce,6 b. April 20, 1773. 313. Samuel,6 b. Mar. 3, 1775. 314. Otis5 (134), son of Enoch4 (Joseph,3 Ste phen,2 Sfejtheu1), born in Chesterfield, N. II., March 11,1775; removed about 1801, Avith his brother John, to Townsend, Vt. Married (1), Eunice Stoddard: (2), Lucinda Scott of Townsend, Vt. Children, by Eunice : 315. Russbll,6 m. Sally Goss ; four chil., all dec'd. 316. Eunice, 6 b. 1798 ; d. April 25, 1885. Children, by Lucinda: 317. Enoch,6 m. Eliza Johnson ; five ch. 318. John,6 m.Mary Thomas ; four ch. 319. Woodruff,6 m. Emma Johnson ; two ch. 320. Levi6. 321. Otis,6 living in Dorset, Vt., 1887. 322. Susanna,6 m. Arnold Kingsbury. 323. Esther,6 m. Squire Kingsbury, of Wallingford, Vt., Dec. 5, 1819. 324. Lucretia6. JOEL STREETER. 49 325. Israel,6 lived at Dorset, Vt. ; m. Betsey Hildreth, of Acton, Vt., Dec. 8, 1831. 326. Lucinda,6 d., aged 4 years. 327. Joel5 (138), son of Ebenezer4 (Joseph3 Ste phen,2 Stephen1), born Sept. 10, 1759; died in Vermont about 1830; was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. What little is known of his personal and family history has been obtained from a grandson living in the town of Everest, Kansas. He probably removed from his native home in early life and settled in or near Lisbon, N. H., where it is known a portion of his family were located. His wife's name was Molly Cobb; date of marriage unknown. Children : 328. Joel6. 329. Argulus6 (862). 330. John6. 331. Isaac6 (865), b. Dec. 21, 1790; d. in 111., Mar. 21, 1860. 332. Richard,6 b. ; cl. in Mich., 1860. 333. Oliver Cromwell6, d. in Mo., 1876. 334. David6 (873). 335. A daughter.6 336. Ebenezer.6 337. Joseph5 (144), son of Ebenezer4 (Joseph3 Stephen2 Stephen1), born probably in Wrentham, Mass., Feb. 17, 1770; drowned in Lake Champlain. He removed to Littleton, N. H., where his children were born; thence, about 1810 to Dalton, N. H., and subsequently to the Genessee county, N. Y. He was a physician. His wife was Elizabeth Rowe, born 1773, who, after her husband's decease, removed to Norwalk, Huron Co., Ohio, where she died 1873, aged 100 years. 4 50 FIFTH GENERATION. Children (born in Littleton, N. H.) : 338. Darius,6 b. Nov. 11, 1795. 339. Douglas,6 b. May 4, 1797. 340. Diana,6 b. Dec. 29, 1798. 341. Denison6 (880), b. Dec. 17, 1800; d. Aug. 10, 1884. 342. Densimore6 (887), b. Dec. 17, 1800; d. Oct. 11, 1859. 343. Silas,6. 344. Ebenezer5 (146) , son of Ebenezer4 (Joseph3 Stephen,2 Stephen1) , born in Chesterfield, N. H., Feb. 27, 1774; died Jan. 16, 1837. He married at West moreland, N. H., Dec. 1, 1793, Ruth Burt, born Feb. 2, 1779. It is said that he removed to some part of western N. Y. state. Children : 345. Ebenezer6 (807), b. Aug. 4, 1794. 346. Joseph Burt6 (904), b. Jan. 19, 1796; d. Apr. 22, 1876. 347. Russell Sanford,6 b. July 5, 1812 ; d. of cholera at Roch ester, N. Y., 1832 ; was then studying for the ministry. 348. Gratia Ann,6 b. July 24, 1816; d. young. SIXTH GENERATION. 348a. Benjamin6 (147&), son of Benjamin5 (Jo siah4 John,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born 1760-1; died in Chesterfield, N. H., March 1, 1835. " He lived on Streeter Hill, which is located in the northwestern part of the town, and is so named because it was at one time inhabited by several families of the name of Streeter. It is said that this hill was called Poplar Hill by the first settlers, because portions of it were covered with a vigorous growth of young poplars, which sprang up after the Indians had ceased their annual fires." (Hist, of Chesterfield.) Mr. Streeter married, 1780, Sarah, daughter of Ben jamin Hudson and Sarah (Holman), born Feb. 7, 1757, and died Oct. 15, 1842. The Hudsons lived on Streeter's Hill. Children (born in Chesterfield) : 3486. Abigail,7 m., 1800, Kzra Streeter (957), son of Stephen (355) and Sarah (Chamberlain), b. Jan. 16, 1781, and d. iu Brome, Canada, June 6, 1844. (See family.) 348c. Benjamin,7 b. in Chesterfield; d. in Westmoreland, N. H. ; m. Sarah, dau. of Charles and Sarah Farr, b. in Ches terfield, Jan. 8, 1786. Children (born in Chesterfield) : i. Sarah,8 b. ; m., 1830, Joseph Fletcher. ii. Laura,8 b. July 4, 1814 ; m. Jabez J. Pierce, of Westmoreland, N. H., later of Chesterfield. iii. Alfred,8 d. unm. (51) 52 SIXTH GENERATION. iv. Elias,8 settled in WaUingford, Vt. ; whence he re moved to Kansas. v. Aurelius,8 b. May 8, 1821 ; resided in Chicopee, Mass. ; m. (1), Lucy L. Gillett; m. (2), Amanda D. Hanes, Dec. 18, 1850. Children, by Lucy: i. Benjamin Elias,9 b. April 6, 1847 ; m. Mary Barden, of N. Y. city ; res. Tolenville, Sta- ten Island, N. Y. Children, by Amanda : ii. Flora G.,9 b. Sept. 6, 1852. iii. Clarence A.,9 b. Mar. 29, 1856; d. Oct. 18, 1856. iv. Eva T.,9 b. Apr. 5, 1858 ; d. Feb. 22, 1859. v. Fred A.,9 b. Jan. 29, 1865. vi. George,8 res. in WaUingford, Vt. vii. Aslibel,8 who resided several years in Westmoreland, but d. in Chesterfield in 1869-70 ; m. Rhoda, dau. of Edward Moriarty, of Chesterfield, and Lucinda (Streeter, No. 348#), b. April 27, 1831. Rhoda was own cousin to Ashbel. viii. Malvina,8 m. William Wilbur, of Putney, Vt. 348cL Solomon,7 m. and removed to Ohio. Children : i. Fanny, 8m., 1839, Robert Johnson, of Chesterfield, who d. May 5, 1861, in his 54th yr. 348e. Squire,7 b. Mar. 1, 1791 ; d. Sept. 30, 1847; res. in Ches terfield. He m. Phoebe, dau. of Lotan Hildreth, of Ches terfield, and Sarah (Pierce), b. Aug. 9, 1794. Children (born in Chesterfield) : i. Eliza L.,8 b. May 6, 1820; d.Feb. 14, 1863; m. June 12, 1843, George, son of Nathaniel Atherton of Chesterfield, and Jemima (Daniels), b. March 23, 1817 ; his mother d. April 4 following ; he d. Sept. 5, 1851. Children (born in Chesterfield) : i. Emily J. (Atherton)9, b. June 21, 1845 ; m. (1), Dec, 1868, Henry N., son of Noyes Darling, of Chesterfield, and Aurilla (Hil- BENJAMIN STREETER. 53 dreth), b. July 9, 1847 and d. Dec.8, 1872 ; m. (2), Nov., 1878, Henry C, son of Asa Marsh of Chesterfield, and Elizabeth (Hall) , b. Nov. 3, 1828 ; farmer. ii. Ann E. (Atherton)9 b. Aug. 10, 1847. iii. Jane M. (Atherton),9 b. Oct. 19, 1849. ii. Lucinda M.,8 b. Oct. 27, 1822 ; m. Apr. 8, 1863, Justin Albee, who d. before 1881 ; she res. (1881) at Chesterfield Factory, N. H. iii. Elizabeth A.",8 b. Apr. 3, 1826 ; m. Nov. 17, 1845, Amasa Burt, of Walpole ; res. (1881) at North Port, L. I. iv. Squire Rawson8 (or R. S., as he signs it), b. Mar. 5, 1829 ; res. (1881), at Shelburne Falls, Mass., and is a silk thread manufacturer, under the firm name of "Streeter & Mayhew," with branch offices at New York and Boston. He m. May 1, 1851, Sarah Jane Scott, of Halifax, Vt. Children : i. Ella J.,9, b. July 19, 1856. ii. Gertrude S.,9 b. Jan. 9, 1865. iii. Ida M.,9 b. Feb. 24, 1868. v. Miranda,8 b. Feb. 23, 1834; m. Sept. 12, 1854, William W., son of Thornton Hopkins and Dian- tha (Fair), of Chesterfield, b. Dec. 21, 1831 ; is a mechanic. Children (born in Chesterfield) : i. Fred W. (Hopkins),9 b Oct. 2, 1859. ii. Etta M. (Hopkins),9 b. Sept. 21, 1863. iii. Harry D. (Hopkins),9 b. Aug. 18, 1869. 348/. Clark,7 (949a), b. 1794; d. Aug. 4, 1868. 3480. Lucinda,7 b. May, 1798; d. June 30, 1877, ee. 79 yrs., 11 mos. ; m. Edward Moriarty of Chesterfield ; b. in Ireland. He settled in Chesterfield abt. 1824, and after a residence there of abt. thirty-fivs years, he suddenly disappeared from town, and was never afterwards heard from. Children (born in Chesterfield) : i. William B.8 (Moriarty) , b. Sept. 26, 1827 ; d. Oct. 30, 1853, unm. 54 sixth generation. ii. Mary Ann (Moriarty)8, b. Apr. 22, 1829 ; d. Feb. 8, 1847. iii. Rhoda (Moriarty),8 b. Apr. 27,1831; m. Ashbel Streeter, son of Benjamin (911c) and Sarah (Farr) . iv. Francis, (Moriarty),8 b. Apr. 8, 1833 ; d. May 27, 1872, unm. v. Timothy (Moriarty),8 b. Apr. 11, 1835 ; d. in Wal- pole, Apr. 16, 1867; m. Oct., 1862, Emily, dau. of Nelson Wilbur, of Westmoreland. vi. James (Moriarty),8 b. Apr. 6, 1837; m. Oct. 5, 1858, Lydia, dau. of Nathan Franklin, of West moreland . vii. Catherine (Moriarty) ,8 b. Sept. 10, 1839 ; m. Apr. 10, 1867, Jotham P. Bennett, of Westmoreland. viii. Thomas K. (Moriarty),8 b. Jan. 1 1, 1842 ; d. Jan. 20, 1860. 3487i. Rhoda,7 b. ; m. Calvin Hastings. 348*. Elias6 (147 d), son of Benjamin5 (Josiah,4 John3, Stephen2 Stephen1), born Aug. 11, 1765; re moved to Allegan, Mich., where he died at his son's house, on his birthday, Aug. 11, 1869, aged 104 years. His own house was destroyed by fire, and with it all the valuable famliy papers, which will account in a great measure for the meagreness and incompleteness of this record. He married (1), Lovisa Harmon; married (2), Eva Ballard. Children, by Lovisa : 348;". Hazelton,7 b. Apr. 1, 1796; d. July 21, 1884; m. (1), Is abel ; m. (2), Lydia A. Bigford, b. Jan. 1, 1810, and d. Jan. 31, 1886. Children, by Isabel : i. Elias8. ii. Mary Ann,8 b. Apr. 18, 1818; cl. May 21, 1878; m. Benjamin I. Day. ELIA8 STREETER. 55 in. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Hazelton,8 b. - Hannah,8 b. — William C.,8 b. Purlina,8 b. — Angenette,8 b.- Eliza,8 b. — ; m. Jane Nicquarter. ; m. Oliver Day. ; m. Catherine Beardslee. - ; m. Almond Day. — ; m. Calvin Preyser. m. William Dutchin. XL xii xiii Children, by Lydia : Lydia A.,8 b. 1836 ; d. Apr. 16, 1878 ; m. Thomas Clark. Jefferson,8 b. 1842 ; m. Sarah Gillett. Child : i. Nettie.9 Susan,8 b. 1845; m. George Stone. Frances,8 b. 1847; m. George Lahuff. Alice,8 b. 1849 ; d. May 8, 1883 ; m. Adelbert Dimmick. Phoebe,8 b. 1850 ; m. John P. Bellinger. 3487c. 348Z. Benjamin.7 Harmon,7 b. 1798; d. 1874; m. -, his cousin Lovisa, dau. of Thomas Streeter (916c) and Ruth (Wilson), b. abt. 1800 ; had one child who cl. at birth with its mother. 348m. Polly,7 b. 1800; d. 1877. She m. Harvey Parish, and had nine ch. ; only three living, one of whom, Harvey, res. at Fair Grove, Mich. Thomas7 (1233a), b. 1802; d. 1875. Eliab,7 d. unm. Hiram7 (l5s33i), b. Feb. 17, 1809; d. Feb. 1, 1858. Purlina,7 b. 1811 ; d. Aug. 16, 1873. She m. her cousin Stephen (1596m), son of Thomas Streeter and Ruth Wilson. (See family.) Elias,7 b. Aug. 13, 1818 ; m. Dec. 31, 1838, Phila D. Har mon, b. Mar. 4, 1821 ; res. at Akron, Mich. Children : i. William,8 b. Mar. 26, 1841 ; res. at Akron, Mich. ii. Jasper,8 b. Mar. 9, 1843 ; res. at Fair Grove, Mich. ; m. Mar. 8, 1866, M:iry Augusta Luce. Children : i. Carrie Ettie,9 b. Apr. 12, 1867 ; m. Gale. ii. Carey Jasper,9 b. Feb. 24, 1873. 348w. 348o.348p. 348?. 348r. 5fi SIXTH GENERATION. iii. Simeon,8 b. Dec. 3, 1844 ; res. atUnionville, Mich. ; m. Oct. 14, 1869, Augusta Harrington of Conse- con, Ont., b. Oct. 19, 1852. Children : i. Edwin Harmon,9 b. Sept. 16, 1870. ii. William Jasper,9 b. June 2, 1873; d. Nov. 25, 1881. iii. Amy Belle,9 b. Jan. 27, 1883. iv. Hiram,8 b- Aug. 27, 1847 ; res. at Unionville, Mich. v. Jane,8 b. May 22, 1850 ; m. Wilbur. vi. Mary E.,8 b. in Richfield, Mich., May 29, 1853; m. Jan. 26, 1869, John Tuttle, b. in Canada, July 24, 1838 ; res. in Akron, Mich. Children : i. Myrtie M. (Tuttle),9 b. Aug. 10, 1872; d. Aug., 1873. ii. Lillie M. (Tuttle),9 b. July 10, 1874. iii. George R, (Tuttle),9 b. Aug. 2, 1877. iv. Jay S. (Tuttle),9 b. Feb. 26, 1884. vii. Ransom,8 b. July 17, 1856. viii. Orrilla.8 ix. Betsey,8 m. Turner ; res. at. Bay City, Mich. Children, by Eva: 348s. Lorenzo,7 b. Oct. 26, 1838 ; res. in Holly, Mich. ; m. Aug. 10, 1879, Laura E. Mann. Children : i. Charles L.,8 b. June 3, 1881. ii. Lulu L.,8 b. April 4, 1885. 348«. Louisa,7 b. July 19, 1840; d. 1882; m. Charles Hellicutt ; cl. without issue. 348m. Lovisa,7 b. July 19, 1840 ; m. Horace Huntoon. Children : i. Frank.8 ii. Hattie.8 iii. Lutie.8 349. Moses6 (150), son of Stephen5 (Stephen,4 Samuel,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born in Oxford, Mass., July 21, 1751 ; removed to Whitingham, Yt., thence MOSES STREETER. 57 to Rowe, Mass., where he died Feb. 26, 1815. While the Oxford town records give the date of his birth as July 21, an old Bible record has it as July 10, 1751; perhaps the difference between old and new style. He was published at Douglas April 19, 1773, to Martha Alton, born Feb., 1752 and died Oct. 9, 1807. He is called of Douglas, and he must have soon re moved thence to Rowe, Mass., where all his children were born. Children (born in Rowe, Mass.) : 350. James7 (912), b. Dec. 20, 1773; d. Nov. 4, 1844. 351. Rufus7 (919), b. Oct. 19, 1777 ; d. July 31, 1865. 352. Charles7 (928), b. Dec. 1, 1779; cl. July 9, 1850. 353. Moses7 (939), b. April 29, 1784 ; d. Dec. 30, 1873. 354. Alton7 (944), b. Jan. 6, 1789; killed by accident Oct. 9, 1832. 355. Stephen6 (151), son of Stephen5 (Stephen,4 Samuel,3 Stephen2 Stephen}) , born in Douglas, Mass., Aug. 18, 1753; died in Chesterfield, N. H., March 11, 1845, aged 92. He removed to Chesterfield from Ox ford, about 1781, thence about 1792 to Westmoreland ; but in a few years returned to Chesterfield and settled on Streeter's hill. He was a shoemaker and was noted for his retentive memory and an innate gift as a poet. He married Sept. 10, 1778, Sarah, daughter of Jo seph Chamberlain, of Oxford, born 1760 and died Mar. 28, 1847, aged 87. His two eldest children were born in Oxford, the others in Chesterfield. Children : 356. Asahel7 (950), b. Oct. 5, 1779; cl. July, 1865, at Lowell, Mass. 357. Ezra7 (957), b. Jan. 16, 1781 ; d. June 6, 1844. 358. Stephen,7 b. Dec. 7, 1782; d. May 22, 1864, unm. Like unto his father, he was also possessed of those natural gifts of great memory and a passion for poetry, his 5b SIXTH GENERATION. songs, epigrams and longer poems (both comic and sen timental), being very popular with his fellow companions. (See Randall's History of Chesterfield.) 359. Alice,7 b. Sept. 5, 1784; d. June 28, 1849; m. Samuel, son of Samuel Estabrooks and Esther (Rounds), of Chesterfield, b. 1784 ; resided in Westmoreland,Windham, and Jamaica, Vt., but d. in Dighton, Mass., in 1850. Children : i. Alexander Franklin (Estabrooks),8 b. Aug. 26, 1808, in Westmoreland. ii. Fanny (Estabrooks),8 b. Aug. 7, 1810, in West moreland. iii. Mary Walden (Estabrooks)8 b. Feb. 19, 1813, in Windham, Vt iv. Sarah Chamberlain (Estabrooks),8 jb. Sept. 24, 1815, in Jamaica, Vt. ; d. April 24, 1853. v. Elmanda Adeline (Estabrooks),8 b. June 22, 1817, in Jamaica, Vt. vi. John Wesley (Estabrooks),8 b. Apr. 4, 1819, in Jamaica, Vt. vii. Luther Lanson (Estabrooks),8 b. Sept. 18, 1821, in Jamaica, Vt. viii. Larkin Nelson (Estabrooks) ,8 b. Oct. 18, 1823, in Windham, Vt. 360. Darius7 (973), b. June 25, 1786; d. June 11, 1856. 36 1 . Annas,7 b. Apr. 5, 1789 ; d. Apr. 3, 1870 ; in., 1806, Benoni Streeter (277), son of Eleazer and Lydia (Brayley). 362. Luther7 (979), b. Jan. 27, 1797. 363. Jacob6 (152), son of Stephen5 (Stephen* Samuel,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born in Douglas, Mass., Dec. 13,1755; died in Whitingham, Yt, 1839; re sided in Sutton and Oxford, Mass. April 30, 1793, he of Oxford, and wife Lucy, deed land in Oxford. April 13, 1782, he appears in Sutton, Mass., when he deeds from his brother Stephen and wife Sarah of Oxford, land in that town, with release of dower to the same. He married Lucy . JAMES STREETER. 59 Children (born in Oxford) : 364. Lucy,7 b. Feb. 28, 1787. 365. Jacob,7 b. Jan. 25, 1789 ; d. ; removed toCazenovia, N. Y., and m. Lyon. He was a celebrated singer ; no issue. 366. James6 (154), son of Stephen5 (Stephen,4 Samuel,3 Stephen2 Stephen1), born in Douglas, Mass., Feb. 14, 1759; settled in Whitingham, Yt., where he died Sov. 8, 1826. Married Susanna Alton of Thompson, Conn., who died Oct. 1, 1852. Children (born in Whitingham) : 367. Willtam7 (982), b. July 30, 1788 ; d. June 14, 1858. 368. Susanna,7 b. July 15, 1790; d. Dec. 5, 1866; m. Jan. 20, 1814, Asaph Hentfield. Children : i. Clarinda S. (Hentfield)8 b. Aug. 18, 1816. ii. Rufus D. (Hentfield)8 b. Apr. 8, 1819. iii. Mary B. (Hentfield)8 b. June 16, 1821. iv. Matilda A. (Hentfield),8 b. Nov. 12, 1823. v. Susan (Hentfield)8 b. Feb. 12, 1826. vi. Chloe (Hentfield) 8 b. Apr. 20, 1828. vii. Caroline (Hentfield) 8 b. Oct. 13, 1830. 369. Clarissa,7 b. June 22, 1792 ; d. Feb. 11, 1810 or 11. 370. Ward7 (989), b. July 15, 1794; d. May 26, 1837, 371. James7 (993), b. July 14, 1797 ; d. June 24, 1876. 372. Sarah,7 b. Aug. 20, 1799; d. Sept. 4, 1878; m. April 15, 1819, Squire Bliss, who d. Mar. 15, 1881. Children : i. Lyman D. (Bliss),8 b. May 22, 1820; d. Aug. 21, 1831. ii. Sarah Ann (Bliss),8 b. Feb. 12, 1822 ; d. Aug. 23, 1864 ; m. Dix. iii. Matilda Ann (Bliss),8 b. Oct. 10, 1825. iv. James Streeter (Bliss) 8 b. Mar. 15, 1827. v. Almira S. (Bliss),8 b. Jan. 15,1830; d. May 15, 1832. 60 SIXTH GENERATION. vi. George L. (Bliss),8 b. July 6, 1832. vii. Russell Brown, (Bliss),8 b. July 23, 1835 ; d. Oct. 20, 1836. viii. Alonzo S. (Bliss),8 b. July 20, 1838. ix. Augusta L. (Bliss),8 b. Jan. 1, 1843. 373. Almira,7 b. Sept. 3, 1807; d. June 27, 1869 ; m. Sept. 17, 1837, Sylvanus N. Pike, b. Apr. 18, 1802. Children : i. William A. (Pike),8 b. Mar. 21, 1846; drowned July 2, 1856. ii. James L. (Pike)8 b. May 16, 1850. 374. Asa6 (158), son of Stephen5 (Stephen,4 Sam uel,3 Stephen2 Stephen1), born in Douglas, Mass., July 29, 1767; died Dec. 31, 1838. He married Nov. 21, 1791, Hannah Rawson, of Oxford, born May 26, 1769 and died Aug. 9, 1832. Children (born in Douglas) : 375. Maky,7 b. Aug. 8, 1792. 376. Welcomk7 (1000), b. Oct. 7, 1794; d. Jan. 27, 1844. 377. Asa7 (1005), b. Dec. 2, 1795 ; cl. Oct. 22, 1873. 378. Bktsey,7 b. Mar. 15, 1798. 379. Stkphen7 (1008), b. Aug. 30, 1800; d. May 20, 1879. 380. John Rawson,7 b. June 20, 1803 ; d. Sept. 24, 1805. 381. John Rawson7 (1013), b. Sept. 25, 1805 ; d. Feb. 24, 1880. 382". Daniel Rawson,7 b. Dec. 9, 1807 ; m. Dec. 15, 1830, Mary A. Leach, b. May 28, 1808. Children : i. Frances E.,8 b. Sept. 11, 1831 ; m. Cary. ii. Maria H.,8 b. June 5, 1836 ; m. Piocter. 383. Samuel6 (159), son of Stephen5 (Stephen,4 Samuel3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born in Oxford, Mass., Nov. 30, 1773; died Apr. 12, 1842, and with his wife is buried in the Smith cemetery just north of Hancock, Mass. He married Apr. 16, 1794, Lydia Wakefield, of Oxford, Mass., born 1775 and died July 22, 1834. SAMUEL STREETER. 61 Children : 384. Barzaleel7 (1024), b. Sept. 22, 1795 ; cl. Apr. 13, 1876 385. Willakd7 (1035), b. Jan. 1, 1797; d. July 26, 1841. 386. Elsie7, b. Feb. 5, 1798; d. Oct. 17, 1868; m. Mar. 17, 1816, Fenner Spink, b. Mar. 17, 1792 and d. Sept. 1, 1828. Children : i. Henrietta(hen,4 Samuel,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born in Douglas, Oct. 16, 1758; died May 30, 1835, at Lisbon, N. H; married Sept. 2, 1776, Penelope Caswell of Douglas, born about 1754, and died in Lisbon, N. H, Jan. 8, 1812. Children (born in Lisbon, N. H:) 463. David7 (1234), b. Oct. 5, 1777; d. Jan. 24, 1855. 464. Willard7 (1252), b. ; d. . 465. Adams7 (1260), b. about 1782; d. about 1814. 466. Joel7 (1263), b. Dec. 29, 1784 ; cl. June 17, 1852. 467. Levi,7 b. Oct. 4, 1787; d. Apr. 1, 1873; m. Feb. 6, 1812, Olive Jessamin, b. Apr. 16, 1793 ; no issue. 468. Naphtali,6 (177), son of Adams,5 (Stephen4, Samuel,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1) , born in Douglass, Mass., June 30, 1762; died 1839. Married (1), Mary Caswell of Douglas; married (2), Susanna Howell, born Jan. 31, 1768; married (3), Elizabeth Reynolds, born Dec. 26, 1776; married (4), Jane Cleland, born 1776. Children by Mary: 469. Susan,7 b. 1780; d. in Concord, Vt., Nov. 24, 1848; m. David Hibbard, and is the motherof Hon. Harry Hibbard. 470. Lydia,7 b. 1781 ; d. in Stoneham, Mass., Oct. 2, 1855 ; m. Eben Messer. 471. Sally,7 b. 1784; d. in Benton, N. H., May 1, 1842; m. Kimball Tyler. 472. Nathan,7 b. about 1785; rem. to Burlington, Vt., and no further trace of him. He m. Spooner and had several children. 473. John7 (1280), b. Oct. 24, 1787 ; d. May 30, 1860. 78 SIXTH GENERATION. Children by Susanna: 474. Elias H,7 (1287), b. May 13, 1793 ; d. Aug. 30, 1849. 475. John7 (1293), d. Aug. 15, 1868. Children by Elizabeth : 476. Naphtali,7 b. Mar. 9, 1799 ; d. Feb. 3, 1801 . 477. Aaron7 (1301), b. Aug. 13, 1801 ; d. Mar. 4, 1875. 478. William Fenton,7 b. Sept. 13, 1803; d. Feb. 26, 1862; m. Feb. 2, 1832, Hannah Case, b June 27, 1811 and d. Feb. 17, 1871. Children : i. Kate,8 m. (1), Dalrymple; (2) John Carahir. ii. Emily,8 m. Patrick Gorman. iii. Susan,8 m. George Guyger. iv. John C.,8 b. Mar. 13, 1837; m. Dec. 4, 1858, Sarah E. Lafey, b. Apr. 26, 1843. Children : i. Alford G.,9 b. Oct. 27, 1859 ; d. Feb. 24, 1861. ii. Lizzie,9 b. Mar. 11, 1864. iii. Guyger T.,9 b. Nov. 8, 1871. v. Sarah,8 m. John Warner. vi. Amy Ann.8 479. Theresa Emily,7 b. July 12, 1806 ; d. Children by Jane : 480. Susan,7 b. 1807 ; d. 1843. 481. Olive,7 b. 1809; d. 1846. 482. Eleanor,7 b. July 11, 1812; m. Sept. 21, 1830, Samuel Spencer, b. Feb. 2, 1805. Children : i. Flavel G. (Spencer),8 b. July 10, 1832 ; m. May 18, 1861; Elizabeth Snow, b. Sept. 22, 1841. Children : i. Howard (Spencer),9 b. Oct. 7, 1862. ii. Ellen D. (Spencer),9 b. Feb. 17, 1864. iii. Susan C. (Spencer),9 q. July 4, 1869. iv. George C. (Spencer),9 b. Mar. 9, 1874. v. Katie L. (Spencer),9 b. July 25, 1877. vi. Arthur (fencer),9 b. Oct. 23, 1880. ii. Cornelia (Spencer),8 b. May 15, 1835; m. Jan. 3, 1860, Alvin Smith. NAPHTALI STREETER. 79 iii. Horace (Spencer),8 b. July 5, 1842 ; m. (1) May 13, 1871, Julia A. Swan, b. Feb. 16,1850 and cl. 1873; m. (2), 1879, Florence Marshall. iv. Jeanette (Spencer),8 b. Mar. 3, 1846; m. Sept. 13, 1868, George Clark. v. Allen (Spencer),8 b. Apr. 5, 1849. vi. Dayton (Spencer) ,8 b. Aug. 25, 1854. vii. Caroline (Spencer),8 b. Apr. 11, 1857; d. March 1, 1869. 483. Joanna,7 b. 1816 ; d. Aug. 20, 1887 ; m., 1840, Joseph Cow den. Children : i. Allen P. (Cowden)8 b. Feb. 9, 1844. ii. George (Cowden),8 b. Jan. 7, 1846 ; d. Feb. 9, 1846. iii. Dwight Elias (Cowden)8 b. Mar. 25, 1847. iv. Elizabeth (Cowden),8 b. Oct. 23, 1849 ; d. 1849. v. William S. (Cowden)8 b. June 20, 1851. vi. Carrie J. (Cowden),8 b. Mar. 20, 1853. vii. Lucinda E. (Cowden),8 b. Sept. 30, 1859 ; m. John McAwinch. 484. Adams,7 b. 1820; d. 1876; m. (1), 1841, Isabel Wright; m. (2), 1850, Sarah Cleland. Children, by Isabel : i. Joseph Cowden,8 b. 1842. ii. Edwin J.8 (twin), b. Mar. 27, 1844; m. Nov. 6, 1866, Charlotte L. Otto, b. Aug. 10, 1845. Children : i. Agnes J.,9 b. May 25, 1868; d. March 22, 1874. ii. Winifred E.,9 b. Feb. 9, 1870. iii. Jessie,9 b. Nov. 10, 1876 ; d. Jan. 13, 1879. iv. Virginia N.,9 b. Sept. 20, 1879. v. Otto,9 b. Jan. 28, 1884. iii. Ellen J.8 (twin), b. Mar. 27. 1844; d. Dec. 16, 1875 ; m. 1864, Benjamin Davidson. Children : i. Minnie J. Sable (Davidson),9 b. Jan. 25, 1866. ii. Edwin Allen (Davidson),9 b. Jan. 14, 1869, iii. Robert (Davidson),9 b. Dec. 13, 1875. 80 SIXTH GENERATION. Children, by Sarah : iv. SidneyS.,8 b. 1851 ; d. 1870. v. Lucinda,8 b. 1853 ; d. 1876 ; m. John G. Anderson. Child : i. Adams S. (Anderson),9 b. 1874. vi. William J.,8 b. 1855 ; m. Mar. 20, 1877, Carrie J. Cowden, b. Mar. 20, 1853. vii. Darwin,8 b. 1858. viii. Horace,8 b. 1861 ; d. 485. Allen,7 b. June 8, 1824; d. Aug. 17, 1884; m. Lucinda Gilder, b. July 9, 1826. Children : i. Frank C.,8 b. Jan. 16,1851; in. (l),Nov. 17,1873, Fannie Russell, who d. Aug. 27, 1877; in. (2), Bell Earl, b. Jan. 26, 1861. Child, by Bell : i. Edna Genevieve,9 b. Jan. 20, 1885. ii. Charles F.,8 b. Apr. 6, 1855 ; m. Nov. 7, 1878, Mary E. Stuart, b. Jan. 31, 1856. Children : i. Mertie Bell,9 b. Nov. 7, 1879; d. Aug. 7, 1880. ii. Leroy Allen,9 b. Aug. 16, 1884. iii. Ralph Waldo,9 b. June 11, 1886. iii. Adelbert,8 b. Aug. 31, 1858 ; m. Aug. 6, 1887, Allie Wilter, b. May 2?, 1865. iv. Lee A.,8 b. Apr. 27, 1863. v. Fred.,8 b. May 3, 1867; d. Nov. 27, 1885. 486. Adams6 (178), son of Adams5 (Stephen,4 Samuel,3 Steplien,2 Stepheyi1), born in Douglas, Mass., May 26, 1764; removed to Royalston, Mass., where he died April 22, 1834. Married Nov. 25, 1785, Huldah Barber, born May 4, 1769; died Dec. 31, 1849. Children : 487. Reuben7 (1311), b. July 24, 1786 ; d. Mar. 12, 1821. NATHANIEL STREETER. 81 488. Benjamin B.7 (1316), b. July 16, 1788. 489. Huldah,7 b. July 5, 1790; d. Jan. 25, 1834; m. Heman Furbush. 490. Joseph,7 b. Apr. 1, 1794; d. June 18, 1795. 491. Lydia,7 b. Apr. 1, 1794; d Feb. 20, 1808. 492. Levina,7 b. Jan. 8, 1799 ; d. Dec. 1, 1876 ; m. John Hill. 493. Urania,7 b. June 27, 1801 ; d. Apr. 2, 1829; m. Warren Belcome. 494. Tapha,7 b. Jan. 5, 1805; d. Feb. 29, 1850; m. Alexander Cheney. 495. Harriet,7 b. Feb. 14, 1807; d. Nov. 1, 1838; m. Isaac Norcross. 496. John A.7 (1324), b Dec. 18, 1810; d. Jan. 3, 1870. 497. Franklin,7 b. Dec. 4, 1813 ; d. Sept. 9, 1838 ; m. July 29, 1835, Calista C. Collins. Children : i. Franklin B.,8 b. Aug. 8, 1836 ; cl. in inf. ii. Calista Ann,8 b. Aug. 10, 1837; m. Nov. 17, 1857, Orlando Mason. 498. Melinda,7 b. Feb. 14, 1816; d. Jan. 29, 1879; m. (1), Stillman Howe, Sept. 12, 1836; m. (2), Dec. 17, 1840, Nahum Poland. Children, by Howe : i. Thomas S. (Howe),8 b. Sept. 22, 1837. Children, by Poland : ii. Frank S. (Poland) 8 b. Feb. 4, 1842. iii. James K. (Poland),8 b. Sept. 1.6, 1856. 499. Nathaniel6 (179), son of Adams5 (Stephen,4 Samuel,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born in Oxford, Mass., Feb. 24. 1768; removed to the upper part of N. H, and after a few years residence left there for Great Sodus, N. Y., where, it is said, he died April 3, 1811. He married (1), Jan. 5, 1791, Margaret, daughter of Thomas Dunham and Abigail (Day.) Married (2), Rebecca Parker, nee Day, a widow. Children, by Margaret: G 82 SIXTH GENERATION. 500. Nathaniel,7 b. ; d. ; he served in the Mexican war, since which nothing more is known of him. 501. Margaret,7 b. ; m. Parker. Child, by Rebecca : 502. William Adams7 (1331), b. July 30, 1811. 503. Benjamin6 (186) , son of Zebulon5 (Stephen,4 Samuel,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1) born in Douglas, Mass., Apr. 21, 1762; died in Charleston, Yt., Jan. 18, 1844. Jan. 29, 1787, while of Concord, Yt., he buys of Zebulon Streeter, of said Concord, one right of fifty acres, of the proprietary lands in that place. Sept. 2, 1794, he takes the freeman's oath and Feb. 19, of that year, is chosen selectman, and fence viewer. It is related by Mrs. Phebe Fry, a daugh ter of David Streeter, that her uncle, the aforesaid Benjamin, went from Douglas to Concord about 1782. He married Oct. 18, 1792, Lucy Farns- worth, born Feb. 17, 1764, and died in Concord, Yt., Feb. 10, 1842. Children born in Concord. 504. Hannah,7 b. Oct. 14, 1797; d. Feb. 21, 1814. 505. Daniel7 (1352), b. July 24, 1799 ; d. Jan. 8, 1873. 506. Daniel6 (187), son of Zebulon5 (Stephen,4 Samuel3 Stephen2 Stephen1), born in Douglas, Mass., June 23, 1764; died probably in Concord, Yt., where he was taxed from 1805 until 1825. He married Mercy Winslow. Children : 507. Willard,7 b. ; cl. inf. 508. Mary,7 b. May 22, 1809 ; d. 1829. 509. Tabitha,7 b. Oct. 23, 1810; m. Francis West, who d. 1858, leaving two young daughters. JESSE STREETER. 83 510. Jesse6 (191), son of Zebulon5 (Stephen,4 Samuel,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born in Winchester, N.H., Oct. 25,1773; died May 6, 1835. Married Polly (Mary) Stocker, born and died Nov. 10, 1849. Children. 511. Abigail,7 b. Oct. 30, 1799; d. Nov. 1, 1871; m., 1818, Ariel Carpenter, b. 1789, and d. Feb. 16, 1870. Children : i. Ariel Dana (Carpenter),8 b. June 6, 1819; m. ; d. N. Y. state and left four children. ii. George (Carpenter,8) b. Dec. 28, 1822 ; m. and res. in Mich. Children : i. Prosper (Carpenter) ;9 lives in N. Y. city. iii. Irene (Carpenter),8 b. Oct. 23, 1824 ; m. Dr. Gregory ; no issue. iv. Mary Jane, (Carpenter),8 b. Dec. 1, 1828; d. June 20, 1856 ; m. Samuel Whitney. Children : i. Charles ( Whitney).9 il. George ( Whitney).9 v. John (Carpenter) ,8 b. Dec. 1 , 1834 ; m. Nancy Kings bury. Children : i. Effle Irene (Carpenter),9 b. Nov., 1866. ii. Anna Bell (Carpenter),9 b. Oct., 1874. iii. Emma Jane (Carpenter) ,9 b. July 3, 1877. vi. Haskell (Carpenter),8 b. Sept. 2, 1842; m. Hattie Wilbour. 512. Fanny,7 b. Dec. 23, 1800 ; d. Feb. 14, 1802. 513. Nancy,7 b. Jan. 3, 1803; d. Nov. 17, 1874; m. as his sec ond wife, Luke N. Houghton. Children : i. Fanny (Houghton),8 b. Sept. 28, 1840; m. Mar. 13, 1880, Thomas Berry. A child : i. , b. Aug. 31, 1883. 84 SIXTH GENERATION. 514. Irene,7 b. ; d. Nov. 8, 1863 ; m. June, 1828, Jonathan Redding. Child : i. Nancy (Redding)8 b. Jan. 11, 1830; m. May 11, 1851, Alvin Beckwith. Child : i. Charles (Beckwith),9 b. Mar. 8, 1855. ii. Mary J. (Redding)8 b. June 23, 1832 ; m. Feb. 1, 1855, Newton J. Whitney. Children : i. George ^. (Whitney),9 b. Oct. 3, 1856; m. Apr. 12, 1882, Ella Huntley. ii. Nellie M. ( Wliitney),9 b. Mar. 7, 1858 ; m. Dec. 21, 1876, Austin T. Gay. Child : i. Ernest A. (Gay),10 b. Nov. 27, 1877. iii. Louisa (Redding),8 b. Sept. — ; unm. iv. Lizzie (Redding),8 b. Sept. 6, 1837; m. Sept. 2, 1867, Jnnies Stewart; no issue. v. John (Redding) 8 vi. Ellen (Redding),8 b.' : m. Nov. 30, 1865, Joseph Caldwell. Child : i. Etta (Caldwell),9 b. Nov. 25, 1866. 515. Bktsky,7 b. 1810; d. Jan. 27, 1838; m., as his first wife, Luke N. Houghton. He m. (2), her sister Nancy (No. 513). Child : i. James (Houghton),8 b. Jan. 23, 1833; d. Mar. 21, 1834. Ii. Mary (Houghton) ,8 b. Feb. 19, 1835; m. May 26, 1859, Varnum Polly. Children : i. An infant.9 ii. An infant.9 iii. Jennie (Polly),9 b. Apr. 22, 1860; m. June 1, 1882, William Dodge ; no issue. iv. Chester (Polly),9 h. June, 6, 1872. JESSK STREETER. 85 516. Amos7 Id. insane May 8, 1869. 517. Sylvester7 J d. inf. 518. James,7 b. Aug. 5, 1812; d. Sept. 9, 1883; m. Apr. 15, 1841, Fanny Whitney. Children : i. An infant,8 b. ; d. ii. An infant,8 b. ; d. iii James Milton,8 b. Sept. 9, 1813; d. May 20, 1845. iv. Milon Willard,8 b. Mar. 29, 1847 ; m. Jan. 1, 1880, Addie F. Haywood ; no issue. 519. Willard,7 b. Apr. 4, 1817; d. Apr. 27, 1878; m. June 3, 1840, Mary Carpenter. Children : i. HermonO.,8 b. May 15, 1843; m. June 9, 1869, Hattie E. Kidder ; no issue. ii. Hattie A.,8 b. July 3, 1852; m. Apr. 2, 1881, Child : i. A child,9 b. Feb. 520 David6 (193) , son of Zebulon5 (Stephen,4 Sam uel,3 Stepheyi2 Stephen1), born in Winchester, N. H., Dec. 2, 1777; removed early to Concord, Yt., where he took the freeman's oath Mar. 4, 1799, and was on the tax list as a voter and property owner, in 1802. He married July 18, 1803, at Concord, Yt., Anna "Winslow, of Wendell, Mass. Children (born in Concord, Yt.) : 521. lJn kbe , 7 b. May 23, 1806; d. 521a. David,7 b. Jan. 14, 1808; d. ; m. Dec. 6, 1832, Mercy Eow, at Concord, Vt. Children (born in Concord) : i. JaneW.,8 b. Sept. 8,1833. ii. Anna L.,8 b. Feb. 23, 1835. iii. Chester P.,8 b. May 12, 1837; d. Feb. 25, 1882; m. Mar. 28, 1858, Eliza Boutwell. Children : 8b* SIXTH GENERATION. i. Corrie A.,9b. July 9, 1859. ii. Chester L.,9 b. Apr. 15, 1863. iii. Anna L.,9 b. May 8, 1865. iv. George C.,9 b. Aug. 26, 1867. v. David H.,9 b. Apr. 25, 1870. iv. Prescott B.,8 b. May 12, 1837; m. Feb. 8, 1865, Georgiana Boutwell. Children : i. Adelbert D.,9 b. Apr. 18, 1866. ii. William P.,9 b. May 27, 1868. iii. Elmira E.,9 b. May 11, 1870. iv. Stephen P.,9 b. Apr. 13, 1872. v. Dene F.,9 b. Mar. 19, 1874. vi. Alice M.,9 b. Apr. 27, 1877. vii. Harry P.,9 b. June 9, 1882. viii. Carrie E.,9 b. Feb. 1, 1885. 522. Zebulon,7 b. Oct. 19, 1809; d. Mar. 15, 1810. 523. Anna (or Nancy),7 b. Dec. 25, 1810 ; m. Howard. 524. Susanna,7 b. Sept. 14, 1812. 525. Comeoetg (197), son of Joseph5 (Samuel,4 Samuel,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1) , born in Oxford, Mass., Sept. 3, 1743; died in Guilford, Yt., about 1786. He married Bethiah . His five eldest children born in Oxford, Mass. ; the rest in Guilford, Yt. Children: 526. Comfort,7 (a dau.) b. May 1, 1763; d. Feb. 3, 1846; m. (1), Daniel Streeter (No. 542). 527. Bethiah,7 b. Sept. 8, 1764. 528. Perley7 (1361), b. Oct. 24, 1766; d. Jan. 24, 1839. 529. Rufus7 (1372), b. Oct. 9, 1768; d. Sept. 5, 1851. 530. Mercy,7 b. Jan. 9, 1772. 531. Elijah7 (1186), b. May 2, 1779; d. Aug. 21, 1830. 532. Enoch,7 d. in the war of 1812, at Sackett's Harbor, N. Y. 533. Elisha7 (1295), b. Aug. 21, 1784 ; d. Nov. 8, 1862. 534. Salem7 presumptive son of Comfort ; m. Margaret Rog ers ; Sept. 6, 1811, was of Guilford, Vt., when he sold land in Palmer, Mass., probably his wife's inheritance. SAMUEL STREETER. 87 Children : i. Eri,8 b. Aug. 14, 1802? 535. A child. 536. Samuel,6 (201), son of Samuel5 (Samuel,4 Samuel,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born in Sturbridge, Mass., Aug. 24, 1754; died in Plainfield, Mass., Sept. 7, 1844, aged 90. He was one of the original settlers of Plainfield. July 8, 1778, while of Sturbridge, he bought land in Hatfield. He married at Charlton, Mass., July 8, 1779, Bath- sheba Barton of that place. The Sturbridge town records also has an account of his marriage, but gives the date as July [28] , 1779. She was born Oct. 18, 1754; and died Oct. 12, 1838. He served in the Eev- tionary war and was subsequently pensioned. Children (born in Plainfield) : 537. Hannah,7 b. June 16, 1780; d.— ; m. Aug. 19, 1802, Tim othy Barker. Children (born in Heath, Mass) : i. Hannah (Barker) .8 ii. Lucy (Barker).8 iii. Timothy (Barker),8 b. June 18, 1809. 538. Joanna,7 b. Oct. 30, 1781 ; d. Aug. 13, 1787. 539. Jacob7 (1304). b. Feb. 21, 1783 ; d. Sept. 21, 1856. 540. Susanna,7 b. July 30, 1785 ; d. Apr. 29, 1844 ; m. Apr. 19, 1804, Joel Carr; removed to Meredith, N. Y. Children (the first four born in Plainfield ; last two in Meredith, N. Y.) i. Arena {Carr),8 b. Sept. 9, 1804. ii. Filence (Carr)8 b. Nov., 1805. iii. Ransom (Carr).8 iv. Joel (Carr).8 v. Maria (Carr).8 vi. Lucretia Carr).8 540a. Anselm,7 b. Oct. 4, 1787. 5406. Lucena,7 b. Jan. 4, 1789 ; d. — ; m, June, 1807, Ezra Beals. 88 SIXTH GENERATION. Children : i. Bathsheba (Beats),8 b. Mar. 16, 1808. ii. Delilah (Beals),8 b. Nov. 28, 1810. iii. Ralph (Beals),8 b. May 11, 1812. iv. Orpha (Beals)8 b. June 26, 1814. v. Badora (Beals),8 b. Sept. 12, 1816. vi. Oratio (Beals),8 b. Jan. 23, 1818. vii. Benjamin (Beals),8 Mar. 21, 1820. viii. Leroy (Beals),8b. July 17, 1823. ix. Horace (Beals).8 540c. Arnold7 (1315), b. Oct. 14, 1790; d. May 8, 1872, 540d. Truman7 (1323), b. Jan. 20, 1793; d. Aug. 13, 1844. 540e. Samuel7 b. Aug. 17, 1795; d. Sept. 15, 1845; m. Aug. 30, 1820, Anna Copelin, whod. Jan. 25, 1855. Children : i. Alonzo,8 b. Oct. 5, 1828, Rowlette, Pa. ; res. at Capron, Boone Co., 111. ; m. Oct., 1858, Caroline Streeter, b. Nov. 15, 1838. Children : i. Josephine,9 b. May 15, 1861 ; m. Sept. 8, 1877, C. A. Loyson; no issue. ii. Albert B.,9 b. 15, 1868. ii. Emily E.,8 b. Nov. 27, 1830, Madison, O. ; d. Oct. 12, 1849, iii. Clarinda M.,8 b. Dec. 15, 1840, Pierpont, O. ; m. D. R. Streeter ; four ch. 541. Nahum,7 b. Feb. 9, 1797 ; d. Sept. 1, 1881; m. Mar. 3, 1824, Anna Butler, who d. July 23, 1865, aged 66. Children : i. Louisa M.,8 b. July 19, 1824; m. Mar. 1, 1849, S. II. Deming. ii. Lorenzo,8 b. 1826 ; d. July, 1829. iii. Frederick,8 b. Aug. 18, 1828; cl. Aug. 20, 1862; m. Aug., 1861, Lucy A. . iv. Lorenzo,8 b. Jan. 7, 1832, Plainfield, Mass ; m. (1), Dec. 7, 1864, Sarah O. Crossett, who d. Mar. 20, 1882 ; m. (2), Aug. 23, 1882, Mima II. Dodge of Marlboro, N. H. Children : i. Fred A.,9 b. Aug. 27, 1866 ; d. Jan. 29, 1867. DANIEL STREETER. 89 ii. Ella M.,9b. May 10, 1868. iii. Minnie A.,9 b. July 27, 1870 ; d. Oct. 3, 1870. iv. Lilian A.,9 b. Jan. 7, 1872 ; d. Aug. 9, 1872. v. Frank M.,9 b. Aug. 25, 1880. vi. Sarah M.,9 b. Mar. 15. 1882. v. Mary A.,8 1 b. Oct. 29, 1836 ; cl. Jan. 29, 1841. vi. Julia,8 ib. " ¦' " m. Feb. 7, 1866, Charles Bogart. Children : i. William L. (Bogart),9 b. Nov. 24, 1866. ii. Fred S. (Bogart),9 b. Aug. 30,1868. And others. 542. Daniel6 (202), son of Samuel5 (Samuel,4 Samuel,3 Stephen2 Stephen1), born in Sturbridge, Mass., Oct. 22, 1756. He and his brother Samuel were among the original settlers of Plainfield, Mass., where he died Sept. 1, 1792. Mar. 5, 1788, he, of Plainfield, bought land of John Streeter, of New Cambridge, Washington Co., N. Y., located in Hatfield, Mass. ; Enoch Streeter, witness. He married at Sturbridge, Mass., May 6, 1783, Com fort (526) , daughter of Comfort and Bethiah Streeter, born in Oxford, Mass., May 1, 1763. An apparent error exists on the Oxford records in giving the sex of the child Comfort, as a son ; and at the same time it really appears quite incongruous to have it other wise; but such seems to be the case that it should be daughter instead. After Daniel's decease, she married (2), Yincent Curtis. She died Feb. 3, 1846, aged 82. Children (born in Plainfield) . 543. Salem,7 b. June 15, 1783; d. Oct. 10, 1849. For a brief period he was of Worthington, Hampshire Co., Mass., when, Oct. 3, 1809, he bought land in Plainfield, to which place he removed, and Mar. 9, 1811, buys land in the same 90 SIXTH GENERATION. place; Daniel Streeter, witness. July 16, 1816, he and wife Nabby, both of Plainfield, sell land in the same place. He m. Feb. 1, 1812, Abigail Reed of Cumming- ton, Mass., b. 1786 and d. Feb. 19, 1853, aged 67. Children (born in Plainfield) : i. Lewis,8 b. Nov. 25, 1812; res. in Cummington, Mass. ; m. Apr. 3, 1858, Mrs. Laura A. Barker, nee Thayer ; no issue. ii. Caroline,8 b. Mar. 10, 1814 ; m. Dec. 7, 1837, Luther Longley of Adams, Mass. iii. Catherine,8 b. Oct. 22, 1815; m. Dec. 7, 1837, William H. Wilson. Children : i. Alson H. (Wilson),9 b. Sept. 19, 1838; res. Troy, N. Y. ; engineer on Troy and No. Adams R. R. ii. Caroline A. ( Wilson),9 b. July 17, 1840; d. Oct. 23, 1851. iii. William E. (Wilson),9 b. July 1, 1842. iv. Clemence A. (Wilson)9 b. Mar. 9, 1845; d. Sept. 1, 1855. v. George L. (Wilson)9 b. Feb. 17, 1847; d. Aug. 28, 1850. vi. Catherine A. (Wilson),9 b. Mar. 6, 1849. vii. George (Wilson)9 b. Aug. 20, 1851. iv. Marshall,8 b. May 22, 1817. v. Alanson,8 b. July 17, 1819; m. Mar. 10, 1849, Catherine Wood of Buckland, Mass. vi. Emeline,8 b. July 26, 1821 ; m. May 20, 1849, Wil liam H. Hosford, of Williamstown, Mass. vii. Czarina,8 b. Feb. 23, 1824; m. Sept. 18, 1849, J. H. Crosby of Goldsboro, N. C. viii. Salem W.,8 b. Aug. 10, 1826; m. Caroline Smith and rem. to Kansas. ix. Helen A.,8 b. July 6, 1829. 544. Ozias,7 b. Mar. 13, 1785. 545. Levi,7 b. Jan. 15, 1787; d. June 14, 1842; m. (l),May 4, 1809, Patty Colson; m (2), , Margaret P.^— , b. -1792 and d. Mar. 14, 1878, aged 86. DANIEL STREETER. 91 Children : i. Leander,8 b. Aug. 4, 1809 ; d. Oct. 26, 1823. ii. Chalmer D.,8 b. Sept. 14, 1811 ; rem. first to Colum bia, Mo., thence to Independence, Mo., where he d. Sept. 15, 1861 ; m. June 10, 1838, at Sher burne. N. S., Emily A. Wells, b. 1816 and d. Dec. 15, 1885, aged 69. Children : i. Leonore F.,9 b. Aug. 28, 1840, Columbia, Mo.; d. July 20, 1847. ii. Levi C.,9 b. Mar. 5, 1842 ; m. Dec. 8, 1870, at Independence, Mo., Ruth Coe. iii. Lyman A.,9 b. Nov. 19, 1849; d. Oct. 3, 1850, Independence, Mo. iv. Ellen A.,9 b. July 13, 1851 ; m. Apr. 30, 1868, Rufus C. Brooks. She d. Indepen dence, Mo., Dec. 15, 1885. v. Ernest C.,9 b. Apr. 22, 1853 ; d. Binghamton, N. Y., June 27, 1854. vi. Henry L.,9 b. July 15, 1857 ; d. July 26, 1858. iii. Hannah C.,8 b. Mar. 13, 1813; m. Sept. 19, 1833, Elmendorf. iv. Levi W.,8 b. Aug. 10, 1816 ; d. Boston, Mass., Nov. 18, 1875; m. Apr., 1842, at Pooleville, N. Y., Catherine R. Woodward, b. Milton, Mass., Aug. 14,1813. Children (bom in Boston) : i. Alice D.,9b. Oct. 6,1843; n . Aug, 1866, Jason K. Snow. ii. Medora C.,9 b. Sept. 2, 1845; d. July 30, 1852. iii. Chester R.,9 b. Aug. 21, 1849. iv. ArvillaM.,9b. Nov. 2, 1852 ; d. Jan. 21, 1873. v. Chester R.,8 b. Jan. 27, 1819; d. May 22, 1849; unm. vi. Lyman C,8b Feb. 5, 1823. 546. Matilda,7 b. Sept. 12, 1788 ; d. May 8, 1811 ; m. Feb. 21, 1805, Cyrus Bisbee. Children : i. Merrick (Bisbee)8 b. Aug. 28, 1805. 92 SIXTH GENERATION. ii. Chester (Bisbee),8 June 13, 1807. iii. Dollie (Bisbee),8 b. Sept. 15, 1809. 517. Ciie5Tkr.7 b. June 8, 1791 ; was of l'lainfield, 1S12. 54s. Daniel,7 b. Apr. 18, 1793 : d. Plainfield, May 7, 1855; m. nt Plainfield, June 6, 1815, Lucy Joy, b. 1794 and d. Feb. 11, 1822, aged 28. Children (born in Plain(ield) : i. Lucy Ann,8 b. Oct. 23, 1815 ; d. young. ii. Matilda,8 b. June 2, 1817. iii. Horatio D.,8 b. Apr. 9, 1819. iv. Lucy,8 b. Jan. 16, 1822 ; cl. Mar. 20, 1823. 549. A son,7 b. ; d. infancy. 550. Asa6 (204), son of Samuel5 (Samuel,4 Sam uel,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born in Sturbridge, Mass., July 31, 1762; died in Ciimmington, Mass., Dec. 16, 1821. He made his will Oct. 21, in which he names wife Hannah, eldest son Simeon, second son Augus tine, eldest daughter Dilly Campbell, second daugh ter Sylvina and third daughter Keziah. He was of Plainfield, Feb. 23, 1792, whenhe bought land there; also July 2, 1790, when he bought in " Hatfield Equivalent" ( now Plainfield) ; removed to Ciimmington, Mass., where he married (1), May 3, 1785, Polly Bolton, born 1760; and died Dec. 31, 1794; married (2), June 22, 1795, Hannah Cotton of Johnstown, N. Y., born July 16, 1763; and died Apr. 15, 1850. Children (by Polly, born in Cummington) : 551. Dii.la,7 b. June 5, 1786; d. Dec. 4, 1853; m. Ebenezer Campbell, b. 1788 and d. Nov. 12, 1831, aged 43. Children : i. Charles (Campbell).8 ii. Adaline (Campbell),8 d. young. iii. Cordelia (Campbell)-.8 iv. Eben (Campbell) .8 v. Adaline (Campbell).8 DAVID STREETER. 93 vi. Franklin (Campbell).8 vii. Sylvina (Campbell).8 viii. Henrietta (Campbell).8 552. Sylvina,7 b. Oct. 28, 1787 ; d. Dec. 17, 1821,unm'd. 553. Simeon7 (1331), b. Sept. 17, 1789; d. Oct. 9, 1851. 554. Abraham,7 b. July 1, 1791 ; d. June 25, 1794. 555. Asa,7 b. July 9, 1793 ; d. June 22, 1794. Children by Hannah. 556., Augustine7 (1341), b. Feb. 24, 1799 ; d. May 7, 1853. 557. Keziah,7 b. Sept. 19, 1801. 558. David6 (205), son of Samuel5 (Samuel,4 Samuel,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born in Sturbridge, Mass., Oct. 12, 1765; removed about 1795 to Heath, Mass., thence to Waterbury, Yt., where he died Nov. 14, 18—. He married (1) Nov. 7. 1788, Elizabeth Roach at Ciimmington, Mass., born Oct. 10, 1764, died Nov. 23, 1822; married (2) ; no issue. Three eldest children born in Sturbridge ; the rest in Heath. Children : 559. Sylvia,7 b. Aug. 27, 1789. 560. Daniel,7 b. Apr. 5, 1792; d. ; m. Oct. 17, 1816, Pauline Graves, b. Dec. 21, 1795 and d. Mar. 24, 1875. Child : i. Edwin,8 b. Apr. 17, 1818; m. (1), Dec. 10, 1839, Elizabeth Bruce, who d. 1843; m. (2), May 26, 1856, Abbie E. Clark. Child by Elizabeth : i. Elizabeth E.,9 b. Apr. 26, 1841 ; m. Apr. 26, 1860, M. U. Clarke. Children : i. Elsworth M. (Clarke),10 b. May 11, 1861. ii. Nellie M. (Clarke),10 b. Aug, 16, 1863. Child by Abbie : ii. Grace E.,9 b. Mar. 19, 1859. 94 SIXTH GENERATION. 561. Joanna,7 b. May 2, 1794 ; d. July 6, 1796. 562. Rebecca,7 b. Mar. 13, 1798. 563. Otis7 (1348), b. Aug. 19, 1801 ; d. May 1, 1883. 564. Nathan6 (208), son of Samuel5 (Samuel,4 Samuel3 Stephen2 Stephen1) , born in Sturbridge, Apr. 30, 1774; died in Southbridge, Mass., Nov. 27, 1846, aged 74. He made his will May 9, 1842, proved Jan. 5, 1847. in which he names wife Azubah, and children Sim eon Mason, Alvin, Almond, Yernis, Hiram B., exe cutor, Finelia Davis and Lucy Hovey. He lived at Southbridge. His wife was Azubah ; no date of marriage. Children (born in Southbridge) : 565. Simeon Mason7 (1358), b. Mar. 17, 1800 (birth record ed in Sturbridge) ; d. 566. Nathan,7 d. before 1842. 567. Alvin7 (1369), b. Dec. 25, 1803 ; d. Jan. 24, 1876. 568. Almond7 (1378), b. Jan. 27, 1806. 569. Vernis,7 b. Feb. 9, 1808; m. (1), Aug. 15, 1830, Elizabeth Burdell; (2), Apr. 5, 1846, Almira Goodnow; no issue; res. Westboro, Mass. Children by Elizabeth : i. AnnJanett,8 b. July 2, 1836; m. Mar. 17, 1861, Charles R- Griggs. Children : i. Charles Vernis,9 b. July 13, 1862. ii. Addie Louisa,9 b. Oct. 2, 1863. ii. Adeline Eliza,8 b. Apr. 22, 1845; d. July 27, 1871 ; m. Feb. 23, 1871, Iran S. Palmer, who d. Sept. 8, 1871. 570. Hiram B.,7 b. 1821 ; d. May 23, 1882, at Southbridge, Mass. He m. (1), Feb. 3, 1843, Persis S. Esterbrook, who d Mar. 6, 1846 ; m. (2), Lucy Ann Trowbridge, who d. Dec. 3, 1876 ; in. (3), Apr. 17, 1878, Lizzie R. Otis ; no issue. JOHN STREETER. 95 Child by Persis : i. Francis,8 b. Mar. 5, 1846. Child by Lucy : ii. Lucian,8 b. May 18, 1850 ; m. Minnie F. Scarborough. Child : i. Willie,9 b. Aug. 8, 1878. 571. Finelia,7 b.— ; m. Oct. 24, 1838, Joseph L. Davis. 572. Lucy,7 b.— ; m. Oct. 23, 1833, Hiram Hovey. 573. John6 (211a), son of James5 (Samuel,4 Samuel,3 Stephen2 Stephen1), born in Charlton, Mass., Apr. 8, 1762; died in Rindge, N. H., Mar. 1, 1811; married Dec. 29, 1785, Sarah, daughter of James Carl ton of Andover, Mass., born June, 1764 and died in in Rindge, N. H, Mar. 17, 1811. Children (born in Rindge) : 574. John7 (1384), b. Feb. 2, 1788; d. Westfield, Vt., July 24, 1860. 575. Sarah,7 b. June 4, 1789; d. May 11, 1790. 576. Obadiah7 (1393), b. Mar. 4, 1791 ; cl. 577. Polly C.,7 b. Apr. 14, 1793 ; d. Dec. 29, 1885 ; unm. 578. William,7 b. Sept. 21, 1794; d. Jan. 6, 1861 ; unm. 579. Benjamin,7 b. May 30, 1796 ; cl. Aug. 23, 1798. 580. Nancy,7 b. Dec. 24, 1797 ; m. , Whitson. 581. Thomas,7 b. Feb. 17, 1800; d, June 24, 1843 ; m. Oct. 26, 1826, at Jaffrey, N. H , Paulina, dau. of Edward Jewett Locke and Rhoda (Lawes), b. Rindge, Aug. 8, (about 1802; d. Children : i. Sarah P.,8b. Dec. 27, 1827; d. Aug. 1, 1832. ii. Susan M.,8 b. Apr. 8, 1832 ; cl. Oct. 14, 1848. iii. Albert Locke,8 b. Sept. 14, 1841. 582. Charles,7 b. Nov. 2, 1801 ; d. Feb. 21, 1824; unm. 583. Adaline,7 b. Mar. 30, 1803 ; d. Aug., 1882; m. Rich ardson. 584. Addison,7 b. Feb. 6, 1805 ; d.Sept., 1848, in Ludlow, Vt. 585. A son,7 b. Apr. 30, 1808 ; d. Aug. 15, 1808. 96 SIXTH GENERATION. 586. Nathaniel6 (212), son of James5 (Samuel,4 Samuel,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born in Charlton, Mass. July 7, 1764; removed with his father to Rindge, thence to Weathersfield, N. H, where he died 1831. He married (1), Mercy , who died 1813; (2), Lydia , who died 1818; (3), Zada , who died Apr. 9, 1857. Children by Mercy : 587. John,7 b. in 1784, Rindge; d. June 10, 1849; m. Mar. 5, 1807, Elizabeth Young, who d. 1839. Children : i. Josephus,8 b. Feb. 15, 1808 ; d. ; m. June 26, 1832, Sarah Barnes, b. Dec. 16, 1808. Children : i. A dau.,9 b. and cl. Sept. 3, 1835. ii. Caroline E.,9 b. Oct. 1, 1837; m. Feb. 21, 1860, Edwin M. Stephens. iii. Eli P. B.,9 b. Feb. 9, 1843 ; d. Sept. 23, 1845. iv. William P.,9 b. Feb. 23, 1847, Montpelier, Ind. ; m. Apr. 26, 1874, Ida M. Harding. Children : i. Calvin J.,10 b. July 4, 1875, Amsden, Vt. ii. Willis E.,10 b. Oct. 16, 1877, Ban croft, Mich. iii. Sarah B.,10 b. Oct. 6, 1880, Bancroft, Mich. v. A son,9 b. and d. Jan. 20, 1849. vi. Zada R.,9 b. Jan. 31, 1852; m. Oct. 28, 1881, David B. Kendall. vii. Bessie M.,9b. Nov. 3, 1854 ; m. Apr. 5, 1881 , John Murray. ii. Asenath,8 b. Jan. 10, 1810 ; d.May, 1881, at Venice, Mich. ; m. Oct., 1845, Alpheus Stevens ; left 2 sons iii. Calvin P.,8 b. July 18, 1812, at Weathersfield, N. H. ; d. Jan. 12, 1881; m. Jan. 26, 1841; MaryE. Long, of Muncie, Ind. DANIEL STREETER. 97 Children (born in Muncie, Ind.) : i. James ;9 m. ; 3 ch. ii. Stephen;9 m. ; 1 ch. iii. A dau. ;9 lives at Muncie. iv. Allen,8 b. Apr. 18, 1817 ;m. (1), Jan. 12, 1843, Laura A. Dickinson; m. (2), Oct. 27, 1858, Martha M. Spofford. Children by Laura (born in Weathersfield, Vt.) : i. Maria E.,9 b. Mar. 31, 1844; d. Feb. 17, 1869, at Felchville, Vt. ii. Rhoda A.,9 b. Jan. 25, 1849 ; m. Apr. 29, 1866, Wallace S. Rist. Child by Martha : iii. Milton A.,9 b. Dec. 25, 1861 ; d. Oct.8, 1865. v. Alfred,8 b. June 9, 1821 ; m. Oct., 1848, Betsey Barnes. 588. Mercy,7 b. ; d. ; m. Supply Reed, of Acworth, N. H. Child: i. Sylvester (Reed).8 589. Lucy,7 b. 1794, Weathersfield, N. H. ; d. 1845, E. Windsor, Vt. ; m. Samuel Williams. Child : i. Mary ( Williams).8 590. Maria,7 b. Apr. 16, 1812, Weathersfield, N. H. ; d. Apr. 23, 1867, at Northampton, Mass. ; unm. 591. Daniel6 (213), son of James5 (Samuel,4 Samuel,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born in Rindge, N. H., Aug. 29, 1769 ; resided in that place until 1812, when he disappears. He married Feb. 22, 1791, at Rindge, Susanna Met- calf. Children (born in Rindge) : 592. Amity,7 b. July 19, 1792. 593. Sylvia,7 b. Nov. 15, 1796; m. George Wesson, of Bakers- field, Vt. 7 98 SIXTH GENERATION. 549. Nancy,7 b. May 5, 1798 ; m. Joseph Stevens of Bakersfield, Vt. 595. Martin,7 b. July 16, 1801 ; d. ; m. Sept. 15, 1825, at Fitz- william, N. H., Mary Chapin, b. Dec. 23, 1800. Children : i. Anson,8 b. Oct. 4, 1826. ii. Edwin,8 b. May 13, 1828, Fitzwilliam, N. H; m. Jan. 1, 1852, Mary Olmstead, b. Tolland, Conn., Nov. 1, 1829. Child : i. Clarence E.,9 b. May 16, 1853 ; m. May 19, 1877, Mary Deland. Child : i. Louisa,10 b. Sept. 17, 1880. ii. Ashbel H.,9 b. May 16, 1855. iii. Julius E.,9 b. May 20, 1857. iv. Ralph E.,9 b. May 16, 1860. v. Orrin D.,9 b. Feb. 12, 1862. vi. George M.,9 b. Nov. 18, 1865. vii. Harry P.,9 b. Nov. 27, 1867. iii. Elmon,8 b. Feb. 3, 1830 ; m. Feb. 26, 1852, Caro line W. Bruce, b. Apr. 24, 1834. Children : i. Frank W.,9 b. Oct. 1, 1854. ii. Fred W.,9 b. June 16, 1856 ; d. Aug. 16, 1858. iv. Alvin,8 b. Nov. 1837 ; m. (1), June 20, 1863, Lizzie A. Hardy, who d. Dec. 7, 1868; m. (2), Aug. 12, 1870, Sarah Nutting. Child by Lizzie : i. Clement R.,9 b. Nov. 19, 1867. Child by Sarah : ii. Alvin,9 b. May 29, 1871. 596. Thomas J.,7 b. Mar. 7, 1803; d. Feb. 16, 1861; m. Nov. 18, 1832, Olive Stone, of Winchendon, Mass., b. Dec. 24, 1810. Children (born in Winchendon) : i. Joseph H.,8 b. Oct. 3, 1834; unm. JAMES STREETER. 99 ii. Charles P.,8 b. July 11, 1836; m. Nov. 24, 1863, Mary E. Poland ; res. Millbury, Mass. Children : i. Edith R.,9 b. Jan. 22, 1867. ii. Lilla M.,9 b. May 31, 1869. iii. A dau.,9 b. and d. Apr. 2, 1871. iii. AmroW.,8 b. Aug. 22, 1838; m. Mar. 11, 1869, Jennie Whitcomb ; no issue ; res. in Winchendon. iv. Emerette L.,8 b. Aug. 11, 1840 ; m. Jan. 16, 1865, James H. Townsend. Children (born in Winchendon) : i. Leua B. (Townsend),9 b. Nov. 9,1866; d. June 1, 1867. ii. Ralph (Townsend),9 b. Oct. 26, 1869; d. same clay. iii. Alfred J. (Townsend),9 b. Feb. 13, 1873; d. Oct. 19, 1873. iv. Frank (Townsend) ,9 b. Aug. 15, 1874. v. Guy (Townsend),9 b. May 25, 1879. v. Thomas M.,8 b. Apr. 1, 1842 ; d. Jan. 10, 1843. vi. Almanesor J.,8 b. Dec. 29, 1843 ; res Gardner, Mass. vii. Sophia A.,8 b. Dec. 20, 1845 ; m. Dec. 22, 1868, Henry F. Carr. He d. May 5, 1877. Children : i. Herbert (Carr)9 b. Sept. 19, 1872. ii. Homer S. (Carr),9 b. July 20,1876. viii. Frederick,8 b. Oct. 5, 1847 ; unm. ix. Franklin C.,8 b. Jan. 23, 1850. x. Ann Maria,8 b. July 24, 1851 ; d. Sept. 7, 1853. xi. Ella A.,8 b. Jan. 9, 1854. xii. Walter,8 b. Nov. 17, 1858 ; res. Gardner, Mass. 597. James6 (214) , son of James5 (Samuel,4 Sam uel,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1) , born in Rindge, N. H., Jan. 29, 1773, where he resided till about 1800, when he removed to Jaff rey, N. H. He was a skillful carpen ter and joiner, and the first to frame buildings by the square rule in this vicinity. Date of his decease not 100 SIXTH GENERATION. ascertained. He married Nov. 11, 1792, Sarah, daugh ter of William Carlton and Eunice (Lawes), born in Rindge, Apr. 13, 1771. Children : 598. Levi7 (1400), b. Jan. 12, 1797, in Rindge. 599. Daniel,7 b. Aug. 17, 1798, inRmdge; removed with his father to Jaffrey, N. H. ; place and date of decease un known ; m. Oct. 18, 1825, Pamelia Barnes of Springfield, Vt. Children : i. Sophia P.,8 b. Dec. 28, 1826; d. Mar. 31, 1864; m.Dec. 1, 1846, James M. Strong. ii. Daniel B.,8 b. June 13, 1828 ; d. July 31, 1829. iii. William W.,8 b. Nov. 7, 1829 ; m. Mar. 22, 1862, Sarah J. Jackman, of Chester, N. H. He d. Mar. 14, 1884. Child : i. Willie,9 b. June 11, 1865. iv. Sarah K.,8b. Sept. 3, 1842 ; m. June 2, 1862, Cle ment G. Spaulding. 600. Sarah,7 b. Dec. 18, 1800, in Jaffrey; m., 1820, John Rhodes. 601. Phineas,7 b. Feb. 20, 1803, in Jaffrey; m. Jan. 17, 1830, at Concord, Mass., Mrs. Martha Keyes, who d. June 12, 1872. Child : i. Phineas C.,8 b. May 15, 1832, in Topsham, Vt; m. May 11, 1867, at Alstead, N. H., Martha A- Manchester. Children (born in Hartford, Vt.) i. Estelle J.,9 b. Nov. 15, 1868. ii. Dennis M.,9 b. May 14, 1874. iii. Minnie M.,9 b. Oct. 25, 1876. iv. CeliaM.,9b. Mar. 20, 1878. 602. Rufus,7 b. June 22, 1805 ; murdered at Barre, Vt; m. Child : i. Rufus,8 b. about 1824. JOHN STREETER. 101 603. John3 (221), son of John5 (John,4 John,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born in Sturbridge, Mass., Apr. 18, 1768; died in Chicago, 111., about 1859-60. He married Feb. 10, 1795, at Sturbridge, Rebecca Fiske, and removed soon after to Salem, N. Y., where, about 1798, he, with his half brother Joshua, formed a co partnership in the saddle and harness business, in which, however, he continued but a few years, and once more resumed farming. Mar. 12, 1798, he and his brother Joshua, saddlers, of Salem, N. Y., buy land there; and Apr. 2, 1805, the former with wife Rebecca, convey their propor tion to said Joshua. It is said he had but one child, a daughter with whom he could not agree ; she finally left to seek a more congenial home, since when, noth ing more is known of her. After a few years' stay in Quincy he removed to Chicago, 111., where he spent the residue of his life in the family of his adopted daughter, Mrs. Yan Buskirk. 604. Joshua6 (222), son of John5 (John,4 John,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born in Sturbridge, Sept. 26, 1774; died Nov. 27, 1839. A short time prior to 1798, he with his brother John removed to Salem, N. Y., where they engaged in business as saddlers, having leased a dwelling house and lot of land from George Schamp, also a saddler, Mar. 12, 1798; and the copartnership was formed July 26, of that year. After a lapse of time their connection in busi ness ceased, John selling out his interest to one Rob ert McMurray ; when, Feb. 14, 1805, it was again dis solved by Joshua going out, leaving McMurray to continue in the management of affairs. 102 SIXTH GENERATION. In 1803, he was elected constable of Salem, and served in that capacity or as deputy sheriff until after 1816. In 1820, his name disappears from the high way roll, about which time he removed to Hartford, N. Y. May 2, 1801, he became a member of the Salem " North Star Lodge " of Masons. In 1823, he went on a prospecting tour in Illinois; and after a year's absence, he finally located in or near Quincy, and returned for his family who, in the meantime, had taken up their abode in the town of Rome N. Y., and in the spring of 1825, removed them to their new and future home, where he pursued farming the rest of his days. He married (1) , probably at Cheshire, Mass., Adah Mason of that place, who died in Quincy, 111., about 1827; married (2), about 1828-9, , who died with in two years, without issue; married (3), Mar. 13 1834, widow Delilah Ammon, nee Smith, who sur vived him. Children by Adah (born in Salem, N. Y.) : 605. Salmon,7 d. 1828-9, of cholera, near Galena, 111., m. . Children : i. James,8 d. inf. ii. Sarah,8 d. 1850 ; m. W. S. Penfield ; no issue. 606. Truman,7 d. 1828-9, of cholera, near Galena, 111. ; m. . Child : i. Thomas J.,8 b. ; m. 1854, at Marianette, Wis. 607. Ann M.,7 b. Mar. 27, 1801 ; d. Oct. 8, 1863 ; m. Jan., 1826, John Wood, of Quincy, 11th Gov. of 111., b. , 1798. Children : i. AnnE. (Wood),8 b. July 31, 1827; m. John Till- son. ii. Daniel C. (Wood),8 b. Feb. 9, 1829; m. Mary Abernethy. JOSHUA STREETER. 103 iii. John (Wood),8 b. Dec. 11, 1830; m. (1), Jos ephine Skinner; (2), Mary Skinner. iv. Emily (Wood),8 b. Mar. 4, 1833; d. Aug. 31, 1835. v. Adah Jane ( Wood) ,8 b. June 4, 1835 ; d. Sept. 7, 1844. vi. Joshua F. (Wood),8 b. Feb. 24, 1837 ; m. Annie Bradley. vii. Henry C. (Wood),8 b. Apr. 18, 1839; d. June 17, 1842. viii. James T. ( Wood),8 b. June 12, 1842 ; d. Apr. 19, 1850. 608. Jotham,7 b. Mar. 3, 1803; d. Dec. 8, 1864; m. Olive Whipple. Children : i. Daniel,8 b. Nov. 20, 1830 ; res. in Biggs, Butler Co., Cal. ; farmer; m. July 3, 1862, Louisa Sligas. Children (born in Biggs) : i. William D.,9 b. May 4, 1863. ii. Mary Olive,9 b. Feb. 8, 1865. iii. Martha Ann,9 b. Aug. 11, 1866. iv. John Wesley,9 b. Mar. 9, 1869. v. Thomas,9 b. Aug. 4, 1870. vi. Nora Bell,9 b. Nov. 27, 1878. vii. Edith May,9 b. Feb. 3, 1883. ii. Edwin M.,8 b. Dec. 21, 1832 ; res. Butte Co., Cal. ; m. Oct. 15, 1869, Emma A. Bradbury, b. in Ches- terville, Me., Mar. 8, 1846. The six eldest chil dren b. in Mendocino Co., Cal., the two youngest in Butte Co., Cal. Children : i. LorinM.,9b. Jan. 12, 1873. ii. Ralph E.,9 b. Jan. 25, 1875. iii. Henry J.,9 b. July 30, 1877. iv. Helen E.,9 b. Jan. 11, 1880. v. George H.,9 b. June 12, 1882. vi. Sarah L.,9 b. Dec. 6, 1884. vii. Arthur C.,9 b. Oct. 27, 1887. viii. Fred. H.,9 b. Oct. 8, 1890. 104 SIXTH GENERATION. iii. Eliza,8 b. Jan. 15, 1835; m. Thomas Sinnook; res. in Cal. iv. Truman,8 b. Feb. 23, 1837 ; unm ; res. in Quincy, 111. v. David,8 b. Mar. 19, 1839 ; m. Lizzie Wilson ; res. in Cal. vi. Emily M.,8 b. July 28, 1841 ; m. William Snow ; res. in Cal. vii. Reuben,8 b. Jan. 4, 1844 ; d. y. viii. Sarah,8 b. Feb. 10, 1845 ; m. P:dwin Smith. ix. Thomas J.,8 b. Mar. 2, 1848; m. Allie Summers; res. in Quincy, 111. x. Betsy Ann,8 b. Nov. 13, 1850 ; d. 1856. xi. William,8 b. July 14, 1853 ; m. Jennie Cochrane ; res. in Cal. 609. John.7 610. Eliza,7 b. 1810 ; d. 1824, in Rome, N. Y. 611. Jane,7 b. Dec. 2, 1813; d. Jan. 26, 1878; m. Samuel Holmes. Children : i. A son,8 b. 1837 ; d. in inf. ii. Martin V. B. (Holmes),8 b. July 19, 1839; m. Mary Peck. iii. Helen (Holmes),8 b. Dec. 3, 1841 ; m. E. S. Hurl- but. iv. A son,8 b. 1843 ; d. in inf. v. Ada (Holmes), 8b. Oct. 19, 1845 ; d. Nov. 19, 1884 ; m. Edward Whitmore. vi. Lucy (Holmes),8 b. June 20, 1848. vii. Anna (Holmes),8 b. July 9, 1851 ; m. J. W. Cheney. viii. Mary (Holmes),8 b. June 17,1853; m. William Whitmore. ix. Samuel (Holmes),8 b. Feb. 1, 1856; d. June 2, 1880. Children by Delilah (born in Quincy, HI.) : 612. Helen,7 b. Dec. 13, 1834 ; d. Aug. 29, 1836. 613. Eveline,7 b. Aug. 1, 1837; m. Feb. 25, 1858, Joseph C. Barlow. WILLIAM STREETER. 105 Children : i. John W. (Barlow),8 b. Feb. 10, 1859; m. Mary Granville. ii. Ella M. (Barlow),8 b Sept. 3, 1861; m. James Furman. iii. Eveline D. (Barlow),8 b. Sept. 3, d. Nov. 20, 1861. iv. Joseph K. (Barlow),8 b. Dec. 30, 1863 ; d. Sept. 21, 1865, v. Emily L. (Barlow),8 b. Feb. 13, 1866 ; m. J. Oliver Glenn. vi. Joseph C. (Barlow),8 b. Apr. 19, 1868. vii. Evie E. (Barlow),8 b. June 18, 1869 ; d. Nov. 29, 1881. viii. William R. (Barlow),8 b. July 13, 1872. ix. Alice (Barlow),8 b. June 7, 1875 ; d. Jan. 3, 1881. x. Douglas S. (Barlow)8 b. Mar. 7, 1880; d. Nov. 12, 1880. 614. Joshua,7 b. Nov. 28, 1839 ; d. 1845. 615. William6 (225), son of John5 (John,4 John,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1) , born in New Cambridge, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1788; lived in Charlton and Skaneaeteles, N. Y., in which latter place he died Mar. 1, 1846; married Elizabeth Russell, born in Berne, Albany Co., N. Y., and died in Skaneateles, Jan. 16, 1847. Children (born in Charlton) : 616. John,7 b. Oct. 13, 1813; d. 1866, in Wis. 617. Joseph R.,7 b. Apr. 21, 1817. 618. James Alonzo,7 b. Aug. 12, 1819 ; d. Oct. 12, 1820. 619. William Alonzo,7 b. Sept. 7, 1821 ; res. in Maple Grove, Mich.; m. Nov. 2, 1848, Chloe North, b. Sept. 17, 1829. Children : i. Charles H.,8 b. Aug. 24, 1849. ii. Cora,8b. Sept. 2, 1854; d. Sept. 2, 1854. iii. Frank A.,8 b. Feb. 10, 1859 ; m. Elma Cole. 620. Reuben,7 b. Apr. 10, 1824 ; d. Sept. 4, 1838. 621. Sarah E.,7 b. Oct. 11, 1826 ; d. Nov. 9, 1845. 106 SIXTH GENERATION. 622. Phcebe,7 b. Jan. 23, 1829 ; d. about 1850. 623. Jane Ann,7 b. Mar. 19, 1831. 624. Marvin Timothy,7 b. Get 25, 1836 ; m. Jan. 15, I860. Mary D. Tinkham, b. Jan. 16, 1844. Children : i. LibbieE.,8 b. Feb. 5, 1861; m. June 19, 1881, Wilbur A. Barker. ii. Nelson J.,8b. Aug. 27, 1867. 625. Nelson R.,7 b. Oct. 7, 1838 ; res. in Groton, Tompkins Co., N. Y. ; m. June 20, 1860, Adelia F. Randolph, b. Aug. 26, 1843. Children (born in Groton) : i. CoraM.,8 b. Dec. 14,1865; m. Mar. 19, 1884, Charles P. Mosher. ii. Lucius N. R.,8 b. Apr. 12, 1869. iii. Arlinne M.,8 b. Mar. 14, 1875. iv. Erma A.,8 b. Oct. 11, 1880. 626. Caroline E.,7 b. Nov. 25, 1843. 627. Miriam6 (227), daughter of Nathaniel,5 (John,4 John3 Stephen,2 Stephen1) , born in Sturbridge, Mass., Jan. 10, 1778; married Reuben Salisbury, at Hoosick, N. Y.; resided in Sandy Creek, Jefferson Co., N. Y. Children : 628. Reuben (Salisbury),1 was a miller. 629. Miriam (Salisbury),1 m. Parish. 630. Polly (Salisbury),1 m. Jabez H. Gilbert, a lumberman and sheriff. 631. Uriah (Salisbury) ,7 lumberman, butcher and hotel keeper. 632. Lorenzo (Salisbury),1 twin. 633. Loretta (Salisbury),1 twin. 634. Jonathan (Salisbury) ,7 a miller. 635. Ann (Salisbury),1 m. Dexter Wilder. 636. Mason (Salisbury) ,7 a miller; served one term in the N. Y. legislature. 637. Jonathan* (228), son of Nathaniel5 (John,4 JONATHAN STREETER. 107 John3 Stephen2 Stephen1), born in Monson, Mass., March 4, 1780; died Aug. 10, 1860. He, with his father and family, removed during the winter or spring of 1799, to Warren Co., N. Y., where he set tled and died; was a farmer and carpenter. He mar ried, Sept. 25,1810, Lydia D. Brown of Duchess Co., a Quakeress, which faith Mr. Streeter subsequently became identified with, through life. She died March 19, 1854. Children : 638. Hannah,7 b. Sept. 19, 1811 ; d. May 4, 1885 ; m. Feb. 10, 1831, John Gates, b. Mar. 16, 1803 and d. Nov. 12,1877; farmer. Children (born in Bolton) : i. John D. (Gates),8 b. Dec. 28, 1834; m. Jan. 27, 1861, Sara Bedenell, who d. — 11, 1875. He was a farmer. Child : i. Clara (Gates),9 b. Dec. 10, 1862; m. R. T. Taylor ; three ch. ii. Lydia D. (Gates),8 b. Nov. 23, 1836; d. July 11, 1875 ; m. Aug. 31, 1856, Nathan Beswick, who d. Nov. 12, 1864. Child (born in Bolton) : i. Mary O. (Beswick),9 b. Feb. 5, 1858. iii. Isaac S. (Gates),8 b. Oct. 1, 1838; d. April 16, 1878. iv. Joseph H. (Gates),8 b. Sept. 25, 1844 ; m. Sept. 11, 1873, Mary Jane Goodwin. Child : i. Sarah Edna (Gates),9 b. Sept. 15, 1874. v. Jonathan S. (Gates),8 b. Aug. 2, 1847 ; m. Sept. 27, 1873, Zilpah, adopted dau. of Eli Reynolds. Child : i. Walter E. (Gates),9 b. 1874. vi. Dodge S. (Gates),8 b. June 23, 1851 ; a farmer and blacksmith; m. Apr. 15, 1877, Mary Fawden. 108 SIXTH GENERATION. Children : i. Wallace (Gates),9 b. Apr. 15, 1879. ii. John J. (Gates),9 b. Apr. 2, 1883. iii. Anna Bell (Gates),9 b. May 1, 1889. iv. Ralph (Gates),9 b. 1891. vii. George (Gates),8 b. June 8, 1856; m. May 13, 1883, Sarah Brown. Children : i. Agnes (Gates,)9 b. 1886. ii. Rupert (Gates),9 b. 1891. 639. Lois,7 b. Mar. 2, 1813; m. (1), Samuel Farr; (2), Epen- etus Hill, and removed to No. Granby. P. O. address Granby Center, N. Y. Children : i. Jonathan (Farr),8 twin. ii. A dau. (Farr),8 twin ; lived but a few weeks. iii. Mary F. (Farr) ,8 m. Reuben Johnson. iv. Lydia Jane (Farr),8 m. Jeremiah Visgar; res. in Granby Center, Oswego Co., N. Y. 640. Anna,7 b. May 15, 1815; d. June 22, 1880, unm. 641. Mary,7 b. Nov. 23, 1816 ; d. Jan. 10, 1820. 642. John,7 b. Jan. 6, 1819 ; d. Feb. 1, 1820. 643. Isaac,7 b. Jan. 5, 1822 ; res. in Bolton, N. Y. In the first few years of his youth and early manhood he was in a measure physically incapacitated for labor. Having eventually recovered his strength and vigor, he erected a saw mill and thereafter divided his time between lumber ing and farming ; served several years on the district school committee. He m. June 27, 1861, at Bolton, Alice H. Goodman; no issue. 644. Mehitable6 (229), daughter of Nathaniel5 (John,4 John,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1) , born in Sturbridge, Mass., March 12, 1782. She married (1), John Chase, of Fort Ann, Washington Co., N. Y., and removed to Steuben Co.,N. Y. After the decease of her parents they removed thence to Wisconsin, where her husband MOLLY STREETER. 109 died and she married (2), John Buss; removed again to Chicago just prior to the great fire; and as nothing has been heard of or from them since, it is supposed that they are numbered among the many victims of that terrible conflagration. Mr. Buss was a manufac turer of English wagons. Children, by Chase: 645. Alzada (Chase).1 646. Molly6 (230), daughter of Nathaniel5 (John4 John,3 Stephen2 Stephen1), born in Whiting ham, Yt., Oct. 31, 1783; removed with her parents to Warren Co., N. Y., where she married Joshua Thomas. Children : 647. Charles Dix (Thomas),1 m. Parks, and settled in Cayuga Co. ; thence removed to Warren Co., and finally to Mich., where he was subsequently found dead in the woods. Children : i. Selden (Thomas).8 ii. Melcena (Thomas).8 648. Prutia (Thomas),1 m. Norman Wright ; settled first in Hori- con, N. Y., thence removed to Hague, Warren Co., where she d. Children : i. Dexter (Wright),8 m. and twice a widower. ii. Thomas ( Wright) ;8 m. iii. Simon ( Wright) ,8 unm. iv. Jane ( Wright) ,8 m. and has several ch. 649. Osmond (Thomas),1 unm. 650. Truman N. (Thomas),1 res. in Bolton, a widower; stone mason and farmer. High sheriff one term, and several times supervisor ; m. Esther Herrick. Children : i. William J. (Thomas),8 m. ; four ch. ii, Andrew (Thomas).8 110 SIXTH GENERATION. 651. Nathaniel6 (232) , son of Nathaniel5 (John,4 John,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born in Deerfield, Mass., May 4, 1788; removed to and permanently settled in the town of Horicon, Warren Co., N. Y., where he died Aug. 23, 1868. He married (1), Paulina Monroe, one of a family of twenty-one children by one father and mother; born Dec. 16, 1804 and died Dec. 22, 1833; married (2), Minerva Reynolds. Children, by Paulina (born in Horicon) : 652. Jane,7 b. Sept. 23, 1823 ; m. Jeremiah Reynolds, and set tled in Bolton ; four ch. 653. Eli,7 b. Oct. 20, 1825 ; settled in Horicon ; m. Al- mira Hill. Children : i. Selden.8 ii. Jane.8 654. John,7 b. Mar. 24, 1827 ; res. in Bolton, N. Y. ; m. Zylpah Baker. Children : i. Eunice,8 m. Philetus Haskins ; res in Horicon. ii. Eugene,8 m. Viola Smith ; two sons. iii. Jonathan,8 b. July 31, 1855 ; res. in Bolton. He m. P'eb. 2, 1879, Amelia Pratt, who d. Aug. 20, 1888. Children (born in Bolton) : i. Mary,9 b. Aug. 22, 1880. ii. Ray,9 b. May 18, 1881 ; d. May 2, 1888. iii. Myrtle,9 b. Apr. 17, 1882. iv. John,9 b. Mar. 31, 1884. iv. Flora,8 m. Calvin Reynolds ; two or three ch. v. Scott,8 m. ; res. in Horicon. vi. George,8 unm. vii. Joseph,8 m., 1892, Blanchard ; res. in Bolton. viii. Robert,8 unm, 655. Mary,7 b. Oct. 6, 1828 ; m. Irving Baker; res. in Horicon; she d. . JONATHAN STREETER. Ill Children (born in Horicon) : i. Lucretia (Baker),8 res. in Bolton. ii. Mabel (Baker),8 " " iii.' Jane (Baker),8 " " iv. George (Baker),8 " " v. Orson (Baker),8 " Horicon. vi. Leighton (Baker),8 res. in Bolton. vii. Melvin (Baker),8 res. in Hamilton Co., N. Y. viii. Orville (Baker,)8 res. in Bolton. 656. Asa,7 b. Apr. 15, 1830; res. in Horicon; m. Freelove Smith. Children : i. Porter.8 ii. Elmer,8 and three or four daus. 657. Russell,7 b. Nov. 19, 1833 ; res. in Bolton, N. Y. ; m. Apr. 2, 1863, Mary Ann Hill, b. Nov. 9, 1843 and d. Dec, 3, 1886. Children : i. Lois,8 b. Apr. 23, 1864; m. Oct. 18, 1884, Alexan der Putney; res. in Bolton. Children : i. Inez (Putney)9 b. July 11, 1885. ii. Walter (Putney),9 b. Feb. 17, 1887. ii. Epenetus,8 b. June 11, 1866; res. in Bolton; m. Hattie Bennett ; one child. iii. Rose,8 b. Mar. 19, 1871 ; d. Sept. 22, 1871. iv. Orlan,8 b. Apr. 28, 1874. v. Emily,8 b. March 18, 1876. vi. Charles,8 b. Feb. 22, 1886; d. May 3, 1886. Children, by second wife Minerva: 658. Charles,7 cl. , aged abt. 50, unm. 659. Diadmia,7 res. in Horicon, N. Y., unm. 660. Eliza,7 res. in Horicon, N. Y. ; m. George Green ; no is sue. 661. Jonathan6 (235a), son of James5 (James,4 John,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1) , born in Cumberland, R. I., about 1766-7; died before Dec. 20, 1791. 112 SIXTH GENERATION. Married Molly Gloodell, daughter of , and sister of Jonas Goodell. After Jonathan's decease, she married (2), Elisha Haven, by whom she had nine children. Children, by Jonathan: 662. Charles7 (1414), b. Mar. 5, 1790; d. Jan. 22, 1864. 663. Polly,7 b. Dec. 20, 1791, after father's decease; d. May 6, 1844; m. Jan. 22, 1815, as his 2d wife, Raymond Aus tin, b. Oct. 2, 1789 and d. Apr. 7, 1861. Children : i. Citana A. (Austin),8 b. Mar. 4, 1820; d. Oct. 4, 1821. ii. Anna Saloma (Austin),8 b. Apr. 10, 1822 ; d. Nov. 16, 1845. iii. Charles Henry (Austin),8 b. Oct. 29, 1823; res. in No. Eaton, Loraine Co., 0.; m. ; has ch. and gr. ch. iv. Mary Melissa (Austin),8 b. Feb. 17, 1826; m. Apr. 12, 1849, William M. Ells ; res. Dansville, N. Y. v. Gustavus Hanchet (Austin),8 b. Jan. 24, 1828; d. May 21, 1882; m. Jan. 15, 1852, Jeanette Kings bury. 664. James6 (238), son of James5 (James,4 John,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1) , born in Cumberland, R. I., May 6, 1771 ; probably died in Yernon, N. H. He married Dec. 24, 1794, Lucy Lee, born in Thompson, Conn., Feb. 28, 1777. Children (born in Yernon, N. H.) : 665. Roxey,7 b. Mar. 10, 1795 ; d. y. 666. James,7 b. Jan. 4, 1796 : d. y. 667. Nancy,7 b. Jan. 4, 1796 ; d. y. 668. Arad,7 b. Sept. 9, 1798 ; d. y. 669. Asa,7 b. Aug. 11, 1800 ; d. in Brattleboro, Vt. ; m. Jerusha Dresser. Children (born in Brattleboro) : i. Mary,8 b. June 22, 1823; m. (1), Ransom Guillow; PAUL STREETER. 113 (2), Willard M. Johnson; res. in Beaver Dam, Wis. ii. Eliza,8 b. Jan. 18, 1826 ; m. Orson Harris ; res. in East Hampton, Mass. iii. Charles J.,8 res. in Hartford, Conn. iv. George,8 res. in Ludlow, Mass. 670. Aaron7 (1427), b. July 9, 1802 ; d. June 27, 1859. 671. Eunice,7 b. June 28, 1804 ; m Oct. 27, 1829, Martin Bliss ; res. in Brattleboro. 672. James7 (1434), b. June 12, 1806 ; d. Feb. 15, 1853. 673. Lucy,7 b. Oct. 14, 1808; m. Louis Gould. 674. Nancy,7 b. May 10, 1810; d. y. 675. Gratia,7 b. Dec. 18, 1812 ; m. Collins Clark. 676. Fannie,7 b. Sept. 9, 1815; m. Lewis Putnam. 677. Nancy,7 b. Nov. 18, 1817 ; m. Lysander Sprague. 678. Paul6 (241), son of James5 (James,4 John3 Stephen2 Stephen1), born in Cumberland, R. I., Nov. 9, 1778; removed to Yernon, Yt., where he died Nov. 6, 1857; yeoman; married Jan. 1, 1800, Anna Dress er, born in Gfoshen, Conn., Dec. 13, 1784; died March 7, 1859. Children : 679. Lucretia,7 b. Dec. 31, 1801 ; m. Stephen Johnson. 680. Luther,7 b. Mar. 27. 1803 (another record gives 1804) ; d. in Chicopee, Mass. ; m. Dec. 23, 1824, Cylinda Stearns, b. Nov. 8, 1805. Children (born in Vernon, Vt.) : i. Sarah L.,8 b. Sept. 16, 1825 ; m. Chester Wood. ii. Cynthia P.,8 b. Aug. 27, 1827; m. Andrew J. Noble. iii. Edward S.,8 b. Aug. 14, 1829. iv. Adaline A.,8 b. Sept. 1, 1832; m. Isaac W. Lowell. v. George A.,8 b. Jan. 7, 1835. vi. Hannah I.,8 b. Apr. 25, 1837. vii. Caroline F.,8 b. Mar. 26, 1840, 681. Noyes7 (1440), b. Mar. 10, 1806, 114 SIXTH GENERATION. 682. Philander H.,7 b. May 9, 1808 ; d. Feb. 28, 1861 ; m. July 21, 1830, Polly Butterfield, b. July 21, 1810 and d. May 17, 1866. Children : i. Jane M.,8 b. Jan. 14, 1833 ; m. June 6, 1855, Julius Lane. ii. Philander B.,8 b. Nov. 22, 1835 ; d. June 6, 1839. iii. Oscar H.,8 b. Feb. 13, 1842 ; d. Dec. 31, 1859. iv. Albert A.,8 b. Dec. 18, 1848 ; d. July 27, 1852. 683. Benjamin Arnold7 (1452), b. July 14, 1810; d. July 10, 1864. 684. Lucinda,7 b. Apr. 17, 1813; d. Nov. 14, 1847; m. Charles Stoddard. 685. Julia Ann,7 b. Sept. 23, 1814; d. Dec. 25, 1862 ; m. Jon athan B. Greene. 686. Mary Louisa,7 b. Sept. 3, 1816 ; d. Jan. 4, 1854 ; m. Wil lard Johnson.7 687. Jerusha,7 b. Dec. 30, 1818 ; m. Edwin B. Brown. 688. James P.,7 b. Feb. 8, 1821 ; res. at Indian Orchard, Mass; m. Nov. 26, 1840, at Wilbraham, Mass., Minerva L. Langdon. Children (born in Wilbraham, Mass.) : i. Eh-luna S.,8b. Nov. 3, 1846. ii. Merrill E.,8 b. Aug. 2, 1850; m. Jan. 29, 1874, Mary L. Meloy. Child : i. Bertha I.,9 b. Mar. 27, 1878. iii. Elbridge J.,8 b. Jan. 5, 1853; m. Mar. 26, 1874, Jennie D. Pelkey. Children : i. Edward J.,9 b. Dec. 22, 1874. ii. Charles W.,9 b. July 9, 1880. iii. Cora E.,9 b. Apr. 6, 1882. iv. Frank R.,8 b. Aug. 19, 1858; m. June 5, 1881, Louise M. Moulton. Child : i. Estella L.,9 b. Feb. 1, 1882. 689. Nancy B.,7 b. May 30, 1823 ; d. Apr. 9, 1844 ; m. Solomon Thayer. 690. Hannah E.,7 b. May 20, 1825 ; d. Jan. 18, 1839. WILLIAM STREETER. 115 691. William6 (245), son of Amos5 (James,4 John,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1) , born probably in Cumber land, R. I., March 9, 1766, where he died Oct. 9, 1826. He removed, soon after marriage, to Chesterfield, N. H., where his first five children were born ; about 1800 his name disappears from the records there, and he doubtless returned to Cumberland. He married May 12, 1785, Hannah Mason, born 1766; died in Cumberland, Nov. 25, 1854, aged 88. Children : 692. Lucina,7 b. Oct. 16,1785; m. 1801, Levi, son of Zernb- babel Snow and Mary (Trowbridge), b. in Chesterfield, Nov. 1, 1787, and removed early in the present century to St. Johnsbury, Vt. Children : i. Mason (Snow).8 ii. William (Snoio).8 iii. Shipley (Snow).8 iv. Lucina (Snow).8 v. Erastus (Snow),8 res. in Utah, and was a Mormon apostle. vi. Zerubbabel (Snow) ,8 lived in Utah ; was a lawyer, having been attorney-general under Brigham Young. 693. Nahum7 (1462), b. Sept. 15, 1787; d. Nov. 24, 1871. 694. Philadelphia,7 b. Sept. 23, 1789. 695. Orpah,7 b. Oct. 10, 1791. 696. Hannah,7 born Feb. 15, 1794; living in Woonsocket, R. I., in 1883; m. Apr. 29, 1819, Isaac Wilkinson, b. 1776. Children (born in Woonsocket) : i. David S. ( Wilkinson) ,8 b. 1820; m., 1845, Almira Hendrick. Child : i. SeraphinaS. ( Wilkinson),9 b. 1845. ii. Isaac R."( Wilkinson),8 b. April, 1826 ; m., 1849, Eliza H. Arnold. 116 SIXTH GENERATION. Children : i. Ella H. (Wilkinson)9 b. 1850. ii. Hattie G. (Wilkinson),9 b. 1852. iii. Emma J. (Wilkinson),9 b. 1857. iv. Alice E. ( Wilkinson) ? b. 1866. 697. Fanny,7 b. Feb. 3, 1798. 698. Belinda,7 b. Jan. 31, 1800. 699. Minerva,7 b. July 14, 1802. 700. George Mason7 (1472), b. Oct. 7, 1805 ; d. Mar. 27, 1870. 701. Nancy,7 b. Oct. 7, 1805. 702. Alexander,7 b. Nov. 20, 1807 ; d. in Cambridge, Mass., 1877. Child : i. Andrew Jackson,8 b. in Cranston, R. I., Feb. 13, 1831 ; res. in Minneapolis, Minn. ; m. Dec. 29, 1858, ¦ . Children : i. John D.,9 d. Dec. 8, 1862. ii. Nancy R.,9 d. Sept. 11, 1880. iii. Andrew Jackson,9 b. Oct., 1867. iv. William B.,9 b. Feb. 17, 1878. v. Frederick,9 b. Dec. 16, 1881. 703. Van Rensselaer,7 b. May 31, 1810; d. in Albany, N. Y., 1847 ; m. Eunice Noble Gardner. Children : i. Josephine.8 ii. Alexander.8 iii. Emma L.8 iv. C. F. Volney,8 b. Feb. 13, 1836 ; res. in Boston, Mass. ; m. July 2, 1854, Cynthia Ann Albee. Children : i. Van Rensselaer,9 b. Jan., 1855. ii. Frank V.,9 b. July 6, 1861. 704. Jesse6 (249) , son of Amos5 (James,4 John,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born in Cumberland, R. I.; mar ried (1), Oct. 15, 1798, Naomi, daughter of Ebenezer LYMAN STREETER. 11? Streeter (No. 274), of Mendon, Mass., and Keziah (Mason), born about 1781; (see 275). Married (2), at Providence, R. I., June 17, 1810, Mary Horton, born 1788, and died Aug. 6, 1848, aged 60, at Providence, R. I. Children (by Naomi, on Cumberland Records) : 705. Ebenezer Mason,7 b. Aug. 4, 1799, in Chesterfield. 706. Naomi Adelaide,7 b. May 23, 1806. 707. Sophia Sheldon,7 b. Aug. 9, 1807. 708. Ltma^6 (253), son of John5 (James,4 John,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1) , born about 1771 ; removed about 1820, to Lyndon, Yt.; thence to near St. Joseph, Mo., where he died Mar., 1866, aged 94. He married Rachel Stone. Children (born in Hinsdale) : 709. Jane,7 d. Mar., 1879 ; m. Eber, son of Ephraim Hubbard and Lucy (Willard), of Chesterfield, N. H. ; b. Feb. 28, 1793 and d. Jan. 20, 1842. Children (born in Chesterfield) : i. Horton (Hubbard) ,8 b. Dec. 5, 1818 ; d. in Hopkin ton, Mass. ii. Mariette (Hubbard),8 b. Aug. 9, 1822; m. Feb. 18, 1841, Oliver H., son of Eben'r Safford and Dolly (Farr) b. in Chesterfield, Dec. 23, 1820 ; farmer. Children : i. Norman D. (Safford),9 b. Oct. 12, 1842. ii. Ella M. (Safford)9 b. Aug. 21, 1845. iii. Lizzie M. (Safford),9 b. May 20, 1859. iii. Parker (Hubbard),8 b. Apr. 5, 1824; d. Dec. 11, 1857 ; m. Eliza, dau. of Roswell Powers and Sally (Farr), b. Aug. 26, 1822. Children: i. Amandren G. (Hubbard),9 b. Dec. 3, 1846; d. Oct., 1865. 118 SIXTH GENERATION. ii. Miron W. (Hubbard),9 b. Mar. 17, 1850. iii. Fred. F. (Hubbard),9 b. Apr. 22, 1852. iv. Jennie E. (Hubbard),9 b. Feb. 25, 1855. v. Alton P. (Hubbard), 9b. Oct. 5, 1857. iv. Warren (Hubbard) ,8 b. Feb. 9, 1826 ; d. in Wor cester, Mass., Apr. 10, 1852 ; m. Isabel Todd. v. Martin (Hubbard),8 b. Dec. 19, 1829 ; res. in Wor cester, Mass. ; m. Annette Miles. vi. Horace (Hubbard), 8 b. Oct. 15, 1835; d. Aug. 24, 1853. vii. Larkin (Hubbard) ,8 d. in inf. viii. Moulton (Hubbard) ,8 d. in inf. 710. Harriot,7 m. David Royce, of Hinsdale, N. H. 711. John,7 m. and left ch. at Lyndon, Vt. 712. Caleb,7 b. Sept. 20, 1802 ; m. Lucinda Locklin, b. Oct. 16, 1808 ; left 8 ch., one of whom, Ella M. Dougherty, res. at Mondamin, Harrison Co., Iowa. 713. Susan,7 m. Samuel Hopkins. 714. Thirza,7 b. Oct. 20, 1812; m. Artemas W. Locklin; b. Mar. 30, 1806. 715. Elizabeth,7 m. Hopkins. 716. Morton,7 b. 1818; resides at Magnolia, Iowa ; m. Almira M. Locklin. 717. Porter.7 Children : i. Porter.8 ii. Dennis.8 718. Isaiah6 (254), son of John5 (James,4 John3 Stephen2 Stephen1), born 1773; died in Hinsdale, N. H, July 7, 1821 ; married Mar. 13, 1803, Polly Procter, born 1777, and died in Hinsdale, Apr. 23, 1850, aged 73. Children (born in Hinsdale). 719. Levi7 (1477), b. Sept. 19, 1803. 720. William,7 b. 1804 ; d. Oct. 23, 1833, aged 29 ; unm. 721. Sybil,7 was a widow in 1882 ; m. Charles, son of Bunker G. ELIHU STREETER. 119 Hubbard and Sybil (Willard), of Chesterfield, N. H., b. Apr. 13, 1811 ; d. before 1882. Children : i. Horace K. (Hubbard).8 ii. Leavitt (Hubbard).8 iii. Lucian (Hubbard).8 iv. Delos (Hubbard).8 v. Cabot (Hubbard) 8 vi. Mary L. (Hubbard).8 vii. Willard (Hubbard).8 722. Bradley,7 d. Dec. 10, 1882 ;m. Caroline Butler of Hinsdale, N. H., who d. at Bernardston, Mass., Dec, 1882. Children : i. Romanzo,8 rem. to Minn. ii. Mary O.,8 b. Sept. 11, 1846. iii. Harvey D.,8 b. Dec. 2, 1848, in Bernardston. iv. Horace N.,8b Sept. 30, 1851. v. Wilbur,8 b. in Bernardston. vi. Minerva,8 m. John Streeter of Vernon, N. H. ; one child. vii. Helen,8 m. Emery Slate. 723. Horace,7 b. 1812 ; drowned Aug. 25, 1833, aged 21. 724. Harvey,7 b. Dec, 1815 ; d. Sept., 1870 ; m. Apr. 17, 1860, Jane Barrett. Child : i. Lucian,8 d. aged about 21. 725. Elihu6 (255), son of John5 (James,4 John,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born April 3, 1775; died in Hins dale, N. H., Dec. 1, 1855; married Mary Ballof Wil mington, Yt., born March 16, 1785, and died Jan. 15, 1870. Children (born in Hinsdale) : 726. Xenophon Z ,7 b. July 28, 1816 ; res. in Hinsdale, N. H. ; m. ; no issue. 727. Malintha R.,7 b. Sept. 10, 1818 ; d. in early womanhood; unm. 120 SIXTH GENERATION. 728. Benjamin F.,7 b. Jan. 15, 1821 ; res. in Northfield, Mass. ; m. twice; both wives dec'd. Children : i. A son.8 ii. A dau.8 iii. A dau.8 729. Calistia,7 b. July 13, 1823 ; d. Mar. 14, 1880, unm. 730. Angeline H.,7 b. Mar. 31, 1825 ; m. Edwin Randall ; no is sue. 731. Rawson K.,7 b. May 27, 1827; d. Mar. 12, 1828. 732. QurNTiN D.,7 b. Feb. 4, 1830; res. at Hinsdale; m. Sept. 18, 1859, Elvira Potter of Poultney, Vt. Children (born in Hinsdale) : i. William L.,8 b. Aug. 28, 1861 ; m. Dec. 6, 1882, Etta Barrett ; no issue ; res. on the original home stead farm of John Streeter. ii. Milton C.,8 b. Mar. 25, 1863 ; d. Sept. 1, 1865. 733. Charles6 (256) , son of John5 (James,4 John,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born June 29, 1777; died in Hins dale, Jan. 29, 1854; farmer; married Bethiah Stone of Hinsdale, who died 1854. Children (born in Hinsdale) : 734. Lydia,7 b. Nov. 27, 1804 ; d. Jan. 9, 1842 ; m. Feb. 2, 1826, Sylvester Barrett of Hinsdale. Children : i. Lydia (Barrett),8 had several ch., most of whom d. young. ii. Sylvester (Barrett),8 d. y. iii. Jacob (Barrett),8 m. Streeter; res. in Hinsdale and has ch. iv. Sophia (Barrett),8 res. in the West. 735. Nancy,7 b. 1808 ; d. Feb. 10, 1839 ; m. Hubbard Healy ; no issue. 736. Sabrina,7 b. 1809 ; d. Nov. 9, 1840 ; m. George Robbins of Hinsdale. Children : i. George (Robbins) ,8 living in the West. CALEB STREETER. 121 ii. Daniel (Robbins).8 iii. Sabrina (Robbins),8 m. Elbridge Perham ; res. in Brattleboro, Mass. ; several ch. 737. Fanny,7 b. Sept. 25, 1812 ; d. Nov. 4, 1812. 738. Sophia,7 b. 1818 ; d. Feb. 9, 1841, unm. 739. Charles C.,7 b. 1823 ; d. Feb. 2, 1843, aged 20. 740. Caleb6 (257), son of John5 (James,4 John,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born 1779; died in Hinsdale, Dec. 28, 1860, aged 81; farmer; married Feb. 19, 1809, Bet sey Procter, born 1786, and died May 10, 1881, aged 95. Children (born in Hinsdale): 741. Eliza,7 b. Apr. 7, 1810; living, in 1882, at Hinsdale; m. Mar., 1878, Joel Derby, who d. Apr. 23, 1882. 742. Henderson B.,7 b. Sept. 21, 1812 ; m. June 12, 1837, Ann L. Andrews. Children : i. Louisa T.,8 b. Nov. 23, , in Mich. ; d. Apr. 5, 1864. ii. Sarah Addie,8 b. Oct. 9, 1843 ; m. Dec. 25, 1865, L. F. Goodwin of Keene, N. H. ; res. in Kansas. Children : i. William H. (Goodwin),9 b. Dec. 6, 1866. ii. Lucius L. (Goodwin),9 b. Sept. 24, 1869 ; d. Mar. 6, 1870. iii. Sadie H. (Goodwin),9 b. Jan. 27, 1883. iii. Anna E.,8 b. in Mich., Jan. 31, 1845; d. Oct. 5, 1869 ; m. Jan., 1868, Henry Burrett. Child : i. Bessie A. (Burrett),9 d. Oct. 5, 1869. iv. Thomas L.,8b. in 111., Nov. 18, 1847; res. in Ohio ; m. Mary A. Leonard. Children : i. Charles L.,9 b. Mar., 1864. ii. James L.,9 b. Nov., 1865. v. John J., 8 b. Aug. 6, 1849 ; res. in Vineland, N. J. ; m. Dec, 1871, Isis Howard. 122 SIXTH GENERATION. Child : i. Irvin B.,9 b. Nov. 10, 1872. 743. Paulina B.,7 b. Sept. 11, 1814; d. in Brattleboro, Vt., Nov. 10, 1869, aged 54 ; m. Hiram Horton of Hinsdale, who cl. in Brattleboro. 744. Adoniram Jodson,7 b. Apr., 1817; d. Sept. 11, 1876; m. Adeline Herrick. Child : i. Helen,8 b. June 23, 1862. 745. Rosina,7 b. Mar. 28, 1820; d. Nov. 8, 1859; m. May 12, 1839, Hiram Horton. Children : i. Sarah (Horton),8 b. Mar. 31, 1840 ; m. Best of Winchester. Child : i. Abbie (Best),9 d. aged 17. ii. Eliza (Horton),8 b. 1842 ; in. E. More ; no ch. iii. Lucy (Horton),8 b. Aug. 22, 184— iv. Andrew (Horton).8 v. Henry (Horton),8 b. Aug. 13, . vi. Charles (Horton).8 vii. Ida (Horton),8 b. 1855 ; m. J. H. Day ; 2 ch. viii. Ruth (Horton),8 b. 1857; m. Cowell of Brat tleboro, Vt. 746. Sylvia,7 b. Apr. 20, 1822 ; m. Oct. 8, 1855, Thomas F. Dix, of Rowe, Mass.; res. at Hinsdale. Child : i. Gilbert Ashley (Dix),8 b. Aug. 31, 1862. 747. Andrew Jackson,7 b. July 8, 1828 ; d. Mar. 12, 1853. 748. Lydia6 (257a), daughter of John5 (James,4 John,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born in Winchester, N. H., Mar. 5, 1817; died in Wilmington, Yt., Oct., 1846; married Ebenezer Stone of Hinsdale, N. H., born Feb. 18, 1779, and died June 27, 1864. Children : 749. Ebknezer (Stone),1 b. Jan. 23, 1808, in Brookline, Vt. ; d. LYDIA STREETER. 123 in Troy, N. Y., July, 1854 ; m. (1), Dec. 2, 1830, Sarah H. Davenport, who d. in Wilmington, Vt., June, 1843 ; m. (2), 1814, Mrs. Laura Haskell. Children, by Sarah : i. Lydia L. (Stone),8 b. Mar., 1832, in Milford, Mass. ; m. John Morris, of Wilmington, Vt. Children : i. Edward (Morris),9 b. 1850; res. in Cohoes, N. Y. ii. Sarah (Morris),9 b. July, 1853; m. Anson Barber. Child : i. Frederick (Barber).10 iii. William (Morris),9 b. 1855 ; res. N. Y. city. iv. Arthur (Morris),9 b. Apr., 1861 ; res. in Co hoes, N. Y., unm. ii. Ebenezer H. D. (Stone ) ,8 b. Aug. 26, 1834, in Dor chester, Mass. ; res. in Baltimore, Md. ; m., 1861, Eliza Scout. Children : i. Ebenezer (Stone),9 d. aged 2 yrs. ii. A child,9 d. y. iii. A child,9 d. y. iv. A child,9 d. y. v. Sarah (Stone),9 b. 1864. vi. Anne (Stone),9 b. 1866. vii. A dau.,9 b. 1869. viii. A dau.,9 b. 1874. ix. Joseph (Stone) ,9 b. 1877. iii. Sarah Lucretia (Stone),8 b. Jan. 5, 1837, in Sears- burg, Vt. ; m. Aug. — , 1856, Leander C. Russell of Dover, Vt. Child, by 2d w. Laura. iv. Eugene (Stone),8 d. aged 11 mos. 750. Lydia (Stone),1 b. Mar. 25, 1810, in Brookline, Vt. ; d. Oct., 1812. 751. Welthea (Stone)1, b. Nov. 23, 1812, in Brookline, Vt. ; d. 1867 ; m., 1848, M. R. Crosby, of Wilmington, Vt., who d. 1878. He represented the town of Somerset in Vermont Legislature. 124 SIXTH GENERATION. Children : i. Henry (Crosby),8 res. in Gardner, Mass. ii. Katie (Crosby),8 d. aged 18 yrs. 752. Ashley (Stone),1 b. July 7, 1816, in Hinsdale, N. H. ; res. in Hinsdale ; m. June 6, 1844, Harriet A. Lamb, of Wil mington, Vt. Children (born in Wilmington) : i. Lewis P. (Stone),8 b. Dec. 14, 1845; res. in Phila delphia, Pa.; m. (1), Feb. 18, 1869, Cora C. Cro sier, of Wilmington, Vt., who d. July 13, 1872; m. (2), Dec. 5, 1881, Helen W. W. Borie, who d. July 29, 1883. Child, by Cora : i. Maud L. (Stone),9 b. Mar. 7, 1870. Child, by Helen : ii. Ashley Borie (Stone),9 b. Nov. 5, 1882. ii. Byron A. (Stone),8 b. June 15, 1848, in Wilmington ; res. in Mohawk, N. Y. ; m. Feb. 14, 1872, Ella E. Crim, of Mohawk. Children : i. Ross Byron (Stone),9 b. Nov. 10, 1872. ii. Lewis Talcott (Stone),9 b. June 13, 1877. iii. Margie Dexter (Stone),9 b. Nov. 24, 1881. iii. Dexter L. (Stone),8 b. June 16, 1853 ; m. Feb. 20, 1878, Anna J. Miller, of Phila., Pa. Children : i. Florence P. (Stone),9 b. Nov. 1, 1880. ii. Calista M. (Stone),9 b. June 13, 1882; d. Nov. 7, 1882. 753. Zilpha (Stone)1 b. Sept. 29, 1819; d. in Rowe, Mass., May, 1854 ; m., 1841, Thomas F. Dix, of Rowe. Children (born in Rowe) : i. John F. (Dix),8 b. in Rowe; m. Ozora Sparks, of Dover, Vt., who d. in Wilmington, Vt. ii. Lizzie (Dix),8 b. Dec. 4, 1846, in Rowe, Mass. ; m. Mar. 12, 1868, Isaiah C. Streeter (1483) ; five ch. iii. Harvey (Dix),8 b. 1850 ; d. May, 1888; m. iv. Welthea (Dix),8 b. May 26, 1852. 754. John Riley (Stone),1 b. Nov. 18, 1823, in Hinsdale, N. H. ; NATHANIEL STREETER. 125 res. in Brattleboro, Vt. ; m., 1845, Susan Farrington, of Wilmington, Vt. Children (born in Brattleboro) : i. Estella (Stone),8 b. Aug., 1846; d. 1863. ii. JohnO. (Stone),8 b. Dec, 1847 ; res. in Brattleboro; m. Julia Atwood. Children : i. Belle (Stone),9 b. 1870. il. George (Stone),9 b. 1874. iii. Bertha (Stone),9 b. 1876. Buried one or two others. iii. Hannah R. (Stone),8 b. Aug., 1849 ; m., 1872, Al bert A. Miner, of Brattleboro, Vt., who d. there 1885 ; she res., 1885, in same place. Children : i. Etta (Miner),9 b. 1874. ii. Fred (Miner),9 b. 1876. iii. Susie (Miner),9 b. 1879. iv. Ellen (Miner),9 b. 1881. iv. Seth B. (Stone),8 b. Nov., 1852; res. in Hinsdale; m. Ellen Higgins of Hinsdale ; no ch. 755. Nathaniel6 (259), son of G-eorge5 (Isaiah,4 John,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born in Smithfield, R. I., July 3, 1775; died Oct., 1850. Married Oct. 31, 1799, at Smithfield, Waite, daugh ter of Robert Wilkinson, of that town, born Sept. 5, 1781 and died Dec. 11, 1868, in Providence, R. I. Children (born in Smithfield) : 756. Mary,7 b. Nov. 5, 1800; d. Mar. 12, 1829, unm. 757. Aurelia,7 b. Aug. 22, 1802; d. Jan. 8, 1829. 758. Mercy7, b. July 22, 1805. 759. Lucy,7 b. May 29, 1811 ; d. Dec. 7, 1846. 760. William Henry Harrison7 (1488), b. Oct. 28, 1814. 761. David Wilkinson,7 b. Mar. 15, 1817; d. Jan. 7, 1867; m. at Cumberland, R. I., Mar. 18, 1862, Harriet, dau. of Reuben J. and Mary Sibley. 126 SIXTH GENERATION. 762. Ballou6 (261), son of George5 (Isaiah,4 John,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), bo.-n in Smithfield, March 10, 1779; died Oct. 22, 1809. He married Polly , who administered upon his estate. Children (born in Providence, R. I.?) : 763. Lewis S.7 (1494), b. 1803; d. Dec. 9,. 1870. 764. Job,7 m. and went West. Children : Lewis,8 and several others. 765. Olney6 (263), son of George5 (Isaiah4 John3 Stephen2 Stephen}), born in Smithfield, R. I., about 1786; died in Webster, Mass.. Feb. 7, 1844, aged 57; farmer; m. . Children (born in Smithfield) : 766. Henry,7 d. unm. 767. George,7 d. unm. 768. Daniel,7 d. unm. 769. Mary,7 m. Thomas Sherman. 770. Sophia,7 d. unm. 771. Joanna.7 772. Olney,7 b. Feb. 23, 1824; res. at Buffalo, N. Y. ; m. Jan. 23, 1842, Sarah B. Cowan, b. May 10, 1857. Children : i. William M.,8 b. Apr. 7, 1844. ii. Alexander,8 b. Apr. 30, 1857 ; d Mar. 30, 1878. iii. Ella A.,8 b. July 30, 1851 ; d. May 28, 1883. iv. Harriet M.8 b. Feb. 29, 1857. v. Sarah B.,6 b. May 4, 1861. vi. Eliza,8 b. Apr. 23, 1863. 773. George W.6 (265), son of George5 (Isaiah,4 John,3 Stephen2 Stephen1) , born in Smithfield, R. I., Aug. 13, 1793; died in Penn., about 1850; was a scythe-maker. He married Moore, from Her kimer, N. Y. GEORGE STREETER. 127 Children : 774. George L.,7 b. May 2, 1824 ; was living, 1881, in New Ha ven, Conn. ; m. ; had ch., but all are deceased. 775. William Moore,7 b. 1826. Children (living in Chelmsford, Mass.) : i. William,8 b. 1856. ii. Mary,8 b. 1860. iii. Hattie,8 b. 1863 ; m. F. W. Wright. 776. Mary,7 b. 1828 ; m. Benjamin Marsh, who d. . Child : i. Mary (Marsh),8 m. Mott. 777. Eliza,7 b. abt. 1830; d. y. 778. Martin Van Boren,7 b. about 1835 ; master mariner ; living in 1881, in East N. Y. ; m. (1), • , by whom he had two ch. who d. y. ; m. (2), ; no issue. 779. George Aldrich6 (272), son of Nathan5 (Joseph,4 Joseph,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born probably in Mendon, Mass., May 15, 1796; died in Johnston, R. I., Aug. 5, 1879; farmer. Married (l), at Smithfield, R. I., Lydia Sheldon Latham; married (2), Oct. 28, 1828, Ann Frances, daughter of Nehemiah and Mary Sprague, of Smith- field. Child, by Lydia: 780. Ann Eliza,7 m. John J. Latham, of Smithfield; one son and dau. Children, by Ann: 781. Nehemiah,7 b. 1830; d. Mar. 6, 1839. 782. George Paris,7 b. Feb. 14, 1832, in Prov., R. I.; was a soldier in the Union Army, and d. at Falls Church, Va., June 15, 1862 ; m. in Providence, May 1, 1856, Adelia Delanah. Children (born in Prov.) : i. James Albert,8 b. Feb. 3, 1857 ; was of Kansas, 1881. 128 SIXTH GENERATION. ii. Estella M.,8 b. July 1*, 1859 ; living, 1881, in Wa terloo, Iowa. 783. James Simeon,7 b. Feb. 5, 1834, in Rehoboth, Mass. ; res. in Providence, R. I. ; m. Adeline R., dau. of Joab and Esther Wood, of North Scituate, R. I. ; no issue. 784. Nathan Arnold,7 b. in Mendon, Mass., Apr. 5, 1836; m. Sarah Harriet, dau. of William Smart, of Patten, Me. Children : i. Samuel Olney,8 b. May, 1854, in Killingly, Conn. ; liv ing, 1881, in Minneapolis, Minn. ; m. Sophia Ross, of Seekonk, R. I. Children : i. A son,9 b. 1878, in E. Providence. ii. A dau.,9 b. in Grand Rapids, Minn. ii. A son,8 b. Nov. 17, 1867, in E. Prov. 785. Squire Olney,7 b. Jan. 30, 1839, in Mendon, Mass. ; d. Mar. 23, 1856, in No. Scituate, R. I. 786. William Henry Harrison,7 b. Dec. 20, 1841, in Mendon; m. Emily Rowena, dau. of George and Esther Eddy, of Killingly, Conn. ; cl. in Mapleville, R. I., Oct. 13, 1863; no issue. 787. Mary Anna,7 b. June 2, 1845 ; d. Sept. 10, 1845. 788. Minerva Elizabeth,7 b. May 8, 1847, in Mendon, Mass. ; m. Joseph, son of Howe Mofflt, of Killingly, Conn. Children : i. Herbert Wayland (Mofflt), b. Dec. 23, 1864, in Providence, R. I. ii. George Francis (Mofflt), b. June 10, 1866, in Bur- rillville, R. I. iii. Walter Elmer (Mofflt), b. July 12, 1870, in Glendale, R.I. The above children were adopted by their uncle Jas. S. Streeter ; the name of the first being changed to William Herbert Streeter, and the third to Walter El mer Streeter. 789. Sebastian6 (280), son of Barzillai5 (Joseph,4 Joseph,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born in No. Adams, SEBASTIAN STREETER. 129 Mass., April 15, 1783; died in Woodstock, Vt., June 9, 1867, aged 84. He was a Universalist preacher, and was ordained at Washington, N. 11., in 1808, Rev. Hosea Ballou, Rev. David Ballou and Rev. Edward Turner, offic iating. Prior to 1824 he preached in Weare, Hopkin ton and Portsmouth, N. H, Portland, Me., and in Haverhill, Mass. May 13, 1824, he was installed over the First Uni versalist Society in Hanover street, Boston, Mass., where he retained his official connection, for forty years, pi'eaching with great ability and undiminished zeal in support of the faith, until his voluntary resig nation on account of his advanced age, when he re moved to Woodstock, Vt., where he soon after died. He was long and familiarly known as " Father Streeter." He married April 15, 1806, Ruth, daughter of Wy- raan Richardson, at Swanzey, N. H., where she was born Sept. 18, 1787 and died in Boston, 1877. Note. (A family correspondent asserts that Mr. Streeter died at Melrose, Mass.) Children: 790. Angela Mai.vina,7 b. Aug. 1, 1808, in Weare, N. H. ; liv ing 1883; m. Aug. 1, 1834, Rev. Otis A Skinner, a preacher of the Universalist faith in Boston, where he d. 1861. Children (born m Boston) : i. Angela Adelaide (Skinner),8 b. Jan 15, 1835, unm. ii. Otis Streeter (Skinner),8 b. Dec. 26, 1840; m. Mar tha McGuinness ; 2 ch. 791. Skbastian Ferris,7 b. July 7, 1810; d. Aug. 23, 1864; m. July, 1833, Elizabeth Jackson. In 1851, while of Balti more, Md., he was elected corresponding member of the Gen. and Hist, Soc. of Boston, 9 130 SIXTH GENERATION. Child : i. Caroline E.,8 b. Oct. 18, 1835 ; m. Benjamin Franklin Beal. Children : i. Leighton (Beal),9 b. Aug. 11, 1856. ii. Edith A. (Beal),9 b. Jan. 30, 1867. 792. Leander Richardson,7 b. Aug., 1812, in Haverhill, Mass. ; m. Elizabeth Balclerston. Children : i. Emily Balderston;8 m. Frederick S. Davis of Cam bridge. Children : i. Ethel (Davis).9 ii. Philip (Davis).9 ii. Lee ;8 m. ; no issue. iii. Annie E.8 iv. Herbert E. ;8 m. ; res. in Chelsea, Mass. v. Alice ;8 in. Derby Moore, of Chelsea, Mass. ; no is sue. 793. Sophia Ruth,7 b. Oct., 1814; d abt. April, 1817. 794. Roswell Bkown,7 b. Sept. 5, 1817, in Portsmouth, N. H. ; m. Emma . He left his family, abt. 1860, since which time nothing has been heard of or from him ; prob ably deceased. 795. Sophia Ruth,7 b. May 31, 1820; m. (1), Nov., 1840, Sam uel Myers Hurlbert, of Boston, who d. Dec, 1845 ; in. (2), Oct., 1849, William Larkin Richardson, of Boston, who cl. July, 1853. Children, by Samuel : i. Sophia Aurelia (Hurlbert,)8 b. Oct. 3, 1841 ; in. Philip K. Dumaresque, of Boston. Children : i. Philip (Dumaresque),9 b. Mar. 1, 1870. ii. Lilian (Dnmaresque).9 iii. Sophie (Dumaresque).9 iv. Anna (Dumaresque).9 v. Margaretta (Dumaresque i.9 vi. Colette (Dumaresque).9 SEBASTIAN STREETER. 131 ii. Samuel Myers (Hurlbert) ,8 b. Nov. 8, 1843 ; in. Sarah Allen, of Boston. Children : i. Cushing (Hurlbert).9 ii. Allen (Hurlbert).9 Child, by William : iii. William Streeter (Larkiu),8 b. Feb. 12, 1852. 796. Horace Russell,7 b. Aug. 13, 1818; m. Harriet . Child : i. William,8 res. in Boston. 797. Lucy Aurelia,7 b. Jan. 27, 1824 ; m. June 5, 1848, Frank A. Hammatt, of Hartford, Conn. ; was of W. Somerville, Mass., 1882. Children : i. Frank (Hammatt),8 d. y. ii. Albert (Hammatt).8 iii. Walter (Hammatt).8 iv. Ella (Hammatt).8 798. Wyman Barzillai,7 b. in Boston, Mass., May 15, 1826; was of Providence, R. I., 1883 ; a piano tuner. He served in the Union Army from Aug., 1862, to the close of the war. He m. Apr. 15, 1858, Margaret A. Connor. at Charlestown, Mass. Children : i. Laura Frances,8 b. Apr. 4, 1859, in Charlestown ; d. in Boston, Oct. 23, 1861. ii. Agues,8 b. May 30, 1865, in Montreal, Can. iii. Wyman Horace,8 b. Sept. 12, 1867, in Prov., R. I. iv. Lucy Richardson,8 b. Oct. 29, 1869, v. Sophia Ruth,8 b. Nov. 30, 1871, vi. Ella May,8 b. Mar. 16, 1874, in Prov., R. I.; d. Jan. 16, 1875. vii. Elmer Franklin,8 b. Aug. 21, 1876, in Prov., R. I. viii. Bertha Sylvia,8 b. June 3, 1881, in Prov , R. I. d. Aug. 17, 1881. 799. Adelaide Melissa,7 b. in Boston, May 2, 1830; in. Abram C. Bell, of N. Y. city. Child : i. Walter Francis Bell.8 132 SIXTH GENERATION. 800. Joseph B.6 (281), son of Barzillai5 (Joseph,4 Joseph,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born in Chesterfield, N. H., March 26, 1787; died in Harford, Penn., to which place he removed from Cheshire, N. H.,in 1812, where he resided until his decease. He was past 95 years of age 1882, but quite enfeebled in mind and body. He was a physician, and continued in the practice of medicine, till past 75 years of age. He married Sept. 12, 1814, Chloe Aldrich, a grand daughter of Dr. Comfort C apron, of Harford, Pa., born Oct. 30, 1795, in Mendon, Mass., and daughter of David Aldrich and Polly (Capron). She died in Harford, May 11, 1849. Children (born in Harford) : 801. Diantha,7 b. Aug. 4, 1818 ; m. Feb. 4, 1842, John F. Smith, b. in Halifax, Vt , May 4, 1819 ; d. in Wellsburg, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1882. Physician. Child : i. Emeline E. (Smith),8 b. June 9, 1843. 802. Farris B.,7 b. Sept. 24, 1819; d. in Montrose, Pa., Aug. 19, 1S77. He was admitted to the Bar in Susquehanna Co., at Montrose, Apr. 20, 1841 ; was State Senator one term ; and was Solicitor of the Treasury under President Pierce, and about one year under President Buchanan. He had been Judge of the 1 3th Judicial District for sev eral years, holding that position at his decease. He m. Dec. 4, 1846, Sarah B. Olmstead. Child : i. Henry,8 b. Nov. 1848. 803. Nancy,7 b. Aug. 14, 1824; living 1882. 804. Alpha M.,7 b. Dec. 3, 1827 ; living 1882 ; m. May 24, 1874, George H. Wells, b. in Orange Co., N. Y., Jan. 1, 1816 ; d. in Gibson, Pa., Jan. 15, 1881 ; no issue. 805. Joseph Everett,7 b. Aug. 3, 1829; d. in Nebraska City, Neb., Feb. 20, 1863. He was admitted to the Bar in Jol- iet, 111., abt. 1851. He was appointed from there one of RUSSELL STREETER. 133 the Judges of the Supreme Court of Nebraska Territory ; also assigned to the 2d Judicial District, and resided at Nebraska City. He m. May, 1855, at Harford, Pa., Elizabeth G. Grow. Children : i. AdeleC.,8 b. in Joliet, 111., Feb. 6, 1856 ; d. in Bing ham ton, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1880. ii. Frank Grow,8 b. in Joliet, July 15, 1858 ; d. in Ne braska City, Oct. 19, 1862. 806. Rienzi,7 b. Feb. 11, 1838; res. at Longmont, Colorado ; lawyer; admitted to practice at Montrose, Pa., Aug. 20. 1860, and became a parlner wilh his brother Farris B., with whom he continued until he was appointed by his brother Joseph, Clerk of the Courts for the 2d Judicial District of Nebraska, whence he removed in 1862, and which office he retained until the State was admitted in 1867; thence he removed to Longmont, Col., where he yet resides. He was elected to the Lower House of the Legislature in 1878, and was made Speaker of the House ; subsequently he became a member of the Senate. He m. Oct. 21, 1873, Lydia S. Owens, b. in Princeville, 111., Jan. 21, 1847. Child (born in Longmont) : i. Rienzi,8 b. Jan. 2, 1881. 807. Russell6 (282), son of Barzillai5 (Joseph,4 Joseph,3 Stepheyi2 Stephen1), born in Chesterfield, N. H., Apr. 15, 1791; died in Woodstock, Vt., Feb. 15, 1880. He was a Universalist preacher. He married (1), Clarinda Cook, born in Swanzey, N. H., July 9, 1795 and died in Portland, Me., Dec. 27, 1824; married (2), Faustina Cook, sister to Clarinda, born in Swanzey, Sept. 21, 1804; and died in Wood stock, Vt,, Dec. 4, 1861. Children, by Clarinda: 808. Angela,8 b. Aug. 21, 1813, in Swanzey ; m. Mellish and living in Mar., 1895. 134 SIXTH GENERATION. 809. AuousTAM.,7b. May 1, 1816, in Springfield, Vt. ; d. Oct. 26, 1860 in Woodstock, Vt. ; m. Murdock. 810. Sebastian R.,7 b. June 1, 1818, in Springfield, Vt. ; d. in Woodstock, June 9, 1871 ; m. Child : i. A dau.8 811. Joseph Herman,7 b. in Springfield, Vt., July 11, 1820; d. in Roxbury District, Boston, Mass., May 31, 1891, aged 71. He was one of the most respected citizens of that section of the great metropolis, where he had been in act ive practice as a physician, for more than forty-five years. He m. Dec. 8, 1845, Julia Fowle. Children : i. Angela M .,8b. Jan 10, 1858. ii. George H.,8 b. May 20, 1860. iii. Frank F.,8 b. June 10, 1862. 812. Henry B.,7 b. Sept. 11, 1822, in Portland, Me. ; d. in San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 6, 1850. 813. Horatio C.,7 b. Nov. 12, 1824, in Portland, Me.; d. in Watertown, Mass., Oct. 19, 1827. Children, by second wife Faustina: 814. Clarinda N.,7 b. Aug. 28, 1826, in Portland, Me. ; d. in Shirley, Mass., May 3, 1830. 815. Faustina M.,7 b. Aug. 28, 1828, in Watertown, Mass.; d. May 6, 1831. 816. Clarinda Faustina,7 b. Decl*, 1830, in Shirley, Mass. 817. Bahzillai6 (283), son of Barzillai5 (Joseph,4 Joseph,3 Stephen2 Stephen1), born in Vernon, N. H, Apr. 16, 1795 ; died in Boston, Mass., Nov. 2, 1869. He, as were his brothers Sebastian and Russell, was a Universalist minister, and settled over the First Uni versalist Church, at Salem, Mass., 1820; resigned in 1824. He married Aug. 9, 1821, Sarah Lewis, born 1794 and died Aug. 1, 1873, aged 79. SYLVESTER STREETER. 135 Children (born in Salem) : S18. Gilbert L.,7 b. Apr. 30, 1823; res. in Salem. He is Cash ier of the First Nat. Bank, and also conducts the editorial columns of the " Salem Observer;" m. Sept. 6, 1853, Re becca Southwick, dau. of John M. Ives and Lois Alley (Southwick), b. in Salem, Oct. 14, 1828 ; d. July 8, 1893. Children : i. Lewis Gilbert,8 b. Jan. 4, 1855 ; d. Apr. 20, 1863. ii. Mary Louisa,8 b. Dec. 10, 1M57 ; d. Jan. 26, 1858. iii. Rebecca Ives,8 b. Oct. 18, 1859. iv. Mary Ellen,8 b. Oct. 13, 1863. v. Abigail Nichols,8 b. Aug. 23, 1866 ; m. Apr. 3, 1889, Charles Hauford, son of George A. Parker, and Sarah M. (liegeman), b. in Salem, Mass., Sept. 19, 1860; res. in Salem; wholesale dealer in games, under the firm name of Parker Bros. Children (born in Salem) : i. Lois Parker,9 b May 24, 1891 ; d. Mar. 25, 1893. ii. Mary Parker,9 b. Sept. 2, 1892. vi. Gilbert Southwick,8 b. Mar. 10, 1868. 819. Sylvester6 (296), son of Johnston5 (Jo seph,4 Joseph,3 Stephen2 Stephen1), born Jan. 17, 1793; died 1863. He was a physician. Married (1) , 1816, Rhoda Strickland, who died ; married (2) . Children, by Rhoda: 820. Willard7 (1499), b. Sept. 2, 1817. 821. Sebastian7 (1506), b. Jan. 16, 1820. 822. Darwin J.7 (1521), b. Apr. 30, 1822. 823. Sylvester M.,7 b. Nov. 13, 1824. 823a.. Randolph,7 b. Mar. 28, 1827; d. 1846. 824. Byron7 (1531), b. Oct. 29, 1829. 824a. Otis7 (1544), b. Feb. 22, 1832. 825. Lucinda,7 b. May 9, 1834. Children, by second wife: 826. George,7 b. May 20, 1836 ; d. 136 sixth generation. 827. Lucia,7 b. Feb. 24, 1839. 828. Nancy,7 b. Nov. 18, 1840 ; d. 829. Luke P.,7 b. Oct. 9, 1842. 830. Juliette,7 831. Mariette,7 832. Esther E.,7 b. Apr. 5, 1847 ; m., 1862, Williams ; res. in Piatt, Sullivan Co., Penn. Have a family of six boys and one girl. :'7 I twins, b. Mar. 29, 1845; d. 'E.7 ) 833. Mason J.6 (298), son of Johnston5 (Joseph,4 Joseph,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born Dec. 13, 1799; re moved to St. Joseph, Mo., where he probably died. He was a physician. Married (1), Elizabeth Wilcox; (2), at Erie, Pa., Amelia Johnson, born Oct. 20, 1817. Children, by Elizabeth: 834. Russell Mason,7 b. Feb. 14, 1826 ; res. in St. Joseph, Mo. ; m. at Columbus, O., April 12, 1846, Charlotte, dau. of Peter Strickland, b. Apr. 12, 1830. Children (born in St. Joseph) : i. Amelia,8b. June 2, 1848 ; m. C. D. Wilcox, in Min nesota, and res. at Red Oak, Sugar Loaf Co., Indian Territory. Four boys and two girls. ii. Martha Alwilda,8 b. Aug. 4, 1850; m. at Newton, Iowa, Thomas A. Adamson ; res. in St. Joseph, Mo. iii. Louisa,8 b. Feb. 19, 1853 ; cl. Nov. 1, 1854. iv. Harriet Amanda,8 b. Sept, 27, 1856 ; m. C. W. Aublurn. Two ch. : Mamie ;9 Otto,9 res. in Des Moines City, Iowa. v. Captolia,8 b. Feb. 16, 1859 ; d. Dec. 16, 1859. vi. Eugene,8 b. Sept. 24, 1862 ; d. Sept. 27, 1864. vii. Elophene,8 b. Sept. 24, 1862 ; cl. Feb., 1863. viii. Ida May,8 b. Jan. 21, 1864. ix. Frances Dora,8 b. Dec. 20, 1871. 835. Margaret E.,7 m. Perry Strickland. Children, by Amelia: 836. Frances R.,7 b. Oct. 10, 1838 ; m. SIMEON STREETER. 137 837. Johnson M.,7 b. Aug. 25, 1841. 838. Utica L.,7 b. May 6, 1847 ; m. 839. Favoretta L.,7 b. Oct. 21, 1855 ; d. April 26, 1887. 840. Perry H.,7 b. June 10, 1859. 841. Ella A.,7 b. Aug. 20, 1864 ; in. 842. Simeon Dexter Sheldon6 (306), son of Enoch5 (Joseph,4 Joseph3 Stephen2 Stephen1 ) , born in Chesterfield, N. H, June 6, 1794; died in Penn., May 18, 1855 ; was a Methodist preacher. Married March 20, 1826, Aborene S. Donaldson, born Aug. 13, 1807. Children : 843. Leman H.,7 b. Jan. 7, 1827 ; m. Jan. 6, 1861, Sophrouia K. Ames, b. Mar. 8, 1841. Children : i. Mary A.,8 b. Oct. 21, 1861. ii. Fannie,8 b. 1862; d. Jan. 10, 1863. iii. Grant,8 b. 1863; d. 1867. iv. Margaret,8 b. Oct. 26, 1878. 844. Helen A.,7 b. Aug. 26, 1828; m. Nov. 7, 1849, George L. Stearns. 845. Frederick D.,7 b. May 6, 1831 ; m. July 28, 1855, Almeda Moore. 846. Gaylord D.,7 b. June 22, 1833; res. in Lancaster, Wis.; m. Jan. 22, 1S57, Marie E. Adams, b. July 22, 1835. Children : i. Clara A.,8 b. Oct.. 7, 1858; m. Oct. 18, 1S76, Arthur Blakely. ii. Catherine A.,8 b. Oct. 31, 1860 ; m. Jan. 22, 1879, Lor in Wilcox. iii. Gaylord t.,8 b. Sept, 22, 1862 ; d. Oct. 3, 1864. iv. Edward S.,8 b. Feb. 15, 1865; m. June 2, 1886, Ada Williams. v. Cora E.,« b. Mar. 31, 1867. vi. Dora E.,8 b. Mar. 31, 1867 ; d. same day. vii. Harry L.,8 b. Sept. 8, 1869. viii. Nora M.,8 b. May 27, 1874. ix. Bertha B.,8 b. Apr. 30, 1876. 138 SIXTH GENERATION. 847. Aborkne L.,7 b. Aug. 11, 1835; m. July 7, 1856, Lenox Barnes. She d. Aug. 26, 1863. 848. Fanny F.,7 b. Aug. 9, 1837 ; m. Jan. 13, 1855, George W. Clark. 849. Theodore P.,7 b. Jan. 14, 1842, at Oaks Corners, Ontario Co., N. Y. ; m. Sept. 3, 1865, Harriet E., dau. of Mc- Cayga Triplett ; res. in Princeton, 111. ; served three years eleven months in the Union Army. Children : i. George M.,8 b. Nov. 3, 1867. ii. Henry C.,8 b. July 12, 1869. 850. Thkodora A.,7 b. Jan. 14, 1842; d. Feb. 14, 1842. 851. Mary E.,7 b. Aug. 6, 1844 ; cl. Aug. 17, 1844. 852. Augusta D.,7 b. May 4, 1846 ; m. Sept. 22, 1862, George Inman. 853. Henry W.,7 b. Jan. 26, 1848; d., 1863, at Andersonville prison, Ga. 854. Thomas Jefferson6 (310), son of Enoch5 (Joseph,4 Joseph,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born May 1, 1803; died Dec. 23, 1839. Married April 18, 1825, Carina Phelps, born Xov. 4, 1804 and died Sept. 4, 1875. Children : 855. Helen,7 b. July 6, 1826; cl. Nov., 1874; m. (1), ; m. (2), William Lookup, farmer; res. in Marion, Wayne Co., N. Y. 856. Susan,7 b. Aug. 5, 1828 ; m. C. T. Crouch, lumber merchant, Rochester, N. Y. 857. Delia,7 1). Oct. 25, 1830 ; d. Mar. 14, 1834. 858. Herbert Andrews,7 b. Jan. 17, 1833 ; m. Helen Burkhold- er ; res. in Hamilton, Ontario. 859. Delia,7 b. Mar. 14, 1835; m. D. C. Pulver, farmer;' res. in Marion, N. Y. 860. Mary,7 b. Jan. 11, 1837; m. James L. Durfee, farmer; res. in Palmyra, N. Y. 861. Thomas Jefferson,7 b. Dec. 3, 1839 ; d. Feb. 4, 1860. 862. Argulus6 (329), son of Joel5 (Ebenezer,4 ISAAC STREETER. 139 Joseph3 Stephen2 Stephen1), resided in Brattleboro, Yt. Married Polly . Children (born in Brattleboro, Vt.): 863. Charles Argulus,7 b Jan. 6, 1830. 864. Polly Amanda,7 b. Oct. 4, 1832. 865. Isaac6 (331 ) ,son of Joel6 (Ebenezer,4 Joseph* Steplien,2 Stephen1), born in Connecticut, as said by one of his family, Dec. 21, 1790. In 1809, he removed to New York State, and Feb. 5, 1831, he was of Still water, Saratoga Co., when he and his wife Hannah sell all title to the wife's interest in her father's estate. Subsequently he removed to Illinois, where he died March 21, 1860, aged 70. He married, 1809, Hannah Yanderheyden, of N. Y. Children : 866. Hannah Maria,7 b. Nov. 29, 1810, in Troy, N. Y. ; m.. 1832, Kimball Harvey; res. in Halfmoon, N. Y. 867. Alonzo,7 b. Jan. 2, 1815, in Troy. In 1840, he went to London, Eng., since when, he has not been heard from. 868. Charles E.,7 b. Aug. 18, 1821, in Troy, where he d. Dec. . 1857. 869. Charlotte Ann,7 b. July 15, 1822; living, 1881, in Belvi- dere, 111. ; m., 1856, B. Louis. 870. William H.7 (1551), b. Sept. 16, 1825, in Saratoga, N. Y. 871. Oliver Cromwell7 (1559), b. Aug. 15, 1827, in Saratoga, N. Y. 872. Melissa E.,< b. Sept. 22, 1829 ; res. in Beloit, Wis. 873. David6 (334), son of Joel5 (Ebenezer,4 Jo seph, Stephen2 Stephen1), born ; married Ra chel . Children (born in Vernon, N. H.) : 874. David Demetrius,7 b. Oct. 17, 1834. 875. Richard Ervin,7 b. July 9, 1837. 876. Henry Harrison,7 b. Apr. 11, 1840; d. July 24, 1841. 140 SIXTH generation. 877. Henry Onesimus,7 b. Sept. 25, 1842; d. Oct. 1, 1870; m. Francella . Children : i. Henry Frvin.8 ii. Henrietta L.8 878. Georgiana,7 b. Jan. 3, 1845. 879. Juliet i-a.7 880. Dentson6 (341), son of Joseph5 (Ebenezer.4 Joseph3 Stephen,2 Stephen1 ),bovn in Littleton, N. H., Dec. 17, 1800; died Aug. 10, 1884. He removed to Avon, N. Y., where he married, Jan. 5, 1826, Polly Kimberly, born Jan. 26, 1811 and died about 1880. Children (born in N. Y. State) : 881. Silas7 (1567), b. Mar. 14, 1827; cl. 882. Mary,7 b. Nov. 16, 1829; d. Mar. 29, 1888; m., 1858, Rensselaer Dunning. Child : i. Edmund (Dunning).8 883. Denison,7 b. Apr. 22, 1832; m. Charlotte Abby ; res. in Springport, Mich. 884. Asa,7 b. Sept. 22, 1834 ; d. in Delhi, N. Y. ; m. Martha Buyce ; no issue. 885. Cyrenas," b. Oct. 15, 1841 ; res. at Onondaga, Ingham Co., Mich. ; m., 1865, Frances Phillips. Child : i. May,8 b. Dec. 29, 1867. 886. Wallace,7 b. Aug. 30, 1849 ; res. in Gainesville, N. Y. ; m. Dec. 12, 1888, Sarah A Cooper, b. Nov. 11, 1850; no issue. 887. Densimore6 (342), son of Joseph5 (Ebenezer,4 Joseph3 Stephen2 Stephen}), born in Littleton, N. H, Dec. 17, 1800; removed to Pike, X. Y., where he died Oct. 11, 1859. Married (1), Hannah Vaulkenburgh ; married (2), DENSIMORE STREETER. 141 Olive Kimberly, born 1813 and died Aug. 5, 1857, in Pike, N. Y. Children by Hannah (born in Pike) : 888. Sarah Jane.7 889. Joseph7 (1573), b. Nov. 14, 1x28. 890. Darius,7 b. Oct., 1830 ; d. Dec. 25, 1880, at Jackson, Mich. Child : i. A son.8 Children, by Olive: 891. Adelaide,7 b. Nov. 28, 1838; m. Aug. 1, 1856, Lafayette Rogers, a blacksmith ; res. in Pike, N. Y., b. May 4, 1834. Children : i. Jennie May (Rogers),8 b. June 28, 1858; m. Dec 28, 1875, William Putnam, of North Java, N. Y. ii. William R. (Rogers),8 b. Nov. 14, 1870. 892. Sherman,7 b. Nov. 22, 1839 ; res. in St. Helena, N. Y. ; a farmer. He served three years in the Union Army ; m. Mar. 24, 1863, Nancy Yeckley Benton, b. Dec. 21, 1826. Children : i. Frances M.,8 b. Feb. 12, 1867. ii. John A.,8 b. Aug. 13, 1869. 893. Harrison H.,7 b. June 1, 1841 ; res. in Pike, N. Y., and owns a large farm there ; served three years in the Union Army; m. Sept. 13, 1865, Carrie T. Olin, b. May 31, 1841. Children : i. Carrie M.,8 b. Apr. 12, 1867. ii. Oliva G.,8 b. Aug. 16, 1871 ; d. Jan. 10, 1872. iii. Anna N.,8 b. May 11, 1874. iv. Olin C.,8 b. May 17, 1876. 894. Wiley,7 b. Oct. 25, 1844; res. in Pike village, N. Y. He was a soldier three years iu the Union Army, during which time he was a prisoner in Libbey, Bell Island, Greensboro and Salisbury prisons, being only seven months and nine days in actual service. After his discharge, he reenlisted in the Veteran Reserve Corps, and served till the close of the war. 142 SIXTH GENERATION. He m. Oct. 20, 1865, Almira Clement, b. Feb. 10, 1843. Children (born in Pike) : i. Clayton M.,8 b. June 12, 1867 ; res. in Pike. ii. Elmer,8 b. Jan. 28, 1869. iii. Merton,8 b. Feb. 23, 1871. 895. Cassius,7 b. Mar. 2, 1852; res. in Pike, N. Y., a farmer; m. June 28, 1873, Frances Phillips, b. Sept. 20, 1852. Children : i. Earl H.,8 b. July 21, 1875. ii. Lena L.,8 b. July 2, 1877. iii. Allie E.,8 b. May 14, 1879. iv. Alice E.,8 b. May 14, 1879. v. Olive,8 b. May 11, 1881 ; d. Apr. 26, 1883. vi. Theron C.,8 b. Jan. 20, 1886. 896. Elizabeth,7 b. June 6, 1856; m. Seymour Butler; res. in Perry, Wyoming Co., N. Y. 897. Ebenezer6 (345), son of Ebenezer5 (Eben ezer,4 Joseph,3 Stephen2 Stephen}) , born Aug. 4, 1794. He was a blacksmith, and, as stated by some, resided near N. Y. city; whereas, his daughter, Mrs. Failing, who was cniite young when her parents died, recollects of hearing her father say, that he lived at Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., where he probably died. He married (1), a widow Maudeville, whose maiden name was Hobart; married (2), Miss Alira Peake; married (3), Miss Eunice Spencer. Child, by first wife: 898. Gratia Ann,7 m. • Batchelcler; lived, 1887, in Her kimer village, N. Y. Children, by Alira: 899; William L.,7 res. in Detroit, Mich. 900. Sarah,7 m. William P. Hovey, of Milwaukee, who d. there. 901. A dau.,7 m. A. H. Failing, of Oswego, N. Y. Children, by Eunice: 902. A dau.,7 m. Hosmer of Lansing, Mich. 903. Horace,7 a physician ; res. in Canajoharie, N. Y. .TOSEPH STREETER. 143 904. Joseph Burt6 (346), son of Ebenezer5 (Ebe nezer,4 Joseph,3 Stephen,2 Stephen1), born Jan. 19. 1796; died April 22, 1876. Married (1), April 20, 1815, Jemima, daughter of Amos Jordan of Chesterfield, N. II., and Ruth (Street er), born Sept. 28, 1791; died Aug. 27, 1827. Ruth (142), was daughter of Ebenezer Streeter (137) and Jemima (Streeter) ; the latter being daughter of James Streeter (88), and Jemima (Staples). Married (2), Nov. 1, 1827, Mrs. Mary Wightman. Children, hy Jemima: 905. Ruth,7 b. Mar. 12, 1816 ; cl. 1839 ; m. Robinson. Child : i. Mary (Robinson ),8 m. James H. Wightman; res. in Minn. 906. Joseph,7 b. Aug. 4, 1819 ; d. Feb. 9, . 907. Zeno7 (1585), b. April 9, 1821 ; d. June 14, 1882. 908. Zenas A.7 (1591), b. July 8, 1823. 909. Julia Ann,7 b. Sept. 25, 1825; m. Covell; res. corner of Market and Randolph streets, Chicago, 111. ; no issue. 910. Joseph,7 b. July 19, 1827 ; Yl. in Chicago, 111., Jan. 29, 1864 ; m. Alma Potter. Children : i. Adelaide,8 res. in Chicago. ii. Alma,8 res. in Chicago. Child, by Mary: 911. Louisa,7 b. April 27, 1830; m. J. Clinton Ransom; res. in Wilmington, 111. ; no issue. 911«. Thomas6 (147# ) , son of Benjamin5 ( Josiah,4 John,3 Stephen,,2 Stephen1), born 1772; married at Vi enna, N. Y., Ruth Wilson, born 1777. Children : 911b. Elias7 (1596a), b. in Rochester, N. Y., 1798 ; cl. July 22, 1868. 144 SIXTH GENERATION. 911c. Lovisa,7 b. abt. 1800; cl. in childbed; m. her cousin Har mon Streeter (348/), son of Elias and Lovisa (Harmon), b. 1798. A child : ,8 d. at birth. 9 lid. Leander,7 d. , aged 14 mos. 911e. Stephen7 (1596m), b. abt. 1804; d. 1853. 911/. Nancy.7 911gr. VlLENCIA.7 911/;. Nellie E.,7 res. in Rochester Rapids, N. Y. ; m. Lampson, who d. . Child : i. George (Lampson).8 911?'. Fanny.7 911/. George Wilson,7 b. Dec. 1, 1816 ; cl. in Rochester, N. Y., Apr. 5, 1872, after which his family rem. to Allegan, Mich. ; m. Oct. 8, 1854, Mary E. Simmons, b. Jan. 17, 1829. Children (born in Rochester) : i. George Wilson,8 b. Aug. 20, 1855. ii. William Henry,8 b. Mar. 13, 1858. iii. Charles,8 b. Apr. 8, 1860; cl. Oct. 20, 1860. iv. Morris T.,8 b. Apr. 4, 1861. v. James E.,8b. Sept. 5, 1863 ; in. Feb. 17, 1887, Electa Dellenger. 911ft. Benjamin M.,7b. in Chili, Monroe Co., N. Y., Sept. 9, 1820; res. in Rochester, N. Y. ; m. (1), Feb. 13, 1841, Har riet Lovina Willis, b. Feb , 1821 and d. Feb. 13, 1873; m. (2), Sept. 13, 1874, Anna Elizabeth Fordd, b. 1849. Children, by Harriet : i. George L.,8 b. Apr. 17, 1844; m. Nellie Hennessey. ii. Allen,8 b. Sept. 15, 1847; m. Clara Willis, who d. 1874. iii. Caroline Vilencia,8 b. Feb. 21 (27), 1851 ; m. Aug. 18, 1869, Alfred Hastedo, foreman at railroad round house, Rochester. Child : i. Elba B. (Bastedo)9 b. Feb. 21, 1872. THOMAS STREETER. 145 Children, by Anna : iv. Ida M.,8 b. July 7, 1876. v. Dolisky C.,8 b. May 21 (25), 1879. vi. Fannie Bill,8 b. Feb. 9, 1882. vii. Benjamin,8 b. June 2, 1885. 911/. William,7 b. in Rochester, Mar. 9, 1822; cl. of cholera, Aug. 26, 1852; in. Jan. 30, 1842, Sarah R. Bullard, of Rochester. She m (2), May 20, 1865, as his 2d wife, her hus band's eldest brother Klias Streeter, b. 1798, being 67 years old. He d. in Allegan, Mich., July 22, 1868. Children, by Wm. (born in Rochester) : i. Eliza M.,8 b. Sept. 2, 1845; m. Jan. 24, 1864, as his 2d wife, her cousin, Thomas Elias Streeter (1596/), son of Elias and Julia Ann (Bowen), b. in Rochester, N. Y., July 9, 1832; res. at Alle gan, Mich. Children (born in Allegan) : i. Thomas E. (Streeter),9 b. Sept. 26, 1866. ii. Horace V. (Streeter),9 b. Oct. 26, 1868. iii. Jennie (Streeter),9 b. 1873; d. 1875. ii. VirginiaS.,8 b. Mar. 2, 1847 ; m. Apr. 4, 1861, Miller. iii. Ruth D.,8 b. June 4, 1851 ; m. Aug. 25, 1865, Geo. Thompson. 10 SEVENTH GENERATION. 912. James7 (350), son of Moses6 (Stephen? Stephen,4 Samuel,5 Stephen,2 Stephen}), born in Rowe, Mass., Dec. 2, 1773; died Nov. 4, 1844; married at Rowe, March 12, 1812, Prudence Baker, born Feb. 8, 1787 and died Dec. 18, 1852. Children (born in Rowe) : 913. Orin8 (1597), b. July 11, 1813. 914. Samuel L.8 (1611), b. Feb. 21, 1815 ; d. Jan. 22, 1880. 915. James Dexter8 (1616), b. Sept. 7,1817. 916. Reuben,8 b. June 2, 1821 ; d. in inf. 917. Roanna,8 b. May 13, 1826 ; d. Mar. 5, 1865 ; m. Bass, of Franklin Co., Mass. 918. Reuben,8 b. June 18, 1828; m. Sept. 8, 1852, Cynthia Amanda Woodward, b. Aug. 31, 1825. Child : i. Frederick Duane,9 b. Aug. 5, 1856 ; m. Feb. 8, 1880, Annie L. Koonz. Child : i. Cora Amanda,10 b. Feb. 5, 1881. 919. Rufus7 (351), son of Moses6 (Stephen,5 Ste phen,4 Samuel3 Steplien,2 Stephen1), born in Rowe, Mass., Oct. 19, 1777; died July 31, 1865; married Jan. 16, 1800, Sarah Fisher, who died July 2, 1856. Children (born in Rowe) : 920. Milton,8 b. Feb. 5, 1801 ; d. Aug. 14, 1817. 921. Martha Alton8 (1622), b. Mar. 19, 1803; d. July 26, 1874. 922. Alonzo8 (1625), b. May 1, 1805 ; d. July 2, 1856. (146) CHARLES STREETER. 147 923. Lorenzo8 (1631), b. May 1, 1805; d. Apr. 2, 1861. 924. Mary,8 b. May 12, 1807 ; d. July 20, 1846 ; m. Uber. 925. Sereno W.8 (1639), b. Dec. 12, 1810; d. Apr. 7, 1880. 926. Sarah F.8 (1647), b. July 10, 1813; m. < Thatcher, of Charlemont, Mass. 927. Milton,8 b. July 14, 1817; d. July 5, 1837; was killed while blasting a log. 928. Charles7 (352), son of Moses6 (Stephen? Stephen,4 Samuel3 Stephen,2 Stephen}) , born in Rowe, Mass., Dec. 1, 1779; died in North Adams, Mass., July 9, 1850. Feb. 2, 1821, he was of Charlemont, Mass., when he sold land in Rowe, bounded on Moses and James Streeter. He married in Rowe, March 2, 1806, Rhoda Ria. Children (born in Rowe) : 929. Dorothy Fairbanks,8 b. Jan. 10, 1807 ; d. Mar. 12, 1879 ; m. June, 1839, David Phipps. 930. Rhoda R.,8 b. Feb. 22, 1808 ; living, unm., 1881, in North Adams. 931. Philetus,8 b. Mar. 2, 1810 ; d. Oct. 26, 1810. 932. Clarissa,8 b. Aug. 29, 1811; d. Apr. 15, 1873; m. Dec. 21, 1832, Rufus C. Rowley. 933. Esther Nims,8 b. Apr. 22, 1813 ; m. June, 1842, Douglas K. Hawkes. 934. Hannah Maxwell,8 b. Apr. 14, 1817 ; unm., 1881, at No. Adams. 935. Martha Alton,8 b. Apr. 22, 1819, unm. 936. Sarah F.,8 b. June 5, 1822; m. Mar. 19, 1842, Nelson D. Johnson. Children (born in No. Adams) : i. Anna O. (Johnson),9 b. Sept. 8, 1843. ii. Flora (Johnson),9 b. Nov. 22, 1845. iii. Carrie (Johnson),9 b. Sept. 26, 1851. iv. Bessie M. (Johnson),9 b. June 1,1854; d. July 3, 1870. v. Elvise (Johnson),9 b. Oct. 12, 1860. vi. Nellie D. (Johnson),9 b. Aug. 26, 1864. 148 seventh: generation. 937. Charles P.,8 b. Oct. 4, 1826 ; m. Oct. 24, 1864, Mary Rice ; no issue. 938. Henry M.,8 b. Mar. 18, 1829; m Mar. 11, 1868, Millie S. Noble ; no issue ; res. in Riverside, San Bernardino, Cal. 939. Moses7 (353), son of Moses6 (Stephen? Ste phen,4 Samuel,3 Stephen? Steplien1), born in Rowe, Mass., April 29,1784; died Dee. 30, 1873, at Shabbona Grove, De Kalb Co., 111. He married Nov. 27, 1807, Nancy MeCloud, born Oct. 16, 1786 and died March 28, 1852. Children : 940. Louise,8 b. Mar. 31, 1809. 941. Mary Ann,8 b. Aug. 15, 1812; m. Jan. 1, 1837, Robert Howson. Shed. Sept. 3, 1844. 942. Sarah Jane,8 b. Oct. 29, 1817 ; cl. June 15, 1858; m. Oct. 21, 1838, William Waite. 943. Monroe Jackson,8 an adopted son, b. Aug. 11, 1824; m. (1), Mar. 4, 1849, Emeline Sheffield, b. Feb. 7, 1829 and d. Oct. 2, 1865 ; m. (2), Jan. 1, 1867, Mary E. Sheffield, b. Sept. 27, 1837. Children, by Emeline : i. Charles W.,9 b. Dec. 16, 1849; m. Oct. 29, 1879, Laura Amich. ii. Mary A.,9 b. June 20, 1853. iii. Emma A.,9 b. Mar. 14, 1858 ; m. John Leonard. iv. Olivia J.,9 b. Mar. 16, 1861 ; d. Nov. 5, 1864. v. Chester M.,9 b. Sept. 17, 1865; d. Oct. 13, 1865. Children, by Mary : vi. Erminie,9 b. Apr. 4, 1868. vii. George J.,9 b. Aug. 9, 1870. 944. Alton7 (354), son of Moses6 (Stephen? Ste phen,4 Samuel? Stephen,2 Stephen1), born in Rowe, Mass., Jan. 6, 1789; accidentally killed, Oct. 9, 1832. He married, 1815, Hepsibeth Houghton, born 1793 and died Jan. 16, 1863. CLARK STREETER. 149 Children (born in Whitingham, Vt.) : 945. Truman II..8 b. Dec. 16, 1816; d. Sept. 5, 1886; m. (1), July 18. 1«58, Nancy M. Taylor, b. 1821 and d. Oct. 22, 1860; m. (2), Oct 21, 1868, Mrs. Eliza A. (Robinson) Thayer, who d. Aug. 2, 1872 ; no issue. 946. Moses,8 b. June 22, 1*21 ; d. July 6, 1874 ; m. at Norwich, N. Y , Elizabeth Phetteplace, who d. Apr. 20, 1874- Their adopted clau., Mary E., cl. July 27, 1873, aged 18. 947. Minekva,8 b. Apr. 19, 1823; d. Dec. 7, 1850; m. Levi Dole. Child : i William Elvin (Dole),9 was a soldier in the Union Army, and cl. of a fever at Alexandria, Va., Jan. 10, 1*63. 948. MELiNi>A,8b. June, 1829: d. Oct., 1845. 949. Alton,8 b. Apr. 3, 1833; m. at Portage City, Wis., April 9, 1860, Ella M. Carnes, b. April 15, 1840, at Brockport, N. Y. Children : i. George Alton,9 b. Nov. 17, 1861 ; res. in Milwaukee, Wis. ii. Blanche Ella,9 b Jan. 4, 1868. iii. Frank Adams,9 b. Oct. 30, 1876 ; d. Jan. 27, 1881, in Milwaukee, Wis. 949a. Clark7 (348/), son of Benjamin6 (Benja min? Josiah,4 John? Stephen? Stephen}) , born in Ches terfield, N. H, 1794; died Aug. 4,1868; married (1), 1817, Sarah, daughter of Lotan Hildreth and Sarah (Pierce), born in Chesterfield, N. H., 1799 and died March 4, 1841; married (2), Sept. 26, 1841, Mary Etta, daughter of Amos Smith and Cynthia (Veazey), born July 23, 1815. He was a shoemaker and farmer. Children by Sarah (born in Chesterfield) : 949&. Hannah J.,8 b. Dec. 21, 1817 ; res. at Wilmington, Vt. ; m. (1), 1838, Jesse, son of Bethuel Field, and Sally (Lin- 150 SEVENTH GENERATION. coin), b. in Taunton, Mass., Nov. 3, 1811 and d. in Ches terfield, Apr. 20, 1851. She m. (2), Charles Woodward, whod. Mar. 16, 1863. Children, by Jesse : i. Horace J. (Field),9 b. Mar. 13. 1839; m. Jan. 2, 1862, Ransford A. Comstock, of Shelburne Falls, Mass. ii. Albert 0. (Field) ,9 m. (1) , Susie Daniels, of Keene, N. H., whod. Apr. 23, 1866; m. (2), June 15, 1868, H. Evelina, dau. of Benjamin F. and Har riet M. (Johnson) Swan; res in Orange, N. J. iii. Mary E. (Field),9 b. Nov. 6, 1845; m Dec. 19, 1886, John H. Buell, of Wilmington, Vt. 949c. Mary Adeline,8 b. Oct. 13, 1819; d. May 4, 1877; m. 1839, Charles, son of Joseph and Lucy Converse, b. Dec. 30, 1788 and d. Sept. 18, 1858 ; farmer in Chesterfield, N. H., and justice of the peace many years; seledman 1833, '34, '35 ; representative 1836, '37. Children : i. Lewis D. (Converse),9 b. May 30, 1839 ; m. April 15, 1865, Charlotte A., dau. of Silas P. Yeager, and Charlotte (Brooks), b. in Chesterfield, Feb. 26, 1844 ; dentist in Urbana, O. ii. Sarah J. (Converse),9 b. May 19, 1840 ; d. 1841. iii. Schuyler (Converse),9 b. July 14, 1842 ; unm. iv. Julius C. (Converse),9 b. Oct. 13, 1844; m. Gertie Henry, of Bellows Falls, Vt. v. Charles (Converse).9 b. Aug. 4, 1847 ; m. ; is a dentist in Urbana, O. vi. Eugene (Converse),9 b. Aug., 1850 ; m. . vii. William R. (Converse),9 b. Aug. 8, 1853; m. Cora Wakefield. viii. J. Stedman (Converse),9 b. Jan. 30, 1856 ; m. Aug. 25, 1881, Ida May Armstrong, of Urbana; den tist in N. Y. city ; grad. from Ohio Coll. Dental Surgery, Mar. 4, 1881. 949d. Charles Elliott,8 b. March 19, 1822; physician at North Adams, Mass., where he d. Aug. 13, 1863; m. Dec. 25, 1842, Mandana Carley, of Whitingham, Vt. CLARK STREETER. 151 Children : i. Marion Washburn,9 b. Sept. 6, 1844; d. July 4, 1854. ii. Minora Eliza,9 b. Apr. 25, 1846 ; d. July 4, 1854. iii. Emilie Ethel,9 b. Nov. 11, 1859; living (1883), at W. Brattleboro, Vt. 949e. Hollis,8 b. Apr. 9, 1824 ; shoemaker and dealer in boots and shoes; res. (1882), in Brattleboro, Vt., to which town he removed from Bellows Falls. Children : i. Fred H.,9 b. Oct. 26, 1851 ; m. July 29, 1875, Hat tie Hodgman. ii. Emma M.,9 b. May 10, 1855; m. Nov. 19, 1876, Amasa T. Eddy, of Brattleboro, Vt. iii. Minnie Maria,9 b. July 15, 1863. 949/. Caroline M.,8 b. Aug. 1, 1827 ; m. Calvin H. Ruggles, now of West Upton, Mass. 949g. John Leavitt,8 b. Jan. 22, 1830; res. in Chesterfield; far mer and shoemaker; selectman 1875— '77 ; supervisor, 1881 ; m. Sept. 25, 1853, Lucinda, dau. of William and Almira (Bellows) Needham, of Marlboro, Vt., b. Mar. 13, 1833. Children (born in Chesterfield) : i. Myra Lucinda.9 b. July 4, 1858; m. Oct. 4, 1877, Olin Ransom, son of Ransom Farr, and Philinda P. (Barrows), b. in Chesterfield, Mar. 1, 1855, where he resides ; mechanic and sawyer. ii. Sarah Lenna,9 b. Nov. 10, 1860; m. Mar. 1, 1881, Addison M. Brown, of Marlboro, Vt. iii. Ella Elizabeth,9 b. Dec. 23, 1865. iv. Harland L.9 (adopted son), b. May 9, 1874. 949ft. Martha Jase.8 b. Feb 13, 1832 ; m. James Bassett, of Wil mington, Vt. ; res. in Bennington, Vt. 949£. Lucius,8 b. Feb. 1, 1834 ; d. Jan. 16, 1844. 949j. Sarah E.,8 b. July 26, 1836 ; m. (1), Benjamin Ball, of Al- stead ; m. (2), John Patch, of Wilmington, Vt. ; she d. Jan. 28, 1870. 949&. Rancel M ,8 b. Mar. 23, 1839 ; d. in N. Y. city, July 6, 1893; m. in No. Adams, Mass., Hattie Daley; dentist; 152 SEVENTH GENERATION. was a graduate of Bellevue hospital medical college, and a specialist in the surgical treatment of diseases of the mouth and throat. 949L Hunry C.,8b. Jan. 27, 1841 ; res. in Keene, N. II. ¦' When the civil war broke out, he was residing at Bellows Falls, Vt., and enlisted in Co. F, 1st lieg't, Vt Vol. Cavalry, Oct 2, 1861, for three years; reenlisted as a veteran in the same Co., Dec. 1863; was promoted successively to corporal, 5th sergeant, orderly sergeant ; commissioned 2d lieutenant Apr. 14, 1865, and I si, lieutenant June 4, fol lowing; discharged Aug. 25, 1865. On the 25th of Aug , 1864, he was dangerously wounded by a bullet that passed through his left arm and body. After several months he recovered sufficiently to return to duty, though he nar rowly escaped death." (Hist. Chesterfield.) He married April 10, 1866, Ellen G., dau. of William L. Clegg, b. Sept. 29, 1846. Children : i. Franklin C.,9 b. May 18, 1867. ii. H. Archer,9 b. Sept. 24, 1868. iii. C. Bertram,9 b. Dec. 10, 1869. iv. Zilla M.,9 b. Jan. 20, 1874. Children by Mary Etta : 949m. Marshall S.,8 b. Mar. 14, 1842; d. Oct. 9, 1864, at Balti more hospital, from the effects of a wound, received at the battle of Winchester, Va. 949;t. Hosea B.,8b. July 1, 1844; m. Oct. 31, 1865, Ellen A., dau. of Charles Davenport, and Hephzibah (Amidon), b. in Chesterfield, Sept. 14, 1843. Child : i. Clarence II.,9 b. Sept. 13, 1875. 949o. Frank A.,8 b. Aug. 12, 1846; unm. ; farmer. 949p. Ann E.,8 b. Nov. 17, 1848; m. Mar. 24, 1867, Calvin P., son of Prescott W. Gilson and 2d wife Urania JM. (Streeter), b. in Chesterfield, Oct. 5, 1839. For a number of years propietor of the upper ferry; res in Putney, Vt. Children : i. Mary A. (Gilson),9 b. Dec. 27, 1867. ii. Annie M. (Gilson),9 b. May 11, 1869. iii. Fred C. (Gilson),9 b. Aug. 24, 1876. asahel streeter. 153 Prescott W. Gilson above, m. (1), Adeline Whitney, who d. in 1836, in her twentieth year (see Benoni, 277). 950. Asahel7 (356), son of Stephen6 (Stephen? Stephen,4 Samuel? Stephen,2 Stephen1), born Oet. 5, 1779; died July, 1865, at Lowell, Mass. Married Polly Martin of Walpole, N. Y. Children : 951. Caroline,8 b. in Springfield, Vt., Feb. 23, 1805 ; cl. in In- nisfill, Ontario, Canada, Oct. 31, 1881; m. May 23, 1830, Isaac Lynn, b. in Cumberland, Eng., May 2, 1804. He emigrated to America in 1821, and settled in Canada. Children : i. Mary Elizabeth (Lynn),9 b. Apr. 15, 1831; m. Apr. 9, 1849, Robert Johnson. ii. John (Lynn),9 b. Oct. 2, 1831 ; m. Mar. 30, 1867, Katherine Tyrer. iii. Agnes (Lynn),9 b. Dec. 28, 1836 : m. May 7, 1857, William Henderson. iv. Lucretia (Lynn)9 b. Apr. 26, 1839; m. Mar. 27, 1862, William Bennett. v. Albert (Lynn),9 b. Aug. 26,1842; m. May 29, 1873, Elizabeth Huglies. vi. Jane (Lynn),9 b. Aug. 26, 1842 ; m. May 27, 1863, Philip Hill. vii. William George (Lynn),9 b. Sept. 29, 1844; m. July 13, 1868, Mary Campbell. viii. Julia Ann (Lynn)9 b June 25, 1847. 952. Stakk S.,8 d. in Dunham, P. Q., Canada, in the summer of 1841 ; m. at Watertown, N. Y., Harriet Bowman. Child : i. Andrew,9 b. in Houndsfield, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1836 ; unm. 953. Livingston,8 b. in Watertown, N. Y., Dec, 1815, where he d. Oct. 11, 1852. He in. Apr. 5, 1842. Caroline W., widow of Robert Sweetser, of Lynnfield, Mass., where she was b. Mar. 31, 1813 ; living (1885) in Watertown, N. Y. 154 SEVENTH GENERATION. Children (born in Watertown, N. Y.) : i. Joseph Bryant,9 b. Mar. 26, 1843 ; m. May 29, 1870. Elmira Carter. Children : i. Charles DeForest,10 b. May 1, 1871. ii. Frank Livingston,10 b. Dec. 10, 1874. ii. George R.,9 b. Feb. 24, 1848; m. May 17, 1876, Mary M. Horton. Children : i. Ralph Merrill,10 b. Mar. 7, 1878. ii. Ethel Caroline,10 b. Nov. 5, 1880. iii. Asahel Livingston,9 b. Nov. 10, 1819 ; d. iu Sweets- burg(formerlyChurchville), Canada, Apr. 6. 1866. 951. George Ross,8 b. in Dunham, P. Q , Canada, Mar. 21, 1819 ; res. in Sweetsburg, Canada; m. Dec. 15, 1843, Mary Pickle, who d. Dec. 12, 1872. Children (born in Sweetsburg) : i. Elizabeth Phedora,9 b. Oct. 14. 1846 ; m. May 2, 1865, Edson J. B. Cady. Children : i. Ida V. (Cady),10 b. July 2, 1868. ii. Burgess (Cady) ,10 b. Sept. 22, 1874 ; d. July 23, 1875. iii. Charles H. (Cady),10 b. Sept. 5, 1876. iv. Arthur G. (Cady),10 b. Aug. 30, 1878. v. Mary E. (Cady),10 b. Apr. 5, 1881. vi. Herbert W. (Cady),10 b. Apr. 12, 1883 ii. George Martin,9 b. Oct. 17, 1848 ; m at Dunham, P. Q.,May 12, 1874, Julia, dau. of Livivur S. Stevens. Children : i. Stella Beatrice,10 b. Mar. 5, 1876, in Phila., Penn. ii. Marie Louise,10 b. Jan. 6, 1878, in Halifax. N. S. iii. Harrison Frederick,9 b. in Sweetsburg, Can., Dec. 17, 1853, where he res. unm. 955. Mary Alice,8 d. 1856 ; m., 1847, Horace Church, who d. in Montreal, Can., 1871 EZRA STREETER. 155 Children (born in Montreal) : i. Mary Elizabeth (Church)9 b. 1848 ; m., 1883, W. Eugene, son of Major W. T. Harris, of Hallowell, Me. ; res. in Fargo, Dakota ; no issue. ii. William Asahel (Church),9 b. Oct. 15, 1852; m. Sept. 13, 1873, at Montreal, Anne Sheppard ; res. in Worcester, Mass. Four ch. iii. Georgie A. (Church)9 b. July 11, 1856; m. Apr. 10, 1877, Frank A. Read, b. in Dightou, Mass., June 1, 1855 ; res. in New Boston, N. H. Child (born in New Boston, N. H.) : i. Ethel E. (Read),10 b. Sept. 12, 1880. 956. Harrison W.,8 b. Mar. 30, 1823; m. Dec, 1846, Jane P. Harper, b. in Sanbornton, N. H., Feb. 12, 1822 ; res. in Lowell, Mass. Children : i. Clara Jane,9 b. Oct. 18, 1850. ii. Herbert Perkins,9 b. Feb. 23, 1860. 957. Ezra7 (357), son of Stephen6 (Stephen? Ste phen,4 Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born Jan. 16, 1781 ; died June 6, 1844, in Brome, Province of Que bec, Canada. Married (1), 1800, Abigail, daughter of Benjamin Streeter (9116), of Chesterfield, X. H, and Sarah (Hudson) , born in Chesterfield. Her father Benja min was son of Lieut. Benjamin, of the Revolution ary army, and lived in Chesterfield on Streeter hill. Married (2), Elizabeth, widow of Alexander. Children, by Abigail: 958. Edith.8 b. Apr. 6, 1801 ; m. Oct. 20, 1835, Charles Kezar; no issue. 959. Thadoeus8 (1653), b. Mar. 3, 1803; d. Apr. 12, 1853. 960. Ezra8 (1664), b. Feb. 11, 1805; d 1869. 961. Hannah,8 b. Aug. 7, 1807 ; d. unm. 962. Sally8, b. Mar. 23, 1809 ; d. Mar. 15, 1878 ; m. May, 1829, Daniel Burnham, of Westmoreland, N. H., who d Mar. 11, 1883. 156 SEVENTH GENERATION. Children : i. Daniel A. (Burnham) ,9 b. Nov. 3, 1.831 ; m. May, 1856, Malvina E. Dodge. ii. Roswell (Burnham) 9 b. Jan. 19, 1831 :d. Jan. 25, 1871 ; m. Sarah M. Osgood. iii. Ellen M. (Burnham),9 b. Apr. 3, 1836; d. 1840. iv. Henry H. (Burnham),9 b. Mar. 28, 1838; d. Apr. 2,1862. v. Adelines. (Burnham),9 b Aug. 2, 1H40; d.Sept. 1882; m. Jan. 12, 1869, Elbridge Knowlton, jr. vi. George W. (Burnham),9 b. Feb 25, 1843; m. Aug. 15, 1863, Melinda M. Low. vi. Mary A. (Burnham),9 b. Apr. 13, 1845; m. Dec. 13, 1864, William C. Aiken. viii. Horace A. (Burnham),9 b. Feb. 1, 1848; cl. Apr. 11, 1879; m. June 30, 1873, Cora L Kidder. 963. Holland,8 b. Jan. 10, 1811 ; m. Nov. 17,1844, Caroline Osgood, of Warner, N. H., b. Oct. 31, 1815; res. in Lowell, Mass. Children : i. Frank H.,9 b. Apr. 4, 1846 ; d. June 21, 1873, at Blonfontein, So. Africa. ii. Charles O.,9 b. July 27, 1849. iii. Julia Ann,9 b. Oct. 9, 1853. iv. A dau.,9 b. Mar. 14, 1862 ; d. 964. Polly,8 b. Jan. 5, 1813; d. Oct. 19, 1873. She m. (1), Harlon Simmons ; u:. (2), Barton Howe ; no issue. 965. Nelson,8 b. Feb. 22, 1815; d. in Dorchester, N. H., Aug. 17, 1879 ; m. Mar., 1836, Array Ann Minor, b. May 29, 1814, at Canaan, N. H. Children (born in Dorchester, N. H.) : i. Emma S.,9 b. June 18, 1837; m. (1), Feb. 26, 1855,Leavitt J. Elliot ; m. (2), Apr. 9, 1864, John S. Merrill, of Dorchester. ii. Asahel F.,9 b. Nov. 24, 1838 ; d. Jan. 4, 18G5 ; m. May 15, 1860, Eliza A. Cole. Child : i. Cora B.,10 b. Sept. 17, 1803 iii. Harland S.,9b. Dec. 23, 1841 ; d. June 24, 1862. EZRA STREETER. 157 iv. Leroy M.,9 b. Mar. 24, 1845 ; m. Apr. 3, 1869, Mary E. Barley of Oshkosh, Wis. ; res. in Man chester, N. H; police officer. Child : i. Eunice M.,10 b. Aug. 17, 1870. v. Nklson F.,9 b. Dec. 12, 1850; res. in Trinidad, Col. ; m. (1), Apr. 1, 1870, Eunice F. Gates ; m. (2), Elizabeth Sanford, of Otego, N. Y. Child, by Eunice : i. Metella C.,10 b. May 15, 1871. Three children, by Elizabeth. 966. Warren,8 b. Apr. 13, 1817; m. Nov. 28, 1839, Mary Al mira Hildreth. Children : i. Charles W.,9 b. Sept. 6, 1840 ; d. Sept. 9, 1842. ii. Ellen M.,9 b. Jan. 14, 1842 ; d. Apr. 11, 1881 ; m. Nov. 24, 1868, Henry D. Burt. iii. Albert W.,9 b. Oct. 20, 1843 ; d. Feb. 6, 1863. iv. Herbert N ,9 b. Nov. 21, 1845 ; d. Feb. 7, 1863. v. Susan L.,9 b. Nov. 28, 1847; m. Jan. 1, 1868, James K. Greely. vi. Henry H.,9 b. Mar. 16, 1849 ; d. Feb. 12, 1854. vii. Mary C.,9 b. Dec. 7, 1851 ; m. Apr. 30, 1871, Har- lon F. Hodge (1656). viii. Millie E.,9 b. Dec 12, 1853; m. Aug. 18, 1873, Warren W. Shelby. ix. Willis H.,9 b. Dec. 7, 1855 ; m. June 12, 1875, Addie M. Smith. Children : i. Walter W.,10 b. July 20, 1876. ii. Florence E.,10 b. Nov. 8, 1878. iii. Almira D.,10 b. Jan. 6, 1887. x. Abby H.,9 b. Sept. 4, 1858 ; d. Oct. 30, 1875. xi. Etta V.,9 b. Jan. 24, 1861 ; d. Dec. 1, 1875. xii. George M.,9 b. July 20, 1864; m. Jan. 9, 1883, Nellie F. Smith. Child : i. Velma F.,10 b. June 15, 1886. xiii. Elmer V.,9 b. Jan. 29, 1870 ; d. Nov. 14, 1875. 158 SEVENTH GENERATION. 967. Jerusha,8 1>. Jan. 13. 1819 ; d. June 20, 1861 ; m. June 18, 1841, Jotham Prince of Westmoreland, N. H. Children : i. Jotham M. (Prince),9 b. Oct. 25, 1842 ; d. Sept 19, 1880 ; m. Jan. 2, 1871, Persis Rodwull. ii. Maria F. (Prince),9 b. Oct. 22, 1844 ; m., 1876, Dr. William R. Dunham. iii. Frank H. (Prince) ,9b. Jan. 26, 1847. iv. Eunice E. (Prince),9 b. Dec. 30, 1850; m. Frank P. Clark. v. Addie E. (Prince),9 b. Dec. 3, 1853. vi. Alexander (Prince),9 b. May 5, 1857. 968. Maria,8 b. Mar. 12, 1821 ; d. unm. 969. Abigail,8 b. Feb. 28, 1824 ; m. Ora Blodgett ; no issue. Children, by Elizabeth : 970. Stephen,8 b. Mar. 17, 1837 ; m. Oct. 25, 1865, Ellen H. CooledgC, of Swanzey, N. H. Child : i. George T.,9 b. Aug. 9, 1871; m. Sept. 24, 1891, Clara E. Woodward. 971. Chastina,8 b. Dec. 14, 1840 ; m. Abraham Alexander of St. Albans, Vt. 972. Charlotte M..8 b. Feb. 8, 1845 ; m Jan. 1, 1873, ElraerT. Woodward of Marlborough, Vt. Child : i. Forest E. ( Woodward),9 b. Mar. 1, 1882. 973. Darius7 (360), son of Stephen6 (Stephen? Stephen,4 Samuel? Samuel? Stephen1) , born in Ches terfield, K H, June 25, 1786; died in Kelleyvale, Vt., June 11, 1856. Married Feb. 1, 1810, Cynthia Boyn- ton, of Weathersfield, Vt. ; born Feb. 21, 1789; died June 16, 1865. Children : 974 Cynthia,8 b. Feb. 18, 1811; cl. in Upton, Mass., about 1863; m. Allen. 975. Mary,8 b. Oct. 14, 1812. William streeter. 159 976. Jewett B. (1676), 8 b. July 8, 1815 ; d. Aug. 22, 1880. 977. Lucy,8 b. Aug 11, 1817 ; d. June 6, 1852. 978. Rollin C.,8 b. Mar. 31, 1825. 979. Luther7 (362), son of Stephen6 (Stephen? Stephen,4 Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Ches terfield, N. H., Jan. 27,1797; died in same place, Jan. 22, 1872; married 184-, Mrs. Mary Ann Walker, born 1816; died Oct. 2, 1876. Children (born in Chesterfield) : 980. Augustus L.,8 b. Aug. 25, 1845. 981. Emma Ann,8 m. May 31, 1868, David H. Tolman. 982. William7 (367), son of James6 (Stephen? Stephen,4 Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1) , born in Whit ingham, Vt., July 30, 1788; died June 14, 1858. He married Jan. 20, 1823, Sarah Button, born Apr. 27, 1793; died Aug. 2, 1856. Children (born in Whitingham, Vt.) : 983. Peter James,8 b. June 20, 1824; m. (1), Jan. 23, 1851, Milia A. Minor, b. May 25, 1832; d. Sept. 14, 1854; m. (2), Nov. 11, 1857, Elizabeth Smith, b. July 6, 1832. Children, by Milia : i. Peter James,9 b. May 24, 1852. ii. Henry Giles,9 b. Sept. 3, 1854; m. Nov. 18, 1880, Mary Haley. Children : i. Frank H.,10 b. Sept. 22, 1882. ii. A child.10 Child, by Elizabeth: iii. Mary H.,9 b. Oct. 3, 1859 ; m. Nov. 18, 1880, . 984. Mary,8 b. Jan. 1. 1826; d. Apr. 11, 1826. 985. William,8 b. May 8, 1827 ; cl. Sept. 29, 1831: 986. Abel Warner,8 b. July 30, 1829; d. Feb. 5, 1868; m. June 15, 1851, Mercie L. Bowen, b. Apr. 14, 1830; d. July 1, 1867. 160 SEVENTH GENERATION. Children : i. Florence M.,9 b. July 11, 1853 ; d. June 11, 1854. ii. Frank William,9 b. Mar. 25, 1860. 987. John Butler,8 b. Jan. 14, 1832 ; m. Oct. 4, 1859, Sarah C. Carter; no issue. 988. William,8 b. Oct. 11, 1834; resides in Rochester, Vt. He served three years in the war of the Rebellion, and was a member of the 10th Mass. Volunteer Infantry. He was promoted from the official grades of sergeant, 2nd and 1 st lieutenant, captain to major by brevet, for merito rious service, by Act of Congress. He m. Feb. 24, 1865, Mary E. Bosworth, b. Jan. 1, 1842; d. June 14, 1885. Children : i. Robert Lyman,9 b. Jan. 15, 1866. ii. John Warner,9 b. Apr. 19, 1868. iii. Sarah Elizabeth,9 b. June 23, 1870 ; cl. Sept. 17, 1881. 989. Ward7 (370), son of James6 (Stephen? Ste- phen,4 Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Whiting ham, Vt., July 15, 1794; died May 26, 1837. He married (1) Mar. 25, 1823, Theodosia Morgan, who died Oct. 1, 1829; married (2), Sept. 2, 1834, Philena H. Parsons; she married (2), Leach, and died June 22, 1869. Children : 990. Amanda M.,8 b. June 30,1824; m. May 7, 1847, Darius Terrell. Children : i. Oliver W. (Terrell),9 b. May 20, 1848 ; d. May 23, 1848. ii. Herman W. (Terrell ),9 b. Aug. 25, 1849 ; d. Oct. 4, 1849. iii. Louisa E. (Terrell)9 b. Sept. 11, 1850 ; d. Jan. 17, 1856. iv. Alice T. (Terrell),9 b. Mar. 3, 1852. v. Florence M. (Terrell),9 b. Oct. 4, 1853. JAMES STREETER. ltfl vi. CoraE. (Terrell)9 b. Mar. 31, 1858; d. Jan. 31, 1878. vii. Edmund D. (Terrell)9 b. July 30, 1860. viii. Edwin S. (Terrell)9 b. Mar. 25, 1863 ; d. Aug. 6, 1863. 991. Oliver M.,8 b. Dec. 3, 1828 ; d. Aug. 30, 1829. Child, by Philena: 992. Cynthia A.,8 b. Aug. 28, 1835 ; d. Apr. 6, 1836. 993. James7 (371), son of James6 (Stephen? Ste phen,4 Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1) , born in Whiting ham, Vt., July 14, 1797; died June 24, 1876; married Sally Corbett, born June 21, 1798; died Mar. 18, 1883. Children (born in Whitingham, Vt.) : 994. Royal C.,8 b. Nov. 2, 1821 ; res. in Whitingham ; m. Dec. 16, 1841, Fanny A. Eames, b. Sept. 13, 1823. Children : i. Mary A.,9 b. July 25, 1844 ; m. Aug. 26,1868, Sylvester G. Bickford. Children : i. Oramel S. (Bickford),10 b. Juue 22, 1872. ii. Myron A. (Bickford),10 b. Dec. 11, 1876. iii. Elva R. (Bickford),10 b. Jan. 18, 1*82. ii. Oramel R.,9 b. Apr. 7, 1847 ; d. Aug. 20, 1871. iii. Fannie M.,9 b. Apr. 9, 1852 ; d. Apr. 26, 1854. iv. Flora J.,9b. Sept. 18, 1857; d. Jan. 13, 1860. v. Luina V.,9 adopted child, b. July 23, 1858; in. May 29, 1879, Clarence Truesdale. Child : i. Leon E. (Truesdale),10 b. Mar. 15, 1880. 995. Nancy,8 b. June 4, 1823 ; m. Apr. 30, 1846, Waldo K. Baker, b. Sept. 24, 1821 ; d. Nov. 30, 1880. Child : i. Wilson J. (Baker),9 b. Dec. 12, 1855. 996. Hiram8, b. May 22, 1825 ; killed June 17, 1864, in the bat tle before Petersburg, Va. ; m. Mar. 31, 1847, wid, 11 162 SEVENTH GENERATION. Caroline W. Merriam, of Auburn, Mass., who died in Leicester, Mass., Nov. 15, 1878. Children : i. Frank G.,9 b. Mar. 18, 1850; res. in Leicester, Mass. ii. Ruth M.,9 b. June 25, 1851. iii. Willard E.,9 b. June 21, 1862. 997. James,8 b. Apr. 25, 1830; res. in Rowe, Mass.; m. (1), Mar. 3, 1852, Sarah J. Button, b. June 21, 1832 ; d. June 5, 1860; m. (2), Jan. 30, 1861, Eunice S. Nelson, b. May 16, 1839. Children, by Sarah : i. Herbert J.,9 b. Apr. 3, 1853; d. Feb. 5, 1859. ii. John F.,9 b. Oct. 5, 1856 ; d. Feb. 2, 1859. iii. Nellie J.,9 b. Jan. 11, 1860; d. May 31, 1860. Children, by Eunice : iv. Nellie J.,9 b. July 30, 1862 ; m. June 1, 1882, Wil liam J. Stamford. v. George H.,9 b. Dec. 25, 1864. vi. Erwin M.,9 b. Nov. 5, 1869. vii. Rosie L.,9 b. Oct. 14, 1876. viii. Bertha M.,9 b. Sept. 25, 1878. 998. Moses,8 b. Oct. 17, 1832; m. (1), Nov. 29, 1865, Martha E. Sweet, whod. Apr. 9, 1870; m. (2), Nov. 24, 1870, Martha R. Elmer. Children, by 1st wife : i. Alice E.,9 b. Apr. 16, 1867. ii. Theodore C.,9 b. Oct. 25, 1869. Children, by 2d wife : iii. Jennie E.,9 b. May 20, 1872. iv. Angie V.,9 b. Oct. 25, 1873. v. Forrest L.,9 b. Sept. 3, 1875. vi. Flora B.,9 b. Oct. 27, 1879. 999. Joseph J.,8 b. Sept. 7, 1836 ; m. June 24, 1856, Caroline S. Baker. Children : i. Lillian C.,9 b. Sept. 8, 1857 ; m. July 2, 1876, Her bert E. Grant. WELCOME STREETER. 163 ii. Hiland J.,9 b. Jan. 16, 1861 ; d. Aug. 15, 1863. iii. Gertie M.,9 b. Feb. 12, 1868. 1000. Welcome7 (376), son of Asa6 (Stephen? Stephen,4 Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1) , born in Doug las, Oct. 7, 1794; died Jan. 27, 1844; married, 1819, Sarah Williamson. Mr. Streeter died at North Adams, Mass., and is buried there. Children: 1001. Mariett,8 b. .Mar. 4, 1821; m. Sept. 14, 1845, Allen Brown. Children : i. Murray A. (Brown)9 b. July 6, 1850. ii. Merritt M. (Broion),9 b. Sept. 1, 1852. iii. Elmer E. (Brown),9 b. Oct. 14, 1861. 1002. Horace S.,8 b. Mar. 14, 1824; m. Nov. 4, 1845, Mary Edmunds. Children : i. Edward W.,9 b. Nov. 18, 1846 ; m. Sept. 23, 1868, Sarah Osborne. Children : i. Arthur H.,10 b. July 4, 1870. ii. Harry O.,10 b. June 17, 1872. iii. Willis L.,10 b. July 23, 1875. iv. Susie G.,10 b. Nov. 9, 1877. ii. Everett D.,9 b. Dec. 29, 1852; m. July 7, 1875, Edith Tower. iii. Emma G.,9 b. Jan. 24, 1857 ; d. Jan., 1875. 1003. Harriet J.,8 b. July 24, 1826 ; d. Dec. 2, 1843. 1004. Dwight W.,8 b. Nov. 17, 1836 ; m. Aug. 6, 1862, Marga ret Kelso. Children : i. M. Gertrude,9 b. July 2, 1871. ii. Blanche E.,9 b. Mar. 16, 1879. 1005. Asa7 (377), son of Asa6 (Stephen? Ste phen,4 Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Douglas, 164 SEVENTH GENERATION. Mass., Dec. 2, 1795; died in Worcester, Mass., Oct. 22, 1873; married at Northbridge, Mass., May 26, 1819, Abigail H. Tracy. She came from Worcester, and was born Feb. 22, 1797. Children : 1006. Milton W.,8 b. May 28, 1820, in Douglas; m. Aug. 8, 1847, Elvira Houghton, of Woodstock, Conn. 1007. Hannah,8 b. Sept. 20, 1821 ; d. Sept. 23, 1821. 1007a. Hannah R.,8 b. Oct. 17, 1822 ; d. Sept. 26, 1863 ; m. Mar. 16, 1846, Joseph L. James. 1007&. Child (still born),8 Nov. 1, 1824. 1007c. Asa C.,8 b. Oct. 3, 1825. 1007fZ. Abigail T.,8 b. Dec. 5, 1827; m. Oct. 31, 1847, Frank Burrows. 1007e. Mary C.,8 b. Oct. 3, 1829; d. Oct. 2, 1870; m. (1), Aug. 28, 1850, James T. Richardson; m. (2), June 7, 1857, F. H. Noyes. 1007/'. Betsey T.,8 b. Nov. 27, 1831 ; cl. May 5, 1837. 1007.9. Laura E.,8 b. Dec. 30, 1833; d. July 2, 1858; m. June 7, 1857, Ebenezer Leach. 1007/i. Lewis A.,8 b. July 31, 1836; d. Dec. 29, 1882 ; m. Apr. 28, 1860, Charlotte E. Tracy. Children : i. Ida,9 b. June 22, 1861 ; m. Frank Aldrich. ii. Frank,9 b. Jan. 10, 1864. 1007?:. William E.,8 b. June 23, 1840; m. Feb. 18, 1874, Imo- gene Titus. 'Children : i. William E.,9 b. Aug. 17, 1875. ii. Mary E.,9 b. Feb. 7, 1881. 1008. Stephen7 (379), son of Asa6 (Stephen? Ste phen,4 Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Douglas, Mass., Aug. 30, 1800; died May 20, 1879. He mar ried (1), March 7, 1826, Betsey Jones, of Paxton, Mass., who died April 22, 1851; married (2), Nov. 2, 1851, Sarah Jones. JOHN RAWSON STREETER. 165 Children : 1009. Sumner S.,8 b. Feb. 5, 1828; d. Apr. 26, 1828. 1010. Charles A.,8 b. Sept. 11, 1829 ; m. Apr. 21, 1863, Sarah J. Cunningham, of Oakham, Mass. Children : i. Henry S.,9 b. July 5, 1864. ii. Olive E.,9 b. Dec. 16, 1868 ; d. Sept. 16, 1869. iii. Mary A.,9 b. Aug. 29, 1872. iv. Robert C.,9 b. Apr. 19, 1880. 1011. Henry J.,8 b. Sept. 10, 1834; d. Sept. 21, 1836. 1012. Henrietta R ,8 b. Nov. 25, 1837 ; m. May 26, 1861, Geo. W. Condon. Children : i. Sarah B. (Condon)9 b. Sept., 1863; cl. Oct., 1863. ii. Alice E. (Condon)9 b. Dec. 29, 1865. iii. Frank S. (Condon),9 b. Nov. 9, 1869 ; d. Sept. 14, 1871. iv. Frederick J. (Condon),9 b. Feb. 5, 1«71 ; d. Sept. 8, 1871. 1013. John Eawson7 (381) , son of Asa6 (Stephen? Stephen,4 Samitel? Stephen? Stephen}) , born in Doug las, Mass., Sept. 25, 1805; died in Attleboro, Mass., Feb. 24, 1880. Married April 29, 1833, at Attleboro, Hannah, daughter of Amso and Sally Sweet, born Aug 29, 1814. Children : 1014. Henry A., 8 b. Nov. 10, 1834; enl. 1862, in 40th Mass., Co. H, and served till the close of the war. 1015. John,8 b. July 18, 1836; d. Feb. 21, 1837. 1016. John F.,8 b. Mar. 7, 1838 ; eulisted with his brother Henry, in the same Co. and Reg't, and remained through the service; m. Feb. 11, 1857, Ellen M. Guild. Children : i. Willis H.,9 b. June 18, 1858. ii. JohnF.,9 b. Apr. 23, 1877. iii. p:rnest C.,9 b. Jan. 5, 1881. 166 SEVENTH GENERATION. 1017. William H.,8 b. Aug., 1841 ; d. May 19, 1843. 1018. William A.,8 b. Mar. 19, 1844 ; enlisted, 1861, in the Un ion Army, 24th Mass., Co. H, and was killed at the bat tle of Deep Run, Va. 1019. H. Amelia,8 b. Oct. 27, 1846 ; d. Feb. 18, 1879. 1020. Charles E.,8 b. Aug. 11, 1849. 1021. Ella A.,8 b. 1851 ; d. in inf. 1022. Sumner S.,8 b. Feb. 25, 1852 ; d. Mar. 7, 1882. 1023. Clara S.,8 b. Feb. 9, 1856 ; m. Dec. 7, 1877, at Attleboro, Lucius E. Kittrell. Child : i. A. Alberta (Kittrell),9 b. May 15, 1878. 1024. Barzaleel7 (384), son of Samuel6 (Ste phen? Stephen,4 Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born Sept. 22, 1794, at Oxford, Mass.; died April 13, 1876, and is buried at Berlin, N. Y. Married (1), May 20, 1814, at Berlin, N. Y., Olive Weaver Stafford, born in Coventry, P. I., March 21, 1797; died in Berlin, N. Y., July 21,1842; married (2), at Berlin, N. Y., March, 1844, Mrs. Rhoda Greene, who died Sept. 1850; married (3), Sept. 8, 1852, Mrs. Polly Ann Boone. [Olive, first wife of Barzaleel, was daughter of Ralph Stafford. She was brought up by her mother's father, Langford Weaver, and went by the name of Weaver.] Children (born in Berlin) : 1025. Amanda M.,8 b. Mar. 10, 1815. She m. at Berlin, Sept. 6, 1834, Schuyler, son of Daniel Gray, and his 2d wife Jemima (Rix), b. in Berlin, N. Y., Apr. 5, 1810; rem. to Barry, Pike Co., 111., where he d. Sept. 6, 1874. He was a master builder, and his work in Rensselaer Co., N. Y.,aud Barry, 111., will long remain to attest his skill and workmanship. His widow was living there in 1887. Children : i. Flora Augusta (Gray),9 b. June 18, 1835; m. May BARZALEEL STREETER. 167 21, 1868, David Pike; no issue; res. in Vanda- lia, Mo. Edgar S. (Gray),9 b. Jan. 1, 1837; m. Dec. 24, 1868, Eliza Elam ; res. in Downey, Cal. Children : i. Nellie M. (Gray),10 b. Sept. 7, 1870. ii. Robert S. (Gray),10 b. July 24, 1872. iii. Alma C. (Gray),10 b. Sept. 3, 1874. iv. MaryV. (Gray),10 b. 1875. v. Edgar E. (Gray),10 b. Feb. 1, 1876. vi. Emma D. (Gray),10 b. May 1, 1879. vii. Alfred F. (Gray),10 b. Nov. 4, 1882. Olive Victoria (Gray),9 b. in Harry, 111., Aug. 25, 1838 ; m. Aug. 4, 1859, Jay Green, b. May 24, 1822; res. (1887), at Black's Station, Cal. Children (born in Grafton, Cal.) : i. Phebe A. (Green),10 b. Aug. 23, 1860. ii. Schuyler R. (Green)10 b. Dec. 12, 1861. iii. Charles L. (Green),10 b. May 12, 1863. iv. Edgar H. (Green),10 b. Feb. 6, 1865. v. David J. (Green),10 b. Jan. 1, 1869. •vi. George I. (Green),10 b. Mar. 3, 1872. vii. Germain (Green),10 b. Feb. 15, 1875. viii. Gertrude (Green),10 b. Feb. 15, 1875; d. Apr. 24, 1877. ix. Minnie B. (Green),10 b. Jan. 28, 1879. Emma E. (Gray)9 b. Jan. 8, 1841 ; d. March 24, 1842. Harvey Romeyn (Gray),9 b. Aug. 29, 1842 ; unm. ; is a painter ; res. in Downey, Cal. Sarah D. (Gi-ay),9 b. Apr. 17, 1844; m. Apr. 22, 1866, Lorenzo Smith ; rem. to Perry, Mo. She d. Dec. 13, 1883. Children : i. Olive V. (Smith),10 b. June 16, 1866, in Barry, III. ii. Luella J. (Smith),10 b. Oct. 16, 1867, in Barry, 111. iii. Frank C. (Smith),10 b. Jan. 12, 1871, in Perry, Mo. 168 SEVENTH GENERATION. iv. Harvey J. (Smith),10 b. Dec. 18, 1878, in Perry, Mo. vii. Charles Schuyler (Gray) ,9 b. Mar. 1 , 1846 ; d. June 21, 1846. viii. Mary Vesta (Gray),9 b. Oct. 9, 1848 ; m. Dec. 31, 1868, Fred Hawkins; res., 1887, in Downey, Cal. Children : i. Nora (Hawkins) ,10 b. Oct. 10, 1869 ; d. July 4, 1870. ii. Daniel R. (Hawkins),10 b. Jan. 10, 1871. iii. Jessie E. (Hawkins),10 b. Jan. 6, 1873, in Ralls Co., Mo. iv. Halmer (Hawkins),10 b. June 2, 1876, in Lyon Co., Minn. v. Beulah (Hawkins),10 b. Apr. 13, 1880, in Lyon Co., Minn. vi. Fred. (Hawkins).10 ix. Martha F. (Gray),9 b. Feb. 9, 1850; unm.; res. at Los Angeles, Cal. x. Carrie Aurora (Gray),9 b. Dec. 27, 1853; unm.; res. (1887), at Barry, 111. xi. Jessie M. (Gray),9 b. Nov. 2, 1856; m. Mar. 5, 1878, John A. Smith; res. (1887), in Vanda- lia, Mo. Children : i. Floyd P. (Smith),10 b. Feb. 21, 1879. ii. Edna E. (Smith).10 iii. Nellie (Smith).10 xii. Floyd B. (Gray),9 b. Sept. 3, 1859 ; res. in Barry, 111. ; commercial traveller for Gray, Burt & Kingman, Chicago. 1026. Daniel W.,8 b. Aug. 3, 1816; cl. Apr. 9, 1889; m. (1), Sept. 18, 1839, Sophronia, dau. of Benjamin Denison, of Greenbush, N. Y., b. Oct. 30, 1820 ; d. May 21, 1871 ; m. (2), Mrs. Frank Hayden, of Westbrook, Conn. Children, by Sophronia : i. William H.,9 b. Nov. 28, 1840 ; d. Apr. 5, 1871. ii. Harvey B.,9 b. Feb. 11, 1848; m. Nov. 30, 1882, Fanny Chamberlain, of Buffalo, N. Y. BARZALEEL STREETER. 169 Children : i. Daniel W.,10 b. Nov. 22, 1883. ii. Edward J.,10 b. Aug. 1, 1891. iii. Victor D.,9 b. Apr. 10, 1850 ; d. Aug. 27, 1851. 1027. Samuel S.,8 b. Apr. 13, 1818, at Berlin, N. Y. ; m. (1), Dec. 1, 1839, Rhoda, dau. of Daniel Denison, of Berlin < N. Y., b. June 29, 1821, at Cherry Plain Hill farm, Berlin, N. Y. ; d. Oct. 25, 1849 ; m. (2), June 20, 1854, Mary A. Rhodes, b. Aug. 28, 1826 ; d. Oct. 11, 1884. Children, by Rhoda : i. Isabella Jane,9 b. Nov. 1, 1840, at Berlin, N. Y. ; cl. July 20, 1877, at Chicago, 111.; m. Nov. 1, 1858, Tracy D. Hull, son of Harry Hull, of Berlin, N. Y. Children : i. Kate Isabella (Hull),10 b. Nov. 13, 1859 ; m. Mar. 28, 1883, Henry Denison. Child : i. Isabella (Denison),11 b. Sept. 26, 1884. ii. DanielDenison {Hull),10b. July 16, 1862; m. Mar. 2, 1885, Millie Boucher. Children : i. Isabella (Hull),11 b. Jan. 17, 1886. ii. George Harry (Hull),11 b. Mar. 3, 1887. iii. Tracy Denison (Hull),11 b. June 17, 1889. iv. Mattie (Hull),11 b. June 14, 1894. iii. Harry Douglas (Hull),10 b. May 20, 1867; m. Apr. 20. 1892, at Highland Park, 111., Kittie Raff en. iv. Geraldine Chase (Hull),10 b. Feb. 15, 1871. ii. Daniel Denison,9 b. Aug. 19, 1843, at Berlin, N. Y. ; m. Dec. 13, 1865, Amelia T. Austin, dau. of Benj. M. Austin, of Kalamazoo, Mich. Children : i. Fanny Isabella,10 b. Apr. 18, 1867, at Kala mazoo ; m. Jan. 14, 1890, Walter Shoe maker, of Denver, Col. 170 SEVENTH GENERATION. Child : 1. Francis Streeter (Shoemaker),11 b. in Kalamazoo, Mich., Feb. 5, 1891. ii. Walter Wakefield,10 b. Mar. 31, 1869, at St. Joseph, Mo. ; d. in Highland Park, 111., May 23, 1878. iii. Blanche Welles,10 b. Oct. 10, 1873 ; m. May 4, 1892, at Kalamazoo, Mich., Charles Milton Bush. Child : i. Katherine Streeter (Bush),11 b. in De troit, Mich., Mar. 24, 1893. iii. Milford Barzaleel,9 b. Sept. 1, 1847, at Berlin, N. Y. ; served four months in the 69th 111. Volun teers in 1862 and five months in the 134th Reg't 111. Vols., 1864 ; res. in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; m. June 14, 1882, Sarah Maria Wyckoff, dau. of Peter Wyckoff, of Brooklyn, N. Y., b. June 7, 1861. Children (born in Brooklyn) : i. Samuel Wyckoff,10 b. Apr. 16, 1883 ; d. Mar. 12, 1887. ii. Daniel Denison,10 b. Jan. 27, 1885. iii. Sarah,10 b. May 21, 1889. iv. Milford Barzaleel,10 b. May 13, 1892. Children, by Mary : iv. Kate,9 b. Feb. 5, 1857; cl. July 10, 1857, at Chi cago. v. Fannie Emma,9 b. Oct. 17, 1860. vi. Florence Mary,9 b. July 14, 1862; m. Jan. 23, 1889, John T. Sawyer. Child : i. Marguerite (Sawyer),10 b. Sept. 7, 1891. vii. Samuel Tracy,9 b. June 26, 1864, at Niles, Mich. ; d. Oct. 24, 1869. viii. Charles Emerson,9 b. May 13, 1869; d. Oct. 8, 1869. 1028. Elvira,8 b. May 27, 1820 ; m. Feb. 18, 1839, Harvey R. Green, b. Dec. 3, 1816; d. Mar. 9, 1888. BARZALEEL STREETER. 171 Children : i. Frederick H. (Green),9 b. Mar. 1,1841; m. July 30, 1863, Viola Mallory. Children : i. Ilda (Green),10 b. Oct. 14, 1864; d. Aug. 10, 1886. ii. Stella (Green),10 b. Dec 7,1867; m. Geo. S. Nutting. iii. Blanche (Green),10 b. Mar. 31, 1869; d. Apr. 30, 1869. iv. Blanche (Green),10 b. Dec. 19, 1875 ; d. Feb. 23, 1880. ii. George H. (Green),9 b. June 27, 1846 ; m. Feb. 5, 1867, Harriette Prescott. Children : i. Mary (Green),10 b. Sept. 5, 1869. ii. Gertrude (Green),10 b. Mar. 31, 1872. iii. Harvey R. (Green),10 b. May 11, 1875. iii. Marceline S. (Green),9 b. Dec. 13, 1848; d. Dec. 10, 1888. iv. Emma E. (Green),9 b. July 30, 1853 ; m. Apr. 15, 1875, Jno. R. McQuistou. Children : i. Harvey R. (McQuiston),10 b. Nov. 20, 1875. ii. Paul (McQuiston),10 b. Feb. 2, 1877. v. Frank B. (Green),9 b. Nov. 15, 1857. 1029. Sarah Marcelia,8 b. Jan. 20, 1822; cl. Mar. 9, 1870. She m. Jan. 18, 1840, Daniel Eri, son of Daniel Denison and Isabella (Niles), b. July 25, 1816 ; cl. Jan. 23, 1877. Children : i. Albert E. (Denison)9 b. Nov. 1, 1844 ; m. Aug. 20, 1870, Estelle Town. He d. Sept. 27, 1875. Child : i. Daniel Streeter (Denison),10 b. May 29, 1871 . ii. Alfred G. (Denison) ,9 b. Nov. 1, 1844; d. Aug. 15, 1845. iii. Harvey S. (Denison),9 b. Aug. 6, 1851 ; m. Dec. 13, 1871, Ida A. Green. ' 172 SEVENTH GENERATION. Children : i. Benjamin H. (Denison),10 b. Apr. 18, 1874. ii. Milford Streeter (Denison),10 b. Deo. 14, 1875. iii. Edgar Ray (Denison),10 b. July 28, 1879 ; d. Feb. 10, 1882. iv. Sarah (Denison),10 b. Feb. 6, 1881 ; d. July 12, 1882. v. Frank (Denison),10 b. Mar. 3, 1883. iv. Byron Frank (Denison),9 b. Mar. 28, 1856. 1030. Aurora F.,8 b. Oct. 16, 1824; d. Oct. 20, 1858; m. (1), Sept. 12, 1842, Pardee N., son of George T. Denison, b. Sept. 30, 1820; d. May 31, 1848 ; m. (2), Feb. 27, 1850, Henry Mitchell. Children, by Denison : i. Addie (Denison),9 b. Aug. 12, 1844; d. Jan. 6, 1892 ; m. Oct. 18, 1865, Daniel J. Hull, b. Feb. 3, 1837. Children : i. Arthur D. (Hull),10b. June 30, 1869. ii. Gertrude Louise (Hull),10 b. June 21, 1880. iii. Daniel Streeter (Hull),10 b. Aug. 24, 1887. ii. Louise (Denison),9 b. Jan. 29, 1846; m. Apr. 22, 1869, James F. Cowee, b. Sept. 23, 1844. Child : i. Harvey D. (Cowee),10 b. May 22, 1874. Children, by Mitchell : iii. Ada (Mitchell),9 b. Feb. 21, 1851; m. Oct. 12, 1870, Joseph Morrison. Children: i. Henry Lewis (Morrison),10 b. Apr. 25, 1871. ii. A son,10 b. Jan. 8, 1873 ; cl. same day. iii. Joseph Swanwick (Morrison),10 b. Jan. 24, 1874. iv. Ada Mitchell (Morrison),10 b. Nov. 14, 1876. v. Jennie Stafford (Morrison),10 b. June 9, 1879. vi. William Streeter (Morrison),10 b. Aug. 28, 1881. BARZALEEL STREETER. 173 iv. William Henry (Mitchell)9 b. Sept. 10, 1853; d. June 22, 1885. v. Jessie Elvira (Mitchell),9 b. Nov. 3, 1855 ; cl. Oct. 20, 1856. 1031. Benjamin H.,8 b. May 16, 1826 ; cl. Jan. 15, 1869 ; in. Amelia Dunwell, of Clyde, N. Y. Children : i. Charles D.,9 b. Mar. 3, 1857; d. Jan. 11, 1861. ii. Jessie,9 b. Apr. 16, 1860; m. (1), Dec. 29, 1885, John B. Kelley ; m. (2) — -. iii. Isabel S.,9 b. June 7, 1863 ; cl. July 15, 1880. iv. Benjamin H.,9 b. July 10, 1865. v. Louise,9 b. May 10, 1867. 1032. William H.,8b. Oct. 28, 1828 ; d. June 23, 1S33 ; thrown from a horse. 1033. Stafford R.,8 b. Aug. 25, 1831 ; cl. Sept. 12, 1831. 1034. Byron L.,8 b. May 28, 1837; m. (1), Feb. 20, 1861, Eliza V. Trimlett, b. Feb. 20, 1843; cl. Jan. 13, 1862; m. (2), Jan. 18, 1870, Hattie B. Ford, b. Mar. 5, 1847. He served his country as a private in an Illinois regiment during the late Rebellion, suffering almost unto death in the horrible prison pen at Anderson- ville, Ga., and Florence, S. C. When finally ex changed he had reduced in flesh from 165 lbs. to 98. At this date, May 1, 1895 he is blind, but has re cently been elected by his fellow-citizens as collector at Aurora, 111. Child, by Eliza : i. Eliza Belle,9 b. Jan. 4, 1862; cl. in Chicago, Feb. 20, 1862. Children, by Hattie : ii. Frederick Barzaleel,9 b. Nov. 28, 1872, in Ottawa, 111. iii. Burton Byron,9 b. Apr. 14, 1877, in Anson, 111. iv. Ellen May Olive,9 b. Dec. 11, 1879, in Anson, 111. v. Milford B.,9 b. Aug. 14, 1885. 1035. Willard7 (385), son of Samuel6 (Stephen? 174 SEVENTH GENERATION. Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born Jan. 1, 1796; died July 26, 1841. He married Sept. 21, 1817, Sally Ann Rhodes, born Apr. 17, 1801. Children : 1036. Sally Arvilla,8 b. Jan. 31, 1819; m. Stephen Warfield; no issue. 1037. Minerva,8 b. Dec. 28, 1820 ; m. William Van Vranken. Child : i. Sarah Frances (Van Vranken),9 b. July 30, 1844. 1038. Palmyra,8 b. Nov. 29, 1822 ; d. May 19, 1850 ; m. Harvey Hull; no issue. 1039. Joel Perry,8 b. Oct. 16, 1825; m. Dec. 1, 1849, Adeline M. Johnson, b. May 12, 1827. Children : i. L. Duane,9 b. Nov. 26, 1850; m. Feb. 3,1876, Emeline J. Chaffee. Child : i. Willis C.,10 b. Mar. 18, 1877. ii.. Clarence W.,9 b. June 14, 1853 ; m.Dec. 31, 1878, Addie Trask. iii. Carrie A.,9 b. May 8, 1859. 1040. Stephen Decatur,8 b. Oct. 22, 1827; m. June 5, 1861, Mrs. Theresa J. Casey ; no issue. 1041. Alzara,8 b.June 6, 1835; m. Daniel A. Stewart; no issue. 1042. James Milton,8 b. Oct. 13, 1837; m. Jan. 8, 1865, Kate Comrie. Child : i. Jessie E.,9 m. Feb. 8, 1888, Charles, son of Porter G. Denison of Clyde, N. Y. She d. Apr. 11, 1890, leaving a son. 1043. Roswell7 (387), son of Samuel6 (Stephen? Stephen,4 Samuel? Stephen? Stejjhen1) , born May 28, 1798; died Apr. 11, 1850, in Iowa, while on his way to California. Married May 20, 1821, Eleanor Kenyon, born in ROSWELL STREETER. 175 Westerly, R. I., Aug. 20, 1798; died in ISTew Wind sor, 111., June 8, 1871. Children : 1044. Alson Jessup8(1686), b. Jan. 18, 1823. 1045. David Bueli.,8 b. Dec. 13, 1825. He crossed the plains at an early day to California, enduring many hardships, . and received dreadful wounds from the hands of the In dians. He m. a Spanish lady, a sister to the wife of William A. Streeter (502), of Santa Barbara, Cal., and cl. there in 1863. Children : i. Ellen,9 m. Raymond Dana. ii. Martha,9 m. Alexander Leslie of Los Alamos. iii. Albert.9 1046. Asa Wells,8 b. Feb. 14, 1827; m. (1), Sept. 14, 1855, Atlanta Lucas; m. (2), Sept. 14, 1869, Amanda Davis. Children : i. Seraphina,9 b. Dec, 1856 ; m. Mar. 14, 1870, Ed mund Harris. Children : i. Sarah Jane (Harris),10 b. Nov. 30, 1871. ii. Annie P. (Harris),10}). Nov. 8, 1873; d. Mar. 6,1874. iii. Nellie A. (Harris),10 b. Aug. 14, 1878 ; d. y. iv. Nellie May (Harris),10 b. May 14, 1881 ; d. July 2, 1882. ii. Esther Jane,9 b. July 4, 1859 ; m. Aug. 29, 1876, Pitner Abbott. Children : i. Hattie Pearl (Abbott),10 b. July 21, 1877. ii. Louis (Abbott),10 b. Oct. 6, 1880. iii. Anna,9 b. Feb. 10, 1862; m. Dec 24, 1881, John Watkins. iv. Edward B.,9 b. May 15, 1870. v. Lucy,9 b. May 14, 1872. vi. John Alson,9 b. Aug. 4, 1873. vii. Frederick N.,9 b. Jan. 9, 1875. viii. Frank C.,9 b. July 20, 1881. 176 SEVENTH GENERATION. 1047. Stephen Roswell,8 b. July 20, 1829 ; m. Feb. 7, 1850, Susan C. Hyde. Children : i. Eleanor R.,9 b. Nov. 14, 1850 ; m. Nov. 14, 1867, L. B. Coe. Children : i. Elburtus H. (Coe)10 b. Aug. 20, 1868; d. Aug. 5, 1870. ii. Nora A. (Coe),10 b. Oct. 11, 1869 ; d. Aug. 23,1870. iii. William A. (Coe),10 b. May 14, 1871. iv. Otto C. (Coe),10 b. Oct. 22, 1873. v. Ernest A. (Coe),10 b. Dec. 1, 1876. ii. Lydia E.,9 b. July 21, 1852; m. July 21, 1875, A. B. Cornell. Children : i. Asia Belle (Cornell),10 b. Sept. 10, 1876. ii. Cora E. (Cornell),10 b. Mar. 8, 1879. iii. Henry B.,9 b. May 5, 1854 ; cl. Aug. 4, 1855. iv. Clara A.,9 b. Jan. 13, 1856. v. Kate L.,9 b. Dec. 16, 1859; in. Sept. 18, 1878, G. W. Smith; no issue. vi. Mary E.,9 b. Sept. 11, 1861; m. Aug. 9, 1882, J. E. Murray. 1048. Allen D.,8 b. July 24, 1831 ; d., 1864, in the Union army. He m., 185 1 , Elizabeth Bent. Children : i. Eleanor,9 b. 1852; m. ii. Celia,9 b. 1854; m., about 1876, Allen Crassie ; no issue. iii. Nevada,9 b. 1858; m., 1876, William H. Smith. 1049. Elizabeth M.,8 b. Aug. 18, 1833; m., 1851, Andrew Briggs ; no issue. 1050. Lydia J.,8 b. Oct. 1, 1835; m. Feb. 28, 1854, Stephen B. Shumway. Children : i. Gano (Shumway),9 b. Feb. 17, 1855; cl. Nov. 28, 1857. ii. Clara A. (Shnmwa,y)9b. Sept. 24, 1856; in. Nov. 27, 1872, J. J. White ; no issue. PRUDENCE STREETER. 177 iii Grace (Shumway),9 b. Dec. 27, 1858; m. Sept. 6, 1877, C. J. Burgess ; no issue. iv. Stephen R. (Shumway),9 h. June 3, 1860 ; m. Feb' 6, 1881, Mary E. Brown. v. George O. (Shumway),9 b. Oct. 20, 1862. vi. Grant L. (Shumway),9 b. Mar. 7,1865. vd. Lillian H. (Shumway),9 b. Feb. 10, 1867; d. Dec. 3, 1876. viii. Alson J. (Shumway),9 b. May 1, 1869. ix. Minnie M. (Shumway),9 b. Oct. 31, 1871. x. Horlen H. (Shumway),9 b. Oct. 10, 1874; d. July 5, 1876. xi. Manasseh (Shumway),9 b. Oct. 6, 1878. 1051. George Oscar8, b. Apr. 17, 1838 ; m. Aug. 1, 1865, Celes- tia Moore, b. Mar. 22 (1843?). Children : i. OrieE.,9b. Oct. 31,1866. ii. George C.,9 b. June 20, 1868. iii. Seth S.,9 b. Aug. 26, 1870; d.~ Dec. 11, 1871. iv. Mark S.,9 b. Dec. 1, 1872. v. Carrie C.,9 b. Apr. 29, 1875. vi. Daisy B.,9 b. Aug. 29, 1878. 1052. Pkudence7 (388), daughter of Samuel6 (Steplien? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1) , born Feb. 15, 1800; died Feb. 10,1879; married Mar. 8, 1818, Ebenezer Rhodes, jr., born Oet. 3, 1798; died Mar. 31, 1875. Children: 1053. Cordelia Morilla (Rhodes),8 b. Apr. 3, 1819; m. Nov 29, 1839, John K. Barbeau, b. Feb. 22, 1817. 1054. Mekoe (Rhodes),8 b. July 29, 1822; m. Feb. 24, 1842, John Rhodes, jr., b. June 23, 1823 ; d. . 1055. A son8, b. Mar. 24, 1824; d. Apr. 4, 1824. 1056. Alonzo C. (Rhodes),8 b. May 7, 1825 ; d. Oct. 28, 1860 ; m. (1), Nov., 1842, Polly M. Williams, b. May 3, 1819; d. Sept. 18, 1848; m. (2), Jan , 1849, Rusha V. Fuller, b.May 31, 1819; d. Nov. 10, 1849. 12 178 SEVENTH GENERATION. 1057. William F. (Rhodes),8 b. June 11, 1828 ; d. Feb. 10, 1830. 1058. Palmyra (Rhodes),8 b. Feb. 19. 1830 ; d. June 22, 1882 ; m. Mar. 7, 1847, Ichabod J. Sweet, b. Jan. 6, 1827. 1059. Gardner T. (Rhodes)8 b. Feb. 24, 1833 ; m. Nov., 1850, Elizabeth Williams, b Mar. 9, 1831. 1060. Daniel B. (Rhodes),8 b. Jan. 18, 1836; m. Sarah Ann Saunders 1061. Willard Eben (Rhodes),8 b. Aug. 31, 1841 ; m. Jan. 19, 1871, Mary L. Cook, b. June 3, 1845. 1062. Prudence Ann (Rhodes),8 b Mar. 22, 1845 ; d. Sept. 19, 1875 ; m George Oakes. 1063. Ilury7 (389), daughter of Samuel6 (Ste- phen? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born Aug. 21, 1801; died Mar. 25, 1883; married Jan. 24, 1822, Luke S. Kenyon, born Sept. 15, 1799, died Aug. 22, 1846. Children (born in Berlin) : 1064. Riley Washington (Kenyon),8 b. Oct. 25, 1822, Berlin, N. Y. ; d. Sept. 16, 1868; m. (1), July 13. 1843, Mary A. Henry, b. June 8, 1821 ; m. (2) Apr. 6, 1858, Eliz abeth Keath. Children, by Mary : i. George R. (Kenyan),9 b. Mar. 26, 1814; d. Aug. 22, 1844. ii. Mary F. (Kenyon) 9 b. Aug. 26, l>-45. iii. John Henry (Kenyon).9 b. July 27, 1847 ;m. ; res. in San Francisco, Cal. iv. Charles E. (Kenyon),9 b. Nov. 25, 1850. v. Nancy C. (Kenyon),9 b. May 14, 1852. Child, by Elizabeth : vi. George W. (Kenyon),9 b. Jan. 10, 1866; d. Jan. 14, 1866. 1065. George Streeter (Kenyon),8 b June 3, 1824; m Nov. 10, 1844, Margaret L. West, b. Feb. 8, 1822. He died June 20, 1877. GEORGE W. STREETER. 179 Children : i. Riley George (Kenyon),9 b. Nov. 23, 1845 ; d. Nov. 2, 1846. ii. Benjamin Harvey (Kenyon) ,9 b. Nov. 7, 1847; d. Aug. 29, 1849. iii. Charles (Kenyon),9 b. Aug. 14, 1849 ; d. same day. iv. Kittie (Kenyon),9 b. Sept. 11, 1850; m. June 27, 1872, Schuyler S. Moore, b. Aug. 19, 1849. Children : i. Irena K. (Moore),10 b. Mar. 25, 1874. ii. George Schuyler (Moore),10 b. May 11, 1875; d. July 12, 1875. iii. Bessie W. (Moore),10 b. Sept. 23, 1877. v. Clara Ann (Kenyon),9 b. Aug. 21, 1854; d. Mar. 24, 1857. vi. Nellie B. (Kenyon),9 b. July 10, 1858 ; m. Oct. 12, 1882, Frank F. Schuyler. vii. Fanny B. (Kenyon),9 b. Apr. 28, 1862. viii. Lottie B. (Kenyon),9 b. May 3, 1864. 1066. Mercy Mauiah (Kenyon),8 b. Feb. 14, 1826 ; m. Nov. 24, 1846, David H. Whyland. Child:i. Edgar D. ( Wliyland) ,9 b. Apr. 12, 1850 ; d. Oct. 4, 1862. 1067. Lysander (Kenyon),8 b. A.pr. 20, 1835; d. Apr. 13, 1862 ; m. ; no issue. 1068. George W.7 (392), son of Samuel6 (Ste phen? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born Dec. 16, 1808; died in Estherville, Io., May 23, 1890; married Feb. 18, 1828, Hannah S. Oakley, born Dec. 15, 1805; died Dec. 22, 1853. Children (born in Berlin, N. Y.) : 106'. Celeste,8 b. Mar. 22, 1829 ; d. Oct., 1863 ; m. June 30, 1845, John Bosworth. Children : i. Henry (Bosworth).9 ii. Charles H. (Bosworth).9 iii. Minnie (Bosworth).9 180 SEVENTH GENERATION. 1070. Miranda M.,8 b. June 10, 1831 ; in. July 12, 1849, John D. Goff, b. July 3, 1826. Children : i. Adelbert J (Goff),9 b. July 20, 1850 ; d. Sept. 18, 1850. ii. Mary Annette (Goff),9 b. Aug. 8, 1853; m. Nov. 28, 1871, Dudley G. Chambers, b. July 3, 1847. Children : i. Freddie (Chambers),10 b. Oct. 21, 1873. ii. Charles R. (Chambers),19 b. Oct. 17, 1875. iii. George Frederic (Goff),9 b. May 7, 1856 ; d. July 20, 1857. iv. Cora Adelaide (Goff),9 b. Mar. 7, 1859 ; m. Jan. 17, 1874, Justus A. Rhodes. v. Edson Ellsworth (Goff),9 b. June 29, 1864. vi. Eva May (Goff),9 b. Aug. 30, 1870. 1071. Mary F.,8 b. Mar. 26, 1833; m. Nov. 27, 1850, Dwight W. Allen, b. Feb. 16, 1830; d. June 28, 1883. Children : i. Alfred I. (Allen),9 b. June 3, 1852; d. Sept. 19, 1853. ii. Charles A. (Allen),9 b. Jan. 10, 1857 ; m. Nov. 30, 1880, Elizabeth Garley. iii. Eddie D. (Allen),9 b. June 14, 1862. iv. William J. (Allen),9 b. Oct. 28, 1865. v. Frank H. (Allen),9 b. Nov. 13, 1867. 1072. Hosea L.,8 b. June 30, 1835; m. Jan 2, 1854, Delia M. Yates, b. Mar. 5, 1836. Children : i. Ida J.,9 b. Aug. 12, 1856 ; d. Mar. 30, 1857. ii. Cora M.,9 b. Feb. 12, 1858; m. July 26, 1881, Henry H. Root; no issue. 1073. Charles W.,8 b. Dec. 28 (9), 1837; m. Oct. 10, 1859. Mary C. Rosecrans, b. Aug. 7, 1840. Children : i. Nellie I.,9 b. Dec. 27, 1864 ii. Harry F.,9 b. Jan. 26, 1873; d July 8. 1874. iii. H. Jane,9 b. June 5, 1878. ALLEN 0. STREETER. 181 1074. Heman D.,8 b. Mar. 2, 1810 ; m. Oleria J. Dewey. Child : i Caleb Dewitt,9 b. Aug. 9, 1873. 1075. Dei en J.,8 b. Mar. 2, 1840 : m. June 6, 1857. at Pittsfield, Mass., George Abrahams, b. in England, Sept. 15, 1832. She d. in Hinsdale, Mass., Oct. 15, 1876. Children (born in Pittsfield) : i. George H. (Abrahams),9 b. Jan. 15, 1858; d. July 22, 1858. ii. Carrie E. (Abrahams),9 b. Nov. 17, 1862. iii. Nellie F. (Abrahams),9 b. Nov. 14, 1864. 1076. Sarah A,8 b. Oct. 17, 18|3; m. (1), Levi M. Wood ward: (2), M. F. Woodward. 1077 Emma Jane,8 b June 17, 1847; m. Feb. 4, 1871, John C. Smith, b. Jan. 10, 1845. Children : i. Carrie L. (Smith),9 b. Jan. 29, 1872. ii. George Eli (Smith),9 b. Apr. 23, 1874. 1078. Daniel A..8 b. May 20, 1857 ; m. (1), Jan. 22, 1879, Eu nice Smith, who d Dec. 28, 1881 ; m. (2), Aug. 2, 1883, Mrs. Agnes Oldham. Child, by Eunice : i. Robert Eli,9 b. Mar. 11, 1881. 1079. Allen C.7 (393) , son of Samuel6 (Stephen? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born May 29, 1810; died Dee. 13, 1867, at Sonoma, Cal.; married (1), Philena Richer, born May 14, 1814; died March 12, 1834; married (2), Mrs. Pamelia (Holenes) Mc- Lauthlin, born in Kingston, Mass., Sept. 7, J 806; died Oct. 30, 1865. Child, by Philena: 1080. William Henry,8 b. Dec 9, 1833; d. Feb. 21, 1834. Children, by Pamelia: 1081. Robekt M.,8 b. Feb. 2, 1836 ; d. in San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 12, 1872; m. Feb. 14, 1861, Sophia C. Weaver, who m. (2), Jan. 20, 1883, a Mr. Bishop. 182 SEVENTH GENERATION. Child : i. Norma Ellen,9 b. July 23, 1865. 1082. Walter Wakefield,8 b. July 20, 1838 ; d. June 26, 1866. 1083. Mary Antoinette,8 b. June 20, 1841 ; d. Sept. 24, 1850. 1084. Ellen,8 b. May 22, 1843; d. at Sonoma, Cal., July 12, 1863. 1085. Allen Francises,8 b. Apr. 5, 1849 ; d. Jan. 20, 1852. 1086. Barber7 (3956), son of Samuel6 (Stephen? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen}), born July 24, 1817; died Feb. 15, 1890; was of Berlin, K Y. He married Jan. 31, 1844, Jerusha Brockway. Children : 1087. Jane Ann,8 b. Apr. 17, 1846 ; m. Oct. 1, 1866, Jas. Ross ; res. in Wolcott, N. Y. Child : i. Charles R. (Ross),9 b. Feb. 2, 1868. 1088. George Allen,8 b. Apr. 22, 1849; m. Feb. 25, 1869, Mary F. Chase. Children : i. Willard W.,9 b. Feb. 18, 1871 ; d. . ii. George B.,9 b. July 1, 1875. iii. Emery G.,9 b. Apr. 3, 1878. iv. Gertrude J.,9 b. Mar. 27, 1880. 1089. Isaac Hemingway (Streator)1 (399), son ^t Isaac H.6 (Dr. John? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Becket, Mass., Oct. 18, 1786; died Dec, 1860, at Cleveland, O. He, of Becket, buys land there Jan. 21, 1809. He subsequently removed into JST. Y. state, and set tled for a few years in the town of Hamilton; thence, in 1817, he went to Aurora, Portage Co., O., where he gave much of his time to the practice of law, and also to farming on an extended scale. In 1850, he ISAAC H. STREATOR. 183 removed to Cleveland, O., where he spent the residue of his life. He married at Becket, Mass., Clarinda Plumb. Children : 1090. Alpheus (Streator),8 (1693), b. June 30,1805; d. Jan 11, 1836. 1091. Susanna Clakinda (Streator),8 b. June 22, 1807; res., 1884, in Hartford, Wis. ; m. Green. 1092. Charity (Streator)8 b. June 17, 1809 ; d. June, 1864. 1093. Cyrus H. (Streator)8 (1698), b. Mar. 1, 1811. 1094. Mauius O (Streator),8 b. July 17, 1813 ; d. July 8, 1886 ; m. Nov. 3, 1835, Laura A. Rawson, b. Aug. 15, 1817; res. in Galesburgh, Mich. Children : i. J. Calvin (Streator) ,9 b. Nov. 24, 1837 ; d. Oct. 24, 1863. ii. J. Quincy (Streator),9 b. Jan. 6, 1841. iii. Harry D. (Streator),9 b. Nov. 15, 1852; m. May 2, 1878, Helen Randall. Child : i. Mabel Ella (Streator),10 b. Jan. 29, 1879. 1095. Worthy Si'earns (Streator),8 b. in Hamilton, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1816; m. Aug. 19, 1839, Sarah W. Sterling. Children : i. Helen Gertrude (Streator),9 b. May 20, 1842. ii. Sterling Rusk (Streator) 9 b. Dec. 31, 1845. iii. Harry Doolittle (Streator),9 b. Aug. 15, 1851; d. Aug. 28, 1852. iv. Edward Kent (Streator),9 b. Aug. 20, 1855. v. Harold Arthur (Streator),9 b. Aug. 5, 1861. 1096. Paulina (Streator),8 b. Nov., 1818; m. Calvin Green; d. May, 1848, leaving three ch. 1097. CnAitLK,s(Streator),8 b. Dec, 1821 ; d. Jan. 7, 1838. 1098. Orilla (Streator),8 b. May 29, 1824; m. Jan. 1, 1842, Alpheus F. Streator (1157). 1099. Artemitia (Streator),8 b. Oct., 1830 ; m. Edward Kent. 1100. John (Streator)7 (406), son of John6 (Dr. 184 SEVENTH GENERATION. John? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Becket, Mass., Sept. 21, 1786; married Aug. 12,1812, Polly (429), daughter of Alpheus (Streator) and Anna (Lyman), born April 22, 1797. Children : 1101. John (Streator)8 b. Jan. 20, 1816 ; d Oct., 1863. 1102. Lucina (Streator)8 b. Dec. 7, 1817; m. Feb. 20.1845, Wilson Reed. The family rem to Mich., near Grand Rapids. Children : i. Roswell (Reed),9 b. Dec. 15, 1845. ii. Elizabeth (Reed),9 b. June 22, 1847. iii. Wilson (Reed),9 b. Oct. 19, 1849. iv. Charles Fremont (Reed),9 b. Jan. 10, 1851. v. Sylvia (Reed),9 b. Jan. 28, 1854. vi. Solon (Reed),9 b. May 13, 1*59. 1103. Betsey (Streator),8 b. May 20, 1820 ; m. Apr., 1843, Ed mund Pinney. Children : i. Nelson (Pinney)9 b. Feb. 4, 1844. ii. George (Pinney),9 b. Nov. 12, 1845. iii. Lydia (Pinney),9 b. Apr. 16, 1851. 1104. George (Streator),8 b. June 8, 1823; d. Jan. 6, 1841. 1105. Solon (Streator),8 b. May 28, 1827; rem. to California. 1106. ALvm G. (Streator)7 (409), son of John6 (Dr. John? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born April 1, 1795; died 1874. He was a preacher of the sect known as the "Disciples." He married (1), Dec. 4, 1817, Electa Bliss, born June 22, 1788; married (2), a widow Judson. Children : 1107. Myron Jason (Streator),8 b. Aug. 17, 1818; d. Sept. 19, 1881 ; m. (1), May 5, 1841, Martha M. Buckley; m (2), 1855, Rebecca R Hubbard; m. (3), 1857. Surah H. Caldwell. He also was a preacher of the "Disciple" church. JASON K. STREATOR. 185 Child, by Martha ; i. Cornelia (Streator) 9 li. Dec. 24. 1843 : m. Ilyron A. Hadsell. Child, by Sarah: ii. Mary (Streator).9 b. Apr. 5, 1865. 1108. Lorraine (Streator),8 b. Dec. 9, 1820 ; m. Mar. 28. 1844. Daniel Gano. b. Mar. 27, 1811. Children : i. Warren D. (Gano),9 b. Oct. 28, 1846; m. Oct. 2. 1882, Allie Rogers. ii. Frank W. (Gano),9 b. Oct. 27. 1849. iii. Julia E. (Gano),9 b. Jan. 23, 1854 : m. Oct. 2, 1872, John R. Giddings. iv. Emma L. (Gano),9 b. June 28, 1858 ; d. Sept. 23, 1862. v. Alice W. (Gano),9 b. Oct. 13, 1863; m. June 3, 1882, Cadmer Walter 1109. Beeman (Streator),8 b. Nov.. 1823; d. July. 1825. 1110. Ellen (Streator),8 b. June 19. 1826; m. Jan. 8,1857, Warner Gilbert, b. Mar. 12, 1817. Children : i. Henry W. (Gilbert)9 b. Mar. 7, 1859 ; m. Lillie B. Turnbull. ii. Fred W. (Gilbert),9 b. Jan. 29, 1869. 1111. Merove (Streator),8 b. Dec 27, 1827; m. Mar.. 1851, Hiram Hudson. Children : i. William (Hudson) ,9 b. 1854. ii. Frank (Hudson).9 b. 1857. 1112. Jason K. (Streator)7 (410), son of Johns (Dr. John? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen,2 Stephen1), born May 15, 1799; died Sept. 26, 1856. He was a poet and politician, and served two terms as Repre sentative of Portage Co., in the Ohio Legislature. He married June 9, 1819, Nancy Perkins, born Sept. 4, 1795. 186 SEVENTH GENERATION. Children : 1113. Sylvina (Streator),8 b. Oct. 21, 1820; m. Dec. 8, 1842, Edward M. Crane, b. June 14, 1810. Children : i. Cassius (Crane),9 b. Sept. 29, 18*4. ii. Arthur Edward (Crane),9 b Apr. 24, 1846. iii Frederick Jason (Crane) ? b. Apr. 13, 1848. iv. Angenette (Crane),9 b. Jan. 8, 1850. v. Clara Lucinda (Crane),9 b. Aug. 10, 1851. vi. Elton Perkins (Crane),9 b. June 26, 1854. 1114. Lydia (Streator),8 b. Mar. 9, 1822; m. July 5, 1841, Os borne Ferris, jr. She d. June 1, 1842, in childbed. Child : i. Osborne (Ferris),9 b. June 1, 1842. 1115. John Wesley (Streator),8 b. Mar. 31, 1824 ; m. Jan. 26, 1845, Amanda Smith, b. Sept. 29, 1821. Children : i. George J. (Streator)9. b. July 23, 1846 ; m. Nov. 19, 1870, Francilia A. Parker, b. Sept. 8, . Children : i. Clara P. (Streator),10 b. July 25, 1871. ii. Sidney V. (Streator),10 b. Nov. 21, 1872. iii. Alice (Streator),10 b. July 27, 1880. ii. Charles J. (Streator), 9b. Dec. 28, 1849 ; m. Feb. 15, 1872, Minta T. Hall, b. Jan. 12, 1851. Child : i. Frank C. (Streator),10 b. Jan. 30, 1874. iii. John S. (Streator),9 b. Oct. 3, 1853. iv. Clark (Streator).9 1116. Earl Perkins (Streator),8 b. Aug. 31, 1826 ; m. (1), Jane ; (2). Martha ; (3), Lucy Liscome. Child, by Martha : i. Eugene (Streator).9 Children, by Lucy : ii. Harry (Streator),9 b. Aug., 1858. iii. Hattie (Streator) ,9 ANSON A. STRKATOK. 187 1117. Marquis Harmon (Streator)8 b. Feb. 17, 1829; m. Aug. 15, 1854, Anna M. , b. Dec. 30, 1831. Children : i. Ernest B. (Streator),9 b. May 12, 1855. ii. Lester M. (Streator),9 b. Jan. 21, 1857. iii. Frank W. (Streator),9 b. Dec. 11, 1858. iv. Burt H. (Streator),9 b. Apr. 14, 1868. 1118. Lucinda Harriet (Streator),8 b. July 26, 1831; d. in Mich.; m. (1), Nov., 1849, Peter S. Dutton, b. Feb. 11, 1824 ; m. (2), Caldwell, b. Oct. 16, 1833. Children by Peter : i. Mark S. (Dutton),9 b. Dec 23, 1849. ii. Frank E. (Dutton),9 b July 29, 1851. iii. Clinton B. (Dutton),9 b. Mar. 24, 1854. iv. Annah L. (Dutton),9 b. Sept. 19, 1855. 1119. Jason (Streator),8 b. May 4, 1834; res. in Hiram, Portage Co., O. ; m. Sept. 14, 1859, Susannah McHugh, b. 1839 ; no issue. 1120. Clarissa Elizabeth (Streator) ,8 b. Apr. 15, 1837 ; d. June 4, 1877 ; m. Samuel S. Price. Children : i. Jason P. (Price),9 b. Sept., 1856. ii. Ida Ann (Price),9 b. Jan., 1860. iii. Lyman B. (Price),9 b. Sept., 1862. 1121. Nancy Julia (Streator),8 b. June 5, 1840; m. Nathan H. Smith, b. Mar. 4, 1827 ; res. in Ravenna, 0. Child : i. Celia H. (Smith),9 b. Aug. 27, 1861. 1122. Anson Abyeam (Streator)7 (414), son of John6 (Dr. John? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Ste phen1), born Sept. 11, 1805; married (1), Sarah Ann Smith, who died 1838; married (2), 1839, Sabro Scoville. She married (2), Peter Lundgrave; one child. Children, by Sarah: 1123. Henry Clay (Streator)8 b. 1832 ; m. S. A. Delong. 188 SEVENTH GENERATION. Children : Two daus., one son. 1124. A dau.,8 d. soou. 1125. Charles (Streator),8 b. 1837. 1126. Sar\h (Streator),8 b. 1838 ; d., aged 6 wks. Children, by Sabro: 1127. Sarah Ann (Streator),8 b. 1841. 1128. David (Streator),8 b. and d. 1847. 1129. Simeon (Streeter)7 (420), son of Nathan6 (Dr. John? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Granville, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1796. Married Rhoda C. Hawkes, born in Bolton, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1809. Children: 1130. Sarah,8 b. June 16, 1831, in Hartford, N. Y. 1131. Electa A.,8 b. June 11, 1833. 1132. Rhoda C.,8 b. Oct. 19, 1835. 1133. Margauet D.,8 b. Oct. 18, 1837. 1134. Simeon.8 b. July 26, 1840 ; d.y. 1135. Orinda M.,8 b. Dec. 29, 1842. 1136. Franklin,8 b. Aug. 12, 1844. 1137. Simeon Franklin,8 b. Feb. 1, 1851 ; m. Apr. 2, 1873, Rhoda K. Barkwill ; no issue. 1138. Levi7 (421), son of Nathan6 (Dr. John? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen}) , born in Gran ule, N". Y., March 4, 1798; died Aug. 7, 1861. Married (1), July 30, 1818, Betsey Merrill, born Aug. 16,1787; died July 26,1848; married (2), Oct., 1848, Lydia Lathrop. Children, by Betsey: 1139. Joseph B.,8.b. Sept. 4, 1819; d. Mar. 27, 1851; m. June 6, 1843, Adeline Eldridge. Children : i. Mary E.,9 b. Feb. 7, 1848. benjamin streeter. 189 ii. Albert E.,9 b. Feb. 5, 1850; m. Dec. 19, 1872, Vi ola Hunter, b. Mar. 9, 1848. Children : i. Inez V.,'°b. Dec. 26, 1879; d. Aug. 19, 1880. ii. Lilac B.,l9b. May 16, 1881; d. June 6, 1881. iii. Ira M.,10 b. Dec. 17, 1884. 1140. Mary-K.,8 b Oct. 13, 1822 ; d. Nov. 2, 1842. 1141. Li.;vi,8b. July 22, 1827; m. (l),July 28, 1852, Ellen N. Hubbard, who d. Nov. 11, 1861 ; in, (2), Aug. 14, 1870, Anna Horton. Children, by Ellen: i Ellen E..9 b. June 5, 1854 ; d. Mar. 30, 1869. ii Ida M.,9 b. Mar. 2, 1856; m. Nov. 5, 1879, I). S. Sheldon. iii. Florence L.,9 b. Feb. 5, 1861. Children, by Anna : iv. AnnaF.,9b. Apr. 28. 187o. v. Edmund J.,9 b. Feb. 27, 1877. Children, by Lydia: 1142. Butsey M ,8 b. July 30, 1849. 1 143. Cokdelia 8 1144. Benjamin7 (423), son of Nathan6 (Dr. John? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born July 14, 1802; died Aug. 12, 1886; married Arvilla Adams, born in Cavendish, Vt., April 10, 1807. Children: 1 1 15. Nathan,8 b. Jan. 3, 1823 ; d. 1825. 1116. Edgar E ,8 b. Dec. 14, 1826; m. Maria M. Curtis, b. Apr. 10, I82H. Children : i. Anna V.,9 b. June 15. 1851. ii Charles M.,9 b. June 30, 1854 ; m. Sept. 10, 1879, Clara I. Stone. iii. Frederick C.,9 b. Apr. 28, 1857; m. Apr. 5, 1881, Viola Campbell, b. Mar. 22, 1857. 190 SEVENTH GENERATION. Children : i. Claudius C.,10 b. Nov. 6, 1882. ii. John L ,10 b. June 3, 1885. iv. Avis L.,9 b. July 20, 1860. v. Jessie L.,9 b. Aug. 28, 1863. vi. Effle E.,9 b. June 28, 1867. 1147. John C.,8 b. Feb. 16, 1828; m. (1), Feb. 12, 1850, Di ana M. Balch, b. Jan. 12, 1831 andd. Feb. 10, 1864; m. (2), May 15, 1864, Laura L. Slater, b. Aug. 23, 1833. Child, by Diana: i Seldon A.,9 b. Jan. 8, 1851; m. Sept. 22, 1874, Harriet C. Ware, b. Feb. 17, 1856.' Children : i. Howard A.,10 b. Aug. 12, 1875. ii. Leroy C.,10 b. Dec. 7, 1879. iii. Claude O.,10 b. Mar. 1, 1884. iv. Jay C.,J0 b. Mar. 9, 1886. 1148. Simeon S.,8 b. Aug. 3, 1830; m. July 4, 1851, Amelia Hastings, who d. Aug. 3, 1876. Children : i. Milo H.,9 b. July 17, 1852; m. (1), Nov. 25, 1874, Jennie Balch, who d. June 3, 1876 ; m. (2), Aug. 24, 1886, Chloe Dyke. ii. George,9 b. July 4, 1855 ; m. May 15, 1878, Anna Drake. Children : i. Herbert L.,10 b Feb. 19, 1881. ii. Charles A.,10 b. Apr. 14, 1883. iii. Frank G ,10 b. Jan. 16, 1886. iii. Rollin9, b. Feb. 17, 1859 ; m. Aug. 13, 1879, Hattie Roderick. iv. Oscar C.,9 b. Sept. 7, 1861 ; m. Aug. 12, 1883, Lou isa Mitchell, killed by accident, Sept. 12, 1883. v. Albert E.,9 b. July 10, 1872 ; d. Feb. 26, 1881. 1149. Benjamin M.,8 b. Jan. 25, 1833 ; m. Sept. 22, 1859, Maria Curtis. Children : i. Piatt,9 b July 12, 1861. ii. Daniel,9 b. Mar. 11, 1863. ALPHEUS E. STREATOR. 191 iii. William,9 b. Dec. 19, 1867. iv. May,9 b. Dec. 17, 1873. v. Albert,9 b. Feb. 23, 1880. 1 150. Mary E.,8 b. June 1, 1835. 1151. Martha N..8 b. Oct. 14, 1837. 1152. Amelia A ,8 b. Feb. 28, 1840. 1153. Maria A.,8 b. May 13, 1842. 1154. Betsey A.,8 b. Oct. 10, 1844. 1155. William L.,8 b. Sept. 14, 1846; m. Nov. 5, 1874, Lomida Starks. Child : i. Harley,9 b. Feb. 13, 1880. 1156. Julius K ,8 b. Nov. 14, 1848; d. June 25, 1868. 1157. Alpheus F. (Streator)7 (436), son of Al pheus6 (Dr. John? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Ste phen1), born June 10, 1818; married Jan. 1, 1842, Orilla Slreator (1098), daughter oi Isaac H. Streator, jr., and Clarinda (Plumb), born May 29, 1824. Children: 1158. W. A. (Streator),8 b. Feb. 21, 1845 ; m. June 8, 1871, Mi nerva Ann Templeton, b. Sept. 25, 1851. Children : i. Charles V. (Streator),9 b. May 9, 1872. ii. Fanny B. (Streator),9 b. Sept. 12, 1873. iii. Gertrude \. (Streator),9 b. Aug. 10, 1875. 1159. Artie (Streator),8 b. Aug. 31, 1847; m. Jan. 6, 1885. Zenos Fussilman. 1160. Adell (Streator),8 b. Aug. 11, 1850; m. Apr. 20, 1881, N. M. Ragan. 1161. Emma (Streator),8 b. June 2,1853; m. Dec. 15, 1881, George Templeton. Child : i. George S. (Templeton),9 b. Jan. 1, 1887. 1162. Lyman P. (Streator)7 (437), son of Al pheus6 (Dr. John? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Ste phen1), born Feb. 23, 1819; removed 1840 to Penn., 192 SEVENTH GENERATION. thence to Indianapolis, Ind. Married (1), Sept. 8, 1842, Eliza Martin, who died May 1, 1854; married (2), April 3, 1855, Rebecca Ruple. Children, by Eliza: I 1 63. Martin L. (Streator) ,8 b. Nov. 12, 1843 ; m. June 2, 1868, Anna Burgher. Children : i. Allen (Streator),9 b. Jan. 19, 1869 ; d. y. ii. A babe,9 b. Jan. 19, 1869 ; d. y. iii. Lyman P. (Streator) ,9 b. May 2, 1870 ; d. July 12, 1873. iv. Annie B. (Streator),9 b. Dec. 30, 1882. 1164. David H. (Streator),8 b. Mar. 22, 1845; d. inf. 1165. Jonathan M. (Streator),8 b. July 9, 1846 ; m. Oct. 14, 1873, E. C. Willis. Child : i. Ethel (Streator),9 b. July 16, 1874. 1166. Alexander C. (Streator),8 b. Feb. 20, 1848; m. A. Bir mingham ; 3 daus. 1167. Charlotte J. (Streator),8 b. May 5, 1850 ; d. Oct., 1878 ; in. R. G. McDonough. 1168. Frank W. (Streator),8 b. May 16, 1852; m. (t), Mar. 23, 1876, Margaret Christie, who d. Aug. 6,. 1878; m. (2), Jan. 8, 1883, Dora M. Dye. Child, by Margaret : i. Lottie L. (Streator),9 b Feb. 16, 1877. Child, by Dora: ii. Orilla P. (Streator)9 b. Jan. 27, 1884. 1 169. Western B. (Streator),8 b. Mar. 14, 1854 ; d. Aug. 4, 1854- Child, by Rebecca : 1170. JamksB. R. (Streator),6 b. Mar. 12, 1856; m. July 4, 1877, Emma McCoy ; 5 ch. 1171. Wareham (Streeter)7 (441), son of Joab6 (Dr. John? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born Feb. 22, 17: H; died 1826; married Abigail Ma son, born Jan. 12, 1794. LINUS STREETER. 193 Children : 1172. Caroline,8 b. Oct. 19, 1812 ; m. ¦ Colwell. 1173. Henry,8 b. Nov. 14, 1814 ; d. 1838. 1174. Josiah8 (1701), b. May 19, 1816 ; d. Sept. 14, 1886. 1175. Norman N.,8 b. Nov. 27, 1819 ; d. 1827. 1176. Samuel L.,8 b. June 3, 1822 ; cl. 1850. 1177. James W.,8 b. Nov. 9, 1824; d. Dec. 15, 1883; m. (1), Oct. 25, 1855, Elizabeth Dewolf, b. Sept. 3, , and d. Oct.15, 1857 ; m. (2), May 21, 1867, Amanda Kittredge, b. Dec. 17, 1833. Child, by Elizabeth : i. Charles W.,9 b. Oct. 15, 1857; in. May 3, 1884, Children, by Amanda : ii. Freddie E.,9b. Dec. 13, 1867 ; cl. Sept. 8, 186s. iii. Hattie A.,9 b. July 12, 1869. 1178. Linus (Streeter)'' (443), son of Joab6 (Dr. John? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen}), born Nov. 7, 1794; died Nov. 13, 1866, and was buried at Hampton Corners, X. Y. His wife Harriet was laid beside him. He married (1), Mary Stow; (2), Har riet Sheldon, born 1803; died Jan. 1, 1866. Children, by Mary: 1179. Hiram F.,8 b. Apr. 24, 1814 ; in. Fanny Webster. 1180. William C.,8 m. Emeline Starks. 1181. Cyrus N.,8 b. Feb. 14, 1819 ; m. (1), Jan. 28, 1840, Elizabeth Pierce, b. May 14, 1814; m. (2), Delia A. French. Child : i. Sidney L.,9b. Nov. 28, 1843 ; m. Isaclore A. Carl ton. 1182. Mary M.8 1183. Laura I.8 Children, by Harriet: 1184. Phebe W.,8 m. Charles Good. 13 194 SEVENTH GENERATION. 1185. Edward,8 b. Aug. 6, 1829 ; m. Oct. 16, 1851, Marion Gil christ. Children : i. Edward J.,9 b. Feb. 12, 1855; in. Nov. 27, 1878, Belle Winn. ii. Fred. A.,9 b. Apr. 7, 1862. 1186. Henry,8 m. Miller. 1187. Eugene.8 1188. Joab (Streeter)7 (444), son of Joab6 (Dr. John? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born March 7, 1797; died Oct. 22, 1868; married (1), 1818, Sophia Wheat, born June 26, 1802; died Oct. 22, 1841; married (2), Sophia Minor Steele; married (3), Dec. 30, 1850, Sophronia . Children, by first wife: 1189. Betsey M.,8 b. Apr. 22, 1820; m. Dec. 31, 1841, Moses Chandler. 1190. ThedaK.,8 b. Jan. 30, 1822 ; d. Dec. 9, 1831. 1191. Lucinda L.,8 b. July 23, 1826 ; m. Patterson. 1192. Lyman C.,8 b. Dec. 16, 182s ; d. Aug. 28, 1829. 1193. Lucretia M.,8 b. June 7, 1830 ; m. Thayer. 1194. Buel G.,8 b. July 25, 1832; m., 1853, Lucina Hotchkiss ; physician; was on the staff of Gen. P. H. Sheridan, as acting Medical Director of the Army of the Shenandoah. Children : i. Fred. B.,9 b. June 9, 1854 ; m., 1880, Ellen S. Wilson. Children : i. Helen W.,10 b. Nov. 9, 1881. ii. Edith W.,10 b. Oct. 18, 1883. ii. Frank H.,9 b. Aug. 30, 1857. iii. Anna L.,9 b. Oct. 22, 1859 ; m., 1880, C. W. I low land. Child ¦ i. Florence B. (Howland),10 b. Jan. 2, 1884. 1195. Mifflin H.,8 b. Mar. 10, 1835; m. ; no issue. 1196. Mary L.,8 b. Mar. 10, 1838; m. Apr. 28, 1858, Charles W. Tallman, b. Aug. 15, 1834. ZIMRI STREETER. 195 Children : i. W. Dana (Tollman), 9b. Oct 23, 1860; cl. Apr. 13, 1861. ii. Buel G. (Tallman),9 b. Dec. 17, 1863. iii. Clarence B. (Tallman)9 b. Sept. 14, 1865. iv. Jessie E. (Tallman),9 b. July 21, 1875. Children, by second wife: 1197. Millard F.,8 b. June 4, 1844 ; m. Aug. 13, 1863, Maria W. Holmes, b. June 3, 1843. Children : i. Loral.,9 b. Sept. 2, 1864. ii. Mifflin,9 b. Oct. 29, 1866 ; cl. June 17, 1867. iii. Buel G.,9 b. July 29, 1868. iv. A child,9 b. Feb. 7, 1870 ; d. July 16, 1870. v. Henry M.,9 b. May 23, 1871. 1 198. Helen M.,8 b. May 10, 1849 ; adopted by Albert Carlton of Kalamazoo; m. Mr. Van Hoosen. 1199. Zimri (Streeter)7 (446), son of Joab6 (Dr. John? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen}), born Feb. 7, 1801 ; died Jan. 7, 1864; married Mar. 25, 1824, Lucinda Dean, born Sept. 24, 1801 and died Jan. 16, 1888. Children : 1200. Lavinia,8 b. Mar. 15, 1825; m. July 26, 1843, Bar rett. 1201. James Warkham,8 b. Oct. 26, 1826; in. Jan. 1, 1855, Mary Anderson, b. Nov. 15, 1835. Children : i. Norman B.,9 b. Oct. 29, 1855 ; m. Sept. 12, 1877, Etta Green. ii. Flora B.,9b. Jan. 17,1857. iii. Clara L.,9 b. Sept. 4, 1858 ; m. Sept. 20, 1882, John Cobb. iv. Charles W.,9 b. July 21, 1863. v. Anna A.,9 b. Sept. 17, 1865. vi. Robert B.,9 b. Mar. 30, 1868. 196 SEVENTH GENERATION. vii. James A.,9 b. July 11, 1871. viii. Bessie G.,9 b. Feb. 17, 1881. 1202. Mary Ann,8 b. Oct. 12, 1828 ; cl. Dec. 7, 1863 ; m. Sept. 5, 1852, Knapp. 1203. Cornelia R.,8 b. Jan. 12, 1831 ; m. Sept. 21, 1852, Keeler. 1204. Edward P.,8 b. May 8, 1833; m. Sept. 5, 1855, Elizabeth Dobson, b. Mar. 17, 1837. Children : i. Adelbert W.,9 b. June 17, 1856 ; m. (1), Nov. 19, 1878, Emily Saul, who d. Mar. 26, 1881 ; m. (2), Feb. 28, 1884, Nettie Lane. Child, by Emily : i. Clark^H.,10 b. Mar. 14, 1881. Child, by Nettie : ii. Jennie Belle,10 b. May 1, 1887. ii. Edward P.9 b. Mar. 29, 1858; cl. Dec. 18, 1879. iii. Nettie J.,9 b. Mar. 31, 1861 ; m. Sept. 27, 1882. iv. Hattie M.,9 b. May 17, 1864 ; m. J. G. Packard. v. BuelG.,9 b. Mar. 25, 1866; d. May 5, 1866. vi. Thomas W.,9 b. Sept. 27, 1868. vii. Florence E.,9 b. Nov. 23, 1873. viii. Fred. H.,9 b. Nov. 13, 1876. 1205. Sarah J.,8 b. May 6, 1835 ; m. June 24, I860, Bea dle. 1206. Lucinda C.,8 b. May 16, 1837; m. Nov. 12, 1863, Dobson. 1207. Setti D.,8 b. Apr. 23, 1839 ; d. Apr. 29, 1839. 1208. Lucy C.,8 b. July 26, 1840 ; m. Jan. 1, 18'66, Beadle. 1209. Zimri,8 b. Oct. 8, 1842 ; m. Oct. 23, 1867, Emma Pendle ton. Child : i. Ezra P.,9 b. Nov. 27, 1868. 1210. Julia M.,8 b. June 15, 1845 ; m. Mar., 1865, Ford. 1211. Silas D.,8 b. Aug. 29, 1847 ; d. Sept. 3, 1847. 1212. Thekon (Streeter)7 (448), son of Joab6 THERON STREETER. 197 (Dr. John? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born Jan. 17, 1805 (another date says Feb. 17, 1804) ; died June 19, 1883 ; married Mar. 15, 1826, Eunice Whipple, born Apr. 1, 1807. Children : 1213. Thomas Whipple,8 b. Dec. 5, 1826; m. Mar. 24, 1853, Sarah Springs. 1214. Martha A.,8 b. May 26, 1828 ; m. Albert Clark. 1215. Silas E.,8 b. Aug. 30, 1830 ; cl. Mar. 6, 1863 ; was a soldier in the Union Army. 1216. Benjamin A.,8b. Aug. 13, 1832; ni. Feb. 17, 1858, Han nah E. Miller, b. Aug. .8, 1840. Children : i. Frances J.,9 b. Mar. 14, 1859; m. Jan. 18, 1880 William Dixon. ii. Carrie V.,9 b. Apr. 26, 1860; m. July 3, 1877, William Branch. iii. Albert L.,9 b. Mar. 6, 1862 ; unm. iv. Nellie M.,9 b. June 1, 1863 ; m. May 2, 1882, Ed ward Stuart. v. Jennie A.,9 b. Apr. 5, 1866 ; m. Oct. 17, 1885, Or- ville De Games, jr. vi. Libbie E.,9 b. Dec. 14, 1869 ; d. Aug. 21, 1879. vii. Clayton M.,9 b. Dec. 14, 1871. viii. Bennie A.,9 b. Nov. 15, 1873; cl. Feb. 7, 1877. ix. Anna M.,9 b. Dec. 5, 1875. 1217. George H.,8 b. Sept. 20, 1834 ; d. Aug. 26, 1863. 1218. Lucy M.,8 b. Feb. 5, 1837 ; cl. July, 1837. 1219. Juliet A.,8 b. June 6, 1838 ; m. Sidney Adams. 1220. Theron H.,8 b. Sept. 10, 1840 ; m. Elizabeth White. 1221. John G.,8 b. Mar. 16, 1842 ; m. Martha Wyman. 1222. James Lemuel,8 b. Nov. 25, 1844; m. Jan. 1, 1867, Laura F. Gorham, b. July 6, 1852. Children : i. Mary B.,9 b. May 31, 1868 ; m. Charles A. Chasen- ger. ii. Horace A.,9 b. Apr. 22, 1876. iii. Charles A.,9 b. Feb. 11, 1882. 198 SEVENTH GENERATION. 1223. Malvina E.,8 b. Sept. 7, 1847 ; m. George W. Tower. 1224. Willie A.,8 b. Feb. 25, 1850 ; d. Aug. 8, 1870. 1225. Kellogg (Streeter)7 (454), son of Levi6 (Dr. John? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born Dec. 13, 1792; died Sept. 14,1861; married May 7, 1816, Polly Fowler, born Aug. 28, 1800 and died March 8, 1872. Children (born in Westfield, Mass.) : 1226. Mary,8 b. Apr. 9, 1817 ; d. May 6, 1858 ; m. Sept. 13, 1837, Jason Lemon. 1227. Levi,8 b. Apr. 18, 1819; m. Dec. 30, 1841, Mary A. Bucklancl ; res. in Springfield, Mass. Children : i. Mary E.,9 b. Jan. 27, 1843. ii. Albert L.,9 b. July 19, 1845 ; d. Feb. 17, 1871 ; m. Mary E. ; one ch. 1228. Elizabeth A.,8 b. June 21, 1821 ; m. (1), Nov. 26, 1846, John L. Smith; m. (2), Dec. 5, 1883, Henry Strong; res. at South Hadley Falls, Mass. 1229. William,8 b. Dec. 25, 1825 ; cl Aug. 28, 1827. 1230. Sarah J.,8 b. Aug. 28, 1827; m. May 18, 1848, Arthur Prince ; res. at Grand Rapids, Mich. 1231. Ellen P.,8 b. Aug. 14, 1829 ; m. Jan. 1, 1852, Ira W. Wakefield ; res. in West Lincoln, Vt. 1232. John G.,8 b. July 16, 1831 ; d. Feb. 14, 1859 ; m. July 16, 1850, Benlah Yance, who d. June 30, 1858; one eh., who died. 1233. Frances A.,8 b. May 26, 1834 ; m. Feb. 23, 1855, Richard Rhodes ; res. in Windsor, Conn. 1233a. Thomas7 (348m) , son of Elias6 (Benjamin? Josiah? John? Stephen? Stephen1), born 1802; died 1875; married Judith Rideout. Children : 1233/j. Orrilla,8 b. 1826; d. 1851 ;' m., 1845, James King. THOMAS STREETER. 199 Children : i. Jane (King),9 res. in Caro, Mich. ii. Samuel (King),9 res. in Caro, Mich. 1233c ELizA,8b. June 8, 1830; m. (I), Mar., 1846, Riley Kent; m. (2), June 14, 1859, Dr. R. D. Black; res. in Wat- ronsville, Mich. Children, by Kent : i. Jauett (Kent)9 b. Jan. 3, 1847. ii. Judith Orilla (Kent)9 b. Feb. 6, 1849. iii. Sarah Parmilla (K'ut),9 b. Feb. 6, 1849. Children, by Black : iv. Sandford S. (Black),9 b. May 23, 1860. v. Lilly C. (Black)9 b. Sept. 5, 1868. 1233(L Hiram,8 b. Dec. 23, 1832; m. Feb. 27, 1857, Sally N. Northrup ; res. in Caro, Mich. Children : i. Noah,9 b. June 25 — . ii. Flora.9 iii. Sarah P.9 iv. Rosalie S.,9 b. July 23, 1878. 1233e. Nancy,8 b. Dec 23, 1839 ; res. in Caro, Mich. ; m. Feb. 20, 1856, Joseph Caro. Children : i. Eugene (Caro),9 b. June 30, 1858. ii. Ira (Caro),9 b. June 12, 1860. iii. John E. (Caro),9 b. Dec 28, 1862. iv. Willis (Caro),9 b. April 11, 1865. 1233/'. Dallas,8 b. Oct. 21, 1841 ; res. in Caro, Mich.; m. Mar. 4, 1865, Sophia Northrup. Children : i. Daniel W.,9 b. Oct. 16, 1868. ii. A child.9 iii. A child.9 1233a. John,8 b. June 22, 1844; res. in Gagetown, Mich. ; m., 1862, Mary E. Northrup. Children : i. Eleanora,9 b. Nov. 22, 1862. ii. George,9 b. Nov. 8, 1868. 200 SEVENTH GENERATION. iii. Orrilla,9-b. July 23, 1878. iv. Sherman,9 b. Jan., 1881. 12337*. Benjamin T.,8 b. Oct. 8, 1847; res. in Caro, Mich.; m. Nov. 28, 1867, Sarah E. Hart. Children : i. Frank H.,9 b. Jan. 25, 1870. ii. Fred D.,9 b. Apr. 17, 1874. iii. Harvey T.,9 b. Apr. 1, 1878. iv. Mark W.,9 b. Apr. 14, 1883. 1233i. Hiram7 (S4t8p), son of Elias6 (Benjamin? Josiah? John? Stephen 2 Stephen1) , born Feb. 17, 1809; died Feb. 1, 1858; married Sept. 4, 1834, Eliza Ann OaHey, born Sept. 27, 1817; resided in Rochester, K Y. Children: 1233j. Lovisa Jane,8 b. Oct. 3, 1838 ; res. in Rochester ; m. Wil liam Willis. 1233fc. Marquis Barton,8 b. Oct. 2, 1841 ; d. Dec. 3, 1878 ; m. Virginia Streeter ; two ch. 1233Z. Nancy Eliza,8 b. Dec. 5, 1843 ; d. Nov. 14, 1856. 1233m. Hiram Dewitt,8 b. Feb. 28, 1845 ; d. Oct. 29, 1845. 1233)i. Hubbard Byron,8 b.Mar. 31, 1847 ; cl. Feb. 22, 1883; m. Lizzie Weston ; one ch. who d. 1233o. Delia Blanche,8 b. Sept. 11, 1851; d. in Canada, 1878; m. Franklin Woodwoith. 1233p. Susan Bell,8 b. Oct. 24, 1856; m. James H. Hawkes. Three ch., all d. ; res. in Denver, Col. 1234. David7 (463), son of Ebenezer6 (Adams? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Lisbon, N. H., Oct. 5, 1777; died Jan. 24, 1855; married (1), Nov. 17, 1796, Betsey Spooner, born May 5, 1778 and died Jan. 10, 1828; married (2), Rhoda Crane, born Sept. 1, 1779 and died Aug., 1860. Children, by Betsey (born in Lisbon, 1ST. H.) : 1235. Thankful,8 b. Sept. 5, 1797 ; m. Philip Robbins. 1236. Azubah,8 b. Jan. 13, 1799 ; m. Abner Guernsey. DAVID STREETER. 201 1237. Hannah,8 b. Apr. 19, 1800; m. J. Quimby. 1238. Robert,8 b. Dec. 20, 1801 ; d. May 17, 1863 ; m. Lovinia Crane, b. Aug. 2, 1809. Children : i. Amasa A.,9 b. June 28, 1829 ; m. Laura Dexter. Children : i. Charles.10 ii. George O.10 iii. Warren R.10 iv. Nellie.10 v. William.10 ii. Cynthia M.,9 b. July 17, 1832; m. Thomas Nurse. iii. Eliza B.,9 b. Oct. 25, 1834; m. R. S. Phillips. iv. Jane,9 b. July 20, 1838 ; m. John W. Bickford. v. Otis O.,9 b. May 10, 1844 ; m. Jan. 27, 1874, Idella Watson, b. May 14,1851. Child : i. Ina May,10 b. Nov. 20, 1874. vi. Ellen R.,9 b. Aug. 24, 1847 ; d. Jan. 22, 1864. 1239. Richard,8 b. July 21, 1803; d. April 6, 1880; m. Ann Jesseman. Children : i. Emily,9 b. Dec. 3, 1823 ; m. David Eastman. ii. George W.,9 b. July 8, 1825; m. Aug. 11, 1853, Sarah A. Salter. Children : i. Walton L.,10 b. Nov. 30, 1856 ; cl. Mar. 11, 1857. ii. Eliza Lee,10 b. Dec. 11, 1860. iii. Olive Ann,10 b. Feb. 18, 1865 ; m. June 22, 1882, W. H. Sands. iv. George W.,10 b. May 22, 1870 ; d. July 25, 1870. v. Hattie L.,10b. Sept. 11, 1871 ; d. May 2, 1872. iii. Richard,9 b. July 10, 1827; m. July, 1850, . Children : i. Bradshaw.10 ii. Mary.10 202 SEVENTH GENERATION. iv. Olive,9 b. Nov. 20, 1829 ; m. Oct. 15, 1853, T. M. Conant. v. Charles,9 b. Apr. 11, 1837; d. Apr. 27, 1882; m. Apr. 11, 1858, Eliza Cabby, of Whitefield, Vt., b. July 20, 1836. Children : i. Joseph R.,10b. Jan. 11, 1861; m. Aug. 9, 1884, Ella A. Gray, b. Oct. 29, 1860. Child : i. Charles G.,11 b. Oct. 7, 1888. ii. Cordis M.,10 b. Mar. 2, 1863; m. Bert W. Hardy. iii. Carrie E.,10 b. Nov. 25, 1867 ; m. James W. vi. Betsey Jane,9 b. Jan., 1840 ; m. William Palmer. vii. James Reilly,9 b. Dec. 14, 1842; m. (1), Susan L. Howe; m. (2), Susan Streeter (1256), dau. of Ebenezer and Linda (Webster). Child, by Susan (1) : i. Charles,10 b. Sept. 8, 1863. Children, by Susan (2) : ii. Addie B.,10 b. Mar. 2, 1867. iii. Melinda J.,10 b. May 1, 1868. iv. James H.,10 b. May 13, 1870. v. Franklin M.,10 b. Feb. 5, 1872. vi. Arthur E.,10 b. Apr. 25, 1874. 1240. Polly,8 b. Apr. 20, 1805. 1241. Rebecca,8 b. June 30, 1807; m. Joseph Harris. 1242. Marinda,8 b. Mar. 11, 1809; d. Jan., 1824. 1243. David,8 b. Dec. 31, 1811 ; m., 1833, Sylvia Kendall. Children : i. George Henry,9 b. Mar. 16, 1835 ; m. Oct. 28, 1856, Maria Kendall ; no issue. ii. Albert K.,9 b. Nov., 1843 ; m. Mrs. Courtney. Children : i. Annie L.10 ii. David.10 iii. Martha J.,9 m. Thaddeus Quimby. DAVID STREETER. 203 iv. Mindwell,9 m. Lewis Cadderette. v. Merinda.9 vi. Edmund L.9 vii. George.9 viii. Florence,9 m. James Cheney. 1244. Hiram,8 b. Dec. 31, 1811 ; d. Jan., 1817. 1245. Ralph,8 b. Feb. 17, 1813 ; m. Caroline Daly. Children : i. Martin V.9 ii. Hiram.9 iii. Frank.9 iv. Lydia.9 v. Charles.9 vi. A dau.9 1246. Edmond,8 b. Aug. 21, 1815; m. Mar. 15, 1838, Melinda Hareman. Children : i. Elizabeth,9 b. July 6, 1840 ; m. William Doe. Children : i. Edmund H. (Doe),10 b. Apr. 2, 1859. ii. William E. (Doe),10 b. May 4, 1860. iii. MaudE. (Doe),10 b. May 16, 1861. iv. AlvahR. (Doe),10b. Sept. 21, 1865. v. George E. (Doe),10 b. July 19, 1869. vi. Elizabeth M. (Doe),10 b. Feb. 24, 1873. vii. Mary M. (Doe),10 b. Oct. 18, 1880. ii. David,9 b. June 24, 1842 ; d. Oct. 27, 1846. iii. Marillin,9 b. Sept. 3, 1844 ; m. Charles J. Brother. Children : i. Charles E. (Brother),10 b. Aug. 10, 1875 ; d. Aug. 25, 1875. ii. Norman J. (Brother),10 b. Aug. 12, 1877 ; d. Nov. 17, 1879. iii. Wallace S. (Brother),10 b. Mar. 22, 1879. iv. Mabel (Brother),10 b. May 30, 1885. iv. Alvah I.,9 b. Jan. 24, 1847 ; m. Lydia Magoon. Children : i. Otis W.,10 b. May 17, 1877. 204 SEVENTH GENERATION. ii. Forest E.,10 b. Nov. 26, 1879. iii. Marill Fairfield,10 b. July 2, 1881. iv. Alvah J.,10 b. Jan. 30, 1883. v. Marinda,9 b. Aug. 21, 1849 ; m. Joseph E. Hopkins. Children : i. Jair.es J. (Hopkins),10 b. Aug. 3, 1874. ii. William (Hopkins),10 b. Nov. 6, 1877. iii. Charles (Hopkins),10 b. Apr. 8, 1879 ; d. Aug. 15, 1882. 1247. Betsey,8 b. May 10, 1816 ; m. Alvin Crane. 1248. Jane,8 b. Apr. 18, 1818; d. Jan. 13, 1838. 1249. Emily,8 b. Nov. 4, 1820 ; d. Apr., 1821. 1250. Simon,8 b. July 4, 1823 ; m. Feb. 14, 1850, Martha Ellison b. Apr. 27, 1824. Children : i. Imogene H.,9 b. Nov. 14, 1850. ii. Rollin E.,9 b. Sept. 12, 1854. 1251. Emily,8 b. June 26, 1825; m. George Berry. 1252. Willard7 (464) , son of Ebenezer6 (Adams? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen}), born in Lisbon, JST. H. ; married Sarah Briggs. Children : 1253. Mark,8 m. Olive Streeter (1268), dau. of Joel and Nancy (Daily), b. Nov. 21, 1815. Child : i. C. H.,9 b. 1852. 1254. IIosea8 (1707), b. May 8, 1811. 1255. Daniel,8 m. Kittredge ; left one ch. 1256. Kbenezkr,8 m. Linda Webster. Children : i. John.9 ii. Adeline,9 m. David Jesseman. iii. Murilla,9 d. unm. iv. Polly,9 m. Henry Danforth. v. Susan,9 m. as his 2d wife James Reilly, son of Rich ard Streeter (1239), and Ann (Jesseman), b. Dec. 14, 1842. ADAMS STREETER. 205 1257. Levi Willard8 (1713), b. Apr. 10, 1806. 1258. Polly.8 1259. Fannie,8 m. Nathan Bowles. 1260. Adams7 (465), son of Ebenezer6 (Adams? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1) ,\>o\'\\ in Lisbon, X. H., about 1782; married Mary Daly. Children: 1261. Luke,8 b. Mar. 3, 1802; d. Aug. 27, 1827. 1262. Nathan,8 b. Sept. 14, 1811 ; m. Jan. 2, 1837, Emeline Oaks. Children : i. Isaac,9 b. Feb. 28, 1838 ; d. Aug. 25, 1845. ii. Philinda,9 b. Feb. 6, 1841 ; m. George Bailey. iii. Willis,9 b. Apr. 2, 1842 ; d. Sept. 5, 1845. iv. Ellen,9 b. July 3, 1844; cl. Sept. 2, 1845. v. Samantha,9 b. May 6, 1846 ; d. Feb. 1, 1852. vi. Susan,9 b. Mar. 16, 1849; d. June 10, 1883; m. John Aldrich. vii. Alice I.,9 b. Jau. 8, 1854; d. May 22, 1882; m. Elmore Whipple. 1263. Joel7 (466), son of Ebenezer6 (Adams? Ste phen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Lisbon, N". H., Dec. 29, 1784; died June 17, 1852; married Jan. 3, 1808, jSancy Daily, born Aug. 30, 1791 and , died June 9, 1873. Children (born in Lisbon) : 1264. Mary,8 b. Sept. 14, 1808 ; m. Joseph Dexter. 1265. Roxey,8 b. Feb. 28, 1810; m. David Dexter. 1266. Leonard,8 b. Dec. 27, 1811 ; m. Fanny Wright. Children : i. Lurania,9 m. ¦ Harris. ii. Leonard.9 1267. Lydia,8 b. Jan. 2, 1813; m. Ed. Jesseman. 1268. Olive,8 b. Nov. 21, 1815; m. Mark Streeter (1253), son of Willard and Sarah (Briggs). 206 SEVENTH GENERATION. 1269. Levi 3d,8 b. Dec. 27, 1817 ; m. Feb. 14, 1847, Mehitabel C. Huntoon, b. Mar. 16, 1829. Children : i. Calvin,9 b. Oct. 19, 1847 ; d. Aug. 29, 1859. ii. Emeline,9 b. May 23, 1851 ; m. Henry C. Clark. iii. Leonore,9 b. Jan. 28, 1854 ; m. Harry Young. 1270. Lucinda,8 b. Oct. 20, 1819 ; in. Willard Daly. 1271. Ira,8 b. Apr. 12, 1821 ; m. Priscilla Howland. Children : i. Adams.9 ii. Juliett.9 1272. Adams,8 b. Dec. 19, 1822 ; m., 1846, Mary E. Morris ; res. in Lisbon, N. H. Children (born in Lisbon) : i. Matilda A.,9 b. 1848; m., 1866, Wm. T. Wright, of Lisbon. ii. Annie M.,9 b. 1849; m., 1870, Edward G. Jack- man, of Lisbon. iii. Emma H.,9 b. 1851 ; m., 1874, Daniel D. Mace, of Cornish, N. H. iv. Samuel M.,9b. 1854. v. Jennie N.,9 b. 1856; m., 1883, Joseph Chandler, of Lisbon. vi. Addie L.,9 b. Aug. 20, 1858 ; m., 1884, Enoch M. Howland, of Woodstock, N. H. vii. Mary L.,9 b. 1861 ; m., 1884, Martin H. Bean, of Cornish, N. H. viii. Fred R.,9 b. Mar. 19, 1863. 1273. Joel,8 b. Nov. 4, 1824 ; m. Mar. 26, 1849, Lavina B. Dex ter, b. Aug. 5, 1828 and d. Apr. 15, 1879. Children : i. ElraH.,9 b. Aug. 23, 1850 ; in. Aug. 20, 1875, Mat- tie Bailey, who d. Mar. 21, 1877. Child : i. Lavira,10 b. May 23, 1876. ii. Nelson D.,9 b. Nov. 9, 1851 ; m. Mar., 1879, Annie Richards. iii. Douglass,9 b. Oct. 8, 1854; res. in Otis, Col.; m. Oct. 4, 1883, Emma F. Wilcox, b. May 20, 1864. JOEL STREETER. 207 Children : i. Elford Douglass,10 b. July 22, 1886. ii. Errol Herbert,1" b. May 19, 1889. iv. Dudley J.,9 b. Sept. 17, 1860 ; cl. Dec. 14, 1865. v. Charles H.,9 b. Aug. 11, 1862 ; cl. July 24, 1868. vi. Elle A.,9 b. Jan. 22, 1866. vii. Angie E.,9 b. July 25, 1870. viii. Lavira M.,9 b. May 23, 1876. 1274. Benjamin,8 b. May 17, 1826 ; m. Adeline Quimby ; no issue. 1275. Orin,8 b. Sept. 17, 1827 ; d. Mar. 23, 1859. 1276. Mary A.,8 b. Sept. 9, 1829 ; m. Russell Howland. 1277. Angeline,8 b. July 20, 1832 ; m. George Gordon. 1278. Emeline,8 b. Feb. 12, 1834 ; m. George Hall. 1279. James Z.,8 b. Aug. 5, 1836 ; d. unm. 1280. John7 (473) , son of Naphtali6 (Adams? Ste phen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born Oct. 24, 1787; died May 30, 1860; married Aug. 30, 1810, Lucy Bemis of Brattleboro, Yt., born Sept. 27, 1780 and died Sept. 2, 1852. Children : 1281. Stephen B.,8 b. Apr. 9, 1811; living, 1881, in Littleton, N. H. He m. Mar. 5, 1840, Sally Howe, who d. Nov. 7, 1874. He d. Jan. 18, 1890. Children : i. Mary H.,9 b. Aug. 13, 1841. ii. Lucy A.,9 b. Sept. 24, 1844. One of the above daus. m. George Colby. 1282. Catherine,8 b. Jan. 5, 1814; m. Feb. 19, 1845, Oliver Hildreth. 1283. Lucy,8 b. May 4, 1816 ; d. July 31, 1838. 1284. Susan,8 b. May 10, 1818 ; m. Sept. 11, 1844, Levi Glidden. 1285. Julia A.,8 b. Aug. 1, 1820. 1286. James Monroe,8 b. Jan. 9, 1825; cl. Mar. 7, 1863, in the army at Newport News, Va. ; m. Mar. 4, 1847, Louisa Sanborn. Children : i. Addison,9 b. June 30, 1848. 208 SEVENTH GENERATION. ii. George F.,9 b. Apr. 13, 1852. iii. Fred. Henry,9 b. Feb. 8, 1860; d. July 24, 1867. iv. Celia A.,9 b. Aug. 30, 1861 ; d. Jan. 22, 1883 ; m. Aug. 10, 1878, Alverton Clough. 1287. Elias H.7 (474), son of Naphtali6 (Adams? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born May 13, 1793; died Aug. 30, 1849; married Aug. 15, 1815, Ann F. Mackie, born Oct. 6, 1799 and died Jan. 16, 1865. Children : 1288. Abigail M.,8 b. May 8, 1822; d. Feb. 14, 1888; m. May 20, 1843, Henry A. Schutz, b. Jan. 17, 1820. Children : i. Henry A.,9 b. Oct. 1, 1844 ; d. Mar. 23, 1884 ; phy sician ; m. Mar. 15, 1882, Lizzie Simons, b. July 11, 1851 and d. July 26, 1887. ii. Sarah Ann,9 b. Apr. 12, 1850; d. Sept. 27, 1884. iii. Mary H.,9 b. May 3, 1854 ; d. Sept. 12, 1883. 1289. Benjamin Franklin,8 b. Mar. 15, 1825 ; m. Oct. 23, 1845, Phebe A. Scott, b. Nov. 15, 1822. Children : i. Susan,9 b. Sept. 21, 1846; in. Oct. 22, 1868, J. E. Coe, a physician, b. Mar. 3, 1844. Children : i. i:iiza Lauretta (Coe),10 b. Feb. 22, 1870. ii. Franc. (Coe,)10 b. June 25, 1874. iii. Harrison (Coe),10 b. Nov. 17, 1880. ii. Lauretta,9 b. June 5, 1849 ; m. Mar. 22, 1870, W. Rhinehart Biddle, b. Nov. 22, 1840. Children : i. Phebe Maud (Biddle),10 b. Dec. 31, 1871 ; d. July 16, 1882. ii. Susan (Biddle),10 b. Aug. 17, 1875. iii. Edward T.,9 b. Sept. 2, 1861; d. June 29, 1885; m. Mar. 13, 1884, Mary E. Williams, b. Mar. 10, 1863. JOHN STREKTER. 209 Child : i. Harrison, 10 b. Feb. 3, 1885. 1290. Elias Howell,8 b. Feb. 4, 1829 ; d. Apr. 4, 1849. 1291. Edward H.,8 b. Feb. 21, 1835 ; m. Sarah Wink. Children : i. Benjamin Franklin,9 b. Aug. 17, 1855 ; in. Feb. 20, 1875, Addie Green, b. Oct. 25, 1855. Children : i. Lizzie,10 b. May 22, 1876. ii. Harrison,10 b. Mar. 25. 1884. iii. Mabel,10 b. Mar. 31, 1887. ii. Virginia,9 b. Aug. 3, 1859 ; m. John Terry. iii. Yerina,9 b. Oct. 17, 1862 ; m. Jonathan Knight. 1292. William H. Harrison,8 b. Nov. 9, 1840; m. April 13, 1882, Hannah Pettit, b. Nov. 12, 1843. 1293. John7 (475), son of Naphtali6 (Adams? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen2 Stephen1) , died Aug. 15, 1868; married Jan. 1, 1815, Elizabeth Titus, born Aug., 1793 and died Dec. 29, 1872. Children : 1294. Catherine,8 b. Aug. 15, 1817; in. Nov., 1846, Daniel Gibsou. Children : i. Hubert H. (Gibson),9 b. Sept., 1847. ii. Clara J. (Gibson),9 b. Apr., 1854. iii. Allen (Gibson),9 b. Nov., 1855; d. Feb.; 1877. iv. Mina (Gibson),9 b. May, 1857; cl. Feb., 1877. 1295. Sarah,8 b. Dec, 1819; m. Dec, 1840, Ensign Bushnell. Children : i. John (Bushnell) 9 ii. Mary E. (Bushnell ) .'-' iii. Leaman (Bushnell).9 iv. Osher (Bushnell).9 v. Julia (Bushnell) .9 1296. Mary,8 b. Mar. 6, 1822; d. May 15, 1814. 1297. Jane C.,8 b. Apr. 29, 1824 ; m. Sept. 19, 1844, Nathan C. Sheldou. 14 210 SEVENTH GENERATION. Children : i. Darwin L. (Sheldon),9 b. Feb. 13, 1846; m. Feb. 26, 1874, Addie E. Coons. Children : i. Henry E.,10 b. Dec. 5, 1875. ii. Irene C.,10 b. Aug. 1, 1878. iii. An infant,10 b. July 21, 1887. ii. Curtis P. (Sheldon),9 b. July 6, 1849; m. Nov., 1872, Sue Smith. Child : i. Ernest P.10 iii. Howell S. (Sheldon),9 b. May 15, 1855; m. May, 1878, Martha A. Delhi. Children : i. Nathan L.,'° b. Feb. 26, 1879. ii. Carl A.,10b. Oct. 17, 1881. iii. Jennie C.,10 b. Jan. 21, 1884. 1298. Howell,8 b. Sept. 2, 1826 ; d. Jan. 22, 1855. 1299. Loesa R.,8 b. Sept. 4, 1828 ; cl. Mar., 1853 ; m., 1851, Syl vester E. Case. 1300. Susan Ann,8 b. Nov. 15, 1831; d. June 18, 1847. 1301. Aaron7 (477), son of Xaphtali6 (Adams? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born Aug. 13, 1801; died March 4, 1875; married Jan. 7, 1826, Susan Lawshe, born Feb. 12, 1804. Children : 1302. George,8 b. July 13, 1827; in. Jan. 15, 1859, Elizabeth Alpaugh. Children : i. Nehemiah Dunham,9 b. 1860. ii. Aaron Newton,9 b. 1862. 1803. Andrew,8 b. Aug. 18, 1829; m. Jan. 29, 1859, Emeline Egbert. Children : i. Ophelia C.,9 b. 1859. ii. William Judson,9 b. 1861. REUBEN STREETER. ' 211 1304. Elias,8 b. July 13, 1831 ; d. Apr. 11, 1833. 1305. Enoch,8 b. Dec. 17, 1833 ; m. Apr. 14, 1869, Mary J. Dun ham. Children : i. Frank,9 b. 1876. ii. Warren,9 b. 1881. iii. Herbert,9 b. 1886. 1306. James,8 b. June 9, 1835 ; d. Mar. 26, 1848. 1307. HALLOWAY,8b. Apr. 9, 1838; m. Mar. 28, 1874, Emma J. Worman. Child : i. Wilson,9 b. 1875. 1308. Lewis,8 b. Mar. 13, 1842; m. Apr. 19, 1873, Mary E. Reese. Children : i. William Walter,9 b. 1875. ii. Charles Judson,9 b. 1877. iii. Harry G.,9 b. 1881. 1309. Fletcher,8 b. Aug. 2, 1844; in. Jau. 1, 1870, Elizabeth Emmons. Children : i. Arthur,9 b. 1872. ii. Laura,9 b. 1880. 1310. Elizabeth Ann,8 b. Sept. 9, 1848; m. Nov. 2, 1867, Henry Shire. Children : i. Milton (Shire),9 b. 1868. ii. L-Axinia (Shire),9 b. 1869. iii. Mary (Shire),9 b. 1872. iv. Watson (Shire)9 b. 1878. 1311. Reuben7 (487), son of Adam6 (Adams? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Win chendon, Mass., July 24, 1786; died in Orange, Mass., Mar. 12, 1821. Married at Jaiirey, X. H., Abigail Hunt, born in Jaffrey, Xov. 5, 1788 and died in Xo. Adams, Mass., STov. 18, 1873. 212 SEVENTH GENERATION. Children : 1312. Naihan H.,8 b. Sept. 20, 1808, in Chester, Vt. ; d. Apr. 20, 1861, in West Roxbury, Mass. ; m. May 14, 1837, Alice Killam Parker, by Rev. George W. Blagden, at the Old South Church, Boston. She was b. in Tem ple, Me. Children : i. Annie D.,9 b. Mar. 24, 1838 ; d. next day. ii. Julia,9 b. Dec. 23, 1839; m. Oct. 27, 1858, Ira Morse, of West Roxbury, Mass. ; res. in Boston, Mass. iii. Alice Parker,9 b. Nov. 8, 1842; m. Nov. 6, 1872, Hiram Whittingham, of Cohasset, Mass. iv. Nathan H.,9 b. Oct. 26, 1845 ; d. Dec. 5, 1878 ; m. Apr. 15, 1877, Caroline L. Martin, of San Jose, Cal. ; no issue. v. Charles H.,9 b. Dec. 14, 1847. vi. Cora Ann,9 b. July 29, 1850 ; cl. Aug. 27, 1875. 1313. Charles,8 b. May 20, 1811, Chester, Vt ; d. in North Adams, Dec. 28, 1867; m. Aug. 5, 1832, Emily J. Spears. Children (born in No. Adams) : i. Charles,9 b. June 28, 1833 ; d. Jan. 4, 1836. ii. John H.,9 b. Aug. 2, 1835 ; cl. Sept. 25, 1836. iii. Benjamin F.,9 b. Nov. 17, 1840; cl. Dec. 24, 1841. iv. Sarah J.,9 b. Feb. 23, 1845; d. Dec. 21, 1868; m. Nov. 25, 1868, William G. Viall. v. Angeline W.,9 b. Aug. 30, 1847 ; d. May 26, 1859. vi. Harriet M.,9 b. Sept. 23, 1850; m. July 15, 1870, Lewis B. Parsons ; res. in 1883, in Detroit, Mich. vii. John E.,9 b. May 13, 1853 ; d. July 24, 1863. 1314. Louisa,8 b. April 15, 1813, in Ballston, N. Y. ; res. in Holden, Mass. ; m. William G. Parker, of Worcester, Mass., b. in Brookline, Mass., Dec. 2, 1813; no issue. 1315. Bhoanah H.,8 b. Dec. 29, 1814. in Ballston ; res. in Sche nectady^". Y. ; m. at Greenbush, N. Yr., Apr. 19, 1839, to Amos B. Shreet, b. in Fishkill, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1814. Children : Two sons and two daus. BENJAMIN B. STREETER. 213 1316. Benjamin B.7 (488), son of Adam6 (Ad ams? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born July 16, 1788; died in Rouse's Point, X. Y. He married (1), Heford ; married (2) , Sarah Reyn olds. Children : 1317. William L.,8 m. , and had four daus. 1318. Dorcas,8 unm. 1319. Juliet.8 1320. Gbindal A.,8 m. Margaret McLean. Children : i. David L.,9b. Dec. 14, 1846. ii. Maria A.,9 b. July 4, 1850. iii. Allen R.,9 b. Mar. 23, 1853. iv. Emma J.,9 b. Jan. 24, 1857. v. Washington,9 b. July 4, 1859. vi. William,9 b. Sept. 11, 1865. 1321. Harry P.,8 I>. Oct. 14, 1812; m. , b. Sept. 12, 1818. Children : i. Benjamin,9 b. July 3, 1842. ii. William,9 b. 1844. iii. Elizabeth,9 b. Nov. 18, 1847; d. May 19, 1848. 1322. Oscar,8 rem. West; m. Barker. 1323. Platte.8 1324. John A.7 (496), son of Adam8 (Adams? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born Dec. 18, 1810; died in Fitzwilliam, IS". H., Jan. 3, 1870. He served three years in the war of the Rebellion, in the 6th Xew Hampshii'e Vols., and was wounded in the battle of the Wilderness, May 6, 1864. He married Dec. 2, 1834, Ruth Carroll, born Sept. 13, 1815. Children: 1325. John H.,8 b. May 4, 1837; m. Dec. 29, 1859, Susan A. Cheney, b. Mar. 8, 1841. 214 SEVENTH GENERATION. Children : i. Walter H.,9 b. Mar. 14, 1868. ii. Clark C.,9 b. Oct. 24, 1873. 1326. Benjamin F.,8 b. Apr. 1, 1839 ; cl. Jan. 15. 1840. 1327. Cyrene R.,8 b. June 7, 1844; d. Sept. 22, 1872; m. Dec. 25, 1862, Adam M. Shaler, b. June 28. 1835. Child : i. W. Sidney (Shaler),9 b. July 17, 1872. 1328. Jennie L.,8 b. Apr. 10, 1848; m. Dec. 31, 1867, Charles H. Gleason, b. Nov. 18, 1843. Children : i. Grade L. (Gleason),9 b. Nov. 21, 1868. ii. Gertie M. (Gleason),9 b. May 19, 1879. 1329. Eliza A.,8 b. Nov. 22, 1853; d. July 22, 1857. 1330. Hattie M.,8 b. Mar. 11, 1858; m. Apr. 27, 1875, Fred. F. Gleason, b. Jan. 4, 1854. Children : i. Milton H. (Gleason) ,» b. May 9, 1877. ii. R. Francois (Gleason),9 b. June 16, 1879. 1331* William Adams7 (502) , son of Nathaniel6 (Adams? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen?) , born in Great Sodus, Wayne Co., N. Y., July 30, 1811. Of himself, Mr. Streeter says, that on account of ill health, he left the States in the fall of 1841 for South America, landing at Payta, Peru, in 1842, where he remained until March 7, 1843, when he set sail for California, landing at Monterey, May 10, 1843; spent the first year in the northwestern part of California, and finding the climate did not agree with him, he determined to return to Peru. But at that time the only means of procuring a passage was to go to the Sandwich Islands, and obtain one from there on a whale-ship. As it would necessitate a waste of six months time, before a vessel would sail for the Islands, he concluded to spend the time at Santa Barbara, * For number ."ioS, see number 1431, DANIEL STREETER. 215 where finding the climate congenial, he decided to remain. His health became completely restored, and when last heard from in 1888, was still a resident there. He was a physician and surgeon. He married (1), 1832, at Auburn, X'. Y., his cousin, Hannah C, daughter of Zebina Day. He married (2), in the fall of 1848, Josephine Yaldez, a native of California. Children, by Hannah: 1332. A child,8 d. at birth. 1333. William Crandel,8 b. Apr. 20, 1837; res. at St. Louis, Mo. ; m. and had one son. 1334. A child,8 d. at birth. 1335. Zebina Nathaniel,8 b. Oct. s, 1H3K, in Genoa, N. Y. ; res. in Sonora, Mexico. Children, by Josephine (born in Santa Barbara) : 1336. A child,8 d. in inf. 1337. William Charles,8 b. 1851 ; res. at Bisbee, Arizona Ter. ; no issue. 1338. A child,8 d. in inf. 1339. Lucretia,8 b. Feb. 3, 1854. 1340. A child,8 d. in inf. 1341. Edward Ernest,8 b. Sept. 6, 1858; res in San Francisco. 1342. A child,8 cl. in inf. 1343. Franklin Washington,8 b. Nov. 18, 1861. 1344. A child,8 d. in inf. 1345. Minerva Lucinda,8 b. Sept. 19, 1863. 1346. A child,8 d. in inf. 1347. Walter Henry,8 b. June 10, 1866. 1348. A child,8 d. in inf. 1349. Georgk Albert,8 b. Aug. 5, 1868. 1350. A child,8 d. in inf. 1351. Rbbecca Daria,8 b. May 18, 1872. 1352. Daniel7 (505), son of Benjamin6 (Zebulon? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Con cord, Yt., July 24, 1799; died in Brighton, Yt., Jan. 216 SEVENTH GENERATION. 8, 1873; married Mary Jackson, born in Canterbury, XT. H., Aug. 30, 1799 and died in Brighton, Yt., March 28, 1872. Children : 1353. Chaklks,8 b. in Concord, Vt., Oct. 2, 1824 ; d. in Brigh ton, Vt , Apr. 7, 1865 ; m. Sarah Maria Prescott, b. Apr. 25, 1824. Children : i. Clara,9 m. Braley; res. in Andover, N. H. ii. Charles.9 iii. Tyler.9 1354. Hannah,8 b. in Concord, Vt., Jan. 18, 1826; m. James Porter Tyler ; no issue. 1355. George,8 b. Mar. 30, 1828. 1356. Daniel,8 b. in Concord, Vt., Mar. 1, 1829; m. Julia Wheeler. Children : i. Frank Sherman,9 b. in Charleston, Vt., Aug. 5, 1853 ; grad. at Dartmouth, 1874; taught High school one year at Ottumwa, la. Student at law with Hon. A. P. Carpenter, at Bath, N. H., whose dau , Lillian, he ni. Nov. 14, 1877, and subse quently went into the practice of law at Concord, N. H. Member N. H. Assembly. ii. Anna May,9 b. in St. Johnsbury, Vt., May 1, 1867. iii. Celia,9 b. in Charleston, Vt. 1357. Mary Jane,8 b. in Charleston, Vt., Sept. 9, 1831 ; d. May 5, 1853. 1358. Samukl C.,8 b. in Charleston, Vt., Apr. IS, 1834; m. and lives in Charleston, Vt. 1359. Sherman,8 b. in Charleston, Vt., July 18, 1840; d. Sept. 11, 1ERLEY STREETER. 217 April 25, 1807, he and wife Eleanor of Guilford, Yt., and Thomas Bidwell and wife Elizabeth of Conn., deed all interest in the estate of their father, Capt. John Brooks, in Bernardston, Mass. He married Eleanor, daughter of John Brooks, of Bernardston, Mass. Children (born in Guilford, Yt.) : 1362. Erastus,8 d. Oct. 7 or 8, 1857 ; m. Sarah Gilligan. Children : i. Anson D.,9 m. ; no issue. ii. Joseph,9 did live at Hannibal, Mo. iii. Herbert Q.,9 b. in Guilford, Vt., Sept. 14, 1832-3; res. in Springfield; m. May 13, — , Lilla Tinant. Children : i. Birdie,10 b. 1869. ii. Lizzie,10 b. 1881. iii. Minnie,10 b. 1883. iv. Henry O.,9 b. in Guilford, Vt., Jan. 19, 1834; d. Feb. 23, 1876, in Deerfield, Mass. ; m. Jan. 8, 1856, Nancy E. Weatherhead, b. Apr. 13, 1834. Children : i. Edgar Jennings,10 b. in Bernardston, Mass., Oct. 3, 1857; m. Nov. 21, 1883, Zula J. Wise, b. in Greenfield, Mass., Aug. 14, 1863 ; res. in Greenfield, Mass. Child : i. Elsie W.,10 b. Sept. 11, 1887. ii. Elwyn C.,,(l b. Sept. 27, 1*60 ; d. Dec. 25, 1879. iii. Cora H.,10 b. Jan. Twin boys,9 d. in a few hours. 1367. Philinda,8 unm. 1368. Anson.8 1369. Damon.8 1370. Leaman.8 1371. Lucy,8 m. Ira Tubbs. 1372. Rufus7 (529), son of Comfort6 (Joseph? Samuel? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Ox ford, Mass., Oct. 9,1768; removed to Rutland Hol low, Jefferson Co., IS'. V., where he died Sept. 5, 1851. He married Lydia Crouch, of Colerain, Yt. Children : 1373. Mercy,8 m. Daiiford Earl. 1374. Rufus.8 220 SEVENTH GENERATION. 1375. Enoch,8 m. Polly Birch. 1376. Freelovk.8 1377. Charlotte,8 m. David Gregg. 1378. Lydia,8 m. Squire Royce. 1379. Sally,8 m. James Woodward. 1380. Alfred.8 1381. Horace.8 1382. Anise S.8 1383. Lyman,8 b. Sept. 7, 1810 ; d. 1889 ; m., 1835, Orrila Green, b. Jan. 19, 1815. Children : i. Orlo,9 b. Jan. 6, 1836 ; m. Amy Bailey. ii. Horace,9 b. Apr. 14, 1838; m. Susan Jones. iii. Danford,9 b. Aug. 9, 1841 ; d. Dec. 25, 1862 . iv. Albert,9 b. July 13, 1844; m. Louisa Clemons. v. Lester,9 b. Aug. 10, 1847; d. June 12, 1849. vi. Walter,9 b. Sept. 7,. 1854 ; m. Flora Jenks. 1384. Wesley,8 m. Cynthia Cleveland. 1385. David,8 b. June 17, 1815 ; d. May 17, 1883; m. Apr., 1837, Olive Spencer, b. Sept. 13, 1817. Children : i. Celoma,9 b. Sept. 7, 1837; m. Milo Green. ii. Melvin,9 b. Sept 13, 18'. 9'; m. Jan. 1, 1866, Fran ces L. Watson,b. Jan 19, 1845; res. in North Huron, N. Y. Children : i. Ina C.,10 b. Mar. 2, 1868. ii. Mary O.,10 b. Mar 19, 1871. iii. EdaE.,10 b. Nov. 20, 1873. iii. Lodema,9 b. Sept. 20, 1843 ; m. Alden Williams. iv. Romelia,9 b. Dec. 30, 1846 ; m. Maynard Yerpenny. v. Milford,9 b. Jan. 13, 1849 ; m. (1), Jan. 13, 1869, Mary M. Vonght, b. Feb. 18, 1851 andd July 26, 1875; m. (2), Mar. 7, 1877, Mary J. Hill. Child, by Mary (1) : i. Edward V., 10b. Feb. 12, 1871. Children, by Mary (2) : ii. William H.,10 b. Oct. 20, 1877. iii. David S.,10 b. Aug. 3, 1879. ELIJAH STREETER. 221 iv. Rose Dell,10 b. Feb. 1^, 1882. v. Charles M.,10 b. July 2, 1884. vi. Minnie May,10 b. Sept. 24, 1886. vii. Lena Belle,10 b. Nov. 9, 1887. viii. IraTearl,10 b. June 6, 1889. vi. Ordencie,9 b. Sept. 30, 1851 ; in. Spencer Yerbnoh. vii. Ardell,9 b. Aug. 26, 1858 ; m. George Everson. viii. Manford,9 b. Jan. 10, 1862 ; m. Minnie DeLong. 1386. Elijah7 (531), son of Comfort" (Josep>h? Samuel? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen}), born in Guil ford, Yt., May 2, 1779; died in Watertown, JST. Y., Aug. 21, 1830; was a shoemaker. Married (1), at Goshen, Mass., April 23, 1801, Ab igail, daughter of Dea. Farnum White. She and her husband were both buried at Goshen, Mass., and have stones at their graves. He married (2), at Belcher- town, Mass., May 26, 1805, Kntherine Weeks, born in ]STew Salem, Mass., Feb. 8, 1788, and after the de cease of her husband, she returned to Belchertown, and died Aug. 16, 1840, at Southampton, where she had gone for medical treatment. Before his decease, Mr. Streeter had lived in Champion, Jefferson Co., N. Y. Child, by Abigail (born in Goshen, Mass.) : 1387. Nelson White,8 b. Jan. 10, 1804 : d. in Watertown, N. Y., May 13, 1878, after a residence there of 50 years ; was a tailor; m. (1), Oct. 1, 1828, Aurelia A. Parsons, wlio d. Jan. 19, 1837; m. (2), Oct. 22, 1837, Eunice H. Burpee. Children, by Aurelia (born in Watertown) : i. John C.,9 b. Nov. 21,1829; res. in Watertown, N. Y. He is a man of much prominence, and has been mayor of that city. He m. Oct. 17, 1856, Mary C. White, who d. Oct. 15, 1871. 222 SEVENTH GENERATION. Child : i Fred W.,10 b. July 17, 1857; m. Jan. 13, 1881, Carrie M. Davis, of Philadelphia, Pa., where they reside ; no issue. ii. Cornelia,9 b. June 15, 1832. iii. Aurelia,9 b. Apr. 2, 1834. Child, by Eunice : iv. William H.,9 b. May 1, 1845; res. in Rochester, N. Y., and is a practising physician there. He m. Jan. 11, 1870, Beulah G. Johnson, of Water- town, N. Y. Children of Elijah, by Katherine: [The History of the Weeks family says Katherine in. May 26, 1808 ; and no mentionis inacleof Alfred F. in the family record, b. May 30, 1808. Whereas, a son of Kath erine states, she was m. 1805, the most probable date, according to Alfred's birth. Other correspondence in timates that Nelson W. was the only child by Elijah's first marriage.] 1388. Alfred Frederick,8 b. in Goshen, Mass., May 30, 1808; rem., 1837, to Jackson, Mich., where he d. May 22, 1864; m., 1827, Samantha Walton of Batavia, N. Y. Children : i. Mortimer M.,9 b. Aug. 29, 1828 ; d. Aug. 20, 1830. ii. Mortimer M.,9 b. Sept. 30, 1830; res. in Jackson, Mich. iii. Alsina F.,9 b. Dec. 22,1836; m. Dec. 26,1868, Dimmick Bennett ; res. in Saginaw City, Mich. iv. Charles Bersley,9 b. in Jackson, Mich., Mar. 11, 1838 (as given by himself; another date, 1839) ; res. in Saginaw City; m. Mar. 28, 1863, Malvina Sleno. Children : i. Frances A.,10 b. June 13, 1865 ; m. June 15, 1882, James B. Preston. ii. Charles B.,10 b. May 15, 1869. iii. Joel C ,10 b. Dec. 25, 1876. iv. George M.,10 b. July 20, 1883. ELISHA STREETER. 223 v. James W.,9 b. Sept. 18, 1844; res. in Jackson, Mich. ; m. . vi. Alfred F.,9 b. Sept. 13, 1846 ; d. Dec. 24, 1882, at Buckeye City, 0. ; m. . vii. Coraline,9 b. June 10, 1848; m. John Roach. 1389. Joel,8 d. in inf. 1390. Abigail,8 d. in inf. 1391. Elijah Weeks,8 b. Feb. 18, 1813; was a house and sign painter in N. Y. city, and for a season was a member of Ihe police force. He m. his wife in Harlem, N. Y., by whom he had a son, who d. 1837. In 1841, he left the city, since when, nothing has been heard of him. 1392. Kli Sumner,8 b. in Goshen, Mass., June 13, 1815; lived several years in Menclon, 111. ; in 1885, was engaged in the mining business at Georgetown, Col. ; unm. 1393. Rhoda Mary,8 b. June 27, 1817; m., 1844, her cousin, Charles N. Ford, of Mendon, 111. She cl. at Iowa City, Io., Feb. 14, 1885. 1394. Clarissa Catherine,8 b. June 19, 1821 ; d. in Bangor, Me., abt. 1855; m. (1), Charles Rowan; in. (2), . 1395: Elisha7 (533), son of Comfort6 (Joseph? Samuel? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Guil ford, Yt., Aug. 21, 1784; died Nov. 8, 1862. He was a Wesleyan Methodist minister; lived in Mercer, Me. He married April 21, 1807, Tacy Allen, of Wilbra ham, Mass., born July. 30, 1786. Children: 1396. Francis Asbury,8 b. in Fitzwilliam, N. H., Jan. 24, 1808 ; d. Mar., 1864 ; m. Eliza Ryer, of N. Y. City. Children : i. Francis Asbury,9 b. Dec. 28, 1835; was a soldier in the Union army; m. Oct. 15, 1859, Mary Drury. Children : i. Warren F.,'° b. Oct. 14,1860; m. Anne Ol- iphant ; 3 ch. ii. George A.,10 b. June 24, 1863. 224 SEVENTH GENERATION. iii. Emma L.,10 b. May 12, 1870. iv. Caleb D.,10 b. Jan. 31, 1879. ii. Henry Elisha,9 b. June 26, 1838 ; d., 1871 ; unm. iii. George W. H.,9 b. Feb. 14, 1842; d. 1856. iv. Emeline L.,9 b. 1847; d. 1849. 1397. Mary M.,8 b. Feb. 22, 1809; d. in Boston, Mass., June, 1856 ; m. Nathan Bullen, of Farmington, Me. ; 2 daus. 1398. William M.,8 b. Oct. 10, 1811 ; d. in Farmington, Maine, July 27, 1887; m. July 1, 1835, Hannah Cushman, of Farmington, Me., b. Oct. 21, 1809. Children : i. Augustus,9 b Aug. 15, 1836; res. in Fairbanks, — ; m. Jan. 20, 1864, Hannah Worth, b. June 22, 1847. Child : i. William A.,10 b. Aug. 17, 1872. ii. Georgianna,9b. Nov. 12, 1842 ; m. Gardner Morse. iii. Nellie D.,9 b. Sept. 10, 1848; m. William Sawyer. 1399. Sarah S.,8 b. Feb.. 14, 1813; m. Nov. 26, 1837, Curtis Smith. 1400. Elizabeth W.,8 b. Apr. 24, 1815; m. at Phillips, Maine, Osgood Carr. She d. Sept. — . 1401. Celia K.,8 b. Dec. 30, 1816; m. Nov. 27, .Sumner Haynes. 1402. Sophia H.,8 b. Dec. 12, 1821; res. in Mercer, Me. ; m., 1845, Augustus Kimball. 1403. Enoch George,8 b. Apr. 5, 1824 ; m. Olive A. Clark, of Maiden, Mass. 1404. Jacob7 (539), son of Samuel6 (Samuel? Samuel? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Plain- field, Mass., Feb. 21, 1783; died Sept. 21, 1856; mar ried April 12, 1802, Hannah S. Erskine, born Nov. 2, 1785 and died Feb. 18, 1865. Children: 1405. Horace,8 b. April 9, 1804; d. Sept. 23, 1853; m. Sept. 23, 185>7, Eliza Avery. Children : i. Corridon B.,9 b. Mar. 4, 1829. JACOB STREETER. 225 ii. Justus L.,9 b. July 28, 1831. iii. Theron F..,9 b. Feb. 23, 1834. iv. Betsey E.,9 b. June 14, 1836, in Harrison, Pa. v. Delevan R.,9 b June 17, 1.S39, in Harrison, Pa. vi. William M.,9 b. Mar. 3, 1X42, in Mercer, Pa. vii. Almeron L.,9 h. , in Mercer, Pa. viii. Avery E.9 1406. Almira,8 b. Jan. 301 1806 ; m. Aug. 10, 1820, Simeon O. Hitchcock, who cl May, 1868. Children (born in Ronlette, Pa.) : i. Alaiison S. (Hitchcock),9 b. May 12, 1N21 ; d. in Ronlette, Pa., Oct. 22, 1S41. ii. Simeon 0. (Hitchcock),9 b. May 23, 1823. iii. Theresa M. (Hitchcock),9 b. June 5, 182.'i. iv. Almira E. (Hitchcock).9 b. Feb. 1, 1827. v. Maria A. (Hitchcock),9 b. Sept. 13, 1.S28. vi. Hannah E. (Hitchcock).9 b. Apr. 1, 1831. vii. Arthur (Hitchcock),9 b. June 29, 1833. viii. Catherine C. (Hitchcock),9 b. Oct. 1. 1*41 ; d. July. 20, 1842. 1407. Rede E.,8 b. Nov. 7, 1.S07 ; d. Oct. 10, 1856 ; m. July 10, 1*47, Catherine Rosman Child : i. JohnF.,9 b. July 22, 1850. 1408. Betsey,8 b. June 25, 1809 ; d. May 8, 1829. 1409. Anna,8 b. Dec. 16, 1810. 1410. Jacob,8 b. Apr. 2, 1812 ; m. Mar. 24, 1836, Angeline Ros man. Children : i. Betsey J.,9 b. Apr. 2, 1837, in Toledo, O. ii. Ellen,9 b. Feb. 14, 1840; d. Mar , 1*44, in Boone Co., 111. iii. Sarah L.,9 b. Mar. 16, 1842, in Boone Co., 111. iv. Orphia B.,9 b. Mar. 5, 1846, '¦ " v. Jerusha,9 b. April 20, 1848, " " " vi. Helen M.,9 b. July 31, 1850, " " " 1411. Mary W ,9 b. Mar. 6 or 9, 1814 ; m. Dec. 3, 1830, Dennis Kelley. She d. Apr. 30, 1845. 15 226 SEVENTH GENERATION. Children (born in Boone Co., 111.) : i. Harriet D. (Kelley),9 b. Aug. 29, 1840 ; d. Feb. 11, 1849. ii. Hiram G. (Kelley),9 b. Nov. 28, 1841 ; d. June 10, 1844. iii. Betsey F. (Kelley)9 b. Oct, 20, 1843. 1412. Hannah W.,9 b. July 8, 1816 ; d. Jan. 13, 1860 ; m. Dec. 13, 1835, Stark Hartwell. Children : i. Mary J. (Hartwell),9 b. Sept. 7, 1836, in Geneva, Ohio. ii. Betsey A. (Hartwell)9 b. May 7, 1838, in Geneva, O. ; d. Aug. 15, 1840. iii. Answel A. (Hartwell),9 b. Feb. 29, 1840, in Boone Co., 111. iv. Malvina M. (Hartwell), 9b. June 5, 1841, in Boone Co., 111. ; d. Jan. 28, 1854. v. William J. (Hartwell),9 b. July 6, 1842, in Boone" Co., 111. vi. Dennis K. (Hartwell),9 b. July 20, 1844, in Boone Co., 111. ; d. Sept. 30, 1844. vii. Lydia M. (Hartwell),9 b. Feb. 16, 1846, in Boone Co., 111. viii. Francis M. (Hartwell) 9 b. June, 1848, in Boone Co., 111. ; d. July, 1852. ix. Jacob E. (Ha.rtwell),9 b. July, 1851, in Boone Co., 111. x. Eugene (Hartwell).9 1413. William R.,9 b. April 19, 1818 ; m. June 13, 1839, Almeda Tillotson. / Children (born in Boone Co., 111.) : i. Henry H.,9 b. May 22, 1840 ; m. Jan. 22, 1863, May E. Wertz. Child : i. George S.,10 b. June 8, 1866. ii. George W.,9kb. Oct. 27, 1841 ; m. June 10, 1866,. Eliza Hockings. JACOB STREETER. 227 Children : i. Etta,10 b. Nov. 24, 1867. ii. Alma,10 b. Mar. 18, 1870 ; d. Nov. 13, 1879. iii. William,10 b. Aug. 14, 1871 ; d. Nov. 22, 1879. iv. Mary,10 b. Nov. 24, 1873 ; d. Nov. 13, 1879. v. Lizzie,10 b. Apr. 24, 1876. vi. Fannie,10 b. May 5, 1878. vii. George H.,10 b. Nov. 22, 1882. iii. Andrew J.,9 b. June 23, 1843 ; m. Dec. 5, 1865, Phcebe Hockings. Children : i. Delia,10 b. Aug. 14, 1867. ii. Jennie,10 b. Feb. 21, 1869 ; d. Aug. 4, 1872. iv. Adelia E.,9 b. Apr. 15, 1845 ; d. Sept. 10, 1846. v. Annette,9 b. Dec 10, 1846 ; m. Mar. 9, 1867, Sam uel Cleveland. Children : i. Adelpha (Cleveland).10 ii. Cyrus (Cleveland).10 iii. Alice (Cleveland).10 vi. Horace M.9 b. Dec. 1, 1848 ; d. June 4, 1865. vii. Loretta,9 b. Sept. 17, 1850; cl. Sept. 30, 1852. viii. Elijah A.,9 b. Mar. 16, 1853 ; d. Mar. 16, 1853. ix. Eliza A.,9 b. Mar. 16, 1853 ; d. Sept. 6, 1853. x. Mary A.,9 b. Dec. 16, 1856 ; d. May 4, 1860. xi. Almira I.,9 b. Sept. 8, 1858 ; m. Oct. 31, 1883, Ira Padden. xii. Abe C.,9 b. Mar. 4, 1861 ; m. Oct. 25, 1885, Lena Farmery. 1414. Answel,8 b. Mar. 26, 1820. He was a Methodist Chap lain, and d. in the army, 1863. He m. July 20, 1845, Elizabeth Northup. Children : i. Darwin Reed, b.9 Aug. 17, 1848 ; m. (1), May 20, 1874, Margaret E. Dempsey, b. July 1, 1850; m. (2), Feb. 27, 1881, Mary J. Nugent, b. Mar. 20, 1862; d. Dec. 20, 1889 ; m. (3), June 21, 1890, Dorcas M. Casselman, b. Mar. 4, 1869 ; res. in Williamsport, No. Dakota. 228 SEVENTH GENERATION. Children, by Margaret: i. William Dempsey,10 b. July 24, 1875 ; d. Nov. 20, 1879. ii. Mary E.,10 b. June 5, 1*77 ; d. July 10, 1877. Children, by Mary : iii. Francis Blaine,10 b. Apr. 3, 1888. iv. Wilsie Josephine,10 b. Dec. 14, 1889 ; d. Dec. 12, 1890. Child, by Dorcas : v. Darwin Reed,10 b. Oct. 20, 1891. ii. Laura H.,9 b. Nov. 5, 1850 ; d. Sept. 13, 1851. iii. Ida L.,9 b. July 5, 1852 ; d. Sept. 6, 1853. iv. I. N.,9 b. May 12, 1856 ; d. 1856. v. Charles,9 b. Mar. 16, 1857; d. 1859. 1415. Arnold7 (540c), son of Samuel6 (Samuel? Samuel? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born Oct. 14, 1790; died May 8, 1872; married Xov. 1, 1809, Rnth Butler, of Buckland, Mass., born 1791 and died Jan. 10, 1881, aged 90; resided in Plainfield, Mass. Children (born in Plainfield) : 1416. Romius,8 b. Mar., 1810; d. Sept., 1812. 1417. Serkno,8 b. 1812; d. Sept., 1812. 1418. Sericno Cicero,* b. Apr. 22, 1814; m. Feb. 20, 1839, Mercy Stetson. Children : i. Caroline A.,9 b. July 17, 1839; m. Nov. 24, 1864, J. Nelson Benjamin. Child : i. Lena (Benjamin),10 b. June 16, 1867. ii. Arabella G.,9 b. Apr. 11, 1843; m. Dec. 13, 1874, Charles T. Pastes. iii. Hiram C.,9 b. May 8, 1849 ; d. in inf. iv. George A.,9 b. Sept. 17, 1852; m. Dec. 24, 1873, Vesta E. Whitmarsh. Children : i. Cora M.,10 b. Mar. 1, 1878. ii. Edith L.,10 b. Sept. 6, 1879. iii. Herbert G.,10 b. Apr. 5, 1881. TRUMAN STREETER. 229 v. Mary E.,9 b. Nov. 22, 1854 ; m. Oct. 29, 1878, Clar ence Tower. 1419. Edwin P.,8 b. June 3, 1816 ; in. . Children : i. Edwin.9 ii. A dau.9 1420. Thekon L.,8 b. Aug. 17, 1818; m. Nov. 20, 1845, Betsey M. Belding, b. in Conway, Mass., Apr. 23, 1822 and d. in Pittsfield, Mass., July 27, 1873. Children : i. Clara M..9 b. Oct. 4, 1846, in Plainfield, Mass. ; m. June 4, 1867, William Read. ii. Darvom E.,9 b. Mar. 27, 1848; m. Nov. 24, 1870, Mary F. Baker. Child : i. Bessie M. (Baker),10 b. Apr. 22, 1873. iii. William H.,9 b. Dec. 18, 1851, in Ashfield, Mass. ; m. Aug. 24, 1873, Martha Roberts. Children ; i. Etta M.,10 b. Jan. 5, 1875. ii. Lillian R.,10 b. Mar. 13, 1877. iii. Hattie,10 b. Dec. 8, 1878. iv. Fred. T.,9 b. Aug. 14, 1864, in Savoy, Mass. I 421. Romina M.,8 b. May 10, 1823; m. Jan. 22, 1850, Josiah Shaw. Child : i. Josiah K. (Shaw),9 b. Nov. 9, 1854. 1422. Ruth A.,8 b. Feb. 6, 1828 ; m. George G. Keyer. 1423. Truman7 (540rf), son of Samuel6 ( Samuel? Samuel? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born Jan. 20, 1793; died Aug. 13, 1844; married Sept. 10, 1817, Nancy Hitchcock, of Hawley, Mass. Children (born in Ronlette, Pa.) : 1424. Rosina,8 b. Jan 13, 1819; m. James Inglehart. 1425. Fidelia,8 b. Dec. 25, 1819 ; m. Edwin Root. 1426. Eliza M.,8 b. Sept. 25, 1821 ; in. Simmons Torbett. 230 SEVENTH GENERATION. 1427. Nancy,8 b. Dec, 1823. 1428. Elmina N.,8 b. June, 1825 ; m. Samuel Daniels. 1429. Almond A.,8 b. Jan., 1827. 1430. Triphosa,8 b. Aug. 17, 1828 ; d. Oct. 6, 1830. 1431. Simeon7 (553), son of Asa6 (Samuel? Sam uel? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1) , born in Cumming- ton, Mass., Sept. 17, 1789; died Oct. 9, 1851. Married (1), at Plainfield, Mass., Oct. 14, 1819, Lucinda Joy, born 1795 and died Jan. 25, 1828, aged 33; married (2), Feb. 19, 1829, Rachel Hariowe, born 1808 and died June 1, 1830 ; married (3) , Dec. 23,1830, Elizabeth Warner, born 1796 and died Aug. 13, 1877. Children, by Lucinda (born in Cummington, Mass.) : 1432. Wells,8 b. Aug. 10, 1820 ; m. Dec. 21, 1848, Sarah White, at Cummington, Mass. ; resided in Gloversville, N. Y. 1433. Asa,8 b. Nov. 25, 1821 ; m. Sept. 30, 1849, Elizabeth Sparrow, b. in Cruckweol, Eng., Sept. 29, 1825; res. in Gloversville, N. Y. Children : i. Wells J.,9 b. July 13, 1851, in Florence, N. Y. ii. Emma,9 b. Aug. 7, 1853, in Florence, N. Y. iii. Ida Louise,9 b. April 29, 1858, in Redfield, N. Y. iv. Ward Henry,9 b. Apr. 13, 1862, in Redfield, N. Y. v. Minnie Blanche,9 b. Sept. 25, 1867, in Constantine, N. Y. 1434. Brigham,8 b. Dec. 8, 1824 ; m. Oct. 3 (Cummington rec ords say Oct. 2), 1850, Susan Tyrrel: Children : i. Lester Elliot,9 b. July 26, 1851 ; m. Jan. 15, 1876, Jennie L. Flannigan. Children : i. Rose M.,10 b. Dec. 15, 1876. ii. A son,10 (unnamed), b. Mar. 28, 1887. ii. Asa Simeon,9 b. May 18, 1854 ; m. Nov. 12, 1874, Mary L. Utter, SIMEON STREETER. 231 Children : i. Harry S.,10 b. Mar 15, 1875. ii. Wallace,10 b. Mar. 12, 1877 ; d. Aug. 5, 1877. iii. Flora,10 b. Nov. 13, 1883. iii. Fannie Gertrude, b.9 Nov. 30, 1857 ; d. March 18, 1858. iv. Fannie Theresa,9 b. Feb. 16, 1859 ; m. April 17, 1880, Edwin A. Jordan. Children : i. Ilzadie A. (Jordan),10 b. Nov. 5, 1882. ii. Bessie M. (Jordan),10 b. Apr. 2, 1884; d. Aug. 30, 1884. v. AldenElsworth,9 b.Mayl, 1861 ; m. Dec. 24, 1881, Nellie L. Frary. Children : i. Susan G.,10 b. Mar. 27, 1883. ii. Albina M.,10 b. May 5, 1884. iii. WalterJEarl,10 b. Jan. 25, 1886. 1435. Orsamus,8 b. Dec. 18, 1825 ; m. Jan. 25, 1853, Sarah Spar row, b. May 20, 1832 ; res. in Verona, N. Y. Children : i. A son,9 b. Oct. 23, 1853 ; d. same day. ii. Arthur,9 b. Oct. 23, 1853 ; d. Feb. U, 1889. iii. Anne,9 b. Dec. 1, 1860 ; d. Jan. 24, 1861. iv. Mary,9 b. Dec. 1, 1860; d. Jan. 26, 1861. 1436. Lurinda,8 b. Jan. 25, 1828; m. June 17, 1852, Franklin M. Ford. Child, by Rachel: 1437. Rachel,8 d. in inf. Children, by Elizabeth: 1438. Francis D.,8 b. Feb. 28, 1832 ; res. in Cummington, Mass., on the old homestead; m. Mar. 18, 1863, Achsie E. Leonard. Children : i. Harry E.,9 b. Nov. 20, 1865. ii. Alice,9 b. Apr. 1, 1870. iii. Amy F.,9 b. Aug. 5, 1871. iv. Ralph L.,9 b. Apr. 3, 1875. "232 SEVENTH GENERATION. 1439. Ellen E.,8 b. Apr. 30, 1835 ; m. Mar. 20, 1873, Henry M. Parker. 1440. Clark W.,8 b. July 24, 1837 (town rec) ; he says 1838 ; res. in Johnstown, N. Y. ; m. Feb. 26, 1862, Flora Ly man, b. Jan. 31, 1840. Children (born in Cummington) : i. Fred. W.,9 b. Mar. 17, 1864. ii. Robert Lyman,9 b. Mar. 24, 1874. 1441. Augustine7 (•~>^), son of Asa6 (Samuel? Samuel? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Cum mington, Mass., Feb. 24, 1799; died May 7, 1853, at Johnstown, N. Y. Miirried Sept. 6, 1827, Wealthy Packard, born Nov. 18, 1802 and died June 9, 1874*! Children (born in Cummington) : 1442. Henry A.8 (1822), b. Apr. 3, 1830. 1443. George Austin,8 b. Apr. 19, 1832 ; res. in Johnstown, N. Y. ; m. Mar. 25, 1858, Hanuah G. Anthony. Children (born in Johnstown) : i. Annah Mary,9 b. Dec. 28, 1865. ii. Flora Wealthy,9 b. Apr. 22, 1871. iii. George Lenneas,9 b. Jan. 12, 1873. iv. Sarah Alice,9 b. Aug. 9, 1879. 1444. Charles Cotton,8 b. Apr. 15, 1834; m. May 11, 1859, Surah Hallock. Children (born in Cummington) : i. Nellie K.,9 b. Feb. 15, 1860. ii. Arthur H.,9 b. Oct. 19, 1865. iii. Charles W.,9 b. July 30, 1867. iv. Albert R.,9 b. July 8, 1869. v. Estella Georgiana,9 b. Aug. 6, 1874. vi. Theodore Warren,9 b. Sept. 15, 1878. 1445. Keziah,8 b. Apr. 3, 1836; d. Nov. 10, 1855. 1446. Lucius L.,8 b. Aug. 10, 1837; res. in Johnstown, N. Y. ; in. Nov. 22, 1864, Catherine A. Burton, b. Dec. 12, 1835. OTIS STREETER. 233 Children (born in Johnstown) : i. Kate,9 b. Apr. 18, 1866. ii. Lucius,9 b. Sept. 11, 1868. iii. Burton,9 b. Nov. 1, 1871. iv. Maria,9 b. Oct. 20, 1873. v. Amy,9 b. Oct. 30, 1877. 1447. Lin.eus,8 b. Aug. 14, 1839 ; cl. Nov. 6, 1865. 1448. Otis7 (563), son of David6 (Samuel? Sam uel? Samuel?. Stephen? Stephen1), born in Heath, Mass., Aug. 19, 1801; removed to Wardsboro, Vt., where he died May 1, 1883; married (1), April, 1822, Sylvia Newton, born Dec. 1, 1798 and died May 10, 1836; married (2), Nov., 1836, at New Fane, Yt., Silence Hills, born August 19, 1813 and died August 26, 1839; married (3), Nov. 25, 1839, Nancy Pierce, born June 14, 1815 and died May 1.4, 1872. Children, by Sylvia: 1449. Juliette,8 b. Mar. 7, 1828, in Heath, Mass. ; in. July 27, 1847, Arteinus E. Hancock, b. in Templeton, Mass., Sept. 15, 1816; cl. Aug. 10, 1879. She was living in Guilford Centre, 1887. Children (born in Wardsboro) : i. Judson A. (Hancock),9 b. July 27, 1848. ii. Ozro S. (Hancock),9 b. Nov. 2, 1849. iii. Leonora L. (Hancock) 9 b. Jan. 2, 1852. iv. Franklin W. (Hancock),9 b. Dec. 19, 1855. v. George A. (Hancock),9 b. 1856. vi. Leodisa J. (Hancock),9 b. Nov. 9, 1858. vii. William II. (Hancock),9 b. Apr. 27, 1860. viii. Nelson A. (Hancock)9 b. Sept. 13, 1862. 1450. Daniel W..8 b. Apr. 28,1833, in Heath; m. Dec 29, 1858, Mary L. Decker, b. in Staten 1st, N. Y., .Mar. 1, 1837. Children : i. John A.,9 b. Dec. 28, 1862, in Staten Island, N. Y. ii. Dora G.,9 b. Mar. 30, 1874, in Wardsboro, Vt. 234 SEVENTH GENERATION. Child, by Silence: 1451. Sylvia N.,8 b. Apr. 17, 1838, in Heath ; m. Dec. 27, 1858, Cummings ; res. in Fitchburg, Mass. Children, by Nancy: 1452. Horace F.,8 b. Dec. 10, 1840, in Heath ; m. Apr. 12, 1864, Augusta Peeler, b. Sept. 5, 1843; res. in Johnsonville, N. Y. Children : i. Sheridan H.,9 b. Jan. 28, 1865 ; d. July 10, 1866. ii. Persis L.,9 b. July 7, 1867. iii. Charles E.,9 b. Nov. 11, 1869. iv. Jennie B.,9 b. May 30, 1874 ; d. Jan. 3, 1879. 1453. Casphalia D.,8 b. Apr. 23, 1842 ; m. Jan. 13, 1879, Staples ; res. in Brattleboro, Vt. 1454. Amelia R.,8 b. Feb. 16, 1845, in Stamford, Vt. ; d. Jan. 9, 1864, in Wardsboro, Vt. 1455. Euretta E.,8 b. May 27, 1848, in Wardsboro, Vt. ; d. May 26, 1866. 1456. Delrane S.,8 b. May 8, 1850, in Wardsboro, Vt. ; d. Feb. 16, 1864. 1457. Emma A.,8 b. Feb. 14, 1852, in Wardsboro, Vt. ; d. Jan. 21, 1864. 1458. Simeon Mason7 (565), son of Nathan6 (Samuel? Samuel? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Southbridge, Mass., March 17, 1800 (birth recorded in Sturbridge) ; married Orril Lyon, born October 10, 1803. Children (born in Southbridge) : 1459. Leonard,8 b. Oct. 23, 1824; m. Mar. 27, 1855, Caroline Amadon. He d. Apr. 22, 1881. Children (born in Southbridge) : i. Ada,9 b. Nov. 14, 1857 ; d. June 21, 1880. ii. Emma C.,9 b. Jan. 15, 1862 ; d. June 23, 1864. iii. Mabel C.,9 b. Dec. 26, 1871. 1460. Lucena,8 b. Aug. 28, 1826. alvin streeter. 235 1461. Rebecca,8 b. Oct. 8, 1828 ; m. G. W. Otis. 1462. Sarah,8 b. July 6, 1830 ; m. George L. Webber ; has four daus. 1463. Orril,8 b. Feb. 10, 1832. 1464. Simeon M.,8 b. Aug. 22, 1834 ; cl. at 18 mos. of age. 1465. Merrick L.,8 b. Apr. 28, 1836; m. Nov. 8, 1870, Hattie A. Butters; res. in Southbridge. Children : i. Carl B.,9 b. Aug. 30, 1871. ii. William T.,9 b. Jan. 5, 1873 ; d. July 30, 1873. iii. Agnes C.,9 b. Aug. 24, 1874 ; cl. Aug. 14, 1875. iv. Harold S.,9 b. Sept. 3, 1876. v. Sarah,9 b. Sept. 1, 1878 ; d. Oct. 27, 1878. vi. Richard S.,9 b. Jan. 2, 1880. vii. Merrick L.,9 b. Dec. 25, 1881. 1466. Emory S.,8 b. Aug. 12, 1838 ; m. June 12, 1863, Hannah S. Redding. Children : i. Arthur L.,9 b. Jan. 30, 1865. ii. Frank I.,9 b. July 6, 1867. iii. Clarence R.,9 b. Feb. 4, 1874. iv. Wilfred A.,9 b. Oct. 25, 1878. 1467. Lucius K.,8 b. July 23, 1841 ; d., 1843. 1468. Albert C.,8 b. Apr. 27, 1845; unm. 1469. Alvin7 (567), son of Nathan6 (Samuel? Samuel? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born in South- bridge, Mass., Dec. 25, 1803; died Jan. 24, 1876; married (1), Dec. 25, 1827, Betsey M. Town, who died Sept. 28, 1841; married (2), April 24, 1842, Lu cinda Franklin, born Dec. 26, 1802 and died Sept. 17, 1875. Children (born in Southbridge) : 1470. Faustinia8 (Justivia, town rec), b. Oct. 15, 1828 ; d. Feb. 26, 1833. 1471. Cleantha,8 b. Mar. 13, 1831 ; m. Oct. 5, 1848, Lyman Chamberlain, at Southbridge, b. Nov. 6, 1825. 236 SEVENTH GENERATION. Children : i. Albert L. (Chamberlain),9 b. Oct. 6, 1849 ; m. Nov. 19, 1877, Ella Cory. Child : i. Delbert L (Chamberlain),10 b. Apr. 23,^— . ii. Herbert A. (Chamberlain) ,9 b . Mar. 11, 1854; m. June 15, 18 — , Addie Mory. (Informant says 1841.) iii. Sylvanus D. (Chamberlain) 9 b. May 7, 1858. 1472. Alvin,8 b. June 6, 1833; m. Nov. 9, 1859, Addie Bolles. Child : i. Arthur Lincoln,9 b. Jan. 16, 1861. 1473. Kowin,8 b. Nov. 21, 1834; m. Dec. 21, 1864, Ellen C. Tufts. 1474. Juliette B.,8 b. Aug. 13, 1837 ; cl. May 7, 1863 ; m. Jan. 2, 1861, Joseph M. Goodell. ' 1475. Albert,8 b. Sept. 15, 1839; d. Apr. 8, 1845. 1476. Betsey M.,8 b. Sept. 19, 1841 ; d. Oct. 25, 1842. Child, by Lucinda: 1477. Sophronia,8 b. Feb. 22, 1846 ; d. Feb. 29, 1852. 1478. Almond7 (568), son of Nathan6 (Samuel? Samuel? Samuel? Stephen?? Stephen1) , born in South- bridge, Mass., Jan. 27, 1806; married April 9, 1828, Rebecca Smith. Children (born in Southbridge) : 1 479. George Angelc,8 b. July 26, 1830 ; in. Mary Weaver. Children : i. Emma L.,9 b. Feb. 26, 1855; m. Fred. Crosby. ii. George H.,9 b. Jan. 29, 1859. iii. Sarah R.,9 b. Aug. 23, 1860; m. Daniel Rowe. 1480. Nathan J.,8 b. Jan. 25, 1832; m. June 13, 1855, Jane Eklridge, at Southbridge. Children (born in Southbridge) : i. Charles William,9 b. Apr. 23, 1856; m. Oct. 20, 1878, Mary Lovejoy. ii. Scotto Nathan,9 b. May 3, 1858 ; d. July 29, 1860. ALMOND STRRATOR. 237 iii. Elmer Scotto,9b. July 14, 1861 ; m. Dec 15, 1880, Flora Shattock. iv. Burton Hibbard,9 b. May 17, 1863. v. Clara Alice,9 b. Feb. 6, 1865 ; d. July 31, 1866. vi. Lillian A.,9 b. Sept. 26, 1871 ; d. July 22, 1872. vii. Jennie L.,9 b. Aug. 26, 1873. viii. Florence A.,9 b. Mar. 21, 1875. 1481. Otis Smith,8 b. April 12, 1834; living at Upton, Mass., 1883 ; m. Mar. 31, 1857, Catherine Wessen, b. in Wor cester, Mass., Oct. 26, 1833. Children : i. Ida Sylvia,9 b. July 18, 1858, in Grafton, Mass. ; m. June 16, 1877, Willard P. Hildreck. ii. Hettie Rebecca,9 b. July 16, 1861, in Shrewsbury, Mass. ; res. in Nashua, N. H. iii. Charles Almond,9 b. June 20. 1864, in Shrewsbury, Mass. 1482. John P.,8 b. Oct. 20, 1835; m. June 27, 1866, Esther J. Elliot. Children : i. John P.,9 b. Sept. 18, 1869 ; d. Sept. 27, 1869. ii. Henry E.,9 b. Feb. 22, 1870. iii. Harriet A.,9 b. Apr. 6, 1875. iv. Mary A. R.,9 b. Mar. 5, 1882. 1483. Henry A.,8 b. June 1, 1838; d. May 26, 1873; m. Lucy Warren. Child : i. Ella M.9 1484. John7 (574), son of John6 (James? Sam uel? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Rindge, N. H., Feb. 2, 1788; died in Westfield, Yt., July 24, 1860; married Nov. 28, 1811, Xancy Coburn, born in Rindge, Aug. 1, 1790. Children : 1485. Joanna W.,8 b. Oct. 6, 1812; d. July 4, 1856; m., 1833, David Farnam. ^38 SEVENTH GENERATION. 1486. Joshua C.,8 b. July 9, 1814; d. July 21, 1873 ; m., 1840, Laura Stebbins. 1487. Melinda,8 b. Feb. 29, 1816 ; d. June 19, 1877. 1488. Gratia,8 b. July 16, 1818; d. Aug. 1, 1819. 1489. Sylvia B.,8 b. July 10, 1822 ; d. Nov. 10, 1862 ; m., 1849, David Stewart. 1490. Mary E.,s b. Dec. 17, 1824; m., 1844, Jemson Bailey. 1491. Marcus W.,8 b. June 10, 1827 ; d. Dec 4, 1857. 1492. Lucas Addison,8 b. June 10, 1827, in Weathersfield, Vt. ; res. in Milford, Davis Co., Kan. He rem. from Eden, Vt., to Milford, in the winter of 1866. He m. Mar. 17, 1850, Mary A. Avery, b. in Morristown, Vt., Mar. 23, 1833. Children : i. Charles Addison,9 b. Aug. 22, 1851, Westfield, Vt. ; m. at Milford, Kan., June 2, 1878, Alice E. Ful- lington. Child : i. Annie Louisa,10 b. Apr. 23, 1879. ii. Alford Coburn,9 b. Oct. 20, 1853, in Lowell, Vt. ; m. Jan. 12, 1880, Almedia Reed, of Milford ; res. in Milford, Kansas. Child : i. Ethel May,10 b. Apr. 6, 1883. iii. Abbie Jane,9 b. Oct. 6, 1855, in Lowell, Vt. ; m. Jan. 15, 1879, George C. Moses, of Manhattan, Kan., where they reside. iv. George Arthur,9 b. May 20, 1865, in Eden, Vt. ; res. in Milford, Kan. ; unm. 1493. Obadiah7 (576), son of John6 (James? Samuel? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen?), bom in Rindge, N. H., March 4,1791; died in Springfield, Yt., March 11, 1862; married (1), April 11, 1813, Elizabeth Jackman, born in Weathersfield, Yt., July 16, 1790 and diedJan.5,1818; married (2), July 16, 1818, Su sanna Weasteoat. OBADIAH STREATOR. 239 Children, by Elizabeth: 1494. Lucius,8 b. Aug. 2, 1813, in Weathersfield, Vt. ; res. in Springfield, Vt. He m. Oct. 29, 1836, Mary J. Stratton, b. in Rindge, N. H., July 16, 1818. Children : i. William L.,9 b. in Rindge, Sept. 15, 1839 ; res. in Wakefield, Kan. ; m. Apr. 19, 1863, Marianna Carlton Cutler, b. in Rindge, Oct. 28, 1843. Children (born in Wakefield) : i. Tabitha Augusta,10 b. Feb. 6, 1864. ii. Mary Jane,10 b. Aug. 29, 1866. iii. Joseph B.,10 b. Aug. 24, 1868. iv. John H.,10b. Sept. 4, 1871. v. Charles H.,10 b. Oct 20, 1873. vi. James Frederick,10 b. Nov. 1, 1876 ; d. Nov. 25, 1882. ii. Herbert,9 b. Mar. 3, 1852, Weathersfield, Vt. ; res. with his father, in Springfield, Vt. ; m. Mar. 6, 1878, Hattie Butterworth. Children : i. Harrison L.,10 b. Aug. 10, 1879. ii. Arthur A.,10 b. Oct. 15, 1882. 1495. Elizabeth,8 b. Sept. 14, 1815, in Springfield, Vt. 1496. Sarah C.,8 b. Aug. 19, 1817, in Springfield, Vt. Children, by Susanna: 1497. Susan,8 b. Mar. 29, 1819, in Springfield, Vt. 1498. Charles W.,8 b. Nov. 30, 1820, in Springfldld, Vt. ; res. in Weathersfield, Vt ; m. Feb. 8, 1848, Asenath Lewis. Child : i. Charles W.,9 b. May 30, 1858; m. May 14, 1881, Ada J. Cane. 1499. James,8 b. June 14, 1824 ; m. Dec. 28, 1868, Josephine T. Whitaker; res. in Leadville, Col. Child : i. Jennie D.,9 b. July 8, 1870. 1500. Levi7 (598), son of James6 (James? Sam uel? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Rindge, 2,40 SEVENTH GENERATION. NH., Jan. 12,1797; died May 30, 1879; married (1), Oet. 18, 1822, Sarah Packard, who died Aug. 24, 1835 ; married (2), Dec., 1835, Sophia Stanford. Children, by Sarah: 1501. Chaki.es,8 d. in inf. 1502. Elvira,8 d. in inf. 1503. Caroline,9 d., aged 3 yrs. 1504. Catherine S.,8 b. Sept. 9, 1831; m. Jan., 1852, Amos Lawrence, who d. in the army. 1505. Sarah Jane,9 b. Dec. 2, 1833; m. Dec 2, 1858, Chester Brown; res. in Fitchburg, Mass. Children, by Sophia: 1506. Elizabeth H.,8 b. Aug. 18, 1836; m. Sept., 1866, Barton Grant; res. in Fitzwilliam, N. II. 1507. Caroline M.,8 b. Nov. -4, 1837; m. (1), Nov. 28, 1854, Alfred Lawrence, who d. in the army, Aug. 18, 1864 ; she m. (2), June 22, 1870, Henry C. Goodspeed ; res. in Winchendon, Mass. Children, by Alfred : i. George H. (Lawrence),9 b. Sept. 13, 1857. ii. Nellie E. (Lawrence),9 b. July 21, 1860; d. July 11, 1862. iii. Alfred E. (Latere nee),9 b. Jan. 4, 1865. 1508. Sophia,8!). Feb. 4, 1*39; m. Apr., 1874, George Brooks; res. in West Townsend, Mass. 1509. Itily S.,8 b. Jan. 4, 1841 ; m. June 6, 1*59, Frank Whit- comb ; res. at the west. 1510. Charles II.,8 b. Sept. 5, 1843; res. in Keene, N. II. ; m. (1), May, 1865, Abbie F. Adams, of Troy, N. H., who d. Dec. II, 1868; m. (2), May 30, 1*72, Mary E. Pow ers, of Winchendon, Mass., b. 1850. Child, b}7 Abbie : i. Charles W.,9 b. Oct. 3, 1868 ; d. Dec. 9, 1874. Children, by Mary : ii. Frank W.,9 b. Sept. 1, 1874. iii. Fred E.,9 b. Dec. 21, 1876. iv. George W.,9 b. Feb. 22, 1878. v. Florence M.,9 b. June 14, 1882. CHARLES STREETER. 24l 1511. Elvira,8 b. Apr. 15, 1845 ; m. July, 1867, Albert P. Ames ; res. in Groton, Mass. 1512. Abbie M.,8b. Nov. 1, 1846; m. Nov., 1871, Henry H. Daisy; res. in South Boston, Mass. 1513. Daniel L.,8 b. July 21, 1850; res. in Pomfret, Vt. ; m. Nov. 6, 1877, Nettie E. Grant. Children : i. Stephen,9 b. Dec. 27, 1878. ii. Bertie P.,9 b. Sept. 5, 1884. 1514. Charles7 (662), son of Jonathan6 (James? James? John? Stephen? Stephen1) , born March 5,1790; died Jan. 22, 1864; married (1), Nov. 23, 1815, Cyn thia Ide,born Feb. 13, 1791 and died July 7, 1829; married (2), Feb. 20,1832, Mrs. Harriet Davis, born Dec. 6, 1798 and died Oct. 3, 1861. Children, by Cynthia: 1515. Lucinda Annetta,8 b. Dec. 14, 1816 ; d. Jan. 1, 1841 ; m. July 1, 1835, Manly Crane, b. June 14, 1810. He m. (2), another Streeter, thought to be near of kin to this family. Children : i. Frank C.,9 b. June 18, 1836; d. abt. 1889. ii. Charles S.,9 b. Apr. 20, 1838. iii. Seneca L.,9 b. July 23, 1840. 1516. Clarinda Rosetta,8 b. Dec. 14, 1816 ; d. Oct. 31, 1834. 1517. Marinda Lucetta,8 b. Jan. 13, 1819; m. (1), Myron A. Barber; m. (2), Myron Crane. Child, by Barber : i. Grove E. (Barber) ,9 b. Nov. 1, 1843; res. in Lin coln, Neb., where he is Prof, in the State Uni versify ; m. and has four ch. Five ch., by Crane. 1518. Lorenda Maretta,8 b. Feb. 21, 1821 ; d. Aug. 5, 1825. 1519. An infant,8 b. Mar. 16, 1823; d. same day. 1520. Sheldon Mason,8 b. Aug. 7, 1824; res. in No. Eaton, Lorain Co., O. ; m. (1), Jan. 19, 1848, Mary D. Cutler, 16 242 SEVENTH GENERATION. b. Feb. 25, 1828 and d. July 3, 1857 ; m. (2), Feb. 20, 1861, Harriet Mead, b. Nov. 16, 1834, and d. Sept. 18, 1879 ; no issue. Child, by Mary : i. Minnie M.,9 b. Oct. 21, 1848; m. June 19, 1875, Lester C. Cook, b. Dec. 6, 1841 ; res. in North Eaton, O. Children : i. Grace B. (Cook),10 b. Nov. 21, 1876. ii. Merl L. (Cook),10 b. Nov. 3, 1878; d. Feb. 24, 1884. iii. Carl (Cook),10 b. July 7, 1881 ; d. Feb. 21, 1884. iv. A son,10 b. Sept. 29, 1884; d. Oct. 8, 1884. v. Hattie (Cook),10 b. Sept. 29, 1884. vi. Don Sheldon (Cook),10 b. Jan. 16, 1888. 1521. Charles Milton,8 b. Aug. 25, 1827; m. Aug. 25, 1851, Cynthia Odelia Chapman, b. Jan. 30, 1826. Children : i. Sterling William,9 b. Feb. 14, 1853. ii. Sylvia Dianthia,9 b. Oct. 27, 1855 ; m. Mar. 28, 1877, Samuel Harmon, b. July 27, 1848; d. Oct. 6, 1890. Children : i. Henry (Harmon),10 b. May 17, 1880. ii. Sylvia Jane (Harmon),10 b. Nov. 5, 1881. iii. Frank Charles,9 b. Mar. 13, 1858. iv. John Friend,9 b. July 25, 1860; m. Jan. 13, 1883, Ida Edith Bleher, b. Aug. 2, 1863. Children : i. Nina Adelia,10 b. Dec. 2, 1885. ii. Charles Milton, b. Aug. 22, 1889. v. Homer Crocker,9 b. May 20, 1862. vi. Deforest,9 b. May 18, 1865. vii. Olla,9 b. Nov. 4, 1870. Children, by second wife Harriet: 1522. Sterling Battle,8 b. Dec 28, 1832 ; d. Nov. 14, 1847. 1523. Stillman Heath,8 b. Mar. 11, 1834; m. May 22, 1862, Lovisa Ann Miller, b. May 1, 1837 and d. July 2, 1883. Aaron streeter. 243 Children : i. Harriotte Alida,9 b. Mar. 31, 1863; d. June 30, 1887. ii. William Arvin,9 b. June 18, 1864. 1524. George Salmon,8 b. Feb. 22, 1836 ; cl. Mar. 19, 1841. 1525. John Friend,8 b. Nov. 9, 1837; unm. 1526. Grove Daniel,8 b. Mar. 26, 1840 ; m. June 14, 1865, Mary Abi Miller, b. Mar. 13, 1845. Children : i. Egbert M.,9 b. June 17, 1867. ii. Esther F.,9 b. Apr. 5, 1882. 1527. Aaron7 (670), son of James6 (James? James? John? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Yernon, Yt., July 9, 1802; died June 27, 1859; resided in Yernon; married (1), July 9, 1824, Sophia Thayer, at Yernon, born March 30, 1805; married (2,) Hannah Children, by Sophia (born in Vernon) : 1528. Theodore Ervin,8 b. July 28, 1825; d. May, 1836. 1529. Aaron Herbert,8 b. Sept. 4, 1827 ; res. in Sparta, Mon roe Co., Wis. ; m. Oct. 14, 1856, Margaret Riley, b. July 1, 1837. Children : i. Frank H.,9 b. Apr. 7, 1857; d. Apr. 7, 1862. ii. George S.,9 b. Oct. 15, 1858 ; d. Apr. 14, 1862. iii. Effie S-,9 b. Jan. 15, 1860; m. July 16, 1880. iv. Delbert C.,9 b. July 7, 1861 ; m. June 28, 1887, v. Sumner E.,9 b. Oct. 17, 1862; m. Mar. 24, 1886, Flora A. McCaskey, b. June 10, 1866. Child : i. Ethel Marguerite,10 b. Jan. 26, 1887. 1630. Frederick Sumner,8 b. Nov. 7, 1830; m. Sept 23, 1854, Harriot D. Stiles, b. Mar. 2, 1838. Children (born in Vernon) : i. Eva H.,9 b. Dec. 18, 1855; m. Aaron H. Blake. 244 SEVENTH GENERATION. ii. Harriet Jeanette,9 b. Oct. 8, 1857 ; m. Herbert M. Jones. iii. Herbert Sumner,9 b. Apr. 30, 1861. Children, by second wife Hannah: 1531. Jane.8 1532. Martha.8 1533. Harriot E.,8 in. Hull ; res. in Minneapolis. 1534. James7 (672) , son of James6 (James? James? John? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Yernon, Yt., June 12, 1806; died Feb. 15, 1853; married Sept. 7, 1835, Laura Hines, born Feb. 1, 1818; resided in Brattle boro, Yt. Children (born in Vernon) : 1535. James Henry,8 b. July 18, 1836 ; res. in Brattleboro, Vt. ; m. Aug. 29, 1860, Sarah C. Gove, born Sept. 4, 1842. Children : i. Milia F.,9 b. July 19, 1861 ; m. June 21, 1883, Wil liam H. Chase. Children : i. Henry C. (Chase),10 b. July 3, 1885. ii. Beulah M. (Chase),10 b. Aug. 24, 1891. ii. Minnie L.,9 b. July 27, 1864. 1536. L. Ellen,8 b. July 24, 1837; d. Sept. 25, 1881; m. (1), 1860, Dr. Richard M. Ayers ; (2), George Thomas. Child, by Ayers) : i. Leonore (Ayers),9 b. Jan. 1, 1861. Child, by Thomas : ii. Murray C. (Thomas),9 b. Aug. 3, 1876. 1537. Frederick Franklin,8 b. Mar. 3, 1839 ; d. Feb. 26, 1,864 ; m., 1862,' D. Whitmore ; no issue. 1538. Milia A.,8 b. Dec. 13, 1840 ; d. July 27, 1857. 1539. Sarah F.,8 b. May 12, 1847 ; d. Aug. 28, 1855. 1540. Notes7 (681), son of Paul6 (James? James? John? Stephen? Stephen1) , born March 10, 1806; died BENJAMIN A. STREETER. 245 in Vernon, Vt.; married (1), Mary Gould; married (2), Jan. 10, 1860, Mrs. Laura Evans. Children, by Mary: 1541. Mary,8 b. Mar. 4, 1832; m. Wilbur F. Claflin ; res. in Hopkinton, Mass. 1542. James P.8 1543. John Dresser,8 d. ae. 2 yrs. 1544. John,8 cl. ss. 18 yrs. 1545. Solomon T.,8 b. May 28, 1842 ; living, 1882, in N. Y. city ; an attorney and counsellor-at-law. 1546. Frederick V.,8 b. in Vernon, Vt., June 22, 1843; res. (1883), in East Saginaw, Mich. ; m. June 1, 1865, Jos ephine, dau. of Morrill B. Spaulding, of N. Y. city, who d. there, Apr., 1882, and was buried at Greenwood, L. I. Child : i. Morrill B. S.,9 b. in Rochester, N. Y., Mar. 20. 1866. 1547. LaFayette V.8 1548. NoYES,8b. Oct. 16, 1854. Children, by second wife Laura: 1549. Ida Bell,8 b. Apr. 2, 1862. 1550. Ina,8 b. July 3, 1864. 1551. Annie R.,8 b. Mar. 29, 1868. 1552. Benjamin Arnold7 (683), son of Paul6 (James? James? John? Stephen? Stephen1) , born July 14, 1810; died July 10, 1864; married May 12, 1831, Mary G ; resides in Vernon, Vt. Children (born in Vernon) : 1553. Mary Lavinia,8 b. Apr. 4, 1832 ; m. William S. Chase. 1554. Benjamin Arnold,8 b. Jan. 12, 1834; res. in Brattleboro, Vt. ; m. (1), Dec. 1, 1857, Martha J. Person, b. Dec. 5, 1838; d. ; m. (2), Jan. 12, 1871, Hattie L. Snow, b. Jan. 2, 1851. Children, by Martha : i. Martha A.,9 b. Jan. 7, 1860; m. John A. Bond. 246 SEVENTH GENERATION. ii. Lizzie J.,9 b. June 14, 1861 ; d. Sept. 15, 1866. iii. George A.,9b. Oct. 31, 1864 ; d. Aug. 13, 1865. Children, by Hattie : iv. Benjamin A.,9 b. Aug. 14, 1871. v. Leslie H.,9 b. Nov. 5, 1873. vi. James Paul,9 b. Apr. 9, 1876. vii. Mary S.,9 b. July 26, 1878. viii. Carl L.,9 b. May 23, 1881 ; d. Oct. 28, 1882. ix. Luther B.,9 b. June 19, 1883. 1555. Phebe Ann,8 b. Feb. 6, 1836 ; m. Samuel Snell. 1556. Loviscy Salona,8 b. Aug. 20, 1838; m. Hubbard Good- enough. 1557. Philander Alonzo,8 b. Sept. 15, 1840; res. in Holyoke, Mass. 1558. Daniel Gale,8 b. Aug. 18, 1842 ; d. June 19, 1870, unm. 1559. Hannah E.,8b. Feb. 11, 1845; m. David Goodrich. 1560. Clarissa E.,8 b. June 16, 1848 ; unm. 1561. Uriah N.,8 b. Feb. 24, 1850 ; m. and res. in Hoosac, N. Y. 1562. Nahum7 (693), son of William6 (Amos? James? John? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Chester field, N. H., Sept. 15, 1787 ; returned to Smithfield, R. L, where he died Nov. 24, 1871; married Eliza Adams, born in Taunton, Mass., Aug. 26, 1798 and died in Smithfield, March 23, 1868. Children (born in Smithfield) : 1563. William,8 b. Feb. 27, 1819 ; d. Mar. 23, 1819. 15«4. Eliza,8 b. Mar. 31, 1820; d. June 4, 1859. 1565. Barton,8 b. May 19, 1822 ; d. Oct. 22, 1828. 1566. William,8 b. May 9, 1824 ; res. in Farmersville, Attleboro ; lived previously at Burrillville and Providence, R. I. ; m. (1), June 30, 1857, Mary, dau. of John Cotter, at Prov idence, b. 1832 and d. Dec. 23, 1860, Ee. 28 ; m. (2), . Child, by Mary (born in Providence) : i. A son,9 b. July 16, 1857'; d. July 24, 1857. Children, by second wife : ii. Mary Ann,9 b. Feb. 28, 1864, in Burrillville ; d. July 10, 1873. GEORGE M. STREETER. 247 iii. Abby Eliza,9 b. Oct. 11, 1868, in Burrillville. iv. William,9 b. May 23, 1873, in Providence. v. Nahum,9 b. Sept. 2, 1876, in Providence. vi. Samuel,9 b. Aug. 22, 1879, in Providence. vii. Mary Ann,9 b. Nov. 27, 1882, in Attleboro ; d. Mar. 10, 1883. 1567. Mary Ann,8 b. Mar. 9, 1826 ; m. James L. Pierce, rnuuu- ufacturer of woolen cloths, Central Falls, R. I. 1568. Minerva,8 b. May 10, 1828. 1569. Abby Mason,8 b. Aug. 7, 1830. 1570. Emily,8 b. July 26, 1833 ; d. Aug. 22, 1855. 1571. Josephine,8 b. May 18, 1836. 1572. George Mason7 (700), son of William6 (Amos? James? John? Stephen? Stephen1) , born Oct. 7, 1805; died March 27, 1870; married (1), August 16, 1827, Abby Bartlett, born March 20, 1809 and died Jan. 4, 1831; married (2), Oct. 13, 1833, Mary Ann Chappell, born March 21, 1807 and died July 14,1883. Children, by Abby: 1573. Elizabeth,8 b. July 7, 1829 ; m. Feb 6, 1849, Walter B. Bond ; she d. Nov. 4, 1854. 1574. William James,8 b. July 17, 1834; d. July 28, 1834. 1575. James Barton,8 b. Nov. 5, 1835 ; m. May 10, 1859, Lizzie Cahill. Children : i. Charles H.,9 b. Sept. 6, 1860. ii. Gertrude L.,9 b. Nov. 28, 1862. 1576. Mary Jane,8 b. Nov. 10, 1841 ; d. Apr. 19, 1861. 1577. Levi7 (719), son of Isaiah6 (John? James? John? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Hinsdale, N. H., Sept. 19, 1803; married Aug. 26, 1835, Vashti, daugh ter of Bunker G. Hubbard and Sybil (Willard), of Chesterfield, N. H., born June 16, 1806. Children (born in Hinsdale) : 1578. Julia A.,8 b. Apr. 3, 1836 ; d. in Grafton ; m. Dag gett ; left one ch. 248 SEVENTH GENERATION. 1579. Eleanora,8 b. June 3, 1837; m. Jacob Burritt. 1580. Fidelia,8 b. Oct. 5, 1838 ; m. John Thomas. 1581. Maria,8 b. Jan. 11, 1840; m. Tyrrell Crowningshield . 1582. Augusta E.,8 b. Aug. 22, 1841 ; m. Orson Smith. 1583. Isaiah C.,8 b. Oct. 11, 1843; res. in Hinsdale, N. H. ; m. Mar. 12, 1868, Lizzie Dix, of Wilmington, Vt., dau. of Thomas F., and Zilpha (Stone — 753), b. in Rowe, Mass., Dec. 4, 1846. Children (born in Hinsdale) : i. Arthur Wallace,9 b. Apr., 1869. ii. Levi Franklin,9 b. Sept. 18, 1872. iii. Delia Elvira,9 b. Aug. 11, 1878. iv. Daisy F.,9 b. July 14, 1880. v. Hoyt W.,9 b. Oct. 1, 1881. 1584. Wallace W.,8 b. Mar. 11, 1845; m. Nov. 18, 1869, Wealthy Dix, of Wilmington, Vt. Children (born in Hinsdale) : i. Annie Z.,9 b. Aug. 2, 1870. ii. Julia A.,9 b. Jan. 21, 1872. iii. George Wallace,9 b. May 9, 1874. iv. Vashti Sylvia,9 b. Oct. 14, 1878 ; d. May 9, 1879. 1585. Henry,8 b. May 12, 1847; m. Feb. 14, 1877, Nellie Bur- nam, of Hinsdale, N. H. Children : i. Leroy.9 b. July 21, 1878 ; cl. May 1, 1879. ii. Julius,9 b. July 4, 1880. 1586. Hattie,8 b. May 12, 1847 ; m. Horace Darling. 1587. Simon,8 b. Apr. 6, 1850 ; d. Dec. 12, 1852. 1588 William Henry Harrison7 (760), son of Nathaniel6 (George? Isaiah? John? Stephen? Ste phen1), born in Smithfield, R. I., Oct. 28, 1814; mar ried Sept. 30, 1836, Laura A. Cook. Children : 1589. Marcus Morton,8 b. Oct. 9, 1842, in Smithfield, R. I. ; m. Mar. 4, 1860, Susan J. Johnson. Children (born in Providence, R. I.) : i. Marcus F.,9 b. July 25, 1861 ; m. Mar. 14, 1882, Sarah Wood. WILLIAM H. H. STREETER. 249 Children (born in Providence) : i. Marcus F.,10 b. Jan. 21, 1883. ii. William L.,10 b. Jan. 1, 1886. ii. William S,9 b. Oct. 13, 1864. iii. George L.,9 b. Jan. 31, 1867; d. Sept. 5, 1871. iv. Charles F.,9 b. Jan. 31, 1870. v. Minnie W.,9 b. July 23, 1874 ; d. July 23, 1879. vi. Jennie M.,9 b. Feb. 3, 1880 ; d. Dec. 23, 1880. vii. Lula M.,9 b. Mar. 10, 1882. 1590. Orvillk D.,8 b. Oct. 14, 1844, in Smithfield ; m. Jan. 3, 1868, Winifred M. Ellis ; res. in Providence, R. I. Children (born in Providence) : i. William B.,9 b. June 22, 1869. ii. Louis R.,9 b. July 7, 1871 ; d. Sept. 19, 1873. 1591 . Randolph E.,8 b. Feb. 11, 1847, in Smithfield ; res. in Au burn, R. I. ; in. (1), Oct. 22, 1868, Isabel Brown, who d. June 15, 1881 ; m. (2), July 13, 1882, Margaret E. Brown. Children, by Isabel (born in Prov.) : i. Frank E.,9 b. Sept. 21, 1869. ii. Arthur B.,9 b. Sept. 16, 1872. iii. Lizzie V., 9 b. June 16, 1874. Children, by Margaret (born in Auburn, R. I.) : iv. Laura M.,9 b. May 1, 1883. v. Isabel,9 b. Jan. 17, 1885. vi. Alice M.,9 b. Jan. 5, 1887. 1592. Laura E.,8 b. Apr. 27, 1850, in Providence; m. Dec. 13, 1871, Alton Randall. Children (born in Providence) : i. Lena W. (Randall),9 b. Oct. 5, 1872. ii. George (Randall),9 b. July 27, 1878. iii. An infant,9 b. July 27, 1878 ; d. July 30, 1878. 1593. William B.,8 b. Nov. 25, 1851 ; m. Mar. 20, 1882, Hattie E. Paine. Children (born in Auburn) : i. Clarence B.,9 b. Feb. 20, 1883. ii. Henry A.,9 b. Oct. 18, 1885. 250 SEVENTH GENERATION. 1594. Lewis S.7 (763), son of Ballou6 (George? Isaiah? John? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Providence, R. I., 1803; died there, Dec. 9, 1870; married, 1828, Adeline Richards. Children (born in Providence) : 1595. Charlotte M.,8 b. Nov. 22, 1831 ; m. Samuel Anthony. 1596. Albert B.,8 b. Aug. 26, 1833; m. May 11, 1854, Martha J. Ellis. Children (born in Providence) : i. Albert I.,9 m. Alice Spencer, and res. in Palatka, Fla. ii. Lewis E.,9 b. Jan. 13, 1858 ; d. Apr. 7, 1858. iii. Charlotte A.,9 b. July 2, 1859 ; m. Charles Thorn ton. iv. William B.,9 b. Dec. 1, 1861 ; d. Jan 11, 1864. v. Alice M.,9 b. Mar. 2, 1864. 1597. Henry F.,8 b. Oct. 4, 1836; m. at Providence, Sept. 22, 1859, Betsey A. Hawkes ; no issue. 1598. Herbert R.,8 b. Sept. 17, 1838; res. in Providence; was an iron moulder; m. Sept. 25, 1858, Mrs. Maria (Hawkes) Capwell, of Providence. Children : i. Lewis II.,9 b. Apr. 26, 1859. ii. Ella L.,9 b. Mar. 8, 1861 ; m. Charles Macier. iii. Herbert R.,9 b. May 8, 1863. 1599. Willard7 (820), son of Sylvester6 (Johns ton? Joseph? Joseph? Stephen? Stephen}), born Sept. 2, 1817 ; married . Children : 1600. David,8 b. May 7, 1839; res. in Milliards, Franklin Co., O. ; m. Mar. 20, 1869, Caroline Scofield, b. Aug. 5, 1838. Children : i. David Ackber,9 b. Aug. 30, 1878. ii. Joannah,9 b. Apr. 26, 1883. SEBASTIAN STREETER. 251 1601. Daniel,8 b. June 7, 1842; res. in Ohio; m. Oct. 20, 1861, Amy Cutler, b. July 26, 1847. Children : i. Willard E.,9 b. Dec. 26, 1863; m. May 3, 1885, Martha F. Myers. ii. John H.,9 b. Apr. 1, 1866 ; m. Aug. 3, 1884, Sarah A. Myers. iii. David J.,9 b. May 18, 1868 ; m. Dec. 13, 1887, Ad die (Bavtar?)'. iv. Irvin M.,9 b. Dec. 20, 1870. v. Edward E.,9 b. Dec. 21, 1872. vi. Rosa,9 b. Aug. 19, 1875. vii. Sarah,9 b. Mar. 26, 1878. viii. Lula May,9 d. June 16, 1880. ix. Emma,9 b. Nov. 30, 1885. 1602. Rhoda Peyton,8 b. Jan. 7, 1844; res. in Hilliards, O. 1603. Hannah Scofield,8 b. Dec. 29, 1845; res. in Arkansas City, Kan. 1604. Sarah Barnett,8 b. May 11, 1847. 1605. Lucinda Mitchell,8 b. Sept. 26, 1848. 1606. Sebastian7 (821), son of Sylvester6 (Johns ton? Joseph? Joseph? Stephen? Stephen1), born Jan. 16, 1820; married (1), ; married (2), Aug. 20, 1857, Hannah Dodge, born Feb. 26, 1832. Children, by first wife : 1607. Lucinda,8 b. July 4, 1843. 1608. John S.,8 b. Mar. 31, 1845. 1609. Louisa,8 b. June 15, 1847. 1610. Sarah Ann,8 b. Dec 10, 1849. 1611. William P.,8 b. Jan. 6, 1853 ; res in Lovilia, lo. ; m. Dec. 31, 1874, Sarah E. Chamberlain, b. Nov. 11, 1846. Children : i. James E.,9 b. Oct. 12,1875. ii. John T.,9 b. June 23, 1880 ; d. Nov. 18, 1882. 1612. Stephen L.,8 b. June 6, 1855. Children, by Hannah: 1613. Alice J.,8 b. Sept. 3, 1858; d. Aug. 26, 1887. 252 SEVENTH GENERATION. 1614. Mary 0.,8 b. May 1, 1860. 1615. Emma E.,8 b. Nov. 7, 1861 ; d. Nov. 6, 1863. 1616. George W.,8 b. Mar. 18, 1863 ; d. Oct. 17, \864. 1617. Sebastian J.,8 b. Feb. 21, 1865 ; m. Mar. 27, 1887, Bhuey Dunkin, b. Apr. 3, 1867. Child : i. Francis C.,9 b. Sept. 20, 1888. 1618. Charles A.,8 b. Dec. 23, 1867. 1619. Noble,8 b. Nov. 4, 1869. 1620. Jerome,8 b. Dec. 18, 1871. 1621. Darwin J.7 (822), son of Sylvester6 (Johns ton? Joseph? Joseph? Stephen? Stephen1), born April 30, 1822; resides in Columbia, lo.; married Sept. 1, ] 844, Elizabeth Latimer, born June 3, 1827. Children : 1622. Sarah A.,8 b. Nov. 22, 1846; m. J. L Chance. 1623. Daniel L.,8 b. Apr. 25, 1848; m. Feb. 20, 1879, Lillius O. McGee, b. Sept. 23, 1857 ; res. in Columbia, lo. Children : i. Walter E.,9 b. Dec. 18, 1881. ii. Eunice V.,9 b. Feb. 19, 1884. iii. William H.,9 b. Nov. 13, 1885. iv. Margaret E.,9 b. Nov. 7, 1887. 1624. Harrikt E.,8b. Apr. 4, 1850; m. Mason Gushway. 1625. Lois D.,8 b. July 19, 1852; m. (1), Morgan Long ; (2), J. S. Lock. 1626. Laura J.,8 b. Mar. 12, 1854 ; m. A. M. Fairbanks. 1627. Mary E.,8 b. July 3, 1856; d. Aug., 1865. 1628. Lucinda V.,8 b. Apr. 15, 1858; m Thornton Vauskier. 1629. Otis L.,8 b. Apr. 28, 1863 ; d. Aug. 4, 1865. 1630. Rose A.,8 b. Nov. 28, 1865. 1631. Byron7 (824), son of Sylvester6 (Johnston? Joseph? Joseph? Stephen? Stephen1), born Oct. 29, 1829; married Dec. 23, 1852, Isabella Perkins, born March 28, 1835. OTIS STREETER. 253 Children : 1632. Solomon,8 b. Aug. 28, 1853 ; m. Dec. 25, 1882, Lucy Fer- rell. 1633. Sylvester,8 b. Dec. 19, 1854; m. Feb. 27, 1881, Flora Dorsey. 1634. Darwin,8 b. Jan. 25, 1857 ; d. Apr. 11, 1858. 1635. Rachel,8 b. Dec. 1, 1858; m. Mar. 1, 1887, A. B. Bald win. 1636. William,8 b. Feb. 21, 1861 ; m. June 7, 1890, Clara Ran dall. 1637. Isaac,8 b. Oct. 2, 1863. 1638. Ollie,8 m. Mar. 28, 1885, William Johnson. 1639. Edward,8 b. Oct. 29, 1865; d. May 22, 1883. 1640. Mary,8 b- May 23, 1868. 1641. Elisha,8 b. Apr. 2, 1872. 1642. Rhoda,8 b. Dec. 22, 1874. 1643. Otis,8 b. Sept. 24, 1876. 1644. Otis7 (824a), son of Sylvester6 (Johnston? Joseph? Joseph? Stephen? Stephen1), born Feb. 22, 1832; resides in Octavie, Butler Co., Neb.; married March 10, 1852, Jane Phoebe Davis, born Dec. 13, 1835. Children: 1645. Thomas S.,8b. Mar. 13, 1855 ; d. Mar. 30, 1859. 1646. Edward D.,8 b. Jan. 21, 1857; m. Ruby Devereaux ; res. in David City, Kan. 1647. Mary A.,8 b. July 24, 1860; d. Sept. 28, 1860. 1648. James S.,8 b. Sept. 8, 1861 ; d. Mar. 31, 1864. 1649. John O.,8 b. May 25, 1867 ; m. Alice Keller; res. in Oc tavie, Neb. 1650. Anna Jane,8 b. Oct. 18, 1877. 1651. William H.7 (870), son of Isaac6 (Joel? Ebenezer? Joseph? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Sara toga, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1825; living, 1887, at Everest, Brown Co., Kan. ; married, 1845, in Waterford, N. Y., to Hannah Vandercarr. 254 SEVENTH FENERATION. Children : 1652. Hattie,8 b. Jan. 3, 1846. 1653. Kimball H.,8 b. May 5, 1852. 1654. Charles A.,8 b. Mar. 20, 1854 ; d. Feb. 5, 1868. 1655. Jkttah,8 b. June 28, 1858. 1656. Frank,8 b. May 4, 1864. 1657. Minnie,8 b. Oct. 28, 1865. 1658. Grant,8 b. Aug. 25, 1868. 1659. Oliver Cromwell7 (871), son of Isaac6 (Joel? Ebenezer? Joseph? Stephen? Stephen1), born Aug. 15, 1827, in Saratoga, N. Y.; settled in Belvi- dere, 111.; married Dec. 10, 1847, Catherine Vander- carr, born Nov. 19, 1827. Children : 1660. Ida,8 b. Apr. 17, 1849 ; m. Dec. 15, 1868, George Hal lo way. 1661. Augusta,8 b. Mar. 2, 1851 ; d. Nov. 24, 1857. 1662. George,8 b. May 25, 1856 ; d. Jan. 16, 1872. 1663. William H.,8 b. May 24, 1861; m. June 2, 1880, Ruth Cooper. 1664. Kate,8 b. Mar. 24, 1864 ; d. Sept. 24, 1865. 1665. Irving,8 b. July 5, 1866 ; m. Aug. 31, 1886, Cora Wright. 1666. James B.,8 b. Oct. 27, 1868. 1667. Silas7 (881) , son of Denison6 (Joseph? Eb enezer? Joseph? Stephen? Stephen1), born in New York state, March 14, 1827 ; married March 30, 1852, Sarah Bevice, born Nov. 1, 1832. Children : 1668. Tryphkna,8 b. May 18, 1853 ; m. Adelbert Foster. 1669. Ellen,8 b. May 6, 1857; m. P. Spelicy. 1670. Mary,8 b. Dec. 19, 1861 ; d. Apr. 19, 1862. 1671. Eva,8 b. Jan. 7, 1863; m. Gardner Scott. 1672. Hattie,8 b. May 10, 1865. 1673. Joseph7 (889), son of Densimore6 (Joseph? ZENO STREETER. 255 Ebenezer? Joseph? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Pike, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1828; married May 29, 1851, Eliza beth Miller, born Jan. 18, 1835. Children : 1674. John F.,8 b. June 26, 1852; m. July 12, 1874, Sarah Hodge. 1675. Elizabeth,8 b. Sept. 21, 1854 ; m. Feb. 4, 1874, Christian Smith. 1676. William,8 b. July 20, 1856. 1677. Alpheus,8 b. July 24, 1858 ; d. Jan. 3, 1861. 1678. Joseph,8 b. Sept. 18, 1860 ; d. Apr. 7, 1863. 1679. Alfaretta,8 b. Sept. 21, 1862; m. Apr. 7, 1882, James Vest. 1680. Isadora,8 b. Dec. 2, 1864. 1681. Lois,8 b. Jan. 29, 1867. 1682. Joseph,8 b. Jan. 10, 1869. 1683. Volney,8 b. Mar. 20, 1871. 1684. Vivian B.,8 b. Feb. 17, 1877. 1685. Zeno7 (907), son of Joseph B.6 (Ebenezer? Ebenezer? Joseph? Stephen? Stephen1), born April 9, 1821; died June 14, 1882; married Sept. 21, 1845, Mary Maria Everett, who died Aug. 26, 1868. Children : 1686. Marcelus A.,8 b. Sept. 23, 1846 ; res. near Round Grove, White Co., Ind. ; m., and has two sons. 1687. Francis A.,8 b. Oct. 5, 1K48 ; d. Sept. 24, 1875 ; m. . Child : i. A son,9 b. Nov., 1875. 1688. Georgk E.,8 b. Nov. 23, 1849 ; res. near Goodland, New ton Co., Ind. ; m., and has two sons. 1689. Orin B.,8 b. June 4, 1857; lives at Chebanse, 111.; m. Dec 6, 1882, Emma Booth of Gardner, 111., who d. May 26, 1886. He is a farmer. Child : i. Emma Pearl,9 b. Oct. 14, 1885. 1690. Charles W.,8 b. Nov. 8, 1859 ; res. in Chebanse, 111. ; a farmer ; m. July 6, 1880, Ella Willett. 256 SEVENTH GENERATION. Children : i. Jennie,9 b. Apr. 12, 1882. ii. Elma,9b.Mar. 18, 1885. 1691. Zenas A.7 (908), son of Joseph B.6 (Eben ezer? Ebenezer? Joseph? Stephen? Stephen1), born July 8, 1823, in Skaneateles, N. Y.; died in Chicago, 111., Aug. 25, 1866; married, 1845, in Wheatland, Wis., to Maria Grant. Children (born in Chicago) ; 1692. Loiue Burt,8 b. June 22, 1850; res. in Chicago, 111., and is a carpenter ; m. . Children : i. Minnie.9 ii. Curtis E.9 1693. Henry R.,8 b. Mar. 31, 1852 ; res. in Chicago, 111., and is a machinist ; m . Child : i. Hiram E.,9 b. Dec. 5, 1879. 1694. Charles E.,8 b. Feb. 7, 1854; res. (1887), in Caldwell, Kan. ; a graduate of Eastman's Business College of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and Ass't Sec'y of the Oklohoma Colony ; unm. 1695. Louisa M.,8 b. June 23, 1856. 1696. William F.,8 b. July 23,1858; res. in Chicago ; a wood turner ; m. . Children : i. A dau.9 ) . , q V twins. n. A dau.9 j 1696a. Ellas7 (9116) , son of Thomas6 (Benjamin? Josiah? John? Stephen? Stephen1) , born in Rochester, N. Y., 1798; removed Nov., 1835, to Allegan, Mich., where he died at his son's house, July 22, 1868. He married (1), 1822, Julia Ann Bowen of Spring- ville, N. Y., who died April 21, 1862; married (2), May 20, 1865, Sarah P., widow of his youngest brother William Streeter (911?)- ELIAS STREETER. 25"7 Children, by Julia : 16966. Allen L.,8 b. Nov. 1,1826; res. (1887), in Allegan, Mich. ; m. Katie Shoffer, b. 1827. Children : i. Cynthia,9 b. 1847. ii. Mary,9 b. 1857. iii. Sarah,9 b. 1864. 1696c. Leander,8 d. in inf., ee. 14mos. 1696d. James B.,8 b. July 4, 1829 ; m. May 31, 1865, Carrie R. Curry, b. Feb. 24, 1846 ; res. in Allegan, Mich. Children : i. James B.,9b. June 29, 1866. ii. Hiram C.,9 b. Nov. 27, 1870. 1696e. Stephen,8 d. se. 15 years. 1696/. Thomas Elias,8 b. in Rochester, N. Y., July 9, 1832 ; res. (1887), in Allegan, Mich., where he was proprietor of the "Allegan House," under the firm name of " T. E. Streeter & Sons." Hem. (1), Jan. 1, 1853, Matilda Montague, who d. 1862-3; m. (2), Jan. 24, 1864, his cousin, Eliza M., dau. of William Streeter (91 11) , and Sarah R. (Bullard) , b. in Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1845. Children, by Matilda : i. Delia M.,9 b. May 14, 1854 ; m. Martin C. Tierce. ii. Carrie R.,9 b. Sept. 27, 1858 ; m. O. B. Sanbord. Children, by Eliza : iii. Thomas Elias,9 b. Sept. 26, 1866. iv. Horace V.,9 b. Oct. 26, 1868. v. Jennie,9 b. 1873; d. 1875. 16960. Harriet M.,8 b. in Springville, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1834. As she says in substance of herself, her common school ed ucation was ample, and on her graduation, she attended a full course of instruction at the State Normal school, after which she became a successful teacher in Allegan, for several years. In Sept., 1^64, she removed to St. Charles, Saginaw Co., Mich., where she m. May 16, 1865, W. A. Conklin, in which place they still reside. Several years after she made a venture in the printing 17 258 SEVENTH GENERATION. business, and bought out a paper then being printed in town, called the " Reporter," and established a substi tute, changing its name to " The St. Charles Independ ent." The scheme proved a decided success and gave her much notoriety throughout the valley. In this she was assisted by her husband, as reporter and manager. Added to the above was a job office, and there being no competition in the place, nothing but prosperity followed in the wake of their untiring efforts. No issue. 1696/t. Julia A.,8 b. in Allegan, Nov. 23, 1838, and was the sec ond white child born in the county ; d. Jan. 10, 1887; m. Jan. 1, 1856, Benjamin Curry. Children : i. A son.9 ii. A son.9 iii. A dau.,9 d. Jan. 10, 1887. 1696i'. Jane E.,8 b. in Allegan, Feb. 18, 1840; res. in No. Rich mond, Ashtabula Co., O. ; m. Apr. 26, 1868, at Allegan, Dwight W. Marsh, b. Jan. 27, 1837. Children : i. Belle F. (Marsh),9 b. May 9, 1869. ii. Hattie M. (Marsh),9 b. Sept. 29, 1873. iii. Laura L. (Marsh),9 b. Oct. 17, 1874. iv. Charles D. (Marsh),9 b. Jan. 18, 1876. 1696;. Charles,8 b. 1843; d. at the army hospital July 1, 1863, after being out on one of General .Sherman's raids in the late war. 1696ft. Nellie,8 b. Feb. 22,1849; unm.; res. (1887), with her sister Harriet Conklin. 1696Z. Mary,8 b.Feb. 22, 1849 ; m. T. W. Fosdick, of Dowagiac, Mich. Five sons and one dau. 1696m. Stephen7 (911e), son of Thomas6 (Benja min? Josiah? John? Stephen? Stephen1), born about 1804; died ] 853, in Rochester Rapids, N. Y. ; married his cousin Purlina Streeter (348g), daughter of Elias and Lovisa (Harmon), born 1811 and died August 16, 1873. STEPHEN STREETER. 259 Children : 1696m. Leander,8 b. Nov. 13, 1829; d. Feb. 15, 1885; res. in Fair Grove, Mich. ; m. Nov. 22, 1860, Mary Jane Byers. Children : i. Elias,9 b. Aug. 27, 1861 ; d. Jan. 19, 1862. ii. Thomas L.,9 b. Oct. 17, 1866 ; d. Aug. 7, 1874. iii. William J.,9 b. July 25, 1868. iv. Lewis B.,9 b. Sept. 10, 1870; d. Nov. 1, 1873. 1696o. Stephen,8 b. May 25, 1845 ; d. Sept. 8 (6), 1876 ; m. Oct. 22, 1873, Mary Matilda Piatt. She m. (2), Jan. 6, 1878, John K. Kitchlinger ; res. (1887), in Thetford, Mich. Child, by Streeter : i. George Ernest,9 b. Sept. 6, 1874. Child, by Kitchlinger : ii. Lottie May (Kitchlinger),9 b. Sept. 2, 1879 ; d. same day. 1696^3. Nathaniel,8 b. in Kilerville, Apr. 7, 1848 ; res. in Bay City, Mich. ; m. Feb. 2, 1868, at Guilford, Mich., to Hannah J. Spencer. Children : i. Paulina Jane,9 b. June 18, 1869. ii. Mary Nellie,9 b. Apr. 21, 1871 ; d. Feb. 23, 1876. ~ iii. Claude Albert,9 b. May 8, 1874. iv. Mitta Adaline,9 b. May 20, 1877. v. Daisy Violett,9 b. June 11, 1886. EIGHTH GENERATION. 1697. Okin8 (913), son of James7 (Moses? Ste phen? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1) , born in Rowe, Mass., July 11, 1813; resides in Shelburne Falls, Mass. ; married (1), Oct. 9, 1836, Eliza Church ill, born June 30, 1819 and died Nov. 14, 1847 ; married (2), June 14, 1848, Abigail G. Bott, born March 29, 1828 and died Feb. 1, 1853; married (3), August, 1854, Patience Maria Materson, born Aug. 29, 1823 and died Feb. 16, 1880. Children, by Eliza : 1698. Uriah,9 b. Nov. 30, 1838; d. Apr. 15, 1845. 1699. Mary,9 b. Sept. 18, 1840; d. Mar. 12, 1867; m. : Loveland. 1700. A son,9 b. June 6, 1843 ; d. same day. 1701. Homer Orin,9 b Feb. 11, 1844 ; m. May 19, 1863, Beulah B. Washburn, b. Oct. 10, 1847. Children : • i. Hattie B.,10 b. Dec. 27, 1864. ii. Effle P.,10 b. Dec. 13, 1872. 1702. Alonzo,9 b. Nov. 15, 1846 ; d. Apr. 12, 1847. 1703. Helen,9 b. Sept. 9, 1847 ; m. Plumely. Children, by Abigail : 1704. Sarah M.,9 b. Mar. 29, 1849 ; d. Oct. 28, 1850. 1705. Isadork,9 b. Mar. 13, 1851 ; m. Tucker Dalton. 1706. Isabelle,9 b. June 13, 1852; d. Nov. 1869. 1707. William,9 b. Feb. 16, 1857. 1708. James,9 b. Mar. 13, 1858. 1709. David,9 b. July 15, 1860. 1710. P:liza,9 b. Jan. 12, 1862. (260) SAMUEL L. STREETER. 261 1711. Samuel L.8 (914), son of James7 (Moses? Stephen? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen?) born in Rowe, Mass., Feb. 21, 1815; died Jan. 22, 1880; married Oct. 16, 1849, Mary Hackett. Children : 1712. Hklen,9 b. Sept. 3, 1850 ; d. July 26, 1852. 1713. Georgk H.,9 b. Dec. 25, 1853; m. Sept. 2, 1880, Mabel Smith. Children : *" i. Daisy Ella,10 b. July 26, 1882. ii. Earl George,10 b. Apr. 30, 1887. 1714. Lizzie H.,9 b. Apr. 17, 1855. 1715. Sarah B.,9 b. Apr. 10, 1858; d. Sept. 17, 1862. 1716. James Dexter8 (915), son of James7 (Moses? Stephen? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Ste phen1), born in Rowe, Mass., Sept. 7, 1817; resided in Shelburne Falls; married April 20, 1843, Eliza Morse, born in Athol, Mass., Sept. 28, 1818. Children : 1717. Gilbert D.,9 b. Aug. 4, 1846; m. (1), Sept. 14, 1867, Amanda C. Reade ; m. (2), Nov., 1875, Sarah Newell. Child, by Amanda : i. Ernest G.,10b. Dec. 10, 1872. Children, by Sarah : .ii. Harvey M.,10 b. Aug. 15, 1877. iii. Evelyn R.,10 b. Oct. 3, 1880 ; d. July 13, 1881. 1718. Eugenik F.,9 b. Aug. 4, 1849; m. July, 1866, Alvin Black. 1719. Lilla B.,9 b. Jan. 16, 1851; m. Nov., 1870, George N. Reade. 1720. Eva S.,9 b. May 4, 1859. 1721. Luetta P.,9 b. Oct. 5, 1863. 1722. Martha Alton8 (921), daughter of Rn- fus7 (Moses? Stephen? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? 262 EIGHTH GENERATION. Stephen1), born in Rowe, Mass., March 19, 1803; died July 26, 1874, at Barry ville, lo.; married (1), Sept. 22, 1822, Martin Shofner; married (2), Dec., 1826, John S. Barry, of Barry ville, lo.; married (3), 1856, Esquire Pease; no issue. Child, by Mr. Shofner: 1723. Sereno M. (Shofner),9 b. Jan. 6, 1824; d. Feb. 3, 1883, leaving a family. Child, by Mr. Barry : 1724. John S. (Barry)9 b. Dec. 23, 1827; res. in Barryville, lo. ; m. Mar. 10, 1852, Pamelia M. Brown, b. in Frank lin Co., Mass., Sept. 27, 1827. Children : i. JohnS. (Barry),10 b. July 21, 1853; d. Dec. 17, 1877. ii. Charles Carroll (Barry),10 b. Jan. 19. 1856. iii. Mattie P. (Barry).10 1725. Alonzo8 (922), son of Rufus7 (Moses? Ste phen? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Rowe, Mass., May 1, 1805; died July 2, 1856; phy sician; married, 1831, Maria A. Kingsbury, born May 12, 1806 and died July 23, 1847. Children : 1726. Cynthia Maria,9 b. May 7, 1832 ; in the insane asylum at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 1727. Helen Cornelia,9 b. July 16, 1834; m. Oct. 22, 1856, James H. Sims, who d. Aug. 10, 1862. 1728. Caroline Louisa,9 b. Dec. 1, 1838 ; m., 1853, Edward Sey mour ; d. 1855. 1729. Julia Augusta,9 b. Aug. 9, US42; m. May 9, 1860, John A. Davis ; res. in Troy, N. Y. 1730. John Mason Good,9 b. Jan. 8, 1848 ; d. Dec. 5, 1877 ; in. May 24, 1870, Eleanor Buell, who res. in Union City, Mich. Children : i. Louis Alonzo,10 b. Aug. 14, 1872. LORENZO STREETER. 263 ii. Jesse Clyde,10 b. Sept. 28, 1874. iii. Myrtie Caroline,10 b. Oct. 22, 1877. 1731. Lorenzo8 (923), son of Rufus7 (Moses? Ste phen? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Rowe, Mass., May 1, 1805, and a twin brother to Alonzo; died April 2, 1861; married (1), at Sandlake, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1828, Mary Ann Peck, born March 23, 1807 and died June 10, 1853; married (2), . He was a physician. Children, by Mnry: 1782. Mary Louisa,9 b. Oct. 10, 1832, in Georgia ; m. April 2, 1854, Edward Dearstyne, and res. at Bath, N. Yr. Children : i. Emilie H. (Dearstyne),10 b. Oct. 16, 1855; res. in Bath, N. Y. ii. Willard (Dearstyne),10 b. June 29, 1857. iii. Mary (Dearstyne) ,'° b. July 15, 1859. iv. Andrew (Dearstyne) ,10 b. July 16, 1862. v. Meadia (Dearstyne),10 b. Sept. 11, 1864. vi. Cornelius (Dearstyne),10 b. Jan. 14, 1867. 1733. Sarah Ann,9 b. June 16, 1835, in Georgia; m. Feb. 1 1851, Fralio Horton, of Normanville, Kan. Children : i. Lorenzo S. (Horton),10 b. Oct. 2, 1852. ii. Mary A. (Horton),10 b. Jan. 13, 1854. iii. Ida J. (Horton),10 b. July 18, 1859. iv. Alice M. (Horton), l0 b. May 10, 1862. v. Martha E. (Horton),10 b. Oct. 27, 1864. 1734. Milton Fisher.9 b. Aug. 28, 1836, in Georgia; is a cler gyman ; m. at Poestenkill, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1854, Cath erine E. Wheeler. Children : i. Franklin L.,10 b. May 7, 1855 ; m. June 29, 1881, Anna F. Baker. Child : i. Manley Jewell,11 b. Apr. 7, 1882. 264 EIGHTH GENERATION. ii. Charles R.,10 b. Dec. 28, 1856 ; d. June 15, 1880. iii. Edward D.,10 b. Dec. 7, 1859. iv. Lucretia Jane,10 b. Apr. 22, 1862. v. Sereno George,10 b. May 29, 1864. vi. Mary Frances,10 b. Sept. 14, 1866. vii. Ella Elizabeth,10 b. Mar. 31, 1869. viii. John Bunyan,10 b. Mar. 20, 1871. ix. Alton Barry,10 b. Jan. 31, 1876. x. Albert Leslie,10, b. Apr. 13, 1878. 1735. Margaret J.,9 b. Apr. 25, 1839, in Wynantskill, N. Y. 1736. Martha E.,9 b. July 22, 1841, in Troy, N. Y. ; d. June 26, 1876. 1737. Lucretia A.,9 b. Jan. 2, 1848, in Sandlake, N. Y. Child, by second wife: 1738. Lorenzo.9 1739. Sereno W.8 (925), son of Rufus7 (Moses? Stephen? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Rowe, Mass., Dec. 12, 1810; died April 7, 1880; a clergyman; married (1), Oct., 1838, Mary Williams, who died May 29, 1843; married (2), Feb. 15, 1844, Sarah J. Willard. Children: 1740. Skreno M.,9 b. Feb. 17, 1840; m. July 27, 1870, Mary M. Hess, b. Dec. 15, 1842; res. in So. Chicago, 111. Children : i. John Hess,10 b. July 29, 1871. ii. Serena Wright,10 b. Mar. 31, 1873. iii. Albert Morgan,10 b. Nov. 9, 1874. iv. Christopher,10 b. June 1, 1876. v. Mary H.,10 b. Oct. 21, 1877. vi. Kate H.,10 b. Mar. 22, 1880. vii. James Garfield,10 b. Sept. 23,1881 ; d. Apr., 1882. viii. Cora,10 b. Sept. 23, 1882. ix. Daisy,10 b. Feb. 3, 1885 ; d. July, 1885, 1741. John Williams,9 b. Sept. 17, 1841; m. Sept. 2, 1869, Mary M. Clarke, b. Oct. 31, 1845. He is a physician in Chicago, 111. THADDETJS STREETER. 265 Children : i. Mabel R.,10 b. June 30, 1870. ii. Edward C.,10 b. Nov. 10, 1874. iii. Marjorie,10 b. June 14, 1877. 1742. William H.,9 b. May 22, 1843; m. June 11, 1872, Eliza beth Jarvis, of Waterbury. Children : i. Elizabeth Jarvis,10 b. Apr. 11, 1873. ii. Mina Gibson,10 b. Mar. 15, 1875. iii. Nelson Jarvis,10 b. July 24, 1879. iv. William Henry,10 b. July 24, 1879. v. Paul Coolidge,10 b. Oct. 10, 1885. 1743. Albert T.,9 b. Dec. 22, 1844; m. Feb. 17, 1874, Nancy G. Worral, at N. Y. city; she was b. Aug. 27, 1854. Children : i. Howard,10 b. Sept. 2, 1878. ii. Nina,10 b. Oct. 4, 1881. 1744. Mary L.,9 b. Mar. 9, 1847. 1745. Jane W.,9 b. Sept. 22, 1850. 1746. Harriet P.,9 b. Oct. 11, 1862. 1747. Sarah F.8 (926), dau. of Rufus7 (Moses? Stephen? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Rowe, Mass., July 10, 1813; married Sept. 28, 1834, Sedate Thatcher; resides in Charlemont, Mass. He died some years prior to 1881. Children : 1748. Florian (Thatcher),9 b. Sept. 1, 1836. 1749. Helen (Thatcher),9 b. July 30, 1838. 1750. George Rufus (Thatcher),9 b. Dec. 28, 1840. 1751. Sarah (Thatcher),9 b. Aug. 2, 1843. 1752. Erwin (Tliatcher),9 b. Feb. 16, 1849. 1753. Thaddeus8 (959), son of Ezra7 (Stephen? Stephen? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1) , born March 3, 1803; died April 12, 1853; resided in West moreland, N. H.; married March 21, 1826, Ritta French, born April 26, 1804 and died Dec. 4, 1863. 266 EIGHTH GENERATION. Children (born in Westmoreland) : 1754. Eliva Ann,9 born Oct. 13, 1827 ; m. June 20, 1847, Hosea B. Cummings ; res. in Charlotte Centre, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. Children : i. Albert W. (Cummings)19 b. Mar. 15, 1848, in Han cock, N. H. ; d. June 12, 1867. ii. Thaddeus R. (Cummings),10 b. May 25, 1850; m. Dec. 25, 1877, Lucy McGandy. iii. Horace S. (Cummings),10 b. July 26, 1852; m. July 25, 1879, Annie Shirley. iv. Luella S. (Cummings),10 b. June 24, 1854 ; m. Mar. 12, 1879, Charles Blanchard. v. Eva A. (Cummings)10 b. June 5, 1858; m. Dec. 19, 1876, Marcus Tarbox. vi. Nellie A. (Cummings) ,10 b. Apr. 24, 1871 ; d. Jan. 20, 1875. 1755. Eliza Ann9 (twin), b. Oct. 13, 1827; m. Feb. 1, 1848, Asahel A. Cummings ; res. in Cassadaga, N. Y. 1756. Lydia F.,9 b. Nov. 24, 1829 ; m. Oct. 24, 1848, Jonas F. Hodge, who d. Apr. 6, 1876 ; res. in Jaffrey, N. H. Children (born in Jaffrey) : i. Harlon F. (Hodge),10 b. Sept. 1, 1849 ; m. Apr. 30, 1871, Mary Caroline, dau. of Warren and Mary A. Streeter (966), b. Dec. 7, 1851. Children : i. Mystia Isabelle (Hodge),11 b. Aug. 7, 1872. ii. Roy Harlow (Hodge),11 b. Mar. 6, 1875. iii. Alice Etta (Hodge)11 b. Apr. 11, 1876. iv. Amy May (Hodge),11 b. May 14, 1878. ii. Maria L. (Hodge),10 b. Mar. 9, 1852 ; m. Feb. 28, 1874, Charles A. Baldwin. iii. Lily E. (Hodge),10 b. Mar. 9, 1861; in. Aug. 23, 1876, Willie W. Heath. 1757. Horace F.,9 b. Sept. 19, 1831 ; d. June 3, 1870. 1758. Hannah W.,9 b. Aug. 10, 1833 ; m. Ira Bouton, and has 4 daus. 1759. Hollis W.,9 b. Jan. 31, 1836; d. July 12, 1862. 1760. Martha M;,9 b. Nov. 19, 1838, in Chesterfield, N. H. ; m. EZRA STREETGR. 267 at Stockton, N. Y., Mar. 24, 1861, Newell J. Smith, b. in Stockton, N. Y., Mar. 22, 1839; res. in Stockton, N. Y. Children : i. Anna M. (Smith),10 b. Dec. 16, 1861 ; m. Sept. 16, 1880, Henry Bloomfield ; no issue ; res. in Stock ton. ii. Lydia Viola (Smith),10 b. Feb. 12, 1863; d. Sept. 3, 1863. iii. Clinton N. (Smith),10 b. Oct. 2, 1867. iv. Emma M. (Smith)10 b. Mar. 4, 1876 ; d. Jan. 29, 1877. 1761. Hari.on (Harland?) S ,9 b. Dec. 22, 1841; d. Dec. 23, 1841. 1762. Lucy J.,9 b. June 4, 1843 ; m. Sept. 21, 1870, Allen Usher ; res. in Bristol, R. I. 1763. Sarah J.,9 b. Apr. 27, 1847 ; d. Apr. 30, 1875 ; m. Dec. 8, 1867, Joseph Pickett; res in Bradford, Pa. Children : i. Ida (Pickett).10 ii. Sadie (Pickett).10 1764. Ezra8 (960), son of Ezra7 (Stephen? Ste phen? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen}), born Feb. 11, 1805; died 1869; married (1), Sarah A. Cobb; married (2), Harriet Lincoln. Children (born in Westmoreland, N. H.) : 1765. George,9 b. 1833. 1766. Joseph,9 b. 1835; a master mariner. 1767. Ezra F.,9 b. 1837 ; cl. 1878. 1768. Lizzie A.,9 b. 1842; m. (1), 1867, Henry A.Bruce; m. (2), 1871, Henry Derby; res. in Fitchburg, Mass. 1769. Edwin H.,9 b. 1844; m. Nov. 28, 1868, Helen M. Hub bard; no ch. ; res. in Holclen, Mass. 1770. Harriet E.,9 b. 1850; in., 1866, Anson F. Foster; res. in Keene, N. H. 1771. Fred C.,9 b. 1855 ; m., 1874, IsiaCobb; res. in Westmin ster, Vt. 268 EIGHTH GENERATION. 1772. Henry H.,9 twin, b. 1857; d. 1862. 1773. Henrietta,9 twin, b. 1857; d., 1859. 1774. Burton W.,9 b. 1860. 1775. Frank C.,9 b. 1863. 1776. Jewett Boytstton8 (976), son of Darius7 (Stephen? Stephen? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? jSte- phen1), born in Weathersfield, Yt., July 8, 1815; died Aug. 22, 1880; married Jan. 17, 1838, Susan Eliza beth Wyman, of Lexington, Mass. Children : 1777. Jewett Wyman,9 b. in Lexington, Nov. 8, 1838. He served in the Confederate army during the war of the rebellion; m. at Kingston Springs, Tenn., Mary E. Fulgham, July 12, 1864 ; she was b. in Kingston Springs, May 4, 1845. Children : i. Thomas J.,10b. June 26, 1865, in Kingston Springs, Tenn. ii. Emma,10 b. Mar. 16, 1867, in Woburn, Mass.; d. Oct. 29, 1870. iii. Helen E.,10 b. Nov. 18, 1868, in Tenn. ; d. July 28, 1872. iv. Charles E.,10 b. Oct. 11, 1870, in Nashville, Tenn. v. An infant,10 b. Jan. 24, 1874; d. Feb. 5, 1874. vi. Benjamin F.,10 b. Feb. 23, 1875, in Dover, Tenn. vii. Susan E.,10 b. Oct. 12, 1878, in Cambridge, Mass. 1778. Helen E.,9 b. Sept. 22, 1840; m. Elisha J. Brown, of Weymouth, Mass. 1779. Faustina,9 b. July 17, 1842; m. Richard B. Bulkley, of Boston. 1780. Lucy A.,9 b. Mar. 22, 1844; m. Jefferson Shedd, of Charlestown, Mass. 1781. Ione Gertrude,9 b. Feb. 22, 1846; m. William Robinson, of Watertown, Mass. 1782. Clara,9 b. Oct. 18,1848. 1783. Charles Edwin,9 b. June 19, 1850; m. Dec. 23, 1875, Margaret E. Lawrence. ALSON JESSUP STREETER. 26D Children : i. Bertha V.,10 b. July 10, 1879. ii. John J.,10 b. Jan. 9, 1881. iii. Iral B.,10 b. Nov. 12, 1884. 1784. Francis Rollin,9 b. Mar. 7, 1852; d. July 26, 1872. 1785. Albert,9 b. Aug. 31, 1854; d. Feb. 14, 1876. 1786. Alson Jesstjp8 (1044), son of Roswell7 (Samuel? Stephen? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Ste phen1), born Jan. 18, 1823; married Aug., 1847, Deb orah Boon; married (2), January 10, 1861, Susan Menold. Children, by Deborah: 1787. George A.,9 b. Oct. 12, 1849 ; m. Dec. 25, 1871, Saman- tha Goddard. 1788. Frank W.,9 b. May 31, 1854; m. Dec. 25, 1877, Gussie Park, b. July 12, 1859. Children : i. Clark,10 b. Sept. 27, 1878. ii. Ralph,10 b. Apr. 18,1880. iii. Jack,10 b. Sept. 4, 1882. 1789. Nellie May,9 b. May 3, 1862. 1790. Fanny R.,9 b. June 21, 1865. 1791. Minnie G.,9 b. July 2, 1867; d. Jan. 23, 1882. 1792. Charles D.,9 b. Oct. 6, 1871. 1793. Alpheus (Streator)3 (1090), son of Isaac Hemingway7 (Isaac H.? Dr. John? Stephen? Sam uel? Stephen? Stephen1), born in Becket, Mass., June 30, 1805; died in Streetsboro, Portage Co., Ohio, Jan. 11, 1836; married April 9, 1829, at Aurora, Emeline Loveland, born in Middlefield, Mass., Oct. 2, 1805; died in Rootstown, Portage Co., Ohio, July 7, 1845. Children : 1794. Isaac H. (Streator),9 b. Nov. 10, 1830, in Streetsboro, O. ; m. in Galesburgh, Mich., Feb. 25, 1850, Ersina Math ews, b. in Galesburgh, Sept. 19,1832; res. in Matta- wan, Mich. 270 EIGHTH GENERATION. Children : i. Worthy G. (Streator),10 b. in Galesburgh, Dec. 11, 1850; d. in Mattawan, Nov. 24, 1883; m. in Neb., Nov. 21, 1875, Emma M. Wing. ii. Anna S. (Streator),10 b. May 6, 1854 ; m. Nov. 25, 1880, T. D. Dodge ; res. in Kalamazoo, Mich. iii. Buell (Creator) ,10 b. Dec. 21, 1856 ;d. Apr. 7, 1857. iv. Elbert A. (Streator),10 b. Mar. 27, 1858; m. Apr. 8, 1881, Ida L. Pugsley ; res. in Paw Paw, Mich. v. Ella M. (Streator),10 b. Apr. 26, 1860; res. in Mattawan, Mich. vi. Sidney B. (Streator),10 b. May 17, 1862; res. in Mattawan . vii. Eddie E. (Streator),10 b. Apr. 26, 1864; d. Nov. 9, 1864. viii. Freddie (Streator),10 b. Aug. 13, 1865 ; d. Mar. 24, 1866. ix. Clara Bell (Streator),10 b. Nov. 26, 1867; res. in Mattawan. x. Gertrude H. (Streator),10 b. Feb. 6,1873; res. in Mattawan. 795. Oscar Alphkus (Streator),9 b. in Streetsboro, O., Jan. 1, 1834; m. Dec. 23, 1855, Phoebe Jane Galligan, b. in Galesburgh, Mich., Nov. 17, 1837. Children : i. Clara A. (Streator) ,10 b. Oct. 27, 1856; d. Sept. 26, 1858. ii. Chailes A. (Streator),10 b. June 11, 1860; res. in Painesville, Ohio. iii. Eddie B. (Streator),10 b. Jan. 21, 1862, in Roots- town, O. ; d. Jan. 24, 1863. iv. Sarah E. (Streator),10 b. Aug. 4, 1873, in Cleve land, O. ; res. in Painesville, O. v. Eben Thomas (Streator),10 b. Dec. 11, 1874. 1796. Anna (Streator),9 b. Feb. 9, 1835, in Streetsboro, O. ; m. Dec. 17, 1851, at Rootstown, William J. Bradshaw ; res. in Cleveland, O. Children : i. Mabel E. (Bradshaw),10 b. Sept. 3, 1856; res. in Cleveland. CYRUS H. STREATOR. 271 ii. Willie B. (Bradshaw),10 b. Mar. 4, 1861 ; d. July 5, 1875. 1797. Amanda E. (Streator),9 b. Apr. 1, 1836, in Streetsboro; d. Nov. 24, 1841, in Rootstown. 1798. Cyrus H. (Streator)3 (1093), son of Isaac H.7 (Isaac H.? Dr. John? Stephen? Samuel? Ste phen? Stephen1), born in Madison Co., N. Y., March 1, 1811; resided (1884), in Waverly, Yan Buren Co., Mich.; married Nov. 26, 1834, Laura E. Merriman, who died May, 1846. Children : 1799. Franklin M. (Streator) ,9b. Oct. 12,1835; m. Jan. 1, 1856, Mary Greene. Children : i. Laura E. (Streator),10 b. Sept. 25, 1858; m. Apr. 23, 1881, Franklin Gordon. ii. Clara Isabel (Streator),10 b. Dec. 9, 1868 ; unm. 1800. Pornet T. (Streator),9 b. Nov. 1, 1838; m. (1), April, 1871, Ednah Chamberlain, who d. Jan. 1, 1876; m. (2), Dec. 10, 1877, Flora Westcott; no issue. 1801. Josiah8 (1174), son of Wareham7 (JoaV, Dr. John? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born May 19, 1816; died Sept. 14, 1886; married June 16, 1840, Lavinia Calkins, born Nov. 5, 1819. Children : 1802. James Warkham,9 b. Jan. 14, 1844; d. Sept. 22, 1847. 1803. Alfred Colwell,9 b. Aug. 9, 1848; m. Fanny Frayer. 1804. Ecias Samuel,9 b. Apr. 19, 1851 ; m. Charlotte Swift. 1805. Alice May,9 b. Oct. 11, 1853 ; m. A. W. Willis. 1806. Carrie Lavinia,9 b. Sept. 18, 1857; m. E. D. R. Thomp son. 1807. Hosea8 (1254), son of Willard7 (Ebenezer? Adarn,s? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Stephen1), born May 8, 1811; married Sarah Crane. 272 EIGHTH GENERATION. Children : 1808. Sarah,9 m. E. Butterfield. 1809. Martha,9 m. S. Nate. 1810. William,9 b. Apr. 13, 1836; m. Jan. 12, 1868, Hannah Leonard. Children : i. Alice B.,10b. Jan. 3, 1870. ii. Effle M.,10 b. Nov. 24, 1874. 1811. Hosea,9 b. Aug. 29, 1838. 1812. Arnold.9 1813. Levi Willard8 (1257), son of Willard7 (Ebenezer? Adams? Stephen? Samuel? Stephen? Ste phen1), born April 10, 1806; married Jan. 23, 1828, Julia A. MeCulloek, born Nov. 22, 1812; died Aug. 17, 1878. Children : 1814. Augusutus W.,9 b. July 9, 1831 ; m. Dec. 20, 1855, Lydia A. Phillips. Children : i. Adella D.,10 b. Dec. 20, 1856 ; m. Nathaniel Myers. ii. Etta V.,10 b. Aug. 23, 1858 ; m. Alfred Mar*h. iii. Luna J.,10 b. May 3, 1863. iv. Lillie A.,10 b. May 22, 1866. v. Lizzie M.,10 b. Aug. 14, 1868. 1815. Orin H.,9 b. Aug. 18, 1833; m. Jan. 20, 1856, Viena Phillips. Children : i. Julia L.,10 b. Dec. 28, 1856. ii. Ednah R.,10 b. July 1, 1862. 1816. Ph8. Stewart, 84, 174, 238. Stiles, 243. Stocker, 83. Stoddard, 26, 48, 114. Stone, 21, 55, 98, 120, 122, 123, 124, 189, 248. Stow, 193. Stratton, 7, 239. Strickland, 135, 136. Strong, 100, 198. Stuart, -80, 197. Summers, 104. Swan, 150. Sweet, 63, 64, 65, 162, 165, 178. Sweetland, 39, 40. Swift, 271. Tallman, 144, 145. Tarbox, 266. Taylor, 107, 149. Templeton, 191. Terrell, 160, 161. Terry, 209. Thatcher, 147, 265. Thayer, 90, 114, 149, 194, 243. Thomas, 48, 109, 244, 248. Thompson, 145, 271. Thornton, 250. Tibbetts, 27«. Tidd, 3. Tierce, 251. Tileston, 5. Tillottson, 226. Tinant, 217. Tingley, 19. Tinkham, 106. Tirrell, 273. Titus, 14, 15, 164, 209. Todd, 118. Tolman, 159. Topliff, 31. Torbett, 229. Tower, 24, 39, 163, 198, 229. Town, 171, 235. Townsend, 99. Towsley, 73. Tracy, 164. Trask, 23, 174. Trimlett, 173. Triplett, 130. Trott, 6. Trowbridge, 94, 115. Truain, 17,72. Truesdale, 161. Tubbs, 219. Tucker, 43, 44. Tufts, 236. Turner, 56, 129. Tuttle, 56. Tyler, 13, 77, 216. Tyrer, 153. Tyrrell, 230. Uber, 146. Usher, 267. Utter, 230. Valdez, 215. Vanbuskirk, 101. Vandercarr, 253, 254. INDEX. 317 Vanderhayden, 139. Van-Hoosen, 195. Van Vranken, 174. Vaulkenburgh, 140. Vauskier, 252. Veazey, 149. Vest, 255. Viall,212. Vinton, 37. Visgar, 108. Vought, 220. Wait, 275., Waite, 148. Wakefield, 60, 150, 198. Walcott, 15. Walden, 282. Walker, 30, 31, 159. Wallis, 35, 36. Walter, 74, 185. Walton, 4, 222. Ward, 13, 14. Ware, 190. Warfield, 174. Warner, 78, 230. Warren, 71, 74, 237. Washburn, 260. Watkins, 175. Watson, 201, 220. Weastcoat, 238. Weatherhead, 217. Weaver, 166, 181, 236. Webber, 235. Webster, 68, 193, 202, 204. Weeks, 221, 278. Wells, 69, 70, 71, 91, 132. Wertz, 226. Wesson, 97, 237. Willard, 9, 117, 119, 247, 264. Willett, 5. Williams, 5, 97, 136, Whipple, 103, 197, 205, 280. Whitaker, 239. Whitcomb, 13, 21, 99, 240. White, 176, 197, 219, 221, 230. Whiting, 48. Whitmarsh, 228. Whitmore, 104, 244. Whitney, 45, 83, 84, 85, 153. Whitson, 95. Whittaker, 272. Whittingham, 212. Whyland, 179. Wightman, 143. Wilbour, 83. Wilbur, 52, 54, 56. Wilcox, 136, 137, 206- Wilkinson, 46, 115, 116, 125, 281. West, 82, 178. Westcott, 271. Weston, 200. Wheat, 194. Wheeler, 216, 263. Wheelock, 18. 137, 177, 178, 208, 217, 220, 264, 276. Williamson, 163. Willis, 144, 192, 200, 271. Wilson, 55, 68, 90, 104, 143, 194. Wilter, 80. Winch, 11. Wing, 270. Wink, 209. Winn, 194. Winslow, 82, 85. Wise, 217. Wood, 90, 102, 103, , 113, 128, 248. Woodbury, 275. Woodward, 91, 146, 150, 158, 181, 220. Woodworth, 200. Worman, 211. Worral, 265. Worth, 224. Wright, 31, 79, 109, 127, 205, 206, 254, 279. Wyckoff, 170. Wyman, 7, 8, 197, 268. Yates, 180. Yeager, 150. Yerbnok, 221. Yerpenny, 220. Young, 96, 115. AMERICAN CITIES, TOWNS AND MISCELLANEOUS. Acworth, 97. Adams, 90. Akron, 55. Albany, 116. Albuquerque, 278. Alexandria, 149. Allegan, 54, 144, 145, 256, 257, 258. " Allegan House," 257. Alstead, 100, 151. Amsden, 24, 96. Andersonville, 173. Andersonville (pris on), 138. Andover, 95, 216. Anson, 173. Arkansas City, 251. Arlington H e i g h ts , 277. Arnold's Mills, 40. Ashfield, 229. Ashtabula Co., 258. Athol, 29, 261. Attleboro, 9, 12, 13, 14, 318 INDEX. Attleboro, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 28, 39, 165, 166, 216. Auburn, 162, 215, 249. Aurora, 173, 182, 269. Avon, 140. Bakersfield, 97, 98. Ballston, 212. Baltimore, 123, 129, 152. Bancroft, 96. Bangor, 223. Barre, 100. Barry, 166, 167, 168. Barry ville, 262. Batavia, 222. Bath, 216. Bay City, 56, 259. Beaver Dam, 113. Becket, 30, 31, 65, 66, 74, 75, 76, 182, 183, 184, 269. Bedford, 76. Belchertown, 221. Bell Island (prison), 141. Bellows Falls, 150, 151, 152. Belvidere, 139, 254. Belvil, 139. Bennington, 151. Benton, 77. Berlin, 166, 169, 170, 178, 179, 182. Bernardston, 3, 40,119, 217. Berne, 105. Bethlehem, 277. Biggs, 103. Biughamton, 91, 133. Bisbee, 215. Black's Station, 167. Blackstone, 43. Blonfontein, 156. Bolton, 38, 108, 109, 110, 111. Boone Co., 226. Boston, 15, 32, 44, 46, 53, 91, 116, 129, 130, 131, 134, 212, 224, 268. Bradford, 267. Braintree, 4. Brattleboro, 112, 113, 121, 122, 125, 151, 207, 234, 244, 245, 276. Brighton, 64, 65, 215, 216. Bristol, 267. Brockport, 149. Brome, 51, 155. Brookfield, 21, 22. Brookline, 8, 12, 122, 123, 212. Brooklyn, 170. Brown Co., 253. Buckeye City, 223. Buckland, 90, 228. Buffalo, 64, 65, 126, 168. Burke, 278. Burlington, 77. Burrillville, 128, 246, 247. Cabot, 275. Caldwell, 256. California, 104, 174, 175, 184, 214, 215. Cambridge, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 36, 37, 116, 130, 268, 281. Canaan, 156. Canada, 56, 153, 200. Canajoharie, 142. Canterbury, 216. Capron, 88. Caro, 199, 200. Casey, 283, 284. Cassadaga, 266. Cavendish, 189. Cazenovia, 59. Cedar Springs, 218. Central Falls, 247. Champion, 221. Charlemont, 147, 265. Charleston, 82, 285. Charlestown, 1, 2, 5, 8, 131, 268. Charlotte Centre, 266. Charlton, 11, 17, 18, 34, 36, 37, 87, 95, 96, 105, 216. Charltowne, 3. Chautauqua Co., 266. Chebanse, 255. Chelmsford, 127. Chelsea, 130. Cherry Plain Hill(Ber- lin, N. Y.), 169. Cheshire, 102, 132. Chester, 65, 100, 212. Chesterfield, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29, 33, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 57, 58, 115, 117, 119, 132, 133, 137, 143, 149, 150, 151, 152, 155, 159, 246, 247, 266. Chesterfield Factory, 53. Chesterville, 103. Chicago, 101, 109, 143, 168, 169, 170, 173, 256, 264. Chicopee, 52, 113. Chili, 144. Churchville, 154. Cincinnati, 283. Clark Co., 283, 284. Cleveland, 182, 183, 270. Clyde, 173, 174. Cohasset, 212. Cohoes, 123. Colerain, 219. Columbia, 91, 252. Columbus, 136. INDEX. 319 Concord, 7, 33, 77, 82, 85, 100,215,216,274, 275, 276, 278. Consecan, 56. Constantine, 230. Conway, 229. Cook, 218. Cornish, 206. Cranston, 116. Cruckweol, 230. Cumberland, 12, 15, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 39, 40, 41,42, 43,44, 45, 46, 47, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116, 117, 125, 153, 281. Cummington, 90, 92, 93, 230, 231, 232, 273. Dalton, 49. Dansville, 112. Dartmouth, 216. David City, 253. Davis Co., 238. Deep Run, 166. Deerfield, 39, 110, 217. Denver, 169, 200. Des Moines City, 136. Detroit, 142, 170, 212. Dighton, 155. Dorchester, 5, 123, 156. Dorset, 48, 49. Douglas, 11, 16, 17, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 57, 58, 59, 60, 77, 80, 82, 163, 164. Dover, 49, 123, 268. Dowagiae, 258. Downey, 167, 168. Duchess Co., 107. Dudley, 37. Dunham, 153, 154. East Burke, 276, 278, 279. East Cambridge, 35. East Hampton, 113. Eastman's Business College, 256. East New York, 127. East Providence, 128. East Windsor, 97. Ungland, 1, 5, 181. Erie, 136. Estherville, 178. Everest, 49, 253. Fairbanks, 224. Fairfield, 41. Fair Grove, 55, 259. Falls Church, 127. Fargo, 155. Farmington, 224, 276. Felchville, 97. First Church (Cam bridge), 12. First Universalist Church (Boston) ,32. Fishkill, 212. Fitchburg, 234, 240, 267. Fitzwilliam, 98, 213, 223, 240, 276. Florence, 173, 230. Fond du Lac, 277. Fort Ann, 109. Framingham, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 29, 30, 31. Framingham Church, 11, 16, 34. Franklin Co., 146,250, 251, 262, 285. Gagetown, 199. Gainesville, 140, 188. Galena, 102. Galesburgh, 183, 269, 270. Gardner, 99, 124, 255. Genesee, 69. Genesee Co. , 49. Geneva, 226. Genoa, 215. Gibson, 132. Glendale, 128. Gloucester, 1. Gloucester (Hist, of), 1. Gloversville, 230. Goldsboro, 90. Goodland, 255. Goshen, 113, 221, 222, 223. Gouldhurst, 2. Grafton, 17, 34, 167, 237, 247. Granby Centre, 108. Grand Rapids, 128,184. Granville, 74, 188, 218. Great Sodus, 81, 214. Greeubush, 168, 212. Greenfield, 217. Greensboro ('prison) , 141. Greenwich, 21. Greenwood, 245. Groton, 35, 37, 106, 241. Guilford, 86, 216, 217, 219, 221, 223, 259, 280. Guilford Centre, 233. Hague, 109. Half Moon, 139. Halifax, 53, 132, 154, 219, 281. Hallowell, 155. Hamilton, 182, 183, 188. Hampshire Co., 32,33. Hampton, 30, 66, 69, 74. Hampton (burial ground), 30. Hampton Corners, 30, 193. Hancock, 60, 64. Hannibal, 207. Harford, 132, 135. Harlem, 223. Harrison, 38, 225. 320 INDEX. Hartford, 28, 46, 100, 102, 113, 131, 183, 274, 275. Hatfield, 37, 87, 89. Hatfield Equivalent, 92. Haverhill, 129, 130. Hawle.y, 219, 229. Heath, 87, 93, 233, 234. Herkimer, 126. Herkimer Co., 41. Herkimer Village, 142. Highland Park, 169, 170. High Squissett Mead ow, 15. Hilliards, 250. Hinsdale, 25, 39, 41, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 145, 181, 247. Holden, 212, 267. Holly, 56. Holyoke, 246. Hoosac, 246. Hopkinton, 12, 17, 18, 34, 35, 37, 117, 129, 245. Horicon, 109, 110, 111. Houndsfield, 153. Hulit's Hill, 72. Independence, 91. Indianapolis, 192. Indian Orchard, 113. Innisfill, 153. Iowa City, 223. Ireland, 53. Jackson, 46, 141, 222, 223. Jaffrey, 211, 266. Jamaica, 58. Jefferson Co., 219, 221. Jeffrey, 95, 99, 100. Johnsonville, 234. Johnston, 43, 127. Johnstown, 92, 232, 233. Joliet, 132, 133. Kalamazoo, 169, 170, 195, 270. Kanzas, 52, 90, 121, 127, 239. Keene, 46, 150, 152, 242, 267. Kelleyvale, 158. Kent Co., 2. Killingly, 128. Kingston, 181. Kingston Springs, 268. Lancaster, 137. Lansing, 142. Leadville, 239. Leicester, 162. Lenox, 66. Lewis Co., 284. Lexington, 36, 268. Libbey prison, 141. Lincoln, 241. Lisbon, 49, 77, 200, 204, 205, 206. Littleton, 32, 49, 50, 140, 207, 277. Lockport, 281. London, 1, 139. Long Island, 245. Longmont, 133. Lorain Co., 241. Los Alamos, 175. Los Angelos, 168. Loudon, 30. Lovilia, 251. Lowell, 57, 153, 155, 156, 238. Ludlow, 95. Lyndon, 68, 117, 118, 278. Lynn, 17. Lynnfield, 153. Lyon Co., 168. Madison, 88. Madison Co., 271. Magnolia, 118. Manchester, 157, 275, 281. Manhattan, 238. Maple Grove, 105. Mapleville. 128. Marceny Point, 28. Marion, 66, 138. Marion Co., 75, 76. Marlboro, 88, 151. Massachusetts Bay, 10, 13. Mattawan, 269, 270. Melrose, 129. Mendocino Co., 103. Mendon, 33, 42, 43, 44, 47, 117, 127, 128. Mercer, 225. Meredith, 87. Middleboro, 24. Middlefield, 31,65,269. Middlesex Co., 10. Milbury, 99. Milford, 43, 44, 123, 238. Milton, 91. Milwaukie, 142, 149. Minneapolis, 116, 244. Modesto, 276. Mohawk, 124. Mondineu, 118. Monroe, 280. Monroe Co., 243. Monson, 107. Montpelier, 96. Montreal, 131, 154, 155. Montrose, 132, 133. Morristown, 238. Mound City, 283. MtAyr, 68. Mt. Pleasant, 68. Muddy River, 8, 9, 12. Muncie, 96, 97. Nashville, 268. Nebraska, 133, 241. Nebraska City, 132, 133. New Boston, 155. Newbury, 278. New Cambridge, 37,89, 105. New England, 1, 2, 10. New Fane, 233. New Genesee, 68, 69. New Haven, 127. Newport News, 207. New Salem, 21, 22, 221. Newton, 136. Newton Co., 255. New York City, 52, 53, 74, 83, 123, 131, 142, 151. 223, 245, 265, 281. Niles, 170. Normanville, 263. North Adams, 45, 46, 128, 147, 151, 163, 211. Northampton, 97. Northbridge, 43, 164. North Eaton, 112, 241, ^242.Northfield, 120. North Granby, 108. North Huron, 220. North Java, 141. North Port, 53. North Richmond, 258. North Scituate, 128. North Windsor, 175. Norwalk, 49, 66. Norwich, 149. Oakes Corners, 138. Oakham, 165. Octavia, 263. Oklohama, 256. Onondaga, 140. Orange, 150, 211. Orange Co., 132. 21 INDEX. Oshkosh, 157, 277,278. Oswego, 142. Otego, 157. Ottawa, 173. Ottumwa, 216. Oxford, 18, 29, 32, 34, 36, 57, 58, 59, 60, 81, 86, 89, 166, 216, 219. Painesville, 270. Palatka, 250. Palmer, 86. Palmyra, 138. Patten, 128. Paw Paw, 270. Paxton, 164. Payta, 214. Pelham, 23. Perry, 141, 167, 168. Peru, 214. Petersburg, 161. Philadelphia, 154, 222. Phillips, 224. Pierpont, 88. Pike, 140,141,142, 255. Pike Village, 141. Pittsfield, 181, 229. Plainfield, 37, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 219, 224, 228, 230. Poestenkill, 263. - Pomfret, 241. Pooleville, 91. Poplar Hill, 51. Portage City, 149. Portage Co., 185, 269. Port Ann, 32. Portland, 129, 133, 134. Portsmouth, 129, 130 Poughkeepsie, 256,262. Poaltney, 66, 120. Pratt, 136. Princeton, 41, 138. Princeville, 133. Providence, 32, 47,117, 125, 127, 128, 131, 246, 247,248,249,250! 321 Putney, 45, 52, 152. Quaben, 21. Quebec, 281. Quincy, 101. 102, 104. Halls Co , 168. Reading, 11. Redfield. 230. Red Oak, 136. Rehoboth, 11, 13, 14, 19, 22, 26, 128. Rensselaer Co., 166. Richfield, 56 Richmond, 46, 280,281. Rindge, 36, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100,237,238, 239. Riverside, Cal., 148. Rochester, 50, 66, 138, 143, 144, 145, 160, 256, 257. Rochester Rapids, 144, 200, 222, 245, 258. Rome, 102, 104. Roulette, 225, 2i'9. Rootstown, 269, 270, 271. Round Grove, 255. Rouse's Point, 213. Rowe, 29, 57, 122, 144, 146, 147. 148. 162, 248, 260, 261, 262, 263. Rowlette, 88. Roxbury, 5, 6. Royalston, 17, 46, 80, 275, 276. Rutland Hollow, 219. Ryegate, 279. Sackett's Harbor, 86, 142. Saginaw City, 222. Saginaw Co., 257. St. Albans, 158. St. Charles, 257. St. Charles Independ- ent(newspaper) ,258. 322 INDEX. St. Helena, 141. St. Johnsbury, 115,216, 278, 279. St. Joseph, 117, 136. St. Lawrence river, 28. St. Louis, 215, 284. Salem, 7, 101, 102,134, 135. Salisbury (prison), 141. Sanbornton, 155. Sandlake, 263, 264. Sandwich Islands, 214. Sandy Creek, 106. Sandy Hill, 275. San Francisco, 134, 178, 215. San Jose, 212. Santa Barbara, 175, 214. Saratoga, 139, 253, 254. Savoy,' 229. Saxville, 277. Schenectady, 212. Searsbury, 123. Seekonk, 128. Shabbona Grove, 148. Shelburne Falls, 29, 53, 150, 260, 261. Shenandoah (army) , 194. Sherburne, 91. Shirley, 134. Shrewsbury, 237, 280, 281. Skaneateles 105, 256. Smithfield, 22, 23, 32, 41, 42, 125, 126, 127, 246, 248, 249, 281. Sodus Point, 47. Somerset, 123. Somerset House, Eng., 1. Sonoma, 181, 182. Sonora, 215. Southampton, 221. South Boston, 241. Southbridge, 94, 234, Southbridge, 235, 236. South Chicago, 264. South Gore, 31. South Hadley Falls, 198. South Waterford, 277. Sparta, 243. Spencer, 17, 18. Springfield. 100, 134, 153, .198, 217, 238, 239. Springport, 140. Springville, 28, 256. Squissett Hill, 15. Stamford, 234. Staten Island, 233. Sterling, 219. Steuben Co., 108: Stillwater, 139. Stockton, 267. Stoneham, 77. Streeter's Hill, 51, 57, 155. Streetsboro, 269, 270. 271. Stukely, 46. Sturbridge, 18, 19, 21, 35, 37, 38, 75, 87, 89, 92, 93, 94. 201, 234. Sudbury, 9. Suffolk Co.. 15. Surrey Co.. 2. Surry, 32, 33, 34. Susquehanna. Co., 132. Sutton. 16, 17, 26, 58. Sutton Church, 17. Swanzey, 45, 46, 129, 133, 158. Sweetsbury, 154. Taunton, 150, 246. Temple, 212. Templeton, 233. Thetford, 259. Thompson, 58, 112. Thompsonville, 45. Toledo, 225. Tolenville, 52 Tolland, 98. Topsham, 100. Townsend,, 25, 35, 36, 48. ^Ty ,¦• ii . ; Trinidad, 157. Troy, 64, 65, 90, 123, 139, 240, 262, 264. Union City, 262. Union ville, 56. Universalist Church, 31, 33. Upton, 43, 158,237. Urband, 150. Utah, 115. Van Buren Co., 271. Vandalia, 167, 168. Venice, 96. Vernon, 39, 40, 113, 119. 134, 139. 243, 244, 245. Verona, 231. Vienna, 143. Vineland. 121. Wakefield. 239. WaUingford, 48, 52. Walpole, 53, 54, 153. Wardsboro, 233. 234. Warner, 156. Warren Co., 38, 107, 109. Warwick, 33. Washington, 46, 129, 134. Washington ( 'o. , 30.37, 275. Wateibury, 93, 265. Waterford, 253, 277. Waterloo, 128. Watertown, 2, 5, 7, 8, 134, 153, 154, 221, 222, 268. Watrons ville, 199. Waupaca, 277. INDKX 323 Waupun, 280. Waverly, 271. Wayne Co., 214. Weare, 129. Weathersfield, 96, 97, 158, 238, 239. 268. Webster, 42, 126. Wellsburg. 132. Wendell, 85. Westboro, 94. West Brattleboro, 151. Westbrook, 168. Westerly, 175. Westfield, 95, 198, 237. West Lincoln, 198. Westminster, 267. Westmoreland, 44, 50, 51,52,54,57.58, 155, 158, 265, 266, 267. West Oxford, 17. West Roxbury, 212. West Townsend, 240. West Upton, 151, Weymouth, 268. Weymouth Kerry, 4. Wheatland, 256. White Co., 255. Whitefield, 202, 277. Whitingham, 38,39,56, 58, 59, 109, 149, 15'i, 159, 160, 161. Wichita, 67. Wilbraham, 113, 223. Williamsport, 227. Williamstown, 90. Wilmington, 119, 122, 123, 124, 143, 149, 150. 151, 248. Winchenden, 211, 240. Winchester, 34, 41, 83, 85, 98, 99, 122, 152. Windham, 58, 66, 72, 75, 76. Windsor, 198. Woburn, 268. Wolcott. 182. Woodstock. 30,31, 46, 65, 129, 133, 164, 206. Woonsocket, 40, 46. Worcester, 118, '155. 164, 212, 237, 276. Worthington, 89. Wrentham, «, 14, 15, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 48, 49. Wynantskill, 264.