YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 99 «Lk=4 3 Il(v7vl © 0 MAWM ^W^BTTIM §Y° E .T. REED. »»» j ¦PREFIX . eTheve t£ hbo kiri(5£ cf prefv&es one if it is hy ^ovrselj avuTtke, pih£yi^^pv qtt ips info Vt a?Aou'tyoL'r ^ra.!e Xalient a*(f Vouv eonapovnatujn, i*?Ae SoeS it- He is^o lern1$xov *u*t a^AleYoise 4oy ir ^01 (thtfaUuatfSc2o) ajwJ Sav it sKall %ot aSW apain.. ^1 a»rgu£e at Ke qoewuwp 0C my cbvfeuVr sautkat v^flfVV So lU»^ mdlijot mvstxleaW z^- tv-fect perv^Kp -I want d: all fift SouT^JoyeuRh n Uve fn^tfet fcut Hiloo i»vm TavcK witK, mewgtKwrt^. lAeY ate wostl^ at Siffinrfc stile otart atljooetW. Cortttnt^ I- cJfre ^ark. Z> cThc 'Xalph. 3 • cme tShuv. 4» . 4n . cJ>ie a)V^m.s • 43 . tike 3obyrru> . 4^. fkWe£(!a 4^ . eJ)ie Xornat. 4 jr. oDie ^Jeu . 4^. oJKeYittisUhph So- <&e Oct&vus. SI. su yh.n> sz. cJke\\Jvn-riv6iSSvt'. %t Hark. M 1. (Sir Wi//ianj j{crrcourt.) J^frcScS k-5 exspfesion I sW?-^*<& a^d *prim roses . "[^en "f^ervs /s" CftWst$3«.* d»f ~t/)i7*gs about ^e chuckles. •. — J£e, has a, ya*fy hot -it ^S mostly not "*#&>*£.. 3Xe ^BaXj>)\ Jfs 2. (jrfr. jTrtljur gctlfour.) "W?vy, Ive, U^t obt Ai? Uhkle, boko tS a moSSleaC jOetvtev ^oy" peace h/tftv, — a^j^-uno ? 3TU 3alj>>i "l1/,^ 3hi$-f6L*>ciTia.iino Jih.im.iCl Uves chiefly in &' bunker and ./eeos «>n Jjjr^mles , CieeftS,<*?*o vo&ts of Censure. it ts verVj cieias no cnne-niitF&ut ^ JJfeSk VV M 3. (Jtfr. Chamberlain.) ciHis lb not a jlaltting Liknevb byt ihixe, is a pyeal^assin^lLoa dbovtiXs rite eve ^AY,°u ioo^Aclose 3&SW ^>^£-S>=^_- < ^frs ,t V- — \ i <¦ JhLs cR"n\ rn a 2 i-s <3 cat/fton It oets Me. oesf" <*f «*" If ZiXes fo live in hot ivJ?f«r */i S\t Qom, X *-. (president J(ruger.) " tn otfieynin :&m^ Ii- crawls abctottnino toeetto. Chxna. to fdth Some, laurels a-n8iQS.JfrYoyk*ve. such d-thino as ; a AKe. Coal a&oW yoPtCiolllo-e, very Tnveh obhoeS- It ivill^ei: there, SGm.e.6a^ I seppose • 7)ie rawk^wit Xs s. (JOord Rosebery.) J We bien mthe-f Secces^Jllin odtling "the i$ev kopeZvl ZooK ly^iAc fyt&Sr&t in-W eves /vaunt 1 Jne TiwWwit .^¦•; cftiS u/(e of Devonshire.) IV hackyovr^) otj-iriLS piclitvYe is CoKsidereb by Soine Uie m.y tn&sterpeace. . TAey say °» isjd 1ike*2*G»w .TStetoftfiT msay cTKi* jJhA.ma.1 is ye*$ trustworthy out He ts always Sasl STeep-^e tWcf niuc^ rdtlfeT vou dio •it tf Vou donl ^j]ieBenc/?tto55 X 8. (Xord %alsbury.) Ac LA \> r( (.' , / cJJ"-S Sunny Uttle Crea.ti>rz, cs very, kind AnS nevvryor&eTs cijrie,nd. #e lives on A TtfttAaoj^ *»*&"**»& th,noS _ _ Jf€ J,d& t . copies clae JLiclti Xs 9. (Xr- Xaboucljerej I tkouoU" fails WovtX te kduM forlhe -faon-Kavl at ndytko'yy\tcX htfotne Kallvwo info&nse *mi,st hoWe*. Oee^. at £ i*tb skaKe ~Bvjjit-}fatcha 0»" J{uXsy leech. Shis #ni»ial i$ alw^s ^ingtb laUnce iktn^S with, a little oyer to cnz siSe - It *S VeiSi nice an<^ /^inspcOten,- It Comes VO to eveYV &Torcfc-3o eUeTv ^nanty anS cr&ks Jokes anb pats thepio. R ?v&qot arnost IrebtiOiU olZl coyrdrM u>kie\ SorKs Zike YnMieK Itlives on.f!s>ia-mmroc)«.an^ st&ttvstxcks vjitk a^eur^a&ns $<»ne7i-mes -¦£<» reZZts/v * dne Goas/i X 12. (Xr- Qoschen.) Yov %hovU Leax his Yib&le dlovt ioAe.K a lotk-oMt £<, not a lock-cvt ¦ It is scyeetnono- Zy ^uivn^ dhS evryloSv has to give.' it vp .' 3he Goas/i 35*tS o£o* littU Salt-water Jlnirtalis veruQooS at Svmh a-nS oets ort f>re£l\ *vell uidk^he. ts&rn&s.T&iflff **^"V^^*3? MMt he. rv-r* &?Je> fhe. &McH to£et Vk dels u/er . When stri Xes is o^/ie ;8f fcery, /W ani cfoesnt expect *o ships Jvnishjvr^- Ae tools •^f ft)ie.r- Hrav s 3ht Leek. X 13. (professor Xecky.) Jt Seems a Orate risk f>r tfiisenA fo vevXcher ovt info d "rovoh. YvSe co-orlS. ItvohSer houu^ne gets over the Crossings- "e^ie Xjec)<_ E-TR §p '"' QJ 3fc il< c^ts^ervu-e Creature is very kino" ano" w\nsom.e So evtrvhoSylike^lt It^as a woyxSertvll Irairt^nS&hrio-us a lot. "WW ir sees a Artiss afoi/2r UrjoUsM. a.nS tries to look like oart op fte T^aoo It ta almost a. Slrt -to make.' its picture oJae Steovrnte X 1*-- (Sit ffenry Jrving.) /Sorne people ConSiShr ?\is Yitihg l/eyy yvSe -'it cerfc% ly is fiat foolso7*e ix its prays ¦ Kia jvnm Creatvre £eis up things very ice^JVmerx peooh eo to «see it it mcdie^ 3fc tAefooikipple Xs 15. (Xr- Hudyard J(ip/ing.) They Sdv I hdve iJeUiSeS hi^ ratho ^vt I cant help it ij r hdue • STle T^(falh$ sSrneii'mes. Tie ha-s oot &cri orl-ot oC -merles he 'has %> l&ve most 05 thtm, in- the cloaHv^Jri (•slung In/oC '*!AC) 'U &f yiOlfi *£ Shis is anoiAeT fyll-g&ce Pidttuve. .1 cant So m&rcy tnove o^iAe^ . Snz Shobft Shis Ittlle MrvtmaX is ver\> hon^t and like* to -ftcht- It has cLve&g 6io voice, en. both sdes^hicfiever it W&0. pit likes to oet on a uyagocH, tn. Vvz 'U.rk. &¦*£ call ovtalcvt utelltk anS^icklish an$ thi'nSs - It Sounds better ovt df Soors ^ o)ht oRiiatic1iee| X 18. (Sir S. J. poynter.) I W keb*S U thaookt the Snriyg of this Very ftdft l I Kd-'v'eiar^ y^tk-vnj as <^y& ¦ Qjht ofiiuiticliee^. cihxS Jlrrbnal is loondV^lt clever anS UrngS anS pUvs at marbles with the TdJo* • He stands at IKe top ot the stairs in amon£ -the plants anS floes on shaKino hano*S lolth -Biem. all 'as i hey DComc /up urvtilPhe ^alli kacH evovsted'.T/ie^ "thev prop him. vp loith, Ws an^collvws ant tavm IccWtfaule howvt in TragaZoe-r ^are \or 6lS uorrt ouc masters o$ schools mat pore, shut vp . Tie is <$Wf uft particular who he fakes in .He wont hdueDiCYw it 1ft or haue gone cr<*cKeA< (I shall senS this picture to flCe AcMyr^y - He may liKetb put it cm. tHe Une inlrHe ^WKiwp-^ 1/VHvte. '"Roorw) D s?r cihe 3aJ^ ^ ». ('^Vfr. ^77mflr Jadema.) I ca.nt M* 'it ic 'This SiS >»ake, iktstev "BTitdK"Kivj^aye go oree.rv t> see a.vt. ontsrokSir do 'itsTydce. eJheSJSf t^-i c)/llS littU FfyLima? is awfi»ll Ooocf at marl?es. Yiobcfa cant o"0 it like hi*r* . Jife^nou3S all aloulrlhe ancients and" lohat Kino" 05. foots ^tKevwoYe. on Sundays and" just \owfaev vse to sVtaWt ano" th%ur roses an J >na>ee ye& lections on fhx>\os in o enteral •They didnt o"o much else £beovo"ir?p "io hA^v -Ifov . . „.„.,-. ,. ^uy dieef oes • Jie ids CA^,^ Ho Voice £hat ak-Ctafc- as ifte^ stiOiiM,pic- )d:3ves vp, it shakes -Hvcnv a$ oWn again cJhe ^otojite Xs 20. (X- Smile 3ola.) This Art is fisippointiw as d u>oy^ of- "Jhe Zolajite eJhis cAntmal is uer^ boU anS curvaceous He is uer-v clever aJt his (cork, bvlpizgets Vtrv brcaJoin. places .- The lover ooicKthi1^ Sir^rke harder' he tries to cet them, ovt- <~ oThe Jroo-f is borieS uerv de&p JvstnjouA and that is iShzCt he islooXiruS /fo? .£cr&ey axe all dancing withragL andAa^ hei# a Italian. UJtc Wool & X 21. (Xord "Wolseley.) Syot I Coxt>8t;r»v$tbe dJofotv ?ndS ?o see r^e. Storing (X^%ooS ds ikis . There is AardZl/ ajtrd.se, of t%e Arry-r)ruesrch£,CoeTrT %L Wool} 97iis brilliant httle treaW is a fea>Cvll -cirer He is all over olorv annin^fo&ve Ike nru.lk»xan calls token eeeAy0y\t elfe is in. be& an£ asleep- He oets all ihe ficut&ey dnSbiymls XnS carnnverevs dju&'reppoyte.rs YtaivAnS tt^an. ill k vtl the pd^t^s WI samt Sav^TUn he. prases eue/Vyl'O^y else jov Ciii,no 50 hdVUv -LtSovhSs J^iV'likd-'VXYtt.YCtur- bvtP 5ornc7ioKrcMeve is *ot Jo uevy many killed ThovoKit^oes I00H ^otewiileiw ^ Unve-UGe • Thai is "his coyness, I e^ecAt- Tdvlymeht aliivay^ -frvante HhvW it-he cevtdKV does >nake a neat: rob of 'Oc • and ke has an ile docs anv JooWonv J such a nice/ 6e nia/c 31Te J{[ark Xs 22. (Sir €dward Clarke.) *Tkis ts a sti/Sy l>\ tec/lstche.YS dhS keefLcLskekirSK - aviS a tyeah^v Ofii- tiess as nell 3Tie J^Jark !"¦'•" Skis, clever little $ni>nal is a terror fo -fifiKt- He covers himself vp in. sit k and VrsehaiV euery Jay aruf ttpi he runs a5mfi passaoes^W mto all sorts of /iWn't ca3s one after another WiWaph?eet X 2b. (Sir 6. J. Heed.) Kewys Ae &S senS his j-on fe Jtarfov bhKz rHcre^awlS ke Jo I Speftihp Must hdve. oeen. an. "eroVev " I shouuthi^k jfrir a difstveu*^ Jt£e 'fe see th*- k^- h.e J^es tt • Sk KaS or BiWapWeet 3hjL.S Splendid* hut cesining jlntmatis awful! oooS at sh\flos -He has ac&fious little .taste ^/UtoWWm/tb keep on the surftss and riotetK^r^Wtway up' lolUch. was very awoyw 'to ike am«w chiles' u>\o m.anv\Ape wse ttentf? jor vs so nkeYy in. patlvmeAt • ^He is jCvZI of- stveWth. a.n

nv IthinK - So is his. shipps "they Seem, tolastfov euev as cood", as new . He loriies such \zigorovs letters $$£ *5 a. module q£ viftvxo a.n<5 HAis & qoo& po weft To It is a orate pitv ne duSnt teach^ his Sow, Jiow To spetP he seef*s "to get" Kicyse. a.ruS L/ovse. - ne is arp£fjeekt /issgyafe ) Wke Oulliuan* X 25. (Sir J?rt$ur Sullivan.) I hafi the tsis tents ofik*. ItdSin^ fyrUsickle txsovrts v*. b\ra.r\o\yAi "tkt mo sick o£ him & ^e!<^ like a. reiftrecf cuvnel cnty ¦fvYvriieT - it will ir\ahe vou ahe nritn. Lauphin^-He writes Ihe West holy tewnes too an^-vwaho Yov ta-ncv ^ou a«d Torino alovt urcth other a.noe'M xn the. VpperA. boxes ¦ (I wrote. ^.his ^i$e g^ve>\-ess u/#s out ?£ ^he roo>w -ihe wo ¦*(.<£ &*y il~u>as d^ull trevrervt I expect) <-3 Site SUxpp^dS.^ or ^DrooriZeno X 26. (Xr- Dan Xeno.) Ik&e hai the, nicest ' CoT*f>?e full of wheezes . He"ts very ,/npi/tJ oPkis -fee?" - w- «-** ^o^loo-k caWjv% ? ^cvZofe e<>5 SdL& '**' ts tf0 fifcaftvwesh. . , 'o\s canfvee 'flve.rn, if ?JU4*!>,- /Sevlpters rave about hi*^- ^Damrnvriile. X 27. (Xr- 3ohn J^ird') The bdckrounS See*, of- ^"«-5 picture isldiS at Titey-Vxe-~3evlifull -hAeve the Sa/yriVHS is totdAe fi2d.Ce Sh&tTuTd °< ^Dammvnile, g? 9hlS )(ino Jinimal is always soplease&tc 6ee vou. Jfeis uevv ente^risinjr a-nd lhas au -funrcy urav o£ (SrltracXtino ^hims^f and Mttho iWrcA-the W ot a AVer an till it runs over . I shovU fhinkiit UxholepU.ee urill bejvll of CYocfcerdials anS irrepatbrs anS ihiAcs . jfe has stch a freWnj^ll huarS -'iPlcchs as ij he ^Wcf rndvke a very nice prophets , Sont yov -think so ° r__/ Qjhe, Coriey coil ^hvyl^ccmls X 28. Or. Conan J)oyle.) T'kis is a -Abyhe Seen .7&te ^muTrt X 29. (X?- timothy *(ea/y.) I -§ind profee h e ver so TnvcA easier - there is orily one eye to r-estCe tuitL /ae qwet 5ee-stde/?lac€ • Ke use^& #eZ?o>to Co & parry °y sei/enty' Zryfc he hds turned the. other Sixtv-nihe out Urltc the cokT J 37ieLeedauar Or IDiWiiuelisia, X 30. (Sir Richard Webster.) dhtri, ts JtM> ofr&vinos lh&t h#s *iouse$ ?nore phltlxck. UHtfftw'ii&surri. than, this o~*e eJHeLeedauar °* IDiWliweMa, 0\ • ' ' (fr. cfkiS aLle tftmmal has svch a noMe brain that there, is only Tust room. -Cor it. It ca.Tit.Qet anyhiqhtr^&hoit Qpi>ip rfoft ovlottrtlJlovse. ^lt sings U^lm^S Stys at -fears rv) fee. xn. sKinino dormer M. fmrns sezrns to fuit it tes€ ItkinK. erbo&y likes it as long as it Jbtsntoet SinoLnSr- IttrltSto mxkz a Zpollerpy opcl. Wt it U>as SreSCvlly Zame 'ayxSWnt It lines dtL-paycKmcnX. &M6 stainstoUss" o)/ie or "VstitliricJK £His pleasant liltle Creature lives op in- Si6e ja dome ow&utewrinzgajt^frb spenSs all Us tx>ne stickinc ^W^tMe pictures and patterns -You cant See much of them, fronx downstairs bvt hesays\ thev arc all gytte reB^tm^s an& "frets or <5om.?ruooie X 32. (Jtfr. Gibson gowles.) M+ •Spietma-n says "this Yeynayk&ble toe»k is feSSolerS- o^-the. Sed. ctnS the Srori-Hg ojfftu u/ave -forms is Worthy of Hook or tyrecrouj ." ^ cJta Wa^ Qjonvn'wol ¦"V vt ever so pattrioVtic abovl other peoples countries as eJ/ie Jinoonxte or ® yauhiturk £H>?s nHX tittle Animal- did" not grot** nl^iou u;S%linh it had fc har f Wi- oJ)ie Hya)i-Hya)i cf'iskUVan.V ^ 5*. f5/'r C. toward Vincent.) He is a crdtt Votteyileer "loo Tie is a rXCxtcAev of Moltky dni Trih.ce Kucpurt at- fnenoSver^ ojhe JiyaJi-Hvan. ^iskleKrajik. /lis popular jlnxmal uranjts to hnoWJ inhere bfcrvlhmo comes irorrc -"then. .n*> and* c/UBers iike that is *>Wttat I ei^pec ovt o£ order ioorv IK has a. ect it'fer III &e c; oi te 3he Jiyrn(< Jtrmao/ida X 35. (Colonel Saunderson.) I hear Ke has kaA-this fia^eS Cr cun. avr-ltu>jn. ¦ clheJtumXc c* JfcrmagWa o- cJhis pi/gonacious J?nxmat is alliuavs Uiivshno #y slaur&r.Hehas made \ir**df svcKslcJ nice cfry ditch, to dYe in. if h< ;tanoet tfio others <% come on, . He Wars hxs coits alfi out draooinq thevn, along ^tKefZore so t/ia£ o^otoeoodV^may ste/? online -Jf he can Set any &o»ft tb<4toJan(T Zoo\ heViZZ eat gy*e/ he is iahino 2he.hat yovnSX^rbfSjhmh^ tho he is ticKduSesspritcharaktcfapSsoW 4 toodtherstyntss -^c draus nxcjly^o-^ exept 5iWsJ-An pet" nets ^rnte janrf^ chiriss -like mei^ Ln a pjsrgshfvM 3£e Ya^ "Rpmpjy* Of ck X 36. (Xord Charles geresford.) Ihe Crttichs say I Kdue ^PP^ VO&r& the sea- breast Woiwo tnrovokkis LpiVytttes r 5 & STie Yavh. or "Rowjnyack of »oi*e W never run, . He i* ?w#^> Wg 5nder 4ire or wafer- H* JustWijt and «tf s aa ^ Sht JaWTrttoss or EpliseeBt X 37. (Xr- F- G' £urnand.) tThis pxcktwe anStki nice ritin. hdo" fl U?oniia. oen- ilt ni(U ?o©h So olairt ¦ The re is ho aoht J a nv not a f littver • 3k Mori OT ihilopat Shis \inS honwest tftnimat is vary jono olwUhn and" UHeS lo plax at litlSimg a howe o>Aw Oy&e-n- Serf ikem, lb fite'fn -"He is wearxno the creen riphtThro- vqk hnXk. Jtvyinp s0 hay S- "WTiePc he is on IKc stceme* }\g nails -fronts onto the mast • It is very oSS he- Sits and twines" and* xt CAvitL/rn pounds and* shullinos into '-roooees iv\ile\ov wait It - H'Hovs €Ke diKrenee Mtujeer^ k milKtvy read and a footpath! and-tf>adeit itself or ifcy, dcMk/iytHO Such, fircxffhe^sv -tKaX I c omtjiprti nee $Kis itntmal Kas oot a head" $11 ot rvles onf leoovlatians .'It is %kvti « oC all kinds of YxTOes -the ones 'it K&s Irest M^host nofoiW cant rnake head" ov tail oC - the ahtvser vyz. . ¦/etteT.7heym.akt yovr hair all cowc-4'oflii^ o£. t\urv.}& use » a chair an now li ' Unice h e-t In n „. . itfef'Someorve che bed Ke "DiodpiKees • Be ciues awCullnice hektvr-es To passtrs-lfy AnS says order order % hir*sd£ -J\!e. u/anis^Vo h&veMemkt oi parly ment A\\ d"i«rent Si^es iCCorSino 2o f^e . WaioMrot the Mosteri - He cffl * '^ "««««« Ak » a 7 oiues awfuUnice heklw-es To *?.. r... J..i... ¦&. \.;~ r.tr. ji ....... ... -Mis 'vt"pv««)Vr5i'ma« mjirisentatiarv " (j hoge I /idue s^ttt'dc vvokt) xsnf it silly- He is a lee fey «r fashion. -He \s got a palt^ct westcote oid- uevy'TuK^v Colour rhft Xs most tetomnvVKp . They Sa^ hi Cobles out all ov/ei W» uufteus at Qaokt - he twust looX Yadienaty ueK)tc^lt • ^ ^ Xs +/. (X' paderewski.) hnt vt rather a svb-a,vlrtrn tip* oj^ace, - not quite iuha£ i/ou Wcf tx^pasiMX Consign? t'hFtvSi • v&T&Sf. elms cvri&vs little Creature never comes ovt In the same place only alrout once-ayeaY-- that keeps h\i valleur vp . Hhev take^hlm, yoon(T in a seiioon. carri^e fifth^is nan^e T£> }*?&* ^r ltecvtsi& Wmiticly SeelS dno decRTrateo Joitk naaden-hare fef^ts anrou>cdies. <3he_y sfep atttie-foLns an«T let Hvm. out to play io^^wWinutes then all the. ife ^o^ffiw minutes #venallthe. ladies ix daftly dVesscs keep and" qassp anrfshveek ovt ''a2?>uine l^Wjetfra Anf yusk SftoiC apter hiwt. till -ike pollice steps in. - -ihtn-they kiss 'the. Eeos 0$ the (viyanno aW mone .for £^rtnxphta«eY. He looks morf ?iKe a Tnopp tnan tar T^mscitsinoey at cricket* He, was t«naue cone, t^OrsCvaruSp ivitk W Sto6ert out thev thotoVt it was o-eitev for thetJ?noivc tfaX Kerxhoi/ la not • You should see kirns Sywck. the-m, antono -Pxe. slippers (i hope that ti ri$o^2S^Jr ho\v£AJbe*n, hi7}^^~ ^dll offitJob j-tvciwlts AnS 4)rmps out the. most looKdirCvll per&til- yatinp no&s . He preitends h be isleip Iftft he.-iszalt the lotoe-awaker mlly • Jfe has fye Tnost louelv head" of hair-thef^ay it is Sme hind $ JuSs tnce }uhat he h8& rrthSe up him- -SeK wl" makes it come So lv*uv-youJ. Tie Tmfc it into the members tb0 scmetiWs hvt he has svch a plessant skiljul little wav oc- doivvo it allYOimd amS just touchmP on the poi&s oCtheit lilts thi.t they raMr ^ lit X belleue ^ She "WeeJIx Xs 4b. ("Ouida." a IhdS no idea I covZct 60 hair so nafcherdl as thvs or I uovU have SorvL "it 1/iforC . cUiis sentimervtle Zittle J^iinxal Is a rnpst von- de-rCvll dissaite-r- jVlloC oauPeous colours . She has a terrilte, Xassirtatirtp \fnS6oC Kero yjw Joes out h tatttle taTkxnp Seve^ll laKpurdges hjitK % o&deent ^va anS" ZaWnoeY kif gloves o&'ara cZxry^goyrnevleio tne dh& xs °tiRe tKis - c~^r cilte, 3re* o- 3ht$ oicktuvesk Creature rnoves abovtori the boWS in. tke rnost vnStioldXi'rw Qra.ce- fyl manner- and tikes "t> hdve, a Sral££ut lime-lito ma/ru ivho can follow "hiM al^ut and Sgvbtfc'ifc nicety alt over his exnreshvn. He his IJilt hlr^mj a Qoreeovs ^hee-rtre called" he/ mac2£sty5 because she Sosrit never oo near it ;He £r aiojilt opod1 at mayh^ps . He Z£#es ft /idi/e ho cnS oC. coltums all^Pbt Turn,. The Tad^ has Colold alt his cihen for hi>n so nxce ftat he looks just like a real 3\oman tic ore *TVfet a k&sh.\.>xc-uA2l he onvst hdtt/e. jvixh aZZ ifeie" "tp&oers and* jCorumS ahd' "ininas . c/He Lorry it Xs 4-6. (Xr. Jtlfred Jiustin.) Jrvyea.yJrtb have Svorn hi>Ktvyi> to get <7uer a v-ey\ fc-oe I CQ)iJUlSroi Soes it . ^ to det aver a i^erv Yushch. stile fe'sopt tSe I ^ite-^^fc.rtddrnt "natter J eOte Lomit '3-TR Shh queer little ifnimalhas oot W seU smothevd in With lorrels &n£fa dcsnt havd ly euer shoiJ -"there has teen, too much, r-inxP outside tor him I oweckt • He is aUuays hear mo Voices ju/iat notodcv dstcan Once £tr u;as liKe wlntmen and ch5ctdVen, scrernvno out tor help -JMoio it Sounds like- Kvwvwer^can • It says it wants to haue. done Vith Us uorn-outAtail the tail pf a an« H>rono(JtdoesntJ'ee'm,To niearv. "much-does it) IvTHeritheve is IWl bahitS Qolngon \e Us Id tolv the iowl family v/tfh nice fresh, odei aW poterv o( a lofejfult cUvecter -That is lohat ne iPfor - IT nmct U a ^utlUce cJhe Ellen, X 47. (Xiss €Hen Zerry.) I a. w* tolS Miss Zovie ^ee r is oevy /ryueh kvvt &t 6e&*\ pd-SsiS over -fonKtlr one, hotkeys t's d Jiffre-yyt sftle of Ivtrlifiess -more, h&e d. TfaFtbht- . 3)te Ellen,. j^s ^isorace5ulUni skittish little fhivnal is a /uonoerio behold. £>he neve.r seetrts to get no Older in spigot of the lo^s offiryye^Wxen, ^^%S<^SJ'l^^y^3 h>x^v ^ /Stio-walte the Conor ioatioirv. oo ovvte £iDj/ ionfc rapchetf dAhi *i*hey qp ok tilf^they rnak^her come ovt cLnShlx ffioic and" Hiss rter ha.r\Ss ir^the nnost Cbrnmi'al ^ashiu • -She is & Van der jutl Oocd~ Tbrsher anS she has got a very Trice Oiivi^er^in stock too -As loiio Us She Soesr\x $et%o_ kittenish iheve. is nohm cant 60 'it im her <^ ^yke fSarake X 48. ( X adame S. Bernhardt) JhxS erne Seeyns % tWolne tksu Svttle- ckavm of a llumney Juitktne o^eck- YfcfciVe ejeckt: ^^paagleileV e)ke 5atalee w„ cTJus vetnarkalle cflnimal is the iSleoC theTiar-i^ians . It is uery inWw and^rd- title gays o> jW^^W^W 'fUS intakes Itackti^ers anf «fo- -talk and shud-d-er-IFhas a rnostkvhtxr- chirvp Voise that xs or6x,bU &n tKt cKea/J pren^yi< Qd^a^t^to ^Xve U f oaiv^^. -ftowsett ^TKatseeTvi very £oTiue.rdran,says Xne invjasse- 3de is uery XlyjFdr says . IthovU rieuer^ve'Uavohf^that • Octa,Vl/£ flhxs clever soshaUe dlninvtehas opt a- mainyer £or eights oj- e^evythinp^xhpAt ^sts^ailseMr dented- eioht^inesfeioht. Toayters.eiqHt o'cl&K and ment hey alZ^orrac- eSht and^suAvlUvdKt .at him ixke anytfunc . Hewitt Soor^ be a ocjfyoinna-rxin alt over —vo*t •jJvAJt te a delltte l§hfm • "^Kes a exbrotfaty - spare timTe-tucT'kcinp ^ptke palette • lie is a c^atL oleeuer- iH/^ream-asnen and" says toe snallfebnve to it som.e day _ loonT call €rat pollvte to you . ItKaupnt0^^ Tpas riserued" Jor those M is not vegplar atfj>yy&ets at cHvrch or made Sacefat ooveness- SHc x ai I X 51. (Xr- pM Xay-> 1 extfpeckl li'katl haveto pressent this To the JTasknal Tortret SaZ2ry - iken J shall be handed1 /own ds his " mtmiffiise'nt SorxAdu '! Shis CommicU little Creature Srer* the heuenlyest p^Htores .Ikhasmade ihe portVeH ot alt the eyteer oj- ittt- icdte Lane, the criElrKs say h tis & 'Tnasster <£ tec kneekA It r^Dst ueuevy nice 1b ue called names Zihethat-^ I>armiet leenp . "Re oan* a nicst petf- ti£vlt ^Tir^e that -£oo ^n tvvbe, . I didnt fuea3n fc mx>e him sech a d/Sul' ati'KP "okervl started" - I hau^to yewn • What a veleeC id Cro wnd heads and plhevs that kas opt TeCt out and lohat a merty- £.1 relees^^rovnhis ettroshus stile o Hov dred^ot1 plain he is too •