k^.t-^ ^ "..A J .%r \ X ^iW^^-/ Jl! YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 1946 '^e^ ^t^i .^^^^- SU!et'.-^ THE q^ / /^^/ TRUE HISTORY OF TOM & JERRY OR, Life in London, my boys, is a round of delight, In frolics, I keep up, both the day and the night, With my Tom and my Jerry, I try to "get lesi" Of the Coves in the East— and the Swells at the JVest / Such pa/s in a lark, we the Town can defy, O ! Then join me in chaunling our precious Trio. BILLY WATERS. Mags came thick, this made,him merry ; Fortune changes in a crack^ — Folks they went t' see Tora and Jerry, And on Billy tumed their back. Oue notable effect of •' Life in London,'' particularly in its dramatised form must be recorded. It broke the heart of poor Billy Waters, the one- legged musical negro, who died in St. Giles's workhouse, whispering with his ebbing breath, a mild anatheina, which sounded very much like .• " Cuss him, dam Tom — mee— Tom— mee Jerry ! Poor Billy endeavoured, up to the period of his last illness, to obtain for a wife and two chUdren what he termed, " An honest living by scraping de cat-gut ! " by which he originally collected considerable suras of money at the West-end of the town, where his ribbon -decked cocked hat and feathers, with the grin on his countenance, and sudden tiirn and kick out of his wooden limb, and other antics and efforts to please, excited much mirth and attention, and were well rewarded from the pockets of John Bull. ipe>4^<;/ Jlu^u^i ^a^Di^xAi. THE True History TOM AND JERRY; OK, The Day and Night Scenes , OF LIFE IN LONDON From the START to the FINISH ! With a Key to the Persons and Places, Together with a Vocabulary and Glossary OF THE Flash and Slang Terms. occuring in the course of the work. BY CHARLES HINDLEY, It » Editor of " The Old Book Collector's Miscellany; or^ a Collection of Readable Reprints of Literary R arities " " IVorks off ohn Taylor — the Water Poet " " The R.oxburghe Ballads" " The History of the Catnach Press" " The Curiosities of Street Literature" *' The Book of Ready Made Speeches," ** Life a?id Times of fames Catnach, late of the Seven Dials, Ballad Monger" " Tavern Anecdotes and Sayings^ etc. !lLon&on : CHARLES HINDLEY, 41, Booksellers' Row, St. Clement Danfis, Strand, W,C. INTRODUCTION. 'Nothing succeeds like success" — or " FaUs like faUure.'' , , Prince Talleyrand cum Baron Nicholson ! HAT Pierce Egan's Life in London, or Tom and Jerry, was a success, we have plenty of printed evidence and ' hearsay ' ! to prove. And we also know — beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the news of its metropolitan fame went forth with almost telegraphic speed throughout the provinces :- — From John o'Groat's House to the Land's End ! — From Dan to Beersheba ! — and back again 1 With Life in London, its language became the language of the day; drawing-rooms were turned into chaffing cribs, and rank and beauty learned to patter flash ati nauseam. introduction. The original work went through several editions in a very . short time, and the plates, by the Brothers Cruikshank, were considered so full of amusement that they were transferred to a variety of articles without any loss of time. The Latly taking her gunpowder was enabled to amuse her visitors with the adventures of Tom and yerry on her highly-finished tea-tray. The lovers ^of Irish Blackguard experienced a double zest in taking a pinch from a box, the lid of which exhibited the laughable phiz of the eccentric Bob Logic. The country folks were delighted with the handkerchief which displayed Tom getting the best of a Charley, and Dusty Bob and Black Sal " all happiness ! " The Female of Quality felt interested with the lively scene of the light fantastic toe at Almack's, when playing with her elegant fan ; and the Connoisseur, with a smile of satisfaction on his countenance, contemplated his screen, on which were displayed the motley groups of high and low characters continually on the move in the metropolis. Everybody talked of Tom and Jerry, and crowds rushed to the theatres where the uproarious adventures of these popular personages were represented in a dramatic form. Mr. W. T. Moncrieff's adaptation brought out at the Adelphi Theatre, November 26th, 1821 :— which, "¦by-the way," was by far the best of the whole bunch ! — ran uninterruptedly through two seasons. It then appeared in rapid succession at the Theatres all over England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales ; likewise in most of the United States of America, the West Indies, &c. But although Life in London, or, Tom and Jerry did make our grandfathers so very — very 1 merry in the first quarter of the Nineteenth Century, we are constrained to admit ; that introduction. it is a terrible dull and tedious work to read through in the present day, and it is on that very account, that we here place before our readers, what we are pleased to term — The True History of Tom and Jerry ; for the work has a history of its own, and to exemplify the fact, we have in the first place, made numerous selections from the original work, then given the principal scenes of Moncrieff's dramatic version of the same, the two concluding chapters of Pierce Egan's continuation of his Life in London which he entides — The Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry, and Logic, in their Pursuits through Life In and Out of London.* Together with a "Key to Persons and Places, and an Etymological - and Critical Vocabulary and Glossary of Flash and Slang Terms * Books published by G. Virtue, Ivy-lane, Paternoster-row : — ¦pOXIANA ; or, Sketches of Ancient and Modem Pugilism ; including every Exploit from the Days of Figg and Broughton to the present year (1829) ; with Biographical Memoirs of all the Boxers, particulars of their age, weight, style of fighting, &c. ; and interspersed with a variety of Sporting Anecdotes, never before pub. Iished. By PIERCE EGAN. Also in royal Svo. price £1 i6s., embellished with 36 beautifully coloured, character-, istic plates and woodcuts, from scenes in real life, by I. R. and G. Cruikshank. A New Edition of Life in London; or. the Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn, Esq., and his elegant Friend, Corinthian Tom, in their Rambles and Sprees through the Metropolis. By Pierce Egan. Also, just published, uniform with the above, price £1 i6s., embellished with 36 richly coloured scenes from real life, and spirited wood cuts, by R. Cruikshank. " Begar here's Monsieur Tonson come again." Pierce Egan's Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry, and Logic, in their Pursuits through Life In and Out of London. Being the Second Part, or Con tinuation of * Life in London,' calculated to attract the Corinthian, entertain the Sports man, relieve the cares of the Merchant, a specific against Ennui, delight the Country Folks, please Everybody, and ' No Mistake.' Also, by the same Author, and uniform with the above. The Life of an Actor, Peregrine Proteus. Illustrated by Twenty- seven coloured Scenes, representing the Vicissitudes of the Stage ; and nine beautiful woodcuts. By Pierce Egan, Author of ' Life in London,' 'Tom and Jerry,' &c. Price £1 IS. in boards ; or in nine parts, at 2s. 6d. each. " The pre.'ient work is one of the best exemplifications of Mr. Egan's peculiar talents. It is impossible for us to do justice to the spirit of the designs, miny of which would not discredit the pencil of Hogarth." — Monthly Critical Gazette. INTRODUCTION. occurring in the course of this work," as at once giving an epitome of the whole : and to our mind, sufficient to be known of Pierce Egan's once popular work. To which we have added such historic facts and scraps of information that have come to hand during our researches in connection with the — Rise and Progress — Decline and Fall of the Book and its Story. The present generation will find in some of the scenes depicted in such glowing colours, many of the fashions, man ners and customs, which prevailed in the reign of King 'George the Fourth, together with certain landmarks of the past, which no one need regret leaving far behind, and ought to give every encouragement to those who live under the rule of Queen Victoria to maintain a firm faith in the social progress of the age. The first Chapter of Life in London, commences with what the author terms An Invocation, in which, after invoking! — " the pleasing, grateful, inspiring, nay, golden advantages resulting from the smiles of that supreme goddess of the gods, FAME !"^which he adds is the — " flattering unction " that all authors sigh to be anointed with." He then in very — " merry- go-round — here we go round" — sort of a way calls to his aid many of the past, and, also then, living authors, artists, pub lishers, and public characters of the day — " to enrich his judg ment — guide ^ his pen— inspire him with confidence — and in other ways assist him in the arduous task he has undertaken." And thus he '¦invokes' Laurence Sterne — divine and humourist -(1713-68):— — "It is to thee, Sterne, I first humbly bend my knee, and solicit thy most powerful aid. If thou didst not use up all thy stock of Sensibili'iy before thou wert called a«'ay to enjoy the reward of thy exertions in the INTRODUCTION. v. bowers of Elysium, pray tell me where thou didst deposit that raost precious bottle, that I may with an eagerness unexampled, uncork its treasures and applj; every drop after thy rich felicity : I have great need of it. And Fielding, too, thou true delineator of Human Nature, if only a small remnant of thy Mantle has been left behind, let me but know it, that I may ransack every piece-broker's house in the kingdom, till I become the master of such an invaluable stimulus to exertion. And, although another Sophia Western, perhaps, is not to be met with in the walks of the pre sent day, if it were my precise object, yet, let me but produce sorae simi larity towards the double of a Tom Jones or a Booth, and the highest pinnacle of my ambition is attained. Smollett, thy touching heartfelt qualities break in upon me so penetratingly, that I must also invoke thy friendly shrine. And if a Rory Random or a Lieutenant Bowling should ever cross my path, instruct me to portray their noble traits with all that richness of colouring, and peculiar happiness of style, that once erabellished thy truly characteristic pen. — "Advance, also the Metropolitan Heroes of Literary Renown, whether of Genius great, either of romantic style, or of Poetry exquisite, of Don Juan or Lalla Eookh quality, it matters not, if generosity lie within thine inkstands, and ye put forth your good wishes for my success ; show me your passports to excellence, and put me in the right road, that I may ultimately obtain your proud signatures and arrive safe at the end of my joumey. — " Reviews, those terrific Censors of the timid writer, and arbiters of the press, whether Quarterly,* or at EDiNBURGH,t you who apply the knife, bear it In mind that Van ButchellJ advertises to perform cures with- *Quarterly Review, the organ ofthe Tory party, first appeared in Feb ruary, iSog, under the editorship of William Gifford, the celebrated translator of "Juvenal." He died 31 December, 1826. tEdinburgh Review was founded October, 1802, by Francis Jeffrey, Scotch lawyer, critic, and politician, Francis Homer, Brougham, Rev. Sidney Smith, and other Whigs. |Fistulse and Piles. — Mr. Van Butchell, Surgeon Accoucheur No. 2, Half Moon Street, Piccadilly, having, without cutting or confinement, in the short space of three weeks, cured me of the above-named complaints (under which I had laboured for nearly four years), I am prompted by gratitude to him publicly to state, that I had pre viously consulted several Surgeons, who pronounced ray cure impossible, without sub- VI. introduction. OMi cutting ; and that Abernethy* is himself alone I and also remember, thou sages of the quill, that many an unfortunate homo who has been ' damned to everlasting Fame ' and disposed of in a Jef, in thy most omnipotent pages ; yet has, from the resuscitating glossy aid of Messrs. Day Sc Martin, become a shining Literary Character in Paternoster Row, and formed one of the real Portraits of Life in London. — " Come forth, my Mag of BLACKWOOot ; thee, too, I must invoke ! thou ckiel of Satire, whose lively sallies and ' laughing-ln-the-sleeve greatness ' that would have paralysed the pencil of a Hogarth, or struck dumb the piquant ridicule of a Churchill, if the grim King of Terrors had not deprived us of their talents ; I challenge thee to the scratch ! ' Tis One of the Fancy calls ! But, from thy lamb-like quaUties and playful avtillery, it must only be a private set-to with the gloves. My hand grapples with you in friendship — it possesses not weight enough to combat with thee, although i}[i& pluck, perhaps, attached to it may be always gay. Ee it remembered, that Blackwood is always in training — he hits so very hard — and his Backers are likewise so numerous amongst the Greeks, Latins, Hebrews, and Classics, that it would be two to one against an open contest ; therefore, good Mr. Blackwood, be just, nay, be more, ' be merciful. It is doubly bless'd' ; and you know Blacky, ' it blesseth him that gives and him that takes' Then floor me not ; but instead : — Shoot thine arrow o'er thy house, — And do not wound thy brother ; but whisper to the Pack, and particularly to the whipper-in. Old Christopher North, that ' 'Tis I ' — (youry?3j/j-y friend of the South). But let me entreat of you Mr. Blackwood, to bottle-off z. few of thy little mastery touches (as full of fire as thy famed whisky), and send them to me with all the speed of the mail, lest my stock of spirits should be exhausted, and that Life in London mitting to the painful operation of cutting, to which dangerous experiment I had always been averse, and therefore despaired of ever regaining my health, till, on applying to Mr. Van Butchell, to whom I was strongly recommended, he, in the short space above-men tioned, realized his assurances by performing a perfect cure. Newhaven, Sussex. THOMAS EAGLES, Butcher & Salesman. *John Abernethy, Surgeon and Physiologist, 1 764 — 1831. tWilliam Blackwood, Scotch bookseller, born 1776: established " Plackwood's Magazine," 1817, died 183.^. INTRODUCTION. may be enriched with the fine colouring of a Meg Merrilees, if it be only in perspective."— " And Mr. CoISurn (thou indefatigable promoter of literature), thy assistance I most humbly crave! indeed, I feel assured that thy spirited and liberal disposition will not permit thee to omit informing those dashing belles and beaux, whose morning lounge gives thy repository of the mind an air of fashion, that Life in London is worthy of perusal. "But thou, O Murray I whose classic front defies, with terrific awe, ill- starred, pale, wan, and shabbily -cH^'i.A. Genius from approaching thy splendid threshold, retreat a little from thy rigid reserve, and for once open thy doors, and take the unsophisticated Jerry Hawthorn by the hand ; and although not a Childe Harold in birth, a Corsair bold, or a Hardy Vau.n;, wretched exile ; yet let me solicit thee to introduce him to thy numerous acquaintance, that, having once obtained thy smiling sanction, Jerry raay not only have the honour of being allowed to call again, but to offer his servioes throughout thy extended circle. Grant me but this and whether in siniple quires, in humble boards, or in Russia, triumphantly gilt, so that thou promote my fame, my gratitude attends thee, and values not the mode of thy favours. " " Christie, I am sure thy goodness will not refuse me the loan of thy erudite hammer, if not to knock down, yet to dispose of every coarse and offensive article ; nay more, let them not be nurabered in the catalogue of my offences." " O Shaughnessy, fashion me into thy fine atittudes and guard, to protect me frora assaults in all the hair-breath escapes I may have to encounter in my day and midnight rambles. And thou, O mighty and power ful champion, Cribb, adraired hero of the stage, teach nie to make a /;// of so Kean a quality, that it may not only tell, but be long remembered in the Metropolis. And Paternoster-row triumpet forth its praise and excellence throughout the most distant provinces." " Ackerman, if ever thou didst value the Tour of Dr. Syntax, I call upon thee now to lend thy friendly assistance and protection to Corinthian Tom and his rustic protege poor Jerry. Present a copy of their Sprees and Rambles to the leared Doctor, and his ' Picturesque ' brain will be all ii. 2 viii. INTRODUCTlbN. on fire for another tour, from the new scenes it will develop to his unbounded thirst for enterprise and knowledge." "And thou, too, HONE, thou king of parodists ! turn not a deaf ear to my request, but condescendingly grant the petition of your most humble suitor. In my diversity of research, teach me ' how to tell my story,' that I may not only woo the public with success and fame, but produce that fine edge in sharpening up my ideas, yet, withal so smooth and oily, that instead of wounding characters, I may merely tickle them and create a smile ! " " Tremblingly alive! nay, heavily oppressed with agitation and fear, I now intrude myself into thy presence, thou renowned hero of the police, Townshend. Do not frown upon me, but stretch out thine hand to my assistance, thou bashaw of 'Ca.e, prigs and ail-but beak ! The satellite of kings and princes, protector of the nobility, and one of the safe guards of the Metropolis. Listen to my application, I entreat thee, ' my knowing one,' and for once let me take apetp into thy hiden invaluable secrets. It is only a glance at ihy. reader* that I request : — Wherein of hundreds topp'd, thousands lagg'd ; And of the innumerable teazings thou has book'd. thy ' Life in London,' alone, is a history of such magnitude, that, if once developed, the ' Adventures of Robinson Crusoe ' must be forgotten. O teach rae, Townsey, to be as dozvn in my portraits as thou art in giving all the light and shade of criminality to the nightly mysteries of the wary Fence when pressing for a conviction ; and likewise, to keep as sharp a look out after characters in the ball-room of the Corinthians as thy penetrating eyes scour the abodes ofthe great when ' at home ' to make all right. I ask no more than ; Sit mihi fas audita loqui ; sit numine vestro Pandere res altd terra et caligine mersas." *PocKET-BOOK. Townsend's first introduction to the police, it seems, was owing to his knowledge of the numerous persons hanged, transported, &c. ; he having kept a regular journal to that elTcQt. This calender of offences gave him a great superiority over his fellows, INTRODUCTIOK. ix. Pierce Egan— THE AUTHOR— Then more particularly appeals to the Brothers R. and G. Cruikshank and to ^ HIMSELF ! ! ! as BOXIANA, thus :— " In all your varied portraiture of the interesting scenes of Life, let me invoke thy superior talents, Bob and George Cruikshank (thou Gillray* ofthe day, and of Don Salterof greatness), to my anxious aid. Indeed, I have need of all your illustrative touches ; and may we be hand-and-glove together in depicting the richness of nature, which so wantonly, at times, plays off her freaks upon half-famished bone-rakers and cinder sifters round the dust hill, that we may be found, en passant, so identified with the scene in question, as alraost to form a part of the group. May you also. Bob and George, grapple with Hogarthian energy, in displaying tout a la monde the sublime and finished part of creation, whether scrnwed up to a semi-tone of ART, or in nobly delineating, what raust always be a welcome visitor at every residence, and likewise an admired portrait over all the chimney-pieces in the kingdom — a Perfect Gentleman. But, before I dismiss you to your studies, bear it in remembrance, ' nothing to extenuate, or set down aught in malice ;' yet be tremblingly alive to the shrug of the fastidious critic, who might, in his sneer, remark, that Caricature would be as much out of time and place in holding up to ridicule the interior of the religious good man's closet, as it is animatedly required in giving all the rusticity and fun incident to the humours of a country life." — "And. thou, O BOXIANA! my dearest friend and well-wisher, thou beloved companion of all my hours, thou ' note book ' of my Mind, and 'pen-and-ink remembrancer' of my passing scenes, whether in splendid palaces, lost in admiration over the fascinating works of art, or in diving into the humble cellar, passing an hour with some of mankind's worthiest children, poor, but contented and happy, — ^be thou my guide and assistant ! *James Gillray, the famous caricaturist, 1785.1815. tin Cheynewalk, Chelsea, was the museum and coffee house of Don Saltero, renowned in the swimming exploits of Dr. Franklin. The landlord, James Salter, was a noted barber, who made a collection of natural curiosities, which acquired him the name (pro- bably first given him by Steele,) of Don Saltero. — See Tatler, Nos. 34, 195 and 226.— The quiet tavern remains, but the museum was dispersed by auction about the year 1807. Another wonder was the Old Chelsea Eun-house. which possessed a sort of rival museum to Don Saltero's. It was taken down in 1839. — lohn Tiinhs Curiosities of London. INTRODUCTION. Do not desert rae, at peep o' day, ¦vi'hen drowsy Watchraen quit their posts, and coffee-shops vomit forth their snoozing customers — those out-casts of society — to whom a table is a luxury to rest their thoughtless heads upon, and whose : — Dry desert of a leather pocket book does not contain A solitary farthing ! Be also at my elbow, upon the strut in Hyde Park, on Sunday's stare, when Sol's bright rays over Fashion's splendid scene gives such a brilliancy of appearance. And be thou near to me, should midnight Covent Garden rows claim my attention, when noisy rattles collect together the dissipated rarablers touched with the potent juice of Bacchus, and entangled with hoarse Cyprians in the last stage of existence, till dragged to the watch-house, where the black hole gives a litnit to their depravity of exclamation. In this respect, BOXIANA, let thine ear be as nice as Spagnioletti's ; anxious, like this great master of the Cremona, to give all the force and beauty of composition, but carefully to avoid a note being out of tune. Then, for once, let me entreat of thee, in soliciting thy assistance, that thou wilt take off ihs gloves, quit the prize ring, put down thy steamer, and for awhile dispense with thy Daffy, but, above all, stear clear from \.\xe slang,* except, indeed, where the instances decidedly call it forth, in order to produce an effect, and emphasis of character. Then, fare thee well ? " ^ Vive vale — si quid novisti rectius istis, Candidus imperii; si non, his utere mecum. — Horace. 11 Farewell and be happy— if you know of any precepts better than these, be so candid as to coraraunicate thera, if not, partake of these with me." " If a better system's thine, Impart it freely, or make use of mine." * This is certainly good and correct advice, but, perhaps the metaphor might have proved rather more illustrative, if the old adage had been quoted, that, "when ai Rome do as KoME does!' INTRODUCTION. xi. Early in the career of the publication of Life in London, there seems to have been some adverse criticisms by at least a section of the Press on the slang of the Author ; and the some what highly coloured and spicey Plates of the Brothers Cruik shank, as in Chapter VL, page 84, Part III., there is the fol lowing apology, or, explanation printed as a foot-note thus : — — " I am aware that some of my readers of a higher class of society, may feel, or seem to think, that I have introduced a little too much of the slang ; but I ara anxious to render rayself perfectly intelligible to all parties. Half the world are up to it ; and it is my intention to make the other half do^vn to it. Life in London demands this sort of demonstration. A kind of iroK/ phraseology is current from one end of the Metropolis to the other: indeed, even in the time of Lord Chesterfield, he complained of it. In some females of the highest rank, it is as strongly marked, as in din^y draggled-tail Sall, who is compelled to dispose of a few sprats to tum an honest penny : and while the latter, in smacking her lips, talks of her prime jackey, an out-and-out concern, a bit of good truth, &c. , the former, in her dislikes, tossing her head, observes, it was shocking, quite a bore, beastly, stuff, &c. The Duchess, at an Opera, infoi'ms the Countess of a ' row ' which occurred on the last evening with as much sang-froid, as Carrotty Poll mentions to a Costardmonger the lark she was engaged in, at a gin- spinner's, and, in being turned out of the panny, got her ogles taken measure of for a. suit of mourning. Therefore, some allowance must be made for an author who is compelled to •write under 6s. ; Blindman's Buff, ;£3 8s. ; Prince Henry and Falstaff, £^ : Scene from the Rake's Progress, £^ ISS. ; Merry-making, ;^i ras. ; The Jealous Husband, £,\ ; Card-party, ^6 ; Children's Party, ;^4 15s. ; Battledore and Shuttlecock, £1 los. ; The Doctor, £,^ 14s. 6d. ; Cherry- bob, £2 Iss. ; The Storming of Seringapatam, £Z los. ; Neptune and Britannia, £Z 15s. Four busts of Simpson, the celebrated Master of the Ceremonies, were sold for los. ; and a bust of his royal shipmate, William IV. — not a sovereign ! — only 19s. Among the Vauxhall composers were Ame, Boyce, Carter, Mountain, Hook (father to Theodore Edward) and Signor Storace. Male singers : Beard, Tommy Lowe, Webb, Charley Dignum, Vernon, Incledon, Braham, Pyne, Sinclair, Tinney — Pretty Jane Robinson, Paul Bedford, W. H. Williams, Sharp, ;Weekes, &c. Females : Miss Brent, Mrs. Wrighten, Mrs. Weischel (mother of Mrs. BilUngton), Mrs. Mountain, Mrs. Crouch, Mrs. Bland, Miss Tryer (after wards Mrs. Liston), Miss Graddon, Miss Love, Miss Tunstall, Miss P. Horton, &c. Italian Operas were performed here in 1829. Xhe band were the last to wear the semi circular or cocked hat : — ** By the high dome that trembling glows With lamps, cock'd hats, and shiv'ring bows. How many hearts are shook ! A feather'd chorister is there, Warbling some tender, grove-like air. Composed by Mr. Ho^W— London Magazine^ Sept., 1824. INTRODUCTION. not be passed over in haste, if the proprietors of the Gardens thought catalogues were not necessary, it would, however, prove much more pleasing to the visitors if a few lines were painted under them, by way of explanation.'" " I must agree with your remarks," replied Logic ; " no visitor ought to be suffered to remain in the dark on any subject amidst such a blaze of illumi nation. Never mind criticising any more about these pictures ; let us retire to a nice little box, for I assure you "my ogles have feasted enough, and I stand in need of much more substantial refreshment. Some burnt-wine, ham shainngSj* chickens, sherry, and a. lively drop of arrack-punch, my boys, will enable us to finish the evening like trumps,^'* "A good proposition,^' cried Tom. "It is," said Jerry; '* and I second it." The Trio immediately left the gay scene, for a short period, to partake of all the choice articles which the larder could produce to please their palates. The bottle was not suffered to stand still by our heroes, and the punch also moved off with great facility, till the lively military band invited them once more to * Vauxhall Slices! or Ham Shavings! — .9^^page2i3. Apropos to the subject we here insert the following Jeu I'm out of spirits ' because I have been dished and doodled out of forty pounds to-day; I have been taken in by the purchase of an 'orse at Tattersall's — It was a very fine looking hanimal but before I got him home, the cursed creature went upon three legs— Dragg'd the other behind him, like a pendulum. Kate, My dear Mr. Green, will you join in a dance ? Green. Oh, dear no— I couldn't think of such a thing — I never danced but once, and then I was so excruciated with teirmidity ihat I tipped up my partner, lost one of my shoes, and diskivered an ole in my stocking. Kate. Oh, horrid, how could you support the shock ? But here is a lady who is absolutely pining for the honour of your hand. Green. Veil, if she'll instruct me when I'm out, I don't mind making one in a quod-reel. Sue. That's well said — hey, here they are, now, my dear Trifle. Enter. TOM, JERRY, and LOGIC, full dressed. Tom. At length, my dear Jerry, we are at Almack's, though egad I began to think we should be too late. Jerry, This indeed is a splendid view of Life in London. Tom. It is ; the tip-top ! set off to the best advantage, by the best dresses, finished by the best behaviour. (Trifle quizzes through glass up stage). Log. Yes, witness that puppy, staring us out of countenance with his quizzing glass yonder — why don't he wear green specs, as I do, 'if his ogles are queer. Tom. LETHE ! LETHE ! my dear Bob— you forget where you are. Jerry. The half-and-half coves are somewhat different from the swaddles, and gay tykeboys, at the dog pit — Eh, Tom ? Tom. Lethe ! Lethe ; my dear Jerry — mum ! Trifie. My dear fa-el-low, you really must excuse my interrupting you— TOM AND JERRY. 27 but what can you possibly have been preaching to your friend from the country so long— here are three lovely girls waiting to be introduced to you — relations of mine, the Honpurable Miss Trifles' — we raust make up a quadrille. Tom, Three girls, Jerry !— Do you hear that? Jerry. I'm up Trifie, I'm not equal to the fatigue of an introduction myself, — but my fHend Green from the City here, will oblige me by taking the trouble off my hands. Green. Vith the greatest of pleasure — the Honourable Miss Trifle — Mr. Corinthian. — The Honourable Miss S. Trifle.-^Mr. Hawthorn.— the Honourable Miss J. Trifle — Doctor Logic. Ceremony of introduction takes place. Jerry. What divinities ! but I say, Tom, this girl is as like my Sue, as — yet it can't be. Term. And this one is as like my Kate as one pea is like another — I could have betted every rap — six quid to four Jerry. Lethe, Tom,— Lethe,— L-E-T-H-E. (Spelling it). Tom. The retort courteous — I own it. Green. Excuse my hinterfering, my dear fellows, but ve're just going to make up a quod-reel, and vant you to join us. Tom. Ah ! ah ! a quadrille by all means— you'll dance, Jerry ; Jerry. I know nothing about quadrilles, Tom — but the deuce is in it if I can't cut as good a figure as this Mister Jemmy Green, so I don't care if I do kick up my heels a bit. Green. Aye, a dance, a dance. After dance, Jerry advances with Sue. Jerry. Sweet girl ! may I be permitted to hope that the partnership of this evening may lead to one for life ? Sue. Ah ! Sir, a dance affords you gallant gentlemen worlds of latitude for flattery and deceit. Jerry. Nay, I am sincere, by heaven ! Sue. Come, Sir, they are about to waltz, and if you wouldn't have my head as giddy as you seem to think my heart is, you will conduct me to a seat. Jerry. With rapture ! This is, indeed. Life in London. THE HISTORY OF SCENE. — Tom Gribb's parlour. — Swell coves. Millers, ^c, drinking and blowing their clouds; Tom, Jerry, Green, and Logic among them. — Cribb in the chair. — Chorus (Omnes). AlR.-^" Oh, who has not heard of a Jolly Young Waterman." Oh, who has not heard of our gallant black diamond. Who once down at Sungerford us'dfor to ply ? Sis mawleys he us'd with such skill and dexterity, . Winning each mill, and making each miller fiy ! Sefibb'd so neat— he stopped so steadily ; Se hit so straight — hefioored so readily. In every game 'twas the Cribb won it fair ; He's Champion of England, and now fills the chair. Cribb. Thank'ye, gentleman, thank'ye — but as I see by our sporting oracle, "The Dispatch," there's a mill on foot — I'll give you, " May t!ie best mam, win." ( All drink) . yh.y the heA ta3.n vim. Green. May the best man vin. Log. With all my heart ; but, zounds ! we've almost buzz'd the bowl. Let's^have another, and dy'e hear, Tom, serve ic up in your prize cup ; Jerry hasn't seen it, and we mustn't omit that. Cribb. With all my heart. Doctor ; but you must stand a bottle to see the cup. TOM AND JERRY. 29 Log. Yes, yes, I'U stand a bottle to christen the cup. Jerry. Aye, aye ; I'll stand a bottle, Tom. Tom. Ditto for me. Green, Yes, and I'll stand a bottle of ditto, too. Jerry. This may, indeed, be called the very Temple of the Fancy. Ley. Yes, and here are some of the finest fancy sketches in the kingdom. Tom. WeU, Jerry, after our last night's divertisement at Almack's, the set- to I gave you this morning at the great Commissary-General Jackson's rooms cannot be better followed up than by a tum in the sporting parlour of honest Tom Cribb. Cribb. Thank'ye, Mr. Corinthian ; I'll always do my best to satisfy you in any way. Tom. There is one way, Tom, in which you would very soon satisfy us. Jerry. Yes, and I'm thinking not a little to our dis-satisfaction. I am of opinion that every gentleman should practice the art of self defence, if it were only to protect him from the insults of vulgar ignorance ; though I by no means set myself up as a champion for boxing. Liog. No, for if you did we've a champion here who would set you down. We'U drink his health, and may he ever prove as successful as when he fioor'd the Black Miller at Thistleton Gap. (All drink). Tom. Tom, your health. (Cribb rises) . Silence for Tom's speech — doff your castor, Tom — that's the time of day. Cribb. Gentlemen, my humble duty to you. Here's all your healths, and your families. Bless your soul, I can claim no merit for what I've done ; fighting came naturally like, and thinking others might be as fond of it as mjfself, why, I always gave them a beUyfuU. Tom. Bravo, Tom, an exceUent speech — Cicero never spoke better. Zog. No, nor anything like it. Tom. Oh, here comes the cup. Look out, Jerry. 30 THE HISTORY OF Cribb's Parlour.* Enter WAITER, with the Ghampmi's Cup. Come, Tom — I pledge you. f Cribb drinks ; the Cttp is passed). Jerry. Well, this is the pleasantest way of cupping a man I ever heard of — but come, Bob, give us a song. * Tom Cribb, born at Hanham, Gloucestershire, July 8, 1781. His last fight was with Molineux, a black, for ;^6oo, at Thistleton Gap, September 28,, 1811. Presented by the Sporting World with a cup of the value of eighty guineas, December 2, 1811, at the Castle_ Tavern, Holborn. Which he received from the hands of Mr. Emery, the comedian, who made the following complimentary address: — "Thomas Cribb, I have the honour this day of being the representative of a numerous and most respectable body of your friends ; and though I am by no means qualified to attempt the undertaking which has devolved on me, by a vote of the subscribers, yet the cause will, I am confident, prove a sufficient excuse for my want of ability. ^ You are requested to accept this Cup, as a tribute of respect for the uniform valour and integrity you have shown in your several combats, but, most particularly, for the additional proofs of native skill and manly intrepidity displayed by you in your last memorable battle, when the cause rested not merely upon individual fame, but for the pugilistic reputation of your native country, in contending with a formidable foreign antagonist. In that combat you gave proof that the innovating hand of a foreigner, when lifted against a son of Britannia, muse not only be aided by the sirength of a Lion but the Heart also. "The fame you have so well earned has been by manly and upright conduct, and ' I which I have no doubt will ever mark your very creditable retirement from the ring or stage of pugilism.. However intoxicated the cup or its contents may at any future period make you, I am sufficiently persuaded the gentlemen present, and the sons of John Bull in general, will never consider you have a cu^ too much." Tom Cribb took a farewell benefit under the auspices of the Pugilistic Association, at the National Baths, Westminster Road, November 12, 1840. Died in High Street, Woolwich, May 11, 1848. Monument erected to his- memory in Woolwich Churchyard, May I, 1851. TOM AKD JERRY. 31 Zog. With all my heart, only let me sluice my whistle first. SONG.— Logic. Air. — " Sttch a beauty I did grow." Oh, when. I was a little boy. Some thirty years ago ; Lprov'd such an anointed one. They made me quite a show. Chorus. — Suoh a knowing one L did grow. At tea I stole the sugar. And I slyly pinched the girls ; I roasted mammy's parrot. Shod the cat m walnut shells. Such a knoioing, i^c. At school Lplay'd the truant. And tvould robbing orchards go ; L burned my master's cane and rod, And tore the fools' -ca/p, too. Such a knowing, ^c. As I learnt nought but mischief there. To College I was sent, WJiere L learn'd to game and swear. On fun and frolic bent. Such a knowing, SfC. Ln town L milVd the Charlies, Aim'd at all within the ring ; Became one of the fancy. And was up to everything. Such a knowing, ^c. Jerry. Bravo I — but, zounds ! Tom, Tom ! what are you musing so profoundedly about ? Tom, I was thinking about the women, Jerry ; those enchanting girls we danced with a Almack's — could they be the incognitas that challenged us thither? There is some secret charm about those girls that hasn't allowed me to rest all night. Jerry. Well, and do you know, Tom, to tell you the truth, I haven't been a whit better than yourself. But, I say, only see how confoundedly the dust man's getting hold of Logic, — we'll funk him. (Tom amd Jerry smoke Logic). Log. Oh, hang your cigars, I don't like it ; let's have no funking. Tom. Well, come, come, rouse up ; don't be crusty. Bob — let's start on some spree ; no doubt we shall spring a lark somewhere. (Rattles heard). There's one ! go it, Jerry ! — Come, Green, Log. Aye, come, Jerry, there's the Charlies' fiddles going. Jerry. Charlie's fiddles ! — I'm not fly. Doctor. Log. Rattles, Jerry, rattles ! you're fiy now, I see. Come along, Tom ! Go it, Jerry ! Exit. 32 THE HISTORY OF Night Scene. — Tom and Jerry upsetting the Charlies. HARK ! the watchman springs his rattle. Now the midnight's lark begun ; Boxes crashing, lanthorns smashing, MiU the Charlies— oh ! what fun. Pigs are hauling, girls are bawling. Wretch, how durst you bang me so. My sconce you've broken — for your joking, You shall to the watch-house go. SCENE, — The City side of Temple Bar, by Moonlight. Watchbox — Watch men crying the hour at different parts of the stage. Enter drunken BUCK. Bxtck, Steady! steady! — now where shall I go? — I think I'll go strait home. {Reek.) No, I won't ! I'll go where 1 think proper — I'll go out again— I'U go — where I like. (Exit.) Enter GAS-LIGHT MAN, who lights the Lamp. SONG.-Gas. Air. — " Pm Jolly Dick the Zamplighter." I'm sauey Jack, the gas-light man, L put the prigs to rout; TOM AND JERRY. 33 For where L Ught do all they can, They're sure to be found out. Your beaks and traps are fools to me. For in the darkest night ; ' Tis L that lets the people see. And bring their tricks to light. (Exit The City Watchman. EnUr O'BOOZLE. -CHAUNT. Past twelve o'clock— a moon-light night ! Past twelve o'clock— and the stars shine bright ! Past twelve o'clock— your doors are all fast like you I Past twelve o'clock— and TU soon be fast too ! 34 THE HISTORY OF Re-enter BUCK. Buck. Past two did you say, Watchey ? didn't think it had been half so late — I think it's time for me to go home to bed. O'Booz. Why, yes, I thinks as how it is. Sir— you've been taking a little too much refreshment— steady ! steady ! hold up. Sir, (Pretends to assist him, and picks his pocket of his handkerchief). Buck. Good night, old Clockey. (Reels off). O'Booz. Good night; Sir — take care nobody robs your honour. Why, the gentleman's left his vipe behind him, and I musn't go off my beat to give it him: how unfortinate— I'U caU him back! Sir, Sir. (Whispers). Bless my soul how wery deaf that ere gentlemen is !— weU I must take care of it for him tiU he caUs again !— I dont know what would become of these here young chaps if it wasn't for such old coveys as we are— Oh, here comes that cursed Gas ! Re-enter GAS. Gas. Well, Watchey, and what have you to say about the gas ? Eh ? O'Booz. Why, that you have been the ruin of our calling— that's all ! Gas. Pooh ! pooh ! nonsense ! I only throw a light upon the abuses of "• (Pushes by O'Boozle). O'Booz. Hollo ! you had better mind what you are at with your Jacob, or I ShaU just- (Souni rattle). Gas. Come, come, silence your coffee-miU. O'Booz. What I've got to say is this-yes, the matter of the business is this here :— Since you sprung up, my beat a^it worth having— I havn't had a broken head for these ten days past, and there's no such thing as picking up a couple of sweethearts now- -why there isn't a dark corner in the whole parisb. TOM AND JERRY. 35 Gas. No more there should be. Folks have been kept a little too long in the dark. O'Booz, Have they. Gas. But good night, for I suppose as how you won't stand a drop o' nothin', old Bacon-face ? O'Booz. No, I suppose I von't stand a drop nf nothing I young Calf's- head? (Exit Gas singing, " Pm sa%wy Jack," ^e). O'Booz. I think I've given him his change. Well I don'.t see the use of kicking my heels about here, — people's clocks can tell them the time, just as weU as I can, I'm sure ! and a great deal better, if they knew all ! so I shall go into my box, after I've called the half-hour, and have a regular snooze. It looks damned cloudy too. CHAUNT. Salf-past twelve — and a cloudy morning, Salf-past twelve — mind, L give you waming, Salf-past twelve — now Pm off to sleep ! And the morning soon my watch will keep ! (Goes into box and falls asleep) . ,» ^^-JV-* >r-* ^ D 2 36 THE HISTORY OF Tom, Jerry, and Logic in a Row. MERCY! what a din and clatter Breaks the stillness of the night. Lamps do rattle — 'tis a battle. Quick, and let us see the sight. Old and young at blows like fury, Tom and Jerry leads the row, MUling, flooring all before them, This is Life in London, boys. Enter KATE and SUE disguised as two young bucks. Kate. Well, here we are, just before them — and now to cure them of their love and rambling it must be our plan to involve them in all the scrapes we can, we shall never have a better opportunity. Sue. No, 'tis now the very witching hour of night, as Shakspere says. SONG.— Kate. Air. — " Ackee oh ! Aekee oh ! " When the moon o'er Temple Bar Glimtners slow, and gaslights glow ; And locked in sleep, grave big wigs are We for pleasure gaily run, Ftdl of frolic, full of fan ; Whisking oh ! frisking oh ! To pick %ip a beau. TOM and jerry. 37 Sue. Stand aside, my dear Kate, I see occasion for our being active here ! If I may trust my eyes, yonder comes a lovely girl— I must have some sport vrith her. Enter MRS. TARTAR. Mrs. T. There, I've shut up the shop, and as it's Mr. Tartar's tum to sit as constable of the night, I'll just take him the street-door key, and then he can let himself in when he pleases — I hope the dear man won't be long. Kate. Never mind, ma'am, if he should be — anything in my power Mrs. T. Keep your distance, sir — I'll call the watch. Sue. Nay, but my dear madam, when beauty like yours is neglected, it is the duty of every man. (Kisses her) . Mrs. T. Don't take liberties, sir. Kate. I wouldn't take liberties for the world. (Kisses her). Mrs. T. Eh, I shaU be ruin'd, I'll call out — here, watch ! watch ! (Rattles heard). Enter TOM, JERRY, and LOGIC, with Umbrella. Jerry. Ay, ay, ay, put down the rain napper. Doctor, the shower is over now. What's the matter ? Mrs. T. I'm in the greatest distress imaginable. Tom. Holloa, what's the row ? — a woman in distress ! Where's the man would refuse his assistance ? Kate. Who are you, sir ? Sue. Yes, who are you, sir ? Tom. What, show fight ! I'm your man ; (To Kate). Jerry. And I'm your man, my little one. (To Sue). Log. (To Mrs. T.) And I'm your man, ma'am. Mrs. T. Watch ! watch ! (Rattles are heard). Enter TEDDY M'LUSH, an Lrish Watchman. ML. UUoa, here ! What the devU have you got a fire ? Tam. What do you ask for your beaver, Charley ? Mrs. T. Why, my goodness, watchman, you are quite drunk. M'L. Eh, drunk are you, — then I'll take care of you. Mrs. T. But I want to give charge of these two pentlemen, who have behaved in the most extravagant manner — almost kissed me to death. M'L. Oh, you want to charge these gentlemen in an extravagant manner, for almost kissing them to death, do you ?— but I'll soon put a stop to it. Kale. That's right, watchman. 3$ THE HISTORY OF Tom. Zounds ! fellows, do you think we're to be buUied in this fashion ? M'L. Oh, you're buUies dressed in the fashion, are you ? — 1 11 soon take charge of ye. (Springs rattle — it is answered without, R. and l). Tom. A surprise ! I'll make sure of this feUow, at all events. Now, Jerry, I'll show you how to box a Charley' Log. Stop, my boys, secure your tattlers. (They put up their watches). Tom. Now, go it, Jerry,— can you play at cricket? Jerry. Yes, Tom. Tom. Then catch— here's the gentleman's toothpicker, and here's his glim. (Throw stick and lanthorn to Jerry). Tom upsets O'Boozle's box. — enter Watchmen. — General row — Rattles. — Logic fights M ' Lush.- — Kate, Mrs. Turtar and Sue, run off. — Green enters mth a bloody nose and two watchmen; he runs off. — Jerry fights with three watchmen. — Tom fights with three watchmen, fioors them. CHORUS. (Omnes). Air. — From the Spectacle of "Don Juan." Watch ! watch ! watch ! Lord how they're bawling ! Catch ! catch I catch ! That's if you can. Scratch I scratch ! scratch ! Pulling and hauling — Wretch ! wretch 1 wretch ! You are the man. Patch ! patch ! patch I Lots of heads breaking ! Fetch 1 fetch 1 fetch I The constable, John. Match 1 match! match! Match them for raking . Watch ! watch I watch ! My watch is gone. Mill renewed. — The Women get away as before. — Tom and Jerry perform prodigies of valour, but are at length overpowered by numbers, and borne off. — Green enters alarmed, flies on all sides for safety, but is ai length caught up by a watchman in his arms, and carried off. — Scene closes on two watchmen eufing one another by mistake. TOM AND JERRY. 39 Tom and Jerry in Trouble after a Spree. AND please your Worship here's three fellows Been hammering of us all about ; Broke our boxes, lanthorns, smellers. And almost clos'd our peepers up. Our pipkins broke. Sir 1— 'tis no joke. Sir, Faith we're crush'd from head to toe ; We're not the men, Sir ! — Hold your tongue. Sir, You must find bail before you go ' SCEHE.—Lnterior of St. Dunstan's Watch-house.— Mr. Tartar, Constable ofthe Night, discovered at table; pen, ink, %c,— Watchman in attendance. Noise heard without.— Cries of " Charge ! charge ! " Mr. T. Holloa ! a charge ! I must get into my big chair, pull off my night-cap, cock my wig, and look official. (Watchman opens the dom; and is knocked doiim by rush). Enter TOM, JERRY, LOGIC, WATCHMEN, KATE, JANE, SUE, MRS. TARTAR, O'BOOZLE, amd M'LV SB., very uproariously. MRS. TARTAR makes signs to MR TARTAR. Omnes. Mr. Constable ! Mr. Constable— Please your worship, this man !— this woman ! Mr. T. Silence ! silence !— Eh, the devU ! Sally Tartar, my wife ! -and vrinking at me not to take any notice. 40 THE HISTORY OF Omnes. Please your worship— I — I Mr. T. .Silence ! silence ! Watchman, do you speak first. Mrs. T. (aside to Torn). Be quiet — I'll soon turn the tables. ML. Plaise your honour, I have brought before your worship a most notorious substitute and common street talker, who, for her foul doings, has been cooped up in the Poultry Compter, as often as there are years in a week. — I caught her charging these honest gentlemen, (poijiting to Tom and Jerry) in a most impositions manner, and when I civilly axed her, how she could think of getting drunk, and acting so, she called her bullies here. (Pointing to Kate and Sue). Kate. Zounds, fellow, you don't mean us ? Sue, Why, you rascal, I'll twist your neck for you. M'L. Yes ; they, your worship, who half murdered me first, and then buried poor little Teddy O'Boozle in his box, that he mightn't prevent them murdering t'other half of me ; och, they're terrible desperadoes ! Kate. Here's a scoundrel for you ! Mr. T. Silence ! we'U soon get to the bottom of all this. Kate. Zounds, sirrah, we gave the charge ourselves. (To M'Lush). M'L. Och, murder ! Kate, Those were the assailants. (Pointing to Tom, Jerry, and Logic). Mr. T, This is a very intricate affair. M'L. Sure, won't I be after telling you my own story : — as I was going my rounds quietly enough, up comes these young sparks, and gave me such a maulagaran, that they knock'd me into the middle of next week — besides tipping me this here black eye — only see how red it is ! Mr. T. I'll soon set aU to rights, — first let me hear what you have to say to all this, woman : these are very serious allegations. (To Mrs. Tartar). Tom. Aye, aye, let the woman speak. O'Booz. Oh, the woman will speak fast enough. Mr.i. T. Hold your tongue fellow.— Please your worship, it's all false from beginning to end— it's he that's drunk I nay, you may perceive he's so drunk h» cannot even give a charge— doesn't know one person from the other, and can scarcely stand. M'L. Plaise your honour it's only the ague, I have it every Saturday night regularly, - what I've said is all true, so help me Bob,— sure, she's not a woman to put whiskey in a jug, and throw stones at it. Mr. T. Why, you impudent vagabond you' re drunk now— instead of giving charge of her, the good lady ought to have given charge of you,— what businesss had you off your beat, and in such a situation ? Tun and Jerry. Aye, what business had you off your beat, old Charley? M'L. They bate me off my beat. TOM AND JERRY. 4 1 Mrs. T. I give charge of him, your worship. Mr. T. And I take it — off with him to the black hole. Tom. Aye. aye, take him up the spout. Mr. T. My dear wife I {Embraces Mrs. Tartar). My dear Sally Tartar. M'L. His wife ! Och, by the powers, then I've caught a Tartar. Mr. T. Take him away. M'L. Och, sure I'm the boy that cares for nobody — so there's my coat, there's my hat, there's my rattle and lanthorn, — and to the devil I pitch the whole of you. {Se is carried off). Kate. They musn't get off so easily. {Aside). Tom. A fortunate turn-up for us, faith. Mr. T. Gentlemen, you are at liberty. O'Booz. Stay, your honour, I've got a charge. This here chap {pointing to Tom) with the Roosian head of hair— becomes up to me like a warment— Tom. Why, you impudent — {Knocks O'Boozle down — a row ensues). Mr. T. SUence ! silence ! — be quiet all of you, can't you ? Kate. Mr. Constable, I have a charge — {to O'Boozle). Watchman, there's a crown — what I say, swear to. {Aside). O'Booz. I'U swear to anything, your honour. Zog. What the devil's in the wind now ? Kate. I charge those gentlemen with assaulting this young woman — {pointing to Jane) — the watchman saw the whole transaction. O'Booz. I'll swear it, your worship. Torn. Why, zounds, feUow, I never saw the girl ! Sue. ,{To Jerry). Come, sir, you can't say you never saw her. Jerry. Why I have a reeoUection of seeing her somewhere, though I am at fault as to the place, at present. Kate. It's a clear case. O'Booz. I'U swear to it, your worship ! ROUND. (Omnes). Air. — " 'Twos you. Sir." 'Twas you. Sir, 'twas you. Sir ; Your worship, it is true, Sir, 'Twas you that pull'd the girl about, ' Twas you. Sir, you. 42 THE HISTORY OF Untrue, Sir, untrue, Sir, Jt was the man in blue. Sir, 'Twas he that pulled the girl about, 'Tis true. Sir, true. No, no. Sir, no, no. Sir, Sow can you tell lies so. Sir ? Ldid not pull the girl about. But L know who. Mr. T, Gentlemen, here are four witnesses against you ; and 'tis my painful duty to commit you, unless you can find good bail. Tom, We'll give you leg bail. Kate. Aye, find good bail, and mind that it is good. There's our card — come, watchman — Come, Sir Jeremy. Sue, Good-night — Sorry to leave you in such bad company — but beauty calls ; we must obey. Tom. Aye, aye, your mamma waits for you. Zog. Go and get a pennjrworth of elycampane. Jerry. There's a pair of men-milliners — I say ; go home and sleep under the counter. (Exeunt Sue, Kate, and watchmen). G.C. TOM AND JERRY. 43 Tom and Jerry among the "Swell Broad Coves." AT St. James's they dine, when, flushed with new wine. To the Gaming Tables they reel, Where blacklegs and sharps, often gammon the flats, As their pockets do presently feel. Success at first Jerry delighted. But ere the next moming he found Thfit his purse was most cleverly lighted Of nearly Five Thousand Pounds. SCENE. — Lnterior of a fashionable Sell at the West-end of the Town; a large looking-glass in the fiat. Enter GROOM PORTER and MARKERS. G. Porter. Come, lads, bustle about ; play wUl soon begin — some of tbe Pigeons are here already, the Greeks wUl not be long following. Enter KATE, SUE, TRIFLE, and GREEN, the latter with a large patch on his nose. Kate. Assist us in this, my dear Trifle, and we ask no more.— The card we left at the Watchhouse will soon bring our sparks to demand satisfaction, — you and Green must act the parts of concUiators, and propose to end the affair in a game of cards ; the insight you have given Green and us into all the arcana of play, will enable us, with the aid of the servant, to fleece them to admiration ; thus we may pursue our plan, and cure them of this first of vices of Life in London, gaming ! and save their fortune from those who may play for a less disinterested stake. 44 the history of Trifle. I'faith you ought to be very much obliged to me, girls, pan /jariour, for letting Green into the secret, — it cost me fiteen cool thousands, demme ! but I'll assist you. — Green, my dear fa-e-Uow, take your post near the glass while they're playing ; and, by the number of fingers you hold up, we shall easily know how many honours they have, and every other particular. Green. Vith the greatest of pleasure. — I suppose I may hold up my thumb as weU as ipy fingers, may'nt I — because they may have five honours ? you know ! Sue. Oh, certainly, Mr. Green — Ah, man, vain glorious man, how easily art thou duped ? Trifle. They come, you must mind your eye, pan Aanour, Green. Green. Oh, you shall find me quite avake — I'm glad I got avay and vas'nt taken to the vatchouse ; I was forc'd to give half-a-crown though> Enter TOM, JERRY, and LOGIC. Tom. Where is this Sir Jeremy Brag ? Oh, here you are. Sir— well met. Trifle. Ah, my dear Tom, how are you ? G^-een. My dear Corinthian, how do you do f I'm glad they didn't put you in the black 'ole. Tom. Excuse me a moment, Green, I have an affair with this gentleman that will not admit of a moment's delay. Trifle. What, iny friend, Brag, -honest Sir Jeremy J You musn't hurt him, he's a cursed good fellow. -It must be some mistake. Green. Yes, it must be some mistake. Kate. Entirely a mistake, I assure you — I'm extremely sorry, if that will give you any satisfaction. Tom. Oh, if you apologize, I'm satisfied ; otherwise nothing would have done, but Chalk Farm ! pistols! half-past six ! pooh! Zog. That's the time of day my flower. Green. Veil, I'm glad it's settled without bloodshed — Chalk Farm! pistols! half-past six, and pooh ! Jerry, {to Green). Sorry to see your nose in mourning. Green — here. Waiter, take my hat. {Gives waiter the Charley's old beaver to take care of, who brushes it up ironically, and takes it off). Green. What say you to burying all differences in a friendly game of vhist ? Trifle and I vUl cut out. Trifle. Yes; it's too great an exertion for me to play, pan han-our — I'm only scarcely endurable to the fatigue of looking on, r-e-a-Uy. Tom. A rubber at whist ? I have no objection. Jerry. Nor I— you'll not find me at fault here, coz — no one is better skilled in the mystery of ihe odd trick, than I am, I flatter myself. TOM AND JERRY. 45 Trifle. {To Tom). Well you and your country friend can pair with Sir Jeremy and the Captain, and this worthy vegetable, Green, and I will see fair play, pan Aanour. (Kate, Sue, Tom and Jerry sit down to cards ; Trifie and Green stand behind them, overlooking Tom's and Jerry's hand) . Zog, (Drinking and looking onj. They'll be done, as sure as my name is Logic. — Upon that suit some of the best judges in London have been had. — Inviting a man to a swell dinner, and making him pay five guineas a mouth' ful for it afterwards, is no new feature of Life in London — Go it, ye flats — " Thus far men the women fair,'' (singing). Why, there's that fellow giving the office to his pal now : well it's no business of mine. Go it my pippins— what, Tom, have you got the uneasiness f — " What is beauty but a bait." (Sings again). Tom. (Rising and throwing down cards). Oh, if you can't play better than that, Jerry, we'd better do nothing at aU ! Log. (Singing), " Oft repented when too late." Jerry. Who can play while the Doctor's singing. ? Log. I knew how it would be — did you hear anything knock, Tom ? Jerry. (Walks about, and, by mistake, takes Logic's hat). Damn the cards ! Sue, (To Jerry). Come, sir, never be downhearted, bad luck now, better another time. Jerry, Indeed ! I'm not going to try, though. Kate. Very sorry, Mr. Corinthian^shall be happy to give you your revenge some other evening ! Log. Well, Tom, are you clean'd out ? Tom. Clean'd out! both sides'; look here — pockets to let !— here have been two playing four ; and we harve stood the nonsense in prime style. Log. Well, don't grumble — every one must pay for his leaming— and you wouldn't bilk the schoolmaster, would you ? But come, I'm getting merry ; so if you wish for a bit of good tmth, come with me, and let's have a dive among the Cadgers in the Back Slums, in the Holy Land. Jerry. Back Slums — Holy Land ! — I'm at fault again. Log. Why, among the beggars in Dyot Street, St. Giles's. Tom. Beggars ! ah, we shall be very good figures for the part. (Turning out his pockets). Log. We must masquerade it there. Kate: (To Sue, aside). And so must wc — come, Trifle, [Exewnt Omnes. 46 THE HISTORY OF '^^^^^^'^^ki Bittjy] Waters, Soldier Suke, Ragged Dick, Little Jemmy. There's a difference between a beggar and a queen. And the reason I'll tell you why ; A queen cannot swagger, not get drunk like a beggar Nor be half so happy as I, — as I. SCENE — Back Slums in the Soly Land. MR. JENKINS, SOLDIER SUKE, DINGY BET, LITTLE JEMMY, CREEPING JACK, RAGGED DICK, and other well-known Characters discovered. SONG.— Mr. Jenkins. Air. — " Lt was one Frosty Morning." Cadgers make holiday, Sey, for the maunder' s Joys, Let piotis ones fast and pray. They save us the trouble, my boys. TOM AND JERRY. 47 On the best peck and booze we'll live, 'Tis fit we their blunt should spend; For what to us tliey give. Tenfold to the saints they lend, Rumpti bumpti bay, ic With our doxies, great as a Turk, We taste all life can give; For who but a slave would work. When he like a prince might live ? Then lustily call away. Cadgers keep itp the ball. Never mind what's to pay, The public pays for all. Rumpti, bwmpti bay, ^c. (Omnes Chorus the burthen of the Song— dancing grotesquely). Omnes. Ha! ha! ha! (Billy heard without ). Eh! stand aside — here comes Billy Waters. Enter BILLY WATERS, dancing. Billy. Ah ; how do you do, my darley ? How you do, Massa Jenkins ? — I drink with you. {Drinks deep : Jenkins takes the pot away). — And you Massa Jack, I drink wid you, too. (To Creeping Jaek).—Yo\3Lt belt, — your good belt, ladies ! {Jack takes pot away). Jack. I say, Billy, you're biting your name in it. Billy. Yes, me likes to bite my name in such goot stuff as that. Mr. J. Gemman, let's purceed to business — I've got to inform you o' summat. Jack. Vat's that 'ere ? Mr. J. Vy, that 'ere, is this 'ere — I begs to obsarve that the time is come when you may all consider yourselves independent gemmen ; for if business should fail, you can at any time retire on a pension now. Jack. As how? Mr, J. As how ? Vy, this as how. The MenAe-city Society, I believe they call themselves, have kindly purwided a fund for us gemmen ; so, if anybody offers you less nor a mag, or a duece, vy, you may say with the poet, " Who vou'd his farthings bear ? ven he himself might his quivetus make vith a bare Bodkin." Omnes. Bravo ! Billy. Dat dam goot — me like dat !— that Bodkin has dam goot point ! Mr. J. It was but t'other day they took'd me up ; slapp'd a pick-ax into 48 THE HISTORY OF one of my mauleys, and shov'd a shovel into t'other, and told me to vork— says I, gemmen, I cant't vork, cause vy, I'm too veak — so they guv'd me two bob, and I bolted ! Begga/r. You did quite right ; veil, vile I can get fifteen bob a day by gam moning a maim, the devil may vork for me. If any lady or gemmen is inclined for a dance, I'll nash my arm-props in a minute. (Throws dovm his crutches) . Billy. An I play you de tune in de key of de X, Y, Z. Jack. We haven't had a better job a long vile nor the shabby genteel lay. That, and the civil rig, told, in a pretty penny —Come, here's the ould toast, " Success to Cadging." Omnes. (Drinking) . Success to Cadging. Mr. J. Does any gemman understand these here Tread Mills that have got such a footing ? Jaek. Silence ! Gemmen : — I'm a-going to make a hobservation : Mr. Jenkins means them there Mills as makes you vork vether there's any vork or no — I can only say this here, gemmens, if them there mills are encouraged, it von't be vorth no body's vile to exercise vone's calling — because, vy, von may as veil go and vork for one's living at once — but the subject von't bear not no thinking on. Omnes. Not by no means. (General gi-oans). Billy. Oh, curse a de tread mill, me no like a de " here we go up, up, up," and "down you go down, down, down," an if you no work, a great lump of wood come and knock you down so —(Striking Beggar on head with flddle, who falls down). Beggar. Oh ! he has split my Jemmy ! Billy. {Picking him up). Poor fellow, him werry sorry, so dere no harm done. Gemman of de Noah Ark Society, as Little Jemmy here is no starter, I move he be put in de chair a-top o' de table. Omnes. Bravo ! Jemmy in the chair. {Jemmy is put on. the table) Mr. J. Silence for the cheer. Jemmy. Gemman, I shall return thanks— here's all your jolly good heahhs, and success to flat catching. Omnes. Bravo ! bravo ! SONG. — Mr. Jenkins, and barking chorus of Beggars. AIR.— Bow, Wow, Wow. That all men are beggars, 'tis very plain to see, Tho' some they are of lowly, and some they are of high degree ; Your ministers of state will say. they never will allow That kings from subjects beg, but that you know is all bow wow. Bow wow, wow ! foi lol, &c. TOM AND JERRY. 49 Then let us cadgers be, and take in all the flats we can. Experience we know full well, my boys, it is that makes the man; And for experience all should pay, that Billy will allow. And as for conscience that of old we know is all bow wow. Bow, wow, wow ! foi lol, S^c. Enter KATE, SUE, JANE, TRIFLE, and GREEN, disguised as Beggars, Sue, I do not see them here yet. Kate. They'll not be long, depend on't,— have I sufficiently disfigured my charms ? Sue. Yes, they cannot surely recognise us in these disguises ? Trifie. Dear me, a very dreadful perfume, pan hanour — essence of mendi city — I'm sorry I came. Mr. J. (To Green). HaUoa, my little 'un ? Green. Eh ! come you a done now ; you a done vith you. Mr. J. Sluice your dominos — vUl you ?— Green. Vot ! I never plays at dominoes— It's too wulgar. Mr. J. Vy, then vash your ivories ? Green. I've got no hiveries to vash. Mr. J. Drink, vill you ? don't you understand Hinglish ? Green. Eh ! drink — quite a gemman, I declare, — ( While Green drinks Jenkins dances, expectantly). Ragged Jack. I say, Jenkins has lamed to dance since he's been on the Mill — vy Jenkins you'll dance your calves into your shoes if you don't mind. Mr. J. (To Green, looking at pot). Vy, I say, you've been eating red her rings for dinner, my young un ! Green. I vas dry, and that's the fact on't. Billy. {Offering Jiottle to Sue). I say. Misses, you drink, eh! my Buckra Beaudly ? Jemmy. Gemman, have you ordered the peck and booze for the evening ? Sold. Suke. Aye,aye, I've taken care of that — shoulder of veal and garnish — Turkey and appendleges —Parmesan — Filberds — Port and Madery. Billy. Dat dam goot, me like a de Madery — Landlord, here you give this bag of broken wittals, vot I had give me to-day, to some genteel dog vot pass your door : and you make haste wid de supper, you curse devil you ! 5° THE HISTORY OF Beggar's Opera. Tom, Jerry, and Logic, among the Cadgers in the Holy Land. NOW to keep up the spree, Tom, Jerry, and Logic, Went disguis'd to the Slums in the Holy Land ; Through each cribb and each court, they hunted for sport, Till they came to the Beggar's Opera so nam'd ; But sure such a sight they had never set sight on. The quintessence of Tag, Rag, and Bob-tail was there : Outside of the door Black Molly was fighting. And pulling Mahogany Bet by the hair. There was cobblers and tailors, sweeps, cadgers, and sailors, Enough to confound Old Nick with their din ; There was hunters, and ranters and radical chaunters. Clubbing their half-pence for quartems of gin. Enter TOM, JERRY, and LOGIC — disguised as Beggars, with Placards on their backs— TOWS " Burnt Out— lost my little all."— ^E'KSy'S "Deafani Dumb."— LOGIC'S " Thirteen Children." ^c. Sue. Here they are — I know them in spite of their rags. Tom. This, my dear Jerry, is a rich page in the book of life, which will save you many a pound, by exposing the imposition of street mendicity. — It almost staggers belief that hypocrisy is so successful, and that the fine feeling of the heart should become so blunted, as to laugh at the humanity of those who step forward to relieve them. Log. 'Tisthebluntthatdoesit — but stowmagging,Tom,or we shall get blown. Jerry. Tom, here's a group of blackbeetles — do you see those lovely mendicants ? Tom. Beauty in rags— I do — Cupid imploring charity, I'll relieve him, for I'll be after that match-girl directly. Jerry. And I'll chant a few words to that beautiful ballad- singer. Log. And I'll take pity on that charming beggar. TOM AND JERRY. gl Song of the Cadgers in the Holy Land. Come, let us dance and sing. While f am' d St. Giles' bells shall ring. Black Billy scrapes the fiddle strings. Little Jemmy fills the Chair. Frisk away, let's be gay. This is Cadger's holiday ; ¦While knaves are thinking, we are drinking. Bring in more gin and beer. Come, let ««s dance and sing, ^c. Sere's Dough-boy Bet, and Silver Sall, Lushy Bob, and Yankee Moll, And Suke, as black as any pall. The pinks of the Soly Land. Now, merry, merry, let us be. There's none more happier sure tham we. For what we get we spend it free. As all must understand ! Come, let us dance, ^c. Now he that would merry be. Let him drink and sing as we, Ln palaces you shall not see. Such happiness as here. Then booze about, our cash a/n't out. Sere's sixpence in a dirty clout ; Come landlord bring u.s in more stout. Our pension-time draws near. Come, let us dance,, ^c. Enter LANDLORD with supper. Land. Now, your honours, here's the rum peck, here's the supper. Billy. Eh, de supper ! de supper ! come along, (After strikiny Creeping Jack on fingers mth knife). You damn nasty dog ! what for you put your dirty fingers in de gravy ? you call that gentlemans ? you want your finger in de pie, now you got him there ! Jack. I only wish'd to taste the stuffining. Billy. And now you taste de carver knife instead ! (takes candle, and looks at supper). Vy, what him call dis 1 Land. Why, the turkey and the pie, to be sure. Billy. De turkey and de pie ! I tink you said de turkey and de pie, — what ! de turkey without de sassinger ! him shock — -him wouldn't give pin for turkey without dem — me like a de Alderman in chain. Land. I'm very sorry, Mr. Waters, but — You sorry ! I'm sorry for my supper, you damn dog. E 2 52 ,THE HISTORY OF Mr. J. (To Landlord). Vhat ! sarve up a turkey without sassiges, — you're a nice man I don't think. Jack. (To Landlord) . I tell you vhat, young man, vhen you talk to gem men, lam to take off your hat. Jemmy. Vy there's no lemon to the weal, nor hoyster sasse to the rump stakes.— It's shocking, infamous neglect, that's vot it is. Mr. J. (To Zamdlard), Vy, wbo do you suppose would eat rump stakes without ayesters ? I've a great mind to smash your countenance for you !— You ought to have your head punched you ought ! Jemmy. Here's no filberds to tbe Port, nor devils to the Madery, nather. Zand. Egad, I think there's devils enough to it. (Aside). Gentlemen, the deficiencies shall be suppUed directly. (Se is hunted off). Mr. J. Hit bim ; he's got no friends. Jemmy, We must go to some bother tavern, if we're neglected in this here manner. Mr. J. You may do as you please, gemmen, but for my part, I shall certainly use some other hotel. Billy. You perfectly right, Massa Jenkins, we must use some other hot-AeK. Jerry. (To Sue, she homing attracted his attention). And so you sell ballads, eh ? Sue. Yes, Sir, tbree a penny ; but if you like to take twelve, I'll make you an allowance. Jerry. Ob, I'U have the allowance by all means. Sue. (Singing). ' ' Relieve my woes, my wants distressing ; And Seaven reward you with its blessing,''' Jerry. Enchanting vagrant I come here, and let me bargain with you. (Takes Sm aside). Tom. (To Kate, bringing her down, c. — in like mannei-). And so you make matches, do you ? Kate. Yes ! — as you'll find out by and by. (Aside). Ton. But 'ant tbese brimstone dealings contagious ? you little flower of— hum-um-um (Takes her up in a corner). Log. (To Jane, bringing her down r. — ) You've moved me so, that Icould bestow every mag I've got, you beautiful beggar, I could. (Knocking without). Enter LANDLORD, running, l, Previously to which, Kate and Sue have, unobserved, given beggars money, and entered into communication with them pointing aside to Tom, Jeiry and Logic. Billy. Vat de matter, vat broke, eh ? (To Landlord). TOM AND JERRY. 53 Land. Gentlemen vagabonds ; the traps are abroad, and half a thousand beadle and beaksmen are now about the door. Billy. De beak ! oh curse a de beak ! Jemmy. Gemmen ! gemmen ! (Knocking on table to command attention). Jaek. Silence for the chair ! Jemmy. Put out the lights, put out the lights, every one shift for bimself. Here, Bob, carry me up the ladder, good luck to you do. Bob. Billy. Landlord ! landlord, you dog ! which door de beak come in at. Land. At the front. B'dhj. Vy, den carry me out at de back door, you Dick. [Se and Jemmy are carried out. — Lights are put out — General consternation. FINALE.— Tom, Jerry, Logic, Sue, Kate, Jane, Mr. Jenkins, Creep ing Jack, and Beggars. AlR» — Zitti, Zitti — Piano, Piano ! " Mr. Jenkins. Up the ladder, softly creeping. Let us gently steal away. Traps without their watch are keeping. There we'll let the rascals stay. Creeping Jaek. Traps without, their watch are keeping. Tread softly ; no delay ; Up the ladder slily creeping Through the back door and away. Tom, Jerry, Logic, Kate, Sue, and Jane. To my arms, love, softly creeping. To bliss we'll steal a/way ; Suspense 'tis idle keeping. Seize pleasure while you may. Where are you ? where are you ? To my arms, love, softly creeping. To bliss we'll steal aiway. Softly, softly ; lightly, lightly ; away ; away ! away ! Kate, Sue, and Jane, as Tom, Jerry, and Logic advance, attracted by their voices, adroitly substitute Dingy Bet, Soldier Suke, and a/nother, in the places of themselves. — Drop falls on Tom, Jerry, and Logic, carrying their beggarly bargains off in great exultation, — Kate, Sue, amd Jane enjoying the joke in the background. 54 THE HISTORY OF Jerry Learning to Spar. NOW Jerry's become a fancy blade. To Jackson's he often goes And to shew his skill in the milling trade, He crack'd poor Logic's nose. He gloried in having a turn-up, And was always the first in a lark. To bang and wallop the Charlies, And pommel them in the dark. SCENE. — Jackson's Rooms, in Bond Street. — Tom, Jerry, and Logic discovered,. Life in London with us is a round of delight ; Lt is larking all day, sprees and rambles all night ; Tom, Jerry, wnd Logic have ever the best Of the coves in the East, and the swdls in the West ; Such pals in a turn-up, so bang up and merry. As Jerry, Tom, Logic — Tom, Logic, and Jerry, Ne'er toas seen, since the world flrst by Noah was undone. So here's Logic's, Jerry's, and Tom's Life in London ! Tom. We are, indeed, a regular trio ; every part well harmonised. Log. Ay, all sharps ! not a flat or a natural among us. Jerry. I don't think we were so very sharp last night, though, when we suffered ourselves to be made such apes of in Noah's Ark. Tom. You are right, Jei-ry, we are all at fault bere ; instead of clasping in my arms my pretty timber merchant — judge my horror, when on approaching a parish lamp, I found myself hugging that duchess ofthe dust -bole — Dingy Bet. TOM AND JERRY. 55 Log. I was served quite as badly — instead of my seraphic street solicitor, I found myself carrying on the war with Soldier Suke. Tom. Worse and worse, who did you make yourself agreeable to, eh, Jerry ? Jerry. I beg you won't mention it ! Tom. Let's think no more on't ; the tables were fairly turned upon us, and we mustn't gramble — we have now stepp'd into Jackson's rooms to decide the bet with Logic as to our weight ; and as he has won it, let's be going — but stop, before we go, what say you to a bout with the foils ? Jerry. No go, Tom, — I'm fly — it's a bad spec ; I am not going to expose my ignorance of fencing here— but as far as a bout at single-sticks goes — why I have no objection. Tom. Bob will accommodate; won't you, Bob? come. Doctor, you must have a turn — one small taste. Log. No go ! no, no, Mr. Somerset, you're a downy one at that sport — it won't fit. Tom. Positively you shall, Bob— come the least taste. Log. Well, well ! I won't baulk your fancy, as you seem bent upon sport — but mind, only one bout. Jerry. No ; one will be sufficient. ( They place themselves in position.) Tom Holloa, Jerry, don't swallow him. Log. Use me gently, I'm but a green at this. Tom. Now, then, come up to the scratch. ( They play ; Jerry makes a hit ; Logic parries). Tom. Well stopp'd — uncommon well. Bob. Log. Do you think so ; but, I say, none of your chaffing. Tom. Now, really — Jerry. Yes, yes, he's up. Log. Hum, I don't think it was so much amiss myself. Jerry. Now, Doctor, take care of your bread-basket— eyes right, look to your napper. Tom. Ay, ay, be leary, Bob, take care of your ribs -mind your pipkin — be down on your pimple. {They play a second bout ; Jerry breaks Logic's head). Tom. I say. Bob, did you hear anything knock ? Log. Yes ; and nobody at home. Jerry. Doctor ! I touch'd your knowledge box there, I think. Log. Touch'd it, zounds I you've broken it, Jerry, but it must have been cracked before, or I should never have entered the lists with you. Brown- paper and vinegar for one. [Exit. 56 THE HISTORY OF Scene in a Gin Shop. HERE some are tumbling and jumping in, And some are staggering out ; One's pawn'd her smock for a quarten of gin. Another, her husband's coat. Behold, Mr. Tom and Jerry, Have got an old woman in tow. They sluic'd her with gin, 'till she reel'd on her pins, And was baul'd. off to quod for a row. Scene. — interior of a London gin shop. Tom and Jerry taking Blue Ruin, after the Spell is broken up. Tom is sluicing the ivories of some of the unfortunate heroines with blue ruin, whom the breaking up of the Spell has tumed-up without any luck, in order to send them to their pannies full of spirits. Jerry is in Tip Street on this occasion, and the Mollishers are all nutty upon him ; putting it about, one to another, that he is a well breeched Swell. Fat Bet is pretending to Tom, that she had a great objection to every sort of ruin, no matter how coloured, since she had once been queered upon that suit. SwiPY Bill, a translator of Soles, wbo has been out for a day's fuddle, for fear his money should become too troublesome to him, has just called in at the OinS pinner's to get rid of his last duce, by way of a finish, and to have another drop of blue ruin. This last glass would have floored him, had it not been for the large butt of hquor which he staggered against. Hiccoughing, be swears " he'll stand by OLD ToM while he has a sole left to support such a good fellow." TOM AND JERRY. 57 1^ GIN, GIN, SWEET, SWEET GIN I Air. — Home, Sweet Home. "ALK through London town, in Alley, Lane or Street, Eight to ten of all the folks you overtake or meet, List to what they talk about, you'll find amid the din. The end of every conversation is a drop of Gin. Gin, Gin, sweet, sweet Gin, There's no drops like Gin. "HEN the world was young, as we read in classic page. The shepherds drank the purling stream, and pags'd the golden age ; For purling streams or golden age folks now don't care a pin, So that they can raise the brass to keep this age of Gin. Gin, Gin, Hodge's Gin, &c. "HEN the weather's cold and bleak— in rain and frost and snow. The Gin, the Gin they fly to, to warm them with its glow. In summer time, to cool their heat, we see them all flock in And joy or sorrow, heat or cold, all seek relief in Gin. Gin, Gin, Seager and Evans's Gin, &c. w w S8 THE HISTORY OF -BATTLE OF— ^ GIN COURT! Ol IR Richard Burnie sad, declares that never in his time, © Was seen so much depravity, want, misery and crime ; And all the brawls— the roitings — the day and nightly din, Are caused by what he never tasted ! filthy ! horrid Gin ! Gin, Gin, Booth's Cordial Gin, &c. N India, when a Husband dies — the Widow ne'er can smile, She's burnt alive, a sacrifice, upon her husband's pile ; In London many Wives and Widows deem it not a sin, To sacrifice and burn themselves alive with fire of Gin. Gin, Gin, Sir Robert Burnett's Gin, &c. f[r|j,ECREPIT age with furrow'd face, and one foot in the grave, S^ Hobbles on his crutches, and for a drop does crave ; Infants, e'er they plainly talk, perk up each little chin And cry, oh mammy, daddy, baby 'ont a d'op o' din. Gin, Gin, Currie's strong Gin, &c. TOM AND ^ERRY. 59 141 Ui: Gin Lane. N former times we'd Goblins, Fairies, Witches, Ghosts and Sprites, Who ruled the people's minds by day, and play'd sad pranks o' nights J But now the tales of Ghosts and such the people can't take in They won't believe in Spirits, yet put all their faith in Gin. Gin, Gin, Gaitskell's Cordial Gin, &c. N the Reign of old Queen Bess good eating did prevail, Her Majesty and all the Court would breakfast on strong ale ; But now through every Court, the folk the fashion to be in. Would a«7all day, unless 'fore breakfast they could take some Gin. Gin, Gin, renovating Gin, &c, ®LD women used to cheer their hearts and found it did agree, By sometimes taking with a friend a cup too much of tea ; But now they're much more spirited — for tea don't care a pin, And only use their tea pots for a cup too much of Gin. Gin, Gin, tongue-relaxing Gin, &c. 6o THE HISTORY OF GiNrjAND Bitters. J FIGHTERS take a " « shove in the mouth," though it is their _ bane, Jack Ketch often has a " drop " — Scavengers a " drain " ; Pris'ners " half a yard of tape" to get in merry pin And Actors oft get " mellow " with a " mellow dram " of Gin. Gin, Gin, Tragic, Comic Gin, &c. fllHOMPSON'S shop on Holborn Hill is crowded like a fair, I All the taps continually running out are there ; Swing swang go the doors, while some pop out and some pop in. Foreigners must surely think that John Bull lives on Gin. Gin, Gin, dear seductive gin, &c. flHIS World was once deluged by water, drowning Son & Sire, I But when it is destroy'd again, we read 'twill be by fire j And this must be the awful time, so prevalent is sin, As all the wicked world do burn their insides out with Gin. Gin, Gin, life -inspiring Gin, &c. TOM AND JERRY. 6i Tom and Jerry Catching Kate and Sue on the Sly Having their Fortunes told. HERE lives a Fortune-TeUing Gipsy, Wrinkled, crabbed, grim and old : And Tom and Jerry's fancy ladies Are gone to get tbeir Fortunes told. They slily view'd them, and pursued them. For to have some glorious fun. Behind the curtain, see them sporting. This is life in London Town. SCENE. — Interior of Fortune Teller's Garret. Enter JANE, KATE, SUE, TRIFLE, GREEN, and LANDLORD. GLEE.— Omnes. Air.—" Who has seen the Miller's Wife." Jane, Kate, Sue, Trifle, and Green. Save you tlie Fortune Teller seen ? I, I for hours have waiting been; A shilling o'er her palm Fll pass If she'll but look in Fortune's glass. Have you, &c. Land. Oh, here she comes at last. 62 the history of Enter FORTUNE TELLER. Land. Now mother, stir your stumps ; here are two ladies waiting for you, and half a score more below, F. Teller. Aye, aye ! I tum hundreds away. (heen. Vbat an orrid booman ! F. TeUer. You must leave tbe room, gentlemen, (To Green and Trifle), my charms never hold good in the presence of a third person. Sue. You hear, Mr. Green, her charms never hold good in the presence of a third person. Green. I should vondor if they did — Her charms ! Lord — I can take an int ; I'm to go — wery veil, I shall absconce — Vat an ugly old vitch ! Trifle. {To Girls). We shall meet again at Logic's, so I'll leave you with the particularly frightful old hag, pan Aanour — demme ! [Exeunt Green, Trifle, and Landlord. F. Teller. {Sitting at Table). Now then, young women. I'll tell you— I'll tell you — but you must let me shuffle the cards first ! {Produces cards) For its all done by shuffling ! now theji, cut them, Miss. (Sue cuts cards). Kate. Let us sit down while we stay — rather short of furniture ; but never mind, we must make shift. (Tarns down chair lengthways to sit ; she sits on one side. Sue on the other — Sue is nearly let down by Kate suddenly rising). F. Teller. (Looking over cards). Heyday! what have we here ? You'U be married soon. Sue. 1 hope so, with all my heart ! F. Teller. There's a fair man been paying some attention to you, lately — Hum ! a cradle— three ! — nine !— fourteen ! — have a large family. Sue. Fourteen I mercy on me ! Kate. Enough to make one faint ! F. Teller. There's nothing more that I see at present. Sue. Nor there hadn't need been ; if I'm to have fourteen children, I think I've heard quite enough. F. Teller. (To Kate). Now, Miss, I'll tell you your fortune; how many husbands, and how many children, and all about it — all about it. Kate. But I don't want to hear "all about it.'" {Imitating her). I only want a peep into your magic mirror, and see who I'm to marry. F. Teller. You should have told me that before, I always charge more for that, but I suppose I must throw it you in ! Now, then, stand there ; and be very still ! TOM and jerry. 63 (Music.— Fortune teller places Kate and Sue in position at offend ofthe stage — then advances to cabinet — wanes her crutch ; pulls curtain aside, and discovers a large glass — Landlord passes rapidly behind. There ! I told you I'd show him to you ! Kate. Wonderful ! why that's the man tbat opened the door to us ! {Aside io Sue). F. Teller. Now, Miss, I'll show you your sweetheart ! {Music and ceremony as before : — Landlord repasses contrary way). Kate. Ha, ha, ha ! that's the same man again ! We're both to marry the same husband ! Sue. Amazingly agreeable ! Kate. The old impostor ! — -Well, now you've told us our fortune ; can't you tell your own? (To Fortune Teller), F, Teller. No, no — I have no power over my own stars. Kate. Then I'll tell it for you — In half an hour, unless you make ^ood use of your time, you'll have a visit from Union HaU. P. Teller. O, dear me ! It's lucky I've a handy cockloft, and a safe way over the houses— I'll be off directly, I'll be off directly ! (Throws down ciutch, cloak, &c., and exits hastily). Kate. "I'll be off directly, off directly." {Imitating Fortune Teller.) Ha, ha, ha! — She left aU her things behind her! — We can now set up in business for ourselves. Enter JANE hastily, L. Jane. Oh, my dear girls, as I was keeping watch below, I saw Tom and Jerry coming down the street, and making for this very house — depend on't they have traced you here. Koi jig!— Remove tbe stand-stills — sit down, gemmen. Ve shall be as merry as mudlarks, and as gay as sand-boys soon — It's a poor heart vhat never rejoices. Come, Muster Grimmuzzle, vhat say you to a minnyvit vith your ould lady in mourning, bere. Bob, Vith all my heart ; I am never backward at any thing of that 'ere sort ; am I Sal ? Sal. Dat you not, Massa Bob. — Massa Fiddler, you ought to be shame ; your fiddle drunk, and no play at all. Log. I'll gin him a little, my Snow-ball ; then he'll rasp away like a young one ; won't you, my old one ? (Gives Fiddler gin and snuff). Bob. 'Snowball,' — come, let's have none o'your sinnywations, Mister Barnacles ; she's none the vurser, though she is a little blackish or so ! Log. Hete, Landlord, more Blue Ruin, my boy ! Tom. Ceremonies are not in use here, so there's no occasion for the master of them. Come, start off, my rum ones ! the double shuffle. Jerry. Aye, aye ! come it strong my regulars. F 2 68 THE HISTORY OF COMIC PAS DEUX— Dusty Bob and Black Sal. Accompanied by Rosin, on his cracked Cremona, and Jerry on a pair of Tongs, to the Air — " Jack's alive." In ihe course of the Pas Deux, Sal, by way of a variation, and in the fulness of her spirits, keeps twirling about : at the same time going round the Stage — Bob runs after her, with his hat in his hand, crying " Sarah! vy, Sarah, 'aint you well?" &c. — The black child seeing this, and thinking there is something the matter with its mother, also squalls violently ; stretching its arms towards her : at length, Sal, becoming tired of her vagaries, sets to Bob, who acclaims, " Oh! it's all right!" and the dance concludes. Jerry. That would do honour to any crib ; there's nothing like pairing off according to fancy. You're quite fly to the trotter shaking department, I see, my rum one ! Totn. To be sure he is a regular gravel digger ; come, Sal, my lily. (Gives Sal gin). Bob. Vy, Sarah, vere's your manners; vy don't you kurchy to the gemman ? Sal. Me do dat de second time. (Receives another glass). Your good belts, gemmen all. {Drinks). Tom, Here, Dusty, my prince, now then, sluice your bolt. (Gives Bob gin). Bob. Veil, your honours, here's your luck. (Bolts gin). That's a regular kwortem, I knows by my mouth. Tom. There's a swallow, Jerry, this fellow is a perfect mop. Jerry. Now, Doctor, we must think of starting — Eh! — zounds! what's the matter with you ? (To Logic). Log. I've left off drinking in a great measure. (Merry and singing). " There's a difference between," _&c^, &c., TOM AND JERRY. 69 Jerry. Tom, see bow snugly Captain Lushington's getting abroad of Logic. Come, my boy. Tom. Eemember your appointment with the ladies. Log. I do like this fiddle, I will have this fiddle [Pulling Fiddler along). Tom. Eh, zounds, Doctor, you're going to sinug the fiddler, and prig the pewter. (Taking gin measure away from, him). Now then, what's to pay, landlord ? Mace. All out, vill be fourteen bob and a kick, your honour. Tom. Well, there's a flimsy for you ; serve the change out in max to the coves and covesses. (Gives money). Mace. Thank your honour — and good luck to you. Tom. Now then. Doctor, this way, my boy ; come, come along. Log. (Singing). " A Queen she cannot swagger." I will have this fiddle— " nar get drunk like a beggar." — More max here — "Nor be half so merry as I," {Logic becoming obstreperous, they partly force him off, and exeunt with him."] Mace. Regular out-and-outers those 'ere! quite gemmen — I've stuck it into 'em a bit ! (Aside). Bob. Aye, ay, ve knows it I vith the chiU off!^you're an"- out-and-out Stringer, you are ! Mace. So I don't mind standing a trifle of summat all round, just by way of drinking their healths ; and vhen ve've had tbe liquor, ve'U kick up a reel, and aU go to our dabs. Boh. Ay ay ! but before that, mind you get us a bit of grub for me and my Sal — about a pound and a half of rump steak — Sal, No, two pound Massa Bob, for her rather peckish. Bob. Very veil, two pound, vith a pickled cowcumber, and a pen'orth o' ketchup, to make some gravy of; and stick it up to the bell ! — d'ye hear ? Mace. You'll melt tbat 'ere bell if you don't mind. Muster Bob ; this is vbat I don't like — vhy don't you always take care and bring plenty of money in your pockets ? — You know I'm wery particular in things of this here kind ! — though I don't mind obliging you Boh. Ay, ay, vith tbe cbiU off, I knows I — but it's all right— must have tbe bell in tbe moming, you know, even if I spout the togs for it. Mace. Now then, strike up, my beauty ! Bob. Aye, aye, pull it out, my pink ! {Comic Characteristic J?eel by all the Characters; who, under the infiuence of All Max, at last reeloff.] 70 THE HISTORY OF Poor Logic in the Fleet Prison. ALL in the Fleet poor Logic's moor'd His swaggering's now at an end ! And Tom and Jerry are gone on board, Their friendly assistance to lend. Now, all their sprees and gambols are closed For Logic has vow'd and swore When he's from Limbo safe loosed. He'll marry and rake no more. .SCENE. — Inferior-qf Whistling Shop ; Master and Mistress of Whistling Shop — Racket players — Poor Tradesman, Smuggler, and Debtors discovered, CHORUS.— (Omnes). All in the fleet we're safely moor'd. But whUe we've trusty pals on, board. Law may to The demi go ; Then, brother Debtors, sport and play. Let tempests whistle as they will. Our Whistling Shops will drown them still ; A yard of tape Will prove the Cape. And drive each thought of care away, Tol de roi, Enter TURNKEY and LOGIC. Turn. Here's Doctor Logic come to pay you a visit, gentlemen— You'U get good accommodation here, Sir ; and find some regular trumps among 'em. Log. Thank'ye. Turnkey. Is that aU ?— Only thank'ye ? TOM AND JERRY. 7 I Log. Oh, want some tippery ! (Gives money). There ! (^Eicit Turnkey, — Brothers, your most obedient. Some of my friends, thinking my learning was not complete, have sent me to your CoUege to finish my education ; not tbat I owe anything ! — Omnes, Oh, no ! — we none of us owe anything ! — Ob ! dear no. Log. I'm only bere on suspicion of debt. Omnes. That's tlie case witb all of us !— we're all of us only bere on suspicion ! Log. You'll not find me a bad chum— but ready to bunt down any game you can start. Landlady, serve them with a glass of tape, all round ; and I'll stand Sammy — Omnes. A regular trump ! (Landlady serves them all with liquor, out of a bladder, as directed ; Logic pays). Smug. Well, whUe I can blow my cloud, and get a drop on the sly, I sets the Excise at defiance. What's a little smuggling? Poor T. (Aside). Could I have conveyed tbe value of tbat liquor to my wife and chUdren, it might have saved them another day from starvation ! Log. {Overhearing). What ! bard up ! — wife and children starving ! — tbat sha'n't be whUe Bob Logic has a quid left. — Here, my honest fellow, go fill tbeir bellies and make tbem happy. {Gives money). Poor T, May heaven bless you. Sir — you know riot half tbe good you have done! [Exit poor T.] Log. No : but I know one thing enough, and that is, tbe value of money — a prison is tbe only place to learn that in ; and if ever I get out again Enter TOM and JERRY. Log. Ah, Tom and Jerry ! my boys ! this is kind indeed ! Tom. Never desert an old pal in limbo. Bob ; but when you get safe out of tbe river tick, take my advice, look into not over your affairs ; if young men would but deign to consider this, would but, in the flowery wilds of pleasure, cast one glance at the guiding star of prudence — their pockets would be more fiiU, and the prisons of tbe law more empty. Log. Never doubt me, Tom — but welcome to 'Freshwater Bay,' to my new settlement on board tbe Never- Wag man of war ; -homeward station — forced to be on good terms with others, if I am not with myself Jerry. StiU as lively as ever, eh. Doctor? Log. And so will you be when tbe haberdasher has served you with a good yard of tape. Jerry. ' Haberdasher ! Tape ! ' I'm at fault again. Logic. The haberdasher is the whistler, otherwise the spirit-merchant Jerry — and tape the commodity he deals in — It's a contrabrand article here — wbite is Max, and red is Cognac. 72 THE HISTORY OF Jerry. Then give me a yard and a half of red, if you please. (Landlady gives Jerry liqwor). Enter TURNKEY, with a let'er. Turn. Here's a stiffener for you, Doctor ! Log. A letter for me ! Tum. It 'aint paid for. Log. More tip, eh ! {Fays him) . This fellow's a regular leech ! you never use any chalk here ? Turn. Can't afford it ; besides it ain't in our way, and then it makes such a mess over the walls. Log. (Opening the letter). Aye, aye, that will do, go along — {Exit Turnkey) What's this? — Five hundred pounds ! — (Takes out note), — Wheugh ! — Let me read — " Sir Jeremy Brag and the Captain, present compliments to Doctor Logic, request his acceptance of the enclosed, to free him from his present difficulties ; it is the same sum his friends threw away on an odd trick the other evening. — If Mr. Logic and his friends will look in at the Venetian Carnival,- this evening, they will be joined by the Captain, Sir Jeremy, the Miss Trifles, and the Mendicants from tbe Holy Land ; when, if properly solicited, the Masqueraders may unmask." Prodigious ! — Pm at fault here. I'U away at once ; drop tbe debt and costs in the hatchway, and be off to the Carnival. Tom. We'll go with you. Doctor. [Exeunt Tom, Jerry, and Logic. Smug. Why, they've hoisted saUs, lads — well, success to tbem — ob the changes of life ! CnOV.\3S,—(0mnesJ. Air. — " Here we go up, up, up." Some there are up, up, up. And some there are down, dovm, doum. But whether above or below. Let us always take care of the crown. They that are out may grin. While those that are in may fret. Yet poverty ne'er was a sin. And we're sure they can't hang us for debt. Foi, lol. [Exeunt. TOM AND JERRY. 73 SCENE. — Leicester Square. — Characters dressed in Masquerade, cross the stage, as if going to the Carnival — Dominoes lead the way. Enter OLD MAID and POODLE followed by CLOWN— CLOWN steals POODLE, and pops his own head in POODLE'S place— Ol.V) MAID enraged, pummels CLOWN'S^ate till she breaks her fan — CLOWN carries her off squalling R. Tliey are followed by grotesgue DWARF, in chintz gown and cap, with big head ; preceded by servants with candles, who also exit. Enter LILLIPUTIAN HARLEQUIN, COLUMBINE, and CLOWN ; L. Characteristic PAS de TRIOS, to the " NATIONAL WALTZ ;" little COLUMBINE coquetting between HARLEQUIN and ChOWN— after they are off. o. P. various MASKS enter severally — business ad libitum. SCENE. — Venetian Carnival brilliantly illuminated — various characters on — Music, Dancing, Tumbling, and masquerade business ad libitum, till enter Jerry (as Sportsman) and Sue as Domino. Sue. (Coming down). What game would you start bere, Mr. Sportsman? Jerry. None, my pretty Domino — 1 only hunt in Somersetshire ; that's my manor. Site. Manners makes the man, certainly ; but you're making game of me. Jerry. I speak truth, by heaven ! — Oh, Susan, lovely Susan, never can I forget thee, dear. Sue. Indeed 1 then Susan takes you at your word. Jerry. Susan Rosebud ! — Astonishment ! then tbe Captain— Miss Trifle, and the pretty ballad singer ! Susan. Were one and the same person, your humble servant ! — I followed to preserve and reclaim you; I have done so, and I am happy— but your cousin comes, stand aside. {They retire. 74 THE HISTORY OF Enter TOM, as Don Giovanni, with KATE as Domino. Tom. (Advancing with Kate). Could I find one of your sex that would be faithful, I would never rove again. Kate. Are you sincere? — Tom. By beaven ! — I am ! Kate. Then behold the reward of your sincerity, tbe constancy of your faithful Kate. {Uimash). Tom. Kate ! oh, my dear Kate ! Enter LOGIC, as Doctor Pangloss, with ]AN'E in Domino. Log. (Advancing with Jane). I am an L.L.D. and A.S.S. You are indeed an A-S-S, not to have found me out before. Log. What ! my Jenny ! Jerry. Don't be astonished. Bob — I'll explain all: — Tom and I are going to make two matches ; you must make tbe third — form a bunch of matches- exchange one imprisonment for another, her arms, you dog I — 'aint you up ?— Log. I'm fly — Oxford bas no fellowship like this ! {Embracing Jane). Tom. {Coming down with Kate). You are right. Bob, it has not. — Well, we have been amused by Life in London, now let us endeavour to profit by it ; — let our experience teach us to avoid its quicksands, and make the most of its sunshine ; — and in that anticipation let us bope our kind friends will pardon Tom, Jerry, and Logic all their sprees and rambles. TOM AND JERRY. 75 Jerry Going Back to the Country. THREE merry boys were Logic, Tom and Jerry, And many funny larks they have seen ; FareweU, gay London, the country calls me home again. The coadi moves on — the play is done — Goodbye, Goodbye. The White Horse Cellar, Piccadilly : — Was now tbe parting scene, and the band of the clock pointed very near to the time for tbe departure of the coach. The bustle of this place prevented the Trio from much conversation ; but tbe separation of sucb staunch pals was a trying moment to the feelings of poor Jerry : and though he was above blubbering Uke a Johnny Paw, yet his Heart was rather touched, and his ogles underwent some qiieer sensations, which be endeavoured to suppress, when Coachy asked " if all was right " and began to smack bis whip. Tbe hearty grasps of the hand, and the good-byes were over between Hawthorn and his pals, and Tom and Logic were only waiting to see the coach start, when Jerry, with much eagerness of expression, as if he bad forgotten to mention the circumstance previously, said, " my dear Coz " — but tbe coach was now fast rattling over the stones, and the last broken sentence which tbe ear of tbe Corinthian caught was, " Mention me in the kindest manner to the lovely Sue ; tell ber I am only gone into training, and in the course of a few weeks I shall most certainly retum to London to enjoy a few more sprees (which I have so unexpectedly been deprived of), and also to have with ber the pleasure of another game at romps." The End. 76 THE HISTORY OF The Adelphi version of Tom and Jerry, or Life in London, was performed ninety-three nights in succession ; and its golden career only stopped by the termination of the season. At the end of which, Little Bob Keeley, who had made a great hit as Jemmy Green — a character imported into the piece by Mr. W. T. Moncrieff— went with Walbourn, the great Dusty Bob, and Cooper, who played to the life, Little Jemmy, the cripple, to Sadler's Wells Theatre, were Pierce Egan's own version was produced April Sth, 1822. Keeley was threatened by the Adelphi lessees — Messrs. Rodwell and Jones — with an action for breach of engagement, but the action was never brought. In the season of 1822-^ at the Adelphi, John Reeve — ' Glorious yohn!' became Jerry ilawthorn, Mr. Brown took the part of Jemmy Green, and several other changes in the original cast were effected. At Christmas, 1822, Tom and Jerry was com pressed so as to admit of the production of a pantomime called Beauty and the Beast, or, Harlequin and the Magic Rose, When the managers announced that : — " In consequence of the astonishing Overflows to witness the admired Extravaganza of Tom and Jerry, or Life in London, and to prevent, as far as possible, any unpleasant Disappoint ment, the Public are respectfully informed that : — NO PLACES, IN FUTURE CAN BE KEPT, UNLESS PAID FOR WHEN TAKEN. Shouts of Laughter and Applause attend each Representation, of the New Pantomime." When the long run of Tom and Jerry ended at the Adelphi, a spectacular extravaganza of the same kind was produced with the title of " Green in France," but it did not catch the fancy of the town like its predecessors.* * E. L. Blanchard's History of the Adelphi Theatre. TOM AND JERRY. 77 In 1825, Mr. Moncrieff published his dramatic version of Tom and Jerry; or, Life in London — which he dedicated to: — His Royal Highness, Frederick Duke of York, May it Please Your Highness: — The distinguished honour conferred by your Royal Highness on this Drama, in commanding and witnessing its performance at the Adelphi Theatre, (an honour unprecedented in the annals of the Minor Stage) and the flattering manner in which your Royal Highness was afterwards graciously pleased to express your high approbation of it, emboldens me, with the most pro found respect, to lay it at your Royal Highness's feet, and under the sanction of your illustrious name, commit it in its present form to the world. Having no higher pretensions than that of presenting a faith ful picture of the various scenes it pourtrays, the favourable opinion of your Royal Highness stamps it with an authority that was alone wanted to crown the success with which it has been received by the Public. Like the illustrious Haroun al Raschid, your Royal Highness is said to have made yourself acquainted with the many coloured changes of life ; presented in the people over whom you may be one day called to preside, by wisely throwing off the restraint of rank, and witnessing nature in its genuine state. That the scenes I have pourtrayed are not caricatured for the sake of dramatic effect, but are actually those which might have been seen by any one choosing to seek them, your Royal Highness can therefore adequately testify; and your Royal Highness's imprimatur will effectually ward off all the imputations that have been cast upon my motives and veracity, by the bigoted and envious. I have the honour to be, With the most profound respect and devotion, Your Royal Highness's Most obedient and very humble Servant, 104, Drury Lane, W. T. Moncrieff. Dec. IS, 1825. 78 THE HISTORY OF Mr. Moncrieff in his Dedication — To His Royal Highness ; and in his Preface that follows throws so much true light and shade on public opinion — pro et con — of the period, that we deem it not only desirable but instructive to the present genera tion to publish the same in extenso. PREFACE. — :o: — " It is scarcely necessary to observe this Drama is founded on the " Life in London " of my friends Pierce Egan, and the inimitable Cruickshank. Aided by Pierce's clever illustrations to the matchless series of plates to that work, I have in this piece, endeavoured to put them into dramatic motion ; running a connecting story through the whole, making such modifications and amplifications, and furnishing such reflections and results, as I deemed necessary. From the popularity of the subject, the novelty and acknowledged truth of the various scenes comprised in it, and the beauty ofthe music I fortunately selected, this Piece obtained a popularity, and excited a sensa tion, totally unprecedented in Theatrical History; from the highest to the lowest, all classes were alike anxious to witness its representation ; Dukes and Dustmen were equally interested in its performance, and Peers might be seen mobbing it with Apprentices to obtain admission. Seats were sold for weeks before they could be occupied, every Theatre in the United Kingdom, even in the United States, enriched its coffers by performing it ; and the smallest tithe-portion of its profits, would for ever have rendered it unnecessary for its Author to have troubled the public with any further productions' of his Muse. It established the fortunes of most of the Actors engaged in its representation, and gave birth to many publications and several newspapers. The success of the " Beggar's Opera," the " Castle Spectre," and " Pizarro," sunk into the shade before it. In the furore of its popularity, persons have been known to travel post from the furthest parts of the Kingdom to see it ; and five guineas have been offered for a single seat.— These facts are not recapitulated here from any feeling of TOM and jerry. 79 egotism — the success of this Drama, was the temporary rage of the moment, from time-serving circumstances, and was never regarded in any other light by its Author ; they are merely noticed as curious events in threatrical history. — With respect to the cry of immorality, so loudly raised by those inimical to the success and plain-speaking of this piece, it is soon answered ! To say nothing of the envy of rival Theatres feeling its attraction most sensibly in their Saturday Treasuries, those notorious pests the Watchmen ; dexterously joined in the war-howl of detraction raised against it, and by converting every trifling street-broil into a " Tom and yerry row" endeavoured to revenge themselves for the exposi. its scenes afforded of their villany and extortion ; but all in vain. In vain, too, it was the Actor's old rivals, the Methodists, took the alarm — in vain they distributed the whole, of the stock of the Religious Tract Society at the doors of the Theatre — in vain they denounced " Tom and Jerry " from the pulpit — in vain the puritanical portion of the Press prated of its immorality — in vain the prejudices of the stiff- backed part of the Bench — the hypocritical host of Saints cried it down, and preached woe and destruction to those who sup ported it. — They but increased the number of its followers, and added to its popularity. Vainly, too, was the Lord Chamberlain called upon to suppress it — His Grace came one night to see it, and brought his Duchess the next. It was nearly the sime with the Chief Magistrate of Bow Street : his experience rendered him perfectly sensible, that, long before the appearance of " Tom a?id yerry" young men and country gentlemen would in moments of hilarity, sometimes exceed in their potations, be provoked into quarrels by designing Watchmen, and consigned, for purposes of extortion on the following morning, to His Honour, the Night Constable ; but according to the Saints' accounts, to believe their tales, it must be held as a point of faith, that no one, previous to the appearance of " Tom and yerry" ever got into a row ! — Oh, no — drinking and all its train of follies were unknown to youth, until inculcated into their minds by the example of " Tom and yerry \ " How many an unsuspecting Country Cousin has been converted, in the public newspapers, through an hour of harmless frolic, into a Jerry ; while his equally unconscious Town relation figured as a Tom, and any. 8o THE history OF honest plodder they may have had with them is transformed in to a Bob Logic— his first appearance in that character. The thing speaks for itself : the hue and cry of the immorality and danger of this piece was raised merely for the purposes of plunder, by Watchmen and others. So far from being immoral, if the piece be fairly examined, it will be found to be as correct in its tendency as any production ever brought on the stage. The obnoxious scenes of life are only shown that they may be avoided : the danger of mixing in them is strikingly exemplified ; ahd every incident tends to prove, that happiness is only to be found in the domestic circle. " It has been said, that many ofthe scenes ofthis piece should not have been exhibited, being scenes of dissipation, riot, and impropriety — ridiculous ! — Has not Shakespeare asserted that the proper use of the drama is — " to hold, as 'twere, the mirror up to nature, to show virtue her own feature, and vice her own image, and the very age and body of the time its form and pres sure : " could any piece do this more effectually than " Tom and yerry ? " take away the scenes complained of, it ceases to show the form and pressure of the age and time. " I should not have published this piece had not its success produced such a host of imitations and plagiarisms, that more to prevent myself suffering from the demerits of others than to avail myself of any merits of my own. I give it with all its im perfections on its head, to the world ; willing to pay smart blunt for my own misdeeds, but not stand Sammy for those of others. To those venerable noodles who complain that I and my proto type, Pierce, have made this the age of flash ; I answer any age is better than The age of cant t I tell my pious lecturers, in plain terms, I shall always feel pleasure in reflecting that I have in this piece, nosed every move on the board, in the game of the spell ; opened the ogles of the green and the yokel, and the muff, and the raw ; struck a light on the darky of their knowledge boxes, flashed the gab of the prig, the leg, the scamp and the stringer, in their listeners, put them fly and awake to all they should be up and down to, and enabled them, if their lugs are at all wing to ih^bits oi good truth, pattered to them in every scene of this piece, bank their rag, chivey their nurses, nash their lead ing strings, and keep out of the way ofthe cut-along-coaches as they TOM AND JERRY. travel the high toby of existence ; and having so done, can lay my mawley on my core, and conscienciously chaunt my convic tion, in which my reader will bear me out, " that I've cut all the buzmen, and dotte the thing right." W. T. M. 104, Drury Lane, Dec. 15, 1825. The Dustman. Bring out your dust the dustman cries. Whilst ringing of his bell : Tf the wind blows, pray guard your eyes, To keep them clear and well. 82 THE HISTORY OF Pierce Egan ON Mr. Walbourn's "Dusty Bob." " It is the greatest possible praise to be praised by a man who is hiraself deserving of praise. " " Approbation from Sir Hubert Stanley is praise indeed." Mr. Walbourn's theatrical fame was made by, and, strange to say, expired with the character of Dusty Bob. Pierce Egan, in his " Life of an Actor," — which he dedicated to Edmund Kean — classes his performance of this part, as giving him a title in the niche of fame beside John Kemble, Mrs. Siddons, and all the great actors contained in his " Catalogues of Parts Acted" — which can never be forgotten by those who witnessed thera. Here is the note, and will be found at page twelve of the work :— "The personification of Dusty Bob, by the above actor, has been unanimously decided by the public to be one of the greatest triumphs of the histrionic art ever exhibited on any stage. The first tragedian of the day, * with the utmost liberality, gave it as his opinion, that, during the whole course of his theatrical life, he had never seen any performance equal to it. Also, a comic actor of the greatest celebrity f exclaimed, 'Good heaven! is it possible? Do my eyes deceive me? Most certainly it is a real dustman they have got upon the stage. I am very sorry the profession has descended so low as to be compelled to resort to the streets to procure a person of that description to sustain the character.' He left the body of the theatre in utter disgust — nor was it until introduced to Mr. Walbourn in person, behind the scenes, that he would believe it was an actor. Further praise than this is superfluous." * Mr. Edmund Kean. t Mr. Joseph Munden. TOM AND JERRY 83 Mr. Walbourn as " Dusty Bob," was drawn and engraved by George Cruikshank, and sold, with other character-portraits, at the Adelphi Theatre. During the long run of the piece, he exchanged one species of hops for another, as he gave up his business as a private and stage dancing-master, and took the " Maidenhead " public-house at Battle Bridge. The house, previous to his taking it was doing only a small trade ; but, when he became the landlord, and put out a spick-span new and a "not so dusty" sign of himself as " Dusty Bob," painted in oil by George Cruikshank, it drew together many of the " Dusty " fraternity — and their doxies. After that, " Dusty Bob," together with "Black Sal," became to be bye words, as, near to the house, was Smith's dust-yard, at which hundreds were employed, male and female. But : — " A heap of dust alone remains of thee ; 'Tis all thou art, and all the proud shall be ! " g 2 84 THE HISTORY OF The Literary Dustman. My dawning genus fust did peep, Near Battle Bridge 'tis plain, sirs — You recollect the cinder heap, Vot stood in Gray's Inn Lane, sirs ? * 'Twas there I studied pic — turesque, Vhile I my bread vos yarning. And there, inhailing the fresh breeze, I sifted out my larnin' ! They calls me Adam Bell, 'tis clear, (As Adam vos the furst man), And by a co — in — side — ance queer, Vy, I'm the fust of dustmen ! — A Literary Dustman 1 The " Old Pub." of sixty years ago is now The Victoria Tavern, Great Northern Railway. Maiden Lane is York Road, and Battle Bridge is known as King's Cross, from a statue of George IV. — a most execrable performance — taken downin 1842. Great sculptors all conwarse wi' me. And call my taste diwine, sirs — King George's statty at King's Cross Vas built from my design, sirs. \ The Literary Dustman. . Besides the authors already mentioned, Tom Dibden, Farrell, and Douglas Jerrold, each produced dramas upon the popular theme; and during the Seasons of 1821-2, " Life in London" was -performed with great klat, at ten theatres in and around the * It is well-known that the dust hill at the bottom of Gray's Inn Lane, near Battle Bridge, was sold for some thousands of pounds, and was shipped off to Russia, to aid in the rebuilding of Moscow. — Pierce Egan. TOM AND jerry. 85 metropolis, to overflowing houses. But Pierce Egan at length became tired of the successes of the playwrights in using his book, and resolved to try his own hand at a dramatic version — or, as he termed it, " to take a leaf or two out of his own book " — and the Author's Piece was " got up " and performed for the first time at Sadler's Wells, under the respectable manage ment of Mr. Egerton, on Monday, April 8, 1822, with most decided success. It was thus announced by Mrs. Egerton, in the address written for the occasion by T. Greenwood, Esq. " To-night, my friends, this modern taste to meet, We show you Jerry at his country seat ; Then up to town transport the rustic beau, And show him ' Life in London,' HIGH and LOW." SADLER'S WELLS THEATRE. Under the Direction of Mr. Egerton, of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, Sole Proprietor. The Brilliant Success, and increasing Attraction of Pierce Egan's " Tom and Jerry " : not exceeded by any performance ever yet produced; and the celebrated Pony Races, exciting an interest equal to the Race Course itself : being nightly performed to crowded Audiences, amidst Roars of Laughter and Shouts of applause, will be repeated Every Evening, at half-past six o'clock precisely : — The new Pedestrian, Equestrian, and Operatic Extravaganza : in Three Acts — of Gaiety, Frisk, Lark, and Patter, called 86 THE HISTORY OF TOM AND JERRY. Put into Shape, exclusively for this Theatre, by Pierce Egan. Who trusts it will not be deemed unfair that he should take a Leap or Two out of his own Book, several other persons having made free with the Work. The Piece now prepared for representation is not entitled to the appellation of Tragedy, Comedy, Opera, Play, Farce, Ballet, or Melodrama, yet partaking of the Qualities of all, and possessing scenes High and Low in abundance, from the " Sky Parlour " to the '¦ Diamond Vault." Out and Out, Rambles and Sprees, East and West, and Lots of Characters, Up and Down. A variety of Swells but no Dons: Corinthians and Costard-mongers of many Hues and Colours : Flats and Sharps without a iV^/« — Pinks and Tulips, but no Flowers, yet always in the Hot Houses: and Hells without Devils, only having Black Legs: Muslin and Hopsacks, according as the creatures wear them : the whole forming a " Bit of Good Truth," en passant, in a Review of Life in London, developed by a precious Trio, in the Persons of a Top — of — The — Tree — Hero Up and Dressed in all suits : seconded by a slap-bang countryman, that neither hedge nor ditch baulk his pursuits ; and in unison with a prime piece of Logic without Premises, yet always so much at Home. that Locke and Bacon were muffs to him .• also representing the Noble, Respectable, Mechanical, and Tag Rag and Bob-tail part of Society, which constitute the Corinthian Capital, and the Base of the Pillar. The Overture, with the New and Selected Music, by Mr. Nicholson. The Scenes from Drawings taken on the spot, by Mr. Greenwood, assisted by Mr. Milldenhall and others. TOM AND jerry. 87 The Sporting Subjects, by Mr. George Cruikshank, from designs by himself and Brother, Mr. I. R. Cruikshank. The Quadrilles and Country Dances, by Mr. Kirby. The Machinery, Platforms, and Race Course, by Mr. Copping. Dresses by Mr. Townley and Mrs. Balding. Corinthian Tom ... Jerry Hawthorn ... Bob Logic... Dusty Bob... Mr. Walbourn. Little Jemmy . . . Billy Waters Mr. Elliott. Mr. Keeley. Mr. Vale. African Sal ... Mr. Brady. Mr. Cooper. ... Mr. Hartland. To Start from tbe Winning Post on the Stage ; Run three times Round the Course. Separate Matches, and afterwards for tbe Grand Sweepstakes. PONY RACES. Passing Into and Round the Pit. Ponies. Colours. I. — The Corinthian Pink. 2. — Bob Logic's Miss Sly... Stripe. 3. — Jerry's Never to be beat ... Blue. 4 — Dusty Bob Black. 5 .—Touch and-Go Blue and Pink. 6. —The Out-and-Outer . . . Scarlet, Stewards of the Race Logic, Tom, and Jerry. Clerk bf the Course Dusty Bob, The eagerness of several l>adies and Gentlemen to Promenade the Course during the Race, having at times produced a temporary delay and inconvenience, they are respectfully intreated to observe the directions of the Clerk of the Course, who will attend with Mrs. Dusty Bob {African Sal) in their Carriage from Maiden Lcfne, Battle Bridge, for the purpose of preserving order. 88 THE HISTORY OF The Corinthian's Diary. A Celebrated Comic Song, written by T. GREENWOOD, Esq. And Sung by Mr. Vale, at Sadler's Wells Theatre, in the Character of Bob Logic. SUNDAY, got floof'd, in groggy plight, MONDAY, quite stale, took anti-bilious, Pester'd by nausea, nerves not quite right. And noisy duns quite supercilious : A dish of Mocha, 'chovy toast, Remov'd the spasms — increased attrition, So started, when I'd skimm'd the Post, To Tattersall's, in high condition. TUESDAY, got clean'd at Rouge et Noir, And, done quite brown, was forc'd to toddle ; So then I vow'd to play no more. Lest, like a lame duck, I should waddle. TOM AND JERRY. 89 WEDNESDAY, reflected ; curs'd each star, Swore never more a card to handle : Went to the Fives Court, saw them spar. And patronis'd Cribb, Neat, and Randall. THURSDAY, bowl'd down to Ascot Heath, To sport my blunt upon the races : Rode my own mare almost to death, For I had won three steeplechases : Clean'd out again, I came away Quite undismay'd, though out of feather. At night I bolted to the play. To drown ill-luck and care together. Met with a spree, two glorious frays. So went to work — I hate long parleys ; Kick'd up a row, then starr'd the glaze, And mill'd, in style, a brace of Charley's : Morris' d away to Almack's Rooms, Danc'd a quadrille, alert and showy, Call'd at the Finish, mops and brooms, And tumbled to bed as drunk as Chloe. FRIDAY, I went to see dear Nancy, But found a Covey there before me, Was forc'd to bolt, I'd lost my chance. But Kate, I knew, would still adore me : So off' I set, stay'd SATURDAY, My comforts took, then home departed ; Book'd for next week, with spirits gay, I for a fresh game, on SUNDAY started. 90 the history of SADLER'S WELLS, PIERCE EGAN, The Author TOM & JERRY; or, Life in London. Most respectfully informs the Public, and his numerous Friends in the Sporting World, that : (Before " all the Gold « fa,J«« »/" ;/5^ Gingerbread," being contented with a Small Slice of it,) his BENEFIT is fixed for Wednesday The 2^th September, 1822. When a Variety Entertainment, will be performed, in which THE AUTHOR Will make his First and only Appearance on this Stage, in a PRINCIPAL CHARACTER. LIFE IN A SPREE. A Spree's the thing, with potent port made merry, " Go it Bob Logic," " Keep it up," cries Jerry. TOM AND JERRY. 9 1 The Upper Story all abroad — Mr. Lushington at Work ; and when the Wine is in, the Wit is out — Ripe for any thing — How to make a Stop — Watch go — And getting the best of tbe Timekeepers — Must make a noise in the World :— No way but this left to obtain renown. Kick up a Row, and knock tbe Charlie's down! LIFE IN THE EAST. All-Max A bit of good Truth! Tickets not necessary — Any Port in a Storm — Never a Jack without a Jill — All happiness : no questions asked : and one half the world don't know how the other half lives — (or dies !) — No matter ! Plenty of Taste — Patter without ceremony — And not particular to a shade about Lingo. Spoting a toe without a shoe, and no enquiry after the Snob's Bill — Reeling without steps — Flooring instead of Waltzing, and nothing the matter. Country or colour no objection — Ladies in mourning not prohibited — Black Sail don't blush for her appearance —And Dusty Bob not uneasy about bis toggery — All the same One Hundred Years hence ! — Philosophy. *,* To prevent the trouble and fatigue of ascending tbe numerous Steps to the Author's Sky Parlour, (in Days of Yore, denominated a Garret, as well as Tumbling over lots of Kids,) Tickets to be had of Messrs. Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster Row ; Office of the Weekly Dispatch, Wine Office Court, Fleet Street ; at all the Sporting Houses ; and Places for the Boxes can be taken of Mr. Parker, at tbe Box Offices, Sadler's Wells, firom 10 till 4. Full Particulars will be duly Announced. Boxes 4s. Pit 2s. Gallery is. Glendinning, Printer, 25, Hatton Garden, London. 92 THE HISTORY OF Brighton, of course, in common with all other large provincial towns had its version of " Life in London." The theatre was then under the management of Mr. Samuel— or, as he was commonly known, Jerry Sneak Russell, from the inimitable manner in which he personated that character in Foote's farce of "The Mayor of Garrat." We have a copy of the play-bill before us, and as we think the manager's remarks and the selection of criticisms are in their way curious, we here append them, including the cast of characters : THEATRE ROYAL, BRIGHTON. LAST NIGHT BUT ONE. TOM AND JERRY. In announcing the successful piece of "Tom and Jerry'' for this evening, the manager, feels great satisfaction in being able to quote in its favour the following observations from the critiques in the London and other newspapers. " The scenery, dresses, &c., are good throughout, and much credit is due to the manager for the style in which it is got up. It is with pleasure we remark that this piece has been most judiciously freed from the impurities of dialogue, which rendered it improper to meet the delicate ear of the gentler sex. We therefore venture, with out subjecting ourselves to reproach, to recommend our readers to see 'Life in London,' to witness an exposure of many impositions practised in real life, and be made ' fly ' (the plain English of au fait) to the multum in parva phrases which are now introduced into passing conversations.'' " Brighton. — The theatre at this place has just produced its ' Tom and Jerry ' with great success, and, we may say, deservedly— every objectionable point that might be thought to infringe on decorum having been most ingeniously suppressed, TOM AND JERRY. 93 without any diminution of the whim and fire of its varied and entertaining scenes. This regard to propriety argues much dis cretion, and seems to meet the approbation of the beau monde resorting hither, for the theatre is graced with abundance of fashion and beauty." " The ' Tom and Jerry ' of the Brighton Theatre has good scenery, good acting, and, what in such a piece is perhaps still better, good and chaste dialogue to recommend it ; it has been cleansed of its impurities without injuring its life and spirit. As thus represented, it cannot raise a blush on the cheek of the most fastidious female." On Wednesday Evening, September 12, 1822, will be repro duced the highly popular and amusing Burletta of TOM AND JERRY. Corinthian Tom Mr. Power. Bob Logic Mr. Chapman. Jerry Hawthorn Mr. Russell. Squire Hawthorn Mr. Chambers. Tattersall . . . . Mr. Mortimer. Yorkshire Cove Mr. Hatton. Primefit Mr. Julian. Bill Chaunt Mr. Whatford. Dusty Bob •" Mr. Starmer. Mr. Mace . . (Landlord of All Max in the East) . . Mr. Jenkins. Billy Waters Mr. Sheen. Mr. Muff . . Mr. CoUier. Gammoning Jack . . Mr. Mills. Snoozy . . Mr. Cole. Trifle . . Mr. Dale. Little Jemmy.. Master Williams Chaffing Sam .. Mr. Wiber. Tom Belcher Mr. Jones. President of the Daffy Club Mr. Campbell. Huntsmen, Watchmen, Villagers, Cadgers, &c., &c. 94 THE HISTORY OF Corinthian Kate Miss M. Cooke. Hon. Mrs. Gadabout Mrs. Clarke. Patty Primrose Miss Carr. Mary Miss Cramer. Hon. Mrs. Trifle Miss Grosette. Fortune Teller Mrs. Grosette. Mrs. Allright Miss H. Grosette. African Sal Miss Black. Country Lasses, Ladies at Almack's in the West, &c., &c. ; Prospectus of Scenery, &c., &c., as before. To conclude with the Romantic Melo-drama of VALENTINE AND ORSON. Valentine , Mr. Power. Orson Mr. S. Chapman. Creasy, Printer, Gazette Office, Brighton. The notoriety which Tom and Jerry obtained in England, became the topic of conversation amongst our Gallic neighbours — nay, it crept so much into favour with the gay folks of Paris, Life in London was speedily translated into French, under the title of " The Diorama ; or. Picturesque Rambles in London- containing the most faithful Notices of the Character, Manners, and Customs of the English Nation, in the various classes of Society. By M. S ." The translation had a most extensive circulation in France. The reception of Tom and Jerry was equally flattering — not withstanding the great prejudices that had previously existed against it — in Dublin. Mr. Wrench, from the Adelphi Theatre, was specially engaged to play the part of Corinthian Tom. The first seven nights produced ^^1300 ; and the house, on Mr. Wrench's benefit; night, held ;^34S. TOM AND JERRY. 95 The great success of " Life in London," in its dramatic form in the Irish capital lead up to the publication of :— " Real Life in Ireland ; or, the Day and Night Scenes, Rovings, Rambles, and Sprees, Bulls, Blunders, Boddera- tion, and Blarney of Brian Born, Esq., and his elegant b:\tnd Sir Shawn O'Dogherty. 1829. Coloured plates." In which the pictorial style of the Brothers Cruikshank was imitated from an Hibernian point of view and colouring. At both the Theatres in Edinburgh, Tom and Jerry attracted crowded audiences, according to the Editor of the Edinburgh Dramatic Review, who states thus : — "At length the public of Edinburgh had opportunity of judging of the merits of the above celebrated Extravaganza. From the general tendency of the remarks which appeared in the newspapers, we were led to suppose that this piece consisted of indecency and gross vulgarity. From what we heard reported as to the numerous indelicacies which this sketch of Fun, Frolic, Fashion, and Flash contained, we were afraid that its success with our sober citizens would have been precarious ; but, we are happy to say, that the applause which was bestowed on it by the unprecedentedly numerous assemblage on Saturday evening, January 25, 1823, which crowded the Caledonian Theatre, is a sufficient answer to the chimerical doubts which were industriously circulated against its propriety. There is nothing, as we before remarked, associated with disgust or offence. There is neither one word, action, oi: situation, in the whole course of the piece, that can possibly raise a blush, or offend the most fastidious moralist ! " 96 THE HISTORY OF The Burletta of Tom and Jerry had been repeated so often all over the kingdom, and particularly in the metropolis, that the performers, notwithstanding the great applause they nightly received in the above piece, absolutely became tired and worn- out with the repetition of their characters, when the following piece of satire, written by T. Greenwood, Esq., was published, entitled, " The Tears of Pierce Egan, Esq., for the Death ot 'Life in London'; or. The Funeral of Tom and Jerry. Dedicated to Robert and George Cruikshank, Esqs. Price Two Shillings, with an engraving by George Cruikshank." " Beat out of the Pit, and thrown over the Ropes, Tom and Jerry resign'd their last breath. With them, too, expired the Manager's hopes, Who are left to deplore their sad death 1 " Odd and various reports of the cause are about, But the real one was this I opine : They were run to a standstill, and, therefore, no doubt. That the .cause was a rapid decline. " When death showed his Nob, out of Timi they were beat. And neither would come to the scratch; They hung down their heads and gave up the last heat. Not prepared with the Spectre to match. " All wept at the Funeral ! the Fancy and all — Some new, but a great many mended : And Egan, while Cruikshank and Bob held the pall, ¦ As Chief Mourner in person attended 1 ! ! TOM AND JERRY. 97 " Their Sprees and their Rambles no more shall amuse. Farewell to all nocturnal parleys : The Town felt regret, as the bell tolled the news. And no one rejoiced — but the Charleys I " A monument, too, their kind Patrons will raise. Inscribed on—' Here lies TOM and JERRY, Who, departing the Stage, to their immortal praise, ONE THOUSAND NIGHTS made the Town merry! 1 1 ' " May their souls rest in peace, since they've chosen to flit. Like other great heroes departed ; May no mischief arise frora their sudden exit. Nor Pierce Egan die — broken-hearted!'" In reference to the above, Pierce Egan states that Jemmy Catnach, the renowned Ballad-monger of the Seven Dials, in less than twelves hours after the publication, produced a pirated edition for street sale, for two-pence. Mr. Pierce Egan, in his " Finish" states that he reckoned no less than sixty-five separate publications, which he enumerates in extenso, all derived from his own work, and adds, with his usual amount of large and small Capitals and italics — " We have been pirated, copied, traduced ; but, unfortunately, not ENRICHED by our indefatigable exertions ; therefore notoriety must satisfy us, instead of the smiles of FORTUNE. Our efforts have given rise to numerous productions in the market of literature, yet we can assert, with a degree of confidence hitherto unshaken, that none of our Imitators have dared to think for themselves during the long period of seven years, neither have H 98 THE HISTORY OF they shown any originality upon the subject of ' Life in London ' ; , but who have left it — disinterested souls ! — to the Author and Artist to put a CLIMAX to the adventures of Ton, Jerry, and Logic." The last remark is in reference to the publication of " Pierce Egan's Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry, and Logic, in their Pursuits through Life in and Out of London. With numerous coloured illustrations by Robert Cruikshank. London : George Virtue & Co., Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row." Seven years after the date of " The Life in London." In common with almost all other sequels, or " con tinuations " it was not successful — the fact being that Pierce Egan, and the subject of his work were alike literally and financially " used up ! " Old Jemmy Catnach, true to his line of life, soon joined what Pierce Egan designates as the " Mob of Literary Pirates." who irritate the poor author almost to madness, blast his prospects, impose on the unwary by their imitations, and render his cash account all but nugatory, and, just as he may be congratulating himself on the success of his genius, receiving the smiles of Fame, and a trifling sweetener from Threadneedle Street, as a reward for his exertions, he may be attacked by Sappers and Miners — those pickers and stealers; who do not absolutely come under the denomination of pickpockets, yet thieves to all intents and purposes, and, certainly, robbers of the most unprincipled description — a set of vampires — living upon '' the brains " of other persons, and who dare not to think for themselves. Catnach brought out a broadside,, or "whole-sheet," for street-sale, entitled ; — TOM AND JERRY. 99 (ff LIFE IN LONDON ; OR, THE SPREES OF Tom AND Jerry; ATTEMPTED IN CUTS AND VERSE. u Tom, Jerry, and Logick in a Kow. MERCY ! what a din and clatter Breaks the stillness of the night, Lamps do rattle — 'tis a battle, Quick, and let us see the sight. Notice : — This is to give Notice to those persons who are in the habit of pirating my copyrights that if they dare to print any part of this Sheet, they shall be proceeded against according to Law. James Catnach. EIGHTEENTH EDITION. London : Printed & Sold by Jas. Catnach, 2, Monmouth Court, 7 Dials, of whom may be had The Queen's Life, in Cuts & Verse. PRICE TWO PENCE. THE HISTORY OF The "broadside," which Pierce Egan calls^" Another wicked piracy, by Catnach," consists of twelve woodcuts,— of which we have given facsimiles in our pages — it will be seen that they are reduced and very roughly executed copies of the original plates by the Brothers Cruikshank, but in reverse. Therefore the swaggering Notice to Pirates which Jemmy Catnach published reads funny enough. The letter-press matter consists of flash songs, and a poetical epitome of the plot and design of the original work of " Life in London." And taking it as it stands, and from where it emanated, rather a creditable performance, particularly when we take into consideration — as duly announced by the street-patterer, that it was — "Just printed and pub — lish — ed, all for the low charge of " Twopence." On the rarity of this Catnachian and piratical edition of "Life in London" it is superfluous to enlarge, and it is easy to account for this circumstance, if we reflect that the broad side form of publication is by no means calculated for preser vation ; hundreds of similar pieces printed at the " Catnach Press " and at other offices publishing for street-sale must have perished. The more generally acceptable a broadside pr street- ballad became, and was handed about for perusal, the more it was exposed to the danger of destruction. No copy of Catnach's version is preserved in the British Museum, there fore, and for reason above stated, it must be considered as a great " Literary Curiosity."* * Our thanks are due, and are hereby given to Crawford John Pocock, Esq., of Cannon Place, Brighton, for the loan and use of his — what we feel almost inclined to consider — unique copy of Catnach's broadside of "Life in London.'"— Price Tv^f0 Pence. TOM AND JERRY. Old Stage Waggon. As we have before observed, " Life in London " was dedicated by permission to George IV. , and it is a circumstance in itself which looks singular enough in this Victorian age, that royalty should have condescended to have had such a work dedicated to it. One paragraph, which we are about to quote, strikes us as being a very peculiar and free-and-easy style for an author to address himself to a King of England. It is as follows :— " Indeed, the whole chapter of ' Life in London ' has been so repeatedly perused by your Majesty in such a variety of shapes — from the elegant A, the refined B, the polite C, the lively D, the eloquent E, the honest F, the stately G, the peep- 102 THE HISTORY OF o'-day H, tlje tasteful I, the manly J, the good K, the noble L, the stylish M, the brave N, th'e liberal O, the proud P, the long headed Q, the animated R, the witty S, the flash T, the knowing U, the honourable V, the consummate W, the funny X, the musical Y, and the poetical Z, — that it would only be a waste of your Majesty's valuable time to expatiate further upon this subject." One notable effect of " Life in London," particularly in its dramatised form, must be recorded. It broke the hea.rt of poor. Billy Waters, the one-legged musical negro, who died in St. Giles's workhouse, on Friday, March 21, 1823, whispering with his ebbing breath, a mild anathema, which sounded very much like : " Cuss him, dam Tom — mee — Tom — mee Jerry 1" Poor Billy endeavoured, up to the period of his last illness, to obtain for a wife and two children what he termed, " An honest living by scraping de cat-gut ! " by which he originally collected considerable sums of money at the West-end of the town, where his ribbon-decked cocked hat and feathers, with the grin on his countenance, and sudden turn and kick out of his wooden limb, and other antics and effbrts to please, excited much mirth and attention, and were well rewarded from the pockets of John Bull. The burden of Billy's ditty " from 'morn to dewy eve," and from January to December, was : — Polly will you marry me — Polly don't you cry, Polly will you marry m^ — Polly don't you cry: — Cry — cry — cry ! TOM AND JERRY. 103 BILLY WATERS. Mr. W. T. Moncrieff, the dramatist, is responsible for the following biographical notice of this old London Street Character :— " Of this meritorious and lamented individual, we had with great trouble collected from various sources, an ample and interesting Biography. But unfortunately for posterity, in the same classic regions where he lost his life, we also lost his life ; and, to tell the truth under the influence of the same I04 THE HISTORY OF seductive fluid ton— Daffy I — we can therefore only present our reader with a few brief notices from memory. Billy Waters, was born in the powerful African kingdom of ToNGOCONGOTABOO, where he was a native Prince, and bore the name of Pokikokiquanko ; from this place he was at an early age, to the universal regret of his loving subjects, kidnapped, by ' an auld Quaker,' who bought him from his treacherous attend ants, for two axes, a frying-pan and a bag of nails. This black Jjieqe of business made him a slave, in the French settlement, at Demarara, from whence however he speedly took French leave, and entered, we believe, the British navy as a cook par excellence on- board the Ganymede sloop of war, under the command of Sir John Purvis, where, during a fierce engagement, he lost a leg, some say gallantly fighting the enemies of old England,, though others insinuate it was through falling down the cockpit ladder, in his great hurry to hide himself. His own version was that he fell from the top-sail yard to the quarter deck during a storm, we cannot pretend to decide which was the fact, it how ever occasioned his being sent to England, as unfit for service. Arriving in London, he betook himself to that wild mode of life, which best suited his origin ; the trammels of civilized society, had no charm for him ; he scorned the mechanical rules of man, and picked up his living wherever he could find it. Born a Prince, and bearing a native princeliness in his appearance it is not to be wondered at that his associates should speedly elect him to the regal dignity of their tribe. In the year 1812 Billy was solemnly inauguared ex cathedra into the sovereignty of mendicityship — King of the Beggars — at the cellar of St. Patrick in St. Giles', a rank he supported with great satisfaction and majesty, till the luckless period when a TOM AND JERRY. 1 05 rival Billy (Bodkin), by being placed at the head of the mendi city society, virtually became King of the Beggars in his own right. This— as he conceived it, cruel usurpation by Bodkin, pricked Billy just a leetle too hard. From that moment he drooped as a blighted lily, and like another black hero he exclaimed — ' Othello's occupation's gone.' The fickle British pubhc refused to be as liberal as they had been, which he attributed to the production of " Tom and yerry " with whom he was made to partake of : — " Shoulder of veal and garnish — Turkey and appendages — Parmesan and Filberts — Port and Madeira." Billy on hearing the above list given out as forming the "peck and booze for the evening," exclaimed " Dat dam goot, me like a de Madery — Landlord, here, you give this bag of broken wittals, vot I had give to me to day, to some genteel dog vot pass your door : and you make haste wid de supper, you curse devil you." Enter LANDLORD with Supper. Landlord. Now, your honours, here's the rum peck, here's the supper. Silly. Eh, de supper ! de supper ! pome along. (After striking Creeping Jack on thejingers with a hnife) you damn nasty dog ! what for you putyur dirty fingers in de gravy ? you call dat gentlemans ? you want your fingers in de pie, now you got him dere ! Jack. I only wish'd to taste the stuffining. Billy. And now you taste de carver knife instead ! (Takes candle, and looks at supper J. Vy, what him call dis ? Landlord. Why the turkey and the pie, to be sure. Silly. De turkey and de pie ! I tink you said de turkey and de pie, ¦what ! de turkey widout de sassinger ! bim shock— — him wouldn't give pin for turkey widout dem me like a de Alderman in chain. Landlord. I'm very sorry, Mr. Waters, but Silly. You sorry ! 1 sorry for my supper, you damn dog, you serve up de turkey without de sassinger — no lemon to de weal — no hoyster saase to de rum'-steaks, wbo you tink eat rum'-steaks widout de hoyster saase? You send no filberts to de Port, nor debils to de Madery nather. Mee must use some other hot-bell — you dog. However, by a combination of events, Billy became very poor, and was obliged, prior to his going into the . workhouse, to part Io6 THE HISTORY OF with his old friend, the fiddle. — " Him lend him ole fiddle to him uncle at de pop shop," and the wooden pin (leg) which had so often supported Billy, would have shared the same fate, but its extensive service had rendered it worthless though it had twice saved poor Billy from the penalties of the Treadmill. Xt length, in the full belief that his spirit was about to flee to meet his coloured ancestors in the realms of bliss and a free hunt ing ground, he duly made his will, in which he bequeathed to W. Bodkin, Esq, — Billy Bodkin, the Hon. Sec. to the Mendi city Society : a bodkin that had so often pierced Billy to the heart — his wooden leg, earnestly desiring he might receive it in his latter end. In life he had been accustomed to wear a military cocked hat, a judge's full-bottomed cauliflower wig, and a naval officer's jacket and trousers, symbolical of his being the head and arbiter of the naval, military, and judicial departments in his eleemosyn ary kingdom, these he bequeathed in the following manner : His wig he left to the Court of Chancery, in the vague hope that they might obtain with it a little of his decision in equity, and promptness in justice. His military hat he left to the H-eads of the Horse Guards, and his naval jacket and trousers to the old washerwomen that manage the Greenwich Hospital. The Deal Fiddle, on which he had been used to scrape his native wood notes wild, we are happy to state, was taken out of lavelider, and is now in the possession of the Tyburn Ketch and Glee Club — the duphcate having been bequeathed to them for that purpose. In conclusion we have only to state, that Billy was an accom plished cadger, a skilful musician, and adroit dancer — doing more on one leg than many others on two, and possessed abilities TOM AND JERRY. 107 that as an actor would have rendered him a shining ornament to the stage — "to hold, as t'were, the mirror up to nature; to show virtue her own feature, scorn her own black image!" Billy was considered of sufficient public importance, when in \he flesh, to be moulded and well baked by a Potter, who taking up and moistening a lump of clay, said, " Be ware ! " and then turned Billy out in one of his happiest moods and positions, with a broad grin on his black mug — a perfect image, suitable for a chimney or sideboard ornament ; which found a ready sale at the time of its manufacture, but has now become very rare in perfect condition, and, much coveted by collectors to add to their Class, or Section of " English Charactersi" Speci mens of this style of ware are exhibited in the Bethnal Green Museum, London. Henry Willett, Esq. of Brighton, also exhibits his fine collection of the same class of ware at the Brighton Free Public Library. I08 THE HISTORY OF lines ON BILLY WATERS. By W. Reeves, June, 1823. Peace to the manes of Black Billy Waters, Well-known throughout the Town ! The reason that he left these quarters — Is plain — He was by Death done brown. His life was one continu'd round Of pleasure and of glee ; His fiddle caus'd the hearts to bound Of children as big as me. Mags came thick, this made him merry ; Fortune changes in a crack — Folks they went t'see Tora and Jerry, And on Billy turn'd their back. Justice, at length, seiz'd on poor Bill, Who quickly took \i\s peg off"; So they didn't send him to the Mill, 'Cause, why ? he'd got a leg off. His day was o'er, he soon found out Poverty with rapid stride FoUoVd him, and clamor's shout Meant poor Billy to deride. In vain he fiddl'd, danced and sung. Until he was out of breath ; Starving he was, his bow unstrung. Till he danc'd— 7%e Dance of Death. TOM AND JERRY. 109 Little Jemmy. The real name of this notorious street-character was Andrew Whiston. He was a born cripple, and in every respect a most miserable object of charity. Moncrieff imported him into his Adelphi version of " Tom and Jerry ; or, I.,ife in London," as " Little Jemmy," and there figures in the Scene : Back Slums in the Holy Land : in company with Mr. Jenkins, Soldier Suke, Dingy Bet, Creeping Jack, Billy Waters, Ragged Dick, and other well-known characters. — Vide page 46. For many years Andrew, alias " Little Jemmy," had been in the habit of propelling himself about the streets of London in a little truck, or box on wheels, assisted by the aid of two small crutches. He always wore a white apron to conceal the defor mity of his legs, which were curved, and had the appearance of thin planks, having no calves. IIO the history of To avoid the penalties attached to begging and vagrancy he usually carried a few quill pens stuck in his coat and, apron ; declaring it to be the only trade to which he had been brought up, whence he was called The Penmaker ! He has been heard to acknowledge he derived as much in his perambulations through the streets as amounted to ^£2 per week. It was his custom every morning to cross over Blackfriars Bridge for the purpose of gathering alms. He always prided himself as leader of the " Cadgers,'' in the metropolis, and was one of the most dissipated of the class to which he belonged ; never returning to the hovel, in which he took up his abode, in the Borough, except in a state of intoxication. In his fits of inebriety, when at a distance from home, and incapable of proceeding, he was generally picked up by some of the numerous coalheavers, residing in the same quarter of the town, and carried to his dwelling on their shoulders ; this, from his dirainutive stature, was no very difficult task to perform. On the night of his death, which occurred Monday, April 3, 1826, he had been drinking spirits, and porter, during the day, and was as usual carried horae by two raen ; for which they were to receive a pot of beer. On setting down their burden, the unfortunate man -who had been conveyed with his head downwards, was discovered to be in a dying state. Surgical assistance was immediately procured, but poor " Little yemmy',' was quite dead ere it arrived. Information of his death was given at 1 1 o'clock to the night constable of St. Saviour's Parish, who proceeded to the house, the inraates of which refused to give up the body, on the ground that their late lodger, died in their debt a month's rent. Another strong reason for their refusal in delivering up the corpse, was a report that prevaited TOM AND JERRY III in the neighbourhood, that the surgeons of both the hospitals in the Borough had offered no less a sum than ;^ioo for the body after death, for the purpose of dissection, in consequence of its extraordinary formation. The constable, however, claimed the body of the deceased, as none of his relations were on the spot, and conveyed it away to the watch-house, clearly perceiv ing that if it was left behind, the inmates would dispose of it to the highest bidder. On Friday, April 7, an inquest was held at the Rose and Ball public-house, Bankside, Southwark, before R. Carter, Esq. Upon the return of the jur)- after viewing the body, all of whora expressed their astonishment at the decrepitude and peculiar formation of the singular little man. The surgeon in atten dance having described the death to have occurred in con sequence of apoplexy. The jury brought in a verdict in, accordance with the medical evidence that the deceased died of " Apoplexy." The day after the inquest sat on the body it was conveyed to St. Saviour's Burial ground, and interred in a grave dug 14 feet in depth from the surface, over which were placed three other coffins, in order to secure it against the resurrection-men, who were anxious to have the corpse to dispose of Subsequently to the death of Billy Waters, the notorious black mendicant fiddler — -March, 1823; "Little Jemmy" acquired the soubriquet of The King of the Beggars. 112 THE HISTORY OF WVt tSTreaUspini at Brixton. In the year 1817, Mr. — afterwards Sir William— Cubitt, of Ipswich, erected a Tread-Mill at Brixton Gaol — and soon after wards in other large prisons, as a species of preventive punish- '. ment, which excited much attention and terror to evil doers, and proved eminently useful in decreasing the number of commit ments; the strict discipline had a most' salutary effect upon the prisoners not easily to be forgotten. Yet, the inventor's name gave rise to many jokes on the subject among such of the prisoners who could laugh at their own criraes, who said that they were now punished by the cubit ! In nearly all the new and fa— vour— ite comic songs of the TOM AND JERRY. 1 13 day allusion was made to the Treadmill of Brixton as — The Everlasting Stairs! — The Stepping Mill! — The New Dancing Academy ! &'c. A street-ballad on the subject was issued from the " Catnach Press " and had a most unprece dented sale, keeping the pressmen and boys working for weeks : — " And we're all treading, tread, tread, treading. And we're all treading, at fam'd Brixton Mill." The following punning ditty was very popular at the period : — The Treadmill. This Brixton Mill's a fearful ill, And he who brought the Bill in, Is threatn'd by the cribbing coves, That he shall have a milling. They say he sheVd a simple pate, To think of felons mending : As every step which here they take, They're still in crime ascending. And when releas'd, and in the streets Their former snares they're spreading. They swear 'tis Parliament, which wills They must their old ways tread in. The Radicals begin to tliink 'Twill touch the Constitution, For as the wheel moves round and round, It brings a Revolution. But though these snarlers show their teeth. And try to vex the nation. Their actions soon are tried a.nd judg' d, And grinding is their station. The Gambling swells who near St. James' 'Rave play d their double dealings. Say 'tis not fair that Bow-street should Thus work upon their feelings. Tom, Jerry, Logic, three prime sprigs. Find here they cannot come it, I 114 the history or For though thei^ fancy soars aloft, They ne^er will reach the summit. Corinthian Kate and buxora Sue Must change their warm diiectioTi, For if they make one false step more They'll have Cold Bath Correction. The moon-struck youths who haunt the stage, And spend their master's siller. Must here play to another tune, 'Tis called the Dusty Miller. Ye bits of blood (the watchman's dread) Who love to floor a Charley, As you delight to strip and fight, Come forth and mill the barley. yohn Barleycorn's a stout old blade. As every man puts trust in. And you will make no meal of him. But he'll give you a dusting. But here we'll stay, ior puns they say. Are bad as stealing purses And I to Brixton may be sent. To grind some floury verses. Going to the Mill ! TOM AND JERRY. II 5 THE WARNING. Supposed to have been sung by a Cadger to his Companions on his Return from " The Nem Dancing Academy^' Brixton. Tune. — " Bow wow, &c." You Cadgers all, both great and small. Attend to vat I say. Sirs, All prigging stow, or you vill go Where I com'd from to day. Sirs. As down the Strand, a Gent so grand, Was strutting, raighty fine, Sirs, His hankercher hung out so fiir, I really thought 'twas mine. Sirs. Tol de roi, &c. I made a grab — he did me nab, To quod I quick vas taken ; The magistrate he sat in state : I trembl'd for my bacon. Evidence o'er — oh vhat a bore ! — His eyes on me he fix'd on ; Says he to me, " Go, have a spree At the Treading Mill at Brixton'' Tol de roi, &c. Vhen I reach'd there, a surly bear. The steps he bid me mount. Sirs — From Dirty Dick, up to the kick, Ve'd a swelling black legg'd Count, Sirs. Both high and low, they have a go : Oh ! 'tis a decent pill. Sirs. They step avay, and cry all day, " The devil take the Mill, Sirs." Tol de roi, &c. I 2 ii6 THE HISTORY OF Then varning take, and keep avake. For Traps are not asleep. Sirs ; They prowl about, to find us out. Like volves do after sheep, Sirs. My life I'll change-^don't think it strange, I'll vork, that's vat I vill. Sirs, Both night and day, to keep away From the curs'd Treading Mill, Sirs, , Tol de roi, &c. In the Adelphi version of "Tom & Jerry," there is as follow:— Black Slums in the Holy Land. . Mr., J. Does any gemmen understand these here Tread Mills, that have lately got such a footing ? Jack. Silence ! Gemmen : I'm a-going to make a hobservation, Mr. Jenkins means them there Mills as makes you vork vether there's any vork or no — I can only say this here, gemmen, if them there Mills are encour aged, it von't be vorth no body's vile to exercise vone's calling — because, vy, von may as veil go and vork for vone's living at once — but the subject von't bear not no thinking on. Omnes. Not by no means. (General groans). Billy Waters. Oh, curse a de Tread Mill, me no like a de " here we go up, up, up," and " down you go down, down, down,"— an' if , you no work, a great big lump of wood come and knock you down so — (Strikes beggar on head with his fiddle, who falls down). Poor fellow, him werry sorry; TOM AND JERRY. I17 Tom and Jerry; or, Life in London. Tune. — " Picture of a Playhouse." Of Life in London, Tom, Jerry, and Logic I sing, 'Tis a subject (I hope it will please) Men and boys in my ears long time they did ding. So I determined to risk a good squeeze — To the Strand then I toddled — the mob it was great — My watch I found gone — pockets undone : I fretted, at first, and rail'd against fate. For I paid well to see " Life in London." Spoken. — " La, vel now, if I a'n't all of a perspiration, — positively, I'm in a m«/A'«f mood ;" this was uttered by a tallow chandler's fat wife. Her hubby, Mr. Wicks, cries out ' ' What the devil are you talking about melting? — for my part, I hate mention of business when I'm out on plea sure." " Come, don't be dipping in my pocket, if you please. Sir." " Vat, vat is de matter ?" " Wat ! who's talking of wats ?" " Vy , my dear Mr. Vicks, I think this man's making a reticule of me." " By the powers ! it is a very fortunate circumstance he be making a reticule for you, Ma'am, for that there young man, in the .drab great coat, has just cut yours from the chain, and put it in his pocket." " Mind what you're arter, mind your pockets." " Where are you pushing to ?" " Where am I pushing to ? I'm pushing To see Tom and Jerry, The lads who delight in A bottle of Sherry And watch to be fighting. For that's the time o' day. In the course of the piece is the parlour of Cribb, There they chaunted their songs full of glee ; In the chair sits blythe Tom, he's the real boy to fib. And he's also the boy for a spree. The street-row comes next, and is kept up so well. That I laugh'd and never wish'd the fun done. Il8 THE HISTORY OF Those who play CharUes, I'm sure they can tell What a street-row is in fam'd London. Spoken. — " La ! now, is this not a delightful picture of life I how do you like it, my dear?" "Oh Mamma, I likes it very well, only one thing is, I'm sorry I didn't bring some hapennies out of my money-box, to give the poor beggar-people." " Dear little innocent !" " Was you innocent when you was little, Mamma ?" " Yes, my love." " But, are you innocent now, Mamma ?'' "Why, yes —that is to say — as most women of my age are, my dear." "'Well, Mr. O 'Quiz, how do- you like the piece?" "Faith, now, the piece is very well, only one thing." " And what may that be, pray?" " Why, I'm not inclined to make any objection at all, at all : but, by my soul ! this is the first time I ever saw or heard of Life in St. Giles's, without an Irishman being concerned in it." " Hollo ! what is all this hubbubboo?" '¦ Why, it's the half price, pushing in To see Tom and Jerry, &c. High life and low life are correctly pourtrayed At Almack's, I mean both the East and the West. The actor's look life, they so well are arrayed, But the Back Slums to my mind is surely the best. Logic a party invites to give them a treat. The bailiff comes in and Bob's undone ; He by Nab'em i% press' d and ta'en to the Fleet, Which brings to a close Life in London. Spoken— The piece being over, .there's a grand rush to tbe doors : then, hey for the pleasures of a soaking, wet night. " Well, positively, 'pon honor, if it does'nt rain ; its enough to make any one cross when one's going out to^a ball." "Want a coach your honor?" "Yes, drive me to St. Paul's^"^ "yrh.a.t, in the name of St. Patrick, can he want at the cross and : think : Cove ,- J , ^ ^ ,^ got a cold, therefore want my hankerchief ; but, as you're so fond of dimng, I'll accommodate you- the Thames is near, and you shall have a dam'd good ducking." "All. right, Coachee." "Watch! Watch!" "Hark' the Pianos going." " Watch ! Watch !" " What's the row ?" " Oh ! nnlv ho, having seen the Charlies well ii milling them outside, and the word wil We're like Tom and Jerry, &c. I going.' " Watch ! Watch !" " What's the row ?" " Oh ' only some fancy Lads, who, having seen the Charlies well mill'd inside, have already commenced milling them outside, and the word with tbem is TOM AND JERRY. I 1 9 The following ballad is frora the " Catnach Press :" — PIERCE EGAN; OR, LIFE IN LONDON. Written by a Corinthian, and sung in Prime Twig by an Out-and-Outer. In the country, our squire Had a very large book. Which into my hands I quite often had took ; Life in London, I think. Were the name that it had. And 'twas wrote by Pierce Egan, That comical lad. Oh, Pierce Egan ! knowing Pierce Egan, You must in your time have seen wonderful fun. When I first came from country Into this great town, I laugh'd at each joke As I walked up and down ; Till three fellows I met, They were bold as could be ; And Tom, Jerry, and Logic, Say they, you now see. Oh, Pierce Egan ! &c. At night, in the street, You are sure of a row, And the Charlies are bother'd I cannot tell how ; But if to the watch-house The chaps be all taken. You'll find Egan's heroes To be there, sure as bacon. Oh, Pierce Egan &c. 120 THE HISTORY OF E'en the boys in the street Do talk flash, you must know. And the real out-and-outers Do strut to and fro ; While a gemmen in powder From none will retreat, But will peel, a coal-hedver, Or dustman to beat. Oh, Pierce Egan ! &c. And since Life in London Has been all the rage. There's nothing else now That will do for the stage ; And parsons, and tailors. And barbers likewise Go to Spring, Cribb, or Belcher, To learn to black eyes. Oh, Pierce Egan ! &c. But this I must say To my friends in this place, That chaffing and milling Does puppies disgrace ; And if they would know How such knaves may be undone, They'll read that same book Which is called Life in London. Oh, Pierce Egan ! &c. J. Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth Court, 7 Dials. TOM AND JERRY. 121 THE LAST CHARLEY. " Pity the sorrows of a poor old man." St. Giles's clock had sounded two. The moon was on the wane. And bitterly the north wind blew ; In torrents fell the rain. When like a goblin from the grave, A ghastly form appear'd. And thrice a grievous groan it gave. Thrice scratch'd its grisly beard. Tall, wretched, shiv'ring, pale and thin, It brav'd the pelting storm, Without an upper Benjamin To keep the carcase warm. Prostrate upon the flags it lay, Where Seven Dials meet ; And " Och !" it cried, " is this the way A jontleman to treat ? 122 THE HISTORY OF " I soon must haste to join the throng On Pluto's dreary coast — I've given up my spirits long. Now I'll give up the ghost. "Yes ! I must go, at fate's command. In Charon's ferry boat, And change the rattle in my hand For rattles in my throat. " That rattle which the prigs to catch Would other Charleys bring, Watchmen, we know, are like a watch — Nothing without a spring. " My lanthorn ! — and the thought, I vow. The sob of sorrow draws ; No lanthorn can I carry now, Except my lanthorn jaws, " With grief unfeign'd my heart is big — The power of utterance fails, And losing thee, my old Welsh wig. This tortur'd heart be- Wails, " My night-cap red, which this poor head Hath screeh'd from damp and dew, Like my poor cap, I've lost my nap, And I am worsted too. " Snug in my box I bore the shocks Of drunkard's jeer and scoffing ; Now the vile cough will take me off, And box me in a coflin. TOM AND JERRY. 1 23 " To thee, my pipe, my bosom yearns — Those moments, free frora pain. In which I sat and smok'd returns. Will ne'er return again. " This New Police has laid me flat — Let Christian hearts condole ; And in the mud they roll poor Pat, Who once was a Patrol. " Och ! when I think of former years. It almost drives me crazy ; Bear up, my sowl — be dry, my tears — My throbbing heart be azy. " Once I was young, but now I'm owld. Once full of fun and frisky — But now I shudder with the cowld And the devil a drop of whisky ! " He spoke, and sadly gaz'd around (The last words he could utter), Then with a mournful guttural sound, Roll'd headlong in the gutter. 10' (wholesale and retail,) ^ ^^ J Seven Dials, London. Country Orders punctually attended to. Every description of Printing on tbe most reasonable terms, Children's Books, Battledores, Pictures, &c. 124 THE HISTORY OF THE SPREES OF TOM, JERRY AND LOGIC; A New Song, of Flash, Fashion, Frolic, and Fun. COME all ye swells and sporting blades who love to see good fun, Who in the dark, to have a lark, a mile or two would run ; Here's a dish of entertainment which cannot fail to please, The rigs of Tom and Jerry, and all their jolly sprees. With their dash along, flash along, to Life and London haste away, Where sprees and rambles, larks and gambols, is the time of day. Frora Hawthorn-Hall young Jerry came to see his cousin Tom, And with his friend Bob Logic acquainted soon became. Then to cut a dash, he learns the flash, to act high life and low. And up and down through all the town at night they rambling go. In a morning at Tattersall's you may them often see, 'Mong jockies, grooms, and chaunters, a knowing company ; In the afternoon they're lounging in Burlington Arcade, And at night they're at the Opera, Ball, or Masquerade. Among the milling kiddy coves young Jerry took delight. And was always first to raise a purse to have a glorious fight. A Fancy blade he then became, and his courage ran so high. That in his room, he floor'd his groom, and black'd his valet's eye.' TOM AND JERRY. 1 25 Then off to Leicester-fields they'd march, the Strand, or Drury-lane Among the sporting ladies to carry on the game, They'd take them to a gin-shop and treat them round so civil. Then spur them on to fight and scratch each other like the devil. While rambling up and down one night they came to Temple-Bar, And to have a spree, they did agree, 'gainst the Charlies to . make war, Then in the twinkling of an eye a watch-box was upset. The Watchy roar'd till all was blue, but out he could not get. They smash'd their lanterns, kick'd their shins, and did their pipkins crack. And laid them down so neatly one by one upon their backs. The prigs and sporting ladies all joined in the row. But Jerry, Tora, and Logic by the pigs [watchmen] were ta'en in tow. Then to the Holy Land they went disguis'd from top to toe. To see the Beggar's Opera where all the Cadgers go, With Mahogany Bet they had a lark. Black Moll, and Dumpling Kate, And treated all the apple-women with a yard of tape [gin]. Now, ¦with your leave good folks I will conclude my flashy song, I hope you're entertained, and I've not detain'd you long. And Logic, Tom, and Jerry, do cordially unite. To thank you for your patronage, and wish you all Good Night. With their dash along, &c. LONDON : Printed by J. CATNACH, 2 Monmouth Court, 7 Dials. Battledores, Lotteries, and Primers sold cheap. Travellers and Shopkeepers supplied with Sheet Hymns. Patter and Slips. Songs as Cheap and Good as any Shop in London. Where an ~ Immense number of songs are always ready. 1^ Cards, &c.. Printed cheap. 126 THE HISTORY OF I'M A CONSTABLE IN MY OWN RIGHT. I'm a Constable in my own right, I think that I am of some use ; A searching by day and by night ; Correcting of every abuse. I carries my staff in my hand, My power to let the folks see ; I'm certain all over the land There's no one so busy as me. And I'm a Constable, &c. A Beggar I know by his rags, A thief I can tell by his looks ; My eyes and my nose never flags, I puts 'em down in my black books ; The blind beggars when they sees me A coming ne'er stops to stand still ; Tho' ever so lame, they walk free, Or else they would walk to the mill. For I'm a Constable, &c. The Publicans all are polite. As soon as they sees me come in, They press, and entreat, and invite To choose of rum, brandy, or gin ; But from me they gets a rebuff. The offer I always decline ; I scorns to take such vile stuff. As I never drinks nothing but wine. And I'm a Constable, &c. TOM AND JERRY. 1 27 The Watchmen don't dare go to sleep, They knows they'd be fined if they do ; Round with the Patroles I creep. Each morning between one and two. The Patrole's don't Hke it, 'tis true. But of me they all are afraid. And I'm resolved my duty to do. For I know there's sorae cash to be made. For I'm a Constable, &c. Old women who sits with the fruit. Had better not come in my claw ; I pulls 'em up ^won't let 'em do't. Because 'tis contrary to law : Such nuisances ought to be fin'd And I get a share of the pelf; My trouble I never don't mind, 'Cause I keeps a green-grocer's myself. And I'm a Constable, &c. The Watch-house owns me for its king, I reigns there without a control ; If any blackguards they bring, I sends 'em down to the black hole ; But if a gentleraan gets drunk, so free. And is brought in mayhap for a whim If he behaves genteel to me. Why I behaves genteel to him. For I'm a Constable, &c. When I sits in my chair of a night. Should any unfortunate gals 128 THE HISTORY OF Be brought in, I thinks it but right To commit 'em along with their pals. The Toms and the Jerrys I hooks. And takes them to Bow Street, next day; Tho' when very sorry they looks, I lets them off" if. they can pay. For I'm a Constable, &c. The butchers' and chandlers' shops. What used to be serving o' Sunday, So shockingly wicked, I stops ; I pulls them all up on the Monday, I shows no favours to none. My labours they seem to prove double. And thinks before I have done, I shall save Mr. Johnson some trouble. For I'm a Constable, &c. Our Parish has got a bad plan, 'Tis always to quarrel and storm ; I'm sure I shall do all I can To bring on a speedy reform : Our Overseers are all quite strange. And that any body may see ; It would make a most wonderful change, If they all were as busy as me. For I'm a Constable, &c. LONDON : Printed by GOLD and W ALTO IST, Wardour Street, Oxford Street, For T. Hudson, Kean's Head, Russell Court, Drury Lane, 1828. TOM AND JERRY. 129 When again shall we Three meet, Amongst the Swells in Regent Street ? Come soon, my boy — come with glee. For lots of Fun — another Spree! With respect to the publication of Life in London ; or, the Day and Night Scenes of Tom and Jerry. The proverbial everybody seems for the nonce to have been pleased with the work. The thirty six scenes from Real Life, designed and etched by the Brothers Cruikshank had much to do with its success, and everybody seems to have made a great deal of money out of the circumstance — save and except the author. Pierce Egan, for he very loudly and frequently, and also " cry-baby-like," declared inter alia, that he received — " more of the kicks than the halfpence" by reason of the Pirates and Thieves being ever on the alert to prig his thoughts and ideas, and that the whole, crew of them united to grab all the " lively things ! " out of his head, and so render the " cash account " at his bankers all but nugatory. Then — ''came the cry of immorality, so loudly raised by the Actor's old rivals the Religious Tract Society, the Methodists, and other sectarian parties." Yet, in spite of all that could be said or sung in the matter Pierce wrote that — " he was too game to be made a dummy of : therefore he was determined to take the leap, and have another "shy-up" and go "double or quits" with that supreme goddess of the gods FAME ! ! I and try his luck once more in the field of literature and announced the publication of his new work The Finish thus : — The AUTHOR to the READERS of " LIFE IN AND OUT of LONDON. After the lapse of Seven Years the Author has once more seized hold of the feather, and the Artist his pencil, with an earnest endeavour to follow the advice of our immortal bard, or rather adopt him as a model, "nothing to extenuate, or set down aught in raaiice ! " and : — To hold as 'twere The Mirror up to Nature ; to show" Virtue her own feature. Vice her own image, and the very age And body of the Time, its form and pressure. Then thus it is — the "glorious uncertainty" of pleasing every class of society respecting a knowledge of Life in London being essential towards tbe improvement of the junior branches of mankind ; and although contrary to the established and sapient rules of the College of Physicians, and the practice pursued by our learned friends in Westminster Hall, we are, never theless, anxious to give advice without a fee, in order to prove that, in all cases, whether connected with youih or more mature age, Pkevention is much better than Cure ; indeed, so anxious are we to set ourselves right with the public, as to our future intentions respecting this work, and that we may see our way clearly, and tread on the firmest ground, we feel inclined to , adopt the latin proverb so often quoted by Bob Logic to the unsuspecting Jerky, on his first arrival in the metropolis : — Inciditin Scyllani qui vult vitare Chary bdim. The necessity is absolute ; or, rather, an apology is required for the intro duction of the Author and Artist to the notice of reader, previous to the second appearance of those heroes — Corinthian Tom, Logic and Jerry, on the great theatre of the world ! pour quoi? to vindicate the characters of the Author and Artist from unmerited aspersion of having attempted, by the joint efforts of real tales, original anecdotes, and animated sketches, to demoralize the rising generation ; and likewise to refute the charge of having turned the heads of older folks towards the commission of acts of folly and intemperance, enough I To our task " Hark forward's the word, see the game is in view ! "^ and our exertions will be vigorously directed to establish, if possible. " Tache sans tache." Our principal aim being to realize, to the utmost extent, tbe attractive motto : — Pro Bono Publico ! Proceed, my boy, nor heed their further call. Vain bis attempts who strives to please you all ! THE FINISH TO THE ADVENTURES OF TOM, JERRY, AND LOGIC, In their Pursuits through Life In and Out of London, BY PIERCE EGAN. With numerous Coloured Illustrations by Robert CnumsHAifK. George Virtue and Co., Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row. K 2 132 the HISTORY OF The Finish to Life in London is embellished with thirty six illustrations by Robert Cruikshank, and contains XV. Chapters of letter-press matter. Tom, Jerry and Logic are again brought on the scene, and several additional characters are introduced into the work, notably &> John Blubber, Knt, a second Falstaff, without stuffing, a most facetious, jolly, good-natured soul, one of that class of persons deemed independent, and his property enabled him to " care for nobody." The adventures of the personnae in their pursuits of Life in and Out of London are fully described, and the "Finish!" of Logic, the Oxonian, and Corinthian Tom narrated as follow. CHAPTER XIV. Jerry determined to give up all thoughts of Life in London ; to retire from the Day and Night Scenes altogether. Moralises on liis late imminent danger, and almost miraculous escape from death. Logic rapidly declines in health. The Oxonian makes his Will, His advice to Jerry before his exit. Epitaph on Logic, written by the Corinthian. ********* " I liope Logic will be able to accompany us in our visit to Lord Liberal's Gallery," said Tom, when he was interrupted by the footman putting the following letter into his hand — " Aye," observed Tom to Jerry, " here is a note from Bos ; let us hear what he has to offer upon the subject : — " My dear Tom, I regret very much that my health will not permit me to accompany you and the " Young One " to view my Lord Liberal's fine gallery of paintings; a pleasure which I had TOM AND JERRY. 133 sincerely anticipated, as it is well known that his Lordship's taste respecting the fine arts, is considerably above par. But "necessitas non habet legem!" To tell you the truth, I am seriously ill, although not alarraed ; yet, I must confess, that I never felt so strangely in the whole course of my life. I think the volume is nearly spun out ; and that the Book will soon be closed for ever ! But Dr. Finish'em will not have it so, nay, he insists on the contrary, " Lots of pages" says he, " yet remain to be read;" and several Chapters must be perused, before you arrive at that emphatical word—FINIS! Be that as it may ; you are aware that doctors differ, and I do not like appearances ; yet, as we say at Oxford, forti etfideli nil difficile ! Nevertheless, I am anxious to see you, my dear friend, as soon as convenient ; and 1 wish Jerry to be your companion, as I have something to communicate to both of you, rather of a serious nature, concerning myself ; yet, I am far from labouring under un cceur contrit. Therefore tell the " Young One," I hope his person is now quite cool — that his flame is also cool ; and instead of lamenting over the — &c., &c. — I am happy to hear he is Mens satia in corpore sano : — I remain, my dear Tom, Yours, truly, Corinthian Tom, Esq, Robert Logic. "There's something behind this letter that I do not like," said Tom ; " Bob is very ill, you may rely upon it, or else he would not be so pressing for us to visit him." " Yes, I am afraid it is too true," replied Jerry ; but let us hope he is not so bad, neither, as you perceive, he is joking about my late affair." " Joke with you ! " echoed Tom, " I expect Logic will die with 2ijoke in his mouth, he is so fond oi punning? But we will lose no time, as I am anxious to ascertain the true cause of his illness." Upon the arrival of our heroes at the apartments of Logic, they found him sitting at a table, in his arra chair, with pens 134 THE HISTORY OF and ink before hira : his countenance most woefully changed for the worse. Indeed, Tom and Jerry were quite shocked with his altered appearance in so short a time. He endeavoured to smile upon them, as usual ; but it savoured more of the "ghastly!" than that sort of enlivening humour which so generally imparted animation to his cheerful face. " I am very glad to see you, ray boys," said he, " before I start on my long journey, which I have been preparing for these last five or six days." " I was not aware you had any such inten tion," answered Tom ; " but may I ask, where are you going ? " " To that bourne from whence no traveller returns ! " replied Logic, accompanied by a most penetrating look at the Corinthian. " Dr. Finish'em has given me my quietus, like an honest fellow. On feeling my pulse, he observed — " Your ^w/r-^/a^j- is almost run out ! Tempus fugit ! Therefore, what you have to do, let it be done quickly, or else it will not be done at all ! Old Bolus, too, was rather funny with me on the occasion ; " I know," said he, " your Will was always good to serve everybody ; therefore, Mr. Logic, have a good WILL now towards your friends." I took Pill and Potions advice, and the few hours allotted to me I have made the best use of that I possibly could; and here is my WILL for your approba tion." The tear started down Tom's cheek, and Jerry was much affected by the unexpected circumstance. " I sincerely hope it is not so bad as you apprehend," said Tom. " Yes, my dear friends,'' replied Logic, " it is all over with me. I have suffered severely from an inflammation in my bowels ; but the pain has subsided, and that is the sign of approaching death. TOM AND JERRY. 1 35 You will perceive, on looking over my TESTAMENT,* that I have not adhered to any of the technical terras of lawyers, being well aware that the distribution of my property will never puzzle the pericranium of the Lord Chancellor, or occasion a row among the learned brethren, to obtain a brief upon the subject ; and if I have not raade rayself perfectly intelligible, I hope you will now point out any errors that may appear to you, in order to avoid disputes hereafter. It is true, I have no blunt to leave you, my Jjoys, but several tiotes, which I hope, will always bear an interest, and prove as valuable to you in the hour of need — as cash ! You will, my dear Tom> as my last request, read it aloiid, for the approbation of my friend Jerry." the LAST WORDS AND TESTAMENT OF ROBERT LOGIC. Being wide awake — my upper story in perfect repair — and down to what I am about — I have seized hold of the feather, with a firm hand, to render myself intelligible, and also to com municate the objects I have in view; I give and bequeath unto my friend, Jerry Hawthorn, Esq., my tile, my castor, my topper, my upper-crust, my pimple coverer, otherwise my HAT, which, I hope, will never be the means of changing the appear ance of " an old friend with a new face." To my out and-out friend and companion, Corinthian Tom, I give my spread, my summer-cabbage, my water-plant, but more generally under stood as my Umbrella ; who, I feel assured will never let it * Testament, is perfectly correct. The words will and testament are generally used indiscriminately ; but they are not words exactly of the same import. A will, is properly limited to land ; a testament, to personal estate, as money, furniture, &c., &c. X36 THE HISTORY QF be made use of as a shelter for duplicity, ingratitude, or hum- buggery of any sort ! Also, to Jerry Hawthorn, Esq., I resign ray fam-snatchers, i.e., my Gloves, under the consideration, if ever he should part with thera, that they are only to be worn by those persons, who have "a hand to give, and a heart that forgives !" Likewise to Jerry Hawthorn, Esq., I bequeath ray four-eyes, my barnacles, ray green-specs, but araongst, opticians, denominated Spectacles. It is my sincere wish, that nothing green will be ever seen appertaining to them, except their colour; I also hope they will not, upon any occasion whatever magnify Trifles into diffitulties : but enable the wearer to see his way through Life as clear as crystal! I press upon Jerry Hawthorn, Esq., his acceptance of my fogle, ray wi/^e, my clout, my sneezer, politely termed a Silk Handkerchief. This article has often been used to wipe off a tear of pity, and always forthcoming at a tale of distress ; may it ever be at hand on such Christian-like occasions ! To Philip Timothy Splinter, Esq., I bequeath my upper tog, my Benjaman, my wrapper, generally called a Top Coat, with the advice, that however it may be mended and mended again, he will never let it be turned against unavoidable misfortune, and charity. My ticker, my tatler, my thimble, otherwise my Watch, I bequeath to Jerry Hawthorn, Esq., as an emblematical gift to keep Time upon all occasions — to remember its inestiraable value, and also to recollect that he will, some day or another, be wound-up for the last tifne. My two Se.als I give conjointly to my most valued and dear friends, Corinthian Tom and Jerry Haw'thorn, Esqrs., in order, if possible, that the bonds of friendship may be more firmly sealed between them, to the end of their lives. To Miss Mary Rosebud, I give and bequeath TOM AND JERRY. 1 37 my Diamond Ring, as a representative of her excellent brilliant qualities, and also as a golden fence, to secure her virtue, repu tation, and dignity. To my worthy friend, Sir John Blubber, Knt I give and bequeath vay padders, my stampers, my buckets, otherwise my Boots, whose knowledge of mankind, united with kindness towards the failings of others, teaches hira to tread lightly o'er the ashes of the dead ! To prevent raistakes re specting my Bit, I have not a bit to leave ; it having been with me, for some time past — Pockets to Let, unfurnished ; Sic transit gloria mundi! But nevertheless, I trust I have always proved amicus humani generis ! My Books having been long booked for their value, and afforded me consolation and support 'in the hour of need — I, therefore, leave as I found it, for other folks to bustle in, that Great Volume— the World I which upon all occasions, was my sheet-anchor ! assisted by the follow ing good old maxims, as my guide : — Tempus edax rerum. — Time that devours all things. Vincit Veritas. — Truth conquors. Principiis obsta. — Resist the first beginnings. Vitiis nemo sine nascitur. — No man without his faults. Spes mea in Deo. — My hope is in God. Spero meliora. — I hope for better things. Robert Logic. Tom and Jerry were both considerably affected at the kind ness displayed towards them by the Oxonian ; and had it been at any other time, the singularity of the above Testament would have produced much laughter between them ; at all events, it convinced them that Logic still preserved his character for originality. Three proper witnesses, disinterested persons. 138 the history of belonging to the house, were instantly called in to sign it, when the Testament, in the eye of the law, became a valid document. " My dear Jerry," said Logic, as we must soon part, I had intended to offer a few remarks for your consideration ; but, finding that my strength will not second ray intentions, I shall be very concise on the raatter : you raust perceive that the comical part of my career is at an end, and you are well aware •that I always was a merry fellow; but, as Mercutio says, I shall' be found a grave man to-morrow. Endeavour, then, " To do unto all men, as you would they should do unto you," and you will not be a great way off the right path to happiness. I feel myself very faint ; my breath getting short ; and having settled everything to my satisfaction, have the kindness to assist me into bed, that I may die like a Christian — contented, and in peace with all mankind ! Tom, give me your hand ; Jerry, yours likewise — I grasp them both with sincerity ! " Then looking them full in the face ; with a placid sraile on his coun tenance, his last words were — " God bless you ! " His lip fell; his eyes lost their brilliancy ; and the once- merry, lively, face tious, friendly Logic, was now nurabered with the dead 1 TOM and jerry. 139 For several days, our heroes were absorbed in grief, at the sudden loss of their much-admired and valued friend; and Corinthian House, for a long time after the decease of the Oxonian, was dull in the , extreme. The funeral of Logic, under the direction of Tom, was of the raost splendid descrip tion ; and a handsorae raonument was also erected by his order, bearing the following inscription : — Was erected in remerabrance of ROBERT LOGIC, Esq., Who was viewed throughout the circle of his acquaintances as A MAN, In every sense of the word,. Valuable as Gold ! Mirth and Good Humour were always at his elbows ; but DULL CARE Was never allowed a seat in his presence. He played the flrst flddle in all companies, and was never out of tune : Bob was a wit of the first quahty ; But his Satire was general, and levelled against the follies of mankind : Personality and Scandal he disclaimed : His exertions were always directed to njake others happy. As a Choice Spirit, he was unequalled ; An das a Sincere Friend, never excelled; but in his character of a MAN OF THE WORLD, Bob Logic was a Mirror to all his Companions. 140 THE HISTORY OF Mankind had been his study ; and he had perused the Great '§00l of %\f£ With superior advantages ; and his Commentaries on Men and Manners Displayed not only an enlarged mind ; but his Opinions were gentlemanly and liberal. His intimate knowledge of Vice had preserved him from being Vicious. By which source he was able to discriminate with effect ; and Virtue appeared more beautiful in his eyes. Truth was his polar star ; and Integrity his sheet anchor. Adversity could not reduce his noble mind. And Prosperity was not suffered to play tricks with his feelings ; HE WAS A MAN UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES ! Flattery he despised ; while Candour obtained his respect ; and the corner stone of his character was — Sincerity. He was charitable, but not ostentatious, and a well-wisher to all the world. His Friends, TOM AND JERRY, Lamenting his severe loss in society, trust, that upon the ' AWFUL, DAY OF RECKONING, The Great Auditor of Accounts will find his Balance Sheet correct, {errors excepted) : And as the whole tenour of Bob Logic's life had been A Volume OF Pleasure they sincerely hope it will be Well Bound at the last 1 TOM AND JERRY 141 CHAPTER XV. " There is no place like Home ! " Jerry bids adieu to Life in London, and sets out, with the Corinthian, for Haw thorn Hall. Rosebud Cottage in sight, the Church in perspective, and a good lookout towards the High Road to Matrimony. Uncertainty of existence: sorrow succeeding sorrow : TOM killed by a fall from his horse while hunting. Jerry disconsolate for the loss of his two Pals. Reflections on the death of ihe Corinthian, and a few Lines to his Memory. Grieving' s a folly! Thoughts on Marriage: popping the Question — the bit of Gold — the reluctant NO — YES! — Oi.V) ^ouLysov an importafit feature. The Wedding Day — all happiness at Hawthorn Hall — Jerry and Mary Rosebud united. The tie-up of the Story, i.e., to promote Life in the Country. The sudden death of Logic made quite a chasm in the movements of Tom and Jerry ; indeed he had been the prin cipal caterer for their amuseraents, and our heroes were not only in grief for his loss, but reduced completely to a stand-still without him. It is true ; Jerry had previously made up his mind to quit London, but the sudden demise of the Oxonian positively hurried hira out of town. The Metropolis had lost its attractions upon the feelings of Jerry, and he flattered him self that the neighbourhood of Hawthorn Hall, the sports of the field, and the fascinating company of Miss Rosebud, would, in a great measure, afford relief to his mind, and ultimately 142 . THE history of restore him to cheerfulness. The parents of Jerry were over joyed in beholding their darling son once more safe under their roof, and the Corinthian also received the most friendly con gratulations on his arrival at Hawthorn Hall. The sombre appearance of our heroes, who were in deep mourning for the Oxonian, operated as a great drawback to the festivities which under different circumstances, had been intended to celebrate their reception ; indeed, at every step they took, the loss of Logic was sincerely regretted by all those persons who had ranked hira as one of their best acquaintances, during his last appearance at Hawthorn Hall. " To me, the loss of Logic is incalculable," said Jerry, to his father ; " he was not only able to advise, but his manner of doing it was so persuasive, that it was impossible not to benefit by his experience ; more especi ally at my time of life, when such experience was by far more valuable to my mind, than any knowledge I might have obtained of men and manners, through my own exertions!" Our hero lost no tirae in visiting Rosebud Cottage. On his entrance he was welcomed by the father of our heroine with no common sort of ardour ; but, on his being ushered into the presence of Mary Rosebud, he felt confused, nay, ashamed ; her looks, although accompanied with a smile, nevertheless told him that he had been neglectful towards her, during his re sidence in London, and she gently chided him for his want of attention. "I ara afraid, Sir," said she, "it has been with you Hke most professed lovers, ' out of sight, out of mind.' " Jerry could not reply ; his excuses were lame and impotent ; indeed, he was aware that he was in fault, and, therefore, sensibly threw himself upon the raercy of the Court, and sued in the most per suasive manner for pardon. The good nature of Mary, aided TOM AND JERRY. 1 43 by a little of something else — perhaps, love — could not resist the application ; and she generously admitted that some allow ance might be raade for him, when surrounded by the attractions of London. " Generous girl !" exclairaed Jerry, " the remain der of my life shall be devoted to your happiness." Jerry being now perfectly established in the good opinion of Miss Rosebud, became doubly attentive in his visits ; when the minutes, the hours, the days, nay, the weeks almost appeared to fly, so fascinated was Jerry with the corapany and attractions of our charming heroine. In truth, the time of Jerry was completely occupied with hunting, dinners, card-parties, assem blies, &c., accompanied by Tom ; and his life appeared so happy, that he congratulated himself on his return to the seat of his father, also upon the hair-breadth escapes he had met with, during his Day and Night Scenes in London. During a walk one fine evening, and Hawthorn Church ap pearing in view, Jerry was determined to make the best use of the opportunity which offered itself, by soliciting Mary Rose BUD to name the day that was to complete his happiness. " I have always promised my father," replied Mary, with the utmost frankness, "that he should name the wedding-day ; therefore, gain his consent, and you will have no complaint to make against my decision." " I will be your father upon that joyful occasion," said the Corinthian. " if you will permit me, my dear Miss Rosebud, as I am very anxious to bestow on my friend Jerry one of the greatest treasures in this life, — a most amiable com panion and virtuous wife." Miss Rosebud blushed at the remark, but nevertheless felt pleased with the compliment paid T44 THE HISTORY OF by the Corinthian ; and the subject was dropped until they arrived at Rosebud Cottage. The father of our heroine, on being made acquainted with the wishes of the young folks, ob served, " I am quite content ; and I sincerely hope they will prove one of the happiest couples alive. • Therefore, let the settlements be drawn immediately, the licence procured without delay, the dresses made off hand, our friends invited in good time, and Old Jollyboy requested to hold hiraself in readiness. Now, having settled this marriage business to my mind, let us have a jolly evening together, before we part; and to-morrow, Jerry, what do you say to a da/s hunting ? And your cousin, Tom, I have no doubt, will make one of the party." " It will afford me great pleasure," replied the Corinthian ; " and we will be in time to start with you." The evening was spent in great jollity. — "The single married, and the married happy,'' were toasted over and over again by the party, until Jerry be came as lively as a lark. Old Rosebud roaring out tlie view halloo ! The Corinthian quite merry and facetious, and Old Jollyboy rather above par, hiccoughing, every now and then, with an atterapt to pun, that he was "fond of (a) good living!" Our heroes were ready at the appointed time to take the field with Old Rosebud; the latter fox-hunter was in high glee with the excellence of the day's sport, Jerry equally delighted, and Tom had just declared he had not been so pleased for a long time ; biit, unfortunately for him, in his bold endeavour to clear some high palings, his horse fell with hira, and he was thrown some distance. On being raised from the ground, it was discovered that his neck was dislocated, and he ex^jired instantly. Upon Jerry's ascertaining the fate of the TOM AND JERRY. 1 45 Corinthian, his feelings were so completely overcome, that he fell down in a fit quite senseless. To describe the wretched state of mind which Jerry suffered for several days, at the unexpected accident and melancholy death of his dearest friend in the world would have baffled the poet's skill and the painter's talents to pourtray — the shock was so sudden, and the loss to our hero so great, that it was impos sible to have been otherwise ; just at the moment when happi ness appeared to be within his grasp, and he was also slowly recovering from the serious eff'ects which the death of Logic had also made upon his feelings, to have met with such an immense blow — the death of Corinthian Tom — shattered his nerves all to pieces, and anything in the shape of consolation appeared to him officious, troublesome, and unavailing ! Ulti mately, by the soothing attention df Miss Rosebud, the frierjdly interference of the old fox hunter, her father, the unremitting kindness of his parents, and the cheering, good advice of Old Jollyboy, by degrees he was restored to a state of convalescence. From " Gay to grave" was now the reversed scene for the contemplation of our hero, and the old proverb verified to an awful extent, " that many things happen between the cup and the hp ;" the marriage rites were now suspended to make way for the performance of the burial service. The reraains of the Corinthian were conveyed to town with the utraost solemnity, and interred in the family vault, with all those obsequies due to his rank ; and although Jerry reraained extremely ill, and scarcely able to stand upon his legs, yet he was determined, at all hazards, to pay the last respect to his most valued friend and relative, Corinthian Tom, by his appearance at the funeral in the character of chief itiourhef; 'Jerry did not quit thh Metro- L the HISTORY OF poUs until he had settled every thing to his satisfaction respecting the interment of the Corinthian. Upon the return of Jerry to Hawthorn Hall, several days elapsed before anything Uke pleasure occupied his mind ; he positively refused to quit the house, and he also shunned the society of his acquaintances. " It requires no common fortitude," observed Jerry, to Old Jollyboy, " to bear up against the loss of two such invaluable friends as Tom and Logic, snatched, as it were, in an instant from me, when I stood most in need of their assistance, and to whom I am principally indebted for the knowledge of mankind which I now possess. In Logic, I have lost a model of ex perience, a fund of talent, and a heart overflowing with the milk of human kindness. By the death of Tom, I shall heavily miss that urbanity, discernment and liberality, which highly distinguishes the polished, and thorough-bred gentleman. I am now left to decide for myself; but, nevertheless, I hope I shall sincerely profit by their example. Appearances, I am per fectly aware might be against both of their characters with the fastidious part of society, yet hypocrisy, carit, humbug, or dis^ simulation, never disgraced their conduct : a love of honour shone conspicuously throughout their actions, and, by an acknowledgment of their own errors, displayed a noble gene rosity towards the faults of others. They taught me not to spend time in regretting any mistakes that I had made, but to exert myself upon every occasion to repair them. This maxim shall be my guide through life — I will not repine, but struggle with fortitude against unavoidable calamities, and endeavour to make myself happy under, all circumstances of my existences." Jerry immediately gave orders for a very handsome stone to TOM AND JERRY. 1 47 be placed in the most conspicuous situation near to the spot where Corinthian Tom lost his life, with the following inscrip tion engraved upon it ; — Near to this Spot of Earth, Lost his Life by a Fall frora his Horse while Hunting, CORINTHIAN TOM, One of the highest-bred creatures in the Universe, and who got over the ground like nothing else but A GOOD one : In the walks of fashion, he was a Corinthian ; Amongst the Bloods, a bon vivant ; On the Turf a real Sportsman; in the Chase, an Out and-OuTER; And in his deportment to every person A PERFECT GENTLEMAN ! If he could not put in a positive claim to the title of The Rose and Pillar of the State. No man in the world ever possessed the Suaviter in Modo and Fortiter, in re In a more eminent degree than This Remembrance has been erected by his Relative and sinceire Friend JERRY HAWTHORN, Esq., Under the hope, that when he hears the Last View Halloo ! His Pedigree maybe found sound ; his Race complete, by Winning the Happy Stakes ; and nothing against him Noted down in the L 2 148 the history of " I adrait your loss has been great, and I also admire the tenour of your argument," observed Mr. Rosbeud, "but, nevertheless, ' grieving's a folly ;' there is a time for every thing, as my friend Old Jollyboy would have observed, therefore, Jerry, having done every thing becoming the character of a sincere friend, I think you ought now to turn to a more pleasant view of the picture, and once more give your acquaintances the benefit of your company." " Good !" exclaimed Old Jollyboy ; " for some time past, I have been holding myself in readiness to receive a summons to perform a certain ceremony, without Squire Hawthorn has given up the marriage altogether. All in good time perhaps !" The trifling hint was quite sufficient, and Jerry, lest his conduct should be thought cold or neglectful, presented himself, in the course of the morning, "for better or for worse," to Miss Rosebud, at the Cottage, anxiously soliciting her to name the wedding day. The disposition of Mary Rosebud was of the most ingenious nature, and her attachraent to our hero too great to keep hira long in suspense. " Perhaps, Sir," said Mary, " I ought to say ' No ! ' — and insist upon more time, to enable me to form a correct opinion of your conduct, whether you have duly considered the serious and important charge of martrimony. arid the confinement also attendant on such a state ; and, like wise, freely consenting, as it is termed, to surrender a part of your liberty, before I say ' Yes.' ' But I prefer being frank on the present occasion ; and, relying on your honour, generosity, ' and true love, I am content, whenever my father shall think proper to name the day." " Generous, amiable girl," replied Jerry, " I have well considered the subject, in every point of view ; but I will make no professions : yet my endeavours TOM AND JERRY. 149 throughout my Ufe, shall be to straigthen, what the Poet has so beautifully described, the " Perpetual fountain of domestic sweets." The day was immediately fixed for the nuptials by Mr. Rosebud ; the marriage ceremony was perforraed by Old Jollyboy, and when Miss Rosebud answered "I will !" the old Curate was so full ol joy, that the word " Good !" had almost escaped his Ups, The estates of the Rosebuds and the Hawthorns were united, and Mary and Jerry made the happiest of the happy. The wedding-day was 'devoted to plea sure. " It shall be kept in the old style," said Jerry's father ; " every body, shall be welcome ; we will have a dance upon the green ; all the lads and lasses in the village shall be invited to celebrate the wedding; we will broach a tub of ^humming bub ! ! ' and nothing shall be wanting to promote mirth and harmony." " Good !" said Old Jollyboy, over his pipe ; but, long before the approach of night, the " gaily circulating glass " had been pushed about by Old Hawthorn to all the company — that, suffice to observe ; as we have too much respect for the cloth to tell tales, the fine old Curate required the assistance of "Amen," the clerk, to make Jollyboy " all right " at the Curacy. The honey-moon was, of course, a raptuous one ; after which Jerry might be viewed as a " settled being.'' Time rolled over pleasantly with him and his bride ; and the sports of the field, if possible, he enjoyed with greater zest than heretofore. His fire-side was a pattem of domestic comfort, although a sigh would now and then escape his lips, whenever the thoughts of Tom and Logic came over his mind. In every other respect, Jerry was a picture of contentment ; determined to profit by 150 THE HISTORY OF his experience, and to turn to a good account, for the benefit of himself and his family, the many hair-breadth escapes and dangerous adventures he had met with in his Day and Night Scenes in Life in London. He was the delight of all the companies he visited in the neighbourhood of Hawthorn Hall ; his general conduct was the praise of the surrounding gentry, and he was adraitted, by all parties, to sustain the character of a perfect Country Gentleman. We now take our leave of Jerry, " all happiness," with his amiable wife, a fine estate, a capital stud of horses, and a crack pack of hounds, to promote — LIFE IN THE COUNTRY. The End. KEY TO PERSONS AND PLACES, &c. ^it-ZVWWWvw.. A. B.C. — Any easy matter, the A. B.C. of the affair, i.e., the whole of the particnlars can be compiehended as soon, or as easy as you can say A.B.C. :— Then comes answer like A.B.C. book. — Shakespeare. "Above Board. — In open sight, all fair and square, dealing without artifice or trick. Above Par — Tolerably drunk — also to be possessed of money beyond one's actual expenses — plenty of the needful — lots of llutit \ — able to post- the-pony — lay down the ray ! — chink the ochre ! &c., in case of laying a wager or making an investment. Ace of Spades. — A widow. Adelphi.— Greek for brothers: several streets on the south side of the Strand, London, erected about 1768 by the brothers, John, Eobert, James, and William Adam, after whom the streets are named. Adelphi Theatre. — Formerly called tbe Sans Parcil, opened under the management of Mr. and Miss Scott, 27 Nov., 1806. Messrs. Rodwell and Jones purchased the property and opened on Monday, Oct. 18, 1819, and issued the first playbill bearing the name of "Adelphi Theatre." Messrs. Mathews and Yates became managers, Sept. 29, 1828 — Mr. Charles Mathews — Mathews at Borne — died the 28th of June, 1835. The theatre was then let for the remainder of the season to Messrs. Ephraim Bond and 154 A vocabulary Company, and announced to be "under the management of Mrs. Nisbett." After that Mr. Yates had the sole management. In 1840 Messrs, Yates and Gladstone were the proprietors. Mr. Benjamin Webster became lessee, and Madame Celeste directress, 1844. The theatre was re-built and opened, with improved arrangements 27 Dec, 1858, as The New Adelphi. In 1870 it was announced that while Mr. Ben. Webster was sole proprietor, Mr. Webster and Mr. F. B. Chatterton were joint managers. After several changes Messrs. A. and S. Gatti became sole proprietors and managers. Air and Exercise. — Or, Shoving the tumbler. Being whipped at the , cart's tail. Alderman. — A turkey. Alderman in chains, a roast turkey well-stuffed and garnished with pork sausages ; the latter emblematical of the gold chain worn by that civic dignitary. Ale Draper. — The alehouse-keeper ; a rum cull, a squirt quester. Ale spinner, a brewer or publican. Alive, — Active, smart, to be ever on the alert. Alive to the subject; the game, the fact , or to any circumstance. Tom's alive to his own interest, let him alone for that ; he's wide-a-wake ! All Hands to the Pump. — All force concentrated to one spot, All-Max in the East, — Open to all influenced by none — was held at the Coach and Horses public-house. Nightingale-lane, East Smithfield, and was frequented by most of the Wapping elegantes. Blue Ruin and reels were generally the order — rather the rfia order of the evening. All Out.— The whole of the reckoning. " How stands the great account t'wixt me and vengeance ! " Almack's. — Aristocratic exclusiveness. A ball given by the highest nobility. Almack's means properly a suite of assembly rooms in King Street, St. James's, London, built in 1765 by a Scotchman named Maoall, who inverted his name to obviate all prejudice and hide his origin. Balls, pre sided over by a comraittee of ladies of the highest rank, used to be given in these rooms ; and to be admitted to them was as great a distinction as to be introduced at Court. The rooms are now called Willis's from the present proprietor. If once to Almack's you belong. Like Moi^arch's, you can do 710 wrong ; But banished thence on Wednesday night, By Jove, you can do nothing right Alone. — A knowing one may be trusted " Alone " by reason of his ex perience in worldly matters. Angelics. — young ladies. N.B. Unmarried ! Annointed. — Knowing, ripe for mischief, full of courage and energy for any desperate exploit. Apartments to Let. — It is said that the " widow's cap," denotes that there are Apartments to Let ! Also of au empty-headed or shallow-cove. AND GLOSSARY. 155 Argument. — The best of the. Any man with a pair of leather lungs has the best ot an argument at a tavern, unless there be an other present who can lay heavy sums whioh are quite uncoverable that his opinion or assertion is correct. A stable-keeper being beaten in argument by one of the leather- lunged breed, produced a large roll of bank-notes and a handful of sovereigns, smacking them down on the table exclaiming, " There you ^^— look at that ; if I am a fool my money's none. That beats you ! " Arm Pits.— To work undei- the armpits, is to practise only suoh depreda tions as will amount on conviction to transportation. By following this course and system, a thief avoids the halter, or neck-squeezer ! which certainly is applied above the arm pits. Arm Props. — Crutches. — Go it ye cripples crutches are cheap. Astley's Amphitheatre. — Was built and opened by Philip Astley, 1773. Astronomer. — A star-gazer, A horse that carries his head high-up iu the air. At Fault, — At a loss ; not knowing iu what direction to proceed, like dogs ¦who have lost scent of a hare or fox. This sporting phrase is often used, figuratively to signify that a man has been defeated iu his pursuits, and does not know how to extricate himself from difficulty. At Home. — To Provincials, this phrase may operate rather as a sort of paradox — as houses and persons, in general are robbed not " at home " but when the parties are abroad. Awake. — Knowing ; acquainted with, aware of, or knowing what is going on. Awake to the move, aware of the proceedings ; Stow the books, the culls are awake. Hide the cards, the persons know what we intend to do. This word is used on many occasions, and in most situations of life, being ex pressive of attention. B. Babes in the Wood. — Persons confined in the stocks or pillory, said also of dice. Babes of Grace. — Puritanical, sanctified -locking persons ; also drunken psalm-smiting cobblers. Back-slums. — Beggars' meeting places ; Dyot Street, St. Giles' ; Kent Street, in the Borough, &c. The expression applies to all Metropolitan receptacles of mendicants, prostitutes, thieves, and rogues of every degree to get a night's lodging. Back Slummers, dirty, common, low, aud vagrant people who reside in the Back-slums, Bag the Swag. — Pocket, or put into a bag, the plunder, or hide the stolen property. Baked. — Done up, exhausted, tired out, " }f^hen I got to the top of the hilt I was regularly— .5a*erf!" — Soft-bakedia also employed to persons who lack worldly wisdom. IS6 A VOCABULARY Baker, Charles. — Comedian, died November 26, 1844. Bang-up. — Quite right, the thing I the go! done complete, in haudsomu style, quite fashionable, at the top of the mode. Bank. — A snug and secure place to deposit plunder ; Bank the rag, to take care of money. Barbers' Clerks. — Shopmen, and poor ill-paid and half-starved appren tices, or conceited ignorant shop-boys. Barking Irons. — Pistols, from the explosions being supposed to resemble the barking of a dog. Baron Nab'em.— Otherwise Nicholas Boeeowbodt. The individual ' bearing this name who devotes his attentions to Logic, in his moments of retire ment, is Mr. James Scares, more familiarly termed Jemmy Scares ; well- known in the sporting world, particularly among the friends and supporters of the Ming, and long the President of the Daffy Club, a society held at Belcher's, the Castle Tavern, Holborn. Events have occurred to prevent his occupying so prominent a place, as formerly, in the list of milling amateurs : but his open heartedness, his native humour, his liberal temper, and convivial disposition , will long be remembered with pleasure, by the numerous pals, who were wont to surround him. Barrymore, W. — Comedian, died in America, November 24, 1846. Baxter's Hats. — A celebrated Topper-maker to the Pancy. Formerly in high repute with the amateurs, in respect to giving the knowledge-box au important look ! Beaks. — Justices, from their former oormorantish qualities — " Your vulture hath a devil of a beak ! " But things are different. The Magistrates of the present day, that is the Metropolitan ones, are, with some few excep tions an honour to the Bench. Beaksmen, constables, or police officers. Beat. — A watchman's walk, the district in which he is licensed to beat at will all Her Majesty's peaceable and loving subjects. Beaver. — A hat ; probably from generally possessing very little beaver. My last beaver turned out to be all silk, as Jack Bannister said, " The loss was felt " : — I cleft his heaver with a downright blow. — Shakespeare. Beeswax. —Cheese, generally Gloucester, from the similarity between them — "Lets have a twopenny burster, half a quartern o' beesvax, an ha'p'oth o' ingens, and a dollop o' salt along vith it, vill you ?" — Busty Bob. Beggars. — Our street beggars have existed from time immemorial ; their profession had become, in some measure, sanctioned by long tolerance. Tbey were a merry, ingenious, persevering, and almost innoxious race. They are associated with our earliest recollections ; like Springlove in Beome's health ful and truly old English opera, " The Jovial Crew ! " we at certain seasons feel almost a yearning to join them. Their wild free life, their careless revelry, present charms to us in retrospection, to which we are not wholly proof! — we think upon the " Beggar's Bush," of those twin stars Beaumont and Flbtcheb. Classic reooUeotions bring Belisarius with his "Bate AND GLOSSARY. 157 Obolum " to our mind. Bamftlde Mooke Carew ; Sir Simon Montfoed, The Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green; King Cophueta, who loved the Beggar Maid, the valiant beggar who beat the redoubted Robin Hood to a standstill are among the most favourite heroes of our childhood. The race whose cause we are attempting to advocate, had at least the claim of destitu tion on our attention ; as Lnbin Log has it, our bounty was at all events " hobtional." But what shall we say of the wealthy and the great, who have become beggars upon the public purse for the purpose of putting these their now persecuted rivals down? They have no claim, no excuse — away with them — shame on snch monopoly ! Beggar's Opera.^There were two public-houses in Church Lane, St. Giles's ; chiefly supported by beggars, one, called the Beggar's Opera, which was the Rose and Crown, and the other the Robin Hood — at both of which Noah Ark Societies — that is " Motley -Crew Societies — were held. The number that frequented these houses at various times, waa computed to be from two to three hundred, and the receipts at a moderate calculation could not be less than from three to five shillings a day each person, frequently more. Bellamy, William. — Bass Singer, died January 3, 1843, aged 74. Belch. — All sorts of malt liquor, beer and porter being apt to cause un comfortable eructations : — The bitterness of it I now belch forth from my heart, — Shakespeare. Belcher. — A large red neckerchief spotted with yellow and black, and first worn by Jem Belcher the famous pugilist, 1781 — 1811. "The Kiddy flashes his Belcher!' Tom Belcher's colour was yellow, with white and black spots. Bell's Life in London.— And Sporting Chroniole, a rich Repository of Fashion, Wit, and Bumour, and the interesting Incidents of Real Life: — -Was founded March 3, 1822, by Air. John Bell, one of the most spirited publishers of his time, aud the printer and proprietor of '' Bell's Edition of Plays," -"Bell's Edition of the Poets,"—" Bell's Weekly Messenger," &c., &o. Mr. Vincent Dowling, was first installed Editor August, 1824. On Sunday, November 4, 1827, it was publicly announced that — " Pierce Esan's Life in London and Sporting Guide" is this day incorporated with " Bell's Life in London." All communications for the Editor, therefore, are requested to be transmitted, in future, to the Office, No.' 169, Strand . . . Let it not be forgotten, that " Bell's Life in London," is the I'argest, and best, and the cheapest, Sporting Journal in the Kingdom, " Compare and Judge." ^^ " The Price is but Sevenpenoe." — " Mr. Vincent Dowling, the Editor, was well known in the Sporting World and in him the Fancy found a sincere friend. He is a most excellent companion ; cheerful, witty , and satirical at all times, but, in the latter display of his talents, the feather appears more than the razor — he tickles his adversaries, rather than wounds their feelings " — Pierce Egan. — A service of plate value 100 gs. was presented to Mr. Vincent Dowling, at the Castle Tavern, Holborn, July 18, 1833. Beef.— To cry Beef is to give the alarm. — " A mot in the regency below, bolted out into the hairy and cried beef on us ; just as ve had sacked the swag ; 158 A VOCABULARY so Tim Snooks who vos vide awake in the rum pad in front ; giv'd us the office to scarper ! and ve cut like blazes ! Squinting Bill piked through the glaze, and vos out of sight in less than no time, and I got over the balcony, and slides down the vater shoot, and makes good my hexit, but leaving all the tools and tbe swag behind in the old coveys snoozing-ken." Beer and Britannia. — What two ideas are more inseparable than Beee and Britannia P What event more awfully important to an English colony than the erection of its first brewhouse ? : — Beer ! Boys, Beer ! all over town and country, Beer ! Boys, Beer ! with pewter pot in hand ; Beer ! Boys, Beer ! for all who don t mind labour. Beer ! Boys, Beer ! who a gallon's going to stand Big ones. — Men of consequence : such as Tom Cribb, — The Duke of Wellington, — John Jackson, — The Lord Chancellor, — John Gully, — The Chancellor of the Exchequer, — Tom Spring, — ^The Master of the Rolls, &c. Big Wigs.— Judges, &c., : — " The wisdom's in the wig!" If you doubt it, play the part of Paul Pry for half-an-hour in any of the Courts of Law, or ask the Vice-Chancellor. You'll soon be convinced. Bilk the Schoolmaster. — Not to stand your regulars, i.e., not to pay for being let into the secret. Billing and Cooing. — Courting ; the two sexes humbugging one anoiheTC— faking the sweetner, kissing, &o. •.—'Wha.lhiMmg again'!— Skakespexn. Bill of Sale. — A widow's weeds. Billy. — The cant term for a silk pocket handkerchief. Billy Buzman. — A class of pickpockets who confine their attention ex clusively to silk pocket handkerchiefs. In thieving as in other professions and arts of life in this highly civilized age, "Division of Labour," as political economists term it, is particularly attended to in the London School of gonnofs, not only for the sake of convenience, but from the well-known prin ciple that "Practice makes perfect." Accordingly, it would be considered as untradesman-like for a Billy Buzman to go out of his own line of business, as for an ironmonger to sell treacle, or a silk mercer to deal in or sell neat's foot oil. Bird-cage. — Small country watch-houses, or gaols. Come, let's away to prison ; we two alone will sing like birds i' the cage : — Shakespeare. Birds of Prey. — Lawyers. — The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.- Jack Cade. Bit. — ^Taken in, one half the world bite the other. Also money of any kind or quantity. Queer-bit, bad money. Bum-bit, good money. "He grabbed the Cull's-bit," He seized the man's money. Bit of Cavalry. — A horse,— An two men ride a horse, one must ride behind. Bit of good Truth, — The plain facts. — Facts are stubborn things. Bit of Muslin, — A sweetheart. — Love me little, love me long. Biting one's name in it. — Taking a gooij draught out of 9, pot of heavy wet. ' AND GLOSSARY. 1 59 Black Beetles, — The Lower orders— the rabble (Canaille). Black Diamonds, — Coals. Black diamonds Lords, owners of coal mines. Black diamond merchant, a coal merchant. Black diamond polisher, a coalheaver. Black Miller, — The — The brave and somewhat ill used Molineux, The Black pugilist who was twice beaten by Tom Cribb, 1810 — 11, Black Sharks. — Attorneys and Lawyers, — A/rcades ambo ! Black Strap. — Port wine. ' ' What will you lay it is a Ue ! " Blade. — A man : who may be a brother blade as a butcher, a knowing blade, if a sharp fellow, wide awake aud cunning. Blinker. — A one-eyed horse. Bloods, Bucks, and Choice Spirits. — Tria jimcta in wno — A riotous disorderly set of young men who imagine that their noise, bluster, warwhoop, and impertinence impress those who come in contact with them with the opinion that they are men of spirit and fashion. The nocturnal exploits of the true high-mettled, and fast-going Blood : consists of throwing a waiter out of a tavern window lumpus ! pinking a sedan-chairman, or a jarvey, who is so uncivil as to demand his fare, milling and boxing-up the charlies, kick- ing-up rows at Ranelagh and Vauxhall, driving stage coaches, getting up prize fights, breaking shop windows with penny pieces thrown from a Hackney coach, bilking a turnpike-man, and at other times painting-out in a very opposite colour his " List op Tolls payable,'' Funking a cobbler, smoking cigars at divans and club-houses, fleecing each other in the Hells around Jermyn Street, drinking champagne at Charley Wright's in the Haymarket, claret and brandy at Offley's, and "early pearl" and dogsnose at the Coal Hole, wearing large whiskers, and false noses and moustachios, exchanging blackguard baninage with women of the town in and about Covent Garden, the Haymarket, and Piccadilly— " i)m'«e thaHs yer sort!— Keep it up keep it up!" Blown. — Exposed, informed against. Blow a Cloud. — Smoke a pipe. Cock a Broseley. Blue Blazes. — Spirituous liquors in general. Gin in particular. Blue Ruin. — Gin, called blue from its tint, and ruin from its effects. In the words of Otway most gin drinkers are " in love and pleased with ruin ! '' Blunt. — Cash, or money of any value, or in any quantity. Lots of blunt, plenty of money — "Thou dear delightful evil." Bob, or Bobstick. — A shiUing. Bobbish. — Smart, active, clever. Bodkin.— William Bodkin, Esq., or as he was familiarly termed Bilty Bodkin, was originally a painstaking Broker and Auctioneer at Islington, he was the first Hon. Sec. to the Mendicity Society, which office it was said he found more lucrative. So neglected knocking down, for the sake of taking-up, giving the vagrants their quietus " With a bare Bodkin."— For further par ticulars about this sharp Bodkin see Billy Waters. l6o A VOCABULARY Bolt. — Throat, Sluice your bolt — Drink. Bone-setter. — A hackney-coach, also a hard trotting horse. Booked. — The time fixed when a thief is ripe for the gallows, or when any oue is Ukely to die from some mortal disease. " He's booied for a ride in a Government omnibus, i.e., prison van." " You are booked for a ride to Gravesend." Secured, bespoke, in for it, dished ! Booze.— Liquor, " To drink.'' "Sum booze," good drink. Boozey. — Drunk. Man being reasonable must get drunk. — Byron. Boozing-ken. — An alehouse, or tavern. Bosh. — A fiddU, To fake a bosh, to play the fiddle; Boshmen, fiddlers, or musicians in general. Bought. — I have bought ih&i and no mistake, «.«,, paid too much for it. Bought and sold : taken in and done for. It would make a man as mad as a buck, to be so bought and sold. — Shakespeare. Bouncing Chit. — A bottle, from the explosion in drawing the cork. Boxed. — Locked up.— Cabin'd, cribb'd, and confined. Boxing a Charley. — Upsetting a watchman in his box. Box of Dominoes or Ivories. — The mouth, containing the teeth. Box of Minutes. — A watch — Watches you know, were made to go. Brads. — Half-pence, also money in general — Shell out the brads Jack. Brass. — Money, also impudence, — " A man who carries plenty of brass in his face will never lack gold in his pocket." Bread Basket. — The stomach. Breaking up ofthe Spell. — The breaking up of a party of long sitting : the nightly termination of performance at the theatres, which is regularly attended by pickpockets, who exercise their vocation about the doors and avenues leading thereto. Broads-Cards, Swell Broad-Coves. — Elegantly dressed card-players ; also possessing a good address with other requisites befitting them to keep company with gentlemen. Broad Fencers. — The Cads and fellows who hawk Lists, or k'reot cards, at races, — Pierce Egan, in an account of — "The gallant and spirited Race at Knavesmire in Yorkshire, for 500 gs. and 1000 gs. bye — 4 miles. Between tbe late Colonel Thornton's Lady and Mr. Flint," and reported by him in " Book or Sport," thus graphically describes the Broad Fencer of the period ; — " The Cads, and fellows with the Race Lists, were thus hawking their bills and cards over the race ground to obtain purchasers. Come my worthy sporting gentlemen from all parts of the kingdom — now's your time to open your eyes and look about you, when you will see to-day what you never saw before in your life, and, perhaps, you may never see again, if you live as long as Old Methuselah. Gome, I say, who's for a list — the whole AND GLOSSARY, l6l list, and nothing else but a true list — besides, you will have a correct and particlar accouut of the terrible, terrible, terrible high-bred female — the good-lady of Colonel Thornton ; there is nothing like her in the universal world. Old Astley's troupe are mere patclies upon her managing a horse, she will this day ride a match like a lady, over the four mile course for 500 guineas, and 1000 guineas bye ; aud some hundreds of thousands are like wise depending upon this most extraordinary match between the ' ' Jockey in Petticoats" against the well-known sporting character Mr. Flint, in his " doe skins and top boots ; " and looked upon as one of the best gentlemen riders in the nation. You have also the names of the horses, and the colours of the riders, with every other particular that oau enlighten your miuds. aud make you gentlemen sportsmen acquainted with this lively race. You have now the opportunity to lay out your money according to your inclination. The gentleman allows the lady to ride what weight she likes, there being a mutual understanding between them upon the subject ; therefore, she will not, like commoners go " to scale " as she will not be handled by any body before she starts for the prize ; indeed, the Female Jockey is not considered any weight at all. Her importance and self-possession are the only objects for consideration. What does spirit, fire, blood, and gaiety weigh, I should like to ask ? I answer nothing, — my masters ! Such high bred qualities are as Ught as air — brisk as the wind — and 2 to 1 towards winning. You have also at the same price, the plain and simple pedigree of the female Jockey. Her " sire " was a capital " good un ; " her dam, a prime fleet " nn," an Eclipse in character ; her brother, all that could be wished upon the turf, for getting over the ground Uke a sky rocket, her sister, a Nonpareil at all points, and above any price, but her owner, her out-and-out owner, the Colonel from his "upper crust" down to his "walker," is a match for all England against any thing — for every thing alive — either on the turf or turn pike,— from a mouse to an elephant : and nothing else but winning belongs to his stable. And lastly, though not the least in the above Catalogue uf Excellence, — every point of the Female Jockey is tip-top, her agility is captivating ; and she mounts her prad like the most accomplished horseman in the world. Her movements defy expression ; her nods to the fe^nales, as she rides over the Course, delightful ! but her smiles to the applauding gentle men, in answer to the wiiiks, bows, and other marks of politeness towards her, as compliments for her daring exploits, are fascinating, elegant, and nothing else but winning. She is seated upon her high-bred animal with all the firmness of a Nimrod; she holds her reins with the raost perfect ease and style ; and Chifney, in the beet of his days, never displayed a better know ledge of horsemanship than the Female Jockey, and she flourishes her whip with all the good taste of the leader of a band at a concert. In fact, she is B Nonesuch! a Paragon!! a PHENO.MEiS'ON ! ! I Hei prad too. Old' Vingarillo, is also a picture of goodness, from hie peepers down to his fetlocks ! Therefore, my worthy eportsmen, do nob lose this opportunity — be not too late — ^but purchase this great curiosity — this List of lists— nothmg like it having occurred in Yorkshire, or, in any other part of the globe since Noah's flood — either before or sinoe the wet season of the year ; and it is Tork Minster to a brass farden that nothing like it can occur again till we have a new generation of the human race ? That's a fact ! ! ! M 1 62 A VOCABULARY Buckingham, Thomas.— Comedian aud Comio-singer„died September 2, 1847, aged 52. Buffers. — Dogs. Buff-napper, a dog stealer. Broom. — To brush, to run away. Browns.— Half-pence and pence — " Got any browns, Jem, for a drop o' Max? No, Bill, not never a von left ; s'elp me criky," Buffs — Buffaloes— and Buffaloism. — A society held at the Harp Tavern in Great Russell Street, opposite Drury Lane Theatre, aud was first established in August, 1822, by au ecoeutrio young man of the name of Joseph Lisle, an artist, in conjunction with Mr. W. Sinnett, a comedian,, to perpetuate, according to their ideas upou tha subject, of that hitherto neglec ted ballad of " We'll chase the Buffalo ! " The society is composed of numerous Performers, aud other "comical wights" resident inthe metro polis. The ceremony of making a Buffalo is very simple, yet extremely ludicrous, and productive of great laughter. At first the person intended to become a Buffalo, is seated on a chair in tbe middle of the room, with a bandage placed over his eyes. The initiated Buffaloes are waiting outside of the door ; the orator being decorated with a wig, &c., for the occasion. On a given signal, they all enter the room, with what they term the Kangaroo Leap, and jump round the chair of tl^e "Degraded wretch," — as the victim is termed. This is succeeded by a solemn march, and the following chaunt ; the BirFF'ALOES carrying brooms, shovels, mops, and a large kettle . by way of a kettledrum : — Bloody-head and raw-bones ! Bloody-head and raw-bones ! Be not perplexed. This is the text, Bloody-head and raw-bones ! The CHARGE is then given to the " victim " by the Primo Buffo, accom panied by the most extravagant and ridiculous gestures : — "DEGRADED WRETCH !— Miserable Ashantee ! !^l7«/ortM«a(e in dividual ! ! ! — At least you were so, not a quarter of an hour since. You are now entitled to divers privileges : you may masticate, denticate, chump, grind, swallow, and devour, in all turnip fields, meadows, and pastures; and more over, you have the especial privilege of grazing iu Hyde Park ; — Think of that my Buffalo ! You may also drink at all the lakes, rivers, canals, and ponds ; not forgetting the Fleet and lower ditches. You are entitled to par take of all public dinners, — upon your paying for the same — such are a few of the advantages you will enjoy I but you must promise to gore and toss all enemies to Buffaloism ! You must likewise promise to patronise the Horns, at Kenninerton ; aud occasionally visit JSom-aey Wood, where you may do what you like best — rusticate, cogitate, or iUustrate, and prove yourself an Horn-a.TaeTa.t by respecting the natives of the island of Goree-he ! " The bandage is theu removed from the eyes — and the chorus of "Chase Che Buffalo," is repeated. The victim is theu led into the passage, and the AND GLOSSARY. 163 signs, &o., are given to him, after which he is ushered into the room with the full chorus of : — See ! the conquering hero comes, Sound the trumpet beat tho drums, Sports prepare, the laurels bring. Songs of triumph to him sing. He is then called on for the accnstomary fees for liquor, and a small com pliment for the Buffalo in waiting : the expenses are in proportion' to the ' means, or inclination of the newly-made member. The liquor is introduced by the chorus altered from the Pirates : — " We Buffaloes lead a jolly, jolly life, Fal de, &c,, &c." A blessing is then given by the Primo Buffo, reminding the new member that the greatest characters in the country have solicited to become Buffaloes, and the following is sung in solemn style. " Habponians list uuto me, And Kangaroos rejoice ! And Buffaloes lift up your horns. Whilst I lift up my voice. Oh ! Joseph Lisle a painter is. And a Buffalo besides : So sit not in the scorner's chair. Nor Buffaloes deride. Now Buffaloes join in a roar. Be heard from pole to pole ; My solemn chaunt is at an end. Because you've heard the whole ! Bull. — A crown. Half a hull, half a crown. Bunch of Dog's meat. — A squalling child in arms. Bunch of Fives. — A slang term for the hand or fist. Bunch of Onions. — A watch chain and seals. Bunch of Turnips. —Itinerant fruit vendors, &c. Bunter. — A low loose woman. — " Neither maid, wife, nor widow." ^ Burlington Arcade, The — Piccadilly, London, opened 20th March, 1814. Burster. — A small loaf. A burster and beeswax, bread and cheese. Bustle, — Money of any sort or quantity. Buzz — Buzzers, — Pickpockets. Buzz Napper. — A young pickpocket. Buzz Napper's Academy. — A school in which young thieves are trained to the art. Stow inforras us that in 1585 a person named Wotton kept an Academy tot the edncation and perfection of pickpockets and cut- M 3 164 A VOCABULARY purses : two devices were hung up — oue was a pocket, and the other was a purse ; the pocket had iu it certain counters, and was hung about with hawk's bells, aud over the top did hang a little soaring bell ; the purse had silver iu it, and he that could take out a counter without noise of any of the bells was adjudged a judicial napper ! Cabbage. — Cloth, stuff, or silk, purloined by tailors and sempstresses, who are for ever, snip I snip !! snipping !!! Cuttings that serve for trimmings to an occasional merry-making leg of mutton. Cadge, Cadger, Cadging.— To beg, a beggar, begging of the lowest degree ; a mean sort of thief. Very indefatigable persons iu their vocatioa. Cads of the Aristocracy. — Liveried footman, servants, and all other hangers on upon the nobility and gentry. Cake. — A silly fellow, oakes being made like him, of very soft dough, aud not over well baked. — Our cake's dough on both sides. — Shakespeare. Call me cousin — but cozen me not — Quoth Mrs. Saunders. Calves gone to Grass. — Said of a man with slender legs. " He's put some hay in his boots, aud his calves have gone down to feed," Calves' Head, — A taUow-faced fellow, with a large meaty head. " Calves' head is best hot," was the apology for oue of those who made "no bones " of dining with his hat on. Came up to the Scratch. — A pugilistioal phrase ; also said of a person who keeps his appointments in money matters. Canary. — A sovereign. Canary Birds, inmates of prisons. Canister, — The head, with a sly allusion to its emptyness. Cracked canister, a brokSu head. Cant. — A language made use of among beggars, gipsies, thieves, and the Fa/ncy in general. Captain. — A travelling title, adopted by adventurers, who have no other good enough. Captain is a good travelling name, and so I took it, it stops a good many fooUsh enquiries that are generally made about gentlemen who travel ; it gives a mar^ an air of something, 'and makes the drawers obedient. And thus far 1 am a captain, and no farther. — Farquhars, The Beaux's Stratagem. Captain Flasham. — A blustering, bouuceable fellow. Captain Queernabs. — A shabby ill-dressed fellow. Carcase Lords. — Wholesale butchers who monopolise and forstall the markets. — " For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together." Card. — A man, who may be a knowing, a downy, cunning, shifting, queer, or any other sort of Card according to circumstances, AND GLOSSARY. 165 Cart Wheel — A five shilling piece. Carving knife, — A sword. Castle Tavern. — The Castle Tavern, PTolborn, was first opened as a Sporting House by the well-knovvn Bob Gregson ; but designated at that period under the familiar title bf Bob's Choe House : — His house is known to al! the milling train ; He gives them liquor, and relieves their pain. The appearance of Bob Gregson was prepossessing — he was in height six feet one inch and a half, weighing about fifteen stone six pounds. It is rather singular to relate that Bob Gregson rose in the estimation of the Sport ing World, from defeat, he fought only thi-ee battles in the P.R., and lost them all — thus, beaten by John Gulley, 2U0 gus., 36 rds., near Newmarket, Oct. 14, 1807. Again beaten by John Gulley, 200 gns., 75 mins., 28 rds,, May 10, ISuS. Beaten by Tom Cribb, 500 gns., 23 rds., Moulsey Hurst, Oct. 25, 1803. The sun for a long time shone brilliantly over the " Temple ofthe Fancy," but poor Bob, Uke too many of his class, did not make hay while it was in his power ; when the scene changed, the clouds of misfortune overwhelmed him ; and the once sprightly, gay Lancashire hero was com pelled to beat au inglorious retreat. The stylish, well-conducted Tom Belcher, next appeared in the character of landlord of the Castle. The house had undergone some repairs, the rooms were all retouched by the painter; elegance with cleanliness, backed by civility, beoatoe the order of the day ; a prime stock of liquors aud wines were also laid in to command the attendance of the pu'oUo. Tom's opening dinner was completely successful, and the Fancy ralUed round a hero who had so nobly contended for victory iu thirteen prize battles. Tom was also considered the most accomplished boxer of the day ; and the remembrance, likewise, that he was the brother of the renowned Jem Belcher, were points in themselves of great attractions in the Sporting World ; and the above Tavern again became one of the most favourite resorts of the Fancy in general. Tom Belcher, after fourteen years residence at the Castle, was enabled by his civil conduct, attention to business, good luck, and a good quantity of the " Sweeteners of Life " with Bank ! security against a rainy day, he retired to a very handsome cottage on Finchley Common, living at his ease like a man of fortune, with his dog and his gun. Tom Spring — Champion of England— next appeared in the character of "Mine Host" at the Castle Tavern. "His appearance" said Pierce Egan— "is very much in his favour; and there is a manly dignity about his person which is prepossessing, his language is also mild and per fectly correct ; and his behavour at all times truly civil and attentive to his customers." A night spent at Tom Spring's may not be regretted by the moBt fastidious vieitov. If the e^J-s cannot at all times be gratified with the various topics of argument brought forward ; the eyes have no cause for com plaint, the coffee room aud every part of it is covered over with some attrac tive device, and if there are not so many pictures for criticism as may be seen at the Exhibition, there are a number of most excellent ' sporting sub jects well worthy the attention of the observer. One of the most prominent amongst them for a display of talent is a "Picture of the Road going to the 1 66 A VOCABULARY Fight " drawn and etched from life by Robert Criukshank , Esq., but often attributed to his brother, George Cruikshank. As this is not the fact, and as the opportunity occurs we hasten to set the matter right, in order that every tub may stand upou its own bottom, or, in other words, that the saddle may be put on the right horse. Soon after the above "Picture of .the Boad to the Fight" was hung up at the Castle Tavern, I met there one evening my two friends, Mr. Hone (the very clever editor of the ' Every Day Book ' and several other publications of merit) and Mr. George Cruikshank. On looking at the picture, Mr. Hone said to me, after praising it to the skies, " George has out-done himself ! " " No," I replied, " you mean Bob Cruikshank." " In deed,^ I do not," answered Mr. H.^, "I repeat, that George has out-done himself; and more clever touches of art I never saw — they are beautiful!" " Well," said 1, "if you are so positive, Mr. Hone, I will bet yon anything yon like, from a glass of grog to a five pound note, that Bob Cruikshank accompauied myself down the Road to Moulsey Hurst, to accomplish the above picture," Upon Mr. Hone appealing to George Cruikshank on the subject, the latter celebrated artist, without the least hesitation, answered, "I had no hand in it." After this denlar,ition, Mr. Hone did not attempt, to retract the compliments he had paid to the merits of the picture in question ; but, of course, they now operated with double effect on the talents of Mr. Robert Cruikshank. In conclusion, I have only to observe that the Castle Tavern is open at all times to the visitor, either to confute my repre sentation of it, or to verify the truth of my assertion — but of this circumstance I feel strongly assured that an evening spent at the above sporting house wiU never prove a source of regret to the stranger who is anxious to witness some of the pecuUarities of " Life in London." Castor. — A hat. To prig a castor, to steal a hat. Cast-your-Skin.— To pull off your clothes. Champagne. — Charles Wright, of the Haymarket, London, and else where, is the purveyor ^ar excellence! of this sparkUng and spirit-stirring nectar, which being good in quality and moderate in price he is patronized by all the knowing kiddies in town and country. But do not take my word for it, but call iu and judge for yourself. Champions of England. — From 1719 to 1857 — Figg 1719. — Geoege Tayloe 1734. — Jack Broughton 1740. — Jack Slack 1750. — Tem Stephens 1760. — George Meggs 1761.— Bill Darts 1764. — Tom Lyons 1769, — Harry Sellers 1777. — Johnson 1785. — Ben Ryan 1790, — Mendoza 1792. — John Jackson (retired) 1795. — Jem Belcher 1803. Pearce (the Game_ Chicken) 1805. — Gullt (declined the office) 1808.— Tost Cribb (reoeive'd a belt, not transferable, and cup) 1809. — Tom Spring (received fonr cups, and resigned office) 1824, — Jem Ward (received a belt, not transferjble) 1825, Deaf Burke (claimed the office) 1833. — Bendioo (beat Deaf Burke, claimed ohampionship, and received a belt from Jem AYard). — Ben Gaunt (beat Nick Ward, and received a trausferrable belt by subscription) 1841. — Bendiqo (beat Gaunt, and got the belt) 1845. — Pebry (the Tipton Slasher, after his fight with Tom Paddook, claimed thd office, as Bendigo declined fighting again) 1850. — Harry Brooms (beat Perry, and AND GLOSSARY, 167 succeeded to the ofiice) 1851,— Perry (again claimed the office, Harry Broome having forfeited to him iu a match, and retired from the ring) 1853. —The office still claimed by the Tipton Slasher, who, during 1856 received forfeit from both Tom Paddock aud Aaron Jones, 1857. Charley. — A London watchman before the introduction of the present system of police. Chaunt. — To sing or to make known.— The birds chaunt melody on every bush. Chaunter. — A puffer, or hired bidder at a sale. See Horse Chaunter. Chawbacons. — Country clodhoppers, rustics. Cherry-colour. — A jocular name given to either of the two colours in a pack of cards. A black cat is said to be a cherry -coloured cat, there being black as well as red cherries. Children in the Wood. — Dice. — "Oncebeforehe wonit ofmebyfalsedice." Chivey — To run after, to chase, to move off quickly. Chivey your Nurse. — To get rid of your tutor, guardian, father, &c. Chovey. — A shop as croous chovey, a chemist shop, &c. Chum. —A companion, a bedfellow, a feUow prisoner. Church going Stays, — ^That is best stays for special purposes. Churchwarden. —A very long clay pipe. Churchyard Cough. — A cough that is likely to terminate iu death. Church with a Chimney in it. —A pubUc house. Civil Rig. — A trick of the beggars to obtain money by ultra civility. Clap of Thunder. — A glass of brandy. Claret. — Blood. "I tapped him ou the nose aud out flew the claret.'' Claret-faced having a red face. Clean gone. — Quite out of sight, vacated, levanted. Cleaned Out. — Having lost all your money, beaten, ruined. "0 horrid, horrid case." Clean Shirt Day.— Sunday. Clenched it. — Completed the thing, or clenched the bargain. Clockey. — A watchman, also a travelling olockmaker. Cly. — A pocket, ely-faliers, pickpockets. Coal. — Money, post-the-coal, pay down the money at once. Cock and Hen Club. — A public-house concert, or Free-and-Easy , to whioh woraen are adraitted, and everybody is supposed to do as they like, to stand upon no ceremony, come when they please, and brush when it suits. But aU sorts of lush must be tipped for ou dehvery. ' ' Poor Trust " being dead and buried. — " To keep the game alive," Logic said to Tom and Jerry, " you shall now accompany me to what is termed a Cock and Hen Club. l68 A VOCAfiULARY Where you may say and do as you like, the crib is situated in an obscure part of the town, but I know it well." * * * On entering the club-room Jerry was struck with astonishment at the surrounding group. " It is nothing new to me," replied Logic, " but rather a renewed feature of low Life in London. But we will ask the waiter for some Httle account about the chairman, who appears to me to be an original ; and we must also obtain, if possible, a trifling outline of his assistant, the Lady Patroness ot this meeting. The chairman in petticoats." " They are both out-and-outers," answered the waiter, "and nothing like them on earth to keep such an unruly company together, as ' Any -thing Tommy ' and ' Half-quartern Luce ! ' The chairman Tommy, has been, by ; turns, a costard-monger, a coal-whipper, a flying dustman, a boner of stiff- ones — -that's a resurrection man, aud a " anything," to yarn an honest penny, aud a bit of a prig, if it suited him, sooner than have to complain of an empty Victualling-Office. He can throw off a flash chaunt in the first style ; and patter slang, better than most blades on the town : " — Come all you roUing kiddy boys, that in London does abound. If you wants to see a bit of life, go to the Brett in the Pound; 'Tis there you'll see Poll, Bet, and Sal, with many other Flames, And *' pitch and hustle," " ring the bull," and lots of Fancy games. "As to Salf-quartern LuOE," continued the waiter, "she's a. clever woman, in fact, she was reared a real lady, but now she is scarcely ever sober. 'I have known her to drink thirty-six half-quarterns of gin in a day ; it is from her love of blue ruin she derives her name. LucE was once a very handsome woman, but she has been reducod, step by step, to the wretched creature she now appears to be, and drinks herself stupid to drown all reflections." " I have witnessed a great variety of scenes, since I have been in London," said Jerry to Logic, '• but this is equal to any, if it does not beggar the whole of them, in truth, I had not the least idea that such meetings were suffered to take place," Coffee Mill, — A watchman's rattle. College. — ^The Fleet Prison, or King's Bench, a rough school, but salutary at times, collegiates, the prisoners. Coper. — or Horse oouper — a cheating horse dealer. See Horse Chaunter Core.— The heart. — in my heart's core. — Horatio. Cooped up. — Confined in the Poultry Counter, or elsewhere. Chaffer. -The mouth. Chaffing Crib. — A driuking-room where quizzing or bantering is carried on. Chaff-cutting, joking, jesting, playing on words. Chalk, A. — An advantage. Take a chalk, the admitting of the advantage. In public-houses it is usual for the habitues to keep the score of a game of cards, dominoes, or coddom, &c , by means of chalk marks thus, | | | | | ; therefore wheu one of the parties gains an advantage, he takes a ohalk by rubbing one out. AND GLOSSARY. 169 Chalk Farm, — A weU-known tavern and tea-garden, near Primrose-hill, alias Cockney-mount, between Hampstead aud Highgate, This house is said to have taken its name from the farra being of a chalky soil, or, do they use double chalk! to their customers, who frequent this house either lor amuseraent — or mischief! the "farm" is much resorted to by those persons who cannot settle a dispute without the use of powder and shot. Hence Jemmy Qreen says—" VeU, I'm glad its settled vithout bloodshed — Chalk Farm ! pistols ! half-past six ! — toohJ ! ! Chalk Up. — To have credit at a public-house; where they usually chalk up the amount behind the door, or on a large slate kept for that purpose. Copy of Uneasiness. — A copy of a writ. Corinthians. — Sporting men of rank and fashion : — I am no proud Jack, Like Falstaff, but a Corintkzan, a lad of mettle. — Shakespeare. Corinthian Kate — and her frjend Sub. — In the original Life in London these ladies were meant as sketches in water colours of the notorious Mrs. Maples, alias Mrs. Bertram, alias Mother Bang ; aud the no less notorious Barriett Wilson, aiiaa Mrs. Colonel Sochfort ; heroines whose " birth, parent age, and education — Ufe, character, and behaviour," have been made ex ecrable by that congenial pair of publishers iu infamy Messrs. Stockdale and Buncombe : —The characters of Kate and Sue are in rather different keeping in the draraatic version, and are at the service of any couple of raodest, harraless, though at the same tirae somewhat adventurous, love-siok, roving young ladies, that may choose to claim them. Costermongei. — See my friend Hone's Jewel of a Work, for Instruction and Amusement, the Every Day Book, Vol. I. Cousin Betty. — A traveUing prostitute, frequenting fairs, races, and country club feasts. — Ah ! could you but see Bet Bouucer ol these parts, you might then talk of beauty. Ecod ! she has two eyes as black as sloes, and cheeks as broad and red as a pulpit cushion." Tony Lumpkin '. She Stoops to Cqnqukr. Cove, or Covey. — A knowing fellow, covess feiQinine of cove. Covess of the Ken, the mistress of the house. Cover me Decently. — A great coat with men, aud a cloak with women. Court Card. — A trump, or ont and out good oue. A spirited fellow. Crack,— The fashionable theme. The Go! AU the crack! First-rate, as a crack article, an excellent one ; crack a bottle, to drink ; crack a crib, to break into a house ; crack a canister, to break a man's head ; a crack-fencer, one who sells nuts ; a crack hand, an adept ; in a crack, in a moment ; crack a kirk, to break into a church or chapel, crack, horses — men — races — regi ments, &o., all first class of their kinds; crack-up, to praise; to crack a whid or wheeze, to make a joke, jokes or witticism ; a crack-whip, a good coachman. Crib. — A house, or an apartment. Cribb's Crib.— A slang alUteration for Tom Cribb's house, the Union Arms, comer of Oxendon Street and Panton Street, Haymarket. Cross. — A very general term for getting a living by dishonest raeans, and symbolized by placing the forefingers thus X. and is in direct opposition to 1 70 A VOCABULARY being on the ?, as implying honesty, A cross-jight, a sold prize fight. Cross-men, thieves and receivers of every degree. Cross-crib, a public-house where thieves " most do congregate." Crowdsman. — A fiddler. Cubitt's Machine. — The treadmill. Cucumbers, — Tailors, because both are seedy. Cut along Coaches, — The accidents of life, Cyprians, — Women of loose morals. So called from the Island of Cypras, one of the chief seats of the worship of Venus, hence called Cypria. Cruikshank, Isaac Robert. — Caricaturist, born 1791. Illustrated many books, &c., including Pierce Egan's, "The Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry, and Logic, in their pursuits through Life in and out of Londou," 1827. Died March 13, 1856. Cruikshank, George. — Caricaturist, born September 27, 1792. IUust rated Hone's poUtical squibs, 1817-20 ; " Peter Schlemil, Mornings at Bow- Street," and in oonjunbtiou vrith his brother "Tom and Jerry," and many other books since, died 1879. D. Dab. — -A bed, also a slight blow, as a dab on the cheek. Daffy. — Gin, Gin, sweet, sweet Giul Pierce Egan says in his " Book op Sports and Mirror op Life." — "During the time Tom Belcher was the landlord of the Castle Tavern, Holborn, the Daffy Club was started by Mr. James Scares" — See Baeon Nab'em. — "The above club is a complete anti dote to the Blue Bevils, and has to boast of greater advantages than any other Society iu the Metropohs, from its members being always in Spirits! PoiTuality does not belong to this Institution ; it" has no written rules to bind its members ; no specified time of meeting ; no fines for non-attendance ; but the corner-stone is " To do what is right." — The only definition I can give to the terra "Daffy" is that the phrase was coined at the Mint at Fancy, and has sinoe passed current without being overhauled as queer. The squeamish Pair One who takes the Daffy regularly on the sly merely to oure \Aie papowrs, politely names it to her friends aa " White Wixe." Tbe Swell chaffs it aa " Blue Ruin" to elevate his notions. The ia«M(?r«»s loves dearly a drain of " Ould Toot," from its strength to comfort her inside. The drcig Fiddler can toss off a quartern of " Max " without making a wry mug. Tbe Coster Monger illumines his ideas with " a flash of lightning." The hoarse Cyprian owes her existence to copious draughts of '¦' Jacky." The Link Boy aud Mud Larks, in joining theixbrowns together, are for some "Stark Naked." And the Out and Outers, from the addition of bitters to it in order to sharpen up a dissipated aud damaged Victualling Offlce, cannot take any thing but " Fuller's EoA-th." Much it should seem, therefore, depends upon a name ; and as a soft sound is at all times pleasing to the listener — to have denomi nated the Sporting Society the " GIN CLUB," would not only have proved AND GLOSSARY. 171 barbarous to the ear, but the vulgarity of the chaunt might have deprived it of many of its elegant friends. It is a subject, however, whioh must be ad mitted has a good deal of Taste belonging to it — and as a Sporting Man would he nothing ii he was not flash, the DAFFY CLUB meet under the above title." Dairies. — Bosom — a woman's breasts. Milk-cans ! Dandy. — A coxcomb, a fop ; an empty-headed, vain person. In 1820, when Geo. III. mizzled, aud Geo. IV. reigned with thunder and lightning speed. Pierce Egan published the birth, parentage, and education of the Dandy thus: The Dandy was got by Vanity ov.toi Affectation— hia Aam, Petit-Maltre or Maccaroni — his grand-dam. Fribble — ;great-graud-dam, Bronze — his great-great-great-graud-dam. Coxcomb — and his earliest an cestor. Fop. His uncle Impudence^hia three brothers Trick, Humbug, and Fudge ! aud allied to the extensive family of the Shuffletons. Indeed, this Bandbox sort of creature took so much the lead in the walks of fashion, that the Buck was totally missing ; the Blood vanished ; the Tippy not to bs found ; the Go out of date ; the Dash not to be met with ; and the Bang- up without a leader, at fault, aud in the back -ground. It was only the Corinthian that remained triumphant— his excellence was of such a genuine quaUty that all imitation was left at an immeasurable distance. Dandiprat. — An insignificent or trifling fellow. Dandy-cock. — A Uttle dandy man, oue of the Bantam breed. Darkey, — Night, also a man of colour. Dead-beat. — Quite done up, not a leg to stand on. Common phrases iu the Sporting World, when a man or a horse is so completely exhausted with over-exertion, or the constitution breaking down, as to give up the object in view, not being able to pursue it any farther. Deadly's Fluid. — Gin, distilled at Deady and Hanley's, Hampstead Road. Dealer's in Queer. — Passers of bad notes. Demirep. — A flighty womam, too free in her manners. Devil's Bones. — Dice, whioh are made of bones and lead to ruin. Dibdin, Charles. — Writer of sea songs and operas, born 1745, died July 25, 1814. His evergreen ! Ballad Opera, The Waterman ; or. The First of August, was first performed at the Haymarket Theatre, 1774, thus yoast : — Tom Tug ... Mr, Bannister, Mrs. Bundle ... Mrs. Thompson. Bundle ... Mr. Wilson. Wilhelmina ... Mrs, Jewell. Robin Mr. Weston. Dimmock. — Money. To flap the dimmock, to spend the money. Dive. — A visit to the lower regions of Wapping and St. Giles's. Diamond Squad. — People of quality. Vide Almack's. Dog Billy. — The — This celebrated Hero of the canine race to the great joy of the rats, lost his wind on Monday, February 23, 1829, in Panton Street, 1 72 A VOCABt;LARY Haymarket. The body-snatchers and dog-priggers are out-done npon this suit, and the remains of Billy, instead of being obscured in cIoai, are pre served in au elegant glass case and gUt frame. The Bx-Champiou, Tom Cribb, who liked Billy when aliA)e, still likes him although told out. Billy was the property of Charley Aistrop when he last barked out an adieu , al though Cribb was his tender nurse up to the time v/hen he gave up the ghost. The rats it is said, are extremely glad to find Billy has left no successor to give them !a nip. Monody on the above Rat Killer. Not a iark was heard — but a mournful whine Broke in cadence slow from the race canine ; And the prick' d-up ear, and wagging tail, Were drooping low 'mid the general wail. Not a dark was heard — but a lively squeak Was echoed from rat to rat (a whole week). From Whitechapel Church to Piccadillyi Of " Long ti/e to grim Death — for boning Billy ! Done the thing Right. — Managed matters properly, taken care of one's- self and one's friend. Dollop. — A handful. A lump of anything. Dominoes. — The teeth. Down. — Understanding. To be down. To understand, to he fly. Doxies. — Loose women — prostitutes. Dragging- Time. —The evening of a fair-day, when the wenches are pulled about. Draggle-Tail. — A slut, a dunghill quean. Drinking Freely. — Not paying for it. Drop. — The gallows, which always proves to be the " last drop," or "a, drop too much!' Duce. — Twopence. Dummy. — A cant phrase for a stupid fellow ; .a man who has not a word to say for himself. The famUy of the dummies is a very numerous one. Dust. —Money. Down with the dust, to spend money. Dust-Hole. — The nose, otherwise Snuff-receiver ! Dustman. — Sleep, or drowsiness. DustypoU. — A nickname for a mUler. E. Earth Stoppers. — Horses' feet. Earth Stopping, stopping up the holes of foxes previously to hunting them. AND GLOSSARY. 173 Egg-Hot — Beer, eggs, spirits, sugar, and spice made hot. Everlasting Shoes, — The feet. Everlasting Staircase,— The treadmiU. Eye Water.— Gin. Face. — Impudence ; To face it out. To persist in au assertion which is not true. To maintain without changing colour, or hanging down the head. Brazen.faced, without shame. God hath given you one face, and you make yourself another. — Shakespeare. Fadge.— To suit or fit together— " How will this fadge?" also a street term for a farthing. Family People. — Rogues and thieves of every degree : AU of the same family or Kidney ! ~ ' There is nothing but roguery to be found in villianous man. — Shakespeare. Fancy. — Boxing, bull baiting, cock fighting, and sporting in general. Fancy Piece. — A sporting phrase for a bit of nice game kept in a, preserve in tho suburbs. A sort of Bird of Paradise. Fast trotters. — Rum prads, good horses. Felt. — A hat. — " What manner of man P is his head worth a hat," Fib, — To beat or strike with the fist. Fibbed, held with oue hand, and hit with the other. Fiddle. — A rattle, Charleys' flddle, a Watchman's rattle. Fiddler's Fare. — Meat, drink and money. Pig, — To flg a horse is to place a bit of ginger under his tail to make him frisky. Fig, dress. In Full Fig, full dress, — "All in the best." Fig leaf. — An apron, an allusion to our Mother Eve. File. — An odd feUow, a queer dog, a. bit of a rogue. Finish. — The "Finish" was a notorious night-house kept by Jack Rowbottom, in James-street, Covent Garden. Here the swells who were bundled out of Offley's, about four o'clock in the morning bundled into the Finish, where drinking and other innocent pastimes were kept up tiU eight, nine, or ten o'clock. Jack Rowbottom was quite a study in character. Soon after 1832, he got into " diffs," and his residence was divided between the King's Bench and the Fleet Prison. In the latter poor Dr. Maginn expired in his arms, after being faithfully nursed and attended by Jack during a long illness. Fish — Fishing : — Some fish for compliments, and get what they want. Some fish in dirty waters and get what they do not want : but remain as mute aa a flsh on the subject. 174 A VOCABULARY Fives. — ' Bunch of Fives,' the fist — Fives Court (The) was a large room in the neighbourhood of St. Martin 's-lane, where the prize fighters of the day took their Benefits aud made open challenges. Flame. — A sweetheart. An old flame, a discarded one. Flash. — Cant language, also to sport or show off. A fellow who affects any particular habit, as swearing, dressing in a particular manner, taking a fashionable snuff, &c., &c., merely tobe noticed, is said to do it out oijlash. Flashman, a despicable wretch and the paramour of a prostitute. Flash of Lightning. — A glass of gin, "gone in the twinkling of an eye." Flat Catcher. — A.man, woman, or any article intended to take in the public Flat CM»j Sharp : par nobile fratrum.— There is not a word in cant or flash vocabulary, nor, in the English language, taken in its right sense and meaning, that conveys eo much, and is so generally applicable, as the simple monosyllable Flat. There are flats ot every rank, grade, and station in society, in every part of the known world — aud possibly iu the unexplored portion also. There are flats alike in office and out ; in the senate house and in the cottage — from the councillor of state to the omega of legislators, paro chial vestrymen ! Oh, most comprehensive patronymic ! Sharp is also a good term ; but only a cipher, in numerical strength of application, when compared v/ith flat. Flat is an independent, honest, and respectable word. Sharp is diametrically opposite ; it owes its very birth to flat, and cannot live without it. Flat is the parent ; progenitor, and preserver of sharp, the very root and sap of its existence. Without flats sharps would become extinct. The fact of sharp having sprung iiora flat is so apparent, that there is not a sharp to be found that has not aflat about him ; there consanguinity, therefore, is undoubted. Such is human nature, that three parts of the vast universe is peopled with flats ; while the circumscribed and degenerated race of sharps do not occupy more than a quarter or one fourth of the space. Another proof may be adduced ot the independence of the flats, and that is that they can live, flourish, and prosper much better without the company of sharps than with it. Not so with the sharps. They cannot herd and feed together without first getting the means from the substance aud resources of thejiats. We think we have satisfactorily proved to every dispassionate, disinterested individual, that sharps are entirely dependent upon their fathers and fore fathers, the flats ! and there can be very little doubt but that they are both ungrateful and undutiful to the parents who have, as we have shown, given them being, succour, the means of existence. If a sharp happens to reside in the neighbourhood of a flat, he will always be found setting his wits to work to relieve him of his property and earnings, even though the sharp have plenty, aud the flat but little. Suoh is the un dutiful penchant of the sharp for the goods and chattels of his progenitor the flat! In this good city, not inappropriately denominated the world's metropolis, fiats and sharps are plentiful, and may be found located together iu every street and alley. Although the flats have th^ advantage numerically, such AND GLOSSARY. I? 5 are the ingenuity aud plausible tactics of the sharps, that they cdmpel the fiats to work to support them. The sharps, though industrious at scheming, always profess, a.s their creed, a profound and rooted contempt for manual labour. Sharps are not found among gravel-diggers or stone-breakers ; we may go further — seldom amongst artisans or mechanics of any description. No, they are men whose exalted minds soar far above the ordinary pursuits even of middle life. The army boasts of them in abundance. The navy may be said to be composed ot flats, with scarcely one exception. The at tachment of the sharps to the red-coat service of their country is clearly demonstrated by the fact of the Slite of their class conferring military titles on themselves, without troubling the formal publicity of the Gazette ! We may safely venture to assert, that there is not an army of any nation that cau boast of the uumber of statf-offioers that adorn tlie lists of our royal corps of London malleteers, otherwise gentlemen sharps. They resemble our disbanded militia, only the staff preserved. It is said and sung that "Oue half the world does not know how the other half lives — or dies." How true is that oft-used aphorism ? What quiet, respectable, church-going citizen would believe that, early as he rises to give his best care to the legitimate commerce of his enterprise, there are many traders in the illegitimate mer cantile world who are, wide awake, and in full pursuit of their customers long before his drowsy eyes are open to the brightly-shining sun ; long before the aforesaid shining sun has superseded the gas-light radiance shed over the populous city of London : — From East-end to West-end. From worst end to best end? Flats. — Persons easUy taken in, good onstomers. Flesh and Blood. — Port wine and brandy mixed. Flimsy. — A bank note, according to Cobbett a very flimsy thing. Floored. — Knocked down. Flowers of Society. — ^The ornaments of high Ijfe, the upper classes. Flue Fakers. — Chimney sweepers. Fly. — Knowing, vride awake. Fogle. — A handkerchief. Fork out. — To give money. Four Eyes. — The man and the spectacles. Free-and-Easy. — A singing-club, held at pubUc-houses. Freshwater Bay. — The harbour of the Fleet-'2n.soo.. Frisk. — Mischief, to dance aud skip about. FuUams. — Loaded dice. There were high fullams, and low fullams, to denote loaded on the high or low number. Full Cry. — When all the hounds have caught the scent, and give tongue, Tom and Jerry, when in town, had other game in view. 176 A VOCABULARY Fuller's Earth. — Another of the thousand endearing names for the universal favourite GiN I Gin ! ! Gin 1 1 ! Funk. — To smoke, to alarm. G Gab. — Small talk, patter, flash. Gift of tJie Gab, talent iu conversation. Gaffing.— Low gambling. Game of the Spell.— The play of life. Gammoners. — Cheats. Gammoning the Draper. — When a man is without a shirt, and is buttoned up close to his neck, with merely a handkerchief round it, to make an appearance of cleanliness, it is termed "gammoning the draper!" Gammoning a Main. — Pretending to be hurt, or crippled. Garnish. — Entrance money, to be spent in drink, demanded of all new comers in Debtor's Prisons. Gay Tyke Boys. — Dog fanciers. Gig. — Fun. Bit of gig, a bit of fun. Gin Spinners. — Distillers, also publicans. Glim.— A lanthorn, a hazy eye, &c. Goldfinches. — Sovereigns. — " Pine singing birds." Go it. — Keep it up : keep moving. Gomersal, Edward Alexander, Actor : represented with wonderful success Napoleon, iu the Astley's dramatic version of the Battle of Watei loo, died at Leeds, October 19th, 1862, aged 74. Grand-twig. — Handsome set ont. Grand Strut— The.— Rotten Row, Hyde Park. GraveJ Digger. — A sharp toe'd dancer. Greeks. — Black legs, sharpers, &o. Also a term for low Irish People. Green. — Raw, not understanding. Greyhound, A. — Should have according to all sporting Kiddies: — A head like a snake, a neck like a drake, A back like a beam, a belly like a bream : A foot like a cat, a tail Uke a rat. Grimaldi, Joseph. Vulgo, Joey Grimaldi, the renowned clown, 1779-1837. Grog. — Rum aud water oold without. Admiral Vernon was called " Old Grog" by his sailors, because he was accustomed to walk the deck in rough weather in a "grogram cloak," as he was the first to serve water iu the rum ou board ship, the mixture went by the name of Grog: Tom, Jerky and Bob AND GLOSSARY. 177 Looio found out its use aud abuse not only in the Back Slums in the Holy Land, but at Mr. Mace's Crib in the East. Grub. — It is scarcely necessary to explain the meaning of grub; it is a subject in the moutli of everybody, and therefore interesting to the taste. Indeed, this sort of cant is quite current throughout all ranks of society, aud is well understood. —Grub and Bub, victuals and drink of any kind, Grub-street, — 'This phrase, respecting the residence of Authors, is nearly obsolete ; and, in point of fact, is altogether erroneous. If it might not ba deemed trespassing rather too feelingly upon so delicate a subject, in consulting the best authorities, both living and dead, it will be found that hungry Authors, in the best of times, have had very little to do with grub-street ! the smell of the joint being more within their province than the aotual possession of the substance. Guinea Pig. — A fellow who receives a guinea for puffing off an unsound horse. H Habeas Corpus. — Body and breeches. J Haberdasher. — Is the whistler, otherwise the spirit-merchant — and tape the commodity he deals in. It is a ooiltrabrand article- dispensed in Debtor's Goals. White ia Max, and red is Cognac. — ' ' You see " says the Haberdasher, "smuggling does a lot of good, it does me good, and it does you good, and do'nt you see it does the Govemment ! " Hack. — A coach. See Jarvey. Half and Half Coves. — Neither one thing nor the other. Hammer School. — Boxing School. Harp. The Harp tavern in Eussell Street, Drury Lane, is well known — if the phrase is not offensive to the profession, as a House of CaU for Actors, Here you have an opporiunity of viewing, and interviewing players in and ont of an engagement, stage-struck youths, anxious to become actors ; and other perfect enthusiasts, together with mummers, and spongers without end, ever ready to get Lush ont of you, or make you a raember of the City of I/ushington ! see Buffaloism. Then' off he went, quite full of glee. Strutting towards the Harp, In hopes some manager to see ; Mixing with Flat and Sharp I Pierce Egan's — The Show Folks. Hartland, Frederick, Pantomimist, died August l7th, 1852, aged 70. Hear any thing knock. — Take the office, to be put up to any thing that is going forward. Heavy Plodders. — Stock brokers. Heavy Wet, — Porter, N 178 A VOCABULARY Hedge To "hedge off,'' or "its a prime Jiedge for me," are phrases repeatedly made use of in the Sporting World, when an individual wishes to save himself from any serious consequences. Heel Tap. — " Bumpers all round," and no heel-taps ! " that is," said Bob Logic, "your glasses are to be drained to the bottom," Hell ^A gambling house, from the infernal practices carried on in suoh places. In 1823 Lord Byron wrote — " What number of HeUs there may be now in this life, I know not. Before I was of ago, I knew them pretty accurately, both " Gold " and " Silver." I was once nearly called out by an acquaintance, because, when he asked me where I thought that his soul would be found hereafter, I answered, ' In Silver Hell.' " — Don Juan, our young diplomatic sinne'r. Pursued his path, and drove past some hotels, St. James's Palace, and St. lames's Hells. Hells upon Earth. — Is a name given to the SweU Gambling-houses, at the West-end of the town ; most of them situated in the vicinity of St. James' Street. Sorae of the principal of these have been queered outright, by the vigilance and exertions of the beaks, whose orders to the traps upon the subject were so imperative, that taking tip to stash the matter, was quite out of the question ; and sorae of the raost distinguished Spirits that haunted these infernal abodes, were actually put under the discipline of Cubitt's Machine to purify. But though the araateur of the broads may as he perambulates the suburbs of the Palace, see reason in many instances, to mourn for the desolation of his ZioN, there are still enough of these places to make " a Hell upon earth " for thousands. All of these now remaining, are however eclipsed by the piscatory Hell, called Fishmongers' Hall 1 so named, from Crookford, the keeper of it, having formerly been a Fishmonger, many persons remember CkockfoSd, a poor, very poor Sprat Seller, yet he raust now be living at the rate of nearly £40U0, annum. — "Tempora inutantur, nos et mutamur in Hits." at this establishment money is sported like dirt, which may account for so many of the visitors being cleaned out. It ii a question whether any other Fishmonger's 8hop,can boast of so numerous an assembly of^ai^sA anigudgems. Impromptu. On hearing that Mr. Ude, the celebrated cook, was engaged by Mr. Crockford, at a salary of £1,200 per annum. With this Ude for a cook — who all cooks doth e.\cell — There'll be nothing on earth like a dinner in " Hell ! " Hen and Chickens. — All my pretty chickens aud their dam, St. James'. — The Missus and the blooming kids, St. Giles'. Highflier. — A tip- topper, a first rater. Hop Merchant. — A dancing master. Holy Land. - The back slums of St. Giles'. Holy Water.— Gin. Horse Chaunter. — A man being brought up at one of the police courts, the magistrate asked, "What is your trade .s"" — "A horse cliaunter, yer AND GLOSSARY, 179 vurship." — "A what! a horse chaunter .^ Why what's that?" — "Vy, yer vurship, ain't you up to that ere trade ?" — "Gome, explain yourself," said the magistrate. — " Veil, yer vurship, I goes round among the livery stables —tbey all on 'em knows me — and ven I sees a gen'man bargaining foi; an 'orse, I just steps up 'like a stranger, and ses I, "Veil, that's a rare 'un, III be bound,' ses I ; 'he's got the beautifullest 'ead and neck as ever I seed,' ses I ; ' only look at 'is open nostrils — he's got vind like a no-go-motive, I'll be bound ; he'll travel a hundred miles a day, and never vunce think on't ; them's the kind of legs vat never faUs." Ve^, this tickles the gen'man, and he ses to 'imself, ' that 'ere 'onest countryman's a rale judge of a 'orse ; ' so please you, yer vurship, he buys "im and trots off. Veil, then I goes up to the man vat keeps the stable, aud axes 'im, ' Veil, vat are you going to stand for that 'fre chaunt ? ' and he gives me a suvrin. Veil, that's vat I caU 'orse chaunting, yer vurship ; there's rale little 'arm in it ; there's a good raany sorts on us ; some diaunts canals, some chaunts railroads, some chaunts j'int Etock companies, and ther's a werry many other chaunts in this 'ere vorld as is too numerous to mention and sorae on 'em as even me nor ye vurship is'nt fly too," Hot House. — A brothel: — "Now she professes a hot-house, whioh I think, is a very ill-house too." Hot Waters. — Spirits. Humming Ale. — Strong liquor that froths well. A corruption of spuming. French, espuma, froth. Latin, spuma. Hummums. — The well-known hotel in Covent Garden. So called from an Eastern word, signifying baths. Rockley and the Co. is the Bo.