YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY SERMONS HUGH LATIMER. dFor tt)e lluoltcation of tt»e SSaorfcB of ttje jfattirre anO (Earlp fflffilritr re of ttjr iirformrn (ffnglieli ertjmcl) SERMONS HUGH LATIMER, SOMETIME BISHOP OF WORCESTER, MARTYR, 1555. EDITED FOR Efte partut gotietv, REV. GEORGE ELWES CORRIE, B.D. FELLOW AND TUTOR OF CATHARINE HALL, CAMBRIDGE, AND NORRISIAN PROFESSOR OF DIVINITY IN THAT UNIVERSITY. CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED at THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. M.DCCC.XLIV. CONTENTS. PAGE Memoir of Hugh Latimer i Sermons on the Card, about 1529. Sermon the First 3 Sermon the Second 17 Sermon on the Epistle for the Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity, • 1536 25 Sermons before the Convocation of the Clergy, 1536. Sermon the First 33 Sermon the Second 41 i ! Sermon of the Plough, 1548 59 #**- Seven Sermons preached before King Edward the Sixth, 1549. Dedication 81 Sermon the First 85 i. 445. sen. Ovf edit Vol. i. i. p. 445, sea,. Oxf. edit SERMONS HUGH LATIMEE, SOMETIME BISHOP OF WORCESTER. [These Sermons on the Card are reprinted from the first edition of the Acts and Monuments of John Foxe, pp. 1298, &c. In the account of Bishop Latimer, given in the present volume, some par ticulars will be found respecting them.] SERMONS ON THE CARD. THE TENOR AND EFFECT OF CERTAIN SERMONS MADE BY MASTER LATIMER IN CAMBRIDGE, ABOUT THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1529. Tu quis es ? Which words are as much to say in English, "Who art thou?" These be the words of the Pharisees, which were sent by the Jews unto St John Baptist in the wilderness, to have knowledge of him who he was : which words they spake unto him of an evil intent, thinking that he would have taken on him to be Christ, and so they would have had him done with their good wills, because they knew that he was more carnal, and given to their laws, than Christ indeed should be, as they perceived by their old pro phecies ; and also, because they marvelled much of his great doctrine, preaching, and baptizing, they were in doubt whether he was Christ or not : wherefore they said unto him, " Who art thou ?" Then answered St John, and confessed that he was not Christ. Now here is to be noted the great and prudent answer of St John Baptist unto the Pharisees, that when they re quired of him who he was, he would not directly answer of himself what he was himself, but he said he was not Christ : by the which saying he thought to put the Jews and Pha risees out of their false opinion and belief towards him, in that they would have had him to exercise the office of Christ ; and so declared further unto them of Christ, saying, " He is in the midst of you and amongst you, whom ye know not, whose latehet of his shoe I am not worthy to unloose, or undo." By this you may perceive that St John spake much 1 — 2 SERMONS b in the laud and praise of Christ his Master, professing him self to be in no wise like unto him. So likewise it shall be necessary unto all men and women of this world, not to ascribe unto themselves any goodness of themselves, but all unto our Lord God, as shall appear hereafter, when this question aforesaid, "Who art thou?" shall be moved unto them: not as the Pharisees did unto St John, of an evil purpose, but of a good and simple mind, as may appear hereafter. Now then, according to the preacher's mind, let every man and woman, of a good and simple mind, contrary to the Pharisees' intent, ask this question, " Who art thou ?" This question must be moved to themselves, what they be of them selves, on this fashion : " What art thou of thy only and natural generation between father and mother, when thou earnest into this world? What substance, what virtue, what goodness art thou of, by thyself?" Which question if thou rehearse oftentimes unto thyself, thou shalt well perceive and understand how thou shalt make answer unto it ; which must be made on this wise : I am of myself, and by myself, coming from my natural father and mother, the child of the ire and indignation of God, the true inheritor of hell, a lump of sin, and working nothing of myself but all towards hell, except I have better help of another than I have of myself. Now we may see in what state we enter into this world, that we be of ourselves the true and just inheritors of hell, the chil dren of the ire and indignation of Christ, working all towards hell, whereby we deserve of ourselves perpetual damnation, by the right judgment of God, and the true claim of our selves ; which unthrifty state that we be born unto is come unto us for our own deserts, as proveth well this example following : Let it be admitted for the probation of this, that it might please the king's grace now being to accept into his favour a mean man, of a simple degree and birth, not born to any possession; whom the kmg's grace favoureth, not because this person hath of himself deserved any such favour, but that the king casteth this favour unto him of his own mere motion and fantasy : and for because the king's grace will more declare his favour unto him, he giveth unto this said man a thousand pounds in lands, to him and his heirs, on •J ON THE CARD. this condition, that he shall take upon him to be the chief captain and defender of his town of Calais1, and to be true and faithful to him in the custody of the same, against the Frenchmen especially, above all other enemies. This man taketh on him this charge, promising his fidelity thereunto. It chanceth in process of time, that by the singular acquaintance and frequent famiharity of this captain with the Frenchmen, these Frenchmen give unto the said captain of Calais a great sum of money, so that he will but be content and agreeable that they may enter into the said town of Calais by force of arms ; and so thereby possess the same unto the crown of France. Upon this agreement the Frenchmen do invade the said town of Calais, alonely by the negligence of this captain. Now the king's grace, hearing of this invasion, cometh with a great puissance to defend this his said town, and so by good policy of war overcometh the said Frenchmen, and entereth again into his said town of Calais. Then he, being desirous to know how these enemies of his came thither, maketh profound search and inquiry by whom this treason was conspired. By this search it was known and found his own captain to be the very author and the beginner of the betraying of it. The king, seeing the great infidelity of this person, dischargeth this man of his office, and taketh from him and from his heirs this thousand pounds of pos sessions. Think you not that the king doth use justice unto him, and all his posterity and heirs ? Yes, truly : the said captain cannot deny himself but that he had true justice, considering how unfaithfully he behaved him to his prince, contrary to his own fidelity and promise. So likewise it was of our first father Adam. He had given unto him the spirit of science and knowledge, to work all goodness there with: this said spirit was not given alonely unto him, but unto all his heirs and posterity. He had also delivered him the town of Calais, that is to say, paradise in earth, the most strong and fairest town in the world, to be in his custody. He nevertheless, by the instigation of these Frenchmen, that [i It will be remembered that the " town of Calais" was in the possession of the English from the year 1346 until 1558, and the command of the garrison there was considered a trust of much im portance.] 6 SERMONS [SERM. is to say, the temptation of the fiend, did obey unto their desire ; and so he brake his promise and fidelity, the com mandment of the everlastmg King his master, in eating of the apple by him inhibited. Now then the King, seeing this great treason in his captain, deposed him of the thousand pounds of possessions, that is to say, from everlasting life in glory, and all his heirs and posterity : for likewise as he had the spirit of science and knowledge, for him and his heirs ; so in like manner, when he lost the same, his heirs also lost it by him and in him. So now this example proveth, that by our father Adam we had once in him the very inheritance of everlasting joy ; and by him, and in him, again we lost the same. The heirs of the captain of Calais could not by any manner of claim ask of the king the right and title of their father in the thousand pounds of possessions, by reason the king might answer and say unto them, that although their father deserved not of himself to enjoy so great possessionSj yet he deserved by himself to lose them, and greater, committing so high treason, as he did, against his prince's commandments ; whereby he had no wrong to lose his title, but was unworthy to have the same, and had therein true justice. Let not you think, which be his heirs, that if he had justice to lose his possessions, you have wrong to lose the same. In the same manner it may be answered unto ail men and women now being, that if our father Adam had true justice to be excluded from his possession of everlasting glory in paradise, let us not think the contrary that be his heirs, but that we have no wrong in losing also the same ; yea, we have true justice and right. Then in what miser able estate we be, that of the right and just title of our own deserts have lost the everlasting joy, and claim of ourselves to be true inheritors of hell ! For he that committeth deadly sin willingly, bindeth himself to be inheritor of everlasting pain : and so did our forefather Adam willingly eat of the apple forbidden. Wherefore he was cast out of the ever lasting joy in paradise into this corrupt world, amongst all vileness, whereby of himself he was not worthy to do any thing laudable or pleasant to God, evermore bound to corrupt affections and beastly appetites, transformed into the most tmcleanest and variablest nature that was made under hea- •J ON THE CARD. Ten; of whose seed and disposition all the world is hneally descended, insomuch that this evil nature is so fused and shed from one into another, that at this day there is no man nor woman living, that can of themselves wash away this abominable vileness : and so we must needs grant of our selves to be in like displeasure unto God, as our forefather Adam was. By reason hereof, as I said, we be of ourselves the very children of the indignation and vengeance of God, the true inheritors of hell, and working all towards hell : which is the answer to this question, made to every man and woman, by themselves, "Who art thou?" And now, the world standing in this damnable state, cometh in the occasion of the incarnation of Christ. The Father in heaven, perceiving the frail nature of man, that he, by himself and of himself, could do nothing for himself, by bis prudent wisdom sent down the second person in Trinity, his Son Jesus Christ, to declare unto man his pleasure and commandment: and so, at the Father's will, Christ took on him human nature, being willing to deliver man out of this miserable way, and was content to suffer cruel passion in shedding his blood for all mankind; and so left behind for our safeguard laws and ordinances, to keep us always in the right path unto everlasting life, as the evangelists, the sacraments, the commandments, and so forth : which if we do keep and observe according to our profession, we shall answer better unto this question, " Who art thou?" than we did before. For before thou didst enter into the sacrament of baptism, thou wert but a natural man, a natural woman; as I might say, a man, a woman: but after thou takest on thee Christ's religion, thou hast a longer name; for then thou art a christian man, a christian woman. Now then, seeing thou art a christian man, what shall be thy answer of this question, "Who art thou?" The answer of this question is, when I ask it unto my self, I must say that I am a christian man, a christian woman, the child of everlasting joy, through the merits of the bitter passion of Christ. This is a joyful answer. Here we may see how much we be bound and in danger unto God, that hath revived us from death to life, and saved us that were damned: which great benefit we cannot well consider, unless we do remember what we were of ourselves 8 SERMONS [SERM. before we meddled with him or his laws; and the more we know our feeble nature, and set less by it, the more we shall conceive and know in our hearts what God hath done for us; and the more we know what God hath done for us, the less we shall set by ourselves, and the more we shall love and please God : so that in no condition we shall either know ourselves or God, except we do utterly confess ourselves to be mere vileness and corruption. Well, now it is come unto this point, that we be christian men, christian women, I pray you what doth Christ require of a christian man, or of a christian woman? Christ requireth nothing else of a christian man or woman, but that they will observe his rule : for likewise as he is a good Augustine friar that keepeth well St. Augustine's rule, so is he a good christian man that keepeth well Christ's rule. Now then, what is Christ's rule? Christ's rule con- sisteth in many things, as in the commandments, and the works of mercy, and so forth. And for because I cannot declare Christ's rule unto you at one time, as it ought to be done, I will apply myself according to your custom at this„time joJLChristmas : I will, as I said, declare unto you Christ's rule, but that shall be in Chrisi!s_. cards. And whereas you are wont to celebrate Christmas in playing at cards, I intend, by God's grace, to deal unto you Christ's cards, wherein you shall perceive Christ's rule. The game that we will play at shall be called the triumph1, which if it be well played at, he that dealeth shall win; the players shall likewise win; and the standers and lookers upon shall do the same ; insomuch that there is no man that is willing to play at this triumph with these cards, but they shall be all winners, and no losers. Let therefore every christian man and woman play at these cards, that they may have and obtain the triumph: you must mark also that the triumph must apply to fetch home unto him all the other cards, whatsoever suit they [! This game was something like the modern game of Whist. The cards, however, were not all dealt out; and the dealer had an ad vantage in being allowed to reject such cards from his hand as he thought proper, and take others in their stead from the undealt stock. An account of the game is given by Singer, "Researches into the History of Playing Cards, &c." pp. 269, 270.] 1-J ON THE CARD. be of. Now then, take ye this first card, which must appear and be shewed unto you as foUoweth : you have heard what was spoken to men of the old law, "Thou shalt not kill; whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of judgment : but I say unto you" of the new law, saith Christ, "that who soever is "angry with his neighbour, shall be in danger of judgment; and /whosoever shall say unto his neighbour, ' Kaca,' that is to say, brainless," or any other like word of rebuking, " shall be in danger of council ; and whosoever shall say unto his neighbour,. 'Fool,' shall be in danger of hell- fire." This card was made and spoken by Christ, as appear- eth in the fifth chapter of St Matthew. Now it must be noted, that whosoever shall play with this card, must first, before they play with it, know the strength.. and_viriue of the same : wherefore you must well note and mark terms, how they be spoken, and to what purpose. Let us therefore read it once or twice, that we may be the better acquainted with it. Now behold and see, this card is divided into four parts : - the first part is one of the commandments that was given unto Moses in the old law, before the coming of Christ; which commandment we of the new law be bound to observe and keep, and it is one of our commandments. The other three parts spoken by Christ be nothing else but expositions unto the first part of this commandment : for in very effect all these four parts be but one commandment, that is to say, " Thou shalt not kill." Yet nevertheless, the last three parts do shew unto thee how many ways thou mayest kill thy neighbour contrary to this commandment : yet, for all Christ's exposition in the three last parts of this card, the terms be not open enough to thee that dost read and hear them spoken. No doubt, the Jews understood Christ weU enough, when he spake to them these three last sentences ; for he spake unto them in their own natural terms and tongue. Wherefore, seeing that these terms were natural terms of the Jews, it shall be necessary to expound them, and com pare them unto some like terms of our natural speech, that we in like manner may understand Christ as well as the Jews did. We will begin first with the first part of this card, and then after, with the other three parts. You must therefore understand that the Jews and the Pharisees of 1 0 SERMONS [si the old law, to whom this first part, this commandm ." Thou shalt not kill," was spoken, thought it sufficient enough for their discharge, not to kill with any manner material weapon, as sword, dagger, or with any such weap and they thought it no great fault whatsoever they ,• or did by their neighbours, so that they did not harm meddle with their corporal bodies : which was a false oph in them, as prove well the three last other sentences foil ing the first part of this card. Now, as touching the three other sentences, you n note and take heed, what difference is between these tl manner of offences : to be angry with your neighbo to call your neighbour "brainless," or any such word disdain; or to call your neighbour "fool." Whether tl three manner of offences be of themselves more griev one than the other, it is to be opened unto you. Tr> as they be of themselves divers offences, so they kill diver one more than the other ; as you shall perceive by the 1 of these three, and so forth. A man which conceiveth aga his neighbour or brother ire or wrath in his mind, by s< manner of occasion given unto him, although he be an in his mind against his said neighbour, he will peradvenl express his ire by no manner of sign, either in word deed : yet nevertheless he offendeth against God,(and bre eth this commandment in killing his own soul ; and therefore "in danger of judgment." Now, to the second part of these three : That man i is moved with ire agamst his neighbour, and in his ire cal his neighbour "brainless," or some other like word of pleasure ; as a man might say in a fury, " I shall hai thee well enough ;" which words and countenances do n represent and declare ire to be in this man, than in that was but angry, and spake no manner of word shewed any countenance to declare his ire. Wherefore he that so declareth his ire either by word or countena offendeth more agamst God)^ so he both killeth his own s and doth that in him is to kill his neighbour's soul moving him unto ire, wherein he is faulty himself; anc this man is "in danger of council." Now to the third offence, and last of these three : 1 man that calleth his neighbour "fool," doth more dec ¦] ON THE CARD. H his angry mind toward him, than he that called his neigh bour but " brainless," or any such words moving ire : for to call a man "fool," that word representeth more 6nvy) in a man, than "brainless" doth. Wherefore he doth most offend, because he doth most earnestly with such words express his ire, and so he is " in danger of hell-fire." Wherefore you may understand now, these three parts of this card be three offences, and that one is more grievous to God than the other, and that one killeth more the soul of man than the other. Now peradventure there be some that will marvel, that Christ did not declare this commandment by some greater faults of ire, than by these which seem but small faults, as to be angry and speak nothing of it, to declare it and to call a man " brainless," and to call his neighbour " fool :" truly these be the smallest and the least faults that belong to ire, or to killing in ire. Therefore beware how you offend in any kind of ire : seeing that the smallest be damnable to offend in, see that you offend not in the greatest. For Christ thought, if he might bring you from the smallest manner of faults, and give you warning to avoid the least, he reckoned you would not offend in the greatest and worst, as to call your neighbour thief, whoreson, whore, drab, and so forth, into more blasphemous names ; which offences must needs have punishment in hell, considering how that Christ hath appointed these three small faults to have three degrees of punishment in hell, as appeareth by these three terms, judgment, council, and hell-fire. These three terms do signify notbdng_else„„but three divers punishments in hell, according to the offences. Judgment is less in degree than councilj therefore it signifieth a lesser pain in hell, and it is ordained for him that is angry in his mind with his neighbour, and doth express his malice neither by word nor countenance: council is a less degree in hell than hell-fire, and is a greater degree in hell than judgment; and it is ordained for him that calleth his neighbour " brainless," or any such word, that declareth his ire and malice : wherefore it is more pain than judgment. Hell^ire is more pain in hell, than council or judgment, and it is ordained for him that calleth his neigh bour " fool," by reason that in calling his neighbour " fool," he declareth more his malice, in that it is an earnest word 12 SERMONS [SERM. of ire : wherefore hell-fire is appointed for it ; that is, the most pain of the three punishments. Now you have heard, that to these divers offences of ire and killing be appomted punishments according to theii| degrees: for look as the offence is, so. shall the pain be:' if the offence be great, the pain shall be according ; if it be less, there shall be less pain for it. I would not now that you should think, because that here are but three degrees of punishment spoken of, that there be no more in hell. No doubt Christ spake of no more here but of these three degrees of punishment, thinking they were sufficient, enough for example, whereby we might understand, that there be as divers and many pains as there be offences : and so by these three offences, and these three punishments, all other offences and punishments may be compared with another. Yet I would satisfy your minds further in these three terms, of "judgment, council, and hell-fire." Whereas you might say, /What was the cause that Christ declared more the pains of jhell by these terms, than by any other terms? I told you | afore that he knew well to whom he spake them. These terms i were natural and well known amongst the Jews and the Pha- ' risees : wherefore Christ taught them with their own terms, ¦ ! to the intent they might understand the better his doctrine. 'And these terms may be likened unto three terms which we have common and usual amongst us, that is to say, the sessions of inquirance, the sessions of deliverance, and the execution-day. Sessions oflnquirance is like unto judgment; for when sessions of inquiry is, then the judges cause twelve men to give verdict of the felon's crime, whereby he shall be judged to be indicted : sessions of deliverance is much like council ; for at sessions of dehverance the judges go among : themselves to council, to determine sentence against the felon: 1 execution-day is to be compared unto hell-fire ; for the Jews had amongst themselves a place of execution, named " hell- fire :" and surely when a man goeth to his death, it is the greatest pain in this world. Wherefore you may see that there are degrees in these our terms, as there be in those terms. Those evil-disposed affections and sensualities in us are always contrary to the rule of our salvation. What shall we do now or imagine, to thrust down these Turks and to subdue !•] ON THE CARD. 13 them? It is a great ignominy and shame for a christian man to be bond and subject unto a Turk : nay, it shall not be so ; [we will first cast a trump in their way, and play with them at cards, who shall have the better. J Let us play there fore on this fashion with this card. Whensoever it shall happen the foul passions and Turks to rise in our_stoniafihs against our brother or neighbour, either for unkind words, injuries, or wrongs, which they have done unto us, contrary unto our mind ; straightways let us call unto our remembrance, and speak this question unto ourselves, " Who art thou ?" The answer is, "lam a christian man." Then further we must say to ourselves, " What requireth Christ of a christian man ?" Now turn up your trump, your heartjTiearts is Hearts jfarurnn, as I said before), and cast your trump, your heart, on this card; and upon this card you shall learn what Christ requireth of a christian man, — not to be angry /nermoved to ire against his neighbour, in mind, countenance, nor other ways, by word or deed. Then take up this card with your heart, and lay them together : that done, you have won the game of the Turk, whereby you have defaced and overcome him by true and lawful play. But, alas for pity ! the Khodes^ are won1 and overcome by these false Turks; the strong castle Faith is decayed, so that I fear it is almost impossible to win it again. The great occasion of the loss of this Ehodes is by reason that christian men do so daily kill their own nation, that the very true number of Christianity is decayed ; which murder and killing one of another is increased specially two ways, to the utter undoing of Christendom, that is to say, by_ex- ample and silence. By example, as thus : when the father, two _£ , ——-•»•" . . v . ! in this thing. But yet, if ye will pardon me, I will wade ; somewhat deeper in this matter, and as nigh as I can, fetch it from the first original beginning. For undoubtedly, ye may much marvel at this saying, if ye well ponder both what is said, and who saith it. Define me first these three y, things : what prudence is ; what the world ; what hght ; and who be the children of the world; who of the hght: see what they signify in scripture. I marvel if by and by ye all agree, that the children of the world should be wiser than the children of the hght. To come somewhat nigher the matter, thus the Lord beginneth : Luke xvi. There was a certain rich man that had a steward, which was accused unto him that he had dissipated and wasted his goods. This rich man called ids steward to him and said, What is this that I hear of thee? Come, make me an account of thy stewardship; thou mayest no longer bear this office. Brethren, because these words are so spoken in a parable, and are so wrapped in wrinkles, that yet they seem to have a face and a similitude of a thing done indeed, and like an history, I think it much profitable to tarry some what in them. And though we may perchance find in our hearts to believe all that is there spoken to be true; yet I doubt whether we may abide it, that these words of Christ do pertain unto us, and admonish us of our duty, which do and live after such sort, as though Christ, when he spake any thing, had, as the time served him, served his turn, and not regarded the time that came after him, neither provided for us, or any matters of ours ; as some PdteiXrj of the philosophers thought, which said, that God walked up and down in heaven, and thinketh never a deal of our affairs. But, my good brethren, err not you so ; stick not you to such your imaginations. For if ye inwardly behold these words, if ye diligently roll them in your minds, and after explicate and open them, ye shall see our time much touched in these mysteries. Ye shall perceive that IV.] CONVOCATION OF THE CLERGY. 35 God by this example shaketh us by the noses and pulleth us by the ears. Ye shall perceive very plain, that God setteth before our eyes in this similitude what we ought most to flee, and what we ought soonest to follow. For Luke saith, " The Lord spake these words to his disciples." Wherefore let it be out of all doubt that he spake them to us, which even as we will be counted the successors and vicars of Christ's disciples, so we be, if we be good dispensers and do our duty. He said these things partly to us, which spake them partly of himself. For he is that christnath rich man, which not only had, but hath, and shall haveS.ystew" evermore, I say not one, but many stewards, even to the end of the world. He is man, seeing that he is God and man. He is rich, not only in mercy but in all kind of riches ; for it is he that giveth to us all things abundantly. It is he of whose hand we received both our hves, and other things necessary for the conservation of the same. What man hath any thing, I pray you, but he hath received it of his plentifulness ? To be short, it is he that " openeth his hand, and filleth aU beasts with his blessing," and ' giveth unto us in most ample wise his benediction. Neither his treasure can be spent, how much Christ's soever he lash out ; how much soever we take of him, his cannot be . spent. treasure tarrieth still, ever taken, never spent. He is also the good man of the house : the church is his household, which ought with all diligence to be fed with his word and his sacraments. These be his goods most precious, the dispensation and administration whereof he would bishops and curates should have. Which thine St Paul affirmeth, The office of . . . ministers. saying, " Let men esteem us as the ministers of Christ, and dispensers of God's mysteries." But, I pray you, what is to be looked for in a dispenser ? This surely, " that he be found faithful," and that he truly dispense, and lay out the goods of the Lord ; that he give meat in time ; give it, I say, and not sell it ; meat I say, and not poison. For the one doth in toxicate and slay the eater, the other feedeth and nourisheth him. Finally, let him not slack and defer the doing of his what man- office, but let him do his duty when time is, and need requir- " minister" .../.iii , should be. eth it. This is also to be looked for, that he be one whom God hath called and put in office, and not one that cometh p and not only giveth, 1562.] 3—2 36 SERMON PREACHED BEFORE THE [sERM. uncalled, unsent for; not one that of himself presumeth to take honour upon him. And1 surely, if all this that I say be required in a good minister, it is much hghter to require them all in every one, than to find one any where that hath them a faithful a\\ Who is a true and faithful steward ? He is true, he is steward. faithful, that coineth no new money, but taketh it ready coined of the good man of the house ; and neither changeth it, ne clippeth it, after it is taken to him to spend, but spendeth even the self-same that he had of his Lord, and spendeth it as his Lord's commandment is ; neither to his own vantage uttering it, nor as the lewd servant did, hiding it in the ground. Brethren, if a faithful steward ought to do as I have said, I pray you, ponder and examine this well, whether our bishops and abbots, prelates and curates, have been hitherto faithful stewards or no? Ponder, whether yet many of them be as they should be or no ? Go ye to, tell me now counter- as your conscience leadeth you, (I will let pass to speak of God s coin, many other,) was there not some, that despising the money of the Lord, as copper and not current, either coined new them selves, or else uttered abroad newly coined of other; some time either adulterating the word of God, or else mingling it (as taverners do, which brew and utter the evil and good both in one pot), sometime in the stead of God's word blowing out the dreams of men? while they thus preached to the people the redemption that cometh by Christ's death to serve only them that died before his coining, that were in the time of the old testament; and that now since redemption and for giveness of sins purchased by money, and devised by men, is of efficacy, and not redemption purchased by Christ: (they have a wonderful pretty example to persuade this thing, of a certain married woman, which, when her husband was in purgatory, in that fiery furnace that hath burned away so purgatory many of our pence, paid her husband's ransom, and so of duty claimed him to be set at liberty:) while they thus of i'ma^T8 Preacned to tne people, that dead images (wliich at the first, as I think, were set up, only to represent things absent) not only ought to be' covered with gold2, but also ought of all P What is to be looked for? Surely, &c. 1562.] P See the Homily against "Peril of Idolatry," (part 3.) in which many of the same superstitious practices are recited almost in the same words.] IV.] CONVOCATION OF THE CLERGY. 37 faithful and christian people, (yea, in this scarceness and penury of all things,) to be clad with silk garments, and those also laden with precious gems and jewels ; and that beside all this, they are to be hghted with wax candles, both within the church and without the church, yea, and at noon days; as who should say, here no cost can be too great ; whereas in the mean time we see Christ's faithful and lively images, bought with no less price than with his most precious blood, (alas, alas !) to be an hungred, a-thirst, a-cold, and to he in darkness, wrapped in all wretchedness, yea, to he there till death take away their miseries : while they preached these wai-work.. will- works, that come but of our own devotion, although they be not so necessary as the works of mercy, and the precepts of God, yet they said, and in the pulpit, that will-works were more principal, more exceUent, and (plainly to utter what they mean) more acceptable to God than works of mercy ; The works as though now man's inventions and fanoies could please commanded God better than God's precepts, or strange things better than acceptable i • i -i ,1 ,i , , ¦, „ . before him. his own: while they thus preached that more fruit, more devotion cometh of the beholding of an image, though it be but a Pater-noster while, than is gotten by reading and con templation in scripture, though ye read and contemplate therein seven years' space : finally, while they preached thus, souls tormented in purgatory to have most need of our The papists' help, and that they can have no aid, but of us in this world : of the which two, if the one be not false, yet at the least it is ambiguous, uncertain, doubtful, and therefore rashly and arrogantly' with such boldness affirmed in the audience of the people ; the other, by all men's opinions, is manifestly false : I let pass to speak of much other such like counterfeit doc trine, which hath been blasted and blown out by some for the space of three hours together. Be these the Christian and divine mysteries, and not rather the dreams of men? Be these the faithful dispensers of God's mysteries, and not Papists are rather false dissipators of them? whom God never put in cr0as^*fs- office, but rather the devil set them over a miserable family, °£sd's ""st over an house miserably ordered and entreated. Happy were the people if such preached seldom. And yet it is a wonder to see these, in their generation, to be much more prudent and politic than the faithful min isters are in their generation ; while they go about more 38 SERMON PREACHED BEFORE THE [sERM. prudently to stablish men's dreams, than these do to hold up God's commandments. Thus it cometh to pass that works lucrative, will-works, men's fancies reign ; but christian works, necessary works, fruitful works, be trodden under the foot. Thus the evil is much better set out by evil men, than the good by good men; because the evil be more wise than be the good in their generation. These be the false stewards, whom all good and faithful men every day accuse unto the rich master of the household, not without great heaviness, that they waste his goods; whom he also one day will call to him, and say to them as he did to his steward, when he said, " What is this that I hear of thee ?" Here God partly won- dereth at our ingratitude and perfidy, partly chideth us for them; and being both full of wonder and ready to chide, asketh us, " What is this that I hear of you ?" As though God win can he should say unto us; "All good men in all places complain his ministers „ . to a great of you, accuse your avarice, your exactions, your tyranny. They have required in you a long season, and yet require, diligence and sincerity. I commanded you, that with all industry and labour ye should feed my sheep : ye earnestly feed yourselves from day to day, wallowing in dehghts and idleness. I commanded you to teach my commandments, and not your fancies ; and that ye should seek my glory and my vantage : you teach your own traditions, and seek your own glory and profit. You preach very seldom ; and when ye do preach, do nothing but cumber them that preach truly, as much as heth in you : that it were much better such were not to preach at all, than so perniciously to preach. Oh, what hear I of you ? You, that ought to be my preachers, what other thing do you, than apply all your study hither, to bring all my preachers to envy, shame, contempt ? Yea, more than this, ye pull them into perils, into prisons, and, as Gnd wmeth much as in you heth, to cruel deaths. To be short, I would all men to . . ' that christian people should hear my doctrine, and at their convenient leisure read it also, as many as would: your care is not that all men may hear it, but all your care is, that no lay man do read it: surely, being afraid lest they by the reading should understand it, and understanding, learn to a^wSta rebuke 0U1' slothfulness. This is your generation, this is f'atton8™" vour dispensation, this is your wisdom. In this generation,' read and understandhis word. IV.] CONVOCATION OF THE CLERGY. 39 in this dispensation, you be most politic, most witty. These be the things that I hear of your demeanour. I wished to hear better report of you. Have ye thus deceived me ? or have ye rather deceived yourselves ? Where I had but one house, that is to say, the church, and this so dearly beloved of me, that for the love of her I put myself forth to be slain, and to shed my blood ; this church at my departure I com mitted unto your charge, to be fed, to be nourished, and to be made much of. My pleasure was ye should occupy my place ; my desire was ye should have borne like love to this church, like fatherly affection, as I did: I made you my vicars, yea, in matters of most importance. " For thus I taught openly : ' He that should hear you, JjJJ**^. should hear me ; he that should despise you, should despise me.' I gave you also keys, not earthly keys, but heavenly. I left my goods that I have evermore most highly esteemed, that is, my word and sacraments, to be dispensed of you. These benefits I gave you, and do you give me these thanks ? Can you find in your hearts thus to abuse my goodness, my benignity, my gentleness ? Have you thus deceived me ? No, no, ye have not deceived me, but yourselves. My gifts Tbepap&i*- and benefits toward you shall be to your greater damnation. {^^"^ Because you have contemned the lenity and clemency of the master of the house, ye have right well deserved to abide the rigour and severity of the judge. Come forth then, let us see an account of your stewardship. An horrible and fearful sentence : Ye may have no longer my goods in your hands. A voice to weep at, and to make men tremble !" You see, brethren, you see, what evil the evil stewards must come to. Your labour is paid for, if ye can so take heed, that no such sentence be spoken to you ; nay, we must all take heed lest these threatenings one day take place in us. But lest the length of my sermon offend you too sore, I will leave the rest of the parable and take me to the handling of the end of it; that is, I will declare unto you how the children of this world be more witty, crafty, and subtle, Tfh^d0r™ than are the children of the hght in their generation. Which £™mr sentence would God it lay in my poor tongue to exphcate Se°xf.light- with such hght of words, that I might seem rather to have painted it before your eyes, than to have spoken it; and that you might rather seem to see the thing, than to hear it! petitions. 40 SERMON PREACHED BEFORE THE CLERGY. [sERM IV.] But I confess plainly this thing to be far above my power. Therefore this being only left to me, I wish for that I have not, and am sorry that that is not in me which I would so gladly have, that is, power so to handle the thing that I have in hand, that all that I say may turn to the glory of God, your souls' health, and the edifying of Christ's body. Godiy Wherefore I pray you all to pray with me unto God, and that in your petition you desire, that these two things he vouchsafe to grant us, first, a mouth for me to speak rightly ; next, ears for you, that in hearing me ye may take profit at my hand : and that this may come to effect, you shall de sire him, unto whom our master Christ bad we should pray, saying even the same prayer that he himself did institute. Wherein ye shall pray for our most gracious sovereign lord the king, chief and supreme head of the church of England under Christ, and for the most exceUent, gracious, and vir tuous lady queen Jane1, his most lawful wife, and for all his, whether they be of the clergy or laity, whether they be of the nobility, or else other his grace's subjects2, not for getting those that being departed out of this transitory life, and now sleep in the sleep of peace, and rest from their labours in quietness and in peaceable sleep, faithfully, lov ingly, and patiently looking for that that they clearly shall see when God shall be so pleased. For all these, and for grace necessary, ye shall say unto God God's prayer, Pater noster. P Jane Seymour, the third wife of Henry VTTT.] P humbly beseeching Almighty God that every one of us, even from the highest to the lowest, may, in his degree and calling, earnestly endeavour to set forth the glory of God and the gospel of his Son, Christ Jesus, that so living in his fear and love, we may in the end of our days depart out of this life in his friendship and favour. For these graces, and what else his wisdom knoweth most needful for us, let us pray as we are taught, saying, Our Father, &c. 1607.] THE SECOND SERMON, IN THE AFTERNOON. Filii hujus seculi, &$c. — Luc. xvi. [8]. Christ in this saying touched the sloth and sluggishness of his, and did not allow the fraud and subtlety of others; neither was glad that it was indeed as he had said, but com plained rather that it should be so : as many men speak many things, not that they ought to be so, but that they are wont to be so. Nay, this grieved Christ, that the children of this The children i ,. ... . of this world world should be of more pohcy than the children of light ; arc of more r . " . . o ' policy than which thing was true in Christ's time, and now in our time onight.dren is most true. Who is so blind but he seeth this clearly ; except perchance there be any that cannot discern the chil dren of the world from the children of light? The children of the world conceive and bring forth more prudently ; and things conceived and brought forth they nourish and con serve with much more pohcy than do the children of hght. Which thing is as sorrowful to be said, as it seemeth absurd to be heard. When ye hear the children of the world, you understand the world as a father. For the world is father of many children, not by the first creation and work, but by imitation of love. He is not only a father, but also the son of another father. If ye know once his father, by and by ye shall know his children. For he that hath the devil to his father, must needs have devilish children. The devil The devii is is not only taken for father, but also for prince of the world, this world. that is, of worldly folk. It is either all one thing, or else not much different, to say, children of the world, and children of the devil ; according to that that Christ said to the Jews, "Ye are of your father the devil:" where as undoubtedly Joim vm. he spake to children of this world. Now seeing the devil is both author and ruler of the darkness, in the which the children of this world walk, or, to say better, wan- The devii is ii j.i i-i the father of der ; they mortally hate both the hght, and also the chil- J^*"^™ dren of light. And hereof it cometh, that the children of 42 SERMON PREACHED BEFORE THE [sERM. light never, or very seldom, lack persecution in this world, unto which the children of the world, that is, of the devil, bringeth them. And there is no man but he seeth, that these use much more pohcy in procuring the hurt and damage of the good, than those in defending themselves. Therefore, brethren, gather you the disposition and study of the children by the disposition and study of the fathers. Ye know this The pedigree is a proverb much used: "An evil crow, an evil egg." Then drenofthis the children of this world that are known to have so evil a father, the world, so evil a grandfather, the devil, cannot choose but be evil. Surely the first head of their ancestry The devii was the deceitful serpent the devil, a monster monstrous above all monsters. I cannot wholly express him, I wot \ not what to call him, but a certain thing altogether made of / the hatred of God, of mistrust in God, of lyings, deceits, perjuries, discords, manslaughters ; and, to say at one word, a thing concrete, heaped up and made of all kind of mischief. But what the devil mean I to go about to describe parti cularly the devil's nature, when no reason, no power of man's mind can comprehend it? .This alonely I can say grossly, and as in a sum, of the which all we (our hurt is the more) have experience, the devil to be a stinking sentine1 of all vices; a foul filthy channel of all mischiefs; and that this world, his son, even a child meet to have such a parent, is not much unhke his father. Then, this devil being such one as can never be unlike himself; lo, of Envy, his well beloved Leman2, he begat the World, and after left it with Discord at nurse ; wliich World, Note wen after that it came to man's state, had of many concubines this pedigree. TT - " many sons. He was so fecund a father, and had gotten so many clrildren of Lady Pride, Dame Gluttony, Mistress Avarice, Lady Lechery, and of Dame Subtlety, that now hard and scant ye may find any corner, any land of life, where many of his children be not. In court, in cowls, in cloisters, in rochets, be they never so white ; yea, where shall ye not find them ? Howbeit, they that be secular and laymen, are not by and by children of the world ; nor they children of light, that are called spiritual, and of the clergy. P Sentine, sentina, kennel of collected filth.] P Leman, properly, a sweetheart of either sex, but the word was commonly used in a bad sense.] V.] CONVOCATION OF THE CLERGY. 43 No, no ; as ye may find among the laity many children of hght, so among the clergy, (how much soever we arrogate these holy titles unto us, and think them only attributed to us, Vos estis lux mundi, peculium Christi, Sec. "Ye Matt. v. are the light of the world, the chosen people of Christ, a kingly priesthood, an holy nation, and such other,") ye shall find many children of the world; because in aU places the world getteth many children. Among the lay people the world ceaseth not to bring to pass, that as they be called worldly, so they are worldly indeed; driven head long by worldly desires : insomuch that they may right well seem to have taken as well the manners as the name of their father. In the clergy, the world also hath learned a way to make of men spiritual, worldlings ; yea, and there also to form worldly children, where with great pretence of holiness, and crafty colour of rehgion, they utterly desire to hide and cloak the name of the world, as though they were ashamed of their father ; which do execrate and detest worldlings ... . « , . .-, ashamed the world (being nevertheless their father) in words and ^tn^ir outward signs, but in heart and work they coll3 and kiss him, and in all their hves declare themselves to be his babes ; insomuch that in all worldly points they far pass and surmount those that they call seculars, laymen, men of the world. The child so diligently foUoweth the steps of his father, is never destitute of the aid of his grandfather. These be our holy holy men, that say they are dead to the world, when no men be more hvely in worldly things than some of them be. But let them be in profession and name most farthest from the world, most alienate from it; yea so far, that they may seem to have no occupying, no kindred, no affinity, nothing to do with it : yet in their life and deeds they shew themselves no bastards, but right be gotten children of the world ; as that which the world long sithens had by his dear wife Dame Hypocrisy, and since Ah6i«»n hath brought them up and multiphed to more than a good madefy many ; increased them too much, albeit they swear by all worldlings. he-saints and she-saints too, that they know not their father, nor mother, neither the world, nor hypocrisy; as indeed they can semble and dissemble all things ; which thing they might [3 French accoler, to hang round the neck.] 44 SERMON PREACHED BEFORE THE [sERM. learn wonderful well of their parents. I speak not of all rehgious men, but of those that the world hath fast knit at his girdle, even in the midst of their rehgion, that is, of many and more than many. For I fear, lest in all orders of men the better, I must say the greater part of them be out of order, and children of the world. Many of these might seem ingrate and unkind children, that will no better ac knowledge and recognise their parents in words and outward pretence, but abrenounce and cast them off, as though they The nveiy hated them as dogs and serpents. Howbeit they, in this images of the . ° f . i , world. wise, are most grateful to their parents, because they be most like them, so lively representing them in countenance and conditions, that their parents seem in them to be young again, forasmuch as they ever say one thing and think an other. They shew themselves to be as sober, as temperate, as Curius1 the Roman was, and hve every day as though all their life were a shroving time. They be like their parents, I say, inasmuch as they, in following them, seem grandfather and make men beheve they hate them. Thus grandfather mo0ther £> ( Devil, father World, and mother Hypocrisy, have brought theebegetters them up. Thus good obedient sons have borne away their drenof the parents' commandments ; neither these be sohtary, how reh gious, how mocking, how monking, I would say, soever they be. 0 ye will lay this to my charge, that monachus and solitarius signifieth all one. I grant this to be so, yet these be so sohtary that they be not alone, but accompanied with great flocks of fraternities. And I marvel if there be not a great sort of bishops and prelates, that are brethren germain unto these ; and as a great sort, so even as right born, and world's children by as good title as they. But because I cannot speak of all, when I say prelates, I understand bishops, abbots, priors, archdeacons, deans, and other of such sort, that are now called to this convocation, as I see, to entreat here of nothing but of such matters as both appertain to the glory of Christ, and to the wealth of the people of England. Which thing I pray God they do as earnestly as they ought to do. But it is to be feared lest, as hght hath] many her children here, so the world hath sent some of his i whelps hither : amongst the which I know there can be no [i Curius Dentatus — incomptis Curium capillis, Hor.] V.] CONVOCATION OF THE CLERGY. 45 concord nor unity, albeit they be in one place, in one con gregation. I know there can be no agreement between Men of these two, as long as they have minds so unlike, and so opinions contrary affections, judgments so utterly diverse in all points, w^eniheybe But if the children of this world be either more in number, or more prudent than the children of hght, what then avail- eth us to have this convocation ? Had it not been better we had not been called together at aU ? For as the children of this world be evil, so they breed and bring forth things evil ; and yet there be more of them in all places, or at the least they be more pohtic than the children of light in their gene ration. And here I speak of the generation whereby they do engender, and not of that whereby they are engendered, because it should be too long to entreat how the children of hght are engendered, and how they come in at the door ; and how the children of the world be engendered, and come in another way. Howbeit, I think all you that be here were not engendered after one generation, neither that ye all came by your promotions after one manner : God grant that ye, engendered worldly, do not engender worldly : and as woruiy now I much pass not how ye were engendered, or by what must means ye were promoted to those dignities that ye now worwiy. occupy, so it be honest, good and profitable, that ye in this your consultation shall do and engender. The end of your convocation shall shew what ye have done ; the fruit that shall come of your consultation shall shew what generation ye be of. For what have ye done hitherto, I pray you, these seven years and more? What have ye engendered ? What have ye brought forth ? What fruit is come of your long and great assembly ? What one thing that the people of England hath been the better of a hair ; or you yourselves, either more accepted before God, or better discharged toward the people committed unto your cure ? For that the people is better learned and taught now, than they were in time past, to whether of these ought we to attribute it, to your industry, or to the providence of God, and the foreseeing of the king's grace2 ? Ought we to thank you, or the king's highness? Whether stirred other first, you the king, that he might preach, or he you by his letters, p See the king's letter to his bishops directing them how to in struct the people. Wilkins, Concil. ni. 825.] 46 SERMON PREACHED BEFORE THE fsERM. that ye should preach oftener? Is it unknown, think you, how both ye and your curates were, in [a] manner, by violence enforced to let books to be made, not by you, but by profane and lay persons; to let them, I say, be sold abroad, and read for the instruction of the people? I am bold with you, but I speak Latin and not English, to the clergy, not to the laity ; I speak to you being present, and a proper ] not behind your backs. God is my witness, I speak what- manner of), i v «/ ' x byeLaum«J soever is spoken of the good- will that I bear you ; Sod is 1 my witness, which knoweth my heart, and compeUeth me to i say that I say. Now, I pray you in God's name, what did you, so great fathers, so many, so long a season, so oft assembled together ? What went you about? What would ye have brought to two notable pass ? Two things taken away — the one, that ye (which I heard) burned a dead man1 ; the other, that ye (which I felt) went about to burn one being ahve : him, because he did, I cannot tell how, in his testament withstand your profit ; in other points, as I have heard, a very good man ; reported to be of an honest life while he hved, full of good works, good both to the clergy, and also to the laity : this other2, which truly never hurt any of you, ye would have < raked in the coals, because he would not subscribe to certain j articles that took away the supremacy of the king : — take away these two noble acts, and there is nothing else left that ye went about, that I know, saving that I now remember, > that somewhat ye attempted against Erasmus3, albeit as yet Manycon- nothing is come to hght. Ye have oft sat in consultation, smaffprofit? but what have ye done ? Ye have had many things in de liberation, but what one is put forth, whereby either Christ is more glorified, or else Christ's people made more holy? I appeal to your own conscience. How chanced this ? How came it thus ? Because there were no children of hght, no children of God amongst you, which, setting the world at P The body of "William Tracy, in the year 1532. Collier, Eccles. Hist. Vol. iv. p. 199, 8vo. Edit. Tracy's will, on account of which his dead body was adjudged to be guilty of heresy, may be seen in Foxe, Acts and Mon. Vol. v. p. 31. Edit. 1838.] P Latimer himself.] P An allusion to the attempt of Dr Standish (1520) to fasten the charge of heresy on Erasmus. Jortin, Life of Erasmus, p. 220.] V.] CONVOCATION OF THE CLERGY. 47 nought, would study to illustrate the glory of God, and thereby shew themselves children of hght ? I think not so, certainly I think not so. God forbid, that all you, which were gathered together under the pretence of light, should be children of the world ! Then why happened this ? Why, I pray you ? Perchance, either because the children of the world were more in number in this your congregation, as it oft happeneth, or at the least of more policy than the children of light in their generation : whereby it might very soon be brought to pass, that these were much more stronger in gendering the evil, than these in producing the good. The children of hght have policy, but it is hke the policy The policy of ci i • • • i ¦ i i ...... m the children of the serpent, and is joined with doveish simphcity. They^ofiight. engender nothing but simply, faithfully, and plainly, even so | doing all that they do. And therefore they may with more facility be cumbered in their engendering, and be the more ready to take injuries. But the children of this world have worldly pohcy, foxly craft, lion-like cruelty, power to do hurtj more than either aspis or basiliscus, engendering and doing all things fraudulently, deceitfully, guilefully : which as Nim- rods and such sturdy and stout hunters, being full of simula tion and dissimulation before the Lord, deceive the children of hght, and cumber them easily. Hunters go not forth in every man's sight, but do their affairs closely, and with use of guile and deceit wax every day more craftier than other. The children of this world be like crafty hunters ; they The children , i of this world be misnamed children of hght, forasmuch as they so hate j« crafty ° ' " hunters. hght, and so study to do the works of darkness. If they were the children of hght, they would not love darkness. It is no marvel that they go about to keep other in dark ness, seeing they be in darkness, from top to toe over whelmed with darkness, darker than is the darkness of hell. Wherefore it is well done in all orders of men, but especial in the order of prelates, to put a difference between children of hght and children of the world, because great deceit ariseth in taking the one for the other. Great imposture cometh, when they that the common people take for the hght, go about to take the sun and the hght out of the world. But these be easily known, both by the diversity of minds, and also their armours. For whereas the children of light are thus minded, that they seek their adversaries' 48 SERMON PREACHED BEFORE THE [sERM. health, wealth, and profit, with loss of their own commodities, and ofttimes with jeopardy of their life ; the children of the world, contrariwise, have such stomachs, that they will sooner see them dead that doth them good, than sustain any loss of th™hiidren temporal things. The armour of the children of hght are, of light. /• grs^ the WOrd of God, which they ever set forth, and with all diligence put it abroad, that, as much as in them heth, it may bring forth fruit : after this, patience and prayer, with the which in all adversities the Lord comforteth them. Other things they commit to God, unto whom they leave Armour of all revengement. The armour of the children of the world the worlds^ °. . • t children. are, sometime frauds and deceits, sometime lies and money: by the first they make their dreams, their traditions ; by the second they stabhsh and confirm their dreams, be they never so absurd, never so against scripture, honesty, or reason. And if any man resist them, even with these wea pons they procure to slay him. Thus they bought Christ's death, the very hght itself, and obscured him after his death : thus they buy every day the children of hght, and obscure them, and shall so do, until the world be at an end. So that it may be ever true, that Christ said : " The children of the world be wiser, &c." The children These worldlings pull down the hvely faith, and full con- destroy true fidence that men have in Christ, and set up another faith, faith and set . r ' faithslse another confidence, of then own making : the children of light contrary. These worldlings set little by such works as God hath prepared for our salvation, but they extol traditions and works of their own invention : the children of light contrary. The worldlings, if they spy profit, gains, or lucre in any thing, be it never such a trifle, be it never so pernicious, they preach it to the people, (if they preach at any time,) and these things they defend with tooth and nail. They can scarce disallow the abuses of these, albeit they be intolerable, lest in disallowing the abuse they lose Tfh^hiidren part of their profit. The children of the hght contrary, put abUhfrabIse°B. a11 thinSs in their degree> best highest, next next, the worst lowest. They extol things necessary, christian, and commanded of God. They pull down will-works feigned by men, and put them in their place. The abuses of all things they earnestly rebuke. But yet these things be so done on both parties, and so they both do gender, that the children of the world shew V-J CONVOCATION OF THE CLERGY. 49 themselves wiser than the children of light, and that frauds and deceits, lies and money, seem evermore to have the upper hand. I hold my peace ; I wiU not say how fat feasts, instruments and jolly banquets, be jolly instruments to set forth worldly setS* t0 matters withal. Neither the children of the world be only matters. wiser than the children of hght, but are also some of them among themselves much wiser than the other in their gene ration. For albeit, as touching the end, the generation of them all is one ; yet in this same generation some of them have more craftily engendered than the other of their fel lows. For what a thing was that, that once every hundred year was brought forth in Rome of the children of this world, and with how much policy it was made, ye heard at Paul's Cross1 in the beginning of the last parliament : how some brought forth canonizations2, some expectations3, what&uits . . ° L papistical some pluralities and unions, some tot-quots and dispensations, jJJgSjJS; some pardons, and these of wonderful variety, some station- forth- aries4, some jubilaries5, some pocularies6 for drinkers, some P For historical particulars illustrative of the preaching at "Paul's Cross," see Dugdale, Hist, of St Paul's Cathedral, edited by Ellis, pp. 87, &c] P Many of these terms are explained in Ridley's Works, p. 55. Note C] P Gratice expectivce, or certain papal instruments by which bene fices, not yet vacant, were prospectively made over to purchasers. Many laws were enacted in England against this intolerable abuse.] [4 During a time of pestilence, Gregory I. appointed certain litanies and masses to be sung in the principal churches in Rome on certain fixed days, for the remission of sins. These solemnities were continued ever afterwards on stated occasions, and denominated Stations, quasi statas, i. e. certis anni diebus ac statutis celebres. Pol. Vergil, De rerum Inventoribus, Lib. vin. c. 1.] P Pope Boniface VIII. instituted the first jubilee at Rome in the year 1300, promising plenary remission of sins to all who should visit Rome at that festival. These jubilees were at first ordered to be celebrated once in 100 years ; but Clement VI. shortened that period to 50 years; Paul II. (who was followed herein by Sextus IV.) reduced the interval to 25 years ; whilst Alexander VI., to increase his revenue, assigned jubilees to be held in provinces and countries at a distance from Rome, as well as in Rome itself. Pol. Vergil, ubi supra. Extravagantes Commun. Lib. v. tit. ix. c. 1 — 4.] F6 Consecrated drinking- vessels.] 4 [latimer.] 50 SERMON PREACHED BEFORE THE [sERM. manuaries1 for handlers of relicks, some pedaries' for pil grims, some oscular iesa for kissers ; some of them engendered one, some other such fetures3, and every one in that he was delivered of, was excellent politic, wise ; yea, so wise, that with their wisdom they had almost made all the world fools. But yet they that begot and brought forth that our old ancient purgatory pick-purse ; that that was swaged and The feigning cooled with a Franciscan's cowl, put upon a dead man's, back, of purgatory , was an excel- to the fourth part of his sins4 ; that that was utterly to be lentinven- x " tion. spoiled, and of none other but of our most prudent lord Pope, and of him as oft as him listed ; that satisfactory, that missal, that scalary5 : they, I say, that were the wise fathers and genitors of this purgatory, were in my mind the wisest of all their generation, and so far pass the children of hght, and also the rest of their company, that they both are but fools, if ye compare them with these. It was a pleasant fiction, and from the beginning so profitable to the feigners of it, that almost, I dare boldly say, there hath been no em peror that hath gotten more by taxes and tallages of them that were alive, than these, the very and right-begotten sons Purgatory of the world, got by dead men's tributes and gifts. If there the sweet ° " & worrwln0fs ^e some in England, that would this* sweeting of the world to be with no less pohcy kept still than it was born and brought forth in Rome, who then can accuse Christ of lying? No, no ; as it hath been ever true, so it shall be, that the children of the world be much wiser, not only in making their things, but also in conserving them. I wot not what P Consecrated gloves and sandals.] [2 Consecrated tablets on which were representations of Christ, of the Virgin Mary, or of some saint. Virtues, pardons, merits, &c. of various kinds were supposed to be derived from the purchase and use of these several consecrated articles, e. g. the pardon-bowl mentioned by Latimer in his sermon "Of the Plough," p. 75.] [3 Fetures: births or productions.] P Of pope Clement V., for example, it is related: "Sepeliendis in habitu Minorum quartam partem omnium peccatorum remisit." Wadding, Annales Minorum, Tom. vi. p. 219, Edit. 2, Romse 1773. See also, Wolf, Lectiones Memorab. Tom. i. p. 772, Francof ad Moen. 1671.] P Masses-satisfactory,— soul-masses,— masses of scala colli. See Becon, Works, 1560—4. Vol. in. fol. 363. Stavely, Romish Horse leech, Ch. xxiv.] V.J CONVOCATION OF THE CLERGY. 51 it is, but somewhat it is I wot, that some men be' so loth to see the abuse of this monster, purgatory, which abuse is more than abominable : as who should say, there is none abuse in it, or else as though there can be none in it. They may seem heartily to love the old thing, that thus earnestly endeavour them to restore him his old name. They would not set an hair by the name, but for the thing. They be not so ignorant, (no, they be crafty,) but that they know if the name come again, the thing will come after. Thereby it ariseth, that some men make their cracks, that they, maugre all men's heads, have found purgatory. I cannot tell what is found. This, to pray for dead folks, this is not Finders of found, for it was never lost. How can that be found that iost.gs D was not_ lost ? 0 subtle finders, that can find things, if God wiH7 ere they be lost ! For that cowlish deliverance, their scalary loosings, their papal spoliations, and other such their figments, they cannot find. No, these be so lost, as they themselves grant, that though they seek them never so dili gently, yet they shall not find them, except perchance they hope to see them come in again with their names ; and that then money-gathering may return again, and deceit walk about the country, and so stablish their kingdom in all king doms. But to what end this chiding between the children The children of the world and the children of light will come, only he and thewchii- knoweth that once shall judge them both. cannot agree. Now, to make haste and to come somewhat nigher the end. Go ye to, good brethren and fathers, for the love of God, go ye to ; and seeing we are here assembled, let us do something whereby we may be known to be the children of hght. Let us do somewhat, lest we, which hitherto have been judged children of the world, seem even still to be so. All men call us prelates : then, seeing we be in council, let us so order ourselves, that we be prelates in honour and dignity ; so we may be prelates in holiness, benevolence, dihgence, and sincerity. All men know that we be here who they be gathered, and with most fervent desire they anheale6, breathe, prelates."8 and gape for the fruit of our convocation : as our acts shall be, so they shall name us : so that now it heth in us, whether we will be called children of the world, or children of light. [6 Are breathlessly anxious, (anhelare)]. 4—2 52 SERMON PREACHED BEFORE THE [SERM. Wherefore lift up your heads, brethren, and look about with your eyes, spy what things are to be reformed in the church of England. Is it so hard, is it so great a matter for you to see many abuses in the clergy, many in the laity? The Arches. What is done in the Arches1? Nothing to be amended? What do they there ? Do they evermore rid the people's business and matters, or cumber and ruffle them ? Do they evermore correct vice, or else defend it, sometime being well corrected in other places? How many sentences be given there in time, as they ought to be ? If men say truth, how many without bribes ? Or if all things be well done there, coSories. w^at do men in bishops' Consistories2 ? Shall you often see the punishments assigned by the laws executed, or else money-redemptions used in their stead? How think you ceremonies, by the ceremonies that are in England, oft-times, with no little offence of weak consciences, contemned ; more oftener with superstition so defiled, and so depraved, that you- may doubt whether it were better some of them to tarry still, or utterly to take them away ? Have not our forefathers com plained of the ceremonies3, of the superstition, and estimation of them ? Hobdays. Do ye see nothing in our hohdays? of the which very few were made at the first, and they to set forth goodness, virtue, and honesty : but sithens, in some places, there is neither mean nor measure in making new hohdays, as who should say, this one thing is serving of God, to make this law, that no man may work. But what doth the people on hoiViFwe these nouclays? Do they give themselves to godliness, or befioiy. eise ungodliness ? See ye nothing, brethren? If you see not, yet God seeth. God seeth all the whole hohdays to The abuse of be spent miserably in drunkenness, in glossing, in strife, in holidays. ...... . ,. ° ©' ' envy, in daneing, dicing, idleness, and gluttony. He seeth all this, and threateneth punishment for it. He seeth it, P The chief and most ancient Consistory court belonging to the archbishop of Canterbury. The name is derived from the Court having been formerly held in the church of St Mary le bow, (S. Maria de Ar- cutms). Blackstone, Comm. xv. 3, c. v.] P All bishops have a Consistory court for the trial of ecclesiastical causes arising within their respective dioceses. Blackstone, ubi sup.] P the number of ceremonies, 1562.] V-] CONVOCATION OF THE CLERGY. 53 which neither is deceived in seeing, nor deceiveth when he threateneth. Thus men serve the devil ; for God is not thus served, albeit ye say ye serve God. No, the devil hath more service done unto him on one holiday, than on many work ing days. Let all these abuses be counted as nothing, who is he that is not sorry, to see in so many holidays rich and wealthy persons to flow in delieates, and men that live by their travail, poor men, to lack necessary meat and drink for their wives and their children, and that they cannot labour upon the holidays, except they will be cited, and brought before our Officials ? Were it not the office of good prelates to consult upon these matters, and to seek some. remedy for them? Te shall see, my brethren, ye shall see once, what will come of this our winking. , What think ye of these images that are had more than The abuse of their fellows in reputation4 ; that are gone unto with such labour and weariness of the body, frequented with such our cost, sought out and visited with such confidence ? What say ye by these images, that are so famous, so noble, so noted, being of them so many and so divers in England ? Do you think that this preferring of picture to picture, image to image, is the right use, and not rather the abuse, of images ? But you will say to me, Why make ye all these interroga tions? and why, in these your demands, do you let and withdraw the good devotion of the people ? Be not all things well done, that are done with good intent, when they be profitable to us? So, surely, covetousness both thinketh and speaketh. Were it not better for us, more for estimation, more meeter for men in our places, to cut away a piece of this our profit, if we will not cut away all, than to wink at such ungodliness, and so long to wink for a little lucre ; specially if it be ungodliness, and also seem unto you un godliness ? These be two things, so oft to seek mere images, The visiting ° • . i t 1 c • aj ¦ ofrelicksof and sometune to visit the rehcks of samts. And yet, as m samts. those there may be much ungodliness committed, so there may here some superstition be hid, if that sometime we chance to visit pigs' bones instead of saints' rehcks, as in pigs- bones. P " They will make comparisons betweene our lady of Ippiswitch and our ladie of Walsingham: as wening that one image more of power then the other." Sir Thos. More's Works, p. 140, c] 54 SERMON PREACHED BEFORE THE [sERM. time past it hath chanced, I had almost said, in England. Then this is too great a blindness, a darkness too sensible, that these should be so commended in sermons of some men, and preached to be done after such manner, as though they could not be evil done ; which, notwithstanding, are such, that neither God nor man commandeth them to be done. No, rather, men commanded them either not to be done at all, or else more slowlier and seldomer to be done, forasmuch a constitu- as our ancestors made this constitution : " We command the tion made by , i . En*ndChof Priests' tljat *"ev °" admonish the people, and m especial women, that they make no vows but after long dehberation, consent of their husbands, and counsel of the priest1." The church of England in time past made this constitution. What saw they that made this decree? They saw the intolerable abuses of images. They saw the perils that might ensue of going on pilgrimage. They saw the superstitious difference that men made between image and image. Surely, some what they saw. The constitution is so made, that in manner it taketh away all such' pilgrimages. For it so plucketh away the abuse of them, that it leaveth either none, or else seldom use of them. For they that restrain making vows for going of pilgrimage, restrain also pilgrimage ; seeing that for ,the most part it is seen that few go on pilgrimage but vow-makers, and such as by promise bind themselves to go. And when, I pray you, should a man's wife go on pilgrimage, if she went not before she had well debated the matter with herself, and obtained the consent of her husband, being a wise man, and were also counselled by a learned priest so to do? When should she go far off to these famous images? For this the common people of England think to be going on pilgrimage ; to go to some dead and notable image out of town, that is to say, far from their house. Now if your forefathers made this constitution, and P The constitution alluded to is attributed to Edmund, archbishop of Canterbury in the year 1236. "Prsecipimus ut sacerdotes saspe moneant populum, et maxime mulieres, ne faeiant vota sua nisi cum deliberatione et de consensu virorum suorum et concilio sacerdotum." Lyndewode, Provincial, p. 204, Oxon. 1679. See also Wilkins, Concil. i. p. 638. But the constitution is actually of much older date, being found, in substance, in the Pcenitentiale of Theodore, cap. xvi. v. 23. Ancient Laws and Institutes of England, Vol. n. p. 11, 8vo. Edit. 1840.] V.] CONVOCATION OF THE CLERGY. 55 yet thereby did nothing, the abuses every day more and more increased, what is left for you to do? Brethren and fathers, if ye purpose to do any thing, what should ye sooner peceitmiand do, than to take utterly away these deceitful and iugghngagesaretobe . .„ - ° taken away. images; or else, if ye know any other mean to put away abuses, to shew it, if ye intend to remove abuses ? Methink it should be grateful and pleasant to you to mark the earnest mind of your forefathers, and to look upon their desire where they say in their constitution, " We command you," and not, "We counsel you." How have we been so long a-cold, so long slack in setting forth so wholesome a precept of the church of England, where we be so hot in all things that have any gains in them, albeit they be neither commanded us, nor yet given us by counsel; as though we had lever the abuse of things should tarry still than, it taken away, lose our profit ? To let pass the solemn and nocturnal bacchanals, the pre script miracles, that are done upon certain days in the west part of England, who hath not heard ? I think ye have vigils and A ° * night watch- heard of St Blesis's2 heart wliich is at Malverne, and of'"^- St AlgarV bones, how long they deluded the people : I am afraid, to the loss of many souls. Whereby men may well conjecture, that all about in this realm there is plenty of such juggling deceits. And yet hitherto ye have sought no remedy. But even still the miserable people are suffered to take the false miracles for the true, and to he still asleep in all kind of superstition. God have mercy upon us ! Last of aU, how think you of matrimony ? Is aU well Matrimony. here ? What of baptism ? Shall we evermore in minister ing of it speak Latin, and not in English4 rather, that the people may know what is said and done ? What think ye of these mass-priests, and of the masses themselves ? What say ye ? Be all things here so without abuses, that nothing ought to be amended ? Your forefathers ¥$%*£££ saw somewhat, which made this constitution5 against the soid.en P Probably St Blaise.] P Probably Algar the father of Fremond, the latter being a Mer cian saint in great odour. Cressy, Ch. Hist. Book xxvn. ch. xxix.] P not English, 1562, 1571.] p The allusion seems to be to the mandate of Simon Islip, arch bishop of Canterbury (1350), which recites : Quod sacerdotes qui jam supersunt...curas animarum gerere negligunt...quinimmo eis penitus 56 SERMON PREACHED BEFORE THE [gERM. venality and sale of masses, that, under pain of suspending, no priest should seU his saying of tricennals1 or annals2. What saw they, that made this constitution ? What priests saw they? What manner of masses saw they, trow ye? But at the last, what became of so good a constitution? God have mercy upon us! If there be nothing to be amended abroad, concerning the whole, let every one of us make one better : if there be neither abroad nor at home any thing to be amended and redressed, my lords, be ye of good cheer, be merry ; and at the least, because we have nothing else to do, let us reason the matter how we may be richer. Let us fall to some pleasant communication; after let us go home, even as good as we came hither, that is, right-begotten children of the world, and utterly world lings. And while we hve here, let us all make bone cheer3. For after this life there is small pleasure, httle mirth for us to hope for ; if now there be nothing to be changed in 1 Pet. iv. our fashions. Let us say, not as St Peter did, " Our end approacheth nigh," this is an heavy hearing ; but let us say Matt xxiv. as the evil servant said, " It will be long ere my master come." This is pleasant. Let us beat our fellows : let us eat and drink with drunkards. Surely, as oft as we do not take away the abuse of things, so oft we beat our fellows. As oft as we give not the people their true food, so oft we derelictis, ad celebranda annualia et ad alia peculiaria se conferunt obsequia...pro eorum servitiis stipendia exigunt excessiva," &c. The provisions of this mandate had frequently to be re-enacted in after times. Wilkins, Concilia, &c. in. pp. 1, 15, 135, and also, Lyndewode, pp. 228 et seq. See also Pegge, Life of.Bishop Grosteste, p. 318, n. IS.] P Tricennals or Trentals — "a trentall of masses .-...What masses shoulde they be? Thre Masses of the nativity of our Lord: Thre Masses of the Epiphanie of our Lord : Thre of the purification of our Lady: Thre of the annunciation of our Lady: Thre of the resurrection of our Lord: Thre of the ascension of our Lord : Thre of Penthecost: Thre of the Trinitie : Thre of the assumption of our Lady; And of her nativitie ; so that these masses be celebrated within the octaves of the said feasts." Bccon, Works, m. fol. 366.] P " Annals or Annuals was a yearly mass said for a certain dead person, upon the anniversary day of his death." Johnson, Collection of all the Ecclesiastical Laws, &c. Vol. n. anno 1236, n. 8. A mass said for the soul of a deceased person every day for a whole year, was also called an Annal.] p bonne chcrc] V.] CONVOCATION OF THE CLERGY. 57 beat our fellows. As oft as we let them die in superstition, so oft we beat them. To be short, as oft as we bhnd lead them bhnd, so oft we beat, and grievously beat4 our fellows. When we welter in pleasures and idleness, then we eat and drink with drunkards. But God will come, God will come, he will not tarry long away. He will come upon such a day as we nothing look for him, and at such hour as we know not. He will come and cut us in pieces. He will reward us as he doth the hypocrites. He will set us where wailing shall be, my brethren ; where gnashing of teeth shall be, my brethren. And let here be the end of our tragedy, if ye will. These be the dehcate dishes prepared for the The deiicates ii 11 i i i i •! i mi ii p i prepared for world's well-beloved children. These be the wafers and the children , # . of this world, junkets provided for worldly prelates, — wailing and gnashing of teeth. Can there be any mirth, where these two courses last all the feast? Here we laugh, there we shall weep. Our teeth make merry here, ever dashing in dehcates ; there we shaU be torn with teeth, and do nothing but gnash and grind our own. To what end have we now excelled other in pohcy ? What have we brought forth at the last ? Ye see, brethren, what sorrow, what punishment is provided for you, if ye be worldlings. If ye will not thus be vexed, be ye not the children of the world. If ye will not be the children of the world, be not stricken with the love of worldly things ; lean not upon them. If ye will not die eternally, live not worldly. Come, go to ; leave the love of your profit5 ; study for the glory and profit of Christ ; seek in your consultations such things as pertain to Christ, and bring forth at the last somewhat that may please Christ. Feed ye tenderly, with all dihgence, the flock of Christ. Preach truly the word of God. Love the hght, walk in the hght, and so be ye the children of hght while ye are in this world, that ye may shine in the world that is to come bright as the sun, with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost ; to whom be all honour, praise, and glory. Amen. P grievously strike, 1562, 1571. J p " Come go to, my brothers, go to, I say again, and once again, go to; leave the love of your profit." 1562, 1571.] [The picture of superstitions, of clerical misdoings, and papal abuses, which this Sermon presents, will not appear too highly coloured 58 SERMON PREACHED BEFORE THE CLERGY. [sERM. V.] to any who are at all acquainted with the then existing state of things. Dean Colet had, twenty-five years earlier, preached a sermon before the convocation, in which he dwelt on the need of a Reformation, in language quite as strong as that employed by bishop Latimer. See Knight's Life of Colet, pp. 289 — 308. It is scarcely necessary to remind the learned reader of the enumeration of abuses contained in the Appendix to Wicelius' Via Regia, nor of those recited in the memorial presented to pope Paul III. by the Cardinals Contarini, Sadolet, Pole, and other eminent Romanists.] A SERMON OF THE REVEREND FATHER MASTER HUGH LATIMER, PREACHED IN THE SHROUDS1 AT PAUL'S CHURCH IN LONDON, ON THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF JANUARY, ANNO 1548. Qucecunque scripta sunt ad nostrum doctrinam scripta sunt. — Rom. xv. 4. "All things which are written, are written for our eru- [The rest of dition and knowledge. All things that are written in God's mom on" the book, in the Bible book, in the book of the holy scripture, noTJetcome . ° * to our hands. are written to be our doctrine." Edit. 15620 I told you in my first sermon, honourable audience, that I purposed to declare unto you two things. The one, what seed should be sown in God's field, in God's plough land ; and the other, who should be the sowers : that is to say, what doctrine is to be taught in Christ's church and congre gation, and what men should be the teachers and preachers of it. The first part I have told you in the three sermons past, in which I have assayed to set forth my plough, to prove what I could do. And now I shall tell you who be the ploughers : for God's word is a seed to be sown in God's field, that is, the faithful congregation, and the preacher is the sower. And it is in the gospel : "Exivit qui seminat seminare semen suum ; " He that soweth, the [Luke viii. husbandman, the ploughman, went forth to sow his seed." So that a preacher is resembled to a ploughman, as it is in another place : Nemo admota aratro manu, et a tergo re- spiciens, aptus est regno Dei. " ~No man that putteth his Luke u. hand to the plough, and looketh back, is apt for the king dom of God." That is to say, let no preacher be neghgent in doing his office. Albeit this is one of the places that hath [i The sermons usually preached at St Paul's Cross were, in rainy or inclement weather, "preached in a place called The Shrouds, which was, as it seems, by the side of the cathedral church where was cover ing and shelter." Stow, View of London, &c. Edited by Strype, Book m. p. 149.] 60 SERMON OP THE PLOUGH. [SERM. A place of scriptureracked or misunder stood. The right understand ing of this place. been racked1, as I told you of racking scriptures. And I have been one of them myself that hath racked it, I cry God mercy for it ; and have been one of them that have believed and expounded it against religious persons that would forsake their order which they had professed, and would go out of their cloister: whereas indeed it toucheth not monkery, nor maketh any thing at all for any such matter; but it is directly spoken of diligent preaching of the word of God. For preaching of the gospel is one of God's plough- works, and the preacher is one of God's ploughmen. Ye may not be offended with my similitude, in that I compare preaching to the labour and work of ploughing, and the preacher to a ploughman : ye may not be offended with this my similitude; for I have been slandered of some persons for such things. It hath been said of me, " Oh, Latimer ! nay, as for him, I will never beheve him while I hve, nor never trust him; for he likened our blessed lady to a saffron- bag2 :" where indeed I never used that similitude. But it was, as I have said unto you before now, according to that which Peter saw before in the spirit of prophecy, and said, that there should come after men per quos via veritatis maledictis afficeretur ; there should come fellows "by whom the way of truth should be evil spoken of, and slandered." But in case I had used this similitude, it had not been to be reproved, but might have been without reproach. For I might have said thus : as the saffron-bag that hath been full of saffron, or hath had saffron in it, doth ever after savour and smell of the sweet saffron that it contained; so our blessed lady, which conceived and bare Christ in her womb, did ever after resemble the manners and virtues of that' precious babe that she bare. And what had our blessed lady been the worse for this ? or what dishonour was this to our blessed lady ? But as preachers must be wary and circumspect, that they give not any just occasion to be slandered and ill spoken of by the hearers, so must not the P Allusion is made to the popish application of this scripture to the case of monastic vows.] P Among the " erroneous opinions complained of in convocation," 1536, was "that our lady was no better than another woman, and like a bag of pepper or saffron when the spice is out." Wilkins, Concil. ill. p. 806.] VI- J SERMON OF THE PLOUGH. 61 auditors be offended without cause. For heaven is in the similitudes gospel likened to a mustard-seed : it is compared also to a gospel. piece of leaven ; and as Christ saith, that at the last day he will come hke a thief : and what dishonour is this to God ? or what derogation is this to heaven? Ye may not then, 'I say, be offended with my similitude, for because I liken preaching to a ploughman's labour, and a prelate to a ploughman. But now you will ask me, whom I call a pre late ? A prelate is that man, whatsoever he be, that hath what a pre- a flock to be taught of him ; whosoever hath any spiritual charge in the faithful congregation, and whosoever he be that hath cure of souls. And well may the preacher and how the the ploughman be likened together : first, for their labour nkenef tt>s of all seasons of the year ; for there is no time of the year man- in wliich the ploughman hath not some special work to do : as in my country in Leicestershire, the ploughman hath a time to set forth, and to assay his plough, and other times for other necessary works to be done. And then they also may be likened together for the diversity of works and variety of offices that they have to do. For as the plough man first setteth forth his plough, and then tilleth his land, and breaketh it in furrows, and sometime ridgeth it up again; and at another time harroweth it and clotteth it, and some time dungeth it and hedgeth it, diggeth it and weedeth it, purgeth and maketh it clean : so the prelate, the preacher, The prelate hath many diverse offices to do. ,- He hath first a busy work offices. to bring his parishioners to a right faith, as Paul calleth it, and not a swerving faith; but to a faith that embraceth Christ, and trusteth to his merits ; a lively faith, a justifying faith ; a faith that maketh a man righteous, without respect of works : as ye have it very well declared and set forth in the Homily3. He hath then a busy work, I say, to bring his flock to a right faith, and then to confirm them in the same faith : now casting; them down with the law, and with The law . . feareth. threatenings of God for sin ; now ridging them up again with the gospel, and with the promises of God's favour : now weeding them, by telling them their faults, and making them forsake sin ; now clotting them, by breaking their stony n,e gospel . ii i i i ¦ ±i comforteth. hearts, and by making them supplehearted, and making them to have hearts of flesh ; that is, soft hearts, and apt for doc- [3 " Of a true and lively faith."] 62 SERMON OP THE PLOUGH. [sERM. trine to enter in : now teaching to know God rightly, and to know their duty to God and their neighbours : now ex horting them, when they know their duty, that they do it, and be diligent in it ; so that they have a continual work to do. Great is their business, and therefore great should He that be their hire. They have great labours, and therefore they worfhvofS ought to have good hvings, that they may commodiously feed their flock ; for the preaching of the word of God unto the people is called meat : scripture calleth it meat ; not strawberries1, that come but once a year, and tarry not long, but are soon gone : but it is meat, it is no dainties. The people must have meat that must be familiar and continual, preaching is and daily given unto them to feed upon. Many make a a daily meat. . ° i , , strawberry of it, ministering it but once a year ; but such do not the office of good prelates. For Christ saith, Quis putas est servus prudens et fidelis ? Qui dat cibum in tempore. " Who think you is a wise and a faithful servant? He that giveth meat in due time." So that he must at all times convenient preach diligently : therefore saith he, "Who trow ye is a faithful servant ?" He speaketh it as though it were a rare thing to find such a one, and as though he should say, there be but a few of them to find in the world. And how few of them there be throughout this realm that give meat to their flock as they should do, the Visitors can best tell. Too few, too few ; the more is the pity, and never so few as now. By this, then, it appeareth that a prelate, or any that hath cure of soul, must diligently and substantially work and labour. Therefore saith Paul to Timothy, Qui episcopatum desiderat, hie bonum opus desiderat : " He that desireth to a wshop have the office of a bishop, or a prelate, that man desireth and"iabour in a good work." Then if it be a good work, it is work : ye God's har- ° . . . „ . T . °, , ' ' •> vest. can make but a work of it. It is God's work, God's plough, and that plough God would have still going. Such then P This expression which Latimer made use of to designate the non-residents of his day, who only visited their cures once a year, became proverbial. A bachelor of divinity, named Oxenbridge, in a sermon preached at St Paul's Cross, Jan. 13, 1566, says, "I will shew you the state and condition of this my mother Oxford ; for a pitious . j case it is, that now in all Oxford there is not past five or six preachers, I except strawberry preachers." Watkins.] VI. J SERMON OP THE PLOUGH. 68 as loiter and hve idly, are not good prelates, or ministers. And of such as do not preach and teach, nor do their duties, God saith by his prophet Jeremy, Maledictus qui facit opus Dei fradulenter ; " Cursed be the man that doth the work of God fraudulently, guilefully or deceitfully :" some books have it negligenter, " negligently or slackly." How many A terrible such prelates, how many such bishops, Lord, for thy mercy, uSpreacnmg are there now in England ! And what shall we in this case pre a s' do ? shah we company with them ? 0 Lord, for thy mercy ! shall we not company with them? 0 Lord, whither shall we flee from them ? But " cursed be he that doth the work of God negligently or guilefully." A sore word for them that are negligent in discharging their office, or have done it fraudulently ; for that is the tiling that maketh the peo ple ill. But true it must be that Christ saith, Multi sunt vocati, Mat. xx«. pauci vero electi : " Many are called, but few are chosen." Here have I an occasion by the way somewhat to say unto you ; yea, for the place I alleged unto you before out of Jeremy, the forty-eighth chapter. And it was spoken of Jer. xivm. a spiritual work of God, a work that was commanded to be done ; and it was of shedding blood, and of destroying the cities of Moab. For, saith he, " Cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from shedding of blood." As Saul, when he kept back the sword from shedding of blood at what time he was sent against Amaleck, was refused of God for being disobedient to God's commandment, in that he spared Agag the king. So that that place of the prophet was spoken of them that went to the destruction of the cities of Moab, among the which there was one called Nebo, which was much reproved for idolatry, superstition, pride, avarice, cruelty, tyranny, and for hardness of heart ; and for these sins was plagued of God and destroyed. Now what shall we say of these rich citizens of London ? ^™™« to What shall I say of them ? ShaU I call them proud men of London, mahcious men of London, merciless men of London ? No, no, I may not say so; they will be offended with me then. Yet must I speak. For is there not reigning in London as much pride, as much covetousness, as much cruelty, as much oppression, and as much superstition, as was in Nebo ? Yes, I think, and much more too. Therefore 64 SERMON OF THE PLOUGH. [sERM. I say, repent, 0 London; repent, repent. Thou hearest thy faults told thee, amend them, amend them. I think, if Nebo had had the preaching that thou hast, they would a warning to have converted. And, you rulers and officers, be wise and rulers and # * officers. circumspect, look to your charge, and see you do your duties ; and rather be glad to amend your ill living than to be angry when you are warned or told of your fault. What ado was there made in London at a certain man, because he said, (and indeed at that time on a just cause,) " Burgesses !" quoth he, "nay, Butterflies." Lord, what ado there was for that word ! And yet would God they were no worse than butterflies ! Butterflies do but their nature : the butterfly is not covetous, is not greedy, of other men's goods ; is not full of envy and hatred, is not malicious, is not cruel, is not merciless. The butterfly glorieth not in her own deeds, nor preferreth the traditions of men before God's word; it committeth not idolatry, nor worshippeth false gods. But London cannot abide to be rebuked ; such is the nature of man. If they be pricked, they will kick ; if they be rubbed on the gall, they wiU wince ; but yet they will not amend their faults, they will not be ill spoken of. But how shall I speak well of them ? If you could be content to receive and follow the word of God, and favour good preachers, if you could bear to be told of your faults, if you could amend when you hear of them, if you would be glad to Londoners reform that is amiss ; if I might see any such inclination "'in you, that you would leave to be merciless, and begin to be charitable, I would then hope well of you, I would then speak well of you. But London was never so ill as it is now. In times past men were fuU of pity and compassion, but now there is no pity ; for in London their brother shall die in the streets for cold, he shall he sick at the door between stock and stock, I cannot tell what to call it, and perish there for hunger : was there ever more unmercifulness The relief of in Nebo ? I think not. In times past, when any rich man poor scholars ..,.--. . ... ., by the rich died m London, they were wont to help the poor scholars in London is - - _ . . . . r r gone. of the Universities with exhibition. When any man died, they would bequeath great sums of money toward the relief of the poor. When I was a scholar in Cambridge myself, I heard very good report of London, and knew many that had rehef of the rich men of London : but now I can hear VI.] SERMON OF THE PLOUGH. 65 no such good report, and yet I inquire of it, and hearken for it ; but now charity is waxen cold, none helpeth the charity is scholar, nor yet the poor. And in those days, what did they ^London. when they helped the scholars? Marry, they maintained and gave them livings that were very papists, and professed the pope's doctrine : and now that the knowledge of God's word is brought to hght, and many earnestly study and labour to set it forth, now almost no man helpeth to maintain them. Oh London, London ! repent, repent ; for I think God is more displeased with London than ever he was, with the city of Nebo. Repent therefore, repent, London, and re member that the same God hveth now that punished Nebo, even the same God, and none other ; and he will punish sin as well now as he did then : and he will punish the iniquity of London, as well as he did then of Nebo. Amend therefore. And ye that be prelates, look well to your office ; An admoni- p -i i • -iii • ii v tiontopre- lor right prelatmg is busy labouring, and not lording, lates. Therefore preach and teach, and let your plough be doing. Ye lords, I say, that hve hke loiterers, look well to your office ; the plough is your office and charge. If you hve idle and loiter, you do not your duty, you follow not your vocation : let your plough therefore be going, and not cease, that the ground may bring forth fruit. But now methmketh I hear one say unto me : Wot ye An answer to what you say? Is it a work? Is it a labour? How then an ° jec " " hath it happened that we have had so many hundred years so many unpreaching prelates, lording loiterers, and idle ministers? Ye would have me here to make answer, and to shew the cause thereof. Nay, this land is not for me to plough; it is too stony, too thorny, too hard for me to plough. They have so many things that make for them, so many things to lay for themselves, that it is not for my weak team to plough them. They have to lay for them selves long customs, ceremonies and authority, placing in parhament, and many things more. And I fear me this land is not yet ripe to be ploughed : for, as the saying is, it lacketh weathering : this gear lacketh weathering ; at least way it is not for me to plough. For what shall I look for among thorns, but pricking and scratching? What among stones, but stumbling? What (I had almost said) among 5 [latimer.J 66 SERMON OF THE PLOUGH. [sERM. serpents, but stinging? But this much I dare say, that Lutdownath Smce lording and loitering hath come up, preaching hath preaching. come down, contrary to the apostles' times : for they preach ed and lorded not, and now they lord and preach not. For they that be lords will iU go to plough : it is no meet office for them ; it is not seeming for their estate. Thus came up lording loiterers : thus crept in unpreaching prelates ; and so have they long continued. For how many unlearned prelates have we now at this day ! And no marvel : for if the ploughmen that now be were made lords, they would clean give over ploughing ; they would leave off their labour, and faU to lording outright, and let the plough stand; and then both ploughs not walking, nothing should be in the ™ ^necessity commonweal but hunger. For ever since the prelates were plough. made lords and nobles, the plough standeth ; there is no work done, the people starve. They hawk, they hunt, they card, they dice ; they pastime in their prelacies with gallant gentle men, with their dancing minions, and with their fresh com panions, so that ploughing is set aside : and by their lording and loitering, preaching and ploughing is clean gone. And thus if the ploughmen of the country were as neghgent in their office as prelates be, we should not long hve, for lack of sustenance. And as it is necessary for to have this ploughing for the sustentation of the body, so must we have also the other for the satisfaction of the soul, or else we An aptsimi- cannot live long ghostly. For as the body wasteth and consumeth away for lack of bodily meat, so doth the soul two kinds of pine away for default of ghostly meat. But there be two inclosing. . • . «... ° " kmds of inclosing, to let or hinder both these kinds of ploughing; the one is an inclosing to let or hinder the bodily ploughing, and the other to let or hinder the holiday- ploughing, the church-ploughing. The bodily ploughing is taken in and inclosed through singular commodity. For what man will let go, or diminish his private commodity for a commonwealth? And who will sustain any damage for the respect of a pubhc commodity? The other plough also no man is diligent to set forward, nor no man will hearken to it. But to hinder and let it all men's ears are open; yea, and a great many of this kind of ploughmen, which are very busy, and would seem to be very good workmen. I fear me some be rather mock- VI- J SERMON OF THE PLOUGH. 67 gospellers, than faithful ploughmen. I know many myself Mockgospei- that profess the gospel, and hve nothing thereafter. I know them, and have been conversant with some of them. I know them, and (I speak it with a heavy heart) there is as httle charity and good living in them as in any other ; according to that which Christ said in the gospel to the great number of people that followed him, as though they had had any earnest zeal to his doctrine, whereas indeed they had it not ; Non quia vidistis signa, sed quia comedistis de panibus. Gain beget- "Ye follow me," saith he, "not because ye have seen the signs Sgospel" and miracles that I have done; but because ye have eaten "'" the bread, and refreshed your bodies, therefore you follow me." So that I think many one now-a-days professeth the gospel for the living's sake, not for the love they bear to God's word. But they that ^fll be true ploughmen must work faithfully for God's sake, for the edifying of then- brethren. And as dihgently as the husbandman plougheth for the sustentation of the body, so dihgently must the prelates and ministers labour for the feeding of the soul : both the ploughs must still be going, as most necessary for man. And wherefore are magistrates ordained, but that the The duty of tranquillity of the commonweal may be confirmed, limiting magl5trates- both ploughs ? But now for the fault of unpreaching prelates, methink I unpreaching could guess what might be said for excusing of them. They pre are so troubled with lordly living, they be so placed in palaces, couched in courts, ruffling in their rents, dancing in their dominions, burdened with ambassages, pampering of their paunches, hke a monk that maketh his jubilee ; munch ing in their mangers, and moiling in their gay manors and mansions, and so troubled with loitering in their lordships, that they cannot attend it. They are otherwise occupied, some in the king's matters, some are ambassadors, some of the privy council, some to furnish the court, some are lords of the parhament, some are presidents, and comptrollers1 of mints. Well, well, is this their duty ? Is this their office ? Is this their calling ? Should we have ministers of the church to be comptrollers of the mints ? Is this a meet office for a P and some comptrollers, 1562, 1571.] 5—2 68 SERMON OF THE PLOUGH. [sERM. priest that hath cure of souls ? Is this his charge ? I would here ask one question: I would fain know who controUeth Minting the devfl at home in his parish, while he controUeth the mint ? If the apostles might not leave the office of preaching to the deacons, shaU one leave it for minting? I cannot teU you; but the saying is, that since priests have been minters, money hath been worse than it was before. And they say that the evilness of money hath made aU things dearer. And in this behalf I must speak to England. "Hear, my country, England," as Paul said in his first epistle to the Corinthians, the sixth chapter; for Paul was no sitting bishop, but a walking and a preaching bishop. But when he went from them, he left there behind him the plough going still ; for he wrote unto them, and rebuked them for going to law, and pleading their causes before heathen judges : "Is there," saith he, "utterly among you no wise man, to be an arbitrator in matters of judgment? What, not one of all that can judge between brother and brother ; but one brother goeth to law with another, and that under heathen judges? Constituite contemptos qui sunt in ecclesia, &c. Appoint them judges that are most abject and vile in the congre gation." Which he speaketh in rebuking them; "For," saith he, ad erubescentiam vestram dico — "I speak it to your shame." So, England, I speak it to thy shame: is there never a nobleman to be a lord president, but it must be a prelate1 ? Is there never a wise man in the realm to be a comptroller of the mint ? " I speak it to your shame. I speak it to your shame." If there be never a wise man, make a water-bearer, a tinker, a cobbler, a slave, a page, comptroUer of the mint : make a mean gentleman, a groom, a yeoman, or a poor beggar, lord president. Thus I speak, not that I would have it so ; but " to your shame," if there be never a gentleman meet nor able to be up ofriem"e? ^or<* President. For why are not the noblemen and young men- gentlemen of England so brought up in knowledge of God, and in learning, that they may be able to execute offices in P " One kepeth the priuey seale, another the great seale, the thyrd is confessour...he is president of the prince's counsaile, he is an am- bassadour, an other sort of the kynges secret counsaile." Tyndall, Works, p. 152.] VI'J SERMON OF THE PLOUGH. 69 the commonweal? The king hath a great many of wards5, and I trow there is a Court of Wards : why is there not a school for the wards, as weU as there is a Court for their lands? Why are they not set in schools where they may learn? Or why are they not sent to the universities, that they may be able to serve the king when they come to age ? If the wards and young gentlemen were well brought up in learning, and in the knowledge of God, they would not when they come to age so much give themselves to other vanities. And if the nobihty be weU trained in godly learning, the people would foUow the same train. For truly, such as the noblemen be, such wiU the people be. And now, the only why nobie- i 11 i iii -i -i men k* not cause why noblemen be not made lord presidents, is because madeiord " #r presidents. they have not been brought up in learning. Therefore for the love of God appoint teachers and schoolmasters, you that have charge of youth ; and give the teachers stipends worthy their pains, that they may bring them up in grammar, in logic, in rhetoric, in philosophy, in the civil law, and in that which I cannot leave unspoken of, the word of God. Thanks be unto God, the nobihty other wise is very well brought up in learning and godliness, to the great joy and comfort of England ; so that there is now good hope in the youth, that we shaU another day have a flourishing commonweal, considering their godly education. Yea, and there be already noblemen enough, though hot so many as I would wish, able to be lord presidents, and wise men enough for the mint. And as unmeet a thing it is for bishops to be lord presidents, or priests to be minters, as it was for the Corinthians to plead matters of variance before heathen judges. It is also a slander to the noblemen, as though they lacked wisdom and learning to be able for such offices, or else were no men of conscience, or else were not meet to be trusted, and able for such offices. And a prelate a ^ hath a charge and cure otherwise; and therefore he cannot a preacher, P All minors of a certain rank were anciently regarded as wards of the crown, the rents, &c. of their estates during their nonage being paid into the royal exchequer. King Henry VIII. established a Court for the management of the lands &c. of wards, which continued till the reign of Charles II. See Coke's Institutes, fourth Part. ch. 35. Blackstdjhe, B. in. c. 17.] 70 SERMON OP THE- PLOUGH. [SERM. discharge his duty and be a lord president too. For a presidentship requireth a whole man; and a bishop cannot be two men. A bishop hath his office, a flock to teach, to look unto ; and therefore he cannot meddle with another office, which alone requireth a whole man : he should there fore give it over to whom it is meet, and labour in his own business; as Paul writeth to the Thessalonians, "Let every man do his own business, and foUow his calling." Let the priest preach, and the noblemen handle the temporal matters. Moses was a marveUous man, a good man: Moses was a wonderful feUow, and did his duty, being a married man: we lack such as Moses was. WeU, I would aU men would look to their duty, as God hath caUed them, and then we should have a flourishing christian commonweal. And now I would ask a strange question: who is the The devii is most dihgentest bishop and prelate in aU England, that preacS. passeth aU the rest in doing his office? I can teU, for I know him who it is ; I know him weU. But now I think I see you listening and hearkening that I should name him. There is one that passeth aU the other, and is the most diligent prelate and preacher in aU England. And wiU ye know who it is ? I will teU you : it is the devil. He is the most diligent preacher of aU other ; he is never out of his diocess ; he is never from his cure ; ye shaU never find him unoccupied ; he is ever in his parish ; he keepeth residence at all times ; ye shall never find him out of the way, call for him when you wiU he is ever at home ; the dihgentest preacher in aU the realm; he is ever at his plough: no lording nor loitering can hinder him; he is ever applying his business, ye shall never find him idle, I warrant you. The ofnce of And his office is to hinder rehgion, to maintain superstition, the fruits of to set up idolatry, to teach aU kind of popery. He is ready his doctrine. r V ,.,;., i • as he can be wished for to set forth his plough ; to devise as many ways as can be to deface and obscure God's glory. Where the devil is resident, and hath his plough going, there away with books, and up with candles ; away with bibles, and up with beads; away with the hght of the gospel, and up with the light of candles, yea, at noon-days. Where the devil is resident, that he may prevad, up with all superstition and idolatry ; censing, painting of images, candles, palms, VI,J SERMON OF THE PLOUGH. 71 ashes, holy water, and new service of men's inventing1; as though man could invent a better way to honour God with than God himself hath appointed. Down with Christ's cross, up with purgatory pickpurse, up with him, the popish pur gatory, I mean. Away with clothing the naked, the poor and impotent ; up with decking of images, and gay garnishing of stocks and stones : up with man's traditions and his laws, down with God's traditions and his most holy word. Down The devii is with the old honour due to God, and up with the new god's aifsupenti-0 honour. Let all things be done in Latin : there must be nothing but Latin, not so much as Memento, homo, quod cinis es, et in cinerem reverter is : " Remember, man, that thou art ashes, and into ashes thou shalt return :" which be the words that the minister speaketh unto the ignorant people, when he giveth them ashes upon Ash- Wednesday2; but it must be spoken in Latin : God's word may in no wise be translated into Enghsh. Oh that our prelates would be as diligent to sow the corn The devii u of good doctrine, as Satan is to sow cockle and darnel ! And diligent in this is the devUish ploughing, the which worketh to have «?a« our x n n' bishops are thmgs in Latin, and letteth the fruitful edification. But here in theirs' some man wiU say to me, What, sir, are ye so privy of the devU's counsel, that ye know ah this to be true? Truly I know him too weU, and have obeyed him a httle too much in condescending to some folhes ; and I know him as other men do, yea, that he is ever occupied, and ever busy in following his plough. I know by St Peter, which saith of him, Sicut leo rugiens circuit qucerens quern devoret : " He goeth about hke a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." I would The travail have this text well viewed and examined, every word of it: theJevii r~t. i ii* y» i • j* were a good "Circuit, he goeth about m every corner of his diocess ; spur to prick ' o ti < forward our he goeth on visitation daily, he leaveth no place of his cure ^gj^. unvisited : he walketh round about from place to place, and ™^" ceaseth not. " Sicut leo," as a hon, that is, strongly, boldly, and proudly ; stately and fiercely with haughty looks, with his proud countenances, with his stately braggings. " Ru- P For an account of the origin of the superstitions here recited, see Becon's Works, iii. fol. 209, et seq. ; 350, et seq.] P An account of this and the other ceremonies that used to be observed on Ash- Wednesday may be seen in Brand's Observations on Popular Antiquities, &c. ed. by Ellis, Vol. i. pp. 79 et seq.] 72 SERMON OF THE PLOUGH. [sEBM. giens," roaring ; for he letteth not shp any occasion to speak or to roar out when he seeth his time. Quozrens, he goeth about seeking, and not sleeping, as our bishops do; but he seeketh dihgently, he searcheth dihgently aU corners, where as he may have his prey. He roveth abroad in every place of his diocess ; he standeth not stiU, he is never at rest, but ever in hand with his plough, that it may go forward. But there was never such a preacher in England as he is. Who is able to teU his diligent preaching, wliich every day, and every hour, laboureth to sow cockle and darnel, that he may bring out of form, and out of estimation and room1, the in stitution of the Lord's supper and Christ's cross ? For there [johnxii.& he lost his right; for Christ said, Nunc judicium est mundi, princeps seculi hujus ejicietur foras. Et sicut exaltavit Moses serpentem in deserto, ita exaltari oportet Filium homi- nis. Et cum exaltatus fuero a terra, omnia traham ad meipsum. " Now is the judgment of this world, and the prince of this world shaU be cast out. And as Moses did lift up the serpent in the wUderness, so must the Son of- man be hft up. And when I shaU be lift up from the earth, I The devii de- will draw all things unto myself." For the devU was dis- ceived by . ° " Christ. appomted of his purpose : for he thought aU to be his own ; and when he had once brought Christ to the cross, he thought aU cocksure. But there lost he aU reigning : for Christ said, Omnia traham ad meipsum : "I wiU draw all things to myself." He meaneth, drawing of man's soul to salvation. And that he said he would do per semetipsum, by his own self; not by any other body's sacrifice. He meant by his own sacrifice on the cross, where he offered himself for the redemption of mankind ; and not the sacrifice of the mass to be offered by another. For who can offer him but himself? He was both the offerer and the offering. Note here a And this is the prick, this is the mark at the which the fruitful and , ., i e»ctuai devil shooteth, to evacuate the cross of Christ, and to mingle the institution of the Lord's supper; the which although he cannot bring to pass, yet he goeth about by his sleights and subtil means to frustrate the same; and these fifteen hundred years he hath been a doer, only purposing to evacuate Christ's death, and to make it of small efficacy and virtue. For whereas Christ, according as the serpent was P place or office.] VI.] SERMON OF THE PLOUGH. 73 lifted up in the wUderness, so would he himself be exalted, that thereby as many as trusted in him should have salva tion; but the devil would none of that: they would have The papisti- us saved by a daily oblation propitiatory, by a sacrifice ex- Ml doctrme- piatory, or remissory. Now if I should preach in the country, among the un learned, I would tell what propitiatory, expiatory, and remis sory is ; but here is a learned auditory : yet for them that be unlearned I wiU expound it. Propitiatory, expiatory, remissory, or satisfactory, for they signify all one thing in effect, and is nothing else but a thing whereby to obtain remission of sins, and to have salvation. And this way the devil used to evacuate the death of Christ, that we might have affiance in other things, as in the sacrifice2 of the priest; whereas Christ would have us to trust in his only sacrifice. So he was, Agnus occisus ah origine mundi ; [Rev. & 8.] " The Lamb that hath been slain from the beginning of the world ;" and therefore he is caUed juge sacrificium, " a [Dan. vm. continual sacrifice;" and not for the continuance of the mass, as the blanchers have blanched it, and wrested it ; and as I myself did once betake3 it. But Paul saith, per semetipsum [Heb. i. &] purgatio facta : " By himself," and by none other, Christ Christ's sa- " made purgation" and satisfaction for the whole world. continual* Would Christ this word, " by himself," had been better offeredefornce weighed and looked upon, and in sanctificationem, to make them holy; for he is juge sacrificium, "a continual sacrifice," in effect, fruit and operation ; that like as they, which seeing the serpent hang up in the desert, were put in remembrance The brasen of Christ's death, in whom as many as beheved were saved ; a^ureo™ so aU men that trusted in the death of Christ shall be saved, as weU they that were before, as they that came after. For he was a continual sacrifice, as I said, in effect, fruit, opera tion, and virtue ; as though he had from the beginning of the world, and continuaUy should to the world's end, hang still on the cross; and he is as fresh hanging on the cross now, to them that beheve and trust in him, as he was fifteen hundred years ago, when he was crucified. Then let us trust upon his only death, and look for none other sacrifice propitiatory, than the same bloody sacrifice, the [2 daily sacrifice 1562, 1571.] p mistake it, 1562, 1571. take it to be, 1607, 1635.] 74 SERMON OP THE PLOUGH. [sERM. hvely sacrifice ; and not the dry sacrifice, but a bloody sacri fice. For Christ himself said, consummatum est : " It is perfectly finished : I have taken at my Father's hand the dispensation of redeeming mankind, I have wrought man's redemption, and have despatched the matter." Why then mingle ye him ? Why do ye divide him ? Why make you [icor. v.7.] of him more sacrifices than one? Paul saith, Pascha nos- christisour trum immolatus est Christus : "Christ our passover is offered1;" so that the thing is done, and Christ hath done it, and he hath done it semel, once for aU; and it was a bloody sacrifice, not a dry sacrifice. Why then, it is not the mass that availeth or profiteth for the quick and the dead. Wo worth th'ee, 0 devil, wo worth thee, that hast pre- vaUed so far and so long ; that hast made England to worship false gods, forsaking Christ their Lord. Wo worth Note here the thee, devU, wo worth thee, devU, and all thy angels. If misfity work- manshipof Christ by his death draweth aU things to himself, and the devil. *> & > draweth aU men to salvation, and to heavenly bliss, that trust in him ; then the priests at the mass, at the popish mass, I say, what can they draw, when Christ draweth Popish aU, but lands and goods from the right heirs? The priests diligent to draw goods and riches, benefices and promotions to them- serve the i i i devii. selves; and such as beheved in then sacrifices they draw to the devU. But Christ is he that draweth souls unto him by his bloody sacrifice. What have we to do then but epulari in Domino, to eat in the Lord at his supper ? What other service have we to do to him, and what other sacrifice have we to offer, but the mortification of our flesh ? What The service other oblation have we to make, but of obedience, of good and oblation ... „ . . . & th^eought living, oi good works, and of helpmg our neighbours? God. But as for our redemption, it is done already, it cannot be better : Christ hath done that thing so well, that it cannot be amended. It cannot be devised how to make that any better than he hath done it. But the devU, by the help of that Italian bishop yonder, his chaplain, hath laboured by all means that he might to frustrate the death of Christ and the merits of his passion. And they have devised for that purpose to make us beheve in other vain things by his pardons ; as to have remission of sins for pray- P oiferod up, 1562, 1571.J VI. J SERMON OP THE PLOUGH. 75 ing on hallowed beads; for drinking of the bakehouse bowl2; as a canon of Waltham Abbey once told me, that whensoever they put their loaves of bread into the oven, as many as drank of the pardon-bowl should have pardon for drinking of it. A mad thing, to give pardon to a bowl! Then to pope Alexander's3 holy water, to haUowed bells, palms, Note here candles, ashes, and what not ? And of these things, every we haveW one hath taken away some part of Christ's sanctification ; every one hath robbed some part of Christ's passion and cross, and hath mingled Christ's death, and hath been made to be propitiatory and satisfactory, and to put away sin. Yea, and Alexander's holy water yet at this day remaineth in England, and is used for a remedy against spirits and to chase away devils ; yea, and I would this had been the worst. I would this were the worst. But wo worth thee, 0 devil, that hast prevailed to evacuate Christ's cross, and to mingle the Lord's supper. These be the Itahan bishop's devices, and the devU hath pricked at this mark to frustrate the cross of Christ : he shot at this mark long before Christ came, he shot at it four thousand years before Christ hanged on the cross, or suffered his passion. For the brasen serpent was set up in the wilderness, to put men in remembrance of Christ's coming ; that hke as they wliich beheld the brasen serpent were healed of their bodily diseases, so they that looked spiritually upon Christ that was to come, in him should be saved spiritually from the devil. The serpent was set up in memory of Christ to come ; but the devil found means to steal away the memory of Christ's coming, and brought the people to worship the serpent itself, and to cense him, to honour him, and to offer to him, to worship him, and to make an idol of him. And this was done by the market-men that I told you of. And the clerk of the market did it for the lucre and advantage of his master, that thereby his honour might increase ; for by Christ's death he could have but small worldly advantage. And so even now so hath he certain blanchers belonging to [2 In the monastery of Bury St Edmund's also was a "holye relique which was called the pardon-boule ; whosoever dronk of this boule in the worshippe of God and Saynt Edmund, he had flue hun dred dayes of pardon, toties quoties." Becon's Works, in. fol. 187.] P Pope Alexander I. s. Breviarium Roman. Die iii. Maii.] 76 SERMON OP THE PLOUGH. [sERM.' the market, to let and stop the light of the gospel, and to hinder the king's proceedings in setting forth the word and glory of God. And when the king's majesty, with the advice of his honourable councU, goeth about to promote God's word, and to set an order in matters of rehgion, there The saying of shall not lack blanchers that will say, "As for images, whereas papists. they have used to be censed, and to have candles offered unto them, none be so foohsh to do it to the stock or stone, or to the image itself; but it is done to God and his honour before the image." And though they should abuse it, these The per- blanchers will be ready to whisper the king in the ear, and papists. to tell him, that this abuse is but a small matter ; and that the same, with all other like abuses in the church, may be reformed easfly. "It, is but a little abuse," say they, "and it may be easuy amended. But it should not be taken in hand at the first, for fear of trouble or further inconveniences. The people wiU not bear sudden alterations ; an insurrection may be made after sudden mutation, which may be to the great harm and loss of the realm. Therefore aU things shaU be weU, but not out of hand, for fear of further business." These be the blanchers, that hitherto have stopped the word of God, and hindered the true setting forth of the same. There be so many put-offs, so many put-byes, so many re spects and considerations of worldly wisdom : and I doubt There have not but there were blanchers in the old time to whisper in ersintime the ear of good king Hezekiah, for the maintenance of idol- past, and so i i i therearestm. atry done to the brasen serpent, as weU as there hath been now of late, and be now, that can blanch the abuse of images, and other like things. But good king Hezekiah would not be so blinded ; he was hke to ApoUos, " fervent in spirit.'' He would give no ear to the blanchers ; he was not moved with the worldly respects, with these prudent considerations,' . with these policies: he feared not insurrections of the people: he feared not lest his people would not bear the glory of God; but he, without any of these respects, or policies, or Baking1 considerations, like a good king, for God's sake and for st"oyaerdof conscience sake, by and by plucked down the brasen serpent, idolatry. an(j destroyed it utterly, and beat it to powder. He out of hand did cast out all images, he destroyed all idolatry, and clearly did extirpate all superstition. He would not hear these blanchers and worldly-wise men, but without VI-j SERMON OF THE PLOUGH. 77 delay foUoweth God's cause, and destroyeth all idolatry out of hand. Thus did good king Hezekiah; for he was like Apollos, fervent in spirit, and diligent to promote God's glory. And good hope there is, that it shaU be likewise here in " England ; for the king's majesty is so brought up in know ledge, virtue, and godliness, that it is not to be mistrusted but that we shall have all things weU, and that the glory of God shall be spread abroad throughout all parts of the realm, if the prelates will dUigently apply their plough, and be preachers rather than lords. But our blanchers, which wiU be lords, and no labourers, when they are commanded to go and be resident upon their cures, and preach in their benefices, they would say, "What? I have set a deputy Bishops aP- there; I have a deputy that looketh weU to my flock, andS™opereach the which shaU discharge my duty." "A deputy," quoth " he! I looked for that word all this while. And what a deputy must he be, trow ye ? Even one hke himself : he Behoid what must be a canonist ; that is to say, one that is brought up bflliopsap- in the study of the pope's laws and decrees; one that will ^their ser set forth papistry as weU as himself wiU do ; and one that wiU maintain aU superstition and idolatry ; and one that wUl nothing at all, or else very weakly, resist the devh's plough : yea, happy it is if he take no part with the devU; and where he should be an enemy to him, it is well if he take not the devil's part against Christ. But in the mean time the prelates take their pleasures. Thedeviiis They are lords, and no labourers : but the devil is diligent ™g p«|a'e at his plough. He is no unpreaching prelate : he is no lordly loiterer from his cure, but a busy ploughman ; so that among aU the prelates, and among aU the pack of them that have cure, the devil shaU go for my money, for he stiU appheth his business. Therefore, ye unpreaching prelates, learn of the devil : to be diligent in doing of your office, The devii learn of the devU : and if you wiU not learn of God, nor bishops to be " .. . diligent. good men, for shame learn of the devil; ad erubescentiam vestram dico, "I speak it for your shame:" if you wiU not learn of God, nor good men, to be diligent in your office, learn of the devil. Howbeit there is now very good hope that the king's majesty, being by the help of good govern- 78 SERMON OP THE PLOUGH. [sERM. VI.] ance of his most honourable counsellors trained and brought up in learning, and knowledge of God's word, wiU shortly provide a remedy, and set an order herein; which thing that it may so be, let us pray for him. Pray for him, good people ; pray for him. Ye have great cause and need to pray for him. THE SEVEN SEEMONS THE REVEREND FATHER M. HUGH LATIMER, WHICH HE PREACHED BEFORE OUR LATE SOVEREIGN LORD, OF FAMOUS MEMORY, KING EDWARD THE VI. WITHIN THE PREACHING-PLACE', IN THE PALACE AT WESTMINSTER, IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, 1549, THE FIRST SERMON THE EIGHTH OF MARCH. WHEREUNTO ARE ADDED OTHER TWO SERMONS, AS WELL THAT HE PREACHED AT STAMFORD, AS ALSO THE LAST THAT HE MADE BEFORE THE LATE KING EDWARD, WHICH HE CALLED HIS VJ.TIMVM VALE. P The pulpit was, for the first time, placed in the privy-garden, when bishop Latimer preached these Sermons, it being thought pro bable that the chapel royal would not hold all the people that would flock to hear him. The king listened to the Sermons from a window in the palace, as is represented in the old print of Latimer's preach ing.] DEDICATION. TO THE RIGHT VIRTUOUS AND GRACIOUS LADY KATHA RINE, DUCHESS OF SUFFOLK1, THOMAS SOME, HER HUMBLE AND FAITHFUL ORATOR, WISHETH GODLY FAVOUR AND EVERLASTING SALVATION FROM GOD THE FA- THER, THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR MERCIFUL LORD. When man is born for man, that one to another should be a God, and not a devil ; an helper, no hinderer ; unto whom also the use of the tongue is only given, whereby they do both express and shew the affections of their minds ; there is no man which can say, " I have no need of any man." But amongst infinite mischiefs and evils of man's poverty and anguish, by wliich he hath need of other men's help, is the instruction of prudence or virtue, and of science. For mankind in this do precel chiefly brute beasts, because they help one another by mutual communication. In learning good and virtuous manners, the use of communing is required chiefly, that men erring and ignorant should be taught ; for there is none which shall ever learn of himself, although he be never so happily born. Therefore it shaU become every man, which doth intend to hve godly, to hear and learn godly books; to print heavenly documents in their hearts. For as evil doctrine, devilish books, and filthy talk, do cor rupt good manners ; so faithful precepts, godly books, chaste communing and honest, shall edify and confirm. Wherefore, intending to do good unto aU men, and namely unto such as P The noble lady to whom this Dedication is addressed, was Katha rine, Baroness Willoughby of Eresby in her own right, and widow of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk. She afterwards married Mr Eichard Bertie, of Bersted in Kent, the ancestor of the present Earls of Lindsey and Abingdon. The romantic story of the troubles and exile of herself and husband for the sake of religion is related at length by Hollingshed, pp. 1142—1145 ; and by Foxe, Acts and Mon. m. pp. 778—781. edit. 1684.] 6 [latimer.J 82 DEDICATION. err and be ignorant, I have gathered, writ, and brought to hght, the famous Friday Sermons of Master Hugh Latimer, which he preached in Lent last past, before our most noble King Edward the Sixth, at the New Palace of Westminster, the third year of his reign : which Sermons, most virtuous lady, I dedicate unto your honourable grace; nothing doubt ing but that you wiU gladly embrace them, not only because of their excellence, but chiefly for the profit which shaU ensue through them unto the ignorant. For in them are fruitful and godly documents, directing ordinately not only the steps, conversation, and hving of kings, but also of other ministers and subjects under him. And let no man be grieved though it be not so exactly done as he did speak it ; for in very deed I am not able so to do, to write word for word as he did speak : that passeth my capacity, though I had twenty men's wits, and no fewer hands to write withal. As it is unpossible that a httle river should receive the recourse of the main sea within his brims, so that no water should over whelm the sides thereof; in like manner is it more unlike my simple wit to comprehend absolutely the abundant eloquence and learning which floweth most abundantly out of godly Latimer's mouth. Notwithstanding, yet had I rather with shamefacedness declare charitably this part of his godly docu ments and counsel, than with slothfulness forget, or keep close foolishly, that thing which may profit many. Who is that wiU not be glad to hear and beheve the doctrine of godly Latimer ; whom God hath appointed a prophet unto our most noble king and unto our reahn of England, to declare the message of the hving God; to supplant and root out all sins and vice ; to plant and graft in men's hearts the plenteousness of aU spiritual blessings in Jesus Christ our Lord? Moses, Jeremias, Elias, did never declare the true message of God unto their rulers and people, with a more sincere spirit, faithful mind, and godly zeal, than godly Latimer doth now, in our days, unto our most noble king, and unto the 2 Kings xxii. whole realm. Furthermore also, Josiah received never the book of God's will at the hands of Hilkiah the high priest, or the admonition of Huldah that prophetess, with a more perfect and godly fear, than our most noble king doth most faithfully give credit unto the words of good father Latimer. DEDICATION. S3 And I have no doubt but all godly men wiU likewise receive gladly his godly sermons, and give credit unto the same. Therefore, this my rude labour of another man's sweat, most virtuous lady, I offer most humbly unto your grace ; moved thereunto of godly zeal, through the godly fame that is dispersed universaUy of your most godly disposition and un feigned love towards the living, almighty, eternal God and his holy word ; practised daily both in your grace's most virtuous behaviour, and also godly charity towards the edification of every member grafted in Christ Jesu ; most humbly desiring your grace to accept favourably this my timorous enterprise. And I, your most humble and faithful orator, shaU pray unto Jehovah, the God which is of himself, by whom and in whom aU things hve, move, and be, that that good work which he hath begun in you, he may perform it unto your last ending, through our Lord Jesu Christ; who preserve and keep your grace now and ever. So be it. THE ARGUMENT OF THE SERMON'. In this first Sermon is declared, and taught, the godly election of a king ; and a rule of godly living as touching his own person. Where he proveth our most excellent king Edward to be our most lawful king, both by nativity and country ; yea, and now appointed in these our days to deliver us from danger, and captivity of Egypt and wicked Pharaoh; that is, from errors, and ignorance, and devilish antichrist, the Pope of Rome. The form of his godly rule, also, he divided here, in this Sermon, into three parts — First, that he should not trust too much unto his own strength and policy ; but only to walk ordinately with God, and to make him his lodes-man and chief guide. Second arily, that he hve not lasciviously and wantonly; following evil2 affec tions, but to hve chastely; and, when time shall require, to lead a pure life under the yoke of matrimony : admonishing both his grace, and all magistrates, to be circumspect in choosing a wife, either for themselves or their children ; having this always in mind, that she be of a faithful house, godlily brought up, and of a pure life. Thirdly, he admonished the king's grace, that he should not desire gold and silver too much : proving by many arguments that kind of vice, with the other aforesaid, to be destruction, not only unto the king's grace, but also unto the whole realm and people. In these things consisteth the whole of the sum of this Sermon. [• From the editions of 1549 and 1562.] [¦' Altered from the original.] THE FIRST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE KING EDWARD, MARCH 8, 1549. ROMANS XV. [4.] Qucecunque scripta sunt, ad nostram doctrinam scripta sunt. Whatsoever things are written aforetime, are written for our learning ; that we through patience and comfort of scripture might have hope. In taking this part of scripture, most noble audience, I play"as a truant, which, when he is at school, wiU choose a lesson wherein he is perfect, because he is loth to take pain in studying a new lesson, or else feareth stripes for his sloth- fulness. In like mariner, I might seem, now in my old age, to some men to take this part of scripture, because I would wade easily^ away therewith, and drive my matter at my pleasure, and not to be bound unto a certain theme. But ye shaU consider, that the foresaid words of Paul are not The scripture i v i -u • l j i • is that which to be understand©?!?- of all scriptures, but only of those which js written m r — A d God s book are; of God written in God's book; and all things which are *£ich we therein " are written for our learning." The excellency of Blble- this word is so great, and of so high dignity, that there is no earthly thing to be compared unto it; The author thereof oen. i. w± is great, that is, God himself, eternal, almighty, everlastmg. J,™^!- The scripture, because of him, is also great, eternal, most Dan- ™- mighty and holy. There is no king, emperor, magistrate, wemust and ruler, of what state soever they be, but are bound to believe h» '- d • . word, and obey this God, and to give credence unto his holy word, m follow it. directing their steps ordinately according unto the same word. Yea, truly, they are not only bound to obey God's book, but also the minister* of the same, "for the word's sake," so far as he speaketh "sitting in Moses' chair;" that is, if his doctrine be taken out of Moses' law. For in this world God n* *<»« hath two swords', the one is a temporal sword, the other a two swords. spiritual. The temporal sword resteth in the hands of kings, Tte temporal magistrates, and rulers, under him; whereunto all subjects, as weU the clergy as the laity, be subject, and punishable for any offence contrary to the same book. The spiritual sword ™*rritual 86 FIRST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. is in the hands of the ministers and preachers ; whereunto aU kings, magistrates, and rulers, ought to be obedient ; that is, to hear and foUow, so long as the ministers sit in Christ's Matt. xxui. chair ; that is, speaking out of Christ's book. The king cor- correcteth recteth transgressors with the temporal sword ; yea, and the the preacher. & r ' «/ > preacher may preacher also, if he be an offender. But the preacher cannot kmgora correct the king, if he be a transgressor of God's word, with queen. ^e temporal sword; but he must correct and reprove him with the spiritual sword ; fearing no man ; setting God only before his eyes, under whom he is a minister, to supplant (¦ and root up aU vice and mischief by God's word : whereunto aU men ought to be obedient ; as is mentioned in many Matt, xxiii. places of scripture, and amongst many this is one, Qucecun- 2 Pet. i. qUe jusserint vos servare, servate et facite : " Whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do." Therefore let the preacher teach, improve, amend, and instruct in right eousness, with the spiritual sword; fearing no man, though vii0&cV' vL death should ensue. Thus Moses, fearing no man, with this sword did reprove king Pharao at God's commandment. 1 Kings xxu. Micheas the prophet also did not spare to blame king Ahab for his wickedness, according to God's wiU, and to prophesy of his destruction, contrary unto many false prophets. These foresaid kings, being admonished by the ministers of God's word, because they would not foUow their godly doc trine, and correct their hves, came unto utter destruction. SohgP^3sh- Pnarao giymg no credit unto Moses, the prophet of God, Ixod. xiv. Dut appliant unto the lusts of his own heart, what time he heard of the passage of God's people, having no fear or re membrance of God's work, he with his army did prosecute after1, intending to destroy them ; but he and his people were8 ficings xxu. (U'0WIie(i m the Red Sea. King Achab also, because he would not hearken unto Micheas, was kiUed with an arrow. Like- i Kings xiv. wise also the house of Jeroboam, with other, many^ came unto destruction, because he would not hear the ministers of God's word, and correct his life according unto his wiU and pleasure. mu»tphaveher Let the Preacaer therefore never fear to declare the message hisde?eSfore of God u^0 a11 men- &&& ^ the king wiU not hear them, then the preachers may admonish and charge them with their duties, and so leave them unto God, and pray for them. [i^did prosecute after, 1549.] [2 and was drowned, 1549.] VII-J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 87 But if the preachers digress out of Christ's chair, and shaU Evii preach- speak their own phantasies, then instead of, Quozcunque jus- refused. serint vos facere, facite et servate, "Whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do," change it into these words following, Cavete vero vobis a pseudo-prophetis, qui veniunt ad vos, &c, "• Beware, of false prophets, which come unto Matt. vu. you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves : ye shall know them by their fruits." Tea, change Quozcunque jusserint, if their doctrine be evU, into Cavete [Matt, xvi.e.j a fermento Pharisozorum, &c, that is, " Take heed, and be ware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees." In teaching evil doctrine aU preachers are to be eschewed, and in no wise to be hearkened unto.: in speaking truth they are to be heard. All things written in God's book are most certain, true, and profitable for aU men : for in it is contained meet matter for kings, princes, rulers, bishops, and ?n God-shook for all states. Wherefore it behoveth every preacher some- a11 estates- what to appoint and accommodate himself and his matter, a preacher A x # must have agreeable unto the comfort and amendment of the audience respect unto o his audience. unto the which he declareth the message of God. If he preach before a king, let his matter be concerning the office of a king ; if before a bishop, then let him treat of bishoply duties and orders ; and so forth in other matters, as time and audience shall require. I have thought it good to entreat upon these words fol lowing, which are written in the seventeenth chapter of Deuteronomy, Cum venerisdn terram quam Dominus Deus ueut. xvii. dat tibi possederisque earn, &c, that is, " When thou art come unto the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, and enjoyest it, and dwellest therein ; if thou shalt say, I will set a king over me, like unto all the nations that are about me ; then thou shalt make him king over thee whom the Lord u caa thy God shall choose: " One of thy brethren must thou make HowGodap- J d • yointeth the king over thee, and mayest not set a stranger over thee, election of a which is not of thy brethren. But in any wise let him not hold too many horses, that he bring not the people again to Egypt through the multitude of horses: forasmuch as the Lord hath said unto you, Ye shall henceforth go no more again that way. Also he shall not have too many wives, lest his heart turn away : neither shall he gather him silver and gold too muchl" ¦>i mon. 88 FIRST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. As in divers other places of scripture is meet matter for all estates, so in this foresaid place is described chiefly the doctrine fit for a king. But who is worthy to utter this doctrine before our most noble king ? Not I, God knowefh, which am through age both weak in body and oblivious: unapt I am, not only because of painful study, but also for the short warning. Well, unto God I will make my moan, who never failed me. Auxiliator in necessitatibus, " God is my helper in all my necessities ;" to him alone wUl I make • : my petition. To pray unto saints departed I am not taught : to desire hke grace of God as they had, right godly it is; or to beheve God to be no less merciful unto us, being v faithful, than he was unto them, greatly comfortable it is. Therefore only unto God let us lift up our hearts, and say 4 the Lord's prayer. Things " Cum veneris, $c. — When thou art come unto the land which the chiefly in the Lord, &c. Thou shalt appoint him king, &c." whole ser- 1. " One of the brethren must thou make king over thee ; and must not set a stranger over thee, which is not of thy brethren. 2. " But in any wise let not such one prepare unto himself many horses, that he bring not, &c. 3. " Furthermore, let him not prepare unto himself many wives, lest his heart recede from God. 4. " Nor he shall not multiply unto himself too much gold and silver." As the? text doth rise, I wul touch and go a httle in every place, until I come unto — "too much." I wiU touch aU the foresaid things, but not — "too much." The text is, "When thou shalt come into the land," &c. To have a king the. Israehtes did with much importunity call unto God, and God long before promised them a king ; and they were fully cer tified thereof, that God had promised that thing. For unto Abraham he said, Ego crescere te faciam vehementer, ponam- que te in gentes, sed et reges ex te prodibunt: that is, " I wiU multiply thee exceedingly, and wiU make nations of thee; yea, and kings shall spring out of thee." These words were spoken long before the children of Israel had any king. Notwithstanding, yet God prescribed unto them an order, how they should choose their king, and what manner of man VII.] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 89 he should be, where he saith, " When thou shalt come into the land," &c. As who should say, " 0 ye chUdren of Israel, I know your nature right weU, which is evd, and inclined unto aU evils. I know that thou wilt choose a king to reign over thee, and to appear glorious in the face of the world, after the manner of gentiles., But because thou art stiff- necked, wild, and art given to walk without a bridle and^ hne, therefore pnow] I wiU prevent thy evil and beastly man ners ; I wiU hedge strongly* thy way ; I wiU make a durable law, which shaU compel thee to walk ordinately, and in a plain way : that is, thou shalt not choose thee a king after thy will and phantasy, but after me thy Lord and God." Thus God conditioned with the Jews, that their king The jews iiii i ii'ipi were restrain- should be such a one as he himself would choose them. This eA, .t0 choose. akingto their was not much unlike a bargain that I heard of late should Si^onc be betwixt two friends for a horse : the owner promised the have°thaSiuW other should have the horse if he would ; the other asked choose' the price ; he said twenty nobles. The other would give him but four pound. The owner said he should not have him then. The other claimed the horse, because he said he should have him if he would. Thus this bargain became a merry and ii ¦ i i *• wise taie- a Westminster matter : the lawyers got twice the value of the horse ; and when aU came to all, two fools made an end of the matter, Howbeit the Israelites could not go to law with God for choosing their king ; for would they, nil they, their king should be of his choosing,, lest they should walk inordinately in a deceivable way, unto their utter loss and destruction : for, as they say commonly, Qui vadit plane, a common vadit sane ; that is, " He that walketh plainly, walketh safely." As the Jews were stiff-necked, and were ever ready to walk inordinately, no less are we Englishmen given to untowardness, and inordinate walking after our own phan tasies and brauis. We will walk without the limits of God's word ; we wul choose a king at our own pleasure. But let - Saln- *¦*¦ us learn to frame our lives after the noble king David, which', when he had many occasions given of king Saul, to work evil for evU, yea, and having many times opportunity to perform mischief, and to slay king Saul ; nevertheless yet i sam. xxiv. fearing, j. would not follow his fleshly affections, and walk inordinately without the will of God's word, which he con fessed always to be his direction, saying, Lucerna pedibus Psaim nw. 90 FIRST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. Gods word is meis verbum tuum et lumen semitis meis ; " Thy word, 0 our light. . ii-i Lord, is a lantern unto my feet, and a hght unto my steps." Thus having in mind to walk ordinately, he did always avoid to do evil. For when king Saul was in a cave without any man, David and his men sitting by the sides of the cave, yea, and David's men moving him to kiU Saul, David made [i sam. xxiv. answer and said unto them, Servet me Dominus, ne rem istam contra dominum meum Messiam, fyc., that is, " The Lord keep me from doing this thing unto my master, that is the Lord's anointed." At another time also, moved by 1 sam. xxvi. Abishai to kill Saul sleeping, David said, Ne interficias eum; quis enim impune manum suam inferret undo Domino, tgc., that is, " Destroy him not ; for who can lay his hands on the Lord's anointed, and be guiltless?" &c. I would God we would foUow king David, and then we should walk or dinately, and yet do but that we are bound of duty to do : [Deut. xii. for God saith, Quod ego prozcipio, hoc tantum facito, "That Fantastical thing which I command, that only do." There is a great brains are . " ° reproved error risen now-a-days among many of us, which are vain and new-fangled men1, climbing beyond the limits of our capacity and wit, in wrenching this text of scripture here after following after their own phantasy and brain: .their i sam. viii. error is upon this text, Audi vocem populi in omnibus qum dicunt tibi ; non enim te reprobant, sed me reprobarunt ne regnem super eos : that is, " Hear the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee ; for they have not cast thee away, but me." They wrench these words awry after their own phantasies, and make much. doubt as touching a king and his godly name. They that so do walk inordinately, they walk not directly and plainly, but dehght in balks and stubble way. god caiieth It maketh no matter by what name the rulers be named, his ministers .„,-,,,,..,,., ramevsers " so "e tliev sha11 waUi or(Unately with God, and direct then- steps with God. For both patriarchs, judges, and kings, had and have their authority of God, and therefore godly. But this ought to be considered which God saith, Non prozficere tibi potes hominem alienum ; that is, " Thou must not set a t1 Strype (Eccl. Mem. ii. i. 38, Oxf. Edit.) observes that the new-fangled men here alluded to were "set up probably by the papists."] VII. J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 91 stranger over thee." It hath pleased God to grant us a King Edward natural liege king and lord of our own nation; an Enghshman; natural king, ° ° . . . . and a most one of our own rehgion. God hath given him unto us, andPrecioustrea- [he] is a most precious treasure ; and yet many of us do desire a stranger to be king over us. Let us no more now desire to be bankers2, but let us endeavour to walk ordinately and plainly after the word of God. Let us follow David: let us not seek the death of our most noble and rightful king, our own brother both by nativity and godly religion. Let us pray for his good state, that he live long among us. Oh, what a plague were it, that a strange king, of a strange land, and of a strange rehgion, should reign over us ! Where now we be governed in the true rehgion, he should ^\f^t extirp and pluck away altogether ; and then plant again all ime^Sd" abomination and popery. God keep such a king from us ! aifhypoc'risy. WeU, the king's Grace hath sisters, my lady Mary and my lady Ehzabeth, which by succession and course are inheritors to the crown, who if they should marry with strangers, what should ensue ? God knoweth. But God grant, if they so do, whereby strange rehgion cometh in3, that they never come unto coursing nor succeeding. Therefore, to avoid this plague, The way to t let us amend our hves, and put away aU pride, which doth wrath from A i n us *s t0 re" drown men in this realm at these days; aU covetousness, ]£^e*sllvice wherein the magistrates and rich men of this realm are over whelmed ; aU lechery, and other excessive vices, provoking God's wrath (were he not merciful) even to take from us our natural king and hege lord ; yea, and to plague us with a strange king, for our unrepentant heart. Wherefore if, as They that ye say, ye love the king, amend your hves, and then ye JJ^Sfj^1 shaU be a mean that God shaU lend him us long to reign sinfulli™s- over us. For undoubtedly sins provoke much God's wrath. Scripture saith, Dabo tibi regem in furore meo, that is, [Hos. xm. " I wiU give thee a king in my wrath." Now, we have a lawful king, a godly king : nevertheless, yet many evils do reign. Long time the ministers appointed have studied to amend and redress all evUs ; long time before this great labour hath been about this matter ; great cracks hath been [2 A mistake probably for balkers; i. q. bye- walkers.] f3 if they so do whereby strange religion cometh in, not in 1549.] 92 FIRST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. made, that all should be well : but when aU came to aU, for all their boasts, httle or nothing was done ; in whom these words of Horace1 may well be verified, saying, Parturiunt montes, nascitur ridiculus mus, " The mountains sweU up, the poor mouse is brought out." Long before this time many hath taken in hand to bring many things unto pass, but finally their works came unto small effect and profit. Now I hear say aU things are ended after a godly man ner, or else shortly shall be. Make haste, make haste ; and Latimer was \ei us learn to convert, to repent, and amend our hves. If a true pro- 3 J. 7 pnet. we ,j0 no^ j £earj j fear jesf. for our gjng an(j unthankfulness an hypocrite shall reign over us. Long we have been ser- Godhathsent vants and in bondage, serving the pope in Egypt. God hath usadeliverer. , & ' & t r r 0«/ I more seek to §'iven us a deliverer, a natural king : let us seek no stranger stranger. °f another nation, no hypocrite which shaU bring in again all papistry, hypocrisy, and idolatry ; no diabolical minister, which shall maintain all devilish works and evil exercises. Letuspray But let us pray that God maintain and continue our most for our king. n i ¦ i . n excellent king here present, true inheritor of this our realm, both by nativity, and also by the special gift and ordinance of God. He doth us rectify in the hberty of the gospel; Gai. v. in that therefore let us stand : State ergo in libertate qua Christus nos liberavit ; " Stand ye in the hberty wherewith Christ hath made us free." In Christ's hberty we shall stand, if we so hve that we profit ; if we cast away aU evil, fraud, and deceit, with such other vices, contrary to God's word. And in so doing, we shall not only prolong and maintain our most noble king's days in prosperity, but also we shall prosper our own hves, to hve not only prosperously, but also godly. [The second " In any wise, let not such a one prepare unto himself is™ 0I" Ed- many horses," &c. In speaking these words, ye shaU under- minVthata stand that I do not intend to speak against the strength, EothMe°uld policy, and provision of a king ; but against excess, and vain 's' trust that kings have in themselves more than in the living God, the author of all goodness, and giver of all victory. Many horses are requisite for a king ; but he may not exceed in them, nor triumph in them, more than is needful for the necessary affairs and defence of the realm. What meaneth [• De Arte Poet. 139.] VII'J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 93 it that God hath to do with the king's stable, but only he would be master of his horses ? The scripture saith, In altis habitat, " He dwelleth on high." It foUoweth, Humilia Pssim am. respicit, " He looketh on low things ;" yea, upon the king's stables, and upon aU the offices in his house. God is the God is grand great Grandmaster2 of the king's house, and wiU take account iS-S'houS? of every one that heareth rule therein, for the executing of their offices ; whether they have justly and truly served the king in their offices, or no. Yea, God looketh upon the king himself, if he work well or not. Every king is subject unto God, and all other men are subjects unto the king. In a king God requireth faith, not excess of horses. Horses for a king be good and necessary, if they be well used ; but horses are not to be preferred above poor men. I was once offended with the king's horses, and therefore took occasion to speak in the presence of the king's majesty that dead is, when abbeys stood. Abbeys were ordained for the comfort of the poor : wherefore I said, it was not decent that the king's horses should be kept in them3, as many were at that time ; the hving of poor men thereby minished and taken away. But afterward a certain nobleman said to me, What hast thou to do with the king's horses ? I answered and said, I spake my conscience, as God's word directed me. He said, Horses be the maintenances and part of a king's honour, and also of his realm ; wherefore in speaking against them, ye are against the king's honour. I answered, God An answer teacheth what honour is decent for the king, and for all tmeTonour6 J? of a king. other men according unto their vocations. God appomteth every king a sufficient living for his state and degree, both by lands and other customs ; and it is lawful for every king to enjoy the same goods and possessions. But to extort and take away the right of the poor, is against the honour of the , [2 The office now called Lord Chamberlain.] [3 Sir Arthur Darcy, in a letter which informs lord Cromwell of the suppression of the abbey of Jervaulx or Jorvalles, in Yorkshire, writes : " The kynges hyenes is att greatt charge with hys sstoodes of mares ... I thynke thatt att Gervayes and in the grangyes incydent, with the hellp off ther grett commones, the kynges hyenes by good overseers scholld have ther the most best pasture that scholld be in Yngland." Letters relating to the Suppression of Monasteries, p. 158.] 94 FIRST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. He describe* king. If1 you do move the king to do after that man- thedisho- ° •> . ° kSnurs wni ner' *^en J0VL sPea^ against the honour of the king ; for I traiy!""" ^'un certify you, extortioners, violent oppressors, ingrossers of tenements and lands, through whose covetousness viUages decay and faU down, the king's hege people for lack of sus tenance are famished and decayed, — they be those which speak against the honour of the king. God requireth in the king and all magistrates a good heart, to walk directly in his ways, and in aU subjects an obedience due unto a king. Therefore I pray God both the king, and also we his people, may endeavour dihgently to walk in his ways, to his great honour and our profit. Sit o'tuie " Let him not prepare unto himself too many wives," &c. Ed™s49o Although we read here that the kings amongst the Jews had jewfhad'a6 hberty to take more wives than one, we may not therefore toLvemore attempt to walk inordinately, and to think that we may take wives tH-_ii one. also many wives. For Christ hath forbidden this unto us Christians. And let us not impute sin unto the Jews, because they had many wives ; for they had a dispensation so to do. Christ hmiteth unto us one wife only ; and it is a great thing for a man to rule one wife rightly and ordinately. For a i woman is frail, and proclive unto aU evUs: a woman is a very weak vessel, and may soon deceive a man and bring him unto evil. Many examples we have in holy scripture. Adam had but one wife, caUed Eve, and how soon had she brought him to consent unto evd, and to come to destruction ! How did wicked Jezebel pervert king Achab's heart from God and all & ,ofbeS g0(Hules^ an(i finaUy unto destruction ! It is a very hard ruled weii. thing for a man to rule weU one woman. Therefore let our a godiy king, what time his grace shah be so minded to take a wife, woman is to *-' ° > be chosen, choose him one which is of God; that is, which is of the household of faith. Yea, let all estates be no less circumspect in choosing her, taking great deliberation, and then they2 shaU not need divorcements, and such mischiefs, to the evil example and slander of our realm. And that she be such3 Love which one as the king can find in his heart to love, and lead his life above6 aifed° *n Pure and cnaste espousage ; and then he shall be the more inrmary*gess Prone and ready to advance God's glory, and to punish and to extirp the great lechery used in this realm. [i And, 1549.] [2 they, not in 1549.] [« such, not in 1549.] VII. J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 95 Therefore we ought to make a continual prayer unto God for to grant our king's grace such a mate as may knit his heart and hers, according to God's ordinance and law ; and not to4 consider and cleave only to a5 pohtic matter or conjunction, for the enlarging of dominions, for surety and defence of countries, setting apart the institution and ordi nance of God. We have now a pretty httle sHlling6 indeed, a very pretty one: I have but one, I think, in my purse; and the last day I had put it away almost for an old groat : and so I trust some wiU take them. The fineness of the sdver I cannot see : but therein is printed a fine sentence, that is, Timoe rPr< Domini fons vitje vel sapienti.?e ; " The fear of the Lord 27] is the fountain of life or wisdom." I would God this sentence were always printed in the heart of the king in choosing his wife, and in all his officers. For like as the fear of God is fons sapientioz or vitae, so the forgetting of God is fons stul- p0iicyint titioz, the fountain of foolishness, or of death, although it be bringeth never so pohtic; for upon such pohtic matters death doth ensue and foUow ; aU their divorcements and other hke conditions, to the great displeasure of Almighty God : which evds, I fear me, are much used in these days, in the marriage of noblemen's chUdren ; for joining lands to lands, possessions to possessions, neither the virtuous education nor hving being regarded; but in the infancy such marriages be made, to the displeasure of God, and breach of espousals. Let the king therefore choose unto him a godly wife, whereby he shall the better hve chaste ; and in so hving, all godliness shall increase, and righteousness be maintained. Notwithstanding, I know hereafter some wiU come and move your grace towards wantonness, and to the inclination of the flesh and vain affections. But I would your grace should bear in memory an history of a good king called Lewis7, a notable v r/ o o history of that traveUed towards the Holy Land (which was a great ».£ren<* [4 to, not in 1549.] [s a, not in 1549.] [6 A description of the coin to which Bp. Latimer is supposed here to allude, is given by Folkes, " Table of English Silver Coins," pp. 28, et seq.] [' Lewis IX of France is the "good king" alluded to. But the preacher's memory seems to have failed him as to the "history." The following is the story as given by Fr. Gaufridus de Bello-Loco. "Nee 96 FIRST SKRMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. matter in those days), and by the way sickened. And upon, this matter the physicians did consult with the bishops, who The good did conclude that it would be lawful for the king to commit bishops. sin, if thereby his sickness could be removed1. This good king hearing their conclusion would not assent thereunto, but said he had rather be sick even unto death than he would break his espousals. Wo worth such counseUors ! Bishops ! Nay, rather buzzards. Nevertheless, if the king should have consented to their conclusion, and accomplished the same, if he had not chanced well, they would have excused the matter : as I have heard of two that have consulted together, and according to the advice of his friend, the one of them wrought where the su»cession wag not good; the other imputed a piece of reproach to him for his such counsel given. He excused the matter, saying, that he gave him none other counsel, but if it had been his cause he would have done hkewise. So I think the bishops would have excused the matter, if the king should have reproved them for their counsel. I do not read Note. that the king did rebuke them for their counsel; but if he had, I know what would have been their answer : they would have said, We give you no worse counsel than we would have followed ourselves, had we been in like case. WeU, sir, this king did weU, and had the fear of God The king before his eyes. He would not walk in by-walks, where are avoided evu. many balks. Amongst many balkings is much stumbling; and by stumbhng it chanceth many times to faU down to the ground. And therefore let us not take any by-walks, but let God's word direct us : let us not walk after, nor lean to "Nee pi'Eetereundum de quodam religioso, qui a falsis relatoribus audierat quod dominus hie rex ante matrimonium suum concubinas habebat, cum quibus quandoque peccabat, conscia vel dissimulante matre sua. Quod cum ille religiosus cum multa admiratione, quasi earn redarguendo, dominie regina: dixisset; ilia, super hac falsitate, se et fllium humiliter excusavit, verbum laudabile subinferens, vide licet — ' quod si dictus Alius suus rex, quern super omnes creaturas mortales diligebat, infirmaretur ad mortem, et diceretur ei quod sana- retur semel peccando cum muliere non sua, prius permitteret ipsum mori, quam semel peccando mortaliter suum offendere Creatorem.' Hoc ego ab ore ipsius domini Regis audivi." Vita et sancta con- versat. S. Ludovici, c. iv. p.. 6. Par. 1617.] [' This sentence is varied from the original.] VII. J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 97 our own judgments, and proceedings of our forefathers, nor seek not what they did, but what they should have done : of which thing the scripture admonisheth us, saying, Ne incline- Deutxii. mus prazceptis et traditionibus patrum, neque faciamus quod videtur rectum in oculis nostris ; " Let us not incline our selves unto the precepts and traditions of our fathers; nor let us do that seemeth right in our eyes." But surely we wiU not exchange our fathers' doings and traditions with scripture; but chiefly lean unto them and to their prescrip tion, and do that seemeth good in our own eyes. But surely that is going down the ladder : scala cozli2, as it was made by the pope, came to be a mass ; but that is a false ladder to bring men to heaven. The true ladder to bring a man to heaven is the knowledge and following of the scripture. Let the king therefore choose a wife which feareth God; ThethM let him not seek a proud wanton, and one fuU of rich trea- sermon. sures and worldly pomp. " He shaU not multiply unto himself too much gold and sUver." Is there too much, think you, for a king ? God doth aUow much unto a king, and it is expedient that he should have much; for he hath great expenses, and many occasions to spend much for the defence and surety of his realm and subjects. And necessary it is that a king have a treasure always in a readiness for that, and such other affairs as be daily in his hands : the which treasure, if it be not sufficient, he may lawfully and with a safe conscience take taxes of his subjects. For it were not meet the treasure should be in the subjects' purses, when the money should be occupied, nor it were not best for themselves; for the lack thereof might cause both it, and aU the rest that they have, should not long be theirs. And so, for a necessary and expedient occasion, it is warranted by God's word to take [2 "In the church of the blessed Virgin Mary [at Rome] is thalter which is called [as is also the church itself] scala cceU. Upon this altar if they that syng masse or cause masses to be song for the soules that are in purgatory, thorow the merits of the same blessed Virgin, the sayd soules are delivered out of hand from the bytter paynes of purga tory, and brought unto the everlasting joys of heaven. Moreover, whatsoever thinge is devoutlye asked in that place, it is strayghtwayes wythoute all doubte obtayned. And there is greate aboundaunce of pardon a pcena et a culpa Mies quoties." Becon's Works, Vol. in. fol. 183, 202.] 7 [latimeji.] 98 FIRST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. theMnhhath °^ ^e SUDJects- But if there be sufficient treasures, and the his°c?mmonfs. burdening of subjects be for a vain thing, so that he wiU require thus much or so much of his subjects, (which per chance are in great necessity and penury;) then this covetous intent, and the request thereof, is "too much," which God for- biddeth the king here in this pla.ce of scripture to have. But who shaU see this "too much," or teU the king of this "too None that be much" ? Think you, any of the king's privy chamber ? No, servants to *f * */ o jl «/ ' the king, for fear of loss of favour. ShaU any of his sworn chaplains ? No : they be of the closet, and keep close such matters. But the king himself must see this "too much" ; and that shah he do by no means with the corporal eyes. Wherefore he must have a pair of spectacles, wliich shaU have two clear sights in them : that is, that one is faith; not a seasonable faith, which shaU last but a whUe, but a faith wliich is continuing in God : the second clear sight is charity, which is fervent towards his christian brother. By them two must the king see ever when he hath too much. But few there be that use these spectacles : the more is their damnation. Not with- chrysostom-s out cause Chrysostom with admiration saith1, Mir or si aliquis rectorum potest salvari; "I marvel if any ruler can be saved." Which words he speaketh not of an impossibility, but of a great difficulty; for that their charge is marvellous great, and that none about them dare shew them the truth of the thing, how it goeth. u God wm WeU, then, if God will not aUow a king too much, m°utc?untto>a whether wUl he aUow a subject too much ? No, that he less into &e wiU not. Whether have any man here in England too subject. , „ •> o who israt much I 1 doubt most rich men have too much ; for without tattoo too much we can get nothing. As for example, the phy- Jawyy™?ns' sician : "" the P0OT man be diseased, he can have no help ™S£_, without too much. And of the lawyer, the poor man can unnkSrai get no counsel, expedition, nor help in his matter, except he give him too much. At merchants' hands no kind of ware can be had, except we give for it too much. You landlords, you rent-raisers2, I may say you step-lords, you unnatural f1 In Epist. ad Hebrseos, cap. xm. Horn, xxxiv. Oper. Tom. xii. p. 313, B. Edit. Bened. Par. 1735.] [2 " Rents of farms were raised to three or four times their usual value; thousands of farmers were turned out of their way of livelihood; and this raising of rents enhanced excessively the price of provisions, VII.] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 99 lords, you have for your possessions yearly too much. For that here before went for twenty or forty pound by year, (which is an honest portion to be had gratis in one lordship of another man's sweat and labour,) now is let for fifty or an hundred pound by year. Of this "too much" cometh this monstrous and portentous dearth made by man, notwith standing God doth send us plentifuUy the fruits of the earth, mercifully, contrary unto our deserts: notwithstanding, too much, which these rich men have, causeth such dearth, that poor men, which hve of their labour, cannot with the sweat of their face have a hving, aU kind of victuals is so dear3 ; pigs, geese, capons, chickens, eggs, &c. These things withNotethe other are so unreasonably enhanced ; and I think verily that man- if it thus continue, we shaU at length be constrained to pay for a pig a pound. I wiU teU you, my lords and masters, this is not for the tws too l • , i -rr -n tt- much is not kings honour. Yet some wiU say, Knowest thou what be-£orthekins-s ° « honour. longeth unto the king's honour better than we ? I answer, that the true honour of a king is most perfectly mentioned and painted forth in the scriptures, of which if ye be igno rant, for lack of time that ye cannot read it; albeit that your counsel be never so pohtic, yet is it not for the king's honour. What his honour meaneth, ye cannot tell. It is a description " . . of the king's the king's honour that his subjects be led in the true re- p?°?u£ true hgion ; that aU his prelates and clergy be set about their relision- work in preaching and studying, and not to be interrupted from their charge. Also it is the king's honour that the secondly, a wealthy commonwealth be advanced ; that the dearth of these fore- commonalty. said things be provided for, and the commodities of this which was the more grievous to the nation by the exportation of its gold coin, and the bringing over of vast quantities of counterfeit money of a base alloy from abroad." Carte, Hist, of England, Vol. Hi. p. 233.] [3 Mr Hales, one of the commissioners for the "redress of en closures," observes in his charge: "All things at this present, saving corn, (which by reason that it is in poor men's hands> who cannot keep it, is good cheap,) be so dear as never they were; victuals and all other things that be necessary for man's use. And yet, as it is said, there was never more cattle, specially sheep, than there is at this present. But the cause of the dearth is, that those have it that may choose whether they will sell it or no ; and will not sell it but at their own prices." Strype, Eccl. Mem. n. ii. p. 359. Oxf. Edit.] 7—2 little. 100 FIRST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. realm so employed, as it may be to the setting of his1 subjects on work, and keeping them from idleness. And herein rest- eth the king's honour and his office. So doing, bis account before God shall be aUowed and rewarded. Furthermore, Thirdly, the if the king's honour, as some men say, standeth in the great Sdeth mur multitude of people ; then these graziers, inclosers, and rent- of people, rearers, are hinderers of the king's honour. For where as have been a great many householders2 and inhabitants, there is now but a shepherd and his dog : so they hinder This too the king's honour most of aU. My lords and masters, I say S£"" also, that aU such proceedings which are against the king's s'lavTryTand honour, (as I have a part declared before, and as far as tlif clsrirv shavery. \ can perceive,) do intend plainly to make the yeomanry slavery, and the clergy shavery. For such works are aU ciergy had singular, private wealth and commodity. We of the clergy tatnowt'oo had too much; but that is taken away, and now we have too little. But for mine own part I have no cause to complain, for I thank God and the king, I have sufficient ; and God is my judge, I came not to crave of any man any thing : but I know them that have too httle. There heth a great matter by these appropriations3 : great reformation is to be had in them. I know where is a great market-town, with divers hamlets and inhabitants, where do rise yearly of their ofthe ciergy. labours to the value of fifty pound, and the vicar that serveth, [! setting his: 1549.] [2 many of householders, 1549.] [3 From a remote period it had been the custom to annex the tithes, &c. of livings in the patronage of monastic bodies, to those corporations for their own use and benefit, a portion only of the profits being, in each case, set apart for the officiating priests of the parishes. These arrangements were called appropriations; and by the time of Henry VHI. the profits of more than one third of all the benefices in England had passed into the hands of religious houses of one kind or other. At the dissolution of the monasteries, however, the tithes, &c. would, by the rules of common law, have gone back to the several parish-priests, had not the statutes which dissolved the monasteries made over all the appropriations to the crown. From the crown impropriations passed into various hands, and remain there to this day; while the "vicar that serveth" is now but too often "not able to buy him books, nor give his neighbour drink." Blackstone, Comment. B. i. ch. xi. § 5. Kennet, Case of Impropriations, pp. 18, et seq.] VII J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 101 being so great a cure, hath but twelve or fourteen marks by year ; so that of this pension he is not able to buy him books, nor give his neighbour drink ; aU the great gain goeth another way. My father was a yeoman, and had no lands of his own, An example only he had a farm of three or four pound by year at the yeomanry. uttermost, and hereupon he tiUed so much as kept half a dozen men. He had walk for a hundred sheep ; and my mother milked thirty kine. He was able, and did find the king a harness, with himself and his horse, whUe he came to the place that he should receive the king's wages. I can remember that I buckled his harness when he went unto Blackheath field4. He kept me to school, or else I had not been able to have preached before the king's majesty now. He married my sisters with five pound, or twenty nobles apiece ; so that he brought them up in godliness and fear of God. He kept hospitahty for his poor neighbours, and some alms he gave to the poor. And aU this he did of the said farm, where he that now hath it payeth sixteen pound by year, or more, and is not able to do any thing for his prince, for himself, nor for his children, or give a cup of drink to the poor. Thus aU the enhancing and rearing goeth to your private commodity and wealth. So that where ye had a single too much, you have that ; and since the same, ye have enhanced the rent, and so have increased another too much: so now ye have double too much, which is too too much. But let the preacher preach tiU his tongue be worn to the stumps, no preaching nothing is amended. We have good statutes5 made for the -vii. commonwealth, as touching commoners and inclosers6 ; many Many meetings and sessions; but in the end of the matter there butsma'ii cometh nothing forth7. Well, weU, this is one thing I wiU [* Where the Cornish rebels were defeated in 1497. Carte, Hist. of England, n. 850.] [« 4 Henry VII. c. 19 : 7 Henry VIII. c. 1 : 25 Henry VIII. c. 13 : 27 Henry VIII. c. 22.] [6 commoner_, enclosers : 1549, 1562.] P A royal commission had been issued and acted upon in 1548 with a view to redress the grievances and misery occasioned by these inclosures : and Mr Hales, one of the commissioners, attempted m the next session of parhament to have three different bills passed with the 102 FIRST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. say unto you : from whence it cometh I know, even from the devU. I know his intent in it. For if ye bring it to pass The decay that the yeomanry be not able to put their sons to school, of learning _ "'."... . , , and purity of (as indeed universities do wonderously decay already,) and that they be not able to marry their daughters to the avoiding of whoredom ; I say, ye pluck salvation from the people, and utterly destroy the realm. For by yeomen's sons the faith of Christ is and hath been maintained chiefly. Is this realm taught by rich men's sons ? No, no ; read the chronicles : ye shall find sometime noblemen's sons which have been un preaching bishops and prelates, but ye shaU find none of them learned men. But verily they that should look to the re- a notable dress of these things be the greatest against them. In this realm are a great many folks, and amongst many I know but one1 of tender zeal2, who at the motion of his poor tenants hath let down his lands to the old rents for their rehef. For God's love let not him be a phenix, let him not be alone, let him not be an hermit closed in a waU ; some good man foUow him, and do as he giveth example. surveyors are Surveyors there be, that greeddy eorgre up their covetous hand-makers. " © 1/ © O JT goods ; hand-makers, I mean : honest men I touch not ; but aU such as survey, they make up their mouths, but the com mons be utterly undone by them ; whose bitter cry ascending The cry of up to the ears of the God of Sabaoth, the greedy pit of heU- burning fire, without great repentance, doth tarry and look for them. A redress God grant! For surely, surely, but that two things do comfort me, I would despair of redress in these matters. One is, that the king's majesty, when he cometh to age, wiU see a redress of these things so out of frame ; giving example by letting down his own lands first, and then enjoin his subjects to foUow him. The second hope I have, is, I beheve that the general accounting day is at hand, the dreadful day of judgment, I mean, which shaU [jer. vi. ho make an end of aU these calamities and miseries. For, as the scriptures be, Cum dixerint, Pax, pax, " When they shall say, Peace, peace," Omnia tuta, " All things are sure ;" same view, "but in the end of the matter there came nothing forth." Carte, in. 234 : Strype, Eccl. Mem. n. i. 145, et seq. ii. 348, et seq. Oxf. Edit.] [l Perhaps the above-mentioned Mr Hales.] P zeal at, 1549.] VII.] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 103 then is the day at hand : a merry day, I say, for aU such as do in this world study to serve and please God, and continue in his faith, fear, and love ; and a dreadful horrible day for those that decline from God, walking in their own ways ; to whom, as it is written in the twenty-fifth of Matthew, it is said, Ite, maledicti, in ignem ozternum, " Go, ye cursed, into everlasting punishment, where shah be wailing and gnashing of teeth." But unto the other he shaU say, Venite, benedicti, " Come, ye blessed children of my Father, possess the king dom prepared for you from the beginning of the world:" of the which God make us aU partakers ! Amen. [sERM. THE SECOND1 SERMON OF MASTER HUGH LATIMER, WHICH HE PREACHED BEFORE THE KING'S MAJESTY, WITHIN HIS GRACE'S PALACE AT WESTMINSTER, THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF MARCH, 1549. TO THE READER2. Even as in times past aU men which were honestly bent to the promoting of virtue and learning, found means that the works of worthy orators, of famous and renowned phhosophers, should be, by the benefit of publishing, re deemed from the tyranny of obhvion to the great and high profit of countries, of commonwealths, of empires, and of as semblies of men : likewise ought we to fetch our precedent from those men, and suffer no worthy monument to perish whereby any good may grow, either to the more godly ad ministration of pohtical and civU affairs, or else to the better establishment of christian judgment. Numa Pompilius (who was inaugured and created king of the Romans next after Eomulus) was far more careful and busier in grounding of idolatrous rehgion (as upon rites, ceremonies, sacrifices and superstitions) than we are in the promoting of christian re hgion, to the advancement of the glory due to the omnipotent Majesty of God himself, who hath revealed and uttered his word unto us by his prophets, and last of aU by his only- begotten Son Jesus Christ; whereby he hath confirmed our con sciences in a more perfect certainty of the truth than ever they were before. This Numa instituted an archbishop for the preserving of the Commentaries containing the solemni ties of their rehgion, with many other appendices united to the office of the high bishop. What do we ? We have sup- f1 The first Sermon seems to have been a distinct publication from this and the five Sermons which follow.] [2 From the edition of 1549.] VIII.] TO THE READER. 105 pressed. We have wrestled with fire and sword, not only to deface the writings of such learned men as have painfully travaUed to pubhsh God's word, but also we have stirred every stone, and sought aU devilish devices to detain the same word of God itself from his people. May not we, and not unworthUy, be accounted far under the ethnicks, who wrought only by natural motion and anticipations, without breathing and inspiring of the Holy Ghost, if we would not, I mean, not be equal to them, but be far more zealous in pro moting good learning and rehgion than ever they were? They, when they had such noble and worthy clerks as So crates, Plato, and Aristotle, in aU dihgence caused the fruits of these most rare and profound wits to be preserved for their posterity, that the eyes of all generations might enjoy the fruition and use of them; thinking that such wonderful virtues should not be buried in the same grave that their bodies were. After so manifold and dangerous shipwrecks of rehgion, as in our times we may weU remember, whereas the ambitious and bhnd prelates (some of wUy wilfulness, some of gross ignorance) ruleth the stern, and have evermore blemished the true knowledge of God's word, and did their endeavour to obscure the same with their pohtic and decent ceremonies, and trumpery of superstitions ; how oft hath rehgion been tossed on the stormy surges and dangerous rocks of the Romish seas ! How oft hath it been in such a desperate state, that the true ministers have been enforced, as you would say, to weigh anchor, the tackling of the ship being broken, and, destitute of aU other help and succours, to give over the ruling of the ship to God himself ; who is only able to save, when aU the world by man's reason judgeth it past cure ! Such, 0 Lord, is thy mercy and ineffable power! What christian heart, that favoureth the glory of God, did not even lament and bewail the state of rehgion, and thought verily the utter ruin of Christ's church to be at hand, seeing the late martyrdom of those that suffered ? Yet didst thou, Lord, stir up thousands out of their ashes; and what was done of a popish pohcy to suppress and keep under the truth, that, of aU other, did most set forth the same. Thou hast dehvered Daniel out of the den of lions, and he hath set forth thy word abroad. But now, countrymen, whom God hath blessed by delivering you from the tyranny of the lions and 106 TO THE READER. [SERM. her whelps, which went through the whole realm sucking the innocent blood, how unthankful are you to God, so greatly neglecting so special a benefit ; faUing into such a looseness of lascivious hving, as the like hath never been heard of hereto fore ! Even as ye are grown to a perfection in knowledge, so are ye come to a perfection in aU mischief. The heathen, which had no other guide but the law of nature graven in the tables of their heart, were never so poisoned with the contagion of most horrible heresies, as some of us Christians which are not ashamed to brag and boast of the Spirit. But it is a fanatic spirit, a brain-sick spirit, a seditious and a ma lignant spirit. Christ breathe his Spirit upon you, that ye may read the scripture with aU humbleness and reverence, to fetch from thence comfort for your wounded consciences, not to make that hvely fountain of life to serve for the feeding of your idle brains, to dispute more subtiUy thereby; or else, by misunderstanding of the same, to conceive pernicious anabaptistical opinions! Remember that the servant which knoweth his master's wiU, and doeth it not, shaU be beaten with many stripes. God is a good God, a merciful God, a father, which beareth much with our crooked nature and unchristian behaviour, and very slow to revenge this blas phemy, this maintenance of so many unscriptural opinions, these babbhngs and schismatic contentions, wherein a great pack of us dehght, and repose our glory ; although, as fondly as erroneously, to the great slander of the godly-learned, and also to the hinderance of the good success and free passage of the word of God. But as truly as God is God, if we repent not shortly, his plagues and vengeance are not far off ; his indignation and wrath shaU be poured from heaven upon our ungodliness. He is long coming, but when he comes he wiU pay home ; and, as Lactantius1 saith, recompense his long- sufferance with more grievous punishments. The world and the devU hath so bewitched us, that we in our deeds, I fear me, too many of us, deny God to be God, whatsoever we pittle-pattle with our tongues. God's word must not be talked of only, for that is not enough, it must be expressed. Then must we as well hve the word as talk the word ; or else, if good hfe do not ensue and foUow upon our reasoning, to the' example of others, we might as weU spend that time in read- [l Divin. Instit v. 23.] VIII.] TO THE READEH. 107 ing of profane histories, of Cantorburye tales, or a fit of Robyn Hode. Let us join good life with our reading, and yet all . wUl be too httle. Remember that the world and all that is in it is mere vanity, and shall have an end. Thou, I say, that thus abuseth the gift of God's holy word, and the graciousness of the king's majesty, which hath licensed thee to read the same for the comfort of thine own soul, for the instruction of thy fanuly, the education of thy chddren, and edifying of thy neighbour ; thou that art so gorgeously ap- pareUed, and feedeth thy corruptible carcase so daintily ; thou that purchasest so fast, to the utter undoing of the poor, con sider whereof thou earnest, and whereunto thou shalt return. Where is then aU thy pomp ? Where is aU thy ruff of thy gloriousness become ? What will thou say for thyself in that horrible day of judgment, where thou shalt stand naked be fore God, where the tables of thine own conscience shall be opened, and laid before thine eyes to accuse thee? Thou which raisest the rents so greedily, as though thou shouldst never have enough. Thy judgment is, through miserable mammon, so captivate and blind, that thou canst not teU when thou hast enough, or what is enough. Truly a httle is too much for him that knoweth not how to use much weU. Therefore learn first the use of money and riches, and some other honester means to attain them, that this thine insatiable covetousness and unlawful desiring of other men's goods may be reduced to some reasonable measure, and that it do not exceed the limits or compass of honesty, and the bonds of brotherly love ; lest God, before whom thou shalt appear one day to render a strait account for the deeds done in the flesh, burden and charge thee with the unmerciful handling of thy tenant, but yet notwithstanding thy brother, whom with new incomes, fines, enhancing of rents, and such like un reasonable exactions, thou pillest, pollest, and miserably oppressest. When that terrible day shaU once come, a httle of God's mercy wiU be worth a mass or a whole heap of thy money. There thy wicked mammon, whom thou servest like a slave, can purchase thee no mercy. There thy money, so gleaned and gathered of thee and thine, to the impoverishment of many to make thee only rich, cannot prevail thee, nor yet redeem thy cause before that just and severe judge, which then and there wul render to thee the selfsame measure 108 TO THE READER. [sERM. which thou measurest to other men. What did we speak of prevailing, or redeeming of thy cause with money? Nay, then thy money and the rest of thy gold shaU be a witness against thee, and shall eat thy flesh as the fire. How frantic and foolish might aU wise men well judge and deem him to be, which against the day of his arraignment, when he should stand upon the trial of death and life, would busy himself, his folks, and his friends, to prepare and get many witnesses against him, to cast him away by their evidence and witness, and to provide such men as should be the only cause of his death ! Even so frantic, so foohsh art thou, which both toil, travaU, and turmoU so earnestly and busily about the getting of goods and riches, before thou hast weU learned and taken forth of the lesson of weU using the same. Howbeit, truly I doubt much of the weU using of that which was never weU nor truly gotten. Learn, therefore, first to know what is Prov. xix. enough ; for the wise man saith, " It is better to have a httle with the fear of the Lord, than great and unsatiable riches." zephaniah. Sophony saith, " Their gold shaU not be able to dehver them Heb. xiii. in the day of the Lord's wrath." "Let your conversation be without covetousness, and be content with what ye have 1 Tim. vi. already." " Godhness is great riches, if a man be content with such as God sends. For we brought nothing into this world, neither shall we carry anything out. When we have food and raiment, let us therewith be content." Behold, the schoolmaster Paul teaches thee here a good lesson. Here thou mayest learn well enough to know what is enough. But lest thou shouldest fear at any time the want or lack of this enough, hear farther the rest of the lesson ; for God verily saith, " The Lord is mine helper, I wUl not fear what man doeth to me." If the revenues and yearly rents of thy patrimony and lands be not enough nor sufficient for thy finding, and wiU not suffice thy charges, then moderate thy expenses ; borrow of thy two next neighbours, that is to say, of thy back and thy beUy. Learn to eat within the tether. Pull down thy sad : say, " Down, proud heart." Maintain no greater port than thou art able to bear out and support of thine own provision. Put thy hand no farther than thy sleeve wiU reach. Cut thy cloth after thy measure. Keep thy house after thy spending. Thou must not piU and poU thy tenant, that thou mayest have, as they say, Unde, and VHI.] TO THE READER. 109 that1 thy never enough, to ruffle it out in a riotous ruff, and a prodigal, dissolute, and licentious hving. We read in the scriptures, " Give to every man his duty ; tribute to whom tribute is due ; custom to whom custom is due ; fear to whom fear belongeth; honour to whom honour pertaineth." But we find not there, nor elsewhere, " fines to whom fines, in comes to whom incomes." Paul was not acquainted with none of these terms. Belike they were not used and come up in his time, or else he would have made mention of them. Yet, notwithstanding, we deny not but these reasonably re quired, and upon honest covenants and contracts, are the more tolerable ; and so used, so may be permitted. But the covenants and contracts we remit to the godly wisdom of the high magistrates, who we pray God may take such order and direction in this, and all other, that the common people may be reheved and eased of many importable charges and in juries, which many of them, contrary to all equity and right, sustain. But wo worth this covetousness, not without skiU called the root of aU evd ! If covetousness were not, we think many things amiss would shortly be redressed. She is a mighty matron, a lady of great power. She hath retained more servants than any lady hath in England. But mark how weU, in fine, she hath rewarded her servants, and learn to be wise by another man's harm. Achan, by the command- Deut- *vii- ment of God, was stoned to death, because he took of the excommunicate goods. Saul, moved by covetousness, dis obeyed God's word, preserving the king Agag, and a parcel of the fattest of the cattle, and lost his kingdom thereby. Gehize was stricken with leprosy, and aU his posterity, be cause he took money and raiment of Naaman. The rich and unmerciful glutton, who fared weU and daintily every day, was buried in heU ; and there he taketh now such fare as the devU himself doth. Woe be to you that join house to house, and field to field ! ShaU ye alone inhabit the earth ? Let these terrible examples suffice at this present to teach and admonish the enhancer of rents; the unreasonable exactor, and greedy requirer of fines and incomes ; the covetous leasemonger; the devourer of towns and countries, as M. Latimer termeth them rightly. If these scriptures, which they may read in these godly sermons, do not pierce their [i and after the desire of, MS. correction 1549.] 110 TO THE READER. [SERM. stony hearts, we fear more will not serve. The Lord be merciful to them! But now the wicked judge, which cor- rupteth justice for bribes, here he may learn also the lesson that Moses taught long before this time, " Ye magistrates and judges in the commonwealth of Israel, be no acceptors of persons, neither be desirous of gifts ; for they make wise men Eccius. xiv. blind, and change the mind of the righteous." " In judgment be merciful to the fatherless, as a father, and be instead of prov. xvu. an husband unto their mother." " The ungodly taketh gifts out of the bosom to wrest the ways of judgment." " Let him that rules be diligent," saith Paul. What meaneth he by this term ' diligent' ? He requires no such dihgence as the most part of our lucrative lawyers do use, in deferring and prolonging of matters and actions from term to term, and in the tracting of time in the same ; where, perchance, the title or right of the matter might have come to hght, and been tried long before, if the lawyers and judges would have used such dihgence as Paul would have them to do. But what care the lawyers for Paul ? Paul was but a madman of law to controul them for their dihgence. Paul, yea, and Peter too, had more skiU in mending an old net, and in clouting an old tent, than to teach lawyers what dihgence they should use in the expedition of matters. Why, but be not lawyers diligent? say ye. Yea, truly are they ; about their own profit there are no more diligent men, nor busier persons in aU England. They trudge, in the term time, to and fro. They apply the world hard. They foreslow1 no time. They follow assizes and sessions, leets, law-days, and hundreds. They should serve the king, but they serve themselves. And how they use, nay rather abuse their office in the same, some good man wiU tell them thereof. We lack a few more Latimers ; a few more such preachers. Such plain Pasquyls we pray God provide for us, as wiU keep nothing back. Of the which sort and number we may most worthfly reckon this faithful minister of God, and constant preacher of his word, Master Hugh Latimer ; which, by his perseverance and stedfastness in the truth, hath stablished this wavering world. He hath been tost for the truth's sake, and tried in the storm of persecution, as gold in the furnace. He is one whom, as well for his learned, sound, and catholic judgment [l loiter.] vm\] TO THE READER. Ill in the knowledge of God's word, as for his integrity and example of Christian conversation, all we, and especially ministers and prelates, ought to set before our eyes, as a principal patron to imitate and foUow.; desiring God, who hath stirred up in him the bold spirit of Helias, may daily more and more augment the same in him, and may also pro vide many such preaching prelates ; which both so weU could, and so willingly would, frankly utter the truth, to the extol ling of virtue, to the reward of weU-doers, the suppressing of vice, the abohshment of aU papistry. It is our part, there fore, to pray dihgently for his continual health, and that he may hve long among us in a flourishing old age; and not, as some ingrate and inhuman persons, to malign and deprave him, for that he so frankly and hberaUy taxed, perstringed, and openly rebuked before the king's majesty the peculiar faults of certain of his auditors : but it is our part rather thankfully to accept in good part, take his godly advertisement; unless we be minded to prefer our mucky money, and false felicity, before the joys of heaven ; or else beheve, as the Epicures do, that after this life there is neither heU nor heaven. Re ceive thankfully, gentle reader, these sermons, faithfuUy collected without any sinister suspicion of any thing in the same being added or adempt. FINIS. The xxi day of June. [SERM. ROMANS XV. [4.] Qucscunque scripta sunt, ad nostram doctrinam, Sec. All things that are written in God's book, in the holy bible, they were written before our time, hut yet to continue from age to age, as long as the world doth stand. In this book is contained doctrine for aU estates, even for kings. A king herein may learn how to guide himself. I told you in my last sermon much of the duty of a king, and there is one place behind yet, and it foUoweth in the Deut. xvii. text : Postquam autem sederit in solio regni sui, &c. ; " And when the king is set in the seat of his kingdom, he shall write him out a book, and take a copy of the priests or Levites." He shall have a book with him, and why? " To read in it all the days of his life, to learn to fear God, and learn his laws," and other things, as it foUoweth in the text with the appurtenances, and hangings on, " that he turn not from God, neither to the right hand, nor to the left." And wherefore shall he do this ? " That he may hve long, he and his chUdren." Hitherto goeth the text. That I may declare this the better, to the edifying of your souls and the glory of God, I shaU desire you to pray, &c. Et postquam, &c, " And when the king is set in the seat of his kingdom, &c." Before I enter into this place, right honourable audience, to furnish it accordingly, which by the grace of God I shaU do at leisure, I would repeat the place I was in last, and furnish it with an history or two, which I left out in my The stiff- last sermon- I was m a matter concerning the sturdiness of ™dkoeurJews the Jews, a froward and stiff-necked kind of people, much ramparS™ like our Englishmen now-a-days, that in the minority of a together. j^^ ^Q ^on ^em to break laws, and to go by-ways. For when God had promised them a king, when it came to the point they refused him. These men walked by- walks; An English and the saying is, "Many by-walkers1, many balks:" many wis! Mikdeai_ balks, much stumbling ; and where much stumbling is there old said saw. . . « -,, , , . , o > is sometimes a tall : howbeit there were some good walkers t1 by-walks, 1549, 1562.] VIII. J SECOND SERMON BEFORE KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 113 among them, that walked in the king's highway ordinarily, uprightly, plain Dunstable way2; and for this purpose I would shew you an history which is written in the third of the Kings. King David being in his chUdhood, an old man in his i Kings i. second childhood, (for aU old men are twice chUdren, as the proverb is, Senex bis puer, " an old man twice a child,)" it happened with him, as it doth oftentimes, when wicked men of a king's chUdhood take occasion of evil. This king David being weak of nature, and impotent, insomuch that when he was covered with clothes, he could take no heat, was counseUed of his servants to take a fair young maid to nourish him, and to keep him warm in his body : I suppose she was his wife. Howbeit he had no bodily company with her, and weU she might be his wife. For though the scripture doth say, Non cognovit earn, " He knew her not," he had no carnal copulation with her, yet it saith not, Non duxit earn uxor em, " He married her not." And I cannot think that king David would have her to warm his bosom in bed, except she had been his wife; having a dispensation of God to have as many wives as he would : for God had dispensed with them to have many wives. WeU, what happened to king David in his childhood by the clnld of the devil ? Ye shall hear : king David had a proud son, whose name was Adonias, a man fuU of ambition, Adonias. desirous of honour, always chmbing, climbing. Now whdst &=- the time was of his father's chUdhood, he would depose bis father, not knowing of his father's mind, saying, Ego regnabo, " I wiU reign, I wiU be king." He was a stout- stomached chUd, a by-walker, of an ambitious mind : he would not consent to bis father's friends, but got him a chariot, and men to run before it, and divers other adherents to help him forward; worldly-wise men, such as had been before of his father's counsel; great men in the world, and some, no doubt of it, came of good-will, thinking no harm ; for they would not think that he did it without bis father's wUl, haying such great men to set him forth ; for every man [2 "As plain as Dunstable way" is given by Fuller among the proverbs of Bedfordshire, as descriptive of anything "plain and simple, without either welt or guard to adorn them." Worthies of Engl. Vol. I. p. 166, 8vo. edit.] 8 [latimer.] 114 SECOND SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. cannot have access at aU times to the king, to know his pleasure. WeU, algates1 he would be king. He makes a joab captain great feast, and thereto he called Joab, the ring-leader of Bavid'sarmy. his father's army ; a worldly-wise man ; a by-walker, that would not walk the king's high-way ; and one Abiathar, the high priest; for it is marvel if any mischief be in hand, if a priest be not at some end of it. They2 took him as king, and cried, Vivat rex Adonias; " God save king Adonias." David suffered all this, and let him alone ; for he was in his childhood, a bedrid man. But see how God ordered the matter. Nathan the pro phet, and Sadoc a priest, and Banaiah, and the Chrethites and Phelethites, the king's guard, they were not caUed to the feast. These were good men, and would not walk by-ways : therefore it was folly to break the matter to them ; they were not caUed to counsel. Therefore Nathan, when he heard of this, he cometh to Bethsabe, Salomon's mother, and saith, " Hear ye not how Adonias the son of Ageth reigneth king, David not knowing ?" And he bade her put Sto" *^e kmg *n m*n<* °^ kis oath that he sware, that her son Salomon"; Salomon should be king after him. This was wise counsel, according to the proverb, Qui vadit plane, vadit sane: " He that walketh in the high plain way, walketh safely." Upon this she went and brake the matter to David, and desired him to shew who should reign after him in Hieru- salem ; adding that if Adonias were king, she and her son, after his death, should be destroyed; saying, Nos erimus peccatores, " We shall be sinners, we shah be taken for traitors : for though we meant no harm, but walked upright ly, yet because we went not the by-way with him, he being in authority wUl destroy us." And by and by cometh in Nathan, and taketh her tale by the end, and sheweth him how Adonias was saluted king; and that he had bid to dinner the king's servants, aU saving him, and Sadoc, and Banaiah, and all his brethren the king's sons, save Salomon. King David remembering himself, swore, "As sure as God hveth, Salomon my son shall reign after me ;" and by and by commanded Nathan and Sadoc, and his guard, the Che- rites and Phelethites, to take Salomon his son, and set him [i by all means.] [2 And took, 1584.] VIII.] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. .1 1 5 upon his mule, and anoint him king. And so they did, CI7mg> Vivat Salomon Rex. Thus was Salomon throned, by the advice and wiU of his father : and though he were a ehUd, yet was his wUl to be obeyed and fulfiUed, and they ought to have known his pleasure. Whilst this was a doing, there was such a joy and out- The joy of cry of the people for their new king, and blowing of trum- for SS? new pets, that Joab and the other company being in their joUity, and keeping good cheer, heard it, and suddenly asked, "What is this ado ?" And when they perceived, that Salomon, by the advice of his father, was anointed king, by and by there was aU whisht : all their good cheer was done ; and all that were with Adonias went away, and let him reign alone, if he would. And why? He walked a by-way, and God would not prosper it. God wiU not work with private authority, nor with any God is thing done inordinately. When Adonias saw this, that he private ~ •¦' authority was left alone, he took sanctuary, and held by the horns of and ™°.rdi- 3 v 7 v t nate doings. the altar ; and sware that he would not depart thence till Salomon would swear that he should not lose his life. Here is to be noted the notable sentence and great mercy of king Salomon. " Let him," saith he, " order him- Salomon is. merciful . self like a quiet man, and there shaU not one hair faU from his head : Sed si inventum fuerit malum in eo, But if there shall be any evU found in him, if he hath gone about any mischief, he shall die for it." Upon this he was brought unto Salomon ; and as the book saith, he did ho mage unto him. And Salomon said to him : Vade in domum tuam, " Get thee into thy house :" belike he meant to ward, and there to see his wearing : as if he should say, " Shew thyself without gall of ambition, to be a quiet subject, and I wiU pardon thee for this time: but I will mme trieth v r i j j? 1 traitors from see the wearing of thee." Here we may see the wondertul the trusty. great mercy of Salomon : for this notorious treason that Adonias had committed, it was a plain matter, for he suf fered himself to be called king ; it hung not of vehement suspicion or conjecture, nor sequel, or consequent ; yet not withstanding Salomon for that present forgave him, saying, " I will not forget it utterly, but I wiU keep it in suspense, I wUl take no advantage of thee at this time." This Adonias and Absolon were brethren, and came both of a strange 116 SECOND SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [s Note of what force educa tion is. Adoniasshrinks in the meeting, and proveth naught on the wearing. Adonias a liar. When pro mises may not be per formed. Adonias put to death. 1 Kings ii. Abiathar deposed and made a quon dam. 1 Kings ii. mother ; and Absolon likewise was a traitor, and made an insurrection against his father. Beware therefore these mo thers ; and let kings take heed how they marry, in what houses, in what faith. For strange bringing up bringeth strange manners. Now giveth David an exhortation to Salomon, and teach eth him the duty of a king ; and giveth him a lesson, as it foUoweth at large in the book, and he that hst to read it, may see it there at fuU. But what doth Adonias aU this while ? He must yet climb again : the gaU of ambition was not out of his heart : he wiU now marry Abisaac, the young queen that warmed king David's bosom, as I told you ; and cometh me to Bethsabe, desiring her to be a mean to Salo mon her son that he might obtain his purpose ; and bringeth me out a couple of lies at a clap ; and committeth me two unlawful acts. For first he would have been king without his father's consent, and now he wiU marry his father's wife. And the two hes are these : first, said he to Bethsabe, " Thou knowest that the kingdom belongeth unto me, for I am the elder ; the kingdom was mine." He lied falsely ; it was none of his. Then said he, " AU the eyes of Israel were cast upon me :" that is to say, aU Israel consented to it. And there he hed falsely ; for Nathan, Sadoc, and other wise men, never agreed to it. Here was a great enterprise of Adonias ; he wUl be climbing still. WeU ; Bethsabe went at his request to her son Salomon, and asked a boon, and he granted her whatsoever she did ask. Notwith standing he brake his promise afterward, and that right well; for all promises are not to be kept, speciaUy if they be against the word of God, or not standing with a common profit. And therefore as soon as Salomon heard that Ado nias would have married the young queen Abishaac : " Nay, then let him be king too," said he : "I perceive now that he is a naughty man, a proud-hearted feUow ; the gaU of ambition is not yet out of his heart :" and so commanded him to be put to death. Thus was Adonias put to execution, whereas if he had kept his house, and not broken his injunc tion, he might have hved still. Abiathar, what became of him? The king, because he had served his father before him, would not put him to death, but made him as it were a quondam. " Because thou hast been with my father," said VIII-J ' KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 117 he, " and didst carry the ark before him, I wiU not kUl thee. But I wiU promise thee, thou shalt never minister any more ; vade in agrum tuum, get thee to thy land, and hve there." A great matter of pity and compassion ! So God grant us aU such mercy ! And here was the end of Ehe's stock, according to the promise and threatening of. God. As for the Phelethites, we do not read that they were punished. Marry, Shimei transgressed his injunction; for he kept not his house, but went out of Jerusalem to seek two servants of his, that had run from him; and when it came to Salomon's ear, it cost him his life. I have ript the matter now to the piU, and have told you of plain- walkers, and of by-walkers; and how a king in his childhood is a king, as weU as in any other age. We read in scripture of such as were but twelve or eight Joas was years old, and yet the word of the Holy Ghost caUed them yearf ow 1 ¦ >, __ . . when he was Kings, saymg : Cozpit regnare, " tie began to reign," or he flln's"!! began to be king. Here is of by-walkers. This history f^ was would be remembered : the proverb is, Felix quem faciunt 2 Kings xxii- aliena pericula cautum; "Happy is he that can beware by another man's jeopardy." For if we offend not as other do, it is not our own deserts. If we faU not, it is God's preservation. We are aU offenders : for either we may do, or have done, or shaU do, (except God preserve us,) as evU as the worst of them. I pray God we may aU amend and repent ! But we wiU aU amend now, I trust. We must needs amend our hves every man. The holy communion is at hand, and we may not receive it unworthily. Well, to return to my history. King David, I say, was Kingsthough a king in his second childhood. And so young kings, though dren yet they they be chUdren, yet are they kings notwithstanding. And though it be written in scripture, Voz tibi, 0 terra, ubi puer est rex, " Wo to thee, 0 land, where the king is a child ;" it foUoweth in another place, Beata terra ubi rex nobilis, "Blessed is the land where there is a noble king;" where kings be no banqueters, no players ; and where they spend not their time in hawking and hunting. And when had the The king's T- _.t- ' t-_. j honourable kmg's majesty a council, that took more pain both night and ™™c^™r- day for the setting forth of God's word, and profit of the tended. 118 SECOND SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. commonwealth ? AQd yet there be some wicked people1 that The common wiU say, " Tush, this gear wiU not tarry : it is but my lord popS-hope Protector's and my lord of Canterbury's doing : the king is a child, and he knoweth not of it." Jesu mercy ! How Englishmen like are we Englishmen to the Jews, ever stubborn, stiff- theJews. necked, and walking in by-ways! Yea, I think no Jew would at any time say, "This gear wUl not tarry." I never heard nor read at any time that they said, "These laws were made in such a king's days, when he was but a chUd; let us alter them." 0 Lord, what pity is this, that we should be worse than the Jews ! " Blessed be the land," saith the word of God, " where the king is noble." What people are they that say, " The king is but a child?" Have we not a noble king? Was there ever king so noble; so godly; brought up with so noble counseUors ; so exceUent and well learned schoolmasters ? I a true and wUl teU you this, and I speak it even as I think : his ofM.tatimer Majesty hath more godly wit and understanding, more learn- majesty. ing ailcl knowledge at this age, than twenty of his progenitors, that I could name, had at any time of their life. I told you in my last sermon of ministers, of the king's people ; and had occasion to shew you how few noblemen were good preachers ; and I left out an history then, which I wUl now tell you. The history There was a bishop of Winchester2 in king Henry the Winchester0 Sixth's days, which king was but a child; and yet there were many good acts made in his chUdhood, and I do not read that they were broken. This bishop was a great man born, and did bear such a stroke, that he was able to shoulder the lord Protector. Well, it chanced that the lord Protector and he fell out ; and the bishop would bear nothing at aU with him, but played me the satrapa*, so that the [! The preacher alluded to Drs Bonner and Gardiner, and the popish party generally, who, to excuse then- opposition to the Re formation, during Edward VI's reign, invented the theory that laws made, during the minority of a king were invalid. The Devonshire rebels-»and the princess Mary readily embraced the same convenient doctrine. Strype, Mem. of Cranmer, p. 272, Oxf. Edit.] [2 Reference is had to the contentions between cardinal Beaufort and Humphrey the "good duke" of Gloucester. Carte, Hist, of Eng land, n. 698.] [s An eastern term for the governor of a province.] VIII.] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 119 regent of France was fain to be sent for from beyond the seas, to set them at one, and go between them : for the bishop was as able and ready to buckle with the lord Pro tector, as he was with him. Was not this a good prelate? He should have been at home preaching in his diocese with a wanniaunt*. This Protector was so noble and godly a man, that he was called of every man the good duke Humphrey. He The good kept such a house as never was kept since in England ; Humphrey. without any enhancing of rents, I warrant you, or any such matter. And the bishop for standing so stiffly by the matter, and bearing up the order of our mother the holy church, was made a cardinal at Calais; and thither the bishop of Rome sent him a cardinal's hat. He should have had a Tyburn tippet, a half-penny halter, and all such proud a Tyburn ^ prelates. These Romish hats never brought good into Eng- become him land. Upon this the bishop goeth me to the queen Margaret5, the king's wife, a proud woman, and a stout ; and persuaded her, that if the duke were in such authority still, and lived, the people would honour him more than they did the king ; and the king should not be set by : and so be tween them, I cannot tell how it came to pass, but at St Edmunds-bury, in a parhament, the good duke Humphrey »«£_. was smothered6. smoibeld But now to return to my text, and to make further rehearsal of the same, the matter beginneth thus : Et post quam sederit rex, "And when the king is set in the The office at seat of his kingdom — " What shaU he do? ShaU hed>osnef.nCT', dance and daUy; banquet, hawk, and hunt? No, forsooth, sir. For as God set an order in the king's stable, as I [* In a waniant, 1549, 1562 ; with a waniant, 1572 ; with a wannion, 1607. This last spelling of the word is most frequent in old writers: but the meaning of the phrase in any of its forms is not quite appa rent: as it is usually accompanied by a threat, it may be equivalent to, "with a vengeance."] P All the old editions read "queen Katherine."] [6 This was the general opinion at that time ; and the death of duke Humphrey happened so opportunely for his enemies, that they were regarded as his murderers: yet there are good reasons for believing that he died from natural causes. Carte, Hist, ot England, n. 726, &c] 120 SECOND SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [SERM. Flattering claw-backs.A king's pastime. The king must write the book of Deuteronomy himself, Deut. xvii. God's book hath been preserved hitherto by a wonderful miracle. told you in my last sermon, so wiU he appoint what pastime a king shaU have. What must he do then? He must be a student, he must write God's book himself; not thinking, because he is a king, he hath hcence to do what he wUl, as these worldly flatterers are wont to say : " Yea, trouble not yourself, sir, ye may hawk and hunt, and take your pleasure. As for the guiding of your kingdom and people, let us alone with it." These flattering claw-backs are original roots of aU mis chief; and yet a king may take his pastime in hawking or hunting, or such hke pleasures. But he must use them for recreation, when he is weary of weighty affairs, that he may return to them the more lusty : and this is caUed pastime with good company. "He must write out a book himself." He speaketh of writing, because printing was not used at that time. And shaU the king write it out himself? He meaneth, he shaU see it written, and rather than he should be without it, write it himself. Jesus mercy ! is God so chary with a king, to have him weU brought up and instructed ? Tea, forsooth : for if the king be weU ordered, the realm is well ordered. Where shaU he have1 a copy of this book? Of the Levites. And why? Because it shaU be a true copy, not falsified. Moses left the book in an old chest, and the Levites had it in keeping. And because there should be no error, no addition, nor taking away from it, he biddeth him fetch the copy of the Levites. And was not here a great miracle of God, how this book was preserved ? It had lain hid many years, and the Jews knew not of it. Therefore at length, when they had found it, and knew it, they lamented for their ignorance that had so long been without it, and rent their clothes, re penting their unfaithfulness. And the holy bible, God's book, that we have among us, it hath been preserved hitherto by wonderful miracle of God, though the keepers of it were never so malicious. First, ever since the bishop of Rome was first in authority, they have gone about to destroy it; but God worketh wonderfully; he hath pre served it, maugre their beards2; and yet are we unthankful [i We have, 1571, 1584, 1607.] [2 Their hearts, 1571, 1584, 1607.] VHI-] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 121 that we cannot consider it. I wiU teU you what a bishop of this realm said once to me : he sent for me, and mar- veUed that I would not consent to such traditions as were then set out. And I answered him, that I would be ruled by God's book, and rather than I would dissent one jot from it, I would be torn with wild horses. And I chanced in our communication to name the Lord's Supper. " Tush," saith the bishop, "what do ye call the Lord's Supper? What new term is that ?" There stood by him a dubber, one Doctor Dubber : he dubbed him by and by, and said Mark a */-/¦' learned that this term was seldom read in the doctors. And I p«iate. made answer, that I would rather foUow Paul in using {jj^jj,8 ht his terms, than them, though they had aU the doctors on^u^. their side. "Why," said the bishop, "cannot we, with- a bishop out scriptures, order the people ? How did they before wheitathe the scripture was first written and copied out?" ButK«S- _. , 1 x x ed without God knoweth, full ill, yet would they have ordered them ; the scripture. for seeing that having it, they have deceived us, in what case should we have been now without it ? But thanks be to God, that by so wonderful a miracle he hath preserved the book stUl. It foUoweth in the text : Habebit secum, " He shall The Bible have it with him : " in his progress, he must have a man forgotten in i i I'll* ii • • time of to carry it, that when he is hawking and hunting;, or m progress and « # ' ° . ° . pastime. any pastime, he may always commune with them of it. He shaU read in it, not once a year, for a time, or for his recreation when he is weary of hawking and hunting, but cunctis diebus vitoz suoz, "aU the days of his life." Where are those worldlings now ? these bladder-puffed-up wUy men ? Wo worth them that ever they were about any king ! But how shaU he read this book ? As the how homeiy . ° • they handle Homilies3 are read. Some call them homehes, and indeed the godiy 7 Homilies. so they may be weU called, for they are homely handled. For though the priest read them never so weU, yet if the parish like them not, there is such talking and babbling in the church that nothing can be heard ; and if the parish be good and the priest naught, he wiU so hack it and chop it, that it were as good for them to be without it, for any word that shall be understood. And yet (the more pity) this is p Put forth in the year 1547.] 122 SECOND SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. suffered of your Grace's bishops, in their dioceses, unpunished. thing's to -^u* I wu^ De a suiter to your grace, that ye wUl give your gTace" bishops charge ere they go home, upon their aUegiance, to look better to their flock, and to see your Majesty's Injunctions1 better kept, and send your Visitors in their tails: Negligent and if they be found neghgent or faulty in their duties, out with them. I require it in God's behalf, make them quondams, all the pack of them. But peradventure ye wiU say, " Where shaU we have any to put in their rooms ?" Indeed I were a presumptuous fellow, to move your Grace to put them out, if there were not other to put in their places. But your Majesty hath divers of your chaplains, weU learned men, and of good knowledge : and yet ye Hangers of have some that be bad enough, hangers-on of the court; the court. _ _ ___ ,«- • , , • 1 mean not those. Hut it your Majesty's chaplains, and my lord Protector's, be not able to furnish their places, there mentofuS'" *s *n ^s rea^m (thanks be to God !) a great sight of laymen, "'-h ti*? weU learned in the scriptures, and of virtuous and godly rooms of bishops. conversations, better learned than a great sight of us of the clergy. I can name a number of them that are able, and would be glad, I dare say, to minister the function, if they be caUed to it. I move it of conscience to your Grace, let them be caUed to it orderly ; let them have institution, and give them the names of the clergy. I mean not the name only, but let them do the function of a bishop, and hve of the same : not as it is in many places, that one should have the name, and eight other the profit2. For what an enormity is this in a christian realm, to serve in a civility, having the profit of a provostship, and a dean- areei?kertobe er^' and a Parsonage3 ! But I will teU you what is hke swefy."11'0 to come of it; Jt wil1 bring tlle clergy shortly into a very slavery. [i See Cardwell, Document. Annals, &c. Vol. i. pp. 4, &c.] [2 Allusion is here made to the practice of allowing laymen to enjoy the revenues arising from ecclesiastical endowments. The preacher may, also, have had in view the alienation of church- property, which was then not unfrequent. Carte, Hist, of England, m. p. 239, et seq. Pegge, Life of Grosseteste, pp. 357, &c] p The case, no doubt, of Sir Thomas Smith, who was at the same time Steward of the Stanneries, Secretary of State, Provost of Eton Dean of Carlisle. Strype, Life of Smith, pp. 30, et seq. Oxf. Edit.] VIII J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 123 I may not forget here my scala cceli, that I spake of in my last sermon. I wiU repeat it now again, desiring your Grace in God's behalf, that ye will remember it. The bishop of Rome had a scala cozli, but his was a mass matter. The scaia This scala cozli1, that I now speak of, is the true ladder flve'steps. 1S that bringeth a man to heaven. The top of the ladder, or first greese5, is this : " Whosoever calleth upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." The second step : " How shaU they caU upon him, in whom they have not beheved ?" The third stair is this : " How shaU they be lieve in him, of whom they never heard?" The fourth step : " How shaU they hear without a preacher ?" Now the nether end of the ladder is : " How shaU they preach except they be sent?" This is the foot of the ladder, so that we may go backward now, and use the school argu ment; a primo ad ultimum : take away preaching, take away salvation. But I fear one thing ; and it is, lest for The fear is v _> /• ¦__ • past, for it is a safety of a httle money, you wiU put in chantry priests «°ne already. to save their pensions6- But I wUl teU you, Christ bought souls with his blood ; and wUl ye seU them for gold or sUver ? I would not that ye should do with chantry priests, as ye did with the abbots, when abbeys were put down. For when their enormities . were first read in the parhament-house, they were so great and abominable, that there was nothing but "down with them." But within a whUe Newbishops ° i-i i of old abbots. after, the same abbots were made bishops7, as there be some of them yet alive, to save and redeem their pensions. 0 Lord ! think ye that God is a fool, and seeth it not ? and if he see it, will he not punish it? And so now for safety of money, I would not that ye should put in chantry priests. I speak not now against such chantry priests as [4 This scala cceli is the true ladder, 1549, 1562.] [s step, Pr. grez.1 [6 The Act 1 Edw. VI. c. 14, which made over the chantries to the crown, provided that yearly premiums should be paid to the priests and others connected with those foundations: but it was found more convenient to turn those priests into beneficed clergymen, than to pay their pensions.] p E. g. Chambers, bishop of Peterborough, who died in 1556 ; Rugg or Reppfife, bishop of Norwich; Salcot, bishop of Salisbury, died in 1559; "Wakeman, first bishop of Gloucester. Godwin, de Preesulibus, pp. 353, 440, 551, 558, 612, &c] 124 SECOND SERMON PREACHED BEFORB [SERM. Worldlypolicy feareth not God. Smell-feasts or flatterers. Pharao, Exod. vii. viii. Jeroboam, 1 Kings _-ii. A charm to chase away ciawbacks. are able to preach; but those that are not able. I wiU not have them put in; for if ye do this, ye shaU answer for it. It is in the text, that a king ought to fear God : " he shall have the dread of God before his eyes." Work not by worldly pohcy; for worldly pohcy feareth not God. Take heed of these claw-backs, these venomous people that wUl come to you, that wiU foUow you like Gnathos and Para sites1 : if you follow them, you are out of your book. If it be not according to God's word that they counsel you, do it not for any worldly pohcy ; for then ye fear not God. It foUoweth in the text : Ut non elevetur cor ejus, " That he be not proud above his brethren." A king must not be proud, for God might have made him a shepherd, when he made him a king, and done him no wrong. There be many examples of proud kings in scripture; as Pharao, that would not hear the message of God: Herod also, that put John Baptist to death, and would not hear him ; he told him, that "it was not lawful for him to marry his brother's wife:" Jeroboam also was a proud king. Another king there was that worshipped strange gods, and idols of those men whom he had overcome before in battle ; and when a prophet told him of it, what said he ? "Who made you one of my coun- cU?" These were proud kings: their examples are not to be foUowed. But wherefore shaU a king " fear God, and turn neither to the right hand nor to the left?" Wherefore shall he do all this? Ut longo tempore regnet ipse et filii ejus, "That he may reign long2 time, he and his chUdren." Remember this, I beseech your Grace ; and when these flatterers and flibber- gibs another day shaU come, and claw you by the back, and say, " Sir, trouble not yourself : what should you study ? Why should you do this, or that ? " your Grace may answer them thus and say : "What, sirrah? I perceive you are weary of us and our posterity. Doth not God say in such a place, that a king should write out a book of God's law, and read it, learn to fear God, and why ? That he and his might reign long. I perceive now thou art a traitor." TeU him this tale once, and I warrant you he wiU come no more to P Parasiti itidem ut Gnathonici vocentnr. Teren. Eun. ii. 2, 33.] p reign long, 1549, 1562.] •J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 125 you, neither he, nor any after such a sort. And thus shaU your Grace drive these flatterers and claw-backs away. And I am afraid I have troubled you too long : therefore I will furnish the text3 with an history or two, and then I wiU leave you to God. Te have heard how a king ought to pass the time. He must read the book of God; and it is not enough for him to read, but he must be acquainted with aU scripture ; he must study, and he must pray : and how shaU he do both these ? He may learn at Salomon. God spake unto Salomon when he was made a king, and bade him ask of him what he would, and he should have it. Make thy petition, said God, and thou shalt obtain. Now mark Salomon's prayer. Domine, 0 Domine Deus, said he, "0 iK_ng._a. Lord God, it is thou that hast caused me to reign, and hast 2 ChIon' "' set me in my father's seat ; for thou, God, only dost make kings." Thus should kings praise God and thank God, as Salomon is a Salomon did. But what was his petition ? Lord, said he, jpye?efor°f Da mihi cor docile. He asked "a docible heart, a wise 'ngs' heart, and wisdom to go in and to go out:" that is, to begin Salomon aU mine affairs weU, and to bring them to good effect andwKk purpose, that I may learn to guide and govern my people. When he had made his petition, it pleased God well, that Salomon asked wisdom, and neither riches nor long life ; and therefore God made him this answer : " Because thou hast chosen wisdom above aU things; I wUl give it thee, and thou shalt be the wisest king that ever was before thee." And so he was, and the wisest in all kinds of knowledge that ever was since. And though he did not ask riches, yet God gave him both riches and honour, more than ever any of his ances tors had. So your Grace must learn how to do, of Salomon. Ye must take your petition ; now study, now pray. They study and must be yoked together; and this is caUed pastime with good te comX' company. Now when God had given Salomon wisdom, he sent him by and by occasion to occupy his wit. For God gave never a gift, but he sent occasion, at one time or another, to shew it Godminister- .-. ... .._.. .-. i iii eth occasion to Gods glory. As, if he sent riches, he sendeth poor men to use i* O - ' _1 • 1 Slft3' to be helped with it. But now must men occupy then goods otherwise. They wiU not look on the poor ; they must help their chUdren, and purchase them more land than ever their p text now with, 1549, 1562.] 126 SECOND SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. grandfathers had before them. But I shaU tell you what Christ said : " He that loveth his chUd better than me, is not worthy to be my disciple." I cannot see how ye shaU stand before God at the latter day, when this sentence shaU be laid against you. But to return to my purpose : there were two poor 1 Kings Hi. women came before Salomon to complain. They were two harlots, and dwelled together in one house, and it chanced within two days they chdded both. The one of these women by chance in the night had killed her child, and rose privUy and went to the other woman, and took her live chUd away, and left her dead child in his place. Upon that they came The com- both before Salomon to have the matter judged, whose the Kariots°toWO child was. And the one said, "It is my chUd:" "Nay," saith Salomon. _ .. i «i i », -v- - i i i ¦• the other, "it is my child : "JNay, saith the other, "it is mine." So there was yea and nay between them, and they held up the matter with scolding after a woman-like fashion. At the length Salomon repeated their tale as a good judge ought to do, and said to the one- woman: "Thou say est the child is thine." "Yea," said she. "And thou sayest it is thine," to the other. "WeU, fetch me a sword," said he ; for there was no way now to try which was the true mother, but by natural inclination. And so he said to one of his servants, " Fetch me a sword, and divide the child between them." When the mother of the chUd that accused the other heard him say so ; " Nay, for God's sake," said she, " let her have the whole chUd, and kill it not." " Nay," quoth the other, " neither thine nor mine ; but let it be divided." Then said Salomon, " Give this woman the child ; this is the mother of the child." What came of this? Audivit wisdom omnes Israel, "When aU Israel heard of this judgment, they wngetobe feared the king." It is wisdom and godly knowledge that causeth a king to be feared. One word note here for God's sake, and I will trouble you no longer. Would Salomon, being so noble a king, hear two poor women? They were poor; for, as the scripture saith, they were together alone in a house ; they had not so much as one servant between them both. Would kino- Salomon, I say, hear them in lus own person ? Yea, forsooth. And yet I hear of many matters before my lord Protector, and my lord Chancellor, that cannot be heard. I must desire my lord VIII.] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 127 Protector's grace to hear me in this matter, that your Grace a request would hear poor men's suits yourself. Put them to none protector. other to hear, let them not be delayed. The saying is now, that money is heard every where; if he be rich, he shall soon have an end of his matter. Others are fain to go home with weeping tears, for any help they can obtain at any judge's hand. Hear men's suits yourself, I require you in God's behalf, and put it not to the hearing of these velvet coats, these upskips. Now a man can scarce know them from an ancient knight of the country. I cannot go to my book, for poor folks come unto me, desiring me that I wiU speak m. Latimer i i • r ii .troubled with that then matters may be heard. I trouble my lord of p°.°r mens *i ^ v suits. Canterbury ; and being at his house, now and then I walk in the garden looking in my book, as I can do but httle good at it. But something I must needs do to satisfy this place. I am no sooner in the garden, and have read awhile, but by and by cometh there some one or other knocking at the gate. Anon cometh my man, and saith : " Sir, there is one at the gate would speak with you." When I come there, then is it some one or other that desireth me that I wUl speak that his matter might be heard ; and that he hath lain this long at great costs and charges, and cannot once have his matter come to the hearing : but among all other, one specially moved me at this time to speak. This it is, sir. A gentlewoman came to me and told me, that a great The gentie- i 'n l l_ woman s man keepeth certain lands of hers from her, and will be her complaint. tenant in the spite of her teeth ; and that in a whole twelve month she could not get but one day for the hearing of her matter ; and the same day when the matter should be heard, ^wyei* are_ the great man brought on his side a great sight of lawyers »*^™y for his counsel, the gentlewoman had but one man of law ; ^ne™st and the great man snakes him so, that he cannot tell what to do ; so that when the matter came to the point, the judge was a mean to the gentlewoman, that she would let the great man have a quietness in her land. I beseech your grace that ye will look to these matters. Hear them yourself. View your judges, and hear poor men's causes. And you, proud judges, hearken what God saith in his holy book: Audite illos, ita parvum ut magnum. " Hear them," saith he, " the small as weU as the great, the poor as well as the rich." Regard no person, fear no man : 128 SECOND SERMON, &C [sERM. VIII.] why? Quia Domini judicium est, "The judgment is God's." Mark this saying, thou proud judge. The devil will bring this sentence at the day of doom. Hell wiU be full of these judges, if they repent not and amend. They are worse than the wicked judge that Christ speaketh of, that neither feared Lukexviii. God, nor the world. There was a certain widow that was a suitor to a judge, and she met him in every corner of the street, crying, " I pray you hear me, I beseech you hear me, I ask nothing but right." When the judge saw her so importunate, "Though I fear neither God," saith he, "nor Except the world, yet because of her importunateness I wdl grant before, ' J L ? fsXto?t' that r reo m Pickmote yourseh I Take you your pleasure, hunt, hawk, dance, and f0n4f jf^1; daUy : let us alone ; we wUl govern and order the common- back'counseI- weal matters weU enough." Wo worth them ! they have been the root of aU mischief and destruction in this reahn. A king ought not only for to read and study, but also to a king must pray. Let him borrow example of Salomon, who pleased asread- God highly with his petition, desiring no worldly things, but Salomon wisdom, which God did not only grant him, but because he wisdom. asked wisdom,, he gave him many more things ; as riches, honour, and such like. Oh, how it pleased God that he asked wisdom! And after he had given him this wisdom, he sent him also occasion to use the same by a couple of strumpets. Here I told an example of a meek king, who so continued, untU he came into the company of strange women. He heard them not by means, or by any other, but in his Salomon own person : and I think verUy the natural mother had never causes and , , I'll* complaints had her own clnld, if he had not heard the cause himself, of his people. They were meretrices, whores; although some excuse the matter, and say they were but tipplers, such as keep ale houses. But it is but folly to excuse them, seeing the Jews were such, and not unlike but they had their stews, and the maintenance of whoredom, as they had of other vices. One thing I must here desire you to reform, my lords : m. Latimer's ° " - . . request to the you have put down the stews2 : but I pray you what is the lords. matter amended ? What avaUeth that ? Ye have but changed the place, and not taken the whoredom away. God should be honoured every where ; for the scripture saith, Domini est terra et plenitudo ejus, "The earth and the land is the Lord's." What place should be, then, within a christian realm left for to dishonour God ? I must needs shew you such news as I hear : for though I see it not myself, not withstanding it cometh faster to me than I would wish. I do as St Paul doth to the Corinthians : Auditur inter vos [2 Suppressed in 1546 by Henry VIII. Stowe's Survey of London, by Strype, Vol. n. p. 7.] All the Corinthians 134 THIRD SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. stuprum; " There is such a whoredom among you as is not among the gentiles." So likewise auditur, I hear say that there is such a whoredom in England as never was seen the like. He charged aU the Corinthians for one man's offence, charged'?™ saying they were aU guilty for one man's sin, if they would sin- not correct and redress it, but wink at it. Lo, here may you see how that one man's sin poUuted aU Corinth. "A little leaven," as St Paul saith, " corrupteth a great deal of dough." This is, communicare alienis peccatis, "to be partaker of other men's sins." I advertise you in God's name, look to it. I hear say there is now more whoredom in London than ever there was on the Bank1. These be the news I have to teU you : I fear they be true. Ye ought to hear of it, and redress it. I hear of it, and, as St Paul saith, aliqua ex parte credo. There is more open whore dom, more stewed whoredom, than ever was before. For God's sake let it be looked upon ; it is your office to see unto it. Now to my confutation. of one that There is a certain man that, shortly after my first ser- reportedM. . i i •.» i i i i i i i Latimer to be mon, being asked it he had been at the sermon that day, a seditious ° " feiiow. answered, Yea. "I pray you," said he, "how liked you him ?" " Marry," said he, " even as I liked him always : a seditious foUow." Oh Lord ! he pinched me there indeed ; Christ was nay, he had rather a fuU bite at me. Yet I comfort myself seditious with that, that Christ himself was noted to be a stirrer up stirrer of the _ i • i i ii people. of the people agamst the emperor ; and was contented to be caUed seditious. It becometh me to take it in good worth: I am not better than he was. In the king's days that dead is a many of us were caUed together before him to say our How m. minds in certain matters. In the end, one kneeleth me down, accused to and accuseth me of sedition, that I had preached seditious vm. doctrine. A heavy salutation, and a hard point of such a man's doing, as if I should name him, ye would not think it. The king turned to me and said, " What say you to that, sir?" Then I kneeled down, and turned me first to mine accuser, and required him : " Sir, what form of preaching would you appoint me to preach before a king? Would you have me for to preach nothing as concerning a king in the king's sermon? Have you any commission to appoint me what I shaU preach ?" Besides this, I asked him t1 In Southwark.J Ix-] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 135 divers other, questions, and he would make no answer to none of them all : he had nothing to say. Then I turned me to the king, and submitted myself to his Grace, and said, " I m. answer never thought myself worthy, nor I never sued to be at0 ,!l L preacher before your Grace, but I was called to it, and would be willing, if you mislike me, to give place to my betters ; for I grant there be a great many more worthy of the room than I am. And if it be your Grace's pleasure so to aUow them for preachers, I could be content to bear their books after them. But if your Grace allow me for a preacher, I would desire your Grace to give me leave to discharge my conscience; give me leave to frame my doctrine according a preacher to mine audience: I had been a very dolt to have preached respect to the _ -.._ place and to so at the borders of your realm, as I preach before your *¦"* Peraons- Grace." And I thank Almighty God, which hath always been my remedy, that my sayings were well accepted of the Icing; for, like a gracious lord, he turned into another communication. It is even as the scripture saith, Cor regis in manu Domini, "The Lord directed the king's heart." Certain of my friends came to me with tears in their eyes, and told me they looked I should have been in the tower the same night. Thus have I evermore been burdened with the word of sedition. I have offended God grievously, transgressing his law, and but for this remedy2 and his mercy I would not look to be saved: as for sedition, for aught that I know, methinks I should not need Christ, if I might so say ; but if I be clear in any thing, I am clear in this. So far as I know mine own m. Latimer c i was ever void heart, there is no man further from sedition than I"; which of sedition. I have declared in aU my doings, and yet it hath been ever laid to me. Another time, when I gave over mine office, I should have received a certain duty that they caU a Pentecostal3 : it came to the sum of fifty and five pound : I set4 my com- [2 his remedy, 1549.] [» A stated annual composition paid by every house or family in the diocese to the cathedral or mother-church, from whom, at the feast of Pentecost, they received a general Absolution. Bishop Latimer "gave over his office" on the first of July, 1539, so that the Pente costal for that year was legally due to him.] [* sent, 1549.] 136 THIRD SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sEBM. missary to gather it, but he could not be suffered, for it was said a sedition should rise upon it. Thus they burdened me ever with sedition. So this gentleman cometh up now with of the new sedition. And wot ye what? I chanced in my last sermon to speak a merry word of the new shilling, to refresh my auditory, how I was like to put away my new shilling for an old groat. I was herein noted to speak seditiously. Yet I comfort myself in one thing, that I am not alone, and that I have a fellow; for it is consolatio miserorum: it is comfort of the wretched to have company. M.Latimer When I was in trouble1, it was objected and said unto singularity, me, that I was singular ; that no man thought as I thought ; that I loved a singularity in all that I did ; and that I took a way contrary to the king and the whole parliament : and that I was travaded with them that had better wits than I, that I was contrary to them aU. Marry, Sir, this was sore8 thunderbolts. I thought it an irksome thing to be alone, and to have no foUow. I thought it was possible it might not be true that they told me. In the seventh of John, the priests sent out certain of the Jews, to bring Christ unto them violently. When they came into the temple and heard him preach, they were so moved with his preaching, that they returned home again, and said to them that sent them, Nunquam sic locutus est homo ut hie homo : " There was Aparaphras- never man spake hke this man." Then answered the Pha- hcaiexposi- r;seeSj jyum et vos seoiucti estis? "What, ye brain-sick fools, ye hoddy-pecks3, ye doddy-pouls4, ye huddes5, do ye be heve him? are you seduced also? Nunquis ex principi- bus credit in eum? Did ye see any great man, or any great officer take his part ? Do ye see anybody foUow him but beggarly fishers, and such as have nothing to take to? Nunquis ex Pharisozis ? Do ye see any holy man, any perfect man, any learned man, take his part? Turba quae, ignorat legem execrabilis est: This lay people is accursed: it is they that know not the law that take his part, and none else." \} Respecting the Statute of the Six Articles.] [2 this was a sore, 1549.] [3 hoddypake: a term of reproach synonymous with cuckold. Toone.] [4 doddy-polls, thickheads, dolts.] [» husks, refuse of the earth.] IX'j KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 137 Lo, here the Pharisees had nothing to choke the people withal but ignorance. They did as our bishops of England, The bishop* who upbraided the people always with ignorance, where they ^oph.^o- were the cause of it themselves. There were, saith St John, werethethey 7. . . .7 . cause of it multi ex principibus qui crediderunt in eum, " Many of the ftemseives. chief men beheved in him;" and that was contrary to the Pharisees' saying. Oh then, belike they behed him, he was not alone. So thought I, there be more of mine opinion than I thought6 : I was not alone. I have now gotten one feUow more, a companion of sedition; and wot ye who is my feUow ? m. Latimer Esay the prophet. I spake but of a httle pretty shilling, apropheuJ, but he speaketh to Jerusalem after another sort, and was so panion. bold to meddle with their coin. "Thou proud, thou covet ous, thou haughty city of Hierusalem :" Argentum tuum ver- sum est in scoriam. "Thy silver is turned into," what? into testions7? Scoriam: "into dross." Ah, seditious wretch! what had he to do with the mint? Why should not he have left that matter to some master of Markwe„ pohcy to reprove ? " Thy silver is dross ; it is not fine, it i^ah^ed. is counterfeit ; thy sUver is turned ; thou hadst good sUver." till'coinof What pertained that to Esay? Marry, he espied a piece of divinity in that pohcy; he threateneth them God's ven geance for it. He went to the root of the matter, wliich was covetousness. He espied two points in it, that either two causes _ -.--,. why money it came of covetousness, which became him to reprove ; or m feay's x time was else that it tended to the hurt of the poor people8 : for the ™°,rew^ naughtiness of the sUver was the occasion of dearth of aU things in the realm. He imputeth it to them as a great crime. He may be caUed a master of sedition indeed. Was ^ not this a seditious varlet, to teU them this to their beards, to their face? This seditious man goeth also forth, saying, Vinum isaiah med. m, • • • 1 J I -il_ » dleth with tuum mixtum est aqua, " Thy wine is mmgfed with water, vintners. Here he meddleth with vintners : belike there were brewers in those days, as there be now. It had been good for our missal-priests to have dweUed in that country; for they [« than I; I thought, 1549.] [7 Or testoon. A coin originally worth a shilling; afterwards " cried down" to ninepence ; and finally to sixpence, which still retains the name of tester. Folkes, Table of English Silver Coins, pp. 37, 38.] [s of poor people, 1584.] 138 THIRD SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. might have been sure to have their wine weU mingled M.Latimer with water. I remember how scrupulous I was in my time thSng°s™mpu- of bhndness and ignorance : when I should say mass, I have he was a put in water twice or thrice for failing; insomuch when I mass-sayer. L ° - . have been at my memento, I have had a grudge m my conscience, fearing that I had not put in water enough1. Esay spake And that which is here spoken of wine, he meaneth it of but he meant all arts in the city, of aU kinds of faculties ; for they have it of more. . . i all their medleys and minglings. That he speaketh of one thing, he meaneth generally of aU. I must teU you more news yet. I hear say there is a certain cunning come up in mixing of wares. How say you? were it no wonder to hear that ciothmakcrs cloth-makers should become potiearies ? Yea, and (as I hear are become . x potiearies. say) m such a place, where as they have professed the gospel and the word of God most earnestly of a long time? See \ how busy the devU is to slander the word of God. Thus a prettykind the poor gospel goeth to wrack. If his cloth be seventeen of multiply- , -i ¦ i i , ine- yards long, he will set him on a rack, and stretch him out ! with ropes, and rack him till the sinews shrink again, whUe he hath brought him to eighteen2 yards. When they have brought him to that perfection, they have a pretty feat to thick him again. He makes me a powder for it, and plays powder. *ne P°ticary ; they fcaU it flock-powder ; they do so incor porate it to the cloth, that it is wonderful to consider : truly a goodly invention! Oh that so goodly wits should be so UI apphed ! They may well deceive the people, but they cannot deceive God. They were wont to make beds of flocks3, and it was a good bed too : now they have turned their flocks into powder, to play the false thieves with it. 0 wicked devU ! what can he not invent to blaspheme [x Alluding to the practice in the church of Rome of mixing water with the sacramental wine. The Salisbury Missal, which bishop Latimer would use, enjoins, with respect to the mingling of water with the sacramental wine, that "in omni casu si contingat dubitaii... prop ter mixturam...consuhmus abstinere; quod in hoc Sacramento nihil sub dubio est agendum."] [2 Eighteen yards.. .to twenty-seven, 1549, 1562, 1571.] [8 Several acts of parliament were passed to correct the frauds to which the preacher alludes ; e. g. 6 Hen. VIII. c. 9 : 27 Hen. VHI. c. 12 : 3 and 4 Edw. VI. c. 2.] IX.] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 139 God's word ? These mixtures come of covetousness. They are plain theft. Wo worth that these flocks should so slan- These mil der the word of God ! As he said to the Jews, " Thy wine Sipiyings , , .,, , 'J are theft. is mingled with water," so might he have said to us of this land, " Thy cloth is mingled with flock-powder." He goeth yet on. This seditious man reproveth this honourable city, and saith, Principes tui infideles; "Thou land of Jerusalem, thy magistrates, thy judges are unfaithful:" they keep no touch, they wUl talk of many gay things, they wUl pretend this and that, but they keep no promise. They be worse than unfaithful. He was not afraid to caU the officers unfaithful, et socii furum ; and " feUows of thieves : " for Esax calIeth «/ ' magistrates thieves and thieves' fellows be all of one sort. They were ™d fellow',, wont to say, "Ask my feUow if I be a thief." He calleth of thieves- princes thieves. What ! princes thieves ? What a seditious harlot was this ! Was he worthy to live in a commonwealth that would caU princes on this wise, fellows of thieves? Had they a standing at Shooters-hiU, or Standgate-hole4, to take a purse? Why?. Did they stand by the high way side? Did they rob, or break open any man's house or door ? No, no ; that is a gross kind of thieving. They were princes: they had a prince-like kind of thieving, Omnes There are two diliqunt munera: "they aU love bribes." Bribery is aj1™?' c .J tl Bribery is a princely kind of thieving. They wUl be waged by the fljPdvi°fg rich, either to give sentence against the poor, or to put off the poor man's causes. This is the noble theft of prmces and of magistrates. They are bribe-takers. Now-a- days they caU them gentle rewards: let them leave their Bribes have colouring, and caU them by their christian name, bribes: lame" an" Omnes diligunt munera. "AU the princes, all the judges, aU the priests, aU the rulers, are bribers." What ? Were aU the magistrates in Jerusalem aU bribe-takers? None good? No doubt there were some good. This word omnes signifieth the most part ; and so there be some good, I doubt * not of it, in England. But yet we be far worse than those wearewo™ 7 o ti than the stiff- stiff-necked Jews. For we read of none of them that necked jews. winced nor kicked agamst Esay's preaching, or said that he was a seditious feUow. It behoveth the magistrates to be in credit, and therefore it might seem that Esay was to [* These well-known localities were formerly noted for robberies.] 140 THIRD SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. blame to speak openly against the magistrates. It is very sure that they that be good wiU bear, and not spurn at the preachers : they that be faulty they must amend, and soitfareth neither spurn, nor wince, nor whine. He that findeth him- horsef e self touched or gaUed, he declareth himself not to be upright. Wo worth these gifts ! they subvert justice everywhere. Sequuntur retributiones : "they foUow bribes." Somewhat was given to them before, and they must needs give some- Giffe-gaire what again : for Giffe-gaffe was a good feUow ; this Giffe- feiiowgood gaffe led them clean from justice. " They foUow gifts." A good fellow on a time bade another of his friends to a breakfast, and said, " If you wiU come, you shah be wel come ; but I teU you aforehand, you shall have but slender fare: one dish, and that is aU." "What is that," said he? Agoodfeiiow "A pudding, and nothing else." "Marry," said he, "you can- breakfastto not please me better; of all meats, that is for mine own tooth; you may draw me round about the town with a pudding." They follow These bribing magistrates and judges foUow gifts faster as the feiiow than the feUow would foUow the pudding. did the pud- . r ° . din& I am content to bear the title of sedition with Esay: thanks be to God, I am not alone, I am in no singularity. This same man that laid sedition thus to my charge was asked another time, whether he were at the sermon at Paul's cross : he answered that he was there : and being asked a gentleman what news there; "Marry," quoth he, "wonderful news; we that he and were there clean absolved, my mule and aU had full absolu- his mule had u fuiiabsoiu- tion." Ye may see by this, that he was such a one as rode tion at Pauls " tl cross. on a mule; an(j that he was a gentleman. Indeed his mule was wiser than he ; for I dare say the mule never slandered the preacher. 0 what an unhappy chance had this mule, to carry such an ass upon his back! I was there at the sermon myself: in the end of his sermon he gave a general absolution, and, as far as I remember, these or such other like words ', but at the least I am sure this was his meaning ; The " As many as do acknowledge yourselves to be sinners, and worts'fnhis confess the same, and stand not in defence of it, and heartily Solution, abhorreth it, and will beheve in the death of Christ, and be conformable thereunto, Ego absolvo vos," quoth he. Now, saith this gentleman, his mule was absolved. The preacher [l other liko wore Ms words, 1549.] IX,J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 141 absolved but such as were sorry and did repent. Belike then she did repent her stumbling ; his mule was wiser than he a great deal. I speak not of worldly wisdom, for therein he is too wise; yea, he is so wise, that wise men marvel The misre- how he came truly by the tenth part of that he hath : but ffi*fc" ' in wisdom which consisteth in rebus Dei, in rebus salutis, but in go™iy' in godly matters, and appertaining to our salvation, in this {j^*"* wisdom he is as blind as a beetle2: tanquam equus et mulus, in quibus non est intellectus ; "like horses and mules, that have no understanding." If it were true that the mule repented her of her stumbhng, I think she was better absolved than he. I pray God stop his mouth, or A^eharitabie else to open it to speak better, and more to his glory ! Another man, quickened with a word I spake, as he said,"^enderand opprobriously against the nobihty, that their clnldren did not ™«> ofaL set forth God's word, but were unpreaching prelates, was ^ij1^™™" offended with me. I did not mean so but that some noble- heafofX. men's chUdren had set forth God's word, howbeit the poor men's sons have done it always for the most part. Johan- John Aiaseo. nes Aiaseo3 was here, a great learned man, and, as they say, a nobleman in his country, and is gone his way again : if it be for lack of entertainment, the more pity. I would wish J'ishonour- *¦ J able for the such men as he to be in the realm ; for the realm .should J™si°.b,e 7 beneficial prosper in receiving of them : Qui vos recipit me recipit, l^S^he "Who receiveth you, receiveth me," saith Christ; and it should be for the king's honour to receive them and keep them. I heard say Master Melancthon*, that great clerk, should come hither. I would wish him, and such as he is, to have two hundred pound a year : the king should never want it in his coffers at the year's end. There is yet among us two great learned men, Petrus Martyr5 and Barnard Petms Mar- Ochin6, which have a hundred marks apiece: I would theinoehine. king would bestow a thousand pound on that sort. [2 beetle; they be Tanquam, 1549.] [3 An account of this eminent person may be seen in Strype's "Memorials of Cranmer," Bookn. ch. 22. pp. 335, &c. Rymer, Poedera, Vol. xv. pp. 238, 242.] [4 See Strype, Mem. of Cranmer, Book m. ch. 24. pp. 582, et seq.] [s See Strype, Mem. of Cranmer, Book in. ch. 26. pp. 593, &c, Rymer, Poedera, Vol. xv. pp. 170, 248.] [6 "Bernardyne," 1549: the name by which Ochin is always 142 THIRD SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. Now I will to my place again. In the latter end of my sermon, I exhorted judges to hear the smaU as weU as the great ; Juste quod justum est judicare, " You must not only do justice, but do it justly:" you must observe all circum stances : you must give justice, and minister just judgment in time ; for the delaying of matters of the poor folk is as sinful before the face of God as wrong judgment. The parable I rehearsed here a parable of a wicked judge, which for judge. importumty's sake heard the poor woman's cause, &c. Here is a comfortable place for aU you that cry out, and are oppressed : for you have not a wicked judge, but a merciful judge to call unto. I am not now so fuU of foolish pity, but I can consider well enough that some of you com plain without a cause. They weep, they waU, they mourn, I am sure some not without a cause : I did not here reprove all judges, and find fault with aU. I think we have some as some as painful magistrates as ever was in England; but I wiU not painful ma- r o a mstrates in swear they be all so : and they that be not of the best, must England as tl tl ' ever was. jje content to be taught, and not disdain to be reprehended. David saith, Erudimini qui judicatis terram : I refer it to your conscience, vos qui judicatis terram, "ye that be Agoodiesson judges on the earth," whether ye have heard poor men's forsuchas J ° .,, -.,. T» , ,. . . aremagis- causes with expedition or no. 11 ye have not, then erudimini, bSte'°fthe ^e content to be touched, to be told. You widows, you or phans, you poor people, here is a comfortable place for you. Though these judges of the world wiU not hear you, there is one wiU be content with your importunity; he wiU remedy you, if you come after a right sort unto him. Ye say, the judge doth blame you for your importunity, it is irksome unto him. He entered into this parable to teach you to be im portune in your petition; non defatigari, "not to be weary." Here he teacheth you how to come to God in Howaridty adversity, and by what means, which is by prayer. I do relorttoGod not sPea-k °f tne mei'it °f Christ; for he saith, Ego sum via, in adversity. « j am the way :" qu{ credit in me, habet vitam ozternam, "Whoso believeth in me hath everlasting life." But when we are come to Christ, what is our way to remedy adversity, mentioned in the "Zurich Letters,'' pp. 22, 26, 40, &c. See Strype, Mem. of Cranmer, Book n. ch. 13, p. 279; B. m. ch. 23, p. 574.] Ix-J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 143 in anguish, in tribulations, in our necessities, in our injuries ? The way is prayer. We are taught by the commandment of God, Invoca me in die tribulationis, et ego eripiam te. Thou widow, thou orphan, thou fatherless child, I speak to thee, that hast no friends to help thee : " caU upon me in the day of thy tribulation, caU upon me; Ego eripiam te, I will pluck thee away, I will dehver thee, I will take thee away, I wiU reheve thee, thou shalt have thy heart's desire." Here is the promise, here is the comfort: Glorificabis me, " Thou shalt glorify me ; thank me, accept me for the author of it, and thank not this creature or that for it." Here is the judge of aU judges ; come unto me, and he wUl hear you : for he saith, Quicquid petieritis Patrem in nomine meo, &c, " Whatsoever ye ask my Father in my name, shall be given you through my merits." "You miserable people, The order of that are wronged in the world, ask of my Father in your and King. distresses ; but put me afore, look you come not with brags of your own merits, but come in my name, and by my merit." He hath not the property of this stout judge; he wiU bear your importunateness, he wUl not be angry at your crying and calling. The prophet saith, Speraverunt in te patres nostri, et exaudivisti illos; "Thou God, thou God, our fathers did cry unto thee, and thou heardest them. Art not thou our God as weU as theirs ?" There is nothing more what God pleasant to God than for to put him in remembrance of his of us, and L . wherein he goodness shewed unto our forefathers. It is a pleasant thing deiightea. to tell God of the benefits that he hath done before our time. Go to Moses, who had the guiding of God's people ; see how Moses used he used prayer as an instrument to be delivered out of ad- Fnstrument . „ in adversity. versity, when he had great rough mountains on every side of him, and before him the Red Sea; Pharao's host behind him, peril of death round about him. What did he ? despaired he? No. Whither went he? He repaired to God with his prayer, and said nothing : yet with a great ardency of spirit he pierced God's ear : " Now help, or never, good Lord; no help but in thy hand," quoth he. Though he never moved his lips, yet the scripture saith he cried out, and the Lord heard him, and said, Quid clamas ad me ? " Why Exod, xiT. criest thou out so loud?" The people heard him say nothing, 144 THIRD SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [SERM. Josue was in anguish and distress, and prayed. For Achan's covetousnessmany a thousandpunished. Josue put Achan to death.Josh. vii. Many begin to pray, but few persevere and continue in prayer. Cast away sin, and then pray.A notable lesson for him which prayeth. and yet God said, "Why criest thou out?" Straightways he struck the water with his rod, and divided it, and it stood up like two walls on either side, between the which God's people passed, and the persecutors were drowned. (Exod. xiv.) Josue was in anguish and like distress at Jericho, that true captain, that faithful judge : no follower of retributions, no bribe-taker, he was no money-man: who made his petition to Almighty God to shew him the cause of his wrath toward him, when his army was plagued after the taking of Jericho. So he obtained his prayer, and learned that for one man's fault all the rest were punished. For Achan's covetousness many a thousand were in agony and fear of death, who hid his money, as he thought, from God. But God saw it weU enough, and brought it to hght. This Achan was a by- walker. Well: it came to pass, when Josua knew it, straight- ways he purged the army, and took away malum de Israel, that is, wickedness from the people. For Josua caUed him before the people, and said, Da gloriam Deo, " Give praise to God ; teU truth, man :" and forthwith he told it : and then he and aU his house suffered death. A goodly ensample for aU magistrates to foUow. Here was the execution of a true judge : he was no gift-taker, he was no winker, he was no by-walker. Also when the Assyrians with an innumerable power of men in Joshaphat's time overflowed the land of Israel, Joshaphat, that good king, goeth me straight to God, and made his prayer : Non est in nostra fortitudine (said he) huic populo resistere ; " It is not in our strength, 0 Lord, to resist this people." And after his prayer God dehvered him, and at the same time ten thousand were destroyed. So, ye miserable people, you must go to God in anguishes, and make your prayer to him. Arm yourselves with prayer in your adversities. Many begin to pray, and suddenly cast away prayer; the devil putteth such phantasies in their heads, as though God would not intend them, or had somewhat else to do. But you must be importune, and not weary, nor cast away prayer: nay, you must cast away sin ; God wiU hear your prayer, albeit you be sinners. I send you to a judge that wUl be glad to hear you. You that are oppressed, I speak to you. JX.J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 145 Christ in this parable doth paint the good-wiU of God toward you, 0 miserable people! He that is not received, let him not despair, nor think that God hath forsaken him : for God tarrieth till he seeth a time, and better can do aU things for us, than we ourselves can wish. " There was a wicked judge," &c. What meaneth it that God borroweth this parable rather of a wicked judge, than of a good ? Belike good judges were rare at that time : and trow ye the devU hath been asleep ever since ? No, no : he is as busy as ever he was. The common manner of a The common wicked judge is, neither to fear God nor man. He consider- .wiekedjudge. eth what a man he is, and therefore he careth not for man, because of his pride. He looketh high over the poor ; he wUl be had in admiration, in adoration. He seemeth to be in a protection. Well, shaU he escape ? No, no. Est Deus in cozlo, " There is a God in heaven :" he accepteth no persons, he wUl punish them. There was a poor woman came to this judge, and said, Vindica me de adversario, " See that mine adversary do me no wrong." He would not hear her, but drove her off. She had no money to wage either him, either them that were about him. Did this whetherctiristi___n woman weU to be avenged of her adversary ? May christian people may o tl tl seek t0 foe people seek vengeance ? The Lord saith, Mihi vindictam et avenged. ego retribuam ; " When ye revenge, ye take mine office upon you." This is to be understood of private vengeance. It is lawful for God's flock to use means to put away wrongs ; to resort to judges, to require to have sentence given of right. St Paul sent to Lysias the tribune, to have this Acts xxu. ordinary remedy : and Christ also said, Si male locutus sum, &c, "If I have spoken evU, rebuke me." Christ here an- John xvia. swered for himself. Note here, my lords and masters, what case poor widows and orphans be in. I wiU teU you, my lords judges, if ye consider this matter weU, ye should be more afraid of the poor widow, than of a nobleman, with all the friends and power that he can make. But now-a-days the iudges be afraid to hear a poor man The manner - «i o . ofourjudges against the rich; insomuch they wul either pronounce agamst now-^days, him, or so drive off the poor man's suit, that he shall not be ^p™^ able to go through with it. The greatest man in a realm ™h- cannot so hurt a judge as a poor widow ; such a shrewd turn she can do him. And with what armour, I pray you ? She 10 [latimee.] 146 THIRD SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. can bring the judge's skin over his ears, and never lay hands upon him. And how is that? Lacrymoz miserorum de- HowGod scendunt ad maxillas, "The tears of the poor faU down upon ami "|ards their cheeks," et ascendunt ad caelum, "and go up to heaven," ae widow and cry for vengeance before God, the judge of widows, the and the poor. •> ° ' , , father of widows and orphans. Poor people be oppressed even by laws. Voz iis qui condunt leges iniquas! "Wo worth to them that make evil laws against the poor ! What shall be to them that hinder and mar good laws1?" Quid facietis in die ultionis? "What wiU ye do in the day of great vengeance, when God shaU visit you?" He saith, he wiU hear the tears of poor women when he goeth on visitation. For their sake he wiU hurt the judge, be he never so high. Deus transfert regna. He wiU for widows' sakes change realms, bring them into temptation, pluck the judges' skins over their heads. cambyses. Cambyses was a great emperor, such another as our master is : he had many lords-deputies, lords-presidents, and lieutenants under him. It is a great whUe ago since I read the history2. It chanced he had under him in one of his dominions a briber, a gift-taker, a gratifier of rich men ; he followed gifts as fast as he that foUowed the pudding; a hand-maker in his office, to make his son a Asaymgi great man; as the old saying is, "Happy is the chUd whose fear me more" .. " ° rr. n™than father goeth to the devU." The cry of the poor widow The bribing came to the emperor's ear, and caused him to flay the judge was . - ._ _ * . . . .1 flayed quick, judge quick, and laid his skin in his chair of judgment, that all judges that should give judgment afterward should sit in the same skin. Surely it was a goodly sign, a goodly monument, the sign of the judge's skin. I pray God we may once see the sign of the skin in England ! Ye will say, peradventure, that this is crueUy and un charitably spoken. No, no ; I do it charitably, for a love I bear my country. God saith, Ego visitabo, " I wUl visit." °si.aht?om.wo God hatl1 tw0 ^si^0118 : the first is, when he revealeth his word by preachers; and where the first is accepted, the second cometh not. The second visitation is vengeance. He went a visitation, when he brought the judge's skin over his ears. [i Wo worth to them that make evil laws ! If woe be to them that make laws against the poor, what shall be to them &c. 1549.] [2 Valerius Maximus, vi. 3.] IX-] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 147 If his word be despised, he cometh with his second visitation, with vengeance. Noe preached God's word a hundred years, and wasNoe laughed to scorn, and caUed an old doting fool. Because SSwrd they would not accept this first visitation, God visited them years™ rwi the second time ; he poured down showers of rain, till all the world was drowned. Loth was a visitor of Sodome and Go- Gen. x_*. morre; but because they regarded not his preaching, God visited them the second time, and burnt them all up with brimstone, saving Loth. Moses came first a visitation into Exod. ™. Egypt with God's word, and because they would not hear him, God visited them again, and drowned them in the Red sea. God likewise with his first visitation visited the Israel ites by his prophets ; but because they would not hear his prophets, he visited them the second time, and dispersed them in Assyria and Babylon. John Baptist likewise, and our Saviour Christ, visited them afterward, declaring to them God's wUl; and because they despised these visitors, he de stroyed Hierusalem by Titus and Vespasianus. Germany was visited twenty years with God's word, but they did not earnestly embrace it, and in life follow it, but made a mingle- mangle and a hotch-potch of it — I cannot teU what, partly popery, partly true rehgion, mingled together. They say in covetousness my country, when they call their hogs to the swine-trough, ™on- they made mingle-mangle of it. They could clatter and prate of the gospel ; but when aU cometh to all, they joined popery so with it that they marred all together: they scratched and scraped all the livings of the church, and under a colour of rehgion turned it to their own proper gain and lucre. God, seeing that they would not come unto his word, now he visit- eth them in the second time of his visitation, with his wrath : for the taking away of God's word is a manifest token of his wrath3. We have now a first visitation in England ; let us beware God's adver- tisG_m6Dts of the second. We have the ministration of his word; we [3 Latimer seems here to have had in view the compromise between the German protestants and papists, which it was the object of the In terim to effect; and which was followed by great sufferings on the part of the protestants. Sleidan, Hist, of the Reformation, translated by Bohun, pp. 454, &c] 10—2 148 THIRD SERMON PREACHED BEFORE TsERM. are yet weU : but the house is not clean swept yet. God hath sent us a noble king in this his visitation; let us not provoke him against us. Let us beware ; let us not displease him ; let us not be unthankful and unkind ; let us beware of by-walking and contemning of God's word ; let us pray dih gently for our king ; let us receive with aU obedience and prayer the word of God. A word or two more, and I commit you to God. I wiU monish you of a thing. I hear say ye walk inordinately, ye talk unseemly, otherwise than it becometh christian subjects : ye take upon you to judge the judgments of judges. I wiU not make the king a pope ; for the pope wiU have aU things that he doth taken for an article of our faith. I wiU not say but that the king and his councU may err ; the parha- ment houses, both the high and low, may err ; I pray daUy our duty that they may not err. It becometh us, whatsoever they towards the i • • • king and his decree, to stand unto it, and receive it obediently, as far forth as it is not manifest wicked, and directly against the word of God. It pertaineth unto us to think the best, though we cannot render a cause for the doing of every thing ; for caritas omnia credit, omnia sperat, " Charity doth beheve and trust all things." We ought to expound to the best all things, although we cannot yield a reason. Therefore I exhort you, good people, pronounce in good part all the facts and deeds of the magistrates and judges. Charity judgeth the best of all men, and speciaUy of magis trates. St Paul saith, Nolite judicare ante tempus donee Dominus advenerit, "Judge not before the time of the Lord's coming." Pravum cor hominis, "Man's heart is un searchable ;" it is a ragged piece of work ; no man knoweth his own heart ; and therefore David prayeth, and saith, Ab Psai. xix. occultis meis menda me, " Dehver me from my unknown faults:" I am a further offender than I can see. A man shall be blinded in love of himself, and cannot see so much in himself as in other men. Let us not therefore judge judges. We are accountable to God, and so be they : let them alone, they have their accounts to make. If we have charity in us, we shall do this ; for caritas operatur, " Charity worketh." What worketh it? Marry, omnia credere, omnia sperare, " to accept all things in good part." Nolite judicare ante tempus, " Judge not before the Lord's coining." In this we IX •J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 149 learn to know antichrist, which doth elevate himself in the How anti- church, and judgeth at his pleasure before the time. His known. canonizations, and judging of men before the Lord's judgment, be a manifest token of antichrist. How can he know saints ? He knoweth not his own heart. And he cannot know them by miracles, for some miracle-workers shall go to the devU. I wUl teU you what I remembered yesternight in my bed ; a marveUous tale to perceive how inscrutable a man's heart is. I was once at Oxford, (for I had occasion to come what he saw i it • pn \ i ii> at Oxford. that way, when 1 was in my office;) they told me it was a gainer1 way, and a fairer way ; and by that occasion I lay there a night. Being there, I heard of an execution that was done upon one that suffered for treason: it was, as ye know, a dangerous world, for it might soon cost a man his life for a word speaking. I cannot tell what the matter was, but the judge set it so out that the man was condemned : the twelve men came in and said, "Guilty;" and upon that he was judged to be hanged, drawn, and quartered. When the rope was about his neck, no man could persuade him that he was in any fault ; and stood there a great whUe in the protestation of his innocency: they hanged him, and cut him down some what too soon, afore he was clean dead ; then they drew him to the fire, and he revived ; and then he coming to bis re membrance, confessed his fault, and said he was guUty. Oh, Note tw^e a wonderful example! It may well be said, Pravum cor %£\£s'v'"11 hominis et inscrutabile, "A crabbed piece of work, and unsearchable." I wiU leave here, for I think you know what 1 mean well enough. I shall not need to apply this example any further. As I began ever with this saying, Quozcunque scripta sunt, hke a truant, so I have a common-place to the end, if my memory faU not, Beati qui audiunt verbum Dei, et custodiunt illud, " Blessed be they that hear the word of God, and keep it." It.must be kept in memory, in living, and in our conversation : and if we so do, we shall come to the blessedness which God prepared for us through his son Jesus Christ ; to the which may he bring us all. Amen. [i gainer: more ready.] 150 FOURTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. THE FOURTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE KING EDWARD, MARCH 29th. [1549.] Why Christ usetn the example of a wiekedjudge. [ROMANS XV. 4.J Qucecunque scripta sunt, ad nostram doctrinam, Sec. All things that are written, are written to be our doctrine. The parable that I took to begin with, most honourable audience, is written in the eighteenth chapter of St Luke; and there is a certain remnant of it behind yet. The parable is this : " There was a certain judge in a city that feared neither God nor man. And in the same city there was a widow that required justice at his hands ; but he would not hear her, but put her off, and delayed the matter. In pro cess, the judge, seeing her importunity, said, ' Though I fear neither God nor man, yet for the importunity of the woman I will hear her ; lest she raU upon me, and molest me with exclamations and outcries, I wiU hear her matter, I will make an end of it'." Our Saviour Christ added more unto this, and said, Audite, quid judex dicat, &c. " Hear you," said Christ, " what the wicked judge said. And shaU not God revenge his elect, that cry upon him day and night? Although he tarry, and defer them, I say unto you, he wiU revenge them, and that shortly. But when the Son of man shah 'come, shall he find faith in the earth?" That I may have grace so to open the remnant of this parable, that it may be to the glory of God, and edifying of your souls, I shall desire you to pray, in the which prayer, &c. I shewed you the last day, most honourable audience, the cause why our Saviour Christ rather used the example of a wicked judge, than of a good. And the cause was, for that in those days there was great plenty of wicked judges, so that he might borrow an example among them well enough ; for there was much scarcity of good judges. I did X'J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 151 excuse the widow also for coming to the judge agamst her adversary, because she did it not of mahce, she did it not for appetite of vengeance. And I told you that it was good and lawful for honest, virtuous folic, for God's people, to use the laws of the realm as an ordinary help against their ad versaries, and ought to take them as God's holy ordinances, for the remedies of their injuries and wrongs, when they are distressed; so that they do it charitably, lovingly, not of mahce, not vengeably, not covetously. I should have told you here of a certain sect of heretics1 He meaneth that speak against this order and doctrine; they will have no fo.afsVon'e magistrates nor judges on the earth. Here I have to teU™°rs- you what I heard of late, by the relation of a credible person and a worshipful man, of a town in this realm of England, that hath above five hundred heretics of this erroneous opi nion in it, as he said. Oh, so busy the devU is now to hinder how busy ' i ii the devil is to the word commg out, and to slander the gospel! A sure Jjjfjfjjf ^ argument, and an evident demonstration, that the hght of God's word is abroad, and that this is a true doctrine that we are taught now ; else he would not roar and stir about as he doth. When that he hath2 the upper hand, he will keep his possession quietly, as he did in the popish days, when he bare a rule of supremacy in peaceable possession. If he reigned now in open rehgion, in open doctrine, as he did then, he would not stir up erroneous opinions ; he would have kept us without contention, without dissension. There is no such diversity of opinion among the Turks, nor among the Jews. And why ? For there he reigneth peaceably in the whole rehgion. Christ saith, Cum fortis armatus custodierit atrium, &c. "When the strong armed man keepeth his house, those things that he hath in possession are in a quiet ness, he doth enjoy them peaceably :" sed cum fortior eo supervenerit, "But when a stronger than he cometh upon him," when the hght of God's word is once revealed, then he is busy; then he roars; then he fisks abroad, and stirreth up [! Popish emissaries were employed, during king Edward's reign, to preach the pernicious doctrines of the Anabaptists for the purpose of "obstructing the proceedings of the reformers." Carte, Hist, of England, in. pp. 252, &c] [2 when he hath, 1549.] 152 FOURTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. erroneous opinions to slander God's word. And this is an argument that we have the true doctrine. I beseech God continue us and keep us in it ! The devil declareth the same, and therefore he roars thus, and goeth about to stir up these wanton heads and busy brains. And wiU you know where this town is ? I wiU not teU you directly ; I wiU put you to muse a little ; I wiU utter the matter by ' circumlocution. Where is it? Where the bishop of the diocese is an unpreaching prelate. Who is that ? If there be but one such in aU England, it is easy to guess : and if there were no more but one, yet it were too many by one; and if there be more, they have the more to answer for, that they suffer in this realm an unpreaching prelate unreformed. I remember weU what St Paid saith to a bishop, and though he spake it to Timothy, being a bishop, yet I may say it now to the magistrates ; for aU is one case, 1 Tim. ». aU is one matter : Non communicabis peccatis alienis, "Thou shalt not be partaker of other men's faults." Lay not thy hands rashly upon any; be not hasty in making of curates, in receiving men to have cure of souls that are not worthy of the office, that either cannot or wiU not do their duty. Do it not. Why? Quia communicabis peccatis alienis : "Thou shalt not be partaker of other men's sins." Now methink it needs not to be partaker of other men's sins ; we shaU find enough of our own. And what is communicare peccatis ali enis, "to be partaker of other men's evUs," if this be not, to make unpreaching prelates, and to suffer them to continue Kings and stiU in their unpreaching prelacy? If the king and his coun- notiookat cU should suffer evU iudges of this realm to take bribes, to faults .... in., i i through their defeat justice, and suffer the great to overgo the poor, and should look through his fingers, and wink at it, should not the king be partaker of their naughtiness ? And why ? Is he not supreme head of the church? What, is the supre macy a dignity, and nothing else? Is it not accountable? a dignity I think it wiU be a chargeable dignity when account shaU be charge. asked of it. Oh, what advantage hath the devU! What entry hath the wolf when the shepherd tendeth not his flock, and leads them 1 Tim v. not to good pasture ! St Paul doth say, Qui bene prozsunt to rule wen, presbyteri duplici honore digni sunt. What is this prozesse ? It is as much to say, as to take charge and cure of souls. x-j KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 153 We say, Ille prozest, he is set over the flock. He hath taken charge upon him. And what is bene prazesse ? To dis charge the cure weU1 ; to rule weU; to feed the flock with pure food and good example of life. WeU then ; Qui bene prozsunt duplici honore digni sunt, "They that discharge their cure weU are worthy double honour." What is this what is double honour ? The first is, to be reverenced, to be had in honour. estimation and reputation with the people, and to be regarded as good pastors : another honour is, to have aU things ne cessary for their state ministered unto them. This is the double honour that they ought to have, qui prozsunt bene, that discharge the cure, if they do it bene. There was a merry monk in Cambridge in the coUege The merry « p monk of that I was in, and it chanced a great company of us to be Cambridge. together intending to make good cheer, and to be merry; as scholars wiU be merry when they are disposed. One of the company brought out this sentence: Nil melius quam loztari, et facere bene; " There is nothing better than to be merry, and to do weU." "A vengeance of that bene," quoth the monk ; " I would that bene had been banished beyond the sea : and that bene were out, it were weU ; for I could be merry, and I could do, but I love not to do weU : that bene mars aU together. I would bene were out," quoth the merry monk; "for it importeth many things, to hve weU, to dis charge the cure." Indeed it were better for them if it were out, and it were as good to be out as to be ordered as it is. It wUl be a heavy bene to some of them, when they shaU come to their account. But peradventure you wUl say, " What, and they preach not all, yet prozsunt : are they not worthy double honour ? Is it not an honourable order they where ae .1 -ii preacher is be in?" Nay, an horrible misorder ; it is an horror rather J^g^*18 than an honour, and horrible rather than honourable, if the {J™^^. preacher be naught, and do not his duty. And thus go these prelates about to wrestle for honour, that the devU may take his pleasure in slandering the realm, and that it may be re ported abroad that we breed heresies among ourselves. It is ^gj&g to be thought that some of them would have it so, to bring fE m in popery again. This I fear me is their intent, and it shaU be blown abroad to our holy Father of Eome's ears, and he shall send forth bis thunderbolts upon these bruits : [i discharge the cure, 1549, 1562.] 154 FOURTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. and all this doth come to pass through their unpreaching prelacy. Are they not worthy double honour? Nay, rather double dishonour, not to be regarded, not to be esteemed among the people, and to have no hving at their hands. For as good preachers be worthy double honour, so unpreaching prelates be worthy double dishonour. They must be at their doublets. But now these two dishonours, what be they ? Our Saviour Christ doth shew : Si sal infatuatus fuerit, ad nihil ultra An argument valet nisi ut projiciatur foras ; " If the salt be unsavoury, it SatTv!' is g00 s^ve *'w lustrum, sive in aquilonem : "Wheresoever the tree falleth, either into the south, or into the north, there it shall rest." By the falling of the tree is signified the death of man : if he fall into the south, he shaU be saved ; for the south is hot, and betokeneth charity or salvation: if he fall in the north, in the cold of infidelity, he shah be damned. There are but two states, the state of salvation and the state of damnation. There is no repentance after this life, but if he die in the state of damnation, he shaU rise in the same : yea, though he have a whole monkery to sing for him, he shall have his final sentence when he dieth. And that ser- The servant vant of his that confessed and uttered this gear was an which uttered o aetwpeiet-°f nonest man- He ^ honestly in it. God put it in his mendXT heart- AnA as for the otner> whether he be saved, or no, I m. Latimer. ieave [t to q0(j %ut sureiy he was a wicked man: the realm is well rid of him : it hath a treasure that he is gone. He knoweth his fare by this. A terrible example, surely, and to be noted of every man. Now before he should die, Admtaihad I hear<^ sa,J' he had commendations to the king, and spake tToToHt many words of his majesty. All is, < The King, the King.' hi_'ibaeth.re Yea, bona verba. These were fair words, ' The King, the X,J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 163 King.'] I was travaUed in the Tower myself, (with the king's commandment and the council,) and there was Sir Robert sir Robert Constable, the lord Hussey, the lord Darcy1: and theSiKJ lord Darcy was telling me of the faithful service that he lo^uss.y. had done the king's majesty that dead is. " And I had seen my sovereign lord in the field," said he, " and I had seen his grace come against us, I would have lighted from my horse, and taken my sword by the point, and yielded it into his grace's hands." " Marry," quoth I, " but in the mean season ye played not the part of a faithful subject, in holding with the people in a commotion and a disturbance." It hath been the cast of all traitors to pretend nothing against the king's person ; they never pretend the matter to the king, but to other. Subjects may not resist any magistrates, nor ought to do nothing contrary to the king's laws; and therefore these words, " The King," and so forth, are of smaU effect. I heard once a tale of a thing that was done at Oxford Execution at ... Oxford. twenty years ago, and the hke hath been since in this realm, as I was informed of credible persons, and some of them that saw it be ahve yet. There was a priest that was robbed of a great sum of money, and there were two or three attached for the same robbery; and, to be brief, were condemned, and brought to the place of execution. The first man, when he was upon the ladder, denied the matter utterly, and took his death upon it, that he never consented to the robbery of the priest, nor never knew of it. When he was dead, the second feUow cometh, and maketh his protestation, and acknowledged the fault; saying, that among other grievous offences that he had done, he was accessary to this robbery : and, saith he, " I had my part of it, I cry God mercy : so had this feUow that died before me bis part." Now who can judge whether this fellow died well or no ? Who can judge a man's Mjenm heart ? The one denied the matter, and the other confessed it : there is no judging of such matters. 2 [I have heard much wickedness of this man, and I [! The persons with whom the preacher states that he "was tra vailed," or employed to confer, were sent to the Tower in 1537 for attempting a fresh rebellion, and were all executed in the course of the same year. Carte, Hist, of Engl. in. p. 142.] [2 Inserted from the editions 1549, 1562. The Lord Admiral is the person alluded to.] 11—2 164 FOURTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [SERM. Divers executions. A good motion to comfortcondemned persons. thought oft, Jesu, what wiU worth, what wUl be the end of this man?] When I was with the bishop of Chichester1 in ward, (I was not so with him but my friends might come to me, and talk with me,) I was desirous to hear of execution done, as there was every week some, in one pkee of the city or other ; for there was three weeks' sessions at Newgate, and fortnight sessions at the Marshalsea, and so forth : I was desirous, I say, to hear of execution, because I looked that my part should have been therein. I looked every day a desperate to be called to it myself. Among aU other, I heard of a wanton woman, a naughty hver. A whore, a vain body, was led from Newgate to the place of execution for a certain robbery that she had committed, and she had a wicked com munication by the way. Here I wiU take occasion to move your grace, that such men as shall be put to death may have learned men to give them instruction and exhortation. For the reverence of God, when they be put to execution, let them have instructors ; for many of them are cast away for lack of instruction, and die miserably for lack of good preaching. This woman, I say, as she went by the way, had wanton and foohsh talk, as this: "that if good feUows had kept touch2 with her, she had not been at this time in that case." 3[And amongst aU other talk she said that such an one (and named this man) had first misled her4: and, hearing this of him at that time, I looked ever what would be his end, what would become of him. He was a man the farthest from the fear of God that ever I knew or heard of in Eng land. First, he was the author of aU this woman's whoredom; for if he had not led her wrong4, she might have been married and become an honest woman, whereas now being naught with him, she fell afterwards by that occasion to other : and they that were naught with her feU to robbery, and she fol lowed ; and thus was he the author of aU this. This gear [i Dr Sampson. By a letter from Sir R. Sadler to the earl of Essex it appears, that Latimer was still "with the bishop of Chichester in ward" at the time when that prelate was committed to the Tower "for relieving certain traitorous persons." State Papers, Hen. VIII. Vol. i. p. 627.] [2 Stood to their word.] [s Inserted from the edition of 1549.] [4 Varied from the original.] X.] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 165 came by sequel. Peradventure this may seem to be a hght matter, but surely it is a great matter ; and he by unrepent- ance feU from evU to worse, and from worse to worst of aU, tUl at the length he was made a spectacle to aU the world. I have heard say he was of the opinion that he beheved not the immortality of the soul ; that he was not right in this matter: and it might well appear by the taking of his death. But ye will say, " What ! ye slander ; ye break charity." Nay, it is charity that I do. We can have no better use of him now than to warn other to beware of him.] Christ saith, Memores estote uxoris Loth; "Remem ber Loth's wife." She was a woman that would not be con tent with her good state, but wrestled with God's calling, and she was for that cause turned into a salt stone; and therefore the scripture doth name her as an example for us to take heed by. Ye shaU see also in the second chapter, [8 Pet. h.: how that God Almighty spared not a number of bis angels, which had sinned against him, to make them examples to us to beware by. He drowned the whole world in the time of Noah, and destroyed for sin the cities of Sodom and Go- mor. And why ? Fecit eos exemplum Us qui impii forent acturi; "He made them an example to them that would do wickedly in time to come." If God would not spare them, think ye he wUl favour us? I wiU go on a word or two in the application of the parable, and then I wiU make an end. To what end and , to what purpose brought Christ this parable of the wicked judge ? The end is, that we should be continuaUy in prayer, in an our Prayer is never interrupted but by wickedness. We must adversities we * xv ^ must resort therefore walk orderly, uprightly, calling upon God in aU *0y|f^erhtun- our troubles and adversities; and for this purpose there is 3»i not a more comfortable lesson in aU the scripture, than here now in the lapping up of the matter. Therefore I wiU open it unto you. You miserable people, if there be any here amongst you, that are oppressed with great men, and can get no help, I speak for your comfort ; I wiU open unto you whither ye shaU resort, when ye be in any distress. His good-will is ready, always at hand, whensoever we shall call for it ; and therefore he calls us to himself. We shah not doubt if we come to him. Mark what he saith, to cause us 166 FOURTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [SERM. that we believe1 that our prayers shah be heard: et Deus non faciet vindictam ? He reasons after this fashion : " WUl not God," saith he, " revenge his elect, and hear them;" seeing the wicked judge heard the widow ? He seemeth to go plainly to work : he wUleth us to pray to God, and to none but to God. We have a manner of reasoning in the schools, and it is called, a minore ad majus, " from the less to the more," and that may be used here. The judge was a tyrant, a wicked man. God is a patron, a defender, father unto us. God wm for If the judge then, being a tyrant, would hear the poor widow, hear our prayers and grant our petition, if we ask in faith. God willeth us to call upon him. much more God wiU hear us in aU distresses: he being a father unto us, he wiU hear us, sooner than the other, being no father, having no fatherly affection. Moreover, God is naturaUy merciful. The judge was cruel, and yet he helped the widow ; much more then wUl God help us at our need. He saith by the oppressed, Cum ipso sum in tribulatione, "lam with him in his trouble :" his tribulation is mine ; I am touched with his trouble. If the judge then, being a cruel man, heard the widow ; much more God wiU help us, being touched with our affliction. Furthermore, this judge gave the widow no command ment to come to him : we have a commandment to resort to God ; for he saith, Invoca me in die tribulationis, " CaU upon me in the day of thy tribulations :" which is as weU a commandment as, Non furaberis, " Thou shalt not steal." He that spake the one spake the other ; and whatsoever he be that is in trouble, and caUeth not upon God, breaketh his . commandment. Take heed therefore : the judge did not pro mise the widow help; God promiseth us help, and wiU he not perform it? He wiU, he wiU. The judge, I say, did not promise the widow help ; God wUl give us both hearing and helping. He hath promised it us with a double oath: Amen, Amen, saith he, " VerUy, verily," (he doubles it,) Qucecunque petieritis, #c, " Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, ye shaU have it." And though he put off some sinner for a time, and suffer him to bite on the bridle to prove him, (for there be many beginners, but few continuers in prayer,) yet we may not think that he hath forgotten us, and wUl not help us: Veniens veniet, non tardabit, "When the help is f1 Cause us beheve, 1562, 1571.] X.] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 167 most needful, then he wiU come, and not tarry." He know eth when it shall be best for us to have help : though he tarry, he wUl come at the last. I wUl trouble you but half a quarter of an hour in the application of the parable, and so commit you to God. What should it mean, that God would have us so diligent and earnest in prayer? Hath he such pleasure in our works ? Many talk of prayer, and make it a lip-labouring. Praying is not babbling; nor praying is not monkery. It is, to miserable folk that are oppressed, a comfort, solace and a remedy. But what maketh our prayer to be acceptable to God? It heth not in our power; we must have it by another mean. Remember what God said of his Son : Hie est Filius meus dilectus, in quo mihi bene complacui; "This is my dear Son, in whom I delight." He hath pleasure in nothing but in him. How cometh it to pass that our prayer pleaseth God? Our prayer pleaseth God, because Christ our prayers i i x tl ± ' are accept- pleaseth God. When we pray, we come unto him in the f^christs1 confidence of Christ's merits, and thus offering up our sake- prayers, they shaU be heard for Christ's sake. Yea, Christ wiU offer them up for us, that offered up once his sacrifice to God, which was acceptable ; and he that cometh with any other mean than this, God knoweth him not. This is not the missal sacrifice, the popish sacrifice, to stand at the altar, and offer up Christ again. Out upon it that ever it was used ! I wiU not say nay, but that ye shall find in the old doctors this word sacrificium; but there is one general solution for aU the doctors that St Augustine one solution sheweth us : " The sign of a thing hath oftentimes the name of the thing that it signifieth2." As the supper of the Lord is the sacrament of another thing, it is a commemora tion of his death, which suffered once for us; and because it is a sign of Christ's offering up, therefore he bears3 the name thereof. And this sacrifice a woman can offer as weU as a man; yea, a poor woman in the belfry hath as good authority to offer up this sacrifice, as hath the bishop in his [2 Solet autem res qute signiflcat, ejus rei nomine quam significat nuncupari; sicut scriptum est, Septem spicse septem anni sunt, &c. Quuest. in Levit. lvii. Oper. Tom. in. p. 1. col. 385. Edit. Bened. Antverp. 1700.] [3 it bears,- 1549.] 168 FOURTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [SERM. Faith is all together. Faia is a great state and a duchess. Knowledge of sin is gentleman- usher to lady Faith. pontificalibug, with his mitre on his head, his rings on his fingers, and sandals on his feet. And whosoever cometh asking the Father remedy in his necessity for Christ's sake, he offereth up as acceptable a sacrifice as any bishop can do. And so, to make an end: this must be done with a constant faith and a sure confidence in Christ. Faith, faith, faith ; we are undone for lack of faith. Christ nameth faith here, faith is all together : " When the Son of man shaU come, shall he find faith on the earth?" Why speaketh he so much of faith? Because it is hard to find a true faith. He speaketh not of a political faith, a faith set up for a time ; but a constant, a permanent, a durable faith, as durable as God's word. He came many times : first in the time of Noe when he preached, but he found httle faith. He came also when Lot preached, when he destroyed Sodome and Gomora, but he found no faith. And to be short, he shaU come at the latter day, but he shah find a httle faith. And I ween the day be not far off. When he was here carnaUy, did he find any faith ? Many speak of faith, but few there be that hath it. Christ mourneth the lack 'of it : he complaineth that when he came, he found no faith. This Faith is a great state, a lady, a duchess, a great woman ; and she hath ever a great company and train about her, as a noble estate ought to have. First, she hath a gentleman-usher that goeth before her, and where he is not there is not lady Faith. This gentleman-usher is caUed Agnitio peccatorum, knowledge of sin ; when we enter into our heart, and acknowledge our faults, and stand not about to defend them. He is none of these winkers ; he kicks not when he hears his fault. Now, as the gentleman-usher goeth before her, so she hath a train that cometh behind her ; and yet, though they come behind, they be aU of Faith's com pany, they are aU with her: as Christ, when he counter feited a state going to Jerusalem, some went before him, and some after, yet all were of his company. So aU these wait upon Faith, she hath a great train after her, besides her gentleman-usher, her whole household; and those be the works of our vocation, when every man considereth what vocation he is in, what calling he is in, and doth the works of the same ; as, to be good to his neighbour, to obey God, X<] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 169 &c. This is the train that foUoweth lady Faith :-as for an example ; a faithful judge hath first an heavy reckoning of his fault, repenting himself of his wickedness, and then for- saketh his iniquity, his impiety, feareth no man, walks up right ; and he that doth not thus hath not lady Faith, but rather a boldness of sin and abusing of Christ's passion. Lady Faith is never without her gentleman-usher, nor with out her train : she is no anchoress1, she dwells not alone, she Lady Faia is never a private woman, she is never alone. And yet ch^e™" many there be that boast themselves that they have faith, and that when Christ shall come they shaU do weU enough. Nay, nay, those that be faithful shaU be so few, that Christ shaU scarce see them. " Many there be that runneth," saith St Paul, "but there is but one that receiveth the reward." It shall be with the multitude, when Christ shall come, as it was in the time of Noe, and as it was in the time of Lot. In the time of Noe, " they were eating and drinking, build ing and planting, and suddenly the water came upon them, and drowned them." In the time of Lot also, " they were eating and drinking, &c, and suddenly the fire came upon them, and devoured them." And now we are eating and drinking : there was never such buUding then as is now, planting, nor marrying. And thus it shaU be, even when Christ shall come at judgment. Is eating, and drinking, and marrying, reproved in scrip- what eating ture ? Is it not ? Nay, he reproveth not aU kind of eating fs^iiowed'm and drinking, he must be otherwise understanded. If the what is not i iii* _i avowed* scripture be not truly expounded, what is more erroneous? And though there be complainings of some eating and drink ing in the scripture, yet he speaketh not as though aU were naught. They may be well ordered, they are God's aUow- ance : but to eat and drink as they did in Noe's time, and as they did in Loth's time, this eating, and drinking, and marrying, is spoken against. To eat and drink in the forget- fulness of God's commandment, voluptuously, in excess and gluttony, this kind of eating and drinking is naught ; when it is not done moderately, soberly, and with all circumspec tion. And likewise to marry for fleshly lust, and for their own phantasy. There was never such marrying in England as is now. I hear teU of stealing of wards to marry their [! A female hermit.] 170 FOURTH SERMON, &C [SERM. XT] Stealing of wards for ingsfo land's sake. Marriages, some are godly and some are ungodly. chUdren to. This is a strange kind of stealing : but it is not the wards, it is the lands that they steal. And some there be that knit up marriages together, not for any love or godliness in the parties, but to get friendship, and make them strong in the realm, to increase their possessions, and to join land to land. And other there be that inveigle men's daughters, in the contempt of their fathers, and go about to marry them without their consent1: this marrying is ungodly. And many parents constrain their sons and daughters to marry where they love not, and some are beaten and com pulsed2- And they that marry thus, marry in a forgetfulness and obhviousness of God's commandments. But as in the time of Noe suddenly a clap feU in their bosoms; so it shall be with us at the latter day, when Christ shaU come. We have as httle conscience as may be; and when he shaU come, he shaU lack lady Faith. WeU is them that shaU be of that little flock, that shaU be set on the right hand, &c. I have troubled you long, partly being out of my matter, partly being in ; but now I wUl make an end. I began with this text, Quozcunque scripta sunt, &c. ; so I wiU end now for mine own ease, as an old truant, with this sentence, Beati qui audiunt verbum Dei, &c, " Blessed are they that altheareTh kear the word of God, and keep it." I told you in the God'swOT* beginning of this parable of bene : Nil melius quam loztari et facere. If I had ceased there, aU had been weU, quoth the merry monk. So, " Blessed are they that hear the word of God ;" but what foUoweth ? " and keep it." Our blessed ness cometh of the keeping. It hangs aU on the end of the tale, in crediting and assenting to the word, and following of it. And thus we shall begin our blessedness here, and at length3 we shall come to the blessing that never shah have end ; which God grant both you and me. Amen. [i An act had to be passed in the next reign (4 and 5 Phil, and Mar. c. 9,) for the correction of this "great, familiar, and common mischief."] [2 See Becon, A New Catechism, &c, p. 372, Parker Soc. Edit.] P at the length, 1549, 1562.] THE FIFTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE KING EDWARD, APRIL 5, [1549.] ROMANS XV. [4.] Qucecunque scripta sunt, ad nostram doctrinam scripta sunt. All things that are written, they are written to he our doctrine. What doctrine is written for us in the parable of the judge and the widow, I have opened it to you, most honour able audience. Something as concerning the judge, I would wish and pray that it might be a httle better kept in memory, that in the seat of justice no more iniquity and unrighteous ness might reign. Better a little well kept, than a great deal forgotten. I would the judges would take forth their judges are here"exhorted lesson, that there might be no more iniquity used, nor bribe- toavoid taking; for if there shaU be bribing, they know the peril t°use no of it, they know what shall follow. I would also they should take an example of this judge, that did say, not that that he thought himself, but our Saviour Christ puts him to say that thing that was hid unto himself. Wherefore I would ye should keep in memory, how unsearchable a man's heart is. I 'would ye should remember the fall of the angels, and be ware thereby; the fall of the old world, and beware thereby; the faU of Sodome and Gomora, and beware thereby ; the fall of Loth's wife, and beware thereby ; 4 [the fall of the man that suffered of late, and beware thereby.] I would not that miserable folk should forget the argu- The argu- . •..•. • . i i-i ment of the ment of the wicked mdge, to induce them to prayer ; which wiekedjudge •> ° l w i shouldinduce argument is this : If the judge, being a tyrant, a cruel man, us to pray. a wicked man, which did not call her to him, made her no promise, nor in hearing nor helping of her cause, yet in the end of the matter, for the importunity's sake, did help her ; much more Almighty God, which is a father, who beareth a fatherly affection, as the father doth to the chUd, and is naturally merciful, and caUeth us to him, with his promise that he wUl hear them that call upon him, that be in distress, and burdened with adversity. Remember this. You know [4 Inserted from 1549.] 172 FIFTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. where to have your remedy. You by your prayer can work great efficacy, and your prayer with tears is an instrument of great efficacy : it can bring many things to pass. whatma--^ g^ w}iat thing is that that maketh our prayer accept- by prayer. a^e to q0(j sucn a sweetness and feeling, that she thought it long to the day of execution. She was with Christ already, as touching faith; she had such a desire that she said with St Paul, Cupio dissolvi et esse cum Christo, " I desire to be rid, and to be with Christ." The word of God had so wrought in her. When she was brought to punishment, she desired to confess her fault : she took of her death, that she was guiltless in that thing she suffered for, and her neigh bours would have borne her witness in the same. She was always an honest civil woman; her neighbours would have gone on her purgation a great way. They would needs have her confess. "Then," saith she, "I am not guilty. Would ye have me make me guilty where I am not?" Yet for aU this she was a trespasser, she had done a great offence. But before I go forward with this, I must first teU you a tale. I heard a good whUe ago a tale of one (I saw the man that told me the tale not long ago) in this auditory. He hath travelled in more countries than one. He told me that there was once a praetor in Rome, lord mayor of Rome, a rich man, one of the richest merchants in all the city, and suddenly he was no man may cast in the castle Angel1. It was heard of, and every man traffic alum . . . . ,1 , ¦_¦_-.. . * but by the whispered in another's ear, "What hath he done? Hath Ece. he kiUed any man ?" " No." " Hath he meddled with alum, [i Castle of St Angelo.] XI. J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 181 our holy father's merchandise2 ?" " No." " Hath he coun terfeited our holy father's buUs?" "No." For these were high treasons. One rounded another in the ear, and said, Erat dives, " He was a rich man :" a great fault. Here was a goodly prey for that holy father. It was in pope Julius's3 time ; he was a great warrior. This prey would help him to maintain his wars ; a joUy prey for our holy father. So this woman was dives : she was a rich woman, she had her lands by the sheriff's nose. He was a gentleman of a long nose. Such a cup, such a cover ! She would not depart from her own. This sheriff was a covetous man, a worldly man. The sheriffs • . . • ii- fi _ i . • ii commonly judge, at the impanelling of the quest, had his grave looks, Jg^Je^JJ and charged them with this : " It was the king's matter, look ^'f°J^ well upon it." When it makes for their purpose, they have noses- "The King, the King," in their mouths. WeU, somewhat there was, there was walking of angels'1 between them. I would wish that of such a judge in England now we might have the skin hanged up. It were a goodly sign, the sign of the ™eeu'fne?/ judge's skin. It should be Lot's wife to aU judges thatskin- should foUow after. P By this ye may perceive it is possible for a man to a man may 1- - .1 tl J. _ answer for answer for himself, and be arraigned at the bar, and never- himself, and ' o yet have wrong; and be absent, I"2 In Europe, the art of boiling alum seems to have been first and yet .ni, have right. known in Italy. Several manufactories for that substance were soon established in various parts of that country ; but pope Pius II. never rested until he had obtained all the alum manufactories to be given up, and the whole trade to be transferred into his own hands. He then endeavoured, by every possible means, to prevent foreigners from acquiring any knowledge of the art of boiling alum ; and prohibited free-trade in that article as a sin, and under the terror of excommuni cation. Subsequent pontiffs maintained the monopoly by the same spiritual appliances. Beckman, History of Inventions, I. pp. 312, et se4-] .„ . , [8 Pope Julius H. whose whole pontificate was spent amid violence and bloodshed.] [4 A gold coin so called, which bore on one side of it the figure of the archangel Michael and the dragon.] [s The passage in brackets is inserted from the editions of 1549 and 1562. It is an attempt to vindicate the parhament which passed the act (2 and 3 Edward VI. c. 18,) for attainting the lord admiral, with out allowing him to be present, to object to the evidence brought against him, or to be heard in his defence. Carte, Hist, of England, in. p. 231.] 182 FIFTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. theless to have wrong : yea, ye shall have it in form of law, and yet have wrong too. So it is possible, in a case, for a man that hath in his absence attaintment, to have right and no wrong. I wiU not say nay but it is a good law for a man to answer for himself: this is reasonable, aUowable, and good. And yet such an urgent cause may be, such a respect to a commonwealth, that a man may rightly be condemned in his absence. There be such causes that a man may in his absence be condemned, but not oft, except they be such cases that the reason of the general law may be kept. I am provoked of some to condemn this law, but I am not able, so it be but for a time, and upon weighty considerations ; so that it be used rarely, seldom- ly : for avoiding disturbance in the commonwealth, such an epiky1 and moderation may be used in it. And nevertheless it is very meet and requisite that a man should answer for himself. We must consider the ground of the law : for The reason Ratio legis anima legis, "The reason of the law is the is the soui soul of the law." Why ? What is the reason and end of of the law. . t d the law? It is this, that no man should be injured. A man may in his attaintment have no more wrong done him than if he answered for himself. Ah ! then I am not able to say, that in no wise an arraignment may be turned into attaintment. A man may have wrong, and that in open judgment and in form of law, and yet aUowed to answer for himself; and even so is possible he may have right, though he never answer for himself. I wUl not say How we must but that the parhament-houses, both high and low, may err, doings of the and yet they may do weU, and christian subjects must take parliament. *. ii , all things to the best, and expound their doings weU, although they cannot yield a reason for it, except their proceedings be manifestly wicked. For though they cannot attain to see for what purpose things be done, it is no good reason that they [i (eVteifccta) "Is that parte of justice called in Latine osqymm and bonum: in Enghsh there is not any one word founden therefor; but that therby may be understand that equitoe which omitteth parte of the rigour or extremitee of a law that is written, or con- formeth justice to the occasion newly happened, which was not remembred of the makers of the lawe ; applying it to the thing whereof leasto detriment may seeme to ensue." Bibliothec. Eliotee, sub voc. Epiicia or Epiices.] xI-j KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 183 be caUed evil done therefore. And is this a good argument, An untrue "He is not allowed to answer for himself in this place or that place, where he wiU appoint; ergo, he is not aUowed to answer for himself ?" No : he might have answered the best he could for himself before a great many, and have had more too if he had required them : yea, and was com manded upon his allegiance to speak for himself and to make answer ; but he would not. Needs he would come out to judgment, and appoint the place himself. A man that answers for himself at the bar is not allowed his man of law to answer for him, but he must answer himself. Yet in the parhament, although he were not there himself, any Free liberty friend he had had hberty to answer for him, frank and free, to speak in t . ii p .... the parlia- I know of the old manner : the tenor of the writs is this, — ment-house. every man to speak the best he knoweth of his conscience, for the king's majesty's honour, and the wealth of the realm. There were in the parhament, in both houses, a great many learned men, conscionable men, wise men. When that man was attainted there, and they had hberty there to say nay to his attaintment if they would ; sure I am the most allowed it, or else it could not have gone forward. These premises considered, I would have you to bear such a heart as it becometh christian subjects. I know what men say of me weU enough. I could purge myself. There is that provokes me to speak against this law of attaintment: they say I am not indifferent. Surely I would have it to be done rarely, upon some great respect to the commonwealth, for avoiding of greater tumult and perU. St Paul was al- Paul was o o J- .iii allowed to lowed to answer for himself : if Lysias the tribune had not j™™^™ plucked him away from shewing of his matter, it had cost Acts xu him his hfe. Where he was saved by the magistrate, being but a private man; will ye not allow that something be done as weU for saving of the magistrate's life? It behoves them of the parliament to look weU upon the mat ter : and I, for my part, think not but they did well ; else I should not yield the duty of a subject. Some liken me to m. Latimer ,_-n _.!_.. '-.J likened to doctor Shaw, that preached at Paul's Cross, that king Ed- doctor shaw. ward's sons were bastards2. An easy matter for one of the p The object of doctor Shaw's preaching was to invalidate the title of the sons of Edward IV. to the crown, and so to abet the pretensions of the usurper Richard. Carte, Hist, of England, n. p. 808.] 184 FIFTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. council to do as doctor Shaw did. Methink you, being the king's servant and his officer, should think better on the king and his council, though I were light of belief. If he had been a true man to his master, he would never have spoken it. The council needs not my he for the defence of that that they do. I can bear it of myself. Concern ing myself, that which I have spoken hath done some good. You will say this : the parliament-house are wiser than I am, you might leave them to the defence of themselves. Al though the men of the parliament-house can defend them selves, yet have I spoken this of a good zeal, and a good ground, of the admiral's writing ; I have not feigned nor hed one jot, I take God to witness1. Use therefore your judgment and languages as it becometh christian subjects. I will now leave the honourable councU to answer for them- one fact eon- selves. He confessed one fact, he would have had the fessedofthe ' Hemwouid governance of the king's majesty2. And wot you why? k°nghbroutght He said he would not, in his minority, have him brought wardtaws up like a ward. I am sure he hath been brought up so mmony' godly, with such schoolmasters, as never king was in England, and so hath prospered under them as never none did. I wot not what he meant by his bringing up like a ward, unless he would have him not to go to his book and learn as he doth. Now wo worth him ! Yet I wiU not say so neither, but I pray God amend him, or else God send Kings should him short life, that would have my sovereign not to be brought up in learning, and would pluck him from his book. I advertise thee therefore, my fellow-subject, use thy tongue better, and expound weU the doings of the magistrates. Now to the purpose; for these things let me of my matter. Some say preachers should not meddle with such matters; but did not our Saviour Jesus Christ meddle with matters of judgment, when he spake of the wicked judge, to leave ex ample to us to foUow, to do the same ?] Ye see here that Lady covet- lady Covetousness is a fruitful woman, ever chudinp' and ousness is . . . - 3 _-.________Lg, «_-__. womLning ever bringing fortn her fruits. It is a true saying, Radix omnium malorum avaritia, " Covetousness is the root of all [i of the admiral's... one jot, 1549 only— I take God to witness, 1562 only.] P See the "Lord-admiral's answer, &c." in Burnet, Hist. Reform. Records, Part II. Book I. No. 31.] XI-J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 185 wickedness." One wiU say, peradventure, " You speak un seemly and inconveniently, so to be against the officers for taking of rewards in doing pleasures. Ye consider not the matter to the bottom. Their offices be bought for great £ue*t?fdear sums ; now how should they receive their money again but Sate. by bribing ? Ye would have them undone. Some of them gave two hundred pound, some five hundred pound, some two thousand pound: and how shall they gather up this money again, but by helping themselves in their office?" And is it so, trow ye ? Are civil offices bought for money ? Lord God, who would have thought that! Let us not be too hasty to credit it : for then we have the old proverb, Omnia venalia Romoz, "AU things are sold for money at Rome ;" and Rome is come- home to our own doors. If they buy, they must needs sell ; for it is wittily spoken3, Vendere jure potest, emerat ille prius, " He may lawfuUy seU it, he bought it before." God forfend that ever any such enormity should be in England, that civU offices should be bought and sold; whereas men should have them given them for their worthiness ! I would the king's majesty should seek through ^fwSy his realm for meet men, and able men, worthy to be in office, office.1"1' m yea, and give them liberally for their pains ; and rather give ' them money to take the office in hand, than they to give money for it. This buying of offices is a making of bribery ; Jobuyofflces. it is an inducing and enforcing and compelling of men to bribery. Holy scripture qualifieth the officers, and sheweth what manner of men they should be, and of what qualities, viros fortes, some translations have, viros sapientes, " wise men;" the English translation hath it very well, "men of activity," that have stomachs to do their office : they must not be milksops, nor white-hvered knights ; they must be wise, hearty, hardy, men of a good stomach. Secondarily, he qualifieth them with the fear of God : he saith they must be timentes Deum, "fearing God." For if he fear God, he shall be no briber, no perverter of judgment, faith ful4. Thirdly, they must be chosen officers, in quibus est Veritas, " in whom is truth ;" if he say it, it shall be done. Fourthly, qui oderunt avaritiam, "hating covetousness:" far from it ; he wiU not come near it that hateth it. It is not P Of pope Alexander VI.] [4 but faithful, 1571, 1584.] 186 FIFTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. Selling of offices and selling of benefices is all one. The Turk would not suffer that we do. he that will give five hundred pound for an office. With these quahties God's wisdom would have magistrates to be qualified. This cometh from the devil's consistory, to pay five hun dred pound for one1 office. If they pay so much, it must needs follow that they take bribes, that they be bribe-takers. Such as be meet to bear office, seek them out, hire them, give them competent and hberal fees, that they shaU not need to take any bribes. And if ye be a selling civil offices, ye are as they which sell their benefices ; and so we shall have omnia venalia, aU things bought for money. I marvel the ground gapes not and devours us : howbeit, we ought not to marvel; surely it is the great lenity of God that suffers it. 0 Lord, in what case are we ! If the great men in Turky should use in their religion of Mahomet to seU, as our patrons commonly sell benefices here, the office of preaching, the office of salvation, it should be taken as an intolerable thing ; the Turk would not suffer it in his commonwealth. Patrons be charged to see the office done, and not to seek a lucre and a gain by their patronship. There was a patron in England, when it was that he had a benefice fallen into his hand, and a good brother of mine came unto him, and brought him thirty apples in a dish, and gave them his man to carry them to his master. It is like he gave one to his man for his labour, to make up the game, and so there was thirty-one. This man cometh to his master, and presented him with the dish of apples, saying, " Sir, such a man hath sent you a dish of fruit, and desireth you to be good unto him for such a benefice." "Tush, tush," quoth he, "tins is no apple matter; I will have none of his apples ; I have as good as these, or as he hath any, in mine own orchard." The man came to the priest again, and told him what his master said. " Then," quoth the priest, " desire him yet to prove one of them for my sake; he shall find them much better than they look oflppSdish for-" He cut one of them, and found ten pieces of gold in it. "Marry," quoth he, "this is a good apple." The priest stand ing not far off, hearing what the gentleman said, cried out and answered, "They are all one apple, I warrant you, sir; they grew all on one tree, and have aU one taste." " WeU, he is [l an, 1571.] XI0 KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 187 a good feUow, let him have it," quoth the patron. Get you Amftof a graft of this tree, and I warrant you it will stand you in 5 brmges better stead than aU St Paul's learning. Well, let patrons quickly™ take heed ; for they shall answer for all the souls that perish through their default. There is a saying, that there be a great many in England that say there is no soul, that be heve not in the immortality of man's soul, that think it is not eternal, but like a dog's soul, that think there is neither heaven or hell. 0 Lord, what a weighty matter is this! What a lamentable thing in a christian commonwealth ! I cannot tell what they say ; but I perceive by these works that they think so, or else they would never do as they do. These seUers of offices shew that they believe that A wieke'' . ti matter to sell there is neither heU nor heaven : it is taken for a laughing b™*""^- matter. WeU, I wiU go on. Now to the chapter. The children of Israel came to Samuel, and said, Senuisti ; " Thou art grown into age, give us a king ; thy sons walk not in thy ways." What a heaviness was this to father Samuel's heart, to hear that his sons, whom he had so weU brought up, should swerve from his ways that he had walked in ! Father Samuel goeth to God, to know his wUl and pleasure in this matter. God answered, " Let them have a king ; they have The Jews ' ° . J desire to not cast thee away, but me, that I should not reign over ^ajjjjjs. them." This is their ground, that say a king is an odious God is anST- thing, and not acceptable before the face of God. Thus they force and violate this place, to make it for their purpose ; Where no such thing is meant. " Shew the Israelites," saith God, " and testify to them a king's authority, and what a king is, and what a king wUl do. If that will not persuade them, I will not hear them hereafter when they shaU cry unto me." I must needs confess that the Jews trespassed against God in asking a king2; but here is the matter, in what thing their offence stood, whether absolutely in asking a king, or in any other circumstance. It was in a circum stance : they said not, Ask us a king of God ; but, Make us The offence a king to judge us, as aU other nations have, lhey would jnastinga have a king of their own swing, and of their own election, , p against Almighty God in asking of a king, 1549.] 188 FIFTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. as though they passed not of God. In another point there was pride ; they would be hke the heathen, and judged1 under kings, as they were. Thirdly, they offended God, because they asked a king to the injury and wrong of good father Samuel, to depose him ; so this was a wrong toward Acompari- Samuel. It was not with Samuel and his chUdren, Idel and samueilmd Abia, hke as with Eli2 and his chUdren, Ophnia and Phinees. eh and W They were cruel, who with hooks taking the flesh out of the pots, when that sacrifice was offered to God, brought the people into a contempt of God's word. They were lecherers ; their sin was manifestly and notoriously known : but then- father Eh, knowing and hearing of it, did blame them, but nothing to the purpose ; he did not earnestly and substan tially chastise them, and therefore he was justly deposed of God. The sins of Samuel's sons were not known ; they were not so notorious: wherefore it was not with father Samuel as samuei'ssons it was with Eli ; his sons1 faults were taking of bribes, and were bribers . . i i n and pervert- perverting of mdgments. Ye know that bribery is a secret ersofjudg- * ° J ° « ment fault, and therefore it was not known : it was done under a colour and a pretence of justice, hiddenly and covertly done: therefore because it stood in bribes, it was not like in Samuel as in Eh. It is a dangerous thing to be in office; for qui Bribes are attingit picem coinquinabitur ab ea; "He that meddleth with pitch is hke to be spotted with it." Bribes may be assembled3 to pitch; for even as pitch doth poUute their hands that meddle with it, so bribes wiU bring you to perverting of justice. Beware of pitch, you judges of the world ; bribes wiU make you pervert justice. "Why," you wiU say, "we touch none." No, marry, but my mistress your wife hath a fine finger, she toucheth it for you : or else you have a servant, a mune- Angiice,* ribus ; he will say, " If you will come to my master and offer hisem^rter-s him a yoke of oxen, you shall speed never the worse ; but I think my master will take none." When he hath offered them to the master, then comes another servant and says, " If you will bring them to the clerk of the kitchen, you shall be remembered the better." This is a friarly fashion, that will receive no money in their hands, but will have it put upon their sleeves ; a goodly rag of popish religion. p and judges, 1562; the judges, 1571, 1584.] p his children like as with Eli, 1549, 1562.] P assembled: i. c. assimilated, likened.] XI'J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 189 They be like Gray Friars, that wUl not be seen to receive bribes themselves, but have others to receive for them4. Though Samuel's sons were privy bribers, and kept the thing very close, yet the cry of the people brought it to Samuel. It was a hid kind of sin: for men in this point would face it, and brazen it, and make a shew of upright deahng, when they be most guilty. Nevertheless, this gear came out. 0 wicked sons, that brought both their father to deposition, and themselves to shame ! When Samuel samuei heard of their fault, he went not about to excuse their faults: <« partaker 1 of his sons he would not bear with his sons, he would not communicare J Ti^f .. 22. peccatis alienis, be partaker with his sons' offences : he said, Ego senui, ecce filii mei vobiscum sunt. As soon as he heard of it, he delivered his sons to the people to be punished. He went not about to excuse them, nor said not, " This is the first time, bear with them ;" but presented them by and by to the people, saying, " Lo, here they be, take them, do with them according to their deserts." Oh, I would there were no more bearers of other men's sins than this good father Samuel was ! I heard of late of a notable bloodshed: "Audio," saith St Paul ; and so do I : I know it not, but I hear of it. There was a searcher in London which, executing his office, This me_- displeased a merchantman, insomuch that when he was doing and is yet ° alive. his office they were at words : the merchantman threatened him ; the searcher said the king should not lose his custom. The merchant goes me home, and sharpens his wood-knife, and comes again and knocks him on the head, and kills him. They that told me the tale say it is winked at ; they look through their fingers, and wUl not see it. Whether it be taken up with a pardon, or no, I cannot tell ; but this I am sure, and if ye bear with such matters, the devil shall bear you away to heU. Bloodshed and murder would have no [4 The following is the rule of the Franciscans or Gray Friars, which obliged them to resort to the ingenious expedient mentioned by bishop Latimer: "Prsecipio firmiter Fratribus universis, ut nullo modo denarios vel pecuniam recipiant vel per se, vel per personam interpositam." There is a httle discrepancy as it respects the prac tice of the Gray Friars, and the clause, vel per personam interpo sitam. Hospinian, De Origine Monachatus, pp. 406, 415: Holsten. Codex Regularum, Tom. m. pp. 24, 31.] 190 FIFTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [SERM. be purged without blood-shed'ding. bearing. It is a heinous thing bloodshedding, and especially voluntary murder and prepensed murder. For in Numbers wiifui mur- Q-0d saith, it polluteth the whole realm : Polluitur Ma terra, der cannot 7 *¦ &c, et non potest expiari sine sanguine ; " The land cannot be purified nor cleansed again, till his blood be shed that shed it." It is the office of a king to see such murderers punished with death; for non frustra gestat gladium. What will you make of a king? He beareth a sword before him, not a peacock's feather. I go not about to stir you now to cruelty ; but I speak against the bearing of bloodshed : this bearing must be looked upon. In certain causes of murder such great circumstances may be, that the king may pardon a murder1. But if I were worthy to be of counsel, or if I were asked mine advice, I would not have the king to pardon a voluntary murder, a prepensed2 murder. I can tell where one man slew another in a township, and was attached upon the same : twelve men were im- paneUed : the man had friends : the sheriff laboured the bench: the twelve men stuck at it, and said, "Except he would disburse twelve crowns, they would find him guUty." Means were found that the twelve crowns were paid. The quest comes in, and says "Not guilty." Here was "not guilty" for twelve crowns. This is a bearing, and if some of the bench were hanged, they were well served. This makes men bold to do murder and slaughter. We should reserve murdering tUl we come to our enemies, and the king3 bid us fight : he that would bestir him then were a pretty feUow indeed. Crowns ! if their crowns were shaven to the shoulders, they were served well enough. I know where a woman was got with chUd, and was ashamed at the matter, and went into a secret place, where she had no woman at her travail, and was dehvered of three children at a birth. She wrung their necks, and cast them into a water, and so killed her chUdren : suddenly she was gaunt4 again; and her neighbours suspecting the matter, caused her to be examined, and she granted all. Afterward she was arraigned at the bar for it, and despatched and found not guilty, through bearing of friends, and bribing of P a murderer, 1549.] P pretensed, 1562, and most of the other editions.] P and while the king, 1549.] [* gaunt: thin, slender.] Shaving of crowns. A strange and wicked murder. XI-J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 191 the judge : where, at the same sessions, another poor woman was hanged for stealing a few rags off a hedge that were not worth a crown. There was a certain gentleman, a professor of the word The history of God, (he sped never the better for that, ye may be sure,) mangentlc" who was accused for murdering of a man, whereupon he was cast into prison ; and by chance, as he was in prison, one of his friends came unto him for to visit him ; and he declared to his friend that he was never guilty in the murdering of the man: so he went his ways. The gentleman was arraign ed and condemned ; and as he went to his execution, he saw his friend's servant, and said unto him, " Commend me to thy master, and I pray thee tell him, I am the same man still I was when he was with me ; and if thou tarry awhile, thou shalt see me die." There was suit made for this man's pardon, but it could not be gotten. Belike the sheriffs or some other bare him no good will : but he died for it. And afterward, I being in the Tower, having leave to come to the heutenant's table, I heard him say, that there was a man hanged afterward that kUIed the same man for whom this corruption gentleman was put to death. 0 Lord, what bearing, what bolstering of naughty matters is this in a christian realm ! I desire your Majesty to remedy the matter, and God grant you to see redress in this realm in your own person. Although my lord Protector, I doubt not, and the rest of the council do, in the mean while, aU that lieth in them to redress things; I would such as be rulers, noblemen, and a good ad- vert ij. ornent masters, should be at this point with their servants, to certify to an that are x ' ti ]n authority. them on this sort : If any man go about to do you wrong, I wiU do my best to help yon in your right ; but if ye break the law, ye shall have justice. If ye wUl be man-quellers, murderers, and' transgressors, look for no bearing at my hands. A strange thing ! What need we in the vengeance to burden ourselves with other men's sins? Have we not sins enow of our own? What need have I to burden myself with other men's sins? I have burdens and two heaps of sins, one heap of known sins, another of unknown sins. I had need to say, Ab occultis meis munda me, Domine ; " 0 Lord, deliver me from my hidden and my unknown sins." Then if I bear with other men's sins, I must say : Deliver me from my other men's sins. A strange saying : from my 192 FIFTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. other men's sins ! Who beareth with other folks' offences, he Everyman communicateth with other folks' sins. Men have sins enough shall be . l 1 i t ia™n withy °^ their own, although they bear not and bolster up other htfownsfns. men m their naughtiness. This bearing, this bolstering, and looking through their fingers, is naught. What the fair hap should I, or any else, increase my burden? My other men's sins forgive me, 0 Lord : a strange language ! they have hid sins of their own enough, although they bear not with guiltiness of other men's sins. Oh, father Samuel would not bear bis own sons; he offered his own sons to punishment, and said, Ecce filii mei vobiscum sunt: even at the first time he said, "Lo, here they be : I discharge myself ; take them unto you : and as for my part, Prozsto sum loqui coram Domino et Christo ejus; I am here ready to answer for myself before the Lord, and puwethhim- niS anointed. Behold, here I am, record of me before the anybf_ibes.Dg Lord, utrum cujusquam bovem, &c, whether I have taken any man's ox, any man's ass, or whether I have done any man wrong, or hurt any man, or taken any bribes at any man's hand." I can commend the Enghsh translation, that doth interpret munera, bribes, not gifts. They answered, " Nay, forsooth, we know no such things in you." Testis est mihi Deus, saith he, " God is witness," quod nihil in- veneritis in manu mea, " that you have found nought in my hands." Few such Samuels are in England, nor in the world. Why did Samuel this? Marry, to purge himself; he was enforced to it, for he was wrongly deposed. Then by this ye nlay perceive the fault of the Jews, for they offended not God in asking of a king, but in asking for a king to the wronging and deposition of good father Samuel. If after Samuel's death the people had asked of God a king, a great fault they had not faulted : but it is no smaU fault to put an innocent. innocent out of his office. King David likewise commanded his people to be numbered, and therewith offended God grievously. Why, might he not know the number of his people? Yes, it was not the numbering of the people that offended God, for a king may number his people ; but he did it of a pride, of an elation of mind, not according to God's ordinance, but as having a trust in the number of his men : this offended God. Likewise the Jews asked a king, and therewith they offended not God ; but they asked him with XI>] i KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 193 such circumstances, that God was offended with them. It is no smaU fault to put a just man out of his office, and to depose him unworthUy. To choose a king contrarying the ordinance of God, is a casting away of God, and not of a king. Therefore doubt not but the title of a king is a lawful thing, is a lawful title, as of other magistrates. Only let the kings take heed that they do as it becometh kings to do, that they do their office weU. It is a great thing, a charge- a king is a able thing. Let them beware that they do not communicare <*aig-abie . 7. . , . office. peccatis alienis, that they bear not with other men's faults ; for they shaU give a strait account for aU that perisheth through their neghgence. We perceive now what this text meaneth. It is written in the last of Judges, In diebus Mis non erat rex in Israel : " In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did that which seemed right in his own eyes." Men were then aUowed to do what they would. When men may be aUowed to do what they wUl, then it is as good to have no king at aU. Here is a wonderful matter, that unpreaching prelates should be suffered so long. They unpreaching can aUege for themselves seven hundred years. This while pre a the realm had been as good to have no king. Likewise these bribing judges have been suffered of a long time : and then it was quasi non fuisset rex in Anglia. To suffer this is as much as to say, " There is no king in England." It is the duty of a king to have aU states set in order to do their office. I have troubled you too long, I wiU make an end1. " Blessed be they that hear the word of God," but so that they foUow it, and keep it in credit, in memory, not to deprave it and slander it, and bring the preachers out of credit, but that foUow it in their life and hve after it. He grant you aU that blessing, that made both you and me! Amen. P make an end briefly: Beati qui audiunt verba Dei. 1649.] r 1 13 [LATIMER.] 194 SIXTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [SERM. THE SIXTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE KING EDWARD, APRIL TWELFTH, [1549.] ROMANS XV. [4.] Qucecunque scripta sunt, ad nostram doctrinam scripta sunt. All things that are written, they are written to be our doctrine. What doctrine is written for us in the eighth chapter of the first book of the Kings, I did partly shew unto you, most honourable audience, this day sennight, of that good man, father Samuel, that good judge, how good a man he was, what helpers and coadjutors he took unto him, to have his office weU discharged. I told you also of the wickedness of his sons, how they took bribes, and hved wickedly, and by that means brought both their father and themselves to de position; and how the people did offend God, in asking a king in father Samuel's time ; and how father Samuel was put from his office, who deserved it not. I opened to you also, how father Samuel cleared1 himself, that he knew not the faults of his sons; he was no bearer with his sons, he was sorry for it, when he heard it, but he would not bear atr_eultsof W1*k *nem m their wickedness: filii mei vobiscum sunt; "My prophet. sons are with you," saith he, "do with them according to their deserts. I wiU not maintain them, nor bear with them." After that, he clears himself at the king's feet, that the people had nothing to burthen him withal, neither money, nor money worth. In treating of that part I chanced to shew you what I heard of a man that was slain, and I hear say it was not well taken. Forsooth, I intended8 not to impair any man's estimation or honesty, and they that enforce it to that, enforce it not to my meaning. I said I heard but of such a thing, and took occasion by that that I heard to speak against the thing that I knew to be naught, that no man should bear with any man to the maintenance of voluntary and prepensed murder. And I hear say since, the man was otherwise an honest P clears, 1549, 1562.] P intend, 1549, 1562, 1571.] XI1-] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 195 man, and they that spake for him are honest men. I am inclinable enough to credit it. I spake not because I would have any man's honesty impaired. Only I did, as St Preachers Paul did, who hearing of the Corinthians, that there should ^STS"1" be contentions and misorder among them, did write unto asainstvice- them that he heard ; and thereupon, by occasion of hearing, he set forth the very wholesome doctrine of the Supper of the Lord. We might not have lacked that doctrine, I teU you. Be it so, the Corinthians had no such contentions among them, as Paul wrote of; be it so, they had not mis- ordered themselves : it was neither off nor on to that that Paul said : the matter lay in that, that upon hearing he would take occasion to set out the good and true doctrine. So I did not affirm it to be true that I heard ; I spake it to advertise you to beware of bearing with wilful and prepensed murder. I would have nothing enforced against any man : this was mine intent and meaning. I do not know what ye voluntary n • • murder caU chance-medley m the law ; it is not for my study. I am ^ermed^ a scholar in scripture, in God's book ; I study that. I know ley- what voluntary murder is before God : if I shaU fall out with a man, he is angry with me, and I with him, and lacking opportunity and place, we shaU put it off for that time ; in the mean season I prepare my weapon, and sharp it against another time ; I sweU and boU in this passion towards him ; I seek him, we meddle together; it is my chance, by reason my weapon is better than his, and so forth, to kUl him ; I give him his death-stroke in my vengeance and anger : this caU I voluntary murder in scripture ; what it is in the law, I cannot teU. It is a great sin, and therefore I caU it voluntary. I remember3 what a great clerk writeth of this*: Omne pecca- Every sm is ° * wilful, or turn adeo est voluntarium, ut nisi sit voluntarium non sit *}** »t cannot ' be callea peccatum: "Every sin," saith he, "is so voluntary, that ifsin- it be not voluntary, it cannot be caUed sin." Sin is no actual sin, if it be not voluntary. I would we would aU know our faults and repent: that that is done, is done; it cannot be caUed back again. God is merciful, the king is merciful: here we may repent, this is the place of repentance ; when we are gone hence, it is too late then to repent. And let us be con- P I very well remember, 1607.] P Augustin. De vera Relig. c. xiv. Oper. Tom. I. col. 564, Edit. Bened. Antverp. 1700.] 13—2 196 SIXTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [SERM. Wilful mur der cannot be home withal. Whoredomis to be ab horred. Places in the city of Lon don, exempt ed from the jurisdiction of the mayor, are shamefullyused. Shooting is a game com mendable, but dicing is abominable. tent with such order as the magistrates shaU take: but sure it is a perilous thing to bear with any such matter. I told you what I heard say ; I would have no man's honesty impaired by my telling. I heard say since of another murder, that a Spaniard should kiU an Enghshman, and run him through with his sword ; they say he was a taU man : but I hear not that the Spaniard was hanged for his labour; if I had, I would have told you it too. They feU out, as the tale goeth, about a whore. 0 Lord, what whoredom is used now-a-days, as I hear by the relation of honest men, which teU it not after a worldly sort, as though they rejoiced at it, but hearily, with heavy hearts, how God is dishonoured by whoredom in this city of London ; yea, the Bank1, when it stood, was never so common! If it be true that is told, it is marvel that it doth not sink, and that the earth gapeth not and swaUow- eth it up. It is wonderful that the city of London doth suffer such whoredom unpunished. God hath suffered long of his great lenity, mercy, and benignity ; but he wUl punish sharply at the length, if we do not repent. There is some place in London2, as they say, "Immunity, impunity:" what should I call it? A privUeged place for whoredom. The lord mayor hath nothing to do there, the sheriffs they cannot meddle with it ; and the quest they do not inquire of it : and there men do bring their whores, yea, other men's wives, and there is no reformation of it. There be such dicing houses also, they say, as hath not been wont to be, where young gentlemen dice away their thrift ; and where dicing is, there are other follies also. For the love of God let remedy be had, let us wrestle and strive against sin. Men of England, in times past, when they would exercise themselves, (for we must needs have some recreation, our bodies cannot endure without some exercise,) they were wont to go abroad in the fields a shooting; but now it is turned into glossing3, gulling, and whoring within the house. The art of shooting hath been in times past much esteemed P The Bank-side in Southwark, mentioned above.] p The precinct of St Martin-le-Grand, originally a sanctuary, and which retained its extra-civic immunity, and was regarded as "a privi leged place," long after sanctuaries had been suppressed. Kempe, Historical Notices of the Church of St Martin-le-Grand.] p boiling, glossing and, 1562.] XII. J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 197 in this realm : it is a gift of God that he hath given us to excel all other nations withal : it hath been God's instrument, whereby he hath given us many victories4 against our ene mies : but now we have taken up whoring in towns, instead of shooting in the fields. A wondrous thing, that so exceUent a gift of God should be so httle esteemed I I desire you, my lords, even as ye love the honour and glory of God, and intend to remove his indignation, let there be sent forth some proclamation, some sharp proclamation to the justices of peace, for they do not their duty : justices now be no justices. There be many good acts5 made for this matter already. Charge them upon their aUegiance, that this singular benefit of God may be practised, and that it be not turned into bowling, glossing, and whoring within the towns; for they be negligent in executing these laws of shooting. In my time my poor father was as dihgent to teach me to shoot, as to learn me any other thing ; and so I think other men did their chUdren : he taught me how to draw, how to lay my body in my bow, and not to draw with strength of arms, as other6 nations do, but with strength of the body : I had my bows bought me, according to my age and strength ; as I in creased in them, so my bows were made bigger and bigger ; for men shall never shoot well, except they be brought up in it : it is a goodly art, a wholesome kind of exercise, and much commended in physic. MarcUius Phicinus7, in his book De triplici vita, (it is a shooting is great whUe since I read him now,) but I remember he com- o? M.rciiius mendeth this kind of exercise, and saith, that it wrestleth against many kinds of diseases. In the reverence of God let p Thus also Paulus Jovius observes : " Apud Anglos in sagittis unica spes, et prsecipua gloria crehris victoriarum proventibus parta.'' De- scriptio Britannia;, &c. p. 16, Venet. 1548.] [5 The preamble to the then recent act, 33 Hen. VIII. c. 9, "For the maintaining artillery, and the debarring of unlawful games," con firms, almost to the letter, all that the preacher here asserts respecting the change in the habits and recreations of the people. See also Stow, Survey of London, edited by Strype, Vol. I. pp. 246, et seq.] P as divers other, 1607.] p The preacher seems to refer to Ficino's treatise De vita, lib. n. c. 4. sub fin., where exercise is recommended. This author was a Florentine physician by birth, the friend, and, in part, the preceptor of Lorenzo de Medici, to whom the treatise referred to is dedicated.] 198 SIXTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE f: SERM. Simon's boat. - it be continued ; let a proclamation go forth, charging the justices of peace, that they see such acts and statutes kept as were made for this purpose. I wUl to my matter. I intend this day to entreat of a piece of scripture written in the beginning of the fifth chapter of Luke. I am occasioned to take this place by a book1 sent Reginald to the king's majesty that dead is by master Pole. It is a dinai. text that he doth greatly abuse for the supremacy: he racks it, and violates it, to serve for the maintenance of the bishop of Borne. And as he did enforce the other place, that I en treated of last, so did he enforce this also, to serve his matter. The story is this : our Saviour Christ was come now to the bank of the water of Genezareth. The people were come to him, and flocked about him to hear him preach. And Jesus Jesus sat in took a boat that was standing at the pool, (it was Simon's C_iv_-_ _-_».'_• K____* <__) X V ' boat,) and went into it. And sitting in the boat, he preached to them that were on the bank. And when he had preached and taught them, he spake to Simon, and bade him launch out further into the deep, and loose2 bis nets to catch fish. And Simon made answer and said, "Master, we have laboured aU night, but we caught nothing : howbeit, at thy command ment, because thou biddest us, we wUl go to it again." And so they did, and caught a great draught, a miraculous draught, so much that the net brake ; and they caUed to their feUows that were by (for they had two boats) to come to help them ; and they came, and filled both their boats so fuU, that they were nigh drowning. This is the story. That I may declare this text so that it may be to the honour of God, and edification of your souls and mine both, I shall desire you to help me with your prayer, in the which, &c. Luke v. Factum est autem (saith the text) cum turba irrueret in eum. St Luke teUs the story, " And it came to pass, when the people pressed upon him, so that he was in peril to be cast into the pond, they rushed so fast upon him, and made such throng to him." A wondrous thing : what a desire the people had in those days to hear our Saviour Christ preach ! And the cause may be gathered of the latter end of the chapter that went before. Our Saviour Christ had preached unto them, and healed the sick folks of such diseases and mala- P See above, p. 173.] p and let loose, 1607.] XII.] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 199 dies as they had, and therefore the people would have retained him stUl : but he made them answer, and said, Et aliis civi- Lukeiv. tatibus oportet me evangelizare regnum Dei, nam in hoc Christ missus sum: " I must preach the kingdom of God to other Kdom ft cities also : I must shew them my Father's will, for I came for that purpose : I was sent to preach the word of God." Our Saviour Christ said, how he must not tarry in one place: for he was sent to the world, to preach everywhere. Is it An example not a marveUous thing, that our unpreaching prelates can our un- read this place, and yet preach no more than they do ? I prelates. marvel that they can go quietly to bed, and see how he aUureth them with his example to be dihgent in their office. Here is a godly lesson also, how our Saviour Christ fled from our saviour glory. If these ambitious persons, that chmb to honour by gi°"-y- by-walks inordinately, would consider this example of Jesus Christ, they should come to more honour than they do ; for when they seek honour by such by-walks, they come to con fusion. Honour foUoweth them that flee from it. Our Saviour Christ gat him away early in the morning, and went unto the wUderness. I would they would foUow this example of Christ, and not seek honour by such by-walks as they do. But what did the people, when he had hid himself? They smeUed ihecom- .,.,, . , a "¦on people him out in the wnderness, and came unto him by flocks, "neiied out ' tl ' Christ in the and foUowed him a great number. But where read you^d*™^ed that a great number of scribes and Pharisees and bishops buTs'Snot foUowed him ? There is a doctor that writeth of this place ; SlSrisees, his name is doctor Gorrham, Nicholas Gorrham3: I knewnorblshops' him to be a school-doctor a great whUe ago, but I never knew him to be an interpreter of scripture tiU now of late : he saith thus 4 : Major devotio in laicis vetulis quam in clericis, Sec, "There is more devotion," saith he, "in lay-folk, and old wives, these simple folk, the vulgar people, than in the clerks5:" they be better affected to the word of God p Or Nicholas de Gorrain, a learned Dominican, whose printed works consist of Commentaries on the New Testament and Sermons. If one may judge from the frequency with which his opinions are quoted by preachers in the fifteenth century, he seems to have been a popular authority. Yet scarcely any thing is certainly known of him. He is supposed to have died about the year 1400. Cave, Historia Literar. Append, p. 86, Oxon. 1743.] p Commentaria in quatuor Evangelia, fol. 327, edit. Colonise 1537.] P the great clerks, 1607.] 200 SIXTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. than those that be of the clergy. I marvel not at the sen tence, but I marvel to find such a sentence in such a doctor. If I should say so much, it would be said to me, that it is an evU bird that defiles his own nest ; and, nemo lozditur nisi a seipso, " there is no man hurt but of his ownself." There was verified the saying of our Saviour Christ, which he spake in another place : Ubicunque fuerit cadaver, ibi congrega- buntur aquilce ; "Wheresoever a dead carrion is, thither wUl the eagles gather." Our Saviour Christ compares himself to a dead carrion; for where the carrion is, there wUl the eagles be : and though it be an evU smeU1 to us, and stinks in a man's nose, yet it is a sweet smeU to the eagles ; they wUl seek it out. So the people sought out Christ, they smelt bis savour ; he was a sweet smeU to them. He is odor vitce ad vitam, " the smeU of life to life." They flocked about him hke eagles. Christ was the carrion, and the people were the eagles. They had no pleasure to hear the scribes and the Pharisees ; they stank in their nose ; their doctrine was unsa voury ; it was of lohons2, of decimations of aniseed and cummin, and such gear. There was no comfort in it for sore ThePhari- consciences ; there was no consolation for wounded souls; sees' doctrine , -, . - ^ . , _ was void of there was no remedy for sins, as was m Christ s doctrme. remedy for . <> ' 8'n- His doctrme eased the burden of the soul; it was sweet to the common people, and sour to the scribes. It was such comfort and pleasure to them, that they came flocking about him. Wherefore came they ? Ut audirent verbum Dei. It was a good coming ; they came to hear the word of God. It was not to be thought that they came aU of one mind to hear the word of God : it is likely, that in so great a multitude some came of curiosity, to hear some novels ; and some came smeU- ing a sweet savour, to have consolation and comfort of God's word : for we cannot be saved without hearing of the word ; by'feari^of1* is a necessary way to salvation. We cannot be saved tbewordof without faith, and faith cometh by hearing of the word. Fides ex auditu. "And how shall they hear without a preacher?" I tell you it is the footstep of the ladder of heaven, of our salvation. There must be preachers, if we look to be saved. I told you of this gradation before, in the [' smell and savour, 1607.] P Infelbs lolium : " a vicious grayne, called ruie of darnell, whiche commonlye groweth amonge wheate." Eliot. Biblioth.] XII ,] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 201 tenth to the Eomans : consider it weU. I had rather ye should come of a naughty mind to hear the word of God for novelty, or for curiosity to hear some pastime, than to be away. I had rather ye should come as the tale is by the gentlewoman of London : one of her neighbours met her in the street, and said, "Mistress, whither go ye ?" " Marry," said she, " I am going to St Thomas of Acres3 to the sermon; I could not sleep aU this last night, and I am going now thither ; I never faded of a good nap there." And so I had rather ye should go a napping to the sermons, than not to go By coming at aU. For with what mind soever ye come, though ye come are brought '->« to the know- for an UI purpose, yet peradventure ye may chance to beW-eofGod. caught or ye go ; the preacher may chance to catch you on his hook. Rather than ye should not come at aU, I would have you come of curiosity, as St Augustine came to hear St Ambrose. When St Augustine came to Milan, (he teUs the story himself, in the end of his fifth book of Confessions,) he was very desirous to hear St Ambrose, not for any love he had to the doctrine that he taught, but to hear his eloquence, whether it was so great as the speech was, and as the bruit st Augustine went. WeU, before he departed, St Ambrose caught him on tosenmm. his hook, and converted him, so that he became of a Manichee4, christian ' ' ' man. p A hospital and chapel in Cheapside, London, dedicated to St Thomas of Acre, being built on the spot formerly occupied by the house in which Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, was born : the Mercers' chapel stands there now. Stow, Survey of London, edited by Strype, Vol. i. Book iii. p. 37.] P The Manichees were a sect originated by Manes, a Persian, who having been bred in the rehgion of Zoroaster, became afterwards (as some writers affirm) a minister in the christian Church. The main object of his heresy was to account for the origin of evil. For this purpose he imagined that there were two Principles absolutely op posed to each other ; the one God, the original of all good, hght, and purity; the other the original evil, whose property is only to destroy and undo ; whose very being is wild confusion. The kingdoms under the rule of these two Principles respectively having by circumstances been brought into contact, the powers of darkness had since then been evermore warring against the kingdom of hght; but he supposed that the latter would ultimately triumph, so that peace would be the portion of the dwellers in hght. A full account of Manes and the Manichees is given by Neander, History of the Christian Rehgion and Church, translated by Rose, Vol. n. pp. 140, et seq.] 202 SIXTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. and of a Platonist1, a good Christian, a defender of Christ's rehgion and of the faith afterward. So I would have you to come to sermons. It is declared in many" places of scrip ture, how necessary preaching is ; as this, Evangelium est potentia Dei ad salutem omni credenti ; " The preaching of the gospel is the power of God to every man that doth beheve." He means God's word opened: it is the instru ment, and the thing whereby we are saved. Preaching is Beware, beware, ye diminish not this office ; for if ye do, an office that ' ' tl » J ' Satoteined Je decay God's power to aU that do beheve. Christ saith, consonant to the same, Nisi quis renatus fuerit e supernis, non potest videre regnum Dei : " Except a man be born again from above, he cannot see the kingdom of God." He must have a regeneration : and what is this regeneration ? It is not to be christened in water, as these firebrands expound it, and nothing else. How is it to be expounded then? St Peter sheweth that one place of scripture declareth an other. It is the circumstance, and collation of places, that makes scripture plain. Regeneramur autem, saith St Peter, "and we be born again.:" how? Non ex semine mortali, sed immortali, " Not by a mortal seed, but by an immortal." andCngo! What is this immortal seed ? Per sermonem Dei viventis : GoVwe are "By the word of the living God;" by the word of God preach- fromalove. ed and opened. Thus cometh in our new birth. The devii Here you may see how necessary this office is to our is an enemy ti tl tl topreach- salvation. This is the thing that the devU wrestleth most against : it hath been all his study to decay this office. He worketh against it as much as he can : he hath prevaUed too much, too much in it. He hath set up a state of unpreach ing prelacy in this reahn this seven hundred year ; a stately3 ihewordof unpreaching prelacy. He hath made unpreaching prelates; pSacrnXg1"1" be hatllL stirre<* UP D7 neaPs to persecute this office in the prelates. P Ammonius Saccas, a philosopher of the Alexandrian school, was the originator of the later Platonists. His leading idea was to har monise all systems— philosophy, heathenism, and Christianity, so as to compound out of all a nameless rehgion, in which the wise and good of every nation should agree, and become united into one vast family. Mosheim, Comment on the affairs of the Christians before Constantine, by Vidal, pp. 124, et seq.] P many more places, 1549, 1562.] P a Btate of unpreaching, 1549, 1562 : a state unpreaching, 1571.] XII.] KING EDWARD THIS SIXTH. 203 title of heresy. He hath stirred up the magistrates to perse cute it in the title of sedition, and he hath stirred up the people to persecute it with exprobations and slanderous words, as by the name of "new learning," "strange preaching ;" and with impropriations he hath turned preaching into private masses. If a priest should have left mass undone on a Sun day within these ten years, aU England should have won dered at it ; but they might have left off the sermon twenty Sundays, and never have been blamed. And thus by these impropriations private masses were set up, and preaching4 of God's word trodden under foot. But what doth he now ? ThedevUdoth . n tt ¦ p continually What doth he now I He stars men up to outrageous rearing of travail. rents, that poor men shaU not be able to find their chUdren at the school to be divines. What an unreasonable devU is this ! He provides a great while beforehand for the time that is to come : he hath brought up now of late the most mon strous kind of covetousness that ever was heard of : he hath invented fee-farming of benefices5, and aU to decay this office of preaching ; insomuch that, when any man hereafter shaU have a benefice, he may go where he wiU, for any house he shall have to dweU upon, or any glebe-land to keep hospi tality withal ; but he must take up a chamber in an alehouse, and there sit and play at the tables aU the day. A goodly curate ! He hath caused also, through this monstrous kind of covetousness, patrons to seU their benefices : yea what doth he more ? He gets him to the university, and causeth great J£et*etvh^go men and esquires to send their sons thither, and put out^^JJ. poor scholars that should be divines ; for their parents intend to learn- not that they shall be preachers, but that they may have a shew of learning. But it were too long to declare unto you what deceit and means the devil hath found to decay the office of salvation, this office of regeneration. But to return to my matter. The people came to hear the word of God : they heard him with sUence. I remember now a saying of St Chrysostom, and peradventure it might come hereafter in better place, but yet I wiU take it whilst P preparing, 1549, 1562.] P The patron when presenting to a benefice reserved to himself and heirs a certain portion of the income of the hving. The granting of pensions out of Rectories was also a practice of long standing. Pegge, Life of Grosseteste, p. 77.] to not 204 SIXTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. it cometh to mind: the saying is this1, Et loquentem eum audierunt in silentio, seriem locutionis non interrumpentes: " They heard him," saith he, " in sUence, not interrupting the order of his preaching." He means, they heard him quietly, without any shovelling of feet, or walking up and The misorder down. Surely it is an ill misorder that folk shaU be walking of walkers » _ , ° and talkers. Up and down ui the sermon-tune, as I have seen m this place this Lent : and there shaU be such huzzing and buzzing in the preacher's ear, that it maketh him oftentimes to forget his matter. 0 let us consider the king's majesty's goodness ! This place was prepared for banqueting of the body ; and his Majesty hath made it a place for the comfort of the soul, and to have the word of God preached in it ; shewing hereby that he would have aU his subjects at it, if it might be pos sible. Consider what the king's majesty hath done for you ; he aUoweth you aU to hear with him. Consider where ye be. First, ye ought to have a reverence to God's word ; and though it be preached by poor men, yet it is the same word that our Saviour spake. Consider also the presence of the w h'mimster king's majesty, God's high vicar in earth, having a respect of God. to his personage. Ve ought to have reverence to it, and con sider that he is God's high minister, and yet aUoweth you all to be partakers with him of the hearing of God's word. This benefit of his would be thankfully taken, and it would be highly esteemed. Hear in sUence, as Chrysostom saith. It may chance that some in the company may fall sick or be diseased: if there be any such, let them go away with sUence; let them leave their salutations till they come in the court, let them depart with sUence. I took occasion of Chrysostom's words to admonish you of this thing. What should be the. cause that our Saviour Christ went into the boat ? The scripture caUeth it navis or navicula, but it was no ship, it was a fisher's boat ; they were not able to have a ship. What should be the cause why he would not stand on the bank and preach there, but he desired Peter to draw the boat somewhat from the shore into the midst of the water: what should be the cause? One cause was, for that he might sit there more commodiously than on the [1 (eat yap ijviKa ekcyc ^tera a-iyijs ijicovov, ovdev irepenPaWovres ovn Suxkojttovtcs Trjv aKo\ov6lav, k. t. X. In Matthaeum Horn. xxv. (al. xxvi.) Oper. Tom. vn. p. 307. B. Edit. Bened. Paris. 1727.] XII.] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 205 bank : another cause was, for that he was like to be thrust into the pond of the people that came unto him. Why, our Saviour Christ might have withstood them, he was strong enough to have kept himself from thrusting into the water : he was stronger than they aU, and if he had hsted he might have stood on the water, as weU as he walked on the water. Truth it is, so might he have done indeed. But as it was sometime his pleasure to shew the power of his Godhead, so he declared now the infirmity and imbecility of his manhood. Here he giveth us an example what shaU we do : we must not tempt God by any miracles, so long as we may walk by ordinary ways. As our Saviour Christ, when the devil had him on the top of the temple, and would have had him Matt. _ .. cast himself down, he made him this answer, Non tentabis Dominum Deum tuum, " Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God :" as if he should have said, we may not tempt God at aU. It is no time now to shew any miracles : there is another way to go down by greesings. Thus he did shew us an example, that we must not tempt God, except it be in extreme necessity, and when we cannot otherwise remedy the matter, to leave it aU to God, else we may not tempt the majesty of his Deity : beware tempting of God. WeU, he comes to Simon's boat, and why rather to Simon's whycimst boat than another? I wUl answer, as I find by experience8 in simons boat myself. I came hither to day from Lambeth in a wherry; and jj£°rany when I came to take boat3, the watermen came about me, as the manner is, and he would have me, and he would have me : I took one of them. Now ye wiU ask me, why I came in that boat rather than in another ? Because I would go into that that I see stand next me; it stood more commodiously for me. And so did Christ by Simon's boat : it stood nearer for him, he saw a better seat in it. A good natural reason. How come the papists, and they wiU make a mystery of it : they wiU pick out the supremacy of the bishop of Rome in Peter's boat*. We may make aUegories enough of every P in experience, 1549, 1562.] p take my boat, 1549, 1562.] P For example, the Rhemist annotators on this scripture remark, that " It is purposely expressed that there were two ships, and that one of them was Peter's, and that Christ went into that one- -no doubt to signify the church resembled by Peter's ship, and that in it is the chair of Christ, and only true preaching."] 206 SIXTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. a simple place in scripture : but surely it must needs be a simple standethon matter that standeth on so weak a ground. But ye shaU ground. see further : he desired Peter to thrust out his boat from the a good lesson shore. He desired him. Here was a good lesson for the bishop of Rome, and aU his coUege of cardinals, to learn humility and gentleness. Rogabat eum. He desired him : it was gently done of him, not with any austerity1, but with aU urbanity, mildness, and softness, and humility. What an example is this that he giveth them here ! But they spy it not, they can see nothing but the supremacy of the bishop of Rome. A wondrous thing, what sight they have ; they How the see nothing but the supremacy of the bishop of Rome ! Im- ijomeniieth perabatis ovibus meis, saith Ezekiel, cum avaritia, et auste- andreigneth . -rr i 11 over the ritate, et dispersoz sunt absque pastore; le have ruled my sheep, and commanded them with great lordliness, auste rity, and power ; and thus ye have dispersed my sheep abroad." And why? There was no shepherd, they had wanted one a great whUe. Rome hath been many a hundred years without a good shepherd. They would not learn to rule them gently ; they had rule over them, but it was with cursings, excommunications, with great austerity and thun derbolts, and the devU and aU, to maintain their unpreaching prelacy. I beseech God open their eyes, that they may see the truth, and not be blinded with those things that no man can see but they ! The preacher It foUoweth in the text, Sedens docebat de navi : "He u set h to sit. ... _ taught sitting." Preachers, belike, were sitters in those days, as it is written in another place, Sedent in cathedra Mosis, " They sit in the chair of Moses." I would our preachers would preach sitting or standing, one way or other. It was a goodly pulpit that our Saviour Christ had gotten him here ; an old rotten boat, and yet he preached his Father's Christ regard- wiU, his Father's message out of this pulpit. He cared not more jhpan'p e for the pulpit, so he might do the people good. Indeed it is to be commended for the preacher to stand or sit, as the place is ; but I would not have it so superstitiously esteemed, but that a good preacher may declare the word of God sit ting on a horse, or preaching in a tree. And yet if this should be done, the unpreaching prelates would laugh it to [x without any austerity, 1549, 1562.] XII.] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 20.7 scorn. And though it be good to have the pulpit set up in churches, that the people may resort thither, yet I would not have it so superstitiously used, but that in a profane place the word of God might be preached sometimes; and I would not have the people offended withal, no more than they be with our Saviour Christ's preaching out of a boat. And yet to have pulpits in churches, it is very well done to have them, but they would be occupied ; for it is a vain thing to have them as they stand in many churches. I heard of a bishop of England that went on visitation, a merry taie, and as it was the custom, when the bishop should come, and wshop going ¦i i i pi on visitation. be rung into the town, the great bells clapper was faUen down, the tyaU was broken, so that the bishop could not be rung into the town. There was a great matter made of this, and the chief of the parish were much blamed for it in the visitation. The bishop was somewhat quick with them, and signified that he was much offended2. They made their answers, and excused themselves as weU as they could: "It was a chance," said they, "that the clapper brake, and we could not get it mended by and by ; we must tarry tiU we can have it . done : it shaU be amended as shortly as may be." Among the other, there was one wiser than the rest, and he comes me to the bishop : " Why, my lord," saith he, " doth your lordship make so great a matter of the beU that lacketh his clapper? Here is a beU," said he, and pointed to the pulpit, Thepuipit "that hath lacked a clapper this twenty years. We have a clapper. parson that fetcheth out of this benefice fifty pound every year, but we never see him." I warrant you, the bishop was an unpreaching prelate. He could find fault with the beU that wanted a clapper to ring him into the town, but he could not find any fault with the parson that preached not at his benefice. Ever this office of preaching hath been least regarded, it hath scant had the name of God's service. They must sing "Salve festa dies" 'about the church, that no mansodofooism P It was oftentimes matter of stipulation in covenants, &c. that the bells of churches should be rung in honour of the arrival, at the place, of bishops, abbots, &c. . and the neglecting to ring bells on such occasions was regarded as an offence for which the incumbent of the church might be called upon to answer. Brand, Observat. on Popular Antiq. by Elhs, n. p. 135, note. Foxe, Acts and. Mon. m. p. 87, edit. 1684.] 208 SIXTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. was the better for it, but to shew their gay coats and gar ments. I came once myself to a place, riding on a journey home ward from London, and I sent word over night into the town that I would preach there in the morning, because it was hohday ; and niethought it was an holiday's work. The church stood in my way, and I took my horse and my com pany, and went thither. I thought I should have found a great company in the church, and when I came there, the church door was fast locked. I tarried there half an hour and-ffl0re_^_at last the key was found, and one of the parish comes to me and says, " Sir, this is a, husy^y with us, we Rown Hood cannot hear you; it is Robin.. Hpad!&- day. The parish are give leave gone abroad to gather for Robin Hood1 : I pray you let them not." I was fain there to give place to Robin Hood : I thought my rochet should have been regarded, though I were not ; but it would not serve, it was fain to give place to Robin Hood's men. It is no laughing matter, my friends, it is a weeping matter, a heavy matter ; a heavy matter, under the pretence of gathering for Robin Hood, a traitor and a thief, to put out a preacher, to have his office less esteemed ; to prefer Robin Hood before the ministration of God's word : and aU this hath come of unpreaching prelates. This realm hath been UI provided for, that it hath had such corrupt judgments in it, to prefer Robin Hood to God's word. If the bishops had been preachers, there should never have been any such thing : but we have good hope of better. We have had a good beginning : I beseech God to con tinue it! But I teU you, it is far wide that the people TTieun-^ have such judgments; the bishops they could laugh at it. woitdliave ^^ was tna,t *° them ? They would have them to con- contSleto *"nue "* th-eir ign°rance stUl, and themselves in unpreaching in ignorance, prelacy. WeU, sitting, sitting : " He sat down and taught." The text doth teU us that he taught, but it doth not teU us what he taught. If I were a papist, I could teU what he said ; I P On "Robin Hood's day" (May l) it was customary, among other things, for a number of persons to go about the country to collect money for the purpose of defraying the expenses attending the May-sports then enacted. Brand, Observat. on Popular Antiq. I. p. 212.] XII •] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 209 would, in the Pope's judgment, shew what he taught. For the bishop of Rome hath in scrinio pectoris sui the true understanding of scriptures. If he call a councU, the college of cardinals, he hath authority to determine the supper of the Lord, as he did at the council of Florence2 ! And Pope Nicholas 3, and bishop Lanfrank4, shaU come and expound this place, and say, that our Saviour Christ said thus : " Peter, I do mean this by sitting in thy boat, that thou shalt go to Rome, and be bishop there five-and-twenty years after mine ascension ; and all thy successors shall be rulers of the uni versal church after thee." Here would I place also holy water, and holy bread, and Hereis all unwritten verities, if I were a papist ; and, that scripture nothing. is not to be expounded by any private interpretation, but by our holy father and his coUege of cardinals. This is a great deal better place than Due in altum, "Launch into the deep." But what was Christ's sermon? It may soon be gathered what it was. He is always like himself. His first sermon was, Poznitentiam agite ; " Do penance ; your hving is naught ; repent." Again, at Nazareth, when he read in the temple, and preached remission of sins, and healing of wounded consciences ; and in the long sermon in the mount, he was always like himself, he never dissented from himself. Oh, there is a writer hath a joUy text here, and his name is Dionysius4. I chanced to meet with his book in my lord of Canterbury's hbrary : he was a monk of the Charterhouse. I marvel to find such a sentence in that author. What taught Christ in this sermon? Marry, saith he, it is not Aof°°^a™1 written. And he addeth more unto it ; Evangelistoz tantum scripserunt de sermonibus et miraculis Christi quantum cog- noverunt, inspirante Deo, sufficere ad ozdificationem ecclesioz, P Allusion is here had to the decree of Pope Eugenius IV., put forth at that council. Concilia, Labb. et Coss. Tom, xin. col. 529, 536, &c. Paris. 1672.] p Pope Nicholas I., whose notions of ecclesiastical pre-eminence may be seen in the Concilia above referred to, (Tom. vm. col. 268, seq.) and in the Canon Law, Decret. Grat. prima par. Distinct, x.] p Lanfranc. Opera, p. 378. Edit. Bened. Paris. 1648.] p Dionysius Carthusianus, a voluminous writer who died in 1471. Among other works he wrote Commentaries on the whole scriptures. Cave, Hist. Literar. Append, p. 166. Oxon. 1743.] 14 [latimer.] 210 SIXTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [SERM. ad confirmationem fidei, et ad salutem animarum1. It is true, it is not written ; aU his miracles were not written, so neither were all his sermons written: yet for aU that, the evangelists did write so much as was necessary. " They wrote so much of the miracles and sermons of Christ as they knew by God's inspiration to be sufficient for the edifying of the church, the confirmation of our faith, and the health of our souls." If this be true, as it is indeed, where be unwrit ten verities ? I marvel not at the sentence, but to find it in such an author. Jesus ! what authority he gives to God's word ! But God would that such men should be witness with the authority of his book, wUl they, niU they. Now to draw towards an end. a lace wrest ^ foUoweth in the text, Due in altum. Here cometh in wshop*? the supremacy of the bishop of Rome. When our Saviour Christ had made an end of his sermon, and had fed their souls, he provided for their bodies. First, he began with the soul : Christ's word is the food of it. Now he goeth to the body. He hath charge of them both : we must commit the feeding of the body and of the soul to him. WeU, he theaouh™ saith to Peter, Due in altum, " Launch into the depth ; put forth thy boat farther into the deep of the water ; loose your nets ; now fish." As who should say, "Your souls are now fed, I have taught you my doctrine ; now I wUl confirm it Christ con- with a miracle." Lo, sir, here is Due in altum: here Peter d™trinehwith was made a great man, say the papists, and aU his successors after him. And this is derived of these few words, " Launch into the deep." And their argument is this: he spake to Peter only, and he spake to him in the singular number ; ergo he u on h £>ave ^m SUC^ a Pre-emmence above the rest. A goodly argu- theeapo?e0und ment ' I ween it be a syllogismus, in quem terra, pontus. buiideth. j wfi± make a hke argument. Our Saviour Christ said to Judas, when he was about to betray him, Quod fads fac citius, "What thou doest, do quickly." Now when he spake to Peter, there were none of his disciples by but James and John ; but p Verba autem prsedicationis Christi evangelista non exprimit Tanta vero de ejus documentis atque miraculis evangelistse scripserunt quantum ad sedificationem ecclesise, ad fidei confirmationem, ad salu tem fidelium sufflcere noverant, inspirante ac moderante Spiritu Sancto." Dionysii Carth. in Evang. Lucce enarrat. Art. xn. p. 98 f. Paris. 1548.] Rome. Christ pro- videth for the body as well as for XII-J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 211 when he spake to Judas, they were all present. Well, he said unto him, Quod fads fac citius, " Speed thy business that thou John™. hast in thy head, do it." He gave him here a secret moni tion, that he knew what he intended, if Judas had had grace to have taken it, and repented. He spake in the singular number to him ; ergo he gave him some pre-eminence. Be like he made him a cardinal ; and it might full weU be, for they have followed Judas ever since. Here is as good a a good ground for the coUege of cardinals, as the other is for the Sge'o'f he supremacy of the bishop of Rome. " Our Saviour Christ," say eai±nais- they, "spake only to Peter for pre-eminence, because he was chief of the apostles, and you can shew none other cause ; ergo this is the cause why he spake to him in the singular number." I dare say there is never a wherryman at West minster-bridge but he can answer to this, and give a natural reason of it. He knoweth that one man is able to shove the why Christ boat, but one man was not able to cast out the nets; andpiurainum- therefore he said in the plural number, Laxate retia, " Loose jnthesmgu- your nets ;" and he said in the singular number2 to Peter, " Launch out the boat." Why ? Because he was able to do it. But he spake the other in the plural number, because he was not able to conyey the boat, and cast out the nets too : one man could not do it. This would the wherryman say, and that with better reason, than to make such a mystery of it, as no man can spy but they. And the cause why he spake to aU was to shew that he wiU have all christian men to work for their living. It is he that sends food both for the body and soul, but he will not send it without labour. He wUl have aU christian people to labour for it; he will we must ia- -1 * hour, or else use our labour as a mean whereby he sendeth our food. ™tmaynot This was a wondrous miracle of our Saviour Christ, andx he did it not only to aUure them to his discipleship, but also for our commodity. It was a seal, a seal to seal his doctrine withal. Now ye know that such as be keepers of seals, as my lord Chancellor, and such other, whatsoever they be, they do not always seal, they have a seahng time : for I have heard poor men complain, that they have been put off from time to time of seahng, tUl aU their money were spent. And as they P Ait autem singulariter Petro, 'Due,' quia ab eo solo fieri quivit: pluraliterque adjungit, 'Laxate,' quia hoc a pluribus fieri aptius potuit. Dionysius Carthus. in loc] 14—2 212 SIXTH SERMON PREACHEO BEFORE [sERM. Christ. doc- have times to seal in, so our Saviour Christ had his time of a" tatty su~ seahng. When he was here in earth with his apostles, and when." in the time of the primitive church, Christ's doctrine was sufficiently sealed already with seals of his own making. What should our seals do ? What need we to seal his seal? It is a confirmed doctrine already. me papists Oh, Luther, when he came into the world first, and dis- Luthermira- puted against the Decretals, the Clementines, Alexandrines, cl 6s to con- doctrine Extravagantines x, what ado had he ! But ye wUl say, perad venture, he was deceived in some things. I wiU not take upon me to defend him in aU points. I wUl not stand to it that all that he wrote was true ; I think he would not so himself : for there is no man but he may err. He came to further and further knowledge : but surely he was a goodly instrument. WeU, I say, when he preached first, they caU upon him to do miracles. They were wrought before, and so SEJJtatf e we nee^ to ^° n0 mirach?s. Indeed when the popish prelates Snnm the°ir preached first, they had need of miracles, and the devil doctrine- wrought some in the preaching of purgatory. But what kind of miracles these were, aU England doth know : but it wiU not know. A wonderful thing that the people wUl con- what profit tinue in their blindness and ignorance st^l ! We have great SSst s mira" utility of the miracles of our Saviour Jesus Christ. He doth signify unto us by this wonderful work, that he is Lord as weU of the water as of the land. A good comfort for those that be on the water, when they be in any tempest or danger, to call upon him. P The Decretals form the second and part of the third division of the body of Canon law, and consist chiefly of the letters or pretended letters of different popes ; and profess to be decisions or judgments in causes that had been submitted to the papal jurisdiction, especially between the years 1150 and about 1300. The Clemmtines form a portion of the third division of the body of Canon law, and profess to be the decretal epistles of Pope Clement V. between 1305 and 1314. By Alexandrines the preacher probably meant the Constitutions and decretal epistles of Pope Alexander III., which profess to be extant. Extravagantines, or Extravagantes (quasi extra Corpus juris vagan- tes), form a portion of the third division of the body of Canon law, and are of two classes, viz. the Extravagantes or Decretals of Pope John XXII., and the Extravagantes communes, or Decretals of uncer tain authorship. The "Extravagantines" embrace the period between the year 1316 and 1483.] XII •J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 213 The fish here came at his commandment. Here we may learn that aU things in the water are subject to Christ. Peter said, " Sir, we have laboured aU night, and have not caught J^S1™,^ one fin ; howbeit at your word we will to it afresh." By this g,edS2e. it appeareth that the gain, the lucre, the revenues that we get, must not be imputed to our labour ; we may not say, " Gramercy2 labour." It is not our labour, it is our Saviour Christ that sendeth us hving : yet must we labour, for he that said to Peter labour, and he that bade the fishers labour, bids all men to labour in their business. There be some There are t .... . ... some who people that ascribe their gams, then increase gotten by any ?scribe their a J. o ? o tl .1 increase to faculty r to the devU. Is there any, trow ye, in England theaevil- would say so ? Now if any man should come to another, and say he got his hving by the devU, he would fall out with him. There is not a man in England that so saith ; yet is there some that think it. For all that get it with false buy- ^t°'ehtet|1^rc ing and selling, with circumvention, with usury, impostures, "Jvli?bythe mixed wares, false weights, deceiving their lords and masters; aU those that get their goods on this fashion, what do they think but that the devU sends them gains and riches? For they be his, being unlawfully gotten : what is this to say but that the devil is author of their gains, when they be so gotten ? for God inhibits them. Deus non volens iniqui tatem tu es ; " God wiU no iniquity." These folk are greatly deceived. There be some, again, impute all to their labours and some impute ° A . their gains works. Tea, on the holy day they cannot find in their toftar hearts to come to the temple to the blessed communion ; they must be working at home. These are wide again on the other side. And some there be that think, if they work nothing at aU, they shall have enough : they wiU have no good exercise, but gape, and think God wiU send meat into their mouths. And these are far wide3 : they must work, wemust He bade the fishers work : our Saviour Christ bade Peter w°' work : and he that said so to them, says the same to us, every man in his art. Benedictio Deifacit divitem; "The God's wess- blessing of God maketh a man rich." He lets his sun shine rid.. upon the wicked, as well as upon the good ; he sends riches both to good and bad. But this blessing turns to them into P great thanks to : grand mercie.] P are as far wide, 1549.] we eat 214 SIXTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. a malediction and a curse ; it increaseth their damnation. St Paul, writing to the Thessalonians, did put an order how we must ia. every man should work in his vocation: Cum essemus apud bour, or else tl ^ j. may not vos> foe prozcipiebamus vobis, ut si quis nollet operari is nee edat ; which in our English tongue is1 : " When I was among you," saith he, " I made this ordinance, that whosoever would not do the work of his vocation should have no meat." It were a good ordinance in a commonweal, that every man should be set on work, every man in his vocation. " Let him have no meat." Now he saith furthermore, Audivimus quosdam inter vos versantes inordinate nihil operis facientes, "I hear say there be some amongst you that hve inordinately." What is that word inordinately ? Idly, giving themselves to no occu- curious men. pation for their living : curiose agentes, curious men, given to curiosity, to searching what other men do. St Paul saith, " he heard say ;" he could not teU whether it were so or no. But he took occasion of hearing say, to set out a good and wholesome doctrine : His autem qui sunt ejusmodi prozdpi- mus et obsecramus ; " We command and desire you for the reverence of God, if there be any such, that they wUl do the works of their vocation, and go quietly to their occupa tion, and so eat their own bread :" else it is not their own, SJpeii™ a ^ *s other men's meat. Our Saviour Christ, before he began his preaching, lived of his occupation ; he was a carpenter, and gat his hving with great labour. Therefore let no man disdain or think scorn to foUow him in a mean hving, a mean vocation, or a common calling and occupation. For as he blessed our nature with taking upon him the shape of man, so in his doing he blessed all occupations and arts. demneth"1" Tms is a notable example to signify that he abhors ah idle- idieness. negs_ when he was a carpenter, then he went and did the work of his calling ; and when he was a preacher, he did the works of that calling. He was no unpreaching prelate. The bishop of Rome should have learned that at him. And these gainers with false arts, what be they ? They are never content with what they have, though it be never so much. And they that are true dealers are satisfied with that that eno/giftobe God sends' tnough i4 be never s0 little. Quazstus magnus wlthThat pittas cum animo sua sorte contento ; " Godliness is great Godsendeth. gain) ;t jg iucre en0Ugh; it is vantage enough, to be content P which in our Enghsh tongue is, not in 1549, 1562.] XII.] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 215 with that that God sends." The faithful cannot lack; the unfaithful is ever lacking, though he have never so much. I wiU now make an end. Labores manuum tuarum, let us aU labour. Christ teacheth us to labour, yea, the bishop of Rome himself, he teacheth him to labour, rather than to be head of the church. Let us put our trust in God, Labores manuum tuarum, " Cast thy care upon the Lord, and he wUl nourish thee and feed thee." Again, the prophet saith, Nunquam vidi justum derelictum, nee semen ejus qucerens Ps. xxxvh. panem ; " I never saw the righteous man forsaken, nor his seed to seek his bread." It is infidelity, infidelity that mars aU together. WeU, to my text : Labores manuum tuarum quia man- ducabis, beatus es, et bene tibi erit ; "Because thou eatest the labours of thy hands, that God sends thee of thy labour." Every man must labour ; yea, though he be a king, yet he must labour: for I know no man hath a greater labour than a king. What is his labour ? To study God's book, to see that there be no unpreaching prelates in his realm, nor bribing judges ; to see to all estates ; to provide for the poor; to see victuals good cheap. Is not this a labour, trow ye ? Thus if thou dost labour, exercising the works of thy voca tion, thou eatest the meat that God sends thee ; and then it foUoweth, Beatus es, " Thou art a blessed man in God's favour," et bene tibi erit, " and it shaU go well with thee in this world," both in body and soul, for God provideth for provision for both. How shalt thou provide for thy soul ? Go hear and theesoui.y sermons. How for the body ? Labour in thy vocation, and then shall it be weU with thee, both here and in the world to come, through the faith and merits of our Saviour Jesus Christ : to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost be praise for ever and ever, world without end. Amen. 216 SEVENTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. THE SEVENTH SEKMON OF M. LATIMER PREACHED BEFORE KING EDWARD, APRIL NINETEENTH, [1549]. [ROMANS XV. 4] Queecunque scripta sunt, ad nostram doctrinam scripta sunt. All things that be written, they be written to be our doctrine. By occasion of this text, most honourable audience, I have walked this Lent in the broad field of scripture, and used my hberty, and entreated of such matters as I thought meet for this auditory. I have had ado with many estates, even with the highest of aU. I have entreated of the duty of kings, of the duty of magistrates and judges, of the duty of prelates ; aUowing that that is good, and disaUowing the contrary. I have taught that we are aU sinners: I think there is none of us all, neither preacher nor hearer, but we may be amended, and redress our hves : we may aU say, yea, aU the pack of us, Peccavimus cum patribus nostris, we are an "We have offended and sinned with our forefathers." In havepffended multis offendimus omnes: there is none of us aU but we ways!nn>any have in sundry things grievously offended almighty God. I here entreated of many faults, and rebuked many kinds of sins. I intend to-day, by God's grace, to shew you the ' remedy of sin. We be in the place of repentance : now is the time to call for mercy, whilst we be in this world. We be aU sinners, even the best of us aU; therefore it is good to hear the remedy of sin. This day is commonly called Good-Friday1: although every day ought to be with us Good-Friday, yet this day we are accustomed speciaUy to [i In the dedication prefixed to these sermons it is stated that they were preached on the several Fridays in Lent, and in the third year of the reign of Edward VI. Now as the 3d Edward VI. commenced on the 28th day of January, 1549, reckoning according to the historical year, and as Easter-day, 1549, fell on the 21st of April, the first Friday in Lent would be on March 8th, and Good-Friday on the 19th of April.] XIU-] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 217 have a commemoration and remembrance of the passion of our Saviour Jesus Christ. This day we have in memory Christ. death his bitter passion and death, which is the remedy of our sin. forsfnremedy Therefore I intend to entreat of a piece of a story of his passion ; I am not able to entreat of all. That I may do that the better, and that it may be to the honour of God, and the edification of your souls, and mine both, I shall desire you to pray, &c. In this prayer I wiU desire you to remember the souls departed, with lauds and praise to almighty God, and that he did2 vouchsafe to assist them at the hour of their death: in so doing you shaU be put in remembrance to pray for yourselves, that it may please God to assist and comfort you in the agonies and pains of death. The place that I wUl entreat of is the twenty-sixth chap- Matt xxvi. ter of St Matthew. Howbeit, as I entreat of it, I will bor row part of St Mark, and part of St Luke: for they have Lukexxii. somewhat that St Matthew hath not ; and especiaUy Luke. The text is, Tunc cum venisset Jesus in villam, quaz dicitur Gethsemani, " Then when Jesus came ;" some have in vil lam, some in agrum, some in prozdium. But it is aU one ; when Christ came into a grange, into a piece of land, into a field, it makes no matter ; call it what ye wUl. At what time he had come into an honest man's house, and there eaten his paschal lamb, and instituted and celebrated the Lord's supper, and set forth the blessed communion; then when this was done, he took his way to the place where he knew Judas would come. It was a sohtary place, and thither he went with his eleven apostles : for Judas, the twelfth, was Judas was . . . Dusy in about his business, he was occupied about his merchandise, g^ing and was providing among the bishops and priests to come with an ambushment3 of Jews, to take our Saviour Jesu Christ. And when he was come into the4 field or grange, this village, or farm-place, which was caUed Gethsemane, there was a garden, saith Luke, into the which he goeth, and cimst went leaves eight of his disciples without; howbeit he appointed them what they should do : he saith, Sedete hie donee illuc . vadam et orem ; " Sit you here, whUst I go yonder and pray." He told them that he went to pray, to monish P would, 1549, 1562, 1571.] P imbushment, 1549, 1562.] p this, 1584.] 218 SEVENTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [SERM. we fall into temptation. them what they should do, to faU to prayer as he did. He left them there, and took no more with him but three, Peter, James, and John, to teach us that a sohtary place is Christ feareth meet for prayer. Then when he was come into this garden, death. r tl , 1 . 1 i -j cozpit expavescere, "he began to tremble," insomuch he said, Tristis est anima mea usque ad mortem, " My soul is heavy and pensive even unto death." This is a notable place, and one of the most especial and chiefest of all that be in the story of the passion of Christ. Here is our remedy : here we must have in consideration aU his doings and sayings, for our learning, for our edification, for our comfort and consolation. First of all, he set his three disciples that he took with him in an order, and told them what they should do, saying, wemusuise Sedete hie, et vigilate mecum, et orate; "Sit here, and pray that ye enter not into temptation." But of that I wiU en treat afterward. Now when he was in the garden, Cozpit expavescere, he began to be heavy, pensive, heavy-hearted. I hke not Origen's playing with this word cozpit1 : it was a perfect heaviness; it was such a one as was never seen a2 greater; it was not only the beginning of a sorrow3- These doctors, we have great cause to thank God for them, but yet I would not have them always to be aUowed. They have handled many points of our faith very godly ; and we may have a great stay in them in many things ; we might not weU lack them : but yet I would not have men to be sworn to them, and so addict, as to take hand over head whatsoever they say : it were a great inconvenience so to do. WeU, let us go forward. He took Peter, James, and John, into this garden. And why did he take them with him, rather than other? Marry, those that he had taken before, to whom he had revealed in the hUl the trans figuration and declaration of his deity, to see the revelation of the majesty of his Godhead, now in the garden he revealed to the same the infirmity of his manhood : because they had tasted of the sweet, he would they should taste also of the P Opera, Tom. in. p. 902. Edit. Bened. Paris. 1740.] P the, 1549, 1562.] P it was not only the beginning of a sorrow, supplied from 1549, 1562.] Why Christ took Peter, James, and John, into the garden. XIII,J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 219 sour. He took these with him at both times : for two or three is enough to bear witness. And he began to be heavy in his mind ; he was greatly vexed within himself, he was cimst, why sore afflicted, it was a great heaviness. He had been heavy jjeaj _n°his many times before ; and he had suffered great afflictions in £3. ™d his soul, as for the blindness of the Jews ; and he was hke to suffer more pangs of pain in his body. But this pang was greater than any that he ever4 suffered: yea, it was a greater torment unto him, I think a greater pain, than when he was hanged on the cross ; than when the four naUs were knocked and driven through his hands and feet ; than when the sharp crown of thorns was thrust on his head. This was the heaviness and pensiveness of his heart, the agony of the spirit. And as the soul is more precious than pamsofthe the body, even so is the pains5 of the soul more grievous pSev™uSrthan than the pains of the body: therefore there is another6 the ISy.0 which writeth, Horror mortis gravior ipsa morte ; " The horror and ugsomeness of death is sorer than death itself." This is the most grievous pain that ever Christ suffered, even this pang that he suffered in the garden. It is the most notable place, one of them in the whole story of the passion, when he said, Anima mea tristis est usque ad mortem, " My soul is heavy to death ;" and cum cozpisset expaves cere, " when he began to quiver, to shake." The grievous- ness of it is declared by this prayer that he made : Pater, si possibile est, fyc, " Father, if it be possible, away with this cup : rid me of it." He understood by this cup his pains of death; for he knew weU enough that his passion was at hand, that Judas was coming upon him with the Jews to take him. There was offered unto him now the image of death; The image the image, the sense, the feeling of heU : for death and hell ° go both together. I wiU entreat of this image of heU, wliich is death. Truly no man can shew it perfectly, yet I wiU do No Kvpxe the best I can to make you understand the grievous pangs press the*" that our Saviour Christ was in when he was in the garden. Ehnst . , suffered. As man's power is not able to bear it, so no mans tongue is able to express it. Painters paint death like a man with- P any he ever, 1549, 1562.] p pain, 1549.] P Erasmus, in his paraphrase on this passage: "Est autem mortis horror, si quando corripuit hominem, vel ipsa morte acerbior."] 220 " SEVENTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. butnbS_gie out ski11' and a ^ody having nothing but bones. And heU of hdi!. angs they paint with horrible flames of burning fire : they bungle somewhat at it, they come nothing near it. But this is no true painting. No painter can paint hell, unless he could paint the torment and condemnation both of body and soul ; the possession and having of aU infelicity. This is heU, this The descnp- is the image of death : this is hell, such an evU-favoured tion of hell. ° face, such an uglesome countenance, such an horrible visage our Saviour Christ saw of death and heU in the garden. There is no pleasure in beholding of it, but more pain than any tongue can teU. Death and heU took unto them this evil-favoured face of sin, and through sin. This sin is so highly hated of God, that he doth pronounce it worthy to be punished with lack of aU fehcity, with the feeling of in- Death the felicity. Death and heU be not only the wages, the reward, the stipend of sin : but they are brought into the world by sin. Per peccatum mors, saith St Paul, " through sin death entered into the world." Moses sheweth the first coming in of it into the world. Whereas our first father Adam was set at hberty to hve for ever, yet God inhibiting him from eating of the apple, told him : " If thou meddle with this fruit, thou and aU thy posterity shaU faU into necessity of death, from ever hving : morte morieris, thou and aU thy posterity shaU be subject to death." Here came in death and heU : sin was their mother; therefore they must have such an image as their mother sin would give them. An uglesome1 thing and an horrible image must it needs be, that is brought in by such a thing so hated of God ; yea, this face of death and heU is so terrible, that such as have been wicked men had rather be hanged than abide it. As Achitophel Achitophel, that traitor to David, hke an ambitious wretch, slgLurfthe thought to have come to higher promotion, and therefore Sdheiir"1 conspired with Absolon against his master David: he, hfr_i_e.f.8ed when he saw his counsel took no place, goes and hangs himself, in contemplation of this evil-favoured face of death. Judas, when Judas also, when he came with bushments to take his mas- nc S3LW [116 hang°edhe11' ter Christ, in beholding this horrible face hanged himself. himself. Teaj the elect people of God; the faithful) ikying tne t,e_ holding of his face, (though God hath always preserved them, such a good God he is to them that beheve in him, P ugsome, 1549.] Xm-J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 221 that "he wUl not suffer them to be tempted above that that they have been able to bear,") yet for all that, there is nothing that they complain more sore than of this horror of death. Go to Job, what saith he ? Pereat dies in quo Job eursed natus sum, suspendium elegit anima mea; "Wo worth the birth, when's day that I was born in, my soul would be hanged :" saying j^^g, in his pangs almost he wist not what. This was whenJj°™rof with the eye of his conscience and the inward man he beheld the horror of death and heU : not for any bodUy pain he suffered; for when he had boils, blotches, blabs, and scabs, he suffered them patiently : he could say then, Si bona suscepi de manu Domini, &c, "If we have received good things of God, why should we not suffer likewise evU?" It was not for any such thing that he was so vexed: but the sight of this face of death and heU was offered to why job him so hvely, that he would have been out of this world. It was this evU-favoured face of death that so troubled him. King David also said, in contemplation of this uglesome2 face, Laboravi in gemitu meo, " I have been sore vexed with sighing and mourning." Turbatus est a furore oeulus meus, " Mine eye hath been greatly troubled in my rage." A strange thing ! When he had to fight with Gohath, that David feared • i _ . not Goliah monstrous giant, who was able to have eaten him, he could '!>e m° .- . o J _ 7 strous giant, abide him, and was nothing afraid. And now what a work ! S"athefeare<1 What exclamations makes he at the sight of death ! Jonas Jonas feared .... ,. ... not the sea, likewise was bold enough to bid the shipmen cast him mto t>uthe fear- the sea, he had not seen that face and visage : but when he was in the whale's beUy, and had there the beholding of it, what terror and distress abode he ! Hezekiah, when he Hezekiah ,.,...-,.. . . . feared not saw Sennacherib besieging his city on every side most vio- the mighty lently, was nothing afraid of the great host and mighty ^™nh*cSi army that was like to destroy him out of hand ; yet he death- was afraid of death. When the prophet came unto him, and said, Dispone domui tuoz, morte morieris et non vives, " Set thy house in order, for thou shalt surely die, and not hve ;" (2 Kings xx.), it struck him so to the heart that he fell a-weeping. 0 Lord, what an horror was this! There be some writers3 that say, that Peter, James, and John were in P ugsome, 1549.] p See Dionysius Carthus. in Evangel. Lucas, c. xxii. : Thorn. Aquinat. Caten. Aur. in Luc. c. v.] 222 SEVENTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. this feeling at the same time ; and that Peter, when he said, Exi a me, Domine, quia homo peccator sum, "Depart from me, 0 Lord, for I am a sinful man," did taste some part of it : he was so astonished, he wist not what to say. It was not long that they were in this anguish; some say longer, some shorter : but Christ was ready to comfort them, and said to Peter, Ne timeas, " Be not afraid." A friend of mine told me of a certain woman that was eighteen years to- tittie Biiney, gether in it. I knew a man myself, Bilney, httle Bilney, Godtyha°df *kat blessed martyr of God, what time he had borne his conflicts in fag°t> and was come again to Cambridge, had such conflicts wonderfulconflicts i his mind. within himself, beholding this image of death, that his friends were afraid to let him be alone : they were fain to be with him day and night, and comforted him as they could, but no comforts would serve. As for the comfortable places of scripture, to bring them unto him it was as though a man would run him through the heart with a sword; yet h_sIndeathok afterward, for all this, he was revived, and took his death patiently, patiently, and died weU against the tyrannical see of Borne1. Wo wiU be to that bishop, that had the examination of him, if he repented not ! ltlon for Here is a good lesson for you, my friends ; if ever you prifoffonh" come ^ danger, iQ durance, in prison for God's quarrel, word's sake. an(j ^ 8a^e> ag j^ ^ for purgatory-matters, and put to bear a fagot for preaching the true word of God against pUgrimage, and such hke matters, I wUl advise you first, and above all things, to abjure aU your friends, all your friendships ; leave not one unabjured. It is they that shaU undo you, and not your enemies. It was his very friends that brought BUney to it. By this it may somewhat appear what our Saviour Christ suffered ; he doth not dissemble it himself, when he £J«ist was in saith, "My soul is heavy to death:" he was in so sore an agony, that there issued out of him, as I shaU entreat anon, drops of blood. An ugsome thing surely, which this fact and deed sheweth us, what horrible pains he was in for our sakes ! But you wUl say, " How can this be ? It were possible that I, and such other as be great sinners, P Sir Thomas More notwithstanding tries to make out that Bilney died in communion with the Church of Rome. Works, pp. 349, 350. But see the account in Foxe, Book vm.] XIII.] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 223 should suffer such affliction; the Son of God, what our Sa viour Christ, [who] never sinned, how can this stand that he should be thus handled ? He never deserved it." Marry, I wUl teU you how. We must consider our Christ was Saviour Christ two ways, one way in his manhood, another ed'fnhi"™'" in his Godhead. Some places of scripture must be referred SoS-Mii to his Deity, and some to his humanity. In his Godhead he suffered nothing ; but now he made himself void of his Deity, as scripture saith, Cum esset in forma Dei, exina- nivit seipsum, "Whereas he was in the form of God, he emptied himself of it, he did hide it, and used himself as though he had not had-it." He would not help himself with his Godhead ; "he humbled himself with aU obedience unto death, even to the death of the cross :" this was in that he was man. He took upon him our sins2 : not the work ciinstwas of sin ; I mean not so : not to do it, not to commit it ; «« pSst but to purge it, to cleanse it, to bear the stipend of it : world, be- e and that way he was the great3 sinner of the world. He t0* uP°n n r - i • i him our sins* bare aU the sm of the world on his back; he would become debtor for it. Now to sustain and suffer the dolours of death is not Christ » the ii ¦ i- ii'ii- • onlypur- to sm : but he came mto this world with his passion to purge satl°.n of our sins. Now this that he suffered in the garden is one of the bitterest pieces of aU his passion : this fear of death was the bitterest pain that ever he abode, due to sin which he never did, but became debtor for us. All this he suffered for us ; this he did to satisfy for our sins. It is much like, as if I owed another man twenty thousand pounds, and should pay it out of hand, or else go to the dungeon of Ludgate4; and when I am going to prison, one of my friends should come, and ask, "Whither goeth this man?" and after he had heard the matter, should say, "Let me The notable answer for him, I wUl become surety for him : yea, I wUl cimst shew- .1 tl ' ed to man- pay aU for him." Such a part played our Saviour Christ kin our sins, and not tor any sins that he had committed himself: for all we should have suffered, every man according to his Why Christ own deserts. This he did of his goodness, partly to purge suffered such j x ti x o pains. " and cleanse our sins, partly because he would taste and feel our miseries, quo possit succurrere nobis, " that he should the rather help and reheve us ;" and partly he suffered to give us example to behave ourselves as he did. He did not suffer, to discharge us clean from death, to keep us clean from it, not to taste of it. Nay, nay, you must not take it so. fhautSioid We shall have the beholding of this ugsome face every one of faceeuo?d™ath. us ; we shall feel it ourselves. Yet our Saviour Christ did suffer, to the intent to signify to us that death is overcome- How we shaii able. We shall indeed overcome it, if we repent, and ac- overcomedeath. knowledge that our Saviour Jesu Christ pacified with his pangs and pains the wrath of the Father ; having a love to walk in the ways of God. If we beheve in Jesu Christ, we shall overcome death : I say it shall not prevaU against us. Wherefore, whensoever it chanceth thee, my friend, to have the tasting of this death, that thou shalt be tempted with this horror of death, what is to be done then ? Whensoever thou dine when be ^ee^esi *% som heavy to death, make haste and resort to this o. deathor garden ; and with this faith thou shalt overcome this terror cometh. wjjen it cometh. Oh, it was a grievous thing that Christ suffered here ! 0 the greatness of this dolour that he suffer ed in the garden, partly to make amends for our sins, and partly to deliver us from death ; not so that we should not XUI.] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 225 die bodily, but that this death should' be a way to a better- life, and to destroy and overcome heU ! Our Saviour Christ had a garden, but he had httle pleasure in it.. You have many goodly gardens : I would you would in the midst of them consider what agony our Saviour Christ suffered in his garden.. A goodly meditation to have in your gardens ! a meditation It shaU occasion you to dehght no farther in vanities, but _""•<«"• to remember what he suffered for you. It may draw you from sin. It is a good monument, a good sign, a good moni tion, to consider how he behaved himself in this garden. WeU ; he saith to his disciples, " Sit here and pray with me." He went a httle way off, as it were a stone's cast from them, and faUeth to his prayer, and saith : Pater, si possibile est, transeat a me calix iste ; " Father, if it be pos sible, away with this bitter cup, this outrageous pain." Yet after he corrects himself, and says, Veruntamen non sicut ego volo, sed sicut tu vis ; " Not my wiU, but thy wiU be done, 0 Father." Here is a good meditation for christian men at aU times, and not only upon Good Friday. Let Good Friday be every day to a christian man, to know to Every day use his passion to that end and purpose ; not only to read Good f._- the story, but to take the fruit of it. Some men, if they christian had been in this agony, would have run themselves through with their swords, as Saul did : some would have hanged i sam. ixxi. themselves, as Achitophel did. Let us not foUow these men, 2Sam.xvii. they be no examples for us ; but let us follow Christ, which jn his agony resorted to his Father with his prayer. This must be our pattern to work by. Here I might dUate the matter as touching praying to we must 6 . /-,? ¦ pray to God, samts. Here we may learn not to pray to samts. Christ am™ot to bids us, Ora Patrem qui est in cozlis, " Pray to thy Father that is in heaven ;" to the Creator, and not to any creature. And therefore away with these avowries ' : let God alone be our avowry. What have we to do to. run hither or thither, but only to the Father of heaven ? I wUl not tarry to speak of this matter. Our Saviour Christ set his disciples in an order, and com manded them to watch and pray, saying, Vigilate et orate ; " Watch and pray." Whereto should they watch and pray ? He saith by and by, ne intretis in tentationem, "that ye P avowries, protectors — advoeria, protection, guardianship.] 15 [LATIMER.] 226 SEVENTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. why the dis- enter not into temptation." He bids them not pray that we ciples were * i commanded jje not tempted ; for that is as much to say, as to pray that we should be out of this world. There is no man in this world without temptation. In the time of prosperity we are tempted to wantonness, pleasures, and aU lightness; in time of adversity, to despair in God's goodness. Tempta- a difference tion never ceases. There is a difference between being being tempt- tempted, and entering into temptation. He bids therefore ed and enter- L ° -iii, teminwion no* *° Vra,7 *na* they be not tempted, but that they " enter not into temptation." To be tempted is no evU thing. For what is it ? No more than when the flesh, the devU and the world, doth solicit and move us against God. To give place to these suggestions, and to yield ourselves, and suffer us to be overcome of them, this is to enter into temptation. Our The apostles Saviour Christ knew that they should be grievously tempted, were warned . . temhtation an" therefore he gave them warning that they should not give place to temptation, nor despair at his death : and if they chanced to forsake him, or to run away, in case they tripped or swerved, yet to come again. But our Saviour Christ did not only command his disci ples to pray, but feU down upon his knees flat upon the Christ did ground, and prayed himself, saying, Pater, si fieri potest, pray in his ... , ° . , . . . agony. transeat a me calix iste ; " Father, dehver me of this pang and pain that I am in, this outrageous pain." This word, " Father," came even from the bowels of his heart, when he made his moan; as who should say, "Father, rid me ; I am in such pain that I can be in no greater ! Thou art my Father, I am thy Son. Can the Father forsake his son in such anguish?" Thus he made his moan. "Father, take away this horror of death from me ; rid me of this pain ; suffer me not to be taken when Judas comes ; suffer me not to be hanged on the cross ; suffer not my hands to be pierced with nailsj Christ shew- nor my heart with the sharp spear." A wonderful thing, eth himself a ,, , , . . , » n ,.¦,.. , InLoha've should so oft teU his disciples of it before, and now, mitfe that'" wnen ke cometh to the point, to desire to be rid of it, as man hath, though he would have been disobedient to the wiU of his Father. Afore he said, he came to suffer ; and now he says, away with this cup. Who would have thought that ever this gear should have come out of Christ's mouth ? What a case is this ! What should a man say ? You must understand, that Sh?nWm^u ^nrist to(HC uPon mm our infirmities, of the which this was XIII,j KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 227 one, to be sorry at death. Among the stipends of sin, this our innrmi- was one, to tremble at the cross: this is a punishment for sta.excei>t our sin. It goeth otherways with us than with Christ : if we were in like case, and in like agony, almost we would curse God, or rather wish that there were no God. This that he said was not of that sort ; it was referring the matter to the wiU of his Father. But we seek by aU means, be it right, be it wrong, of our own nature to be rid out of pain : he desired it conditionaUy, as it might stand with his Father's wiU ; add ing a veruntamen to it. So his request was to shew the infirmity of man. Here is now an example what we shaU do An example when we are in like case. He never deserved it, we have, wearetempt- He had a veruntamen, and notwithstanding1 : let us have so to. We must have a " nevertheless, thy wUl be done, and not mine : give me grace to be content, to submit my wUl unto thine." His fact teacheth us what to do. This is our when weare surgery, our physic, when we be in agony : and reckon upon wiuftVpic it, friends, we shaU come to it ; we shaU feel it at one time or use. another. What doth he now ? What came to pass now, when he had heard no voice, his Father was dumb ? He resorts to his friends, seeking some comfort at their hands. Seeing he had none at his Father's hand, he cometh to bis disciples, and finds them asleep. He spake unto Peter, and said, "Ah Peter, art thou asleep?" Peter before had bragged stoutly, as though he would have kUIed, (God have mercy upon his soul!) and now, when he should have comforted Christ, he was asleep. Not once buff nor baff to him : not a word. He was fain to say to his disciples, Vigilate et orate, " Watch and pray ; the watch and spirit is ready, but the flesh is weak :" he had never a word pray' of them again. They might at the least have said, " 0 Sir, remember yourself ; are you not Christ ? Came not you into this world to redeem sin ? Be of good cheer, be of good com fort: this sorrow wUl not help you; comfort yourself by your own preaching. You have said, Oportet Filium hominis pati, ' It behoveth the Son of man to suffer.' You have not deserved any thing, it is not your fault." Indeed, if they had done this with him, they had played a friendly part with him; but they gave him not so much as one comfortable word. P a notwithstanding, 1549.] 15—2 228 SEVENTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. We run to our friends in our distresses and agonies, as though we had aU our trust and confidence in them. He did not so ; he resorted to them, but trusted not in them. We wUl run to our friends, and come no more to God; he returned we shaii again. What ! Shall we not resort to our friends in time of fr"endsr need ? And, trow ye, we shaU not find them asleep ? Yes, I s eepmg. warrant T0U . an(j when we need their help most, we shaU not have it. But what shaU we do, when we shaU find lack in them ? We wiU cry out upon them, upbraid them, chide, brawl, fume, chafe, and backbite them. But Christ did not so; he excused his friends, saying, Vigilate et orate; spi-? ritus quidem promptus est, caro autem infirma: "0 ."quoth he, " watch and pray : I see weU the spirit is ready, but the flesh is weak." What meaneth this ? Surely it is a comfort able place. For as long as we hve in this world, when we be at the best, we have no more but promptitudinem spirit tus cum infirmitate carnis, the readiness of the spirit with the infirmity of the flesh. The very saints of God said, Rom. vu. Velle adest mihi, " My wiU is good, but I am not able to perform it." I have been with some, and fain they would; fain they would : there was readiness of spirit, but it would not be ; it grieved them that they could not take things as sTshteththere" they should do. The flesh resisteth the work of the Holy spmt. Ghost in our hearts, and lets it, lets it. We have to pray ever to God. 0 prayer, prayer ! that it might be used in this realm, as it ought to be of aU men, and speciaUy of ma gistrates, of counseUors, of great rulers; to pray, to pray that it would please God to put godly pohcies in their hearts! CalJ for assistance. I have heard say, when that good queen1 that is gone had ordained in her house daUy prayer both before" noon, and after noon, the admiral gets him out of the way, like a mole digging in the earth. He shah be Lot's wife to me as long as I live. He was, I heard say, a covetous man, a covetous man indeed2 : I would there were no more in England ! He was, I heard say, an ambitious3 man : I would there were no more in England ! He was, I heard say, a seditious4 man, a contemner of common prayer : I would there P Catherine Par, who married the lord admiral Seymour.] P He was a covetous man ; an horrible covetous man, 1549.] P He was an ambitious, 1549.] p He was a seditious, 1549.] XI11-] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 229 were no more in England ! WeU : he is gone5. I would he had left none behind him I Remember you, my lords, that you pray in your houses to the better mortification of your flesh. Remember, God must be honoured. I wUl you to pray, that God wUl continue his Spirit in you. I do not put you in comfort, that if ye have once the Spirit, ye cannot lose it. There be new spirits start up now of late6, that say, after we have received the Spirit, we cannot sin. I wiU make but one argument : St Paul had brought the Galatians to the profession of the faith, and left them in that state; they had received the Spirit once, but they sinned again, as he testified of them himself : he saith, Currebatis bene ; ye were once in a right state: and again, Recepistis Spiritum w.m_y ex operibus legis an ex justitia fidei ? Once they had the spirit, and Spirit by faith ; but false prophets came,, when he was wards- gone from them, and they plucked them clean away from aU that Paul had planted them in : and then said Paul unto them, O stulti Galati, quis vos fascinavit ? " 0 foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you ?" If this be true, we may lose the Spirit that we have once possessed. It is a fond thing : I will not tarry in it. But now to the passion again. Christ had been with his Father, and felt no help : he had been with his friends, and had no comfort: he had prayed twice, and was not heard : what did he now ? Did he give prayer over? No, he goeth again to his Father, and saith christ con- i ¦ 1-1 i •/> • _ -n -ii- tinuedin the same agam : " ]_ ather, it it be possible, away with this prayer. cup." Here is an example for us, although we be not heard at the first time, shaU we give over our prayer? Nay, we must to it again. 7[We must be importune upon God.] We must be instant in prayer. He prayed thrice, and was not heard; let us pray8 threescore times. Folks are very dull now-a-days in prayer, to come to sermons, to resort to com- Kome. -T7- - . . ... , keepers and mon prayer. You house-keepers, and especiaffy great men, great men give example of prayer in your houses. example of WeU ; did his Father look upon him this second time ? No, he went to his friends again, thinking to find some com- p He is gone, 1549.] [« The Familists, or followers of David George.] p Prom 1549.] p let us sinners pray, 1549.] 230 SEVENTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. fort there, but he finds them asleep again ; more deep asleep than ever they were : their eyes were heavy with sleep ; there was no comfort at aU ; they wist not what to say to him. A wonderful thing, how he was tost from post to piUar; one while to his Father, and was destitute at his hand ; another whUe to his friends, and found no comfort at them : his Father gave him looking on, and suffered him to bite upon the bridle awhUe. Almighty God beheld this bat tle, that he might enjoy the1 honour and glory; "that in his name all knees should bow, cozlestium, terrestrium et in- fernorum, in heaven, earth, and heU." This, that the Father would not hear his own Son, was another punishment due to our sin. When we cry unto him, he wiU not hear us. The prophet Jeremy saith, Clamabunt ad me et ego non exau- diam eos ; " They shaU cry unto me, and I wiU not hear them." These be Jeremy's words : here he threateneth to God punish- punish sin with not hearing their prayers. The prophet saith, hearing of " They have not had the fear of God before their eyes, nor our prayers. * ....... . . T have not regarded discipline and correction." I never saw, surely, so httle discipline as is now-a-days. Men wiU be masters ; they wUl be masters and no disciples. Alas, where People are is this discipline now in England? The people regard no hodnerst°r discipline; they be without all order. Where they should give place, they wUl not stir one inch : yea, where magis trates should determine matters, they will break into the place before they come, and at their coming not move a whit for them. Is this discipline ? Is this good order ? If a man say anything unto them, they regard it not. They that be called to answer, wiU not answer directly, but scoff the matter The more we out. Men the more they know, the worse thev be; it is know, the . . . . . . • » ' worse we be. truly said, scientia infiat, "knowledge maketh us proud, and causeth us to forget aU, and set away discipline." Surely in X'e^there P°Pei7 ^e7 had a reverence; but now we have none at aU. revereTce, I never saw the like. This same lack of the fear of God and but now none discipline in us was one 0f fl^ causes fl^ ^e Father would not hear his Son. This pain suffered our Saviour Christ for us, who never deserved it. 0, what it was that he suffered in this garden, tiU Judas came ! The dolours, the terrors, the why Christ sorrows that he suffered be unspeakable ! He suffered partly ga_deS.lhe to make amends for our sins» and partly to give us example, P that honour, 1549.] XIII'J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 231 what we should do in like case. What comes of this gear in the end? WeU; now he prayeth again, he resorteth to his Father again. Angore correptus prolixius orabat : he was in sorer pains, in more anguish than ever he was ; and therefore he prayeth longer, more ardently, more fervently, more vehe mently, than ever he did before. 0 Lord, what a wonderful thing is this! This horror of death is worse than death itself, and is more ugsome, 2[more bitter, than any bodUy death.] He prayeth now the third time. He did it so instantly, so Christ, prayed fervently, that it brought out a bloody sweat, and in such time and plenty, that it dropped down even to the ground. There wood. issued out of his precious body drops of blood. What a pain was he in, when these bloody drops fell so abundantly from him ! Yet for aU that, how unthankful do we shew ourselves ourunthank- toward him that died only for our sakes, and for the remedy ingratitude to of our sins ! 0 what blasphemy do we commit day by day ! died for us. what httle regard have we to his blessed passion, thus to swear by God's blood, by Christ's passion ! We have nothing in our pastime, but " God's blood," " God's wounds." We Blasphemous continually blaspheme his passion, in hawking, hunting, dicing, an our and carding. Who would think he should have such enemies among those that profess his name? What became of his blood that fell down, trow ye? Was the blood of Hales3 of The wood of . _ , Hales was it ? Wo worth it I What ado was there to bring this out fe*en °p<* o for a religious of the king's head ! This great abomination, of the blood of reIic- Hales, could not be taken a great while out of his mind. You that be of the court, and especiaUy ye ' sworn chap lains, beware of a lesson that a great man taught me at my first coming to the court : he told me for good-wiU ; he thought it weU. He said to me, "You must beware, howsoever ye do, that ye contrary not the king ; let him have his say- Ameeticsson ings; foUow him; go with him." Marry, out upon this coun- to ieam. sel ! ShaU I say as he says ? Say your conscience, or else what a worm shaU ye feel gnawing ; what a remorse of con science shaU ye have, when ye remember how ye have slacked p From 1549.] p A noted relic, kept in the abbey of Hales in Gloucestershire. It was said to be a portion of our Saviour's blood, but when examined it was found to be coloured honey. Hearne, Benedict. Abbat. Tom. n. pp. 751, &c] 232 SEVENTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. your duty ! It is a good wise verse, Gutta cavat lapidem non vi sed sape cadendo ; " The drop of rain maketh a hole a prince's in the stone, not by violence, but by oft falling." Likewise mind is to be . * . • ° notTolenti a prince must be turned ; not violently, but he must be won forced. j-y a little and a httle. He must have his duty told him ; but it must be done with humbleness, with request of pardon; or else it were a dangerous thing. Unpreaching prelates have been the cause, that the blood of Hales did so long blind the king. Wo worth that such an abominable thing should be in a christian realm! But thanks be to God, it was partly redressed in the king's days that dead is, and much more now. God grant good-wUl and power to go forward, if there be any such abomination behind, that it may be utterly rooted up ! 0 how happy are we, that it hath pleased Almighty God to vouchsafe that his Son should sweat blood for the redeem ing of our sins ! And, again, how unhappy are we, if we wiU not take it thankfuUy, that were redeemed so painfully ! Alas, what hard hearts have we ! Our Saviour Christ never sinned, and yet sweat he blood for our sins. We wiU not sinishom- once water our eyes with a few tears. What an horrible Die, and why, m ° thing is sin ; that no other thing would remedy and pay the ransom for it, but only the blood of our Saviour Christ! There was nothing to pacify the Father's wrath against man, but such an agony as he suffered. AU the passion of aU the martyrs that ever were, aU the sacrifices of patriarchs that ever were, all the good works that ever were done, were not able to remedy our sin, to make satisfaction for our sins, christs death nor anything besides, but this extreme passion and blood- 3T1CI passion _ X re™'de fonrly snec"hng of our most merciful Saviour Christ. our sm. But to (jraw toward an end. What became of this three fold prayer? At the length, it pleased God to hear his Son's prayer ; and sent him an angel to corroborate, to strengthen, to comfort him. Christ needed no angel's help, if he had hsted to ease himself with his deity. He was the Son of whychnst God : what then ? Forsomuch as he was man, he received l?Seiof comfort at the angel's hand ; as it accords to our infirmity. His obedience, his continuance, and suffering, so pleased the Note a com- Father of heaven, that for his Son's sake, be he never so prmrnjand great a sinner, leaving his sin, and repenting for the same> saying. he will owe him such favour as though he had never com- X1II0 KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 233 mitted any sin. The Father of heaven wUl not suffer him to be tempted with this great horror of death and heU to the uttermost, and above that he is able to bear. Look for it, my friends, by him and through him, we1 shaU be able to overcome it. Let us do as our Saviour Christ did, and we a lesson for shall have help from above, we shaU have angels' help : if temputfon? we trust in him, heaven and earth shaU give up, rather than we shaU lack help. He saith he is Adjutor in necessitatibus, " an helper in time of need." When the angel had comforted him, and when this horror of death was gone, he was so strong, that he offered himself to Judas ; and said, " I am he." To make an end : I pray you take pains : it is a day of penance, as we use to say, give me leave to make you weary this day. The Jews had him The horror of to Caiaphas and Annas, and there they whipped him, and thfagoSy beat him : they set a crown of sharp thorns upon his head, sustained in ,..,.. 11 . 'the garden, and naued him to a tree : yet all this was not so bitter, as ™««deth the . . . . other pains. this horror of death, and this agony that he suffered in the garden, in such a degree as is due to all the sins of the world, and not to one man's sins. Well ; this passion is our remedy ; it is the satisfaction for our sins. His soul descended to heU for a time. Here is much ado ! These new upstarting spirits say, " Christ never de scended into heU, neither body nor soul." In scorn they Againstsuch wiU ask, "Was he there? What did he there2?" What if S£t ydetat we cannot tell what he did there? The creed goeth no hen. further, but saith, he descended thither. What is that to us, if we cannot teU, seeing we were taught no further? Paul was taken up into the third heaven; ask likewise what he saw when he was carried thither? You shah not find in scripture, what he saw or what he did there; shaU we not, therefore, beheve that he was there ? These arrogant spirits, Arr„gant spirits of vain-glory, because they know not by any express tSn^iory. scripture the order of his doings in heU, they wiU not beheve that ever he descended into heU. Indeed this article hath p he, in most of the old editions.] P Thus Alexander Humes, in his controversy with Dr Adam Hyl], respecting this article of the Creed; "I pray you (good M. Hill) seeing you would have us undoubtedly believe that Christ descended into hell; tell us undoubtedly to what end he should descend thither?" Hyll, Defence of the Article, &c. p. 62. Lond. 1592.] 234 SEVENTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. not so full scripture, so many places and testimonies of scriptures, as others have ; yet it hath enough : it hath two or three texts ; and if it had but one, one text of scripture is of as good and lawful authority as a thousand, and of as certain truth. It is not to be weighed by the multitude of texts. I beheve as certainly and verily that this realm of England hath as good authority to hear God's word, as any nation in aU the world : it may be gathered by two texts : one of them is this; Ite in universum mundum, el prozdicate evangelium omni creaturai, " Go into the whole world, and preach the gospel to aU creatures." Again, Deus vult omnes homines salvos fieri, " God wiU have aU men to be saved." He excepts not the Enghshmen here, nor yet expressly nameth them; and yet I am as sure that this realm of England, by this gathering, is aUowed to hear God's word, as though Christ had said a thousand times, " Go preach to Enghshmen: I wUl that Englishmen be saved." Because this article of his descending into heU cannot be gathered so directly, so necessarily, so formaUy, they utterly deny it. This article hath scriptures two or three; enough for curious quiet minds : as for curious brains, nothing can content them. brains are ^ ... & This the devil's stirring up of such spirits of sedition is an evident argument that the hght is come forth ; for his word is abroad when the devil rusheth, when he roareth, when he stirreth up such busy spirits to slander it. My intent is not to entreat of this matter at this time. I trust the people wUl not be carried away with these new arrogant spirits. I doubt not, but good preachers wiU labour against them. But now I wiU say a word, and herein I protest first of all, not arrogantly to determine and define it : I wUl contend with no man for it ; I wUl not have it to be prejudice to any body, but I offer it unto you to consider and weigh it There be some great clerks1 that take my part, and I Bear with perceive not what evil can come of it, in saving, that our father Lati- 7. . /-ii • t i i . JO' "iacein'his saviour Christ did not only in soul descend into heU, but also that he suffered in heU such pains as the damned spirits did suffer there. Surely, I beheve verUy, for my part, that P The opinion here mentioned was maintained by Cardinal Nicho las de Cusa and other Komanists ; as also, by some of the continental reformers.] nevercontent XIII.] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 235 he suffered the pains of heU proportionably, as it corresponds and answers to the whole sin of the world. He would not suffer only bodUy in the garden and upon the cross, but also in his soul when it was from the body ; which was a pain due for our sin. Some write so, and I can beheve it, that he suffered in the very place, and I cannot tell what it is, caU it what ye wiU, even in the scalding-house, in the ugsome- ness of the place, in the presence of the place, such pain as our capacity cannot attain unto : it is somewhat declared unto us, when we utter it by these effects, " by fire, by Fire, gnash- gnashing of teeth, by the worm that gnaweth on the con- SI worm of ,, -rr-, , .... . . i conscience, science. Whatsoever the pain is, it is a great pain that hearet.m>' uttenngto Suffered for US. usthepamsof hell. I see no inconvenience to say, that Christ suffered in soul in heU. I singularly commend the exceeding great charity of Christ, that for our sakes would suffer in heU in his soul. It sets out the unspeakable hatred that God hath to sin. I perceive not that it doth derogate any thing from the dignity of Christ's death; as in the garden, when he suffered, it derogates nothing from that he suffered on the cross. Scripture speaketh on this fashion : Qui credit in me habet vitam ozternam; "He that believeth in me, hath life ever- The peculiar lasting." Here he sets forth faith as the cause of our justi- manner of fication ; in other places, as high commendation is given to j*g/j£?]jU£[j works: and yet, are the works any derogation from that dignity of faith ? No. And again, scripture saith, Traditus est propter peccata nostra, et exsuscitatus propter justifi- ¦cationem, &c. It attributeth here our justification to his christ resurrection; and doth this derogate any thing from his j"J™J"™™s death? Not a whit. It is whole Christ. What with his nativity ; what with his circumcision ; what with his incarna tion and the whole process of his life; with his preaching; what with his ascending, descending; what with his death; it is aU Christ that worketh our salvation. He sitteth on the right hand of the Father, and aU for us. All this is the work of our salvation. I would be as loth to derogate any thing from Christ's death, as the best of you aU. How inestimably are we bound to him ! What thanks ought we to give him for it! We must have this continually in remem brance : Propter te morti tradimur tota die, " For thee we are in dying continually." The hfe of a christian man 236 SEVENTH SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. is nothing but a readiness to die, and a remembrance of death. '_ If this that I have spoken of Christ's suffering in the garden, and in heU, derogate any thing from Christ's death and passion, away with it; beheve me not in. this. If it do not, it commends and sets forth very weU unto us the per fection of the satisfaction that Christ made for us, and the work of redemption, not only before witness in this world, but in hell, in that ugsome place ; where whether he suffered or wrestled with the spirits, or comforted Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, I wiU not desire to know. If ye like not that which I have spoken of his suffering, let it go, I wUl not strive in it : I wUl be prejudice to no body ; weigh it as ye list. I do but offer it you to consider. It is hke, his soul did somewhat the three days that his body lay in the grave. To say, he suf fered in heU for us, derogates nothing from his death : for all things that Christ did before his suffering on the cross, and after, do work our salvation. If he had not been incar- christwas nate, he had not died : he was beneficial to us with all things us in an his he did. Christian people should have his suffering for them doings. . x A ° in remembrance. Let your gardens monish you, your pleasant gardens, what Christ suffered for you in the garden, and what commodity you have by his suffering. It is his wiU ye should so do ; he would be had in remembrance. Mix your pleasures with the remembrance of his bitter passion; The whole passion is satisfaction for our sins ; and not the bare •death, considering it so nakedly by itself. The manner of speaking of scripture is to be considered. It attributeth our salvation now to one thing, now to another that Christ did; where indeed it pertained to aU. Our Saviour Christ hath The Messed left behind him a remembrance of his passion, the blessed communion , * isaremem- communion, the celebration of the Lord's Supper: alack! communion is a remen brancc of Christ'spassion. ' !i ! ' it hath been long abused, as the sacrifices were before in the old law. The patriarchs used sacrifice in the faith of the Seed of the woman, which should break the serpent's head. The patriarchs sacrificed on hope, and afterward the work was esteemed. There come other after, and they consider not the faith of Abraham and the patriarchs, but do their sacrifice according to their own imagination: even so came The usage of it to pass with our blessed communion. In the primitive the primitive .... . ...... r church in the church, in places when then iriends were dead, they used to XIII-J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 23^ come together to the holy communion1. What! to remedy receiving of them that were dead? No, no, a straw; it was instituted nion at the „ ¦ ' burial of the tor no such purpose. But then they would caU to remem- dead- brance God's goodness, and his passion that he suffered for us, wherein they comforted much their faith. Others came afterward, and set up all these kinds of Massing was massing, all these kinds of iniquity. What an abomination abomination t « . . that ever was. is it, the foulest that ever was, to attribute to man's work our salvation! God be. thanked that we have this blessed communion set forth so now, that we may comfort, increase, and fortify our faith at that blessed celebration! If he be guUty of the body of Christ, that takes it unworthily ; he fetcheth great comfort at it, that eats it worthUy. He doth eat it worthUy, that doth eat it in faith. In faith ? in what faith? Not long ago a great man said in an audience, "They a great man babble much of faith ; I wUl go he with my whore all night, knew other and have as good a faith as the best of them aU." I think whore- ° # p mongers he never knew other but the whoremonger's faith. It is no faith- such faith that will serve. It is no bribing judge's or justice's faith; no rent-raiser's faith; no whoremonger's faith; no lease-monger's faith ; nor no seller of benefices' faith ; but the faith in the passion of our Saviour Christ. We must what faith will scrvs. beheve that our Saviour Christ hath taken us again to his favour, that he hath delivered us his own body and blood, to plead with the devU, and by merit of his own passion, of his own mere liberality. This is the faith, I tell you, that we must come to the communion with, and not the whore monger's faith. Look where remission of sin is, there is acknowledging of sin also. Faith is a noble duchess, she Faith is a . . , i p i .1 noble gentle- hath ever her gentleman-usher going before her, — the con- woman^at fessing of sins: she hath a train after her, — the fruits ofgenueman- good works, the walking in the commandments of God. He ^Ter^in that beheveth wiU not be idle, he wUl walk; he wiU do his after her- business. Have ever the gentleman-usher with you. So if [i Bingham, Antiquit. Book xxm. ch. 3. 12. In the first Prayer Book of Edward YI., the third part of the Burial Service consisted of "The celebration of the Holy Communion when there is a burial of the dead." This, though omitted at the revision of the Prayer Book in 1552, was yet incorporated into the Latin Prayer published, chiefly for the use of the Universities and public Schools, in the second year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth.] 238 . SEVENTH SERMON, &C [sERM. XIII.] ye will try faith, remember this rule, — consider whether the' train be waiting upon her. If you have another faith than The true trial this, a whoremonger's faith, you are hke to go to the scald ing-house, and there you shaU have two dishes, weeping and gnashing of teeth. Much good do it you ! you see your fare. If ye will believe and acknowledge your sins, you shaU come to the blessed communion of the bitter passion of Christ worthily, and so attain to everlasting life : to the which the Father of heaven bring you and me ! Amen. A MOST FAITHFUL SERMON PREACHED BEFORE THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY AND HIS MOST HONOURABLE COUNCIL, IN HIS COURT AT WESTMINSTER, BY THE REVEREND FA THER MASTER HUGH LATIMER, [IN LENT] ANNO DOMINI, 1550. [LUKE XII. 15.] Videte et cavete ab avaritia. Take heed and beware of covetousness. " Take heed and beware of covetousness." — " Take heed and beware of covetousness." — "Take heed and beware of covetousness." And what and if I should say nothing else these three or four hours (for I know it wiU be so long, in case I be not commanded to the contrary) but these words, " Take heed and beware of covetousness ?" It would be thought a strange sermon before a king, to say nothing else a strange but Cavete ab avaritia, "Beware of covetousness." And yet se" as strange as it is, it would be like the sermon of Jonas, that he preached to the Ninivites ; as touching the shortness, and as touching the paucity or fewness of the words. For his jonas- sermon was, Adhuc quadraginta dies, et Ninive subvertetur; andpithy.01 " There is yet forty days to come, and Ninive shall be destroyed." Thus he walked from street to street, and from place to place round about the city, and said nothing else but, " There is yet forty days," quoth he, " and Ninive shall be destroyed." There is no great odds nor difference, at the least-wise in the number of words, no nor yet in the sense or meaning, between these two sermons, "There is yet forty days, and Ninive shall be destroyed;" and these words that I have taken to speak of this day : " Take heed, and beware of covetousness." For Ninive should be destroy ed for sin, and of their sins covetousness was one, and one of the greatest ; so that it is all one in effect. And as they be like concerning the shortness, the paucity of words, the 240 LAST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [SERM. The fruit of Jonas'sermon. Jonas' sermon was not curious. Jonas'sermon was nipping. Ninive con verted at Jonas' preaching : England slandereth their good preachers. brevity of words, and also the meaning and purpose ; so I would they might be like in fruit and profit. For what came of Jonas's sermon? What was the fruit of it? Ad prmdicationem Jonoz crediderunt Deo; " At the preaching of Jonas they beheved God." Here was a great fruit, a great effect wrought. What is the same ? " They beheved God." They beheved God's preacher, God's officer, God's minister, Jonas ; and were converted from their sin. They beheved that, as the preacher said, if they did not repent and amend their life, the city should be destroyed within forty days. This was a great fruit : for Jonas was but one man, and he preached but one sermon, and it was but a short sermon neither, as touching the number of words; and yet he turned all the whole city great and smaU, rich and poor, king and all. We be many preachers here in England, and we preach many long sermons, yet the people wUl not repent nor con vert. This was the fruit, the effect, and the good that his sermon did, that all the whole city at his preaching con verted, and amended their evU hving ; and did penance in sack-cloth. And yet here in this sermon of Jonas is no great curiousness, no great clerkliness, no great affectation of words, nor of painted eloquence ; it was none other but, Adhuc quadraginta dies, et Ninive subvertetur, " Tet forty days, et Ninive subvertetur, and Ninive shall be destroyed:" it was no more. This was no great curious sermon, but this was a nipping sermon, a pinching sermon, a biting sermon; it had a full bite, it was a nipping sermon, a rough sermon, and a sharp biting sermon. Do you not here marvel that these Ninivites cast not Jonas in prison ; that they did not revUe him, and rebuke him? They did not revUe him, nor rebuke him ; but God gave them grace to hear him, and to convert and amend at this preaching. A strange matter, so noble a city to give place to one man's sermon! Now England cannot abide this gear ; they cannot be content to hear God's minister, and his threatening for their sin, though the sermon be never so good, though it be never so true. It is, a naughty feUow, a seditious fellow ; he maketh trouble and rebellion in the realm; he lacketh discretion. But the Ninivites rebuked not Jonas that he lacked discretion, or that he spake out of time, that his sermon was out of season XIV.] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 241 made : but in England, if God's preacher, God's minister, be any thing quick, or do speak sharply, then he is a foohsh feUow, he is rash, he lacketh discretion. Now-a-days if they cannot reprove the doctrine that is preached, then they wUl reprove the preacher, that he lacketh due consideration of the times ; and that he is of learning sufficient, but he wanteth discretion." "What a time is this, picked out to preach such things ! He should have a respect and a regard to the time, and to the state of things, and of the common weal." It rejoiceth me sometimes, when my friend cometh a sign of and teUeth me that they find fault with my discretion; for by likelihood, think I, the doctrine is true : for if they could find fault with the doctrine, they would not charge me with the lack of discretion ; but they would charge me with my doctrine, and not with the lack of discretion, ,or with the inconveniency of the time. I wUl now ask you a question : I pray you, when should Jonas have preached against the covetousness of Ninive, if the covetous men should have appointed him his time? I know that preachers ought to have a discretion in their preaching, and that they ought to have a consideration and respect to the place and the time preachers that he preacheth in ; as I myself wiU say here that I would tmeand not say in the country for no good. But what then? Sin must be rebuked ; sin must be plainly spoken against. And when should Jonas have preached against Ninive, if he should have forborne for the respects of the times, or the place, or the state of things there ? For what was Ninive ? A noble, a rich, and a wealthy city. What is London to Ninive ? London but Like a vUlage, as Islington, or such another, in comparison™^™ of London. Such a city was Ninive, it was three days' journey to go through every street of it, and to go but from street to street. There were noblemen, rich men, wealthy men; there were vicious men, and covetous men, and men that gave themselves to aU voluptuous hving, and to worldhness of getting riches. Was this a time weU chosen and discreetly taken of Jonas, to come and reprove them of their sin; to declare unto them the threatenings of God; and to tell them of their covetousness; and to say plainly unto them, that except they repented and amended their evU hving, they and. their city should be destroyed of God's hand within forty days? And yet they heard Jonas and 16 [latimer.] 242 LAST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. gave place to his preaching. They heard the threatenings Ninive at the of God, and feared his stroke and vengeance, and beheved G°d^fodred ^°^: that *s> *ney believed. God's preacher and minister; they beheved that God would be true of his word that he spake by the mouth of his prophet, and thereupon did penance, to turn away the wrath of God from them. Well, what shaU we say ? I wiU say this, and not spare : Christ saith, Ninive shaU arise against the Jews at the last day, and bear witness against them; because that they, hearing God's threatening for sin, ad prozdicationem Jonoz in dnere et sacco egerunt poznitentiam, " They did penance at the preaching of Jonas in ashes and sackcloth," (as the text saith Sve£n_t there :) and I say, Ninive shaU arise against England, thou England. England ; Ninive shaU arise against England, because it wiU not beheve God, nor hear his preachers that cry daUy unto them, nor amend their hves, and especiaUy their covetousness. Covetousness is as great a sin now as it was then; and it is the same sin now it was then : and he wUl as sure strike for sin now, as he did then. God give* But ah, good God, that would give them a time of time of re- J ° . . , $.. , , pentance repentance after his threatenings ! 1 nst, to see whether destroyeth. ^ey would amend or not, or he would destroy them. For even from the beginning of the world they feU to sin. The first age from Adam, which was about two thousand years, they feU ever to sin, and they had preachers, Noe and Enoch, and other holy fathers. And in that time a great multiplication was that grew in two thousand years; for that scripture saith, "The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair, and they took them wives from among aU that they had chosen." This is a long matter to sons of God speak of aU. But what meaneth this, "the sons of God saw ofmean,whatthe daughters of men?" Who were these sons of God? The they were. ° sons of God were those that came of the good men, of the good preachers, of the holy fathers, that were God's men; as they that came of Seth and Enos, that were good men, and of others. For our grandmother Eve, when Cain had kUIed Abel, and when she had another son by Adam, who was called Seth, what did she? She gave thanks to God for him, and acknowledged that God it was which had given him unto her ; for she said, Dedit mihi Deus semen pro Abel quem ocddit Cain: "God," said she, "hath given me another _ was a XlV0 KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 243 seed instead of Abel whom Cain slew." Here is a long matter to talk on. Some will say, Was this a natural mother, was this naturaUy done, to pubhsh the sin of her own son? What needed she to speak of that matter, or to make any rehearsal of that matter, to open the sin of her son? What needed she this to do? Yes, she was now a good woman: when she beheved the serpent, she was not Eve , good. But now she had repented that deed, and had taken smd wom,n' hold of the promise of God, that there should come of her a seed that should tread down and destroy the head of the serpent. She had taken hold of this promise, and was now a good woman, and a godly woman; she opened the fault of her son, and hid it not. Here could I say somewhat to them, if I would, that spake so much against me for my preaching here the last year. But to return to Eve, and declare that the sons of God are to be understood those Who be the that came of good men, as of Seth and Enos, and the samesonsofGcd' good part of generation. And the daughters of men are to be understood of them that came of Cain and of his seed : and therefore our grandmother Eve bade beware of marrying with Cain's seed, for fear of falling from God to wickedness thereby. And here I would say a thing to your Majesty : I shaU speak it of good wUl to your highness : I would I were able to do your Grace good service in any thing, ye should be sure to have it. But I wiU say this : for God's love beware where you marry; choose your wife in a faithful stock. Beware of this worldly pohcy ; marry in God : marry not for the great respect of alliance, for thereof cometh aU these evUs of breaking of wedlock, which is among princes and noblemen. And here I would be a suitor unto your majesty; for I come now rather to be a suitor and a petitioner, than a preacher ; for I come now to take my leave, and to take my ultimum vale, at leastwise in this place ; for I have not m. Latimer. long to hve, so that I think I shaU never come here into this vaiemum place again; and therefore I wiU ask a petition of your highness. For the love of God, take an order for marriages here in England. For here is marriage for pleasure and voluptuousness, and for goods; and so that they may join land to land, and possessions to possessions : they care for no more here in England. And that is the cause of so much 16—2 244 LAST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE Ts Use God's remedy against adultery.A law that adulterymight be punished with death. Lechery a great sin. adultery, and so much breach of wedlock in the noblemen and gentlemen, and so much divorcing. And it is not now in the noblemen only, but it is come now to the inferior sort1. Every man, if he have but a smaU cause, wUl cast off his old wife, and take a new, and wUl marry again at his pleasure; and there be many that have so done. I would therefore wish that there were a law provided in this behalf for adulterers, and that adultery should be punished with death; and that might be a remedy for aU this matter. There would not be then so much adultery, whoredom, and leohery in England as there is. For the love of God take heed to it, and see a remedy provided for it. I would wish that adultery should be punished with death; and that the woman being an offender, if her husband would be a suitor for her, she should be pardoned for the first time, but not for the second time : and the man, being an offender, should be pardoned if his wife be a suitor for him the first time, but not for the second time, if he offend twice. If this law were made, there would not be so much adultery nor lechery used in the realm as there is. WeU, I trust once yet, as old as I am, to see the day that lechery shaU be punished: it was never more need, for there was never more lechery used in England than2 is at this day, and maintained. It is made but a laughing matter, and a trifle ; but3 it is a sad matter, and an earnest matter; for lechery is a great sin: Sodome and Gomorre was destroyed for it. And it was one of the sins reigning in Ninive, for which it should have been de stroyed. But think you that lechery was alone ? No, no, f1 Sir Thomas More long before this, in the year 1528, observed with respect to the state of things in Henry VIH.'s reign: "We se ...not onely the rich but the pore also, kepe open quenes, and hve in open advoutry, without paiment or penaunce or anythyng almost ones sayd unto them.'' Works, p. 249. E. Dr Legh also, writing to Lord Cromwell to state that he had visited the "archdeaconry of Coventry, Stafford, Derby and part of Cheshire," observes, "certen of the knyghtes and gentilmen, and most commonly all, lyvythe so incontinently, havyng ther concubynes openly in ther howses, with v or vj of their children, putting from them their wyfes, that aU the contrey therwith be not a httle offendyd, and takithe evyll example of theym." Letters relating to Suppress, of Monast. p. 243. See also Homily against Adultery, Part 2, sub fin.] [2 as there is, 1562.] [3 and it is, 1562, 1571.] XIV.] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 245 covetousness was joined with it4. Covetousness foUoweth lechery, and commonly they go together. For why ? They that be given to voluptuousness, and to. the vice of lechery, one sin _. i i • , i . ... . . , waiteth upon must nave wherewith to maintain it; and that must be another. gotten by covetousness. For at the first when men feU to sin, and chiefly to lechery, wherefore the world should be destroyed, the book saith, " There were giants in the earth in those days : and after that the sons of God had come to what giants the daughters of men, and there had engendered with them, the same became mighty men of the world, and men of renown," &c. This is covetousness; for the book saith, Terra erat repleta iniquitate, " The earth was replete with iniquity ;" for they oppressed the poor. They made them slaves, peasants, vUlains, and bond-men unto them. These were giants, so caUed of the property of giants, for they oppress the weak, and take from them what they list by force, violence, and oppression. They were giants of the property of giants, not that they were greater men of stature and strength of body than other men were. For certain writers speaking of this matter say, that they were giants for their cruelty and covetous oppression, and not in stature or procerity of body. For there is no reason why Seth's chUdren could beget on Cain's daughters greater men than others were in stature of body. But they were giants in the property of giants, for oppressing of others by force and violence. And this was covetousness, wherewith God was covetousness iiiiii i caused God so displeased, that he repented that he had made men, and to repent. resolved utterly to destroy the world ; and so caUed to Noe, and told him of it. " And I wUl not dispute the matter with This speech IS JlftCT t-16 them," saith God, "from day to day, and never the near; but manner of if they wiU not amend within an hundred and twenty years, I shall bring in an universal flood over their ears, and de stroy them aU." This was preached by Noe to them ; and so that God of his goodness, patience, and long-sufferance, gave them a time to repent and amend after his threatenings, because they should see their evU doings, and return to God. So they had an hundred and twenty years to repent. This Noe was laughed to scorn; they, like dodipoles5, laughed Noe was O tl " laughed to this godly father to scorn. sc°™- [4 Covetousness was joined with it, from 1562.] [» In our old drama we meet with "Doctor Dodepole" as the 246 LAST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. Well, ye think httle of the history : if ye will know the meaning of it, it is a great shew what anger God hath to sin. But how long time hast thou, England, thou England? I cannot tell, for God hath not revealed it unto me ; if he had, so God help me, I would tell you of it; I would not be afraid, nor spare to tell it you, for the good-wUl I bear you : but I cannot teU how long time ye have, for God hath not God's lenity opened it unto me. But I can teU you, that this lenity, this should pro- . - , . iiiv p t • t l ii vokeusto long forbearing and holding of his hand, provoketh us to repentance. ° ° ° r repent and amend. And I can teU, that whosoever con- temneth this riches and treasure of God's goodness, of his mercy, his patience and long-suffering, shall have the more grievous condemnation. This I can teU weU enough ; Paul teUeth me this : and I can teU that ye have time to repent as long as you hve here in this world ; but after this life I can make no warrant of any further time to repent. There- Repentance fore repent and amend wlhle ye be here ; for when ye are must be in x " " this life. gone hence, ye are past that. But how long that shaU be, whether to-morrow or the next day, or twenty years, or how England hath long, I cannot teU. But in the mean time ye have many preach jonas' Jonases to teU you of your faults, and to declare unto you God's threatenings, except ye repent and amend. Therefore, to return to my matter, I say as I said at the beginning, Videte et cavete ab avaritia. Videte, "see it:" first see it, and then amend it. For I promise you, great complaint there is of it, and much crying out, and much preaching, but none amendment that I see. But cavete ab avaritia, " Beware of covetousness." And why of covetous ness? Quia radix est omnium malorum avaritia et cupidi- covetousness tas, " For covetousness is the root of aU evU and of aU is the root of . . . aii mischief, mischief, lhis saying of Paul took me away from the gospel that is read in the church this day, and it took me from the epistle, that I would preach upon neither of them both at this time. I cannot tell what aUed me ; but (to teU you my imperfection) when I was appointed to preach here, I was new come out of a sickness, whereof I looked to have died, and weak I was: yet nevertheless, when I was ap pointed unto it, I took it upon me, howbeit I repented after ward that I had so done. I was displeased with myself: I representative of folly. Warton, Hist, of English Poetry, iv. p. 304. Lond. 1824.] XIV'J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 247 was testy, as Jonas was when he should go preach to the Ninivites. WeU, I looked on the gospel that is read this day : but1 it liked me not. I looked on the epistle : tush, I could not away with that neither. And yet I remember I had preached upon this epistle once afore king Henry the Eighth ; but now I could not frame with it, nor it liked me not in no sauce. WeU, this saying of Paul came into my mind, and at last I considered and weighed the matter deeply, and then thought I thus with myself: Is covetousness the root of aU mischief and of aU evil ? Then have at the root, and down with aU covetousness. So this place of Paul brought me to this text of Luke, " See and beware of covetousness." Therefore, you preachers, out with your swords and strike at the root. Speak against covetousness, and cry out upon it. Stand not ticking and toying at the branches nor at the boughs, for then there wUl new boughs and branches spring again of them ; but strike at the root, and fear not preachers these giants of England, these great men and men of power, ™the roofof these men that are oppressors of the poor ; fear them not, a but strike at the root of aU evil, which is mischievous covet ousness. For covetousness is the cause of rebeUion. I have forgotten my logic, but yet I can jumble at a syUogism, and make an argument of it, to prove it by2. Covetousness is the root of aU evU : rebeUion is an evU: ergo, covetousness is the root of rebeUion. And so it was indeed. Covetousness was the cause of rebelhon this last summer3 ; and both parties had The cause of covetousness, as weU the gentlemen as the commons. Both covetousness. parties had covetousness, for both parties had an inordinate desire to have that they had not : and that is covetousness, an inordinate desire to have that one hath not. The commons would have had from the gentlemen such things as they desired: the gentlemen would none of it; and so was there covetousness on both sides. The commons thought they had a right to the things that they inordinately sought to have. But what then ? They must not come to it that way. Now on the other side, the gentlemen had a desire to keep that they had, and so they rebelled too against the king's commandment, and against such good order as he [! tut, 1562, 1571.] P to prove that, 1584, 1607.] p The rebellions in Norfolk and Devon. Carte, Hist, of England, m. pp. 233, &c] 248 LAST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. and his councU would have set in the reahn. And thus both parties had covetousness, and both parties did rebel. I heard say that there were godly ordinances devised for the redress of it. But the giants would none of it in no sauce. I remem ber mine ownself a certain giant, a great man, who sat in commission about such matters; and when the townsmen The frowning should bring in what had been inclosed, he frowned and chafed, and so near looked, and threatened the poor men, that they durst not ask their right. I read of late in an Act of Parliament1 ; and this act made mention of an Act that was in king Henry's days, the third I trow it was; yea, and such another business there was in king Edward's time, the second2 also. In this Parliament that I speak of, the gentlemen and the commons were at variance, as they were now of late. And there the gentle men that were landlords would needs have away much lands from their tenants ; and would needs have an Act of Parha ment, that it might be lawful for them to inclose and make several from their tenants, and from the commons, such por tions of their lands as they thought good. Much ado there was about this Act: at last it was concluded and granted that they might so do ; provided alway, that they should leave sufficient to the tenant3. WeU ; it was weU that they were commons bound to leave sufficient for them. But who should be the provided for pLu™e°nt. Judge to linoit what was sufficient for them ? Or who shah now judge what is sufficient ? WeU ; I for my part cannot teU what is sufficient. But methought it was weU that the tenants and poor commons should have sufficient. For if they had sufficient, thought I, they had cause to be quiet. And then feU I to make this argument within myself : if at that time it were put in their wUl and power that they might inclose, leaving to the tenant that were sufficient for him ; if they had it then in their power, thought I, that they might this do, they would leave no more than sufficient. If they P "An Act concerning the improvement of commons and waste grounds," 3 and 4 Edw. VI. c. 3. This act recites the 20 Hen. in. c. 4, and Stat. Westm. 2, 13 Edw. I. stat. 1. c. 46.] P The first. See the preceding note.] P Well; it was well that they should leave sufficient to the tenant. Well; it was well, &c. 1584, 1607. But 1562 and 1571 read as in the text.] XIV.] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 249 left to the tenants and poor commons no more in those days but sufficient ; then if they had any more taken from them since that time, then had they now not sufficient. They in Christ are equal with you. Peers of the realm must needs be. The poorest ploughman is in Christ equal ah are equal with the greatest prince that is. Let them, therefore, have sufficient to maintain them, and to find them their necessaries. A plough-land must have sheep ; yea, they must have sheep to dung their ground for bearing of corn ; for. if they have no sheep to help to fat the ground, they shall have but bare corn and thin. They must have swine for their food, to Thepiough- make their veneries4 or bacon of : their bacon is their veni- is requisite for Mm. son, for they shaU now have hangum tuum, if they get any other venison ; so that bacon is their necessary meat to feed on, which they may not lack. They must have other cattle : as horses to draw their plough, and for carriage of things to the markets ; and kine for their milk and cheese, which they must hve upon and pay their rents. These cattle must have pasture, which pasture if they lack, the rest must needs faU them : and pasture they cannot have, if the land be taken in, and inclosed from them. So, as I said, there was in both parts rebeUion. Therefore, for God's love, restore their suf- a good ficient unto them, and search no more what is the cause of rebeUion. But see and " beware of covetousness ;" for covet ousness is the cause of rebeUion. WeU now, if covetousness be the cause of rebelhon, then preaching against covetousness is not the cause of rebeUion. Some say, that the preaching now-a-days is the cause of aU sedition and rebeUion: for since this new preaching hath come in, there hath been much sedi tion; and therefore it must needs be that the preaching is the cause of rebeUion here in England. Forsooth, our preach- preaching i i«i /-ii • _.i isnocause mg is the cause of rebelhon, much hke as Ohnst was the of rebellion. cause of the destruction of Jerusalem. For, saith Christ, Si non venissem et locutus fuissem eis, peccatum non haberent, &c. " If I had not come," saith Christ, "and spoken to them, they should have no sin." So we preachers have come and spoken to you : we have drawn our swords of God's word, and stricken at the roots of all evU to have them cut down ; and if ye wiU not amend, what can we do more? And preach- [* Venaria, animalia qua. in silvis venatu capiuntur [Angl. Game] ex Gallico Venerie. Du Cange, in verb.] 250 LAST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. ing is the cause of sedition here in England, much hke as Eiiasatrue Elias was the cause of trouble in Israel ; for he was a preacher i. r£__clicr there, and told the people of aU degrees their faults, and so they winced and kicked at him, and accused him to Achab the king, that he was a seditious fellow, and a troublous preacher, and made much uproar in the realm. So the king sent for him, and he was brought to Achab the king, who said unto him, "Art thou he that troubleth aU Israel ?" And Elias answered, and said, " Nay, thou and thy father's house are they that trouble aU Israel." Ehas had preached God's word; he had plainly told the people of their evil doings; he had shewed them God's threatenings. In God's behalf I Emperors speak : there is neither king, nor emperor, be they never in a_esub.fctto so great estate, but they are subject to God's word; and Achab and' therefore he was not afraid to say to Achab, " It is thou and his father's in J0"?. .. n thy father's house that causeth aU the trouble in Israel." troubled all *i Israel. ^/aS no£ ^s presumptuously spoken to a king? Was not this a seditious feUow? Was not this feUow's preaching a cause of aU the trouble in Israel? Was he not worthy to be cast in Bocardo1 or Little-ease2? No, but he had used God's sword, which is bis word, and done nothing else that was evU ; but they could not abide it. He never disobeyed Achab dis- Achab's sword, which was the regal power : but Achab dis- word of God. obeyed his sword, which was the word of God. And there fore by the punishment of God much trouble arose in the realm for the sins of Achab and the people. But God's preacher, God's prophet, was not the cause of the trouble. Then is it not we preachers that trouble England. But here is now an argument to prove the matter against • the preachers. ' Here was preaching against covetousness aU the last year in Lent, and the next summer foUowed re bellion ; ergo, preaching against covetousness was the cause of the rebellion. A goodly argument ! Here now I remem ber an argument of Master More's, which he bringeth in a p A well-known prison in Oxford. Ridley's Works, Park. Soc. Edit. p. 359.] p A term by which a kind of pillory was usually described. The term, however, was also familiarly applied to any prison of narrow di mensions. "Locus... adeo angustus, ut in eo nee stare, nee sedere, nee jacere liceat." Theatrum Crudelit. Hseret. p. 72. Antverp. 1592. Foxe, Acts and Mon. n. 194. edit. 1684.] XIV-J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 251 book that he made against Bilney3 : and here by the way I wUl teU you a merry toy. Master More was once1 sent in commission into Kent, to help to try out, if it might be, what was the cause of Goodwin sands, and the shelf that stopped up Sandwich haven. Thither cometh Master More, and caUeth the country afore him, such as were thought to be men of experience, and men that could of likelihood best certify him of that matter concerning the stopping of Sand wich haven. Among others came in before him an old man, with a white head, and one that was thought to be httle less than an hundred years old. When Master More saw this aged man, he thought it expedient to hear him say his mind in this matter ; for, being so old a man, it was likely that he knew most of any man in that presence and company. So Master More called this old aged man unto him, and said : " Father," said he, " teU me, if ye can, what is the cause of this great arising of the sands and shelves here about this haven, the which stop it up that no ships can arrive here ? Ye are the eldest man that I can espy in all this company, so that if any man can tell any cause of it, ye of likelihood can say most in it ; or at leastwise more than any other man here assembled." "Tea, forsooth, good master," quoth this old man, " for I am weU nigh an hundred years old, and no man here in this company any thing near unto mine age." " WeU then," quoth Master More, " how say you in this matter? What think ye to be the cause of these shelves and flats that stop up Sandwich haven?" "Forsooth, sir," quoth he, " I am an old man ; I think that Tenterton steeple is the cause of Goodwin sands. For I am an old man, sir," quoth he, " and I may remember the budding of Tenterton steeple ; and I may remember when there was no steeple at aU there. And before that Tenterton steeple was in build- Tenterton ¦*¦ _ steeple ing, there was no manner of speakmg of any flats or sands *^y_jfch that stopped the haven ; and therefore I think that Tenterton haven- steeple is the cause of the destroying and decay of Sandwich haven." And even so, to my purpose, is preaching of God's p Tyndale.] [* Sir Thomas More does not say that he was sent to inquire into the cause of Goodwin sands, but that the inquiry was conducted by " divers men of worshippe." " Dialogue concernynge Heresyes," Book IV. c. 14, Works, p. 277, H. where the story is told.] 252 LAST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. word the cause of rebellion, as Tenterton steeple was cause Sandwich haven is decayed. And is not this a gay matter, that such should be taken for great wise men that wiU thus reason against the preacher of God's word ? But here I would take an occasion by the way of a digression to speak somewhat to my sisters, the women, to do them some good too ; because I would do &U folks good if I could, before I take my ultimum vale, at leastwise here of this place : for I think I shaU no more come here ; for I think I have not long to hve ; so that I judge I take my leave now of the court for ever, and shaU no more come in jesabeia this place. Achab was a king, but Jesabel, Jesabel, she Derilous woman. was the perUous woman. She would rule her husband, the king ; she would bear a stroke in all things, and she would order matters as pleased her. And so wUl many women do ; they wiU rule their husbands, and do aU things after their own minds. They do therein against the order by God appointed them : they break their injunction that God gave unto them. Yea, it is now come to the lower sort, to mean men's wives ; they wUl rule and apparel themselves gorge ously, and some of them far above their degrees, whether their husbands wUl or no. But they break their injunction, God's miunc- and do therein contrary to God's ordinance. God saith, tion maketh «* *Ttothe_r" Subdita eris sub potestate viri ; " Thou shalt be subject Llanos, under the power of thy husband." Thou shalt be subject. Women are subjects ; ye be subjects to your husbands. At the first, the man and the woman were equal. But after fteTbTramr that she had Siven credit to tne serpent, then she had an subject. injunction set upon her: Subdita eris sub potestate viri, " Thou shalt be subject under the power of thy husband." And as for one part of her injunction she taketh ; and she taketh one part of her penance, because she cannot avoid nance "_* **' an<^ ^^ *s' ^n Colore paries, " Thou shalt bring forth mg women, children with pain and travaU." This part of their injunction they take, and yet is the same so grievous, that Chrysostom1 saith, if it were not for the ordinance of God, which cannot P Merit TO Tefceiv Kai ttjs oit6 t&v Kaparav eicppoo-ivvs mroXavam, irakiv (Boire/D ciri\a66pevai raV yeyevrfpivav cmavrav euuras- ticStSdao-t 7rpos ttjv rav tckvoiv yovijv, too (pikavBpamov 6eoG ovtids olKovo/iqo-avros jrpoy tn-oTaow ttjs- rav dvdpmirav camfpias. In Genes, m. Homilia xvn. Opera, Tom. iv. p. 144, Edit. Boned. Paris. 1721.] X1V-] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 253 be made frustrate by man, they would never come to it again for no worldly good. But God hath provided herein : and as Christ saith in the gospel, Mulier cum parit tristi- women. tiam habet, See, "The woman when she beareth a child hath"™ sorrow, but afterward she remembereth not the pain, because there is a soul brought forth into the world." But as it is a part of your penance, ye women, to travaU in bearing your chUdren ; so it is a part of your penance to be subjects unto your husbands : ye are underlings, underlings, and must be obedient. But this is now made a trifle and a small matter : and yet it is a sad matter, a godly matter, a ghostly matter, a matter of damnation and salvation. And Paul saith, that "a woman ought' to have a power on her head." What is this, "to have a power on her head ?" It is a manner of speak ing of the scripture; and to have her power on her head, is to have a sign and token of power, which is by covering wiry wo of her head, declaring that she hath a superior above her, be covered. by whom she ought to be ruled and ordered : for she is not immediately under God, but mediately. For by their in- iunction, the husband is their head under God, and they Husband 1 ¦ i-iiit>. headofhis subjects unto their husbands. But this "power" that some of wife- them have is disguised gear and strange fashions. They must wear French hoods, and I cannot tell you, I, what to call it. And when they make them ready, and come to the covering of their head, they wiU call and say, " Give me my French hood, and give me my bonnet, or my cap ;" and so forth. I would wish that the women would caU the covering of their heads by the terms of the scripture : as when she women J r . ought to would have her cap, I would she would say, " Give me my 5^^? power." I would they would learn to speak as the Holy 3^ Ghost speaketh, and caU it by such a name as St Paul doth. thc,T1, I would they would (as they have much pricking2), when they put on their cap, I would they would have this medita tion : " I am now putting on my power upon my head." If they had this thought in their minds, they would not make so much pricking up of themselves as they do now-a-days. But now here is a vengeance devU : we must have our power from Turkey, of velvet, and gay it must be; far fetched, dear bought ; and when it cometh, it is a false sign. I had rather have a true English sign, than a false sign from Turkey. p Dressing for shew, making a parade.] 254 LAST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. It is a false sign when it covereth not their heads as it should do. For if they would keep it under the power as they ought Tussocks and to do, there should not any such tussocks nor tufts be seen as there be ; nor such laying out of the hair, nor braiding to have it open. I would marvel of it, how it should come to be so abused, and so far out of order ; saving that I know by experience that many will not be ruled by their husbands, as they ought to be. I have been desired to exhort some, and with some I could do httle in that matter. But there Many Adams be now many Adams that wUl not displease their wives, but in the world. ... . . . . . .-, will in this behalf let them have aU then own minds, and do as them listeth. And some others again there be now-a-days that wiU defend it, and say it may be suffered weU enough, because it is not expressed in scripture, nor spoken of by name. Though we have not express mention in scripture against such laying of the hair in tussocks and tufts, yet we have in scripture express mention de tortis crinibus, of wreathen hair ; that is, for the nonce forced to curl. But of whe toocks these tussocks that are laid out now-a-days there is no men- s.rip°ture. ^ion made in scriptures, because they were not used in scrip ture-time. They were not yet come to be so far out of order as to lay out such tussocks and tufts. But I wUl teU thee, if thou wilt needs lay it out, or if thou wUt needs shew thy hair, and have it seen, go and poU thy head, or round it, as men do ; for to what purpose is it to pull it out so, and to lay it out ? Some do it, say they, of a simphcity : some do it of a pride ; and some of other causes. But they do it m!a_ter'0Mf because they wUl be quarter-master with their husbands. m£terhs?le ' Quarter-masters ? Nay, half-masters ; yea, some of them wiU be whole masters, and rule the roast as they list themselves. But these defenders of it wUl not have it evU, because it is not spoken of in scripture. But there be other things as evU as this, which are not spoken of in scripture expressly ; but they are implied in scripture, as weU as though they were expressly spoken of. For the prophet Isaiah saith: Vaz qui consurgitis mane ad comessandum, ad ebrietatem sectandam et potando usque ad vesperam, ut vino ozstuetis. " Wo unto you that arise early in the morning, and go to drinking until night, that ye may swim in wine." This is aRa™s* tSn™ ^e scripture against banqueting and drunkenness. But now SuiSss. they banquet aU night, and lie a-bed in the day-time till XIV.] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 255 noon, and the scripture speaketh nothing of that. But what then ? The devU hath his purpose this way, as well as the other : he hath his purpose as well by reveUing and keeping iU rule aU night, as by rising early in the morning and ban queting all day. So the devU hath his purpose both ways. The devii Ye noblemen, ye great men, I wot not what rule ye keep, purpose. For God's sake, hear the complaints and suits of the poor. Many complain against you, that ye lie a-bed tUl eight, or nine, or ten of the clock. I cannot teU what revel ye have over-night; whether in banqueting, or dicing, or carding, or how it is ; but in the morning, when poor suitors come to your houses, ye cannot be spoken withal : they are kept sometimes without your gates, or if they be let into the hall, or some outer chamber, out cometh one or other, " Sir, ye cannot speak with my lord yet; my lord is asleep; or he My lord is hath had business of the king's aU night," &c. And thus poor suitors are driven off from day to day, that they cannot speak with you in three, or four days, yea, a whole month : what shaU I say more? yea, a whole year sometimes, ere they can come to your speech, to be heard of you. For God's love look better to it. Speak with poor men when they come to your houses; aud despatch poor suitors, as indeed some noblemen do ; and would Christ that all noble men would so do ! But some do. I went one day myself betime in the morning to a great man's house to speak with him in business that I had of mine own. And methought I was up betimes ; but when I came thither, the great man was gone forth about such affairs as behoved him, or I came. WeU ; yet, thought I, this is weU, I hke this weU : this man The praise of i i -1 1 • «• JJi Ta nuble maD- doth somewhat regard and consider his office and duty. 1 came too late for mine own matter, and lost my journey, and my early rising too : and yet I was glad that I had been so beguUed. For God's love foUow this example, ye great men, and arise in the mornings, and be ready for men to speak with them, and to despatch suitors that resort unto you. But aU these I bring to disprove them that defend evU things, because they be not expressly spoken against in the scripture. But what forceth that, when the devU hath his purpose, and is served as weU one way as another way ? Though it be not expressly spoken against in scripture, yet I reckon it plainly enough implied in the scripture. 256 LAST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. But now to come to my matter again : Videte et cavete ab avaritia; " See and beware of covetousness :" and I shall tobecon68 desire you to consider four things: Quis dicat; quid dicat; sidered. cm- dicat ¦ e( quare dicat: "Who speaketh it; what he speaketh; to whom he speaketh; and wherefore he speak eth it." As here, Christ speaketh to a rich man against avarice. And why against avarice? What shaU be the end of all covetous persons ? Eternal damnation. " For the covetous persons," saith Paul, " shah not possess nor enter into the kingdom of God." Here therefore I shah desire you to pray, &c. [The second part of the Sermon.'] Videte et cavete ab avaritia. See and beware of covetousness. First, who spake these words ? Forsooth, Christ spake them. If I had spoken them of myself, it had been httle worth; but Christ spake them, and upon a good occasion. The story is, Duo litigabant inter se, " There were two at strife between themselves ;" and by this it appeareth that Christ spake them. WeU, Christ spake these words at that time ; and now he speaketh them by his preacher, whom ye ought to beheve; and so it is aU one. But upon what occasion did he speak it ? There were two brethren at strife together for lands, wealthy men, as it appeareth, and the rich fellow would not tarry tUl Christ had ended his sermon, but interrupted it, and would needs have his matter de spatched by and by. He was at Christ's sermon, but yet he would not defer his worldly cause till Christ had made an end of his godly exhortation. This was a thorny brother; he was a gospeller ; he was a carnal gospeUer (as many be now-a-days for a piece of an abbey, or for a portion of chantry-lands), to get somewhat by it, and to serve his commodity. He was a gospeUer ; one of the new brethren ; a thomy somewhat worse than a rank papist. Howbeit, a rank papist worse than now-a-days shall sooner have promotion than a true gospeUer shaU have: the more is the pity1. But this was a thorny gospeller: he heard Christ's preaching and foUowed him for P the more pity, 1562, 1571.J XIV-J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 257 company, and heard his words ; but he was never the better for it ; but the care of the world so choked the word of God in him, that he could not hear the sermon to the end, but interrupted the sermon for his worldly matter, ere it were aU done. And what was Christ then doing? Forsooth he was sowing of good seed, but it feU upon stony ground, so that it christsoweth could not take any root in this feUow, to bring forth goodB°°dSeed' fruit in him. And let me teU you of the seed that Christ was then sowing : bear with me awhUe ; and seeing that I come now to take my uUimum vale of this place, hear me patiently, and give me leave a httle while, and let me take my leave honestly. At the time when this feUow interrupted Christ's sermon, he was preaching a long sermon to his disciples, and to the people, being gathered together in a wonderful great multitude, as appeareth in the twelfth chap ter of St Luke's gospel : and there he first of aU taught his disciples a good lesson, saying, Cavete vobis a fermento Pharisceorum : " Beware in any wise," saith he, " of the leaven of the Pharisees." What is this leaven of the Phari sees ? Leaven is sometimes taken for corrupt hving, which Leaven is infecteth others by the evil example thereof; and against £taf.e,y such corrupt hving God's preacher must cry out earnestly, and never cease tUl it be rooted up. In the city of Corinth one had married his step-mother, bis father's wife: and he was a joUy feUow, a great rich man, an alderman of the city ; and therefore they winked at it, they would not meddle in the matter, they had nothing to do with it : and he was one of the head men, of such rule and authority, that they durst not, many of them. But St Paul, hearing of the matter, writ unto them, and in God's behalf charged them to do away such abomination from among them. St Paul would not leave them till he had excommunicated the wicked doer of such abomination. If we should now excommunicate aU such wicked doers, there would be much ado in England. Ye that are magistrates shew favour for affection to such, and wUl not suffer they may be rooted out or put to shame. Oh, he is such a man's servant, we may not do him any shame. Oh, he is a gentleman, &c. And so the thing is not now any thing looked unto. Lechery is used throughout England, and such lechery as is used in none other place of the world. And yet it is made a matter of sport, a matter r i 17 [LATIMER.] 258 LAST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. of nothing; a laughing matter, and a trifle; not to be passed on, nor to be reformed. But beware, ye that are magistrates: their sin doth leaven you all. Therefore for God's love beware of this leaven. WeU, I trust it wiU be one day amended. I look npt to live long, and yet I trust, as old as I am, to hve so long as to see lechery punished. I would wish that Moses's law were restored for punishment of lechery, and that the offenders therein might be punished according to the prescription of Moses's law. And here I wiU make a suit to your Highness to restore unto the church the discipline of Christ1, in excommunicating such as be notable offenders ; nor never devise any other way. For God can no man is able to devise a better way than God hath done, ITl-LltC best laws. which is excommunication, to put them from the congregation tiU they be confounded. Therefore restore Christ's discipline for excommunication; and that shaU be a means both to pacify God's wrath and indignation against us ; and also, that less abomination shall be used than in times past hath been, and is at this day. I speak this of a conscience, and I mean and move it of a good-will to your grace and your Discipline to realm. Bring into the Church of England open discipline of chun* excommunication, that open sinners may be stricken withal. Sometimes leaven is taken for corrupt doctrine: and so it is here taken in this place, when he saith, " Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees." For Christ intended to make his disciples teachers of all the world, and therefore to beware of corrupt doctrine. And that that he said to them, he saith also to us ; receive no corrupt doctrine, no mingle- Mingie- mangle: yet there be leaveners yet still, and minffle-manglers manglers i i _-n • . andfeaven- that have soured Christ s doctrme with the leaven of the Pharisees. Yea, and where there is any piece of leaven, they will maintain that one piece, more than aU the doctrine of Christ; and about that purpose they occupy and bestow aU their wits. This was the first seed. [i On the fourteenth of November, 1549, the bishops, in like manner, complained to Parhament of the great increase of im morality ; and represented that they had not sufficient legal authority to punish vice, or to enforce the discipline of the Church. A bill was in consequence brought into Parliament with a view to remedy ing the evils complained of, but it did not pass into a law. Collier, Eccles. Hist. Vol. v. p. 373. 8vo. edit.] ers. XIV>] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 2-59' The second seed was, Nihil occultum, quod non revela- bitur; " There is nothing privy or hidden that shall not be revealed and opened." It pertaineth all to one purpose : for there he taught his disciples to beware of the leaven, which was hypocrisy ; declaring unto them, that hypocrisy would not be always hidden, but such as were not sincere should be known at the last day, and all that was taught should at length be known. It hath also another meaning, for it is God's proverb, " There is nothing so privy but it shall be God's opened;" at leastwise in the great day of reckoning, in thepr°verb' dreadful day of general account, in the day of revelation: then shaU it be openly known, whatsoever is done, be it never so privUy done. These feUows that have their fetches and their far compasses to bring things to their purposes, work they never so privUy, never so covertly, yet at the last day their doings shall be openly revealed, usque ad satieta- tem visionis, saith the prophet Esay, tUl aU the world shall see it, to their shame and confusion that are the doers of it. As the prophet Jeremy saith, Sicut confunditur fur qui deprehenditur, "Even as a thief that is taken with the manner when he stealeth, so shaU sinners be openly con founded, and their evU doings opened." Yea, and though it be not known in this world, yet it shall be known at the last day to their damnation. Indeed God hath verified his proverb from time to time, " Nothing is so privy the which shall not be revealed." When Cain had kiUed his brother cam's fault Abel, he thought he had conveyed the matter so privily and hid. "'" ' so closely, that it should never have been known nor have come to hght : but first, God knew it well enough, and caUed unto him saying, " Cain, where is thy brother Abel ?" But he thought he could have beguUed God too ; and therefore he answered, " I cannot teU." " What," quoth Cain, " am I set to keep my brother ? I cannot teU where he is." But at last he was confounded, and his murder brought to light; and now aU the world readeth it in the bible. Joseph's brethren had sold him away; thev took his motley coat and Joseph's tl ' ti i i n brethren besprinkled it over and over with blood; they thought all wrought was cock-sure; they had conveyed the matter so secretly, that they thought all the world could never have espied it. And yet out it came to their great benefit. And now it is known to us all, as many as can read the bible. David 17—2 260 LAST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. saw a fair woman wash her naked. Then he was straight way ravished, he was clean gone by, and would needs have her. He sent for her; yea, he had gentlemen of his chamber about him, that went for her by and by and fetched her. And here I have another suit to your Highness. When you come to age, beware what persons ye have about you : for if ye be set on pleasure, or disposed to wantonness, ye shaU have ministers enough to be furtherers and instruments of it. But David, by his wisdom and pohcy, thought so to have cloked the matter, that it should never have been known. He sent for her husband Uriah, and shewed him a fair coun tenance, and looked merrUy on him, and sent him forth to war, that he might do his pleasure with Berseba afterward ; and he thought he had wrought wondrous privUy. He thought all the matter cock-sure. But the prophet of God, Nathan, came and laid his fault plain before his face; and who is now that knoweth it not ? a bribing Elizeus' servant, Giezi, a bribing brother, he came colour- ably to Naaman the Syrian : he feigned a tale of his master Elizeus, as aU bribers wiU do, and told him that his master had need of this and that, and took of Naaman certain things, and bribed it away to his own behoof secretly, and thought that it should never have come out ; but Elizeus knew it weU enough. The servant had his bribes that he sought, yet was he stricken with the leper, and so openly shamed. Think on this, ye that are bribers, when ye go so secretly about such things : have this in your minds, when ye devise your secret fetches and conveyances1, how Elizeus' servant God's pro- was served, and was2 openly known. For God's nroverb verb will >n i . -^ be true. wul be true, "Ihere is nothing hidden that wiU not be revealed." He that took the sUver bason and ewer for a bribe, thinketh that it wiU never come out : but he may now know that I know it; and I know it not alone, there be more beside me that know it. Oh briber and bribery ! he was never a good man that wiU so take bribes. Nor I can never beheve that he that is a briber shall be a good justice. It will never be merry in England, till we have the skins of such. For what needeth bribing, where men do their things P conveyance, 1562.] P to be, 1562.] b war ranted. XIV0 KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 261 uprightly, 3[as for men that are officers, and have a matter of charge in their hands?] But now I wiU play St Paul, and translate the thing on myself. I wUl become the king's officer for awhUe. I have to lay out for the king twenty thousand pounds, or a great sum, whatsoever it be : well, when I have laid it out, and do The abuse of bring in mine account, I must give three hundred marks to office.?8 have my biUs warranted. If I have done truly and uprightly, what should need me to give a penny to have my biUs war ranted ? If I have done my office truly, and do bring in a true account, wherefore should one groat be given ? yea, one groat, for warranting of my bUls ? SmeU ye nothing in to be i this ? What needeth any bribes-giving, except the biUs be r false? No man giveth bribes for warranting of his bills, except they be false bills. Well, such practice hath been in England, but beware ; it wUl out one day : beware of God's proverb, " There is nothing hidden that shall not be opened ;" yea, even in this world, if ye be not the children of dam nation. And here now I speak to you, my masters, minters, augmentationers4, receivers, surveyors, and auditors : I make a petition unto you ; I beseech you aU be good to the king. He hath been good to you, therefore be good to him : yea, be good to your own souls. Ye are known well enough, what givXTSaii ye were afore ye came to your offices, and what lands ye had ° then, and what ye have purchased since, and what buildings ye make daUy. WeU, I pray you so bund, that the king's workmen may be paid. They make their moan that they can get no money. The poor labourers, gun-makers, powder- men, bow-makers, arrow-makers, smiths, carpenters, soldiers, and other crafts, cry out for their duties. They be unpaid, some of them, three or four months ; yea, some of them half a year : yea, some of them put up biUs this time twelve months for their money, and cannot be paid yet. They cry out for their money, and, as the prophet saith, Clamor ope- rariorum ascendit ad aures meas ; " The cry of the work men is come up to mine ears." 0, for God's love, let the workmen be paid, if there be money enough ; or else there [3 inserted from 1562.] P Officers of the Augmentation Court, which was established by 27 Hen. VIII. for determining suits and controversies respecting the monasteries and abbey-lands.] 262 LAST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. wUl whole showers of God's vengeance rain down upon your heads ! Therefore, ye minters, and ye augmentationers, serve the king truly. So build and purchase, that^ the king may have money to pay his workmen. It seemeth evU-favouredly, that ye should have enough wherewith to build superfluously, and the king lack to pay his poor labourers. WeU, yet I doubt not but that there be some good officers. But I wUl not swear for all. I have now preached three Lents. The first time I preached restitution. "Eestitution," quoth some, "what should he preach of restitution ? Let him preach of contrition," quoth they, " and let restitution alone ; we can never make restitution." Then, say I, if thou wUt not make restitution, thou shalt go to the devil for it. Now choose thee either restitution, or else endless damnation. But now there be two manner of restitutions ; secret restitution, and open resti tution : whether of both it be, so that restitution be made, it is aU good enough. At my first preaching of restitution, one good man1 took remorse of conscience, and acknowledged himself to me, that he had deceived the king ; and willing he was to make restitution : and so the first Lent came to my hands twenty pounds to be restored to the king's use. I was promised twenty pound more the same Lent, but it could not be made, so that it came not. WeU, the next Lent came three hundred and twenty pounds more. I received it my self, and paid it to the king's councU. So I was asked, what he was that made this1' restitution ? But should I have named him ? Nay, they should as soon have this wesant3 of mine. WeU, now this Lent came one hundred and fourscore pounds ten shillings, which I have paid and dehvered this present day to the king's council : and so this man hath made a godly restitution. "And so," quoth I to a certain nobleman that is one of the king's councU, " if every man that hath beguiled the king should make restitution after this sort, it would cough the king twenty thousand pounds, I think," quoth I. " Yea, that it would," quoth the other, " a whole hundred thousand pounds." Alack, alack ; ' make restitution ; P This " good man" is said, by Strype and others, to have been John Bradford ; but there aro reasons for doubting that opinion.] [2 that thus made, 1562, 1571.] P Wesant : wind-pipe.] XIV.] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 263 for God's sake make restitution: ye will cough in hell else, Let not the that all the devils there wiU laugh at your coughing. There at y0uraus 11, ,-, ¦ iii, coughing. is no remedy, but restitution open or secret ; or else hell. This that I have now told you of was a secret restitution. Some examples hath been of open restitution, and glad may he be that God was so friendly unto him, to bring him unto it in this world. I am not afraid to name him ; it was Master Sherington4, an honest gentleman, and one that God loveth. He openly confessed that he had deceived the king, and he made open restitution. Oh, what an argument may he have against the devil, when he shaU move him to despe ration! God brought this out to his amendment. It is a token that he is a chosen man of God, and one of his elected, o"^"™!™- If he be of God, he shaU be brought to it: therefore for God's tion- sake make restitution, or else remember God's proverb ; " There is nothing so secret," &c. If you do either of these two in this world, then are ye of God ; if not, then for lack of restitution, ye shaU have eternal damnation. Ye may do it by means, if you dare not do it yourselves ; bring it to an other, and so make restitution. If ye be not of God's flock, it shaU be brought out to your shame and damnation at the last day ; when aU evU men's sins shaU be laid open before us. Yet there is one way, how aU our sins may be hidden, ^dee^ to which is, repent and amend. Recipiscentia, recipiscentia, repenting and amending is a sure remedy, and a sure way to hide all, that it shall not come out to our shame and confusion. Yet there was another seed that Christ was sowing in that sermon of his ; and this was the seed : " I say to you, my friends, fear not him that kiUeth the body, but fear him that after he hath kiUed, hath power also to cast into hen- fire," &c. And there, to put his disciples in comfort and sure hope of his help, and out of all doubt and mistrust of his assistance, he bringeth in unto them the example of the spar rows, how they are fed by God's mere providence and good ness ; and also of the hairs of our heads, how that not so much as one hair falleth from our heads without him. " Fear P Sir William Sherington, Vice- Treasurer of the Mint at Bristol, had, while in office, coined a large quantity of testers of base alloy and under standard value, by which means he had enriched himself, but defrauded the government and country. Carte, Hist, of Eng. in. p. 229.] 264 LAST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [SERM. him," saith he, "that when he hath killed the body, may also cast into hell-fire." Matter for aU kinds of people here, but a suit to the specially for kings. And, therefore, here is another suit to king' your Highness. "Fear not him that killeth the body." Fear not these foreign princes and foreign powers. God shaU make you strong enough. Stick to God : fear God, fear not them. God hath sent you many storms in your youth; but forsake not God, and he wiU not forsake you. Peradventure ye shaU have that shaU move you, and say unto you, " Oh, Sir ! Oh, such a one is a great man, he is a mighty prince, a king of great power, ye cannot be without his friendship, agree with him in rehgion, or else ye shall have him your enemy," &c. WeU, fear them not, but cleave to God, and he shall defend you. Do not as king Ahaz1 did, that was afraid of the Assyrian king, and for fear lest he should have him to his enemy, was content to forsake God, and to agree with him in rehgion and worshipping of God : and anon sent to Urias the high priest, who was ready at once to set up the idolatry of the Assyrian king. Do not your Highness so : fear not the best of them aU ; but fear God. The same Urias was eapellanus ad manum, " a chaplain at hand," an elbow ehaplain. If ye wiU turn, ye shaU have that wiU turn with you ; yea, even in their white rochets. But foUow not Ahaz. Remember the hair, how it faUeth not without God's providence. Remember the sparrows, how they build in every house, and God provideth for them. "And ye are much more precious to me," saith Christ, " than sparrows or other birds." God wiU defend you ; that before your time cometh, ye shaU not die nor miscarry. On a time when Christ was going to Jerusalem, his disciples said unto him, " They there would have stoned thee, and wilt thou now go thither again ?" What saith he again to them? Nonne duodecim sunt horoz die, &c, " Be there not twelve hours in the day?" saith he: God hath appointed his times, as pleaseth him; and before the time cometh that God hath appointed, they shaU have no power against you. Therefore stick to God and forsake him not ; but fear him, and fear not men. And beware chiefly of two affections, fear and love : fear, as Ahaz, of whom I have told you, that for fear of the Assyrian king he changed his rehgion, [i Achab, in the old editions.] An elbow chaplain. God will XIV, ] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 265 and thereby purchased God's high indignation to him and to his realm ; and love, as Dina, Jacob's daughter, who caused a change of religion by Sichem and Hemor, who were con tented for lust of a wife to the destruction and spoiling of all the whole city. Read the chronicles of England and France, Readehrc- and ye shaU see what changes of religion hath come by mar- mde$' riages, and for marriages. "Marry my daughter, and be baptized, and so forth, or else." . Fear them not. Remember the sparrows. And this rule should aU estates and degrees of men follow; whereas now they fear men and not God. If there be a judgment between a great man and a poor man, then must there be a corruption of justice for fear. " Oh, he is a great man, I dare not displease him." Fie upon thee ! art thou a judge, and wilt be afraid to give right judgment ? Fear him not, be he never so great a man ; but uprightly do true justice. Likewise some pastors go from their cure; they are afraid of the plague, they dare not come nigh any sick body, but hire others ; and they go away Hirelings. themselves. Out upon thee ! The wolf cometh upon thy flock to devour them, and when they have most need of thee, thou runnest away from them ! The soldier also, that should go on warfare, he will draw back as much as he can. " Oh, I shaU be slain ! Oh, such and such went, and never came home again. Such men went the last year into Nor folk, and were slain there." Thus they are afraid to go : they wiU labour to tarry at home. If the king command thee to go, thou art bound to go ; and serving the king thou servest God. If thou serve God, he wUl not shorten thy days to thine hurt. "WeU," saith some, "if they had not gone, they had lived unto this day." How knowest thou that? Who made thee so privy of God's counsel ? Follow thou thy vocation, and serve the king when he caUeth thee. In serv ing him thou shalt serve God ; and till thy time come, thou Man dieth o 7 i • i not oefore shalt not die. It was marvel that Jonas escaped in such a his time. city : what then ? Yet God preserved him, so that he could not perish. Take therefore an example of Jonas, and every man foUow his vocation, not fearing men, but fearing God. Another seed that Christ was sowing in the sermon was this : Qui confessus me fuerit hominibus, confitebor et ego ilium coram Patre meo ;¦ "He that confesseth me before men, I shall also confess him before my Father." We must 266 LAST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [SERM. A bishop like saying. Comfort againstdespair. confess him with mouth. It was of a bishop not long ago asked as touching this : " Laws," saith he, " must be obeyed, and civU ordinance I wUl follow outwardly ; but my heart in religion is free to think as I wiU." So said Friar Forest1, half a papist, yea, worse than a whole papist. WeU, another seed was, "He that sinneth against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world nor in the world to come." What is this same sin against the Holy Ghost, an horrible sin that never shaU be forgiven, neither in this world nor in the world to come ? What is this sin ? Final impenitency : and some say, im pugning of the truth. One came to me once, that de spaired because of sin against the Holy Ghost. He was sore troubled in his conscience, that he should be damned; and that it was not possible for him to be saved, because he had sinned against the Holy Ghost. I said to him, " What, man," quoth I, " comfort yourself in these words of the apostle, Christus est propitiatio pro peccatis nostris: and again ; Ideo me misit Pater in mundum, ut qui credit in me non pereat, sed habeat vitam ozternam ; ' My Father hath for this purpose sent me into the world, that he which beheveth in me may not perish, but may have the life ever lasting.' Also, Quacunque hora ingemuerit peccator salmis erit ; ' In what hour soever the sinner shaU mourn for sin2, he shaU be saved'." I had scriptures enough for me, as methought ; but say what I could say, he could say more against himself, than I could say at that time to do him good withal. Where some say that the sin against the Holy Ghost is original sin; I aUeged against that the saying of St Paul, Sicut per unius delictum, &c, and si quis egerit poznitentiam; " If a man had done all the sins in the world, and have true repentance, with faith and hope in God's mercy, he shall be forgiven." But whatsoever I said, he could still object against me, and avoid my reasons. I was fain to take another day, and did so. " Let me go to my book," quoth I, "and go you to your prayers, P John Forest, a Friar Observant, and confessor to Queen Katha rine, the first wife of Henry VIII. He was executed in the year 1538, for writing against the supremacy of the crown. Holinshed, p. 945 ; Antiq. of the English Franciscans, pp. 241, et seq.] P for his sin, 1562, 1571.] XIV-] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 267 for ye are not altogether without faith." I got me to my study ; I read many doctors, but none could content me ; no expositor could please me, nor satisfy my mind in the matter. And it is with me as it was with a scholar of Cambridge, who being demanded of his tutor how he under stood his lesson, and what it meant, "I know," quoth he, " what it meaneth, but I cannot tell it ; I cannot express it." So I understood it well enough, but I cannot well declare it. Nevertheless I wiU bungle at it as weU as I can. Now to teU you, by the way, what sin it was that he had committed : he had faUen from the truth known, and after ward feU to mocking and scorning of it ; and this sin it was that he thought to be unforgiveable. I said unto him, that why some ¦, p . . sin is called it was a vehement manner of speaking in scripture ; " Yet," irremissibic. quoth I, " this is not spoken universaUy ; nor it is not meant that God doth never forgive it ; but it is commonly caUed irremissible, unforgiveable, because that God doth seldom forgive it. But yet there is no sin so great but God may forgive it, and doth forgive it to the repentant heart, though in words it sound that it shaU never be forgiven : as, privi- legium paucorum non destruit regulam universalem, The privUege of a few persons doth not destroy an universal rule or saying of scripture. For the scripture saith, Omnes mo~ riemur, ' We shaU die every one of us : * yet some shaU be rapt and taken ahve, as St Paul saith ; for this privUege of a few doth not hurt a generahty. An irremissible sin, an imexcusable sin; yet to him that will truly repent, it is for- no sin that _s J tl J. repented is giveable ; in Christ it may be remitted. If there be no more irremissible. but one man forgiven, ye may be that same one man that shall be forgiven: Ubi abundavit delictum, ibi abundavit et gratia; ' Where iniquity hath abounded, there shaU grace abound'." Thus by httle and httle this man came to a settled conscience again, and took comfort in Christ's mercy. Therefore despair not, though it be said it shaU never be forgiven. Where Cain said, " My wickedness is so great that God cannot for give it ;" Nay, thou best, saith Austin to Cain, Major est Dei misericordia, quam iniquitas tua ; " The mercy of God is greater than thine iniquity." Therefore despair not; but this one thing I say: beware of this sin that ye fall not into it ; for I have known no more but this one man, that A^are _~- hath faUen from the truth, and hath afterward repented and amr "' 268 LAST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. come to grace again. I have known many since God hath opened mine eyes to see a httle ; I have known many, I say, that knew more than I, and some whom I have honoured, that have afterwards fallen from the truth ; but never one of them, this man except, that have returned to grace and to the truth again. But yet, though God doth very seldom forgive this sin, and although it be one of the sins that God doth hate most of all others, and such as is almost never forgiven, yet it is forgiveable in the blood of Christ, if one truly re pent ; and lo ! it is universal. As there is also another scrip ture, Voz terroz cujus rex puer est, " Wo be to the land, to the realm whose king is a chUd ;" which some interpret and refer to chUdish conditions : but it is commonly true the other way too, when it is referred to the age and years of chUdhood. For where the king is within age, they that have governance about the king have much hberty to hve volup tuously and licentiously ; and not to be in fear how they govern, as they would be if the king were of fuU age ; and a realm may then commonly thev govern not well. But yet Josias and be well go- ii acwidunder one or *wo more> though they were chUdren, yet had then realms weU governed, and reigned prosperously ; and yet the saying, Voz terroz cujus rex puer est, is nevertheless true for aU that. And this I gather of this irremissible sin against the Holy Ghost, that the scripture saith it is never forgiven, because it is seldom forgiven. For indeed I think that there is no sin, which God doth so seldom nor so hardly forgive, as this sin of falling away from the truth, after that a man Thebestper- once knoweth it. And indeed this took best place with the suasion for a * SoTte man ™at ¦"¦ nave *0^ J011 °t and best quieted his conscience. Another seed was this : " Be not careful," saith Christ, " what ye shall say before judge and magistrates, when ye are brought afore them for my name's sake ; for the Holy Ghost shaU put in your minds, even at that present1 hour, what ye shall speak." A comfortable saying, and a goodly promise of the Holy Ghost, that "the adversaries of the truth," saith he, "shall not be able to resist us." What? shall the adversaries of the truth be dumb ? Nay ; there be no greater talkers, nor boasters, and facers2 than they be. But they shall not be able to resist the truth to destroy it. P at tho present, 1562.] P Putters on of a bold appearance.] XIV*] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 26.9 Here some will say, "What needeth universities then, and the preservation of schools ? The Holy Ghost wUl give always what to say," Yea, but for all that we may not wc may not tempt God; we must trust in the Holy Ghost, but we musttemptGo<1' not presume on the Holy Ghost. Here now should I speak of universities, and for preferring of schools: but he that preach ed the last Sunday spake very well in it, and substantiaUy, and like one that knew the state and condition of the univer sities and schools very weU. But thus much I say unto you, magistrates : if ye wiU not maintain schools and universities, ye shaU have a brutahty. Therefore now a suit again to your Highness. So order the matter, that preaching may Another ne- not decay: for surely, if preaching decay, ignorance and™* brutishness wiU enter again. Nor give the preachers' livings to secular men. What should the secular men do with the livings of preachers ? I think there be at this day ten thou sand students less than were within these twenty years, and fewer preachers ; and that is the cause of rebeUion. If there were good bishops, there should be no rebeUion. I am now almost come to my matter, saving one saying of Christ wliich was another seed : Date, et dabitur vobis ; " Give, and it shaU be given unto you," &c. But who be heveth this ? If men beheved this promise, they would give God's pro- more than they do ; and at leastwise they would not stick to believed. give a httle : but now-a-days men's study is set rather to take gifts, and to get of other men's goods, than to give any of their own. So all other the promises are mistrusted and unbeheved. For if the rich men did beheve this promise of God, they would willingly and readUy give a httle to have the overplus. So where Christ saith of injuries, or offences and trespasses, Mihi vindicta, et ego retribuam, fyc, "Leave the avenging of wrongs alone unto me, and I shall pay them home," &c. : if the rebels had believed this promise, they would not have done as they did. So all the promises of God are mistrusted. Noah also after the flood feared at every rain lest the world should be drowned and destroyed again ; tUl God gave the rainbow. And what exercise shall we have by the rainbow? We may learn by the rainbow, ™c™nc^ that God wiU be true of his promises, and will fulfil his pro mises. For God sent the rainbow ; and four thousand years it is, and more, since this promise was made, and yet God 270 LAST SERMON ^REACHED BEFORE [sERM. hath been true of his promise unto this day : so that now when we see the rainbow, we may learn that God is true of his promise. And as God was true in this promise, so is he and wUl be in all the rest. But the covetous man doth not beheve that God is true of his promise; for if he did, he would not stick to give of his goods to the poor. But as touching that I spake afore, when we see the rainbow, and see in the rainbow that that is hke water, and of a watery colour, and as we may and ought not only to take thereof hold and comfort of God's promise, that he wiU no more destroy the world with water for sin ; but also we may take an example what the to fear God, who in such wise hateth sin: hkewise when in teacheth. the rainbow we see that it is of a fiery colour, and like unto fire, we may gather an example of the end of the world, that except we amend, the world shaU at last be consumed with fire for sin; and to fear the judgment of God, after which they that are damned shaU be burned in heU-fire. These were the seeds that Christ was sowing, when this covetous man came unto him. And now I am come to my matter. WhUe Christ was thus preaching, this covetous feUow would not tarry till aU the sermon was done, but interrupted the sermon ; even sud denly chopping in, " Master," quoth he, " speak to my bro ther, that he may divide the inheritance with me." He would not abide till the end of the sermon ; but his mind was on his halfpenny; and he would needs have his matter despatched out of hand. " Master," quoth he, " let my brother divide with me." Yet this was a good feUow : he could be con tented with part, he desired not to have aU together alone to himself, but could be content with a division, and to have his part of the inheritance. And what was the inheritance ? Ager; a field: so that it was but one piece of ground, or one farm. This covetous man could be content with the half of one menl-ve'iio farm> wnere our men now-a-days cannot be satisfied with many divisions, farms at once. One man must now have as many farms as will serve many men, or else he wiU not be contented nor satisfied. They will jar now-a-days one with another, except they have all. " Oh," saith the wise man, " there be three things wherein my soul dehghteth : Concordia fratrum, amor proximorum, et vir ac mulier bene sibi consentientes; the unity of brethren, the love of neighbours, and a man XIV'J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 271 and wife agreeing well together." So that the concord of brethren, and agreeing of brethren, is a gay thing. What saith Salomon of this matter? Frater qui adjuvatur afratre quad civitas firma et turris fortis ; " The brother that is holpen of his brother, is a sure and weU-fenced city, and a strong tower," he is so strong. Oh, it is a great matter, when brethren love and hold well together ! But if the one go about to pull down the other, then are they weak both of them ; and when one pulleth down his fellow, they must needs down both of them ; there is no stay to hold them up. Mark in the chronicles of England. Two brethren have two brethren - . . . . . ° have reigned reigned jointly together, the one on this side Humber, and in England. the other beyond Humber, in Scotland, and aU that way. And what hath come of it ? So long as they have agreed weU together, so long they have prospered ; and when they have jarred, they have both gone to wrack1. Brethren that have so reigned here in England, have quarrelled one with another ; and the younger hath not been contented with his portion2, (as indeed the younger brother commonly jarreth first,) but by the contention both have fared the worse. So when there is any contention between brother and brother for land, commonly they are both undone by it. And that crafty merchant, whatever he be, that wiU set brother against brother, meaneth to destroy them both. But of these two brethren, whether this man here were the elder or the younger, I cannot say ; scripture teUeth me not whether of these two was the younger : but a likelihood this was the younger ; for once it was a plain law, that primogenitus, that is to say, the elder brother, had duplicia ; and there fore of likelihood it should be the youngest brother that found himself aggrieved, and was not content. But Christ said unto him, " Thou man, who hath made me a judge or a divider between you?" Christ answered him by a ques tion ; and mark this question of Christ, " Thou man," Quis me constituit judicem aut divisor em super vos ; "Who made p The allusion seems to be to the dissensions between the king doms of Northumbria and Deira. Carte, Hist, of England, i. pp. 226, et seq.] [2 The wars of the Roses, and the usurpation of Richard III., were the result of the younger not being "contented with his portion," as was, also, the execution of the lord admiral Seymour.] 272 LAST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. The intent of me a judge," &c. It is no smaU matter, saith Augustine1, aled!tIon" of what intention one asketh a question; as Christ in another place of the gospel asketh who was neighbour to the pilgrim that was wounded. " There was," saith Christ, "a man that went from Jerusalem to Jericho, and feU among thieves, and they wounded him, and left him for dead. And a priest came by, that was his own countryman, and let him he ; a Levite came by, and would shew no compassion upon him: at last a Samaritan came by, and set him on his horse, and conveyed him to the city, and provided surgery for him, &c. Now who was neighbour to this wounded man ?" saith Christ. Qui fecit Mi misericordiam, quoth the lawyer ; " He that shewed mercy unto him." He that did the office of a neighbour, he was a neighbour2. As ye may perceive by a more famihar example of the bishop of Exeter3 at Sutton in Staffordshire. Who is bishop of Exeter? Forsooth, Master Coverdale. What, do not aU men know who is bishop of Exeter ? What ? He hath been bishop many years. WeU, say I, Master Coverdale is bishop of Exeter : Master Coverdale putteth in execution the bishop's office, and he that doth the office of the bishop, he is the bishop indeed : therefore say I, Master Coverdale is bishop of Exeter. 4 [Alack! there is a thing that maketh This was but my heart sorry. I hear that Master Coverdale is poisoned. Alack! a good man, a godly preacher, an honest fatherly man; and, if it be true, it is a great pity and a lamentable case, that he feeding them with God's word, they should feed him again with poison.] But to the purpose of Christ's question, " Who made me a judge between you ?" Here an Anabaptist wUl say, " Ah ! Christ refused the office of a judge ; ergo there ought to be [i In Johan. Evang. c. 5, Tract, xix. Oper. Tom. in. Par. 3, Col. 319. Edit. Bened. Antwerp, 1700.] p he was neighbour, 1562, 1571.] p John Voysey or Harman, who lived chiefly at Sutton-Coldfield in Warwickshire, leaving the episcopal duties of the diocese of Exeter to be discharged by the well-known Miles Coverdale, then bishop Voysey's coadjutor, and afterwards his successor in the see of Exeter. Dugdale, Antiq. of Warwicks. Vol. n. pp. 013, et seq. 2nd Edit. ; Strype, Eccles. Mem. n. i. pp. 423, et seq. Oxf. Edit. ; Godwin, Do Prsesulib. pp. 415, et seq. Edit. Richardson.] P Inserted from 1562.] XIV. J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 273 no judges nor magistrates among christian men. If it had been a thing lawful, Christ would not have refused to do the office of a judge, and to have determined the variance between these two brethren." But Christ did thereby sig nify that he was not sent for that office ; but if thou wiU have a trial and a sentence of that matter according to the laws, thou must go to the temporal judge that is de puted therefor. But Christ's meaning was, that he was come for another purpose ; he had another office deputed unto him than to be a judge in temporal matters. Ego veni vocare peccatores ad poznitentiam; " I am come," saith he, " to call sinners to repentance:" he was come to preach the gospel, the remission of sin, and the kingdom of God ; and meant not thereby to disaUow the office of temporal magistrates. Nay, if Christ had meant that there should be no magis- Anabaptists trates, he would have bid him take aU : but Christ meant s_cta wu nothing so. But the matter is, that this covetous man, this brother, took his mark amiss ; for he came to a wrong man to seek redress of his matter. For Christ did not forbid him to seek his remedy at the magistrate's hand; but Christ refused to take upon him the office that was not his calling. For Christ had another vocation than to be a judge between such as contended about matters of land. If our rebels had had this in their minds, they would not have been their own judges ; but they would have sought the redress of their grief at the hands of the king, and his magistrates under him appointed. But no marvel of their The lack of bhndness and ignorance; for the bishops are out of their Seraiueol dioceses that should teach them this gear. But this man perchance had heard, and did think that Christ was Messias, whose reign in words soundeth a corporal and a temporal reign; which should do justice and see a redress in aU matters of worldly controversy: which is a necessary office in a christian realm, and must needs be put in execution for ministering of justice. And therefore I require you, as a suitor rather than a preacher, look to your office yourself, and lay not aU on your officers' backs; receive the bills of supplication yourself: I do not see you do so now-a-days as ye- were wont to do the last year. For God's sake look unto it, and see to the ministering of justice your own self, and let poor suitors have answer. There is a king r i 18 [LATIMER.] 274 LAST. SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [: SERM. The king of in Christendom, and it is the king of Denmark1, that sitteth openly in justice thrice in the week, and hath doors kept open for the nones2. I have heard it reported of one that hath been there, and seen the proof of it many a time and oft : and the last justice that ever he saw done there, was of a priest's cause that had had his glebe land taken from him, (and now here in England some go about to take away all;) but this priest had had his glebe land taken from him by a great man. Well ; first went out letters for this man to appear at a day : process went out for him according to the order of the law, and charged him by virtue of those letters to appear afore the king at such a day. The day came : the king sat in his haU ready to minister justice. The priest was there present. The gentle man, this lord, this great man, was caUed, and commanded to make bis appearance according to the writ that had been directed out for him. And the lord came, and was there; but he appeared not. "No," quoth the king, "was he summoned as he should be? Had he any warning to be here ?" It was answered, " Yea ; and that he was there walking up and down in the hall; and that he knew weU enough that that was his day; and also, that he had already been called; but he said, he would not come before the king at that time: aUeging, that he needed not as yet to make an answer, because he had had but one summoning." "No," quoth the king, "is he here present?" "Yea, forsooth, sir," said the priest. The king commanded him to be called, and to come before him: and the end was this, he made this lord, this great man, to restore unto the priest not only the glebe land which he had taken from the priest, but also the rent and profit thereof for so long time as he had withholden it from the priest; which was eight years or thereabout. Saith he, " When you can shew better evidence than the priest hath done, why it ought to be your land, then he shall restore it to you again, and P Christian III., of whom it was said that "he was equally the father of all his subjects, and of his own family." It was by this sove reign that the Reformation in Denmark was finally settled. Universal Hist. (Modern) Vol. xxxn. p. 447, edit. 1761. Mosheim, Eccl. Hist. cent. xvi. ch. n. sect. i. § 32.] P Nones : nonce, purpose.] XIV.] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 275 the profits thereof that he shall receive in the mean time : but tiU that day come, I charge ye that ye suffer him peaceably to enjoy that is his." This is a noble king ; and this I teU for your example, that ye may do the hke. Look upon the matter yourself. Poor men put up bills every day, and never the near. Con firm your kingdom in judgment ; and begin doing of your own office yourself, even now whUe you are young, and sit once or twice in the week in councU among your lords : it shaU cause things to have good success, and that matters shaU not be lingered forth from day to day. It is good for every man to do his own office, and to see that weU executed and discharged. Ozias king in Juda, he would needs do the office of the priest, and he would needs offer incense x in the sanctuary ; which to do was the priest's office. But he was suddenly stricken with the leprosy for his labour, and so continued a leper aU the days of his life. St John's disciples would have had their master to take upon him that he was Christ. But what said John? Nemo sibi assumit quicquam nisi datum fuerit ei desuper; "No man may take any thing upon him- None may self, except it be given unto him from above." If the Devon- other's office. shire men had weU considered this, they had not provoked the plagues that they have had hght upon them. But un preaching prelacy hath been the chiefest cause of all this hurly-burly and commotions. But if Christ may chaUenge . any kind of men for taking his office upon them, he may say to the mass-mongers, "Who gave you commission to offer Ma^mong- up Christ ? Who gave you authority to take mine office in J*™|"8 hand?" For it is only Christ's office to do that. It is a greater matter3 to offer Christ. If Christ had offered his body at the last supper, then should we so do too. Who is worthy to offer up Christ? An abominable presumption! Paul saith, Accepit panem ; postquam gratias egisset, f regit, et dixit, Accipite, edite; "He took bread, and after that he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take ye, eat ye," &c. : and so said, Hoc est corpus meum, " This is my body." He gave thanks? WeU then: in thanksgiving there is no oblation ; and when he gave thanks, it was not his body. [3 great matter, 1562, 1571] 18—2 276 LAST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. When I was in examination1, 1 was asked many questions, and it was said to me, What Christ did, that should we do : a bishop gathered that upon these words, Hoc fadte in mei recordationem, " Do this in remembrance of me." Then said he to me, " How know ye that they ate it, before he said, Hoc est corpus meum, ' This is my body ?' " I answered again and said, "How know ye that they did not it?" &c. So I brought unto him the place of Paul abovesaid; and that in thanksgiving is none oblation; and when he gave thanks it was not his body, for he gave thanks in the be ginning of supper, before they eat any manner of thing at aU ; as his accustomed manner was to do. I wonder there fore, that they wiU or dare by this text take upon them to offer Christ's body : they should rather say, Quis me con- stituit oblatorem, "Who made me an offerer?" But when Christ said, Quis me constituit judicem aut divisorem super vos, "Who hath made me a judge or a divider of lands christ re- among you?" Christ did refuse another man's office; an m!n'saofficeer office that he was not of his Father deputed unto. Christ's kingdom was a spiritual kingdom, and his office was a spiritual office; and he was a spiritual judge. And therefore, when the woman taken in adultery was brought before him, he refused not to play the judge ; but said, Quis te accusat, "Who accuseth thee?" And she said again, Nemo, Domine: "No man, Lord." Then said he, Nee ego te condemno, " Nor I condemn thee not." Vade et noli amplius peccare, " Go thy ways, and sin no more." Here he took upon him his own office, and did his office ; for his office was to preach, and bid sinners amend their evU hving, and not to be a tem- tonthe king.' Poral JudSe m temporal causes. And here is another occasion of a suit to your highness, for the punishment of lechery; for lechery floweth in England like a flood. But now to make an end in temporal causes. He said, Quis me constituit judicem, fyc, " Who made me a judge of temporal causes among you, and of worldly matters?" Thus came this fellow in here with interrupting of Christ's sermon, and received the answer which I have rehearsed. "Thou p The preacher seems to allude to his examination before the Council, 14th May, 1546. State Papers, Hen. VIII. Vol. I. pp. 848, et seq. See also below, p. 294.] XIV.] KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 277 man, thou feUow," quoth he, " who hath made me a judge among you?" And he said unto aU the audience, Videte et cavete ab avaritia ; " See and beware of covetousness." Why so ? Quia non in abundantia cujusquam vita ejus est ex his quoz posddet; "For no man's hfe standeth in the abundance of the things wliich he possesseth." We may have things necessary, and we may have abundance of things ; but the abundance doth not make us blessed. It is no good ar gument, Quo plus quisque habet, tanto beatius vivit ; " The more riches that a man hath, the more happily and the more bhssfuUy he liveth." For a certain great man, that had pur chased much lands, a thousand marks by year, or I wot not what; a great portion he had: and so on the way, as he was in his journey towards London, or from London, he feU sick by the way ; a disease took him, that he was constrained to he upon it. And so being in his bed, the disease grew a terrible . . j. . -, . example. more and more upon him, that he was, by his friends that were about him, godly advised to look to himself, and to make him ready to God ; for there was none other likelihood but that he must die without remedy. He cried out, " What, shall I die?" quoth he. "Wounds! sides! heart! ShaU I die, and thus go from my goods ? Go, fetch me some phy sician that may save my life. Wounds and sides ! ShaU I thus die ?" There lay he stUl in his bed like a block, with nothing but, " Wounds and sides, shaU I die ?" Within a very httle whUe he died indeed ; and then lay he hke a block indeed. There was black gowns, torches, tapers, and ring ing of beUs ; but what is become of him, God knoweth, and not I. But hereby this ye may perceive, that it is not the abundance of riches that maketh a man to hve quietly and bhssfuUy. But the quiet life is in a mediocrity. Mediocres optime vivunt : "They that are in a mean do hve best." And there is a proverb which I read many years ago, Dimidium Atruepro- plus toto; " The half sometimes more than the whole." The mean hfe is the best life and the most quiet life of aU. If a man should fiU himself up to the throat, he should not find ease in it, but displeasure ; and with the one half he might satisfy his greedy appetite. So this great riches never maketh a man's life quiet, but rather troublous. I remember here a saying of Salomon, and his example: Conservavi mihi argen- 278 LAST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. turn et aurum, " I gathered Silver and gold together," saith he ; "I provided me singers, and women which could play on instruments, to make men mirth and pastime : I gat me psalteries and songs of music, &c, and thus my heart rejoiced in all that I did." But what was the end of aU this ? Cum convertissem me ad omnia, Sec, " When I considered," saith Salomon, "all the works that my hands had wrought, &c, lo! all was but vanity and vexation of mind ; and nothing of any value under the sun." Therefore leave covetousness; for, believe me, if I had an enemy, the first thing that I would wish to him should be, that he might have abundance of riches ; for so I am sure he should never be in quiet. But think ye there be not many that would be so hurt ? But in this place of the gospel Christ spake and declared this un- quietness and uncertainty of great riches by a similitude and parable of a great rich man, who had much land, that brought forth all fruits plentifuUy ; and he being in a pride of the matter, and much unquiet by reason that he had so much, said to himself, " What shaU I do, because I have not room enough wherein to bestow my fruits, that have grown unto me of my lands ? I wUl thus do," saith he ; "I wiU puU down my barns, and build greater barns ; and I wUl say to my soul, My soul, thou hast much goods laid up in store for many years ; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry." But God said to him, Stulte, hoc node animam tuam repe- tunt abs te: " Thou fool ! thou fool ! this night will they take thy soul from thee again, and then whose shaU those things be wliich thou hast provided? Even so it is with him," saith Christ, " that gather eth riches unto himself, and is not rich toward God," &c. But yet the covetous man can never be content. I walked one day with a gentleman in a park, and the man regarded not my talk, but cast his head and eye this and that way, so that I perceived he gave no great ear to me ; which when I saw, I held my peace. At last, "Oh," quoth the gentleman, "if this park were mine, I would never desire more while I lived." I answered and said, " Sir, and what if ye had this park too ?" For there was another park even hard by. This gentleman laughed at the matter. a dropsy m And truly I think he was diseased with the dropsy: the more he had, the more covetous he was to have still more and more. This was a farmer that had a farm hard by it ; and XIV'j KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 279 if he might have had this park to it, he would never have desired more. This was a farmer, not altogether so covetous a man as there be many now-a-days, as for one gentleman to rake up aU the farms in the country together into his hands aU at once. And here one suit more to your highness : there lacketh Lack of one thing in this realm, that it hath need of; for God's sake pr°moters' make some promoters1. There lack promoters, such as were in king Henry the Seventh's days, your grandfather. There lack men to promote the king's officers when they do amiss, and to promote aU offenders. I think there is great need of such men of godly discretion, wisdom, and conscience, to promote transgressors, as rent-raisers, oppressors of the poor, extortioners, bribers, usurers. I hear there be usurers in England, that wiU take forty in the hundred2; but I hear of no promoters to put them up. We read not, this covetous farmer or landed man of the gospel bought corn in the markets to lay it up in store, and then seU it again. But, and if it please your highness, I hear say that in England we have landlords, nay, step-lords I might say, that are become graziers ; and burgesses are become regraters : and Regraters. some farmers wiU regrate and buy up aU the corn that cometh to the markets, and lay it up in store, and sell it again at a higher price, when they see their time. I heard a merchantman say, that he had travaUed aU the days of his life in the trade of merchandise, and had gotten three or four thousand pounds by buying and selling ; but in case he might be licensed or suffered so to do, he would get a thousand pound a year by only buying and selling of grain here within this realm. Yea, and (as I hear say) aldermen Aldermen now-a-days are become colliers : they be both woodmongers and makers of coals. I would wish he might eat nothing but coals for awldle, tiU he had amended it. There cannot a poor body buy a sack of coals, . but it must come through their hands. But this rich man that the gospel speaketh p A species of informers who prosecuted offenders against the laws, and received part of the pecuniary fines that were levied.] P By the 37 Hen. VIII. c, 9. no person was aUowed to receive more than "ten in the hundred" on pain of' forfeiting treble the profits received, with imprisonment and a "fine and ransom at the king's will and pleasure."] 280 LAST SERMON PREACHED BEFORE [sERM. of was a covetous man : God had given him plenty, but that made him not a good man : it is another thing that maketh a good man. God saith, Si non audieris vocem meam, " If thou obey not my voice," &c. And therefore worldly riches do not declare the favour or disfavour of God. The scrip ture saith, Nemo scit an dt amore dignus an odio. God hath ordained all things to be good ; and the devil laboureth to turn aU things to man's evU. God giveth men plenty of riches to exercise their faith and charity, to confirm them that be good, to draw them that be naught, and to bring The devii is them to repentance ; and" the devU worketh altogether to <5od. ' the contrary. And it is an old proverb, " the more wicked, the more fortunate." But the unquietness of this covetous Riches bring rich man declareth the unquietness of the mind, that riches unquietness __ -*¦ of mind. bringeth with it. First, they are aU in care how to get riches ; and then are they in more care how to keep it still. Therefore the Apostle saith, Qui volunt diteseere incidunt in tentationes varias ; " They that study to get great riches do faU into many divers temptations." But the root of aU evU is covetousness. " What shall I do ?" saith this rich man. He asked his own brainless head what he should do : he did not ask of the scripture ; for if he had asked of the scripture, it would have told him ; it would have said unto him, Frange esurienti panem tuum, &c. ; " Break thy bread unto the hungry." AU the affection of men now-a-days is in building gay and sumptuous houses ; it is in setting up and pulling down, and never have they done budding. But the end of aU such great riches and covetousness is this: " This night, thou fool, thy soul shaU be taken from thee." of whom It is to be understood of aU that rise up from httle to much, this is 1 • - i i i spoken. as this rich man that the gospel spake of1. I do not despise riches, but I wish that men should have riches as Abraham had, and as Joseph had. A man to have riches to help his neighbour, is godly riches. The worldly riches is to put aU his trust and confidence in his worldly riches ; that he may by them hve here gallantly, pleasantly and voluptuously. Is this godly riches ? No, no, this is not godly riches. It is a common saying now-a-days among many, " Oh he is a rich man : he is weU worth five hundred pounds." He who is rich, is well worth five hundred pounds, that hath given five P spake of did, 1571.] XIV.J KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. 281 hundred pounds to the poor ; otherwise it is none of his. Yea, but who shaU have this five hundred pounds? For whom hast thou gotten this five hundred pounds? What saith Salomon? Ecclesiastes v. Est alia infirmitas pessima quam vidi sub sole, divitioz conservatoz in malum domini sui: " Another evil (saith he) and another very naughty imper fection, riches hoarded up and kept together to the owner's own harm :" for many times such riches do perish and consume away miserably. " Such a one shall sometime have a son," said he, "that shall be a very beggar, and hve aU in extreme penury." 0 goodly riches, that one man shaU get it, and another come to devour it! Therefore, Videte et cavete ab avaritia ; " See and beware of covet ousness." Beheve God's words, for they wUl not deceive you nor he. " Heaven and earth shall perish, but Verbum Domini manet in wternum ; the word of the Lord abideth, and endureth for ever." 0 this leavened faith, this un seasoned faith! Beware of this unseasoned faith. A certain man asked me this question, " Didst thou ever see a man hve long that had great riches?" Therefore saith the wise man, "If God send thee riches, use them." If God send thee abundance, use it according to the rule of God's word ; and study to be rich in our Saviour Jesus Christ : to whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be all honour, glory, and praise, for ever and ever. Amen. 282 SERMON PREACHED AT STAMFORD. [sERM. A SERMON PREACHED BY M. HUGH LATIMER, AT STAMFORD, NOVEMBER1 9, ANNO 1550. [MATTHEW XXII. 21.] Reddite ergo ques sunt Casaris Ccesari, et quas sunt Dei Deo. Give that that is Caesar's to Caesar, and that that is God's to God. This doctrine is grievous, heavy, and irksome to covetous hearts, rebellious and seditious hearts2. Give, give, they can not away with it ; it cannot stick in their minds, nor settle in their stomachs : they would rather be taking, scraping, and catching, than giving. But godly persons wiU weU accept and take it ; for it is to them a great pleasure, joy, and comfort. For the better understanding of this place, ye shall christ came understand, Christ came to bring us out of bondage, and to not to deliver ... „ • m i i p i from civil set us at liberty, not from civil burthen, as from obeying the magistrates, from paying tax and tribute ; but from a greater burthen, and a more grievouser burthen, the burthen of sin ; the burthen, not of the body, but of the soul ; to make us free from it, and to redeem us from the curse and malediction of the law unto the honourable state of the chU dren of God. But as for the civU burthens, he dehvered us not from them, but rather commanded us to pay them. " Give, give," saith he, " to Caesar obedience, tribute, and aU things due to Caesar." For the understanding of this text, it shaU be very need- tlPbeoabse™ed ^3 to cons*der the circumstance going before : which thing unaeS" duly considered giveth a great hght to aU places of the ing of the scriptures. p All the old editions read, " October :" but this is evidently a mistake. The " Gospel of this day," out of which the text is taken, is the Gospel for the 23d Sunday after Trinity, which does not fall on the 9th of October in any year, and did fall on the 9th of November in 1550.] P rebollious and seditious hearts, not in 1584.] P be needful, 1562.] xv-] SERMON PREACHED AT STAMFORD. 283 scripture. Who spake these words : to whom they were spoken: upon what occasion; and afore whom? Therefore I wUl take the whole fragment and shred, taken out of God's book for the Gospel of this day ; written in the Gospel of Matthew, the twenty-second chapter : Tunc abierunt Pha- risozi; "Then went the Pharisees, and took a counsel." Luke hath observantes, marking, spying, looking, tooting", watch ing : hke subtle, crafty, and sleighty fellows, they took a counsel, and sent to him their disciples, wliich should "feign themselves just men," godly men, glad to learn his doctrine ; and with them Herod's servants to trap. him in his words: and they said to him, "Master, we know that thou art a a crafty ami » ' ' • subtle trufe man, and teachest the way of God in veritate, truly, question. and carest for no man : for thou regardest not the personage of man. TeU us therefore, what thinkest thou ? Is it lawful to give Caesar tribute-money, or no ?" This was their question that they would have snarled him with. In answering him5 to this, they would have caught him by the foot. But Jesus, cognita malitia eorum, knowing their mahce, their wicked ness, their uncharitableness, said to them : " Hypocrites, why A n™1^ do ye tempt me ? Shew me a piece of the tribute-money, answer. And they brought him a penny. And he said to them, Whose image is this, and the writing? They answered, Caesar's. He said to them, Give to Caesar, that that be longeth to Caesar, and to God that that is God's." Thus ye may perceive, it was our Saviour Christ that spake these words; and they were spoken unto the Pharisees that tempted him. But they be a doctrine unto us, that are Christ's dis ciples. For whose words should we dehght to hear and learn, but the words and doctrine of our Saviour Christ? And that I may at this time so declare them, as may be for God's glory, your edifying, and my discharge, I pray you aU to help me with your prayers. In the which prayer, &c, for the universal church of Christ through the whole world, &c, for the preservation of our sovereign lord king Edward the Sixth, sole supreme Head, under God and Christ, of the churches of England and Ireland, &c. Secondly, for the king's most honourable p Slyly prying.] p in answering, 1562.] 284 SERMON PREACHED AT STAMFORD. [sERM- council. Thirdly, I commend unto you the souls departed this hfe in the faith of Christ, that ye remember to give laud, praise, and thanks to Almighty God for bis great goodness and mercy shewed unto them in that great need and conflict against the devil and sin, and that gave them at the hour of death faith in his Son's death and passion, whereby they might conquer and overcome and get the victory. Give thanks, I say, for this ; adding prayers and supphcations for yourselves, that it may please God to give you the hke faith and grace to trust only unto the death of his dear Son, as he Thedevn gave unto them. For as they be gone, so must we : and the th™lour of devU wiU be as ready to tempt us as he was them ; and our death. ..j^ w^ hght as heavy upon us as theirs did upon them; and we are as weak and unable to resist, as were they. Pray therefore that we may have grace to die in the same faith of Christ as they did, and at the latter day be raised with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and be partakers with Christ in the kingdom of heaven. For this and grace let us say the Lord's prayer. Tunc abeuntes. Tunc, it hangeth on a text before. Christ told them a simUitude, that the kingdom of heaven is hke to a king that made a bridal to his son : he married his son, and sent his servants out to bid bis guests. WeU ; they would not come, although he had made great preparing and much cost for them. Ambition, covetousness, and cruelty would not let them come. Then he sent his warriors and destroyed them ; and again and again sent other servants to bid guests to his bridal, hand over head, come who would. They did his bidding, and the house was full of guests. The king now would view his guests, and finding there one not clad in marrying1 garments, he asked him: "Friend, how earnest thou here, not having a marriage-garment? And commanded to bind him hand and foot, and cast him mto utter darkness : there was wailing and grinding of teeth. For many be caUed and few be chosen." Now Christ ex- of thefo™i Poundeth this : The kingdom of heaven is preaching of the gospel. This marriage is the joining of Christ and his church; which was begun by Christ here in earth, and shaU continue to the end of the world. The bidders of his guests are P marriage, 1584.] XV-j SERMON PREACHED AT STAMFORD. 285 preachers : but here are so many lets and hinderances. Covetousness is a let; ambition is a let; cruelty is the greatest let. For they beat his servants ; brake their heads ; yea, murdered them which bade them to this bridal. With this the king was angry, and sent his men of war to destroy those unthankful people. Was he not angry with covetous ness, and with ambition ? Yes, he is angry with covetous Christ ... .... , _. ,_ . . abhorreth men, with ambitious men ; but most of all with cruelty, covetousness, _ ... J ambition, lhis is an anger above common anger, when men be not *ruutes1^cially only unthankful, but also add cruelty, to persecute the preachers that come to call us to this marriage. This toucheth God so nigh, that he saith, Qui vos audit me audit; " He that heareth you heareth me." This cruelty the king would not leave unpunished, but sent forth his men of war. They are caUed his men of war, his men ; his men, for wars come at his commandment. Titus and Vespasian were sent of God to punish those covetous Jews, ambitious Jews, cruel Jews, that would not credit Christ, nor beheve the preaching of salvation. Now in war what part soever get the victory, The victory that is God's part, that is God's host. Nabuchadonoser was an evil man, a wicked man; yet was he sent of God to punish the stubborn and covetous Jews for their ambition and cruelty, and forsaking God's most holy word, and he is called in scripture " God's servant." It is no good argument, He hath the victory, ergo he is a good man. But this is a good argument : He hath the victory, ergo God was on his side, and by him punished the contrary party. The preachers caUed good and bad. They can do no Preachers are the rnessen- more but caU ; God is he that must bring in ; God must ^'^ \ d open the hearts, as it is in the Acts of the Apostles : when {?h3™£ to Paul preached to the women, there was a silk-woman, cujus baI)quet- cor Deus aperuit, " whose heart God opened." None could open it but God. Paul could but only preach, God must work; God must do the thing inwardly. But good and bad came. Therefore the preaching is hkened to a fisher's jj*e 8™«- net, that taketh good fish and bad, and draweth all to the net. shore. In the whole multitude that profess the gospel, all be not good ; aU cannot away with the mortifying of their flesh. They wUl with good wUl bear the name of Christians, of gospellers ; but to do the deeds they grudge, they repine, they cannot away with it. Among the apostles all were not 286 SERMON PREACHED AT STAMFORD. [sERM. Divers sons honest ; nay, one was a devU. So among so great a number o gospel ers. ^ gospellers, some are card-gospeUers ; some are dice-gos- peUers ; some pot-gospellers. All are not good ; aU seek not amendment of life. Then cometh the king to see his guests, and findeth The marriage one not having the marriage-garment, and saith to him, " Friend, how earnest thou hither, and hast not the marriage- garment?" Faith is the marriage-garment; not a feigned faith without good living, but " faith that worketh by love." He was blamed because he professed one thing, and was indeed another. Why did he not blame the preachers? There was no fault in them, they did their duties : they had no further commandment but to caU them to the mar riage. The garment he should have provided himself. There fore he quarrelleth not with the preachers, " What doth this fellow here ? Why suffered ye him to enter," &c. For their commission extended no further but only to caU him. Many are grieved that there is so httle fruit of their preaching. And when as they are asked, " Why do you not preach, having so great gifts given you of God?" " I would preach," say they, "but I see so httle fruit, so httle amendment of life, that it maketh me weary." A naughty answer: a very naughty a good answer. Thou art troubled with that God gave thee no charge lesson for o o preachers. 0f. and leavest undone that thou art charged with. God commandeth thee to preach : and d non locutus fueris, if thou speak not, if thou warn not the wicked, that they turn and amend, they shaU perish in their iniquities ; sanguinem autem ejus de manu tua requiram. This text nippeth ; this pincheth ; this toucheth the quick : " He shaU die in his wickedness, but I will require his blood at thy hand." Heark en well to this, mark it weU, ye curates ; " I wUl ask his blood at thy hand." If you do not your office, if ye teach not the people, and warn them not, you shah be damned dSrge for il;- If y°u do. your office, you are discharged; Tuam yourselves, animam liberasti. Warn them, therefore, to leave their wickedness, their covetousness, their ambition, their cruelty, unmercifulness, &c, and thou hast saved thine own soul. For there was no quarrel with the preachers; but he was cast in prison, "where was weeping and wailing and grinding of teeth:" these were his deiicates. Multi sunt vocati; "Many are called, but few are chosen." XV-J SERMON PREACHED AT STAMFORD. 287 To this parable now joineth this gospel. Tunc Pharisozi abeuntes. The Pharisees were a sect of religion among the Jews, most exquisite, perfect, holy, and learned, and were reputed most godly men ; even such as in holiness excelled aU other, as our monks were of late among us, and be yet in other places. They were in God's bosom, even at heaven- gates, in the sight of the world ; but inwardly superstitious, feigned, hoUow-hearted, dissimulers. Now at this time, I know none more hke them than the hypocritical hollow-hearted pa pists. The name is changed, but the thing remaineth. There- The name of 1 o ' o ^ papists is fore they may weU be called by the name that keep the thing. tjf5r&mu- These were enemies to Christ and his doctrine. They would be STeth'stiii. ordered by old wont, customs, forefathers ; and, to maintain their traditions, set aside the commandments of God, refused Christ and his word. St Luke hath observantes, "observants," ™g5f07g££ that is, watchers, tooters, spies ; much like the Observant JS^0,^ Friars1, the barefoot friars, that were here; which indeed mons^eV were the bishop of Rome's spies, watching in every country, r£aim.ry what was said or done against him. He had it by and by, by one or other of his spies : they were his men altogether, his posts to work against the regality. In the court, in the noblemen's houses, at every merchant's house, those Obser vants were spying, tooting, and looking, watching and prying, what they might hear or see against the see of Rome. Take heed of these Observants. To understand the word observantes, mark what the poet saith in his comedy, Observa Davum2. Take heed, beware and mark Davum; Beware of _._.___... . ,i , false harlots. for they will be stirring in every town, in every gentleman s house, yea, at their very tables. WeU, be wise, beware of them. Inierunt condlium, " They took a counsel." Some goodly thing, some weighty matter, 1 am sure, that these holy fathers consulted upon. It must needs be for the P A schism having occurred among the Franciscans or Grey Friars, they were, at the beginning of the 15th century, formally divided into two sects, the Conventuals and Observants. The latter pro fessed to return to the rigorous observance of the letter of the Rule of their Founder, from which the Conventuals, under papal sanction, had departed. The Enghsh Franciscans were of the Observance. Antiquities of the English Franciscans, by A. P[ulton] pp. 193, 218, et seq.] [2 Observes filium. Terence, Andria I. i. 142.] 288 SERMON PREACHED AT STAMFORD. [sERM. commonwealth, and the profit of many, that these holy fathers came together for. It was "to snarl or trap him in his words." This was their device, this was their counsel. To this end they gather such a company of holy fathers. "A councU, a councU: Bonum est concilium," said one. "Yea, marry," quoth another, "sed bonorum." "A councU is good: a council of yea, sir, if it be of good men." For else what is a councU, if l°good.en it be wicked, of wicked men ? If they say, " This was done by a council, determined in a councU ;" what is it the better, if the councU be wicked ? The Nicene councU was gathered of a great number of bishops and learned men; yet had not one man been there, they had determined contrary to God's word. They were minded and earnestly bent to make a decree, that no priest should marry; but one old man1, and unmarried himself, withstood that act, and turned the councU's mind; so that they meddled not with that decree. one man, And why? More credence is to be given to one man having word of God, the holy word of God for him, than to ten thousand without prevaileth against a the word. If it agree with God's word, it is to be received ; whole . nr council. if it agree not, it is not to be received, though a councU, yea, though an angel from heaven, had determined it. Truth it is, that Christ granteth to a congregation gathered in his name, to be amongst them; yea, though it be but two or three. There is as much granted to two or three, as to ten thousand, so they come in Christ's name : Ubi duo vel tres congregati sunt in nomine meo, ibi sum in medio The name of eorum. In nomine meo. Much wickedness is done, in no- shamefuiiy mine Domini. When they come together seeking their own abusedbythe . . . % _ . . ° _ . .=> . papacy. private fust, pfeasures, and ambitious desnes, it is not in nomine Domini, " in the name of the Lord." But to seek God's glory, Christ's glory, Christ's true rehgion, that is in nomine Christi; and then they are to be heard. But what was these men's counsel ? Ut illaquearent cum in ser- mone; "to snarl or tangle him in his words:" tooters and watchers, to catch him in his word, that they might enforce somewhat against him. Non est consilium adversits Domi- num. These were wily pies, sleighty chUdren, chUdren of the world, and craftily they handled their matters. Miserunt discipulos suos cum Herodianis. They would not go them selves, lest they might have been known; but he knew not P Paphnutius. Concilia, Labb. et Cossart. Tom. n. Col. 246, 247.] XV'J SERMON PREACHED AT STAMFORD. 289 their disciples, as they thought. And they went not alone, but had with them Herod's soldiers, Herod's favourers. This Herod was an Idumean, and was appointed by the Romans to govern the Jews, and to gather the tribute- money. Therefore he was hated among the Jews; and so were those that favoured the Romans' part, and in disdain they were caUed Herodians. Now was the time come, that the holy patriarch prophesied, that the sceptre and kingdom was removed, and Christ was born. This they should have marked, and received his doctrine. But they went about to destroy him, and therefore they brought the Herodians with them. Here now is an agreement in wickedness between the Pharisees and the Herodians against the truth: against Christ, against God's word they agree together; whereas indeed neither loved other, but hated each other as a toad. So many now-a-days of our Pharisees, papists, in destroying The Jews, the truth they agree wondrous weU, whereas in private mat- and heathen, i i agree against ters they hate one another as a toad. Christ. Here come me now these holy fathers from their councU, and send their disciples with the Herodians : mark their behaviour, and mark Christ's behaviour. They come lowting Hypocrites • iii ii • i ¦ seemlowlyto and with low curtesy, as though they would creep mto his the world, bosom. As for Herod's men, they meddle not, but stand by jJS^08' to hear the tale as witnesses ; and if he should speak any thing amiss, be ready to lay hands upon him. They would fain rid him and destroy him ; but they would turn the envy of the deed upon Herod, so that they would be seen fault less. It had been more meet for them to have counseUed how to amend their faults, and to have come to Christ to learn his doctrme, than to study mahciously to trap him and to destroy him. What said they? Magister, scimus The saiuta- quod verax es; "Master, we know thou art a true man, hypocrites. and teachest the way of God truly. Master, we know that thou art Tom Truth, and thou teUest the very truth, and sparest for no man. Thou art plain Tom Truth." Goodly words, but out of a cankered stomach and mahcious heart ! Smiling speakers creep into a man's bosom, they love and aU-to love him ; they favour his word, and caU him master, and yet would gladly see him hanged ! These are indeed hypocrites, one in heart, and another in mouth! "We know that thou art a true man, et viam Dei in veritate doces !" 19 [latimer.] 290 SERMON PREACHED AT STAMFORD. [sERM. Yea, this is God's way, taught truly ! There is God's way, and man's way. Many teach men's way, but that should not be. We should learn viam Dei, God's way ; and that truly, without mixture, temperature, blanching, powdering. Many teach God's way, and shah preach a very good and godly sermon; but at the last they wiU have a blanched Benchers of almond, one httle piece of popery patched in, to powder their matter with, for their own lucre and glory. They make a mingling1 of the way of God and man's way together; a mingle-mangle, as men serve pigs in my country. Christ did not so : he taught the way of God truly, without mixture, powdering, or blanching. These be the properties of aU true preachers, that these confess to be in Christ. It was true every word that they spake. Christ is our master appointed of God : he was true, and taught God's way, not man's way ; truly, not blanching it with man's doctrme. So should we preachers be true men ; preachers of God's way, truly, truly, without regard of person: that is, for no man's pleasure corrupting the word, or mingle-mangle the word with man's invention and traditions. Here may patrons of benefices learn upon what manner of a man they should bestow their benefice: upon a true man, a teacher. He may not be to learn, and a scholar, when he should teach others; but one learned; able to teach, able and weU wUling to discharge his cure. But what do patrons of you, patrons ? SeU your benefices, or give them to your servants for their service, for keeping of hounds or hawks, for making of your gardens. These patrons regard no souls, neither their own nor other men's. What care they for souls, so they have money, though they perish, though they go to the devU ? Whereas indeed the office of a patron is to have a care, a zeal, a vigUant eye for souls' health, and to provide for his churches, that he is patron of; that they might be taught in God's word. Truly, many now-a-days strive to be patrons of benefices, and go to the law who should be patron. JS_onsfdo -^d what strive they for, think ye? Even which of them strive. g^jj g0 f.Q fae devU first. For they regard not soul-health, nor the office of preaching, the office of salvation ; whereas; indeed, therefore are they patrons, to look to it, and to see it be provided for. God of his goodness and almighty power P mangling, 1584.] > XV-J SERMON PREACHED AT STAMFORD. 291 might ordain other ways and means of salvation ; but this office of preaching is it that God hath ordained, as St Paul saith : Cum non cognoverit mundus per sapientiam Deum, placuit Deo per stultitiam prazdicationis salvos facere cre dentes ; " Whereas the world by bis wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by foolish preaching to save" credentes, "those that beheve," per stultitiam prazdicationis, " by foolishness of preaching," or foohsh preaching, it maketh no matter. Not that it was foohsh indeed, but that the wise men of the world did so esteem and take the preaching of the gospel: whereas indeed it is most godly wisdom, and the preaching office is the office of salvation, and the only means that God hath appointed to salvation. Credentes, those that beheve, be saved by this holy office of preaching. I would wish it were The office of better looked unto and provided for, and that patrons and salvatl0n- bishops should see more dihgently to it, than hath been done afore-time. I would ask no more dUigence to this office of salvation, than men are wont to bestow upon their worldly pleasures, and lucre, or commodities. Nay, would they but bestow half the labour and pains, and some httle part of the expenses, it were weU. To consider what hath been plucked from abbeys, coUeges, and chantries, it is marvel no more to be bestowed upon this holy office of salvation. It may weU be said by us, that the Lord complaineth by his prophet, Domus mea deserta, vos festinatis unusquisque in domum suam. What is Christ's house, but christian souls ? But who christian maketh any provision for them ? Every man scrapeth and chriitT getteth together for this bodUy house, but the soul-health is neglected. Schools are not maintained; scholars have not exhibition ; the preaching office decayeth. Men provide lands and riches for their chUdren, but this most necessary office they for the most part neglect. Very few there be that help poor scholars ; that set their chUdren to school to learn the word of God, and to make a provision for the age to come. This, notwithstanding, is the only way to salvation. God wUl not devise any new way, as far as I perceive, but would Godwin have us to use this way ordained already. This preaching way. way we ought to use, and not to look for any new way. This office of salvation we ought to maintain, and not look for any other. My request is, that ye would bestow as much to the maintenance of this necessary office of salvation, as ye were wont to bestow in times past upon Romish trifles, and 19—2 292 SERMON PREACHED AT STAMFORD. [sERM. things of man's traditions. Neither do I now speak for myself and my convent, as the begging Friars were wont to do. I have enough, I thank God, and I need not to beg. I would every preacher were as weU provided as myself, through this realm ; as indeed I think them as weU worthy Great riches as myself. I wish, I say, ye would bestow as much, upon this bestowed, necessary office of salvation, as in times past ye bestowed in pUgrimages, in images, in gUding, painting, in masses, diriges1, trentals, chantries, and such vain things of the Romish Pha risees' and papists' inventing. Ye would do that without calling ; and to this wiU you not be ready when ye be caUed. If it be no better in time to come than hitherto looked unto, what a then England wiU at the last bewaU it. Christ knew what a charge _ . . the Office of" CliarSe hangeth upon this necessary office of preaching, the preaching, office of salvation, and therefore most earnestly apphed it himself. And when he chose his twelve apostles to send them forth unto this office, he first prayed aU the night. He, being God almighty with the Father, might have given aU gifts fit for this office ; but to teach us, he would first pray aU night. Here is good matter for bishops and patrons to look upon; and not to regard so httle whom they give their benefice unto, or whom they admit to cure the souls they have charge Nlt_ons's'yc °^" -^ notable example: Christ prayed aU night, ere he would send them forth, ere he would put them in this preaching office, this most necessary office of salvation. For he saw that they had need of great zeal to God and to souls' health, that should take upon them to keep souls, and a bold courage and spirit, that should rebuke the world of their sin and wickedness. Many wUl choose now such a curate for their souls, as they may caU " fool," rather than one that shall re buke their covetousness, ambition, unmercifulness, uncharitable- ness ; that shaU be sober, discreet, apt to reprove and resist the gainsayers with the word of God. The proper- These be the properties of every good preacher : to be a preacher.00 true man ; to teach, not dreams nor inventions of men, but viam Dei in veritate, "the way of God truly;" and not to regard the personage of man ; not to creep into his bosom, to claw his back ; to say to the wicked he doth weU, for filthy lucre's sake. Ah, these flatterers ! no greater mischief in the commonwealth, than these flatterers ! But who would P A service for the dead, which takes its name from Dirige, the first word of the first antiphon of the office.] XV-J SERMON PREACHED AT STAMFORD. 293 have discerned this, but our Saviour Jesus Christ ? He spied Flatterers them out, and knew aU their malicious hearts, their un- horied- charitable hearts, their dissembling hearts, and said, Quid me tentatis, hypocritoz ? Hypocrites, hypocrites, hypocrites ! Hypocrites. one in heart, another in mouth ; fair in pretence, but fuU of mischief and malicious hatred within; he saw what was within. Then have at ye, ye hypocrites! They put forth their question, Licet censum dare Cozsari, an non ? A perUous a subtle and question to answer to ! This was the fruit of their counsel, quSn. and this was the snare laid for him. What should he do now ? Hold his peace ? That had been a slander to his doc trine. They would have said, "Lo, how ignorant he is in the law, that hath no answer to this simple and plain question." If he affirm, and bid pay the tribute, he shaU incur the hatred of the people, and seem to speak in favour of the Romans. If he would have denied it, then had they that they sought. The Herodians were ready to lay hands upon him, to have him to .Bocardo. " To prison with him, a traitor that speak eth against Caesar ! Away with this seditious feUow !" O Lord, what -peril is it to have to do with these hypo crites ! Who could have escaped this snare but Christ only, which is the wisdom of the Father, and knew aU their ma liciousness and crafty sleights? And as he then by his wisdom overcame them, so now doubtless he giveth wisdom to aU his, God giveth to spy out and beware of their subtle crafts. For such trains, *" traps, snares and subtleties, as these Pharisees laid for Christ, such have our pharisaical papists laid for Christ's preachers. But he mercifully ever fulfiUed his promise, Dabo os et sa- pientiam, cui non possunt resistere omnes adversarii vestri : "I wiU," saith Christ, "give mouth and wisdom, which aU your adversaries shah not be able to resist." They shaU not papiSts rail, be tongue-tied, they have their answer ; yea, so wise that to confute.6 their adversaries shaU not be able to resist. They may well oppress it here in this world with power, but they cannot be able to overcome it with arguments of truth: no, aU the pack of adversaries, with aU their subtleties, snares, and gins. They may raU upon it, as in many places lewd feUows do against priests' marriages ; " that dame, his wife, his whore, &c:" but they cannot deny it by any scripture, but that Mamage of the marriage of priests is as good and godly, as the marriage ferd. of any other man. For " wedlock is honourable among aU men, and the wedded bed undefiled. And to avoid fornication, 294 SERMON PREACHED AT STAMFORD. [sERM. let every man have his own wife." Well, let them raU ; let them do what they can against the truth. Respice finem, "mark the end;" look upon the end. The end is, aU ad versaries of the truth must be confounded and come to nought, neither shaU they be able to resist it. And though the poor disciples be troubled, vexed and persecuted, " mark th.e end." The highest promotion that God can bring his unto in this life is, to suffer for his truth. And it is the greatest setting forth of his word ; it is God's seed. And one suffering for the truth turneth more than a thousand sermons. Latimer, how I -wiU teU you an example of this, how God giveth mouth he was perse- ** #A ° cuted. an(i wisdom. I was once m examination before five or six bishops, where I had much turmoiling. Every week thrice I came to examinations, and many snares and traps were laid to get something. Now God knoweth I was ignorant of the law ; but that God gave me answer and wisdom what I should speak. It was God indeed, for else I had never escaped them. At the last I was brought forth to be exa- The subtle mined into a chamber hanged with arras, where I was before manner used , ° in the exami- WOnt to be examined, but now at this time the chamber was nation of Latimer. somewhat altered : for whereas before there was wont ever to be a fire in the chimney, now the fire was taken away, and an arras hanging hanged over the chimney, and the table stood near the chimney's end ; so that I stood between the table and the chimney's end. There was among these bishops that examined me, one with whom I have been very famihar, and took him for my great friend, an aged man, and he sat next the table end. Then among aU other ques- a subtle tions, he put forth one, a very subtle and crafty one ; and question. • j j t ii • sucn one indeed as 1 could not think so great danger m. And when I should make answer; "I pray you, Master Latimer," said he, " speak out ; I am very thick of hearing, and here be many that sit far off." I marveUed at this, that I was bidden speak out, and began to misdeem, and gave an ear to the chimney. And, Sir, there I heard a pen walking in the chimney behind the cloth. They had appointed one there to write aU mine answers : for they made sure work that I should not start from them ; there was no starting ,from them. God was my good Lord, and gave me answer: I could never else have escaped it. The question was this : " Master Latimer, do you not think on your conscience, that you have been suspected of heresy ?" A subtle question, a Xv-J SERMON PREACHED AT STAMFORD. 295 very subtle question. There was no holding of peace would serve. To hold my peace had been to grant myself faulty. To answer it was every way fuU of danger. But God, which alway hath given me answer, helped me, or else I could never have escaped it ; and dehvered me from their hands. Many one have had the like gracious dehverance, and been endued with God's wisdom and God's Spirit, which aU their adversaries could not be able to resist. Ostendite mihi numisma census : " Shew me," said he, " a penny of the tribute money." They laid snares to de stroy him, but he overturneth them in their own traps : qui comprehendit astutos in fallacia eorum ; "He taketh the crafty in their own subtle gins and snares :" but not mali ciously to destroy them, as they mahciously would have seen him hanged ; but mercifully to turn them from their wicked imaginations, that they might consider that " no wisdom, no subtle crafts, nor counsel is against the Lord," and so repent and become new men. At Mi obtulerunt Mi denarium; " And they brought him a denary," a piece of their current coin, that was worth ten of our usual pence : such another piece as our testoon. And he said, Cujus est imago hozc et superscriptio ? Dicunt ei, Cozsaris : " Whose image is this, and superscription ? They said, Caesar's :" for now was Jewry -brought under the bondage of the Romans, and therefore used they the Roman coin, and had upon it both Caesar's image, and Caesar's superscription. Then answered Jesus, Reddite ergo quoz sunt Cozsaris Cozsari, et quoz sunt Dei Deo ; " Pay to Caesar that is due to Caesar, and to God that which is due to God." Make not a mingle-mangle of them; G™eachhU but give to God his own, give to Caesar his own. To God give thy soul, thy faith, thy hope, thy obedient mind, to keep his word, and frame thy hfe thereafter: to Caesar give tribute, tax, subsidy, and aU other duties pertaining to him ; as to have him in thy honour and reverence, and to obey his just laws and righteous commandments, &c. But because the time is past, I will here make an end for this forenoon ; desiring you to pray to God for his help : for at afternoon I purpose to begin again at this text, and to go forth as God shaU give me his grace. Now let us aU say together the Lord's prayer. " Our Father which .art in heaven," &c. 296 SERMON PREACHED AT STAMFORD. [sERM. THE RESIDUE OF THE GOSPEL, DECLARED IN THE AFTERNOON, BY M. LATIMER. LMATTHEW XXII. 21.J Reddite Ccesari qua sunt Ccesaris, et quce sunt Dei Deo. Yield to Caesar that belongeth to Cssar, and to God that belongeth to God. Ye may perceive by that we have said, who spake these words, and upon what occasion they were spoken. Our Sar- viour Christ spake them to the tempting Pharisees, to the crafty and subtle hollow-hearted Pharisees ; willing them to know their duty by their own confession, and to give to Caesar his duty, and to God his duty. Our Saviour Christ spake them. If he spake them, we ought to regard them. Regard them, I say, and make much of them ; for though they were then spoken to them, yet in them they were spoken to aU the world. I use to make a rehearsal of that I spake before, but because the time is short, I wUl omit it. The service must be done, and the day goeth fast away. Therefore I wiU to my matter, and leave the rehearsal. These words be words of great importance, and would weU be considered: for he that doth this, receiveth great benefits by it ; but he that doth it not, incurreth great damage and danger. The occasion was a counsel taken among these holy fathers to snarl Christ. A good and charitable deed ! Yet were they holy men, holy fathers, fuU of charity up to the hard ears. This they learned in their council ; and this They answer now they set on broach. But Christ now causeth them to questio™ make answer to their own question, as he did also a httle before. When he was come up into Jerusalem, and had driven out the buyers and seUers in the temple; the arch- Pharisees, Provincials1, and Abbots-Pharisees, came stoutly to him as he was preaching in the temple, and said to him, Qua P A provincial is the chief of all the religious of his particular order within a given province.] XVI-J SERMON PREACHED AT STAMFORD. 297 auctoritate ista fads ? Aut quis dedit tibi istam auctorita- Christ's tern 2 " By what authority dost thou these things ? Who g^nh?om hath given thee this authority? We have the rule of theFather- people of God, we have given thee no such authority." A wondrous thing ! Christ had testimony of his Father : " This is my beloved Son, hear him." John had borne him wit ness, saying, "Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world." His works and miracles were testi monies that his doctrine was of God. WeU, aU this would2 not serve. He must have license of these holy fathers, or else aU is nothing worth. Christ answered not directly to their question, but asked them another question, and made them give answer against themselves ; and as it were with one wedge drived out another. " The baptism of John, was it of God, or of man ? Was John sent of God ? Had he his authority of God or of man ?" Here he driveth them to con fess his doctrine to be of God. For John, whom they could not deny to have been sent from God, bare witness that his doctrine was true. If they had confessed this, he would have inferred, " Why beheve ye him not ?" If they should have said, " John was not of God," then would aU the people have been against them ; yea, in a hurly-burly have stoned them. This they considered within themselves, and yet their malicious hearts would not bear it to confess the truth : nay, rather, like wise gentlemen, they answered, " We know not : The Phari- ^^ S66S COYl-jCSS we cannot teU." These arch-Pharisees thought nothing might ignorance. be done or taught without their hcense, nor otherwise but as they pleased to interpret. They were like our rehgion and clergy, that thought nothing might be taught but as they pleased. They would pay no tribute, tax, nor tribute. They had their immunities, privUeges, and grants, from the Roman bishop. And to maintain this they alleged many scriptures, as thus, Nolite tangere Christos meos; which is, " Touch not mine anointed or consecrated people." Which words the Lord spake by the Israehtes in Egypt, warning king Pharao to leave and cease from persecuting the Israel ites : and it maketh as much for our clergy's immunity and proveth it as weU, as if a man alleged, Quem terra, pontus, to prove that an ape hath a tail. [2 will, 1562.] 298 SERMON PREACHED AT STAMFORD. [SERM. Give to our Ca?sar. Give is an heavy word to some. Well, they answered, Cozsaris, " Caesar's." They con-, fessed it was Caesar's money, and Caesar's image and writing upon it. Here Christ compeUed them to make answer unto their own question; and if envy should arise, to take it themselves: for they confessed it to be Caesar's. Then said he, " Give to Caesar that which is Caesar's, and to God that is due to God." This answer of Christ I would have you all to learn. Give to your Caesar, to your king, to our most noble king Edward, our Caesar, our king and magistrate appointed and given to us of God, — give to him that which is due to him. This is a commandment of God, as are these, "Thou shalt not murder: Thou shalt not steal, nor bear false witness against thy neighbours." And as thou art bound upon perU of thy soul to obey the other ; so upon perU of thy soul thou art bound to obey and keep this. Look well upon it, for it is. upon perU of thy soul. Date, " Give, give ;" a heavy word to a covetous heart, to a rebellious heart. They would nor hear reddite, or date, " pay, or give ;" but " take, catch, keep fast." We are all bound to hve in obedience unto our king, under his just and rightwise laws and commandments. Christ came, indeed, to dehver us from burthens aind bondage, but that was not from civU and pohtic laws and obedience. He came to dehver us from the greatest bondage that can be, from sin and damnation. The heaviest burthen that can be is sin; and in comparison of it, all other burthens are but hght and easy matters to bear. Therefore Christ came to dehver us from that, and gave his body to be torn upon the cross for that. Neither could any work, or law, or sacrifice redeem us from Lincolnshire, that, but Christ only. I never preached in Lincolnshire afore, nor came here afore, save once when I went to take orders at Lincoln, which was a good while ago; therefore I cannot say much of Lincolnshire, for I know it not. But I dare say, if Lincolnshire be as other places that I know, this text condemneth a great many of Lincolnshire, and driveth them down to heU for breaking of this command ment, " Give to Caesar that which is due to Caesar, and to God that which is due to God." The office of a magistrate is grounded upon God's word, and is plainly described of St Paul, writing unto the Romans, Sin is the heaviest burden. XVI.] SERMON PREACHED AT STAMFORD. 299 where he sheweth, that all souls, that is to say, all men ought to obey1 magistrates, for they are ordained of God ; ah maBj_- and to resist them is to resist agamst God. " For he is ordained of God's minister, ordained to punish the wicked, and maintain the good." Wherefore we ought to pay to him tribute, custom, taxes, and other things that he requireth upon us, as Christ saith here, Reddite, " give to Caesar." How much we should give, he defineth not, but leaveth it to Caesar's officers to determine, and to his councU to appoint. Christ was not the emperor's treasurer : therefore he meddled not Christ .-,! l p . ,/» , WaS n0t with that point, but left it to the treasurer to define and treasurer. determine. He went about another vocation, — to preach unto the people their duty, and to obey their princes, kings, emperors, and magistrates ; and to bid them give that the king requireth of them ; not to appoint a king what he shaU require of them. It is meet for every man to keep his own vocation, and dihgently walk in it; and with faithfulness to study to be occupied in that God hath caUed him unto, and not to be busy in that God hath not caUed him unto. Therefore saith Christ, " Give to Caesar," but he appointeth not how much ; for that should his treasurer know, and The treasurer s should warn him of it when he hath enough; that thedi".- people be not oppressed with unnecessary burthens, nor that the king's treasures be to seek when they should be occupied. The king must have his treasures aforehand, what chance soever come suddenly. It is no reason, when the king should occupy his treasure in maintenance of a common wealth, in defence of a country, in maintaining of his wars, that then his money should be in thy purse to seek, and ungathered. Nay, he must have it in a readiness, at hand, that it be not to seek. And he must have as much as is necessary for him; for so much is due to a king as is How much necessary, and so much may he require by the law of God, take. and take of his commons, as is necessary. And that must not thou, nor I, that are subjects, appoint; but the king himself must appoint it; his council must appoint it. We must give it, we must pay it ; for it is due to the king, and upon perU of thy soul thou must pay it. And as he that taketh my tippet or my cloak doth me wrong, and is a thief; so he that doth not pay to the king that is his due, without P obey the; 1562, 1571.] 300 SERMON PREACHED AT STAMFORD. [SERM. Twenty fraud or guUe, doth the king wrong, and is in perU of his soul for so doing. WeU ; mark it weU now, and see whether this text be a nipping text for covetous men, or no : " Give to Caesar that is due to. Caesar." When the parhament, the high court of this reahn, is gathered together, and there it is determined that every man shaU pay a fifteenth part of his goods to the king; then commissions come forth, and he that in sight of men, in his cattle, corn, sheep, and other goods, is worth an hundred mark or an hundred pound, wUl set himself at ten pound; he wiU be worth no more to the king but after ten pound : teU me now whether this be theft or no ? His cattle, corn, sheep, in every man's eyes, shaU be worth two hundred pound, besides other things, as money and plate; and he wUl marry his daughter, and give with her four or five hundred mark ; and yet at the valuation he wUl be a twenty pound man : doth he give to Caesar that which is due to tothekTn™ Caesar? Doth he not rather rob the king of his bound duty and debt, that he owed to the king ? Yes, it is very theft ; and thou mightest with as good conscience take my cloak or my tippet from me, as so unjustly take or withhold from the king that wliich the parhament hath given unto the king. It is thy bounden duty to pay him truly that which is granted; for it is due debt, and upon perU of thy soul thou art bound to obey it. Yea, I wUl say more : if the king should require of thee an unjust request, yet art thou bound to pay it, and not to resist and rebel against the king. The king, indeed, is in perU of his soul, for asking of an unjust request ; and God wUl in his due time reckon with him for it : but thou must obey thy king, and not take upon thee to judge him. God is the king's judge, and doubtless wiU grievously punish him if he do any thing unrighteously. Therefore pray thou for thy king, and pay him his duty, and disobey him not. And know this, that whensoever there is any unjust exaction laid upon thee, it is a plague and punishment for thy sin, as all other plagues are ; as are hunger, dearth, pestilence, and such other. We marvel we are plagued as we be; and I think verUy this unjust and unfaithful dealing with our princes is one great cause of our plague : look therefore every man upon his conscience. Ye shall not be judged by worldly policy at The king may be unjust. XVI.] SERMON PREACHED AT STAMFORD. 301 the latter day, but by God's word. Sermo quem locutus johnxu. 4a sum vobis, ipse judicabit vos in novisdmo die : " The word that I have spoken to you, that shaU judge you at the latter day." Look well now every man upon his conscience, and see whether ye1 have done this commandment of God. Give to your king that which is due to him ; and he that findeth himself guUty, let him amend in time to come. "This is hard gear, and sore gear," thou wUt say. " Give, give ! I have wife and chUdren, and great charge !" Well, I shaU teU thee, it minisheth not thy stock one farthing at the To give doth year's end. Hearken what God saith : Si audieritis verba the stock. mea, "If you wiU hear my words," saith God, "and keep that I command thee, I wUl bless thee." And, Si non audieritis, "If ye wUl not hear my words, and do my commandments, thou shalt be cursed," &c. What is blessing? Blessing, Not wagging of the fingers, as our bishops were wont: but it is, " I wUl favour thee, and increase thy goods, thy corn, thy cattle, thy ox, thy sheep ; and in aU thy business thou shalt prosper and go forward." And what is the curse, butBiessmgand cursixi-i- to be out of God's favour ? " I wiU impoverish thee ; thy corn, thy cattle, thy ox, thy sheep, shaU not prosper ; what thou takest in hand, it shall not go forward." This was not taught in times past: men had pilgrimages, images, masses, trentals, &c. But I would have you muse of these two points : cursed, if thou hear not God's word commanding thee to pay thy duty to the king ; and blessed, if thou hear it and keep it. I would have you to muse of these two things: that it shaU not minish thy stock. Shew me one man in all England, that is the poorer for paying the king his duty, for being a true dealing man, a good alms-man, &c. Many have come to poverty by dicing, carding, riot, whoredom, causes of and such hke; but never no man by truth, mercy, alms, right dealing with the king. In the Cardinal's2 time men were put to their oaths, to swear what they were worth. It was a sore thing,' and a thing I would wish not to be foUowed. 0 Lord, what perjury was in England by that Great p^ury swearing! I think this realm fareth the worse yet for that™ ° perjury ; for doubtless, many a one wiUingly and wittingly [1 he, 1562, 1571.] P Cardinal Wolsey.] 302 SERMON PREACHED AT STAMFORD. [sERM. forsware themselves at that time. "It is a dear time," thou wUt say, " and men have much ado to hve ; therefore it is good pohcy to set myself much less than I am." Well, that is thy worldly pohcy, and with it thou runnest into the curse of God for breaking his word and commandment, " Give to Caesar that wliich is due to Caesar." I wUl teU thee a good pohcy to keep thy stock, and to maintain thine estate ; not a pohcy of the world, but of God's word; and it is this: Qucerite primum regnum Dei et justitiam ejus, et haze omnia adjicientur vobis ; " Seek first the kingdom of God, and the righteousness of it, and aU things shaU be plenteously given to you." Dost thou not beheve this to be true ? Is Christ a.hoUow man, an untrue man, a dissembler? The Pharisees make him a true man, and we make him a false harlot. He is a true man; and his words and promise are true. Nay, we be false, hoUow-hearted, and therefore justly punish ed. For if we would credit his words, it should without doubt be given us abundantly upon heaps; yea, more1 than we could desire. orde?of ' When we pray for things unto almighty God, what ask we ? Do we ask forthwith at the first chop our necessaries ? Nay, Christ taught us first to pray, " Our Father, which art in heaven ; haUowed be thy name ; Thy kingdom come ; Thy wiU be done in earth as it is in heaven," &c. First, we pray these petitions for faith, hope, and charity; that God's honour may in aU things be set out among us; and then we pray after for bodily things. But now we leave these petitions, and would be in panem nostrum, " our daUy bread," at the first dash : we would have our daily bread at the first chop ; and so we have that, we force httle of the other. We wiU not say in words, that we think God false, but in deeds we plainly affirm it : for we trust him not, neither beheve his promise when he biddeth us, " Give, give ; I wUl bless ye, I wiU make good my word." Nay, nay, we wUl scrape and scrawl, and catch and pull to us aU that we may get. Alii fty'tota1"1 dividunt sua, et ditiores fiunt ; alii rapiunt non sua, et semper in egestate sunt : " Some men," saith Salomon, " divide then- own goods; they pay the king his duty, every man his own; give alms, and yet are more richer ; they have enough and p more and more, 1584.] prayer. noted XVI.] SERMON PREACHED AT STAMFORD. 303 enough. Other rob other men ; scratch and scrape all that they may come by; never content, never enough; heap to heap ; and yet are they alway beggars." Qui benedidt impinguabitur, " He that blesseth shaU be fat and wealthy :" he that blesseth, not with wagging his fingers, but helping the poor people, he shaU be blessed and ever have enough. God wUl bless him, God wiU increase him. And indeed so ought men to consider their gifts and goods to be given, ut illorum copia aliorum succurrat inopioz; that their abundance might succour the necessity, poverty, and misery of their poor neighbours; and not to waste it, consume it in riot and excess, but in deeds of mercy, in deeds of charity, and pity upon the poor. Qui miser etur pauperis, feneratur Domino : "He that hath mercy Leamhow .1 lii.i i-ri -r...t0 spend thy upon the poor, he lendeth upon usury unto the Lord. This s00^- is a good usury, to make God thy debtor. Many lend upon worldly usury, which is surely a very wicked thing, and God forbiddeth it. But this usury God commandeth, and pro- Good usury. miseth to supply the lack of it in thy coffers. He wUl be debtor, he wiU be paymaster. Thou shalt not find thy stock diminished at the year's end by keeping God's commandment, but rather blessed and increased. " Give therefore unto the king that is due unto the king ; et quoz sunt Dei Deo, and give to God that which is God's." What is God's? That Things due I give at God's bidding : the tithes, oblations, first-born of beasts, and sacrifice-cattle ; which aU God appointed unto the Jews to the maintenance of their church-ministers, of the clergy, poor widows, fatherless chUdren, maintenance of poor scholars. This was the cause that God assigned the Jews to pay their tithes; and until the coming of Christ they were due by God's law, and might by the law given to Moses be claimed. But now that law is at an end, neither can they be claimed any more by that law. Notwithstanding, now in the time of the new testament, the princes be bound to pro vide a sufficient hving for the ministers, as St Paul saith, The minister o must be pro- Qui evangelium prozdicant de evangelio vivant. They that ™ie j be used. means that God hath assigned, and not seek new ways. This office of preaching is the only ordinary way that God hath appointed to save us aU by. Let us maintain this, for I know none other; neither think I God wiU appoint or devise any other. " Pay therefore to Caesar that which is due to Caesar." o^r was And this said Christ by an heathen king, a paynim : how an heathen. 1 , , ^ ' much more ought we to pay to our Caesar, our liege lord and king, a christian king, and so godly and virtuous a learned king! And "pay to God that is due to God:" tithes and all duties belonging to the ministers and preachers of this office of salvation, give to them without dissembling, without withdrawing or abridging of their duties. Take Beware of heed of lying, and setting thyself at less than thou art. Mark the example of Ananias and Saphira his wife: they lying. XVIJ SERMON PREACHED AT STAMFORD. 307 died suddenly for their lying and dissimulation in the like matter. WeU, this was Christ's doctrine : this was his answer : " Give to Caesar that which is Caesar's, and to God that which is God's." Et non potuerunt reprehendere verbum ejus coram populo: "And they could not find fault in his word before the people ;" it was so just, so consonant with scriptures and with reason. Yet afterward they falsified his word before Pilate, accusing him, Hunc deprehendimus evertentem gentem, et vetantem tributa dari Cozsari; "We found this feUow turning away the people's hearts, and forbidding the1 tribute to be given to Caesar." These be Perilous perilous people to meddle withal, mahcious and uncharitable ; that care not what slander they accuse a man of. Deny : they are ready to accuse. Affirm : they will yet falsify his word. Then it is best to say nothing at aU. Nay, not so. Let us speak God's truth, and live according to his commandment; he shall deliver us from the hands of our adversaries, and make us safe in his heavenly kingdom. Let us, I say, do God's bidding and commandment. Give to our king our duties. Truly we shaU have never the less ; it shaU tp do truly not minish our stock, we shaU rather have the more. For not our . ... stock. God is true of his promise. Let us maintain the necessary office of salvation ; pay to the ministers the things appointed them ; maintain scholars and schools ; help the poor widows and fatherless children; study to do good while we have time in this present hfe : so shall the Lord in this life bless us, and after this life give us eternal life through Jesus Christ ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be aU laud and honour. Amen. Marvel not that I use at the sermon's end to make prayer, for I do it not of singularity : but when I am at home, and in the country where I go, sometime when the poor people come and ask at me, I appose2 them myself, or cause my servant to appose them, of the Lord's prayer ; and they answer some, "I can say my Latin Pater-noster ;" some, " I can say the old Pater-noster, but not the new." P that, 1584.] p appose : question, examine. Fr. apposer.] 20—2 308 SERMON PREACHED AT STAMFORD. [sERM. XVI. J Therefore that aU that cannot say it may learn, I use before the sermon and after to say it. Wherefore now I beseech you, let us say it together : " Our Father, which art," &c. CERTAIN SERMONS MADE BY THE RIGHT REVEREND FATHER IN GOD MASTER DOCTOR LATIMER, BEFORE THE RIGHT VIRTUOUS AND HONOURABLE LADY, KATHERINE, DUCHESS OF SUFFOLK, IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1S52. TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE LADY KATHERINE, DUCHESS OF SUFFOLK, AUGUSTINE BERNHER WISH- ETH THE GRACE OF GOD WITH THE INCREASE OF ALL HEAVENLY VIRTUES TO HER GRACE'S ETERNAL COMFORT IN JESUS CHRIST. That princely prophet David, describing the perverse nature and wicked properties of the ungodly and reprobates, amongst other crimes whereof he doth accuse them, he layeth also to their charge that "they have not called upon God." By the which words he doth manifestly teach, that they which do not give themselves to true and faithful prayer, and invocating of the name of God, are in the number of those which do say in their hearts, " There is no God." For as the godly, by their earnest and continual praying and praising of the name of God, do declare the reverent fear they bear towards his divine majesty, and their unfeigned love, the which is grafted in their hearts by the gracious and divine Spirit, towards their heavenly and most loving Father, by the which they are encouraged willingly and cheerfully to walk in the way of godliness, and to frame their lives to the wiU and pleasure of him whom they fear and love : so, on the contrary side, the ungodly, in that they do not call upon their God, neither praise him, most evidently declare that they stand not in awe of him, nor love him, but rather despise him as one that is neither able to hurt or pleasure them. By this, now, that I have said it doth manifestly appear, that as faithful and true prayer is the occasion of all goodness and godliness, so the omitting and neglecting of the same is the root and cause of all sin and mischief : and that wUl be more evident unto them that do consider with themselves these two principal parts, wherein true prayer doth consist. The first part of true prayer is caUed in the Hebrew tongue Thephilah ; the which signifieth Judicii vel condemnationis deprecationem, a hearty and earnest request and supphcation, made unto God the eternal Judge, for the remission and 312 SERMONS ON THE LORd's PRAYER. pardon of sins ; the which request proceedeth from the heart that is anguished by the ugsome sight of his wickedness, revealed by the brightness of the law of God. The other part of prayer is caUed in the same tongue Thehillah, Laus, a praise of God's mercies, the which doth foUow the former request. For when the heart so anguished hath poured out his grief, and is by the Spirit of God certified that his sins be forgiven, his prayer is heard for Christ's sake ; by and by it bursteth out into a joyful praising of the name of the Lord, who so graciously hath shewed himself in giving comfort unto his sorrowful conscience. In these two parts of prayer the chUdren of God do exercise themselves ; that is, in lamenting of their sins, and in rejoicing in the .for giveness of the same, the which consisteth in the death of Christ. Whereupon the third part foUoweth, the which is to crave at their Father's hands such things as be needful for them in this world. Now he that beholdeth dihgently the state of the world shall easily perceive, that the most part of men are given up to their own hearts' lusts, because they be destitute of that most comfortable spirit of prayer. Who doth not see that the principal occasion of this horrible unthankfulness, the which of aU states of men is shewed towards the eternal God, happeneth by the reason that men do not pass for their sins, do lightly regard them, and so do not crave re mission of them at God's hands, neither be thankful? If men did exercise themselves in faithful prayer, and did use to examine themselves by the rule of the law of God (in the which glass they may soon see their own filthiness), they would no doubt with great diligence consider the great and inestimable benefits of the Lord their God shewed unto them, even in these our days. First, how graciously he gave us the hght of the gospel in king Edward's time, for the space of seven years. After the which time, by the reason of our unthankfulness, he most justly plagued us, and took the same away again, and caused by the devU's hangmen (the papists, I mean) darkness, bhndness, and most pestiferous doctrine to be brought into the church ; by reason whereof a great num ber that had before no lust to the truth, even by God's just judgment, were then deceived by lies, and so perished eter^ nally. And yet, notwithstanding, the faithfid Lord in all DEDICATION. 313 these turmoilings preserved his servants, giving unto a num ber of them such a princely spirit, that they were. able to deride and laugh to scorn the threatenings of the tyrants ; to despise the terribleness of prisons and torments ; and in the end, most joyfully to overcome and conquer death, to the praise of God and their own endless comfort. Unto other some the self-same most gracious God gave such a vahant spirit, that they were able, by his grace, to forsake the plea sures and commodities of this world ; and being armed with patience, were content to travel into far and unknown coun tries, with their families and households, having smaU worldly provision, or none at all ; but trusting to his providence, who never forsaketh them that trust in him. Besides this, the The congre- ~ _ , . . . _ gation of the same God preserved a great number, even in the midst of faithful in f ° . Queen their enemies, not only from bodily dangers, but also from Mary- being infected with that poisoned and blasphemous doctrine, that then in all open pulpits with shameless brags and osten tation was set abroad. I will not speak now of that wonder ful work of God, who caused his word to be preached, and his sacraments ministered, even in the midst of the enemies, in spite of the devil and all his ministers. These things the Lord wrought most graciously for his people : but when the time came that the measure of wicked ness of the wicked was full, the self-same God, even of his own mercy, and by his own power confounded his enemies by the means of our most gracious lady, the queen's ma jesty (for whose prosperous estate and preservation the God of mercy grant unto all faithful Christians grace most instantly to pray!) her most joyful coming to the imperial crown of this realm; who caused that filthy and dark antichristian doctrine to vanish out of sight, and instead thereof that most glorious light of the gospel to shine again ; the which sorrow fully was wished for of all faithful Enghsh hearts ; restoring withal the preachers of the same gospel, the which before were expulsed as exiles by the tyranny of the popish pre lates. The which benefits, as they be unmeasurable, so ought they continually with thankful hearts of all them that bear the name of Christians to be considered. But, as I said before, the most part of men do not pass for these things. The hght of the gospel is not comfortable unto them, because they feel not the darkness that is in them: they be not 314 SERMONS ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. troubled with their own wickedness : sin heth lurking and sleeping within them ; and they have fully, as it were, sold themselves to worldly business, to chmb up to get honours and dignities, and the pelf of worldly things ; and these things are the cause why they do not pray unto the Lord their God. But woe be unto such sleepers in their own sins, and forgetters of God's benefits ! A day wiU come when they shall wish themselves never to have been born. Thus you see, that the neglecting of prayer is the occasion of that horrible unthankfulness and forgetfulness of God's benefits. What is to be said unto them that, contrary to their own hearts and consciences, he in sin and wickedness, and wiU not amend their lives, although they hear their sins accused, condemned, and God's vengeance pronounced upon them? They be so drowned with the desires of their own hearts, that they do not pass for the ways of the Lord. Of such kind of men the world is full, which have shameless fore heads, being not abashed of their vUeness. The cause of their miseries (as David declareth) is, quia Deum non invoca- verunt, "because they have not caUed upon God." But what kind of prayer do those men say (trow you) which caU themselves spiritual and K\rjpo$, " the lot of the Lord ?" It is as manifest as the noon-day, that the most part of them neither pray, nor know what true prayer is. For if they did use to pray as the true Christians do, they could not choose but be compelled to amend their hves ; their con sciences would be abashed to come before the Lord without a hearty purpose to amend their conversation. Doth not the hos. vi. saying of Osea the prophet take hold upon the most part of you that be of the popish clergy, and have been mass-mon gers ? where as he saith, " As thieves wait for a man, so the companies of priests murder in the way by consent; for SSJ'deiu ^ey wor'i nuscme^" ^id not you conspire together at the areSmcd entlT of Queen Mar7 to murder the people of God, in cast- °5'nt' ing from you most traitorously the precious gospel of Jesus Christ, in submitting yourselves to that filthy beast of Rome, and in receiving the stinking idolatrous mass, by the which you have destroyed an innumerable sort of people ? Are you sorry for these your doings ? Do you humble yourselves be fore the majesty of the terrible God, with hearty and faithful prayer; acknowledging your wickedness, and intending to DEDICATION. 315 eschew the same ? No such things can be perceived in you. For whereas before, in the time of antichrist, boldly and openly you did deceive the people of their salvation in Christ; now in the hght of the gospel secretly you whisper into the ears of the simple, and dissuade them from receiving of the truth, so that most justly you may be compared unto those spies of whom we read, Num. xiii., the which with their Numb. _ false reports did hinder the people of Israel from entering into the land of promise. For they being sent by Moses to search the land, and to bring good tidings unto the people, by the which they might have been encouraged manfully to have assayed their enemies, and take possession of the land, they, contrary to Moses's expectation, like faithless men, came and discomforted the people, and caused them to mis trust God's promises. And do not ye the like ? Whereas God hath appointed you to search the land of promise in his holy word, and to bring tidings of the same unto his people by faithful and dihgent teachers, and encourage them to embrace and to lay hold upon the kingdom of Christ ; you, like false messengers, either by your false reports and wicked doctrine do hinder the people from entering into the promised land ; or else, hke dumb dogs that are not able to bark, you lie in your kennels, feeding your bellies and making good cheer with the labours and sweat of the poor people, not passing whether they swim or sink, or what become of them. WorthUy, therefore, the prophet David numbereth you amongst them that say in their hearts, " There is no God." And this appeareth unto aU others, because ye do not call upon God. For if you did accustom to call yourselves to an account before the majesty of God, in your faithful prayers, the remembrance of your horrible murder of God's people, of your idleness, carelessness, beUy-cheer, ignorance of God's wUl and word, secret filthiness, and such other like stuff, would cause you to water your cheeks, and compel you to shew some token of repentance unto the people of God: but nothing is seen in you but desperateness. Wherefore the Spirit of the Lord is departed from you. And this is more evident in your manifold and manifest perjuries, com mitted by you in king Henry's time, in king Edward's time, in queen Mary's time. And what may be said of you at this time, but that you be false perjured hypocrites ; bearing 316 SERMONS ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. two faces under one hood ; being ready, like weathercocks, to turn at all seasons as the wind doth carry you? Can you look for any thing at God's hands, but to be punished with his terrible plagues as Judas was (whose companions you be), that all the world may take ensample by you to beware of these horrible crimes with the wliich you are so defiled, that no water in the sea is able to make you clean? One kind of water would help your disease, if the Lord of his mercy would give you grace to caU unto him for it ; that is, the same water of life the which the Lord promiseth to the unmerciful faithful and penitent sinners, amongst the number of whom and without x , . - repentance as yet ye be not, so tar as man can judge. And, therefore, recdveTinto ** standeth you in hand to look about you in time, before hand_of God. the halter be cast about your necks, as it happened to Judas ; whose footsteps you foUow in your behaviours in this world, that it is to be feared you shah rest together in one place in the world to come. But of the vUe behaviour of these miserable men it grieveth me to speak any further ; not doubting but that the magistrates, whom God hath charged with his people, wiU even with speed consider these things accordingly, and not suffer those wavering and per jured weathercocks to have any thing to do within the house of God, the wliich is his church, purified with the blood of Christ. For the magistrates know that they themselves cannot pray unto the Lord their God, except their hearts be faithfuUy disposed to do the works of then vocation truly and faithfuUy ; of the which the principal is, to see the people instructed by faithful ministers in the ways of the Lord : the which instructions cannot be given by such as are not only defiled with such kind of vices as is above rehearsed, but also are utterly destitute of aU good gifts, and know not the principles of then rehgion. This matter is so. weighty, and of such importance, that the magistrates, having the fear of God before their eyes, must needs consider it with speed ; for it toucheth the eternal safeguard of them for whom the Son of God did shed his own heart's blood : they ought not to be put into the hands of such as do not pass for their own salvation, much less for others'. Therefore with great and speedy diligence the magistrates are bound, seeing God doth put them in trust with his children, to provide, that as they be bought with DEDICATION. 317 the blood of Christ, so they may be nourished with the true and sincere word of God, to the praise of his name and their eternal comfort. Further, who can not lament, even from the bottom of his heart, to see a great number to hve in such carelessness, and flatter themselves in their own sins, thinking that they be the chUdren of God, when as in very deed the comfortable spirit of faithful prayer is departed from them, and they worthily numbered amongst them that have no God nor Christ? as those men be which be so greedy upon the world, and have addicted and consecrated themselves unto it, after such a sort, as though this world should last for ever. And in this taking be the greater part of the gentlemen, which with such extremities entreat their poor tenants, with raising of rents, taking of fines, and other kinds of extreme dealings, that they are com- peUed day and night to cry unto God for vengeance against them. And can any man think that these pitiless and cruel men can appear before the majesty of God, and crave remission of their sins ; when as they be purposed to go on forward stiU in their extreme dealings against the poor? I wUl not speak now of them that, being not content with their lands and rents, do catch into their hands spiritual livings, as parsonages and such hke ; and that under the pretence to make provision for their houses. What hurt and damage this realm of England doth sustain by that devilish kind of provision for gentlemen's houses, knights' and lords' houses, they can tell best that do travel in the countries, and see with their eyes great parishes and market- towns, with innumerable others, to be utterly destitute of God's word; and that because that these greedy men have spoUed the livings and gotten them into their hands ; and, instead of a faithful and painful teacher, they hire a Sir John1, which hath better skill in playing at tables, or in keeping of a garden, than in God's word; and he for a trifle doth serve the cure, and so help to bring the people of God in danger of their souls. And all those serve to [' A name of contempt at that time applied to the lower and more illiterate of the clergy. Wordsworth, Ecclesiast. Biograph. Vol. I. p. 392, third edit. For some reason or other, the name John is also used contemptuously in several of the countries of western Europe.] 318 SERMONS ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. accomplish the abominable pride of such gentlemen, which consume the goods of the poor (the which ought to have been bestowed upon a learned minister) in costly apparel, belly-cheer, or in buUding of gorgeous houses. But let them be assured, that a day wiU come when it wUl be laid to their charge, Rapina pauperum in domibus vestris. And then they shaU perceive that their fair houses are binlt in the place called " Aceldama :" they have a bloody foun dation, and therefore cannot stand long. This matter also is so weighty, and the spiritual slaughter of the poor people so miserable and woeful, that except the magistrates speedUy look thereunto, and redress the same, the Lord of Sabaoth himself will find out some remedy to dehver his people from such caterpillars ; and require the blood of his people at their hands, by whose covetousness they were letted to come to the knowledge of Christ. And besides this, such ravening wolves as devour the livings of teachers and ministers of God's word, shall not be able to come in the presence of the Lord, to pray unto him or to praise him; for aU that ever they do (yea, even their prayers) is execrable before the Lord, so long as they turn their ear from the hearing of the law of the Lord ; that is to say, so long as they do not, even from the very bottom of their hearts, go about to redress these heinous faults with the which they be entan gled. Let them repent, therefore, even speedily, before the wrathful indignation of the Lord faU upon them, and so destroy them in their sins. And these things ought to be considered of all them that pretend Christianity, of what a sharp note estate or degree soever they be ; as weU lawyers, whose against law- ° tl ' J > yers. covetousness hath almost devoured England, as craftsmen, husbandmen, servants and others : remembering with them selves, that if their hearts be inclined to wickedness, the Lord wiU not hear their prayers. Let them stand in awe of the Lord their God ; and so behave themselves in their conversation and life, that they may have recourse unto him, and be encouraged to make their prayers confidently before him in the name of Jesus Christ ; of whom they shaU receive comfort of soul and body, as well in this world, as in the world to come eternaUy. For this is most certain, that if they proceed in their wickedness and ungodliness. not passing whether they be ruled, moved, and stirred by DEDICATION. 319 the gracious Spirit of God to praise his name or not ; then most assuredly the Lord will pour out his plagues upon the whole realm, according to the saying of the prophet, " The Lord will pour out his wrath upon the kingdoms that Psai. ixxix. have not caUed upon his name." Now to the intent that they which are ignorant and un learned may the better be instructed how to order themselves, when they go about to present themselves before the majesty of God, and talk with him concerning those things which be needful for their souls' health and preservation of their bodies; I thought it good (by the instant request of the godly learned) to put forth these sermons here foUowing in print ; which were preached in king Edward's time, before the Right Honourable Lady Katherine, Duchess of Suffolk, her Grace, by that same reverend father, and most constant martyr of Christ, Dr Hugh Latimer, my most dear master : for whose most painful travels, faithful preachings, true carefulness for his country, patient imprisonment, and constant suffering, all the whole realm of England hath great cause to give unto the eternal God most high laud and praise. For who is he that is so ignorant, that did not see the wonderful handy-work of God in that man ? Did not God appoint him, even in king- Henry's days, to be a singular instrument to set forth his truth, and by his preaching to open the eyes of such as were deluded by the subtle and deceitful crafts of the popish pre lates ? How manifold ways was he troubled, tossed, and tur- moiled from post to pillar, by the popish bishops; whose hands he could hot have escaped, if God had not moved the king's majesty's heart, that then was, to assist him ; by whose absolute power divers times he was dehvered from the cruel hons! And although it did please God, in process of Dr Latimer time, to suffer the king's majesty to be deluded and circum- the»x vented by the subtle persuasions of those popish bishops, to a^™f^ establish by law six ungodly articles ; yet this faithful servant ,fl™edby of Christ would rather put his own life in danger than forsake or depart from that, the which afore most faithfully he had taught out of God's word. Wherefore he was contented rather to be cast into the Tower, and there to look daily for death, than to be found a wavering reed, or to deceive his prince. For " they," said he, " that do allow any thing dis agreeing from God's word, in respect to fulfil the appetites of 320 SERMONS ON THE LORo's PRAYER. princes, are betrayers and murderers of their princes, because they provoke the wrath of God to destroy such princes ; and these flatterers become guilty of the blood of their princes, and are the chief causes of their destructions." Wherefore this faithful man of God, knowing his prince to be deluded by the false priests, and being assured the things that were allowed to be contrary to God's word, was ready thus to ad venture his life ; at the which time God mercifully delivered him, to the great comfort of all godly hearts, and singular a tme his- commodity of his church. Now when he was thus dehvered, declaration did he give himself up to the pleasures of the world, to deli- of the life of O It- - .. the reverend cateness or idleness ? No, assuredly; but even then most 01 all father Hugh ' J , preSof ne began to set forth his plough, and to tiU the ground of God's truth. the Lordj and t0 gow the good corn 0f Q0(j's word, behaving himself as a faithful messenger of God, being afraid of no man ; telling aU degrees their duties faithfuUy and truly, without respect of persons, or any kind of flattery. In the which his painful travails he continued aU king Edward's time, preach ing for the most part every Sunday two sermons, to the great shame, confusion, and damnation of a great number of our fat-bellied unpreaching prelates. For he, being a sore bruised man, and above three-score and seven years of age, took not withstanding all these pains in preaching, and besides this, every morning ordinarily, winter and summer, about two of the clock in the morning, he was at his book most diligently. And besides this, how careful he was for the preservation of the church of God, and for the good success of the gospel, they can bear record, which at that time were in authority ; whom continually by his letters he admonished of their duties, and assisted with his godly counsel. But when the time ap proached, the which God had appointed for the punishment of the carnal gospeUers and hypocrites which most wickedly abused the same, how faithfuUy he did admonish, both pri vately and openly, all kinds of men, they that were then m. Hugh about him can bear record. But one tiling amongst others is Latimer, , o o "readier ana Prmcipauy to be noted, that God not only gave unto him his &o°T.het of Spirit most plenteously and comfortably to preach his word unto his church, but also by the same Spirit he did most evi dently prophesy of aU those kinds of plagues, which in very deed afterwards ensued ; so plainly, I say, as though he had seen them before his eyes : so that, if England ever had a DEDICATION. 321 prophet, he was one : and amongst other things he ever af firmed that the preaching of the gospel would cost him his hfe, to the which thing he did most cheerfully arm and pre pare himself, being certainly persuaded that Winchester1 was kept in the Tower for the same purpose. Therefore not long a note after queen Mary was proclaimed, a pursuivant was sent noted/ "' down into the country for to caU him up ; of whose coming when he was made ware about six hours before by a faithful man of God, John Careless2, (a man worthy of everlasting memory,) he prepared himself towards his journey before the said pursuivant came to his house. At the which thing when the pursuivant marvelled, seeing him so prepared towards his journey, he said unto him, "My friend, you be a welcome messenger to me; and be it known unto you and to the whole world, that I go as willingly to London at this present, being caUed by my prince to render a reckoning of my doctrine, as ever I was to any place in the world ; and I do not doubt but that God, as he hath made me worthy to preach his word before two exceUent princes, so he wiU able me to wit ness the same unto the third, either to her comfort, or dis comfort eternally, &c." At the which time the pursuivant, when he had delivered his letters, departed; affirming that he had commandment not to tarry for him: by whose sudden departure it was manifest, that they would not have had him to appear, but rather to have fled out of the realm. They knew that his constantness should confound them in their popery, and confirm the godly in the truth. As concerning Note this ,„ ,n , t ¦ j i . worthy the manner and form how he was entertained wnen ne came history. before the councU, how stoutly he did behave himself in Christ's cause, and was content to bear most patiently aU the [i Stephen Gardiner, bishop of "Winchester. Early in the reign of king Edward VI. this prelate incurred the displeasure of the civil authorities, in consequence of a sermon he was called upon to preach at Paul's Cross. He was afterwards deprived of his bishoprick and com mitted to the Tower, where he lay a prisoner until the accession of queen Mary. Godwin, De Prsesul. edit. Richardson, p. 236; Burnet, Hist, of Reform. Vol. n. p. 150, 165.] p This person was a weaver of Coventry, and was himself a sufferer for his adherence to the Reformation. After being for two years in the gaol at Coventry, he was removed to the Queen's Bench in London, and there died in prison. Foxe, Acts and Mon. Vol. in. p. 598, edit. 1684.] 21 [latimer.] 322 sermons on the lord's prayer. mocks and taunts given him by the scornful and pestilent papists; also, how patiently he took his imprisonment, and how boldly and willingly he in the end adventured his life in the defence of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ; because these things be at large described in the book of the martyrs by that most godly, learned, and exceUent instrument of God, master John Foxe, I will not spend the time now to rehearse the same, saving one thing, the which I would wish aU godly bishops and faithful preachers to note, the which is this : that he being in prison, comfortless and destitute of aU worldly help, most of aU did rejoice in this, that God had given him grace to apply his office of preaching, and assisted him without fear or flattery to teU unto the wicked their faults, and ad monish them of their wickedness ; neither aUowing, nor con senting to any thing that might be prejudicial or hurtful unto the gospel of Christ, although the refusal thereof did cast him in danger of his life. God grant that aU those that be in that office may foUow his footsteps ; and that the rest, that either refuse to take pains, or are given to flatter, may be turned out, and be set to the cart or plough, and others put into their rooms that be willing, dihgent, and able to do their duties ! The other thing that I would have noticed, is his earnest ness and dihgence in prayer, wherein oftentimes so long he continued kneehng, that he was not able for to rise without help ; and amongst other things, these were three principal Threenotabie matters he prayed for. The first, that as God had appointed things to be , p ¦ . noted in this him to be a preacher and professor of his word, so also he reverend x t x father. would give him grace to stand unto his doctrine until his death. The other thing, the which most instantly with great violence of God's Spirit he desired, was that God of his mercy would restore the gospel of his son Christ unto this realm of England once again. And these words " once again, once again," he did so inculcate and beat into the ears of the Lord God, as though he had seen God before him, and spake unto him face to face. The third principal matter wherewith in his prayers he was occupied was, to pray for the preservation of the queen's Majesty that now is; whom in his prayer accustomably he was wont to name, and even with tears de sired God to make her a comfort to this comfortless realm of England. These were the matters he prayed for so earn- DEDICATION. 323 estly : but were these things desired in vain ? Did God de spise the prayers of this his faithful soldier ? No, assuredly ; for the Lord did most graciously grant aU these his requests. First, concerning profession, even in the most extremity, the Lord graciously assisted him : for when he stood at the stake, without Bocardo gate at Oxford, and the tormentors about to set the fire upon him and that most reverend father Doctor Ridley; he lifted up his eyes towards heaven with a most amiable and comfortable countenance, saying these words, Fidelis est Deus, qui non sinit nos tentari supra id quod possumus ; " God is faithful, which doth not suffer us to be tempted above our strength :" and so afterwards by and by shed his blood in the cause of Christ. The which blood ran out of his heart in such abundance, that aU those that were present, being godly, did marvel to see the most part of the blood in his body so to be gathered to his heart, and with such violence to gush out, his body being opened by the force of the fire. By the which thing God most graciously granted his request, the which was, to shed his heart's blood in the defence of the gospel. How mercifully the Lord heard his second request, in restoring his gospel once again to this realm, these present days can bear record. But, alas ! what shaU England say for her defence, how shaU she avoid the terrible plagues of God for the horrible and devihsh unthank fulness for that treasure ? The Lord be merciful unto us ! Now concerning his third request, it was also most ef- fectuously granted to the great praise of God, the furtherance of his gospel, and to the unspeakable comfort of this realm. For when matters were even desperate, and the enemies mightily flourished and triumphed, God's word banished, Spaniards received; suddenly the Lord caUed to remem brance his mercy, and made an end of all these miseries, and appointed her, for whom that same grey-headed father Latimer so earnestly prayed in his captivity, as the true and natural ruler, and owner of this imperial crown, to shew her self; and by the brightness of God's word to confound the dark, devihsh, and vUe kingdom of Antichrist, and to restore the temple of God again. The which thing not this faithful prophet only, but aU the rest whom God made worthy to be his witnesses, did most earnestly require and desire in then- faithful prayers. The selfsame God grant unto every faithful 324 SERMONS ON THE LORd's PRAYER. Christian his Spirit, that they may be diligent and watchful in prayers for her, by whom God hath bestowed such un speakable gifts upon us, that the same God will assist her with his grace and holy Spirit to proceed faithfuUy in the building of his house, and in plucking down of all kinds of sin and wickedness, superstition, idolatry, and aU the monu ments of the same, to the glory of his name, and her ever lasting and endless comfort ! To the which faithful prayers that all they which fear God may be the better encouraged, I have set forth these sermons, made by this holy man of God, and dedicated them to your grace; partly, because they were preached in your grace's house at Grimsthorp by this reverend father and faithful prophet of God, whom you did nourish, and whose doctrine you did most faithfuUy embrace,, to the praise of God, and unspeakable comfort of aU godly hearts : the which did with great admiration marvel at the men'dationof exceUent gifts of God, bestowed upon your grace, in giving Ssuffo"ik.s unto you sucn a princely spirit, by whose power and virtue you were able to overcome the world, to forsake your pos sessions, lands, and goods, your worldly friends, and native country, your high estate and estimation, with the wliich you were adorned, and to become an exUe for Christ and his gos pel's sake ; to choose rather to suffer adversity with the peo ple of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of the world with a wicked conscience; esteeming the rebukes of Christ greater riches than the treasures of England. Whereas the world lings are far otherwise minded ; for they have their pleasures amongst the pots of Egypt : they eat, drink, and make merry, not passing what become of Christ or his gospel; they be so _ drunken with the sweet dehcates of this miserable world, that they wUl not taste of the bitter morsels which the Lord hath appointed and prepared for his chosen chUdren and especial friends. Of the which he did make you most graciously to taste, giving unto your grace his Spirit, that you were able in all the turmoUs and grievances the wliich you did receive, not only at the hands of those which were your professed enemies, but also at the hands of them which pretended friendship and good-wiU, but secretly wrought sorrow and mischief, to be quiet and patient, and in the end brought your grace home again into your native country ; no doubt to no other end, but that you should be a comfort unto the DEDICATION. 325 comfortless, and an instrument by the which his holy name should be praised, and his gospel propagated and spread abroad, to the glory of his holy name, and your eternal comfort in Christ Jesus : unto whose merciful hands I commit your grace with all yours eternaUy. Amen. From Southam, the 2nd of October, [1562.] 326 THE FIRST SERMON [sERM. CERTAIN SERMONS MADE BY THE RIGHT REVEREND FA THER IN GOD, MASTER DOCTOR LATIMER, BEFORE THE RIGHT VIRTUOUS AND HONOURABLE LADY KATHERINE, DUCHESS OF SUFFOLK, IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, 15521. [MATTHEW VI. 9.] Our Father, which art in heaven. a preface I have entered of late in the way of preaching, and pra^erofour spoken many things of prayer, and rather of prayer than of The ex- any other thing : for I think there is nothing more necessary position of « ° ° ¦* the Lord's to be spoken of, nor more abused than prayer was by the prayer, callea A ; ^e Pater- craf(; an(j subtUty of the devd ; for many things were taken for prayer when they were nothing less. Therefore at this same time also I have thought it good to entreat of prayer, to the intent that it might be known how precious a thing right prayer is. I told you, First, What prayer is. SecondarUy, To whom we ought to pray. Thirdly, Where, and in what place we ought to pray. And, Fourthly, I told you the diversity of prayer, namely, of the common prayer, and the private. These and such like things I have dUated and expounded unto you in the open pulpit. Now at this present time I intend as by "the way of a lecture, at the request of my most gracious lady, to expound unto you, her household servants, and other that be willing to hear, the right understanding and meaning of this most perfect prayer which our Saviour himself taught us, at the request of his disciples, which prayer we call the Paternoster. Note here This prayer of our Lord may be caUed a prayer above aU prayers; the principal and most perfect prayer; which prayer ought to be regarded above aU others, considering that our Saviour himself is the author of it ; he was the maker of this [' In the Hall at Grimsthorpe Castle, Lincolnshire.] what prayer XVII.] ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 327 prayer, being very God and very man2. He taught us this prayer, which is a most perfect schoolmaster, and commanded Us to say it: wliich prayer containeth great and wonderful things, if a learned man had the handling of it. But as for me, such things as I have conceived by the reading of learned men's books, so far forth as God wUl give me his grace and Spirit, I wUl shew unto you touching the very meaning of it, and what is to be understood by every word contained in this prayer ; for there is no word idle or spoken in vain. For it must needs be perfect, good, and of great importance, being our Saviour's teaching, which is the wisdom of God itself. There be many other psalms and prayers in scripture very good and godly ; and it is good to know them : but it is with this prayer, the Lord's Prayer, I say, hke as with the law of love. All the laws of Moses, as concerning what is to be done to please God, how to walk before him uprightly and godly, aU such laws are contained in this3 law of love, The abride- Diliges Dominum Deum tuum ex toto corde tuo, et in tota i»* of God. anima tua, et in tota mente tua; et proximum sicut teipsum: " Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with aU thy heart, with aU thy soul, and with aU thy mind ; and thy neighbour as thyself." Even so is it with this prayer. For hke as the law of love is the sum and abridgment of the other laws, so this prayer is the sum and abridgment of aU other prayers : aU the other prayers are contained in this prayer; yea, what soever mankind hath need of to soul and body, that same is contained in this prayer. This prayer hath two parts : it hath a preface, which some call a salutation or a loving entrance ; secondarily, the prayer itself. The entrance is this : Cum oratis, dicite, Pater noster, qui es in cozlis ; "When ye pray, say, Our Matt.™. Father, which art in heaven." As who should say, "You christian people, you that bear the name of Christians, must4 pray so." Before I go any further, I must put you in remembrance to consider how much we be bound to our Saviour Christ, that he would vouchsafe to teach us to pray, and in this prayer to signify unto us the good-wUl which our heavenly Father beareth towards us. Now to the matter. P and man, 1584.] [3 the, 1562.] p you must, 1562.] 328 THE FIRST SERMON [SERM. The entrance into prayer. What it is to call God Father. What Christ meant by teaching us to call God Father. No word in this prayer lacketh his weight. Note what lip-labour is. "Our Father." These words pertain not to the petitions: they be but an entering, a seeking favour at God's hand: yet if we weU weigh and consider them, they admonish us of many things and strengthen our faith wondrous weU. For this word, " Father," signifieth that we be Christ's brothers, and that God is our Father. He is the eldest Son : he is the Son of God by nature, we be his sons by adoption through his goodness ; therefore he biddeth us to caU him our Father ; which is to be had in fresh memory and great reputation. For here we are admonished how that we be reconcUed unto God ; we, which before-times were his enemies, are made now the children of God, and inheritors of everlasting hfe. This we be admonished by this word, " Father." So that it is a word of much importance and great reputation : for it con- firmeth our faith, when we caU him Father. Therefore our Saviour, when he teacheth us to caU God " Father," teacheth us to understand the fatherly affection wliich God beareth towards us ; which thing maketh us bold and hearty to caU upon him, knowing that he beareth a good-wUl towards us, and that he wUl surely hear our prayers. When we be in trouble, we doubt of a stranger, whether he wUl help us or not : but our Saviour commanding us to caU God, " Father," teacheth us to be assured of the love and good-wUl of God toward us. So by this word " Father," we learn to stablish and to comfort our faith, knowing most assuredly that he wUl be good unto us. For Christ was a perfect schoolmaster: he lacked no wisdom : he knew his Father's wiU and pleasure ; he teacheth us, yea, and most certainly assureth us, that God wUl be no cruel judge, but a loving Father. Here we see what commodities we have in this word, " Father." Seeing now that we find such commodities by this one word, we ought to consider the whole prayer with great dih gence and earnest mind. For there is no word nor letter con tained in this prayer, but it is of great importance1 and weight; and therefore it is necessary for us to know and understand it thoroughly, and then to speak it considerately with great de votion : else it is to no purpose to speak the words without understanding ; it is but lip-labour and vain babbhng, and so unworthy to be called prayer; as it was in times past used in England. Therefore when you say this prayer, you must f1 importance; and therefore, 1584.] XVII*J ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 329 weU consider what you say : for it is better once said de liberately with understanding, than a thousand times without understanding : which is in very deed but vain babbhng, and so more a displeasure than pleasure unto God. For the mat ter heth not in much saying, but in well saying. So, if it be said to the honour of God, then it hath his effect, and we shall have our petitions. For God is true in his promises : and our Saviour, knowing him to be well affected towards us, commandeth us therefore to call him Father. Here you must understand, that like as our Saviour was most earnest and fervent in teaching us how to pray, and call upon God for aid and help, and for things necessary both to our souls and bodies; so the devU, that old serpent, with no The devii is less dihgence endeavoureth himself to let and stop our prayers, praf™.' so that we shall not caU upon God. And amongst other his lets, he hath one especially wherewith he thinketh to keep us from prayer, which is, the remembrance of our sins. When he perceiveth us to be disposed to pray, he cometh with his craft and subtUe conveyances, saying, "What, wUt thou pray ihesieights unto God for aid and help ? Knowest thou not that thou art ° ' e a wicked sinner, and a transgressor of the law of God? Look rather to be damned, and judged for thy UI doings, than to receive any benefit at his hands. WUt thou caU him 'Father,' which is so holy a God, and thou art so wicked and miser able a sinner?" This the devil will say, and trouble our minds, to stop and let us from our prayer ; and so to give us occasion not to pray unto God. In this temptation we must seek for some remedy and comfort: for the devU doth put us in remembrance of our sins to that end, to keep us from prayer and invocation of God. The remedy for this tempta tion is to caU our Saviour to remembrance, who hath taught us to say this prayer. He knew his Father's pleasure ; he knew what he did. When he commanded us to call God our Father, he knew we should find fatherly affections in God towards us. CaU this, I say, to remembrance, and again re member that our Saviour hath cleansed through his passion aU our sins, and taken away all our wickedness; so that as as many as many as beheve in him shall be the chUdren of God. In christ, are " , . _ the children such wise let us strive and fight against the temptations of the ofGod. devU ; which would not have us to call upon God, because we be sinners. Catch thou hold of our Saviour, beheve in him, 330 THE FIRST SERMON [sERM. be assured in thy heart that he- with his suffering took away aU thy sins. Consider again, that our Saviour caUeth us to prayer, and commandeth us to pray. Our sins let us, and withdraw us from prayer; but our Saviour maketh them when we nothing : when we beheve in him, it is hke as if we had no Christ, then sins. For he changeth with us : he taketh our sins and our sins are ... . • i v * T__. no burden -wickedness from us, and giveth unto us his holiness, rignteous- unto us. o o ness, justice, fulfilling of the law, and so, consequently, ever lasting life : so that we be like as if we had done no sin at aU ; for his righteousness standeth us in so good stead, as though we of our own selves had fulfiUed the law to the uttermost. Therefore our sins cannot let us, nor withdraw us from prayer : for they be gone ; they are no sins ; they cannot be hurtful unto us. Christ dying for us, as aU the scripture, both of the new and old Testament, witnesseth, isai. im. Dolores nostros ipse portavit, " He hath taken away our sorrows." Like as when I owe unto a man an hundred pound : the day is expired, he wUl have his money ; I have it not, and for lack of it I am laid in prison. In such dis tress cometh a good friend, and saith, " Sir, be of good cheer, I wiU pay thy debts;" and forthwith payeth the whole sum, christ hath and setteth me at hberty. Such a friend is our Saviour. He ransomed ** "aw LI£and ka*n Paid 0ur debts, and set us at hberty ; else we should debts. have been damned world without end in everlasting prison and darkness. Therefore, though our sins condemn us, yet when we aUege Christ and beheve in him, our sins shaU not uohnii. hwct us. For St John saith, Si quis peccaverit, advocatum habemus apud Patrem, Jesum Ciiristum justum, " We have an advocate with God the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous." Mark that1 he saith, Advocatum, non advocatos. He speak- chnsMsour eth singular ly, not pluraUy. We have one advocate, not vocate. many ; neither saints, nor any body else, but only him, and none other, neither by the way of mediation, nor by the way of redemption. He only is sufficient, for he only is aU the doer. Let him have all the whole praise ! Let us not with draw from him his majesty, and give it to creatures : for he only satisfieth for the sins of the whole world ; so that aU that beheve in Christ be clean from aU the filthiness of their sins. For St John Baptist saith, Ecce Agnus Dei qui tollit John i. peccata mundi, " Behold the Lamb of God which taketh t1 what, 1584.] XVII-J ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 331 away the sins of the world." Doth the devU caU thee from prayer? Christ caUeth thee unto it again: for so it is written, In hoc apparuit Filius Dei, ut destruat opera diaboli; "To that end the Son of God appeared, to destroy the works of » John m. the devU." But mark here : scripture speaketh not of impenitent sinners; Christ suffered not for them: his death remedieth Christ suffer- not their sins. For they be the bondmen of the devil, fmpen'uent and his slaves; and therefore Christ's benefits pertain not™ unto them. It is a wonderful saying that St John hath, " Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sins of the world." The devU saith unto me, " Thou art a sinner." " No2," saith St John, " the Lamb of God hath taken away thy sins." Item, Habentes igitur Pontificem magnum qui penetravit cozlos, Jesum Filium Dei, accedamus cum fidu- cia ad thronum gratiaz, ut consequamur misericordiam ; "We therefore having a great high Priest, which hath {J1^ {£ passed through the heavens, even Jesus the Son of God, let us with boldness go unto the seat of his grace, that we may obtain mercy." 0, it is a comfortable thing that we Heb.w. have an access unto God ! Esay saith, In livore ejus sanati un. sumus; "The pain of our punishment was laid upon him, and with his stripes are we healed." Further, in the new Testament we read, Huic omnes prophetoz testimonium per- hibent, remissionem peccatorum accipere per nomen ejus omnes qui credunt in eum; " Unto the same bear aU pro- ah the t x prophets phets witness, that all they do receive forgiveness of sins by g*£fr of his name, which beheve on him." Acts*. Now you see how ye be remedied from your sins ; you hear how you shaU withstand the devU, when he will withdraw you from prayer. Let us therefore not give over prayer, but stick unto it. Let us rather believe Christ our Saviour than the devU, wliich was a har from the begin ning. Tou know now how you may prevent him, how you may put him off and avoid his temptations. There is one other addition afore we come to the peti tions, which doth much confirm our faith and increase the same : Qui es in cozlis, " which art in heaven." These a peat words put a diversity between the heavenly Father, and our ^vln?your temporal fathers. There be some temporal fathers which S*te/ma^ral . fathers. [a Yea, 1584.] 332 THE FIRST SERMON [sERM. would fain help their children, but they cannot ; they be not able to help them. Again, there be some fathers which are rich, and might help their chUdren, but they be so unnatural, they wUl not help them. But our heavenly Father, in that we call him, " Father," we learn that he wUl help, that he beareth a fatherly love towards us. " In heaven." Here we learn that he is able to help us, to give us all good things necessary to soul and body; and is mighty to defend us from all UI and perU. So it ap peareth that he is a Father which wUl help; and that he being celestial, he1 is able to help us. Therefore we may have a boldness and confidence, that he may help us: and that he wUl help us, where and whensoever we caU, he saith, jer. xxiii. Cozlum et terram impleo, " I fUl heaven and earth." And again, Cozlum mihi sedes est, et terra scabellum pedum meo- isai. lxvi. rum ; " Heaven is my seat, and the earth is my footstool." Where we see, that he is a mighty God ; that he is in heaven and earth, with his power and might. In heaven he is apparently, where face to face he sheweth himself unto why ood is his angels and saints. In earth he is not so apparently, rentiy upon but darkly, and obscurely he exhibiteth himself unto us ; for our corrupt and feeble flesh could not bear his majesty. Yet he fiUeth the earth ; that is to say, he ruleth and govern- eth the same, ordering aU things according unto his wiU and pleasure. Therefore we must learn to persuade ourselves, and undoubtedly beheve, that he is able to help ; and that he beareth a good and fatherly wUl towards us ; that he wUl not forget us. Therefore the king and prophet David saith, rsai.iiii. Dominus de ccelo prospexit, " The Lord hath seen down from heaven." As far as the earth is from the heaven, yet God looketh down, he seeth all things, he is in every corner. He saith, The Lord hath looked down, not the saints. The saints No, he saith not so ; for the saints have not so sharp eyes to from heaven, see down from heaven : they be pur-blind2, and sand-blind, they cannot see so far ; nor have not so long ears to hear. And therefore our petition and prayer should be unto him, which will hear and can hear. For it is the Lord that looketh down. He is here in earth, as I told you, very darkly; but he is in heaven most manifestly; where he shew eth himself unto his angels and saints face to face. We read [' wliich, 1562.] [2 spur-blind, 1562.] XVI*'j ON the lord's prayer. 333 in scripture, that Abel's blood did cry unto God. Where Gen.iv.. it appeareth that he can hear, yea, not only hear, but God heard also see, and feel : for he seeth over aU things, so that Ab<57wood. the least thought of our hearts is not hid from him. There fore ponder and consider these words well, for they fortify our faith. We caU him " Father," to put ourselves in remem brance of his good-wUl towards us. "Heavenly" we call him, signifying .his might and power, that he may help and do aU things according to his wUl and pleasure. So it appeareth most manifestly, that there lacketh neither good will nor power in him. There was once a prophet, which, when he was UI entreated of king Joash, said, Dominus videat et requirat; "The Lord look upon it, and requite it." schron. There be many men in England, and other where else, which xx'v' care not for God, yea, they be clean without God; which say in their hearts, Nubes latibulum ejus, nee nostra considerat, et circa cardines cozli ambulat: "Tush, the clouds cover him Job xxii. that he may not see, and he dweUeth above in heaven." But, as I told you before, Abel's blood may certify of his present knowledge. Let us therefore take heed that we do nothing that might displease his majesty, neither openly nor secretly : for he is every where, and nothing can be hid from him. Videt et requiret, " He seeth, and will punish it." Further, this word " Father" is not only apt and con- Another venient for us to strengthen our faith withal, as I told you ; o?K0word but also it moveth God the sooner to hear us, when we caU him by that name, " Father." For he, perceiving our confi dence in him, cannot choose but shew him hke a Father. So that this word, " Father," is most meet to move God to pity and to grant our requests. Certain it is, and proved by holy scripture, that God hath a fatherly and loving affection The love of towards us, far passing the love of bodily parents to their us exceedeth x»- i. i ¦ p the natural chddren. Tea, as far as heaven and earth is asunder, so far loveofpa- . 7 rents to their his love towards mankind exceedeth the love of natural °™<*_id_en. parents to their chUdren : which love is set out by the mouth of his holy prophet Esay, where he saith, Num oblivioni xiix. tradet mulier infantem suum, quo minus misereatur filii uteri sui ? Et si obliviscatur Ma, ego tamen tui non obli- viscar: "Can a wife forget the chUd of her womb, and the son whom she hath borne ? And though she do forget 334 THE first sermon [¦ Unnatural women. A priest played the midwife. False tale tellers are worthy of punishment. M. Bilney was God's instrumentto convert M. Latimer. Latimer is converted by hearing Bilney's confession. him, yet will I not forget thee." Here are shewed the affec tions and unspeakable love which God beareth towards us. He saith, Nunquid potest mulier, " May a woman ?" He speaketh of the woman, meaning the man too; but because women most commonly are more affected towards their chU dren than men be, therefore he nameth the woman. And it is a very unnatural woman, that hateth her child, or neglect- eth the same. But, 0 Lord, what crafts and conveyances useth the devU abroad, that he can bring his matters so to pass, that some women set aside not only aU motherly affections, but also all natural humanity, insomuch that they kUl their own chUdren, their own blood and flesh ! I was a late credibly informed of a priest, which had taken in hand to be a midwife. O what an abominable thing is this! But what foUowed? He ordered the matter so, that the poor inno cent was lost in the mean season. Such things the devU can bring to pass; but what then? God saith, "Though a woman do forget her chUdren, though they kUl them, yet will I not forget thee, saith the Lord God Almighty." Truth it is, there be some women very unnatural and unkind, which shaU receive their punishments of God for it ; but for aU that, we ought to beware and not to beheve every tale told unto us, and so rashly judge. I know what I mean. There hath been a late such tales spread abroad, and most untruly. Such false tale-teUers shaU have a grievous punishment of the Lord, when he shaU come to reward every one according unto his deserts. Here I have occasion to teU you a story which happened at Cambridge. Master Bilney, or rather Saint Bilney, that suffered death for God's word sake ; the same Bilney was the instrument whereby God caUed me to knowledge; for I may thank him, next to God, for that knowledge that I have in the word of God. For I was as obstinate a papist as any was in England, insomuch that when I should be made bachelor of divinity, my whole oration went against Philip Melancthon and against his opinions. BUney heard me at that time, and perceived that I was zealous without know ledge : and he came to me afterward in my study, and de sired me, for God's sake, to hear his confession. I did so ; and, to say the truth, by his confession I learned more than before1 in many years. So from that time forward I began [' afore, 1562.] XVII-J ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 335 to smeU the word of God, and forsook the school-doctors and such fooleries. Now, after I had been acquainted with him, I went with him to visit the prisoners in the tower at Cam bridge ; for he was ever visiting prisoners and sick folk. So miney-s we went together, and exhorted them as weU as we were**"' able to do; moving them to patience, and to acknowledge their faults. Among other prisoners, there Was a woman which was accused that she had killed her own child, which act she plainly and stedfastly denied, and could not be brought to confess the act ; which denying gave us occasion to search for the matter, and so we did. And at the length we found that ,her husband loved her not ; and therefore he sought means to make her out of the way. The matter was thus : a chUd of hers had been sick by the space of a year, Note this and so decayed as it were in a consumption. At the length hlstory- it died in harvest-time. She went to her neighbours and other friends to desire their help, to prepare the child to the burial ; but there was nobody at home : every man was in the field. The woman, in an heaviness and trouble of spirit, went, and being herself alone, prepared the chUd to the burial. Her husband coming home, not having great love towards her, accused her of the murder ; and so she was taken and brought to Cambridge. But as far forth as I could learn through earnest inquisition, I thought in my conscience the woman was not guUty, aU the circumstances weU considered. Immediately after this I was caUed to preach before the king, He meaneth which was my first sermon that I made before his majesty, thelghtii-7 and it was done at Windsor ; where his majesty, after the sermon was done, did most famihar ly talk with me in a gaUery. Now, when I saw my time, I kneeled down before his majesty, Note the opening the whole matter ; and afterwards most humbly de- ISencTSf _•• ii -r-i t 1 M.Latimer, sned his majesty to pardon that woman. For I thought in thatmadehis my conscience she was not guUty ; else I would not for all fi?™*t£™an'3 the world sue for a murderer. The king most graciously g^0/^ heard my humble request, insomuch that I had a pardon orabenefice- ready for her at my return homeward. In the mean season that same woman was delivered of a child in the tower at Cambridge, whose godfather I was, and Mistress Cheke2 was Latimer is _ _» ... . -_¦_•_ i J _. u godfather to godmother. But all that time I hid my pardon, and told a child bom her nothing of it, only exhorting her to confess the truth; p This lady was the mother of Sir John Cheke.] 336 THE FIRST SERMON [sERM. At the length the time came when she looked to suffer: I came, as I was wont to do, to instruct her ; she made great moan to me, and most earnestly required me that I would An ignorant find the means that she might be purified before1 her suffer-. woman. ing ; for she thought she should have been damned, if she should suffer without purification. Where Master Bilney and I told her, that that law was made unto the Jews, and not unto us ; and that women lying in clnld-bed be not unclean before1 God; neither is purification used to that end, that it should cleanse from sin ; but rather a civU and pohtic law, made for natural honesty sake; signifying, that a woman before the time of her purification, that is to say, as long as she is a green woman, is not meet to do such acts as other women, nor to have company with her husband : for it is against natural honesty, and against the commonwealth. To superstition that end purification is kept and used, not to make a super- abie. stition or holiness of it, as some do ; which think that they may not fetch neither fire nor any thing in that house where there is a green woman ; wliich opinion is erroneous and wicked. For women, as I said afore, be as weU in the The fmit favour of God before1 they be purified as after. So we mimsters. travaUed with this woman tUl we brought her to a good trade ; and at the length shewed her the king's pardon, and let her go. The occasion This tale I told you by this occasion, that though some of Latimer s tl tl ' o tale- women be very unnatural, and forget their chUdren, yet when we hear any body so report, we should not be too hasty in believing the tale, but rather suspend our judgments till we know the truth. And again, we shaU mark hereby the great love and loving-kindness of God our loving Father, who shew eth himself so loving unto us, that notwithstanding women forget sometimes their own natural chUdren, yet he wiU not forget us; he wUl hear us when we call upon him; as he Matt. vii. saith by the evangelist Matthew : "Ask, and it shaU be given unto you; seek, and ye shah find; knock, and it shaU be opened unto you," &c. Then he cometh and bringeth in a a similitude, pretty similitude, saying: "Is there any man amongst you, which, if his son ask bread, will offer him a stone ? If ye then," cum sitis mali, "being evil, can give your children good gifts," &c. In these words, where he saith, cum sitis \} afore, 1562.] XVI1'] ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 337 mali, " which be evU," he giveth us our own proper name : God our i • o jr a » Father is he pamteth us out, he pincheth us ; he cutteth off our combs ; m°-e careful 1 1 1 1 i for os than ne plucketh down our stomachs. And here we learn to ac- gg,™^r knowledge ourselves to be wicked, and to know him to behischild- the weU-spring and fountain of aU goodness, and that all good things come of him. Therefore let every man think lowly of himself, humble himself and caU upon God, which is ready to give us not only bread and drink, or other ne cessaries, but the Holy Ghost. To whom will he give the Holy Ghost? To lords and ladies, to gentlemen or gentle women? No, not so. He is not ruled by affections: he hath not respect unto personages. Poscentibus, saith he, God giveth " unto those which caU upon him," being rich or poor, lords out resPect -._ .... of persons. or knights, beggars or rich ; he is ready to give unto them when they come to him. And this is a great comfort unto those which be poor and miserable in this world; for they may be assured of the help of God, yea, and as boldly go unto him, and desire his help, as the greatest king in earth. But we must ask, we must inquire for it; he would have us He that win i 9 . .... .... receive at to be importunate2, to be earnest and diligent in desiring ; God's hand x ~ o ' anything, then we shall receive when we come with a good faith and S'tSh confidence. To whom shall we call? Not unto the saints. Poscentibus Mum, saith he. Those that caU upon him shall be heard. Therefore we ought to come to him only, and not unto his saints. But one word is left, which we must needs consider ; we must Noster, " our." He saith not " my," but " our." Wherefore °my, and * note well saith he "our?" This word "our" teacheth us to consider here*;s „ word, our. that the Father of heaven is a common Father ; as weU my neighbour's Father as mine ; as weU the poor man's Father as the rich: so that he is not a peculiar Father, but a Father to the whole church and congregation, to aU the faithful. Be they never so poor, so rile, so foul and despised, yet he is their Father as well as mine : and therefore I should not despise them, but consider that God is their Father as weU as mine. Here may we perceive what com munion is between us ; so that when I pray, I pray not for myself alone, but for aU the rest : again, when they pray, they pray not for themselves only, but for me : for Christ hath so framed this prayer, that I must needs include my [2 importune, 1562.] 22 [latimer.] 338 THE FIRST SERMON [gERM. ttet oTOofth neignDour in it. Therefore all those which pray this prayer, pratfoJ"1 *key pray as weU for me as for themselves; which is a another. great comfort to every faithful heart, when he considereth that aU the church prayeth for him. For amongst such a great number there be some which be good, and whose prayer God wiU hear : as it appeared by Abraham's prayer, which prayer was so effectuous, that God would Gen. xviii. have pardoned Sodome and Gomorre, if he might have found Aetsxxvii. but ten good persons therein. Likewise St Paul in ship wreck preserved his company by his prayer. So that it is a great comfort unto us to know that aU good and faithful persons pray for us. There be some learned men1 which gather out of scrip- Actsvii. txire, that the prayer of St Stephen was the occasion of the $*&££?* conversion of St Paul. St Chrysostom saith, that that prayer that I make for myself is the best, and is of more efficacy than that which is made in common2. Which saying I hke not very weU. For our Saviour was better learned than St Chrysostom. He taught us to pray in common for aU; therefore we ought to foUow him, and to be glad to pray one for another : for we have a common saying among a proverb, Us, " Whosoever loveth me, loveth my hound." So, who- love me love ' J a' my hound. SOever loveth God, wiU love his neighbour, which is made after the image of God. of pra °e?erty •^n<* here is to be noted, that prayer hath one property before aU other good works : for with my alms I help but one or two at once, but with my faithful prayer I help ah. I desire God to comfort aU men hving, but speciaUy domes- ticos fidei, " those which be of the household of faith3." Yet we ought to pray with aU our hearts for the other, which beheve not, that God wUl turn their hearts and renew them with his Spirit; yea, our prayers reach4 so far, that our very capital enemy ought not- to be omitted. Here you [! St Augustine observes: "Si martyr Stephanus non sic orasset, ecclesia Paulum hodie non haberet." Sermo 382. Oper. Tom. v. col. 1038. Edit. Bened. Antwerp. 1700. See also Calvin, in loc] [2 If this be so, St Chrysostom frequently teaches the very op posite: e. g. De Incompreh. Dei natura Horn. in. Oper. Tom. i. p. 469. Edit. Bened. Paris. 1718.] p household of God, 1562, 1571.] t4 prayer reacheth, 1562, 1571.] XV11-] ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 339 see what an exceUent thing prayer is, when it proceedeth The excel- from a faithful heart ; it doth far pass aU the good works prayed that men can do. Now to make an end : we are monished here of charity, and taught that God is not only a private Father, but a common Father unto the whole world, unto aU faithful; be they never so poor and miserable in this world, yet he is their Father. Where we may learn humility and lowliness : speciaUy great and rich men shaU learn here not to be lofty or to despise the poor. For when ye despise the poor what it is miserable man, whom despise ye? Te despise him which thed?<£rf caUeth God his Father as weU as you; and peradventure more acceptable and more regarded in his sight than you be. Those proud persons may learn here to leave their stubbornness and loftiness. But there be a great many which httle regard this : they think themselves better than other men be, and so despise and contefnn the poor; inso much that they wUl not hear poor men's causes, nor defend them from wrong and oppression of the rich and mighty. Such proud men despise the Lord's prayer: they should beAiessonfor as careful for their brethren as for themselves. And such sons. humility, such love and carefulness towards our neighbours, we learn by this word " Our." Therefore I desire you on God's behalf, let us cast away aU disdainfulness, aU proud- ness, yea, and aU bibble-babble. Let us pray this prayer with understanding and great deliberation ; not foUowing the trade of monkery, which was without aU devotion and un derstanding. There be but few which can say from the The number °, -r-i-, ti . isbut small bottom of their hearts, " Our _B ather ; a httle number, that may can ' . God Father. Neither the Turks, neither the Jews, nor yet the unpenitent sinners, can call God their Father. Therefore it is but vain babbling, whatsoever they pray : God heareth them not, he wUl not receive their prayers. The promise of hearing is made unto them only which be faithful and beheve in God ; which endeavour themselves to hve according unto his com mandments. For scripture saith, Oculi Domini super justos; " The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears p«hl xxxiv. open unto their prayers." But who are those righteous? Every penitent sinner, that is sorry from the bottom of his heart for his wickedness, and beheveth that God wUl forgive him his sins for his Son our Saviour Jesus Christ's sake. 22—2 340 THE FIRST SERMON, &C [sERM. XVII. j What it is that the scripture accounteth a just man. Psal. cxlv. Who they are whom God will hear. A short reci tal of that is said before. This is called in scripture " a just man," that endeavoureth himself to leave aU wickedness. In such sort Peter and Paul were just, because they did repent, and beheve in Christ, and so endeavoured themselves to hve according unto God's laws. Therefore hke as they were made just before God, so may we too; for we have even the self-same promise. Let us therefore foUow their ensample. Let us forsake aU sins and wickedness; then God wiU hear our prayers. For scripture saith, Dominus fadt quicquid volunt timentes eum, et clamor em eorum exaudit ac servat cos: " The Lord fuMUeth the desire of them that fear him ; he also wiU hear their cry, and help them." In another place he saith, Si manseritis in sermone meo, et verba mea custodiveritis, quicquid volueritis petentes accipietis : " If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask what ye wiU, and it shaU be done for you." So we see that the promises pertain only to the faithful; to those which endeavour themselves to hve according to God's wUl and pleasure; which can be content to leave their wickedness, and foUow godliness : those God wUl hear at aU times, whensoever they shall caU upon him. Remember now what I have said: remember what is meant by this word " our ;" namely, that it admonisheth us of love and charity ; it teacheth us to beware of stubborn ness and proudness ; considering that God loveth as weU the beggar as the rich man, for he regardeth no persons. Again, what is to be understood by this word "Father;" namely, that he beareth a good wiU towards us, that he is ready and willing to help us. " Heavenly," that admonisheth us of his potency and abihty, that he is ruler over aU things. This, I say, remember, and foUow it: then we shall receive aU things necessary for this hfe ; and finaUy everlasting joy and felicity. Amen. Let us pray, " Our Father." THE SECOND SERMON UPON THE LORDS PRAYER, MADE BY MASTER LATIMER. [MATTHEW VI. &.] Sanctiflcetur nomen tuum. Hallowed be thy name. These few words contain the first petition of the Lord's The first prayer: the other words which go before this be no part of _ter_££f this petition, but rather an introduction unto these petitions:"0 and they be like a preface, or learned entrance to the mat ter, that the petitions might be the sooner and with more favour heard. For our Saviour being a perfect schoolmaster, as a learned and an expert orator, teacheth us how we should begin our prayer that we might be speedily heard, and how to get favour at God's hand. I have a manner of teaching, which is very tedious to Repetitions them that be learned. I am wont ever to repeat those profitable . . than things which I have said before, which repetitions arePleasant- nothing pleasant to the learned : but it is no matter, I care not for them; I seek more the profit of those which be ignorant, than to please learned men. Therefore I often- Edification times repeat such things which be needful for them to know ; tLt preacff- for I would speak so that they might be edified withal. chiefly to I spake some things this day in the commendation of this prayer : and first I told you, that it was our Saviour's own making and handwork, which is a perfect schoolmaster, put in authority by God the heavenly Father himself, which saith, Hie est Filius meus dilectus, in quo mihi bene com- placitum est ; ipsum audite : " This is my weU-beloved Son, Matt. xv». in whom I have pleasure; hear him." This prayer is a perfect prayer, an abridgment and The lom^ compendious sum of aU other prayers. There is nothing Xrfrayers. that we have need of, neither to our souls or bodies, but it is contained in some of these petitions; nor nothing that God promiseth in his word to give us, but it is expressed in one of these seven petitions. 342 THE SECOND SERMON [sERM. The cause I shewed you this day why we caU God "Father;" Go^FauSr. namely, because he beareth a loving and fatherly heart towards us. It is a sweet word, "Father;" and a word that pleaseth God much when it is spoken with a faithful heart, which above aU things God requireth. This word to can God "Father" moveth God's affection, in a manner, towards us, so our Father, 1 is profitable ^at he, hearing the word "Father," cannot choose but shew for us two ' o ' ways- himself a Father indeed. So that it is a word profitable to us in God's behalf, and, again, for our ownselves : for it moveth God to pity, and also helpeth our faith ; so that we doubt not, but that we shall find him a Father, which wUl grant our requests and petitions made unto him in the name of Christ. Now what crafts and conveyances the devU useth to withdraw and let us from prayer, I told you to-day aforenoon. If you exercise prayers, you shah find the temp tations of the devU, for he sleepeth not : he ever intendeth with faith to withdraw us from prayer. But I told you what remedy fight against you shall use against him; how you shaU strive against him, namely, with faith; beheving that our Saviour hath taken away our sins, so that they cannot hurt us. For they be no Christ hath sins in the sight of God; for he hath taken away both the taken awav ... p • ii ¦ -i « , r • i_ _? n our sins and guiltiness of sins, and the pains and punishments which follow the pain due ° ' x .... to our sins. sjIls# Christ hath deserved that those which beheve in him shall be quit from all their sins. These benefits of Christ are set out in scripture, in many places ; and these be the weapons wherewith we must fight against the devU and his The devii is Ulusions ; — not with holy water : for I tell you, the devil is not afraid of « J ' holy water. not afraid of holy water. It is Christ that hath gotten the victory over him; it is he that vanquisheth the serpent's head, and not holy water. Further, in that we caU him " Father," his wUl and fatherly affections are expressed : that we caU him " hea venly Father," his might and power, his omnipotency, is God is both expounded unto us. So that you perceive that he is both willing and . . _ . . _ , able to help loving and kind towards us; that he beareth a good- will, and also is able to help, able to defend us from aU our we have no enemies, spiritual and temporal. Therefore let us put our cause to A . t x x heipaathfs trust an<* confidence in him : let us not despair of his help, isabo.habie seemg ne is so loving, kind, and gentle towards us; and to heTp ulg then so mighty, that he hath aU things in his hands. This affection and love towards us passeth all motherly affections. XVIII.] ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 343 And here I brought in to-day a woman which was accused that she should have killed her chUd. I told you what business good Master Bilney and I had with her, afore we could bring her to a good trade. For she thought her self to be damned, if she should suffer before her purification. There I told you, that purification is continued in the church of God for natural honesty's sake, that man and wife should not company together afore that time ; and not to that end, that it should cleanse from sin: for there is nothing that omy the .... . . blood of cleanseth from sin, neither in heaven nor in earth, saving °j!™'eth only the blood of our Saviour Jesu Christ. For how canftomsin- a woman having company with her husband, and bringing forth chUdren according unto God's injunction, how can she to do that be made an heathen woman, doing nothing but that Godmandethis 7 o e> ^ not sln# hath commanded her to do? Therefore against such foohsh opinions that women have, thinking themselves out of the favour of God, lying in chUd-bed, I spake to-day, and told you how that it is no offence afore God ; only let every man and wife take heed and use themselves honestly : for a man may sin deadly with his own wife, if he, contrary to God's order, misuse her. Further, you have heard how the good-wUl of God to can God ' J -iii- our Father towards us is set out by this word "Father," and his power Mpeth us and omnipotency by this word "heavenly:" but I would have you to consider weU this word "our;" for it is a great help unto us, and strengtheneth much our faith, so that we may be assured that every good man in the whole world wUl pray for us and with us, whUst we have one Father and one manner of prayer. And this word "our" putteth us in remembrance that we be brethren in Christ: where we be admonished to despise no man, be he never so miserable or poor; for we have aU one Father, which hath made us aU of one metal of earth. So that the highest prince in the world is made as well of earth as the poorest ; Pnncesand and so shaU turn into the same again, as weU as the poorest «ean made shepherd. Let these proud persons mark this weU, which tet- be ever ready to despise every man. Such proud persons say never the Lord's prayer with good mind: yea, God is not their Father, for he abhorreth aU proudness. There fore such stubborn feUows when they wiU pray, they should Th/nP™«gcr not say, "Our Father which art in heaven;" but rather, ^""eii. 344 THE SECOND SERMON [sERM. .' Our Father which art in hell." God is their father, as concerning their substance, for he giveth them souls and bodies ; but they make -themselves the members of the devU, contrary unto God's will and pleasure. Therefore set aside superstitious all arrogancy and proudness ; likewise aU superstitious and compared to hypocritical babbling, speaking many words to httle purpose : "ersatabar as ¦*- neard say °f some lawyers, which babble and pratey and pretend a great dUigence and earnest desire to defend the poor man's cause ; but in their hearts they be false, they seek money and nothing else; so that their hearts and mouth disagree. Let us, I say, not foUow such lawyers; let us not make a shew of holiness with much babbling, for God hath no pleasure in it ; therefore away with it : yea, as when we not alone with this, but with all that may let us in our cate, so when prayer. Set it aside, and come reverently to talk with God. we pray we x tl ' ^ ti maredbe pre' -^ike ^ when you g° to the communion, you must be pre pared unto it, you must be in charity with your neighbour ; so hkewise, when you wUl talk with God, and pray to him, you must be prepared. Here you may perceive, that aU those persons that wiU not be corrected for their faults, that cannot bear godly ad monitions, they talk never with God to his pleasure; they be not ruled by God's Spirit, and so not meet for him. All Whatman- rebeUious persons, aU blood-thirsty persons, aU covetous per- tSat GoeI^fn sons' a^ lecnerous persons, aU bars, drunkards, and such like, not hear. be not Jq the case to talk with God. God wUl not hear them ; he cannot abide them ; they stink before his face, as long as they come before him with such abominable sins, not one prayer intending to leave them. Remember now what a doctrine is with under- . ^ . . „ ......... standing is contained in this preface. Weigh it; lor it is better to say it without"' sententiously one time, than to run it over an hundred times with humbling and mumbling. Now, when we have begun as we ought to do, what shall we desire? Sanctificetur nomen tuum, "HaUowed be thy name." Thy name, " Father," be haUowed, be sanctified, be magnified. What is this? What meant our Saviour, when he commandeth us that we shall desire that God's name be haUowed ? There is a great number of people which speak these words with their mouth, but not with their hearts, con- Muscuius. trary to that saying, Quicquid petimus ardenter petamus, tanquam cupientes habere. But they say it without know- XVHI.] ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 345 ledge ; therefore "they say it not, ut oportet, as they ought to do. " Thy name :" we require not that his name may be The meaning in i • . i • i- ,i • ¦ . i _ . . , of the first hallowed m him; tor this is already done without our prayer: petition. but we desire that he will give us grace, and assist us, that we in all our doings throughout our hfe may sanctify his name. And here we are admonished again of love and charity : for when we say, " HaUowed be thy name," we ask in aU men's names. Where we may perceive what communion and feUowship is between the faithful flock of God; for every faithful man and woman requireth that the whole church may haUow and sanctify God's word. What is it to be " haUowed ? " We desire that the name of God may be revealed, opened, manifested, and credited throughout all the world. What is God's "name?" Marry, aU writhe that is spoken of him in holy scripture, that is his name. |°^_s-x. He is caUed Clemens, " Gracious ;" Misericors, " Merciful ;" bS£-. "i. Justus, "Righteous;" Puniens iniquitatem, "A punisher ofjoshuaw. wickedness;" Verax, "True;" Omnipotens, "Almighty ;" pS.""' Longanimis, " Long-suffering, patient ;" Fortis, " Hardy ;" Exod. xxxiv. Ignis consumens, " A consuming fire ;" Rex omnis terroz, g™;,*™- "the King over the whole earth;" Judex, "A Judge;" ££!;*£"• Salvator, " A Saviour." These and such hke are the names SSil'!'' of God. Now when I make my petition unto him, saying, " HaUowed be thy name ;" I desire that his name may be revealed, that we may know what scripture speaketh of him, and so beheve that same, and hve after it. I do not desire that his name be haUowed of himself, for it needeth not ; he is holy already : but I desire that he will give us his Spirit, that we may express him in all our doings and conversations ; so that it may appear by our deeds, that God is even such one indeed as scripture doth report him. We are tried many times whether his name be hallowed amongst us or no. He sendeth us trouble and adversities to prove us, whether we wiU haUow his name or no. But he findeth us clean contrary. For some of us, when we be in trouble, do run hither and what^ thither to sorcerers and witches1, to get remedy. Some, that mow ' again, swear and curse; but such feUows haUow not the™™- name of God. But God is vindex sevens, "a sharp punisher:" he will punish sin, and those which blaspheme his holy name. [i wizards, 1562.] ¦ 346 THE SECOND SERMON [sERM. to be bap- I heard of late that there be some wicked persons, de- tizedandnot B „«_ _ i • 1 pi -i-i .. t. » to keep Gods gp^ers of God and his benefits, which say, " It is no matter S^ilSkf whatsoever we do ; we be baptized : we cannot be damned ; for all those that be baptized, and be caUed Christians, shah be saved." This is a false and wicked opinion ; and I assure you that such which bear the name of Christians, and be baptized, but follow not God's commandments, that such fel lows, I say, be worse than the Turks and heathen: for the Turks and heathen have made no promise unto Christ to serve him. These feUows have made promise in baptism to keep Christ's rule, which thing they do not ; and there fore they be worse than the Turks : for they break their promise made before God and the whole congregation. And therefore such Christians be most wicked, perjured persons ; and not only be perjured, but they go about to make God a simple a har, so much as lieth in them. There be some again, praying. which when they be in trouble they caU upon God, but he cometh not by and by, minding to prove their patience; they, perceiving he cometh not at the first caU, give over by and by, they wiU no more caU upon him. Do they beheve now, think ye ? Do they sanctify God's holy name ? God pro- Matt, vii. miseth in his holy word, Omnis qui petit, " Every one that calleth or that desireth help of me shah have it." Item, Psai. 1. Invoca me in die tribulationis, et exaudiam te, et glori- ficabis me ; " CaU upon me in the day of trouble, and I wiU hear thee, and thou shalt praise me." Likewise St Paul icor.x. saith, Fidelis est Deus, qui non patietur vos tentari supra id quod potestis ; " God is faithful, which wiU not suffer you to be tempted above it that ye be able." Now, when we give over prayer being in trouble, do we sanctify the name to give over of God ? No, no ; we slander and blaspheme his holy name : prayers in . .. .... " trouble is to we make him a bar, as much as heth in us. For he saith, Dlaspneme * tLi.Te' Eripiam te, " I wiU dehver thee, I wiU help thee :" we wiU call no more ; for we say, he wiU not help. So we make him and his word a har. Therefore God saith to Moses and Numb. xx. Aaron, Quandoquidem non credidistis mihi, ut sanctifi- caretis me coram filiis Israel, non introducetis coztum istum in terram quam dedi eis ; " Because ye believed me not, to sanctify me in the sight of the chUdren of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them." Where it appeareth, what it is to haUow XVIH.J ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 347 God's name; that is, to beheve his words, to shew ourselves what it is to that he is true in his doings and sayings. He saith further, name of God. . . . ... *sai- vni* A terror e ejus ne formidetis, neque animo frangamini, quin potius Dominum exercituum ipsum sanctificate; " Fear them not, neither be afraid of them, but sanctify the Lord of hosts." Here you see what it is to sanctify his name ; that is, to beheve that aU things be true that be spoken of him ; that is, to beheve that our enemies be not able to go further than it pleaseth God. And so did the apostles, when they Theaposties x r ' tl and martyrs suffered for God's sake : they beheved that God would do ^f °^L with them according to his word and promise ; and so they sanctified God; that is, they declared with their acts and deeds, that God is a true and faithful God. This did the martyrs of God ; this did the three young men which would Dan. m. not worship the idol set up by the king, and therefore were cast into the burning oven, to which pain they were wiUing to go. " We know," said they, " that God is able to help and defend us, when it pleaseth him." So must we hkewise offer ourselves unto the cross, content to suffer whatsoever he shaU lay upon us. We may caU upon him, and desire his we may not « r .... , appoint God help ; but we may not appoint unto him the manner and j^JJfJS, way1, how he shaU help, and by what means. Neither may ^™,nor we appoint him any time, but only sanctify his name ; that is, to call upon him for dehverance, not doubting but when it is to his honour and our profit to be dehvered, that he wUl help. But if he help not, but let us suffer death, happy are we ;t0 suffer for then we be dehvered from aU trouble. And so these be delivered ., from trouble. three young men sanctified the name of God ; they beheved that God was a helper : and so, according to their behef he helped them, marveUously shewing his power, and defending them from the power of the fire. In such wise did Achior, that good man, when Holo- acWot dM^ phernes, that sturdy captain, made great brags what hename- would do, and how he would handle the Jews. This Achior, knowing God, and believing him to be ruler over heaven and earth, stepped forward, and said to Holophernes : "If this Judith v. people have done wickedness in the sight of their God, then let us go up against them ; but if this people have not dis pleased their God, we shaU not be able to withstand them ; for God shaU defend them." Here this Achior shewed him- [i wise and way, 1562.] §48 THE SECOND SERMON [sERM. Dan. iv. self to believe that which was spoken of God in scripture Psal. xxv. cxviii. 2 Mae. viii. cxsviiixxv" namely, that God would be a deliverer and defender of those which beheve in him. But for aU that he suffereth : being before a great and mighty captain, he was now handled like a wUd beast. But what then ? Happy are those that suffer for God's sake. The prophet saith, Commenda Domino viam tuam, et ipse faciei; "Commit thy way unto the Lord, and he shaU bring it to pass :" that is to say, When thou art in trouble, call upon the Lord, beheve in him ; and if it be good for thee, he wUl dehver thee. So to sanctify God's name is to beheve in him. judi* did Lady Judith, that good, godly, and holy woman, sancti- God-sname. fied the name of the Lord. For she and her people being Judith xiii. . . . r r ° in great distress and misery, she put her hope in God. She fasted and prayed devoutly, and afterward, being moved or monished by a secret admonition, was not afraid to put herself in great danger ; insomuch that she took in hand, being a woman, to kUl the great captain of whom aU men were afraid, ihe'eVrs' Holophernes. I say, she was not afraid of him. I trow, fnlmotating s^-e reDuked the priest, which would appoint God a time ; as Godatime. wjj0 gay.^ « jje shah be no more my God, except he come by that time :" which was very wickedly done of them. For we ought to be at his pleasure : whensoever and whatsoever he wUl do with us, we ought to be content withal. If we were earnest and zealous as we should be, 0 how hot we should be in promoting God's honour and sanctifying his name ! We would nor could not suffer that any body should go about to dishonest the holy name of God. But we be very cold, we care not for his honour. We ought to be patient in our own quarrels ; when any body doth us wrong, we ought to bear m God's and forbear it : but in God's behalf we ought to be hot and oughtetoWbe earnest to defend his honour, as much as heth in us to do. Stout. -n • • 1 'l p But it is clean contrary with us : for in our own quarrel we be as hot as coals ; but in God's cause, for his honour, we care not, we regard it as nothing, whereas it ought most above aU to be regarded : for God he is just, righteous, faithful, and to be kind; and therefore we ought to take his part. But nothing God is to maketh more for the sanctifying of God's holy name, than to sanctify "is . _ ^ _ „ ¦,¦/» oo ^ tl ' name. be thankful for such gilts as we receive at his hands. And this haUowing standeth in aU things that may make for the furtherance of God's honour. To hear God's word, XVIII.] ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 349 and highly to esteem the same, that is a haUowing of God's name. How haUow now they1 the name of God, which refuse to hear the word ofGod, or for lack of preachers cannot hear it? And how can they beheve, when they hear it not? Therefore they that do somewhat for the furtherance of to maintain learning, for maintaining of schools and scholars, they &°todnX™g sanctify God's holy name. As for those preachers which G° have been in my time, they go away. How shall now this office of preaching, the office of salvation, how shaU it be maintained, except there be made some provision for the same ? Here I could say much against those which let that office, which withdraw the goods wherewith schools should be maintained, and take it to themselves ; but my audience is not thereafter. This office of preaching, is the office of salva tion; for St Paul saith, Visum est Deo per stultitiam prozdi- icor. i. cationis salvos facere credentes: "It hath pleased God toSvataS?of save the believers by the foolishness of preaching." How can men2 then beheve, but by and through the office of preach ing? Preachers are Christ's vicars : legations funguntur pro ?™^™me Deo. " They are Christ's ambassadors." St Paul saith, emSSdors Evangelium est potentia Dei ad salutem omni credenti; " The gospel is the power of God unto salvation for every believer." It is the mighty instrument of God. When we say, " HaUowed be thy name ;" we desire God that he, through his goodness, wiU remove and put away all things that may let and stop the honour of his name. But I fear me there be many which would not that it should be so. We desire here that God wUl remove aU infidelity. We require that aU witchcrafts be removed ; that art, magic, and sorcery, be puUed out, necromancy taken away ; and so nothing left but his holy word, wherewith we may daUy praise the name of God. For I fear me there be a great sorcerers dis- r ^ ^ O honour the many in England which use such sorceries, to the dishonour " with a good wUl. Go not away with the devil's Paternoster, as some do. Do aU things with a good servants are mind. For I teU you, you be not forgotten in scripture ; turehescrip" T0U are mucn commended in the same. St Paul speaketh coios.iu. very honourably of you, saying, Domino Christo servitis; " You serve the Lord Christ." It becometh not you to put a difference what business you be commanded to do. For undeJsStoode wnatsoever it be, do it with a good will, and it is God's ufwfiuiiT ser™e. Therefore you ought to do it, in respect that God godiy. would have you to do so : for I am no more assured in my preaching that I serve God, than the servant is in doing such business as he is commanded to do ; scouring the candlesticks, or whatsoever it be. Therefore, for God's sake, consider the [' in summa, 1562.] XVI11-] -ON the lord's prayer. 351 matter. Some of you think, if Christ were here, you would go with him and serve him. I teU you, when you follow your service, and do such things as your master and mistress shah command you, you serve him as weU as if he were here bodily. He is not here bodUy now, but his word is here. Domino Christo servitis, saith St Paul: "You serve the Lord Christ." Therefore I desire you in God's behalf to walk uprightly and godly. Consider what God saith unto you : Maledictus qui fadt opus Domini negligenter; " Cursed Jer. xivin. be he that doth the work of the Lord negligently." This scripture pertaineth to you as weU as to me. For when you do your business neghgently, you be cursed before the face of God. Therefore consider the goodness of God, it is a great that he would have you as weU saved as your masters, » goo- ser- Surely, methinketh it is a great benefit of God, to be a™'" servant. For those that keep houses must make account afore God for their famUy ; they must watch and see that aU things be well. But if a servant can discern2 what standeth with God's commandment, and what is against it, it is enough for him. But he must know that he ought not to obey his master or mistress when they would command him to do3 against God ; in such a case he may refuse and withstand them. For it is written, " We must more obey Acts v. unto God, than man :" we should not do against God, to may with. stand his please our masters. Again, masters and mistresses are bound master in x . denying to do to consider their duties ; to pay unto their servants their ™ M y>but wages, and meat and drink convenient. For it is a great sin suftraf hL to defraud the labourer of his wages ; for it is written, " The hand" cry of the labourers shaU come before the Lord." It is a great fault afore God to defraud them. But there be some servants which be so wicked, that they wUl complain without a cause, when they cannot have that that they would have, nor bear aU the rule themselves. But I say, it is a great thing for a master to defraud his servant. And, again, the a thing to servant which hath his whole wages, and doth but half his both of ° . . masters and work, or is a sluggard, that same feUow, I say, is a thief servants. afore God. For hke as the master ought to pay the whole wages, so likewise the servant ought to do his whole work. Here I might have occasion to shew how man and wife [2 But a servant when he can, 1562.] p go, 1584.] 352 the second sermon . [serm. ought to live together ; how they ought to be faithful, loving, and friendly one to the other ; , how the man ought not to despise the wife, considering that she is partaker with him of everlasting hfe. Therefore the man ought cohabitare, "to dwell with her;" which is a great thing. Again, see how the woman ought to behave herself towards her husband; how faithful she ought to be. Now when they both yield their duties the one to the other, then they sanctify the name whoso doth of God; but when they do contrary to their calling, then they walk in his ,•.,,, J p „ , ™ p -, , calling sane- slander the holy name of God. Iheretore let every man and tifieth the J J name ofGod. WOman walk in their vocations. sanctify wiU We must have a good and earnest mind and wUl to sanc- muit hav™ an tify the name of God: for that person that prayeth, and thereto. deslre desireth of God that his name may be haUowed, and yet hath no wUl nor pleasure to do it indeed, this is not the right sanctifying of the name of God. St Peter teacheth us how we shaU sanctify God's name, saying, Conversationem inter gentes habentes bonam ; " Have a good and holy conversation, hve uprightly in your calling ; so that your hght may so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and so glorify God." a short re- I will trouble you no longer. It is better a httle weU citalofthat •_.. i is said before, perceived and borne away, than a great deal heard and left behind. Consider wherefore our Saviour commandeth us to caU God "Our Father;" then afterward weigh this, "which art in heaven." Then come to the petition, " HaUowed be thy name;" weigh and consider this. For now is the time wherein the name of God should be haUowed :v for it is a pitiful thing to see what rule and dominion the devU beareth, how shameless men be ; how the name of God is brought in derision. Therefore let us say from the bottom of our heart, sanctificetur, "haUowed:" that is to say, "Lord God, through thy goodness remove aU wickedness ; give us grace to live uprightly!" And so consider every word; for it is better one word spoken with good affection, than an hundred without it. Yet I do not say this to let you from saying the whole Paternoster ; but I say, one word weU said is better than a great many else. Read throughout aU the scripture, and ye Faithful men shaU find that aU faithful men have made but short prayers : prayers. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Hezekiah. Our Saviour him self in the garden saith, Pater, d posdbile est, transeat a me xvm.] on the lord's prayer. 353 calix iste ; " Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Matt. _x«. me." This was but a short prayer. Again he saith1, Pater, ignosce Mis, quia nesciunt quid faciunt : " Father, forgive them, because they know not what they do." The pubhcan praying in the temple made but a short prayer, saying, Propitius esto mihi peccatori; " Lord, be merciful unto me a mue xviu. sinner." So the thief hanging upon the cross saith, Domine, memento mei cum veneris in regnum tuum; "Lord, remember Lukexxiu. me when thou comest in thy kingdom." Here was not much babbling. But I speak not this to dissuade you from long prayer, when the spirit and the affections do serve ; for our Saviour himself spent a whole night in prayer. Sanctificetur, "HaUowed be thy name:" that is to say, a short and _ , -it. ¦ plain ex- " Lord, remove away thy dishonour; remove away sin; move position of them that be in authority to do their duties; move the man and wife to live rightly; move servants to do weU." And so it should be a great grief unto us, when we should see any body dishonour the name of God, insomuch that we should cry out, "Our Father, haUowed be thy name." This one a necessary thing bear away with you above aU others : consider that where it may O J tl _..-.... . best be kept when we wiU come to God and talk with him, we must bemremem- penitent sinners, we must abhor sins, purpose to leave them, and to hve uprightly ; which grant us God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ! Amen. [i So likewise St Stephen saith, in most of the old editions. That of 1634 reads as in the text.] 23 [latimer.] 354 THE third sermon [serm. THE THIRD SERMON UPON THE LORD'S PRAYER. [MATTHEW VI. 10.] Adveniat regnum tuum. Thy kingdom come. The second This is the second petition of the Lord's prayer. I trust the'iorfs you have not forgotten the1 two lessons before rehearsed unto prayer. you. First, the beginning of the Lord's prayer, what a trea- a short re- sure of doctrine is contained in every word : " Our," what it what is signifieth : " Father," what it meaneth : and then, this addi- taughtin the ° . . other two tion, " which art in heaven : how many things is to be sermons. ' ¦ tl o noted by every one of those words. And I trust also, you have remembered the contents of the first petition, Sanctifi- cetur nornen tuum, " HaUowed be thy name." Here I told you wherein standeth the holiness of his name, and what it meaneth; namely, we require that his name may be sanctified in us, that is to say, we require that aU our conversations may be to the honour of God, which foUoweth when we en deavour ourselves to do his pleasure; when we hear his word with great dihgence and earnest reverence, and so walk in the works of our vocation, every man whereunto God hath appointed him. And because the word of God is the instru ment and fountain of aU good things, we pray to God for the continuance of his word; that he wiU send godly and weU learned men amongst us, which may be able to declare us his wiU and pleasure ; so that we may glorify him in the hour* of our visitation, when God shaU visit us, and reward every we must not one according unto his desert. One thing we must weU con- welreaweto sider and not forget it, namely, that our Saviour teacheth us donothingof ii-j._-._lii. acJoriln8 *° Pra7 ajy<^ desne ot trod that his name may be haUowed. Gods will. Where ne P^teth us in our own colour, and would have us to confess our own imperfections ; that we be not able to do any thing according to God's wUl, except we receive it first at his hands. Therefore he teacheth us to pray, that God [i your, 1562.] [2 The old editions read honour.] XTX.J ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 355 wUl make us able to do all things according to his will and pleasure. Adveniat regnum tuum. This is our request, " Thy kingdom come. Thou Father, we beseech thee, let thy king dom come to us." Here we pray that the kingdom of God come not to one only, but to us all. So that when I say this wepraynot prayer, I require God that he wUl let his kingdom come aion°™e Ub to you as weU as to me. Again, when you pray, you pray as weU for me as for your own selves. " Let thy kingdom come." You must understand that, to speak properly, these words are not to be understood of God's inferior kingdom, of his earthly kingdom, as though it did hang upon our peti- what king- tions, so that he could not be Lord and ruler over the earth we prayer? except we pray for him. No : we pray not for his inferior kingdom to come, for it is come already : he ruleth and governeth aU things. He is called in scripture Rex regum, 1 mm. vi. " The King above all kings," Dominus dominantium, " the Lord above aU lords." Therefore he ruleth and governeth aU things according to his wUl and pleasure, as scripture saith, Voluntati ejus quis redstet, "Who wUl withstand his wUl?" Rom. ix. So our Saviour reporteth, saying, Pater meus operatur usque modo, " My Father worketh hitherto, and I work John v. also :" What worketh he ? He worketh the works of go vernance. For at the first beginning he did create all things : but he left them not so : he assisteth them, he ruleth them, according to his wul. Therefore our Saviour doth not teach us to pray for his worldly kingdom to come ; for he ruleth already as Lord and King ; yea, and aU the kings and rulers rule by him, by his permission, as scripture witnesseth : Per me reges regnant, "Through me," that is, "by my per- Prov.viii. mission, kings reign." I would wish of God that all kings and potentates in the world would consider this well, and so endeavour themselves to use their power to the honour and ehrv of God, and not to presume in their strength. For a good ad- ° * . . p ¦¦ 1 /-. i vi n monition this is a good monition for them, when God saith, Per me j^jjjf^ reges regnant, " Through me kings do reign :" yea, they be so under God's rule, that they can think nothing nor do any thing without God's permission. For it is written, Cor regis in manu Domini, et quo vult vertit Mud ; " The heart of the Prov. xxi. king is in the hand of the Lord, and he turneth the same whithersoever it pleaseth him." This is good to be con- 23—2 356 THE THIRD SERMON [sERM. a good lesson sider ed; and specially subjects should niark this text well. for subjects. ' r , , , ii-i When the rulers be hard, and oppress the people, think ever, me hearts of (jor reais in manu Domini, " The king's heart is in the princes are & ° ofGodhand governance of God." Yea, when thou art led to prison, consider that the governor's heart is in the hand of the Lord. Therefore yield obedience : make thy moan unto God, and he wiU help, and can help. Surely I think there be no place in scripture more pleasant than this, " The heart of the king is in the hand of God ;" for it maketh us sure, that no man can hurt us without the permission of God, our heavenly Father. For aU those great rulers, that have been from the beginning of the world tiU now, have been set up by the appointment of God; and he puUed them down when it Fourprind- pleased him. There have been principally four monarchies Fes ha?e been in the world : the first were the Babylonians, which had great inthisworld. . .. i i 1 ¦ i /iit and many nations underneath them : which was God's ordi nance and pleasure, for he suffered them so to do. After those came the Persians, wliich were great rulers and mighty kings; as it appeareth by stories written of learned men at that time. Then came in the1 Greeks, and took the dominion from the Persians, and ruled themselves for awhUe, till they were plucked down. At the last came the Romans, with their empire, which shaU be the last : and therefore it is a token that the end of the world is not far off. But where fore were those mighty potentates plucked down ? Marry, The cause for wickedness' sake. The Babylonians, Persians, and Grecians, why the monarchies and a good part of the Romans were cast down for wicked- were pulled ° x down. ness sake. What were their doings ? They would not execute justice : the magistrates were wicked, lofty, and high-minded: the subjects, taking ensample of their magistrates, were wicked too, and so worthy to be punished together. Therefore the Eeci. i». wisdom of God saith, Vidi sub sole in loco judidi impie tatem et in loco justitioz iniquitatem : " In the place where poor men ought to be heard, there have I seen impiety; I have seen oppression and extortion; this I have seen : yea, and in the place of justice, there I have seen bearing and bolstering." So for these causes' sake, these great emperors were destroyed: so shall we, if we follow their wicked ensam- ples. Esay, that hearty prophet, confirmeth the same, saying, Exspectavi utfacerent judidum, et ecce iniquitas ; exspectavi f1 came the, 1562.] XIX.] ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 357 ut facerent justitiam, et ecce clamor: "I looked they should execute justice, defend the good, and punish the iU; but there was nothing but crying." This is a great matter ; The cry of ° the people is clamor populi, "the cry of the people." When subjects be a great oppressed, so that they cry unto God for deliverance, truly God wUl hear them; he wUl help and dehver them. But it is to be pitied that the devil beareth so much rule, and so much prevaUeth both in magistrates and subjects, insomuch that he beareth almost all the rule. Not that he ought to do The devii is _>r.li'ii_*ii p not tne risht so ; tor God he is the lawful ruler of the world ; unto him we l01d ,?f the ' world. owe obedience : but the devil is an usurper ; he cometh to his dominion by craft and subtilty, and so maketh himself the great ruler over the world. Now he, being the great ruler, would have aU the other rulers to go after him, and follow his ensample, which commonly happeneth so. For you know there is a common saying, Similis simili qaudet, " Like to Ji*6-10 like : JO' .7 that is, usur- like." Therefore he useth all homely tricks to make aU rulers j^S^ae to go after him : yea, he intendeth to inveigle even very kings, laan"surper and to make them negligent in their business and office. Therefore such kings and potentates were puUed down, be cause they foUowed the instructions of the devil. But our Saviour speaketh not of such worldly kingdoms, when he teacheth us to say, " Thy kingdom come." For these worldly kingdoms bring us not to perfect2 fehcity; they be fuU of all manner of calamities and miseries, death, per ditions, and destructions. Therefore the kingdom that he speaketh of is a spiritual kingdom ; a kingdom where God ^^'^ only beareth the rule, and not the devil. This kingdom is ™ £_* wng- spoken of every where in scripture, and was revealed long ago ; and daily God hath his preachers, which bring us to knowledge of this kingdom. Now we pray here, that that kingdom of God may be increased, for it is God's fellowship ; they are God's subjects that dwell in that kingdom ; which kingdom doth consist in righteousness and justice; and it delivereth from all calamities, and miseries, from death and {j^'J^va-- aU peril. And in this petition we pray that God will send fnS£™ unto us his Spirit, which is the leader unto this kingdom ; and all those which lack this Spirit shall never come to God. For St Paul saith, Qui Spiritum Christi non habet, non est ejus ; " Whosoever hath not the Spirit of Christ, he per- Rom. via [2 worldly, 1562.] 358 THE THIRD SERMON [sERM. Luke xvk. taineth not unto him." Likewise our Saviour saith, Regnum Dei intra vos est ; " The kingdom of God is within you :" ofhGodbS^n- ^g^yi11?' tna* those wliich have the Spirit of God shaU be nethhere. sure 0f f^at kingdom: yea, it beginneth here in this world with them that be faithful. ufeiSstra-'3 ^ne instrument wherewith we be called to this kingdom, SftJ. God? is the office of preaching. God caUeth us daUy by preachers kingdom. ^ come iQ ±fcs kingdom; to forsake the kingdom of the devU ; to leave all wickedness. For customable sinners, those that be not content to leave sin, they pertain not to that kingdom; they are under the dominion of the devU; he ruleth John vm. them : hke as our Saviour saith to the Jews, Vos ex patre uohniii. diabolo estis ; "The devU is your father." Item, Qui fadt peccatum ex diabolo est ; " He that doth sin is of the devU." Therefore by this petition we pray, that we may be dehvered from all sin and wickedness, from the devU and his power. Thisis a We desire God, that we may be his subjects ; wliich is a very petition. godly and needful prayer. Further, by this petition we be put in remembrance what we be, namely, captives of the devil, his prisoners, and bond men ; and not able to come at hberty through our own power. Therefore we desire God's help and aid, as Christ hath taught what hincw us to cau k™ Stiver. He knew his affections ; therefore he Sighted commandeth us to caU him Father, and to desire his help to Wlthp be delivered out of the kingdom of the devU. Happy are those which are in this kingdom, for they shaU lack nothing ! And this kingdom cometh to us by preaching, by hearing of s^hoto^10 God's word. Therefore those that find scholars to school, they are helpers and furtherers toward this kingdom ; and truly it is needful that there be made some provision for them. For except schools and universities be maintained, we shall have no preachers: when we have no preachers1, when we have none which shew unto us God's word, how shall we come to that blessed kingdom which we desire? lackuveu- t0 What availeth it when you have gotten many hundred pounds GodVwo'.d. for your chUdren, and lack God's word ? Therefore I say, this office must needs be maintained: for it is a necessary office, which furthereth to this kingdom; of wliich our Sa viour speaketh in the gospel to the Jews, saying, Instat Luke x. regnum cozlorum ; " The kingdom of God is come near." [! when we have no preachers, not in 1584, 1607.] XIX-J ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 359 Likewise he saith to one, Sequere me, et annuncia verbum Lukeix. Dei ; " FoUow me, and preach the kingdom of God." So ought aU preachers to do : they ought to aUure every man to come to this kingdom, that this kingdom may be re plenished. For the more that be converted, the more is the kingdom of God. Again, those that be wicked livers, they help to multiply the kingdom of the devil. To this heavenly kingdom our Saviour exhorteth us, saying, Quozrite primum regnum Dei et justitiam ejus, et cetera omnia adjicientur vobis; " Seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and aU other things shaU come upon you unlooked for." Jacta super Dominum curam tuam ; " Cast all thy care Psai. iv. upon God," as David saith. Then our principal study shall -faT be to hear God's word, and when we have heard it, we shaU ing our care , -i. . . „ upon God. beheve it and toUow it, every man m his vocation. Then servants shaU yield their obedience to their masters, as God requireth of them. Then the parents shall bring up their chUdren in the fear of God. Then the chUdren shah be obedient to their parents. Then subjects shall be obedient to their king and prince, and aU his officers under him. So go throughout aU estates, every one shaU hve uprightly in his calling. Then God wiU bless us, so that we shaU lack no2 necessaries in this world; and then, at the end, we shaU come to that perfect fehcity and joy, that God hath laid up and prepared for them that study here to hve according to his will and commandment3. But we must labour and travaU ; as long as we be in this world we must be occupied. For St Paul saith, Si quis non vult operari, nee manducet; "Whosoever wiU not labour, let him not eat." Likewise 2 Thess.m. David saith, Labores manuum tuarum comedes, et bene tibi erit; "Thou shalt eat the labours of thy hand, and it shaU p^1- «""ul- go weU with thee." For he that will labour, and is content He i that win o not labour is to travail for his hving, God will prosper him; he shall noteworthy lack. Let every man therefore labour in his caUing; for so did our Saviour himself, which came into this world to teach us the way to heaven, and to suffer death for us. Now how dihgent he hath been in his office, it appeareth every where. For the evangehst saith, Loquebatur Mis de regno Dei; "He talketh with them of the kingdom of God." Mark [2 not lack, 1562, 1571.] P testament, most of the old editions after 1562.] 360 THE THIRD SERMON [SERM. Prov. xxi. None can prevail Christ taught here, he taught them of the kingdom of God, he taught them not of the _ . „ ° , . - „ , .° _, _, . . ° . kmgdom of nothing ol the kingdom ot this world. For he saith, stand ing before Pilate, Regnum meum non est de hoc mundo; joimxviii. "My kingdom is not of this world." He reigneth by faith, through his Holy Ghost, in all those which pertain unto him. He is not an earthly king, as the Jews hope to have their Messias. Therefore when I feel such motions within me, we must Ay then is it time to call upon God; for such motions come of the to God for . * ' . rescue. devU : therefore I must run to God, saying, " Thy kingdom come, most loving Father; help thou; fight thou for me against my enemies; suffer me not to be taken prisoner; let not my enemies have the victory over me." So we must caU upon God without intermission1. For you may be sure we shall never be without battle and travail ; and we are not able to withstand our adversary by our own power : there fore it is most needful for us to caU and cry unto him for help. When we do so, then we shah have grace to with stand the devU ; for he cannot, neither is he able to strive with God, for all his craft. For the scripture saith, Non est consilium contra Dominum ; " No wisdom, no craft can pre- ,'ainstGod. yail against the Lord." He wUl help and dehver us when he seeth his time : for commonly the nature of God is to help when all man's help is past. When the devU thinketh himself cock-sure, then God cometh and subverteth his wicked intents ; as it appeared in our Saviour himself : for when the devU had brought the Jews to such a madness that they went and crucified him, when this was done, the devU triumphed and made merry ; he thought himself sure enough of him. But what was the end of it ? His triumphing was turned to2 his own destruction. For Christ hanging upon the cross did by his death destroy the power of the devU. So we see how God suffereth the devU for awhUe, and then when he seeth his time, he cometh with his gracious helping hand. But, as I told you before, the devU hath many inventions, many impediments and lets, wherewith he trappeth us. For we see there be a great many gospeUers, which begun very weU and godly, but now the most part of them become ambitious and covetous persons ; all the world is fuU of such feUows. But what then ? God will preserve his kingdom ; he wiU \} intercession, most of the editions after 1562.] [2 into, 1584.] The devil's triumph is turned to destruction. A note for gospellers. XIX J ON the lord's prayer. 361 wrestle with the devil's kingdom, and so shall prevail and p'uU it down to the bottom. Therefore aU those which be in the kingdom of God must wrestle, strive, and fight with the devU : not as the carnal gospeUers do, which commonly camai gos- begin weU at the first, but now having rest and tranquillity, and aU things going with them, they leave the gospel, and set their minds upon this naughty world. Therefore it is good and needful for us to have afflictions and exercises ; for, as St Augustine saith3, Sanguis Christianorum est veluti semen fructuum evanqelicorum ; " The blood of Christians is, The biood of , , p , „ . Christians is as it were, the seed of the fruit of the gospel4." For when JJe'^^( one is hanged here, and another yonder, then God goeth a the 6°spel- sowing of his seed. For hke as the corn that is cast into the ground riseth up again, and is multiplied ; even so the blood of one of those which suffer for God's word's5 sake stirreth up a great many. And happy is he to whom it is given to suffer for God's holy word's sake ! For it is the greatest to die for promotion that a man can have in this world, to die for God s greatest r t promotion. sake, or to be despised and contemned for his sake : for they shall be well rewarded for their pains and labours. Merces vestra multa est in cadis : " Your reward," saith our Saviour, Matt. v. " shall be great in heaven." Further, when we pray, Adveniat regnum tuum, " Thy kingdom come," we desire of God that there may come more and more to the knowledge of God's word. And secondarUy, we desire of God to bring those which be come already to He that en- o _ . : . dureth shall the perfect knowledge of his word, and so to keep them in it J^™0- still to the very end : for not he that beginneth, but he that endureth shall be saved. This kingdom of God is double, The kingdom regnum gratiaz, et regnum glorioz, " The kingdom of grace, double. and the kingdom of glory, honour, joy, and felicity." As long as we be in this world, we be in the kingdom of grace ; when we are gone, then we shall come to the kingdom of glory. For as long as we be here, God sheweth himself unto us by grace ; he ascertaineth us through his Spirit of P This sentiment frequently occurs in the writings of St Augustine: e. g. Oper. Tom. iv. col. 244 : Tom. v. col. 83. Edit. Bened. Antverp. 1700.] P " The blood of Christians is, as it were, the seed of the fruit of the gospel," not in 1562.] p God's holy word's, 1584.] 362 THE third sermon [seem. his favour, and so he reigneth within us by grace. But when we be once gone, then we shaU, see him face to face ; which we cannot as long as we be here. For he exhibiteth himself unto us, not so plainly as he doth unto his angels, which be with him in the kingdom of glory. Therefore when we say, "Thy kingdom come," we desire of God that he wiU The meaning help us to this perfect kingdom, that he wiU deliver us out of ofthispeti- r r . wor God. comfortat me ; " I am able to do aU things that pertain to God's honour and glory, through him that strengtheneth me." He said not, " through mine own self ;" but, " through God which helpeth me." And here appeareth the right humilia- [i who, 1584.] XX-J ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 369 tion and lowliness, wliich our Saviour teacheth us in this petition. For he would have us to know our own impossibility and unableness to do any thing ; and then, again, he would have us to caU for aid and help to God; therefore he teacheth us to say, Adveniat regnum tuum, " Thy kingdom come :" so that though we be not able through our own selves to do any thing, yet when we call upon him he will help. For Christ knew his Father's will and loving affections towards us : he knew that he would help us, for he was a perfect schoolmaster ; else he would not have commanded us to pray, Fiat voluntas tua, " Thy wiU be done." Here we must understand, that the wiU of God is to be God's win considered after two sorts. First, as it is omnipotent, un- «^red after , r ' twosorts. searchable, and that cannot be known unto us. Now we do not pray that his wUl so considered be done. For his wiU so considered is and ever shaU be fulfilled, though we would say nay to it. For nothing, either in heaven or in earth, is able to withstand his wUl. Wherefore it were but foUy for us to pray to have it fulfiUed, otherwise than to shew thereby that we give our consent to his wUl, which is to us unsearch able. But there is another consideration of God's will2; and in that consideration we and all faithful Christians desire that it may be done : and so considered, it is caUed a revealed, a manifested, and declared will; and it is opened unto us in the bible, in the new and old testament : there God hath revealed a certain wUl; therefore we pray that it may be done and fulfilled of us. This wUl was opened by Moses and God's wm A ti was opened the holy prophets, and afterward by our Saviour himself and K^^ his apostles ; which he left behind him to that end, that they u^jj^. should instruct the world and teach them his wUl : which apostles have done according to their master's commandment; for they not only spake it, but also wrote it to that end that it should remain to the world's end. And truly we are much bound to God, that he hath set out this his wiU in our na- A blessing tural mother tongue, in English, I say, so that now you may ° not only hear it, but also read it yourselves; which thing is a great comfort to every christian heart. For now you can no more be deceived, as you have been in times past, when we did bear you in hand that popery was the word of God : which falsehood we could not have brought to pass, if the P holy will, 1584.] 24 [latimer.J 370 THE FOURTH SERMON [sERM. They cannot word of God, the bible, had been abroad in the common lie decG i vcd wweh ha™ tongue : for then you might have perceived yourselves our tongu™other falsehood and blindness. This I speak to that end, to move you to thankfulness towards him which so lovingly providetb aU things necessary to our salvation. The law of Now to the matter. Almighty God, I say, set, out bis God must be . O - . „, * ciass.°oking" wm Dy Moses and his prophets ; and this wiU is contained in certain laws, which laws God commandeth that we should keep ever before our eyes, and look upon them as in a glass ; and so learn to order our hves according unto the same. And in case that a man swerve from the same, and so fall into the danger of damnation, God revealed further his wiU, how to remedy the matter, namely, by repentance and faith; The way to so that whosoever from the bottom of bis heart is sorry for s'">- his sins, and studieth to leave them and hve uprightly, and then beheveth in our Saviour, confessing that he came into this world to make amends for our sins, this man or woman shaU not perish, but have forgiveness of sins, and so obtain everlasting life. And this will God revealeth speciaUy in the new testament, where our Saviour saith, Qui credit in me habet vitam azternam; " Whosoever beheveth in me hath everlasting life:" where we learn that our Saviour is or dained of God to bring us to heaven, else we should have been all damned world without end. So that in this prayer, of thfeeaning w^en we say> " Thy wiU be done," we desire of God that he petition. ^yi jjgjp an(j strengthen us, so that we may keep his holy laws and commandments. And then again we desire of him, that he wUl endue us with the gift of faith ; so that we may beheve that aU those things which we do contrary to his laws, be pardoned and forgiven unto us through his Son, for his passion's sake. And further, we desire him that he will fortify and strengthen us, so that we may withstand the devU's will and our own, which fight against God's wiU ; so that we may be able to bear aU tribulations and afflictions wiUingly and patiently, for his sake. This is the simple meaning of this petition, when we say, " Thy wUl be done." I will go a httle further, and shew you somewhat more of it : yet I intend not to tarry long, for I am not very weU at ease this morning ; therefore I wiU make it short. I have S'wrth said now many times' and I say Jt 7et again> Quod petimus, tiieWt. ardenter petamus tanquam cupientes habere; " Whatsoever XX-J ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 371 we desire of God, let us desire it from the. bottom of our hearts." But I fear me, there be many which say this prayer, and yet cannot tell what they say; or at the least their hearts are contrary disposed unto it. Such people I exhort on God's behalf to consider their duties, to consider that God will not be mocked withal, he wUl not be derided. We laugh who they be God to scorn, when we say one thing with our mouth, and God fe^rn. think another thing with our hearts. Take this for an ensam- ple. Our rebels which rose about two years ago in Norfolk The rebels and Devonshire, they considered not this petition: they said it s7rtethatthis with their lips only, but not with their hearts. Almighty ioUsg_om.God God hath revealed his wiU as concerning magistrates, how he wiU have them to be honoured and obeyed: they were utterly bent against it. He revealed this will in many places of the scripture ; but speciaUy by St Peter, where he saith, Subditi estote omni humanoz creaturoz : that is thus much to say in effect, " Be ye subject to aU the common laws made by Rom. xm. men of authority; by the king's majesty, and his most honour able councU, or by a common parhament : be subject unto them, obey them," saith God. And here is but one exception, There is no that is, against God. When laws are made against God and agfinsufod. his word, then I ought more to obey God than man. Then I may refuse to obey with a good conscience: yet for all that I may not rise up against the magistrates, nor make any uproar ; for if I do so, I sin damnably. I must be content to suffer whatsoever God shaU lay upon me, yet I may not obey their wicked laws to do them. Only in such a case men may refuse to obey ; else in aU the other matters we ought to obey. What laws soever they make as concerning outward things we ought to obey, and in no wise to rebel, although they be never so hard, noisome and hurtful. Our duty is to obey, and commit aU the matters unto God ; not doubting but that God wUl punish them, when they do contrary to their office God win and calling. Therefore tarry tiU God correct them ; we may prmces. not take upon us to reform them, for it is no part of our duty. If the rebels, I say, had considered this, think you they would have preferred their own wUl afore God's wiU ? For, doing as they did, they prayed against themselves. But I think ignorance that ignorance was a great cause of it. Truly I think if this of rebellion. had been opened unto them, they would never have taken such an enterprise in hand. 24 — 2 372 THE FOURTH SERMON [SERM. Abstinencefrom flesh. A law for apparel. A law for gaming. All subjects ought to read or near their princes' acts or laws. Stubbornlyto do against fiolitical aws, is to do against God's will. And here we have occasion to consider, how much we be bounden unto God, that he openeth unto us his word so plainly, and teacheth us so truly how we should behave our selves towards the magistrates and their laws: but for aU that, I fear there be some of us which httle regard their laws and statutes. Such despisers of magistrates, when they pray, they pray against themselves. There be laws made of diet1, how we shaU feed our bodies, what meat we shaU eat at aU times ; and this law is made in pohcy, as I suppose, for victuals' sake, that fish might be uttered as weU as other meat. Now as long as it goeth so in pohcy, we ought to keep it. There fore all except those that be dispensed withal, as sick, impotent persons, women with chUd, or old folks, or Ucensed persons, aU the rest ought to hve in an ordinary obedience to those laws, and not do against the same in any wise. There be laws made for apparel2, how we shaU cover our nature. Is there not many which go otherwise than God and the magis trates command them to go? There is made a law for gaming3, how we shaU recreate our bodies; for we must have some recreation because of the weakness of our nature. In that law we be inhibited carding, dicing, tabling and bowling, and such manner of games, wliich are expressed in the same act. You may read it, and you ought to read it, and to know the acts : for how can you keep them when you^know them not? Every faithful subject wiU not disdain to read the acts, and the king's majesty's proceedings, so that he may know what is aUowed or forbidden in the same acts. And I myself read the acts, for it is meet so for us to do. Now again, this is a great matter that God is so kind towards us, that he disdaineth not to reveal his wiU, what order we shaU keep in our diet, in our refreshing and garments. Therefore it is most meet for us to hve in subjection, and not to prefer our own wiU before God's wUl. For when I do stubbornly against those acts set out by our natural king, and his most honourable counseUors; then I prefer my wUl afore God's wiU, and so sin damnably. These things ought weU to be noted, [i 2 & 3 Edw. VI. ch. 19: 6 & 6 Edw. VI. ch. 3.] P Several laws were enacted respecting apparel, more especially during the reigns of Edw. III. and Hen. VIII. See 37 Edw. III. cc. 8—14; 1 Hen. VIII. ch. 14; 6 Hen. VIII. ch. 1; 24 Hen. VIII. ch. 13.] P 33 Hen. VIII. ch. 9.] XX.] ON the lord's pravek. 373 1 as are for it is not a trifling matter ; there hangeth damnation or salvation upon it. Therefore, as I said before, it is good to know the laws, and I caU him a good man, and her a good woman, that are content to be ruled by the laws, and so declare their subjection and obedience unto God and the magistrates. There be some men that say, " When the king's majesty himself commandeth me to do so, then I wiU do it, not afore." This is a wicked saying, and damnable : for we may not so be excused. Scripture is plain in it, and sheweth us that we such „ ought to obey his officers, having authority from the king, as under pTn'L weU as unto the king himself. Therefore this excuse wUl ob?yedeas , - „ _ well as not, nor cannot serve atore God. Yet let the magistrates rrinces' take heed to their office and duties ; for the magistrates may not do aU things according to their pleasures and minds. They have authority of God to do weU, and not harm; to The offices of edify, and not to destroy; to punish the wicked and obsti nate, and to comfort those which hve weU and godly ; to defend the same from wrong and injuries of the wicked. So it appeareth that every one in his order, in his degree and calling, ought to do the wUl of God, and not our own wiU and pleasure. This is our duty, happy are we if we do it indeed ! 0 that men in authority would consider whereunto God hath ordained them! St Paul saith the magistrate is Ultor ad iram, " He is God's ordinary minister, to punish Bom. xw. malefactors and UI doers." God saith, Mihi vindicta, ego retribuam: "I wiU avenge myself," saith God; and so heLetmagis- doth by his magistrates : for that is his ordinary way, u_tses mar whereby he punishes malefactors. But magistrates must take heed they go no further than God aUoweth them to do. If they do, they themselves shah be punished : as there be many ensamples in scripture, whereby appeareth, how griev ously God hath punished wicked magistrates. FinaUy4, St Peter giveth a rule not only unto the magis trates, but also unto the subjects, saying, Hozc est voluntas 1 ret. ii. Dei, ut obturetis os adversariorum bene agendo: "It is the wUl of God," saith Peter, "that you with your good, godly, riiemovaiS and honest conversation shaU stop the mouth of your adver- "^imvi" saries." What caUed St Peter well-doing? Well-doing is to bestopt' P In summa, 1562.] 374 THE FOURTH SERMON [serm. Rom. xiii. live according to God's laws and commandments. God's com mandment is, that we shall obey magistrates : therefore' those which disobey and transgress the laws of the magistrates1, they do not according to God's will and pleasure ; they do but mock God, they stop not the mouth of the adversaries, as St Peter would have them to do ; but they give rather occasion unto the wicked to slander and blaspheme the holy word of God. St Peter would have us to stop their mouth wickeddoers with well-doings. Many men, when they have been reproved would stop ° •,......."'. . , r preachers' ot preachers because ot their wicked hving, they have gone about to stop their mouth with slanderous words : this stop ping is an iU stopping. St Peter would have us to stop with well-doing. Now, wUl magistrates not be spoken iU of and reproved of preachers? Let them do weU. Likewise saith St Paul of the subjects, Vis non timer e potestatem? Benefac et habebis laudem : " Wilt thou not fear the higher power ? Do well, and thou shalt be commended." Now even as it is with the temporal sword, so is it with the spiritual. There be some men which cannot away withal, if they be rebuked ; they cannot bear when the preacher speaketh against their wickedness: unto them I say, Vis non timer e prozdicatorem? Benefac : " WUl you not to be rebuked of the preacher ? Then do weU." Leave off your covetousness, your ambition, your irefulness, vengeance, and malice, your lechery and filthiness, your blood-shedding, and such like sins ; leave them, amend your hfe, or else the preacher, according to his office, wUl rebuke and reprove you : be you never so great lords or ladies, he wUl rub you on the gall. For a good and godly preacher can do no less, seeing God dishonoured, perceiving him to be blasphemed, his wiU to be neglected, and not executed of them that ought with aU then study and endeavour to apply themselves that his wUl might be done. For he is well worthy : he is the Lord ; he created heaven and earth, and is therefore the right natural Lord over it. But for aU that, the devil is lord more than he is : not by right or inheritance, but by conquest, by usurpation ; he is an usurper. God, as I said before, is the natural and lawful Lord over the earth, because he made it : yet it pleased his divine majesty to make mankind, as ye would say, lieutenant Learn to stop the preacher's mouth. Mankind is God's lieu tenant upon earth. [l of magistrates, 15S4.] XX-J ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 375 over it ; so that mankind should bear the rule over the whole earth. Therefore God said unto him, Dominamini, "Be ruler over it:" Item, Replete terram, et subjicite Mam; also, "Replenish the earth, and subdue it." Here Adam and his wife, and so all his posterity, were by God made rulers over the earth, as God's high deputies, or his lieutenants. So, as concerning God's ordinance, mankind was the lawful inheritor of this kingdom. But now cometh in the devil with his crafty conveyances, and with his false subtilties. He in veigled first the woman, and afterward the man, persuading them to transgress God's holy commandments; with which so doing they lost the favour of God and their dignities: and so the deril, through his false lies, substituted himself The devii is an usurper. as an usurper or conqueror ; and so he is a possessor, non per fas, sed nefas, not lawfully, but wrongfully. Though he did say to our Saviour, shewing him aU the kingdoms of the world, Cuicunque volo do ilia, " I may give them to whom soever I wiU," he lieth falsely. God wUl destroy him at the Thedevii length, for all his subtUties and lies : they shall not save him. Yet for all that he is a great ruler. For this is most cer- The devii is a tain and true, a great many more do the wUl of the devU, and hath ° " many ser- than of God. Whatsoever they babble with their mouths, ™ms. look upon their works, and you shall find it so. For all proud persons, all ambitious persons, which be ever climb ing up, and yet never be weU, aU such do not the wUl of God, and therefore pertain not to his kingdom. All ireful, rebellious persons, aU quarrellers and wranglers, all blood- whosore- shedders, do the wiU of the devil, and not God's will. God own quarrel 7 ' dotn tne wiu saith, Mihi vindicta, ego retribuam, " I wUl avenge myself;" of thedevii. which he doth through the magistrate ; and when the magis trate is slack, he doth it himself. Now those ireful, mahcious persons, that hate their neighbours, they do not the will of God, but of the devU. Also these subtU, deceitful persons, • which have no conscience to defraud and beguile their neigh bours; that care not for breaking their promises, nor are not ashamed to utter false ware, they pertain aU to the devU. Item, these2 that will not make restitution of goods UI got- £««£,*™ ten, they serve the devU. Scripture saith, Qui peccat ex S™tuhfngs diabolo est ; " Whosoever sinneth is of the devil :" which is ™^u"y [2 those, 1584.] 376 THE FOURTH SERMON [SERM. a very hard word to be spoken of the Holy Ghost, and a fearful word, able to withdraw us from sin, if we had any fear of God in our hearts. Amongst these1 may be numbered all slothful persons, which wiU not travaU for their livings ; they do the wiU of the devU. God biddeth sturdy beg- us to get our living with labour; they wUl not labour, but thedevii. go rather about a begging, and spoU the very poor and needy. Therefore such valiant beggars are thieves before God. Some of these vahant lubbers, when they came to my house, I communed with them, burthening them with the s"Kti£uhe transgression of God's laws. "Is this not a great labour," labour. say they, "to run from one town to another to get our meat? I think we labour as hard as other men do." In such wise they go about to excuse their unlawful beggary and thievery. But such idle lubbers are much deceived; for they consider not that such labour is not aUowed of God. We must labour so as may stand with godliness, according to his appointment; else thieves which rob in the night-time, do Threves say they not labour? Tea, sometimes they labour with great labour. gare^ peril, and danger of their hves. Is it therefore godly, because it is a labour ? No, no : we must labour as God Drunkards, hath appointed us, every man in his estate. Further, these lecherous x *¦ ' tl persons. drunkards, which abuse the gifts of God; also these lecherers and whoremongers, that live in adultery ; these violators of holy matrimony, which hve not according unto God's law; item, these swearers, forswearers, bars, aU those do not the ?e™_St? few wU* °f G°cL Therefore it is to be lamented of every chris tian heart, when they see how many servants the devU hath, and God so few. But aU those which serve the devU are rebels against God. God was their Lord ; they swerve from him through wicked hving, and so become servants of the devU. Therefore those christian people that have a desire to hve after God's wiU and commandments, they hve amongst 4kenof thl tne kicked even as it were amongst the rebels. They that rebels. dwehed in Norfolk or Devonshire at the time of rebelhon, they which were faithful to their lung and prince, how think you they were entreated? FuU miserably, God knoweth: either they were constrained to help their wicked purposes, or else they must suffer all calamities which could be devised. P Arose, 1562.] XX*J ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 377 Even so shaU aU those be entreated, which intend to hve weU, according to God's commandments. For the rebels, that is, the wicked which have forsaken their Lord God, and taken the devil to be ruler over them, they shaU compel them to foUow, or else to suffer aU calamities and miseries. And so shaU be verified the saying of our Saviour Christ, Non veni ut mittam pacem sed gladium : " I am not come, saith he, Matt. x. to send peace, but the sword." Which is indeed a strange sendeth not saying, but it hath his understanding: God is a God pf^word." peace and concord, he loveth unity and concord ; but when he cannot have peace by the reason of the devU, then he wUl have the sword : that is to say, God loveth unity, he would have us aU agree together, but because of the wicked we cannot: therefore he wiU rather have us to choose the sword, that is, to strive and withstand their wickedness, than to agree unto them. And therefore this doctrine is caUed a seditious doctrine : but who are those rebels ? Even they They that themselves which caU this doctrine seditious ; they them- gospeisedi- selves, I say, are traitors against God. Wherefore our traitors. Saviour, seeing he can have no peace with the wicked, he wiU have us rather to withstand their wickedness, and so God win bring8 them to reformation : and this is the cause wherefore segregated • _ from the he wiU have his flock segregated from the wicked. wicked. Therefore let us pray unto God our heavenly Father, Fiat voluntas tua ; " Thy wiU be done." This is the prayer of aU christian people, which have a wiU to do God's wUl : but those impenitent sinners, which are not yet weary of their sins, do never pray; for though they say the words, yet it is to no purpose. They say them without under standing : therefore it is but lip-labour, it is no prayer, it is but the devil's service. For a man may serve the devil The devii-s with saying the Pater-noster, when he saith it with a defiled what _t is. mind. Let us, therefore, order ourselves so that we may say it worthily, as it ought to be. Let us lay away all wickedness and UI hving, so that we may say from the bottom of our heart, "Our Father, which art in heaven, Thesaints thy wiU be done." And so did Susanna, that godly woman ; coming' of so did lady Judith; so did queen Esther; so did aU good this petition. saints of God: and though this prayer was not made at that time, by the reason3 they were a great whUe afore p to bring, 1584.] P by reason, 1584.] 378 THE FOURTH SERMON [sERM. Christ's coming; yet they had this prayer in effect.- For they believed in almighty God ; they believed in Abraham's Seed, which was promised: which faith stood them in as good stead, and they were as weU saved through that same The differ- belief, as we now through our belief. For it is no difference the fathe"se,en between their behef and ours, but this : they beheved in ours. Christ which was to come, and we beheve in Christ, which is come already. Now their behef served them as weU as ours doth us. For at that time God required no further at their hands than was opened unto them. We have in our time a further and more perfect knowledge of Christ than they had. Now Susanna, when the judges, the same wicked men, came unto her, and moved her with fearful threatenings to do their wills, that is, to sin against God in doing that filthy act of lechery, (for the same wicked judges bare a wicked damnable love towards her,) think you not she resorted unto God? Tes, yes, without doubt: she said these words in effect, Pater noster, fiat voluntas Susanna tua ; " Our Father, thy will be done," and not the wUl of Gods wm the wicked1 men. Therefore she putting her hope and trust done. in God, having a respect that his wUl might be done, and not the devil's will, God, wliich is ever true, did not fail her ; for you know how she was dehvered through young Daniel. This is written to our instruction : for he is now the self-same God that he was at that time. He is as mighty as he was ; he is as ready as he was. She was in anguish and great distress, she sought to hallow his holy name ; therefore he did help her, he suffered her not to perish. So certainly he will do unto us too. Therefore when we be in trouble, let us hallow bis name, and then we shall find his help like .ludithseek- as Susan did. In such wise did Judith, when she was pro- thenameof voked of Holofernes to do wickedly. She sought rather to God and to - » do his will, sanctify God's name, to do his will, than the wiU of the devil; therefore God gave her such a triumphant victory. So did queen Hester, when Hammon, that wicked feUow, had power over her: she committed all the matter unto God with fasting and prayer. But Saint Peter, what did he? hfst!>1ate_.Silt Marry, ne forgat his Pater-noster; for when there came noster. but a foolish wench, asking him, "Art not thou a Galilean? Art not thou one of this new learning? Art not thou a P of wicked, 1571.] XX-I ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 379 gospeUer?" what did Peter? He was gone quite: he denied it : he forgat his Pater-noster. For if he had had grace to consider that he ought rather to suffer death, than forsake his master Christ, then he would have said, Pater noster, fiat .voluntas tua, " Our Father, thy wiU be done. I am ready to suffer for thy sake whatsoever thou shalt lay upon me." But he did not so, he forgot himself. What did our Saviour? He turned back and looked upon him. Happy chrut looked was Peter that our Saviour looked upon him again, for it°nPeter' was a gracious token ! Judas, that false man, that traitor, forgat this same peti- Judas forgat tion, and remained so in his error still to the end. Surely ""' pet"'°n' he was a sorrowful and a heavy man. Insomuch that he made restitution, he was much better than a great manyJudaswas of us be, which, when they have injured and wronged poor ISSTthS" men, will make no restitution. I tell you truth, Judas was now live' much better than such feUows be. Poznitentia ductus, "Led me differ- to repentance," saith the text; but he lacked faith. And Sr'S e™ so between Peter and him, which were both two sorrowful men, this was the difference, — Peter had faith, Judas lacked it : yet he was exceeding sorrowful for his wickedness, inso much that he went and hanged himself; therefore he forgat this petition. So hkewise aU voluntary sinners, aU un repentant sinners, none of them all saith this petition as they ought to do : they say not worthily nor profitably, for they have no wiU to do his wUl; their will is to do their own wUl and pleasure. But above all things, these quest-mongers2 had need to a note for * take heed ; for there all things goeth by oath. They hadgers."m' need to say, " Our Father, thy will be done ;" for they shall be moved to do this and that, which is against God. They must judge by their oath, according to conscience, " Guilty," or " Not guilty." When he is guilty, in what case are those wliich say, " Not guilty ? " Scripture doth shew what a thing it is, when a man is a malefactor, and the quest-mongers justify him, and pronounce him not guUty ; saying, Et qui justificat impium, et qui condemnat justum, ambo abomina- biles coram Domino : " He that justifieth the wicked, and he Prov. wu. that condemneth the just man, they are both abominable before the Lord." Who is abominable ? He that doth not p Jurors.] 380 THE FOURTH SERMON [SERM. Mark this history. A shameful perjury. To lose life is to find it. Joab looked through his i fingers. Chaplainsabout the king. the wUl of God : the wiU of God is, that the wicked should be punished. I myself did once know where there was a man slain of another man in anger : it was done openly, the man-kUler was taken and put in prison. Suit was made to the quest-mongers : for it was a rich man that had done the act. At the length, every man had a crown for his good- wUl : and So this open man-killer was pronounced not guUty. Lo, they sold their souls unto the devU for five shillings, for which souls Christ suffered death : and I dare pronounce, except they amend and be sorry for their faults, they shaU be damned in hell world without end. They had clean for gotten this petition, " Thy wUl be done :" for they did the wUl of the devU. It had been a good deed to cut off their crowns by their necks, to the ensample of aU others. There fore, I say, these quest-mongers had need to say, " Our Father, which art in heaven, thy wUl be done." For truly it is marvel that this reahn sinketh not down to heU head long. What perjuries, swearing and cursing is everywhere, in every corner ! Therefore, I say, we had need to pray earnestly, that God's wiU may be done. And we should be content to lose our lives for righteousness' sake ; for he that loseth his life, for because he will not agree to the dishonour of God, he seeketh that God's wUl may be done. Happy is that man, for he findeth his life, he loseth it not : for Christ wUl be his keeper. Joab, that great and vahant captain, he knew weU enough when David sent unto him good Urias with letters ; he knew, I say, that the king's wUl was against God's wiU: yet he looked through his fingers; he winked at it; he would rather do the wicked wiU of the king than the wUl of God. Of such fellows there be a great number, which care1 not for the honour and wUl of God. These chaplains about the king, and great men, had need to say, Fiat voluntas tua, " Our Father, thy wUl be done." But they are very slow and slack ; they wink commonly at aU matters, be they never so bad. They be capellani ad manus, chaplains at hand. They wUl not arguere mundum de peccato, " They dare not rebuke the world of sin ;" they dare not do as the prophet commandeth unto them to do, when he saith, Audiant montes judicia Domini, " Let the hills hear the judgments of the P are, 1584.] XX>] ON the lord's prayer. 381 Lord;" though they smoke, as he saith, tange montes, et fumigabunt, " Touch the hUls, and they wiU smoke." Tea, and though they smoke, yet strike them; spare them not, teU them their faults. But great men cannot suffer that, to be so rebuked ; their chaplains must be taught discretion, if they wiU go so to work. They say commonly, magistrates should be brought out of estimation, if they should be handled so. Sirs, I wUl tell you what you shaU do to keep your a mean estimation and credit. Do weU ; handle uprightly and indif- ptrates may ferently aU matters ; defend the people from oppressions ; do |fJ^on. your office as God hath appointed you to do : when you do so, I warrant you, you shall keep your estimation and credit. And I warrant you again, the preacher wUl not strike nor cut you with his sword ; but rather praise you, and commend your weU-doings. Else, when you do naught, and wickedly oppress the poor, and give false judgments; when you do The mod so, that is no godly preacher that wUl hold his peace, and not must strike strike you with his sword that you smoke again. But it is sword. commonly as the scripture saith, Laudatur impius in deside- riis animaz suaz ; " The wicked is praised in the desires of his wickedness." Chaplains wUl not do their duties ; they wUl ^p1"™. not draw their swords, but rather flatter; they will use dis- their duties. cretion. But what shaU follow? Marry, they shaU have God's curse upon their heads for their labour : this shaU be aU their gains that they shaU get by their flatterings. An other scripture saith, Qui potestatem exercent, hi benefida ^ttereKcaii vocantur; " The great and mighty men be called benefactors, t>™.factorS. weU-doers:" but of whom be they caUed so? Marry, of flatterers, of those which seek not to do the will of God, but the pleasures of men. St John Baptist, that hardy knight and exceUent preacher w»W of God, he said this petition right with a good faith; " Our "on «_,&. Father, thy will be done :" therefore he went to the king, saying, Non licet tibi; " Sir, it is not lawful for thee so to do." See what boldness he had ! How hot a stomach in God's quarrel, to defend God's honour and glory! But our chains chaplains, what do they now-a-days ? Marry, they wink at it, they wiU not displease : for they seek livings, they seek bene fices; therefore they be not worthy to be God's officers. Esay, that faithful minister of God, he is a good plain fellow ; ggtapun he telleth them the matter in plain, saying, Argentum tuum 382 THE FOURTH SERMON [SERM. Esay per ceived things amiss. The hunger that preach ers should have. Christ had money. The cause' why Christ talked with the woman alone. Rash judg ment. versum est in scoriam, principes tui infideles, sodi furum :. "Thy silver is turned to dross, thy princes are unfaithful, and fellows of thieves." He is no flatterer, he telleth them the truth. " Thy princes," said he, " are bribe-takers, subverters of justice." This Isaiah did, for he had respect to God's word : he perceived things amiss ; he knew that it was his part to admonish, to cut them with his sword. Would God our preachers would be so fervent to promote the honour and glory of God, to admonish the great and the small to do the wiU of the Lord ! I pray God they may be as fervent as our Saviour was, when he said to his disciples, Meus cibus est, ut faciam voluntatem Patris mei qui est in cozlo ; " My meat is to do the will of my Father which is in heaven :" that is to say, " Tou are no more desirous to eat your meat when you be a-hungry, than I am to do my Father's wiU which is in heaven." By what occasion our Saviour saith these words, you shaU perceive, when you consider the circum stances. I pray you read the chapter ; it is the fourth of John. The story is this : he sendeth his disciples to a town to buy meat, (where it appeareth that our Saviour had money ;) after their departure he setteth him down, which was a token he was a^weary, and I warrant you he had never a cushion to lay under him. Now as he was sitting so, there cometh a woman out of the town to fetch water ; he desired her to give him drink. She made answer, "WUl you drink with me which am a Samaritan ?" So they went forward in their talk. At the length he bade her go caU her husband. She made answer, "I have no husband." " Thou sayest well," said our Saviour ; " for thou hast had five, and this that thou hast now is not thy husband." And so he revealed himself unto her. Some men, peradventure, will say, "What meaneth this, that our Saviour talketh alone with this woman ?" Answer : his humility and gentleness is shewed herein : for he was content to talk with her, being alone, and to teach her the way to heaven. Again, some men may learn here, not to be so hasty in their judgments, that when they see two persons talk together, to suspect them; for in so doing they might suspect our Saviour him self. It is not good, it is agamst the wiU of God to judge rashly. I know what I mean ; I know what unhappy tales be abroad ; but I can do no more but to give you warning. xx-] ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 383 Now the woman went her way into the city, making much, ado, how she had found the Messiah, the Saviour of the world ; insomuch that a great many of the Samaritans came out unto him. Now as the woman was gone, the disciples desired him to eat ; he made them answer, Ego alium cibum habeo, "I have other meat:" then they thought somebody Christ's meat had brought him some meat ; at the length he breaketh out i?attie°s win. and saith, Hie est cibus meus utfaciam voluntatem Patris mei qui misit me; " I am as desirous to do my Father's wiU, as you be of meat and drink." Let us now, for God's sake, be so desirous to do the wUl of God, as we be to eat and drink. Let us endeavour ourselves to keep his laws and commandments : then whatsoever we shall desire of him, he wiU give it unto us, we shaU have it. We read oftentimes in scripture, that our Saviour was preaching according unto his vocation : I would every man would go so dihgently about his business. The priests to go Aiessonfor o o ti - o oriests. to their books, not to spend their times so shamefully in hawking, hunting, and keeping of ale-houses. If they would go to their books, in so doing they should do the will of God: but the most part of them do their own wiU, they take their pleasure : but God wiU find them out at length ; he wUl mete with them when he seeth his time. On a time when our Saviour was preaching, his mother came unto him, very de sirous to speak with him, insomuch that she made means to speak with him, interrupting his sermon, which was not good manners. Therefore, after St Augustine and St Chrysos- tom's1, mind, she was pricked a httle with vain-glory; she The virgin tJ,_ Mary was a would have been known to be his mother, else she would not wue pricked have been so hasty to speak with him. And here you may siory- perceive that we gave her too much, thinking her to be with out any sparkle of sin; which was too much: for no man born into this world is without sin, save Christ only. The school [i Hierom's, in the old editions: but in the " Sermon on the Epistle for the 23rd Sunday after Trinity," it is rightly said, " Chrysos tom and Augustine." Augustin. Epist. 243. Oper. Tom. ii. col. 660. Edit. Bened. Antverp. 1700. Hanc matrem terrenam non habebat Imperator tuus? Qua_ tamen cum ei nuntiaretur agenti ccelestia, re sponds, Quae mihi mater, aut quifratres ? Chrysost. Horn. xiv. in Matt. xii. Oper. Tom. VH. p. 467. Ko! yap &re/. iir^PI^ (piXoripias nv ncpirrijr H3w\ero yap Ivbe'&adat r, &n (tparei ™' aiBerrei roC jra.8<.s.] 384 THE FOURTH SERMON [SERM. He that doeth God's will is Christ's mother. Mary was saved because she believed in Christ. Matt. vii. Lukexii. We must first know, and then do the will of God. doctors1 say she was arrogant. One came and told our Sa viour, as he was teaching: "Sir, thy mother is here, and would speak with thee." He made answer, hke as he did when he was but twelve years old, Oportet me esse, " I must be8 :" so he saith now, stretching out his hands, "Who is my mother?" Qui fadt voluntatem Patris mei qui est in cozlis, " He that doth the wUl of my Father that is in heaven." Luke saith, Qui audit verbum Dei et fadt istud, " He that heareth the word of God, and doth it." Mark this weU ; he saith, " and doth it." Let us do ; let us not only be hearers but doers ; then we shall be, according to his promise, his brethren and sisters3. We must hear his word, and do it: for truly, if Mary his mother had not heard his word and beheved it, she should never have been saved. For she was not saved because she was his natural mother, but because she beheved in him ; because she was his spiritual mother. Remember therefore, that aU that do his wiU are his kinsfolk. But remember that in another place he saith, Non omnes qui dicunt mihi, Do mine, Domine, introibunt; "Not aU that say, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven." Here you see that the matter standeth not in saying, but in doing : do his wiU, and then resort unto him, and thou shaU be welcome. We read in Luke, where our Saviour said, Servus qui nosdt voluntatem domini, et non fadt, vapulabit multis ; " That servant that knoweth the wiU of his master, and doth it not, shaU be beaten with many stripes." He that knoweth not shaU be beaten, but not so much. We must first know, and then do. It is a good thing to know ; but it is a heinous thing to know, and not to do : it is a great sin to slander God's word with wicked hving, as it is commonly seen amongst men. But this fault, if it be not amended, shaU have grievous punishment. Now, some men wUl say, " Seeing it is so, that those which know God's word, and do not the same, shaU be beaten with many stripes; then I wUl keep me from it, and so when I am damned I shah have the easier punishment." No, no, my friend : Ignorantia non excusat, prozsertim voluntaria et ll Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theolog. Par. m. Quest, xxvii. Art.4 ; Estius, Commen. in Sentent. Lib. m. Distinct. 3, § 6 ; where the opi nions of divines, on this subject, are recited.] P "I must be," not in 1562.] p his sistern, 1584.] XX-J ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 385 affectata; " Wilful ignorance excuseth not." To say, " I will wiifui ig- not hear it, for I intend to do as it shall please me;" this is^cSnot. not ignorance, brother, but rather contumacy, or despising of God's word. These wliich would fain know, but cannot, for that they have no teacher, they shall be excused somewhat, for they shall have easier pain than the others have ; as he saith, Vce tibi, Chorazin, quia si in Sodoma, "Wo unto thee, Matt. xi. Chorazin, because if in Sodom," &c; meaning that the Sodom ites shall have easier judgment than the other : but as for those which refuse to hear when they might hear, they are in an ill case, and shaU be punished with unspeakable pains. And I tell you, the very ignorant man is not all excused; for The very so saith God by his prophets, Si non annunciaveris ut con- not excused. vertatur a via sua mala, impius in iniquitate sua morietur ; " The wicked," saith he, " shaU die, though he hath had never warning before." So we see that ignorance excuseth not : but the ignorant are the less punished because of their igno rance ; as there be degrees in hell, one shall be punished more grievously than the other, according to their deserts. There be some men in England which say, " No," say they, " I will hear none of them all, till they agree amongst them selves*." Such feUows truly shall never come to the gospel: Despisersof for there will be contentions as long as the devU is ahve. He cannot suffer God's word to be spread abroad ; therefore he doth, and wiU do till the world's end, what he can to let the word of God. Then it is like that those feUows shaU never come to hear God's word, and therefore worthily be damned as despisers of God's most holy word. Further, this petition hath an addition, Quemadmodum in cozlo ; " As it is in heaven." The writers make two man ner of heavens; a spiritual heaven, and a temporal heaven5. Two manner The spiritual heaven is where God's wiU is fully done; where ° the angels be, which do the wUl and pleasure of God with out dilation. Now, when we say, "As it is in heaven," we The meaning pray God that we may do his will as perfectly as the angels ation. do. Ensamples in scripture we have many, which teach us the dihgent service which the angels do unto the Lord. When king David feU in a presumption, so that he commanded his p This was one of the reasons by which Celsus attempted to justify his rejection of Christianity.] p Matt. Flacius, Clavis Sacr. Scriptur. in voce coehm.] 25 [latimer.] 386 THE .FOURTH SERMON [SERM. Joab did naught in obeying to do that the king com manded. An example to be fol lowed of all men. An example for kings to follow. Another ex ample for kings to follow.2 Kings xlx, Job ix. captain Joab to number his people, (which thing was against. the Lord, and Joab did naughtUy in obeying the king in such things, but he went and numbered eight hundred thou sand, and five hundred thousand men able to fight, beside women and chUdren,) for this act God was angry with David, and sent his prophet, which told him that God would plague him ; and bade him to choose whether he would have seven years' hunger, or that his enemies should prevaU against him three months long, or to have three days' pestUence. He made answer, saying, " It is better to faU into the hands of God, than of men :" and so chose pestUence. After that, within three days died threescore and ten thousand. This story is a great declaration how angry God is with sin. Now David, that good king, seeing the plague of God over the people, said unto God, " Lord, it is not they that have sinned, it is I myself: punish me, and let them alone." This was a good mind in David ; there be but few kings now that would do so. Now at the length God was moved with pity, and said unto the angel, Sufficit, contine manum; "It is enough, leave off." By and by the plague ceased. Where you see how ready the angels of God be to do the Lord's commandment. After that David was minded to be thankful unto God, and offer a great sacrifice unto him, and so remove the wrath of God : and therefore he made suit to one of his subjects for certain grounds to build an altar upon. The same man was willing to give it unto the king freely ; but David would not take it at his hands. Where kings may learn, that it is not lawful for them to take away other men's lands to their own use. This good king, David, would not take it when it was offered unto him. He did not as Achab, the wicked man, which did Naboth wrong in taking away his vineyard against his wiU. Another ensample, wherein ap peareth how dihgently the angels do God's commandments. Senacherib, king of the Assyrians, having a captain caUed Rabsacus ; which captain, after he had besieged Jerusalem, spake blasphemous words against God the Almighty, saying to the Jews, " Think you that your God is able to help you, or to defend you from my hand ?" Now Ezechias, that good king, hearing such blasphemous words to be spoken against God, fell to prayer ; desired God for aid ; sent for the prophet Esay, and asked lum counsel. The end was, God XX. j ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 387 sent his angels, which killed an hundred eighty and five thousand of the Assyrians in one night: the king himself scant escaped, and with great danger and fear gat him home. Here you see what a God our God is, whose wUl we ought to do. Therefore let us endeavour ourselves to do his will and pleasure ; and when we are nOt able to do it, as we be not indeed, let us call unto him for help and aid. The other heaven is caUed a corporal heaven, where the The corporal j 1 x heaven doth sun and the moon and the stars are ; which heaven doth Goi'i com- ' mandment. God's commandment too. As it appeareth in the books of Joshua, and the Kings, how the sun stood at the command ment of God : also, how the shadow went backward ; like as Job saith, Prozcepisti soli, et non oritur, " Thou gavest com- Jobix. mandment to the sun, and it arose not." Therefore at the commandment of God they kept their ordinary course, as God hath commanded them in the first beginning. Also1 the rain and the snow come at his commandment. FinaUy2, nothing rebeUeth in his estate wherein it was set at the first, Nothing dis- ......... obeyeth God but man. The man will not be ruled by hun, aU other things «™igo_iy be obedient : rain cometh when God wUl have it, and snow at his time. We read in Achab's time, that Elias the prophet stopt the rain for three years and sixth months, for to punish the people ; whereof foUowed a great dearth. Afterward, at the request of the same Ehas, God sent rain, which tempered the ground to bring fruits. I think there be some Ehas abroad at this time, which stoppeth the rain, we have not had rain a good whUe. Therefore let us pray to God that «$;*>,- ^ we may do his wiU, and then we shaU have all things neces- ^na™ sary to soul and body. For what was this Elias ? Obnoxius «>««¦«-¦ affectibus, " A sinful man, born and conceived in sin :" yet Jamesv. God, seeing his confidence, granted his requests. For he was a man that feared the Lord, and trusted in him ; therefore God loved him, and heard his prayer. Therefore, I say, let us do as he did; then God will hear our prayers. But we are fleshly, we are carnal, we can do nothing perfectly, as we ought to do : wherefore we have need to say with St Augus tine3, Domine, fac quoz prcedpis, etprozcipe quod vis; "Lord, £*»JKf£ do thou with me what thou commandest, and then command ^mdondeth [i Item, 1562.] P In summa, 1562.] [3 Da quod jubes, et jube quod vis. Confess. Lib. x. c. 40. Oper. Tom i col. 139, Edit. Bened. Antwerp. 1700.] 25 — 2 388 THE FOURTH SERMON &C [sERM. what thou wilt." For we of our own strength iind power are not able to do his commandments; but that lack our Saviour wiU supply with his fulfilling, and with his perfect- ness he will take away our imperfectness. Now since we have spoken much of prayer, I wUl desire you let us pray together, and so make an end : but you God heareth must pray with a penitent heart; for God will not hear the not impeni- , tip • • . ••, tent sinners, prayer that proceedeth Irom an impenitent heart; it is abo minable in his sight. I desire you to say after me, " Our Father," &c. Amen. XXI.J THE FIFTH SERMON UPON THE LORDS PRAYER. [MATTHEW VI. 11.] Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie. Give us this day our daily bread. This is a very good prayer, if a body should say no ^tSJl'of more at one time, but that ; for as we see our need, so we nosier?**" shall pray. When we see God's name to be dishonoured, J^ay&nhose blasphemed and ill spoken of, then a man, a faithful man, lacking. at should say, " Our Father, which art in heaven, haUowed be thy name." When we see the devU reign, and all the world foUow his kingdom, then we may say, " Our Father, which art in heaven, thy kingdom come." When we see that the world foUoweth her own desires and lusts, and not God's wUl and his commandments, and it grieveth us to see this, we be sorry for it; we shaU make our moan unto God for it, saying, " Our Father, which art in heaven, Fiat voluntas tua, Thy wUl be done." When we lack necessaries for the maintenance of this life, every thing is dear, then we may say, "Our Father, which art in heaven, give us this day our daUy bread." Therefore as we see cause, so we should pray. And it is better to say one of these short prayers with £±fwith a good faith, than the whole psalter without faith. thitLbfay- By this now that I have said, you may perceive that the X?epsai- common opinion and estimation wliich the people have had of filth.1 this prayer (the Lord's prayer, I say) is far from that that it is indeed. For it was esteemed for nothing : for when we be disposed to despise a man, and caU him an ignorant fool, we say, "He cannot say his Pater-noster ;" and so we made it a hght matter, as though every man knew it. But I tell ^"^ you, it is a great matter ; it containeth weighty things, if it ft^SI8 be weighed to the very bottom, as a learned man could do. But as for me, that that I have learned out of the holy scrip ture and learned men's books, which expound the same, I will shew unto you : but I intend to be short. I have been very long before in the other petitions, which something 390 THE FIFTH SERMON [sERM. expound those that follow : therefore I wiU not tarry so long in them as I have done in the other. " Give us this day our daUy bread." Every word is to be considered, for they have their importance. This word Bread doth " bread " signifieth all manner of sustenance for the preserva- Snerof tion of this life; aU things whereby man should hve are sustenance * contained in this word " bread." You must remember what I said by that petition, " HaUowed be thy name." There we pray unto God that he wiU give us grace to hve so that we may, with aU our conversations and doings, haUow and sanctify him, according as his word teUeth us. Now foras much as the preaching of God's word is most necessary to bring us into this hallowing, we pray in the same petition for the office of preaching. For the sanctifying of the name of God cannot be, except the office of preaching be maintained, ' and his word be preached and known : therefore in the same petition, when I say, Sanctificetur, " HaUowed be thy name," I pray that his word may be spread abroad and known, The meaning through which cometh sanctifying. So hkewise in this peti tion, tion, " Give us this day our daUy bread," we pray for aU those things which be necessary and requisite to the suste nance of our souls and bodies. Now the first and principal thing that we have need of in this life is the magistrates: without a magistrate we should never hve weU and quietly. Then it is necessary and most needful to pray unto God for them, that the people may have rest, and apply their business, every man in his calling ; the husbandman in tilling1 and ploughing, the artificer in his business. For you must ever consider, that where war is, there be aU discommodities; no man can do his duty according unto his calling, as appear eth now in Germany, the Emperor2 and the French king3 being at controversy. I warrant you, there is httle rest or quietness. Therefore in this petition we pray unto God for our magistrates, that they may rule and govern this realm well and godly ; and keep us from invasions of alienates and strangers; and to execute justice, and punish malefactors: and this is so requisite, that we cannot hve without it. Therefore inthispeti- when we say, " Give us this day our daUy bread;" we pray for th!.ekmgy for the king, his counseUors, and aU his officers. But not and all his ° . officers. every man that saith these words understandeth so much; P his tilling, 1584.] [« Charles V.] [3 Henry II.] XXI. J ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 391 for it is obscurely included, so that none perceive it but those which earnestly and dihgently consider the same. But St Paul he expresseth it with more words plainly, saying, " I exhort you to make supphcations and prayers for aU men, i Tim. a. but speciaUy pro regibus et qui in sublimitate constituti sunt, for the kings, and for those which be aloft." Whereto? Ut placidam et quietam vitam agamus, " That we may hve godly and quietly, in aU honesty and godliness." And when I pray for them, I pray for myself: for I pray for them that they may rule so, that I and aU men may hve quietly and at rest. And to this end we desire a quiet life, that we may the better serve God, hear his word, and hve after it. For in the rebels' time, I pray you, what godliness was shewed amongst them? They went so far, as it was told, that they defiled other men's wives : what godliness was this ? In what estate, think you, were those faithful subjects which at the same time were amongst them? They had sorrow enough, I warrant you. So it appeareth, that where war is, Rebels are i • • i ii- i-iii mi p , hurtful to there is right godliness banished and gone. Ihereiore to good men. pray for a quiet hfe, that is as much as to pray for a godly life, that we may serve God in our calling, and get our hvings uprightly. So it appeareth, that praying for magistrates is as much as to pray for ourselves. They that be chUdren, and hve under the rule of then- parents, or have tutors, they pray in this petition for their parents and tutors ; for they be necessary for their bringing up : and God will accept their prayer, as well as theirs which be of age. For God hath no respect of persons ; he is as GodUno ready to hear the youngest as the oldest : therefore let them of persons. be brought up in godliness, let them know God. Let parents and tutors do their duties to bring them up so, that as soon The eow as their age serveth, they may taste and savour God ; let children. them fear God in the beginning, and so they shaU do also when they be old. Because I speak here of orphans, I shaU exhort you to be pitiful unto them ; for it is a thing that pleaseth God, as St James witnesseth, saying, Religio pura, James i. &c, " Pure rehgion." It is a common speech amongst the people, and much The tmerdi- used, that they say, "All religious houses are puUed down:" -notpuiied which is a very peevish saying, and not true, for they are not puUed down. That man and that woman that hve toge- 392 THE FIFTH SERMON [fiERM. ther godly and quietly, doing the works of their vocation, and fear God, hear his word and keep it ; that same is a rehgious house, that is, that house that pleaseth God. For Trucreiigion. religion, pure rehgion, I say, standeth not in wearing of a monk's cowl, but in righteousness, justice, and wen-doing, and, as St James saith, in visiting the orphans, and widows that lack their husbands, orphans that lack their parents ; to help them when they be poor, to speak for them when they be oppressed: herein standeth true rehgion, God's rehgion, I say: the other which was used was an unreligious life, yea, rather an hypocrisy. There is a text in scripture, I never read it prov. xiv. but I remember these rehgious houses : Estque recta homini via, cujus tamen postremum iter est ad mortem ; " There is a way, which way seemeth to men to be good, whose end is eternal perdition." When the end is naught, aU is naught. So were these monks' houses, these rehgious houses. There The fondness were many people, speciaUy widows, which would give over city of such house-keeping, and go to such houses, when they might have lmliMta d°ne mucn g°°d in maintaining of servants, and reheving of abbeys. p00r pe0p]e; kirt they went their ways. What a madness was that ! Again, how much cause we have to thank God, that we know what is true religion ; that God hath revealed unto us the deceitfulness of those monks, which had a goodly shew before the world of great holiness, but they were naught Luke xvi. within. Therefore scripture saith, Quod excelsum est homi- nibus, abominabile est coram Deo ; " That which is highly esteemed before men is abominable before God." Therefore it is better to that man and woman that hve in the fear of God are much fear of God better than their houses were. than to be a T . monk. i read once a story ot a holy man', (some say it was St Anthony,) which had been a long season in the wUderness, neither eating nor drinking any thing but bread and water : at the length he thought himself so holy, that there should be nobody like unto him. Therefore he desired of God to know who should be his feUow in heaven. God made him SboSis answer> anii i i no single hearts that aU those which be not married be naught : there- life- fore they have a common saying amongst them, " What ! " say they, "they be made of such metal as we be made of;" thinking them to be naught in their living ; which suspicions are damnable afore God: for we know not what gifts God hath given unto them; therefore we cannot with good con science condemn them or judge them. Truth it is, " marriage is good and honourable amongst aU men," as St Paul witness eth; Et adulteros et fornicatores judicabit Dominus, "And the Lord shall and will judge," that is, condemn, "adulterers Godwin and whoremongers;" but not those which live in single life. "J^™^ When thou hvest in lechery, or art a whore, or whoremonger, keepers. then thou shalt be damned : but when thou hvest godly and honestly in single life, it is weU and allowable afore God; Singlelifeis yea, and better than marriage : for St Paul saith, Volo vos ^^g™ 394 THE FIFTH SERMON [8ERM. absque solieitudine esse, "I will have you to be without carefulness," that is, unmarried; and sheweth the commodities, saying, " they that be unmarried set their minds upon God, how to please him, and to live after his commandments. But as for the other, the man is careful how to please his wife ; and again, the woman how to please her husband." And this is St Paul's saying of the one as weU as of the other. There fore I wUl wish you not to condemn single life, but take one with the other ; like as St Paul teacheth us, not so extol the st raui doth one, that we should condemn the other. For St Paul praiseth __fe above6 e as weU single life, as marriage; yea, and more too. For those that be single have more hberties to pray and to serve God than the other : for they that be married have much trouble and afflictions in their bodies. This I speak, because I hear that some there be which condemn single life. I would have them to know that matrimony is good, godly, and aUow- able unto all men : yet for aU that, the single hfe ought not to be despised or condemned, seeing that scripture aUoweth it; yea, and he affirmeth that it is better than matrimony, if it be clean without sin and offence. we pray for Further, we pray here in this petition for good servants, true servants, that God will send unto us good, faithful, and trusty servants; for they are necessary for this bodUy hfe, that our business may be done : and those which hve in single hfe have more need of good trusty servants than those which are married. Those which are married can better oversee their servants. For when the man is from home, at the least the wife over- servants seeth them, and keepeth them in good order. For I teU you, mustbe , ,i , , , _ .„ . , overseen, servants must be overseen and looked to : if they be not overseen, what be they ? It is a great gift of God to have a good servant : for the most part of servants are but eye- servants ; when their master is gone, they leave off from their labour, and play the sluggards: but such servants do contrary to God's commandment, and shaU be damned in heU for their slothfulness, except they repent. Therefore, I say, those that be unmarried have more need of good servants than those which be married; for one of them at the least may always oversee the famUy. For, as I told you before, the most part of servants be eye-servants ; they be nothing when they be not overseen. There was once a fellow asked a philosopher a question, XXI-] ON the lord's prayer. 395 saying, Quomodo sagihatur equus ?' " How is a horse made fat ?" The philosopher made answer, saying, Oculo domini, "With his master's eye." Not meaning that the horse should The master's be fed with his master's eye, but that the master should over- SH horse at see the horse, and take heed to the horse-keeper, that the horse might be weU fed. For when a man rideth by the way, and cometh to his inn, and giveth unto the hostler his horse to walk, and so he himself sitteth at the table and maketh good cheer, and forgetteth his horse ; the hostler cometh and saith, " Sir, how much bread shaU I give unto your horse ?" He saith, " Give him two-penny worth." I warrant you, this horse shaU never be fat. Therefore a man should not say to the hostler, " Go, give him ;" but he should see himself that the horse have it. In hke manner, those that have servants must not only command them what they shall do, but they must see that it be done : they must be present, or else it shall never be done. One other man asked that same phUo- sopher this question, saying, "What dung is it that maketh a man's land most fruitful in bringing forth much corn?" "Marry," said he, Vestigia domini, "The owner's footsteps." The footsteps Not meaning that the master should come and walk up and fa°Juns the down, and tread the ground ; but he would have him to come and oversee the servants tilling of the ground, commanding them to do it dihgently, and so to look himself upon their work: this shaU be the best dung, saith the plulosopher. Therefore never trust servants, except you may be assured of their dihgence; for I teU you truly, I can come no where but I hear masters complaining of their servants. I think verily, they fear not God, they consider not their duties. WeU, I wUl burthen them with this one text of scripture, and then go forward in my matters. The prophet Jeremy saith, Male- Jer. xiviii. dictus qui fadt opus Domini negligenter. Another transla tion hath fraudulenter, but it is one in effect: "Cursed be he Negligent^ that doth the work of the Lord neghgently or fraudulently," g^dot take which you wUl. It is no hght matter, that God pro- nounceth them to be cursed. But what is "cursed ?" What is it? "Cursed" is as much to say as, "It shaU not go weU with them; they shaU have no luck; my face shaU be against them." Is not this a great thing ? Truly, consider it as you hst1, but it is no hght matter to be cursed of God, which ruleth heaven [i lust, 1584.] 396 THE FIFTH SERMON [sERM. and earth. And though the prophet speaketh these words of warriors going to war, yet it may be spoken of all servants, yea, of aU estates, but specially of servants; for St Paul saith, coi. iii. 24. Domino Christo servitis: "You servants," saith he, "you serve Servants " Lord christ. tne Lord Christ, it is his work." Then, when it is the Lord's work, take heed how you do it ; for cursed is he that doth it JaMu7asa neghgently. But where is such a servant as Jacob was to servant. Laban ? How painful was he ! How careful for his master's profit ! Insomuch that when somewhat perished, he restored Eieazer it again of his own. And where is such a servant as Eleazer Abraham's ° servant. was to Abraham his master? What a journey had he ! How careful he was, and when he came to his journey's end, he would neither eat nor drink afore he had done his master's message ; so that all his mind was given only to serve his master, and to do according to his commandments : insomuch that he would neither eat nor drink tUl he had done according to his master's wiU! Much like to our Saviour's saying, Cibus meus est ut faciam voluntatem ejus, qui midt me ; Joh. iv. " This is my meat, to do the wUl of him that sent me." I pray you servants, mark this Eleazer weU ; consider aU the circumstances of his dihgent and faithful service, and foUow it: else if you follow it not, you read it to your own con demnation. Likewise consider the true service which Joseph, Potiphar that young man1, did unto his master Potiphar, heutenant of ToweHnfthe *^e ^ower; how faithfuUy he served, without any guUe or Egypt fraud: therefore God promoted him so, that he was made afterwards the ruler over all Egypt. Likewise consider how Daniel served faithful Daniel was in serving king Darius. Alack, that you kin" Darius. servants be stubborn-hearted", and wUl not consider this! You wiU not remember that your service is the work of the Lord ; you wiU not consider that the curse of God hangeth upon your heads for your slothfulness and neghgence. Take heed, therefore, and look to your duties. Now, further : whosoever prayeth this prayer with a good faithful heart, as he ought to do, he prayeth for aU ploughmen and husbandmen, that God wUl prosper and increase their labour ; for except he give the increase, aU their labour and travail is lost. Therefore it is needful to pray for them, that God may send his benediction by their [! godly young man, 1562.] [2 so stubborn-hearted, 1562.] XXLJ ON THE lord's prayer. 397 labour ; for without corn and such manner of sustenance we cannot hve. And in that prayer we include aU artificers ; This petition for by3 their labours God giveth us many commodities which ™th we could not lack. We pray also for wholesome air. Item, we pray for seasonable weather. When we have too much rain, we pray for fair weather : again, when we lack rain, we pray that God will send rain. And in that prayer we pray for our cattle, that God wiU preserve them to our use from aU diseases: for without cattle we cannot hve; we cannot tiU the ground, nor have meat : therefore we include them in our prayer too. So you see that this prayer containeth innumerable things. For we pray for all such things as be expedient and needful for the preservation of this hfe. And not alone this, but we have here good doctrme and admonitions besides. For here we be admonished of the liberahty of God our heavenly This petition Father, which he sheweth daily over us. For our Saviour, inmmd'oT knowing the liberality of God our heavenly Father, com- a«V ' mandeth4 us to pray. If he would not give us the things we ask, Christ would not have commanded us to pray. If he had borne an ill wUl against us, Christ would not have sent us to him. But our Saviour, knowing his liberal heart towards us, commandeth4 us to pray, and desire all things at his hands. And here we be admonished of our estate and condition, Here we what we be, namely, beggars. For we ask bread : of whom? wearebeg- Marry, of God. What are we then ? Marry, beggars : the greatest lords and ladies in England are but beggars afore God. Seeing then that we all are but beggars, why should we then disdain and despise poor men ? Let us there fore consider that we be but beggars ; let us pull down our stomachs. For if we consider the matter well, we are hke as they be afore God : for St Paul saith, Quid habes quod non accepisti ? " What hast thou that thou hast not received 1 cor. u-. of God?" Thou art but a beggar, whatsoever thou art: and The rich man DO . , is a beggar though there be 'some very rich, and have great abundance, before God. of whom have they it ? Of God. What saith he, that rich man? He saith, "Our Father, which art in heaven, give us this day our daily bread :" then he is a beggar afore God as well as the poorest man. Further, how continueth the [s through, 1562.] [4 commanded, 1584.] 398 THE FIFTH SERMON [sERM. rich man in his riches ? Who made him rich ? Marry, God. Prov. x. For it is written, Benedictio Dei fadt divitem ; " The bless- God's bless- ^ -ii rijj.maketh ing of God maketh rich." Except God bless, it standeth to no effect : for it is written, Comedent et non saturabuntur ; " They shall eat, but yet never be satisfied." Eat as much as you will, except God feed you, you shaU never be fuU. So likewise, as rich as a man is, yet he cannot augment his riches, nor keep that he hath, except God be with him, except he bless him. Therefore let us not be proud, for we be beggars the best of us. Note here, that our Saviour biddeth us to say, "us." This "us" lappeth in aU other men with my prayer; for every one of us prayeth for another. When I say, " Give us this day our daily bread," I pray not for myself only, if I ask as he biddeth me ; but I pray for aU others. Where fore say I not, " Our Father, give me this day my daily bread?" For because God is not my God alone, he is a common God. And here we be admonished to be friendly, loving, and charitable one to another : for what God giveth, I cannot say, " This is my own ;" but I must say, " This is No man may ours." For the rich man cannot say, "This is mine alone, do with his . . J ' gcmdswhat God hath given it unto me for my own use." Nor yet hath mm lusteth. o J J the poor man any title unto it, to take it away from him. No, the poor man may not do so ; for when he doth so, he is a thief afore God and man. But yet the poor man hath title to the rich man's goods ; so that the rich man ought to let the poor man have part of his riches to help and to comfort him withal. Therefore when God sendeth unto me much, it is not mine, but ours ; it is not given unto me alone, but I must help my poor neighbours withal. But here I must ask you rich men a question. How chanceth it you have your riches ? " We have them of God," Poor men's you will say. But by what means have you them? "By richySen to prayer," you wiU say. " We pray for them unto God, and he giveth us the same." Very weU. But I pray you tell me, what do other men which are not rich ? Pray they not as well as you do ? " Yes, " you must say ; for you cannot deny it. Then it appeareth that you have your riches not through your own prayers only, but other men help you to pray for them : for they say as weU, " Our Father, give us this day our daily bread," as you do; and peradventure goods. XX1-] ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 399 they be better than you be, and God heareth their prayer sooner than yours. And so it appeareth most manifestly, that you obtain your riches of God, not only through your own prayer, but through other men's too : other men help you to get them at God's hand. Then it foUoweth, that seeing you get not your riches alone through your own prayer, but through the poor man's prayer, it is meet that the poor man should have part of them ; and you ought to reheve his necessity and poverty. But what meaneth God by this inequality, that he giveth to some an hundred pound ; unto this man five thousand pound; unto this man in a manner nothing at all ? What meaneth he by this inequality? Here he meaneth, that the rich ought to distribute his riches abroad amongst the poor: for the rich man is but God's The rich officer, God's treasurer : he ought to distribute them accord- treasurer. ing unto his Lord God's commandment. If every man were rich, then no man would do any thing : therefore God maketh some rich and some poor. Again ; that the . rich God sendeth may have where to exercise his charity, God made some the Sch. ° rich and some poor : the poor he sendeth unto the rich to desire of him in God's name help and aid. Therefore, you rich men, when there cometh a poor man unto you, desiring your help, think none otherwise but that1 God hath sent him unto you; and remember that thy riches be not thy own, but thou art but a steward over them. If thou wilt not do it, then cometh in St John, which saith: "He that 1 John ui. hath the substance of this world, and seeth his brother lack, and helpeth him not, how remaineth the love of God in him?" He speaketh not of them that have it not, but of them that have it : that same man loveth not God, if he help not his neighbour, having wherewith to do it. This is a sore and hard word. There be many which say with Many say they love their mouth, they love God : and if a man should ask here God. this multitude, whether they love God or no; they would say, " Yes, God forbid else I" But if you consider their unmerci- fulness unto the poor, you shall see, as St John said, " the love of God is not within them." Therefore, you rich men, ever consider of whom you have your riches: be it a thousand pound, yet you fetch it out of this petition. For This petition . ... i •, 1 j v> • n ji is God's store- this petition, " Give us this day our daily bread, is God s house. [i but God, 1562.] 400 THE FIFTH SERMON [SERM. A remedy against wicked care fulness. God promis eth to feed us daily. A false prac tice much used among the men ot the country. store-house, God's treasure-house : here heth all his provi sion, and here you fetch it. But ever have in remembrance that this is a common prayer : a poor man prayeth as weU as thou, and peradventure God sendeth this riches unto thee for another man's prayers' sake, which prayeth for thee, whose prayer is more effectual than thine own. And there fore you ought to be thankful unto other men, which pray for you unto God, and help you to obtain your riches. Again, this petition is a remedy against this wicked care fulness of men, when they seek how to hve, and how to get their livings, in such wise, like as if there were no God at all. And then there be some which wUl not labour as God hath appointed unto them; but rather give them to false hood ; to sell false ware, and deceive their neighbours ; or to steal other men's sheep or conies : those feUows are far wide. Let them come to God's treasure-house, that is to say, let them come to God and caU upon him with a good faith, saying, " Our Father, give us this day our daUy bread;" truly God will hear them. For this is the only remedy that we have here on earth, to come to his treasure- house, and fetch there such things as we lack. Consider this word " daily." God promiseth us to feed us daUy. If ye believe this, why use you then falsehood and deceit? Therefore, good people, leave your falsehood; get you rather to this treasure-house ; then you may be sure of a hving : for God hath determined that aU that come unto him, desiring his help, they shaU be holpen ; God wiU not forget them. But our unbelief is so great, we will not come unto him : we will rather go about to get our hving with falsehood, than desire the same of him. 0 what falsehood is used in England, yea, in the whole world! It were no1 marvel if the fire from heaven feU upon us, like as it did upon the Sodomites, only for our false hood's sake! I wUl tell you of a false practice that was practised2 in my country where I dweU. But I will not teU it you to teach you to do the same, but rather to abhor it : for those which use such deceitfulness shaU be damned world without end, except they repent. I have known some that had a barren cow : they would fain have had a great deal of money for her ; therefore they go and take a calf of another [! not, 1562.] [2 of some which are practised, 1562.] XX I.] ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 401 cow, and put it to tins barren cow, and so come to the market, pretending that this cow hath brought that calf; and so they seU their barren cow six or eight shillings dearer than they should have done else. The man which bought the cow cometh home : peradventure he hath a many of chUd ren, and hath no more cattle but this cow, and thinketh he shaU have some mUk for his chUdren; but when aU things cometh to pass, this is a barren cow, and so this poor man is deceived. The other feUow, which sold the cow, thinketh himself a joUy feUow and a wise merchant ; and he is caUed one that can make shift for himself. But I tell thee, whoso ever thou art, do so if thou lust, thou shalt do it of this price, — thou shalt go to the devU, and there be hanged on the The reward __ i i • i • of witty fiery gallows world without end : and thou art as very a thief worwungs is 1/0 *i damnation as when thou takest a man's purse from him going by the ^c|pt they way, and thou sinnest as weU against this commandment, Non fades furtum, " Thou shalt do no theft." But these feUows commonly, which use such deeeitfulness and guUes, can speak so finely, that a man would think butter should scant melt in their mouths. I teU you one other falsehood. I know that some husband- Another .... p . country men go to the market with a quarter ot corn : now they deceit. would fain seU dear the worst as well as the best ; therefore they use this pohcy : they go and put a strike3 of fine malt or corn in the bottom of the sack, then they put two strikes of the worst they4 had ; then a good strike aloft in the sack's mouth, and so they come to the market. Now there cometh a buyer, asking, " Sir, is this good malt?" "I warrant you," saith he, " there is no better in this town." And so he sell- eth all his5 malt or corn for the best, when there be but two strikes of the best in his sack. The man that buyeth it thinketh he hath good malt, he cometh home : when he put teth the malt out of the sack, the strike which was in the bottom covereth the ill malt which was in the midst ; and so the good man shall never perceive the fraud, till he cometh to the occupying of the corn. The other man that sold it taketh this for a pohcy : but it is theft afore God, and he is bound to make restitution of so much as those two strikes which were naught were sold too dear ; so much he ought to P a bushel.] [4 that they, 1562.] [s the, 1584.] 26 [latimer.J 402 THE FIFTH SERMON [sERM. restore, or else he shall never come to heaven, if God be true in his word. I could teU you of one other falsehood, how they make wool to weigh much : but I wiU not teU it you. If you learn to do those falsehoods whereof I have told you now, then The gams take the sauce with it, namely, that you shah never see the that'seiTevii ^hss °^ neayen) but be damned world without end, with the for good. devU and all his angels. Now go1 when it please you, use falsehood. But I pray you, wherefore wiU you deceive your neighbour, whom you ought to love as weU as your own self? Consider the matter, good people, what a dangerous thing it is to faU into2 the hands of the ever-living3 God. Leave falsehood : abhor it. Be true and faithful in your call ing. Quozrite regnum Dei, et justitiam ejus, et cetera omnia Matt vs. adjicientur vobis : " Seek the kingdom of God, and the right eousness thereof, then aU things necessary for you shaU come unto you unlooked for." Therefore in this petition, note first God's goodness, how gentle he is towards us ; insomuch that he would have God would us to come unto him and take of bim aU things. Then again, to wm for aii note what we be, namely, beggars, for we beg of him ; wliich admonisheth us to leave stoutness and proudness, and to be humble. Note what is, " our ;" namely, that one prayeth for another, and that this storehouse is common unto aU men. Note again, what we be when we be false ; — the chUdren of the devU, and enemies unto God. Sm™^ned There be some men which would have this petition not to SfsVeKon. import or contain these bodily things, as things which be too vile to be desired at God's hand ; therefore they expound it altogether spirituaUy, of things pertaining unto the soul only : which opinion, truly, I do not greatly like. For shall I trust God for my soul, and shaU I not trust him for my body? Therefore I take it, that aU things necessary to soul and body are contained in this petition : and we ought to seek all tilings necessary to our bodUy food only in this storehouse. But you must not take my sayings after such sort, as though you should do nothing but sit and pray; and yet you should have your dinner and supper made ready for you. No, not so : but you must labour, you must do the work of your vocation. Quozrite regnum Dei, "Seek the kingdom of [! go to, 1562.] p in, 1562.] p everlasting, 1584.] XXI-] ON the lord's prayer. 403 heaven :" you must set those two things together, works and prayer. He that is true in his vocation, doing4 according as The way to God wUleth him to do, and then prayeth3 unto God, that k^T °f man or woman may be assured of their' hving ; as sure, I say, as God is God. As for the wicked, indeed God of his exceeding mercy and hberality findeth them ; and sometimes they fare better than the good man doth: but for aU that the wicked man hath ever an ill conscience ; he doth wrong unto God ; he is an usurper, he hath no right unto it. The good and godly. man he hath right unto it; for he cometh by it lawfuUy, by his prayer and travaU. But these covetous men, The covetous think ye, say they this prayer with a faithful heart, "Our™|ckGodu Father, which art in heaven ; Give us this day our daily p»yeth. bread?" Think ye they say it from the bottom of their hearts ? No, no ; they do but mock God, they laugh him to scorn, when they say these words. For they have their bread, their sUver and gold in their coffers6, in their chests, in their bags or budgets ; therefore they have no savour of God : else they would shew themselves hberal unto their poor neighbours ; they would open their chests and bags, and lay out and help their brethren in Christ. They be as yet but scorners : they say this prayer like as the Turk might say it. Consider this word, " Give." Certainly, we must labour, yet we must not so magnify our labour as though we gat our hving by it. For labour as long as thou wUt, thou shalt have no profit by it, except the Lord increase thy labour. Therefore we must thank him for it; he doth it; he giveth it. To whom ? Laboranti et poscenti, " Unto him that labour- eth and prayeth." That man that is so disposed shaU not lack, as he saith, Dabit Spiritum Sanctum poscentibus il ium ; " He wUl give the Holy Ghost unto them that desire the same." Then, we must ask; for he giveth not to sluggards. Indeed, they have his benefits ; they hve wealtluly: but, as I told you afore, they have it with an UI conscience, not law fuUy. Therefore Christ saith, Solem suum oriri sinit super justos et injustos; "He suffers his sun to rise upon the just Matt v. and unjust." Also, Nemo scit an odio vel amore sit dignus ; " We cannot teU outwardly by these worldly things, which be ggj&w in the favour of God, and wliich be not;" for they be com- jf^ «• mon unto good and bad : but the wicked have it not with favour- [* doth, 1562.] [» pray they, 1562.] p gold in their chests, 1584.] 26—2 404 THE FIFTH SERMON Jj SERM. a good conscience ; the upright, good man hath his hving through his labour and faithful prayer. Beware that you trust not in your labour, as though ye got your hving by it: for, as St Paul saith, Qui plantat nihil est, neque qui rigat, i cor. ui. sed qui dot incrementum Deus; " Neither he that planteth is aught, nor he that watereth, but God that giveth the in crease." Except God give the increase, aU our labour is lost. «Strameybe ^e7 *nat De tue children of this world, as covetous persons, storehouse s extortioners, oppressors, caterpUlars, usurers, think you they come to God's storehouse ? No, no, they do not ;. they have not the understanding of it; they cannot teU what it meaneth. For they look not to get their livings at God's storehouse, but rather they think to get it with deceit and falsehood, with oppression, and wrong doings. For they think that aU things be lawful unto them; therefore they think1 that though they take other men's goods through subtUty and crafts, it is no sin. But I teU you, those things which we buy, or get with our labour, or are given us by inheritance, or other- ways, those things be ours by the law ; which maketh meum and tuum, mine and thine. Now aU things gotten otherwise are not ours ; as those things which be gotten by crafty con veyances, by guile and fraud, by robbery and stealing, by extortion and oppression, by hand-making, or howsoever you God hateth come by it beside the right way, it is not yours ; insomuch loa™ goods, that you may not give it for God's sake, for God hateth it. But you wUl say, "What shall we do with the good gotten by unlawful means?" Marry, I teU thee: make restitution ; which is the only way that pleaseth God. 0 Lord, what bribery, falsehood, deceiving, false getting of goods is in England ! And yet for aU that, we hear nothing of restitution ; which is a miserable thing. I teU you, none of them which have taken their neighbour's goods from him by any manner of falsehood, none of them, I say, shaU be Sf Iftlct'o? savec*> exeept they make restitution, either in affect or effect ; affect. in effect, when they be able; in affect, when they be not able in no wise. Ezekiel saith, Si impius egerit poznitentiam, Ezek.xviii. et rapinam reddiderit; "When the ungodly doth repent, and restoreth the goods gotten wrongfully and unlawfuUy." For unlawful goods ought to be restored again : without restitu tion look not for salvation. Also, this is a true sentence P therefore think, 1584.] XXI. J ON the lord's prayer. 405 used of St Augustine2, Non remittetur peccatum, nisi resti- tuatur ablatum; " Robbery, falsehood, or otherwise iU-gotten goods, cannot be forgiven of God, except it be restored again." Zacheus, that good publican, that common officer, he gave a good ensample unto all bribers and extortioners. I would zacheus is they aU would foUow his ensample ! He exercised not open forlnbnbers robbery ; he kUIed no man by the way ; but with crafts and ° subtilties he deceived the poor. When the poor men came to him, he bade them to come again another day ; and so delayed the time, till at the length he wearied poor men, and so gat somewhat of them. Such feUows are now, in our time, very good cheap; but they wUl not learn the second lesson. They have read the first lesson, how Zachee was a bribe-taker ; but they wUl not read the second : they Bribers wm A 1 1 '11 T_ TTTl 1 11 Ck n0t reaa- ttle say A, but they will not say B. What is the second lesson e second ie_- Si quem defraudavi, reddam quadruplum ; "If I have de-Lukexix. ceived any man, I will restore it fourfold." But we may argue that they be not such feUows as Zacheus was, for we hear nothing of restitution ; they lack right repentance. It is a wonderful thing to see, that christian people wUl hve in such an estate, wherein they know themselves to be damned : for when they go to bed, they go in the name of the ?1jbi™tg to devU. FinaUy3, whatsoever they do, they do it in his name, devil's name. because they be out of the favour of God. God loveth4 them not ; therefore, I say, it is to be lamented that we hear nothing of restitution. St Paul saith, Quifurabatur non am- plius furetur ; "He that stale, let him steal no more." Which Ephes. iv. words teach us, that he which hath stolen or deceived, and keepeth it, he is a strong thief so long tUl he restore again the thing taken ; and shaU look for no remission of his sins at God's hand, tUl he hath restored again such goods. There be some which say, "Repentance or contrition wiU serve; it is not J x . , j. .. , enough to it is enough when I am sorry for it." Those fellows cannot be sorry. teU what repentance meaneth. Look upon Zacheus : he did repent, but restitution by and by followed. So let us do too: let us hve uprightly and godly; and when we have done amiss, or deceived any body, let us make restitution. And after, beware of such sins, of such deceitfulness ; but rather let us call Upon God, and resort to his storehouse, p Opera, Tom. n. col. 403, Edit. Bened. Antverp. 1700.] p In summa, 1562.] P alloweth, 1584.] 406 THE FIFTH SERMON [" Abuses of God's gifts. There is propriety in things. He that hath things by the laws of his country, hath them well. The cause why the apostles had things in common. and labour faithfully and truly for our hvings. Whosoever is so disposed, him God wiU favour, and he shall lack nothing: as for the other impenitent1 sluggards, they be devourers and usurpers of God's gifts, and therefore shaU be punished, world without end, in everlasting fire. Remember this word " our :" what it meaneth I told you. And here I have occasion to speak of the proprieties of things: for I fear, if I should leave it so, some of you would report me wrongfully, and affirm, that aU things should be common. I say not so. Certain it is, that God hath ordained pro prieties of things, so that that which is mine is not thine; and what thou hast I cannot take from thee. If aU things were common, there could be no theft, and so this command ment, Non fades furtum, " Thou shalt not steal," were in vain. But it is not so : the laws of the realm make meum et tuum, mine and thine. If I have things by those laws, then I have them weU. But this you must not forget, that St Paul saith, Sitis necessitatibus sanctorum communicantes ; " Relieve the necessity of those which have need." Things are not so common, that another man may take my goods from me, for this is theft ; but they are so common, that we ought to distribute them unto the poor, to help them, and to comfort them with it. We ought one to help another; for this is a standing sentence : Qui habuerit substantiam hujus mundi, et viderit fratrem suum necesdtatem habere, et clau- serit viscera sua ab eo, quomodo caritas Dei manet in eo ? " He that hath the substance of this world, and shah see his brother to have need, and shutteth up his entire affection from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?" There was a certain manner of having things in common in the time of the apostles. For some good men, as Barnabas was, sold their lands and possessions, and brought the money unto the apostles : but that was done for this cause, — there was a great many of christian people at that time entreated very ill, insomuch that they left all their goods : now, such foUi came unto the apostles for aid and help ; therefore those which were faithful men, seeing the poverty of their bre thren, went and sold that that they had, and spent the money amongst such poor which were newly made Christians. Amongst others which sold their goods there was one Ana- P the impenitent, 1584.] XXI,J ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 407 mas and Saphira his wife, two very subtile persons : they went Ananias and and sold their goods too ; but they played a wise part : they wIFe1)1"""8 would not stand in danger of the losing of all their goods ; therefore they agreed together, and took the one part from2 the money, and laid it up ; with the other part they came to Peter, affirming that to be the whole money. For they thought in their hearts, like as aU unfaithful men do, "We it is good to cannot teU how long this rehgion shaU abide; it is good to""™*' be wise, and keep somewhat in store, whatsoever shaU happen." Now Peter, knowing by the Holy Ghost their falsehood, first slew him with one word, and after her too : which indeed is a fearful ensample, whereby we should be monished to be ware of lies and falsehood. For though God punish thee not by and by, as he did this Ananias, yet he shall find thee ; surely he will not forget thee. Therefore learn here to take Learn to heed of falsehood, and beware of hes. For this Ananias, this faSood. wilful Ananias, I say, because of this wilful lie, went to heU with his wife, and there shall be punished world without end. Where you see what a thing3 it is to make a he. This Ananias needed not to seU his lands, he had no such com mandment : but seeing he did so, and then came and brought but half the price, making a pretence as though he had brought all, for that he was punished so grievously. 0 what hes are made now-a-days in England, here and there in the markets ! truly it is a pitiful thing that we nothing consider it. This one ensample of Ananias and Saphira, their punish- Ananias was ment, is able to condemn the whole world. nine. You have heard now, how men had things in common in the first church : but St Paul he teacheth us how things ought to be in common amongst us, saying, Sitis necessita- tibus sanctorum communicantes; "Help the necessity of those which be poor." Our good is not so ours that we may do We may not with it what us hsteth ; but we ought to distribute it unto list with our them which have need. No man, as I told you before, ought to take away my goods from me ; but I ought to distribute that that I may spare, and help the poor withal. Communicantes necessitatibus, saith St Paul ; " Distribute them unto the poor," let them lack nothing ; but help them with such things as you may spare. For so it is written, Cui plus datum est, plus requiretur ab Mo; "He that hath He that hath [2 of, 1584.] P grievous thing, 1562.] 408 THE FIFTH SERMON [sERM. much shaii much, must make account for much; and if he have not spent much. it weU, he must make the heavier account." But I speak not this to let poor folks from labour; for we must labour and do the works of our vocation, every one in his calling : for so it is written, Labores manuum tuarum manducabis, et bene tibi erit, " Thou shalt eat thy hand-labour, and it shaU go well with thee." That is to say, every man shaU work for his living, and shaU not be a sluggard, as a great many be : every man shaU labour and pray ; then God wUl send 2 Thess. m. him his hving. St Paul saith, Qui non laborat, non comedat; Lubbers that "He that laboureth not, let him not eat." Therefore those labour. lubbers which wUl not labour, and might labour, it is a good thing to punish them according unto the king's most godly statutes. For God himself saith, In sudore vultus tui vesceris pane tuo; "In the sweat of thy face thou shalt eat thy bread." Then cometh in St Paul, who saith, Magis autem laboret, ut wemust det indigentibus ; " Let him labour the sorer, that he may we may have have wherewith to help the poor." And Christ himself saith, wherewith to x L Tvmre the Melius est dare quam accipere ; " It is better to give than to take." So Christ, and aU his apostles, yea, the whole scripture admonisheth us ever of our neighbour, to take heed of him, to be pitiful unto him : but God knoweth there be a great many which care httle for their neighbours. They do hke as Cain did, when God asked him, " Cain, where is thy brother Abel?" "What," saith he, "am I my brother's covetous keeper?" So these rich franklings1, these covetous feUows, men are like ,* .. ° . unto cain. they scrape ah to themselves, they think they should care for nobody else but for themselves : God commandeth the poor man to labour the sorer, to the end that he may be able to help his poor neighbour : how much more ought the rich to be hberal unto them ! a 5rK But y°u wul sa7> " Here is a marvellous doctrine, which th°eCcrovetous commandeth nothing but 'Give, Give:' if I shall foUow this man- doctrine, I shaU give so much, that at the length I shaU have nothing left for myself." These be words of infidelity ; he that speaketh such words is a faithless man. And I pray you, teU me, have ye heard of any man that came to poverty, because he gave unto the poor ? Have you heard teU of such Noman a one ? No, I am sure you have not. And I dare lay my fepirlgtiw ^cad to pledge for it, that no man hving hath come, or shall poor. P A man ahove a vassal; a freeholder.] XXI.] ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 409 hereafter come to poverty, because he hath been hberal in helping the poor. For God is a true God, and no har : he promiseth us in his word, that we shaU have the more by giving to the needy. Therefore the way to get is to scatter that that you have. Give, and you shaU gain. If you ask me, "How shaU I get riches?" I make thee this answer : "Scat ter that that thou hast ; for giving is gaining." But you must Giving is take heed, and scatter it according unto God's will and £ve *« we pleasure ; that is, to reheve the poor withal, to scatter it amongst the flock of Christ. Whosoever giveth so shall surely gain : for Christ saith, Date, et dabitur vobis ; " Give, Luke vi. 3s. and it shaU be given unto you." Dabitur, "it shaU be given unto you." This is a sweet word, we can well away with that ; but how shall we come by it ? Date, " Give." This is the way to get, to reheve the poor. Therefore this is a false and wicked proposition, to think that with giving unto the poor we shaU come to poverty. What a giver was Lot was a Loth, that good man : came he to poverty through giving ? rge glver' No, no ; he was a great rich man. Abraham, the father of Abraham was all behevers, what a liberal man was he ; insomuch that he also. sat by his door watching when any body went by the way, that he might caU him, and reheve his necessity-! What, came he to poverty ? No, no : he died a great rich man. Therefore let us follow the ensample of Loth and Abraham : let us be hberal, and then we shall augment our stock. For this is a most certain and true word, Date, et dabitur vobis; " Give, and it shall be given unto you." But we beheve it not • we cannot away with it. The most part of us are more we cannot ' J . _ . away with given to take from the poor, than to reheve then poverty. J,hJ"T™ri They be so careful for their children, that they cannot tell when they be weU. They purchase this house and that house; but what saith the prophet? Voz, qui conjungitis isai. v. domum domui; "Woe be unto you that join house to house !" the curse of God hangeth over your heads. Christ saith, Qui diligit patrem vel matrem vel filios plus quam me non est me dignus ; "He that loveth his father or mother or chUdren more than me, he is not meet for me." Therefore ™eybe those wliich scrape and gather ever for their chUdren, and m £*«&"». the mean season forget the poor, whom God would have God. reheved; those, I say, regard their chUdren more than God's commandments : for their children must be set up, and the 410 THE FIFTH SERMON [sERM. Happy is the poor miserable people is forgotten in the mean season. There fatherWgoeth is a common saying amongst the worldlings, Happy is that to the evil, ^jj^ w]j0Se father goeth to the devU : but this is a worldly happiness. The same is seen when the chUd can begin with two hundred pound, whereas his father began with nothing : it is a wicked happiness, if the father gat those goods wick edly. And there is no doubt but many a father goeth to the devU for his chUd's sake; in that he neglected God's commandment, scraped for his chUd, and forgat to reheve his poor miserable neighbour. We have in scripture, Qui mise- Godiyand retur pauperis, fazneratur Deo ; "Whosoever hath pity over ' the poor, he lendeth unto God upon usury :" that is to say, God wiU give it unto him again with increase : this is a lawful and godly usury. Certain it is, that usury was aUowed by the laws of this realm1 ; yet it foUowed not that usury was godly, nor aUowed before God. For it is not a good argument, to say, " It is forbidden to take ten pounds of the hundred, ergo, I may take five :" hke as a thief cannot say, "It is forbidden in the law to steal thirteen-pence half-penny ; ergo, I may steal six- S°ument Pence. °r three-pence, or two-pence." No, no ; this reason- before God. jng wjj] not serve afore qoc\ . for though the law of this realm hangeth him not, if he steal four-pence, yet for all that he is a thief before God, and shaU be hanged on the fiery gaUows in heU. So he that occupieth usury, though by the laws of this realm he might do it without punishment, smaii usury (for the laws are not so precise,) yet for all that he doth theft are both wickedly in the sight of God. For usury is wicked before wicked. J God, be it smaU or great ; like as theft is wicked. But I wUl teU you how you shaU be usurers to get much gain. Give it unto the poor ; then God wUl give it to thee with gain. Give twenty pence, and thou shalt have forty pence. if God be It shall come again, thou shalt not lose it; or else God is not God we can- i i . not lose (Jod. What needeth it to use such deceitfulness and false- our alms. To distribute hood to get riches ? Take a lawful way to get them ; that that we have . . is the lawful is, to scatter this abroad that thou hast, and then thou shalt way to gain. have it agam with great gam : quadruplum, " four times," saith scripture. Now God's word saith, that I shaU have again that which I laid out with usury, with gain. Is it true [* The laws that " allowed" usury were repealed, and all usury strictly forbidden by the 5 and 6 Edw. VI., c. 20.] XXI,J ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 411 that God saith? Yes : then let me not think, that giving unto the poor doth diminish my stock, when God saith the contrary, namely, that it shaU increase ; or else we make God a har. For if I beheve not his sayings, then by mine infidelity I make him a har, as much as is in me. Therefore learn here Aiessonfor to commit usury: and speciaUy you rich men, you must"*1"611' learn this lesson weU ; for of you it is written, " Whosoever hath much, must make account for much." And you have much, not to that end, to do with it what you lust ; but you must spend it as God appointeth you in his word to do : for no rich man can say before God, " This is my own." No, he is but an officer over it, an almoner, God's treasurer. Our Saviour saith, Omnis qui reliquerit agrum, <_-c, centuplum accipiet ; " Whosoever shaU leave his field, shaU receive it again an hundred fold." As, if I should be examined now of the papists, if they should ask me, " Beheve you in the The mass is mass?" I say, "No; according unto God's word, and my doctrine.8 conscience, it is naught, it is but deceitfulness, it is the devU's doctrine." Now I must go to prison, I leave all things be hind me, wife and children, goods and land, and aU my friends : I leave them for Christ's sake, in his quarrel. What saith our Saviour unto it ? Centuplum accipiet; "I shall have an hundred times so much." Now though this be spoken in such wise, yet it may be understood of alms-giving too. For that man or woman that can find in their hearts for God's sake to leave ten shillings or ten pounds, they shall have "an hundred-fold again in this hfe, and in the world to come life everlasting." If this wiU not move our hearts, then they are stony and more than stony and flinty ; then our damnation is just and weU deserved. For to give alms, it is like as when a man cometh unto me, and desireth an empty purse of me : I lend him the purse, he cometh by and by and bringeth it full of money, and giveth it me ; so that I have now my purse again, and the money too. So it is to give alms : we lend a good simi an empty purse, and take a full purse for it. Therefore let us persuade ourselves in our hearts, that to give for God's sake is no loss unto us, but great gain. And truly the poor man doth more for the rich man in taking things of him, than the rich doth for the poor in giving them. For the rich Fewnchmen giveth but only worldly goods, but the poor giveth him by »is. the promise of God aU fehcity. 412 THE FIFTH SERMON, &C [sERM. XXI.J Quotidianum, " Daily." Here we learn to cast away aU carefulness, and to come to this storehouse of God, where we shaU have all things competent both for our souls and bodies. we pray for Further, in this petition we desire that God wiU feed not only the clergy. x J our bodies, but also our souls ; and so we pray for the office of preaching. For like as the body must be fed daUy with meat, so the soul requireth her meat, which is the word of God. Therefore we pray here for aU the clergy, that they may do their duties, and feed us with the word of God according to their calling. Now I have troubled you long, therefore I wiU make an end. I desire you remember1 to resort to this storehouse: whatsoever ye have need of, come hither ; here are aU things necessary for your soul and body, only desire them. But what apparel you have heard how you must be appareUed ; you must have that labour and do your duties, and then come, and you shaU find will come . p • n i • ¦ to God's an things necessary for you : and speciaUy now at this time store-house. o tl J r J let us resort unto God; for it is a great drought, as we think, and we had need of rain. Let us therefore resort unto our loving Father, which promiseth, that when we caU upon him with a faithful heart, he wUl hear us. Let us therefore desire him to rule the matter so, that we may have our God heard bodUy sustenance. We have the ensample of Elias, whose Ehas prayer. " * ' prayer God heard. Therefore let us pray this prayer, which our Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ himself taught us, saying, " Our Father, wliich art in heaven," &c. Amen. I1 to remember, 1584.] THE SIXTH SERMON UPON THE LORD'S PRAYER, MADE BY MASTER HUGH LATIMER. [MATTHEW VI. 12.] Et remitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos remittimus debitoribus nostris. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. The flfth petition of the Pater- This is a very good prayer, if it be said in faith with n°st '"" the whole heart. There was never none that did say it with Never man the heart, but he had forgiveness ; and his trespasses and aU Sayerwith his sins were pardoned and taken from him. As touching hut Sad the former petitions, I told you that many things were con- orglve" tabled in them ; which you may perceive partly by that I have said, and partly by gatherings and conjectures. Truly there is a great doctrine in it ; yet we think it to be but a hght matter to understand the Lord's prayer: but it is aiusagreat great thing. Therefore I would have you to mark it well : undfrs'tknd but specially keep in your remembrance, how our Saviour praye" teacheth us to know the liberality of God, how God hath determined to help us ; insomuch that we shall lack nothing, if we come to his treasure-house, where is locked up aU things necessary for our souls and bodies. Farther, consider by the same petition that we be but beggars altogether. For the best of us hath need to say daUy, " Our Father, give us this The best of day our daUy bread." I would these proud and lofty feUows beggar. would consider this, namely, that they be but beggars ; as St Paul saith, Quid habes quod non accepisti ? " What have ye, that you have not gotten with begging?" Yet most, above aU things, I would have you to consider this word " our ; " for in that word are contained great mysteries and much learning. All those that pray this prayer, that is to The poor say, aU christian people, help me to get my living at God's tne°rich.°and hand ; for when they say " our," they include me in their la-oureth for prayers. Again, consider the remedy against .carefulness; which is to trust in God, to hang upon him, to come to his treasure-house ; and then to labour, and to do the works of 414 THE SIXTH SERMON [SERM. How men have pro priety in things. Princes are sometime companions of thieves. Few follow Zachee in this point. Restitution is allowed of all writers. our vocation : then undoubtedly God will provide for us, we shall not lack. Therefore learn to trust upon the Lord, and leave this wicked carefulness, whereof our Saviour monisheth us. Specially, I would have you to consider what a wicked opinion this is, to fantasy that giving to the poor is a di minishing of our goods. I told you of late of the proprieties of things, how things be ours, and how they be not ours. AU those things which we have, either by labour or by in heritance, or else by gifts, or else by buying, aU those things which we have by such titles be our own ; but yet not so that we may spend them according to our own pleasure. They be ours upon the condition that we shaU spend them to the honour of God, and the reheving of our neighbours. And here I spake of restitution; how we ought to make amends unto that man whom we have deceived, or taken goods wrongfully from him. There be some men which think there is no other theft but only taking of purses, and killing men by the way, or steahng other men's good. Those men are much deceived ; for there be varia genera furti, " A great number of thieves." What was this but a theft, when Esay saith, Principes tui infideles, socii furum ; " Thy princes are infidels, and are companions with thieves?" This was a theft, but it was not a common theft ; it was a lordly theft: they could teU how to weary men, and so to take bribes of them. Such a one was Zachee : he robbed not men by the highway, but he was an oppressor, and forced men to pay more than they ought to pay ; which his so doing was as weU a theft, as if he had robbed men by the highway. There be many which foUow Zachee in his illness, but there be but few, or none at aU, which wUl foUow him in his goodness : Si quem defraudavi, reddam quadruplum ; " If I have deceived any man, I wUl pay it again fourfold." I would wish that aU bribers and false toUers would follow his ensample. But I teU you, without restitution there is no salvation. This is a certain sentence, aUowed and approved, first, by the holy scripture ; secondarUy, by all the writers that ever wrote upon scripture. Yea, the very school-doctors1, as bad as they were, yet they never contraried in that, but f1 The teaching of the "school-doctors" on this subject maybe seen in John de Burgh, Pupilla Oculi, &c. Part. V. c. 5 : a clerical Manual which was very popular during the 15th and 16th centuries.] XXII.] ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 415 said: Restitutiones famoz ac rerum sunt opera debita; "We • ought to make restitution of a man's good name, and of his goods taken from him wrongfuUy :" that is to say, when we have slandered any body, we ought to make him amends. Item, also, when we have taken any man's goods wrongfuUy, we ought to make him amends; else we shall never be saved : for God abhorreth me, and aU things that I do are abominable before him. Remitte. Who is in this world which hath not need to say, "Lord, forgive me?" No man hving, nor never was, nor shaU be, our Saviour only excepted : he was Agnus im- maculatus, "An undefiled Lamb." I remember a verse which I learned almost forty years ago, which is this : Sazpe precor mortem, mortem quoque deprecor idem2; "I pray many times for death to come ; and again I pray, that he shaU not come." This verse doth put diversity in precor and deprecor: For some # x . . things we precor is, when I would fain have a thing; deprecor is, when m^j^*' I would avoid it. Like as Elias the prophet, when Jezabel °*mayUbe had kUIed the prophets of the Lord; Ehas, being in a hole ^S and in the mount, desired of God to die; and this is precor. rom Now deprecor is his contrarium; when I would avoid the thing, then I use deprecor. Now in the Lord's prayer, tUl ^n|°^°ote hither we have been in precor ; that is to say, we have de- ™^™f n sired things at God's hand. Now cometh deprecor ; I desire **>««»¦• him now to remove such things which may do me harm : as sin, which doth harm ; therefore I would have him to take our request away my trespasses. Now who is in this3 world, or ever g^nss hath been, which hath not need to say this deprecor; to desire God to take from him his sins, to " forgive him his trespasses?" Truly, no saint in heaven, be they as holy as ever they will, yet they have had need of this deprecor; they have had need to say, "Lord, forgive us our tres passes." Now you ask, wherein standeth our righteousness ? Answer : in that, that God forgiveth unto us our unrighteous ness. Wherein standeth our goodness ? In that, that God ^XifiT taketh away our Ulness; so that our goodness standeth inood'sgood- his goodness. In the other petition we desire aU things necessary for our bodily life, as long as we be here in this world : Unus- quisque enim tempus certum habet prazdefinitum a Domino; [2 Ovid, Pont. I. 2, 59.] [3 the, 1562.] 416 THE SIXTH SERMON [> Why God hideth from us our last day. A common proverb. God granteth us long life which time he knoweth, but by our sins we may shorten the same. An admo nition to curates. A man can not shorten his life by well doing. " For every man hath a certain time appointed him of God, and God hideth that same time from us." For some die in young age, some in old age, according as it pleaseth him. He hath not manifested to us the time, because he would have us at all times ready : else if I knew the time, I would presume upon it, and so should be worse. But he would have us ready at aU times, and therefore he hideth the time of our death from us. And it is a common saying, " There do come as many skins of calves to the market, as there do of bulls or kine." But of that we may be sure, there shaU not faU one hair from our head without his wUl; and we shall not die before the time that God hath appointed unto us : which is a comfortable thing, speciaUy in time of sickness or wars. For there be many men which are afraid to go to war, and to do the king service, for they fear ever they shall be slain. Item, vicars and parsons be afraid when there cometh a sickness in the town; therefore they were wont commonly to get themselves out of the way, and send a friar thither, which did nothing else but rob and spoU them : which doings of the vicar was damnable ; for it was a diffidence and a mistrust in God. Therefore, ye vicars, parsons, or curates, what name soever you bear, when there cometh any sickness in your town, leave not your flock without a pastor, but comfort them in their distress; and beheve certainly, that with your well-doings you cannot shorten your lives. Likewise, thou subject, when thou art commanded by the king or his officers to go to war, to fight against the king's enemies ; go with a good heart and courage, not doubting but that God will preserve thee, and that thou canst not shorten thy hfe with well-doing. Per adventure God hath appointed thee to die there, or to be slain: happy art thou when thou diest in God's quarrel. For to fight against the king's enemies, being called unto it by the magistrates, it is God's service : therefore when thou diest in that service with a good faith, happy art thou. There be some which say, when their friends are slain in battle, " Oh, if he had tarried at home, he should not have lost his life." These sayings are naught: for God hath appointed every man his time. To go to war in presump- tuousness, without an ordinary calling, such going to war 1 allow not : but when thou art called, go in the name of the XXII'J ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 417 Lord ; and be well assured in thy heart that thou canst not shorten thy life with well-doing. Remitte, "Forgive us." Here we sue for our pardon ; our daUy and so we acknowledge ourselves to be offenders: for the KuedThf unguUty needeth no pardon. This pardon, or remission of do'Sif1 ,i . ... crave a par- sins, is so necessary, that no man can be saved without donof&d mi. j? _¦ • ¦ for Christ s it. Iheretore ot remission standeth the christian man's sake- hfe : for so saith David, Beati quorum remissoz sunt iniqui- tates, et quorum tecta sunt peccata; "They are blessed of God whose1 iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are cover ed." He saith not, Blessed be they which have never sinned: for where dweU such feUows which never sinned? Marry, no where ; they are not to be gotten. Here the prophet signified that all we be sinners ; for he saith, quorum Psai.xxxu. • i ¦ i i „ a i Suchas never peccata sunt remissa, "whose sins are pardoned. And sinned dweii * ... . no where. here we be painted out ina our colours, else we would be proud; and so he saith in the gospel, Cum sitis mali, "Forasmuch as ye be all evU." There he giveth us our own title and name, calling us wicked and UI. There is neither man nor woman that can say they have no sin; for we be all shiners. But how can we hide our sins? Marry, the blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ hideth our The wood of Christ is sins, and washeth them away. And though one man had suffldait for done all the world's sins since Adam's time, yet he may be a11 the wor!d- remedied by the blood of Jesus Christ : if he beheve in him, he shaU be cleansed from aU his sins. Therefore aU our comfort is in him, in his love and kindness. For St Peter saith, Caritas operit multitudinem peccatorum; "Charity covereth the multitude of sins." So doth indeed the love of our Saviour Jesu Christ : his love towards us covereth and taketh away all our sins; insomuch that the almighty God shaU not condemn us, nor the devU shah not prevaU against us. Our nature is ever to hide sin, and to cloak it; DutPut™^u£e this is a wicked hiding, and this hiding will not serve.™. Videt et requiret ; " He seeth our wickedness, and he wiU punish it3 :" therefore our hiding cannot serve us. But if you be disposed to hide your sins, I wiU tell you how you shaU hide them. First, acknowledge them ; and then beheve in our Saviour Christ; put him in trust withal: he will pacify [i Who is blessed of God? Marry he, whose, &c, 1562.] [2 into, 1584.] [3 them, 1562.] [latimer.] 418 THE SIXTH SERMON [SERM. Who it is that is blessed. The way to come to redemption. The erection and main tenance of colleges and schools is neglected. Faith cometh by preaching. his Father ; for " to that end he came into the world, to save sinners." This is the right way to hide sins ; not to go and excuse them, or to make them no sins. No, no ; the prophet saith, Beatus vir cui Dominus non imputat iniquitatem; "Blessed is that1 man to whom the Lord imputeth not his sins." He saith not, " Blessed is he that did never sin;" but, "Blessed is he to whom sin is not imputed." And so here in this petition we pray for remission of our sins; which is so requisite to the beginning of the spiritual hfe, that no man can come thereto, except he pray for re mission of his sins ; which standeth in Christ our Redeemer : he hath washen and cleansed our sins ; by him we shah be clean. But how shall we come to Christ? How shaU we have him ? I hear that he is beneficial, as scripture witness eth : Copiosa est apud Deum redemptio ; " There is full and plenteous redemption by him." But how shaU I get that? how shaU I come unto it? By faith2. Faith is the hand wherewith we receive his benefits; therefore we must needs have faith. But how shaU we obtain faith? Faith indeed brjngeth Christ, and Christ bringeth remission of sins; but how shaU we obtain faith ? Answer : St Paul teacheth us this, saying : Fides ex auditu, " Faith cometh by hearing God's word." Then if we wUl come to faith, we must hear God's word : if God's word3 be necessary to be heard, then we must have preachers which be able to teU us God's word. And so it appeareth, that in this petition we pray for preachers; we pray unto God, that he wUl send men amongst us, which may teach us the way of everlasting life. Truly it is a pitiful thing to see schools so neglected, scholars not maintained : every true Christian ought to lament the same. But I have a good hope, since God hath done greater things in taking away and extirping out aU popery, that he will send us a remedy for this matter too. I hope he wUl put into the magistrates' heart to consider these4 things; for by this office of preaching God sendeth faith. The office is the office of salvation5; for "it hath pleased God" per t1 the, 1584.] [2 Marry, by faith, 1562.] [3 if we must hear God's word, 1562 : if God's word be not neces sary to be read, then, 1607.] [4 those, 1562.] [s This office is salvation, 1571, 1572, 1584.] XXII •J ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 419 stultitiam prazdicationis salvos facere credentes, " by the foohshness of preaching to save the believers." So, I say, we pray for this6 office which bringeth faith. Faith bring eth to Christ ; Christ bringeth remission of sins ; remission of sins bringeth everlasting hfe. 0, this is a godly prayer, wliich we ought at all times to say, for we sin daUy ; therefore we had need to say daily, " Forgive us our trespasses ; " and, as David saith, Ne intres Psai. cxi™. in judicium cum servo tuo, " Lord, enter not into judgment with thy servant ; " for we be not able to abide his judgment. If it were not for this pardon, which we have in our Saviour Jesu Christ, we should aU perish eternaUy. For when this word, Remitte, was spoken with a good faith and with a Prayer doth •ii ii notprofitbut penitent heart, there was never man but he was heard. It yhere faith Judas, that traitor, had said it with a good faith, it should have saved him ; but he forgot that point. He was taught it indeed ; our Saviour himself taught him to pray so, but he forgot it again. Peter, he remembered that point : he cried, Remitte, " Lord, forgive me ;" and so he obtained his pardon. And so shaU we do : for we be ever in that case, that we have need to say, Remitte, " Lord, forgive us ; " for we ever do amiss. But here is one addition, one hanger on : "As we forgive them that trespass against us." What meaneth this ? Indeed it soundeth after the words, as though we might or should merit remission of our sins with our forgiving. As for an ensample : That man hath done unto me a foul turn, he hath -wronged me; at the length he acknowledgeth his foUy, and cometh to me, and desireth me to forgive him ; I forgive him. Do I now in forgiving my neighbour his sins wliich he hath wemustfoV ' O O J o give, but for done against me, do I, I say, deserve or merit at God s hand «»d*g forgiveness of my own sins? No, no; God forbid! for ifg*"*^ this should be so, then fareweU Christ: it taketh him clean *$2™-j away, it diminisheth his honour, and it is very treason ^'Xt wrought against Christ. This hath been in times past taught &'hhMh © & , _ _i__t.*j- only hath openly in the pulpits and in the schools; but it was very purchased. treason against Christ : for in him only, and in nothing else, neither in heaven nor in earth, is our remission7 ; unto him only pertaineth this honour. For remission of sins, wherein consisteth everlasting life, is such a treasure, that passeth all [6 the, 1584.] [7 of sins, 1584.] 27—2 420 THE SIXTH SERMON [sERM. men's doings : it must not be our merits that shaU serve, but his. He is our comfort : it is the majesty of Christ, and his blood-shedding1, that cleanseth us from our sins. Therefore, whosoever is minded contrary unto this, Factus est reus lazsce majestatis ; "he robbeth Christ of his majesty," and so cast- eth himself into everlasting danger. For though the works our doings which we do be good outwardly, and God be pleased with are all imper- o J ' r feet. them, yet they be not perfect : for we beheve unperfectly, we love unperfectly, we suffer unperfectly, not as we ought to do ; and so all things that we do are done unperfectly. But our Saviour, he hath so remedied the matter, and taken away our unperfectness2, that they be counted now before God most perfect and holy, not for our own sake, but for his sake : and though they be not perfect, yet they be taken we come to for perfect ; and so we come to perfectness by him. So you perfectness * ' , . * J J fcy Christ. see; as touching our salvation, we must not go to working to think to get everlasting life with our own doings. No, this were to deny Christ. Salvation, and remission of sins is his gift, his own and free gift3. As touching our good works which we do, God will reward them in heaven ; but they cannot get heaven. Therefore let every man do weU, for it shall be weU rewarded : but let them not think that they with their doings may get heaven ; for so doing is a robbing of Christ. What shaU we learn, now, by this addition, where we say, " As we forgive them that trespass against us ?" I teU you, this addition is put unto it not without great cause : for our Christ would Saviour, being a wise and perfect schoolmaster, would speak 7atads in no words in vain. This addition is put unto it, to be a cer tain and sure token unto us, whether we have the true faith in our hearts or no. For faith, the right faith, I say, con sisteth not in the knowledge of the stories, to believe the stories written in the new and old Testament; that is not the hvely faith, which bringeth salvation with her. For the Hevethvthebe" ^ev^ mmseu? beheveth the stories, and yet is, and shaU be histories. damned world without end. Therefore we must have the right faith, the hvely faith, the faith that bringeth salvation ; t1 He is the majesty of God, and his blood-shedding it is, 1607.] [2 unperfectness so, 1562.] [3 No ; this were to deny Christ's salvation, and remission of sins, and his own and free gift, several editions after 1562.] XXII.] ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 421 which consisteth in believing that Christ died for my sins' sake. With such a faith I draw him unto me with all his benefits. I must not stand in generahties, as to believe that Christ suffered under Pontius Pilate : but I must believe that The true be- that was done for my sake ; to redeem with his passion my sins, and aU theirs which beheve and trust in him. If I be heve so, then I shall not be deceived. But this faith is a hard thing to be had ; and many a man thinketh himself to have that faith, when he hath nothing less. Therefore I will tell you how you shall prove whether you have the right faith or no, lest you be deceived with a phantasy of faith, as many be. Therefore prove thyself on this wise : here is a man which hath done me wrong, hath taken away my living or my good name ; he hath slandered me, or otherwise hurt me : now at the length he cometh unto me, and acknowledg- eth his faults and trespasses, and desireth me to forgive him: if I now feel myself ready and wiUing to forgive him, from the bottom of my heart, aU things that he hath done against me, then I may be assured that I have the hvely faith ; yea, I may be assured that God wUl forgive me my sins for Christ Leam to * -iii know a his Son s sake. But when my neighbour cometh unto me, lively faith. confessing his folly, and desiring forgiveness ; if I then be sturdy and proud, my heart flinty, and my stomach bent against him, insomuch that I refuse his request, and have an appetite to be avenged upon him ; if I have such a sturdy stomach, then I may pronounce against myself, that I have not that lively faith in Christ which cleanseth my sins. It is a sure token that I am not of the number of the chUdren of God, as long as I abide in this sturdiness. There is no good body but he is slandered or injured by one mean or other; and commonly it is seen, that those The more which hve most godly, have in this world the greatest rebukes: £™£slan- they are slandered and backbitten, and divers ways vexed of the wicked. Therefore thou, whosoever thou art, that suffer- est such wrongs, either in thy goods and substance, or in thy good name and fame ; examine thyself, go into thy heart ; and if thou canst find in thy heart to forgive all thy enemies whatsoever they have done against thee, then thou mayest be sure that thou art one of the flock of God. Yet thou must beware, as I said before, that thou think not to get to heaven by such remitting of thy neighbour's ill-doings ; but 422 THE SIXTH SERMON [¦ Heb. x. Deut. xxxii. If we love God, we can not chose but love our neighbour. A naughty saying. Christ only hath satisfied for our sins. by such forgiving, or not forgiving, thou shalt know whether thou have faith or no. Therefore if we have a rebellious stomach, and a flinty heart against our neighbour, so that we are minded to avenge ourselves upon him, and so take upon us God's office, which saith, Mihi vindicta, ego retribuam, "Yield unto me the vengeance, and I shaU recompense them;" as I told you, we be not of the flock of Christ. For it is written, Si quis dixerit quoniam diligo Deum, et odio habet fratrem suum, mendax est: "Whosoever saith, I love God, and hateth his brother, that man or woman is a liar." For it is impossible for me to love God and hate my neighbour. And our Saviour saith, Si oraveritis, remittite ; " When you wiU pray, forgive first ; " else it is to no purpose, you get nothing by your prayer. Likewise we see in the parable of that king which caUed his servants to make an account and pay their debts, where he remitteth one of them a great sum of money : now that same feUow, whom the lord par doned, went out and took one of his feUow-servants by the neck, and handled him most crueUy, saying, " Give me my money." He had forgotten, belike, that his lord had for given him. Now the other servants, seeing his cruelness, came unto the king, and told him how that man used himself so cruelly to his feUow : the lord caUed him again, and after great rebukes cast him into prison, there to he tiU he had paid the last farthing. Upon that our Saviour saith, Sic et Pater meus cozlestis faciet vobis, d non remiseritis unus- quisque fratri suo de cordibus vestris : " Thus wiU my heavenly Father also do unto you, if ye forgive not every one his brother even from your hearts." Therefore let us take heed by that wicked servant, which would not forgive his feUow-servant when he desired of him forgiveness, saying, Patientiam habe in me, et omnia reddam tibi ; " Have pa tience with me," saith he, "and I wUl pay thee aU my debts." But we cannot say so unto God ; we must only caU for pardon. There be many folk, which when they be sick, they say, " 0 that I might hve but one year longer, to make amends for my sins!" Which saying is very naught and ungodly ; for we are not able to make amends for our sins ; only Christ, he is " the Lamb of God wliich taketh away our sins." Therefore when we be sick, we should say : " Lord God, thy will be done ; if I can do any thing to thy honour XXII-J ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 423 and glory, Lord, suffer me to hve longer: but thy will be done !" As for satisfaction, we cannot do the least pieec of it. * You have heard now, how we ought to be willing to forgive our neighbours their sins, which is a very token that we be1 chUdren of God: to this our Saviour also exhorteth us, saying, Si frater tuus habet aliquid adversum te, relin- que, Sgc. " If thou offerest therefore thy gift before the altar, Matt. v. and there rememberest that thy brother hath somewhat against thee, leave thou thy gift there before the altar, and go first and be reconcUed unto thy brother." " Leave it there," saith Reconciiia- our Saviour, " if thy brother have any thing against thee: go fir°t Sd. not about to sacrifice to me, but first, above all things, go and reconcUe thyself unto thy brother." On such wise St Paul also exhorteth us, saying, Volo viros orare absque ira et disceptatione ; "I would have men to pray without anger and disceptation." There be many wranglers and brawlers now- a-days, which do not weU : they shaU weU know that they be not in the favour of God ; God is displeased with them. Let us therefore give up ourselves to prayer, so that we may love God and our neighbour. It is a very godly prayer to say, " Lord, forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us." But there be peradventure some of you, which wiU say, " The priest can absolve me and forgive me my sins." Sir, I teU thee, the priest or minister, caU him what you wUl, Power given he hath power given unto him from our Saviour to absolve t°rtoem"" in such wise as he is commanded by him : but I think minis ters be not greatly troubled therewith ; for the people seek their carnal liberties ; which indeed is not weU, and a thing which misliketh God. For I would have them that are grieved in conscience to go to some godly man, which is able to minister God's word, and there to fetch his absolution, if he cannot be satisfied in the pubhc sermon; it were truly a thing which would do much good. But, to say the truth, there is a great fault in the priests ; for they for the most part be unlearned and wicked, and seek rather means and ways to wickedness than to godliness. But a godly minister, which is The absoiu- O 111- tlon that a" instructed in the word of God, can and may absolve in open ™nistf™ [1 be the, 1584.] 424 THE SIXTH SERMON [sERM. preaching; not of his own authority, but in the name of God: for God saith, Ego sum qui deleo iniquitates ; "I am he that cleanseth thy sins." But I may absolve you, as an offi cer of Christ, in the open pulpit in this wise : "As many as confess their sins unto God, acknowledging themselves to be sinners; and beheve that our Saviour, through his passion, hath taken away their sins, and have an earnest purpose to leave sin ; as many, I say, as be so affectioned, Ego ab- solvo vos ; I, as an officer of Christ, as his treasurer, absolve you in his name." This is the absolution that I can make by God's word. Again, as many as wiU stand in defence of their wickednesses, wUl not acknowledge them, nor purpose to leave them, and so have no faith in our Saviour, to be saved by him through his merit; to them I say, Ego ligo vos, of bindtag?r " ¦"- ^d you." And I doubt not but they shaU be bound in heaven ; for they be the chUdren of the devU, as long as they be in such unbelief and purpose to sin. Here you see, how and in what wise a preacher may absolve or bind : but he cannot do it of feUowship, or worldly respect. No, in no wise ; he must do it according as Christ hath commanded him. If God now command to forgive him, qui peccat con tra me, "that sinneth against me;" how much more must I be reconciled to him whom I have offended! I must go unto him, and desire him to forgive me ; I must acknowledge my fault, and so humble myself before him. Here a man might ask a question, saying : " What if a man have offended me grievously ; and hath hurt me in my goods, or slandered me ; and is sturdy in it, standeth in defence of himself and his own wickedness, he wUl not acknowledge himself; shaU I forgive Theimpeni- him ?" Answer : Forsooth, God himself doth not so ; he for- tent person ' ' acknowledge giyetu not sms> except the sinner acknowledge himself, confess aganSme, ms wickedness, and cry him mercy. Now I am sure God fo^iveghhn, requireth no more at our hands than he doth himself. There- pvethhim " fore I will say this : if thy neighbour or any man hath done against thee, and wUl not confess his faults, but wickedly de- fendeth the same, I, for my own discharge, must put away all rancour and malice out of my heart, and be ready, as far forth as I am able, to help him ; if I do so, I am discharged afore God, but so is not he. For tridy that sturdy fellow shall make an heavy account before the righteous Judge. not XXII. j ON the lord's prayer. 425 Here I have occasion to speak against the Novatians1, wliich deny remission of sins. Their opinion is, that he which The No- cometh once to Christ, and hath received the Holy Ghost, opinion. and after that sinneth again, he shall never come to Christ again ; his sins shall never be forgiven him : which opinion is most erroneous and wicked, yea, and clean against scripture. For if it should be so, there should nobody be saved; for there is no man but he sinneth daUy. I told you how you should understand those two places of scripture, which seem to be very hard, Non est sacrificium, &c. " There is no sa crifice," &c. As concerning the sin against the Holy Ghost, we cannot judge aforehand, but after. I know now that Judas had sinned against the Holy Ghost; also Nero, Pharao, and one Franciscus Spira2; which man had forsaken popery, and done very boldly in God's quarrel; at the length he was complained of, the Holy Ghost moved him in his heart to stick unto it, and not to forsake God's word ; he, contrary to that admonition of the Holy Ghost, denied the word of God, and so finally died in desperation : him I may pronounce to have sinned the sin against the Holy Ghost. But I wUl shew you a remedy for the sin against the Holy Ghost. Ask re- a remedy for mission of sin in the name of Christ, and then I ascertain you fg{™£*£L that you sin not against the Holy Ghost. For gratia ex- superat supra peccatum ; " The mercy of God far exceedeth our sins." I have heard tell of some, which when they said this pe- s™e0°f will tition, they perceived that they asked of God forgiveness, like ?00ryve|™Sof as they themselves forgive their neighbours; and again, per- j*^J™;hey ceiving themselves so unapt to forgive their neighbours' faults, SIS m o . . i 11, ii ¦ x hearts to came to that point, that they would not say this prayer at forgive uiem aU; but took our Lady's Psalter3 in hand, and such fooleries; g^S [1 A sect which took its rise at Rome, in the year 251, from No- vatian a presbyter of that church, and Novatus a presbyter of the church of Carthage. Mosheim, Eccles. Hist. Cent. in. Part n. ch. v. § 17, 18.] [2 An eminent lawyer of Citadella, in the state of Vemce. His dismal story may be read in Sleidan, Hist, of the Reform, translated by Bohun, p. 475.] p An office in the church of Rome composed in honour of the virgin Mary. It is called also our Lady's Rosary, and consists of 150 Aves Maria, distributed into 15 portions of 10 Aves each. Before the worshipper of the Virgin repeats any of these 15 portions, a Pater 426 THE SIXTH SERMON [serm. The cause why God punisheth repentant sinners. The con clusion of this sermon. thinking they might then do unto their neighbour a! foul turn with a better conscience, than if they should say this petition : for here they wish themselves the vengeance of God upon their heads, if they bear grudge in their hearts, and say this petition. But if we wiU be right Christians, let us set aside aU hatred and mahce; let us hve godly, and forgive our enemy ; so that we may from the bottom of our heart say, "Our Father, which art in heaven, forgive us our trespasses." There be some when they say, " Forgive us our trespasses," they think that God wUl forgive culpam only, sed non poz- nam, guiltiness and not the pain ; and therefore they beheve they shaU go into purgatory, and there to be cleansed from their sins : which thing is not so ; they be bars which teach such doctrine. For God forgiveth us both the pain and the guiltiness of sins : hke as it appeared in David when he re pented ; Nathan said unto him, Abstulit Dominus iniquitatem tuam, " The Lord hath taken away thy wickedness." But they wiU say, " God took away the guUtiness of his sins, but not the pain; for he punished bim afterward." Sir, you must understand that God punished him, but not to the end that he should make satisfaction and amends for his sins, but for a warning. God would give him a Cave; therefore he punished him. So likewise, whosoever is a repentant sinner, as David was, and beheveth in Christ, he is clean a poena et a culpa, both from the pain and guUtiness of bis sins ; yet God punisheth sins, to make us to remember and beware of sins. Now to make an end : You have heard how needful it is for us to cry unto God for forgiveness of our sins: where you have heard, wherein forgiveness of our sins standeth, namely, in Christ the Son of the hving God. Again, I told you how you should come to Christ, namely, by faith; and faith cometh through hearing the word of God. Remember then this ad dition, " As we forgive them that trespass against us ;" which is a sure token, whereby we know whether we have the true Noster is usually recited. The Pater Nosters seem to have been omitted in the cases alluded to by the preacher. Moreri, in voc. Rosaire: Officium Beatse Virginis, pp. 725 et seq. Antverp. 1700. Specimens of the marvellous effects attributed to the use of this Office are given by John Major, Magnum Speculum Exemplorum, in voc. Rosarium B. Virginis.] XXII.] ON THE LORo's PRAYER. 427 faith in Christ or no. And here you learn, that it is a good thing to have an enemy ; for we may use him to our great commodity : through him or by him we may prove ourselves, whether we have the true faith or no. . Now I shaU desire you yet again to pray unto almighty God, that he wUl send such weather, whereby the fruits of the field may increase ; for we think we have need of rain. Let us therefore caU upon him, which knoweth what is best for us. Therefore say with me the Lord's prayer, as he himself hath taught us : "Our Father, which art," &c. 428 THE SEVENTH SERMON [sERM. THE SEVENTH SERMON UPON THE LORD'S PRAYER. The sixth and seventh petitions of the Pater noster- All mankind must cry pardon. The store house of remission. [MATTHEW VI. 13.] Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. In the petition afore, where we say, "Forgive us our trespasses," there we fetch remedies for sins past. For we must needs have forgiveness ; we cannot remedy the matter of ourselves ; our sins must be remedied by pardon, by remis sion : other righteousness we have not, but forgiving of our unrighteousness ; our goodness standeth in forgiving of our illness. All mankind must cry pardon, and acknowledge themselves to be sinners ; except our Saviour, who was clean without spot of sin. Therefore when we feel our sins, we must with a penitent heart resort hither, and say : " Our Father, which art in heaven, forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us." Mark weU this addi tion, " as we forgive them that trespass ; " for our Saviour putteth the same unto it, not to that1 end that we should merit any thing by it, but rather to prove our faith, whether we be of the faithful flock of God or no. For the right faith abideth not in that man that is disposed purposely to sin, to hate his even2 Christian, or to do other manner of sins. For whosoever purposely sinneth, contra conscientiam, "against his conscience," he hath lost the Holy Ghost, the remission of sins, and finally Christ himself. But when we are faUen so, we must fetch them again at God's hand by this prayer, wliich is a storehouse : here we shaU find remission of our sins. And though we be risen never so weU, yet when we fall again, when we sin again, what remedy then? What availoth it me to be risen once, and faU by and by into the self-same sin again, which is a renovation of the other sins ? For whosoever hath done wickedly an act against God, and afterward is sorry for it, crieth God mercy, and so cometh [! the, 1584.] [2 fellow-christian.] XXIII.] ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 429 to forgiveness of the same sin ; but by and by, wUlingly and wittingly, doth the self-same sin again ; — he renovateth by so He that re- J • 11 ,1 • i- i t p ° . p ,. turnethto doing all those sins which beioretimes were forgiven him. sin loseth . . ° his former Which thing appeareth by the lord, that took reckoning of forgiveness. his servants, where he found one which owed him a great sum of money : the lord pitied bim, and remitted him aU the debts. Now that same man afterward shewed himself un thankful and wicked : therefore the lord caUed him, and cast him into prison, there to he tUl he had paid the uttermost farthing, notwithstanding that he had forgiven him afore, &c. So we see the guUtiness of the former sins turn again, when we do the same sins again. Seeing then that it is so dan gerous a thing to fall into sin again, then we had need to have some remedy, some help, that we might avoid sin, and not faU thereto again : therefore here foUoweth this petition, " Lead us not into temptation." Here we have a remedv, here we desire God that he wUl £ wf ent ti ' help to preserve us from falling into sin. Our Saviour, that loving ^".ning01" school-master, knew whereof we had need; therefore he teach- untosin- eth us to beg a preservation of God, that we faU not : " Lead us not, &c. ; " that is to say, " Lord, lead us not into trial, for we shaU soon be overcome, but preserve us ; suffer us not to sin again ; let us not faU ; help us, that sin get not the victory over us." And this is a necessary prayer ; for what is it that we can do ? Nothing at aU but sin. And there fore we have need to pray unto God, that he wUl preserve and keep us in the right way ; for our enemy, the devU, is an unquiet spirit, ever lying in the way, seeking occasion how to bring us to ungodliness. Therefore it appeareth how much we have need of the help of God : for the devil is an The «» old enemy, a feUow of great antiquity ; he hath endured this enemy. five thousand [five hundred3] and fifty-two years, in which space he hath learned all arts and cunnings ; he is a great practiser; there is no subtilty but he knoweth the same. Like as an artificer that is cunning and expert in his craft, and know- ^devii «_ eth how to go to work, how to do bis business in the readiest fleer. way ; so the devil knoweth all ways how to tempt us, and to give us an overthrow ; insomuch that we can begin nor do nothing, but he is at our heels, and worketh some mischief, whether we be in prosperity or adversity, whether we be in p See before, p. 365.] 430 THE SEVENTH SERMON I* Riches. Poverty. The devil is an old doc tor. Ignominy. health or sickness, life or death ; he knoweth how to use the same to Ins purpose. As for an ensample : When a man is rich, and of great substance, he by and by setteth upon him with his crafts, intending to bring him to mischief; and so he moveth him to despise and contemn God, to make his riches1 bis God. Yea, he can put such pride into the rich man's heart, that he thinketh himself able to bring aU things to pass; and so2 beginneth to oppress his neighbour with his riches. But God, by his holy word, warneth us and armeth us against such crafts and subtUties of the devU, saying, Divitioz si affluant, nolite cor apponere ; " If riches come upon you, set not your hearts upon them." He commandeth us not to cast them away, but not to set our hearts upon them, as wicked men do. For to be rich js a gift of God, if riches be rightly used; but the devU is so wily, he stirreth up rich men's hearts to abuse them. Again, when a man falleth into poverty, so that he lacketh things necessary to the sustentation of this bodUy hfe ; lo, the devU is even ready at hand to take occasion by the poverty to bring him to mischief. For he wiU move and stir up the heart of man that is in poverty, not to labour and calling upon God, but rather to stealing and rob bing, notwithstanding God forbiddeth such sins in his laws ; or else, at the least, he wiU bring him to use deceit and falsehood with his neighbour, intending that way to bring him to everlasting destruction. Further, when a man is in honour and dignity, and in great estimation, this serpent sleepeth not, but is ready to give bim an overthrow. For though honour be good unto them which come lawfuUy by it, and though it be a gift of God ; yet the devU wiU move that man's heart which hath honour, to abuse his honour : for he wUl make him lofty, and high-minded, and fiU his heart full of ambitions, so that he shaU have a desire ever to come higher and higher ; and aU those which wiU withstand him, they shall be hated, or ill entreated at his hand : and at the length he shall be so poisoned with this ambition, that he shall forget aU humanity and godliness, and consequently fall in the fearful hands of God. Such a feUow is the devU, that old doctor ! If it cometh to pass that a man fall into open ignominy f1 make riches, 1584.] [2 so he, 1584.] XXIII.] ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 431 and shame, so that he shaU be nothing regarded before the world ; then the devU is at hand, moving and stirring his heart to irksomeness, and at the length to desperation. If he Young sainu o x old devils. be young and lusty, the devU wUl put in his heart, and say to him : " What ! thou art in thy flowers, man ; take thy pleasure ; make merry with thy companions ; remember the old proverb, ' Young saints, old devUs.' " Which proverb a proverb of i i • i •, • the devil's m very deed is naught and deceitful, and the devU's own m- inventing. vention ; wliich would have parents neghgent in bringing up their children in goodness. He would rather see them to be brought up in illness and wickedness ; therefore he found out such a proverb, to make them careless for their children. But, as I said afore, this proverb is naught : for look com monly, where children are brought up in wickedness, they wUl be wicked aU their hves after ; and therefore we may say thus, " Young devil, old devil ; young saints, old saints." Quo semel est imbuta recens servabit odorem Testa diu3; "The earthen pot wUl long savour of that hquor that is first put into it." And here appeareth, how the devil can use the youth of a young man to his destruction, in exhorting him to follow the fond lusts of that age. Likewise when a man -Age. cometh to age, that old serpent will not leave him; but is ever stirring him from one mischief unto the other, from one wickedness to another. And commonly he moveth old folks ^SL to avarice and covetousness : for then old folk will commonly say, by the inspiration of the devU, " Now it is time for me to lay up, to keep in store somewhat for me, that I may have wherewith to hve when I shaU be a cripple." And so under this colour they set aU their hearts and minds only upon this world; forgetting their poor neighbour, which God would have reheved by them. But, as I told you before, this is the devU's invention and subtUty, which blindeth their eyes so, and withdraweth their hearts so far from God, that it is scant possible for some to be brought again : for they have set aU their hearts and phantasies in such wise upon then- goods, that they cannot suffer any body to occupy^ their goods, nor they themselves use it not ; to the verifying of this common sentence : Avarus caret quod habet, ozque ac menature^ quod non habet; "The covetous man lacketh as weU those Se_Te " things which he hath, as those things which he hath not." p Hor. Epist. ii. 2. 69.] 432 THE SEVENTH SERMON [sERM. So likewise when we be in health, the devU moveth us to aU wickedness and naughtiness, to whoredom, lechery, theft, and other horrible faults ; putting clean out of our mind the remembrance of God and his judgments, insomuch that we sickness. forget that we shaU die. Again, when we be in sickness, he goeth about like a hon to move and stir us up to impa- tiency and murmuring against God; or else he maketh our sins so horrible before us that we faU into desperation. And Thedevii so it appeareth that there is nothing either so high or makeewea- low, so great or smaU, but the devU can use that self-same ti»ng. ' thing as a weapon to fight against us withal, like as with a sword. Therefore our Saviour, knowing the crafts and sub- tilties of our enemy the devU, how he goeth about day and night, without intermission, to seek our destruction, teacheth us here to cry unto God our heavenly Father for aid and help, for a subsidy against this strong and mighty enemy, against the prince of this world, as St Paul disdained not to caU him; for he knew his power and subtUe conveyances. Behke St Paul had some experience of him. Here by this petition, when we say, " Lead us not into temptation," we learn to know our own impossibility and infirmity ; namely, that we be not able of our ownselves to withstand this great and mighty enemy, the devU. Therefore here we resort to God, desiring him to help and defend us, whose power passeth the strength of the devU. So it ap- tms petition peareth that this is a most needful petition : for when the fui. devU is busy about us, and moveth us to do against God, and his holy laws and commandments, ever we should have in remembrance whither to go, namely, to God ; acknowledging our weakness, that we be not able to withstand the enemy. Therefore we ought ever to say, " Our Father, wliich art in heaven, lead us not into temptation." This petition, " lead us not into temptation," the meaning of it is : " Almighty God, we desire thy holy majesty for to stand by and with us, with thy holy Spirit ; so that tempta tion overcome us not, but that we, through thy goodness and help, may vanquish and get the victory over it : for it is not be without in our power to do it ; thou, 0 God, must help us to strive sin but we mu'stpray and fight." It is with this petition, " lead us not into temp- that sin reign . ° A r j}°'ennot,and tation," even as much as St Paul saith, Ne regnet igitur overus!1017 peccatum in vestro mortali corpore ; " Let not sin reign in XXIU.] ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 433 your corruptible body," saith St Paul. He doth not require that we shaU have no sin, for that is impossible unto us ; but he requireth that we be not servants unto sin ; that we give not place unto it, that sin rule not in us. And this is a commandment : we are commanded to forsake and hate sin, so that it may have no power over us. Now we shall turn this commandment into a prayer, and desire of God that he wiU keep us, that he wUl not lead us into temptation ; that is to say, that he wUl not suffer sin to have the rule and gover nance over us ; and so we shall say with the prophet, Domine, dirige gressus meos, " Lord, rule and govern thou me in the right way." And so we shall turn God's commandment into a prayer, to desire of him help to do his wUl and pleasure : hke as St Augustine saith, Da quod jubes, et jube quod vis ; " Give that thou commandest, and then command what thou wUt." As who say, " If thou wilt command only and not give, then we shaU be lost, we shaU perish." Therefore we must desire him to rule and govern aU our thoughts, words, acts, and deeds, so that no sins bear rule 'in us : we must require him to put his helping hand to us, that we may overcome temptation, and not temptation us. This I would have you to consider, that every morning, when you rise from your bed, you would say these words with a faithful heart and earnest mind: Domine, gressus meos dirige, ne a good mom - dominetur peccatum in meo mortali corpore ; " Lord, rule and govern me so, order my ways so, that sin get not the victory of me, that sin rule me not ; but let thy Holy Ghost inhabit my heart." And speciaUy when any man goeth about a dangerous business, let him ever say, Domine, dirige gressus meos, " Lord, rule thou me; keep me in thy custody." So this is the first point, which you shaU note in this peti tion, namely, to turn the commandments of God into a prayer. He commandeth us to leave sins, to avoid them, to hate them, to keep our heart clean from them : then let us turn his commandment into a prayer, and say, "Lord, lead us not into temptation;" that is to say, "Lord, keep us, that the devil prevail not against us, that wickedness get not the victory over us." You shaU not think that it is an ill thing to be tempted, S?r? to fall into temptations. No, for it is a good thing ; and .fan'mam " I"1 no sins remain, most of the editions except 1562.] 28 [latimer.] 434 THE SEVENTH SERMON [SERM. Self-love is the root of mischief. The life of man is but a warfare. scripture commendeth it, and we shaU be rewarded for it : for St James saith, Beatus vir qui suffert tentationem; " Blessed is that man that suffereth temptations patiently." Blessed is he that suffereth; not he that foUoweth; not he that is led by them, and foUoweth the motions thereof. The devil moveth me to do this thing and that, which is against God; to commit whoredom or lechery, or such like things. Now this is a good thing : for if I withstand his motions, and more regard God than his suggestions, happy am I, and I shall be rewarded for it in heaven. Some think that St Paul would have been without such temptations, but God would not grant his request. Sufficit tibi gratia mea, Paule; " Be content, Paul, to have my favour." For temptations be a declaration of God's favour and might : for though we be most weak and feeble, yet through our weakness God van- quisheth the great strength and might of the devU. And afterward he promiseth us we shaU have coronam vitce, "the crown of hfe ;" that is to say, we shaU be rewarded in ever lasting life. To whom did God promise coronam vitce, ever lasting hfe ? Diligentibus se, saith St James, " Unto them that love him ;" not unto them that love themselves, and fol low their own affections. Diligentibus se: it is an amphi- bologia1; and therefore Erasmus turneth it into Latin with such words, A quibus dilectus est Deus, — non, diligentibus se2 ; not, "they that love themselves," but, "they of whom God is beloved :" for self-love is the root of aU mischief and wickedness. Here you may perceive who are those which love God, namely, they that fight against temptations and assaults of the devU. For this hfe is a warfare, as St Job saith : Mi litia est vita hominis super terram, " The life of man is but a warfare." Not that we should fight and brawl one with another : no, not so ; but we should fight against the Je- busites that are within us. We may not fight one with [! A sentence that will bear a double meaning.] P Diligentibus se is the vulgate translation in James i. 12, ii. 5, the ambiguity of which is avoided by Erasmus in his paraphrase on the latter passage, as follows: Quibus autem is promisit hanc admi- rabilem felicitatem? num regibus aut opulentis? Nequaquam; sed iis a quibus vere diligitur. Erasmi Paraphrasis in Epistolas Apostolicas, Jacob, ii. 5, fol. 263, Antwerp. 1540.] XXIII.] ON THE LORo's PRAYER. 435 another, to avenge ourselves and to satisfy our irefulness; but we should fight against the iU motions which rise up in wemust our hearts against the law of God. Therefore remember sin anfe.ii that our life is a warfare : let us be contented to be tempted. There be some, when they faU into temptations, they be so irksome that they give place, they wiU fight no more. Again, there be some so weary that they rid themselves out of this life ; but this is not weU done. They do not after St James's mind ; for he saith, " Blessed is he that suffereth temptation, and taketh it patiently." Now, if he be blessed that suffer eth temptation, then it foUoweth, that he that curseth and murmureth against God, being tempted, that that man is cursed in the sight of God, and so shaU not enjoy coronam vitoz, " everlasting life." Further, it is a necessary thing to be tempted of God ; G°d te"n>'- for how should we know whether we have the love of God Profit' in our hearts or no, except we be tried, except God tempt and prove us? Therefore the prophet David saith, Proba me, Domine, et tenta me ; " Lord, prove me, and tempt me." Psai. xxvi. This prophet knew that to be tempted of God is a good thing : for temptations minister to us occasion to run to God, and to beg bis help. Therefore David was desirous to have something whereby he might exercise his faith. For there is nothing so dangerous in the world as to be without trouble, without temptation. For look, when we be best at ease, when aU things go with us according unto our will and pleasure, then we are commonly most farthest off from God. For our nature is so feeble, that we cannot bear tranquillity ; we for get God by and by: therefore we should say, Proba me, «* Lord, prove me, and tempt me." I have read once a story of a good bishop3, which rode $$*gi<* by the way, and was weary, being yet far off from any town : therefore seeing a fair house, a great man's house, he went thither, and was very weU and honourably received. There was great preparations made for him and a great banquet ; all things were in plenty. Then the man of the house set out his prosperity, and told the bishop what riches he had ; p This story, in substance, is related in the legendary hfe of St Ambrose of Milan, as having occurred to that prelate on a journey to Rome. Legenda Aurea, LV. Colon. 1485. Petrus de Natahbus, Catalog. Sanctorum, Lib. I. c. 36, Ed. 1521.] 436 THE SEVENTH SERMON [sERM. in what honour and dignities he was ; how many fair chil dren he had; what a virtuous wife God had provided for him ; so that he had no lack of any manner of thing : he had no trouble nor vexations, neither inward nor outward. Now this holy man, hearing the good estate of that man, called one of his servants, and commanded him to make where most ready the horses; for the bishop thought that God was not rest and J r ° quietness is, m that house, because there was no temptation there : he there is pre- # *¦ sent danger, took his leave, and went his ways. Now when he came two or three mile off, he remembered his book which he had left behind him : he sent his man back again to fetch that book; and when the servant came again, the house was sunken and aU that was in it. Here it appeareth that it is a good thing to have temptation. This man thought him self a joUy fellow, because aU things went with him : but he knew not St James's lesson, Beatus qui suffert tentationem; " Blessed is he that endureth temptation." Let us therefore learn here, not to be irksome when God layeth his cross upon us. Let us not despair, but caU upon him: let us think we be ordained unto it. For truly we shaU never have done ; we shaU have one vexation or other, as long as we be in this world. But we have a great comfort, which is this: Fidelis est Deus, qui non sinit nos tentari supra Godrw?ii not ^uamferre possumus; " God is faithful, who will not suffer be temped us to De tempted above our strength." If we mistrust God, wbe°can be'ar. then we make him a har : for God wUl not suffer us to be tempted further than we shaU be able to bear. And, again, he will reward us ; we shaU have coronam vitoz, " everlasting life." If we consider this, and ponder it in our hearts, where fore should we be troubled ? Let every man, when he is in trouble, call upon God with a faithful and penitent heart, " Lord, let me not be tempted further than thou shalt make me able to bear." And this is the office of every christian man ; and look for no better cheer as long as thou art in this world : but trouble and vexations thou shalt have usque ^vefiack ad satietatem, " thy beUy full." And therefore our Saviour, temptations, being upon the mount Olivet, knowing what should come upon him, and how his disciples would forsake bim, and mis trust him, taught them to fight against temptation, saying, tXlvSk Vi9ilat<> et orate. As who say, " I tell you what you shaU temptation, do : resort to God, seek comfort of him, call upon him in my XXI11] ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 437 name ; and this shall be the way how to escape temptations without your peril and loss." Now let us follow that rule which our Saviour giveth unto his disciples. Let us "watch and pray ;" that is to say, let us be earnest and fervent in caUing upon him, and in desiring his help; and no doubt he will order the matter so with us that temptation shall not hurt us, but shall be rather a furtherance, and not an im pediment to everlasting hfe. And this is our only remedy, to fetch help at his hands. Let us therefore watch and pray ; let not temptations bear rule in us or govern us. Now peradventure there be some amongst the ignorant unlearned sort, which wUl say unto me, " You speak much of temptations ; I pray you teU us, how shaU we know when we be tempted?" Answer: When you feel in yourselves, in your hearts, some concupiscence or lust towards any thing that is against the law of God rise up in your hearts, that same is a tempting : for aU manner of UI motions to wicked- whattemp- ness are temptations. And we be tempted most commonly two manner of ways, a dextris et a sinistris, "on the Two manner J of tempta- right hand, and on the left hand." Whensoever we be in tions- honours, wealth, and prosperities, then we be tempted on the right hand: but when we be in open shame, out-laws, or in great extreme poverty and penuries, then that is on the left hand. There hath been many, that when they have been tempted a sinistris, "on the left hand," that is, with adversities and all kind of miseries, they have been hardy and most godly; have suffered such calamities, giving God thanks amidst all their troubles : and there hath been many which have written most godly books in the time of their temptations and miseries. Some also there were which stood heartUy, and godUly suffered temptations, as long as they were in trouble : but afterward, when they came to rest, they could not stand so well as before in their trouble : yea, wouwood the most part go and take out a new lesson of discretion, g«nw fa to flatter themselves and the world withal; and so theyhearts- verify that saying, Honores mutant mores, " Honours change manners." For they can find in their hearts to approve that thing now, which before time they reproved. Aforetime they sought the honour of God, now they seek their own pleasure. Like as the rich man did, saying, Anima, nunc ede, bibe, $c, " Soul, now eat, drink," &c. But it foUoweth, Stulte, "Thou 438 THE SEVENTH SERMON [sERM. God and the devil do tempt to divers ends. The devil's power is nothing without God's per mission. fool." Therefore, let men beware of the right hand ; for they are gone by and by, except God with his Spirit Uluminate their hearts. I would such men would begin to say with David, Proba me, Domine, " Lord, prove me : spur me for ward; send me somewhat, that I forget not thee!" So it appeareth that a christian man's hfe is a strife, a warfare : but we shaU overcome all our enemies ; yet not by our own power, but through God which is able to defend us. Truth it is that God tempteth. Almighty God tempteth to our commodities, to do us good withal ; the devU tempteth to our everlasting destruction. God tempteth us for exercise' sake, that we should not be slothful ; therefore he proveth us diversely. We had need often to say this prayer, "Lord, lead us not into temptation." When we rise up in a morning, or whatsoever we do, when we feel the devU busy about us, we should call upon God. The dihgence of the devU should make us watchful, when we consider with what earnest mind he applieth his business : for he sleepeth not, he slumbereth not; he mindeth his own business, he is careful, and hath mind of his matters. To what end is he so dihgent, seeking and searching like a hunter? Even1, to take us at a vantage. St Peter caUeth bim a roaring hon, whereby is expressed his power : for you know, the lion is the prince of aU other beasts. Circumit, " He goeth about." Here is bis dihgence. Non est potestas, &c. " There is no power to be likened unto his power :" yet our hope is in God ; for, as strong as he is, our hope is in God. He cannot hurt or slay us without the permission of God : therefore let us resort unto God, and desire him that he will enable us to fight against him. Fur ther, his wiliness is expressed by this word " serpent." He is of a swift nature; he hath such compasses, such fetches, that he passeth all things in the world. Again, consider how long he hath been a practitioner. You must consider what Satan is, what experience he hath ; so that we are not able to match with him. 0, how fervently ought we to cry unto God, considering what danger and peril we be in ! And not only for ourselves we ought to pray, but also for aU others ; for we ought to love our neighbour as ourselves. Seeing then that we have such an enemy, resist; for so it is needful. For I thinlv that now hi this hall, amongst this P marry, 1562.] XXIII.] ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 439 audience, there be many thousand devils, wliich go about to our enemies J ' ~ are many. let us of the hearing of the word of God ; to make hardness in our hearts, and to stir up such hke mischief within us. But what remedy ? Resistite, " Withstand ;" withstand his motions. And this must be done at the first. For, as strong as he is, when he is resisted at the first, he is the weakest ; but if we suffer him to come into our hearts, then he cannot be driven out without great labour and travail. As for an ensample : I see a fair woman, I like her very well, I wish in my heart to have her. Now withstand ; this is a tempta tion. ShaU I foUow my affections? No, no : caU to remem brance what the devU is ; call God to remembrance and his laws ; consider what he hath commanded thee : say unto God, " Lord, lead us not into temptation, but dehver us from evil." For I teU thee, when he is entered once, it will be hard to get him out again. Therefore suffer him not too long : give him no mansion in thy heart, but strike bim with the word of God, and he is gone; he wUl not abide. Another ensample : There is a man that hath done me wrong ; taken How to use away my hving, or hurt me of my good name : the devU the spirit. stirreth me against him, to requite him, to do him another foul turn, to avenge myself upon him. Now, when there riseth up such motions in my heart, I must resist ; I must strive. I must consider what God saith, Mihi vindicta, "Let me have the vengeance :" Ego retribuam, " I wiU punish him for his UI doings." In such wise we must fight with Satan ; we must kiU ^s^a him with the word of God: Resistite, "Withstand and resist." wiied. " Away thou, Satan ; thou movest me to that wliich God for- biddeth ; God will defend me : I will not speak ill of my neighbour ; I will do him no harm." So you must fight with him; and further remember what St Paul saith, "If thy enemy be hungry, let him have meat :" this is the shrewd turn that scripture aUoweth us to do to our enemies ; and so we shall " cast hot coals upon his head ;" which is a meta phorical speech. That ye may understand it, take an ensam ple. This man hath done harm unto thee : make him warm L|™'°lson with thy benefits ; bear patiently the injuries done unto thee »"»««'»¦« by bim, and do for bim in his necessities : then thou shalt heat him ; for he is in coldness of charity. At the length he shall remember himself, and say, " What a man am I ! This overcome. 440 THE SEVENTH SERMON JSERM. man hath ever been friendly and good unto me; he hath borne patiently all my wickedness ; truly I am much bound unto him : I wUl leave off from my wrong doings, I wUl no more trouble bim." And so you see that this is the way to make our enemy good, to bring him to reformation. But there be some, that when they be hurt, they wUl do a foul turn again. But this is not as God would have it. St Paul commandeth us to " pour hot coals upon our enemy's head ;" that is to say, if he hurt thee, do him good, make him amends with weU-doing; give him meat and drink, whereby is under stood aU things : when he hath need of counsel, help bim ; or whatsoever it is that he hath need of, let him have it. And this is the right way to reform our enemy, to amend him, and bring him to goodness ; for so St Paul commandeth us, saying, Noli vinci a malo, " Be not overcome of the vengSUr wicked." For when I am about to do my enemy a foul turn, then he hath gotten the victory over me ; he hath made me as wicked as he himself is. But we ought to overcome the UI with goodness ; we should overcome our enemy with weU- doing. When I was in Cambridge, Master George Stafford1 read a lecture, there I heard him ; and in expounding the epistle to the Romans, coming to that place where St Paul saith, Rom. xii. that " we shaU overcome our enemy with weU-doing, and so heap up hot coals upon his head;" now in expounding of that place, he brought in an ensample, saying, that he knew in aLo'lidoner0' London a great rich merchant2, which merchant had a very poor neighbour ; yet for all his poverty, he loved him very well, and lent him money at bis need, and let him to come to his table whensoever he would. It was even at that time sh™Mh^veet wnen Doctor Colet3 was in trouble, and should have been been burned, burnt, if God had not turned the king's heart to the contrary. mhin;s'cnhame -^ow tne r*cn man Degan to De a scripture man ; he began to M-framXr* smeU tne g°sPeIl: the poor man was a papist stUl. It chanced aideiman1 on a time, when the rich man talked of the gospel, sitting at o London. jjjg taye> where he reproved popery and such kind of things, [! The Lady Margaret's Reader in Divinity : he died in 1530.] [2 Humphry Monmouth, Foxe, Acts and Mon. Vol. n. p. 209—10, - -edit. 1684.] [3 Dr John Colet, Dean of St Paul's. Wordsworth, Eccles. Bio graphy, Vol. i. pp. 450 et seq. 3rd edit.] XXIII.] ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. .441 the poor man, being then present, took a great displeasure against the rich man ; insomuch that he would come no more to his house, he would borrow no money4 of him, as he was wont to do before-times ; yea, and conceived such hatred and Note the zeai .... . of a papist. mahce against him, that he went and accused him before the bishops. Now the rich man, not knowing any such displea sure, offered many times to talk with him, and to set«him at quiet; but it would not be: the poor man had such a stomach, that he would not vouchsafe to speak with him ; if he met the rich man in the street, he would go out of his way. One time it happened that he met him so in a narrow street, that he could not avoid but come near him ; yet for aU that, this poor man had such a stomach agamst the rich man, I say, that he was minded to go forward, and not to speak with him. The rich man perceiving that, catcheth him by the hand, and asked him, saying : " Neighbour, what is come into your heart, to take such displeasure with me ? What have I done against you ? Tell me, and I wUl be ready at aU times to make you amends." Finally, he spake so gently, so charitably, so lovingly, and friendly, that it wrought so in the poor man's heart, that by and by he fell down upon his knees and asked him forgiveness. The rich man forgave him, and so took him again to his favour ; and they loved as weU as ever they did afore. Many one would have said, " Set him in the stocks ; let bim have bread of affliction, and water of tribulation." But this man did not so. And here you see an ensample of the practice of God's words in such sort, that the poor man, bearing great hatred and mahce against the rich man, was brought, through the lenity and meekness of the rich man, from his error and wickedness to the knowledge of God's word. I would you would consider this ensample weU, and foUow it. " Lead us not into temptation." Certain it is that custom- —m^ able sinners have but smaU temptations : for the devil letteth »£»»"* them alone, because they be his already ; he hath them m bondage, they be bis slaves. But when there is any good man abroad, that intendeth to leave sin and wickedness, and abhorreth the same, the man shaU be tempted. The devU goeth about to use all means to destroy that man, and to let him of his forwardness. Therefore all those which have such [* no more money, 1584.] 442 THE SEVENTH SERMON [sERM. temptations, resort hither for aid and help, and withstand betimes: for I teU thee, if thou withstandest and lightest against him betimes, certainly thou shalt find him most weak; but if thou sufferest him to enter into thy heart, and hast a delight in his motions, tunc actum est, then thou art undone; then he hath gotten the victory over thee. And here it is to be noted, that the devil hath no further power than God will aUow him ; the devil can go no further than God permitteth him to do: which thing shall strengthen our faith, insomuch that we shall be sure to overcome him. The desire St Paul, that excellent instrument of God, saith, Qui dangerous, volunt ditescere, incident in multas tentationes ; " They that go about to get riches, they shaU fall in many temptations :" in which words St Paul doth teach us to beware. For when ' we go about to set our minds upon this world, upon riches, then the devil will have a fling at us. Therefore, let us not set our hearts upon the riches of this world, but rather let us labour for our hving ; and then let us use prayer : then we may be certain of our hving. Though we have not riches, yet a man may hve without great riches : Habentes lTim.vi. victum et vestitum, &c, " When we have meat, and drink, and clothing, let us be content," let us not gape for riches ; for I tell you it is a dangerous thing to have riches. And they that have riches must make a great account for them : yea, and the most part of the rich men use their riches so naughtily and so wickedly, that they shaU not be able to make an account for them. And so you may perceive how the devil useth the good creatures of God to our own de struction : for riches are good creatures of God, but you see daUy how men abuse them ; how they set their hearts upon them, forgetting God and then own salvation. Therefore, as I said before, let not this affection take place in your hearts, to be rich. Labour for thy hving, and pray to God, then he will send thee things necessary : though he send not great riches, yet thou must be content withal ; for it is better to have a sufficient hving than to have great riches. There- prov.xxx. fore Salomon, that wise king, desired of God that he would send him neither too much, nor too httle : not too much, lest he should fall into proudness, and so despise God ; not too little, lest he should fall to stealing, and so transgress the law of God. XXIII. J ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 443 Sed libera nos a malo : "But deliver us from evU." The devii is This evU, the writers take it for the devU ; for the devil is instrument the instrument of all ill ; like as God is the fountain of all goodness, so the devil is the original root of all wickedness. Therefore when we say, " dehver us from evU," we desire God that he wUl dehver us from the devil and aU his crafts, subtUties, and inventions, wherewith he intendeth to hurt us. And we of our ownselves know not what might let or stop us from everlasting life : therefore we desire him that he ' wiU dehver us from all ill ; that is to say, that he wUl send us nothing that might be a let or impediment unto us, or keep us from everlasting felicity. As for ensample : There be An example. many which when they be sick, they desire of God to have their health ; for they think if they might have their health they would do much good, they would hve godly and up rightly. Now God sendeth them their health ; but they by and by forget all their promises made unto God before, and faU unto all wickedness, and horrible sins : so that it had been a thousand times better for them to have been sick still, than to have their health. For when they were in sickness and affliction, they called upon God, they feared him; but now they care not for him, they despise and mock him. Now therefore, lest any such thing should happen unto us, we desire him " to dehver us from evil ;" that is to say, to send us such things which may be a furtherance unto us to eternal fehcity, and take away those things which might lead us from the same. There be some, which think it is a gay thing to avoid poverty, to be in wealth, and to live To i™ piea- pleasantly : yet sometimes we see that such an easy life dangerous. giveth us occasion to commit" all wickedness, and so is an instrument of our damnation. Now therefore, when we say this prayer, we require God, that he will be our loving Father, and give us such things which may be a furtherance to our salvation; and take away those things wliich may let us from the same. Now you have heard the Lord's Prayer, which is, as I told you, the abridgment of all other prayers, and it is the The Lord-s store-house of God. For here we shall find all things neces- Sfstore- sary both for our souls and bodies. Therefore I desire you most 444 THE SEVENTH SERMON [SERM. Note this reason, and be not of fended at them that use to end the Lord's prayer so. Kings ;ir_ but Ii, id's deputies. heartily to resort hither to this store-house of God : seek here what you lack ; and no doubt you shall find things necessary for your wealth. In the gospel of Matthew there be added these words : Quia tuum est regnum, et potentia, et gloria, in secula seculorum ; " For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, world without end. Amen." These words are added not without cause ; for hke as we say in the be ginning, " Our Father," signifying that he wUl fulfil our request, so at the end we conclude, saying, "Thine is the power, &c." signifying, that he is able to help us in our distress, and to grant our requests. And though these be great things, yet we need not to despair ; but consider that he is Lord over heaven and earth, that he is able to do for us, and that he will do so, being our Father and being Lord1 and king over all things. Therefore let us often resort hither, and caU upon him with this prayer, in our Christ's name : for he loveth Christ, and aU those which are in Christ; for so he saith, Hie est Filius meus dilectus, in quo mihi bene complacitum est; "This is my weU-beloved ¦ Son, in whom I have pleasure." Seeing then that God hath pleasure in him, he hath pleasure in the prayer that he hath made : and so when we say this prayer in his name, with a faithful penitent heart, it is not possible but he wiU hear us, and grant our requests. And truly it is the great est comfort in the world to talk with God, and to caU upon him, in this prayer that Christ himself hath taught us; for it taketh away the bitterness of all afflictions. Through prayer we receive the Holy Ghost, which strengtheneth and comforteth us at all times, in aU trouble and perU. Quia tuum est regnum, et potentia, et gloria; "For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory." The king dom of God is general throughout aU the world; heaven and earth are under his dominion. As for the other kings, they are longs indeed, but to God-ward they be but deputies, but officers. He only is the right king ; unto him only must and shall all creatures in heaven and earth obey, and kneel before his majesty. Therefore have this ever in your hearts, what trouble and calamities soever shall fall upon you for [} heing our Lord, 1584.] XXIII.] ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 445 God's word's sake. If you be put in prison, or lose your goods, ever say in your hearts, Tuum est regnum; "Lord God, thou only art ruler and governor ; thou only canst and wUt help and dehver us from aU trouble, when it pleaseth thee ; for thou art the king to whom all things obey." For, as I said before, all the other kings reign by him, and through him, as scripture witnesseth ; Per me reges regnant, Prov. viii. " Through me kings rule." To say this prayer with good faith and penitent heart is a sacrificium laudis, "a sacri fice of thanksgiving." We were wont to have Sacrificium The sacrifice missoz, " The sacrifice of the mass ;" which was the most horrible blasphemy that could be devised, for it was against the dignity of Christ and his passion ; but this sacrifice of thanksgiving every one may make, that calleth with a faithful heart upon God in the name of Christ. Therefore let us at all times, without intermission, offer unto God the sacrifice of thanksgiving ; that is to say, let us at all times caU upon him, and glorify his name in all our livings. When we go to bed-ward, let us caU upon him ; when we rise, let us do hkewise. Item, when we go to our meat and drink, let us not go unto it hke swine and beasts; but let us remember God, and be thankful unto him for all his gifts. But above all things we must see that we have a penitent heart, else it is to no purpose : for it is written, Non . est spedosa laus in ore peccatoris; " God wiU not be praised Eccius. xv. of a wicked man." Therefore let us repent from the bottom of our hearts ; let us forsake all wickedness, so that we may say this prayer to the honour of God, and our own com modities. And, as I told you before, we may say this prayer we may say whole or by parts, according as we shall see occasion. For by 'two parts. when we see God's name blasphemed, we may say, "Our Father, haUowed be thy name :" when we see the devil rule, we may say, " Our Father, thy kingdom come :" when we see the world inclined to wickedness, we may say, "Our Father, thy wiU be done." Item, when we lack necessary things, either for our bodies or souls, we may say, " Our Father, which art in heaven, give us this day our daily bread." Item, when I feel my sins, and they trouble and grieve me, then I may say, " Our Father, wliich art in heaven, forgive us our trespasses." FinaUy, when we will 446 THE SEVENTH SERMON, &C [sERM. be preserved from aU temptations, that they shaU not have the victory over us, nor that the devil shall not devour us, we may say, " Our Father, which art in heaven, lead us not into temptation, but dehver us from evU; for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever, world without end." Amen. Here endeth the Sermons upon the Lord's Prayer, made by the right reverend Father in God, Master Doctor Latimer, before the right virtuous and honourable lady Katharine Duchess of Suffolk, at Grymsthorpe, the year of our Lord 1552. Excerptce per me, Augustinum Bernerum\ Helvetium2. P Augustine Bernhere had been Latimer's servant, and was after wards "a faithful minister in Christ's church." Several letters to and from him will be found in Bishop Ridley's correspondence, pp. 372, &c] p "Here endeth the vij. Sermons upon the Lordes Prayer," the editions after 1562.] xxiv.] A SERMON3 PREACHED BY M. HUGH LATIMER, AT GRIMS- THORPE, OCTOBER 28, 1552. [JOHN XV. 12.] Hcec mando vobis ut diligatis invicem. Seeing the time is so far spent, we wUl take no more in hand at this time but this one sentence : Hozc mando vobis ut diligatis vos invicem : for it shaU be enough for us to consider this weU, and to bear it away with us. "This Iiohnxv. command unto you, that ye love one another." Our Saviour himself spake these words at his last supper, before he was taken. It was his last sermon that he made unto his disci ples, before his departure : it is a very long sermon. For our Saviour doth like as one that knoweth he shall die shortly ; therefore is desirous to spend that httle time that he hath with his friends in exhorting and instructing them how they shall lead their lives. Now among other things that he commanded us this was one : Haze mando vobis ut diligatis vos invicem ; " This I command unto you, that Christ's com- ye love one another." My translation hath, Hozc mando SsdisSp'ies.0 vobis, the plural number : the Enghsh goeth as though it singularly were but one ; " This is my commandment." I examined the Greek, where it is in the plural number, and very weU : for there be many things that pertain to a christian man, and yet aU those things are contained in this one thing, that is, love ; he lappeth up aU things in love. Love. Our whole duty is contained in these words, " Love together." Therefore St Paul saith, " He that loveth another fulfiUeth the law :" so it appeareth that all things are contained in P This, and eleven other sermons which will form part of a future volume, were comprised in a collection with the following title : " Sermons preached by the Right Reuerend Father in God, and con stant Martyr of Jesus Christ, M. Hugh Latimer, the xxviii. of Octob. An. 1552. Faithfully gathered to the profite of the Christian Reader by Augustine Bernher hys seruaunt, not heretofore published in print... At London, Printed by Iohn Daye, dwelling ouer Aldersgate. 1571." The date given above will account for the insertion of the Sermon in this place.] 448 SERMON ON THE GOSPEL [sERM. Christiansknown by love. He that hath love and charity is Christ s ser- The devil hath more servantsthan Christ. Few decked with love and charity. Godly love, not carnal. If we lack love we are nothing. this word " love." This love is a precious thing : our Sar- viour saith, In hoc cognoscent omnes quia discipuli mei estis, si dilectionem habueritis ad invicem; "By this shaU all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye shaU have love one to another." So that he maketh love his cognizance, his badge, his livery. Like as every lord, most commonly, giveth a certain hvery to his servants, whereby they may be known that they pertain unto him ; and so we say, " Yondei* is this lord's servant," because he weareth his hvery : so our Saviour, which is the Lord above all lords, would his servants to be known by their liveries and badge, which badge is love. Whosoever now is endued with love and charity is his servant: him we may caU Christ's servant, for love is the token whereby you shall know such a servant that pertaineth to Christ ; so that charity may be caUed the very hvery of Christ : he that hath charity is Christ's servant ; he that hath not charity is the servant of the devU. For hke as Christ's hvery is love and charity, so the devU's hvery is hatred, malice, and discord. But I think the devU hath a great many more servants than Christ hath ; for there be a great many more in his hvery than in Christ's livery : there be but very few which be endued with Christ's hvery, with love and charity, gentleness and meekness of spirit; but there be a great number of those that bear hatred and mahce in their hearts, that be proud, stout, and lofty; therefore the number of the devil's servants are greater than the number of Christ's servants. Now St Paul sheweth how needful a thing this love is : I speak not of carnal love, which is a very beastly love, wherewith the whoremonger loveth his whore ; but this charitable love is so necessary, that when a man hath her, without all other things it wUl suffice him. Again, if a man have all other things and lacketh that love, it will not help him, it is all in vain1 and lost, St Paul used it so: " Though I spake with tongues of men and angels, and yet had no love!T I were even as sounding brass or as a tinkling cymbal : and though I could prophesy, and understand aU secrets and aU knowledge ; yea, if I had aU faith so that I could move mountains out of their places, and yet had no love, I were nothing : and though I bestowed all my goods to feed the poor, and though I gave my body even that I [' all vain, 1584, 1596.] XX,V-] FOR ST SIMON AND ST JUDe's DAY. 449 burned, and yet had no love, it profiteth me nothing." These are godly gifts; yet St Paul caUeth them nothing, when a man hath them without charity : which is a great commendation and a great necessity of love, inasmuch that aU other virtues virtues ?re be in vain when this love is absent. And there have been J™* " some which thought that St Paul spake against the dignity of" faith : but you must understand that St Paul speaketh here not of the justifying faith, wherewith we receive everlasting justifying hfe ; but he understandeth by this word faith the gift to do faith' miracles, to remove bills : of such a faith he speaketh. This I say to the confirmation of this proposition, "Faith only justi fieth :" this proposition is most true and certain. And St Paul speaketh not here of this lively justifying faith : for this right faith is not without love : for love cometh and floweth Faith not out of faith. Love is a chUd of faith ; for no man can love fflm except he beheve : so that they have two several offices, they themselves being inseparable. St Paul hath a saying in the thirteenth chapter of the first to the Corinthians, which after the outward letter seemed much to the dispraise of this faith, and to the praise of love : these be his words : Nunc autem manent fides, spes, caritas, tria 1 cor. xm. hozc : major autem horum est caritas ; " Now abideth faith, hope, and love, even these three; but the chief2 of these is love." There be some learned men wliich expound this majority, of which St Paul speaketh here, for diuturnity. For when we come to God, then we believe no more, but rather see with our eyes face to face how he is; yet for all that love remaineth stUl, so that love may be caUed the chiefest, because she endureth for ever. And though she be the chiefest, yet Faith hath ° t ; ' " one office, we must not attribute unto her the office which pertaineth ™*^J.e hath unto faith only. Like as I cannot say, the mayor of Stamford must make me a pair of shoes, because he is a greater man than the shoemaker is ; for the mayor, though he be the greater man, yet it is not his office to make shoes: so, though love be greater, yet it is not her office to save. Thus much I thought good to say against those wliich fight against the truth. Now, when we wUl know which be in this3 livery or not, we must learn it of St Paul, which most evidently de scribeth charity, which is the very livery, saying: Caritas p chiefest, 1607.] P his, 1584.] 29 [latimer.] 450 sermon on the gospel [serm. patiens est; " Love is patient, she suffereth long." Now whosoever fumeth and is angry, he is out of this hvery : therefore let us remember that we do not cast away the hvery of Christ our master. When we be in sickness or any man ner of adversities, our duty is to be patient and suffer it wUl- ingly, and to call upon him for aid, help, and comfort ; for without him we are not able to abide any tribulation. There fore we must caU upon God ; he hath promised to help : therefore let me not think him to be false or untrue in his promises, for we cannot dishonour God more than in not be lieving or trusting in him. Therefore let us beware above unfaithful- all things of this dishonouring God : and so we must be ness is a dis- ° ° <_od°u™g of patient, trusting and most certainly believing, that he wiU dehver us when it seemeth him good, which knoweth the time better than we ourselves. Caritas benigna est, " Charity is gentle, friendly, and loving ;" Caritas non invidet, " she envieth not." They that envy their neighbour's profit when it goeth weU with him, such feUows are out of their hveries, and so out of the service of God; for to be envious is to be the servant of the devU. Caritas non est procax, " Love doth not frowardly, she is not a provoker :" as there be some men which wUl provoke their neighbour so far, that it is very hard for them to be in charity with them. But we must wrestle with our affection ; we must strive and see that we keep this hvery of Christ our master ; for " the devU goeth about as a roaring lion, seeking to take us at a vantage;" to bring us out of our hveries, and to take from us the knot of love and charity. Caritas non inflatur, " Love swelleth not, is not puffed up :'m' but there be many sweUers now-a-days, they be so high, so lofty, insomuch that they despise and contemn aU other. AU such persons are under the governance of the devil. God ruleth not them with his good Spirit; the evU spirit hath occupied their hearts and possessed them. Caritas non agit perperam, "She doeth not dishonestly." Non quazrit quoz sua sunt, " she seeketh not her own ;" she fuie'andonfy doth au things to the commodity of her neighbours. A char cJStian" "table man will not promote himself with the damage of his man's ia. neighbour. They that seek only their own commodities, for- XXIV. J FOR ST SIMON AND ST JUDe's DAY. 451 getting their neighbours, they be not of God; they have not his hvery. Further, "charity is not provoked to anger;" non cogitat malum, " she thinketh not evil." We ought not to think evU of our neighbour as long as we see not open wickedness by him1: for it is written, " you shaU not judge;" we shah not take upon us to condemn our neighbour. And surely these condemners of other men's works be not in the hvery of Christ : Christ hateth them. Non gaudet super iniquitate, " She rejoiceth not in ini quity;" she loveth equity and godliness. And again, she is sorry to hear of falsehood, of stealing, or such like, which wickedness is now at this time most commonly used : yea, there was never such falsehood among christian men as there is now at this time. Truly I think, and they that have experience report it so, that among the very infidels and Turks there is more fidelity and uprightness than among christian men! For no man setteth any thing by his pro mise ; yea, and writings wiU not serve with some, they be so shameless that they dare deny their own hand-writing : but, I pray you, are those false feUows in the livery of Christ ? Have they his cognizance ? No, no ; they have the badge of the devU, with whom they shaU be damned world without end, except they amend and leave their wickedness. Omnia suffert, omnia credit ; " She suffereth aU things, she beheveth aU things." It is a great matter that should make us to be grieved with our neighbour. We should be so patient when our neighbour doth naught ; we should ad monish him of his foUy, earnestly desiring him to leave his wickedness, shewing the danger that foUoweth, namely, everlasting damnation. In such wise we shaU study to amend L°™^*jJh our neighbour, and not to hate him or do him a foul turn »« destmo.' again; but rather charitably study to amend him. Whoso ever now doth so, he hath the hvery and recognizance of Christ; he shaU be known at the last day for his servant. Omnia credit, " Love beheveth all things." It appeareth daily that they that be charitable and friendly are most de ceived, because they think well of every man ; they believe every man ; they trust their words, and therefore are most deceived in this world among the children of the devU. P them, 1571, 1572.] 29—2 452 SERMON ON THE GOSPEL [sERM. These and such like things are the tokens of the right and godly love : therefore they that have this love are soon known, for this love cannot be hidden in corners ; she hath her operation. Therefore all that have her are weU. enough, though they have no other gifts beside her. Again, they that lack her, though they have many other gifts besides, yet is it to no other purpose, it doth them no good. For when we shall come at the great day before bim, having not this hvery, that is, love, with us, then we are lost; he wiU not take us for his servants, because we have not his cognizance. But and if we have this hvery, if we wear his cognizance here in this world ; that is, if we love our neighbour, help him in his distress, be charitable, loving, and friendly unto him, then we shah be known at the last day : but if we be uncharitable towards our neighbour, hate him, seek our own commodity with his damage, then we shaU be rejected of Christ, and so damned world without end. Our Saviour saith here in this gospel, Hozc mando vo bis ut diligatis vos invicem ; " I command you, hozc, those things :" he speaketh in the plural number, and lappeth it up in one thing, which is, that we shaU love one another; much like St Paul's saying in the thirteenth to the Bo- mans, Nemini quicquam debeatis, quam ut diligatis vos in vicem ; " Owe nothing to any man, but to love one another." Here St Paul lappeth up aU things together, signifying unto us that love is the consummation of the law : for this com mandment, " Thou shalt not commit adultery," is contained in this law of love ; for he that loveth God wiU not break wedlock, because wedlock-breaking is a dishonouring of God and serving of the devU. Non occides, "Thou shalt not ItiU :" he that loveth wiU not kiU, he wUl do no harm. Non furtum fades, " Thou shalt not steal :" he that loveth his neighbour as himself wUl not take away his goods. I had of late occasion to speak of picking and stealing, where I shewed unto you the danger wherein they be that steal their neighbour's goods from them ; but I hear nothing yet of resti tution. Sirs, I teU you, except restitution be made, look for no salvation. And it is a miserable and heinous thing to consider, that we be so bhnded with this world, that rather than we would make restitution, we wiU sell unto the devil XXIV.] for ST SIMON AND ST JUDE's DAY. 453 our souls, which are bought with the blood of our Saviour Christ. What thing can be done more to the dishonouring of Christ, than to cast our souls away to the devU for the value of a httle money; the soul which he hath bought with his painful passion and death? But I tell you those that wiU au evii-doe™ i ..... J are excluded do so, and that wdl not make restitution when they have^ist's done wrong or taken away their neighbour's goods, they be not in the hvery of Christ, they be not his servants: let them go as tricksy as they wiU in this world, yet for all that they be foul and filthy enough before God ; they stink before his face, and therefore they shall be cast from bis pre sence into everlasting fire. This shaU be all their good cheer that they shall have, for because they have not the livery of Christ, nor his cognizance, which is love. They remember not that Christ commanded us, saying, Hozc prozcipio vobis, ut diligatis invicem; "This I command you, that ye love John xv. one another." This is Christ's commandment. Moses, the great prophet of God, gave many laws, but he gave not the spirit to fulfil the same laws: but Christ gave1 this law, and promised unto us, that when we caU upon him he wUl give us his Holy Ghost, which shall make us able to fulfil his law ; though not so perfectly as the law requireth, but yet to the contentation of God, and to the protestation2 of our faith. For as long as we be in this world, we can do nothing as we ought to do, because our flesh leadeth us, which is ever bent against the law of God; yet for all that, our works which we do are weU taken for Christ's sake, and God wUl reward them in heaven. Therefore our Saviour saith, Jugum meum suave est, et onus meum hve; "My yoke is easy, and my burden is hght," for because he Matt. xi. helpeth to bear them ; else indeed we should not be able to bear them. And in another place of the scripture he saith, Prazcepta ejus gravia non sunt ; "His commandments 1 John v. be not heavy." They be heavy to our flesh, if it should not be qualified with the Spirit of God ; but to the faithful which beheve in Christ, to them, I say, they be not heavy: for though they do not it to the uttermost, yet their doings be weU taken3 for Christ's sake. [i giveth, 1571, 1572;] P protection, 1584.] p for though their doings be not perfect yet they are well taken, 1607.] 454 SERMON ON THE GOSPEL, &C. [sERM You shaU not be offended because the scripture commend- Love is the eth love so highly ; for he that commendeth the daughter, daughter and o J ' o ' mother."16 commendeth the mother ; for love is the daughter, and faith is the mother. Love floweth out of faith; where faith is, there is love ; but yet we must consider their offices : faith is the hand wherewith we take1 everlasting life. Now let us go aUz into ourselves, and examine our own hearts, whether we be in the hvery of God, or no : and when we find ourselves to be out of this hvery, let us repent and amend our hves ; so that we may come again to the favour of God, and spend our time in this world to his honour and glory, forgiving our neighbours aU such things as they have done against us. ™nd«hkive ^XL(^ now *° ma^e an end. Mark here, who gave this -?non»?li precept of love, — Christ our Saviour himself: when and at men- what time — at his departing, when he should suffer death: therefore these words ought the more to be esteemed and regarded, seeing he himself spake them at his last departing from us. God the Almighty give3 us grace so to walk here in this world charitably and friendly one with another, that we may attain the felicity4 which God hath prepared for aU those that love him ! Amen. P take hold on, 1607.] P enter, 1607.] P God of his mercy give, 1607.] [* joy, 1607.] XXV.] A SERMON5 ON THE PARABLE OF A KING THAT MARRIED HIS SON, MADE BY MASTER LATIMER. MATTHEW XXII. [2, 3.] Simile factum est regnum caelorwm homini regi qui fecit nwptiasfilio suo. ^u^httuftwentieth The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which married l^jjjjg! after his son, and sent forth his servants to call them that, &c. This is a gospel that containeth very much matter ; and there is another like unto this in the fourteenth of Luke : but Luke xiv- they be both one in effect, for they teach both one thing ; ^-^^Jf- and therefore I wUl take them both in hand together, because one thing- they tend to one purpose. Matthew saith, " The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which married his son;" Luke saith, " A certain man ordained a great supper :" but there is no difference in the very substance of the matter, for they pertain to one purpose. Here is made mention of a feast-maker : therefore we must consider who was this se^enthings feast-maker: secondarily, who was his son: thirdly, we must^dmthis consider to whom he was married : fourthly, who were they that caUed the guests: fifthly, who were the guests. And then we must know how the guest-caUers behaved them selves : and then, how the guests behaved themselves towards them that called them. When all these circumstances be considered, we shaU find much good matters covered and hid in this gospel. Now that I may so handle these matters, that it may turn to the edification of your souls, and to the discharge of my office, I wiU most instantly desire you to lift up your hearts unto God, and desire his divine Majesty, in the name of his only-begotten Son our Saviour Jesus Christ, that he [5 This and eight other sermons, of which a part only could he conveniently included in the present volume, were comprised in a collection with the following title: "Certayn other Sermons preached by the right reverende father in God, Master Hugh Latymer, in Lin- colneshyre, the yere of our Lord 1553, [1552.] Collected and gathered by Augustine Bernherre an Helvetian: and albeit not so fully and perfectly gathered as they were uttered ; yet nevertheles truly, to the sinsuler comoditie and proftte of the simple ignorant, who wrth fervent zele and diligent redying, desyre to be better taught and instructed."] 456 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. Thim aske< God's hand, TJt>be WU^ §^Te un*° us ^1S ^°ty Ghost: — unto me, that I may speak the word of God, and teach you to understand the same ; unto you, that you may hear it fruitfuUy, to the edification of your souls ; so that you may be edified through it, and your hves reformed and amended; and1 that his honour and glory may increase daily amongst us. Where fore2 I shaU desire you to say with me, " Our Father," &c. Dearly beloved in the Lord, the gospel that is read this day is a parable, a similitude or comparison. For our Sa viour compared the kingdom of God unto a man that made a marriage for his son. And here was a marriage. At a marriage, you know, there is commonly great feastings. Now you must know who was this feast-maker, and who was his son, and to whom he was married ; and who were those that should be caUed, and who were the caUers; how they be haved themselves, and how the guests behaved themselves towards them that caUed them. thism"?- -^ow ^-s mai"riage-maker, or feast-maker, is Almighty riage-maker. qoc\_ Luke the Evangelist caUeth bim a man, saying, "A certain man ordained a great supper." He caUeth him a man, not that he was incarnate, or hath taken our flesh upon him : no, not so; for you must understand that there be three Persons in the Deity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. And these three Persons decked the Son with manhood : so that neither the Father, neither the be^man1! Holy Ghost took flesh uPon them, but only the Son; he took our flesh upon him, taking it of the virgin Mary. But ?maif,buted Luke called God the Father a man, not because he took flesh is not so. Up0n jjjj^ |_ut onjy compare(j jjim ^0 a man. not ^at he will affirm him to be man. Who was he now that was brldlgroom! married ? Who was the bridegroom ? Marry, that was our Saviour Jesus Christ, the second person in the Deity ; the eternal Son of God. Who should be Iris spouse ? To whom ™hechburid?. was he married ? To3 his church and congregation : for he would have all the world to come unto him, and to be mar ried unto him: but we see by daily experience, that the most part refuse this offer. But here is shewed the state of The marriage the church of God : for this marriage, this feast, was begun hath lasted .,.. „. .. ° O worfd'began. tho Deg'mnmg of the world, and shah endure to the end of the same : yet for all that, the most part refused it : for P so, 1562.] p And therefore, 1562.] p Marry, to, 1562.] XXV.J PARABLE OF A KING THAT MARRIED HIS SON. 457 at the very beginning of the world, ever the most part re fused to come. ¦ And so it appeareth at this4 time, how httle a number cometh to this wedding and feast : though we have callers, yet there be but few of those that come. So ye hear that God is the feast-maker ; the bridegroom is Christ, his Son, our Saviour ; the bride is the congregation. Now what manner of meat was prepared at this great feast ? For ye know it is commonly seen, that at a mar riage the finest meat is prepared that can be gotten. What was the chiefest dish at this great banquet ? What was the feast-dish ? Marry, it was the bridegroom himself : for the The bride- Father, the feast-maker, prepared none other manner of meat Sf°™ the _?_.. , -t ..I ... Dest dish °^ lor the guests, but the body and blood of his own natural «« feast. Son. And this is the chiefest dish at this banquet; which truly is a marvellous thing, that the Father offereth his Son to be eaten. Verily, I think that no man hath heard the like. And truly there was never such kind of feasting as this is, where the Father wUl have his Son to be eaten, and his blood to be drunk. We read in a story9, that a certain man had eaten his son ; but it was done unawares : he knew not that it was his son, else no doubt he would not have eaten him. The story is this : There was a king named Astyages, which had heard The history by a prophecy, that one Cyrus should have the rule and*ndHarpa- dominion over his reahn after his departure ; which thing troubled the said king very sore, and therefore [he] sought aU the ways and means how to get the said Cyrus out of the way ; how to kill him, so that he should not be king after him. Now he had a nobleman in his house, named Harpagus, whom he appointed to destroy the said Cyrus : but howsoever the matter went, Cyrus was preserved and kept ahve, contrary to the king's mind. Wliich thing when Astyages heard, what doth he? This he did6: Harpagus, An example that nobleman which was put in trust to kill Cyrus, had a° son in the court, whom the king commanded to be taken; his head, hands, and feet to be cut off ; and his body to be prepared, roasted, or sodden, of the best manner as could be devised. After that, he biddeth Harpagus to come and eat with him, where there was jolly cheer ; one dish coming after P this our, 1562.] [s Herodotus I. 108—119 : Justin. I. 4—6.] [« Marry, this, 1562.] 458 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. another. At length the king asked him, "Sir, how hketh you your fare?" Harpagus thanketh the king, with much praising the king's banquet. Now the king perceiving him to be merrily disposed, commanded one of his servants to bring in the head, hands, and feet of Harpagus's son. When it was done, the lung shewed bim what manner of meat he had eaten, asking him, how it hketh him. Harpagus made answer, though with an heavy heart, Quod regi placet, id mihi quoque placet; "Whatsoever pleaseth the king, that cruelty re- also pleaseth me." And here we have an ensample of a compensed L . with flattery, flatterer, or dissembler : for this Harpagus spake against his own heart and conscience. Surely, I fear me, there be a great many of flatterers in our time also, which wUl not be ashamed to speak agamst their own heart and consciences, like as this Harpagus did; which had, no doubt, a heavy heart, and in his conscience the act of the king misliked him, yet for aU that with his tongue he praised the same. So I say, we read not in any story, that at any time any father had eaten his son willingly and wittingly; and this Harpagus, of whom I rehearsed the story, did it unawares. GodtVv ^u* Almighty God, which prepared this feast for aU towards man. the world, for aU those that wUl come unto it, he offereth his only Son to be eaten, and his blood to be drunken. Behke he loved his guests weU, because he did1 feed them with so costly a dish. Again, our Saviour, the bridegroom, offereth himself at his last supper which he had with his disciples, his body to be eaten, and bis blood to be drunk. And to the intent that it Christ's body should be done to our great comfort; and then again to take and blood is o > o draenk™d away aU cruelty, irksomeness, and horribleness, he sheweth spiritually. unt0 us how we s]ja]2 eat \^m> jn what manner and form; namely, spirituaUy, to our great comfort : so that whosoever eateth the mystical bread, and drinketh the mystical wine worthUy, according to the ordinance of Christ, he receiveth surely the very body and blood of Christ spirituaUy, as it shaU be most comfortable unto his soul. He eateth with the mouth of his soul, and digesteth with the stomach of his soul, the body of Christ. And to be short : whosoever beheveth in Christ, putteth his hope, trust, and confidence in him, he eateth and drinketh him : for the spiritual eating is the right P he feedeth, 1662.] XXV.] PARABLE OP A KING THAT MARRIED HIS S0IJ. 459 eating to everlasting life ; not the corporal eating, as the Ca- The spiritual pernaites understood it. For that same corporal eating, on cSifthe which they set their minds, hath no commodities at all : it is nghtcatmg- a spiritual meat that feedeth our souls. But I pray you, how much is this supper of Christ re garded amongst us, where he himself exhibiteth unto us his body and blood? How much, I say, is it regarded? How The Lord's many receive it with the curate or minister ? 0 Lord, how redded not blind and dull are we to such things, which pertain to our sal vation ! But I pray you, wherefore was it ordained princi- paUy? Answer: it was ordained for our help, to help our why the memory withal; to put us in mind of the great goodness of wSorfaffi God, in redeeming us from everlasting death by the blood of our Saviour Christ ; yea, and to signify unto us, that his body and blood is our meat and drink for our souls, to feed them to everlasting life. If we were now so perfect as we ought to be, we should not have need of it : but to help our imperfectness it was ordained of Christ ; for we be so forgetful, when we be not pricked forward, we have soon forgotten all his benefits. Therefore to the intent that we might better keep it in me- we be both mory, and to remedy this our slothfulness, our Saviour hath forgetful™ ordained this his supper for us, whereby we should remem ber bis great goodness, his bitter passion and death, and so strengthen our faith: so that he instituted this supper for our sake, to make us to keep in fresh memory his inestimable benefits. But, as I said before, it is in a manner nothing re garded amongst us : we care not for it ; we wUl not come unto it. How many be there, think ye, which regard this supper of the Lord as much as a testoon ? But very few, no doubt of it: and I wUl prove that they regard it not so much. If there were a proclamation made in this town, that whoso ever would come unto the church at such an hour, and there For a testoon go to the communion with the curate, should have a testoon ; shouid'have • -iTi'iiili communi- when such a proclamation were made, I think, truly, all the cants enough. town would come and celebrate the communion to get a tes toon : but they wUl not come to receive the body and blood of Christ, the food and nourishment of their souls, to the augmentation and strength of their faith I Do they not more The cause O whv we hav6 regard now a testoon than Christ ? But the cause which J)^™^ letteth us from2 celebrating of the Lord's Supper, is this : communion. [2 from the, 1562.] custom. 460 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. we have no mind nor purpose to leave sin and wickedness, which maketh us not to come to this supper, because we be not ready nor meet to receive it. But I require you in God's behalf, leave your wickedness, that ye may receive it worthUy, according to his institution. For this supper is ordained, as I told you before, for our sake, to our profits and commodi ties : for if we were perfect, we should not need this outward sacrament ; but our Saviour, knowing our weakness and for- getfulness, ordained this supper to the augmentation of our Men come faith, and to put us in remembrance of his benefits. But to the com- x munion of we wdl not come : there come no more at once, but such as _r-_ic#v\inr_ * give the holy loaves from house to house1; which foUow rather the custom than any thing else. Our Saviour Christ johnvi. saith in the gospel of St John, Ego sum panis vivus, qui de cozlo descendi ; " I am the living bread which came down from whoso heaven." Therefore whosoever feedeth of our Saviour Christ, eateth ' SSfnot"6* he sh^U not perish ; death shall not prevaU against him : his perish' soul shah depart out of his body, yet death shaU not get the victory over him ; he shaU not be damned. He that cometh to that marriage, to that banquet, death shaU be unto bim but an entrance or a door to everlasting hfe. Panis quem ego dabo caro mea est ; " The bread that I wUl give is my flesh, which I wUl give for the hfe of the world." As many as wiU feed upon him, shah attain to everlasting life : they shall never die; they shaU prevaU against death ; death shall Death hath not hurt them, because he hath lost his strength. If we lost his sting. t O would consider this, no doubt we would be more desirous to come to the communion than we be; we would not be so cold; we would be content to leave our naughty hving, and come to the Lord's table. Now ye have heard what shall be the chiefest dish at this ofhdisl!eseuiS marriage, namely, the body and blood of Christ. But now saupper_hls there be other dishes, which be sequels or hangings-on, where with the chief dish is powdered : that is, remission of sins ; also the Holy Ghost, which ruleth and governeth our hearts ; p It was formerly the custom for each householder in a parish to, provide, in his turn, the "holy loaf" which was used at the celebration of the Lord's Supper : and some one person, at least, of that house to which, by course, " it appertained to offer for the charges of the Com munion," was expected to communicate. See Liturgies of Edw. VI.' pp. 97, 98. Park. Soc. Edition.] com modities that XXV.J PARABLE OF A KING THAT MARRIED HIS SON. 461 also the merits of Christ, which are made ours. For when we feed upon this dish worthily, then we shaU have remission of our sins ; we shall receive the Holy Ghost. Moreover, all the merits of Christ are ours; his fulfilling of the law is ours; and so we be justified before God, and finaUy attain to ever lasting hfe. As many, therefore, as feed worthUy of this dish, shaU have aU these things with it, and in the end ever lasting life. St Paul saith, Qui proprio Filio suo non pe- Rom. percit, sed pro nobis omnibus tradidit Mum, quomodo non etiam cum Mo omnia nobis donabit? " He wliich spared not his own Son, but gave him for us all, how shaU he not with him give us aU things also?" Therefore they that be in The Christ are partakers of aU his merits and benefits ; of ever- comedo? lasting life, and of aU fehcity. He that hath Christ hath all ^gSt?" things that are Christ's. He is our preservation from dam nation; he is our comfort; he is our help, our remedy. When we feed upon him, then we shaU have remission of our sins : the same remission of sins is the greatest and most comfortable thing that can be in the world. 0 what a com- Matt. ix. fortable thing is this, when Christ saith, Remittuntur tibi peccata, " Thy sins are forgiven unto thee !" And this is a standing sentence ; it was not spoken only to the same one man", but it is a general proclamation unto all us : aU and a general every one that beheveth in him shaU have forgiveness of Son.ama" their sins. And this proclamation is cried out daUy by bis ministers and preachers ; which proclamation is the word of grace, the word of comfort and consolation. For likfe as sin is Nothing is so the most fearful3 and the most horriblest thing in heaven and in in earth, so the most comfortablest thing is the remedy against sin ; wliich remedy is declared and offered unto us in this word of grace : and the power to distribute this remedy against sins he hath given unto his ministers, which be God's treasurers, distributers of the word of God. For now he speaketh by me, he caUeth you to this wedding by me, being but a poor man; yet he hath sent me to caU you. And though he be the author of the word, yet he wiU have men to be called through bis ministers to that word. Therefore let us give credit unto the minister, when he speaketh God's word : yea, rather let us credit God when he speaketh by bis ministers, and offereth us remission of our sins by his word. For there is no sin so [" that same man, 1562.] [3 fearfullest, 1562.] 462 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. great in this world, but it is pardonable as long as we be in this World, and caU for mercy: for here is the time of mercy; here we may come to forgiveness of our sins. But if we once die in our sins1 and wickedness, so that we be damned, let us not look for remission afterwards : for the state after this life is unchangeable. But as long as we be here2, we may cry for mercy. Therefore let us not despair : let us amend our hves, and cry unto God for forgiveness of our sins ; and then no doubt we shaU obtain remission, if we caU with a faithful heart upon him, for so he hath promised unto us in his most holy word. There is sin The holy scripture maketh mention of a sin against the against the .-,.__, .... if. ¦ i • _i • Hoiy Ghost. Holy Ghost, which sm cannot be forgiven, neither m this world, nor in the world to come. And this maketh many men unquiet in their hearts and consciences : for some there be which ever be afraid, lest they have committed that same sin against the Holy Ghost, which is irremissible. Therefore some say, " I cannot tell whether I have sinned against the Holy Ghost or not : if I have committed that sin, I know I shaU be damned." But I teU you what ye shaU do : despair not of the mercy of God, for it is immeasurable. I cannot deny but that there is a sin against the Holy Ghost, which is irremissible : but we cannot judge of it aforehand, we cannot teU which man hath committed that sin or not, as long as he is ahve; but when he is once gone, then I can judge whether he sinned against the Holy Ghost or not. As now I can judge that Nero, Saul, and Judas, and such like, that died in sins and wickedness, did commit this sin against the Holy Ghost : for they were wicked, and continued in their wicked ness still to the very end; they made an end in their wicked ness. But we cannot judge whether one of us sin this sin against the Holy Ghost, or not ; for though a man be wicked at this time, yet he may repent, and leave his wickedness to morrow, and so not commit that sin against the Holy Ghost. Our Saviour Christ pronounced against the scribes and Pha risees, that they had committed that sin against the Holy ttehearbof ^os* ' because he knew their hearts, he knew they would seeesPhari" still abide in their wickedness to the very end of their hves. P in sin, 1562.] p But as long as we be here, we may cry unto God for forgiveness of our sins; and then no doubt we shall obtain remission, &c, 1584, 1607.] XXV. J PARABLE OF A KING THAT MARRIED HIS SON. 463 But we cannot pronounce this sentence against any man, for we know not the hearts of men : he that sinneth now, perad venture shaU be turned to-morrow, and leave his sins, and so be saved. Further, the promises of our Saviour Christ are Christ's . , x promises are general; tney pertain to aU mankind: he made a general eeneral- proclamation, saying, Qui credit in me, habet vitam azter- nam; "Whosoever beheveth in me hath everlasting hfe." Likewise St Paul saith, Gratia exsuperat supra peccatum; " The grace and mercies of God exceedeth far our sins." Therefore let us ever think and beheve that the grace of God, his mercy and goodness, exceedeth our sins. Also consider what Christ saith with his own mouth : Venite ad Matt. xi. me, omnes qui laboratis, &c. "Come unto me, aU ye that eaiiethaii iii -it... unto him. labour and are laden, and I wdl ease you." Mark, here he saith, " Come aU ye :" wherefore then should any body de spair, or shut out himself from these promises of Christ, which be general, and pertain to the whole world ? For he saith, " Come aU unto me." And then again he saith, Refo- dllabo vos, " I wiU refresh you :" you shaU be eased from the burdens of your sins. Therefore, as I said before, he to continue that is blasphemous, and obstinately wicked, and abideth in end is to sin ..... ... . .... « , against the his wickedness stul to the very end, he sinneth agamst the H°!y Gh°st. Holy Ghost ; as St Augustine3, and aU other godly writers do affirm. But he that leaveth his wickedness and sins, is con tent to amend his life, and then believing in Christ, seeketh salvation and everlasting hfe by bim, no doubt that man or woman, whosoever he or they be4, shaU be saved : for they feed upon Christ, upon that meat that God the Father, this feast-maker, hath prepared for aU his guests. You have heard now who is the maker of this feast or banquet : and again, you have heard what meat is prepared for the guests ; what a costly dish the house-father hath ordained at the wedding of his son. But now ye know, that where there be5 great dishes and dehcate fare, there be commonly prepared certain sauces, which shaU give men a great lust and appetite to their meats ; as mustard, vmegar, sweetmeat and such like sauces. So this feast, this costly dish, hath its sour sauce. p Sermo lxxi. de Verb. Evang. Matt. xii. Oper. Tom. v. col. 275. Edit. Bened. Antwerp. 1700. In this sermon St Augustine states the different opinions held on the subject in question.] p whosoever they, 1562.] P where be, 1584.] 464 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. , [sERM. sauces ; but what be they ? Marry, the cross, affliction, tri bulation, persecution, and aU manner of miseries : for, hke as sauces make lusty the stomach to receive meat, so affliction stirreth up in us a desire to Christ. For when we be in quietness, we are not hungry, we care not for Christ : but when we be in tribulation, and cast in prison, then we have a desire to him ; then we learn to caU upon him ; then we hunger and thirst after bim ; then we are desirous to feed upon him. As long as we be in health and prosperity, we care not for him ; we be slothful, we have no stomach at aU ; and therefore these sauces are very necessary for us. We have a common saying amongst us, when we see a feUow sturdy, lofty, and proud, men say, " This is a saucy feUow ;" signifying him to be a high-minded feUow, which taketh more upon him than he ought to do, or bis estate requireth : which thing, no doubt, is naught and iU ; for every one ought to behave himself according unto his calling and estate. But He that win he that wUl be a christian man, that intendeth to come to come to hea- saucmust be neayen> must be a saucy fellow ; he must be weU powdered with the sauce of affliction, and tribulation ; not with proud- ness and stoutness, but with miseries and calamities : for so it is written, Omnes qui pie volunt vivere in Christo persecu- tionem patientur ; " Whosoever wUl hve godly in Christ, he shaU have persecution and miseries :" he shaU have sauce enough to his meat. Again, our Saviour saith, Qui vult meus esse discipulus, abneget semetipsum et tollat crucem suam et sequatur me; "He that wiU be my disciple must deny himself and take his cross upon him, and foUow me." Is there any man that will feed upon me, that wUl eat my flesh and drink my blood? Let bim forsake himself. 0 this is a great matter ; this is a biting thing, the denying of my own will ! As for an ensample : I see a fan- woman, and conceive in my heart an iU appetite to commit lechery with her ; I desire to fulfil my wanton lust with her. Here is my appetite, my lust, my wiU : but what must I do ? Marry, dSyTur- * must deny myself, and follow Christ. What is that? I must not follow my own desire, but the wiU and pleasure of Christ. Now what saith he? Non fornicaberis, non adulte- raberis; " Thou shalt not be a whoremonger, thou shalt not be a wedlock-breaker." Here I must deny myself, and my wUl, and give place unto his wiU ; abhor and hate my own selves. XXV.] PARABLE OF A KING THAT MARRIED HIS SON. 465 wUl. Yea, and furthermore I must earnestly caU upon him, that he wUl give me grace to withstand my own lust and appetite, in aU manner of things which may be against his wiU : as when a man doth me wrong, taketh my living from me, or hurteth me in my good name and fame, my wUl is to avenge myself upon him, to do him a foul turn again ; but what saith God ? Mihi vindicta, eqo retribuam ; " Unto me we must ' .J leave the belongeth vengeance, I wUl recompense the same." Now eo|_nge t0 here I must give over my own will and pleasure, and obey his wiU : this I must do, if I wUl feed upon him, if I wUl come to heaven. But this is a bitter thing, a sour sauce,, a sharp sauce ; this sauce maketh a stomach : for when I am injured or wronged, or am in other tribulation, then I have a great desire for him, to feed upon him, to be dehvered from trouble, and to attain to quietness and joy. There is a learned man which hath a saying which is most true : he saith, Plus crux quam tranquillitas invitat ^fj^ t0 ad Christum ; " The cross and persecution bring us sooner to christ- Christ than prosperity and wealth." Therefore St Peter saith, Humiliamini sub potenti manu Dd ; " Humble your selves under the mighty hand of God." Look, what God layeth upon you, bear it willingly and humbly. But you will say, "I. pray you, teU me what is my cross?" Answer : This that God layeth upon you, that same is your cross ; not that which you of your own wUfulness lay upon yourselves: ™eeross that as there was a certain sect which were caUed FlageUarii1, «i>™ ^™- which scourged themselves with whips till the blood ran fr0mChrist'scross- their bodies ; this was a cross, but it was not the cross of God. No, no : he laid not that upon them, they did it of their own head. Therefore look, what God layeth upon me, that same is my cross, which I ought to take in good part ; as when I fall in poverty, or in miseries, I ought to be con- P This fanatical sect sprung up in Italy about the middle of the thirteenth century, and from thence was propagated throughout most of the countries in Europe. These Flagellants however were the cause of so many impieties and tumults, that it became necessary to repress them. Yet the sect revived, at intervals, during the four teenth and fifteenth centuries, in a still more turbulent form, and holding more and more wild opinions, until it was exterminated by the Inquisition. Mosheim, Eccl. Hist. cent. xni. part n. chap. 3. sect. 3 : cent. xiv. part n. chap. 5. sect. 7 : cent. xv. part n. chap 5. sect. 5.] 30 [latimer.] 466 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. God hath tent withal; when my neighbour doth me wrong, taketh tna°wee away my goods, robbeth me of my good name and fame, I d1™ereetemith sna^ ^ea,v ** wiUingly, considering that it is God's cross, and tations. ^^ nothing can be done against me without his permission. There faUeth never a sparrow to the ground without his permission ; yea, not a hair faUeth from our head without his wUl. Seeing then that there is nothing done without his wUl, I ought to bear this cross which he layeth upon me wiUingly, without any murmuring or grudging. But I pray you, consider these words of St Peter weU : Humiliamini sub potenti manu Dei ; " Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God." Here St Peter signifieth God's hand is unto us that God is a mighty God, which can take away the cross from us when it seemeth him good; yea, and he1 can send patience in the midst of aU trouble and miseries. St Paul, that elect instrument of God, shewed a reason wherefore The cause God layeth afflictions upon us, saying : Corripimur a Domino, Syeth n ne cum mundo condemnemur ; " We are chastened of the crosses upon , .... . _•_. . _ t. those that Lord, lest we should be condemned with the world. For be his. you see by daily experience, that the most part of wicked men are lucky in this world ; they bear the swing, aU things goeth after their minds ; for God letteth them have their pleasures The more here. And therefore this2 is a common saying, " The more wicked, the ¦ii, -ii . i , . _>ii. more lucky, wicked, the more lucky :" but they that pertain to God, that shall inherit everlasting hfe, they must go to the pot; they must suffer here, according to that scripture, Judidum a domo Dei incipit ; " The judgment of God beginneth at the house of God." Therefore it cometh of the goodness of God, when we be put to taste the sauce of tribulation : for he doth it to a good end, namely, that we should not be con demned with this wicked world. For these sauces are very good for us ; for they make us more hungry and lusty to come to Christ and feed upon him. And truly, when it goeth well with us, we forget Christ, our hearts and minds are not hale^fflii1-'0 uPon n™ : therefore it is better to have affliction than to be prosp'erlt.. m prosperity. For there is a common saying, Vexatio dot intellectum ; " Vexation giveth understanding." David, that excellent king and prophet, saith, Bonum est mihi quod humiliasti me, Domine : " Lord," saith he, " it is good for me that thou hast pulled down my stomach, that thou hast [' yea he can, 1584, 1607.] p there, 1562.] XXV.] PARABLE OF A KING THAT MARRIED HIS SON. 467 humbled me." But I pray you, what sauce had David, how David had was he humbled ? Truly thus3 : his own son defiled his Seat ° daughter. After that, Absalom, one other of his sons, killed his own brother. And this was not enough, but his own son rose up against him, and traitorously cast bim out of his 2 sam. xvi. kingdom, and defiled his wives 4 in the sight of aU the people. Was not he vexed ? had he not sauces ? Yes, yes : yet for aU that he crieth not out against God ; he murmured not, but saith, Bonum est mihi quod humiliasti me; "Lord, it is good for me that thou hast humbled me, that thou hast brought me low." Therefore when we be in trouble, let us be of good comfort, knowing that God doth it for the best. But for all that, the devU, that old serpent, the enemy of jche^evina- mankind, doth what he can day and night to bring us this £ ™^r sauce, to cast us into persecution, or other miseries : as it us- appeareth in the gospel of Matthew, where our Saviour cast ing bim out of a man, seeing that he could do no more harm, he desired Christ to give bim leave to go into the swine ; and so he cast them aU into the sea. Where it appeareth, that the devU studieth and seeketh aU manner of ways to hurt us, either in soul, or else in body. But for all that, let us not ^consider despair, but rather lift up our hearts unto God, desiring his comfortable. help and comfort ; and no doubt, when we do so, he wUl help : he will either take away the calamities, or else miti gate them, or at the leastwise send patience into our hearts, that we may bear it willingly. Now you know, at a great feast, when there is made a ^^ dehcate dinner, and the guests fare well, at the end of the feast- dinner they have bellaria, certain subtleties, custards, sweet and dehcate things : so when we come to this dinner, to this wedding, and feed upon Christ, and take his sauces which he hath prepared for us, at the end cometh the sweetmeat. What is that ? Marry, remission of sins, and everlasting life ; such joy, that no tongue can express, nor heart can think, which God hath prepared for all them that come to this dinner, and feed upon his Son, and taste of his sauces. And this is the end of this banquet. This banquet, or marriage- dinner, was made at the very beginning of the world. God ™. „,„. made this marriage in paradise, and caUed the whole world made m unto it, saying, Semen mulieris conteret caput serpentis ; P Marry this, 1562.] P wife, 1562.] 1 30 — 2 468 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. "The Seed of the woman shall vanquish the head of the serpent." This was the first caUing ; and this calling stood unto the faithful in as good stead as it doth unto us, which have a more manifest caUing. Afterward Almighty God Abraham was called again with these words, speakmg to Abraham : Ego ero marriage" s Deus tuus et seminis tui post te; "T wUl be thy God, and thy seed's after thee." Now what is it to be our God? Forsooth1 to be our defender, our comforter, our dehverer, and helper. Who was Abraham's seed ? Even Christ the Son of God, he was Abraham's seed : in him, and through him, aU the world shaU be blessed ; aU that beheve in him, all that come to this dinner, and feed upon him. After that, all the prophets, their only intent was to caU the people to this wedding. Now after the time was expired which God had appointed, he said, Venite, parata sunt omnia ; " Come, aU things are ready." joim Baptist But who are these callers? The first was John Baptist, this meat which not only called with his mouth, but also shewed with with his d finger. fog finger that meat which God had prepared for the whole world. He saith, Ecce Agnus Dei qui tollit peccata mundi ; " Lo, the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sins of the world." Also Christ himself caUed, saying, Venite ad me, Matt. xi. omnes qui laboratis ; " Come to me, aU ye that travaU and labour, and I wUl refresh you." Likewise the apostles cried, and caUed aU the whole world ; as it is written, Exivit sonus eorum per universam terram; "Their sound is gone through- The reward out all the world." But, I pray you, what thanks had they which they . have which for their calling, for their labour ? Verily2 this : John Baptist be the callers .-.. . of the guests. was beheaded; Christ was crucified; the apostles were kiUed: this was their reward for their labours. So aU the preachers shaU look for none other reward : for no doubt they must be sufferers, they must taste of these sauces : their office is, preaching is arguere mundum de peccato, "to rebuke the world of sin;" office. which no doubt is a thankless occupation. Ut audiant montes judicia Domini, " That the high hiUs," that is, great princes and lords, "may hear the judgments of the Lord:" they must spare no body ; they must rebuke high and low, when they do amiss ; they must strike them with the sword of God's word: which no doubt is a thankless occupation; yet it must be done, for God will have it so. [i Marry, 1562.] p Marry, 1562]. XXV.] PARABLE OP A KING THAT MARRIED HIS SON. 469 There be many men, which be not so cruel as to perse cute or to kill the preachers of God's word ; but when they be caUed to feed upon Christ, to come to this banquet, to leave their wicked livings, then they begin to make their excuses ; as it appeared here in this gospel, where "the first The excuses x x ox' that such use said, I have bought a farm, and I must needs go and see it ; £eXath to I pray thee have me excused. Another said, I have bought ISd.^. five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them ; I pray thee have me excused. The third said, I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come." And these were their excuses. You must take heed that you mistake not this text : for after Take heed ye the outward letter it seemeth as though no husbandman, no tws aright. buyer or seUer, nor married man shall enter the kingdom of God. Therefore ye must take heed that ye understand it aright. For to be a husbandman, to be a buyer or seller, to be a married man, is a good thing, and aUowed of God : but the abuse of such things is reproved. Husbandman, and married man, every one in his caUing, may use and do the works of his caUing. The husbandman may 'go to plough ; they may buy and sell ; also3, men may marry ; but they may not set their hearts upon it. The husbandman may not so apply his husbandry to set aside the hearing of the word of God ; for when he doth so, he sinneth damnably : for he more reeardeth his husbandry than God and his Husbandry • ...'.. . • 1 niustnot word; he hath aU lust and pleasure in his husbandry, which hold us from pleasure is naught. As there be many husbandmen which wiU not come to service ; they make their excuses that they have other business : but this excusing is naught ; for com monly they go about wicked matters, and yet they would excuse themselves, to make themselves faultless ; or, at the least way, they wUl diminish their faults, which thing itself is a great wickedness : to do wickedly, and then to defend that same wickedness, to neglect and despise God's word, and then to excuse such doings, hke as these men do here in this gospel. The husbandman saith, " I have bought a farm; therefore have me excused: the other saith, I have bought five yoke of oxen ; I pray thee have me excused :" Now when he cometh to the married man, that same feUow The married saith not, " Have me excused," as the others say ; but he SE_" wme. only saith, " I cannot come." Where it is to be noted, that p Item, 1562.] 470 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. the affections of carnal lusts and concupiscence are the strong est above all the other : for there be some men which set aU their hearts upon voluptuousness; they regard nothing else, neither God nor his word ; and therefore this married man saith, " I cannot come ;" because his affections are more strong and more vehement than the other men's were. But what shaU be their reward which refuse to come? The house-father saith, " I say unto you, that none of those men which were bidden shaU taste of my supper." With The reward these words Christ our Saviour teacheth us, that aU those refuslto that love better worldly things than God and his word shall come. . be shut out from his supper ; that is to say, from ever lasting joy and fehcity : for it is a great matter to despise God's word, or the minister of the same ; for the office of preaching is the office of salvation; it hath warrants in scripture, it is grounded upon God's word. St Paul to st Paui-s the Romans maketh a gradation of such- wise : Omnis qui- gradation. .... cunque mvocaverit nomen Domini salvabitur : quomodo ergo invocabunt in quem non crediderunt, aut quomodo credent ei quem non audi-erunt? that is to say, "Who soever shaU caU on the name of the Lord, shaU be saved: but how shaU they caU upon him, in whom they beheve not? How shaU they beheve on bim of whom they have not heard? How shaU they hear without a preacher? And how shaU they preach, except they be sent?" At the length he concludeth, saying, Fides ex auditu; " Faith cometh by hearing." Where ye may perceive, how necessary a thing it is to hear God's word, and how needful a thing it is to have preachers, which may teach us the word of God : for by hearing we must eome to faith; through faith we must be justified. And therefore Christ saith himself, Qui credit in me, habet vitam azternam ; "He that beheveth in me hath everlasting hfe." When we hear God's word by the preacher, and beheve that1 same, then we shaU be saved : for St Paul saith, Evangelium est potentia Dd ad Hom._. salutem omni credenti; "The gospel is the power of God unto salvation to aU that beheve ; the gospel preached is mendCa™o"n of God's Power to salvation of all believers." This is a great preeach_Sg.of commendation of this office of preaching : therefore we ought not to despise it, or little regard it; for it is God's instru- P the, 1584, 1607.] XXV. J PARABLE OF A KING THAT MARRIED HIS SON. 471 ment, whereby he worketh faith in our hearts. Our Saviour saith to Nicodeme, Nisi quis renatus fuerit, " Except a man John m. be born anew, he cannot see the kingdom of God." But how cometh this regeneration? By hearing and believing of the word of God : for so saith St Peter, Renati non ex semine mortali corruptibili ; "We are born anew, not ofipet.i. mortal seed, but of immortal, by the word of God." Like wise Paul saith in another place, Visum est Deo per stulti tiam prazdicationis salvos facere credentes; "It pleased God to save the believers through the foolishness of preaching." But, peradventure, you wiU say, "What, shaU a preacher teach foolishness ?" No, not so : the preacher, when he is a right preacher, he preacheth not foohshness, but he preacheth the word of God ; but it is taken for foolishness, the world The world esteemeth it for a trifle : but howsoever the world esteemeth word of God to be foohsh- it, St Paul saith that God wiU save his through it. ness- Here I might take occasion to inveigh against those which httle regard the office of preaching; which are wont to say, " What need we such preachings every day ? Have I not five wits? I know as well what is good or UI, as he doth that preacheth." But I tell thee, my friend, be not too hasty ; for when thou hast nothing to follow but thy five wits, thou shalt go to the devil with them. David, that holy prophet, said not so: he trusted not his five wits, butDavkitnisted he said, Lucerna pedibus meis verbum tuum, Domine ; «ts. "Lord, thy word is a lantern2 unto my feet." Here we learn not to despise the word of God, but highly to esteem it, and reverently to hear it; for the holy day is ordained and appointed to none other thing, but that we should at that day hear the word of God, and exercise ourselves in aU godliness. But there be some which think that this day is ordained only for feasting, drinking, or gaming, or such foohshness; but they be much deceived: this day was Thengrt re appointed of God that we should hear his word, and learn days. his laws, and so serve him. But I dare say the devil hath no days so much service as upon Sundays or holy days; which Sundays are appointed to preaching, and to hear God's most holy word. Therefore God saith not only in his commandments, that we shaU abstain from working ; but he saith, Sanctificabis, " Thou shalt hallow :" so that holy Hoi^ P candle, 1562.] 472 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [SERM. All mischief beginneth on the holy- days. God will punish one day. Plaguesthreatened to such as profane the sabbath. day keeping is nothing else but to abstain from good works, and to do better works ; that is, to come together, and celebrate the Communion together, and visit the sick bodies. These are holy-day works ; and for that end God command ed us to abstain from bodily works, that we might be more meet and apt to do those works which he hath appointed ' unto us, namely, to feed our souls with bis word, to remem ber his benefits, and to give him thanks, and to caU upon him. So that the holy-day may be caUed a marriage-day, wherein we are married unto God ; which day is very needful to be kept. The foolish common people think it to be a belly-cheer day, and so they make it a surfeiting day : there is no wickedness, no rebeUion, no lechery, but she hath most commonly her beginning upon the holy-day. We read a story in the fifteenth chapter of the book of Numbers, that there was a feUow which gathered sticks upon the sabbath-day ; he was a despiser of God's ordinances and laws, hke as they that now-a-days go about other business, when they should hear the word of God, and come to the Common Prayer : which feUows truly have need of sauce, to be made more lustier to come and feed upon Christ than they be. Now Moses and the people consulted with the Lord, what they should do, how they should punish that fellow which had so transgressed the sabbath-day. " He shall die," saith God : which thing is an ensample for us to take heed, that we transgress not the law of the sabbath-day. For though God punish us not by and by, as this man was punished; yet he is the very self-same God that he was before, and will punish one day, either here, or else in the other world, where the punishment shaU be everlasting. Likewise in the seventeenth chapter of the prophet Jeremy God threateneth bis fearful wrath and anger unto those which do profane his sabbath-day. Again, he promiseth his favour and aU prosperity to them that wUl keep the holy days; saying, "Princes and kings shaU go through thy gates," that is to say, Thou shalt be in prosperity, in wealth, and great estimation amongst thy neighbours. Again : " If ye wiU not keep my sabbath-day, I will kindle a fire in your gates ;" that is to say, I wiU destroy you, I will bring you to nought, and burn your cities with fire. These words pertain as well unto us at this time, as they XXV.] PARABLE OF A KING THAT MARRIED HIS SON. 473 pertained to them at their time: for God hateth the dis- aUowing of the sabbath as weU now as then ; for he is and remaineth stUl the old God: he will have us to keep his sabbath, as weU now as then : for upon the sabbath-day God's seed-plough goeth; that is to say, the ministry of Thesabbath- T_- J • _. i p t ¦ . . « _ _ day is God's rus word is executed ; tor the ministering of God's word ploughing is God's plough. Now upon the Sundays God sendeth his husbandmen to come and till ; he sendeth his caUers to come and caU to the wedding, to bid the guests ; that is, aU the world to come to that supper. Therefore, for the reverence of God, consider these things : consider who caU eth, namely, God ; consider again who be the guests ; aU ye. Therefore I caU you in God's name, come to this supper ; hallow the sabbath-day ; that is, do your holy- day work, come to this supper ; for this day was appointed of God to that end, that bis word should be taught and heard. Prefer not your own business therefore before the hearing of the word of God. Remember the story of that man which gathered sticks upon the holy day, and was put to death by the consent of God : where God shewed himself not a cruel God, but he would give a warning unto the whole world by that man, that all the world should keep holy his sabbath-day. The almighty ever-hving God give us grace to hve so in this miserable world, that we may at the end come to the great sabbath-day, where there shaU be everlasting joy and gladness ! Amen. 474 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [SERM. THE SECOND SERMON OF MASTER LATIMER'S. MATTHEW V. [1, 2, 3.] Videns autem Jesus turbas ascendit in montem, et cum comedisset, i)c. Read in the When Jesus saw the people, he went up into a mountain, and when he Ail SatatT11 was set down, his disciples came unto him : and he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying, Blessed are the poor in spirit. Dearly beloved in our Saviour Christ, I have to teU you at this present time of a certain pUgrimage, which may be caUed the christian man's pUgrimage : but ye shaU not think that I will speak of the popish pUgrimage, which we were wont to use in times past, in running hither and thither to Mr John Shorn1, or to our Lady of Walsingham2- No, no ; I wUl not speak of such fooleries, but I will speak of such a pUgrimage, which our Saviour Christ himself taught us, being P A saint whose head quarters were probably in the parish of Shorn and Merston near Gravesend, but who seems to have had shrines in other parts of the country. He was chiefly popular with persons who suffered from ague. Thus one of the visitors of monas teries writes to lord Cromwell: "At Merston Mr Johan Schorn stondith blessing a bote, whereunto they do say he conveyd the devill. He is moch sowzt for the agow.'' Letters relating to the suppression of the Monasteries, p. 218.] p Lambarde (in the reign of queen Elizabeth) describes "Walsing ham in Norfolk,'' as a town that "encreased hastely at the first by the haunt of simple people that flocked thither on pilgrimage to an idol, erected to the name of the blessed virgin Marie." This " idol," which was demolished in 1538, was formerly in so great repute, that few persons who had opportunity neglected to go on pilgrimage to " our Lady of Walsingham;'' and a yearly offering at her shrine was re garded as essential to worldly prosperity. Some idea may be formed of the large amount of money thus contributed, from a letter to Lord Cromwell, which informs him " that frome the Satredaye at night tyll the Sondaye next folowinge was offred at ther now beinge c.xxxiij8. iiijd. over and besyd waxe." Lambarde, Dictionar. Anglia3, &c. p. 451. Letters relating to the suppression of Monasteries, p. 138. See also Camden, Britannia, edit, by Gibson, col. 391. Lond. 1695: Early Writings of Bp. Hooper, p. 40. Park. Soc. Edit.] XXVI. J 0N TflE GOSPEL OF ALL SAINTS. 475 here present with us, with his own mouth. Therefore, who soever will come to the eternal fehcity, must go that uUgrim- A necessary ..... . ° x o pilgrimage. age ; else he shall never attain thereunto. Cum vidisset autem turbos, " When he saw the people." It appeareth by the end of the fourth of Matthew, that our Saviour had walked throughout aU Gahlee, and had done many miracles, so that the fame of him went throughout all the country ; and there gathered a great number of people together to hear him. He seeing the people, how hungry they were, conveyed himself into a higher place, and his dis ciples came unto him, and he taught them : but not only the disciples, but also the whole people ; for Luke saith, Docebat audiente populo ; " He preached, the people hearing it." Also3, et turba admirabatur super doctrina illius ; "And the people marvelled because of his doctrine." How could they marvel, if they had not heard it ? So it appeareth, that Christ made his sermon not only to his disciples, but also to the whole people : yet speciaUy he taught his disciples, to that end that they might teach afterwards to others ; for he taught them such doctrine which he would have taught to4 the whole world, therefore he so dihgently taught them. For though he made many sermons, yet these two sermons, two sermons, the one in Matthew, and the other in Luke, ought to be re- conteinedthe garded most above aU others ; for they contain the sum of a christians christian man's hfe. Now our Saviour seeing them so hungry, what doth he ? The evangelist saith, Aperuit os suum; "He opened his mouth, and taught them." Our Saviour did not only send out his apostles to preach and teach the people ; but also he opened his own mouth, and taught the people his own self. Which act of our Saviour is to the reproach of our lordly prelates ; which in a manner disdain to preach themselves, in their own persons; but they think it to be enough to have one or two pertaining unto them, which preach in their dio ceses ; they themselves being occupied in worldly business. Our Saviour did not so ; he opened his own mouth, and taught the people. Certainly this ensample of our Saviour g^p™1^ ought better to be considered of our prelates than it is ; for than Christ. they be not better than Christ was. Christ hath sent them, and given unto them a commission to preach : wherefore dis- P Item, 1562.] P all, 1562.] 476 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. dain they then to open their mouth, and teach the people ? Seeing that our Saviour himself taught, how wUl they be excused when they shall make account for their doings? What shall be their reward for their slothfulness? No doubt, everlasting damnation hangeth over their heads. Now our Saviour opening his mouth, what taught he Christ teach- them? Forsooth1 he taught them a pUgrimage, the christian goonpn- man's pilgrimage. And this is a good and true pUgrimage grimage. ro ° .... ° 7 . that he taught ; for this pUgrimage standeth not m running hither and thither : no, no : this is a right pUgrimage, but there is strange gear in it ; yea, such gear, that if I should say it of my own head, you would not beheve me, you would say I he : for it agreeth not with our mother wit, we cannot compass this gear with our natural wit ; therefore we must consider who speaketh it, and so captivate our reason and wit to the wisdom of God. Now Christ, the eternal Son of God, he teacheth us this pilgrimage: of wliich God the Father himself saith, Hie est Filius meus dilectus, in quo mihi bene Matt. hi. complacitum est ; ipsum audite ; " This is my weU-beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased ; hear him." Seeing, then, wemustnot that the Almighty God commanded us to hear him, we ought lightly regard ° "> . ' & . Christ's doc- not to regard his doctrine httle, to esteem and value it for trine. O nothing ; but most highly to esteem it as the unfalhble word of God. Now what saith he? Beati pauperes spiritu, quoniam ipsorum est regnum cozlorum ; " Blessed be the poor in spirit2, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven," &c. I intend to be very short ; else I could not have time to go through aU things that pertain to this pUgrimage. This is a pilgrimage a pUgrimage of eight mUes, or of eight days' journeys : aU Tourney or5" things that pertain unto it are comprehended in eight points. Our Saviour saith, Beati pauperes, "Blessed be the poor." This is contrary to our reason : for who would think poverty to be a blessedness ? Who is he that would not rather be rich than poor ? To be rich is a blessedness in our eyes ; to be poor is an unhappiness in our minds : but we must subdue our judgments. We esteem it to be a cursedness to be poor. Well, our Saviour saith, "Blessed are the poor." Luke hath no more but these words : Matthew addeth, Spiritu, " In the spirit." Theso eight miles, or days' journeys, may be called paradoxa; that is to say, inopinable, incredible, P Marry, 1562.] p in the spirit, 1562.] XXVI ] ' ON THE GOSPEL OP ALL SAINTS. 477 and unbelievable sayings: for if Christ had not spoken it to say that himself, who should have beheved it ? For we see daUv Wessedness is , _ J aparaaoxa. betore our eyes what a miserable thing is poverty ; therefore our nature is ever given to avoid poverty, and to come to riches. But Christ saith, Beati pauperes ; " Blessed be the poor in spirit, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs." The kingdom of heaven is taken sometimes for the office The kingdom p i • i , ... of heaven ot preaching ; as when he compared the kingdom of heaven &*** rf the to "a net that catcheth good and bad fishes:" there hepreaching' meaneth the office of preaching. Sometimes it is taken for eternal fehcity, which Christ our Saviour merited for us. When John Baptist sendeth his disciples unto Christ to ask him whether he be Christ or not, he told them what miracles he had done ; and amongst other things he said, Pauperes evangelizant, "The poor hear the gospel:" meaning, that The poor be the poor be more willing to hear the gospel, they take more t0 h5arfule d pain in hearing God's word, than the rich do ; for the rich commonly least regard the gospel. Look throughout all England, and you shaU find it so. Likewise he saith by the prophet, Ad evangelizandum pauperibus misit me ; " He hath sent me to preach the gospel unto the poor ;" because the poor hath more pleasure in it. The rich men commonly regard it for nothing : therefore it is a wonderful thing that itismarvei ® that men be such terrible things are written of rich men; and yet we seek so desirous to ^ be nch. aU to be rich, and caU them blessed and happy that be so. But ye heard upon Sunday last, how that these rich farmers made their excuses : they would not come to the banquet which God had prepared for them, because their riches did let them; therefore riches are called "thorns" in scripture. As for an ensample : there be two ways to a town, the one is A|»°*d plain and straight, the other is full of thorns : now he that ||™£f° goeth the plain way shaU sooner come to his journey's end, than he that goeth the thorny way. So it is more easier without riches to come to heaven, than with riches : but our nature is so corrupt, that we ever desire that thing that may do us harm. I will not say but men may have riches, and MaAthi. many good men have had great riches: yet riches must beS.™' had, cum tremore, with fear ; for it is a dangerous thing to have them : they be but burthens ; they that have them be but bailiffs and stewards over them, they must make account for them. And therefore above all things rich men must 478 SERMONS PREACHEH IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. have in fresh memory this scripture : Divitioz si affiuant, nolite cor apponere ; " When riches come upon you, set not The end why your hearts upon them." Use them to such end as God hath given to men. appointed. With your plenty help the needy1, the poor miserable people ; and this is our duty to do : for he that hath riches, and helpeth not the poor withal, but layeth them They are up for himself, he is a thief before God, though he do come thieves that x . ° tE1 »°^ rightly and justly by his goods. For he doth not his duty : wen. jje withdraweth that from the poor that pertaineth unto them; for God requireth of the rich to reheve and help the poor with bis riches : when he now doth it not, the writers2 caU him a thief. Here ye see what a burthen it is to have riches : therefore let us not be so greedy over them ; and when we have them, let us remember that we be but God's stewards, and distributers of his treasures. p^orabl°biesl Y°u must mark here that our Saviour, when he saith, ed- " Blessed be the poor," he commendeth not the friar's poverty, that same wilful poverty ; but if you be come to poverty for confessing of Christ, then thou art blessed. Again, I am a rich man, the fire cometh and taketh away my riches : as Job was a rich man ; but what happened ? His enemy came and took away all together. So we may this day be rich, and to-morrow we may be beggars; for the riches be chanceable unto us, but not unto God: for God knoweth when, and to whom, he wUl give them, or take them away again. Now when I come to poverty by chance, so that God sendeth poverty unto me, then I am blessed ; when I take poverty weU, without grudging. And therefore he addeth, Spiritu, that is, to take it in good part, with a faithful heart, knowing that God sendeth the same unto us : so that when we come to poverty by such chances, or by persecutions, so that we3 cast not away our' goods wilfully, as the friars did, which was a leaving of riches devised by their own minds. But else, he that doth his business according unto his caUing, and then God endueth him with poverty, let him5 take it with joy and gladness: P Copie help the inopie of the poor, 1562.] P Reference may be had to the exposition of the eighth com mandment, by almost any of the contemporary "writers" who treated of the Decalogue: e. g. Calvin, Instit. ii. 8. sect. 46.] P I, 1562, 1572.] P our, 1562, 1572.] p us, 1571, 1584.] XXVI.] ON THE GOSPEL OF ALL SAINTS. 479 for these blessings, which Christ promised unto us here in this gospel, shaU light upon him6. Therefore take it so, that poverty is a blessing when she is taken with a faithful How poverty i.i.ij.. . .is a blessing, neart ; else indeed it is to no purpose, except it proceed and how not. out of faith. Be not eager, therefore, to have riches ; and when ye have them, that God sendeth them, set not too much by them. For Christ saith, it is hard for a rich man to come to heaven ; speaking of those which set their hearts upon riches: which men, indeed, be very idolaters; for How rich they put their hope, trust, and confidence in them ; so that idolaters. whatsoever shall happen, they think they will escape, having money ; and so they make money their God : which is a most wicked and abominable thing in the sight of the Lord. For God would have us to hang upon him, to trust in him, be we poor or rich. If we be rich, we should not set our hearts upon riches; if we be poor, we should comfort our selves with this scripture, Non est inopia timentibus eum; " They that fear him shaU not lack." Now the second mile, or day's journey, in this pU-Thesecond grimage is this : Beati qui lugent, quoniam ipsi consola- ney. Jmntur ; " Blessed are they that mourn, for they shaU have comfort." We, after our reasons, esteem them happy that can make merry in this world: but our Saviour, contrari wise, pronounceth them blessed that mourn and weep in this world. We seek aU to be in that case that we might laugh and be merry ; for we think that to be a great blessedness : but our Saviour pronounceth them blessed that weep. And therefore scripture saith, Melius est ire ad domum luctus, quam ad domum convivii; "It is better to go to the Ecci. vii. mourning-house, than to the house of banqueting." ^ For he that goeth to sick folks, it shall be a good admonition; it shaU make him to consider the fragility and weakness of mankind, and so stir him up to make ready, and not to set much by this world. St Paul speaketh of two manner of sorrowfulness ; the one is worldly, the other is ghostly. The mj™* worldy sorrowfuhiess is without faith; as the wicked, when™** they weep, they are sorrowful: yet this comfort, of which Christ here speaketh, is not promised unto them. Esau wept when Jacob beguiled him; but his weeping was without faith. Truly happy are those that have much occasion to p us, 1584, 1571.] 480 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. weep and waU! For, Vexatio dat intellectum ;." Vexation and trouble maketh us to know ourselves, and teacheth us to leave sin and wickedness." There be many which be in great miseries, shut out of their houses, or in sickness, or other trouble: they shaU comfort themselves with this bless ing, which our1 Saviour promiseth unto them; namely, they shaU be sure that they shaU have comfort and relief of their miseries ; for he wUl not suffer them to be further tempted than they shall be able to bear, and then in the end they shaU have everlasting comfort. It is a notable answer that Abraham maketh to the rich man, when he lay in hellish fire : " My son," saith he, Recepisti bona in vita, " Thou hast received thy good days in thy life-time, now thou shalt be punished : but Lazarus hath had miseries and calamities ; we must go and therefore he shaU be comforted now." So we must learn from sorrow , _ • i i • /» to joy, and to be content; to go Irom weeping to laughing, trom sorrow not from one . . r> anothlr'0 *° eternal felicity. But we must first suffer here ; we may not go from the one fehcity to the other : therefore St Jerome saith, that "he is a dehcate soldier that wUl not suffer sometimes miseries and calamities2." Therefore let us be content with it; let us bear them with a faithful heart; else we shall not attain to this comfort : for the miseries that the godless have, operantur mortem; "They work their own destruction, and everlasting perdition." For they cannot The adver- bear them as they ought to do ; they murmur and cry out mournings, against God : but the godly, when he is in miseries, he taketh great profit by it; for miseries drive him to leave sin and wickedness, and to repent for that wliich he hath done against God. Here you may perceive now, that they that wUl have comfort must go to that pUgrimage; they must taste miseries, and so at the end they shaU have ever lasting comfort. SiVorday's Tne tnird mue or ^f8 Journey> is this : Beati mites, journey. quoniam inheritabunt terram ; " Blessed be the meek, for they shall inherit the land." This meekness is such a thing, that whosoever hath her can be quiet in aU things : he that hath her wiU not avenge himself. But ye must know there P Christ our Saviour, 1562.] p Sanctus vir et bellator invictus ad exercendum se et probandum tribulationem et miseriam venire desidoret. Comment, in Abac. e. I. Oper. Tom. in. col. 1594. Edit. Bened. Paris. 1704.] XXVI. J ON THE GOSPEL OF ALL SAINTS. 481 be two manner of vengeance. There is a private vengeance, two man- and there is a public vengeance: the pubhc vengeance is ?evln%s, the aUowed of God; the private is forbidden. For God saith and the oW to every private man, Mihi vindicta, ego retribuam; "Let™ me have the vengeance, and I wUl reward it." When any man doth me wrong, I shall or may not avenge me, nor yet desire in my heart to be avenged upon him; I being a private man, and not a magistrate. But there is a pubhc vengeance, that is, the magistrates': they must see that wrong-doers be punished, and rewarded according to their misbehaviours. But I may not avenge myself. For I am blessed when my good is taken from me wrongfuUy, and I take it weU. For Christ saith, Inheritabunt terram, " They shaU inherit the land." He that for God's sake leaveth his land, or his goods, he shall inherit the land : so he shaU with leaving the land inherit the land. But what shall I do when my goods be taken from me ? Answer : go to God's promises, which are, Centuplum accipiet, " He shall receive w^nust go it again an hundred-fold." The public vengeance is com- promise. mitted unto the magistrates: God commandeth unto them to punish the transgressors : and again the law-breaker, or misdoer, ought to obey, and to suffer the punishment wliich the magistrates shall lay upon him; for so it is written, Auferes malum e medio populi; " Thou shalt take away the UI from amongst the people." So ye hear how that we may not avenge ourselves, when any man doth us wrong. Yet, for aU that, this taketh not away the liberty of the use of the law : for a christian man may go to the law, and seek remedy. Yet we must take heed that we go not to a christian avenge ourselves upon our neighbour, with a vengeable tothe^w; heart; nor yet should we go with a covetous heart, to get aught of our neighbour : else it is lawful to use the law, when it is done with a charitable heart. As it is lawful for me, being sick, to go to the physician, without breach of my faith to God-ward; but if I should go to the physician in despair of God, then this going were a wicked going: so I say, when we will go to the law, we must beware that it be done charitably, not with a vengeable mind ; for who soever seeketh to be avenged, he shall not be blessed of God. Again, whosoever suffereth wrong at his neighbour's hand, and taketh it willingly, he shall be blessed of God. 31 [latimer.] 482 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. of jSThu16 ^n ensample we have in Joseph : his brethren sold him, and Sof's w" handled him most cruelly and tyrannously : what did he? He took it wiUingly, without any revengement. What did God? Surely1, he fulfiUed his promise, Inheritabunt terram, " They shaU inherit the land." Therefore he made him lord over aU Egypt. This did God, and so he will do unto us. But our hearts are2 so poisoned with the poison of mahce, that we think we should be undone, if3 we should not avenge ourselves : but they that have the Spirit of God, and to whom these blessings pertain, they wUl be charitable, and yet use the law when necessity shaU require so ; but they will do it with a godly mind. Terram, " They shaU inherit the land." Some expound "the land" for eternal hfe, but it may be understood of this world too : for they that be patient and bear and suffer, God wUl reward them here in this world, and yonder too. Now ye have heard what we shall have when we be meek-spirited : let us there fore set aside aU stubbornness, all vengeance, hatred, and mahce, one against another ; so that we may obtain that land which Christ promised us. The fourth _ Beati qui esuriunt et sitiunt justitiam, quoniam ipd journey. saturabuntur : "Blessed be they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shaU be satisfied." These words be expounded diversely : it may be understood thus4 : " Blessed be they that hunger and thirst," that is to say, that have so great a desire to righteousness, as a hungry man hath to his meat and drink. Some expound it of the justice of the soul : for the faithful be ever hungry, they ever think they be not weU; they be sore behind the hand: and so do not the Hypocrites hypocrites, for they have opera supererogationis ; they have to sen. so much that they are able to seU unto other men too, and bring them to heaven. But I wiU expound these words thus4: This sense they that hunger be they that suffer wrong5; for when a tendethto pp _i ...... , , , . edifying, and man suttereth wrong and injuries, he hungereth and thirsteth tolerable, to have justice, to come to his right ; for it is a common say ing amongst the people, " The law is ended as the man is friended." Now he that is so injured and wronged, and hath a godly hunger and thirst to righteousness, he shaU be satisfied in this world; and in the world to come he shaU P Marry, 1562.] p heart is, 1562.] p when, 1562.] P so, 1562.] P wrong and injuries, 1584, 1596.] XX VI.] ON THE GOSPEL OF ALL SAINTS. 483 have everlasting life. Fiisamples we have, in scripture. Jo seph, when he was sold to Potiphar, that great man, he was a fair young springold6 : now his master Potiphar's wife, seeing his beauty, cast her love upon him, insomuch that he could be nowhere but she came after him; but Joseph, fearing God, refused her, and would not commit with her the filthy act of lechery. What foUoweth? She went by and by, and made an outcry, and accused him, as though he would have ravished her. So, at the length, Joseph was cast into prison, where he hungered and thirsted after right- J^J^J*" eousness, after justice ; that is, he was desirous to have his ^teous" right: yet for aU that he took the matter well and godly, he sought not for vengeance. We in our foohshness and mother-wits esteem them blessed that can use the matter so that the law may go with them, that they may have the overhand: they are caUed blessed which bear the swing, which are not exercised with trouble. I remember I read once a story of a bishop, wliich came to a rich man's house ^Jjf^,. where he had good cheer, and the good man in the house $£$£*" shewed him all his riches and prosperities, his goodly wife and his fair chUdren : to be brief7, they lacked nothing at aU ; he himself had never been sick. The bishop, hearing that, thought in his mind, "No doubt, God is not here;" and so commanded his servant to make ready the horses, and by and by went his way. When he came a httle way8 off from the house, he sendeth his man back again to fetch a book, which was forgotten behind : when the servant came, the house was sunk. So we see, that worldly prosperity maketh us to forget God, and in the end to be damned. Jacob, that holy man, when he served Laban, his uncle and father-in-law, what wrongs had he! How unjustly dealt Laban with him ! No doubt, he had great hunger and thirst *£*?** after righteousness: therefore God satisfied his appetite; for' he blessed him, and enriched him wonderfully, against La- ban's mind. There be few of such servants now-a-days as Jacob was; and though he had a wicked master', yet he [6 A stripling or growing youth: written also sometimes springal, and springald.] p in summa, 1562.] P far, 1562.] [9 and though he had a wicked master, omitted in most of the old editions after 1562.] . eousness. 484 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [gERM. -Served him truly. I wish aU servants would foUow the ensample of Jacob. This I speak to make you patient in tribulation, and to stir up in you a hunger and thirst after righteousness. You hear how Joseph was blessed in bear ing godly the injuries which that foohsh woman did unto him. David also, 0, what good service did he unto king Saul ! Yet Saul went about to destroy him. Think ye not David hun- David hungered and thirsted after righteousness ? No doubt ?fgh?eouse-r he did ; yet he might have avenged himself, but he would not : for he had this meekness of which Christ our Saviour speaketh here, and so consequently did inherit the land, ac cording unto his promise. The fifth Beati misericordes, quoniam ipd misericordiam conse- jouriey. quentur : " Blessed be the merciful, for they shaU obtain mercy." I wUl not tarry long herein : you know which be Matt. xxv. the works of mercy. " I was hungry," saith Christ, " I was naked," &c. There is a ghostly mercy, which is to admonish them that be in errors, to bring them to the right way. Item, to forgive them that do me wrong, this is a mercy, and a needful mercy ; and therefore they that wUl be cruel here, so that they wiU not forgive unto their neighbours their faults, let them not look for mercy at God's hands. whoso win For we must be merciful, loving, and comfortable towards cy^musTbe our neighbour, when we wUl obtain mercy at God's hands. merci u . -g^ ^.g seemeth now as though malefactors ought not to be put to death, because God requireth mercy. Sir, you must understand that God requireth private mercy ; so that private men one shaU forgive unto the other : but it is ano ther matter with the magistrates. The king, and aU other magistrates, are God's officers ; they must do according as God requireth them to do. He saith, Auferes malum e medio populi, nee misereberis ei ; " Thou shalt take away, thou shalt root out the UI, them that be malefactors, from amongst the people ; and shew not mercy unto them." Here were a place to entreat of ministering of justice, if Magistrates the audience were thereafter : how justices of peace and shewmercy other magistrates ought not to be bolsterers and bearers "' with wickedness, but punish the malefactors according to their deserts. Vce qui justificatis impium, "Wo be unto you that justify the wicked!" To justify the wicked is not to punish them. Et qui justificat impium, et qui con- XXVI. J ON THE GOSPEL OP ALL SAINTS. 485 demnat justum, ambo abominabiles coram Domino: "He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, they are both wicked and abominable before the Lord." So that magistrates ought to punish sin and wickedness ; a lesson for but private men one ought to shew mercy unto another : JUS" that is, he ought to forgive when any man hath done him harm, and so he shaU have mercy at God's hand. Beati mundi corde, quoniamipsi videbunt Deum: "Bless- The sixth ed be the clean of heart, for they shaU see God." By these joumey. words we may perceive that we shaU not look to see God, to see our fehcity, when we be impure of heart. We cannot come to that unspeakable joy and felicity which God hath prepared for his, except we be clean in our hearts. There fore David, knowing that lesson, saith unto God, Cor mun dum crea in me, Deus ; " 0 God, make clean my heart within me." But ye wUl ask, how shaU our hearts be pu rified and cleansed ? Answer : Fide purificantur corda ; "Through faith the hearts of men must be cleansed." They Faith pri that hear God's word, and believe that same to be true, heart. e and hve after it, their hearts shaU be purified, and so they shaU see God. There be two manner of seeing God: as long as we be here, we must see him by faith, in believing God is seen in i > p _? i x. here Dv fa'th, in him: yonder, we shaU see him tace to tace, now ne is. after this life ' J ' face to face. Therefore beheve here, and see there. And so it appear eth, that he that wUl not hear God's word, and beheve the same, that his heart may be cleansed, he shaU not see God. Beati pacifici, quoniamipsi filii Dei vocabuntur: "Bless- ^seventh ed be the peace-makers, for they shaU be caUed the chUdren j™ume°y. of God." Here is another journey. There is a law in Le viticus1, where God saith, Non erit susurro nee calumni ator in populo; "There shah not be a slanderer or whisperer amongst you which are my people." But I teU you, this law is not kept : for there be a great number3 of those wliich speak fair with their tongues, as though they would creep into a man's bosom, but behind his back, or before other men, they betray him ; they he upon him, and do aU they can to. bring him out of estimation. These whisperers be peace- whisperer. breakers, and not peace-makers; for the devU bringeth his breads. matters to pass through such fellows. There be many such [i Deuteronomy, the old Editions.] P many, 1562.] 486 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. b in England, which tell false tales of others to promote them-, selves withal : these be the chUdren of the devU ; and no doubt the devU hath many chUdren in the world. I wUl The history shew you an ensample. There was one Doeg Idumeus, a ofDoegthe « 1 t. Edomite. servant of Saul the king ; he was princeps pastorum, " the master over his herdmen." When David, flying from Saul, came to the priest Ahimelech very hungry and weary, and therefore desired some meat, the priest having none other bread but panis propodtionis, " the holy bread," of that he gave David ; and after that he gave him the sword of Go^ hath, whom David had kiUed before. Now this Doeg being there at that time, what doeth he? Like a whisperer, or man-pleaser, goeth to Saul the king, and told him how the priest had refreshed David in his journey, and had given unto him the sword of Goliath. Saul hearing that, being in a great fury, sent for aU the priests, and their wives, and their children, and slew them aU. This Doeg now, that r>oeg was whisperer, was not a peace-maker, but a peace-breaker ; and breaker. therefore not a child of God, but of the devU. I could teU1 of some other Doegs, of other whisperers ; for I have known some in my time : but all such are the chUdren of the devUy they are not God's chUdren; for Christ our Saviour caUed those God's chUdren that are peace-makers, not them that cut their neighbour's throat. Seeing now that it is so good a thing to be a peace-maker, let all them that be in superiority a lesson for endeavour themselves to be peace-makers. Let the landlords landlords. x shew themselves to be peace-makers : when they hear of con tentions and strifes between their tenants, send for them, and hear their matters, and make him that is faulty to be pu nished ; and so let them be peace-makers. But there be some gentlemen in England, which think themselves born to nothing else but to have good cheer in this world, to go a hawking and hunting. I would wish they would en- "^enuemen* deavour themselves rather to be peace-makers ; to counsel and help poor men; and, when they hear of any discord to be between neighbours and neighbours, to set them to gether at unity : this should be rather their exercise than banqueting, and spending the time in vain. But they will say, "It is a great pain and labour to meddle in matters, P tell you, 1562.] XXVI-J ON THE GOSPEL OF ALL SAINTS. 487 to be a peace-maker." Sir, you must consider, that it is a great matter to be a child of God; and therefore we ought to be content to take pains to be peace-makers, that we may be the children of God. But in matters of rehgion we must take heed that we have such a peace which may stand with God and his word; for it is better to have no peace at aU, than to have it with the loss of God's word. In the time of the Six Articles2, there was a bishop which ever cried "Unity, unity:" but he would have a popish unity. Peace in St Paul to the Corinthians saith, Sitis unanimes, " Be of one Kir|hts Kot mind:" but he addeth, secundum Jesum Christum, "Ac-peacc' cording to Jesus Christ;" that is, according to God's holy word ; else it were better war than peace. We ought never to regard unity so much that we would, or should, forsake God's word for her sake. When we were in popery, we agreed weU, because we were in the kingdom of the devil; we were in bhndness. In Turkey we hear not of any dis sension amongst them for rehgion's sake. The Jews, that now be, have no dissension amongst them, because they be in blindness. When the rebels were up in Norfolk and Devonshire, they agreed aU, there was no dissension : but their peace was not secundum Jesum Christum, " according to Jesus Christ." Therefore St Hilary3 hath a pretty say- Be not de- <* a. ti ti ceived with ing : Speciosum quidem nomen est pads et pulchra opinio $e {™ shew unitatis ; sed quis dubitat earn solam unicam ecclesioz pacem esse quoz Christi est? "It is a goodly word, 'Peace,' and a fair thing Unity ; but who doubts but this to be the only right peace of the church, which peace is after Christ, according to his words ?" Therefore let us set by unity ; let us be given to love and charity ; but so that it may stand with godliness. For peace ought not to be redeemed Jac-^^''^\ tura veritatis, with loss of the truth; that we would seek peace. peace so much, that we should lose the truth of God's word. Beati qui persecutionem patiuntur propter justitiam : ™eeel0f^h_,._ "Blessed be they that suffer persecution for righteousness' iouriey. sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." This is the last journey. When we be demanded of our faith, and examined, and afterward be forced to believe as they wUl ; when we come to that point, blessed are we when we suffer rather all p The act of the " Six Articles," 31 Henry VIII. c. 14.] p Contr. Arianos, Oper. col. 311, Paris. 1631.] 488 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. extremities than forsake the truth : yea, we shaU esteem it to be a great blessedness when we be in such trouble. And not only this, but whosoever suffereth any thing for any manner me quest- of righteousness' sake, blessed is he. The questmonger doing be happy, uprightly his duty, in discharging of his conscience, if1 he shall have displeasure, happy is he, and he shaU have his reward of God. Beati cum maledixerint vobis homines, et dicent, #c. " Blessed are ye when men speak iU of you." Gaudete, quoniam merces vestra copiosa est, §-c. " Be merry, because your reward is great in heaven." a joumey Now ye have heard which is the way to heaven, what ™ nyis°shea" manner a pUgrimage we must go ; namely, first by spiritual forth plainly, poverty, by himger and thirst after righteousness, by meek ness and lenity, by weeping and waning, by pity and mer cifulness; we2 must have a clean heart, and we must be peace-makers, and we must suffer tribulation and affliction. Then shall the end be, Merces vestra erit multa in cozlis; " Your reward shaU be great in heaven." Merces, "Reward." This word soundeth as though we should merit somewhat by our own works : for reward and merit are correspondent, one foUoweth the other ; when I have merited, then I ought to have my reward. But we shall not think so : for ye must understand, that aU our works are imperfect ; we cannot do them so perfectly as the law requireth, because of our flesh, which ever letteth us. Wherefore is the kingdom of God christ hath called then a reward ? Because it is merited by Christ : for mented ... torus. as touching our salvation and eternal hfe, it must be merited, but not by our own works, but only by the merits of our Saviour Christ. Therefore beheve in him, trust in him; it is he that merited heaven for us : yet for aU that, every man shall be rewarded for his good works in everlasting hfe, but not with everlastmg life. For it is written, Vita ozterna donum Dei; "The everlastmg life is a gift of God." There fore we should not esteem our works so perfect as though we should, or could, merit heaven by them : yet God hath such pleasure in such works winch we do with a faithful heart, that he promiseth to reward them with3 everlasting hfe. Now to make an end: I desire you, in God's behalf, remember this pilgrimage, which I have taught you : set not P now, 1562.] p item, wo, 1562.] p in, 1562.] XXVI.] ON THE GOSPEL OF ALL SAINTS. 489 hght by it, for it is our Saviour's own doctrine ; he with his own mouth taught us this pilgrimage. When we will now follow him, and do according as he teacheth us, then all these blessings, of which mention is made, shall hght upon us ; and in the end we shaU obtain everlasting hfe. Which grant both you and me God the Father through his only Son our Saviour Jesus Christ ! Amen. 490 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. THE THIRD SERMON OF MASTER LATIMER'S. EPHESIANS VI. [10, 11, 12.] De cetero, fratres, confortammi in Domino et in potentia virtutis ejus ; induite vos armaturam Dei, fyc. ^his d'hfthe ^ Dretnren' be strong in the Lord, and through the power of his church the might ; put on all the armour of God, that ye may stand against Sunday after all the assaults of the devil. For we wrestle not against hlood and flesh, but against rule, against power, against worldly rulers. Paul taketh Saint Paul, that elect instrument of God, taketh muster God's people, of God's warriors, and teacheth christian people to war ; teU- eth them plainly that they must be warriors, as it is written job vii. in the book of Job : Militia est vita hominis super terram ; "The hfe of a man or woman is nothing else but a warfare upon the earth ;" it is nothing but a continual battling and warring. Not very long ago I entreated of a pUgrimage ; I told you, at that time, of the very godly and ghostly pU grimage, and such a pilgrimage which aU saints whUst they were in this world walked. They went aU to the pUgrim age ; but it is a hard pUgrimage, an uneasy way to walk : but we must needs go it ; there is no remedy ; either we must go that painful pUgrimage, or else never go to heaven. For we may not go from joy to joy and pleasure, but from sorrow and misery to fehcity : we may not look to have here we may not good cheer, and yonder everlasting hfe; for we may not look jo? in this or for joy and joUy cheer at both sides. We have no such also in the promise of Christ our Saviour : he promised unto us that world toA_, x come. we should be sufferers here m this world, and then in the world to come we shaU have hfe everlasting. Therefore let us be content; for though it be a hard journey, yet there a similitude, shall be a good end of it. Like as when a man goeth a great journey, and laboureth very sore, but in the end he cometh to good cheer, then aU his labour is forgotten ; so we shall come at the end to that fehcity which no eyes hath seen, no ears hath heard, nor heart perceived, wliich God hath prepared for his elect. Now here, in this epistle, St Paul telleth us of a certain XXVII.] EPISTLE FOR TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 491 warfare, he taketh muster not only of the Ephesians, to whom this epistle is written ; but also of us which be Chris tians : for aU that is required of them is required of us. The The ant first point that pertaineth to this warfare, is to be strong and ffit°anasoi- hardy : and this is a commandment, as who say, " You that *"' be Christians, that be baptized in his name, that look to be saved through Christ, I command you to be strong ; ye may not be weakhngs ; for ye must fight hard." There is neither man nor woman but they must fight, they must come to that battle; and we may not be weakhngs, because we have a strong enemy : now he that hath a strong and mighty enemy, ought not to be weak and fearful ; for if he be, he shaU be soon overcome and vanquished. Therefore St Paul would have us strong, that we may be able to fight against that fearful enemy, the devU. But for aU that, St Paul would we must not have us to stand to our own strength, to think to van- °™ o™ ...... o ' strength. quish this mighty enemy by our own power or might. No, not so ; for if1 . we put our hope in our own strength, we shall soon be overcome ; he shaU have the victory by and by. We must3 put our hope, trust, and confidence in God ; and trust through Christ our Saviour to overcome this enemy. We may not do as one Ajax did3, whom his father sendeth forth with a company of men to warfare, giving him good and wholesome lessons and instructions, that he should put his hope and trust in God at all times, then he should have luck. Ajax answered and said unto his father : " It is no great4 matter to get the victory with the help of God ; yea, the fearfuUest and weakest man can get the victory when God helpeth him ; but I will get the victory with mine own strength. Without the help of God I am able to fight." Such blasphemies spake this Aiax. But we shaU not do so The bias- ' r , p .» i phemyof as he did, trusting m our own strength ; tor it we do, we Ajax. shaU come too short, we shaU lose the victory, to our eternal " destruction. St Paul saith, Confortamini in Domino, " Be strong in the Lord." We must be strong by a borrowed strength ; for we of our ownselves are too weak and feeble. Therefore let us learn where we shall fetch our strength, our sirength namely from above ; for we have it not of our own selves. above. [i when, 1562.] ["' shall, 1562.] P Sophocl. Ajax, 743 et seq. Edit. Wunder.] P It is not a great, 1562.] 492 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. Now he saith, " Put on aU the harness of God." You know that when a man goeth to war, and is harnessed all about, except one1 place, if his enemy see2 this bare place; he woundeth him as soon as though he had no harness at aU. Therefore St Paul commanded us that we shaU have the wemust whole armour, nothing lacking ; for we may not go with of armour, pieces, having one thing, and lacking the other: for when we be wounded, we shaU do but httle good after. Wherefore The cause doth St Paul require such strength, and such weapons, and would have teacheth us to fight ? Answer : to that end that we may us to be o J vJSponed. quench and puU down the devU ; that we may strive against him, lest peradventure he overcome us, and bring us in danger of our souls. For ye know, in battle as long as a man standeth he is weU, he hath hope to escape ; but as soon as he is down, then he is in jeopardy of his hfe. So: likewise as long as we stand and fight against the devU, we are weU ; but when we faU, then we are in danger, lest he get the victory over us : therefore he would have us to stand against the assaults of the devU. Now you must consider what manner an enemy he is that fighteth against us : and first consider his power. The job xii. scripture saith, Non est potestas, " There is no power on earth which may be compared unto his power." Now, that strong fellow is God's enemy and ours ; therefore St Paul biddeth us to be strong, and armed round about. But to do it must be on our own harness, that we may not; but we must do on the that we must armour of God, which he hath appointed for us: therefore we must not learn of the devU to fight, he shaU not teach us to battle ; for it were hke as if we would fight against the Scots, and had none other harness but as they appointed unto us. No doubt, if we were in that case, they would appoint such weapons for us, that they might get the victory, and give us an overthrow. So when we should fight against we may not the devU, and had none other weapons but as he appointed weapon" as unto us, no doubt he would soon give us an overthrow; for win appoint he would appoint weapons wherewith we could not overcome him and withstand his power. Further: the dUigence of the devU is expressed and declared unto us by the mouth of St Peter, which saith, "He [l at one, 1562.] P spy, 1562.] XXVII.] EPISTLE FOR TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 493 goeth about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." 1 Pet. v. He useth aU crafts and deceits; he compasseth the matter The devii hither and thither, tiU at length he bringeth his matters toSShig pass : for he is no sluggard, no , sleeper, nor negligent, but he applieth his matters and business to the uttermost. Now that he is subtile, it appeareth in holy scripture ; for so it is written, Serpens erat callidior ceteris animalibus ; " The Gen. u_. serpent was wiser than the other beasts were." Here appeared his wits, subtilties, and crafts. Ever after that he The devii hath had a great and long time to exercise himself withal; long exercise. he hath had five thousand five hundred and fifty three years : such a long time he hath had to exercise himself withal. Therefore it is not in vain that St Paul would have us hearty and strong, and fight with a good courage. This devil was Devils were once an angel in heaven, and for pride he was cast down : for he went about to exalt himself above God ; therefore he was pulled down, and all his company with him, which were3 all the angels that took his part; and so he fell with a great number. They fell down from heaven, and here they be in the air : yet they be invisible unto us, because they be spirits : but for all that they be amongst us, and about us, • to let us of good things, and to move us to naughtiness. I am not able to teU how many thousand be here amongst us now in this chamber ; and no doubt some were busy to keep some men away from the hearing of the word of God : for their nature is, either to keep men away from hearing of Note what God's word, so that they shall not hear it at all ; or else, at nature is." the least way, they occupy men's heads with other business, so that they shall hear it without profit. Now, when he bringeth the matter to pass according to his mind, then he rejoiceth wonderfully with his company : so that the writers say, that if we could see them, we should perceive them to D^»sJ^icc hop and dance upon our heads for gladness, because they *> "*<*"*• have done unto us a mischief. We see them not, they be invisible, as I told you before : but no doubt here they be for our exercise ; for it were a smaU thing to believe well, if there were nothing moving to the contrary. Therefore it is so ordained of God, that we should have war, yea, and nothing but war, a standing war; and not only b*™^ for men, but also for women : for the women must battle and must fight. P which were, not in 1562.] 494 SERMONS TREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sEKM. fight with this horrible enemy as well as men. And he is stronger than we be, when we be alone ; so that we shah not be able to give him an overthrow. But when Christ is with us, then he can do nothing at aU, because Christ hath van- The devil's quished his power and might. Therefore his impotency shewed. appeared in the eighth of Matthew : when our Saviour came into the region of the Gergesites, there came two men unto him possessed of the devil, and they cried and said, "Jesu, thou son of David, wherefore art thou come before the time to afflict us?" — where it appeareth, that they tremble and are fearful when Christ is present ; therefore they say, Cur Matt. vm. venisti ante tempus, " Wherefore art thou come before thy time?" The devils know that they be damned, and that they must go to heU: yet they that be here have not yet ap- ihe devils pointed unto them their places; and though they have the have not r . . , , r, . J3,, \ . , their full pains with them, yet they have it not so fully and perfectly torments r ' J J jlj Sdl"'8 as *ney snau nave at the last day. And their greatest joy and comfort is to do us harm ; for they know that they be faUen for ever, so that they shaU never attain to that joy which they have had. And again, they know that we shaU come thither, and therefore they envy God and us : but their impotency appeareth, for they take it for a torment to be letted ; it is a great grief unto them, yet they are not able to strive against the commandment of Christ. Therefore we we need not need not fear them, sith Christ is with us : they are weak to fear the devils, enemies, when we put on such armour as1 St Paul describeth here: for all the devUs in heU or in earth are not able to fight against one of those that hath these armours ; for ye see he dare not disobey Christ commanding him to go out of the man. Now when he perceived that he could do no more harm unto the man, then he desired Christ to let him go into the swine : where appeareth partly, his impotency that he could not go without Christ's permission; partly, his mis chievous mind appeareth ; for when he seeth that he can do us no harm in our bodies, then he goeth about to hurt us in what it is to our goods. But when we have Christ with us, he is not with us. able to hurt us, neither of our souls, bodies, or goods ; that is, when we believe in Christ. For to have Christ with us, is nothing else but to beheve and trust in him, to seek aid and help by him against our enemy the devil. Therefore [' our arms which, 1562.] XXVII.J EPJSTLE FOR TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 495 Christ saith to all his faithful, to aU those that believe in him, Ego sum vobiscum usque ad consummationem sozculi ; Matt. xxvm. " I am with you tUl to the end of the world, to assist you, to help you, to defend you, and to hear your prayers when ye caU upon me." Therefore, though we cannot withstand this enemy by our own power, yet with Christ's help we shall chase him, and put bim back ; make him ashamed of his enterprise and purpose. Non est nobis lucta cum carne et sanguine : " We have not to fight with flesh and blood." Here the Anabaptists Anabaptists make very much ado, intending to prove by these words of place. St Paul, that no christian man may fight or go to warfare ; neither may there be any magistrates, say they, which should shed blood, and punish the wicked for bis wickedness. But these fond feUows are much deceived in their own wits ; for St Paul's mind is clean contrary unto their sayings. St Paul teacheth here, how aU christian people must fight, but not so that one should fight with another ; but he speaketh here of a singular fight : we may not fight one with another. Though my neighbour doth me wrong, yet I may not fight with him, and avenge myself upon him ; for God saith, Mihi vindicta, et ego retribuam, " Let me have the vengeance, and I wUl reward it." And no doubt God wUl reward the wicked for his wickedness, either by himself, or else by the magistrates. Some there be that be punished by the magistrates for their misdoings ; and again, there be some which escape hanging in this world; yet for aU that God punisheth them, either with sickness, or else other ways. But ye must know that there is a private vengeance, and a public : the private ven geance is, when a man goeth about to avenge himself upon his neighbour ; which thing is inhibited here by these words P"™1"^ of St Paul : Non est nobis lucta cum carne et sanguine ; forbidden. " We have not to fight with flesh and blood." But there is a pubhc vengeance, that is the magistrate's : the magistrate ought to fight and to punish ; when he seeth cause, he may and ought to strike malefactors with the sword ; for St Paul saith, Est minister Dei ad vindictam, " The magistrate is a minister of God to punish." Also2 in another place scripture saith, Justus Dominus, et justitiam dilexit ; "The Lord is ihe^ just, and he loveth justice." Therefore the foolish Anabap- «ce. P Item, 1562.] 496 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. tists are much deceived : for this place taketh not away aU manner of fightings, but only the private fighting ; but the magistrate may draw his sword and strike : and certainly every governor and ruler, every king, may defend his realm, cases where- chase and put by the invaders. Again, the subjects are ' onsse wea" b°und in conscience to fight, whensoever they be required of their king and lord : and, no doubt, that man that so fighteth, being lawfuUy caUed thereunto, he is in the service of God, he is God's servant. But above aU things the magistrate, the king, must see that his quarrel be good and lawful, before he proceed to shed christian blood. For they bear God's sword, not to do harm, but good ; to punish and strike the wicked, and defend the good. Therefore, as I said before, the Anabaptists cannot prove by that scripture that there shall be no magistrates nor battles1; or that magistrates may The subjects not draw, their swords against those that trespass. But sub- may not . ° . i-i. i rebel. jects may not ot then own private authority take the sword, or rebel against their king : for when they rebel, they serve the devil ; for they have no commission of God so to do, but of their own head they rise against God, that is, against the king, to whom they owe obedience, and so worthUy be punished. Therefore, good christian people, beware of rebel ling against your sovereign lord the king : but when there be rebels or invaders, and ye be caUed of the king to with stand them, go with a good will and conscience ; and be weU assured that it is God's service in withstanding the rebels or the king's enemies. And no doubt he that refuseth at such a time to serve the king, or else is slow in serving, that curse shall lighten upon him, that God threateneth by his holy Jer. xiviii. prophet Jeremy, saying : Maledictus qui fadt opus Domini negligenter ; et maledictus qui gladium suum abstinet a san- fStiTto" guine ; " Cursed be he that doth the work of the Lord clse'ii" some neghgently ; and cursed be he that keepeth his sword from accursed of blood-shedding." And no doubt that man that dieth so in fighting against the king's enemy, he dieth in God's service, in God's quarrel. But yet I would not have men to caU themselves, or come without calhng : I would have them to tarry till they be called ; for when they be caUed, they be authorised, they have a vocation of God to go. But against rule, against power, against worldly rulers, with these names [' bettolyngcs, 1562.] XXVU.] EPISTLE FOR TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 497 St Paul describeth the devil, signifying unto us his might and power when God permitteth and suffereth him. And then he is subtU: therefore he saith we must fight against the spiritual craftiness, which craftiness passeth aU craftiness. He is nimble and ready to aU mischief ; his agility is wonderful, ^^j,1 his activity is unspeakable. In cozlestibus, " In the element." We read in the scrip- Psai. viii. tures that the fowls are caUed volucres cozli, "the fowls Of the heaven ;" that is, in the parts of the air here amongst us. So the devU is here amongst us in the middle2 part of the air; ready ever to move us against God; whensoever he can Thedevii espy his time, he spareth not, he loseth no time. As for time- an ensample : when the devils perceive one to be given to swearing and cursing, they ever minister matters unto him to retain him in his cursing and to prick him forward : when they perceive one to be given to proudness, they ever move his heart to go forward in the same : when they see or per ceive any man given to carding or dicing, or to lechery, or to other manner of wickedness, he sleepeth not, he is ever ready at hand ; for he hath a thousand ways to hurt us, and to bring us to mischief; insomuch that we are not able to stand against him, when we have not God's weapons wherewith we may strike him. Therefore St Paul saith, that we must fight against rulers. He describeth unto us the great power that the devU hath ; for what is mightier than rulers and • potentates be ? Therefore to the intent that we might per- to what end ceive his mighty power, he named him by that name, to that g££«*, end to make us earnest to put on the armours and take the toil- weapons which God hath appointed for us ; else we shaU soon have an overthrow, if we will take such weapons as the devU shaU appoint us, as he hath done in times past. For what a trust and confidence have we had in holy water and holy 2J»«jj»« bread ! also in ringing of holy beUs, and such fooleries ! ™£i»» But it was good sport for the devU, he could laugh and be merry at our foohshness; yea, and order the matter so to keep us in the same error. For we read in stories3, that at some times the devil went away from some men, because of the p middest, 1562.] p Thus, in that storehouse of marvels, the Promptuanum Exem- plorum of John Herolt, or Discipulus, occur "stories" such as, "Dia- bolus non potuit intrare os ebriosi propter guttam aqua, benedicta. .' oil [latimer.] 498 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [SERM. holy water, as though that holy water had such strength and The subtlety power that he could not abide it. 0 crafty devU ! He went of the devil. x " away, not for fear of the holy water, but because he would maintain men in error and foohshness. And no doubt it was the devil's teaching, the using of this holy water. It was not long ago since, I being with one of my neigh bours that was sick, there came in an old woman, and when ' a good medi- she saw the man sore sick, she asked, whether there were no sick man. holy water to be gotten ? See here the foolishness of the people, that in the time of the hght1 of God's most holy word will follow such phantasies and delusions of the devU ! Ye know, when there was a storm or a fearful weather, then we rang the holy bells2: they were they that must make aU me ringing things well ; they must drive away the devU! But I teU of holy bells. O ' J J you, if the holy beUs would serve against the devU, or that he might be put away through their sound, no doubt we would soon banish him out of aU England. For I think if all the beUs in England should be rung together at a certain hour, I think there would be almost no place, but some bells might be heard there. And so the devU should have no abiding place in England, if ringing of bells would serve : but it is not that that wiU serve against the devU. Yet we have beheved such fooleries in times past: but it was but touehtus'to mockmg; it was the teaching of the devU. And no doubt 3.holy we were m a nuserable case, when we learned of the devU to fight against the devU. And how much are we bound to God, that he hath dehvered us from these gross igno rances, and hath taught us how we should fight and prevaU against his enemy! Yet it is a pitiful thing to see, that we desire there be some amongst us which would fain have the old fooleries ° the wo'ri of foolenes again = they are aweary' of the word of God, they God- cannot away with it ; they would rather have their crossings, and setting up of candles, and such fooleries, than the word and, " Quidam aspergebat infirmum qui sustinuit magnas infestationes dsemonum, et statim omnes dsemones in fiigam dederunt."] [* which amidst, 1562.] p In 1464 there is a charge in the churchwarden's accounts of Sandwich for bread and cheese for the "ryngers in the gret thun- deryng." The chasing away of evil spirits was also said to be ac complished by the ringing of hallowed bells. Brand, Obs. on Popular Antiq. ii. 130, &c. Edit, by Ellis: Durand. Ration. Div. Offlc. i. 4. §15.] XXVII.] EPISTLE FOR TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 499 of God. I was once caUed to one of my kinsfolk (it was a pretty taie. at that time when I had taken degree at Cambridge, and was made master of art), I was caUed, I say, to one of my kinsfolk, which was very sick, and died immediately after my coming. Now there was an old cousin of mine, which, after the man was dead, gave me a wax candle in my hand, and commanded me to make certain crosses over him that was dead: for she thought the devU should run away by and by. Now I took the candle, but I could not cross him as she would have me to do; for I had never seen it afore. Now she, perceiving that I could not do it, with a great anger took the candle out of my hand, saying, " It is pity that thy father spendeth so much money upon thee :" and so she took the candle, and crossed and blessed him, so that he was sure enough. No doubt she thought that the devil could have no power against him. This, and such hke things, were nothing but illusions of the devU : yet for aU that we put our trust so in them, that we thought we could not be saved without such things. But now, let us give God most hearty thanks, that he hath dehvered us from such snares and Ulusions of the devU; and let us endeavour ourselves most earnestly to hear God's most holy word, and to hve after it. Now to the armours. Here is the armour of God's teach ing, for man and woman. When a man shall go to battle, ^0^»f commonly he hath a great girdle, with an apron of maU weapons. going upon his knees; then he hath a breast-plate; then, for the nether part, he hath high shoen ; and then he must have a buckler, to keep off his enemy's strokes; then he must have a saUet wherewith his head may be saved ; and finaUy, he must have a sword to fight withal, and to hurt his enemy. These are the weapons that commonly men use when they go to war : of such wise St Paul would have us to be prepared. Therefore, whosoever wUl go to this spiritual war, and fight against the devU, he must have such wea pons, truth, justice, and be ready to hear God's word. They that be armed in such wise, the devil can nothing do against them; as it appeared in the holy man Job, whom job was «n the devU could not tempt further than he had leave of God. Whereby we gather, that when we stand in God's armour, we shall be able to quench the assaults of this old serpent the devil. 32 — 2 500 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. Now the first point of this armour is truth and verity j from which truth the devil is fallen, he and aU his company. For it is written, In veritate non stetit ; " He abode not in the truth." He was in the truth, but he fell from it; he with wing remained not in it ; for with lying and falsehood he deceived thedevii ' JO deceived our grandmother Eve, when he desired her to eat of the for- man. o 7 bidden fruit, affirming and most surely promising unto her and her husband Adam, that they should be gods after they had eaten of the apple : which was a false he. Therefore it is written of him, Mendax est et ejus rei pater ; " He is The devii is a har, and a father of the same." O that aU liars would father of . liars. consider what an horrible thing it is in the face of God to tell false tales ! They have cause to be weary of their estate ; for the devil is their father, and they be bis chUdren. And being the chUd of the devU, he giveth him an iU reward, as he doth to aU his chUdren, even everlasting perdition; for that is their inheritance, which they shaU have of their fa ther. Cum mendadum loquitur ex propriis loquitur: "When he speaketh a he, he speaketh of his own, for he himself is nothing else but falsehood." 0 there be many sore sentences Many sore in scripture against bars and false tale-teUers ! David saith, sentences x ° against liars. Perdes omnes qui loquuntur mendadum; "Thou shalt de stroy aU them that speak hes." Therefore St Paul exhorteth us to this truth, to leave lies and falsehood: he saith, De- posito mendacio veritatem loquimini quisque cum proximo Ephes. iv. suo ; " Set aside aU hes, and speak the truth every one with his neighbour." I pray God we may learn this lesson of St Paul, and foUow it, and practise it ; for no doubt we be foil ah estates of hes. Consider and examine all estates, and ye shaU find fyfngl ° aU their doings furnished with hes. Go first to men of oc cupations, consider their hves and conversations ; there is in a manner nothing with them but lying. Go to men of au thority, go to the lawyers, you shaU find stuff enough. For it is seen now-a-days, that chUdren learn prettily of their parents to he ; for the parents are not ashamed to he in presence of their children. The craftsman, or merchantman, teacheth his prentice to he, and to utter his wares with lying and for swearing. Finahy1, there is almost nothing amongst us but lies : and therefore parents and masters are in great danger of eternal damnation ; for they care not how they bring up P In summa, 1562.] XXVII.] EPISTLE FOR TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 501 their youth, in godliness, or otherwise; they care not. for it. Therefore I. exhort you, in God's behalf, to consider the mat-Notethi,, ter, ye parents: suffer not your children to he, or teU false S&SSSL tales. _ When you hear one of your children to make a he, take him up, and give him three or four good stripes, and tell him that it is naught: and when he maketh another he, give him six or eight stripes; and I am sure when youAmedicine serve him so, he will leave it ; for it is a common saying, Kvf1" Vexatio dat intellectum, " Correction giveth understanding." IyinB' But we see now-a-days, that parents rejoice when their chU dren can make a pretty he. They say, " He wiU be a pretty witty feUow, he can make a pretty he." So much is the word of God regarded amongst us! So likewise, prentices Like master can do nothing but he ; and the better he can he, the more is llkeman' he regarded of his master, and the more acceptable; and therefore there was never such falsehood as there is now, for the youth is so brought up in hes and falsehood. For we see daily what falsehood is abroad, how every man de- ceiveth his neighbour ! There wUl no writing serve now adays; every man worketh craftily with his neighbour. In the old time there were some folks not ashamed to preach in the open pulpit unto the people, how long a man should he in purgatory. Now, to defend their hes, they said - it was done to a good purpose, to make the people afraid, to beware of sin and wickedness. But what saith God by the prophet ? Nunquid eget Dominus mendacio, ut pro Mo lo- quamini mendadum ? " Hath the Lord need of hes, that ye God needeth wUl go and make hes in his name ?" You may perceive now, how necessary a thing it is to be in the truth, to be upright in our dealings ; for St Paul requireth truth not only in judgments, that judges shall judge according to. equity and conscience ; but also he requireth that we be true in aU our God re- i iii i _^n • quireth all conversations and doings, words and deeds. And so Christ g^™8^6 himself requireth the same of us in the fifth of St Matthew : conversation. Sit sermo vester, Est, est ; non, non ; " Let your saying be, Matt. v. Yea, yea; no, no." He saith two times, "Yea, yea;" to signify unto us, that it shall be with us so that when we say " Yea" with our tongue, then it shah be in the heart " Yea" t.oo: again, when we say "No" with our tongue, that the heart be so too. Therefore he saith two times, " Yea, yea ;. whychrut " s&iu y G&f yen, no, no;" to signify that the heart and mouth shall go to- nav' nav- 502 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. gether. And therefore it appeareth that we be in a pitiful case, far from that that God would have us to be. For there be some that be so used to hes, that they can do nothing a proverb else ; and, as the common saying is, a he is the better when it cometh in their mouth. WeU, I wUl shew you an ensample, Let an liars which shaU be enough to fear us from lying. In the primi- story, tive church, when there was but few which beheved, and amongst them there was a great many of poor people, there fore they that were rich used to sell their goods, and brought the money to the apostles, to that end that the poor might be relieved : there was some that did such things simply and uprightly, with a good heart. Now there was a certain man, Ananias was caUed Ananias, and his wife caUed Saphira; they were Chris- ft cflnisl christian, tiafls, but they sought nothing but worldly things, as some of would God us do now-a-days1- They thought it should be a worldly thiswerenot ... . ^ . ^ ° - i • i i proved true kingdom, as there be many gospeUers now-a-days which seek in a great . . number of us, nothing by the gospel but their own gains and preferments. Now this man with his wife, seeing others seU their goods, thought they would get a good name too : they went and sold their lands, yet they were afraid to bring aU the money to the apostles, mistrusting lest this rehgion should not endure long ; therefore they thought it wisdom to keep somewhat in wh!tforme" st°re. when necessity should require. WeU, they go and foui day. bring a part of the money to Peter, and the other part they kept for themselves, affirming to Peter that it was the whole money. Now Peter, having knowledge by the Holy Ghost of this falsehood, said unto him when he came with the money, Cur Satan implevit cor tuum ut mentireris Spiritui Sancto? "How chanced it that the devU hath fiUed thy heart, that thou shouldest he unto the Holy Ghost? Was it not thy own goods ? And thou comest and sayest it is aU, when it was but a part?" Non hominibus, "Thou hast not hed a terrible unto men, but unto God." What foUoweth ? Ananias, hear ted i>otake m& *^a*' ^ an<^ ^y fell down and died out of hand: so that Peter killed him with his words. After that came his wife* and told the same tale, and received like reward for her he. Now I pray you, who hath such a flinty and stony heart, that he wUl not be afraid to make hes ? But what meaneth it, that God punisheth not hes so openly now as he did then ? Answer : that God punisheth not hes now, he doth not P now-a-days, in 1562 only.] not liars now as he did in Ananias' XXVII.J EPISTLE FOR TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 503 because he hath a delight in hes more at this time than he had at that same time ; for he is an immutable unchangeable God. He tarrieth, and punisheth not by and by, because he The would have us to repent and leave our wickedness, hes, and punisheth falsehood : if we wiU not repent, then he wUl come one day "sVdw and make an end with us, and reward us according unto our ttme- deserving. And this is commonly our nature, that when we have made one he, we must make twenty others to defend that one. — This is now the first armour that we should have, namely, truth. St Augustine2 writeth very terribly of lyings, and against those that use lying. There be some that make a jesting «e a difference between a jesting he, and an earnest he : but I forsake God. teU you, it is good to abstain from them both, for God is the truth. When we forsake the truth, we forsake God. Now the second weapon is to be just, to give every man that which we owe unto him : to the king that which per taineth unto him ; to our landlords what we owe unto them ; to our curate or parson what pertaineth unto him ; and a great num- . ,1.1 ber thinketh though the curate be unlearned, and not able to do his duty, that nothing o J ' is so evil as yet we may not withdraw from him, of private authority, that ^J"^^ thing which is appointed unto him by common authority. hath' No, not so : we ought to let him have his duty ; but when he wemay not is naught, or unapt to be in the place of a curate, then we £|:™f.with may complain to the ordinary, and desire a better for him. So hkewise between married folks there shaU be justice ; that is to say, they shall do their duties : the man shall love his wife, shall honour her, shall not be rigorous, but admonish her lovingly : again, the wife shall be obedient, loving, and kind towards her husband ; not provoking him to anger with ill and naughty words. Further, the parents ought to do J}****;* justice towards their chUdren, to bring them up in godliness ^^^ and virtue ; to correct them when they do naught : hkewise another' the children ought to be obedient unto their parents, and be willing to do according unto their commandment. Item, the mas ters ought to do justice unto their servants, to let them have their meat and drink, and their wages : again, the servants ought to be diligent in their master's businesses ; to do them truly, not to be eye-servants. Likewise, the subjects ought to be obedient to their king and magistrate : again, the king P Especially in his treatises de Mendacio, and contra Mendadum, Oper. Tom. vi. col. 307 et seq. Edit. Bened. Antwerp. 1701.] 504 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [SERM. ought to do justice, to see that justice have place. FinaUy, one neighbour ought to have justice with another ; that is, to give him what pertaineth unto him ; not to deceive him in any thing, but to love bim, and to make much of bim. When we do so, then are we sure we have the second part of this armour of God. The third Thirdly, we must be shod, we must have shoen : that armour is. d ii_~ti-ii o^hoes; is to say, we must be ready to hear God's holy word; we hearftTword must have good affections to hear God's word ; and we must ofGod. jje rea(jy t0 mate provision for the furtherance of the preach ing of God's holy word, as far forth as we be able to do. Now aU these that have such lusts and desires to God's word; item, aU those that are content to maintain the office of preach ing, to find scholars to school ; aU these have their battling shoen, which St Paul requireth of them. TJf *"ckler Now when we be shod, we must have a buckler ; that is, of faith. m # ... . faith ; and this must be a right faith, a faith according unto God's word : for the Turks have their faith, so likewise the Jews have their faith. Item, the false Christians have then- faith, but they have not the right faith: not that faith of which St Paul speaketh here ; but they have a fidem men- dacem, a false faith, a deceivable faith ; for it is not ground ed in God's word : therefore the right faith cannot be gotten except by God's word. And the word worketh not, hath no who they be commodities, except it be taken with faith. Now we may that have this x J buckler. try ourselves, whether we have this faith or not. If we he in sin and wickedness, care not for God's word and his holy commandments, but hve only according to our lusts and ap petites, then we have not this faith: when we be slothful, when we be whoremongers, swearers, or unmerciful unto the poor, then we have not this faith, as long as we be in such customable sins. But if we hear God's word, beheve, and be content to hve after it, leave our sins and iniquities; then we have that faith of which St Paul speaketh here, then we " shall be able to quench the fiery arrows of the devU." So ye have heard what the armour of God is, namely, truth, justice, readiness to hear God's word, and faith : but this faith must not be only in our mouth, in our tongue, but it must be in our hearts1 ; that is to say, we must not only P hands, 1562.] XXVII.] EPISTLE FOR TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 505 talk of the gospel, but also we must foUow it in our con versations and livings. Now then, we must have a helmet, a sallet, that is, iheheimet salvation. Whatsoever we do, we must consider whether it ° sa ™ °n' may further or let us of our salvation. When it may let thee of thy salvation, leave it ; when it may further thee, then do it. So throughout all our hves we must have a respect, whether our doings may stand with our salvation or not. When we are now ready and armed round about, so that our enemy cannot hurt us, then we must have a sword in our hands to fight withal, and to overcome our ghostly enemy. What manner of sword is this ? It is2 God's word : it is a spiritual sword, which aU people ought to have. Here ye hear that aU men and women ought to have that sword, that is the word of God, wherewith they may fight against the devU. Now I pray you, how could the lay people have we may not that sword, how could they fight with the devU, when aU sword. things were in Latin, so that they could not understand it ? Therefore, how needful it is for every man to have God's word, it appeareth here ; for only with the word of God we must fight agamst the devil, which devil intendeth daily to do us mischief. How could now the unlearned fight against him, when aU things were in Latin, so that they might not come to the understanding of God's word ? Therefore let us give God most hearty thanks that we have God's word, and let us thankfuUy use the same; for only with God's word omy God's J i • i . • . word is our we shaU avoid and chase the devil, and with nothing else. ™aP°tnthe Our Saviour when he was tempted, what were his weapons ? d<-'vU- Wherewith fought he ? Nothing else but with God's word3. When the devU tempted him, he ever said, Scriptum est, " It chnst over- x t • t /* ^^^ . ne is written." When the devU would have him to cast himself ^ilw^n- down from the temple, he said unto him, Scriptum est, non tentabis Dominum Deum tuum ; " It is written, Thou shalt not tempt thy Lord God :" that is to say, we may not put God to do any4 thing miraculously, when it may be done other ways. Again, upon the mountain, when the devU would have him to worship him, he said, Scriptum est, " It p Marry, it is, 1562.] p what were his weapons wherewith he fought? Nothing else but God's word, 1562.] p. that thing, 1562, 1572.] 506 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. is written, Thou shalt honour thy God only." So likewise we must have God's word to fight with the devU, and to withstand his temptations and assaults. As when the devU moveth me to commit adultery, I must fight against him with the word of God : Scriptum est, " It is written, Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou devil, thou shalt not be able to bring me unto it, to do against my Lord God." So likewise, when the devU moveth me to make hes, I must confound him with God's word. St Paul saith, Veritatem loquimini quisque cum proximo suo; " Speak the truth every say the truth one to his neighbour:" as there is a common saying and shame ° - o thedevii. amongst us, "Say the truth and shame the devU:" so every one, man and woman, must fight against the devU. But we preachers, we have a greater and higher degree : we are magistrates, we have the spiritual sword of God, in a higher degree than the common people ; we must rebuke other men, and spare no man. Our office is to teach every man the way to heaven ; and whosoever wiU not foUow, but hveth The preacher stUl in sin and wickedness, him ought we to strike, and not hath autho- . . 5; wiVh trike ^° sPare" ^lke as John Baptist did, when he said to the God's wLd. great an(i proud king Herod, Non licet tibi; "Sir, it be cometh not thee to do so." So we preachers, must use God's word to the correction of other men's sins; we may not be flatterers or claw-backs. Other people, that have not this vocation, may exhort every one his neighbour to leave sins ; but we have the sword, we are authorised to strike them with God's word. Now the last part of this armour is prayer: and I warrant you it is not left out ; for it is the christian man's special weapon, wherewith to strike the devU, and vanquish his assaults. And if we be weak, and feel ourselves not able to withstand our enemy, we must faU to prayer, which is a sure remedy; to desire God to help for his own sake, and for Christ's sake, for his promise' sake. For he were not God, if he should not keep his promises; therefore Christ commandeth us to pray always when we have need : and no doubt there is never a time but we have need, either for ourselves, or else for our neighbours. Therefore to pray we have need, and we shall overcome the devU with faithful Prayer ^ the prayer ; for prayer is the principal weapon wherewith we weapon. must fight against the devU. I speak of faithful prayer: XXVI1.J EPISTLE FOR TWENTY-FIRST SCNHAY AFTER TRINITY. 507 for in times past we took bibbling babbling for prayer, when it was nothing less ; and therefore St Paul addeth, Spiritu, " In spirit." We must pray in spirit, with a penitent heart : for there is no man that hath an UI conscience that doth pray in spirit. He that is a whoremonger, or a swearer, a carder, or dicer, a drunkard, or such like, that prayeth, his prayer hath no effect. As long as he is in purpose of sin, he cannot pray : when he cannot pray, then he is unarmed; he hath not these weapons of wliich St Paul speaketh here. But he that hath a penitent heart, to leave his sins and wickedness, that same is he whose prayers shall be heard. And when we pray, we may not do it waveringly The mind or rashly, without consideration ; our mouth speaking, and If we Si the heart being occupied with other matters : we may not do so, we must pray with great earnestness and ferventness. At the last, when he hath set out the properties of pray ers, then he saith, " for aU saints." Here ye may consider, that when we know not scripture, how blind we be, and have been in times past. For we thought only those to be saints and holy, that be gone out of this world ; but it is not so. AU they that beheve in our Saviour Christ, that caU upon ah christians his name, and look to be saved by him, those same be God's saints. AU faithful Christ's people, that beheve in him faith fuUy1, are saints and holy. Now, when he hath done, and set out all his mind, at the st Paul did last he cometh and desireth them to pray for him : but for benefices. what ? Not to get a fat benefice or a bishopric. No, no ; St Paul was not a hunter for8 benefices : he saith, " Pray that I may have utterance and boldness to speak." And this was requisite to his office; for though a preacher be weU learned, but yet lacketh that boldness, and is faint hearted, truly he shah do but httle good for aU his learning. When he feareth men more than God, he is nothing to be regarded. Therefore this is the thing that St Paul so much desireth, to have boldness to speak: for when a preacher's mouth is stopped, so that he dare not rebuke sin and wicked- AWnt-^ ness, no doubt he is not meet for his office. Now, hke as «« ¦»£ St Paul required the Ephesians to pray for Mm, that he may ».«»-_«. have utterance, (for this was most necessary for his office ;) so P believe in him, are, 1562.] [2 of, 1562.] 508 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. let every one pray unto God, and desire others to pray for him, that he may do the works of his vocation. As for an ensample : when he is a married man, let him pray unto God that he may love his wife, cherish her, honour and bear with ah estates her infirmities. So likewise, let aU the faithful servants caU have need ^ ' to pray. Up0n q0(^ ^j. ^ey may fo ^ duty 0f their vocation. So likewise, let magistrates be fervent in prayer ; for no doubt they have need; for they have a great charge committed unto them of God: therefore they have the more need of the help of God. Yea, let every good subject pray unto God for the magistrates, that they may do their duties ac cording unto God's wUl and commandment. And no doubt this is a good prayer, when one faithful man prayeth for the other : such prayer shaU not be in vain ; God wUl hear it, and grant such faithful prayers. wifi-woik"0 There be many men in the world, which think that prayer is wUl-work ; so that they may do it, or omit it : but it is not so ; they be much deceived. For it is as necessary for me when I am in tribulation to caU upon God, and I ought to do it under the pain of damnation, as weU as I am bound to keep any of his commandments. By the virtue of this commandment, " Thou shalt not steal," I may not take away other men's goods: so by this commandment, "Thou shalt not commit adultery," I may not defile another man's wife : so by the virtue of this commandment, Invoca me in die tribulationis, " CaU upon me in the time of trouble," it is dam- I ought and am bound, under the pain of damnation, to re- nable not to ° . matroubieod sor* un^° &0(x> *° cau uPon bim, to seek aid and help by bim at his hands. For this is as weU God's commandment as the other is : therefore I desire you most earnestly, set not hght by prayer ; remember that it is the commandment of God. And again, it is the only stay, Uitimum refugium, the only help, to come to God, and desire his help in Christ's name. For by prayer Peter being in prison was delivered. Likewise Moses, by the efficacy of his prayer, went through the Bed Sea, he and all Ins people. So was Ezecliias the lung dehvered from Iris sickness by his prayer, pant'edfbf Also1, Ehas the prophet stopped the rain a long time, and ^promise' ^en j^ prayera jjG brought rain again. If I should ga P Item, 1562.] XXVII.] EPISTLE FOH TWENTY-FIRST SUNOAY AFTER TRINITY. 509 through aU the stories which shew us the efficacy of prayers* I should never have done ; for no doubt faithful prayer fail. eth never, it hath ever remedied aU matters. . For it brought to pass, that when God would destroy the Israelites, he could not, because of Moses's prayers ; Moses letted God of his purpose. And no doubt God loveth to be letted, for God loveth not to punish or destroy the people ; and therefore by a prophet God complained that there was not found a good man, qui poneret se tanquam murum, " which might set himself like as a strong waU before the people :" that is to say, which were so earnest in prayer, that God could not punish the people. Now ye have heard how that prayer is a commandment: we shaU2 in every distress pray unto God, saying, ''Lord a godiy and God, thou art merciful, thou knowest my weakness, which prayer. hast promised to help: therefore, for thy Son's sake, for thy mercies' sake, for thy goodness' sake, for thy truth's sake, help me and dehver me out of my distress, forgive me my sins." Surely, whosoever prayeth so instantly, he shall be heard: but oportet semper orare, "We must pray at all we must ... . . , 111 pray at aH times," without intermission : when we go to bed, when we times. rise in the morning, when we go about our business, or when we are on horseback, ever pray : for a short prayer is able Ar|horrtis to bring a great thing to pass, as it appeared in the pub- gr^t force. hcan, which said only, Propitius esto mihi peccatori; " Lord, Lukexviu. be merciful to me a sinner." Therefore Christ saith, Vigi late et orate ne intretis in tentationem ; " Watch and pray, lest ye enter into temptation ;" that is, lest you be overcome with it. Now remember what I have said unto you: consider what an enemy we have, what power he hath, what experience and practice : again, how weak he is when Christ is with us. Remember the armour; namely, truth, justice, love to the hearing of God's word, faith and salvation; ever consider whether your doings be to the let of your salvation or not. Remember the sword ; though ye have it not in so high a degree as we have it, which may strike kings and emperors, £^™ when they transgress the word of God, as it appeared m^01"™1 Ehas, which struck the king Ahab. Also3 John Baptist [2 must, 1607.] P Item, 1562.] 510 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. £sERM. struck that sturdy king Herod. If they had been faint hearted, they should not have done so. But speciaUy I would have you to remember prayer: when ye be in any anguish and trouble, and cannot teU how to reheve your selves, run to God. Now they that shaU and wiU regard that armour of God, taught us by the apostle St Paul, the devil no doubt shaU not prevaU against them. Therefore, if we would put on this armour, we should come to such a practice of it, that the devU should be afraid to come at us; yea, and when he cometh, he shall soon be cast off and avoided. The Almighty God, which ruleth heaven and earth with his infinite power, give us such strength, that we may be able to vanquish the devU, and all his might! Amen. XXVIII.] THE FOURTH SERMON OF MASTER LATEUER'S. PHILIPPIAJSrS III. [17, 18.] Imitatores mei estote, fratres, et observate eos qui ita ambulant sicut habe- tisformam nostram. Multi enim ambulant, quos soepe dicebam vobis, fyc. Brethren, be followers together of me, and look on them which walk Head in the even so as ye have us for an ensample. For many walk, of whom twenty-third I have told you often, and now tell you weeping, that they are Irinlty. after the enemies of the cross of Christ. This is the epistle which is read this day in the church, a sermon and containeth many good things. And this day two year Stamford. I entreated of the gospel of this day at Stamford ; and such matters as I had in hand, were gathered of a dihgent person and put in print. The gospel was this : " Give unto Caesar that thing that pertaineth unto Csesar, and unto God that thing that pertaineth unto God." I wUl rehearse in few words that which I said at the same time. The Pharisees and scribes asked Christ our Saviour, whether they should give tribute unto Csesar or not; for it irked them that they should pay tribute; they thought it to be a great servitude: but they asked Christ this ques tion of a mischievous mind, intending to take him in his words. But he disappointed them prettUy, asking whose The Phari- image the money bare ? They answered, " The emperor's." appointed. Then our Saviour saith, "Give therefore unto the emperor that that pertaineth unto him, and unto God that which pertaineth unto God." They spake nothing of God, but only of the tribute; but our Saviour in his answer teUeth them and aU the world their duties : yet he doth it with dark and covered words. They confessed that the image was the emperor's, and so consequently subject unto him: then our Saviour commanded them to pay according unto the order ; as the emperor had agreed with them, that was their duty to do. Our Saviour he referred them to their laws, signifying that they ought to obey the laws in their 512 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [SERM. The prince must be obeyed in things not against God, This lesson is commonwealth; and so ought we to do too : for our Saviour given to us as. ° weii as to the m his answer teacheth not only them, but us also ; for hke as it was with the Jews, so is it with us here in England. Our sovereign lord the king, when he lacketh any thing to the defence of his realm, it is presented 'in the parhament ; there is required such things as be necessary for the king's affairs. Now look, whatsoever is granted unto bis majesty by the parliament, the whole realm is bound in conscience to pay it, every man as it is required of him : and that is our due unto the king ; namely, to give and do our duties in aU things towards our sovereign lord the king : as far forth as it is not against God, we must obey him, and do his requests. But now ye wUl say, " This is a great bondage, and a heavy yoke and servitude." Consider therefore, who speaketh these words; who is he that commanded us to be obedient? Verily1, our Saviour himself. Now he saith, Meum jugum leve est, " My yoke is hght :" how chanced it then that he wUl lay upon me such a heavy burthen? For it is a great burthen for me to forego my goods ; as when there is a subsidy, so that the king requireth one shilling of every pound. Now I am worth forty pound, and so I pay forty shillings ; to which money the king hath as good, right, as to any inheritance which his majesty hath. And this I speak to this end, for I fear this realm be full of thieves; for he is a thief that withdraweth any thing from any man, whosoever he be. Now I put the case : it is allowed by the parhament, by common authority, that the king shaU have one shilling of every pound, and there be certain men appointed in every shire which be valuers: when I now either corrupt the valuer, or swear, against my conscience, that I am not worth an hundred pounds when I am worth two hundred, here I am a thief before God, and shall be hanged for it in heU. Now, how many thieves, think ye, are there in England, which wUl not be valued above ten pound when they be worth a hundred pound? But this is a pitiful thing, and God wUl punish ooa^matters them one day; for God's matters are not to be trifled trifled withal, withal ! Now ye will say, "This is a heavy yoke, and intoler- P Marry, 156?.] This realm is full of thieves. XXV1II.J EPISTLE FOR TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 513 able to bear." Sirs, I wUl tell ye what ye shaU do : consider every one with himself, what Christ hath done for us ; from what great and intolerable a burthen he hath dehvered us. When ye consider that, this burthen which the king layeth upon us will be light enough unto us; for Christ hath de hvered us from the burthen of our sins. When we consider two things i n . t . considered, that, first, who he is2 that commandeth it unto us ; second- Keshan be ' well content arUy, what he hath done for us that biddeth us to obey, $ chSt.wiU no doubt we shall be weU content withal. But there be a great many of us which consider not that, but rather deceive the king, or forswear themselves, or else rebel against the king ; which things, no doubt, displease God most highly and grievously. Another thing is, that should move us to bear this burthen wiUingly, which is, his promise. For whosoever wiU be content to pay his duty truly and He that Pay- x J J J et)1 his duty uprightly, as he ought to do, that man shall have never ^antove the less in fulfilling the commandment of God. For soless- saith God : " If thou shalt hearken dihgently unto the Deut. xxvm. voice of the Lord, thou shalt be blessed in the town, and blessed in the fields," &c. So that if we do according as he willeth us to do, if we give unto the king that which pertaineth unto the king, no doubt we shaU be blessed ; we shah have never the less, for God's blessing will light upon us. But there be a great many amongst us, which do not beheve these3 things to be true : they believe not the promises of God; and so they make God a liar; for Qui non credit Deo facit Deum mendacem, " He that beheveth not God, maketh God a har." Now if this will not move us to do our duties, namely, that Christ hath delivered us from the great burthen of our sins, let us be moved at the leastways with his promises; namely, that we shall w^hainn- increase our good in doing our duties unto the king. Effig"*" This little I thought good to say, and so to put you inkins- remembrance of such things as I said4 at that time : for if this were well considered, we would be willing to do our duties, and so please God withal; for God loveth a cheerful oogto-u. obeyer, one that with a good-will is ready to do such things <*««¦ as he appointeth him. Now let us turn to the epistle. " Brethren, be followers [2 is he, 1562.] P those, 1562.] P have said, 1562.] 33 [LATIMER.] 514 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. together of me, and look on them that walk even so as ye have us for an ensample." .These are marveUous Pauls words WOrds of St Paul, which seem outwardly to be arrogantly nouobut are spoken : if any man should say so at this time, we would think him to be a very arrogant feUow. But ye must see that ye right understand St Paul ; for he spake these words not of an arrogant mind. First, ye must consider with whom he had to do, namely, with false apostles, which did corrupt God's most holy word, the gospel, which he had preached before. And so the same false prophets did much harm ; for a great number of people did credit them, and followed their doctrine ; which things grieved St Paul very sore : therefore he admonished them, as who say, "Ye have preachers amongst you, I would not have you to foUow them; foUow rather me, and them that walk like as I do." This was not arrogantly spoken, but rather lovingly, to keep them from error. He saith the same to the Corinthians, in the eleventh chapter, saying, "Be ye the foUowers of me :" but there he addeth, "As I am the follower of Christ." So put the same words hither, set them together, and then all is weU. For I teU you, it ou_sthinnter" *s a ^angerous thing to follow men ; and we are not bound follow men. to foUow them, further than they foUow Christ. We ought not to hve after any saint, nor after St Paul, or Peter, nor after Mary the mother of Christ, to foUow them, I say, universaUy : we are not bound so to do, for they did many things amiss. Therefore let us foUow them as they foUow Christ; for our Saviour Christ giveth us a general rule and warning, saying, "Whatsoever they teach you, do it;. but after their works do ye not:" and he addeth, " Sitting in Moses's chair," that is to say, when they teach Leam how the truth. So that we ought to foUow them that teach the long men are ° lSwei61" truth ; but ™en tney do naugflt, we should not foUow them. Therefore he saith in another place, Nisi abundaverit ves tra justitia, " Except your righteousness be more than the scribes and Pharisees, ye shaU not enter into the kingdom of heaven." This he speaketh of the clergymen, giving us warning not to do as they did. We must have such a righteousness as may stand before God; we are not ap pointed to follow saints: as when I hear this saint hath prayed so many psalms, so many hours in a day, I am be XXVIII.J EPISTLE FOR TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 515 not bound in conscience to follow him, to be his ape, and we are not , ¦, . ... . . 1 ' bound to be to do as ne did ; my vocation being contrary unto it. saints' ai'es- There is a place in the second of Machabees, the twelfth 2 Mace. x__. chapter, where we read how that Judas Machabeus, that hearty captain, sendeth certain money to Jerusalem, to make a sacrifice for the dead. Now Judas did this; but it fol- judas Macca- loweth not, that we are bound in conscience to do the like, teUfoiTow°ed.° as the papists, which by and by conclude upon it: "Judas did this, and he was a godly man ; therefore we should do it too, we should follow his ensample, and sacrifice for the dead." Nego argumentum: it is a naughty argument, to conclude upon that thing which he did devoutly, having not God's word, He did it, ergo, it was weU done : for we are not bound to follow them in their doings. For if Mary, the mother of Christ, should have done somewhat disagreeing from God's word, we should not foUow her, which indeed hath had her fault, as St Augustine plainly affirmeth in the third treatise upon John ; where she moved Christ to do a miracle, when their wine was lacking at the marriage ; when our Saviour called her, Mulier, " Woman, what have I to do with thee ?" As who say, " To do miracles is my Father's work, and he knoweth the time when it is best to be done ; what have you to do with it?" Where Chrysostom and Augustine' plainly affirm, that Mary was somewhat arrogant. Mary was O r tl ti o somewhat So likewise it appeared in the evangelist Matthew, where arrogant she, interrupting his sermon, desired to speak with him ; and a fellow told him, when he was teaching the people, saying, " Thy mother is here, and would speak with thee ;" he an swered and said, "Who is my mother, or sister, or brother?" And stretched out his hand, saying, "Whosoever doth the wiU of my Father which is in heaven, he is my mother, sister, and brother." So hkewise, when he was but twelve years of age, his mother and father seeking him, he said, Nescitis, p Miraculum ergo exigebat mater, at ille tanquam non agnoscit viscera humana, operaturus facta divina, tanquam dicens, Quod de me facit miraculum, non tu genuisti; divinitatem meam non tu genuisti. In Joan. Evangel, c. 1. Tract, viii. Oper. Tom. m. par. 2. col. 260. Edit. Bened. Antw. 1700. o&ro) 17W4 17 Spa pov. ovSena yvapipos dpi to'is Ttapovo-iv, dXK' ov8e "ujcunv on iiorepijo-ev olvos. %a ko.1 to 8avpa vircmrov iroitis. Chrysostom. in Joan. Horn. 22. Oper. Tom vin. Edit. Bened. Paris. 1728.] 33—2 516 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. ^SERM. "'Know ye not that I must be in the business of my Father ?" Now, in all these places, as the writers say, Passa est hu^ manum ; " She hath shewed her frail nature :" shall we go now and foUow her ? No, no, we may not do so. St Paul teacheth us how we shaU follow them, and in what things : Gai. iv. Bonum est azmulari in bono semper ; " It is good always to be fervent, and to follow in good things." Then it is not such a good argument, Such a man doth it, therefore1 it is a good thing. No, not so ; we must foUow so, and do so aU things, as it may stand with our vocation, whereunto God to leave our hath caUed us: for when we leave our vocation whereunto damnable. God hath appointed us, no doubt, we do naught and damnably. As for an ensample : our Saviour fasted forty days and forty nights without any manner of sustenance ; therefore1 we shaU do so too : no, because we are not able to do so too, we should kUl ourselves. Likewise Moses, that holy prophet of God, killed an Egyptian, which was a wicked and naughty man ; therefore1, shall go I and kill yonder wicked man too : no, I may not do so, for it is against my caUing ; I am no magistrate, therefore I may not do it. As for Moses, he had Numb. xv. a special inspiration of God. Phinees, that godly man, kUIed Zambri and Cozbe, which were occupied together in the act of fornication : Phinees, that zealous man, came and killed them both at once, which pleased God weU2. Now ye may make such an argument : Phinees did so, and pleased God in his doings ; therefore1 we may do so too : when we see any man dishonour God, we may go and kUl him by and by. This is not a good argument ; for as I said before, we must take heed to our calling, to our office. This Phinees had a special license to do so ; we may not foUow his ensample. Abraham was a good and holy man : he was ready to kiU his son, and burn him with fire ; which doings pleased God wondrous well: afterward there were many which would follow the ensample of Abraham, and burnt their chUdren; but they did exceeding iU, and God was angry with them for so doing : therefore we must follow their ensample only so far forth as may stand with our vocation. Further, Joseph and Mary they were married foUc, but they exer- P ergo, 1562.] P which his doing pleased God very well, 1562: which deed of Phinees was pleasing unto God, 1607.] XXVIII. J EPISTLE FOR TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 517 cised not the act of generation : if we3 would now foUow" the ensample of Mary and Joseph, and inhibit unto married folks the act of generation, this were naught, and against the order of God. For Mary and Joseph had a special calling and gift of God to abstain; but if we, having no such caUing, or such gifts as they have had, should foUow their ensample, we should go to the devU at the length for not doing according unto our caUing. So it appeareth partly, that we are not bound to foUow the conversations or doings of the saints. Jacob, David, Salomon, and other good and holy men, have had many wives; therefore4 we may have many too ? Not so ; they had a special hcense and pre rogative, which we have not. Therefore take this for a sure rule : we have not to foUow the saints in their vocation, but we must foUow God in our vocation ; for hke as they fol- we must i j /-i l • ,i • ¦ i ,,. p i, follow God lowed God m their vocation and calling, so we must foUow inour.oca- o7 tion as the God in our vocation. But when we wUl go about to foUow g^,didi" God in their caUing, and forsake our own caUing, then no doubt we shall do naught. This I have said to that end, that ye might understand the words of St Paul, where he saith, " Be followers of me :" therefore I shewed you how far forth we ought to foUow the ensample of the saints. " For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now teU you weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ." St Paul speaketh of the false prophets. He saith, " They walk." By this word, " walk," is signified our conversation and hving ; for when we wUl signify any man to hve wickedly, we may express it with these words, " he walketh wickedly." Now if there were many in St Paul's time which did walk wickedly, think ye the matter is5 any thing amended now at our time ? I think, nothing at all : for we read in the twentieth chapter of the Apocalypse, that Rev. xx. Satan shall be loose in the last days ; that is to say, God wUl suffer him to exercise bis crafts, his blasphemous wicked mind, which he beareth against God. And truly, when a man considereth the state of the whole world in every country, satan is > -i j i t loose now it appeareth no less but that the devil is loose, bor what rebellions, what cruelties, what covetousness, what hatred and mahce is amongst men; insomuch that a man would think p ye, 1571, 1572.] P ergo, 1562.] p is the matter, 1562.] 518 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. the whole world to be full of devils! Therefore if1 there were many at St Paul's time, it must needs follow that there be more now : for now is the defection and swerving from the truth. " Of which I have told you often, and now teU you weeping." St Paul was a good man, a hearty and an earnest st Paul was man in God's cause ; he was a weeper ; he went a pUgrimage, whereof I told you the last time. It was a grief to him to see the dishonour of God amongst them wliich he had in structed in the word of God ; he was sorry to see the people blinded and seduced with false doctrine. But such things grieve not us. Though God be dishonoured, we care not for it. But when we have loss of our goods, and sustain certain damages, then we can weep from the bottom of our hearts, and be most sorrowful : but when we hear that God is dishonoured, that lechery is committed, or other horrible we weep not sins done, that grieveth us not ; then we weep not. And so aw- it appeareth most manifestly, that we have not the heart of St Paul; we are not so minded. Now peradventure somebody might say, that St Paul had slandered these men in writing so sharply against them, and in calling them " the enemies of the cross of Christ :" but it 2T_m.ii. is not so; he slandereth them not. In the epistle to Timothy he named some by their names, Philetum and Hymenazum. You must consider, that St Paul did weU in reproving them openly ; for a man may sometimes teU another man's faults, for not every telling is slandering. When a man teUeth another man's faults with a good mind, and to a good pur pose, this telling is weU : but that is naught, and very slan- Jerin' fs™" Bering, when I rehearse before other men the faults of my neighbour with a malicious stomach. I hate him, and there fore I make him to be known ; I paint him out in his colours, and sometimes I say more by him than I am able to prove ; this is slandering : but when a man teUeth another man's faults with a good mind, to his reformation, that is not slan dering. As we read a story of St Bernard'2 : whether it be true or not, it is no matter ; take it for an ensample, and learn thereby what is slander, and what is not. St Bern- [i when, 1562.] P Do Vita S. Bernardi, Lib. i. c. 3. Bernard. Oper. col. 1965. Ed. Gillot. Colon. Agrip. 1620.] XXVIII.J EPISTLE FOR TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 519 ard was a goodly upright young man, and weU favoured: a fawe of he came at a time, with his company, to an inn, where he antuS tarried aU night. And because he was a fair man, the woman in the house cast her eyes upon him, desiring in her heart to have carnal company with him ; and therefore, after supper, she appointed a chamber for him alone, to that end that she might come unto him afterward. And so she did : for when every body was at rest, she came unto his bed, intending to lie with him. St Bernard perceiving that, cried out with a loud voice, Fures, Fures, " Thieves, Thieves !" His feUows hearing him crying, came to him, asking what the matter was. He told them that there was a thief there. Now they thought he had dreamed, and went to bed again. As soon as they were gone, by and by the woman came again: then he cried again. So in the morning St Bernard would not tarry long in that house. And as they were in the way, he told his feUows how that the woman had come unto him; desiring them to take heed another time of that woman, fol" she was a naughty woman : she would have stolen from him the Holy Ghost, the remission of his sins, and all goodness : for if he should have foUowed her, she would have robbed him of aU these things. Now3 of such a fashion we may tell other men's faults. For St Bernard told it to that end, to give them warning to take heed of that woman. Now this was not slandering. And so likewise St Paul here slan dereth them not, but sets them out in their colours, to ad monish us to beware of them : and so we ought to do, when we know a man that is wicked, and wUl not leave his wicked ness after due admonitions. No doubt it is a good thing to give unto other men warning of such a man, that they may take heed of him. As for an ensample : there be a company ™j™ ^ of thieves sworn together to be true one to the other, and true- not to disclose one another. Now I am amongst them, and, after some mischief done, I am taken and condemned by the law to be hanged. Shall I not disclose now my company, and give unto the magistrates warning of them? Yes, I would think that man that is in such a case doth well to disclose his company ; for it pertaineth to a good end, and is a cha ritable deed ; else bis company may do much harm afore they be known. No doubt that man should do well ; and I think P Now, omitted in 1562.] enemiesChrist. 520 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. a good wish, he ought to do it. And I would God that aU thieves in Eng-i land were so persuaded in their liearts, that when one were taken, that he should disclose bis fellows too ! No doubt we should have better rest ; thieves would not so much trouble the commonwealth as they do. " Weeping." It grieved St Paul very sore, that christian souls should so be seduced through false rehgion. I would wish that there were such a fervent zeal now in us, as was in him then ! But it is not so ; we have no care for the souls unpreaching of christian people. And that appeareth most manifestly by prelates have r r x x tl J not Paui-s those unpreaching prelates ; for it they had such an earnest mind to the flock of Christ, as St Paul had, no doubt they would not be so lordly, so slothful in doing of their duties : but they lack such an earnest mind as St Paul had ; such an earnest zeal they lack. " They are the enemies of the cross of Christ." A man may be an enemy of the cross of Christ two manner of ways. pipi'itsin AU the papists in England, and speciaUy the spiritual men, nem_e_\ore be the enemies of the cross of Christ two manner of ways. First, when he is a right papist, given to monkery, I warrant you he is in this opinion, that with his own works he doth merit remission of his sins, and satisfieth the law through and by his own works ; and so thinketh himself to be saved everlastingly. This is the opinion of aU papists. And this doctrine was taught in times past in schools and in the pulpits. Now aU these that be in such an opinion, they be the enemies of the- cross of Christ, of his passion and blood-shedding. For they think in themselves Christ needed not to die ; and so they despise his bitter passion : they do not consider our birth-sin, and the corruption of our nature ; nor yet do they know the quantity of our actual sins, how many times we faU in sins, or how much our own power is diminished; nor what might and power the devU hath: they consider not such things, but think themselves able with their own works to enter into the kingdom of God. And therefore I teU you, that is the [most] perilous doctrine that can be devised. For aU faithful and true Christians beheve only in his death ; they long to be saved through his passion and blood-shedding, this is aU their comfort. They know, and most stedfastly beheve, that Christ fulfiUed the law, and that his fulfilling is theirs ; so that they attribute XXVIII.] EPISTLE FOR TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 521 unto Christ the getting and meriting of everlasting hfe. And so it foUoweth, that they which attribute the remission of sins, the getting of everlasting hfe, unto themselves or their works, they deny Christ; they blaspheme and despise him. For for what other cause did Christ come, but only to take away our sins by his piassion, and so dehver us from the power of the devU ? But these merit-mongers have so many Merit- good works, that they be able to seU them for money, and mongers so to bring other men to heaven too by their good works: which, no doubt, is the greatest contempt of the passion of Christ that can be devised. For Christ only, and no man else, merited remission, justification,1 and eternal fehcity for as many as wiU believe the same : they that wiU not beheve it, shaU not have it ; for it is no more but, " Beheve and have." For Christ shed as much blood for Judas, as he did for Peter : Peter beheved it, and therefore he was saved ; Judas would not beheve, and therefore he was condemned ; Judas lacked the fault being in him only, in nobody else. But to say, or *erefore to beheve, that we should be saved by the law, this is a *"* saved- great dishonouring of Christ's passion: for the law serveth to another purpose, — it bringeth us to the knowledge of our sins, and so to Christ : for when we be come through the law to the knowledge of our sins, when we perceive our filthiness, then we be ready to come to Christ, and fetch» remission of our sins at his hands. But the papists fetch the remission of their sins, not in the passion of Christ, but in their own doings : they think to come to heaven by their own works ; which is naught. We must do good works, we m^ we must endeavour ourselves to hve according to the com-nottmsm mandments of God ; yet, for aU that, we must not trust in our doings. For though we do the uttermost, yet is it aU imperfect, when ye examine them by the rigour of the law ; which law serveth to bring us to the knowledge of our sins, and so to Christ ; and by Christ we shall come to the quiet ness of our conscience. But to trust in our good works is nothing but a robbing of Christ of his glory and majesty. Therefore it is not more necessary to do good works, than it is to beware how to esteem them. Therefore take heed, .good christian people : deny not Christ; put not your hope in your own doings ; for if you do, ye shall repent. Another denying of Christ is this mass-monging. For 522 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. Mass-mon- all those that be mass-mongers be deniers of Christ; which gers deny # °# christ. believe or trust in the sacrifice of the mass, and seek re mission of their sins therein. For this opinion hath done very much harm, and brought innumerable souls to the pit of hell ; for they beheved the mass to be a sacrifice for the dead and hving. And this opinion hath gotten all these abbeys and chantries almost the half part of all England; and they should have gotten more, if they had not been a man restrained by certain laws1. For what would folks not do no cost to to ease themselves from the burthen of their sins? But it save his soul. w was a false easement, a deceitful thing : therefore how much are we bound unto God, which hath dehvered us from this bondage, from this heavy yoke of popery, which would have thrust us to everlasting damnation ! For now we know the very way how we shall be dehvered; we know that Christ is offered once for us, and that this one offering remedieth aU the sins of the whole world: for he was Agnus ocdsus Rev.xiii. ab origine mundi; he was "The lamb which was kUIed from the beginning of the world :" that is to say, aU they that beheved in him since Adam was created, they were saved by him. They that believed in Abraham's Seed, it was as good unto them, and stood them in as good effect, as it doth unto us now at this day : so that his oblation is of such efficacy, that it purifieth and taketh away aU the sins of the whole world. They now that wiU be content to leave their sinful hfe, wrestle with sin, and beheve in our Saviour Christ, they shaU be partakers of everlasting felicity. Here ye may Christ hath perceive that Christ hath many enemies in the whole world; he hath many that slander him, that diminish, his glory; namely, all the papists that trust in their own merits, or seek remission of their sins by the sacrifice of the mass : aU these now are enemies to the cross of Christ. FinaUy2, aU those that seek remission of their sins other ways than in the passion of Christ, they be traitors to God, and shah be damned world without end, unless they repent. But here I must say some things unto you, and I speak it to the satisfying of some of you; for I think there be many which will reason very sore. They think it to be no matter, though the curate be erroneous and naught in his P Called Statutes of Mortmain. 7 Edw. I. 15 Rich. II. c. 5. See, also, 23 Hen. VIII. c. 10.] p In summa, 1562.] many eue- and leader of the blind both shall XXVIII.] EPISTLE FOR TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 523 doctrme :. they care not for that ; for they wiU say, " I wiU hear him, and do according as he commandeth unto me to do; if 3 he teacheth false doctrine, and leadeth me the wrong way, he shall make answer for me before God: his false doctrine shaU do me no harm, though I foUow the same." This is a naughty reason, and contrary to Christ our Saviour's doctrine; for so he saith: "If the bhnd lead the The wind bhnd, they shaU fall both into the pit." Mark here, he Swlnd saith not, the leader shall fall into the pit, but they shaU faU perish!"" both; the leader and he that is led, the blind curate and his blind parishioners. And so it was at St Paul's time ; not only the leaders, the false teachers, went to the devil, but also they that foUowed their false doctrine. And therefore St Paul is so earnest in admonishing them to beware and take heed to themselves ; yea, with weeping eyes he desireth them to refuse the false prophets. So hkewise God himself giveth us warning in the third chapter of the prophet Ezechiel, saying : " If I say unto thee concerning the ungodly Ezek. _u. man, that without doubt he must die, and thou givest not him warning, nor speakest unto him, that he may turn from his evU way, and so to live ; then shall the same ungodly man die in his own unrighteousness ; but his blood will I require of thy hands." Again, in the thirty-third chapter he saith : " When I send a sword upon a land, if the people Ezek. of the land take a man of their country, and set him to be their watchman ; the same man, when he seeth the sword come upon the land, shall blow the trumpet, and warn the people. If a man now hear the noise of the trumpet, and \ wUl not be warned, and the sword come and take him away, his blood shaU be upon his own head: for he heard the sound of the trumpet, and would not take heed ; therefore his blood be upon him : but if he wiU receive warning, he omy he that . . , receiveth shall save his hfe. Again, if the watchman seeth the sword ^^ate come, and shew it not with the trumpet, so that the people is not warned ; if the sword come then, and take any man from amongst them, the same shaU be taken away in his own sin; but his blood wiU I require of the watchman's hands." In these places of scripture it appeareth most manifestly, that not only the naughty curate shall go to the devil, but also all those that follow his naughty doctrine. p when, 1562.] 524 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. The wicked shall die in his wickedness : for though God do require the blood of the parishioners at the curate's hands, yet for all that they shaU be damned in the mean season. dangerous But * Pray 70u De n°t offended with me, when I teU you _vii curate. one thing many times ; for I do it to that end, that ye might perceive what danger it is to have an UI curate : this maketh me to put you many times in remembrance of it. a history of I will tell you now a pretty story of a friar, to refresh 'i friar lim i- tour. y0U withal. A hmitour1 of the gray Friars, in the time of his limitation, preached many times, and had but one sermon at all times ; which sermon was of the ten Commandments. And because the friar had preached this sermon so often> one that heard it before, told the friar's servant that his master was caUed "Friar John ten Commandments." Where fore the servant shewed the friar his master thereof, and advised him to preach of some other matters ; for it grieved the servant to hear his master derided. Now the friar made answer, saying, "Belike then thou kennest the ten Command ments well, seeing thou hast heard them so many a time." " Yes," said the servant, " I warrant you." " Let me hear them," saith the master. Then he began, " Pride, Covetous ness, Lechery," and so numbered the deadly sins for the ten weiu-y "before Commandments. And so there be many at this time, wliich learned™ be weary of the old gospel, they would fain hear some new things ; they think themselves so perfect in the old, when they be no more skilful than this servant was in his ten Com mandments. Therefore, I say, be not offended with me, when I teU you one thing two or three times. And speciaUy mark this well, that the parishioners are not excused before God by the wickedness and bhndness of the priest. For God saith not, " I wUl require the blood of the people at the curate's hand, and the people shaU be without blame :" no, not so ; but, " the wicked shaU perish because of his wicked ness : " so that the blind people and the blind curate shaU go forTndeS to hel1 together. I would wish that all England were per suaded in this2; for the most part of the people think them selves to be excused by their curates. But it is not so ; for if there be any man wicked because his curate teacheth him P A friar who had a license to beg only within a given district, or whose duty was limited to a particular district for a certain period.} P persuaded so, 1562.] XXVIII.] EPISTLE FOR TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 525 not, his blood shaU be required at the curate's hands : yet for aU that the parishioner shall go to the devil withal ; that shaU be his end. Therefore beware of that opinion ; think not to be excused by your curate : for if3 ye do, ye. do not well, and so you shall repent in the end. St Paul therefore is so dUigent to give us warning of the false prophets, lest we should be deceived by them. In another place St Paul com- False doc- pareth their doctrine unto a sickness, which is called a canker; p™eedCtoma which sickness, when she once beginneth at a place of the body, except it be withstood, will run over the whole body, and so at length kill : so it is with this false doctrine. Now I must answer unto you to an objection, or doubt, An objection l p or doubt. that peradventure some of you may have. You will think when ye hear what is the nature of false doctrine, ye wUl think, I say, " Alas ! what is done with our grandfathers ? No doubt they are lost everlastingly, if this doctrine be true ; for, after your saying, they have . had the false doctrine ; therefore they be damned : for the nature of false doctrine is to condemn." Such doubts some wUl make, yea, and there be some which in no wise wiU receive the gospel, and that only for this opinion's sake ; for they think that when they should receive the gospel, it were even as much as to think their forefathers be damned. Now to this objection, or doubt- An answer to . thatobjec- fulness, I wiU make you answer. It is with the false doctrine Uon- like as it is with fire ; the nature of fire is to burn and con sume aU that which is laid in the fire that may be burned. So the nature of false doctrine is to condemn, to bring to everlasting damnation ; that is the nature of false4 doctrine. But yet for all that, though the nature of the fire be to burn Theerebum- • ° . . . .... ethnotall and consume aU things, yet there hath been many things in that is cast the fire which have not been burned nor consumed : as the bush which appeared unto Moses, he burned in the fire, and yet was not consumed. What was the cause ? The power of God5. We read, also, in the third chapter of Daniel, how Dan. iii. that Nabuchadonosor, the king, caused a golden image to be made, and so called all his lords and his people to come and worship his idol, which he had set up ; threatening further, " that whosoever would not fall down and worship the said idol, should be cast in a hot oven." Now there were three young men, Sidrach, Mishach, and Abednago, which refused p when, 1562.] P the false, 1562.] p Marry, God's power, 1562.] 526 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. to worship the said idol, saying, " 0 Nabuchadonosor, we ought not to consent unto thee in this matter; for why ? a fruitful Our God whom we serve is able to keep us from the hot note how burning oven, and can right well dehver us out of thy hands; eth a chris- and though he wUl not, yet shalt thou know that we wiU not tian man. o ' tl serve thy gods, nor do any reverence to that image which thou hast set up. Then was Nabuchadonosor exceeding full of indignation against them, and commanded by and by that the oven should be made seven times hotter than it was wont to be, and spake unto the strongest men that were in his host, to bind Sidrach, Misach, and Abednago, and cast them in the burning oven. So these men were bound in their coats, hosen, shoes, with their other garments, and cast into an hot burning oven : for the king's commandment was so strait, and the oven was exceeding hot, and these three men Sidrach, Misach, and Abednago fell down in the hot burning oven, being fast bound. Then Nabuchadonosor the king marveUed, and stood up in all haste, and spake unto his council, saying, Did ye not cast these three men into the God suffered fire? They answered, saying, Yea, 0 king. He answered to do ws na- and said, Lo, for all that, I do see four men going loose in the midst of the fire, and nothing corrupt ; and the fourth is like the Son of God to look upon !" Here, in this story, you see, that though the nature of the fire is to consume, yet these three men were not consumed with the same ; for not a hair of their heads perished, but rather the fire brake out and consumed them that put them in the oven : for though1 the fire of his nature would have consumed them, yet through the power of God the strength of the fire was vanquished, and the men were preserved from it. Even so is it with the popery, and2 false doctrine ; the nature of it is to consume, to corrupt and bring to everlasting sorrow: yet let us hope man11™ s *kat our f°refatQers were not damned, for God hath many to save. ways to preserve them from perishing ; yea, in the last hour of death God can work with his Holy Ghost, and teach them to know Christ his Son for their Saviour : though they were taught other ways before, yet God can preserve them from the poison of the false doctrine. i Kings xviii. I wm shew you a notable story done in king Achab's time, written in the third book of the Kings, the eighteenth P so the fire, 1562.] p with the, 1562.] XXVIII.] EPISTLE FOR TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 527 chapter. At the time when Achab, that wicked king, and his wife Jezebel, more wickeder than her husband; when they had the rule, they abohshed the word of God clean, and set up false doctrine ; killed the true prophets of God ; insomuch that Ehas saith unto God, with crying and great lamentations, saying, " Lord, the chUdren of Israel have forsaken thy cove nant, broken down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword ; and I only am left, and they seek my hfe to take it away." Here it appeareth that the pulpits at that time were occupied with false teachers, with false rehgion, like as it was in the time of our forefathers; insomuch that Ehas crieth out and saith plainly, that there were left no more but he only. But what saith God? " I have left me seven Godhad thousand wliich have not bowed their knees unto Baal." IS ffiuL When Ehas thought that there was left no more but he only, then God shewed him a great many which were left, and not infected with the poison of the false doctrine. Therefore like as God could preserve a great number of the Israehtes at the same time, so he could preserve our forefathers from the poison of popery, which was taught at that time ; for " the Lord knoweth which are his." Also3, Christ himself saith: Quos mihi dedit Pater, " No man shall take these from me John x. which my Father hath given to me," that is to say, which are ordained to everlasting hfe. Non repellet Dominus Psai. xciv. plebem suam, et hozreditatem suam non relinquet; "The Lord wUl not cast away his people, and his inheritance he wiU not forsake." Therefore let us hope that though the doctrine at this time was false and poisoned, yet for aU that God hath had his. He hath had seven thousand, that is to say, a great number amongst them which took no harm by the false doctrine ; for he wonderfully preserved them like as he did fe£!ec*Xe" in the great dearth* : when aU things were so dear, when the ™'a^j,™y rich franklings would not sell their corn in the markets, then, at that time, the poor was wonderfuUy preserved of God ; for after man's reason they could not live, yet God preserved them, insomuch that their chUdren were as fat and as weU- liking, as if they had been gentlemen's children. So, like as p Item, 1562.] p Probably "the great dearth" which happened in 1550. Strype Eccl. Mem. n. i. pp. 345—350. Oxf. Edit. Pilkington, Works, p. 86. Park. Soc. Edit.] 528 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. God could preserve the poor with his children in that great dearth, so he could preserve our forefathers from everlasting perdition : though they lacked the food of their souls, yet he could feed them inwardly with the Holy Ghost. Another But now ye wUl say, Seeing then that God can save objection. .... .•.•.» men, and bring them to everlastmg life, without the outward hearing of the word of God, then we have no need to hear the word of God ; we need not to have preachers amongst us : for like as he hath preserved them, so he wUl preserve An answer to us too, without the hearing of God's word. This is a foohsh the same. ,11 ° T . . . reason ; I wiU answer you this. I will make you this argu ment : God can, and is able to preserve things from fire, so that they shall not burn or consume ; and therefore I wiU go and set my house a-fire, and it shaU be preserved. Or this : God preserved these three men from fire, so that they took no harm : ergo, I wiU go and cast myself into the fire, and I shaU take no harm. Is this now a good reason ? No, no ; for these three men had their vocation to go in the fire, they were cast in by violence : so if God wUl have thee to go into the fire by violence, for his word's sake, then go with a good will ; and no doubt either he wiU preserve thee as he did them, or else he wiU take thee out of this miserable hfe to everlasting fehcity. But to cast myself into the fire without Matt. w. any calling, I may not; for it is written, Non tentabis Do minum Deum tuum, "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy Godhhath God." So likewise in our time, God hath sent hght into the lfgh'trfhfs world ; he hath opened the gates of heaven unto us by his ma'y not ' we word ; which word be opened unto us by his ofiicers, by his preachers preachers : shall we now despise the preachers ? Shall we that are the x x x mean where- refuse to hear Gods word, to learn the way to heaven, and by we come J ' «*"_. ledSfoVthT require him to save us without his word ? No, no ; for when we same- do so, we tempt God, and shall be damned world without end. This much I thought good to say against the suggestion of the devil, when he putteth thee in mind, saying, "Thy forefathers are damned;" that thou mightest learn not to. despair of their salvation, and yet not be too careful. For they have their part: we must not make an account for their our careful- doings, every one must make answer for himself ; for if1 they nes_ cannot ._ .. i.ii. • • . bring our be damned, they cannot be brought again with our sorrowful- lathers out of ' ti , o o hc"- ness. Let us rather endeavour ourselves to hear God's word P when, 1562.] XXVIII.] EPISTLE FOR TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 529 dihgently, and learn the way of salvation; so that when we we may not shaU be caUed, we may be sure of it. SXethe Now these false preachers, of which St Paul speaketh here, are enemies unto the cross of Christ. What shall be their end? Even2 perdition, destruction, and everlasting The end of damnation. "Whose god is their belly." The false preachers P^Sk preach only pleasant things, and so get great rewards ; and are able to hve wealthily in this world, and to make good cheer. I fear me there be many of these beUy-gods in the world, wliich preach pleasant things to get riches, to go gay, preachers and trick up themselves : they care for no more ; they study W1"s°gay- and do what they can to buckle the gospel and the world together, to set God and the devU at one table. They be gospellers no longer but till they get riches: when they have that that they seek for, they care for no more ; then the gospel is gone quite out of their hearts, and their glory is to their shame. It is a short glory and a long shame that they shall have : for in the other world, Erunt ad satietatem vidonis omni carni; " AU the world shall laugh pmi. m. upon them to their shame which are worldly-minded." Is there not more that be worldly-minded than that be godly- minded ? I think St Paul spake these words by the clergy- a note for men, that wiU take upon them the spiritual office of preach ing, and yet meddle in worldly matters too, contrary to their calling. The clergy of our time hath procured unto them selves a hberty to purchase lands3. Think ye not that such doings savoured somewhat of worldly things? But I wUl desire them to take heed: for St Paul saith here, that all they that be worldly-minded are enemies of the cross of Christ : for they make their bellies to be their gods. There- The reward . . . . . . . ofsuch fore they shaU receive then punishment for then wicked preachers. doings. What shaU that be? Verily*, everlasting pain of p Marry, 1562.] p The preacher may have had in view the 5 and 6 Edw. "VI. c. 12, which legitimatized the children of married priests, and made them capable of inheriting the lands of their ancestors. The same Act also enabled ecclesiastical persons to hold such lands, &c. after the death of their wives, as their wives when living might have been seized of.] p Marry, 1562.] 34 [latimer.] 530 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. heUish fire world without end, without any deliverance from the same ; this is their reward. But what shall become of St Paul and aU true preachers? rhereward **e saith, " But our conversation is in heaven." What! Was preachers. St Paul in heaven when he spake these words ? No; he was here on earth. But when we walk the pUgrimage of which what it is to I told you the last day, God's pUgrimage, then our conversa- versatiSnto " tion is in heaven ; that is, conformable unto God's heavenly wiU. And God seeth them, and wUl reward them, when we will do the works of our vocation, and wrestle with sin and wickedness, and hve after God's wUl and pleasure : whoso ever doth so, that man or woman hath his conversation in heaven. " From whence we long for the Saviour, even the Lord Jesus Christ." St Paul looked for him to come from heaven. What, is he not here already ? Christ is here with us already to our comfort, by his Spirit and power, to be our helper, and to work with his sacraments ; to defend us from christ is not danger and perU; so he is with us in earth; but he is not here bodUy : for he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Almighty ; from thence shaU he come to judge the quick and the dead. AU good men and women long for him : and no doubt he wiU come, and very shortly, and wiU take account of every one of us : therefore, as aU the writers monish us, let us never forget this day which we caU the doom's-day. St Jerome saith1, that he ever thought he heard the trumpet. Now they that have in consideration this day, and make themselves ready, it is a joyful thing unto The day of them; but such as are8 customable sinners, as common be terrible to swearers, or adulterers, or idolaters, and do credit popery, all obstinate . " r J sinners. unto them this day shaU be a fearful day, it shaU be a heavy coining unto them. St Paul teUeth what good cheer they P The sentiment here ascribed to St Jerome occurs very fre quently in the sermons of the 14th and 15th centuries, but is not found in this form in Jerome's works. The following is in a work which is attributed to him : Semper tuba ilia terribilis vestris perstrepet auribus, Surgite mortui, venite ad judicium. Regula Mo- nacharum, cap. xxx. — See Archbishop Sandys' Sermons, p. 368, Park. Soc. ed.] p they that be customable sinners, will not leave their wickedness, such as be common swearers, 1562.] XXV1H.] EPISTLE FOR TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 531 shaU have ; namely, everlasting damnation : being the ene mies of Christ, their glory shaU turn to their eternal shame. So you see that aU the world may be divided in two parts ; namely, into the faithful and unfaithful. Now St Paul saith, that he looketh for this Saviour, " which shall change our vUe bodies according to the work ing, whereby he is able also to subdue aU things unto him self." We have a frail body, mortal, subject to all infirmities and miseries ; it is a gross body ; but for aU that it shall rise our gross again, and shall be changed. It is mortal now, it shall be changed. immortal then ; it is passible now, it shaU be impassible then; it is gross now, it shaU be turned into agility then ; it is cor rupt now, it shaU be incorrupt then ; it is ignominious now, it shall be glorious then, hke unto his body. Now if3 it shall be so with our bodies, ye may be sure it shall be so with our souls too; for that fehcity that we shall have, that God hath The joys of . heaven pass laid up for us, passeth aU men's thoughts. What joy they j£'0™™| shall have that be content to leave their sins, and hve godly ! And these things Christ our Saviour shall bring to pass by his infinite power. Now to make an end. For God's sake mark these lessons weU : for this is a very good piece of scripture, wherein Paul sheweth both ways. I think it were better for us to live so that we may attain to this fehcity, which is prepared for us in heaven, rather than to foUow our carnal desires and lusts. For if3 we leave our wicked hfe, and credit the word of God, and have a dehght in it, no doubt it shall bring us in the end to this salvation, of which St Paul speaketh here. But how shaU it go with the other, which will not hear God's word, nor leave their wickedness? Truly4, Vermis eorum non morietur; "Their worm shaU not die." By these words of Mark ix. Christ is expressed the great pain and sorrow that the wicked shaU have : therefore, saith the scripture, Mors peccatorum pessima; "Death to5 sinners is the worst thing that canM.i__ir. happen unto them." What meaneth he by that? He sig- The wicked nifieth unto us, that the wicked be not enough punished gmj** here; it shall be worse with them after their death. So *£££> that it shaU be a change. They that have pleasure here, and hve according to their desires, they shaU come to afflic- [» when, 1562.] P Marry, 1562.] p the death of, 1562.] L 34—2 come. 532 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. tions in the other world : again, they that have afflictions here, shall in the other world have1 the perpetual sabbath, where there is no manner of miseries, but a perpetual laud ing and praising of God : to whom, with the Son and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, now and ever, world without end ! Amen. p shall come yonder to, 1562.] XXIX.] THE FIFTH SERMON OF MASTER LATIMER'S. MATTHEW IX. LUKE VHI. MARK V. While he spake unto them this, behold there came a certain ruler, and This gospel worshipped him, saying, My daughter is even now deceased, but ^church come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live. And Jesus fourthenty" arose and followed him, and so did his disciples. And behold, a f"m'iSy,.after woman which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, &c. This is a notable story, and much comfort we shall find in it, if we wUl consider and weigh it with aU the circum stances. The Evangehst Mark saith, the ruler's name was Jairus : he was an officer : some think that he was a reader of scripture, as there were at that time; or perchance he was such an officer as we caU churchwardens ; which is a great office in the great cities ; churchwardens can bring much church- matter to pass : such a great officer he was. For though the may IS much .if they be Jews had a law, that they should make no sacrifices nowhere godiy. but at Jerusalem, where the temple was, and aU the ceremo nies ; yet for aU that they had in every town their churches or synagogues, hke as we have churches here in England; commonly every town hath a church. And this word "church," sometimes it signifieth the congregation, the people that is gathered together ; sometimes it signifieth the place where the Deonle come together : continens pro contento ; that is The thing r r o x -... which con- to say, "The thing that containeth for that which is con- ^ethjor ^ tained." co™' " Now our Saviour coming to Capernaum, where that great man dwelt, which was such a town as Bristow or Coventry is, Jairus cometh unto him in aU haste, and faUeth down before him, et precabatur multum, " and maketh great suit unto him, that he would come to his house and heal his daughter, which was sick." No doubt he had heard what manner a man our Saviour was, and wherefore he was come into this world ; namely, to save sinners both in souls and bodies: and he had heard also the general proclamation, written in the eleventh chapter of Matthew, where our Saviour 534 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. Matth. xi. saith, " Come unto me, all ye that labour and are laden, and Jairushad , I wUl ease you." This proclamation this Jairus had heard, prociama. an(j believed it ; and therefore he cometh to Christ. He did not as a great many of us do, which when we be in trouble, or sickness, or lose any thing, we run hither and thither to witches', or sorcerers, whom we call wise men; when there is no man so foolish and bhnd as they be: for the devU leadeth them according unto his wUl and pleasure, and yet we run jairus after them, seeking aid and comfort at their hands. But this runneth not ° to witches, good man did not so; he knew that God had forbidden to run to witches1. But what doth he ? Forsooth9, he cometh to Christ our Saviour, with a good, strong, and unfeigned faith. For, as I told you before, he had heard before of Christ, of his proclamation, which moved him now in his distress to come unto him. And no doubt he had a good substantial centurion faith, as it appeared by his behaviour : yet he had not so fait^S r good a faith as the centurion had, which sent a message unto Jairus. ?. . - ° him, saying, " Lord, say but one word, and my servant shaU be whole." This was a wonderful3 great faith : insomuch that Christ saith, Dico vobis, ne in Israel quidem tamtam Matth. viii. fidem inveni; " I have not found such a faith in aU Israel." But though this Jairus had not so good a faith as the cen turion had, yet he hath4 such one which leadeth bim to Christ. He cometh to Christ, he beheveth that Christ is able to help him ; and according unto bis behef it happeneth unto him: for his daughter was healed, as ye shaU hear afterward. And so upon him is fulfilled the scripture, Credidi, propter quod loquutus sum ; "I have beheved, and therefore I have spoken." For look, what man soever hath a good faith, he wUl not hold his peace : he wUl speak ; he will call for help goo™ feitha at his hands. For if this Jairus had not had a good faith, he would not have humbled himself so much, to faU down before such a poor man as our Saviour was. Some would have had respect to their honours : they would have thought it scorn to fall down before such a poor man as our Saviour was ; or else he would have been afraid of the people that were present, to honour him so highly, and to confess him to be a helper. And no doubt that Jairus was in great danger of his life ; for Christ was not beloved amongst the P wyssardes, 1562.] [2 Marry, 1562.] P wonders, 1562.] p hath had, 1562.] XXIX.] EPISTLE FOR TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 535 Jews: therefore it was a great matter for this Jairus to honour Christ so openly before all the multitude. And no doubt, if he had not had so good, strong, and earnest faith, he would not have done as he did : but he had a good strong faith ; therefore he was not afraid of any thing in the world. Now ye shaU learn of this Jairus, first, by his ensample Ja.msis to be At • ¦ n t ,•,, _ . i followed in to go to Christ ; m all distresses to seek help by him : and f° thmes- also, ye shaU mark and observe his great and fatherly love that he hath towards his daughter ; for he maketh great suit to Christ for her, wliich signifieth that he hath a great and earnest love towards her. The same fatherly affection and love of the parents towards their children is the good gift of God : and God hath planted the same in their hearts ; and this speciaUy for two respects. First, for the children's sake : for it is an irksome thing to bring up children ; and not only that, but also it is a chargeable thing to keep them, and to wait upon them, and preserve them from all peril : if God The com- had not planted such love in the parents' hearts, indeed it natural were impossible to do so much for them ; but God hath planted such love in their hearts, which love taketh away aU the irksomeness of all labour and pain. For what is a chUd when it is left alone ? What can it do ? How is it able to hve? Another cause is, wherefore God hath planted such love in the parents' hearts towards their children, that we might learn by it what affections he beareth towards us. For though the love of parents towards their children be very great, yet the love of God towards us is greater : yea, his love towards us passeth far aU fatherly love which they have towards their children. And though Christ only be the very natural Son of God, yet with his death and passion he hath merited that we be the chosen chUdren of God. Forwearcti.e God, for our sake, hath bestowed his only natural Son unto chiwren the death, to the end that we should be made through him his chosen chUdren. Now, therefore, all that beheve in Christ, and trust through his passion to be saved, aU they are the children of God, and God loveth them more than any natural father loveth his child. For the love of God towards us is more earnest and more vehement than is the fatherly love towards his natural child : which thing shall comfort us in all our distress. In what peril or danger soever we be, we 536 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. shall beheve that God is our Father ; and therefore we shaU come unto him in the name of Christ, his natural Son, our Saviour. Therefore we need not to despair in any manner of things; but rather, whatsoever we have in hand, let us run to him which beareth such a fatherly affection towards us, more a great deal than our natural fathers and mothers can our parents death is such an arrogant and stubborn feUow, that God alone. jje wj]j 0]-ey nokocly buf; 0nly God. Now he obeyed our Saviour, whereby it appeareth, that he is Lord over death. He said, " Maid, I say unto thee, arise ;" and by and by she was made whole2 : for she ate, to signify that she was made right whole. Here our Saviour shewed himself to be very God, and so the Lord over death ; fulfilling the saying 1 cor. xv. of St Paul, Ero mors tua, O mors ; " 0 death, I shaU be thy death." This is now a comfortable thing, that we know that Christ hath overcome death; and not for himself, but for us, for our sake3 : so that when we beheve in Christ, death shall not hurt us, for he hath lost his strength and power; insomuch that it is no more a death, but rather a sleep, to all them that be faithful and fear God ; from which Sonshaiite, sleeP the7 slla11 rise to everlasting hfe. Also the wicked a£dhbadfocl truly sliaU rise> but they shall rise to their damnation; so iLoXbtif tnat i1; were better for tnem never to rise. There be two to sleep. k^s of people which will not sleep: the first be the chU dren, which weep and grieve when they shaU go to bed, because they know not the commodities that be in sleep; they know not that the sleep refresheth a man's body, and maketh him to forget aU the labours which he hath had before: this the children know not, therefore they go with [i Marry, 1562.] p was perfectly whole, 1562.] P for our sake only, 1562.] XXIX.] EPISTLE FOR TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 549 an ill will to bed. The other be drunkards, which be given to great drinking : they care not though they be aU night at it; and commonly the sleep doth them harm, for it maketh them have4 heavy foreheads. So likewise there be two kind of men that fear death : which death in very deed ought not to be feared; for he is the best physician that ever was, he delivereth at a clap from all miseries and diseases; therefore he ought not to be feared. But as I told you, two kind of men there be that fear him: the children, that is to say, they that are childish to God-ward, that are ignorant in scripture, that know not what great treasures we shall receive at God's hands after this life; but they are all whoUy set and bent upon this world : and what sorts these are the children that wiU not go to bed; that is to they are that ° ' fear death. say, that fear death ; that are loth to go out of this world. The other be drunkards, that be customable sinners, that wiU not amend their hves ; that are drunken, or drowned in sins and wickedness ; that regard sin nothing ; they are not weary of it : hke as it is written, Peccator cum in medium peccatorum venit, contemnit ; " The sinner when he cometh in the midst of his sin, then he careth no more for it; he despiseth it, he is not sorry for it." What remedy now ? Forsooth5, this : they that be in case as a remedy _ -i i _ ¦ ii- for "lese two chUdren be, that is to say, they that be ignorant, let them sorts of Peo- . get knowledge ; let them endeavour themselves to understand God's holy word, wherein is set out his wUl, what he would have us to do. Now, when they have heard God's word, and believed that same, no doubt all the fear of death will be vanished, and gone quite away. For they shaU find in God's word, that death hath lost his strength; that he cannot hurt any more. Likewise they that be drunkards, that is to say, that be customable sinners, let them repent here where the time of grace is ; let them amend then hves ; be sorry for that they have done, and take heed hence forward ; and beheve in Christ, to be saved by and through his passion. For I tell you drunkards, you customable sin ners, as long as you live in sin and wickedness, and have a delight in them, so long you are not in the favour of God ; you stink before his face. For we must wrestle with sin; we must hate sin, not agree unto it : when ye do so, then p maketh them heavy, 1562.] P Marry, 1562.] 550 SERMONS PREACHED IN LINCOLNSHIRE. [sERM. Christ hath ye ought not to be afraid of death; for the death of Christ death. our Saviour hath kiUed our death, so that he cannot hurt us. Notwithstanding, death hath bitter potions ; but what then ? As soon as he hath done his office, we are at hberty, and have escaped all perU. Aue_tiony I wu^ ask here a great clerkly question : Where was the soul now after it went out of this young maid? It was not in heaven, nor in heU ; Nam in inferno non est redemptio ; " There is no redemption in heU." Where was it then ? In purgatory? So the papists have reasoned: it was not in heU, nor in heaven; therefore1 it was in purgatory: which no doubt is a vain, foolish argument. Now I wiU a godiy and make a clerkly answer unto my question, and such an an- good answer. . • « i . • , .» t_ iii swer that, it the bishop of Borne would have gone no further, we should have been weU enough ; there would not have been such errors and fooleries in rehgion as there hath been. Now my answer is this : " I cannot teU ; but where it pleased God it should be, there it was." Is not this a good answer to such a clerkly question ? I think it be : other answer nobody gets at me ; because the scripture teUeth me not where she was. Now ye have heard, that our Saviour is the Lord over death, and so consequently very God, because he raised up this young woman which was dead. But peradventure ye will say, " It is no great matter that he raised up a maiden which was dead; for we read of Ehsha the prophet, that he raised up a young man from death." Answer : truth it is, he raised him up, but not by his own power, not in his own name, but by the power of God ; he did it not by christ raised himself. But Christ our Saviour, he raised up Lazarus, and up the dead .. •...• ... i - , • by his own tins young maid, by Ins own divine power ; shewmg himself to be very God, and the Son of the Father eternal : there fore he saith, Ego sum resurrectio et vita ; "I am the resurrection and the hfe." This was his doctrine. Now to prove that doctrine to be true, he did miracles by bis own divine power, shewing himself to be very God: so did not the prophets ; they were God's servants, God's ministers ; but they were not gods themselves, neither did they any thing in their own name. Now to make an end. Let us remember what we have P ergo, 1562.] XXIX.] EPISTLE FOR TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 551 heard : let us take heed that we be . not customable sinners, but rather let us strive with sin : for I teU you, there be but few of those that spend aU their time in the pleasures of the flesh, that speed well at the end: therefore let us take heed. The murderer upon the cross, he sped well; but what then ? Let us not presume to tarry in wickedness stUl, to the last point of our life : let us leave wickedness, and strive with our fleshly affections; then we shaU attain in the end to that fehcity, which God hath prepared for aU them that love him : to whom, with the Son and the Holy Ghost, be aU honour and glory! Amen. 3 9002 00769 3790