iife,:"^/-. fens;.-'- %pm CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY NEW-ENGLAND, IN THE FORM OF ANNANS: A Summary and exact Account of the most material Transactions and Occurrences relating to this Country, in the order of Time wherein they happened, from the Discovery of Capt. Gosnold, in 1602, to the Arrival of Governor Belcher, in 1730. WITH AN INTRODUCTION COKTAINING A brief Epitome of the most considerable Transactions and Events abroad. From the Creation. Including the connected line of Time, the succession of Patriarchs and Sovereigns of the most famous Kingdoms and Empires ; the gradual Discoveries of America, and the Piogi-ess of the Keformation, to the Discovery of New-England. Bt THOMAS PRINCE, M. A. Remember the days of Did, roosider the years of many geaerations Deut. xxxii. 7. For inquire, I pray thee, of the former age, and prepare thyself to the search of their fathers.,, Job viii. 8. BOSTON, N. E. PRINTED BY KNEELAND Sl diREEN, FOR S. GERRISH. MDCCXXXVI. A NEW EDITION, PUBLISHED BY CUiVIMINGS, HILLIARD, AND COMPANY. 1826. ADVERTISEMENT TO THIS EDITION. The first volume of this work, including the Introduction, and the New-England Chronology to September 1630, was first published in Boston, in 1736. This volume terminated abruptly, in the middle of the second section, of the second part. The work was afterwards continued in 1755, in three pamphlet numbers of thirty-two pages each, bringing down the annals to the 5th of August, 1633. Soon after the publication of these numbers, the learned author died, and to the regret of all who wish to inquire into the early history of the coun try, the work remained unfinished. It embraces, however, the most obscure and difficult period of our history, namely, the first settlement of the Plymouth and Massachusetts colonies ; and for that period it is the most complete, exact and satis factory history extant. The work has long been extremely rare, and a new edition of it has been much desired. Of the three pamphlet numbers^ a very few copies were known to be in existence, until the Massachusetts Historical Society in 1818, republished them in the seventh volume of the second series of their v.aluable collections. Of the first volume, no edition since the first, has been published until this time. The present volume contains the original first volume, with the corrections and additions made by the author, together IV ADVERTISEMENT. with the whole of the supplementary numbers, and is there fore, the first complete and uniform edition of the work that has been published. The Rev. Thomas Prince, the author of the work, was born at Middleborough, and was graduated at Harvard Col lege, 1 707. He spent several years in travelling in Europe, and on his return, Oct. I, 1718, was ordained Pastor of the old South Church in Boston, in which station he remained until his death, Oct. 22, 1758. The author of the New England Biographical Dictionary justly remarks of him, that he " was one of the most learned and useful men of his age. He would deserve this character, if he had never published any thing but this Chronology." Boston, 1826. DEDICATION. To His Excellency, Jonathan Belcher, Esq. ; captain-general and governor-in-chief in and over His Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New-England. &c. To the Honorable Spencer Phipps, Esq., lieutenant-governor ; and to the Honorable His Majesty's Council and House of Representatives of said Province. The Province under your united care, being the principal of the New-England governments, con taining especially the two first colonies of Ply mouth and the Massachusetts, from whence the others were chiefly derived, and having the greatest share in the following work, to whom could a son of the Province more properly offer this fruit of his labors, than to your excellency and honors ? espe cially, when he beholds you as mostly, if not wholly, ^ descendants from the worthy fathers of these plan tations ; ',whom yourselvesl^nd posterity cannot but have in everlasting honor,!not only|for their emi nent selfdenial and piety, wherein they set examples for future ages to admire and imitate! ; but also for their great concern that the same vital and pure Christianity and liberty both civil and ecclesiastical, might be continued to their successors ; for which VI DEDICATION. they left their own and their fathers houses, in the most pleasant places then on earth, with many of their dearest relatives, and came over the ocean into this then hideous wilderness ; and the peaceful fruits of whose extraordinary cares, labors, hard ships, wisdom, courage, patience, blood and death, we under the divine protection, and the justice of the best of kings enjoy. ; - It is to> these we firstly owe our pleasant houses, our fruitful fields, our growing towns and churches, our wholesome laws, our precious privileges, our grammar schools and colleges, our pious and learn ed ministers and magistrates, our good government and order, the public restraints of vices, the general knowledge of our common people, the strict obser vation of the christian sabbath ; with those remains of public modesty, sobriety, social virtues, and reli gion ; for which this country is distinguished among the British colonies, and in which we are as happy as any on earthuj In the midst of our great advantages, you will doubtless take a noble and useful pleasure, in re viewing the names and actions of your predeces sors ; that you may imitate their virtues ; as also in surveying the gradual steps that led to our pre sent situation ; together with the train of Provi dences appearing for us, sometimes indeed afflicting and then delivering, but preserving us through all our dangers, disappointing the designs of enemies, maintaining our invaluable liberties, and causing us to grow and prosper ; that the Sovereign Power DEDICATION. VU who has formed, preserved and blessed this people, may receive his due and grateful adorations. It is the orderly succession of these transactions and events, as they precisely fell out in time, too much neglected by our historians, that for some years pastjfl have taken the greatest pains to search and find, even vastly more than in compos ing, and which through a world of difficulty and much expense, I here present you, not in the spe cious form of a proper history, which admits of artificial ornaments and descriptions to raise the imagination and affections of the reader ; but of a closer and more naked register, comprising only facts in a chronological epitome, to enlighten the understanding ; somewhat like the form of Usher's Annals, which a competent historian may easily fill up and beautify^ Nor is the design of this dedication, as is usual with others, to implore your patronage of the work in general at all adventures, or to palliate or excuse the faults or mistakes therein ; but rather humbly to appeal to your collective and superior knowledge, that it may more thoroughly be examined, every mistake of fact discovered, and the remainder only justified. It would be too high a presumption in me, as well as too intruding on your more important cares, to supplicate a public examination or correction of this composure. But if it were as worthy as the reverend and learned Mr. Hubbard's Narrative of the Indian wars ; for the perusing and approving Vlll DEDICATION. which, three honorable magistrates were deputed by the governor and council of the Massachusetts colony in 1677, one of whom was a major-general, and the other two were afterwards gDvernors. Upon rectifying every error, such a pubUc appro bation would consign it as a true report of facts, to the regard and credit both of present and of future generations. I should now conclude, were it not for an obser vation of too great and public moment to be here omitted ; which is as follows : That when the founders of these colonies came over, it was a time of general tyranny, both in church and state, through their mother island ; un der which the British kingdoms loudly groaned, as the united voice declared both of their Lords and Commons in several Parliaments both of England and of Scotland, the only national representatives and the most proper witnesses of the national op pressions ; a thousand times more credible than any particular writers. From which those king doms could never obtain a legal and established deliverance till the glorious revolution in 1688 ; nor could apprehend it to be sufficiently secured till the happy accession of King George I. to the British throne in 1714 ; a prince who was a grand son, by the princess Sophia, of that most excellent king and queen of Bohemia ; whom the puritans admired and loved, whom they grieved to see so much neglected in their bitter sufferings by the court of England, and whoml those who came over DEDICATION. IX I hither, Represented to their posterity in the most amiable character ; of which I can myself bear witness. For, though born in a remoter corner of this land, yet while in the arms of a knowing and careful mother, a grand-daughter of the first race / -t of settlers, next to the Scripture history, she gave me such a view of the reformation, and of the suf ferings and virtues of those renowned princes, as raised my joy with others^ when the first hopeful prospect opened of their protesfant descendants in the illustrious House of Hanover, being advanced to the British throne, and carried us into unbound ed transports when our eyes beheld it. Upon this occasion. His Excellency will forgive me, if, for the honor of his country, as well as for his own, we boast of one among us, who inspir ed with zeal for the succession of that illustrious House, even in the joys of youth, twice broke away, namely, in 1704 and 1708, and passed a double ocean ; that he might with rapture see, and in his country's name express the ardor of their vows to that most important family ; in which, under Heaven all the welfare of three mighty na tions, and even of all the protestant states and kingdoms in the world, as well as the liberty, reli gion, and felicity of these colonies and provinces were involved. A celebrated instance peculiar to himself alone, that I presume no other American can pretend to ; and, for the fatigue and pains, I suppose no other subject of the whole British em pire ; which redounds to the glory of the land that 2 DEDICATION. bred him, that parted with him, and received him with applause ; and the happy consequence where of, at the head of his country, he now enjoys. May that blessed family remain upon the throne and prosper as long as the sun endures ; may they spread their branches to every state and kingdom round about, and therewith extend the British hap piness. May these plantations, flourish under their benign influence to the end of time. May your Excellency enjoy their smiles to the last hour of life ; and thereby, with the Divine grace and bless ing, long lengthen our tranquillity, and advance our welfare. May your Honors, now taking your turn to rise and shine in the exalted places of your wise and pious predecessors, follow their bright exam ples, preserve the dear depposita resigned to your faithful trust, and transmit them safely to your suc cessors ; in all your councils may you look to future as well as present generations ; whom you may see depending on your care and wisdom, as we, unborn depended on the care and wisdom of those before us ; and may you ever keep in view, the principal and noble ends of these religious settle ments. So will you be, with our dear forefathers, an eternal excellence, and the joy and praise of perpetual generations. Your Excellency's and Honors, most Obedient, and Humble Servant, THOMAS PRINCE. Boston, Nov. 24fA, 1736. PREFACE. tlELATING THE RISE, DESIGN, AND PROGRESS OF THIS COMPOSURE. * Next to the Sacred History, and that of the Reformation, I was from my early youth instructed in the history of this country. And the first book of this kind put into my hand, was The New-Eng land Memorial, composed by Mr. Secretary Morton jjbeing the History of Plymouth Colony from the beginning to 1668. Gov. Thomas Dudley's Letter to the countess of Lincoln, informed me of the beginning of the Massachusetts Colony. Mr. William Hub bard and Mr. Increase Mather's Narratives of the Indian Wars in 1637, 1675 and 1676, with Mr. Cotton Mather's History of the Indian Wars from 1688 to 1698, gave rae a sufficient view of those calamitous times. Mr. Matthew Mayhew's Account of the Vine yard Indians, Mr. Increase Mather's Record of Remarkable Provi dences, Mr. Cotton Mather's Lives of Mr. Cotton, Norton, Wilson, Davenport, Hooker, Mitchel, Eliot, and Sir William Phipps, in creased my knowledge ; and much more was it advanced, upon the coming out of the last mentioned author's Ecclesiastical History of New England, in folio, in 1702. Yet still I longed to see all these things disposed in the order of time wherein they happened, together with the rise and progress of the several towns, churches, counties, colonies, and provinces throughout this country. XII PREFACE. Upon niy entering into the College, I chanced in ray leisure hours to read Mr. Chamberlain's account of the Cottonian Library ; which excited in rae a zeal of laying hold on every book, pam phlet, and paper, both in print and manuscript, which are either written by persons who lived here, or that have any tendency to enlighten oui history. When I went to England, I met with a great variety of books and pamphlets, too many here to name, relating to this country, wrote in ancient times, and which I could not meet with on this side the Atlantic. Among others, in a History of New England, from 1628 to 1651, printed in quarto, London, 1654, 1 found many particulars, of the beginning of our several churches, towns and colonies, which appear in no other writer. The running title of the book is Wonder, Working Providence, &c ; and in the genuine title-page, no author is named. Some of the books were faced with a false title-page ; wherein the work is wrongly assigned to sir F. Georges ; but the true author was Mr. Johnson of Woburn, in New-England, as the late Judge Sewall assured rae, as of a thing familiarly known among the Fathers of the Massachusetts Colony. In my foreign travels, I found the want of a regular history of this country every where complained of; and was often moved to undertake it, though I could not think myself equal to a work so noble as the subject merits. The extraordinary talents which Le Moyn and others require in an historian were enough to deter me. And yet I had a secret thought, that upon returning to my native country, in case I should fall into a state of leisure, and no other engaged, I would attempt a brief account of facts at least, in the form of annals. But returning home in 1717, Providence was pleased soon to setUe me in such a public place and circumstance, as I could expect no leisure for such a work, and gave it over. ' )l could propose no other than to go on with my collections, and "provide materials for some other hand ; which I have been at no small expense to gather • having amassed above a thousand books, pamphlets, and papers of this kind in print, and a great number of papers in manuscript ; so many indeed, that I have never yet had leisure enough tu read them.} For 1 should want at least as long a time as Dio ; who PREFACE. Xlll says he had been not only ten years in collecting for his history, but also twelve years more in compiling it ; and yet by his book of Dreams and Prodigies, presented to Severus, one would think he had sufficient leisure.* In 1720 came out Mr. Neal's History of New-England, which I was glad to see, and pleased both with his spirit, style, and method. I could wish nothing more than that he had all the helps this country affords. And though he has fallen into many mistakes of facts which are commonly known among us, some of which he seems to derive from Mr. Oldmixon's Account of New England in his British Empire in America ; and which mistakes are no doubt the reason why Mr. Neal's History is not more generally read among us; yet considering the materials this worthy writer was confined to, and that he was never here, it, seems to rae scarce possible that any under his disadvantages should form a better. In comparing him with the authors from whence he draws, I am sur prised to see the pains he has taken to put the materials into such a regular order ; and to me it seems as if many parts of his work cannot be mended. Upon the account of those mistakes as also many deficiencies which our written records only are able to supply ; I have been often urged here to undertake our history, but as often declined for the reasons aforesaid. However, being still solicited, and no other attempting, at length| in 1728 I determined to draw up a short account of the most remarkable transactions and events, in the , form of a mere Chronology.; which I apprehended would give a summary and regular view of the rise and progress of our affairs, be a certain guide to future historians,| make their performance easier to them, or assist Mr. Neal in correcting his second edition ; and which I supposed would not take above six or eight sheets, in tending to write no more than a line or two upon every article. The design was this ; A summary and exact account of the most material occurrences relating to these parts of the world from their first discovery in the order of time in which they happened ; wherein, besides the most '' Lib. 72, c. Xiphilino. PKEFACE. remarkable Providences ; such as appearances of comets and eclipses, earthquakes, tempests, Inundations, droughts, scarcities, fires, epidemical sicknesses, memorable accidents and deliverances, deaths of men of figure, with their age and places where they lived and died, as also of the most aged, with the number of their off spring ; there will be brief hints of our historical transactions, as the rise and changes of governments, the elections of chief magis trates, the grants and settlements of towns and precincts, their Indian and English names, the formations of churches and counties, the ordinations and removals of ministers, building houses for pub lic worship, forts and great bridges, erecting grammar schools and colleges, extraordinary public fasts and thanksgivings, propagation of the Gospel, remarkable laws and executions, as also wars, as* sauhs, expeditions, battles, peace, &c. The different dates assigned to various occurrences, will be carefully compared and corrected, and the very years, months and days, if possible, ascertained. Together with an introduction, containing a brief account of the most remarkable persons, transactions and events abroad. 1. From the Creation to the birth of Christ, according to the computation of the best Chronologers. 2. From thence to the discovery of the New World by Christo pher Columbus. 3. From thence to the discovery of New-England by Captain Gosnold. The ministers throughout this country were desired to make their careful inquiries, and send in their accurate accounts as soon as possible ; that such material passages might be preserved from oblivion, and so desirable a collection might be hastened to the public view. Upon my pubhshing this design, I first engaged in the introduc tion ; but quickly found, as Chambers in his Cyclopaedia observes Chronology to be vastly more difficult than one can imagine, who' has not applied himself to the study ; and as Alsted in his Thesau rus, says, that his other labors were but as play to this. In my prefaces to the several periods and the following notes, I observe the writers with whom I agree and differ, as also some of the greatest difficulties. ] And as I would not take the least iota upon PREFACE. ,\V trust if possible, I examined the original authors I could meet with ; and some of the articles were so perplexed, as it cost me a fortnight's thought and labor before I could be fully satisfied. The mere tables and calculations I was forced to make would compose ('„ tj a folio. To find out not only the year and month, but even the day of every article, I was obliged to search a great number of writers ; and the knowing reader will see that so many precise points of time, are nowhere to be found, but by such a collection as I have for this intent perused. ^ As to the line of time, it is measured by the continued succes sion of patriarchs and sovereigns of the most famous kingdoms and empires. For the three first periods, viz. (1) Of the patriarchs, (2) Judges of Israel, and ^3) Kings of Judah, to the destruction of the first Temple and of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar ; I leave the Samaritan Pentateuch, the" Septuagint and Josephus, which several writers both ancient and modern follow ; and I strictly keep to the Hebrew Bible, of which it is said, our old English Bede was the first who made it the rule of ancient Chronology. In the fourth period, viz. from thence through the reigns of the Babylonian, Persian, Grecian and Egyptian monarchs, to the Roman emperors; I keep to Ptolemy's famous Astronomical Canon, and give it ex actly through the period. In the fifth and sixth periods from thence to the monarchs of England, I make use of Tacitus, Sue tonius, Dio, Herodian, Eusebius, Evagrius, Socrates, Scholasticus, Calvisius, Helvicus, Petavius, &c. And in the seventh and last, , from thence to the beginning of the reign of king James I. in England, when he became the first monarch of. Great Britain, I keep to the ancient authors in Latin to the reign of Edward II. ; of all which I am sorry that I could not find the Saxon Chronicle in this country. But whereas in the times before the Christian era, I cite several authors ; such as Calvisius, Helvicus, Alsfed, Petavius, Usher, &c. as "agreeing in the same year affixed to an article, though they called that year a different year of the world : I need not tell the learned, that in those articles those authors do not differ, as to the same real years, or years of the Julian period, or celestial characters assigned to them, or in their distance from the christian era. Thus for in- XVl PREFACE. stance, as to the time when Augustus took Alexandria, and put an end to the Egyptian kingdom ; Calvisius calls it August 1, in the year of the world 3920 ; Usher calls it 3974, beginning 3975 in the following month ; but we, beginning this year with January, as the Julian year begins, place this article on August I, in 3975 ; and yet this is the very same real year, month and day, viz. August 1, in the year of the Julian period 4684, Cycle of the sun 8, of the moon 10, and the 30th year before the christian era ; the first of which is the year of the Julian period 4714 ; as all chronologers agree. In our use of those authors therefore, we turn their years of the Julian period into those years of the world which answer them in our chronology. In the Introduction I also observed this rule, that the nearer I drew to the later ages, wherein we grow more concerned, the larger I made my periods ; and in the process of this work, was gra dually led on and persuaded to exceed my first design, which was to have made the five later periods near as short as the two former. By that time I finished the introduction, I found so great a num ber of historical manuscripts, both old and new ; containing all sorts of records both public and private, religious, civil and miltary ; that our printed histories are but a small part, in comparison with them, and made me still more ready to yield to the sohcitations of others, to enlarge my design and give the public an abridgement of them. For I considered that as several ancient records of towns and churches have been unhappily burnt, and some lost otherwise ; if I did not now in this way preserve the substance of these histori cal memoirs, it would be daily in danger of perishing beyond recovery. The manuscripts I have had opportunity to search are these. In folio — 1. Governor Bradford's History of Plymouth people and colony, from 1602 to the end of 1646, in 270 pages ; with some account', at the end, of the increase of those who came over with him from l620 to 1650, and all in his own hand-writing. 2. The ancient Church of Plymouth Records ; begun by Mr Secretary Morton. PREFACE. S. A copy of the Grand Charter of New-England, granted by king James I. on November 3, 1620, in 86 pages. 4. The ancient Records of the Massachusetts Colony. 5. The ancient Records of the County of Suffolk ; in the first volume whereof are several letters from the Massachusetts Com pany at London to Mr. Endicot, before they came over. 6. The ancient Records of the town of Charlestown ; in the first volume whereof is a particular history of the first coming and set tling of the Enghsh there, and in the neighboring places. 7. The ancient Records of the town of Boston ; as also of the first, second, third, and several other later Churches there. 8. The ancient Records of the first Church of Roxbury, written by the famous and Rev. Mr. Eliot, and his successive colleagues the Rev. Mr. Danforth and Walter. In a separate part of the book are recorded hints of various ancient transacdons and events, in other towns and colonies. 9. An ancient Record of the first New-England Synod, viz. at Cambridge, 1637. 10. Plymouth Colony Laws, from 1626 to 1660, inclusively. 11. The ancient Records of the honorable Artillery Company. 12. The Rev. Mr. William Hubbard's General History of New- England from the discovery to l680, in 338 pages ; and though not in his own hand-writing, yet having several corrections made thereby. In quarto — 1. A book of Patents of several parts of New-England. 2. An original Record of the Rev. Mr. Peter Hobart of Hing- hara» relating hints of matters, both in his own and some neighbor ing churches also. 3. Major Mason's ancient account of the Pequot War in 1634,' 5, 6, 7. 4. Major-General Gookin's history of the New-England Indians, to 1674, inclusively. 5. An original Journal in Latin, composed by the late Rev. Mr. Briinsmead of Marlborough, and in his hand-writing, from 1665 to 1695, inclusively. 3 PREFACE. 6. An account of Memorable Things in New-England, from 1674 to 1687 inclusively, written by the late Rev. Dr. Increase Mather, in his own hand. 7. An original Journal of the late Captain Lawrence Hammond of Charlestown and Boston, from 1677 to 1694, inclusively. 8. An original Journal of a very intelligent person deceased, who desired not to be named ; relating remarkable matters from 1689 to l7ll, inclusively. In octavo — 1. A register of Governor Bradford's, in his own hand, recording some of the first deaths, marriages and punishments, at Plymouth ; with three other miscellaneous volumes of his. 2. A little ancient Table Book of his son, major Wilham Brad ford, afterward deputy governor of Plymouth Colony, written with his own hand, from 1649 to 1670. 3, Captain Roger Clap's account of the ancient affairs of the Massachusetts Colony. 4. An original Register wrote by the Rev. Mr. John Lathrop, recording the first affairs both of Scituate and Barnstable : of which towns he was successively the first minister. Two original books of Deputy Governor Willoughby and Cap tain Hammond ; giving historical hints, from 1651 to 1678 inclu sively. 6. Interleaved Almanacs of the late honorable John Hull and Judge Sewall of Boston, Esqrs. ; of the Rev. Mr. Shepard the last of Charlestown, of the late Rev, Mr. Joseph Gerrish of Wenham, and several others from l646 to 1720 ; wherein the facts were wrote at the time they happened ; though the notes in several bf ing wrote in divers sorts of short-hand, to which I was an utter stran ger, put me to no small pains to find out their alphabets and other characters. In lose papers — 1. Extracts from the Public Records of the Colonies of Plymouth Connecticut and Rhode Island. 2. A great number of ancient Letters and other papers which I have collected from several libraries and pardcular persons. 3. Near two hundred Chronological Letters sent me, collected PREFACE. Xix from the Records of several towns and churches throughout this country, as also from private registers, gravestones, and the infor mation of aged and intelligent persons. ^The reader will easily conceive how large and difficult a field now lay before me ; when all these manuscripts were to be perused, examined, and compared both with themselves and with those accounts already published ; their varieties and contradictions solved, their mistakes discovered ; the chronological order of all their pas sages found out ; one regular abridgement taken from them ; what several wanted, to be supphed from others ; and the most material and proper passages, words and phrases selected from them all, and placed together in a natural order, and so as to enlighten each other. For in my tracing several authors on this occasion, I soon saw cause to come into the same sentiment and resolution with the Rev. Mr. Strype in his preface to the first volume of his Annals of the Reformation : which I shall mention in his own words. ' I have chosen commonly to set down things in the very words of the re cords, and originals, and of the authors themselves, rather than in my own, without framing and dressing them into more modern language ; whereby the sense is sure to remain entire as the writers meant it ; whereas by affecting too curiously to change and model words and sentences, I have observed the sense itself to be often marred and disguised.' Yea, more scrupulous than Mr. Strype on this account, for instead of commonly, I have so universally ob served this rule, that where I have inserted sentences or words of my own, for illustration, I have either enclosed them in crotchets [ ], or added them at the end of paragraphs, without any author cited after them. And I know not that I have ever changed any words or phrases, unless they were very uncouth, or obsolete ; and then I have taken special care to answer them with others of the same exact importance ;'Only in some very few instances I have used a softer terra for a severer. In the history of our own times, we may freely use our own ex pressions ; but in all accounts of events before, every writer must take from others, whether he mentions his originals or no. And though it be more laborious, yet it seems not only more ingenuous XX PREFACE. to cite them, but also carries more authority, and gives the inquisi tive reader greater satisfaction. But those who have no regard to those authorities, may in the reading omit them ; unless where they think the passage of too great moment. And here I must observe, that Mr. Morton's history, from the beginning of the Plymouth people to the end of 1646, being chiefly Governor Bradford's manuscript abbreviated ; from hence it comes to pass that in many articles and paragraphs which I cite from Governor Bradford, both Mr. Morton and I happen to use the same words and sentences ; not -that I deduce them from Mr. Morton, but because they are the original words and sentences in Governor Bradford. ; Some may think me rather too critical, others that I relate some circumstances too minute, and others, that I need not have inter rupted the reading whh so many notes in the margin. As for the first, I think a writer of facts cannot be too critical ; it is exactness I aim at, and would not have the least mistake if possible pass to the world.V If I have unhappily fallen into any, it is through inad vertency only, and I shall be obliged to those who will be so kind as to send me their corrections. As to the second, those things which are too minute with some, are not so with others ; those minute things are observed with pleasure by the people who live in the places where they were transacted, which are inconsiderable to those who never saw them ; and there is none who attentively reads a history either ancient or modern, but in a great many cases wishes the writer had mentioned some minuter circumstances, that were then commonly known, and thought too needless or small to be noted. Besides, smaller matters are of greater moment among a smaller people and more affect them, which are less important and affecting as the people grow more numerous. And I have therefore thought it a proper rule in history, to mention smaller things in the infancy of these plantations, which I shall gradually omit as they grow a greater people. But as to the third, I wish I had placed many of the notes in the body of the page ; and propose to do so in the rest of the work. Is to impartiality, I know it is usual for the writers of history to assert it ; some in their prefaces, others in the front of their works • PREFACE. XXI some in the strongest terms, who have been notoriously guilty of the contrary ; and I am apt to think that many are partial who are insensible of it. For myself, I own, I am on the side of pure Christianity, as also of civil and religious liberty ; and this for the low as well as the high, for the laity as well as the clergy ; I am for leaving every one to the freedom of worshipping according to the light of his conscience ; and for extending charity to every one who receives the Gospel as the rule of his faith and Ufe ; I am on the side of meekness, patience, gentleness and innocence ; and I hope, my inclination to these great principles will not bias me to a misrechal of facts ; but rather to state them as I really find them for the public benefit. Nor will the nature or design of this work, which is rather a register or collection of matters as described by others, so much admit of partiality, as a proper history where the writer allows himself the freedom of using his own expressions.] In citing Fuller, for the births, ages and characters of persons, I sometimes mean his Abel Redivivus, but otherwise, his Church History of England. And whereas|l observe some mistakes in Mr. Hubbard's History of New-England,^the reader may consi der, that as we have only a copy of that valuable work, the sub stance whereof I propose to give the pubHc ^''some of those mistakes may be owing to the transcriber only, and some that learned and ingenious author fell into for want of Governor Bradford's History, and some other materials which I happen to be favored with, f In short, I cite my vouchers to every passage, and I have done my utmost first to find out the truth, and then to relate it in the order. I have labored after accuracy, and yet I dare not say, that I am without mistake ; nor do I desire the reader to conceal any he may possibly find. But on the contrary, I offer this work to the public view, that it may be perused with the most critical eye, that -every error may be discovered, and the correction published in the following volume, which I hope will not be long a composing, having passed through the much greater difficulties in this first, and abstracted many of my materials towards the second. INTRODUCTION. As an introduction to the New-England Chronology, it may be grateful to many readers, to see the age of the world when this part of the earth came to be known to the other ; and the line of time, with the succession of the principal persons, events, and transactions, which had been running on from the creation to the settlement of this country, by a colony from England. And this, 1 shall briefly show, under the following articles ; which seem to rne, the most clear and natural heads, or successive periods of Chronology ; especially for an English reader. I. The Scripture patriarchs. II. The judges of Israel. III. The kings of Judah. IV. The Babylonian, Persian, Grecian and Egyptian monarchs. V. The Roman Empe rors. VI. The Greek Emperors. VII. The kings of Eng land. 1. From Egbert, the first king of England, to the first discovery of the new world, by Christopher Columbus. 2. From thence to the discovery of New-England, and death of queen Elizabeth. And that 1 may crowd the more matter in a little room, I shall make use of the following plain, and easy characters, for words and sentences that may very frequently occur in this composure. As, Y. stands for year ; Y. L. for year of life ; Y. R. for year of rule, or reign ; Y. W. for year of the world, that is, from the creation of the world ; Y. C. for year of Christ, that is, from the birth of Christ ; b. for at the beginning of the year, either a little before or after ; e. for at the end of the year, either a little before or after ; m. for month ; d. for day ; k. for king. And the years are supposed to be solar, and nearly com plete, that is, either a little more or less ; and to begin at the spring, till the entrance of the fourth period ; and then we begin with the Julian year, namely, the first of January. So the Chaldeans, Persians, Armenians, most other eastern na tions, and the ancient astronomers who placed Aries, the first of the signs, at the Vernal Equinox ; as also Virgil, Eusebius, Ambrose, Cyril, Austin, Bede, Melancthon, Calvin, Scaliger, Lydiat, Bucbolzer, Bunting, Coddoman, Kepler, Krechzem, Mercer, Alsted, Spondan, Capellus, E. Simpson, Langius, (see Lydiat, Alsted, Stauchius) and so Dupin. I. PERIOD. The Chronology of the Scripture Patriarchs, in a continued line, from the creation of Adam, to the death of Moses ; containing nearly 2553 complete years. Though the year of the world 1656, is generally reckoned to be the year of Noah's flood ; yet taking the years of the patriarchs, for full years, or thereabouts, that is, either a little over or under, sotnetimes one and sometimes the other ; and so complete in the whole, as Helvicus, Petavius, Usher, and most Chronologers seem to allow -.fl think it is very plain, that as Adam lived 130 years before Seth was born, and Adam was not 130 till the beginning of the year of the world 131, so Seth was born at the beginning of the same year ; |and so of the other patriarchs, which will, there fore, unavoidably bring the beginning of the flood to the beginning of the year of the world 1657. And to this agree the learned Funccius, Bucholzer, Scaliger, (a) Reusner, Cal visius, Bunting, Langius, Behinius, Frankenberger, Willet, Alsted, Drake, and Swan ; who, therefore, seem in this com putation to be most accurate. And though, from Gen. xi. 26, many moderns and all the ancient Chronologers, even down to Beroaldus a professor of Geneva, have set the birth of Abraham at the 70th year of Terah ; and the Samaritan version in Gen. xi. 32, makes Terah to live no longer than 145, and so to have died when Abraham was but 75 ; yet, inasmuch as the Hebrew, with all the other ancient ver sions (6) and Josephus also, make Terah to live 205 ; and as Abraham at 75 removed from Haran, Gen. xii. 4, and Stephen tells us that this was 'after his father's death, Acts vii. 4 ; therefore, Beroaldus seems rightly to have set the birth of Abraham at the 130th year of Terah ; and has drawn the following train of celebrated writers after him. Calvinus P. Martyr, Musculus, Junius, Pareus, Scharpius, Capelli Tres, Diodati, Rivetus, Langius, Ricciolius, Dupin, Brouo-h- ton. More, Willet, Ainsworth, Raleigh, Drake, Lightfoot, Usher, Richardson, Swan, Allen, Marsham, Cary, Whiston' Lloyd, Marshal, Dr. Prideaux, and others ; whom we choose to follow for further reasons, which our designed brevity will not allow us here to mention. a Scaliger says it is so certain that none has hitherto doubted it. (De Emend Temp. Lib. V.) b See Bib. Polygot. Introduction. 25 No. Birth First Y. L. Y. W. Decease Last Y. L. 1 Adam 1 b t m. 6 d. Adam created. 2 Seth 131 b Adam aged 136, Seth is born. 3 Enos 236 b Seth aged 106, Enos is born. 4 Cainan 326 b Enos aged 9jO„ Cainan is born. 6 Mahalaleel 396 b Cainan 70, Paballaleel born. 6 Jared 461 b Mahalaleel 65, Jared born. •7 Enoch 623 b Jared 162, Enoch born. 8 Methuselah 688 b Enoch 65, Methuselah born. 9 Lamech 875 b Methuselah 187, Lamech born. 930 e Adam Adairi dies, aged 930. 987 e Enoch Seth Enoch translated, aged 365. 1042 e Seth dies,! aged 912. 10 Noah 57 b Lamech 182, Nodh born, (a) 140 e Enos Enos dies, aged 905. 235 e Cam an Cainan dies, aged 910. 290 e Mahalaletil Mahalaleel dies, dged 895. 422 e Jarfed' Jared dies, aged 962. 11 Shem 559 b Noah 502, Shem born. 651 e Lamech Lamech dies, aged 777. 656 e Methuselah Methuselah dies, aged 969. 657 b II m. 17 d. flood begins a little be fore Noah's 600th year ends, (b) 658 b 11 m. 27 d. flood ends, and Noah goes out of the ark. 12 Arphaxad 659 b Shem 100, Arphaxad born. 13 Salah 694 b Arphaxad 35, Salah born. 14 fiber 724 b Salah 30, Eber born. 15 Peleg 758 b Eber 34, Peleg born. 16 Reu 788 b Peleg 30, Rue born. 17 Seruff 820 b Reu 32, Serug born. ISiNahor 850 b Serug 30, Nahor born. 19 Terah 879 b Nahor 29, Terah born. 996 e Peleg Peleg dies, aged 239. 1997 e Nahor Nahor dies, aged 148. 2006 e Noah Noah dies, aged 950. 20 Abraham 9 b ? Terah 130, Abraham born. 26 e Reu Rue dies, aged 239. 49 e Serug Serug dies, aged 230. 83 e Terah Terah dies, aged 205. _ 84 b I m. Abib, 15 d. Abraham being 75, and receiving the promise, goes out of Haran for Canaan. 96 e Arphaxad Arphaxad dies, aged 438. 108 b Sodom, fee. destroyed. 21 Isaac 109 b Abraham 100, Isaac born. 126 e Salah Salah, dies, aged 433. 158 e Shem Shem dies, aged 600. 22 Jacob 169 b Isaac 60, Jacob born. a By Gen. vii. 6, 11 ; and viii. 13, 14, it seems that Noah was not born till the third month of this year. h According to the note above, and the preface to this period. 4 26 INTK0Di;CTI0N. No. Birth First Y. L. Y. W. Decease Last Y. L. , 183 e Abraham Abraham dies, aged 175. 187 e Eber Eber dies, aged 464. 23 Levi 256 b Jacob 87, Levi born. 288 e Isaac Isaac dies, aged 180. 24 Eohatb 290 b 299 b Levi 34, Kohath born, (c) Jacob 130, goes into Egypt. 315 e Jacob Jacob dies, aged 147. 25 Amram 364 b Kohath 74, Amram born, (d) 392 e Levi Levi dies, aged 137. 422 e Kohath Kohath dies, aged 133. 26 Moses 434 b Amram 70, Moses born, (e) 500 e Amram Amram dies, aged 137. 514 b I m. Abib, 15 d. the 430th year of bondage ends ; and Moses 80, begins to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. 553 e Moses XII m. 1 d. Moses dies, aged 120, and Joshua of Ephraim succeeds him as ruler of Israel. c Helvicus out of Epiphanius. d Helvicus again out of Epiphanius. e Helvicus out of Nicephorus and Eusebius. II. PERIOD. The Chronology of the Judges of Israel, from the death of Moses, to the death of Samuel and Saul ; containing about 396 complete years. By 1 Kings vi. 1, and 2 Chron. iii. 1, 2, compared with Numb, xxxiii. 3, it appears there were 479 years and seven teen days complete, from the coming out of Egypt, to the founding of Solomon's temple ; whereof, thirty-nine years, ten months, and the odd seventeen days may be assigned to Moses ; forty years to David, and three years two months, to Solomon ; eighty-three years seventeen days in all. But the remaining 396 years being attended with many difficul ties, there have been various schemes proposed by learned men for their solution ; and perhaps the last, devised by sir John Marsham, and followed by Whiston, Lloyd, and Mar shal, may be the best ; who suppose the years of several, both, of the oppressions, and judges, to be contemporary. However, I shall here lay down the presidency of the several judges in the successive order, according to the years assigned them in the sacred records, inclusive of the several oppres sions, as happening in their times ; and as supposed by Scharpius, Alsted, Baylly, Stauchius, Broughton, Lightfoot, Swan, and Allen ; as also Junius, Pantaleon, More, Perkins, Helvicus,* Isaacson and Tallents ; only that the latter, sup posing it to be 480 years complete, and seventeen days, from the coming out of Egypt to the founding of the temple, make Joshua's rule to be eighteen years ; whereas the other more exactly make it about seventeen, as follows, * That is, one of two different schemes in Helvicus. 28 INTRODUCTION. No. Joshua. 1 Ephraim 7 [8] 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 [18] Judges Y. R. Tribes. 17 Othniel. 1 40 Ehud. 1 Shamgar. (6) 80 Deborah 1 and Barak (d) 40 Gideon 1 40 Abimelech. Tola.Jair. Jephtha. Ibsan. Elon. Abdon. Sampson.Eli. Samuel. Saul. Y. W. 2554 I 1 23 1 22 1 6 1 7 1 10 1 8 1 20 1 40 1 30 1 10 Judah. Benjamin Naphtali Manasseh Manasseh Issachar Manasseh Manasseh Judah Zebulon EphraimDan' I Levi Levi Benjamin Joshua begins to rule. 1 m. Abib, 10 d. he leads the Israel ites through Jordan into Canaan. 570 e He dies, aged 110. 571 b Othniel begins to rule. 610 e He dies. 2611 b Ehud begins to rule, (a) 690 e Shamgar dies. 691 b Deborah begins to rule, (c) 730 e They die (that is, the last survivor,) 731 b Gideon begins to rule. 770 e He dies. 771 b Abimelech made king. 773 e He is killed. 774 b Tola begins to rule. 796 e He dies. 797 b Jair l)egins to rule. 818 e He dies. 819 b Jephtha begins to rule. 824 e He dies. 825 b Ibssm begins to rule. 831 e He dies. 832 b Elon begins to rule. 841 e He dies. 842 b Abdon begins to rule. 849 e He dies. 850 b Sampson begins to rule. 869 e He dies. 870 b Eli, a priest, begins to rule. 909 e He dies, aged 98. 910 b Samuel begins to rule. 939 e His solitary rule ends. ) , s. 940 b Saul made king. ( ^ ' 949 e Samuel and Saul die, (/) and Da vid, of the tribe of Judah suc ceeds king Saul, as king of Judah. a It is uncertain when Ehud died, and Shamgar began to rule. 6 That is, eighty years trom the beginning of Ehud's rule. c It is uncertain when Barak began to rule, or who out-lived. d That is, forty years from the beginning of Deborah's rule. e Helvicus, out of Cedrenus, says that Saul was made king ten years before David. / Broughton, out of Sedar 01am, says, that Samuel and Saul died the same year, that is, Samuel at the beginning, and Saul at the end. III. PERIOD. The Chronology of the Kings of Judah in a Lineal Succession, from the beginning of the reign of David, to the end of Zedekiah's : containing about 467 complete years, and the additional time from the spring of the yeai', to August 27. The precise adjustment of the years of this period, with the reigns of the several kings of Judah and Israel, is en cumbered with so many great perplexities, as have exercised the wits of the most sagacious men, as much as any other part of scripture chronology. Whether Mr. Whiston's sur prising hypothesis may be allowed with safety, who solves them by supposing, that Jeroboam diminished the year for the observance of the ten tribes, by one month, vi'hile the kings of Judah kept to the former computation, I may not ven ture to determine. But among all the systems I have met with. Bishop Usher's seems the clearest ; which Swan, Whis ton, Lloyd, Marshal, and Dr. Prideaux almost entirely fol low ; and which is nearly the same with Petavius's lately fol lowed by Le Clerc and Perizonius. And here I must observe upon a strict examination, that Bishop Usher's English annals being printed after his decease, have many errors of the press in figures ; whereas his Latin annals being published in Lon don while he was living there, and no doubt corrected by himself, do very rarely need amendment. But whereas that learned writer begins the year of the creation at the fall, and we rather choose to follow those who raise it to the spring before in the same year of the Julian Period 710; it there fore happens that our numbers of the Mundane a;ra assigned to the same events which came to pass in the spring and sum mer, are more by one than his, both in this and the other periods ; though those events which happened in the fall and winter will coalesce in the same year of the world as his ; with this only diiFerehce, that they are in the former part of his year, but in the latter of ours. 30 INTRODUCTION. No. Y. VV. 2950 b 957 b 989 c 990 b 993 b 3000 1 Y. R. Kings. 8 (9) 1011 12 13 2930 b 46 47 b 49509091 101108112 b 115 3116 119 120121126 127 1 David 8 40 1 Solomon 4 11 12 40 1 Rehoboam 17 1 Abijam 3 1 Asa 41 1 Jeliosaphat 1118 22. 1 Jehoram 25. 166 194 195 b 229 1 Ahaziah 1 (Athaliah) 1 Jehoash 40 1 Amaziah 29 1 Uzziah 35 246 e 52 247 b 1 Jot ham 252 b 6 Begins to reign over Judah, 7 years. He begins to reign over all Israel, 33 years. He resigns the kingdom to his younger son Solomon. Begins to reign : and David dies 6 months after. II ra, Ziph, 2 d, the Temple founded. VIII m, Bull, the Temple finished. VII m, Ethanim, in the 1st year of the IV. Mille nary of the world, and at the opening of the 9th Jubile, the Temple dedicated, (a) Solomon dies. And his son Begins to reign, and 10 tribes fall off to Jero boam. Rehoboam dies. And his son Begins to reign, 3 years. He dies. And his son Begins to reign, 41 years. He dies. And his son Begins to reign, 25 years. Homer born, 420 year before Herodotus.* Jehosaphat going against the Syrians, makes his son Jehoram viceroy. Made copartner in the kingdom, upon Jehosa- phat's going against Moab. Jehosaphat dies. And his son lehoram reigns alone, 4years more. He dies. And his son Reigns one year, and is slain by Jehu. Ahaziah's mother begins to reign six years. She is slain by Jehoiada. And Son to Ahaziah, begins to reign 40 years. He is killed. And his son Begins to reign, 29 years. He is killed. And his son _ins to reign, 52 years. July 23,+ the first Olympiad restored by Iphitus, when Varro's historicEil age begins. (6) Uzziah dies. And his son Begins to reign, 16 years April 21, in the third year of the VI Olympiad, Rome founded by Romulus and Reraus, ac cording to Varro. (c) a In the year of the Julian Period 3710 ; and before the real birth of Christ 1000, but according to the common account 1004. * So says Herodotus himself; and agreeably Sir I. Newton says, that both Hosiod and Homer flourished 870 years before the Christian era which Bishop Usher sets in the Y W 3135. ' + So Calvisus and Alsted. b An Olympiad contains the space of 4 years, was commonly celebrated at the first full Moon after the summer solstice, and the first Olympiad begins in the year of the Julian Period, 3938, and before the christian aera 776 • so Cal visius, Helvicus, Petavius, Usher, Swan, Cary, Newton, &c. ' c Approved by Cicero, Pomponius, Atticus, Augustus, Plutarch, Plinv Pa- terculus, &c. in the year of the Julian Period, 3961, and before the christian asra 753. INTRODUCTION. 31 No. 16 17 18 3262 263278 19 20 Y. W. 238 b 283 395 b 398 Y. R. Kings. 12 16 1 Ahaz 16. 1 Hezekiah 306 e 307 b 324 e 29 I Manasseh 18 361 e 362 b 363 e 364 b 365 55 1 Ammon 2 1 Josiah 2 366 3379 e 3 16 31Jehoahaz 1 Jehoiakim 3 The ancient Assyrian empire, under Sardanapa- lus, destroyed and parted by his twu rom- manders, Tiglathpileser of Media, and Nabon- asser of Babylon ; the famous sera of Nabon- asser, now king of Babylon, begins iliis Spring, on Feb. 26, at noon, being then the 1st day of the Egyptian year, (rf) Jotham dies. And his son Begins to reign, 16 years. Son to Ahaz made partner with him in the kingdom. Ahaz dies. Shalmanesar, king of Assyria, takes Samaria, and carries the lo tribes into captivity. Hezekiah dies. And his son Begins to reign, 55 years. Esarhaddon, or Asnapper, king of Assyria seizes Babylon, and adds it to his empire, Feb, 9, at the end of this year, being the first Egyp tian new year day of his reign.* Manasseh dies. And his son Begins to reign, 2 years. He is killed. And his son Begins to reign, 31 years. Thales, the father of the Greek astronomers, born at Miletus, and lives 93 years. Solon born in Salamis, and lives 80 years. t NabopoUaser general to Chyniladanus king of Assyria and Chaldea, rebels against his mas ter, and makes himself king of Babylon, Jan. 27, at the end of this year, being the first Egyptian new year day of his reign, (e) Pharaoh Necho leading his army out of Egypt, slays Josiah in battle at Megiddo, and passes on to the Euphrates. Josiah's second son, reigns 3 months, Necho beats the Babylonians, takes Carchemish, returns through Judea, and carries Jehoahaz into Egypt. Josiah's eldest son, sometime this summer begins to reign, 11 years. This summer, NabopoUaser makes his son Nebu chadnezzar partner in the empire, and sets him at the head of his armies. (/) Whence the scripture calls this the first year of Nebu chadnezzar. d In the beginning of the year of the Julian Period 3967, and 747 before the vulgar aera of the birth of Christ, by the consent of all astronomers. Whether he began to reign before, seems uncertain ; but this to be sure is the first Egyptian new year day of his reign. Ptolemy. * According to Ptolemy's mathematical canon. t Sir I. Newton places the birth of Solon 10 years after. e According to Ptolemy. / So Berosius in Josephus. 32 INTRODUCTION. No. Y. W. Y. R. Kings. 22 3400 406 b 417 11 Jeconias (li) 1. Zedekiah 11 Whereupon, Nebuchadnezzar beats Necho's army at the Euphrates, retakes Carchemish, and marches to Judea. IX m. Chislieu, Nebuchadnezzar takes Jetusa- lem, and carries Daniel with a great many others to Babylon ; whence the 70 years of the Jews' captivity begin. NabopoUaser dying this summer, Nebuchadnez zar begins to reign alone, 43 years, (g) Jehoiakim taken by the Chaldeans and slain. Whereupon his son Reigns 3 months 10 days ; and then with Eze- kiel is carried to Babylon, by Nebuchadnezzar, in the eighth year of his reign. Josiah's third son, succeeds in the Kingdom, and this year, Cyrus the Persian is born IV month, 9 day, that is, July 27, Nebuchad nezzar's army breaks up Jerusalem; and Zedekiah taken, and carried to Babylon. V month, 7 day, that is, Aug. 24, Nebuzaradan enters Jerusalem ; and 10th day, thatt is, Aug. 27, sets the temple and city on fire, and breaks down the walls &c. Which is in the nineteenth year of Nebuchad nezzar's reign from his heading the army, and the seventeenth from the first Egyptian new year day after his father's death. In the year of the .Tulian period 4126; and 588 be fore the vulgar christian aera. Usher, Prideaux, Newton, S/-c. g But Jan. 21, at the end of this year, which is at the beginning of the year of the Julian Period 4110, being the first Egyptian ne.w year day of his reign ; Ptolemy therefore begins his reign from thence, according to his usual method. h Sometimes called Coniah, Conias, Jeconias, and Jehoiachin. IV. PERIOD. The Chronology of the Babylonian, Persian, Grecian, and Egyptian monarchs successively, from the destruction of the kingdom of Judah by Nebuchad nezzar, to the destruction of the kingdom of Egypt by Octavius Caesar ; containing exactly 558 years. Thus far the Hebrew and inspired guides alone have led us in a continued path from the creation. But the succes sion of the kings of Judah failing, we must now look lo the Grecian histories for the following course of time to the be ginning of the Roman empire. And here the most knowing inquirers have been in a perpetual strife till the common year of Christ 1613 ; when the famous Mathematical Canoh of Claudius Ptolemy (a) was happily discovered entire in England. Which being founded on astronomical appear ances and calculations, drawn from the records of the Chal dean and Egyptian historians and astronomers, was received with great joy by the learned world, and soon became the decisive umpire among Chronologers, as agreeing with Scrip ture, with the best ancient history, and with astronomy ; to which they have therefore, almost ever since, appealed as to an uncontested oracle. It begins with the reign of Nabonas- ser, king of Babylon, on the first day at noon of the first Egyptian month, called Thoth, (6) which then was Feb. 26th of the Julian Period 3967 ; accounts by Egyptian years of 365 days, continually, without intercalations ; reaches down through the reigns of the Babylonian, Persian, Grecian, a He was a great astronomer of Alexandria in Egypt. b Thoth was the Egyptian Mercury ; and as the first day of their years were devoted to him, both the day and the month were named from him Gregory. 5 34 INTRODUCTION. Egyptian and Roman monarchs, to Antoninus Pius, when Ptolemy flourished ; and numbers the years of their reigns by the number only of the Thoths, or rather Egyptian new year days included in them. To this Canon, therefore, we keep invariably in the present period ; having carefully ex amined it in Greek and Latin, both in Calvisius and Petavius, in Greek only in Mr. Gregory, and in Latin only in Mr. Caiy and Mr. Whiston. I have observed several errors in the four former printed copies, whereas the table in Mr. Whiston seems to be free from any, except in the column he adds of the years of the Julian Period, which seem to be too many by one down from the beginning of the reign of Darius Hys- taspis, (c) and which I have here corrected. But as we must reduce the Egyptian year in this ancient Canon to the present Julian, I shall from this time forward begin the year with the first of January, throughout our following Chro nology c That is, Darius the son of Hystaspis INTRODUCTION. 35 No. Y.W. 1st Egyp. new Y D. Y. R. Monarchs. J I. Babylonian Monarchs. 1 3417 17 Nebuchadnezzar VII in. his governor Gedaliah killed. 421 21 Nebuzaradan carries the rest of the Jews to Babylon. 437 Pythagoras born, and lives 80 years, (d) 443 b 43 Nebuchadnezzar dies, and his son Evilmerodach succeeds. b XII m. 25 d. i. e. April 15, Jeco nias released from prison, (c) 2 444 b Jan. 11 1 Evilmerodach Reigns two years. (/) 445 2 He is killed by Nericassolasser, his sister's husband. 3 446 b 10 1 Nericassolasser Reigns four years. 449 4 He is slain in battle by Cyaxe- res (i. e. Darius the Mede) and Cyrus, (g) 4 450 b 9 1 Nabonadius i. c. Belshazzar, son to Evilme rodach, reigns 17 years. 466 17 Babylon taken, and Belshazzar slain. II. Persian Monarchs. 5 467 b 5 1 Cyrus With his uncle Darius, reign together 2 years. 468 2 Darius dying, Cyrus reigns 7 years more. e 3 In this first year, (A) he gives liberty to the Jews to return from their 70 years' captivity. 475 9 He dies. And his sou 6 476 b 3 1 Cambyses Reigns 8 years. 483 8 He kiUs his brother Smerdis, and dies ; and the male Une of Cyrus ends, (i) 7 484 b 485 1 1 Darius Hystaspis made king by lottery, and reigns 36 years. Pindar born, {j) 489 b 6 XII in. Adar, 3 d. the U Temple finished. 497 Kings of Rome expelled, and Consuls first elected, (ft) d Stanley, who criticaUy searches into this matter. e January 11, this year is Nebuchadnezzar's 43d Egyptian new year day, and in the following summer, the 37th year of Jeconias 's captivity ends ; Ne buchadnezzar therefore dies between January 11, and April 15 of this year. / This is the first Egyptian new year day of Evilmerodach's reign ; and so of the rest. g Nericassolasser's son Laborosoarchod reigns 9 months and then is kiUed ; but there being no Egyptian new year day in his reign, the Canon omits him. h Both the Scripture and Xenophon call this the first year of Cyrus. i For the reason above, the Canon leaves out Smerdis a counterfeit son of Cyrus, who succeeded Cambyses 7 months, and was then discovered and killed. j Calvisius and Helvicus. k Calvisius, Hel^cus, Cary, Strauchjus, Newton, he. INTRODUCTION. No. N. W 1 1st. Egyp Y. R. Monarchs. new 1 . U. 3513 Zoroastres appears at the Per sian Court. (I) 515 The Persians invade Attica, and are beat at Marathon, (m) 519 Darius dies. And his younger S 521525 534536 Dec. 23 1 Xerles son. By Attossa, daughter to Cyrus, reigns 21 years. Herodotus born, (m) Xerxes passes into Greece with two million of men, and his vast navy beat at the Straits of Salamis. (m) Thucydides born, (m) Socrates born, and lives 70 years. 540 21 Xerxes kUled. And his younger 9 e 545 17 1 Artaxerxes son Longimanus, reigns 41 years. Democritus born, and soon af ter, Hypocrates. (n) 547 b 7 I m. 1 d. Ezra being appointed to restore the religious state of Judea, sets out from Baby lon. V m. 1 d. he arrives at Jerusa 559 e lem. [X m. Chislieu, Nehemiah in formed of the wretched state of Judea and Jerusalem. 560 b [ m. Nisan, he is appointed to rebuild the city, and made governor of Judea for 12 years, (o) 569 fsocrates born, and lives 98 Y. 573 Meton observes the Summer Solstice to be on June 27 in the morning, and forms the Lunar Cycle of 19 years, (m) 574 b fhis spring, the Peloponesian war begins, (m) 577 Plato born, and lives 80 years. 581 Artaxerxes dies, (p) And his bastard son 10 e Dee. 7 1 Darius "Jothus reigns 19 years. 600 19 He dies. And hisson 11 e 2 1 Artaxerxes Muemon called Arfaces, reigns 1 46 years. I Dr. Prideaux. n Diogenes Laertius. m Usher. 0 By comparing the two last articles it seems thlt^Artlixerxes" began his reign between Nisan and Chislieu in the year of the world 3540 p His only lawful son Xerxes succeeded, but was quickly killed and succeed ed by his brother Sogdian, and he by his brother JMothus; but as the two former reigned but eight months, and had no Egyptian new year- day included, the Canon therefore leaves them both out. ? '"'-") INTRODUCTION. 37 No. Y.W. 3604 621 624 646649664 667 669 669 e 671 b 672 673 674 675 681 693 1st Egyp. new Y. D. Nov. 21 16 Nov. 15 Y. R. Monarchs. 46 1 Ochus 21 1 Arogus 2 1 Darius 14 1 Alexander 1 Philip 1 Alexander At the battle of Cunaxa, Ctesias taken captive, and Xenophon retreats to Greece, (m) Aristotle born, and lives 63 years, (m) Demosthenes born, and lives , 59 years, (k) Mneinon dies, aged 94. And his son Artaxerxes, reigns 21 years. This summer Alexander the Great born, (m) Epicurus born, and lives 72 years, (k m n) Ochus poisoned. And his young est son called Arses, reigns 2 years. He is also poisoned, and the whole race of Mnemon cut off. (}) Codomannus, great-grandson of Nothus, reigns 4 years. Alexander sails to Asia, (m) May 20, he beats the Persian army at the Granicus. (m) November, he beats Darius at Issus. (m) He founds Alexandria in Egypt whence the Canon begins his reign, (m) III. Grecian Monarchs. The Great, reigns 8 years. October 1, (r) he beats Darius near Arbela, and takes Baby lon, &c. (m r) June 28, Darius killed by his officers, the Persian empire goes to the Grecians, and Calippus begins his period of 76 years (m r s) Q) May 22, Alexander dies. And his bastard brother Arideus, reigns 7 years. He is kUled. And Alexander's on jEgus, by Roxana, reigns, (u) September 6, (s) Seleucus seizes Babylon, and reigns. (») q Though he had three sons by his queen, and 115 sons by concubines. r Strauchius. s Alsted. t Strauchius says it began at the Summer Solstice ; and Alsted, on June 28. u The Canon makes it twelve years from the beginning of his reign to the beginning of the reign of Ptolemy Lagus over Egypt. V Whence the era of the Seleucides begins with the Eastern nations ; except 38 INTRODUCTION. No. Y.W. 3694 e 696 700 704714 720 721728745252 755 758769 772783793800 801 803 815 821 822 1st Egyp. new Y. D. Nov. Y. R. Monarchs. [the Ptolemies] 1 Lagus 20 1 Philadelphus 38 Oct. 24 18 Oct. 13 1 Euergetes I. 25 1. Philopator 17 1 Epiphanes /Vlexander JEgus killed, (w) The bastard son of Alexander the Great kiUed, his line ends, and his empire divided among his generals, (c u) Ptolemy Lagus settled king of Egypt, Phoenicia and Judea. IV. Egyptian Monarchs. Reigns 20 years. Seleucus seizes Syria. Archimedes bom, and Uves 79 years, (x) Lagus resigns to his younger son Who reigns 38 years. Lagus dies. The Hebrew Bible translated into Greek, (m y) Berosus, being old, writes. Hannibal born and lives 70 years, (k m) The Parthians under Asaces, begin the Parthian empire. Philadelphus dies. And his son Reigns 25 years. P. Scipio born, and lives 52 years, (k) Cato the Censor born, and liyes to the 85 year, (k m) Euergetes dies. And his son Reigns 17 years. Syracilse taken, and Archime des slain. Polybius born, and lives 82 years, (k) Philopator dies. And his son Reigns 24 years. Antiochus the Great, king of Sy ria, seizes Palestine. P. Scipio overthrows Hannibal in Africa. L. Scipio beats Antiochus the Great, and forces him to quit the Lesser Asia. P Scipio Africanus dies, aged 52. (k) Hannibal drinks poison and dies, aged 70. (ft m) the Chaldeans who begin it in the following spring, and the first book of Mac cabees in the spring before. (Alsted.) w The following six years being time^f great confusion, through the strife of Alexander's generals for the several parts of the empire, till Ptolemy La gus comes to be settled king of Egypt; the Canon therefore adds the said six, years also to .Sgus. X Cary. y Dr. Prideaux. INTRODUCTION. 39 No. Y.W. 3824 835 837 843856859 862 888 898 899 905 924 933 935 940 1st Egyp. new Y. D. Sep. 29 21 Y. R. Monarchs. 24 I Philometor 35 1 Euergetes 29 1 Soter 36 1 Dionysius Epiphanes killed by poison. And his son Reigns 35 years. Antiochus Epiphanes, king of Syria, plunders Jerusalem and the Temple. His army cruelly destroys the city, sets up the image of Jupiter in the Temple, and persecutes the Jews. Where- ypon Mattathias a priest, and his sons the Maccabees take arms, {z) Hipparchus begins his Celestial Observations, and finds the Autumnal Equinox on Sep tember 27. (ft m) Cato the elder dies, aged 85. (km) Philometor, wounded in battle, dies. And his son is killed by Philometor's brother, viz. Called Physcon, who reigned 29 years. Sept. 28, Hipparchus begins his period of 304 years, (ft x) Euergetes dies. And , his son called Lathurus, reigns 36 years, (a) Cicero born, and lives 64 years. (ft m) Pompey the Great born, and lives 58 years, (ft m) Julius Ceesar born, and lives 56 years, (ft m) Soter dies, b And his bastard son Neos,caned Auletes, reigns 29 Y. Herod the Great born, and lives 69 years, (m y) Virgil born, and lives 52 Y. (ft) Horace born, and lives 57 years. (ft) Pompey puts an end to the reign of the Seleucidae kings s From him succeeds a race of princes ruling in Judea, till the Roman Senate gave the kingdom from king Antigonus to Herod, an Idumaean. a The former part of bis reign his mother governed. b Cicero and Suetonius say, that Soter's only legitimate ofl'spring Bernice immediately succeeded him and married her cousin Alexander, who quickly killing her, reigned 15 years ; and then the Egyptians expelling shim, raised Auletes to the throne ; but Appian says that Alexander reigned but 19 days after he killed his queen ; and, then the Egyptians kUling^ him, Auletes suc ceeded ; (m) and the Canon follows Appian. 40 INTRODUCTION. No. 10 V w 1st Egyp. *• ^- new Y. D. 3942 945945 946950951 952953 955957 959 960 b 961 b Y. R. Monarchs. of Syria, and makes the king dom a Roman province. Octavius bom, and lives 76 years, (ft m) (c) December 28, Pompey takes Jerusalem, (ft m) Diodorus Siculus flourishes, (ft) Pompey, Crassus and JuUus Cffisar form the first Trium virate. Livy born, and lives 76 years. (khi) August 26, Julius Csesar first lands in Britain, (ft i ha) This spring, he lands the second time in Britain, (ft i ha) Crassus plunders the Temple of Jerusalem. He is slain in battle by the Par thians. Dionysius Neos dies, (d) And his daughter Sept. 5 1 Cleopatra Reigns 22 years. ' Caesar passes the Rubicon and begins the civil war. (/re) Pompey beats Caesar at Dyrra- chium; but is beat by Caesar at Pharsalia, and killed in Egypt, (c h m) Cato the younger kills himself at Utica. (km) Cfesar, as high priest, reforms the Roman Calendar (ftm) (e) January 1, being now placed at the Winter Solstice, (/) the first Julian year begins (ft m) (i) March 15, Caesar killed in the Senate, (ft m) c He was Julius Caesar's sister's grandson by her daughter Attia. h Helvicus i Isaacson. ha Dr. HaUcy in Philosoph. Transac. d He had two legitimate sons ; but by Julius Caesar's favor Cleopatra is preferred before them. e In order to which, by the direction of Sosigenes he makes this year to consist of 445 days, (Lydiat, Petavius, Usher, Strauchius, Prideaux, &c.J / Danet says, at the" new moon, eight days after; and Carey says, on the day the sun entered 8th of Capricorn, which by the ancients was held to be the point of the Winter Solstice ; and at seven in the afternoon that day, there happened a new moon at Rome. g These years are called Julian from Julius Caesar who appointed them ; they contain 365 days six hours ; which six hours in four years make one day, and added in February every fourth year, makes that year to consist of 366 days, and is called a leap year ; but through mistake, the Romans made every third year a leap year for the first 36 years of this era ; and then Augustus reduced them into order. (Lydiat, Calvisius, Petavius, Usher, Prideaux.) INTRODUCTION. 41 No. Y.W. 3962 963 965 996 968 969 974 975 1st Egyp. new Y. D. Y. R. Monarchs. Ovid born, and lives 59 years. (ft m) Octavius, Antony, and Lepidus, form tlie second Triumvirate ; and Antony kills Cicero, aged 64. (ft to) Octavius and Antony vanquish Brutus and Cassius at Philip- pi. (ft m) The Parthians conquer Syria and Phoenicia, and take Je rusalem ; and Herod flying to Rome, the Senate vote him king of Judea. (ft m) Ventidius beats the Parthians out of Phoenicia and Syria. (ft »l) July 16, by the help of Sosius, Herod takes Jerusalem and therein king Antigonus. (ft) This summer, Antony kills king Antigonus at Antioch. (/() Octavius deposes Lepidus from the Triumvirate, (ft m) September 3, (i) the marine victory of Octavius over An tony and Cleopatra at Actium. (km.) August 1, Octavius takes Alex andria ; at which Antony kills himself, and soon after Cleo patra ; and Egypt is made a Roman province, (c h u) h By the continual instigation and bribery of Herod, (up) i By the mistake above, this was called the 2d of September. V. PERIOD. The Chronology of the Roman emperors, successively, from the beginning of the reign of Augustus, to the death of Constantine the Great, the first Chris tian emperor, when tlie empire came to be divided ; being the space of 365 years, nine months. Having brought the reader through the darker scenes of the ancient ages to the beginning of the Roman emperors, we are opening now into fairer prospects, and the paih of time grows clearer and more certain ; partly by the regula tion of the year by Julius Csesar, and partly by the advance of learning in the Roman empire. But though the course of time through the present period meets with little or no diffi culty, yet the punctual dates of those great events, the decease of Herod, and the birth, ministry and death of John the Baptist, and our blessed Savior, have perplexed the minds of the most learned men, as much as any other points of history. For the New English reader's fuller view of these famous problems, I must refer to Scaliger, Calvisius, Petavius, Strauchius, Gregory, Lightfoot, Swan, Whiston, Whitby, Pri deaux, Marshal, and Lardner, whose performances are found among us ; but above all, to the critical examination of Pater- culus, Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonius, and Dio, compared with the writers of the New Testament ; without consulting whose originals, I find there can be no safety or exactness in our reasonings from them. However, to oblige my readers, that cannot come at these authentic records, I may briefly observe, as to the death of Herod, that though Archbishop Usher and Mr. Whiston place it in November, yet Josephus plainly representing that he died a litde before the passover, and the Jewish writer from whom they take that end of Herod's life, being a modern author, and of little credit, as Dr. Whitby observes from Dr. AUix, the learned therefore seem to be giving up this arti cle, and the great inquiry is, whether Herod died in the spring of the year of Rome 75t), 751, or 752 ; that is, accord ing to Varro's computation, which Petavius, Cary, and Peri zonius, follow in their Chronological tables ; though the very same years are called 749, 750, 751, according to Cato • followed by Helvicus, Isaacson, Swan, and Tallents. Now because Josephus mentions an eclipse of the moon at Jericho INTRODUCTION, 43 in the time of Herod's final illness, astronomers, searching for this celestial character, Kepler and Petavius have found it on March 13th, in the year of Rome 750 ; that is, according to Varro and Dio's account, which we here use, (a) and there fore place the decease of Herod between this phenomenon, and April 11th, the day of the following nassover. And though Herod had not arrived to the 37th entire year from the time he was declared king by the Roman Senate, yet if Josephus begins his Jewish years with the first of Nisan, as Ptolemy, his Egyptian with the first of Thoth ; then on the first of Nisan, in 750, Herod entered his 37th year, and there is no difficulty. For (1) Josephus tells us, that Herod was declared king by the Romans in the 184th Olympiad, Calvinus and Pollio being consuls ; Dio says, that these were consuls in the year of Rome 714 ; and the learned all agree that this Olympiad ended in the summer of this very year. But by comparing these two authors, it seems to me that Herod did not sail to Rome till the winter coming on at the end of 714 ; and though Calvinus and Pollio began their consulships in the 184th Olympiad, yet the 185th began in the summer before Herod's voyage ; which Josephus expressly tells us was after Pentecost and (x^i.,uwvos ovtos,) in the winter season. (2) Josephus also says, that Herod reigned thirty -seven years; that his son Philip succeeded him in part of his dominions, ruled also thirty-seven years, and died in the twentieth year of the empire of Tiberius ; and all Chronologers agree that the twentieth year of Tiberius began on August 19th, in the year of Rome 786. By this, it is plain, Josephus means, not entire years, with respect to either son or father, but the thirty-seventh year current only. (3) Josephus also writes in his book of the war, that Archelaus succeeded Herod in another part of his kingdom, namely, Judea ; and being ac cused in the ninth year of his government, he was banished to Vienna. But in his book of antiquities written after the other, and we may suppose more correctly, he says, that Archelaus was accused and banished in the tenth year of his government ; and in his own life he repeats the same, assert ing that his father's birth was in the said tenth year of Arche- a See the calculation of this eclipse at the end of Mr. Whiston's astronomi cal lectures ; though his calculation is for the meridian of Jerusalem, which makes it something earlier in the morning than it appeared at Jericho. 44 INTRODUCTION. laus. By which, it seems, that Archelaus was accused and sent to Rome in the spring or end of his ninth year, and was got into his tenth before his trial there and exile. And Dio says, he was accused and banished to Vienna, and his estate confiscated in the year of Rome T59, Lepidus and Aruntius being consuls. (4) Josephus also tells us, that upon Arche- laus's banishment, Augustus sent Cyrenius, who seized his estate in the thirty-seventh year after Antony was beat by Octavius at Actium ; and the learned all agree that the thirty-seventh year from that event began on Sept. 2d in this very year of Rome, which Dio speaks of, namely, 759. If, therefore, 714 ending with the last month Adar of the Jewish year, be reckoned by Josephus for the first of Herod's reign, and so his second year beginning with the first of Nisan, then the latter end of March 750 will be in his thirty- seventh year ; then March 759 will be in the end of Arche- laus's ninth, and the rest of the year will be his tenth ; then his estate will be seized in the same year, sometime after Sept. 2d, and then the thirty-seventh of Philip will begin in March 786 ; and he must die between August 19th this same year, (when Tiberius enters on his twentieth,) and the Nisan of the next, when otherwise Philip would enter into his thirty- eighth. But if we fix the decease of Herod to the spring of 751, then we slight the eclipse abovesaid, (which no astronomer will be free to) and cannot so easily make Josephus and Dio agree. And if we carry his death to the spring of 752, then we both slight the eclipse, and make Josephus interfere both with Dio and with himself also. Whereas, if we keep to the celestial character with the natural and easy supposition above, ihere is a perfect harmony in all their numbers. Now the 750th year of Rome, is the 4710th of the JuHan period ; and in the spring of this year, I at present incline to place the decease of Herod ; though, if a lunar eclipse at Jericho could be found by Mr. Flamsted's observations, and Sir Isaac Newton's theory, in the latter part of this year, or beginning of the next, I should then inchne to think his death was in the spring ensuing. And by Matt. i. we know that Christ was born before Herod died ; as by Luke i, the birth of John was about half a year before our Savior's. INTRODUCTION. 45 No. Y.W. Emperor. 1 3975 Octavius Aug 31 , * the first Egyptian new year day of his conquering Anthony and Egypt, and becoming sole military head of the Roman empire for forty-three years, (s. d. pt. ^e.) 973 Jan. 7th, he receives the whole adminis tration from the senate. Jan. 13th. + they name him Augustus, and the re public turned into a monarchy, (c. p. u. ^c.) 984 Marc Agrippa i marries Julia, only child of Augustus, (c) 985 The blessed Virgin born.(n) 986 Virgil dies at Brundusiura, aged 52. (c) 987 Herod begins to rebuild the temple, (j. a. m..) 992 Lepidus the high priest of Rome dies, and Augustus succeeds him. (c) 993 March 19th, Marc Agrippa dies, (c) 995 Tiberius marries Julia, (c) § 997 Augustus begins to rectify the Julian year. (c.u.pr.) 1 Horace, aged 57, and Mecenas die. (c) 998 Dionysius Halicarnasseus begins to write («) 4000 John the Baptist born in the former part of this year, and Christ in the latter. (p. u. no. er. 11. pr.) 4001 Herod dies, aged 70. [j] IT and his son Archelaus governs in Judea nine years. (j..d.k.p.cr.) ¦ 4004 The last year '" before the vulgar Chris tian era. I. CENTURY. Y. C. 1 Jan. 1st. begins the first year, or the Christian or Dionysian era, caUed Anno Domini, ft " By the mistake above this was called Aug. 29th, and hence the Egyptian era begins, by the consent of all Chronologers. s. Suetonius, d. Dio. pt. Ptolemy, c. Calvisius. p. Petavius. u. Usher. + So Ovid ; but Censorinus on Jan. 17th. (c. u.) t By whom she had Agrippina and Agrippa-Posthumus, &c. (s) n. Nicephorus. j. Josephus. II. Lloyd, m. Marshal. § But had no issue by her ; though he had a son by a former wife, (s) II By omitting the three intercalations for the twelve years following, (c. u.pr) pr. Prideaux. sw. Swan. cr. Cary. ft. Kepler. II Between an ecUpse of the moon on March 13th, and the passover on April 11th. (j. d. k.p. cr.) ** Cycle of the sun nine, year of Rome, according to Varro, Tacitus, and Dio 753, Julian year forty-five, and year of the Julian Period 4713; as aU Chronologers agree. +t First brought into use by Dionysius Exignus in the common year of Christ 527, who supposing Christ was born on December 25th, of the forego ing year, began the Christian era with this first of January. 46 INTRODUCTION. No. Y. C. Emperor. 8 12 14 17 18 2526 2829 30313233 At the end of February the Julian year comes right, and so continues [c u ^c] Archelaus accused before Augustus, is banished to Vienna, [j dpu 4'C.] Between September 2, tliis year, and Sep tember 2, next, Judea made a Roman province and annexed to Syria. \i d c u fyc.'\ November, Ovid banished, [c u] Tiberius made prince and colleague with Augustus in the provinces and armies. [pa t s d] 43 August 19, Augustus dies, aged 76, and his only grandson killed by Tiberius * Who reigns 22 years 6 m. 27 d. \ Ovid dies in exile, aged 59. [c u] Livy dies, aged 76, [c] and Strabo pub lishes his Geography, [pr] Strabo dies, [ft] Valerius Maximus, and Vellieus Patercn- lus flourish, [ft] 15 John begins his pubUc ministry, and bap tizes Christ. |: The Passover, on Lord's day, April 17. [c] The Passover, on Saturday, April 8. [c] The Passover, on Tuesday, Mairch 27. [c] The Passover, on Tuesday, April 15. [c] The Passover, on Friday, April 3, when Christ was crucified, [cruswcrwllm kc.-\ ^ Lord's Day, April 5, he arises from the dead [c r u II ^^c] Thursday, May 14. He ascends to heaven. \c ru 4'C.] Lord's Day, May 24, the day of Pentecost, the Holy Ghost poured out. \c r w II 34 Stephen the first Christian Martyr stoned. 35 Saul converted, and called Paul, [jiull] and Tiberius proposes in the Senate to deify Christ, [m] 37 March 16, || Tiberius dies, aged 78, [t s d cp M] and his only grandson killed by his brother's grandson. pa Paterculus t Tacitus. h Helvicus ! He was of the Claudian family, and but son-in-law to Augustus M t bo lacitus and Suetonius, though Dio 10 days more t In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius; which begins August 19 this year, [Luke iii. pt e sw w m] though archbishop Ushe?, and Dr Pri deaux place the beginning of the Baptist's ministry two vears sooner, viz. in the fifteenth of Tiberius's prmcipahty. [see Luke iii. p lr„a tsd^ w Whiston. tr Lardner. J^ i J r Bishop Richardson. I I" the nineteenth year of the reign of Tiberius, which ends Aug. 19. [sd] W So T-acitus and Suetonius ; though Dio ten days after. INTRODUCTION. 47 No. Y. C. Emperor. 3 Caligula * Who reigns 3 years, 10 m. 8 d. [cp u] t Josephus born belwaen September this year and March 'next, [j] 38 June 13, Agricola the Roman general born. [() 40 Philo Judeus goes embassador to Rome, [c] and the blessed Virgin dies, aged 60. [n] 41 .(anuary 24, Caligula killed^ aged 30, [sj and his uncle 4 Claudius t Reigns 13 years, 8 m. 20 days, [t s d c pu] 43 Plautius and Vespasian sail to Britain, fight successfully, and Claudius follows them, [m] 44 Claudius returns to Rome, triumphs, and calls his son Britannicus. [t c 46 ApoUonius Tyaneus flourishes. [«] 48 Quintus Curtius flourishes, [c] 52 The first famous Council at Jerusalem. [u iq 54 October 13, Claudius poisoned, aged 64, [t s di^c.] and his only son killed by 5 Nero § Who reigns 13 years, 7 m. 28 d. [t s c Paul seized at Jerusalem, [u U] 60 61 Boadicia a British queen, kills 70 [/] or 80 thousand Romans with their associates. [rfj But Paulinus in one battle slays as many Britons, and Boadicia kills her self, [tdc} 62 Persius the poet dies, aged 29. [c] 64 Nero first persecutes the Christians at Rome, [c u] 65 Seneca and Lucan put to death by Nero. ltcp-\ 66 In May, Gessius Florus begins the Jewish war. Ijc m] June 29, Pau beheaded, and Peter cruci 67 fied at Rome [p u 11] 68 In March, the army in Spain set up Galba. [ten] June 8, Nero kills himself, aged 31, [t d] 32. If [s] And 6 Galba Comes to Rome and reigns, [tsdcu) * Son to Agrippina by Germanicus, the son of Drusus, younger brother of Tiberius, s t So Tacitus and Suetonius ; though Dio ten days less. j Younger brother to Germanicus, and both sons of Drusus by Antonia minor, daughter of Mark Antony by Octavia sister of Augustus, [s] § Son of Domitius by Agrippina, junior daughter of Germanicus by Agrip pina senior. [«] IT And thus the Julian, Octavian, Claudian and Domitian families expire. INTRODUCTION. No. Y. C. Emperor. 69 7 Otho 8 Vitellius 9 70 73 77 79 Vespasian 10 81 Titus 11 8283 85 8790 93 Domitian 94 January 3, the army in Gaul set up Vi- teUius. i cu January 15, Galba killed at Rome, aged 73. i s rf M by Who reigns there, 94 days, t c u April 19, Otho kUls himself, aged 37, tdc 38. s And Comes to Rome and reigns, tsdcu July 1, the army in Egypt proclaim Ves pasian, t sou December 20, t m ViteUius kiUed at Rome, aged 55, rf 57. < s * Reigns (from July 1,) 10 years, wanting 6 days, sdc April 14, the Passover begins, and Titus lays siege to Jerusalem, j cp u .July 17, the daily Sacrifice ceases.^ c« »i August 10, the Temple burnt, and the Roman ensigns set on the eastern gate. j um September 8, Titus takes and destroys the whole city, j cum .Tudea entirely subdued, laid waste and quieted, j cu Pliny dedicates his Natural History to Titus, c June 24, Vespasian dies, aged 70. s d e p and his eldest son Reigns 2 years, 2 m. 20 d. s dc p. Agricola goes into Britain, and conquers the Isle of Man, &c. tc November 2, Pliny dies by the eruption of Vesuvius, c p September 13, Titus dies, aged 41, j cp and his younger brother Reigns 15 years, 5 d. s d e. Agricola discovers and conquers new na tions in Britain, t c Juvenal and Martial flourish, c Agricola first discovers Britain to be an island, and conquers the Orcades t c Having conquered Britain, he goes into Ireland, t c Stratius the poet flourishes, c Agricola returns to Rome, c The Apostle John banished into Patmos. e Clemens Romanus writes to the Corin thians, c August 23. Agricola dies, aged 56. t c Josephus finishes his Antiquities, aged 66. jc t * Galba, Otho and Vitellius were of several families ; and their reigns being short and interfering, Ptolemy omits them, and sets Vespasian next to Nero. t Between Sept. last year, and March this, in the 13th year of Domitian. j INTRODUCTION. 49 No. Y. C. 12 13 14 15 16 195 96 97 98 99 100 102 107 108 115 117 119 122 123125 127138 Emperor. Nerva Trajan Adrian 142144 147 148150161 162163164 167 169 Antoninus Aurelius John writes the Revelations ; and Quintilian dies, c Sept. 18th, Domitian kiUed, aged 45, sdtp* And Chosen by the Senate, reigns one year, four months, nine days, d c ApoUonius Tyaneus dies, aged 100. d ph tl Tacitus writes of the German manners, u January 27th, Neva dies, aged 66. d c p And A Spaniard ft d reigns nineteen years, six months, fifteen days, d c p \ John the Apostle dies, at Ephesus. c Clemens Romanus dies, p and the Apostolic age ends. II. CENTURY. Pliny, Jr. goes Proconsul to Bithynia. c Ignatus thrown to the lions at Rome, c j: Trajan subdues Armenia, and extends the empire from the Euphrates to the Tigris, d c He takes Arbeia, Sic. and subdues Assyria, d c Aug. 10th, he dies, in Cilicia, aged 64. c p And A Spaniard also, reigns twenty years, eleven months. d c Plutarch flourishes, c Adrian goes into Britain, c and builds a military wall of eighty miles in length, ft. r Appian, the historian, flourishes, ft Ptolemy begins his celestial observations, at Alexan dria, c Suetonius^ the historian, flourishes, c ft July 10th, Adrian dies, aged 63. dcp And Pius reigns 22 years, 7 months, 26 days, c p He makes his son-in-law, Lucius Verus, his col league, dcp Justin Martyr, a philosopher, becomes a Christian, c Pausanias writes his history, c Justin, the historian, ft Galen, the Physician, and Aquila, flourish, c Arrian, the historian, flourishes, c Diogenes Laertius, flourishes, ft Justin Martyr writes his first apology, c ft March 6th, Antoninus dies, aged 75, c and his Son- in-law Reigns nineteen years, eleven days, d c Justin Martyr writes his second apology, c June 1st, he is beheaded at Rome, c Christianity countenanced by royal authority in Britain, c March 22d. Polycarp burnt at Smyrna, c p In Dec. Lucius Verus, emperor, dies, c * The last of the twelve Caesars, (Julius being the first) described by Sueto. ¦ius ; and in Domitian. The Vespasian family also ends. ph Philostratus. tl TiUemont. hd Herodian. hr Hearn. t Of obscure birth, and the first emperor that was not a Roman ; though he carried the empire to the greatest extent, from the Orcades of Scotland, to tlie bounds of India, d hd t Petavius says in the year after, 7 50 INTRODUCTION. No. Y. C. Emperor. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 172 180 Commodus 181 18i185 190192193 Pertinax Julian Severus Epictetus, the philosopher, flourishes, c March 16th, Aurelius dies, at Vienna, aged 69, d c p and his son Reigns twelve years, nine months, fourteen days, dcp Lucius, a British king, promotes Christianity, c Theodotion makes his Greek version, c Origen bom, and lives 69 years, cp The Jewish Misna written, c Dec, 31st. Commodus strangled, aged 32, d cp And Jan. 1st. chosen by the Senate, reigns eighty-seven days, dcp March 28th, aged 68, he is kUled by the soldiers, who sell the empire to Who reigns sixty-six days, dcp Niger set up by the army in Syria, and Albinus in Britain, hd c June 1st. Julian aged 61, (2 is killed by An African, set up by tlie army in Illyricum, reigns seventeen years, eight months, three days, dcp Clemens Alexandrinus flourishes, c Severus beats Niger at Issus, and beheads him at Antioch. hdc Tertullian begins to write, c Severus beats Albinus at Lyons, who is there be headed, hd c III. CENTURY. Symmachus sets out his Greek version, c Lucius, Florus and Philostratus flourish, h Irenaeus, bishop of Lyons, put to death, c Severus goes to war in Britain, c p Minutius Felix flourishes, c Feb. 4th, Severus dies at York, aged 66, dcp and his sons And Geta, reign, dhd CaracaUa reigns six years, two months, two days, dcp Feb. 25th, he killshis brother Geta, aged 23. d c p and April 8th, aged 30, d he is kiUed in Mesopotamia, by the intrigue of A Moor, chosen by the army.* Reigns one year, one month, twenty-eight days, d c June 9th, he and his son kiUed dc by A Syrian Priest, setup by the soldiers.f Reigns three years, nine months, four days, d c Julius Africanus, the historian, flourishes, c Tertullian writes Ad Scapulam. t March 10th, Bassianus, aged 19, kUled by the sol diers, d c and his cousin Another Syrian Priest, reigns thirteen years, nine days, c p Artaxerxes, a Persian, rebels against the Parthians c p iElian, the historian, flourishes, c * The army first chose Audentius, but he refused the empire, hd + A counterfeit son of CaracaUa, and went by the name of Autonine, Avi- tus, Heliogabalus, &c. d 194 195198 201202 203208209211 212217 218 220221 222 226 228 CaracaUaMacrinus Bassianus Alexander INTRODUCTION. 51 No. Y. C. Emperor. 25 26 27 28 29 30 3132 33 229 230 231235 236 237 238 244 248 250 251 253 254 258259 Maximine Maximus GordianPhUip Decius Gallus iEmilian Valerian Gallienus 260264 266 Artaxerxes beats and kills Artabanus, king of Par- thia, and takes his kingilom. c Here Dion Cassius ends his Roman history, dc Longinus writes, c Origen completes his Tripartite Bible, c March 18th, Alexander killed in Germany, aged 28, hd by Set up by the soldiers, reigns two years, six months. ep * Gordian the father and son set up m Africa ; but the son being overcome and killed, the father hangs himself, aged 80. c p In October, Maximine and his son killed at Aquilea. hdc And Albinus, chosen by the Senate, reign together. ftd c p In March, they are killed by the soldiers, hd cp who make Emperor, aged 14. ftd Who reigns six years. cp + Here Herodian ends bis Roman history, hd And Censorinus writes, cp In March, Gordian aged 20, is kiUed in Persia, cp by Arabs, Set up by the soldiers, reigns six years, c t Cyprian made bishop of Carthage, p Philip killed in battle at Verona, c by An Hungarian, set up by the soldiers. Reigns one year, three months, c He and his son slain in battle by the Goths, c p and Chosen by the soldiers, reigns two years, four months. p hr He and his son killed in battle by his officer, c viz. Set up by the soldiers in Illyricum. || But in the third month after they kill him, cp for fear of Set up by the army in Germany, reigns near seven years, c Origen dies, aged 70. c Cyprian, with his Elders, banished, c Valerian taken and kUled by the Persians cp And his son Reigns nine years, hr § Sept. 14th Cyprian beheaded, c Odenatus of Palmyra, repels the Persians, c He conquers the eastern part of the empire, and is proclaimed king, c p He being killed, liis queen -Zenobia maintains the empire, c - He had been a Thracian shepherd, of mean birth, and preferred only for his great body and courage, ftd t He was the son of Gordian the Elder's daughter, ftd i His father had been captain of a band of robbers, c !He was of Moorish extract and born of obscure parents, c In his reign, about thirty officers set up themselves in divers parts of the empire, but are at length destroyed, c 52 INTRODUCTION. No. 343536 3738 39404142 Y. C. Emperor. 268269270 273274 275276277 282 283284 Claudius II Quintillus Aurelian TacitusFlorisui ProbusCarusCarinus Dioclesian 285286 288 291 292 March 21st. Gallienus, aged 50, with his brother, killed at Milan, cp And A Dalmatian, reigns one year, ten months, fifteen lays, hr Zenobia seizes upon Egypt c Claudius, in two or three battles, slays above three hundred thousand Scythians, Goths, &c. c p Feb. 5th, Claudius dies, cp and his brother Assumes the empire, cp But Feb. 22d. tbe soldiers kiU him at Aquilea, cp and choose A Dacian, of obscure birth, reigns near five years. c p He takes Zenobia and Palmyra, and puts Longinus to death, cp Constantine the Great born, p Jan. 29th. Aurelian is kUled near Byzantium, cp And Sept. 25th. chosen by the Senate, reigns six months, twenty days, c p April 13th. he dies, cp and his brother Assumes the empire, leigns 2 months, 20 days, c July 3d. he is killed by the soldiers in Cilicia, cp And An Hungarian, chosen by the Senate. Reigns six years, four months, cp In several battles he slays near four hundred thousand Germans, recovers sixty cities, and beats them out of Gaul, e Nov. 2d. the soldiers kiU him in Hungary, c And An Illyrican, reigns above one year, c p He dies by lightning in Persia, cp And hjs sons And Numerianus, succeed him. c p April 21st. Numerianus killed in Asia, c Sabinus sets up in Italy, but Carinus overcomes him at Verona, c An Illyrican, of obscure birth, set up by the soldiers, reigns twenty years, c Aug. 29th. begins the Egyptian era of Dioclesian, or era of Martyrs, ep^ Dioclesian beats Carinus in two battles, c Carinus kUled in Maesia by one of his ofiicers. cp AprU 1st. Dioclesian makes Maximian his colleague. c p Carausius sets up in Britain, and reigns seven years, c Achilles set up in Egypt, c Dioclesian and Maximian make Constantius and Ga- lerius, Caesars cp t Carausius killed by his intimate Alecto, who reigns in Britain three years, c * Petavius, from the Alexandrian Chronicle, tells us, that on Sept. 17th this year, Dioclesian was proclaimed emperor at Chalcedon. + Constantius was the son of Eutropius, by the daughter of Crispus, brother to Claudius II. c INTRODUCTION. 53 No. Y. C. Emperor. 43 44 294 Dioclesian overcomes and kills Achilles, and reduces Egypt, c 295 Alecto is overcome, and Britain reduced, c 297 Amobius writes and flourishes in Africa, p IV. CENTURY. 303 In March, the emperors put out a most severe edict against the Christians, cp * 304 April 1st. p or 21 st. t they both lay down their em pire. And Constantius Chlorus reigns in the west, and Galerius in the east, cp and are the first who divide the empire, e v 306 Constantius resigns Italy and Africa to Galerius. c July 25th. Constantius dies at York, c p and his son Constantin The Great, aged 33, reigns thirty years, nine months, twenty-seven days, cp Sept. 25th, the soldiers at Rome set up Maxentius. cp 309 Maximian, rising against Constantin, is taken and put to death, e + 311 Galerius dies, and Licinins reigns in the east, cp Constantin declares himself a Christian, c 312 Sept. 24th he overcomes Maxentius near Rome ; who flying, is drowned in the Tiber,t and Constan tin recovers Italy, c p 313 Constantin's son Constantin born, c Oct. 2d. a number of Bishops meet at Rome, and first condemn Donatus and his followers, c p Dec. 3d. Dioclesian dies, in retirement, at Salona. c 314 Oct. 8th. Constantin beats Licinius in Hungary ; and again, in Thrace : and they agree and divide the empire, c v 315 Arius put out of the Presbytery at Alexandria, on the account of his heresies, c 317 Constantin's son Constantius born, c 320 Licinius persecutes the Christians, forbidding them to meet in Synods, Sic. e c 321 Constantin's son Constans born, c 322 Lactantius writes his divine institutions, c 323 July 3d. Constantin beats Licinius near Adriono- ple. sg c II * Whereby their meetings are dissolved, their Churches pulled down, their Bibles burnt, &lc. In Egypt only, which is but one province of the empire, there was 144,000 kUled, and 700,000 banished, c t So Calvisius, from Zosimus, but Eusebius says he hanged himself, and Petavius sets it in the year of Christ 310. e Eusebius. v Valesius. i Here Calvisius says the Caesarian Indiction of fifteen years begins, ob served by the Greeks ; but the Roman on Jan. 1st, following, observed by the Latins. But Petavius and Strauchius thus distinguish ; the Caesarian be gins Sept. 24th ; the Constantinopolitan on Sept. 1st ; and the Pontifical, or Roman, on Jan. 1st. following. sg Sigonius, in Valesius. sc Socrates Scholasticus. II Petavius and Valesius, from Idatius, place this victory in the following year with the other. 54 INTRODUCTION. No. Y. C. Emperor, 324 325 326330336337 Sept. 18th. he defeats him finally, near Chalcedon,* becomes sole emperor, restores the Christian liber ties, cp V and here Eusebius ends his history, e Licinius, conspiring, is put to death, c p May 20th. the famous first General Council, meet at Nice, t condemns Arius and his opinions, and as sert the Deity of Christ, scp Athanasius made Bishop of Alexandria, cp May 11th. Constantin dedicates Byzantium, and makes it the second sekt of the empire, c p X Arius dies at Constantinople, cp Constantin falling ill, is baptized ; and May 22d. dies at Nicomedia, aged 65. sc By wUl dividing the empire among his three sons, c p * Of Licinius's army of one hundred and thirty thousand in this battle, scarce thirty thousand escaped, c t It consisted of 318 Bishops, or Pastors of Churches, besides Elders, Deacons, Sic. c p and Valesius, from the Alexandrian Chronicle, &c. places their Convention on June 19th this year; but this being Saturday, and May 20th, being Thursday, I rather incline to scp. i CaUing it New Rome ; but the name of Constantinople soon prevailed, and still continues, e sc VI. PERIOD. The Chronology of the eastern Emperors, from the complete division of the Empire at the death of Constantin the Great, to the revival of the western Empire by Charles the Great of France, and the beginning of the reign of Egbert, the first king of England. Containing about 463 years, seven months. We are now arrived at the fatal partition of the Roman empire. For though Marc Antony, Octavius and Lepidus, and some time after, Sextus Pompey with them, assigned themselves their several shares thereof, to reduce to order, defend and govern, yet, as Dio observes,* this was the first for five years only, and then renewed for five years more, while the empire remained united in Rome the capital. And thus it hkewise held entire, while Dioclesian and Maximian, with their two Caesars under them, took their several pro vinces to reduce and vindicate. But when Constantius and Galerius received the empire, they parted it at least for life, if not for property ; and Eusebius tells us,f that this was the first division of the empire. It was a thing, says he, which never fell out before. However, it seemed to continue in some sort entire, while Rome remained the imperial city, without a rival. But when Constantin the Great, had with extraordinary magnificence rebuilt and adorned Byzantium, and in the solemn dedication given it the name of New Rome ; he made it the imperial seat of the eastern provinces and to have no subjection to the other. Here he therefore fixed his residence, and reigned over the whole, supreme, with his three sons under him, till his decease in the year of Christ 337 ; when the empire came to be parted in the most effectual manner. Constantin the eldest, had Europe on this side of the Alps ; Constantius the second, had Thrace, Asia, and Egypt ; being nearly the same with the now Turkish empire ; and Constans the youngest, had the rest of Europe and Africa. ^ D. Cassius ; Lib. xlvi, xlix. + Eccl. History, Lib. viii. Cap, 13. 56 INTRODUCTION. The part which fell to Constantin was indeed in the third year after, united to the dominion of Constans ; and both together, bearing the name of the western empire, was misera bly harrassed and rent to pieces by the Picts, Scots, and Saxons in Britain ; and by the Goths, Vandals, Francs, Peruli, and other barbarous nations in the continent ; till it entirely ended with Augustulus, in the year of Christ 476 ; though in a measure revived at the end of the present interval, by Chgrles the Great of France, in the year 800. But the part which fell to Constantius had the name of tbe eastern empire, and endured the attacks of the Persians, Saracens, Turks, and others, till 1453 ; when it was forced to yield to the Ottoman arms. The succession of these eastern emperors, I therefore choose to follow through the present period ; and the more for this, that they were not only the greatest princes that were then in the world, but the affairs of learning then sub sisted chiefly in their dominions, and the times of their succes sion are more exactly stated than those of other monarchs. For though the polite and fine way of writing among the Roman and Greek historians declined greatly in the latter part of the foregoing period, and expires in this, yet the notes of time were so well preserved, that disputes among Chronologers grow less and less considerable. They chief ly, I think, refer to the Roman Pontiffs in the western em pire ; wherein Onuphrius and Baronius disagree, which seem indeed to be very uncertain and incapable of decision, and with which we are little concerned. Note. In the present Period, where no historian is cited, the articles are taken from Calvisius. INTRODUCTION. 57 No. V. C. Eastern Emperors. 337 340 350 352 353 354355 359 361 362363 364 Constantius Julian Jovian Valentinian Valens 365 SECTION I. To the destruction of the Western Empire, in 476. May 22, reigns in the East, twentyfour years, five months, twelve days, cp In March, Constantin invading Constans, is slain near Aquilea ; and Constans takes his part of the em pire, c p Eusebius, the historian, dies, cp and Jeromborn.* January IS, Magnentius sets up in Gaul for the Wes tern Empire, and at the Pyrenes kills Constans, aged 30. seep ,Iune3, Nepotianus sets up at Rome, se cp \ July 1, Magnentius's army overcomes and slays Ne potianus, and seizes Italy c p and Africa, sc Constantius beats Magnentius near Mursa, in Pan- nonia. c p He beats Magnentius twice in Gaul. August 11, { Magnentius kills himself in Lyons ; and Constantius becomes sole monarch of both the empires, c p v Julian§ studies at Athens with Nazianzen and Basil. November 13, Augustin, caUed Austin, born, c or 354 p Ammianus, the historian, is in the Persian war. Julian rebels in Gaul, and marches to Thrace. November 3, Constantius _ dies in Cilicia, aged 46, sec II and Reigns one year, seven months, twentytwo days, se ep He is atfeapostatp to heathenism, and persecutes the Christians, prohibiting their schools. Sic. sc c June 26, he is slain in battle with the Persians, aged 31. »c cp IF and A Pannonian, p June 27, chosen by the army, reigns seven in.nths, twentytwo days, c p February 17, c or 19 p Jovian dies, by the vapor of charcoal in Galatia, aged 34, se e and A Pannonian, p February 2.i, chosen by the army, reigns over the whole, thirtyfour days, and then in the West only, eleven years, seven months, eigh teen days ; he making his brother ^pril 1, emperor in the East, reigns fourteen years, four months, nine days. ** Theon, the astronomer, flourishes. Hilary, bishop of Poitiers, dies, c 367 du c Calvisius. p Petavius. se Socrates Scholasticus. v Valesius. * So Dupin, though Petavius says that Prosper sets his birth in 330. t He was son to Eutropia, daughter to Constantius Chlorus. p v X So Petavius and Valesius, from Idatius ; though Socrates says Aug. 15. sc § He was son to Julius, son to Constantius Chlorus. Ar fl He left an unborn daughter ; afterwards married to the emperor Gratian, bul left no issue. IT And in him the imperiaUine of Constantin the Great, and of Constantius Chlorus. ends. . ** They were the sons of one Gratian, a roper by trade. Ar du Dupin. 8 58 INTRODUCTION. Y. C. 367 369 371373374 375 376378 379 381 Eastern Emperors. Theodosius, the Roman general, repels the Picts and Scots, who had invaded Britain. Basil made bishop of Cssarea in Cappadocia. c du 370 p The Jerusalem Talmud finished by Johanan. Gratian Theodosius translates the Bible into Athanasius dies, c p Galsilas, an Arian bishop, Gothic. , . • u Ambrose, a civU officer, chosen by the people, bishop of Milan, and baptised eight days after, c 375 p Epiphanius, a bishop in Cyprus, writes of heresies. November 17, Valentinian dies, with a sudden fit ot anger, aged 55, and his sons, Gratian and Valen tinian II. reign in the West, cp They divide the Western empire.* January 1, BasU dies, c 379p August 9, p or 10, c Valens beat by the Goths, flying wounded into a cottage in Thrace, is burnt to death, aged 50, ep and his nephew, Rules the Eastern empire, tiU January 16, following. Nazianzen made bishop of Constantinople, c or in November, 379. p January 16, Gratian makes his general Colleague in the empire; reigns in the East 16 years, 2 days, cp t In May, the second General Council meets at Con- stantinople,j: when Nazianzen resigns his bishopric, and retires to private life, cp Austin, aged 29, teaches rhetoric at Rome. Maximus, the Roman general, drives the Scots out of Britain into Scandia, where they keep 27 years ; sets up for emperor, and passes into Gaul. August 25, he kills Gratian, aged 25, and possesses Biitain, Gaul, Spain and Africa, for five years, two days, c p , Maximus marches to Italy, and Valentinian flies by sea to Thessalonica. Austin, aged 32, becomes a Christian, p July 28, Theodosius beats Maximus near the Alps, p August 27, Maximus killed at AquUea, sc c and Theodosius restores the Western empire to Valen tinian. May 9, Nazianzen dies, cp May 15, Valentinian, aged 27, strangled at Vienna, by the intrigue of Eugenius, who assumes the Western empire, sc e pv ^ This was the last Olympiad observed in Greece. * Gratian taking Britain, Germany, Gaul and Spain ; and Valentinian Italy^ Illyricum, Sicily and Africa, c. t He was caUed Theodosius the Great, and was son to Theodosius the Ro man general, in Britain, c t It consisted of but one hundred and fifty bishops, or pastors of churches ; condemns Macedonius and his opinions, and asserts the deity of the Holy Ghost, e p § He was of obscure birth, and from a Grammar schoolmaster, became a scribe and treasurer to Valentinian. c 383 387 388 389392 393 INTRODUCTION. 59 No. Y. C. Eastern Emperors. 394395 397398400 401 402 404 405 406407 408 409 Arcadius Theodosius Sulpitius Severus embraces Christianity. September 6, Theodosius beats, and kUls Eugenius, near Aquilea, and recovers the Western empire, c p January 17, he dies at Milan, aged 61, se cp and by will, his sons Aged 18, p reigns in the East 13 years, 3 months, 15 days, and Honorius, aged 11 p in the West 28 years, 6 months, c Austin ordained Bishop of Hippo, in Africa. Jerom turns the Hebrew Bible into Latin. AprU 4, Anibrose dies, aged 64 cp January 26, c or February 26 sc p Chrysostom or dained Bishop of Constantinople. The Goths under Alaricus break into Dalmatia and Pannonia. Sulpitius Severus writes his History, from the crea tion to this year. V. CENTURY. April 10, Theodosius II. born to Arcadius sc c p and baptized by Chrysostom. .\laricus breaks into Noricum and Italy. Stilicho* beats Alaricus back to Illyricum. Epiphanius, Bishop in Cyprus, dies c v June 20 Chrysostom banished by Arcadius into Cili cia. «ccp Pelagius grows noted for his errors. t Radagaisus leads two hundred thousand Scythians and other barbarians into Italy ; but Stilicho slays one hundred thousand with Radagaisus, and the rest surrender, cp December 31, Godigisilus leads the Vandals and other barbarians to the Rhine, cp They miserably waste the bordering countries. The Roman soldiers in Britain mutiny, and choose one Constantin emperor,]: who going over to Gaul, the soldiers there receive him also, cp September 14 v or November 14, Chrysostom aged 53, dies in exile, near the Euxine Sea. sec p May 1, Arcadius, aged 31, dies at Constantinople, seep and his son The II. reigns 42 years, 2 months, 28 days, ep The Vandals march into the West and South parts of Gaul, and waste them. August 23, Honorius beheads Stilicho ; and October 13, the Vandals march for Spain, and seize it. Alaricus marches into Italy, and besieges Rome. August 24, by stratagem he takes the city, compels the citizens to renounce Honorius, and retires. * He was a Vandal by birth,j) but chief minister of State, and general to Honorius. c t Petavius says he was a Scotchman ; Hearn says a Welshman. t He was one of mean degree, and chosen emperor, for the name sake only. CJ3 60 INTRODUCTION. No, Eastern Y. C. Emperors 410 411 412 415416 417418 419 420 423 425 427 429430 431435 439 Alaricus returns to Rome, and besieges it again. April 1, he takes the city, gives it three days to the plunder of his army ; and then lays waste the rest of Italy, ep Alaricus dies in Italy, and the Goths choose Athaul- phus king. Constantin overcome and taken by Constantius* in Gaul, and put to death at Ravenna, c p The Scots, under Fergus, return from Scandia to Britain. Athaulphus quits Italy, and seizes the southern part of Gaul. October 18, sc e Cyril made bishop of Alexandria, cp -Athaulphus quitting Gaul, goes into Spain, and is killed, cp Two Councils in Africa condemn Pelagius. cp Honorius gives Wallia king of the Goths part of Spain, on condition of warrihg against the Vandals. Wallia beats them in many battles, and Honorius ^ives him the western part of Gaul also. April 24, Pharamond chose duke of the Franks in Franconi. And July 23, he taikes the title of king.t July 2, Valentinian III. born. X Jerom dies, and burled at Bethlehem, cp Theodoret chosen bishop of Cyrus in Syria, ep August 15, Honorius dies at Rome, aged 39, and his secretary John assumes his empire, sc cp In February, John seized and put to death at Raven na, c p October 15, c or 23p Theodosius makes Valentinian III emperor of the West, who reigns 29 years, 5 months. In May the Vandals under Gensericus quitting Spain, with 80,000 pass to Africa and seize Mauritania. cp The city of Venice founded. August 28, Austin dies at Hippo, besieged by the Vandals, cp June 22, the third General CouncU meets at Ephesus. seep. § February 11, Valentinian by treaty yields Numidia to the Vandals, February 25, Theodosius publishes his Code of Laws II Socrates and Sozomen here end their histories, se e October 20, c or 29 p Gensericus takes Carthage, * An Illyrican by birth, and general to Honorius. cp t He is the first of the Franks who wears the title of king c X Son to Constantius, the Roman general, by Placidia, daughter to Theodo sius the Great, iccp ° § It had above 200 bishops, and condemns Nestorius cp (I It contains a collection of all the useful laws from Constantin the Great, c INTRODUCTION. 61 No. Eastern Y. C. Emperors. 10 11 442 443444445 447448449 450 451 452 453454455 456 457 Marcianus Leo I. Attalia king of the Hunns wasteth Thrace, Macedo nia and Greece, He returns to Scythia with 120,000 captives. AprU 9, c or June 9, p Cyril of Alexandria dies. Prosper here ends his Chronicle. Meroveus begins to reign over the Franks, and was their first king who subdued part of Gaul, Theodosius adds to his Code the Novelise. The Britons harassed by the Picts and Scots, send to the Saxons for aid, Meroveus seizes the northeastern part of Gaul, Hengist and Horsa, brothers, transport the Saxons in three ships to Britain, August 1, Theodosius, thrown from his horse a hunt ing, dies, c p and August 25, v A Thracian reigns 6 years, 6 months, eg c p v * Attila with seven hundred thousand men, wasteth Germany and enters Gaul, c But September 27, p the Romans and Goths under .3!tius and Theudoric beat him ; when Theudoric with one hundred and eighty thousand on both sides were slain in battle, and ninety thousand die of their wounds.f October 8, the fourth General Council meets at Chal cedon. c p j: Hengist makes peace with the Picts, and falls on the Britons. Attila driven by Thorismund king of the Goths into Scythia, dies. Valentinian kUls his general iEtius. c p March 17, Maximus kUls Valentinian,§ and sets up for emperor of the West, ep Upon which Genseric sails from Africa ; June 12, comes to Rome and kills Maximus ; June 15, enters the city, spoUs it for 14 days, and returns, ep July 10, the Roman soldiers in Gaul make Avitus emperor of the West, cpv May 17, he is forced to resign, sgc Vortimer, a British king, kills Horsa and forces Hen gist back to Saxony. January 26, Marcianus dies, ep v and A Tlgfaciau crowned February 7, v reigns 17 years. egep Majoranus sent bj-Leo, crowned April 1, at Ravenna, reigns 4 years, 4 months, cpv eg Evagrius. * Pulcheria, sister of Theodosius II. a virgin, aged 52, took him for her husband, and advanced him to the empire, though a man of low descent. t This battle was fought near Chalons in Gaul : and Ferarius makes the slain one hundred and eighty thousand ; Petavius says, Jornandes reckons one hundred and seventy thousand ; and Idatius, three hundred thousand. X It had six hundred and thirty bishops or pastors, and condemns Eutyches and his errors, eg cp § And in him the Imperial line of Theodosius the Great ends. 62 INTRODUCTION. No. Y. C. Eastern Emperors. 12 13 14 461 465 466467 472 473 474 475 476 Leo II. Zeno 477 479 Basiliscus (Zeno) Hengist returns to Britain, takes the kingdom of Kent, which he transmits to his posterity. August 2, Majoranus deposed, and August 7, kiUed by his general Ricimer. cp November 19, Severus declared emperor of the West, reigns 3 years, 9 months, cp August 15, Severus dies ep by poison,/) and the Sen ate send to Leo for another. Prosper of Acquitain dies. Anthemius, sent by Leo, crowned April 12, reigns 5 years, 3 months, eg cp Ricimer rises against Anthemius ; July 11, kills him, and sets up Olybrius, who reigns 3 months, 12 days, c p * August 18, Ricimer, and October 23, Olybrius dies. e p March 5, Gylcerius crowned at Ravenna, reigns 1 year, 3 months, 19 days, t p In January, p Leo dies, eg e p and Infant son of Zeno, by Ariadne, daughter to Leo, and Verina eg c p reigns 3 months. Leo [I, dies, aged 1 year, 6 months; and his father An Isaurian, reigns 17 years, 3 months, eg c Nepos sent by Leo I. deposes Glycerins, and June 24, is crowned emperor of the West, c p Childeric, king of the Franks, begins to beat the Romans out of Gaul. Nepos makes Orestes, a Goth, his colleague ; August 28, he deposes Nepos at Ravenna ; October 31, he makes his son MomyUus emperor of the West, cp t Brother to Verina, eg drives Zeno into Isauria e p and reigns 1 year, 6 months, e 2 years, eg X Odoacer, king of the Heruli comes into Italy, and takes Orestes ; August 23, is proclaimed king of Italy ; August 28, kills Orestes ; September 4, ban ishes MomyUus ; and entering Rome, puts an en«l to the western empire in 800. c p SECTION II. To the revival of the Western Empire. • Childeric wins a great part of Gaul. More Saxons go into Britain under Ella. Recovers the Eastern Empire, and Basiliscus starved to death, egcp The Lombards, so caUed for their long beards, c p from Scandia, take Pomerania, and keep it 40 years. ¦* Though Calvisius agree both in the beginning and end of the reign of Oly brius ; yet Calvisius plainly mistakes in making his reign 3 months, 23 days t For his low stature, he is called Augustulus c and Evagrius calls him Ro mulus, eg X And aU the whUe, Zeno and his wife Ariadne live only on roots, herbs and water, cy '' INTRODUCTION. 63 No, Y. C 15 16 480 481486 490491 492 493494 495 500 506 507 514518 519 526 Eastern Emperors, Anastasius Justin May 9, Nepos, late emperor, kiUed c p by his offi cers, Vortigern, a British king, drove into a tower and burnt, by his own people,* Clovis, king of the Franks, extends his kingdom in Gaul, c p and puts an end to the Roman power there, Theodoric, king of the Goths in Moesia,+ marches to Italy, and beats Odoacer in three battles, Zeno dies, I and his wife raises and marries A Grecian below the Senatorian order : April 9, crowned ; reigns 27 years, 3 months, 3 days, eg cp Ella begins the South Saxon kingdom in Britain. Theodoric kUls Odoacer, and seizes the kingdom of Italy, c p Pope Gelasius calls a council of 70 bishops ; in which be asserts his primacy over all churches. Cerdic, a Saxon, sails to Britain with 5 ships, and beats the Britons. Theodoric enters Rome in great splendor. VI. CENTURY. February 2, Alaric, king of the Goths in Gaul, and Spain, c p publislies his abridgement of the Theo- dosian Code. The Babylonian Talmud, collected by Rabbi Afer, published. Clovis beats and kiUs Alaric, and takes part of his kingdom, e p § Cassiodorus sole Consul of Rome. Proclus, the Mathematician flourishes. July 9, c Anastasius dies, aged 88, p and|| Set up by the Guards, egc reigns 9 years, 23 days.V Arthur begins to reign in Britain 24 years. Cerdic begins the West Saxon kingdom. May 29, a great earthquake at Antioch, eg c p v wherein three hundred thousand perish, v Theodoric puts Boethius to death, and dies, c p Priscian flourishes at Constantinople. The Lombards seize Pannonia, c p and stay 42 years. * Calvisius, by mistake, calls him Vortimer. t These were called, Ostro-Goths, or Eastern Goths ; those in Gaul and Spain, were called Visi-Goths, or Western Goths, c p X He came to life in the tomb ; whence his dolorous cries were heard ; but his wife forbidding to open, it, he dies for hunger, having gnawed the flesh of his arms to the bone, c § Upon Alaric's death, his son succeeds to the kingdom in Spain only, and Theodoric takes the south eastern part of Gaul, c p II He is killed by lightning, in an exceeding strong building, contrived by Prdelus to secure him from it. c p 11 He was a Thracian of the meanest birth, being in his youth a swineherd, c and could nofwrite his name, p , 64 INTRODUCTION. No. 17 Y.C. 527 529 533 534 535536 537 538540 541542 547 549 550 552 Justinian Eastern Emperors. Dyonisius Exiguus, begins to reckon the years from the birth of Christ.* AprU 1, Justin makes his sister's son, Justinian, col league, c p August 1, Justin dies, egcp aged 77, p and Aged 45, p reigns 38 years, 3 months, 12 days. The Franks subdue Thuringia, c or 528. p February 7, Justinian publishes his Code of laws. The Franks subdue Burgundia. i In November, Belisaiius beats the Vandals in Africa, and takes Carthage, e p In November, Justinian publishes his Institutions, and in December, his Digesta. t Belisarius finishing the war in Africa, puts an end to the Vandal kingdom, and carries their king to Con stantinople, c p Belisarius reduces Sicily, c p Evagrius Scholasticus born in Syria, eg v Belisarius reduces the eastern part of Italy ; and December 10, enters Rome, c p Vitiges king of the Goths in Italy, quits the Gothic parts of Gaul to the Franks ; hence called France. The Goths and Burgundians take Milan, and kill three hundred thousand people. J Belisarius takes Ravenna with Vitiges ; and called to repel the Persians, carries him to Constantinople. e p The last election of Consuls at Rome. ' Belisarius ravages Assyria. So great a plague at Constantinople, that ten thou sand die in one day.§ January 17, Totilas liing of the Goths in Italy, take^ Rome ; but Belisarius returning, enters and defends it, and beats him away. Ida, tbe Saxon, begins the kingdom of Northumber land. Belisarius recalled to repel the Persians. Totilas besieges and takes Rome again. The Sclavi under Lechus, seize on Poland and begin the kingdom. July 9, the Armenians begin their era.|| *' Djwnisius was a Scythian by descent, and placed the birth of Christ two or three or four years too late, as is generally now agreed. i Isaacson. + The Digesta are a collection ; and the Institutions, an abridgement of the Roman laws which had been made for 1200 years past c X By the wars in Italy, the fields lay untilled, and so great a famine follow ed, that in Picenum fifty thousand men perished, the women ate their children, two women killed seventeen men and ate them, c § Evagrius says, this plague spread over the world, lasted fifty-two years, and in a manner destroyed the whole earth, eg II Their years are exactly in the form of Nabonasser's, which they observe to this dav. c INTRODUCTION. 65 No. Y. C. 553 554 556 563565 18 567563 569 570571 578 19 580 582 20 588 590 593 595 596 597 31 602 Eastern Emperors May, 1, the fifth General Council meets at Constanti nople * Narses sent to Italy, beats Totilas, wounds him to death, and by the end of July recovers Rome and almost all Italy, ep X In February, Tcias, the last king of the Goths in Ita ly, is overcome and slain. Narses finishing the, war in Italy, puts an end to the Gothic kingdom there. Belisarius dies in honour.t November 13 c or 14 p Justinian dies, aged 84, hr and his sister's son Justin II. Reigns 12 years, 10 months, 22 days. Justin sends Longinus, the first Exarch, to Ravenna. Alboin, king of the Lombards, leaves Pannonia, and seizes the north of Italy, cp September 3, c he marches into the western part, c p May 5, Mahomet born, lives 63 years. Alboin subduing the western part of Italy, is pro claimed king of Italy. September 26, Justin makes Tiberius, a Thracian, his colleague, cpv i October 5, Justin dies, c v and Tiberius Reigns alone 3 years, 10 months, 9 days, eg c p Gildas, the British historian, flourishes. August 13, Tiberius marries his daughter to Mauricius, d Roman, and makes him colleague, egcp August 14,* Tiberius dies, c p and Mauricius Reigns 20 years, 3 months, 9 days. An earthquake destroys sixty thousand more at An tioch. A Council in France declare the Lord's day to begin at evening, Evagrius writes his history this year.§ John, bishop of Constantinople, assumes the title of Universal Bishop, Pope Gregory sends Austin, a monk, to Britain, to christianize the Saxons, cp December 25, he and his companions baptise Edel- bert, king of Kent, and ten thousand of his subjects. VII. CENTURY. Phocas A Centurion, set up by the army, November 23, in stalled at Constantinople : November 27, kUls Mau- ricius's sons before his eyes, at Chalcedon, and then cuts off his head, p ^ It had above 150 bishops ; and condemns tbe erroneous writings of Theo- dorus, Theodoret and Ibas. egcp v t Narses was by descent a Persian, and an eunuch, but a great command er, p X The story of his blindness and begging, is a fiction of the papists, to re proach him for the power Ke exercised over their Pontiffs, c § In the twelfth year of Mauricius, eg which is between August 14, this year, and August 14, next, cpv 9 66 INTRODUCTION. No. 32 23 24 25 26 Y. C. 604606 610 6116146156226286B0 631632634635 636 639 641 642 645 648653668 670 Heraclius Eastern Emperors. Constantin Heracleon Constans Constantin May 26, Austin, the monk, dies in Britain, c mi February 6, Boniface III, chosen Pope, caUs a Council of 72 bishops, who decree, that not the Patriarch of Constantinople, but the Roman Pontifi' shall be styled Uivversal Bishop. The Roman governor in Africa c hr in July c saUs to Constantinople, beats and takes Phocas : October 3 p cuts off his head, and reigns 30 years, 7 months, 8 days. Constantin born to Heraclius. Deus Dedit chosen Pope, c who first forbids parents to answer for their children at baptism, c hr The Persians take Jerusalem, and kill ninety thousand people, c or in June, 614. p July 16, at sunset, Mahomet flies out of Mecca: whence the Arabian Hegira, or era, begins, cp* The Persians restore all to the Grecians, cp Clotair king of Fiance overcomes the Westphalians and Frisians. June 17, c Mahomet dies, aged 63. c p June 16, the Saracens beat and slay the Persian king Izdegird : whence the Persian era begins, t August 23, the Saracens take Damascus, They invade Egypt, They take Jerusalem^: and Antioch, They take Edessa and all Mesopotamia, May 11, HeracUus dies ; and his son By his first wife, reigns 4 months, e p In September, his mother in law Martina poisons him, and makes her son Emperor : who reigns 6 months. The Saracens take Ca;sarea, in Palestine. In February, the Senate depose Heracleon, cut oft' his nose and his mother's tongue, c p and set up Constantin's son ; who reigns 27 years, cp The Sclavi, under Zechus, seize Bohemia. With seventeen hundred sail, the Saracens take Cy prus. They take Rhodes. This summer Constans kiUed in a bath at Syracuse : cp and his son Fogonatus, reigns 17 years, cp The Saracens take eighty thousand captives out of Africa. Beda, the British historian, born. sm Sammes Britannia. * July 15, at sunset, is the beginning of Friday July 16, according to the oriental reckoning: and these Arabian years, are lunar, of twelve months ; whereof the odd have 30 days, the even 29 ; 354 in all. t The years are of the same sort with Nabonasser's : and the Persians stiU make it the head of their civU computations, c X Which continues in their hands 463 years, to the year of Christ 1099, when Godfrey of BuUoign retakes it. t INTRODUCTION. 67 No. Y. C. 680 685 27 28 694 697 39 698 703 704 711 30 712 713 31 714 32 715 33 716 718 726 727 730 731 Eastern November 7, the sixth General Council opens at Con stantinople, and holds to September following. * In September, c Constantin dies, c p and his son Justinian 11, aged 16, reigns. Leontius Depi^ses him, cuts off his nose, sends him into banish ment, and reigns 3 years. The Saracens drive the Romans out of all Africa : upon which the army sets up Absimarus Who saUs to Constantinople, takes Leontius, cuts off his nose, shuts him up in a monastery, and reigns 7 years, c p Absimarus wasteth Syria, and kills two hundred thou sand Saracens. VIII. CENTURY. Justinian II, takes Constantinople, recovers the empire, and hangs Absimarus. Aripertus, king of Lombardy, gives the Cottian Alps, which is the first province given to the Pope, In May the Saracens under 'Taric land at Gibraltar, t beat Roderic's army in two battles. In December, the army on the Euxine sea set up Philippicus Who sails to Constantinople, kills Justinian, with his son, c p and reigns 1 year, 6 months : and thus the imperial line of Heraclius ends. The Saracens take several cities in Spain, June 3, an officer privily digs out PhUippicus's eyes, c p and Artemius J""« 4, begins to reign, c p September 10, the Saiacens, after 7 days fight, slay king Roderic, and seize his kingdom. The army, in Phenicia, set up Theodosius, a collector of taxes, c p and a man of mean extract, hr and be siege Constantinople 6 months. Theodosius Takes the city, with Artemius, shaves and sends him into a monastery. Leo III. An Isaurian captain, c of obscure birth, p set up by the army in Armenia ; March 25, Theodosius ab dicates, and with his son, retires into a monastery ; and Leo reigns 25 years, 2 months, 24 days. In December Constantine born to Leo. The Saracens breaking into France, Charles Martel beats, and in one battle kills three hundred and seventy thousand, c or three hundred and seventy five thousand, p X Ina, king of the West Saxons, goes to Rome, and makes his kingdom tributary to the Pope. § January 7, Leo issues out an edict against images, p Beda, aged 59, finishes his history of the English, c p ' It has 150 bishops, c and condemns the Monothelites. c p t Which is a corruption of Gebel Taric, that is, the Mount of Taric. c X He was the French^ general, the bastard son of Pepin. § Every house was to pay a Roman penny (that is seven pence half-penny) a year. Thence called Peter Pence, c 68 INTRODUCTION. No. Y. C. 3435 36 37 734741 742743 744 750752 754 755759 766 767 768 771774 775 780 787 Constantin Artavasdas Constantin Eastern Emperors. Leo IV. Constantin Beda dies on ascension day. May 6. * June 18, Leo dies, c p and his son Reigns 34 yeais, 2 months, 27 days. C p June 27, He marches against the Saracens : and Who had married his sister, sets up at Constanti nople. „ , Charles the Great born to Pepin, son of Charles Martel. In September, Constantin besieges Constantinople, November 2, takes it, and puts out Artavasdas's eyes. The Hunns seize on Transylvania, January 25, Leo born to Constantin, cp Pope Zachary deposes Childeric king of France, orders him into a monastery, releases Pepin of his oath, and assigns him the kingdom, cp X Astulphus, king of Lombardy, takes Ravenna, and puts an end ^ the Exarchate in Italy, which had lasted 182 years. February 10, c a General Council meets at Constanti nople, c p and holds to August 8. c t Pepin makes Astulphus yield to the pope aU the places he had taken from the Exarch. Froiola, a Gothic king in Spain, beats the Saracens, and slays fifty-two thousand in one battle Organs first brought to France from Constantinople. August 17, Constantin makes an edict to dissolve the monasteries in Europe. Another, for dissolving those in Asia. September 24, Pepin' dies; and his son Charles reigns, e p § January 14, p Constantin born to Leo. e p Charles takes Desiderius, king of Lombardy, puts an end to the kingdom, adds it to his own, and carries the king to France. He subdues Westphalia and Frisia. September 14, Constantin dies, c p and his son Aged 26, p reigns 5 years, 6 days, Charles subdues the Saxons as far as the Elbe. September 6, c or 8 p Leo dies, and his son With his widqw Irene, reign together 10 yeeirs, 1 month. Charles subdues Bavaria. September 24, a General CouncU meets at Nice, c p and continues to October 13. p || * Petavius says, on eiscension day next year. May 6 ; p but ascension day next yeeur being May 26, Calvisius seems to be right. t Childeric was the last of the Merovean line, and Pepin was his chief min ister of state and general, c p X It has 338 bishops, condemns images, c p and the eastern churches call it the seventh General Council : though the worshippers of images will not al low it. e § His brother Charleman reigns with him: but dies in 771, without male heir, and leaves the whole to Charles, surnamed the Great, c p II It has 350 bishops, p restores the worship of images, c p though not witlji divine honor, c 9nd the papists caU this the seventh General Council, INTRODUCTION- 69 No, Y, C, Eastern Emperors. 38 788 790 791 792 793 794 795 797 800 Irene The Danes first tome to the south of Britain in three ships, and waste the sea-coasts. Charles wasteth tlie sea-coasts of Spain, and drives the Saracens out of several places. In October, Irene deposed, c p Charles beats the Hungarians as far as the river Raah, In August, Constantin puts out his uncles Nicephorus c p and Christopher's eyes, c Syncellus writes his chronology, Alphonsus, a Gothic king of Spain, rebels against the Saracens, slays seventy thousand, and frees himself. The Danes a second time waste the south of Britain, A great Council at Francfort. e p* Thudunus, king of the Hunns, yields himself and his to Charles, August 19, c orders her son Constantin's eyes to be dug out, who dies a few days after, c p and then killing Nicephorus and Christopher, she reigns alone, + November 24, Charles enters Rome : December 25, pope Leo crowns him emperorof the west ; cp which the people approve with loud acclamations. About the same time Egbert begins to reign over the West Saxons ; who subdues the rest, and becomes the first monarch of England. * It has 300 bishops, besides abbots, &.c. from all parts of Charles's domin ions, e and condemns the worship of images, c p t iChey were her husband's brothers : and thus the race of Leo the Isau rian ends. VII. PERIOD. The Chronology of the English monarchs, from the revival of the Western Empire by Charles the Great, of France, and the beginning of the reign of Egbert First, supreme king of England, in the year of Christ 800 ; to the death of Queen Elizabeth, and beginning of the reign of James, the first monarch of Great Britain, in 1603 ; being 802 years, three months. Having passed through the most busy and confused period the world has known, we are now arriving at a more settled state of things, especially in the west of Europe. And the end of the year of Christ 800, seeiDS to be one of the most remarkable points of time in history, on these two accounts ; first, the revival of the western empire in Charles the Great of France, crowned emperor of the west at Rome, on Dec. 25th, this year. Second, the beginning of the reign of Eg bert the Great, as Rapin calls him, about the same time ascending the throne of Wessex ;* who in the course of twenty-eight years conquers the five other Saxon kingdoms in the south part of Britain, and becomes the first supreme king of England. The eastern empire indeed continues 652 years, five months longer ; but as this is dwindhng away by degrees, and both the powers and transactions in the west of Europe grow more considerable, as well as more nearly affect us, and the successions of the monarchs both of the French and English are pretty certainly adjusted ; we shall therefore shift the scene of our Chronology from the eastern to the western parts of the, ancient Roman empire, and annex it to the lines of the kings of England. And inasmuch as our introduction is thus drawn out to an unexpected length, and our English histories are in the hands of many, I shall, therefore, spare my readers here, and give them little more than as accurate a list, as I am at present able to compose, of our own monarchs. * Wessex, or the West Saxon kingdom, then contained that part of England, excepting Kent and Cornwall, which lies on the south side of the Thames ; the kingdom of Sussex having been subdued and incorporated into Wessex by king Ina, in the year of Christ 723, (Matthew of Westminster.) INTRODUCTION. 71 But there offers a material difiiculty at the very head of the present period, which I must apply myself to solve, as I have met with none that have attempted it before rae. It concerns the beginning of the reign of Egbert. For, first, some place it in the year of Christ 800 ; as Ethelwerd, Malmsbury, Huntingdon, Hoveden ;* and from them the following moderns, Polydore, Virgil, Pantaleon, sir H. Savil,f Glover and Mills, Mundy, Speed, Helvicus, Isaacson, Alsted, Boxhornius, Fuller, Milton, Whitlock, the Indices at tbe enii of Littleton and Cambridge dictionaries, Tallents, Eachard, Rapin ; and so Baker, Howell, Pointer and Salmon seem to imply. Second, some, in 1801 ; as Harrison, and Holin- shed, Calvisius, Perizonius, Hubner and Anderson. Third, others in 802 ; as M. of Westminster,} Stow, Howes, Daniel and Tyrel. Hoveden says, some begin the reign of Egbert in 802 ; and Tyrrel says that Asser, S. of Durham, and the bishop of Litchfield, are of the same opinion. To clear this matter, I first observe that Rapin tells us, ' When Egbert was chosen king of Wessex, he was at Rome with Charles the Great, who was soon after invested with the imperial crown ; and there he took his leave of that great Prince,' &c. Though whence Rapin had this intelligence, I should be glad to find. Second, Liecthenaw, Carlo, || Cal visius and Ricciolius inform us, that Charles the Great, tra velling from France, entered Rome Nov. 24th, 800, was crowned emperor there, Dec. 25tb, and Liecthenaw and Calvisius tell us, he left that city on April 24th, following. By this it seems, first, that Egbert set out with Charles from France some time in October or November, and that Britric king of Wessex was then alive. Second, that between Nov. 24th, and Dec. 25th, Egbert not only heard at Rome of his election, but also set out thence for England. Third, we must therefore place his election about November ; and the beginning of his actual reign about the same time with the beginning of Charles's empire. Or, however, to define this period more precisely, from the end of the last to the end of this ; that is, from the imperial coronation of Charles at Rome, to the death of queen Elizabeth, the last mere * Hoveden says. Anno Gratise 800, vtl ut quidam velunt 802. t In his Fasti Regum Angliae, &c, X And yet M, of Westminster sets the death of Egbert in 837, after a reign of thirty-seven years, seven months, which raises the beginning to 800. II In his Chronicon, chiefly made by Melancthon and Peucer. 72 INTRODUCTION. monarch of England, and beginning of the reign of James the First, of Great Britain, is exactly 802 years, three months. SECTION I. To THE DISCOVERY OF THE NEW WORLD BY COLUMBUS IN 1492. Having cbmpared above thirty noted lists and histories of our kings, both in English and Latin, I found so many incon sistencies and mistakes among them, especially in the years before the Norman conquest, that I was forced to lay by all the late historians, and betake myself entirely to those more ancient and original authors Ethelwerd, Ingulphus, Malmsbury, Huntingdon, Hoveden, M. of Westminster, and R. of Ches ter, who are the only old writers on that former part of the period I can hear of in this country ; the six first in Latin, the last translated out of that language into English by Tre- visa in 1357, as Trevisa and Caxton tell us. And as I have carefully perused them, I shall draw the following list entirely from them as far as they go ; excepting, where they are wanting in the preciser notes of time. I shall then take out of Hohnshed, Stow, Speed, Tyrrel, Eachard, Rapin, or any other wherever I find them. N. B. — ^Wherever I use the words elect, elected, chose or chosen, they are so expressed in the original authors cited. INTRODUCTION. 73 I, THE WEST SAXON LINE. *No, 1, Y, C, 800, — Egbert, descended from Cerdic, begins to reign over Wessex, emhnhv Reigns after Charles's coronation thirty-seven years, one month, ten aays,t Y, C, 809, — He reduces Cornwall and adds it to his kingdom, w Y. C 814. — (That is, 813, 14) Jan. 28th, Charles the Great dies, cp aged 71, p and his son Lewis reigns, c p Y. C. 824. — Egbert subdues the kingdoms of Kent and Essex, and adds them to his own, e mhnhv and the kingdom of the East Angles submits to his protection, e hn hv Y. C. 827. — He makes the kings of Mecia and Northumberland his vas sals, e hn hv Y. C. 828. — He makes the kings of Wales his tributaries, e hn hv Y. C. 837. — (That is, 837, 8) He dies, e m hn hv w Feb. 4lh. sp ee In the margin of Malmsbury, we therefore read 838 m and No. 2. — Ethelulph, son of Egbert, e m hnhvw reignsninetepn years, eleven months, nine days. Y. C, 838. — The Scots extirpate the Pictish nation, plb c Y. C. 840. — June 20th, Lewis emperor dies, upon which his three sons divide the western empire : Charles, the youngest, taking France ; Lewis, Germany ; and Lotharius, the eldest, Italy, Burgundy and Lorrain, with the imperial dignity, cp Y. C 849.— Alfred born to Ethelulph. hv w Y. C. 857.— (That is, 857, 8.) Ethelulph dies, emw Jan. 13th, eh and No. 3. — Ethelbald, first surviving son of Ethelulph, e w eh reigns two years, eleven months, seven days, after the death of his father. | Y. C. 861. — He dies, ew Dec. 20th, sp ec and No. 4. — Ethelbert, second surviving son of Ethelulph, e w eh reigns five years, c m h?i hv Y. C. 866. — He dies, ehvw that is, at the end of 866, and No. 5. — Ethelred I. third surviving son of Ethelulph, e w eh reigns five years, and a little more, hn ¥. C. 872. — He dies, eimhv AprU 23d, w eh so that the reign of Ethelbert and Ethelred amount exactly to ten years, four months, three days, and No, 6. — Alfred, fourth surviving son of Ethelulph, e mw eh reigns twenty- nine years, six months, five days, though his elder brother's son Ethelwald was living all the while, m w Y. C. 901, — He dies, emhn Oct. 26th, e or rather Wednesday, Oct, 28th, hu w ^ and No. 7. — Edward I. son of Alfred, e m hn hv w elected king, n hv w reigns twenty-three years, mhnw though liis father's elder brother's son Ethelwald was living, and claimed the crown, m w Y. C. 924. — He dies, m w and (Ethelward) first legitimate son of Edward begins to reign ; but dies a few * No. I. Y, C, 800— That is, first king of the Saxon line— and year of Christ 800, ¦) He was the seventeenth successive Iting of Wessex, though not in a direct descent, and with a queen Dowager made queen Regent, he was the eighteenth successive monarch, m hnhvw e Ethelwerd, m Malmsbury, hn Huntingdon, hv Hoveden, w M, of Westminster, c Calvisius, p Petavius. sp Speed, ec Eachard. pi Polydo- rus VergiUus. 6 Buchanan. cA R. of Chester. X More, Helvicus, and Dauliel, strangely omit him. i Ingulphus. § Hoveden says, 899, Indiction four ; but Indiction four, is 901. And West minster says, Wednesday Oct. 28th, 900, Indiction five ; but Wednesday Oct. 28th, is in 901. Indiction four, 10 74 INTRODUCTION. days after his father, m and is by this means left out of the catalogue of 'pfo' 8.— Athelstan,base born son of Edward, m w aged 30, m elected king, mhnw while he had three legitimate brothers living, m hv w Reigns sixteen years, m hv „ , . . ^t-j j Y. C. 940.— He dies, mhvw Oct. 27th. hv M) ' So that the reign of Edward and Athelstan amount exactly to thirty-nine years, and No 9.— Edmund 1. second surviving and legitimate son of Edward, m ft» w aged 18, mhv reigns five years, seven months, hv Y. C. 943.— Edgar born to king Edmund, hvw Y. C. 946.— King Edmund killed in a fray, m hv w Tuesday May 26th. eimhn hv w And No. 10. — Edred, third surviving and legitimate son of Edward, m hv w reigns nine years, six months, e m\ Y. C. 955 — He dies, mhvw Nov. 23d, e without issue, eh and No. 11.— Edwin, first son of Edmund, m hn hvw eh reigns four years, em hnw or rather three years, nine months, hv Y. C. 957.— He is renounced by the northern half of the kingdom, which elects his younger brother Edgar king, hv w eh Y. C. 959. — Edwin dies, m hv w and No. 12. — Edgar, second son of Edmund, m hn hv w eh aged 16, m hv eh elected king over the whole, hv w reigns near sixteen years, m Y. C. 975. — He dies, i mhv w Thursday July 8th, e hv aged 32. i hv So that the reign of Edwin and Edgar amount exactly to nineteen years, seven months, fifteen days. And here Ethelwerd ends his history, e and JJo. 13. — Edward II. first son of Edgar, imw after a great strife elected king, hv w reigns 3 years, 8 months, 10 days. Y. C, 978, — (That is, 978, 9) He is killed hv w by his stepmother, m hv w March 18th, tr in Malmsbury therefore says 979, m X and No. 14. — Ethelred II. second son of Edgar, m w aged 11, m, eh reigns thirty-seven years, one month, five days.§ Y. C. 987. — The nobles of France reject the race of Charles the Great, and choose Hugh Capet, Earl of Paris, king ; from whom the kings of France have since desceiided. cp Y. C. 1013. — Swane, king of Denmark, lands in Kent hn hv w in July, hv m thence sails to the Humber, and conquers all the north and west of England, mhnhv w In Aug, m w Ethelred quits London, flies to the isle of Wight, and Swane is universally acknowledged king of England, m hn hv w II, THE DANISH LINE BEGINS. No. 1. — Swane in August conquers England, having no relation to the crown by blood. Y. C. lUl4.—(Thatis, 1013, 14) Beginning of Jan. Ethelred flies from the isle of Wight to Normandy, mhvw Feb. 3d, Swane killed, hv w eh (That is, 1013, 14). And No. 2. — Canute, son of Swane, elected king by the Danes, m hn hu w But the English send for * Hoveden by mistake calls this Wednesday, Oct. 27th-, Indiction fourteen ; when Oct. 27th this year, is Tuesday, and Indiction thirteen, with the Latins ; though fourteen with the Greeks. t Huntingdon says Edmund I. and Edred were sons of Athelstan. hn tr Tyrrel. tn Tindal in the margin of Rapin. r Rapin. X The Monkish writers call him Edward the Martyr, only because he was a friend to their superstitions ; r and March 18th, from his death, is called St. Edward's day. in § That is, accounting to the day of his death ; but to the conquest of Eng land by Swane, no more than thirty-four years, five months. INTRODUCTION. 75 (Ethelred)* who in Lent returns to England, hv ch drives Canute to Den mark, and resumes the crown, m hnhvw. Y. C. 1015. — This summer m Canute returns to England, lands in Kent, and recoveiB the Southern part of the kingdom, m hn hv w.X Y. C. 1016. — Monday, AprU 23, Ethelred dies at London, hvw ch X and No, 15, — Edmund II, called Ironside, first son of Ethelred, elected, i hn and proclaimed king by the citizens, m w reigns seven months, seven days. But the rest of England elect Canute their king, m hv w eh. Oct. 18, is their last battle, w upon which they agree to divide the kingdom ; Edmund taking the Southern part and Canute the Northern, mhv w. Nov. 30, king Edmund killed, m hv § w ch and Canute by the whole kingdom is elected king, hv while three sons of king Ethelred, and two sons of king Edmund are living m hv w reigns eighteen yeais, eleven months, thirteen days, after Edmund. Y. C. 1035. — Wednesday, November 12, Canute the Great dies, hv w \\ and No. 3. Harold I. base born son of Canute, w after a great strife, ch elected king, i m- hn hv w eh. Reigns four years, four months, five days. Y. C. 1040. — He dies, w ch in AprU, m 16 Kal, Apr. ir 11 i. c. March 17, and No. 4. — Hardicanute, a younger son of Canute, mhn hv w ch elected king. An and the chief men of the kingdom send for him beyond sea, hvw ch while several of Ethelred's offspring are living, m hv w Reigns two years, two months, twenty-two days. Y. C. 1042.— He dies, hv ch m «» Tuesday, June 8, cA +t and III. THE SAXON, OR ENGLISH LINE, RETURNS, . No. 1. — Edward III. the third son of Ethelred, elected king, ihn whUe Edward, son of his elder brother king Edmund, is living ;mhvw reigns twenty- three years, six months, twenty-seven days, hv or rather twenty-eight days. And he is styled by the Monkish writers the confessor, for being addicted to their superstitions. Y. C. 1066. — King Edward dies, i hn hv w Thursday Jan. 5, hn hv w eh that is Jan. 5, 1065, 6, and No. 2. — Harold II. a son of Godwin, Earl of Kent, of no relation to the crown by blood, elected king, reigns nine months, nine days. At' and the lords make him king, eh whUe Edgar Atheling with his two sisters, children of Edward, son of king Edmund II. are living in England, m hn hv eh Sept. 28, ht William, base-born son of Robert Duke of Normandy, neither of Saxon nor Danish royal blood, lands near Hastings in Sussex ; where he stays fifteen days m w eh Saturday Oct. 14, slays king Harold there in battle, and gains the crown, hn hv w ch XX and * They send for and promise to stand by him, upon condition he would rule better, m hn hv w ch t Hoveden seems to place Canute's return between Aug. 15 and Sept. 8 hv. X Malmsbury by mistake says, St. Gregory's for St. George's day : and so Holinshed observes. § Hoveden mistakes in calling this the 15th Indiction, when it is the 14th. [| He was king of England, Denmark, Norway, Jm hn hv w and part of Swe den, i m and a little before he died, made his sons, Swane king of Norway, and Hardicanute king of Denmark, hv w ch. tr If Tyrel from the Saxon Annals, m** That is, Malmsbury in his continuation of Bede, tt Hoveden bv mistake says 6 Ides July, Tuesday; whereas 6 Ides July this year is Saturday,: he should therefore have said 6 Ides June, which is Tuesday June 8, as Chester has it, hi. Holinshed, XX Hoveden says right, this battle was on Calixtus day, being Saturday, which is October 14 : but wrong in calling this 11 Cal, Nov, which is October 32, and a Lord's Day, 76 INTRODUCTION. IV. THE NORMAN LINE BEGINS. No 1 —William I. caUed sometimes the conqueror, and sometimes the bas tard, reigns twenty years, ten months, twenty-eight days, hv w or, more exactly, twenty-six days. , . 1067 —Edgar Atheling goes into Scotland, marries his sister Margaret to Malcom the king, hn w ch from whom the Scottish kings descend, m hn bv ch Y. C. 1085.— Here Ingulphus ends his history, i. Y. C. 1087.— WiUiam I. dies, mhv w ch Sept. 9, hv w aged 59 m eft, and No. 2.— WiUiam U. called Rufus, second surviving son of WUIum I. suc ceeds, while his elder brother Robert is living, m hn hv w ch Reigns twelve years, ten months, twenty-three days. Y. C. 1100. — He is accidentally slain a hunting, m hn hv w ch Ihursday, Aug. 2, m hn hv aged forty-lour, cA and No. 3.— Henry I. the third surviving son of WUIiam I. elected king, while his elder brother Robert is living, mhnwch aged 32. mwch. Nov. 11, he marries Maud, daughter of Malcom king of the Scots by Mar garet abovesaid, and reigns thirty-five years, four months, m. Y. C. 1135. — He dies m hnhvw Dec. i,mhn hv i and No. 4.— Stephen, a younger son of Stephen, Earl of Blois, a Norman, m hn hv by Adela, daughter of WiUiam l.mhnw accepted king, m hn while Maud daughter of Henry I. is living, m hn hvw eh reigns eighteen years, ten months, twenty-four days, comprehending his nine months captivity. Y. C. 1 141. — Feb. 2, (i. e. 1 140, 1 }) king Stephen taken in battle and carried to Maud, An A)) MicA who is hereupon acknowledged queen by the whole king dom, excepting Kent. An hv ch. Nov. 1, king Stephen released, mw recovers the kingdom. An hv w ch Y. C. 1143. — Here Malmsbury ends his history and Novellae. m Y. C. 1154.— King Stephen dies hnhnw Oct. 25, hn w and Here Huntingdon ends his history, hn § and V THE FRENCH LINE, OR PLANTAGANETS OF THE HOUSE OF ANJOU, BEGINS. No. 1. — Henry II. a son of Geoffry Plantaganet, Earl of Anjou, w ch by queen Maud, daughter of Henry I. m hv w eh aged 22, hv w reigns thirty-four years, eight months, eleven days. || Y. C. 1171. — Saturday, Oct. 16, hv he saUs from MUford-Haven for Ireland, hv w ch arrives at Cork the next day ; upon which all Ireland receive him for their Sovereign, hv Y. C. 1189. — He dies hvw cA Thursday July 6, hvw and No, 2, — Richard I, eldest surviving son of Henry II. hv w reigns nine years, nine months. Y. C. 1199. — He dies of a wound received at a siege in France, hvw ch f Tuesday, April 6, hv ch and * Malmsbury and R. of Chester mistake in saying he died in the twenty- second year of his reign. t By his queen he leaves only one chUd. viz Maud, to whose succession all the chief men of the kingdom sware. m hn hv w ch. But An hv w mistake in saying he reigned but thirty-five years, three months. X Malmsbury by mistake says, Lord's Day, Feb. 2. 1142 ; for Lord's Dav, Feb. 2, is 1140,1. ' S And yet M. of Westminster says, Huntingdon ended his History in 1135. II He is the first king of England since Edward the Confessor, tliat hath any Royal Saxon blood, having receiyed it only from his mother ; though the kings of Scotland are of prior birth. INTRODUCTION. 77 No. 3. — John, youngest son of Henry II. succeeds, while Arthur son of his elder brother Geoffry is living. At) m; cA/ Reigns seventeen years, six months, thirteen days. Y. C. 1202. — Here Hoveden ends his annals. Ad Y C. 1215 — June 15, king John grants the firstMagna Charta of England. ' Y.C. 1216. — Oct. 19, liing John dies, w/being poisoned by a Monk, cA/and No. 4. — Henry III, eldest son to king John, w chf aged 9, chf reigns fifty- six years, twenty-seven days. Y. C. 1224. — (i. c. 1224,5) Feb. 10, the ninth year of his reign, he grants the present Magna Charta. t ¥. C. 1272. — Nov. 16, he dies w chf aged sixty-five, w and No. 5. — Edward I. or rather IV. eldest son of Henry III. w ch f reigns thirty-four years, seven months, twenty-one days, w Y. C. 1282. — Leolin, Prince of Wales rebelling, is killed in a fight, w eh f namely, Dec. 3./ Y. C. 1283. — David, brother to Leolin, taken, w chf June 24,/ drawn and hanged, w chf about October. / And Wales wholly subdued and subjected to the Englisli government, w ch f Y. C. 1305. — Plavio of Amalfi near Naples, first discovers the Polar virtue of the loadstone, and applies it to navigation, st Y. C. 1307, — Edward I, dies, w ch f Friday July 7, w / aged 68 years. twenty days, w Here M of Westminster ends his history. And No. 6, — Edward II. surviving son to Edward I. chf aged 24, w f reigns nineteen years, six months, eighteen days. Y. C. 1312. — November 13, prince Edward born to king Edward II. eh hi st Y. C. 1326.— (that is 1326, 7.) Tuesday, January 13, a Parliament at Westminster agree to depose him. cA / hi January 25, they actually renounce him,/ hi st and raise his son No. 7. — Edward III. aged 15, to the throne, ch f pi reigns 50 years, 4 months, 28 days, hi September 21, Edward II, dies in prison ch / by a violent death, / hi si aged 43, pi Y. C. 1344. — Macham, an Englishman, saUing from England for Spain, driven out of his course, first discovers the Isle of Madeira, g Y. C. 1357. — Here Chester ends his Chronicle, cA and Caxton carries it on to 1460. ex Y. C. 1376. — Lord's Day, June 8, the famous Black Prince, eldest son to king Edward III. dies,/ hi st aged 46. pi hi Thursday, February 19, 1376, 7, John Wickliff, the first English Reformer, brought before the bishops in Paul's Church, London, st and silenced, hi Y. C. 1377. — June 22, Edward III. dies, / aged 65, pi hi st and No. 8. — Richard II, son of the Black Prince, aged 11, ex f pi reigns 22 years, 3 months, 8 days. / Y. C. 1380. — Guns first used by the Venetians ; the nature of the powder being before accidentally discovered by a German chemist, pi p namely, Berthold Schwartz, a monk, e a X f An old manuscript of the seventh part of Fabian's Chronicle. * So the Latin Charter, in Tyrrel. t So the Latin Charter in Coke's Institutes ; in some things differing from the other, as they appear compared in Tyrrel. st Stow. hi Holinshed. pi Polydorus Vergilius. g Galvanus. ex Caxton. p Petavius. c Calvisius. a Alsted. X Alsted says, Froissard makes mention of guns in 1340; and that in 1380, Schwartz publishes the manner of using them. And Calvisius says, Mariana describes the Moors in Spain, as using guns in 1342. 78 INTRODUCTION. Y. C 1382.— Wickliff finishes his translation of the Bible into English. Jl Y. C. 1384.— December 31, John Wickliff, parson of Lutterworth, dies there, st Y. C. 1395.— The Spaniards first discover and settle the Canaries, g Y. C. 1399. The Parliament depose Richard II. ex f hi st Tuesday, Sep tember 30, / hi and choose for king ex hi st No. 9. — Henry IV. son to the duke of Lancaster, third son of Edward III. while the heirs of the duke of Clarence, the second son are living, cxf reigns 13 years, 5 months, 21 days,/ or rather 20 days, st Y. C. 1400.— (i. e. 1399, 400.) hi st February 14, st Richard II. killed in prison, ex f aged 33, pi March 12, brought dead, to London, ex f Y. G. 1412.— (that is 1412,13) Henry IV, dies, ex/ March 20,/ hi st aged 46, pi hi st and No. 10. — Henry V. aged 26, gd son of Henry IV. succeeds, while the senior heirs of the duke of Clarence are living; ex /reigns nine years, five months, ten days, /or rather eleven days. Y. C 1415 — The coasts of Africa, not being known beyond Cape Non, in 29 degrees north latitude ; the Portuguese discover Cape Bajador 3 degrees farther, g Y. C. 1419. — June 11, Henry V, marries the French king's daughter, and is made regent and heir of that kingdom, ex /* Y, C, 1422. — In August Henry V, dies, ex August 31, f hi st aged 36, ex pi and No, 11, — Henry VI, only son of Henry V, aged eight months, twenty-three days, succeeds, ex /reigns 38- years, 6 months, 4 days. / y. C. 1428. — Lawrence Coster, at Haerlem in Holland, begins to print,f from letters at first cut on wooden tables, then in lead, and then in tin. hj Y. C. 1431. — December 7, Henry VI. crowned king of France in Paris. ex f st Y. C. 1440.-^At Christmas, John Faustus, servant to Coster, runs away with his master's printing-tools, to Mentz ; where he practices the art, and claims the honor of its invention, hj Y. C. 1441. — Gonsales and Tristan, Portuguese, discover the coasts of Africa as far as Cape Blanco, g Y. C. 1442. — Faustus first prints a book at Mentz, hj hr with Coster's types, hj Y. C. 1446 — John Guttenberg of Strasburg contrives the art (i. e. the present way) of Printing, removes to Mentz, and here completes it. en Faustus being assistant to him. a Denis Fernandes Esq. of Lisbon, first discovers the river Senega a mouth of the Niger, and the famous Cape de Verde in Africa, g Y. C. 1449. — The Portuguese first possess the Azores, g Y. C. 1450. — Faustus first prints a book at Mentz with copper and lead types, ma X Y. C. 1453, — May 29, Tuesday, the Turkish monarch Mahomet takes Constantinople ep and puts an end to the Greek eastern empire, * Caxton and Fabian say. Trinity Sunday, in the seventh year of Henry V. which is June 11, 1419. Holinshed and Stow say, the day after Trinity Sun day, in the eighth year of Henry V. which is June 3, 1420. + From the inscription I saw over his door at Haerlem. gd Goodwin. hj Hadian Junius in Boxhornio. fl Fuller. br Berlins in Alsted. en The Continuator of Liecthenaw. ma Ma- riangelus in Boxhornio. X Mariangelus ascribes the invention of copper and lead types to Faustus; the Colonian Annalist ascribes the present way of printing (i. e. by separate letters) to Guttenberg; and they both, with Cluverus agree on the first print ing of a book therewith, in 1450. (See Cluverus and Boxhornio.J INTRODUCTION. 79 Y. C. 1460.— (i. c, 1460, 1,) March 2, st the lords meet and depose Henry VI, and elect No. 12.— Edward IV. eldest son to Richard, duke of York, for king, ex f hi st aged 18. st March 4, they proclaim him king, cxf hi st reigns 22 years, 1 month, 5 days,/ and Here Caxton ends his Chronicle, ex Y. C. 1462. — De Noli, a Genoese sails from Portugal, and first discovers the Cape de Verde Islands, g Y. C. 1467. — October 28, Erasmus born at Rotterdam in Holland, c Y. C. 1470.— October 3, st Edward IV. flies to Flanders, and Saturday, October 1, ^ (Henry VI.) deUveredout of the tower, and admitted king again./ st November 26,* a Parliament meets at Westminister, and king Edward pro claimed usurper. / hi Y. C 1471.— (i. e. 1470, 1.) March 14, hi Edward IV. lands in the north of England. / hi st (Edward IV.) April 11,+ comes to London, takes king Henry again,/ hi st and sends him to the tower, st where he is killed, the night after. May 21, st and the next day his corpse exposed in Paul's Church, London, f st X This year, Desaren and Dcscouar, discover Guinea for the king of Portu gal- g Y. C 1472. — Seguira discovers Prince's Island near the Equinoctial, and St. Thomas's Island under it, with the western coast of Ethiopia as far as Cape Catharine. He is the first that passes the line, g Y. C. 1483. — AprU 9, Edward IV. dies, / pi hi st aged 42, sf § 50, pi and his eldest son No. 13. — Edweird V. aged 13,/ hi st bears the name of king, 2 months, 11 days. / Wednesday, June 18, some of the chief of the nobility and commons, set up for king, his father's youngest brother Richard ; who takes the royal style and power in Westminster HaU, on Thursday June 19,/ hi st and Friday June 20, is proclaimed king,/ || by the name of No. 14. — Richard III. and reigns 2 years, 2 months, 1 ardon, make their submission to him, and own him supreme liead of the Church of England, hist which they never confessed before, hi And Here Polydore Vergil ends his history, pi Dec. 22, diverse Protestant princes and deputies of cities in Germany, meet at Smalcaid, and enter into a league defensive, si Y. C. 1531. — Aug 19, Thomas BUnSy burnt at Norwich, AZ for preaching the reformed religion. Fox* Oct. 11, Zuinglius slain, aged 44, in a battle between the Zurichers and their neighboring enemies, si c Y. C. 1532. — Jan. 15, (Keeble) the Parliament of England meet, complain of the cruelties of the bishops, and enact, they shall pay no more money to the Pope, hi st they having paid the last forty-two years 60 st or 160,000 pounds, hi July, king Henry suppresses the priory of Christ church, London, st Aug. 23, William Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury, dies, and Thomas Cranmer succeeds, st Sept. Farel and Saunier, from preaching in Piedmont, come to Geneva and begin to preach the reformed religion in private houses. Spon Nov. 14, king Henry privately marries Ann Bulleign, hi gm but Stow says, Jan. 25, 1532, 3. st Nov. Calvin obliged to fly from Paris to Basil, for the reformed religion, bs Y. C. 1533. — Feb. 4, k the Parliament of England meets ; enacts, that none shall appeal to Rome, that Catherine shall be no more called queen, but Princess Dowager of prince Arthur, hi st March 28, liberty of private opinion ; and June 26, liberty of private wor ship, allowed at Geneva, sn Lord's Day, Sept. 7, the princess Elizabeth born to king Henry, hi st Y. C. 1534. — March 1, Farel, the first Protestant who preaches publicly at Geneva, sn ' April, James Cartier sails from St. Male's in France : in May, arrives at Newfoundland, ps Falls with lat. 48 and 30, discovers the great bay of St. Lawrence ; sails to 15 deg. north, in hopes to pass to China, but is disap pointed and returns, g July 22, John Frith, and Andrew Hewet a young man, burnt in Smithfield, London, for not owning the bodily presence of Christ in the sacrament, hi st Aug. 15, Ignatius Loyola, (born in Spain in 1491) now with nine others at Paris, begins the society of Jesuits, ri d Nov. 3, t the Parliament of England meets, enacts the king's supremacy, and abolishes the Pope's authority through the realm, hi st Nov. a persecution of the Protestants, rages in France, and many burnt, st Y. C, 1535. — James Cartier sails again from France, discovers the river * N, B, There were many others burnt for the same religion, in other parts of the kingdom, both before and after. For which we must refer to Fox's Martyrology, k Keeble. sn Spon. ri Ricciolius. d Dupin. t Keeble says Feb. 3, 1534, 5, 88 INTRODUCTION. Canada, sails up 300 leagues g to the great and swift falls, buUds a fort, ps calls the land New France, winters there, and the next year goes home, g Aug, 27, the Roman Catholic religion abolished in Geneva, sn Oct. hi st king Henry sends Thomas Cromwell, st Dr. Lee, and others, to visit the Priories, Abbies and Nunneries ; who set all at liberty under twenty- four years of age, with those who are wiUing to go out, and shut up the rest, hi st The Senate of Ausburg receives the reformation, si Y. C, 1536. — Feb. 4, the Parliament of England meets and gives the king all religious houses of the value of 200 pounds and under, with aU their lands and goods, hi st * May 1, the Parliament of Ireland meets at Dublin, and pass laws for the king and his successors to be supreme head of the Church of Ireland ; abol ishing the Pope's authority, suppressing of Abbies, and make it a praemunire to pursue any process from the See of Rome. hlH May 19, queen Ann beheaded, with a sword, hi st and the next day rf king Henry marries Jane Seymour, hi st June, king Henry abrogates a number of holidays, especially in harvest lime, hi .luly 10, CromweU made a lord ; and July 18, made knight and vicar general, under the king, over the spirituality ;} and sets diverse times as head over the Bishops in convocation, hi si July 11, e or rather 12 bx Erasmus dies at BasU. Aug. 1, Calvin publishes his Institutions at Basil,§ then goes to Farel and Viret, at Geneva, and carries on the reformation there, bz Sept. Cromwell orders the parsons and curates, to teach the Lord's Prayer, Ave, Creed, and ten Commandments, in English, hi st William Tindal burned at Villefort, near Brussels, for the reformation, hi \\ Y. C. 1537.^Aug. 12, Christian, king of Denmark, crowned, calls the States together, disposes the bishops, and reforms the kingdom, u Oct. 12, prince Edward born to king Henry, hi st Y. C. 1538. — Lord's Day, Feb. 24, the famous Rood or image of Borley in Kent, made with diverse wires to move the lips and eyes, showed at Paul's by the preacher, and broken to pieces, st May 23, a Rood in London, with his tabernacle, pulled down and broken to pieces, st Diverse abbies suppressed to the king's use. st Sept. CromweU takes away all the noted images, to which pilgrimages and offerings had been made, with the shrines of counterfeit saints, as Thomas a Becket, fecIT Suppresses all the orders of friars and nuns, with their cloisters and houses, hi st and orders all the bishops and curates through the realm, to see that in every church, the Bible of the largest volume printed in English, be so placed that all may read it. st Nov John Lambert, burnt in Smithfield, for not owning the bodily presence of Christ in the sacrament, hi st * N. B. — The number of houses, are 376 ; value of their lands yearly, above 32,000 pounds ; moveable goods, above 100,000 ; persons put out of them, above 10,000. hi st hli Holinshed's history of Ireland. + Holinshed is right, in placing this in the twenty-eighth year of kiug Henry ; but wrong in setting 15-39 in the margin. X That is, over aU Ecclesiastical and religious affairs and persons, bx Boxhornius, bs Beza in Vit Calv. § So the date of the dedication, fl Bale and Fox caU him the Apostle of the English, si Fox TT Stow says, those images were brought up from diverse parts of England and Wales, to London, and burnt at Chelsea; that he suppressed the abbey at Canterbury, with Becket's shrine, and commanded his bones to be burnt, st • INTRODUCTION. 89 Y. C. 1539. — April 28, the Parliament of England meets, hi si grants al' religious houses to the king for ever, st and enacts tho sJ.x articles, whicli sets up an Inquisition in the kingdom, and brings many honest people to death, hi May 12, A or 18, ps Ferdinand de Soto, with 900 men besides seamen, sails from Cuba, to conquer Florida. May 30, ps or 31, A arrives at the bay of Spiritu Santo : travels northwards 450 leagues from the sea : there meets with a great river, a quarter of a mile over, and nineteen fathom deep, A on whose bank he dies, and is buried in it. May 21, 1542, ps aged 42 ; h upon which his successor, Alverado, builds seven brigantines ; A ps June 29, 1543, embarks, and sails down the river, in seven teen days, 400 leagues ;* and in two days more, A viz. July 18, goes out lo sea, ps sails westerly along the coast, h ps and September 10, arrives at Panuco.ps Y. C. 1540. — AprU 18,t Parliament of England meets, dissolves the order of the knights of Rhodes, cr St. John's, in England, hist and Ireland, *( and gives their houses and estate to the king, si July 19, Cromwell attainted in Parliament for heresy and treason, without being heard ; and July 28, beheaded, hi st July 30, Robert Barnes, D. D. Thomas Garrard, B. D. and William Jerom, B. D. burnt at Smithfield, for the reformed religion, hi si September 27, the Pope establishes the order of Jesuits, p d and May 14, 1543, makes Ignatius Loyola their general, d Y. C. 1541. — June 13, the Parliament of Ireland meets at Dublin ; enacts the king and his successors to be entitled kings of Ireland, hli st whereas they had been only called lords of Ireland before. AK I Y. C. 1542. — January 23, king Henry first proclaimed at London king of Ireland, hi February 15, the Parliament of Iielajid meets at Limerick, and makes an act for the suppression of Kilmainam and other religious houses, hti The French king sends Francis la Roche, lord of Robenell, his lieutenant, with three ships and two hundred men, women and children, to Canada : where he builds a fort, winters and returns, ps December 7, Mary born to king James V. of Scotland : December 14, he dies, aged 31, § and she succeeds : but the earl of Arran made regent, his be who professes the reformed religion, causes friar Guilliam to preach against images and other fruitless ceremonies, and gives liberty for the bible to be had in English, and published universally through Scotland, his Y. C. 154-1.— Juue, the Litany set forth in English, and ordered to be read in every parish church in England, st Y. C. 1545. — November 23, hi or 24, si the parliament of England meets, and commits to the king, all colleges, chantries and hospitals, to order as he thinks expedient, hi st December 13, the CouncU of Trent begins, c ri d Y. C. 1546. — January 6, the elector Palatine, embraces the reformation ; and January 10, instead of mass, has divine service said at Heidelberg, in the vulgar tongue, si February 18, Luther dies at Eysteben, aged 63. si March 1, (Fox) George Wischart, burnt at St. Andrews, in Scotland, for * Here they guessed the river to be fifteen leagues wide, found it opening with two moutlis into the sea, and judged it 800 leagues to the head. A By which, I think, it is plain, this is tbe great Mississippi river, see Joulal. X Keeble says, the Parliament meets April 12. k X Holinshed, in his history of Ireland, mistakes in placing this session of Parliament in 1542 ; but right in saying the 33d year of Henry VIII. § He was the son of king James IV. of Scotland, by Margaret, eldest daugh ter to king Henry VII. of England ; and Ai -mistakes in saying he dies, aged 33 ; and yet tells us he was born April 11, 1512, his Holinshed's history of Scotland, be Buchanan, 12 90 INTRODUCTION. preaching the reformed religion, his Fox which he had learnt in the schools of Germany his * Y. C. 1547. — January 28, king Henry dies, hist aged 56, and his only son Edward VI. aged 10, reigns 6 years, 5 months, 8 days, hi February 1, Sir Edward Seymour, earl of Hartford, chosen hi st and pro claimed hi lord Protector; and February 17, made duke of Somerset, hist March, st the Protector forbids processions ; orders the gospel and epistle to be read in English, st and sends commissioners through the realm, to remove images out of churches, and with them, preachers hist to dissuade the people, from their beads, and such like ceremonies, st September, the king's Council causes the book of Homilies, and paraphrase of Erasmus, to be set forth, and had in churches, hi November 4, the parliament of England meets at Westminster ; repeals the statute of the 6 articles, hi st enacts the sacrament to be given in both kinds, 5? /c and grants the king all chantries, free chapels, and brotherhoods hist November 16, hi or 17, si the rood, and other images, pulled down in Paul's, London : and soon after in aU other churches in England, hi st November end, Peter Martyr a Florentine, who had for 5 years, with great applause, taught at Strasburg, goes into England, at the invitation of Cranmer, in the king's name, and made professor of divinity in Oxford, si Y. C. 1548. — March, the king sends forth a proclamation for administering the sacraments in both kinds, to all who should be willing from Easter forward ; wiiereupon at Easter, begins the communion and confession in English, st X November 4, the parliament of England meets : wherein the mass is wholly abolished, and a book for uniformity of divine service is established, hi k Y. C. 1549. — April 6, a proclamation to put down mass, through the realm, st April 10, the cloister, chapel, and charnel house, at Paul's, London, begin t» be pulled down, st Y. C. 1550. — June 11, the high altar in Paul's church, London, puUed down, and a table set in the room ; and soon after, the like in all the churches in London, sf ¥. C. 1551. — February 27, Bucer dies at Cambridge, si September 1, the French king's embassador enters the CouncU of Trent, and deUvers a protestation, that his master owns them not, for a General or Public Council, and that neither he, nor his people, would be obliged to submit thereto, si Y. C. 1552.— January 22, the duke of Somerset beheaded. Ai si January 23, the parliament of England meets ; wherein the book of Com mon Prayer, newly corrected and amended, is established, hi July 31, the famous pacification at Passaw conchuled, between the emperor, and the protestant princes of Germany; wherein it is agreed, that none shall be molested for religion, and that protestauts be admitted into the Imperial chamber, si November 1, tbe new service book begins to be used at Paul's and through the whole city of London : and all copes, vestments, hoods and crosse>, therein forbidden, are laid aside, as by act of Parliament ordered. After which, the upper choir of Paul's church is broken down, and the communion table set in the lower choir, st Y. C. 1553. — April and May, commissioners sent for all the Parish copes and vestments, gold and silver candlesticks, censers Sic. in all the churches through the kingdom, st * Buchanan, turning the name to Greek, calls him Sphocardius. X Easter this year, is Lord's Day, AprU 1, and Holinshed places this a year before ; but from the act of Parliament in November last Stow seems to be right. INTRODUCTION. 91 July 6, king Edward dies, hi st aged 16 : having by will appointed for his successor, Jane Grey, grand-daughter to Mary, youngest daughter of Henry VII. hi st who on July 9, hi or 10, st is proclaimed queen at London. But July 19, Mary I. eldest daughter of Henry Vlll. is there proclaimed queen; pre vails ; August 3, enters the city, Ai st and reigns 5 years, 4 months, 11 days. Ai* August 27, the Latin service begins to be sung at Paul's, st October 5, the Parliament of England meets at Westminster, which enacts the church service to be said in Latin : as in the last year of Henry VIII, st December 20, the church service begins to be said in Latin through the king dom, according to the act of Parliament, st Y. C. 1554. — February 12, queen Jane beheaded Ais( within the tower. Ai July 20, Philip, son to the emperor, lands at Southampton to marry the queen, si Aisp July 25, he marries her at Winchester, si Ai si the emperor's embassador presenting him a resignation of the kingdoms of Naples and Jerusalem. siAi Wednesday, November 21, cardinal Pool from Rome, lands at Dover. No vember 28, hi comes into Parliament and exhorts them to return to the church, and re-submit to the Pope's authority ; next day, the whole Parliament draw up a supplication to the king and queen, to intercede with the Cardinal to restore tliem to the bo.^om of the church, and obedience to the see of Rome : next day, present it, hi st upon which, the Parliament being on their knees, Ai he by a power from the Pope, absolves them ; and they all go to chapel, and sing with great joy, for this reconciliation. Ai st Y. C. 15.55. — Februaty 4, John Rogers burnt in Smithfield; hi st February 8, Lawrence Saunders, at Coventry ; February 9, Bishop Hooper, at Gloces- ter ; and Dr. Taylor, at Hadley ; (Fox) and July 1, John Bradford, in Smith- field, Ai st all for the reformed religion. Fox X September 25, the Diet of Ausburg decree, that both those of the Augus tin Confession and the Roman Catholics, shall enjoy their religion freely, si October 16, bishop Ridley and bishop Latimer, burnt at Oxford, for the reformation. Ai st October 25, the emperor resigns the kingdom of Spain, to his son Philip U. c Cardinal Pool appoints Dr. Story and others, to visit every church in Lon don and Middlesex, and repair the rood lofts and images, st December 18, John Philpot, burnt in Smithfield, for the reformed religion, (Fox) aged 44. Ai Y. C. 1556. — Saturday, March 21, Archbishop Cranmer burnt at Oxford, for the same, Ai st and the next day, cardinal Pool is consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury, st Charles, marquis of Baden, embraces the Augustin Confession, and begins to reform his churches, si July 31, Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, dies p ri d at Rome, aged 65 ; having spread his order through the world, and set up 100 colleges in diverse parts of Christendom ri November 21, John Fecknam installed abbot of Westminster, and fourteen monks receive the habits with him. st December 3, the protestant nobility in Scotland, begin to sign an association to promote the reformed religion, ei Y. C. 1558. — February 24, Charles V. resigns the emperial dignity : ri March 18, his brother Ferdinand chosen emperor : and September 21, Charles V. dies, cri * That is, accounting from the death of Edward VI. t Bishop Hooper and Mr. Rogers, were the heads of the nonconformists in England, st ri Ricciolius. d Dupin. ei Caldenvood, pt Petrie. 92 INTRODUCTION. AprU, Ae 20, (Fox,) Walter MUle, condemned at St. Andrews, in Scotland, for the reformed religion, and burnt, Ac Fox, two days after, aged 82 years, pi _ April 24, the queen of Scots, married in Paris, to Francis, the Dauphin ot France, iiis „ November 17, queen, Mary, of England, dies in the morning, aged 4d ; l>ar- dinal Pool in the evening, hi st And her younger sister. Queen Elizabeth, reigns forty-four years, four months, seven days, December 3, sets forth a Proclamation in London, that the Gospels and Epistles for the day, shall begin to be read in mass-time, in English, in the churches, on Lord's Day, January 1, which is accordingly observed in most parish churches in the city, si ht Y. C. 1559,— January 25, the Parliament of England meets, restores to the crown the supreme government of the State ecclesiastical, and orders the book of Common Prayer to be used in English, and as in the time of king Edward VI, st hi March 2, a Council of the Prelates and Clergy of Scotland meet at Edin burgh ; when the Temporality demand to have divine service in the Scottish tongue, with other reformations ; which the bishops refuse, and occasion great troubles in the kingdom, hi May 2, John Knox, arrives at Leith, from Geneva, and goes to a convention of Protestants at Perth ; el May 10, they pull down the images and altars there, and in the neighboring places ; Ais June 4, earl of Argile and lord James Stuart, the queen's natural brother, do the like at St, Andrews ; June 26, at Sterling, and then at Edinburg, pt and other lords at Glasgow ; upon which a civil war arises, and queen Elizabeth helps the Protestants, Ais Lord's Day, May 14, divine service begins in English in the churches of England, according to the Common Prayer book in king Edward's time, Ai st June 28, the Protestant ministeis of France hold their first Synod at St. German's, bo when they agree on their confession of faith, drawn up by Cal vin, q July 10, Henry II, king of France dies, and his son Francis II, who had married the queen of Scots succeeds, hbp In July, there are" thirteen or fourteen bishops, with many other clergy de prived in England, for refusing the oath to the queen's supremacy, hi st X Saturday, August 12, by order of Dr, Grindal, newly elected bishop of Lon don, the high altar of Paul's Church, with the rood and images of Mary and John taken down, hi and August 23, 24, 25, roods and other images in churches, with copes, vestments, altar cloths, books, rood lofts. Sic, burnt in London, Ai st December 17, Dr. Parker consecrated archbishop of Canterbury, by three deprived bishops ; and then they consecrate the rest, st ¥, C, 1560, — AprU 19, Melancthon dies e at Wirtemberg, st aged 64, t The English begin the trade of fishing at Newfoundland, j' July 7, st or 8 6c ei peace concluded in Scotland ; and August 13, a Parlia ment meets at Edinburg : August 17, agrees on a Protestant Confession of Faith ; dpi and August 24, el make two acts for abolishing the Mass, and the Pope's authority in the kingdom, el pt ^ * He is the last martyr for the protestant religion in Scotland, Fox, and his death the death of Popery there ; pt for upon this the Protestants through the kingdom unite in their defence against their enemies, Ae pt bo Bohun's continuation of Sleidan, q Quick's Synodicon, X Fuller says, there was but one of all the bishops, viz, of Landas, who conformed to the queen's commands, } Fuller mistakes in saying aged 63, j King James's Patent of Newfoundland in Purchas, § Ais mistakes in first placing these acts in the Parliament of Dec, 15, 1567 ; when they were only renewed and further ratified. See ei and pt INTRODUCTION. 93 December 5, Francis II, king of France dies, be c aged 17 ; and his brother Charles IX, succeeds, e aged 10, d December 20, the first National Assembly of the Reformed Church of Scot land meets at Edinburg, el pt Y. C, 1561 — January 17, the first book ofdiscipline allowed by the CouncU of Scotland, pt subscribed by a great part of the nobility, ei May 21, the Parliament of Scotland meets, and makes an act for demolish ing all the monastaries, 6c August 20, Ais el or 24, 6e the queen of Scots, arrives at Leith, from France, Ais cl be Y. C, 1562. — Jan. 17, an assembly of delegates from all the Parliaments of France, meet at St. Germans ; wherein is passed the famous edict, aUowing liberty of conscience to Protestants, and of worship without the cities, and of Synods in presence of a magistrate, bo Chatillon, Admiral of France, sends John Ribalt to Florida : arrives at Cape Francis, in 30 deg. north lat : May 1, enters a river, which he therefore calls the river Ma}' ; discovers eight others ; one of which he calls Port Royal, sails up the same many leagues, builds a fort, calls it Charles, and leaves there a colony ; which soon mutinies, kills their captain, Albert, for his severity, and breaks up. ps There are this year accounted 2150 assemblies of Protestants in France. 5o Y. C. 1563. — January 12, the convocations of the English clergy meets : January 31, they finish the thirty-nine articles. At the lower House, forty-three present are for throwing out the ceremonies ; but thirty-five for keeping them : however, these, with tlie help of proxies, carry it by one vote, above the others, sir The bishops now beginning to urge the clergy to subscribe to the liturgy, and ceremonies, as well as the articles, Coverdale, Fox, Humfrey, Sampson, Whittingham, and others, refuse to suljscribe ; and this begins the era of non- comforniity in England, st sir * December 4, the Council of Trent dissolves, e Y. C. 1564. — Chatillon sends Rene Laudonier to Florida : in April sets saU with three ships ; June 22, arrives ten leagues above Cape Francis, and then in the river May ; builds a fort thereon , and in honour of his king, Charles IX. calls it Carolina, ps May 27, Calvin dies at Geneva, aged fifty-four years, ten months, seventeen days, bz Y. C, 1565, — July, Henry Stuart, Lord Darnly, made by the queen of Scots duke of Albany : A.'s July 29, she marries him ; and. the next day, they are proclaimed king an-i queen. 6c t August end. Captain Ribalt arrives from France at Florida, again, with seven saU : but September 4, Pedro Melendes, with six great Spanish sliips, comes into the river, massacres Ribalt and all his company, possesses the country, builds three forts, and puts 1200 soldiers in them : Laudonier escaping to France, ps Y. C. 1566. — Captain Savalet, of Gascony in France, begins to fish at La- cady ; and goes every year, making forty-two voyages to 1607. ps June 19, James born to the queen of Scotland. 6c his st Y. C. 1567. — February 10, his father killed, his st by Earl Bothwell ; whom the queen soon after marries. 6c his sir. Strype's Annals. * Coverdale had been bishop in the reign of Edward VI. and helped to consecrate Archbishop Parker : Fox was the famous Martyrologist : Dr. Humfrey was regius Professor of Divinity, and President of Magdalen Col lege, Oxford : Dr. Sampson was Dean of Christ's Church, Oxford: and Mr. Whittingham, Dean of Durham. t Ais says, she proclaimed him king on Saturday, July 28, at even ; and the next morning marries him : but this seems unlikely. 94 INTRODUCTION. July 24, the queen of Scots resigns the crown to her son, and makes the earl of Murray, regent, Ais and July 29, her said son, James VI. is crowned. be st cl ^ Captain Dominique de Gourges, with three ships, sails from France to Flo rida : April 1568, arrives in the river May, slays most of the Spaniards, takes their forts, razes them and in June, arrives at Rochelle. ps And thus the French attempts on Florida end. t Y. C. 1568.— May 16, st or 17 cm the queen of Scots comes into England ; and is soon secured, si cm Y. C. 1570. — Cartwright, Margarets professor of Divinity, at Cambridge, begins to oppose the hierarchy, and is deprived, str X Y. C. 1571. — The Parliament of England begin ; and make an act, to deprive all clergymen who subscribe not to the thirty-nine articles, k upon which many clergvmen are deprived, st str Y. C. 1562. — August 24, and few days after, seventy thousand Protestants massacreed in Paris, and other parts of France, c November 20, n the first Presbyterian church in England set up at Wads- worth near London ; when they choose eleven elders, st Y. C. 1574, — May 30, Charles IX. of France, dies : and his brother Henry III. reigns, sip Y. C. 1575.— May 17, Archbishop Parker dies, st hi and Feb. 15, Edmund Grindal elected archbishop of Canterbury, st Y C. 1576. — June 15, Captain Frobisher sails from BlackwaU, st June 18, from Harwich, c m to find a northwest passage to the East Indies : July 20, discovers a Cape he calls queen Elizabeth's Poreland ; and then the Straits which bear his name ; st August 9, enters a bay in lat. 63, c m sails 60 leagues, lands, takes a savage, si But the ice obliges him to return ; and arrives in England, September 24. c m§ Y. C. 1577. — December 13, Captain Francis Drake sails from Plymouth round the world, and returns to Plymouth, November 3, 1580. st cm ps Y. C. 1579. — .lanuary 23, the seven Dutch Provinces unite at Utrecht, tt Sir Humphry Gilbert obtains a patent of queen Elizabeth, for places not possessed by any christian prince, provided he takes possession within six years, har Y, C, 1581, — January 16, the Parliament of England meet, and enact a fine of '20 pounds a month, on every one that comes not to Common Prayer, k and in July, sundry arc fined, st Y. C. 1582, — October 5, the new style begins, which calls it the fifteenth. ri sic Robert Brown publishes a book upon Reformation, n wherein he writes against the Common Prayer, st and condemns the Church of England, as no Church, cm Y, C, 1583, — June 4, Elias Thacker, and (June 6) John Coping put to death at Bury, in Suffolk, for spreading Brown's books against the Common Prayer, st June 11, Sir Humphrey Gilbert, sails from Plymouth, for Newfoundland ; August 1, arrives at the bay of Conception ; August 3, at the harbour of St, * Ais mistakes in placing the coronation on July 19, + N, B. The attempts of Soto and Naruaz were on the west side of Cape Florida, in the country since called Mississippi ; but the French attempts on the east side, in the country since called Carolina. em Camden, n Neal's History of the Puritans, X The hierarchy is the lordly government of the church by archbishops, diosesan bishops, deans, archdeacons, &,c, § Stow seems to mistake in placing his arrival in England in August, it. Petit, Aar, Harris, sic. Strauchius, INTRODUCTION. 95 Johns :* August 5, takes possession ; August 20, saUs for the southern parts ; August 29, loses a ship on the shoals of Sablon ; August 31, turns homeward ; at midnight after September 6, he sinks in a great storm ; and September 22, tbe other ship arrives at Falmouth, Aar July 6, Archbishop Grindal dies ; and September 23, John Whitgift made Archbishop of Canterbury, st who zealously presses subscription to the Articles and Common Prayer ; which occasions incredible distraction in the church, em Y. C. 1584. — March 25, sir Walter Raleigh obtains a patent of queen Elizabeth, for foreign parts not possessed by any christian prince, ps April 27, he sends Philip Amidas and Arthur Barlow in two barks, ps sfrom the Thames ; Jidy 2, descry the coast of Florida ; sail 40 leagues for a harbour ; enter one, seven leagues west of Roanoak : s July 13, take posses sion for queen Elizabeth ; and from her call the country Virginia ; ps X July end, they come to Roanoak ; and in the middle of September,arrive in England, s Y. C. 1585. — April 9, sir Walter sends sir Richard Greenvil ps s from Ply mouth ; June 20, faUs in with Florida ; June 26, anchors at Wococon, ps leaves the first colony of above one hundred people under Mr. Ralph Lame, at Roa noak : ps s July 25, sir Richard sails, discovering the coast northeastward, to the Chesepians, ps and September 18, arrives at Plymouth, s Captain John Davis saUs from England, to find a northwest passage to the East Indies ; sails up 66 deg. north, in the straits that bear his name ; the next year to 80 deg. and afterward to 83 deg. cm X Y.C, 1586. — January 1, sir Francis Dralse arrives at Hispaniola, ct cm takes St. Domingo ; sails to the continent and takes Cartagena ; saUs to Florida ; ct st cm. May 29, takes St. John's Fort at St. Augustine ; § June 9, arrives within six leagues of the English at Roanoak ; and June 18, saUs with this first colony for England, ei A fortnight after, arrives sir Richard Greenvil ; and not finding the first, leaves there a second colony of fifteen men,ps or fifty s, and returns to England. ps s Y. C. 1587. — Feb. 8, the queen of Scots beheaded in England, st em Sir Walter sends another company to Virginia under Mr. John White, governor, with a charter and twelve assistants ; July 22, arrives at Hatarask, finds the second colony at Roanoak destroyed, ps and lands one hundred and fifteen for a third plantation, s August 13, Manteo, the first savage baptized ; August 18, the first English child born of Mrs. Dare, and named Virginia, s and August 27, the governor sails home for supplies, ps Y. C. 1588. — July, the Spanish armada destroyed in the channel of England. st cm Y. C. 1589. — July 22, king Henry III. of France, stabbed, e by a jacobin friar, rf dies the next day, c and Henry IV. succeeds, e p * He finds here twenty Portuguese and Spanish fishing vessels, and sixteen of other nations, har ps Purchas. s Smith. i This country is since called North Carolina ; and the land northeast ward succeeds in the name Virginia. X These Straits running up near due north and so near the Pole, and having different coloured people on the several sides, seem to be the dividing sea between Greenland and America. ct Cate's account of this voyage, printed in 1589, § Both cm andps mistake St, Anthony's for St, John's; and also in saying, that he took St, Helena. See Cate's account, who was in the voyage. 96 INTRODUCTION. Y. C. 1590. — March 20, governor White sails from Plymouth ; s August 15, arrives at Hatarask, but finding not a man of the third colony, returns, ps s* Y. C 1593. — April 6, Henry Barrow, gent, and John Greenwood, clerk, put to death at Tyburn, for publishing certain books hs against the hierarchy, n May 28, n Mr. John Penry put to death at St. Thomas Watering's lis for a manuscript found in his study against the hierarchy and persecution, n Y C. 1598. — The French king grants the marquis de la Roche, a commis sion to conquer Canada and other countries not possessed by any christian prince ; pr and in April gives the famous edict of Nantz, to the protestants. q September 3, Philip II. king of Spain dies, p As aged seventy -two, Aj and his son Philip III. succeeds, p its Y. C. 1602. — March 26, Captain Bartholomew Gosnold sails from Falmouth, for the north part of Virginia, with thirty-two persons ; twelve of whom are to begin a plantation ; May 10, discovers land in 43 deg. ; sails along the shore to May 15; when he sees a head land in 42 deg.; anchors, and catching great store of cod fish, names it Cape Cod, and goes ashore ; May sixteen, sails round the Cape ; May 21, discovers an Island in 41 and 15 ; May, 22, lands, and calls it Martha's Vineyard ; May 24, comes to another next it, which he names Dover Cliff; and then to another, which he caUs Elizabeth Island ; May 31, lands on the Main, and returns to Elizabeth Island ; June 1, determines on a settlement here, and begins a fort ; June 13, the men who were to stay, recant and resolve for England ; June 17, they aU set saU ; and Friday, July 23, arrive at Exmouth. ps Y. C. 1603. — March 24, queen Elizabeth dies, aged 70 ; cm hs and James VI. of Scotland, proclaimed king of England, As and begins the British Monarchy. * Thus the third colony of old Virginia is broken up ; and though sir Walter sends five times to seek them, ps yet never one of them found to this day, 1622, . its Howes. pr Perier. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. PART J. From the beginning of the British monarchy, in the accession of kin'r James, the first monarch of Great Britain, March 24, 1602 — 3, to the begin ning of the New England colonies, in the settlement of the first at Plymouth, December 31, 1620, Being a brief account of matters relating to those new discovered countries, while settled only by the aboriginal natives. Reciting the several voyages from England thither; with the most material affairs, especially of Great Britain, that led the way to their settlement by English inhabitants. Having passed through the seven great periods of time, from the Creation to the beginning of the British empire, with the discovery of that Indian shore which is soon to be the theatre of our Chronology, a new face of things appears, both to the western parts of Europe, and the eastern of Ame rica. For though 110 years are elapsed, since the new world became known to the old, yet neither the French, Dutch, nor English, nor any but Spaniards, have made any effectual settlement in these new found regions. And as the gold and silver mines had drawn the Spaniards to the southern and western quarters, I cannot find, at this point of time, so much as one European family in all the vast extent of coast from Florida to Greenland. The reason of which I take to be — that the next year after Columbus's Discovery, the Pope was pleased to give the Crown of Spain the sole title to all the lands lying above one hundred leagues west from the meridian of the Azores ; 13 98 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. the Bull was signed at Rome, May 4, 1493 ;* and such was then the ignorance that reigned in Europe, as scarce any thought but he had a right to give them. Within thirty years, indeed, the Reformation coming on, began to open the eyes of many ; yet both England, Scotland, Ireland, France, and the Netherlands, were so fully erigaged for near fourscore years, with their own internal broils about rehgion, as well as mutual wars on this and other accounts, that they had neither power nor leisure to attend to foreign settlements. But in 1598, France was quieted with the edict of Nantz, in April ; and by a peace in May, with Phihp, king of Spain and Portugal. Just before queen Elizabeth died, the dis turbances in Ireland were quelled ; and she expired in peace with all the princes and states in Europe, except Philip king of Spain, and archduke Albert sovereign of the Spanish Netherlands. And king James, as king of Scotland, being then in amity with all the world, upon his accession to the English throne, thcitwo British crowns became united in him ; and, as king of England, he soon left the Dutch to defend themselves, and concluded a peace with king Philip and archduke Albert. So that all the western powers of Europe were in tranquillity, except that the war continued between the Dutch on one side, and the king of Spain with the arch duke on the other. The French and English being thus at liberty, began to look more seriously now than ever, to the new found world. First they send to fish and trade, and then to settle ; the French at Canada and Acadia, the English to south and north Virginia, Newfoundland, and Burmudas. For tlje English at this time extend Virginia from Florida to the Bay of Fundy, divide it into south and north ; and the north is that we are now to attend ; though it seems not to take the name of New England till 1614. Many attempts are made to settle this rough and northern country ; first by the French, who would fain account it part of Canada; and then by the English; and both from mere secular views. But such a train of crosses accompany the designs of both these nations, that they seem to give it over as not worth the planting ; till a pious people of England, not allowed to worship their Maker according to his institutions * See the Bull in Purchas and Harris, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 99 only, without the mixture of human ceremonies, are spirited to attempt the settlement ; that here they might enjoy a wor ship purely scriptural, and leave the same to their posterity. And they succeeding, open the way for the following colonies. In this first part, I shall therefore recount, as well the most material events in Great Britain, wherewith they were chiefly affected before their leaving it, as the several voyages and attempts to settle these long neglected shores, till their arrival in 1620 ; keeping a particular eye on those remarkable steps of Providence, that led to this happy enterprise ; and not omitting the primary settlements of the neighboring countries. In the English history', besides a number of ancient pam phlets, printed within this period, and which I found in an old broken up library in England, I chiefly follow Howes* and Fuller. In the voyages and attempts of settlement, I chiefly make use of Purchas, Smith and Georges, who lived in the times they wrote of; and the two last personally interested in those affairs. Harris omitting many valuable accounts of these parts of the world preserved in Purchas ; and Purchas being more of an original, I prefer the latter. In the passages relating to the Plymouth planters, I chiefly use Governor Bradford's manuscript History of that church and colony, in folio ; who was with them from their beginning to the end of his Narrative ; which is now before me, and was never pub lished. And in reciting from them, for the greater satisfac tion, I keep so closely to the words of my Authors, as I have in the last great Section of the Introduction, that the reader may conceive them as speaking in their several articles. As for the rise of these Plymouth planters. Governor Bradford informs us in the following terms. ' That several religious people, near the joining borders of Notinghamshire, Lincolnshire and Yorkshire, finding their pious ministers urged with subscription, f or silenced, and the people greatly vexed with the Commissary courts. Apparitors, and Purse- vants, which they had borne sundry years with much patience, till they were occasioned by the continuance and increase of these troubles, and other means, to see further into these * Howes's Continuation of Stow in folio, printed in 1631, and his Abridgment, in octavo, printed in 1618 ; wherein are several remarkable events not men tioned in the folio, t Subscription to the books of Common Prayer, Ceremonies, and all the Articles, Fuller. 100 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. things by the light of the'word of God ; how that not only the ceremonies were unlawful, but also the lordly and tyrannous power of the prelates, who would, contrary to the freedom of the gospel, load the consiliences of men, and by their compul sive power make a profane mixture of things and persons in divine worship ; that their offices, courts, and canons, were unlawful; being such as have no warrant in the word of God, but ihe same that were used in popery, and still retained. Upon which this people shake off this yoke of antichristian bondage ;* and, as the Lord's free people, join themselves by covenant into a church state, to walk in all his ways, made known, or to be made known to them, according to their best endeavors, whatever it cost them.' Governor Bradford's History takes no notice of the year of this Federal Incorporation, but Mr. Secretary Morton, in his memorial, places it in 1602. And I suppose he had the account, either from some other writings of Governor Brad ford, the Journals of Governor Winslow, or from oral confer ence with them, or other of the first planters ; with some of whom he was contemporary, and from whence, he tells us, he received his inteUigence. And these are the christian people who were the founders of the Plymouth church and colony ; who seem to be some of the first in England, that were brave enough to improve the liberty wherewith the divine Author of our religion has made us free, and observe his institutions as their only rule in church order, discipline and worship ; for which they dearly suffered, and left their native country ; and who laid the first foundation of the New England settlements. But we shall hear no more of them till 1606, when, under all their suffer ings, they grow into two congregations. And that the reader may have some idea of the Puritans, so often mentioned in the histories of those times, and from whom this people de rive, I shall only relate the definition which Dr. Fulk, a famous church of England writer, has given us of them. They are called Puritans, says he, who would have the church thoroughly reformed ; that is, purged from all those * They are Governor Bradford's words, as are all the rest in this citation ; and he seems to call this antichristian bondage ; as he judged the inventions of men, in worship imposed on the conscience, to be a bondage brought into the church by the Papal policy and power, against the superior law of Christ, the genius of his plain religion, and Christian liberty. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 101 inventions which have been brought into it since the age of the apostles, and reduced entirely to the scripture purity. But I begin with the voyages of others. And though the first I mention seems to commence a few days before Queen Elizabeth died, yet the reader will quickly see the ship leaves not the shore of Britain till above a fortnight after. N. B. I still keep to the Julian year ; and where foreign authors use the new style, I reduce it to the old. That the reader may more distinctly see the 'chronological articles of the Plymouth planters, their lines begin with commas. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. King of Great Britain, James I. — King of France, Henry IV. — King of Spain, Philip III. March 20, 1603. The Bristol men, by leave of sir Walter Raleigh, send captain Martin Pring, with a small ship of fifty tons, thirty men and boys, and William Brown with a bark of twenty-six tons, thirteen men and a boy ; who then sail from King Road,* for the further discovery of North Virginia. April 10th, they sail from Milford Haven. In June they fall in with the main coast and a multitude of islands in 43 deg. and 30 min. north, land upon them, coast along the shore, bear into Cape Cod bay, sail round the Cape, anchor on the south side in 41 deg. and 25 min. where they land in another bay and excellent harbor, make a barricado, stay seven weeks. July ends, the 'bark goes homeward laden with Sassafras, and arrives safe. August 8th or 9th, the ship sets sail, and arrives at King Road again October 2d. {Pur.) March 31. King James proclaimed at Edin burgh, king of Scotland, England, France, and Ireland. {Cal.) * 1 suppose King Road is near Bristol in England. Cal Calderwood- NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 103 1603, King of G, Britain, James I, — France, Henry IV, — Spain, PhUip III, April 3. Lord's day, he declares in the great church at Edinburgh, that as God has promoted him to a greater power, he must endeavor to esta blish religion and take away corruption in both the countries ; and that he had so settled both the church and kingdom in that state which he intend ed not to alter any ways. {Cal. and Petrie) April 5. King James sets out from Edinburgh. {Cal. and Howes) Saturday May 7th, enters Lon don. {Speed and Howes) In his way to London,* 746 ministers of the church of England, out of twenty-five counties of the forty in England and the twelve in Wales, present him a petition, desir ing reformation of certain ceremonies and abuses of the churchjt called the millenary petition. {Ful ler) May 10. Bartholomew Gilbert, in a bark of fifty tons, sails from Plymouth, to seek for the third colony left in South Virginia. June 16, arrives at St. Lucia ; 17, at Dominica ; 19, at Mevis ; thence sails for South Virginia. But Friday, July 29, landing near Chesepioc bay, the captain and four more are slain by the Indians ; the rest set sail and arrive at RatclifF, near London in the end of September. Pur June 4. A Grace passes in the University of Cambridge, that whoever shall publicly oppose either in word or writing, or any other way, in the said university, either the doctrine or discipline of the said Church of England, or any part thereof, hs Howes, * Vice-Chancellor, &c, of Oxford, in their answer, printed there in quarto, 1603, who say, the petition was exhibited in April, t Abridgment of the book which the ministers of Lincoln Diocess present ed to the king on Dec, 1, 1604, and printed in quarto, 1605, wherein there is a list of the number of the said petitioners in each of the said twenty-five counties ; namely, thirty in London, fifty-seven in Essex, seventy-one in Suffolk, &c. 104 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1603, King of G, Britain, James I,— France, Henry IV,— Spain, PhUip III, shall, ipso facto, be excluded from having any degree, and be deprived of every one they have taken. June 1 — 8, Arrive ambassadors from Holland, France, Spain, Archduke Albert, &c. {Hs. and Baker.) July. Sir Walter Raleigh, and others, appre hended and committed to the tower. {Howes and Baker.) July 25. Monday, king James with his queen, crowned at Westminster. {Speed and Howes) Sept. 21. Sir Walter Raleigh and others, in dicted of high treason. {Hoices.) Nov. 10, Thursday, Sir Walter Raleigh, and five others, removed from the tower towards Win chester. Nov. 12,* committed to Winchester cas tle. {Howes) Nov. 17, arraigned and declared guilty, {Speed and Howes) and Dec. 15. returned to the tower of London. (Howes.) Dec. 22. From Dec. 23, last year, to this day, died of the plague in London, 30,578 ; and of all diseases, 38,244 ; {Hoices and Bak.) But the year following, London is clear of the infection, and all the shires in England grievously visited. {Howes) Dec. 27. The famous Mr. Cartwright, dies in England, at the age of 60, {Fid.) and Fuller says, he was most pious, an excellent scholar, pure La- tinist, accurate Grecian, exact Hebrician. Jan. 14, 1604. Saturday, the conference in the privy chamber at Hampton Court begins, between king James and the Bishops' party only ; wherein he tells them, that however he had lived among puritans, yet since he was ten years old, he ever * Sir Richard Baker inaccurately places this on Nov, 4, when only the lord Grey and Cobham were removed. NEW ENGLAND 'CHRONOLOGY. 105 1604, King of G, Britain, James 1, — France, Henry IV, — Spain, Philip III, disliked their opinions ; and as Christ said, though he lived among them, he was not of them. {Bar low)* Jan. 16. Monday, the second conference be tween the king, and both the Bishops' and Puritan parties together ; wherein the agents for the mil lenary plaintiffs are Dr. Reynolds, Dr. Sparkes, Mr. Knowstubs and Mr. Chaderton. And though they are willing to conform and subscribe according to law,t the king declares, I will have one doctrine, and one discipline, one religion in substance and in ceremony. Tells the lords and bishops again, he had lived among such sort of men as the puri tans, ever since he was ten years old ; but might say of himself as Christ, Though I lived among them, I was never of them ; nor did any thing make me more to detest their courses, than that they disallowed of all things which had been used in Popery ;t swears by his soul, he believed Eccle- siasticus was a bishop ; says, that a Scottish pres bytery as well agrees with monarchy, as God and the devil ; at his going away, says to some, if this be all they have to say, I shall make them conform, or I will hurry them out of the land, or do worse ; and one of the lords said, he was fully persuaded bar Dr. Barlow, Dean of Chester, his sum of the Conference printed in quarto, London, 1604. * And yet he had twice sworn and subscribed their confession of faith, namely, in 1581 and 1590 ; and in their general assembly of Aug. 1590, solemnly praised God that he was born to be king of such a Church, the purest in the world, and that the service of the Church of England was an ill said mass in English. (Cal. and Peine) t I should have observed, under 1570, that the act of Parliament required subscription to all the articles of religion, which only concern the confession of the true Christian faith, and the doctrine of the sacraments (Keeble) and under 1583, that Archbishop Whitgift extending subscription to all the articles without exception, occasioned all the troubles the puritans endured. X By this it appears, he mistook or misrepresented the puritans ; for their main dispute was only against human inventions, and their being used in Popery, was an additional reason to put them away. 14 106 KEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1604, King of G. Britain, James L— France, Henry IV,— Spain, PhUip III, his majesty spake by the instinct of the Spirit of God. {Barlow) ' Jan. 18. Wednesday the third, and last day's conference, first between the king and bishops' party only ; wherein the king defends the high commission, with subscription to all the articles and Common Prayer book, as also of the oath ex officio ; and though one of the lords* plead ed, that the proceedings of the high commission courts were like the Spanish inquisition, wherein men are urged to subscribe more than the law re quired, and that by the oath ex officio, they were enforced to accuse themselves, that they were ex amined upon twenty or twenty-four articles upon the sudden, without deliberation, and for the most part against themselves ; yet the king approves and vindicates them all, and says, if any, after things are well ordered, will not be quiet and show his obedience, the church were better without him, and he were worthy to be hanged ; the lords and the rest stood amazed at his majesty's wise dis course ; Archbishop Whitgift said, undoubtedly his majesty spake by the special assistance of God's Spirit. Dr. Bancroft bishop of London, upon his knee protested, his heart melted with joy, and made haste to acknowledge to Almighty God the singular mercy received at his hands in giving such a king, as since Christ his time, the like he thought hath not been ; whereto the lords with one voice did yield a very affectionate acclamation. Secondly, then Dr. Reynolds and his associates were called in, and though they entreated that the cross in baptism and surplice might not be urged upon some honest godly and painful minis- * Most of the lords of his majesty's Council were present in aU these con ferences. Bar NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 107 1604. King of G, Britain, James I,— France, Henry IV,— Spain, PhUip III, ters, yet his majesty willed that the bishop should set a time, and if they would not yield, whatsoever they were, to remove them ; either let them con form, and that shortly, or they shall hear of it. {Bar)* Jan. 31. King James issues a writ for a convo cation of the province of Canterbury to meet be fore Archbishop Whitgift as president at St. Paul's London, on March 20. {en) February 29. Wednesday, Archbishop Whitgift dies, aged 73, {Hs. hi) and Dr. Barlow says, that not many days before he was stricken, he most earnestly desired that he might not live to see the Parliament which is to meet on March 1 9. March 5. King James issues a proclamation, that the same religion with Common Prayer, and Episcopal jurisdiction, shall fully and only be pub licly exercised, in all respects, as in the reign of queen Elizabeth, without hope of toleration of any other. {Hs.)-\ March 9. The Archbishop being dead, king James issues a second writ, for the convocation to appear before Dr. Bancroft, bishop of London, as president, en March 19. King James's first Parliament meets at Westminster, {Hs and Keeble) when he declares the Puritans to be a sect unable to be suflTered in any well governed commonwealth ; acknowledges the Roman church to be our mother church, al though defiled with some infirmities and cor ruptions ; professes he would be content to meet * I recite these passages to show the king's and bishops' disposition towards the puritans, and what little favor these could now expect from the others, en Book of Canons, printed in quarto, London, 1616, hi Hollandii Herologia Anglica, X Both Howes' Abridgment, and sir Richard Baker, wrongly place this in the following year. 108 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1604, King of.G, Britain, James I,-^France, Henry IV,— Spain, Philip III, her in the midway ; and that since his coming, he has been so far from increasing the burthens of the Papists that he had, as much as either time, occa sion or law could permit, lightened them, &c. {K. James's speech.) March 20. Convocation meets at St. Paul's, London, before bishop Bancroft president, en April 12. And June 25, king James issues his letters patent, to empower the Convocation to agree on such ecclesiastical canons as they should think fit; they accordingly draw up a book of 141 ca nons, and desire the king's assent to them, which he grants, confirming the said canons, and com manding the same to be observed both in the pro vince of Canterbury and York, en July 6. King James issues a proclamation ; wherein he orders the Puritan ministers either to conform, hn before the last of November, cd or dis pose of themselves and families some other way ; as being men unfit, for their obstinacy and con tempt, to occupy such places, hn August 18. Articles of peace and commerce concluded at London with the king of Spain and archduke Albert, ar August 19, Lord's JDay, king James swares to the said articles ; and afternoon the peace proclaimed. Hs September 20. Ostend surrendered by the Dutch to the Spaniards ; having been besieged from June 25, 1601 ; and during the siege there died in the city 72,900 persons, and many more of the Spanish besiegers without it. {Calvisius) October 24. King James proclaimed king of Great Britain. Hs bn Archbishop Bancroft, in his letter to the bishops of his province, dated December 18, 1604, cd A tract entitled Certain Demands, fee, printed in quarto, 1605, ar Articles of Peace, he. printed in quarto, London, 1605, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 109 1605, King of G, Britain, James I, — France, Henry IV, — Spain, PhiUp III December 10. Dr. Bancroft bishop of London, translated to the archbishopric of Canterbury, Hs who drives on conformity very fiercely through all his province. (Fuller) December 18. Archbishop Bancroft writes a letter to the bishops of his province ; wherein he calls the Puritan ministers disobedient, obstinate &c. ; requires that none be admitted to ecclesiasti cal functions without subscription to the Canons ; and to deprive those who are in the church, unless they will both conform and also subscribe accord ing to the Canons, hn March 31, 1605. Lord's Day, captain George Weymouth, with twenty-nine persons, sails from the Downes, (Purchas) being employed by the earl of Southampton, and lord Arundel of Wardor, for the discovery of a northwest passage to the East Indies. But falling short of his course, (F. Gor) Tuesday, May 14, descries land in forty- one degrees and thirty minutes north, in the midst of dangerous rocks and shoals ; upon which he puts oflf to sea ; the wind blowing hard at S. S. W. and W. S. W. many days, Friday, May 17, descries land again ; the next day, finds it an island, an chors on the north side, lands and calls it George's Island ; whence he sees the main land and many other islands. Lord's Day, May 19, weighs and sails to another island, three leagues nearer the main ; goes into an excellent harbor, which he calls Pentecost Harbor ; and the next day goes ashore in the shallop. Thursday, May 30, sails in a shal lop up a great river, and the next day returned.* Tuesday, June 11, goes up the river in his ship, F. Gor. Sir Ferdinando Gorges, governor of the island and fort of Ply mouth in England, in his narration, he. * This seems to be Sagadehock ; and sir F, Gorges doubtless mistakes in eaUing it Femaquid river. 110 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1805, King of G, Britain, James I, — France, Henry IV, — Spain, Philip UI, twenty-six miles ; says it is half a mile wide, for forty miles into the country. Thursday, June 13, sails in his shallop or pinnace, twenty miles into the western branch of the river, and sets up a cross. Friday, June 14, the ship goes down the river ; upon a rock in the midst of the harbor, he finds the latitude forty-three degrees, twenty minutes, and the variation eleven degrees, fifteen minutes, west. Lord's Day, June 16, sets sail ; and Thursday, July 18, arrives at Dartmouth. (Pur.) * April 8. Mr. John Stow, being eighty years old, a laborious writer of the English Annals, for forty-seven years, is buried, and Howes continues them. Hs July 2. Tuesday, the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland meeting at Aberdeen, the king's commissioner presents them a letter from the lords of the Council requiring them to dissolve, without appointing another assembly ; however, according to custom, they appoint another to meet on September 24, and then dissolve ; for which the Council sends Mr. John Forbes the moderator, and thirteen other ministers, to several prisons. Cal. and Petrie. October 13. Lord's Day, Beza dies at Geneva, cc ml aged eighty-six years, three months, and nineteen days, ml \ November 1. The names being taken of the Puritan ministers deprived, under admonition and denied admittance, for not subscribing, amount to above 270 ; and yet of eight bishoprics no account * Sir F, Gorges, says, captain Weymouth brought thence five natives ; and happening to put into Plymouth, sir Ferdinand, then governor there, received three of them, viz, Manida, Shetwarroes and Tisquanttun, and kept them fuU three years, ce Continuatio Calvisii, ml Melcb Adamus. t Petavius mistakes in saying October 25 ; and Alsted, in placing his death in 1600. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. Ill 1606. King of G. Britain, James I, — France, Henry IV. — Spain, Philip III, is given.* Some had preached in the church ten, some twenty, some thirty years, some more ; and till now, in some churches, the ceremonies had been disused for ten years, in others twenty, in others thirty, in others more, cr November 5. Tuesday, at three this morning, the Gunpowder Treason plot discovered to have been executed this day by the Papists, by blowing up the Parliament, who were to meet this day, with thirty-six barrels of gunpowder laid under the house, {ds Speed and Howes,) and when the blast was made, it was to be charged on the Puritans, hh November 9. Saturday, king James comes to Parliament, and makes a speech ; (Howes) wherein he cautions them against judging rashly of the Ro man Catholics in general ; says that many among them may relhain good and faithful subjects; but detesting and thinking the cruelty of Puritans worthy of fire, that will admit no salvation to any Papist, kj January 10, 1606. Though it was commonly thought the deliverance from the popish powder plot, would have moved the king to desist from troubling minsters in England for nonconform ing to the ceremonies, and ministers in Scotland for standing to their confirmed liberty ; yet this day, by the king's command, the moderator and five other of the imprisoned ministers in Scotland, are arraigned of treason at Lithgow for declining * Dr, Dayton says, that from June 25, 1604, to November 5, 1605, there were 400 ministers ejected, silenced or suspended by virtue of these canons, cr A quarto tract, entitled Certain Reasons why the Preachers who refuse to subscribe, should not be removed or inhibited to preach. Printed in those times, di Discourse of Treason, quarto, printed by the king's printer, at London, 1605, Calvisius wrongly places the Gunpowiier Treason in 1606, bh Benjamin Hubbard's Serrao Secularis printed in quarto, at London, , 1648, kj King James's speech printed in quarto, at London, 1605. 112 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1606. King of G. Britain, James I. — France, Henry IV. — Spain, Philip III, the jurisdiction of the Council in ecclesiastical matters ; and after a deal of tampering, flattering, threatening, &c. the major part of the court brings them in guilty ; upon which they are ordered into closer ward, and none allowed access to them ; Cal. pt and February 5, a proclamation at Edin burgh, that none speak against the proceedings of of the king, Council, or court, in trying and punish ing them, or against any other proceedings of the king, Council, or state, past, present or to come, upon pain of death. Cat. Sir John Popham, lord chief justice of the King's Bench, prevails on many lords and others, to peti tion king James for the settling two plantations on the main coasts of America ; upon which, (F. Gor.) April 10. King James, by patent" divides Vir ginia into two colonies ; the southern called the first colony, between thirty-four and forty-one de grees north, he grants to the London Company ; the northern called the second colony, between thirty-eight and forty-five degrees north, he grants to the Plymouth Company ; forbidding both to plant within a hundred miles of each other ; and giving each colony, a Council of thirteen, to rule, coin, &c. Pur. May 21. King James writes to Mr. James and Andrew Melvin and six other principal Presbyte rian ministers in Scotland, to come to him before September 15, to treat with them for the peace of the church there ; this being the pretence ; but the event proves that the policy is to detain and confine them, that by their absence. Episcopacy may be advanced in Scotland. Cal. July b. Parliament of Scotland meets at Perth, which, against the protestation of the commissioners NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 113 1606, King of G, Britain, James I, — France, Henry IV. — Spain, Philip III. of the presbyteries through the kingdom, restores the state of bishops to their ancient dignities, pre rogatives, tythes, rents, thirds, &c. ; contrary to the constitution and doctrine of the church of Scotland, preached these forty-six years, and con trary to the confession of faith sworn and subscribed in 1581, and 1590, by the king and his household, &c. Cal. July. Sir Edward Coke made lord chief justice of the Common Pleas in England. Hs August 12. Tuesday, lord chief justice Pop- ham, sir F. Gorges, and some others of the Ply mouth Company, send captain Henry Challons, (Purchas) a brave gentleman, pc from Plymouth, in a ship of fifty-five tons, twenty-nine English, with Mannido and Assecomoit, two of the five savages brought last year from a goodly river thrice discovered by him in North Virginia, in forty-three degrees, twenty north ; to make a further discovery of these coasts, and if occasion offers, to leave as many men as he could spare, in the country ; but sailing to Madeiras, St. Lucia, Porto Rico, and thence towards North Virginia, on November 10 he is taken (Purchas) by the Spanish fleet (F. Gor) of eight ships, (Purchas) coining from the Havana, (F. Gor) who carry him into Spain. (Pur. and F. Gor.) Shortly after captain Challon's departure from Plymouth, the lord chief justice sends another ship from Bristol, F. Gor under Thomas Hanam commander, and Martin Prinn master, with more supplies to second captain Challons ; but not pc President and Council's relation of the discovery and plantation of New England, printed in quarto, London, 1622. 15 114 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1606. King of G. Britain, James I.— France, Henry IV.— Spain, PhUip Ilf. finding captain Challons there, they return to England, pc * August, e. The eight Scotch ministers whom the king had wrote to, being arrived at London, are there detained, without any reason but the king's pleasure; and September 30, are by his majesty obliged to hear Dr. King preach a most virulent invective against Presbyteries ; crying to the king, down, down with them. (Cal.) October b. The king orders the six condemned ministers in Scotland to be banished his dominions all their days, and the other eight imprisoned there, to be confined in several places remote from their former dwellings. (Cal.) ' The purely reformed church in the north of England, by reason of the distance of their habi tations, are obliged to assemble in two several places, and become two distinct churches. In one, besides' several of note, is Mr. John Smith, a man of able gifts and a good preacher, who is chosen their pastor ; but these afterwards going over into the low countries, and falling into errors, there, for the most part, bury themselves and their names. But in the other church, (the subject of our chronology) besides several worthy men, is Mr. Richard Clifton, a grave and reverend preacher, and the famous Mr. John Robinson, who is afterwards their pastor for many years, till God takes him away by death ; as also Mr. William Brewster, a reverend man, who afterwards is chosen Elder, and lives with them till old age. {Brad.) December 20, Saturday. The London Company send forth Capt. Christopher Newport, with a ship, of * Sir F. Gorges says, the said Prinn makes a perfect discovery of all those rivers and harbors, and brings the most exact account of that coast that ever came to my hand since, gr Brad, or B. Governor Bradford's History in manuscript. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. ' 115 1607, King of G. Britain, James I,— France, Henry IV,— Spain, PhUip III, 100 tons, another of forty, and a pinnace of twenty, for South Virginia; who then sail from London, but first to the West India Islands. {Pur) March 3, 1607. One of the Scotch ministers at London, allowed to return, on account of his wife's dangerous illness, provided he would neither go to Synods nor Presbyteries. April 26, Lord's Day, the king's Council send Mr. A. Melvin to the tower, where they keep him above four years, for writing a Latin epigram upon the altar in the king's chapel ; and May 6, the other six Scotch ministers at Lon don ordered to be confined in several places in the two kingdoms, for no other pretence than that they had not given the king satisfaction in the questions he proposed to them about his own arbitrary power in church matters. {Cal.) -April 26. Captain Newport descries South Virginia, enters Chesapeake Bay, and lands. April 29, he names the southern point Cape Henry. May 13, they choose Mr. Edward Wingfield president for one year. May 14, land all their men and begin a colony, at a place they call Jamestown. Monday, June 22, captain Newport sails for England, leav ing the president with one hundred and four per sons. August 22, dies in the southern colony, cap tain Bartholomew Gosnold, the first mover of this plantation, and one of the Council. September 11, president Wingfield, displaced by his Council, and John Ratcliff", chosen president. (Pur) May 21 . Thursday, Dr. John Reynolds, king's professor of divinity in Oxford, dies there, {hi Ful) aged 58. He had been Dean of Lincoln, but exchanged it for the presidentship of C. C. College. Oxon {Ful) and Fuller says, he was acquainted with all arts and sciences ; most excellent in all useful tongues ; had read over all writers, profane, eccle- 116 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1607, King of G, Britain, James I,— France, Henry IV,— Spain, Philip III, siastical, and divine ; councils, fathers, and histories of the church. His memory miraculous, his judgment mature ; his piety most eminent ; modest, courteous, affable, {Ful) and the chief of the Puritans at the Hampton Court conference. {Bar) May 31. The Plymouth adventurers, send forth captain George Popham, as president, and captain Rawley Gilbert, as admiral, Sm with two ships, two natives, viz. Sketwanoes and Dehamda, {F. Gor) and 100 landmen, pc who then set sail from Ply mouth, for North Virginia. August 1 1 , they fall in with Monahigan :* and settle, on a westerly penin sula, at the mouth of Sagadehock, nine or ten leagues to the southward, Srn [which, I suppose, is since called Small Point] and build a fortification, which they name St. George's Fort. August 24. Mr. Thomas Brightman, rector of Haunes, in Bedfordshire, dies, about the 51st year of his age ; \^FuT\ and Fuller says, he wrote a learned comment in most pure Latin, on the canti cles and revelations. He always carried a Greek Testament with him, read it out every fortnight. His life was most angelical, a great opposer of the ceremonies ; his daily discourse against Episcopal government ; and was never known to be moved with anger. \^Ful'\ Thomas Lad, a merchant of Yarmouth, having been long imprisoned by the high commission, could not be bailed ; because having formerly answered on oath twice, before the bishop's chan cellor of Norwich, to certain articles about a con venticle, he refused to answer on a new oath, without sight of his former answers ; and Richard Sm Captain John Smith, * Sir F. Gorges says three ships, and that they arrive at llieir place of ren dezvous on August 8, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 117 1608, King of G, Britain, James I, — France, Henry IV, — Spain, Philip HI, Mansel, a preacher, being charged to have been partaker in a petition exhibited to the House of Commons, and refusing the oath ex officio, to answer to certain articles propounded to him, was long imprisoned by the commissioners at Lambeth, and could not be bailed. Both prisoners are now brought to the bar, upon the writ of Habeas Cor pus ; where Mr. Nicholas Fuller, an honest man, and an eminent lawyer, pleaded, that they ought to be discharged ; by an argument to prove that the Ecclesiastical commissioners have no legal pow er to put the oath ex officio, nor imprison, nor fine any of his majesty's subjects. For which Archbi shop Bancroft gets this learned counsellor into prison, and prosecutes him there to death. [i^wZ]* ' This fall, Messrs. Clifton and Robinson's church in the north of England, being extremely harassed, some cast into prison, some beset in their houses, some forced to leave their farms and families, they begin to fly over to Holland, with their reverend pastor, Mr. Clifton, for purity of worship and Hberty of conscience. \^Brad. and Ch. Plym. Rec.'\ Near winter, captain Newport arrives at South Virginia, with fresh supplies, and stays fourteen weeks. And this winter, Jamestown catching fire, is burnt, but soon repaired. [Purl Dec. 15. The two Enghsh ships sail from Sa gadehock, \^F Gor'\ with all their company, except forty-five for England. [Sml 1608. This winter, extreme cold, both in Europe and North America, (Pur. and F. Gor.) and in the midst thereof, pc the storehouse, most of the provisions, (F. Gor) and lodgings at Sagadehock * Though Dr, Fuller mentions not the year of this prosecution, yet by the preface to the Lawyer's Argument, printed in quarto, this year, in Holland, it appears he was now in prison. 118 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1608, King of G. Britain, James I.— France, Henry IV.— Spain, Philip III. are burnt ; which exceedingly distresses the peo ple ; and this winter, pc February 5, pg old captain Popham, their president dies, in this north planta tion, the only one of the company that dies there ; and captain Rawley Gilbert succeeds as presi dent, pc Upon the ship's arrival in England from Sagade hock, lord chief justice Popham, orders the Coun cil of Plymouth to send them back with supplies. (F. Gor) The spring approaching, captain Newport sails from South Virginia for England ; and captain Nelson arrives at Jamestown. These two ships bring near 100 men, and 120 persons. (Pur) February 25. Mr. Muri'ay, minister of Leith, in Scotland, having been committed to the castle of Edinburgh, for opposing the rise of bishops, is this day brought before the king's Council there, and dismissed : for which the king sends them a sharp rebuke, and a warrant to the captain of the guard to commit him again : so without any new cita tion, not convicted of any offence, upon the king's private direction only, he is committed to the cas tle again, and there detained a year : and then the king orders the Council to send him to a remote part of the kingdom, and there confine and forbid him to preach. (Cal) ' This spring, more of Mr. Robinson's church, through great difficulties from their pursuers, get over to Holland : and afterwards, the rest, with Mr. Robinson and Mr. Brewster, who are of the last, having tarried to help the weakest over before them. They first settle at Amsterdam, and stay there a year : where Mr. Smith and his church had gotten before them. {Brad) NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 119 1608. King of G. Britain, James I. — France, Henry IV. — Spain, Philip III. This spring, by the lord chief justice's order, (F. Gor) two ships are furnished with fresh sup plies for North Virginia, >Sfm and as they are waiting for a wind, they hear of his death.* However, they sail, and arrive at Sagadehock, {F. Gor) not long after the death of President Popham. Sm Soon after these ships sailed from England, sir John Gilbert dies, and leaves his younger brother Rawley t Gilbert his heir ; {F. Gor) and sir Fran cis Popham, son to the lord chief justice, with some of the adventurers, send a new supply ; pc and this ship also arrives at Sagadehock, in some small time after the other. Sm, By these ships the plantation being informed first, of the death of lord chief justice Popham, and then of sir John Gilbert, jS^m and captain Gilbert, the president, being obliged to go home, and take care of the estate his brother left him, the whole colony breaks up, and returns with him {F. Gor) this year to England : and thus this plantation begins and ends in one year ; Sm brand the country as over cold, and not habitable by our nation ; and the adventurers give over their design. {F. Gor) After this, sir Francis Popham sends captain Williams, Sm divers times to this coast, for trade and fishing only ; pc and sir F. Gorges also sends Vines, with a ship to fish, trade, and discover, for some years together, and hires men to stay the winter, wherein the plague raged among the In dians. -{F. Gor) [Which I suppose is the winter 1616, 17.] But upon the colonies breaking up, the French settle themselves within our limits, pc July 25. Tuesday, a General Assembly meets * Sir F. Gorges says, the lord chief justice's death suddenly foUowed the death of the president, t Sir F, Gorges's printer mistakes irt naming him Ralph Gilbert, 120 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1609, King of G, Britain, James I,— France, Henry IV,— Spain, PhUip III. at Linhthgow, in Scotland, entreats tbe king, as several presbyteries and synods had before, to grant the banished and confined ministers their liberty ; but it could not be obtained. {Cat.) This year captain John Smith sails up the ri vers, and discovers the inland parts of South Vir ginia. , September 10, he receives from England letters patent, to be president : and now, it seems, that captain Newport arrives, with seventy persons more ; and sailing for England, leaves two hun dred in all the colony. (Pur.) 1609. ' Mr. Robinson's church having staid at Amsterdam about a year, seeing Mr. Smith and his company was fallen into contention with the church that was there before him, and that the flames thereof were like to break out in that an cient church itself, (as afterwards lamentably came to pass,) which Mr. Robinson and church prudently foreseeing, they think it best to remove in time, before they were any way engaged with the sanie : though they knew it would be very much to the prejudice of their outward interest, as it proved to be ; yet valuing peace and spiritual comfort above other riches, they, therefore, with Mr. Robinson, remove to Leyden, about the beginning of the twelve years' truce between the Dutch and Span iards, choose Mr. Brewster assistant to him in the place of an elder, and there live in great love and harmony, both among themselves, and their neigh bor citizens, for above eleven years, till they re move to New England. (Brad.) * But the Rev. Mr. Chfton stays at Amsterdam, and there dies. Ch. Plym. Rec. * By this it appears, that both Baylie and Hornius are mistaken, in repre senting that iVlr, SmUh set up his church at Leyden ; when it was to avoid him, and his company, that IVIr, Robinson and his church removed from Am sterdam to Leyden, And by several passages in governor Bradford's manu script it seems as if they began to remove to Leyden, at the end of 1608. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 121 1609. king of G. Britain, James I,— France, Henry IV.— Spain, PhUip III, April 9, the Dutch agree to the twelve year^' truce with the king of Spain and the archduke Albert. (Calvisius) May. King James establishes the East India Company for ever. Hs The Council of South Virginia having moved the king to call in their commission, and received a new one, they make sir Thomas West lord de la war, general of the colony ; sir Thomas Gates his lieutena;nt ; sit George Somers, admiral ; sir Tho mas Dale, high marshal ; sir Ferdinand Wainman, general of the horse ; and captain Newport, vice- admiral. {Sm ) May 15. Sir Thomas Gates and vice-admiral Newport sail with seven ships from Woolwich, for South Virginia. May 20, arrive at Plymouth, where sir George Somers joins them with a ketch and a pinnace. Friday, June 2, they all sail, with 500 people, {Pur) men, women and children, {Hs) from Plymouth, and June 8, from Falmouth. {Pur) June. Sir John Bourcher brings the making of alum to perfection in England. (-Hs) July 10. Or thereabouts, captain Samuel Ar- gal arrives in South Virginia, to fish for sturgeon ; (Pur) who now first discovers the direct passage from England thither, and not to go by the West Indies, as before. {Hs) July 24. Monday, the South Virginia fleet cross ing the gulf of Bahamas, a most vehement storm separates them. July 28, Friday, sir George So mers descries Bermudas ; from him therefore call ed the Sonier islands ; is forced to run the ship ashore, and in their boats all get safe to land ; be ing 150 men, women and children ; and there they live till May following ; sir Thomas Gates and 16 122 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1609, King of G, Britain, James I.— France, Henry IV,— Spain, PhUip III, vice-admiral Newport being in the same ship with them. {Pur)* Aug. 11. Four other ships of the fleet arrive at South Virginia ; a few days after, two more ; and after this the pinnace. And captain Smith, the president, being exceedingly burnt with powder, and the new corners setting up against him. Pur about Sept. 29, he sails for England, Sm and they choose Mr. Francis West president, who soon follows him. And then they choose Mr. George Piercy, president- Pur This summer, Mr. Henry Hudson, an English man, but employed by the Dutch, searching for a northwest passage to the East Indies, sails to Newfoundland, and all along the coast, to Cape Cod and Virginia, as far as 33 degrees, Harris, and now I suppose it is that he discovers Hudson's river. Oct. 9. James Arminius, professor of divinity at Leyden, dies pa there, aged 49, cc and Conra- dus Vorstius called to supply his place, pa Nov. b. At the king's direction, the Council of Scotland confine Mr. Fairfull, minister of Dumfer- ling, during the king's pleasure ; only for praying for the distressed ministers, both within and with out the country. Cal Mr. Nicholas Fuller, who was cast into prison by Archbishop Bancroft in 1607, for pleading in defence of his clients against the powler of the Ec clesiastical commissioners, is still by the Archbi shop kept in prison ; many were his petitions to the king for enlargement, but the Archbishop pre- acquainted the king, and represented to him that * This shipwreck bringing the Bermudas to the special knowledge and esteem of the English, proves the occasion of their settling and possessing them, pa Pref. ad Acta synod Dordrec. ce Continuatio Calvisii. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 123 1610, King of G, Britain, James I.— France, Henry IV,— Spain, Philip III, this lawyer was the champion of the nonconform ists ; so that he lay in prison till he died this year. Ful Dec. 21. Mr. WiUiam Ames, fellow of Christ's College in Cambridge, preaches in St. Mary's against playing cards and dice ; at which many are so offended, that to avoid expulsion, he goes be yond sea ; and the States of Friesland not long after choose him professor Ful of divinity in their university of Francker. * ¦ Feb. 15, 1610. The king erects two high com mission courts in Scotland, under the Archbishops of St. Andrews and Glasgow, and over their se veral provinces ; which commission puts the king in possession of absolute power to use the bodies and goods of his subjects at pleasure without form or process of common law ; and now the Scots Bishops are become patrons of benefices, lords of Parliament, council, exchequer, session high com mission, «fec. Cal Feb. 28. The lord Delaware has his patent sealed by the South Virginia Company, to be lord governor and captain general of all the colonies there, during his life ; and before March 24 he sails with three ships and 150 men, accompanied with knights and gentlemen of quality ; captain Argal conducting him thither. Hs April 27. King James grants to divers persons a patent of incorporation, &c. to settle a colony in Newfoundland.! In June, they send Mr. John Guy, as governor, with thirty-nine persons, who * Dr, Thomas Fuller places this about 1610, 11, and his preaching on St. Thomas s day, which is Dec, 21 ; yet by pubhshing his puritanismus Agli- canus at Francfort in 1610, 1 choose to place this preaching on Dec, 21, 1609, rather than 1610, X Howes sets the date of the patent ?n May, 2, this year ; but I adhere to Purchas, who recites the patent. 124 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1610, King of G, Britain, James I.— France, Lewis XIII.— Spain, Philip lU. arrives there, begins the colony m Conception bay, and there winters. Pur May 3. Thursday, the French queen crowned at t*aris ; Hs and p the next day, king Henry IV. her lord stabed to death, Cal and p by a popish priest pn in his coach ; and his son Lewis XIII, reigns. Cal But the queen made Regent during her son's minority. Pur and Hs May 10. Sir Thomas Gates, sir George Somers and vice-admiral Newport, sail from Bermudas in their new built pinnaces for South Virginia, leaving tM o men, who refused to come aboard them. Mon day May 21, they descry South Virginia, sail into Chesapeake bay, and find Mr. George Piercy pre sident. Wednesday, May 23, Ihey anchor and land at Jamestown, with about 150 persons ; but finding the colony, from 500, when capt. Smith went away, reduced to sixty, and in a wretched state, they all resolve for England ; and on June 7, the whole company gets aboard, leaves Jamestown and sails down the river. [And thus the first colony there breaks up.] But the next day thie lord Delaware from England meets them ; upon which they re turn and land at the town again. Pur June 10. Lord's Day, the lord Delaware ar rives with his three ships and 1 50 men, at James town, lands, and takes upon him the government. June 19, sir G. Somers and captain Argal sail from Jamestown for Bermudas for provisions. Pur June. Another ship, with twenty men and a year's provisions, sent after the lord Delaware from England, for South Virginia. Hs July 15, Sir T. Gates sails for England ;. and July 16, sir G. Somers and captain Argal, meeting with violent storms and contrary winds, bear away p Petavius. pn Pointer. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 125 1610, King of G, Britain, James I,— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, Philip III, for Cape Cod ; and July 26, for Sagadehock ; the night after, being very foggy, they lose sight of each other. July 29, captain Argal comes to a rocky island, in 43 deg. and 40 noVth, lands upon it, finds great store of seals, and calls it seal rock. August 14, shapes his course for Cape Cod ; to the back side of which he comes on August 19, in 41 deg. 50 min. finds the variation, north 13 deg. west ;* the next day sails for South Virginia. Au gust 27, anchors in nine fathom, in a very great bay, the southern cape of which is in 38 and 20 north.f August 31, arrives at Cape Charles, the north cape of Chesapeake bay. Sir G. Somers also sails, first to Sagadehock, then to Bermudas ; where he dies, and his pinnace returns to England, leaving three men behind them. Pur Oct. 21. By the king's commission, the Bi shops of London, Ely, Worcester and Rochester, consecrate tbe Scottish Bishops in the Bishop of London's chapel ; namely,' Mr. John Spotswood, Archbishop Of Glasgow, Mr. Gawen Hamilton, Bi shop of Galloway, and Mr. Andrew Lamb, Bishop ofBreechin. Hs Nov. 2. Richard Bancroft, archbishop of Can terbury, dies. Ful Dec. 31. The king, by proclamation, dissolves his first Parliament. Hs and Bak ' This year, comes out, a justification of separa tion from the Church of England, by John Robin son, pages 476, in quarto ; rh and about this time, and the following years, many come to his church at Leyden, from divers parts of England, so as they grow a great congregation.' Brad And this year, * In the margin of Purchas, it is north 15 deg, west t This seems to be the bay since called Delaware Bay, rb See the book itself; which is doubtless printed at Leyden. 126 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1611, King of G, Britain, James I,— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, Philip m. Dr. Ames pubUshes his Puritanismus Anglicanus, in Latin, octavo, at Francfort, in Germany. (Lib. ipse.) 1611. This winter four of the English die at Newfoundland. Pur March 15. Or thereabouts, sir Thomas Dale, saUs for South Virginia, with three ships, 300 peo ple, twelve kine, twenty goats, and all things need ful for the colony. Hs March. After eight months illness there, lord Delaware sails in captain Argal for England ; leav ing upwards of 200 men, and captain George Pier cy his deputy governor, until sir Thomas Dale ar rives ; whose power is also to end upon sir T. Gates's arrival. Pur This year Mr. Edward Harlie and Nicholas Hob- son sail to North Virginia, Pur and of this voyage, I suppose it is that captain Smith writes, that the earl of Southhampton and those of the isle of Wight, employ captain Edward Harlow to discover an isle supposed about Cape Cod ; but falling in with Monahigan, they detained three savages, namely, Pechmo, Monopet and Pekenimne ; but Pechmo leaped overboard and got away. Not far from thence, they had three men sorely wounded with arrows ; and anchoring at the isle of Nohono, the savages in their canoes ^assault the ship, until the English guns make them retire ; yet here they take Sakaweston, and at Capawe they take Cone- conam and Epenow ; but at Agawam, the natives use them more kindly ; and so with five savages they return to England, but of plantations, there are no more speeches. Sm April 9. Tuesday, Dr. George Abbot, bishop of London, transferred to the archbishoprick of Can terbury. Hs and Fuller says, he was not much be- NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 127 1612, King of G, Britain, James I, — France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, PhUip III, loved by the inferior clergy, as being over austere and rigid. Ful May 10. Sir T. Dale arrives at South Virginia, with his three ships and 300 people, &c. in eight weeks' passage. Pur Towards the end of May, sir T. Gates sails from England thither, with three ships and three Carvells, 280 men, twenty women, 200 kine, as many swine, «fec. Hs and Aug. 1, or 2, arrives there, with his six ships, 300 people, &c. Pur [South Virginia being thus settled, I shall leave their history.] May 22. King James begins the order of baro nets ; and this day creates eighteen. Colman May e. Mr. Stratoun, minister of Forress, in Scotland, warded in the castle of Innerness, for preaching against the state of bishops. Cal Nov. Vorstius ordered to retire from Leyden, to his house at Tergou. pa This year, the new version of the Bible into English, finished by forty-seven translators. Ful 1612. The curators of the University of Leyden call Simon Episcopius to be professor of Divinity there against the mind of Polyander the other pro fessor, and to the great grief of the churches, pa March 3. Bartholomew Legate condemned to the fire by the bishops in the consistory of Paul's London, for Arrianism. March 11, the king issues his writ to burn him, Ful and Wednesday, March 18, he is burnt in Smithfield, Hs and Ful in a vast conflux of spectators, about 40 years of age. Ful^* April 11. Edward Wightman, having been con victed by the bishop of Litchfield, of the like or * Fuller says, that Bishop King of London caUed so many bishops, divines and laiVyers, to his trial, that the consistory seemed not so much a large court, as a little convocation. 128 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1612. King of G. Britain, James I. — France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, Philip III, worse heresies, is, there this day burnt,. Which executions raising the compassions of the ^people, the king chooses that heretics should waste away their lives in prison. Ful The Bermudas islands being within the limits of Virginia, and the company finding land enough on ' the main, sell these islands to 120 of the same company ; who name them the Somer islands, obtain a charter, and so hold them of his majesty, Hs ; and AprU 28. They send the first colony thither, of sixty persons, under Mr. Richard Moor governor there for three years, pr Hs who now embark in a ship at London, and go down to Gravesend. May 9, sail from the downs ; July 11, descry and land at Bermudas ; August 2, subscribe to six religious articles of government ; and this year, thirty pas sengers more arrive here. Pur June 7, Mr. Guy arrives at Newfoundland again ; and this summer captain Peter Easton, the famous pirate, comes thither, with ten good ships, w takes 100 men out of the fishing vessels in Con ception bay, besides what he takes in others, mans six ships. Pur and sails to the stfaits ; w* and this year the Newfoundland colony increases to sixty persons. Pur Aug. 4. Mr. Hugh Broughton dies at Totnam, High Cross, aged 63. I ' In these times are great troubles raised by the Arminians in Holland ; in Leyden especially, there ar% daily and hot disputes in the schools about the Arminian doctrine ; the two divinity professors w Whitbourn, in his discourse of Newfoundland, printed in quarto, Lon don, 1622. * Whitbourn, by mistake, sets this in 1611, and it seems most likely tliat the six ships are part of the ten, and that he came but with four. / Lightfoot in his preface to Mr. Broughton's works. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 129 1613. King of G. Britain, .Tames L— France, Lewis XIII.— Spain, Philip III. being divided ; Episcopius teaching for them, Po lyander against them ; and the contention grows to that pass, that few of the disciples of the one will hear the other. But Mr. Robinson, though hj preaches thrice a week, and wrote sundry books, besides his other manifold labors, yet goes con stantly to hear them both ; whereby he is grounded so well in the controversy, sees the fon^e of all their arguments, knows the shifts of the Arminians, and being himself otherwise very able, none is fit ter to engage them, as appears by sundry, disputes, so that he begins to be terrible to the Arminian party. Brad Oct. 16. Parliament of Scotland meets ; and still enlarges the king's and bishops' powers. Cal The same day, Frederick, prince Palatine of the Rhine, arrives at Gravesend, Hs and Bak and Lord's day, 18th, at Whitehall, to marry the prin cess Elizabeth, king James's only daughter. Hs Nov. 6. Friday, the most hopeful Henry, prince of Wales, dies of a maUgnant fever, aged eighteen years, eight months, seventeen days. Hs. Bak. and Fuller says, he was never known to have uttered a profane oath. Ful Feb. 14, 1613. Lord's day, the princess Elizabeth married to the prince Palatine, Hs. Bak. on which day are tilting and other royal entertainments of time ; Hs at night, a mask of lords and ladios. Saturday, April 10, the prince Palatine and lady, set out from Whitehall for Heidelberg ; Bak. and Howes says, that during the Palatine's abode in England, he behaved himself so nobly, that he won the hearts of the whole nation. Hs March 27. Nicholas Guy's wife delivered of a son at Newfoundland ; Pur which seems to be the first English child born there. 17 130 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1618. King of G. Britain, James I.— France, Lewis Xlll.— Spain, Philip III. .Tune. Arrives from England at Bermudas, a vessel with- sixty passengers : sometime after, an other with forty ; two months after, a third with 100 ; two days after, a fourth with 180 ; and four teen days after, two frigates with 160. Sm [Bermudas being thus settled I shall leave their history.] The government of S. Virginia, hearing that the French had settled within our Umits, send Capt. Argal to dislodge them ; who sails to Sagadehock, and seizes their forts at Mount Mansel, St. Croix and Port Royal ; and carries their ship and pinnace, ordnance, cattle and provision to Jamestown. Sm Pur.* Oct. 25. Monday, lord chief justice Cook re moved to the king's bench, and made lord chief justice of England. Hs This year, Mr. R. Bates, a reverend preacher, dies in prison, having lain in the Gate House about twenty months, only for opposing the prelacy and ceremonies used in the church, hh. and Mr. Cotton says, he was a heavenly saint, suffered for the same cause, choaked in prison ; nor could be released, though Dr. Hering a learned and beloved physi cian, earnestly solicited bishop Neal for his enlarge ment, as he tendered his life ; but the physician's suit was repulsed with reproaches, and the life of his patient spilt by that rigor, ch ' And about this year it seems, that Episcopius sets forth sundry Arminian Theses at Leyden, which he would defend in public against all oppo- sers. Upon which Polyander and the chief * Though neither the month, nor year of this expedition are certified, eUher by Gorges, Smith or Purchas, yet by comparing them together, it seems to be this year, and sometime between May and the following winter, cb Cotton's Bloodv Tenet washed. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 131 1614, King of G. Britain, James I, — France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, PhUip III, preachers of the city, desire Mr. Robinson to dis pute against him. But being a stranger, he was loath to engage. Yet the other telling him, that such was the ability and expertness of the adver sary, that the truth is in danger to suffer, if he would not help them, are so importunate, as at length he yields ; and when the day comes, he so defends the truth and foils the opposer, as he puts him to an apparent non plus in this great and pub Uc audience. The same he does a second or third time, upon the like occasions ; which as it causes many to give praise to God that the truth had so famous a victory ; so it procures Mr. Robinson much respect and honor from those learned men and others ; and it is said by some of no mean note, that were it not for giving offence to the state of England, they would prefer him otherwise, if he pleased, and allow his people some public fa vor.' Brad Jan. 21, 1614. Mr. James Melvin, having suffer ed seven years' exile at the king's pleasure, not con victed of any ofl^ence, dies at Berwick, the place of his confinement. He was one of the wisest directors of ecclesiastical affairs the church of Scotland had in his time ; and the king being set upon advancing the state of bishops, called him to court, and never suffered him to return, lest he should hinder their designs. Cal March 3. Capt. John Smith, with two ships, and forty-five men and boys, sail from the Downs, for N. Virginia, Pur to make trial of a mine of gold and copper ; and if these fail, then to fish and trade ; carrying Tantum an Indian with him. Sm April 30, arrives at the isle Monahigan, Pur in lat. 43, 30, N. Sm where he is to stay with ten men, to keep possession, if the whaling answers expecta- 132 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1614. King of G. Britain, James I, — France, Lewis XIII.— Spain, PhUip III. tion ; but being disappointed he builds seven boats, in which thirty-seven men make a great fishing voyage, while with eight men in a small boat he ranges the coasts and trades with the natives Pur from Penobscot to Sagadehock, Acocisco, Passa- taquack, Tragabigzanda, called Cape Ann ; the Massachusetts Isles, on which they say are 3000 people, fights with forty or fifty of them, finds two French ships Sm* who had been here six weeks Sm, and made a great voyage by trade. Sm Thence he sails to Accomack, where he also fights and kills some Indians ; thence to Cape Cod, where he sets Tantum ashore. On the main against Mona higan, finds a ship of sir Francis Popham's which had many years used that port only. 8m 1. July 18, Capt. Smith sails for England Pur in the bark, and leaves the ship under Thomas Hunt master, to fit for Spain. Sm Aug. 5, Capt. Smith puts in at Plymouth, Sm 1 and in the end of the month, ar rives at London, Pur draws a plat of the country, and fir.st calls it New England. Sm After Smith left New England, Sm Hunt gets twenty Indians aboard him at Patuxit, M one of whom is called Squanto BM or Squantum or Tisquantum, BMW and seven more at Nausit, M and carries them to Malaga, and sells them Sm for slaves, at twenty pounds per man ; M which raises such an enmity in the savages against our nation as makes further attempts of commerce with them very dangerous. pc B M. 69 [From this time therefore, we shall distinguish * Smith's first account of New England, printed in 4to. London, 1616. M. Relation of the proceedings of the English plantation at Plymouth, in New England, published by G Mourt, in 4to. London, 1622. W Winslow's Good News from New England, printed in 4to. London, 1624. 69 F. Gorges, Esq, his America painted to the Life, printed in 4to, London, 1659, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 133 1614, King of G, Britain, James I,— France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, PhUip III, N. Virginia by the name of New England, and confine the name Virginia to the southern colony.] March 4. A Proclamation at Edinburgh, com manding ministers and people to celebrate the Lord's Supper on Easter following, namely, April 24, the pretence being for trial of Popish recu sants ; but the wiser take it as a trial how the peo ple will bear innovations ; there being acts of the general assembly in force against them. Cal April 5. The king's second parliament of England begins, Ech Sal complains of his admitting papists into his council, his silencing many watchful and diligent ministers, and his several treaties to marry the late prince Henry and present prince Charles, with the daughters of popish princes ; all which disheartens protestants and encourages papists, Ech and the House of Commons beginning to ques tion bishop Harsente and bishop Neal, for offensive speeches ; to save them from the storm, is suppos ed the reason of the king's abrupt dissolving them Sal on June 7. Upon which the king imprisons several members, without bail or mainprise, for the freedom they had taken ; and raises money on his subjects, by way of benevolence. Ech Sal June. Some of the Plymouth Company, jpc namely, sir F. Gorges, with the earl of Southampton, com mander of the Isle of Wight, send capt. Henry Har- ley and capt. Hobson,* commander of some land soldiers, in a ship F. Gor from Plymouth, Pur for the Isle of Capawick, F. Gor or Capawack, Sm lying southward of Cape Cod, F. Gor Sm carrying two Ech. Echard. Sal. Salmon. * Whether this be the Edward Harlie and Nicholas Hobson which Purchas mentions in 1611, and whether sir F. Gorges mistakes Henry for Edward, seems uncertain. 134 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1615, King of G, Britain, James I.— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, Philip HI. Indians, namely, Epenow and Manawet pc* in search of a gold mine, which Epenow told them of, with a design only to get home. Sm But ar riving at the harbor where Epenow was to make good his undertaking, a little after Hunt had carri ed the Indians away, Manawet dies, pc and Epe now jumps overboard and gets ashore, whde the Indians in twenty canoes attack them, F. Gor and wound the master of the ship and many of his company. Sm Upon which the English return with out doing any thing further ; F. Gor and.at this the western men are so discouraged, as they regard not the country till they see four ships sail from Lon don, and capt. Smith at Plymouth in January next. Sm. This summer, sir Henry Manwaring is at New foundland with five good ships, w Pur. Jan. 1615. The Virginia Company at London, send four ships with Michael Cooper, PurvAw had been master of the bark under capt. Smith last year, Sm to fish on the coast of New England ; who arriving there in March, and making their voy ages ; one sails to Spain, one to Virginia to re lieve that colony, and two return to England. Pur Capt. Smith goes from London to Plymouth ; in March, sails in a ship of 200 tons, with another of fifty, Pur. furnished by sir F. Gorges and others, for New England ; being to leave sixteen men there to begin a settlement ; but ere he sails 120 leagues, a great storm parts him from the other ship, breaks all his masts, and forces him to return to Plymouth ; where leaving his ship, he gets into * Sir F. Gorges says, three Indians, namely, Epenow, Assacomet and Wa- nape ; but seems to mistake in saying that Epenow was one of those whom Hunt had carried away, whereas Epenow seems to have been carried away by capt. Harlow in 1611 ; and capt. Dermer in Purchas seems to mistake in saying that Epenow was carried home in 1615. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 135 1615. King of G. Britain, James I.— France, Lewis XIII.— Spain, Philip III. a bark of sixty tons ; and June 24, sails again with thirty men, sixteen of whom are to begin the set tlement. At Fyal, meets with two French pirates, one of 200 tons, the other of thirty ; engages, and beats them off"; but near the Isle of Flores, four French men of war take and carry him to France. Sm The other ship parted from him in the storm, at first, proceeded, arrived at New England in May, made her voyage, and comes home in August. Pur March ^5. A proclamation at Edinburgh, to celebrate the Lord's Supper at Easter, in all times coming. Cal April 23. Lord's Day, George Villars, esquire, sworn gentleman of the king's bed chamber ; the next day knighted, Hs and becomes the king's fa vorite. Bak August 27, 1616, made a lord ; January 5, 1616, 7, made earl ; January 1, 1617, 8, marquis ; Hs sg and May 18, 1623, duke of Buckingham, sg This year captain Richard Whitbourn goes to Newfoundland, with a commission from the Admi ralty to empannel juries &c. ; w Pur and this year, at Newfoundland, are many thousands of English, French, Portuguese and others ; the French and Biscayans resorting chiefly to the north and west parts, where the Indians also chiefly keep. Pur [Newfoundland being thus settled, I shall leave their history.] July. The Londoners send two more ships to fish at New England ; but going by the West In dies, arrive not in New England till May 1616 ; one returning two months after. Pur sg Segar's Honores Anglicani. 136 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1616. King of G. Britain, James I.— Fiance, Lewis XIII. — Spain, Philip III. October. Sii* Richard Hakins sails from Eng land, with commission from the Council of Ply mouth, to try what service he could do them as president for this year, at New England ; but ar riving and finding the war at the height, and the principal natives almost destroyed, he passes along the coast to Virginia, stays there sometime, and sails for Spain. F. Gor This year, the archbishops, bishops, and the rest of the clergy of Ireland, in the Convocation holden at Dublin, agree upon 104 articles of r^igion, for avoiding diversities of opinions and establishing consent, touching true religion, ar 1616. February and March, sail for New Eng land, four ships from Plymouth, Pur Sm and two more from London, Pur* but only for voyages of profit Sm by fish and trade. Pur One of the Plymouth ships gets in one month to New Eng land, and thence goes to Spain ; the other three return to Plymouth within six months, Sm one of the Londoners get in six weeks to New England, and within six months returns to England ; the other goes to the Canaries ; and all six full laden. Pur June 20. King James goes into the Star Cham ber, and makes a speech to the judges and others there, kj Hs wherein he says, the Star Chamber Court hath been shaken of late ; and the last year had received a sore blow, if it had not been assisted and carried by a few voices ; and charges the judges, let not Papists nor Puritans be counte nanced. In another place he says, as I have said in Parliament House, I can love the person of a ar Articles, printed in 4to, London, 1629. * Smith's first account and general history say four from London ; but it seems that these four include the two that sailed thence in July last, and re turn this year from New England. kj King James's Speech itself, printed at London, in 4to, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 137 1616, King of G, Britain, James I, — France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, Philip III. Papist, being otherwise a good man and honestly bred, never having known any other religion ; though the person of an apostate Papist I hate, Slc. kj June 18. Comes out a description of New England, or the Observations and Discoveries of captain John Smith, (admiral of that country) in 1614, with the success of six ships that went the next year 1615, and the accidents that befel him among the French men of war ; with the proof of the present benefit this country affords ; whither, this year, 16^6, eight voluntary ships are gone, to make further trial. Printed in 4to. London, 1616. August IS. A General Assembly meets by the king's order at Aberdeen in Scotland ; when the archbishop of St. Andrews steps into the modera tor's place without election, against the act of the church yet unrepealed, and a number of lords and others set without lawful commission ; who under the king's guard, receive a new confession of faith, order the communion to be celebrated every year at Easter ; and empower committees to draw np a new Catechism, a Common Prayer Book, and a Book of Canons, for the king's allowance. Cal. September 29. Lord's Day, Dr. Andrews, bishop of Ely, sworn a privy counsellor. Hs November 4. King James crowns his son Charles prince of Wales ; and Lord's Day, No vember 10, in honor of his creation twenty-five knights of the Bath, with all magnificence, ride to White-Hall, and are there knighted by his majesty. Hs November 16. Saturday, sir Edward Cook, lord chief justice of the King's Bench discharged of his office. Hs 18 138 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1617. King of G. Britain, James I.— France, Lewis XIII.— Spain, Philip III. Sometime this fall a French ship cast away at the northeast part of Cape Cod ; but the men getting safe ashore, the Indians watch and dog them till they kill them all but three or four, which they send from one Sachim to another to make sport, and use them worse than slaves, till two are redeemed by captain Dermer in 1619. B Pur. January b. 1617. King James notifies the Council of Scotland of his design of coming thither ; and promises that what he does there shall be with the applause of all ; yet in repairing his chapel at Halyrood House, a place is prepared for organs, and the images of the twelve Apostles and four Evangelists, wrought in wood and gilt, are ordered to be set up ; but the people murmuring, the Scots bishops dissuade the king from setting them up ; though with a sharp rebuke and check of ignorance, both from the king and archbishop Abbot ; the king telling the Scots bishops, that his English doctors would instruct them in these and other points. Cal This winter and the spring ensuing, a great plague befals the natives in New England ; which wasteth them exceedingly ; and so many thousands of them die, that the living are not able to bury them, and their skulls and bones remain above ground at the places of their habitations for several years after. F. Gor B M* March 7. Sir Francis Bacon, king's attorney, made lord keeper ; and January 4, following, made lord chanceUor. Hs March 14. Friday, king James sets out from White-HaU for Scotland. Hs May 16, enters Edin- * By captain Dermer's letter of December 27, 1619, in Purchas, and of June' 30, 1620, ui governor Bradford, compared with governor Bradford's own account, it seems that the Narragansets in the west, and Penobscots in the east, escaped this plague, and that it raged only in the countries lying between them, and prepared the way for another people. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 139 1617. King of G. Britain, James I. — France, Lewis Xlll. — Spain, PhUip HI. burgh ; and next day has the English service ; when playing on organs, choiristers and surplices are first heard and seen in the king's chapel. Cal March 22. Mr. Thomas Parker, aged 22, only son to the famous Mr Robert Parker, made master of arts at Francker.* This spring, captain Smith is provided with three good ships at Plymouth, and fifteen men to stay and settle in New England ; but being wind- bound three months, the voyage is frustrated ; for which and his other losses and disappointments about this country, the commissioners of the Ply mouth Company contract with him to be admiral of New England for life. Pur June 8. Being Whitsunday, by the king's com mand the Lord's Supper is first observed after the English form, with kneeling at Halyrood House, contrary to the order of the church of Scotland, and several lords forbear to communicate. Tues- day following, the king commands them to commu nicate after this new manner the next Lord's Day ; but though some noblemen and bishops commu nicate kneeling, yet not half the noblemen re quired. Cal June 17. Tuesday, the Parliament of Scotland meets ; wherein the lords pass a bill, that the king with the Archbishops, bishops, and such ministers as he should choose, shall have in all times coming, full power to conclude matters decent for the exter nal policy of the Kirk, not repugnant to the word of God, and such conclusions shall have the power of laws ; but fifty-six ministers protest against it, and the bill falls, to the king's great displeasure. Cal * He afterwards goes to New England and becomes a minister of the church at Newbury; and though his diploma is dated April 1, I conclude it means the new style, which is March 22, in ours. 140 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGt. 1617. King of G. Britain, James I.— France, Lewis XIII.— Spain, Philip III. July 11. The king goes to St.' Andrews, to set in the High Commission Court, upon the Protest ing ministers ; the next day sets therein and makes a speech, declaring, ' We took this order with the Puritans in England, who stood out as long as they were deprived only of their benefices, preaching still, and living on the benevolence of the people that affected their cause ; but when we deprived them of their office, many yielded to us, and are now become the best men we have. Let us take the like course with the Puritans here ;' so they went to work and deprived three of the Protesting ministers. Cal August. King James, returning from Scotland, through Lancashire, says he rebuked some Puri tans and precise people, for prohibiting and pun ishing people there for using their lawful recrea tions and honest exercises (as he calls them) upon Sundays, and publishes his pleasure under his own hand, that they should not be prevented for the future, kj and September 15, he arrives at London. Hs Bak ' This year Mr. Robinson and his church begin to think of a remove to America, for several weighty reasons; as (1) the difficulties in Holland dis couraged many from coming to them out of Eng land, and obliged many to return.* (2) By reason kj King James's Declaration, (called the Book of Sports.) Printed in 4to, London, 1618. * Governor Bradford says on this head, that ' many who came to them and desired to be with them, could not endure the great labor and hard fare, with other inconveniencies which they endured ; but though they loved their per sons, approved their cause, and honored their suffering, yet they left them as it were weeping, as Orpah did her mother-in-law Naomi ; oi as those Romans did Cato in Utica, who desired to be excused and borne with, though they could not all be Cato's. For many, though they desired to enjoy the ordi nances of God in their purity, and the liberty of the Gospel with them ; yet, alas, they admitted of bondage with danger of conscience, rather than to en dure these hardships ; yea, some preferred the prisons in England, rather than this liberty in Holland with these afSictions. B NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 141 1617. King of G. Britain, James 1, — France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, PhUip HI, of these difficulties, with the licentiousness of the youth and temptations of the place, many of their children left their parents, some becoming soldiers, others taking to foreign voyages, and some to courses tending to dissoluteness and the danger of their souls ; to the great grief of their parents, and fear lest their posterity, through these temptations and examples should degenerate, and religion die among them. (3) From an inward zeal and great hope of laying some foundation, or making way for propagating the kingdom of Christ to the remote ends of the earth ; though they should be but as stepping stones to others, &.C.* Upon their talk of removing, sundry of note among the Dutch would have them go under them, and make them large oflfers ; but choosing to go under the English go vernment, where they might enjoy their religious privileges without molestation, after humble prayers to God they first debate whether to go to Guiana or Virginia ; and though some and none of the meanest are earnest for the fiDrmer, they at length determine for the latter ; so as to settle in a distinct body, but under the general government of Virginia. Upon which they send Mr. Robert Cushman and Mr. John Carver to treat with the Virginia Company, and see if the king would give them liberty of conscience there.' B November 4. Commissioners for a General Assembly in Scotland having been chosen in pre sence of the bishops there, and those nominated " Mr, Morton mentions another reason, which he doubtless" had from the original planters ; viz. that the great neglect of observing the Lord's Day was very grievous to them, Mor Mr, Winslow signifies the same in his brief narrative of the grounds of the first planting of New England, at the end of his reply lo Gorton, printed in quarto, London, 1646, Mor Morton's New England Memorial, 142 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1617, King of G, Britain, James I, — France, Lewis Xlll, — Spain, PhUip IH. who misliked episcopal government being not allowed by the bishops, a general assembly is this day proclaimed at Edinburgh to meet at St. Andrews on the twenty-fifth current. And No vember 25, the general assembly meeting accord ingly, the commissioners of seven diocies are absent for want of time ; the archbishop of St. Andrews in his sermon bitterly inveighs against many worthy men of the ministry deceased, and said some of them deserved to be hanged. The king in his letter wills the assembly to conform to his desires, or otherwise threatens that he would use his own authority ; and to gratify him, they agree, I . To minister the communion to the dan gerously sick. 2. That the ministers shall deal the elements to every one with their own hands ; but deferring the consideration of holy days, the king is highly offended. Cal Nov. 12. ' Sir Edwin Sandys writes from Lon don to Mr. Robinson and Mr. Brewster ; wherein he says, your agents have carried themselves with that discretion as is both to their own credit and theirs from whom they came ; and the seven Arti cles subscribed with your names have given the gentlemen of the Council for Virginia that satisfac tion which has carried them on to a resolution to forward your desire, in the best sort that may be for your own and the public good, &c. B. Dec. 15. 'I suppose old style ; Mr. Robinson and Brewster date their letter of thanks from Leyden to sir Edwin ; wherein they write : — we have set down our requests, subscribed with the hands of the greatest part of our congregation, and sent them to the Council by our agent, John Carver, to whom we have also requested a gentleman of our company NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 143 1618, King of G, Britain, James I,— France, Lewis XIII — Spain, Philip III to adjoin himself; and for your encouragement we will not forbear to mention these inducements. 1. We verily believe and trust the Lord is with us ; to whom and whose service we have given ourselves in many trials, and that he will graciously prosper our endeavours according to the simplicity of our hearts. 2. We are well weaned from the delicate milk of our mother-country, and iniired to the diffi culties of a strange land. 3. The people are, for the body of them, industrious and frugal, we think we may safely say, as any company of people in the world. 4. We are knit together as a body, in a most strict and sacred bond and covenant of the Lord ; of the violation whereof we make great con science, and by virtue whereof we hold ourselves straitly tied to all care of each others good, and of the whole. 5. And lastly, it is not with us as with other men, whom small things can discourage, or small discontentments cause to wish ourselves at home again, «fec.' B. This year, the Rev. Mr. Paul Baine dies ;' who had succeeded the famous Mr. William Perkins, as lecturer at St. Andrew's, Cambridge ; but after wards was silenced by archbishop Bancroft's visitor Mr. Harsenet, for non-subscription and non conformity. If From 1519, to this year 1617, have been entered in the register books of Sevil, 1536 miUions of gold brought to Spain from the West-Indies. Perier. 1618. January 8. Sir Robert Nanton, sworn the king's secretary. Hs II January 26. Archbishop Spotswood calls to gether the bishops and ministers at this time in Edinburgh, and reads them the king's letter ; If Life, before his valuable Exposition of the EphesiEums. II Lloyd's State Worthies, 144 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1618, King of G, Britain, James I,— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, Philip III, wherein he wills them to approve the five Articles under their hands, or the bishops to suspend them from their ministry and stipends. The five articles are, 1. For kneeling at the Lord's table. 2. Giving the communion privately to the sick. 3. For bap tising in private. 4. For confirmation by the bish ops. 5. For observing the holy days of Christmas, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Ascension Day and Whitsunday. And January 28, a proclamation at Edinburgh for a universal cessation on these holy days ; and those who refuse to be punished with rigour, as disobedient and rebellious persons, and contemners of the king's authority ; though the General Assembly had not consented, and Acts of Parliament against them are yet unrepealed. Cal January 27. 'Mr. Robinson and Brewster write from Leyden to sir John Worstenholme ; where with they send an account of their principles, to be communicated to the king's privy Council, who had received some ill impressions against them, viz. touching the Ecclesiastical Ministry, namely, of pastors for teaching, elders for ruling, and deacons for distributing the church's contributions, as also for the two sacraments, baptism, and the Lord's Supper ; we wholly agree with the French reformed churches, according to their public confession of faith ; though some small differences are to be found in our practice in some accidental circumstances, as 1 . Their ministers pray with their heads cov ered ; ours uncovered. 2. We choose none for governing elders but such as are able to teach ; which ability they do not require. 3. Their elders and deacons are annual, or at most for two or three years ; ours perpetual. 4. Our elders administer their office in admonitions and excommunications, for public scandals, publicly before the congrega- NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 145 1618, King of G, Britain, James I. — France, Lewis XIII. — Spain, Philip III tion ; theirs more privately aiid in their consistories, &c. -B February 14. ' S. B. who delivered this letter writes, that upon sir John's reading it, I asked his worship what good news he had for me to write to-morrow ? He told me, very good news ; for the king's majesty and the bishops have consented ; but for your letters, he would not show them at any hand, lest he should spoil all. B March 30. The provost and bailiffs of Edin burgh are commanded by a letter from the king to see that the people observe Good Friday. April 1, the charge for observing the holy days published again at Edinburgh ; and April 5, being Easter Sunday, the bishops in Scotland celebrate the communion kneeling. Cal April b. Hs Lord Delaware sails in a ship of 250 tons, with 200 people for Virginia ; but dies at sea ;* the ship bearing for New-England, there meets with a small Frenchman, rich in beavers and other fur ; and there refreshing with fish, fowl, wood and water, after sixteen weeks arrives at Virginia. Pur Sm. This spring two ships sail from Plymouth, to fish at New England ; one of 80 tons, who carries her fish to Bilboa ; the other of 200, which returns laden with fish to Plymouth in five months. Pur Sm But in this larger ship sir F. Gorges f sends captain Edward Rocroft, alias Stallings,t with a company hired on purpose ; who at his arrival on the coast * Sir Richard Baker mistakes in representing as ifthe lord Delaware arrived, and died at Virginia. + The President and CouncU of New-England say. We send, &.c. pe By which it seems as if sir F. Gorges acted in behalf of some at least of the Ply mouth Company. X So Smith and Purchas call him, 19 146 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1618. King of G. Britain, James I. — France, Lewis XIII. — Spain, PhiUp III, meets with a small French barque, of Diep, FGor in a creek, a fishing and trading, and takes her ;* sends the master with his company in the greatest ship for England ;, and with this barque Rocroft and his company intend to keep the coast this win ter ; but some of his men conspiring to kill him and run away with the prize, he is forced to put them ashore at Sawguatock ; whence they soon get to the Isle of Monahigan, fifteeen leagues oflf, and three leagues in the sea, where they stay the win ter, pc But in December Rocroft with ten or twelve men Sm sail in the barque, with fish to Virginia, there to trade and stay the winter, pc Sm May 4. The king commands the lords of the privy council, in Scotland, to celebrate the commu nion in the chapel, on Whitsunday, May 24, when the ceremonies are observed, before the general assembly had allowed them. Cal May 11, cc or 21 new style, a the popish arch bishop of Prague destroying and shutting up the churches of the protestants, in Bohemia, the States of the kingdom meet this day at Prague, to consult how to preserve their privileges, cc May 13, cc or 23 new style, a the emperor Mathias's three officers opposing and provoking them, cc the States throw them out of their chamber window, cc a though they escape unhurt ; a and the States send their apology to the emperor, cc a entreat for pardon, cc and the removal of evil counsellors ; but in vain, r May 23, cc or June 2, new style, the States publish a decree that all the Jesuits shall depart the kingdom in eight days, and never return, cc * Sir F. Gorges says, that in such cases, he had liberty granted hira to seize her ; and Smith says, the Frenchman offered some affront, a, Alsted, ce, Continuatio Calvisii, r Rushworth. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 147 1618. King of G, Britain, James I, — France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, PhUip III, May 24. Lord's 'day, king James issues his declaration, wherein he requires the bishop of Lancashire, to present all the Puritans and Preci sians within the same ; either constraining them to conform, or to leave the country ; that those who attend on church on Sundays, be not disturbed or discouraged from dancing, archery, leaping, vault ing, having May-games, whitson-ales, morrice dances, setting up May-pOles and other sports there with used, or any other such harmless recreation, on Sundays after divine service ; that this declara tion be published by order from the bishop of the diocess through all the parish churches ; and com mands these directions given last year in Lancash ire, with a few words added most applicable to these parts of our realm, to be published to all our subjects, kj And as all ministers were obliged to read it in their churches, those who refused were summoned into the high commission court, imprisoned and suspended. Ech ' Though the agents of Mr. Robinson's people find the Virginia Company very desirous of their going to their West-India territory, and willing to grant them a patent with as ample privileges as they could grant to any, and some of the chief of the company doubted not to obtain their suit of the king for liberty in religion, and to have it under the broad seal, as was desired ; yet they found it a harder piece of work than they expected. For though many means were used, and diverse of worth with sir Robert Nanton, chief secretary of state, labored with the king to obtain it, and others wrought with the archbishop to give way thereto, yet all in vain. They indeed prevail so far, as that kj. King James's Declaration, called the Book of Sports, printed in 4to London, 1618; 148 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1618, .King of G. Britain, James I.— France, Lewis XIII.— Spain, PhUip III. the king would connive at them and not molest them, provided they carry peaceably ; but to tole rate them by his public authority under his seal, would not be granted. Upon which the agents re turn to Leyden, to the great discouragement of the people who sent them.' B July 10. (or 20 N. S.) a The emperor sends an army of ten thousand men towards Bohemia, which Tsegins the famous religious war, between the Pa pists and Protestants, in Bohemia and Germany, that rages thirty years, and destroys above 325,000. people, a August b. Sundry pious citizens being at a pri vate meeting in London, many are seized and com mitted to the counter prison ; but Mr. Staresmore and some others escaping, are betrayed by one of the company, for which the archbishop gives the be trayer great applause and his solemn blessing in open court. And Sept. 4, Mr. Staresmore writes to Mr. Carver, that upon representing his extraor dinary piteous case to lord Cook and the sheriffs, he supposes he should gain his liberty if they were not over-ruled by others ; but he could get no an swer till the lords of the king's Council give con sent. B August 3. A proclamation at Edinburgh for a general assembly to meet at Perth the 25th inst. where they meet accordingly ; the commissioners of four diocies and of some Presbyteries absent for want of time, archbishop Spotswood assumes the moderator's chair without election, allows noble men upon the king's missives only, reads the king's letter of July 10, who says, he was once fully re solved never to call any more assemblies, because of the disgrace offered him by the assembly at St. Andrews in neglecting his godly desires ; that he NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 149 161S. King of G. Britain, James I.— France, Lewis' XIII— Spain, PhUip III, would not have them think the five articles he pro poses might not without their consent be enjoined by his authority, which would be disclaiming his innate power from God, to dispose of things exter nal in the church as he thinks fit ; and that he will be content with nothing but the direct acceptation of the articles in the form he sends them. After which, the archbishop said, the king would be more glad of their consent to the five articles than of all the gold of India ; but in case of their refusal he assures them that the whole state of the church would be overthrown, some ministers would be banished, others deprived of their stipend and office, and all brought under the wrath of authority ; and though the majority of the commissioned op pose, yet the archbishop neglecting many who could get no vote, and admitting others who had no commission, he carries it for the five articles. And Oct. 26, a proclamation liy the king at Edinburgh, commanding all strictly to observe them, and cer tifying that those who do to the contrary, shall be holden as seditious, factious, disturbers of the peace of the Kirk, contemners of his just com mand, and shall be punished in their goods and persons with all rigor and extremity at the arbitre- ment of th6 Privy Council. Cal Oct. 28. Wednesday, Hs sir Walter Raleigh, by Gondamore, the Spanish embassador's instiga tion, Ech is this day brought to the King's Bench, and ordered to suffer death to-morrow, upon his sentence in 1603, and at nine next morning be headed Hs and Bak in Parliament yard, Hs aged 66. Ech He was, next to Drake, the scourge and hate of the Spaniard ; Baker Ech and Lloyd says, that princes had interceded for him, the whole nation pitied him, and king James would 150 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1619. King of G. Britain, James I.— France, Lewis XIII.— Spain, PhUip UI, not execute him without an apology. LI But he feU a sacrifice to the king's earnestly desired match of prince Charles with the popish Infanta of Spain. Ho Ech Nov. 3. (or 13 N. S.) Tuesday, ac the famous Synod of Dort begins, acfl when there enter and set with them. Dr. Carleton, bishop of Landaff", ac after of Chichester,^ Dr. Hall, dean of Worcester, ac after bishop of Exeter and Norwich, j^ Dr. Da- venant, public professor of divinity,* and master of queen's College, Cambridge, ac after bishop of Salisbury,^ and Dr. Ward, master of Sidney Col lege, Cambridge, and archdeacon of Taunton ; be ing sent by king James in behalf of the church of England, ac jl and the States allow them ten pounds sterling a day. Jl Nov. 4. (or 14 N. S.) Wednesday, the Synod choose Mr. John Bogerman, pastor of the church of Lewarden in Friesland, their president, ac Nov. 18. Wednesday, a great comet appears over Europe ; first in the morning, then in the evening, and continues visible to Wednesday, De cember 16. xis Dec. 10. (or 20 N. S.) Walter Balcanqual, B. D. and Fellow of Pembrook Hall in Cambridge, enters the Synod of Dort, being sent by king James, on behalf of the church of Scotland, acfi Feb. 1619. King James publishes his meditation on the Lord's Prayer in a small octavo ; at the be ginning of which, he spends fifteen pages in reffect- ing on the Puritans, with those of the separation ; and proving the former to be the fathers of the latter, kj Ll Lloyd's State worthies. Ho Howel's Letters, ac Acta Synodi, * Margarets professor, fl Fuller, kj King James's book itself, printed in London, 1619, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 151 1619, King of G. Britain, James L— France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, Philip III, ' Notwithstanding the great discouragement the English at Leyden met with from the king and bishops refusing to allow them liberty of con science in America, under the royal seal, yet cast ing themselves on the care of Providence, they resolve to venture, and send two other agents,* to agree with the Virginia Company. But the said Virginia Company faUing into great disturbances and factions, these affairs are long delayed.' B This spring, sir F. Gorges f sends captain Tho mas Derver F. Gor. from Plymouth in a ship of two hundred tons, Sm for the fishing business at New England ; assigning him a company to join with Rocroft and his people ; and sending with him Squanto or Tasquantum, one of the natives which Hunt had brought away. But arriving, and not finding Rocroft, he is in doubt what to do ; yet hearing by the people at Monahigan, that he was gone to Virginia, hopes for his return, till he hears of his disaster, pc March 2. Tuesday, queen Ann, consort to king- James, dies at Hampton Court, Hs and Bak aged 45 years. EchX March. 10. cc (or 20 N. S.) p ri Mathias, emperor of Germany, dies, aged 62. p 63. cc ri March 12. The high commission court at Edin burgh, deprive and confine Mr. Richard Dickson, for giving the communion to the people sitting, and not with his own hands. And about this time the king sends a command to the officers of State at Edinburgh, lords of the Privy Council and ses- * By Mr. Cushman's letter from London, of May 8, this year, they seem to be Mr. Cushman himself and Mr. Bradford. t The president and Council of New England say. We send, he. as before, in note to page 145. And Smith says there goes but one ship to New England this year from Plymouth. I Rushworth is mistaken in placing her death on Nov. 17, 1618. j?. Petavius. ri Ricciolius. 152 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1619, King of G. Britain, James I,^France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, Philip lU, sions, and advocates to communicate in the great Kirk there kneeUng, on Easter Sunday the 28th current, on pain of losing their offices ; and en joins the magistrates of Edinburgh to communicate kneeling. Cal April 18. Sir George Yardly arriving as govern or at Virginia, Sm and finding ROcroft ready to sail for New England, commands him aboard ; who tak ing the boat, with half his men goes aboard the gov ernor's ship, is forced to stay all night ; and a storm rising, the barque for want of hands is driven ashore and sunk ; however, the next day the governor and captain labor so, that at length they free her ; but while Rocroft is fitting for New England again, he happens to be killed in a quarrel with one of Vir ginia, and the barque is a second time sunk and lost, pc April 22. The high commission court at Edin burgh suspend Mr. Hog from his ministry, and order him to be confined during the king's plea sure, for preaching against bishops and the five arti cles, and declining their judicatory, and afterwards deprive him of the ministry ; they also depose and confine the Rev. Mr. Duncan for declining their judicature. Cal April 26. (or May 6, N. S.) Monday, the Synod of Dort at their 153d session, proceed to the great church of that city and publish their sentence on the five points, in condemnation of the Arminian doctrines. And AprU 29, Thursday, at their 154th session, they break up, with mutual embraces and tears, ac May 6. The States of Hungary meet and pro scribe the Jesuits, cc May 23, (or June 2, N. S.) The states of Moravia proscribe the Jesuits, a June 14. cc (or 24, N. S. a) The States of Silesia, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 153 1619. King of G. Britain, James I,— France, Lewis XIII.— Spain, Philip III. agree to banish the Jesuits, cc a And July 13, the States of Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia, and Lusa- tia, confederate together for their preservation, cc May 8. * Mr. Cushman, one of the Leyden agents at London, writes, that sir T. Smith having desired to be eased of his office of treasurer and governor of the Virginia company, sir Edwin Sands was chosen ;* but sir Thomas repenting, and op posing sir Edwin, great disturbances and factions are raised in said company, that no business could well go forward. B May 26. Captain Dermer sails from Monahigan in an open pinnace of five tons, along the coast south westerly, finds some ancient plantations not long since populous, now utterly void ; in other places a remnant, but not free of sickness, viz. the plague ; perceiving the sores of some that had escaped ; arrives at his savage's native country, finds all dead, travels a day's journey west to Nummastaquit, sends a messenger a day's journey west to Bocanaokit, bordering on the sea, whence two kings come ' to see him. dp At Nummastaquit, the Indians would have killed him, had not Squanto entreated hard for him ; dh and here he redeems a Frenchman, and afterwards at Mastachusit another, cast away at the northeast of Cape Cod three years before ; returning, arrives at Monahigan, June 23, where he finds the ship ready to depart, dp She had staid about six weeks, and being laden by thirty-eight men and boys with fish and furs, returns. Sm By captain Ward from Virginia captain Dermer bears of Rocroft's death ;^c Sm dp whereupon, putting most of his provisions aboard said Ward, ready bound thither, and leaving his Indian at Sawahqua- * Sir Edwin Sands was chosen in AprU. Pur. 20 154 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1619. King of G. Britain, James I.— France, Lewis XIII.— Spain, PhUip III_ took, he sails in his pinnace for Virginia dp with five or six men, and the two Frenchmen. Sm* Having passed forty leagues along the coast, he is cast ashore in a broad bay, but gets off" again ; at Ma- namock, the southern part of Cape Cod, he is una wares taken prisoner, but gets clear ; thence saUs to Capaock and meets with Epenow : thence steers along the coast between Long Island and the main ; being the first who passes through and finds it to be an island , 30 leagues in length, before accounted part of the main ; thence sails along the coast, arrives at Cape Charles, Sept. 7 ; and next day at the mouth of James river, dp June 15. The king renews the high commis sion court of Scotland in more ample form ; and July 2, upon the king's order, the archbishop of Glasgow, cites before the high commission the reverend Mr. Blyth and Forrester, to depose them from the ministry and confine them, for giving the commu nion without kneeling. Who plead the acts of parliament for the manner of celebration, and the practice of the church this threescore years, and no act of parliament, nor general assembly, no not of Perth, forbidding the former practice ; yet they are suspended during the king's pleasure and confined. Cal August 18, cc cv or 28 new style, a ri Ferdinand, king of Hungary and Bohemia, elected emperor of Germany. August 19, the States of Bohemia renounce king Ferdinand, cc cv and August 26, choose Frederick, elector Palatine their king ; the legates of Moravia, Silesia, and Lusatia, being pre- * Sir F. Gorges seems to mistake in representing as if Dermer heard not of Rocroft's death, till he arrived in Virginia. Capt. Smith says, he goes with five or six men and tbe two Frenchmen : but neither Dermer nor Gorges have any such passages. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 155 1620. King of G. Britain, James L— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, Philip III. sent and concurring with them, cc October 20, or 30, new style, he is magnificently received at Prague. October 25, or November 4, new style, is there crowned king of Bohemia ; and October 28, or November 7, new style, his royal consort there crowned queen, a September 17. The king by letters to the pro vost, baUiffs, and Council of Edinburgh, wills them to change their magistrates the twenty-ninth cur rent, and allow of none but those who will conform to the five articles ; upon which, the provost, bai liffs and treasurer are changed. November 23, in a convention of ministers called to St. Andrews by the archbishop, he communicates to them a letter from the king, wherein he commands the bishops to depose all that refuse to conform, without respect of persons, and no ways regarding their multitude ; beginning of December a charge proclaimed at Edinburgh for the observation of christmas. Cal ' After long attendance, the Leyden agents obtain a patent granted and confirmed under the Virginia Company's seal ; but the patent being taken out in the name of Mr. John Wincob, a religious gentle man, (belonging to the countess of Lincoln,) who intended to go with them ; and providence so order ing that he never went, they never made use of his patent, which cost them so much charge and labour. However, the patent being carried by one of their messengers to Leyden, for the people to consider, with several proposals for their transmigration, made by Mr. Thomas Weston, of London, merchant, and other friends and merchants as should either go or adventure with them, they are requested to prepare with speed for the voyage. 1620. ' Upon receiving these, they first keep a day of solemn prayer, Mr. Robinson preaching 156 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1620, King of G, Britain, James I.— France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, Philip III, a very suitable sermon from 1 Sara. xxii. 3, 4. Strengthening them against their fears, and encour aging them in their resolutions ; and then conclude how many and who should prepare to go first ; for all that were wUling could not get ready quickly ; the greater number being to stay, require their pas tor to tarry with them ; their elder Mr. Brewster to go with the other ; those who go first to be an abso lute church of themselves, as well as those that stay; with this proviso, that as any go over or return, they shall be reputed as members, without further dis mission or testimonial ; and those who tarry, to fol low the rest as soon as they can. B ' Mr. Weston coming to Leyden, the people agree with him on articles both for shipping and money to assist in their transportation ; then send Mr. Carver and Cushman to England, to receive the money and provide for the voyage ; Mr. Cushman at London, Mr. Carver at Southampton ; those who are to go first, prepare with speed, sell their estates, put their money into the common stock, to be disposed by their managers for making general provisions. There was also one Mr. Martin cho sen in England, to join with Mr. Carver and Cush man ; he came from Billerica in Essex ; from which country came several others, as also from London and other places, to go with them ; and a ship of 60, Smith and Purchas say 70 tons, is bought and fitted in Holland, both to help transport them and to stay in the country.' B March 1. The high commission court at Edin burgh suspend Mr. Porteous from his ministry till the next assembly, for not observing holy days, and not giving the communion according to the five articles ; and for the same reasons deprive Mr. Scrimger from the ministry and confine him. March NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 157 1620. King of G. Britain, James I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip III, 28, the high commission at Glasgow depose and confine Mr. Levingstone and Ferguson, for not observing the said articles, and for declining the judicature of the high commission. April 21, the high commission at St. Andrews, deprive doctor Barclay from preaching, and confine Mr. Mernes and Areskin, for not regarding the articles. April 25, five citizens of Edinburgh confined by tlie king's order, without citation, trial or conviction, only to satisfy his majesty for their accompanying the min isters before the high commission, and assisting them in their disobedience. And May 10, Mr. Duncan deprived for not conforming to the articles. Cal This year there goes six or seven sail from the west of England to New-England, to fish only. Sm But from England to Virginia eight ships with a thousand and ninety-six passengers to settle. Pur This spring captain Dermer returns to New England. Sm In his way he meets with certain Hollanders, who had a trade in Hudson's river some years ; discovers many goodly rivers and exceeding pleasant coasts and islands, for eighty leagues east from Hudson's river to Cape Cod ; but arriving at New England Eigain, ^c whence he writes a letter on June 30, B \. he comes to Nautican, then to Capawic ; where, FGor with Squanto, he goes ashore, B and is suddenly set upon pc by Epe now jP6ror and other savages ; who give him fourteen wounds pc F Gor and slay all his men but one, that kept the boat ; with whose help the captain, B being a brave, stout gentleman, and drawing his sword, F Gor by his valour and dexterity pc frees himself. But is forced to return to Virginia for 158 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1620. King of G, Britain, James I, — France, Lewis XIH,- Spain, Philip III. cure ; where he faUs UI, and dies of the sickness of the country, pc F Gor* May 25. (or June 4, N. S.)t 'Mr. Robinson writes to Mr. Carver, and complains of Mr. Wes ton's neglect in getting shipping in England ; for want of which they are in a piteous case at Ley den. And May 31, (or June 10, N. S.) S. F., E. W., W. B., and J. A., write from Leyden to Mr. Carver and Cushman, that the coming of Mr. Nash and their pUot is a great encouragement to them. B June 10. 'Mr. Cushman in a letter from Lon- doti, to Mr. Carver at Southampton, says, that Mr. Crabe, a minister, had promised to go, but is much opposed, and like to fail. And in a letter to the people at Leyden, that he had hired another pilot, one Mr. Clark, who went last year to Virgi nia ; that he is getting a ship, hopes he shall make all ready af London in fourteen days ; and would have Mr. Reynolds tarry in Holland, and bring the ship there to Southampton. Upon this, a ship of ninescore tons is immediately hired at London, and the ship in Holland being ready, they spend a day in solemn prayer ; Mr. Robinson preaching from Ezra viii. 21.' B June 19. A proclamation at Edinburgh, of the king's will that all in Scotland observe the holy days, with kneeling at the Lord's table, and others of the five articles ; that the ministers who do not, * Governor Bradford says, the captain gets aboard very sore wounded, and the Indians would have cut off his head upon the cuddy of his boat, had not the man rescued him with a sword, -and so tliey got away, and made shift to get into Virginia, where he died ; JB and captain Smith writes as if he died of his wounds, Sm but Gov. Bradford says, whether of his wounds or disease of the country, or both, is uncertain B X The date in the manuscript is June 14, new style. But the figure 1, being somewhat blurcd, and June 14, new style, being Lord's day, and this letter placed before the following of June 10, new style, I conclude it shoidd be June 4, new style. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 159 1620, King of G, Britain, James I. — France, Lewis XIII. — Spain, PhUip III. be punished with deprivation, suspension and con finement, at the discretion of the high commission ; that every one who observes not the holy days at church, shall for every omission, pay ISs Ad; that those who do not communicate kneeling, shaU pay — an earl lOOZ., a lord 100 marks, a laird 501., others 20Z. or less, at the discretion of the judges ; and whoever impugnes the five articles, shall be punished at the discretion of the Privy Council. Cal [But removing to North America, we must now leave the history of Scotland, as well as other parts of Europe, and only hint at those events in Eng land which more immediately affect the British Colonies.] THE VOYAGE OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE AT LEYDEN FOR VIRGINIA. ' About July 21, (I suppose N. S.) Messrs. Brewster, Carver, Bradford and Winslow, with the other English voyagers at Leyden leave that city, where they had lived near twelve years ; being accompanied by most of their brethren to Delph Haven, where their ship lay ready, and sundry come from Amsterdam, to see them shipped and take their leave ; they spend that night in friendly, entertaining and christian converse. And July 22, (I suppose N. S.J* The wind being fair, they go aboard, their friends attending them ; at their part ing Mr. Robinson falling down on his knees and they all with him, he with watery cheeks com mends them with most fervent prayer to God ; and then with mutual embraces and many tears they take their leave, and with a prosperous gale come * Both Mr, Morton and Dr, C, Mather seem to mistake in saying July 2, 160 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1620, King of G. Britain, James I,— France, Lewis XIU.— Spain, Philip HI. to Southampton ; where they find the bigger ship from London, Mr. Jones master, with the rest of the company, who had been waiting there with Mr. Cushman seven days ; 700 pounds sterling are laid out at Southampton, and they carry about 1700 pounds venture with them ; and Mr. Weston comes thither from London, to see them despatch ed. B July 23. King James gives a warrant to his solicitor, sir Thomas Coventry, to prepare a new patent for the incorporation of the adventurers to the northern colony of Virginia, between 40 and 48 deg. north, which patent the king signs on Nov. 3, styling them the Council for the affairs of New England and their successors. F. Gor. July 27. ' Mr. Robinson writes to Mr. Carver and people letters, which they receive at South ampton. And the company being called togeth er, theirs is read among them, to the acceptance of all, and after fruit of many.* Then they dis tribute their company into the ships, and with the approbation of the masters choose a governor and two or three assistants for each, to order the peo ple and provisions. B August 5. ' They sail from Southampton ; but reach not far before Mr. Reynolds, master of the lesser ship, complained she was so leaky that he dare proceed no farther. Upon which they both put into Dartmouth, about August 13, where they search and mend her to their great charge and loss of time and a fair wind ; though had they staid at sea but three or four hours more, she had sunk right down. About August 21, they set sail again, Brad, with about 120 persons, leave the coast of * This letter is pubUsbed in Mourt's Relation, Morton's Memorial, and Neal's history of New England, - ' NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 161 1620, King of G, Britain, James I. — France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, Philip III. England, August 22, or 23 ; Sm. and Pur. but having gone about a hundred leagues beyond the land's end of England, Brad, the next day Sm. and Pur. Mr. Reynolds complained of her leaking again, that they must either return or sink ; for they could scarce free her by pumping. Upon which they both put back to Plymouth, where finding no defect, they judged her leakiness owing to her general weakness. They therefore agree to dismiss her, and those who are willing, to return to London, though this was very grievous and dis couraging ; Mr. Cushman and family returning with them ;* the rest taking what provision they could well stow in the larger ship, resolve to pro ceed on the voyage alone. B Sept. 6. ' They make another sad parting, and the greater ship sets sail again. f But about half seas over meet with cross winds and many fierce storms, which often force them to hull for diverse days together, not being able to bear a knot of sail ; make her upper works very leaky, and bow and wrack a main beam in the midship ; which puts them in such fear, as the chief of the company enters into a serious consultation with the ship offi cers about returning. But a passenger having brought a great iron screw from Holland, they with it raise the beam into its place ; and then committing themselves to the Divine . wUl, pro ceed. B Nov. 6. ' Dies at sea, William Button, a youth and servant to Samuel Fuller, hp being the only passenger who dies on the voyage. B * Smith and Purchas say they there discharge twenty of their passengers. t Smith and purchas say with one hundred persons, besides sailors. bp Governor Bradford's pocket-book, which contains a register of deaths, &c. from Nov, 6, 1630, to the end of March 1621. 21 162 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1620, King of G, Britain, James I, — France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, Philip III. Nov. 9. ' At break of day, M after long beat ing the sea, they make the land of Cape Cod. Whereupon they tack and stand to the southward, the wind and weather being fair, to find some place about Hudson river for settlement. But sailing this course about half the day, they fall among roaring shoals and breakers, and are so entangled with them as they find themselves in great hazard,* and the wind shrinking upon them at the same time, they bear up for the Cape, get out of those dangers before night ; and the next day into the Cape harbor, where they ride in safety. B rNov. 11. Saturday, being thus arrived, they first Sj^ fall on their knees and bless the God of Heaven, &c. J But their design and patent being for Vir ginia, and not New England, which belongs to another jurisdiction, wherewith the Virginia Com pany have no concern, before they land, they this day combine into a body politic by a solemn con tract, to which they set their hands, as the basis of their government in this new found country ; choose Mr. John Carver, a pious and well approved gen tleman, their governor for the first year ; B and then set ashore fifteen or sixteen men well armed to fetch wood and discover the land, who at night return, but found neither house nor person. M Nov. 13. Monday, the people go ashore to re fresh themselves, and every day the whales play round about them and the greatest store of fowls they ever saw. But the earth here a company of sandhills''; and the water so shallow near the shore, they are forced to wade a bowshot or two M Relation of their proceedings published by Mourt, * They are the same which captain Gosnold, in 1602 caUed Point Care and Tucker's Terror ; but the French and Dutch call Malabar, by reason of perilous shoals and the losses there sustained. B ' NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 163 1620, King of G, Britain, James L— France, Lewis XIII— Spain, Philip^IlI, to get to land ; which being freezing weather, affiecteth them with grievous colds and coughs, which after proves the death of many, and renders the place unfit for settlement. M Nov. 15. While the shallop is fitting, Capt. Stan- dish, with sixteen men well armed, sets out on the Cape, to search for a convenient place to settle. B William Bradford, Stephen Hopkins, and Edward Tilley are of the number, adjoined to the captain for Council. M When they had marched a mile south ward they see five or six savages, B whom they follow ten mUes M till night, but could not over take them, and lodge in the woods. The next day they head a great creek, B and travel on to a val ley, wherein is a fine, clear pond of fresh water, a musket shot wide, and two long. Then they come to a place of graves ; then to the remainder of an old fort or palisade, which they conceive had been made by christians ; M and then to a harbor open ing into two creeks with an high cliff" of sand at the entrance, B the western creek being twice as large as the eastern. M* Near which they meet with heaps of sand, dig into them, find several baskets full of Indian corn, and taking some, for which they purpose to give the natives full satis faction, as soon as they could meet with any of them, B return to the pond, where they make a barricado, and lodge this night, being very rainy ; and the next day, wading in some places up to the knees, get back to the ship, M to the great joy of their brethren. B November 27. The shallop being fitted, twen ty-four of their men, with Mr. Jones and nine sai lors, thirty-four in aU, set forth on a more full ^ This seems to be what is since called Barnstable harbor. 164 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1620. King of G. Britain, James I.— France, Lewis III. — Spain, Philip III, discovery of the aforesaid harbor ; but the weather growing rough and the winds cross, they are soon obliged to row for the nearest shore, and then wade above their knees to land. It blows, snows and freezes all this day and night ; and here some re ceive the seeds of those fatal illnesses that quick ly seized them. The next day they sail to their designed port ; but find it unfit for shipping, land between the two creeks, and marching four or five miles by the greater, are tired with travelling up and down the steep hills and vallies, covered half a foot with snow, and lodge under pine trees. The next morning return to the other creek, and thence to the place of their former digging, where they dig again, though the ground be frozen a foot deep, and find more corn and beans, make up their corn to ten bushels ; which they send with Mr. Jones and fifteen of their sick and weaker people to the ship ; eighteen staying and lodging there this night, next day they dig in several such like places, but find no more corn nor any thing else but graves; discover two Indian wigwams, but see no natives ; and the shallop returning, they get aboard at night, and the next day, December 1, return to the ship. M The corn they found happily serves for their planting on the spring ensuing, or they would have been in great danger of perishing ; B M for which they gave the owners entire content about six months after. B Before the end of November, ilf Susanna, wife of WiUiam White, B bn was delivered of a son, who is called Peregrine, M being the first born since their arrival, bn and I conclude the first of the Eu ropean extract in New England.* bn Boston News Letter, * He lives to July 22, 1704, when he dies at Marshfield. bn NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 165 1620. King of G. Britain, James I, — France, Lewis III, — Spain, Philip III, December 4. Dies Edward Thomson, servant of Mr. White, bp the first that dies since their ar rival. December 6, dies Jasper, a boy of Mr. Carver's. December 7, Dorothy, wife to Mr Wil liam Bradford. December 8, James Chilton, bp December 6. They again send out their shal lop, with ten of their principal men, B viz. Mr. Carver, Bradford, Winslow, captain Standish, &c. with eight or ten seamen, ilf to circulate the bay and find a better place ; though the weather is very cold and the spray of the sea freezes on them, that their clothes look as if they were glazed, B and feel like coats of iron. M This night they get to the bottom of the bay, see ten or twelve Indians ashore, B busy a cutting up a grampus. M By reason of the flats they land with great difficulty, majke a barricado, lodge therein, and see the smoke of the Indian fires that night B about four or five miles from them. M December 7. This morning, they divide their company, some travelling on shore, B eight M others coasting in the shallop by great flats of sand. B About ten o'clock, the shore people find a great burying place ; part thereof encompassed with a large palisade, full of graves, some paled about, others having small poles turned and twisted over them ; w^ithout the palisade were graves also, but not so costly. Then they come to four or five de serted wigwams, but see no people. M Towards night, they hasten out of the woods to meet the shaUop, and making a signal for her to bear into a creek, she comes in at high water to their mutual joy, having not seen each other since morning ; but found no people nor any place they liked ; and at night, make another barricado,and lodge therein. B 166 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1620, King of G,Britain, James I,— France, Lewis Xlll,— Spain, Philip lU, December 8. At five this morning they rise ; and after prayer, the day dawning, and the tide high enough to call them down to the shallop, they suddenly hear a great and strange cry, one of their company running towards them calling out Indians ! Indians ! And therewith arrows come flying about them. B Upon discharging their pieces, the Indians soon get away, the English following a quarter of a mile shouting, return to their shallop, B having left six men to keep her, M and not one of the company wounded, though the arrows flew close on every side. Upon which they give God solemn thanks ; then sail along the coast B about fifteen leagues, M find no convenient harbor, and hasten on to a port, which Mr. Coppin their pilot assures them is a good one, which he had been in, and they might reach before night. But after some hours sailing it begins to snow and rain ; at mid- afternoon the wind rising, the sea grows very rough, they break their rudder, it is as much as two men can steer her with a couple of oars ; and the storm increasing, the night approaching, and bear ing what sail they can to get in, they break their mast in three pieces, their sail falls over board into a very grown sea, and they are like to founder suddenly ; yet by the mercy of heaven, they recover themselves, and the flood being with them strike into the imagined harbor ; but the pilot being de- ceive.d cries out. Lord be merciful ! my eyes never saw this place before ! And he and the mate would have run her ashore in a cove full of breakers before the wind ;* but a steersman calUng to the rowers, 'about with her, or we are cast away,' they get her about immediately, and providence showing a fair ¦' Mr. Morton says, this is between the place since called the Gurnet's Nose and Sagaqnab. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 167 1620. King of G. Britain, James I, — France, Lewis Xlll, — Spain, Philip III, sound before them, though it be very dark and rains hard, they get under the lee of a small rise of land ; but are divided about going ashore, lest they fall into the midst of savages ; some therefore keep the boat, but others being so wet, cold and feeble, cannot bear it, but venture ashore, and with great difficulty kindle a fire ; and after midnight, the wind shifting to the northwest, and freezing hard, the rest are glad to get to them, and here stay the night. B December 9. In the morning they find the place to be a small island, secure from Indians.* And this being the last day of the week, they here dry their stuff", fix their pieces, rest themselves, return God thanks for their many deliverances ; and here the' next day keep their Christian Sabbath. B . December 1 1 . Monday, they sound the harbor, find it fit for shipping, march into the land, see di verse cornfields, and running brooks, with a place they judge fit for habitation, and return to the ship with the discovery, to their great comfort. B December 15. The ship saUs for this new found port, comes within two leagues of it, when a north west wind springs up and forces her back ; but the next day the wind comes fair, and she arrives in the desired harbor, B quickly after, the wind chops about ; so that had they been hindered but half an hour, they would have been forced back to the Cape again. M December 18. Monday, they land with the master of the ship and three or four sailors ; march along the coast seven or eight miles, but see nei ther wigwam, Indian, nor navigable river, but only four or five brooks of sweet fresh water running * Mr. Morton says, this is since called Clark's Island, because Mr. Clark the mate of the ship first stepped asjiore thereon. 168 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1620. King of G. Britain, James I.— France, Lewis XIII. — Spain, Philip IIL into the sea, with choice ground formerly possessed and planted, and at night return to the ship ; next day they go again to discover, some on land, others in the shallop, find a creek into which they pass three mUes, and return. M December 20. This morning, after calling to heaven for guidance, they go ashore again, to pitch on some place for immediate settlement. After viewing the country they conclude to settle on the main, on a high ground, facing the bay where corn had been planted three or four years before ; a sweet brook running under the hill with many deli cate springs. On a great hill they intend to fortify, which will command all around, whence they may see across the bay to the Cape. And here being in number twenty, they rendezvous this evening ; but a storm rising, it blows and rains hard all night, continues so tempestuous for two days that they cannot get aboard, and have nothing to shelter them. M December 21. Dies Richard Britterige, bp the first who dies in this harbor. December 23. Saturday, as many as can, go ashore, cut and carry timber for a common build ing. M December 24. Lord's Day, our people ashore are alarmed with the cry of savages, expect an as sault, but continue quiet. M And this day dies Solomon Martin, hp the sixth and last who dies this month. December 25. Monday, they go ashore again, felling timber, sawing, riving, carrying. M Begin to erect the first house B about twenty foot square, M for their common use, to receive them and their goods ; B and leaving twenty to keep a court of guard, the rest return aboard at evening ; but in the NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 169 1620. King of G. Britain, James I. — France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, PhiUp III, night and next day, another sore storm of wind and rain. M Dec. 28. Thursday. They go to work on the hUl, reduce themselves to nineteen families, measure out their lots, and draw for them. Many grow ill of grievous colds, from the great and many hard ships they had endured. December 29 and 30, very cold and stormy again ; and they see great smokes of fires made by the Indians about six or seven miles off". M December 31. Lord's Day ; though the gene rality remain aboard the ship almost a mile and a half off", yet this seems to be the first day that any keep the Sabbath in the place of their building ; at this time we therefore fix the era of their settle ment here ; to v/hieh they give the name of Ply mouth, the first English town in all this country, in a grateful memory of the Christian friends they found at Plymouth in England, as of the last town they left in that their native land. Here governor Bradford ends his first book, containing ten chap ters in fifty-three pages folio ; and here we end the first part of our New England Chronology. But by this we see sir Richard Baker greatly mistaken as to the beginning of this colony, by placing it in 1624. 22 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. PART II. Being a short account of the aifairs of this country, as settled by the several colonies of the English nation ; from their beginning, in the settlement of the first at Plymouth, by the name of Plymouth Colony, Dec, 31, 1620, to the settlement of the seventh and last, by the combination of forty-one persons into a form of government on Piscataqua river, Oct, 22, 1640 ; afterwards called the province of New Hampshire, SECTION I. From the beginning of the settlement of the first or Plymouth Colony, at Plymouth, under governor Carver, Dec, 31, 1620, to the beginning of the settlement of the Massachusetts, or second Colony, by the arrival of governor Winthrop and company at Salem, June 12, 1630, Through a great variety of obstacles and hardships, this small and pious people are at length arrived and seated on this strange and distant shore ; but yet a shore they are by an over-ruling Providence conducted to, beside their own design, though not without the secret plots of others ; for as some unknown country further southward, about Hudson river, was in their view when they engaged in this adventur ous voyage. Mr. Morton, who published his memorial in 1670, tells us, he had then lately sure intelligence, that the Dutch intending to settle a colony there of their own, pri vately hired the master of the ship to contrive delays in Eng land, then to steer them to these northern coasts, and there NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 171 under pleas of shoals and winter, to discourage them from venturing farther.* However, by their being guided hither, they then unknow ingly escaped the much greater danger of falling among the multitudes of savages at that time filling the countries about Hudson river, and are landed in a place of greater safety ; where a general pestilence had two or three years before exceedingly reduced the natives, and prepared the way for this feeble company. Being thus beside their intention brought to the New Eng land coast, where their patent gave them no right or power, they were in a sort reduced to a state of nature ; and some of the strangers received at London dropping some mutinous speeches, as if there were now no authority over them, this people, therefore, before they landed, wisely formed them selves into a body politic, under the crown of England, by the solemn contract hinted above, and which governor Brad ford gives us the following terms, f ' In the name of God amen ; We, whose names are under written, the loyal subjects of our dread sovereign lord king James, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, king, defender of the faith, &;c. ' Having undertaken for the glory of God, and advance ment of the Christian faith, and honor of our king and coun try, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents, solemnly and mutually in the presence of God, and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves together, into a civil body politic, for our better ordering and preservation, and furtherance of the ends aforesaid ; and by virtue hereof, to enact, constitute, and frame such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitu tions, and offices, J from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony. Unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. In witness whereof, we have hereunder subscribed our names at Cape Cod, the 11th of November, in the year of the reign * Agreeable to this, we observed in the month of June, this year, while the English Leydeners were preparing for their voyage, that as captain Dermer returned from Virginia to New England, he met certain Hollanders sailing for Hudson river, where they had had a trade for several years, t The same is printed in Mourt's Relation, Purchas, Morton, and Neal ; though the two latter with some small variation from the other three. X So Bradford, Mourt, and Purchas, but Morton says officers. 172 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. of our sovereign lord, king James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth. Anno Domini, 1620.' B To this instrument, Mr. Morton sets the subscribers in the following order : but their names corrected, with their titles and families, I take from the list at the end of governor Brad ford's folio manuscript. Only this I observe, that out of modesty he omits the title of Mr; to his own name, which he ascribes to several others. N. B. 1 . Those with this mark (*) brought their wives with them ; those with this (f) for the present, left them either in Holland or England. 2. Some left behind them part, and others all their chil dren, who afterwards came over. 3. Those with this mark (§) deceased before the end of March. JVo, in family. J^ames. 1 Mr, John Cabybb,* 2 William Bradford,* 3 Mr, Edward Winslow,* 4 Mr, William Brewster,* 5 Mr, Isaac Allerton,* 6 Capt Miles Standish,* 7 John Alden, 8 Mr, Samuel Fulleb,+ 8 2566 2 1 2o 9 Mr, Christopher Martin,*§ 4 10 Mr, William MnLLiNS,"§ 5 11 Mb, William White,*§ 56 12 Mr, Richard Wabben,! 1 13 John Howland,!; 14 Mb,' Stephen Hopkins,* Sd 15 Edward Tilly,*§ 4 16 John Tillv,*§ 3 17 Francis CooK,t 2 18 Thomas Rogers,^ 2 19 Thomas Tinker,*§ 3 20 John Ridgdale,*5 2 21 Edward Fuller,*§ 3 Names. No. in family. 22 John Tobher,§ 3 23 Francis Eaton,* 3 24 James Chilton,*§ 3 25 John Crackston,§ e 2 26 John Billington,* 4 27 Moses Fletcher,§ / 28 John Goodman,§ 29 Degory Priest,§ g 30 Thomas Williams,§ 31 Gilbert Winslow, 32 Edmund Mabgeson,§ 33 Peter Brown, 34 Richard Britterige,§A 35 George So(jLE,i 36 Richard Clarke,§ 37 Richard Gabdinek, 38 John Allebton,§ 39 Thomas Ekglish,§ 40 Edwabd DoBEy,y } j^ 41 Edward Leister. ' 101 a One of these was the servant who died before their arrival, B h Besides the son born in Cape Cod harbor, named Peregrine, B c He was of governor Carver's family, B d One of these was a son bom at sea, and therefore named Oceanus, e Mr, Morton calls him Craxton, / Mr, Morton seems to mistake in calling him Jose, fMr. Morton calls him Digery. Mr, Morton calls him Bitteridge, i He was of governor Winslow's family, B j Mr, Morton seems to mistake in calling him Doten, k They were of iMr, Hopkins's family. B NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 173 So there were just 101 who sailed from Plymouth in Eng land, and just as many arrived in Cape Cod harbor. And this is the solitary number who for an undefiled conscience, and the love of pure Christianity, first left their native and pleasant land, and encountered all the toils and hazards of the tumultuous ocean, in search of some uncultivated region in North Virginia ; where they might quietly enjoy their re ligious liberties, and transmit them to posterity, in hopes that none would follow to disturb or vex them. Some noted writers, not with a sufficient accuracy, studied in the religious history of those times, have through great mistake represented as if this people were a congregation of Brownists. But even Baylie himself, b that bitter inveigher both against the Brownists and Independents, owns, ' That Mr. Robinson their pastor was a man of excellent parts, and the most learned, polished and modest spirit, as ever separ ated from the Church of England ; that the apologies he wrote were very handsome ; that by Dr. Ames and Mr. Parker, he was brought to a greater moderation than he at first expressed ; that he ruined the rigid separation, allowing the lawfulness of communicating with the Church of England in the word and prayer,* though not in the sacraments and discipline ; that he was a principal overthrower of the Brown ists, and became the author of Independency.' The like account of Mr. Robinson, Honius also gives us. h And how inconsistent is it then to call him or his people Brownists, when he was known to be a principal overthrower of them. Agreeably, Hornius, from my lord Brook, seems to express himself in this more accurately than other writers, by divid ing those who separated from the Church of England into two sorts, namely, first. The rigid Separatists, or Brownists. Second, the semi Separatists or Robinsonians ; who after a while were called Independents, and still retain the name. And so distant were the former in their principles and temper from the latter, that as the chief seat of the Brownists was 6 Baylie's Dissuasive from the errors of the times, printed in 4to, London, 1645, * But Mr, Cotton, who was well acquainted with Elder Brewster, and the first members of the church at Plymouth, tells us, ' That by prayer must not be understood the Common Prayer book, but of the prayers conceived by the preacher, before and after sermon, (Way of Congregational Churches clear ed, in answer to Baylie, he. printed in 4to, London, 1648,) h Hornii Historia Ecclesiastica and Politica, 174 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. then at Amsterdam, governor Winslow, a principal mem ber of Mr. Robinson's church, acquaints us, ' That the Brownists there would hardly hold communion with the peo ple at Leyden.' w The 6ame gentleman also tells us, ' That Mr. Robinson was always against separation from any of the Churches of Christ, holding communion with the reformed churches, both in Scotland, France and the Netherlands ; that his study was for peace and union, so far as might agree with faith and a good conscience. But for the government of the Church of England, as in the Episcopal way, the liturgy and stinted prayers, yea the constitution of the church as national, and so the corrupt communion of the unworthy with the worthy receivers of the Lord's Supper, these things were never ap proved of him, but witnessed against to his death, and by the church under him ; that the church of Leyden made no schism or separation from the reformed churches, but as occasion offered held communion with them. For we, says governor Winslow, ever placed a large difference between those who ground their practice on the word of God, though differing from us in the exposition or understanding of it, and those who hated such reformers and reformation, and went on in antichristian opposition to it and persecution of it, as the late lord Bishops did. Nevertheless, Mr. Robinson allowed hearing the godly ministers of the Church of England preach and pray in the public assemblies ; yea, allowed pri vate communion* with them, and with all the faithful in the kingdom, and elsewhere upon all occasions.' None of which would the Brownists ever allow. ' It is true,' says governor Winslow, ' we profess and desire to practise a separation from the world and the works of the world, which are the works of the flesh, such as the Apostle speaks of, Eph. v. 19, 21 ; 1 Cor. vi. 9, 11 ; and Eph. ii. 11, 12. And as the Churches of Christ are all saints by calling, so we desire to see the grace of God shining forth, at least seemingly, (leaving secret things to God) in all we w Governor Winslow's ground for planting New England ; at the end of his answer to Gorton, printed in 4to, London, 1646, * By private communion, 1 suppose he means in opposition to the mixed communion in the public churches ; that is, he allowed all of the Church of England who were known to be pious to have communion in his private church. For, as Mr, Cotton, writing of Mr, Robinson, says, ' He separated not from any church, but from the world,' NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 175 admit into church fellowship, and to keep off such as openly wallow in the mire of their sins ; that neither the holy things of God, nor the communion of the saints may be thereby leavened or polluted. And if any joining to us when we lived at Leyden, or since we came to New England, have with the manifestation of their faith and profession of holi ness, held forth there with separation from the Church of England, I have diverse times in the one place heard Mr. Robinson our pastor, and in the other Mr. Brewster our elder, stop them forthwith, shewing them that we required no such thing at their hands, but only to hold forth faith in Jesus Christ, holiness in the fear of God, and submission to every divine appointment ; leaving the Church of England to themselves and to the Lord, to whom we ought to pray to reform what was amiss among them.' Perhaps Hornius was the only person who gave this peo ple the title of Robinsonians. But had he been duly ac quainted with the generous principles both of the people and their famous pastor, he would have known that nothing was more 'disagreeable to them than to be called by the name of any mere man whatever ; since they renounced all attachment to any mere human systems or expositions of the Scripture, and reserved an entire and perpetual liberty of searching the inspired records, and of forming both their principles and practice from those discoveries they should make therein, without imposing them on others. This ap pears in their original covenant in 1602, as we observed before. And agreeable to this, governor Winslow tells us, that when the Plymouth people parted from their renowned pastor, with whom they had always lived in the most entire affection ' he charged us before God and his blessed an gels to follow him no further than he followed Christ ; and if God should reveal any thing to us by any other instrument of his, to be as ready to receive it as ever we were to receive any truth by his ministry ; for he was very confident the Lord had more truth and light yet to break forth out of his Holy Word. He took occasion also miserably to bewail the state of the reformed churches, who were come to a period m religion, and would go no further than the instruments of their reformation. As for example, the Lutherans could not be drawn to go beyond what Luther saw ; for whatever part of God's word he had further revealed to Calvin they had 176 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. rather die than embrace it ; and so said he, you see the Cal- vinists, they stick where he left them. A misery much to be lamented. For though they were precious shining lights in their times, yet God had not revealed his whole will to them. And were they now alive, said he, they would be as ready to embrace further light as that they had received. Here also he put us in mind of our Church Covenant, where by we engaged with God and one another, to receive what ever light or truth should be made known to us from bis written woi-d. But withal exhorted us to take heed what we receive for truth ; and well to examine, compare, and weigh it with other Scriptures before we receive it. For, said he, it is not possible the Christian world should come so lately out of such antichristian darkness, and that full perfec tion of knowledge should break forth at once,' &c. Words almost astonishing in that age of low and universal bigotry which then prevailed in the English nation ; wherein this truly great and learned man seems to be almost the only divine who was capable of rising into a noble freedom of thinking and practising in rehgious matters, and even of urging such an equal liberty on his own people. He labors to take them off from their attachment to him, that they might be more entirely free to search and follow the Scrip tures. As for Mr. Robinson's being the author of Independency, Mr. Cotton replies, ' That the New Testament was the author of it, and it was received in the times of purest, primitive antiquity, many hundreds of years before Mr. Ro binson was born ; and governor Winslow — that the prim itive churches in the Apostolic age are the only pattern which the churches of Christ in New England have in their eye ; not following Luther, Calvin, Knox, Ainsworth, Robin son, Ames, or any other, further than they followed Christ and his Apostles.' But as Mr. Robinson and his Church were of the same mind, and always lived in great harmony and unity, I shdl here give a summary of their main principles from their pub lished writings. I. They were in the sentiments which since the famous Mr. Chillingworth tells us that after long study he also came into ; viz. that the inspired Scriptures only contain the true religion ; and especially nothing is to be accounted the Pro- NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 177 testant religion, respecting either faith or worship, but what is taught in them ; as also in the same sentiments which the present celebrated bishop Hoadly, and many other great men, have so nobly defended, as the right of human nature, as the very basis of the reformation, and indeed of all sincere reli gion ; viz. that every man has a right of judging for iiimself, of trying doctrines by them, and of worshipping according to his apprehension of the meaning of them. II. As to faith and the holy sacraments — they believed the doctrinal articles of the church of England, as also of the reformed churches of Scotland, Ireland, France, the Palatinate, Geneva, Switzerland, and the united Provinces, to be agreeable to the holy oracles ; allowing all the pious members of these churches communion with them ; and differing from them only in matters purely ecclesiastical. III. As to ecclesiastical matters- — they held the following articles to be agreeable to scripture and reason. 1. That no particular church ought to consist of more members than can conveniently watch over one another, and usually meet and worship in one congregation. 2. That every particular church of Christ is only to consist of such as appear to believe in and obey him. 3. That any competent number of such, when their consciences oblige them, have a right to embody into a church for their mutual edification. 4. That this embodying is by some certain contract or covenant either expressed or implied ; though it ought to be by the former. 5. That being embodied, they have a right of choosing all their officers. 6. That the officers appointed by Christ for this embo died church are in some respects of three sorts, in others but two, viz. .^t^ First. Pastors or teaching elders — who have the power of overseeing, teaching, administering the sacraments and ruling too ; and being chiefly to give themselves to studying, teaching, and the spiritual care of the flock, are therefore to be maintained. Second. Mere ruling elders — who are to help the pastors in overseeing and ruhng ; that their offices be not temporary, as among the Dutch and French churches, hut continual ; and 178 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. being also qualified in some degree to teach, they are to teach only occasionally, through necessity, or in their pastors ab sence or illness ; but being not to give themselves to study or teaching, they have no need of maintenance. That the elders of both sorts form the Presbytery of over seers and rulers, which should be in every particular church; and are in scripture called sometimes presbyters or elders, sometimes bishops or overseers, sometimes guides, and some times rulers. Third. Deacons — who are to take care of the poor and of the churches' treasure ; to distribute for the support of the pastor, the supply of the needy, the propagation of rehgion, and to minister at the Lord's table, &ic. 7. That these officers being chosen and ordained, have no lordly, arbitrary or imposing power ; but can only rule and minister with the consent of the brethren ; who ought not in contempt to be called the laity, but to be treated as men and brethren in Christ, not as slaves or minors. 8. That no churches or church officers whatever have any power over any other church or officers, to control or impose upon them ; but are all equal in their rights and privileges, and ought to be independent in the exercise and enjoyment of them. 9. As to church administrations — they held that Baptism is a seal of the covenant of grace, and should be dispensed only to visible believers, with their unaduU children ; and this in primitive purity, as in the times of Christ and his Apos tles, without the sign of the cross or any other invented ceremony ; that the Lord's Supper should be received as it was at first even in Christ's immediate presence, in the table posture ; that the elders should not be restrained from pray ing in public as well as private, according to the various occasions continually offering from the woed of Providence and no set form should be imposed on any ; that excommu nication should be wholly spiritual, a mere rejecting the scan dalous from the communion of the church in the holy sacraments, and those other spiritual privileges which are pecuhar to the faithful ; and that the church or its officers have no authority to inflict any penalties of a temporal nature. 10. And lastly, as for holy days — they were very strict for the observation of the Lord's day, in a pious memorial of the incarnation, birth, death, resurrection, ascension and NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 179 benefits of Christ ; as also solemn fastings and thanks givings, as the state of Providence requires ; but all other times not prescribed in scripture they utterly relinquished ; and as in general they could not conceive any thing a part of Christ's religion which he has not required, they there fore renounced all human right of inventing, and much less of imposing it on others. These were the main principles of that scriptural and reli gious liberty for which this people suffered in England, fled to Holland, traversed the ocean, and sought a dangerous retreat in these remote and savage deserts of North America ; that here they might fully enjoy them, and leave them to their last posterity. But removing the stage of our chronology to the western side of the atlantic, we may take a brief survey both of the state of Great Britain and the neighboring countries they left behind them, and for which they were chiefly concerned, as well as the state of northeast America at the time of their arrival. In France and Navarre the king begins to persecute the Protestants and turn them out of their churches. In Lusa- tja, Bohemia, and Germany, the Imperial and Spanish forces are prevaihng and ruining the reformed interest ; even the protestai^t elector of Saxony joining with them. And the king pf England extremely fond of matching his only son prince Charles to the Popish Infanta, refuses to support and even alloiw of a public Cast for his own daughter, the excelleuit queen of Bohemia, the darling of the British Puritans ; indul- g.es the Papists throtighout b's kingdoms, and at the same time allows no rest for any of the reformed in them who mislike the x^eremonies or diocesan episcopacy. In Scptlaod the Presbyterian cburtA is wholly overthrown, her ministers deprived, confined, banished ; and in England ' ;nost of the affairs in Church ^and Stjite, as Eachard tells us, are transact ed by the Countess of Buckingham, whom he calls a fiery Romanist.' In so dark a season on the European shore, are this people brought to North America, where the prospect also looks .^Imost as dismal and discouraging. For besides the natives, the nearest plantation to them is 180 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. a French one at Port Royal* who have another at Canada. And the only English ones are at Virginia, Bermudas and Newfoundland ; the nearest of these about 500 miles off, and every one incapable of helping them ; wherever they turn their eyes, nothing but distress surrounds them ; harassed for their scripture worship in their native land, grieved for the profanation of the holy Sabbath and other hcentiousness in H6lland, fatigued with their boisterous voyage, disappointed of their expected country, forced on this northern shore both utterly unknown and in the advance of winter ; none but prejudiced barbarians round about them, and without any prospect of human succour ; without the help or favor of the Court of England, without a patent, without a public promise of their religious liberties, worn out with toil and sufferings, without convenient shelter from the rigorous weather ; and their hardships bringing a general sickness on them, which reduces them to great extremities, bereaves them of their dearest friends, and leaves many of the children orphans. Within five months time above half their company are carried off; whom they account as dying in this noble cause, whose memories they consecrate to the dear esteem of their suc cessors, and bear all with a christian fortitude and patience as extraordinary as their trials. I have only now to remind the reader, that utterly unsought, and then unknown to them, on November 3, about a week before their arriving at Cape Cod, king James signs a patent for the incorporation of the adventurers to the northern colony of Virginia, between 40 and 48 degrees north ; being the duke of Lenox, the Marquesses of Buckingham and Hamilton, the earls of Arundel and Warwick, sir F. Gorges, with thirty-four others, and their successors styling them the Council established at Plymouth, in the county of Devon, for the planting, ruhng, ordering and governing of New England in America ;f which is the great and civil basis of all the future patents and plantations that divide this country. * Governor Bradford, in a manuscript note in the margin of sir WUIiam Alexander's description of New-England, &.c, printed in 4to London, 1630, says, that ' Biencourt lived at Port Royal when we came into the country in 1620,' By which it seems as if by connivance of the Court of England, a small plantation of the French were suffered to continue at Port Royal, after the reduction by captain Argal in 1613, t From a manuscript copy of the charter itself in the hands of the honorable Elisha Cooke, Esq, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 181 NOTES FOR SECTION I, b, Beginning, m, middle, e, end. Printed Tracts — M, Mourt's Relation. W, Winslow's Relation. Pur, Pur- chas's Pilgrims. Sm, Smith's History. J, Johnson's History. F Gor, Sir F. Gorges. Mor, Morton's Memorial. Manu scripts. — B, Gov. Bradford's History. Br. his Register. Mcr. Massach. Col. Records. G, Gookin of the Indians. H, Hubbard's History, be, Book of Charters, msl, Manu script Letters. [Additions of my own.] NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. SECTION I. To the settlement of the Massachusetts Colony, by the arrival of Governor Winthrop and Deputy Governor Dudley, with the Charter and assistants, at Salem, June 12, 1630, 1621, King of G, Britain, James I, — ^France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, PhUip III, January 1. Monday, the people at Plymouth go betimes to work, M and the year begins with the death of Degory Priest. Br January 3. Some abroad see great fires of Indians and go to their cornfields, but discover none of the savages, nor have seen any since we came to this harbour. N January 4. Captain Standish, with four or five more, go to look for the natives where their fires were made, find some of their houses, though not lately inhabited, but none of the natives. J^E January 8. Francis Billington having the week before from the top of a tree on a high hill discov ered a great sea, as he thought, goes this day with one of the master's mates to view it ; travel three miles to a large water divided into two lakes ; the bigger five or six miles in compass with an islet in it of a cable's length square. The other three miles in compass, and a brook issuing from it, find seven or eight houses, though not lately inhabited ; M and this day dies Mr. Christopher Martin. Br NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 183 1621, King of G, Britain, James L— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, Philip III, January 9. We labor in building our town in two rows of houses for greater safety ; divide by lot the ground we build on : agree that every man shall build his own house, that they may make more haste than when they work in common. M January 12. At noon, John Goodman and Peter Brown gathering thatch abroad, and not coming home after their two companions, put us in great sorrow ; master Leaver with three or four more go to seek them, but can hear nothing of them ; next day, thinking the Indians had surprised them, we arm out ten or twelve men after them, who go searching seven or eight miles, but return without discovery, to our great discomfort. M January 13. Having the major part of our peo ple ashore, we purpose there to keep the public worship tomorrow. M January 14. Lord's Day morning at six o'clock, the wind, being very high, we on ship-board see our rendezvous in flames ; and because of the loss of the two men, fear the savages had fired it, nor can we come to help them for want of the tide till seven o'clock ; at landing, hear good news of the return of our two men, and that the house was fired by a spark flying into the thatch, which in stantly burnt it up ; the greatest sufferers are go vernor Carver and Mr. Bradford. The two men were lost in the woods on Friday noon ; ranged all the afternoon in the wet and cold ; at night it snow ing, freezing, and being bitter weather, they walked under a tree till morning, then travelled by many lakes and brooks ; in the afternoon, from a high hill they discover the two isles in our harbor, and at night get home faint with travel and want of fOod and sleep, and almost famished with cold. M January 21. We keep our public worship ashore. M 184 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1621. King of G, Britain, James I,— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, Philip III, January 29. Dies Rose, the wife of captain Standish. Br January 31. This morning the people aboard the ship see two savages, (the first that we see at this harbor,) but cannot speak with them. M N. B. This month eight of our number die. Br February 9. This afternoon, our house for our sick people is set a fire by a spark lighting on the roof. M February 16. One of our people a fowling by a creek about a mile and half off", twelve Indians march by him towards the town ; in the woods he hears the noise of many more, lies close till they are passed by, then hastens home and gives the alarm ; so the people abroad return, but see none ; only captain Standish and Francis Cook, leaving their tools in the woods, and going for them, find the savages had took them away ; and towards night a great fire ^ibout the place where the man saw them. M February 1 7. This morning we first meet for appointing military orders, choose Miles Standish for our captain, give him power accordingly ; and while we are consulting, two savages present themselves on the top of the hill over against us about a quar ter of a mile oflT, making signs for us to come to them, we send captain Standish and Mr. Hopkins over the brook towards them, one only with a mus ket, which he lays down in sign of peace and par ley, but the Indians would not stay their coming ; a noise of a great many more is heard behind the hill, but no more come in sight. M February 21. Die Mr. WiUiam White, Mr. William .MuUins, with two more. And the 25th dies Mary, the wife of Mr. Isaac Allerton. Br N. B. This month, seventeen of our number die. Br NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 185 1621, King of G, Britain, James I, — France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, PhUlp III. This spring there go ten or twelve ships from the west of England to fish on the northeastern coasts of New England ; who get well freighted with fish and fur. Sm Pur About this time the Indians gqt all the Pawaws of the country, for three days together, in a horrid and devilish manner to curse and execrate us with their conjurations ; which assembly they hold in a dark and dismal swamp, as we are afterwards in formed. B March 7. The governor with five more go to the Great Ponds ; and we begin to sow our garden seeds. Jlf March 16. This morning, a savage boldly comes alone along the houses straight to the rendezvous, surprises us with calling out, welcome Englishmen! welcome Englishmen ! having learned some bro ken English among the fishermen at Monhiggon ; the first Indian we met with, his name Samoset, says he is a Sagamore or lord of Moratiggon, lying hence a day's sail with a great wind, and five days by land, and has been in these parts eight months ; we entertain him, and he informs us of the country ; that the place we are in is called Patuxet, that about four years ago all the inhabitants died of an extraordinary plague, and there is neither man, woman nor child remaining ; as indeed we find none to hinder our possession, or lay claim to it. At night we lodge and watch him. M March 17. This morning we send Samoset to the Masassoits, our next neighbors, whence he came. The Nausites near southeast of us being those by whom we were first encountered as before related, are much incensed against the English ; about eight months ago slew three Englishmen, and two more hardly escaped to Monhiggon ; they 24 186 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1621, King of G, Britain, James I,— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, PhUip IV, were sir F. Gorges' men, as our savage tells us.* He also tells us of the fight we had with the Nau sites, and of our tools lately taken away, which we required him to bring. This people are ill affected to us because of Hunt, who carried away twenty from this place we now inhabit, and seven from the Nausites as before observed. He promises within a night or two to bring some of the Masassoits, with beaver skins to trade. M March 18. Samoset returns with five other men, who bring our tools with some skins and make shew of friendship ; but being the Lord's Day, we would not trade, but entertaining them, bid them come again and bring more, which they promise within a night or two ; but Samoset tarries with us. M March 21. This morning, the Indians not coming, we send Samoset to inquire the rea son. In his absence, two or three savages present themselves on the top of the hill against us, with a shew of daring us ; but captain Standish and another with their muskets going over, the Indians whet their arrows and make shew of defiance ; but as our men advance they run away. M This day Philip III. king of Spain dies, aged forty-three, p ri and his son Philip IV. succeeds, aged sixteen, ri March 22. About noon, Samoset returns with Squanto, the only native of this place, one of the twenty Hunt had carried to Spain, but got into England, lived in Cornhill, London, with Mr." John Slanie, merchant, and can speak a little English, '' Whether these were not captain Dermer's company mentioned after June 30, last year, p Petavius, ri RicioUus ; who say March 31. But I conclude they mean new style. ^ NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. IB? 1621, King pf G, Britain, James I,— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, PhUip IV. with three others ; bring a few skins and signify that their great Sagamore Masassoit,* the greatest king of the Indians bordering on us, is hard by, with his brother Q,uadequina and their company. After an hour, the king comes to the top of an hill over against us, with a train of sixty men. We send Squanto to him, who brings word that we should send one to parley with him. We send Mr. Edward Winslow to know his mind, and sig nify that our governor desires to see him and truck and confirm a peace. Upon this the king leaves Mr. Winslow in the custody of Q,uadequina and comes over the brook with a train of twenty men, leaving their bows and arrows behind them. Cap tain Standish and master Williamson with six musketeers meet him at the brook, where they salute each other, conduct him to a house wherein they place a green rug and three or four cushions ; then instantly comes our governor, with drum, trumpet, and musketeers ; after salutations, the governor kissing his hand, and the king kissing him, they set down, the governor entertains him with some refreshments, and then they agree on a league of friendship, as follows. M 1. That neither he nor his should injure any of ours. 2. That if they did, he should send the offender, that we might punish him. 3. That if our tools were taken away, he should restore them ; and if ours did any harm to any of his, we would do the like to them. 4. If any unjustly warred against him, we would aid him ; and if any warred against us, he should aid us. * The printed accounts generally spell him Massasoit, governor Bradford writes him Massasoyt and Massasoyet ; but I find the ancient people from their fathers in Plymouth Colony pronounce his name Ma-sas-so-it, 188 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1621. King of G, Britain, James I,— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, Philip IV, 5. He should certify his neighbor confederates of this, that they might not wrong us, but be com prised in the conditions of peace. 6. That when their men come to us, they should leave their bows and arrows behind them, as we should leave our pieces when we come to them. 7. That doing thus, king James would esteem him as his friend and ally.* After this, the governor conducts him to the brook, where they embrace and part ; we keeping six or seven hostages for our messenger". But Quadequina coming with his troop, we entertain and convey him back, receive our messenger, and return the hostages. J\I March 23. This morning, diverse Indians com ing over tell us, the king would have some of us come and see him ; captain Standish and Mr. Isaac Allerton go venturously to them, whom they wel come after their manner ; and about noon, J\I they return to their place called Sowams,t about forty miles off" B to the westward. The king is a portly man, in his best years, grave of countenance, spare of speech. And we cannot but judge he is willing to be at peace with us, especially because he has a potent adversary the Narragansetts, who are at war with him, against whom he thinks we may be some strength, our pieces being terrible to them. But Samoset and Squanto tarry. M This day we meet on common business, con clude our military orders, with some laws conven ient for our present state, and choose Mor rather confirm B Mr. Carver our governor for the follow ing year. MB * Governor Bradford in 1645, observes, this league hath lasted this twenty- four years. To which I may add, yea thirty years longer, viz, to 1675, + Sometimes called Sowams, and sometimes Pacanokik, which I suppose is afterwards caUed Mount Hope, and since named Bristol. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 189 1621. King of G. Britain, James I, — France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, Philip IV, March 24. Dies Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. Edward Winslow. Br The first off'ence since our arrival is of John Billington Br who came on board at London, B and is this month convented before the whole company for his contempt of the captain's lawful command with opprobrious speeches, for which he is adjudged to have his neck and heels tied to gether ; but upon humbling himself and craving pardon, and it being the first off'ence, he is for given. Br N. B. This month thirteen of our number die. Br And in three months past, dies half our com pany ; the greatest part in the depth of winter, wanting houses and other comforts, being infected with the scurvy and other diseases, which their long voyage and unaccommodate condition brought upon them ; so as there die sometimes two or three a day, of 100 persons scarce fifty remain ; the living scarce able to bury the dead, the well not sufficient to tend the sick ; there being in their time of greatest distress but six or seven, who spare no pains to help them ; two, of the seven were Mr. Brewster their reverend elder, and Mr. Standish their captain. The like disease fell also among the sailors, so as almost half of their company also die before they sail. B But the spring advancing it pleases God the mortality begins to cease, and the sick and lame recover, which puts new life into the people, though they had borne their sad affliction with as much patience as any could do. B April 5. We despatch the ship with captain Jones, who this day sails from New Plymouth, and May 6 arrives in England. Sm Pur 190 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1621; King of G, Britain, James I, — France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, Philip IV, After this we plant twenty acres of Indian corn, M wherein Squanto is a great help, showing us how to set, fish, dress and tend it, B of which we have a good increase ; we likewise sow six acres of barley* and peas ; our barley indiff"erent good, but our peas parched up with the sun. M While we are busy about our seed, our governor Mr. Carver comes out of the field very sick, com plains greatly of his head, within a few hours his senses fail, so as he speaks no more, and in a few days after dies, to our great lamentation and heavi ness. His care and pains were so great for the common good, as therewith it is thought he op pressed himself and shortened his days ; of whose loss we cannot sufficiently complain ; and his wife deceases about five or six weeks after. B Soon after, we choose Mr. William Bradford our governor, and Mr. Isaac Allerton his assistant, who are by renewed elections continued together sun dry years. B May 12. The first marriage in this place, B is of Mr. Edward Winslow to Mrs. Susanna White, widow of Mr. William White. Br June 18. The second off'ence is the first duel fought in New England, upon a challenge of single combat with sword and dagger between Edward Doty and Edward Leister, servants of Mr. Hop kins ; both being wounded, the one in the hand, the other in the thigh, they are adjudged by the whole company to have their head and feet tied together, and so to lie for twenty-four hours, with out meat or drink, which is begun to be inflicted, but within an hour, because of their great pains, * Governor Bradford calls them wheat and peas ; and says they came to no good. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 191 1'621, King of G. Britain, James I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. at their own and their master's humble request, upon promise of better carriage, they are released by the governor. Br July 2. We agree to send* Mr. Edward Wias- low and Mr. Steven Hopkins with Squanto to see our new friend Masassoit B at Pakanokit, M to bestow some gratuities on him, bind him faster to us, view the country, see how and where he lives, his strength, &c. B M Tuesday. At nine this morning, we set out, travel ftSPen miles westward to Namasket by three in the afternoon. The people entertain us with joy, give us bread they call Maizum, and the spawn of shads, which they now have in great plenty, and we eat with spoons. By sunset we get eight miles further to a Ware, where we find many of the Na- mascheuks, i. e. Namasket men, a fishing, having caught abundance of bass ; who welcome us also, and there we lodge. The head of this river is said to be not far from the place of our abode, upon it are and have been many towns ; the ground very good on both sides, for the most part cleared ; thousands of men have lived here, who died of the great plague M which befel these parts about three years before our arrival ; the living not being able to bury them, and their skulls and bones appear in many places where their dwellings had been. B Upon this river Masassoit lives ; it goes into the sea at Narragansett Bay, where the Frenchmen use so much. Next morning we travel six miles by the river to a known shoal place, and it being low water, put off" our clothes and wade over ; thus far * Mourt's Relation says they set out June 10, but" this being Lord's Day, is very unlikely, and is also inconsistent with the rest of the journal : whereas July 2 is Monday, when governor Bradford says we sent &.c, ; though to comport with the rest of the journal, I conclude that on Monday July 2, they agreed * to send, but set not out till the next morning. 192 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY- 1621. King of G, Britain, James I. — France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, Philip IV. the tide flows. We observe few places on the river but what had been inhabited, M though now greatly wasted by the plague aforesaid. B And so we travel to Pacanokik, where Masassoit kindly welcomes us M and gratefully receives our pre sents, B assures us he will gladly continue the peace and friendship, M tells us the Narragansetts live on the other side of that great bay, are a strong people, and many in number, live compactly, and were not touched with that wasting sickness ; B desires us not to let the French trade ^th them ; and there we lodge. Next day, being Thursday, many of their Sachems or petty governors come to visit us ; we see their games for skins and knives, and there lodge again, Friday morning, before sunrise, we take our leave, Masassoit retain ing Squanto to procure truck for us, appoints Tocka- mahamon in his place, whom we had found faithful before and after upon all occasions. That night we reach to the Ware, and the next night home. M July e. John Billington B a boy, ilf being lost in the woods, the governor causes him to be inquired for among the natives ; at length Masassoit sends word he is at Nauset. He had wandered five days, lived on berries, then light of an Indian plantation, twenty miles south of us called Manomet, and they conveyed him to the people who first assaulted us, B but the governor sends ten men Min a. shallop B M with Squanto, and Tockamahamon, M to fetch him. B M The first day* the shallop sails for the harbor at Cummaquid, but night coming on, we anchor in " Mourt's Relation, and Purchas from it, places this on June 11, But this date being inconsistent with several hints in the foregoing and following sto ries, I keep to governor Bradford's original manuscript, and place it between the end of July and the thirteenth of August, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 193 1621, King of G, Britain, James I, — France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, Philip IV, the midst of the bay, where we are dry at low wa ter. Next morning the Indians on the other side of the channel invite us to come and eat with them ; as soon as our boat floats, six of us go ashore, leaving four of them pledges in the boat, the rest bring us to their Sachem, whom they call lya- nough,* a man not above twenty-six years of age, but personable and courteous, who gives us plenti ful and various cheer. After dinner we take boat for Nauset, lyanough and two of his men with us. But the day and tide failing, we cannot get in with our shallop. lyanough with his men go ashore, and we send Squanto to tell Aspinet, the Sachem of Nau set, our errand. After sunset, Aspinet comes with a great train of a hundred with him bringing the boy, oi^e bearing him through the water, delivers him to us. The Sachem makes his peace with us. We give him a knife, and another to him who first entertained the boy. At this place we hear the Narragansetts had spoiled some of Masassoit's men and taken him, which strikes us with some fear; and setting sail, carry lyanough to Cummaquid, and get home the next day night. M Those people also come and make their peace, and we give them full satisfaction for the corn we had formerly found in their country. B Hobamack B a Pinese or chief captain of Ma sassoit, W also comes to dwell among us, and continues faithful as long as he lives. B At our return from Nauset, we find it true that Masassoit is put from his country by the Narragan setts,! and word is brought us that Coubatant M * Sometimes called lyanough of Cummaquid, and sometimes lyanough of Matakiest ; which seems to be the country between Barnstable and Yarmouth harbors t Governor Bradford says nothing of this, nor of Masassoit's being either seized or invaded by the Narragansetts, 25 194 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1621. King of G.Britain, James I, — France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, PhiUp IV, or Corbitant, B* a petty Sachem under Masassoit, ever feared to be too conversant with the Narra gansetts, M and no friend to the English, B is at Namasket, seeking to draw the hearts of Masassoit's subjects from him, speaks disdainfully of us, storms at the peace between Nauset, Cummaquid and us, and at Squanto the worker of it, as also at Toka- mahamon and Hobbamak. However, Squanto and Hobbamak go privately to see what is become of their king, and lodge at Namasket, but are dis covered to Corbitant, who besets the house, M threatens to kill Squanto and Hobbamak for being friends to us, B seizes Squanto and holds a knife at his breast, M offers to stab Hobamak, but being a stout man, clears himself, B concludes Squanto killed, M and flies to our governor with the infor mation. B August 13. At this the governor assembles our company, B M and taking council, it is conceived not fit to be borne ; for if we should suffer our friends and messengers thus to be wronged, we shall have none to cleave to us, or give us intelli gence, or do us any service, but would next fall upon us, &c. B We therefore resolve to send ten men tomorrow with Hobamak, M to seize our foes in the night ; if Squanto be killed, to put off" Corbi- tant's head ; but hurt only those who had a hand in tlie murder, B and retain Nepeof another Sachem in the confederacy, till we hear of Masassoit. M August 14. Captain Standish with fourteen men and Hobamak set out J? in a rainy day, lose their way in the night, wet, weary and much dis couraged. But finding it again, beset Corbitant's V * The relation published by Mourt, with Smith and Purchas from it, call him Coubatant, but governor Bradford plainly writes him Corbitant; and Morton foUows him. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 195 1621, King of G, Britain, James I,— France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, PhiUp IV, house at midnight, M where three Indians are sorely wounded in trying to break away, but find him gone, B and Tokamahamon and Squanto safe. M Corbitant having only threatened Squanto's life and made an offer to stab him. B Next morning we march into the midst of the town, M Hobamak telling the Indians what we only intended, they bring the best food they have, B and we breakfast at Squanto's house ; whither all wliose hearts are upright to us come ; but Cor bitant's faction fled away. We declare that if Masassoit does not return in safety from Narragan sett, or if Corbitant should make any insurrection against him, or off"er violence to Squanto, Hoba mak, or any of Masassoit's subjects, we would revenge it to the utter overthrow of him and his. With many friends attending us, we get home at night, M bring with us the three wounded savages, whom we cure and send home. B After this we have many gratulations from di verse Sachems, and much firmer peace. Yea those of the Isle of Capawak send to secure our friend ship, and Corbitant himself uses the mediation of Masassoit to be reconciled. B Yea Canonicus, chief Sachem of the Narragansetts, sends a mes senger to treat of peace. M September b. Sir William Alexander F. Gor of Scotland, Pur afterwards earl of Sterling, hav ing prevailed on king James to send to sir F. Gor ges to assign him part of the New England terri tory, F Gor sir F. Gorges being intrusted with the aff'airs of this country, advising with some of the company, yields that sir William should have a patent of the northeastern part of New England, to be heW of the crown of Scotland and called New Scotland. Pur Whereupon presently, F. Gor viz. 196 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1621 King of G. Britain, James I. — France, Lewis XIII. — Spain, PhUip IV. September 10. King James gives sir William Alexander a patent for Nova Scotia ; bounding the same from Cape Sables to the Bay of St. Mary, thence north to the river St. Croix, thence north to Canada river, so down the river to Gachepe, thence southeast to Cape Briton islands, and Cape Briton, thence round to Cape Sables again, with all seas and islands within six leagues of the western, northern and eastern parts, and within forty leagues to the southward of Cape Briton, and Cape Sa bles ; to be called Nova Scotia, &c. Pur* September 13. Nine Sachems subscribe an in strument of submission to king James, viz. Ohqua- mehud, Cawnacome, Obbatinnua, Nattawahunt, Caiinbatant,!Cliikkatabak, Quadaquina, Huttamoi- den, and Apannow. Mem Yea Masassoit in writ ing under his hand to captain Standish has owned the king of England to be his master ; both he and many other kings under him, as of Pamet, Nawset, Cummaquid, Namasket, with divers others who dwell about the bays of Patuxet and Massa chusetts ; and all this by friendly usage, love and peace, just and honest carriage, good counsel, &c. M ' Though we are told the Massachusetts often threaten us, yet the company think good to send among them, M to discover the bay, B see the country, make peace, Jlf and trade with the natives. B The governor chooses ten men with Squanto and two other savages to go in the shallop. M September 18. [Being Tuesday] at midnight, the tide serving, we set sail. Next day get into the bottom of Massachusetts Bay, about twenty leagues north from Plymouth, and anchor. Next * Taken from the Latin Patent in Purchas. t I suppose the same with Corbitant. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 197 1621. King of G, Britain, James I, — France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, PhUip IV. morning, we land under a cliff". The Sachem of this place is Obbatinewat,* and though he lives in the bottom of this bay, yet is subject to Masassoit ; uses us kindly, and tells us he dare not now remain in any settled place for fear of the Tarratines, M who live to the eastward, are wont to come, at har vest and take away their corn, and many times kill them ; B and that the Squaw Sachem or Massa chusetts queen, is an enemy to him. He submits to the king of England, upon our promising to be his safeguard against his enemies. We cross the bay, which is very large, and seems to have fifty islands. Next morning, all but two go ashore, march three miles into the country, where corn had been newly gathered. A mile hence their late king Nanepashemet had lived ; his house was built on a large scaflFold, six foot high, and on the top of a hill. Not far hence in a bottom we come to a fort he had built ; the palisades thirty or forty foot high ; a trench about it breast high ; but one way in, over a bridge. In the midst of the pali sade stands the frame of a house, where he lies buried. A mile hence we come to such another, but on the top of a hill, where he was killed. The natives at first fly from us, but are at length indu ced to meet us here, and entertain us in the best manner they can. Having traded with us, and the day near spent, we return to the shallop. Within this bay the savages say are two rivers, one of which we saw, having a fair entrance ; better har bour for shipping cannot be than here ; most of the islands have been inhabited, being cleared from end to end ; but their inhabitants all dead or remo ved. Having a light moon, we set sail at evening, * I suppose the same as Obbatinua, who subscribed his submission to king .Tames on September 13, las(. 198 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1621, King of G, Britain, James I,— France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, Philip IV, and hefore next day noon get home M with a considerable quantity of beaver, and a good report of the place, wishing we had been seated there. B All the summer no want, while some were trad ing, others were fishing cod, bass, &c. We now gather in our harvest ; and as cold weather advan ces, come in store of water fowl wherewith this place abounds, though afterwards they by degrees decrease ; as also abundance of wild turkies with venison, &c. Fit our houses against winter, are in health and have all things in plenty. B November 9. Arrives a ship at Cape Cod, B M and the tenth iBthe Indians bring us word of her being near, but think her a Frenchman, upon her making for our bay, the governor orders a piece to be fired, to call home such as are abroad at work,* and we get reAdy for defence, but unexpectedly find her a friend, M of fifty five ton, Sm Pur called the Fortune, in which comes Mr. Cushman B with thirty five persons, B W to live in the plantation, which not a little rejoices us. But both ship and passengers poorly furnished with provisions ; so that we are forced to spare her some to carry her home, which threatens a famine among us, unless we have a timely supply. She sailed from London the beginning of July, B could not clear the chan nel until the end of August, Sm Pur and brings a letter for Mr. Carver from Mr. Weston, dated London, July 6, wherein he writes, we, fthat is, the adventurers) have procured you a Charter, the best we could, better than your former, and with less limitation. B She finds all our people she left in April, in health, except six who died, and stays a month ere she sails for England. Sm Pur * Smith places this on November 11, but November 11 being Lord's day, we discover his mistake. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 199 1622. King of G. Britain, James L — France, Lewis XIII. — Spain, PhiUp IV, December 11. We have built seven dwelling houses ; four for the use of the plantation, and have made provision for divers others. Both Ma sassoit, the greatest king of the natives and all the princes and people round us have made peace with us, seven of them at once sent their messengers for this end. And as we cannot but account it an ex traordinary blessing of God in directing our course for these parts, we obtained the honor to receive allowance of our possessing and enjoying thereof under the authority of the President and Council for the aff'airs of New England. M December 13. The ship sails, Sm Pur namely, the Fortune, £ * laden with two hogsheads of beaver and other skins, and good clapboards as full as she can hold ; the freight estimated near five hundred pound*; Mr. Cushman returning in her, as the adventurers had appointed for their better informa tion. But in her voyage B as she draws near the English coast, is seized by the French, carried to F"rance, B into the Isle Deu, Sm Pur kept there B fourteen Sm Pur or fifteen days, robbed of all she had worth taking; then the people and ship released, get to London, B February 14, Sm Pur or 17. B Upon her departure, the governor and his assis tant dispose the late comers into several families, find their provisions will now scarce hold out six months at half allowance, and therefore put them to it, which they bear patiently. B 1622. Soon after the ship's departure, that great people of the Narragansetts, B W said to be * Governor Bradford says, we despatched her in fourteen days, but Smith and Purchas say she staid a month, and Mr, E. W, dating his letter by this ship on December 11, we may suppose Governor Bradford meant fourteen days from her being unladen. Smith and Purchas says she was laden with three hogsheads of beaver skins, wainscot, walnut ; and Purchas says, some sassafras. 200 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGV. 1632, King of G, Britain, James I. — France, Lewis Xlll. — Spain, Philip IV. many thousands strong, W can raise above five thousand fighting men, G notwithstanding they desired and obtained peace with us in the forego ing summer, begin to breathe forth many threats against us ; so that it is the common talk of all the Indians round us, of their preparations to come against us. At length Canonicus their chief Sach em W^ in a braving manner sends us a bundle of arrows tied with a snakeskin, which Squanto tells us is a challenge and threatening. Whereupon our governor with advice of others, sends them an answer, that if they had rather war than peace, they might begin when they would ; we had done them no wrong, nor do we fear them, nor should they find us unprovided. By another messenger we send back the snakeskin charged with powder and bullets ; but they refuse to receive it, and return it to us. B W Since the death of so many Indians they thought to lord it over the rest, conceive we are a bar in their way, and see Masassoit already take shelter under our wings. B This makes us more carefully to look to our selves, and agree to enclose our dwellings with strong pales, flankers, gates, &c. B W February. We impale our town, taking in the top of the hill under which our town is seated; make four bulwarks or jetties, whence we can defend the whole town, in three whereof are gates, W which are locked every night ; a watch and ward kept in the day. B The governor and cap tain divide the company into four squadrons B W with commanders, W every one its quarter as signed, to repair to in any alarm. And if there be a cry of fire, a company is appointed for a guard with muskets, while others quench it, to prevent treachery. B W NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 201 1622, King of G, Britain, James I.— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, Philip IV, This spring there go from the west of England to the northeastern coasts of New England thirty- five ships to fish. S M Pur March b. By this time our town is impaled, enclosing a garden for every family. B March e. B We prepare for a second voyage to the Massachusetts ; but Hobamak tells us that from some rumors he fears they are joined with the Narragansetts, and may betray us if we are not careful, and has also a jealousy of Squanto from some private whisperings between him and other Indians ; however we resolve to proceed. B W And April b. We send our shallop B W with cap tain Standish W and ten of our chief men, with Hobamak and Squanto. B But they had no sooner turned the Gurnet, or point of the harbour, W than a native of Squanto's family comes running with his face wounded and the blood fresh upon it, calling to the people abroad to make haste home ; declar ing that the Narragansetts, with Corbitant, and he thought Masassoit, were coming B to assault us in the captain's absence ; that he had received the wound in his face for speaking for us, and that he had escaped by flight, W looking frequently back as if they were just behind him. Upon this the governor orders all to arms, and a warning piece or two to be fired to call back the shallop. At which she returns, and we watch all night, but nothing is seen. Hobamak is confident for his master, and thinks all is false. Yet the governor causes him to send his wife privately ,S to Pacanokik Wto see how things are, pretending other occasions, who finds all in quiet. B Upon this we discover it to be Squanto's policy to set us against Masassoit, that 26 202 x\EW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1622, King of G. Britain, James I, — France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, Philip IV. he being removed out of the way, Squanto might succeed as principal king of all these parts of the country. W After which the shallop proceeds to the Massachusetts, has good trade and return in safety. H May. Our provision being spent, B a famine begins to pinch us, and we look hard for supply, but none arrives. B May e. We spy a boat at sea, which we take to be a Frenchman, but proves a shallop from a ship B W called the Sparrow, W which Mr. Wes ton B W and Beachamp B set out a fishing at Da- marin's Cove, 40 leagues to the * eastward, B W where this year are thirty sail of ships a fishing. W She brings a letter to Mr. Carver from Mr. Weston, of January 17, B with seven passengers on "his account ; but no victuals, B Wnor hope of any ; nor have we ever any afterwards ; and by his letter find he has quite deserted us, and is going to settle a plantation of his own. B The boat brings us a kind letter from Mr. John Huddleston, B or Hudston, Mem. a captain of a ship, fishing at the eastward, whose name we never heard before, to inform us of a massacre of 400 English by the Indians in Virginia, whence he came.* By this boat, the governor returns a grate ful answer ; and with them sends Mr. Winslow in a boat of ours to get provisions of the fishing ships ; whom captain Huddleston receives kindly, and not only spares what he can, but writes to others to do the like. By which means he gets as much bread as amounts to a quarter of a pound a person per day, till harvest, and returns in safety. The governor causing their portion to be daily " This massacre was on March 22d last, Sm Pur being Friday ; Pur and Smith and Purchas reckon up 347 English people slain. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 203 1622, King of G, Britain, James L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhiUp IV, given them, or some had starved. And by this voyage we not only got a present supply, but also learn the way to those parts for our future benefit. B At Mr. Winslow's return, he finds the colony much weaker than he left it. The want of bread had abated the strength and flesh of some, had swelled others ; and had they not been where are diverse sorts of shell fish, they must have perished. These extremities befel us in May and June ; and in the time of these Straits, and indeed before Mr. Winslow went to Monhiggon, the Indians began to cast forth many insulting speeches, glorying in our weakness, and giving out how easy it would be ere long to cut us off"; which occasions us to erect a fort on the hill above us. W June e, or July b. Come into our harbor two ships of Mr. Weston's, the Charity W of one hun dred tons, Sm Pur and Swan W of thirty, Sm Pur with his letter of April 10, i5 and fifty or sixty men, sent at his own charge, W to settle a plantation for him in the Massachusetts Bay, for which he had procured a patent,* they sailed from London about the last of April, Sm Pur the Cha rity, the bigger ship, leaves them, having many passengers to carry to Virginia. W We allow this people housing, and many being sick, they have the best means our place aff'ords. B\ * Smith and Purchas say there were sixty passengers ; governor Bradford says about sixty stout men. But Mo^pton mistakes in caUing the Swan the Sparrow ; Smith and Surchas mistake in saying they come to supply the plantation ; whereas they come from Mr, Weston to begin another. And as the manuscript letter teUs us. They came upon no religious design, as did the planters of Plymouth, msl so they were far from being puritans, + Mr, Weston in a letter owns, that many of them are rude and profane fellows ; Mr, Cushman in another, writes. They are no men for us, and I fear they will hardly deal so well with the savages as they should ; I pray you, therefore, signify to Squanto, that they are a distinct body from us, and we have nothing to do with them, nor must be blamed for their faults, much less 204 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1622. King of G, Britain, James I, — France, Lewis XIII. — Spain, PhUip IV. By Mr. Weston's ship comes a letter from Mr. John Pierce, in whose name the Plymouth patent is taken ; signifying that whom the governor ad mits into the association he will approve. B July 16. Our number is about one hundred persons, all in health. Pur [that is, free from sick ness, though not from weakness,] near sixty acres of ground well planted with corn, besides gardens replenished with useful fruits. Sm Pur This summer we build a timber fort, both strong and comely, with flat roof and battlements ; on which ordnance are mounted, a watch kept, and it also serves as a place of public worship. B Mr. Weston's people stay here the most part of the summer, B while some seek out a place for them. They exceedingly waste and steal our corn, and yet secretly revile us. At length their coasters return, having found in the Massachusetts Bay a place they judged fit for settlement, named Wichaguscusset, W or Wesagusquasset, Mem. or Wessagusset, msl since called Weymouth ; whi ther upon their ship (that is, the Charity,) return ing from Virginia, B the body of them go, leaving their sick and lame with us W till they had built some housing, B whom our surgeon by God's help, recovers gratis, and they afterwards fetch home, W nor have we any recompense for this courtesy, nor desire it. They prove an unruly company, have no good government over them ; by disorder will soon fall to want if Mr. Weston come not quickly among them. B Nor had they been long from us ere the Indians fill our ears with clamors can warrant their fidelity. And Mr. John Pierce in another writes. As for Mr. Weston's company, they are so base in condition for the most part, as in aU appearance not fit for an honest man's company ; I wish they prove otherwise. B NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 205 1622. King of G. Britain, James I.— France, Lewis XIII. — Spain, PhUip IV. against them, for steahng their corn, and other abuses. W Our crop proving scanty, partly through weak ness for want of food, to tend it, partly through other business, and partly by much being stolen, a famine must ensue next year, unless prevented. B But Aug. e. W By an unexpected Providence, B come into our harbor two ships ; namely, the Spar row, Mr. Weston's, who having made her voyage of fish, W goes to Virginia, W B where both she and her fish are sold. B The other called the Discovery, fV captain Jones, commander, B W on her way from Virginia, homeward, being sent out by some merchants to discover the shoals about Cape Cod, and harbors between this and Virginia. Of her we buy knives and beads, which are now good trade, though at cent per cent or more, and yet pay away coat beaver at 3s. a pound (which a few years after yields 20s.) By which means we are fitted to trade, both for corn and beaver. B In this ship comes Mr. John Porey, who had been secretary in Virginia, and is going home in her ; who after his departure sends the governor a letter of thanks, dated August 28 ; wherein he highly commends Mr. Ainsworth's and Robinson's works. And after his return to England, does this poor plantation much credit among those of no mean rank. B * * Mr. Winslow and Mr, Hubbard seem to mistake in thinking captain Jones was now bound for Virginia ; and Mr, Morton, in thinking Mr, Porey was going home in Mr, Weston's ship, wherein his men came ; [namely, the Charity, which Mr, Winslow says sailed for England at the end of September, or beginning of October,] unless Mr, Porey went in the Charity from Plym outh to Wessagusset, and there wrote his letter of August 28 ; and then both Mr Winslow and Mr, Morton may be right, but governor Bradford is mis taken in thinking he was going home in Jones, 206 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1622, King of G, Britain, James I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, Sept. e. or Oct. b. Mr. Weston's largest ship, the Charity, returns to England, leaving his people sufficiently victualed. The lesser, namely, the Swan, remains with his plantation for their further help. W Shortly after harvest, Mr. Weston's people at the Massachusetts, having by disorder much wast ed their provisions, begin to perceive a want ap proaching ; and hearing we had bought commodi ties and designed to trade for corn, they write to the governor to join with us, off'er their small ship for the service, and pray to let them have some of our commodities ; which the governor condescends to ; designing to go round Cape Cod to the south ward, where store of corn may be obtained. B But are often crossed in our purposes. As first, Mr. Richard Green, brother-in-law to Mr. Weston, who from him had the charge of his colony, dies suddenly at Plymouth. W Then captain Standish B W with Squanto for guide, B twice sets forth with them, but is driven back by violent winds.* The second time the captain falling ill of a fever. W Nov. The governor goes with them, but seeing no passage through the shoals of Cape Cod, puts into a harbor at Manamoyk. That evening the governor, with Squanto and others, go ashore to the Indian houses, stay all night, tr^de with the natives, get eight hogsheads of corn and beans. W Here Squanto falls sick of a fever, bleeding much at the nose, which the Indians reckon a fatal symp- ton, and here in a few days dies ; desiring the go- * This seems to be about the latter end of October ; for which governor Bradford seems to mistake in writing the latter end of September ; when he says, it was after harvest, [that is, Indian harvest] that Mr, Weston's people began to perceive a want approaching, and wrote to the governor of Plym outh, to join in trading for corn, he. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 207 1623, King of G, BrUain, James I,— France, Lewis Xlll,— Spain, PhUip IV vernor to pray that he might go to the English man's God in heaven, bequeathing his things to sundry of his English friends, as remembrances of his love ; of whom we have a great loss. B Thence sail to the Massachusetts, find a great sickness among the natives, not unlike the plague, if not the same ; must give as much for a quart of corn as we used for a beaver skin. The savages renew their complaints to our governor against those English. Thence sail to Nauset, buy eight or ten hogsheads of corn and beans, as also at Matta- chiest ;* but our shallop being cast away, we can not get our corn aboard ; our governor causes it to be stacked and covered ; and charging the Indians with it, he procures a guide, sets out on foot, being fifty miles, receiving all respect from the natives by the way, weary and with galled feet comes home ; three days after, the ship comes also ; and the corn being divided, Mr. Weston's people return to their plantation. W Jan. 1623. Captain Standish being recovered, takes another shallop, sails to Nauset, finds the corn left there in safety, mends the other shallop, gets the corn aboard the ship ; but it being very cold and stormy, is obliged to cut the shallops from the stern of the ship, and loose them ; but the storm being over, finds them. While we lodge ashore, an Indian steals some trifles out of the shallop as she lay in a creek ; which when the captain missed, he takes some of his company, goes to the Sachem, requires the goods, or would revenge it on them before he left them. On the morrow, the Sachem comes to our rendezvous with many rnen, salutes the captain, licking his hand " Governor Bradford says, they got twenty-sis or twenty-eight hogsheads of corn and beans in all, for both plantations. 208 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1623. King of G. Britain, James I.— France, Lewis XIII. — Spain, PhiUp IV, and bowing down, delivers the goods, says he had beaten the stealer, was very sorry for the fact, or ders the women to make and bring us bread, and is glad to be reconciled ; so we come home and divide the corn as before. W After this the governor with another company goes to Namasket, buys corn there ; where a great sickness rising among the natives, our people fetch it home. W The governor also, with Hobamak and others, go to Manomet, a town near twenty miles south of Plymouth, stands on a fresh river running into a bay* towards the Narragansett, which cannot be less than sixty miles from thence. It will bear a boat of eight or ten tons to this place ; hither the Dutch or French or both used to come. It is from hence to the bay of Cape Cod about eight miles, out of which bay the sea flows into a creek about six miles, almost directly towards the town. The heads of this creek and river are not far distant.! The Sachem of this place is Caunacum, who W September 13, last Mem. with many others owned themselves subjects of king James, and now uses the governor very kindly ; the governor lodging here in a very bitter night, buys corn, but leaves it in the Sachem's custody. W Feb. Having not much corn left, captain Stan dish goes again with six men in the shallop to Mat- tachiest, meeting with the like extreme weather, * This is called Manomet Bay, though these new comers seem to mistake it for Narragansett Bay, which is near twenty leagues to the westward, t This creek runs out easterly into Cape Cod Bay, at Scusset harbor; and this river runs out westerly into Monomet Bay ; the distance over land from bay to bay is but six miles ; the creek and river nearly meet in a low ground ; and this is the place through which there has been a talk of making a canal, this forty years ; which would be a vast advantage to all these coun tries, by saving the long and dangerous navigation round the Cape, and through the shoals adjoining. NEW ENGLAND CHRONO'lOGY. 209 1623, King of G, Britain, James I —France, Lewis Xlll, — Spain, PhUip IV. being froze in the harbor the first night, gets a good quantity of corn of the natives ; through ex tremity is forced to lodge in their houses, which they much press, with a design to kill him, as after appeared. For now begins a conspiracy among the Indians to destroy the Enghsh, though to us unknown ; but the captain ordering his men to keep awake by turns, is saved. Here also an In dian steals some trifles, which the captain no soon er perceived, but though he had no more than six men with him, yet draws them from the boat, besets the Sachem's house, where most of the people were, and threatens to fall upon them without delay, if they would not forthwith restore them ; signifying that as he would not offer the least injury, so he would not receive any, without due satisfaction. Hereupon the Sachem finds out the party, makes him return the goods ; and this act so daunts their courage, that they dare not attempt any thing against the captain ; but to ap pease his anger, bring corn afresh to trade ; so as he lades his shallop and comes home in safety. W Feb. e. An Indian comes from John Sanders, the overseer of Mr. Weston's men at the Massa chusetts, W with a letter, shewing the great wants they were fallen into, B that having spent all their bread and corn, W would have borrowed a hogs head of the natives, but they would lend him none. He desired advice whether he might take it by force, to support his men till he returns B from Monhiggon ; where is a plantation of sir F. Gor ges, and whither he is going to buy bread of the ships that come there a fishing. W But the gov ernor with others despatched the messenger with letters to dissuade him by all means from such a 210 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1623. King of G. Britain, James L— France, Lewis XIU, — Spain, Philip IV. violence ; B W exhorting them to make a shift as we, who have so little corn left, that we are forced to live on ground-nuts, clams, muscles, &c. Upon receiving our letters, Mr. Sanders alters his pur pose, comes first to Plymouth ; where notwith standing our necessities, we spare him some corn to carry him to Monhiggon. W And Feb. e. He goes thither with a shallop, without knowing any thing of the Indian conspiracy before he sails. W This spring go from England to the [northeast ern] coasts of New England about forty ships to fish ; who make a far better voyage than ever. Sm March b. The captain having refreshed him self, takes a shallop and goes to Manomet for the corn the governor had bought.* Being with two of his men far from the boat at Caunacum's house, two natives come in from the Massachusetts, the chief of whom is Wituwamet, a notable, insulting Indian ; who had formerly imbrued his hands in the blood both of French and English, derides our weakness and boasts his valor. He came, as ap pears afterwards, to engage Caunacum in the con spiracy ; the weather being cold, they would per suade the captain to send to the boat for the rest of his company ; but he refusing, they help carry the corn. There! a lusty savage of Paomet, had undertaken to kill him in the rendezvous before they part ; upon which they intend to fall on the other. But the night being exceeding cold, the captain could not rest without turning his sides to the fire continually ; whereby the- Indian missed * It seems as if the captain went into Scussit harbor, which goes up west ward towards Manomet. t Smith says. Scar a lusty savage, &,c. But Smith taking his History from this of Winslow's, I suspect the printer mistook Sear for There, in Smith's written Abridgment. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 211 1623, King of G, Britain, James I, — France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, PhUip IV his opportunity. The next day would fain per suade the captain to go to Paomet, where he had much corn, and the captain put forth with him ; but the wind forcing them back, they come to Plymouth. W March. While the captain was at Manomet, news comes to Plymouth that Masassoit is like to die, and that a Dutch ship is driven ashore before his house so high that she could not be got off" till the tides increase. Upon which the governor sends Mr. Edward Winslow and Mr. John Hamb- den, a gentleman of London, with Hobamak to visit and help him, and speak with the Dutch. The first night we lodge at Namasket. Next day, at one, come to a ferry in Corbitant's country, and three miles further to Mattapuyst his dwelling place, though he be no friend to us, but find him gone to Pakanokik, about five or six miles off". Late with in night we get thither, whence the Dutch had de parted about two in the afternoon, find Masassoit extremely low, his sight gone, his teeth fixed, having swallowed nothing for two days, but using means, he surprisingly revives ; we stay and help him two nights and two days ; at the end of the latter, tak ing our leave he expresses his great thankfulness ; we come and lodge with Corbitant, at Mattapuyst, who wonders that we being but two should be so venturous. Next day, on our journey, Hobam.ak tells us, that at his coming away, Masassoit private ly charged him to tell Mr. Winslow, there was a plot of the Massachusuks against Weston's people, and lest we should revenge it, against us also ; that the Indians of Paomet, Nauset, Mattachiest, Succonet,* the isle of Capawak, Manomet and * Whether this was Succonest, since named Falmouth ; or Seconet, since named Little Compton, seems uncertain. 212 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1623, King of G, Britain, James I,— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, Philip IV. Agawaywom are joined with them ; and advises us by all means, as we value our lives and the lives of our countrymen, to kill the conspirators at Mas sachusetts and the plot would cease ; and without delay, or it would be too late. That night we lodge at Namasket, the next day get home ; where we find captain Standish had sailed this day for the Massachusetts, but contrary winds had driven him back, and the Paomet Indian still soliciting the captain to go with him. At the same time, Wis- sapinewat, another Sachem, brother to Obtakiest, Sachem of the Massachusetts, reveals the same thing. W March 23. Being a yearly court day, the govern or communicates his intelligence to the whole company, and asks their advice ; who leave it to the governor, with his assistant and the captain to do as they think most meet. Upon this, they order the captain to take as many men as he thinks suflS- cient, to go forthwith and fall on the conspirators, but forbear till he makes sure of Wituwamet, the bloody savage, before spoken of. The captain takes but eight lest he should raise a jealousy. W The next day comes one of Weston's men, W through the woods to Plymouth, though he knew not a step of the way, but indeed had lost the path, which was a happy mistake ; for being pursued, B the Indian W thereby missed him B but by little, and went to Manomet ; W the man makes a pitiful narration of their weak and dangerous state, with the insults of the Indians over them, and that to give the savages content, since Sanders went to Monhiggon, they had hanged one who had stole their corn, W though he was bed rid, {Hudibrass) and yet they were not satisfied. Some died with cold and hunger ; one in gathering shell-fish, was NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 213 1623, King of G, Britain, James I, — France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV, SO weak that he stuck in the mud and was found dead in the place ; the rest were ready to starve, and he dare stay no longer. W* The next day the captain sails and > arrives there, is suspected, insulted and threatened by the savages. But at length watching an opportunity, having Wituwamet and Peksuot, a notable Pinese, that is counsellor and warrior, with another man, and a brother of Wituwamet, with as many of his own men together, he falls upon and after a violent struggle slays the three former with their own knives, orders the last to be hanged, goes to ano ther place, kills another, fights and makes the rest to fly, and Mr. Weston's men kill two more. But the captain releases the Indian women, would not take their beaver coats, nor suff'er the least discour tesy to be off'ered them. W Upon this Mr. Weston's people resolve to leave their plantation. The captain tells them for his own part he dare live here with fewer men than they ; yet since they were otherwise minded, ac cording to his orders, W off'ers to bring them to Plymouth, where they should fare as well as we, till Mr. Weston or some supply comes to them ; or if they better liked any other course, he would help them as well as he could. Upon this, they desire him to let them have corn, and they would go with their small ship B to Monhiggon, W where they may hear from Mr. Weston, or have some supply from him, seeing the time of year is come for the fishing ships to be there ; or otherwise would work with the fishermen for their living, and get their passage to England. So they ship what they have, B he lets them have all the corn he " His name was Phineas Prat, Mem and is living in 1677. H 214 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1623, King of G, Britain, James I,— France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, PhUip IV. can spare, scarce keeping enough to last him home, sees them under sail well out of the Massa chusetts Bay, B"" W not taking of them the worth of a penny ; B with some few of their company wha-desire it, he returns to Plymouth, bringing the head of Wituwamet, which he sets up on the fort. W Thus this plantation is broken up in a year ; and this is the end of those who being all able men, had boasted of their strength and what they would bring to pass, in comparison of the people at Plym outh, who had many women, children, and weak ones with them. B While captain Standish was gone, the savage who went to Manomet, returning through our town was secured till the captain came back ; then con fessed the plot, and says that Obtakiest was drawn to it by the importunity of his people ; is now sent to inform him of the grounds of our proceeding, and require him to send us the three Englishmen among them. After some time, Obtakiest per suades an Indian woman to come and tell the go- vernor, he was sorry they were killed before he heard from us, or he would have sent them, and desires peace. W But this action so amazes the natives, that they forsake their houses, run to and fro, live in swamps, &c. ; which brings on them sundry diseases, where of many die ; as Caunacum, Sachem of Manomet ; , Aspines, Sachem of Nauset ; lyanough. Sachem of Matachiest ; and many others are still daily dying among them. From one of those places a boat is sent to the governor with presents to work their peace ; but not far from Plymouth is cast away, when three are drowned, and one escaping, dare not come to us. W NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 215 1623. King of G, Britain, James I. — France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, PhUip IV, April b. No supply being heard of nor knowing when to expect any, we consider how to raise a better crop, and not languish still in misery. We range all the youth under some family, agree that every family plant for their own particular, and trust to themselves for food, B but at harvest bring in a competent portion for the maintenance of public officers, fishermen, «fec. W and in all other things go on in the general way as before ; for this end assign every family a parcel of land in proportion to their number, though make no division for inher itance ; which has very good success, makes all industrious, gives content ; ev^n the women and children now go into the field to work, and much more corn is planted than ever. B Captain John Mason, H who had been governor of Newfoundland, F Gor sir F. Gorges, and seve ral other gentlemen of Shrewsbury, Bristol, Dor chester, Plymouth, Exeter and other places in the west of England, having obtained patents of the New England Council for several parts of this country, H they, this spring, W send over Mr. David Thompson H or Tompson a Scotchman, with Mr. Edward Hilton and his brother William Hilton, with others, to begin a settlement ; H and Mr. Thompson now begins one, twenty-five leagues northeast from Plymouth, near Smith's isles, at a place called Pascatoquak, W the place first seized is called the Little Harbour, on the west side of Pascataqua river and near the mouth, where the first house is built, called Mason Hall. But the Hiltons set up their stages higher up the river at Cochecho, since named Dover. H This year, and I conclude this spring, there are also some scattering beginnings made at Monhig gon, and some other places by sundry others. B 216 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1623, King of G, Britain, James I, — France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, Philip IV. But about Pascataqua river there seem not many other buildings erected till after 1631. H Shortly after Mr. Weston's people went to the • eastward, he comes there himself with some of the fishermen, under another name and disguise of a blacksmith ; where he hears the ruin of his planta tion ; and getting a shallop with a man or two comes on to see how things are ; but in a storm is cast away in the bottom of the bay between Pascat- aquak and Merrimak river,* and hardly escapes with his life, afterwards he falls into the hands of the Indians, who pillage him of all he saved from the sea, and strip him of all his clothes to his shirt. At length he gets to Pascataquak, borrows a suit of clothes, finds means to come to Plymouth, and desires to borrow some beaver of us. Notwith standing our straits, yet in consideration of his necessity, we let him have one hundred and sev enty odd pounds of beaver, with which he goes to the eastward, stays his small ship and some of his men, buys provision and fits himself, which is the foundation of his future courses ; and yet never repaid us any thing save reproaches, and becomes our enemy on all occasions. B April m. We begin to set our corn, the setting season being good till the latter end of May. W But by the time our corn is planted, our victuals are spent ; not knowing at night where to have a bit in the morning, and have neither bread nor corn for three or four months together, yet bear our wants with cheerfulness and rest on providence. B Having but one boat left, we divide the men into several companies, six or seven in each ; who take their turns to go out with a net and fish, and return * And so says Mr. Morton ; Mr, Hubbard^ therefore seems to mistake in wri ting Ipswich Bay, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 217 1623. King of G, Britain, James I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV, not till they get some, though they be five or six days out ; knowing there is nothing at home, and to return empty would be a great discouragement. When they stay long or get but little, the rest go a digging shell fish ; and thus we five the summer ; only sending one or two to range the woods for deer, they now and then get one, which we divide among the company ; and in the winter are helped with fowl and ground-nuts. B At length we receive letters from the adventur ers in England of Dec. 22 and April 9 last, wherein they say, It rejoiceth us much to hear those good reports that divers have brought home of you ; and give an account, that last fall, B Oct. 16, Pur a ship, the Paragon, sailed from London with pas sengers, B thirty-seven, S^n or rather sixty-seven, Pur for New Plymouth ; being fitted out by Mr. John Pierce, in whose name our first patent was taken, his name being only used in trust ; but when he saw we were here hopefully seated, and by the success God gave us, had obtained favor with the Council for New England, he gets another patent of a larger extent, meaning to keep it to himself, allow us only what he pleased, hold us as his tenants and sue to his courts as chief lord. But meeting with tempestuous storms, B in the Downs, Mem. the ship is so bruised and leaky that in four teen days she returned B to London, Mem. was forced to be put into the dock, one hundred pounds laid out to mend her, and lay six or seven weeks to Dec. 22, before she sailed a second time ; but being halfway over, met with extreme tempestu ous weather about the middle of February which held fourteen days, beat off!' the round house with all her upper works, obliged them to cut her masts and return to Portsmouth ; having one hundred 3S 218 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1623, King of G. Britain, James I.— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV. and nine souls aboard, with Mr. Pierce himself Upon which great and repeated loss and disap pointment, he is prevailed upon for 500 pounds to resign his patent to the company,* which cost him but fifty pounds ; and the goods with charge of passengers in this ship cost the company 640Z. for which they were forced to hire another ship, namely, the Ann of 140 tons, to transport them, namely, sixty passengers with sixty tons of goods, hoping to sail by the end of April. B June e. Arrives a ship with captain Francis West, who has a commission to be admiral of New England, to restrain such ships as come to fish and trade without licence from the New England Coun cil, for which they should pay a round sum of money ; tell us they spoke with a ship at sea and were aboard her, having sundry passengers, bound for this plantation, but lost her mast in a storm which quickly followed ; wonder she is not arrived, and fear some miscarriage, which fills us with trou ble. But Mr. West finding the fishermen stub born fellows, and too strong for him, sails for Vir ginia ; and their owners complaining to the Par liament, procure an order that fishing should be free. B July m. Notwithstanding our great pains and hopes of a large crop, God seems to blast them and threaten sorer famine by a great drought and heat from the third week in May to the middle of this month,! so as the corn withers B both in the blade and stalk, as if it were utterly dead. Now are our hopes overthrown and we discouraged, our joy being turned into mourning ; and to add to * By this Company seems to be meant the adventurers to Plymouth col ony. t Mr. Morton mistaking governor Bradford, wrongly placed this drought in the preceding year ; and Mr, Hubbard follows Mr, Morton's mistake. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 219 1623, King of G, Britain, Jarnes I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhiUp IV. our sorrowful state, our hearing the supply sent us in company with another ship 300 leagues at sea, and now in three months see nothing of her, only signs of a wreck on the coast, which we can judge no other than she. The most courageous are now discouraged. Upon this, the public authority W sets apart a solemn day of humiliation and prayer to seek the Lord in this distress ; who was pleased to give speedy answer, to our own, and the Indians' admiration. For though in the former part of the day it was very clear and hot, without a cloud or sign of rain, yet towards evening, B W before the exercise is over, the clouds gather and next morning distil such soft W and gentle B showers B TV as give cause for joy and praise to God ; they come without any thunder, wind, or violence, and by degrees ; and that abundance B continuing fourteen days with seasonable weather, W as the earth is thoroughly soaked, and the decayed corn and other fruits so revived, as is wonderful to see ; the Indians are astonished to behold, and gives a joyful prospect of a fruitful harvest. B At the same time, captain Standish, who had* been sent by the governor to buy provisions, returns with some, accompanied with Mr. David Tomson above- said. W Now also we hear of the third repulse* our sup ply had, of their safe though dangerous return to England, and of their preparing to come to us. Upon all which, another day is set apart for solemn and public thanksgiving. W July e. W August, B comes in the expected * Neither governor Bradford nor Mr, Morton give any hint of this third repulse. 220 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1623, King of G,Britain, James I. — France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, Philip IV, ship the Ann, Mr. William Pierce master ;* and about a week or ten days after, B August b. W ar rives the pinnace B named the James, Mr. Bridges master, Mem which they had left in foul weather, a fine new vessel of forty-four tons, which the Com pany had built to stay in the country ; they bring about sixty persons for the general, /) being all in health but one, who soon recovers ; PFsome being very useful and become good members of the body ; B of whom the principal are Mr. Timothy Hatherly and Mr. George Morton, who came in the Ann, and Mr. John Jenny, who came in the James. Mem Some were the wives and children of such who came before ; and some others are so bad we are forced to be at the charge to send them home next year. B By this ship R. C. [i. e. doubtless Mr. Cushman their agent] writes, Some few of your old friends are come, they come dropping to you, and by de grees I hope ere long you shall enjoy them all, &c. B From the general, subscribed by thirteen, we have also a letter wherein they say, Let it not be grievous to you, that you have been instruments to break the ice for others who come after with less difficulty ; the honor shall be yours to the world's end ; we bear you always in our breasts, and our hearty aflfection is towards you all, as are the hearts of hundreds more which never saw your faces, who doubtless pray your safety as their own. B When these passengers see our poor and low condition ashore, they are much dismayed and full * Governor Bradford, and from him Mr. Morton, mentioning captain West's sailing for Virginia, say the Ann came in about fourteen days after ; and Smith tells us the two ships came in either the next morning or not long after the thanksgiving. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 221 1623. King of G. Britain, James I.— prance, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, of sadness; only our old friends rejoice to see us, and that it is no worse, and now hope we shall en joy better days together. The best dish we could present them with, is a lobster, or piece of fish, without bread, or any thing else but a cup of fair spring water ; and the long continuance of this diet with our labours abroad has somewhat abated the freshness of our complexion ; but God gives us health, &c. B August 14. The fourth marriage is of governor Bradford to Mrs. Alice Southworth, widow. Br September \0. W The pinnace B being fitted for trade and discovery to the southward of Cape Cod, is now ready to sail ;* and this day the Ann, having been hired by the Company, sails for Lon don, W being laden with clapboards, and all the beaver and other furs we have ; with whom we send Mr. Winslow, to inform how things are and procure what we want. B [Here ends Mr. Winslow's narrative ; and there with also Purchas's account of New England. And from this time forward I shall chiefly confine my self to the manuscripts.] Now our harvest comes, instead of fatoine we have plenty, and the face of things is changed to the joy of our hearts ; nor has there been any gene ral want of food among us since to this day. Bf September m. Captain Robert Gorges, son of sir Ferdinand, with Mr. Morell, B an episcopal minister, msl and sundry passengers and families arrive in the Massachusetts bay, to begin a planta tion there ;t pitches on the same place Mjr. Wes- * Smith says, under captain Altom ; but either Smith or the printer per haps mistook the name for Alden, t Governor Bradford's history reaches to the end of 1646, j: Sir F, Gorges says, his son arrived at the Massachusetts Bay about the beginning of August, and Mr, Hubbard says in the end of August, But these 222 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1623, King of G, Britain, James I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV. ton's people had forsaken ; has a commission from the Council for New England B to be their lieuten ant-general F. Gor or general governor of the coun try; and they appoint for his council and assistance, captain West the ' aforesaid admiral, Christopher Levit, esquire, and the governor of Plymouth for the time being, giving him authority to choose others as he should find fit ; with full power to him and his assistants, or any three of them, whereof him self to be one, to do what they should think good in all cases, capital, criminal, civil, &c. He gave us notice of his arrival by letter, and before we could visit him sails for the eastward with the ship he came in ; but a storm rising they bear into our harbor, are kindly entertained and stay fourteen days. Meanwhile Mr. Weston having recovered his ship, and coming in here, captain Gorges calls him to account for some abuses laid to his charge ; with great difficulty governor Bradford makes peace between them. Shortly after, governor Gorges goes to the Massachusetts by land, being thankful -for his kind entertainment. His ship staying here, fits for Virginia, having some passen gers to deliver there. B The pinnace being sent about the Cape to trade with the Narragansetts, gets some corn and beaver, yet makes but a poor voyage ; the Dutch having used to furnish them with cloth and better commo dities, whereas she had only beads and knives, which are not there much esteomed. B November 5. Mem Some of the seamen rois tering, in a house, and making a great fire in very cold weather, if breaks out of the chimney into the seem unlikely, inasmuch as Mr, Winslow saiUng from Plymouth on Septem ber 10, for London, and there printing an account of the northeast to the very day of his sailing, lias not the least hint of captain Gorges' arrival. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 223 1623. King of G, Britain, James I.— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. thatch, consumes the house with three or four more, and all the goods and provisions in them, B* to the value of 500Z. Sm the dwelling where it begun being right against the house which contained our common store and provision, was like to be con sumed, which would have overthrown our planta tion ; but through God's mercy, by the great care and diligence of the governor and others about him, is saved. Some would have had the goods thrown out ; which if they had, much would have been stolen by the rude people of the two ships, who were almost all ashore. But a trusty compa ny was placed within, as well as others who with wet clothes and other means kept off' the fire with out, for we suspected malicious dealing if not plain treachery ; for when the tumult was greatest, was heard a voice, though from whom unknown, look well about you, for all are not friends that are near you. And when the vehemence of the fire was over, smoke was seen to rise within a shed adjoin ing to the store house, which was wattled up with boughs, in the withered leaves whereof a fire was kindled ; which some running to quench, found a fire brand of an ell long, lying under the wall on the inside, which must be laid there by some hand, in the judgment of all who saw it. But God kept us in the danger, whatever was intended B Captain Gorges' ship sailing for Virginia, sundry of those whom the Company had sent over returned in her ; .some because of the fire, which had burnt both their houses and provisions, B one of whom was Mr. Hatherly, Mem and others out of discon tent and dislike of the country. B * Smith says there were seven houses burnt ; but perhaps by mistake he may account therewith the two burnt in 1621 ; and Mr. Hubbard seems to mistake in writing as if the Common House were burnt, whereas the fire was only right over against it, and greatly endangered it. 224 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1624, King'oif G, Britain, James I, — France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, Philip [V, 1624. Towards the spring, after captain Gor ges and Mr. Weston had been to the eastward, Mr. Weston comes again to Plymouth, then sails for Virginia.* And captain Gorges not finding the state of things to answer his quality, with some who depended on him, returns to England ; some of his people go to Virginia, and some few remain, who are helped with supplies from hence. But Mr. Morrell stays about a year after the governor, and then takes shipping here and returns. At his going away, told some of our people, he had a power of superintendency over the churches here, but never showed it. And thus the second plan tation at the Massachusetts ended. B This spring there go about fifty English ships, to fish on the coasts of New England. Sm This spring, within a year after Mr. David Thompson had begun a plantation at Pascataqua, he removes to the Massachusetts Bay and possesses a fruitful island and very desirable neck of land, which is after confirmed to him by the General Court of the Massachusetts Colony. H About this year [and I conclude this spring] the fame of the plantation at New Plymouth being spread in all the western parts of England, the reverend Mr. White, Ha famous Puritan minister ec of Dorchester, excites several gentlemen there to make way for another settlement in New Eng land ; who now on a common stock, send over sundry persons to begin a plantation at Cape Ann, employ Mr. John Tilly their overseer of planting, and Mr. Thomas Gardener of the fishery for the present year. H * He afterwards dies of the sickness at Bristol in England, in the time of the civil war, B er. Echard's History of England, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY, 225 1624, King of G, Britain, .lames I, — France, Lewis XIU, — Spain, Philip IV, This year [and I suppose this spring] Mr. Henry Jacob who had set up an independent church in England in 1616, with the consent of his church goes to Virginia, where soon after he dies ; but upon his departure his congregation choose Mr. Lathrop their pastor. Np [I conclude he is the same Mr. John Lathrop who about ten years after comes to Scituate in Plymouth Colony.] The time of our electing officers for this year arriving, the governor desires the people, both to change the persons and add more assistants to the governor for council and help ; showing the neces sity of it, that if it were a benefit or honor it is fit others should be partakers, or if a burthen, it is but equal others should help to bear it, and that this is the end of yearly elections. B Mem Yet they choose the same governor, viz. Mr. Bradford ; H but whereas there was but one assistant, they now choose five, and give the governor a double voice. B Mem March b. We send our pinnace to the eastward a fishing, but arriving safe in a harbor near Dama- rin's Cove where ships used to ride, some ships being there already arrived from England, soon after, an extraordinary storm drove her against the rocks, broke and sunk her there, the master and one man drowned, the others saved, but all their provi sions, salt and lading lost. Shortly after, B viz. in March. Mem Mr. Winslow B our agent, Mem comes over in the ship Charity, a;nd brings a pretty good supply of clothing, &c. the ship comes a fishing, a thing fatal to this plantation. He also brings a bull and three heifers, the first cattle of this kind in the land ; but therewith a sad account .V;? Neal's History of the Puritans. 29 226 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 16247 King of G, Britain, James I,— France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, PhUip IV. of a strong faction among the adventurers against us, and especially against the coming of Mr. Rob inson and the rest from Leyden. B By Mr. Winslow we have several letters ; (1) from Mr. Robinson to the governor, dated Leyden, De cember 19, [I suppose new style, but in ours December 9,] 1623, wherein he writes with great concern and tenderness about our killing the savage conspirators at the Massachusetts ; says, O how happy a thing had it been that you had converted some before you killed any ! &c.* (2) From the same to Mr. Brewster, dated Leyden, December 20, [I suppose new style, but in ours December 10,] 1623, wherein he writes of the deferring of their desired transportation through the opposition of some of the adventurers ; five or six being abso lutely bent for them above all others, five or six are their professed adversaries, the rest more indiff"er- ent, yet influenced by the latter, who above all others are unwilling that he should be transported, &c. (3) From R. C. [I conclude Mr. Cushman at London,] dated January 24, 1623, 4, wherein he writes, they send a carpenter to build two ketches, a lighter and six or seven shallops, a salt man to make salt, and a preacher, though not the most eminent, for whose going (says he) Mr. Winslow and I gave way to give content to some at London; the ship to be laden as soon as you can, and sent to Bilboa, to send Mr. Winslow again ; we have taken a patent for Cape Ann, &.c. B This spring the people requesting the governor to have some land for continuance, and not by year ly lot as before, he gives every person an acre to them and theirs, as near the town as can be, and no more till the seven years expire, that we may * It is to be hoped that Squanto was converted. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 227 1624. King of G, Britain, James I, — France, Lewis XIII.— Spain, PhUip IV. keep close together for greater defence and safety. B The ship is soon discharged and sent to Cape Ann a fishing, and some of our planters to help build her stages to their own hindrance ; but through the drunkenness of the master which the adventurers sent, made a poor voyage, and would have been worse, had we not kept one a trading there who got some skins for the company. B The fishing masters sending us word, that if we would be at the cost, they would help to weigh our pinnace near Damarin's Cove, and their car penter should mend her ; we therefore sent, and with several ton of cask fastened to her at low water, th^y buoy her up, and hale her ashore, mend her, and our people bring her to us again. B June 17. Born at Plymouth to governor Brad ford, his son William, who afterwards becomes deputy governor of the colony, db This month dies Mr. George Morton, a gracious servant of God, an unfeigned lover and promoter of the common good and growth of this plantation, and faithful in whatever public employment he was intrusted with. Mem. The ship carpenter sent us is an honest and very industrious man, quickly builds us two very good and strong shallops, with a great and strong light er, and had hewn timber for two ketches ; but this is spoilt ; for in the hot season of the year he falls into a fever and dies, to our great loss and sorrow. B. But the salt man is an ignorant, foolish and self- willed man ; who chooses a spot for his salt works, will have eight or ten men to help him, is confident db From the said deputy governor's original Table Book, written with a black lead pencU. 228 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1624, King of G, Britain, James 1, — France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV, the ground is good, makes a carpenter rear a great frame qf a house for the salt and other like uses ; but finds himself deceived in the bottom ; will then have a lighter to carry clay, &c. yet all in vain ; he could do nothing but boil salt in pans. The next year is sent to Cape Ann, and there the pans are set up by the fishery ; but before the summer is out, he burns the house and spoils the pans, and there is an end of this chargeable business. B The minister is Mr. John Lyford, whom a faction of the adventurers send, to hinder Mr. Robinson. At his arrival appears exceeding complaisant and humble, sheds many tears, blesses God that had brought him to see our faces, &c. ; we give him the best entertainment we can ; at his ifesire re ceive him into our church, when he blesses God for this opportunity and freedom to enjoy his ordinan ces in purity among his people, &c. ; we make him larger allowance than any other, and as the governor used in weighty matters to consult with elder Brewster with the assistants, so now he calls Mr. Lyford to council also. But Mr. Lyford soon joins with Mr. John Oldham a private instrument of the factious part of the adventurers in England, whom we had also called to council in our chief afl'airs without distrust, yet they fall a plotting both against our church and government, and endeavor to overthrow them. B July.* At length the ship B wherein Lyford came Mem setting sail towards evening, the go vernor takes a shallop, goes out with her a league or two to sea, calls for Lyford's and Oldham's let ters, opens them, and finds their treachery ; Mr. William Pierce now master of the ship, who was * This date I compute from the article of -August 22, following. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 229 1624, King of G, Britain, James L— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, Philip IV, aware of their actions, readily helping. The governor returns in the night, brings some of their letters back, but keeps them private, till Lyford and his few accomplices which the factious part of the adventurers sent, judging their party strong enough, rise up, oppose the government and church, draw a company apart, set up for themselves, and he would minister the sacrament to them by his Episcopal calling, «fec. B Upon this the governor calls a court, summons the whole Company to appear, charges Lyford and Oldham with plotting and writing against us, which they deny. The governor then produces their own letters, they are confounded and convicted ; Old ham being outrageous would have raised a mutiny, but his party leaves him, and the Court expels them the colony ; Oldham presently, though his wife and family have leave to stay the winter, or till he can make provision to remove them comfortably. He goes and settles at Natasco, B i. e. Nantasket, Mem H [at the entrance of the Massachusetts Bay] where the Plymouth people had before set up a building to accommodate their trade with the Mas sachusetts ; and there Mi". Roger Conant and some others with their families retire and stay a year and some few months. H Lyford has leave to stay six months, owns his fault before the court, that all he had written is false, and the sentejice far less than he deserves ; afterwards confesses the same to the church with many tears, begs forgiveness, and is restored to his teaching. B August 5. The ninth marriage at New Ply mouth is of Mr. Thomas Prince with Mrs. Patience Brewster, hg [he is afterwards governor ; and by this only hint I find he was now in the country.] 230 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1624. King of G. Britain, James I, — France, Lewis Xm, — Spain, Philip IV, Aug. 22. Notwithstanding Lyford's protesta tions and the kindness shown him, he in a month or two relapses ; and this day, writes by the pin nace another letter to the adventurers against us ; but the party intrusted gives it to the governor. B [This pinnace seems to sail for London and Mr. Winslow in her.] This year comes some addition to the few inhabi tants of Wessagusset, from Weymouth in England ; who are another sort of people than the former msl [and on whose account I conclude the town is since called Weymouth.]* At New Plymouth, there are now about 1 80 per sons ; some cattle and goats, but many swine and poultry ; thirty-two dwelling houses ; the town is impaled about half a mile in compass ; on a high mount in the town, they have a fort well built with wood, lime and stone, and a fair watchtower. The place it seems is healthful ; for in the three last years, notwithstanding their great want of most necessaries, there hath not one died of the first planters. And this year they have freighted a ship of 180 tons, &c. Sm The general stock already employed by the ad venturers to Plymouth, is about seven thousand pounds. Sin At Cape Ann there is a plantation beginning by the Dorchester men, which they hold of those of New Plymouth ; who also by them have set up a fishing work. Sm [And here Smith ends his account of New Eng land.] * They have the Reverend Mr, Barnard their first nonconformist minister, who dies among them. But whether he comes before or after 1630, or when he dies is yet unknown ; msl nor do I any where find the least hint of him, but in the manuscript letter, taken from some of the oldest people at Wevmouth, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 231 1625, King of G, Britain, Charles I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. 1625. This winter Mr. White with the Dor chester adventurers, hearing of some religious per sons lately removed from New Plymouth to Nan tasket from dislike of their rigid principles, among whom was Mr. Roger Conant, a pious, sober and prudent gentleman, they choose Mr. Conant to manage their aff'airs at Cape Ann, both of planting and fishing ; and Mr. White engages Mr. Hum phry their treasurer, to signify to him the same by writing. They also invite Mr. Lyford to be minis ter to the plantation, and Mr. Oldham to manage their trade with the natives. H March 27. Lord's Day, king James I. of Great Britain, dies ; Hs [aged 59,] having reigned over England twenty-two years, and over Scotland above fifty-seven ; and his only son Charles I. aged 25, succeeds ; Hs in whose reign the reform ation degenerates, and the Prelates load us with more popish innovations, and bind the burthens more straitly on us. Bh This year, Mem. comes over captain Wollaston, with three or four more of some eminence,* and a great many servants, provisions, &c. to begin a plantation. They pitch on a place in the Massa chusetts Bay, B since named Braintree, Mem. on the northerly mountainous part thereof, msl which they call Mount Wollaston ; among whom is one B Thomas Mem. Morton ; who had been a kind of pettifogger at Furnival's Inn. B This spring, at our Election Court, Oldham, though forbid to return without leave, yet openly comes, and in so furious a manner reviles us, that hs Howes' Continuation of Stow's Annals. Bh Mr. Benjamin Hubbard's Sermo Secularis. * Deputy governor Dudley says there came thirty with captain Wollaston ; in bis letter to the Countess of Lincoln, of March 28, 1631, printed in octavo. at Boston, 1696, 232 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGi'. 1625, King of G, Britain, Charles I,— France, Lewis Xlll. — Spain, PhUip IV, even his company are ashamed of his outrage. Upon which we appoint him to pass through a guard of soldiers and every one with a musket to give him a blow on his hinder part, is then convey ed to the water side, where a boat is ready to carry him away. B While this was doing, Mr. Winslow and Mr. William Pierce land from England, and bid them spare neither him nor Lyford ; for they had played the villains with us ; and their friends in England had the like bickerings with ours. There about Lyford's calumnious letters, &c. after many meet ings and much clamor against our agents for accus ing him, the controversy was referred to a further meeting of most of the adventurers to hear and de cide the matter. Mr. Lyford's party chose Mr. White a counsellor at law ; the other chose the Reverend Mr. Hooker, moderator ; and many friends on both sides coming in, there was a great assembly. In which Mr. Winslow made so sur prising a discovery of Lyford's carriage when min ister in Ireland, for which he had been forced to leave that kingdom, and coming to England was unhappily lit on and sent to New Plymouth ; as struck all his friends mute, made them ashamed to defend him ; and the moderators declared, that as his carriage with us gave us cause enough to do as we did, so this new discovery renders him unmeet to bear the mirtistry more. B* Hence, therefore, Lyford, with some of his friends, go after Oldham to Natasco, B where * By this it seems as if the Reverend Mr. White and the Dorchester gen tlemen had been imposed upon with respect to Lyford and Oldham, and had sent invitations to them before this discovery. And as by many passages in Mr. Hubbard it appears he had never seen governor Bradford's history, for want thereof he is sometimes in the dark about the affairs of Plymouth, and especially those which relate to Lyford and Oldham, as also to Mr. Robinson, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 233 1625, King of G. Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV, receiving the invit&,tion of the Dorchester gentle men, Mr. Lyford removes with Mr. Conant to Cape Ann ; but Mr. Oldham chooses to stay at Nantasket and trade for himself. H But upon this decision the company of adventu rers to Plymouth break in pieces ; two thirds of them deserting us ; yea some of Lyford's and Old ham's friends set out a ship a fishing, B under one Mr. Hewes, H and getting the start of ours they take our stage and other provisions made for fish ing at Cape Ann the year before, to our great charge, and refuse to restore it without fighting ; upon which we let them keep it, and our governor sends some planters to help the fishermen build another.* B Yet some of the adventurers still cleaving to us, they by Mr. Winslow write on December 18, 1624, as follows : We cannot forget you, nor our friend ship and fellowship we have had some years, our hearty aff'ections towards you (unknown by face) have been no less than to our nearest friends, yea to our ow^nselves. As there has been a faction among us [at London,] more than two years, so now there is an utter breach and sequestration. The Company's debts are not less than 1400Z. and we hope you will do your best to free them. We are still persuaded you are the people that must make a plantation in those remote places when all others fail. We have sent some cattle, clothes, hoes, shoes, leather, &-c. but in another * Mr. Hubbard teUs us, that captain Standish, who had been bred a soldier in the Netherlands, arriving at Cape Ann, demands the stage in a peremptory manner ; and the others refusing, the dispute grows hot, the captain seems resolved to attack them and recover his right by force of arms ; but the pru dence of Mr. Conant and the interposition ot Mr, William Pierce who lay just by prevents it ; the ship's crew promising to help build another ends the controversy, 30 234 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1625, King of G, Britain,Chailes I,— France, Lewis XIIL- Spain, Philip IV. nature than formerly, having committed them to the charge of Mr. Allerton and Winslow to sell, as our factors, &c. The goods are ordered to be sold at seventy per cent advance, a thing thought unrea sonable and a great oppression. The cattle are the best commodity. B They send also two ships a fishing upon their own account ; the one is the pinnace which had been sunk and weighed as before ; the other a large ship, which makes a great voyage of good dry fish, that would fetch 1800L at Bilboa or St. Sebastians, whither her owners had ordered her ; but there being a rumour of a war with France, the master, timorous, sails to Plymouth and Portsmouth, whereby he loses the opportunity, to their great detriment. The lesser ship is filled with goodly codfish taken on the bank, with eight hundred weight of beaver, besides other fur from our plan tation. They go joyfully together homeward, the bigger ship towing the lesser all the way till they are shot deep into the English channel, almost within sight of Plymouth ; when a Turkish man of war takes the lesser and carries her off' to Sally, where the master and men are made slaves, and many of the beaver skins sold for four pence a piece. B In the bigger ship captain Standish goes out agent,* both to the remaining adventurers for more goods, and to the New England Council to oblige the others to come to a composition ; but arrived there in a bad time, the State being full of trouble, and the plague very hot in London ; there die such multitudes weekly that trade is dead, little money * It seems most likely that Captain Standish first went in the smaller ship with the fur, which at first was the only ship bound for England, but after the master of the greater ship determined for England too that the captain got into her, and so escaped the slavery. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 235 1'625. King of G. Britain, Charies I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. Stirring, and no business can be done. However, he engages several of the Council to promise their helpfulness to our plantation ; but our remainiiig adventurers are so much weakened by their loss of the fish, and of the ship the Turks had taken, they can do but little. B Meanwhile, God gives us peace and health with contented minds ; and so succeeds our labors that we have corn sufficient and some to spare, with other provisions ; nor had we ever any supply [from England] but what we first brought with us. After harvest we send a boatload of corn forty or fifty leagues to the eastward up Kennebeck river ; it being one of those two shallops our carpenter built the year before, for we have no larger vessel. We had laid a deck over her midship to keep the corn dry, but the men were forced to stand in all weathers without any shelter, and the time of year begins to grow tempestuous, but God preserves and prospers them, for they bring home seven hun dred weight of beaver besides other fur, having little or nothing but our corn to purchase them. This voyage was made by Mr. Winslow and some old standards, for seamen we have none. B Some time this fall* Mr. Lyford's people at Nan tasket remove to Cape Ann, a place more conve nient for the fishery, and there stay about a year. But Mr. Conant finding a more commodious place for plantation a little to westward, on the other side of a creek called Naumkeak, secretly con ceives in his mind that in after times, as is since fallen out, it may prove a receptacle for such in * I gather this from Mr. Hubbard, who says that Mr, Conant and Lyford with their families and those few who foUowed them, tarried at Nantasket a year and some few months, till the door was opened for their remove to Cape Ann, 236 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGV. 1626, King of G, Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV. England as on the account of religion would be wiUing to settle in these parts of the world ; and gives an intimation of it to his friends in England. H December 23. From December 22, 1624, to this day, there die of the plague in London and West minster, 41,313. Howes 1626. Upon a year's experience, the Dorches ter adventurers being disappointed of their expec tations throw up their business. But the rever end Mr. White, a chief founder under God of the Massachusetts colony, being grieved so good a work should fall to the ground, writes to Mr. Co nant not to desert the business, and promises that if Mr. Conant with three others whom he knew to be honest and prudent men, namely, John Wood- berry, John Balch, and Peter Palfreys, would stay at Naumkeak, he would procure them a patent, and send them men, provisions, and whatever they write for to trade with the natives. H This spring a -French ship is cast away at Saga dehock ; wherein are many Biscay rugs and other commodities, which fall into the hands of the peo ple at Monhiggon and other fishermen at Dama rin's cove. B About a year after we had sent Oldham away, as he is sailing for Virginia, being in extreme dan ger, he makes a free and large confession of the wrongs he had done the church and people at Ply mouth ; and as he had sought their ruin the Lord might now destroy him ; beseeching God to for give him, making vows if he be spared to carry otherwise ; and being spared he after carries fairly to us, owns the hand of God to be with us, seems to have an honorable respect for us, and we give NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 237 1626. King of G, Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIII— Spain, PhiUp IV. him liberty to come and converse with us when he pleases. B April b. We hear of captain Standish arriving in a fishing ship, send a boat to fetch him, and welcome he is ; had taken up for us 150/. though at 50 per cent ; which, his expense deducted, he laid out in suitable goods, and has prepared the way for our composition with the Company. But the news he brings is sad in many regards ; not only of the losses mentioned, whereby some of our friends are disabled to help us, and others dead of the plague ; but also that our dear pastor Mr. Ro binson is dead, B about the fiftieth year of his age, H which strikes us with great sorrow. His and our enemies had been continually plotting how they might hinder his coming hither ; but the Lord has appointed him a better place. B. Mr. Roger White in a letter from Leyden of April 28, [i. e. April 18, our style] 1625, to the governor and Mr. Brewster, has the following words. It has pleased the Lord to take out of this vale of tears your and our loving and faithful pas tor, Mr. Robinson. He fell sick Saturday morning, February 22. [i. e. February 12, our style, 1624, 5] Next day taught us twice, on the week grew Aveaker every day, feeling little or no pain, sensible to the last, departed this life the first of March, [i. e. Saturday, February 19, our style, 1624, 5.] Had a continual inward ague, all his friends came free ly to him, and if prayers, tears, or means wOuld have saved his life, he had not gone hence ; we still hold close together in peace, wishing that you and we were again together, Si,c. B Our other friends at Leyden also write us many letters full of lamentations for their heavy loss ; and 238 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1626, King of G, Britain, Charies I,— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, Philip IV. though their wills are good to come, yet see not how. B* Our captain also brings us notice of the death of our ancient friend Mr. Cushman, who was our right hand with the adventurers, and for divers years has managed all our business with them to our great advantage. He had wrote to the governor a few months before of the sore sicknessof Mr. James Sherley, who was a chief friend of the plantation, and lay at the point of death, declaring his love and helpfulness in all things, and bemoaning our loss if God should take him away, as being the stay and life of the business ; as also of his own purpose to come this year and spend the rest of his days with us. B These things could not but cast us into great perplexity ; yet being stript of all human help and hopes, when we are now at the lowest, the Lord so helps us, as we are not only upheld, but begin to rise, and our proceedings both honored and imi tated by others. B Having now no business but trading and plant ing, we set ourselves to follow them. The people finding corn a commodity, having sold it at six shillings a bushel, they use great diligence in planting; and the trade being retained for the * Contrary to Mr. Baylie's suggestion, governor Bradford and governor Winslow tell us that Mr. Robinson and his people always lived in great love and harmony among themselves, as also with the Dutch with whom they so journed. And when I was at Leyden in 1714, the most ancient people from their parents told me, that the city had such a value for them, as to let them have one of their churches, in the Chancel whereof he lies buried, which the English still enjoy ; and that as he was had in high esteem both by the city and university for his learning, piety, moderation and excellent accomplishments, the magistrates, ministers, scholars, and most of the gentry mourned his death as a public loss, and followed him to the grave. His son Isaac came over to Plymouth Colony, lived to above ninety years of age, a venerable man, whom I have often seen, and has left male posterity in the county of Barnstable. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 239 1626. King of G, Britain, Charles I, — France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, Philip IV, general good, the governor and other managers apply it to the best advantage. For wanting proper goods, and understanding the plantation at Monhiggon, belonging to some merchants of Ply mouth [in England] is to break up, and divers goods to b8 sold, the governor with Mr. Winslow take a boat and with some hands go thither. Mr. David Thompson, who lives at Piscataway, going with us on the same design, we agree to buy all their goods and divide them equally. Our moiety comes to 400Z. we also buy a parcel of goats which we distribute to our people for corn to their great content. We likewise buy the French goods aforesaid, which makes our part arise to above 5001. and which we mostly pay with the beaver and commodities we got last winter, and what we had gathered this summer. B After harvest, with our goo.ds and corn, we get such store of trade, as to discharge some other engagements, viz. the money took up by captain Standish, with the remains of former debts, to get some clothing for the people, and have some com modities beforehand. B This year [and I suppose in the fall] we send Mr. Allerton to England, to finish with the adven turers, take up more money, and buy us goods. B Sometime this fall Mr. Conant with the people who came to Cape Ann, remove a third time, viz. to Naumkeak aforesaid, on a pleasant and fruitful neck of land, embraced on each side with an arm of the sea, since named Salem ; answer Mr. White that they will stay on his-terms, i/and Mr. Lyford removes with thein. B * ' Mr. Conant lives about Salem to 1680, when he deceases. H 240 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1626. King of G, Britain, Charies I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, Captain Wallaston having continued at Mount Wallaston some time, and finding things not an swer his expectation, he carries a great part of the servants to Virginia, writes back to Mr. Rasdall one of his chief partners to carry another part, and appoints Mr. Fitcher his lieutenant till *he or Ras dall returns. But Rasdall being gone, Morton ex cites the rest to turn away Fitcher and set up for themselves ; forcing Fitcher to seek his bread among his neighbors, till he can get a pass to Eng land. After this they fall to great licentiousness and profaneness. B* Finding we run great hazards in going such long voyages in a little open boat, especially in the win ter season, we consider how to get a small pinnace. And having no ship builder, but an ingenious housewright, who wrought with our ship carpenter, deceased, at our request he tries his skill, saws our bigger shallop across the middle, lengthens her five or six foot, strengthens her with timbers, builds her up decks, and makes her a convenient vessel. The next year we fit her with sails and anchors, and she does us service seven years. B In the beginning of winter, a ship with many passengers bound to Virginia, the master sick, lose themselves at sea, have, neither beer, wood, nor water left ; in fear of starving steer towards the coast to find some land, run over the danger ous shoals of Cape Cod in the night, they know not how, come right before a small obscure harbor about the middle of Monamoyack Bay ; at high water, touch the bar, towards night beat oyer it * It is by guess I here insert this article, because Mr, Hubbard says, the captain spent much labor, cost and time in planting at Mount Wallaston, H It seems most likely that he tried the crop of this summer ; and the autumn is the usual time for the New England fishing ships to go to Virginia, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 241 1627, King of G, Britain, Charles I, — France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, into the harbor, and run on a flat within close to the beach, where they save their lives and goods. Not knowing were they are, as the savages come to wards them in canoes they stand on their guard ; but some of the Indians asking if they are the governor of Plymouth's men, and off'ering to bring them or their letters, they are greatly revived ; send a letter with two men to the governor, en treating him to send them pitch, oakum, spikes, &c. to mend their ship, with corn to help them to Virginia. Those being abroad a trading who were fit to send, the governor goes himself in a boat with the materials wrote for, and commodities proper to buy corn of the natives. And it being no season of the year to go without the Cape, he sails to the bottom of the bay within, into a creek called Naumskaket, whence it is not much above two miles across to the bay where they are ; has Indians to carry the things, is received with joy ; buys of the natives as much corn as they want, leaves them thankful ; returns to the boat, goes into other adjacent harbors, buys and loads with corn and comes home. B * 1627. Not many days after the governor came home, the people at Monamoyack send him word that their ship being mended, a great storm drove her ashore and so shattered her as to make her wholly unfit for sea ; beg leave and means to trans port themselves and goods to us, and be with us till they find passage to Virginia. We readily help to transport and shelter them and their goods in our houses. The chief among them are Mr. Fells and Silsby, who have many servants. Upon their * Though governor Bradford, and from him Mr, Morton, place the whoW story under 1627, yet governor Bradford says this part of it happened in the beginning of winter 1626. <^ 1 Oi 242 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1627, King of G, Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, coming to Plymouth and being somewhat settled, seeing the winter before them, and like to be the latter end of the year before they can get to Vir ginia, the masters desire some ground to employ their servants, clear, plant, and help bear their charge, which being granted, they raise a great deal of corn. B [About the middle of March] we receive mes sengers from the governor of the Dutch plantaticm, with letters written in Dutch and French, dated from the Manhatas, in the Fort Amsterdam, March 9, 1627, [i. e. new style, which is February 27, 1626, 7,] signed Isaac de Rasier, secretary.* They had traded in those southern parts divers years before we came, but began no plantation there till four or five years after our coming. In their letter they congratulate us and our prosperous and praise worthy undertakings and government of our colony, with the presentation of their good will and ser vice to us, in all friendly kindness and good neigh borhood ; ofl'er us any of their goods that may be serviceable to us, declare they shall take them selves bound lo accommodate and help us with them, for any wares we are pleased to deal for. B March 19. We send the Dutch our obliging answer, express our thankful sense of the kind nesses we received in their native country, and our grateful acceptance of their ofl'ered friendship. B This spring, at the usual season of the ships' coming, Mr. Allerton returns, having taken up for us 200/ at thirty per cent, laid them out in suitable goods and brings them to the great content of the * Mr. Morton saying that de Rasier not long after comes to Plymouth, thence Mr. Hubbard mistakes in thinking he comes this year ; whereas it is plain from governor Bradford that he comes not hither till the year succeed ing. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 243 1627. King of G. Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV, plantation. With no small trouble and the help of sundry faithful friends who took much pains, he made a composition with the adventurers on Octo ber 26 last, which they signed November 15 ; a draught of which he brings for our acceptance ; wherein we allow them 1800/. paying 200 at the Royal Exchange every Michaelmas, the first pay ment to be in 1628 ; in consideration of which the Company sell us all their shares, stocks, merchan dises, lands and chattels, which is well approved and agreed to by the whole plantation ; though they scarce know how to raise the payment, discharge their other engagements, and supply their yearly wants ; seeing they are forced to take up monies or goods at such high interests ; yet they under take it, and seven or eight of the chief become jointly bound in behalf of the rest to make said payments ; wherein we run a great venture, as our condition is, having many other heavy burdens upon us, and all things in an uncertain state among us.B Upon this, to make all easy, we take every head of a family, with every young man of age and pru dence, both of the first comers and those who have since arrived into partnership with us ; agree the trade shall be managed as before, to pay the debts, that every single freeman shall have a single share, and every father of a family also leave to purchase a share for himself, one for his wife, one for every child living with him ; and every one shall pay his part toward the debts according to the shares he holds ; which gives content to all. We accordingly divide one cow and two goats by lot to every six shares ; and swine, though more in number, in the . same proportion ; to every share twenty acres of tillable land by lot, besides the single acres B with 244 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1627, King of G, Britain, Charles I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. the gardens and homesteds Mem they had before ; the most abutting on the water side, five in breadth vand four in depth ; but no meadows laid out till many years after, because being strait of meadow it might hinder additions to us ; though at every season all are ordered where to mow, in propor tion to their number of cattle. B Morton and company at Mount Wollaston, hav ing got some goods and acquired much by trading with the natives, they spend the same in rioting and drunkenness; drinking ten pound worth of wine and spirits in the morning ; set up a May-pole, get the Indian women to drink and dance about it, with worser practices ; as in the feasts of Flora, or like the mad Bachanalians ; and change the name to Merry Mount, as if this jollity were to last forever. B* [May and June.]! For greater convenience of trade, to discharge our engagements, and maintain ourselves, we build a small pinnace at Monamet, a place on the sea, twenty miles to the south ; to which by another creek on this side we transport our goods ,by water within four or five miles, and then carry them over land to the vessel ; thereby avoid our compassing Cape Cod with those dan gerous shoals, and make our voyage to the south ward with far less time and hazard. For the safety of our vessel and goods we there also build a house, and keep some servants ; who plant corn, rear swine, and are always ready to go out with the bark ; which takes good eff'ect, and turns to advantage. B * By guess I also place this here ; because of the goods they had gotten of the European ships, and the May-pole now erected ; which I suppose is the only one ever set up in New England, + I place this in May and June, because in the article of July following this pinnace is said to be lately built at Monamet, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 245 1627, King of G, Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV. June 27. Hs ch rs Wednesday Hs the duke of Buckingham Hs cb rs with one hundred ships Hs rs sails from Portsmouth [in England] for the Isle of Rhee on the coast of France, and begins the war with that kingdom, ch rs July. But besides the discharge of our heavy engagements, our great concern is to help over our friends at Leyden ; who as much desire to come to us as we desire their company. The governor therefore, with Mr. Edward Winslow, Thomas Prince, Miles Standish, William Brewster, John Alden, John Howland, and Isaac Allerton, now run a great venture ; and hire the trade of the colony for six years, to begin the last of next Sep tember ; a,nd for this with the shallop called the Bass Boat, and pinnace lately built at Monamet, with the stock in the store house, we this month undertake to pay the 1800 pounds with all other debts of the plantation amounting to 600 more ; bring over for them fifty pounds a year in hoes and shoes, sell them for corn at 6s. a bushel ; and at the end of the term return the trade to the colo- ny. B The latter end of the summer the Virginia peo ple at Plymouth sell us their corn, go thither in a couple of barks ; and aftervirards several of them express their thankfulness to us. B And [now it seems] Mr. Lyford sails with some of his people also to Virginia, H and there shortly dies. B With the return of the ships we send Mr. Aller ton again to England. 1st. To conclude our bar gain with the Company and dehver our nine bonds for the paying the 200 pounds at every Michael mas for nine years. 2d. To carry our beaver and pay some of our late engagements ; for our Hs Howes, cb Continuation of Baker's Chronicle, rs Rushworth, 246 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1628, King of G, Britain, Charles I,— France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, Philip IV, excessive interest still keeps us low. 3d. To get a patent for a fit trading place on Kennebeck river ; especially since the planters at Pascatoway and other places eastward of them, as also the fishing ships envy our grading there, and threaten to get a patent to exclude us ; though we first discovered and began the same, and brought it to so good an issue. 4th. To deal with some of our special friends in London to join with the said eight under takers, both for the discharge of the colony's debts, and the helping our friends from Leyden. B Nov. 6. Mr. Allerton concludes our bargain with the Company at London, delivers our bonds and receives their deed. B Dec. 27. Mr. Sherley from London writes to the Plymouth people as follows. The sole cause why the greater part of the adventurers malign me was,, that I would not side with them against you and the coming over of the Leyden people ; and assuredly unless the Lord be merciful to us and the whole land in general, our condition is far worse than yours ; wherefore if the Lord should send persecution here, which is much to be feared, and should put into our minds to fly for refuge, I know no place safer than to come to you, &c. B ' About this year, some friends being together in Lincolnshire, fall into discourse about New Eng land and the planting of the gospel there ; and after some deliberation, we [says deputy governor Dudley] impart our reasons by letters and mes sages to some in London and the west country ; where it is at length so ripened as to procure a patent [for the Massachusetts Colony.'] dd. 1628. Mr. Allerton having settled all things in a hopeful way, returns in the first of the spring with dd Deputy governor Dudley's aforesaid letter to the Countess of Lincoln, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 247 1628. King of G, Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis Xlll, — Spain, Philip IV. our supply for trade. The fishermen with whom he comes used to set forth in winter, and be here betimes. He has paid the first 200 pounds of our 1800 to the adventurers ; as also all our debts to others, except Mr. Sherley, Beachamp, and An drews, to whom we now owe but 400 and odd pounds ; informs that our said three friends and some others will join us in our six years' bargain, and will send to Leyden for a number to come next year ; brings a competent supply of goods, with a patent for Kennebeck, but so strait and ill bounded as we are forced to get renewed and enlarged the next year, as also that we have at home, to our great charge. He likewise brings us one Mr. Rogers, a young man, for minister. B March 19. The Council for New England sell to sir Henry Roswell, sir John Young, knights, Thomas Southcoat, John Humphry, John Endicot, and Simon Whetcomb, gentlemen. Be about Dor chester in England, H their heirs and associates, that part of New England between Merrimack river and Charles river, in the bottom of the Mas sachusetts Bay ; and three miles to the south of every part of Charles river and of the southernmost part of said bay ; and three miles to the north of every part of said Merrimack river ; and in length within the breadth aforesaid from the Atlantic ocean to the South Sea, &c. Be After some time Mr. White brings the Dorches ter grantees into acquaintance ¦ with several other religious persons in and about London, who are first associated to them, then buy their right in the patent,* and consult about settling some plantation Be Manuscript book of Charters in the hands of the Honorable Thomas Hutchinson, Esq, * By the Massachusetts Colony Charter and Records, it seems the three former wholly sold their rights ; the three -latter retaining theirs in equal partnership with the said associates. 248 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1628, King of G, Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, in the Massachusetts Bay on the account of reli gion ; where nonconformists may transport them selves and enjoy the liberty of their own persuasion in matters of worship and church discipline. Soon after the Company choose Mr. H Matthew Mcr Cradock, governor, Mr. H Thomas Mcr Goff", dep uty governor, with other assistants. H The New Plymouth people having obtained their patent for Kennebeck, now erect a house up the river, in a convenient place for trade ; and furnish it both winter and summer with corn and other commodities, such as the fishermen had traded with ; as coats, shirts, rugs, blankets, biscuit, peas, prunes, &c. ; what we could not get from England we buy of the fishing ships, and so carry on the business as well as we can. B This year [and I conclude this spring] the Dutch send to us again from their plantation both kind letters and diverse commodities ; as swgar, linen, stuff's, &c. ; come with their bark to our house at Monamet ; their secretary Rasier comes with trum peters, &c. ; but not being able to travel to us by land desires us to send a boat within side [the Cape] to fetch him ; so we send a boat to Manon- scusset, and bring him with the chief of his com pany to Plymouth. After a few days' entertain ment he returns to his bark ; some of us go with him, and buy sundry goods. After which begin ning they often send to the same place, and we trade together divers years, sell much tobacco for linens, stuff's, &c. which proves a great benefit to us, till the Virginians find out their colony. B But that which in time turns most to our advan tage is, their now acquainting and entering us in the trade of wampam ; telling us how vendible it is at their fort Orania, and persuading we shall NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 249 1628. King of G. Britain, Charles I —France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. find it so at Kennebeck. Upon this, we buy about fifty pounds worth. At first it sticks, and it is two years before we can put it off'; till the inland In dians come to know it, and then we can scarce procure enough for many years together. By which and other provisions, we quite cut off" the trade both from the fishermen and straggling plan ters. And strange it is to see the great alteration it in a few years makes among the savages. For the Massachusetts and others in tJiese parts had scarce any ; it being only made and kept amOng the Pequots and Narragansetts, who grew rich and potent by it ; whereas the rest who use it not, are poor and beggarly. B Hitherto the natives of these parts have no other arms but bows and arrows, nor many years after. But the Indians in the eastern parts, having com merce with the French, first have guns of them, and at length they make it a common trade. In time, our English fishermen follow their example ; but upon complaint against them, the king by a strict proclamation forbid the same, and command ed that no sort of arms or munition be traded with them. B* June 20. Captain John Endicot, with his wife and company, this day sails in the ship Abigail, Henry Gauden, master, from Weymouth in Eng land, for Naumkeak in New England, Mcr\ be- * By King, seems to be meant king James ; and the Massachusetts Colony Records of ,luly 28, 1629, as also Mr, Hubbaid say, this proclamation was issued in 1622, + The bills of lading being signed on June 20, Mcr I place their sailing here. But from the odd way of reckoning, the 4th of March next to be in 1628, deputy governor Dudley, Mr, Hubbard and others, wrongly place Mr, Endi- cot's voyage after the grant of the royal charter, whereas he came above eight months before. And deputy governor Dudley says, We sent hira and some with him, to begin a plantation ; and to strengthen such as he should find there, which we send thither from Dorchester and some places adjoin ing, 32 250 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1628, King of G, Britain, Charles I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. ing sent by the Massachusetts patentees at Lon don, to carry on the plantation there, make way for the settling a colony, and be their agent to order all aff'airs, till the patentees themselves come oyer. H Sept. 13. Mr. Endicot writes of his safe arrival at Naumkeak, to Mr. Matthew Cradock one of the Massachusetts Company in London, which Mr. Cradock receives on February 13 following. Cl With Mr. Endicot comes Messrs. Gott, Bracken- bury, Davenport, captain Trask and others ; who go on comfortably in preparing for the new colo ny. H Among those who arrive at Naumkeak, are Ralph Sprague, with his brethren Richard and William, who with three or four more, by governor Endicot's consent, undertake a journey, and travel the woods above twelve miles westward, light on a neck of land called Mishawum, between Mistick and Charles rivers, full of Indians, named Abergin- ians. Their old Sachem being dead, his eldest son called by the English John Sagamore, is chief, a man of a gentle and good disposition ; by whose free consent they settle here, where they find but one English house, thatched and palisaded, pos sessed by Thomas Walford, a smith, tcr That worthy gentleman Mr. Endicot coming over for the government of the Massachusetts* visits the people at Merry Mount, causes the May-pole to be cut down, rebukes them for their profaneness, Cl Mr, Cradock's original letter among the Massachusetts Colony Records, compared with the copies of letters in the first book of Records of the Countv of Suffolk, (cr Town of Charlestown Records, wtote by Mr, Increase NoweU, after wards town clerk of Charlestown and secretary of the Massachu etts Colony. * Governor Bradford and Mr, Morton seem to mistake in saying, he came with a patent under the broad seal for the government of the Massa chusetts, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 251 1628, King of G, Britain, Charles I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, admonishes them to look there be better walking, and the name is changed to Mount Dagon. B But Morton and company to maintain their riot, hearing what gain the French and fishermen made by selling guns, with powder and shot to the na tives, he begins the same trade in these parts, teaches how to use them, employs the Indians in hunting and fowling for him ; wherein they become more active than any English, by their swiftness of foot, nimbleness of body, quicksightedness, con tinual exercise, and knowing the haunts of all sorts of game ; and finding the execution guns will do and the benefit thereby, become mad after them, and give any price for them. Morton sells them all he can spare, and sends to England for many more. The neighbouring English who live scat tered in divers places and have no strength in ^ny, meeting the Indians in the woods thus armed, are in great terror ; and those in remoter places see the mischief will quickly spread if not forthwith prevented. Besides, they see they should not keep their servants ; for Morton receives any, Jiow vile soever, and they with the discontented will flock to him, if this nest continues ; and the other Eng lish will be in more fear of this debauched and wicked crew than of the savages themselves. The chief of the struggling plantations therefore, from Pascatoway, Naumkeak, Winisiinet, Wesaguscus- set, Natasco and other places, meet, and agree to solicit those of Plymouth, who are of greater strength than all, to join and stop this growing mischief, by suppressing Morton and company be fore they grow to a further head. Those of Ply mouth receiving their messengers and letters, are wilHng to afford our help ; however, first send a messenger with letters to advise him in a friendly 252 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1628, King of G, Britain, Charles I,— France, Lewis XUL— Spain, PhUip IV, way to forbear those courses. But he scorns their advice, a^ks who has to do with him ; declares he will trade pieces with the Indians in despite of all, &c. We send a second time, to be better ad vised ; for the country cannot bear the injury, it is against their common safety, and the king's procla mation. He says, the king's proclamation is no law, has no penalty but his displeasure, that the king is dead and his displeasure with him ; and threatens, if any come to molest him, let them look to themselves, he will prepare for them. Upon this they see no way but force ; and therefore obtain of the Plymouth governor to send captain Standish with some aid to take him. The captain coming-, Morton arms his consorts, heats them with liquor, bars his doors, sets his powder and bullets on the table ready. The captain summons him to yield, but has only scoff's, &c. At length Morton fearing we should do some violence to the house, he and some of his crew come out to shoot the captain ; at which the captain steps up to him, puts by his piece, takes him, enters the house, disperses the worst of the company, leaves the more modest there, brings Morton to Plymouth ; where he is kept, till a ship going from the Isle of Shoals to England, he is sent in her to the New England Council, with a messenger and letters to inform against him, &c. yet they do nothing to him, not so much as rebuke him, and he returns next year. B This year [and I suppose this fall] we send Mr. Allerton our agent again to London, to get our Kennebeck patent enlarged and rectified, as also this at home enlarged, and help our friends from Leyden^ B This year, dies Mr. Richard . Warren, a useful NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 253 1629 King of G, Britain, Charles I, — France, Lewis XIII— Spain, Philip IV. instrument, and bear a deep share in the difficulties attending the first settlement of New Plymouth. Mem This year the Massachusetts patentees at Lon don send several servants to Naumkeak ; but for want of wholesome diet and convenient lodgings, many die of the scurvy and other distempers. H Upon which Mr. Endicot hearing we at Plymouth have a very skilful doctor, namely, Mr. Fuller, B deacon of Mr. Robinson's church, skilled in the diseases of the country which the people at Naum keak are filled with, H sends to our governor for him, who forthwith sends him to their assistance. B* 1629, February 16. Mr. Cradock, at London, in his letter to captain Endicot at Naumkeak,- says, ' we are thoroughly informed of the safe arrival of yourself, your wife and the rest of your good com pany in our plantation, by your letters of Septem ber 13, which came to hand the 13th instant : our company are much enlarged since your departure, there is one ship bought for the Company, of one hundred tons, and two more hired of two hundred, one of nineteen, the other of twenty ordnance ; in which ships are like to be sent between two and three hundred persons to reside there, and about one hundred head of cattle. I wrote you by Mr. Aller ton of New Plymouth, in November ; it is resolved to send two ministers at least with the ships now to be sent ; those we send shall be by af)probation; of Mr. White, of Dorchester, and Mr. Davenport. I account our ships will be ready to sail hence by the twentieth of next month. Cl. * Governor Bradford, and Mr. Morton from him, Seem to mistake in blend ing the several sicknesses at Naumkeak, of 1628 and 29 together; and writ ing as if Dr. Fuller went first thither to help in the sickness introduced by the ships in 29; whereas by governor Endicot's letter of May 11, 1629, it appears that Dr. Fuller had been then to help them, which was above a« month before the ships' arrival there in 1629, 254 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1629, King of G, Britain, Charles I,— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, Philip IV, The Massachusetts Company, for promoting their great design, first consider where to find two or three able ministers to send ; not doubting but if they meet with such they shall have a considera ble number of religious people to go with them; especially if there be grounded hopes of an orderly government, to protect the people and promote the cause of religion among them, as well as their civil rights and liberties. For which they with one consent agree to petition the king to confirm their aforesaid grant to themselves and associates by a royal Charter H Mr. White, an honest counsellor at law, and Mr. Richard Bellingham furthering the same. March 2. Monday, at a meeting of the Massa chusetts Company in London, present the gover nor, deputy, Mr. Wright, Vassal, Harwood, Coulson, Adams, Nowell, Whetcomb, Perry and Huson,* when Mr. Coney propounding in behalf of the Boston men that ten of them may subscribe ten pounds a man in the joint stock, and with their ships to adventure 250Z. more on their own account, and providable men to send for managing the busi ness, it is condescended to. Mcr March 4. At the petition of the Massachusetts Company, king Charles by charter confirms their patent of the Massachusetts colony to them, that is, to the aforesaid sir Henry Rosewell, sir John Young, Thomas Southcot, John Humfrey , John Endicot, Simon Whetcomb, and their associates, namely, sir Richard Saltonstal, knight, Isaac Johnson, Samuel Aldersey, John Ven, Matthew Cradock, George Harwood, Increase Nowell, Richard Perry, Richard Bellingham, Nathaniel Wright, Samuel * This is the first account of names set down at their meeting, in the Mcr^ By Governor is doubtless meant Mr Cradock ; and by deputy governor, A';r, GoiT: who seem to be chose to those ofiices by virtue of their patent liorathe New England Council, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 255 1629, King of G, Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, Vassal, Theophilus Eaton, Thomas Goff", Thomas Adams, John Brown, Samuel Brown, Thomas Hutchings, William Vassal, William Pynchon and George Foxcroft, their heirs and assigns forever ; that they and all who shall be made free of their compa ny, be forever a body corporate and politic by the name of the Governtjr and Company of the Massa chusetts Bay in New England, and have perpetual succession ; that there shall be for ever a governor, deputy governor, and eighteen assistants chosen out of the freemen of said Company ; that Matthew Cradock be the first and present governor ; Tho mas Goff' first deputy governor ; and the eighteen printed in italics, be the first assistants ; that on the last Wednesday in Easter term yearly, the gov ernor, deputy governor, and all other officers, shall be in the general court held that day, newly chosen by the greater part of the company ; that they may have four general courts a year, namely, the last Wednesday in Hillary, Easter, Trinity and Michael mas terms forever ; which may admit freemen, remove and choose officers, order lands, and make laws not repugnant to the laws of England ; that the governor and company and their successors and assigns may carry people who are willing out of any of the king's dominions thither, transport goods, have all the privileges of natural subjects in all the king's dominions ; that their chief commanders, governors, other officers, and others under them, may by force of arms encounter all who shall attempt any detriment, or annoyance to them, and take their persons, ships, armour, goods, &lc. but that fishing shall be free, &,c. be* * The Chronologies at the end of Mr, Danforth's Almanack printed at Cam bridge, New England, 1649; of Mr, Jessey's at London, 1651 ; and of Mr. Foster's at Boston, New England, 1676, all greatly mistaken, in represent ing this Charter to be granted by Parliament. 256 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1629, King of G. Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV. March 9. At a meeting of the Massachusetts Company in London, John Washborn entertained Secretary for one whole year ; and directed to call on all such as have charge of provision for the ships now bound to New England, that they may be de spatched by the .twenty-fifth of this month at fur- thuregt. Mcr March 10. At a meeting of the Massachusetts Company in London, Mr. Thomas Graves, of Gravesend, gentleman, agrees to go to New Eng land, and serve the Company as a person skilful in mines of iron, lead, copper, mineral salt and alum, fortification of all sorts, surveying, &c. Mcr March 16. Estimate of charges for one hundred passengers, and their provisions, At £15 a man, - - - £ 1500 Freight of the ship Talbot five months, at £80 per month, - - 400 Her victuals and wages for thirty-two men, at £70 - - - 350 Lion's Whelp set to sea, - - 500 Twenty cows and bulls at £4 - - 80 Ten mares and horses at £6 - - 60 Charges of them - - - - 470 Mcr £~3360 March 23. Governor Cradock sworn in Chan cery, H deputy governor Goff", and eleven assist ants sworn, as also Mr. George Harwood sworn treasurer.* At a meeting of the Massachusetts Company this day at London, Mr. Nowell giving intimation, by letters from Mr. Johnson, that Mr. Higginson, of Leicester, an able Mcr and eminent *Mr, Hubbard mistakes, first, in thinking Mr. Cradock now chosen govern or ; second, in omitting Mr. Nowell among the eleven assistants sworn ; and, jf third, in writing that Mr. Harwood is sworn treasurer on April 6. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 257 1629. King of G, Britain, Charies I,— France, Lewis XIU,— Spain, Philip IV, H minister, Mcr silenced for nonconformity, would be likely H to go to our plantation, who being ap proved for a reverend grave minister, fit for our occasion, it is agreed to entreat Mr. Humfrey to ride presently to Leicester ; and if Mr. Higginson can conveniently go this present voyage to deal with him, first if his remove may be without scan dal to that people, and approved by some of the best affected among thpm, with the approbation of [the reverend and famous] Mr. Hildersham, of Ashley, de la Zouch. Mcr* Mr. Higginson, being addressed both by Mr. Humfrey and White, he looks upon it as a call from God ; and in a few weeks is, with his family, ready to take his flight into this savage desert. H April 8. At another meeting of the Massachu setts Company in London, Mr. Francis! Higgin son, Mr. Samuel Skelton, Mcr another nonconfor mist minister of Lincolnshire, H and Mr. Francis Bright, entertained by said Company as ministers for the plantation, to labor both among the English and Indians. Mr. Higginson, having eight children, is to have ten pounds a year more than the others. Mr. Ralph Smith, a minister, is also to be accom modated in his passage thither. Mcr April 16. Sixty women and maids, twenty-six children, and three hundred men, with victuals, arms, apparel, tools, and one hundred and forty head of cattle, «fcc. in the lo'rd-treasurer's warrant, [to go to New England.] McrX * Mr. John Davenport first time mentioned as present at this meeting ; he is also at the meetings of March 30, April 8, August 28 and 29, October 15, 19, and W, November 25, and December 15, following. In that of October 20 he is styled clerk, and of December 15 minister. Mcr By which I conclude he is the same who afterwards comes over and becomes the famous minister both of New Haven and of Boston in New England. X Mr. Hubbard happens by mistake to call him John.'-?- •* X Deputy governor Dudley therefore seems too short in saying about three hundred people, with some cows, goats, and horses, dd 33 258 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1629. King of G, Britain,Charies L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. April 17. The' said Company's committee date their letter at Gravesend to Mr. Endicot ; wherein they say, ' For that the propagating of the gospel is the thing we profess above all, in settling this plantation, we have been careful to make plentiful provision of godly ministers, viz. Mr. Skelton, in the George Bonaventure, Mr. Higginson, in the Talbot; and in the Lion's Whelp, Mr. Bright, trained up under Mr. Davenport. And as the mi nisters have declared themselves to us to be of one judgment, and to be fully agreed in the manner how to exercise their ministry, we have good hopes of their love and unanimous agreement, &c. scr* April 21. The George now rides at the Hope, the Talbot and Lion's Whelp at BlackwaU. scr April 30.! At a General Court of the Massa chusetts Company in London, there are three ships now to go to New England ; and the Company order that thirteen in their plantation shall have the sole ordering of the afl'airs and government there, by the name of the Governor and Council of London's Plantation in the Massachusetts Bay in New England. Elect Mr. Endicot governor, and Mr. Higginson, Skelton, Bright, John and Samuel Brown, Thomas Graves, and Samuel Sharp, to be of the Council ; the said Governor and Council may choose three others ; the planters choose two more ; of which twelve counsellors the governor and major part may choose a deputy governor and secretary ; that they all continue a year, or till this scr Suffolk County Records. * By this it appears Mr, Bright was a Puritan ; and Mr, Hubbard seems mistaken in supposing him a Conformist, unless he means in the same sense as were many Puritans in those days, who by particular favor omitted the more offensive ceremonies and parts in the Common Prayer ; while for the unity and peace of the church, and in hopes of a farther reformation they used the other, t JJ^lr, Hubbard mistakes April 10 for AprU 30. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 259 1629, King of G. Britain, Charles I.— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip TV. Court appoint others. That the governor, or in his absence, the deputy may call Courts at discre tion ; and therein the greater number, whereof the governor or deputy to be always one, have power to make laws, not repugnant to the laws of Eng land. Order copies of this Act be sent by the first conveyance, Mcr and a commission is accordingly sent to Mr. Endicot, &&g. H May 4. The George Bonaventure sails from the Isle of Whight. May 11, sail from thence the Lion's Whelp and Talbot ; scr being all three full of godly passengers ; cm with the four ministers, for the Massachusetts. Mcr H The planters in the Lion's Whelp go from Somerset and Dorset ; csr and within a month C7n are three more ships to follow. Mcr May 10. Lord's Day, peace between Great Britain and France proclaimed at London. Hs* Dr. Fuller, of Plymouth, being well versed in the discipline of Mr. Robinson's church, and ac quainting Mr. Endicot therewith, on May 11. Governor Endicot writes a most grate ful and christian letter to Governor Bradford, wherein he says, I acknowledge myself much bound to you for your kind love and care in sending Mr. Fuller among us, and rejoice much that I am by him satisfied touching your judgments of the out ward form of God's worship. It is as far as I can yet gather no other than is warranted by the evidence of truth ; and the same which I have professed and maintained ever since the Lord in mercy revealed himself unto me ; being far from the common re port that hath been spread of you touching that particular ; but God's children must not look for cm Dr, Cotton Mather's Life of Mr, Higginson, * Pointer mistakes in saying March 20 ; and Salmon in saying May 20. 260 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1629. King of G, Britain, Charles 1,— France, Lewis XIIL^Spain, Philip IV. less here below, &c. B* And as this is the begin ning of their acquaintance and closing in the truth and ways of God, B it is the foundation of the fu ture christian love and correspondence which are ever after maintained between the two governors and their respective colonies. H May 13. At a General Court of the Massa chusetts Company in London, Mr. Cradock, Mcr a prudent and wealthy citizen, /f chosen governor, Mr. Goff' deputy, Mr. Harwook treasurer, Mr. Wil liam Burgess secretary, for the year ensuing ; and the same assistants ; only Mr. Endicot and Mr. John Brown being out of the land,> Mr. John Po- cock and Mr. Charles Coulson are chosen in their room. Mcr\ May 21. At a court of assistants of the Massa chusetts Company in London, for the present accommodation of the people lately gone to the London plantation in New England, ordered that the governor, deputy, and Council there, allot half an acre within the plat of the town, and 200 acres more to every fifty pounds adventurer in the com mon stock, and so in proportion ; that for every servant or others they carry, the master shall have fifty acres more to himself; and those who are not adventurers in the common stock, shall have fifty acres for themselves or more, as the governor and council there think necessary. Mcr X May 25. Mr. Sherley writes from London to governor Bradford — ' Here are now many of your and our friends from Leyden coming over ; a good * Mr. Hubbard mistakes in thinking this letter wrote to obtain the Doctor's help ; when it plainly appears a letter of thanks for his help received, t IMr, Hubbard styles this the second court of election ; when by the royal charter, it is the first; though by virtue of the former patent from the New England CouncU it seems the Company had chosen a governor, 8ic, the year before, , X Mr, Hubbard mistakes in placing this on May- 13. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 261 1629. King of G. BrUain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. part of that end obtained which was aimed at (by us) and has been so strongly opposed by some of our former adventurers. With them we have also sent some servants in the Talbot that went hence lately, but these come in the May Flower. B June 3. The committee of the Massachusetts Company at London, write from Gravesend to governor Endicot and say — * We now send three ships ; the May Flower, Four Sisters, and Pilgrim. The charge of their freight, men and victuals stand us in 2400 pounds, &c. scr And they sail from England before Mr. Allerton can get ready to come away. B June 24. Mr. Higginson, cm and [either the same day, or] some time this month Ji(?m the other ministers, with the people in the three first ships, arrive at Naumkeak, which they now name Salem, from that in Psal. Ixxvi. 2. H Mr. Graves, with some of the Company's ser vants under his care, and some others, remove to Mishawum ; to which with governor Endicot's con sent, they give the name of Charlestown. Mr. Graves lays out the town in two acre-lots to each inhabitant ; and [after] builds the great house for such of the company as are shortly to come over ; which becomes the house of public wor ship, tcr* Of the four ministers, Salem needing but two,H Mr. Smith goes with his family to some straggling people at Natasco ; B but Mr. Bright disagree ing in judgment with the other two, removes to Charlestown, where he stays above a year. H * The Charlestown Records here mistake in placing this in 1628 ; for Mr, (jlraves comes not over till June 1629, Mcr And as by deputy governor Dud ley's letters there was a great mortality among the English at the Massachu setts Colony in the winter 1629, 30, so by captain Clap's account there was but one house and some few English at Charlestown in June succeeding. 262 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1629. King of G, Britain, Charles I.— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV, Some Plymouth people putting in with a boat at Natasco, find Mr. Smith in a poor house that would not keep him dry. He desires them to car ry him to Plymouth ; and seeing him to be a grave man, and understanding he had been a minister, they bring hira hither ; where we kindly entertain him, send for his goods and servants, desire him to exercise his gifts among us ; afterwards choose him into the ministry ; wherein he remains for sun dry years. B July 20. Governor Endicot at Salem sets apart this day for solemn prayer with fasting, and the trial and choice of a pastor and teacher ; the fore noon they spend in prayer and teaching ; the after noon, about their trial and election ; choosing Mr. Skelton pastor, Mr. Higginson teacher ; and they accepting, Mr. Higginson, with three or four more of the gravest members of the church lay their hands on Mr. Skelton with solemn prayer ; then Mr- Skelton, &c. the like upon Mr. Higginson ; and Thursday, August 6, is appointed another day of prayer and fasting, for the choice of elders and deacons, and ordaining them. B* July 28. Tuesday, at a General Court of the Massachusetts Company at London, governor Cradock reads certain proposals conceived by himself; namely, that for the advancement of the plantation, the inducing persons of worth and qual ity to transplant themselves and families thither, and other weighty reasons mentioned, to transfer the government to those who shall inhabit there, and not continue the same subordinate to the Com pany here. This occasions some debate, but they * This article is nowhere found but in a letter from Mr. Charles Gott dated Salem, July 30, 1629, and preserved in governor Bradford ; and it being wrote between July 20 and August 6, must be an undoubted record of past matter of fact on July 20. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 263 1629. King of G, Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, PhUip IV. defer the consideration and conclusion to the next general meeting, and agree to cany the matter secret, that it be not divulged. Mcr The religious people at Salem, designing to settle in a church state, as near as they can to the rules of the gospel, apprehend it needful for the thirty who begin the church to enter solemnly into covenant one with another in the presence of God, to walk together before him according to his holy word, and then ordain their ministers to the several offices to which they had been chosen. Mr. Hig ginson being desired, draws up a confession of faith and church covenant according to Scripture ; thirty copies are written, one delivered to every member ; and the church at Plymouth invited to the solemnity, Mem H that the church at Salem may have the approbation and concurrence if not direction and assistance of the other. H August 6. B Mem* Being Thursday, 5 the ap pointed day being come, after the prayers and ser mons of the two ministers, in the end of the day, Mem the said confession and covenant being read in the public assembly, are solemnly consented to ; and they immediately proceed to ordain their min isters ; Mem H as also Mr. Houghton a ruling elder ; being separated to their several offices by the imposition of the hands of some of the brethren appointed by the church thereto ;! msl governor Bradford and others, as messengers from the church of Plymouth, being by cross winds hindered from being present in the former part of the ser- " Mr. Hubbard mistakes the 9th for the 6th of August. X As ,Mr. Skelton and Higginson had been ministers ordained by Bishops in the Church of England, this ordination was only to the care of this par ticular flock, founded on their free election. But ^s there seems to be a repeated imposition of hands, the former on July 20 may only signify their previous separation for their solemn charge ; and this latter, of August 6 their actual investiture therein. 264 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1629. King of G. Britain, Charles I France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. vice, come time enough to give them the right hand of fellowship, wishing all prosperity to these hopeful beginnings. MemH But two of the passengers observing the minis ters used not the Common Praver nor ceremonies, but professed to exercise discipline upon scan dalous persons, and that some scandalous ones were denied admission into the church, begin to raise some trouble, to gather a separate company and read Common Prayer. Upon which the go vernor convents the two ringleaders before him ; and finding their speeches and practices tend to mutiny and faction, send those two back to Eng land at the return of the ships the same year, and the disturbance ceases. Mem August 28. At a General Court of the Massa chusetts Company at London, ordered that Mr. Wright, Eaton, Adams, Spurstow, with others they think fit, consider arguments against remov ing the chief government of the Company to New England ; and that sir R. Saltonstall, Mr. Johnson, captain Ven, with others they think fit, prepare arguments for the removal ; that both sides meet tomorrow morning at 7, confer and weigh their arguments, and at 9, make report to the whole Company. Mcr August 29. The said committees meeting and making report, the generaUty of the Company vote, that the patent and government of the plan tation be transferred to New England. Mcr August — Thirty-five of our friends with their families from Leyden arrive at New Plymouth. They were shipped at London in May with the ships that came to Salem ; which bring over many pious people to begin the churches there and in the Massachusetts Bay. So their being thus long kept NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 265 1629. King of G, Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis Xlll,— Spain, PhiUp IV. back is now recompensed by Heaven with a double blessing ; in that we not only enjoy them beyond our late expectation, when all hope seemed to be cut off'; but with them many more godly friends and christian brethren, as the beginning of a larger harvest to Christ, in the increase of his people and churches in these parts of the earth, to the admira tion of many and almost wonder of the world. B The charge of our Leyden friends is reckoned on the several families ; some fifty pounds, some forty, some thirty, as their number and expenses were ; which our undertakers pay for gratis ; be sides giving them houses, preparing them grounds to plant on, and maintain them with corn, &c. above thirteen or fourteen months before they have a harvest of their own production. B An infectious sickness grew at sea among the Salem passengers, which spread among those ashore, whereof many died ; some of the scurvy, others of an infectious fever, which continued some time among them. ; while the Leyden people through the goodness of God escaped it. B Mr. Allerton returns without accomplishing the enlargement and confirmation of our Plymouth patent. But gives great and just off'ence this year, in bringing over Morton, using him as his scribe, till caused to pack him away ; upon which he goes to his old nest at Merry Mount. B This year [and I suppose this fall] we send Mr. Allerton again for England, to conclude our patent, &c. and Mr. Rodgers, the minister which Mr. Al lerton brought over last year, proving crazy in his brain, we are forced to be at further charge to send him back this year, and lose all the cost expend ed in bringing him over, which was not small, in provision, apparel, bedding, &c. B 34 266 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1629, King of G, Britain, Charles I, — France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. September 19. At a General Court of the Massa chusetts Company at London, letters read from cap tain Endicot and others, by the Lion's Whelp and Talbot, now come laden from New England. Mcr September 29. Tuesday, at a General Court of the Massachusetts Company in London, desire the governor to buy the ship Eagle of 400 tons, for the safety, honor, and benefit of the plantation. Mcr-^ October 15. Thursday, at a General Court of the Massachusetts Company in London, agree that the charge of ministers and building convenient churches* be borne, half by the joint stock for seven years, and half by the planters. Mcr\ October. 19. Monday, at a meeting at the dep uty-governor's house, agree that at the General Court tomorrow the governor and assistants be chosen for the government [of the Massachusetts Colony] in New England. McrX October 20. Tuesday, at a General Court of the Massachusetts Company at London, Choose a committee for the planters, another for the adven turers, to draw up articles between them ; and Mr. White of Dorchester, with Mr. Davenport to be umpires between them.|| And the governor repre senting the special occasion of summoning this court was for the election of a new governor, dep uty, and assistants ; the government being to be transferred to New England ; the court having * Thus houses of public worship are always called churches in the Rer cord of February 10 succeeding, Mcr t Mr, Dudley and Winthrop the first time mentioned at this meeting ; Mer and Mr, Dudley says that Mr, Winthrop of Suffolk, well known for bis piety, liberality, wisdom, and gravity, coming in to us, we come to such resolution as to sail from England in April, 16,30, dd X Mr, Davenport, Mr, White the preacher, Mr, AVhite the counseUor, Mr, Winthrop, Dudley, &c. present at this meeting, Mcr II Messrs, White and Davenport are present, and entitled clerks in the Ust of members, Mer NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 267 1629, King of G, Britain, Charies I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV received extraordinary great commendation of Mr. John Winthrop, both for his integrity and sufficien cy, as being one very well fitted for the place, with a full consent choose him governor for the ensuing year, to begin this day ; who is pleased to accept thereof; with the like full consent choose Mr. Humphrey deputy governor, and for assistants sir R. Saltonstall, Mr. Johnson, Dudley, Endicot, Nowel, W. Vassal, Pinchon, Samuel Sharp, Ed ward Rossiter, Thomas Sharp, John Revell, Cra dock, Goff', Aldersey, Venn, Wright, Eaton, Adams. Mr. Harward still treasurer, Mcr [and by the same kind of writing I suppose Mr. Burgess secretary.] November 20. Friday, at a Court of Assistants of the Massachusetts Company in London, Mr. Cradock informing of 1200/. still owing for mari ners' wages and freight on the ships Talbot, May flower, and Four Sisters, order it to be paid before other debts. Mcr [By which it seems that all those ships are now returned to England.] November 25. Wednesday, at a General Court of the Massachusetts Company at London, read a letter of September 5, from governor Endicot and others in New England. Mr. White moving that the business may be proceeded in with the first in tention, which was chiefly the glory of God ; and to this purpose that their meeting may be sanctified by the prayers of some faithful ministers resident in London, whose advice would be likewise requi site on many occasions ; the court admits into the freedom of this Company, Mr. John Archer and Mr. Philip Nye, ministers in London, who being present, kindly accept thereof Mr. White also recommends to them Mr. Nathaniel Ward of Stan- don. Mcr. 268 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1630, King of G, Britain, Charles I, — France, Lewis XIU, — Spain, Philip IV, December 1. The General Court of the Mas sachusetts Company in London, choose ten under takers ; who with much entreaty accept the charge of the sole management of the joint stock for seven years; Mr. Aldersey to be their treasurer, and order them to provide a sufficient number of ships of good force for transporting passengers, at 51. a person, and goods at 4Z. a ton, to be ready to sail from London by the first of March ; that sucking children shall not be reckoned, those under four years old three for one person ; under eight, two for one ; under twelve, three for two ; that a ship of 200 tons shall not carry above 120 passengers com plete, and others in like proportion,; that for goods homeward the freight shall be for fur SI. a ton, for other commodities, 40s. a ton, for assurance, 51. per cent ; that the undertakers furnish the planta tion with all commodities they send for, at twenty- five per cent above all charges ; but the planters are free to dispose their half part of the fur, and to fetch or send for any commodities as they please, so as they trade not with interlopers. Mcr This year the inhabitants on Piscataqua river enter into a combination for the erecting a govern ment among themselves. Msl * January 13, 1630. The Council for New Eng land, in consideration that William Bradford and his associates have for these nine years lived in New England, and have there planted a town called New Plymouth at their own charges, and now seeing by the special providence of God and their extraordinary care and industry they have increased their plantations to near 300 people, and are on all occasions able to relieve any new plan- * So says the Msl, but being uncertain from what authority, I therefore rather adhere to their combination in 1640, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 269 1630. King of G, Britain, Charles I,— France, Lewis XIIL- Spain, Philip IV, ters or others of his majesty's subjects who may fall on that coast, therefore seal a patent to the said William Bradford, his heirs, associates and assigns of all that part of New England between Cohasset rivulet towards the north, and Narragan sett river towards the south, the western ocean towards the east, and between a straight line di rectly extending up into the main land towards the west from the mouth of Narragansett river to the utmost bounds of a country in New England called Pacanokit alias Sawamset westward, and another like straight line extending directly from the mouth of Cohasset river towards the west, so far into the main land westward as the utmost limits of the said Pacanokit or Sawamset extend, as also all that part of New England between the utmost limits of Capersecont or Comascecont which adjoineth to the river Kennebeck, and the Falls of Negumke, with the said river itself and the space of fifteen miles on each side between the bounds abovesaid, with all prerogatives, rights, royalties, jurisdictions, privileges, franchises, liberties and immunities, and also marine liberties, with the es cheats and casualties thereof, (the admiralty juris diction excepted) with all the interest, right, &c. which the said Council have or ought to have thereto, with liberty to trade with the natives and fish on the seas adjoining ; and it shall be lawful for them to incorporate themselves, or the people there inhabiting, by some fit name or title, with liberty to them and their successors to make orders, ordinances and constitutions, not contrary to the laws of England for their better government, and put the same in execution by such officers as he and they shall authorise and depute ; and for their safety and defence, to encounter by force of arms 270 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1630, King of G, Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, Philip IV, by all means by land and sea, seize and make prize of all who attempt to inhabit or trade with the savages within the limits of their plantations, or attempt invasion, detriment or annoyance to their said plantations, &c. be * February 10. Wednesday, at a General Court of the • Massachusetts Company at London, foras much as the furtherance of the plantation will re quire a great and continual charge that cannot be defrayed out of the joint stock, which is ordered for the maintenance of trade, it is propounded that another common stock be raised from such as- bear good aff"ection to the Colony and the propaga tion thereof, to be employed in defrayment of public charges, as maintaining ministers, transporting poor families, building churches and fortifications, and all other public and necessary occasions of the Colony; ordered that 200 acres of land be allotted for every fifty pounds, and so proportionably for what sums shall come in for this purpose; and Mr. Harw^ood chosen treasurer for this account. Mr. Roger Ludlow now also chosen and sworn assist ant in the room of Mr. S. Sharp, who by reason of absence had not taken the oath. Mcr ! February e. Here is [i. e. in England] a fleet of fourteen sail furnished with men, women, chil dren, all necessaries, men of handicrafts, and others of good condition, wealth and quality, to make a firm plantation in New England, between forty-two and forty-eight north latitude ; but stay * Mr, Hubbard says that in 1629, [i, c, according to the odd account, but in the Julian year, 1630,] the Plymouth people obtain another patent by the carl of Warwick and sir F, Gorges' act, and a grant from the king; for the con firmation thereof, to make them a corporation in as ample manner as the Mas sachusetts H Now this is the patent, but the king's grant miscarries. Deputy governor Dudley also mistakes in thinking the Plymouth people had obtained successive patents from king James and Charles, then- patents being only from the Council for New England as before, t This is their last General Court in England, Mcr NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 271 1630. King of G. Britain, Charies I.— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV. at Southampton and thereabouts till May, to take 260 kine, with other live cattle, &c. Hs * The latter end of 1629,! a congregational church Msl is by a. pious people crc gathered Msl in the new hospital at Plymouth in England, when they keep a day of solemn prayer and fasting ; that worthy man of God, the reverend Mr. White of Dorchester being present preaches in the fore part of the day, and in the after part the people solemn ly choose and call those godly ministers the rever end Mr. John Warham, a famous preacher at Exeter, and the reverend Mr. John Maverick, a minister who lived ¦ forty miles from- Exeter, to be their officers, who expressing their acceptance, crc are at the same time ordained their ministers. MslX This winter die in the Massachusetts Colony above eighty English; dd and among the rest, Mr. Houghton a ruling elder of the church of Salem ; but Mr. Samuel Sharp chosen ruling elder there, serves in the office till about 1657; 8. Msl § March 8. Mr. Sherley at London, writes to governor Bradford, &c. ' Those who came in May, and these now sent, must some while be * Deputy-governor Dudley says, that one ship sailed in Febiruaryj [which I suppose is Mr, WiUiam Pierce from Bristol] that another sailed in March, [which I conclude is captain Squeb from Plymouth,] that four saUed in April, eight in May, one in June, and one in August, besides another set out by a private merchant ; seventeen in all, dd The fourteen former seem to be meant by Howes, t The latter end of 1629, according to the odd way of reckoning, is the be ginning of 1630 in the Julian year ; and by captain Clap's account, this trans action seems but just before their New England voyage, and preparatory to it, crc. Captain Roger Clap's memoirs in manuscript, X These had £ilso been ordained ministers by bishops in the church of Eng land, and they are now only separated to the special care of this people, § He was a person of note in the first settlement, Msl and I conclude is the same who was chosen assistant, AprU 30, and October 20, 1629, But whe ther chosen ruling elder at the same time with Mr, Houghton, or after his decease, seems uncertain. 272 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1630, King of G, Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIII. — Spain, Philip IV. chargeable both to you and us.' This is another company of our Leyden friends, who are shipped in the beginning of March, and arrive [in New England] the latter end of May ; and the charge of this last company comes to above 550/. ; i. e. of transporting them from Holland to England, their lying there, with clothing and passage hither, be sides the fetching them from Salem and the Bay, where they and their goods are landed, all which the New Plymouth undertakers pay gratis, besides the providing them housing, preparing them ground, and maintaining them with food for sixteen or eighteen months, befijre they have a harvest of their own, which comes to near as much more ; a rare example of brotherly love and christian care in performing their promises to their brethren, even beyond their power. B March 18. At a meeting of the Massachusetts Assistants at Southampton, present the governor, sir R. Saltonstall, Mr. Johnson, Dudley, Humfrey, Nowell, Pinchon, GoflT, they choose sir Brian Jan- son, WiUiam Coddington ahd Simon Bradstreet, gentlemen, to be assistants in the room of Mr. Ea ton and Goff of London, and Mr. Wright, all merchants, and sir Brian is accordingly sworn this day. Mcr * March 19. Mr. Sherley [at Bristol] writes to governor Bradford, &c. ' That Mr. Allerton got granted from the earl of Warwick and sir F. Gor ges, all that Mr. Winslow desired in his letters, and more ; then sued to the king to confirm their grant and make you a corporation, and so enable you to make and execute laws in such ample maimer as the Massachusetts ; which the king granted, refer- Mr, Hubbard is mistaken in supposing these not chosen tUl March 23. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 273 1630. King of G. Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. ring the lord keeper to order the solicitor to draw it up, the lord keeper furthered it all he could and so the solicitor ; but as Festus said to Paul, with no small sum I obtained this freedom, many riddles must be resolved, and many locks must be opened with the silver, nay the golden key ; for when it came to the lord treasurer for his warrant to free the custom for seven years inward and twenty-one outward, he refused, but referred it to the council table ; and there Mr. Allerton attended day by day when they sat, but could not get his petition read ; and because of Mr. Pierce's staying at Bristol with all the passengers, he was forced to leave the pro secution of it to a solicitor ; but it will be needful he should return by the first ship from New Eng land.' N. B. The clause about the customs was not thought of by the colony, nor much regarded, but unhappily put in by Mr. Allerton and Sherley's device,* or the charter without all question had been then finished, having passed the king's hand, but by that means this opportunity being lost, it was never accomplished, but above 500Z. vainly and lavishly cast away about it. B March 19. Mr. Sherley and Hatherly at Bris tol, write to the Plymouth undertakers : ' That they too with Mr. Andrews and •Beachamp of London, have taken a patent for Penobscot, to carry on a trade with the natives there ; that they employed Mr. Edward Ashley a young man to manage it, and furnished him with large provisions ; that Mr. William Pierce is joined with them, be cause of landing Ashley and his goods there, and will bend his course accordingly, with four or ' I suppose they took the hint from the like advantage given in the Massa chusetts Colony Charter, 35 274 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY- 1630, King of G, Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. « five stout fellows, one of them a carpenter, with a new boat and boards to make another ; and moving us to join them. B Mr. Allerton accordingly returns (this spring) to New England and as soon as Ashley lands at Penobscot, about eighty leagues (northeast) of Plymouth, Ashley writes, and after comes to be supplied with wampampeag and corn against win ter ; so with much regret we join and give them supplies to our great prejudice ; but with Ashley we consort Thomas Willet, a discreet, honest young man, come from Leyden, in whom we can confide. B* March 20. The reverend Mr. Warham and Maverick with many godly families and people under their care crc from Devonshire, Dorsetshire and Somersetshire, msl with Mr. Rossiter and Lud low, two assistants of the Massachusetts Company crc H and Mr. Roger' Clap, aged twenty-one, [afterwards captain of the castle in Boston Har bour] this day sail from Plymouth in England crc in the Mary and John, H a ship of four hundred tons, one Squeb master, for the Massachusetts, crc March 23. Mr. Coddington Bradstreet and T. Sharp, formerly chosen assistants of the Massachu setts Colony, nf)wtake their oath [at Southampton.] And this day at a court of assistants on board the Arbella, present, governor Winthrop, sir R. Sal tonstall, Mr. Johnson, Dudley, Coddington, T. Sharp, W. Vassall, and Bradstreet ; Mr. Hum frey being to stay behind, is discharged of his depu- * Deputy-governor Dudley telling of a ship that sailed from England for New England in February 1629, '30 ; it seems to be this captain William Pierce with Mr, Allerton, Ashley, &.c. But governor Bradford beginning 1630 on the twenty-fifth of March, draws aU this account of the charter, Allerton, Ashley, he. into 1629. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 275 1630, King of G, Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhiUp IV, tyship, and in his place Mr. Dudley chosen deputy governor. Mcr* March 29. Monday, the four principal ships, namely, the Arbella, of three hundred and fifty tons, twenty-eight guns, fifty-two seamen,! the Talbot, the Ambrose, and the Jewel now riding at Cowes, and ready to sail ; Mr. Cradock this morn ing being aboard the Arbella, advises them to sail ; the rest, namely, the May Flower, the Whale, the William and Francis, the Tryal, the Charles, the Success and the Hopewell, being at Hampton not yet ready, and takes leave of his friends ; at ten thev weigh H [and get to Yarmouth in the isle of Wight.] April 7. Governor Winthrop, deputy governor Dudley, sir R. Saltonstall, J. Johnson, W. Cod dington, Charles Fines, esquires, with the reverend Mr. George Phillips, on board the A rbella at Yarmouth, sign an humble request of his majesty's loyal subjects the Governor and Company late gone for New England, to the rest of their brethren in and of the Church of England, for the obtaining of their prayer, and the removal of suspicions and misconstructions of their intentions. Printed in 4to London, 1630. This is commonly said to be drawn up by that learned, holy, reverend and famous Mr. White of Dorchester, H [and having signed this they set sail again ;] but having been told at the isle of Wight, that ten ships at Dunkirk [which then belonged to Spain] with brass guns, the least of which had thirty, were waiting for us, we on * This is the last record of the Massachusetts Company in England. X Johnson says this was the Eagle, now named Arbella in honor of the lady ArbeUa, wife to that pious gentleman Isaac Johnson, esquire, and the Massachusetts Colony records say she was of four hundred tons. 276 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1630, King of G, Britain, Charles I,— France, Lewis XUL— Spain, Philip IV, April 10, discover several sail of ships bearing towards us, and provide to fight them,* but draw ing nearer, find them to be the rest of our fleet, with whom we clear the channel on the twelfth of April ;! and the Arbella being admiral, steer our course for the Massachusetts, H but make a very troublesome and costly voyage ; for as they had been wind bound long in England, so affer they had set sail, are hindered with cross winds, and so scattered with mists and tempests that few of them arrive together, dd About April and May is a great conspiracy of the Indians in all parts from the Narragansetts round about to the eastward, to cut oflf the English, which John Sagamore who always loved us revealed to the inhabitants of Charlestown ; their design was chiefly laid against Plymouth, not regarding our paucity at the Massachusetts ; to be effected under colour of having some sport at Plymouth, which the governor refusing them, they told him, if they might not come with leave, they would with out ; upon this he sends their flat bottomed boat, which is all they have, to Salem, for shot and pow der. At this time the people of Charlestown agree to make a small fort with palisades and flankers on the top of the town hill, which is performed at the direction of Mr. Graves, by all hands, namely of men, women and children who labour in dig ging and building till the work is done. But the people at Salem shooting off' their great guns to * Johnson writes but of four men of war of Dunkirk who were said to lie in wait for their saUing, and but of four ships that now appeared to pursue them. But as Hubbard writes of ten ships at Dunkirk, so by his account there seem to be seven now bearing towards them, X It seems strange that deputy-governor Dudley should not only be wholly silent in this article, but also write of no more than four ships sailing in April, and of the next eight in May, but in Mr. Johnson and Hubbard we have two witnesses. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 277 1630, King of G, Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, clear them, the report so terrifies the Indians that they disperse and run away, their design breaks up, and though they come flattering afterwards and call themselves our good friends, yet this plot obliges us to be in continual arms, ctr* [May, latter end,] the Lion, William Pierce master, arrives in Salem harbour, though none of the fleet expected. H\ May 29, Saturday, prince Charles born Hs [after wards king Charles II.] May 30. [Lord's day] Mr. Warham, Maverick, Rossiter and Ludlow, arrive at Nantasket, captain Squeb [I suppose on Monday, fee] puts them and their goods on shore at Nantasket Point, and leaves them to shift for themselves. But getting a boat of some old planters, they lade her with goods, and some tible men well armed go up to Charlestown ; where we find some wigwams, some few English, and one house, with an old planter who can speak Indian. We go up Charles river until it grows narrow and shallow, there with much labour land our goods, the bank being steep. At night we are told of three hundred Indians hard by, but our planter going and desiring them not to come near us, they comply. Our captain is Mr. Southcot a brave, low country soldier, but we not above ten in number. In the morning, some of the natives stand at a distance looking at us, but come not near until they had been a while in view, atid then * This account is nowhere found but in Charlestown records ; and though they place this history in April and May 1629, yet inasmuch as Mr. Graves comes not thUher till July 1629, 1 therefore place it in the AprU and May succeeding, •t I place his arrival at this time (1) because Mr. Hubbard says he arrived in Salem harbour some days before June 12. (2) Because this seems to be the same ship mentioned under March 8 last, which governor Bradford says arrives the latter end of May, and I suppose he had now landed Ashley at Penobscot. 278 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1630. King of G. Britain, Charles I.— France, Cewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, one of them holding out a bass towards us, we send a man with a biscuit and change them. After which they supply us with bass, giving a bass for a biscuit, and are very friendly. And by our dili gence we get up a shelter to save our goods. But are not there many days before we have orders to come away from this place, which is after called Watertown, to Matapan, because there is a neck fit to keep our cattle on ; so we remove to Matapan crc begin the town, name it Dorchester, msl and here the natives are also kind to us. crc* June 12.! Saturday, at two in the morning, the Arbella, admiral of the New England fleet, finding her port near, shoots off' two pieces of ordnance ; and descrying the Lion, William Pierce master, who had arrived there some days before, sends the skiff' aboard, stands in towards the harbor, and sotne shallops coming, by their help she passes through the narrow strait between Baker's Island and another little island, and comes to an anchor a little way within said island. Mr. Pierce comes presently to us, but returns to fetch Mr. Endicot, who with Mr. Skelton and captain Levit, come aboard us about two o'clock. And with them, this afternoon, the governor with those assistants on board the Admiral, and some other gentlemen and gentlewomen, go ashore to their friends at Salem ; many of the other people also landing on the east ern side of the harbor, regale themselves with * By this means Dorchester becomes the first settled church and town in the county of Suffolk, and in aU military musters or civil assemblies where dignity is regarded, used to have the precedency, rml and by this it appears that John son and others are mistaken, who place the beginning of Dorchester church and town in 1631, But the manuscript letter is mistaken in suppos ing that this people removed to Matapan in the beginning of June. + Johnson mistakes in saying July 12, instead of June 12, and several manu script letters mistake July for June. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 279 1630. King of G. Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, Philip IV. Strawberries, wherewith the woods are everywhere in these times replenished. H Next morning, Masconomo, the sagamore or lord proprietor of that side of the country towards Cape Ann, with one of his men, comes on board the ad miral to bid him welcome, stays all day, and in the afternoon arrives the Jewel. H June 14. [Monday] morning, the Admiral weighs, is warped into the inner harbor, and this afternoon most of the passengers go ashore. H But find the colony in an unexpected and sad con dition ; above eighty of them being dead the win ter before ; many of those alive weak and sick, all the corn among them hardly sufficient to feed them a fortnight ; so that the remains of 180 servants we had sent over the two years before, coming to us for victuals, we find ourselves unable to feed them, by reason that those we trusted to ship their provisions sailed and left them behind ; whereupon necessity forced us to give them all liberty to our extreme loss, who had cost us sixteen or twenty pounds a person, furnishing and sending over, dd June 17. Thursday, the governor with the chief of the gentlemen travel to the Massachusetts, to find out a place for settlement, but return on Satur day, taking Nantasket in their way, where they met the Mary and John, the ship that sailed from the west country, and brought Mr. Rossiter and Lud low with other passengers ; who missing Salem, needed the help of the governor and other assist ants, to make up the diff"erence between the master and other gentlemen, which was composed on this occasion. H The Ambrose arrives at Salem before the go vernor and company returned from the Massachu setts. H 280 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1630, King of G, Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, Philip IV, July 1. Arrive the May Flower and Whale in the harbor of Charlestown, the passengers all in health, but most of their cattle dead. July 2, comes in the Talbot, which ha(| been sore visited with the smallpox, whereof fourteen died at sea. In one of these ships came Mr. Henry Winthrop, the governor's second son, a sprightly and hopeful young gentleman, who was unhappily drowned in a small creek on July 2, the very next day after his landing, to the no small grief of his friends and the rest of the company. H July 3. Arrive the William and Francis ; July 5, the Tryal and the Charles, and July 6, the Suc cess. So as now the whole fleet being safely come to port, they on July 8. [Thursday] keep a public day of Thanksgiving through all their plantations, to praise almighty God for all his goodness and won derful works towards them. H [By this it seems as if the Hopewell also were now arrived though not mentioned, or at least that she arrived before July 11, by the following pas sage in Mr. Hubbard.] ' There were no less than ten or eleven ships employed to transport the go vernor and company with other planters at this time to New England ; some of them ships of good burden, that carried over about 200 passengers a piece ; who all by the good providence of God arrive at their desired port before the 11th of July, 1630. H [By the ten or eleven ships Mr. Hubbard must mean only those which came from Southampton and that arrived at the Massachusetts before July 11, and if the Hopewell was not then arrived, there were ten, but if she was, there were eleven.] These ships are filled with passengers of all NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 281 1630, King of G, Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV, occupations, skilled in all kinds of faculties need ful for planting a new colony. Some set forth from the west of England, but the, greatest num ber came from about London, though Southampton was the place of rendezvous where they took ship. The three largest brought over the patentees and persons of greatest quality, with governor Winthrop, that famous pattern of piety, wisdom, justice and liberality ; which advanced him so of ten to the place of government by the annual choice of the people ; and deputy-governor Dud ley, a gentleman who by reason of his experience and travels abroad, as his other natural and ac quired abilities, qualified him next above others for the chief place of government. H With these in the same fleet there came several other gentlemen of note and quality ; H as sir R. Saltonstall, Mr. Ludlow, Rossiter, Nowel, T. Sharp, Pynchon, S. Bradstreet, [whom I find at the first court in Charlestown, August 23,] as also Mr. Johnson and Coddington [whom with Mr. En dicot I find at the second court there. September 7,] Mcr * with other gentlemen of the civil order. As also some eminent and noted ministers, as Mr. [John] Wilson, who had formerly been a minister of one of the parish churches in Sudbury in the county of Suff'olk ; Mr. George Phillips, who had been minister of Bocksted in Essex ; with [the aforesaid] Mr. John Maverick and Mr. [John] War ham, who had been ministers in the west country. H These were they who first came to set up Chris tian churches in this heathen wilderness, and to lay the foundation of this renowned colony. * Mr. Hubbard also mentions Mr. W, Vassal ; but though one of the pa tentees and assistants this year, yet neither in all the lists of the courts nor any where else in the Massachusetts Colony Records, can I find his name mentioned after their departure from England, 36 SECTION ir. From the beginning of the settlement of the Massachusetts or second Colo ny, to the settlement of the seventh and last, by the combination of forty-one persons into a form of government, on Piscataqua river, October 22, 1640, afterwards caUed the province of New Hampshire, Being now arrived from England with another colony of pious people, and on the known account of religion only, for the information of the present age as well as posterity, we must here observe, they were of a denomination somewhat different in those early times from them of Plymouth ; those of Plymouth being then called Separatists ; these of the Massachusetts, with the following colonies issuing from them, Puritans. The former having about twenty-eight years be fore separated from the Church of England ; as what, on the account of the impure mixture of unscriptural inventions in religious worship, as well as the admission of the scandalous to the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, with the almost entire refusal of discipline, they could not there fore in conscience join with, but the latter were till now pro fessed members of the Church of England. But that the reader may more clearly see the difference then between them, with the occasional causes of their trans migrations, we must retrace them to their origin in England, and take a summary view of their gradual progress to this memorable period. And though I might spare much labor by citing only out of Dr. E. Calamy, Mr. Pierce, Bennet, Neal, &.C. ; yet to avoid exception, 1 rather chiefly use those noted Church of England writers, Fox, Cambden, Fuller, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 283 Burnet, Strype and Eachard, which I have taken no small pains in searching and comparing. ' On June 9, 1 536,* as Fuller says, begins the first Re formed Convocation of the clergy in England ; in which the lord Cromwell prime secretary sets in state above all the bishops, as the king's vicar, or vicegerent-general in all spiritual matters ; and bishop Burnet tells us, that by king Henry's order he declares it was the king's pleasure that the rites and ceremonies of the church should be reformed by the rules of Scripture, and that nothing was to be maintained which did not rest upon that authority. Now this is the grand principle of Puritanism ; upon this, as the Scriptures were more searched and known, the refor mation gradually went on to the death of king Edward VI. and had the governors of the church adhered strictly to this one principle, kept close to the Scriptures, and reformed the worship as well as the doctrine by them, i. e. purged out of the church whatever they themselves acknowledge is not prescribed in Scripture, the whole church had then been Puritan, and had never driven such multitudes from her com munion. Fuller also tells us, that ' Mr. John Rogers and Mr. John Hooper were the heads of those reformers called Puritans.' Mr. Eachard, that highflying writer, calls Mr. Rogers ' a learned man and prebendary of St. Paul's London.' Bishop Burnet calls Mr. Hooper ' a pious, zealous and learned man, first bishop of Gloster, and then of Worcester.' Fuller says, 'he was bred at Oxford,, well skilled in Latin, Greek and Hebrew.' And king Edward in his letter to Cranmer of August 5, 1550, writes. We by the advice of our council have chosen our right well beloved and well worthy Mr. John Hooper, professor of divinity, to be oui bishop of Glocester ; as well for his great knowledge, deep judgment and long study, both in the Scriptures and profane learning, as also for his good discretion, ready utterance and honest life for that kind of vocation. f These two led the van of the martyrs under queen Mary L ; Mr. Rogers being the first who died at the stake, and Mr. Hooper the first bishop burnt in her reign, if not the first bishop that was ever burnt in the world. And '¦ Fuller's printer wrongly places this indeed under 1535, but Keeble and Burnet assure us it was in 1536, f The letter is entire in Fox and Fuller. 284 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. from Fuller and Burnet we learn that in 1550, under the reign of Edward VL we must begin the era of the English Puritans, and not in 1554, among the exiles at Francfort; and much less lower down in queen Elizabeth's reign, as Eachard and others place it, who seem to write as if they had not a very exact acquaintance with the religious history of England. For bishop Burnet tells us, 'that on April 1, 1550, Ridley was made bishop of London, orders altars to be pulled down and turned to communion tables ; and that this change was universally made in England this year ; that on July 3 ensu ing, king Edward appointed Hooper to be bishop of Gloces ter, who refuses on these two accounts. 1. The last six words in the oath of supremacy, so help me God, all saints and the holy Evangels ; which all the bishops had sworn by before. 2. The popish habits, [such as Rochet, Chimere, Square Cap, Sic. (Fox and Fuller,] still required by law. Upon this Hooper is cited before the king in council, who sees so much of the reasonableness of his objections, that (1) he strikes those six words out of the oath with his own hand. (2) The law threatening a praemunire, he writes a warrant to archbishop Cranmer to consecrate hira without the habits, that Cranmer was willing to yield ; that Cox the king's pre ceptor, writes to BuUinger, ' I think all things in the church ought to be pure and simple, removed at the greatest distance from the pomps and elements of this world ; but in this our church what can I do in so low a station ? That the famous professors of divinity, Bucer in Cambridge, and Martyr in Oxford being consulted, express their dislike of the habits, and wish them removed by law, though till then advise to use them ; that Ridley was very earnest Hooper should be made a bishop, and that both Ridley and Goodrick, bishop of Ely wish the habhs abolished ; but think the breaking through the law, so bad a precedent and may have such ill consequences, they cannot consent; that Hooper declaring himself for another way of ordination is committed to the Fleet [prison,] January 27, but is at length prevailed upon and consecrated in March ensuing ; upon allowance of liberty to lay by the habits on common occasions, though to wear them when he preached in public' And the treatise of the troubles at Fraih;fort, printed in 1575, says, this was to the coraraoB grief of all godly minds. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 285 Burnet also says, that 'In 1551 the Common Prayer book was a second time revised and corrected ; and in 1552, au thorised by Parliament : but Pointer and Eachard, that therein was neither confession nor absolution : Dr. Layton, that it thus expressly spake concerning the ceremonies ; as for kneeling, the sign of the Cross, the Hfting up of the hand, smiting of the breast, and gestures of the like nature, it shall be left free for every one to do as he likes : and Dr. E. Calamy, that in the days of king Edward VI. the liturgy was for the most part used, and what was matter of scruple omit ted, without molestation ; nor could he find any subscription required to the book of Common Prayer, the articles to reli gion, or any thing else. Thus the puritans continued, and both they and the refor mation grew in the church till the decease of king Edward VI. on June 6, 1553 ; by which time archbishop Cranmer, bishop Ridley, bishop Latimer, Dr. Taylor, Mr. Philpot, Bradford, and other glorious martyrs, as Mr. Neal from Fox and Heylin observes, came into the same sentiments with Hooper about the popish habits ; and the four first treated them with great contempt at their degradations. Nor were they puritan only in respect to the popish habits, but also in removing crosses, copes, and altars, as well as images and pictures out of churches, and setting communion tables in convenient places.* But queen Mary I. succeeding soon reduced the church to popery, and burnt to death those most eminent and zealous reformers. Then Fox and Burnet tell us, Ridley in prison wrote to Hooper, ' That he was entirely knit to him, though in some circumstances of religion, they had formerly jarred a little. It was Hooper's wisdom and his own simplicity that had made the difference.' And Fox informs us, ' that when they came to be degraded, they were forced to be clothed with the popish habits in order to be stript, as a token of their being deprived of their offices ; that then Ridley did vehe mently inveigh against all that foolish apparel, calling the apparel foolish and abominable, yea too fond for a vice in a play ; that when they were put on Taylor, he walked up and down and said to Bonner, "How say you my lord, am not I a goodly fool .? — If I were in Cheap [Side] should I * See Stow and Burnet. 286 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. not have boys enough to laugh at these apish toys and toying trumpery.'" That Cranmer said, at his clothing and strip ping, "All this needed not; I had myself done with this gear long ago." ' And Neal, from Fox in Latin, which I have not seen, says, ' That Latimer at his degradation also derided the garments, for when they pulled off his surplice, " Now," says he, " I can make no more holy, water." ' And then the Treatise of the Troubles at Francfort tells us, ' That Mr. William Whittingham and other [famous puri tans] with their company flying the kingdom, they on June 27, 1554, enter Francfort in Germany, being the first Eng lishmen that there arrived to remain. July 8, they applied to the magistrates for a church wherein they might have God's word truly preached and the sacraments sincerely, (that is, purely,) ministered in their natural tongue. July 14, they obtained their request, and then (forming themselves into an Independent Church) consult what order of service to use ; and the English order being perused, they by gene ral consent conclude, that the answering aloud after the min ister shoulH not be used, that the litany, surplice, and many other things be omitted, that in the sacraments also, sundry things be omitted, as superstitious and superfluous. And having chosen their ministers and deacons, they enter their church on (Lord's Day) July 29 ; and thus continue, till (Wednesday) March 13 following, when Dr. Cox and others with him come to Francfort out of England, and begin to break their order. On the Lord's Day following, one of his company without the consent and knowledge of the congre gation, getting up suddenly into the pulpit reads the litany, and Dr. Cox with his company answer aloud after the min ister, contrary to the' church's determination; and being admonished by the seniors of the congregation, he with the rest who came with him answer, they would, do as they had done in England, &c. tf Upon this, there rises a grievous controversy about the ceremonies, which broke the church to pieces, and drove many of the puritans, namely. Fox (the Martyrologist) with some to Basil, and Knox (the famous Scotch reformer) with Mr. Christopher Goodman, Whittingham, and others to Ge neva ; where they form two other churches. In the mean- // Treatise of the Troubles at Francfort, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 287 while, Cox with those who are for the Common Prayer and ceremonies, staying at Francfort, form a„ second (Independ ent) church, and choose Mr. David Whithead, bishop or superintendent ; to whom at length they agree to give the title of pastor, with two ministers, four seniors or elders and two deacons ; the pastor to preside in preaching, ministering the sacraments, example of good life, in exhorting, admonish ing, rebuking, and as the chief mouth of the church to declare all orders taken by him and the elders ; the two ministers to assist the pastor in preaching and administering the sacra-' ments ; the elders to assist the pastor in oversight and disci pline ; and , the deacons to care for the poor, visit the sick, and if required to assist in catechising, tf Other exiles out of England, set up another (Independent) Church at Embden in East Friesland, whereof bishop Scory was the superintendent. Ful Others form another (Inde pendent) Church at Wesel in Westphalia, to which bishop Coverdale preaches. But he being called away, they re move to Arrow in Switzerland, under the conduct of Mr. Thomas Leaver.* Others settle at Zurich, Strasburgh, Worms, Manheim, and Doesburgh. tf But whether at all these places in a church state seems uncertain. But I must now surprise the reader with some observa tion of matter of fact which have been overlooked by our historians both conformists and nonconformists ; and which have opened clearly to me upon my nicely examining the aforesaid authors and comparing them together. For in the Francfort tract I find, ' That on further con sultation, even the second church there, under the conduct of Mr. Whithead, A. Nowel, and others, in a little while be came also puritan, agreed on a pure^ scheme of discipline ; and though they kept the form and order of ministration of the sacraments and Common Prayer as set forth in king Edward's last book, yet they left out certain rites and cere monies in it. That towards the end of queen Mary's reign, the grudge between these and those of the first church who removed to Geneva, seemed to be almost quite forgotten. That, both before and after queen Elizabeth's accession, mutual letters of Christian love passed between them. That in one before, those of the said second church promised to ¦* I call them all Independent Churches ; for though their historians give them not this title, yet they were plainly such in reality. 288 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. forget all displeasures before conceived ; and in another, of January 3, 1558, 9, six weeks after her accession, they pro ceed to say. We trust that true religion shall be restored, and that we shall not be burthened with unprofitable ceremo nies. And if any shall be obtruded that shall be offensive, at our meeting with you, (that is, you of Geneva) in England, which we trust will be shortly, we will brotherly join with you to be suitors for the reformation and abolishing of the same.' tf And by comparing this Tract with Strj'^pe, I find that soon returning to England, they were as good as their word. For Strype informs us, that queen Elizabeth ascending the throne on November 17, 1558, her first Parliament meets on January 23, 1 558, 9, her first convocation of the clergy on the next day, and they both hold to May following ; that the convocation being entirely papists, vote for transubstan- tiation, the sacrifice of the mass, with the pope's supremacy ; and yet the Parliament passed the acts of the queen's supre macy and of uniformity, which last restored king Edward's liturgy with some alterations, before one protestant was made a bishop, and while all tbe bishops in Parliament were Ro man Catholics. That in May 1559, all the bishops except Kitchin of Landaff, refusing the oath of supremacy, are in a short lime after expelled their bishoprics. And that the act of uniformity taking place on June 24, the queen's com missioners soon after visited the kingdom to administer the oath and see the order for uniformity observed ; when seve ral of the popish clergy refusing, were deprived, and so made way for protestants to take their places. Then, Neal informs us, that those famous puritans, Mr. Whithead was offered the archbishopric of Canterbury ; bishop Coverdale to be restored, and Mr. Knox, Sampson, and others were offered bishoprics ; but refused on the account of the popish habits and ceremonies. And Strype, — that on December 17, was Matthew Parker, queen Elizabeth's first protestant bishop, consecrated ; and that by April 19, 1562, were con secrated twenty-two bishops more ; of which says Neal, that Grindal, Parkhurst, Sandys, Pilkington, and others, accepted their bishoprics with trembling, in hopes to obtain an amend ment in the constitution ; and from Burnet, Pierce, and Strype,* that both archbishop Parker, with the bishops^ ' See Burnet, Vol. Ill, and Strype, Vol. I, under 1559 and 1560, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 289 Horn, Jewel, Grindal, Pilkington, Guest, and Sandys, were at first against the habits, and cites their writings. And Strype expressly says, ' The first bishops made by queen Elizabeth, as Cox, Grindal, Horn, Sandys, Jewel, Parkhurst, Bentham, upon their return labored all they could against receiving into the church the papistical habits, and that all the ceremonies should be clean laid aside, but they could not obtain it from the queen and Parliament.' Strype also says, that on January 12, 1562, 3, queen Elizabeth's first protestant convocation met,* which agreed on the thirty-nine articles ; but the beginning of the twen tieth article being this, that ' the church hath power to decree rites and ceremonies, and authority in controversies of faith,' Fuller tells us that both the English and Latin articles set forth in 1571, when they were first ratified by act of Parlia ment, in archbishop Parker's time, are without this passage ; and this published book being just before the act confirming it, must be the book confirmed, and not the private manu script attested only by a public notary. f He also says this passage appears in the editions of ] 593 in Whitgift's time, of 1605, in Bancroft's time, and of 1612 in the beginning of Abbot's time ; though Dr. Mocket, chaplain to archbishop Abbot, left it out of his Latin translation of 1617. And Fuller leaves the matter undecided. Yet Strype says, the clause appears in two copies printed in 1563 ; but these were in Latin, and there is nothing of it in the original manu script itself subsiiribed by the convocation, and now in Ben- net College library ; by vifhich he seems to decide the matter and make it a forgery. Having finished the articles of faith, Strype says the con vocation proceeded to the reformation of ceremonies in the public liturgy. That bishop Sandys advised, 1 That private baptism may be taken out of the Common Prayer, which has respect to women, who by the word of God cannot be minis ters of the sacraments. 2 That the collect for crossing the infant at baptism may be blotted out, as needless and very * In Burnet and Strype we find that Mr. Alexander Nowell, that famous puritan, and dean of St, Paul's, London, was chosen and approved prolocutor of the Lower House, But Burnet mistakes January 13, for January 12, t And yet the act of "Parliament confirms not all the aiticles, but those which only concern the confession of the true Christian faith and the doctrine of the sacraments, the very words of the act in Keeble, 37 290 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. superstitious. And that thirty-three* of the Lower House signed a request, 1 That playing with organs may be remov ed. 2 That none but ministers may be allowed to baptise, and may leave off the sign of the cross in baptism. 3 That kneeling at the communion may be left indifferent to the discretion of the ordinary. 4 That the use of copes and surplices may be taken away, and that ministers use a come ly side garment, as they commonly do in preaching. 6 That ministers be not compelled to wear such gowns and caps as the enemies of Christ's gospel have chosen to be the special array of their priesthood. 6 That in the thirty-third article,f the clause about traditions and ceremonies may be left out ; and 7 That all saints' holy days, as tending to superstition, be clearly abrogated. And to these subscribed Deans. 1 Dodds, Gregory, dean of Exeter. 2 Ellis or Ellys, John, dean of Hereford. f 3 Nowel, Alexander, dean of St. Paul's London, pro locutor. f 4 Nowel, Lawrence, dean of Litchfield. 5 Sampson, Thomas, dean of Christ's church, Oxford. 1 Dey, or Day, William, provost of Eton College. Archdeacons. % 1 Bemont, Robert, archdeacon of Huntingdon. f 2 Croley, Robert, archdeacon of Hereford. s 3 Heton or Eaton, Guido, archdeacon of Glocester. 4 Kemp, David, archdeacon of St. Albans. z 5 Lever, Thomas, archdeacon of Coventry. 6 Longland, John, archdeacon of Bucks. f 7 Mullins, John, archdeacon of London. 8 Prat, John, archdeacon of St. David's. g 9 Pullan, John, archdeacon of Colchester. f 10 Rogers, Richard, archdeacon of St. Asaph. z 11 Spencer, Thomas, archdeacon of Chichester. f 12 Watts, Thomas, archdeacon of Middlesex. Proctors (or Representatives.) 1 Avis, Robert, proctor of the church of Worcester. 2 Bonner, W., proctor of the clergy of Somerset. 3 Calfhill, James, proctor of the church of Oxford. * Though Strype says thirty-three he gives the names of but thirty-two, X That is, king Edward's thirty-third, but queen Elizabeth's thirty-fourth. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 291 4 Hill or Hills, John, proctor of the clergy of Oxford. 5 Nevynson, Steven, proctor of the clergy of Canter bury. 6 Reeve, Richard, proctor of the dean and chapter of Westminster. s 7 Renyger, Michael, proctor of the dean and chapter of Winchester. 8 Roberts, Thomas, proctor of the clergy of Norwich. 9 Savage, George, proctor of the clergy of Glocester. f 10 Saul, Arthur, proctor of the dean and chapter of Glocester. 11 Tremayn, Richard, proctor of the clergy of Exeter. 12 Walker, John, proctor of the clet'gy of Suffolk. 13 Wiburn, Percival, proctor of the church of Rochester. f 14 Wilson, or Wylson, Thomas, proctor of the church of Worcester. Strype and Burnet also tell us, 'That on February 13, the six following articles were brought into the Lower House, the determination whereof depended on a narrow scrutiny. 1 That all Sundays and principal feasts of Christ be kept holy days, and all other holy days abrogated. 2 That the minister in Common Prayer turn his face to the people and distinctly read the service. 3 That in baptism, the cere mony of making the cross on the child's forehead may be omitted, as tending to superstition. 4 That at the commun ion, kneeling may be left to the discretion of the ordinary. 5 That it be sufficient in time of saying divine service and ministering the sacraments to use a surplice, and none to say divine service, or minister the sacraments, but in a comely garment. 6 That the use of organs be removed. 'That upon this arose a great contest ; and when they came to vote, those who were against the articles carried it, though with great difiiculty ; there being forty-three for them and thirty-five against them ; yet the forty-three producing but thirteen proxies, and the thirty-five producing twenty- four proxies, the latter carried it but by a single proxy,' (of a person absent, who had no opportunhy of being enlightened by the consultation.)* The four in the list above in italic happening then to be absent, the forty-three approvers were the twenty-eight there printed in roman, with these fifteen below. ^ A proxy is a power of voting for an absent person. 292 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. f 1 Pedder, John, dean of Worcester. 1 Bradbridge, William, chancellor of Chichester. 1 Lancaster, Thomas, treasurer of Sarum. 1 Tod, William, archdeacon of Bedford. 2 Weston, Edward, archdeacon of Lewis. f 3 Wisdom, Robert, archdeacon of Eli. f 1 Besely, Richard, proctor of the clergy of Cant. 2 Bowre, Gualter, proctor of the clergy of Somerset. 3 Coccrel, Ra. proctor of Surey. 4 Ebden, John, proctor of Winchester. 5 Goodwin, Thomas, proctor of the clergy of Lincoln. 6 Proctor, James, (proctor) of the clergy of Sussex. f 7 Soreby, Thomas, proctor of the clergy of Chichester. 1 Becon, Thomas, (I suppose of Canterbury.) 2 Burton, (uncertain.) These were some of the principal fathers of the English Low Church and Puritans ; and in this company I observe, first, there were six deans, one provost, one chancellor, one treasurer, fifteen archdeacons, twenty-one proctors, and two uncertain. Second, I find but one of the English church of Geneva, marked g. Third, there were twelve of the second church at Francfort, marked f ; three of Zurich, marked z ; and two of Strasburgh, marked s ; which seventeen were all for king Edward's book in Germany, tf but yet for removing the ceremonies and promoting a further reformation. Hence, see how much those writers are mistaken, who pouring out their spleen against Geneva, thought they were only or chiefly the exiles returning thence, who were for a further reforma tion than queen Elizabeth's first Parliament, began while there was not one protestant bishop in it. Fourth, of many of those in the lists above, who were for removing the cere monies, Strype gives great characters for learning, piety, and usefulness. Of the thirty-five opposers, I observe, 1 There were but four deans, fourteen archdeacons, ten proctors, and seven uncertain. 2 I find not one of the church of Geneva, nor of the first or second church of Francfort, nor of Strasburgh, nor Zurich. 3 Of the most of the opposers, Strype gives indifferent or no characters. 4 He informs us, ' That two of the deans, namely. Pern and Turnbull, and two archdea cons, namely. White and -Cotterel had complied with the pppigh religion, were in place and dignity under queen Mary, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 293 and even adhered to popery till June 24, 1559, when they. were obliged to leave it or lose their places. That another, that is Bridgewater, afterwards went over sea, carried several young men with him, and turned papist ; that Pern was queen Mary's chaplain, and had been named by her to the Pope, to be bishop of Sarum a little before her death ; that White is mentioned in a letter of bishop Grindal's, wrote to the secretary soon after the Synod, as a great papist ; but yet in the convocation, and was afterwards reproved by a popish writer as dissembling in religion against his con science ; that Bridgewater produced one proxy and Cotterel three.' (And these were they who helped to stop the refor mation and retain the popish ceremonies as a perpetual fountain of offence, contention, and division to this very day.) Yea, Sampson, Humfrey and Burnet, write, that many things were agreed to in. this convocation that would have tended to the great good of the church, but were suppressed, &;c. Strype also tells us, ' That besides these conforming Pa pists, there were divers others in convocation of the same character ;' [which he seems to have known and yet con cealed. However by comparing Cambden, Burnet, Strype and Eachard, I think I have found them.] For from the rise of the English reformation, there ap peared two sorts of people who divided the churcli through the successive changes in the reigns of Henry VIII. Edward VI. queen Mary I. and queen Elizabeth. (1) Those both Protestants and Papists, who were so conscientious in their several religions, as both to quit their places, and either fly or suffer, when the public alteration turned against them. (2) Both Protestants and Papists in disguise, who rather than suffer or lose their places openly submitted to the public changes, while they inwardly retained their former principles. Of the former sort, the more conscientious Papists refus ing the oath of supremacy, lost their preferments though not many ; and some of them in Henry VIII's time there lives, though none at the stake. Of the more conscientious Pro testants, many were burnt in the reigns both of Henry VIII. and Mary I. ; many concealed themselves in the kingdom, and others fled as we observed before ; but returning at queen Elizabeth's accession, were advanced in the Church ; by dis puting, preaching, good life and writing, greatly helped her 294 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. reformation, and would have thoroughly reformed her, but were for ever hindered by the queen and others. As to the latter sort, Eachard says, upon Henry VIII's be ginning the reformation ' all the bishops, abbots and priors in England, except Fisher, bishop of Rochester, were so far satisfied or so unwilling to leave their preferments that they resolved to comply with the changes the king was resolved to make ; and that the convocation, the universities and the in ferior clergy, renounced the pope's and owned the king's supremacy. Burnet tells us, that in the farther reformation of Edward VI. ' He could not find one head of a College in either University turned out ; for though they generally loved the old superstition, yet they loved their places much better : and indeed the whole clergy did so readily conform to every change, that it was not easy to find colours for turning out Bonner and Gardiner.' Upon queen Mary's accession, Bur net says, 'All who adhered to the reformation were sure to be excluded all favour ; and that the reformed bishops of St. Davids, Exeter, and Glocester, [who were Farrar, Cover- dale and Hooper,] with Taylor, Philpot, Bradford, Crome, Sanders, Rogers and Lawrence, in their paper of May 1554, declare, that the Universities were their open enemies and condemned their cause, contrary to the word of God and the determinations they had made in king Edward's time.' Fuller says, that ' on October 18, the convocation meeting, there were found but six therein who opposed the reduction of popery : and that all the bishops but thirteen returned to it.' Archbishop Parker, in Burnet and Eachard, says, ' That of the 16000 clergymen then in the nation, about 12000 were turned out for being married.' By doctor Tanner's account in Burnet, ' There were not above 3000 for that cause ejected.' [4000 then, or more of king Edward's clergy seem to keep their places in queen Mary's reign, and the vacancies of others must needs be filled with the most zealous papists.] Upon queen Elizabeth's being proclaimed in London, Each ard says, ' The joy of the city was such as gave the melan- cholly priests just cause to fear a new revolution in religious affairs. That the priests were forced to vent their griefs in private corners, and the queen had reason to expect the clergy and those employed in the late reign would oppose the change.' From Strype, we learn that her first convoca* tion meeting January 24, 1558, 9, both vote for Popery and NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 295 beseech her not to change it. May 20, 1559, Cox in Bur net writes, ' That the clergy stand as stiff as a rock, and not one of them is yet come over,' [that is, from Popery to the reformed religion.] May 22, Jewel in Burnet writes, be sides those who had been always our enemies, the deserters who left us in the former reign are now our most bitter ene mies," and the universities are universally corrupted. June 24, queen Elizabeth's act of uniformity takes place ; when the English Common Prayer Book is to be used through the kingdom, upon pain of loss of benefices and promotions, the like loss are they also subject to who refuse the oath of the queen's supremacy.* And now ! the sudden change ! For Strype informs us, that soon after this, the queen's commissioners go through the kingdom to administer the oath and see the act of uniformity observed ; and then Eachard, from Cambden and Burnet, tells us, 'The oath of supremacy was offered to the Popish bishops and all other ecclesiastical persons, that as many as refused the oath, were turned out of all their preferments ; and that of the 9400 benefices then named in England, four teen bishops, f six abbots, twelve deans, twelve archdeacons, fifteen heads of colleges, fifty prebendaries, and eighty rec tors of parishes [but one hundred eighty-nine in all] was the whole number that were deprived,' or as bishop Burnet ex presses it, left their benefices on the account of religion. Strype says, that D'Ews' journal reckons but one hundred and seventy-seven, who left their livings ; but that a volume in the Cotton library reckons thirteen deans and fourteen arch deacons, and so one hundred and ninety-two in all ; and that a book supposed to be Cardinal Allen's, reckons twelve deans, fourteen archdeacons, above sixty canons, above one hundred priests, and twenty doctors. Now there being about fourteen Roman Cathohc arch deacons deprived in 1559, and fifteen Protestant archdea cons about three years after in the list above, of those who were for removing the ceremonies and carrying the reforma tion further : of whom ten at least had been famous exiles ; it seems that most of the other archdeacons in the convoca tion with others among the Proctors in proportion, who stifly adhered to the ceremonies, were of the Popish clergy Cox '' Keeble. + Cambden numbers but fourteen bishops, and yet gives the names of fifteen. 296 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. had written of, who stood like rocks till June 24 or May 20, 1559, and then came over to save their places. To this account Mr. Cambden adds : ' Most of the Po pish priests thought it more behooveful for themselves and their religion to swear obedience to their prince, renouncing the pope's authority, were it for nothing else but that they might shut the Protestants out of their churches, and withal be able to relieve the wants of those of their own side who were thrust out, and this they thought to be pious wisdom and in a manner meritorious.' Burnet adds, 'The popish clergy, when they saw no appearance of any new change, did generally comply with the laws then made, but in so un toward a manner that they made it very visible that what they did was against their heart and conscience : ' So compliant were the Papists generally, and indeed the bishops after this time had the same apprehension of the danger into which religion was brought by the jugglings of the greatest part of the clergy, who retained their affections to the old superstition which those in king Edward's time had.' And Eachard adds, 'It was strongly believed that the greatest part complied against their consciences, and would have been ready ibr another turn ifthe queen ha.d died while that race of incum bents lived, and the next successor had been of another religion. But every knowing reader may likewise add, that as this is indeed agreeable to the common practice of mankind in pub- he changes of religion, as well as the known characters of that race of ministers who kept their places in those religious revolutions, so if preferments kept the lovers of the popish superstition in the church, for the same reason these prefer ments would successively draw in their relatives, friends and others of the same principles and spirit, who would be as averse as they to any further reformation. And if we allow but 8000 clergymen in England, which is but half archbishop Parker's number, then thirty-nine to one of those stiff Ro man Catholics, at that time conformed to keep their jilaces, and these, with their successors, were the high flying party in the church of England, stiff adherents to the old popish ceretnonies, opposers of a thorough reformation, and haters of those who laboured for it. It is therefore rather a wonder that so many reformers got into the Convocation of 1562, 3, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 297 and that so many joined With them in the purity of doctrine, as expressed in the original of the thirty-nine articles. But, as Fuller tells us, though none of these articles were ratified by Parhament till nine years after, yet the bishops conceiving themselves empowered by their canons, begin to show their authority in Urging the clergy to subscribe to the liturgy, ceremonies and discipline ; and such as refuse are branded with the name of puritans. And from this time for ward, the church divided into these two parties. 1 The con- formitans, who were for retaining the unscriptural ceremonies. 2 The puritans, who were for rejecting them and carrying the reformation to perfection, conforming her entirely to Scripture rule, and reducing her to the apostolical purity in discipline and worship, as well as doctrine. Of the confor- mitans, there were these two subdivisions. 1 The High flyers were for retaining them as things they thought venera ble for antiquity, though not brought into the church in the Apostles' times, but after she declined from her primitive sim plicity ; as also on the account of their imagined decency, they judged them expedient to be added to the Christian institution. 2 Others were more low and moderate, as being of the same opinion and desire with the puritans ; but were for retaining them at present for prudential reasons only ; partly to gain the papists, of whom there were then great numbers in the kingdom, and partly in submission to the queen, who appeared fond and zealous for pomp and cere mony in religious matters, but were in hopes of removing them afterwards ; as appears from bishop Jewel, bishop Horn, and bishop Grindal's Latin letters in Strype and Bur net. The puritans, therefore, found themselves embarrassed not only with the High-flying party in that and the following reigns, but even the queen herself and her successors James I. and Charles I. were their continual prosecutors. As to queen Elizabeth, Cambden tells us, 'That to seven protestants she chose thirteen others into her Privy Council, who were of queen Mary's Council before, and of the same religion with her. That she had no contemptuous (that is, she had a high) opinion of the Cross, of the Virgin Mary and the saints ; (that is, the saints canonised by popes and worshipped by papists) and would not suffer others to speak unreverently of them.' Jewel in Burnet on April 10, 1559, laments ' The want of zeal in promoting the reformation ; that 38 298 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. the queen had softened the mass much, but there were many things amiss left in it ; and that she could not be prevailed upon to put the Crucifix out of her chapel.' And Eachard says, ' She loved magnificence in religion, which made her inclinable to some former ornaments,* and even images in churches.' Yea, she grew so superstitious, that when she was above sixty years old and her decaying nature required, yet she would not eat a bit of flesh for the forty days of lent, as being against the canons, without a solemn licence from her own archbishop Whitgift, (who depended wholly on her for the power to grant it,) nor would she be easy with one general Hcence, but must have it renewed every year for several years before she died ; as we learn from Fuller. At first indeed she indulged the puritans who were known to be her steady friends. But on January 25, 1564, 5, she began to grow severe upon them, and archbishop Parker, with some Mother bishops followed her directions ; yea, when she and her Council flagged, the archbishop stirred them up to give hira further power to vex them. The puritans seemed at first for retaining episcopacy in the diocesan form in general. For they accepted of pre- bendships, archdeaconries, deaneries, bishoprics, and Grindal of archbishoprics ; though they knew these were not of divine appointment, yet they seemed to judge them as pru dential methods for preserving order ; and so interwoven with the national constitution, they could not well be sundered. But they insisted the hierarchy ought to be reformed ; that the spiritual courts, the commissary courts, the courts of faculties, fee. invented- in the times of popery, and managed according to the canon laws, which are the decrees of popes, almost infinite in number, all with their processes in Latin, and exceeding intricate ; who for money give out licences and dispensations even from the said laws themselves, and change the penances of crimes for money, Stc. that these offences to pious people be removed. That nonresidence of ministers in their parishes, with their pluralities of benefices, be disallowed ; and that the godly discipline in the primitive church so often wished for in the Common Prayer, might be revived, and exercised not according to the pope's decrees, * Burnet had called them some old rites her father had retained. (Which were crucifixes, lights, he.) But Eachard gives them the finer name of ornaments. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 299 but according to the Scriptures only. That ecclesiastical censures be merely spiritual, and for none but crimes con demned in Scripture. That the power of choosing parish ministers before they be presented by the patrons to the bishops for ordination, be restored to the parochial churches ; and that their ministers and church wardens be allowed to admonish and suspend immoral members from their com munion. If now the unscriptural parts of the Common Prayer had been removed, or the ceremonies left indifferent, the popish habits changed for more comely garments, the pope's decrees with the inquisition oath, called ex officio, abolished,* and the hierarchy thus reformed, the general frame of diocesan episcopacy had no doubt remained untouched, and almost all the people of England had continued in it without uneasi ness. But the queen with some of the superior clergy opposing such a reformation, they employ their power to crush the puritans ; by requiring their ministers' subscription to the habits, the ceremonies in the Common Prayer, all the thirty-nine articles and the queen's injunctions ; though the Parliament had yet appointed no subscription. Upon this, as Strype relates, those two eminent men of Oxford, and heads of the chief colleges, Dr. Sampson, dean of Christ's church, with Dr. Humfrey, president of Magda len college, and regius professor of divinity, appear at the head of the puritans. In March, 1564, 5, Dr. Sampson is deprived ; and about thirty (Neal from Strype's life of Par ker, says thirty-seven,) ministers in London alone, are sus pended, and some of them deprived. And thus the severi ties on the puritans begin ; wherein some of the ministers were suspended ; some deprived ; some are fined ; some imprisoned ; yea, in 1566, Sampson and Humfrey in Burnet write, that ' Many of the people are put in prison, because they would not provide godfathers and godmothers for bap tising their children.' But while the puritan ministers are deprived, the papists comply and triumph ; and an author, who Strype supposes was sir T. Smith, or secretary Cecil, says, that, 'In 1569, and before, papists were frequent in church, in court, in place ; that popish priests still enjoy the * By the oath ex ofiicio, the swearers were obliged on oath before the Eccle siastical Courts, to answer every question proposed, both against themselves and others, »r go to prison. 300 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. great ecclesiastical livings, without recantation or penance ; yea, in simoniacal heaps, cathedral churches are stuffed with them ; the very spies and promoters of queen Mary's time are cherished, &tc.' Yea, Strype informs us, that notwith standing the repeated risings of the papists against the queen in 1569 and 1570, defacing and tearing Bibles, &ic. ; she on June 15, 1570, 'declared in the Star-chamber, that she would not have any of their consciences unnecessarily sifted, to know what affection they had to the old religion.' However, the more the puritans suffer, the more the peo ple search the Scripture, to which appeals are made in these religious matters ; and the more they grow acquainted with this inspired rule of worship, the more they discover of the popish superstitions, the more abhor them, the more prefer the divine institutions, the more pure they desire the worship of the church to be. And Strype informs us, ' That the puritans grew both in city and country, and not only among the lower sort, but also in the universities ; that in Decem ber 1565, the fellows and scholars in St. John's college in Cambridge, with the allowance of Dr. Longworth the master, to the number of near three hundred, threw off the surplice with one consent ; that in Trinity college, all but three, by Mr. Cartwright's (influence) and many in other colleges were ready to follow their example.' And from Fuller and Strype we learn, that the House of Commons in the Parliaments of 1566, 1571, 1572, 1575, 1580, 1585, and 1587 labored earnestly for a further reformation ; but the queen would never allow it. The only act that established the articles in that and the two following reigns was made in 1571 ; and yet this act takes so much care of the puritans, as to require no more of ministers, than to declare their assent before the bishop of the diocess to all the articles of religion which only concern the confession of the true Christian faith, and the doctrine of the sacraments comprised in the book imprinted entitled articles, &,c. and to subscribe the same. Yet now. Fuller says, the bishops urge subscription to the thirty-nine articles more severely than before. And Strype, that by force of this act many ministers were deprived in this and the follow ing years. The Puritan ministers were indeed as ready as any to subscribe according to tbe said act, that is to all the articles of religion which only concern the confession of the true NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 301 Christian faith and the doctrine of the sacraments, which are commonly called the doctrinal articles ; yet under colour of this act, the bishops deprive them for not subscribing to all the others without exception. But the queen and bishops growing more severe on the Puritans, it only alienates them more from the hierarchy, as well as the cereraonies, and turns their minds to the Presby terian discipline. And though many of their clergy were de prived and silenced, yet many others, by the favor of several great men in court and council,* stay in their places upon using the less offensive parts of the liturgy, without subscrip tion. And now Bancroft and Cowell tell us f that ' on No vember 20, 1572, this Puritan part of the clergy began to ' erect a presbytery at Wandsworth in Surry ;' which Fuller says, ' Was the first born of all presbyteries in England, and names sixteen of the clergy belonging to it ; that May 8, 1582, there was a Synod of threescore ministers (that is, church ministers) of Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, and Norfolk, at Cook- field in Suffolk ; and the summer following another in Cam bridge at the commencement; that April 10, 1588, was another of the Warwickshire classes at Coventry ; that by September 1, 1590, the presbyterian discipline so grew in the church, that their classes spread into divers other parts of the kingdom, and had their assemblies at London, Cam bridge, Oxford, Northampton, Kittery, Warwick, Rutland, Leicester, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, and other places ; but in 1591 the high commission and Star-chamber courts dissolv ed them ; that in the spring of 1603, there were seven hun dred and fifty ministers (that is, church ministers) in twenty- five of the forty counties of England, and twelve of Wales, who petitioned king James I. to remove the ceremonies, the public reading the books of apocrypha, nonresidence, plu ralities, and the popish canons.' And Rushworth tells us that 'in 1626, the country was so overspread with puritans, that Williams, bishop of Lincoln, would not meddle against them., and said, he was sure they would carry all at last.' * Such as the earl of Leicester, sir Francis Knollis, secretary Walsingham,, and others, (See Strype and Fuller,) f Archbishop Bancroft, in his Dangerous Positions ; and William CoweU, D, D, a writer against the puritans, in his Examination, fee, printed 4to, Lon don, in 1604, 302 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. Yet all this while, there were but few separations from the church established. Nor would the law allow them in Eng land till king William's time. Upon the first depriving the London ministers In the spring of 1566, Neal and the regis ter say, ' their churches were shut up and their people scat tered.' Bishop Grindal on August 27, 1566, writes, 'that many of the more learned ministers seemed to be about leaving their ministry ; and many of the people consulted of making a secession from us and of gathering in private as- sembUes ; but the greater part is come to a better mind.'* Yet as the Register tells us, 'in the spring of 1567, an hun dred of them absenting from the parish churches, gathered together many times and made assemblies, using prayers, preaching, and ministering sacraments after the Geneva man ner ; but on June 20, many are seized and put in prison, next day brought before the bishop of London and other of the queen's commissioners ;' and Neal from Strype's Life of Grindal, says that ' Bolton with twenty-three other men and seven women, were for this sent to Bridewell and kept there a y€(ar,' which seems to break up their assembly ; and this I suppose was the same separate church Mr. Ainsworth men tions, whereof Mr. Fits was pastor, and Bolton one of the elders, in the beginning of queen Elizabeth's reign. f Yet Fuller observes, 'though the queen proceeded severely against them, their party daily increased.' The next separation made was by Robert Brown, who as Fuller says, ' wSs bred at Corpus Christi College in Cam bridge, began to preach at Norwich in the beginning of 1581, against bishops, and ordination of ministers as well as ecclesias tical courts and ceremonies ; and Neal, that sometime after, he denied the established church to be a true church and her ministers true ministers, renounced communion with her not only in ceremonies and sacraments, but even in hearing the word and public prayer ; and gathered a separate church of his own principles, but were quickly forced to fly and settle at Middleburgh in Zealand, and from him the Separatists were at first called Brownists, till Mr. Robinson reduced them to milder principles and tempers.' * I rather more precisely follow Grindal's Latin, than Burnet's more loose translation, + In his Counterpoison, or reply to Sprint, Barnard and Crawshaw, Printed quarto, 1608. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 303 ' But the bishops' violent measures, [as Neal observes] in stead of reconciling the Puritans to the established church, drove them further off, and carried many into a total separation from her. For in 1592, a company set up another church at London, choosing Mr. Francis Johnson pastor, and Mr. Greenwood teacher ; who with fifty-four of their church were soon seized by the bishops' officers and sent to several gaols, whej-e some were loaded with irons, some shut up in dungeons, some beat with cudgels, some both men and wo men perished, Mr. Greenwood and Barrow executed, others kept in close prison for four or five years ; and then being banished, [as we learn from Bailey,] Mr. Johnson with some of his people set up their church at Amsterdam, where he was succeeded by the learned Ainsworth, and he by Mr. Cann,' the author of a valuable margin to our English Bible. In 1596, they publish their confession of faith, with the grounds of their separation ; reprinted with their apology in 4to. 1604. But their sufferings and writings soon increased their num bers ; and more of the warmer Puritans embraced their doctrines, left the public churches, and met in private houses for a purer worship. But then they lost the name of Puri tans, and received that of the Separatists;' the far greater part of the Puritans remaining still in the church, writing with zeal against the separation ; and as Sprint, on their behalf in 1608, expresses it, ' A separation we deny not from the corruptions of the church wherein we live ; in judgment, profession, practice, for which so many of both parts [or par ties i.e. of Puritans and ^Separatists] have suffered and do suffer so many things ; but the difference is, we [i. e. the Puritans] suffer for separating in the church ; you [i. e. the Separatists] out of the church, Sic' By comparing their ancient writings, I find the Separatists and Puritans agreed in these two particulars. 1. In their be lief of the same doctrinal articles of the Church of England. 2. In their offence with her unscriptural parts of worship, unscriptural canons and courts of discipline, and unscriptuiral power of bishops. But in this they chiefly differed. That whereas the people in every parochial congregation through the kingdom, containing all sorts of persons both rehgious and profane, make up a parochial church under one presbyter; and great -numbers of these parochial churches 304 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. make up a diocesan church under one diocesan bishop ; and several of these diocesan churches make up a provincial church under one archbishop; and the two provincial churches in the kingdom, viz. of York and Canterbury make up a na tional church under one primate, viz. the archbishop of the latter, in which national church there were about forty differ ent sorts of officers, as among the Papists. The Separatists held that,neither of these churches were such sort of churches, nor their offifcers such sort of officers, as Christ has instituted, neither for matter, form nor power ; the matter of right, christian churches being only visible saints separate from the rest of the world, or as the 19th article of the church of England has it, a congregation of faithful men, or faithful christians ; the form being a voluntary consociation of such faithful christians, not forced by huraan sanctions, and their powers being confined to the mere laws of Christ, both in worship, government, and discipline. From such unscriptu ral churches, they therefore judged theraselves obliged to separate, and set up such sort of churches and church officers, discipline, and worship only as they found in the Apostles' days. And then the Church of England order, discipline, and worship being not according to Christ's pure appoint ment, but polluted with human mixtures which she refused to leave, the Separatists at first went further, and rigidly re nounced communion both with her and her officers, as popish and antichristian, and ever even with those who held com munion with her. But as for their censoriousness, I cannot find but the Church of England writers against them were as censorious and rigid in those times as theirs. But the Puritans allowed the faithful christians of the several parishes to be true christian churches, and their quali fied ministers to be true christian ministers ; that neither their being restrained by human laws in the exercise of the powers and privileges Christ had given them, nor their having by such laws, both corrupt members, canons and ways of wor ship irnposed upon them, neither destroyed their rights nor christian character ; and that since a separation was not al lowed by the then reigning powers, and their setting up purer churches within the kingdom was not practicable ; they therefore judged they ought to remain in the church esta blished, groaning under their burdens, and laboring for her reformation. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 305 Mr. Robinson at first indeed went off among the more rigid Separatists in 1602, but as Baily informs us, by conversing in Holland with Dr. Ames and Mr. Parker, he grew more moderate, as we observed before ; yet insisting that the un scriptural ceremonies, canons, and mixt communion in the Church of England, were sufficient grounds of separating from her, and of erecting churches on the Scripture bottom, without denying communion to her pious members when they desired it of him. But how strenuously soever the Puritans opposed the separation, yet he was so well acquainted with them, that in his answer to Mr. Barnard in 1610, he says, 'I doubt not but Mr. Barnard and a thousand more ministers in the land, were they secure of the magistrates' sword, and might they go on with his good license, would wholly shake off their canonical obedience to their ordinaries, neglect their citations and censures, and refuse to sue in their courts ; could they but obtain license from the magistrate to use the liberty they are persuaded Christ has given them, they would soon shake off the prelates' yoke, and draw no longer under the same in spiritual communion with all the profane in the land, but would break those bonds of iniquity, Sic' Governor Brad ford also treating of the afflictions of Mr. Robinson's people in Holland and of the grounds of their removing to America, says ' it was thought that if a better and easier place of living could be had, it \(Vould draw many and take away those dis couragements ; yea their pastor would often say, that many of those who both wrote and preached now against them, if they were in a place where they might have liberty, and live comfortably, would do as they did. But a farther account of the rise, sufferings, principles and progress, both of the Puritans and Separatists, I must refer to the authors before mentioned ; especially Mr. Neal's elabo rate and valuable history of the Puritans in two octavos, which was a branch of English history the nation wanted, and which ought to be read by every lover of religious liberty. I shall only observe, that archbishop Parker dying in May 1575, Grindal succeeded him, who grew more moderate, and the church enjoyed some quiet ; for which Sacheveral calls him that false son of the church and perfidious prelate. But he deceasing in July, 1583, Whitgift is made archbishop of Canterbury ; who, as we learn from Fuller, Strype, and 39 306 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. the Register, persecutes the Puritans and Separatists with unrelenting rigor to his death in February 1603,4; as does also his successor Bancroft to his, in November 1610. And then Abbot being set in his place, though he shows no mercy to those of the separation, yet seeing the Puritans more strictly adhere to the doctrinal articles than the rest of the church, grows more indulgent to them till October 1627; when king Charles I. sequesters him from his jurisdiction and transfers it to bishop Laud and others, as we read in Eachard ; who says. Laud was an aspiring and fiery man, a lover of pomp and ceremony, an active opposer of antiar- , minianism, a mortal opposer of Puritans ; that his heart was entirely set upon the advancement and grandeur of the church [i. e. not the laical but clerical part ; or as Eachard in another place more clearly calls it the advancement of the clergy's grandeur] which the archbishop brought to that height, as it shewed rather a rivalship than resemblance of the Church of Rome, in which he had the hearty concur rence of the king, and grew in such favor with him, as to be made bishop of London in 1628, archbishop of Canterbury in 1633, and to govern without a rival in church and state. Fuller says, he was over severe in his censures ; in the Star Chamber was always observed to concur with the severer side, and that it wa^ most apparent he endeavored a reconciliation between Rome and England. And the continuation of Ba ker's Chronicle,* that he was a busy man, over violent in his proceedings, and never ceased to persecute the Puritans. Of these Enghsh Puritans were the greater part of the settlers of the Massachusetts Colony. They had been chiefly born and brought up in the national church, and had hitherto lived in communion with her. As their ministers had been ordained by her bishops, they had officiated in her parochial churches, and till now had made no secession from them ; though with multitudes of others, laboring under grievous impositions, conflicting with many difficulties, and looking earnestly for better times, till the highflying bishops both in creased the ceremonies, and grew so rigorous in imposing them, as to allow no worship in the church without them ; yea so severely prosecute those who could not in conscience use them, as to let them live no longer in their native land in * Viz, that edition of Baker's Chronicle, printed in 1660, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 307 quiet. Finding therefore the impositions growing, losing all further hopes of reformation and indulgence there, and New England opening her arms to embrace them, they judged they now ought to improve the offer, and rather choose a hideous wilderness three thousand miles across the ocean ; that here being free from all restraint, they might set up churches in their worship, matter, form and discipline, entire ly after the New Testament model ; enjoy these great and christian liberties without disturbance, and transmit them as what they accounted the dearest legacy to their perpetual successors. SECTION II. 1630, King of G, Britain, Charles I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. The situation of Salem pleasing us not [for the capital town,] we consult about some other ; to this purpose some are sent to the Bay to search up the rivers for a convenient place ; who returning, report they have found a good one upon Mistick river ; but others seconding these, find another we like better, three leagues up Charles river,* whereupon we unship our goods into other vessels, and in July with much cost and labor, bring them to Charlestown, on the north side the mouth of Charles river, dd July. Arrive at Charlestown, governor Win throp, deputy-governor Dudley, sir Richard Salton stall, Mr. Johnson, Ludlow, Nowell, Pynchon, and Bradstreet, with the Massachusetts Colony Char ter, as also Mr. Wilson and Phillips ministers, with about fifteen hundred people,t brought over in * r suppose this was at the place whence the Dorchester people were ordered to remove, + By IVIr, WUson's yearly allowance out of the public treasury beginning on July 10, Mcr it seems as if on that day the fleet arrived at Charlestown ; and Johnson saying that 'July 12, or thereabouts, [this people] first set foot on this western end of the world ; where arriving in safety, men, women and children, on the north side of Charles river they landed near Noddel's island.' By this western end of the world, he may mean at Charlestown, but if he meant at Salem, he should have said June 12, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 309 1630, King of G, Britain, Charles I,— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, PhUip IV. twelve ships from England, tcr* But many of our people being sick of fevers and the scurvy, we are thereby unable to carry up our ordnance and bag gage so far, dd the governor and several patentees dwell in the great house last year built by Mr. Graves, and the rest of their servants ; the multi tude set up cottages, booths and tents about the town-hill tcr and their meeting place is abroad under a tree, where Mr. Wilson and Phillips preach, &c. crc [The state of the neighboring places on the Massachusetts Bay at their arrival,] On Noddel's island lives Mr. Samuel Maverick, a man of very loving and courteous behavior, very ready to entertain strangers ; on this island, with the help of Mr. David Thompson, he had built a small fort with four great guns to protect him from the Indians. About a mile distant upon the river runs a small creek which take its name from Mr. Edward Gibbons, who dwelt there for some years after, and became major-general ; on the south side of Charles river mouth, on a point of land called Blaxtoii^s point lives Mr. Blaxton, j where he only has a cottage ; tcr the neck of land from which the point runs being in Indian named Shawmut, afterwards Boston, tcr To the south east thereof near Thompson's . Island, live some few planters more.f These were the first planters of those parts, having some small trade with the natives for beaver skins, which moved them to make their abode in those places, and are found of some help to the new colony, j "By these twelve ships seem to be meant, 1 The Mary and John. 2 Ai-bella, 3 Jewel, 4 Ambrose, 5 Mayflower, 6 Whale, 7 iralbot, S William and Francis 9 Tryal, 10 Charles, 11 Success, 12 Hope well, For the Lion brought other people for Plymouth, or came on the Pe nobscot business. But the Charlestown records unaccountably mistake in placing all this history in 1629. + Whether he means the few people at Mount Wollaston, Weymouth and Nantasket, seems uncertain. 310 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1630. King of G, Britain, Charies I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, But having had a long passage, some of the ships seventeen, some eighteen weeks a coming, many people arrive sick of the scurvy, which in creases for want of houses, and by reason of wet lodging in their cottages tcr having no fresh food to cherish them, j And though the people are very pitiful and loving, yet the sickness with other distempers so prevails, that the well are not able to tend them. Upon which many die, and are buried about the Hill ; tcr yet it was admirable to see with what christian courage many carry it amidst these calamities, j July 25. Lord's Day, after the evening exercise, Mr. Johnson at Salem receives a letter from go vernor Winthrop at Charlestown, representing the hand of God upon them in the prevailing sickness, whereby divers are taken away ; signifying they had concluded He is to be sought in righteousness ; to this end the next Friday is set apart to humble themselves before Him and seek Him in his ordi nances ; that then such godly persons among them as know each other may publicly at the end of their exercise make known their desire, and prac tise the same by solemnly entering into covenant with Him to walk in His ways : that since they live in three distinct places, each having men of ability with them, there to observe the days, and become three distinct bodies ;* not then intending rashly to proceed to the choice of oflScers, or ad mitting others to their society, but a few well known ; promising after to receive in such by confession of faith, as shall appear to be fitly qualified. They earnestly entreat the church of Plymouth to set apart the same day for the same ends ; beseeching the Lord as to withdraw his hand of correction, so to direct and establish them in his ways. B * I suppose these three places are Charlestown, Dorchester and Salem, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 311 1630, King of G, Britain, Charies I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, July 30. Friday, the day of solemn prayer and fasting kept at Charlestown ; when governor Win throp, deputy-governor Dudley, Mr. Johnson and the reverend Mr. Wilson, first enter into church covenant, and lay the foundation of the churches both of Charlestown B [and afterwards of Boston.] August 1. Lord's Day, five more join to the church at Charlestown ; B which, by the order in Boston Church Records, are Mr. Nowell, T. Sharp, Bradstreet, [assistants] Mr. William Gager [sur geon] and Mr. William Colborn, [afterwards a ruling Elder] chr who, with others quickly added, choose Mr. Wilson for their pastor ; the greater number at this time intending no other than to settle here ; where the governor orders his house to be cut and framed. But the weather being hot, many sick, and others faint upon their long voyage, people grow uneasy for want of water ; for though this Neck abounds with good water, yet they only found a brackish spring by the water side in the sand on the west side of the northw^est field, tcr which was not to be come at but when the tide was down, j and could not supply half the necessities of that multitude ; at which time the death of so many was thought to be owing to the want of good water, tcr This made several go abroad upon discovery. tcr Some go over to Shawmut on the south side of the river, j Some go without Charlestown neck and travel up into the main -till they came to a place well watered, whither sir R. Saltonstall with Mr. Phillips and several others went and settled a plantation, and called it Watertown. In the meantime, Mr. Blackstonof Shawmut coming over, informs the governor of an excellent spring there, withal inviting and soliciting him thither, tcr [Up- 312 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1630. King of G. Britain, Charies I.— France; Lewis Xlll, — Spain, PhUip IV, on which it seems that Mr. Johnson with several others soon remove, and begin to settle on that side of the river.] August 2. One of Plymouth writes from Charles town to his friend at Plymouth : ' The sad news here is, that many are sick and many are dead, the Lord in mercy look upon them ; some are entered into Church Covenant, and others it is like will add theraselves to them daily, the Lord increase them both in number and holiness. Here is a gentleman, one Mr. Cottington a Boston man, who* told me that Mr. Cotton's charge at Hampton was ; " That they should take advice of them at Plymouth, and should do nothing to offend them."* Here are di vers honest christians desirous to see us, some out of love they bear us, and the good persuasion they have of us, others to see whether we be so ill as they have heard. We have a name of holiness and love to God and his saints, the Lord make us more and more answerable, that it may be more than a name.' &c. B August 20. Arrives in Charlestown harbour another ship called the Gift, who though twelve weeks at sea, yet lost but one passenger ; H and deputy-governor Dudley says, that all the seven teen ships mentioned in the note to page 271, arrived safe in New England, for the increase of the plantation here, this year, 1630. * I suppose this should be Coddington, and by Boston I conclude he meant Boston in England, for Boston in New-England seems not yet to be named. And as by this only passage of a letter in governor Bradford's Mss History, we find that the reverend and famous Mr, Cotton went from Boston in Lin colnshire to take his leave of his departing friends at Southampton, so by this we find he had better ideas of the Plymouth people than had been represented by their enemies, and perhaps the letters from Mr, Endicot and others of Salem, might have given that great and learned man, with others in England, a dificrent and more agreeable apprehension of them. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 313 1630. King of G, Britain, Charies I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. It having been reported in England that there were now provisions enough here, divers ships came not so well supplied as otherwise they would, and there being miserable damage of our provisions at sea, and yet some imprudently selling much of the remainder to the Indians for beaver,we fall into great and threatening straits for want of food. Upon which the governor and other gentlemen hire and despatch away Mr. William Pierce with his ship tcr the Lion of Bristol, dd of about two hundred tons, for Ireland, to buy more, tcr and come back with all speed ; with whom goes Mr. Revil, one of the five undertakers here, Mr. Vassal, one of the assistants, with his family, and Mr. Bright the minister sent hither the year before, dd The mortality increasing many died weekly, yea almost daily, among whom were Mrs. Pynchon, Mrs. Coddington, Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Alcock, a sister of Mr. Hooker's ; so that the ships being now on their return, some for England, some for Ire land, there was not much less than an hundred, some think many more, partly out of dislike of our government, which restrained and punished their excesses, and partly through fear of famine, not seeing other means than by their labour to feed themselves, returned back, and glad were we so to be rid of them. Others also afterwards hearing of men of their own disposition at Pascataway, went from us to them, whereby though our numbers were lessened, yet we accounted ourselves nothing weak ened by their removal, dd August 23. The first court of assistants held at Charlestown, Mcr on board the Arbella ; j present governor Winthrop, deputy-governor Dudley, sir R. Saltonstall, Mr. Ludlow, Rossiter, Nowell, T. Sharp, Pynchon, and Bradstreet ; wherein the first 40 3l4 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1630, King of G, Britain, Charies I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV. thing propounded is, how the ministers shall be maintained ; Mr. Wilson and Phillips only propos ed, and ordered that houses be built for them with convenient speed at the public charge. Sir R. Saltonstall undertook to see it done at his planta tion for Mr. Phillips ; and the governor at the other plantation for Mr. Wilson ; Mr. Phillips to have thirty pounds a year, beginning at the first of Sep tember next ; Mr. Wilson to have twenty pounds a year till his wife come over, beginning at July 10 last, all this at the common charge, those of Matta- pan and Salem excepted. Ordered that Morton of Mount Wollaston be sent for presently ; and that carpenters, joiners, bricklayers, sawyers, and thatchers, take no more than two shillings a day, under pain often shillings to giver and taker. Mcr And Mr. Bradstreet chosen secretary, j * August 27, Friday, the first ordination of an elder in the Massachusetts Bay, namely, Mr. Wil son, sd who is [now] made pastor [or teaching elder] of the church at Charlestown, tcr and whose extent now reaches on both sides the river, j August e. About this time dd dies at Salem, and is soon after interred there, the lady Arbella, wife of Mr. Johnson, who came from a paradise of delight and plenty, she enjoyed in the family of a noble earldom, into this wilderness of straits ; and now left her worthy consort overwhelmed in grief and tears. H September b. Dies of a fever Mr. Gager, a skilful surgeon, a right godly man, and one of the deacons of bur congregation ; as also the rever end Mr. Higginson of a consumption, dd the first * Johnson says, Mr, Winthrop was then chosen governor, and Mr, Dudley deputy-governor for the remainder x)f the year [which seems unlikely, having been chosen before in England,] NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 315 1630, King of G, Britain, Charles I.— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. teacher of the church at Salem, H a zealous and profitable preacher, dd aged 43. cm* September 7. The second court of assistants held at Charlestown ; present governor Winthrop, deputy-governor Dudley, sir R. Saltonstall, Mr. Johnson, Endicot, Sharp, Nowell, Coddington, Ludlow, Rossiter, Pynchon, Bradstreet ; ordered that Thomas Morton of Mount Wollaston shall presently be set in the bilbows, and after sent pris oner to England by the ship called the Gift, now returning thither ; that all his goods shall be seized to defray the charge of his transportation, payment of his debts, and to give satisfaction to the Indians for a canoe he took unjustly from them ; and that his house be burnt down to the ground in sight of the Indians, for their satisfaction for many wrongs he has done them. Ordered that no person shall plant in any place within the limits of this patent without leave from the governor and assistants or major part of them ; that a warrant shall presently be sent to Agawam to command those who are planted there forthwith to come away, and that Trimountain be called Boston ; Mattapan, Dor chester ; and the town upon Charles river, Water- town. Mcr Thus this remarkable Peninsula, about two miles in length and one in breadth, in those times ap pearing at high water in the form of two islands, whose Indian name was Shawmut, but I suppose on the account of three contiguous hills appearing in a range to those at Charlestown, by the English called at first Trimountain, and now receives the * Mr, Morton says he died about the same time of the year after his ordina tion, in August ; doctor C, Mather says, in August, and Mr, Hubbard on August 6, but deputy-governor Dudley writing about the same time, I choose to mention it in the same manner. 316 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1630, King of G, Britain, Charles I.— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV name of Boston. Which deputy-governor Dudley says, they had before intended to call the place they first resolved on, and Mr. Hubbard, that they gave this name on the account of Mr. Cotton, [the then famous Puritan minister of Boston in England ; for whom they had the highest reverence, and of whose coming over they were doubtless in some hopeful prospect.] And from the late Judge Sew all in comparison with the Charlestown records, I learn, that this town was settled under the conduct of Mr. Johnson ; whom Mr. Hubbard calls a wor thy gentleman of note for piety and wisdom, and the reverend Mr. Danforth of Roxbury, styles him a right Nathaniel, eminent for piety and virtue, and in another place a gentleman of singular piety and sincerity.* To this town the major part of the Church in a little time removes from Charlestown, and so much increases, as that one hundred and fifty-one are admitted by October 14, 1632, when they peacea bly divide into two churches, tcr c br ' Thus out of small beginnings great things have been produced by His hand that made all things, and gives being to all things that are ; and as one small candle may light a thousand, so the light heref kindled hath shone to many, yea in some sort to our whole nation, let the glorious name of Jehovah have all the praise.' BX * In his Chronological articles at the end of his Almanacs, printed in 1647 and 1649, + Governor Bradford adding this immediately after the article of August 2, it seems uncertain whether by here he meant the Plymouth or Boston Church, though I am apt to think the latter, X [Here ends the first volume of the New England Chronology, published in 1736, With the next paragraph begins the first number of the continuation, under the title of Annab of JYew England, pubUshed by the learned author, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 317 1630, King of G, Britain, Charies I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV, September 28, 1630. The third court of assist ants at Charlestown. Present, the governor, dep uty-governor, captain Endicot, Messrs. Ludlow, No- well, Coddington, Bradstreet, Rossiter, Pynchon. Ordered, 1st. that no person permit any Indian to use any piece (or gun) on any occasion ; under ten pounds for the first offence ; for the second, to be fined and imprisoned at the discretion of the court ; 2d. that no person give, sell, truck, or send any Indian corn to any English put of this jurisdic tion, nor to any Indian, without licence from the after an interval of near twenty years, namely, in 1755, On the cover of this number was printed the following ' ADVERTISEMENT, ' Having brought our Annals of New England down to the settlement of the Massachusetts Colony, in the first volume, and having lately received a most authentic and valuable journal of events relating to said Colony, from the time when their first governor Winthrop, deputy-governor Dudley, eleven assistants with their charter, four ministers and about 1500 people were wait ing at the Isle of Wight and other places in the south and west of England, to saU for this desired land ; namely, from Monday, March 29, 1630, to Jan uary 11, 1648, 49; wherein are many remarkables not to be found any where else ; and whereby alone we are enabled to correct many mistakes, and ascertain the dates of many articles in others ; all wrote with the said governor Winthrop's own hand, who deceased in the very house I dwell in, the 26th of March after ; I may now proceed with a further enlargement of intelligence, and with a greater certainty and exactness, ' And for my readers' greater satisfaction I shall also go on, as I did before, to give them, not my own expressions, but those of the authors who lived in the times they wrote bf ; excepting now and then a word or note of mine for explanation sake, distinguished from theirs by being enclosed in such marks as (these). So that we may, as it were, hear those eminent persons, governor Bradford, governor Winslow, governor Winthrop, Mr, secretary Morton of Plymouth, governor Bradstreet, Mr, secretary Nowell, he. in the Massachu setts Colony Records, the Reverend Mr, Hubbard, and others, telling us the remarkable events of the times they lived in, ' But as I was unhappily obliged to close the former volume abruptly in September 1630, about two months after our entering the second section of the second part, I must refer to that, and begin the second volume with September 28, in continuation of the second section.' On the covers of the three numbers of the second volume were also several other notes, principally explanatory of the references, which in this edition will be found in their appropriate places, in the margin, ' Editor of the present Edition.'} 318 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1630, King of G, Britain, Charles I, — France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip iV. governor and assistants.* 3d. that fifty pounds be levied out of the several plantations for Mr. Patrick and Mr. Underbill ; (I suppose for some military purpose,) namely, 1 Charlestown to pay 71. 2 Boston lit 3 Dorchester 7 4 Roxbury 5 5 Watertown 11 6 Medford, to pay 3Z. 7 Salem 3 8 Wessaguscus (after called Weymouth) 2 9 Nantasket 1 Mcr 50 September 30. Thursday, about two in the morning, Mr. Isaac Johnson dies. He was a holy man and wise, and died in sweet peace ; leaving part of his substance to the colony, w This gen tleman was a prime man among us, having the best estate of any ; zealous for religion, one of the five undertakers,! and the greatest furtherer of this plantation. He made a most godly end ; dying willingly ; professing his life better spent in pro moting this plantation, than it could have been any other way. He left to us a great loss, dd The first magistrate that died in the Massachusetts, sd (Arid captain Johnson says) The beginning of this work seemed very dolorous ; first for the death of that worthy personage, Isaac Johnson, Esq. whom the Lord had endued with many precious gifts ; * English and Indian corn being ten shUlings a strike, and beaver at sis shillings a pound, we made laws to restrain selling corn to the Indians ; and to leave the price of beaver at liberty, which was presently sold for ten shil lings and twenty shiUings a pound, dd The sums of money named in this section are in sterling, + (By this it seems as if the much greater part of the people at Charles town were now removed to Boston, and the reverend Mr, Wilson with them,) w Governor Winthrop's journal in manuscript, X The five undertakers were governor Winthrop, deputy-governor Dudley, sir Richard Saltonstall, Isaac Johnson, Esq, and Mr, Revil, dd dd Deputy-governor Dudley's letter to the countess of Lincoln, sd Reverend Samuel Danforth, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 319 1630. King of G, Britain, Charles I, — France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, insomuch as he was held in high esteem among all the people of God, and as a chief pillar to support this new erected building. He very much rejoiced at his death, that the Lord had been pleased to keep his eyes open so long, as to see one church of Christ gathered before his death. At whose departure there were not only many weeping eyes, but some fainting hearts, fearing the fall of the present work, j (And the late chief justice Sam uel Sewall, Esq. informed me, that this Mr. John son was the principal cause of settling the town of Boston, and so of its becoming the metropolis, and had removed hither ; had chosen for his lot the great square lying between Cornhill on the south east, Tremont-street on the northwest, Queen- street on the northeast, and School-street on the southwest ; and on his death bed desiring to be buried at the upper end of his lot, in faith of his rising in it. He was accordingly buried there ; which gave occasion for the first burying place of this town to be laid out round about his grave.) (October). ' The first execution in Plymouth Colony, which is a matter of great sadness to us, is of one John Billington ; for waylaying and shoot ing John Newcomen, a young man, B in the shoulder, H whereof he died. The said Billing ton was one of the profanest among us. He came from London, and I know not by what friends shufl3ed into our company. We used all due means about his trial ; he was found guilty both by grand and petty jury ; and we took the advice of Mr. Winthrop, and others, the ablest gentlemen in the Massachusetts Bay, who all concurred with us. j Captain Johnson's history of New England, H Reverend Mr, WiUiam Hubbard's History of New England, 320 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1630, King of G. Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIU, — Spain, PhUip IV. that he ought to die, and the land be purged from blood. B* Mr. Phillips the minister of Watertown, and others, have their houses burnt, w October 19. The first General Court of the Massachusetts Colony — and this at Boston ; pre sent, the governor, deputy-governor, sir Richard Saltonstall, Mr. Ludlow, captain Endicot, Mr. No- well, Pynchon, Bradstreet. Mcr (N. B. For the form of government in the Massachusetts under deputy-governor Endicot, subordinate to the go vernor and company in England before they arrived with the charter, see April 20, 1628, and April 30, 1629. But since their arrival here, the [first] form of their government was that of governor, deputy-governor, and assistants ; the patentees with their heirs, assigns, and associates being freemen, &c. But now in this General Court, they agree on a [second] form as follows). Proposed as the best course — For the freemen to have the power of choosing assistants, when they are to be chosen ; and the assistants, from among themselves to choose the governor, and deputy-governor, who with the assistants to have the power of making laws, and choosing officers to execute the same. This was fully assented to by the general vote of the people. Mcr And now the Mcr gives the first list of persons desiring to be made freemen, to the number of 108 as follows. * (N, B, This is the order wherein governor Winthrop sets this article, who was consulted about it ; though Mr, Hubbard says, about September ; and governor Bradford — in the latter part of the year,) Mer Massachusetts Colony Records in manuscript. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 321 1630. King of G. Britain, Charies I.. Mr. Samuel Maverick, " Edward Johnson, " Edward Gibbins (or Gibbons, after, ma jor-general,) " William Jeffries, " Samuel Sharp, " Thomas Graves, (after,arear-admiral in England,) " Roger Conant, " Nathaniel Turner, " Samuel Freeman, " William Gierke, " Abraham Palmer, " William Pelham, " Wm. Blaclistone, (formerly 'a minis ter ; after, went to Providence,) " Richard Brown, " George Ludlow, James Penn, (after, rul ing elder of the first church in Boston,) Henry Woolcot, Thomas Stoughton, Roger Williams, (a imn- ister, who goes first to Salem, second to Ply mouth, third to Salem again, fourth ' to Pro vidence,) Capt. Walter Norton, 41 . — France, Lewis XIIL — Spain, PhUip IV, James Pemberton, Mr. John Dillingham, John Johnson, George Alcock, Thomas Lamb, Mr. Charles Gott, " George Phillips, (minister of Water- town,) " John Wilson, (min ister of Boston,) " John Maverick and " John Wareham, ministers of Dor chester, " Samuel Skelton, (minister of Salem,) " William Colborn, (after, ruling elder of the first church in Boston,) " William Aspinwall, (after, Secretary of Rhode Island Co lony,) Edward Converse, Richard Church, Richard Silvester, William Balstone, John Phillips, Nathaniel Bowman, Daniel Abbot, Mr. Samuel Pool, &c. Mcr 322 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1630. King of G, Britain, Charles I,— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, PhUip IV, (But many of them seem not to be made free men till May 18, 1631 ; which see. But captain Johnson says, that) at the Court in October many of the first planters came and were made free ; yet afterward none were admitted to this fellowship but such as were at first joined in fellowship with ¦one of the churches of Christ ; their chiefest aim being bent to promote this, work altogether ; (and that) the number of freemen this year was about 110. J (But he mistakes in calling this theip second Court on the south side of the river.) October 23. Mr. Rossiter, one of the assistants dies ; w a godly man, and of a good estate, which still weakens us ; so that now there are left, of the five undertakers, but three, namely, governor Win throp, deputy-governor Dudley, and sir R. Salton stall ; and seven other assistants, dd (namely, cap tain Endicot, Messrs. Ludlow, Nowell, Pynchon, Coddington, Bradstreet, and T. Sharp. See Octo ber 20, 1629, March 23, August 23, and September 7, 1630.) October 25. Mr. Colborn, who was chosen dea con by the congregation a week before, (is now) invested by imposition of hands of the minister, (that is, Mr. Wilson) and elder, (that is, Mr. No- well.) w The governor, in consideration of the inconve niences which had grown in England, by drinking one to another, restrained it at his own table, and wished others to do the like ; so as it grows by little and little to (be) disused, w October 29. ' The Handmaid arrives at Plym outh ; having been twelve weeks at sea, and spent all her masts. Of twenty-eight cows, lost ten ; has about sixty passengers, who come all well.' w NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 323 1630. King of G, Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. The first recorded as baptised in Boston church, are said to be baptised in said church in this month, and are only three, namely, Joy and Recompence, daughters of brother John Miles ; and Pity, daughter of our brother William Bal stone. bcr October e., The governor, deputy-governor, and Mr. (Samuel) Maverick join in sending out our pinnace to the Narragansetts, to trade for corn to supply our wants. After doubling Cape Cod, she put into the next harbor she found ; and there meeting with Indians who showing their willing ness to truck, she made her voyage there, and brought us an hundred bushels of corn, which help ed us something. From the coast where they traded, they saw a very large island four leagues to the east, which the Indians commended as a fruitful place, full of good vines, and free from sharp frosts ; having one only entrance into it by a navigable river ; inhabited by a few Indians, which for a trifle would leave the island, if the English would set them upon the main, dd (This v is, no doubt, the island of Aquethneck, after called Rhode Island.) About November, the governor and deputy-go vernor, with most of the assistants, remove their families to Boston. H November 9. The fourth Court of assistants, but the first at Boston. Present, governor, dep uty-governor, Mr. Ludlow, captain Endicot, Mr. Coddington, Pynchon, Bradstreet. Ordered, first, that every Englishman who kills a wolf within this patent, shall have one penny for every beast and horse, and one farthing for every weaned swine her Boston Church Records, in manuscript. 324 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1630, King of G, Britain,Charles L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, and goat, in every plantation, to be levied by the constables of said plantations. And, second, who ever will first give in his name to the governor, that he will undertake to set up a ferry between Boston and Charlestown, and begin the same at such time as the governor shall appoint, shall have one pen ny for every person, and one penny for every hun dred pound weight of goods he shall so transport. Mcr November 10. Firrain, of Watertown, has his wigwam burnt, w Divers have their hay-stacks burnt, by burning the grass, w November 1 1 . The master (of the Handmaid) comes to Boston, with captain Standish, and two gentlemen passengers who come to plant here ; but having no testimonials, we would not receive them, w November 30. The fifth and last Court of as sistants this year, but the second at Boston. Pre sent, governor, deputy-governor, sir R. Saltonstall, Messrs. Ludlow, Nowell, Pynchon, Coddington, Bradstreet j first, one of the assistants fined 51. for whipping two persons without the presence of another assistant, contrary to an act of Court for merly made : second, ordered that a man be whipt for shooting at fowl on the Sabbath day : and third, that 601. he collected for the maintenance of Mr. Wilson and Mr. Phillips, namely, out of Boston 20Z. Watertown20 Charlestown lOZ. Roxbury 6 Medford 3/. Winnesemet 1 Mcr Of the people who came over with us, from the time of their setting sail from England in April f this yearj to December, there died by estimation 200 at the least ; so low hath the Lord brought us. Yet they who survived were not discouraged, but NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 325 1630, King of G, Britain, Charies I,— France, Lewis XI11,T-Spain, Philip IV, bearing God's corrections with humility, and trust ing in his mercies, and considering how after a lower ebb he had raised up our neighbours at Plymouth, we began again, in December, to con sult about a fit place to build a town upon, dd December 6. The governor and most of the assistants and others meet at Roxbury, and agr^e to build a town fortified upon the neck between that and Boston ; and a committee is appointed to consider of all things requisite, &c. w December 16. The committee meet at Roxbury, and upon further consideration for ('three^ reasons it is concluded we should not have a town in the place aforesaid ; first, because men would be forced to keep two families ; second, there is no run ning water, and if there are any springs, they will not suffice the town ; third, the most of the people have built already, and would nOt be able to build again ; so we agree to meet at Watertown, this day se'nnight, and in the meantime other places should be viewed, w Captain Neale and other gentlemen come to us (at Boston) ; he came in the barque Warwick this summer to JPascatov^ay, sent as governor there for sir Ferdinand Gorges and others, w December 21. We meet again at Watertown, and here, upon view of a place a mile beneath the town, all agree it a fit place for a fortified town, and we take time to consider farther about it. December 24. Till this time there was [for the most part] fair open weather, with gentle frosts in the night, but this day the wind comes N. W. very sharp and some snow, but so cold that some have their fingers froze and in danger to be lost, w December 26. (Lord's day) the rivers are froze up, and they of Charlestown could not come to the 326 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1630, King of G, Britain, Charles I,— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, Philip IV. sermon at Boston until the afternoon at high wa ter, w Many of the cows and goats are forced to be ^till abroad for want of houses, w December 28. After many consultations at Bos ton, Roxbury and Watertown, by governor Win throp (deputy-governor Dudley) and assistants, about a fit place to build a town for the seat of government, they this day agree on a place on the west Crather northwest side of Charles river, about three miles west from Charlestown : and all except Mr. Endicot and (T.) Sharp,* oblige themselves to build houses there the following spring, and remove their ordnance and munition thither ; and first call the place Newton, but after ^namely, in 1638J Cambridge, dd msl December 22. Richard Garret of Boston, with one of his daughters a young maid, and four others, against the advice of their friends, went towards , Plymouth in a shallop, and about the Gurnet's Nose, the wind blew so much at northwest, as they were put to sea, and the boat took in much water, which froze so hard as they could not free her, so that they gave themselves for lost, and committing them selves to God, disposed themselves to die. But one of their company espying land near Cape Cod, they made a shift to hoist up part of their sail, and by God's special providence were carried through the rocks to the shore, where some got on land, Ijut some had their legs frozen in the ice, so as they were forced to be cut out. Being now on shore they kindle a fire, but having no hatchet, they can get but little wood, and are forced to lie in the open air all night, being extremely cold. In the (* The former living at Salem and) the latter purposing to return by the next ship to England, dd NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 327 1630, King"of G, Britain, Charies I,— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, PhUip IV. morning two of their company go towards Ply mouth. [Supposing it within seven or eight miles, whereas it is near fifty from them] fand not an English house nearer.^ By the way they meet two Indian squaws, who telling their husbands they had met two Englishmen that had been ship wrecked, make after them and bring them back to their wigwam, and entertain them kindly, and one of them fnamely of the IndiansJ next day goes with them to Plymouth ; and the other (Indian) goes to find out their boat and the rest of their company which are seven miles off, and having found them helps them what he can, returns to his wigwam, fetches a hatchet, builds them a wigwam, covers it, gets them Avood : (for they were so weak and fro zen, as they could not stir) and Garret dies about two days after his landing ; and the ground so fro zen as they could not dig his grave, the Indian, with his hatchet, hews a hole about half a yard deep, (puts the) corpse in it, and lays over it a great heap of wood to keep it from the wolves. By this time the governor of Plymouth sends three men to them with provisions, who launched their boat (which the wind had driven up to high water markj and with a fair wind get to Plymouth, where another of their company dies, his flesh being mortified with the frost, and the two who went towards Ply mouth died also, one of them being not able to get thither, and the other had his foot so frozen as he died of it after. The girl escaped best, and one Harwood, a godly man of the congregation of Boston, lies long under the surgeon's hand, w 328 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1630, King of G, Britain, Charies I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. APPENDIX TO 1630. I. Articles of uncertain dates. Half our cows and almost all our mares and goats sent us out of England died at sea, and those intended to be sent us out of Ireland were not sent at all : all which, together with the loss of our six months' building, occasioned by pur intended remo val to a town to be, fortified, weaken our estates, especially the estates of the undertakers, who were three or four thousand pounds (sterling) engaged in the joint stock, which is now not above so many hundreds, yet many of us labor to bear it as com fortably as we coyld, remembering the end of our coming hither, and knowing the power of God, who can support and raise us again, and useth to bring his servants low that the meek may be made glorious by deliverance, dd It goes harder with this poo^ people in their be ginnings, because of the scarcity of all sorts of grain this year in England ; every bushel of wheat meal standing them in fourteen shillings (sterling) and every bushel of peas ten shillings, and not easy to be' procured neither. H (And) coming into this country, we found some English at Salem, and some few at Charlestown, who were very destitute ; and planting time being past, shortly after, provi sion was not to be had for money. And the un subdued wilderness yielding little food, many were in great straits for want of provision for themselves and their little ones. We quickly built boats, and some went a fishing. Bread was with many a very scarce thing, and flesh of all kinds as scarce : and oh the hunger that many suffered, and saw no hope in an eye of reason to be supplied, but with fish, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 829 1630, King of G, Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. clams and muscles. But God caused his people to be contented with mean things, and to trust in him. c II. A list of Ships which arrived in JVew-England this year. No Names whence set sail when set sail when arrived where arrived Lion Mary -John Arbella Jewel Ambrose TalbotMay-Flower Whale Hopewell Wm.faFian, TryalCharlesSuccess Gift Another dd Handmaid England Bristol Plymouth -) Yarmouth / at the f Isle of ) Wight S, Hampton ditto dittodittoditto dittoditto 1630 Feb, dd March 20 April 8 dittoditto dittoMay ditto dittodittoditto ditto ditto May e June dd August 6 1630 May e. May 30 June 12 June 13 June 18 July 2 '¦ July 1 JulysJuly 5 July 6 August 20 October 29 New-England SalemNantasket y Salem Charlestown (Salem) ) Charlestown 5 Salem (Salem) Charlestown Plymouth Another set out by a private merchant, dd These seventeen ships arrived all safe in New_- England, for the increase of the population here, this year, 1630. dd III. Accounts of the thirteen Magistrates who came this year with the Charter, as far as 1 have met with. 1. John Winthrop, esquire, governor. His an cestor was Adam Winthrop, a worthy gentleman (in England,^ who had a son of the same name, a discreet, learned gentleman, eminent for skill in the law, not without remark for his love to the Gospel under the reign of king Henry VIII. ; and f another son j a memorable favorer of the reformed religion in the days of queen Mary, into whose hands the famous martyr Philpot committed his papers, which afterwards made no inconsiderable part of our martyr books. This Mr. Adam Win throp had a son of the same name, endowments c Captain Clapp's memoirs. 42 330 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1630. King of G. Britain, Charies I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV. and employments, with his father. And this third Mr. Adam Winthrop was father to this renowned John Winthrop, who is the founder of a colony, which on many accounts like him that founded it, may challenge the first place among the glories of America. Born at the mansion house of his an cestors, at Groton, in Suffolk, on July 12, 1587; (had) an agreeable education, but the accomplish ments of a lawyer were those wherewith heaven made his chief opportunities to be serviceable. Being at the age of eighteen made a Justice of the Peace, his virtues began to fall under a more gene ral observation, (was) not only exemplary for his conformity to the laws of Christianity in his conver sation, but also discovered a more than ordinary measure of those qualities which adorn an oflScer of human society. His justice was impartial, his wisdom excellently tempered things according to the art of governing, his courage made him dare to do right, all which virtues he rendered the more illustrious by emblazoning them with the constant liberality and hospitality of a gentleman. This made him the terror of the wicked, the delight of the sober, and the hope of those who had any hopeful design in hand for the good of the nation and the interest of religion. Accordingly when the noble design of carrying a colony of chosen people into an American wilderness, was by some eminent persons undertaken, this eminent person was, by the consent of all, chosen for the Moses who must be the leader of so great an undertak ing ; wherefore having sold a fair estate of six or seven hundred (sterling) a year, he (now) trans mitted himself with the effects of it into New-Eng land ; cm (in the forty-third year of his age, is the cm Doctor Cotton Mather, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 331 1630, King of G, Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. first governor of the Massachusetts Colony, one of the five undertakers, the first member who joined in forming the Congregational Church of Charles town and Boston, and the principal cause of fixing on Boston for the metropolis.) 2. Thomas Dudley esquire, deputy-governor. Born at Northampton in 1574, (rather 1576) the only son of captain Roger Dudley ; who being slain in the wars left this our Thomas, who in the family of the east of Northampton (learned) the points of good behaviour, and fitted himself to do many benefits to the world ; next became a clerk to Judge Nichols, [who being his kinsman by the mother, took the more special notice of him,] (im proved) the advantage to attain such skill in the law, as was of great advantage in the future changes of his life ; and the Judge would have preferred him to higher employments, whereto his prompt wit not a little recommended him, if he had not been by death prevented. But before he could do much at the pen for which he was very well accomplished, he was called to the sword ; for being a young gen tleman well known for ingenuity, courage and con duct, when soldiers were to be raised by order of queen Elizabeth for the service of king Henry IV. (of France against the Spaniards on the bordefs of the Netherlands in 1597,) none of the (youths) about Northampton were willing to enter the ser vice till a commission was given to young Dudley to be their captain, and then presently fourscore listed under hira. At the head of these he went over, was at the siege of A miens ; and thus came to be furnished for the field as well as the bench ; but (the French and Spaniards making peace in June 1, 1598,) he returned to England, settled (near) (Northampton, married a gentlewoman, 332 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1630. King of G, Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV , whose extract and estate were considerable, and the situation of his (dwelling) helped him to enjoy the ministry of Mr. Dod, Cleaver, Winston, and Hildersham, excellent and renowned men ; which Puritan ministry so seasoned his heart with religion that he was a devout christian, and a follower of the ministers that most effectually preached real Christianity all his days. The spirit of real Chris tianity in him now also disposed him to sober nonconformity, and from this time, [though none more hated the fanaticisms and enthusiasms of wild- opinionists,] he became a judicious dissen ter from the unscriptural ceremonies retained in the church of England. Not long after this, the lords Say and Compton, and other persons of quality, made such observations on him as to com mend hira to the service of the earl of Lincoln, then a young man and newly come to the posses sion of his earldom ; (whose) grandfather had left his affairs under vast entanglements, out of which his father was never able to extricate himself, which caused (the young earl) to apply to Mr. Dudley for assistance, who proved so able, careful and faithful a steward, that in a little while the debts of near twenty thousand pounds were happily (discharged.) By this means also a match was procured between the young earl and the lord Say's daughter, who proved a most virtuous lady and a great blessing to the whole family. In this (business) Mr. Dudley continued about nine or ten years ; but then growing desirous of a more private life, retired to Boston, (in England) where the ministry and acquaintance of Mr. Cotton (were) no little satisfaction to him. But the earl could no more be without Mr. Dudley, than Pharaoh without his Joseph, and prevailed with him to resume his former employment ; till the NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 333 1630. King of G, Britain, Charles I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV. Storm of persecution on the nonconformists caused many men of great worth to transport theraselves to New England. Mr. Dudley was not the least of the worthy raen (who) bore a part in this trans portation, in hopes that in an Araerican wilderness they might peaceably enjoy the pure worship of Christ. And when the undertakers for (this) plan tation came tO know him, they soon saw that in hira that caused them to choose him their deputy- governor ; in which capacity he (now) arrived cm (here, in the fifty-fourth year of his age ; was one of the five undertakers, the second member in form ing the congregational church of Charlestown and Boston, and a principal founder of the town of Newtown, after called Cambridge ; being zealous to have it made the metropolis, and is one of the first who builds and settles there in the spring en suing.) 3. Sir Richard Saltonstall, (was the son or grandson to sir Richard Saltonstall, who as Mun dy in his Chronicle records, was lord mayor of Lon don in 1597, who was son to Gilbert Saltonstall of Halifax in Yorkshire. He was the first associate to the six original patentees mentioned in king Charles I. his charter of the Massachusetts, of March 4, 1628, 9, and the fourth assistant made therein ; now comes over their first assistant, a worthy Puritan, one of the five undertakers, the first founder of the town, and first member of the congregational church of Watertown.) 4. Isaac Johnson, esquire. (He had married the lady Arbella, of the house of the earls of Lin coln ; was the second associate to the six original patentees mentioned in said charter, and the fifth assistant made therein ; who now comes over their second assistant and one of the five undertakers. 334 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1630. King of G, Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, was the third member who joined in forming the Congregational Church of Charlestown and Boston, and the principal founder of the town of Boston. And for the rest, see Julv 25, August e. September 7, and September 30, 1630. 5. Increase Nowell, Esq. (His father or grand father was brother to the famous Alexander Nowell, dean of St. Paul's in the reign of queen Elizabeth, and prolocutor of her first Convocation ; he was the seventh associate mentioned in said charter, ,and the eight assistant made therein ; and captain En dicot being the third assistant, Mr. Nowell, as their fourth, now comes over, one of the owners of the Jewel, a zealous Puritan ; the fifth who joins in forming the Congregational Church of Charles town and Boston, and the principal person who continues at Charlestown.) 6. William Vassal, esquire, (the eighteenth as sociate mentioned in said charter, and the seven teenth assistant made therein, comes over as their fifth assistant, but this last sumraer returned.) 7. William Pynchon esquire, (a gentleman of learning and religion, the nineteenth associate mentioned in said charter, and the thirteenth as sistant made therein, as their sixth assistant now comes over ; is the principal founder of the town of Roxbury, and the first member who joins in forming the Congregational Church there.) 8. Edward Rossiter esquire, (comes over as their seventh assistant, first chosen October 20, 1629; and 10. Roger Ludlow esquire, as the ninth assist ant, first chosen February 10, 1629, 30 ; both pious gentlemen of good families in the west of Eng land, who are the principal founders of the town of Dorchester, and the first who joined in forming the NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 335 1630, King of G, Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, Congregational Church, even at Plymouth in Eng land, a little before they came away, and brought their pastor, teacher and whole church with them. See at the beginning of this year. 9. Thoraas Sharp esquire, (comes over as the eighth assistant, first chosen October 20, 1629 ; and is the sixth meraber who joins in forming the Congregational Church of Charlestown and Bos ton.) 11. John Revell esquire, (comes over as the tenth assistant, first chosen October 20, 1629, 30, and was one of the five undertakers ; but returned this last sumraer with Mr. William Vassal.) 12. William Coddington esquire, (was on March 18, 1629, 30, chosen at Southampton the eleventh assistant, in this capacity now comes over ; and is one who joins to the Congregational Church of Charlestown and Boston.) 13. Simon Bradstreet esquire, son of a minister in Lincolnshire, and born at Horbling, March, 1603. His father [son of a Suffolk gentleman of a fine estate] w^as one of the first Fellows in Emanuel College, under Dr. Charderton ; after highly es teemed by Mr. Cotton and Dr. Preston, and was always a Nonconformist at home, as well as when a preacher at Middleborough (in Zealand.) Our Bradstreet was brought up at the Grammar School till he was about fourteen years of age, (when) the death of his father put a stop for the present to the designs of his further education. But two or three years after, was taken into the religious family of the earl of Lincoln, [the best family of any noble man then in England] where he spent about eight years under the direction of Mr. Dudley, sustaining successively divers offices. Dr. Preston who had been my lord's tutor, then moved my lord that Mr. 336 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1630, King of G, Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XUL— Spain, Philip IV, Bradstreet might have their permission to come to Emanuel College in the capacity of governor to the lord Rich, son of the earl of Warwick, which they granting, he w-eiit with the doctor, who pro vided a chamber for him, with advice that he should apply to study till my lord's arrival. But my lord Rich not coraing, Mr. Bradstreet after a year re turned to the earl of Lincoln's, and Mr. Dudley then removing to Boston, his place of steward was conferred on Mr. Bradstreet. Afterwards he with much ado obtained the earl's leave to answer the desires of the aged and pious countess of Warwick, that he would accept the stewardship of her noble family ; which, as the former, he discharged with an exemplary discretion and fidelity. (And) here he married (Mrs. Ann) the daughter of Mr. Dud ley, cm (by which means he became one of the Massachusetts Company, and on March 18, 1629, 30, chosen at Southampton their twelfth assistant ; in this capacity comes over, about the 27th year of his age, and is the seventh member who joins in forming the said Congregational Church of Charles town and Boston.) (For John Endicot esquire, assistant, being here before, of the eighteen assistants there were twelve this last summer here together, besides the go vernor and deputy-governor.) An account of the ministers now come over, I refer to the Appendix of the year ensuing, when we shall have more to join thera, and conclude this year with, IV. The most material events in England and other places which concerned this people. April 11. Sixteen popish priests are released out of the Clink (prison in Southwark) by one NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 337 1630, King of G, Britain, Charles I.— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV, warrant under the king's own sign manual, at ' the instance of our dearest consort the queen,' as the king in his warrant writes ; and July 26, by the like warrant and instance six priests and Jesuits more released out of the same prison, but no instance known of his releasing one Puritan out of prison all his reign. [Prynn] April 12. Dr. Laud, bishop of London, made chancellor of Oxford, s May 29. Saturday, born at St. James's to king Charles I. (by his queen, a Papist) a second son, (the first being dead.) Lord's Day, June 27, chris tened by the name of Charles, (by bishop Laud,) his godfathers being the French king Lewis (a Papist) the prince Palatine (a Protestant) and god mother, the queen mother of France, Hs (a Papist.* He is afterwards king Charles II.) The pope having made anti-bishops over all the seas in Ireland, makes Richard Smith [titulary bishop of Chalcedon] bishop over all the Romish Catholics in England, who is now very busy in his employment; and the insolency of the regulars daily increases in England. Ful Dr. Leighton a Scotchman, for publishing a book, entitled an Appeal to Parliament, or a Plea against Prelacy, sentenced s in the Star Chamber to be whipt, have his forehead branded, his nose slit, and his ears cut off; Ful which is soon after inflicted, pn October 3, old style, (13 N. S.) born (at the Hague) to Frederick the (Protestant) elector Pa latine, by his lady Elizabeth (only) daughter to king s Salmons Chronological Historian, pn Pointer's Chronological Histo- torian, Ful Fuller "s Church History of Britain, * (Papists joined with Protestants, two Papists to one Protestant; and why not one of the Protestant kings and queens of Sweden or Denmark ,') 43^ 338 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1630, King of G, Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV- James I. the princess Sophia; (in the time of their banishment from the Palatinate by the popish em peror) afterwards married, viz. in 1658, to Ernest Augustus (the Protestant) duke of Hanover, by whom in 1660, she becomes the mother of king George I. Anderson December 3. James Nowell writes from Lon don, ' sir Thomas Wentworth was made viscount, with a great deal of high ceremony, on a Sunday at White Hall.' (So httle regard had king Charles for the Lord's Day.) December 5, old style, being the Lord's Day, peace between England and Spain proclaimed at London, and at Madrid December 15 ; Hs (I sup pose new style, the same day with the other. And Pointer and Salmon no doubt mistake in writilig November 27.J (This year Dr. I. Mather tells us) bishop Laud persecutes Mr. (Thoraas) Shepard (in England) for preaching a lecture, notwithstanding he is now a Conformist, not having searched into the principles of the Nonconformists till after this ; I have by me a manuscript of Mr. Shepard's, written with his own hand, in which are these words. December 16, 1630. I was inhibited from preaching in the diocess of London by Dr. Laud, bishop of that diocess. As soon as I came in the morning, about eight of the clock, falling into a fit of rage, he asked me, what degree I had taken in the University ? I answered him, I was a mas ter of arts. He asked, of what college ? I an swered, of Emanuel. He asked how long I had lived in his diocess ? I answered three years and upwards. H'e asked, who maintained me all this while .'' charging me to deal plainly with him, add ing withral, that he had been mgre cheated and NEW ENGLANB CHRONOLOGY. 339 1630. King of G. Britain, Charies I.— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. equivocated with by some of ray malignant faction than ever was man by Jesuit. At the speaking of which words he looked as though blood would have gushed out of his face, and did shake as if he had been haunted with an ague fit, to .my appre hension, by reason of his extreme malice and secret venom. I desired hira to excuse me, he fell then to threaten me, and withal to bitter railing, calling me all to naught, saying, you prating coxcomb ! do you think all the learning is in your brain ? He pronounced his sentence thus ; I charge you that •you neither preach, read, marry, bury, or exercise any ministerial function in any part of my diocess, for if you do, and I hear of it, I will be upon your back and follow you wherever you go, in any part of the kingdom, and so everlastingly disenable you. I besought him not to deal so, in regard of a poor town ; and here he stopt me in what I was going on to say. A poor town ! you have raade a company of seditious, factious bedlams, and what do you prate to me of a poor town ? I prayed him to suffer me to catechise in the Sabbath days in the afternoon ; he replied, spare your breath, I will have no such fellows prate in my diocess ; get you gone, and now make your complaints to whom you will ? So away I went, and blessed be God that I may go to him. (Thus'did this bishop, a professed disciple of the meek and lowly Jesus, treat one of the most pious, humble, diligent and faithful young ministei'S in the Church of England in this day.) The war which was renewed between the Dutch and Spaniards in 1622, yet continues. The war having raged in Germany between the emperor Ferdinand the II. a papist, and the pro testant princes, ever since 1618; wherein the Emperor had reduced Bohemia, Moravia and Si- 340 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1631, King of G, Britain, Charles I. — France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. lesia, conquered the palatinate, banished the pro testant elector from his dominions, and overrun the Lower Saxony ; beat the king of Denmark, and forced him to a disadvantageous peace, grievously oppressed the protestants, and in the fairest way to subdue them entirely ; and the protestant princes having no hope from England and implored the help of the pious and heroic Gustavus king of Sweden, he this year on June 24, N. S. in the thirty- sixth year of his age, with an army of about 12,000 foot and 3000 horse, some say but 11,000 in all, lands in Pomerania, bends down his knees on the shore, offers thanks to the Most High for his prosperous beginning of his expedition, im plores him to succeed his future undertakings for the help of his people ; and then rising up, he quick like lightning carries all before hiia, and begins their deliverance. N. B. See the most accurate and concise account of this German war in Alsted ; who thus begins this glorious enterprise. June 24, ' rex sueciae in- structus numerosis copiis appellit in Pomerania, nominis sui fama non mediocrera timorera hostibus injicit ; inde fulgure violentior omnia celerrime per- vadit ;' which I have partly construed in the words above. In twelve days reduces the isles of Rugen, Usedam, and Wallin ; in eight days more takes many cities, defeats many enemies; and in eight months takes eight castles, small ports, towns and cities, reduces the provinces of Newmarch and Pomerania. (See Alsted, and Calvisius, and S. Clark.) (N. B. The principal stage of our annals is from this time forward at Boston.) January, 1631. A house at Dorchester burnt down, w NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 541 1631, King of G, Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhiUp IV, January 3. Dies (at Boston) the daughter of Mr. Sharp (I suppose Thomas Sharp Esq ; one of the assistants) a godly virgin, making a comfortable end after a long sickness. The plantation here (that is I suppose at Boston) received not the like loss of any woman since we carae hither ; and therefore she well deserves to be remembered in this place. And among those who died at ('Boston^ about the end of January, was the daughter of John Ruggles, a girl of eleven years old ; who in the time of her sickness, expressed to the minister and those about her so much faith and assurance of salvation, as is rarely found in any of that age ; which I thought not unworthy here to commit to memory ; and if any tax me with wasting paper with recording these small matters, such may con sider, that small things in the beginning of po litic bodies, are as remarkable as greater in bodies full grown, dd As the winter came on, provisions are very scarce fin the Massachusetts BayJ and people necessitated to feed on clams and muscles, and groundnuts and acorns ; and those got with much difficulty in the winter season. Upon which peo ple grow much tired and discouraged ; especially when they hear that the governor himself has his last batch of bread in the oven. And many are the fears of the people that Mr. Pierce, who was sent to Ireland for provisions, is either cast away or taken by the pirates. Upon this a day of fasting and prayer to God for relief is appointed fto be on the sixth of February.^ But God, who delights to appear in the greatest sstraits, works marvellously at this time ; ctr for on February 5, w the very day before the appointed fast, in comes ctr the ship Lion, Mr. William ctr Charlestown lecords in manuscript. 342 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1631, King of G. Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, Pierce master, now arriving at Nantasket, w laden with provisions. Upon which joyful occasion the day is changed, and ordered to be kept ('on the 22dJ as a day of thanksgiving, ctr February 8. The governor goes aboard the Lion riding at Long Island ; ('next day) the ship comes to an anchor before Boston, ('to the great joy of the people) where she rides very well, notwithstanding the great drifts of iee. w And the provisions are by the governor distributed to the people propor tionable to their necessities, ctr The Lion (had) set sail from Bristol December first, brought about twenty passengers, and had a very stormy passage ; yet through God's mercy all the people come safe ; except one w of the sailors, who not far from our shore, in a terapest having helped to take in the sprit-sail, as he was coming down fell into the sea, where after long swimming was drowned, to the great dolour of those in the ship, who beheld so lamentable a spectacle, without being able to help him ; the sea was so high, and the ship drove so fast before the wind, though her sails were taken down, dd By this ship dd (we hear thatj the Ambrose (having been) masted at Charlestown, ('returning to EnglandJ spent all her masts near Newfoundland, and had perished if Mr. Pierce in the Lion, her xonsort, had not towed her home to Bristol. Of the other ships which returned w last suraraer, dd three, namely, the Charles, the Success and the Whale were w with two English raen of war dd set upon w by fourteen Dunkirks, dd near Plyraouth in England : and after a long fight, having lost w thirteen or fourteen raen out of our three ships, dd and being much torn, especially the Charles, w a ctr Charlestown records in manuscript. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 343 16S1, King of G, Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV, stout ship of three hundred tons, so torn that she had not much of her left whole above water, dd they got into Plymouth. Of those who went back in the ships ('last^ summer for fear of death or famine, many died by the way, and after they were landed, and others fell very sick and languish ing, w February 10. The frost breaks up in ('Boston harbour :) and it has been observed ever since this bay was planted by the English, namely, seven years, that the frost hath broke up every year at this day. w The poorer sort of people, who by long lying in tents w and small huts, _;' are much afflicted with the scurvy, and many die, especially at Boston and Charlestown. And it has been always observed here, that such as fell into discontent, and lingered after their forraer conditions in England, fell into the scurvy and died. Of the old planters and such as carae the year before, there were but two which have the scurvy in all the country. At Plymouth not any have it, no not of those who carae this (last) year, whereof there were above 60, whereas at their first planting there, near half their people died of it. w Of w^hich mortality, it raay be said of us almost as of the Egyptians, there is not an house wherein there was not one dead, and in some houses many. The natural causes seem to be the want of warm lodging and good diet, to which English ('peoplej are habituated at home, and the sudden increase of heat they endured who landed here in the sumraer ; the salt raeats at sea having prepared their bodies thereto : for those only these two last years died of fevers, who landed in June and July ; as those of Plyraouth who ('formerly^ landed in winter, died of the scurvy, as did our 344 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1631, King of G. Britain, Charles I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. poorer sort, whose houseing and bedding kept them not sufficiently warm, nor their diet sufficiently in heart, dd But when this ship came, which brought store of juice of lemons, many recover speedily. «o February 18.* w Among others who died about this time, was Mr. Robert Welden dd a hope ful young gentleman, and an experienced sol dier, w whom in the time of his sickness we had chosen to be captain of one hundred foot : but before he (could) take his place, he dies, dd at Charlestown of a consumption, and is buried at Boston with a military funeral, w three vollies, &c. dd A shallop of Mr. Glover's cast away on the rocks about Nahant, but the men are saved, w The provisions came this ('last^ year at excessive rates, in regard of the dearness of corn in Eng land ; so as every bushel of wheat meal stands us in 14s. sterling, peas lis. &c. w besides the ad venture, dd tonnage, 6/. lis. w which is 3 or 4s. a strike : an higher price than I ever tasted bread before, dd February 22. We hold a day of thanksgiving for this ship's arrival, by order from the governor and council, directed to all the plantations w throughout the (^Massachusetts^ Colony, dd March 4. First court of assistants this year at Boston : present, governor, deputy-governor, sir R. Saltonstall, Mr. Ludlow, captain Endicot, Mr. Pynchon, Nowell, ('T.J Sharp, Coddington, Brad street ; first, ordered that six persons be sent to England in the ship Lion, now returning thither, as persons unmeet to inhabit here ; also that sir Chris- * Deputy -governor Dudley's printed letter says February 16, but I choose to keep to governor Winthrop's Mss Journal. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 345 1631. King of G. Britain, Charles I.— France, Lch is XUL— Spain, Philip IV, topher Gardiner* and another be sent as prisoners in her ; second, a man fined 51. for taking upon him to cure the scurvy, by a water of no value, which he sold at a very dear rate ; to be imprisoned till he pay his fine, or give security for it, or else be whipt ; and shall be liable to any man's action of whom he has received money for the said water. Mcr March 8. From fair daylight till 8 A. M. fly over all the tow^ns in our plantations, so many flocks of , doves, each flock containing many thousands, and some so many that they obscure the light, that it passeth credit, if but the truth should be Avritten, they are all turtles ; somewhat bigger than those of Europe, and fly from northeast to south west, dd March 8. At a court at Watertown : present, governor, deputy-governor, sir R. Saltonstall, Mr. Ludlow, Nowell, Pynchon, Coddington, Brad street ; first. Sagamore John and (his subject) Pe ter, complaining of two wigwams burnt, occa sioned by a servant of sir R. Saltonstall. Ordered that sir Richard satisfy the Indians ; which he did by seven yards of cloth, and that his servant pay him for it at the end of his time 50s (sterlingf ;) * Sir Christopher Gardiner, (who It seems came over the last year) a great traveller, received his first honour of knighthood at Jerusalem, being made knight of the sepulchre there, (who) came into these parts under pretence of forsaking the world and to live a private Ufe in a godly course ; not unwil ling to put himself on any mean employments and take any pains for his living, and oflcrs himself to join to the churches in sundry places ; (had) brought over with him a servant or two and a comely young woman, whom he called his cousin, but (is) suspected to be his concubine ; (first sojourned) in the Massachusetts, B X (Said) wigwams were not inhabited, but stood in a place convenient for their shelter when they should travel that way. By examination we found that some English fowlers having retired into that which belonged to the subject (of the Sagamore) and leaving a fire therein carelessly, which they 44 346 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1631, King of G, Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV. second, in regard that the number of assistants is but few, and some of thera are going for England, ordered, that when the number of assistants resi dent within this jurisdiction shall be fewer than nine, it shall be lawful for the major part of them to keep a court ; and whatever orders or acts they make, shall be as legal and authentical, as if there were the full number of seven or more. Mcr March 15. Dies at Salem, Mrs. Skelton, the wife of the minister there ; a godly, helpful woman, lived desired, dies lamented, and well deserves to be honorably remembered, dd The ship Lion now waits but for wind, which when it blows ('fairj they are ready to go aboard for England, sir R. Saltonstall, Mr. ('T.j Sharp, Mr. Coddington, and many others : the most of which purpose, if God will, to return to us again. In the meantime we are left a people, poor and contemptible ; yet such as trust in God, and are contented with our condition ; being well assured, that he will not fail us nor forsake us. dd March 16.* About noon, the chimney of Mr. CT.J Sharp's house in Boston takes fire ; and taking the thatch, burns it down : and the wind being northwest, drives the fire to Mr. Colborn 's house, (some) rods off, burns that down also, w Which houses, as good and as well furnished as the most in the plantation, are in two hours burned to the ground, with much of their household stuff, apparel, and other things, as also sorae goods of had kindled to warm them, were the cause of burning thereof. For that which was the Sagamore's (own,) we could find no certain proof how it was fired ; yet lest he should think us not sedulous enough to find it out, and so should depart discontentedly from us, we gave both him and his subject satisfaction for them both, dd * In deputy-governor Dudley's printed letter it is March 17, but I keep to governor Winthrop's Mss, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 347 1631. King of G. Britain, Charles I.— France, Lewis XUL— Spain, PhUip IV, Others who sojourned with them : God so pleasing to exercise us with this kind of correction ; prevention whereof, in our new town intended to be built this summer, we have ordered that no man there shall build his chimney with wood, nor cover his house with thatch ; which was readily assented to ; for that divers other houses have been burned since our arrival, dd March 22. Court of assistants at Boston. Pre sent, governor, deputy-governor, Mr. Ludlow, Cod dington, Nowel, sir R. Saltonstall, Mr. Pynchon, (T.) Sharp, Bradstreet. Ordered, first, that arti ficers be left at liberty to agree for wages. (See August 23, 1630) Second, that every town within this patent, before April 5, take care that every person in them, [excepting magistrates and minis ters] as well servants as others be furnished with sufficient arras, allowable by the captains or other officers ; those who are able, to buy thera ; the town to provide for those who are unable, and to receive satisfaction from thera when they are able. Third, that all who have cards, dice, or tables in their houses, shall raake away with thera before the next court. Mcr March 23. Chickatabot (the chief Sachera of the Massachusetts) comes with his sannups and squaws (that is, married men and their wives) to Boston, presents the governor with a hogshead of Indian corn. After they had all dined, had each a cup of sack and beer, and his men tobacco, he sent away all his men and women ; [though the governor would have stayed them in regard of the rain and thunder] himself and one squaw and one sannup stay all night ; and (he) being in English clothes, the governor sets hira at his table ; where he behaves himself as soberly, for their lecturer or vicar in Plymouth ; of which bishop Laud being informed, presently, viz. September 12, procures a letter from (the king) to the mayor and corporation of Ply mouth, not to choose Mr. Ford their lecturer or vicar on any terms under pain of his displeasure ; and another letter to the bishop of Exeter, not to admit hira to be their lecturer or vicar, in case they should elect him. It After August 2, dies Mr. Arthur Hildershara~, derived by his mother frora the duke of Clarence, (second son of king Edward III.) bred in Christ's College in Carabridge, rainister of Ashby de la Zouch (in Leicestershire) forty-three years, a learned writer ; though a nonconforraist, he loved all honest raen, were they of a different judgment ; minded herein like Luther, who gave for his motto, in whorasoever I see any thing of Christ, hira I love. Ful (Leigh says) he was a learned and judicious divine, quotes scripture pertinently, and his works are excellent ; and Mr. T. Hall styles hira an oracle and honour of his tirae : (yet nei ther the royal blood in his veins, nor his eminent learning, piety and charity protected him from be ing persecuted by the then bishops ; for Fuller says, that) after he entered the ministry, he met with many molestations, being in Silenced by Restored by i. 1590, June- The High Commissioners, Ditto 1591, Jan. 9 a, 1605. Apr. 24, Bp, Chaderton, Bp. Bariow, 1608, Jan 2 3, 1611. Nov, Bp, Neile, Dr. Ridley, 1625, June 4. 1630, March 4. Court at Leicester, Ditto ,1631, August 2, 49 386 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1631, King of G, Britain, Charles I, — France, Lewis XIIL — Spain, Philip IV. After September dies the reverend Mr. Robert Bolton, B. D. aged 60. Being born in 1572 : in 1592 went to Lincoln College, in Oxford ; there he became an excellent logician and philosopher ; and wrote out all Homer ; so that he could with as much facility dispute in the schools in Greek, as in Latin or English ; removed to Brazen-Nose Col lege, where in 1602, he was made a Fellow, and M. A. and being chosen Lecturer, performed with such exactness, that he grew very famous : was well studied in metaphysics, matheraatics and school di vinity ; his disputations in the University performed with such acuteness of witjfend profound learning, that he was chosen by the vice-chancellor at king James's first coming to the University, to be one of the disputants before him. In the thirty-fifth year of his age was ordained (that is, about 1607) and two years after preferred to Broughton in North amptonshire : applied himself wholly to his studies and the ministry ; aimed at the conversion of souls^ and God crowned his labors, by making him an instrument (of converting) many tO righteousness ; oft refused preferment, that he might not be di vorced frora that country where his ministry found such entertainment and effect, &c. S. Clark. (Both the persons and works of these two fa mous rainisters were highly esteemed by the pious settlers of New-England.) Noveraber 4. Born to king Charles I. the prin cess Mary, at St. Jaraes's ; Hs who in 1641, May 2, is married to W^illiam II. prince of Orange ; and in 1650, November 4, becoraes the mother of Williara III. afterwards king of England. Anderson. III. The raost material events among foreign nations. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 387 1631, King of G. Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, (The war between the Spaniards and Dutch continues, without any help from the Court of Eng land.) In Germany. This being a most critical year, wherein the settlers of New-England as well as all Europe, were greatly concerned, I hope the reader will excuse the following summary. While Gus tavus is with a sraall array delivering the electorate of Brandenburgh ; the Popish eraperor's old Ge neral, Count Tilly, with 21,000 veteran troops, besieges the raost noble, protestant and flourishing city of Magdeburgh, the fairest ornament in Ger many ; and by treachery or negligence of some, in not duly watching a gate, early on May 10, his forces enter, and by his cruel order set the city in flames ; spare no rank, age or sex, rip up women with child, raurder sucking infants before the eyes of their mothers, violate the virgins in the open streets, yea the young girls even to death ; to avoid which, some of them drown themselves, and others run into the fire before Tilly's eyes ; in twenty-four hours consume this great and magnificent city, with its sixteen churches and chapels by fire, leaving only the cathedral and one hundred and fifty-nine poor cottages standing ; fill all places with dead bodies ; so that of 40,000 citizens in the morning, scarce 400 escape at night ; and the carcasses of the men, women and children thrown into the river to roll into the sea ; the Popish general boasting, calls this horrid tragedy the marriage feast of Mag deburgh, and in triuraph raarches to Saxony, to lay waste that Protestant Electorate also. Hereupon Gustavus, greatly afflicted, first has tily restores . the Protestant Dutchy of Mecklen- burgh to its dignity, unjustly deprived thereof by the emperor ; delivers the rest of the Protestant 388 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1631. King of G, Britain, Charles I, — France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, PhUip IV, Electorate of Brandeburgh, driving the Popish troops away before hira, marches to the Elbe, tak ing raany towns and castles by the way ; builds a bridge, passes with his little army of about 8000 over it ; cuts off alraost all the foot of several regi ments Tilly sent to oppose him ; forms a strong camp on the Elbe, and reduces divers garrisons round about. Tilly marching towards him with 26,000 veterans : but 7000 of his advanced parties being cut off by stratagehi in divers fights, while the king's main body being ranch inferior keep his camp ; Tilly raarches back to finish the ruin of Saxony. In this distress the queen with 8000 men from Sweden, and at the end of July, Marquis Hamilton sent by king Charles, with 6000 foot from Great Britain, land in Pomerania ; but the king and Hamilton disagreeing, the latter returns inglo rious ; and the king, as it eeeras, leaving the Bri tons to keep the garrisons, and taking those few brave Scots and English who had fought under him in Poland, as with the Swedes to make up 20,000, joins 14,000 Saxons under their Duke, hastens to save their country : and approaching Leipsick their capital, on September 6, he with his army keeps it a day of fasting and prayer to God for help and victory. Next morning Tilly with 44,000 brave raen advan ces into the field, presenting his array in a dreadful front full two railes in length to enclose the king's. Tilly's word was ' Saint Mary,' but the king's was ' God with us.' The king riding frora regiment to regiment crying aloud, corae on corarades, will you fight to day for the narae of J«sus Christ .'' And the battle joins. In the beginning of which, the king seeing his men hardly charged, alights frora his horse, and with bended knees prays to God again for victory. Tilly's veterans quickly make the NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 589 1632, King of G, Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, Saxon wing to fly, and kill 2000 of thera ; then fall with their main force on the Swedes and some brave Scots and English under the king ; Tilly crying out, let us beat the Swedes too, and then all Germany is our own ; ('that is, to oppress, to ravish and massacre as we please,^ and turning even all the Saxon cannon on the Swedes, a most terrible fight ensues Cthe fate of the Protestant religion both in Europe and Araerica now dependingj for five hours ; until night comes on : when that for midable Popish army which for twelve years to gether had triuraphed over and oppressed the Pro testants, is broken to pieces ; 15,000 of thera slain, many thousands of them wounded: Tilly wounded, flies twenty miles that night. Next day the king pursuing slays 2000 more ; 6000 forsaking the Im perial side, list under him ; by the end of the month recovers all Saxony : and as he began with prayer, he ends with praise ; appointing with the duke a day of public thanksgiving in the army, and through that Electorate. Then goes on, reduces Franco- nia, Wateravia and the Palatinate ; and in this one year recovers the raiddle parts of Gerraany frora the Baltic Sea, to Mentz and Spires on the Rhine ; and wherever he coraes, restores their liberties and the Protestant religion, to their unbounded joy. January 27, 1632. Governor Winthrop and others go by Charles river, (no doubt a-foot) eight miles above Watertown, ascend the highest hills, and view (the frozen countries and distant ran ges of mountains, for forty or fifty miles round about.) w February 3. Court of assistants at Boston. Present, governor, deputy-governor, Mr. Ludlow, captain Endicot, Mr. Nowell, Pynchon, S. Brad street. Order, that sixty pounds be levied out of 390 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1632, King of G, Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. the several plantations, towards making a palisado about Newton, namely. 1 Watertown, £8 7 Salem, £410 2 Newton, 3 8 Boston, 8 3 Charlestown, 7 9 Roxbury, 7 4 Medford, 3 10 Dorchester, 7 5 Saugus, and ) 6 Marble Harbor, I 6 11 Wessaguscus, 5 12 Winesemet. 110 Mcr £60 February 17. Governor Winthrop and assist ants call before them at Boston divers of Water- town ; the pastor and elder by letter, and the others by warrant. The occasion was, that a war rant being sent to Watertown for levying their (abovesaid) eight pounds rate, the pastor, elder,' &,c. assembled the people, and delivered their opinion, that it was not safe to pay (said tax) for fear of bringing themselves and posterity into bon dage. The ground of their error was, they took this government to be no other but that of a mayor and aldermen, who have not power to make laws or raise taxes without the people. But understand ing this governraent is rather in the nature of a Parliaraent, and that no assistant could be chosen but by the freemen, who have likewise power to remove the assistants, and put in others ; and therefore at every General Court [which is to be held once every year] they have free liberty to pro pound any thing concerning the same, and to declare their grievances, without being subject to question, &c. They are fully satisfied, freely con fess they were in an error, acknowledge their fault, and make a recantation and submission under their hands ; and their submission is accepted, and their offence pardoned, w NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 391 1632, King of G, Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. March 6. (Being Tuesday, and not 5, as go vernor Winthrop) Court of assistants at Boston. Present, governor, deputy-governor, Mr. Ludlow, captain Endicot, Mr. Nowell, Pynchon, S. Brad street. First, order, that courts [which before were every three weeks,] lo shall be held the first Tuesday in every month. Second, ten more take their oath of freemen, namely, Mr. John Eliot, Jacob Eliot, &c. Mcr March 14. The bark Warwick, arrives at Nan tasket, and the 19th at Winesemet. Having been at Pascataquack and Salem, to sell corn which she brought from Virginia, w April 3. Court of assistants at Boston. Pre sent, governor, deputy-governor, Mr. Ludlow, cap tain Endicot, Mr. Nowell, Pynchon, S. Bradstreet. First, Conant's Island demised to governor Win throp (upon certain terms) and the name is changed, and is to be called the Governor's Gar den. Second, four take their oaths of freemen, namely, Mr. John Winthrop, Jun., John Sampeford, (or Samford,) Mr. William Aspinwall, William Hub- bert (fee. M^cr April 9. The bark Warwick, and Mr. (S.) Ma verick's pinnace, go out, bound to Virginia, (no doubt for corn.) lo ' April 12. Governor Winthrop receives letters from Plyraouth, signifying that there had been a broil between their raen at Sowaras, and the Nar raganset Indian.?, who set upon the English house there, to take Ousamequin the Sagamore of Paca- nacot (since called Bristol) who fled thither with all his people, for refuge ; and that captain Stand ish being gone thither to relieve the three English in the house, had sent home in all haste for more 392 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGli'. 1632, King of G, Britain, Charles I, — France, Lewis XIU, — Spain, Philip IV, men and other provisions, upon intelligence that Canonicus with a great army were coining against them ; (entreating) that sorae powder raay be sent with all speed possible ; for it seeras they were unfurnished. Upon this, governor Winthrop pre sently despatches the messenger, with as much powder as he can carry (doubtless being a-foot, there being no horses in New England in those days) namely twenty-seven pounds, out of the go vernor's own store.' w 'April 11. The messenger returns, and brings a letter from governor (Bradford) signifying that the Indians are retired from Sowams, to fight witlf the Pequims (or Pequots) which is probable, be cause John Sagamore, and Chickatabot are gone with all their raen ; John with thirty and Chicka tabot with to Canonicus, who had sent for them.' 10 (To this agrees the testiraony of divers ancient Indians, inserted in Westerly Records. Frora which, and other ancient testimonies, it seems, first, that there was war between the Pequots and Narragansets, about 1632. Second, that said war was about the territory between Pacatuck river on the west, and Wecapaug brook on the east ; about ten railes wide, and fifteen or twenty long, northerly frora the sea. Third, that Canonicus and Miantenomy, chief Sachems of Narraganset, had conquered it many years before the English had any war with the Pequots. Fourth, that those two Sachems maintained the war of 1632, the former being uncle to the latter ; and that Nine- grad was another uncle to Miantenomy, but had no hand in the war. Fifth, that the war began in 1632, and ended in 1635, or about two years be fore the war between the Pequots and the English. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 393 1632, King of G, Britain,Charles L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. Sixth, that Sossoa, or Sochso, originally a Pequot, but a renegade to the Narragansets, was a great captain in this war, and fought valorously for thera, and in 1635 Canonicus and Miantenoray, pretend to give said tract to him ; but he neVer holds posses sion. For, seventh, the Pequots are now too hard for the Narragansets ; and either recover or obtain said tract and hold it, to the w^ar between the Pe quots and the English, in 1637.) A ware erected by Watertown men, on Charles river, three miles above the town, where they take great store of shad, w May 1 . A Dutch ship brings from Virginia two thousand bushels of corn, which sell at four shil lings six pence (sterling) a bushel, lo (No doubt a joyful iraport, though it carried their money away.) ' An Indian brings (to governor Winthrop) a let ter from captain Standish, at Sowams, to this effect ; that the Dutchmen [with thenij for trading at Anyganset or Narraganset] had lately inforraed him, that many Pequins (or Pequots) who are pro fessed enemies to the Anygansets, had been there divers days, and advised us to be watchful, &c.' May 8. w (Tuesday, rather 9, Wednesday, as in Mcr) General Court at Boston. Present, govern or, deputy-governor, Mr. Ludlow, Nowell, Pyn chon, S. Bradstreet. First, generally agreed, that the governor, deputy-governor, and assistants, shall be chosen by the whole Court of governor, deputy- governor, assistants, and freemen ; and that the governor shall always be chosen out of the assist ants chosen for the year ensuing. Second, John Winthrop, Esq. chosen governor, Thomas Dudley, Esq. deputy-governor, Messrs. Ludlow, Nowell, Pynchon, Bradstreet, captain Endicot, John Hum- 50 394 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1632, King of G, Britain, Charles 1,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. frey, Esq. Mr. Coddington, [because these two are daily expected, lo] and John Winthrop, Jun. assist ants. Third, order there shall be two of every plantation to confer with the Court about raising a public stock. Mcr. Every town choose two, w namely, 1 Mr. Oldham and Mr. Masters, for Watertown. 2 Robert Coles and John Johnson, for Roxbury. 3 Mr. William Colborn and Wilhara Chees- brough, for Boston. 4 Richard Wright and , for Saugus. 5 Mr. Lock wood and Mr. Spencer, for Newton. 6 Mr. Gibbons and Mr. Palraer, for Charlestown. 7 Mr. Conant and Peter Palfrey, for Salem. 8 William Felps and John Gallard, for Dorches ter. Mcr (Here is no mention of Wessaguscus, Medford, Winesemet, nor Marble Harbor.) All things are carried very lovingly, and the people carry them selves with much silence and modesty, w (And this seeras to pave the way for a House of Repre sentatives in the General Courts.) Governor (Winthrop) araong other things, used this speech to the people ; That he had received gratuities frora divers towns, which he received with ranch comfort and content. He had also re ceived many kindnesses from particular persons, which he could not refuse, lest he should be ac counted uncourteous, &c. But he professed he received thera with a trembling heart, in regard to God's rule, and the consciousness of his own infir mity ; and therefore desired that hereafter they would not take it ill if he (should) refuse presents from particular persons, except the assistants and some special friends. To which no answer is made, but he is told after, that raany good people NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 395 1632. King of G, Britain, Charies I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, were much grieved at it, for that he never had any allowance towards the charge of his place, w May 24. The fortification on the Corn hill (I suppose since called Fort hill) at Boston (now) begins. The 25th, Charlestown raen come and work on the fortification ; Roxbury the next, and Dorchester the next, lo May 26. The Whale arrives (at Boston) with (the reverend) Mr. Wilson, Mr. (Richard) Dura- mer, and about thirty passengers, all in health ; and of seventy cows lost but two ; she carae from Hampton April 8, Mr. Graves master, w (And no doubt brings the joyful news of the king of Swe den's wonderful success in Germany.) June 5. Court of assistants at Boston. Pre sent, governor, deputy-governor, Mr. Nowell, Pyn chon, Ludlow, Winthrop, Jr. S. Bradstreet. First, the Court taking into consideration the great mercy of God to the (reformed) churches in Germany, and (especially) the Palatinate, &.c. appoint the 13th of this month to be kept as a day of public thanksgiving throughout the several plantations. And, second, agree there shall be a trucking house in every plantation, whither the Indians raay resort to trade, to avoid their coming to several houses. Mcr June 5. Arrives (at Boston) the Williara and Francis, Mr. Thoraas raaster, with about sixty pas sengers ; whereof Mr. (Thomas) Weld, and old Mr. (Stephen) Batchelor, being aged 71, with their families, and many other honest men ; also the Charles of Barstable, with Mr. (Timothy) Hather ly the merchant, about twenty passengers, near eighty cows, and six mares, all safe and in health ; they set sail, namely, the Williara and Francis, from London, March 9 ; the Charles from Barsta- 396 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1632. King of G, Britain, Charies I, — France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, PhUip IV, ble April 10 ; and they met near Cape Ann. w Mr. (Edward) Winslow (of Plymouth) comes in the William and Francis ; and Mr. Hatherly coraes in the Charles, w to dwell and plant in the coun try. B June 12. Arrives (at Boston) the Jaraes, Mr. Grant master ; her passage near eight weeks from London, with twelve passengers, ' and sixty-one heifers, and lost forty. June 13. A day of thanksgiving through all the plantations (of the Massachusetts) by public authority, for the success of the king of Sweden and protestants in Germany against the emperor ; and for the safe arrival of all the ships, they not having lost one person, nor one sick among them, w ' The French came in a pinnace to Penobscot, and rifle a trucking house belonging to (New) Plymouth, carrying thence three hundred weight of beaver and other goods.' w (Of which governor Bradford gives the account following). ' This year their house at Penobscot is robbed by the French in this manner; while the master of the house and part of the company with him, is corae with our vessel to the westward to fetch a supply of goods brought over for us ; a sraall French ship having a false Scot aboard (I suppose a Papist) goes into the harbor, pretend they are newly corae from sea, know not where they are, that their ves sel is very leaky, and desire they may haul her ashore and stop her leaks, making many French compliments and congees ; and seeing but three or four simple men who are servants, and by the Scotchman understanding the master and rest of the company are gone from horae, fall a commend ing their guns and muskets, which lie on the rack NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 397 1632. King of G- Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis. XlII.*rSpain, Philip. IV, by the wall-side, take them down to look on them, asking if they are charged ,'' and when possessed of them, one presents a loaded piece against the ser vants, another a pistol ; then bid them not to stir, but deliver their goods ; and make them help in carrying them all aboard, to the value of four or five hundred pounds, (sterling) prime cost ; three hundred weight of beaver ; the rest in trading goods, as coats, rugs, blankets, biscuit, «&,c. ; then set the servants at liberty, and go away with this taunting message ; Tell your master, when he re turns, that some of the Isle of Rhee gentleraen have been here.' br (But governor Bradford has misplaced this in 1631.) June. Abraham Shurd (or Shurt) of POmaquid, and captain Wright and others, coming to Pascata quack, being bound for this bay, (i. e. the bay within Pullen Point on the north, and Point Allerton on the south) in a shallop, with £200 worth of com modities ; one of the men going to light a pipe of tobacco (near the powder,) being wished by ano ther to forbear, answered, that if the devil should carry him away quick, he would take one pipe, set fire on a barrel of powder, which tore the boat in pieces; that man was blown away (and) never seen (till he was sometirae) after found, with his hands and feet torn off; the rest all saved, but the goods lost, ic A shallop of one Henry Way, of Dorchester, having been missing all the winter, it was found that the men in her being five, were all killed secretly by the Eastern Indians ; another shallop of his being sent to seek out the other, was cast away at Agamenticus, and two of the men drowned. A fishing shallop at Isle of Shoals was overset. And one Noddle an honest man of Salem, carry- 398 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1632. King of G. BrUain, Charles I. — ^France, Lewis XIII. — Spain, Philip IV, ing wood in a canoe in the South river was over turned and drowned, lo July. (I suppose Monday the 2d,) at a training at Watertown, a man of John Oldham's having a musket which had been long charged with pistol bullets, not knowing it, gave fire and shot three men, two into their bodies, and one into his head, but so far off, as the shot entered the skin and stayed there, and they all recovered, tc July 3. Court at Boston ; present, governor, deputy-governor, Mr. Ludlow, Captain Endicot, Mr. Pynchon, Winthrop, S. Bradstreet. Mr. Now ell. 1. Order, that the captain and other officers take a special care to search all pieces brought into the field, for being charged with shot or bullets ; and that no person whatever shall at any tirae charge any piece of service with bullets or shot, other than for the defence of their houses, or at comraand from the captain, upon such penalty as the court shall think meet to inflict. 2. A man fined 40s (sterling) and bound to his good behavior to the next court, for his misdemeanor and drunk enness aboard the Virginia ship. 3. Seven take their oaths of freemen, viz. Mr. Nathaniel Turner, Mr. Samuel Sharp, John Ruggles, Mr. John Wil son, Mr. William Dennison, &c. Mcr The congregation (i. e. the church) at Boston, wrote to the elders and brethren of the churches of Plyraouth, Salera, &c. for their advice in three questions. First, Whether one person might be a civil magistrate and a ruling elder at the same time ? Second, If not, then which should he lay down .'' Third, Whether there might be divers pas tors in the same church ? The first was agreed by all negatively, the second and third doubtful, lo After raany days of (prayer) by those of Boston NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 399 1633. King of G. Britain, Charies I,— France, Lewis XUL— Spain, Philip IV. and Roxbury for (the reverend) Mr. Weld, and the advice of those of Plymouth being taken, &c. at length he resolves to set down with those of Rox bury. 10 * August 3, (not 5, as Mr. S. Danforth, and Mr. Hubba:rd.) The Sachim [who is joined with Canonicus the great Sachim of Narra gansett] called Mecuraeh, after Miantonomeh, comes to Boston, with his squaw and about twelve Sanups. August 5, (Lord's Day,) being present at the sermon, three of his Sanups go in the mean time, and break into a neighbor's house, &c. Complaint being raade thereof to governor (Win throp,) after evening exercise, he tells the Sachim of it, and with some difficulty causes him to make one of his Sanups to beat them, and then sends them out of town, but brings the Sachim and the rest of (his) company to his house, and makes much of hira, [as he had done before] which he ¦seems to be well pleased with, but this evening he departeth. to At a court not long before, two of Chickatabot's men were convented and convicted for assaulting some English at Dorchester in their houses, &c. * (By which I perceive, he is the first minister and pastor of the people of Roxbury, but when the church is formed, I have not yet discovered. Only in Roxbury Church Records, I find the first seventeen members are all males, and distinguished from those which foUow in this order, 1, Mr, WilUam Pynchon ; 2, Mr, Thomas Weld ; 3, William Dennison ; 4, Thomas Lamb ; 5, Samuel Wakeman ; 6, William Parke, he. Which seventeen seem to be the first constituting members ; and about this time, viz, in July 1632, to form the church, and invest the said reverend Mr, Weld in the pastoral office over them. After which are added the names of seventeen women, and thirteen men, as joining to said church, before the name of Mr, Eliot is inserted, who till November continues his relation to the church in Boston, [see November.] And Roxbury Church Records tells us, that the people at Roxbury (had) joined to the church at Dorchester, till God should give them an opportunity to be a church themselves ; and Mr, George Alcock, who came in 1630, and lived in a godly sort, was by Dorchester church chosen a deacon, especially to regard the brethren of Roxbury, and after he joins to Roxbury church, is ordained tlieir deacon, rer 400 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1632, King of G, Britain, Charies I,— France, Lewis Xlll, — Spain, Philip IV. were put in the bilboes, and Chickatabot required to beat thera, which he did. w The congregation of Boston and Charlestown begin the meetinghouse at Boston, for which and Mr. Wilson's house, they had made a voluntary contribution of about £120. w August 7. Court at Boston ; present, (same as June 5.) 1. On further consideration of justice to be done upon the murder of Walter Bagnal, and on reading a letter from those of Plyraouth in an swer to a letter sent to them about it, order that a boat be sent sufficiently manned with coraraission to deal with the plantation to the eastward, and to join with sudh of thera as shall be willing thereto, for exaraination of the raurder of said Bagnal, and for apprehending such as shall be found guilty thereof, and to bring the prisoners into the bay ; referred to the governor to take order therein. 2. Mr. William Pynchon chosen treasurer for the year ensuing, and till a new be chosen. 3. Four take their oath of freemen, viz. Samuel Wakeman, &c. Mcr August 14. This sumraer is very .wet and cold, [except now and then a hot day or two] which causes great store of rausketoes and rattlesnakes. The corn in dry sandy ground is much better than other years, but in the fatter grounds much worse ; and in Boston, «fec. much shorn down close by the ground with worras. lo The summer proving short and wet, our crops of Indian corn [for we have no other] are very small, and great want threatens us. ctr Mr. Oldham has a small house at Watertown made all of clapboard burnt down, w The Braintree Company [which had begun to set down at Mount Wollaston,] by order of court NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 401 1633. King of G, Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, removes to Newton ; these are Mr. Hooker's com pany, w August 20. Governor (Winthrop's) wife de livered of a son, who is (on August 26, bcr) bap tised by the name of William, the governor him self holds the child to baptism, as others in tlie congregation did use. w August 30. Notice being given of ten Saga mores and many Indians asserabhng at Muddy river, governor (Winthrop) sends captain Under bill with twenty rausketeers to discover, &c. but at Roxbury they hear they are broken up. w September 4. Court at Boston ; present, go vernor, deputy-governor, Mr. Ludlow, captain Endicot, Mr. treasurer (Pynchon,) Nowell, Win throp, (junior,) S. Bradstreet. 1. Sagamore John, &c. promise the next year, and forever after, to fence their corn against all kind of cattle. 2. Or der a man to be severely whipt for cursing, swear ing, justifying the same, and glorying in it ; (and 3. another) man to be whipt and branded with a hot iron on one of his cheeks for selling Mcr a piece, a pistol, with powder and shot to James Sagaraore. w By the raediation of the reverend Mr. Maverick, Warham and Wilson, governor Winthrop and deputy-governor Dudley (are now happily recon ciled.) Notwithstanding the heat of contention which had been between them, yet they usually met about their affairs, and that without any ap pearance of any breach or discontent, and ever after keep peace and good correspondence together in love and friendship, w One Jenkins late (of) Dorchester, (since) re moved to Cape Porpus, went with an Indian up into the country with store of goods to truck, and 51 402 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1632, King of G, Britain, Charies I.— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, being asleep in a wigwara of one of Passacono- my's men, was killed in the night by an Indian, dwelling near the Mohawk country, w In auturan 1632, the Indians, who had all this time held good correspondence with the English, begin to quarrel with us ('in the Massachusetts^ about their bounds of land, (though) we purchased all w^e have of thera ; but the Lord (soon) puts an end to this quarrel, by smiting the Indians with a sore disease, even the smallpox, of which great numbers of them die, j (at the end of 1633, which see.) There is much suspicion that the Indians have some plot against the English, both for that raany Narragansetts &c. gather together, who with (others) of these parts pretend to make war with the Nipnets, and divers insolent speeches are used by some of thera, and they do not frequent our houses as they were wont, and one of their Powaws tells us that there is a conspiracy to cut us off; upon this a camp is pitched at Boston, in the night to exercise the soldiers, apprehending need might be ; and captain Underbill, to try how they would behave themselves, causes an alarm to be given upon their quarters, which discovers the weakness of our people, who know not how to behave them selves, (not being used to military discipline,) all the rest of the plantations take the alarm and an swer it, but it raises many fears and distractions among the comraon sort, and we keep watch both day and night, w September 14. The rumors still increasing, the three next Sagaraores are sent for, who come pre sently to the governor w (at Boston.) September 16. Being Lord's day evening, Mr. Peirce in the ship Lion arrives (at) Boston, brings NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. .403 1632. King of G. Britain, Charies I.— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. one hundred and twenty-three passengers, whereof fifty children, all in health, and lost not one by the way save the carpenter, who fell overboard as he was calking a port ; had been twelve weeks aboard, and eight from the land's end. w September 22. The Barstable ship (which had arrived on June 5,) goes out at Pullen Point to Marble harbor, id September 27. A day of thanksgiving at Boston for the good news of the prosperous success of the king of Sweden, &c. and for' the safe arrival of the last ship, and all the passengers, w October 3, (rather Tuesday, October 2, see March 6, last.) Court ht Boston ; present same as Sept. 4.) 1. Mr. Bachelor (of Lynn) is required to forbear exercising his gifts as a pastor or teacher publicly in our patent, unless it be to those he brought with him, for conterapt of authority, and till some scan dals be removed.* 2. It is thought by general consent, that Boston is the fittest place for public meetings of any in the bay. 3. Order, there be a house of correction, and a house for the beadle, built at Boston, with speed. 4. That a man, for theft on the Indians at Daraaril's Cove, for drunk enness and fornication, be fined £5 (sterling) to the Court, £10 to Henry Way and John Holman, severely whipt, branded on the hand with a hot iron, and banished out of this patent, with penalty that if ever he be found within (it) he shall be put * (The reverend Mr. Bachelor arriving with the reverend Mr, Weld, and about sixty passengers on June 5 last, and captain Johnson telling us, that the church at Lynn was gathered next after the church at Roxbury, and that Mr, Bachelor was the first feeder of the flock at Lynn; and this court record representing Mr, Bachelor as having exercised his gifts as pastor or teacher before October 2 ; all make me think that the people he brought with him set down at Lynn, and about August formed into a church and entertained him as their minister, to whom he seems to have been long before in a ministerial relation in England, being seventy-one years old.) 404 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1632, King of G, Britain, Charles I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, to death. 5. That no person shall take any to bacco publicly, and that every one shall pay a penny (^sterlingj for every tirae^ of taking tobacco in any place. 6. One takes his oath of freeraan, viz. Mr. Samuel Maverick. Mcr. (October 10. From July 30, 1630, to this day, 151 members had joined in full communion with the church which began at Charlestown, and most ly reraoved to Boston, some of the chief of whom were these, in order.) 1 John Winthrop, go vernor, 2 Thoraas Dudley, de puty-governor, and (after governor,) 3 Isaac Johnson, (as sistant,) 4 John Wilson, (pas tor,) t5 Increase Nowell, (as sistant and ruling el der,) 6 Thomas Sharp, ("as sistant,^ * 7 Simon Bradstreet, (assistant and after governor,) 8 Williara Gager, (^sur- geon and first dea con,) 9 William Colborn, (af ter ruling elder,) 10 Williara Aspinwall, (after first secretary of Re.) tl8 Robert Hale, 31 Jaraes Penn, (after ruling* elder,) 38 William Balston, 44 William Cheesbrough 48 Henry Bright, (sup pose a minister who went back,) 52 Thomas Hutchinson, 153 George Hutchinson, 57 John Underbill, (cap tain,) 60 Edmund Belcher, 62 Edward Rainsford, (after ruling elder of the south chuich,J t66 Edward Converse, 77 Edward Bendal, t79 Richard Sprague, 92 William Codding ton, (assistant and af ter first governor of Re.) 101 Thomas Fayrwea- ther, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 405 1632, King of G, BrUain, Charies I,- tl02 Ralph Sprague, 110 John Eliot, (minis ter,; 113 Edward Gibbons, (after major-gene ral,) 114 Jacob Eliot, ('after elder,; 115 John Samp ford (or Sanford, after secre tary and treasurer of Re.; 121 John Winthrop, jr. after (assistant and first governor of Con necticut colony.) France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV, 129 John Ruggles, 132 Thomas Oliver, ('af ter ruling elder,; 135 John Willis, 145 Giles Firman, jr. ('or Firrain, after minis ter in England.; tl49 Thomas Jaraes, ('minister; 151 William Pierce, ('captain of the Lion, and ancestor of the reverend Mr. James Pierce, of Cambridge and Exeter in Eng land,; bcr October 11. ("Thursday; eighteen men and fif teen woraen, of whom are Mr. Increase Nowell and Mr. Thoraas James, with those marked thusj in the list above, and others, all of the Church first (form ed) at Charlestown ; ('but since August 1630; chiefly reraoved to Boston ; in regard of the diffi culties of passage (over the ferry; in the winter, and having opportunity of a pastor ('naraely; Mr. Jaraes, who came over at this time ; lo desiring a dismission frora the said Church at Boston, in or der to form a new Church at Charlestown ; the whole Church this day soleranly seek to God for direction in this raatter : and the Lord's Day fol lowing (^that is October 14,; the said thirty-three petitioners are accordingly disraissed. her ('And I conclude that Lord's Day, the twenty-first of this month, is the first day of their worshipping in pub lic as a distinct and new congregation at Charles town, and that the reverend Mr. Thomas James 406 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1632, King of G,«ritain, Charles fc— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. then preaches to them constantly. See Novem ber 2.; Between this and September 8, 1633, there are admitted into the Church at Boston thirteen more, of whom are John Pemberton, John Oliver, Giles Firman (or Firrain) senior, bcr October 18. Captain Camock and Mr. Vesy a merchant, come from Piscataqua in Mr. Neal's pinnace, and bring sixteen hogsheads of corn to the (wind) mill at Boston ; they go away in Novem ber, w October 25. (Thursday) governor (Winthrop) with Mr. Wilson, pastor of Boston, and the two captains, «fec. go aboard the Lion ; and thence Mr. Peirce carries' them in his shallop to Wessaguscus : next morning Mr. Peirce returns to his ship ; and the governor and his corapany go a foot to Plym outh, and come thither within the evening. The governor of Plyraouth, Mr. Williara Bradford (a very discreet and grave man) with Mr. Brewster the (rul ing) elder, and sorae others come forth and meet us without the town, and conduct us to the governor's house, where we are together entertained; and feast ed every day at several houses. On Lord's Day is a Sacrament, which we partake in : and in the after noon Mr. Roger Williaras ('according to their cus tom) proposes a question, to which the pastor Mr. Smith speaks briefly : then Mr. Williams prophe sies (or explains) and after, the governor of Plym outh (who had studied the Hebrew language and antiquities) speaks to the question ; after him the elder (a man of learning) then two or three more of the congregation ; then the elder (agreeable to Acts xiii. 14, 15, &c.) desires governor (Win throp) and Mr. AVilson to speak to it, wdiich they do : when this is ended, the deacon, Mr. Fuller, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 407 1632. King of G. Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV, puts the congregation in mind of their duty of con tribution ; whereupon the governor and all the rest go down to the deacon's seat, and put it in the bag, and then return, lo* October 27. Mr. Peirce sets sail for Virginia, w October 31. Being Wednesday, about five in the morning, governor Winthrop and corapany come out of Plyraouth ; the governor of Plymouth, with the pastor, &c. accompany us near half a mile out of town in the dark ; lieutenant Holmes with others come with us to the great swamp about ten miles ; when we come to the great river, (I sup pose after called North River, between Pembroke and Hanover) we are carried over by one Lud- hara, as we had been when we (went ;) so we corae this evening to Wessaguscus ; where we are comfortably entertained as before, with store of turkies, geese, ducks, &c. and next day come safe to Boston, w About this time Mr. Dudley's house at Newton and all his family are preserved from being de stroyed by gunpowder, by a marvellous deliverance, the hearth of the hall chimney burning all night on a principal beam, and store of gunpowder being near, and not discerned till they rise in the morn ing, and then it begins to flame out. w November 2, (Friday) Mr. Increase Nowell, Mr. Thomas James and othef Church members at Charlestown, who had been dismissed from the Church at Boston, now embody into a ('new; dis- * (N, B, This religious exercise in public they had [under the conduct of Mr, Robinson at Leyden] grounded on the primitive practice of the Church of Corinth, as described and regulated by the Apostle Paul in 1 Cor. xn, and xiv : but growing in knowledge, and I suppose in the apprehension that such a practice was peculiarly accommodate to the age of inspiration [1 Cor. xiv. 30] which they never pretended to ; they, after, gradually lay it down,) 408 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1633, King of G, BrUain, Charies I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, tinct Congregational Church, enter into covenant ; and (the said) Mr. James is elected and ordained (their) pastor.* m,sl Mr. John Eliot a meraber of Boston congrega tion, and one whora the congregation intended pre sently to call to the office of teacher, was called to be a teacher to the Church at Roxbury ; and though Boston labored all they could, both with the con gregation of Roxbury, and with Mr. Eliot himself, alleging their want of hira and the Covenant be tween hira and thera, yet he could not be diverted from accepting the call of Roxbury ; so November 5, he was dismissed to ('them.;t w Noveraber 6, ('Tuesday; eighteen take their oath of freeraen, namely : Mr. Thomas Weld, Mr. Thomas Jaraes, Mr. John Coggeshal, Mr. Richard Duraraer, Mr. Thomas Oliver, John Talcot, Williara Wads- worth, &c. Mcr November 7. Court at Boston ; present, (same as June 5.) Ordered first, that the captains shall train their companies but once a month. Second, " (Their Church Covenant is in these terms :) ' In the narae of our Lord God, and in obedience to his holy will and divine ordinance, we whose names are here written, beirtg by his most wise and good providence, brought to gether, and desirous to unite ourselves into one Congregation or Church un der our Lord Jesus Christ our head, in such sort as becometh all those whom He hath redeemed and sanclified unto himself; do here, solemnly and reli giously, as in his most holy presence, promise and bind ourselves, to walk in all our ways according to the rules of the Gospel, and in all sincere confor mity to his holy ordinances, and in mutual love and respect to each other, so near as God shall give us grace,' Increase Nowell, (and eighteen more,) msl X (The Roxbury Church records say :) By that time the Church at Boston was intended to call him to office, his friends were come over (it is likely among those one hundred and twenty-three who arrived on September 16) and settled in Roxbury, to whom he was fore engaged that if he were not called to office before they came, he was to join with them : whereupon the Church at Roxbury caUed him to be teacher in the end of the summer (1632) and soon after was ordained to that office in the Church ; his intended «ifo also coming with the rest of his friends, they were soon after their coming married, namely, in October 1632, rcr (But he is not ordained their teacher till November 5 — perhaps on Friday, November 9,) NEW ENGL.AND CHRONOLOGY. 409 1632, King of G, Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, that sir R. Saltonstall shall give Sagamore John a hogshead of corn, for the hurt his cattle did his corn. Third, that the neck of land between Pow der Hill and Pullen Point, shall belong to Boston, to be enjoyed by the inhabitants thereof for ever. Mcr , Noveraber 21. Governor Winthrop receives a letter from captain Neal, that Dixy Bull and fif teen more of the English who kept about the east are turned pirates, had taken divers boats, and rifled Peraaquid ; hereupon the governor calls a Council, and it is agreed to send his bark with twenty men, to join with those of Piscataqua (to) take said pirate. But snow, frost, and contrary winds prevent thera. w (The first pirates on the coast of New England.) November 22. A fast held by the congregation of Boston ; and Mr. Wilson formerly their teacher, is chosen pastor, and (Mr. Thomas) Oliver a ruling elder, and are both ordained by imposition of hands ; first by the teacher and the two deacons [in the name of the congregation] upon the elder ; and then by the elder and the deacons upon the pastor, w December. By letters from captain Neal, Mr. Hilton, ifec. (of Piscataqua) it is certified, that they had sent out all the forces they could make against the pirates ; namely, four pinnaces and shallops, and forty raen, who coming to Pemaquid, were there wind bound three weeks, w* '' It is further advertised by some who came from Penobscot, that the pirates lost one of their chief men by a musket-shot fiom Peraaquid, and that there remained but fifteen, whereof four or five were detained against their wills ; that tliey had been at some English plantations and taken nothing but what they paid for J had given another pinnace in exchange for that of Mr. Maverick, and as much beaver and otter as it was worth more ; had made a law against excessive diinking ; that their order was, at such times as other ships use to have prayer, tiiey would assemble on the deck, and one sing a 53 410 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1632. King of G. Britain, Charies I.— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. Articles of uncertain and various dates. '(In the spring of 1632) Mr. Allerton (being in England) hires on his own account of Mr. Sherley, the White Angel again, coraes late into the country, sets up a corapany to run into the river of Kenne beck, to glean away the trade frora the house there, (I suppose at Cushenoc'k above Cobbiseconte) about the patent and privilege whereof he had dashed away so much money. Yea, being depriv ed of Ashley, joins with some consorts, and sets up a trading house beyond Penobscot, to cut off the trade from thence also. But the French per ceiving that would be greatly to their damage, like wise come in their beginning, before they are well settled, and displant them, slay two of their men, take all the goods to a great value, send the rest of their men into France ; and this is the end of that project. B* 'This year, 1632, the people of (Plyraouth) be gin to grow in their outward estates, by the flowing of raany people into the country, especially into the Massachusetts Colony. By which raeans cat tle and corn rise to a great price, goods grow plen tiful, and raany are enriched. And now their stocks increasing, the increase vendible ; there is no longer holding thera together. They raust go to their great lots ; they can no otherwise keep their cattle ; and having oxen grown, they must have more land for ploughing and tillage. By this song or speak a few senseless sentences ; they also send a writing to all the governors, signifying their intent not to do harm to any more of their coun trymen, but to go to the southward, and advise them not to send against them, for they were resolved to sink themselves rather than be taken ; signed. For tune le Garr, and no name to it. w * Governor Bradford has misplaced aU this in 1631, But 'though Mr. Allerton seems to have set up his new trading house in the summer of 1632 ; yet it seems to be the summer of 1633, when the French take it. [See No vember 13, 1633,'] NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 411 1632, King of G, BrUain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, Philip IV- means they scatter round the bay (of Plymouth) quickly, and the town wherein they lived till now compactly, is soon left very thin, and in a short tirae alraost desolate. The church also comes to be divided ; and those who had lived so long together in christian and comfortable fellowship, must now part. First, those who live on their lots on the other side the bay, called Duxbury, can no longer bring their families to the public worship at Plyraouth, growing to a competent number, and suing to be dismissed, are about this time dismiss ed, though very unwillingly, and become a body of themselves. B (So that Duxbury seems to be the second town and church in Plymouth Colony ; and the next town settled after Newton, that is, Carabridge, in '^ew England. ' To prevent any further scattering frora Plym outh, and weakening of the sarae, it is thought best to give out some gOod farms to special per sons that would promise to live at Plymouth, and likely to be helpful to the Church or Coraraon- wealth ; and so tie the lands to Plyraouth as farms for the same ; and there they might keep their cattle and tillage by servants, and retain their dw^ellings here ; and so sorae lands are granted at a place called Green's harbor, where no allotments had been, a place very well meadowed, and fit to keep and rear cattle good store.' B (This seems to be the beginning of Marshfield.) ' This year the General Court of Plymouth Co lony make an extraordinary act ; That whoever refuses the office of governor, shall pay twenty pounds sterling, unless he were chosen two years going ; and whoever refuses the office of counsel lor or magistrate, ten pounds sterling, msl 412 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1632, KingofG, Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis Xlll,— Spain, PhUip IV. This year is built the first house for public wor ship at Newton, (after called Cambridge) with a bell upon it. msl (And captain Johnson says,) ' this year was the first choice of raagistrates by freemen ; whose number was now increased fifty-three, or there abouts.' j (By which he means, the choice of magistrates in the Massachusetts Colony at the General ^ourt on May 9, last. But by nuraber of freemen he means those who were added this whole year 1632, beginning the year with March 25, which are fifty-three ; whereas beginning the year with January 1, as is the way of our Annals, their nuraber added this year is but forty-four, as we have accounted already, from the Mcr.) This year of sad distresses ends with a terrible cold winter ; with weekly snows, and fierce frosts betvveen, congealing Charles river, as well from the town towards the sea, as above ; so that raen may frequently pass frora one island to another on the ice. j APPENDIX TO 1632. First, account of the three ministers who arrived this year. First,,the Rev. Mr. Stephen Bachelor. (Frora governor Winslow and captain Johnson we learn, that) he was an ancient minister in Eng land ; had been a man of fame in his day ; was 71 , years of age when he carae over ; brought a nura ber of people with hira, and soon became the first feeder of the flock of Christ at Lynn. (And by several original letters I have seen of his own writ ing to the reverend Mr. Cotton of Boston, I find he was a gentleman of learning and ingenuity, and wrote a fine and curious hand.) NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 413 1632. King of G. Britain, diaries 1.— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, Second, the Rev. Mr. Thoraas Weld. (Frora captain Johnson and doctor E. Calamy, we learn) that he was born and educated in Eng land ; had been rainister of Terling in Essex ; but not submitting to the cereraonies, the place was too hot for him, and he was forced to quit it and corae over to New England : that upon his arrival the Church of Roxbury being a diligent people, early prevented their brethren of other Churches by call ing him to be their first pastor ; that he was valiant in faith ; both in the pulpit and by his pen, maintains tbe truth, and clears Christ's Churches here from scandalous reproaches ; and wading through the cares and toils of this wilderness for seven years, he with advice returns to his native country. Third, the Rev. Mr. Thomas James. (Frora captain Johnson we also learn, that) he was born and educated in England, and approved by his native country ; had been a minister in Lin colnshire, and especially commended by God's people there for his courteous speech and work of Christian love ; has learned skill to unfold the mind of God in Scripture ; is valiant in faith ; and arriving here, is soon welcomed by the people of Christ in Charlestown, and called to the office of pastor of their second gathered church, vvhere he iteontinues some years ; till some seed of prejudice sown by the enemies of this work, he for the love of peace and to avoid contention, removes to New Haven, j , (Afterwards he seeras to return to England. For when I. lived at Corabs in Suffolk, from 1711 to 16, Mr. Thomas Denny, a pious and ancient gentle man there informed me that) he knew the reverend Mr. Thomas James, minister of Needham, about 414 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1632, King of G, Britain, Charies I, — France, Lewis XIU, — Spain, PhUip IV, four miles off, who (he said) came from New Eng land. (Dr. E. Calamy says) he was a very holy good raan, of the Congregational persuasion ; re signed the Parochial Church of Needhara, August 24, 1662, because he could not in conscience ap prove of the uninstituted cereraonies ; and had a pretty nuraerous society after his being silenced. (And Mr. Denny told rae, that) though he was ranch beloved and esteeraed, yet when he died, the clergyman who came in his place, would not allow hira to be buried in any other part of the church yard, but that unconsecrated corner left for rogues, whores, and excommunicates ; though the clergyman owed his benefice to the noble upright ness of Mr. James's heart.) II. The most material events in England. The annual feast of dedication of churches pre scribed at first by Pope Felix and Gregory, turned by the people into mere bachanals, were by the injunctions (even) of king Henry VIII. as the occasion of much idleness, excess, riot, and perni cious to the souls of men, all restrained to the first (Lord's Day) in October ; and after, totally abol ished by statute of five and six of Edward VI. being revived again with their bachanalian disor ders, under the names of wakes or revels, for the most part on Sundays. Sir Thomas Richardson, lord chief justice of England, and baron Denhara, being at the assizes in the county of Somerset, many indicted for murdering bastard children be gotten at wakes and revels, with sundry other grand disorders occasioned by those meetings ; the justices of that county earnestly importune the judges to make a severe order for suppressing of these wakes and revels, as divers of their predeces sors had done ; without which they could never NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 415 1632, King of G, Britain, Charies I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. keep the country in good order, nor prevent the multitude of bastards, drunkenness, quarrels, bloodshed, murders, and other disorders occasion ed by them. Whereupon those judges make the ensuing order in the public assizes. 'March 19, (1631, 2.) An order raade by the judges of the assizes for suppressing all ales and revels ; whereas divers orders have been made heretofore by the judges of the assize for the sup pressing of all ales and revels ; the sarae order is now confirraed at this assize, and again ordered by the court, in regard of the infinite nuraber of inconveniences daily arising by means of revels ; that such revels be henceforth utterly suppressed ; and that the justices take course, for the speedy apprehending and punishing idle and lewd persons drawing together at such places, &c. (But) bi shop Laud being inforraed of this good order, is very much nettled and vexed at it, complains of the judges and it to his majesty, and procures a coraraission to bishop Peirce and sorae divines of that county, to inquire of the raanner of publishing this order in churches, and what was done therein, and of the lord chief justice Richardson's carriage in this business. It (Fuller wrongly places this in 1633.) March 29. Sir Isaac Wake and Sieur Bouillon, sign the treaty between king Charles I. and the French king, Lewis XIII. The title of which is, ' Articles settled between sir Isaac Wake, knight and arabassador of the king of Great Britain, com missioned by said king ; and Messi. Bouillon, counsellor to the most Christian king in his Privy Council and Council of State, and Bouthillier his majesty's counsellor in his said Councils and se cretary of his orders, comraissaries appointed by 416 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1633, King of G, Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV, his said majesty, for the restitution of the things taken since the treaty made between the two crowns on the 24th of April 1629.' And in this new treaty, king Charles resigns to the French king all the places the English possessed in Cana da and Lacady (the latter then including Nova Scotia) in particular, Fort Kebeck (that is, Que bec) Port Royal and Cape Briton, with the mer chandise found in the Fort Kebeck by the English in 1629. [Dennis] which puts an end to the dif ference ; the Fort delivered and the money (that is, the remaining half of the queen's portion) paid, cb (But how faithful are king Charles's ministry to the British interest, both in America and Europe ! when he had both Canada and Lacady in posses sion, his navy vastly superior to that of France, who had then scarce any, and no other to help her ; yet, without any necessity to quit to the French, even Lacady a most important branch of the British empire, which even in 1613, the peace able reign of his father, sir Samuel Argal like a true Englishman had recovered ; one of the finest provinces in the known world, for fishery, masts, and harbors ; intercepting between our others of Newfoundland and New England, and lying in the way of all our trade frora the British Colonies and West Indies to Great Britain ; to the continual and .most dangerous growth of the French fishery, navigation, trade, wealth, and naval power, and the infinite injury of the British interest ever after ; and all this only for half the queen's portion, due six years before. So that they properly sold this territory to our national enemies for what the French had agreed to pay in 1626. A territory cb Continuation of sir Richard Baker. New ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 417 1632, King of G. Britain, Charles L^France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, Piiilip iV. as large as Irelandj and of vastly greater moment than all her portion ten times over. But the British ministry are bishop Laud, who governs without a rival in church and state, with lord treasurer Wes-^ ton, next highest in the royal favor, who soon after dies a Papist ; under an active popish queen, the French king's sister in king Charles's bosom, of whom he is so exceeding fond, as hardly to deny her any thing ; and the more subtle cardinal Rich- lieu, prime minister of France, knew how to im prove them all for his raaster's interest. And thus, while the French ministry are adding to their king's dominions, the British are giving up their's, and chiefly busied in adding new popish ceremo nies to the worship in the Church of England, to the great disturbance of the nation, and violently persecuting her pious ministers who faithfully op pose them ; in short, acting as if they could more easily part with an important province than not introduce a popish ceremony.) May 6. Mr. Nathaniel Bernard, lecturer at Se- pulcher's in London, preaching at St. Mary's Church in Cambridge, against ' bringing the Pela" gian errors into our church, and the superstitions of the Church of Rome into our worship, as high altars, crucifixes, bowings to them, i. e. in plain English worshipping thera, whereby they syrabo- lize with the Church of Rome very shamefully,' Dr. Cumber, vice-chancellor, informs bishop Laud thereof, who (gets) him into the High Commission Court, (where) he is most severely sentenced, sus pended his rainistry, excommunicated, fined a thousand pounds, condemned in cost of suit, cora raitted to prison, where he lies sundry raonths, being most barbarously used, and almost starved for want of necessaries, of which he complains to 53 418 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1633. King of G. BrUain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. the bishop by sundry petitions, but can find no re lief, unless he will make a strange recantation sent him by the bishop ; but refusing to raake it, though in his petitions he professed his sincere penitence for any oversights and unbeseeming expressions in his sermon, this godly rainister is a long tirae de tained in prison, raiserably abused by the keepers, of which he oft complains without redress, and in conclusion utterly ruined for speaking out the truth. It May 26. I (i. e. bishop Laud; consecrate the Lord Treasurer's Chapel at Roeharapton ; and June 1 8, at Roeharapton, I raarry my lord treasurer Wes ton's eldest son to, the lady Francis, daughter to the duke of Lenox, Id one of the blood royal of Scot land, and that with his "majesty's consent ; ih ('by bishop Laud's diary lord treasurer Weston dies within two years after, and Rushworth tells us he dies a Papist.) June 15. (Bishop Laud says) Mr. Francis Win- debank, my old, most dear friend, is sworn secre tary of state, which place I obtained for him of my gracious master king Charles. Id Windebank is a furious Papist, and is no sooner settled in his place, but he falls to release and protect priests, Jesuits, recusants more than any of his predecessors and all the council besides ; becoming their special patron as appears by father Joseph's letter from Paris, November 23, 1634, &c. It June 20. King Charles I. gives by patent the province of Maryland in North America, to Cseci- lius baron Baltimore, and his heirs and assigns, (a zealous Papist,) bounding said province norther ly to" the fortieth degree of north latitude front the equinoctial, where (said patent says) New England (i. e. the south side line thereof) is bounded, i. e. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 419 1632. King of G. Britain, Charles I.— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. according to the grand patent of New England, dated November 3, 1620. So that then New Eng land and Maryland joined on each other; New England then reaching from the 40th to the 48th degrees of north latitude, and frora the Atlantic to the South Sea. And as the known design of Ma ryland is for settling Papists under an hereditary sort of sovereign of their own communion; the king gives the name of the province in honor of his dearest consort, as he is wont to call her, and in the patent gives much higher powers and preroga tives to this popish lord, than as far as I find, the crown ever bestowed on any other person.; October 3, 1632. The reverend and erainently pious and learned Mr. John Cotton, B. D. of Bos ton in England, being forced for his nonconforrai- ty, to hide frora bishop Laud's pursivants, writes thus to his consort ; ' Dear, &c. If our heavenly Father be pleased to make our yoke more heavy than we did so soon expect, remeraber I pray thee what we have heard, that our heavenly husband the Lord Jesus, when he first called us to fellowship with himself, called us unto this condition, to deny ourselves, and to take up our cross daily, to follow him. And truly, though this cup be brackish at the first, yet a cup of God's mingling is doubtless sweet in the bottom, to such as have learned to make it their greatest happiness to partake with Christ, as in his glory, so in the way that leadeth to it. Where I am for the present, I ara very fitly and welcomely accommodated, I thank God, so as I see here I might rest desired enough till my friends at home shall direct further. They desire also to see thee here, but that I think it not safe yet, till we see how God will deal with our neighbors at home, for if you should now travel this way, I fear 420 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1632, King of.G, Britain,"Charies L— France, Lewis XIU, — Spain, Philip IV, you will be watched and dogged at the heels. But I hope shortly God will raake way for thy safe coraing. The Lord watch over you all for good, and reveal himself in the guidance of all our affairs. So with my love to thee, as myself, I rest, desirous of thy rest and peace in Hira. J. C. [Frora his original letter in manuscript.] III. The most material Events among Foreign JVations. War continues between the Dutch and Spa niards. In Gerraany, the king of Sweden having win tered at Mentz, Tilly gathers a great array, gets into Bavaria, breaks down the bridges on the Da nube, and strongly lines the south side of the river, to stop the king from passing. But in March, the king with twenty-four thousand raarches to the Danube, takes the strong city of Donawert on the north side of the river at the entrance of Bavaria ; and on April 6, in a fierce opposition passes over, when Tilly receiving a musket-shot in his thigh, a few days after dies. Upon which the king reduces Bavaria arid Swabia ; and by the beginning of June had either subdued or drawn to his party all the lower and middle part of Germany from the Baltic sea to the Alps on the entrance of Italy, near five hundred miles together. But the empe ror's forces all joining under Walstein, making an army of twenty thousand horse and forty thousand foot, besides five thousand Crabats, and breaking into Saxony, the king collects his forces, forms an array of near fifty thousand, marches to thera, finds them raost advantageously posted and strongly in trenched at Lutzen. Yet, Noveraber, 6, in the morning, after his chaplain praying with him, and other ministers at the heads of their regiments, be NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 421 1632, King of G. Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. rides from one to another, making animating speeches to them, to fight valiantly this day on the name of God and for their religion ; the soldiers answering with joyful acclamations, he then calls out, ' and now ray hearts let us on bravely against our enemies, and the God of heaven prosper our endeavors !' Then lifting up his eyes to heaven, cries aloud, Jesus, vouchsafe this day to be my strong helper, and give me courage to fight for -thy glory and for the honor of thy name ! Then draw ing his sword, waves it over his head, advances the foremost of all his army, most disadvantageously attacks their trenches, and after the fiercest con flict of nine hours, kills four thousand, wounds as many more, and beats them away. But near the end of the battle, an officer of the curasseirs, who knew the king, comes up, cries out, ' this is the right bird,' and shoots him through the' body, of which he soon falls off his horse and dies ,in the thirty-eighth year of his age, to the inexpressible loss of the Protestant interest. He had been engaged in suc cessive wars with the Poles, Danes, .Muscovites, Poles again, &c. from the eighteenth year of his age, alraost continually to the day of his death, in all which he came off conqueror ; and his enemies gave this testiraony of hira, that he was the bravest eneray, and the best captain that ever was in Chris- tendora. A little before, he told his chaplain that he thought God would ere long take hira awaiy, because the people did so overvalue and deify him. A soldier wrote the following distich on the field of battle. Upon this place the great Gustavus died, While victory lay bleeding by his side. (The reasons why no more come to the Massa chusetts in 1631 and 32, seems to be these. 1. 422 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1633. King of G, Britain, Charies 1,- France, Lewis Xffl,— Spain, PhiUp IV. The undertaking being so hazardous over so great an ocean, of three thousand miles, to a hideous, wilderness possessed with barbarous Indians ; many in England then oppressed for their pure scriptural religion and breathing after liberty to enjoy the same, were willing to see how the first grand transportation with the power of government fared, before they were free to venture themselves and their families. 2. The grievous sickness and mor tality, with the extreme straits of the people for want of food and convenient housing, who came in 1630, which they in England had intelligence of, was very discouraging. 3. Divers discouraged went back to England in the fall of 1630, and spring of 1631, who never returned, and divers discouraging letters were also sent by others, dis paraging this country, as very cold, sickly, rocky, barren, unfit for culture, and like to keep the peo ple miserable. 4. Above all, the violent endeavors of Morton, Gardiner, Ratcliff and others, making a very powerful interest to prejudice the Court of England against them, overturn their government and destroy their liberties, which after all rendered them very precarious.) CNevertheless, by the health and produce of the earth in 1631, though they have yet no other means to tear up the bushy lands but their hands and hoes ;j with vindications of the country and go vernment, and by the oppressions growing in Eng land, through the rising power of the young queen, a very zealous and active Papist, the extreme fond ness of the king for her, and the persecuting spirit of bishop Laud under her ; there come over in 1631, about ninety, and in 1632, near 250 more. But on January 19, 1632, 3, the privy council in Eng land making an order in favor of the New England NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 428 1633. King of G. Britain, Charies I.— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. Patentees, and their continued liberties, far greater nurabers are encouraged to come in 1633, and eve ry year for seven years after, not only increasing the former towns, churches and colonies, but also swarming into others, in divers parts of the land as we may see hereafter.) 'January 1, 1633. (Tuesday) Mr. Edward Winslow chosen governor of Plymouth colony, Mr. Bradford having been governor about ten (indeed near twelve) years, and now by importunity gets , off. w Mr. William Bradford, captain Miles Stan dish, Mr. John Howland, Mr. John Alden, Mr. John (Doan, the printer of Mr. secretary Morton by mistake printing Dove,) Mr. Stephen Hopkins, and William Gilson, chosen assistants, m The first tirae of seven assistants chosen in Plymouth colo ny ;' /f which number continues as long as their governraent subsists.) About the beginning of this month, the pinnaces which went after the pirate returns, the cold being so great they could not pursue hira ; but in their return hanged up at Richmond's Isle black Will, an Indian, one of those who had there murdered Walter Bagnal ; three of the pirates' company run from them and corae horae. w January 9. Mr. (Thoraas) Oliver, a right godly man, and (ruling) elder of the Church of Boston, having three or four of his sons all young, cutting wood on the neck, one of them, being fifteen years old, has his brains beat out with the fall of a tree he had felled ; the good old father hearing the news in as awful a manner as might be, by another boy his brother, calls his wife (being also a very godly woman) and goes to prayer, and bears it with much patience and lienor, w January 17. Governor Winthrop having intelli- 424 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGt. 1633. King of G, Britain, Charles I.— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. gence from the east, that the French had bought the Scots' plantation (i. e. Port Royal) near Cape Sable, the fort and araraunition delivered to thera, and that the cardinal (Richlieu) having the managing thereof, had sent some commanders al ready, and preparation made to send many more next year, (i. e. next spring,) and divers priests and Jesuits among them, calls the assistants to Boston (with) the ministers, captains and some other chief men, to advise what is fit to be done for our safety, in regard the French are like to prove ill neigh bors, being Papists. At which meeting it is agreed^ 1. That a plantation and fort be forthwith begun at Nantasket, partly to be some block in an ene my's way, though it could not bar his entrance, and especially to prevent an enemy frora taking that passage from us. 2. That the fort begun at Bos ton be finished. 3. That a plantation be begun at Agawam, (being the best place in the land for tillage and cattle,) lest an eneray finding it, should possess and take it from us ; the governor's son being one of the assistants is to undertake this (new plantation) and to take no more out of the bay than twelve men, the rest to be supplied at the coraing of the next ships, w February 21. Governor (Winthrop) and four assistants, with three rainisters, and eighteen others, go in three boats to view Nantasket, the wind west, fair weather ; but the wind rises at northwest so sharp and extreme cold, that they are kept there two nights, being forced to lodge on the ground in an open cottage, on a little old straw which they pulled from the thatch, their victuals also grow short, so that they are forced to eat mus cles ; yet through the Lord's special providence, they come all safe home the third day after. On NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 425 1633. King of G. Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. view of the place it is agreed by all that to build a fort there would be of too great charge and of little use, whereupon the planting of that place is deferred, w 'February 22. The ship William arrives at Plymouth, with some passengers and goods for the Massachusetts ; but she comes to set up a fishing at Scituate, and so to go to trade at Hudson's river.' w By this ship we have intelligence frora our friends in England, that sir F. Gorges and captain Mason, [upon the instigation of sir C. Gardiner, Morton and Radcliff] had preferred a petition to the Privy Council against us, charging us with very false ac cusations ; but through the Lord's good providence, and the care of our friends in England, especially Mr. Emanuel Downing [who had married the go vernor's sister] and the good testimony of captain Wiggen [who dwelt at Piscataqua, and had been divers tiraes araong us] their malicious practices took not effect. The principal raatter they had against us was, the letters of sorae indiscreet per sons araong us, who had wrote against the Church governraent in England, &lc. which had been in tercepted, w March 4. Court at Boston : present (sarae as on September 4 last ;; first, the court reverses the last act against Mr. Bachelor, which restrained him frora further gathering a Church within this patent. Second, a raan ordered to be set in the bilboes, disfranchised and fined ten pounds for speaking reproachful and seditious words against the go vernraent, &c. Third, for raaintenance of captain Patrick and captain Underbill, for half a year, ceased. 54 426 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1633, King of G, Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIII. Spain, PhiUp IV, 1 Boston, £ 5 2 Charlestown 4 3 Roxbury, 6 4 Watertown, 6 5 Newton, 6 6 Medford, 3 £30 Fourth, a man convicted of taking away corn and fish from divers last year, and this, as clapboards, &c. (the first notorious thief in the Massachu setts, ctr) is censured (thus) all his estate forfeited ; out of which double restitution shall be made to those whom he hath wronged ; shall be whipped, and bound as a servant to any that shall retain hira for three years, and after to be disposed of by the Court as they shall think raeet. Fifth, eighteen take their oath of freeraen, as William Heath, William Brackenbury, &c. Mcr Last summer, the corn in the Massachusetts Co lony, through worms, cold and wet weather, greatly failing, (see August 14 last) there coming very lit tle last year from England, and this winter proving very sharp and long, people are generally exceed ingly pinched for provisions, ctr (and captain Clap says) raany a tirae, if I could have filled ray belly, though with raean victuals, it would have been sweet unto rae. Fish was a good help to me and others. Bread was so very scarce, that the crusts of my father's table (in England) would have been sweet to me : and when I could have meal, water and salt, boiled together, it was so good, as who could wish better ? c But it pleased God to send an unexpected and early supply to help us ; for in the beginning of March arrives from Virginia, Mr. Stretton, in a vessel with Indian corn ; which he sells for ten shillings (sterling) per bushel, ctr NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 427 1633. King of G. Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV, March. The governor's son, John Winthrop, (esquire,) goes with twelve more, to begin a planta tion at Agawam, [after called Ipswich.} w April 1. Court at Boston : present (sarae as September 4 last, except Winthrop, jr.) Ordered, first, that no person go to plant or inhabit Aga wam, without leave of the Court, except those already gone, viz. Mr. John Winthrop, jr. John Gage, Mr. Clerk, Thoraas Hardy, Robert Coles, Williara Perkins, Thomas Howlet, Mr. Thorndike, John Biggs, WiUiam Sergeant. 2. Three take their oath of freemen. Mcr April 10. Arrives at Boston Mr. Hodges, one of Mr. Peirce's mates, in a shallop frora Virginia ; and brings news that Mr. Peirce's ship was cast away on a shoal four miles from Feak Isle, ten leagues to the north of the mouth of Virginia Bay, Noveraber 2, about five in the raorning, the wind southwest, through the negligence of one of his mates who had the watch, and kept not his lead (a sounding) as he was appointed : they had a shal lop and boat aboard ; all who went into the shallop came safe ashore ; but the boat sunk by the ship side ; and (twelve) drowned in her, and ten taken up alive into the shallop ; there were in the ship twenty-eight seamen and ten passengers ; of these were drowned sevejn seamen and five passengers ; and all the goods lost, except one hogshead of bea ver ; next day the ship was broken in pieces ; they were nine days in much distress before they found any English. Plymouth men lost nine hundred weight of beaver and two hundred otter skins. Governor (Winthrop) lost in beaver and fish, near 428 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1633, King of G. Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. one hundred pounds. Many others lost beaver, and Mr. Humfrey fish, w* The winter's frost being extracted forth of the earth, they fall to tearing up the roots and bushes with their hoes. Even such men as scarce ever set hand to labor before, men of good birth and breed ing, but coming through the strength of Christ, readily rush through all difficulties, cutting down the woods, enclose cornfields. The corn they chiefly plant before they have ploughs is Indian grain, whose increase is very much beyond all other, to the great refreshing the poor servants of Christ in their low beginnings. And here the Lord's mercy appears much, in that those who had been brought Up tenderly, can now contentedly feed on bare and mean diet, as pumkins, till corn and cattle increase, j May. The Williara and Jane, in six weeks from London, arrives at (Boston) with thirty passengers, and ten cows, or raore. w * ' AprU T. Come to our hand (at Plymouth) Mr, Peirce's letter from Vir ginia, dated December 25, 16,32, (as follows :) ' Dear friends, &fC. The bruit of this fatal stroke that the Lord hath brought on me and you all, will come to your ears before this comes to your hand, it is like, and therefore I shall not need to enlarge. My whole estate for the most part is taken away, and yours in a great measure, by this and your for mer losses (he means by the French and Mr, Allerton, B) It is time to look about us before the wrath of the Lord break forth to utter destruction. The good Lord give us all grace to search our hearts and try our ways, and turn to the Lord, and humble ourselves under his mighty hand, and seek atonement, &c. Dear friends, you may know that all your beaver (the first loss we sus tain in this kind, B) and the books of your accounts are swallowed up in the sea. But what should 1 say more ,' have we lost our outward estates ; yet a happy loss if our souls may gain ; there is yet moie in the Lord Jehovah than ever we had in the world, 0 that our foolish hearts could yet be weaned from the things here below, which are vanity and vexation of spirit ; and yet we fools catch after shadows that fly away and are gone in a moment. Sic. Thus with my continual remembrance of you in my poor desires lo the throne of grace, beseeching God to renew his love and favor to you all in and through the Lord Jesus Christ ,both in spiritual and temporal good things, as may be most to the glory and praise of his narae and your everlasting good. So I rest your afflicted brother in Christ. William Peikce. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 429 1633. King of G. Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XUL— Spain, PhiUp IV, The Mary and Jane, [or Mary and John B] in seven weeks from London, arrives (at Boston) brings one hundred and ninety-six passengers ; [only two children died] Mr. Coddington one of the assistants with his wife corae in her. In her return she is cast away on the Isle of Sable : but (the) raen are saved, w '"" By these ships we understand, that sir C. Gard- / ky iner,T. Morton and Philip Radcliff, who had been fe* ^ ) punished here for their raisderaeanors, had peti tioned the king and council against us ; being set on by sir F. Gorges and captain Mason, who had begun a plantation at Piscataqua, and aimed at the general government of New-England, for their agent here captain Neal. The petition was of many sheets of paper, and contained many false accusa tions : ' accusing us to intend rebellion, to have cast off our allegiance, and to be wholly separate from the Church an 1 Laws of England ; that our rainisters and people did continually rail against the State, Church and bishops there, &c.' Upon which such of our company as were then in England, namely, sir Richard Saltonstall, Mr. Humfrey and Mr. Cradock (who was first governor in England and Radcliff's raaster) were called before a cora- mittee of the Council, to whom they dehvered an answer in writing. Upon reading whereof, it pleas ed the Lord our most gracious God and protec tor, so to work with the lords, and after with the king, when the whole raatter was reported to hira, by sir Thoraas Jerrain, one of the Council [but not of the comraittee, who yet had been present at the three days' hearing, and spake much in commenda tion of the governor, both to the lords, and after to his raajesty] that he (that is the king) said, ' he would have them severely punished, who did abuse 430 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1633, King of G, Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIII,— Spain, PhUip IV. his governor and the plantation ;' that the defend ants were dismissed with a favorable order* for their encouragement ; being assured from some of the Council, that his majesty did not intend to im pose the cereraonies of the Church of England upon us, for that it was considered that it was the freedora frora such things that made people come over to us : and it was (represented) to the Coun cil, that this country would in tirae be very benefi cial to England for masts, cordage, &c. if the Sound (that is the passage to the Baltic) should be debarred, w * Mr. VPUllam Bradford of Plymouth writes thus : ' I will give hint of God's providence in preventing the hurt that might have come by sir C. Gardiner's means and malice complying with others. The intelligence I had by a letter from my much honored and beloved friend Mr, John Winthrop, governor of the Massachusetts. ' Sir, upon a petition exhibited by sir Christopher Gardiner, sir Ferdinando Gorges, captain Mason, he. against you and us, the cause was heard before the lords of the Privy Council, and after reported to the king ; the success whereof makes it evident to all, that the Lord hath care of his people here ; the passages are admirable and too long to write : I heartily wish an oppor tunity to impart them unto you, being many sheets of paper ', but the conclu sion was, against all men's expectation, an order for our encouragement, and much blame and disgrace upon the adversaries, which calls for much thank fulness from us all, which we purpose [the Lord willing] to express in a day of thanksgiving to our merciful God, [1 doubt not but you will consider if it be not fit for you to join in it ;] who as he hath humbled us by his late correc tion, so he hath lifted us up by an abundant rejoicing in our deliverance out of so desperate a danger ; so as that which our enemies built their hopes upon to ruin us, he hath mercifully disposed to our great advantage, as I shall fur ther acquaint you when occasion shall serve. ' The Copy of the Order follows. ' At the Court at Whitehall, the nineteenth of January 1633. ' SigiUum Crescent, Lord Privy-Seal, Earl of Dorset, Lord Viscount Falk land, Lord Bishop of London, Mr, Sec Windebank, Lord Cottington, Mr, Tr'r, Mr, Vice-Chambr, Mr, Sec Cook, Whereas his Majesty hath lately been informed of great distraction and much disorder in the plantation in the parts of America called New-England, which if they be true, and sufilsred to run on, would tend to the great dishonor of this kingdom, and utter ruin of that plantation ; for prevention whereof, and for the orderly settling of government, according to the intention of those patents which have been granted by his majesty, and from his late royal father king James ; it hath pleased his majesty that the lords and others of his most honorable privy council should take the same into consideration ; their lordships in the first place thought fit to make a committee of this board, NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 431 1633, King of G. Britain, Charies I.— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. We (had) sent a pinnace after the pirate Bull. But (when) she had been forth two weeks, she (now) comes home, not having found hira. w* May 29. General Court at Boston. Present, governor, deputy-governor, Mr. Treasurer (Pyn chon) Mr. Nowell, Coddington, Winthrop, Jun. S. Bradstreet. Choose John Winthrop, Senior, Esq. by general erection of hands, governor ; Thoraas Dudley, Esq. deputy-governor ; Roger Ludlow, to take examination of the matters informed ; which committee having called divers of the principal adventurers in that plantation, and heard those that are complainants against thera ; most of the things informed being denied, and resting to be proved by parties that must be called from that place, which required a long expense of time, and at present their lordships finding the adventurers were upon despatch of men, victuals and merchandise for that place, all which would be at a stand if the adventurers should have discour agement, or take suspicion that the State here had no good opinion of that plantation ; their lordships not laying the fault, or fancies [if any be] of some particular men upon the general government, or principal adventurers, which in due time is further to be inquired into ; have thought fit in the meantime to declare, that the appearances were so fair, and hopes so great, that the country would prove both beneficial to this kingdom, and profitable to the particular adventurers, as that the adventurers had cause to go on cheerfully with their undertakings, and rest assured, if things were carried as was pre tended when the patents were granted, and accordingly as by the patents it is appointed, his majesty would not only maintain the liberties and privUeges heretofore granted, but supply any thing further that might tend to the good government, prosperity, and comfort of his people there of that place, he. William Trtjmeall. (N. B. I have taken all this exactly as wrote in governor Bradford's manuscript. By which it seems, that by Mr. Tr'r is meant Mr. Treasurer Weston, and not Trevers, as printed in Mr. Morton.) * (Captain Clapp gives this account of said pirate, ' There arose up against us one Bull, who went to the eastward a trading, turned pirate, took a vessel or two, plundered some planters thereabouts, and intended to return into the bay, and do mischief to our magistrates here in Dorchester and other places. But as they were weighing anchor (at Pemaquid) [see last December] one Mr, Short [or Shurt] w his men shot from the shore and struck the principal actor dead, and the rest were filled with fear and horror. They having taken one Anthony Dicks, master of a vessel, endeavored to persuade him to pilot them to Virginia, but he would not. They told him, they were fiUed with such fear and horror, that they were afraid of the very rattlings of the ropes. This Mr. Dicks told me with his own mouth. These men fled eastward, and Bull got into England ; but God destroyed this wretched man. Thus the Lord saved us from their wicked device against us, c 432 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1633. King of G. Britain, Charies I.— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, Esq. John Endicot, Esq. Mr. Williara Pynchon, Mr. Williara Coddington, Mr. Increase Nowell, Mr. John Winthrop, Jun. Mr. Simon Bradstreet, sir R. Saltonstall, and John Humfrey, Esq. assist ants, for the year ensuing. Mcr ' This spring, especially all the month of May, there are such (numbers) of great sort of flies, like for bigness to humble bees, which corae out of holes in the ground (in Plyraouth Colony) replen ish all the woods, eat the green things, and make such a constant yelling noise, as all the woods ring of thera, and (deafens) the hearers. The Indians tell us that sickness will follow ; and so it (proves) in June, July, and August. They have not by the Enghsh been heard or seen before or since, B (that is, to the beginning of 1647, when governor Bradford ends his history ; but have in like raan ner at distant periods risen up since, and are known by the name of locusts.') June 2. Captain Stone arrives with a small ship (at B6ston) with cows and salt, w ' Mr. John Doan, being formerly chosen to the office of a deacon in the church (of Plymouth) at the request of the church and himself, is freed frora the office of assistant in the Coraraonwealth. Per June 11. Court at Boston; present, governor, deputy-governor, Mr. Ludlow, Mr. treasurer (Pyn chon) Mr. Nowell, Coddington, Winthrop, Jun. S. Bradstreet. First, appoint the 19th of this month to be kept as a day of thanksgiving through the several plantations (of the Massachusetts Colony.) Second, eight take their oath of freemen. Mcr Per Plymouth Colony Records in manuscript. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 433 1638, King of G. Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV. June 15. Mr. Graves, in the ship Elizabeth, from Yarmouth, in six weeks arrives at Boston, with ninty-five passengers, thirty-four Dutch sheep, and two mares ; lost not . one person, but above forty sheep, w June 19. A day of thanksgiving kept in all the congregations (of the Massachusetts Colony) for our deliverance from the plots of our enemies, and for the safe arrival of our friends, Slc. w June 24. Mr. Jaraes Sherley of London, raer- chant, writes thence to governor Bradford and other partners at Plymouth in New England, thus ; ' I pray God to bless you, that you may discharge this great and heavy burthen which now lies on me for your sakes, and I hope in the end, for the good of you and many thousands more. For had not you and we joined and continued together, New England might yet have been scarce known. I am persuaded not so replenished with such hon est English people as now it is. The Lord increase and bless thera.' B July 2. Court at Boston ; present, (sarae as June 11, with Mr. Endicot.) First, give one hun dred pounds to the governor, for this present year, towards his public charges and extraordinary ex penses. Second, a man fined thirty shillings for drunkenness on the Sabbath day, at Marblehead, (till now in the Records called Marble Harbor.) Third, order that no person sell wine or strong water, without leave of the governor or deputy- governor. And no raan shall sell or [being in a course of trading] give any strong water to any In dian. Fourth, that if any corn-fence shall be by the inhabitants of the town judged insufficient, and the owner thereof forbear mending it more than two days after warning given, the inhabitants shall 55 434 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1633, King of G, Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhiUp IV, mend said fence, and the corn of the owner of said fence shall be liable to pay the charge of mending. Fifth, that it shall be lawful for any man to kill any swine that comes into his corn ; the party that owns the swine is to have them being killed, and allow recompense for the damage they do. Mcr ' We (at Plyraouth) having had formerly con verse and familiarity with the Dutch, they seeing us seated in a barren quarter, told us of a river called by them the Fresh river, which they often commended to us for a fine place both for planta tion and trade, and wished us to make use of it. But our hands being full otherwise, we let it pass. But afterwards there coming a corapany of Indians into these parts, who were driven thence by the Pequents (or Pequots) who usurped upon them, they often solicited us to go thither, and we should have much trade, especially if we would keep a house there. And having good store of comraodi- ties, we began to send that way, to discover the sarae, and trade with the natives. We found it to be a fine place, and tried divers tiraes, not without profit. But saw 'the raost certainty would be by keeping a house there, to receive the trade when it coraes down out of the inland. These Indians not seeing us very forward to build there, solicited those of the Massachusetts in like sort ; for their end was to be restored to their country again. But they in the bay being but lately come, were not fit for the same. (See April 4, 1631. By which it seems as if the Plymouth partners had sent divers tiraes up Connecticut river, and traded there, be fore April 1631, though they set not up a house till now.) B ' But some of the chief in the Mb. made a mo tion to join with the partners here (at Plymouth) NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 435 1633, King of G, Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, to trade jointly with them at that river, which we were willing to embrace, and so have built and put in equal stock together. A time of meeting was appointed at the Massachusetts, and sorae of the chief here (at Plyraouth) are appointed to treat with them, and go accordingly. B ' July 12. Mr. Edward Winslow, governor of Plymouth, and Mr. Bradford come into the bay, to confer about joining in a trade to Connecticut for beaver and hemp. There was a motion to set up a trading house there, to prevent the Dutch who are about to build one. But in regard the place is not fit for plantation, there being three or four thousand warlike Indians, and the river not to be gone into but by small pinnaces, having a bar affording but six foot at high water, and for that no vessels can get in for seven raonths in the year by reason of ice, &c. ; we thought not fit to med dle with it. w ' The Massachusetts gentlemen casting many fears of danger and loss, tell us, they have no mind to it. We then answer, we hope it will be no offence to thera if we go without thera. They said, there is no reason (it) should. And thus this treaty breaks off, and we corae away. B July 18. w And those (at Plymouth) take convenient tirae to make beginning there (of building) and are the first English that both discovered that place and built in the sarae. B 'But the Dutch begin now to repent ; and hear ing of our purpose and preparation, endeavor to prevent us, get in a little before us, raake a slight fort, and plant two pieces of ordnance, threatening' to stop our passage. But we having a great new bark, and a frarae of a house (with) boards, nails, &c. ready, that we might have a defence against 436 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1633, King of G, Britain, Charles L— France, Lewis XIII, — Spain, PhUip IV, the Indians, who are much offended that we bring home and restore the right Sachems of the place called Natawanute ; so as we are to encounter with a double danger in this attempt, both the Dutch and Indians : when we come up the river, the Dutch demand what we intend, and whither we would go ? We answer up the river to trade ; now our order was to go and seat above thera. They bid us strike and stay, or they would shoot us ; and stood by their ordnance ready fitted. We answer, we have a coraraission frora the governor of Plyra outh to go up the river to such a place ; and if they shoot we raust obey our order and proceed, we would not raolest them, but^would go on : so we pass along, and the Dutch threaten us hard, yet they shoot not. Coming to our place [about a mile above the Dutch] (since called Windsor, w and below the south side line of the Massachusetts patent) we quickly clap up our house, land our provisions, leave the company appointed, send the bark home, and afterwards palisade our house about and fortify better. The Dutch send word home to the Monhatos, what was done. And in process of tirae, they send a band of about seventy men in warlike manner, with colors displayed, to assault us. But seeing us strengthened, and that it would cost blood, they corae to a parley, and return in peace ; and this was our entrance there., We did the Dutch no wrong, for we took not a foot of any land they bought, but went to the place above thera, and bought that tract of land which belonged to the Indians we carried with us and our friends, vvith whom the Dutch had nothing to do. B July 24. A ship from Weymouth, arrives (at Boston) with eighty passengers [and twelve kine] NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 437 1633. King of G. Britain, Charies I,— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV, who set down at Dorchester, they were twelve weeks coming ; being forced into the western islands by a leak, where they stayed three weeks, and were very courteously used by the Portugals ; but the extremity of the heat there, and the contin ual rains brought sickness upon thera, so as (several died.) w ' June, July, and August. It pleases God to visit us (at Plymouth) with an infectious fever, of which many fall very sick and upwards of twenty die, men, and women, [besides children] and of them sundry (who were) our ancient friends in Holland, -as Thoraas Blossom, with others ; and in the end, Samuel Fuller, our surgeon and physician ; who has been a great help and comfort to us, as in his faculty, so otherwise, being a deacon of the church, godly, and forward to do good, ranch raissed after his death ; all which cause ranch sadness and mourning araong us ; (and raove) us to hurable ourselves and seek the Lord by fasting and prayer, who was entreated of us. Mem For toward win ter, it pleased the Lord, the sickness ceased. This disease also swept away raany of the Indians frora all the places near (us.) B August 5. w Two men, servants to John Moo dy of Roxbury that were ungodly, especially one, who in his passion would wish hiraself in hell, and use desperate words, yet had a good measure of knowledge, against the counsel of their (master) would go in a boat to the oyster bank, where they lie all night. In the morning' early, [August 6,] w when the tide is out, they gathering oysters, leave their boat (unfastened) on the verge of the chan nel, and quickly the tide carries it so far into the Mem Mr, Morton, Secretary of Plymouth Colony's Memorial, 438 NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 1633, King of G, Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, PhUip IV. channel,* that they cannot recover it, and they are both drowned, although they might have waded out on either side ; but it was an evident judg ment of God upon them, w * Here ends No, 3, Volume II, being all that was printed, of the Annals of New England, We have completed the sentence from Winthrop's Journal, Extensive preparations had undoubtedly been made for a continuance of the work, but the want of encouragement, and the death of the author in 1758, prevented a continuation of the publication. On the covers of the last num ber were the following advertisement, and the annexed cncular, soliciting contributions of materials for the completion of the work, according to the original design. Editor of this Edition. Advektisement, Wanting yet, accounts of these ancient towns, namely, Newton, Groton, Chelmsford, Billerica, Woburn, Dunstable, Manchester, in Massachusetts ; Saybrook, New Haven, Fairfield, Stamford, in Connecticut ; and Bristol, in Plymouth patent. The reverend ministers or other gentlemen of those towns, are earnestly entreated, to inquire of their records, gravestones, and ancient people ; and send the remarkables of their history from the beginning, in a Chronological order, to the compiler of these Annals, with aU convenient expedition, Boston, May 28, 1755, Sir, — The New England Annals wanting the remarkables of your place, and the Composer being loth to omit them, that so the work may be as com plete as possible, you are therefore earnestly desired to send your commu nications as soon as may be, on the following heads, 1 When your town was granted and settled, what its original Indian name, to what county first laid ; and if there has been any alteration, what, and when it was, 2 What the number of original shares and settlers, and from whence they chiefly came, and what your present number of famUies. 3 When the churcli was first gathered, and what their first and present number of males. 4 Whether you are yet divided into precincts, how many, when, and what their names, both ancient and Indian emd present English. 5 Who have been your teaching or ruling elders, and when called, ordain ed, removed, and died, at what age, and where. 6 Whether you have a grammar school, and when first set up. 7 How many of your town have taken their first degree at college, whether at Cambridge or New Haven, how many at each, and what their naraes, 8 The decease of other gentlemen of note among you, such as counseUors, assistants, justices, graduates, he. 9 Whether any have deceased araong you of 100 years of age or upwards, whether English or Indians, when, and what their names, 10 Those who have been remarkable for a great increase of posterity, their names, age, when they died, and the number of their ofl'spring then of each generation, 11 What remarkable works have been among you, as the buUding meeting houses, great bridges, forts, &c, and when. NEW ENGLAND CHRONOLOGY. 439 1633, King of G, Britain, Charies L— France, Lewis XIIL— Spain, Philip IV, 12 The remarkable Providences that have befallen your town or the people in it, from the beginning to the present time ; as earthquakes, tempests, inun dations, extiaordinary floods, droughts, fires, epidemical sicknesses, awful deaths, or any other strange occurrences, as far as can be recollected. You are desired to be as precise as possible in the dates, both as to year, month, and day, of all your articles, as well as certain in the facts related ; that so the public may depend upon the truth and accuracy of these col lections. In doing which you will oblige the public, as well as ' The Composerj Thomas Pkince, Additional note ly the Editor of the present Edition. Several of the works most frequently cited by the author of the Chrono logy, from the original manuscripts, have been published since the compila tion of this wdrk. The most valuable of these, is Governor Winthrop's Jour nal, or History of New England from 1630, to 1649, so often cited in the latter part of the present volume. Of this work a second and much improved edition, carefully copied from the original manuscript which had been in the possession of Dr, Prince, and iUustrated with notes, by Mr, Savage, is now pubUshing, It wUI serve, with the elaborate notes of its learned editor, as the best substitute for the work here prematurely brought to a close. Hubbard's History has been published from the manuscript by the Massa chusetts Historical Society, and it forms the fifth and sixth volumes of the second series of their collections. Governor Bradford's manuscript History often cited in this work, and many other valuable papers coUected by the author of the New England Chrono logy, were lost or destroyed during the revolutionary war. iVIourt's Relation, which consisted of narratives from several of the first Plymouth adventurers, probably governor Bradford, governor Winslow, Isaac Allerton, and others, was published in London in the year 1622. An abridg ment of it was afterwards published by Purchas in his PUgrim, and it was this abridgment whicli was made use of by Dr. Prince, The abridgment was republished from Purchas in the eighth volume of the Massachusetts Historical Collections, and a copy of the original publication having been subsequently procured frora one preserved in the Philadelphia City Library, the parts omitted in the abridgment, were republished in the ninth volume of the second series of the collections. Winslow's Relation, was printed in London in 1624, and the most import ant part of ir^ copied by Purchas, was republished in volume eight of the Historical Collections. The parts omitted by Purchas are copied in volume nine, second series, of the Historical Collections, from a copy of the original in the Ebeling Library, in Harvard University. Deputy-governor Dudley's letter to the countess of Lincoln, and Johnson's History of New England, have also been repubUshed in the Historical Col lections. Printed by WUIiam L, Lev Congress-street, Boston, 3 9002 00811 6486 m