¥m mm \_a53 YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THEEE LECTUEES, ON THE IMPOLICY AND INJUSTICE OF EELIGIOFS ESTABLISHMENTS, OR THE GRANTING OF MONEY FOR TBE SUPPORT Of RELIGION FROM PUBLIC TREASURY; IN THE AUSTRALIAN COLONIES. BY JOHN DUNMORE LANG, D.D., A.M.,. MINISTER OF THE SCOTS OHTTECH, SYDNEY, Botwrary Member of the African Institute of France, of the American Oriental Society, and of the Literary Institute of Olinda, m the Br&sUs, THIRD THOTTSAND. PRINTED BY ROBERT BAER, No.^7, YORK STREET. MDCCOLVI. Price One Shilling' and Sixpence. iiMtkraBiit. The following Lectures were originally delivered in the School of ^rts, Sydney, in the month of April, 1842, shortly after the author had withdrawn from the communion of the Presbyterian State Church of New South Wales, and relinquished his Grovernment salary as the Senior Minister of that Church. They are now republished, with nu merous alterations and improvements, which the lapse of time and the progress of the colonies have rendered expedient and necessary, with a view to supply to all concerned the necessary information, which few comparatively have the means of acquiring from other sources, on the great question now 'at issue in the Colonies of New South Wales and Victoria. The view given in the Second Lecture of the origin and working of the Voluntary System in the United States of America is from no second-hand authority ; the author having made it his business, during a tour in not fewer than eleven of the United States in the year 1840, to ascertain these points for his own satisfaction, foreseeing that the maintenance or discontinuance of the existing connexion of Church and State in these Colonies would one day become the great question in Australia. The humiliating results of the Hegium Donum in Ireland, and of the actual system of State support for religion in New South Wales, as exhibited in the Third Lecture, will speak for themselves. Sydney, 7th May, 1866. THREE LECTURES, &c. LECTURE I. SKETCH or THE HISTORY OF EELIGIOUS ESTABLISHMENTS IS EUROPE. The object of the following Course of Lectures is to demonstrate the Impolicy and Injustice of Religious Establishments, or the granting of money for the support of Religion from the public Treasury, in these Australian Colonies. The question of the policy and justice of Religious Establish ments generally is a very wide one, and one that may be consi dered under a great variety of aspects. It is the inore necessary, therefore, to state precisely the question for discussion on the present occasion. You are well aware, then, that while certain persons of almost all Christian communions maintain that there ought to be an inti mate connexion or alliance between Church and State, and that it is the bounden duty of the civil Magistrate to support the profes sion of religion in some form or other from the Public Treasury, there are other persons, of all these communions also, who maintain that there ought to be no such connexion, and that such a con nexion is unscriptural and sinful. Now this is doubtless a very interesting and important question, and one well deserving of a long and serious discussion. But it is not the question we ar6 now called upon to discuss ; for the lawfulness of such a connexion in certain circumstances has not only been ac knowledged and acted upon all along by the four principal denomi nations of these Colonies, but has actually been admitted at one time or other by every organised body of professed Christians in our colonial community. The Episcbpalians are the most numerous body of professing Christians in the Australian Colonies, and the Episcopal Church has existed as a civil establishment since the founding of these Colonies. The Roman Catholics rank next in point of number ; and although it is said they have refused an endowraeut in Ireland, they have nevertheless had one in Aus tralia for the last thirty-five years. The Presbyterians are the next largest in numerical amount, and their clergy — at least a portion 6 of them — have, in like manner, been supported by the State for thirty years past. The Methodists come next, and they too have enjoyed the benefits of a Religious Establishment, on precisely the same terms as the denominations I have enumerated, ever since the passing of the General. Church Act, in the year 1836. Nay, even the Independents and Baptists, who are cortmonly understood to be the sworn enemies of the principle of a religions establishment at home, did not object tb that principle here in the first instance ; , the Independents having accepted assistance from the Public purse for the erection of their' chapel at South Head in New South Wales, and the Baptists having received similar assistance for theirs in Sydney.* Now as a single instance of this kind is suffi cient to determine either the adherence or the non-adherence of any individual body to a great principle, no Independent or Baptist in these Colonies who either directly or indirectly consented ; to receive the assistance afforded by the Government in the cases referred to, can ever consistetitly maintain eithei" the urdawfidness or the antiscriptural character of the principle of a Religious Establishment.f ,1 The question, therefore, of the lawfutness ot an Ecclesiastical establishment in the abstraot^^the question as to whether such on •establishment is defensible on scriptural principles or nOt^rthe question as to whether it is allowable or sinful — is riot the question in these Colonies. Episcopalians and Roman CatholicSj Presby terians and Independents; Baptists and Methodists— havei. all successively admitted that there is nothing positively sinful in suph an alliance between Church and State as is imjplied in receiving money from the State for ecclesiastical purposes ; that it is not contrary to Scripture-rule for a minister of religion to receive a salary^ or for a community of professing Christians to receive assist ance for the erection of a place of worship from the public Treasury. Individual members of all these communions may be of a different * An Independent minister at Geelohg, in Victoria, has accepted ah allot ment of ground from the State, for the erection of a place of worship for his -parlicuiar denomination, and a Baptist minister in Melbourne has done the same there. Whether they have also put in for salaries vinder the New Constitution Act, I have ndt yet learned. t The Baptist minister at Launceston, Van Diemen's Land, received a salary from the Local Government at one time, whatever may have been the case after- Wards ; but the Independents of that Colony have lilways assumed higher ground, and have never accepted anything from the State for the supjiort of religion in that form. On oue occasion the Legislative Council of that settle ment, at the instance, I believe, of the late ! 105 0 0 Moneymore, 1st ... ... ... 809 50 0 0 St. Johnstown ... ... ' ... ... 1200 64 2 1 ' TuUylish ... ... 1000 57 12 4J Second Class :— £69 4s. 8d. per annum each. Anaghlone, 2nd 450 35 0 0 Bailieboro, 1st ... ... ... ... 1108 24 7 6 Ballinahinch, 3rd ... ... ... 600 38 2 3 Ballindreat 750 31 0 0 Ballssaim ... ... ... ... 500 « 24 0 0 Ballyjamesduff ... ... ... 450' 20 0 0 Balteagh . ... ... ... ... 560 36 0 C) Banbridge ,... ... ... ... 950 50 0 0 Bel'laghy ' ... ;., 700 35 0 0 Boveya ... ... ... ... 915 35 18 0 Ballyamett ... ... ... ... 730 58 0 0 Carndonough ... ... ... ... 500 35 0 0 CaStleWayney, 1st 787 25 10 0' Ca'stlederg, 1st ... ... ... ... 701 30 0 0 Castledawson 1500 40 0 0 Clontibret, 1st 500 23 14 0- Coleraiine, 2nd ... ... ... ... 1640 80 0 0 Comber, 2nd 1100 46 0 0 Convoy ... ' ... ... ... 1300 45 0 0 Donaghmore ... ... ... ... 1140 54 2 2. DonoUghmore ... , ... 1499 48 . 6 11 Drumachose ... ... ... ... 860 40' 0 0 Paughanvale ... ... ... ... 1450 60 0 0 Finvoy 2504 64 13 6- Holywood ... 1700 60 0 0 Keady, 1st' ... ... ... ... 1000 38 0 0 Keady,. 2nd .- .... ... -.. 600 30 0 0 Kilrea, 1st ... 1240 40 13 6 Knowhead ... ... ... ... 1260 64 12 6 Legacnrry ... -v. „..,. ... 700 35 9 10 Letterkenny, 1st ... .«.. ... 771. 40 0 O Letterkenny, 3rd . , ^.< ... 740 42 0 0 - Loughbrickland .,. ... 1170 51 0 0- Maghera ... 1733 88 1 6 Magherhaily t.,. ... .., i.. 1600 30 0 O- Malin ... 600 35 16 &• 54 .Malone Monreagh Mourne Newto-wnards, 3rd, Eegent-street Newto-wn Crommelin Newto-wn *C!unningham ... Portadown'Kamelton, 1st ... ... 't Baphoe ...' Kathfriland, 3rd ""' t,i. £ s. d. 1000 60 0 .0 1000 48 18 „o; 2500 50 O" '0* 1050 ' 71 1 0 736 12 11 2 625 - 40 18 8 750 29 16 6 1391 57 18 IJ 1650 50 0 0 620 41 19 Qi 1200 30 0 0 682 44 3 10 1000 •'24 12 10 1000 '"70 0 0 Stranorlar, l-^^^*- Tobermore ""•'...' Whiteabbey '• :".. ... ..."¦?- II. Congregations and Ministers distinguished as " Seceders," but fit* ' connected with the General Assembly ; £69 4s. 8d. per annum "*if paid to each minister. Ballyeaston, 2nd Belfast, Bglinton-street ... Clontibret, 2nd ^.^... Cootehill , ... ^ ..... Donaeloney ... ' ... Drumgooland DriUmlee ... ... Dungiven Gilford GlascarHill Hall ,,::... Ne-wtown, Limavady ... %l\-i.- Eay, 2nd IIL Secession Synod.— £«9 4s. 8d, Corronary Moneyrea ¦ Dromore Kilmore DownpatrickLame Antrim Newtownards 1170 52 a 0 1600 50 0 0 541 35 0 0 800 35 14^ ,0 1370 59 O' 0 1500 55 0 0 600 35 12 0 710 36 15 0 90O 35 0 0 1000 50 4 0 1100 40 0 0 900 39 0 0 1326 69 8 2 paid to each. 1100 27 4 5 IV. Eemonstrant Synod of (iiErister. First Class :— £9^ 6s. 2id. each. 1645 Second Class;— £69 4s. 8d. each. * '*• 55 8 4 1206 60 0-0 530 30 0 0 y. Presbytery of Antrim. ^ ' First Class :— £92 6s. 2d. each. * ... 1042 69 10 6 1495 74 18 6 Second Class :— £69 4s. 8d. each. •¦• ' 616 23 19 0 1150 30 0 0 u 'SucSi are spmeof the facts of this great question, and we now submit to ^11 whom the matter does or may concern, whether it does not demand ¦pi-bmpt and serious Consideration. While none are gainers, all are losers by it. The tendency is every way extensively mischievous.. The ¦itegium- Donum ministers, as already hinted, are the worst supported body of pastors in the British Isles, and their poverty is injurious to the best interests of their people. Speaking of the Churches generally, the ¦springs of benevolence are prevented frombreaking forth. Commencing with neglect of their ministers, they naturally end with the neglectof others whb have claims on their Christian benevolence. We maintain, then, it is the duty alike of the Regium Donum ministers, and the Regium Donum, congregations, voluntarily to surrender their pestilent boon. We, hold that it is, further, the duty of their friends, in Great Britain and elsewhere, to press upon them the necessity and the obliga tion which rests upon them at once to sever themselves from the State bounty.' Were they in England, and interspersed among the Dissenters there, they would everywhere be ashamed of the reception of- this Donum. Their former brethren in this miserable fellowship have all washed their hands of it. The Do^um has ceased to disgrace the Dis senters of England. Were they in Scotland, they' would feel it impos sible, amid their noble host of Presbyterian brethren, to continue its ¦recipients. They would not only feel constrained to surrender, but they would,' have the conviction forced upon them, tiiat it was at once the politic and profitable course so to do. The ministers of three of the Congregations indicated iTi the pre ceding Lists came out to New South Wales at my pdtticular-instance, in the year 1837 ;> viz., the Rev. James (now Drl) Fiillerton, of Sydney, formerly of Benburb, in the North of Ireland ; the Rev. Thomas Dugall, now of Sorell, Van Dieman's Land, formerly of Vine- cash ; and the late Eev. Hugh Gilchrist, of Campbelltown, formerly of Ballyjamesduff, in the Irish Presbyterian Church. The congregation •of Benburb— and I am told it is not a small one in point of numbers — contributes for its minister not less than £27 4s. 5d. per annum, which, of course, he receives over and above the second class rate of Regium Donum, or £69 4s. 8d. ! In such circumstances, it was doubtless high time for the worthy pastor to come out to Australia, to obtain a donum of £200 a year from the Colonial Government, and to publish a trashy Sermon, entitled The National Duty of Chtistian States, to induce the Christian State of New South Wales, forsooth, to continue it. The late Mr. GilchrisCs original congregation of Bally jamesduff, consisting of 450 adherents, contributed for their minister £20 a year, or at the rate of lOd. per head ¦, while that of Vinecash, Hof which Mr. Dugall was pastor, raised not less than £17 a year ! But the results of the State provision for the support of religion in these Colonies — taking for an illustration the past twenty years' experi ence of the existing -system in New South Wales — are in no respect different from those exhibited in the Parliamentary Eeturn above cited, in the case of the Regiwm Donum and the Irish Presbyterian Chiarch. In the Session of 1854, a Select Committee of the late Legislative Council of New South, Wales was appointed to take evidence as to the 50 condition and prospects of the Colonial Clergy under that system, anl ^the following are extracts from- the Appendix to their Eeport ; the witne^^es^,bei,ng all clergymen of the Church of England. The Eev. "James Walker, M-A., Liverpool, since deceased, examined: — 12. ' Do you consider the stipends granted for the support of Ministers of Eeligion, under Sir Eichard Bourke's Act, inadeq-uate to their sup' port ? Quite inadequate. 13. Have you considered in what way, consistently witb the- feelings of educated gentlemen, their incomes could be augmented, so as not to- lower their standing ? I consider that we have an equitable claim on the Government, inasmuch as by the alteration in the cireumstances of the Colony our incomes of £200 a year have been virtually reduced to £70 or £80, a scale of maintenance which subjects a clergyman -with a family, however reconciled to discomfort and privations, to all the dis tressing anxieties of penury- He is compelled, during the winter months, or upon-'a sudden advance in the price of flour and rice, to anti cipate his pay, in order to secure a sufficiency of the necessaries of life,- and becomes involved in pecuniary difficulties by any contingency eh^ tailing additional ex^ienditure for his household.- I felt the pressure myself more severely in 1852 than I have since. In that year I was obliged to apply to my friends in England, being at the time destitutOf as were likewise all my family, of every necessary article of apparel j and had I not received assistance from them I could not have gone on f nor could I have' escaped from debt, while waiting for their assistance, had not one of my parishioners presented me with ft dray-load of stores. 1*16. May I ask what family yon have ? I have eight in family at pSBasent, atid my pay available) for its support is nine shillings a day, deducting the wages of a servant, whom I brought* out from England with me — the only servant I have. My actual pay is nearly eleven shillings a day. 17. What fees do you receive ? 1% sfees in the year may amount to- about £5 ; but from the time I took holy orders I have always devoted them to charitable purposes, and do so still. 18. By Mr. Macleay : What may have been the amount of Easter Offerings in your parish for the last two years ? I have had them but for two years ; the first year the amount was £63, and the last year £82. They were collected without my knowledge- 19. By Dr. Douglass : Supposing the Govemmenti*feIt themselveSr under Sir Eichard Bourke's Act, precluded from increasing the stipends oftheClergy, is there any other mode by which you think that object could be attained? I think the Government could give us some tem porary, relief, and then give us power to organise ourselves. I think there is a sufficient body of persons belonging to the Church of England in the Colony to raise a fund for clerical support,.if we had the power to adopt some method of organization- 20. Do you propose that such a method should be general, or confined toeach parish? A general measure, I should say, and the fund so raised should be managed by a Central Board. 21. All the members of the Church of England should contribute towards one general fund, out of which certain allowances should be made ijro rata to the different Clergymen as required? Yes. But at present there are a number of persons on the Census put down as mem- 57 bers of the Church of England -who really are not so. Now I would make it a condition of belonging to the Church of England that they really should subscribe to this fund. My opinion ou the matter is, that we must give up the idea of having a large figure on the Census if we come to voluntary support ; we ' 27. flow would you have the distribution of that fund managed — in whom.^ would you vest it ? In' a board to be chosen by the body of the members of the Church. Call the body what you please. It should be an incorporated society. 34. By the Chairman : Do you think it would be beneficial to the ¦Clergy of the Chuaroh of England that tiaey should be divorced altogether from Sir Eichard Bourke's Act ? My opinion is that it would be bene ficial, as far as I have been able to icons|der the matter. * ¦» * Until some final arrangement of _th6 kind be made, I expect Jiothing but dissension and division in the community. 45. By Dr. Douglass : You have spoken of a temporary allowance being made by the Government to all clergymen — what scale of increase to their stipends do you think would be sufficient? I think those who Ihav^the lowest incomes aught to have the largest increase. The same scale as that adopted for the Government Clerks would do. Whatever the scale may be, it should have reference to the amount of the stipend received by each Clergyman, because we. are not exactly in the same position. I do not" know how others do, but I know I could not have gone on without getting assistance from England, and it is an unpleasant tning.(for a person at my age to be obliged, to apply for such assistance ; but I must either haye done that or contracted debt for provisions. As for clothing, my family has been entirely dependent on friends in Bng-' land for that since the gold discovery. A 'Clergyman's salary of the lowest scale will not maintain him, and if there is any illness in his family it throws him back six or eight months. I had an illness in my own family, and it took me a year^nd six months to re-adjust my affairs. 46. Then in point of fact the Clergy here are worse off than the Curates in England? Yes, certainly since the gold discovery. No Curate in Engltmd is in the same state that we are in, unless through his own fault. We have no advantages such as English Curates have — no chance of bettering our condition, or of availing ourselves of Collegiate and ©iocesan Establishments for educating our sons and daughters. . No ¦Clergyman would think of coming here if he knew the circuihstances of our case, and few would stop here if they cauld get back. 5S 47. By the Chairman: Independently of the pecuniary difficulty you have had to contend with yourself, is it known to you that other Clergy men have had to contend with similar difficulties? I am perfectly well aware that they have, and have like myself, exhausted private funds on which they had calculated for the benefit Of their famihes. I made a. strong representation to the late Bishop on this very point ten years ago.. I am sure they could not have gone on for the last three years without being involved in Sebt or getting assistance from some quartet or other. 54. By the Chairman.- Are there any other remarks or suggestions that occur to you? ' It appears to me a favourablfe opportunity, now that the question is forced upon the attention of the public, for,the Legisla- lative Council to consider the expediency of passing- an Enabling Act, whereby steps Alight be taken for maintaining «the existence of the Church of England io this Colony by voluntary support. The Eev. William Stack, B. A., Campbelltown, examined :— 15. By the Chairman :, Aie you aware that since the discovery of gold the Clergymen of the Church of England, especially the country Clergy, have experienced great difficulties from the want of pecuniary assist ance? Clergym'en, as well as other gentlemen, are reserved in their communications upon such personal subjects, so that I cannot speak particularly of the difliculties which others have encountered;, but I fancy if the whole truth were kno-wn, yo-n would find most of the country Clergymen severely pressed, and some of them in great embarrassmen^. Of my own case I -will speak frankly. My stipend from- Government is £200 per annum, and I have £50 a year from the Society for the Propa gation of the Gospel. 1 have a goodhouse and five acres of land round the house. I have also a glebe of forty acres for which I recei-ve £8 a year ; my fees in the course of the year may amount to something like- £5, certainly iiot . more. Every year I receive from friends- in Ireland- nearly all the clothing my family wear and other useful things. Thus I was eiiabled before the gold discovery to go on from year to year -without contracting debts. Last year I received from my parishioners £132 in- money and other presents ; for example, I received, from a consider|te person two acres of wheat. This year I have (received nothing anjLex- peot nothing. I was convinced last year that the zeal of the pa^sl^ad exhausted itself by an effort which surprised me, and the result has shown that I was right in my conjecture. In addition to all this, I received from a friend, not a parishioner, a presemt of £50. Yet at the end of the year my bank account was much the same as at the begin ning ; all these sums were sunk. I am far, however, from being in warit) as the same friend gave me the otherday £120 j but these gifts I would be unwil ling to accept if I were not a Clergyman under a kind of demi-voluntary sys tem, and certainly treated unfairly by some one, whether Fy the Government, who send me to the people for payment of part of my income, or by the people, who do not pay it. My habits are simple and unexpensivei Many of the country clergymen have smaller stipends than mine, and- must be, in many respects, in a worse condition ; how they manage in such times is a mystery to me. The Eev. William Branwhite Clarke, M. A., St. Leonard's, North Shore, Sydney, exaiqined : — ¦ 21. By the Attorney General: I find that by the Church Act it is. necessary in. order to raise a Clergyman's income to £200 a year, that 59 five hundred adults should subscribe a declaration that they attend the Church to which he is appointed. Have you any dqubt there are five hundred in your district ? There may be twice five hundred. 22. If there were only five hundred, have you any doubt that .'those five hundred would at least be able to pay £1 each during the year ? The names appended to the declaration ?an question? amounted^ to 568. Of these, 245 belonged to the Parish of WiEoughby, 270 to the Parish of Gordon, and 44 to the Parishes of Manly Cove, Narirabine, and Broken Bay. Many of these persons were members of the Church of Eome, of the Church of Scotland, and of the Wesleyan denomination. Many have left the district, some are dead, and of the 568 who declared their "desiro and intention to attend Divine Service in the said church of St. Thomas," .340 to my knowledge have never once entered the Church to worship, and only such of them as may have attended a funeral, or a marriage, or other occasional service,*have entered it at all. Such persons can in no sense be said to belong to the congregation there. And with respect to the whole of the iiihabitants in the fotir Parishes of Gordon, Manly Cove, Narrabine, and Broken Bay, not one of them' — dilring seven yearsat which at my own expense I have visited th^m, officiating at Gordon every month — ^has contributed ' a farthihg to any Church purpose what ever, nor have i;he 279 persons of that parish who subsciabed the declara tion assisted in paying my horse-hire, or in contributing e-ven a handful of com, though I had on some occasions to visit the siek,. sixteen miles .from my residence, at a heavy expense. I neverth,eless do not doubt that many, if not all, the adults in that parish could contribute £1 per annum. And I "must add in justice, that those who, when the subject was mentioned lately, were foremost in iirging the necessity of dbmg something, were chiefly members not of the communion of the Chiftch of England. _ ^ 30. By the Chairman ': Hkve you considered th^ subject sufficiently to offer any suggestion as to the best course to be adopted for affording relief to the Clergy ? It would be a difficult matter to offer suggestio-ns in a case of the kind, where the unhappy' clergyman sits at the junction of^wo stools. If the Government or Legislature say, " We cannot S^sist you because we are tied up by the law," and the people say, " We cannot or we will not, because you are supported by the Government already," what suggestion can be made ? If the people could be brought to act in concert with the Government, and would guarantee a sufficient provision for the Clergy,*lhat would be what I understand is desired. The Eev.%enry Tarlton Stiles, M.A., Windsor, examined : — 4. What stipend had you when first appointed? £250 a year, with a Parsonage and forage for one horse, besides a glebe and two assigned glebe servants, rationed by Government, for its cultivation. 5. From what sources was that salary derived ? Prom the Govern ment. I was appointed as a Colonial Chaplain. No other source of income but the Gossgrnment was known in those days. 10. By the Chairman : Is the salary you now receive sufficient ts meet your wants ? It is not. I cannot live upon it. 11. May I ask have you any family ? Yes, four sons and a daughter. 12. Can you give the Committee an idea of the amount of Easter Of ferings, or anything which may have been presented to you -within the last three years ? I have never had any Easter Offerings. Last year, in the month of August, my parishioners, of their own accord, presented 60 me -with a purse containing one hundred and thirty sovereigns. Besides that, I haiy.e had nothing extra. This year there has been nothing of lj*e kind.' .j, , ' i 13. That is all you have ever recei-sjed from them ? Yes. 14. Many of the persons who reside in your district are in affluent- circumstances, are they not ? Yes,.tllere are many rich men. 15. By Mr. Macarthur : Generally speaking, the popula,tion are in< easy circumstances ? Yes, all the farmers are more than in easy cir- ciwnstances — they are wealthy. 16. By the Attorney General : Can you give the Committee any idea what number of members of the Church of England there are in your fetrict ? There are, I believe, ir the parish of St. Matthew 1165 of .all ages belonging to the Church pf England according to the Census, be sides other churchmen in the" aistrict whose nurabers I have not the meanp of ascertaining at hand. 22'. Do you not think some of these people Ajould afford to pay two' guineas a year ? No doubt about it. 23. By the Attorney General : Have you any • doubt that there are a thousand in your large parish that could afford £1 a year on the aver age ? I should not like to say a thousand. 24. Have no steps been taken by the Churchwardens or leading people of your congregations to raise funds in order to augment your income to enable you to meet the increased expenses of living? ' Nothing more has been done than what I have said. Several calls have been made on the ' people for Church purposes, such as repairs of the Church, and so on;4_ aind some of them have ¦ been pretty heavy. But nothing ''besides the " £13,0 I mentioned, as a gift to me in August last year, has been done for my benefit; nor do I think it likely anything effectual or permanent beyond perhaps an occasional- expression of good will, will be done ; because the people do not seem to consider it their duty. 25. Are they aware of the^altry amount of income you receive from the Government ? Not gefeBHily. They are accustomed to look upon the payment of aplergyman-v'ery much in the same light as that of ' a Police MagistrStte — that is, thfey know he receives a stipend from the Govttement, and they never take the trouble to enquire further. t 35. Are you not aware that it was contemplated that the salary .#• lowed under the Church Act was merely a partial one — that it was always intended that the laity of each ' denomination should contri bute towards the support of their Clergy ? I am very glad you put that question, because I have every reason to believe that soine such repre sentation of the scope and intention of the Church Act was made to the authorities in England ; but I speak of my own knowledge when I say such was never known ,to be the intention among the people of this Colony. No such impression was ever produced in the minds of the people of the Colony by anything publicly stated. When the Church Act -was passed a certain number of pounds were allowed as the stipend of a Clergyman, pn the sole condition of a certain, number of persons ex pressing their intention, in writing, to attend his'ministry. But the people were never under the impression that they were expected to con tribute an equal sum. The Act is positively silent on the point, and, as a matter of fact, no such impression has been produced in their minds, nor has such moiety ever been paid. There is an excepted case pro vided for m the fifth clause of the Church Act, which exception only proves the fact as I state it. 61 36. By the Attorney General : That must have been in consequence of the Council being a close Council at that time, in 1836, and the de bates not being published, because, 1 can answer for it, as a Member of the Council and the person who drew the Church Act, that it was always the intention of Sip Eichard Bourke, and those who supported that Act, that the salary of £200 a year should be only a retaining fee, as it were, a,nd that the five hundred persons, or upwards, who might subscribe the list to obtain that income for the Clergyman, gave an implied promise to the Government that they would support him decently and properly ? In reply, I can assure you that there has been no such Impression among the people ; from whatever cause that arose I do not know; but such is the fact. As a proof of it, I am aware that several ignorant country people have signed papers for different religious teachers of different de nominations, as they^id not bfelieve. their signing implied a pledge that they woald give money. I mentioned several cases to our late Bishop. The reason why they signed was because they thought they were doing a favour to the minister. '• The Eev. George Edward Turner, S. C. L., Eyde, examined: — 11. By the Chairman : Are you aware whether th,eife is great distress existing a4ong the Clergymen of the Church of England ? Common reason tells kie that if a Clergyman has a family, and only £200 a year, he, must be in distress. **. Supposing, therefore, that, instead of the present reservation, by Act of Parliament, of £28,000 for New South Wales, and £50,000 for Victoria," under the New Constitution, a general tax for the support of religion under the existing politico-ecclesiastical system should be imposed upon both Colonies by the forthcoming Kepre- sentative Legislatures, it may not be improper to enquire what would be the probable result of such a tax in regard to its amount on the one hand and its moral tendency on'' the other. Now, taking into consideration the pastoral character of this country and the con sequent dispersion of its population, conjoined with the fact that thwe are at present not fewer than four established Churches, viz ; thf^Episcopalian, the Presbyterian, the Roman Catholic, and the Methodist, to be supported by the State, the amount of such a tax under the existing politico-ecclesiastical system would very soon be enormous and absolutely intolerable to the community. For wher ever any one of these communions could find a hundred adults wil ling to receive a minister in any locality, it would be sure to have one settled in that locality very shortly, if not from a desire to promote the influence of genuine Christianity among the dispersed inhabitants of the Territory, at least from a spirit of rivalry and a desire not to be outdone by the other communions. The Episco palians are unquestionably the most numerous and the most wealthy of the four favoured communions. The Roman Catholics rank next in point of number. The Presbyterians come next; and the Methodists bring up the rear. Now which of these bodies is likely to lag behind in this contest for the predominance ? Which of them is likely to be the last in putting in its claim for an additional 62 Government salary, under the General Church Act of 1836, wher ever and whenever there is the slightest pretext for settling ano ther minister ? Every petty district throughout the Territory^ in both Colonies, would ere long havftlts Episcopalian minister, and its Presbyterian minister, and its Roman Catholic minister, and its Methodist minister, till the country would be absolutely-beaten up with ministers, and till the tax for the support of religion would become an intolerable burden to the community, and be at length thrown off altogether by the public in some moment of public exasperation. The amount contributed by the Colonial Governments for the sup port of religion is at present £28,000 per annum for New South Wales, and £50,000 for Victoria ; but when each of the four Colo nial established Churches has an Institution of its own for the edu cation of ministers, that amount will be increased fourfold ; for there is not one of them that could not already settle a muoh greater number of ministers than it can procure from the mother- country, under theexisting system. Let the Colonists, therefore, make up their minds to be oppressed for all time eoming with an amount of ecclesiastical taxation, unequalled in any other country under heaven, if they ever consent to be taxed by their Represen tative Legislatures for the support of religion under the General Church Act of 1836. Let thepi at once establish the Voluntary Sys^' tem,now that such a measure can be effected with comparative facility, and let them not entail upon th^ir offspring the necessity for revo lutionizing the country at some future day to rid themselves of the intolerable yoke of a general politico-ecclesiastical taxation.* But what are the moral tendencies of the existing system ? Why, when a minister of religion or home missionary, of any of the great leading denominations in the United States of America, is sent forth by his own communion to some recently settled district in the Far West, he appears among the thinly-scattered population of tHat district as a messenger of the Gospel of Peace;'. and, pitching his tent among them to set up the Tabernacle of God in the Wilder ness, he is in all likelihood welcomed in the language of Revelation — " How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of hiin that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!" His moderate salary is entirely derived from a society of Christian people, perhaps a thousand or fifteen hundred miles off, who have no private interests to serve in sending forth their missionary, but who are all earnestly desirous to promote the extension of pure and undefiled religion among * A largaproportion of the candidates for seats in the New Parliament of New South Wales professed to he of opinion that the Voluntary System might be fit enough for the towns, but would not suit for the country. But how can the existing system ever su^i the country, if the amount of the State bounty is to be regulated by the Census, and distributed among four or five different de nominations? The idea is preposterous ! 63 their fellow-countrymen, their fellow-men. And if a minister of another denomination follows in the steps of this missionary, a tacit and amicable division is made between them of the wide field of labour, and each acknowledges the other as a Christian brother who is labouring for the same high and holy object as himself, and with whom he has consequently far more points of resemblance than of dissimilarity. In short, the first time a minister of any denomi- ijation appears in America, it is uniformly as a missionary sent out lind supported by some Church or Society at a distance. How different is the state of things under the General Church Act of these Colonies ! Why, when a minister of any of the four Colonial established Churches goes forth into any new settlement in this Territory, his first business is to perambulate the district, to get the names of as many of its adult inhabitants as possible to a list to be submitted to the Government, to entitle him to a settle ment and a salary of the largest possible amount, before thepeople eanhnow anythingof his ministerial character, orhave ascertainedfivhe- therhissermces are wor-th havingor not. Everyjlow publican in the dis trict, every disreputable person, living perhaps in a state of concubinage or adultery, is regularly canvassed for his name for the minister's ^Government List, as a member, forsooth, of his future congrega- . tion ! The sacred office is thus degraded in the eye of the public at the very outset of the minister's career, and a species of trickery is practised upon the Government, utterly unworthy of the minis ters of religion. But no sooner has the Episcopalian, or Presby terian, or Roman Catholic, or Methodist minister set himself down in the new locality, than a minist^pfone or other of -the three remaining communions appears in^jiis^ wake — not to preach the Gospel where it has never been preached before, and to set up the ordinances of religion among a secluded and neglected population, but to overhaul the other minister's list of names, to get a point or two to windward of him with this or that disreputable person, by proving to the satisfaction of the worthless creature that he had been mistaken in allowing himself to be certified to Srovernment as an Episcopalian, or Presbyterian, the fact being that he was either a Roman Catholic or a Methodist ! For as if to demonstrate to all the world how utterly unfit a Government is to legislate on the subject of religion, or to have anything to do with religion in an official capacity, the Collecrive Wisdom of New South Wales enacted— at whose instance I shall not pretend to say— under the old penal system, that a convict who had been rated in the Govern ment Lists as an Episcopalian or Roman Catholic on his arrival in that Colony was not to be rated to any other denomination there after. The Church or communion whose utter neglect of him at home had reduced him to the state of a convict was to be rewarded, forsooth, by getting his reputable name to entitle it to a Govern ment salary for the support of another minister in New Souta 64 Wales! In this way an unseemly rivalry is created between the ministers of the different established Churches of the Colony, the worst feelings are engendered, and the sacred offi^ce is brought into contempt. In the United States of America, where a minister of religion usually appears in a new settlement as a missionary, supported'by some Church or Society at a distance, and where, in parts of the country that have been settled for some time, every minister is supportec^ by the members of his own congregation, there is no room for the bitter feelings which such a state of things necessarily engenders' between the ministers and members of different denominations ; although individually as strongly attached to their respective pe- cuHajTities, as the corresponding denominations in Great "Britain. I, am aware it is a very general opinion that a minister of reli gion ought to be independent of his people in regard to his main tenance. I have no hesitation, however, in asserting that, as a general rule which,, however, admits of exceptions, it is the worst thing possible to make a minister independent of his people. It is the ordinance of God that they, to whom he ministers spiritual things should minister to him carnal things ; and the Church of Christ can never be either in a safe or in a healthy state when the ' observance of this ordinance becomes unnecessary through a State endowment. But who, I ask, are the ministers, either at home or abroad, that are ninifiarmly the most willingly supported by the^ people ? Is it the men who flatter their evil passions by concealing the truth ? No ! on the contrary, it is the men who are known to declare the truth' boldly, -^hatever offence it may give : for '.'the common people sfe'ZZ hear the word gladly," and willingly support those who preach it the mostfearlessly and with the least partiality. Nay, it may safely be stated as a well-known and established truth, that there is no class of ministers so generally sycophantish, and so strongly addicted to the concealment of the truth, and to the preaching of another Gospel than Paul preached, than the endowed or Government clergy of whatftvier communion. " Aspiring clergy- - men," says the Rev. Vicesimus Knox, him; elf a clergyman of the Church of England, " wishing to avoid every doctrine which would retard their advancement, were very little inclined to preach the reality or necessity of divine influence." Christian Philosophy, p! 24. — "Regular divines of great virtue, learning, and apparent piety, feared to preach the Holy Ghost and his operations, the main doc trines of the Gospel, lest they should countenance the Puritan, the Quaker, or the Methodist, and lose "the esteem of their own order or of the higher powers." Id. p. 23. Supposing then that the Christian and patriotic men of all com munions in these Colonies were to resolve that there should be no taxation imposed upon the Colonies for the suppoi-t of religion, but that each communion should be left in future to maintain its own 6& clergy, I proceed to ascertain what the probable result of such s change in our politico-ecclesiastical system would be. I conceive then that there is not a single individual of proper feeling in these Colonies — whetherEpi3copalian,Pre3byterian, Methodist, or Roman Catholic — who would not consider himself bound to do his utmost to save- the country from the enormous amount of taxation which the continuance of the present system will necessarily imply, pro vided the Colonial clergy could be supported under the Voluntary System, and the interests of religion sustained throughout the Ter ritory. Now, I have no hesitation in expressing my belief that the clergy would be atleast as well supported, and the interests of religion sustained as effectually as at present, under that system. I shall doubtless be told that on such a supposition the Colonies would be no gainer, as they would just have to pay the same amount as at present in another way. To this I reply that even in that case the Colonists would pay the amount willingly, which they will never do in the shape of a general tax ; for the payment would then be self-imposed, while every particular communion would only have to support its own Clergy. It is a prodigious grievance for Protestants to be taxed for the support of Popery, or for Roman Catholics to be taxed for the support of Protestantism. 'The injus tice is as great in the one case as it is in the other, and no Govern ment can ever be warranted in trifling in such a manner with the best feelings of its sulsjects. ,, It is a great grievance even for a Presbyterian to be taxed for the support of a Diocesan Bishop, whether Protestant or Roman Catholic, when he believes, on the evidence of Scripture and of all antiquity, that the primitive and apostolic bishop was merely, like a Presbyterian bishop or minister, the pastor of a single congregation. It is a still greater grievance for the Independent or Baptist to be taxed for the support of reli gion at all, when he holds every such' mode of supporting religion unscriptural as well as impolitic, unjust as well as unnecessary. And what right can any Government have to inflict snch a variety of grievances on the very best members (for such conscientious men always are) of the community ? But I shall be told moreover that if the Government should not impose a tax for the support of religion, many irreligious persons would contribute nothing whatever. And what although they should not contribute anything ? The cause of religion is sure te suffer far more from the bad feeling occasioned by the obvious ia' justice of forcing such men to pay for religion which they do not care for, than it can ever gain from the mere amount of their com pulsory contributions. The very circumstance of compelling such men to pay for religion hardens them against it. It is the most dangerous thing possible for religion to be identified, in the esti mation of such men, with the tax-gatherer, who is usually the most obnoxious character in the community. Religion should uniformly be presented to, such men under the aspect of a heavenly beliefactot conferring gifts' of infinite value, without money and without price. It should never appear tinder the character of a dun, asking money, or of a sheriff's officer, compelling payment, ' * But the most, important result of such a change of system as the one I recolnmend is that the standard of ministerial;, character and duty would be greatly elevated, while religion would'be lie^d in much higher estimation than it is at present, and the moral advance ment of the community would be ootrespondingly promoted. In pro^ of this, however, I shall only refer to my last lecture, exhibitiM the moral and religious influence of the Voluntary System. Supposing, then, that the clergy of all communions in these Colo nies should be thrown, for their future support, upon-,the Christian people of their respective denominations, let us next enquire what Would be the result respectively to the various Churches or deno minations that are now supported by the Stale. The first of these is the Episcopa.1 Church. In point of -wealth and numbers this denomination unquestionably ranks highest in these Colonies, there being almost uniformly a considerable.numbe^ of wealthy persons, as well as of free immigrants of a humbler grade, of that communion, wherever an Episcopal Church is planted thrbughout the Territory. Now I conceive that no minister of that communion in the towns should have less than from £400 to £500 per annum, and that no minister in any settled district in the country shouldhave less than from £250 to £300. Now does any man suppose that inso wealthy andfldurishingaColony as either New South Wales or Victoria, the Episcopalian communion would have any difficulty in raising salaries of this amount, in the way of pew-rents and voluntary contributions, for all the Episcopal clergy that Would be required in these Colonies ? The idea that there would be any difficulty in the case is out of, the question. It is a libel upon the Episcopalians of New Sout^^ales and Victoria to suppose that' they would not exert themselves to the extent required for the accomplishment of such an object ; especially to deliver the Colo nies from an odious and constantly increas'ing tax for the support of all religions. Popery included. At present a considerable num ber of the Episcopal clergy of both these Colonies have pensions of £50 per annum each from the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in England. Now I conceive it is anything but honourable to the members of the Episcopal communion in such a Colony as either New South Wales or Victoria, to allow their clergy to be supported in such a maniier — to be supported from the penny a-week subscriptions of Sabbath School children, factory girls, and poor widows in England! It shows that they are lamentably desti tute of self-respect, and of that, spirit of manly independence that ought always to characterize and that always will characterize Christian men ! What ! to allow their clergy to be supported as 67 paupers £iom the bounty of the benevolent in England, when the Mother Country is actually ringing with the accountof their wealth I Shame ! Shame ! The Episcopalians of America I know well are people of a, different spirit ; but they, acquired that manly and Christian spirit under the Voluntary System. There are districts, however, in which there ought to be Epis copal ministers settled, but in which, I acknowledge, it might be difficult, if not impracticable, to raise a salary for a minister of that communion, even of the smallest amount mentioned — new settle- mgnts, for instance, either along the coast or in the interior. Now, lareference to such cases, I would observe that ministers for places of this kind ought decidedly to be supported in the first in stance as missionary ministers, from funds collected in the wealthier districts. This is the mode uniformly pursued by the Episcopal Church in the United States. I have already mentioned that two at least of the Episcopal Churches in the city Of Philadelphia raise not less than 6000 dollars or £1275 per annum each for religious purposes of this kind, besides supporting the ordinances of religion in Aeir respective congregations. And what is there to hinder a whole series of Episcopalian congregatioBg, in the cities of Sydney and Melbourne, to do the same, and thus, besides maintaining their own ministers, to assist in supporting half a dozen others each in the new settlements on the frontier f This is the divine ordinance for the extension of Christ's Church on earth. The language of Holy Scripture on the point is " Freely ye have received ; freely give." I have reason to belie-9-e that most of the Episcopalian con gregations in our two Colonial Capitals are actually wealthier than either of the American Episcopal Churches that raise the large amount I have mentioned. But these American Episcopalians are Christians in reality, and account it their boundeik duty to contri bute liberally of their substance for the extension of the Christian Church : whereas the congregations r allude to in these Colonial Capitals expend perhaps a far larger proportion of their income in vanity, luxury, and dissipation. The ancient patriarchs, when under a far inferior dispensation, as •compared with ours, bound themselves voluntarily to contribute > tenth of their substance for the support of religion ; and if the wealthier Episcopalians of these Colonies were only to do the same — ^nay, if they were only to contribute one-fourth part of that proportion — there would be ample funds and to spare for the support of every Episcopal minister that should be required in both Colonies. 4 But the entire disjunction of Church and State in -these Colonies would be of unspeakable advantage to the Colonial Episcopal Church in various other and most important respects. From being entirely unconnected with the State, the Episcopal Church in the United- States has adopted various reforms upon the system of the Church of England, which have assimilated it very much to the 68 primitive Church, and imparted to it an efficiency tenfold greater than it ever exhibited when fostered and supported by the State under the old Colonial System. In the first place, popular election obtains universally in the American Episcopal Church. Instead of being placed over the Christian people, as in these Colonies, at the mere fiat or caprice of the Bishop, exictly like the stock-keeper over a herd ofbla,ck cattle, the Episcopal clergyman in America is uniformly elected by the people. He is the man of their choice, and they therefote support him willingly, and pay him all deference and respect, aVa matter of inclination as well as of duty. In the second place, lay- representation is a necessary part of the constitution of the American Episcopal Church. Every church in the body g^obses its lay-delegate who represents the people- in the half-yearly Convention of the diocese, and whose vote is given in all matters submitted to the deliberation of the Convention equally with those of the clergy. This is m exact accordance with the practice of the Presbyterian and primitive church, and is strikinglfy in contrast with the arbitrary goiveriiment of the Churches of Rome and of England, which.have btith robbed the Christian people of their undoubted right to participate in the government of the church. In the third place, the Bishop is uniformly elected by tte votes of the clergy of his diocese. It is thus always the worthiest-— at least in the estimation of amajority of his brethren — who is chbsen to the office ; and when the clergy of any diocese conceive that they can find a fitter person for that office in some neighbouring diocese than any one of their own number, they elect that person rather than one of themselves. In England, on the contrary, and in the Coloiiies'also, the Bishop is not unfrequently appointed at the caprice, perhaps, of some ungodly or even infidel minister of State, to whose political party he is supposed to belong, and to whose miserable politics he is expected to be subservient. In the fourth and last place, the American Bishop's power is very much contracted in comparison with that of English and Colonial Bishops. He cannot ordain candidates for the ministry, without the consent and co-operation of his clergy ; and if he sus pends any clergyman for any alleged offence, that clergymsm can appeal to the Convention — a Court consisting of all the clergy with a lay-delegate from^ every congregation in the diocese, tlje Bishop merely presiding as chairman. The Bishop cannot even make bye- laws for the government of his own diocese. These laws must he deliberated upon beforehand and adopted ty the Convention. In short, , American Episcopacy is a prodigious improvement upon the Episcopacy of the Church of England and the British 6olonies. It is a system incomparably more accordant with Holy Scripture and the practice of primitive antiquity. It is a system 69 evidently adapted for the government of an enlightened and Chris tian people — a system, moreover, to which those who are under it cannot fail to be strongly attached. But the Episcopal system of the Church of England and the Colonies, is an insult to the human understanding. It does not leave even the shadow of freedom to the Christian people. It treats them as " natural brute beasts," who are incapable alike of reason and feeling, and who are only to be managed in the way of physical restraint and coercion. The results of the two systems correspond with their respective charac ters. In England, and I may add, in the British Colonies, Popery is gaining upon the Church of England every day. In America, on the contrary, the Episcopal Church gains many adherents every year from the ranks of Popery. The Rev. Dr. Tyng, an Episcopal clergyman in Philadelphia, told me, that during the eleven years of his ministry, twenty-four Roman Catholics had joined his church. How few Episcopal clergymen in England or in the Colonies can say the same ! ' In short, it would decidedly be the, interest of the Episcopal com munion in these Colonies to raise any conceivable amount in the way of annual subscription for the support of their clergy, to get such important reforms introduced into their church as could im mediately be effected with the utmost facility on the discontinu ance of taxation for the support of religion. Should such taxation be allowed, things will just continue as they are till the end of the chapter, and the reforms I have enumerated will never be effected : for to suppose that a State church, with Lord Bishops at its head, can be thoroughly reformed, is something, to say the least of it, con trary to all experience. Such men will never surrender one iota of their power till they are compelled to do so. Besides, the Episcopal communion of these Colonies will in the mean time be no gainer in a pecuniary point of view : for as the Episcopalians are unquestion ably the wealthiest and the most numerous section of the colonial po pulation, they will have the largest proportion of the public taxes to pay. And is it not consistent with common sense to suppose that the Episcopalians of these Colonies would contribute their quota of the expense necessary for the support of religion, far more willingly, if the- were assured that the whole amount of their contributions would be appropriated for the support of their own clergy exclu sively, and no portion of it allotted for the support of Roman Ca tholics, Presbyterians, or Methodists? By discontinuing the present politico-ecclesiastical system, and by devolving the supporjt of religion on the people without the interference of the State in any way, this desirable object could be effectually secured. There is no hope of securing it, however, by any other arrangement. There is one other view of the sjabject, which I would earnesUy, recommend to the serious attention of the influential Episcopalian laity of both Colonies. No Colonial Protestant can be blind enough not to perceive that the General Church Act of 1836 has given a 7(1 prodigiously greater degree of prominence and power to' the Romm Catholic communion, than it could ever have acquired in Australia, if left to the Voluntary System. And will Protestants---whether Episcopalians or Presbyterians— make no sacrifice to bring so ob noxious a state of things to an end ? Even if the discontinuance of the existing system should subject the Protestant clergy, both Episcopalian and Presbyterian, to great personal^ hardship, which I do not believe it would do in a single instance, it would neverthe less be the bounden duty of the Protestant clergy to sacrifice their own personal ease and comfort to a great degree to deliver their adopted country from the influence of this grand system of super stition and delusion. I verily believe that the United States of America is the only country in Christendom in which Protestantism is at this moment gaining, ground upon Popery ; but, let it be re membered, it is the only country in Christendom in which the Church is entirely separate from the State. The Romish emigra tion to the United States, from Ireland, from Germany, from France, from Poland, from Italy, from Austria, is immense ; but I was credibly informed in America, and facts in abundance were given me in proof of, the assertion, that the converts from Popery to Protestantism in that country were as 20 to 1, compared with those from Protestantism to Popery.* In England I believe the very reverse is the case. After erecting such imposing ecclesiastical edifices as the Roman Catholics have already erected and are now erecting in the cities of Sydney and Melbourne, it would be absurd for any person of that denomination to pretend that they could not support as many priests as they require throughout the Australian Territory. When the Roman Catholics can support a numerous priesthood in poverty- stricken Ireland, where they are borne down and oppressed with a Protestant Establishment, it would be absurd to pretend that they could not subsist without a State endowment in the comparatively wealthy Colonies of New South Wales and Victoria, where, in the case supposed, there would be no religious establishment at all. The Roman Catholic priesthood have ways and means of obtaining a revenue from their people, even in the lowest ranks of society, with which Protestant ministers are totally unacquainted. From the moment a Roman Catholic enters the world till the hour he leaves it — and long after, if his surviving relatives have a sixpence to spare — he is a never-failing source of revenue to the Romish priesthood !. His christening must be paid for, as well as the churching of his mother. He must confess once a month when he * The Eev. Dr. Breckenridge, of Baltimore, an eminent Presbyterian minister, who had previously been a lawyer, and a member of the Legislature of his ' native State of Kentucky, observed to me, when talking on this subject, that " if there was only a sea of fire, as there was of water, between them and Europe, to put a stop to the Komish immigration from the Old World, Popery would be extinct in America in fifty years." 71 grows np, and pay the priest for it ; otherwise he is publicly de nounced as an evil-doer from the altar. There are regular and accustomed fees to be paid at his confession, and every time he receives the coinmunion. If he marries, he must pay for the priestly benediction ; if he dies, he must pay for extreme unction ; and if he goes to Purgatory, where the priest is sure to send him for the good of the Church, if not for that of his soul, his surviving relatives must pay the priest for his Ticket if leave or Certificate of Frtedom, just as if he had been a convict in New South Wales. It is absurd therefore to pretend that, with such a profitable .system to administer, the Roman Catholic priesthood could be at any loss in being thrown upon the Voluntary System in New South Wales and Victoria. The Presbyterians are less numerous than either the Episcopa lians or Roman Catholics. In the towns they consist of merchants, shopkeejiers, and mechanics ; in the country of land-holders, farm 'labourers, and shepherds. They are scattered all over the Terri tory, and are necessarily more dispersed than either the Episco palians or Roman Catholics. In their native country they have generally — I mean those of them wno belong to the Scottish E.stab- lishment — been as little accustomed to pay for the support of reli gion, in the way of voluntary contribution, as the Episcopalians; their clergy being established in Scotland, and enjoying a Regium Donum or salary from Government in the North of Ireland. It would therefore imply a great change of habits on the part of a large prf>portion of tlie Presbyterians, as well as on that of the Episcopalians of these Colonies, to have a general system of taxa tion for the support of religion superseded by the Voluntary Sys tem ; and individuals of that denomination, as in other commu nions, would in all likelihood refuse to contribute anything for the support of the Christian Ministry. But that the great body of the Presbyterians of these Colonies would greatly prefer the Voluntary Sy^tem to a general taxation for the support of religion, and would willingly contribute for the maintenance of their clergy under that System, I have no doubt whatever. The Presbyterians are a cal culating, as well as an industrious and religious people ; and they cannot fail to perceive that it would cost them far less in the end to support their own clergy, in the way of a voluntary rate or con tribution, than to contribute their quota to a general tax, to be imposed and expended by the Government for the support of the Colonial Clergy of all denominations indiscriminately. As such a tax will fall the most heavily on the most industrious, the Presby terians, as a body, will have to pay a much larger portion of it than the corresponding proportion of benefit they will derive from it in the way of support for their clergy, as compared with the proportion received by certain other communions. Besides, I am quite sure the Presbyterians of these Colonies will sever consent with their eyes open to the imposition of a general 72 tax, of which a large proportion of the proceeds will be appropriated for the support of Diocesan bishops and Romish priests ; provided they can secure the deliverance of their adopted country from so obnoxious a tax, at the small expense of supporting their own clergy. The imposition of such a tax — whether it should take the form of a poll-tax, or a property-tax — would imply the appointment of a whole host of tax-gatherers, with the usual expensive apparatus of Collectors, Auditors, and Treasurers : and in whatever manner the Government might distribute the fund among the respective claimants, there is not the least likelihood of their giving satisfac' tion to any party. But the rate which a congregation voluntarily imposes upon itself for the maintenance of public worship, is always collected free of all cost, under the superintendenee of the Mana gers or Trustees. In the American Churches, the pews are gene rally the property of the seafholders, and the burden of supporting the ordinances of religion — including the salaries of the minister, precentor, organist, and other church-officers — is borne by a volun tarily imposed rate, amounting generally to six per cent, on the original cost and known value of the pew. This rate is usually sufficient for the purpose for which it is intended, and it is always cheerfully paid. Contributions for religious purposes unconnected with the congregation, as for missionary efforts both at home and abroad, in which it must be allowed the Americans leave us far behind, are in all cases, made according to the zeal and ability of the individual. In the towns and the older settlements of the interior, the Pres byterians would be quite as able and willing to support their own cl'^rgy, in some such way as I have mentioned, as the Episcopalians ; and if a suitable machinery could be brought into operation, con gregations in the wealthier districts would not only be able to assist others in the more recently settled, but to send forth a whole corps of missionaries to the wilder parts of the territory, and to support them entirely till they could organize congregations for themselves. It is incredible to those who have no experience in the matter, at how little sacrifice on the part of individuals all this can be -cflected, when a proper system of management has once been intro duced, and the Christian people been accustomed to " honour the Lord with their substance." At all events, it is well known that there were no other pecuniary means available for the extension of the Christian Church during the first three centuries, thepurest period of its existence ; and it is universally acknowledged that Chris tianity has never made such progress since, as it did in these three centuries. After the splendid triumphs achieved in the Mother Country by the Free Church of Scotland, who could doubt for a moment that the Presb^'terians of New South Wales and Victoria would be per fectly able to support their own clergy, and to support them well, on the Voluntary System ? I confess, indeed, I have just learned 73 with a mingled feeling of shame and regret, that the Free Church of Victoria, instead of maintaining the lofty position of the Parent Church, and thereby hastening on the consummation so devoutly to be wished, the entire freedom of religion in Australia, has of late been looking with a covetous eye to the Government wedge of gold, and arraying herself in the Babylonish garment of State-counection.* Hegesippus, the earliest ecclesiastical historian, informs us that the Christian Church continued a pure virgin till the reign of the Emperor Trajan, about the close of the first century ; intimating that it thenceforth began to exhibit a growing resemblance to certain frail and fallen daughters of Eve. It is melancholy to reflect that the same change should be passing over the face and fortunes of the Free Church in Victoria. Having begun in the spirit, why is she now ending in the flesh ? Having landed a pure virgin, with a clean bill of moral health, on our .shores, only a few years ago, why has she condescended already to be taken into keeping by the State, and to be pointed at on the streets of Mel bourne and Geelong as one of the four or five concubines of the Civil Power ? It is perhaps fortunate for the character of the Free Church in New South Wales, that the whole of the £28,000 re served for the support of religion in that Colony is already appro priated. Who knows but there might otherwise have been exhi bited the .same species of spiritual harlotry there also ? The Presbyterians of New South Wales have a special reason for desiring an immediate discontinuance of the present system of supporting religion from the Public Treasury. They are at pre.sent divided into three distinct bodies, and, in consequence of that divi- * The following is the Government scheme in Victoria for the appropriation of thf £.)0,000 reserved by Act of Parliament for the support of religion in that Colony, for the year 1856 : — £ s. d. Episcopalians ... .. .. ., ... 26,614 2 0 Roman Catholics 10,8S7 15 0 Presbyterians (Kstablished Church) .. .. 4,50.5 3 3 Ditto (Free Church) 3,203 3 7 Wesleyans 3,723 17 3 Lutherans 802 6 6 Unitarians . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 4 2 fi Total 50,000 10 0 The Rev. Dr. Cairns, and hia brethren of the Free Church in Victoria, profess- to be the genuine representatives and suecea.sor.s of that noble band of Christian patriots and confessors who subscribed the National Covenant of Scotland in the year Ifi )S, and afterwards adopted the Westminster Confession of Faith. But these degenerate Free Churchmen, who have thus lent iheir aid to maintain and perpetuate, as well as to participate in, a latitudinarian and infidel system of State support for religion, would have been indignantly disowned and repu- dSated by the very men whose undoubted representatives and successors they pretend to be. These Christian men would sooner have thrust their right hSndlf into the fire, like Cranmer, than condescend to receive sujiport from the Stite for religion ou condition of sharing it on equal terms with certain sects anci parties in this list. I need not point them out more particularly. 74 sion, a Presbyterian College, in connection with the University of Sydney, which is at present a great, desideratum for the Pres^j byterians of the Colony generally, and which they might easily establish with their united means and efforts, must remain in abeyance. Let the State support f)r religion, how ever, be withdrawn — for this is the only ground of separation — and these three bodies would in all likelihood coalesce, and a noble Scots Ciillege would forthwith be inaugurated. The Methodist Missionaries in these Colonies are all the agents of a deneral Society, from whose funds they receive the whole amount of their respective salaries,' and to whose Treasury they transmit all the contributions of their people with whatever they receive besides from the Colonial Government. The Methodist missionary, therefore, is not likely to be affected in anyway, whether religion is supported by the State, or not. The Govern ment money awarded to the body he belongs to merely enables that body to send an additional number of missionaries to Australia, and to extend the operation of the system of proselytizing from other commuuions, in which it has hitherto been so .successful. Such, then, are the reasons for which, it appears to me, the colonists of New South Wales and Victoria, of all denominations, and more especially all Protestants, ought to resist to the uttermost every attempt either toimposea general tax, or to continue the sy.-tem of makinggrantsof money from the Public Treasury for the support of religion in these Colonies. Such are the reasons that have induced me individually to resolve,in humble dependence upon Divine a.ssistance, to devote my personal influence and exertions to the utmost, as a Christian minister, towards effecting a repeal of the General Church Act of 1836, and an entire separation of Church and State in Aus tralia. Thorouglily convinced as I am, from the very bottom of my heart, that the peace and prosperity of these noble Colonies for all time coming, and the general advancement of pure and unde filed religion among all classes of their population, are indissolubly connected with the attainment of this object, I shall not hesitate to labour for its accomplishment at all hazards, and shall therefore regard with perfect indifference the ban of the Civil Government and the anathemas of the Church I belong to, if either the one or the other should interfere with my undoubted right as a British subject and a Protestant minister to advocate and urge on this mighty reform.* * They both did so in riyht earnest, but with indifferent success. Only a few months after the original delivery of tlie.se Lectures, in the months of March and April, IS*-/, the Presbyterian State Church of New South Wales, from which 1 had shurtly before publicly and deliberately withdrawn — renouncing my Government salary, the largest then given to any Presbyterian Minister, and all future ecclesiavtic-.il connection with the State — pretended, after the approved examples of the Vatican, to excommunicate me, and to depose me from the Cliristian ministry, a proceeding ihat was perfectly futile in itself, and that excited only the ridicule and contempt of all jiarties in the Colonies. It was this monstrous proceeding that led me, quite unexpectedly on my own part, to become a some- 75 That that reform is not to be expected without a struggle for their Government temporalities on the part of the clergy of all the Established Churches of the Colonies, I know well. Such men will doubtless be in great wrath for a time, exclaiming with Micah the Jew, " Ye are taking away our gods, and what have we more ?" That the struggle which is thus impending will also sub ject those who may take the lead in this movement to hostility and opposition, and perhaps even to personal hardship and privation, I confidently expect. But when, I ask, has any great object for the welfare and advancement of society, been ever attained in any country without a correspondingly great effort and great sacrifice in some quarter or other ? When, I ask, has the cause of civil and religious liberty been ever advanced in a remarkable degree in any country, without leaving some honourable victim To paint the moral and adorn the tale ? If even a Heathen poet could exclaim, Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori, shall a Protestant minister hesitate for one moment to encounter obloquy, opposition, hardship, and privation, if he believes that the course he is pursuing will lead directly to the ultimate estab lishment of entire religious freedom over a whole continent, a whole hemisphere ? There are men, doubtless, who will affect to ridicule such anticipations on the part of a solitary Presbyterian minister ; but let such men recollect that it was the agitation of a single Presbyterian minister, in the State of Virginia, eighty years ago, that led to the universal establishment of the Voluntary System in the thirty sovereign and independent States of North America. The enemies of civil and religious liberty w'no have at different times been instrumental in sending me home to England, as well as in exposing me to much trouble and hardship in this country, have doubtless been not a little gratified on such occasions in wreaking their petty malignity against an unoffending but ob noxious individual ; bnt they will find now, that under the over- what prominent Colonial politician ; for, almost immediately thereafter, I was elected (chiefly by the Scotch Presbyterians of Port Phillip, who thereby testi fied, in a very significant manner, their opinion of the procedure of the State Church towards me in Sydney), one of the six representatives of that province in the late Colonial Legislature. I have since been twice returned for the City of Sydney, and once for the County of Stanley, at Moreton Bay. But as the enemies of Civil and Keligious Liberty in New South Wales have recently got an Act of the Imperial Parlia ment passed to keep me out of the New Provincial Parliament, I am happily relieved for the present from all political duties as a Eepresentativeof the people, and am thus enabled to make the present effort in their behalf in another capacity. With only one or two verbal alterations, the concluding paragraphs of this Lecture formed the concluding portion of the Lectures as delivered in 1842, and refer more particularly to the state and' prospects of that period in regard to religious liberty. My own withdrawal from the State Church, and the delivery of these Lectures, shortly thereafter, were decidedly the first public move ment in these Colonies against the existing system of State support for religion. 76 ruling providence of God, they have all tho while been only con juring up, from the vasty deep, a spirit which all their future exorcising will never be able to lay. Of the filial result of the struggle which is thus impending, I have not the least shadow of a doubt. There are fortunately no tithes to be got rid of in this country, as in England, ere that result can be realised ; there are no Clergy Reserves here to distuf b the peace of the country, as in Canada; there is no church pro perty and no vested rights of any kind to perplex the respective Legislatures in their honest endeavours to promote the public welfare and advancement. The government salaries of the clergy, of all denominations, depend solely upon the annual vote of these Legislatures ; and whenever the New Parliaments shall be suffi ciently enlightened, as I flatter myself they will be very soon, to perceive that the interests of the country and of religion would be greatly promoted by having the clergy supported directly by their people, that vote will of course be withheld. To conclude, the struggle that is impending is pre-eminently a struggle for freedom. It is a struggle for the freedom of the Christiaa_Cthurch from the trammels of a latitudinarian and infidel system, utfder which it is impossible that religion can ever flourish, as well as from th^t thraldom and corruption to which it has ever been subjected when connected with the State. It is a struggle for liberty of conscience, in opposition to the tyranny that would compel Protestants to contribute of their substance for the main tenance of Popery, and Roman Catholics for that of Protestantism. It is a struggle for the deliverance of these Colonies from the in tolerable burden of a Government taxation, in comparison with which even that of England would shortly be but a trifle. In short, the struggle that is impending is pre-eminently a struggle for freedom ; and let the enemies of civil and religious liberty recollect that Freedom's battle once begun. Bequeath' d from bleeding sire to son. Though baffled oft, is ever won. This great battle, therefore, is now begun. The Rubicon is already past. The flag (which the enemies of civil and religious liberty are qiiite welcome to call a revolutionary flag,, if they please,) having for its motto " No taxation necessary for the sup port of religion," is now unfurled on the shores of Australia. The first blow in the contest is already struck. The first shot is already fired; and, be assured, the report will reverberate through every British Colony in this Hemisphere, till the last vestige of the unholy alliance that now subsists between Church and State in this continent has disappeared. FIHIS, PAMPHLET BINDER = Syracuse, N. Y. — — Siofkton, Cotlf. ^ 3 9002 00818 3502 ,f ,^