Yale University Library Presented in Memory of ! Charles Andrew Armstrong Bennett Professor of PhUosophy in Yale University By Several of his Friends This Memorial Collection was Established in 1 934 with the Books on Mysticism Gathered in London by Edward Hubbard Russell Ph.B. 1878 Yale College THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE THE FORMS OF WATER IN CLOUDS AND RIVERS, ICE AND GLACIERS. By J. Tyndaix, LL.D., E.R.S. With Twenty-six Illustrations. Sixth Edition, crown 8vo. cloth, price 5s. ( Felicitous illustrations, pertinent anecdote, and a crystal style make his (Professor Tyndall's) expositions read like a romance, while, -we scarcely need add, he speaks with a scientific knowledge that few are competent to question. We simply report, therefore, a fascinating book, dealing largely with the phenomena of glaciers and snow, with which, more than any living man, Professor Tyndall has made us familiar.' — British Quarterly Review. ' The most unlearned can comprehend it and delight in it.' Chemist and Druggist. ' This little book is well calculated to remove much of the deplorable igtiorance of natural phenomena and their laws shown by the otherwise well-educated of the present day. It cannot fail to be intelligible and interesting to any thoughtful reader.' Pharmaceutical Journal. HENRY S. KING & CO., LONDON. THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE ANDREW DICKSON WHITE, LL.D. PRESIDENT OL' COHNELL UNIVERSITY "WITH PREFATORY NOTE BY PROFESSOR TYNDALL llENBY S. KING 8r CO., LONDON 1878 ( The rights of translation and of reproduction are reserved) TO HENRY WILLIAMS SAGE, OF BROOKLYN, N. Y., A CHBISTIAN MAN, WHO HAS PKOVED THAT HE WELCOMES ALL TRUTH, AND FEARS NONE, THIS LITTLE BOOK IS INSCRIBED, WITH FEELINGS OF THOROUGH RESPECT AND ESTEEM. NOTE BY PEOFESSOE TYNDALL. De. Andeew White occupies the responsible position of President of Cornell University, in the United States — an institution which numbers among its teachers our accomplished countryman Mr. Gold win Smith. In the Spring of 1873 I had the privilege of making Dr. White's acquaintance, and of hearing him speak in public in New York. The hue, moral and intellectual, of the words he then uttered remained with me as a memory, causing me to turn with interest to the follow ing discourse, on its appearance in the ' Popular Science Monthly.' In his preface, Dr. White describes the parentage of his essay, which is sufficiently revealed by its style, and mentions the changes that have been made in it since its first publication. An entire absence of bigotry characterises the little volume; and to this I would more especially direct the attention of intelligent Catholics both in England and Ireland. They are not here addressed by the exponent iv NOTE. of a creed hostile to their own, who wishes them merely to change their spiritual masters. There is no effort to win them over to any creed ; but there is an effort made to show them, and the world, that against the benefits which religious associations have conferred upon hu manity stands a vast debit of committed wrong. In our day, the Roman Church, above all others, aims at the revival and perpetuation of this wrong — striving after a domination which she never fitted herself to exercise, and which, if exercised, could only bring calamity upon the human race. Ignorance alone can give her any chance of success ; but with ignorance to work upon, her con duct in Spain may be taken as a gentle illustration of what it would be elsewhere. ' Gentle,' I say, because unabashed as she seems, we must ascribe some power of restraint to the knowledge, that her operations are carried on in the full blaze of intellectual day. It is to the intelligence within her own pale that works like the present more especially appeal. It is in that intelligence that liberal minds would willingly seek a force sufficient to bridle pretensions which, if con ceded, would place the sciences that have given us all our knowledge of this universe at the mercy of their hereditary foe. JOHN TYNDALL. Athenjeum Club : May, 1876. PEEFACE. In its earlier abridged form this address was given as a Phi Beta Kappa oration at Brown Uni versity, and, as a lecture, at New York, Boston, New Haven, Ann Arbor, and elsewhere. In that form, substantially, it was published in The Popu lar Science Monthly. I have now given it careful revision, correcting some errors, and extending it largely by presenting new facts and developing various points of interest in the general discussion. Among the subjects added or rewrought are : in Astronomy, the struggle of Galileo and the retreat of the Church after its victory ; in Chemistry and Physics, the compromise between Science and Theology made by Thomas Aquinas, and the un fortunate route taken by Science in consequence ; in Anatomy and Medicine, the earlier growth of 6 PREFACE. ecclesiastical distrust of these sciences; in Scien tific Education, the dealings of various European universities with scientific studies; in Political and Social Science, a more complete statement of the opposition of the Church, on Scriptural grounds, to the taking of interest for money ; and, in the conclusion, a more careful summing up. If I have seemed to encumber the text with notes, it has been in the intention to leave no important assertion unsupported ; and in the hope that others — less engrossed with administrative care than myself — may find in them indications for more extended studies in various parts of the struggle which I have but sketched. A. D. W. Cornell University, March, 1876. THE WAEFAEE OF SCIENCE. I purpose to present an outline of the great, sacred struggle for the liberty of science — a strug gle which has lasted for so many centuries, and which yet continues. A hard contest it has been ; a war waged longer, with battles fiercer, with sieges more persistent, with strategy more shrewd than in any of the comparatively transient war fare of Caesar or Napoleon or Moltke. I shall ask you to go with me through some of the most protracted sieges, and over some of the hardest-fought battle-fields of this war. We will look well at the combatants ; we will listen to the battle-cries ; we will note the strategy of leaders, the cut and thrust of champions, the weight of mis siles, the temper of weapons ; we will look also at the truces and treaties, and note the delusive im- potency of all compromises in which the warriors for scientific truth have consented to receive direc- 8 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. tion or bias from the best of men uninspired by the scientific spirit, or unfamiliar with scientific methods. My thesis, which, by an historical study of this warfare, I expect to develop, is the following : In all modern history, interference with science in the supposed interest of religion, no matter how con scientious such interference may have been, has resulted in the direst evils loth to religion and to science — and invariably. And, on the other hand, all untrammeled scientific investigation, no matter how dangerous to religion some of its stages may have seemed, for the time, to he, has invariably re sulted in the highest good of religion and of science. I say " invariably." I mean exactly that. It is a rule to which history shows not one exception. It would seem, logically, that this statement cannot be gainsaid. God's truths must agree, whether discovered by looking within upon the soul, or without upon the world. A truth written upon the human heart to-day, in its full play of emotions or passions, cannot be at any real vari ance even with a truth written upon a fossil whose poor life ebbed forth millions of years ago. This being so, it would also seem a truth irref ragable, that the search for each of these kinds of, truth must be followed out on its own lines, by its own methods, to its own results, without any interference from investigators on other lines, or BEGINNING OF THE STRUGGLE. 9 by other methods. And it would also seem logi cal to work on in absolute confidence that what ever, at any moment, may seem to be the relative positions of the two different bands of workers, they must at last come together, for Truth is one. But logic is not history. History is full of inter ferences which have cost the earth dear. Strangest of all, some of the direst of them have been made by the best of men, actuated by the purest motives, and seeking the noblest results. These interferences, and the struggle against them, make up the warfare of science. One statement more, to clear the ground. You will not understand me at all to say that religion has done nothing for science. It has done much for it. The work of Christianity has been mighty indeed. Through these two thousand years, de spite the waste of its energies on all the things its Blessed Founder most earnestly condemned — on fetich and subtlety and war and pomp — it has undermined servitude, mitigated tyranny, given hope to the hopeless, comfort to the afflicted, hght to the blind, bread to the starving, joy to the dying, and this work continues. And its work for science, too, has been great. It has fostered sci ence often. Nay, it has nourished that feeling of self-sacrifice for human good, which has nerved' some of the bravest men for these battles. Unfortunately, a devoted army of good men 10 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. started centuries ago with the idea that indepen dent scientific investigation is unsafe — that theolo gy must intervene to superintend its methods, and the Biblical record, as an historical compendium and scientific treatise, be taken as a standard to de termine its results. So began this great modern war. GEOGRAPHY. The first typical battle-field to which I would refer is that of Geography — the simplest element ary doctrine of the earth's shape and surface. Among the legacies of thought left by the an cient world to the modern, were certain ideas of the rotundity of the earth. These ideas were vague ; they were mixed with absurdities ; but they were germ ideas, and, after the barbarian storm which ushered in the modern world had begun to clear away, these germ ideas began to bad and bloom in the minds of a few thinking men, and these men hazarded the suggestion that the earth is round — is a globe.1 ' Most fruitful among these were those given by Plato in the Timceus. See, also, Grote on Plato's doctrine of the rotundity of the earth. Also Sir (?. O. Lewis's Astronomy of the Ancients, London, 1862, chap, iii., sec. i. and note. Cicero's mention of the antipodes and reference to the passage in the Timosus are even more remarkable than the original, in that they much more clear ly foreshadow the modern doctrine. See Academic Questions, ii., zxxiy. Also, Tusc. Quest., i., xxviii., and v., xxiv. GEOGRAPHY. H The greatest and most earnest men of the time took fright at once. To them, the idea of the earth's rotundity seemed fraught with dangers to Scripture : by which, of course, they meant their interpretation of Scripture. Among the first who took up arms against the new thinkers was Eusebius. He endeavored to turn off these ideas by bringing science into con tempt, and by making the innovators under stand that he and the fathers of the Church de spised all such inquiries. Speaking of the inno vations in physical science, he said: "It is not through ignorance of the things admired by them, but through contempt of their useless labor, that we think little of these matters, turning our souls to better things." * Lactantius asserted the ideas of those studying astronomy to be "mad and senseless." * ' See Eusebius, Prcep. Ev., xv., 61. * See Lactantius, Inst., 1., iii., chap. 3. Also, citations in WheweU, Hist. Induct. Sciences, Lond., 1857, rol. i., p. 194. To understand the embarrassment thus caused to scientific men at a later period, see Letter of Agricola to Joachimus Vadianus in 1514. Agricola asks Vadianus to give his views regarding the an tipodes, saying that he himself does not know what to do, between the Fathers on one side and learned men of modern times on the other. On the other hand, for the embarrassment caused to the Church by this mistaken zeal of the Fathers, see Kepler's refer ences and Fromund's replies ; also De Morgan, Paradoxes, p. 58. Kepler appears to have taken great delight in throwing the views of Lactantius into the teeth of his adversaries. 12 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. But the attempt to " flank " the little phalanx of thinkers did not succeed, of course. Even such men as Lactantius and Eusebius cannot pooh-pooh down a new scientific idea. The little band of thinkers went on, and the doctrine of the rotun dity of the earth naturally led to the consideration of the tenants of the earth's surface, and another germ idea was warmed into life — the idea of the existence of the antipodes, the idea of the exist ence of countries and men on the hemisphere op posite to ours.1 At this the war-spirit waxed hot. Those great and good men determined to fight. To all of them such doctrines seemed dangerous ; to most of them they seemed damnable. St. Basil and St. Ambrose2 were tolerant enough to allow that a man might be saved who believed the earth to be round, and inhabited on its opposite sides; but the great majority of the Fathers of the Church 1 Another germ idea, etc. See Plato, Timams, 62 C, Jowett's translation, N. Y. ed. Also Plimdo, pp. 449, et seq. Also Cicero, Academic Quest., and Tusc. Disput., ubi supra. For citations and summaries, see Whewell, Hist. Induct. Sciences, vol. i., p. 189, and St. Martin, Hist, de la Geog., Paris, 1873, p. 96. Also Leo- pardi, Saggio sopra gli errori popolari degli antichi, Firenze, 1851, chap, xii., p. 184, et seq. 2 For opinion of Basil, Ambrose, and others, see Lecky, Hut. of Rationalism in Europe, New York, 1872, vol. i., p. 279, note. Also, Letronne, in Revue des Deux Mondes, March, 1834. Geography. \% utterly denied the possibility of salvation to such misbelievers. Lactantius asks : "... Is there any one so senseless as to believe that there are men whose footsteps are higher than their heads? — that the crops and trees grow downward ? — that the rains and snow and hail fall upward toward the earth % . . . But if you inquire from those who defend these marvelous fictions, why all things do not fall into that lower part of the heaven, they reply that such is the nature of things, that heavy bodies are borne toward the middle, like the spokes of a wheel ; while light bodies, such as clouds, smoke, and fire, tend from the centre toward the heavens on all sides. Now, I am at loss what to say of those who, when they have once erred, steadily persevere in their folly, and defend one vain thing by another." St. Augustine seems inclined to yield a little in regard to the rotundity of the earth, but he fights the idea that men exist on the other side of the earth, saying that " Scripture speaks of no such de scendants of Adam." But this did not avail to check the idea. What may be called the flank movement, as represented by Eusebius, had failed. The direct battle given by Lactantius, Augustine, and others, had failed ; in the sixth century, therefore, the opponents of the new ideas built a great fortress and retired 14: THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. into that. It was well built and well braced. It was nothing less than a complete theory of the world, based upon the literal interpretation of texts of Scripture, and its author was Cosmas Indicopleustes.1 According to Cosmas, the earth is a parallelo gram, flat, and surrounded by four great seas. At the outer edges of these seas rise immense walls closing in the whole structure. These walls sup port the vault of the heavens, whose edges are cemented to the walls ; walls and vault shut in the earth and all the heavenly bodies. The whole of this theologic, scientific fortress was built most carefully, and, as was then thought, most script- urally. Starting with the expression, To cvyiov Koo-fiiKov, applied in the ninth chapter of Hebrews to the tabernacle in the desert, he insists, with other in terpreters of his time, that it gives a key to the whole construction of the world. The universe is, 1 For Lactantius, see Instit., iii., 24, translation in the Ante- Nicene Library ; also, citations in Whewell, i., 196, and in St. Mar tin, Histoire de la Geographic, pp. 216, 217. For St. Augustine's opinion, see the Civ. D., xvi., 9, where this great Father of the Church shows that the existence of the antipodes " nulla ratione eredendum est." Also, citations in Buckle's Posthumous Works, vol. ii., p. 645. For a notice of the views of Cosmas in connection with those of Lactantius, Augustine, St. John Chrysostom, and others, see Schoell, Histoire de la Litterature Grecgue, vol. vii., pp. 37, et seq. GEOGRAPHY. 15 therefore, made on the plan of the Jewish Taber nacle — box-like and oblong. Coming to details, he quotes those grand words of Isaiah, " It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, . . . that stretcheth out the heavens like a curtain, and spreadeth them out like a tent to dwell in," ' and the passage in Job, which speaks of the "pillars of heaven."2 He turns all that splendid and precious poetry into a prosaic state ment, and gathers therefrom, as he thinks, treas ures for science. This vast box is then divided into two com partments, one above the other. In the first of these, men live and stars move ; and it extends up to the first solid vault or firmament, where live the angels, a main part of whose business it is to push and pull the sun and planets to and fro. Next he takes the text, " Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters," 3 and other texts from Genesis. To these he adds the text from the Psalms, "Praise him, ye heaven of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens," * casts that outburst of poetry into his crucible with the other texts, and, after subjecting them to sundry peculiar processes, brings out the theory that over this first vault is a vast cistern containing the waters. He then takes the 1 Isaiah xl. 22. 5 Job xxvi. 11. 8 Genesis i. 6. 4 Psalm cxlviii. 4. 10 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. expression in Genesis regarding the " windows of heaven," ' and establishes a doctrine regarding the regulation of the rain, which is afterward supple mented by the doctrine that the angels not only push and pull the heavenly bodies, to light the earth, but also open and close the windows of heaven to water it. To find the character of the surface of the earth, Cosmas studies the table of shew-bread in the Tabernacle. The dimensions of that table prove to him that the earth is flat and twice as long as broad ; the four corners of the table sym bolize the four seasons. To account for the move ment of the sun, Cosmas suggests that at the north of the earth is a great mountain, and that, at night, the sun is carried behind this ; but some of the commentators ventured to express a doubt here ; they thought that the sun was pushed into a great pit at night, and was pulled out in the morning. Nothing can be more touching in its simplicity than Cosmas's closing of his great argument. He bursts forth in raptures, declaring that Moses, the prophets, evangelists, and apostles, agree to the truth of his doctrine.2 1 Genesis vii. 11. s See Montfaucon, Collectio Nova Patrum, Paris, 1706, vol ii., p. 188 ; also pp. 298, 299. The text is illustrated with engravings showing walls and solid vault (firmament), with the whole appa ratus of "fountains of the great deep," "windows of heaven," GEOGRAPHY. 17 Such was the fortress built against human sci ence in the sixth century, by Cosmas ; and it stood. The innovators attacked it in vain. The greatest minds in the Church devoted themselves to but tressing it with new texts, and throwing out new outworks of theologic reasoning. It stood firm for two hundred years, when a bishop — Yirgilius of Salzburg — asserts his belief in the existence of the antipodes. It happened that there then stood in Germany, in the first years of the eighth century, one of the greatest and noblest of men — St. Boniface. His learning was of the best then known ; in labors he was a worthy successor to the apostles ; his genius for Christian work made him, unwillingly, Primate of Germany ; his devotion afterward led him, will ingly, to martyrdom. There sat, too, at that time, on the papal throne, a great Christian statesman — Pope Zachary. Boniface immediately declares against the revival of such a terrible heresy as the existence of the antipodes. He declares that it amounts to the declaration that there are men on angels, and the mountain behind which the sun is drawn. For an imperfect reduction of one of them, see article Maps in Knight's Dictionary of Mechanics, New York, 1875. For still another theory, very droll, and thought out on similar principles, see Mun- go Park, cited in De Morgan, Paradoxes, 309. For Cosmas's joy ful summing up, see Montfaucon, Collectio Nova Patrum, vol. ii., p. 255. 18 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. the earth beyond the reach of the means of salva tion ; he attacks VirgUius ; he calls on Zachary for aid ; effective measures are taken, and we hear no more of Yirgilius or his doctrine. Six hundred years pass away, and in the four teenth century two men publicly assert the doc trine. The first of these, Peter of Abano, es capes punishment by natural death ; the second, known as Cecco d'Ascoli, a man of seventy years, is burned alive. Nor was that all the punish ment : that great painter, Orcagna, whose terrible works you may see on the walls of the Campo Santa at Pisa, immortalized Cecco by representing him in the flames of hell.1 Still the idea lived and moved, and a hundred years later we find the theologian Tostatus pro- 1 Virgil of Salzburg. See Neander's History of the Christian Church, Torrey's translation, vol. iii., p. 63. Since Bayle, there has been much loose writing about Virgil's case. See Wliewell, p. 197 ; but for best choice of authorities and most careful winnowing out of conclusions, see De Morgan, pp. 24-26. For very full notes as to pagan and Christian advocates of doctrine of rotundity of the earth and of antipodes, and for extract from Zachary's letter, see Migne, Patrologia, vol. vi., p. 426, and vol. xli., p. 487. For Peter of Abano, or Apono, as he is often called, see Tiraboschi ; also, Gingucne, vol. ii., p. 293 ; also Naude, Histoire des Grands hommes accusfo de Magie. For Cecco d'Ascoli, see Montucla, His toire des Mathimaliques, i., 528 ; also, Daunou, Hiludes Historiques, vol. vi., p. 320. Concerning Orcagna's representation of Cecco in flames of hell, see Renan, Averroes et V Averroisme, Paris, 1867, p. 328. GEOGRAPHY. 19 testing against the doctrine of the antipodes as " unsafe." He has invented a new missile — the following syllogism : " The apostles were com manded to go into all the world, and to preach the gospel to every creature ; they did not go to any such part of the world as the antipodes, they did not preach to any creatures there : ergo, no antipodes exist." This is just before the time of Columbus. Columbus is the next warrior. The world has heard of his battles : how the Bishop of Ceuta worsted him in Portugal; how at the Junta of Salamanca the theologians overwhelmed him with quotations from the Psalms, from St. Paul, and from St. Augustine.1 And even after Columbus was triumphant, and after his voyage had greatly strengthened the theory of the earth's sphericity, the Church, by its highest authority, was again solemnly committed to the theory of the earth's flatness. In 1493 Pope Alexander VI. issues a bull laying down a line of demarkation upon the earth as a flat disk ; this line was drawn from north to south, west of the Azores and Canary Islands; and the Pope, in the plenitude of his knowledge and powers, declared that all lands 1 For Columbus before the Junta of Salamanca, see Irving's Columbus, Murray's edition, vol. ii., pp. 405-410. Figuier, Sa vants du Moyen Age, etc., vol. ii., p. 394, et seq. Also, Humboldt, Histoire de la Geographic du Nouveau Continent. 20 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. discovered east of this line should belong to the Portuguese, and all discovered west of it should belong to the Spaniards. This was hailed as an exercise of divinely illuminated power in the Church ; but in a few years difficulties arose. The Portuguese claimed Brazil, and, of course, had no difficulty in showing that it could be reached by sailing to the east of the line, provided the sail ing were sufficiently long-continued. The bull of Pope Alexander quietly passed into the catalogue of ludicrous errors.1 But in 1519 Science gains a crushing victory. Magalhaens makes his famous voyages. He proves the earth to be round, for his great expedition circumnavigates it ; he proves the doctrine of the antipodes, for he sees the men of the antip odes ; 2 but even this does not end the war. Many earnest and good men oppose the doctrine for two hundred years longer. Then the French astronomers make their measurements of degrees in equatorial and polar regions, and add to other proofs that of the lengthened pendulum : when 1 See Daunou, litudes Historiques, vol. ii., p. 417. 2 For effect of Magalhaens's voyages, and the reluctance to yield to proof, see Henri Martin, Histoire de France, vol. xiv., p. 395 ; St. Martin's Histoire de la Geog., p. 369 ; Peschel, Geschichte des Zeitalters der Enldeckungen, concluding chapters ; and for an admirable summary, Draper, Hist. Int. Dev. of Europe, pp. 451- 453. GEOGRAPHY. 21 this was done, when the deductions of science were seen to be established by the simple test of measurement, beautifully, perfectly, then and then only this war of twelve centuries ended.1 And now, what was the result of this war \ The efforts of Eusebius and Lactantius to deaden scientific thought ; the efforts of Augustine to com bat it ; the efforts of Cosmas to stop it by dogma tism; the efforts of Boniface, and Zachary, and others to stop it by force, conscientious as they all were, had resulted in what ? Simply in forcing into many noble minds this most unfortunate con viction, that Science and Religion are enemies ; simply in driving away from religion hosts of the best men in all those centuries. The result was wrholly bad. No optimism can change that ver dict. On the other hand, what was gained by the warriors of science for religion? Simply, a far more ennobling conception of the world, and a far truer conception of Him who made and who sus tains it. Which is the more consistent with a great, true religion — the cosmography of Cosmas, or that of Isaac Newton ? Which presents the nobler food 1 For general statement as to supplementary proof by measure ment of degrees, and by pendulum, see SomervH.le, Phys. Geog., chapter i., § 6, note. Also Humboldt, Cosmos, vol. ii., p. 736, and v., pp. 16, 32. Also Montucla, iv., 138. 22 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. for religious thought — the diatribes of Lactantius, or the astronomical discourses of Thomas Chal mers? ASTRONOMY. The next great battle was fought on a question relating to the position of the earth among the heavenly bodies. On one side, the great body of conscientious religious men planted themselves firmly on the geocentric doctrine — the doctrine that the earth is the centre, and that the sun and planets revolve about it. The doctrine was old, and of the highest respectability.1 The very name, Ptolemaic theory, carried weight. It had been elaborated until it accounted well for the phe nomena. Exact textual interpreters of Scripture cherished it, for it agreed with the letter of the sacred text.2 But, most important of all, it was stamped with the seal of St. Thomas Aquinas. The sainted theo logian — the glory of the Mediaeval Church, the " angelic doctor " — he to whom it wras believed an 1 Respectability of Geocentric Theory, Plato's Authority for it etc, see Grate's Plato, vol. iii., p. 257. Also, Sir G. C. Lewis, Astronomy of the Ancients, chap, iii., sec. i., for a very thoughtful statement of Plato's view, and differing from ancient statements. For plausible elaboration of it, see Fromundus, Anti-Aristarchus, Antwerp, 1631. Also Melanchthon, Initia Doctrince Physical. 8 For supposed agreement of Scripture with Ptolemaic theory, see Fromundus, passim, Melanchthon, and a host of other writers. ASTRONOMY. 23 image of the Crucified had spoken words praising his writings — had shown in his treatise on the Heaven and Earth, by philosophy, theology, and revelation, that the position of the earth must be in the centre.1 Still the germs of the heliocentric theory 2 had been planted long before, and well planted ; it had seemed ready even to bloom forth in the fifth cen tury, from the mind of Martianus Capella, and in the fifteenth from the mind of Cardinal de Cusa ; but it could not be forgotten that St. Thomas had elaborated the opposite view ; the chill of dogma tism was still over the earth, and up to the begin ning of the sixteenth century there had come to this great truth neither bloom nor fruitage.3 1 See St. Tliomas Aquimis, Liber de Ccelo et Mundo, sec. xx. 8 For Germs of Heliocentric Theory planted long before, etc., Bee Sir G. C Lewis ; also, Draper, Intellectual Dcvelopement of Europe, p. 512 ; and for a succinct statement of the claims of Pythagoras, Philolaus, Aristarchus, and Martianus Capella, see Hozfer, Hist, de VAstronomie, 1873, p. 107, et seq. For germs among thinkers of India, see Whewell, vol. i., p. 277. Also, Whitney, Oriental and Linguistic Studies,Hew York, 1874; Essay on the Lunar Zodiac, p. 345. 8 For general statement of De Cusa's work, see Draper, Intel lectual Development of Europe, p. 512. For skillful use of De Cusa's view in order to mitigate censure upon the Church for its treatment of Copernicus's discovery, see an article in the Catholic World for January, 1869. For a very exact statement, in a spirit of judicial fairness, see Whewell, History of the Inductive Sciences, p. 275 and pp. 379, 380. In the latter, Whewell cites the exact M THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. Quietly, however, the soil was receiving en richment, and the air warmth. The processes of mathematics were constantly improved, the heav enly bodies were steadily though silently observed; and at length appeared, afar off from the centres of thought, on the borders of Poland, a plain, simple-minded scholar, who first fairly uttered to the world the truth, now so commonplace, then so astounding, that the sun and planets do not revolve about the earth, but that the earth and planets revolve about the sun, and that man was Nicholas Kopernik.1 • Kopernik had been a professor at Borne, but, words of De Cusa in the De Docta Ignorantia, and sums up in these words : " This train of thought might be a preparation for the reception of the Copernican system ; but it is very different from the doctrine that the sun is the centre of the planetary sys tem." In the previous passage, Whewell says that De Cusa " pro pounded the doctrine of the motion of the earth, more, however, as a paradox than as a reality. We cannot consider this as any dis tinct anticipation of a profound and consistent view of the truth." For Aristotle's views and their elaboration by St. Thomas Aquinas, see the treatise De Ccelo et Mundo. It is curious to see how even such a biographer of St. Thomas as Archbishop Vaughan slurs over the angelic doctor's errors. See Vaughan's Life and Labors of St. Thomas of Aquin, pp. 459, 460. 1 For improvement of mathematical processes, see Draper, In tellectual Development of Europe, 513. In looking at this and other admirable summaries, one feels that Prof. Tyndall was not altogether right in lamenting, in his farewell address at New York, that Dr. Draper has devoted so much of his time to historical studies. ASTRONOMY. 25 as this truth grew within him, he seemed to feel that at Borne he was no longer safe.1 To publish this thought was dangerous indeed, and for more than thirty years it lay slumbering in the minds of Kopernik and the friends to whom he had privately intrusted it. 1 Kopernik's danger at Konie. The Catholic World for Jan uary, 1869, cites a recent speech of the Archbishop of Mechlin before the University of Louvain, to the effect that Copernicus defended his theory, at Home, in 1500, before two thousand schol ars ; also, that another professor taught the system in 1528, and was made Apostolic Notary by Clement VIII. All this, even if the doctrines taught were identical with those of Copernicus, as finally developed, which idea Whewell seems utterly to disprove, avails nothing against the overwhelming testimony that Coper nicus felt himself in danger — testimony which the after-history of the Copernican theory renders invincible. The very title of Fromundus's book, already cited, published within a few miles of the archbishop's own cathedral, and sanctioned expressly by the theological Faculty of that same University of Louvain in 1630, utterly refutes the archbishop's idea that the Church was inchned to treat Copernicus kindly. The title is as follows : " Anti-Aristarchus | Sive [ Orbis-Terrse | Immobilis | In quo decretum S. Congregationis S. R. E. | Cardinalium | IqC. XVI adversus Pytha [ gorico-Copernicanos editum defenditur | Ant- werpiee MDCXXXI." L'Epinois, GaliUe, Paris, 1867, lays stress, p. 14, on the broach ing of the doctrine by De Cusa, in 1435, and by Widmanstadt, in 1533, and their kind treatment by Eugenius IV. and Clement VII., but this is absolutely worthless in denying the papal policy after ward. Lange, Gcschichte des Materialismus, vol. i., pp. 217, 218, while admitting that De Cusa and Widmanstadt sustained this idea and received honors from their respective popes, shows that, 26 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. At last he prepares his great work on the Sevolution of the Heavenly Bodies, and dedicates it to the pope himself. He next seeks a place of publication. He dares not send it to Borne, for there are the rulers of the older Church ready to seize it. He dares not send it to Wittenberg, for there are the leaders of Protestantism no less hos tile. It is therefore intrusted to Osiander, of Nuremberg.1 But, at the last moment, Osiander's courage fails hie;. He dares not launch the new thought boldly. He writes a groveling preface ; endeav ors to excuse Kopernik for his novel idea. He inserts the apologetic lie that Kopernik propounds the doctrine of the movement of the earth, not as a fact, but as an hypothesis ; he declares that it is lawful for an astronomer to indulge his imag ination, and that this is what Kopernik has done. Thus was the greatest and most ennobling, per haps, of scientific truths — a truth not less enno- when the Church gave it serious consideration, it was condemned. There is nothing in this view unreasonable. It would be a paral lel case to that of Leo X., at first inchned toward Luther and the others, in their " squabbles with the begging friars," and after ward forced to oppose them. That Copernicus felt the danger, is evident, among other things, by the expression in the preface, " Statim me explodendum cum tali opinione clamitant." 1 For dangers at Wittenberg, see Lange, G^schichte des Mate- rialismus, vol. i., p. 217. ASTRONOMY. 27 bling to religion than to science — forced, in com ing into the world, to sneak and crawl.1 On the 24th of May, 1543, the newly-printed book first arrived at the house of Kopernik. It was put into his hands ; but he was on his death bed. A few hours later he was beyond the reach of those mistaken, conscientious men, whose con sciences would have blotted his reputation, and perhaps have destroyed his life. Yet not wholly beyond their reach. Even death could not be trusted to shield him. There seems to have been fear of vengeance upon his corpse, for on his tombstone was placed no record of his life-long labors, no mention of his great 1 Osiander, in a letter to Copernicus, dated April 20, 1541, had endeavored to reconcile him to such a procedure, and ends by saying, "Sic enim placidiores reddideris peripatheticos ettheologos quos contradicturos metuis." See Apologia Tychonis in Kepleri Opera Omnia, Frisch's edition, vol. i., p. 246. Kepler holds Osiander entirely responsible for this preface. Bertrand, in his Fondateurs de I'Astronomie Moderne, gives its text, and thinks it possible that.Copernicus may have yielded " in pure condescension toward his disciple." But this idea is utterly at variance with ex pressions in Copernicus's own dedicatory letter to the pope, which follows the preface. For a good summary of the argument, see Figuier, Savants de la Renaissance, pp. 378, 379. See, also, cita tion from Gassendi's life of Copernicus, in Flammarion, Vie de Copernic, p. 124. Mr. John Fiske, accurate as he usually is, in his recent Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy, appears to have followed Laplace, Delambre, and Petit into the error of supposing that Copernicus, and not Osiander, is responsible for the preface. 28 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. discovery. There were graven upon it affecting words, which may be thus simply translated : " I ask not the grace accorded to Paul, not that given to Peter; give me only the favor which thou didst show to the thief on the cross." Not till thirty years after did a friend dare write on his tombstone a memorial of his discovery.1 The book was taken in hand by the proper authorities. In due time it was solemnly con demned ; to read it was to risk damnation ; and the world accepted the decree.2 The earnest theo- 1 Figuier, Savants de la Renaissance, p. 380. Also, Flam marion, Vie de Copernic, p. 190. 2 The " proper authorities " in this case were the " Congrega tion of the Index," or cardinals having charge of the " Index Li- brorum Prohibitorum." Recent desperate attempts to fasten the responsibility on them as individuals seem ridiculous in view of the simple fact that their work is sanctioned by the highest Church authority, and required to be universally accepted by the Church. Three of four editions of the " Index " in my own pos- . session declare on their title-pages that they are issued by order of the pontiff of the period, and each is prefaced by a special papal bull or letter. See, especially, Index of 1664, issued under order of Alexander VII., and that of 1761, under Benedict XIV. Copernicus's work was prohibited in the Index " donee corriga- iur." Kepler said that it ought to be worded " donee explicetur." See Bertrand, Fondateurs de I'Astronomie Moderne, p. 57. De Morgan, pp. 57-60, gives the corrections required by the Index of 1620. Their main aim seems to be to reduce Copernicus to the groveling level of Osiander, making of his discovery a mere hypo thesis ; but occasionally they require a virtual giving up of the whole Copernican doctrine, e. g., " correction " insisted upon for ASTRONOMY. . 29 logians of the period immediately wheeled their batteries of sacred learning to support the Church in its effort to beat back the terrible doctrine that the earth revolves about the sun. Among the most vigorous of them in Northern Europe was Fromundus. From the shadow of the Cathedral of Antwerp he sent forth his famous treatise, the Anti-Aristarchus, full of the strongest ar guments against the new theory. His very title- page was a contemptuous insult to the memory of Kopernik, since it paraded the assumption that the new truth was only an old and exploded theory of Aristarchus. He declares that " sacred Script ure fights against the Copernicans." To prove that the sun revolves about the earth, he cites the passage in the Psalms which speaks of the sun " which cometh forth as a bridegroom out of his chamber." To prove that the earth stands still, he quotes the passage from Ecclesiastes, "the earth standeth fast forever." To show the utter futility of the Copernican ideas, he indulges in scientific reasoning as he understands it — declar ing that, if the hated theory were true, "the wind would constantly blow from the east ; we should with great difficulty hear sounds against such a wind ; " that " buildings, and the earth itself, cap. 8, p. 6. For scholarly account of the relation of the Prohibi tory and Expurgatory Indexes to each other, see Mendham, Liter ary Policy of the Church, of Rome. 30 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. would fly off with such a rapid motion ; " and, greatest weapon of all, he works up, by the use of Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, a demonstration from theology and science combined, that the earth must stand in the centre, and that the sun must revolve about it.1 Doubtless many will at once exclaim against the Boman Catholic Church for this. Justice compels me to say that the founders of Protes tantism were no less zealous against the new scien tific doctrine. Said Martin Luther : " People gave ear to an upstart astrologer, who strove to show that the earth revolves, not the heavens or the fir mament, the sun and the moon. Whoever wishes to appear clever must devise some new system, which of all systems is, of course, the very best. This fool wishes to reverse the entire science of astronomy. But Sacred Scripture tells us that Joshua commanded the sun to stand still, and not the earth." Melanchthon, mild as he was, was not behind Luther in condemning Kopernik. In his treatise, Initia Doctrmce Physical, he says : " The eyes are 1 See Fromundus's book, cited above, passim, but especially the heading of chapter vi., and the argument in chaps, x. and xi. For interesting reference to one of Fromundus's arguments, show ing by a mixture of mathematics and theology, that the earth is the centre of the universe, see Quetelet, Histoire des Sciences MatMmatiques et Physiques, Bruxelles, 1864, p. 170. ASTRONOMY. 31 witnesses that the heavens revolve in the space of twenty-four hours. But certain men, either from the love of novelty, or to make a display of inge nuity, have concluded that the earth moves ; and they maintain that neither the eighth sphere nor the sun revolves. . . . Now, it is a want of honesty and decency to assert such notions publicly, and the example is pernicious. It is the part of a good mind to accept the truth as revealed by God, and to acquiesce in it." Melanchthon then cites pas sages from the Bsalms and from Ecclesiastes which he declares assert positively and clearly that the earth stands fast, and that the sun moves around it, and adds eight other proofs of his pro position that " the earth can be nowhere, if not in the centre of the universe." l And Protestant people were not a whit behind Catholic in following out these teachings. The people of Elbing made themselves merry over a farce in which Kopernik was the main object of ridicule. The people of Nuremberg, a great Prot- 1 See Luther's Tischreden, Irmischer's Ausgabe. Also, Melanch- thon's Initia Doctrines Physical. This treatise is cited under a mistaken title by the Catholic World, September, 1870. The cor rect title is as given above. It will be found in the Corpus Re- formalorum, ed. Bretschneider, Halle, 1846. (For the above pas sage, see vol. xiii., pp. 216, 217.) Also, Lange, Geschichie des Materialising, vol. i., p. 217. Also, Prowe, Ueber die Abhdngigkeit des Copernicus, Thorn, 1865, p. 4. Also, note, pp. 5 and 6, where text is given in full. 32 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. estant centre, caused a medal to be struck, with inscriptions ridiculing the philosopher and his the ory.1 Then was tried, also, one piece of strategy very common formerly in battles between theologians themselves. It consists in loud shoutings that the doctrine attacked is outworn, and already re futed — that various distinguished gentlemen have proved it false — that it is not a living truth, but a detected lie — that, if the world listens to it, that is simply because the world is ignorant. This strat egy was brought to bear on Kopernik. It was shown that his doctrine was simply a revival of the Pythagorean notion, which had been thor oughly exploded. Fromundus, as we have seen in his title-page and throughout his book, delights in referring to the doctrine of the revolution of the planets around the sun, as " that Pythagorean notion." This mode of warfare was imitated by the lesser opponents, and produced, for some time, considerable effect.2 But the new truth could neither be laughed down nor forced down. Many minds had received it ; only one tongue dared utter it. This new warrior was that strange mortal, Giordano Bruno. 1 For treatment of Copernican ideas by the people, see Cath olic World, as above. 2 See title-page of Fromundus's work cited in note at bottom of p. 392 ; also, Melanchthon, ubi supra. ASTRONOMY. 33 He was hunted from land to land, until, at last, he turns on his pursuers with fearful invectives. For this he is imprisoned six years, then burned alive and his ashes scattered to the winds. Still the new truth lived on ; it could not be killed. Within ten years after the martyrdom of Bruno,1 after a world of troubles and persecutions, the truth of the doctrine of Kopernik was established by the telescope of Galileo.2 Herein was fulfilled one of the most touching of prophecies. Years before, the enemies of Ko pernik had said to him, " If your doctrines were true, Venus would show phases like the moon." Kopernik answered : " You are right ; I know not what to say ; but God is good, and will in time find an answer to this objection." s The God- 1 See Bartholmess, Vie de Jordano Bruno, Paris, 1846, vol. i., pp. 121 and pp. 212, et seq. Also Berti, Vita di Giordano Bruno, Firenze, 1868, chapter xvi. Also Wliewett, i., 294, 295. That Whewell is somewhat hasty in attributing Bruno's punishment entirely to the Spaccio delta Bestia Trionfanie will be evident, in spite of Montucla, to any one who reads the account of the per secution in Bartholmess or Berti ; and, even if Whewell be right, the Spaccio would never have been written, but for Bruno's indig nation at ecclesiastical oppression. See Tiraboschi, vol. xi., p. 435. s Delambre, Histoire de I'Astronomie moderne, discours pr6- liminaire, p. xiv. Also Laplace, Systime du Monde, vol. i., p. 326, and for more careful statement, Kepleri Opera Omnia, edit. Frisch, torn, ii., p. 464. 3 Cantu, Histoire Universelle, vol. xv., p. 473. 34 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. given answer came when the rude telescope of Galileo showed the phases of Venus. On this new champion, Galileo, the war was long and bitter. The supporters of what was called " sound learning " declared his discoveries- deceptions, and his announcements blasphemy- Semi - scientific professors, endeavoring to curry favor with the Church, attacked him with sham science ; earnest preachers attacked him with per verted Scripture ! 1 I shall present this warfare at some length, because, so far as I can find, no careful outline of it has been given in our language, since the whole histoiy was placed in a new light by the revelation of the trial documents in the Vati can Library, published for the first time by M. de l'Epinois in 1867. The first important attack on Galileo began when he announced that his telescope had revealed 1 A very curious example of this sham science is seen in the- argument, frequently used at the time, that, if the earth really moved, a stone falling from a height would fall back of the point immediately below its point of starting. This is used by Fromun dus with great effect. It appears never to have occurred to him to test the matter by dropping a stone from the topmast of a ship. But the most beautiful thing of all is that Benzenburg has experi mentally demonstrated just such an aberration in falling bodies as is mathematically required by the diurnal motion of the earth. See Jevons, Principles of Science, vol. i., p. 453, and ii., pp. 310, 311. ASTRONOMY. 35 the moons of the planet Jupiter ; the enemy saw that this strengthened the Copernican theory, and gave battle immediately. The whole theory was denounced as impossible and impious. Professors, bred in the mixed science favored by the Church,1 argued that the Bible clearly showed, by all applicable types, that there could be only seven planets ; that this was proved by the seven golden candlesticks of the Apoca lypse, by the seven-branched candlestick of the Tabernacle, and by the seven churches of Asia : 2 theologians showed the destructive consequences which must logically result to fundamental Chris tian truths: bishops and priests uttered impres sive warnings to their flocks ; and multitudes of the faithful besought the Inquisition to protect the fold by dealing speedily and sharply with the heretic. In vain did Galileo try to save the great truths he had discovered, by his letters to the Benedictine Castelli and the Grand-duchess Christine, in which he argued that literal Biblical interpretation should not be applied to science ; it was declared that by making such an argument his heresy was only 1 See Delambre as to the discovery of the satellites of Jupiter being the turning-point with the heliocentric doctrine. As to its effects on Bacon, see Jevons, Principles of Science, vol. ii., p. 298. 2 For argument drawn from the candlestick and seven church es, see Delambre. 36 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. rendered more detestable ; that he was " worse than Luther or Calvin." In vain did he try to prove the existence of satellites by showing them to the doubters through his telescope. They either declared it impious to look, or, if they did see them, denounced them as illusions from the devil. Good Father Clavius declared that to "see satellites of Jupiter, men had to make an instrument which would create them." ¦ The war on the Copernican theory, which up to that time had been carried on quietly, now flamed forth. It was declared that the doctrine was proved false by the standing still of the sun for Joshua ; by the declarations that " the founda tions of the earth are fixed so firm that they can not be moved," and that the sun " runneth about from one end of heaven to the other." 2 The Dominican father, Caccini, preached a sermon from the text, " Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven % " and this wretched pun was the first of a series of sharper weapons ; for before Caccini finishes, he insists that " geom etry is of the devil," and that " mathematicians 1 Libri, vol. iv., p. 211. De Morgan, Paradoxes, p. 26, for ac count of Father Clavius. It is interesting to know that Clavius, in his last years, acknowledged that " the whole system of the heavens is broken down, and must be mended." 2 Cautu, Histoire Uhiverselle, vol. xv., p. 478. ASTRONOMY. 37 should be banished as the authors of all heresies ; " and, for this, the Church authorities gave Caccini promotion.1 Father Lorini proved that the doctrine was not only " heretical," but " atheistic," and besought the Inquisition to intervene. The Bishop of Fiesole screamed in rage against the Copernican system, and proposed to denounce Galileo to the grand- duke. The Archbishop of Pisa secretly sought to entrap Galileo and deliver him to the Inquisition at Borne. The Archbishop of Florence solemnly condemned the doctrines of Kopernik and Galileo as unscriptural. But by far the most terrible champion who ap peared against him was Bellarmin, one of the great est of theologians, and one of the poorest of scien tists. He was earnest, sincere, learned, but made the fearful mistake for the world of applying to science, direct, literal interpretation of Scripture.2 The weapons which men of Bellarmin's stamp used were theological. They held up before the world the dreadful consequences which must result 1 For Caccini's attack, see Delambre, Hist, de VAstron., disc. prelim., p. xxii. ; also, Libri, Hist, des Sciences Math., vol. iv., p. 232 ; also, Martin, GaliUe, pp. 43, 44. 2 For Bellarmin's view, see Quinet, Jesuits, vol. ii., p. 189. For other objectors and objections, see Libri, Histoire des Sciences Mathsmatiques en Italie, vol. iv., pp. 233, 234 ; also, Martin, Vie de Galilee. 38 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. to Christian theology were the doctrine to prevail that the heavenly bodies revolve about the sun, and not about the earth. Their most tremendous theologic engine against Galileo was the idea that his pretended discovery " vitiated the whole Chris tian plan of salvation." Father Lecazre declared that it "cast suspicion on the doctrine of the Incarnation." Others declared that it " upset the whole basis of theology ; that, if the earth is a planet, and one among several planets, it cannot be that any such great things have been done espe cially for it, as the Christian doctrine teaches. If there are other planets, since God makes noth ing in vain, they must be inhabited ; but how can these inhabitants be descended from Adam? How can they trace back their origin to Noah's ark? How can they have been redeemed by the Saviour?"1 Nor was this argument confined to the theolo gians of the Boman Church ; Melanchthon, Prot estant as he was, had already used it in his attacks upon the ideas of Kopernik and his school.2 In addition to this prodigious engine of war,. there was kept up a terrific fire of smaller artillery in the shape of texts and scriptural extracts. But the little telescope of Galileo still swept 1 See Trouessart, cited in Flammarion, Mondes Imaginaires et Reels, sixieme edition, pp. 315, 316. 2 Initia Doctrines Physical, pp. 220, 221. ASTRONOMY. 39 the heavens, and the next revelation announced was the system of mountains and valleys in the moon. This was a signal for another attack. It was declared that this, coupled with the statement that the moon shines by light reflected from the sun, was a contradiction of the statement in Gene sis that the moon is a " great light " like the sun. To make the matter worse, a painter, placing the moon in a religious picture in its usual position beneath the feet of the Blessed Virgin, outlined on its surface mountains and valleys ; this was de nounced as a sacrilege logically resulting from the astronomer's heresy. The next struggle was aroused when the hated telescope revealed spots upon the sun, and their motion, which indicated the sun's rotation. Mon signor Elci, head of the University of Pisa, forbade the Professor of Astronomy, Castelli, to mention these spots. Father Busaeus, at the University of Innspruck, forbade the astronomer Schemer to allow the new discovery to be known there. At the College of Douay and the University of Lou vain it was expressly placed under the ban, and this became the general rule among the Catholic universities and colleges of Europe. The Spanish universities were specially intolerant of this and similar ideas,1 and up to a recent period they were 1 See Ticknor, Hist, of Span. Literature, vol. iii. 40 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. strictly forbidden in the most important university of all — that of Salamanca. In 1820 the Abbe Settele, professor at the College of Borne, having announced a work on Optics and Astronomy, the master of the sacred palace, under the authority of the old decrees against the teachings of Kopernik and Galileo, forbade the publication, and it was not until 1822 that Pope Pius VII. sanctioned a decision of the Inquisition permitting such teach ings.1 Such are the consequences of placing the in struction of men's minds in the hands of those mainly absorbed in the work of saving men's souls.2 Nothing could be more in accordance with the idea recently put forth by the Bishop of Mont- pellier, that the Church is alone fully empowered to promulgate scientific truth or direct university instruction ; but science gained the victory here also. News came of observations of the solar spots, not only from Galileo in Italy, but from Fabricius in Holland. Father Schemer then en deavors to make the usual treaty ; he promulgates a pseudo-scientific theory — a statement based on a "religious science" — which only provokes deri sion. But the war grew more and more bitter, and 1 See Th. Martin, Galilee, pp. 34, 208, and 266. 2 See Martin, Galilee, pp. 34 and 208 ; also a curious note in the earlier English editions, Lyell, Principles of Geology, Introduction. ASTRONOMY. 41 the principal weapons in it are worth examining. They are very easily examined; you may pick them up on any of the battle-fields of science; but on that field they were used with more effect than on almost any other. These weapons are two epithets : " Infidel " and " Atheist." The battle-fields of science are thickly strewn with these. They have been used against almost every man who has ever done anything new for his fellow-men. The list of those who have been denounced as infidel and atheist includes almost all great men of science — general scholars, invent ors, philanthropists. The deepest Christian life, the most noble Christian character, have not availed to shield combatants. Christians like Isaac New ton and Pascal and John Locke and John Milton, and even Howard and Fenelon, have had these weapons hurled against them. Of all proofs of the existence of a God, those of Descartes have been wrought most thoroughly into the minds of modern men ; and yet the Protestant theologians of Holland sought to bring him to torture and to death by the charge of atheism, and the Boman Catholic theologians of France prevented the ren dering of any due honors to him at his burial.1 1 For curious exemplification of the way in which these weap ons have been hurled, see lists of persons charged with " infidel ity " and " atheism," in Le Dictionnaire des AtMes, Paris, An. viii. Also, Lecky, History of Rationalism, vol. ii., p. 50. For case of Descartes, see Saisset, Descartes etses precurseurs, pp. 103, 110. 42 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. These epithets can hardly be classed with civil ized weapons. They are burning arrows. They set fire to great masses of popular prejudices ; smoke rises to obscure the real questions; fire bursts forth at times to destroy the attacked party. They are poisoned. They go to the hearts of lov ing women, they alienate dear children ; they in jure the man after life is ended, for they leave poisoned wounds in the hearts of those who loved him best — fears for his eternal happiness — dread of the Divine displeasure. Of course, in these days, these weapons, though often effective in dis turbing good men and in scaring good women, are somewhat blunted. Indeed, they not unfrequently injure assailants more than assailed. So it was not in the days of Galileo ; they were then in all their sharpness and venom. Yet far more vile than the use even of these weapons — vile indeed beyond belief — was the at tack by the Archbishop of Bisa. It is a remark made by one of the most moder ate and judicially fair of modern philosophic his torians, that, of all organizations this world has known, the Boman Church has caused most unde served woe and shed most innocent blood ; but, in the whole terrible succession of Torquemadas and Arbues and Granvilles, the vilest enemy of the human race is probably this same Archbishop of Pisa. ASTRONOMY. 43 This man, whose cathedral is more truly conse crated by the remembrance of Galileo's observa tion of the lamp swinging before its altar, than by all the church services of a thousand years, began a siege against the great philosopher. Galileo, after his discoveries had been denounced as contrary to Scripture, had been induced to write to the Duchess Christine and to his friend Castelli two letters, to show that his discoveries might be reconciled to Scripture. The archbishop saw his opportunity : he determined to get hold of these letters and exhibit them as proofs that Galileo had uttered heretical views of theology and the Script ures, and thus to bring the astronomer hopelessly into the clutch of the Inquisition. The arch bishop begs Castelli, therefore, to let him see the original letter in the handwriting of Galileo. Cas telli declines ; the archbishop then, while, as is now revealed, writing constantly and bitterly to the inquisitors against Galileo, professes to Cas telli the greatest admiration of Galileo's genius, and a sincere desire to know more of his discov eries. Castelli is seduced by this ; but Galileo stur dily forbids sending the letter, and the archbishop is obliged to resort to open attack. The whole struggle to crush Galileo and to save him would be amusing were it not so fraught with evil. There were intrigues and counter-in trigues, plots and counter-plots, lying and spying, 44 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. and in the thickest of this seething, squabbling, screaming mass, priests, bishops, archbishops, car dinals, and even the future Pope Urban VIII. himself. It is most suggestive to see in this crisis of the Church, on the eve of the greatest errors in church policy the world has known, in all the efforts and deliberations of these conse crated leaders of the Church, at the tomb of the Prince of the Apostles, no more sign of the guidance or presence of the Holy Spirit than in a caucus of New York politicians. But the opposing powers were too strong. In 1615 Galileo is summoned by the Inquisition to Borne, and the mine, which had been so long pre paring, was sprung. Pope Paul V. and the car dinal inquisitors order eleven theologians of the Inquisition to examine these two propositions which had been extracted from Galileo's letters on the solar spots : First, that the sun does not move about the earth; secondly, that the earth does move about the sun. The eleven theologians solemnly considered these points, and in about a month rendered a solemn decision that " the first proposition, that the sun is the centre, and does not revolve about the earth, is foolish, absurd, false im, theology, and heretical, because expressly contrary to Holy Scripture ; and that tlie second proposi tion, that the earth is not the centre, but revolves about the sun, is absurd, false in philosophy, and, ASTRONOMY. 45 from a theological point of view, at least opposed to the true faith." 1 The pope himself, Baul V., now intervenes ; he orders that Galileo be brought before the In quisition. Then the great man of science in that age is brought face to face with the greatest the ologian : Galileo is confronted by Cardinal Bel- larmin. Bellarmin shows Galileo the error of his opinion, and orders him to renounce it. De Lauda, fortified by a letter from the pope, ordering the astronomer to be placed in the dungeon of the Inquisition should he refuse to yield, commands him to " abandon entirely the opinion that the sun is the centre of the universe, and that the earth moves, and to abstain from sustaining, teaching, or defending that opinion in any manner what ever, orally or by writing." 2 Galileo bowed to this Order, was allowed to retire, and the whole proceeding was kept secret. About ten days later, on March 5, 1616, the Congregation of the Index, moved thereto, as we have seen, and as the letters and documents now brought to light show, by Pope Paul V., solemn ly rendered their decree : that the doctrine of the double movement of the earth about its axis and about the sun is false and entirely contrary 1 See the original documents in Epinois, pp. 34-36. Martin's translation does not seem exactly correct. 2 See full official text in Epinois. 4G THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. to Holy Scripture ; that this opinion must neither be taught nor defended. The same decree con demned the writings of Kopernik, and all writ ings which affirm the motion of the earth. The great work of Kopernik was interdicted until corrected in accordance with the views of the In quisition ; and the works of Galileo and Kepler, though not mentioned by name, were included among those implicitly condemned as " affirming the motion of the earth." The condemnations were inscribed upon the Index, and to the Index was prefixed the usual papal bull giving its monitions the papal sanc tion. To teach or even read the works denounced or passages condemned, was to risk persecution in this world and damnation in the next. Human science had apparently lost the great decisive battle. For some time Galileo remained at Borne per fectly submissive.1 Bope Paul V. petted him, and all seemed happy in the ending of the long war. But, returning to Florence, something of his old scientific ardor stirred within him ; and at last Cardinal Barberini, who had seemed liberal and friendly, having been made pope under the name 1 See proofs of this in Martin. The reader should be remind ed that the archives exposed within the past few years have made the statements of early writers untrustworthy on very many of the nicer points. ASTRONOMY. 47 of Urban VIII. , Galileo conceived new hopes, and again in a published work alluded favorably to the Copernican system. New troubles ensued. Galileo was induced to visit Bome again, and Pope Urban tried to cajole him into silence, and personally took the trouble to try to show the astronomer his errors by argument. Other oppo nents were less considerate. Works appeared at tacking his ideas — works all the more unmanly, since their authors knew how Galileo was re strained by force from defending himself ; and, as if to accumulate proofs of the fitness of the Church to take charge of advanced instruction, his salary as professor at the University of Pisa was taken from him. Sapping and mining began. Just as the Archbishop of Pisa some years before had tried to betray Galileo with honeyed words to the Inquisition, so now Father Grassi tried it ; and after various attempts to draw him out by flattery, suddenly denounced his scientific ideas as "leading to a denial of the real presence in the Eucharist." And here science again loses ground. Galileo had announced his intention of writing upon the theory of the tides, but he retreated, and thus was lost a great treatise to the world. For the final assault, the park of heavy artil lery was at last wheeled into place. You see it on all the scientific battle-fields. It consists of gen- 48 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. eral denunciation ; and Father Melchior Inchofer, of the Jesuits, brought his artillery to bear well on Galileo with this declaration : that the opinion of the earth's motion is, of all heresies, the most abominable, the most pernicious, the most scan dalous ; that the immobility of the earth is thrice sacred ; that argument against the immortality of the soul, the Creator, the incarnation, etc., should be tolerated sooner than an argument to prove that the earth moves.1 But this state of things could not be endured forever. Urged beyond forbearance, Galileo pre pares a careful treatise in the form of a dialogue, exhibiting the arguments for and against the Co pernican and Ptolemaic systems. He then offers to submit to any conditions the Church tribunals may impose, if they will but allow it to be printed. At last they consent, imposing the most humili ating condition of all, which was a preface written by Father Bicciardi and signed by Galileo, in which the whole work was virtually exhibited as a play of the imagination, and not at all as opposed to the truth laid down in 1616 by the Inquisition. The new work met with prodigious success ; it put new weapons into the hands of the supporters of the Copernican theory. The preface only em bittered the contest ; it was laughed at from one 1 See Inchofer's Traciatus Syllepiicus, cited in Galileo's letter to Deodati, July 28, 1634. ASTRONOMY. 49 end of Europe to the other as ironical. This aroused the enemy. The Jesuits, Dominicans, and the great majority of the clergy, returned to the attack more violent than ever ; and Pope Urban VIH., his personal pride being touched, after some halting joined the clerical forces. The first important piece of strategy was to forbid the sale of the work ; but the first edition had already been exhausted and spread throughout Europe. Urban now became angry, and both Galileo and his works were placed in the hands of the Inquisition. In vain did the good Benedic tine Castelli urge that Galileo was entirely respect ful to the Church ; in vain did he say that " noth ing that could be done could now hinder the earth from revolving." He was dismissed, and Galileo was forced to appear in the presence of the dread tribunal without defender or adviser. There, as was so long concealed but as is now fully revealed, he was menaced with torture by express order of Bope Urban, and, as is now thoroughly estab lished by documentary evidence, forced to abjure under threats, and subjected to imprisonment by command of Urban, the Inquisition deferring in the most servile manner to the papal authority. The rest of the story the world knows by heart ; none of the recent attempts have succeeded in mystifying it. The whole world will remem ber forever how Galileo was subjected certainly to 50 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. indignity and imprisonment equivalent to physi cal torture ; * how he was at last forced to pro nounce publicly, and on his knees, his recantation as follows : " I, Galileo, being in my seventieth year, being a prisoner and on my knees, and be fore your eminences, having before my eyes the Holy Gospel, which I touch with my hands, ab jure, curse, and detest the error and the heresy of the movement of the earth." He was vanquished indeed, for he had been forced, in the face of all coming ages, to perjure himself ; and, to complete his dishonor, he was obliged to swear to denounce to the Inquisition any other man of science whom he should dis- - cover to be supporting heresy — the " heresy of the movement of the earth." Nor was this all. To the end of his life, nay, after his life was ended, this bitter persecution was continued, on the supposition that the great truths he revealed were hurtful to religion. After a brief stay in the dungeons of the Inquisi tion, he was kept in exile from family, friends, all his noble employments, and held rigidly to his promise not even to speak of his theory. When, 1 It is not probable that torture in the ordinary sense was ad ministered to Galileo, though it was threatened. See Th. Martin, Vie de Galilee, for a fair summing up of the case. For text of the abjuration, see Epinois ; also, Private Life of Galileo, Appen dix. ASTRONOMY. 51 in the midst of intense bodily sufferings from dis ease and mental sufferings from calamities in his family, he besought some little Hberty, he was met with threats of a recommittal to his dungeon. When, at last, a special commissioner had report ed to the ecclesiastical authorities that Galileo had become blind and wasted away with disease and sorrow, he was allowed but little more liberty, and that little tempered by the close surveillance of the ecclesiastical authorities. He was forced to bear contemptible attacks on himself and on his works in silence ; he lived to see his ideas care> fully weeded out from all the church colleges and universities in Europe ; and when, in a scientific work, he happened to be spoken of as " renowned," the Inquisition ordered the substitution of the word "notorious." J Nor did the persecution cease with his death. Galileo had begged to be buried in his family tomb in Santa Croce ; the request was denied : his friends wished to erect a monument over him ; this, too, was refused. Pope Urban said to the embassador Niccolini that " it would be an evil example for the world if such honors were ren dered to a man who had been brought before the Boman Inquisition for an opinion so false and erroneous, who had communicated it to many 1 Martin, p. 227. 52 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. others, and who had given so great a scandal to Christendom." 1 In accordance, therefore, with the wish of the pope and the orders of the Inquisition, Galileo was buried ignobly, apart from his family, without fitting ceremony, without monument, without epi taph. Not until forty years after did Pierozzi dare to write his epitaph. Not until a hundred years after did Nelli dare transfer his remains to Santa Croce and erect above them a suitable monu ment. Even then the old conscientious hostility burst out : the Inquisition was besought to pre vent such honors to " a man condemned for no torious errors ; " and that tribunal refused to allow any epitaph to be placed above him which had not first been submitted to its censorship. Nor has that old conscientious consistency in hatred yet fully relented ; hardly a generation since has not seen some Marini, or De Bonald, or Ballaye, or De Gabriac, suppressing evidence, or torturing ex pressions, or inventing theories, to blacken the memory of Galileo and save the reputation of the Church.2 1 Martin, p. 243. 2 For the persecution of Galileo's memory, see Th. Martin, chaps, ix. and x. For documentary proofs, see De V Epinois. For a collection of the slanderous theories invented against Galileo, see Martin, final chapters and appendix. Both these authors are devoted to the Church, but, unlike Monsignor Marini, are too up right to resort to the pious fraud of suppressing documents or in terpolating pretended facts. ASTRONOMY. 53 The action of the Church authorities corre sponded well to the spirit thus exhibited ; not until 1757, over one hundred years after his con demnation, was it removed, and then secretly; not until 1835, over two hundred years after his condemnation, was the record of it expunged from the Index. But this is by no means the only important part of this history. Hardly less important, for one who wishes to understand the character of the warfare of science, is it to go back over those two hundred years between that fearful crime and its acknowledgment, and study the great retreat of the army of the Church after its disastrous victory over Galileo. Having gained this victory, the conscientious believers in the Bible as a compendium of history and text-book of science exulted greatly. Loud was the rejoicing that the "heresy," the "infi delity," the " atheism," involved in believing that the earth revolves about its axis and moves around the sun, had been crushed by the great tribunal of the Church, acting in strict obedience to the ex pressed will of one pope and the written order of another. But soon clear-sighted men saw that this victory was a disaster. From all sides came proofs that Kopernik and Galileo were right ; and although Pope Urban and the Inquisition held Galileo in 54 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. strict seclusion, not allowing him even to speak regarding the double motion of the earth ; and although the condemnation of " all books which affirm the motion of the earth " was kept on the Index ; and although the colleges and universities under Church control were compelled to teach the opposite doctrine, it was seen that the position gained by the victory over Galileo could not be maintained for ever. So began the great retreat — the retreat of the army of Church apologists through two centuries of sophistry, trickery, and falsehood. The first important move in the retreat was a falling back upon the statement that Galileo was condemned, not because he affirmed the motion of the earth, but because he supported it from Scripture. For a considerable time this falsehood served its purpose ; even a hundred and fifty years after Galileo's condemnation it was renewed by the Protestant Mallet du Pan,1 in his wish to> gain favor from the older Church ; but the slightest critical examination of the original documents, re cently revealed, show this position utterly unten able. The letters of Galileo to Castelli and the Grand-duchess Christine, in which he spoke of the Copernican theory as reconcilable with Script ure, were not published until after the condemna tion ; and although the Archbishop of Pisa had 1 See Martin, pp. 401, 402. ASTRONOMY. 55 endeavored to use them against him, they were but casually mentioned in 1616, and entirely left out of view in 1633. What was condemned in 1616 as "absurd, false in theology, and heretical, because absolutely contrary to Holy Scripture," was the proposition that " the sun is the centre about which the earth revolves / " and what was con demned as " absurd, false in philosophy, and, from a theologic point of view at least, opposed to the true faith," was the proposition that " the earth is not the centre of the universe and immovable, but has a diurnal motion." * What Galileo was made, by express order of Pope Urban and by the action of the Inquisition under threat of torture, to abjure, was " the erroi* and heresy of the movement of the earth" 2 What the Index, prefaced by papal bulls bind ing its contents upon the consciences of the faith ful, for two hundred years steadily condemned, were " all books which affirm the motion of the earth." Not one of these condemnations was directed against Galileo's private letters to Castelli and Christine affirming the possibility of reconciling his ideas to Scripture. Having been dislodged from this point, the 1 See De V Epinois, p. 35, where the document is given in its original Latin. ' See translation of the abjuration in appendix to Private Life of Galileo, London, 1870. 56 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. Church apologists sought cover under the state ment that " Galileo was condemned not for heresy, but for contumacy," and for " wanting in respect for the pope." ' As to the first point, the very language of the various sentences shows the falsehood of the asser tion; they speak of "heresy," and never of "con tumacy." As to the last point, the display of the original documents settled that forever. It was proved by them that from first to last he had been toward the pope most patient and submissive. He had indeed expressed his anger at times against his traducers ; but to hold this the cause of the judgment against him, is to degrade the whole proceeding, and to convict the pope, Bellarmin, the theologians, and the Inquisition, of direct false hood, since they assigned entirely different reasons for their conduct. From this, therefore, the apolo gists hastily retreated. The next rally was made about the statement that the persecution of Galileo was the result of a quarrel between Aristotelian professors on one side and professors favoring the experimental method on the other, and that at first Pope Urban favored 1 See Marini, who manipulated tne original documents to prove this. Even Whewell appears to have been somewhat misled by him ; but Whewell wrote before De l'Epinois had shown all the documents, and under the supposition that Marini was an honest man. ASTRONOMY. 57 Galileo. But this position was attacked and car ried by a very simple statement. If the Divine guidance of the Church is such a sham that it can be dragged into a. professional squabble, and the pope made the tool of a faction in bringing about a most disastrous condemnation of a proven truth, how does the Church differ from any human organization sunk into decrepitude, managed by simpletons and controlled by schemers? If the argument be true, the condition of the Church is worse than its enemies have declared it. Amid the jeers of an unfeeling world the apologists sought new shelter. The next point at which a stand was made was the assertion that the condemnation of Galileo was " provisory ; " but this proved a more treacherous shelter than the other. When doctrines have been solemnly declared, as those of Galileo were solemnly declared, " contrary to the sacred Scriptures," " op posed to the true faith," and " false and absurd in theology and philosophy," to say that such dec larations are " provisory," l is to say that the truth held by the Church is not immutable ; from this, then, the apologists retreated. While this retreat was going on, there was a constant discharge of small-arms in the shape of innuendoes, hints, and small sophistries, by small 1 See Marini. 58 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. writers ; every effort was made to blacken Gali leo's private character ; the irregularities of his early life were dragged forth, and stress was laid on breaches of etiquette ; but this succeeded so poorly, that in 1850 it was thought necessary by the Boman court to cover their retreat by some more careful strategy. The original documents of the trial of Galileo had, during the storms of the early part of the century, been transferred to Paris ; but after sev eral years, in 1846, they were returned to Bome by the French government, on the express prom ise by the papal authorities that the decisions should be published. After various delays, on various pretexts, in 1850 the long-expected pub lication appeared. The ecclesiastic charged with presenting them to the world was Monsignor Ma rini. This ecclesiastic was of a kind which has too often afflicted the weary earth — fox-like in cun ning, cat-like in treachery. Despite the solemn promise of the papal court, the wily Marini be came the instrument of the Boman authority in evading the promise ; by suppressing a document here, and interpolating a statement there, he man aged to give plausible standing-ground for nearly every important sophistry ever broached to save the reputation of the Church and destroy the rep utation of Galileo. He it was who supported the idea that " Galileo was condemned not for heresy, ASTRONOMY. 59 but for contumacy," and various other assertions as groundless. The first effect of Monsignor Marini's book seemed favorable in covering the retreat of the Church ; aided by him, such vigorous writers as Ward were able to throw up temporary intrench- ments between the Church and the indignation of the world. But some time later came an investigator very different from wily Monsignor Marini. This man was a Frenchman, M. de l'Epinois. Like Marini, De l'Epinois was devoted to the Church, but, unlike Marini, he could not lie. Having obtained access, in 1867, to the Galileo documents at the Vatican, he published fully all those of importance, without suppression or piously-fraudulent manipulation. This made all the intrenchments based upon Ma rini's statements untenable. Another retreat had to be made. And now was made the most desperate effort of all. The ape-logistic army, reviving an idea which popes and Church had spurned, declared that the pope, as pope, had never condemned the doctrines of Kopernik and Galileo ; that he had condemned them as a man simply ; that therefore the Church had never been committed to them ; that they were condemned by the cardinals of the Inquisition and Index, and that the pope had evi dently been restrained from signing their condem- 60 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. nation by Providence.1 Nothing could show the desperation of the retreating party better than jugglery like this. The facts are, that from Pope Urban downward, among the Church authorities of the seventeenth century, the decision was spoken of as made by the pope and the Church. Urban VIII. spoke of that of 1616 as made by Pope Paul V. and the Church, and of that of 1633 as made by himself and the Church.2 When Gassendi attempted to raise the point that the decision was not sanctioned by the Church as such, a great theological authority, Father Le- cazre,2 rector of the College of Dijon, publicly contradicted him, and declared that it " was not certain cardinals, but the supreme authority of the Church," that had condemned Galileo ; and to this statement the pope and the Church gave con sent, either openly or by silence.3 The suspected thinkers, like Descartes and others, who attempted to raise the same point, were treated with con tempt. Father Castelli, who had devoted himself to Galileo, and knew to his cost just what the con demnation meant and who made it, takes it for granted, in his letter to the papal authorities, that it was made by the Church. Cardinal Querenghi 1 See Epinois and TIi. Martin, passim. a See pages 136, 144, and elsewhere in Martin, who, much against his will, is forced to allow this. 3 Martin, pp. 146, 147. ASTRONOMY. 61 in his letters, the embassador Guicciardini in his dispatches, the historian Viviani in his biogra phy of Galileo — all writing under Church inspec tion at the time — take the view that the Church condemned Galileo. The Inquisition itself, backed by the greatest theologian of the time, Bellarmin, took the same view ; ' and if this were not enough, we have the Boman Index, containing the con demnation for nearly two hundred years, prefaced by a solemn bull of the reigning pope, binding the condemnation on the consciences of the whole Church, and reiterating year after year the con demnation of " all books which affirm the motion of the earth" as damnable.2 To attempt to face all this, added to the fact that the Inquisition con demned Galileo, and required his abjuration of " the heresy of the movement of the earth " by written order of the pope, was soon seen to be im possible. In spite, then, of all the casuistry of De l'Epi nois and all the special pleadings of M. Martin, the sturdy common-sense of the world proved too strong ; and now comes to view the most astound ing defense of all — that hinted at by Viscount de Bonald and developed in the Dublin, Review. This was nothing less than an attempt to retreat under a charge of deception against the Almighty 1 See Martin, p. 145. 2 See note on condemnation of Kopernik. 02 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. himself. The argument is as follows : " But it may well be doubted whether the Church did retard the progress of scientific truth. What re tarded it, was the circumstance that God has thought fit to express many texts of Scripture in words which have every appearance of denying the earth's motion. But it is God who did this, not the Church ; and, moreover, since He thought fit so to act as to retard the progress of scientific truth, it would be little to her discredit even if it were true that she had followed His example." With this, the retreat of the army of apologists is complete ; further than this, through mazes of sophistry and into depths of contempt, they could not go.1 ' For the attempt to make the crime of Galileo a breach of etiquette, see Dublin Review, as above. Whewell, vol. i., 393. Citation from Marini : " Galileo was punished for trifling with the authorities to which he refused to submit, and was punished for obstinate contumacy, not heresy." The sufficient answer to all this is, that the words of the inflexible sentence designating the condemned books are : " Libri omnes qui affirmant telluris mo- tum." See Bertrand, p. 59. As to the idea that " Galileo was punished not for his opinion, but for basing it on Scripture," the answer may be found in the Roman Index of 1704, in which are noted for condemnation " Libri omnes docentes mobilitatem terra? et inmobilitatem solis." For the way in which, when it was found convenient in argument, Church apologists insisted that it was " the Supreme Chief of the Church, by a pontifical decree, and not certain cardinals," who condemned Galileo and his doctrine, see Father Lecazre's letter to Gassendi in Flammarion, Plnraliie des Mondes, p. 427, and Urban VIII. 's own declarations as given ASTRONOMY. 63 Do not understand me here as casting blame on the Bomau Church at large. It must in fair ness be said, that some of its best men tried to stop this great mistake. Even Bope Urban himself would have been glad at one time to stop it ; but the current was too strong, and he weakly yielded, becoming a bitter persecutor.1 The whole of the civilized world was at fault, Brotestant as well as Catholic, and not any particular part of it. It was not the fault of religion ; it was the fault of the short-sighted views which narrow-minded, loud- voiced men are ever prone to mix in with religion, and to insist are religion.2 by Martin. For the way in which, when necessary, Church apolo gists asserted the very contrary of this, declaring that " it was is sued in a doctrinal decree of the Congregation of the Index, and not as the Holy Father's teaching," see Dublin Review, Septem ber, 1865. And for the most astounding attempt of all, to take the blame off the shoulders of both pope and cardinals, and place it upon the Almighty, see the article above cited, in the Dublin Review, September, 1865, p. 419. For a, good summary of the various attempts, and for replies to them in a spirit of judicial fairness, see Th. Martin, Vie de Galilee, though there is some special- pleading to save the infallibility of pope and Church. The bibliography at the close is very valuable. 1 For Baronius's remark, see De Morgan, p. 26. Also, Wlie- well, vol. i., p. 394. 2 For an exceedingly striking statement, by a Roman Catholic historian of genius, as to popular demand for persecution, and the pressure of the lower strata, in ecclesiastical organizations, for cruel measures, see Balmh, Le Protestantisme compare au Catholi. cisine, etc., 4th ed., Paris, 1855 vol. ii. Archbishop Spaulding 64 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. But the losses to the earth in the long war against Galileo were followed by losses not less unfortunate in other quarters. There was then in Europe one of the greatest thinkers ever given to mankind — Bene Descartes. Mistaken though many of his theories were, they were fruitful in truths. The scientific warriors had stirred new life in him, and he was working over and summing up in his mighty mind all the researches of his time ; the result must make an epoch in history. His aim was to combine all knowledge and thought into a " Treatise on the World." His earnestness he proved by the eleven years which he gave to the study of anatomy alone. Petty persecution he had met often, but the fate of Galileo robbed him of all hope, of all energy ; the battle seemed lost ; he gave up his great plan forever.1 But champions pressed on. Campanella, full of vagaries as he was, wrote his Apologia pro Galileo, though for that and other heresies, reli- has something of the same sort in his Miscellanies. L'Epinois, Galilee, pp. 22, et seq., stretches this as far as possible, to save the reputation of the Church in the Galileo matter. ' Humboldt, Cosmos, London, 1851, vol. iii., p. 21. Also, Lange, Geschichte des Materialismus, vol. i., p. 222, where the let ters of Descartes are given, showing his despair, and the giving up of his best thoughts and works to preserve peace with the Church. Also, Saisset, Descartes et ses precurseurs, pp. 100, et seq. Also, Jolly, Hist, du Mouvement Intellectuel au XVI' Siecle, vol. i., p. 390 ASTRONOMY. G5 gious and political, he seven times underwent tor ture.1 And Kepler comes. He leads science on to greater victories. Kopernik, great as he was, could not disentangle his scientific reasoning entirely from the theological bias. The doctrines of Aris totle and Thomas Aquinas as to the necessary su periority of the circle, had vitiated the minor feat ures of his system, and left breaches in it through which the enemy was not slow to enter. Kepler sees these errors, and, by wonderful genius in in sight and vigor in thought, he brings to the world the three laws which bear his name, and this for tress of science is complete. He thinks and speaks as one inspired. His battle is severe ; he is some times abused, sometimes ridiculed, sometimes im prisoned. Protestants in Styria and at Tubingen, Catholics at Bome, press upon him ; 2 but Newton, Halley, Bradley, and the other great leaders fol low, and to science remains the victory. 1 Libri, pp. 149, el seq. 2 Fromundus, speaking of Kepler's explanation, says : " Vix teneo ebullientem risum." It is almost equal to the New York Church Journal, speaking of John Stuart Mill as " that small sciolist," and of the preface to Dr. Draper's recent work as " chip- pering." How a journal generally so fair in its treatment of such subjects can condescend to use such weapons, is one of the won ders of modern journalism. For Protestant persecution of Kep ler, see vol. i., p. 392. Among other things, Kepler's mother was •declared a. witch, and this was followed by a reminder of the Scriptural injunction, " Ye shall not suffer a witch to live." 66 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. And yet the war did not wholly end. During the seventeenth century, in all France, after all the splendid proofs added by Kepler, no one dared openly teach the Copernican theory, and Cassini, the great astronomer, never declared it.1 In 1672 Father Biccioli, a Jesuit, declared that there were precisely forty-nine arguments for the Copernican theory and seventy-seven against it ; so that there remained twenty-eight reasons for preferring the orthodox theory.2 Toward the end of the seven teenth century, after the demonstration of Sir Isaac Newton, even Bossuet, the " eagle of Meaux," among the loftiest of religious thinkers, declared for the Ptolemaic theory as the Scriptural theory ; 3 and in 1724 John Hutchinson published in Eng land his Moses's Principia, maintaining that the Hebrew Scriptures are a perfect system of natural philosophy, and are opposed to the Newtonian theory of gravitation.4 In 1746 Boscovich, the great mathematician of the Jesuits, used these words : "As for me, full of respect for the Holy Scriptures and the decree of the Holy Inquisition, I regard the earth as immovable : nevertheless, 1 For Cassini's position, see Henri Martin, Hist, de France, vol. xiii., p. 175. 2 Daunou, Etudes Historiques, vol. ii., p. 439. 3 Bossuet, see Bertrand, p. 41. 4 For Hutchinson, see Lyell, Principles of Geology, Introduc tion. ASTRONOMY. 07 for simplicity in explanation, I will argue as if the earth moves, for it is proved that of the two hy potheses the appearances favor that idea." 1 And even at a date far within our own nineteenth cen tury, the authorities of the Spanish universities vigorously excluded the Newtonian system, and the greatest of them all, the University of Salaman ca, held it under the ban until a very recent period.2 Nor has the opposition failed even in our own time. On the 5th of May, 1829, a great multitude assembled at Warsaw, to do honor to the memory of Kopernik, and to unveil Thorwaldsen's statue of him. Kopernik had lived a pious, Christian life. He was well known for unostentatious Christian char ity. With his religious belief no fault had ever been found ; he was a canon of the church of 1 Boscovich. This was in 1746, but in 1785 Boscovich seemed to feel his position in view of history, and apologized' abjectly. Bertrand, pp. 60, 61. See also WhewelPs notice of Le Sueur and Jacquier's introduction to their edition of Newton's Principia. For a clear statement of Bradley's exquisite demonstration of the Copernican theory by reasonings upon the rapidity of light, etc., and Foucault's exhibition of the rotation of the earth by the pen dulum experiment, see Hoefer, Hist, de I'Astronomie, pp. 492, et. seq. For the most recent proofs of the Copernican theory, by dis coveries of Bunsen, Bischoff, Benzenburg, and others, see Jevons, Principles of Science. 2 See note in introduction to Lyell's Principles of Geology ; also, Buckle, Hist, of Civ. in England, vol. i., chap. i. 68 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. Frauenberg, and over his grave had been written the most touching of Christian epitaphs. Naturally, then, the people expected a religious service. All was understood to be arranged for it. The procession marched to the church and waited. The hour passed, and no priest appeared ; none could be induced to appear. Kopernik, sim ple, charitable, pious, one of the noblest gifts of God to the service of religion as well as science, was still held to be a reprobate. Five years after that, his book was still standing on the Index of books prohibited to Christians; and although, in 1757, under Benedict XIV., the Congregation of the Index had secretly allowed the ideas of Kopernik and Galileo to be simply tolerated, it was not until 1822, as we have seen, that Pius VII. allowed the publishing of them at Bome ; and not until 1835 did the prohibition of them fully disappear from the Index.1 1 Bertrand, Fondateurs de VAstron. Mod., p. 61. Flammarion, Vie de Copernic, chap. ix. As to the time when the decree of condemnation was repealed, various authorities differ. Artaud, p. 307, cited in an apologetic article in Dublin Review, September, 1865, says that Galileo's famous dialogue was published in 1744 at Padua, entire, and with the usual approbations. The same article also declares that in 1818 the ecclesiastical decrees were repealed by Pius VII., in full Consistory. Whewell says that Gali leo's writings, after some opposition, were expunged from the Index Expurgatorius in 1818. Cantu, an authority rather favor able to the Church, says that Copernicus's work remained on the ASTRONOMY. 09 The Protestantism of England was little bet ter. In 1772 sailed the famous English expedi tion for scientific discovery under Cook. The greatest by far of all the scientific authorities chosen to accompany it was Dr. Priestley. Sir- Joseph Banks had especially invited him ; but the clergy of Oxford and Cambridge intervened. Priestley was considered unsound in his views of the Trinity ; it was suspected that this would vitiate his astronomical observations ; he was re jected, and the expedition crippled.1 Nor has the warfare against dead champions of science been carried on only by the older Church. On the 10th of May, 1859, was buried Alex ander von Humboldt. His labors were among the greatest glories of the century, and his funeral one of the most imposing that Berlin had ever seen; among those who honored themselves by their presence was the prince regent — the present emperor. But of the clergy it was observed that none were present save the officiating clergyman and a few regarded as unorthodox.2 Index as late as 1835. Cantu, Histoire Uhiverselle, vol. xv., p. 483 ; and with this Th. Martin, not less favorable to the Church, but exceedingly careful as to the facts, agrees. 1 See Weld, History of the Royal Society, vol. ii., p. 56, for the facts and the admirable letter of Priestley upon this rejection. 2 Bruhns and Lassell, Life of Humboldt, London, 1873, vol. ii., p. 411. 70 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. Nor have attempts to renew the battle been wanting in these latter days. The attempt in the Church of England, in 1864, to fetter science, which was brought to ridicule by Herschel, Bow- ring, and De Morgan ; the Lutheran assemblage at Berlin, in 1868, to protest against " science falsely so called," in the midst of which stood Pas tor Knak denouncing the Copernican theory ; the "Syllabus," the greatest mistake of the Boman Church, are all examples of this.1 And now, what has been won by either party in this long and terrible war ? The party which would subordinate the methods and aims of sci ence to those of theology, though in general obedi ent to deep convictions, had given to Christianity a series of the worst blows it had ever received. They had made large numbers of the best men in Europe hate it. Why did Bicetto and Bruno and Vanini, when the crucifix was presented to them in their hours of martyrdom, turn from that blessed image with loathing ? 2 Simply because Christian ity had been made to them identical with the most horrible oppression of the mind. 1 For the very amusing details of the English attempt, and of the way in which it was met, see De Morgan, Paradoxes, p. 42. For Pastor Knak and his associates, see Revue des. Deux Mondes, 1868. 2 For a striking account, gathered from eye-witnesses of this, frightful scene at the execution of Bruno, see letter of Scioppius, in appendix to vol. iv. of Libri, Hist, des Mathemaliqucs. ASTRONOMY. ft Worse than that, the well-meaning defenders of the faith had wrought into the very fibre of the European heart that most unfortunate of all ideas, the idea that there is a necessary antagonism between science and religion. Like the landsman who lashes himself to the anchor of the sinking ship, they had attached the fundamental doc trines of Christianity, by the strongest cords of logic which they could spin, to these mistaken ideas in science, and the advance of knowledge had wellnigh engulfed them. On the other hand, what had science done for religion? Simply this: Kopernik, escaping per secution only by death ; Giordano Bruno, burned alive as a monster of impiety ; Galileo, imprisoned and humiliated as the worst of misbelievers ; Kep ler, hunted alike by Brotestant and Catholic, had given to religion great new foundations, great new, ennobling conceptions, a great new revela tion of the might of God. Under the old system we have that princely astronomer, Alfonso of Castile, seeing the poverty of the Btolemaic system, yet knowing no other, startling Europe with the blasphemy that if he had been present at creation he could have suggested a better ordering of the heavenly bodies. Under the new system you have Kepler, filled with a re ligious spirit, exclaiming, " I do think the thoughts 72 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. of God." 1 The difference in religious spirit be tween these two men marks the conquest made in this, even by science, for religion. But we cannot leave the subject of astronomy without noticing the most recent warfare. Espe cially interesting is it because at one period the battle seemed utterly lost, and then was won beau tifully, thoroughly, by a legitimate advance in sci entific knowledge. I speak of the Nebular Hy pothesis. The sacred writings of the Jews which we have inherited speak literally of the creation of the heav enly bodies by direct intervention, and for the con venience of the earth. This was the view of the Fathers of the Church, and was transmitted through the great doctors in theology. More than that, it was crystallized in art. So have I seen, over the portal of the Cathedral of Freiburg, a representation of the Almighty mak ing and placing numbers of wafer-like suns, moons, and stars ; and at the centre of all, platter-like and largest of all, the earth.2 The lines on the Crea tor's face show that He is obliged to contrive ; the lines of his muscles show that He is obliged to toil. 1 As a pendant to this ejaculation of Kepler may be cited those wondrous words of Linnaeus : " Deum omnipotentem a tergo transeuntem vidi et obstupui." 2 For papal bull representing the earth as a flat disk, see Daunou, Jlltudes Historiques, vol. ii., p. 421. ASTRONOMY. 73 Naturally, then, did sculptors and paintsrs of the mediaeval and early modern period represent the Almighty as weary after labor, and enjoying dig nified repose. These ideas, more or less gross in their accom paniments, passed into the popular creed of the modern period. But about the close of the last century, Bruno having guessed the fundamental fact of the nebu lar hypothesis, and Kant having reasoned out its foundation idea, Laplace developed it, showing the reason for supposing that our own solar system, in its sun, planets, satellites, with their various mo tions, distances, and magnitudes, is a natural result of the diminishing heat of a nebulous mass — a re sult obeying natural laws. There was an outcry at once against the " athe ism" of the scheme. The war raged fiercely. Laplace claimed that there were in the heavens many nebulous patches yet in the gaseous form, and pointed them out. He showed by laws of physics and mathematical demonstration that his hypothesis accounted in a most striking manner for the great body of facts, and, despite clamor, was gaining ground, when the improved telescopes resolved some of the patches of nebulous matter into multitudes of stars. The opponents of the nebular hypothesis were overjoyed ; they sang pseans to astronomy, because, 74 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. as they said, it had proved the truth of Scripture. They had jumped to the conclusion that all nebulas must be alike — that if some are made up of sys tems of stars, all must be so made up ; that none can be masses of attenuated gaseous matter, be cause some are not. Science, for a time, halted. The accepted doc trine became this : that the only reason why all the nebulas are not resolved into distinct stars is be cause our telescopes are not sufficiently powerful. But in time came that wonderful discovery of the spectroscope and spectrum analysis, and this was supplemented by Fraunhofer's discovery that the spectrum of an ignited gaseous body is discontinu ous, with interrupting lines ; and this, in 1846, by Draper's discovery that the spectrum of an ignited solid is continuous, with no interrupting lines. And now the spectroscope was turned upon the nebulas, and about one-third of them were found to be gaseous. Again the nebular hypothesis comes forth stronger than ever. The beautiful experiment of Blateau on the rotation of a fluid globe comes in to strengthen if not to confirm it. But what was likely to be lost in this ? Simply a poor concep tion of the universe. What to be gained ? A far more worthy idea of that vast power which works in the universe, in all things by law, and in none by caprice.1 1 For Bruno's conjecture (in 1591), see Jevons, vol. ii., p. 299. CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 75 CnEMISTBY AND PHYSICS. The great series of battles to which I next turn with you were fought on those fields occu pied by such sciences as Chemistry and Natural Bhilosophy. Even before these sciences were out of their childhood, while yet they were tottering mainly toward childish objects and by childish steps, the champions of that same old mistaken conception of rigid Scriptural interpretation began the war. The catalogue of chemists and physicists persecuted or thwarted would fill volumes. The first entrance of these sciences, as a well- For Kant's part in the nebular hypothesis, see Lange, Geschichte des Materialismus, vol. i., p. 266. For value of Plateau's beauti ful experiment very cautiously estimated, see W. Stanley Jevons, Principles of Science, London, 1874, vol. ii., p. 36. Also, ElisSe Rectus, The Earth, translated by Woodward, vol. i., pp. 14-18,for an estimate still more careful. For a general account of discov eries of nature of nebula? by spectroscope, see Draper, Conflict between Religion and Science. For a careful discussion regarding the spectra of solid, liquid, and gaseous bodies, see Schellen, Spec trum Analysis, pp. 100, et seq. For a very thorough discussion of the bearings of discoveries made by spectrum analysis upon the nebular hypothesis, ibid., pp. 632-537. For a presentation of the difficulties yet unsolved, see article by Plummer, in London Popular Science Review for January, 1875. For excellent short summary of recent observations and thought on this subject, see T. Sterry Hunt, Address at the Priestley Centennial, pp. 7, 8. For ¦ an interesting modification of this hypothesis, see Proctor's recent writings. 76 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. defined force, into the modern world, began in the thirteenth century. But the thirteenth century was marked by a revival of religious fervor ; to this day the greatest and best works of the ca thedral-builders are memorials of its depth and strength. Out of this religious fervor naturally came a great growth of theological thought and ecclesi astical power, and the spirit of inquiry was soon obliged to take account of this influence. First among the distinguished men who, in that century, laid foundations for modern science, was Albert of Bollstadt, better known as Albert the Great, the most renowned scholar of Germany. Fettered though he was by the absurd methods of his time, led astray as he was by the scholastic spirit, he had conceived ideas of better methods and aims. His eye pierces the mists of scholas ticism ; he sees the light, and draws the world toward it. He stands among the great pioneers of modern physical and natural science. He aids in giving foundations to botany and chemistry, and Humboldt finds in his works the germ of the com prehensive science of physical geography.1 1 For a very careful discussion of Albert's strength in inves tigation and weakness in yielding to scholastic authority, see Kopp, Ansichten iiber die Aufgabe der Chemie von Geber bis Stahl, Braun schweig, 1875, pp. 64, et seq. For a very extended and enthusiastic biographical sketch, see Pouchet. For comparison of his work CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 77 The conscience of the time, acting, as it sup posed, in defense of religion, brought out a missile which it hurled with deadly effect. You see those mediasval scientific battle-fields strewed with such : it was the charge of sorcery, of unlawful compact with the devil. This missile was effective. You find it used against every great investigator of Nature in those times and for centuries after. The list of great men charged with magic, as given by Naude, is astounding. It includes every man of real mark, and the most thoughtful of the popes, Sylvester II. (Gerbert), stands in the midst of them. It seemed to be the received idea that, as soon as a man conceived a wish to study the works of God, his first step must be a league with the devil.1 This missile was hurled against Albert. He was condemned by the authorities of the Dominican order, subjected to suspicion and indignity, and only escaped persecution by yielding to the ecclesi astical spirit of the time, and working mainly in theological channels by scholastic methods. It was with that of Thomas Aquinas, see Milman, History of Latin Christians, vol. vi., 461. IlUait aussi trh-habile dans les arts me- caniques, ce que left soupconner d'etre sorcier. Sprengel, Histoire de la Medecine, vol. ii., p. 389. 1 For the charge of magic against scholars and others, see Naude, Apologie pour les grands hommes accuses de Magie, passim. Also ,Maury, Hist, de la Magie, troisieme 6dit., pp. 214, 215. Also, Cuvier, Hist, des Sciences Naturelles, vol. i., p. 396. F 78 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. a sad loss to the earth ; and certainly, of all organi zations that have reason to lament the pressure of those ecclesiastical forces which turned Albert the Great from the path of experimental philosophy, foremost of all in regret should be the Christian Church, and especially the Boman branch of it. Had the Church of the thirteenth century been so full of faith as to accept the truths in natural science brought by Albert and his compeers, and to have encouraged their growth, this faith and this encouragement would to this day have formed the greatest argument for proving the Church directly under Divine guidance ; they would have been the brightest jewels in her crown. The loss to the Church, by this want of faith and courage, has proved, in the long-run, even greater than the loss to science. The next great man of that age whom the theological and ecclesiastical forces of the time turn from the right path is Vincent of Beauvais. Vincent devoted himself to the study of Nature in several of her most interesting fields. To as tronomy, mineralogy, botany, and chemistry, he gave much thought ; but especially did he devote himself to the preparation of a full account of the universe. Had he taken the path of experimen tal research, the world would have been enriched with most precious discoveries; but the impulse followed by Albert of BoUstadt, backed as it was CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 79 by the whole ecclesiastical power of his time, was too strong, and, in all the life-labor of Vincent, noth ing, appears of any permanent value. He built a structure which careless observation of facts, literal interpretation of Scripture, and theological subtil izing, combmed to make one of the most striking monuments of human error.1 But the theological ecclesiastical spirit of the thirteenth century gained its greatest victory in the work of the most renowned of all thinkers of his time, St. Thomas Aquinas. In him was the theological spirit of his age incarnate. Although he yielded somewhat, at one period, to love of studies in natural science, it was he who finally made that great treaty or compromise which for ages subjected science entirely to theology. He it was whose thought reared the most enduring barrier against those who, in that age and in sue ceeding ages, labored to open for science the path by its own legitimate method toward its own noble ends. Through the earlier systems of philosophy as they were then known, and through the earlier the- ologic thought, he had gone with great labor and vigor ; he had been a pupil of Albert of BoUstadt, and from him had gained inspiration in science. 1 See Eitudes sur Vincent de Beauvais par I'Abbe Bourgeat, chaps, xii., xiii., xiv. Also, Pouchel, Histoire des Sciences Natu- relies au Moyen Age, Paris, 1853, pp. 470, et seq. 80 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. All his mighty powers, thus disciplined and cult ured, he brought to bear in making a treaty or truce, giving to theology the supremacy over sci ence. The experimental method had already been practically initiated ; Albert of BoUstadt and Boger Bacon had begun their work in accordance with its methods; but St. Thomas Aquinas gave all his thoughts to bringing science again under the sway of the theological bias, metaphysical methods, and ecclesiastical control. He gave to the world a striking example of what his method could be made to produce. In his commentary upon Aristotle's treatise upon " Heaven and Earth " he illustrates all the evils of such a combination of theological reasoning and literal interpretation of the Script ural with scientific facts as then understood, and it remains to this day a prodigious monument to human genius and human folly. The ecclesiasti cal power of the time hailed him as a deliverer ; it was claimed that striking miracles were vouch safed, showing that the blessing of Heaven rested upon his labors. Among the legends embodying- the Church spirit of that period is that given by the Bollandists and immortalized by a renowned painter. The great philosopher and saint is repre sented in the habit of his order, with book and pen in hand, kneeling before the image of Christ cru cified ; and as he kneels the image thus addresses him : " Thomas, thou hast written well concerning CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 81 me ; what price wilt thou receive for thy labor \ " To this day the greater ecclesiastical historians of the Boman Church, like the Abbe Bohrbacher, and the minor historians of science, who find it con venient to propitiate the Church, like Pouchet, dilate upon the glories of St. Thomas Aquinas in thus making a treaty of alliance between religious and scientific thought, and laying the foundations for a " sanctified science." But the unprejudiced historian cannot indulge in this enthusiastic view. The results both for the Church and for the prog ress of science have been most unfortunate. It was a wretched step backward. The first result of this great man's great compromise was to close that new path in science which alone leads to dis coveries of value — the experimental method — and to reopen the old path of mixed theology and science, which, as Hallam declares, " after three or four hundred years had not untied a single knot, or added one unequivocal truth to the domain of philosophy ; " the path which, as all modern histoiy proves, has ever since led only to delusion and evil.1 1 For work of Aquinas, see St. Thomas Aquinas, Liber de Ccelo et Mundo, section xx. Also, Life and Labors of St. Thomas of Aquin, by Archbishop Vaughan, pp. 459, et seq. For his labors in natural science, see Hoefer, Histoire de la Chimie, Paris, 1843, vol. i., p. 381. For theological views of science in middle ages, and rejoicing thereat, see Pouchet, Hist, des Sci. Nat. au Moyen Age, •ubi supra. Pouchet says : " En general au milieu (hi moyen age 82 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. The path thus unfortunately opened by these strong men became the main path in science for ages, and it led the world farther and farther from any fruitful fact or hopeful method. Boger Bacon's investigations were virtually forgotten ; worthless mixtures of literal interpretation of Scripture with imperfectly authenticated physical facts took their place. Every age since has been full of examples of this, but out of them I will take just one ; and it shall be no other than that Francis Bacon, who, more than any other man, led the modern world les sciences sont essentiellement chretiennes, leur but est tout- a-fait religieux, et elles semblent beaucoup moins s'inquieter de l'avancement intellectuel de l'homme que de son salut eternel." Pouchet calls this " conciliation " into a " harmonieux ensemble " " la plus glorieuse des conquetes intellectuelles du moyen age." Pouchet belongs to Rouen, and the shadow of the Rouen Cathe dral seems thrown over all his history. See, also, L'Abbe Rohr- bacher, Hist, de VEglise Caiholique, Paris, 1858, vol. xviii., pp. 421, et seq. The abbe dilates upon the fact that " the Church or ganizes the agreement of all the sciences by the labors of St. Thomas of Aquin and his contemporaries." For the theological character of science in middle ages, recognized by a Protestant philosophic historian, see the well-known passage in Guizot, His tory of Civilization in Europe ; and by a noted Protestant eccle siastic, see Bishop Hampden's Life of Thomas Aquinas, chaps. xxxvi., xxxvii. See, also, Hallam, Middle Ages, chap. ix. For dealings of Pope John XXII., and kings of France and England, and republic of Venice, see Figuier, L'Alchimie et les Alchimistes, pp. 140, 141, where, in a note, the text of the bull Spondent Pari- ter is given. CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 83 out of the path opened by Aquinas, and back into the path trod by Boger Bacon. Strange as it may at first seem, Francis Bacon, whose keenness of sight revealed the delusions of the old path and the promises of the new, that man whose boldness in thought did so much to turn the world from the old path into the new, presents, in his own writings, one of the most striking examples of the strength of the evil he did so much to destroy. The Novum Organum, considering the time when it came from his pen, is doubtless one of the greatest exhibitions of genius in the history of hu man thought. This treatise it was which showed the modern world the way out of the scholastic method and reverence for dogma into the experi mental method and reverence for demonstrated fact. In the course of it occur many passages which show that the great philosopher was fully alive to the danger, both to religion and to sci ence, arising from their mixture. Early in his argument he says : " But the corruption of phi losophy from superstition and admixture of theol ogy separates altogether more widely, and intro duces the greatest amount of evil, both into whole systems of philosophy and into their parts." And a little later he says : " Some moderns have in dulged this vanity with the greatest carelessness, and have endeavored to found a Natural Philoso phy on the first of Genesis and the Book of Job, 84 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. and other sacred Scriptures, so ' seeking the dead among the living.' And by so much the more is this vanity to be restrained and coerced because their expressions form an unwholesome mixture of things human and divine ; not merely fantas tic philosophy, but heretical religion. And so it is very salutary that, with due sobriety of mind, those things only be rendered to faith which are faith's." 1 Still later, in his treatise, Bacon returns to the charge yet more strongly. He says : " Nor is it to be overlooked, that natural philosophy has in all ages had a troublesome and stubborn adver sary in superstition and the blind and immoder ate zeal for religion. Thus it has been among the Greeks, that they who first proposed to the yet unprepared ears of men the natural causes of lightning and tempests were condemned, on that head, for impiety toward the gods ; nor by some of the old fathers of the Christian religion were those much better received, who laid it down from the most sure demonstrations, such as no one in his senses could nowadays contradict, that the earth is round, and asserted in consequence that there must be antipodes. Furthermore, as things are now, the condition of discourses on Nature is made severe and more rigorous in consequence of the summaries and methods of scholastic theolo- 1 The Novum Organon, translated by the Rev. G. W. Kitchin, Oxford, 1855, chap. Ixv. CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 85 gians, who, while they have, as far as they could, reduced theology to order, and have fashioned it into the form of an art, have besides succeeded in mingling far more than was right of the quarrel some and thorny philosophy of Aristotle with the body of religion." " The fictions, too, of those who have not feared to deduce and confirm from the principles and authority of philosophies the true Christian religion, have the same tendency, though in a different way. These celebrated the wedding of faith and sense, as though it were lawful, with much pomp and solemnity, and soothed the minds of men with a grateful variety of things, but, meanwhile, mingled the divine with the human in ill-matched state. And in mixtures like this of theology with natural philosophy, those things only which are now received in philosophy are included ; while novelties, though they be changes for the better, are all banished and driven out." And, again, Bacon says : " Lastly you may find, thanks to the unskillf ulness of some divines, the approach to any kind of philosophy, however improved, entirely closed up. Some, indeed, in their simplicity are rather afraid, lest perhaps a deeper inquiry into Nature should penetrate be yond the allowed limits of sobriety." Still further on Bacon penetrates into the very heart of the question in a vigorous way, and says : " Others, 86 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. more craftily, conjecture and consider that, if the means be unknown, each single thing can be re ferred more easily to the hand and rod of God — a matter, as they think, of very great importance to religion : and this is nothing more nor less than wishing to please God by a lie." And, final ly, he says : " Whereas, if one considers the mat ter rightly, natural philosophy is, after God's word, the surest medicine for superstition, and also the most approved nourishment of faith." 1 No man who has thought much upon the an nals of his race can, without a feeling of awe, come into the presence of such inspired clearness of in sight and boldness of utterance. The first thought of the reader is, that, of all men, this Francis Ba con is the most free from the unfortunate bias he condemns. He certainly cannot be deluded into' the old path. But, as we go on through the trea tise, we are surprised to find that the strong arm of Aquinas had been stretched over the interven ing ages, and had laid hold upon this master-think er of the sixteenth century. Only a few chapters further along we find Bacon, after alluding to the then recent voyage of Columbus, speaking of the- prophecy of Daniel regarding the latter days, that " many shall run to and fro and knowledge be increased," as " clearly signifying that it is in 1 Novum Organon, chap, lxxxix. CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 87 the fates, i. e., in providence, that the circumnavi gation of the world, which through so many lengthy voyages seems to be entirely complete or in course of completion, and the increase of sci ence, should happen in the same age." 1 Here, then, we have this great man indulging in that very mixture of literal Scriptural interpre tation and scientific thought which he had con demned, and therefrom evidently deducing the conclusion that these great voyages and discover ies, which were the beginning of a new world in thought and action, were the end of all things. But in his great work on The Advancement of Learning the firm grip which the meth ods he condemned held upon him is shown yet more clearly. In his first book he shows how "that excellent Book of Job, if it be revolved with diligence, it will be found pregnant and swelling with natural philosophy," and endeavors to show that the " roundness of the world," the " fixing of the stars, ever standing at equal dis tance," the "depression of the southern pole," " matter of generation," and " matter of minerals," are " with great elegancy noted." But, curiously enough, he uses to support some of these truths the very texts which the Fathers of the Church used to destroy them, and those for which he finds Scriptural warrant most clearly are such as science 1 Novum Organon, chap, xciii. 88 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. has since disproved. So, too, he says that Solo mon was enabled by " donation of God " in his proverbs " to compile a natural histoiy of all verd ure." * Certainly no more striking examples of the strength of the evil which he had all along been denouncing could be exhibited than these in his own writings ; after this we cease to wonder at his blindness to the discoveries of Kopernik and the experiments of Gilbert. I pass from the legions of those who from that day to this have stumbled into similar errors by degrading our sacred volume into a compendium of histoiy or a text-book of science, and turn next to a far more serious class of effects arising from the great mediasval compromise between science and theology. We have considered the wrong road into which so many master-spirits were led or driven ; we will now look at the war brought against those men of science who persevered in the right road. The first great thinker who, in spite of some stumbling into theologic pitfalls, persevered in this true path was Boger Bacon. His life and works seem until recently to have been generally mis understood. He has been ranked as a supersti tious alchemist who stumbled upon some inven- 1 Bacon, The Advancement of Learning, edited by W. Aldis Wright, London, 1873, pp. 47, 48. CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 89 tions ; but more recent investigation has revealed him to be one of the great masters in human progress. The advance of sound historical judgment seems likely to bring nearer to equality the fame of the two who bear the name of Bacon. Bacon of the chancellorship and the Novum Organon may not wane; but Bacon of the prison-cell and the Opus Majus steadily approaches him in bright ness.1 More than three centuries before Francis Ba con advocated the experimental method, Boger Bacon practised it, and the results as now re vealed are wonderful. He wrought with power in philosophy and in all sciences, and his knowl edge was sound and exact. By him, more than by any other man of the middle ages, was the world put on the most fruitful paths of science — the paths which have led to the most precious inventions. Among them are clocks, lenses, burn ing specula, telescopes, which were given by him to the world, directly or indirectly. In his writ ings are found formulas for extracting phospho rus, manganese, and bismuth. It is even claimed, 1 For a very contemptuous statement of Lord Bacon's claim to his position as a philosopher, see Lange, Geschichte des Material. ismus, Leipsic, 1874, vol. i., p. 219. For a. more just statement, see Brewster, Life of Sir Isaac Newton. See, also, Jevons, Prin ciples of Science, London, 1874, vol. ii., p. 298. 00 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. with much appearance of justice, that he investi gated the power of steam. He seems to have very nearly reached also some of the principal doctrines of modern chemistry. But it should be borne in mind that his method of investiga tion was even greater than these vast results. In the age when metaphysical subtilizing was alone thought to give the title of scholar, he insisted on real reasoning and the aid of natural science by mathematics. In an age when experimenting was sure to cost a man his reputation, and was likely to cost him his life, he insisted on experiment and braved all its risks. Few greater men have lived. As we read the sketch given by Whewell of Ba con's process of reasoning regarding the refraction of light, he seems fairly inspired.1 On this man came the brunt of the battle. The most conscientious men of his time thought it their duty to fight him, and they did it too well. It was not that he disbelieved in Chris tianity ; that was never charged against him. His orthodoxy was perfect. He was attacked and con demned, in the words of his opponents, '¦'¦propter quasdam novitates suspectas." He was attacked, first of all, with that goodly 1 Kopp, in his Ansichten, pushes criticism even to some skep ticism as to Roger Bacon being the discoverer of many of the things generally attributed to him ; but, after all deductions are carefully made, enough remains to make Bacon the greatest bene factor to humanity during the middle ages. CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 91 old missile, which, with the epithets " infidel " and " atheist," has decided the fate of so many battles — the charge of magic and compact with Satan. He defended himself with a most unfortunate weapon — a weapon which exploded in his hands and injured him more than the enemy, for he argued against the idea of compacts with Satan, and showed that much which is ascribed to de mons results from natural means. This added fuel to the flame. To limit the power of Satan was deemed hardly less impious than to limit the power of God.1 The most powerful protectors availed him lit tle. His friend Guy Foulkes having been made pope, Bacon was for a time shielded, but the fury of the enemy was too strong. In an unpublished letter, Blackstone declares that when, on one oc casion, Bacon was about to perform a few experi ments for some friends, all Oxford was in an up roar. It was believed that Satan was let loose. Everywhere were priests, fellows, and students rushing about, their garments streaming in the wind, and everywhere resounded the cry, " Down with conjurer ! " and this cry, " Down with the conjurer ! " resounded from cell to cell and hall to hall.2 1 For an account of Bacon's treatise, De Nullitate Magics, see Hoefer. 2 Kopp, Geschichte der Chemie, Braunschweig, 1843, vol. i., p. 63 ; 92 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. But the attack took a shape far more terrible. The two great religious orders, Franciscan and Dominican, vied with each other in fighting the new thought in chemistry and philosophy. St. Dominic, sincere as he was, solemnly condemned research by experiment and observation. The general of the Franciscan order took similar grounds. In 1243 the Dominicans solemnly interdicted every member of their order from the study of medicine and natural philosophy, and in 1287 this interdiction was extended to the study of chemistry.1 In 1278 the authorities of the Fran- and for a somewhat reactionary discussion of Bacon's relation to the progress of chemistry, see a recent work by the same author, Ansichten icber die Aufgabe der C/iemie, Braunschweig, 1874, pp. 85, et seq. Also, for an excellent summary, see Hoefer, Hist, de la Chimie, vol. i., pp. 368, et seq. For summaries of his work in other fields, see Whewell, vol. i., pp. 367, 368. Draper, p. 438. Saisset, Descartes et ses Precurseurs, deuxieme edition, pp. 397, et seq. Nourrisson, Progres de la pensee humaine, pp. 271, 272. Sprengel, Histoire de la Medecine, Paris, 1865, vol. ii., p. 397. Cuvier, Histoire des Sciences Naturelles, vol. i., p. 417. As to Bacon's orthodoxy, see Saisset, pp. 53, 55. For special examina tion of causes of Bacon's condemnation, see Waddinglon, cited by Saisset, p. 14. On Bacon as a sorcerer, see Featherstonaugh's article in North American Review. For a good example of the danger of denying full power of Satan, even in much more recent times, and in a Protestant country, see account of treatment of Bekker's Monde Enchante by the theologians of Holland, in, Nisard, Histoire des Livres Populaires, vol. i., pp. 172, 173. J Henri Martin, Hist, de France, vol. iv., p. 283. CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 93 ciscan order, assembled at Baris, solemnly con demned Bacon's teachings. Another weapon began to be used upon the battle-fields of that time with much effect. The Arabs had made noble discoveries in science. Averroes had, among many, divided the honors with St. Thomas Aquinas. These facts gave the new missile : it was the epithet " Mahometan." This, too, was flung with effect at Bacon.1 Bacon was at last conquered. He was impris oned for fourteen years. At the age of eighty years he was released from prison, but death alone took him beyond the reach of his enemies. How deeply the struggle had racked his mind may be gathered from that last affecting declaration of his : " Would that I had not given myself so much trouble for the love of science ! " Sad is it to think of what this great man might have given to the world had the wrorld not refused the gift. He held the key of treasures which would have freed mankind from ages of error and misery. With his discoveries as a basis, with his method as a guide, what might not the world have gained ! Nor was the wrong done to that age alone; it was done to this age also. The nineteenth century was robbed at the same time with the thirteenth. But for that interfer- 1 On Bacon as a " Mahometan," see Saisset, p. IV. G 94 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. ence with science, the nineteenth century would, without doubt, be enjoying discoveries which will not be reached before the twentieth century. Thousands of precious lives shall be lost in this century, tens of thousands shall suffer discomfort, privation, sickness, poverty, ignorance, for lack of discoveries and methods which, but for this mis taken religious fight against Bacon and his com peers, would now be blessing the earth. In 1868 and 1869, sixty thousand children died in England and in Wales of scarlet fever; prob ably nearly as many died in this country. Had not Bacon been hindered, we should have had in our hands, by this time, the means to save two- thirds of these victims; and the same is true of typhoid, typhus, and that great class of diseases of whose physical causes science is just beginning to get an inkling. Put together all the efforts of all the atheists who have ever lived, and they have not done so much harm to Christianity and the world as has been done by the narrow-minded, conscien tious men who persecuted Boger Bacon, and closed the path which he gave his life to open.1 ' For proofs that the world is steadily working toward great discoveries as to the cause and prevention of zymotic diseases and of their propagation, see Beale's Disease Germs, Baldwin Latham's Sanitary Engineering, Michel Levy, Traiie d'Hygiene Publique et Priv'ee, Paris, 1869. And for very thorough summa ries, see President Barnard's paper read before Sanitary Congress CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 95 But, despite the persecution of Bacon and the defection of those who ought to have followed him, champions of natural science and the experi mental method arose from time to time during the succeeding centuries. We know little of them personally. Our main knowledge of their efforts is derived from the efforts of their opponents and persecutors. In 1317 Bope John XXII. issued his bull Spondent Pariter, nominally leveled at the al chemists, but really dealing a terrible blow at the beginnings of the science of chemistry. In 1380 Charles V. of France carried out the same policy, and even forbade the possession of furnaces and apparatus necessary for chemical pro cesses. Under this law the chemist John Ba- rillon, for possessing chemical furnaces and appa ratus, was thrown into prison, and it was only by the greatest effort that his life was saved. In 1404 Henry IV. of England issued a decree of the same sort; and in 1418 the republic of Venice followed the example of pope and kings. But champions of science still pressed on. An tonio de Dominis relinquishes his archbishopric of Spalatro, investigates the phenomena of light, and dies in the clutches of the Inquisition.1 in New York, 1874, and Dr. J. C. Dalton' s Anniversary Discourse on the Origin and Propagation of Disease, New York, 1874. 1 Antonio de Dominis, see Montucla, Hist, des Mathematiques, vol. i., p. 705. Humboldt, Cosmos. Libri, vol. iv., pp. 145, et seq. 96 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. Pierre de la Bamee stands up against Aristo- telianism at Paris. A royal edict, sought by the Church, stopped his teaching, and the massacre of St. Bartholomew ended his life. Somewhat later, John Baptist Porta began his investigations. Despite many absurdities, his work was most fruitful. His book on meteorology was the first in which sound ideas were broached. His researches in optics gave the world the camera obscura, and, possibly, the telescope. In chemis try he seems to have been the first to show how to reduce the metallic oxides, and thus to have laid the foundation of all those industries based upon the staining and coloring of glass and enam els ; and, last of all, he did much to change natural philosophy from a " black art " to a vigorous open science. He encountered the same old policy of conscientious men. The society founded by him for physical research, " I Secreti," was broken up, and he was summoned to Bome and censured.1 In 1624 some young chemists of Paris, having taught the experimental method and cut loose from Aristotle, the Faculty of Theology besets the Parliament of Paris, and the Parliament prohibits this new chemical teaching under penalty of death." 1 For Porta, see Hoefer, Hist, de la Chemie, vol. ii., pp. 102- 106. Also, Kopp. Also, Sprengel, Hist, de la Medecine, iii., p. 239. Also, Musset-Parthay. 2 Henri Martin, Histoire de France, vol. xii., pp. 14, 15. CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 97 The war went on in Italy. In 1657 occurred the first sitting of the Accademia del Cimento, at Florence, under the presidency of Prince Leopold dei Medici. This Academy promised great things for science. It was open to all talent. Its only fundamental law was " the repudiation of any fa vorite system or sect of philosophy, and the obliga tion to investigate Nature by the pure light of experiment." The new Academy entered into scientific in vestigations with energy ; Borelli in mathematics, Bedi in natural history, and many others, pushed on the boundaries of knowledge. Heat, light, magnetism, electricity, projectiles, digestion, the incompressibility of water, were studied by the right method and with results that enriched the world. The Academy was a fortress of science, and siege was soon laid to it. The votaries of scholas tic learning denounced it as iiTeligious. Quarrels were fomented. Leopold was bribed with a car dinal's hat and drawn away to Bome ; and, after ten years of beleaguering, the fortress fell : Borelli was left a beggar ; Oliva killed himself in de spair.1 1 Napier, Florentine History, vol. v., p. 485. Tiraboschi, Sto- ria delta Lileralura. Henri Martin, Histoire de France. Jevons, Principles of Science, vol. ii., pp. 36-40. For value attached to Borelli's investigations by Newton and Huyghens, see Brewster's 98 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. Still later, just before the great discoveries by Stahl, we find his predecessor Becher opposed with the following syllogism : " King Solomon, accord ing to the Scriptures, possessed the united wisdom of heaven and earth. But King Solomon sent his vessels to Ophir to seek gold, and he levied taxes upon his subjects. Now, if Solomon had known anything about alchemy, he would not have done this; therefore Solomon did not know anything about alchemy (or chemistiy in the form which then existed) ; therefore alchemy (or chemistry) has no reality or truth." And we find that Becher is absolutely turned away from his labors, and obliged to devote himself to proving that Solomon used more money than he possibly could have ob tained from Ophir or his subjects, and therefore that he must have possessed a knowledge of chem ical methods and the philosopher's stone as the re sult of them.1 And, in our time, Joseph de Maistre, uttering his hatred of physical sciences, declaring that man Life of Sir Isaac Newton, London, 1875, pp. 128, 129. Libri, in his Essai sur Galilee, p. 37, says that Oliva was summoned to Rome, and so tortured by the Inquisition that, to escape further cruelty, he ended his life by throwing himself from a window. 1 For this syllogism, see Figuier, L'Alchimie et les Alchimistes, pp. 106, 107. For careful appreciation of Becher's position in the history of chemistry, see Kopp, Ansichten uber die Aufgabe der Chemie, etc., von Geber bis StaM, Braunschweig, 1875, pp. 201, et ANATOMY AND MEDICINE. 99 has paid too dearly for them, asserting that they must be subjected to theology, likening them to fire — good when confined, but fearful when scat tered about — this brilliant thinker has been the centre of a great opposing camp, an army of good men who cannot relinquish the idea that the Bible is a text-book of science. ANATOMY AND MEDICINE. I pass, now, to fields of more immediate im portance to us — to anatomy and medicine. It might be supposed that the votaries of sci ences like these would be suffered to escape at tack ; unfortunately, they have had to stand in the thickest of the battle. The Church, even in its earliest centuries, seems to have developed a distrust of them. Ter tullian, in his " Treatise upon the Soul," stigma tizes the surgeon Herophilus as a " butcher," and evidently on account of his skill in his profession rather than on account of his want of it. St. Au gustine, in his great treatise on the City of God, which remains to this day one of the treasures of the Church, speaks with some bitterness of " med ical men who are called anatomists," and says that " with a cruel zeal for science they have dissected the bodies of the dead, and sometimes of sick per sons, who have died under their knives, and have 100 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. inhumanly pried into the secrets of the human body to learn the nature of disease and its exact seat, and how it might be cured ! " 1 But it was not until the mixture of theology and science had begun to ferment, in the thirteenth century, and the ecclesiastical power had been aroused in behalf of this sacred mixture, that the feeling against medical science broke into open war. About the beginning of that century Bope Innocent III. forbade surgical operations by priests, deacons, or subdeacons. Pope Honorius went still further, and forbade medicine to be practised by archdeacons, priests, or deacons ; in 1243 the Dominican authorities banished books on medicine from their monasteries ; somewhat later, Pope Boniface VIII. interdicted dissection as sac rilege.2 1 For Tertullian's views, see the De Anima, chap. x. For views of St. Augustine, see the De Civ. Dei, book xxii., chap. 24. 2 For Boniface VIII. and his interdiction of dissections, see Buckle's Posthumous Works, vol. ii., p. 567. For injurious effects of this ecclesiastical hostility to anatomy upon the development of art, see Woltman, Holbein and His Time, pp. 266, 267. For an excellent statement of the true relation of the medical profession to religious questions, see Prof. Acland, General Relations of Medicine in Modem Times, Oxford, 1868. For thoughtful and witty remarks on the struggle at a recent period, see Maury, L'Ancienne Academic des Sciences, Paris, 1864, p. 148. Maury says : " La faculte n'aimait pas a avoir affaire aux theologiens qui precedent par anathemes beaucoup plus que par analyses." ANATOMY AND MEDICINE. 101 Toward the close of that great religious cen tury came a battle which serves to show the spirit of the time. The great physician and chemist of the day was Arnold de Villa Nova. Although he has been overrated by some modern historians as a votary of the experimental method, and under rated by others as a votary of alchemy, the sober judgment of the most thoughtful has ac knowledged him as one of the most useful fore runners of modern masters in medical and chemi cal science. The missile usual in such cases was hurled at lim. He was charged with sorcery and dealings with the devil. The Archbishop of Tarragona first excommunicated him and drove him from Spain ; next he was driven from Paris, and took refuge at Montpellier ; thence, too, he was driven ; finally, every place in France was closed against him, and he became an outcast.1 Such seemed the fate of men in that field who 1 For uncritical praise of Arnold de Villa Nova, see Figuier, L'Alchimie et les Alchimisles, 3eme edit. For undue blame, see Hoefer, Histoire de la Chimie, Paris, 1842, vol. i., p. 386. For a more broad and fair judgment, see Kopp, Geschichte der Cliemie, Braunschweig, 1843, vol. i., p. 66, and vol. ii., p. 185. Also, Pou chet, Histoire des Sciences Naturelles au Moyen Age, Paris, 1853, pp. 52, et seq. Also, Draper, Int. Dev. of Europe, p. 421. Whe well, Hist, of the Induct. Sciences, vol. i., p. 235 ; vol. viii., p. 36. FrSdault, Hist, de la Medecine, vol. i., p. 204. 102 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. gained even a glimmer of new scientific truth. Even men like Cardan, and Paracelsus, and Porta, who yielded much to popular superstitions, were at once set upon if they ventured upon any other than the path which the Church thought sound — the insufficient path of Aristotelian investigation. We have seen that the weapons used against the astronomers were mainly the epithets " infidel " and "atheist." We have also seen that the mis siles used against the chemists and physicians were the epithets "sorcerer" and "leaguer with the devil ; " and we have picked up on various battle fields another effective weapon, the epithet " Mo hammedan." On the heads of the anatomists and physicians were concentrated all these missiles. The charge of atheism ripened into a proverb : " Ubi sunt tres medici, ibi sunt duo athei." Magic seemed so common a charge that many of the physicians seemed to believe it themselves. Mohammedan ism and Averroism became almost synonymous with medicine, and Petrarch stigmatized Aver- roists as "men who deny Genesis and bark at Christ." * Not to weary you with the details of earlier 1 Renan, Averroes el I'Averroisme, Paris, 1867, pp. 327, 333, 335. For a, perfectly just statement of the only circumstances. which can justify the charge of " atheism," see Dr. Deems's arti cle in Popular Science Monthly, February, 1876. ANATOMY AND MEDICINE. 103 struggles, I will select a great benefactor of man kind and champion of scientific truth at the period of the revival of learning and the Beformation — Andreas Vesalius, the founder of the modern sci ence of anatomy. The battle waged by this man is one of the glories of our race. The old methods were soon exhausted by his early fervor, and he sought to advance science by truly scientific means — by patient investigation and by careful recording of results. From the outset Vesalius proved himself a master. In the search for real knowledge he braved the most terrible dangers. Before his time the dissection of the human subject was thought akin to sacrilege. Occasionally an anatomist, like Mundinus, had given some little display with such a subject ; but, for the purposes of investigation, such dissection was forbidden.1 As we have al ready seen, even such men in the early Church as Tertullian and St. Augustine held anatomy in 1 Wliewell, vol. iii., p. 328, says, rather loosely, that Mundinus "dissected at Bologna in 1315." How different his idea of dissec tion was from that introduced by Vesalius, may be seen by Cu- vier's careful statement that the entire number of dissections by Mundinus was three. The usual statement is that it was two. See Cuvier, Hist, des Sci. Na'.., tome iii., p. 7 ; also, Sprengel, Fredault, and Hallam ; also, IAttr'e, Medecine et Medecins, chap, on anatomy. For a very full statement of the agency of Mundinus in the prog ress of anatomy, see Portal, Hist, de VAnatomie et de la Chirur- gbrie, vol. i., pp. 209-216 104 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. abhorrence, and Boniface VIII. interdicted dis section as sacrilege. Through this sacred conventionalism Vesalius broke without fear. Braving ecclesiastical censure and popular fury, he studied his science by the only method that could give useful results. No peril daunted him. To secm-e the material for his investigations, he haunted gibbets and charnel- houses ; in this search he risked alike the fires of the Inquisition and the virus of the plague. First of all men he began to place the science of hu man anatomy on its solid, modern foundations — on careful examination and observation of the human body. This was his first great sin, and it was soon aggravated by one considered even greater. Perhaps the most unfortunate thing that has ever been done for Christianity is the tying it to forms of science which are doomed and gradually sinking. Just as, in the time of Boger Bacon, ex cellent but mistaken men devoted all their energies to binding Christianity to Aristotle ; just as, in the time of Beuchlin and Erasmus, they insisted on binding Christianity to Thomas Aquinas : so, in the time of Vesalius, such men made every effort to link Christianity to Galen. The cry has been the same in all ages ; it is the same which we hear in this age for curbing scientific studies — the cry for what is called " sound ANATOMY AND MEDICINE. 105 learning." Whether standing for Aristotle against Bacon, or Aquinas against Erasmus, or Galen against Vesalius, or making mechanical Greek verses at Eton instead of studying the handiwork of the Almighty, or reading Euripides with trans lations instead of Lessing and Goethe in the ori ginal, the cry always is for " sound learning." The idea always is that these studies are safe. At twenty-eight years of age Vesalius gave to the world his great work on human anatomy. With it ended the old and began the new. Its researches, by their thoroughness, were a triumph of science ; its illustrations, by their fidelity, were a triumph of art. To shield himself, as far as possible, in the bat tle which he foresaw must come, Vesalius prefaced the work by a dedication to the Emperor Charles V. In this dedicatory preface he argues for his method, and against the parrot repetitions of the mediaeval text-books ; he also condemns the wretch ed anatomical preparations and specimens made by physicians who utterly refused to advance beyond the ancient master. The parrot-like repeaters of Galen gave battle at once. After the manner of their time, their first missiles were epithets ; and, the almost in finite magazine of these having been exhausted, they began to use sharper weapons — weapons the- ologic. 106 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. At -first the theologic weapons failed. A con ference of divines having been asked to decide whether dissection of the human body is sacrilege, gave a decision in the negative. The reason is simple : Charles V. had made Vesalius his physi cian, and could not spare him. But, on the ac cession of Philip II. of Spain, the whole scene changed. That most bitter of bigots must of course detest the great innovator. A new weapon was now forged. Vesalius was charged with dissecting living men,1 and, either from direct persecution, as the great majority of authors assert, or from indirect influences, as the recent apologists for Philip II. allow, Vesalius be came a wanderer. On a pilgrimage to the Holy Land to atone for his sin, he was shipwrecked, and in the prime of his life and strength he was lost to this world. And yet not lost. In this century he again stands on earth ; the painter Hamann has again given him to us. By the magic of Hamann's pen cil, we look once more into Vesalius's cell. Its windows and doors, bolted and barred within, be token the storm of bigotry which rages without ; the crucifix, toward which he turns his eyes, sym bolizes the spirit in which he labors ; the corpse 1 For a similar charge against anatomical investigations at a much earlier period, see Liitri, Medecine el Medecins, chapter on anatomy. ANATOMY AND MEDICINE. 107 of the plague-stricken, over which he bends, ceases to be repulsive ; his very soul seems to send forth rays from the canvas which strengthen us for the good fight in this age.1 He was hunted to death by men who conscien tiously supposed he was injuring religion. His poor, blind foes destroyed one of religion's great est apostles. What was his influence on religion ? He substituted for repetition, by1 rote, of worn-out theories of dead men, conscientious and reverent searching into the works of the living God ; he substituted for representations of the human struct ure — pitiful and unreal — truthful representations, revealing the Creator's power and goodness in every line.2 I hasten now to the most singular struggle and victory of medical science between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. Early in the last century, Boyer presented In oculation as a preventive of small-pox, in France ; thoughtful physicians in England, led by Lady Montagu and Maitland, followed his example. 1 The original painting of Vesalius at work in his cell, by Hamann, is now at Cornell University. 2 For a curious example of weapons drawn from Galen and used against Vesalius, see Lewes, Life of Goethe, p. 343, note. For proofs that I have not over-estimated Vesalius, see Portal, ubi supra. Portal speaks of him as " le ghiie le plus droit qu'eut V Europe ; " and again, " Vesale me parait un des plus grands hommes qui ait exists." 108 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. Theology took fright at once on both sides of the Channel. The French theologians of the Sor- bonne solemnly condemned the practice. English theologians were most loudly represented by the Bev. Edward Massy, who, in 1722, preached a ser mon in which he declared that Job's distemper was probably confluent small-pox, and that he had been doubtless inoculated by the devil ; that dis eases are sent by Brovidence for the punishment of sin, and that the proposed attempt to prevent them is "a diabolical operation." This sermon was entitled " The Dangerous and Sinful Bractice of Inoculation." Not less absurd was the sermon of the Bev. Mr. Delafaye, entitled "Inoculation an Indefensible Bractice." Thirty years later the struggle was still going on. It is a pleasure to note one great churchman, Maddox, Bishop of Worces ter, giving battle on the side of right reason ; but as late as 1753 we have the Bector of Canterbury denouncing inoculation from his pulpit in the pri- matial city, and many of his brethren following his example. Among the most common weapons hurled by churchmen at the supporters of inocula tion, during all this long war, were charges of sor cery and atheism.1 1 See Sprengel, Histoire de la Medecine, vol. vi., pp. 39-80. For the opposition of the Paris Faculty of Theology to inocula tion, see the Journal de Barbier, vol. vi., p. 294. For bitter de nunciations of inoculation by the English clergy, and for the noble ANATOMY AND MEDICINE. 109 Nor did Jenner's blessed discovery of vacci nation escape opposition on similar grounds. In 1798 an anti-vaccine society was formed by clergy men and physicians, calling on the people of Eng land to suppress vaccination as " bidding defiance to Heaven itself — even to the will of God," and declaring that " the law of God prohibits the prac tice." In 1803 the Bev. Dr. Bamsden thundered against it in a sermon before the University of Cambridge, mingling texts of Scripture with cal umnies against Jenner ; but Plumptre in England, Waterhouse in America, and a host of other good men and true, press forward to Jenner's side, and at last science, humanity, and right reason, gain the victory.1 But I pass to one typical conflict in our days. In 1847 James Voung Simpson, a Scotch phy sician of eminence, advocated the use of anass- thetics in obstetrical cases. Immediately a storm arose. From pulpit after pulpit such a use of chloroform was denounced as stand against them by Maddox, see Baron, Life of Jenner, vol. i., pp. 231, 232, and vol. ii., pp. 39, 40. For the strenuous opposition of the same clergy, see Weld, History of the Royal Society, vol. i. p. 464, note. Also, for the comical side of this matter, see Nich ols's Literary Illustrations, vol. v., p. 800. 1 For the opposition of conscientious men in England to vacci nation, see Duns, Life of Sir James Y. Simpson, Bart., London, 1873, pp. 248, 249 ; also, Baron, Life of Jenner, ubi supra, and vol. ii., p. 43 ; also, Works of Sir J. Y. Simpson, vol. ii. II 110 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. impious. It was declared contrary to Holy Writ, and texts were cited abundantly. The ordinary declaration was, that to use chloroform was " to avoid one part of the primeval curse on woman." ' Simpson wrote pamphlet after pamphlet to defend the blessing which he brought into use ; but the battle seemed about to be lost, when he seized a new weapon. " My opponents forget," said he, " the twenty-first verse of the second chap ter of Genesis. That is the record of the first surgi cal operation ever performed, and that text proves that the Maker of the universe, before he took the rib from Adam's side for the creation of Eve, caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam." This was a stunning blow ; but it did not en tirely kill the opposition. They had strength left to maintain that " the deep sleep of Adam took place before the introduction of pain into the world — in the state of innocence." 2 But now a new champion intervened — Thomas Chalmers. With a few pungent arguments he scattered the enemy forever, and the greatest battle of science against suffering was won.1 But was not the victory won also for religion? Go to yonder monument, in Boston, to one of the discoverers of anassthesia. Bead this inscription 1 See Duns, Life of Sir J. Y. Simpson, pp. 215-222. 2 Ibid., pp. 256-259. 8 Ibid., p. 260 ; also, Works of Sir J. Y. Simpson, ubi supra. GEOLOGY. HI from our sacred volume : " This also cometh from the Lord of hosts, which is wonderful in counsel and excellent in working." geology. * I now ask you to look at another part of the great warfare, and I select it because it shows more clearly than any other how Protestant na tions, and in our own time, have suffered them selves to be led into the same errors that have wrought injury to religion and science in other times. We will look very briefly at the battle fields of Geology. From the first lispings of this science there was war. The prevailing doctrine of the Church was, that " in the beginning God made the heavens and the earth ; " that " all things were made at the be ginning of the world ; " and that to say that stones and fossils have been made since " the beginning," is contrary to Scripture. The theological substi tutes for scientific explanations ripened into such as these : that the fossils are " sports of Nature," or " creations of plastic force," or " results of a seminal air acting upon rocks," or " models " made by the Creator before he had fully decided upon the best manner of creating various beings. But, while some latitude was allowed among these theologico-scientific explanations, it was held es- 112 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. sential to believe that they were placed in all the strata, on one of the creation-days, by the hand of the Almighty ; and that this was done for some mysterious purpose of his own, probably for the trial of human faith. In the sixteenth century Fracastoro and Palissy broached the true idea, but produced little effect. Near the beginning of the seventeenth century De Clave, Bitaud, and De Villon revived it ; straight way the theologic faculty of Paris protested against the doctrine as unscriptural, destroyed the offending treatises, banished the authors from Paris, and forbade them to live in towns or enter places of public resort.1 At the middle of the eighteenth century, Buffon made another attempt to state simple and fundamental geological truths. The theological faculty of the Sorbonne immediately dragged him from his high position, forced him to recant ignominiously, and to print his recantation. It required a hundred and fifty years for science to carry the day fairly against this single prepos terous theory. The champion who dealt it the deadly blow was Scilla, and his weapons were facts revealed by the fossils of Calabria. But the advocates of tampering with scientific reasoning now retired to a new position. It was strong, for it was apparently based on Scripture, 1 Morley, Life of Palissy the Potter, vol. ii., pp. 315, et seq. GEOLOGY. 113 though, as the whole world now knows, an utterly false interpretation of Scripture. The new posi tion was, that the fossils were produced by the Deluge of Noah. In vain had it been shown, by such devoted Christians as Bernard Palissy, that this theory was utterly untenable ; in vain did good men protest against the injury sure to result to religion by tying it to a scientific theory sure to be exploded : the doctrine that fossils were the remains of ani mals drowned at the flood continued to be upheld oy the great majority as " sound doctrine," and as a blessed means of reconciling science with Scripture.1 To sustain this " Scriptural view," so called, efforts were put forth absolutely herculean, both by Catholics and Protestants. Mazurier declared certain fossil remains of a mammoth, discovered in France, to be bones of giants mentioned in Scripture. Father Torrubia did the same thing in Spain. Increase Mather sent similar remains, discovered in America, to England, with a similar statement. Scheuchzer made parade of the bones of a great lizard discovered in Germany, as the homo diluvii testis, the fossil man, proving the reality of the Deluge.2 1 Audiat, Vie de Palissy, p. 412. Cantu, Hist. Universelle, vol. xv., p. 492. 2 For ancient beliefs regarding giants, see Leopardi, Saggio 114 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. In the midst of this appears an episode very comical but very instructive ; for it shows that the attempt to shape the deductions of science to meet the exigencies of theology may mislead heterodoxy as absurdly as orthodoxy. About the year 1760 news of the discovery of marine fossils in various elevated districts of Eu rope reached Voltaire. He, too, had a theologic system to support, though his system was opposed to that of the sacred books of the Hebrews. He feared that these new discoveries might be used to support the Mosaic accounts of the Deluge. All his wisdom and wit, therefore, were compacted into arguments to prove that the fossil fishes were remains of fishes intended for food, but spoiled and thrown away by travelers; that the fossil shells were accidentally dropped by Crusaders and pilgrims returning from the Holy Land ; and that sopra gli errori popolari, etc., chapter xv. For accounts of the - views of Mazurier and Scheuchzer, see Biichner, Man in Past, Present, and Future, English translation, pp. 235, 236. For In crease Mather's views, see Philosophical Transactions, xxiv., 85. For similar fossils sent from New York to the Royal Society as remains of giants, see Weld, History of the Royal Society, vol. i., p. 421. For Father Torrubia and his Gigantologia Espanola, see D'Archiac, Introduction d I'Pttude de la PaUoniologie stratiogra- phique, Paris, 1864, p. 202. For admirable summaries, see Lyell, Principles of Geology, London, 1867; D'Archiac, Geologie et Paleontologie, Paris, 1866 ; Pictet, Traite de Paleontologie, Paris, 1853 ; Vezian, Prodrome de la Geologic, Paris, 1863 ; Haeckcl, History of Creation, New York, 1876, chapter iii. GEOLOGY. H5 sundry fossil bones foimd between Paris and Etampes were parts of a skeleton belonging to the cabinet of some ancient philosopher. Through chapter after chapter, Voltaire, obeying the sup posed necessities of his theology, fights desperate ly the growing results of the geologic investiga tions of his time.1 But far more widespread and disastrous was the effort on the other side to show that the fossils were caused by the Deluge of Noah. No supposition was too violent to support a I theory which was considered vital to the Bible.J Sometimes it was claimed that the tail of a comet had produced the Deluge. Sometimes, by a pro saic rendering of the expression regarding the breaking up of " the fountains of the great deep," a theory was started that the earth contained a great cistern, from which the waters came and to which they retired. By taking sacred poetry as , prose, and by giving a literal interpretation of it, Thomas Burnet, in his " Sacred Theory of the Earth," Whiston, in his " Theory of the Deluge," and others like them, built up systems which bear to real geology much the same relation that the " Christian Topography " of Cosmas bears to real 1 See Voltaire, Dissertation sur les Changements arrives dans noire Globe ; also, Voltaire, Les Singularities de la Nature, chap ter xii., near close of vol. v. of the Didot edition of 1843 ; also, Jevons, Principles of Science, vol. ii., p. 328. 116 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. geography. In vain were exhibited the absolute geological, zoological, astronomical proofs that no universal deluge, or deluge covering any great ex tent of the earth, had taken place within the last six thousand or sixty thousand years ; in vain did Bishop Clayton declare, that the Deluge could not have taken place save in that district where Noah lived before the flood ; in vain was it shown that, even if there had been a universal deluge, the fossils were not produced by it : the only answers were the citation of the text, " And all the high mountains which were under the whole heaven were covered," and denunciations of infidelity. In England, France, and Germany, belief that the fossils were produced by the Deluge of Noah was insisted upon as part of that faith essential to sal vation.1 It took a hundred and twenty years for the searchers of God's truth as revealed in Na ture — such men as Buffon, Linnaeus, Whitehurst, and Daubenton — to push their works under these mighty fabrics of error, and, by statements which could not be resisted, to explode them. Strange as it may at first seem, the war on ge- 1 For a candid summary of the proofs from geology, astronomy, and zoology, that the Noachian Deluge was not universally or widely extended, see McClintock and Strong, Cyclopaedia cf Bibli cal Theology and Ecclesiastical Literature, article Deluge. For general history, see Lyell, D'Archiac, and Vezian. For special cases showing bitterness of the conflict, see the Rev. Mr. Davis's Life of Rev. Dr. Pye Smith, passim. GEOLOGY. 11? ology was waged more fiercely in Brotestant coun tries than in Catholic ; the older Church had" learned, by her earlier wretched mistakes, what dangers to her claim of infallibility lay in med dling with a growing science ; in Italy, then en- ; tirely under papal control, little open opposition was made ; and, of all countries, England furnished ' the most bitter opponents to geology at first, and the most active negotiators in patching up a truce on a basis of sham science afterward.1 Tou have noted already that there are, gen erally, two sorts of attack on a new science. First, there is the attack by pitting against science some great doctrine in theology. You saw this in astronomy, when BeUarmin and others insisted that the doctrine of the earth revolving about the sun is contrary to the doctrine of the incarnation. So now, against geology, it was urged that the scientific doctrine that the fossils represented ani mals which died before Adam, was contrary to the doctrine of Adam's fall, and that " death en tered the world by sin." Then, there is the attack by literal interpreta- 1 For comparison between conduct of Italian and English eccle siastics, as regards geology, see Lyellf Principles of Geology, tenth English ed., vol. i., p. 33. For a philosophical statement of rea sons why the struggle was more bitter, and the attempt' at decep tive compromises more absurd in England than elsewhere, see Maury, L'Ancienne Academie des Sciences, second edition, p. 152. 118 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. tion of texts, based upon the idea that the Bible is a compendium of history or a text-book of nat ural science, which serves a better purpose, gener ally, in rousing prejudices. Toward the close of the last century, in Eng land, the opponents of geology on Biblical grounds seemed likely to sweep all before them. Cramp ing our sacred volume within the rules of an his torical compend, they showed the terrible dangers arising from the revelations of geology, which make the earth older than the six thousand years required by Archbishop Usher's interpretation of the Old Testament. Nor was this panic confined to ecclesiastics. Williams, a thoughtful layman, declared that such researches led to infidelity and atheism, and are " nothing less than to depose the Almighty Creator of the universe from his office." The poet Cowper, one of the mildest of men, was also roused by these dangers, and in his most elab orate poem wrote : " Some drill and bore The solid earth, and from the strata there Extract a register, by which we learn That he who made it, and revealed its date To Moses, was mistaken in its age ! " And difficult as it is to realize it now, within the memory of many of us the battle was still raging most fiercely in England, and both kinds of artillery usually brought against a new science GEOLOGY. 119 were in full play, and filling the civilized world with their roar. About thirty years ago, the Bev. J. Mellor Brown, the Bev. Henry Cole, and others, were hurling at all geologists alike, and especially at such Christian divines as Dr. Buckland and Dean Conybeare, and Pye Smith, and such religious scholars as Prof. Sedgwick, the epithets of " infi del," " impugner of the sacred record," and " as sailant of the volume of God." * Their favorite weapon was the charge that these men were "attacking the truth of God," forgetting that they were simply opposing the mistaken interpretations of Messrs. Brown, Cole, and others, like them, inadequately informed. They declared geology " not a subject of law ful inquiry," denouncing it as " a dark art," as "dangerous and disreputable," as "a forbidden province," as " infernal artillery," and as " an awful evasion of the testimony of revelation." * This attempt to scare men from the science having failed, various other means were taken. To say nothing about England, it is humiliating to human nature to remember the annoyances, and even trials, to which the pettiest and narrow- 1 For these citations, see Lyell, Principles of Geology, intro duction. 8 See Pye Smith, D.D., Geology and Scripture, pp. 156, 157, 168, 169. 120 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. est of men subjected such Christian scholars in our own country as Benjamin Silliman and Ed ward Hitchcock and Louis Agassiz. But it is a duty and a pleasure to state here that one great Christian scholar did honor to re ligion and to himself by standing up for the claims of science, despite all these clamors. That man was Nicholas Wiseman, better known afterward as Cardinal Wiseman. The conduct of this pillar of the Boman Catholic Church contrasts nobly with that of timid Brotestants, who were filling England with shrieks and denunciations.1 And here let me note, that one of the prettiest skirmishes in this war was made in New England. Prof. Stuart, of Andover, justly honored as a Hebrew scholar, virtually declared that geology was becoming dangerous ; that to speak of six pe riods of time for the creation was flying in the face of Scripture; that Genesis expressly speaks of six days, each made up of an evening and a morning, and not six periods of time. To him replied a professor in Tale College, James Kingsley. In an article admirable for keen wit and kindly temper, he showed that Gen esis speaks just as clearly of a solid firmament as of six ordinary days, and that if Prof. Stuart had 1 Wiseman, Twelve Lectures on the Connection between Science and Revealed Religion, first American edition, New York, 1837. GEOLOGY. 121 got over one difficulty and accepted the Coperni can theory, he might as well get over another and accept the revelations of geology. The encounter was quick and decisive, and the victory was with science and our own honored Yale.1 But perhaps the most singular attempt against geology was made by a fine specimen of the Eng lish Don — Dean Cockburn, of York — to scold its champions out of the field. Without, apparently, the simplest elementary knowledge of geology, he opened a battery of abuse. He gave it to the world at large, by pulpit and press ; he even in flicted it upon leading statesmen by private let ters.2 From his pulpit in York minster, Mary Somerville was denounced coarsely, by name, for those studies in physical geography which have made her honored throughout the world.3 1 See Silliman' s Journal, vol. xxx., p. 114. 2 Prof. Goldwin Smith informs me that the papers of Sir Rob ert Peel, yet unpublished, contain very curious specimens of these epistles. 3 See Personal Recollections of Mary Somerville, Boston, 1874, pp. 139 and 375. Compare with any statement of his rehgious views that Dean Cockburn was able to make, the following from Mrs. Somerville : " Nothmg has afforded me so convincing a proof of the Deity as these purely mental conceptions of numerical and mathematical science which have been, by slow degrees, vouch safed to man — and are still granted in these latter times, by the differential calculus, now superseded by the higher algebra — all of which must have existed in that sublimely omniscient mind from eternity." — See Personal Recollections, pp. 140, 141. 122 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. But these weapons did not succeed. They were like Chinese gongs and dragon -lanterns against rifled cannon. Buckland, Bye Smith, Lyell, Silliman, Hitchcock, Murchison, Agassiz, Dana, and a host of noble champions besides, press on, and the battle for truth is won. And was it won merely for men of science ? The whole civilized world declares that it was won for religion — that thereby was infinitely increased the knowledge of the power and goodness of God. POLITICAL ECONOMY. From the many questions on which the sup porters of right reason in Folitical and Social Sci ence have only conquered conscientious opposition after centuries of war, I select the taking of in terest on loans ; in hardly any struggle has rigid adherence to the Bible as a scientific text-book been more prolonged or injurious.1 Certainly, if the criterion of truth, as regards any doctrme, be that it has been believed in the Church " always, everywhere, and by all," then on no point may a Christian of these days be more sure than that every savings-institution, every loan and trust company, every bank, every loan of 1 For another great error of the Church in political economy, leading to injury to commerce, see Lindsay, History of Merchant- Shipping, London, 1874, vol. ii. POLITICAL ECONOMY. 123 capital by an individual, every means by which accumulated capital has been lawfully lent, even at the most moderate interest, to make the masses of men workers rather than paupers, is based on deadly sin. The fathers of the Christian Church received from the ancient world a strong prejudice against any taking of interest whatever ; in Greece, Aris totle had condemned it ; in Bome it was regarded during many generations as a crime.1 But far greater, in the early Church, was the influence of certain texts in the Old and New Testaments. Citations from Leviticus, Deuteron omy, the Psalms, Ezekiel, and St. Luke, were uni versally held to condemn all loans at interest.2 On these texts the doctrine and legislation of the universal Church, as regards interest for money, were based and developed. The fathers of the Eastern Church, and among them St. Ba sil, St. Chrysostom, and St. Gregory Nazianzen ; 1 See Murray, History of Usury, Philadelphia, 1866, p. 25 ; also, Coquelin and GuillaumXn, Dictionnaire de I' Economic Poli tique, articles Interet and Usure ; also, Lecky, History of Ration alism in Europe, vol. ii., chapter vi. ; also, Jeremy Benlham's De fence of Usury, Letter X. ; also, Mr. D. S. Dickinson's Speech in (lie Senate of New York, vol. i. of his collected writings. Of all the summaries, Lecky's is by far the best. 2 The texts cited most frequently were Leviticus xxv. 36, 37 ; Deuteronomy xxiii. 19 ; Psalms xv. 5 ; Ezekiel xviii. 8 and 17; St. Luke vi. 35. See Lecky ; also, Dickinson's Speech, as above. 124 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. the fathers of the Western .Church, and among them Tertullian, St. Ambrose, St. Augustine, and St. Jerome, joined most earnestly in this con^ demnation. St. Chrysostom says : " What can be more unreasonable than to sow without land, with out rain, without ploughs ? All those who give themselves up to this damnable agriculture shall reap only tares. Let us cut off these monstrous births of gold and silver ; let us stop this execra ble fecundity." St. Jerome threw the argument into the form of a dilemma, which was used as a weapon against money-lenders for centuries.1 This entire agreement of the fathers of the Church led to the crystallization of the hostility to interest-bearing loans into numberless decrees of popes and councils, and kings and legislatures, throughout Christendom, during more than fifteen hundred years ; and the canon law was shaped in accordance with these. In the ninth century, Al fred, in England, confiscated the estates of money lenders, and denied them burial in consecrated ground ; and similar decrees were made in other parts of Europe. In the twelfth century the Greek Church seems to have relaxed its strictness somewhat, but the Boman Church only grew more and more severe. St. Bernard, reviving religious 1 See Dictionnaire de I'Economie Politique, articles Intiret and Usure for these citations. For some doubtful reservations made by St. Augustine, see Murray. POLITICAL ECONOMY. 125 earnestness in the Church, was especially strenu ous in denouncing loans at interest ; and, in 1179, the Third Council of the Lateran decreed that every impenitent money-lender should be ex cluded from the altar, from absolution in the hour of death, and from Christian burial ! In the thirteenth century this mistaken idea was still more firmly knit into the thought of the Church by St. Thomas Aquinas ; hostility to loans at interest had been poured into his mind, not only from the Scriptures, but from Aristotle. At the beginning of the fourteenth century the Council of Vienne, presided over by Pope Clement V., declared that, if any one " shall per tinaciously presume to affirm that the taking of interest for money is not a sin, we decree him to be a heretic fit for punishment." x The economical and social results of this con scientious policy were exceedingly unfortunate. Money could only be loaned, in most countries, at the risk of incurring odium in this world and dam nation in the next ; hence there was but little capital and few lenders; hence came enormous rates of interest ; thereby were commerce, manu factures, and general enterprise dwarfed, while pauperism flourished. But even worse than this were the moral re- 1 See citation of the Latin text in Lecky. 126 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. suits. For nations to do what they believe is evil, is only second in bad consequences to their doing what is really evil: all lending and borrowing, even for the most legitimate purposes and at the most reasonable rates, tended to debase the char acter of both borrower and lender.1 And these moral evils took more definite shapes than might at first be thought possible. Sismondi, one of the most thoughtful of modern political philosophers and historians, declares that the prohibition of in terest for the use of money in Continental Europe did very much to promote a passion for luxury and to discourage economy ; the rich who were not engaged in business finding no easy way of employing their savings productively.2 These evils became so manifest, when trade be gan to revive throughout Europe in the fifteenth century, that most earnest efforts were made to induce the Church to change its position. The first important effort of this kind was made by John Gerson. His general learning had made him Chancellor of the University of Paris ; his sacred learning made him the leading theolo gian and orator at the Council of Constance ; his piety led men to attribute to him " The Imitation 1 For this moral effect, see Montesquieu, Esprit des Lois, lib. xxi., chap. xx. 2 See citation in Lecky POLITICAL ECONOMY. 127 of Christ." Shaking off theological shackles, he declared : " Better is it to lend money at rea sonable interest, and thus to give aid to the poor, than to see them reduced by poverty to steal, waste their goods, and sell, at a low price, their personal and real property." l But this idea was at once suppressed by the Church — buried beneath citations from Scripture, the fathers, councils, popes, and the canon law. Even in the most active countries there seemed no hope. In England, under Henry VII., Cardinal Morton, the lord-chancellor, addressed Parliament, asking them to take into consideration loans of money at interest, and the result was a law which imposed on lenders at interest a fine of a hundred pounds, besides the annulment of the loan ; and, to show that there was an offence against religion in volved, there was added a clause " reserving to the Church, notwithstanding this punishment, the cor rection of their souls according to the laws of the same." 2 Similar enactments were made by civil authority in various parts of Europe, and, as a cli max, just as the trade and commerce and manu factures of the modern epoch had received an im mense impulse from the great series of voyages of discoveiy, by such as Columbus, Vasco de Gama, 1 See Coquelin and Guillaumin, article InlerSt. * See Craik's History of British Commerce, chapter vi. The statute cited is 3 Henry VII., chapter vi. 128 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. Magellan, and the Cabots, this barrier against en terprise was strengthened by a decree from Pope LeoX.1 But this mistaken policy was not confined to the older Church. The Bef ormed Church was led by Luther and several of his associates into the same line of thought and practice. Said Luther : " To exchange anything with any one and gain by the exchange, is not to do a charity, but to steal. Every usurer is a thief worthy of the gibbet. I call those usurers who lend money at five or six per cent." 2 The English Keformers showed the same ten dency. Under Henry VIIL, the law of Henry VII. against taking interest had been modified ; but the revival of religious feeling under Edward VI. caused, in 1552, the passage of the " Bill of Usury." In this it is said : " Forasmuch as usury is by the Word of God utterly prohibited, as a vice most odious and detestable, as in divers places of the Holy Scriptures it is evident to be seen, which thing by no godly teachings and persuasions can sink into the hearts of divers greedy, uncharita ble, and covetous persons of this realm, nor yet by any terrible threatenings of God's wrath and ven- 1 See Lecky. 8 See citation from the Tischreden, inGuillaumin and Coque- lin, article InterSt. POLITICAL ECONOMY. 129 geance," etc., etc., it is enacted that whosoever shall thereafter lend money " for any manner of usury, increase, lucre, gain, or interest, to be had, received, or hoped for," shall forfeit principal and interest, and suffer imprisonment and fine at the king's pleasure.1 But, most fortunately, it happened that Calvin turned in the right direction, and there was de veloped among Protestants the serviceable fiction that " usury " means illegal or oppressi/oe interest. Under cover of this fiction commerce and trade revived rapidly in Protestant countries, though with occasional checks from exact interpreters of Scripture. But, in the older Church, the more correct though less fortunate interpretation of the sacred texts relating to interest continued. When it was attempted in France, in the seventeenth century, to argue that " usury " means oppressive interest, the Theological Faculty of the Sorbonne declared that usury is the taking of any interest at all, no matter how little, and the eighteenth chapter of Ezekiel was cited to clinch this judgment. Another attempt to ease the burden on indus try and commerce was made by declaring that " usury means interest demanded not as matter of favor but as matter of right." This, too, was sol emnly condemned by Pope Innocent XI. 1 See Craik's History of British Commerce, chapter vi. 130 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. Again the army of right reason pressed forward, declaring that " usury is interest greater than the law allows." This, too, was condemned, and the declaration that " usury is interest on loans not for a fixed time " was condemned by Pope Alex ander VII. Still the attacking forces pressed on, and among them, in the seventeenth century, in France, was Bichard Simon : he attempts to gloss over the strict interpretation of Scripture in this matter by an elaborate treatise : he is immediately confronted by Bossuet. It seems hardly possible that one of the great est intellects of a period so near us could have been so doubly deceived. Yet Bossuet, the glory of the French Church, one of the keenest and strongest of thinkers, not only mingled Scripture with as tronomy, and opposed the Copernican theory, but also mingled Scripture with political economy, and denounced the lending of money at interest. He declared that the Scriptures, the councils of the Church from the beginning, the popes, the fathers, all interpreted the prohibition of " usury " to be a prohibition of any lending at interest, and Bossuet demonstrated this interpretation as the true one. Simon was put to confusion, and his book con demned.1 1 For citation, as above, see Lecky. For further account, see (Euvres de Bossuet, edition of 1845, vol. xi., p. 330. POLITICAL ECONOMY. 131 There was but too much reason for Bossuet's interpretation. The prohibition of this, one of the most simple and beneficial principles in political and economical science, was affirmed not only by the fathers, but by twenty-eight councils of the Church (six of them general councils), and by sev enteen popes, to say nothing of innumerable doc tors in theology and canon law.1 But about the middle of the eighteenth cen tury the evil could be endured no longer — a way of escape must be found. The army opposed to the Church 'had become so formidable, that the Bo man authorities saw that a concession must be made. In 1748 appeared Montesquieu's Spirit of the laws ; in it were concentrated twenty years' study and thought of a great thinker on the ne cessities of the world about him. In eighteen months it went through twenty-two editions, and it was translated into every civilized language ; this work attacked, among other abuses, the posi tion of the Church regarding interest for money. The Church authorities had already taken the alarm. Benedict XIV. saw that the best thing for him — nay, the only thing — was a surrender under form of a compromise. In a brief he de clared substantially that the law of the Church 1 See citation from Concina in Lecky/ also, acquiescence in this interpretation by Mr. Dickinson, in Speech in Senate of New York, above quoted. 132 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. was opposed to the taking of interest on loans ; and then, after sundry non-committal and am biguous statements, he hinted that there were possible exceptions to the rule. Like the casuistry of Boscovich in using the Copernican theory for " convenience in argument," while acquiescing in its condemnation by the Church, this casuistry of Benedict broke the spell. Turgot, Adam Smith, Bentham, and their disci ples, pressed on, and science won for mankind an other great victory. Yet in this case, as in others, insurrections against the sway of scientific truth appeared among some over-zealous religionists. When the Sorbonne, having retreated from its old position, armed itself with sundry new casuistries against those who held to its earlier decisions, provincial doctors in theology protested indignantly, making the old citations from the Scriptures, fathers, saints, doctors, popes, councils, and canonists. And even as late as 1830, when the Boman court, though declining to commit itself on the doc trine involved, decreed that confessors should no longer disquiet lenders of money at legal interest, the old weapons were again furbished and hurled by the Abb6 Laborde, Vicar of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Auch, and by the Abbe Dennavit, Brof essor of Theology at Lyons. Good Abbe Den navit declared that he refused absolution to those INDUSTRIAL SCIENCES. 133 who took interest, and to priests who pretend that the sanction of the civil law is sufficient.1 But the peace on this question is too profound to be disturbed by such outcries. The Torlonia family at Bome, to-day, with its palaces, chapels, intermarriages, affiliations, and papal favor, all won by lending money at interest, and by devotion to the Boman See, is a growth on ramparts long since surrendered and deserted. INDUSTRIAL SCIENCES. Did time permit, we might go over other battle-fields no less instructive than those we Tiave seen. We might go over the battle-fields of Agricultural Progress, and note how, by a most curious perversion of a text of Scripture, many of the peasantry of Bussia were prevented from raising and eating potatoes, and how in Scot land at the beginning of this century the use of fanning-mills for winnowing grain was denounced as contrary to the text " the wind bloweth where it listeth," etc., as leaguing with Satan, who is " prince of the powers of the air," and as suffi cient cause for excommunication from the Scotch Church.2 1 See Replique des dome Docleurs, etc., cited by Guillaumin and Coquelin. 2 Burton, History of Scotland, vol. viii., p. 511. See, also, 134 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. We might go over the battle-fields of Civil Engineering, and note how the introduction of railways into France was declared, by an Arch bishop, to be an evidence of the divine dis pleasure against country innkeepers who set meat before their guests on fast-days, and now were punished by seeing travelers carried by their doors ; and how railroad and telegraph were de nounced from noted pulpits as " heralds of Anti christ." And then we might pass to Brotestant England and recall the sermon of the Curate of Botherhithe at the breaking in of the Thames Tunnel, so destructive to life and property, de claring that " it was but a just judgment upon the presumptuous aspirations of mortal man." J VARIOUS SCIENCES. We might go over the battle-fields of Ethnol ogy and note how, a few years since, an honored American investigator, proposing in a learned so ciety the discussion of the question between the Mause Headrigg's views in Scott's Old Mortality, chapter vii. For the case of a person debarred from the communion for " raising the devil's wind" with a winnowing-machine, see Works of Sir J. Y. Simpson, vol. ii. Those doubting the authority or mo tives of Simpson may be reminded that he was, to the day of his death, one of the strictest adherents of Scotch orthodoxy. 1 See Journal of Sir I. Brunei, for May 20, 1827, in Life of I. IC Brunei, p. 30. VARIOUS SCIENCES. 135 origin of the human race from a single pair and from many pairs, was called to order and silenced as atheistic, by a Brotestant divine whose memory is justly dear to thousands of us.1 Interesting would it be to look over the field of Meteorology — beginning with the conception, supposed to be scriptural, of angels opening and shutting " the windows of heaven " and letting out "the waters that be above the firmament" upon the earth — continuing through the battle of Fromundus and Bodin, down to the onslaught upon Lecky, in our own time, for drawing a logi cal and scientific conclusion from the doctrine that meteorology is obedient to laws." We might go over the battle-fields of Cartog raphy and see how at one period, on account of expressions in Ezekiel, any map of the world which did not place Jerusalem in the centre, was looked on as impious.3 1 This scene will be recalled, easily, by many leading ethnolo gists in America, and especially by Mr. E. G. Squier, formerly minister of the United States to Central America. 2 The meteorological battle is hardly fought out yet. Many excellent men seem still to entertain views almost identical with those of over two thousand years ago, depicted in The Clouds of Aristophanes. 3 These texts are Ezekiel v. 5 and xxxviii. 12. The progress of geographical knowledge, evidently, caused them to be softened down somewhat in our King James's version ; but the first of them reads, in the Vulgate, " Ista est Hierusalem, in medio gen- 136 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. We might go over the battle-fields of Social Science in Protestant countries, and note the op position of conscientious men to the taking of the census, in Sweden and in the United States, on account of the terms in which the numbering of Israel is spoken of in the Old Testament.1 And we might also see how, on similar grounds, religious scruples have been avowed against so beneficial a thing as Life Insurance.2 tium posui earn et in circuitu ejus terras ; " and the second reads in the Vulgate " in medio terra?,'' and in the Septuagint imrhv o/itpaKhv Trjr yris. That the literal centre of the earth was meant, see proof in St. Jerome, Commentar. in Ezekiel, lib. ii., and for general proof, see Leopardi, " Saggio sopra gli errori popolari degli antichi," pp. 207, 208. For an idea of orthodox geography in the middle ages, see Wright's Essay on Archaeology, vol. ii., chapter " On the Map of the World in Hereford Cathedral." For an ex ample of the depth to which this idea of Jerusalem as the centre had entered into the thinking of the great poet of the middle ages, see Dante, Inferno, Canto xxxiv. . " E se' or sotto 1'emisperio giunto, Ch' e opposito a quel, che la gran secca Coverchia, e sotto '1 cui colmo consunto Fu l'uom che nacque e visse senza pecca." 1 See Michaelis, Commentaries on the Laws of Moses, 1874, vol. ii., p. 3. The writer of the present article himself witnessed the reluctance of a very conscientious man to answer the questions of a census marshal, Mr. Lewis Hawley, of Syracuse, N. Y., and this reluctance was based upon the reasons assigned in II. Samuel chapter xxiv. 1, and I. Chronicles, chapter xxi. 1, for the number ing of the children of Israel. 2 See De Morgan, Paradoxes, pp. 214-220. SCIENTIFIC INSTRUCTION. 137 SCIENTIFIC INSTRUCTION. But an outline of this kind would be too meagre without some sketch of the warfare on instruction in science. Not without profit would it be to note more at length how instruction in the Copernican theory was kept out of the Church universities in every great Catholic country of Europe ; how they concealed the discovery of the spots on the sun ; how many of them excluded the Newtonian dem onstrations ; how, down to the present time, the two great universities of Protestant England and nearly all her intermediate colleges, under clerical super vision, have excluded the natural and physical sciences as far as possible ; and how, from proba bly nine-tenths of the universities and colleges of the United States, the students are graduated with either no knowledge or with clerically emasculated knowledge of the most careful modern thought on the most important problems in the various scien ces, in history, and in criticism. From the dismissal of the scientific professors from the University of Salamanca by Ferdinand Vn. of Spain, in the beginning of this century, down to sundry dealings with scientific men in our own land and time, we might study another inter esting phase of the same warfare ; but, passing all this, I shall simply present a few typical conflicts that have occurred within the last ten years. 138 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. During the years 1867 and 1868 the war which had been long smouldering in France, between the Church and the whole system of French advanced education, came to an outbreak. Toward the end of the last century, after the Church had held possession of advanced instruction in France for more than a thousand years, and had, so far as it was able, made experimental science contemptible; and after the Church authorities had deliberately resisted and wrecked Turgot's noble plans for the establishment of a system of public schools, the French nation decreed the establishment of the most thorough and complete system of the higher public instruction then known. It was kept under lay control, and became one of the great glories of France. But, emboldened by the restoration of the Bour bons, the Church began to undermine the hated system, and in 1868 had made such progress that all was ready for an assault. Foremost among the leaders of the besieging party was the Bishop of Orleans — Dupanloup — a man of much buzzing vigor. In various ways, and especially in an open letter, he had fought the " Materialism " of the School of Medicine at Paris, and especially were his attacks leveled at Profess ors Vulpian and See, and the Minister of Public Instruction, Duruy, a man of great merit, whose SCIENTIFIC INSTRUCTION. 139 only crime was a quiet resistance to clerical con trol.1 In these writings, Bishop Dupanloup stigma tized Darwin, Huxley, Lyell, and others, as authors of " shameful theories," and made especial use of the recent phrase of a naturalist, that "it is more glorious to be a monkey perfected than an Adam degenerated." The direct attack was made in the French Sen ate, and the storming party in that body was led by a venerable and conscientious prelate, Cardinal de Bonnechose. It was charged by Archbishop de Bonnechose and his party, that the tendencies of the teachings of these professors were fatal to religion and mo rality. A heavy artillery of phrases was hurled, such as " sapping the foundations," etc., " breaking down the bulwarks," etc., etc., and, withal, a new missile was used with much effect, the epithet of " materialist." The result can be easily guessed ; crowds came to the lecture-rooms of these profess ors, and the lecture-room of Prof. See, the chief offender, was crowded to suffocation. A siege was begun in due form. A young physician was sent by the cardinal's party into the heterodox camp as a spy. Having heard one lect ure of Prof. See, he returned with information 1 For Dupanloup, Letlre d un Cardinal, see the Revue de TVil- rapeutique, 1868, p.- 221. 140 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. that seemed to promise easy victory to the besieg ing party. He brought a terrible statement, one that seemed enough to overwhelm See, Vulpian, Duruy, and the whole hated system of public in struction in France. Good Cardinal Bonnechose seized the tremen dous weapon. Bising in his place in the Senate, he launched a most eloquent invective against the Minister of State who could protect such a fortress of impiety as the College of Medicine ; and, as a climax, he asserted, on the evidence of his spy fresh from Brof. See's lecture-room, that the pro fessor had declared, in his lecture of the day be fore, that so long as he had the honor to hold his professorship he would combat the false idea of the existence of the soul. The weapon seemed re sistless, and the wound fatal ; but M. Duruy rose and asked to be heard. His statement was simply that he held in his hand documentary proofs that Prof. See never made such a declaration. He held the notes used by Prof. See in his lecture. Prof. See, it appeared, , belonged to a school in medical science which com bated the idea of an art in medicine. The in flamed imagination of the cardinal's too eager emissary had, as the lecture notes proved, led him into a sad mistake as to words and thoughts, and had exhibited Prof. See as treating a theological when he was discussing a purely scientific ques- SCIENTIFIC INSTRUCTION. 141 tion. Of the existence of the soul the professor had said nothing. The forces of the enemy were immediately turned; they retreated in confusion, amid the laughter of all France ; and a quiet, dignified state ment as to the rights of scientific instructors by Wurtz, the dean of the Faculty, completed their discomfiture. Thus a well-meant attempt to check what was feared might be dangerous in science simply ended in bringing ridicule on religion, and thrusting still deeper into the minds of thousands of men that most mistaken of all mistaken ideas — the conviction that rehgion and science are ene mies.1 But justice forbids our raising an outcry against Boman Catholicism alone for this. In 1864 a number of excellent men in England drew up a declaration to be signed by students in the natural sciences, expressing " sincere regret that researches into scientific truth are perverted by some in our time into occasion for casting doubt upon the truth and authenticity of the Holy Scriptures." 1 For general account of the Vulpian and See matter, see Re vue des Deux Mondes, 31 Mai, 1868. Chronique de la Quinzaine, pp. 763-765. As to the result on popular thought, may be noted the following comment on the affair by the Revue, which is as free as possible from anything like rabid anti-ecclesiastical ideas : " Elle a Hi vraimenl curieuse, instructive, assez trisle et meme un peu amusante." For Wurtz's statement, see Revue de Th&rapeu- tique for 1868, p. 303. K 142 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. Nine-tenths of the leading scientific men of Eng land refused to sign it. Nor was this the worst. Sir John Herschel, Sir John Bowring, and Sir W. B. Hamilton, administered, through the press, cas- tigations which roused general indignation against the proposers of the circular, and Prof. De Morgan, by a parody, covered memorial and memorialists with ridicule. It was the old mistake, and the old result followed in the minds of multitudes of thoughtful young men.1 And in yet another Protestant country this same wretched mistake was made. In 1868, sev eral excellent churchmen in Prussia thought it their duty to meet for the denunciation of " sci ence falsely so called." Two results followed: Upon the great majority of these really self-sacri ficing men — whose first utterances showed crass ignorance of the theories they attacked— there came quiet and widespread contempt ; upon Pas tor Knak, who stood forth and proclaimed views of the universe which he thought Scriptural, but which most schoolboys knew to be childish, came a burst of good-natured derision from every quar ter of the German nation.2 Warfare of this sort against Science seems petty indeed ; but it is to be guarded against in 1 De Morgan, Paradoxes, pp. 421—428 ; also, Daubeny's Essays. 2 See the Berlin newspapers for the summer of 1868, especially Kludderadalsch. SCIENTIFIC INSTRUCTION. 143 Protestant countries not less than in Catholic ; it breaks out in America not less than in Europe. I might exhibit many proofs of this. Do conscien tious Boman bishops in France labor to keep all advanced scientific instruction under their own con trol — in their own universities and colleges ; so do very many not less conscientious Protestant clergy men in our own country insist that advanced edu cation in science and literature shall be kept under control of their own sectarian universities and col leges, wretchedly one-sided in their development, and miserably inadequate in their equipment : did a leading Spanish university, until a recent period, exclude professors holding the Newtonian theory ; so does a leading American college exclude pro fessors holding the Darwinian theory : have Cath olic colleges in Italy rejected excellent candidates for professorships on account of "unsafe" views regarding the Immaculate Conception ; so are Prot estant colleges in America every day rejecting ex cellent candidates on account of " unsafe " views regarding the Apostolic Succession, or the Incar nation, or Baptism, or the Perseverance of the Saints. And how has all this system resulted ? In the older nations, by natural reaction, these colleges, under strict ecclesiastical control, have sent forth the most bitter enemies the Christian Church has ever known — of whom Voltaire and Benan and 144 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. Saint-Beuve are types ; and there are many signs that the same causes are producing the same re sult in our own country. I might allude to another battle-field in our own land and time. I might show how an at tempt to meet the great want, in the State of New York, of an institution providing scientific in struction, has been met with loud outcries from many excellent men, who fear injury thereby to religion. I might picture to you the strategy which has been used to keep earnest young men from an institution which, it is declared, cannot be Christian because it is not sectarian. I might lay before you wonderful lines of argument which have been made to show the dangerous tendencies of a plan which gives to scientific studies the same weight as to classical studies, and which lays no less stress on modern history and literature than on ancient history and literature. I might show how it has been denounced by the friends and agents of denominational colleges and in many sectarian journals ; how the most pre posterous charges have been made and believed by good men ; how the epithets of " godless," " infi del," " irreligious," " unreligious," " atheistic," have been hurled against a body of Christian trus tees, professors, and students, and with little practical result save arousing a suspicion in the minds of large bodies of thoughtful young men, SUMMARY. 145 that the churches dread scientific studies untram meled by sectarianism. SUMMARY. You have now gone over the greater struggles in the long war between Ecclesiasticism and Sci ence, and have glanced at the lesser fields. You have seen the conflicts in Physical Geography, as to the form of the earth ; in Astronomy, as to the place of the earth in the universe, and the evolu tion of stellar systems in accordance with law ; in Chemistry and Physics ; in Anatomy and Medi cine ; in Geology ; in Meteorology ; in Cartogra phy ; in the Industrial and Agricultural Sciences ; in Political Economy and Social Science ; and in Scientific Instruction ; and each of these, when fully presented, has shown the following results : First. In every case, whether the war has been long or short, forcible or feeble, Science has at last gained the victory. Secondly. In every case, interference with Science, in the supposed interest of religion, has brought dire evils on both. Thirdly. In every case, while this interference, during its continuance, has tended to divorce re ligion from the most vigorous thinking of the world, and to make it odious to multitudes of the most earnest thinkers ; the triumph of Science has led its former conscientious enemies to make 146 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. new interpretations and lasting adjustments, which have proved a blessing to religion, ennobling its conceptions and bettering its methods. And in addition to these points there should be brought out distinctly a corollary, which is, that science must be studied by its own means and to its own ends, unmixed with the means and un biased by the motives of investigators in other fields, and uncontrolled by consciences unenlight ened by itself. The very finger of the Almighty seems to have written the proofs of this truth on human history. No one can gainsay it. It is decisive, for it is this : There has never been a scientific the ory framed from the use of Scriptural texts, whol ly or partially, which has been made to stand. Such attempts have only subjected their authors to derision, and Christianity to suspicion. From Cosmas finding his plan of the universe in the Jewish tabernacle, to Increase Mather sending mastodon's bones to England as the remains of giants mentioned in Scripture ; from Bellarmin declaring that the sun cannot be the centre of the universe, because such an idea " vitiates the whole Scriptural plan of salvation," to a recent writer de claring that an evolution theory cannot be true, because St. Paul says that " all flesh is not the same flesh," the result has always been the same.1 J ' In the Church Journal, New York, May 28, 1874, a reviewer, SUMMARY. 147 Such facts show that scientific hypothesis will be established or refuted by scientific men and scientific methods alone, and that no conscientious citation of texts, or outcries as to consequences of scientific truths, from any other quarter, can do any thing save retard truth and cause needless anxiety.1 praising Rev. Dr. Hodge's book against Darwinism, says : " Dar winism — whether Darwin knows it or not ; whether the clergy, who are half prepared to accept it in blind fright as ' science,' know it or not — is a denial of every article of the Christian faith. It is supreme folly to talk as some do about accommodating Chris tianity to Darwinism. Either those who so talk do not under stand Christianity, or they do not understand Darwinism. If we have all, men and monkeys, women and baboons, oysters and eagles, all ' developed ' from an original monad and germ, then St. Paul's grand deliverance — ' All flesh is not the same flesh. There is one kind of flesh of men, another of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds. There are bodies celestial and bodies ter restrial ' — may be still very grand in our funeral-service, but very untrue to fact." This is the same dangerous line of argument which Caccini indulged in in Galileo's time. Dangerous, for sup pose " Darwinism " be proved true ! For a soothing potion by a skillful hand, see Whewell on the consistency of evolution doc trines with teleological ideas ; also, Rev. Samuel Houghton, F. R. S., Principles of Animal Mechanics, London, 1873, preface, and pagi 156, for some interesting ideas on teleological evolution. 1 For some excellent remarks on the futility of such attempts and outcries, see the Rev. Dr. Deems, in Popular Science Month ly for February, 1876. To all who are inchned to draw scientific conclusions from Biblical texts, may be commended the advice of a good old German divine of the Reformation period : " Seek ing the milk of the Word, do not press the teats of Holy Writ too hard." 148 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. Such facts show, too, that the sacred books of the world were not given for any such purpose as that to which so many men have endeavored to wrest them — the purpose served by compends of history and text-books of science. Is skepticism feared ? All history shows that the only skepticism which does permanent harm is skepticism as to the value and safety of truth as truth. No skepticism has proved so corrosive to religion, none so cancerous in the human brain and heart. Is faith cherished? All history shows that the first article of a saving faith, for any land or time, is faith that there is a Power in this' universe strong enough to make truth-seeking safe, and good enough to make truth-telling useful. May we not, then, hope that the greatest and best men in the Church — the men standing at cen tres of thought — will insist with power, more and more, that religion be no longer tied to so injuri ous a policy as that which this warfare reveals ; that searchers for truth, whether in theology or natural science, work on as friends, sure that, no matter how much at variance they may at times seem to be, the truths they reach shall finally be fused into each other ? The dominant religious conceptions of the world will doubtless be greatly modified by science in the future, as they have been in the past ; and the part of any wisely re- CONCLUSION. 149 ligious person, at any centre of influence, is to see that, in his generation, this readjustment of religion to science be made as quietly and speed ily as possible. No one needs fear the result. No matter whether Science shall complete her demonstration that man has been on the earth not merely six thousand years, or six millions of years ; no mat ter whether she reveals new ideas of the Creator or startling relations between his creatures ; no matter how many more gyves and clamps upon the spirit of Christianity she destroys : the result, when fully thought out, will serve and strengthen religion not less than science.1 What science can do for the world is shown, not by those who have labored to concoct palata ble mixtures of theology and science — men like 1 In an eloquent sermon, preached in March, 1874, Bishop Cummins said, in substance : " The Church has no fear of Sci ence ; the persecution of Galileo was entirely unwarrantable ; but Christians should resist to the last Darwinism ; for that is evidently contrary to Scripture." The bishop forgets that Gali leo's doctrine seemed to such colossal minds as Bellarmin, and Luther, and Bossuet, " evidently contrary to Scripture." Far more logical, modest, sagacious, and full of faith, is the attitude taken by his former associate, Dr. John Cotton Smith : " For geology, physiology, and historical criticism have threatened or destroyed only particular forms of rehgious opinion, while they have set the spirit of religion free to keep pace with the larger generaliza tions of modern knowledge." — Picton, The Mystery of Matter, London, 1S73, p. 72. 150 THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. Cosmas, and Torrubia, and Burnet, and Whiston • — but by men who have fought the good fight of faith in truth for truth's sake — men like Boger Bacon, and Vesalius, and Balissy, and Galileo. What Christianity can do for the world is shown, not by men who have stood on the high places screaming in wrath at the advance of sci ence ; not by men who have retreated in terror into the sacred caves and refused to look out upon the universe as it is ; but by men who have preached and practised the righteousness of the prophets, and the aspirations of the Bsalmist, and the blessed Sermon on the Mount, and " the first great commandment, and the second which is like unto it," and St. James's definition of " pure reli gion and undefiled." It is shown in the Boman Church, not by Tos- tatus and Bellarmin, but by St. Carlo Borromeo, and St. Vincent de Paul, and Fenelon, and Eu genie de Guerin ; in the Anglican Church, not by Dean Cockburn, but by Howard, and Jenner, and Wilberforce, and Florence Nightingale ; in the German Church, not by Pastor Knak, but by Pas tor Fliedner ; in the American Church, not by the Mathers, .but by such as Bishop Whatcoat, and Channing, and Muhlenberg, and Father De Smet, and Samuel May, and Harriet Stowe. Let the warfare of Science, then, be changed. Let it be a warfare in which Beligion and Science CONCLUSION. 151 shall stand together as allies', not against each other as enemies. Let the fight be for truth of every kind against falsehood of every kind ; for justice against injustice ; for right against wrong ; for the living kernel of religion rather than the dead and dried husks of sect and dogma ; and the great powers, whose warfare has brought so many sufferings, shall at last join in ministering through earth God's richest blessings. LOXDOX : PTIISTED RT srOTTISWOODH AND CO., X KW-STItEKT squakb A2D PARLIAMENT KTU-BBT LIST OF VOLUMES ALHEADY PUBLISHED IN THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SERIES. I. The FORMS of WATER in CLOUDS and RIVERS, ICE and GLACIERS. By J. Tyndall, LL.D., P.B.S. With Twenty- five Illustrations. Sixth Edition. Crown 8vo. cloth, price 55. II. PHYSICS and POLITICS; or, Thoughts on the Application of the Principles of ' Natural Selection ' and ' Inheritance ' to Political Society. By Walter Bagehot. Third Edition. Cr. 8vo. cloth, price is. III. POODS. By Edward Smith, M.D., LL.B., F.R.S. Pro fusely Illustrated. Fourth Edition. 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