YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Eichelbuger Bequest 1893 mtoticd J£etw$+ la. 19. Q THE German Allied Troops IN THE North American War of Independence, 1776-1783, TRANSLATED AND ABRIDGED FROM THE GERMAN OF MAX VON EKLKING, Captain Saxon-Meiningen Army; Member of the Historical Society of New York. J. G. ROSENGARTEN. ALBANY, N. Y.: JOEL MUNSELL'S SONS, PUBLISHERS, 1893. The German Allies in the American Revolution, i 776-1 783. By MAX VON EELKING, Captain in the Saxon-Meiningen Army, and Corresponding Member of the Historical Society of New York. "SUUM CUIQUB." Translated (and Abridged) from the German. Note. — Published in Hanover, in 1863, in two volumes, of> pp. 379 an(J PP- 271, this book still remains full of interesting details as to tpe German troops serving in America. Leaving out all that relates to the geneifal history of the Revolution, there is much that is likely to have value for special students of American history, and to them these pages are submitted as a bontribution that cannot but serve to give a better idea of the actual facts of the pfart taken by the German soldiers in the British army, in the struggle for Americai« independence, than can easily be gathered from other sources. PREFACE. It is now just eighty years* since the German troops returned home from the seven years' war beyond the Atlantic, in which they had fought as allies of England against the great American rising. They are known as the German Allied or Subsidiary Troops. Since that long and hard-fought war, the Union, with passing exceptions, has enjoyed the blessings of a long peace. Now a new war is raging ; this time the sword is not drawn against a foreign power, but between hitherto sister states — their own flesh and blood. Again Germans are fighting, just as before throwing their weight in the balance, now not for a foreign interest, but for their own. Even if nearly a century has elapsed between the first great war and that now being waged, the careful observer will find much resemblance between the war of that day and the present war. Let us look, however, at the subject we have in hand. While we find in other campaigns in which German soldiers *The original was published in Hanover in 1863. 8 Preface. have taken part the results gained by them more or less fully described, there is wanting, in the most marked way, the history of the share they took in the war of the American Revolution. There has been plenty of time to fill this void, but hitherto it has not been attempted in any complete form. In the literature of Germany it has appeared only in separate accounts in historical works and periodicals. Even this proportionately brief material is not only small in bulk, but is, for the most part, either of particular portions of the forces engaged, or from ignorance, or by accident, it is erroneous. The ab sence of any complete or impartial story is noteworthy in the present wealth of German history. Hitherto the archives in which the original documents were preserved have been jealously closed to the world. There is, however, abundance of other material in the journals and correspondence of the principal leaders, of officers and private soldiers, who shared in the war. Most of them wrote with no expectation that their pages would ever be made public, and plainly put down what was seen and what was heard. The value to be ascribed to such material is to be seen in its use in modern works on the history of recent wars. To gather such material has been no light labor. Much was lost, much in family papers Preface. 9 not willingly given to strangers. The reader will see in the following pages what has been obtained in various parts of Germany and from various sources. It has been the aim of the author to give a general view, avoiding repetition, and emphasizing the part — a subordinate one, of course — taken by the German troops, but allowing the German writers to tell their own story, even when it differed from the recognized English and American authorities. He has sought to protect and restore the good name and credit of German soldiers, ruthlessly attacked on all sides for their share in the American Revolutionary War. Hard indeed was their situation — denied the privilege of fighting for any national cause at home, they were reproached for taking part in a foreign war, although they did so in strict obedience to the orders of their military and civil superiors, at risk of losing health, discipline, and even honor, and it is only right that their deeds should speak for them and give the true version, even at this late day, of their share in the events here described. MANUSCRIPT AUTHORITIES. A. Hessian: (i) Journal of Captain v. Miinchhausen, from the time of his appointment as Howe's Adju tant, 18 November, 1776, to 22 May, 1778. (2) Correspondence of Col. v. Heeringen, Capt. Bur- meister, and other Hessian officers. (3) Journal of an expedition under General Clinton to the Southern Colonies, from 18 December, 1779, to 8 August, 1780. (4) Diary of Captain Friedrich v. d. Malsburg, of the v. Ditfurth Regiment, from February, 1776, to 16 November, 1780. (5) Diary of Captain v. Dinklage, of the Guard Regi ment, from 14 January, 1776, to 29 May, 1784. (6) Journal of the most noteworthy incidents of the Hereditary Prince Regiment, begun in February, 1776, when it went to America, ended May, 1784, on its return to Marburg, by Regimental Quar termaster L/Otheisen. (7) History of the Fusilier Regiment v. Lossberg, in a diary, begun 1776, down to 1783, kept by the Hessian Lieutenant Biel (Rail's Adjutant). (8) Diary of Lieutenant Wiederhold (of Rail's Regi ment), afterwards Captain of v. Knyphausen's Regiment, from 7 October, 1776, to 7 December, 1780. 12 Manuscript Authorities. (9) Diary of the voyage of the 8th Hessian Recruit Transport to America, from 10 April to 28 Octo ber, 1782. (10) Journal from the arrival of the French Fleet in Rhode Island, 1779, to 22 May, 1784, by a Hes sian officer. (11) Journal of Lieutenant Riiffer, from 1 March, 1776, to 28 December, 1777. (12) Species facti of the surprise and capture of three Hessian Regiments, v. Knyphausen, v. Lossburg and Rail (now Wollwarth) , 26 December, 1776. Philadelphia, 19 March, 1778. Schaffer. (13) Species facti of the surprise and capture of Rail's Brigade at Trenton, 26 December, 1776, espe cially Rail's (now Wollwarth's) Regiment ; by J. Matthaiis (Major). (14) Report of the capture of Rail's Brigade in Tren ton, 26 December, 1776. Phila., 20 March, 1778. Baum, Staff Captain, Knyphausen's Regiment. (15) Reports of Captains of Engineers Pauli and Martin and Lieutenant Biel, on the events at Newport. (16) Report of a Hessian officer of the surprise at Trenton. (17) Letters of Lieut. Henkelmann, of Seitz's Regi ment, to relatives at home, and some extracts from his diary. (18) Letters of Adjutant Henel. (19) Letters of Captain Ries, of Lossberg's Regiment. (20) Letters of Sergeant Flockshaar. Manuscript Authorities. 13 (21) Part of a diary of non-commissioned officer Cas per Recknagel. (22) Diary of non-commissioned officer Reiiber, of Rail's Regiment, from 1 January, 1776, to 29 December, 1783. (23) History of the Yager Battalion, by Capt. Mahl- burger. [A few copies only lithographed.] B. Brunswick : (1) Papers left by Lt.-Gen. v. Riede sel at Eisenbach. (2) Journal of the Brunswick Troops, from 22 Febru ary, 1776, to 15 January, 1779, kept by Quarter master-General Gebhardt. (3) Journal of Col. v. Specht, from the voyage to the capitulation at Saratoga. (4) Correspondence of Major Cleve, Riedesel's first Adjutant, and Captain Tunderfeld. (5) Journal of Captain Ranzau, from 8 April, 1777, to 29 August, 1778. (6) Journal of Schuler, from 15 May to 20 June, 1776. (7) Journal of the voyage from Portsmouth to Quebec, and from there to the Southern Colonies, and thence of the return to Europe, by C. v. Schuler, known as v. Senden. [The journal begins 23 June, 1776, and ends April, 1781. An extract was printed in 1839, in the "Journal for Art, Science and History of War," vol. 47. Schuler v. Senden died a Prussian General of Division.] (8) Journal of the Field Chaplain Melzheimer. 14 Manuscript Authorises. (9) Journal of Major Cleve of his imprisonment, 1779. (10) Journal of the Voyage to America and of Three Campaigns there, from 15 May, 1776, to 10 Oc tober, 1783, including the return to Wolffenbiit- tel, by Frederick Julius v. Papet, First Lieuten ant of the v. Rhetz Regiment, and, since 20 No vember, 1777, Brigade Major of the German Troops in Canada. [Two stout volumes.] (11) Journal of Corporal Scheither. C. Waldeck : (1) Short Description of the Journey and Campaign of the Third Regiment to Amer ica, from 20 May, 1776, until its return in 1783, by Carl Philipp Steuernagel, Quartermaster of the Regiment, of Captain Teutzel's Company. (2) Diary of the Third Waldeck Regiment, by Ph. Waldeck, Chaplain. D. Ansbach-Bayreuth : March, route and description of the most remarkable events in America, by John Conral Dohla, of Zell — described to a for mer companion in arms. [Dohla was a school teacher.] E. Anhalt-Zerbst: History of the Zerbst Regiment in the English service during the American War. [This Ms. gives the history of the Regiment from 1776 to 1793. The part relating to the war in America is from the diary of a member of the regiment who took part in the events it describes.] THE TREATIES. The American armies were recruited by the help of liberal promises. Twenty dollars and one hun dred acres of land were guaranteed every private and non-commissioned officer. Recruits could be got only by bounties and pay. The Germans were used to being sent outside their own country to serve under foreign flags, but the money paid for their ser vices went to their sovereigns. Those sent to Amer ica brought home much useful knowledge of actual war, and the Hessians and Brunswickers, who had fought in America, were among the best soldiers in the German army during the wars of the French Revolution. Their operations in America were closely followed at home; newspapers and journals were filled with their letters. A Hessian officer who had served as adjutant with Donop and Knyphausen, wrote afterwards : " No one found fault with our going into the Brit ish service for pay," and none of the officers or men complained. There were many volunteers, especially in Hesse, among them v. Ochs, later Gen eral, and in the letters home, from soldiers and offi cers, there was no complaint, but all showed a thor- t6 The Treaties. oughly German spirit of discipline wherever they were ordered. When England found its need of allies, it natur ally turned to its old comrades of the Seven Years' War. Hesse Cassel and Brunswick were first approached. George the III. wrote to their princes — the wives were both English princesses — and offered not only a subsidy for their troops, but treaties of alliance and protection, for it was easily to be anticipated that France would side with the rebels and threaten Germany. The troops from Hanover were sent, five battalions, to Gibraltar, relieving English soldiers sent to America. Hesse Hanau and Waldeck joined the other German allies. Toward the end of 1775, Col. William Faucit, of the Guards, came to Germany to make the Treaties for the allied forces. On January 9, 1776, that with Brunswick was signed, on the 15th that with the Hessian government, and on the 5th of February that with Hanau ; that with Waldeck had been made in London on April 25, 1775. Hesse Cassel agreed to supply fifteen Regiments, each of five Companies, four Grenadier Battalions, two Yager Companies, and some artillery, in all 12,500 men. Brunswick promised a corps of 4,000 men, four Infantry, one Dragoon, Regiments, one Grenadier, and one Light Infantry Battalion. Hesse Hanau promised one In fantry Regiment and some artillery, in all 900 men ; Waldeck, one Regiment 750 strong. The three treaties were printed at Frankfort and The Treaties. 17 Leipsic in 1776, and in the Parliamentary Transac tions, Nos. 17 and 18. For each man England agreed to pay thirty marks hand money, one-third one month after the execution of the Treaties, the balance within two months. For every man killed, wounded or captured, or made unserviceable by wounds or sickness, a like sum was to be paid, and like provision was made for those lost in sieges or by infectious disease or on shipboard, but for desert ers no compensation was to be made. To meet the heavy expenses of so quickly equip ping so large a force, England paid in advance for two months, besides all the transportation from the first day's march. The Brunswick Treaty provides that the subsidy should begin to run from the date of its execution at the rate of 64,500 German thalers, as long as the soldiers received pay, and when that ended, it was to be doubled, and this 129,000 thalers should be paid for two years after the return home of the troops. They were to take an oath of service to the King of England, thus putting them under double allegiance to their own sovereign and to that of Great Britain. Their own princes were to supply equipments and keep up the standard by new re cruits, and were to maintain their legal control over their subjects. Food and clothing were to be sup plied just as to the British army. The forage money paid to the officers was a handsome addition to their regular pay. Gen. v. Riedesel, who was of an eco nomical turn of mind, was said to have saved 15,000 1 8 The Treaties. thalers from this source on his return to Brunswick. This was the tenth treaty of the kind that Hesse had made since the seventeenth century. The King of England pledged himself, in case of great loss in any regiment, to equalize its strength as best he could with the others. With Brunswick and Hesse Cassel he specially agreed to employ their soldiers only in the North American Continent, and not in the un wholesome West Indies. It is not easy to ascertain the exact amounts paid by England to Germany under these treaties, for the details were kept secret, although the public approval by Parliament annually shows that the following were about the amounts thus voted, viz..: Hesse Cassel, eight years, . . . ^"2,959,800. Brunswick, " . . Hesse Hanau, " . . Waldeck, " . . Ansbach-Bayreuth, seven years, Anhalt-Zerbst, six years, . . 750,000.343, 130- 140,000. 282,400.109,120. As these subsidies were to continue for two years after the close of the war, that would be ^1,150,000. The bounty for 20,000 men at £6, would be ^120,000. The Artillery received an additional ^28,000, and the annual subsistence cost ^70,000. Altogether, with additional allowances, ^850,000 annually must have been paid to the German princes for their soldiers, out of which, of course, they paid the expense of equipping, keeping their arms, etc. The Treaties. 19 The Treaty with Hesse Cassel was even better for that prince than that with Brunswick or Hanau, and Cassel received yearly ^50,000 more than it ever got before for the same number of its soldiers. Baron v. Schlieffen made a special visit to London on behalf of Cassel — he was an old soldier, had served in the Seven Years' War in command of Hessian troops, and was Adjutant of the Duke of Brunswick, and was as good in using his pen as with his sword ; his Memoirs have been highly commended by later historians. When he went to London, the only man in the English Ministry he knew was Lord George Germain, who, as Lord Sackville, had been discredited by his conduct in the Seven Years' War. Schlieffen, however, gained such a foothold with the Secretary of State, Lord Suffolk, that he was able to recover for Cassel ^40,000, an old claim for hospital moneys spent in the Seven Years' War. An offer of an additional sum, as compensation to Cassel for Schlieffen's services in rescuing the great magazine at Osnabruch, and thus helping to win the victory at Minden, was refused, but he secured for himself the honor of maintaining his independence and personal honesty, and for his native country a welcome increase of the growing reserve in its well-stocked treasury. The later debates in the British Parliament "often turned on the avarice of the German princes in thus securing the payment of old claims, in addi tion to the liberal amounts paid for the subsidies 20 The Treaties. given by treaty ; but it must be borne in mind that England was in the position of asking for help, and the Germans were not offering it, so that of course the latter were justified in making the best terms they could. CHAPTER I The German Princes, who had promised their help to the King of England, after the execution of the Treaties providing for subsidies, completed the mili tary organizations and prepared them for their long journey. The Elector of Hesse, Frederic II.,* whose arsenals were well filled, and whose troops were always ready, was the most active, and by the end of Febru ary his Regiments were in Cassel, prepared to start. As the departure of the troops depended on the arrival of the transport ships, the time of waiting was used in exercising the soldiers, in reorganiza tion, and in preparing the recruits and the men who had joined after a long leave of absence. In spite of the weather, the men were drilled daily, often in deep snow. Every effort was made to adopt the English system ; the Grenadier companies, which had been distributed among the Musketeer and *[Note I. — The Elector Frederic II., then 6fty-six years old, was not unpop ular in his country, which he had enriched by many benevolent institutions and by others for art and science. He is unjustly reproached with avarice — a charge which belongs to his son and successor. As he gave the largest contingent for the allied army sent across the Atlantic, and derived the greatest pecuniary ben efit, he drew down on himself the most reproaches, which often exceeded his deserts. He was better than his reputation. He died soon after the War, in I785-] 22 The German Allies Fusilier battalions, were formed in four independent bodies. A Grenadier Regiment was organized of men picked from the different infantry regiments, and as good riflemen were in demand by the English authorities, the Yager battalions were increased. The Regiments, according to the English system, were very weak — each with an average of 633 — and in the reports, etc., the same force is sometimes described as a regiment, sometimes as a battalion ; the propor tion of officers was unusually large. Each Infantry Regiment had 21 Commissioned Officers, 60 Non-Commissioned Officers, 5 Non-Combatant Officers, 22 Musicians, 525 Men. Each Grenadier Battalion had 16 Commissioned Officers, 44 Non-Commissioned Officers, 1 Non-Combatant Officer, 20 Musicians, 420 Men. Each Yager Company had 4 Commissioned Officers, 12 Non-Commissioned Officers, 1 Non-Combatant Officer, 3 Musicians, 105 Men. Each Artillery Company had 5 Commissioned Officers, In the American Revolution. 23 14 Non-Commissioned Officers, 1 Non-Combatant Officer, 3 Musicians, 129 Men. The Hessian Corps, at the outset of the War, had a strength of 12,054 men, besides staff, engineer, supply train and servant men. It consisted of 15 Infantry Regiments, 4 Grenadier Battalions, 2 Yager Companies, 2 Field Artillery Companies, and was organized in two Divisions and four Brigades. Gen. v. Schlieffen, the Commander-in-Chief, was very earnest in his entreaties to be assigned the com mand, but the Elector chose Lt.-Gen. Philipp v. Heis- ter, an old officer who had served with distinction in the Seven Years' War. Owing to want of transportation, only the First Division, under Gen. v. Heister, was sent forward — it consisted of the Guard Regiment, the Prince Charles Regiment, the Hereditary Prince's, Knyp- hausen's, Lossberg's, Ditfurth's, Donop's, Trum- bach's, Mirbach's, the Grenadier Battalions of Rail, Bloch, Minnigerode, and Linsingen, a Yager Com pany, 138 strong, and a Field Battery, 242 strong. The Elector inspected the Regiments and reviewed them as they marched out in the presence of a large crowd, which cheered them heartily. It was not until February 29th that they finally left, and Rail's Regi ment not until March 6th. On the ioth of March 24 The German Allies the First Division marched through Bremen past great numbers of spectators. On March 21st and 2 2d, the troops were mustered into the English ser vice by Col. William Faucit, and on the 23d the loading of the transports began, lasting until April 15th. The quarters were very crowded, and each man had a small mattress, a pillow and a woolen coverlet, and every six a wooden spoon and a tin cup. The food consisted of peas and bacon on Sundays, four pounds for six men ; soup, butter and cheese on Mondays ; four pounds meat, three pounds meal, one- half pound raisins, one-half pound suet, for pudding. This was repeated on Wednesdays and the rest of the week. Every six men received daily four cans of small beer and a cupful of rum, often increased by an exchange for bread and cheese. On the 1 6th, Gen. v. Heister went on board the Commodore's ship " Elizabeth," and owing to the lack of transportation, he was obliged to leave Rail's and Mirbach's regiments, and 154 men of Knyp- hausen's, behind. On the 17th the fleet set sail — forty-four vessels under Commodore Parker. On the 26th it reached Portsmouth, where the English troops already on other vessels, gave them a hearty wel come. On the 28th divine service was held — in accordance with the German piety of the time, every soldier had a prayer book in his knapsack, and men and officers were in the habit of daily pious exercises. The English authorities urged the instant depart ure of the German division, but Heister tried hard In the American Revolution. 25 to secure delay until all his troops were in hand, but he was obliged to yield. On May 6th, the fleet, under Admiral Hotham, consisting of 150 sail, finally got under way ; the convoy consisted of six men-of- war and two cruisers. There were 12,500 troops on board, of which 7,400 were Hessians. The voyage was long, tedious, stormy and uncom fortable. There was a duel between Lieut. Klein- schmidt and Capt. v. d. Lippe, in which the latter fell. On August 17th, the fleet reached Sandy Hook, and found there the rest of the German division, just arrived. Twelve men only were lost on the passage, but many were sick with scorbutic diseases. The Germans were heartily welcomed, and gave glowing descriptions of the harbor of New York and the adjacent country. The first order was to remove all silver from the uniforms, just as the British had already done, to lessen the risk of the American riflemen, whose un erring aim was greatly feared. At the time of the arrival of the German troops, affairs stood about in this position. On the 18th of April, 1775, the first blood had been spilled at Lex ington, followed by armed rising everywhere. In the North, Gen. Carleton, with a small force, formed the right wing ; he had resisted an attack on Quebec dur ing the winter, and was preparing to drive the Amer icans back. In the South, in Carolina, the left wing was under Clinton, sent to co-operate with Parker's fleet, but did nothing effectual there. Howe, who 4 26 The German Allies had received the general command in place of Gage, recalled, was in command of the center, and by orders from England, evacuated Boston, up to that time the only place on the northern coast held by the British. He left March 17th, 1776, and sailed to Halifax, but on receipt of the news of the arrival of fresh forces from Europe, he left Halifax, on June nth, and on the 29th reached Sandy Hook. His plan was to establish himself in or near New York, and to unite all his forces. He went to Staten Island, with about 9,000 men, and there waited the return of Clin ton from the South and the arrival of the force com ing from England. The line of operations, stretching from Canada to South Carolina, was out of all proportion to the strength at hand, and there was no possibility of any united plan of action or mutual support. The two commanders were brothers. Richard, Lord Howe, the admiral and viscount, the elder, was active, energetic and able, and had gained credit and experience in his service ; he looked with undisguised contempt on the rebels now in arms. Sir William Howe had fought with credit in the old French War, and was one of the ablest and most experienced general officers in the British army ; he was very unlike his brother in manner — much gentler and kinder — but was not as energetic and active ; indeed, showed a carelessness and negligence, even in weighty matters, that were inexcusable. The elder brother was sober and self-contained ; the In the American Revolution. 27 younger social and pleasure-loving — forgetting his military duty in the excesses of the table and other dissipation. He had his mistress at his side and his table was open to all. He encouraged others to the same sort of life, and was easily influenced by his boon companions. These qualities made him popu lar — were looked on as chivalric — and even a Hes sian officer said that Gen. Howe was worth more than an army. The British government thought that the two brothers would work in perfect harmony, and took credit for their selection. Gen. Howe, on the arrival of his new forces, set on foot his plan for driving the enemy from Long Island and New York. The Hessians were assigned their part. The Brigade of v. Stirn was ordered to relieve the Thirty-fifth and part of the Fifth English regi ments, and take position well forward on the shores of Staaten Island, separated from the enemy's advance posts by a narrow strip of water. The Brigade was posted along the shore in small detachments, the Guard Regiment at Amboy Ferry ; the camp was placed in two lines, but it had to be moved to the rear, to escape the American riflemen, and the Artil lery under Lieut. Grenke threw a few shot into Am boy to quiet the enemy. The width of the water was a little over three hun dred paces, and the Americans gathered on their side to watch the German soldiers, who were now for the first time in sight. One of the Hessians said that 28 The German Allies few of the rebels were in uniform ; most of them looked like a mob, hastily gathered together. The arrival of the German allies had spread no little alarm among the Americans. The Germans were greatly feared, and many of the inhabitants had abandoned their homes, flying to New York and leaving in their houses many articles of value. The soldiers were quartered in these houses and were very coolly received. Orders were given to behave with great propriety, for the hope of reconciliation was still cherished. When the inhabitants found that they were kindly treated, the soldiers were well treated and many sick- and wounded were well cared for. The general comfort and prosperity of the country, little the worse for the war that had been waged, was a constant subject of praise among the German troops. Gen. Howe, with 35,000 soldiers, well in hand, out of a total force of 55,000 soldiers, including 16,968 Germans, and 28,000 sailors, decided to drive the enemy from Long Island, where they were entrenched at Brooklyn. Separated by the Narrows from Staaten Island, a mile's width, well occupied by the English Fleet, and from New York by the East River, of about the same width, the Brooklyn Heights commanded three roads — that on the left to Bedford, that in the center to Flatbush, that on the right to Gowan's Bay. The Heights were strongly held by Washington's best troops, under Gen. Greene, one of his best generals. In the American Revolution. 29 On the 2 ist August, the Hessian Grenadiers were transhipped, and brigaded with the Yagers, under Gen. Donop, as an advance. The Americans aban doned the shore, after setting fire to some barns. Lord Cornwallis was detached with the reserve and the advance under Donop and six guns to Flatbush, with orders not to attack if that place was held firmly. Cornwallis took position at Gravesend and sent Do nop forward, and as he moved up, the 300 Riflemen withdrew, followed by a few cannon balls. On the 23d, in the morning, the right wing of the advance was attacked, but when a battery was brought up, the Americans fell back. Another attack was attempted in the afternoon, some of the soldiers pushing into the village and setting fire to some houses ; but a battery soon drove them back. On the 25th, a strong force, with guns, renewed the attack, but were again repulsed by the Artillery. The Hessian Yagers had a little rest on the 24th and 25th, but were again attacked on the morning of the next day — and after resisting it, when Cornwallis wanted to withdraw them, Donop begged to be allowed to stay and to entrench his position. On the 25th August, Gen. v. Heister and his Hes sians were moved from Staaten to Long Island. Only Lossberg's Brigade, consisting of the Guard Regi ment, that of Prince Charles, Ditfurth's and Trum- bach's, with the Fourteenth British Regiment, and the convalescents and recruits, remained. Gen. v. Stirn was assigned the First Brigade — the 30 The German Allies Hereditary Prince's, Donop's and Mirbach's Regi ments. The troops had moved forward on the middle road to Flatbush, Cornwallis took his position on the right wing, and the line extended from the Narrows to Utrecht and Gravesend. The Americans held the Heights strongly, their right flank stretching from Brooklyn to the mouth of the Hudson, in front Gowan's Bay, with the left flank on Wallabout Bay. On the 26th, Heister detached Col. v. Heeringen, with 306 men and a battery, as an advanced post for the left wing ; the American riflemen made an attack, but were driven back by the artillery. In the even ing, Clinton led his troops on the road to Bedford, to seize a pass which he thought strongly held. He learned by his own advance — from a captured Amer ican picket — that the road was clear, and sent a bat talion of light infantry to hold it. Behind him was the main body of the British force, under Lord Percy; the Second, Third and Fourth Brigades, the Forty- second Regiment, and sixteen batteries, and Gen. Howe himself. At dawn the troops moved forward, to turn the American left. A small body of American militia abandoned the heights, to avoid being cut off, and it was with difficulty that the British force was pre vented from attacking the entrenchments, and with drawn to a hollow under the American works. Heis ter, with the center, engaged the enemy on the Flat bush road, so as to make a demonstration, while the In the American Revolution. 31 main attack on the American left was being made. Donop asked and received permission to lead his Yagers and Grenadiers in the first assault on the Heights at Guiana. Heister, at the first report of guns on his right, moved forward. The Grenadiers were placed in three sections, well forward, with the Yager company of Wreden in advanee. Mirbach's brigade had to cover the left flank. The troops moved up the Heights in good order, flags flying, bands playing, the men pulling the guns through the woods. When the troops reached the Heights, in spite of a fire that did little harm, they were put in position. The Americans were driven out, while the German soldiers pursued them. Col. v. Heeringen . reported that the enemy had strong defences of all kinds, but their riflemen took a quar ter of an hour to load, and the Germans overwhelmed them by rapid firing and drove them with the bayo net. The Yagers of the left wing pushed into the American camp and captured the Americans in bands of 50 and 60 men. Col. Hand was in command, but Gen. Sullivan hurried forward, only in time to be struck by the British Dragoons, followed by Clinton's Light Infantry of the right wing. The Americans were cut off and under fire on both flanks, but fought obstinately, at great disadvantage and with heavy loss. It was believed by them that the Hessians gave no quarter, while the Hessians, angered at the useless resistance, after firing only once, used the bayonet, drove the enemy into the 32 The German Allies woods and swamp, and only a few were able to get through to their own lines. Mirbach's Brigade, on the left, took part in the action. Rail's Regiment wheeled from the center, through a narrow road, only to be attacked by a little body of 50 Americans ; their flag was captured and, throwing down their arms, they surrendered ; a sub altern seized the flag and was about to hand it to Col. Rail, when Gen. v. Mirbach came up and seized it. Rail cried out, " My Grenadiers took it and they shall have it," and after a sharp exchange of words, it was left with the Regiment, and on a report at head-quar ters, Rail was made Brigade Inspector. On the left, Gen. Grant was directed not to make a serious attack, but to engage the American forces. He had the Fourth and Sixth Brigades, the Forty- second Regiment, two companies of New York Pro vincials, and ten guns. He seized the outposts at midnight, and when he heard the heavy fire on his right, made an attack in earnest, driving Lord Stir ling, the American commander, between two fires — that of Cornwallis on his left, moving forward with the reserves, and cutting off the retreat to Gowan's Bay — so that Stirling, surrounded on all sides, was forced to surrender ; giving his sword to Gen. v. Heis ter, to avoid the British commanders. Admiral Parker, under orders from Howe to attack the American shore batteries, with six men-of-war, succeeded, in spite of wind and tide, in bringing one ship within range. In the American Revolution. 33 Howe reports the American loss at 3,500 killed, wounded and captured, and among the last, three Generals — Stirling, Sullivan and Udell, or Wood- hull ; three Colonels, four Lieutenant-Colonels, three Majors, eighteen Captains, forty-three Lieutenants, one Adjutant, eleven Ensigns, and 1,011 men, besides fifteen guns — of which the Hessians took seven — and ten found in the works ; the Hessians alone took one flag and five guns and 520 prisoners, among them Gen. Sullivan and 35 officers. Sullivan was captured by three Fusileers, in a field of corn, trying to escape by hiding there. Heeringen said : " Sullivan is a lawyer, who has served in a very humble capacity, but he is a man of genius. Among the so-called Colonels and other officers, many were tailors, shoemakers, barbers and base mechanics. My men would not let them pass as officers. On searching Sullivan, I found Wash ington's orders, showing that there were 8,000 of his best troops there, ordered to hold the Heights at all hazards. " The British loss of 150 killed and wounded was due rather to their disorderly attack than to the bravery of the enemy. I have not found one of the captured officers who ever served abroad. They are mere rebels. Lord Stirling is no lord at all, although the perfect counterpart of Lord Granby. Gen. Put nam is a butcher. "The rebels desert in great numbers — Colonel, Lieutenant-Colonel and Major leaving, with all their 5 34 The German Allies men. The captured standard was brought by 60 men, who begged for their lives. Hardly one regi ment was uniformed or armed — every man has his own fowling-piece. Stirling's Regiment was in blue, with red facings, and consisted of three battalions, mostly Pennsylvania Germans. They were fine, tall fellows, with good English guns and bayonets. This regiment met an English regiment, but the latter, taking them for Hessians, did not fire, and this cost the life of Col. Grant, some of his officers, and 80 men. The English then completely destroyed the American Regiment. The Artillery consists of wretched iron guns, badly served, and mounted on ship's carriages." The Hessians lost Capt. v. Donop, Major Pauly, and a Lieutenant, with 23 men. The Germans com plained that, as no horses were brought over, the field and staff officers were at a disadvantage, and were obliged to carry guns to protect themselves from the American riflemen. The. men had to give up their heavy uniforms, and soon learned to adjust themselves to the trying hot weather. The English forces engaged numbered about 15,000, the other half being left on ship-board and on Staaten Island, while the Americans had 8,000 men in their works, under Sullivan, and 5,000 in the lines around Brooklyn. Greene was to have • commanded, but owing to his sickness Sullivan succeeded him, knowing little or nothing of the plan and ignorant of the necessity of In the American Revolution. 35 holding the pass at Bedford, or of the condition of the works on the Heights. Here, for the first time, the European and the Amer ican tactics were sharply contested. The American lines were too long, not properly supported, and cov ered by heavy detachments of sharpshooters, to no great advantage in the end. The British and Hessian troops developed their strength in heavy columns and drove the thin lines back with the bayonet. When the left wing of the rebels was driven from the Heights, it broke in the swampy ground below, and was turned by Clinton with great disorder. Hessian blood was here first spilled on American soil. The Germans learned that they had met a new method of fighting, quite unlike the old prescribed fashion in vogue in Europe. The Americans cried out against the bloody pursuit of the Hessians and their refusal to accept a surrender. The dread of the Germans grew from a belief that they would give no quarter. It was reported that over two thousand reb els had been slaughtered in cold blood. The Hessians retorted that a hostile band, after surrender, had fired on their captors, and by this violation of German usage had brought on their own heads an angry return. Col. v. Heeringen, in his report to Col. v. Lossberg, said : " The English gave little quarter to the enemy and encouraged our men to do the same thing." He complained that Col. John (?) with a Pennsylvania 36 The German Allies regiment, cut off from the main body, fired on the Hessian Grenadiers when resistance was hopeless. The fact that Rail's Regiment captured a body of the enemy and did them no harm, showed rather the fear the rebels felt, while the Germans expressed the greatest contempt for an enemy which had shown, in this first conflict, so little genius for war. Lieut. Riiffer, in his diary, says many of the rebels refused to surrender when it was offered them, for their officers had told them that they would be hanged. The captured rebels were employed in dragging guns to the ships, but this was rather from want of horses, than as a mark of contempt. Howe treated the captured officers with great politeness, and Stir ling and Sullivan were his daily guests at his table. The Americans anxiously waited for daybreak, fearing an attack on their lines, which, with their reduced force and the shattered confidence of their men, they could not hope to resist. Howe opened a cannonade on the morning of August 27th and began to fortify his camp, but the rain interfered. He had neglected to put men-of-war in the East River, to cut off the retreat of the Americans. When at last, on the 29th, he ordered this to be done, a thick fog cov ered land and water, and the retreat, ordered by Washington, after a Council of War, was success fully effected, and on the morning of the 30th Donop's and Lossberg's Regiments occupied the abandoned lines. In the American Revolution. 37 Heeringen had, on the night between the 29th and 30th, through Lieut. Zoll, reported to Howe the retreat, and the two Howes, the General and the Admiral, came to his quarters to decide what next to do. Men-of-war were ordered to the other side of Manhattan Island, and lay so near New York that the people in the streets could be seen and even the color of their clothing distinguished. Eleven guns, much ammunition and food were found; the Hessians seized over a hundred horses and three hundred head of cattle. They found, too, an order stating that against such an enemy as the Hessians, resistance was impossible, and nothing was left but retreat. The English regretted not having accepted Heis- ter's offer to attack the American lines on the 27th, when he reported an opening on the left of their fortified camp. Gen. v. Heister, with two Hessian brigades, occu pied the abandoned Heights of Brooklyn, and Donop, with the Grenadiers and Yagers, seized Bushwick. Howe moved his head-quarters to Newtown, while Hellgate and Flushing were occupied. The English made every arrangement to secure New York, and the Americans were loath to yield it. So near were the lines that one day, when Washington was inspecting his outposts, a Hessian Captain of Artil lery opened fire, and with the third shot, the little band soon disappeared. Howe erected batteries in the rear, and put the 38 The German Allies men-of-war in front of New York, and on the evening of September 13th, five large English men-of-war moved past the forts, under fire from the batteries, to the point chosen for a landing. Commodore Hotham brought flat-boats and gallies to the same place, and six transports brought troops, under a heavy fire. To distract attention, on the morning of the 15th, three frigates and a schooner went up the Hudson as far as Bloomingdale, drawing the fire of all the guns within range. Under the fire of five men-of-war and of the English and American bat teries, the first division was landed, including the Hessian Grenadiers and Yagers, in the reserve, led by Donop. The point selected was at Kip's Bay, although preparation had been made at Stuyvesant's Cove and Harlem ; so that there was little resistance, and the Americans hurriedly retreated to Kingsbridge, aban doning bag and baggage in their flight. The Hessians pushed on to New York. Donop went with the advance into a wood where the Ameri can sharpshooters were posted ; as these fell back, five were taken. Donop wanted to drive the enemy, but Howe ordered him to occupy the high ground on his right, just when Col. von Block discovered the enemy on his left. Not to have his left turned, he kept his position and advised Col. v. Minnigerode of it. When Donop received this report, he left von Block's battalion and moved with the rest of his force to the right, on the road from Kingsbridge to New In the American Revolution. 39 York, to seize the high ground. Although fortified, he found the position abandoned, and the force that had left it was in the ditches in front of the wood. When they found themselves cut off, they offered to surrender, but just then Block's battalion opened fire on them from the other side, and as it was returned, the rebels escaped, leaving only one Colonel, six other officers and 50 men as prisoners, while the Grenadier battalion lost two killed and six teen wounded. About 3 p. m., Donop was relieved by British troops, and after moving forward four miles, bivouacked. The Americans had made so little resistance that Washington was enraged by his vain efforts to rally them. The second division, under Grant, with Mirbach's brigade, landed at Turtle Bay, and drove the enemy, who made one stand, through Gowan's Pass to Morris's Heights. Washington at once gave orders to evacu ate the city. On the 15th of September, the invading force was posted, with its right on Horen's Hook, on the East River, its left at Bloomingdale, on the Hudson, where Donop was drawn up. The Americans held the heights on both sides of Kingsbridge, and on the west side of the Hudson. New York was in the rear of the British-German army, and horses were obtained on requisition, espe cially for the Hessian officers. The Americans lost 20 officers, 300 men and 74 guns, with ammunition and many supplies. On the 4° The German Allies retreat, a company of Hessian Yagers led the pur suit, capturing a battery of five guns, and taking post at John's House. On the 15th, Admiral Lord Howe received a depu tation of three Congressmen — Franklin and Adams were of the number — at the Hessian Camp at Amboy Ferry, and Col. von Wurmb gave his quarters for the meeting. Howe was reproached for allowing Putnam to escape, and for not capturing the city and Washing ton's army at one blow. On the 1 6th of September there was a sharp fight, the Americans sending a strong detachment from their lines to attack the British left, and then falling back, in order to draw the enemy into the woods, where a reserve of 3,000 men was posted, to attack. Col. v. Donop, with the Yagers and v. Linsingen's Grenadier battalion, pushed forward, sending Block's and Minnigerode's battalions around to seize the road to Kingsbridge. The Americans fell back, before the advancing Germans, who lost eight men wounded, among them Lieut. Hinrichs ; and Donop pitched his camp at Bloomingdale. Col. Donop, in his report to Gen. Heister, said that his two regiments had saved Gen. Leslie from the results of a serious blunder in pushing his men into the woods, without any support. Captains Wreden and Lorey were particularly distinguished. The enemy lost 300, the English 14 dead and 78 In the American Revolution. 41 wounded. Lieut. Hinrichs wrote many descriptions of the scenes he witnessed, and these were published in the principal German newspapers. Stirn's brigade, consisting of the Knyphausen, Lossberg and Rail regiments, remained on Long Island, under command of Col. v. Heeringen, a brave old officer, who died and was buried in a Brooklyn church-yard. The troops left on Staaten Island suffered for want of supplies, and were in daily fear of an attack, reported to them by loyalists and deserters. Fre quent efforts were made by the rebels to land, and although successfully resisted by constant vigilance, the inhabitants were continually sending news to the rebels, while living under the protection of the Hessians. Congress issued^ proclamations making tempting offers to officers and soldiers to abandon the British flag and become American land-owners and citizens, but these met with little response. On the 17th September, the Hessians had a sharp contest with the Americans at Amboy Ferry. A two- masted American vessel was driven from its anchor age and went ashore ; the Americans tried to get it off with boats, but Col. v. Wurmb brought up his guns and opened fire, driving the Americans off, and the vessel was taken by the Hessians. The Americans brought down some twelve-pound ers to the shore, but they Were soon silenced by the Hessian artillery. Howe thanked them in general orders. 6 42 The German Allies On the 20th and 21st, the inhabitants of New York and the garrison were alarmed by the outbreak of fire in wooden houses in different parts of the town, and a third of the houses were burned before the troops could put out the fire. Disorderly mobs had started the fires, and their preparations were found in various places, while the crowd hooted the soldiers as they worked to put out the flames, and cheered as the tower of St. Paul's fell into the burn ing church. The mob charged the sailors of the fleet with having started the conflagration. Donop says, in his diary, that it was planned by Col. Scott, of the American forces, once a lawyer, who had forty des perate men employed in putting incendiary material in the houses of fugitive royalists, and that the whole plan was found when Scott was arrested. As soon as Gen. Howe was established in New York, he authorized the publication of The Royal American Gazette. On the 14th October, orders were issued to the troops to be ready to move, and the next day, at 5 A. M., Lossberg's brigade, the Guards, Prince Charles' and Ditfurth's regiments, left Staaten Island, to join the rest of the army. In the evening, the advance, under Donop, went on board the transports ; v. Trum- bach's regiment was left on the island, with orders to join an English detachment of 200 men posted at Fort Dalrymple. Captain Parker had command of the four vessels on which the troops were embarked, and was kept by head winds at anchor off Bushwick. In the American Revolution. 43 The officers were warmly welcomed at the houses of the loyalists living in the neighborhood. The ves sels moved up to the northern end of the island, and were so near the shore that Capt. Parker ordered the officers to keep the curtains drawn before the cabin windows, lest the Americans should fire on them. The hostile camp was in plain sight. Two frigates guarded the fleet ; the other vessels were protected by pickets, and all were kept ready. The secret of the object of the expedition was at first kept even from the officers, but finally it was found out — to leave two British brigades and Stirn's Hessians in the garrison at New York, and the lines before Harlem, under Lord Percy, while the rest of the army was to be landed in Westchester county, to cut the Americans off from Connecticut — their only line of retreat and source of supplies — or oblige them to abandon their strong position. On the 15th October, at 6 A. m., the vessels sailed on, passing undisturbed by fire from the American lines, although they were so near that the officers could be distinctly seen on both sides. After touch ing at Frog's Neck, and finding that the Americans had cut the only bridge leading to the main land, the troops from Staaten Island, including Mirbach's brig ade, the Hessian Grenadiers and Yagers, were brought in boats, a landing was made at Pell's Neck, under cover of the men-of-war and gunboats, engaged with the Americans ; Stirn's brigade was brought up and the Americans retreated, the British taking up their 44 The German Allies position with the left on East Chester and the right on New Rochelle. The Americans lost one lieutenant-colonel killed, a major wounded, and 50 dead and wounded. Tents and baggage being left on the vessels, the troops were obliged to camp in the open air on a sharp autumn night. On the morning of October 19th, the Guard regi ment was posted on a hill near New Rochelle, on the high road from New York to Boston, and the line of retreat to Connecticut and Boston was cut off by the British army. Washington, fearful that his forces would be entirely surrounded, led them off the island, leaving only a garrison at Fort Washington, and took up a new position, with his right on Valentine's Hill, his left on White Plains, his front on Bronx River. His long line forced him to divide his army into four corps, connected by outposts and patrols. On the morning of the 20th, the English light infantry, the Hessian Yagers, Rail's brigade and the English Grenadiers moved forward and drove a small American force back into their entrenchments. On the 2 ist, Capt. v. Malsburg, of Ditfurth's regi ment, was ordered to guard head-quarters. Gen. v. Heister, with his two Hessian brigades and one Eng lish, took up a position vacated by advancing the right wing to White Plains. The Rangers, a body of loyal Americans, under Lieut.-Col. Rogers, seized Mamaroneck, on the right, and successfully resisted an attack of the American forces, losing 17 killed In the American Revolution. 45 and wounded, 36 prisoners and one flag, but inflict ing much heavier loss on the rebels. On the 2 2d, fresh forces were brought up, the Sec ond Hessian Division under Knyphausen, and the Waldeck regiment, just arrived, after leaving Cassel early in May, and reaching New York October 18th. They included Wutgenan's, Mirbach's, Rail's Gren adier, Stein's, Wissenbach's, Huyne's and Bunau's regiments, the Fourth Grenadier battalion, and the Second Yager company, under an able officer, Capt. Ewald. Among the English reinforcements were the Sixteenth Light Dragoons, but so badly were the cavalry organized that Washington offered a reward of $200 for every dragoon captured with his horse. CHAPTER II The British government had not transports enough to carry all its forces, native and foreign, across at once, and this had to be done piecemeal, and for this* purpose Dutch and other ships were hastily hired at high rates, but in very bad condition. The second fleet of transports carried to America, Hessian and Waldeck troops. Little Waldeck had a prince with love and experience of war — he had served in Austria and was a lieutenant-general in the Dutch army, and had three regiments ready to serve for pay on any foreign service. His third regiment was soon ready, and inspected by the prince and his court ; his mother gave the soldiers a handsome present for a farewell entertainment, but the native workmen had a sharp fight with the soldiers and the recruiting officers. The regiment marched away on the 20th of March, 1776, and the last farewell was a promise that all who returned should be taken to their homes in car riages. It consisted of a Grenadier company, 134 strong, and four musketry companies, each 130 strong, two three-pound guns and 14 artillerymen, and with a staff of 16, counted in all 684 strong. The Colonel was v. Hanxleden, the Adjutant Lieu- 48 The German Allies tenant Stierlein, the Captains Hacken, von Horn Alberti, Pentzel. On its march, it was escorted by the Waldeck sharpshooters, in their green uniforms, to prevent desertion and keep order, but some of the old soldiers took offense at this precaution and suc ceeded in evading it. After a tedious march to Bre men, the men went on board the transports, which finally set sail on June 3d, and on the 20th were in Portsmouth, where the Brunswick, Hesse Hanau and Hessian divisions were all gathered. The Waldeckers received from their prince each a hymn book, in addition to the prayer book given him as part of his regular outfit. It was not until July 20th that the fleet of 64 sail finally started from Portsmouth, where the vessels had been forced to wait for a favorable wind. A fire on one of the ships was the principal incident of the voyage, but fortunately there was no loss of life and no serious harm done. On the 1 8th October, the fleet reached New York, and on the 24th the troops joined the force under Gen. v. Heister, at New Rochelle. On the 25th Howe ordered a reconnoisance, and Captain Ewald here gave the first proof of his efficiency and received Howe's praise, with a caution not to be so rash and venturesome, for his daring advance caused a sharp loss. Washington was reported to be falling back, and Howe, anxious to force a battle, sent, on the 25th, two columns, leaving Knyphausen to protect the rear and keep open communication with the garrison in In the American Revolution. 49 New York. The Hessians, under Heister, were the left column, while the Hessian Grenadiers and Yagers were in the right, under Clinton. A sharp attack was handsomely repelled by Knyp- hausen's division. Rail's regiment had a skirmish and drove back the Americans, and a Hessian Gren adier captured by them was taken to Washington, who, according to Capt. v. Malsburg's diary, urged him to join them, and when the man refused, gave him a guinea and sent him back to rejoin his regiment. Washington took up a strong position, and Howe sent Donop in advance, while Rail was on the left, and had the lines of the enemy felt, in the effort to turn them. The two armies faced each other ; Rail and Donop moved their troops and made great fires, and in vari ous ways tried to exaggerate their apparent strength, on the night before the battle of White Plains. The Hessians and the Waldeckers lost heavily in the operations between October 9th and 28th — 13 killed, 63 wounded and 23 missing. The Hessian artillery was especially commended, and Lossberg's regiment lost in the action 50 in killed and wounded. At the most trying time, two of its officers especially distinguished themselves, and Baumeister, Heister's adjutant, mentioned them, as well as others, as par ticularly notable for their bravery. Both armies strengthened their lines, and Howe made frequent plans for attack, but one after the other was given up. Tired of the long delay, the 7 5° The German Allies soldiers often committed excesses, and the Waldeck regiment was especially embittered by the loss of some wine and spirits belonging to the American General Lee, captured by them, but, by Howe's order, emptied on the roadside ; this, at a time when the cold weather was very trying, naturally made the men angry. Warned by a deserter, Washington withdrew still further northward into the mountains, leaving many houses of the royalists in ashes, to mark his line of retreat. Donop, supported by Rail and Stirn, was ordered to seize the American works, but was forced back until the evacuation was completed. The Hes sian officers praised the skill shown in the abandoned defenses, and were surprised that they were so easily given up. Howe determined to take Forts Washington and Lee, on the Hudson, and Knyphausen was sent in the advance in that direction. Much adverse criti cism was expressed by the Germans as to Howe's want of ability in this operation, and still more that he had given up his plan of advance to Albany. Howe made the Hessian Captain v. Munchhausen his adjutant, as a mark of respect for the Germans. Ditfurth's regiment had the honor of drawing the first fire from the guns of Fort Washington. The Waldeckers took possession of Fort Independence, abandoned by the Americans in their retreat, with its 12 heavy guns, and 62 guns were left in other works. In Fort Washington there was a garrison of 3,000 In the American Revolution. 51 men, under Col. Magraw, who rejected Howe's sum mons to surrender. Howe ordered an attack in four columns ; Knyphausen, on the left of the Americans, having the hardest task, while the frigate Pearl was to support him with its fire. Knyphausen, on November 17th, issued his orders for the attack ; the Yagers and 40 Grenadiers, under Captain Bornin, to lead, followed by 160 men under Col. v. Borbeck, and then the Grenadier battalion of Kohler, and those of Wutgenan, Lossberg, Rail, Knyphausen, Huyne, Biinau and Waldeck. Prepar ations for assault were ordered in great detail. In the morning, at half-past five, Knyphausen advanced, his right under Rail, his left under Schmidt, Donop in the advance of the former, v. Medern of the latter. At seven o'clock the firing began, and the advance was well on its way, when Howe ordered Knyphau sen to wait the movement of his other wing. At 1 1 A. m., the order to attack was finally carried into oper ation, and the outworks were gallantly seized, while the Americans were crowded into the fort itself. Captain v. Hohenstein, who spoke both English and French, was sent by Rail to summon the fort to surrender, and at once moved forward with a white flag, presented his terms, and gave half an hour for their acceptance, and at the end of that time, Knyp hausen received the flags, and the garrison, 2,870 strong, 44 guns, and large supplies of all kinds, were the result. When Captain v. Malsburg was looking around, 52 The German Allies after taking possession of the works, he was welcomed by a rebel soldier, who claimed acquaintance in Ger many, and pointed out a number of Germans serving in the American army. The four regiments surrend ered to the regiments of Rail and Lossberg. The Hessians lost, in the attack, more heavily than any other of the English troops — killed 53, wounded 273 — while the total American loss was 53 killed and 15 wounded. Knyphausen was congratulated by Howe and Heis ter, and Fort Washington became Fort Knyphausen, as a special compliment to its captor. The Hessians themselves were not at all satisfied with Howe's delays, which cost them a large part of their loss. The wounded were sent to Harlem, where Captain v. Griesheim was in command ; the Hessian brigade of Schmidt garrisoned Fort Washington, and the Waldeck regiment Fort Independence. With the fall of Fort Washington, Fort Lee became useless, as alone it could no longer bar the passage of the Hudson. Washington had already given orders to evacuate it, when, on the 20th, he received news that the allied forces had made a landing two miles up the river — Donop led the three battalions of Hes sian Grenadiers and the Yagers. Cornwallis com manded the force and handled it so skilfully that it made good its hold on the Jersey shore, seizing the road from Bergen Point to Orange, before the rebels had any guess at their plan. The two Yager compa nies were in the advance, one on the left, the other, on In the American Revolution. 53 the right, led by Captain Ewald, who found the rebels retreating from the fort; instantly notifying Corn wallis, he was greatly surprised on receiving orders to fall back, and while Cornwallis waited to order the advance in force towards the fort, the rebels completed their retreat, and not a man was left to be taken with the fort. The Americans saved only two guns, leaving even their tents, and their kettles hanging on the fire ; 32 guns, 7 mortars, 400,000 rounds of ammunition, 432 tents, and provisions for 5,000 men for three months, were all left, along with 73 sick, out of a garrison of 2,000 men. Cornwallis pursued the Americans through Eliza beth to Brunswick, Donop often under fire, as he led the advance, or covered the flanks. Rail's brigade, consisting of his own regiment, Knyphausen's and Lossberg's, started under orders to go to the Dela ware, and on the way were heartily welcomed by the inhabitants, mostly Holland settlers and good loyal ists. The Hessian Grenadiers and Yagers were in the right column, which Cornwallis led to Princeton. Howe was with Donop, in the advance. Rail's brig ade left Lossberg's regiment at Brunswick, to be relieved by the Waldeck regiment. The advance suffered from the fire of the American sharpshooters. Howe, on arriving at Trenton, was urged by some of its loyalist citizens to hurry up his troops and cap ture the retreating Americans before they could cross the Delaware, but Howe went with the Yagers to 54 The German Allies reconnoiter the open ground, and soon drew the fire from 37 guns, mounted on the other shore, losing 13 men. Miinchhausen especially commends Howe's coolness under this heavy fire, and his own good for tune in receiving, in place of an old horse, disabled as he rode by Howe's side, a fine English horse, which Howe gave him. Miinchhausen made vain efforts to find a passage for the troops, for while Washington held the front, Lee threatened the rear and captured 700 head of cat tle and 1,000 sheep. On the nth, Donop, with his Grenadiers and Yagers, was sent on the left bank of the Delaware, to go as far as Philadelphia, collecting boats, but without result, while his movement was sharply watched by the Americans, who had sent 13 gallies, with 36-pounders, up the river, which was completely commanded on both shores. Rail's brigade had a rough march from Brunswick to Princeton, bivouack ing in the snow, without shelter, and the regiments were ordered to find winter quarters in Trenton, while Donop went to Bordentown and Burlington. Miinchhausen declares that the Germans were anxious to cross the Delaware and capture Philadel phia. Howe, however, had gone to New York and formed his lines, with the left on the Hudson and the right on the East river, about a mile in front of the city. The mob had again set fire to many of the best houses and churches, while the garrison was quartered in other churches, and in Fort St. George In the American Revolution. 55 and in wooden barracks. The party feeling ran high in the city ; its civil government was in loyal hands, and the Germans found evidences of luxury and hos pitality in the well-furnished houses on Queen street and Water street, where the rich merchants then lived ; but their hope of being quartered there was disappointed by Howe's orders to them to move in another direction. Many of the churches were used as prisons for the captured rebels. The city was divided into seven sections, and a mayor, with seven councillors and seven aldermen — loyalists, of course — had charge of the civil government. Many of the citizens were supplied with arms and employed as militia, to guard the city. CHAPTER III. While Gen. Cornwallis was driving the enemy before him through New Jersey, Howe suddenly ordered him to halt. Instead of pursuing his advant age, he decided to go in the other direction, and an important part of his force was sent to Rhode Island, where for three years it was practically useless. The harbor of Newport had some value, but it could have been taken just as well after Cornwallis had com pleted his successful campaign. In the expedition to Rhode Island, the Hessians were about one-half the force — including Huyne's brigade, the Guard regiment and a part of Lossberg's. Sixty transport vessels, mostly supplied by the East India Company, were divided in three portions, each convoyed by three men-of-war. They left New York November 27th, and on the 7th December anchored off Prudence Island. No vessels were in Newport harbor, but the red flag flying from all the defenses gave notice of an obstinate resistance. On landing, the troops were surprised to learn that the Americans had gone, the night before, to Bristol and Providence, carefully carrying off 30 guns, and leaving only a few cattle, captured by Prescot. The 8 58 The German Allies Prince Charles and Ditfurth regiments occupied the town just in time to prevent its being set on fire. Two Yager companies were organized in each of the Hessian regiments, to serve as light infantry. Newport then had 1,100 houses, and in those of the rich and well-to-do families, there was great luxury. Soldiers were quartered in the houses of those who had gone away, and few of those who stayed behind gave the soldiers a very hearty reception. The great want was wood, and the Hessian soldiers were sent to Shelter Island to secure a supply. There the fear of the Hessians was found to be exaggerated, but the negroes and Indians were soon reconciled to the soldiers. Six Hessian regiments were sent to join Cornwal lis, and the Lossberg regiment was left in Newport. Huyne's brigade was sent out on the island, and on January 22d drove off a landing party of Americans, and with its battery nearly sunk the galley which brought them over. Another attempt, on March 15th, was equally ineffectual. On April 2d, Lord Percy gave up the command and returned to England. A Hessian officer wrote home that he was an active soldier and a great friend of the poor and distressed, but that his hope of recon ciling the rebel colonies to the mother country had been rudely disappointed. The spring clothed the island with a beauty of veg etation that charmed the German soldiers, who appre ciated the kindly welcome of the Quakers and Bap- In the American Revolution. 59 tists, and of the women of all sects. The Guard regiment was sent off on May 6th, and one of its officers said that almost all the women shed tears, good rebels as they were. This was part of the rein forcements sent to New jersey, to help atone for the wretched close of the campaign, in the surprise and defeat of the Hessian regiments at Trenton, through the unpardonable neglect of their commander. It was not only the only disaster of the kind during the whole war, but another complexion would have been given to the struggle if this unfortunate affair had not strengthened the rebels and disheartened the loyalists. When Lord Cornwallis was in New Brunswick, Gen. Howe, turning the command in New York over to Gen. Heister, came to Cornwallis' head-quarters and ordered him to push his force to the Delaware. Cornwallis turned the command over to Gen. Grant, and returned with Howe to New York, to prepare for a visit to England, on leave. On December 8th, Donop reached the Delaware, just as the last American soldiers had crossed the river, and they saluted him with a few shots. Gen. Grant assigned the winter quarters of the Guard reg iment in New Brunswick, and of Donop's brigade in Bordentown. Rail came with his brigade, and 50 Hessian Yagers under Lieut, v. Grothausen, 20 light dragoons and six field pieces, to Trenton, on the 14th December. He had asked for this post and it was given him for the bravery he had shown at 60 The German Allies White Plains and Fort Washington. Howe had promised his and the other Hessian regiments which had distinguished themselves, the best of winter quarters. The American forces were dispirited and discour aged; and discontent, mutiny and desertion would have distressed a man of less decision than Wash ington, and led to an early failure of their efforts to secure independence. The English troops, on the other hand, were eager to move, and Howe neglected to make use of his opportunity. His fancied security led to careless ness, and men and officers had no fear of an attack from the American army. Trenton was then a village of 130 houses, sur rounded by woods, divided by the Assanpink, a branch of the Delaware, into an upper and lower town, connected by a stone bridge. On the road to Princeton, there was a woody height, commanding the place. It was so near the river, that the Americans, from the other side, could fire on it. Another creek, Draw-Creek, also crossed by a stone bridge, was on the road to Burlington and Bordentown, where Donop lay with his Hessians. At the bridge, there was an outpost of 12 men, with a non-commissioned officer, detached from the main guard of 70 men and one officer in the town. North ward, .on Pennington Hill, was another outpost of 20 men, strengthened at night by a Yager picket of 15 men. The regiments were so quartered that Rail's In the American Revolution. 61 and Lossberg's were in the northern part of the town, Knyphausen's in the southern, with some of the men in the houses scattered on the other side of the bridges. At night the companies must occupy cer tain houses, two or three men together, as outposts, from which to give the alarm, in case of attack ; their arms, in good weather, were piled outside the houses, guarded by two or three sentries. These were the only precautions which Rail took in such a dangerous situation and so near the enemy. Neither his flanks nor his rear were protected, nor did he attempt to connect with Donop, and a sentry was rarely posted. He himself was very negligent, rarely visiting his posts or his sentries, and this neg ligence soon spread throughout his force. Every where there were rumors of an attack by the Americans, and the negroe servants especially seemed to know of such a plan ; it was first hinted and then told warningly to Rail, but all in vain, and his conduct was such a riddle to his more watchful officers, that some of them spoke to him on the subject. Major v. Dechow, an old and experienced soldier, suggested that an outwork be thrown up to guard against a sudden attack, and offered to build it, with the help of Lieut. Wiederhold. Rail's refusal was "very rude — ending with "Let them come. What, outworks ! We '11 meet them with the bayonet." Major v. Dechow answered calmly, " It won't cost any thing, and if it does no good, it can do no 62 The German Allies harm." Rail, however, repeated his refusal, and turned away, laughing. Later on, Dechow spoke to him of the supplies, and of fixing on a place to which they could be brought in case of an attack; but Rail answered, " Don't talk to me of supplies ; the rebels are not coming, and if they do and take me, they may take my last wagon ; let every wagon go where it suits." Old and experienced Major Matthaus inquired if it would not be well to place a detachment at Penning ton, to protect the right flank, and to send a patrol to Johnson's Ferry, on the river; but Rail would not listen to them, and to other officers who agreed in these suggestions — asking if they wanted the detachments to be taken. The Americans at times crossed the river, and pushed on so as to cut the communication with Princeton. When Rail sent a despatch to Leslie, in command at the latter place, the two dragoons car rying it were attacked and one of them killed, in a wood, by a party of American sharpshooters. When the survivor returned with the news, Rail sent a command of three officers and one hundred men, with a gun, in the worst weather, to carry the des patch, which could have been easily sent by fifteen men. The English laughed at the Hessians when they found that all this force was used to carry a des patch. Rail, instead of making better use of this occasion for a reconnoisance, ordered the command In the American Revolution. 63 to return at once, and during the trying night march, many of the men fell out on the way. Donop had begged Rail to entrench himself, and to send strong patrols between Trenton and Borden town ; but Rail answered the Captain of Engineers Martin, who came for the purpose, that " It was unnecessary ; the rebels were a bad set ; " and later he said, " The enemy had landed several times on this side, below the bridge, and had been quietly allowed to withdraw, but now he was ready for them ; he hoped that Washington himself would come over, that he might be taken prisoner." Martin reported this when he was captured at Horen's Hook, August 29, 1778. The measures taken by Rail consisted of sending every morning, after December 23d, two hours before daybreak, a detachment with two guns, under a staff officer, to the south end of the town, and standing guard for two hours at the office of the surgeon, and then returning. For this the pickets were taken from the right wing, where the Pennington Hills were situated, thus leaving the north side entirely unprotected. Rail insisted that there was no dan ger, and thus walked into the pitfall which Wash ington had dug for him. After much pressure, Rail sent out a patrol, on the 24th December, of 200 men, under Major Mat- thaus, to Pennington ; the latter divided his force, one-half, under Captain Steding, going to Johnson's Ferry, on the Delaware ; the other, Matthaus took 64 The German Allies towards Pennington. He was soon followed by Rail himself, with the British dragoons. In a couple of hours Steding rejoined Matthaus and the return was then quietly made. Nothing was seen of the enemy. There had been a few shots from the other side of the river, and Matthaus thought he heard a drum in a wood. The officers looked on their situation and Rail's conduct as very serious. The staff officers of Loss berg's regiment determined to write to Gen. v. Heis ter, but their letter was too late. Lieut.-Col. Scheffer worried himself sick in his anxiety. Gen. Grant was as negligent as Rail ; for when the latter wrote to him of sending a detachment to Maid enhead, to ensure better communication between Trenton and Princeton, Grant made a rude reply and spoke contemptuously of the rebels, declaring that he could hold the Jerseys with a corporal's guard. However, he ordered Leslie to send a patrol from Princeton, and Rail one from Trenton, of twenty or thirty men, every two or three days. The first patrol from Leslie came to Trenton on the 24th, with a message from Leslie to Rail, that he must be on the lookout, for Washington was preparing to cross the Delaware, and would attack one or the other.* Rail received other warning, too. Shortly before the 26th, two American deserters came in and reported that Washington had issued four days' rations to his * Reuber says, in his diary, that Leslie sent three English regiments, which halted in front of Rail's quarters; but he at once sent them back. In the American Revolution. 65 men, and that it was reported that he was about crossing the Delaware, to attack Trenton. On the morning of the 24th, a citizen of Trenton named Wahl [sic] called on Rail and warned him that he would be attacked and ought to be on his guard. Rail replied, laughing, " Let them come," but sent out neither a patrol nor a spy — made no preparation ; not even choosing a point for assem bling or a line of retreat. His six guns, instead of being distributed, were in front of his quarters on the market square, as if for show. On the evening of the 24th, the two pickets on the north side were suddenly attacked, and in the fight six men were wounded. The Americans withdrew. In the town, the force was under arms, but when Rail heard the result, he simply ordered the outer picket to be strengthened by an officer with ten men, and thirty men with an ensign were sent to the point where the enemy had retreated. Hardly had they gone two miles, when they were ordered back. Rail allowed the regiments to disperse, ordering only his own, which was on duty that day, to remain in their barracks. He himself went to an evening entertain ment, thinking the attack was that which Leslie had warned him of, and that it was all at an end. It was Christmas eve, dark and stormy — and the Hessians were to receive an awful Christmas present. When the officer with his ten men reached his post, he put seven on picket and ordered them to march carefully over the prescribed line. 9 66 The German Allies The morning of the 25th was half an hour begun, the last sentry had returned and reported all quiet, and as the Yagers had withdrawn their night guard, the officer in advance did the same thing. It was a wretched, stormy night — raining and snowing — and the driving storm forced the men to seek shelter wherever they could find it. No one expected an attack — the officer himself had just come out of a little house, when the enemy came in sight, and all were taken prisoners ; for the men had just left their guns on the rack, and the sentries were looking for shelter. The officer took the Amer icans, at first, for his own patrol, but suddenly dis covering the truth, cried out, " The enemy ! " The attacking force fired three times before the picket could seize their arms and fire, and on all sides, as if out of the earth, the enemy came in force, surround ing the picket ; which, however, succeeded in retiring, firing. In Trenton the alarm was sounded with bugles and drums. Lossberg's regiment was the quickest to gather, and the company of Capt. v. Altenbockum, which lay in the outer row of houses, took position across the street in front of its quarters, and as the retreating pickets fell back, gathered them up on its right ; the captain, however, to prevent being cut off — for he heard firing on the other side — drew nearer to the rest of the regiment. Meanwhile, part of Rail's regiment, which was on duty that night, came up. After a while, Col. Rail In the American Revolution. 67 arrived, on horseback and in great excitement. The officer of the post first attacked went up and gave his report. Rail asked how strong was the enemy. The officer replied that he could not say positively, but three battalions came against him and he saw two more come out of the woods. By this time they were surrounded. Rail rode up to the front of his regiment and halting there, cried out, " Forward, march ! advance ! advance ! " But it was impossible to resist the strong attack of the Americans, with his disorganized little band. The Americans pushed forward with their guns and attacked the colonel's quarters. The battery posted there opened fire, but was soon captured. The Gren adiers threw themselves wildly on the enemy and recovered their guns, but Rail moved off to the right, in an apple orchard, to attack the enemy on the road to Princeton, and was met with a hot fire. Lieut.-Col. Scheffer, in command of the Lossberg regiment, ordered an advance, to try to break through and join Rail. The Americans had come in increasing force into the city and fired from houses and gardens. Rail hit upon the idea (some said in order to recover the bag gage left in the town) of returning and retaking the place. He pressed on with his two regiments, cry ing out, " All who are my Grenadiers, forward ! " but was met by a destructive fire. The Hessians could do nothing with the bayonet, for there was no enemy in mass or line in sight — the 68 The German Allies deadly bullets came from the riflemen behind walls and trees, out of windows and doors, under cover. It literally rained balls and cartridges. The guns of the Hessians were made useless by the wet weather, and their fire became steadily weaker, while that of the Americans became stronger. The artillery, too, was unlucky ; the guns with Rail's regiment fired only six times, when men or horses were disabled ; those of the Lossberg regiment were left in a marsh. Order was soon lost, men left their ranks, and the two regiments were all confused ; many officers were killed or wounded ; Rail himself fell from his horse with two wounds and Lieut.-Col. Scheffer took com mand. Of Lossberg's regiment only five, of Rail's only four officers, were left ; Lieut.-Col. Brethauer was wounded. Lieut.-Col. Scheffer advised with Majors v. Han- stein and Matthaus and they agreed that the only thing left was to cut a way out. Under continuous fire, they drew the two regiments out of the town, on the road to Maidenhead ; but the bridge was cut off by the Americans in two lines, with their artil lery, forming a half circle around the town, so that it was impossible to break through. To avoid a fur ther useless loss of blood, the rest of these regiments surrendered. Very much the same was the course of affairs in the southern part of the town. Here Knyphausen's regiment lay ; on the alarm, it rallied and formed in front of the quarters of Major v. Dechow, on the In the American Revolution. 69 Princeton road. The major waited for orders, and as the fire increased, detached a company to ensure the communication between the town and the bridge, and another to hold the entrance from Princeton. With the three remaining companies he moved off toward the upper town, to support the regiments attacked there. As he got part way, Rail rode up and ordered him to move to the left, to the church, and hardly had he moved in that direction before Rail's regiment came back, driven by the heavy fire of the enemy. Here Rail tried to draw off into an orchard, to protect his men from the destructive fire ; the Knyphausen regiment followed and was joined again by its two detached companies. When Rail went forward to attack with his two regiments, Major v. Dechow, who saw there was no hope, again fell back, in order to get to the bridge, and hold it, or, if it was taken by the enemy, to recapture it and, if possible, maintain communication with Donop. Just at this important point, Dechow was severely wounded. At the same time, the two regimental guns stuck fast in a marsh, and valuable time was lost in halting to drag them out. When the regi ment at last moved forward, it came out on unknown ground, through a deep hollow, and finally on a hill covered with trees, behind which the creek flowed. Here the regiment halted. Staff-Captain Baum went in advance to consult the major, but as he came in front of the regiment, instead of the major he met 70 The German Allies Captain v. Biesenroth, who told him that the major had ridden over the hill to make a favorable surren der with the enemy, as the two other regiments had already been captured and the bridge taken. Both officers disapproved the major's conduct, and con sulted as to some way of breaking through. To force a passage over the bridge was impossible, and they tried to get across the creek. Capt. v. Biesen roth, as senior, took the responsibility. The staff- captain was the first to spring into the water, fol lowed by the non-commissioned officers, so that when they got over, they could carry over the colors and thus save them. The water Was up to their necks and the opposite bank was so steep that it was hard to get up. Others crossed at better points. Some succeeded ; more, however, fell on the way. At the same time, those who had crossed found that the enemy's guns were posted on the opposite hill, in front of the regiment, so that it was cut off and cap tured. The part that had crossed reached Princeton. The English cavalry and the Yagers were also there. They had escaped by fighting their way through, but Lieut, v. Grothausen was reproached with having retreated too soon. . \ In two hours, all was over. Col. Rail had paid with his life the penalty of his carelessness, and left a dark shadow on his hitherto glorious career. Death had saved, him from answering for his neglect, for Miinchhausen says that if he had not lost his life, he would have lost his head. He died as a brave sol- In the American Revolution. 71 dier ; when he fell from his horse, two old non-com missioned officers raised and supported him ; just then Washington came up and the two regiments presented arms. Pale and covered with blood, Rail surrendered his sword. In a few broken words, he begged Washington to be kind to his men, and Wash ington promised that he would, and in a friendly and sympathetic way tried to console him. He had the dying man carried to the house of a well-to-do Qua ker family and commended him to their care. Before Washington left Trenton, in company with Gen. Greene, he visited the dying man, and both generals expressed their respect and regret. Rail again asked that his captured men be kindly treated and their effects returned to them, and this was sacredly promised. Rail died the same evening and was buried with due ceremony in the Presbyterian church-yard. One of the officers of Lossberg's regiment said that he died gladly, rather than outlive his honor. Little can be said in defense of Rail. The night before the attack he had been carousing, and he was still in bed when the first shots were fired. Lieut. Biel, his regimental adjutant, had been up since five o'clock, and on hearing the firing, hurried to the colonel, but could hardly waken him, much less get him to act. Biel hastened to the main guard, where Lieut. Sternickel was posted with 40 men, and sent him, with all the force he could spare, to support the picket. Hurrying back to the colonel's quarters, he 72 The German Allies found him in his night-shirt, lying on the window ; to the question, " What 's the matter? " the adjutant asked if the colonel had not heard the firing, and Rail answered that he would come at once, and was soon at the door, in uniform. Biel said later, at the investigation, that Rail paid no attention to his duties, and only cared for his pleasure. The adjutant had to attend to the corres pondence. One post the colonel had never visited, and he never advised with his officers. He worried officers and men by all sorts of annoyances and kept 300 men always on duty. The men were worn out, and he neglected to give them time to clean their arms. When Major v. Dechow called his attention to the want of shoes and asked him to order them from New York, Rail replied, " That was nonsense ; he would lead the brigade in bare feet over the ice to Philadel phia, and if Major Dechow did not want to share the honor, he might stay behind." When Major v. Hanstein asked if there were to be good winter quarters in Trenton, Rail answered, " Oh ! we '11 get those in Philadelphia." On the other hand, Rail was a warm friend and good comrade. Biel wrote home that he " mourned his death ; that his bravery at Fort Washington had secured the command at Trenton from Howe. He was more a friend than a commander." Another officer wrote in his diary, " Rail was a good soldier, but not a good general. He had courage to execute In the American Revolution. 73 the boldest things, under orders, but wanted cool presence of mind to take the necessary measures at such a time as the attack at Trenton." Gen. v. Schlieffen says that Rail showed the great est courage in his early campaign, under Orloff, as volunteer in the Russian war with the Turks, but paid with his life the penalty of underestimating the enemy at Trenton. He fancied that his name alone would keep him safe. There is a report that Rail was betrayed by his host, a Dutchman named van Dassel, who brought four strangers to a supper given by Rail on Christ mas eve. When Rail woke up, van Dassel fired at him, but missing him, hit the servant who held Rail's horse. The four strangers were said to have been American officers. Van Dassel was seized by Em merich, the leader of the Hanau volunteers, and sent to New York. A few days before the attack Rail was visited by some men who said they had property near Trenton and wanted his protection. They, too, were officers from Washington's camp, who were gathering infor mation for him. Tradition says that Rail surrendered to his own uncle, who had emigrated many years before, from the Pfaltz, and was then a colonel in the American army. The Hessians showed in this critical affair all their old courage and fought as well as possible. If they had been better led, no such bad fortune would have 10 74 The German Allies followed. Rail either lost his head, or would not retreat before the enemy he despised. As his well- disciplined troops rallied promptly, he had time to pass the bridge, to get into the open country, and to fall back to Donop's quarters. Instead, he pressed forward to attack the Americans and failed, and while he was thus engaged, leaving the place, it was occu pied from the other side. When he changed his plan and tried to regain the town, he was between two fires, and lost a regiment entirely. There was no good leadership ; no combination. The Hessians fought as long as they could — not to save themselves, but as a duty, which they fulfilled to the last minute. The enemy recognized and acknowledged their bravery. Washington, in his report of December 27th,' to Congress, said : " The advance guard made a slight resistance, and, considering their number, held their position as long as was possible, and in retreating kept up fire from the cover of the houses. We saw the troops form promptly, but from their movements it was clear that they were uncertain what to do." Another American officer commends the bold resist ance of the Hessians, and says they were in a position where the bravest soldiers had to yield. But for the detachment posted on the north, not a man could have escaped — and this was left there by accident ; for the order was to relieve it every morn ing and double the force on the south. Major v. Dechow, who was officer of the. day on the 25th, In the American Revolution. 75 failed to give the necessary orders ; when it was reported to him that the two guns assigned his com mand were ready to move, he said he did not need them, and the horses were unharnessed, and the ruin was all the more complete. At Burlington, where Donop stood, Cadwalder made a demonstration, not intending to attack, but only to prevent help being sent to Trenton. Donop, gener ally so cautious, allowed himself to be led on and followed the Americans to Mount Holly. He pur sued with the greater part of his force — the Forty- second regiment, the Grenadier battalions of Linsin- gen and Block, and a Hessian Yager company under Captain Ewald. The last-named officer had already turned the left flank of the enemy, taken two light guns, and cut off a hostile force which had crossed the stream that divides Mount Holly in two parts. When Donop heard the cannon at Trenton, he recalled Ewald, and so the latter was obliged to lose his captures. Donop drew his detached forces together at once, and tried to reach Crosswicks, so as to keep open the road to Princeton, where Gen. Grant had a force. To cover his retreat, he left Ewald with a rear guard of 90 men — Scots, Grenadiers and Yagers — and with positive orders to hold the place until the last man had fallen, and at all hazard until midnight. The task was a difficult one ; the inhabitants were bitter enemies of the royal cause, and Ewald knew that arms and ammunition were hidden in the village — 76 The German Allies the native population could use them at any minute on his little band. There were two bridges which made the approach of the enemy easy. Ewald showed his energy and readiness by the way he acted. He covered the bridges and the nearest houses with straw, and then summoning the leading people, told them that the moment there was any outbreak he would set fire to the place. As Mount Holly was a well-to-do village, and the shops were full of valuable goods, his pre caution was effective, and he remained undisturbed until midnight, then withdrew and joined Donop at Crosswicks. Ewald had no intention to burn the village, but his threat enabled him to hold it quietly. The loss of the Hessians at Trenton was 17 killed, 78 wounded, 84 officers, 25 musicians and 759 enlisted men prisoners — in all, 963 ; besides the Yager bat talion, 398 men escaped. Major v. Dechow died in Trenton, soon after, of his wounds. Lossberg's regi ment suffered most; it lost 27 killed and wounded — Captains v. Benning and Riese, as well as Lieutenant Kimm, were killed ; Captain v. Altenbockum, Lieu tenants Zoll and Schwabe wounded. Many of its officers were left sick or wounded in New York, and it brought to Philadelphia only 199. The Americans lost only two killed, two frozen, and four or five wounded. If Washington's plan of a surprise had been car ried out, it would have cut off those who did escape, and might have ensured the capture of Donop, In the American Revolution. 77 although he was more watchful than Rail. Wash ington had divided his force into four bodies ; one, of 2,500 men and 20 guns, he led on the evening of the 25th, across the river nine miles above Trenton. Once over, he detached Gen. Sullivan, with a strong force, to go around and to attack Trenton on the south. Gen. Ewing was ordered to cross the Dela ware a mile below Trenton, to seize the bridge over the Assanpink, and to cut off the retreat of the gar rison to Bordentown. Gen. Putnam was to cross, with Gen. Cadwalader, at Burlington, and make a feint attack on the lower posts of Donop's command, so as to prevent help being sent to Rail. The two, however, were prevented by the heavy ice from cross ing all their force. Gen. Putnam could only send Col. Griffin, with 500 militia, across — much too small a body to meet Do nop's 2,000 men — so he was ordered only to hold them and prevent their going to Trenton. The plan succeeded, and Donop followed the retreating enemy to Mount Holly, twelve miles from his own position and eighteen from Trenton. The misfortune that befell the Hessians is not due to Rail alone, but to the British generals, who sepa rated their forces at such distances. The outposts had neither the necessary communication with one another, nor sufficient supports. Howe acknowledged this in his report of December 20th, to Lord Germain, in which he said " The troops are scattered too much, but the loyal inhabitants of Burlington and Mon- 78 The German Allies mouth county want protection." Others reproached him with sending the Hessians so far into the coun try, when, through their strange language and the rumor of their cruelties, they were so much hated. The fact was, that they were more feared than hated — and this was shown by the greater kindness shown to the captured Germans by the natives. The Hessians who were so hardly treated by the fortunes of war at Trenton, had a bitter experience in the sudden change from victory to defeat and im prisonment. In Cassel it was reported that of 8,000 men, only 800 had escaped, and the whole of Germany was stirred up by the news. The bitter feeling of the Americans against Eng land and her allied troops might well cause harsh treatment of the prisoners, and this was sometimes the case, but there were many instances of kindness. During the fighting, a body of soldiers moved for ward and formed with their flag ; Washington, who thought it was to make further resistance, ordered his men to prepare to fire, when one of his adjutants called attention to the fact that the flag was reversed, in sign of surrender. Washington rode up and received the salute, and, after saying a few kind words, ordered an escort to take the prisoners safely across the river. The officers, twenty-four in all, were left in a little ferry house, while the men, with little food or clothing, were taken to the other side. In the morning, they were all taken to Newtown, In the American Revolution. 79 where the other prisoners filled the churches, prison and other buildings. Col. Weedon was in command, and showed much kindness. The officers were paroled and quartered in private houses. They paid their respects to Lord Stirling, who had been taken by the Hessians at Long Island and exchanged. They had treated him very kindly, and he tried to return it. He said, " Your Gen. Heister treated me like a brother, when I was his prisoner, and I will do what I can for you." He took them to Gen. Wash ington, who invited many of them to dine with him. He was a very gracious host, and at table told one of the Hessian officers that the American force was 6,000 men, with 14 guns and two howitzers. He received the Hessian officers with great courtesy. A Hessian officer says in his diary : " His countenance is not that of a great hero ; his eyes have no fire, but a friendly smile when he speaks inspires love and affection. He is a courtly man of fine aspect, pol ished and somewhat restrained ; says little, has a shrewd look, is of middle height and a good figure." Among the officers there, was the one who had been at the first outpost attacked and gave the order to fire on the Americans. Washington was particularly attentive to him, praising his conduct, but spoke of the unfortunate Rail with the greatest consideration and sympathy, and took no notice of the somewhat harsh criticism by the young officer of his com mander. In Lieut. Widerhold's diary he says : " On the 28th we dined with Gen. Washington. He did 80 The German Allies me the honor of talking with me about the battle at Trenton, and when I said frankly that we had man aged things badly, and that we ought not to have been captured there, he asked what I would have done. I pointed out the mistakes on our side, and how we could have escaped, and he praised me for this and for my watchfulness, and for my stout resistance with my handful of men. He also gave me leave to go on parole to Trenton to collect my effects left there in the retreat." The prisoners did not stay long in Newtown, but were sent on the 29th and 30th to the southern prov inces — the officers being separated from their men. The prisoners were sent to Virginia, as yet not the scene of any hostilities, their journey being through Philadelphia, and five wagons being given to the offi cers. Great crowds gathered at every place to see the dreaded Hessians, whose reputation had spread far and wide. Many expected to see wild robbers and murderers, with terrible angry faces — devils in human form — and beheld only neat soldiers, preserv ing, even in their misfortune, cleanliness, order and discipline. They were looked upon with astonish ment, and sometimes with real or affected anger, and then they were abused and even stones were thrown at them. In Philadelphia, many of the officers paid their respects to old Gen. Putnam on New Year's day, and were received in a very friendly way. One of them says : " He gave each of us his hand and we must In the American Revolution. 81 drink a glass of Madeira with him. He may be an honorable man, but only the rebels would have made him a general." The officers were escorted to Baltimore and were assigned to the village of Dumfries. They began their march on January 18th, escorted by Lieut. Lin- denberger, a German, a cabinet-maker by trade. The Potomac was frozen so that wagons could cross it. The country was wild and woody, the journey very severe, owing to rain and bad roads. On the 24th, they reached Dumfries. The inhab itants are described in the letters of a German officer printed in Schlozer's Correspondence, as very hospit able. The German officers were involved in the quarrel over the exchange of Gen. Lee. Washing ton thought Lee was hardly treated in having a sen try posted before his door. As Howe would not accept Washington's terms of exchange, nor yield to the threat of reprisal, in March, 1777, the six staff officers of the Hessian prisoners at Dumfries were put under sentries, too. This lasted until August, when the British Gen. Prescot was captured in Rhode Island. As he was of equal rank with Lee, their treatment was improved, and on the 27th August they were released from close confinement. When the British fleet appeared in the Chesapeake, the imprisoned Hessians were sent from Dumfries and Lancaster, where the enlisted men were quar tered, some 80 miles further inland, to Winchester, a place of 150 houses, mostly wooden, where the officers 82 The German Allies were quartered in hotels. At the end of September, Congress decided to send the officers to Staunton, a hundred miles south of Winchester, and to send 300 of the men to the latter place ; but as it was reputed to be a very poor place, the officers petitioned Con gress to be sent to Fredericksburg, and on the 30th September, they were ordered to Millerstown, to wait the answer. There they found it impossible to get quarters for twenty-eight officers, and some were sent to Stowentown[?]. On December 8th, Congress granted the request to go to Fredericksburg. The Hessian officers had gained the confidence of the Americans, so that each was allowed to choose his own time to go there. Some went by way of Dumfries and renewed acquaint ance with old friends there. On the 13th, they were all in Fredericksburg, and as quarters could not be found there for the whole number, some went to Fal mouth, an attractive village on the other side of the Rappahannock, and found the stream and its shores very romantic and attractive. At the end of February, the Hessian and British officers were allowed to go on parole to Philadelphia, to be exchanged by Gen. Howe. The enlisted men left New Frankfort on the ist of January, 1777, and on their way were frequently threatened with violence by the mob. Corporal Reuber says, in his diary : " Big and lit tle, young and old, looked at us sharply. The old women cried out that we ought to be hanged for In the American Revolution. 83 coming to America to rob them of their freedom; others brought us bread and wine. Washington had ordered our American guard to march us through the whole city [of Philadelphia?], but the mob was so rough and threatening that the commander said, 1 Dear Hessians, we '11 go to the barracks,' and then drove the mob off." Washington quieted the people by posting a notice in which he said the Hessians had not come volunta rily, but under orders, and they should be treated as friends, not as enemies. This had the best result, and the prisoners were loaded with food and every kindness shown them. Each man received a pound of meat, with bread and vegetables, daily. On the 8th of January, the men were taken to Lancaster, where they worked during the summer on the farms. Congress paid them in money the value of their rations, and the farmers gave them their meals and pay besides ; but any one who allowed a Hessian prisoner to escape was fined two hundred paper dollars. The non-commissioned offi cers remained in Philadelphia. On the king's birthday, June the 4th, the British troops imprisoned in the barracks at Lancaster cele brated the day with great excesses, finally driving off the guard of fifteen men, and were only subdued when a regiment and some guns were brought up and, opening fire, killed and wounded some of the prisoners. The Hessians kept quietly out of the fracas, and 84 The German Allies were all the more kindly treated by the Americans, but greatly abused by the English. On the 25th of August, an English fleet landed men on the Elk river, and the prisoners were ordered further into the interior, but as there was no time to collect the men scattered on the farms, many of them escaped altogether — there were 300 Hessians. The prisoners reached Baltimore September 30th, where they were as badly received as in Philadelphia, but the commander of the escort gave the signal to rally to their defense and marched the prisoners out of the town, and at a safe distance had food and camp equip- page brought to them. When the Virginia border was reached, the Pennsylvania escort refused to go any further, fired off their guns and went home. The escort from Winchester had not arrived, and the American commander was left with his prisoners in a wild country ; but he had won their confidence, and he went on alone to Winchester to hasten the escort, leaving them for three days to follow on the prescribed route, and when the American captain finally joined them again, with the Virginia escort, there were all the Hessians, and only a few of the British prisoners had gone. The American was so pleased that he treated every Hessian to brandy, while the British looked on. The fugitives were nearly all captured and surrendered to the authorities. At Winchester, the American commended the Hessians so warmly that they were quartered in private houses, while the British were put in prison, and the Hessians had six In the American Revolution. 85 hours of freedom daily, while the British could not go out without a guard. On August 26th, 1778, the prisoners marched back to Philadelphia, reaching there on October 14th, then on the 2 2d going through Trenton, reaching Prince ton and Brunswick on the 28th, where they were exchanged and received by a British commissary and sent to the Hessian camp on Long Island. "At last," writes Reuber, " we were once more with our fellow Hessians. What pleasure and joy thus to be free from slavery ! " CHAPTER IV, The Brunswick troops marched, like the Hessians, in two divisions. The first left Wolfenbiittel on the morning of February 22, 1776, consisting of The Dragoon regiment under Lieut.-Col. Baum, 336 men. The Grenadier battalion, under Lieut.- Col. Breymann, 564 " The Infantry regiment, " Prince Freder ick," Lt.-Col. Pratorius, 680 " The Infantry regiment of Col. v. Ried esel, Lt.-Col. v. Speth 680 " The general staff, 22 " Total, 2,282 " The command was given to Col. Frederick Adolph von Riedesel, Freiherr of Eisenbach, a good and experienced soldier, who had fought as officer of Hussars and adjutant of the Duke of Brunswick in the allied army in the Seven Years' War, and won a name for himself. He enjoyed the well-earned con fidence of his sovereign, the confidence of his supe- 88 The German Allies riors and the love and obedience of his men. He belonged to a wealthy old family, which is still respected. In addition to the detail given in Eelking's Life of Riedesel, many facts of interest are found in the diary of Brigade-Major v. Papet, in two volumes, coming down to the return to Germany. The troops marched through the city of Brunswick with a great display, reviewed by the reigning duke and by his brother Ferdinand, the hero of the Seven Years' War. With an army of 12,000 men, Bruns wick found in the English money paid for its troops the only way to avoid bankruptcy, and yet the duke hesitated to agree to the English terms. He died in 1780. The Hannoverian Gen. Braun welcomed the Brunswick force on its arrival in Hannover, and Col. Faucit, of the British army, mustered it into that service. Riedesel received his commission as major- general. During the whole march, there was not a single desertion. For the numerous recruits, there were two daily drills. With the general staff and 77 sol diers' wives, there were in all 2,367 Brunswickers on board the ten vessels anchored in the Elbe. Two hundred and fifty Hannoverian volunteers, for differ ent British regiments, went along, under Lieut.-Col. Scheiter. Gen. v. Riedesel went on the " Pallas," and on the 26th March the fleet set sail, anchored on the 28th at Portsmouth, where on the 30th four vessels joined In the American Revolution. 89 with the Hesse Hanau regiment, 760 men, under Col. v. Gall. It was the Crown-Prince's regiment, for the crown prince of Hesse was also the count of Hesse Hanau, and carried on a law-suit for twenty-eight years with his father, as to their claims. The father, born in 1743, was a lover of art and science, owned a fine library, and needed the English money to help support his two extravagances — building and mili tary. The son succeeded his father in 1783 and died in 1 82 1, leaving an evil reputation on account of his avarice and his severity. The English fleet welcomed the troops with every honor. Gen. Phillips, with part of the English artil lery, and Gen. Burgoyne, also embarked for Canada, thus making a large fleet. Gen. v. Riedesel received ^5,000 from the English commissariat. The fleet consisted of 30 sail, including the two frigates, Juno and Blonde, as convoys, each carrying 36 guns. On April 3d it sailed, and was joined at Plymouth by six transports, with the Twenty-first Scotch Fusilier regiment. On the 20th it met the English fleet of 40 sail, with the Irish regiments on board, going to Canada. On May 12th, land was seen, and on the first of June Quebec was reached. Gen. Riedesel went ashore and returned with orders from Gen. Burgoyne — who was in command during the absence of Gen. Carle ton — to leave the Dragoons and Prince Charles' regi ment to strengthen the Quebec garrison, while the rest of the troops went on to Three Rivers. There 90 The German Allies Gen. Riedesel paid his respects to Governor Carleton — one of the ablest and most popular of the British officers. He had entered the service in 1742, and was now about fifty years old. In 1759 he was quar termaster-general of Wolf's army. He had been wounded at the battle of Quebec, was brigadier-gen eral in the expedition to Havannah, and after the war was made lieutenant-governor of Quebec. He was a man of great honesty and unselfish, winning the love and confidence alike of his men and of the Canadians. Riedesel noted and reported to his sovereign the strained relations between Carleton and Howe — the former cold, calm and stoical, the latter proud and intoxicated by the favor and confidence of the king and his ministers, claiming all the credit for himself. On June 6, Lieut.-Col. Baum disembarked, with the troops to be stationed at Quebec — then a place of 1,500 wooden houses, for it had suffered greatly in the late war, and Carleton had demolished 500 houses in the suburbs, to protect the town from a surprise. The north side was covered by fortifications of earth and wood, in great decay. They were renewed and armed with some eighty iron guns and some mortars, mostly taken from old men-of-war. The year before, Carleton had been hard pressed to resist the American attack under Montgomery and Arnold — the former had fallen, and Arnold withdrew on receiving the news of the arrival of more British troops. In the American Revolution. 91 Carleton, on arrival of the Germans, determined to send them to the relief of Montreal, still besieged by the Americans, and Gen. v. Riedesel received com mand of a corps, consisting of the Riedesel and Hesse Hanau regiments, the Brunswick Grenadier battalion, the British regiment of McLean, a division of Cana dian troops, and a band of Indians. He was to move up the south shore from Three Rivers, while Bur goyne went, with an English force, up the north shore. The German general was not a little astonished at the Indian force, for he knew nothing of their cus toms or way of fighting, and had heard only bad reports of both. They were Abenakis, Iroquois, Utawas and Hurons, and to show their fiery temper they had painted their eyelids red, and smeared their new uniforms with red as a mark that they were to fight for life, or to the death. They were armed with long shot-guns and sharp knives, to use in taking scalps. On the 7th of June the expedition started, reaching Trois Rivieres on the nth. Here they learned of two skirmishes, on the 8th and 9th, in which Lieut.- Col. v. Speth, with part of Riedesel's regiment, had taken part. The Americans, with a force of 1,500 men, had made an attack on Frazer's corps of 300, and were making preparations to surround it. Their guide was a royalist, who led them so far out into the forest, that Frazer had time to bring reinforcements from the fleet and turn the American position. 92 The German Allies The Germans now formed the left wing of the army and the whole force advanced to Montreal, which the Americans abandoned, and on the 15th the Twenty- ninth (British) regiment took possession of the city and island. The German troops marched to Ver- geres (or Verches), where Carleton had his head quarters, until he moved to Montreal, and Riedesel then put his force in cantonments. On June 26th, Carleton established himself at Chambly, where the Americans, on their retreat, had burned a well-built fort. Fort St. John had also been abandoned by the Americans, and both were now rebuilt. The English plan was to move the northern army, under Carleton, to Lake Champlain, drive the Amer icans out of the forts, and push on to the Hudson. A southern corps, under Lord Howe, should move up the Hudson from New York and join the other at Albany. Col. St. Leger was to make a diversion, by going to the right from Oswego to the Mohawk val ley and so to Albany, to rejoin the main body. He was to engage Schuyler's force of Americans, take Fort Stanwix, and destroy the other forts on the Mo hawk — thus, if successful, cutting off the northern from the southern provinces, and ending the war. The British worked hard at getting ready boats for transportation across Lake Champlain, and the Amer icans, under Gen. Gates and Gen. Arnold, increased their fleet and strengthened their defenses, Crown Point and Ticonderoga. News from Europe and the In the American Revolution. 93 southern provinces came slowly to Canada, letters from Germany were often eight or ten months on the way, and of the Second Brunswick division nothing was known. The troops under Riedesel suffered greatly from sickness, due to the trying climate, in spite of his efforts to secure them fresh vegetables and good food. He lost a few by desertion, but the officers amused themselves and exchanged civilities. Burgoyne was a guest at a great dinner on the birthday of the Duke of Brunswick. The German soldiers were trained in the American method of target practice and fighting in loose order. Riedesel, was slow to give up his old preference for the methods he had seen at home, but finally saw the advantage of the new system. Col. v. Speth, on August 12th, took a detachment of 200 men to St. Johns, where a depot of supplies was established. On August 31st, Captain v. Pausch came with the Hesse Hanau artillery, to La Prairie — six light guns, four officers and 126 artillerymen. In the night, between the 4th and 5th of September, Riedesel received word that 5,000 Americans in 400 boats had landed above Isle aux Noix, and at once returned from Montreal, but the Americans had with drawn, and Col. Breymann was sent, with his Grena diers, to establish a camp near Fort St. John, while a camp at Savanna was fortified, and in addition to the Hanau artillery, six English guns were served by the German artillerists. 94 The German Allies The German corps under Riedesel consisted of the Grenadier battalion and the Riedesel and Hanau reg iments, 1,300 strong. The English corps consisted of over 6,000, includ ing 1,000 Indians and Canadians, while Col. St. Leger was to form a separate corps. The Second Brunswick division having reached Quebec on the 17 th of September, the Dragoon regi ment was, at Riedesel's request, added to his force, and 390 boats were assigned to him to transport his command. The Second Brunswick division, under Col. v. Specht, consisting of the regiments of v. Specht and v. Rhetz, the Light battalion of v. Barner and a Yager company, had embarked at Stode on May 30th. Specht, in his journal, says that the men came very gladly. With the division, came Quartermaster Bar and Chaplain Kohli — the latter volunteering, and giving up a comfortable position in the church. At Plymouth, it joined the Second Hessian divi sion and the Waldeck regiment. The transport fleet consisted of 19 sail, convoyed by two men-of-war, the Amazon and the Garland. Sailing on May 26th, it reached Quebec September 14th. The supply of pro visions was so small and so bad that 19 men died and 131 were sick of scorbutic diseases. Gen. Carleton pushed forward the advance, so as to escape the early winter. On September 23d, Briga- In the Ameifcan Revolution. 95 dier Fraser received orders to move, with the force assigned him, from Isle aux Noix to Riviere la Colle and there establish a post. The head of his column, consisting of Indians, Canadian and English volun teers, went to Point au Fer. On the 28th, the German brigade were ordered to Isle aux Noix, and 103 boats were assigned for their transportation. Gen. Burgoyne established his head quarters there, by order of Gen. Carleton. Riedesel had not yet gathered together all his Ger man troops, and only on October 13th did the second division reach Fort Chambly, and earlier in the month the Dragoon regiment got to Sorel. Many loyal Can adians joined this column, most of them in their ordi nary costume — a long, white oversuit, a long shot gun, a powder-horn and a knife at the side, and a pocket-full of ammunition ; their little baggage in two-wheeled carts. Gen. Burgoyne led the First English brigade, con sisting of the Ninth, Twenty-first, Thirty-first and Forty-seventh regiments, with the German brigade as its left wing, the Grenadier battalion and the regi ments of v. Riedesel and Hesse Hanau. On the night of the 4th of October, Gen. Carleton sailed with his little fleet to Point au Fer. His neph ew, Captain Carleton, moved up the left bank with his Indians, and Captain Fraser led another corps of Indians and Canadian volunteers. Gen. v. Riedesel received orders to remain at Isle aux Noix until the arrival of the Second English 96 The German Allies brigade under Powell. New works and magazines were erected, and supplies brought from St. John. Gen. Carleton burned with impatience to meet the enemy on the water, and on October ioth received news that the Americans were at Great Island, and at once started to capture them. The dark and foggy night favored their escape, but of 16 vessels with 100 guns only five small boats reached Crown Point — some were taken, others beached and burned ; the men escaping to the woods. Gen. Arnold was in command and showed great courage, but v. Riedesel, in his journal, reports that he set fire to his boats in such haste that he did not remove the wounded, and they were burned to death — their cries being heard above the crackling of the flames and the noise of the guns. On the 12th, a boat reached Isle aux Noix with eight wounded men, a British naval lieutenant and a drummer of the Hanau artillery, which had taken part in the fight. Lieut. Foy, of that force, had saved a twelve-pound battery and put it on Captain Pausch's boat, with a loss of two killed, two drowned and a number wounded. On that day, Gen. v. Riedesel received orders to move, with his five regiments, to Riviere la Colle, relieving the English brigade, taking ten days' pro visions, and sending a Brunswick Yager company by land on the west side. On the 15th, Burgoyne ordered the Brunswick force to Point au Fer, leaving a staff officer and 300 In the American Revolution. gj men at Riviere la Colle to forward provisions, while Burgoyne advanced with his first division. On Carleton's advance, the Americans had retreated from Crown Point, after setting fire to the works, and they were still smoking when the allied troops entered, on the 14th. Carleton established his head quarters there, and on the 20th Gen. Burgoyne came on the " Washington," one of the vessels captured from the Americans, with orders to go into winter quarters. The Germans were posted from Trois Rivieres to Chambly, on the west bank of Lake St. Peter, between the St. Lawrence and Richelieu rivers. The Hanau artillery was ordered to Montreal, and the other forces distributed in different villages. The ground covered by them was necessarily very extended— the Bruns wick troops over thirty-three German miles. German head-quarters were established at Trois Rivieres, the smallest of the three Canadian cities, with 250 houses, 1,200 inhabitants, an Augustinian convent and an English barracks for 500 men. On October 2 2d, Carleton moved his troops to the assigned posts for the winter, abandoning the fort at Crown Point, for want of material to provide quarters for the garrison. The Americans had established a permanent camp at Ticonderoga — their force had diminished from 10,000 to 7,000, so weak that Briga dier Fraser, with a small force, drove 150 oxen from under the entrenchments without a shot. The troops were quartered in the houses of the inhabitants, with 13 98 The German Allies as much regard as possible to their comfort and that of the owner*. All seigneurs, cures, captains of mili tia, and post houses, were exempt. The soldiers received every thing free, and had no right to ask for any thing more without paying for it. The men were obliged to cut wood in the forest, but the landlord had to bring it to the house. Each man received daily one-half pound of meat, half fresh, half salt, bread and necessary vegetables for soup, etc. The troops were kept in strict discipline, and on leaving the offi cers were obliged to give a strict account of their conduct. On December 7th, orders were issued from head quarters at Montreal, assigning points where the troops could rally, and giving them orders to be constantly ready to move. The loss during the win ter was a small one, three officers and 83 men cover ing that of the Brunswick division up to the middle of November. The winter opened mildly, and was long spoken of as the German winter ; not a shot was fired and the men fished and hunted for amuse ment. At the end of February and beginning of March the German force was inspected by Captain Foy, and Gen. Carleton expressed his satisfaction with their good condition and exemplary conduct. By the end of December, eight feet of snow lay on the ground, and warm clothing had to be supplied to protect the men, who showed great endurance. 1777- CHAPTER V. With the new year, Great Britain looked for more help to break the revolt of its colonies. A New York newspaper reported that more troops were to be got, and that the following negotiations had been com pleted, with Wurtemberg for 3,ooo men, Hesse Cassel 2,500 " Mecklenburg 3>ooo " Ansbach Bayreuth 1,000 " Sachse-Gotha 2,000 " while Russia had refused very tempting offers. Of the German courts only Hesse Cassel, Hesse Hanau and Ansbach Bayreuth would come to terms, and the following were fixed on, viz. : Hesse Cassel I3,467 men, Hesse Hanau 1,080 " Brunswick 4>300 " Ansbach Bayreuth 1,285 " Waldeck 670 " A total of 20,802 " 100 The German Allies Hesse Cassel and Hanau were to lend their Yagers as light troops. Parliament voted for this year further subsidies of five million pounds, of which Hesse Cassel was to get ^33^,932 Brunswick 149,720 Hesse Hanau 18,181 Ansbach Bayreuth 39,588 Waldeck I7,37o The Artillery 26,053 For Provisions, etc 4I,427 Hesse Cassel was also to receive ^"6,617 for extra subsidies, and Hesse Hanau ^1,013 — and the artil lery was also to get an additional payment for the past year. For the Yagers sent the year before, Hesse Cassel got ^36,728 And for the Artillery I3,973 Hesse Hanau, for its Artillery 3,383 And for an additional Yager regiment . . . 16,326 Lord Howe offered to every American volunteer ing for two years in the British army, as an officer, 200 acres, as an enlisted man, 50. The recruiting for the Hessian Yager corps went on well during the winter of 1776-7. Only experts were taken, and they were to be well paid and cared for. After giving each man a Louis d'or, as the volunteers grew less, the premium grew higher — for foreigners, four Louis d'or ; for natives three, and for each recruit, one. A recruiting office was opened in Waldau, near Cassel, under Captain Romstadt. The In the American Revolution. 101 men were not forced ; all enlistments were voluntary. The Yagers received better pay, were free from work on the forts, etc., and were well armed and well clothed. Hesse Hanau sent a Yager corps, 500 strong, in four companies, under Col. v. Kreutzberg; Hesse Cassel two new Yager companies, under Major v. Priischenk. Once embarked — after nine of the Hessians had been formally betrothed — storms scattered the fleet, and one vessel was taken, with its 60 Hessian Yagers, by an American cruiser, and brought to Boston ; some were exchanged at the close of 1778, others not until the end of 1780. The Markgraf Alexander, of Ansbach Bayreuth, made a treaty with the British government, providing for a subsidy for six years, in return for two regi ments, 1,100 strong, one from Bayreuth, the other from Ansbach, with light infantry and artillery in due proportion. This was the prince who, in 1791, ceded his little territory to Prussia, and spent the rest of his life in England, where he married Lady Craven, dying there in 1806. He was a kindly man, who did his best to relieve his land from the heavy burthen of debts imposed on it by his predecessors. The Bayreuth regiment, 600 strong, under Col. v. Voigt, consisted of five companies, including one of light infantry, one of Grenadiers, and one of artillery — in its ranks was Dohla, whose diary is full of inter- 102 The German Allies esting details. The prince reviewed the regiment at his capital, Ansbach, where it was joined by the Ansbach regiment, Col. v. Eyb, who commanded the brigade. Characteristic is the fact that all went well on the march, until the men were put on boats on the river Main, and then finding themselves uncomfortably crowded, and believing that they were to make the whole journey to America in the same close quarters, they broke out into open disorder and left the boats, declaring that they had sworn to serve on land, but not on water. The people around gave them wine, and the soldiers wandered away in all directions. The light infantry stuck to their colors, and tried in vain to force the fugitives back into the ranks. There was sharp firing and noisy disorder for several hours, until the Grenadier company, under Capt. v. Eckert, charged on the scattered men and finally brought them back, with a loss of 40 men in the Bayreuth regiment. The prince himself hurried to meet the soldiers, reassured them and accompanied them part of their further journey. The charges of cruelty made against him by recent sensational writers, are met by the fact that Dohla, one of the soldiers, in his Diary, published in 1811, dedicated to one of his comrades, Holper, mentions nothing of the kind. The prince made handsome gifts to the men to procure comforts for their voyage, and supplied them with tobacco and food and liquor, in addition to the regular supply from the British commissariat. One In the American Revolution. 103 pound of meat, two pounds of bread, vegetables, rice, meal and wine, with beer and brandy at cost, were good rations, and a special transport, laden with food, accompanied the fleet, and at Portsmouth fresh stores were laid in before starting to cross the ocean. The German light troops soon rivalled the Ameri can riflemen in their sharpness in learning to make use of the advantages of the ground and to avail themselves of every opportunity to gain a knowledge of the movements and strength and plans of the enemy. Desertion among the Americans was greatly on the increase, and a Hessian officer wrote that almost daily bands of thirty to forty — in one day, indeed, 266 — came into the British lines, some of them bringing their officers along by force. Brunswick and Amboy were held by the British, but the Americans threatened them on all sides — Cornwallis was too weak to take the offensive, and Howe remained quiet for six months, while an infe rior enemy, only twenty-five miles from his head quarters, constantly disturbed his outposts. At the outset, a large part of the population of New Jersey was loyal, but the British generals changed this by their harsh methods — punishing alike men of all opinions, in their effort to destroy all supplies that might fall into the hands of the Americans. At first, the Germans were charged with cruelty, but it was found that they were strictly acting under 104 The German Allies orders, and in the attack on Trenton, an order was found from Gen. Howe to Col. v. Donop, directing the destruction of all supplies that might fall into the hands of the enemy. Donop and Ewald were good disciplinarians, and their troops were not nearly so much given to excesses as the American militia. Tired, at last, of a wearisome and trying defensive, Cornwallis decided to act on the offensive, and on April 1 2th attacked the enemy at Bound Brook. Captain Ewald, at the head of a small detachment, drove the force in front of him into a field fort, which was finally taken by a larger body from the rear. At another time, near Raritan Landing, he captured a force much larger than his own, by a clever coup de main. His example so influenced his men, and all under his orders, that there were numerous instances of great personal gallantry and brilliant feats of arms, which won the applause alike of friend and foe. While Howe and the o^her high British officers had enjoyed their winter at ease in New York, the troops on the border had been sorely tried. The Waldeck regiment, with a detachment of dragoons, occupied Elizabeth during the hard winter and suf fered greatly. On January 5th, a detachment of 55 men, under Capt. Haak and Lieut. Heldring, was taken, and soon after another of 30 men was cap tured. Withdrawn in January to Amboy, the post was almost nightly alarmed, and it was not taken to Staaten Island until the end of June. In the American Revolution. 105 Howe waited for reinforcements and for orders from London, which ordered him to capture Philadelphia and make the southern provinces the seat of war. He asked for 15,000 men and ten men-of-war to carry out the plans, was promised the half, but got 3,000. On June 3d, the reinforcements reached New York, among them some hundred Hessian light infantry — a much-needed addition — and some German artillery men. The whole British force was rated at 24,700 — enough, said Miinchhausen, to drive off the rebels, but not to go right on into the heart of the country. Howe's plans — or want of them — were sharply criticised by the Germans serving under his com mand. The capture of Philadelphia was his first business. From the 8th to the nth of June, he drew together at Amboy his forces — British, Hes sian, Ansbach Bayreuth and Waldeck troops, includ ing the Guard and Prince Carl regiments, from New port; later on, the Germans were placed in an entrenched camp on Staaten Island. His force now joined that of Cornwallis at Brunswick, leaving the Ansbach Bayreuth, Waldeck and Fifty-fifth British regiments, under Maj .-Gen. Campbell, at Amboy. On the 14th, the army moved from Brunswick in two columns, one under Cornwallis, with Col. v. Do nop leading, the other under Heister. The former drove the enemy before him, under Gen. Stirling, but the Americans held their main line and Howe did not venture to attack. He retreated to Amboy on the 2 2d, and Washington sent a large part of his 106 The . German Allies force in pursuit, which attacked Cornwallis, who, with the Hessian and Ansbach troops, resisted and then drove the enemy ; the Ansbach light troops, under Capt. v. Grammont, showing great courage and skill. Howe had thrown a pontoon bridge across to Staaten Island, when he learned the welcome news of the American advance. He prepared at once to move against them, sending Cornwallis with the right wing, Donop in the advance, Howe with Heis ter, with the left, to unite and attack the left of the Americans, and seize the heights which they had abandoned. Howe detached four battalions, with six guns, under Cornwallis, who struck the American force. Vaughan's brigade next joined in the attack. It included the Hessian battalion, made up of the remains of Rail's brigade, after its defeat at Tren ton, and was under Lieut.-Col. Kochenhausen — and later under Lieut.-Col. v. Schick and Col. v. Loos — and was attached first to Donop's and then to Stirn's brigade. The Americans, after a long fight, were driven in disorder back to the hills, with heavy loss — Minni- gerode's battalion alone capturing two new guns and eighty prisoners, and its commander received a deco ration from his prince, who, on receipt of Knyphau sen's report, in September, sent him the reward, which was received in New York in the spring of 1778. In the American Revolution. 107 Capt. v. Dinklage, in his diary, says the German loss was a small one. The want of gunners was made good later by the arrival of 164 artillerymen. Washington at once withdrew to his former strong position, but the British had one substantial gain in the capture of a large amount of fresh provisions. Howe made a very favorable report to Lord Ger main of the conduct of the German forces engaged in this operation. He withdrew to Amboy and gave up his plan for crossing the Delaware, to avoid hav ing the American army in his rear. They pressed him sharply near Amboy, and a strong force was sent out on a reconnoisance towards Elizabeth — including 300 Hessian (Yager) light cavalry, which had just arrived, but, like the Brunswick dragoons, without horses, which were to be supplied in Amer ica ; but as this could not be done, they served as infantry. In New York, Gen. v. Knyphausen commanded, succeeding Heister, who went back to Cassel, nom inally on account of his age and infirmities, but really because he could not get on with Howe. With Heister went Col. v. Block and Col. y. Horn, Lt.-Col. v. Schreyvogel, and some invalid officers and soldiers. He was treated with due honor, sailing on a British transport of 10 guns, escorted by a man-of-war. He reached Cassel in October and died there on Novem ber 19th. Born in Homburg, Hesse, in 1716, the son of a Hessian captain, he served in his native army and later in that of France, then returned to that of 108 The German Allies Hesse, fought in the Seven Years' War, was aid to the crown prince of Brunswick, and was respected alike as a man and a soldier. CHAPTER VI. Howe gave up his plan to march through New Jersey to Philadelphia, and secretly arranged new plans with his brother, the admiral — leaving Clinton in New York, with 600 men. He had 18 regiments of infantry, and of his 16,000 men, over 4,400 were Germans. A part of the Hessian light troops were mounted, but the officers could hardly get the nec essary horses. On July 23d, the fleet of 264 sail started on an eastwardly course, in six divisions ; the fifth and sixth carried the Hessians. Taking a southerly course, it reached the mouth of the Delaware on the 30th, but going seaward again after a severe storm, on August 15th it anchored off Gape Charles, in Chesapeake Bay, and after a violent storm, reached the head of Elk, where the forces were at length disembarked. The army numbered 17,000 men, divided into two corps ; one he led, the other, Knyphausen. Howe had three Hessian Grenadier battalions, and the Hessian and Ansbach Yagers ; in all, 9,000 men, Knyphausen had Stirn's brigade, and, with the Brit ish troops, 8,000 men. A capture of some tobacco- no The German Allies laden vessels gave the men a welcome addition to their scanty supplies. On the morning of the 28th, a small knot of Amer ican officers were seen reconnoitering, and Washing ton was recognized at their head. Howe started with 3,000 men in pursuit, and captured two officers, who belonged to the volunteer corps of the Marquis d'Ar- mand ; one, v. Uchtritz, was a former officer in the Saxon army, who had resigned, to find his fortune in America. On September ist, Knyphausen advanced, reach ing Iron Hill on the 3d, and the advance, under Corn wallis, with the Hessian and Ansbach light infantry, met the enemy, six hundred strong, under General Maxwell. There was a sharp struggle, in which Capt. Wre- den and Lieut.-Col. Wurmb led their men bravely, finally driving the enemy, with a heavy loss. Howe praised Wurmb and his officers, and men tioned them in a general order, and gave the men a handsome money reward for their gallantry at Crutchley's Mill. On the 3d, the two columns united at Newark, and on the 9th again moved separately — Knyphausen going to the left, to the Brandywine, where Washing ton held a strong position, his left at Chadd's Ford, his right at Dilworth. The passage of the stream was covered by two batteries of light guns, and part of Maxwell's corps was posted in support. General Armstrong was two miles below, to defend another In the American Revolution. in ford. The American force, besides the militia, was 17,000 strong. The serious nature of the struggle was fully rec ognized — the British risked being cut off from the fleet and their supplies ; the Americans the loss of Philadelphia. Knyphausen was ordered to march, with his division, to Chadd's Ford, and to attack, but not in force, the enemy's left, while Howe and Corn wallis turned his right ; this done, Knyphausen was to make a vigorous forward movement, simultane ously with the main body. He marched early on the nth, and at ten a. m. met a body of 600 riflemen; these he drove back, but they were reinforced and a warm engagement ensued. Knyphausen then moved up the rest of his column on the right and left, the Hessians holding the center. The advance consisted of the English Light Infantry and a hundred men of the German Guards, under Captain Le Long, and, followed by the main body, they moved steadily for ward and attacked the Americans with the bayonet, and under a heavy artillery fire finally, about n A. m., drove the Americans across the Brandywine. After keeping up the appearance of action with growing impatience, Knyphausen finally heard the signal that Howe had completed his movement, and at once moved forward, driving Maxwell and Wayne, with the loss of five guns, until they retreated to Chester. Part of Knyphausen's force moved to the left and struck a part of the enemy's right, which had been broken by Howe. 112 The German Allies Cornwallis had gone to the left, on the Lancaster road, crossed both branches of the Brandywine, and formed three columns for attack — in the first the Guards, the British Grenadiers, the Light Infantry, and the Hessian and Ansbach troops ; in the second, the Hessian Grenadiers and the Fourth brigade ; the third was to act as reserve. The advance was formed of the Hessian and Ansbach Yagers and a force under Ewald. The movement was easily made across the Brandy wine — although Ewald says that a hundred muskets and two field pieces could have held them all day, or forced them to find another ford higher up — and mov ing around the enemy's right flank, came in on the rear of the Americans. After four o'clock the attack was made and successfully, and Howe followed it up with repeated bayonet charges. The English Gren adier battalion and the German Grenadiers lost their track in the thick woods and did not take part again in the action. Night was beginning, and as Howe had no news from Knyphausen, he decided not to continue the pursuit. Ewald, to his great regret, was obliged to see a force of the enemy quietly fall back in safety, when, with a regiment and a gun, he could have cut it off. While Howe's two forces had succeeded, it was without any concert of action or knowledge on either side of what the other had done. Washington reported his defeat to Congress, while In the American Revolution. 113 one wing of his army retreated to Chester and the other to Philadelphia. The Hessian Yagers and Grenadiers, and the Ans bach Yagers, and the Hessian Light Cavalry, just mounted, won great praise for their gallantry. The Hessians lost Capt. Trautvetter, Lieuts. Dupuy, v. Triimbach, v. Lissingen, and v. Baumbach ; and the Ansbach Light Infantry lost Lieut, v. Forstner, and many men killed and wounded. Of the eleven guns taken, there were three Hessian guns that had fallen into the hands of the Americans at Trenton. Captains Ewald and Wreden were decorated, and Bickel was promoted to be a commissioned officer, for their distinguished actions. Howe did not know how to use his victory, and neglected to turn it to advantage by prompt pursuit. Lotheisen, a regimental quartermaster, says in his diary, that in Philadplphia he was told that the Amer icans fled in such disorder that an energetic pursuit would have captured enough to have put an end to the war. The British were so careless in their advance that it was only owing to Ewald's activity that the Amer ican rear-guard failed to drive off in disorder the advance of the pursuing column. The German military criticism was well expressed by Gen. Ochs, a Hessian who, as a subaltern, had taken part in the battle : " Washington was right to fight for his capital, and that not under its windows, but at a good distance ; but he was wrong in trying 114 The German Allies to put his raw troops forward to fight experienced soldiers on a footing of equality." Howe remained idle for two days, his patrols gath ering prisoners, and on the 13th moved to Wilming ton and later to Chester, where the troops lay until October 21st. Finally, on the 18th, Knyphausen moved towards Philadelphia, and after joining Cornwallis, the col umn crossed the Schuylkill and drove off Wayne's force. Col. v. Donop was ordered to cross French creek, and sent Capt. v. Westenhagen, who drove the enemy so gallantly as to earn Howe's special praise. On September 25th, the enemy moved in two col umns to Germantown, and Cornwallis, with six Brit ish and two Hessian Grenadier battalions, went to Philadelphia and at once threw up batteries on the land and water front. The British army was weakened by detachments sent in various directions, and Washington, who was in camp on Skippack creek, sixteen miles from Ger mantown, decided to make an attack. The British line had its left on the Schuylkill, its center and head-quarters in Germantown. Knyp hausen commanded the left, with Stirn, Gray and Agnew. Col. v. Wurmb covered the front of the left wing with his Yagers, at the mouth of the Wissahi- kon. Gen. Grant commanded the right wing, with its advance thrown well forward. At 3 A. m. on the 4th of October, the British out posts on the right wing were sharply attacked and In the American Revolution. 115 finally driven back into the village, where they took refuge in a stone house [Chew's], which they bravely defended, refusing all demands to surrender, and giv ing Gen. Grant time to bring up his main body, while the Americans became confused and disordered. Howe himself was promptly on hand, hurried up the Grenadiers of Minnigerode and Donop's regi ment, placing a force on the left flank, which was also threatened. Cornwallis brought reinforcements from Philadel phia and joined in the pursuit of the retreating Americans. While Howe speaks slightingly of this engage ment, the Hessian officers, in their diaries, describe it at considerable length. Lotheisen says : " Miinch hausen, of the Guards, was adjutant-general for Howe, and gave the order to the Guards and Do nop's regiment, which were under arms, to march to Germantown, where heavy firing was heard. He acted on his own responsibility in doing so — and wisely, for on their arrival the Americans fled, were pursued for three or four miles, the two guns taken in Germantown were re-captured ; " and Dinklage, in his diary, speaks of the good fortune of his regi ment, the Guards, losing next to nothing, but help ing to secure the substantial result. In the " History of the Hessian Light Battalion," it is claimed that the promptness of the Hessians saved the army and turned a defeat into a substan tial victory. 116 The German Allies The English — both generals and historians — fail to do justice to the German troops. Col. v. Wurmb, unlike the British officers, kept strong patrols out on his front and repelled an attack of the Americans. Howe almost lost his head — he had, it was said, ordered a retreat to Chester, and it was rather a sur prise than a battle, which was only saved from becom ing a serious disaster by the prompt gallantry of the German troops. Howe's carelessness was the cause — he neglected to pay any attention to Ewald' s warn ing, through Col. v. Wurmb, of a report of an attack by the Americans, and refused to credit a like story told by a captured American. Howe had made a bad choice for his camp, refused to pay attention to the Hessian warning, and had no connection with his fleet, as the American fleet still held the Delaware. Washington had attacked in four columns ; two he directed on Germantown, the third between Ger mantown and Philadelphia, to cut off Cornwallis from reinforcements ; the fourth was to take him in the rear. The heavy fog interfered and prevented the successful execution of the plan. Detachments were sent to New Jersey, to establish batteries and attack Fort Mifflin, on Mud Island. ' On October 21st, Col. v. Donop went on his unlucky expedition to Red Bank. The object was to get con trol of the Delaware and open it for the British fleet, so as to secure free communication with the army. In the American Revolution. 117 Reedy Island was on the Jersey shore, and Fort Mercer stood on it. Col. Christopher Green, a very capable officer, had been sent there by Washington, with a force of Continental troops. Opposite, on the Pennsylvania side, was Fort Mif flin, on Mud Island, separated from the main land by a narrow channel, and strengthened by war ves sels, floating batteries, etc. Some works were thrown up against it and manned by Hessians. The Americans made several attacks, but were always repulsed by Capt. v. Stamford, with the Gren adier battalion of v. Linsingen. The English commander determined to seize Red Bank, and gave the order to Donop, an intelligent and bold soldier, and his force included the three Grenadier battalions of v. Linsingen, v. Minnigerode and v. Lengerke, Mirbach's regiment, which had been ordered up from Wilmington, four light companies, including Wangenheim's, a dozen cavalrymen, some artillery and two English howitzers. Donop recognized the heavy task entrusted to him and asked in vain for more artillery, but Howe said that if Donop could not take the fort, the British would. Donop was angry at this reply and sent back word that the Germans had courage to do any thing, and to his associates he said : " Either that will be Fort Donop or I shall be dead." On October 21st he left Philadelphia for the last time, made a round-about journey, riding with some artillery officers to reconnoiter. He found that he 118 The German Allies could approach the fort through a thick wood on three sides undiscovered. The fort was a pentagon, surrounded by a high embankment, and thirty paces in front of the glacis was a strong slashing. A small hill beyond was held with a redoubt. The works were quite extensive. Donop placed the eight-pound guns and the two mortars on the right, and in support, Minnigerode's battalion and the Light Infantry ; v. Mirbach's regi ment in the center, v. Linsingen's battalion on the left ; v. Lengerke's battalion and some Yagers on the Delaware, to guard against a landing and to protect his rear. Before each battalion there were sappers and a hundred men carrying hastily-gathered fas cines, led by a captain. Donop, at 4 p. m., sent a summons to surrender, with a threat of no quarter, if it was refused, and received a reply that the fort would be held to the last man. As the report was that very few men were seen in the fort, Donop decided to attack at once, and made a stirring address, to which the men replied : " We '11 change the name from Fort Red Bank to Fort Donop ; " and put himself, with his officers, sword in hand, at the head. They charged gallantly, but soon found their road broken by deep ditches, and could move only singly ; they were met with a sharp fire in front and flank from a covered battery and from two vessels in the river. Still the troops pressed on ; v. Minnigerode had taken the outlying redoubt by storm ; the Amer- In the American Revolution. 119 icans at first gave way, but soon stood fast, and before their fire Donop and Minnigerode and many other officers fell, casting dismay on their men. Col. v. Linsingen succeeded to the command and did all he could to restore order ; but the Hessians fell back in disorder. Dead and wounded were aban doned, and v. Linsingen brought the little remnant off under cover of the night, and on the next after noon reached Philadelphia. The fault lay with Howe, who had refused Donop's request for more artillery, had not supplied the nec essary utensils for a siege — not even sending storm ing ladders or any means of scaling the walls — had taken no means to learn the nature of the position, and had, as usual, shown too little respect for the enemy. Col. Greene had wisely acted on the suggestion of the French engineer, Capt. Duplessis, in withdrawing from the unfinished outwork and concentrating his strength in the fort itself — thus, too, misleading Donop, through the report of the small force that held it. After the repulse, when the officers came out, Du plessis heard Donop's cry for help and at once took care of him. The Americans buried 180 and cap tured over a hundred wounded. The Hessians lost 650 in all — among them Col. v. Schieck, Capt. v. Bojatzky, Lieuts. Riemann, Dupuy, v. Wurmb, Hille and v. Offenbach ; Col. v. Donop, Capt. Wagner, Lieut. Heymel, and many slightly 120 The German Allies wounded ; while the Americans reported their loss as 32. The wounded were tenderly cared for by the Amer icans — Donop, especially, was treated with attention. He died October 29th, in his thirty-seventh year, and was buried with military honors. His death was greatly mourned, both in the army and at home. Ewald says, in his " Essay on the Service of Light Troops," the attack was entirely unexpected, and if made promptly and in the right way, on both fronts, would have been successful. Howe determined to gain the fort at any price ; sent to New York for reinforcements, gathered at Staaten Island a fleet of 40 transports, with 4,000 men, among them the Bayreuth regiment, and abun dant supplies, under convoy of two men-of-war, which reached the Delaware on November ioth, joined one division of Howe's fleet at New Castle, 150 sail, and the other at Chester, 200 sail, while the admiral's great 98-gun ship rode proudly at their head, as they moved up the stream, opening a heavy fire on the fort, and for three days and nights pouring in an unceasing storm of shot and shell. The Americans abandoned the fort at Mud Island when it was in ruins, crossed the river and retreated to Red Bank, while the British troops were landed and joined Cornwallis in preparation for an attack. Every thing was ready, when, on the night of the 20th, the Americans abandoned and blew up their forts and ships. In the American Revolution. 12 1 Cornwallis sent out troops in pursuit, but finally withdrew again across the Delaware and returned to Philadelphia, entering the city with great military display on the 27th, and taking up position on the fourteen redoubts which covered the approaches on the land side. The Hessians were on the Schuylkill front, the main body quartered in the houses on the Neck, in a region reminding them of their native country. The Americans tried to tempt the Germans to desert, and Gen. Putnam issued a proclamation in German, to which Captain Emmerick, commanding a German-loyalist volunteer corps, replied in a man ner worthy of a German soldier and patriot. Emmerick had fought bravely in the Seven Years' War, and after the peace, had settled in America. At the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, he returned to Germany, raised a volunteer corps for service under the British flag, and showed courage and skill in his conduct. In 1809 he took a leading part in a conspiracy against Jerome Bonaparte, king of Westphalia, and was executed. His name is still piously cherished by his countrymen as a sacrifice to his love of liberty. Howe spent the winter with his army in Philadel phia, once making a reconnoisance in force towards Chestnut Hill, Whitemarsh and Edge Hill, trying to find a place to attack the American lines, and at another time across the Schuylkill, leaving Knyp hausen in command ; but Washington held his posi- 16 122 The German Allies tion at Valley Forge and prevented any real advance. Howe was greatly blamed for not using his strong force, well equipped and supplied, against the weak body of the Americans, suffering from want of the necessaries of life. Occasional exchange of shots, and some slight skirmishes, were the only active service. On April 2 2d, Gen. Clinton relieved Gen. Howe of his command. Clinton himself had been in New York, with a force too small to do more than resist American attacks, such as that of Sullivan, in which the German troops were warmly praised for their gallantry. Chaplain Waldeck, in his diary, says that one of the captured officers had two brothers serving with the loyalist provincial troops. Cornwallis divided his force into four corps, to be sent each in a different direction through New Jer sey, to capture cattle — as fresh food was growing scarce — and drive the Americans off. Cornwallis himself, with Gen. Campbell and the Bayreuth and Waldeck Grenadiers, under Captain Seitz, and other troops, crossed from Staaten Island and moved rapidly through Elizabeth, when he struck Putnam's corps and drove it some distance, capturing 500 head of cattle and 1,500 sheep. Seitz covered the rear as it withdrew to New York. In September, two new Hessian Yager companies and some Bayreuth recruits joined their regiments. Among the new arrivals was the young v. Ochs, a In the American Revolution. 123 volunteer, who subsequently became a general, and has left some interesting recollections of his experi ences in America. In October, the Bayreuth and Waldeck regiments were embarked on transports, to go up the Hudson to Burgoyne's relief, but soon after starting, came the news of Burgoyne's surrender, and the Waldeck reg iment disembarked at Fort Knyphausen. A detachment of the Bayreuth regiment, under Capt. v. Eyb, was forced to land and fight its way back to Kingsbridge, to escape the fire of the Amer icans from the shore. Finally, the Waldeck regiment was sent to Staaten Island for the winter, and the Bayreuth regiment to the Delaware. Gen. Clinton himself led a force, partly English, partly German, including the Hessian Grenadier bat talion of Kohler, the Ansbach Grenadiers and Triim - bach's regiment, and the Hessian Yagers, and landing at Stony Point, marched across country and made a simultaneous assault on Fort Montgomery and Fort Clinton, commanded by General James Clinton and General George Clinton. After a hard day's fight, both were taken — the two commanders and most of the garrison escaping, but leaving a hundred guns, a large supply of provisions and ammunition, and burning their ships at anchor. The Ansbach Grenadiers and their Captain, v. Eckert, won Clinton's special praise. Eckert was desperately wounded and died in New York. 124 The German Allies Lieut, v. Bentheim, of the Hessians, also fell, and the German soldiers, always favorites of Clinton's, were particularly commended by him for their brav ery in this brilliant operation. Razing the forts to the ground, throwing the guns and supplies, that he could not carry off, into the Hudson, he withdrew safely to New York. CHAPTER VII After a long and severe winter, Gen. Carleton began preparations for the campaign from Canada, which Gen. Burgoyne had planned in London, look ing to the union of the two armies at Albany. Gen. Carleton sent out small bodies of Indians to try to gather news of Howe's army, but with little success. Gen. Riedesel, in a letter to the Duke of Bruns wick, wrote that neither Carleton nor he had the slightest idea of Howe's plan, or of the whereabouts of his army. Burgoyne arrived from England in May, but with no orders, other than one giving him the command of all operations outside of Canada, thus setting aside Carleton, who, in spite of his successes, was no favor ite at court — he had asked for 30,000 men to carry out the plan which Burgoyne was ready to undertake with the small force in hand. Even Howe was junior to Carleton, and Riedesel saw in this a reason for passing over Carleton in the choice of a leader. Carleton transferred the command to Burgoyne, 126 The German Allies and helped him in every way to prepare for the cam paign, and Burgoyne promptly consulted Riedesel. Carleton was to retain in Canada a force of Bruns wick and Hesse Hanau troops, under Lieut.-Col. v. Ehrenkrook. Burgoyne was to take 3,600 Germans in his total strength of 8,000 men. In June, a fleet of 39 sail brought German recruits and the wife of Gen. v. Riedesel, with her three little children. Her memoirs are among the most inter esting and well-authenticated personal narratives of the war, and have endeared her name to many read ers of many nationalities. The army rendezvous was at Cumberland Head ; the German corps, in two brigades, the left wing ; the first brigade, under Col. v. Specht, the regiments of v. Riedesel, v. Specht, and v. Rhetz ; the second brig ade, under Col. v. Gall, the regiments Prince Fred erick and Hesse Hanau. The Grenadiers, the Light battalion and the Yagers, under Lieut.-Col. Brey- mann, were the reserve, and the Dragoons were the escort at head-quarters. The army was moved by boats across Lake Cham plain in gallant array, while the Indians moved by land. Burgoyne gave their chiefs a formal recep tion, and the Germans were formally welcomed as brethren. At Crown Point the army landed, and there found two German families, settled there for many years. The Brunswick chaplain baptized two of the adults, who had for years been without the benefits of the church. In the American Revolution. 127 Burgoyne handed the command over to Riedesel, while he pushed forward with the advance, under Fraser. Fort Ticonderoga. was at last uncovered, with its two main works, Fort Carillon and Fort Independ ence, and an old French redoubt, all well manned with eight and six-pounders, and the old French lines, but the Americans, with their small force, had wisely made their defense within much less ground. Fort Independence had one thirty-two-pounder, six heavy guns, and twelve in its outworks — and pali sades and ditches, with an outwork ; while a floating bridge connected the two forts, protected by heavy chains. Heavy batteries protected both shores. The garrison of 3,500 men, under General St. Clair, an experienced soldier of the Old French War, was well supplied, and the French had named the fort a " cul de sac," so strong was it by nature and by its defens ive works. On July ist, the army moved forward in two col umns, the left under Riedesel, the right under Phil lips. Breymann was with the reserve, and the German Dragoons were in the advance. At the first landing of the leading four German regiments, so little pains was taken to prepare a camp that the men were lost in the woods, and only by morning could they join their colors. Gen. Phillips, following Fraser's advance, engaged the American outposts, while Riedesel moved at once against Fort Independence. 128 The German Allies During the delay in preparing to attack, an Amer ican reinforcement, 800 strong, in spite of the Indi ans, entered the fort. Captain Gerlach, with a hundred men, was sent on a reconnoisance, to cut off the line to New Hamp shire. A battery was placed on a hill commanding both forts and bridge, and the Americans soon aban doned their strong position — Riedesel seizing Fort Independence and placing Breymann's corps there, and Fraser occupying Fort Carillon. Eighty guns, 1,500 small arms, 5,000 tons of flour, 200 oxen and great stores of all kinds, showed with what precipitation the Americans had withdrawn. The negligence of the Americans to defend Sugar Hill was heavily punished by the loss of this import ant post, which the French had defended at the sac rifice of 2,000 lives. Riedesel was at once ordered in pursuit by land and the rest of the army by water — leaving the Brunswick regiment as part of the garrison to hold Ticonderoga. Riedesel moved rapidly forward and soon found Fraser engaged. He put his Yagers into action and gave Capt. v. Geisan orders to turn the right flank of the enemy. They soon relieved Fraser, who heartily thanked Riedesel, his old friend in many hard-fought actions during the Seven Years' War in Germany. Capt. Schottelius was commended, with the other officers, for gallantry in their first engagement. A Brunswick Grenadier officer reported that of the In the American Revolution. 129 enemy, 2,000 strong, over 200 were captured — Brig adier v. Specht says 297. Riedesel learned the advantage of the American method of fighting in open order, and issued orders to his officers to practice their men in this new sys tem, thus adding a useful lesson to the strict Ger man discipline. Burgoyne decided to move directly to the Hudson and then to Albany. Riedesel ordered his officers to procure pack horses and relieve the men from the weight of their baggage during the severe marches. American loyalists reported at the German head quarters, on July 2 1 st, that the Americans had aban doned Fort George. Riedesel and Burgoyne had a long council at Skenesborough, where the Americans had burned the fort and magazine and mills, and destroyed their arms and provisions. Fifty German soldiers were left there to keep open communication between the army in its advance and the magazines at Ticonderoga. The Americans abandoned Fort St. Anna and Fort Edward and had taken up their position at Stillwater, on the Hudson. The Hesse Hanau regiment was left at Fort St. Anna, to forward much-needed supplies and establish bakeries and other means of furnishing food for the half-famished men. August 3d, Burgoyne at last received and returned messages, from and to Gen. Howe, and expectation was aroused of an early general engagement. 17 130 The German Allies In the papers of Gen. Schuler von Senden there is a report of the general complaint of the route chosen by Burgoyne and of the unnecessary hard ships inflicted on his men by the hard march through the wilderness. To get a supply of cattle, Burgoyne ordered the Brunswick Lieut.-Col. Baum to make a hurried march to Bennington, partly to gather supplies, partly to make a diversion in favor of Col. St. Leger's move ment on Fort Stanwix, by preventing Arnold from sending reinforcements. Riedesel protested against the operation as being too late — he had suggested it in July — and as made by too small a force. He reported to the Duke of Brunswick that he hardly recognized his own plan, so much was it altered. Baum was ordered to seize at least 1,300 horses, and the Brunswick Dragoons were ordered to go with him to ride the horses that he was to capture. They were utterly unsuited for the rapid march necessary for success. They were equipped with long, heavy riding boots, with big spurs, thick leathern breeches, heavy gauntlets, a hat with a thick feather ; at their side a strong sabretasch and a short, heavy carbine, while a big pig-tail was an important part of this extraordinary costume. The poor Dragoons had already been the laughing-stock of the army, and now they were to carry their supplies with them. Baum's corps was to consist of 200 Brunswick Dragoons, 40 Light Infantry, 60 Canadians, 140 In the American Revolution. 131 Indians, and Col. Peters' force of no men, but these were replaced by men from the regiments of his left wing and Breymann's corps. Two Hanau guns, under Lieut. Bach, were added. Of the 551 men, 374 were Germans — 360 Brunswick infantry and 14 Hanau artillerymen. Baum marched on August nth, from Fort Miller, with Burgoyne's final orders to go direct to Benning ton. On the 12th, he met an American force and captured eight men, and took a magazine. He soon reported to Burgoyne that Bennington was defended by a force of from 1,500 to 1,800 Americans, but so loyal that they were likely to retreat. His next message to Burgoyne was for reinforcements, and Burgoyne at once sent orders to Riedesel to order Breymann up — he was thirty miles off. Instead of help coming, Baum saw the Americans advancing in strong force, and although assured by Major Skene that they were loyalists who would join him, and allowing them to get in his rear and to cut him off from the Canadian volunteers, Provincials and Indians, posted on a neighboring hill, he found himself sharply attacked. He held out for two hours, when his ammunition gave out, he was severely wounded, and finally surrendered. Col. Stark, the American commander, praised the Germans for their stout resistance. Breymann was on the way with 333 Brunswick Grenadiers, 288 of Baum's Light Infantry, and 21 artillerymen, with two field pieces, under Lieutenant 132 The German Allies ftv' Spangenberg. He sent Captain v. Gleissenberg for ward with the advance guard of 60 Grenadiers and Chasseurs and 20 light infantry, and then followed quickly, but soon met a large force, at first taken for loyalists. His men fought well, until the ammuni tion was exhausted, and then, obliged to abandon his guns, he withdrew, with a heavy loss. Captain v. Schlagenteuffel, with 29 Dragoons, were the only Brunswick soldiers that escaped. Baum died of his wounds and was buried, with military honors, in Bennington. English and Americans both blamed the Germans for this disaster, but Baum and Breymann had acted in strict pursuance of their orders, and Burgoyne himself commended th'e personal bravery of both officers and men. The Americans were greatly delighted with their success, and soon gathered a force estimated at about 14,000, while the English lost so heavily by deser tion' that Burgoyne ordered the Indians to shoot every deserter, and to scalp, too. Supplies were very scarce — a Brunswick officer wrote home : " The army is fed with bread made of flour sent from England and with meat salted there, and the difficulty of getting food brought to the front is incalculable." Riedesel took position, with the regiments v. Rhetz and Hesse Hanau, seven miles from Fort Edward, to open communications with the magazines. Early in September, Riedesel received word from In the American Revolution. 133 Gates of the loss of a number of Germans, shot down in what was thought to be a revolt, but turned out to be only an effort of the prisoners to escape from a falling building. Lieut.-Col. v. Kreutzburg, who was with St. Leger, reported that the so-called victory at Oriskany was very doubtful, and, through Col. v. Gall, gave a very bad account of the condition of affairs on the Mohawk. Many of the Indians had left Burgoyne and those from St. Leger then came to the main body, but were of little real help. The American army was strong in numbers and position. Burgoyne at last advanced, the Germans forming the left wing, and after they had crossed the bridge over the Hudson, it was broken, thus cutting the last tie with Canada. The army was reduced from 10,000 to 6,000, with a very small supply of provisions. The 20 Brunswick Dragoons — all that were left — were mounted, but on very poor footing, for they were in need of every thing. Capt. v. Schlagenteuffet was in command of this, the only cavalry in the army. Riedesel had shown his sense of the risk to be run in the advance, by sinking two boats at Fort Edward, to be raised and used in case of a retreat. Burgoyne ordered an advance on the 15th of Sep tember, in three columns — the Germans the third, on the left. The route was on the high road from the Hudson to Stillwater. Breymann's corps was the rear guard and had orders to cut the bridges as soon as the army and its supplies were all across. 134 The German Allies Burgoyne took the regiments of Specht and Hesse Hanau, under Col. v. Gall, and six guns, and moved forward to reconnoiter. No advance guards, or patrols or pickets, had been sent out — he wanted to strike the rebels on the head. Riedesel and the other gen erals were with him ; 200 men went on to open the road and build bridges ; the force moved a couple of miles, then went into camp until roads could be cut through the thick woods, bridges built and entrench ments thrown up ; a further advance was made and still nothing was seen or learned of the enemy ; on moved the army, and nothing could be heard from one wing to the other. Burgoyne's advance guard was sharply engaged on the 19th, and when Riedesel heard of it, he reported his disposition of his force — his own regiment, with Pausch's two six-pounders, in support of v. Specht's regiment, which protected the advance guard and workmen. Two Indians reported that an American regiment was advancing from the left. Burgoyne sent Riede sel orders to attack the enemy on the right, and he at once ordered Col. v. Specht to hold the position on the river, and with the advance, under Capt. v. Freders- dorf, went forward until he had reached a position from which he could see the American army in posi tion and the two forces contending for Freeman's Farm, which was held now by one, now by the other, of the two armies. The Americans were well pro tected ; the English in the open, and their supports In the American Revolution. 135 not within effective distance — the Americans six times bringing up fresh troops from the woods that covered them. The English ammunition was nearly exhausted, their force heavily wasted. Riedesel at once moved on the right flank of the enemy, then joined Burgoyne, and Pausch promptly brought up his two guns, which Riedesel posted in support of the English line, already wavering under heavy fire ; sending his own regiments against the American position, forcing them to fall back, while Breymann successfully repelled an attack on the right. The Germans had thus, for the second time, saved the English, and followed up their success by pursuit of the retreating Americans, until Burgoyne ordered them to stop — much to the discontent of the troops, and, according to Gen. Schuler v. Senden, simply because he did not know how to avail himself of the advantage gained for him, and the opportunity of gathering supplies from the rich country in his rear. The English bivouacked on the field, where Gen. Arnold had necessarily abandoned most of the Amer ican wounded. Not only did the Germans fairly win the honors of this engagement, but Madame v. Riedesel and the ladies with her worked hard to bring succor to the wounded and dying, and thus earned the gratitude of the men for their courage in the midst of the horrors that follow a battle. CHAPTER VIII. The general officers rode over the ground on the day after the battle, September 20th, to find a good position. A redoubt was thrown up on the right, with Breymann's reserve to protect it. On the left was a hill which commanded the whole valley ; the Hesse Hanau regiment was posted there. Burgoyne pitched his camp between the English and German troops, Riedesel placed his on the height on the left. Posts and batteries were put at the open ings of the line, a deep ditch protected the front, and heavy trees were cut down to cover the approach from all sides. Pickets were posted well out, and the bridges were defended with earthworks. The Americans soon converted their position into an entrenched camp, so near that every sound could be heard in both camps ; but the British were altogether unable to ascertain the strength of the enemy, which successfully prevented any effective reconnoisance. On the 2 2d, Burgoyne received despatches from Howe, and reported to Riedesel that Clinton was moving to attack Gates. Burgoyne determined to 18 138 The German Allies remain for eight days, the time for further news from the south, and kept his men at work strengthening his camp. The Americans did the same thing, and sent out a small force that captured the cattle and guards of the English^. Riedesel sent Captain Gerlach across the Hudson to reconnoiter, ascertain the strength of the enemy, the feasibility of getting away with the artillery, or of an attack on the enemy's right. Gerlach returned the same night, with a report that by help of the bend of the river he had got to the rear of the ene my's right, but that he could see nothing, except that their camp was in two lines, the river on their rear, no bridge, but fords through which patrols passed. Daily attacks were made by the Americans on the outposts, but by cutting down the woods, preparations were made to resist them successfully. Hardly any patrol was sent out without losing some of its men. Provisions ran short, sickness rapidly increased, dis cipline diminished under growing hardships, deser tion increased, in spite of the dreadful punishment inflicted on the deserters recaptured. Burgoyne was daily losing popularity and confi dence. He did his best to strengthen his magazine and protect his supplies, but on October 16th was obliged to reduce the daily rations to a pound of bread and a pound of meat. The men did not com plain, and Riedesel was glad to find how patient they were. In the American Revolution. 139 The eight days taken by Burgoyne for news from Clinton had long passed, and he finally took counsel with Riedesel. An enemy four times his strength, in front of him, their position quite undiscoverable, the winter fast approaching — he proposed a flank movement around the left of the Americans and an attack on their rear, leaving 800 men to protect the camp, and it was inspected to see if it could be held for three or four days, but the result was very unsat isfactory — the works were too far apart — and it was decided that if the attack could not be made in one day, it would be better to abandon the camp, cross the Hudson, renew connection with Lake George, and open it with Clinton. This was Riedesel's sug gestion and it was approved by the other general officers, but Burgoyne would not hear of a retreat. On October 6th, the Americans made an attack on the left wing with 600 men and retreated in good order. On the 7th, Burgoyne ordered 1,500 men to be sent on a reconnoisance, but the Americans met it with a sturdy resistance. Lieut.-Col. Speth, with 300 Germans, in the center, supported by the v. Rhetz and Hesse Hanau regiments, had the brunt of the fight, and Captains v. Fredersdorf, v. Gleissenberg and v. Dahlstierna, and Ensign v. Geyling, were among the wounded, the two Hesse Hanau guns were lost, and the whole detachment barely escaped capture. Breymann and Speth did their best to resist the attack on their position, and Speth, with 140 The German Allies some other Brunswick officers, fell into the enemy's hands. The Americans fell back just when they had the key of the position and could have inflicted infinite injury by the capture of the magazine and supplies, although their attack was marked by a bravery that won the applause of the German officers. At last Burgoyne gave orders for a retreat, and Riedesel was to lead the advance, abandoning about 800 sick and wounded, while preparations were made to cross the Hudson, when Burgoyne suddenly ordered it to go into bivouac, and after a day's delay, and abandoning his camp equipage, tents, etc., again moved forward, while Burgoyne made himself com fortable in his old quarters, Schuyler's house, in spite of Riedesel's earnest warning. The Americans still pressed on, and Burgoyne, after setting fire to Schuyler's house and other build ings, found his retreat threatened on all sides, his boats and provisions captured, his force under fire, his outposts captured or driven in, and three batteries posted in the rear of his army, his supplies cut off, his troops losing courage and discipline, and the out look hopeless. Madame Riedesel and her children set an example of courage in this hour of trial that inspired all who saw her. At last Burgoyne called Riedesel and v. Gall and his English brigadiers into council. Riedesel advised abandoning guns and baggage, and pledged himself In the American Revolution. 141 to bring the army to Lake George. His offer was accepted and he urged an instant departure. Delay followed delay, and finally Burgoyne countermanded the order to move. The next day, the 13th, all was lost. Another council was called, to which regimental commanders, too, were invited, and all agreed that to cut their way out would be a bloody sacrifice, but they were ready to make it. Burgoyne declared that it was too late. He took upon himself the responsibility — for which Riedesel thanked him — and opened negotiations with Gates for the surrender, which finally was agreed upon on the 16th. Of the 5,800 men included in it, 3,500 were still able to bear arms, and of these the Germans counted 2,43i- Riedesel prepared a memoir, in both German and French, which on the 18th of October was signed by the brigade and staff officers of his command, to be submitted to the Duke of Brunswick and the public. In it he said that his reputation had been sacrificed by others. His friends at home were full of respect and pity and expressed their full confidence. St. Leger had, in the force he took against Fort Stanwix, the Hesse Hanau Yager company, under Lieut. Hildebrand, sent from Hanau in May, 1777, and landed in Canada in June and at once sent on this expedition. He lost tents, guns and supplies, and found his way back out of the wilderness as best he could. 142 The German Allies Burgoyne was received with great courtesy by Gates, who had on his staff Col. v. Weissenfels, born in Konigsberg and long in the Prussian service. Riedesel, by his wife's help, saved the flags of his regiments and returned them safely to Brunswick. He encouraged his men and acquitted them of all blame for their misfortunes. The actual surrender was made with the greatest consideration for them. In Schlozer's Correspondence is a letter from a Brunswick officer describing, in a good-humored way, the contrast between the American army and that which surrendered to it. The British forces marched by slow stages to Bos ton, with the loss of only a hundred deserters from the German troops. Madame v. Riedesel shared her husband's hardships. The regiment Prince Frederic had been left at Ti conderoga, and was reinforced by 150 recruits on the day of the American attack, and successfully repelled it, as well as a second demonstration by a large force, thus saving Canada and the large magazine of sup plies gathered for Burgoyne's army from sharing his cruel fate. CHAPTER IX. The German prisoners were encamped on Winter Hill, in wretched barracks, built in 1775 for the American troops engaged in the siege of Boston, badly supplied with even the necessaries of life, offi cers and men stripped of their personal effects — Gen. v. Riedesel even lost all of his, although guarded at night by the militia, who perhaps helped to take it — and robbed of thirty horses, their private property. In violation of the terms of surrender, by which the officers were promised quarters suited to their rank, three and four were crowded into miserable corners, and Gen. v. Riedesel had to pay heavily out of his own pocket for lodgings in a tavern at Cambridge. The promises of improvement in the quarters and care of the prisoners were violated. Officers and men did the best they could. The poor fellows were sup plied with shoes that cost four silver dollars, at the expense of the officers, who shared their resources with them. The camp was surrounded by sentries, who forbade all intercourse with Boston, while the officers were allowed on parole a limit of a mile and a half in other directions. 144 The German Allies Gen.. Heath was in command in Boston — a selfish, rough, rude man, who hardly hid his hatred for the prisoners in his charge. He paid a formal visit to the generals, and invited them to dine with him in Boston. He promised them, in his general order, humanity and kindness, but took no trouble to show them any. The other German prisoners were scattered through out Massachusetts, in private families, and the sol diers had to work for their food and clothing. The winter was a very severe one, every effort was made to induce the men to desert, and especially to get those who were skilled artisans to benefit the Americans by their industry. Every device was adopted to get them to slander their comrades and to forget their duty. Some of them did, indeed, profit by the change, and found brilliant rewards for their new citizenship. Gen. Riedesel and his officers did what they could to hold their men, but of course had no means with which to make their condition endurable. Riedesel secured a comfortable house in Cambridge, belonging to a refugee loyalist, and as he was only a mile and a half from Winter Hill, paid daily visits to the soldiers, doing all he could for them. His health was greatly broken by the hardships and exposure of the last few trying months. Some of his officers had secured comfortable quarters, but they were con stantly annoyed by the rudeness and brutality of the American officers. Riedesel established discipline in In the American Revolution. 145 the camp of the prisoners, and secured them the pro tection of their own officers. The Commissary department was entrusted by Gen. Heath, at Riedesel's request, to a special officer, Massereau, who made use of every means to enrich himself at the expense of the poor German prisoners. The guinea, which Congress had fixed at 28 shillings, was taken at 90 shillings in paper, and the prisoners could only get the paper at this rate for their gold, or silver; the profit was the share of the commissary and the authorities at Boston. While the British desertions, to the end of Decem ber, were nearly 400, the Germans lost only 20. By the end of January, a much-needed supply of clothing came from New York, to help the men bear the cold weather. After many efforts to secure the terms promised at the surrender, Congress finally, in the close of March, formally disapproved of them and refused to be bound by them. The British, too, treated the Germans unfairly, for while many of the officers of the English force were exchanged, not a single German officer was, and Riedesel appealed to Washington, who gave him a kind answer, but reminded him that it was a matter belonging entirely to Sir William Howe. He bribed Massereau with 30 guineas, so as to secure better care for his men. Burgoyne's release, in April, was conditioned on a deposit of $40,000, and this was made in food and 19 146 The German Allies supplies sent from Rhode Island, to the great benefit of the half-starved prisoners of war. Gen. Burgoyne thanked the Germans, through Riedesel, for their services, and promised to report their good conduct to the King of England on his return home. Riedesel kept his men in good condition by con stant exercise, frequent inspection, reviews and other employment, to protect them from the evils of idle ness. He and his wife were greatly annoyed by the rude hostility of the Boston men and women of all classes, and even by threats of personal ill usage. He gave his men leave of absence for fixed periods, that they might go into the country and do farm work, both for their health and the little wages they could earn. By April the British had 655 men, the Brunswick force 116, the Hesse Hanau troops 41, off on leave on this plan. Congress made a formal proclamation, inviting the Germans to desert, and Riedsel protested against it as an abuse of the position of prisoners of war, had the proclamation torn down, and the agents who were trying to persuade the men to desert put out of the camp, and the American officer in charge approved his course, saying that the proclamation was intended only to reach the soldiers in the field. Lieut.-Col. v. Speth, on account of ill health, was allowed to go to New York, and on his way visited the German prisoners — giving, in a letter of April 28th, a sad account of their condition, starved, sick, ragged, hopeless and despairing. In the American Revolution. 147 Near Boston there were repeated examples of ill- treatment — a young Brunswick soldier of the Rhetz regiment, in trying to protect his wife, was brutally killed by half a dozen militiamen, and no punishment was ever meted out to them. Gen. Riedesel loyally supported Gen. Phillips in his protest against the ill-treatment alike of English and German prisoners, and refused any favor that Gen. Heath showed him and his men. The good supplies sent from Rhode Island were taken by the Americans, who replaced them with their own very poor food, thus inflicting new distress and misery on the unhappy prisoners. Fifty Brunswick soldiers died in four weeks, from the results of bad food and intense summer heat, and the hardships consequent on frequent changes of quarters. The sight of the British fleet off Boston threw Gen. Heath and the Americans into a state of excitement, and awakened in the prisoners a hope of release, but Howe's plans were all a succession of failures, although he really meant to do something for the men. As the winter again approached, Burgoyne sent an officer with the promise of a supply of clothing, etc., from Canada via New York, but while it was daily expected, Gen. Heath issued an order that the men were to go to Virginia, a march of 650 miles, through a country full of hostile inhabitants, with no provision for health or comfort. Clinton had refused to supply the prisoners, and as Boston was heavily taxed to 148 The German Allies feed the French troops, it was thought best to send the prisoners southward, where food was more abund ant, and where the climate would not be so severe for them. The Germans were not a little discouraged at the necessity of a long march into a new region. They moved in three divisions, on successive days — the first included the Grenadiers, the Dragoons, and the Rhetz regiment, led by Major v. Mengen ; the second the regiments of v. Riedesel and v. Specht, led by Brigadier v. Specht ; the third consisted of the bat talion of v. Barner, the regiment of Hesse Hanau, and the Hanau artillery, under Brigadier v. Gall. Major Hopkins was the commissary given to the Germans on their march. Riedesel accompanied the first division for a time, and then returned to Cambridge for money. The journey was tedious and trying, and the men found great difficulty in getting shelter or food in the thinly populated country through which they moved. Often bivouacking in the woods, without tents or cover, exposed to frost and rain, their condition was a wretched one. At Salisbury, Gen. Riedesel sent them $70,000 in paper money, which he had secured at Boston on his personal responsibility. Arrived at Fishkill, on the Hudson, Washington paid them the compliment of his presence, but he also gave them a strong guard, lest Clinton should carry out his threat of releasing them by force — for In the American Revolution. 149 which purpose he had sent some frigates and troops up the Hudson, hoping to find an opportunity to force the post at Peekskill, and, with the help of roy alist citizens, release the prisoners — but nothing of the sort was attempted. At Newburg, Gen. Riedesel succeeded in sending, through Washington's head-quarters, money to sup ply the officers with forage for 165 days, and shoes and stockings for the men. In December, they passed through New Jersey and Pennsylvania — and at Lancaster met a curious recep tion ; the story had spread that the King of England had given Lancaster to Gen. v. Riedesel as a reward for his services and that he was now come to take possession. The people were greatly excited, and it took some time to convince them of the truth. On the last day of the year, they reached Virginia, and celebrated New Year's eve in a wild wood, with snow a foot deep, with no shelter and little protection. By the 15th of January, they got to Charlottsville, where they were finally followed by Riedesel, who had travelled slowly, accompanied by his wife and children. General Gates, who had succeeded to the command of Boston, did every thing to make their journey comfortable, and showed them the greatest courtesy. In March, 1779, Riedesel reported to the Duke of Brunswick the particulars of their change of quarters from Massachusetts to Virginia. Riedesel lived like a native farmer, built a block 150 The German Allies house, with furniture made on the spot, worked at his own garden, had horses and cattle, and his wife made a capital housewife. The heat was oppressive, and in a short visit to Frederick Springs for relief, he made acquaintance with some of Washington's family. Few officers were left with the soldiers at Char lottesville, the former being mostly sent to Rich mond — it was thought by them with a view to leave the men free to be persuaded to desert and find new and profitable employment in America. Riedesel appealed to Congress and to all others in authority in vain, and, instead of redress, got only evasive answers. In June, the long-delayed baggage arrived from Canada, but in very bad condition, so that officers and men were really very little better off as to clothing, etc. In September, Washington sent Riedesel word that he was to be exchanged and should go at once to New York. Turning the command over to Col. Specht, he did what he could for the future comfort of his soldiers and started, with his family and staff and servants, making 16 in all, and 20 horses and a num ber of wagons. His journey was interrupted by an order from Congress to go to Bethlehem, Pennsylva nia, where he was detained for six weeks, with great discomfort — he was suffering, his children were sick, his wife was about to be confined, and he was not allowed even to go to Philadelphia. When he finally arrived in New York, Clinton In the American Revolution. 151 informed him that the exchange had not yet been effected. , Riedesel wrote to the Duke of Brunswick, asking to be allowed to return to his command in Virginia, if the exchange was not completed. He said that in Georgia the British had 1,500 prisoners, and in New York 400 officers, all working hard for an exchange, and that Washington and the army were anxious for it, but Congress was constantly interfering to pre vent it, and in a way that showed that no reliance was to be placed upon its promises. When Riedesel arrived in New York, he found a number of Brunswick soldiers who had escaped and wanted to rejoin their colors, but no one would care for them. Some 50 Brunswick and Hanau soldiers had enlisted with a Captain v. Diemar, formerly in the Sixtieth British regiment, who was trying to raise a volunteer Hussar force, and who was thanked by the Count of Hanau for his kindness to the men, who were supplied by him with clothing and money after their hardships in rejoining their comrades. After Riedesel's arrival in New York, a partial exchange was made, including 67 officers, with 149 servants, and 113 non-commissioned officers, leaving only 906 men at Charlottesville, and of the Hanau forces, 16 officers and 40 servants were allotted for exchange, leaving 296 men behind. The large pro portion of servants was a pretext for getting the non commissioned officers exchanged. Deprived of officers and non-commissioned officers, the men stood stoutly 152 The German Allies by their colors, and resisted the temptations held out to them to make their homes in America, with all the rewards offered. The men made thmselves comfortable in their tem porary barracks, surrounded themselves with gardens and such comforts and occupation as they could pro vide, built a church — with a graveyard, fitted up a theatre, had constant visitors from far and near, and made new life in the desolate little country village. The men were left for eighteen months without pay, and Congress deliberately repudiated the terms of the convention under which they had surrendered. Washington stood up stoutly for their rights, but La Fayette justified Congress, on account of English examples of bad faith, particularly at the surrender of Klosterseven, in the Seven Years' War. CHAPTER X. The British ministry was ready to make every effort to end the war in 1778. Parliament voted it all the money needed for fresh allies, and Col. [now General] Faucit again went to the Continent to spend it for the soldiers he hoped to get there. But the reports from America were not of a kind to encourage new supplies, and the only prince who agreed to give his subjects for the British cause was the sovereign of Anhalt-Zerbst. The Elector of Hesse refused to send another corps, and was only finally persuaded to allow the voluntary enlistment of some companies of light infantry. The Opposition, in and out of Parliament, were active in exciting hostility to these efforts to increase the force sent to America. It was said that Russia was to lend 24,000 men, Switzerland 10,000, and the Emperor of Fez and Mo rocco 24,000 Moors, and that other smaller Asiatic sovereigns had promised their help. The net result was that there went from Cassel 220 recruits and 23 Yagers, under three lieutenants and one ensign, and from Hesse Hanau and Ansbach 660 20 154 The German Allies men, at the end of February, to complete the force already pledged. In Parliament, the Opposition hurled contempt on the German princes and their troops ; but Lord Suf folk retorted : " Who saved the kingdom from a French invasion in 1748 ? Who resisted the French from 1752 to 1762, and helped England to save Han over, Brunswick and Hesse from submission and to win at last a satisfactory and honorable treaty? Who have enabled the British to hold their own in Amer ica ? The German soldiers, who to-day are said to be worthy of no good word." The German princes took every occasion to reward their officers and men, by conferring orders and dis tinctions on those who were reported as showing unusual bravery. On May nth, 1778, Gen. Howe announced that he was about to return to Egland, and would be suc ceeded by Sir Henry Clinton. On the 4th, he had held a review of the Hessians in Philadelphia, when seven regiments and fourteen batteries and the Yager corps were commended for their splendid appearance. Only twice during the war was such a force, so well drilled, seen together. The occurrence is specially mentioned in a manuscript history of the Hessian Yager corps, by Capt. Mehlburger. Festivals followed, one after another. On the 18th of May, the brothers Howe were made the special guests of a great display arranged by young MajorV. Andre, called the Meschianza. , In the American Revolution. 155 On the 20th, the corps of Lafayette, reported to be 6,000 strong, showed itself across the Schuylkill, and a great part of the British army was sent out, in three columns — the right and left to cut off their retreat, the center to march through Germantown and attack at once. The whole affair was a failure. The left column saw 3,000 men recross the Schuylkill, with the loss of only ten prisoners and hardly a shot fired — although a good many were drowned. After a rest of two hours, the British marched back again. The force sent to Germantown was made up of English, Hessian and Ansbach troops. The brigade of Wolwarth was left in Philadelphia — it was after wards known as v. Bose's, its new commander. The Yagers moved on the 19th and 20th, through Germantown to Whitemarsh. The complete failure was said to be due rather to the incompetency of an English general than to the treachery to which he attributed it. On the 24th, Howe embarked with all the honors due his rank. Before going he made special acknowl edgment to Wreden and Ewald of the services ren dered by them and their light infantry. Clinton, who succeeded Howe, was deservedly pop ular with the German soldiers, for he spoke their language, had served in Germany during the Seven Years' War, and had been adjutant to the Duke of Brunswick ; so that he and the Germans were friends of long standing. He prepared at once to evacuate Philadelphia, which 156 The German Allies was threatened by a strong French fleet, reported to be at the mouth of the Delaware. Dinklage, in his diary, on June 3d, noted that for eight days there had been great excitement — every thing put on board the ships ; merchants and many families already embarked ; the streets, from being like a fair, were empty ; all trade ceased, except the sale by auction of furniture set out in the streets ; most faces were sad and anxious, but a few showed their hope of better things. The fleet of 51 sail, with a convoy of men-of-war, carried away the cavalry and the South German regiments, 3,000 in all, to reinforce New York and Newport. On June 15th, Stirn's and Loos' brigades were sent, with the baggage, through New Jersey, cross ing at Gloucester, and camping at Haddonfield, where the rest of the army joined them on the 18th. As the fleet sailed out of the river, the passage was barred by sinking old hulks. The sick and wounded were left behind, with a letter from Clinton commend ing them to Washington. The movement of the British force across the river was largely made in open boats, but the Americans carefully avoided any interference with the retreating force. On the 19th, the army moved on, in two columns, one under Cornwallis, the other under Knyphausen. With the former were the Hessian Grenadiers and the Guards ; with the latter, the two Hessian brig- In the American Revolution. 157 ades; v. Stirn and v. Loos, the Hessian and Ansbach light infantry, the Pennsylvania and Maryland loy alists, and the West Jersey volunteers. On June 28th, the rear guard was attacked at Mon mouth, and the advance, under Knyphausen, was also threatened, but he forced his way through. Clinton found the enemy in large force on his flanks, and finally ordered an attack, driving the Americans from their first and second positions, but stopping when he found he had to deal with Wash ington and 20,000 men. He had effected his pur pose — his baggage trains were in safety, his army concentrated. The Hessian and Ansbach light infantry, under Wurmb, had been particularly distinguished by their conduct during this trying retreat, where, for three long weeks, they had been constantly under fire from the pursuing force. Lafayette and Pulaski had given them no rest, either day or night, and the Hessians had abundant opportunity for examples of personal valor and military ability. A young Hessian subaltern, v. Ochs, who had joined as a volunteer in the past September, was so conspicuous that he was at once recommended for promotion, although he did not receive his new com mission until two years later, September, 1781, when Wurmb made him his adjutant. This was the sol dier who, later in life, as General v. Ochs, wrote his memoirs, in which he dwells on the useful lessons he had learned in the American war. 158 The German Allies Captain Ewald, too, was particularly thanked by Clinton. General Knyphausen showed great skill in pro tecting the baggage train, which stretched out over a line of twelve miles in length. With all his other cares, he was careful to save his old comrade, Gen. v. Steuben, who owed his life to Knyphausen's com mand to his men not to fire, when Steuben exposed himself at close quarters. Clinton's army was only about 13,000 strong, but with the baggage it covered almost fourteen miles, so liberal was the allowance of personal effects — for British officers then moved with an unlimited supply, including mistresses, servants, etc., etc. When at last the army reached New York, on the 8th of July, it had lost heavily by sickness and deser tion — Ewald attributes both to the great hardships of this summer retreat. The Ansbach and Bayreuth regiments were safely landed on Long Island on June 20th. When France declared war against England in the spring of 1778, it changed the plans of the commander in America, for the French fleet was a new factor. Clinton decided to strengthen Newport, and sent there, in July, a fleet of seventeen transports and two frigates. The troops landed in Newport, when the German soldiers were sent to Conanicut. The sup- In the American Revolution. 159 ply of provisions was very scanty and the men were put on short rations. In New York, little was done, and Col. v. Emme rich undertook a surprise of Putnam's force, which ended very disastrously in the loss of 50 prisoners, and in the constant threat of attack that kept his force at King's Bridge in a state of alarm at all times. Soon after Clinton's arrival in New York, the French fleet appeared off Sandy Hook, where Lord Howe was guarding the entrance. The French sailed July 19th, in such haste that, instead of weighing their anchors, they cut their cables, and suddenly appeared off the coast of Rhode Island. On the night of August 3d, a great fire in New York destroyed many warehouses and 64 dwellings, and a few days later a stroke of lightning exploded the powder on a vessel lying in the harbor and shat tered many of the houses on shore. In September, a fleet arrived from England, with 500 Hessians and 200 Ansbach and 100 Waldeck recruits. While the troops were idle in New York, watching the movements of the fleets, as they came and went, the Yagers (light infantry) and Col. Emmerich were busy doing outpost duty beyond King's Bridge, con stantly engaged with the pickets of Washington's force at White Plains. An adventurous young Frenchman, Armand, for- 160 The German Allies merly an officer of the French army, at the head of ^77- Johann Anton Germar, 1781, '82. May 14, '80. Just. Ernst, 1 78 1. Bernhardt Wilhelm Wiederhold, 1781-83. May i5,'8o. Max. Ludwig von Helmold, 1782, '83. Mar. 7, '81. Christ. Friedrich von Lacken [Sacken], 1783. Ensigns. Philipp Peter Ludemann, 1778. Johann Anton Germer, 1778, '79. Bernhardt Wilhelm Wiederhold, 1778, '79. Max. Ludwig von Helmold, 1779, '81. Christ. Friedrich von Sacken [Lacken], 1779, '81, '82. Oct. 22. ^77. 296 The German Allies Caspar Theo. von Dalwigk, 1779, '81-83. Nov. 12, '77. Heinrich von der Litt, 1779, '81-83. Mar. 26, '78. von Heimel, 1782. Feb. 12, '81. de Cornberg, 1782, '83. Feb. 12, '81, Feb. 13, '81. de Stamford, 1783. Mar. 9, '82. Adjutant. Caspar von Groening, 1778, '79, '81-83. Quarter-Master. Jacob [or John] Lotheisen, 1778, '79, '81-83. Judge- Advocate. Witte, 1778, '79, '81-83. Chaplains. Schrecker, 1778. Wiedermann, 1777: Crepon, 1782. Surgeon. Friedrich Waldeck, 1778, '79, '81-83. Wutgenau, 1776 [Eelking]. Regiment Landgrave, 1778-83. Major- Generals. von Bose, 1778. Heinrich Jul. von Kospoth, 1782, '83. Sept. 26, '78. Colonels. Heinrich Jul. von Kospoth, 1778. Heinrich Walrab von Keudell [Budell? Eelking], i779"83- . Dec- 25, '77- Lieutenant-Colonels. von Romrodt, 1778. Friedrich von Hannstein, 1779-83. Dec. 24, '77. In the American Revolution. -297 Majors. Friedrich von Hannstein, 1778. von Ahrenberg, 1778, '79. Friedrich von Eschwege, 1781-83. Sept. 20, '79. Captains. 'Meddern [1776]. Mondorff, 1778. Hohlefeld, 1778. Gren Minne, 1779-81. 2Friedrich Ernst de Muenchhausen, 1779, '82, '83. Mar. 31, '76. Johann Jacob Vogt, 1778, '79, '82, '83. Feb. 22, ^77. Adam Bauer, 1779. Wilhelm von Eschwege, 1779. Ludwig Eberhard Murarius, 1781-83. Apr. 15, '79. Johann Con. Ernst, 1781-83. Sept. 30, '79. Peter Volpert, 1781-83. Oct. 1, '79. August von Kospoth, 1783. Nov. 7, '81. Lieutenants. 'Lowensfield [1776]. 'von Lendow [1776]. Adam Bauer, 1778. Juliaa, 1778. 3Ludwig Eberhard Murarius, 1778, '79. First Lieutenants. "•Peter Volpert, 1778, '79. ¦Wounded at Fort Washington, Nov. 16, 1776. — Gaine's New York Gazette, March 17, 1777. aAid-de-Camp to Sir William Howe, 1777. — Macdonald 6? Cameron 's Army List for 1777. "Wounded at Rhode Island, August 29, 1778. — Almond's Remembrancer, volume VII, page 36. 4His rank is determined from the Army List of 1781, where he appears as First Lieutenant in the temporary Battalion of the Grenadier der Lengercke. 38 298 The German Allies August von Kospoth, 1778, '79, '82. Feb. 24, '77. Ludwig von Kospoth, 1778, '79, '82, '83. Dec. 24, ''77. Carl Goddeus, 1783. Apr. 1, '82. Second Lieutenants. Carl Goddeus, 1778, '79, '81. May 8, '76. Franz von Ende, 1778, '79, '81-83. Feb. 23, ^77. Carl von Seelhorst, 1779, '81. Friedrich von Kospoth, 1782, '83. Dec. 13, '78. Philipp Wagener, 1781-83. Feb. 13, '79. Adolph Friedrich de Zanthier, 1781-83. Sep. 30, '79. Julius von Klingsohr, 1783. Mar. 9, '82. Eugen Benjamin von Kliest, 1783. Mar. 10, '82. Georg von Rosing, 1783. Mar. 11, '82. Carl Philip Hannstein, 1783. Mar. 12, '82. Ensigns. Franz von Ende [1776]. Carl von Seelhorst, 1778. Friedrich von Kospoth, 1778, '79. Carl von Billingsleben, 1778, '79. Philipp Wagener, 1778, '79. Adolph Friedrich von Zanthier, 1778, '79. de Micklaskewitz, 1779. Julius von Klingsohr, 1779. Eugen Benjamin von Kliest, 1781, '82. May 1, '78 Georg von Roosing, 1781, '82. Nov. 8, '78 Carl Philipp von Hannstein, 1781, '82. Nov. 14, '79 von Berglassen, 1781-83. Nov. 15, '79 Carl Schoenewolf, 1781-82. Nov. 16, '79 de Nolden, 1781-83. Mar. 21, '80 August von Papenheim, 1781-83. Apr. 7, '80 Munschausen, 1783. June 1, '81 Adjutants. Peter Volpert, 1778. In the American Revolution. 299 Julius von Klingsohr, 1781, '82. Feb. 26, '78. August von Pappenheim, 1783. Chaplain. Stern, 1778, '79, '81-83. Aug. 15, '76. Quarter-Master. Bockewitz, 1779, '81-83. Jan. 1, '78. Judge Advocate. Meisterling, 1778, '79, '81-83. Mar. 10, '76. Surgeon. Ohlhaussen, 1778, '79, '81-83. Sept. 23, '71. Regiment Hereditary Prince, 1 778-1 783. Major- Generals. Stirn, 1778. 'Friedrich von Hackenberg, 1782, '83. Sept. 19, '79. Colonels. 2Friedrich von Hackenburg, 1778, '79. Friedrich von Kochenhausen, 1782, '83. Dec. 26, ^77. 'Last Wednesday died, at the age of sixty one, Frederic Baron de Hack enberg, Major-General in the service of his Serene Highness the Landgrave of Hesse, and Knight of the Most Honourable Order, Pour la Virtue Mili- taire. He with great probity, and steady courage, served the House of Hesse Cassel forty-two years, ever having the glory of his Prince and the British Nation, the constant ally of his Serene Highness, immediately at heart. He was hospitable, candid, good natured; in short, he always proved himself a true Philanthropist. He was universally beloved, and it maybe truly added that few have left the world more generally regretted, by the Military, and the Citizens of New York, than the late amiable General le Baron de Hackenberg. His remains, with the usual marks of distinction due to Nobility, and all the Military honours, were, on Thursday, deposited in the Lutheran Church vault, Frankford street, attended by a very numer ous, affectionate and truly mournful procession. — Gaine's New York Gazette, September I, 1783. 2To be Brigadier-General. — Gaine's New York Gazette, July 12, I77q. 300 The German Allies Lieutenant-Colonels. Friedrich von Kochenhausen, 1778, '79. 'Matthew von Fuchs, 1781-83. Sept. 19, '79. Majors. Matthew von Fuchs, 1778-80. 'Peter Melick Waldenberger, 1781-83. Sept. 19, '79. Captains. 'Ludwig Friedrich von Gall, 1778, '79, '81. Christoph Laun, 1778, '79, '81-83. { ?%'. 28, '77! Heinrich Friedrich Wachs, 1782, '83. Mar. 2, '74. von Schaller, 1778, '79, '81, '83. Feb. 26, '77. 'Kiimmell, 1778, '79, '81-83. Mar. 1, '77. Adolph Fr. von Eschwege, 1779. 'Herman Christoph Gebhard, 1779, '81-83. Nov. 15, '77. Joachim Kimm, 1782, '83 [Grimm — Eelking, volume 11, page 252]. Nov. 2, '80. Friedrich Wilhelm von Haller, 1783. Mar. 9, '82. Lieutenants. Friedrich von Eschwege, 1778. von Boyneburg, 1778. First Lieutenants. Friedrich Wilhelm von Haller, 1779, '81, '82. Nov. 10, '77. Ernst Wolfe Briede, 1783. Feb. 10, '82. Andreas Ludwig Descoudres, 1783. Mar. 9, '82. 'Bauer.'Kummel.'Gebhard.'Grimm. 'Surrendered at Yorktown.— Eelking, volume n, page 352. In the American Revolution. 301 Second Lieutenants. Ernst Wolfe Briede, 1778-82. Feb. 1, '76. Andreas Ludwig Descoudres, 1778, '82. Feb. 2, '76. 'Ernst August Westerhagen, 1778, '79, '81-83. Feb. 3, '76. 'Ernst Wilhelm Andersohn, 1778, '79, '81-83. Feb. 26, '76. Friedrich Graw, 1778, '79, '82, '83. Feb. 22, ^7. 'Friedrich von Keudell, 1779, '81-83. Dec. 24, ^77. 'Rhein Fried. Ungewitter, 1781-83. Dec. 13, '78. 'Jacob Diedrich Pfaff, 1781-83. May 28, '80. Georg Ludwig Motz, 1783. Ensigns. Friedrich von Keudell, 1778. Rhein Friedrich Ungewitter, 1778, '79. Jacobus Diedrich Pfaff, 1778, '79. 'Georg Ludwig Motz, 1778, '79, '81, '82. Feb. 23, '77. 'Christian von Hoening, 1778, '79, '82, '83. Apr. 21, '77; Apr. 25, '77. 'Valentine Schoenewolff, 1779, '81-83. Dec. 24, '77. Descoudres, 1782, '83. Nov. 8, '80. Winicke, 1782, '83. Jan. 9, '81. Ludwig, 1782, '83. Mar. 23, '81. Adjutants. Kimm, 1778. Christian von Hoening, 1779, '81-83. Quarter-Master. 'Ludwig, 1778, '79, '81-83. Judge- Advocate. Plumque, 1778, '79, '81-83. 'Surrendered at Yorktown.— Eelking, volume II, page 252. 302 The German Allies Chaplain. 'Hausknecht, 1778, '79, '81-83. Surgeons. Avemann, 1778, '79, '81. "Francis Aug. Baur, 1783. Regiment Prince Charles, 1778-1783. Major- Generals. Schmidt, 1778. Carl Uphraim von Gosen, 1782, '83. June 12, '80. Colonel. Johann Wilhelm Schreiber, 1778-83. June 21, '76. L ieu tenant- Colonels. Georg Eman. von Lengerke, 1782, '83. | -jj^y *§' >^ Wilhelm von Loewenstein, 1778-80, J June 22, '76. '82, '83. (June 1, '78. Majors. Carl August von Kutzleben, 1778-83. Feb. 25, ^77. Wilhelm von Wilmousky, 1782, '83. Sept. 22, '79. Captains. Wilhelm von Wilmousky, 1778. Johann Jacob Fischer, 1778-83. Jan. 28, ^77. 3 Heinrich Wilhelm Reuting, 1778, '79, '82, '83. Jan. 29, '77. 1 Surrendered at Yorktown. — Eelking, volume n, page 252. 2 Surrendered at Yorktown and died of his wounds. — Ibid. 8 Resigned the Town Majorship of New York city. — Gaine's New York Ga zette, November 30, 1778. In the American Revolution. 303 Friedrich Adolph Neuber, 1778, '79, '81-83. Feb. 23, '77 ; , '79. Johann August Gerstman, 1779, '81-83. Nov. n, '77. 'Theodor Hart Harkert, 1779, '81-83. APr- x4> '78- Balthasar Spangenberg, 1781-83. Nov. 18, '79. Martin Beckers, 1781-83. Feb. 8, '80. Lieutenants. Hartel, 1778 [Theodor Hart Harkert]. Johann August Gerstman, 1778. Heinrich Schmidt, 1778. Ferdinand von Trott, 1778, '79. Balthasar Spangenberg, 1779. First Lieutenants. Johann Philip Schmidt, 1783. Feb. 1, '76. Ludwig Otto Carl von Dornberg, 1783. Feb. 2, ^76. Carl Georg Rhein. von Trott, 1782, '83. Dec. 13, '78. Johann Carl W. S. von Westphall, 1782, '83. Feb. 8, '80. Wilhelm Carl Ludwig von Geyso, 1778, '79, '82, '83. Oct. 1, '80. Second Lieutenants. Heinrich von Trott, 1781, '82. Feb. 1, ''77. Carl Wilhelm Christ. Friederich von Trott, Jr., 1783. Feb. 1, '77. Barthold Kroll, 1781-83. Nov. 12, '78. Friedrich Adolph Martin Becker, 1782, '83. Dec. 17, '78. Carl Wilhelm von Trott, 1782, '83. Nov. 1, '80. von Eptingen, 1783. Ensigns. Barthold Kroll, 1778, '79. 'Died on August 71I1, 1783, and was buried in St. Paul's Churchyard, New York city. — Gaine's New York Gazette, August 13, 1783. 304 The German Allies Friedrich Adolph Martin Becker, 1778, '79. 'von Bouilly, 1779. Carl Wilhelm von Trott, 1778, '79, '81. Philipp Peter Schmidt, 1778, '79, '81-83. Feb. 22, '77. von Eptingen, 1781, '82. Jan. 13, '78. Christoph Roesing, 1779, '81-83. June 18, '78. Apell, 1783. Mar. 25, '82. Adjutants. Hartel, 1778 [Theodor Hart Harkert]. Christoph Roesing, 1779. Friedrich Adolph Martin Becker, 1781, '83. von Eptingen, 1782. Jan. 13, '78. Quarter-Master. Heinrich Pfaff, 1778, '79, '81, '82. Apr. 20, '56. Judge- Advocate . Plumque, 1782. Chaplain. Hausknecht, 1782. Surgeon. Bauer, 1778, '79, '81, '82. Jan. 28, '76. Regiment Dittfurth, 17 78-1 783. L ieutenant- General. Mil. Max. von Dittfurth, 1782, '83. May 26, '71. Colonels. Max von Westerhagen, 1778-83. May 8, '77. Friedrich Heinrich von Schuler, 1782, '83. May 24, '78. 1 Discharged at his own request, by the Landgrave of Hesse. — Robertsons Orderly Book, November 2J, 1780. In the American Revolution. 305 Lieutenant-Colonels. Friedrich Heinrich von Schuler, 1778, '79, '81. May 24, '78. Ernst Leopold von Bork, 1782, '83. Nov. 3, '80. Majors. Ernst Leopold von Bork, 1778-81. Friedrich Wilhelm von Malsburg, 1782, '83. Nov. 2, '80. Captains. Ludwig Reichell [Berchell, Eelking], 1778, '79. 'Engerding, 1778, '79, '81. Nicholas Frederick Klingender, 1778, '79, '82, '83. Mar. 4, '74. Friedrich Wilhelm von Malsburg, 1778, '79, '81. Wilhelm von Malsburg, 1779, '81-83. Nov. 12, ''77. Heinrich Hugo Scheffer, 1781-83. Feb. 9, '80. Georg Ernst Topfer, 1782, '83. Nov. 3, '80. avon Rabenau, 1782. Arnold Wilhelm von Haller, 1783. Sept. 7, '81. Lieutenants. Wilhelm von Malsburg, 1778. Heinrich Hugo Schaeffer, 1778, '79. Wilhelm L. Franz von Dittfurth, 1778, '79. Christian von Bose, 1778, '79. Franz Ferdinand von Bardeleben, 1778, '79. First Lieutenants. Carl Levin Marquard, 1783. Feb. 2, '76. 1 On the 13th of June last, died at Charles-Town, South Carolina, Capt. Edderging, of the Hessian Regiment of Dittfourth, greatly regretted as a good officer and much lamented by those who were acquainted with his pri vate character. — Gaine's New York Gazette, August 6, 1781. 5 Died in New York, November 30, 1782. — Gaine's New York Gazette, De cember 2, 1782. 39 306 The German Allies Arnold Wilhelm von Haller, 1782. Feb. 8, '80. von Rabenau, 1782. Nov. 1, '80. Second Lieutenants. Arnold Wilhelm von Haller, 1778, '79, 81. Carl Levin Marquard, 1778, '81, '82. Feb. 2, '76. Leon Wilhelm von Trumbach, 1778, '79, 81-83. Feb. 3, '76. Adolph Frederick Duncker, 1779, '81-83. Feb. 22, }77- von Bardeleben, 1781. Georg Hermann Vultejus, 1781-83. Apr. 10, '78. Peter Christopher Firnhaber, 1782, '83. Feb. 8, '80. Heinrich A. von Schachten, 1782, '83. Feb. 9, '80. Friedrich von Buttlar, 1782, '83. Mar. 7, '81. Heinrich Lorey, 1782, '83. Mar. 7, '81 ; Mar. 8, '81. Ensigns. Dunker, 1778. Georg Hermann Vultejus, 1778. Peter Christopher Firnhaber, 1778, '79, '81. Heinrich A. von Schachten, 1778, '79, '81. Strasser, 1778, '79, '81. Friedrich von Buttlar, 1779, '81, '82. Heinrich Lorey, 1781. 'Carl Wetzell, 1781-83. Mar. 21, '80. Friedrich Lange, 1782, '83. July 10, '80. Carl von Buttlar, 1782, '83. Jan. 27, '81. Amabilis von Zehmen, 1782, '83. Mar. 1, '81. Wilhelm von Brunn, 1782, '83. Mar. 2, '81. Franz Martins, 1782, '83. Mar. 28, '81. Buttlar, 1783. Mar. 9, '82. Quarter-Master. Cornelius Wende, 1778, '79, '81-83. Died at Charleston, South Carolina, August 25. — Jtivington's Gazette, October 2, 1782. In the American Revolution. 307 Adjutant. Georg Hermann Voltejus, 1779, '83. Surgeon. Limbergen, 1778, '79, '81-83. Regiment Losberg, Senior, 1 778-1 783. Lieutenant-General. von Losberg, 1783. Oct. 25, '72. Major- General. Johann August von Loos, 1783. Colonels. Franz Schaeffer, 1783. June 7, ^77. 'Johann August von Loos, 1778-82. May 22, '78. Lieutenant-Colonels. Franz Schaeffer, 1778-82. Jan. 24, '76. von Losberg, 1782, '83. Majors. Lewis Aug. von Hannstein, 1778-82. Feb. 24, ^77. Ernst Eber. Altenbockum, 1782, '83. { ^P"1 5' ,'|J Captains. 2 von Benning. *von Reise. 3 Ernst Eber Altenbockum, 1778, '79, '81. Johann Reid Mondorff, 1782, '83. Feb. 20, '76. von Steding, 1778, '79, '81, '82. Feb. 25, '76. von Wurmb, 1778, '79, '81, '82. Feb. 24, ^77. 'See New York Historical Society Collections, 1875, p. 113.- 2 KiUed at Trenton. — Eelking, vol. 1, p. 130. 8 Wounded at Trenton — Eelking, vol. I, p. 130. 308 The German Allies Friedrich Wilhelm Krafft, 1779, '81-83. Dec. 26, '77. Marquard, 1782, '83. Mar. 21, '80. Ernst Christian Schwabe, 1782, '83. Feb. 1, '81. Jacob Biel, 1782, '83. Feb. 2, '81. Heinrich Hegeman, 1782, '83. j -^ *|j ,g£ Lieutenant. ' Kimm. First Lieutenants. "von Wurmb [1776]. Friedrich Wilhelm Krafft, 1778. Keller, 1778. von Munchhausen, 1782, '83. Aug. 17, '76. von Hoben, 1782, '83. Nov. 9, '80; Nov. 11, '80. Henry Reim Hille, 1782, '83. Nov. 12, '80. 3 Hermann Heinrich Georg Zoll, 1782, '83. Nov. 9 and 19, '80. William von Uslar, 1782, '83. Nov. 21, '80. Second Lieutenants. von Stoben, 1778. von Gluer, 1778, '79. 4 Schwabe, 1778-81. Jacob Biel, 1778-81. Hermann Heinrich Georg Zoll, 1778-81. Moeller, 1778, '79, '81, '82. Feb. 3, '76. von Hoben, 1779, '80. Franz Grebe, 1781, '83. C. von Waldschmidt, 1781, '83. Georg Kress, 1781, '83. Carl Friedrich von Luder, 1781, '83. ' Killed at Trenton. — Eelking, vol. I, p. 130. 5 Wounded at Fort Washington, November 16, 1776 — Gaine's New York Gazette, March 17, 1777. 3 Wounded at Trenton. — Eelking, vol. I, p. 130. 4 Wounded at Trenton. — Eelking, vol. I, p. 1 30. Nov. 7, '80. Nov. 10, '80. Nov. 11, '80, Nov. 13, '80 In the American Revolution. 309 Ensigns. Franz Grebe, 1778, '79, '81. von Zengen, 1778, '79, '81, '82. Feb. 2, '76. "Hennendorff, 1778-81. C. von Waldschmidt, 1778, '79, '81. Georg Kress, 1778, '79, '81. Rathmann, 1778, '79, '81, '82. Apr. 24, '77. Stendorf, 1779. von Roven, 1779, '81-83. Feb. 26, '78. Gottlieb Waldeck, 1779, '81, '82. July 15, '78. Carl Friedrich von Luder, 1781. Recordon, 1781-83. Aug. 1, '79. Zoll, 1782. Mueller, 1782, '83. Apr. 2, '80. Stegmann, 1782, '83. Oct. 26, '80. Adjutant. Jacob Biel [or Piel], 1779-83. Quarter-Master. John Heusser, 1778, '79, '81-83. Surgeon. Oliva, 1778, '79, '81-83. Regiment Losberg, Junior, 1782, 1783. L ieutenan t- General. Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Losberg, 1782, '83. Mar. 7, '81. Colonel. Carl Christoph von Romrod, 1782, '83. Dec. 24, ''77. 3 Transferred to the Third Battalion, New Jersey Volunteers, as Ensign, Feb. 5, 1782. — Von Kraff' s Journal, New York Historical Society's Collection, 1882, p. 170. Rivington's Army List, 17S3. 310 The German Allies Lieutenant-Colonel. Hans von Biesenrod, 1782, '83. Dec. 26, '77. Major. Emanuel Ernst Anton von Wilmousky, 1782, '83. Feb. 22, '77. Carl Leopold Bauermeister, 1782, '83. Feb. 26, '77. Captains. Ludwig Maive von Mallet, 1782, '83. Oct. 16, '68 Johann M. Rothe, 1782, '83. Nov. 16, '76 Ludolph Rodemann, 1782. Dec. 27, '77 Carl von Toll, 1782, '83. Dec. 28, '77 Friedrich August Broeske, 1782, '83. Jan. 6, '81 Johann C. Schraidt, 1782, '83. { ^ *j>, J8i Johann Reid Rodeman, 1783. First Lieutenants. Lewis Wilhelm August von Boyneburg, '1782, '83. Jan. 6, '81. Carl Friedrich Rueffer, 1782, '83. Sept. 5, '81. Johann Georg Wissemuller, 1783. Mar. 25, '82. Second Lieutenants. Johann Georg Wiesenmueller, 1782. Dec. 24, '77 Friedrich von Biesenrod, 1782, '83. Dec. 25, '77 W. V. Buelzingsloerven, 1782, '83. Dec. 26, '77 Ehrhard von Drach, 1782, '83. Dec. 27, ''77 Hieronymus Berner, 1782, '83. Dec. 28, '77 Georg Bern Kersting, 1782, '83. Dec. 29, ''77 Rudolph Wilhelm Duncker, 1782, '83. Dec. 30, '77 Ludwig Martin Wiscker, 1782, '83. I J^' *> ]*** Carl von Ehrenstein, 1783. Mar. 9, '82 In the American Revolution. 3 it Ensigns. Carl von Ehrenstein, 1782. Oct. 18, ^77. Heinrich Lange, 1782, '83. Dec. 24, '77. Friedrich Fey, 1782, '83. Feb. 13, '78. von Bode, 1782, '83. Dec. 2, '79. Chaplain. Virnau, 1782. Judge- Advocate. Hynemann, 1782. Adjutant. Carl Friedrich Rueffer, 1782, '83. Quarter-Master. August Schmidt, 1782. Surgeon. Conrad Gechter, 1782. Regiment Knyphausen, 17 78-1 783. Lieutenant-General. Baron Wilhelm von Knyphausen, 1778-83. Sept. 22, '75. Colonel. 'Heinrich von Borck, 1778-83. Jan. 20, '76, Lieutenant-Colonels. Carl Philipp Heymell, 1778-81. von Knyphausen, 1782. Majors. 'von Dichow [1776]. Johann Friedrich von Stein, 1778-83. Feb. 27, '77. Georg Wilhelm von Biesenroth, 1783. May 6, ^77. 'Wounded at Fort Washington, Nov. 16, 1776. Gaine's New York Gazette, March if, 1777. 312 The German Allies Captains. 'Arnold Schlemmer. 2Barkhausen [1776]. Ludwig Wilhelm von Lowenstein, 1778, '79, '81. Georg Wilhelm von Biesenroth, 1782. Mar. 29, '62. Schimmelpfennig, 1778, '79, '81-83. Feb. 9, '76. Christoph Philipp Reuffurth, 1779, '81-83. Feb. 24, '76, Dec. 24, '77. Jacob Baum, 1778, '79, '81-83. Feb. 21, ^77. Andreas Wiederhold, 1781-83. Nov. 12, '78. Vaupell, 1781-83. Nov. 16, '79. 3Hon. Bennet Wallop, 1781-83. April 23, '80. First Lieutenants. Vaupell, 1778. Heinrich Friedrich Zinck, 1782, '83. Feb. 22, ^77. Christian Sobbe, 1782, 83. April 5, ''77. 4John F. William Briede, 1782, '83. , 1777; Feb. 6, '81. Second Lieutenants. Christoph Philipp Reuffurth, 1778. de Terry, 1778, '79. Andreas Wiederhold, 1778, '79. Wilhelm Heymell, 1779. Ludwig von Romrodt, 1778, '79, '82, '83. June 13, '74. von Bassewitz, 1778, '79, '82, '83. June 10, '75. Johann Heymell, 1782, '83. Feb. 1, '76. Fuhrer, 1778, '79, '82, '83. Feb. 2, '76. lSee Regiment de Seitz. 2Killed at Fort Washington, Nov. 16, 1776. Gaine's New York Gazette, March 17, 1777. 8To be Major of Brigade of Provincial Forces, Nov. 5, 1780. — Robertson's Orderly Book. Fourth son of John Viscount Lymington, grandson of the first Earl of Portsmouth, born Jan. 20, 1745, died Feb. 12, 1815. — Foster's Peerage. 4Wounded at Fort Washington, Nov. 16, 1776. — Gaine's New York Gazette, March 17, 1777. In the American Revolution. 313 Zinck, 1782, '83. Feb. 22, '77 Geysow, 1782. Feb.. 22, '77 Christian Sobbe, 1778, '79, 82, '83. April 5, '77 Johann F. Wilhelm Briede, 1778, '79-81. 1777, Feb. 6, '81 August or Anton von Liitzow, 1781-83. Nov. 16, '79 von Ruger, 1781-83. Mar. 1, '80 Wilhelm von Drach, 1782, '83. Mar. 24, '80 Heinrich Zimmermann, 1782, '83. Sept. 5, '81 Heinrich Ritter, 1782, '83. Sept. 6, '81 Ensigns. 'Fuhrer, 1778. August or Anton von Liitzow, 1778, '79. Wilhelm von Drach, 1778, '79, '81. Heinrich Zimmermann, 1778, '79, '81. Heinrich Ritter, 1778, '79, '81. Ferdinand Ungar, 1781-83. Feb. 25, '78. Wilhelm von Muller, 1781-83. Mar. 1, '80. Ronneberg, 1782, '83. " Nov. 1, '80. Quarter-Masters. Mathias Muller, 1778, '79, '81. Lewis Schmidt, 1782. Pausch, 1783. Chaplain. Wilhelm Bauer, 1778, '79, '81-83. Adjutant. Christian Sobbe, 1779, '81-83. Surgeon. Wilhelm Pausch, 1778, '79, '81, '82. ' His portrait was fixed to the gallows in New York as a deserter, Oct. I, 1781. — Von Krafffs Journal, New York Historical Society's Collections, 1882. 40 314 The German Allies Regiment Mirbach, 1778-1781. Major- General. von Mirbach, 1778. Colonels. von Block, 1778. Carl von Romrodt, 1779-81. Lieutenant-Colonels. 'von Schieck [1776, ^77]. Hans Moutz von Biesenroth, 1779-81. Majors. von Willmousky, 1778-81. 2Bauermeister, 1778, '79. Cdptains. Endmaim, 1778. Schotten, 1778. David Reichhold, 1778, '79, '81. Rothe, 1778, '79, '81. Rodemann, 1779, '81. von Toll, 1779, '81. Lieutenants. von Toll, 1778. Schraydt, 1778, '79. Wilhelm August von Boyneburgh, 1778, '79. 3Carl Friedrich Riiffer, 1778, '79. First Lieutenants. Broetke, 1781. Second Lieutenants. Wiesenmiiller, 1779, '81. Hans Friedrich von Biesenroth, 1779, '81. 'Killed at Red Bank. — Eelking, vol. i, p. 222. 2 A. D. C. to Sir Henry Clinton, 1779-82. 'Wounded at Red Bank. — Eelking, volume I, page 222. In the American Revolution. 315 von Bulzenflower, 1779, '81. Ehrhard von Drach, 1779, '81. Hieronymus Berner, 1779, '81. Martin Ludwig Wisker, 1781. von Boyneburgh, 1781. Ensigns. Wiesenmiiller, 1778. Hans Friedrich von Biesenroth, 1778. von Bulzenflower, 1778. Ehrhard von Drach, 1778. Hieronymus Berner, 1778. Martin Ludwig Wisker, 1779. Carl von Ehrenstein, 1779, '81. Heinrich Friedrich Lange, 1779, '81. Ungar, 1779. Fey, 1779, '81. Adjutant. Carl Friedrich Riiffer, 1779, '81. Chaplain. Fernau, 1778, '79, '81. Quarter-Master. August Schmidt, 1778, '79, '81. Judge- Advocate. Heinemann, 1778, '79, '81. Surgeons. Conrad Taecher, 1778, '79. Gechter, 1781. Note. — The following officers belonging either to the Regiment Mirbach or the Grenadier Battalions of Minnigerode or Linsing or to the Jager Corps, to which cannot now be ascertained, were killed at the attack on Red Bank: Captains von Brogatzky and Wagener, Lieutenants. Riemann, du Puy, von Wurmb, Hille, von Offenbach, and Heymel. Lieut. Gottschalk was severely wounded at the same attack. 316 The German Allies Regiment Steyn, 1778. Regiment von Seitz, 1 779-1783. Colonel. Franz Carl von Seitz, 1778-82. Feb. 28, '74. L ieu tenant- Colonels. 'Arnold Schlemmer, 1778. Carl von Kutzel, 1780-83. Feb. 3, '76. {Army rank, Col., Nov. 3, '80.] Graff, 1778. Maj°rS- Ludwig von Schallern, 1779-83. Regt., April 13, ^77. [Army rank, Lt.-Col., Nov. 6, '80.] Johann Newmann, 1782, '83. Nov. 8, '80. Captains. Friedrich Platte, 1778. Johann Newmann, 1778. von Ende, 1778, '79. G Langenschwarz, 1778, '79, Andreas Sandrock, 1778, '79, Wilhelm Bode, 1778, '79, ,81-83. Christian Munch, 1781-83. Wilhelm Justi, 1781. Andreas Oelhaus, 1781- Henklemann, 17 81. 1 On Wednesday last died, at 52 Years of Age, after four days' Illness, of an Inflammatory Fever, Lieut. Colonel Arnold Schlemmer, a Native of Hershfeld, in the Landgrave of Hesse, he served his Serene Highness, the Landgrave, thirty-eight years, particularly in the Campaigns of Bavaria, in 1742, 1743, 1744, 1745; in Scotland, in 1746; in Holland, in 1747, 1748; in England, in 1756; with the Allied Army in Germany, from 1757 to 1762, and in 1776 to the Day of his Death in North America; from a just sense of his great military Abilities, his Prince promoted him from the Rank of Captain, in the Regiment of his Excellency General de Kniphausen, to that of Lieu tenant Colonel in the Regiment de Seitz, just before the Embarkation of that Corps for this Continent; he has left a Widow and one Son, an Infant. His Remains were on Thursday last interred with the military honours due to his Rank; he was as brave a Soldier, and as respectable a Gentleman as ever existed. — Gaines' New York Gazette, August 5, 1778. '81-83. Sept 7, '75- '81-83. Mar. 12, '76. 83- Mar 13, '76. Dec. 14, '78. In the American Revolution. 317 Lieutenants. 'Swein [1776]. von Romrodt, 1778. Vilmer, 1778. Buebach, 1778. von Freyden, 1778. Christian Munch, 1778, '79. Henklemann, 1778, '79. von Lahrbusch, 1778, '79. First Lieutenants. Wilhelm Justi, 1778, '79, '82, '83. Feb 23, '77. Andreas Oelhaus, 1778, '82, '83. Dec. 24, ^77. Second Lieutenants. Johann Knies, 1779, '81-83. Feb. 23, ^77. Georg [or Johann Heinrich] Fenner, 1779, '82, '83. Dec. 26, '77 Rhein. Jung, 1782, '83. Nov. 12, '78 Ludwig Friedrich Wilhelm von Boyneburgh, 1781-83 Dec. 13, '78 Vieth, 1781, '82. Dec. 13, '78 Johann Paul, 1781-83. Dec. 14, '78 Johann Koerber, 1782. Nov. 1, '80 Conrad Stolzenbach, 1782. Mar. 7, '81 Ensigns. Bernhard Sturtz, 1778. Albus, 1778. Georg [or Johann Heinrich] Fenner, 1778. Rhein. Jung, 1778, '79. Vieth, 1778, '79. Ludwig Friedrich Wilhelm von Boyneburgh, 1779. Johann Paul, 1779. ¦Killed at Fort Washington, Nov. 16, 1776. — Gaines' New York Gazette, March 17, 1777. 318 The German Allies Johann Koerber, 1779, '81, '83. Jan. 2, '78. Conrad Stolzenbach, 1779, '81. Feb. 26, '78. Emanuel Maus, 1781-83. Dec. 13, '78. Georg Langenschwartz, 1781-83. Dec. 15, '78. Petri, 1781-83. Feb. 13, '79. Otter, 1782. July 10, '80. Hunerdorf, 1782. Mar. 7, '81. Adjutants. Johann Kneis, 1778, '79. Georg [or Johann Heinrich] Fenner, 1781, '82. Quarter-Master. Spangenberg, 1778, '79, '81-83. Judge- Advocate. Franke, 1778. Kummell, 1778. Surgeon. Hellmerich, 1778, '79, '81-83. Regiment Wissenback, 17 78-1 780. Regiment Knoblauch, 1 781-1783. Major- General. Hans von Knoblauch, 1782, '83. Feb. 19, '80. Colonel. Friedrich von Borbeck, 1778-80, '82, '83. July 11, '80. Lieutenant-Colonels. von Kilzell, 1778, '79. Friedrich von Borbeck, 1781. In the American Revolution. 319 Majors. Johann Georg Seelig, 1778-80. Johann Otto Goebell, 1780-83. Nov. 12, '78. Johann Christian von Ende, 1781-83. June 12, '80. Captains. Oswald, 1778. Germer, 1778. Gunthermann, 1778, '79, '81. Georg Hoenstein, 1782, '83. Mar. 6, ^d. Jacob Boediker, 1778, '79, '81-83. Mar. 20, ^76. Hupeden, 1778, '79, '82. July 15, '78. Wilhelm Heinrich Hegemann, 1781-83. Nov. 15, '79. Johann Anton von Darwigk, 1781-83. July 10, '80. Samuel Waldeck, 1783. Mar. 28, '81. Lieutenants. Stippich, 1778. Kleyensteuber, 1778. Conrad Koerber, 1778, '79. Wilhelm Heinrich Hegemann, 1778, '79. Resing, 1778, '79. • Lotz, 1778, '79. Biermann, 1778, '79. First Lieutenants. Ludwig Knoblauch, 1782, '83. Mar. 21, '80. Christoph Goebell, 1782, '83. Mar. 22, '80. Georg Schenck, 1782, '83. Nov. 1, '80. Johann Christoph Koerber, '81-83. Mar- 7> '8l- Second Lieutenants. Christoph Goebell, 1778, '79, '81. Johann Christoph Koebler, 1779. Koerber, Jr., 1781. Heinrich Abel, 1781-83. June 16, '79. 320 The German Allies Carl Ludwig Gessner, 1781-83. Nov. 16, '79. Bernhardt Justi, 1782, '83. Mar. 21, '80. Rud. Reinhard Dick, 1782, '83. Sept. 15, '80. Peternell, 1782, '83. Nov. 2, '80. Heinrich Stiickradt, 1782, '83. Nov. 3, '80. Friedrich Cordemann, 1782. Mar. 7, '81. Schimmelfennig, 1783. May 25, '81. Ensigns. Georg Schenck, 1778. Koerber, Jr., 1778, '79. Carl Ludwig Gessner, 1778, '79. Heinrich Abel, 1778, '79. Bernhardt Justi, 1778, '79, '81. Mathseus, 1779. Rud. Reinhard Dick, 1779, '81. Weissenborn, 1781. Peternell, 1781. Heinrich Stiickradt, 1781. Schimmelpfennig, 1782. June 1, '80. Johann Dietrich, 1782, '83. Nov. 1, '80. Simon Vockeroth, 1782, '83. Nov. 2, '80. Andreas Wagener, 1782. Mar. 11, '81. Hartmann Scheuber, 1782, '83. Mar. 12, '81. Chaplain. Grimmel, 1779, '81-83. Adjutants. Conrad Koerber, 1778, '79. Carl Ludwig Gessner, 1783. Judge- Advocate. Schanz, 1779, '81-83. Quarter-Master. Pfluger, 1778, '79. Surgeon. Krupp, 1778, '79, '81-83. In the American Revolution. 321 Regiment Woellwarth, 1778. Regiment Trumbach, 1779, 1780. Grenadier Regiment Marquis d'Angelelli, 1781-1783. Lieutenant-General. Louis d'Angelelli, 1781, '83. Mar. 4, '77. Colonels. von Woellwarth, 1778. Johann Christoph Koehler, 1779-81. Sept. 18, '78. Halzfeld, 1783. Mar. 7, '82. Lieutenant-Colonel. Johann Wilhelm Endemann, 1781, '83. Nov. 8, '80. Majors. Mathaeus, 1778, '79. 'Johann Wilhelm Endemann, 1779-81. Johann Jost, 1780. Johann Eckhard Bode, 1782. Mar. 9, '80. Friedrich Wilhelm Bode, 1783. Nov. 9, '80. Captains. Coecking, 1778. Goebell, 1778, '79. Feetz, 1778, '79, '81. Staebeli, 1779, '81. von Griesheim, 1781. Johann Adam Bauer, 1781-83. - Apr. 10, '78. Giesell, 1781. Oct. 6, '78. Greg. Salzmann, 1779, '81-83. Nov. 17, '79. Friedrich Heinrich Widekind, 1781-83. Nov. 20, '79. 'Wounded at Stono Ferry, St C, June 30, 1779. — Almon' s Remembrancer, vol. 8, page 302. 41 322 The German Allies Johann Chr. Miilhausen, 1781, '83'. Nov. 8, '80. Carl von Dalwigk, 1783. Mar. 7, '82. Lieutenants. Staebeli, 1778. Greg. Salzmann, 1778. 'Friedrich Heinrich Widekind, 1778, '79. 'von Griesheim, 1778, '79. First Lieutenants. 2De Muy, 1779, '81. Carl von Dalwigk, 1781. Nov. 16, '79. Wilhelm Studenroth, 1781, '83. Nov. 8, '80. Carl Andreas Kienen, 1781, '83. Nov. 9, '80. Second Lieutenants. Carl Andreas Kienen, Sen., 1778, '79, '81. Carl Andreas Kienen, Jr., 1778, '79, '81. Wilhelm Studenroth, 1779, '81. Wernicke, 1779, '81. Christoph Friedrich Goebell, Sen., 1781, '83. Mar. 21, '76. Eberhard, 1781. Oct. 6, '78. Gippert, 1781. Oct. 7, '78. Boppe, 1781. Dec. 25, '78. Eschtnith, 1781. Dec. 26, '78. Liebrecht Fleck, 1779, '81-83. Nov. 16, '79. Georg Broetke [or Bceske], 1781, '83. Nov. 17, '79. Wilhelm Boecking, 178V83. Nov. 8, '80. Friedrich Georg Mathseus, 1781, '83. Nov. 9, '80. Joseph Heinrich Wiederhold, 1 781, '83. Nov. 11, '80. Heinrich Pauly, 1781, '83. Mar. 7, '81. Goebell, Jr., 1783. Mar. 8, '81. 'Wounded at Stono Ferry, South Carolina, June 30, 1779 — Almon's Remembrancer, vol. 8, page 302. * A Frenchman who refused to fight against his countrymen and was dis charged in 1781. In the American Revolution. 323 Ensigns. Wernicke, 1778. Liebrecht Fleck, 1778. 'Kleinschmidt, 1778. Schroeder, 1778, '79. Georg Boeske [or Broetke], 1778, '79. Werner, 1778, '79, '81. Joseph Heinrich Wiederhold, 1779. Wilhelm Boecking, 1779, '81. Friedrich Georg Mathseus, 1781. Goebell, 1 78 1. Gombrecht, 1781. Schmidt, 1782, '83. July 31, '78. Hatzfeldt, 1783. Mar. 6, '82. Schultze, 1783. Mar. 10, '82. Adjutant. Liebrecht Fleck, 1779. Quarter-Masters. Fitz, 1778, '79. Bokeloh, 1783. Surgeons. Holtzschuh, 1778, '79. Girrard, 1783. Regiment Trumbach, 1778. Regiment Bose, 1779, 1783. Lieutenant- General. Carl von Bose, 1782, '83. Mar. 8, '81. ' Deserted on account of his debts, Aug. ii, 1778. — Von Kraft's Journal, Collections of the New York Historical Society, 1882, page 59. His portrait was fixed to the gallows as a deserter, Oct. 1, 1781. — Ibid, page 151. 324 The German Allies Colonels. ' Carl Ernst von Bischhausen, 1778-80. Baron H. von Muenchausen, 1783. May 29, '78. Lieutenant-Colonels. Baron H. von Muenchausen, 1778-82. Jan. 21, '76. Chris, du Puy [or Buy], 1782, '83. Nov. 4, '80. Majors. Chris, du Buy [or Puy], 1778-81. 2 von O'Reilly, 1782, '83. Nov. 3, '80. 3 Friedrich Heinrich Schur, 1782, '83. Nov. 6, '80. Captains. Friedrich Heinrich Schur, 1778, '79, '81. 3 Alexander Wilmousky, 1778, '79, '81. Moritz von Stein, 1778, '79, '81. 3Johann Eigenbrod, 1778, '79, '81-83. Feb. 24, '76. 4 Rail, 1779, '81. Wilhelm von Leliva, 1782, '83. Nov. 1, '80. Johann Schwaner, 1782, '83. , '80; Sep. 5, '81. Philipp Butte, 1782, '83. , '80; Sep. 6, '81. Lieutenants. Wilhelm von Leliva, 1778. Spener, 1778, '79. Henel, 1779. First Lieutenants. 'Philipp Butte, 1779, '81. 2,4 Johann Schwaner, 1781. 1 To be Brigadier General, Oct. ii, 1780. — Robertson's Orderly Book. Wounded at the battle of Guilford, March 15, 1781. — Almon's Remem brancer, volume 12, page 25. 2 Surrendered at Yorktown. — Eelking, volume II, page 252. 3 Wounded at the Battle of Guilford "and since dead." — Almon's Remem brancer, volume 12, page 25. 4 Wounded at the Battle of Guilford. — Rivington's Gazette, August 11, 1781. Killed at Yorktown. — Gaines' Gazette, November 26, 1781. In the American Revolution. 325 'Georg Christoph Hoepfner, 1778, '79, '81-83. Aug. 1, '79. 2 Johann Josias Geyso, 1778, '79, '81-83. Aug. 2, '79. Ludwig Wilhelm Henel, 1782, '83. Aug. 3, '79. Second Lieutenants. Ludwig Wilhelm Henel, 1778. 3Hartmann, 1778, '79, '82. Mar. 4, '74. 'Joseph Wilhelm Netzner, 1778, '79, '81-83. Mar. 5, '74. Johann Frederick Kuntzet [or Kuntzook], 1783. Nov. 10, '77. 'Carl William von Burghoff, 1779, '81-83. Nov. 11, '77. Nikolaus Kuntsch, 1779, '82. { S°V' 2°' '77' ' ' /y' [Nov. 10, '77. Nikolaus von Runk, 1783. Sept. 5, '81. Adolph von Roden, 1783. Sept. 6, '81. Wilhelm Brauns, 1783. Mar. 9, '82. 4Johann Philipp von Krafft, 1782. Sept. 15, '82. Ensigns. Johann Friedrich von Kuntzook [or Kuntzet], 1778. Carl William von Burghoff, 1778. von Horn, 1778. Ernst von Trott, 1778, '79, '81. 'Nikolaus Runk, 1778, '79, '81, '82. June 9, ^77. 'Adolph von Roden, 1779, '82. Oct. 19, ''77. 'Wilhelm Brauns, 1779, '81, '82. Feb. 26, '78. 1 Surrendered at Yorktown. — Eelking 2, page 252. 2 Wounded at the Battle of Guilford, March 15, 1781. — Almon's Remem brancer, volume 12, page 25. 8Died in New York, Oct. 2t. 1782 — Von Krafft's Journal, New York Historical Societiy's Collections. 1882, page 170. 4 His journal, with a memoir prefixed, will be found in New York Histori cal Society's Collections, 1882, and the date of his commission appears on p. 181. 326 The German Allies 'Spangenberg, 1781, '82. Aug. 1, '78. Biskamp, 1782, '83. Mar. 7, '81. Johann Philipp von Krafft, 1783. Sept. 5, '81. de Rantzow, 1783. Feb. 10, '82. Meugersen, 1783. Mar. 9, '82. Meisner, 1783. " Mar. 10, '82. Adjutants. Henel, 1779. Adolph von Roden, 1781, '82. Quarter-Master. Conrad Strube, 1778, '79, '81-83. Surgeons. Muller, 1778. 2W. Wurffelman, 1779, '81-83. Regiment Huyne, 1 778-1 781. Regiment von Benning, 1782, 1783. Major- General. von Huyne, 1778. Colonels. Friedrich von Benning, 1782, '83. May 23, '78. L ieu tenan t- Colonels. Ludwig Franz Kurtz, 1778-82. Sept. 17, '78. Johann Philip Hillebrand, 1780-83. Nov. 13, '78. Melchior Martini, 1782, '83. Nov. 7, '80. 'Wounded at Yorktown. — Gaines' New York Gazette, Nov. 26, 1781. Sur rendered at Yorktown. — Eelking, vol. 11, p. 252. 'Surrendered at Yorktown. — Eelking, vol. 11, p 252. "Died in New York, July 25, 1780, in his 60th y ear. — Gaines1 New York Gazette, July 31, 1780. In the American Revolution. 327 Majors. Johann Philip Hillebrand, 1778, '79. Melchior Martini, 1778-81. Captains. 'von Schallern, 1778. 2 Wegener, 1778. Heinrich Sonneborn, 1778, '79, '81, '82. May 14, '76 Reinhard Heilmann, 1778, '79, '81-83. Mar. 15, '76 Dietrich Reinhardt, 1778, '79, '81-83. \ June 23' ,72 1 1 1 1 iyi o | June 23, 77 Claudius Stueck, 1781-83. Dec. 13, '78 Johann Hoecker, 1781-83. Dec. 15, '78 Lieutenant. 3 Justi [1776]. First Lieutenants. Claudius Stueck, 1778, '79. Johann Hoecker, 1778, '79. Jerome Roepenack, 1778, '79, '81-83. Dec. x3> '78- Franz Adam Kuhl, 1778, '79, '81-83. Dec. 14, '78. Johann Knipp [or Krupp], L782, '83. Feb. 16, '81. Friedrich Starckloff, 1782, '83. Feb. 17, '81. von Waldschmidt, 1782, '83. Mar. 1, '81. Second Lieutenants. Wendt, 1778, '79. Ludwig Grau, 1779. Johann Knipp [or Krupp], 1778, '79, '81. Friedrich Starckloff, 1779. Conrad Hillebrand, 1781-83. Dec. 13, '78. 1 Killed in Rhode Island, Aug. 29, 1778. — Almon's Remembrancer, vol. VII, P- 35- 2 Wounded in Rhode Island, Aug. 29, 1778. — Almon's Remembrancer, vol. VII, p. 35 . 3 Killed at Fort Washington, Nov. 16, 1776. — Gaines' New York Gazette, March 17, 1777. 328 The German Allies Otto Roland Schenck, 1781-83. Dec. 14, '78. Bernhardt Eugen Eckhard, 1782, '83. Mar. 7, '81. Johann Martini, 1782, '83. Mar. 8, '81. Ensigns. 'Wendt [1776]. Kersting, 1778. Duncker, 1778. Wiscker, 1778. Ludwig Grau, 1778. Conrad Hillebrand, 1778, '79. Otto Roland Schenck, 1779. Bernhardt Eugen Eckhard, 1779, '81. Johann Martini, 1779, '81. Johann Christoph Hartung, 1781-83. Nov. 15, '78. Daniel Georg Reinhardt, 1781-83. Dec. 13, '78. Friedrich Goeschell, 1782, '83. Mar. 7, '81. Just Wenderoth, 1782, '83. Mar. 8, '81. Chaplain. Kummel, 1778, '79, '81-83. Adjutants. Friedrich Starckloff, 1778, '79, '81, '83. Johann Christoph Hartung, 1782. Quarter-Master. Kleinschmidt, 1778, '79, '81-83. Judge- Advocates. Steuber, 1778, '79, '83. Kleinsteuber, 1781, '82. Surgeon. Johann Witte, 1778, '79, '81-83. 1 Wounded at Fort Washington, Nov. 16, 1776. Gaines' NewYork Gazette, March 17, 1777. In the American Revolution. 329 Regiment Buenau, 1778-1783. Colonels. Rudolph von Buenau, 1778-83. { ^{j; *£ ^5- Johann Adam Schaeffer, 1783. Nov. 6, '80. Z, ieu tenant- Colonel. Johann Adam Schaeffer, 1778, '79, '81, '82. Nov. 6, '80. Majors. Mathias, 1778. Heinrich Booking, 1779-81. Friedrich Platte, 1779-83. Feb. 3, '78. Ludwig Bocking, 1782. Heinrich Christian Hessenmuller, 1782, '83. Nov. 7, '80. Captains. Studenroth, 1778. Ferrand, 1778, '79. Johann Christian Goebel, 1778, '79, '81-83. Mar. 8, '76. Philipp Virnhuber, 1778, '79, '81-83. Mar. 9, '76. 'August Christ Noltenius, 1778, '79, '81-83. Mar. 17, ^76. Johann Bartholomew Becker, 1782, '83. Dec. 16, '78. Fritsch, 1782. Dec. 17, '78. Johann Christoph Feldner, 1782, '83. Dec. 18, '78. Balthasar Mertz, 1782, '83. Nov. 20, '78. Lieutenants. Bornemann, 1778, '79. von Harstall, 1778, '79. 'Wounded at Rhode Island, Aug 29, 1778 — Almon's Remembtancer, vol. vii, p. 35- 4« 330 The German Allies First Lieutenants. Johann Bartholomew Becker, 1778, '79, '81. Johann Christoph Feldner, 1779, '81. Werner, 1781. Christoph Otto Frohn, 1782, '83. Mar. 7, '81. Second Lieutenants. Christoph Otto Frohn, 1778, '79, '81. Heinrich Bauer, 1778, '79, '81-83. { ^ ^ ^- Wolff de Guetenberg, 1778, '79, '81-83. Feb- 25', '76. Kleinsteuber, 1779, '81, '82. Feb. 3, '78. Georg Lyncker, 1782, '83. Nov. 1, '78; Nov. 1, '80. Cam. Friedrich Gombert, 1783. July J5> '79- Reinhardt Friedrich Schaeffer, 1782, '83. Mar. 7, '81. Brauns, 1782, '83. Mar. 8, '81. Carl Hillebrand, 1783. Nov. 4, '81. Ensigns. Kleinsteuber, 1778. Cam. Friedrich Gombert, 1778, '79. Bode, 1778, '79. Georg Lyncker, 1778, '79, '81. Reinhardt Friedrich Schaeffer, 1778, '79, '81. Carl Hillebrand, 1779, '81, '82. Feb. 3, '78. Gotton Grebe, 1781-83. Dec. 22, '78. Georg [or Peter Wilhelm] Quentell, 1782, '83. May 14, '80. Peter Muench, 1782, '83. Nov. 2, '80. Friedrich Wilhelm Kuester, 1782, '83. Nov. 8, '80. M. K. Seelig, 1782, '83. Mar. 7, '81. Adjutants. Johann Christoph Feldner, 1778, '79. Cam. Friedrich Gombert, 1781-83. Apr. 15, '79. In the American Revolution. 331 Quarter-Masters. Meisterling, 1778. Strahle, 1779, '81, '82. Mar. 1, '78. Surgeon. Beck, 1778, '79, '81, '82. ' Feb. 1, '76. Artillery, 1778-1783. L ieutenan I- Colonel. Hans Heinrich Eitel, 1778-83. Dec. 25, ^77. Major. Pauli, 1778, '79. Captains. ' Georg Krug, 1778, '79, '81-83. Jan. 26, '76. Johann Schleenstein, 1778, '79, '81-83. j ^ ^ Jg- 2 Werner, 1779. Lieutenants. Werner, 1778. Deitzel, 1779. First Lieutenant. Johann Georg Kaiser, 1778, '79, '81-83. Feb- 3, '78. Second Lieutenants. Fischer, 1778, '79, '81. Philipp Scheimer, 1778, '79, '81-83. { J*£; ^ \& 1 See Bancroft's United Slates, Centennial Edition, vol. V, p 398. 2 A few days since died after a lingering illness, Captain Werner, of the Hessian Artillery, and Maj >r of Brigade to General Knyphausen, a Gentle man of eminence in his profession and universally beloved by a very exten sive acquaintance. — Gaines' New York Gazette, August 6, 1781. 332 The German Allies Casimer Gerke, 1778, '79, '81-83. Mar. 15, '76. Christoph Schmidt, 1778, '79, '81-83. Mar. 16, '76. Johann Schaeffer, 1778, '79, '81-83. Mar. 18, '76. Johann Engelhard, 1778, '79, '81-83. Mar. 19, '76. Schwartzenberg, 1778, '79, '81, '82. Mar. 27, '76. 'Carl August de Gironcourt [de Vomecourt], 1779, '82, '83. - ~ Apr. 1, '76. Carl Justus Korngiebell, 1778, '79, '81-83. Feb. 22, '77. Adjutants. Dietzel, 1778. Carl Justus Korngiebell, 1782. Quarter-Master. Wiederhold, 1778, '79, '81, '82. Chasseurs, 1 778-1 780. Mounted and Dismounted Yagers, 1779, '81-83. Colonel. Ludwig J. Adolph von Wurmb, 1783. Jan. 3, '78. Lieutenant-Colonels. Ludwig J. Adolph von Wurmb, 1778-82. Jan. 25, '76. Ernst Carl von Bruschenck [Pruschenck], 1781-83. Nov. 15, '79. Majors. Ernst Carl von Bruschenck, 1778-80. Philipp von Wurmb, 1779-83. May 4, '77. 'Married on Sunday evening last [Aug. 10. 1783] Baron de Gironcourt, Lieutenant of Artillery, and Deputy Quarter Master General to the Hessian Troops to Mbs Elizabeth Corne, daughter of Captain Peter Corne, of this city.— Gaines' New York Gazette, August 18, 1783. In the American Revolution. 333 Captains. von Wreeden, 1778, '79. Lorrey, 1778, '79. 'von Rau, 1778, '79, '81. 'Johann Ewald, 1778, '79, '81-83. Mar. 6, '74. 3 Hon. George Hanger, 1779, '81-83. { ^ ^ \& Moritz von Donop, 1779, '81-83. Feb. 3, '78. Johann Heinrichs, 1779, '81-83. Feb. 4, '78. Friedrich Adolph von Wangenheim, 1781-83. Dec. 13, '78. von Bodungen, 1781. von Hagen, 1783. Nov. 9, '81. Captain-L ieutenan t. Romrodt, 1782. July 5, '76. Lieutenants. von Donop, 1778. 4 Mertz, 1778. 5 Montluisant, 1778. • von Bodungen, 1778, '79. Friedrich Adolph von Wangenheim, 1778, '79. First Lieutenants. 6 von Rau [1776]. Johann Heinrichs, 1778. von Muise, 1778, '79, '81. ' Killed at Kingsbridge, New York, 1781. "Surrendered at Yorktown. — Eelking, vol. 2, p. 252. 'Afterwards fourth and last Baron Coleraine. 'Wounded and taken prisoner, September 30, 1778. — Von Krafft's Jour nal, New York Historical Society's Collection, 1882, p. 62. •A Frenchman, who entered the Army only to get to America, was dis charged, tried to join the American Army, was seized and sent to England. •Wounded at the passage of the Bronx, October 28, 1776. — Gaines' New York Gazette, March 17, 1777. Wounded July 2, 1781.— Von Krafft's Journal, JVew York Historical Sodety't Collection, 188a, p. 142. 334 The German Allies Wilhelm von Hagen, 1778, '79, '81, '82. Feb. 3, '78 Carl E. von Hagen, 1778, '79, '81, '82. Feb. 4, '78 Friedrich Kellerhaus, 1778, '79, '82, '83. Jan. 8, '79 Heinrich Wolff, 1778, '79, '81-83. Feb. 9, '79 Ernst von Winzengerode, 1781-83. Mar. 8, '79 Johann Schaeffer, 1782, '83. Mar. 21, '80 'Wilhelm [or Alexander] Bickell, 1783. Nov. 7, '81 Second Lieutenants. Johann Schaeffer, 1778, '79, '81. Wilhelm [or Alexander] Bickell, 1779, '81, '82. Dec. 24, J77- Maximillian Cornelius, 1779, '81-83. Feb. 26, '78. Conrad Flies, 1779, '81-83. Feb. 27, '78. 'Friedrich Francis Bohlen, 1781-83. Mar. 8, '79. Engel Besger, 1782, '83. Apr. 16, '80. Wilhelm [or Ludwig] von Gerresheim, 1782, '83. May 1, '80. Friedrich Ochse, 1782, '83. Sept. 7, '81. Baur, 1783. Feb. 10, '82. Adjutants. Johann Schaeffer, 1778. Friedrich Kellerhaus, 1779, '81. Ernst von Winzingerode, 1782. Friedrich Ochse, 1783. Quarter-Master. Beckmann, 1778, '79, '81-83. Judge- Advocate. Wiscker, 1778, '79, '81-83. Surgeon. August Hencke, 1778, '79, '81-83. 1 Surrendered at Yorktown. — Eelking, volume 2, p. 252. In the American Revolution. 335 'First Regiment of Brandenburg Anspach, 1778, 1779. Regiment Voit, 1781, 1782. First Battalion Anspach, 1783. Colonels. von Eybe, 1778, '79. 'Fr. August Valentin Voit von Salsburg, 1781-83. Jan. 28, '77. L ieutenan I- Colonel. 2 Christ. Ludwig von Reitzenstein, 1781-83. Aug. 18, '78. Majors. Christ. Ludwig von Reitzenstein, 1778, '79, '81. 2 Friedrich Philipp von Seitz, 1781-83. Aug. 18, '78. Captains. von Waldenfels, 1778, '79. 2 Christ. Philipp von Ellrodt, 1778, '79, '81-83. Dec. 27, '74. 1 Heinrich Carl Friedrich von Stein [zum Reitzen stein], 1778, '79, '81-83. Feb. 9, }77. Heinrich Christoph von Metzsch. July 9> '78. Captain Lieutenants. Christian Theodor Sigismund von Molitor, 1778, '79. 2Carl Christoph Ernst Tritschler, 1781-83. Aug. 18, '78. 'August Christoph Friedrich von Koenig, 1781-83. Mar 2, '79. Wilhelm Friedrich von Kruse \_1782, '' ' Christian Friedrich Bartholomai, 1781-83. Oct. 27, '77 Jacob Ernst Kling, 1781-83. Mar. 1, '79 Just Hermann Drahua. July 26, '79 Ehrenfried Hansz Friedrich Ferdinand Busch. Apr. 1, J8o 'Joseph Bach, 1 781, '82. June 9, '8o; July 9, '80 Wilhelm de Hiller, 1782, '83. Jan. 1, '81 Ferdinand von Killer. Feb. 1, ^81 Friedrich Adolph Karl von Eyb. Apr. 5, '81 Julius von Massenbach. June 18, '81 Franz Graf von Bubna und Lititz. Nov. 1, '81 Albertus Magnus Frank. Mar. 2, '82 August Wilhelm Neithardt von Gneisenau. Mar. 3, '82 Christian Kaspar Morg. Mar. 4, '82 Christoph Georg Philipp Otto, 1783. Mar. 28, '82 Adjutant. Christoph Georg Philipp Otto. Mar. 1, '82. Judge- Advocate. Johann Paul Frisch, 1782. Feb. 1, '81. Quarter-Master. Johann Leonhardt Hauselt [or Hausett], 1782. Surgeon. Friedrich Siegmund Arnold, 1782. Chaplain. Georg Christoph Elias Erb. Mar. 1, '82 'Surrendered at Yorktown. — Eelking, volume 2, p. 252. In the American Revolution. 343 Staff Physician for the three Brandenburg, Anspach and Bayreuth Regiments. David Schoepf Feb. 11, '77. Yager Corps, 1778, 1779. Colonel. ' Carl Emil Kurt von Donop. Captains. 2 Trautvitter. von Cramon, 1778, '79. 3 Heppe. First Lieutenant. von Feilitsch, 1778, '79. Second Lieutenants. + Ebenauer, 1778, '79. 5 von Donop. Artillery Lieutenant. Hoffman, 1778, '79. Adjutant. Staab, 1778, '79. Chaplain. Wagner, 1778, '79. Judge- Advocate. Stummel, 1778, '79. 1 Killed at Red Bank. 2 Mortally wounded at Battle of Brandywine. — Pennsylvania Ledger, March 4, 1778. •Mortally wounded at Gloucester, September 25, 1777. 4 Killed at Springfield, New Jersey, June 8, 1780. — Eelking, volume 2, p. 91. 6 Died in New York in 1777. 344 The German Allies Quarter-Master. Model, 1778, '79. Surgeon. Stapp, 1778, '79. Note. — See note at end of the Regiment Mirbach. Regiment Donop, 17 79-1 783. Lieutenant-General. Wilhelm Heinrich August Donop, 1782, '83. Oct. 24, '72. Colonels. David von Gosen, 1779, '80. Erasmus Ernst Hinte, 1783. \ \&n' 24' '7q ' ' ° (June 2, 78. Carl Philipp Heymell, 1782, '83. May 22, '78. L ieu tenant- Colonel. Erasmus Ernst Hinte, 1779-82. Majors. Christ. Moritz von Kutzleben, 1779, '82, '83. Feb. 24, ^77. Carl von Wurmb, 1779-83. Apr. 5, ^77. Captains. Jean Matthew Gissot, 1779, '81-81. ( ^ay 29> !69 J > //?> 0 \ May 22, '79 Just Verater, 1779, '81-83. Feb. 21, '75 Dietrich von Donop, 1770, '81, '82. I W?' 22> !7£ r ' /7' (Feb. 22, 76 Friedrich Wm. Geissler, 1779-83. Apr. 27, ''77 Philipp Heinrich Murhard, 1779-83. Dec. 25, '77 Christoph Friedrich von Donop, 1783. In the American Revolution. 345 First Lieutenants. Emanuel R. Hausmann, 1782, '83. Nov. 23, '76. Johann Philipp Reiss, 1782, '83. June 28, '77. Second Lieutenants. 'Wilhelm Carl von Donop, 1779, '81. Johann Ernst von Freyenhagen, 1779, '81. Heinrich von Bardeleben, 1779-83. Sept. 4, '74. Heinrich Ludwig von Nagele, 1779, '81-83. Mar. 5, '74 ; May 5, '74. Wilhelm von Lepell, 1779-83. Feb. 1, '76. Carl August von Freyenhagen, 1779, '81-83. ' Feb. 3, '76. Jerome von Lossberg, 1782, '83. Nov. 23, '76. Carl Fried, von Nagele, 1779, '81-83. { May £ ^7. Eytell William von Trott, 1779, '81-83. Feb. 3,' '78. W. J. von Freyenhagen, 1782. Feb. 4, '78. Friedrich Ferd. Murhard, 1783. May 30, '82. Ensigns. Carl von Knoblauch, 1779, '81. Friedrich Ferd. Murhard, 1779, '81, '82. Nov. 16, '76. Georg von Lehrbach, 1779, '81-83. June 9, ^77. Lon. [sic] C. A. von Hausen, 1782, '83. Mar. 7, '81. Johann Henckel, 1782, '83. Mar. 9, '81. Boeking, 1783. Mar. 30, '82. Chaplain. Koester, 1779, '81-83. Jan. 29, '76. Adjutant. Wilhelm von Lepell, 1779, '81-83. Feb. 1, '76. Quarter-Master. Georg Zinn, 1779-82. Feb. 1, '69. 1 Appointed Chamberlain to the Duke of Mecklenberg-Schwerin, 1780. — Von Krafft's Journal, New York Historical Society's Collection, 1782, p. 125. 44 346 The German Allies Judge- Advocate. Ernst Heymele, 1779-82. Feb. 2, '76. Surgeons. Jacob Stieglitz, 1779-81. Feb. 1, '74. Ludwig Stieglitz, 1782. •Regiment Waldeck, 1782, 1783. Colonel. ' von Hanxleden. Lieutenant-Colonels. 3 Albrecht von Horn, 1782, '83. Apr. 14, '79. von Dalwigk. Majors. Albrecht von Horn, 1781. 4 Friedrich Pentzel, 1782, '83. Apr. 14, '79. Captains. von Staakerg, 1782. Apr. 19, '76. Georg von Haacke, 1783. Apr. 19, '76. Christ. Alberti, 1782. Sept. 20, ''77. Alexander von Baumbach. August Alberti. 'Two Captains, Three Lieutenants and Three Surgeon's Mates taken prisoner at Baton Rouge, September, 1779. One Captain taken prisoner on the Lakes, Louisiana. — Almon's Remembrancer, volume 9, p. 364. Names in italics are from Geisler, p. 583. 2 Killed at Frenchtown, on the Mississippi, January 7, 1781. — Eelking, volume 2, p. 148. 3 New York, July 16. — Yesterday embarked for Bremerleh, in Germany, the 3rd Regiment of Waldeck, commanded by Lieut. Col. Horn. — Gaines' New York Gazette, July 21, 1783. 4 Taken prisoner at Pensacola, together with one Lieutenant, one Ensign, one Surgeon's Mate of same regiment, May 11, 1781. — Almon's Remem brancer, volume 11, p. 280. In the American Revolution. 347 Captain Lieutenants. ' Alexander von Baumbach, 1782, '81. { ^ar" *$> '7$- ' ' ' ° ( Apr. 16, '76. August Alberti, 1782, '83. ' Mar. 5, '77. 'Heinrich Heldring, 1782, '83. Apr. 25, '80. Lieutenants. 3 Leonhardi [1779]. Knipshild. 4 S tier lein. First Lieutenants. Wilhelm Keppel, 1782, '83. Mar. 7, ^76. Friedrich von Wilmousky, 1782, '83. Mar. 8, ^76. Carl Struberg, 1782, '83. Mar. 5, "77. Andreas Brumhard, 1782, '83. Apr. 14, '79. Second Lieutenants. Roelting. 5 von Gosen. 6 Alberti. Carl Strohmann, 1782. Apr. 25, '80. Carl Hohmann, Sr., 1783. Ensigns. 1 von Axleven. von Horn. 'Wounded at Frenchtown, on the Mississippi, January 7, 1781. — Eelking, volume 2, p. 148. 2 Taken prisoner at Pensacola. — Almon's Remembrancer, volume 12, p. 281. •Killed at Fort Manchac, September, 1779. — The Political Magazine, 1780, P- 342- 4 Killed at Frenchtown, on the Mississippi, January 7, 1781. — Eelking, volume 2, p. 148. 6 Died in New Orleans, July 20, 1781. — Eelking, volume 2, p. 152. •Died in New Orleans, July 21, 1781. — Eelking, volume 2, p. 152. 'Left the Regiment, November 18, 1779. — Geisler, p. 584. 348 The German Allies 'Nolting [1779]. Ludwig Schmidt, 1782, '83. Apr. 14, '79. Carl Muller, Sr., 1782, '83. Apr. 15, '79. Hohmann, Jr. 2 Ursall. Muller, Jr. Philipp Wirths, 1783. Apr. 25, '82. Bernhardt Schreiber, 1783. Aug. 25, '82. Chaplain. Philipp Waldeck, 1782, '83. Apr. 24, '76. Adjutants. Stierlein. Heinrich Jacob Knipchild, 1782, '83. Apr. 25, '80. Quarter-Master. Earl Wiegand, 1782, '83. Mar. 2, '76. Auditor. Philip Marc, 1782, '83. Mar. 2, '76. Surgeons. Christ. Mattern, 1782, '83. Apr. 20, '76. 1 Killed at Baton Rouge, September, 1779. — Almon' s Remembrancer, volume 9, P- 3°5- 2 Killed at the siege of Pensacola. — Gaines' New York Gazette, July 9, 1781. In the American Revolution. 349 'Free Battalion of Hesse Hanau, 1782, 1783. L ieutenan t- Colonel. Michael von Janecke, 1782, '83. Jan. 4, '81. Major. Carl August Scheel, 1783. Jan. 5, '82. Captains. Just Friedrich von Franck, 1782, '83. Jan. 3, '81. Carl Dittmar Spangenberg, 1782, '83. Jan. 4, '81. Christ. Ludwig, Graf von Leiningen, 1782, '83. Jan. 13, '81. Christ. Ludwig von Schelm, 1782, '83. Jan. 15, '81. Captain-Lieutenant. Thylo von Westerhagen, 1782, '83. Jan. 21, '81. First Lieutenants. Godfried Heinrich von Kerner, 1782, '83. Jan. 14, '81. Johann Georg Kock, 1782, '83. Jan. 15, '81. Carl Philipp Eytelwein, 1782, '83. Jan. 16, '81. Conrad Bernhardt Zipff, 1782. Mar. 18, '81. Second Lieutenants. Christian Hoelcken, 1782, '83. Jan. 14, '81. Philipp Schaeffer, 1782, '83. Jan. 15, '81. Friedrich Goerdewk, 1782, '83. Jan. 18, '81. Jerome Conradi, 1782, '83. Jan. 31, '81. Johann Godfried von Stockel, 1782, '83. Mar. 19, '81. Friedrich Just Genner, 1782. Mar. 24, '81. 1 New York, July 16. — Yesterday embarked for Bremerlehe, in Germany. — Gaines' New York Gazette, July 21, 1783. 350 The German Allies Ensigns. von Huth, 1782. Jan. 4, '81 Friedrich von Mayerfeld, 1782, '83. Jan. 6, '81 von Benckendorf, 1782. Mar. 8, '81 Nicholaus Schweinebraden, 1783. Jan. 19, '82 Wilhelm von Seiff, 1783. Jan. 20, '82 Adjutant. Godfried Heinrich von Kerner, 1782. Quarter-Master. von der Velden, 1782. Surgeon. Mentzel, 1782. 'Anhalt Zerbst, 1783. Majors. 2 von Luttichau, 1783. Jan. 1, '80. Wiedersheim, 1783. First Lieutenant. von Bibra, 1783. Feb. 20, '81. Second Lieutenants. Rustig, 1783. June 10, '79 von Schomberg, 1783. July 19, '79 von Klapprotto, 1783. Jan. 23, '80, von Pollnitz, 1783. ' Feb. 18, '81 Imhoff, 1783. Feb. 21, '81 von Oppen, 1783. Feb. 22, '81 1 New York, July 16. — Yesterday embarked for Bremerlehe, in Germany, — Gaines' New York Gazette, July 21, 1783. 2 " Died since printing." — Correction to Army List of 1783. * Walter. In the American Revolution. Rahl's Regiment. Captain. Lieutenants. 3 Kunen. 3 Mulhausen. 2 Wernick. Ensign. 35i ' Killed at Fort Washington, November 16, 1776. — Gaines' New York Gazette, March 17, 1777. 'Wounded at Fort Washington, November 16, 1776. — Gaines' New York Gazette, March 17, 1777. 8 Wounded at the passage of the Bronx, October 28, 1776. — Gaines' New York Gazette, March 17, 1777. I. INDEX OF NAMES. Adams, 40. Agnew, 114. Alberti, Lieutenant, 335. Alberti, Captain, 48, 330. v. Altenbockum, Captain, 66, 76. Andre, Major, 154. Arbuthnot, Admiral, 171, 196. Armand, 159. Armstrong, General, 110. Arnold, General, 90, 135, 301. Bach, Lieutenant, 181. Backer, Chaplain, 338. Bar, 94. v. Barner, Lt.-Col., 148, 340, 348. Baum, Captain, 13, 69, 377. Baum, Lieut.-Col., 87, 130, 371. v. Baumbach, Lieut., 113, 333. Bauermeister, Major, 354 v. Benning, Colonel, 76, 198. v. Bentheim, Lieut., 134, 358. v. Beust, Major, 215. Bickel, Lieutenant, 113, 161, 305. Bill, Lieutenant, 11, 71, 277. v. Biesenroth, Major-Gen., 70, 197. v. Bischoffshausen, Major-Gen., 197, 369. T. Block, Colonel, 38, 110, 269. v. Bockum, Capt., 187. v. Bojatzky, Colonel, 119. v. Borbeck, Colonel, 51, 175, 269. v. Bork, Colonel, 185, 192, 269. v. Borning, Captain, 51. v. Bose, General, 163, 173, 198, 369. Braun, General, 88. Braunsdorf, Chaplain, 338. Brandenburg, 320. Brethauer, Lieut.-Colonel, 66, 258. Bremer, Colonel, 162. Breymann, Colonel, 87, 136, 131. Brisbon, Commodore, 163. Brunhardt, Lieutenant, 223. v. Bunau, Colonel, 369. Burmeister, Captain, 11. Burgoyne, General, 89, 135, 137, 335. Butler, 243. Byron, Admiral, 161. Cadwalader, General, 77. Campbell, Major-General, 105. Carleton, Gen., 35, 135, 161, 332, 235. Carleton, Major, 340. St. Clair, General, 127. v. Cleve, Major, 13, 244. Clinton, J., General, 123. Clinton, G., General, 123, 226. Clinton, Sir H., General, 25, 154. Collier, Admiral, 174. Cornwallis, Lord, General, 29, 104, 184, 211. Cooper, 256. Corves, Lieutenant, 340. Corvan, Ensign, 187. v. Dahlstierna, Captain, 146. van Dassel, 73. v. Dechow, Major, 61, 76, 357. v. Diemar, Captain, 151, 274. v. Diemar, Lieutenant, 195. v. Dieskau, Major, 168. v. Dincklage, Major, 11, 107, 115, 198 333 Dohla, 14, 101, 190, 313, 366. v. Donop, General, 38. v. Donop, Captain, 34, 75, 161. v. Donop, Colonel, 105, 116, 370. v. Dornberg, 256. Dupuy, Lieutenant, 113. Du Puy, Major, 193, 197, 201. Duplessis, Captain, 119. Ebenauer, Lieutenant, 193. v. Eckert, Captain, 102, 123. v. Ehrenkrook, Lt.-Col., 126,233,25 354 Index. Eigenbrod, Captain, 301. v. Eitel, Colonel, 370. Elbing, Lieut.-Col., 189. Emmerich, Colonel, 73, 159, 227. v. Ende, Lieut.-Col., 198. d'Estaing, Admiral, 163, 175, 241. Ewald, Captain, 45, 53, 75, 104, 158, 176, 201, 209, 265. Ewing, General, 77. v. Eyb, Colonel, 102. v. Eyb, Captain, 123. de Fasquel, 266. Faucit, W., Col., 16, 88, 153, 258. Fichtelberger, 170. Fliess, Lieutenant, 366, 288. Flockshaar, Sergeant, is. v. Forstner, Lieutenant, 113. Foy, Lieutenant, 96. Franklin, 40. Fraser, ]37. Frazer, 91. v. Fredersdorf, Captain, 134, 146. Gage, General, 26. Galvez, Don B., 221. v. Gall, Colonel, 89, 126, 133, 148. Gates, General, 213. Gebhardt, 13. v. Geisan, Captain, 128. v. Gerlach, Captain, 128, 138. Germain, Lord, 19, 107, 271. v. Geyling, Ensign, 146. Geyso, Lieutenant, 201. v. Gleissenberg, Captain, 132, 146. v. Gneisenau, 256. Gogel, Captain, 238. v. Goren, Lieutenant, 225. v. Gosen, Major-General, 197, 269. Grasse, Admiral, 233. " v. Grammont, Captain, 106. Granby, 33. Grant, General, 32, 59, 64, 75, 114. Grant, Colonel, 34. Grau, Captain, 192. Greene, Gen., 28, 71, 165, 199, 213. Green, Christopher, Colonel, 117. Grenke, Lieutenant, 27. Grey, 114. v. Griesheim, Captain, 52. Griffin, Colonel, 77. v. Grothausen, Lieutenant, 59, 70. v. Hachenberg, Major-General, 193, 198, 269. Hacken, Captain, 48. v. Hacke, Captain, 227. Haberlin, Ensign, 241. Haldimand, General, 239. v. Hambach, Captain, 340. Hand, Colonel, 31. v. Hanstein, Major, 68, 188, 358. v. Hanxleben, Colonel, 47, 320. v. Hatzfeld, Colonel, 331. Haugher, Captain, 367. v. Hayden, Lieutenant, 314. Heath, General, 144. v. Heeringen, Colonel, 11, 30,41,358. v. Heister, Lt.-Gen., 23, 48, 270,273. Heinrichs, Captain, 266. Henel, Lieutenant, 12, 256. Henkelmann, Lieutenant, 12. Henndorf, Ensign, 187. Heymel, Lieutenant, 119. v. Heymel, Lieut.-Colonel, 186, 198. Hildebrand, Lieutenant, 141. Hille, Lieutenant, 119. v. Hille, 248. Hofmann, Captain, 218. Hohendorf , Count, 275. v. Hoheastein, Captain, 51. Holper, 102. Hopkins, Major, 148. V. Horn, Colonel, 48. 110. v. Horn, Major, 330, 332, 269. Hotham, Admiral, 35, 219. Howe, Lord K., Admiral, 26. Howe, G., Gen., 26, 57, 82, 105, 271. Hugget, Captain, 243. v. Huyne, General, 57, 183, 267. Jaritz, Lieutenant, 238. John, Colonel, 35. Johnson, Major, 240. Kapp, F., 276. Keppenau, Captain, 237. Kimm, Lieutenant, 76. Kleinschmidt, Lieutenant, 25. v. Knoblauch, Major-General, 198. v. Knyphausen, Lieut.-General, 51, 158, 189, 333, 270. v. Kochenhausen, Lieut.-Col., 106. Kohler, 51, 122. K5hler, 162. Kohler, Lieut.-Colonel, 197, 270. Kohli, Chaplain, 94. v. Kospoth, Gen., 162, 183, 259, 269. v. Kreutzburg, Lieut.-Colonel, 101, 133, 336, 343, 267. Kurtz, Colonel, 163, 369. Index. 355 Lafayette, General, 157, 165, 303. v. Langen, 356. Lange, Lieutenant-Colonel, 358. de Lauzun, Due, 310. Lee, General, 50, 81. St. Leger, Colonel, 93. v. Lengerke, Colonel, 117. Leonhardt, Lieutenant, 331. Leslie, General, 40, 199. Lindenberger, Lieutenant, 81. v. Linsingen, Lieutenant, 40, 113. v. Linsingen, Colonel, 117, 269. Lincoln, General, 175, 184, 318. v. d. Lippe, Captain, 25. Littehau, Lieutenant, 238. v. Loos, Colonel, 106, 185, 192. v. Lorey, Captain, 40, 173. v. Lossberg, General, 35, 167, 193, 198, 333. Lotheisen, 11, 113, 260. v. Lowenstein, Lieut.-Colonel, 188. Lucke, Major, 247. Magraw, Colonel, 51. Mahlburger, Captain, 13, 154. v. Maiborne, Major, 251. v. d. Malsburg, Captain, 11, 44, 164, 198. Martin, Captain, 12, 63, 277. Massereau, 145. Mathaus, Major, 12, 62, 277. Mathias, Major, 258. Maxwell, General, 110. v. Medern, 51. Melzheimer, Chaplain, 13. v. Mengen, Lieut.-Colonel, 148, 251. Mertz, Lieutenant, 161. de Messey, 266. v. Minnigerode, Colonel, 38, 106, 177, 269. v. Mirbach, General, 32, 197, 270. Mirabeau, 276. v. Mohring, Lieutenant, 238. Moller, Lieutenant, 188. v. Molitor, Lieutenant, 168. v. Molitor, Captain, 168. Montgomery, 96. Montluisant, 266. Morgan, General, 199. Muhlenberg, General, 214. v. Miinchhausen, Captain, 11, 50. Muravius, Lieutenant, 167. Naumann, Chaplain, 238. Noltenius, Captain, 167. Noltin, Ensign, 221. North, Lord, 265. v. Ochs, General, 18, 113, 123, 157. Ochs, A. L., Lieutenant, 266. v. Offenbach, Lieutenant, 119. Oliva, Chaplain, 187. Pahmer, Lieutenant, 238. Pakendorff, Dr., 238. v. Papet. Major, 14, 38, 240. Parker, Admiral, 24, 161. Patterson, General, 196. Pauli, Captain, 12, 277. Pauly, Major, 34. v. Pausch, Captain, 93. Pentzel, Major, 48, 222. Percy, Lord, 30, 58. Peters, Colonel, 131. Pfister, Major, 255, 265. Phillips, General, 89. Pigot, General, 163. v. Piquet, Major, 237. v. Plessen, Captain, 240. Powell, 96. Pratorius, Lieut.-Colonel, 87, 240. Prescot, General, 81, 168. v. Priischenk, Major, 101, 196, 227, 265, Pulaski, 157. Putnam, General, 33, 77. Quesnoy, Captain, 260. v. Kail, Colonel, 32, 51, 70, 258, 269, 276. Rathmann, Ensign, 188. Rau, Captain, 174, 206, 227. v. Rauchhaupt, General, 225. v. Rauschenplatt, Colonel, 237. v. Ranzau, Captain, 13. Raynal, Abbe, 276. Recknagel, Caspar, 13. Reineking, Lieutenant, 253. v. Reitzenstein, Major, 169. Reuber, Corporal, 13, 64, 82. v. Rhetz, Colonel, 126. v. Riedesel zu Eysenbach, Maj. -Gen , 13, 49, 87, 126, 226, 247, 262, 271. v. Riedesel, Madame, 140. v. Riess, Colonel, 12, 257. Riese, Captain, 76. Riemann, Lieutenant, 119. de Rochambeau, Due, 249. v. Reder, Captain, 195. Rodney, Admiral, 233. Rogers, Lieut.-Colonel, 44. 356 Index. Romstadt, Captain, 100. Rosenberg, Captain, 340. Rubenkonig, Sergeant, 338. Ruff, Captain, 340. Riiffer, Lieutenant, 12, 36. Saarbriick Zweibrucken, Prince, 213. Sackville, Lord, 19. v. Schaffer, Lieut.-Colonel, 13, 198. Schaffer, Lieutenant, 237. Schaffer, Captain, 366. v. Schallern, Captain, 167, 174. v. Schaumburg, Count, 275. v. Scheffer, Lieut.-Col., 64, 257, 276. Scheiter, Lieut.-Col., 88. Scheither, Corporal, 14. v. Schick, Lieut. -Col., 106, 119, v. Schill, Captain, 244. v. Schlagenteuffel, Capt., 132, 240. v. Schlammersdorf, Colonel, 225. v. Schlieffen, 19. v. Schlieffen, General, 257, 273. Schmidt, 51. v. Schmidt, Major-Gen., 197, 270. v. Scholl, Captain, 245. Schepf, Dr., 169, 184. Schottelius, Captain, 128. Schreiber, Colonel, 269. 3chreyvogel, Lieut.-Col., 107. v. Schuchhardt, Lieutenant, 207. v. Schuler, Colonel, 197. v. Schuler, v. Senden, Gen., 13, 130. Schuler, 13. Schwabe, Lieutenant, 76. Schwaner, Lieutenant, 301. v. Schwarzburg-Sondershausen, Prince, 338. Scott, Colonel, 42. v. Seitz, Captain, 123, 169. v. Seitz, Lieutenant, 161. Seitz, Major, 193. v. Seyboth, Colonel, 313, 261. Sippel, Sergeant, 205. Spangenberg, Lieutenant, 133. v. Specht, Colonel, 13, 126. v. Specht, Captain, 134. v. Speth, Lieut.-Col, 87, 91, 139, 146, 241. v. Stamford, Captain, 117. Stark, Colonel, 131. Steding, Captain, 63, 188. Sternickel, Lieutenant, 71. v. Steuben, General, 158, 202, Steuernagel, 14, 220. Stirling, General, 32, 105, 179. v. Stirn, Major-General, 29, 270. Stirn, 114. St6den, Captain, 239. Strubberg, Lieutenant, 225. Skene, Major, 131. Suffolk, Lord, 19. Sullivan, General, 77, 165. v. Tannenburg, Captain, 190. Tarleton, Colonel, 198. Taylor, Captain, 188. Thoma, Captain, 240. Trautvetter, Captain, 113. v. Trott, Lieutenant, 201. v. Triimbach, Lieutenant, 113. Tryon, General, 174, 260. Tunderfeld, Captain, 13. Udell, General, 33. v. Uechtritz, 110. Valentin, General, 255. Vaughan, General, 173. Vierermal, Lieutenant, 238. Villet, Colonel, 252. v. Voight, Colonel, 101. Wagner, Chaplain, 260. Wagner, Captain, 119, 167. Wahl, 65. Waldeck, Chaplain, 14, 123, 332. Waldeck, Ensign, 188. Waldschmidt, Ensign, 187. v. Wangenheim, Colonel, 117, 266. Washington, 71, 313. Wayne, General, 111, 174, 213. Weedon, Colonel, 79. Weiss, Captain, 239. v. Weissenfels, Colonel, 142. v. Weitersheim, Major, 225, 257. v. Westernhagen, Captain, 114. Wiederhold, Capt, 61, 79, 186, 193. v. Wilmowsky, Captain, 201. v. Wintersheim, Captain, 338. v. Winzingerode, Lieutenant, 177. Wolwarth, 155. Woodhull, 33. v. Wreden, Captain, 40, 110, 265. v. Wurmb, Colonel, 40, 110, 114, 193, 337, 265. v. Wurmb, Lieutenant, 119, 188. v. Wurmb, Major-Gen., 197, 265. v. York, 256. v. Zengen, Ensign, 188.v v. Zielberg, Captain, 240. Zoll, Lieutenant, 37, 76, 187. II. INDEX OF PLACES. Albany, 50, 92, 129, 243, 353. Amboy, 103. Anhalt-Zerbst, 18, 153. Ansbach Bayreuth, 18, 98. Ansbach, 101, 153. Ashley river. 179. Assanpink, the, 60, 77. l'Assomption, 346. Baltimore, 81, Bayreuth, 101. Bedford, 38, 177. Bergen Point, 52. Besancourt, 248. Berthier, 236, 246, 251. Bethlehem, 150. Black Point, 163. Bloomingdale, 38, 197. Bordentown, 54, 59. Boston, 26, 143. Bound Brook, 104. Brandywine, the, 110. Bremen, 24, 48. Brenton's Neck, 163. Brooklyn, 28, 226, 334. Brooklyn Heights, 28. Bronx River, 44. Brunswick, 18, 53, 88, 262. Burlington, 54, 60. Bushwick, 37, 42. Cambridge, 143. Canada, 27, 89, 125,185,235, 251, 271. Cape Charles, 109. 229. Carleton Island, 223. Carolina, 24, 219. Cassel, 20, 153. 231, 260. Catawba, the, 199. Chadd's Ford, 110. Chambly, 92. Champlain Parish, 240. Charleston, 162, 175, 199, 233. Charlottesville, 149. Chateaugay, 348. Chatham, 260. Chesapeake Bay, 81, 109, 207, 229. Chester, 111. Chestnut Hill, 121. Church Bridge, 179. Cliffs, the, 223. Conanicut, 158. Connecticut, 43. Connecticut, the, 249. Cooper River, 180. Cork, 241, Cowpens, 199. Crown Point, 92, 126. Cumberland Head, 126. Darmstadt, 266. Delaware, the, 53, 156, 272. Delaware Bay, 186. Dil worth, 110. Dobbs' Ferry, 160, 227, Dover, 260. Draw Creek, 60. Dumfries, 8i. East Chester, 44, 172. East River, 28, 36, 54, 195. East River (Seconset), 163. Edge Hill, 121. Elbe, the, 88. Elizabeth, 53, 104, 122, 193. Elk, 109. 358 Index. Fairfield, 174. Falmouth, 83. Fishkill, 148. Flatbush, 38. Fleur de Hundred, 303. Florida, 18, 351. Flushing, 37. Fogland Ferry, 164. Fort St. Anna, 129. Fort Carillon, 137. Fort Chambly, 95. Fort Clinton, 133, 173. Fort Dalrymple, 42. Fort Edward, 129, 133. Fort St. George, 54. Fort George, 129, 222. Fort Independence, 50, 127, 160. Fort Johnstone, 178. Fort St. John, 178. Fort Knyphausen, 52. Fort Lee, 50. Fort Mercer, 117. Fort Mifflin, 116. Fort Miller. 131. Fort Montgomery, 123, 172. Fort Moultrie, 181. Fort Niagara, 242, 252. Fort Stanwix, 92, 130, 141. Fort Ticonderoga, 127. Fort Waldeck, 222. Fort Washington, 44, 50, 60. Frederick, 214 Fredericksburg, 82, 214. Frederick Springs, 150. French Village, 223. Frogs Neck, 43. Georgia, 151, 230. 234. Germantown, 114, 155. Gibraltar, 16. Gloucester, 206. Gowan's Bay, 28. Gowan's Pass, 39. Gravesend, 29. Great Island, 96. Greenwich, 197. Gulf of St. Lawrence, 247, Hackensack, 190. Haddonfield, 158. Halifax, 26, 161, 231, 341, 250. Hamilton's Ferry, 178. Hampton, 214. Hanau, 225, 339. Harlem, 38. Hartford, 249. Havannah, 90. Hellgate, 37. Hesse-Cassel, 18, 98. Hesse-Hanau, 18. Hillsborough, 199. Holland, 274. Holstein, 266. Horen's Hook, 39. 63. Hudson, the, 30, 52, 93, 101, 171, 190. Isle Orleans, 246. Isle aux Noix, 93, 243. Jamaica, 219. James Island, 178. James River, 206. Jericho, 197. Jersey, 52. John's Island, 178, Johnson's Ferry, 62. King's Bridge, 38, 123, 159, 171, 190. Kips Bay, 38. Konigshagen, 210. Lake Champlain, 126, 244. Lake Erie, 248. Lake George, 139. Lake St. Peter, 240. Lancaster, 81. 149, 216. La Prairie, 93, 244. Little Egg Harbour, 187. London, 239. Long Island, 27, 79, 158, 189, 230 Louisiana, 331. [361. Maidenhead, 64. Manhattan Island, 37. Marmaroneck, 44. Maryland, 211. Massachusetts, 253. Masquinonge, 240. Mecklenburg, 98. Millerstown, 82. Minden, 19. Mississippi, the, 220. Mobile. 219. Mohawk, the, 92, 133. Morris' Heights, 39. Morristown, 189. Index. 359 Mount Holly, 75. Monmouth County, 78. Montreal, 91, 236, 341, 246. Mud Island, 116. Narrows, the, 28. Narragansett Bay, 163, Neck, the, 121. Newark, 110. New Brunswick, 59. Newbury, 149. New Castle, 130. New England, 240. Newfoundland, 253. New Frankfort, 82. New Hampshire, 128. „ New Haven, 174. New Jersey, 57, 189, 192, 272. New Orleans, 225. Newport, 57, 156, 169, 249. New Rochelle, 44. Newtown, 37, 78. New York, 28, 54, 92, 159, 174, 184, 225, 233, 347. Norfolk, 174. North Carolina, 199. Norwalk, 174. Nova Scotia, 359. Orange, 53. Oriskany, 133. Osnabriick, 19. Oswego, 92, 248. Paulus' Hook, 174. Peekskill, 149. Pells' Neck, 49. Pennsylvania, 211. Pennington Hill, 60. Penobscot, 252. Pensacola, 218. Perdido, the, 222. Pfaltz, the, 73. [253. Philadelphia, 80, 105, 155, 188, 234, Plymouth, 89, 177, 260. Portsmouth, 24, 48, 88, 174, 202, 247, Point au Fer, 95, 248. [260. Point du Lac, 240. Point Levi, 250. Point Judith, 163 Potomac, 81. Princeton, 53, 60, 64, 184. Providence, 57, 164. Prudence Island, 57. Purisburg, 179. Quebec, 24, 89, 192, 236, 241, 262. Randolph Creek, 179. Rappahannock, the. 82. Raritan Landing, 104. Reading, 188. Red Bank, 116. Redwood Hill, 166. Reedy Island, 117. Rhode Island, 57, 159, 237. Richmond, 201. Richelieu, the, 97. Riviere la Colle, 95, 251. Riviere du Loup, 240. Russia, 153. SachseGotha, 98. Sachuest Beach, 163. Salisbury, 148. Sandy Hook, 24, 159, 176, 186. Savannah, 93, 162. Savannah River, 175. Schuylkill, the, 121, 155. Shelter Island, 58. Simon's Island, 177. Skenesborough, 139. Skippack Creek, 114. Sorel, 95, 236, 251. South Carolina, 27, 175, 184. Springfield, 193, 249. Suffolk, 174, 206. Sugar Hill, 128. Sullivan's Island, 180. Stade 94, 239. Staten Island, 26, 184, 195, 239. Staunton, 82. Stillwater, 139. Stony Point, 133, 172. Stono Ferry, 163, 178. Stowentown, 82. Stuyvesant's Cove, 38. Switzerland, 153. St. Anna, 246. St. Antoine, 251. St. Charles, 251. St Culbert, 240. St. Dennis, 251. St. Francois, 251. St. Francis, 243. St. Hyacinthe, 340. 360 Index. St. Ives, 177. St. John, 244. St. Johns, 93. St. Lawrence, the, 97, 243. St. Sulpice, 251. St. Valier, 246. Tammany Hill, 165. Tarrytown, 160. Terrebonne, 236. Three Rivers, 89. Ticonderoga, 92. Trenton, 53, 58, 186, 272. Trois Rivieres. 97, 236, 252. Turtle Bay, 38. Tybee Island, 176. Utrecht, 30. Valentine's Hill, 44. Valley Forge, 122. Vanrenil, 240. Vergeres, 92, 248. Vermont, 248. Verplanck's Point, 172. Versailles, 234. Virginia, 149, 174, 186, 311, 337. Waldau, 100. Waldeck, 18, 47. Wallabout Bay, 30. Wangeroge, 325. Weissenfels, 339. Weser, 225. Westchester County, 43, 190. Whitemarsh, 121, 155. White Plains, 44, 60, 159. Wilmington, 114, 120. Williamsburg, 204. Windmill Hill, 163. Winchester, 181, 314. Winter Hill, 143. Wolfenbiittel, 83. Wiirtemberg, 98. Yorktown, 206. York River, 206. Zerbst, 238.