&$i .?P%f:- fc'V **>* If* Wf ?'? * ^fef^ . V^ *. "^ ' ,¦¦¦¦¦¦ ' *J**" Nr % Qk '9 76 V> //t T^y r <: /_ f// - '.rvyV/V/'/vv/ P A p"e R S Relating to the Island of NANTUCKET, With Documents relating to the Original Settlement of that Island, Martha's Vineyard, and other Islands adjacent, known as dukes c o ujvtt, While under the €olonj) of jBteto gorfe. Compiled from Official Records in the Office of the Secretary of State at Albany, New York. BY FRANKLIN B. HOUGH, Member of the Albany Institute. ALBANY, MDCCCLVI. YALE 37, 3 1) Edition 150 Copies. Printed for Private Diftribution. r tr-t,»7 Presented to [The Stirling Arms.J To the Honourable JOHN V. L. PRUYN, One of the REGENTS of the UNIVERSITY of the State of New York, and PRESIDENT of the ALBANY INSTITUTE. FIE Emulation which has of late Years been evinced by fe- f veral of the States, and by nume rous Societies and Individuals in every Section of the Country, in the Prefervation of the Records and Documents illustrating our Hiftory, affords a pleaiing Evidence of the Prevalence of an active Spirit of Inquiry in this ufeful Department of Knowledge, and forms a marked Era in our Literature. Next after the Obligation of leaving a full and lucid Record of the.prefent Age, for the Benefit of thofe who are to come [vij after us, is that of refcuing from Oblivion and placing beyond the contingency of Lofs, the Memorials of former Times, fo impreffive in LeiTons of Experience, and fo ufeful in tracing the Origin and Deve lopment of our Civilization. Notwithftanding much has been done to elucidate our early Hiftory, much more ftill remains to be inveftigated. The Re cords which from conflicting Claims and frequent Changes of Boundary and Juris diction are found scattered through the Archives of different States, if brought to gether would afford an ample and satisfac tory folution of important Events in our Hiftory, hitherto but imperfectly under- ftood. The Papers of Citizens who have held public Stations, if fought out and placed in public Libraries, would add im- menfely to our Knowledge of hiftorical Events, and an extended Syftem of Clafli- fication, Interchange and Comparifon, re mains to be carried out, before our duty to Pofterity is fully performed. [viij The field of hiftorical research is truly great, and although public munificence may be liberally applied in the promotion of this object, ftill, from the Extent and Variety of Subjects relating to our early Annals, much will yet remain to be accomplifhed by individual Enterprife, and it may be fubmitted whether an Affociation of Subfcribers, on the Plan of the Ray, Hakluyt, Cavendifh, Camden, and other Societies in England, might not be fuftained among us, for the Purpofe of diftributing among its Members, Memoirs on fpecial Subjects of American Hiftory. From the great Amount of Materials, and the Variety of Subjects embraced in the propofed Field of Inquiry, Selections might be made of fuch as would beft illuftrate obscure but interefting Periods of our An nals, and if prepared with fuitable Care, would form a Series of the higheft hiftorical Value. The prefent Volume, embracing feveral Documents felected from our State Archives, [ viii J relating to an interefting, but hitherto little known Period in the Hiftory of a Part of Maffachufetts once under the Government of New York, may ferve as an Example of the Materials in our publick Offices and Libraries, from which many fimilar and more ample hiftorical Collections might be formed ; and the Readinefs with which you have refponded to my Suggeftion by affuming the Expenfes attending the Pub lication of this Volume, affords Ground for Hope that fufficient Liberality will be found to fuftain fuch an Enterprife. Very refpectfully yours, Franklin B. Hough. Albany r, Nov. i, 1856. I N T RO D U C TI O N. EW Perfons who have written upon the early Hiftory of Nan tucket and Martha's Vineyard, appear to have been fully informed concerning the Origin and Transfers of their Titles, or the Extent and Nature of their Dependence upon the Government of New York, previous to their Annexation to Maffachufetts. A concife Statement of thefe Facts will aid the Reader in tracing the Connection and Bearing of the following Papers. King James I, in the eighteenth Year of his Reign,1 created the "Council for the Affairs of New England," known as the Plymouth Company, and this Council, at the Requeft. of Charles I, in 1635, * conveyed unto William Earl of Stirling, Secretary of the Kingdom of Scotland, Pemaquid and its 1 November 3, 162 1. This and all following Dates in this Volume are in Old Style. 2 April 22. The Charter of this Company was furrendered June 7, of the fame Year. B [X] Dependencies on the Coafl of Maine,1 together with Long Ifland and the adjacent Iflands, with Power of Judicature, faving to the Council the Oyer and Terminer of Appeals, and yielding a fifth Part of gold and filver Ores.2 In April, 1637, the Earl of Stirling appointed James Forrett his Agent or Deputy for felling and fettling the Iflands between Cape Cod and the Hudfon River, and in 1641 the latter fold3 for £4.0 to Thomas Mayhew,4 a Merchant of Water- town in Maffachufetts, and Thomas Mayhew his Son,5 the Ifland of Nantucket, with feveral fmall 1 The Papers in the New York Secretary's Office, relating to Pemaquid are about to be publilhed by the Maine Hiftorical Society, by the Aid of that State, and under the Direction of the Editor of this Volume. 2 New York Col. Hill, iii, 42. Coll. N. J. Hill. Soc. ii, 38. 3 October 13. Seep. 1. Letter of Matthew Mayhew, 1680. (Coll. MSS. xxix, Sec. Office.) 4 Mr, Mayhew was born early in 1592, and was a Merchant of Southampton, England, from whence he emigrated in 1633 or 1634. He was admitted a Freeman May 14, 1634, and early in 1635 fetded in Watertown, Mafs., where he owned Mills and a Farm. He was a Selectman from 1637 to 1643, and a Reprefentative from 1636 to 1644, when he removed to Martha's Vineyard. He died at that Place in 1682, at the Age of 90. (Genealogies and Hill, of Watertown, i, 364.) 5 Thomas Mayhew Jr. was educated for the Miniftry and preached to the Indians. He fettled at Martha's Vineyard in 1642, and was drowned in a Voyage to England in 1657, at the age of 37. He left three Sons, [xi] Iflands adjacent. This Sale was conditioned to the Payment of fuch an Acknowledgement as might be fixed by John Winthrop Sen., or any two Magistrates in Maffachufetts Bay, chofen by the Parties. From the Uncertainty that was felt as to the Extent of Accommodation that might be afforded in this Grant, Forrett by a fubfequent Agreement conveyed to the fame Parties, Martha's Vineyard and the Elizabeth Iiles.1 Thefe Iflands being alfo claimed under the Grant of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Lord Proprietor of Maine, the elder Mayhew obtained of Richard Vines, Steward and Agent of Gorges, a Conveyance of Martha's Vineyard, for an Acknowledgement to be agreed upon by Perfons chofen by the Parties. Forrett, the Agent of Stirling, was called fud- denly to England, before his Bufinefs was fettled with Mr. Mayhew, his Place being fupplied by Andries Forrefter, a Scotchman, who vifited the Iflands, and made very fair Promifes of a Settlement of the Title; but going to Manhattan, he was Matthew, (who fubfequently affirmed a leading Part in the'Affairs of thefe Iflands) Thomas and John. (Mather's Magnalia, B. vi, 54 ; Mafs. Hilt. Coll. 2d Ser. hi, 67.) See alfo Note, p. 75 of this Volume. 1 October 23, 1641. Seep. 2. [xii] thrown into Prifon by the Dutch, and foon after wards fent to Holland, from whence he never returned. l For feveral Years the Settlement had been limited to Martha's Vineyard, and the Commiffioners of the United Colonies voted, in 1 644, that Maffa chufetts might receive this Ifland within their Jurifdidtion, if they faw Caufe,2 and this Dependence was recognized feveral Years. In 1654 this Ifland was voted to be not within their Limits,3 and until transferred to the Duke of York, they appear to have been left to their own Government, although rather dependent upon that of Gorges.4 In 1659,5 the elder Mayhew admitted nine others to a joint Partnerfhip in the Ifland of Nantucket, 1 Mr. Forrefler was arrefled at New Amflerdam Sept. 27, 1647, on a Charge of afTerting the Right of Government in the Dutch Territories on Long Ifland, having in his PofTeffion a Power of Attorney from Mary Stirling. After an Examination the following Day before the Council, it was Decided to fend this pretended Governor to Holland, in die Ship the Faulconer, as a Prifoner, to defend his Commiffion before their High MightincfTes. (Vanderkemp's Tranflations from the Dutch, vii, 86, Sec. Office, Albany.) 2 Coll. Am. Statift. Affociation, i, 46 ; Hazard's Hift. Coll., ii, 1 8. 3 Colonial Rec. Mafs., iv, part 1, page 199. 4 See p. 69. 6May 2d, [ xiii ] referving a fmall Part to himfelf ; and in February following, it was agreed that each Partner might admit another to an equal Share in Power and Intereft, not being juflly excepted to by the Reft. Thefe were known as the Twenty Firft Purchafers in the fubfequent Records of Nantucket.1 On the ioth of March, 1660, the firft Indian Purchafe was made on Nantucket. At an early Day, their ifolated Pofition leading the Settlers on Nantucket to feel the Want of Tradefmen and Seamen, it was determined that ten other Perfons fhould be admitted, with certain Privileges, conditioned to their following their feveral Trades and Profeffions for a fpecific Time, and becoming actual Refidents, with their Families. In 1663 the Earl of Clarendon, on Behalf of James Duke of York, purchafed of Henry, then Earl of Stirling, his Intereft in his American Grant,2 1 Thefe Shares were fubfequently fubdivided, fb that in 1670 there were twenty- feven, and in 1792 nearly three hundred, owners of the Common Fields. In 1792 one Share was entided to keep 720 Sheep; 1 6 Sheep were counted equal to I Horfe, and 8 Sheep to I Ox or Cow. The Rights then varied from 1 to 1400 Commons Rights. At fhearing Time each Year, the Overplus of Sheep were killed or removed from the Ifland. (Mafs, Hifl. Coll. 1 Series, iii, 156.) 2 The Duke of York agreed to Pay £3,500 for the Title, but not fulfilling this Agreement, he in 1674 granted a Penfion of £300 per [xiv ] and in 1664 the Duke received from his Royal Brother Charles II,2 all that Part of the Main Land of New England, " beginning at a certain " Place called or known by the Name of St. Croix, " next adjoining to New Scotland in America, and " from thence extending along the Sea Coaft unto " a certain Place called Petuaquine or Pemaquid, " and fo up the River thereof to the furthereft " Head of ye fame as it tendeth Northward, and " extending thence to the River Kinebequi, and fo " upwards by the fhorteft Courfe to the River " Canada northwards : And alfo all that Ifland or " Iflands commonly called by the feveral Names of " Matowacks or Long Ifland, fituate, lying and " being towards the weft of Cape Cod and the " narrow Higanfetts, abutting upon the maine Land " between the two Rivers there called or known by " the feveral Names of Connecticut or Hudfon's " River, and all the Land from the weft Side of Annum during the Lifetime of the Earl out of the nett Profits of Revenue arifing from the Colony. It fubfequendy appearing that there was no Exccfs of Revenue for paying this Annuity, in 1689 an Order was iffued for the Arrears to be paid out of Funds of the Colony, the Creditor being allowed accefs to the Accounts of the Province for fuch Inflection as he might deem Proper. (N. Y. Col. Hill., iii, 606.) 2 March 12. Sec Patents, i, 109, Sec. Office, Albany. [XV] " Connecticut and the eaft Side of Delaware Bay ; " and alfo thofe feveral Iflands called or known by " the Names of Martha's Vineyard, and Nantuh.es, " otherisoife Nantuckett ; together with all the Lands, '.' Iflands, Soils, Rivers, Harbors, Mines, Minerals, " Quarryes, Woods, Marfhes, Waters, Lakes, Fifh- " ing, Hawking, Hunting and Fowling, and all " other Royalties, Profits, Commodities and He- " reditaments to the feveral Iflands, Lands and " Premifes belonging and appertaining." With this Grant was conveyed the Right of Jurifdiction and Government in all Things, not inconfiftent with the Laws of England. Upon the Eftablifhment of the Englilh in the Government of New York, Governor Lovelace fent an Order to thofe holding under the Stirling Title to produce their Papers, and take out new ones under the Duke of York. Mr. Mayhew accordingly attended, was kindly received, appointed Governor of Martha's Vineyard for Life, and the People of both Iflands were confirmed in that Form of Government which they folicited. The fubfe- quent Proceedings in relation to thefe Iflands, will be fet forth in the following Pages. The Admiffion of Artifans and Seamen to a [ xvi ] Participation in the Rights of the firft Purchafers at Nantucket, became fubfequently a fruitful Source of Difcord, and upon the breaking out of King Philip's War in 1 675, feveral Englifh Families from the Main Land came over for a temporary Refidence and thefe joining the Malcontents, enabled the latter to gain a Majority in the Election of Magiftrates. In the previous Year, while the Colony of New York was again for a fhort Time in the Hands of the Dutch, thefe Tradefmen had feized the Oppor tunity of throwing off their Obligations to the firft Purchafers, and afferted equal Right with them in every Thing relating to the Affairs of the Settlement, and upon the Reftoration to the Englifh, both Parties made a Reprefentation of their Claims to Governor Andros at New York. On the Divifion of New York into Counties, Nov. 1, 1683, Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, and the adjacent Iflands were erecled into Dukes County.1 A Perufal of the Memorials in the following Pages, will convince the Reader, that this Ifland was not altogether the Elyfium that has been 1 Dukes County was reincorporated and Nantucket County formed by Maffachufetts in June, 1695, [ xvii ] defcribed by a romantic Writer,1 but that this " Nurfery for Sailors, Pilots and Fifhermen," was for many Years diffracted by Quarrels which the New York Government was too diftant and too much occupied with its domeftic Affairs, to quiet. The Orders of the New York Governors appear to have been obeyed or difregarded according as they favored or oppofed the Views of the Parties in Power, and this Authority feems to have loft the Refpect of the Iflanders, by neglecting to enforce its Ordinances.2 On the Succeffion of William and Mary to the Throne of England, a new Charter was granted to New England, 3 in which Nantucket was expreflly declared a Part of Maffachufetts. Concerning Martha's Vineyard, the Language of the Charter was lefs definite, which gave Rife to an angry Difpute between the two Colonies, and an Appeal by the 1 " Je obferve avec Plaifir que nulle Sedition, nulle Convulfion politique, n'a jamais terni la Gloire de cet Etabliffement, et n'a jarnais agite ou retarde le Bonheur de cette Societe ifolee. (Crevecceur's Lettres d'un Culdvateur Americaine, ii, 192. 2 The Reader will find an interefting Account of Nantucket in the Port Folio, 1 feries, v, 39, and in Macy's Hiftory of Nantucket. 3 The fecond Charter of Maffachufetts was granted October 7, 1 69 1 . It arrived in 1692. C [ xviii ] Government of New York to the Deciflon of the Crown. There had been for many Years a Party upon the Iflands who preferred the Jurifdiction of Maffa chufetts, and Oct. 15, 1673, many of the principal Freeholders of Martha's Vineyard had petitioned to be tranfferred to that Government. In preparing thefe Papers for the Prefs, we have, in moft Cafes, ftrictly adhered to the original Ortho graphy, adopting a uniform Rule in relation to Punctuation and the Ufe of Capitals, and inferting Fac Similes of Signatures, in moft Inftances in which the Papers copied were in the Hand Writing of their Authors. The Documents concerning thefe Iflands, like many pertaining to Delaware, New Jeriey, Connecticut, &c, are fcattered through nearly every Volume in the Secretary's Office at Albany, of the earlier Colonial Period. Reference to Volume and Page is made in every Inftance excepting in the Series entitled New York Colonial MSS., which is not paged. The accompanying Map is traced from a Chart of the Coaft Survey, and gives an exact Idea of the Form and relative Pofition of thefe Iflands. F. B. H. PAPERS delating to Jkntudtet, etc. Deeds from James Fforrett to Thomas Mayhew and Son. [Deeds, i, 7 1 ; iii, 64, and iii, 76, Sec. Office, Albany.] £HESE Prefents doe witneffe, That I, James Ffqrret, Gent., who was fent over into thefe parts of Ame rica, by the Honble Lord Sterling with a Commiflion for the order ing and difpofing of all the Iflands that lyeth between Cape Codd and Hudfons River, and have hitherto continued his Agent without any Contradiction, doe hereby graunt unto Thomas Mayhew at Watertowne, Mer chant, and to Thomas Mayhew his Sonne, free Liber ty and full Power to them, their Heyres and Aflignes, to Plant and Inhabitt upon Nantuckett and two fmall Iflands adjacent, and to enjoy the faid Iflands to them, their Heyres, and Aflignes forever. Pro- vided, That Thomas Mayhew and Thomas May hew his Sonne, or either of them or their Afligns doe render and pay yearly unto the HonbIe the Lord Sterling, his Heyres and Aflignes, fuch an Acknow ledgement as fhall bee thought fitt by John Win- throp Efqr the Elder, or any two Magiftrates in the Maffachufetts Bay, being chofen for that End and Purpofe by the Hon. the Lord Sterling or his De puty ; and by the faid Thomas Mayhew and Tho mas Mayhew his Sonne, or their Aflignes. Its agreed, That the Governm' that the faid Thomas Mayhew and Thomas Mayhew his Sonne and their Aflignees fhall /ett up, fhall bee fuch as is now eftablifhed in the Maffachufetts aforefaid, and that the faid Thomas Mayhew and Thomas May hew his Sonne and their Aflignes fhall have as much Priviledge touching their Planting, Inhabitting, and Enjoying, of all and every Part of the Premifes as by the Patent to the Patentees of the Maffachu fetts aforefaid, and their Affociates. In Witneffe hereof I the faid James Fforrett have hereunto fett my Hand and Seale this 13th Day of October, 1641. James Fforrett (Seale.) Witadres: Philip Watson, Gierke. Robert Corane, Nicholas Davijbn, Richd Stillman. [Deeds i, 72, and iii, 65, Secretary's Office.] Whereas, by virtue of a Commiflion from the Lord Sterling, James Fforrett, Gent., hath granted [3] Liberty and full Power unto Thomas Mayhew, of Watertowne, Merchant, and Thomas Mayhew his Sonne, and their Affociats, to plant the Ifland of Nantuckett, according to Articles in a Deed to that Purpofe expreffed. Now, forafmuch as the faid Ifland hath not been yet well furveyed, whereby it may appeare that comfortable Accommodations for themfelves and their Affociats will thereby be found: thefe therefore fhall ferve to teftify that I, the faid James Fforrett, by vertue of my faid Commis- fion, doe hereby graunt unto the faid Thomas May hew and Thomas Mayhew his Sonne, and their As- fociats, as much [Liberty] to plant upon Martha's Vineyard and Elizabeth's Ifles as they have by vertue of a Deed granted unto thern for Nantuckett, as there in plainly in all Confideration, both on the Right HonbIe the Lord Sterling's Part, and on the iaid Thomas Mayhew and Thomas Mayhew his Sonne and their Affociates doth appeare. And in witneffe hereof I the faid James Fforrett have hereto fett my hand this 23d day of October, Anno Domini 1 641. James Forrett. Philip Wattson, Clarke. Signed and Delivered in the Prefence of us : John Vaham, his x marke. Gerret Church. These are true Copies of Mr. Fforrett's Deeds to Mr. Mayhew and his Sonne and their Affociates. [4] A Deed made to Mr. Mayhew by Richard Vines. [Deeds, iii, 66, Secretary's Office.] I, Richard Vines, of Saco, Gent., Steward GenrI1 for Sir Fferdinand Gorges, Knt, Lord Proprietor of yc Province of Mayne Land and ye Iflands of Capa- wock and Nantican,1 doe by thefe Prefents give full Power and Authority unto Thomas Mayhew, Gent : his Heyres and Affociates, to plant and inhabitt upon ye Iflands of Capawock als Martha's Vineyard, wth all Rights and Priveledges thereunto belonging, to enjoy the Premifes unto himfelfe his Heyres and Affociates forever, yielding and paying unto ye faid Sr Ferdinand Gorges, his Heyres and Aflignes for ever annually, as two Gent, indifferently by each of them chofen, fhall judge to be meet by way of acknowledgment. Given under my Hand this 25th day of October, 1 641. Witnefs : RlCHD VlNES. Thomas Page, Robert Long. 1. Gorges, one of the Plymouth Company, received on its diffolution, in 1635, the Diftridt between the Pifcataqua and the Kenncbeck, and in 1639 his Title was confirmed by the King with almoft abfolute Powers of Government (Haz. i, 442; Tr. Me. Hift. Soc. i, 45.) Meafures were foon taken for eftablifhing civil Jurifdiction, and on the 25th of June, 1640, the firft General Court was held at Saco (lb, 47.) Vines left the Province in 1645. [5l A Graunt from Thomas Mayhew Senr. and Thomas Mayhew Jimr. to Jno. Dog- gett, Daniel Pierce, et alys. [Deeds i, 72, Secretary's Office.] Whereas Thomas Mayhew Sens, and Thomas Mayhew Senr. have granted to them by Mr. James Fforrett and Mr. Richd Vines, the Ifland of Nantuckett, Martha's Vineyard, and Elizabeth Ifles, as by their Deeds more plainly appeareth: This is to certify that wee the faid Thomas and Thomas doe hereby grant unto John Doggett, Daniel Pierce and Richd. Beeres, and John Smith, and Ffrancis Smith with ourfelves to make choice for the Prefent of a large Towne upon the fame Terms that wee have it : And alfo equal Power in Governm1 with us, and equall Power in admis- flon of all that fhall prefent themfelves to come to live upon any part of the whole Grant of all the Iflands; and wee grant alfo to them and their Affo ciates with us to receive another Townfhipp for Pofterity upon the fame Terms wee have from the Grantees. In Witneffe whereof wee have hereto fett our Hands this 16th day of March, 1641. Now wee are the Succeffors of thofe Men, and the firft of us was admitted by their Approbation, and fome pur- chafed their Lands. [6] This wittneffeth that Mr. Mayhew the Elder, and alfo Mr. Mayhew the Younger have freely given to the Men now inhabiting upon the Ifland, viz1 the Vineyard, this Tract of Land following for a Townfhip : namely, all Tawanquatick his Right, together wth all the Land as farre as the Eaftermoft Chapp of Homefes Hole : and alfo the Ifland called Chappaquidick with full Power to difpofe of all and every Part of the faid Land as they fee beft for their own comfortable Accommodations : The Line is to go from Tequoneman's Neck to the Eaftermoft Chapp of Homes's Hole. This I doe acknowledge to bee the fitee Grant of Myfelf and my Sonne. This is a true Copy of the Town Grant from Mr. Mayhew, 1644. Thefe two Grants were firft taken out of the Town Book by John Birchard, Secretary, when hee lived on Martha's Vineyard. And thefe are true Coppies of thofe Coppies Word for Word. And again wee are the Men inhabiting and their Heyres, to whom this gift of Land was given, whofe names follow : Ifaac Robinfon, Thomas Birchard, Thomas Trapp, John Bailee, Nicholas Horton, Thomas Butler, John Peafe, Jofeph Norton, Thomas Bayls, Ifaack Norton, Simeon Athearn. [7] Grant for a Townjhip on Martha's Vineyard. [Deeds iii, 68, Secretary's Office.] December 4th, 1646. This Witneffeth that Mr. Mayhew ye Elder, and alfo Mr. Mayhew ye Younger, have freely given to ye Men now inhabiting on ye Ifland, namely, the Vineyard, this Tract of Land following for a Town- fhipp : namely, all Tawanquatacks his Right, to gether wth all ye Land as farr as ye eaftermoft Chap of Homfes Hole, and alfo all ye Ifland called Chapa- quegick, w* full Power to difpofe of all and every Part of yc faid Land as they fee beft for their own comfortable Accommodation. The Line is to goe from Tequa-nomans Point to ye eaftermoft Chap of Homfes Hole. This I doe acknowledge to bee ye ffree Grant of myfelfe and my Sonn, ye day and yeare above written. Decern. 4th, 1646. Per me, Thom: Mayhew. This above written is a true Coppy, taken out of ye original Grant by mee, Thomas Daffett, Clerke for ye Toune Great Harbour on ye Vineyard. As Witnefs my Hand, June 10th, 1671. Per Thom: Dassett. [8] Deed of Nantucket to Ten Purchafers. [Deeds iii, 56, Secretary's Office.] Recorded for Mr. Coffin and Mr. Macy aforeja' ye Day and Yeare aforesd- Bee it known unto all Men by these Prefents, that I, Thomas Mayhew, of Martha's Vineyard, Merchant, doe hereby acknowledge, that I have fould unto Triftram Coffin, Thomas May, Chriftopher Hujfey, Richard Swayne, Thomas Bernard, Peter Coffin, Stephen Greenleafe, John Swayne, and William Pike, that Right and Intereft I have in ye Land of Nantuckett, by Patent ; ye wch Right I bought of James Fforrett, Gent, add Steward to ye Lord Ster ling, and of Richard Vines fometimes of Sacho, Gent., Steward- Gen1"11 unto Sir Georges Knight, as by Conveyances under their Hands and Seales doe appeare, ffor them ye aforefaid to Injoy, and their Heyres and Aflignes forever, wth all the Priviledges theruento belonging, for and in confideration of ye Sume of Thirty Pounds of Current Pay, unto whom- foever I ye faid Thomas Mayhew, mine Heyres or Aflignes, fhall appoint. And alfo two Beaver Hatts, one for myfelfe, and one for my Wife. And fur ther, this is to declare that I the faid Thomas May hew have received to myfelf that Neck upon Nan tuckett called Masquetuck, or that Neck of Land called Nashayte, the Neck (but one) northerly of Mafquetuck, ye aforefaid Sayle in anywife notwith- [9] ftanding. And further, I ye faid Thomas Mayhew am to beare my Parte of the Charge of ye faid Pur- chafe abovenamed, and to hold one-twentieth Part of all Lands purchafed already, or fhall be hereafter purchafed upon ye faid Ifland, by ye aforefd Pur- chafrs or Heyres and Aflignes forever. Briefly: It is thus; That I really fold all my Patent to ye afore faid nine Men, and they are to pay mee, or whom- foever I fhall appoint them, ye Sume of Thirty Pounds in good Merchantable Pay in ye Maffachu fetts, under wch Governm1 they now Inhabit, and 2 Beaver Hatts, and I am to beare a 20th Part of ye Charge of ye Purchafe, and to have a 20th Part of all Lands and Priviledges ; and to have wch of ye Necks abovefd that I will myfelfe, paying for it; only ye Purchafers are to pay what ye Sachem is to have for Masquetuck, although I have ye other Neck. And in Witnefs hereof, I have hereunto fett my Hand and Seale this fecond Day of July, fix- teen hundred and fifty-nine, 1659, Per me, Tho: Mayhew. Witnejs, John Smyth, Edward Seale. [IO] Deed of Tuckanucket If and. l [Deeds, iii, 57, Secretary's Office.] Recorded for Mr. Coffin and Mr. Macy aforefaid ye Day and Yeare aforewritten. The tenth Day of October, one thoufand fix hundred fifty and nine ; Thefe Prefents Witnefs, That I, Thomas Mayhew, of Martin's Vineyard, Merch', doe Give, Grant, Bargaine, and Sell, all my Right and Intereft in Tuckanuck Ifland, als Tuckanuckett, which I have had, or ought to have, by Vertue of Patent Right, purchafed of ye Lord Stirling's Agent and of Mr. Richard Vines Agent, unto Sir Fferdinando George, Knight, unto Trif- tram Coffin Sr, Peter Coffin, Triftram Coffin Junr, and James Coffin, to them and their Heyres fore ver, ffor and in confideracon of yc juft Sume of fix Pounds in Hand paid, and by mee Thomas Mayhew, received in full Satisfaction of ye aforefaid Patent Right, of ye aforefaid Ifland. And in Witnefs hereof, I have fett my Hand and Seale. Per me, Thomas Mayhew. Witnefs hereunto, Roger Wheeler, George Wheeler. 1 The Head Chief of Nantucket, Wamachmamack, fold to the above Grantees, Feb. 20, 1 66 1 , half of this Ifland for £ 1 o, one-half paid down, and the reft when Thomas Mayhew fhould decide who was the right Owner. Deeds, iii, 53, Sec, Office. [II] Several Grants and Difpofals of Land upon Nantucket. [Deeds, i, 74, Secretary's Office.] Whereas there was a Purchafe made of ye Pa tent Right of the Honble Lord Sterling, had of, or in, the Ifle of Nantuckett, by Mr. Thomas Mayhew of Martha's Vineyard, who fold his Intereft thereof unto Triftram Coffin Senr., Thomas Macy, Richd Swayne, Thomas Barnard, Peter Coffin, Chrifto- pher Huffey, Stephen Greenleafe, Jn° Swayne, and Wm Pike; the abovefaid Mr. Mayhew referving unto himfelfe a twenty eth Part of the Patent Right: And alfo became a Purchafer w* thofe nine Men before named, of all Indian Rights that have been purchafed; Soe that the ten, (viz1 Mr. Thomas Mayhew, Triftram Coffin, Thomas Macy, Richard Swaine, Thomas Barnard, Peter Coffin, Chrifto- pher Huffye, Stephen Greenleafe, John Swayne, and Willm Pike,) had the whole and fole Intereft, Difpofall, Power, and Priviledge of the faid Ifland, and Appurtenances thereof, &c. At Salifbury, February: -59. At a Meeting of the faid Purchafers, or the major Part of them, approved of and allowed by the reft, together w^fome others that were owned for Affociates, as will hereafter appeare ; it was [12] agreed, and determined, and appointed as followeth, viz1 That thefe ten Owners will admit of ten more Partners, who fhall have equal Proportion, Power, and Intereft with themfelves ; And that either of the Purchafers aforementioned fhall have Liberty to take a Partner whom he pleafe, not being juftly excepted againft by the reft. At the Meeting was owned Partner with Chriftopher Huffye, Robert Pyke ; Robert Barnard was owned a Partner with Thomas Barnard ; Edward Starbuck was owned to bee Thomas Macy's Partner ; and Triftram Coffin Junr. Partner with Stephen Greenleafe ; and James Coffin Partner with Peter Coffin. At the fame Meeting, It was Ordered and De termined, that there fhould bee ten other Inhabit ants admitted into the Plantation, who fhall have fuch Accommodations as the Owners or Purchafers fhall judge meet, as namely, neceffary Tradefmen and Seamen. At a Meeting of the Owners of the Ifle of Nan tuckett at Salifbury, May the ninth, a thoufand fix hundred flxty-one, It was Ordered, That all the Lands, that is fitt for Arable Land, convenient for Houfe Lotts, fhall bee forth meafured, that the Quantity thereof may be knowne, which being done fhall be divided by equall Proportion, that is to say, four-fifth Pieces to the Owners or Purchafers, and the other fifth Parts to the ten other Inhabitants. [i3] July 15, 1 66 1. At a Meeting on Nantuckett of the Owners or Purchafers inhabiting here, Mr. May hew being prefent, and Mr. Ffolger: It was Agreed and Concluded, that each Man of the Owners or Purchafers fhall have Liberty to choofe his Houfe Lott on any Place within our Limits, not formerly taken up, and that each Houfe Lott fhall conteyne fixty Rodd fquare to a whole Accommodation, or Share, or the Value of it. July 20th, 1662. These Witneffe: That wee whofe Names are underwritten, doe Give and Graunt unto William Worth,1 Sayler, half a Share of Land, and Mead ows, and Marfhes, Wood and Timber, and all Manner of Priviledges and Appertenances thereto belonging, upon the Ifland of Nantuckett, both Houfe, Lott, and all other Divifions of Lands, and Meadows, Wood, and Timber, and Commonages : Wee fay, halfe as much as any one of the twenty firft Purchafers have both in Plantation and Patent Right, to him the faid William Worth, his Heyres and Aflignes, forever: Vpon Condition that he pay his Proportion of all Charges of purchafing the Patent and Indyan Right, and alfo other neceffary 1 William Worth emigrated from Devonfhire, England, in 1 640. The late Major-General William J. Worth, of the United States Army, was a Defcendant of this Perfon. (Raymond's Lives of Diftinguifhed Men of Columbia County, p. 79.) [H] Charges concerning the Englifh Rights ; and alfo to come and dwell on the Ifland, and to employ himfelfe, or bee employed on the Sea for himfelfe, or fuch Perfon or Perfons as are inhabiting on the Ifland, or any of the Purchafers at fuch Seafons as are convenient; And for fuch Hire as they fhall agree upon, which fhall be according to Reafon, and not to leave the Ifland for three Years Time after the Date hereof. John Bifhop, Thomas Macy, John Holt, Robert Barnard, Edward Starrbuck, Thomas Collman, Richard Swayne, Thomas Mayhew, Nathaniel Starbuck, Peter Coffin, John Swayne, Triftram Coffin Jun., Stephen Greenleafe, for Wm. Pike 2 fhares. Triftram Coffin Senn-formyfelfe and five more em powered, Imprimis. March 15, 65 66, At a Meeting of the Inhabitants a Grant was made to Jofeph Collman of halfe a Share of Accommodation out of the Grant made to the Sea men and Tradefmen, on Condition that hee fhall attend the Occafions of the Ifland, while he liveth on the Ifland : And if hee fhall at any Time think meet to leave the Ifland, deliver up all his Accom modation to the Company, if they will pay him for it as much as a Stranger. And if he leave the [i5l Ifland and dwell elfewhere within three Yeares, his Grant is forfeit. March the firft, ^3 Thomas Macy doth engage himfelfe as one of the Number of the Tradefmen, namely, to supply the Occafions of the Ifland in the Trade of Weaving, for the Benefit of the Inhabitants as well as of himfelfe, and hath a Tradefman's Halfe Share of Accommodations granted to him in Confideracon thereof, as well as to William Worth and the reft. March 22, ^ 67- At a Meeting of the Inhabitants a Grant was made to Richard Gardner, halfe Accommoda- cons, according to the Grants made to Seamen and Tradefmen, upon Condition that hee exercife him felfe as a Sea-man, and that hee come to Inhabitt here with his ffamily before the End of May, -68. And after that his Entrance here, not to depart the Ifland in Point of dwelling, for the Space of three Yeares, upon the Forfeiture of the Grant aforefaid. ffeby 15 : 67. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants a Grant was made to Jofeph Gardner, half a Share of Ac- commodacons anfwerable to the other Tradefmen, on Condition that hee Supply the Occafions of the [i6] Ifland in the Way of Shoo-maker. And likewife that hee fhall not leave the Ifland in Poynt of dwelling for the fpace of four Years. Or if it foe fall out that hee fhall remove off from the Ifland within the aforefaid Terme, that then hee fhall leave the faid Accommodation to his Brother Rich ard: Vnto the faid Richard the Company doth Grant ye Accommodations afore-mentioned, on the Terms aforementioned, that he fupply the Occations of the Ifland in Way of a Shoo-maker. Novem. 29th, 1670. A Grant was made to Nathaniel Holland of a Tradefman's Accommodation, upon Condition that hee employs himfelfe in the Trade of a Taylour, and bring his ffamily to ye Ifland before next Winter, and that hee build and fettle amongft us as an Inha bitant.1 All thefe Particulars are true Copies. Peter Foulger, Clarke. 1 The prominent Part fubfequendy taken by the above Tradefmen and Seamen in Controverfies with the original Patentee and his Affociates, renders thefe Documents important in the early Annals of thefe Iflands. Numerous other Deeds, Releafes, &c, of later Date are on Record at Albany. [i7] Captn. Gardner's Graunt. [Deeds i, 7, Secretary's Office.] The 5th of Augft 72. A Grant was made by the Towne, the flteeholders, Inhabitants, Purchafers, and Affociats, now inhabiting upon this Ifland, unto Mr. John Gardner, of Salem, Mariner, a Seaman's Accommo dation, wth all Appurtenances belonging unto it as fully as the other Seamen and Tradefmen have in their former Grants, upon Condition that hee come to inhabitt and to fett up the Trade of ffifhing, with a fufficient Veffel, fitt for the taking of Codd-ffifh : and that any of the Inhabitants fhall have Liberty to joyne in fuch a Veffell with him, that is to fay, an eighth Part, or a quarter Part, or more, or leffe, and that the aforefaid John Gardner fhall ufe his beft Endeavour to profecute the ffifhing Trade to Effect in the fitt Seafons of the Yeare: And if hee fee Caufe to depart from the Ifland within three Yeares after the Time that he fhall come to Inhabitt, that then the Lands fhall returne into the Hands of the aforefaid Granters, they paying for all neces- fary Buildings or ffencing that are upon it, as it fhall be judged worth. Alfo, the faid John Gard ner is to bee here with his ffamily at or before the laft Day of Aprill, 74, or elfe this Grant to bee void. This is a true Copy by mee. Peter Foulger. [i8] India7t Deed of Nantucket. j [Deeds iii, 54, Secretary's Office.] Recorded for Mr. Triftram Coffin and Mr. Thomas Macy, ye 29th of June, 1671 aforejaid. Thefe P^fents Wittnefs, yl I, Wanackmamack, Head Sachem of ye Ifland of Nantuckett, have Bar gained and Sold, and doe by thefe Prefents Bargaine and Sell unto Triftram Coffin, Thomas Macy, Richd Swayne, Thomas Bernard, John Swayne, Mr. Thomas Mayhew, Edward Starbuck, Peter Coffin, James Coffin, Stephen Greenleafe, Triftram Coffin Junr, Thomas Coleman, Robert Bernard, Chrifto- pher Huffey, Robert Pyke, John Smyth, and John Bifhop, thefe Iflands of Nantuckett, namely, all ye Weft end of ye aforefd Ifland unto ye Pond comonly called Waquittaquay, and from ye Head of that Pond to ye North fide of ye Ifland Manamoy; Bounded by a Path from ye Head of ye Pond aforefaid to Manamoy ; as alfo a Neck at ye Eaft End of ye Ifland called Poquomock, wth the Property thereof, and all ye Royaltyies, Priviledges, and Immunityes thereto 1 There are on Record in the New York Secretary's Office, about fif teen Indian Deeds of Tradls on thefe Iflands, which the Limits of this Work will not allow us to infert. The earlicft of thefe, certified in 1665 to have been executed in 1653, (Deeds iii, p. 66, Sec. Office), conveyed to Thomas Mayhew the Younger, an undefined Trail on Nantucket, for £15, referving half of the drift Whales. Numerous Conveyances of the Latter, on the Shores of Long Ifland, are on Record. [i9] belonging, or whatfoever Right I ye aforefd Wan- ackmak have, or have had in ye Same: That is, all yc Lands aforemenconed and likewife ye Winter ffeed of ye whole Ifland from ye End of an Indyan Harveft untill Planting Time, or ye firft of May, from Yeare to Yeare for ever ; as likewife Liberty to make Ufe of Wood and Timber on all Parts of ye Ifland ; and likewife Halfe of the Meadows and Marifhes on all Parts of yc Ifland, wmout or beside ye aforefd Tracts of Land purchafed ; And likewife ye ufe of ye other Halfe of ye Meadows and Marifhes, as long as ye aforefaid Englifh their Heyres or Aflignes live on ye Ifland ; And likewife I the aforefaid Wanackmamack doe fell unto ye Englifh aforemenconed ye propriety of ye reft of ye Ifland belonging unto mee, for and in confideracon of ffourty Pounds already received by mee or other by my Consent or Ordr. To Have and to Hold, ye aforefd Tracts of Land wth ye P'priety, Royalties, Immunityes, Priveledges and all Appertenances thereunto belonging to them ye aforefd Purchafrs their Heyres and Aflignes forever. In Witnefs Whereof, I the aforefd Wanackma mack have hereunto fett my Hand and Seale ye Day and Yeare above written.1 The Signe of Wanack-mamack. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in ye prJ"ence of Peter Foulger, Eleazer Foulger, Dorcas Starbuck. 1 Feb. 20, 1 66 1, the date of preceding Deed on Record. [20] Extracts from Council Minutes. ' [Council Minutes, iii, Secretary's Office.] At a Councell held at ye ffort, May ye 14, 1670.1 Prefent, The Governour, Mr. Willett, Mr. Delavall, The Secretary. Mr. Mayhew's Buflnefs of Martin's Vineyard to bee taken into confi deration firft.2 A Letter from Mr. Mayhew produced and read, wherein hee deflres to bee refolved in what Nature Martin's Vineyard and thofe Parts are, as to Gov ernment. The Patent of the Duke includes Martin's Vine yard, and thofe other Ifles. It is ordered, That a Letter be fent to Mr. May hew, to defire him, according to his Proffer, to take a Journey hither, to confult about thofe Parts and their Settlem1, and that hee give Notice to 1 Council Minutes, iii, 26. 2 The earliefl Letter we have found from the Governor of New York to thefe Iflands, was in 1 667, relating to the feizure by Indians of a Veffcl wrecked on one of the Elizabeth Ifles (Coll. Hifl. N. Y., iii, 168.) In 1669, a Bark owned by a Mr. Cutts of Pifcataway, laden with Barba does Goods, was wrecked on the Vineyard, and all on Board loft. Part of the Cargo was faved, and the Bark was refitted, Gov. Lovelace of New Yo;k receiving no returns of this Affair, wrote, Sept. 7, 1669, to Mr. Mayhew for full Details, and requelled him to come to fome Under- ftanding of their Relations. (Orders, Warrants, Letters, 1665-91, p. 523, Sec. Office.) The above Extracts fhow the fubfequent Aftion of the Parties. | 21] thofe of Plymouth Colony, Rhode Ifland, or any other that have any Prtences, or lay Clayme to, any of thofe Iflands, to lett them know that within the Space of two Months, ye Governor intends to fettle thofe Parts, foe that they may doe well to come or fend fome Agent to act for them, otherwife after that Time all ye Pretences or Claymes will bee ad judged of noe Validity. Mr. Mayhew is to bee defired to bring all his Patents, Writings, and other Papers relating here unto, with him. The Duke's Patent, wherein Martin's Vineyard 'is included, is fhewn to young Mr. Mayhew.1 The Govern^ Letter to Mr. Mayhew. [Court of Affize, ii, 533, Sec. Office.] Mr. Mayhew : I received yor L're by yor Grandchild,, wherein I am informed upon what Termes you have hitherto held yor Land at Martin's Vineyard and Parts adja cent, but ye Prtences of Sr. Fferdinando Gorges and ye Lord Sterling, being now at an end, and his Royall Highneffe abfolutely invefted in ye Right to thofe Iflands, ye Inhabitants are henceforth to have Directions of their Governm1 from this Place. I doe admire, it hath beene fo longe before you haue made yor Application to me, fince yor addrefling 1 Referring to Matthew, Grandfon of Thomas Mayhew. [22] yo'felfe for Reliefe againft ye Indians in a Bufineffe of a Wreck to my Predeceffor, and his Comiffion to you thereupon, did intimate an Acknowledge ment of being under his Royall Highneffe his Pro tection.1 Upon Notice this laft Yeare of ye like Misfortune of a Wreck upon your Ifland, I fent Directions to you how to proceed thereupon, of wch I expected an Account, but have as yett heard nothing of it, but when you come hithr as you pro- pofe,and wch I very much defire, I make no Queftion of receiving Satisfaction therein from you, as well as in diverfe other Perticulers. You may pleafe to take yor beft Tyme of coming this Sumer, as you fhall fynde yorfelfe difpofed. I pray bring all yor Patents, Deeds, or other Wry tings, wth you, re lating to thofe Partes, by ye wch and by or Confulta- tion togeth1" I may receive fuch Inteligence of ye Affairs there as I may ye bett1" take Ordr for ye fu ture good Settlem1 of thofe Iflands. As to any Ptenders who lay Clayme to any of them wch are deemed to bee w^in ye Duke's Patent, I have thought fitt to appoint Months Time for all Perfons within this Governm1 or without, eithr by themfelves or their Agents, to appeare here before me to make good their Claymes of Pretences, ye wch [f any 0f them fhall neglect to doe, (haueing timely Notice thereof,) fuch Claymes or Prtences will be adjudged of no Validity: I have in Part discourft 1 See Note, page 20. [23] of thefe Affaires wth yor Grandchild, but refer the Remaind1- untill yor Arrivall here where you fhall receive a very hearty Welcome, and all due En- couragem1 as to yor perticuler Concernes, from Yor affectionate humble Servant, Frans: Louelace. Fort James in N. Yorke, May ye 16 th, 1670. I pray fend Copies of ye enclofed Order of Notice to all thofe about you who are concerned. Notice given to all Perfons concerned in ye Land called Martyn's Vineyard, to ap^ peare in New Yorke. [Court of Affize, ii, 538, Sec. Office.] Thefe are to give Notice to all Perfons concerned, who lay Clayme or have any Prtence of Intereft in Martyn's Vineyard, Nantuckett, or any of ye Eliza beth Ifles neare adjacent, and wthin his Royall High- nefs his Pattent, that they appeare before me in Perfon or by their Agents to make Proofe of fuch Claymes and Prtences w*in ye fpace of 4 months after ye date hereof. In default whereof all such Claymes or Prtences aftr yc Expiration of ye faid Time fhall be deemed and adjudged invalid to all Intents and Purpofes. Given undr my Hand and Sealed wth ye Seale of the [24] Province, at Fort James in New Yorke, this 1 6th day of May, in ye 22th Yeare of his Maties Reigne, Annoq Domini, 1670. Frans: Lovelace. Two Letters or Certificates from the Inhabit ants of Nantucket. [Deeds iii, 58, Secretary's Office, Albany.] Recorded for y° aforejaid Mr. Coffin and Mr. Macy, 2 Lives on Certificates, from y" Inhabitants of Nantuckett, as follow- eth, viz*. Whereas yc HonbIe Coll : Lovelace, Governour of New Yorke, gave forth his Summons for ye In habitants of ye Ifle of Nantuckett to make their Appearance before his Honor at New Yorke, either in their own Perfon or by their Agent, to fhew their Claymes in refpect to their Standing or Clayme of Intereft on ye aforefaid Ifland. Now wee whofe Names are underwritten having intrufted our ffather Triftram Coffin to make Anfwer for us, Wee doe Empower our ffather Triftram Coffin to act and doe for us wth ye Hond Govern1" Lovelace, foe far as is Juft and Reafonable, wtn Regard to our Intereft, on ye Ifle of Nantuckett and Tuckanuckett . Witnefs our Hands ye 2d Day of ye fourth Month, fixteen hundred and feventy-one, 1 67 1 . James Coffin, Nathaniel Starbuck, John Coffin, Stephen Coffin. [25] This is to Signify that ye Inhabitants of Nan tuckett have chofen Mr. Thomas Macy their Agent to Treat wth ye Honble Coll : Lovelace concerning ye Affayres of ye Ifland, to Act for them in their Behalfe and Stead, and in all Confideracons to doe what is neceffary to be done in reference to ye Pre- mifes, as if they themfelves were Perfonally prefent. Witnefs their Hands, dated June 5th, 1671. Edward Starbuck, Peter Ffotjlger, John Rolfe. The Inhabitants aforefd doe alfo in ye name of ye reft, defire Mr. Triftram Coffin to aflift their aforefd Agent what hee can in ye matter or Bufynefs con cerning ye Ifland Nantuckett. Propofalls to ye Governor from ye Inhabitants o/Nantuckett about settling that Govern ment. [Deeds iii, 59, Secretary's Office.] Imprimis, Wee humbly propofe Liberty for ye Inhabitants to chufe annually a Man or Men to be Chiefe in ye Governm1, and chofen or appointed by his Honor to Stand in place, conftantly invefted wtJl Power of Confirmacon by Oath or Engagem1, or otherwife as his Honor fhall appoint, one to be Chiefe in ye Cort and to have Magiftraticall Power 4 [26] at all times wth regard to ye Peace and other necef- fary Confideracons. 2lY . Wee take for granted y< ye Lawes of Eng land are Standard of Governm1, foe farre as wee know them, and are fuitable to our Condicon ; yet wee humbly propofe that ye Inhabitants may have Power to Conftitute fuch Law or Ordrs as are necef- fary and fuitable to or Condicon not repugnant to yc Lawes of England. 3]y. In point of carrying on ye Governm1 from Time to Time, wee are willing to joyne with or Neighbo1" Ifland ye Vineyard, to keep together one Cort every Yeare, one Yeare at or Ifland, ye next wth them, and Power at Home to End all Cafes not exceeding 20 lb; And in all cafes Liberty of Appeale to ye Genr11 Cort in all Actions above 40 lb. And in all Actions amounting to ye vallue of 100 lb Liberty of Appeale to his Highneffe his Cort at ye Citty of New York; And in Capitall Cafes, or fuch Mattrs as concerne Life, Limbe, or Banifhm1. All fuch cafes to be tryed at New Yorke. 4. And feeing ye Indyans are numerous among us, Wee propofe that or Governm1 may Extend to them, and Power to Summon them to our Corts wth refpect to Mattrs of Trefpafs Debt, and other Mifcarriages, and to Try and Judge them according to our Lawes, when publifhed amongft them. And Laftly, fome Military Power comitted to us, reflecting our Defence, either in refpect of Indyans or Strang" invadeing, &c. [27] rIhe Anfwer to ye Nantuckett Propofalls. [Deeds iii, 60, Secretary's Office.] At a Councell held at Forte James in New York, y" 28th day of June inye 23d Yeare of his Maties Reigne, Annoq Dom. 1671. In Anfwer to ye Propofalls Delivered in by Mr. Coffin and Mr. Macy on ye behalf of themfelves and ye reft of ye Inhabitants upon ye Ifland Nan tuckett; The Governor and Councell doe give their Refolucons as followeth, viz1. Imprimis, As to ye firft Branch in their Propofalls, It is thought fitt yl ye Inhabitants doe annually recomend two Perfons to the Governo1", out of wch hee will Nominate one to be ye Chiefe Magiftrate upon that Ifland, and ye Ifland of Tuckanuckett near adjacent for ye Yeare enfueing: who ffiall by Com- miffion bee Invefted with Power accordingly. That ye Time when fuch a Magiftrate ffiall Enter into his Employm1 after ye Expiracon of this firft Yeare, ffiall Commence upon ye 1 3d1 day of October, being his Royall Highnefs his Birthday, to continue for ye Space of one whole Yeare, and that they Returne ye Names of ye two Perfons they fhall recommend three months before that Time to ye Governo1-. That ye Inhabitts have Power by a Major Vote annually to Elect and Chufe their inferior Officers, [28] both Civill and Military; That is to fay, ye Affift- ants, Conftables, and other inferior Officers, for ye Civill Governm', and fuch inferiour Officrs for ye Military as ffiall be thought needfull. 2ty. The fecond Propofall is allowed of; That they ffiall have Liberty to make peculiar Lawes and Ordrs at their Genr11 Cort for the well Governm1 of ye Inhabitts ye wch ffiall bee in force amongft them for one whole Yeare; Dureing wch Time if noe Inconvenience doe appeare therein, They are to Tranfmitt the faid Lawes or Ordrs to ye Governor for his Confirmacon. Howev1", They are (as neare as may bee) to conforme themfelves to ye Lawes ot England, and to be very Cautious they doe not Act in any way repugnant to them. 3!y. To ye 3d, It is Granted, That they joyne wth their Neighbors of Martin's Vineyard in keeping a Gen1'11 Cort between them once a Yeare, ye fd Cort to be held one Yeare in one Ifland, and ye next in ye other, where ye Chiefe Magiftrate in each Ifland where the Cort ffiall be held, is to prflde, and to Sitt in their refpective Corts as Prefid1, but withall That upon all occafions hee Confuel and Advize wth ye Chiefe Magftrate of ye other Ifland. That ye faid Genr11 Cort ffiall confift of ye two Chiefe Magiftrates of both Iflands, and ye foure Afliftants, where ye Prefid1 fhall have a Cafting Voyce; for ye Time of their Meeting, That it bee left to themfelves to Agree upon yc moft convenient Seafon of ye Yeare. [29] That in their Private Corts at Home, wch are to be held by ye Chiefe Magiftrate and two Affiftts where ye Chiefe Magiftrate ffiall have but a Angle Voyce, They fhall have Power finally to determine and decide all Cafes not exceeding ye Vallue of 5 lb. wthout Appeale, but in any Sume above that Vallue, They have Liberty of Appeale to their Gen11 Cort who may determine abfolutely any Cafe under 50 lb. without Appeale, but if it fhall exceed that Sume, ye Party aggrieved may have Recourfe by way of Appeale to ye Genr11 Cort of Affizes, held in New Yorke. And as to Criminal Cafes, That they have Power both at their Private Corts at Home, as well as at ye Genr11 Cort, to inflict Puniffim1 on Offendrs foe farre as Whipping, Stocks, and Pilloring, or other Publick Shame. But if ye Crime happen to bee of a higher nature, where Life, Limbe, or Baniffiment are concerned, That fuch Mattrs be Tranfmitted to ye Genr11 Cort of Affizes likewife. 4. In Anfwr to ye 4th, It is left to themfelves to Ordr thofe Affayres about ye Indyans, and to Act therein according to their beft difcretions, foe farr as Life is not concerned ; Wherein they are alfo to have Recourfe to New Yorke, but that they bee carefull to ufe fuch moderacon amongft them, That they bee not exafperated, but by Degrees may be brought to be conformable to ye Lawes : To wch End, They are to Nominate and appoint Conftables amongft them who may have Staves wth ye Kings Armes upon them, the better to keep their People [3°] in Awe and good Ordr, as is practized wth good succefs amongft ye Indyans at ye Eaft end of Long Ifland. To ye Laft, That they returne a Lyft of ye In habitants, as alfo ye Names of two Perfons amongft them ; out of whom ye Governo1" will appoint one to bee their Chiefe Military Officer, That they may bee in ye better capacity to Defend themfelves againft their Enemyes, whether Indyans or others. Commiffion Granted to Mr. Tristram Coffin, Senr., to be Chiefe Magiftrate in and over the Ifands Nantuckett and Tuck- ANUCKETT. [Deeds iii, 62, Secretary's Office.] Francis Louelace, Efq., &c: Whereas upon Addrefs made unto mee by Mr. Triftram Coffin and Mr. Thomas Macy on ye behalfe of themfelves and ye reft of ye Inhabitants of Nantuckett Ifland con cerning ye Mannor and Method of Governm1 to be ufed amongft themfelves, and having by ye Advice of my Councell pitcht upon a way for them; That is to fay, That they be Governed by a Perfon as Chiefe Magiftrate, and two Afliftants, ye former to be nominated by myfelfe, ye other to be chofen and confirmed by ye Inhabitants as in ye Inftructions fent unto them is more particularly Sett forth. And having conceived a good Opinion of ye ffittnefs and [3i ] capacity of Mr. Triftram Coffin to be ye p^sent Chiefe Magiftrate to manage Affayres w4 ye Ayd and good Advice of ye Affiftants in ye Iflands of Nantuckett and Tuckanuckett, I have thought fitt to Nominate, Conftitute, and Appoint, and by thefe Prfents doe hereby Nominate, Conftitute, and Ap point Mr. Triftram Coffin to be Chiefe Magiftrate of ye faid Iflands of Nantuckett and Tuckanuckett. In ye Managem1 of wch faid Employm1, hee is to ufe his beft Skill and Endeavour to prferve his Maties Peace, and to keep ye Inhabitants in good Ordr. And all Perfons are hereby required to give ye faid Mr. Triftram Coffin fuch Refpect and Obe dience as belongs to a Perfon invefted by commiffion from Authority of his Royall Highnefs in ye Place and Employm1 of a Chief Magiftrate in ye Iflands aforefaid. And hee is duely to obferve the Orders and Inftructions wch are already given forth for ye well governing of ye Place, or fuch others as from Time to Time ffiall hereafter bee given by mee : And for whatfoever ye faid Mr. Triftram Coffin ffiall lawfully Act or Doe in Profecution of ye Premifes, This my Commiffion wch is to bee of fforce untill ye 1 3th day of October, which ffiall bee in ye Yeare of our Lord 1672, when a new Magif trate is to Enter into the Employm1 ffiall bee his sufficient Warrant and Difcharge. Given under my Hand and Seale at fforte James in New Yorke, this 29th day of June in ye 22d Yeare of his Maties Reigne. Annoq Dni. 1671. Fran : Louelace. [32] [Council Minutes, iii, 6j, Secretary's Office.] At a Councell held at fFort James, July 6th, 1671. Prejent, The Governor, Mr. Steenwyck, The Secretary. The Bufmefs under confideracon was Mr. May- hew's Affayre about Martin's Vineyard, &c. His Peticon and Propofalls recd. To ye firft part of ye Peticon, It's granted that the Townes Seated there ffiall have Patents of Con firmation as other Townes, and particularly as their Neighbors of Nantuckett have. To ye next part to know what Land hee hath Purchafed, and of whom, and how.it doth appeare, and what remains unpurchafed. Noe-Mans Land already difpofed of, but to bee enquired into.1 Three Papers to bee Recorded, viz1 : ye two from James Fforrett, (ye fd Sterling's Agent,) and one from RichardVines,Sr.Fferdinando Gorges Agentt.2 1 This Ifland was firft granted Aug. 3, 1666, to William Reeves, Triftram Dodge, John Williams, and William Nightingale, conditioned to the Eftablifhment of a fifhing Trade, Conftrudtion of a Harbour within three Years, and annual Payment at New York of one Barrel of Codfifh, (Pat. i, 50.) This having been forfeited, was renewed to John Williams and others, June 23, 1670, and Feb. 23, 1674. In thefe Patents the Ifland was called the Ifle of Wight, and upon the fetdement of a certain number of Families it was to be entitled to a Juftice of the Peace, and all the Privileges of a Town. (Court of Affize, ii, 538; Patents, iv, 91.) 2 Vide Ante, p. z, 4. [33] Mr. Mayhew to bring in To-morrow Morning what hee hath brought at Martin's Vineyard, for which hee is to have a Patent. The Claufe of Priviledges to bee invefted in ye Patent. At a Councell &c, July 7, 1671. About Mr. Mayhew's Propofalls concerning ye Governm*.* That for ending of Caufes to ye Sume of 5 lb. It is granted that Mr. Mayhew (who for his Life Time is to bee Governor there) wth two Affiftants to bee chofen by ye two Townes, ffiall hold a Court, where one agreeing w* ye Governor ffiall carry the Cafe; but in cafe of Non-Agreem1 to bee referred to their Generall Court ; which is to confift as in their Inftructions to Nantuckett. The Sume Definite at ye Genr11 Court is to bee for 50 lb for this Yeare. The Cort is firft to bee held at Martin's Vineyard, Mr. Mayhew is to bee Governor _over_ye Indians upon "MaffiffTVineyard. ^TfeeTAcloiowTedgement by Quit-Rent for both the Townes and himfelfe to bee Agreed upon. Hee is to have Liberty to Purchafe for his Royall Highneffe, and to make Returne thereof. The Ordrs hereupon are drawn up at large and Entered in the Booke of Indyan's Purchafe. 1 Council Minutes, iii, 68, Secretary's Office. 5 [34] At a Councell July y° 8th, 1671. Mr. Mayhew and Mr. Brenton's Pretences upon Elizabeth Iflands difcourft of. Memorandm, That three Men befide Mr. May hew bee chofen for a Court upon Martin's Vineyard, and hee to have a double Vote as Prefident. Mr. Mayhew, Senr., acknowledges to have fold his Pretences, but the Grand Childe putts in his Clayme for his Part as his ffathers Right. Daniel Wilcock's Clayme brought in by young Mr. Mayhew to bee Recorded. The whole Right to ye two Iflands is found to bee in Mr. Brenton, both by ye Indyan Purchafe and the fale of Mr. Mayhew, Senr.; But its recom mended to him to give fome Compenfation to the Grand Childe for his Confent to his ffathers Right. At a Councell, July 12th, 1671. Prefent, The Governor, Mr. Steenwyck, The Secretary. Vpon confideracon had of Mr. Mayhew's Quit- Rent. It is Agreed to be 6 Barrells of Ffiffi, viz1; two Barrells each Patent. About Claes Burden, &c. : That ye former Ordr againft Tranfportation of Wheat, 6cc. : bee as yet continued, viz1: That none bee Tranfported but in Ffloure and Bread. [35] The Anfwr to Mr. Mayhew's Propofalls. [Deeds iii, 75, Secretary's Office.] At a Councell held at Forte James in New Yorke, ye 7th Day of July in* ye 23d Yeare of his Ma*8 Reigne, Annoq Dni. 1671. Whereas Mr. Thomas Mayhew of Martin's or Martha's Vineyard hath been an ancient Inhabitant there, where by God's Bleffing, hee hath been an Inftrum1 of doeing a great Deale of Good both in fettling feverall Plantacons there, as alfo in re- clayming and civilizing ye Indyans ; ffor an En- couragem1 to him in Profecucon of that Defigne, and Acknowledgm1 of his Good Services. It is ordered and agreed upon that ye faid Mr. Thomas Mayhew Jhalldureing his naturall Life bee~TJovernor of ye Ifland called Martin's or Martha's Vineyard, both over ye Englifh Inhabitants and Indyans for ye w^L hee ffiall have a Commiffion. That for Try all and Decifion of all Differences of Debt or Damage to ye Vallue of ffive Pounds, They ffiall have a Cort in their Ifland, wch ffiall bee compofed of ye Governor there, who ffiall have a double Vote, and three Affiftants to be Elected annually by the Inhabitants of ye two Townes and Plantacons upon ye Ifland, from whofe Judgm1 in any Cafe to ye Sume of five Pounds aforefaid or under, noe Appeale ffiall bee admitted. That all Actions and Cafes of above five Pound, and under ffifty Pound ffiall bee Tryed at ye Genr11 Court to be held by them and their Neighbours of 1 36] Nantuckett, that is to fay, by ye Governor or Chiefe Magiftrate of Martin's Vineyard, and ye firft two Elected of ye three Affiftants aforemenconed, and by ye Chiefe Magiftrate of Nantuckett, and his two Affiftants, where it is recommended that Mr. Thomas Mayhew doe pffide and fitt as Prefident dureing his Life (although ye Court bee held at Nantuckett wth- priveledge of a double or cafting Voice, in regard of his great Experience and Reputacon amongft them, but after his Deceafe that ye Rules and In- ftructions, wch concerne both ye Iflands be punctu ally followed and obferved. That ye firft Genr11 Court ffiall bee held upon ye Ifland Martin's Vineyard at fome convenient Time to bee agreed upon between them and their Neigh- bo1'3 wch is to be Tranfmitted hither, at wch Time annually after Approbacon had thereof that Court is to be held for ye Time to come according to ye aforemenconed Inftructions given to thofe of Nan tuckett. That Mr. Thomas Mayhew as Governor over ye Indyans, doe follow yc fame Way and Courfe of quiet and peaceable Governm1 amongft them as hitherto hee hath done, wch will tend to their mutuall Benefitt and Satisfaction, and by Degrees bring them to fubmit to, and acknowledge his Ma^ Lawes Eftabliffi1 by his Royall Highnefs in this Province. And Laftly that ye Governm' of ye Indyans in particular, ffiall remaine in that State and Condicon as hitherto it hath done. By Ord1' of ye Governor and Councell. [37] CommiJJion for Mr. Thomas Mayhew to be Chiefe Governour of Martin's als Mar tha's Vineyard, i [Deeds iii, 70, Secretary's Office.] Francis Louelace, Efq., &c. : Whereas I have conceived a good Opinion of ye Capacity and Integ rity of Mr. Thomas Mayhew to be Governor and Chiefe Magiftrate of ye Ifland Martin's or Martha's Vineyard, to manage publiq Affayres wth ye Aid, and Good Advice of ye Affiftants to bee chofen there, and have thought fitt to Nominate, Conftitute, and Appoint, and by thefe Prfents doe hereby Nominate, Conftitute, and Appoint Mr. Thomas Mayhew to be Governo1" and Chiefe Magiftrate of ye faid Ifland Martin's or Martha's Vineyard during his naturall Life, in ye Managem1 of wch Employm1 hee is to ufe his beft Skill and endeavor to preferve his Maties Peace, and to keep ye Inhabitants in good Ordr. And all Perfons are hereby required to give to ye faid Mr. Thomas Mayhew fuch Refpect and Obe dience as belongs to a Perfon invefted by Commiffion and Authority from his Royall Highnefs in ye Office and Employment 0f a Governor and Chiefe Magif- 1 On the fame Day Matthew Mayhew received a Commiffion as Col lector of Cufloms in and about Martha's Vineyard and places adjacent (Deeds iii, 73,) and on the 12th the two Mayhews were Licenced to Purchafe fuch as they might be able of the remaining Title of the Indians on this Ifland, (ib. p. 71.) 1.38] trate in ye Ifland aforeR And hee ye faid Mr. Mayhew is duely to obferve and obey fuch Orders and Inftructions, wch are already given forth for ye well governing of ye Place, or fuch other Directions as from Time to Time hee ffiall receive from mee: And for whatfoever the faid Mr. Thomas Mayhew ffiall Lawfully act or doe in Profecucon of ye Pre mifes, This my Commiffion fhall bee his fufficient Warrant and Difcharge. Given &c : this 8th Day of July in ye 23th Yeare of his Mades Reigne, Annoq. Dni. 1671. Mr. Mayhew's InJlruBions from ye Governor. [Deeds iii, 71, Secretary's Office.] Mr. Mayhew: Although by yor Genr11 Commiffion you have Strength and Authority fufficient to putt fuch Lawes and Rules in Execucon as you ffiall conceive may beft tend to ye Diftribucon of Juftice, and fecuring the Comon Rights and Intereft of fuch as ffiall live under yor Governm', the keeping his Mades Peace, together wth ye Prefervacon of his Royall Highnefs Intereft and Propriety in thofe parts, yet fince that Commiffion may appeare to be too generall, I have thought fitt to prfcribe to you fome particular In ftructions, wch you are to make ufe of as Occafion ffiall ferve. In ye firft place, you are foe foon as you ffiall [39] arrive in fome convenient Time, caufe a Generall Meeting to be summoned of the Inhabitants (amongft wch I would not have ye Chiefe of ye Indyans omitted) to whom you are to Declare ye End of yor being wth mee and ye Power I have inverted you in, by caufing your Commiffion to be read publiqely together wth yor Interactions. You are then to Confidr and Appoint a fett Time for ye Election of yor Affiftants as likewife to con- fid1, of ye Time when ye Genr11 Cort ffiall be fum- moned, of wch you are to Advertize and Confult yor Neighbors of Nantuckett. You are likewife to acquaint ye Inhabit65 ye Priviledges I have Graunted them by enfranchiz ing them in Towne Corporacon, To whom you may deliver their Chart1", Vpon ye Receipt of wch- they may proceed to ye Election of their Magif trates as belongs to other Corporacons.1 And in regard at this Diftance,andye Unacquaint- ednefs of the Inclinacons and Difpofitions of ye Indyans, I cannot prfcribe you any Rules that may be moft proper for them, I ffiall therefore recom- 1 Tilbury Manor was granted to Thomas and Matthew Mayhew, July 8, 1 67 1, "to be holden according to ye Cuftome of y° Mannor of Eaft Greenwctl in ye County of Kent in England, in free and Comon Soccage and by ffealty only." The Annual Quit-Rent of the Manor was two Barrels of good Merchantable Codfifh to be delivered at the Bridge of the Fort in New York City. There is alfo on Record of the fame Date, a Patent for the Townfhip of Tifbury granted by Governor Lovelace. Edgartown was made a Corporation on the fame Day, with a like Annual Tribute. As this volume is mainly devoted to the affairs of Nantuckett thefe Grants and many other Papers relating to Martha's Vineyard are neceffarily omitted. [4o] mend that Affaire wholly to yor prudent Managem' only you may acquaint them, that haveing now taken them into his Royall Highnefs particular Protection, I ffiall be very carefull to Affift them in all Extremityes ; expecting from them noe other Returne, but that they live quietly and peaceably, wth true Submiffion to that Authority, wch now is fett over them. You are to caufe fome of ye Principall Sachems to repaire (as fpeedily as they can) to mee, that foe they may pay their Homage to his Matie, and ac knowledge his Royall Hs to bee their only Lord Proprietor. You are to encourage and fett to worke ye Sewan making,1 to whom you may give full Affurance, they ffiall receive fufficient Recompence for their Labour. And that that Trade may only be drove between them and this place, you are not to permitt any Shells to bee exported to fforrainers, unless they pay a confiderable Cuftome for them. You are not to faile to give mee a fpeedy Adver- tizement of all yor Tranfactions as may bee, and by all meanes lett mee have from you, how Affayres conftantly ftand. You are to fee ye Collection of his Mafa Cuf- tomes, and all ffines bee duely obferved, and you are to Affift upon all Occafions ye Collector of ye Cuftomes in ye Execucon of his Office, and tranf- mitt them to mee here. 1 Sewan or Wampum confifting of cylindrical Beads wrought from Shells, was ufed as a Currency in the Colony at the Time referred to. [4i] You are to caufe all fuch as ffiall bee Elected to any Publick Office of Truft to take y= Oath of Alle giance to his Ma^e at the Entrance into their Office. You are not to fuffer any of yor Indyans to enter into a Confederacy of Warre w* any other forraine Indyans, without advertizing mee firft w* it, and procuring my Permiffion for it, Letter from ye Governor to ye Governor of New Plymouth on ye behalfe of Mr. Thomas Mayhew. [Deeds iii, 74, Secretary's Office.] Sr : Mr. Thomas Mayhew of Martin's Vineyard haveing been here w* mee to pay his Acknow ledging and to take out Patents of Confirmacon for ye Lands hee Enjoyes at Martin's Vineyard and Parts adjacent wfhin thefe his R: Hs Territoryes ; At his Inftance and Requeft, I doe Recomend it you, that you'l pleafe to Graunt him fome Enlargm' of Recompence for his Trouble and Paines amongft ye Indyans, foe farr as conveniently it may bee done, for his Encouragem* in his Ancient Dayes ; Hee together wth his deceafed Sonn haveing been In- ftruments of doeing much Good by their Inftruc- tions in bringing diverfe of them to ye Knowledge of ye Chriftian Religion ; wch is worthy of great Commendacon ; what Civility you ffiall doe him herein ffiall bee kindly acknowledged by Sr. Yo1' affectionate humble Servant, Fran : Louelace. 6 [42] General Laws, made at the firjl Generall Court, holden at Edgartowne, upon Mar tha's Vineyard, the 18 th of June, 1672. [Deeds \, 78, Secretary's Office.] Ordered by this Court, That the Gena11 Court fhall Annually beginn, either upon the firft Tuefday in June, or upon the firft convenient Opportunity in refpect of Weather. Ordered, That the Prefident ffiall be allowed for each Dayes Loffe in attending this Court fix Shillings per day; and each Magiftrate four Shillings : which Charge ffiall be allowed and paid out of the Treafury, and at the Quarter Court of each Ifland, the Prefi dent ffiall bee allowed three Shillings per day, and each Affiftant two Shillings and fix pence per day. Ordered, That each Ifland ffiall hold and keep foure Courts a Yeare at Martha's Vineyard, the laft Tuefday of March, the laft Tuefday of June, the laft Tuefday of September, and the laft Tuefday in December : And at Nantuckett the laft Tuefday in Ffebruary, the laft Tuefday in June, the laft Tuefday in September, and the laft Tuefday in December. Ordered by this Court, That if any Perfon ffiall finde himfelfe Aggrieved in any Sentence given by the Quarter Court in either Ifland, the Cafe being above five Pounds, hee ffiall have Liberty to appeale [43] to the next Gena11 Court, which if it ffiall happen to bee held at the fame Ifland, where Judgment was before given, the Perfon appealing ffiall if hee fee Caufe have fix Jurors from the other Ifland, and the Party eaft ffiall in fuch Cafe pay to fuch Jurors two Shillings fix pence per day, for every Day fuch Jurors loofe in attending ye Court by their Meanes. Or if hee fee not Caufe to bee at that Charge, he may enter his Appeale unto the next Generall Court to bee holden at the other Ifland, where he ffiall have Liberty of a Jury for the Tryall of his Caufe. Alwayes provided, that the Aggrieved Perfon enter his Appeale during the Sitting of ye Court hee appealeth from, and in fuch Appeale hee ffiall give in Bond for the Profecution of his Appeale to effect, when hee ffiall bring noe other Evidence nor Plea, but the fame which was given in, unto the Court appealed from. It's Ordered, That any Perfon ffiall have Liberty at Quarter Courts to review his Caufe, provided hee hath fome new Matter or Evidence, wch Review ffiall bee at the next Quarter Court, unleffe the Court ffiall fee Caufe to give him a longer Time. And if it appeare to the Court where fuch Review is heard, that it is only to keep his Adverfary from his Right, hee ffiall pay double Damages. Ordered, That noe Man's Perfon ffiall be Arrett ed or Imprifoned for Debt or Ffine, if any compe tent Meanes of Satisfaction can bee found otherwife from his Eftate, which ffiall bee made and apprized [44 J as neare as may bee to what is contracted, for in Cafes of Contract, by Perfons appointed thereunto by the Court : But if no fuch Eftate can be found, then his Perfon may be Arrefted and Imprifoned, where hee ffiall bee kept upon his own, not upon the Plaintiffs Charges, until Satisfaction be made, unleffe the Court fhall fee Caufe to the Contrary. Provided nevertheleffe, That no Mans Perfon ffiall bee kept in Prifon for Debt, unleffe there bee an Appearance of fome Eftate which hee will not pro duce ; In which Cafe the Court may adminifter an Oath to the Perfon indebted, and likewife to any Perfon fufpected to have fuch Eftate in his Keeping : And in fuch Cafe his Perfon ffiall bee fold for Satii- faction, but neither out of the Country, nor to any other but the Englifh Nation, neither ffiall bee Tranfported out. of the Country, unleffe by his own Content. Ordered, That any Plaintiff may take out a Summons or Attachment againft any Defendant : Provided that no Attachment in any Civill Action ffiall be Granted to a Fforeigner againft any fettled Inhabitant unleffe hee give fufficient Security, and Caution to Profecute his Action, and to Anfwer the Defendant fuch Cofts and Charges as the Court ffiall award him. Ordered, That in all Attachmts of Goods and Chattells, or of Lands and Hereditaments, Legall Notice fhall bee given to the Party, or left in Wri ting at his Houfe or Place of ufuall Abode ; other- [45] wife the Suite ffiall not proceed. But if hee bee out of the Jurifdiction, the Cafe ffiall then proceed to Tryall, but Judgment ffiall not enter untill the next Court : And if the Defendant doe not then appeare, Judgment ffiall bee entered, but Execution ffiall not be Granted before the Plaintiff hath given in fufficient Security to bee refponfible to the De fendant, if hee ffiall reverfe the Judgment within one Yeare, or fuch farther Time as the Court ffiall limitt. Ordered, That all Warrants, Summons, or At- tachmts ffiall be ferved fix Days before the Court. Ordered, That all Perfons fummoned by Sub- Poena to give Teftimony in any Caufe ffiall give in their Evidence in Writing ; And if the Evidence bee in relation to any Cafe upon the Ifland where fuch Perfon dwelleth, hee ffiall then perfonally attend the Court to give in his Evidence, but if hee dwell upon any other Ifland within this Jurifdiction, hee may deliver his Evidence before any one Magif trate, unleffe hee ffiall bee required by the Perfon caufing him to bee Sup-Penad to appeare Viva Voce : And in fuch Cafe the Perfon foe requiring ffiall be at the whole Charge, which ffiall bee two {hillings fix pence per Day. And all others giving Evidence ffiall have allowed them two ffiillings per Day, which ffiall bee paid by the Perfon laft. Ordered, That all Evidence receiv'd in Court ffiall bee Recorded, and ye ffees for Recording ffiall bee fix pence per Teftimony. [46] Ordered, That all Men dyeing Inteftate, their Widdowes ffiall have one third Part of all Land and ffree-hold, with all Priveledges and Appurtenances thereunto belonging during their Naturall Lives, which did any wife belong to their Hufbands; which at their Death ffiall Returne to ye Right Heyres : And one third Part of all their moveable Eftate forever. Ordered, That whofoever ffiall openly or willing ly defame any Court of Juftice, or the Sentences or Proceedings of the fame, or any of the Magif trates or other Judges of any Court in refpect of any Act or Sentence therein paffed, and being legally Convicted thereof ffiall bee Puniffied by Whipping, Ffine, Imprifonment, Disfranchifement, as the quality and meafure of the Offence ffiall deferve. Ordered, That if any Perfon ffiall aik Councell or Advice of any Magiftrate in any Cafe wherein hee ffiall or may bee Plf, before fuch Magiftrate hee ffiall bee difenabled to Profecute any fuch Action, that hee hath foe Advifed about at the next Court where his Caufe ffiall come to Tryall : Being plead ed by way of Barr, either by the Defend1 or any on his Behalfe ; in which Cafe the Plaintiff ffiall pay full Coft to the Defendant. And if the Defendt ffiall alk Councell as aforefaid, hee ffiall pay ten Shillings to the Plaintiffe. Ordered, That if any Perfon ffiall bee Accufed by any, either Indian or any other Perfon what- foever, to have fold or furniffied any Indyan or Indyans with Wine, Liquor, or any Strong Drink, 1.47] Beer only excepted, hee ffiall either purge himfelfe by Oath, That hee hath neither fold, given, lent, nor anywayes directly or indirectly furniffied fuch Indian or Indyans with any Quantity or Quantityes, nor any Quantity under fuch Quantity or Quantityes as hee is Accufed for : Or if hee ffiall not foe purge himfelfe hee ffiall pay for fuch Offence after the Rate of five Shillings per Pinte, for every Quantity foe fold or difpofed of. Alwayes provided, That any who have been known to make Scruple in Con- fcience of fwearing according to the Ufuall Cuftome, may purge himfelfe by Subfcription. Ordered, That if any Perfon bee found drunken, foe as to bee difenabled either in Speech or Gefture, ffiall pay ten Shillings. Ordered, That noe Perfon ffiall fell any Liquor, Wine, Beer, or other Strong Drink by Retayle, that is, Liquor, Wine, Spirits, or the like, under one Gallon; nor Beere, Syder, or the like under the Barrell or Quarter Cafk, unleffe hee have Licence from the Quarter Court, under Penalty of ye For feiture of five Pounds for fuch Offence. And it ffiall not be lawfull for any Inhabitant to tarry in any fuch Licenfed Houfe above halfe an Houre at one Time upon Penalty of paying five Shillings, unleffe hee can render fome fufficient Reafon to the Satisfaction of fuch Magiftrate, or Court where hee anfwereth his Default. Ordered, That any Quarter Court ffiall have Power to Grant Licenfe unto fuch as they ffiall [4M think fitt to keep a Houfe of Publick Entertain ment to fell Liquor, Wine, Beer, or any like Strong Drink by Retaile wth fuch Limitations and Cuftoms as to fuch Court ffiall feem meet. Ordered, That the Conftable in each Towne fhall have one Man added to him, and they two ffiall bee a Grand Jury for Prefentments, who ffiall faithfully prefent to the Court whatfoever they know to bee a Breach of Law : and all fuch Criminall Matters they apprehend prefentable. Ordered, That all Weights and Meafures ffiall bee of the fame Quantityes that the Weights and Mea fures of Winchefter in England are; three ffoot to the Yard, twelve Inches to the Foot, eight Gallons to the Buffiell, and fixteen Ounces to the Pound, and foe proportionably for greater or leffer Weights and Meafures. And if any Perfon ffiall prefume to ufe any other Weights or Meafures, but fuch as fhall bee fealed, hee ffiall pay for fuch Offence ten ffiillings. Ordered, That noe Perfon whatfoever, not In habiting within this Jurifdiction ffiall directly or indirectly either by himfelfe or ffactour, or any from, or under him trade or traffique wth any Indyan or Indians anywhere, either in Harbour, Creek, Cove, or on Shore within this Jurifdiction without Leave or Liberty, firft had and obtained from the Generall Court, upon Penalty of paying for foe trading the Value of twenty Shillings, the full Summe of fourty Pounds. And it is hereby Ordered, That the Water [49 J Bailiffe ffiall have full Power and Authority to ftopp any Veffell, Barque, Ketch, or any other like Veffell, according to Warrant, which hee ffiall to that End receive from fome Magiftrate : And if the Mafter or Merchant of any fufpected Veffell having fuch Trade on Board as ufually is the Produce of thefe Places, cannot make appeare where they had fuch Trade, hee or they ffiall bee accounted guilty of the Breach of this Law. Ordered by the Court, That each Ifland ffiall choofe a Treafurer, who ffiall receive and difburfe according to Order from the Court ; who ffiall bee fatisfied for fuch Trouble by twelve Pence in the Pound, and ffiall be freed from Towne and Coun- trey Rates, Ordered, That the Secretary ffiall have allowed him three Pounds per Annum, befides his other ffees. Ordered, That each Juror ffiall be allowed fix Pence per Action for every Action that ffiall be entered ; and every Plaintiff ffiall pay for entering his Action, five Shillings, which fhall goe into the Publique Treafury. And all Charge of Court ffiall bee paid in Money, Corne or ffeathers. Ordered, That every Conftable ffiall have for his Serving of a Warrant or Summons for an Attach ment twelve Pence, for an Execution two Pence ; And if it bee in the Liberty of any Conftable in Executions to add all neceffary Charges thereto. And if any Perfon ffiall Refute to Affift a Conftable 7 [So] in the Execution of his Office upon his Command, he ffiall Forfeit fourty Shillings. And it is Ordered, That noe Man by an Execution upon Judgment ffiall be deprived of anything which moft nearly concerns his Lively hood, as Working Cattle, Work ing Tools, Bedd, or Bedding, Provifion, neceffary Houfehold Stuffe, and the like, where any other Satisfaction can be found. Ordered, That if any Perfon ffiall ftrike a Con ftable in the Execution of his Office, hee ffiall pay foure Pounds or more, as the Circumftances of the Cafe fhall appeare : which Payment ffiall be as a ffine to ye Countrey, which notwithftanding ffiall not abridge fuch Conftable of Action againft fuch Perfon. And any one who ffiall affront another in ye Prefence of the Court, hee ffiall be feverely puniffied,or fined according to theMeritt and Nature of the Offence, by the Court where fuch Offence is done. All Wills ffiall be proved at the next Quarter Court after the Partyes Deceafe. Hee that ffiall fweare or curfe, not being legally called thereunto, ffiall pay ten Shillings. Ordered, That any Indyan ffiall have Liberty in any Cafe to appeale from fuch Courts as they ffiall hold amongft themfelves to the Quarter Court, and from any Quarter Court to the Generall Court, according to Law. Ordered, That in all Actional and Criminall Matters and Cafes which fall not under the Head [5i ] of fome of thefe Laws already made, ffiall be Tryed, and Judgment or Sentence given according to the Laws of England. This is a True Copie given by mee this 28 th of June, 1672. Matthew Mayhew, Seer. Recorded Novem : the 9th, 1 674. Nantuckett Affayres. [Deeds iii, 85, Secretary's Office.] Additionall Inflruclions and Directions for the Government of the IJland Nantuckett, Jent by Mr. Richard and Capt. Jno. Gard ner, Aprill y° 1 8th, 1673. Imprimis, That in regard ye Towne upon ye Ifland of Nantuckett is not known by any peculiar or particular Name. It ffiall from henceforth bee called and diftinguifhed in all Deeds, Records and Writings by the Name of the Town of Sherborne upon the Ifland Nantuckett. That all Ancient and Obfolete Deeds, Grants, Writings, or Conveyances of Lands upon the faid Ifland, ffiall bee efteemed of noe fforce or Validity, but the Records of everyones Clayme or Intereft ffiall beare Date from the firft Divulging of the Patent granted to the Inhabitants by Authority of his Royall Highneffe, and foe forward, but not before the Date thereof. That the Time of Election of the Chiefe Magif- [52] trate, and other Civill Officers, bee and continue according to the Directions and Inftructions already given, but in regard of the Diftance of the Place, and ye uncertainty of Conveyance betwixt that and this Place, yc Chiefe Magiftrate, and all the Civill Officers ffiall continue in their Employmts untill the Returne of the Governors Choice and Approbacon of a new Magiftrate bee fent unto them, which is to bee with the firft convenient Opportunity. That in cafe of Mortality, if it ffiall pleafe God, the Chiefe Magiftrate ffiall dye before ye Expiration of his Employment, the Affiftants for the Time being ffiall manage and carry on ye Affayres of the Public untill the Time of the new Election, and ye Governors Returne and Approbation of a new Magiftrate in his Stead. That the Chiefe Military Officer ffiall continue in his Employm1 during the Governors Pleafure, and that he have Power to appoint fuch Perfons for inferior Officers as he ffiall judge moft fitt and capable. That in Cafe of the Death of the Chiefe Military Officer during the Time of his Employment, that then the Inhabitants doe forthwith make Choice of two Perfons, and returne their Names unto the Governour, who will appoint one of them to bee the Officer in his Stead. That in regard to ye Generall Cort to bee held in ye Ifland Nantuckett or Martin's Vineyard is but once in ye Yeare, where all Causes or Actions are [53] tryable without Apeale to ye Sume of fifty Pounds. Liberty bee granted to try all Actions of Debt or Trefpass at their ordinary Courts to the value of ten Pounds without Appeale, unlefs upon Occafion of Error in ye Proceeding there bee Caufe of Com plaint from ye ordinary Court unto the Generall Court, or from the GenaI1 Court to the Court of Affizes. That what is granted in the Generall Patent to the Inhabitants, ffree-holders, of the Ifland Nan tuckett is to bee underftood, unto them alone who live upon the Place and make Improvem* thereof, or fuch others who having Pretences of Intereft ffiall come to Inhabitt there. Given under my Hand at Fort James, in New York the Day and Yeare afore written ; and in ye 25 th Yeare of his Maties Reigne. Licence to Purchafe &C : Granted unto Mr. Richard and Cap*. Jno. Gardner of Nantuckett. [Deeds iii, 57, Secretary's Office.] Whereas Mr. Richard Gardner and Capt. Jno. Gardner, his Brother, having Declared unto mee their Intent of undertaking the Defigne of a ffifhing Trade upon the Ifland of Nantuckett and Parts ad jacent, if they may have Licence to buy and make [54] Purchafe of fome Land by the Sea Side or elfe -where of the Indyan Natives Proprietors for their Accomo dation; for an Encouragement unto them the faid Mr. Richard and Capt. John Gardner in their undertakings of the Defigne aforefaid ; I have thought fitt to give and grant, and by thefe Prefents doe hereby Give and Grant, Liberty and Lycence unto the faid Mr. Richard and Capt. John Gardner and their Affociates to Buy and make Purchafe of fome convenient Quantity or Tract of Land for the Ufe aforefaid, or for Improvement thereof of the faid Indyan Proprietors, not yet made Purchafe of by the Reft of the Inhabitants, for the which when Returne ffiall bee made of the Quantity thereof, together with its Buttings and Boundings, the faid Mr. Richard and Capt. John Gardner, and their Affociates may have a Patent of Confirmation by Authority of his Royall Highnefs under the Seale of the Province. Given under my Hand and Seale at Fort James in New Yorke this 15th Day of Aprill in the 25 th Yeare of his Maties Reigne, Annoq Domini, 1673. Fran : Lovelace. [ 55 Commiffion for Mr. Rico. Gardner to bee Chiefe Magiftrate of Nantuckett and Tuckanuckett. [Deeds iii, 87, Sec. Office.] Francis Lovelace, Efqr., one of the Gentlemen of his Mat;es HonbIe Privy Chamber, and Governo1" Gena11 under his Roy11 Highnefs, James Duke of Yorke and Albany, &c : of all his Territoryes in America; To Mr. Richard Gardner of Nantuckett fendeth Greeting. Whereas according to the Directions and Inftruc- tions by mee given on the Behalfe of his Royall Highnefs for the Government of the Iflands of Nantuckett and Tuckanuckett, the Inhabitants thereof at the Time appointed have chofen two Perfons, whofe Names they have returned hither, for my Choice and Approbation of oneof them to bee Chiefe Magiftrate of the faid Iflands, and having conceived a good Opinion of the Fittness and Capacity of Mr. Richard Gardner (who is one of the two returned) to Manage Affayres there with the Aid and Good Advice of the Affiftants to bee chofen amongft themfelves, I have thought fitt to Nominate, Con ftitute, and Appoint, and by thefe Prefents doe hereby Nominate, Conftitute, and Appoint Mr. Richard Gardner aforenamed to be Chiefe Magif trate of the faid Iflands of Nantuckett and Tucka- [56] nuckett: In the Management of which Employ ment, hee is to ufe his beft Skill and Endeavour to Preferve his Maties Peace and to keep the Inhabit ants in Good Order. And all Perfons are hereby required to give the faid Mr. Richard Gardner fuch Refpect and Obedience as belongs to a Perfon in- vefted by Commiffion and Authority of his Royall Highnefs in the Place and Employment of a Chiefe Magiftrate in the Iflands aforefaid. And hee the faid Mr. Richard Gardner is duly to obferve the Orders and Inftructions which are already given forth for the well Governing of the Place, or fuch others as from Time to Time ffiall hereafter bee given by mee, his Royall Highnefs Governo1". And for whatfoever the faid Mr. Richard Gardner ffiall Lawfully Act or doe in Profecution of the Premifes. This my Commiffion (which is to continue and bee in Force untill the next Election, and my Returne of Approbacon of a new one in his Place) fhall bee his fufficient Warrant and Difcharge. Given under my Hand, and Sealed with the Seale of the Province at Fort James in New Yorke this 15th Day of Aprill in the 25th Yeare of his Mades Reigne, Annoq Domini 1673. Fran : Lovelace. [57) Commiffion for Capt . John Gardner of the Ifland of Nantuckett, to bee Capt. of the Foot Company there. [Deeds iii, 88, Secretary's Office.] Francis Lovelace, Efqr., &c : Governo1" GenaI1 under his Royall Hs James Duke of Yorke and Albany, &c; of all his Territoryes in America ; To Cap1. John Gardner of ye Ifland Nantuckett. Whereas, You are one of the two Perfons re turned unto mee by the Inhabts of your Ifland, to bee the Chiefe Military Officer there, having con ceived a Good Opinion of your fiittnefs and Capa city ; By Vertue of the Commiffion and Authority unto mee given by his Royall Highneffe, James Duke of Yorke and Albany, I have Conftituted and Appointed, and by thefe Prefents doe hereby Con ftitute and Appoint you John Gardner to bee Cap- taine and Chiefe Military Officer of the ffoot Company rifen or to bee rifen within the Iflands of Nantuckett and Tuckanuckett; you are to take the faid Company into your Charge and Care as Cap- taine thereof, and them duely to Exercize in Armes : and all Officers and Souldyers belonging to the faid Company are to Obey you as their Captaine. And you are to follow fuch Orders and Inftructions, as you ffiall from Time to Time Receive from mee or 8 [58] other your Superiour Officers according to the difcipline of Warr ; for the Doeing whereof this ffiall bee your Commiffion. Given under my Hand and Seale at Fort James in New Yorke this 15th Day of Aprill in the 25th Yeare of his Maties Reigne, Annoqe Domini, 1673. Fran : Lovelace. A Letter from the Secretary to ye Inhabit* s of Nantuckett. [Deeds iii, 89, Secretary's Office.] New Yorke, Apr. ye 24th, 1673. Gent : — By the Governors Ordr I am to acquaint you, That hee Received your Letter (bearing Date the 3d Day of Aprill) about three Weeks fince, by the Hands of Mr. Richard Gardner, together with eight Barrells of ffiffi for two Yeares, Acknowledgement, and a Token of fifty weight of ffeathers, for which your Care of the Former, and Kindnefs in the Latter hee Returns you Thanks ; There came to the Governo1' in the Winter a Letter from Mr. Triftram Coffin about your Election, but no other from you; in anfwer to which you had heard from him fooner, but the Difficulty of Conveyance hindered. You will now underftand the Governors Choice, by the Bearers hereof, Mr. Richard and Capt. John Gard- [59] ner; That is, Mr. Richard Gardner for Chiefe Magiftrate this Yeare, and Capt. John Gardner for Chiefe Military Officer, for which they have Com- miffions. They have alfo with them fome Ad ditional Inftructions and Directions to communicate to you ; moft of which were Propofed by thofe two ffriends you fent, who have prudently Managed the Truft you Repofed in them. They have alfo with them a Booke of the Lawes of the Govern ment, and three Conftables Staves; As to your Non-performance of the Acknowledgement accord ing to Strictnefs of Time, his Honor being fenfible that Opportunityes doe not very frequently prefent between thefe Places, hee is very well Satisfyed with your Civill Excufe. If at any Time you have other Propofalls to make, for the Good of yor Inhabitants, you may reft affured of his Honors ready Comply- ance therein. This is all I have in Charge to De liver unto you from the Governour, foe take Leave and Subfcribe Gent : Yor very humble Servant, Matthias Nicolls. [6o] Mr. Tristram Coffin, &1 Mr. Matthew Mayhew, A Petition to the Governor from Nantuckett. [New York Colonial MSS, xxiv, Sec. Office.] To the Honourable Major Edward Andros, Governor of his Royall Highnefs Territories in America. May it Pleas your Honour to underftand that diverfe Gentlemen having heretofor Obtained Liberty from Mr. Thomas Mayhew and Thomas Mayhew his Sonne, by Vertue of a Right they had of the Right Honourable William Earle of Sterling, to Plant, Settle and Inhabit uppon the Ifle of Nan tuckett, they Profecuted the fame to a good Effect and made Lawfull Purchafe of the Indians then inhabiting there ; under which Conftitution they the faid firft Purchafers Continued and Admitted of divers other Inhabitants, allotting them fuch Lands as their Quallitie, and Way of Living might Require; to fome more, to fome lefs ; with diverfe Injunctions as to yor Honour ffiall Appeare ; and have fince Obtained a Confirmation thereof by Charter, from Collonell Lovelace, late Govournour under his Royall Highnefs, the Duke of York, which faid Charter or Pattent, being compofed in Generall Termes ; the faid firft Purchasers, and not [6i] without Caufe, have feared a Difturbance in their Quiet and Peaceable Injoment of their faid Intereft; by thofe they had formerly admitted in among them, the Caufe whereof arifeth from their Mifconceiving (as the firft Purchafers humbly conceive) of the Pattent or Charter : fuppofing the faid Charter to intend to have proportioned each Perfon their in habiting, alike and equall Intereft with the firft Purchafers ; the faid Purchafers conceiving the Intent thereof only to be the Settling and Confirm ing of each Perfon in that Right and Intereft he before had in his juft Tenure and Occupation ; of which your Petitioners humbly intreatyour Honours Refolutions ; as likewife whether any Perfon having Land there, may not Inhabit and be faid fo to doe, by his Subftitute: your Honours Refolve hereof ffiall be a Guide to fuch as might Indeavour to abridge the juft Purchafers of their Intereft, to inlarge their own ; we ffiall not further inlarge but in Behaulf as well of the faid firft Purchafers as others there Inhabiting, declare to your Honour the perfect State thereof and therefore conclude fubfcribing ourfelves. Honored Sr. Your Honours humble Servants, [62] [A Fragment, N. Y. Colonial MSS. xxiv, Sec. Office.] ***** . . . whether, or Lands, be not in the proper Power of the Purchafers ; and fuch others, as they have admitted as their Affociates : Whether the Purchafers and Affociates have not, by Vertue of their Pattent, Liberty, and Power, to Erect a Court or Meeting, as a Mannour Court ; that fuch other Landes, conditionally or otherwife Graunted then in a Way of Affociatefhip, be accord ingly Held, and Injoyed : Whether a Man may not Inhabit, and be pro perly faid fo to doe by his Subftitute. Tristram Coffyn, Matthew Mayhew. Novemb. 7th, 1674. An Order for the Settling of Martin's Vineyard. [Warrants, Orders, Paffes, iii, 19, Secretary's Office.] Edmund Andros, Efqr., &c. Having Received this Place and Governm1 in the Behalfe of his Mafa from the Dutch ;» By Vertue of his Ma»es Letters Patents, and Authority derived unto mee, vnder his Royall Highneffe upon Applica- 1 New York having been feized by the Dutch in July 1673, was fur- rendered again to the Englifh, Oft. 31, 1674, bv Virtue of the Treaty of Weftminfter. [65] tion made by fome of the Inhabitants of ye Iflands Martin's Vineyard and Nantuckett, intimating fome Diforders to have hapned there, fince the Arrivall of the Dutch in thefe Parts, in July 1673 : ffor the Settling of Affaires there and Preventing of future Contefts that may arife amongft them, in that Part of this Governm1, I have (by and with the Advice of my Councell), thought fit to Order as followeth, (vizt.) 1 . Imprimis, That the Governm1 and Magiftracy in ye Iflands Martin's Vineyard and Nantuckett, ffiall bee Settled and Confirmed, in the fame Manner, and in the fame P'fons that were legally invefted therein, at the Time of the Dutch coming into thefe Parts, in July 1673, or have fince been legally Elected, by Vertue of his Royall Highneffe Authority. 2. That by Reafon of the firft Right Mr. Thomas Mayhew, Senior, hath had to the Ifland Nantuckett, as well as Martin's Vineyard, It is Ordered, during his Time, that hee ffiall Prefide at the Gena]I Courts to bee held in either of the Iflands, which are to bee held in like Manner as was Eftabliffit by Gover- nor Lovelace, the Orders whereof, as well as the Times of Election of their Magiftrates and other Officers, are to bee obferved as then prefcribed. 3. That all peculiar By Lawes, legally made at their Gena11 Court, bee Returned to mee, as foone as conveniently may bee, that they may Receive a Confirmation, and in the meaneTimeto bee in Force. [64] 4. That the Rights, Propertyes and Priviledges of the firft Purchafers or Proprietors and their Affo ciates, bee preferved unto them : And that all Graunts, Conceffions of Lands, Priviledges, or what elfe hath been fince made by them to any others, bee likewife punctually obferved and made good. As to that Claufe in the Addiconal Inftrudtions and Directions for the Governm1 of the Ifland Nantuckett, fent by Mr. Richard and Capt. John Gardner, wherein it is faid (vizt.) That all auncient and Obfolete Deeds, &c, ffiall bee efteemed of no Force or Validity, but ye Records of every ones Claime or Intereft, ffiall bear Date from the firft Divulging of the Patent, &c. : It is to bee under- ftood, That all that were at that Time legally poffeft of any Land, Houfes, &c, in that Ifland, were Confirmed in their faid Poffeffion by their Patent, but obliged to Record their faid Titles, to avoid all future Litigious Suites upon acco1 of their Uncertainty, the which (if not yet done) the Chiefe Magiftrates are hereby required to enjoyne the fame according to ye Cuftome of a Manner,1 as is granted them in their Patent. Given under my Hand in New Yorke, the 7 th Day of November, in ye 26th Yeare of his Mat;es Reigne, Annoq Dmn, 1 674. E. Andros. To the Governo1" and Affociates at Martin's Vineyard and Nantuckett. 1 Manor. [65] A Commiffion to call Offenders to Account, in Martin's Vineyard, &c. [Warrants, Orders, PafTes, iii, 21, Secretary's Office.] Edmund Andros Efqr. &c. : Whereas, I have been given to underftand, that feverall Diforders have hapned in the Iflands Martins Vineyard and Nantuckett, (or one of them) fince the Time of the LHitch ^^ comin^ijvtojhjeieJpjaxtsjn July 1 67_3i_lTTiave with the Advice of my Councell, thought fit to Order and Appoint, that the Governor or Governo" and Affiftants of both the Iflands aforementioned, bee hereby Authorized and Em- powred, to call to Account and Puniffi according to Law, all fuch Perfons as have been Ringleaders or Capitall Offenders and Tranfgreffors againft the Ef- tabliffi1 Government under his Royall Highneffe, the Crime not extending to Life, Limbe or Baniffi- ment : But in Cafes of fuch High Crimes, which may Deferve thofe Puniffiments, to Secure the Offenders, and fend them hither Prifoners by the firft Convenience. Given under my Hand and Seale in New Yorke the 7th Day of November, in the 26th Yeare of his Maties Reigne, Annoq Domini, 1674. E. Andros. [66] (Endorfed) "Peticon from Mr. Matthew Mayhew and Mr. Tho: Daggeti to the Governor , Nov. 14, 1674." [New York Colonial MSS, xxiv, Sec. Office.] To his Honr Major Edmund Andros, Governor of his Royall Highnefs Territories in America. May it pleas your Honour to underftand, that Mr. Thomas Mayhew, of Martha's Vineyard, hav ing received Commiffion from CoUonell Ffrances Lovelace, late Governor under his Royall Highnefs, of his Territories in America; to Govourn and hould the faid Ifle of Martha's Vineyard, for his Royall Highnefs, accordingly continued in the quiet and peaceable Management untill the unhappie Time of the Enimeis Poffeffion of this Cittie ; the Newes whereof no fooner arrived there, but fundrie the Inhabitants affirming that Ifle to be vertually taken and be under the Govourment of the Dutch, difobaied the Govourment there Efta- bliffied under his Royall Highnefs; the Govournour giving them to underftand his Refolution to hould and defend the Place untill it ffiould be forceably taken out of his Hands ; fome more Principall putting the Matter forward, about half the People in a mutinous Manner rofe, with many contume lious Words and Threats againft the faid Govourn- 1 Daggett was a Son-in-law of Thomas Mayhew. I 67 J our, daring him in the Profecution of his Royall Highnefs his Gouvernment; and fome Time after fent Meffengers to Bofton, to transfer the Govour ment of the Place thither ; of which they likewife giving the Gouvournor Notice, he informed the Govournour of Bofton, that he held the Ifland for his Highnefs the Duke of Yorke ; which preventing their Intention, they proceeded to erect a Govour ment in oppofition to his Royall Highnefs Govour ment, affirming to the Govournour that the longeft Sword bear Rule, tearing of Warrants, abuf- ing Officers, difdaining. . . .much as at any inti- matio Right, Title of Intereft from his Royall Highnefs, and have ever fince managed their with fuch an high Hand, as to live accord ing to their Profeffion, by the Sword. . . .Rage,. . their Fifts, threatening the Govournour, challenging the fo. . . .him; and as to the other his Majefties good Subjects there, they have not Refrained all riotous Practices, infomuch that they have intreated and hardly been diffuaded by the Govournour from ufing of the Sword in their Defence, but now hope by your Honour's Care, they ffiall be relieved ; for whofe fafe Arrivall they have patiently weighted, as in Time of great Drouth for the latter Raine ; for which if pleafed the Govournour to order my- felf, together with Mr. Thomas Daggett, who is one of his Affiiftants, to give your Honour a more particular Account; and ffiall not farther trouble your Honour: But intreating your Honour's favour- [68] able Conftruction, and Pardon for the Prolixitie of thefe unpoliffied Lines, We remaine and fubfcribe ourfelves to be, Your Honour's moft humble, willing and obedient Servants, November 14th, 1674. Thomas Mayhew to Gov. Edmund Andros. [New York Colonial MSS, xxiv, Sec. Office, the Original very much damaged.] For his Honor Major Edmund Andros, ye Go- vernour Generall for his Royall Highnefs James Duke of Yorke and Albany, over all his Ter ritories in America, the Prefents at Fort James in New York. Uppon Martin's Vynyard, this 12th Aprill, 1675. Defervedly honoured Sir : I have written to yor Honr by Stephen Huffy, the wchI hope is come to Hand fynce, by Way of Bofton, which I doubt not were carefully fent, to both which I humbly defire yor Honour, not queftioning in the leaft but that they ffiall be confidered accord ing to the Worth of the Contents : My earneft [69] Defire now is, to haue Patience to reade and weigh the enfueing Lines in a fpeciall Manner, whereby vnto your Honour I ffiall be much obliged. In 1 64 1, I had a Graunt of Mr. James Forrett, Agent to the Lord Sterling for thefe Ifles, and I forthwith indeavoured to obtaine the Indian Right of them ; Mr. Richard Vynes, Steward Gena11 to Sir Ferdynando Gorges, heareing of it, Enterrupted, ffiowing me his Mailer's Pattent and his Power, infomuch that I was convinced by him and Gorges, who was then Governour of the Province of Maine, th realy Sir Ferdynandoe's Right, and for a Some of Money did obtaine from faid Vynes a Graunt alfo. It came foe to pafs, that Mr. Forrett went fud- denly to England before he had ffiowed me his Mafter' s Pattent whome afterwards I never faw ; Some Yeares after this came over one Mr. Forrefter, furnifhed with Power, who was here with me, and told me that he would cleare up all Things, and that I ffiould be one of his Counfel ; but he from hence went to Long Ifland, and from thence to the Dutch, where the Gouernour put him in Prifon, and fent him a Prifoner into Holland, as I heard, and I never faw him more.1 Soe wee remained vnder Gorge, had noe Newes of either Lord Propri etor till his Matie5 Commiffioners2 came over, and See Introdu&ion. 2 Richard Nicolls, Sir George Carterett, Sir Robert Carr, and Samuel Maverack. [7°] then Mr. Archdale fent me printed Paper, whereby his Made had by his Counfell in the moft ftrongly confirmed Ferdynando Gorges Efquire to be the Lord of the Prouynce of Maine, of wch Nantuckett and this be a Pte : withall he wrote me that Generall Nycolls did clayme thefe Ifles, but at their firft Meeting that would be taken of. > So now after this Generall Nicholls wrote to me that M1'- Archdale haueing Gorges Pattent for to prefent, and he not haueing the le the King's Commiffioners refered the Decifion to his Matie : whereof he had not any Intelligence, but a little before he went Home for England, Generall Nycoll did acknowledge that the Power of thefe Iflands was proper in ye Hands of Sir Ferdinando Gorges. I have the Teftimony of the Generall Court of Bofton for it, wch Court fent to the Gentlemen of the Prouynce of Maine, whofe Anfwer was, that it was in myfelf, &c. Now after all this, do . . gs CoUonell Louelace he fends for me in a loueing Manner, to come to Yorke to ffiow by what Tytle I hold thefe Iflands, whereuppon I gave him to vn- derftand as is above written ; and at length went to him and ffiowed him my Graunts, wch he approued of, and the printed Paper from his Maae, at wch he ftumbled much ; alfo I ffiowed him what Generall Nicolls had written me of his not being informed what his Matie had donne : thereat he ftumbled very much likewife : then I alked him yf he had the Lord Sterling's Pattent by him, he faid noe : I [7i] anfwered then I was at a loffe. I went to Captaine NycoUs and acquainted him with or Difcourfe, and prayed him to fearch in Matters of Long Ifland, to fee yf he could not find the Date of Lord Sterling's Pattent, yf not I could doe nothing at Yorke, wch he did finde, and it was more Antient than Gorges. If not, I had nothing but about Elizabeth Ifles, I queftioned alfo in myfelfe whe ther fafe for me to medle, I fay medle, touching any Thing without as publique a Warrant to declare Gorges Government as I had to obey it his Ma^e _ # # Except I were compelled ; affter this his Honour and I did agree vpon an Acknowledge ment wch by my Graunt from Mr. Forrett I was to pay mearly to the Lord Sterling, or his Succeffours, a new Charter and Liberties in it made, grounded upon my firft Graunt and the Refignation of Ld Sterling's Heires to his Royall Highnefs, &c., thankfully by me accepted there and by all at Home, and alfo at Nantuckett foe farre as I know ; ye Ge nerall Court unanimoufly paffed Lawes made ac cording to Liberties graunted without The next Yeare wee went to Nantuckett with the vs a Book of wch we had no Notyce of, nor any Inftruction they would not proceed in the Waye wee begann, nor the great b after very much Debate wee came away, refolving fpeedily for to apply ourfelves to the Gou- ernor thereabout, but Mathew being uppon the Way, who was furniffied to pay the Ackowledge- [7^] ment, met the News that Yorke was taken by the Dutch.1 Then I hearing that Captaine NycoUs was well, &c, I certyfied him at large of every Thing, from wcn I had an Anfwer to full Satisfac tion in every Particular : and laftly by our Appli cation to yo1' Honour I did and doe ftill reft fatisfied therein to the full, it being abfolutely Juft in my Judgment, and fuch as have feen it that are very Judicious. But thofe of Nantuckett, it is faid they fay noe Man had Right to a Foot of Land before the Date of the laft Charter, and acte accordingly, notwith- ftanding all the forefaid, and they by the Book en deavour to dethrone or Libertyes ; announcing my Right obtained from the Earle of Sterlinge nothing, alfo the Indian Right nothing, my quiett Occupa- fion there of 29 Yeares nothing, the Grounding the ten Partners upon my firft Graunt nothing; all 1 On the 8th of June, 1674, Triftram Coffin, (senior and junior,) James Coffin, John Bifhop, Nathaniel Barnard, Stephen Huffy, Thomas May hew, Stephen Greenleaf, Jofeph Auftin, (for Peter Coffin,) Robert Pike, Triftram Coffin, Nathaniel Starbuck, and John and Richard Swayne, engaged to pay the Expenfes of two Perfons to New York to fettle the Cjueftion of Title. They appointed " Thomas Mayhew or his Kinfman Mr. Matthew Mayhew for one. Alfo Mr. Triftram Coffin Senr. and Major Robert Pike, or any two of them, in Cafe of any Providence pre venting." (Deeds, i, 67.) At the fame Meeting, a general Statement of their Tide from the Grants of Sdrling and Vines, and the firft Indian Deed on Nantucket, May 10, 1660, down to the Time of the Meedng, with a particular Ac count of the Sales and Alienations of Individuals, was drawn up for Exa mination by the Governor. As much of this has already been given, or will appear in the fubfequent Papers, it was thought unneceffary to infert it. [73] other Tranfactions for 29 Yeares nothing; the Lawes now made nothing, wch yor Honour and Counfell faw Reafon to put in Force ; all wch is moft abfurd, unreafonable, and muft bring that wch they for fome by End indeavour to interprett away and make voyd, is that wch by Generall NycoUs was judged Good, wch his Honour CoUonell Loue- lace confirmed without the leaft Scrutiny, and Counfel, that which Captain NycoUs by his Letter verily approued, and that wch yor Honour and Counfel hath determined ; I hope yor Honour will take fome fpeedy Courfe to force into Practice what you haue eftabliffied; this is very certaine, that their now con .... ual Apprehenfions, and Interpreta tions and Actings in fome Degree accordingly was the firft Roote of Contentions about Right to Land at Nantuckett, and Reuoltings from Gouernment here, and crying down Power, and their coming hither now and .... uring without or doeing more in puniffiing Ringleaders in crying downe Power of Gouernment with their and with fome of them and allfo Captaine Gardner fayeing to the chiefeft of them at his Houfe ; that yf he had noe more to anfwer for than they had at Yorke he ffiould fitt but little by it, but he had much more, and I fay this hath allfo turned to or Preiudice. I .... have one Oath of what Capt. Gardner fpake as aboue : At laft I faye I haue doune my beft in fettling thefe Ifles ; have paffed through many Difficulties and Daungers in it, been at verry mch 10 [74 J Coft toucheing Englifh and Indians, wch I ffiall haue for prefent to mention ; yf God pleafe to ... it to ye Fall, and befeech yor Honor to take or good Underftanding to be .... I with all Hap- pinefs to attend yor Hon1" and yors I commend to the Lord's Direcon, Ptecon and Reft. Yor Honors moft affeconate and moft humble Servant. T^^/%^" This 1 2 Aprill I fay farther, that Cap1 Gardner, who feemed to make little of the Faults of the Ringleaders: I befeech yor Honor to confider of his vnfittnes to medle with it. Certainely they haue need of real . . . with all that now refolved to owne noe Power of his Royall Highnefs here, and onely one of the fix is come, who wee haue accepted and admitted his free .... the other I fee noe readynefs to tender any Sattisfacon is now to fett upon and ... I hope or . . . Acknowledgement will . , . taken fpeedyly and fend, it is true that the .... the Uncertainty of Intereft in at Nantuckett has Servant. Thomas Mayhew. May it pleafe yor Honor to image what I have on thefe Hands. Graund Sonnes, 15 My Sonnes Sonnes Sonnes 3 [75) Daughters 3 Graund Daughters 1 1 32 I prayfe God two of my Grand Sons1 doe preach to Engliffi and Indians, Matthew fometimes to the Younge .... Petition from Nantucket to Gov. Andros. [New York Colonial MSS. xxiv, Sec. Office.] To the Right Honourable Edmund Androffe Esqr Gouerno1- Gen. vnder his Royall High neffe James Duke of York and Albany, of his Territories in America. The Petition and Addreffe of ye Towne of Sher- bourne, upon the Ifle of Nantucket. Right Honorable, we entreat yor favourable ac ceptance of or real and hearty Welcome as or Go- uernor which is to us as the rifing Sun after a dark and ftormy Night, together with or humble Thank- fullneffe for yor Honrs Care of us, as appears by the renewed Commiffion and Direction fent or Magif- 1 Thomas and John, Brothers of Matthew Mayhew. The former died in 171?, and the latter in 1689, aged 37. Experience Mayhew, alfo a Minifter, and author of " Indian Converts, or Some Account of the Lives and Dyeing Speeches of the Chriftianized Indians of Martha's Vineyard in New England," (Lond. 1727,) was a Son of John. (Coll. Mafs. Hift. Soc. 2d Ser. iii, 6j.) I 76] trates, which we hope haue bin and will be readily followed : Thus yor Honr manifefted Fauour toge ther with or oune Neceffity, gives vs Encourage ment humbly to Petition. Ffirft that or real Loyalty to or gratious Soueraigne or true and hearty Obedience to his Royal High neffe Lawes, and that we may not be excluded the Go .... ment and Vfe of them by any Meanes. or Hon : may retaine the abfolute Gouernment nor and that we may be fubordinate to no P'fon elce but yor Hon : onely, fo long as God and his Royal neffe pleafe, which we hope wUl be dureing yor Life, which we pray God to continue. 3. That the Liberties and Rights granted vs in or Charter by the Honble Col. Louelace by Com miffion from his Royal Highneffe may not be im- p'red or diminifhed by any P'tence of or Averfaries whatfoever. 4th. That yor Hon. would be pleafed to graunt us fome Fauoure in the Manner of or paying or Ac knowledgement, if poffible, and to graunt us fuch farther Inftructions asthall be p'pofed by or Friends, as yor Honr find to be moderate and rational. $ly. Yor Hons fauourable Audience and candid Hearing of or ffriends, whom we haue for that End to giue yor Hon : a full and true Accompt of all Matters here with vs, which we haue Caufe to be- lieue hath not bin yet done by thofe that haue ranne and not bin fent. There being many Things [77) and that of Confequence which by writeing we cannot fo well do, which we have committed to or Friends, to attend yor Hons Direction in. And now Right Honble we beg yor P'don for or Ptefting it is not out of the leaft Iealoufie of your Hons Goodneffe to us, or Wifdome in ordering all Things fo as ffiall be legall and iuft, but are here- vnto moued p'ceiving ye Endeavours of fome, to bereaue us of or all as Loyalty, Obedience, Lawes, Libertyes, all which are pr'tious to us. The farther making out of thefe P'ticulars, and what elfe may concerne us, we leaue to or ffriends, whom we doubt not but will giue yor Hon : full Sattisffaction, and Information, in whofe Mouths we are confident will not be found a falfe Tongue. Thus with or Prayers &c. we take Leaue, and humbly entreat we may fubfcribe orfelues yor Hon. and real Seruants. [Three Names illegible.] ^Jw:Jtcufp Sharborn the 12 of Aprill, 1675. [78] An Order fent to the Magiftrates of Nan tuckett for permitting Searches and Copies of their Records to be taken. [Orders, Warrants, Paffes, iii, 77, Sec. Office.] Whereas I am informed, that a Search, or View and Copyes of the Publick Records, are de- nyed to the Inhabitants, or others concerned in Nantuckett ; Thefe are therefore in his Maries Name to require you forthwith to take Order therein, and that for the Future all Perfons may have a legal] and free Recourfe thereunto, as in other his Maries Colonyes, in paying reafonable ffees for the fame ; of which you are not to faile, as you will anfwer the Contrary at yor utmoft PerUls. Given under my Hand, in New Yorke, the 17 th Day of Aprill, 1675. E. Andros. To the Magiftrates and Officers of Nantuckett, &c. [A Fragment of a Petition of like Tenor with that on the fol lowing Page, dated April 20, and figncd by Richard Swayne, Tri/lram Coffin, John Swaine, Nathaniel Harwood, Nathaniel Starbuck, Stephen CofFyn, and John Coffin, is omitted.] [79] Petition and Propofals from Mr. Coffin and Mr. Mayhew in New York, April 7, 1675. [New York Colonial MSS, xxiv, Sec. Office.] The Humble Petition of Triftram Coffin, and Matthew Mayhew, in Behalf of the Majr Part of the firft Purchafers, Freeholders, uppon the Hand of Nantuckett, to your Honour humbly ffieweth : That your Honour's Petitioners having derived Right and Intereft unto the faid Hand of Nantuckett, from the Right Honourable William Earle of Ster ling, as alfo for their more fure Injoyment thereof, from Ferdinando Gorges Knight ; they began to Settle and Inhabit the faid Ifland in profecution whereof, they expended a considerable Summe befides the many Dangers they expofed themfelves unto in Refpect of the Natives there Inhabiting; and finding neceffite of neceffarie Sea Men and Tradefmen, they haue given out of their faid Pur chafe, certaine Parcells of Landes, with certaine Injunctions, neceffarie to the well being of the Plan tation, as in the Coppies of their hould may appear; and having Obtained a Confirmation of their faid Intereft, from CoUonell Francis Lovelace, the faid Purchafers and Freehoulders hoping to have held their faid Intereft and Proprietie by the faid Tradef men and Seamen, with the Afliftance of fome of the [8o] firft Purchafers, have been damnified to the Value of fome hundred of Pounds, neither are the faid Purchafers Freehoulders there, fuffered to act in the Difpofall of any of their Landes and Interefts afore faid; But their faid Intereft and Proprietie is or dered and difpofed of principally by the faid Tradef men and Seamen, who wth fome of the Purchafers being the Major of the faid Hand in Perfones though not Propriety, have elected into Authoritie fome of themfelves, whereby they have prefumed to difpofe of our faid Purchafe, deviding it one among ano ther. Neither can your Petitioners have their Redrefs ; they affirming that every Card they play is an Ace, and every Ace a Trump ; and that the faid Purchafers could have no Remedie in Law; affirming that it was his Highnefs had taken it, and given it to them : Your Petitioners therefore hum bly pray, Procefs againft the faid Intruders, and that it may pleafe yor Honour to affift your Honors hum ble Petitioners, fo, that there may be fome Meanes whereby they may bring their faid Caufe to TriaU ; not doubting to make more enormious Actions ap pear then in this we can acquaint yor Honour with: humbly defiring yor Honor to pardon the Prolixitie of thefe unpoliffied Lines ; we ceafe and are, Your Honors humble Servants and Subjects. <2^xift£a*>- G§fyn- Aprii ,7. .675. @zJ*&v Qtyte*'' [8i] Petition of the Magiftrates and others of Nantucket, April 28, 1675. [New York Colonial MSS, xxiv, Sec. Office.] To his Right Honble Edmund Andros Efq., Gou- vernor Gen. vnder his Royal Highneffe James Duke of Yorke and Albany, &c. : of all his Territories in America : Right Honble, let or humble and hearty Welcome falute yor Hon : as or Gouvernor ; yea, thrice wel come let yor Hon : be, whofe firft Ap'pance made or Hearts reioyce, and put new Strength into our weake Hands, hauing had hard Labour, and great Oppofition in the Truft committed to us, being bereaved as it were of all Succour except or Loyalty to or Royal Soueraigne and Obedience vnto his Royal Highneffe ; which we were refolued to part with or Lives rather than to lofe, but now queftion not of P'tection in what is legal and iuft. Right HonbIe : Yor reuered Commiffion and In- ftructions, fent by Mr, Coffin, were receiued four days after his arriuall here, being firft, (as we were informed) canueffed too and fro by fuch priuate and inconfiderate P'fons as he thought good, the which we readfly and thankfully receiued, the Rules therein prefcribed we have all along followed, formerly and fince, according to the beft of our Vnderftanding, 1 1 [82] and ffiall be ftill willing to be guided by yor Hons further Directions, and for that End haue fent or Friend and fellow Labourer vnder the Burthen with us, whom we hope will find Favour wth yor Hon : that he may give a full and true Accompt of all things w* us, wch is or humble Petition, being fully confident yor Hon: being rightly and fully informed will haue favourable Thoughts of us. We p'fume and certainly believe that very falfe Things nnd vntrue are fuggefted to yor Hon : vpon felviffi and finifter Ends ; not doubting but they wfll find Ac ceptance accordingly. As to P'ticulars we leaue to or Friend, affureing yor Hon : you ffiall always the Trueth app'eing find us loyal, obedient, ready to heare and follow Inftruc- tions thus with or Prayer &c, we take leaue, and reioyce that we may fubfcribe ourfelues o ift^n^v hcK.'kuJfttr '3T2Z £' clwW" ^farGucfc [83] Council Minutes. [Council Minutes, iii, Part II, page 36, Sec. Office.] At a CounciU, Ap11 28th, 1675. Prejent : The Governor, The Secretary, Capt. Brockholes, Mr. Lawrence, Capt. Dyre. The Matter under Confideration was the Bufinefs of Nantuckett, about ye which Mr. Triftram Coffin and Mr. Matthew Mayhew on ye one Part, and Capt. Jn° Gardiner and Mr. Peter Ffoulgar on the other, were here. Two Peticons brought by Capt. Gardner read, fubfcribed by feverall of ye Ifland, ye one from ye Magiftrates, ye other from them and others. Capt. Gardner produced his Power to act or Treat for ye Towne, and makes a long Relacon of Matters concerning Nantuckett. Hee is referred till To-morrow for a farther Hearing. Capt. Gardner's Power is figned by 4 Perfons in ye Name of ye Towne. It's dated March ye 25th, 1674. The Names Richard Gardiner, Edward Starbuck Thomas Macy, William Worth, in the Name of the Towne. The three firft are Magiftrates. Mr. Triftram Coffin and Mr. Matthew Mayhew having prefented a Peticon from Martin's Vineyard, [84] and fome of Nantuckett, authorized by Mr. Thomas Mayhew, are appointed to give their Attendance To-morrow by eight a Clock, when Capt. Gardner is likewife to bee here. At a Councell Aprill 29, 1675. Prejent : The Governor, Mr. Lawrence, The Secretary, Capt. Dyre. The Bufinefs of Nantuckett under Confideracon. Mr. Triftram Coffin and Mr. Matthew Mayhew prefent a new Paper, figned by themfelves. After feverall Houres Difcourfe they are difmift till To-morrow Morning. At a Councell Aprill 30th, 1675. Prefent : The Governor, The Secretary, Mr. Lawrence. The Nantuckett People of both Sides mett, and after having declared their Cafe of all Parts, the Governor referred them to his Determinacon againft Tomorrow. At a Councell, May ye ift, 1675. The Draught of what was graunted, allowed of, and confented unto by all Partyes : Soe ordered to. be engroffed. [85] InftruBions and Orders for Eftablifhing of Courts and Prudential Bye-Laws in Martin's Vineyard and Nantucket. [Warrants, Orders, Paffes, iii, 84, Secretary's Office.] Edmund Andros Esq. &c. Whereas there hath lately hapned fome differ ence about the Manner of keeping the Particular and Generall Courts of the two Iflands of Martin's Vineyard and Nantuckett, and particularly concern ing the Lawes; Vpon mature Confideration thereof, I have, (by the Advice of my Councell) and do hereby order : 1 . Firft, That the Iflands of Martin's Vineyard and Nantuckett, continue the Enjoyment of their juft Rights and PrivUedges, and former Graunts, with the Power to make peculiar or prudential By- Lawes in their refpective Iflands, Townffiips, or Corporacons, not repugnant to the Lawes of this Governm1. And the faid By Lawes to bee binding and in fforce, in_jiiy_Mattei_n£t__ejcc^e^n2^:_five P oundj^Jx^bee adjudged by the_Chiefe -Magiftrate anH^^ffiftajrtsJjx-eaoh- Ifland, 2. That the Court in each Ifland ffi^U_cojifi-ft-Qf the Chiefe Magiftrate aridTlhr^e^Sffiftants, or^ny_ three^oX.tliem2jof which the Chiefe^ jMagiftrate^ (if well, and in the Ifland,) to bee one, otherwife the [86] oldeft Affiftant ; And that they do not faile of keep ing Publicke Courts quarterly, or oftener, if there be Occacon. 3. That all Matters from five to ten Pounds, may bee Tryde in their refpective Courts, without Appeale ; But to bee according to the Lawes of this Government : If above ten Pounds and under neath ffifty, may appeale to the Gena11 Court of both Iflands, where all Cafes ffiall be tryed, and Proceedings bee, according to the Lawes of the Government; And in any Cafe exceeding fifty Pounds, an Appeale is to be admitted to the Gene rall Court of Affizes in this Place. 4. That the Gena11 Court for both Iflands do confift of the Chiefe Magiftrates and Affiftants, of both Iflands, or any five of them, (whereof two of each Ifland, and a Chiefe Magiftrate to bee one) as directed by former Orders ; But in Cafe of Death, or other unavoidable Neceffity, the other Chiefe Magiftrate to fupply his Place, and have the cafting Voice : And that any prudentiall By Lawes, made at the faid Gena11 Court, (wherein there ffiall not bee above two diffenting Voyces) ffiall be in fforce and binding for both Iflands. 5. That the Conftable of each Place, have full Power and Authority to keep the King's Peace within their Precincts, and to execute all fuch Or ders, as the Chiefe Magiftrate and Court, ffiall direct, and to bee Accomptable unto them for the fame, according to the Duty of a Conftable. [87] 6. That the faid Iflands ffiall in no Cafe, nor in noe Wife be fubject to or have any Dependence upon Long Ifland or any other Part of this Govern ment, but onely bee Accomptableto hisRoyallHigh- neffe Liev1. and Governor Gena11 in thefe Parts, or the Gena11 Court of Affizes. Here given under my Hand and Seale in New Yorke, this 29th Day of Aprill, 1675. E. Andross. By the Governor. Vpon taking into Confideracon, the Good and Welfare of the Inhabitants of the Iflands, Martin's Vineyard and Nantuckett, I have, (by the Advice of my Councell,) and do hereby order : I. That nnne hut the Tnbahiiaj3ts^-af_the fiid Iflands, b_e^^ffinitted to anyjManner ofTrade with. the IndyjmjMhereofJ_jioxJo_ Port of the Tfland, bnf in the vrQigll Port allowed- -of, in the_ refpective Townes>_^'ori_the-Space^of one whole Year^after-theJDate-hereof.^ 2. That whereas, I have not had any Returne for Magiftrates or Officers from the Iflands of Mar tin's Vineyard and Nantuckett, for the enfuing Yeare, which I do expect at the ufuall Time ; I do in the Interim, in his Maties Name further authorize the prfent Magiftrates and Officers in Places, to con tinue in the fame untill further Order. 3. That the non-improveing of Lands upon the faid Iflands for the Time paft, as directed by the [88] Lawes of this Government ffiall not prjudice their Rights, fo that for the Time to come, they improve them according to Law. Given under my Hand and Seale in New Yorke, the 29th Day of Aprill, 1675. E. Andross. Council Minutes. [Council Minutes, ii, Part II, p. 51, Sec. Office.] At a Councell, Sept. 28th, 1675. Prefent : The Governor, The Secretary, Capt. Brockholes, Mr. J. Lawrence, Capt. Dyre, Mr. Ffred. Philips. The Matter in Confultation was about a Letter brought by an Exprefs from ye Ifland Nantuckett, intimatin^jffijh^JWeakji£fs_arjd great Strength of the Indyjinj^hatb^-iinjt^ Vineyard, not above 40 Men at ye Laft, and 30 on 1 Upon Receipt of the News of the Outbreak known as " Philips In dian War," Governor Andros haftened to the Connecticut River, and from thence to the eaft End of Long Ifland, to take Meafures for preventing any Difturbance among the New York Indians. A Sloop was dispatched with one Barrell of Powder, fifteen Mufkets and fouT^kemTof^IalelLiQr Martha's ^Vineyard, and IHFlike "ATnoffiroTTowHer ten" Mufkets and three Skeins of ""Maich for Nantucket. Franck Lee, who had Charge of the Sloop, was directed " not to flay in either Place above one Tyde unlefs it may happen, that the Indyans fhould flock over from the Maine, and the Chiefe Magiftrate or Officer defire yor Affiflance for obflrufting the fame by Water." Several Documents relating to this War are omitted with the Defign of embodying them in a fpecial Volume. [89] ye Former, capable of bearing Armes.1 On Nan tuckett ye Indyan Men 5 or 600 ; not fo many on Martin's Vineyard. They defire in their Letter a Couple of great Guns, and halfe a Doufen Souldrs . They pretend an illConfequence may arrive uppnjiie__TiidyjaJiOrrayjru^ on Marrirfs YLusyarcL Refolved, To fend them each a great Gun at ye two Iflands of Nantuckett and Martin's Vine yard, and to each ye Proclamation concerning ye Indyans, of keeping Watches, erecting Block Houfes, (Sec. Petition o/~Peter Foulger about Proceedings at the General Court of Martin's Vine yard, 1676. [New York Colonial MSS. xxiv, Sec. Office.] To the Right Hon : Major Andros, Gouernour at New Yorke, The humble Petition of Peter Ffoulger,2 now Prifoner at Shearburn upon the 1 1500 Indyans, Men, Women and Children, [Marginal Note in Orginal.] 2 Peter, a Son of John Foulger, and the Grand-father of Benjamin Franklin, was born in 1 6 1 7, and became an early Setder on Nantucket. Cotton Mather mentions him as " an able Godley Englifhman, who was imployed in teaching the Youth in Reading, Writing and the Principles of Religion by Catechifm, being well learned likewife in the Scriptures, and capable of Help in religious Matters," (Magnalia B. vi, p. 54.) ^He was chofen Clerk and Recorder, July 21, 1673 (Deeds ii, 2, Register Office, Nantucket,) and died in 1 690. 12 1 90 j Ifland of Nantuckett, vpon the real Acount of his Royal Highnefs Intereft, (at leaft in his Judgment,) is as followeth : May it pleafe your Honor to vnderftand, that the Occafion of this my Petition is to acquaint your Honour with that new Trouble that my felfe an others meete now withal in this Place, ffor indeed I cannot wel informe your Honr how it is in my own Cafe, vnles I fpeak fomething of the generall Cafe. So it was that when the Date of Mr. Tho : Macy's Comiffion was out,1 he called the Town together, and being met he told them that hiu Comiffion was out, yet he did affert it, and defired to know of the Town who would ftand by him in it. Som of vs faid it was not the Town's Bufines to fpeake of his Comiffion, but we did conceiue that your Hon : had left a fafe and plain Way for the carrying on of Gouernment til further Order. Others fayd that his Commiffion was in Force tilfurther Order, though not expreft and argued it out from former Inftruc- tions, and begun to be very fierce. We thought their End to be bad, and therefore fayd littel or nothing more, (they being the greater Part,) but were re- foulued to be quite, looking vpon it as an evil Time. After this there cam hither from Pufcattaway Mr. Peter Coffin and fome others, toftay here this Winter for fear of the Indians. Then another Meeting was called to chufe new Affiftants to Mr. Macy. We 1 Thomas Macy was Commiffioned as Magiftrate of Nantucket, Oct. I, 1675. [9i] knowing that we ffiould be out voted, fat ftil and voted not. The firft Man that was chofen was Peter Coffin ; Stephen Huffey was the Man that carried on the Defigne in fuch a rude Manner as this : — Com Sirs, lets chufe Peter Coffin, he will be here but a Month or two, and then we ffiall have tenn Pound Fine of him. A Man that is in Com miffion in Bay and is gone thither agayn. A Man that brought hither an evil Report of your Hon : from the Bay, which fome of vs did publiquely proteft againft, and how he hath carried it fince chofen I ffial leaue at prefent. But if your Hon : did know the Man as well as God know him, or but halfe fo well as fome of vs know him, I do verUy belieue that your Hon : would diflike his Ruling here as much as any of vs. In the like vnciuil Manner, they chofe two young Men more, Stephen Huffey calling vpon them to corne1 fuch a Man, and fuch a Man, became he had Cattle at theire Houfes to Winter, and if they did not chufe them he was afraid they would not winter them wel. The fayd Stephen bringing his Corn which betoken Choice open in his Hand, and called vpon others to Corn this Man and that Man ; Such a Meeting as I never was at for fuch a Work. And being Clarke and thereby to fe to the Votes, I cald vpon them to be Ciuil, and not to make a May- 1 Alluding to the ancient Cuftom of balloting with Corn and Beans ; the former for, the latter againft the Candidate. [92] game of chufeing Men for fuch Imployment, and fom others fpake after the fame Maner, but as they began fo they ended. Now that your Hon : may vnderftand how they cam to be the greater p1, it was by Mr. Macy his faceing about and his Family, a Man who was as much for the Dukes Intereft when we were with your Hon : at New Yorke as any of vs, But now for diuers by Ends it is otherwife. I am forry to trouble your Honr : to Read fo much of this durty Stuff, but that my own Bufines depends fo much vpon it as that I fear your Hon : wil not vnder ftand it, without fom Intimation of it. December 26, was our Quarter Court, and I being Clarke was at a Strait what to do, becaufe I did queftion as Things were, whether they would keepe a Legal Court or no, though I fayd nothing but was Re- folued to be quiet, and to that End went to the Court and carried the Court Booke with me, thinking thereby to while away Time with as much Peace as could be til either your Hon : cam to vs or fom further order ; but being there pre- fently faw that I was in for if I did not Write what they would, Peter Coffin told me they would prefently chuse a new Clarke. I faw then that the Booke was that which they aymed at, I did as wel as I could at that Time, and did think that I would confider better of my next fince that they haue kept many private Courts that they gaue me no Notice of: Ffeb. 10th, cam the [93 J Conftable to the . . . . ke and al other Re cords of that Nature as your Honr : may fee by this inclofed Paper1 which is Mr. Macy's own Hand, Reading the Paper and confidering that they did not want me but the Booke, I returned them this Anfwer in Writing, that the Booke was put into my Hands by the Generall Court, and til the fame Power, or a higher, did cal for it from me I ffiould Indeauour to keepe it, but if they would haue any Coppys out of it they might at any Time haue them. Immediately the Conftable cam with a Summons, and hauing no Time to confider further of it I gave him no Anfwer, but went to Cap'. Gardners Houfe where prefently he cam with a Speciall Warrant. I would haue fent your Hon : the Coppy of them but I cannot git them though often defyred them of the Conft ; The fayd Conftable by the Help of other men, haled and draged me out of the Capr. Houfe and caried me to the Place where they were met. I fpake not a Word to the Conftable, nor refifted him in the leaft. When I cam at the Houfe I faw none of the Court, but the Conftable told me that the Court was adjourned til Wednef- day next and that I was committed into his Hands and muft giue Bond to appeare then. 1 Tis the Order of the Court that the Conftable be fent to Peter Ffoulger for the Court Booke, and all the Records of that Nature, and this is to impower the Conftable herein, and to bring them to ye Court forth with, and Peter Ffoulger is hereby required to deliver them. Pr me, Tho : Macy, Mag: [94] Feb. 19 th, I cam before them and carried myfelfe every way as ciuilly as I could, only I fpake neuer a Word, for I was fully perfuaded that if I fpake any thing at al, they would turn it againft me. I remembered alfo the old Saying that of nothing comes nothing. But it feemes my Silence did helpe to bring forth this Sentence, of which your Hon : hath here a Coppy.1 After my Sentence, the Conftable called for twenty Pound Bond, or to Prifon I muft go pre- fently, when they al know that I am a poore old Man, and not able to maintayne my FamUy. All my Eftate, if my Debts were payd, will not amount to halfe fo much, and as for making vfe of Friends, they al know that I haue more Need of any Helpe that way for the Supply of my FamUy. For want of Bond away the Conftable carried me to Prifon, a Place where neuer any Engliffi-man was put, and 1 At a Court of Ajurment held in the Towne of Sherburne, 14®1 Feburary, 1676, Petter Foulger, Inditted for Contempt of his Magis Athority, in not appearing before the Court according to fumons ferued on him and being Aprehended by Specall Warrant being braoft to the Court to Anfwer for his Contemtious Carage, And being demanded why he did fo act gaue no Anfwer : Th'o the Court waited on hem a While and vrged him to fpeak, The Sentence of the Court is to Remite the Caufe to the Court of Afize at New York as the law derefts and to giue twenty Pound Bond for his appearance, and to abide the Order of the Court and to Hand committed ti'l Bond be given. A true Copy By the Court, />fcw- 4vwz/j£l CI. [95] where the Neighbors Hogs had layd but the Night before, and in a bitter cold Froft and deepe Snow. They had onely thrown out moft of the Durt, Hogs Dung and Snow. The Reft the Conftable told me I might ly vpon if I would, that is vpon the Boards in that Cafe, and without Victuals or Fire. Indeed I perfwaded him to fetch a little Hay, and he did fb, and fome Friend did prefently bring in Bed- ing and Victuals. But as for Mr. Macy and the Reft of our new young Magiftrates, your Hon : may fee how far theire Pitty did extend to a poore old Man, aged 60 Yeares. At the Prefent I haue fome Leaue from my Keeper to be fometimes at my own Houfe, but how long that will hold I know not. I haue informed your Hon : truely what my Condition is, and my humble Petition is, that your Hon : wloud be pleafed fo to confider of it, as to ffiew fome Fauour towards your vnworthy Petitioner, and in your Wifdom to finde out fome Way for my Free dom, as alfo to ftop the Rage and Fury of thefe Men, Leaft others better then myfelfe be brought fuddenly to the fame Condition that I am in if not worfe, for the Mercy of fom of thefe Men is Cruel ty itfelfe, And in Truth I was not the Man that they moft aymed at. Others ffiould haue bin in Prifon at the fame Time, but that they found more heuier Work of it, then they thought of, for it began prefently to fet a fire the whole Ifland, for I hauing liued 30 Yeares vpon this Ifland and the [96] Vineyard, was fo wel Known, and fo wel Beloued of Engliffi and Indians, (whether deferued or not) that the Indians inquired what the Cause was of my Imprifonment, And though both Ptys was un willing to tel them, yet being before fo vnfatisfied with the Orders or Laws that thefe new Magif trates had made for them, They p'fently found fo much that they began to fpeak high in the Cafe for thefe and the like Reafons as I fuppofe our new Court though they fpeak great Words, yet at Prefent they are not fo full of Action, and I do moft humbly intreat your Hon : to confider of the Condition of the poore Indians in this Refpect, for they haue fuch Caufe to fpeak againft their Actings, that we haue no way to quite them, but to perfuade them to be ftil til your Hon : come or fome Order from you, which we tel them we do belieue wil certaynely be. I haue bin In terpreter here from the Beginning of the Plantation, when no Englifhman but myfelfe could fpeake fcarfe a Word of Indian, at which Time I am fure fome of thefe Men that deal thus with me now, had felt Arrows in their Sides from the Indians for reall Wrong that they did them, had not I ftept in between them and made Peace. And I haue euer fince bin able by the Helpe of fome antient Men, to keep Peace vpon the Ifland, but now I am not able to anfwer them no other then as aforefayed, for they fay there is now young Men in Place they do not vnderftand that Way. They cannot belieue [97] that young Men, efpecially fuch Men, can vnder- ftand Things like old Men, and they are always in Doubt whether they haue Juftice or no. They fay further, that there is a Bofton Man fits in Place by Mr. Macy, and he Blind him fo that he canot fe the Right Path, and they fay that they do not vnderftand what he hath to do to Judge their Cafes. Thefe and fuchlike Words I and others haue from them, and I doe verily beleiue they are theire own Words, that no Engliffi body euer put any fuch Things into their Minds. We haue had Peace hitherto when our Neigh bours but Juft ouer the Water, haue loft fo many of ther dear Relations in bloody Wars, I hope your Hon : wil in your Wifdome finde out fom Way for vs that we may be able to Anfwer thefe Queris of the Indians, that Peace may continue ftil between vs as heretofore. I moft humbly intreat your Hon to pardon my Bouldnefs in Writing fo much vpon this Subject, for I haue fo much to doe with the Indians for fo many Years that I cannot forbear Writing, Though I cannot Write but with Tears, confidering the Mifery that they and we are like to come to. If your Hon : put not a Stop to thefe vio lent Motions, I verily belieue it were better for vs and the Indians alfo, that we had no Liberty at al (at leaft til we could vfe it better,) then thus to abufe it. I hear now that our new Court intend to defyer leaue of your Hon : that my Caufe may be tried at J3 [98] the Generall Court. But I humbly intreat your Hon : to preuent it. I ffiall fit down fully fatisfied by your Honours Sentence, or by the Sentence of the Dukes reall Friend whom your Hon : ffiall ap point. It is known that I haue euerbin for the Duke's Intereft if they had don fo too, we had not bin fo many Yeares without a Generall Court, and what kind of Court they are like to keepe, and what Juftice I am like to haue from them (as Things go now) your Hon : I doubt not wil eafily conceiue ; and now, Right Honourable, if I and my Friends might injoy fo much Happinefs as to fo but a Line or two of your Honour's Pleafure, it would affuredly bring much Joy to your unworthy Petitioner ; Yea, it would certainly reuiue our Spirits in this Time of Trouble, til fom of vs might haue that happy Opertunity to appear before your Hon : againe. And thus humbly befeeching your Hon : that in your Wifdom you would be pleafed fo to confider of my Age and Inability, as to pas by my rude Manner of Writing, I humbly leaue this my Peution with your Hon. and reft. Your humble Petitioner, and unworthy Servant, who always account it his Duty to pray for your Honour's Welfare here, and eternal Hap pinefs hereafter. Dated March 27th, 167* [99] Right Honourable : We whofe Names are here fubfcribed, do verUy believe that we ave Peter Ffoulgers Cafe examined and judged, by your Hon : or any other of his Royall Highnefs Officers whome your Hon : ffial apoynt (except at the Vineyard) his Offence wfl be found nought elfe, but ftanding for his Royal High- nes Intereft and Gouernment. nT^t^o-vm^ -^-cfcitaS Letter from Thomas Macy to the Gouernor. [New York Colonial MSS, xxv, Sec. Office.] Nantucket, May 9, 1676. May it pleafe yor Hon1, where yor Goodneffe have bin fuch as to fend fo after us to know how tis with us in thefe troublefome and dangerous Times, wherein or Neighbours have fo greatly fuf- fered and we as yet through the Goodneffe of God are free, thefe are to returne Thanks the fame of yor Vigilancy we doubt not, hath conduced to or Peace thefe rude Lines are to give yor Honr an [ I0° ] Accompt how Things are and haue bin with us : a confiderable Company of Indians haue formerly owned themfelues Philip's Men, but fince the Wars began they haue feemingly we hope declared them felves againft him. We haue carried orfelues towards them manifefting no Diftruft and Things haue bin orderly carried among them : onely we haue heard now and then a Word from which we haue not liked but haue ouerlooked the fame. And I doubt not but we may enjoy Peace (if or Sins hinder not) fo long as we can keep ftrong Liquor from them. Yor Honr may vnderftand that fome that dwell elfewhere haue fome Yeares paft fent Goods to trade with the Indians vpon the accompt of Fiffiing, and otherwife and great quanti ties of ftrong Liquor haue bin fent and notwith- ftanding all orders and care about it to p'hibit it hath bin one way or other difpofed to the Indians which hath occafioned great Abufe and Diforder, but fince the Warrs began they haue not had much : the laft Fall the Court tooke into their Poffeflion all on the Ifland and difpofed of it by fmall quantities as the Owners and the Englifh Neighbours had need, and becaufe of the late Scarcity little hath lately come : The agent here that carried on the Trade for the Gentlemen hath bargained with the Indians to giue each Man a dram before they go out to fiffiing in the Morning ; but vnder that p'tence much Abufe have bin, but reflecting the p'fent Voyage a fmall [IOI ] Quantity came, about 1 6 Gallons which was carried to ye Indians. It fo came to paffe that a Sloop came to my Honod Coufin Mr. Mayhew from the Honble Councell, and Mr. Mayhew fent to me the Order that prohibited ftrong Drink being carried to any Indian Plantation, which Order came to my Hand the 6 day of the Week, and I prefently went to ye Houfe of him that had carried the Liquor afore mentioned to ye Indians ; and carryed the Order with me but finding him not at Home left a Warrant at the Houfe requireing him in his Mafc to fetch away the Liquor carried to ye Indians : but flighted and not at all obeyed, but the Liquor fpent there as I Anderftand. The Monday following I caufed the Order to be read in the Town Meeting, which fome greatly difliked, as I vnderftood. My humble Requeft is, a Word or two from yor Hon : about it. Sir, concerning the Peace we hitherto enjoy, I cannot imagine it could haue bin if ftrong Liquor had bin among the Indians, as formerly : for my owne yf I haue bin to ye vtmoft an oppofed of the Trade thefe 38 Yeares, and I verily belieue (reflecting the Indians) tis the only Ground of the miserable p'fent Ruine to both Na tions ; for tis that hath kept them from Civility, they haue bin by the drunken Trade kept all the while like wild Beares and Wolves in the Wilder- nefe ; concerning my vnderftanding in the Matter I haue now fent to Gouernor Leueret, ye which I hope may come to publicke View (See. But re- [ I02 ] fpecting the p'fent Times and State of Things, I humbly entreat if in yor Wifdom you ffiall fee meet to make a ftrict Law or Order refpecting or Hand to p'hibit any Veffel whatfoever that ffiall come in ye Harbor to fell or giue any ftrong Drink more or lefs to any Indian vnder a penalty, and to Command or Order the Gouernor here to search all Veffels for ftrong Drink and either to caufe the Mafter or Mer chant to carry away or take into cuftody fo much as they iudge may be needfull for the moderate vfe of the Engliffi here, or for Indians in cafe of diftreffe, &c. and according to ye difcreffion of the Court to put it in the Hands of fome Man or Men that may be judged faithfuU by fmall quantities, difpofe as be needed, for tho ye Traders it may be do not difpofe of much to ye Indians, yet many of the Inhabitants do frequently purchafe it p'tending for their own vfe and fel it to ye Indians. An Order from yor Honr. will be of greater Force than any we can make tho left too Liberty herein ; and whereas in yor Letter to Mr. Mayhew you giue Liberty to difpofe of Powder to trufty Indians for their necef- fary vse, we judge it were better for us wholly to p'hibit, for tho fome here we apprehend may be confided in, yet fo to diftinguiffi will giue great Offence, yet by priuate Inftructions yor Honr may referre something to ye difcreffion of the Gouernor, refpecting contingent Accidents in reference to ... . and Peace, not further Trouble at p'fent I commend you ye weighty Affaires committed to yor [ io3 J management to y« of the only wise God and remaine Yor Seruant at Command, "^Jm:JlaQr Letter from John Gardner to the Gouernor. [New York Colonial MSS. xxvi, Sec. Office.] Right Honor abell : May it Please your Honor. Duty and Love Commands ; nefefity constra- ynes : and your Honours Wifdome and Care of us embouldens mee once more to petiffition and enforme your Honor of our prefent State : First, that there hath bene an unhapy diferance Amongft us ; beyond before my coming to this Hand ; and fince not decrefed, is to Evident : the Grounds whereof I belieue your Honor was neuer yet Rightly Enformed of, and at my Laft being be fore your Honor, could not then well do it by Reafon of your Honors Expedition for Delaware ; but I did then hope at your Honors Returne, to haue gone through al Things as it then was : but the unhapy Indian War unexpectedly breaking out : hath hitherto hindred, that Maters are now groune much worfe than before: If I may, therefor, Humbly Entreat your Honors [ io4 ] Patience a litell, I ffiall as Breafly as poffabelly I can, giue your Honor the ffiorte of it, and leaue it more fully to be don when I ffiall find the Hapines againe to ftand before your Honor : And now Right Honorabell, that there was fum kind of Purchafe of Mr. Mayhew by fum Gentlemen liueing in the Mafachufets, of Liberty to plant vpon this Hand ; and after that, the Purchas of fum Land of the Indian Right fuch as it was ; and a part of theas Purchafers came to Inhabit, Taking in fum other Inhabitancy with them on Termes as agreed one : this is .... c Leave : But his Royall Highnefs haueing obtained his Royall Grant from his Royall Majefty together with all other Tit ells being Refigned over to him and Generall Nickels rightfully Taking Pofleffion for his Ryall Highnes, and Gouerning hear for a Time, as your Honor well know did fend a verball Mefage to the Inhabit ance, and all Perfons conferned on this Hands, to apear before him to make out there Claymes, and Refeue ther Land by Athority of his Ryall High nes as the Law directs, which Mefage was fo far flighted as to take no noties of it. After this, the Right Honorabell Cor*1 Loflas1 coming Gouernor ; did again fend out his Warrant for Perfons here Conferned to apear before him within fouer Months to make out ther Claymes : and to Refeue their Land by Athority from his Ryall Highnes or Elce all ther Claymes ffiould be 1 Lovelace. [ 105 ] ever after voyd to all Intents. The Copy of this was fent to thofe of the Purchafers yet in the Mafetufets: and the Inhabitance haear wayted on them about one Yeare after the Time giuen them before they mad ther Apearance Acording to Warrant : Refeiv- ing no Anfwer nether was ther euer aney Anfwer to this day or aney Apearance ; for them to fay our Mafatufetts Mailers as will abondantly Apeare. Now heare comes in the Ground of all our difer- ance, that feuerall of the Inhabitance joyned with the Purchafers, afirming that this ther ould Titell as Good, and that they need not to take the Titell from his Ryall Highnefs as the Law derects, and that it was ther one before. On the managing of this Difpute hath many Things fallen on as fum of us judge derigatory to his Ryall Majefty's Athority, and his Ryall Highnes Propriety and Gourment, which will beter Apear by the Evidencs in ... . fefone. Thes Things hath wrougt fuch Re- fiftance in Agit'tion that we are now Gone juft to Diftracktion. .in that of the Gouerment that is amongft us. Mr. Macy and his Relations though formerly aferted his Ryall Highnes Propriety and Intreft now joyne with that Party as we judge opofe it, and fum Perfons now came out of the Bay of thofe. . . .Purchefers as Sojouners for a Time by Refon of the Indian War, fo they now haueing the biger Party hear, mould all Things after ther Pleuier, or at Left Endeuer it, but which is worfe [io6] than all this, Peter Cofen and James, Soyourners for a Time, haueing ther Mouths full of thofe vile Reports, thay windy of your Honors being report ed to be the Indians Abeter in the War againft the Engliffi, aleging it publeckly, as a Ground why we might not folow your Honors Order according to the Law, in helping the Indians as the Law dericts ; and this thay preft with vyolence in words. I gaue them this Anfwer after fum others, that I did beleue that it would neuer apear that your vnfpoted Honor had euer afifted the Indians, or ben the Abeter of his Magefties or the Engliffi Enemies. Peter Cofen anfwered, then hee was bally belyed, in a reprochfull Maner as could well be without pofitiue Afirming of it : — further following this Difcorfe with vere high Words. Mr. Macy being by, and heard all thes Things, but could not find one Word in your Honors Vindi cation or Stop to ther Vyolence, though aferted himfelef to be a Chef Magiftrate. The Stream now Running that way, Peter Cofen now chofen a Magiftrat hear, though now in Comifion the Bay, and Debity of ther Generall Court, as I am enform- ed Spirit being with wicked againft your Honor as is to coman in ther Black Mouths in that Country tog , . .with others highly fpereted ftoutly to Afert ther ould Title in Oppofi- tion to his Ryall Highnes Propriety, other ways of. Mr. Macy ftill alerting your Honors Com iffion being unqueftionabely Good according to the [ I07] Time but now fince . . . the Aloted him is out, we yet willing to fubmit to what Purpofe and is when in this Majefties Name, and for the prefent fufer till wee may find Releuefe, as your Honors Wifdom ffiall direct. And now Right Hon orabell the Mefuer we haue already met with by thefe Men . . . .fumthing Apear by Peter Foulgers Petition, and for my feluef I haue haluef a Barell of Rom taken from me, and difpofed of after ther Plefuer, for what Refon I profes I know not, but becaufe it was myne. (This was done cheafly by Mr. Macy and his Sone Worth.) I haue defiered the Confta- bell to giue me a Copy of the Warrant by which he took it from mee, but I cannot obtaine it, and from Mr. Macy cane haue no Anfwer. But of Releuef in its fefon ; but for the Prefent haue expected dayly the Prifon to be my Portion, I be ing Highly Guilty of that great Sine of Aferting his Ryall Highnefs Juftes .... and Propriety accord ing to Law, as fum count it, but I hope not all. Amongft the Indians, there has ben Great Dif- turbence of late, by Refon of feueral Laws, mad and Publifhed amongft them by our new Magif trates, and it rofe fo highe, that one of the Indians Sachems tould me, thay could not forbear but muft fight, if thefe Laws wear proficuted one them, and no paffifuing of them, but by affuring them of his Majefty's Reall Care in Proteckting them from wrong, together by begeting in them a high Efteme of your Honour, that you haue always taken care [io8] that they ffiall haue equall and that upon the juft Complaints, find out Releaef, to which they fay, thay are fully Satesfied, and are allways willing to ly downe by your Honors Plefuer, but canot beleue that it is from your Honor, that Bofton Men ffiould be ther Juges, — that to fpeak ther one Words, fay and beleue to Matters heard ... by Boys, as they call young Men in this Cafe. But hear are fom of them now gone to your Honor, defiring me to wright in their Behaluef, by home I fpofe your Honor wUl vnderftand at Large ther bufnes that I am a Stranger to ; but Affuers them of your Honors Redynes to hear and dow them Right without an Advocat; and of them is one Hardy, that fent your Honor a Girdell of Peague the laft Year by Capt. Philipfon. He is a popelar Man amongft the Indians here, and is as good a Wite we judge as any is amongft them. I queftion not but your Honors Wifdom will fo Carry it towards them, as will abundantly Ratify our hitherto continued Peace, and if your Honor ffiall be Pleafed to fauor vs but with your Word to the Mafter of aney VefeU to give them Pafage back, and land them any where on the Vynyard which will be in ther Way ; your Honor will aboundently Oblidge your vnworthy Seruant heare. And now Right Honora bell, my Humble Petition is, that your Wifdom wUl Pardon my Bouldnes, and .... Difcorfe, not being abell to giue a breafe Acounte in Truth of our [ io9 ] Mifery, being but a Touch of what will I queftion not, hearafter more fully apear I fhall be vnder your Honors Senfuer, knowing my one Integrity in what I hear Aferte, my Sole refting in your Honor's Wifdom, in ordering Ma ters fo, as will be for the futer Peace. One Word more, I would humbly entreat Fauor in ; due Refpect of Peter Folger, who now Remayne a Prifoner, for no other Reafon except the ould Cafe as Abues, but not Apering to ther fo, ther being not aboue i an Hour from the Time of the Sumons till the Conftable fechet him, I verely beleue, vpon which his Indictment and Sentence was, a Copy wherof Peter Folger wUl Prefent your Honor with ; and now muft Remayn a Prifoner except your Honors fauer Grant a Releace, til he may ftand before your Honor which is his defier, wher I verely beleue his Ofence will be found not Elce in Reality, but Standing to mayntayne his Ryall Highnefs Propriety and Gouernment, to which he is willing to Abid your Honors Senfuer. Wee hear, our Mafters hear Intend, to haue him Remoued hence to the Generall Corte at the Vynuard, which we look at, as from the frying Pane to the Fier. Ther intrinfick magnetick Vertu, haueing fo great a north Inclination.1 So Beging once more, Pardon and Fauor from your Honor, if I might be but bleft with but one Line of your Honors Pleafuer hearin, 1 Alluding to their preference for the Maffachufetts Authority. [no] for which I ffiall euer praye for your Honour's Eveiiafting Hapines, in which I ffiall Rejoyce that I may Subfcribe myfeluef, your Honors Obediente Seruant, From Nantucket the 1 5 March, 76 : 77. Sentence of Capt. John Gardner. [New York Colonial MSS, xxvi, Sec. Office.] Whereas this Court taking into confideration how they might beft maintain his Majefties Au thoritie in this Court, efpetially with relation to the Heathen among whom it was vulgarly Rumored that there was no Gouernment on Nantuckett, and haueing good Caufe to fufpect, the fame to proceed originally from fome Engliffi in- ftigating them, or by their practife incouraging them in the fame, to the great Danger of caufing Infurrection : This Court Refpecting the fame, faw Good to fend for Capt. John Gardner, who had at the Quarter Court, refufed to appear being fummoned, and had refufed to afift the Conftable in the Exe cution of his office, vppon his Command, to make his Appearance to Anfwer the fame, in purfuance [Ill] whereof, the Court fending the Marffiall twice for him with a Warrant refufed to come, the Marffiall. afterwards fetching him by Force, when he came to the Court, demeaned himfelf moft irreverently, fitting down with his Hat on, taking no Notice of the Court, behaveing himfelf fo both in Words and Gefture, as declared great Contempt of Authoritie of this Court, tending Authoritie the Incouragement of others, and efpetially the Heathen who before by fome eivUl Spiritt perfwaded that there was no Authoritie, were hardly difwaded from ufeing Violence ; the Compofeing whereof was the principall Caufe of the Court prefent Setting ; this Court haue therefore thought good for upholding and maintaining the Peace and Tran- quillitie of this Place, which is fo greatly indangered by a fuch a Prefident1 of fuch Note, and at fuch a Time, by fuch a Practice to difcountenance fuch Practices, and deterring others from the Like, haue Refolued and do therefore order : That Capt. John Gardner ffiall pay a Fine of ten Pounds in Money, or Something equivalent thereunto into the Treas- urie and is disfranchifed alfo : This is a true Coppie Taken out of the Record of the Generall Court houlden at Nantuckett, June the 5*, 1677: By me, 1 Precedent. [112] Appeal of Capt. John Gardner. [New York Colonial MSS, xxvi, Sec. Office.] Mr. Thomas Mayhew and Gentlemen all fuch as are his Magiefties Lawfull and Rightfully Eftab- liffied Officers with all due Honour falut you. Whereas, I haue ben twice feched out of my Houfe by Warr1 under the Name of a Generall Corte, and highly charged with contempt of his Magefties Athority, the which I am fo far from offering the Leaft Countenanc vnto : that I defier not Longer to Lieue then to be Ready to Sacrefice my Liufe and Fortains for the maintaining of it, but as to my Actuall Obedience to a Generall Corte, I dow not vnderftand of aney ther can be heare at this Time ; by Refon of the Perfons hear of our Hand that tack vpon them the Gouernment at this Time haueing not aney Lawfull Athority Acording to his Excelences the Gouernors Inftruc- tions, fo far as I can vnderftand fo to dow, and that for thes Refons, firft, for Mr. Macy himfeluef haueing at feuerall Times, and in open Town Met ing, declared that his Comiftion would be out on the 1 3 day of October Laft, and that he ffiould not ftand on Day longer fince which Time I neuer yet heard of aney Refewed Comiftiones he haue had. 2^ , Nathaniel Barnard as is Afirmed by maney had not a Major vote and then not chofen : 3]y, I vn- ["3] derftand not how Mr. Peter Cofen whilft in Com- miftion at Bofton, as I have heard he was, could be chofen heare, with feuerall other Refons I haue to offer to his Honour the Gouernor on this Acount : and for thes Refons I could not but be all together pafife in my Obedience at this Time ; but ffiall not opofe, but if his Excelency the Gouernor ffiall one this to be by his Majefty's Corte, as it is now con- ftituted, I dow then apeale vnto the Corte of Afize at New Yorke from the Sentance declared againft me, and ffiall folow the Order the Law injoins me therin. This is a true Copy of the Paper deliuered Mr. Mayhew at the Cort at Nantucket. Decifion on the Cafe of John Gardner. [Council Minutes, iii, p. 164, Sec. Office.] At a Councell, Augft 3d, 1677. Upon reading feverall Lettrs and Orders of Nan tuckett fince there Gena11 Cort kept there 1 ft begin ning of June, and feverall Perfons of fd Ifland called upon and heard relating to the fame, and all taken into Confideracon, Mr. Matthew Mayhew author ized from fd Cort not being come, Refolved and Ordered by the Governor m Councell, 15 [H4] That Mr. Tho : Macy continue Chief Magif trate.1 That all further Proceedings againft Capt. John Gardner upon Comp11 of the Conftable for Con tempt, &c, as alfo Mr. Triftram Coffin Senr and Mr. John Swaine Senr, at their late Gena11 Cort at Nantuckett from the 5th to the 16th day of June laft paft, on pretence of a Deed burnt or deftroyed, bee fufpended till further Order, to be taken afore Winter, or as foone as may be ; during which Time all Perfons to forbear Intermedling Speeches or Ac tions, or any Aggravations whatfoever, at their Perrills. The Matter of Complaint againft Peter Fulger, Clarke of the Cort there, to bee likewife fufpended till further Order. Order about Capt John Gardner and Peter Ffoulger. [Warrants, Orders, Paffes, &c, iii, 267, Secretary's Office.] By the Governour : Whereas I did by Advice of my Councell the third of Auguft laft, fufpend any further Proceed ings againft Capt. John Gardner, complained of by the Conftable, and Mr. Triftram Coffin Senr &c, 1 Triftram Coffin was commiffioned as Chief Magiftrate of Nantucket. Sept. 16, 1677. ["5] tUl further Orders, which the Yeare being fo farre fpent is nott like to bee tUl next Sumer ; this is further by Advice of my Councell to fignifie and Order any or all Proceedings in laid Matters for his Disfranchifement or Fine upon faid Accompt void and null, as being illegall, beyound your Authority, and only peculiar to, if in the Power of the higheft Judicature in thefe Parts ; and if Peter Foulger's Cafe, which is by you remitted to the Court of Afizes, come not afore next Court, doe Order the remitting ye Proceedings of both Cafes to the Go- vernour and Councell, by the firft good Convenience for further Order, binding the Partys over to anfwer when call'd ; and if in the meane Time they or any other ffiould mifbehave themfelves, may further proceed againft them according to Law. Given under my Hand and Seale in New Yorke this 21th of September, 1677. E. Andross. To the Magiftrates of the Particular and Generall Court att Nantuckett. Note. — Mr. Gardner, in a Memorial dated Mar. 16, 167s, gives the following Account of what occurred upon his prefenting the above to Mr. May hew : " Three Days after hee came to my Loging in as great Paffion as I judge a Man could well be, acufing me highly wherein I was wholly inofent, and not proued though endeuered. Mr. Mayhew tacking this Opertunity to vente him feluef as fol- [n6] loweth, telling mee I had bin at Yourke but ffiould lofe my Labor ; that if the Gouernor did unwind he would wind ; and that he would make my Fine and Disfranchifement to abid on mee dow the Gouernor what he would; that he had nothing againft me, neither was angry, but that I had fpocken againft his Intereft, and I ffiould downe, with maney more Words of like Natuer, but to loung hear to enfert ; and when I came Home to Nantucket, I found the fame Mind and Refolution there alfo." The Governour's Order was difregarded, under the Pretence that it had been given without a Knowledge of the Facts, and the Court proceeded to fell Cattle to fatisfy the Fine. Notwithftanding his Disfranchifement, Gardner was elected an Af- fiftant in 1680, for which the Town was held to Anfwer at the General Court, and feveral Letters on both fides are preferved, in which the bittereft Feeling is expreffed. He was commiffioned as Chief Magiftrate of the Ifland Nov. 10, 1680, April 27, 1682, and June 2, 1684. Laws appointed hy the General Court at Martin's Vineyard. [New York Colonial MSS. xxix, Sec. Office.] June 3d, 1680. Ordered by this Court, that in refpect to the great Difference in the Conftitution of thefe Places, [»7] each Town fhall haye^Power to order what Fences ffiall be^_acgj)ujru^_Juffi^i^nt^n__thgir refpective Townes ; which Orders ffiall be accounted good IukI pleadable in relation to any Trefpafs. For prevention of much Mifdemeanure which fome take occafion to practice on the Lord's Day, or firft Day of the Week, by Reafon of the Abfence of moft People from their Habitations, and fuch Temptations as vagrant Perfons are expofed to thereby, this Court doe order that no Perfon pre- fume on the Lord's Day, or firft Day of the Week, to be abfent from their Houfes, or ufuall Places of Abode, unlefs at fome publique Meeting, for the Worffiippe of God, or upon neceffary and unevitable Neceffitie, uppon Penalty of paying five Shillings for every fuch Offence. Ordered, That the Marffiall ffiall be allowed 2s 6d per diem, for attending the Court, befides his Fees. Ordered, That the Court ffiall be accommodated and provided for during their fetting at the Charge of the Country. Ordered, That in all Cafes that the Decifion is left to any Magiftrate or Affiftant the Party if ag grieved may require a Jury, if he denieth the Fact. This is a true Coppie, as atteft, Secret. [n8] Decifion of a Court of Admiralty held at Nantucket. [New York Colonial MSS, xxix, Sec. Office.] At a Court of Admiralty1 held att the IJland of Nantuckett ye twenty-eighth day of Augujl, by his Maties Athority, in the thirty-Jecond Yeare of the Reiagne of our Sove- reigne Lord King Charles the Second, and in the Yeare of our Lord on thoufand Jix hundred and eighty. Prefent, Captn Cejar Knapton, Captn Richard Hall, Mr John Wejl, Capt John Gardner, Magiftrate. Mr. Triftram Coffin, late Magiftrate, being called to give an Accoumpt of what was faued out of the Rack of a French Ship2, eaft away on this Ifland by fome of Capt. Bernard Lamoyn's Men, about the latter Part of the Yeare feventy-eight, declared he had formerly giuen an Accoumpt, which being produfed and read, it appeared that thare ware faued out of the faid Rack two thoufand and fixteen Hydes, which he confeffeth are difpofed of by his Order, Alowance and Aprobation, and by Informa tion giuen, we valleu at fouer Shillings per Hyde, 1 The Commiffion of Capt. Ca;far Knapton, Capt. Richard Hall, and Mr. John Weft, with the Magiftrate of Nantucket, for holding this Court, was iffued June 26, 1680. (Gen. Entries, xxii, 91, Sec. Office.) 2 This Ship was wrecked on Nantucket Shoals in September, 1678. Upon hearing that Portions of the Cargo and Rigging were being carried away, Gov. Andros iffued an Order, Oct. 2 5 of that Year, direfting the Magiftrates to prevent Embezzlement and fecure as much of the Property as poffible. (Gen. Entries, xxii, 8, Sec. Office.) ["9l which amounts toe fouer hundred and three Pounds fouer Shillings ; and alfo one Cable and a Pece, likewife fold by the faid Triftram Coffin at forty fouer Pounds ; and one Sayle at fix Pounds ten Shillings; and two Pecis of Hafers at eleuen Pounds, and an Ancker at thirteen Pounds ; which in all amounts toe fouer hundred feventy-feuen Pounds fourteen Shillings, for which no Claime hath bin made according to Law. This Court tharefore, taking into Confideration the Allowance of Salvage of faid Goods, and vnder- ftanding the Difeculty and Hardffiip the Sauers endured, doe alow on fifth Part thareof for Salvage, according to Lawr which amounts toe ninety-five Pounds ten Shillings And for what was difburfed by the faid Triftram Coffin on Accoumpt of fome Duch Priffoners left one the Ifland, and what was paid by him to William Worth,1 for his Wound, forty Pound one Shilling. In all, on hundred thirty- five Pounds eleauen Shillings ; which being de ducted out of the faid Sum of fower hundred feventy feauen Pounds fourteen Shillings. They doe ad judge and determine that the faid Coffin doe make Payment and Satisfaction toe the Gouernor or his Order, on Accoumpt of his Royall Highnefs to whom by Law it doth appertaine the Remainder of of the faid Sum, being three hundred forty-three Pounds ten Shillings. And as for what Guns or Rigeing or other Things that are vndifpofed of, toe 1 William Worth, in a Letter dated June 1680, denied that he had received any Part of his Award. (N. Y. Col. MSS., xxix.) [ I2°] be apprifed and Salvage to be alowed as aboue, and to be fent to New York for his Royall Highnefe vfe, the Salvage toe be lickwife paid by the faid Coffin, to be deduckted out of the three hundred fourty-three Pounds ten Shillings. They Court lickewife declare thare Opinion that the faid Coffin's Actings Proceedings in difpofing of the faid Goods, are contrary to Law. By Order of the Court, &c. Tristram Coffin to Sir Edmond Andros. [New York Colonial MSS, xxix, Sec. Office.] To the Right Honrabell Ser Edmund Andros, Knight, Signeur of Sajmaryoe1, Lieut. Generall vnder his Royall Hynes James Duke of York and Albany, and Gouernor Generall of all his Royall Hynes Territorys in America. Theje Prejent. [External Seal Jtamped with a Pine Tree Shilling.] Nantuckett, 30th of Auguft, 1680. Right Honerabell Sir : My humbell Service prefented vnto your Excel- lencye humblie ffiewing my hartie Sorow yl I ffiould 1 The Seigniory or Lordfhip of Saufmares ,on the Ifland of Guernfey, is of Norman Origin and great Antiquity, and had become veiled in the Andros Family by Intermarriage with that of Saufmares. Sir Edmund Andros was a Native of Guernfey, where he filled the Office of Bailiff a fhort Time before his Departure for New York, in Auguft 1674. Per fons of this Name were refiding in this Ifland and Alderney as late as 1798 ; and General Brock, who fell at Queenfton, U. C, in 1812, was a Defcendant of this Family. (Moore's Governors of New Plymouth and Maffachufetts Bay, 422.) [121] in any way giue your Exelency juft occafion of Offence, as I now plainly fee, in actinge contrary to the Law, as I am conuinced I did, throw Igno rance in regard of not beinge acquainted with the maretim Lawes, and yet I humblie intreat your Exelency to confider y' in on Refpect my weeacknefs I hope may bee a littell born with : for I did tender diuerfe Perfones the on halfe to faue the other halfe, and I could not get any to doe it ; and for the Hides I could not get any to goe but for to tacke all for their Labor, becaufe it was judged by many yl the weare not worth the fauing ; fo I was nefefetated to doe as I did or elfe the had bin quite loft. Tharefore I humblye intreat your Excelency not to think yl I did it for any bye Refpects or felfe Ends ; for I doe affure your Excelency yl theare was not any on Perfon yc did indent with me for any on Shillinge Proffit, only I did tell foure of them y* if I ffiould bee by any cal'd to accot, the fhould bee accounta- bell to me. But now the will not owne it and I can not proue it, fo I by Law am cauft to beare all, only my hop is y1 your Excelency will bee pleafed out of your Leniency and Fauor to me to except of inc Money, and Bill is fent for the anfweringe of the Judgment of the Court ; for had not my Sonn, James Coffyn borrowed Money and ingaged for the reft of my Bill, I could not have done it, but I muft have gone to Prifon. Now I humblye intreat your Excelency to heare my louinge Nighbor, Cap1 John Gardner, in my behalfe, and wth your Exe- 16 [ I22 J lency ffiall bee pleafed to order Concerning the Cafe, I ffiall thankfulye except, knowing your Excelency to bee a compafhonate, mercyeful Man. And I hop I ffiall for Time to com to be more wifer and doe kept your Excelency's humbell Saruant whylft I liue to my Power. A D if charge to Mr. Tristram Coffin from the Judgment of the Court of Admiralty Compounded. [Warrants, Orders, Paffes, &c, xxii|, 9, Secretary's Office.] By the Governor: These are to Certifie that I doe approve and allow of theCompofition and Agreem1 madebetween Capt. Caefar Knapton, Capt. Richard HaU, Capt. John Gardner, and Mr. John Weft, who were authorized to make Enquiry abl the Wreck of a French ffiip eaft away on the Ifland of Nantuckett in one thoufand fix hundred feventy and eight, and Mr, Triftram Coffin, then Chiefe Magiftrate of the faid Ifland, concerning the fame, for the fume of one hundred and fifty Pound, halfe of which is payd ; and on paym* of the other halfe, fecured by his Sonn's Obligacon, I doe accept the lame in full Satisfaction and hereby acquitt and difcharge the [ *23 ] faid Truftram Coffin from the Judgm' giuen againft him in the Court of Admiralty, on Account of faid Wreck. Given under my Hand in New Yorke, the fixth Day of November, 1680. E. A. Charges againft Joseph Coleman. [New York Colonial MSS. xxxi, Sec. Office.] The Depofition of James Sciffe, aged forty feaven Yeares, or there about, faith, that being in Company with Jofeph Coulman, at feverall Times, heard the faid Jofeph Coulman run out in many revilling and reprochfull Speaches againft Athority, and in per- tickullar that thare was no Juftice to be had uppon Nantuckett; often faying that he could haue no Juftize, with many other revilling and reprochfull Languages. Taken upon Oath before the Court the 19th i2m. Nathanell Starbuck, being Conftable, afirmes that Jofeph Coulman faid heare was no Juftize to be had uppon Nantuckett. At a Court of Seffions the 25th of March, 1684, Jofeph Coulman appearing at this Court according to his Bond, and denyes the Matter of Fact which he is charged with, according to Evidence. The Court, judging them felves not fitt Judges [ I24 ] in this Cafe, doe remitt it to New York, and doe bind Jofeph Coulman in a Bond of ffifty Pounds to anfwer it at the next Court of Affize, or before the Governor and Counfell at New York. A true Coppye of ye Court Roll. Per me, Wm. Worth, Clerk. Commiffion for Purfuing a Pirate. [New York Colonial MSS, xxxiv, Sec. Office.] Thomas Dongan, Lieut. Governor and Vice Admiral vnder his Royall High^e : Whereas I have received very credible Inform ation that a certaine Ship or Veffell, belonging to a Pyrate, Privateer, or Perfon failing contrary to the Acts of Navigation, is lately arrived at or in fome Places neare to Martin's Vineyard, thefe are there fore in his Royall Highfs Name to authorize, em power and commiffionate you, Major Anthony Brockholls, forthwith to repaire on Board the Bri- gantine Edmond and Martha, and immediately, Wind and Weather permitting, to faile in order to the Findeing out the faid Ship or Veffell, and the faid Ship or Veffell to feize and bringe into the Portt of the Citty of New Yorke, with all her Guns, Ammunition, Furnature, Apparell, Tackle, and Goods ; and in Cafe of Refiftance to vfe Force and Armes in order to fubdue the faid Veffell ; and further, to fearch all Places fufpected to have received ['25j any of the Goods and Cargoe of the faid VeffeU, and to fecure the fame according to Law. Given under my Hand and Seale at Fortt James, this 30th Day of March, 1685. Tho : Dongan. Petition of Stephen Hussey. [New York Colonial MSS, xxxiii, Sec. Office.] New York ye 12 Day of Auguft, 1686. To the Honr CoUonell Thomas Dongon Efqr, Gouernor Generall of New York and all his Maiefty's Teritorys thearunto belonginge, and to his Honourable Councill. The Petition of Stephen Huffey, ffieweth unto your Honours how that your Petitioner conceuing himfelf to receue fom wronge from Jofeph Gardi ner of Nantuckit, in his takinge forcibly from your Petitioner about ten or eleuen Gallons of Rum. Your Petitioner, hopinge for Releaf, preferred a Petition to the Honorb Court of Seffions, held at Nantuckit, who entered a Record y£ your Petitioner was bound in a Bond of fifty Pounds to make out his Charge againft Jofeph Gardner, which your Petitioner conceiueth contrary to Law ; in that the King was a Party in the Cafe. And indeed your Petitioner neuer figned any Bond, neither was he euer aiked whether hee would apeer or no. Your Petitioner hath demanded a Coppey of the Bond, [126 J but to no Purpofe, and feareth that hee or his heirs may be liable to the paiment of it, although no Bond euer a Record beinge fo facred a Writt, in the Judgment of the Law, as faith Crumpton; whearupon your poor Petitioner craues humbly the Reuerfion of this Forfeiture, or at leaft if no Bond appears. Alfo, your Petitioner conceiueth himfelf agrieued by Juftice Willm Worth, Clark of the Court, in yt faid Worth did deny your Petitioner Coppys of the publique Records, to your Petitioner's no fmall Damage ; and feueral Coppys your Petitioner could not obtain under a legal Teft, and fom not under any Teft ; for all which your Petitioner paied no worfe Pay than dry Money. Your Petitioner con ceiueth he hath Wrong done him by forcinge from him more Money or a greater Excife upon Wine and ftronge Liquor then his Majefty or Royall Highnefs hath leuied upon the People of this his Coloney, as may appear by a Edict under a good Teft. Your Petitioner humbly prayeth yl if his Drink fo illegally taken from him muft bee forfeit, yl his Majefty may haue it, and yl it may not lay leakinge in the Hands of Jofeph Gardner, as it hath don for fom Years. Your Petitioner craues this Honourable Court's Aduice, whether the Neglect of ye makinge Returne of Fines and Forfeitures, and Amerfment into the Exchequer be not a Breach of Law in this his Majefties Colony, after a Year's Time. If your Petitioner, by meanes of his weak Capacity miftakes [ 127 ] not, the Clark through a Neglect of his Duty, in not adding an Eftceate of the aboue fifty Pounds gr to be forfit, hath forfited treble the Valeu, the one half to the Kinge, the other to your Petition er, the Informer, by the 22 and 23 of Car. ye 2. Your Petitioner humbly craueth your Honour's and Honourable Councell's Aduice, whether it was not Maintenance in Capt. John Gardiner for to call a Court and fend your Petitioner a Warrant to m out his Charge of Maintenanc againft Juftic Worth, fince your Petitioner cannot con- ceiue how hee himfelf could be concerned in the Cafe. Your Petitioner beinge then at a great Dif- advantage in that Captain John Gardiner and Juftice Coffin beinge the moft effentiall Euidences the Kinge had in the Cafe, to make the Charge out, your Petitioner was forced to make his Peace by a Petition, otherwife had in all Prouabillaty been undon. Your Petitioner prayeth, as alfo in the behalf of fome others, yc if it mighte not be deemed Reflec tion in Petitioner, yl his Majeftys Juftices of ye Peace in our Ifland may be fworn to the Oath y1 concerns the Ofice of a Juftice of Peace, pub- liquefy as in open Seffion, or at the leaft accordinge to that which is valuable to an Oath, by the good and wholfome Laws of this his Majefty's Coloney. As alfo your Petitioner conceiueth that there was a Riot made upon him, as by the Force and by the [128] Numbers may perhaps more appear at large, which if it doth appear, Juftice Worth doth by the Statute forfett to the Kinge one hundred Pounds, in yf he made no Inquiry thereof within a Month, he beinge one of the next Juftices of ye Peace. As alfo in yl he detained the Coppy of ye Pannell of a Jury from your Petitioner, your Petitioner beggeth your Honour's Aduice, viz1 whether the detaininge the Coppey of a Pannell of a Jury, whereby a Judgment groweth upon a Plainteif or Deffendant, be not equall with rafeing or embezal- inge the like Writt, which is ffelony, by the 8 th H. 6. In what is aboue written your Petitioner humbly concieueth his Majefty is concerned ; and your Peti tioner haueing rudely recommended fom of his grie- uances to your Honnours Confideration, ffiall aquies in what you ffiall in your Wifdom fee good to doe in the fame, and remains yours as in all Duty bound : whilft, Stephen Hussey. Dongan's Patent to Certain Inhabitants of Nantucket. [Patents, ii, 254, Sec. Office.] Recorded for the Towne Sharborn. Thomas Dongan, Capt. Generall, Governr in Chiefe and Vice Admirall in and over the Province [ I29 ] of New Yorke and Territoryes depending thereon in America, under his moft Sacred Majefty James the Second, by the Grace of God King of England, Scotland, ffrance, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. : To all to whom thefe Prefents ffiall come, fendeth Greeting. Whereas there is a cer taine Ifland within this his Royall Highneffes Territoryes, fcituate, lyeing and being to the fouth eaft of Martin's Vineyard, ftretching in length neer upon a foutheaft and northweft Line, comonly called and knowne by the Name of Nantuckett Ifland, which faid Ifland was heretofore purchafed for a valuable Confideracon by Thomas Mayhew fenior of Martin's Vineyard, and Thomas Mayhew junior his Son, off James fforrett, Agent to William Earle of Sterlinge, in whom the Government then was, and by them conveyed and made over to feverall of the Inhabitants, the ffreeholders and their Affociates, who have likewife made Purchafe off the Indian Right to the Land there now in their Tenure and Occupacon, as by Patent1 dated the twenty- 1 The following is Governor Lovelace's Patent above referred to : Francis Lovelace EJq. &c. Whereas, there is a certaine Ijland within thefe his Royall Highnefs his Territoryes, lyeing and being to ye Jbuth eaft of Martin's Vineyard, Jlretching in Length neare upon a Jbuth eajl and north wejl Line, comonly called and known by ye Name of Nantuckett Ijland, which faid Ifland was hereto fore Purchafed for a valluable Confideracon, by Thomas Mayhew of Martin's Vineyard fenr and his Son Thomas Mayhew junr, 0f James fforrett, Agent to William Earle of Sterling, in whom ye Governm* then was, and by them conveyed and made over to feverall of ye prefent Inhabitants, ye ffreeholders and their AJfo- J7 [ *3° ] eighth Day of June in the three and twentyeth Yeare of his late Majeftyes Reigne, and in the Yeare of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred and feventy one, from Francis Lovelace Efq., Governor &c, Relacon being thereunto had, doth and may more fully and at large appeare; which faid Ifland was confirmed by Patent under my Hand and the Seale of the Province, bearing Dait the fifth Day of June, in the ciates, who have likewife made Purchafe of the Indyan Right to ye Land there now in yeir Tenure and Occupacon. Now for a Confirmacon unto ye faid Inhabitants, ffreeholdrs and Purchafrs there and their Affociates in their PoffeJJion and Enjoyment of ye Premiffes : Know yee that by Vertue of ye CommiJJion and Authority unto mee given by his Royall Highneffe, upon whom (as well by ye Refignation and AJfignment of ye Heyres of ye faid William Earle of Sterling and alfo by lawfull Grant and Patent from his Royall Matie Charles the Second) ye Propriety and Govemmt of Long Ijland, Martin's Vineyard, Nantuckett, and all ye IJlands adjacent, amongjt other Things is fettled, I have given and granted, and by thefe Prefents doe hereby give, grant, ratifye and confirme unto Triftram Coffin Senr and Thomas Macy as Patentees for and on ye behalfe of themfelves and their Affociates ye Inhabitants, ffreeholders, their Heyres, Succejfors and Ajfignes, ye faid Ifland called Nantuckett Ifland ; that is to fay, foe much thereof as hath by them made Purchafe of, together wth all ye Lands, Soyles, Woods, Meadowes, Pajtures, Marfhes, Lakes, Waters, ffifhing, Hauking, Hunting and ffouling ; and all other Proffits, Commodityes, Emolumts and Hereditamts to the faid Ijland belonging, or in any Wife appertaining. And the faid Ifland and Premifes fhall be held, deemed, reputed, taken, and bee, an entire enfranchifed TownJhipp, Mannor, and Place, of itfelfe, and fhall alwayes, from Time to Time and at all Times, hereafter, have, hold and enjoy like and equall Priviledges with any Towne, enfranchized Place, or Manner, within this Governmt, and fhall in noe manner of Wayes bee fubordinate or belonging [i3'l fix and thirtyeth Yeare of his faid late Majeftyes Reigne, annoq Dom. one thoufand fix hundred eighty four, to John Gardner and James Coffin, as Patentees for and on the Behalfe of themfelves and their Affociates the Inhabitants, ffreeholders, their unto, have any Dependency upon, or in any wife bee under ye Rule, Order or Direction of any other Towne or Place, but in all Matters of Governmt fhall be ruled, ordered and directed according to ye Injlruclions I have already given or hereafter fhall give for ye Good and Welfare of ye Inhabitants by ye Advice of my Councell : To have and to hold ye faid Ijland w'h all and Jingular ye Ap purtenances and Premijfes unto ye faid Triftram Coffin and Thomas Macy and their Affociates, their Heyres, Succejfors and AJJignes, to ye proper Ufe and Behoofe of ye faid Trijtram Coffin and Thomas Macy and their AJfociates, their Heyres, Suc cejfors and AJJignes, forever. The Tenure of ye faid Ijland Land and Premifes to be according to ye Cujlome of ye Mannor of Eajt Greenwich in ye County of Kent in England, in free and common Soccage, and by fFealty only, they ye faid Patentees and their AJfociates, their Heyres, SucceJ]ors and AJignes, yielding rendering and paying, yearly and every Yeare, unto his Royall Highnefs ye Duke of Yorke, his Heyres and AJJignes, or to fuch Governor or Governors as from Time to Time fhall bee by him constituted and appointed as an Acknowledgment foure Barrells of good merchantable Cod fifh to be delivered at ye Bridge in this City. Given under my Hand, and Sealed w& ye Seale of ye Pro vince, at ffort James in New Yorke, on ye Ijland of Manhattans, this 28th Day of June, in ye 23d Yeare of ye Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles y* Second, by ye Grace of God King of England, Scotland, ffrance and Ireland, Defender of ye fFaith, &c. : and in ye Yeare of C Lord God 1671. Francis Lovelace. A Patent fomewhat like this was at the fame Time granted to Tuck anuckett Ifland. L !32 ] Heires, Succeffors and Affignes, that is to fay, fo much as hath by them been purchafed ; together with all the Lands, Soyles, Woods, Meadows, Paftures,Marffies, Lakes, Waters, Fiffiing, Hawking, Hunting and Fowling, and all other Profitts, Com- modityes, Emoluments and Hereditaments, to the faid Ifland belonging, or in any Wife appertaining, (Royall Mines, Whaledrifts and Wrecks excepted,) and the faid Ifland and Premifes was to be held, deemed, reputed, taken, and be, an entire, enfran chized Townffiip, Mannor and Place of itfelfe, and allways, from Time to Time and all Times here after, to have, hold and enjoy like and equall Priviledges with any Towne, enfranchized Place, or Mannor, within this Government, and no Manner of Wayes to be fubordinate, belonging unto, have any dependency upon, or in any Wayes be under the Rule, Order, or Direction of any other Towne or Place. To hold the faid Ifland with all and lingular the Appurtenances unto the faid John Gardner and James Coffin and their Affociates, their Heires, Suc ceffors and Affignes forever, according to the Tenure of Eaft Greenwich in the County of Kent, in his Majeftyes Kingdome of England, yielding, rendering, and paying, yearly and every Yeare, on or before the five and twentieth Day of March, unto his then Royall Highneffe, now his prefent Majefty as afore faid, his Heires, or Succeffors, or to fuch Governor or Governrs as from Time to Time ffiall be confti- tuted and appointed as an Acknowledgement, fix [ x33 ] Kentalls of good merchantable Fiffi, to be delivered in the City of New Yorke, unto fuch Officer or Officers as fhall be conftituted to receive the fame, as by the faid Patent, relacon being thereunto had, may more fully and at large appeare. And whereas there are feverall Tracts or Parcells of Land upon the faid Ifland that have not as yett been purchafed of the native Indian Proprietors, and whereas John Gardner, one of the ffreeholders of faid Ifland, for and on behalfe of himfelfe and his Affociates, the ffreeholders Inhabitants of faid Ifland, hath made Applicacon unto me for a more ample Confirmacon of all and lingular the faid Ifland, and alfo that I would erect the fame into one Townffiip to all Intents and Purpofes, and likewife grant the Liberty and Right of purchaling all the faid unpurchafed Trails or Parcells of Land upon the faid Ifland Nantuckett, from the faid Indian native Proprietors, Now Know Yee, that I the faid Thomas Dongan, by vertue of the Power and Authority unto me derived from his moft facred Majefty aforefaid, and in Purfuance of the fame, for and in Confideracon of the Quitt Rent hereinafter referved, and divers other good and lawful Confideracons me thereunto moving, have given, granted, ratified, releafed and confirmed, and by thefe Prefents do give, grant, ratifye, releafe and confirme unto John Gardner, James Coffin, William Gyer, Peter Coffin, Na thaniel Bernard, Stephen Huffey and John Macy, ffreeholders and Inhabitants of Nantuckett, herein L '34- J erected and made one Body Corporate and Politiq, and willed and determined to be called by the Name of the Truftees of the ffreeholders and Comonalty of the Toune of Sharborn, and their Succeffors all the aforerecited Tracts of Land within the Limitts and Bounds aforefaid, together with all and lingular the Houfes, Meffuages, Tenements, Buildings, Milnes, Milne- Dams, Fences, Enclofures Gardens, Orchards, Fields, Paftures, Woods, Under woods, Trees, Timber, Feedings, Comon of Pafture, Meadows, Marffies, Swamps, Plaines, Rivers, Rivo- letts, Waters, Lakes, Ponds, Brookes, Streames, Beaches, Quarries, Mines, Mineralls, Creeks, Har bours, High wayes and Eafements, Fiffiing, Hawking, Hunting and Fowling, (filver and Gold Mines only excepted,) and all other ffranchizes, Profitts, Com- odityes and Hereditaments whatfoever, to the faid Tracts of Land and Premiffes belonging or in any Wife appurtaining or theirwithall ufed, accepted, reputed or taken to belong, or in any Wife to ap- purtaine to all Intents, Purpofes and Conftruccons, whatfoever, as alfo all and lingular the Rents, Ar rearages of Rents, Iffues and Profitts of the faid Tract of Land and Premifes heretofore due and payable, together with the fole and only Propper Right and Liberty of Purchaling from the Indian Proprietors all that the unpurchafed Tracts or Parcells of Land whatfoever on the faid Ifland as aforefaid : To have and to hold all the beforerecited Tract of Land and Premifes, with their and every of [i35] their Appurtenances, unto the faid John Gardner, James Coffin, William Gyer, Peter Coffin, Nathaniel Barnard, Stephen Huffey and John Macy, Truftees of the ffreeholders and Comonality of the Toune of Sharborn, and their Succeffors forever, to and for the feverall and refpective Ufes following, and to no other Ufes, Intents and Purpofes whatfoever ; that is to fay, as for and concerning all and lingular the feverall and refpective Parcells of Land and Meadow, Part of the granted Premifes in any Wife taken up and appropriated, either by Patent under the Hand of any of his Majeftyes Governrs in this Province, and fealed with the Seale thereof, or by particular Divifions and Allotments before the Day of the Daite hereof, unto the feverall and refpective prefent ffreeholders and Inhabitants of the faid Towne, by vertue of the beforerecited Patent, to the Ufe and Behoofe of the ffreeholders and Inhabitants of the faid Towne by vertue of the beforerecited Patent, to the Ufe and Behoofe of the ffreeholders and Inhabitants reflectively, and to their feverall and refpective Heires and Affignes forever, and as for and concerning all and every fuch Tracts, Parcells of Land, Remainder of the graunted Premiffes not purchafed, taken up and appropriated to any par ticular Perfon or Perfons by vertue of the aforerecited Deed or Patent, to the Ufe and Behoofe of the prefent ffreeholders and Inhabitants, their Heires, Succeffors and Affignes forever, in Proporcon to their feverall and refpective Settlements, Divifions [i36] and Allotments, as Tennants in Common, without any Manner of Lett, Hindrance or Moleftacon, to be had or referved, upon Pretence of joynt Tennancy or Survivorffiip, any Thing contained herein to the Contrary thereof in any Wife notwithftanding. To bee holden of his moft facred Majefty, his Heires and Succeffors, in ffree and comon Soccage, accord ing to the Mannor of Eaft Greenwich, in the County of Kent, within his Majefteys Realme of England ; yielding, rendering and paying therefor, yearly and every Yeare, from henceforth forever, unto our Sovereign Lord the King, his Heires or Succeffors, or to fuch Officer or Officers as fhall be appointed to receive the fame, the fume of one Lamb or two ShiU. Currtl Money of this Province, upon the five and twentieth Day of March, at New Yorke, in full of all Rents and former referved Rents, Services, Acknowledgements and Demands what foever. And ffurther, by vertue of the Power and Authority aforefaid, and for the Reafons above recited, I have willed, determined, declared and granted, and by thefe Prefents do will, determine, declare and grant, that the faid Inhabitants, ffree holders and ffreemen of Sharborn aforefaid, comonly called by the Name of the ffreeholders and Inha bitants of Sharborn, or by whatever Name or Names they are called or named, and their Heires and Succeffors forever henceforward are and fhall be one Body Corporate and Politiq, in Deed and Name, by the Name of the Truftees of the ffree- [ i37 1 holders and Comonalty of the Towne of Sharborn, and them by the Name of the Truftees of the ffree holders and Comonality of the Towne of Sharborn, one Body corporate and politiq, in Deed and Name, I have really and fully, for his faid Majefty, his Heires and Succeffors, erected, made, ordained, conftituted and declaired by thefe Prefents, and that by the fame Name they have Succeffion forever. And that they and their Succeffors by the Name of the Truftees of the ffreeholders and Comonalty of the Towne of Sharborn be and ffiall be forever in future Times, Perfons able and capable in Law to have, perceive, receive, and poffeffe, not only all and lingular the Premifes, but other Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, and all and every other Thing and Things, Act and Acts, to do and execute by the Name aforefaid, and that by the fame Name of the Truftees of the ffreeholders and Comonality of the Toune of Sharborn to plead and be impleaded, anfwer and be anfwered unto, defend and be defended, they are and may be capable, in whatfoever Place and Places, and before whatfoever Judges and Juftices, or other Perfons, Officialls of his fd Majefty, his Heires and Succeffors, in all and all Manner of Accons, Pits, Suits, Complts, Caufes, Matters and Demands, whatfoever, of what Kind, Quality and Species the fame bee and ffiall bee, in Manner and Forme as any other of his Majeftyes Liedge People within this Province can or are able to have, require, receive, poffeffe, enjoy, retaine, give, 18 [i38] grant, releafe, aliene, affigne and difpofe, plead and be impleaded, anfwer and be anfwered unto, defend or be defended, do, permit or execute ; and for the better enabling the Truftees of the ffreeholders and Com onality of the Toune of Sharborne aforefaid, in doing and executing all and lingular the Premifes, I have wflled, granted and determined, and by thefe Pre fents do will, grant and determine, that from hence forward and forever hereafter, the faid Truftees of the ffreeholders and Comonality of the Towne of Shareborn do and may have and ufe a comon Seale, which ffiall ferve to execute the Caufes and Affaires whatfoever of them and their Succeffors; and further I will, and by thefe Prefents on behalfe of his faid Majefty his Heires and Succeffors, that henceforward forevermore there be and ffiall be Truftees of the ffreeholders and Comonality of the Town of Shar born aforefaid, to be chofen and elected as in thefe Prefents hereafter is menconed, who ffiall be called the Truftees of the ffreeholders and Comonality of the Toune of Sharborn, and they and their Succef fors ffiall and may at all convenient Times hereafter upon a Publiq Sumons from any three of the Truftees for the Time being affemble and meet together in the Towne Houfe of the faid Towne, or in fuch other Publiq Place as ffiall be from Time to Time appointed, to make fuch Acts and Orders in Writeing, for the more orderly Doing of the Premifes, as they the faid Truftees of the ffreeholders and Comonality of the Toune of Sharborn aforefaid [ :39 ] and their Succeffors from Time to Time ffiall and may think convenient, fo allways as the fd Acts and Orders be in no Wayes repugnant to the Laws of England and of this Province, which now are or hereafter may be eftabliffied, and that they be not in any Wife againft the true Intent and Meaning of thefe Prefents. And alfo I will, ordaine and determine that all and lingular the aforefaid Acts and Orders, from Time to Time, ffiall be made and ordered by the Vote of the major Part of the faid Truftees of the ffreeholders and Comonality of the Toune of Sharborn aforefaid, or at leaft by the major Part of fuch of them as ffiall from Time to Time affemble and meet together in Manner as aforefaid, fo allwayes as there be not fewer in Number than five of the faid Truftees prefent at fuch Meetings fo to be holden as aforefaid ; and for the better Execu tion of this Grant in this Behalfe, I have affigned, nominated, created, conftituted and made, and by thefe Prefents do affigne, nominate, create, conftitute and make John Gardner, James Coffin, William Gyer, Peter Coffin, Nathaniel Bernard, Stephen Huffey and John Macy, to ftand and be the firft moderne Truftees of the ffreeholders and Comon ality of the Toune of Sharborn, to continue in the aforefaid Office from and after the Dait of thefe Prefents untill the Time that others be elected and chofen in their ftead, according to the Manner and Forme hereinafter expreffed. And moreover I do by thefe Prefents for and in behalfe of his fd Majefty, his L J4o ] Heires and Succeffors, appoint that the Truftees of the ffreeholders and Comonality and Clerke of the Toune of Sharborne aforefaid be yearly chofen on the firft Tuefday of June, yearly, forever, viz1 feven Truftees of the ffreeholders of the Comonality of the Toune of Sharborne, one Clerke, one Conftable, and two Affeffors, in fuch publiq Place as the Truftees for the Time being ffiall appoint and direct, and that the Truftees, Clerk, Conftable and Af feffors be chofen by the Majority of Voices of the ffreeholders and ffreemen of the Toune of Sharborn aforefaid. And whereas there is an Act of the General Affembly of this Province entituled an Act for defraying the publiq and neceffary Charges of each refpective Citty, Towne and County through out this Province, &C.,1 wherein amongft other Things it was enacted and provided that annually and once every Yeare, there ffiould be elected a certaine Number out of each refpective Citty, Towne and County, throughout this Province, to be elected and chofen by the major Part of all the ffreeholders and ffreemen, which certaine Number fo duely elected, ffiall have full Power and Authority to make an Affeffment or certaine Rate within their refpeclive Citties, Townes and Counties, annually and once every Yeare, which Affeffment or certaine Rate fo eftablifhed as aforefaid, ffiould be paid unto a cer taine Treafurer, who ffiould be chofen by the major Part of all the ffreeholders and ffreemen of each refpective Cittie, Towne and County, as aforefaid, i Passed Nov. I, 1683, MSS, Laws ii, 9, Sec. office. [HO and whereas the faid Toune of Sharborn is to be regulated in the Premiffes according to the Tenure and Effect of the aforemenconed Act of Affembly : Now know yee likewife, that I have given, granted, and by thefe Prefents do give and grant, for and on Behalfe of his faid Majefty,his Heires and Succeffors, unto the faid Truftees of the ffreeholders and Com monality of the Towne of Sharborn aforefaid and their Succeffors forever ; that the faid Truftees for the Time being forever ffiall be the Comiconers of the faid Towne, to execute and officiate in the faid Office, to all Intents, Conftruccons and Purpofes whatfoever. And further that the faid Truftees as Comiconers of the faid Towne, ffiall have Power from Time to Time and at all Times hereafter, and by fuch Wayes and Meanes to Levy and Impofe fuch Sume and Sumes of Money as they ffiall think fitt for the Defraying the neceffary and publiq Charge of the faid Towne, and that for the more orderly Doing thereof, they ffiall and may from Time to Time give fuch Directions unto the Af- feffors yearly to be chofen for the faid Towne, how and after what Manner to proceed in their Affeff- ments of fuch Sumes of Money as aforefaid on the Eftates of each of the refpective Inhabitants and ffreeholders of the faid Towne ; and the faid Sumes of Money when fo raifed and payed into the Hands of the Treafurer of the faid Towne as aforefaid, to order the Payment, Difburfement and Difpofall off to fuch Perfons and to and for the [ H2] Ufes aforefaid, in fuch Manner as to them ffiall feem convenient. And laftly, that all and lingular the Acts and Orders of the faid Treafurer in the Premifes, ffiall be certified under the faid Comon Seale, figned by the Prefident of the faid Truftees, (for the Time being,) (who is allwayes to be the firft chofen of the faid Truftees,) or in his Abfence by any other two of the faid Truftees, of which the Treafurer and the Affeffors of the faid Towne for the Time being, and all other Perfons are to take due Notice. To have, hold and enjoy unto the fd Truftees of the ffreeholders and Comonalty of the Towne of Sharborn and their Succeffors forever; yielding and paying therefor unto his faid Majefty, his Heires and Succeffors, on the fd five and twen tieth Day of March yearly forever, the full and juft Sume of three Pounds currant Money of this Pro vince, at New Yorke. Wherefore, by virtue of the Power and Authority aforefd I do will and command for and on Behalfe of his faid Majefty, his Heires and Succeffors, that the aforefaid Truftees of the ffreeholders and Comonalty of the Toune of Shar born and their Succeffors, have, hold, ufe and enjoy, and that they ffiall and may forever have, hold, ufe and enjoy all the Liberties, Authorities, Cuftomes, Orders, Ordinances, ffranchizes, Acquittances, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, Goods and Chattells aforefaid, according to the Tenure and Effect of thefe Prefents, without the Lett or Hindrance of any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever. [H3] In Teftimony whereof I have caufed thefe Pre fents to be recorded in the Secretary's Office, and the Seale of the Province to be hereunto affixed this twenty-feventh Day of June, Anno Dom. 1687, and in the third Yeare of his Ma'tyes Reigne. Thomas Dongan. By Command of his Exc'ye, J. J. SWINTON. May it pleafe yor Excye : The Attorney Gen11 hath perufed this Patent, and finds nothing contained therein prjudiciall to his Majeftyes Intereft. Exam'd the 27th June, 1687. W. NlCOLLS. Att a Councill held at Ffort James in New Yorke, the 27th June, 1687. Prefent : His Excye the Governo1- Major Brockholls, Major Fflipfen, Major Courtlandt, Coll. Bayard, Capt. Palmer. This Patent was approved off. J. J. Swinton, Clk Council. [ H4 ] Order for Delivery of Pirates. [Council Minutes, vi, Reverfe Side, p. iii, Sec. Office.] Governour and CouncUl. Fourtt James, ffryday ye 19 th of Auguft, 1687. Whereas Information has been given to this Board, that certaine Pirates haue bin lately appre hended in the Dukes County, and by Magiftrates of the faid County were committed, and are now detained Prifoners there, it is thereupon thought fitt, and this Day accordingly Ordered, by his Excell'y the Gouvernor by and with the Advice and Confent of the Councill, that all and finguler the Juftices, Sheriffs, Conftables and others, Officers of the faid County, in whofe Cuftody the faid Per fons taken are detained Prifonrs doe forthwith vpon fight of thefe Prefents deliuer the faid Perfons, and every of them, together with what Sloopes or other Veffels, Plate, Silver, Gold, Bullion, Goods and Merchandizes foe ver, wcJl are in the Cuftody of or do belong to the faid Perfons or any of them, into the fafe Cuftody of Enfigne Thomas Sharpe, and be aiding and affisting him in the fecureing and in the Cafe of Efcape of any of the faid Perfons, per- fueing and apprehending them, untill he ffiall haue fafely conveyed them out of the faid County. And it is further Ordered, that the faid Enfigne Thomas [H5] Sharpe doe, after the Receipt of fuch Perfon or Perfons, Veffells, Silver, Gould, Plate, Goods and Marchandizes aforefaid, with all convenient Speed fafely bring them to the Citty of New Yorke, and there deliuer them into the Cuftody of the Sheriffe of the Citty and County of New Yorke. By Command of his ExcelFy: John Knight, D. Sec'y. Council Minutes. [Council Minutes, vi, 114, Sec. Office.] ? At a Councill held at ffortWilliam Henry, the 1 2th of Auguft, 1692. * * * Upon reading a Letter from Majr Mayhew of Martin's Vineyard to Wm Nicolls Efq., fignifying that the Inhabitants of the Iflands in Dukes County are difturbed by fome Warr1 or Order directed to a Conftable, or fome oyr Perfon, from Bofton in New England, as if thefe Iflands were under that Government, to their great Diforder and Confuflon, Their Maties Pleafure being noe ways fignifyed to thofe in authority, how concerning the Surrender of any Part of this Province or Dependencys unto any Perfon whatfoever. Ordered, that the Officers, civil and military, of the faid County, be required, and they are hereby required, to continue in their Obedience to their J9 [H6] Maties Authority, fettled over this their Province, purfuant to their feverall refpective Commiffions, untill further Order. [Council Minutes, vi, 165, Sec. Office.] D At a Council at Fort William Henry the 13th of ffeb., 1692. * * * His Excelly did recommend to the Council to meet this Afternoon to confult of a Letter from Sr William Phips, dated the 2d of January, come to Hand yeftarday, with a printed Copy of the New England Charter,1 and to give him their 1 The following is the Language of the Charter of William and Mary, under which Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard were claimed by the Government of Maffachufetts Bay : " * * * all that Part of New England in America, lying and extending from the Great River commonly called Monomack, alias Merimack, on the north Part, and from three Miles northward of the faid River to the Atlantick or Weflern Sea or Ocean, on the South Part, and all the Lands and Hereditaments whatfoever, lying within the Limits aforefaid, and extending as far as the outermoft Points or Promontories of Land called Cape Cod and Cape Malabar, North and South, and in Latitude, Breadth and Compafs aforefaid, throughout the Main Land there, from the faid Atlantic or Weflern Sea and Ocean, on the Eaft Part, towards the South Sea, or Weflward, and as far as our Colonies of Rhode Ifland and Connecticut, and the Narragapfett Country. And alfo, all that Part and Portion of Main Land, beginning at the Entrance of Pifcataway Harbour, and fo to Pafs up the fame into the River of Ne- wichwannock, and through the fame into the furthered Head thereof, and from thence Northweflward, till one hundred and twenty Miles be finifhed, and from Pifcataway Harbour's Mouth aforefaid, North Eaflward along the Sea Coafl to Sagadahock, and from the Period of one hundred and twenty Miles aforefaid, to crofs over Land to the one hundred and twenty Miles before reckoned up into the Land from Pifcataway Harbour through Newichwannock River, and alfo the North Half of the Ifles of Shoals, together with the Ifles of Capawock and Nantuckett, near Cape Cod aforefaid," &c. — -(Almon's Charters of Brit. Col. of America, p. 10.) [H7] Opinion under their Hands concerning Martha's Vineyard. % At a Council held at ffort William Henry, the 14th of fFeb., 1692. Ordered, the Opinion and Advice of the Council concerning Sr Willm Phips Lre and Martin's Vine yard be entered in the Council Book. Ordered, the Addreffe of the Council to their Maues fetting forth the Circumftances of this Go vernment, be entered in the Council Book. Opinion and Advice of the Council concerning Martin's Vineyard. [Council Minutes, vi, p. 168, Sec. Office.] The Opinion and Advice of the Council concern ing Martin's Vineyard to his Excelly upon his Reference and their Perufall of Sr William Phips Lre and the printed Copy of the New England Charter. New York the 13 th of February, 1692. His Excellency Ben. Fletcher, &c, this Day having recommended to our Confideracon a Letter from Sr William Phips dated the 2d of January laft, come to Hand yefterday with a printed Copy of their Maues Lres Patent for erecting and incorporating the Province of the Maffachufetts Bay, in New England, not attefted concerning Martin's Vineyard, and defired our Advice. [i48] Upon Perufall of the fd printed Copy, having duely confidered the fame, and the Piatt of New England before us, we doe finde that the North Halfe of the Ifles of Shoals oppofite to the Mouth of Pifcataqua River, and the Ifles of Capoag and Nantuckett to the Weflward of Cape Cod, are nominally included in the faid Grant, and in more general Words all Iflands and Ifletts lyeing within tenn Leagues directly oppofite to the Maine Land, within the Bounds of the fd Lres Patents which we are informed are many hundreds. And we are humbly of Opinion that forafmuch as their Maties have afcertained the North Halfe of the Ifles of Shoals to the Maffathufetts Bay, leaving the South Half to the Province of New Hampffiire, thofe Iflands lying dubioufly oppofite to the Province of Main and Hampffiire, and the Iflands of Capoag and Nantuckett to the Maffathufetts Bay, both which are to the weftward of Cape Cod, which is the fouthernmoft Bounds of their Patent, they can have noe Pretences by the fd Lres Patents to Mar tin's Vineyard or any other Ifland to the Weftward of Nantuckett, which we humbly fubmitt and defire yor Excellency will be pleafed to recommend the fame to their Maties by their Secry of State for their Decifion in that Affair. Ffrederyck Philipse, N. Bayard, S. V. Courtlandt, John Lawrence, Chid. Brooke, Gab. Monvill, W. Nicolls. [ H9] Council Minutes. [Council Minutes, vi, 141, Sec. Office.] 2 At a Council held at ffort William Henry the 31th of October, 1692. Prejent : His Excellency Benj. Fletcher Ffred. Philips, Steph. Courtlandt, Nich Bayard, Willm Smith, Chidley Broke, / E(- pr John Lawrence, J ¦"" ' Upon the Reading of Letters from Mr. Mayhew, Juftice of the Peace in Martin's Vineyard in Dukes County, wherein he doth advife his Excellency of the Defection of Gardner and Coffin, two of the Juftices of the Peace in the Ifland of Nantuckett, in the fd Countv from this Government, to that of the Maffathufetts Bay undr Sr William Phipps, and that they of Martin's Vineyard are threatened with Force if they doe not fubmitt to the Authority and Governm1 of Sr Willm Phipps, praying Advice, &c. Whereas there is noe Advice from their Sacred Majeftyes to the Governor and Councill of this Province that they had annexed any Part of this Province to the Maffathufetts Bay, nor hath Sir William Phipps produced any Order or Direccon thereunto, nor made his Excelly the Governor and Council acquainted with any of his Proceedings in this Affair. It is the Opinion of this Board, nemine contradi- cente, that a Letter be fent to Sr Willm Phipps, to L*5o] demand by what Authority he doth claim the Government of Dukes County in this Government, to the great difturbance of the Inhabitants. And that a Letter be fent to Mr. Mayhew, Juftice of the Peace, wherein it be fignified that his Excelly the Governor hath wrote to Sr Willm Phipps to demand by what Warr{ and Authority he doth claime the Government of Dukes County, and to require the faid Mr. Mayhew, with the reft of the Magiftrates there, to maintain and preferve their Maties Peace in the Exercife of the Government, purfuant to their refpective Commiffions, untU further Order. Ordered David Jamifon, Clk of the Councill, doe prepare the fd Letters accordingly. Addrefs to the King. [Council Minutes vi. 169, Sec. Office.] The humble Addreffe of your Majeftyes Council for your Maties Province of New Yorke and Territoryes depending thereon in America. Moft Dread Soveraignes : Wee your Majefties moft dutyfull and loyall Sub jects are called againe by our bounden Duty to lay at your Royall Feet our moft humble and hearty Thanks for that inexpreffible Favour that your Maties have been gracioufly pleafed (in the midft of your moft glorious Defign for the Redemption of [i5H our Nation and yor Ma^ AUyes in Europe from the Tyranny of Ffrance) to regard the meaneft of your Maty's Subjects in this Place by your Royall Commiffion to his Excelly Col. Benjamin Fletcher, yor Maties Captain Generall, our. Governor, who fince his Arrivall in this your Maties Province has, by his prudent Conduct, advanced yor Maties Intereft, vifited the ffrontiers and put them into fuch a Pofture of Security that not only yor Maties Subjects in this, but in our neighbouring Colonyes are hitherto fafe from all Attempts of the Ffrench yor Maties Enemyes, and by other prudent Meafures taken by him he had compofed Differences and reduced all the Subjects into perfect Tranquility, the Poffeffion whereof was not long enjoyed, when fome reftlefs Spirits, not being fatisfyed with that Harmony that was amongft yor Maties Subjefts here, inter rupted our Peace by leffening and reproaching your Maties Government, and ftirring up Sedition amongft fome of yor Majefties Subjects, too eafily led afide. Yor Maties Government by this was likely to fall into new Convulfions, had not the Watchfullneffe of his Excellency and his piercing Judgment foon difcovered the Author,1 a Perfon convicted of 1 Alluding to Abraham Gouverneur. The following Record occurs in Council Minutes, vi, 155, Sec. Office. " % At a Council held at ffort William Henry the 5th of January, 1692- Prefent : His Excell. Ben. Fletcher, Ffred. Philips, Steph. Court- landt, Nich. Bayard, Gab. Monviel, Chid. Brooke, William Nicolls, John Lawrence, Efqs. " His Excellency having produced a Letter from Abraham Governeur, [152] Murder, and only by yor Maties Clemency fett at Large, who had fled to Bofton, and was there countenanced by Sir William Phips ; and tho' his ExceUency hath fent Expreffe for the demand of the Incendiary, yet he peremptorily denied to deliver him, and rather gave him Encouragement, and doth not defift perfuading other Parties equally de- ftructive to your Maties Intereft, as by feizing of Martin's Vineyard, a Member of this Government ever fince its firft Settlement, under yor Maties Crown, tho' it be neither by Name in the Maffa thufetts Charter, nor by yor Maties Command to yor Maties Governor here ordered to be delivered. one of the Prifoners under Sentance of Condemnacon for Murder, whom he had difcharged, dated from Bofton, directed to his Parents, came to Hand by Accident, containing feverall Reflections upon the Government and Words tending to Sedition, which did pafs in a Conference between Sir William Phips and fd Governeur, which Letter had inflamed the late Followers of Leifler, and occafioned fondry private Meetings and infolent Expreffions againft the prefent Government. " The fame was read and interpreted into Englifh. " His Excell. defired the Advice of this Board what may be proper to extinguifh the prefent Flame and Diflurbance occafioned thereby, and to prevent the like for the Future. " The Council are of Opinion and doe advife his Excelly to write to Sir William Phips, and enclofe a Copy thereof, and of the Tranflation, to acquaint him of the evil Confequences that have happened amongft the Difcontented in the Province, being thereby inflamed to Difobedience and Obftinacy after their being well quieted and eafy, and that his Exc'y doe demand Abraham Governeur by an Expreffe to be fent hither. * * * « np^g Council recommend Capt. Thomas Clarke, a Perfon qualified to goe Expreffe to Bofton, to demand Governeur." This violent Perfecution of Leifler's Adherents was foon followed by a Reaction, and the Perfon here denounced as an Incendiary, was in 1701 chofen Speaker of the General Affembly of New York. 1 153] By Reafon whereof your Maties Peace is much dis turbed, the Authority derived from the Crown impaired, and the Strength of this yor Maties Province weakened, which is humbly fubmitted, with our continual Supplicacons to the Divine Magefty for yor Maties long and happy Reigne attended with an irrefiftible Conqueft over all your Maties Enemyes. N. Bayard, W Nicolls, Frederick Flypse, Chid. Brooke, S. V. Courtlandt, G. Mineville, John Lawrence. New York, Feb. the 10 th, 1692. 9 At a Council held at ffbrt William Henry, the 1 7th of March, 1692. Prejent : His Excelly Ben : Fletcher, Ejq. Ffred. Philips, f Chid. Brooke, ) Steph. Courtlandt, > EJqrs. John Lawrence, \ EJqrs. Gab. Monvielle, ) Caleb Heathcote, ) His Excelly did fignify the Occafion of his calling the Council together was an Opportunity for Mar tin's Vineyard, did offer his Opinion that it may be proper to fend Mr. Mayhew a Copy of the Cquncels Report upon Sr William Phips Lre and the printed Charter, to lett him know that his layd before their Maties and defire him with the reft that are well affected to the Government to prel'erve the Peace, and act nothing by Sr William Phips Authority 20 [M4] voluntarily, but what ffiall be forced upon him, and from Time to Time as Occafion to fend Account of it hither, which is approved off, and the Council doe advife his Excelly accordingly. INDEX. ^DDRESS to the King, i;o. Admiralty, Decifion of a Court of, 1 1 8. Advice, when improper from a Magiftrate, 46. concerning relinquifhment of Martha's Vineyard, 147. Andros, Governor, Order of for fettling Martha's Vine yard, 62. Note concerning the Family of, 120. Appeal from local Courts, when allowed, 29, 42, 43, 86. of Capt. John Gardner, 112. Attachments, how and when grant ed, 44. T> ARNARD, Robert, a Partner of Intereft of Thos. Barnard, 1 2. Thomas, one of the ten Own ers of Nantucket, 8,11. Beers, Richard, Deed to, and oth ers, 5. Birthday of Duke of York the Be ginning of Governor's Term, at Nantucket, 27. Blockhoufes, Orders concerning, 89. Bofton, Warrant from, 145. Bread may be exported, 34. Brenton Mr., Claims to the Eliza beth Ifles examined, 34. Bunker William, Fac Simile of fignature of, 77. Bye Laws, Order for eftablifhing, 8 5 ("MNNON to be fent to Nantuck- ^ et, 89. Cattle fold to pay a fine, 1 1 6. Charges againft Jofeph Coleman, 123. Charter of New England, Extraft from, 146. Chief Magiftrate of Nantucket : Triftram Coffin, 30. Richard Gardner, 55, 114. Thomas Macy, 114. John Gardner, 116. Chippaquiddick Ifland, Grant of, 7. Coffin James, a Partner of Intereft of Peter Coffin, 12. Peter, one of the ten Owners of Nantucket, 8, 1 1. admits James as Partner of his Intereft, 1 2. chofen Affiftant, 94, 106. Complaint againft, 106. Triftram, Petition from, 60. [i56] Coffin Triftram, one of the ten Owners of Nantucket, 8, n. authorized to tranfaft Bufi- nefs at New York, 24. commiffioned as chief Ma giftrate of Nantucket, 30. Queftions propofed by, 62. Petition and Propofals, 79. Signature, Fac Simile of, 61, 80, 122. Chief Magiftrate of Nan tucket, 114. Decifion of a Court of Ad miralty, 119. Apology and Statement of, 120. Discharge from Judgment of Court, 122. Triftram Jr., a Partner of In tereft of Stephen Green- leaf, 12. Coleman Jof., Charges againft, 123. Cafe of remitted to Court of Affize, 124. admitted to half a Share in Nantucket, 14. Thomas, Fac Simile of Sig nature, 77, 99. Commiffion of Triftram Coffin as Chief Magiftrate of Nan tucket, 30. Richard Gardner as do, 55. John Gardner as Captain, 57. to call Offenders to Account on Martha's Vineyard, &c, 65. for purfuing a Pirate, 124. Conftables to aft as Grand Jurors, 48. Fees of regulated, 49. Penalty for refufing to af fift, 50. Conftable, Penalty for ftriking, 50. Duty of, 86. Contempt of Court, how punifhed, 50. Corn ufed in balloting at Eleftions, 91. Council Minutes, 20, 32, 33, 34, 35, 83, 88, 145, 147, H9. '53- Courts eftablifhed by Council, z8. when and where to be held, 42. Order for eftablifhing, 85. Jurifdiftion of, 86. Irregular Proceedings of, 92. to be accommodated at the public Charge, 117. "T\AGGETT Thomas, Petition yj of, 66. Fac Simile of Signature, 68. Debtors may be fold in certain Cafes, 44. Decifion on Appeal of John Gard ner, 113. of a Court of Admiralty, 118. Deeds of older Date than N. York Patent how regarded, 5 1 64. Defamation, how punifhed, 14. Defection of Magiftrates complain ed of, 149. Difcharge of Triftram Coffin from Sentence of Court, 122. Disfranchifement of Captain John Gardner, 1 1 1 . Diforders during Occupation of N. York by the Dutch, 65. Doggett Jno., Deed to and others, 5. Dongan Gov., Patent of to Nan tucket, 128. Drunkenness, how punifhed, 47. [iS7) JTDGARTON incorporated, 39. Eleftions, irregularities in Pro ceedings of, 91. Elizabeth Ifles, Deed of, 3. Wreck of a VefTel on, 20. Claims to examined, 34. Evidence, when allowed in Writ ing. 45- Excife, complaint of exceffive, 126. pAC Simile of Signatures, of Wm. Bunker, 77. Triftram Coffyn, 61,80,122. Thomas Coleman, 77, 99. Thomas Doggert, 68. Peter Foulger, 98. John Gardner, no, 113. Richard Gardner, 82, 99. Thomas Macy, 77, 82, 103, Matthew Mayhew, 61, 68, 80, m, 117. Thomas Mayhew, 74. Edward Starbuck, yj, 82, 99. William Worth, 77, 94, 130. Feathers fent as a Prefent to the Governor, 58. Fees of Marfhals, 117. of Courts, Jurors and Witneflr es, 44. 45. 46.49- Fences, Towns to eftablifh Rules concerning, 117. Fine of Capt. John Gardner, in, Irregularities in Returns, 1 26. Flour may be exported, 34. Foulger Peter, Sentence concern ing, 115. Foreigners to give Security in Pro- fecutions, 44. Forrett James, Deeds to Thomas Mayhew as Agent of Stir ling, 1, 2. Foulger Peter, Notice of, 81, Foulger Peter, Petition of, 89. Order of Court concerning,94. is imprifoned, 94. relates the Condition and Feel ing of the Indians, 95. an Interpreter to Indians, 96. Fac Simile of Signature, 98. Statement of the Cafe of, 109. French Ship, Wreck of, 1 1 8. ("GARDNER John, receives a ^"^ Seaman's Share in Nan tucket, 17, licenfed to purchafe of Indi ans, 53. commiflioned as Captain of a Foot Company, 57. Letter of to Governor, 103. Sentence of, 1 1 o. Appeal of, 112. Decifion upon Appeal of, 113. Fac Simile of Signature of, no, 113, Order concerning Sentence of, 114. Reception of Governor's Or der, 1 1 5, Property fold to pay Fine of, 116. elected Chief Magiftrate, 116. Jofeph, receives a Tradefman's Share in Nantucket, 15. Complaint againft, 125. Richard, receives a Seaman's Share in Nantucket, 15. licenfed to purchafe of In dians, 53. commiflioned Chief Magif trate of Nantucket, 55. Fac Simile of Signature, 82, gg. General Court to be held, 28, 29. [i58] General Court, Laws eftablifhed by, 42. 1 16. when to meet, 42. Fees regulated, 42. Gorges Ferdinando, Deed from by his Agent Vines, 4. Gouverneur Abraham, Complaint againft, 151. Grand Jurors, who to aft as, 48. Greenleaf Stephen, one of the ten Owners of Nantucket, 8, 1 1. admits Triftram Coffin Jr. as Partner of his Intereft, 12. U ALL Capt. Richard, and Oth ers, to hold a Court of Admiralty, 118. Hides faved from a Wreck, 118. Holland Nath'l, receives a Trades man's Share in Nantuck et, 16. Huffey Chriftopher, one of the ten Owners of Nantucket, 8, 1 1. admits Robert Pyke as Partner of his Intereft, 12. Stephen, Petition of, 125. IMPRISONMENT for Debt, when allowed, 43, 44. Indians, how governed, 29, 36, 39. Conftables to be appointed among, 29. requefted to attend at New York, 40. • Trade with reftrifted. 48, 87, 89. prohibited from purchafing Liquors, 46. when allowed to appeal, 50. Numbers and relative Strength of, 88. Indians complain of Treatment of Peter Foulger, 95, 96. Abufes in Trade with, 100. Influence of Liquor with, 101. Trade in Powder with, 102. Wars, Notice of, 103, Difturbanccs among, 107. Deed of Nantucket, 18. Purchafes, Licenfes for, 37. Names : Nantican, 4. Capawock, 4, 146, 148. Tawanquatick, 6, 7. Chappaquiddick, 6, 7. Tequoncman, 6, 7. Mafquetuck, 8, 9. Monomack, 146. Nafhayte, 8. Newichwannock, 146. Tuckanucket, 10, 27, 57. Wanackmamack, I o, 1 8, 1 9. Wiaquittaquay, 18. Manamoy, 18. Poquomock, 18. Sagadahock, 146. Inftruftions for the Government of Martha's Vineyard, 38. additional for Nantucket, 5 1 . eftablifhing Courts and Bye Laws, 85. Intcftate Eftatcs how fettled, 46. Ifle of Wight, No-Man's-Land thus called, 32. JUDGMENTS when entered,4S J Jurifdiftion of Courts in civil and criminal Cafes, 29. local Courts extended, 53. Juries, when to be allowed, 43. Jury may be ordered, 1 1 7. Copy of the Panel detained, 12S. [i59] TZNAPTON, Capt. Csfar, to hold a Court of Admi ralty, 1 1 8. T AWS of Nantucket and Mar- ¦^ tha's Vineyard, 42, 116. appointed at General Court, 116. of England to be obferved, 28. when to be followed, 5 1 . Court may eftablifh local, 28. Lands to be improved, 87. Letter of Gov. Lovelace to Tho mas Mayhew, 21. of Attorney for Triftram Cof fin, 24. of Attorney for Thomas Ma cy, 25. from Gov. Lovelace to Gov. of New Plymouth, 41. from Secretary of New York to Inhabitants of Nan tucket, 58. from Thos. Mayhew to Gov. Andros, 68. of Thomas Macy to Gov ernor, 99. of John Gardner to Govern or, 103. Licenfes for felling Liquors, how granted, 47. Liquors to be withheld from In dians, 46. Penalty for felling to Indians, 47- Reftriftions upon Traffic, 47. Traffic with Indians 100, 101. exceffive Excife upon com plained of, I 26. Lovelace Gov., Letter of to Thos. Mayhew, 21. Letter of to Governor of New Plymouth, 41. Lovelace Gov., Commiffion from to Triftram Coffin in Nan tucket, 30. TV/TACY Thomas, one of the ten Owners of Nantucket, 8, 11. admits Edward Starbuck as Partner of his Intereft, 12. receives a Tradefman's Share in Nantucket, 15. authorized to tranfaft Bufinefs at New York, 25. Fac Simile of Signatures of, 77, 82, 103. Thomas, change in Politics of, 92, 105. Letter of to Governor, 99. Petition and Propofals of, 79- Chief Magiftrate of Nan tucket, 1 1 4. Magiftrates, when improper for to give Advice, 46. Maintenance, Charge_of, 127. Marfhals, Fees of, 1 1 7. Martha's Vineyard, Deed of, 3. Names of Perfons owning in, 6. Grant of a Townfhip on, 7. Government of, 35. Thomas Mayhew to be Gov ernor of for Life, 37. Inftruftions for Government of, 38. Tilbury Manor erefted, 39. Council Minutes concerning, 32> 33- Government of eftablifhed, 33, 34- Laws appointed by General Court at, 1 16. Commiffion to call Offenders to Account on, 65. [i6o] Martha's Vineyard, Surrender of to Maffachufetts oppofed, '45, H9, »S2- Mather Cotton, Notice of Peter Foulger by, 89. Mayhew Matthew, attends before the Governor and Coun cil at New York, 21. to be paid on Account of Right to Elizabeth Ifles, 34- appointed Colleftor at Mar tha's Vineyard, 37. Fac Simile of Signature, 61, 68, 80, in, 117, 122. Cjueftions propofed by, 62. Petitions from, 60, 66. Thomas, Deeds from James Forrett, 1, 2. Deed from Rich'd Vines, 4. Deed to Parties on Martha's Vineyard, 5. Deed from of Nantucket to nine Purchafers, 8. Deed from of Tuckanucket Ifland, 10. . requefted to appear before the Governor at New York, 20, 21. appointed Governor ofMar- tha's Vineyard for Life, •S9 'Li 'Si 'H Claim to Elizabeth Ifles ex amined, 34. Anfwer to Propofals of, 35. commiffioned as Chief Ma giftrate of Martha's Vine yard for Life, 37.' inflrufted in Government of Martha's Vineyard, 38. recommended to Governor of New Plymouth, 41. Mayhew Thomas, Fac Simile of • Signature, 74. Letter to Gov. Andros, 68. Lift of Defcendants of, 74. Military Appointments, how to con tinue, 52. Mines, royal referved in Patent, 132, '34- Mufkets fent to Nantucket, &c, 88. XTANTUCKET, Deed of. 1. Deed to nine Purchafers, 8. feveral Grants and Difpofals of Land on, 1 1. ten other Perfons admitted to an Intereft in, 12. ten Tradefmen and Seamen admitted to an Intereft in, 12. Lots to be furveyed, 12, 13. "William Worth admitted to half a Share, 13, 15. Jofeph Coleman admitted to half a Share, 14. Thos. Macy receives a Tradef- man's Share, 15. Richard Gardner receives a Seaman's Share, 15. Jofeph Gardner receives a Tradcfman's Share, 15. Nathaniel Holland receives a Tradcfman's Share, 16. John Gardner receives a Sea man's Share, 17. Indian Deed of, 18. Propofals from Inhabitants for fettling the Government 2 c Anfwer of Council to thefe Propofals, 27. Courts, Jurifdiftion, &c. 2g 29. '' ' Lifts of Inhabitants ond Can didates to be returned, 30" Li6ij Nantucket, Triftram Coffin Chief Magiftrate of, 30. additional Inftruftions for, 5 1 . to be called Sherborne, 5 1 . Deeds prior to New York Patent invalid, 5 1 . Letter to Inhabitants of, 58. Petition of Inhabitants of, 75. of Magiftrates of, 75,83, 84. Inftruftions for eftablifhing Courts and Bye Laws, 85. Dongan's Patent of, 28. Lovelace's Patent of, 1 29. New England Charters, Extraft from, 146. Nicholls Matthias, Letter of to Nan tucket, 58. No-Man's-Land, Grants and De- cifions of Council con cerning, 31. Notice to Perfons concerned in Nantucket to appear at New York, 23. o RDER concerning Sentence of John Gardner, 114. concerning Sentence of Peter Foulger, 115. for fettling Martha's Vineyard, 62. for Court Records, 93. concerning Gardner and Foul ger, reception of, 115. for Delivery of Pirates, 1 44. DANEL of a Jury detained, 128. Peague, a Girdle of, fent as a Prefent to Governor, 108. Petition of Triftram Coffin and Matthew Mayhew, 60. of Matthew Mayhew and Tho mas Daggett, 66. Petition of Mr. Coffin and Mr. Ma cy, 79- of Inhabitants of Nantucket, 75,83- of Magiftrates of Nantucket, 81. of Peter Foulger, 89. of Stephen Huffey, 125. Philip's Indian War, Notice of, 88,97. Phips Sir William, Letters received from, 146, 147. Orders of to be refuted, 153. Pierce Daniel, Deed to, and oth ers, 5. Pike William, one of the ten Own ers of Nantucket, 8, 11. Pirate, Commiffion for Purfuing, 124. Order for Delivery of, 144. Plymouth New, Letter to Governor of, 41. Powder fent to Nantucket, &c, 88. Trade in with Indians com plained of, 102. Punifhments, how limited in the local Courts, 29. Pyke Robert, a Partner of Intereft of Chriftopher Huffey, 12. QUIT Rent of No-Man's-Land, c^ one Barrel of Codfifh, 32. of Martha's Vineyard, fix Bar rels of Codfifh, two to each Patent, 34. of Tilbury Manor, two Bar rels of Codfifh, 39. of Edgartown, two Barrels of Codfifh, 39. of Nantucket, for two Years paid, 58. 21 [ i6a] T) ECORDS, Order for allowing -^- Searches of, 78. Copy of denied by Clerk, 126. Riot, Charge of, 127. Rum, taken from John Gardner, 107. from Stephen Huffey, 125. C ABBATH. Rules for obferving, ^ 1 17. Sale of the Perfons of Debtors, when allowed, 44. Salvage allowed on Wreck, 1 1 9, 1 20. Saufmares Seigniory, Note concern ing, 120. Sciff James, Depofition of, 123. Seamen admitted to an Intereft in Nantucket, 1 2. Searches of Records authorized, 1 8. Secretary, how paid, 49. Sentence of John Gardner, no. Sewan, Manufacture of to be encour aged, 40. Sherborne, the Town on Nantucket to be thus called, 5 1 . Patent of Town of, 128. Smith Francis, Deed to and others, 5 . John, Deed to and others, 5. Starbuck Edward, a Partner of In tereft of Thos. Macy, 12. Fac Simile of Signature, 77, 82, 99. Nathaniel, Depofition of, 1 23. Subpoenas to fpecify whether the Witnefs is to appear viva voce, 45. Surrender of Martha's Vineyard oppofed, 145, 153. Swayne Richard, one of the ten Owners of Nantucket, 8, 1 1. Thomas, one of the ten Own ers of Nantucket, 8,11. Swearing, how punifhed, 50. T^ENURE of Grants of Nan- -*- tucket, 131, 132. Tifbury Manor granted to Thomas and Matthew Mayhew, 39- Tradefmen admitted to an Intereft in Nantucket, 12. Treafurer to be chofen on each Ifl and, 49. Tuckanucket Ifland, Deed of, 10. joined with Nantucket in Go vernment, 27. Patent, when granted, 131. "VACANCIES in Office, when and how filled, 32. Vines Richard, Deed from as Agent of Sir F. Gorges, 4. V\7"AMPUM, Trade encouraged V and regulated, 40. Watches, Orders concerning, 89. Weights and Meafures regulated, 48. West John, to hold a Court of Ad miralty, 1 1 8. Whale-drifts, &c, referved to the Duke of York, 132. Wheat, not to be exported, 34. Wills, when to be proved, 50. Winchefter Meafures to be Stand ards, 48. Witneffes, Fees of, 45. Worth William, admitted to half a Share in Nantucket, 13,15. Fac Simile of Signature, jj, 94. iz°- Complaint againft, 1 26. charged with Maintenance, 1 27 charged with Riot, 128. ' Wrecks of Veffels, 20, 118. 119, 120. Wreck, Decifion of a Court of Ad miralty concerning, 1 18. referved to Duke of York, 132. 2Ubaniae: In OJictna Joelis Munfell, Anno poji natum Ckriftum, CID ID CCC LVII, Menfe Januari. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 -^§fe #u4 4^rw'- ¦ Wm*i& W. - "t jI ¦"¦ <*