YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY €nalis|) Surnames. CrtfiltsJ) Surnames* AN ESSAY ON FAMILY NOMENCLATUKE, HISTORICAL, ETYMOLOGICAL, AND HUMOROUS ; WITH SEVERAL ILLUSTRATIVE APPENDICES. BY MARK ANTONY LOWER, M.A. Cfjtttf IBtfttum, lEnlargrtJ. IN TWO VOLUMES.— VOL. I. LONDON : JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 4, OLD COMPTON STREET, SOHO SQUARE. MDCCCXLIX. " WHAT'S IN A NAME ?" ' Imago auimi, vnltus., vitse, Nomen est."— -Futeanus. CONTENTS OP VOL. I. PAGE Preface . . . . . vii Chapter I. Of Proper Names of Persons in general . . .1 Chapter II. Of Surnames .... 13 Chapter III. History of English Surnames — Anglo-Saxon Period . 21 Chapter IV. History of English Surnames since the Norman Conquest . 31 Chapter V. Of Local Surnames . . . . .42 Note to Chapter V . . . .92 Chapter VI. ' Of Surnames derived from Occupations and Pursuits . 98 Note to Chapter VI . . . .121 Chapter VII. Of Surnames derived from Dignities and Offices . . 123 VI CONTENTS. PAGE Chapter VIII. Of Surnames derived from Personal and Moral Qualities . 139 Chapter IX. Of Surnames derived from Baptismal Names . . 149 Chapter X. Of Surnames derived from Natural Objects . . 175 Chapter XI. Of Surnames derived from Heraldric Charges and from Traders' Signs . . . . .192 Chapter XII. Of Surnames derived from the Social Relations, Periods of Time, Age, &c. &e. . . . . 212 Chapter XIII. Of Surnames indicative of Contempt and Ridicule . . 220 Chapter XIV. Of Surnames derived from the Virtues, &c. . . 228 Chapter XV. Of Surnames derived from Oaths and Exclamations . . 237 Chapter XVI. Of Surnames originally Sobriquets . 240 Chapter XVII. Surnominal Puns 244 ¦^ F the oft-quoted sentiment of Te rence — " Homo sum ; humani nihil a me alienum puto," which drew down thunders of applause from the auditories of antient times, be equally deserving of respect in our own ; and if the assertion of Puteanus be true, that, "Sine Nomine, Homo non est,"* — that the name is essential to the man, — few apologies will be necessary for the publication of the following Prolusions, whose design is to illustrate the personal and generic nomenclature of an impor tant and influential section of the human race. The utilitarian, it is true, may regard my labours as of little value, and put in a ' Cui bono ?' but my reply to him shall be a brief one. — "Whatever * Diatr. De Erycio. Vlll PREFACE. serves to gratify a laudable, or even a merely harm less, curiosity, is useful, and therefore not to be despised." That a curiosity as to the origin of proper names, and particularly of surnames, has prevailed to some extent is certain, from the number of literary men in England who have written (however slightly and unsatisfactorily) upon the subject, within the last three centuries ; and that it still prevails is shown by the fact that since I undertook, a few years ago, more fully to illustrate the history and signification of our Family Names, scarcely a single week has passed without my receiving communications on the subject, both from literary friends, and from total strangers, unconnected with literature. Hundreds of letters from all parts of this country, from Scot land, Wales, Ireland, France, Belgium, and America, convince me, at least, that the inquiry is not devoid of interest, while at the same time they afford a flattering testimony that my investigations have been well received and appreciated. The history of proper names not only affords a very curious chapter for the etymologist, but also illustrates the progress of society, and throws much light upon the customs and pursuits of departed ages. With regard to English Surnames, there are two circumstances which demand remark in this Preface: namely, their great variety, and their extraordinary number. PREFACE. IX That they should exhibit the former feature is not surprising, since, in the words of an eminent anti quary,* " we have borrowed names from everything both good and bad." As this variety will fully develope itself in the respective chapters of the pre sent Essay, I shall merely insert here, by way of proof, two or three hsts of the surnames occurring among many others, in some of our public bodies. The first is from the humorous ' Heraldic Anomalies' of Dr. Nares : " I have seen what was called an ' Inventory of the Stock Exchange Articles,' to be seen there every day (Sundays and holidays excepted) from ten till four o'clock. " A Raven, a Nightingale, two Daws and a Swift. APlightandaEall!Two Eoxes, a Wolf and two Shepherds. A Taylor, a Collier, a Mason, and a Tanner. Three Turners, four Smiths, three Wheelers. Two Barbers, a Paynter, a Cook, a Potter, and five Coopers. Two Greens, four Browns, and two Greys. A Pilgrim, a King, a Chapel, a Chaplain, a Parson, three Clerks, and a Pope. Three Baileys, two Dunns, a , and a Hussey ! A Hill, a Dale, and two Eields. A Rose, two Budds, a Cherry, a Elower, two Vines, a Birch, a Eearn, and two Peppercorns. A Steel, two Bells, a Pulley, and two Bannisters. " Of towns : Sheffield, Dover, Lancaster, Wakefield, and Ross. Of things : Barnes, Wood, Coles, Staples, Mills, Pickles, and, in fine, * Camden, X PREFACE. " Our House of Commons has at different and no very distant times numbered amongst its members — A Fox, A Hare, A Rooke, Two Drakes, A Pinch, Two Martins, Three Cocks, A Hart, Two Herons, Two Lambs, A Leach, A Swan, Two Bakers, Two Taylors, A Turner, A Plummer, A Miller, A Parmer, A Cooper, An Ahbot, A Falconer, Nine Smiths ! ! ! A Porter, Three Pitts, Two Hills, Two Woods, An Orchard, and a Bame, Two Lemons with One Peel ! Two Roses, One Eord, Two Brookes, One Flood and yet but one Pish ! A Forester, an Ambler, a Hunter, and only One Ryder. " But what is the most surprising and melancholy thing of all, it has never had more than one Christian belonging to it, and at present is without any !" From many other pieces of humour of the same kind I select the two following. The first is an impromptu occasioned by the proposed elevation of Alderman Wood to the office of Lord Mayor, some years since : " In choice of Mayors 'twill be confest, Our citizens are prone to jest : Of late a gentle Mower they tried, November came, and check'd its pride. A Hunter next on palfrey grey Proudly pranced his year away. They next, good order's foes to scare, Placed Birch upon the civic chair. Alas ! this year, 'tis understood, They mean to make a Mayor of Wood .'" PREFACE. XI The next is from a Methodist Almanack pub lished three or four years since, and is entitled ' Wesleyan Worthies, or Ministerial Misnomers.' " If ' union is strength,' or if aught's in a name, The Wesleyan Connexion importance may claim ; For where is another — or Church, or communion — That equals the following pastoral union : A Dean and a Deakin, a Noble, a Squire, An Officer, Constable, Sargeaut, and Cryer, A Collier, a Carter, a Turner, a Tayler, A Barber, a Baker, a Miller, a Naylor, . A Walker, a Wheeler, a Waller, a Ridler, A Fisher, a Slater, a Harpur, a Fidler, A Pinder, a Palmer, a Shepherd, and Crook, A Smith, and a Mason, a Carver, and Cook ; An Abbott, an Usher, a Batcheler Gay, A Marshall, a Steward, a Knight, and a Day, A Meyer, an Alde-mann, Burgess, and Ward, A Wiseman, a Trueman, a Freeman, a Guard, A Bowman, a Cheeseman, a Colman, with Slack, A Britten, a Savage, a White, and a Black, French, English, and Scots— North, Southeme, and West, Meek, Moody, and Meysey, Wilde, Giddy, and Best, Brown, Hardy, and Ironsides, Manly, and Strong, Lowe, Little, and Talboys, Frank, Pretty, and Young, With Garretts, and Chambers, Halls, Temple, and Flowers, Groves ,Brooks, Banks, and Levells, Parkes, Orchards, and Bowers, Woods, Warrens, and Burrows, Cloughs, Marshes, and Moss, A Vine, and a Garner, a Crozier, and Cross ; Furze, Hedges, and Hollis, a Broomfield, and Moor, Drake, Partridge, and Woodcock — a Beach, and a Shoar, Ash, Crabtree, and Hawthorn, Peach, Lemmon, and Box, A Lyon, a Badger, a Wolfe, and a Fox, Fish, Hare, Kidd, and Roebuck, a Steer, and a Ray, Cox, Ca'ts, and a Talbot, Strawe, Cattle, and Hay, Xll PREFACE. Dawes, Nightingales, Buntings, and Martins, aRowe, With Bustard, and Robin, Dove, Swallow, and Crowe, Ham, Bacon, and Butters, Salt, Pickles, and Rice, A Draper, and Chapman, Booths, Byers, and Price, Sharp, Sheers, Cutting, Smallwood, a Cubitt, and Rule, Stones, Gravel, and Cannell, Clay, Potts, and a Poole, A Page, and a Beard, with Coates and a Button, A Webb, and a Cap — Lindsay, Woolsey, and Cotton, A Cloake, and a Satchell, a Snowball, and Raine, A Leech, and a Bolus, a Smart, and a Payne, A Stamp, and a Jewel, a Hill, and a Hole, A Peck, and a Possnet, a Slug, and a Mole, A Horn, and a Hunt, with a Bond, and a Barr, A Hussey, and Wedlock, a Driver, and Carr, A Cooper, and Adshead, a Bird, and a Fowler, A Key, and a Castle, a Bell, and a Towler, A Tarr, and a Shipman, with Quickfoot, and Toase, A Leek, and a Lilly, a Green, Budd, and Bowes, A Creed, and a Sunday, a Cousen, a Lord, A Dunn, and a Bailey, a Squarebridge, and Ford, A No-all, and Doolittle — Hopewell, and Sleep, And Kirks, Clarkes, and Parsons, a Grose, and a Heap, With many such worthies, and others sublimer, Including a Homer, a Pope, and A RHYMER." If English Surnames are remarkable for their variety, they are no less so for their number. How great the latter may be, it would be a hopeless task to attempt to ascertain : it is sufficient to say with the Rev. Mark Noble, that " it is almost beyond belief." A friend of that gentleman " amused him self with collecting all such as began with the letter A : they amounted to more than one thousand five hundred. It is well known that some letters of the alphabet are initials to more surnames than A : PREFACE. xiii allowing for others which have not so many, the whole number will be between thirty and forty thousand !" * The Rev. E. Duke, in his valuable and extremely curious ' ®alle of SiOfjlt lalle,' starts the ques tion, " whether the English nomenclature is or is not on the increase?" and he decides that, not withstanding many of the older surnames become extinct every century,f it is still on the increase, * Hist. Coll. Arms, Prelim. Dissertation. My late learned and highly esteemed correspondent E. J. Vernon, Esq. B.A., in some strictures on the second edition of this work, published in the Literary Gazette, ex presses a doubt as to this estimate. He says the surnames derived " from Christian and Anglo-Saxon names and their modifications, amount to about 700 ; names from trades and offices, &c. to between 300 and 400 ; and 500 may be allowed for the other smaller classes ; making in all 1500 or 1600. If now we keep to the random, but we think most ample, guess, of as many thousand local surnames, the total, which may be called between 15,000 and 20,000, will, we think, be much nearer the mark than Mr. Noble's estimate of ' between 30,000 and 40,000.' " I must beg, however, to state my conviction of the correctness of this esti mate, or rather assert its falling short of the truth. There are thousands of names borrowed from places which are almost limited to the localities which gave them birth, and which would consequently elude the notice of the name-hunter, unless he penetrated into every nook and corner of the kingdom. There are more than 10,000 parishes in England ; and topo graphical antiquaries will bear me out in the assertion, that a single parish often comprises six, ten, or even more manors, hamlets, and other sub divisions, each of which has surnamed its family. Besides, Mr. Noble's calculation is formed upon a basis which would rather fall short of, than exceed, the truth. f I am disposed to doubt the utter extinction of any name, when it has once become widely spread. Families, it is true, may fail iff the elder or wealthier line, and female heirs convey property into other names ; but in an overwhelming majority of cases there are descendants of other lines of the family left, and these often ramify and spread extensively in a more XIV PREFACE. and he accounts for this singular fact, by the fol lowing arguments: " Some [names] originated from the influx of foreigners caused by royal marriages — by refuge from persecutions — by expatriations arising from revolutions — by the settlement of alien manu facturers ; and the names of many of these have often been altered and anglicised, and then' pos terity have in the bearing thereof become as genuine Englishmen. At other times fictitious names have started up and been perpetuated within our own country, from their adoption, in the removal from one part of the kingdom to another, by the criminal and by the insolvent. Another increment of names arises perhaps from the occasional settlement here of Americans and West Indians ; for it is a certain* and curious fact that although America was JH(K nally peopled from this country, yet it varies very * essentially in its nomenclature from that^ of Eng. land."* Our great antiquary, the illustrious Camden, was among the first who paid any considerable attention plebeian grade. Hundreds of our old patrician names have survived the wreck of that greatness with which they were once invested. Why, the illustrious names inscribed on the famous Battel-Abbey Roll nearly all exist at this day, after a lapse of eight centuries, if not in the peerage, at least in the cottages of the poor, and often disguised in an orthography which almost -defies identification. The reader will find this subject more fully discussed hereafter. * Vol. I, Notes, p. 404. One reason, among others, that might he assigned for this dissimilarity, is the large intermixture of Dutch. German and French families with those of English extraction. PREFACE. XV to the subject of English Surnames. He has an amusing and learned chapter on the subject in his ' Remaines/ occupying, in an early edition, about forty- eight pages of that work. This forms the basis of all that can be said on English family names. After Camden comes Verstegan, who, though less accurate in his knowledge of the sub ject, gives many useful hints which serve greatly for the purpose of amplification. Among more recent writers, four clergymen, the Rev. Dr. Pegge, the Rev. Mark Noble, the Rev. E. Duke, and the Rev. G. Oliver, have each added something new in illustration of the subject. It seems that various other antiquaries, whose productions have never seen the light, have been labourers in the same field. In Collet's ' Relics of Literature,' 1823, it is stated that, " Mr. Cole, the antiquary, was very industrious in collecting names, and in one of his volumes of MSS. he says, he had the intention, some time or other, of making a list of such as were more particularly striking and odd, in order to form the foundation of an Essay upon the subject. A friend of the present writer has gone much farther, and has collected several thousand rare names, which he has partly classified." The late Mr. Haslewood also appears to have done something of the same kind. He had a most extensive collection, which was disposed of at the sale of his library, but which I have not been able to trace to its final destination. XVI PREFACE. There are two manuscripts on Surnames in the Harleian collection. The first, No. 4056, < Origin of Surnames,' is loosely written upon seven pages; It is a mere abstract from Camden, with scarcely anything additional, except a paragraph in which the writer differs from that author (as it will be seen that I also do), with respect to the precise date of the introduction of Surnames into England. The second MS. No. 4630, ' The original or begin ning of Surnames,' is likewise from Camden, and has only a single original paragraph : of this I have availed myself at the proper place. Both MSS. form only portions of the volumes in which they occur. Some years since, the Rev. George Oliver, of Grimsby, announced that he was preparing for the press a work on Surnames. This intention has not, I believe, been carried into effect. Judging from his able communication on the subject to the ' Gentleman's Magazine,'* we cannot but regret the abandonment of his design. From that communi cation I shall take the liberty of making an extract, which, while it expresses precisely my own views,. will also serve as an apology for any incorrect con clusions I may have arrived at in the course of these volumes. "To account for, and accurately to class the whole circle of Surnames which at present abound * For 1830, i, 298. PREFACE. XVU in the world, would probably exceed the capacity of the most talented individual, unless his whole and undivided attention were devoted to its study and developement ; and it is to be feared that the effect might appear greatly disproportionate to the means employed. In this respect the theory of surnames bears an affinity to the doctrine of fluxions, without the advantage of equal utility ; for as a knowledge of algebra, geometry, logarithms, and infinite series, is equally and indispensably necessary to a right understanding of fluxions ; so, to enter fully into the theory of surnames, an intimate acquaintance with history and antiquities, — dead and living lan guages, — the state of society and manners in all ages and nations, — localities and peculiarities, — national and family connexions, — the passions and prejudices of human nature, — the cant words and technical phrases of every description of men, — is absolutely essential ; else the anxious theorist will be at a loss to comprehend the origin of many un couth names, or the relation they bear to each other, diversified as they are by a succession of shades and tints which are almost imperceptible ; and he will find it difficult to determine with undeviating accuracy whether many of the names he investi gates be primitive, derivative, or contingent ; or to trace them through all the devious and uncertain etymologies in which they are imbedded and en twined." XV1U PREFACE. Having thus mentioned what my predecessors have done, it may be expected that I should give some account of my own humble labours. But as they are before the reader, I shall content myself with bor rowing the words of Verstegan : " Because men are naturally desirous to know as much as they may, and' are much pleased to understand of their own offspring [descent] which by their Surnames may well be dis cerned, if they be Surnames of continuance, I have, herein, as near as I can, endeavoured myself to give the courteous reader satisfaction." And, as I have been actuated by this desire, I deem it but justice to myself to state, that if I have assigned to any name a meaning that is little compli mentary to the persons who happen to bear it, it has been the farthest from my intention to insult their feelings. So little has this been my wish or my endea vour, that I have, on the contrary, made it one of my chief objects to investigate the etymology of many names which have generally been considered to imply something low or disgraceful, and have proved, satis factorily I trust, that they mean nothing that their possessors have the slightest reason to be ashamed of. Thus, while I have "filched" no one of his "good name," I have, I hope, been so happy as to make many a person upon better terms with his own appel lative — which he may hitherto have considered (etymologically) anything but a good one— than he has ever been before. PREFACE. XIX After all, "What's in a name?" "for neither the good names do grace the bad, neither doe evill names disgrace the good. If names are to be accounted good or bad, in all countries both good and bad haue bin of the same Surnames which as they participate one with the other in glory, so sometimes in shame. Therefore for ancestors, parentage, and names, as Seneca said, let every man say, Vix ea nostra voco. Time hath intermingled and confused all, and wee are come all to this present by successive variable descents from high and low ; or as hee saith more plainely, the low are descended from the high, and, contrariwise, the high from the low."* The present Edition of this work contains nearly three times as much matter as the first, and about double that of the second. The general arrangement is nearly that of the former editions, but every chapter has been materially enlarged, and several new chap ters have been added. These additions, coupled with the rejection of whatever hypotheses formerly ad vanced I have found untenable, almost constitute the present edition a new work. Proceeding upon the principle — "facile est inventis addere," my 'lyttel boke' has become a somewhat large one— the largest, * Camden. XX PREFACE. I think I may say, that has yet appeared upon the subject of proper names. It is also the only one of any considerable extent exclusively devoted to family nomenclature. This extension will explain itself to those readers who have honoured my former editions with a perusal. I have not forgotten the venerable adage, that ' a great book is a great evil ;' but the continual occurrence of names heretofore unknown or unno ticed, and the extensive correspondence before alluded to, have almost inevitably conduced to this result. That my additional lucubrations may meet with the same indulgent reception as the former ones have done, is all that I can reasonably expect or desire. I cannot but anticipate disappointment, on the part of numerous readers, at the non-appearance of their names in these volumes. The immense scope of the subject must be my only apology. A vast multitude of names must necessarily have escaped my notice, and a large number have baffled all attempts on my part to give a reasonable account of their origin. Although it is quite true that " he teaches well who teaches all," yet is the sentiment of the Greek philosopher* no less so : " As it is the commendation of a good huntsman to find game in a wide wood, so it is no imputation if he hath not caught all." * Plato. PREFACE. xxi In conclusion ; I should be guilty of great ingra titude, were I to omit to offer my sincerest thanks to those gentlemen who have rendered me valuable assistance in the production of these volumes. And first, my special acknowledgments are due to my intelligent and worthy publisher, Mr. John Russell Smith, who has spared no pains in placing within my reach many valuable works, to which I could not otherwise have had convenient access. To Charles Clark, Esq., of Great-Totham Hall, I am indebted for a list of upwards of 1500 of the most singular surnames in existence, which were collected by that gentleman, and with many of which this publication is enriched. The reference to the two manuscripts in the British Museum I owe to the Rev. George C. Tomlinson, rector of Staughton in Huntingdonshire, whose polite and unsolicited kindness entitles him to my warmest acknowledgments. Thus much as regards the original edition, which; on its publication in 1842, immediately attracted the attention of those directors of the public taste, the Reviewers, whose notices of my humble performance were, upon the whole, most flattering. My thanks are especially due to the conductors of the ' Literary Gazette' for the handsome manner in which they threw open the columns of their valuable Journal, in ten or twelve of its numbers, to the discussion of the subject of this volume. The letters bearing the signature of B. A. Oxon. were of a peculiarly in- XXU PREFACE. teresting character, and I was fortunately enabled to open a correspondence with the author, E. J, Vernon, Esq., a gentleman of extensive erudition and etymological skill. To him, as a trifling ex pression of my sense of the value of his communi cations, I had the pleasure of dedicating the second edition. With him I took much ' sweet counsel' upon the subject of our mutual researches, but alas! that remorseless Tyrant, who regards neither youth, nor virtue, nor talents, proved both the falsity and the truth of his own ambiguous motto — cVER-non semper viret' — and laid him low ere yet he had reached the summer of his days. He died in July, 1847, after a brief illness ; and in him society has lost a member of unspeakable worth, and the world of letters a most promising labourer.* To the Reverend Stephen Isaacson, M.A., I am greatly indebted, both for numerous anecdotes and suggestions, and for copious lists of surnames of remarkable character. I have likewise received considerable aid from the Reverend F. O. Morris, M. A., vicar of Nafferton, who has furnished me with several lists of names. George Monkxand, Esq., of Bath, forwarded me a highly curious classified list of surnames made, * His only published work is ' A Guide to the Anglo-Saxon Tongue' (London, 1846), one of the best treatises of the kind extant; hut I can state that he was engaged for the last two or three years of his life iu collecting materials for one or more volumes of a philological character. PREFACE. xxm like the others, with the most scrupulous attention to their authenticity. Of all these I have largely availed myself. Further names and illustrations have also been obligingly contributed by J. 0. Halliwell, Esq., F.R.S., F.S.A.; R. Almack, Esq., F.S.A., of Melford; E. Pretty, Esq., of Northampton; W. H. Blaauw, Esq., M.A., &c. ; Jabez Allies, Esq., F.S.A.; Clement Ferguson, Esq., of Dublin; North Ludlow Beamish, Esq., F.R.S., &c. of Cork; Miss Twynam; John Sykes, Esq., of Doncaster; J. H. Fennell, Esq., &c. &c. «&c. The Hon. and Rev. C. W. Bradley, M.A., of Connecticut, U. S., most politely transmitted me a copy of his privately-printed bro chure mentioned below. The following works have been consulted : Camden's "Remaines concerning Britaine, but especially England, and the Inhabitants thereof. The third Impression." Printed in 1623. Verstegan's " Restitution of decayed Intelligence in Antiquities con cerning Our Nation." 1605. The AechjEOLogia of the Society of Antiquaries, vol. xviii, pp. 105- 111, " Remarks on the Antiquity and Introduction of Surnames into England. By James H. Markland, Esq. F.S.A." 1813. "Peoltjsiones Histokic.3!, or the Halle of John Halle; by the Rev. Edward Duke, M.A., E.S.A., &c." Vol. I, Essay I. "A Histoky of the College on? Arms; with a Preliminary Dis sertation relative to the different Orders in England since the Norman Conquest. By the Rev. Mark Noble, P.A.S. of L. and E., Rector of Banning in Kent, &c." 1801. XXIV PREFACE. "The Gentleman's Magazine," 1772. Several Essays, by Dr. Pegge, under the signature of T. Row (The Rector of Whittington) ; and many subsequent volumes of the same periodical. "A Dissertation on the Names of Persons. By J. H. Brady." 12mo. London, 1822. With numerous manuscript additions by an unknown hand. " Ctjrialia Miscellanea, or Anecdotes of Old Times. By Samuel Pegge, Esq., E.S.A." 1818. " The Stranger in America. By E. H. Lieber." " An English Dictionary By N. Bailey (piKoXoyog." 9th Edit. 1740. "Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary." "Buchanan on Antient Scottish Surnames [or Clans."]— Reprint. 1820. "Blount's Law Dictionary." "Talbot's English Etymologies." 1847. 8vo. "Patronomatology, an Essay on the Philosophy of Surnames. By C. W. Bradley, M. A., Rector of Christchurch, Connecticut." Baltimore, 1842. Pp. 16, 8vo. "The Irish Penny Journal." Dublin, 1841. A series of six articles on the 'Origin and Meanings of Irish Eamily Names.' By Mr. John O'Donovan. P. 326 et seq. "Bosworth's Anglo-Saxon Dictionary." New edition. "Essai HiSTORiauE et Philosophique sur les Noms d'Hommes;,, de Peuples, et de Lieux, &c. Par Eusebe Salverte." Two vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824. " Traite de l'Origine des Noms et des Surnoms. Par G. A. de la Roque." Paris, 1681. "On the Names, Surnames, and Nicknames of the Anglo- Saxons. By J. M. Bumble, Esq." 8vo, pp. 22. 1846. "A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, &c. By J. 0. Halliwell, Esq., E.R.S." Two vols. 8vo. 1847. " Three Letters on Norman Proper Names. By M. de Gerville." In * Memoires de la Soc. des Antiquaires de Normandie,' vol. xiii, p. 265 et seq. Lewes, March, 1849. AN ESSAY ENGLISH SURNAMES. CHAPTER I. OF PROPER NAMES OF PERSONS IN GENERAL. " Notre nom propre c'est nous-memes." TJR proper name (observes the learned and elegant Salverte) is ourself — in our thoughts, and in the thoughts of those who know us ; and nothing can separate it from our existence. A name, however apparently insignificant, instantly recalls to our remembrance the man, his personal ap pearance, his moral attributes, or some remarkable event with which he is identified. The few syllables constituting it suffice to reopen the fountain of a be reaved mother's tears — to cover with blushes the fore head of the maiden who believes her secret about to be revealed — to agitate the heart of the lover — to light up in the eyes of an enemv the fire of rage — and to i. 1 2 ENGLISH SURNAMES. awaken in the breast of one separated by distance from his friend the liveliest emotions of hope or of regret.* " This energetic power," remarks the same writer, " distinguishes the Proper Noun from the common substantive." It suggests no vague idea, but enforces one that is positive and distinct. " Our proper name is ourself ;" — without it we have not more than half an existence. Hence in the earliest and the rudest states of social life every human being received a name. I am aware that Herodotus and Pliny, and one or two modern writers, mention some barbarous races who bear no distinctive appellations; but a little reflection before making the statement would have convinced them of the impossibility of the existence of language without proper names ; for in the most degraded condition of human existence, the occa sional necessity of speaking of absent persons would involve the use of some epithet, and that epithet would he to all intents and purposes a Proper Name. The father of a family would impose a peculiar appel lation upon each of his children, and they in return would give him a name by which to distinguish him from other men. In like manner, a name would be affixed to the superior power which was the object of their adoration or their superstitious dread; and all names so imposed must of necessity have been sig nificant. As a principle so immediately connected with the design of this Essay, I repeat — that all names weke originally SIGNIFICANT; although in the course of ages the meaning of most of them may have lapsed from the memory of mankind. It is most unphiloso- phical to arrive at the opposite conclusion. Invention * Salverte. PROPER NAMES. 3 without motives and without principles is as difficult in relation to this subject as to any other.* If the names of common objects were not dictated by mere caprice, how can we imagine that those of persons and of places had so vague a beginning. Let any one call to remembrance the names of his nearest friends and neighbours, and he will immediately recog nise in them an identity with the names of the most familiar objects, as Wood, Church, Hall, Tree; while others are epithets, as Wise, Good, Long, Little ; and a third class represent localities, as York, Chichester, Forest, Heath. He will then scarcely bring his mind to doubt that these, in their primitive application to persons, had some connexion with those objects, epi thets, and localities respectively; and if he thinks wisely, he will hardly reject as destitute of sense or meaning the still larger number of personal appella tives which convey no distinct idea to his mind. It is matter to me of no little surprise, that among civilized nations the generality even of educated persons should be so incurious as they are on this subject. They seem .indeed in this respect behind many of the barbarous tribes of both continents, who evince a desire with respect to a stranger coming amongst them, either to ascertain the meaning of his name in his own lan guage, and to translate it, or to apply to him a signifi cant appellation borrowed from their own dialect. From numerous anecdotes which might be adduced to prove this remark I will select one or two. The Sultan of Muscat taking for his physician an Italian gentleman, demanded by what name he was called. " Vincenzo," was the reply. " I don't under stand you," said the monarch ; " tell me the meaning * Salverte. 4 ENGLISH SURNAMES. of the word in Arabic." The Italian translated it by ' Mansour/ victorious ; and the prince, charmed with the happy presage attached to this designation, uni formly styled him Cheik Mansour. A chief of the Delaware tribe once asked the mean ing of the name of Colonel Sprout, a gentleman of extraordinary stature. He was told that it signified a bud or sprig. "No," replied the Indian, "he cannot be a sprig — he is the tree itself!"* If any further arguments are necessary to prove that Proper Names were originally significant, let us refer to the uniform practice of nautical discoverers with respect to names of places. Do they ever give to a rock, an island, a promontory, or a river an appellation without a meaning ? It requires but a moderate share of ety mological knowledge to ascertain the origin of the greater part of the names of localities in any given country with whose ancient and modern dialects the inquirer is acquainted. A learned German, M. Frederick Schlegel, has thus found in nearly all the proper names of the Hindoos significant epithets; and any one tolerably skilled in Anglo-Saxon, old French, and the English of the Middle Ages, might in like manner explain probably two thirds of our own proper appellatives both of places and persons. All the names of the Hebrews, as Salverte remarks, had a sense so marked that their influence is strongly felt in the lite rature of that people. The same observation will apply with considerable force to the Arabs, the Greeks, and the Teutonic nations. Among uncivilized tribes the same significant force attaches to their personal nomen clature ; and the American Indians, the Koriacs, the Marquesans, and the Kamtschatdales may be referred * Salverte. PROPER NAMES. 5 to as never imposing a name with the meaning of which they are unacquainted. It is an inquiry not devoid of some interest, " What would the annals of mankind and the records of bio graphy be if people had never borne proper names ?" A mere chaos of undefined incidents, an unintelligible mass of facts, without symmetry or beauty, and without any interest for after ages : " sine nomine homo non est." Indeed, without names, mankind would have wanted what is perhaps the greatest stimulus of which the mind is susceptible, namely, the love of fame; and, consequently, many of the mightiest achievements in every department of human endeavour would have been lost to the world. In the first ages of the world a single name was sufficient for each individual — "nomen olim apud omnes fere gentes simplex ;" and that name was generally invented for the person, in allusion to the circumstances attending his birth, or to some personal quality he possessed, or which his parents fondly hoped he might in future possess. The writings of Moses and some other books of the Old Testament furnish many proofs of this remark. This rule seems to have uniformly prevailed in all the nations of antiquity concerning which we have any records, in the earliest periods of their history. Jn Egypt we find persons of distinction using only one name, as Pharaoh, Potiphar ; in Canaan, Abraham, Isaac; in Greece, Diomedes, Ulysses; in Rome, Romulus, Remus ; in Britain, Bran, Caradoc, &c. Among most nations the imposition of names has been connected with religious rites. Among the Jews circumcision was the rite, as baptism is in the Christian church. The Greeks commonly named their infants on the tenth day after birth, on which occasion a hos- 6 ENGLISH SURNAMES. pitable entertainment was given by the parents to their friends, and sacrifices were offered to the gods. Thus in the ' Birds' of Aristophanes we read : ¦ Qvtit ryv 8ekclti]v ravrriQ eyw, Kal tovvo\i iltairsp iraiSLtp vvv 3k Srkpijv. " On the tenth day I offered sacrifice, And as a child's, her name imposed." The Romans gave names to their male children on the ninth day, and to girls on the eighth. The ninth day was called dies lustricus, or the day of purification, when religious ceremonies were practised. When the Persians name a child a religious service is performed, and five names are written by the father upon as many slips of paper, and laid upon a copy of the Koran. The first chapter of that sacred book is then read, and the slip bearing the future name of the child is drawn at a venture. The sources of Proper Names are exceedingly nu merous as well as various. In very remote times per sonal appellations marked some wish or prediction on the part of parents. To select fortunate names — the ' bona nomina' of Cicero, and the ' fausta nomina' of Tacitus — was ever a matter of solicitude, since it be came a popular maxim, ' Bonum nomen, bonum omen.' " Plautus thought it quite enough to damn a man that he bore the name of Lyco, which is said to signify a greedy wolf, and Livy calls the name Atrius Umbei ' abominandi ominis nomen/ — a name of horrible portent."* " Ex bono nomine oritur bona prsesumptio"— from a good name arises a good anticipation, says Panormitan; * Nares, Heraldic Anomalies. PROPER NAMES. 7 and Plato in the same spirit advises all people to select happy names, — a recommendation which our novelists and dramatists are ever ready to follow with respect to their heroes. Victor, Probus, Faustus, Felix, and all similar appellatives, must in the first instances have been employed to mark the wishes of affectionate pa rents, though the subsequent lives of the objects of those wishes often gave the lie to their names. We can hardly suppose that had the parents of Alexander been gifted with prescience they would have honoured that "murderer of millions" with a name signifying ' the helper of mankind.' Many of the earlier Hebrew names were composed of the first words uttered by the mother, the father, or some other person present at the instant of the birth. The dying Rachel called her infant ' Benoni,' the Son of my Sorrow, but Jacob gave him the name of ' Benjamin,' the Son of my Strength. Incidents con nected with the birth or early infancy of children also furnished many names, as the earlier books of the Old Testament sufficiently prove. Complexion and other personal qualities often gave rise to names, as Pyrrhus, ruddy ; Macros, tall ; Niger, black; Paulus, little. The order of birth originated others, as Quintus, the fifth, Septimus, the seventh; while some had reference to the time of nativity, as Martius, Maius. All the foregoing classes of names might have been appropriately bestowed by parents upon their offspring; but there is a very numerous class with the imposition of which they can have had nothing to do, and which we may suppose parental partiality would fain have prevented. I allude to those names which reflect upon personal blemishes or moral obliquities, and which we 8 ENGLISH SURNAMES. should now call nick-names or sobriquets, such as Tpvn-og, eagle-nose; Qvcskwv, gorge-belly; Calvus, bald; Codes, one-eyed; Flaccus, flap-eared; Fronto, heavy- browed. These, from their very nature, must have been applied to adults, and by others than their parents or friends. Neither were the complimentary names, KaXXiw/cog, 'renowned for victory,' 3>iXci§eX<£oc, 'a lover of his brethren,' EvEp-ytrrjc, fa benefactor,' &c. &C, conferred in very early life. Thus much for single names : in process of time the love of imitation led persons to adopt names which had been, and were, borne by others ; and in order to obviate the inconvenience resulting from the difficulty of distinguishing contemporaries designated by a com* mon appellative, some second name was necessary. The most obvious mode of distinction would be by the use of the father's name or patronymic, and this is the earliest approach to the modern system of nomencla ture. Caleb the son of Jephunneh, Joshua the son of Nun, are early examples ; so also I/capoe tov AaiSaXov, AeuSaXoe rov HLvn-aXfiov — Icarus the son of Daedalus, Daedalus the son of Bupalmus; and it is worthy of observation that this primitive practice has descended to modern times in such designations as William Fitz- Hugh, Stephen Isaacson. Sometimes the adjunct expressed the country or profession, sometimes some excellence or blemish of the bearer, as Herodotus of ' Halicarnassus,' Polycletes 'the Sculptor,' Diogenes fthe Cynic,' Dionysius 'the Tyrant.' The Romans had a very complete system of nomen clature. The whole commonwealth was divided into various clans called ' Gentes,' each of which was sub divided into several families (' Familiae'). Thus in the PROPER NAMES. 9 Gens Cornelia were included the families of the Scipi- ones, Lentuli, Cethegi, Dolabellae, Cinnae, Syllae, &c. It is doubtful, however, whether these familiae were descended from a common ancestor, though they had religious rites in common. To mark the different gentes and familiae, and to distinguish the individuals of the same race, they had usually three names, viz. the ' Praenomen,' the ' Nomen,' and the ' Cognomen.'* The Praenomen denoted the individual, the Nomen marked the Gens, and the Cognomen distinguished the Familia, Thus in Publius Cornelius Scipio, Publius corresponded to our John, Thomas, William ; Cornelius pointed out the ' clan' or ' gens ;' and Scipio conveyed the information that the individual in question belonged to that particular family of the Cornelii which descended from the pious Scipio, who, from his practice of leading about his aged and blind father, thus figuratively be came his scipio or staff. Persons of the highest eminence, particularly military commanders, sometimes received a fourth name, or ' Agnomen,' often commemorative of conquests, and borrowed from the proper name of the hostile country, as Coriolanus, Africanus, Asiaticus, Germanicus, &c. In general, only two of the names were used — fre quently but one. In addressing a person, the praeno men was generally employed, since it was peculiar to citizens, for slaves had no prsenomen.f Hence Horace says, " delicate ears love the praenomen" — gaudent prsenomine molles Auriculae. { Sat. ii. 5, 32. * Adam's Rom. Antiq. t Adam. % In Germany at the present day the lower ranks of society are re minded of their inferiority, by having the definite article prefixed to their 1 § 10 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Two brothers sometimes bore the same praenomen. So in England, some centuries since, two brothers oc casionally had the same Christian name ; and Salverte mentions an enthusiastic Scot, a partizan of the fallen house of Stuart, who gave four of his sons the name of Charles-Edward ! The Romans borrowed the form of their names from the older natives of Italy, and particularly from the Etruscans. In all those parts of Italy which the Greeks had not penetrated, the personages quoted in history anteriorly to the conquest of their country by the Romans bore family names, preceded or followed by an individual denomination ; and, among the Etruscans, it is clear from Passeri,* that there existed the nomen, praenomen, and cognomen, as among the Romans, who adopted not only their mode of nomenclature, but also a great number of their names themselves. Passeri found the names of Horatius, Livius, Aulus, Marcus, Publius, Severus, and many of a similar kind in Etrus can inscriptions. Hence the difficulty of finding a satisfactory etymology for many of the Roman appella tives — words of venerable antiquity, of which those who bore them knew as little the meaning as ourselves. It has been customary in nearly all ages to apply to monarchs some distinguishing epithet, usually termed a Surname, although that word may be fairly objected to as tending to confusion, by leading the uninformed to suppose it an actual ' nomen' or hereditary designation. Tarquinius Superbus, at Rome, Ptolemy Philadelphos, Christian names : e. g. " Wo ist mein bedienter der Georg ?" Where is my valet the George ? — Salverte. In Scotland, on the other hand, the same prefix betokens respect, and is applied to the heads of clans, as ' the Chisholm.' * Salv. i. 189. PROPER NAMES. 11 in Egypt, Henry the Fowler, in Germany, William the Lion, in Scotland, Charles the Bald, in France, and our own Richard Coeur de Lion, may all have merited the appellations bestowed upon them ; but they partake more of the character of sobriquets than of surnames, in the modern meaning of the term. In most cases, too, they were posthumously applied. Speaking of this subject, Archdeacon Nares, the humorous author of ' Heraldic Anomalies,' remarks : " There are some significant titles, names, and attri butes, to which I have no objection, as for instance, Alfred the Great, for great he was ; but as to Canute the Great I doubt : his speech to his courtiers on the sea-shore had certainly something sublime in it, and seems to bespeak the union of royalty and wisdom, but Voltaire will not allow that he was great in any other respect than that he performed great acts of cruelty. Edmund Iron-side, I suppose, was correct enough, if we did but understand the figure properly (for as to his really having an iron side, I conclude no one fancies it to have been so, though there is no answering for vulgar credulity). Harold Harefoot betokened, no doubt, a personal blemish or some extraordinary swift ness of foot. Among the kings of Norway there was a Bare-foot ! William Rufus was probably quite cor rect, as indicative of his red head of hair, or rather head of red hair. Henry the First was, I dare say, for those times, a Beau Clerc, or able scholar. Richard the First might very properly be called, by a figure of speech, Coeur de Lion, and his brother John quite as properly, though to his shame literally, rather than figuratively, Lack-land. Edward Long-shanks cannot be disputed, since a sight was obtained of his body not very long ago, but at the least 467 years after hia 12 ENGLISH SURNAMES. death, and which, from a letter in my possession, written by the President of the Antiquarian Society, who measured the body, appeared to be at that remote period six feet two inches long."* The same writer, speaking of the adjunct used by the Norman William, assigns to it the definition of Spelman, which differs from that in general accepta tion : " Conquestor dicitur quia Anglia conquisivit, i. e. acquisivit (purchased) non quod subegit; . . . here agreeing," he humorously adds, "with the good old women who attended William's birth, and who having quite a struggle with the new-born brat to get out of his clenched fist a parcel of straws he happened to catch hold of (his mother, perhaps, being literally in the straw), made them say in the way of prophecy, that he would be a great acquirer." * Heraldic Anom. vol. i, p. 107. CHAPTER II. OF SURNAMES. " Nous affirmerons que l'etude des noms propres n'est point sans interet pour la morale, l'organisation politique, la legislation, et 1'histoire meme de la civilisation." — Salverte. IN the present brief chapter it is my intention to refer to the usages of several modern nations in relation to second or family names, usually desig nated Surnames. A remark or two on the definition and etymology of that term may be premised. Our great lexicographer. Dr. Johnson, gives the definition as follows : " Surname : The name of a family; the name which one has over and above the Christian name." Until about the middle of the last century it was sometimes written ' SiRname.' Whether this variation originated in the lax orthography of other times, or whether it was adopted to express a slight difference of meaning, I will not undertake to decide. Some writers have held the latter opinion, and defined ' Sir- name' as " nomen patris additum proprio," and ' Sur- name' as " nomen supra nomen additum." Mac-Allan, 14 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Fitzherbert, Ap Evan, and Stephenson would accordingly be sir or ' sire' -names, equivalent to the son of Allan, of Herbert, of Evan, and of Stephen. Of ' Sur' -names, Du Cange says, they were at first written " not in a direct line after the Christian name, but above it, between the lines," and hence they were called in Latin Supranomina, in Italian Supranome, and in French Surnoms, — " over-names." Those who contend for the non-identity of the two words, assert that although every Sir-name is a Sur name, every Sur-name is not a Sir-name — a question which I shall not tarry to discuss.* The causes which led to the adoption of family names in the different countries of Europe are ably stated by Salverte, and I may have occasion to refer to them hereafter. For our present purpose, it will be sufficient to observe that their adoption has generally marked the arrival of a people at a certain point in civilization. We have seen that all names were origi nally single, and that second names were imposed for the sake of distinguishing from each other the persons who bore a common appellative. After the gradual conversion of the European states to the Christian faith, the old Pagan names were generally laid aside. New names, borrowed from Scripture or from early church history, were imposed at the baptism of the converts. In particular localities, of which some saint was sup posed to have the peculiar guardianship, great numbers of persons received his or her name ; and great incon venience must have been the result. When, in 1387, Ladislaus Jagellon, duke of Lithuania, became a Chris- * See on this subject the Literary Gazette for Nov. 1842, the corre spondence of B. A. Oxon, and G., arising out of a notice of the first edition of this work. SURNAMES. 15 tian, and king of Poland, he persuaded his ancient subjects to abjure, after his own example, their national faith. The nobles and the warriors were baptized separately ; but the plebeian candidates for the sacred rite were divided into many companies, and the priests conferred it at one time upon a whole company, and gave the same name to all the individuals composing that company. In the first baptism, all the men were designated Peter, and all the women Catherine ; in the second, all became Pauls and Margarets !* In the countries into which Christianity had been introduced many centuries earlier than the event just referred to, that civilization which is ever the conco mitant or the consequence of it had rendered second names to a great extent necessary. In very early times, accordingly, sobriquets and other marks of distinction were frequently used; and towards the close of the tenth century and the commencement of the eleventh, when the number of persons bore a great disproportion to the number of personal names, it was found neces sary to add in all public acts a distinctive appellation for the sake of identifying individuals. Such names figure in great numbers in the records of all the king doms of Christendom up to the fourteenth century. t By degrees, this means of remedying the confusion be came insufficient. Those sobriquets which described physical and moral qualities, habits, professions, the place of birth, &c, might be imposed upon many who bore the same name of baptism, and thus the inconvenience was rather augmented than diminished : a total change in the system of names became indispensable — and hereditary Surnames in most countries became general. * Salv. i. 223. t Salverte. 16 ENGLISH SURNAMES. We have seen that the Hebrews, Greeks, and Romans in very early periods used the patronymic or Father- Name as a second designation, either with an appro priate termination or with some prefix expressive of the filial relation. This has also been the practice of many modern nations. Thus in Spain, in the twelfth century, the son of Gongale, who is regarded as the founder of the principality of Castile, was called Fernand Goncalez, and his son, in turn, received the name of Garcia Fernandez. The Highlanders of Scotland employed the sire- name with Mac, and hence our Macdonalds and Macartys, meaning respectively the son of Donald and of Arthur. The Irish had the practice (probably de-, rived from the patriarchal ages) of prefixing Oy or 0', signifying grandson* as O'Hara, O'Neale ; a form still retained in many Hibernian surnames. Many of the Irish also use Mac. According to the following distich, the titles Mac and 0' are not merely what the logicians call accidents, but altogether essential to the very being and substance of an Irishman : — " Per Mac atque 0, tu veros cognoscis Hibernos, His duobus demptis, nullus Hibernus adest." which has been translated — " By Mac and 0, You'll always know True Irishmen they say ; For if they lack Both 0 and Mac, No Irishmen are they."f * It is related in the Eneyclopsedia Perthensis that an antiquated Scot tish dame used to make it a matter of boasting that she had trod the world's stage long enough to possess one hundred Oyes ! f Notes of a Bookworm. SURNAMES. 17 Among the archives of the corporation of Galway is an order dated 1518, prohibiting any of the Burkes, Mc Williams, Kellys, or any other sept, from coming into the town, which at that time was occupied by a race who prided themselves in not being Irishmen, and further declaring that "neither O ne Mac shoulde strutte ne swagger through the streetes of Galway."* The old Normans prefixed to their names the word ' Fitz' a corruption of Fils, and that derived from the Latin Filius; as Fitz-Hamon, Fitz-Gilbert. The pea santry of Russia, who are some centuries behind the same class in other countries, affix the termination cwitz' (which seems to have some affinity to the Norman Fitz) to their names ; thus, Peter Paulowitz, for Peter the son of Paul. The Poles employ sky in the same sense, as James Petrowsky , James the son of Peter; and the Biscayans adopt a similar method, f Until a comparatively recent period no surnominal adjunct was used in Wales, beyond ap, or son, as David ap Howell, Evan ap Rhys, Griffith ap Roger, John ap Richard, now very naturally corrupted into Powell, Price, Prodger, and Pritchard. To a like origin may be referred a considerable number of the surnames beginning with P and B now in use in England, amongst which may be mentioned Price, Pumphrey, Parry, Probert, Probyn, Pugh, Penry; Bevan, Bithell, Barry, Benyon, and Bowers. A more antient form than ap is hab. This or vap constantly occurs in charters of the time of Henry the Sixth. It was not * Hardiman's Galway, quoted in the Journal of the Brit. Arch. Assoc. vol. i, p. 98. f The most singular deviation from the general rule is found among the Arabians, who use their father'3 name without a fore-name, as Aven Pace, Aven Rois, the son of Pace, the son of Rois. 18 ENGLISH SURNAMES. unusual even but a century back, to hear of such com binations as Evan-ap-Griffith-ap-David-ap-Jenkin, and so on to the seventh or eighth generation, so that an individual carried his pedigree in his name. The fol lowing curious description of a Welshman occurs 15 Hen. VII : " Morgano Philip alias dicto Morgano vap David vap Philip." The church of Llangollen in Wales is said to be dedicated to St. Collen-ap-Gwynnawg-ap- Clyndawg-ap-Cowrda-ap-Caradoc-Freichfras-ap - Llynn- Merim-ap-Einion-Yrth-ap-Cunedda-Wledig,* a name that casts that of the Dutchman, Inkvervankodsdor- spanckinkadrachdern, into the shade. To burlesque this ridiculous species of nomenclature, some seventeenth-century wag described cheese as being " Adam's own cousin-german by its birth, Ap-Curds-ap-Milk-ap-Cow-ap-Grass-ap-Earth!" The following anecdote was related to me by a na tive of Wales : " An Englishman, riding one dark night among the mountains, heard a cry of distress, proceeding apparently from a man who had fallen into a ravine near the highway, and, on listening more ak tentively, heard the words, ' Help, master, help !' in a voice truly Cambrian. 'Help! what, who are you?' inquired the traveller. Jenkin-ap-Griffith-ap-Robin- ap-William-ap-Rees-ap-Evan," was the response. ' Lazy fellows that ye be,' rejoined the Englishman, setting spurs to his horse, ' to lie rolling in that hole, half a dozen of ye ; why, in the name of common sense, don't ye help one another out ?' " This story may have been suggested by a passage occurring in ' Sir John Oldcastle,' a play, printed in 1600, and falsely attributed to Shakspeare : * Recreative Review, vol. ii. p. 189. SURNAMES. 19 Judge. What bail ? What sureties ? Davy. Her cozen ap Rice, ap Evan, ap Morice, ap Morgan, ap LIuellyn, ap Madoc, ap Meredith, ap Griffin, ap Davis, ap Owen, ap Shiukin Jones. Judge. Two of the most sufficient are enow, Sheriff. And't please your Lordship, these are all but one I" In England, when the patronymic was used, the word son was usually affixed, as John Adamsore; in Wales, on the contrary, although the staple of the national nomenclature was of this kind, no affix was used, but the paternal name was put in the genitive, as Griffith William's, David John's or Jones, Rees Harry's or Harris. As the personal names were few in number, when they became hereditary surnames they were common to so many families, that they were almost useless for the purposes of generic distinction, and this still remains to a great extent the case. A friend, who remembers the Monmouth and Brecon militia about half a century since, informs me that it had at that time no less than thirty- six John Joneses upon its muster-roll; and it was at a somewhat later period a matter of notoriety that a large Welsh village was, with the exception of some two or three indivi duals, entirely populated with Williamses. Even the gentry of Wales bore no hereditary sur names until the time of Henry the Eighth. That monarch, who paid great attention to heraldric matters, strongly recommended the heads of Welsh families to conform to the usage long before adopted by the English, as more consistent with their rank and dignity. Some families accordingly made their existing siren&mes stationary, while a few adopted the surnames of English families with whom they were allied, as the ancestors of Oliver Cromwell, who thus exchanged Williams 20 ENGLISH SURNAMES. for Cromwell, which thenceforward they uniformly used.* Having thus glanced at the usages of various nations with respect to second names, let us next trace the history of family names in England. * Vide Noble's House of Cromwell. Other authentic instances of the adoption of stationary surnames by great families may be found by refer? ring to the following works : ( Williams of Abercamlais.) Jones's Brecon, iii. 696. (Herbert, Lord of Blealevenny.) Mon. Aug. 17, 134. ; (Herbert of Llanowell.) Coxe's Monmouth, 421. It may be observed that several Norman families who settled in Wales, left their original surnames, and conformed to the mode of the country ; thus the Boleyns took the name of Williams. CHAPTER III. HISTORY OF ENGLISH SURNAMES*— ANGLO-SAXON PERIOD. LTHOUGH our ancestors the Anglo- Saxons had no regular system of family nomenclature resembling that of the Romans, or that which we now possess, there was occasionally among them something like an attempt to show derivation and family relationships by the use of similar personal names. "In one family," observes Mr. Kemble, (to whose able paper I am much indebted,)t "we shall find in suc cession or simultaneously, Wigmund, Wighelm, Wiglaf, Wihstan ; or Beornric, Beornmod, Beornheah, Beorn- helm." Among several other instances of this practice cited by Mr. Kemble are the following : " Of the seven sons of iEthelfrith, king of Northumberland, five bore names compounded with Os (semideus), thus Oslaf, Oslac, Oswald, Oswin, and Oswidu. In the succession of the same royal family we find the male names, Osfrith, Oswine, Osric, Osraed, Oswulf, Osbald, and Osbeorht, and the female name, Osthryth ; and some of these are repeated several times. * The word surname is here employed in a somewhat loose sense, im plying in general nothing more than the name home by an individual, to distinguish him from other persons of the same forename or name of baptism. t On the Names, Surnames, and Nicknames of the Anglo-Saxons. By J. M. Kemble, Esq. 8vo. pp. 22, 1846. 22 ENGLISH SURNAMES. The subjoined genealogical table shows how strongly this practice was adhered to by the illustrious progeny of Alfred the Great. iELFRED. 1 Eadweard the Elder=Eadgyfu. Ill I E&dwine. Eadmund I. EMred (king.) Eadburh, Eadwig (king.) I Eadgar (king.) Eadweard. Eadgyth. . I Eadmund. JEUhelrad. I Eadmund. Eadwig. I Eadgyth. Eadwe.ard. Eadmund. E&dweard; Eadgar- ^Etheling (the Unfortunate.) The second names treated of by Mr. Kemble may be reduced to five general heads. I. Those borrowed from the father's name. "In the year 804, we find, among several Eadberhts in the same court, that one is pointed out as Eadgaring, or the son of Eadgar ; among several iEthelheahs, one is HISTORY. 23 Esning, or the son of Esne." In a certain grant we read this description of one — " qui Leofwine nomine et Boudan sunu appellatur cognomine." ' whose name is Leofwine, and his surname Boudanson.' In a genealogy of the West-Saxon kings, among the Cotton MSS., we find — "Eadgar Eadmundimy, Eadmund Eadwardiw.gr, Eadweard JElfreding, iElfred Awolfira?," &c. upwards, through Woden to " Bedwig Sce&fing," ' which Scef was Noah's son,' and thence to Adam.* Ing, inge, or inger, we may remark, is found in the sense of ' progeny' or ' offspring,' in most of the Teu tonic languages. Ing, in modern German, is a young man, but in a more extended sense signifies a de scendant. Wachter derives it from the British engi, to produce, bring forth, t Such names as Bering, Browning, Whiting, may owe their origin to this ex pression, and so mean respectively dear, tawny, and fair offspring. II. Those indicative of title or office, as Princeps, Dux, Minister, or Pedissequus, in Latin records, and Pren (priest), Biscop (bishop) in the vernacular. III. Those from personal and other characteristics. Bede, speaking of the two missionary apostles of the old Saxons, says — " And as they were both of one devotion, so they both had one name, for each of them was called Hewald, yet with this distinction, taken from the colour of their hair, that one was styled Black Hewald, and the other White Hewald." White, Black, Red, Bald, &c. were common as second or descriptive names, as were also Good, Cun ning, Proud, &c. * Reliquia: Antique, ii. 172. t Vide Bosworth, A.-S. Diet. 24 ENGLISH SURNAMES. In the Life of Here ward the Saxon, one of the last of his race who withstood the Norman despots, we find several such names as — Martin with the Light Foot, from his agility.* Siward the Red, from his complexion. Leoeric the Mower, from his having overcome twenty men with a scythe. Leofric Prat, or the cunning. Wulric the Black, so named because on one oc casion he had blackened his face with charcoal, and in that disguise penetrated unobserved among his enemies, ten of whom he killed with a spear before making his retreat. f Some of the names of this class were somewhat poetical, as Harald Haranfot (Harefoot), Eadgyfu Swanhals (Edith the Swan-Necked), Eadmund Iren- sida (Ironside). IV. Nicknames "not used with, but in place of, baptismal names." Several of these denote endear ment and affection, and are equivalent to the modern English expressions ' Darling,' ' Duck,' &c. The mean ing of others is so very obscure, as even to conquer the acumen of Mr. Kemble. Simeon of Durham, under the year 799, says — " Eodem anno Brorda Merciorum princeps, qui et Hildegils vocatur, defunctus est." Now Hildegils, it appears, was the baptismal name of the magnate, and Brorda only an alias or nickname, which had usurped its place, in consequence of the military prowess of the bearer, Brorda meaning ' One that hath the Sword' — a name belonging to the same * Lightfoot still exists as a surname. t Wright's Essays on the Literature, &c. of the Middle Ages,ii, 101,'fa. HISTORY. 25 category as the Longespee and Strongbow of more recent times. Another eminent Anglo-Saxon, distin guished alike for greatness of stature and elevated qualities of mind, bore the sobriquet of Mucel or ' Great,' which he employed in a legal way, as " Ego Mucel, dux, consensi, &c." His baptismal name was iEthelred, and had he lived some ages later, he would probably have been known as Ethelred Michel, in the same way that the Norman Gilbert de Aquila, after the Conquest of 1066, was designated by this very epithet in conjunction with his baptismal name. V. Those taken from the place of residence, with the particle mt or at, as 'Eadmser aet Burhham.' The precise period at which such second names as those above enumerated first became stationary, or, in other words, began to descend hereditarily, it would at this distance of time be impossible to show. It is probable, however, that some of them passed through several generations, according to the practice of our own times, at a date considerably earlier than our antiquaries are disposed to admit. This remark would peculiarly apply to those of the fifth or local class, since the son, then as now, often became proprietor of the same estate as that from which his father borrowed his second name ; and it would, I think, be unreason able to decide that surnames of the first or patrony- mical kind, such as Herdingson, Swainson,* Cerdicson, did not pass occasionally from father to son, as well as * This name is probably Danish. In the Confessor's time it was written Sweynsen, but under the Normans it became Fits-Swain, and, ultimately, in more English times, Swainson. ' Swain Fitz Swain' occurs in Norman times as the grantor, to Sallay abbey in Ribblesdale, of lands at ' Swain- side.' i. 2 26 ENGLISH SURNAMES. our more recent Thompson and Williamson. Camden and others concur in the opinion that hereditary sur names were not known in England before the Norman Conquest ; yet I hope I shall not be deemed guilty of presumption if, by and by, I offer a few suggestions in support of the opinion that they were not altogether unknown before that epoch. Camden says, " about the year of our Lord 1000, (that we may not minute out the time) surnames be came to be taken up in France ; and in England about the time of the Conquest, or else a very little before, vnder King Edward the Confessor, who was all Frenchi fied This will seem strange to some English men and Scottishmen, whiche, like the Arcadians, thinke their surnames as antient as the moone, or at the least to reach many an age beyond the Conquest.* But they which thinke it most strange, (I speake vnder correction,) I doubt they will hardly finde any surname which descended to posterity before that time : neither haue they seene (I feare) any deede or donation befoke the Conquest, but subsigned with crosses and single names without surnames, in this manner: »$J< Ego Olfstanus consoli- daui, &c. Our great antiquary declares that both he and divers of his friends had " pored and pusled vpon many an old record and evidence" for the purpose of finding hereditary surnames before the Conquest, without suc- * Buchanan asserts that the family of Douglas have borne that name from the reign of Solvathius, king of Scotland, the year 770 ; and that one Sir William Douglas of Scotland entered into the service of Charlemagne, He settled in Tuscany, and was the great ancestor of the Douglasii of that country. HISTORY. 27 cess; what then would he have said to a document like the following, containing the substance of a grant from Thorold of Buckenhale, sheriff of Lincolnshire, of the manor of Spalding, to Wulgate, abbot of Croyland, dated 1051, the 10th year of Edward the Confessor, and fifteen years before the Conquest ? " I have given to God and St. Guthlac of Croyland, &c. all my manor situate near the parochial church of the same town, with all the lands and tenements, rents and services, &c. which I hold in the same manor, &c. with all the appendants ; viz. Colgrin, my reeve, (prse- positum meum,) and his whole sequell, with all the goods and chattels which he hath in the same town, fields and marshes. Also Harding, the smith, (fabrum,) and his whole sequell. Also Lefstan, the carpenter, (carpentarium,) and his whole sequell, &c. Also Ryngulf the first, (primum,) and his whole sequell, &c. Also Elstan the fisherman, (piscatorem,) and his whole sequell, &c. Also Gunter Liniet, and his whole sequell, &c. Also Onty Grimkelson, &c. Also Turstan Dubbe, &c. Also Algar, the black, (nigrum,) &c. Also Edric, the son of Siward, (filium Siwardi,) &c. Also Osmund, the miller, (molendina- rium,) &c. Also Besi Tuk, &c. Also Elmer de PlNCEBECK, &C. Also GoUSE GAMELSON, &C." With the same clauses to each as before.* Now while the terms reeve, smith, carpenter, the first, fisher, the black, miller, &c. applied respectively to Colgrin, Harding, Lefstan, &c. are merely personal descriptions; Liniet, Dubbe, Tuk, and de Pincebeck, have the appearance of settled surnames. The same dis tinction is observable between ' Edric, the son of Siward,' and Grimkelson and Gamelson. Indeed some of * See the entire deed in Gough's History of Croyland Abbey. (App. p. 29.) 28 ENGLISH SURNAMES. these surnames are yet remaining amongst us, as Dubbe, Tuk, Liniet, and Pincebeck —now spelt Dubb, Tuck, Linney, and Pinchbeck, a fact which I think goes far to prove that they were hereditary at the time when the deed of gift above recited was made. This document is also opposed to another opinion prevalent among antiquaries, namely, that surnames were assumed by the nobles long before the commonalty took them. Here we see that the bondmen or churls of the Lincolnshire sheriff used them at a period when many of the landed proprietors had no other designa tion than a Christian name. A great many surnames occur in Domesday book; (Camden says, they first occur there.) Some of these are loca l, as De Grey, de Vernon, d' Oily ; some pa- tronymical, as Richardus filius Gisleberti ; and others official or professional, as Gulielmus Camerarius, (the chamberlain,) Radulphus Venator, (the hunter,) Gislebertus Cocus, (the cook,) &c. &c. "But very many," as Camden remarks, " (occur) with their Christian names only, as Olaff, Nigellus, Eustachius, Baldricus." It is to be observed, that those with single names are " noted last in every shire, as men of least account," and as sub-tenants. Here a query arises. Are we to conclude that because many names are given in the single form, that the individuals to whom they belonged had only one ? I think not ; and notwithstanding all that Camden and others assert on the subject, I am strongly of opinion that hereditary surnames were sometimes used before the Conquest. Camden's remark, that these single-named persons come "last in every shire," strengthens my supposition. It is probable that their inferiority of rank was the cause of the non-insertion of the second, or sur-name. HISTORY. 29 We must not forget that many of these "men of least account," were of the conquered Saxon race, who would be treated with as little ceremony in their names as in anything else. Do not modern usages with respect to the nomenclature of inferiors support this idea? We rarely speak of our superiors without the double or triple designation : Lord So-and-So, Sir John Such-a-one, or Mr. This-or-That, while the single names Smith, Brown, Jones, and Robinson, suffice for persons of lower grade. I will venture to say that one half of the masters and mistresses of houses in large towns do not even know more than one of the two names borne by their servants, some accustoming them selves to command them exclusively by their Christian names, others as exclusively using their Surnames. I know that many of my readers will regard all this as inconclusive gossip, but having hazarded an opinion, I am unwilling to leave anything unsaid that could be said in support of it. The manors of Ripe and Newtimber, in Sussex, are mentioned in Domesday as having been, before the Conquest, the estates, respectively, of Cane and JElfech. Now these names are still found in the county as sur names ; the former under its antient orthography, and the latter under that of Elphick ; but were these ever used as Christian names ? iElfech may be the same with Alphage, a Saxon fore-name ; but Cane was cer tainly never so used. By the way, it is an extraordi nary fact that the name of Cane is still borne by two respectable farmers at Ripe, in which neighbourhood, I have scarcely a doubt, their ancestors, all bearing the same monosyllabic designation, have dwelt from the days of the Confessor : an honour which few of the mighty and noble of this land can boast ! 30 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Mr. Grimaldi, in his ' Origines Genealogicse,' speak ing of the Winton Domesday, a survey of the lands belonging to Edward the Confessor, made on the oath of eighty- six burgesses of Winchester, in the reign of Henry I, says : " The most remarkable circumstance in this book is the quantity of Surnames among the tenants of Edward, as Alwinus Idessone, Edwinus Godeswale, Brumanus de la Forda, Leuret de Essewem, which occur in the first page. It would however be preposterous to assert that sur names universally prevailed so early as the eleventh century : we have overwhelming evidence that they did not ; and must admit that although the Norman Con quest did much to introduce the practice of using them, it was long before they became very common. All I am anxious to establish is, that the occasional use of family names in England dates beyond the ingress of the Normans. CHAPTER IV. HISTORY OF ENGLISH SURNAMES, SINCE THE NORMAN CONQUEST. HATEVER may be advanced in favour of an earlier adoption of family designa tions or Surnames in particular cases, it is certain that the practice of making the second name of an individual sta tionary, and transmitting it to descendants, came gra dually into common use during the eleventh and three following centuries. By the middle of the twelfth it began, in the estimation of some, to be essential that persons of rank should bear some designation in addition to the baptismal name. We have an instance of this in the wealthy heiress of the powerful Baron Fitz-Hamon's making the want of a surname in Robert, natural son of King Henry the First, an objection to his marriage with her. The lady is represented as saying : 5t torn to me great jihame, Co Ijabe a lorU mftrjouten his tma name!* when the monarch, to remedy the defect, gave him the surname of Fitz-Roy ; a designation which has been given at several subsequent periods to the illegitimate progeny of our kings. * Robert of Gloucester. This will remind the reader of Juvenal- " tanquam habeas tria nomina.'' v. 127. 32 ENGLISH SURNAMES. The unsettled state of surnames in those early times renders it a difficult matter to trace the pedigree of any family beyond the thirteenth century. In Cheshire, a county remarkable for the number of its resident fami lies of great antiquity, it was very usual for younger branches of a family, laying aside the name of their father, to take their name from the place of their re sidence, and thus in three descents as many surnames are found in the same family. This remark may be forcibly illustrated by reference to the early pedigree of the family of Fitz-Hugh, which name did not settle down as a fixed appellative until the time of Edward III. Thus we read in succession — Bardolph,Akaris Fitz-Bardolph, Hervey Fitz- Akaris, Henry Fitz-Hervey, Randolph Fitz- Henry, Henry Fitz-Randolph, Randolph Fitz-Henry, Hugh Fitz-Randolph, Henry Fitz-Hugh, which last was created a baron, assuming that name as his title, and giving it permanence as a family appella tive.* When there were several sons in one family. instances are found where each brother assumed a dif ferent surname. Hence the great difficulty in tracing the pedigrees of families in those early times. It has been asserted that an act of parliament was passed in the reign of Edward the Second for enforcing the practice of using family names ; hut it seems more probable that necessity led the common people to adopt them. Before the Conquest there was much greater * Halle of John Halle, i, 10. HISTORY. 33 variety in the baptismal names than at present, though, as we have seen, the Anglo-Saxons were frequently driven to the adoption of second names for the identi fication of individuals. The ingress of the Normans introduced the use of Scripture names, and the Saxon names for the most part became obsolete after a cen tury or two, while the Johns, Jameses, Thomases, and Peters became so numerous, that Surnames were indis pensable. In the thirteenth century it is probable that most persons of ignoble rank bore a sobriquet instead of the Christian name. For example, in the Household Expenses of Eleanor, Countess of Montfort, 1265, all the menials in her service bear designations such as were never conferred at the font : e. g. Hand was her baker, Hicque her tailor, and Dobbe her shepherd. Her carriers or messengers were Diquon, Gobithesty, Treubodi, and Slingawai!* Two or three generations later, the commonalty were generally distinguished by names like the following, taken principally from the Inquisitiones Nonarum, 1340, (13 Edw. III.) Johes over the Water William at Byshope Gate Johes o' the Shephouse Johes q'dam s'viens Rog. Leneydeyman Johes vicarii eccl. Ste Nich. . Agnes, the Pr'sts sisterf Johes at the Castle Gate Johes in the Lane Thorn in Thelane Johes at See Rog' atte Wodegatehouse Thorn' le Fytheler * Blaauw's Barons' War. t Gent. Mag. June 1821. 2§ 34 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Joh' ate Mouse Johes le Taillour Johes up the Pende Petr' atte the Bell Johes of the Gutter Thomas in the Willows Steph' de Portico William of London-bridge. About this time (to speak generally) the surnames of the middle and lower ranks began to descend from father to son ; but even at the commencement of the fifteenth century there was much confusion in family names. Sometimes, indeed, the same person bore dif ferent surnames at different periods. Thus, a person who in 1406 describes himself as William, the son of Adam Emmotson, calls himself, in 1416, William Emmotson. Another person who is designated John, the son of William, the son of John de Hunshelf, ap pears soon after as John Wilson. Other names, such as Willielmus - Johnson -Wilkinson, Willielmus- Adamson, Magotson, and Thomas-Henson-Magot, prevail about this period.* In the Battel Abbey Deeds the names John Hervy, John Fitz-Hervie de Sudwerk, and John de London are given to one and the same person. The following names from the same source occur in this and the preceding centuries, and it may be ob served, en passant, that they were borne not by the lowest of the vulgar, but by persons who either gave possessions to the Abbey, or witnessed the deeds by which such gifts were made. * Penny Cyclopaedia. HISTORY. 35 Henry le Assedrumere (Ass-drummer !) Edelina Husewyf, late wife of Thomas Pet. Walter le Bceuf (the bullock). Peter le Cuckou. John God-me-fetch ! Reginald de la Chambre or De Camera. William at Bachuse. Richard Havedman (qu. headsman?). Bartholomew le Swan. Coke Crul. Crul is an archaism for ' curled' or ' crooked,' and, presuming that the personal name and the sur-name have been transposed, may mean 'the deformed cook !' Vitellius Curtius. This may be a latinization of Vital Curteis. Ralph Yvegod. Giles Smith, son of Luke de Swineham. Thomas Gadregod (Gathergood). Roger le Bunch. Margery Domesday. Richard Grym, called Frend. John Couper, son of William atte Water. The following address to the populace, at the begin ning of one of the Coventry Mysteries, serves to illus trate the state in which the family nomenclature of the humbler classes stood in the fifteenth century : "| A voyd sers ! And lete me lord the bischop come And syt in the court, the laws for to doo ; And I schal gon in this place, them for to somowne ; The that ben in my book, the court ye must come to. If I warne you her', all abowte, That I somown you, all the rowte, Loke ye fayl, for no dowte, At the court to " per" (appear). 36 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Both John Jurdon' and Geffrey Gyle Malkyn Mylkedoke and fayre Mabyle, Stevyn Sturdy, and Jack-AT-THE Style, And Sawdyr Sadeler. U Thom Tynker' and Betrys Belle Peyrs Potter, and Whatt-AT-THE-WELLE, Symme Smal-feyth, and Kate Kelle, And Bertylmew the Bocher (butcher). Kytt Cakeler, and Colett Crane, Gylle Fetyse and fayr Jane Powle Powter', and P[ar]nel Prane, And Phelypp the good Fleccher. IT Cok Crane, and Davy Dry-dust Luce Lyer, and Letyce Lytyl-Trust, Miles the Miller, and Colle Crake-crust Both Bette the Baker, and Robyn Rede. And loke ye rynge wele in yowr purs For ellys yowr cawse may spede the wurs, Thow that ye slynge goddys curs, Evy[n] at my hede. % Both Bontyng the Browster, and Sybyly Slynge, Megge Mery-wedyr, and Sabyn Sprynge Tyffany Twynkeler ffayle for no thynge, Ffast co' a way The courte shall be this day." In COffe* $LQVtllZ*& IjOtf, a satirical poem im* printed by Wynkyn de Worde, there is a similar rig marole of names : " The pardoner sayd I will rede my roll, And ye shall here the names poll by poll. Pers Potter of brydge water, Saunder Sely the mustard maker, With Jelyan Jangeler. Here is Jenkyne Berwarde of Barwycke, And Tom Tombler of warwyke, With Phylypp Fletcher of ffernam, Here is Wyll Wyly the myl pecker, HISTORY. 37 And Patrycke Pevysshe heerbeter, With lusty Hary Hange man. Also Mathewe Tothe drawer of London, And Sybby Sole mylke wyfe of Islyngton With Davy Drawelache of rockyngame. * * * * Also Hycke Crokenec the rope maker, And Steven Mesyll-mouthe muskyll taker With Jacke Basket-seler of alwelay, Here is George of Podyng lane Carpenter, And Patrycke Pevysshe a conynge dyrte-dauber, Worshypfull wardayn of Sloven's In ; There is Martyn Peke small fremason, And Pers Peuterer that knocketh a basyn, With Gogle-eyed Tomson shepster of lyn," &c. &c. &c. That many persons in the fifteenth century carried on the trades from which either themselves or their ancestors had borrowed their family names, is proved by reference to various contemporary documents. The following entries were found by Mr. Thomas Wright among the municipal records of Southampton : " Item, payd to Davy Berebrewere for a pyp of bere that was dronke at the Barrgate, when the ffurst affray was of the ffrenshemen, vi. viij." " Item, payd to Saumdere Lokyere for the makyng of a band and ij boltes and cheyns, and viij fforlokkes to the gone [gun] that standeth in Godeshows yeate, xijd." [1432.] Hereditary surnames can scarcely be said to have been permanently settled among the lower and middle classes before the era of the Reformation. The intro duction of parish registers was probably more instru mental than anything else in settling them ; for if a nerson were entered under one surname at baptism, it is not likely that he would be married under another, and buried under a third. Exceptions to a generally established rule, however, occurred in some places. The 38 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Rev. Mark Noble affirms that "it was late in the seven teenth century that many families in Yorkshire, even of the more opulent sort, took stationary names. Still later, about Halifax, surnames became in their dialect genea logical, as William a Bills, a Toms, a Luke.* In the south of England the same irregularity pre vailed to some extent. In the will of one Rafe Willard, of Ifield, Sussex, dated 1617, I find several persons in the household of the great family of Covert of Slaugham thus loosely described : " Item, I give unto Mr. Ffettyplace * * * unto John white, unto Harry [the] post, unto James Jorden, unto Leonard the Huntsman, unto Christopher the Footman, and to olde Rycharde Davye the porter, to each and every of them ten shil lings a peece."f In Scotland, designations were equally loose, down to the times of James V. and Mary. Buchanan men tions, that he has seen deeds of that date "most confused and unexact in designations of persons inserted therein,'' parties being described as "John, son of black William," " Thomas, son of long or tall Donald," &c. Even so late as 1723, there were two gentlemen of Sir Donald Mac Donald's family, who bore no other name than Donald Gorm, or Blue Donald.J * Hist. Coll. Arms, Introd. p. 29. I am informed that this sort of nomenclature still prevails among the humbler classes in some partB of Westmoreland and Cumberland. f Regist. of Wills at Lewes. % Scottish Surnames, p. 18. Such epithets were sometimes called To-Names. " They call my kinsman ' Ludovic with the Scar,' " said Quentin. Our family names are so common in a Scottish house, that, where there is no land in the house we always give a to-name." " A nam de guerre, I suppose you mean," answered his companion, " and the man you speak of, we, I think, call Le Balafre, from that scar on his face, a proper man, and a good soldier." (Quentin Durward, vol. i. 53.) HISTORY. 39 On the remark of Tyrwhitt, in his edition of Chaucer, that it is "probable that the use of surnames was not in Chaucer's time fully established among the lower class of people," a more recent editor of the same poet says, " Why, the truth is, that they are not now, even in the nineteenth century, fully established in some parts of England. There are very few, for instance, of the miners of Staffordshire who bear the names of their fathers. The Editor knows a pig-dealer, whose father's name was Johnson, but the people call him Pigman, and Pigman he calls himself. This name may be now seen over the door of a public-house which this man keeps in Staffordshire." But this is nothing to the practice of bearing a double set of names, which, we are assured, prevails among these colliers. Thus a man may at the same time bear the names of John Smith and Thomas Jones, without any sinister intention ; but it must not be imagined that such regular names are in common use. These are a kind of best names, which, like their Sunday clothes, they only use on high-days and holidays, as at christenings and marriages. For every-day purposes they use no appellative, except a nickname, as Nosey, Soiden-mouth* Soaker, or some such elegant desig nation ; and this is employed, not by their neighbours alone, but by their wives and children, and even by themselves ! A correspondent of Knight's Quarterly Magazine,t who is my authority for these statements, says, "I knew an apothecary in the collieries, who, as a matter of decorum, always entered the real names of his patients in his books ; that is, when he could ascer tain them. But they stood there only for ornament; for use he found it necessary to append the sobriquet, * With the mouth awry. t Vol. i. p. 297 et seq. 40 ENGLISH SURNAMES. which he did with true medical formality, as, for in stance, ' Thomas Williams, vulgo diet., Old Puff.' . . . Clergymen have been known to send home a wedding party in despair, after a vain essay to gain from the bride and bridegroom a sound by way of name, which any known alphabet had the power of committing to paper !" A story is told of an attorney's clerk who was professionally employed to serve a process on one of these oddly-named persons, whose real name was en tered in the instrument with legal accuracy. The clerk, after a great deal of inquiry as to the whereabouts of the party, was about to abandon the search as hopeless, when a young woman, who had witnessed his labours, kindly volunteered to assist him. " Oy say, Bully ed," cried she, to the first person they met, "does thee know a mon neamed Adam Green?" The bull-head was shaken in token of ignorance. " Loy-a-bed, dost thee ?" Lie-a-bed's opportunities of making acquaintance had been rather limited, and she could not resolve the difficulty. Stumpy (a man with a wooden leg), Cowskin, Spin- dleshanks, Cockeye, and Pigtail were severally invoked, but in vain ; and the querist fell into a brown study, in which she remained for some time. At length, however, her eyes suddenly brightened, and slapping one of her companions on the shoulder, she exclaimed trium phantly, "Dash my wig! whoy he means moyfeyther!" and then turning to the gentleman, added, "Yo should'n ax'd for Ode Blackbird!" I could adduce similar instances, where persons among the peasantry of my native county are much better known by sobriquets than by their proper sur names; and many only know them by the former. HISTORY. 41 This is particularly the case where several families in one locality bear the same name. There were lately living in the small town of Folkestone, co. Kent, fifteen persons, whose hereditary name was Hall; but who, gratia distinctionis, bore the elegant designations of Doggy-Hall, Ptjmble-Foot, Feathertoe, Cold-Flip, Bumper, Silver-Eye, Bubbles, Lumpy, Pierce-Eye, Sutty, Faggots, Thick-Lips, Cula, and Jiggery, Old Hare. It is not probable that advancing civilization will ever materially interfere with our present system of nomenclature, which admirably answers, in most cases, the purposes for which it is designed. CHAPTER V. LOCAL SURNAMES. " Nomina locorum et pradiorum, quae ii incolerent, aut quorum domini erant." — Ducange. " Souvent empruntes d'idiomes veillis, leur sens est aujourd'lmi perdu; souvent tires des noms des lieux, leur signification est uniquement relative a des localites." — Salverte. HE practice of assuming second names from the place of the person's birth or residence is of very high antiquity : we have examples in 'Herodotus of Hali- carnassus' and 'Diodorus Siculus.' The surname, Iscariot, borne by the betrayer of our Lord, is supposed to have been derived from his patrimonial estate. Mr. Kemble has shown, that this practice prevailed to some extent among our Anglo-Saxon ancestors, who placed the preposition fctth these high nunne, ttjntitof th»5lontt, Sntl ttj« Ionic memu of g>axonsi." Some names of this class had the termination er or man attached to them: thus From Beck was formed Beckman. Bourne 3 Bourner. Bridge 3 Bridger and Bridgman. Brook J Brooker. Castle 3 Castleman. Crouch J Croucher and Crouchman Church 3 Churcher and Churchman Dean , 3 Denman. Fenne 3 Fenner. Field } Fielder. Furlong 3 Furlonger. Grove 3 Grover. Heath „ Heather and Hother. Holt JJ Hotter and Holtman. Hold )3 Holder. Hope )} Hoper. Kirk >3 Kirkman. Knap 13 Knapper. Lake '3 Laker and Lakeman. Lowe 33 Lower (?) Marsh 13 Marshman. Moor Moorman. Plain >' Plainer. Park Parkman. Pit 13 Pittman. Pond )3 Ponder 90 ENGLISH SURNAMES. From Rayne was formed Rayner. Ridge 33 Ridger and Ridgman Ross 3> Rosser. Rye • 33 Ryman. Slade 33 Slader. Street 33 Streeter. Stile 33 Styleman. Stock 33 Stocker. Stone 33 Stoner. Toll 33 Toller. Town 33 Towner. Wych 33 Wicher or Witcher. Of the very picturesque name Crosweller I do not know the origin, unless it has been derived from the residence of the first bearer, near such a spot as that described in Marmion — " A little fountain-cell, Where water, clear as diamond spark, In a stone bason fell. Above, some half- worn letters say — 'IBrt'nh . hwarg . pilgrim ; Urinfe . & . ptan . dfov . the . fetnO . Soul . of . Jgnbtl . <©wn . bo . Built . thus . Ol<©&& . an* . WHEEIC.' " Wells of reputed sanctity were often ornamented with an image of the patron saint, and with a cross. The primitive Crosweller may have been the custodian of such a sacred fountain. Several other names similarly formed are referable to occupations, and will therefore be enumerated in a future chapter ; such are Miller, Parker, Forester, &c. Before leaving Local Surnames, I must mention such as are derived from apartments in houses, and which LOCAL. 91 were, most likely, first given to menial servants who served in the respective rooms. Like the foregoing, they generally occur in old records in the form of John i'the Kitchen, William atte Chamber, &c. Jorden de la Sekestrie (sextry), and Ricard. diet' atte Parlour, occur in the fourteenth century among the records of Lewes Priory : J. atte Lote (loft,) in a subsidy roll of 1296. Besides these we have Garret* Buttery, and Stair, and Camden says Sellar, which I have never seen. Chalmers is the Scottish form of Chambers; and Hall is otherwise accounted for. (p. 73.) Drawbridge was probably given to the porter of some old moated man sion, and Cullis may be an abbreviation of Port-cullis. To these may be added Chimney. Thus, gentle reader, I have, in humble sort, set forth the origin, antiquity, and varieties of that branch of our family nomenclature borrowed from the names of places, and if thou hast found aught of gratification in my lucu brations I am satisfied: if not, close the book; thy taste and mine concur not. I quarrel not with thee, and I trust that thou wilt exercise like forbearance with me, recollecting that — "De gustibus non disputandum est," — "and soe I bid thee right heartilie farewel." * A facetious correspondent suggests that ' Garret' maybe a translation of Atticus ! 92 ENGLISH SURNAMES. NOTE TO CHAPTER V. In the illustration of Local Surnames in the fore going chapter, I have confined myself to a few examples, unwilling to encumber my pages, as I might have done, with many thousands of names taken from the towns, villages, and hamlets of England. No reader would thank me for presenting him with a transcript of the Villare Anglicanum, which must have been the case had I achieved the laborious task of collecting a list of all the local surnames extant. When the name of a family coincides with that of a place, it will be safe,, as a general rule, to conclude that the surname was borrowed from the locality, and a reference to a topographical dictionary of England will solve many a problem in regard to family nomenclature. It may not be amiss, however, to furnish a few ob servations to enable the general reader to trace the origin of many names of this class. It will be necessary to premise, that as Britain has been successively occupied by various races of people, so each race has stamped upon its localities proper names borrowed from its own language. Hence the existing local nomenclature, though derived for the most part from the Anglo-Saxon or primitive English tribes, com prises a few words from other sources, Celtic, Roman, Danish, and French. I speak, of course, of England, for Wales and the Highlands of Scotland borrow most LOCAL. 93 of their names from the Celtic tongue, and with these we have very little to do. The earliest and most obvious mode of naming places, is the conferring upon them of appellations answering to their nature and situation in the language of the respective occupants. In the Celtic dialects, for in stance, Glynde means a vale, Comb (cwm) a deep valley, and Caburn (caer-bryn) a fortified hill. All these occur in Sussex. In the Latin, Castrum is a fortified station : this word, corrupted by the Saxons to 'ceaster' or 'chester,' is common as a termination to many English towns. In the Anglo-Saxon, Ley and Tun mean a field and an enclosure. In French, Malfosse stands for a dangerous ravine, and Beaulieu for a pleasant situation. Sometimes the name of a place describes its situation, or some peculiarity, in a word or phrase taken from the existing language, as Hull (hill) Poole,* Newhaven, Newcastle, Bishop's Stoke. Another, but a very limited, number of places, bear names derived from some transaction which has occurred in them. Battel in Sussex is an eminent example of this species. Lichfield, 'the field of corses,' is another. Some places bear the names of antient possessors, as iElfriches-tune, now Alfriston, Clappa-ham, now Clap- ham, Cissan-ceaster, now Chichester; literally, iElfrick's enclosure, Clappa's home, and Cissa's fortress. So like- * M. de Gerville observes, that most of the original names of places in Normandy are simply words of description, " often signifying merely rivers, mountains, or rocks, without addition ; for example, Vire, the name of a town, and Ver, that of two communes, in Lower Normandy, mean ' river,' or the ' water side ;' Abrant, the antient name of Avranches, means nothing else but the embouchure of a river, from ' Aber,' mouth, and ' ant,' river." 94 ENGLISH SURNAMES. wise in Normandy, Foucarville, Barneville, the town or residence of Fulcard, of Bernard, &c. Many take their designations from the rivers on which they stand, as Exeter, on the Exe, Plymouth, on the Plym, Yarmouth, on the Yare, Cambridge, on the Cam, Axminster, on the Axe. One very unimportant little river in Dorsetshire called the Piddle gives names to the following parishes in its course, viz., Piddle- trenthide, Piddlehinton, Piddletown, Tolpiddle, Alf- piddle, and Turner's Piddle. The names affixed to places by the Anglo-Saxons are in general very descriptive, a circumstance which enables a person tolerably acquainted with their noble language to arrive at an accurate idea of their situation, or of some principal feature. The noun which denotes a locality is often combined with an epithet descriptive of some circumstance, quality, or natural production of the place. For instance, innu merable places, on their first colonization by the Anglo- Saxons, received the generic name of tun, signifying an enclosure, or what the Americans would call a 'location.' If such a place had a clayey soil it would become Clayton ; if it had been previously unoccupied it would be Newton; if it lay in a level, meadow country, it would be Leighton ; if it occupied an eminence it would be Hilton. In like manner a thorp, or village, would be styled Aldthorue, iVewthorpe, or Hightnor^e, accord ing to the attribute of antiquity, recency, or loftiness of situation, proper to it. Again, Stanley would describe a stony field; Horsley, a field or district noted for horses; Ashley, a field favourable for the growth of ash-trees. The animal kingdom frequently furnishes the de scription, thus: — LOCAL. 95 QUADRUPEDS. The Ox. Oxley, Oxenden, Oxenham. Horse. Horsley, Horsfield, Horsebridge.* Cow. Cowley, Cowfold, Cowden. Sheep. Shipley, Shepscombe, Shepton. Ram. Ramsey, Ramslie, Ramscombe. -Hare. Haredean, Hareford, Harewood. Goat. Goatley, Gotham. Lamb. Lambton, Lamporte, Lambley. Fox. Foxhunt, Foxley, Foxcote. Boar. Boreham, Boresley, Boarswood. Hart. Hartford, Harthill, Hartfield. Deer. Dereham, Deerhurst. Brock (a badger.) Brockesley, Broxbourne. BIRDS. Bird. Birdbrook, Birdham, Birdsall. Swan. Swanscombe,f Swanbourne. Eagle. Eaglesfield, Eglesham, Eaglescliffe. Em (A.-S. for eagle.) Ernley, Earnsford. Crow. Crowham, Crawley, Crowhurst. Rook. Rokewood, Rookwith, Rookhurst. Raven. Ravensdale, Ravenscroft, Ravensden. Finch. Finchley, Fincham, Finchdean. Hawk. Hawkhurst, Hawkesborough. Goose (A.-S.'gos.') Gosfield, Gosden, Gosford. * While satisfied with the accuracy of the principle of these derivations, I am probably in error in particular instances ; for example, the first sylla ble of this name, Horsebridge, may be the A.-S. 'hurst,' a wood, rather than the quadruped. ¦ t This however may be Suane's combe, from Suane or Sweyn, an early proprietor. 96 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Many names of places are compounded of one or other of the generic terms alluded to, with a specific word derived from the vegetable kingdom, as : — Oak. Oakley, Ockham, Ockwood. Ac (A.-S. for oak.) Acton, Acland, Ackworth. Beech. Beechland, Coldbeche, Holbeche. Buch (A.-S. for beech.) Buckingham, Buxted. Box. Boxhill, Boxley, Boxgrove. Ash. Ashley, Ashcombe, Ashburnham. Elm. Elmingley, Elmgrove. Thorn. Thornhill, Thornton, Thornham. fTiZfow.Willoughby, Willowshed. Alder. Aldershaw, Alderton. Pine. Pinehurst, Pinewell. Birch. Bircham, Birchensty. Hazel. Haselgrove, Haslewood, Hazelden. Holm. Holmwood, Holmbush, Holmstye. Maple. Maplested, Maplesden, Mapledurham. Heath. Heathfield, Heathcote, Hetherington. Broom. Bromley, Bromfield, Bromsgrove. To enumerate the principal elements of names of places would be little more than to repeat the topo graphical terms defined in the latter portion of the foregoing chapter, the majority of which not only stand as names of places (and, consequently, as we have seen, as surnames), but are likewise used in composition with other words. To show in what a variety of connections' a single word of this class is found in the formation of place-names, I subjoin a list of those in which stone is a component syllable. Stone, Stondon, Stonebeck, Stonegrave, Stoneham, Stonehouse, Stoneleigh, Stonesby, Stonesfield, Stonham, LOCAL. 97 Stonton. The Anglo-Saxon orthography is Stan, whence Stanage, Stanborough, Stancil, Stanbridge, Standewick, Stanford, Stanground, Standish, Stanlake, Stanfield, Stanhoe, Stanhope, Stanion, Stanley, Stanlow, Stanmer, Stanmore, Stanney, Stanningfield, Stanning- ton, Stansfield, Stansted, Stanthorne, Stanton, Stanway, Stanwell, Stanwich, Stanwix. The old English pro nunciation was Stane, whence Staines, Steyning, Stainborough, Stainburn, Stainly, Staincliff, Staincross, Staindross, Stainfield, Stainforth, Stainland, Stainley, Stainmore, Stainton. Here are upwards of fifty parishes, or larger districts (as hundreds, &c), having stone in some one of its forms, for their initial syllable ; and the number might easily be increased twentyfold, were all those places adduced which have it in the middle or as a termination. CHAPTER VI. OF SURNAMES DERIVED FROM OCCUPATIONS AND PURSUITS. " It is not to be doubted but their ancestors have first gotten them by using trades, and the children of such parents being contented to take them upon them, after-coming posterity could hardly avoid them." — Verstegan. FTER these locall names," saith Master Camden, "the most in number have been derived from Occupations or Pro fessions ;" for which reason I purpose to make these the subject of my Sixth Chapter. And as some perplexity might arise in mar shalling the various Surnames according to right rules of precedence, I shall consider it no small advantage to follow so skilful a herald as Mr. Clarencieux through out these pages.* The practice of borrowing names from the various avocations of life is of high antiquity. Thus the Romans had among them many persons, and those too * Since the above paragraph was written, I have been partly induced to believe that the surnames'derived from individual, fore, or, as they are improperly called, Christian names, are more numerous than those which form the topic of the present chapter. Be this as it may, I have not thought it worth while to disarrange the method adopted in my previous editions. M. de Gerville asserts that 'Le Christianisme a introduit la moitii de nos noms de famille,' but, ? OCCUPATIONS AND PURSUITS. 99 of the highest rank, who bore such names as Figulus, Pictor, Fabricius, Scribonius, Salinator, Agricola, &c, answering to the Potters, Paynters, &c. of our own times. These names became hereditary, next in order after the local names, about the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Cocus, Dapifer, &c, we have already seen were borne by men of high rank soon after the Con quest. There was, as Camden observes, no employ ment that did not give its designation to one, or to many families. As local names generally had the prefix de or at, so these frequently had le, as Stephen le Spicer, Walter le Boucher, John le Bakere, &c, in the records of the twelfth and two subsequent centuries.* Pre-eminent in this family of Surnames, and afford ing wellnigh matter enough for a separate dissertation, stands Smith, unquestionably the commonest Surname in use. Verstegan asks — " From whence comes Smith, all be he Knight or Squire, But from the Smith thdiforgeth at the fire ?" — but the antiquary should have been aware that the radix of this term is the Anglo-Saxon ' smitan,' to smite, and that it was therefore originally applied not * In the ' Chronicon Monasterii de Bello' is a list, drawn up about the year 1080, of the inhabitants of the then recently-built town of Battel. Here the tradesmen are entered only with their baptismal names, and the designations of their respective employments, as ... ' Goduini coci' . . ' iEdvardi purgatoris' . . ' Rotberti molendinarii,' . 'Lamberti sutoris.' These are mere descriptions — not surnames. In the course, however, of 100 or 150 years from that date, in the records of the same establishment, we meet with Surnames borrowed from trades written with capital initial letters, and either with the prefix ' Le,' or without it, as in modern times, as Le Plomer, Le Corduainer, Le Vanner (basket-maker) ; Sanator (phy sician), Pessoner (fishmonger), Teyntner (dyer), Bottoner (button-maker?), and Panetier (a server of bread). 100 ENGLISH SURNAMES. merely to the Cyclopean fraternity, but also to wheel wrights, carpenters, masons, and smiters* in general. It was in fact precisely among our ancestors what 'faber' was among the Romans — any smith, forger, hammerer, maker, or mechanical ivorkman. Otherwise it would be difficult to account for the great frequency of the name. The prevalency of this Surname, common alike to country and to town, to the North, the South, the East, the West, to peer and to plebeian, to the Old World and the New, has given rise to a host of jokes and witticisms, good, bad, and indifferent. Some of these Smithiana, rescued from the ephemeral columns of the newspaper, may not be undeserving of a place in our more permanent page. John Smith is, par excellence, the binominal designa tion most obnoxious to these sallies. Can any reader's knowledge of his species be so limited as that he can not immediately call to mind at least half a dozen individuals bearing it? "We remember," says the editor of the Literary Gazette, " a bet laid and won, that a John Smith had been condemned either to death or transportation at every Old Bailey session during (we forget) two or three years !" Smith, without some rather unusual forename, is scarcely sufficient to identify a person ; and John being perhaps the commonest of Christian names, John Smith may safely be pronounced no name at all. What then shall we say of the coun- * The word occurs in the Saxon Chronicle in a warlike sense : " Angles and Saxons came to land, o'er the broad seas, Britain sought ; Mighty WAR-SMITHS the Welsh o'ercame !" OCCUPATIONS AND PURSUITS. 101 tryman who directed a letter, " For Mr. John .Smith at London, — with spead !" A missive addressed to Prester- John or the Man in the Moon would have been almost as likely to arrive at its destination. " Might your name be John Smith ?" asked an inquisitive New Englander of a stranger. "Well, yes, it might," was the reply, "but it aint by a long chalk !" ' Robson's Com mercial Directory,' for 1839, comprises a catalogue of no less than nine hundred and sixty-seven traders, in London only, bearing this ubiquitous surname, consi derably more than one hundred of whom are Johns ! It is clear therefore that the wag who got too late to a crowded theatre, could not have adopted a better stra tagem for obtaining a seat than that of shouting at the top of his voice, " Mr. Smith's house is on fire !" He well knew that the audience would at once undergo a discount of some three or four per cent. A late number of the .Boston Post states that " in March last there was to have been a great meeting of Smiths on Boston Common, to ascertain what branch of the family fell heir to a certain property in England — but the meeting was adjourned, as the common was found inadequate to the accommodation of the large number of the name anxious to attend !" Perhaps the best piece of humour relating to this name is that which appeared some years since in the newspapers, under the title of " the smiths. " Some very learned disquisitions are just now going on among the American journals touching the origin and extraordinary extension of the family of ' the Smiths.' Industrious explorers after derivatives and nominal roots, they say, would find in the name of 102 ENGLISH SURNAMES. John Smith a world of mystery ; and a philologist in the Providence Journal, after having written some thirty columns for the enlightenment of the public thereanent, has thrown down his pen and declared the subject exhaustless. From what has hitherto been discovered, it appears that the great and formidable family of the Smiths are the veritable descendants in a direct line from Shem, the son of Noah, the father of the Shemitish tribe, or the tribe of Shem : and it is thus derived — Shem, Shemit, Shmit, Smith. Another learned pundit, in the Philadelphia Gazette, contends for the universality of the name John Smith — not only in Great Britain and America, but among all kindreds and nations on the face of the earth. Beginning with the Hebrew, he says the Hebrews had no Christian names, consequently they had no Johns, and in Hebrew the name stood simply Shem or Shemit; but in the other nations the John Smith is found at full, one and indivisible. Thus : Latin, Johannes Smithius ; Italian, Giovanni Smithi ; Spanish, Juan Smithas ; Dutch, Hans Schmidt ; French, Jean Smeets ; Greek, Ion Skmiton ; Russian, Jonloff Skmittowski ; Polish, Ivan Schmitti- wciski ; Chinese, Jahon Shimmit ; Icelandic, Jahne Smithson; Welsh, Iihon Schmidd; Tuscarora, Ton Qa Smittia; Mexican, Jontli F'Smitli. And then, to prove the antiquity of the name, the same savant ob serves that ' among the cartouches, deciphered by Rosselini, on the temple of Osiris, in Egypt, was found the name of Pharaoh Smithosis, being the 9th in the 18th dynasty of the Theban kings. He was the founder of the celebrated temple of Smithopohs Magna.' We heartily congratulate the respectable multitude of the Smiths on these profound researches : researches which bid fair to explode the generally received opinion that OCCUPATIONS AND PURSUITS. 103 the great family of the Smiths were the descendants of mere horse-shoers and hammer-men !" The following piece of banter, in the same style, is from a newspaper paragraph of July, 1842 : "By a chain of reasoning not less logical and conclusive than that which enabled Home Tooke to establish the ety mological deduction of the word gerkin from King Jeremiah, Sir Edward Bulwer proves, in his beautiful prose-poem of ' Zanoni,' that the common surname of Smith which I had hitherto supposed to have been pro fessionally derived from Tubal-Cain, or from the family of the Fabricii, so celebrated in Roman history, owes its origin, in point of fact, to the term ' Smintheus,' a title bestowed upon the Phrygian Apollo ! Sir Edward, following the scholiast upon Homer, assigns the name to one of the god's high priests : but Strabo assures us that it was bestowed upon the deity himself, in conse quence of his having destroyed an immense number of 'Sfuvdai, or rats, with which the country was infested." Smith is probably of more frequent use as an alias than any other name whatever. A couple of historical instances may be cited. At the beginning of the reign of Henry IV, the head of the great family of Carrington, a partisan of Richard II, forsook his pa ternal estate, and became a John Smith ; and when the quondam King of the French, Louis Philippe, abdicated his throne and fled for his life, he assumed the alias of Mr. William Smith ! Some of the most unusual, as well as others of the most ordinary, Surnames, are compounds of Smith. It is rather curious, that although the appellations of the blacksmith and the whitesmith, both very common avocations, do not occur as Surnames, that of Brown- smith, an obsolete calling, does. The brownsmith of 104 ENGLISH SURNAMES. five centuries since must have been a person of some consideration, when the far-famed brown-bills of our warlike ancestors struck terror into the hearts of their enemies. Nasmyth is probably a corruption of ' nail- smith.' The Spearsmiths and Shoesmiths were respec tively makers of spears and of horseshoes. Knyfesmyth, a name occurring in some records of the county of Derby, explains itself. Goldsmiths are numerous every where. Arrowsmith is not uncommon, but it must not be confounded with Arsmith, meaning in Anglo- Saxon, a brazier, from ' ar,' brass. Bucksmith is doubtless a corruption of ' bucklesmith.' " Brydel bytters, blacke-smythes, and ferrars, Bokell-smythes, horse leches and gold beters." Cocke Lorelle's Bote. In the north of England a sock means a plough share ; hence ' socksmith,' ludicrously corrupted to Sucksmith and Sixsmiths ! I may further remark that Smith in Gaelic is Gow : hence M'Gowan is Smithson. The Gows were once -as numerous in Scotland as the Smiths in England, and would be so at this time had not many of them, at a very recent date, translated the name to Smith. But leaving the Smiths and their relatives, let us notice the long list of English Surnames derived from other trades and professions. We have then the Masons and Carpenters, the Bakers and Butchers, the Braziers and Ironmongers, the Butlers and Taverners, the Carters and Wagners,* the Sadlers and Girdlers, the Tylers and Slaters, the Cartwrights and Plow- rights, the Wainwrights and Sievewrights, the Colemans and Woodyers, the Boxers and Siveyers, the Taylors * This is from the German : it is equivalent, however, to our ' waggoner.' OCCUPATIONS AND PURSUITS. 105 and Drapers, the Plowmans and Thatchers,* the Far mers and Shepherds, the Cappers and Shoewrights, the Chapmans\ and Grocers, the Cowpers or Coopers, the Browkers or Brokers, the Cutlers and Ironmongers, the Wheelers and Millers, the Tanners and Glovers, the Oxlads and Steermans, the Wrights and Joiners, the Salters and Spicers, the Grinders and Boulters, the Poefo and Prophets, the Hedgers and Ditchers, the Stayners and Gilders, the Moulders and Callenders, the Miners and Mariners, the Spaders and Harrowers, the Thrashers and Mowers, the Pursers and Banckers, the Po«^ and Messengers, the Ensigns and Sargents, the Beemans and Honeymans, the Pilots and Caulkers, the Copperwrights and Staplers, the Drivers and Drovers, the Milliners and Collarmakers, the Bellmans and Paviours, the Trappers and Ginmans, the Lawyers and Barristers, the Scholars and Preachers, the Jugglers and Praters, the Stonecutters and Day- laborers, the Stalkers and Challengers, the Talkers and Laughers, the Ashburners and Mustardmakers, the Bards and Rhymers, the Gardeners and Tollers, the Cardmakers and Bookers, the Armorers and Furbishers, the Shipwrights and Goodwrights, the Marchants and Brewers, the Pipers and Vidlers, the Homers and Drummers, the Bellringers and Hornblowers, the Mer- ketmans and Fairmans, the Cooks and Porters, the Hosiers and Weavers, the Caterers and Cheesemans, the Colliers and Sawyers, the Turners and Naylors, (nail-makers,) the Potters and Potmans, the Hoopers * Thacker, and the German Decker, and Dutch Dekker, have the same meaning. t " Chapman was formerly a seller, a eAeap-man, from ' chepe,' a market, and it is still used in this sense legally, as when we say ' dealer and chapman.' " — Knight's Shakspere. 5§ 106 ENGLISH SURNAMES. and Hookers, the Portmans and Ferrimans, the Poti- carys and Farriers, the Sellers and Salemans, the Fire- mans and Watermans, the Plummers and Glaisyers, the Alemans and Barleymans, the Skinners and Woolers, the Paynters and Dyers, the Mercers and Bucklers, the Workmans and Pedlars, the Boardmans and Inmans, the Chandlers and Pressmans, the Fiddlers and Players, the Rhymers and Readers, the Oastlers and Tappers, the Whiters and Blackers, the Grooms and Stallmans, the Ropers and Corders, the Twiners and Stringers, the Leadbeaters and Stonehewers, to which may be added from the Nona Rolls — whether extinct or not I cannot say, the Quarreours, the Swepers, the Water- leders, the Lymberners and the Candlemakers. A very great number of words obsolete in our lan guage, or borrowed from other languages, and there fore unintelligible to all but philologists and antiqua ries, are retained in surnames, which thus furnish the etymologist with many an agreeable reminiscence of the pursuits and manners of our ancestors. Thus Sutor,* is the Latin, Old English, and Saxon (sutere) for shoemaker ; Latimer is a writer of Latin, or as Camden has it " an interpretour." Chaucer, like Sutor, signifies a member of the gentle craft. Leech, the Anglo-Saxon (lasce) for physician, is still partially retained in some parts of the country in " cow-leech," a business usually connected with that of the farrier. Henry the First, according to Robert of Gloucester, -TOllrtJ of a Iampwgt to tti, JSut hfe Etches htm berfcrtir, bor gt mas a ftble mttt." * The native of Lancashire and the lover of Scottish song will under stand the meaning of this term without my aid. Soutar, Sowter, Shuter, and Suter are only variations of the same name. OCCUPATIONS AND PURSUITS. 107 Thwaytes, according to Verstegan, means a feller of wood, an etymology supported by the A.-S. verb ' thweotan,' to cut, exscindere. Barker is synonymous with Tanner. In the dialogue between King Edward the Fourth and the Tanner of Tamworth, in Percy's Reliques, we have the following lines : " What craftsman art thou, said the King, I pray thee telle me trowe ? I am a Barker, Sir, by my trade, Now tell me, what art thou ?." Jenner is an old form of joiner, Bowcher of butcher, and Milner of miller. A Lorimer is a maker of hits for bridles, spurs, &c. There is or was a " Lorimers' Company" in London. An Arkwright was in old times a maker of meal-chests, an article found in every house when families dressed their own flour. Furner is an anglicised form of Fournier (French), a man who keeps an oven or four, a baker, (a baker is still called a fourner in some parts of Kent) ; Lavender of Lavandier, a washerman; {Launder and Lander are further contractions of the same word) ; and Pullinger of Boulanger a baker. A Pargiter is a plasterer : the terms ' pargetting' and ' parge-work' are of common use in medieval documents in the sense of ornamental plastering : " Some men wyll have their wallys plastered, some pergetted and whytlymed, some roughecaste." Hormani Vulgaria quoted in Gloss, of Architecture. A Dawber is also a plasterer, but probably for a plainer part of the trade. A ' wimple' was a kind of tippet or kerchief for the neck and shoulders of four teenth-century ladies ; hence Wympler. Webbe, Webber, (and Weber from the German,) are equivalent to 108 ENGLISH SURNAMES. weaver ; a Sayer is an assayer of metals ; Tucker, a fuller ; and Shearman one who shears worsteds, fustians, &c. — an employment formerly known at Norwich by the designation of " shermancraft ;"* Banister is the keeper of a bath ; a Pointer was a maker of " points," an obsolete article of dress ; and a Pilcher a maker of pilches, a warm kind of upper garment, the great-coat of the fourteenth century ; hence Chaucer : " After gret hete cometh cold, No man cast his pylch away."t Kidder and Kidman are obsolete words for huxter, (Goth, "kyta," to deal, hawk), Hellier for tyler, slater, or thatcher, (A.-S. helan,) and Crowther (and Crowder) for one who plays upon the crowd, an antient stringed instrument, the prototype of the modern violin, called in Welsh cmvth, and in Irish cruit. Spenser, in his Epithalamion, has " The pipe, the tabor, and the trembling croud." A Conder was a person stationed on the sea-shore to watch the approach of the immense shoals of pilchards and herrings, and give notice thereof to the fishermen by certain understood signals, it being, singularly, a fact, that those migrations cannot be perceived at sea, although from the shore they appear literally to darken the deep. In Cornwall these men are called Hewers * " As for the cloth of my ladies, Hen. Cloughe putt it to a shereman to dight, and he sold the cloth and ran away."— Plumpton Cor., Camd. Soc. p. 30. t The A.-S. pylcbe, whence Pilcher, is equivalent to our (or rather to the French) pelisse, which is derived immediately from the Latin petlis, pellicum, skin or fur. A pilcher was also a scabbard, as being made of hide or leather. Mercutio says to Tybalt, " Will you pluck your sword out of the pitcher by the ears ?" OCCUPATIONS AND PURSUITS. 109 (a name probably derived from the A.-S. eawian, to show), and hence the surnames Hewer, Huer, and Ewer. A Ridler was a maker of sieves ; a Wait is a minstrel ; aFricker (A.-S. 'fricca'), a crier or preacher; a Tranter, a carrier; and a Footman, a messenger. In the north of England a " hack" means a mattock or axe ; hence Hackman is possibly either the maker or the user of such an implement. Crocker (and perhaps Croker) means a maker of coarse pottery. The word ' crock,' in the provincial dialects of the south, signifies a large barrel-shaped jar. It was in general use in Chaucer's days : " Spurn not as doth a crocke against a wal." Maunder (from the Old Eng. verb ' maund,' to beg,) is beggar, and Card, a word still in use in Scotland, means a travelling tinker ! ' Napery' is household linen ; hence Napper probably stands for a manufacturer or seller of that article. Seamer is the A.-S. for tailor, and Lomer for a maker of ' lomes' or tubs. Fortner is believed to mean a combatant in a tilting match, from the old English ' fortuny,' a tournament — the issue of such conflicts being very much dependent upon fortune or chance. Sanger is singer. Monger (A.-S. mancgere and monger) is merchant. The monger of Saxon times was a much more important personage than those who, in our days, bear the name. He was the prototype of the merchant- princes of the nineteenth century ; he was a dealer in many things (unde nomen) which his ship- men brought from many lands ; but our modern mon gers, be they Ironmongers, Cheesemongers, Fellmongers, Woodmongers, or Icemongers (?), traffic chiefly in a single article. All these compounds stand, I believe, as surnames, but Horsemonger, Newsmonger, Match- HO ENGLISH SURNAMES. monger, and Costardmonger, (i. e. a dealer in apples,) have never been used as such. Tyerman and Tireman probably mean a maker of ornaments for the head; tire being, as Johnson sup poses, a corruption either of ' tiara' or of ' attire.' " On her head she wore a tire of gold, Adorned with gems and ouches." Spenser. " Round tires like the moon." Isaiah, c. iii, v. 18. 'Tirewoman,' an obsolescent word, meaning one whose business it is to make dresses for the head, is re tained by Johnson. Perhaps, however, the TyerMAn of olden times was no man-milliner, but followed the more masculine occupation of making ready the furni ture of the battle-field : " Immediate sieges and the tire of war, Rowl in thy eager mind." Philips. Lunhunter has cost me conjectures not a few. An ingenious correspondent suggests the two following etymons : I . Lone, solitary, having no companion — one who hunted by himself. 2. Loon, Icelandic ' lunde,' a sea-fowl of the genus Colymbus — a hunter of that species of bird. I confess that it would have been more satisfactory had my correspondent identified lun or lund with some quadruped bearing such trivial or provincial appellation. Shipster is the Anglo-Saxon 'scip-styra,' ship-steerer or pilot. " Gogle-eyed Tomson, shepster of Lyn." Cocke Lorelle's Bote. Comber, Camber, and the feminine form Kempster, are from 'came,' and 'kembe,' old forms of comb, and are synonymous with Coomber, a wool-comber. Carder, Towzer, and Tozer, point to another branch of the OCCUPATIONS AND PURSUITS. Ill same craft : ' toze' and ' towse' are synonymous with tease : " Upon the stone His wife sat near him teasing matted wool, While from the twin cards tooth'd with glittering wire He fed the spindle of his youngest child." To 'toom' is to take wool off the cards — hence Toomer ; a ' slay' is an instrument belonging to a loom, whence Slaymaker. A Blower, sometimes corrupted to Blore, was the man who superintended the blast at a furnace. A Raper is a ropemaker ; a Tupman a breeder of rams, called in some places ' tups ;' and a Tilman a farm-labourer ; ' Note' in the North signifies oxen or neat cattle : hence Notman, which might appear to belong to a coward, really denotes a cowherd ! Vacher is certainly a cow-keeper. Akerman is the A.-S. 'secer- mon,' a fieldman or husbandman; Flatman, 'flot-mon,' a sailor; Firman, 'ferd-mon,' a soldier; and Score is probably the 'sceawere,' beholder, spectator, or spy, of the same language. In the fourteenth century the jurats of Pevensey, co. Sussex, were called ' skawers,' in the sense of overseers or superintendents of the marshes. A Tasker is a thrasher, and occurs in that sense in the fifteenth century, — ' Triturator, a tasker.' (Halliw.) Tubman, Tupper, and Dubber are probably synony mous with the Germ. ' Taubmann,' a maker of tubs. ' Daube' in that language is a stave used in making tubs, and to 'dub,' a piece of wood, in the language of our shipwrights and coopers, means to fashion it with an adze. Pulter, Potter, and Poulter are the original and true forms of poulterer (to which, as in the cases of fruiterer, upholsterer, &c. an extra -er has been added). In the 112 ENGLISH SURNAMES. directions to the Lord Mayor of London for the re ception of the suite of Charles V when he visited Henry VIII, appears this, " Item, to appoynt iiij putters to serve for the said persons of all maner pultry," and the same king incorporated a "Poulters' Company." Cramer is German (kramer), and signifies a retail dealer. A 'cade' is a cask; hence Cadman is a maker of cades or kegs. Cade, in this sense, was used in Shakspeare's days : " Cade. We John Cade, so termed of our supposed father." " Dick. Or rather of stealing a cade of herrings .'" Hen. VI. Act iv, Sc. 2. In the same play we have an illustration of the name Shearman, before mentioned (page 108). George Bevis loquitur : " I tell thee, Jack Cade the clothier means to dress the commonwealth and turn it, and set a new nap upon it." Act iv, Sc. 2. Stafford (to Cade.) " Villain, thy father was a plasterer, and thou thyself a shearman, art thou not ?" ' Aledraper,' a cant term applied to the keeper of an alehouse, is probably of too modern date to have become a family name, yet we have the equally ridiculous de signation, Alefounder. A Satcher is a maker of sacks or satchells, and a Kilner is a man who attends a fur nace or kiln, A ' slop' is a kind of cloak or mantle, also a buskin or boot much used in the fifteenth cen tury — hence Sloper* * The modern stop-seller, or dealer in ready-made clothes, probably owes his designation to this source. OCCUPATIONS AND PURSUITS. 113 As a general rule, all names terminating with er indicate some employment or profession, er is un questionably derived from the Anglo-Saxon ' wer' or 'were' a man; hence Salter is Salt-maw, and Miller, Mill-maw. These terminations er and man are often used interchangeably; thus we have Potter and Pottman, Tiler and Tileman, Carter and Cartman, Wooler and Woolman, cum multis aliis. Besides these, we have Horseman, Palfriman, Coltman, Padman (a ' pad' was an easy-paced nag), Wainman (corrupted to Wenman), Carman, Coachman, Boatman, Clothman, Seaman, Tub man, and Spelman, which, Camden says, means 'learned man,' but which, I should rather say, signifies a man who worked by ' spells' or turns with another, if indeed it be not intended for a necromancer, charmer, or worker of spells. Tha ongunnon lease men wyrcan ' spell.' Then began false men to work spells. Boet. 38, i. I may add, however, that ' spelman' is the Swedish, and ' speilmann' the German, for a wandering musi cian, while ' spielman' in the Scottish dialect means a climbing man. A ' spill' is a spindle or a lath; hence Spiller, Speller, and Spillman may be makers of spindles or makers of laths. The latter business, it may be observed, still maintains its existence as a separate branch of employ ment in some districts. One of the most singular features in this department of our family nomenclature is the existence of several surnames terminating in -ster, which is the regular Anglo-Saxon form of feminine nouns of action, as er is of masculine ones. The word ' Spinster' is the regular feminine of ' spinner' and not of bachelor, as Lindley 114 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Murray would have us suppose. Bacestre, sangstre, and seamestre, are the regular feminines of bmcere, baker, sang ere, singer, and seamere, tailor; hence it is evident that — Tapster is the feminine of Tapper. Baxter and Bagster Baker. Whitster „ Whiter (a fuller.) Webster „ Webber (weaver.) Kempster „ Kember (comber.)* Sangster „ Sanger (singer.) Fewster „ Fewer (A.-S. feoh-fee) a feofee. Brewster „ Brewer. That the business of brewing was antiently carried on by women is evident from the following authorities : In Sir John Skene's Borough Laws, 'Browsters' are described as ' Wemen quha brewes aill to be sauld.' " Gif she makes gude ail," says an old Scottish statute, " that is sufficient. Bot gif she makes evill ail she shall pay aucht shillinges or sail be put upon the cock- stule, and the aill sail be distributed to the pure folke." In the Custumal of the town of Rye we read, " if a bruster, free, hath made ale, and sell it in the foreign, in fairs or in markets, and the lord of the soil will distress her against her will for the sale of the said ale, &c."t Mr. Poulson, in his ' History of Beverley,' observes that "Artificers were by statute of 27, Edw. Ill, c. 5, 6. tied down to one occupation with an exception of female brewers, bakers, weavers, spinners and other women employed upon works in wool, linen, or silk * Pectriw, a ' kempster.' Nominale MS. t Holloway's Rye, p. 155. OCCUPATIONS AND PURSUITS. 115 embroidery, &c. If this act had been in the language of the country, the same terms would have been used as will frequently occur in these pages, namely Brewster, Baxter, Webster, &c, the termination ster signifying a woman (not a man) who brews, bakes, weaves, &c." The same learned writer thus shows how these names of feminine employments could be come hereditary surnames : " When men began to in vade those departments of industry by which women used to earn an honest livelihood, they retained the feminine appellations for some time, as men-midwives and men-milliners do now ; but afterwards masculine words drove the feminine ones out of the language, as men had driven the women out of the employments. ' Spinster' still retains its genuine termination ; and the language of the law seems to presume that every unmarried woman is employed in spinning."* Dexter appears to be a feminine form — but of what ? Although no such word as ' daegestre' occurs in the Saxon dictionary, may it not be a compound of ' daeg,' ' dag,' day, and the feminine termination alluded to, and so signify a woman that works by the day — a charwoman ? Pewtress looks like the feminine of pewterer, but I am not aware that this calling was ever carried on by women. There is a string of names derived from occupations which sound right oddly when placed in juxta-position, * Beverlac, p. 128. This curious subject deserves further illustration; but it belongs rather to general etymology than to my special department. I cannot, however, pass unnoticed a singular fact in relation to the words younker and youngster, the former of which is the proper masculine, and the latter the correct feminine. In the mutation which nearly the whole of this class of words has undergone, younker has been discarded from the vocabulary of polite persons, and degraded to a nautical vulgarism, while youngster has been transferred from the girl to the boy ! 116 ENGLISH SURNAMES. and which, primd facie, would appear to be fully as applicable to the equine as to the human species; namely, Traveller, Walker, Ryder, Ambler, Trotter, Hopper, Skipper, Jumper, and Hobler ! Of these, Tra veller was probably given to some one who, like Maundevile, had visited 'straunge contries and ilands.' A Trotter (synonymous with Trotman) was the run ning-footman of the middle ages. So early as the thirteenth century we find the word latinized ' Trotta- rius ;' and in some monkish statutes of the date of 1218, mentioned by Fosbroke, it is enjoined that " everyone be content with a horse and a trotter." In the MS. romance of Aubrey the hero's valet is called his trotting servitor — son serjant trotier, and it is from this expres sion that Taylor, the water-poet, speaks of a trotting footman.* Walker signifies either (A.-S. wealcere) a fuller, f or an officer, whose duty consisted in ' walking" or in specting a certain space of forest-ground. Rider means another forest officer, a superintendent (as I take it) of the ' walkers,' — a ranger, who derived his name from the circumstance of his being mounted, as having a larger district to supervise. In the ballad of ' William of Cloudesley,' &c. the king, rewarding the dexterity of the archer who shot the apple from his child's head, says : — " I give thee eightene-pence a day, And my bowe thou shalt bere, And over all the north countre, I make thee chyfe rydereV'X Percy's Reliques. * Encyclopaedia of Antiq., voc. Running-footman. f In the North of England a fulling-mill is still called a ' waZi-mill,' and at Alfrich, co. Worcester, there are some thin strata of unctuous clay of a whitish hue, still called "walker's clay." Ex inf. Jabez Allies, Esq. f.s.a. J It is worthy of remark, however, that Ryder, Lord Harrowby claims from Ryther in Yorkshire. OCCUPATIONS AND PURSUITS. 117 Ambler, antiently le Amblour, is from the French, ' ambleur,' an officer of the king's stable. Hopper probably signified an officer who had the care of swans. By swan-' hopping,' or ' upping,' was meant the search ing for and marking of the swans belonging to parti cular proprietors. It must not be forgotten, however, that the A.-S. hoppere means a dancer. Skipper (A.-S. scipere, a sailor) is a very ancient term for the captain or master of a vessel ; Jumper possibly meant a maker of 'jumps,' that is, a kind of short coats or boddices for women;* while Hobler is most unques tionably a contraction of ' hobbelar' or ' hobiler,' a person who by the tenure of his lands was obliged to keep a hobby or light horse, to maintain a watch by the side of a beacon, and to alarm the countryf in case of the enemy's approach in the day-time, when the fire of the beacons would not be discernible from a distance. It would seem also that the term was sometimes used to signify persons of an equestrian order, lower in dignity than knights, and probably mounted on meaner and smaller animals. In an antient romance we read of " Ten thousand knights stout and fers (fierce) Withouten hobelers and squyers." The etymology of Dancer is sufficiently obvious; the first of that name doubtless possessed peculiar skill in the art saltatory. Perhaps, after all, the names Hopper and Jumper were acquired by proficiency in the gymnastic exercises to which at first sight they seem to refer. Massenger is an evident corruption of the French ' messager,' a messenger, a bearer of despatches, &c. * Bailey's Dictionary. t Fenn's Paston Letters. 118 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Pottinger is the Scottish for apothecary,* and Lardner is an obsolete word for swine-herd, or rather a person who superintended the pannage of hogs in a forest. Names of the foregoing description, however mean in their origin, are now frequently found among the highest classes of society. The names Collier and Salter are, or have been, in the British peerage, although those occupations were once considered so menial and vile that none but bondmen would follow them. Some names of this sort have been changed in orthography to hide their original meanness ; " molli fied ridiculously," as Master Camden hath it, " lest their bearers should seem vilified by them." Carteer, Smeeth, Tayleure,f Cuttlar, &c, are frequently met with as the substitutes of Carter, Smith, Tailor, and Cutler. " Wise was the man that told my Lord Bishop that his name was not Gardener as the English pro nounce it, but Gardiner, with the French accent, and therefore a gentleman.''^ Some names have reference to military pursuits, as Arblaster,\ Hookman, Billman, Spearman, Bowman, Bannerman. The number and variety of surnames connected with the pleasures of the chase furnish evidence of the pre dilection of our progenitors for field-sports. Thus we have in great abundance our Hunters, Fowlers, Fishers, Falconers, {Faulkners, and Faivkeners,) Hawkers, Anglers, Warreners, Bowyers, and Bowmakers, Stringers, that is * Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary. t A Mr. Taylor who had by " ridiculous mollification'7 become Mr. Tayfawe, once haughtily demanding of a farmer the name of his dog, the honest son of the soil replied, " Why, sir, his proper name is Jowler, but since he's a consequential kind of puppy, we calls him Jouleure .'" t Camden. § Vide infra. OCCUPATIONS AND PURSUITS. 119 bow-string makers, Arrow-smiths, Fletchers (from the Fr. ' fleche'), that is, either an arrow-maker, or more generally, a superintendent of archery. But some of these may be official names, and, therefore, more pro perly belong to my next chapter. Buckmaster, Buck- man, Hindman, Stagman, and Hartman were probably servants to the ' Parker,' and had the care of herds of venison. Brockman is a hunter of ' brocks' or badgers. A ' tod' in Scotland and the North of England, is a fox; hence Todhunter is a foxhunter, though not in the red-coated sense of that term. A northern cor respondent informs me that he knows an old man, a destroyer of foxes, who calls himself, and is called, the "Old Tod-hunter of Grapington," in Craven. The expression " wily tod " occurs in the writings of Wy cliff e.* Bur der signifies a bird-catcher or fowler, as the following jest, written upwards of three centuries since, will prove -. — " There was a doctour on a tyme, whiche desired a fouler, that went to catche byrdes with an owle, that he might go with hym. The byrder was content, and dressed him with bows, and set hym by his oule, and bade him say nothynge. When he saw the byrdes a lyght a pace, he sayde : There be many byrdes alyghted, drawe thy nettes, where-with the byrdes flewe awaye. The byrder was very angry, and blamed him greatly for his speakyng. Than he promysed to hold his peace. When the byrder was in again and many byrdes were alyghted, mayster Doctour said in Latyn, Aves per- mtjlte adstjnt : wherwith the byrdes flewe away. The byrder came out ryghte angrye and sore displeased, and sayde, that by his bablynge he had twyse loste his pray. * Todman also occurs as a surname. 120 ENGLISH SURNAMES. ' Why, thynkest thou, foole,' quoth the doctour, ' that the byrdes do vnderstand Latin ?' "* ' Low' is the Scottish for fire, and ' low-bellers' are, according to Blount,t men " who go with a light and a bell, by the sight whereof birds, sitting on the ground, become somewhat stupified, and so are covered with a net and taken." Hence Lower is perhaps a bird- catcher. The Teutonic ' loer' is one who lays snares, and Lowrie in the Scottish dialect signifies a crafty person, in allusion probably to the same occupation. In the records of the Middle Ages the surnames of individuals are generally latinized, and the Latin ex pressions seem occasionally to have superseded the ori ginal English ones. Hence Mercator, Tonsor, Faber, in this class, are still found as family names. Although the opinion of Verstegan, cited in the motto of the present chapter, is supported by th» strongest possible evidence as to the vast majority ofi instances, it is equally certain that in a fe\yfa cases names of trades have been given as cognomens. "copper- sons above the plebeian rank. For example, Willelmus" Faber, a Norman monk who enjoyed the favour of William the Conqueror, and assisted him in the foun dation of Battel Abbey on the site of the conflict which had given him the crown, acquired his surname from the following circumstance. As he was engaged one day with his brethren in the not very ascetic pursuit of hunting, the party had exhausted their arrows, and were fain to apply to a neighbouring blacksmith for a new stock of these missiles; but the mechanic being unskilled in this kind of work, William seized his tools and presently produced an arrow of excellent work- * Tales and Quicke Answers, very mery, &c. t Law Dictionary. OCCUPATIONS AND PURSUITS. 121 manship. Hence his companions jocularly called him Faber, or the smith, a name which he was unable afterwards to lay aside.* The following somewhat analogous instance may well excite the reader's astonishment : the surname Butcher was given as a title of honour. " Le Boucher," says Saintfoix, "was antiently a noble surname given to a general after a victory, in commemoration of his having slaughtered some thirty or forty thousand men!"f Horribile dictu ! — henceforward let all lovers of peace exclaim, " One murder makes a villain ; millions a Butcher !" NOTE TO CHAPTER VI. With respect to the application of the surnames treated of in the foregoing Chapter, we may observe that there was much greater propriety in making the names of occupations stationary family names than appears at first sight ; for the same trade was often pursued for many generations by the descendants of the individual who in the first instance used it. Sometimes a parti cular trade is retained by most of the male branches of a family even for centuries. Thus the family of * Quod cum sodalibus venatum alkjuando profectus, sagittis forte de- ficientibus, cum quendam fabrum hujuscemodi operis ignarum adissent, ipse malleis arreptis mox sagittam artificio ingenio compegit. Hinc Fabri nomen obtinuit. — Chronicon Monasterii de Bella. f Le Boucher etoit anciennement un surnom ghrieux, qn'on donnoit a un general, apres unevictoire — en reconnoisance du carnage qu'il avoitfait de trente ou quarante millehommes. — Saintfoix, Historical Essays. i. 6 122 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Oxley, in Sussex, were nearly all smiths or iron-founders during the long period of 250 years. Most of the Ades of the same county have been farmers for a still longer period. The trade of weaving has been carried on by another Sussex family named Webb (weaver) as far back as the traditions of the family extend, and it is not improbable that this business has been exercised by them ever since the first assumption of the term as a surname, by some fabricator of cloth in the thirteenth or fourteenth century. But the most remarkable in stance of the long retention of a particular avocation by one man's posterity is in the family of Purkess, of the New Forest in Hampshire. The constant tradition of the neighbourhood states, that when William Rufus met his untimely end in that forest, there lived near the fatal oak a poor " coleman," or maker of charcoal, who lent his cart for the purpose of conveying the royal corpse to Winchester, and was rewarded with an acre or two of land round his hut. His immediate descendants of the same name live there still, and yet carry on the same trade, without one being richer than another for it. This family is deemed the most antient in the county. {Gough's Camden.) According to a recent newspaper paragraph, the last representative of this antient plebeian line is lately deceased. CHAPTER VII. OF SURNAMES DERIVED FROM CIVIL AND ECCLESIASTICAL DIGNITIES, AND FROM OFFICES. LOSELY allied to the Surnames dis cussed in the preceding chapter are those which were originally borrowed from dignities and offices. The following lists of names of this class are arranged according to the rules of precedence. CIVIL DIGNITIES. Emperor, Lord, King, Knight, Prince, Chevalier, Duke, Squire, Marquis, Gentleman, Earle, Yeoman ; Barron {sic), to which may be added the corrupt latinizations, Prinsep (princeps), and Arminger (armiger.) 124 ENGLISH SURNAMES. ECCLESIASTICAL DIGNITIES. Pope, Cardinal, Bishop, Bysshopp, &c. Abbott,Prior, Pryor, Dean (qu. local?), Archdeacon, Rector, Parsons, Vicar (Vickers), Priest, Deacon, Deakin, &c. Clerk, Clarke, &c* Chaplin (Caplin ?), Friar, Fryer, Freere, Frere (Chaucer, passim), Monk, Nunn (!), Saxton ; and the latinized form, Pontifex ; to which may be added, Benet (now Bennett), one of the orders of the Catholic church, the ' exorcista,' conjuror, or caster out of evil spirits, and Colet, an acolyte, the fourth of the minor orders of priests. " Boniface V," says Becon, " decreed that such as were but benet and colet should not touch the reliques of saints, but they only which are subdeacons, deacons, and priests."f Noviss (novice) is likewise a surname, and Lister is in all probability the Anglo-Saxon ' listre,' a person who read some part of the church service. The following offices have lent their designations as surnames : Alderman, Bailey, Beadle, Botiler or Butler, Burgess, Chancellor, Chamberlayne, Constable, Castellan, Champion (and Campion), Councilman, Catchpole, Forester, Falconer (often written Falconar, and still oftener Fawkner and Faulkner), Groome, Henchman, * Adam the clerk, son of Philip the scribe, occurs as the designation of a person mentioned in an antient record at Newcastle. f Way's Prompt. Parv. in voc. ' Benett.' OFFICIAL. 125 Legatt (i. e. legate), Mayor (with its French form Lemaire, anitheO.'Eiig.Meyer),Marshall,Provost (with its corruption Provis), Page, Proctor, Porter, Portman, Ranger, Reeve (pluralized to Reeves), Steward (and Stewart or Stuart, by crasis Sturt?), Sizar, Sheriff (with Shireff), Serjeant (corruptly Sargent), Tipstaff, Ussher, Warden, and Woodreeve, with its various forms of Woodriff, Woodroafe, Woodruff, Woodrough, and (probably) Woodrow. The names of many offices, obsolete either as to themselves or as to their antient designations, are re tained as family names, as — Chalmers (Scot.)= Camerarius, chamberlain. Le Despenser, corruptly Spencer, a steward. Horden has the same import. The ancestor of the family of Spencer, Duke of Marlborough, was ' dispensator' or steward to the household of William the Conqueror. Grosvenor, antiently held the office of le Gros Veneur, or great huntsman to the Dukes of Normandy. Bannerman, in Scotland, was a name of office, borne by the king's standard-bearer. It was an hereditary post, and existed temp. Malcolm IV, and William the Lion.* ' Seneschal,' a steward, is now vilely corrupted to Snashall ! Staller, according to Camden, is a standard-bearer. Foster, a - nourisher — one who had the care of the children of great men. We have also Nurse, as a sur name. Foster, however, is sometimes a corruption of 'forester.' Kempe, a soldier, especially one who engaged in single combat. In this sense it has been revived in the works * Nisbet. Syst. of Heraldry, vol. i, p. 405. 126 ENGLISH SURNAMES. of Sir Walter Scott. Kempes and kemperye-men for warriors or fighting-men occur in the ballad of King Estmere in Percy's Reliques : " They had not ridden scant a myle, A myle forthe of the towne, But in did come the kynge of Spayne, With kempes many a one. Up then rose the kemperye-men And loud they gan to crye Ah ! traytors, you have slayne our kynge, And therefore you shall dye." A kemper is still used in Norfolk in the sense of a stout, hearty, old man — a veteran. The A.-S. cempa has also supplied us with the surnames Camp, Champ, and Camper. Campion and Champion have come to us through the French, from the same root. The Swedish Kempenfelt and the Spanish Campeador belong to this family. Kimber is also synonymous; " kimber, enim, homo bellicosus, pugil robustus, miles, &c. significat."* ' Bate' is conflict, contention ; and hence Bateman is a member of the same belligerent tribe. Segar and Seagar, (A.-S. sigere), a vanquisher. So says Verstegan ; but a Northern correspondent informs me that this is a provincialism for ' sawyer.' Wardroper, a keeper of the royal wardrobe : the officer bore this designation temp. Hen. VIII. Latimer. This name was first given to Wrenoc ap Merrick, a learned Welshman, who held certain lands by the service of being latimer or interpreter between the Welsh and the English ; and the name of his office descended to his posterity, who were afterwards ennobled as English peers. f The older and more correct form is * Sheringham. f Vide Burke's Ext. Peerage. OFFICIAL. 127 Miner, one who understands Latin. Maundevile directs travellers to take with them "Latyneres to go with hem into tyme (until) they conne the langage." Valvasour (now more generally written Vavasour), an office or dignity taking rank below a baron, and above a knight. Bracton says, "there are for the civil government of mankind, emperors, kings, and princes, magnates, or valvasours, and knights." In the Norman reigns there was a king's valvasour, whose duty pro bably consisted in keeping ward ad valvas Regni, at the entrances and borders of the realm; whence the name. Arblaster, a corruption of Balistarius, one who directed the great engines of war used before the in vention of cannon, a crossbow-man. " In the kernils (battlements) here and there, Of Arblastirs grete plentie were j None armour might ther stroke withstonde, It were foly to prese to honde." Rom. of the Rose. From another form of the word — ' Alblastere,' comes the apparently absurd name Alabaster. Spigumell, a sealer of writs. Avery. Camden places this among Christian names, but query, is it not the name of an office — Aviarius, a keeper of the birds ? The Charter of Forests (section 14) enacts that "every freeman may have in his woods avyries of sparhawks, falcons, eagles, and herons." But there is another distinct derivation of this name, for avery, according to Bailey, signifies "a place where the oats {avenae) or provender are kept for the king's horses." Franklin, a dignity next to the esquires and gentle men of olden times, the antient representative of the class of superior freeholders, known in later times as 128 ENGLISH SURNAMES. country 'squires. Fortescue (De Legibus Angliae, c. 29) describes a franklein as "pater-familias — magnis ditatus possessionibus." "Moreover, the same country (namely England) is so filled and replenished with landed menne, that therein so small a thorpe cannot be found wherein dwelleth not a knight or an esquire, or such a house holder as is there commonly called a franklein, enriched with great possessions, and also other freeholders and many yeomen, able for their livelyhood to make a jury in form aforementioned."* Chaucer's description of a Franklin is everything that could be wished : "A Frankelein was in this compagnie; White was his herd, as is the dayesie. Of his complexion he was sanguin. Wei loved he by the morwe a sop in win[e] To liven in delit was ever his wone, For he was Epicure's owen sone, That held opinion that plein delit Was veraily felicite parfite. An housholder, and that a grete was he ; Seint Julian,-)- he was in his contree ; His brede, his ale, was alway after on ; A better envyned% man was no wher non, Withouten bake-mete never was his hous, Of fish and flesh, and that so plenteous, It snewed in his hous of mete and drinke, Of alle daintees that men coud of thinke, After the sondry sesons of the yere, So changed he his mete and his soupere. Ful many a fat partrich hadde he in mewe, And many a breme, and many a luce in stewe. Wo was his coke, but if his sauce were Poinant and sharpe, and ready all his gere. * Old Translation of Fortescue de L. L. Ang. f St. Julian was the patron of hospitality. % Envyned, that is, stored with wine. OFFICIAL. 129 His table dormant in his halle alway Stode redy covered alle the long^ day. At sessions ther was he lord and sire, Ful often time he was knight of the shire j An anelace, and a gipciere all of silk Heng at his girdel, white as morwe milk. A shereve hadde he ben, and a countour. Was no wher swiche a worthy vavasour."* Heriot, a provider of furniture for an army. Versteg. Cohen, a common name amongst the Jews, signifies priest. Somner, one whose duty consisted in citing delin quents to the ecclesiastical courts ; an apparitor. The office existed in Chaucer's time under the orthography of sompnoure, literally summoner — sompne being then the mode of spelling the verb. In the Coventry Mys teries we have the following : " Sim Somnor, in hast wend thou thi way, Byd Joseph, and his wyff,.be name, At the coorte to apper this day, Hem to pourge of her defame." Chaucer's portrait of the Sompnour is one of the best in his inimitable gallery. He " . . . hadde a fire-red cherubinnes face With scalled browes blake and pilled herd, Of his visage children were sore aferd. [He loved] to drinke strong win as rede as blood, Then wolde he speke, and crie as he were wood. And whan that he wel dronken had the win, Than wolde he speken no word but Latin. Afewi termes coudef he, two or three That he had lerned out of som decree ; * Canterbury Tales. Prologue. Vol. i, p. 44. Edit. 1825. f He knew. 6§ 130 ENGLISH SURNAMES. No wonder is, he herd it all the day ; And eke ye knowen wel, how that a jay Can clepen watte, as wel as can the pope. But who so wolde in other thing him grope,* Than hadde he spent all his philosophie, Ay, Questio quid juris, wolde he crie," &c. &c.f To this list of official names I may add Judge ; but how the word Jury became the name of a single person I do not pretend to guess. (On reconsideration, 'Jury' appears to be a corrupt spelling of Jewry, and is there fore a local name. That part of a city or town inha bited by Jews was formerly styled 'the Jewrie,' as the Old Jewry in London. Chaucer, in his Prioress's Tale (14899), says : " There was in Acy (Asia) in a great citee, Amonges Cristen folk a Jewerye, Susteyned by a lord of that contre, For foul usure, and lucre of felonye, Hateful to Crist and to his compaigne : And thurgh the strete men might ride and wende, For it was fre, aud open at everich ende." Foreman was probably adopted by some one who had served on a jury in that capacity. Association of ideas reminds me of another important functionary, Dempster, the common hangman, unless indeed it signify a judge of the Isle of Man, as the judges of that little kingdom formerly bore this designation. Lockman is a Scottish word for the public executioner. Several names end in grave, meaning a steward or disposer; as Waldegrave, a steward of the forest ; Mar grave, a steward or warden of the marches or frontiers; Hargrave, the provider of an army. I think, however, that these names were not indigenous to England, but * Examine. t Cant. Tales, Prologue. OFFICIAL. 131 brought from Germany, where iXoAoyoe, whom I have found very useful in these matters, has not the word cock in this sense, but he has the low Latin terms Coca, a little boat, and Cocula, a small drinking cup, which I think help me a "little." The term, in its simple form, was probably never used except in a familiar colloquial manner, and in this way the lower orders in the south of England are still accustomed to address "little" boys with " Well, my little Cock," a piece of tautology of which they are not at all aware. In Lincolnshire a little fussy person is called a Cockmarall, and in other districts any diminutive per son is designated Cock-o-my -Thumb. The true meaning of the much debated expression Cockney seems to be a spoilt or effeminate boy. " Puer in deliciis matris nutritus— Anglice a feOfttnaj)."t * A correspondent reminds me that " ock is still a common diminutive in Scotland, as Willock, Lassock, Naunock." This suggestion enables us to account for Pollock, Mattock, and Baldock, which are evident modifi cations of Paul, Matthew, and Baldwin. t MS. in Bibl. Reg. quoted by Halliwell. FROM BAPTISMAL NAMES. 165 In Scotland, a cock-laird is a landowner who culti vates the whole of his estate ; a little or minor laird. Nor must we forget the use of this mysterious syllable in the antient nursery-rhyme of — Ride a cock-horse To Banbury Cross, &c. where little horse is evidently intended. I was long puzzled with the surname Coxe, which I have now no hesitation in calling a synonyme of Little. Mt.Coxhead is probably Mr. Little-head, (in contradistinction, I presume, to Mr. Greathead. What a pity it is the syllables of that gentleman's name were not trans posed, for he might then stand a fair chance of ob taining the preferment of Head-Cook in J. G. N.'s kitchen !* * I thought I had settled the true etymology of this termination — cock ; but from the correspondence of several literary friends I find that it still remains a moot point. It would be no difficult matter to gossip over an additional half-dozen of pages in a similar style to the preceding ; but as the tendency of such discussions is rather to darken than to elucidate the subject in hand, I deem it most prudent to leave the matter to the decision of the reader. I cannot however resist the temptation to quote a few ob servations with which I have been favoured by the secretary of the Gaelic Society of London. " Coch, the Welsh for red," says that gentleman, " makes in English, Cox and Cocks." " They" — namely, the surnames in Cock — " are merely Gaehc, Cornish, and Welsh terms (! !), expressive of personal qualities slightly modified into English, as — " &aelic. Algoch, great, Alcock, Stangoch, pettish, Stancock, Magoch, clumsy or large-fisted, Macock and Meacock, Bacoch, lame, Bacock, Leacoch, high-cheeked, Laycock, Lucoch, bow-legged, Lucock, Peacocb, gay, handsome, Peacock. "WMteh. Bochog, blob-cheeked, Pocock, Bachog, crooked, Bacock, &c. &c." 166 ENGLISH SURNAMES. But lest I should be accused of making "much ado about nothing," I proceed to set down my list of son- names, nurse-names, and diminutives, which I hope will furnish some amusement to the reader : — From Adam are derived Adams, A damson, Ade,* Adye, Adey, Addis, Addy, Addison, Adcock, Addiscot, Addiscock, Adkins, and Addecott. Abraham, Abrahams, Abramson, Mabb, Mabbs, and Mabbot. Arthur, Atts, Atty, Atkins, Atkinson, and Atcock; perhaps also Aitkin and Aikin. Andrew, Andrews, Anderson, Henderson. Aldred, Alderson. Alexander, Sanders, Sanderson, Sandercock, Allix, Aiken, Alley. Ainulph, Haynes, Hainson. Allan, Allanson, Hallet, Elkins, Elkinson. Anthony, Tony, Tonson, Tonkin. Benjamin, Benn, Benson, Bancock, and Ben- hacock. Baldwin, Ball, Bawcock, Baldey, Baldock, Balderson, Bawson. Bartholomew, Batts, Bates, Batson, Bartlett, Batcock, Badcock, Batty, Batkin. Bernard, Bernards, Bernardson, Barnard, Barnett,t Berners. Christopher, Christopherson, Kister, Kitts, Kitson. Cuthbert, Cuthbertson, Cutts. * Adam is usually abbreviated to Ade in the Nonarum Rolls, and other antient records. f Often so corrupted. FROM BAPTISMAL NAMES. 167 Clappa, an obs. Saxon name, Clapp, Clapps, Clapson.* Crispin, Crispe, Cripps. Clement, Clements, Climpson. Charles, Kell, Kelson, Kelley. Digory, Digg, Digges, Diggins, Digginson, Tegg? Drogo, Drew, Dray, Drayson, Drocock. Doda, an obsolete Saxon name, Dodd, Dodson. Donald, Donaldson, Donkin. Dennis, Denison, Tennison. Daniel, Dann,f Daniels, Tancock. Dunstan, Dunn (if not from the colour). David, Davey, Daffy, Davison, Davis, Dawes,J Dawkins, Dawkinson, Dawson, Davidge, (i. e. David's,) &c. Edward, Edwards, Ethards, Edes, Edkins, Edwardson, Tedd. Elias, Ellis, Ellison, Elliot, Elliotson, Elson, Elley, Ellet, Lelliot. Edmund, Edmunds,Edmundson, Munn, Monson. Eustace, Stace, Stacekyn. Francis, Frank, Frankes. * Clapham, in Surrey, is the ham or house of ' Clappa,' a Saxon, who held the manor temp. Confessoris. t Unless it be from Dan, an antient title of respect from the Lat. Dominus. t A correspondent protests against the derivation of Dawes from David, and quotes the ' Glossaire' of Roquefort : " Awe ; eau, riviere, fontaine, etang, aq,tja ;" adding that the name was spelt with an apostrophe, D'Awes, so lately as 1724, by Sir William D'Awes, archbishop of Canterbury. I still think, however, that in many instances Dawes is a simple ' nurse-name:' without it I do not see how we can get our Dawson, Dawkins, Dawkinson, &c, any more than we can get Hawkins and Hawkinson from Henry without the intermediate Hawes. 168 ENGLISH SURNAMES. From Fergus, Ferguson. Gideon, Gyde, Giddy, Giddings, Giddies, Geddes. Gilbert, Gill, Gillot, Gilpin, Gibb, Gibbs, Gibbon, Gibbons, Gibson, Gubbins, Gibbings, Gipp, Gipps. Giles, Gillies, Gilkes,* Gilkin, Gilkinsou. Gregory, Gregg, Gregson, Grocock, Gregorson, Griggs. Godard or Godfrey, Godkin, Goddin, Goad. Geoffry, Jefferson, Jeffson, Jepson, Jeffcock, Jeffries, Jifkins. Henry, Henrison, Harry, Harris, Herries, Harrison, Hal, Halket, Hawes, Halse, Hawkins, Hawkinson, Halkins, Allkins, Haskins, Alcock, Hall (sometimes). Hugh, Hewson, Hugget, Huggins, Hugginson, Hewet. Joseph, Joskyn, Juggins. John, Johnes, Jones, Johnson, Johncock, Janson, Jennings, Jenks, Jenkins, Jenkinson, Jack, Jackson, Juxon, Hanson, Hancock, Hanks, Hankinson, Jockins. Jude, Judd, Judkin, Judson. Job, Jubb, Jobson. Jacob, Jacobs, Jacobson, Jeakes. James, Jamieson. Jeremy, Jerrison, Gerison, Jerkin. Isaac, Isaacs, Isaacson, Hyke, Hicks, Hixon, Higson, Hickot, Hiscock (q. d. Isaac-ocK), Hickox. Lawrence, Larry, Larkins, Lawes, Lawson, Lawrie. * When the initial G is soft, those names above assigned to Gilbert probably belong to Giles. FROM BAPTISMAL NAMES. 169 From Luke, Luckins, Luckock, Lucock, Locock, Lukin, Luckin, Luckings, Luckett. M atth e w, Mathews, Matheson, M atson, Madison, Mathey, Matty, Maddy. Maurice, Morrison, Mockett, Moxon. Mark, Markcock, Marks. Nicholas, Nichol, Nicholls, Nicholson, Niekson, Nixon, Cole, Colet, Colson, Collins,* Collison, Glascock, Glasson. Neal or Nigell, Neale, Neilson, Nelkins. Nathaniel, Natkins. Oliver, Olliver, Oliverson, Olley, Nolls, Nolley, Nollekins. Peter, Peterson, Pierce, Pierson, Perkin, Perkins, Purkiss, Perk, Parkins, Parkinson, Peters, Parr, Porson, Parson (sometimes). Philip, Phillips, Philps, Phelp, Phipson, Phipp, Phipps, Phippen, Philpot, Phillot, Philcox,f Philippo, Phillopson, Philipson. Paul, Paulett, Pallett, Pawson, Porson, Pocock, P alcock, Palk, Pollock, Polk. J Patrick, Patrickson, Paterson, Patson, Pattison. * ' Colline,' Fr., a hill, may be the origin of this name. f " Pillycock, Billycock, sate on a hill, If he's not gone, he sits there still." From the ' Nursery Rhymes of England,' by Mr. Halliwell, who observes that this word also occurs in (MS. Harl. 913) a manuscript of the fourteenth century. It is probably an older form of Philcox. J Mr. Polk, late President of the United States, is the third in descent from a Mr. Pollock. Powell, generally regarded as a contraction of the Welsh Ap-Howell, may with equal probability be deduced from Paul. Indeed Powel is a common orthography of the latter name : " After the text of Crist, and Powel and Ion." Wright's Chaucer, 7229. I. 8 170 ENGLISH SURNAMES. From Ralph, Rawes, Rawson, Rawlins, Rawlinson, Rason, Roaf.* Randolph, Randalls, Rankin, Ranecock. Rhys (Welsh), Ap Rhys, Price, Apreece, Preece, Brice. Richard, Richards, Richardson, Ritchie, Richards, Hitchins, Hitchinson, Hitchcock, Dick, Dickson, Dixon, Dickens, Dickinson, Dickerson. Robert, Robins, Robinson, Roberts, Robertson, Robison, Robson, Roby,Dobbs,Dobbie,Dobson, Dobbin, Dobinson, Hoby, Hobbs, Hobson, Hobkins, Hopkins. Roger, Rogers, Rogerson, Hodges, Hodgson, Hodgkin, Hodgkinson, Hoskin ( ? ), Hodd, Hodson (if not from Odo), Hudson. Reynold, Renolds, Reynoldson, Raincock. Samuel, Samson, Samkin. Sweyne, Swaine, Swainson, Swinson. Simon, Simmonds, Simpson, Simmes, Symes, Simcock, Simpkin, Simpkinson. Stephen, Stephens, Stephenson, Stercock (?), Steen, Steenson, Stimson, Stinson, Stiff (?), Stebbing, Stubbs, Tiffany. Silas or Silvester, Silcock. Timothy, Tim, Timms, Timmings, Timpson, Timpkins. Thomas, Thorn, Tom, Thorns, Thompson, Thomlin, Thomlinson, Tompkins, Tampkins (a northern pronunciation), Thompkisson, Thompsett, Tampsett (northern). Tobit, Toby, Towes, Towson, Tobin, Tubbe, Tubbes. Turchetil, Turke. * See Paston Letters. FROM BAPTISMAL NAMES. 171 From Theobald, Tibbald, Tipple (a murderous corrup tion),* Tipkins, Tibbs, Tippet ! Tibbats. Walter, Walters, Watt, Watts, Watson, Watkins, Watkinson, Watcock. William, Williams, Williamson, Wills, Wilks, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Wickens, Wickeson, Bill, Bilson, Wilson, Woolcock, Woolcot, Wilcocke and Wilcox, Wilcockson, Wilcoxon, Willet, Willmot, Willy, Willis, Wylie, Willott, Till, Tillot, Tilson, Tillotson, Tilly, Guilliam.t APPARENTLY DERIVED FROM FEMALE NAMES : From Agatha, Agg. Alice, Alee and Alison. Agnes, Annis. Barbara, Babb. Katherine, Kates. Margaret, Marjory, Margerison, Margetts, Margetson, Margison, Maggs, Magson. Mary, Moll, Malkin, Makins, Makinson,Molson, May cock (?). Nib and Ib are French nurse-names for Isabel, whence Nibbs, Niblett, Ibson, Ibbotson. Such names as these are supposed to denote the illegitimacy of the original bearers. Natural children among the Romans took their mothers' names, and our own laws sanction the same practice. In the * At Heathfield, in Sussex, is a place called Tipple's Green : in old writings it is called Theobald's. t The baptismal name is so spelt by Leland. " By the wich churche enhabited of old tyme agentilman, Johannes de St. Winnoco. After, the lordes Hastinges wer owners of it, and they sold to Guilliam Lowre's gret grandfather now lyving." — Itin. Cornwall. 172 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Swiss canton of Appenzel a law prevails compelling illegitimates to bear the name and bourgeoisie of their mother, and they accordingly use such designations as "Pagan, fils de Marie," or, more simply, "Pierre, fils de sa mere," — a name implying, according to Ducange, that the father's name was unknown. On the other hand, and for the benefit of such as bear these names, but who object to this insinuation of the bend sinister into their pedigree, I would observe that the rule above alluded to does not always hold good. The Romans often gave their sons and daughters names representing those of their mothers : " In many Roman inscriptions," as Salverte remarks, " it is seen that a son with equal respect and tenderness towards both the authors of his being, employed after his own name the maternal designation as well as the paternal."* In the town of Montdoubleau in France (dep. de Loire- et-Cher) immemorial usage has given to a younger, or to the youngest, child, the surname of the mother ; and other instances might easily be adduced. The ana logous practice of bearing the armorial ensigns of the mother when she was an heiress or belonged to a higher rank than the father, is familiar to the student of our medieval heraldry. We have already seen that the Romans frequently formed one name from another by elongation, as Constans, Constantius, Constantinus, a series of names exactly parallel to our Wilks, Wilkins, Wilkinson; * Since the tria nomina are becoming nearly as indispensable among us as they were in old Rome, I would suggest to parents the desirableness of making the mother's maiden surname the second appellative, as ' J ohn Russell Smith.' Were such a practice general, how much assistance would be rendered to future genealogists ! And as I wish to promote by humble example what I recommend in words, I have given all my own children the maternal surname in this manner. FROM BAPTISMAL NAMES. 173 and a still farther analogy is observable in the names which end in por, which is said to be a contraction of puer: hence Publipor, Marcipor, Lucipor, and our own Johnson, Wilson, and Richardson, originated in the same principle. There is no reason to suppose that the abbreviated or nurse-names implied any disrespect to the persons to whom they were given, or that the Dicks and Dicksons were less respectable than the Richards or Richardsons of olden times. The Lincolnshire innkeeper mentioned by Camden laboured, therefore, under a mistake; — but let Mr. Clarencieux tell his own story : " Daintie was the deuice of my host of Grantham, which would wisely make a difference of degrees in persons, by the termination of names in this word Son, as between Robertson, Robinson, Robson, Hobson; Richardson, Dickson, and Dickinson; Wilson, Wil liamson, and Wilkinson ; Jackson, Johnson, Jenkinson, as though the one were more worshipfuU than the other by his degrees of comparison." Some christian names have been oddly compounded with other words to form surnames, as Goodhugh, Matthewman, Marklove, Fulljames (perhaps Foljambe), Harryman, Cobbledick, (on J. G. N.'s theory ' Dick the Cobbler !') Jackaman, and Dulhumphrey ! The name of John has at least seven of these strange appendages, viz. : LittleJOHN, MicklejoHN, UpjoHN, PretteJOHN, ApplejoHN, ProperjoHN, and BrownJOHN ! ! ! I cannot consider these last corrup tions of other names, as the prefixes seem to be all significant and descriptive. Indeed so common is the forename John, that before the invention of regular surnames, these sobriquets might have been given with 174 ENGLISH SURNAMES. great propriety, for the sake of distinction, to as many inhabitants of any little village. Thus the least John of the seven would be the Little John of the locality ; while Mickle (that is great) John would be a very ap propriate designation for the most bulky of the number; John at the upper end of the street might be called Up- John ; Pretty John was, I suppose, the beau of the village ; while the goodman who had the best orchard was styled Apple-John ; * Proper-John, no doubt, answered to his name, and was a model of propriety to all the youth of the parish ;f while, to complete the list, Brown- John possessed a complexion which would not have disgraced a mulatto. All this may be rejected by profound etymologists and grave and solemn anti quaries as inconsiderate trifling, though to the good- natured 'gentle reader' it may appear quite as satisfactory as some of their more recondite speculations. The foregoing paragraph had been twice in print before the etymology of a very curious name, which I had often seen, occurred to me, as being similar — I mean Grosjean, which literally signifies ' Big or Fat John,' and is still applied in France by way of sobriquet to any self-important person. The occurrence of this name in another language seems a strong proof of my hypothesis. It is by no means uncommon in England. * I may remark, in support of this etymology, that I once knew a person who was famous for growing an excellent kind of potatoes, on which account he was often spoken of by his rustic neighbours as Tater-John ! Applejohn, in Shakspeare's time, was the name of a species of apple. "Do I not bate? Do I not dwindle?" says Falstaff; "why my skin hangs about me like an old lady's loose gown ; I am withered like an old Apple-John." — Hen. IV, act iii. f Sometimes 'proper' signified handsome; as " Moses was a proper child."— Heb. xi, 23. "A proper youth and tall."— Old Ballad. CHAPTER X. OF SURNAMES DERIVED FROM NATURAL OBJECTS. NE would suppose that when almost every description of locality, whether town, village, manor, park, hill, dale, bridge, river, pond, wood or green; every dignity, office, profession and trade; every peculiarity of body and of mind, and every imaginable modification of every christian name, had contributed their full quota to the nomenclature of Englishmen, the few millions of families inhabiting our island would have all been supplied with surnames ; but no : the thirst for variety (that charming word !) was not yet satisfied ; and con sequently recourse was had to " objects celestial and things terrene, The wondrous glories of the firmament, And all the creatures of this nether scene, Beasts, fishes, birds, and trees, in beauteous green Yclad, and even stones ." Accordingly we find the names of the heavenly bodies, beasts, birds, fishes, insects, plants, fruits, flowers, metals, &c. &c. very frequently borne as sur names. I shall first attempt a classification of these names under their various genera, and then offer some remarks on their probable origin. 176 ENGLISH SURNAMES. I. From the Heavenly Bodies. Sun, Moon, Star. II. From Quadrupeds; Ass,* Bear, Buck, Badger, Bull, Bullock, Boar, Beaver, Catt, Colt, Coney, Cattle (!), Cow, Calfe, Deer, Doe, Fox, Fawn, Goat, Goodsheep, Hart, Hogg, Hare, Hound, Heifer, Kine (!), Kitten, Kydd, Lyon, Leppard, Lambe,\ Leveret, Mare, Mule, Mole, Oxen (!), Otter, Oldbuck, Panther, Puss, Poodle (!), Palfrey, Pigg, Roe buck, Ram, Rabbit, Roe, Setter, Steed, Stallion, Steere, Squirrel, Seal, Stagg, Tiger, Wildbore and Wetherhogg. Some names of animals now obsolete, or only used in our provincial dialects, are retained in surnames, as — Brock, a badger, in various dialects. In others it means an inferior horse, and "hence," says Kennett, "the name of 'brockman' in Kent, i. e. horseman." The surname Brockman is still in use, but I think analogy (see p. 119,) is in favour of the 'brockman' of old having been a hunter of badgers. The Wicliffite version of the N. Test, renders Hebr. xi, 37, " Thei wenten about in brok skynnes, and in skynnes of geet." t * This is mentioned as a surname by one or two authorities : I must confess I have never met with it. f Charles Lamb, in reply to the question, " Who first imposed thee, gentle name ?" comes to the conclusion that his ancestors were shepherds ! J See more in Halliwell's Diet, and Way's Parv. Prompt, in voc. Brock. Both this word and ' stot' are employed by Chaucer to designate beasts of draught. " Thay seigh a cart, that chargid was with hay, Which that a carter drof forth in his way. Deep was the way, for which the cart stood ; The carter smoot, and cryde as he wer wood ; ' Hayt, brok ; hayt, stot; what spare ye for the stones? The fend,' quoth he, ' now fech body and bones !' " Wright's Chauc. 7121, &c. NATURAL OBJECTS. 177 Todd, a fox (see p. 119). Talbot, a mastiff; a familiar heraldric term. Gray, another provincialism for the badger. {Clutterbuck, which I have heretofore assigned to this class, is supposed by Mr. Talbot* to be a local name from the A.-S. and German ' cluttr,' 'kluttr,' clear, pure, transparent, and ' beck,' a little stream.) Fitchett, a stoat or polecat. Stott, a young ox. Veal (in Anglo-Norman records, Le Veal), a calf. Moyle is the O. E. for any labouring beast, and Capel is an old word, signifying a strong horse; hence Chaucer, " And gave him caples to his carte." In an antient " ballade of Robyn Hood" we have, " Yonder I heare Syr Guy's home blow, It blows so wel in tyde ; And yonder he comes, that wight yeoman, Clad in hys capux-hide." I have not found the name of Mouse in modern times, but " le Mouse" occurs in the Nonarum Rolls. One of the most singular designations I ever met with is that of a gentleman of fortune in Kent. His family name was Bear, and as he had maternal relatives of the name of Savage, his parents gave him the christian (or rather un-christian) name of Savage ! Hence he enjoyed the pleasing and amiable name of Savage Bear, Esquire ! ! Not content with having appropriated the names of the living animals, our ancestors sometimes, oddly enough, adopted the terms applied to their flesh, &c. when dead, as Mutton, Tripe, Pigfat, Gammon, * English Etymol. 8§ 178 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Brawn, Giblets, Hogsfiesh* and Bacon. These two last were once borne by two innkeepers at Worthing, then a very small town ; whereupon a rustic poetaster penned the ensuing most elegant stanza : " Worthing is a pretty place, And if I'm not mistaken, If you can't get any butcher's meat, There's Hogsflesh and Bacon .'" III. Surnames derived from Birds are fully as numerous as those from quadrupeds : Bird, Blackbird, Bunting, Bulfinch, Buzzard, Bar nacle, Bustard, Coote, Crane, Cock, Cuckoo, Crake, Chick, Chicken, Chaffinch, Crowe, Capon, Drake, Duck, Dove, Daw, Egles, Fowle, Finch, Falcon, Goshawk, Grouse, Gander, Goose, Gosling, Gull, Goldfinch, Hawke, Howlett, Heron, Heme, Jay, Kite, Linnet, Larke, Mallard, Nightingale, Peacock, Partridge, Phea sant, Pigeon, Parrot, Raven, Rooke, Ruff, Swan, Sparrow, Swallow, Sparrowhawk, Starling, Stork, Sivift, Turtle, Teale, Tfirush, Throssel, Wildrake, Wildgoose, Wood cock,^ Woodpecker, Wren! Obsolete or Provincial Names of Birds used as sur names : — Culver (A.-S.), a pigeon, whence the local names Culverhouse (dove-cot), Culverwell, &c. Bisset (Fr.), a wild pigeon. Henshaw (O. E. ' hernshaw;' in blazon, ' heronsewe'), * The mistress of a ladies' seminary in a fashionable watering-place, who used to advertise her establishment under this name, now spells it Ho' flesh ! t Woodcock was an unfortunate name. It was often given by way of sobriquet to vain and silly people, from the vulgar notion that the bird designated by it was brainless ! NATURAL OBJECTS. 179 a young heron. One family of this name bear the allusive coat of three herons.* Popjay (O. E. 'popinjay'), a parrot. Shooting at the popinjay was a favourite amusement among our antient toxophilites. Carnell, a bird, but of what species I am not quite certain. Hone mentions a Christmas carol com mencing, " As I passed by a river side, And as I there did rein (ramble), In argument I chanced to hear A carnal and a crane." "A cardnell volant" occurs in Bossewell's 'Workes of Armorie,' 1572. " Cljpsi Igttle fcprttt (0 fyttt figurttt, gesante a seatie of tfje tln'stle, for ftnt $bt lybett) 6p ti)t stfa&es of tftem, unde illi inditum nomen. Jz>J)t Jjati) a Ytiltlt J)ta&£, pealofoe tamps, tu'stmctt toftfc fo&fte antr 6Iatltt»" Iu the margin is placed the word Carduelis (a linnet), but the description evidently refers to the goldfinch. It is not so likely that cardnell or carnell is derived from 'carduus,' a thistle, as the old herald- rist imagines, as that it comes from cardinal, in allusion to the hood of red with which nature has invested this sprightly and beautiful little bird. * " He don't know a hawk from a handsaw" is a proverb often applied to an ignoramus. For handsaw read hernshaw. The saying ori ginally and primarily referred to ignorance of a favourite sport — that of falconry — when the said ignoramus could not discriminate between the hawk and its prey. I cannot help just remarking here that several of our most vulgar proverbs had a worthier origin than would appear at first sight. For example, " To be called over the coals," in the sense of being questioned upon some alleged fault — apparently a meaningless expression — loses all its coarseness when we associate with it the ordeal by fire, so much in use among our medieval ancestors. 180 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Spink is a provincialism for chaffinch, probably bor rowed from the peculiar note of the bird. Goldspink, a goldfinch. Guilliam, a provincial name for the sea-gull ; it is also an O. E. orthography for William. (See p. 171.) Pocock is peacock. Chaucer's ' Yeman' was " clad in coote and hood of grene A shef of pocok arwes bright and kene, Under his belte he bar full thriftily." Hannah (A.-S. 'hana'), a cock. Goss (A.-S. ' gos'), a goose. Laverock, a lark. Balchin in the midland and western counties means an unfledged bird. Pye, which might be supposed to be derived from the bird so called, is a corruption from the Welsh Ap- Hugh — u in that language having sometimes the sound of y. This name is exceedingly common in some dis tricts of England and Wales, a fact that can excite no surprise in any one who " marks the conclusion" of the following epitaph from Dewchurch near Kevenol : " 1550. Here lyeth the Body of John Pye of Minde, a travayler in far countryes, his life ended ; he left be hind him Walter, his son, heire of Minde ; a hundred and six yeares he was truly, and had sons and daughters two and forty .'" Corbet, the name of more than one eminent family in the North of England, is raven. In Scotland, the NATURAL OBJECTS. 181 name, both of the bird and the family, is varied to Corby. The reader who is versed in the old Scottish ballads will call to mind that of the Twa Corbies, which for tragic effect and wildness of diction is unequalled, and which, for the benefit of those to whom it may be new, I shall here take the liberty to introduce. "€\)t Ctoa Corbies* As I gaed doun by yon house-een', Twa Corbies there were sitting their lane ; The ane unto the tother did say : — ' 0 where shall we gae dine ta-day ?' 0 doun beside yon new-faun birk, There, there lies a new-slain knicht ; Nae livin' kens that he lies there, But his horse, his hounds, and his ladye fair. His horse is to the hunting gane, His hounds to bring the wild deer hame ; His lady's taen another mate ; Sae we may mak our dinner sweet ! 0 we'll sit on his bonny breist-bane, And we'll pyke out his bonny grey een ; Wi' ae lock o' his gowden hair We'll theek our nest when it blaws bare ! Many a ane for him maks mane, But none sail ken where he is gane ; Ower his banes when they are bare, The wind sail blawfor evermair!" So numerous are the names derived from this source that in a small congregation of dissenters at Feversham, co. Kent, there were lately no less than twenty-three names taken from the " feathered nation," their pastor, a very worthy man, bearing the singularly appropriate name of Rooke ! 182 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Jo'II bt the Pansounc?" " i," auoth ge moofec, " Wj)ti) mg It'ttcl bookt, &nU J'll ue lot $ar£forme." Nurserie Romaunt of Cocke Robyn ! Many names of this sort have been the subjects of excellent puns, among which may be noticed the fol lowing. " When worthy master Hern, famous for his living, preaching and writing, lay on his death-bed, (rich only in goodness and children,) his wife made womanish lamentations what would become of her little ones? 'Peace, sweetheart,' said he, 'that God who feedeth the ravens will not starve the herns ;' — a speech (says Fuller) censured as light by some, observed by others as prophetical; as indeed it came to pass they were all well disposed of." Akin to this were the words of John Huss at his burning; who, fixing his eyes steadfastly upon the spectators, said with a solemn voice — " They burn a goose, but in a hundred years a swan will arise out of the ashes :" words which many have regarded as a prediction of the reformer of Eisleben ; the name of Huss signifying a goose, and that of Luther a swan. The following is of a more humorous cast. As Mr. Jay, the eminent nonconformist divine of Bath, and his friend Mr. Fuller were taking an evening walk, an owl crossed their path, on which Mr. Fuller said to his companion, " Pray, sir, is that bird a jay ?" " No, sir," was the prompt reply ; " it's not like a jay, — it's fuller in the eyes, and fuller in the head, and fuller all over !"* * Since the above was written, a correspondent informs me that the same story is told "by that excellent old English classic, Miller, hight Joseph, reading however Woodcock for Jay." NATURAL OBJECTS. 183 It is related in Collins's Peerage that a certain un married lady once dreamed of finding a nest containing seven young finches, which in course of time was realized by her becoming the wife of a Mr. Finch, and mother of seven children. From one of these nestlings is de scended the present earl of Winchelsea, who still retains the surname of Finch. IV. From Fishes. Bream, Burt, Base, Cod, Crabbe, Cockle, Chubb, Dol phin, Eel, Flounders, Gudgeon, Grayling, Gurnard, Haddock, Herring, Jack, Ling, Lamprey, Mullett, Minnow, Pilchard, Plaice, Piper, Pike, Perch, Pikerell, Ray, Roach, Sharke, Sturgeon, Salmon, Sole, Scate, Smelt, Sprat, Seal, Trout, Tench, Whiting, Whale; to which may be added Fish and Fisk, the latter being the true A.-S. form of the same word. V. From Insects and Reptiles. Bugg, Bee, Beetle, Cricket, Emmett, Flea, Fly, Grubb, Moth, Spider, Wasp, Worms, and Blackadder. Some of these again are probably corruptions, but the first, at least, is of antient use as a second name, for Mr. Kemble mentions an Anglo-Saxon lady named Hrothwaru, who bore the sobriquet of ' Bucge' (cimex, bug,) "perhaps (as Mr. K. jocularly observes) upon the principle of that insect being 'a familiar beast and a friend to man.' " VI. From Vegetable Productions (omitting the names of trees, already mentioned.) Ashplant, Almond, Bays, Barberry, Balsam, Bramble, Brier, Beet, Budd, Bean, Broome, Codlin, Clover, Cran berry, Cabbage, Clove, Cherry, Cockle, Darnell, Damson, Daisy, Feme, Fennel, Flower, Flowers, Flax, Furze, 184 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Grain, Garlick, Gourd, Grapes, Holyoak, Hip, Herbage, Hempe, Ivy* Ivyleaf Lily, Laurel, Leaf, Leeves, Leek, Millet, Medlar, Melon, Nutt, Nuts, Nettle, Oates, Onion, Orange, Olive, Pepper, Peppercorn,f Peascod, Pease (lately among the M. P.'s), Primrose, Peach, Pippin, Plum, Plant, Poppy, Parsley, Quince, Quickset, Raisin, Rue, Row{d)ntree, Rose, Seed, Stock, Straw, Sorrell, Sage, Spinage, Spice, Savory, Sweetapple, Tares, Tulip, Thistle, Violets, Vetch, Weed and Woodbine. * Holly and Ivy were personated in the antient holiday games. In Hone's Mysteries is the following quotation from a MS. carol, called "A Song on the Holly and the Ivy." (p. 94.) " Nay, Ivy, nay, hyt shal not be I wys, Let holy hafe the maystry ; as the maner ys : Holy stand in the halle, fayre to behold Ivy stond without the dore she is ful sore acold. Nay, Ivy, nay, Sfc. Holy and hys mery men, they dawnsyn and they syng, Ivy and hur maydyns, they wepyn and they wryng. Nay, Ivy, nay, fyc." In the Gentleman's Magazine for 1779, a correspondent, under the name of Kitty Curious, describes an odd kind of sport which she witnessed in an obscure village in Kent on the festival of St. Valentine. The girls and young women were assembled in a crowd, burning an uncouth effigy which they called a Holly Boy, and which they had stolen from the boys ; while the boys revenged themselves in another part of the village by burning a similar figure taken from the girls, and called an Ivy Girl. The sport was carried on with great noise and much glee. Kitty inquired the meaning of the observance from the most aged people of the place, but could only learn from them that it was a "very old antient custom." That surnames were occasionally assumed from such and similar mummeries, is confirmed by the following short extract from Fabyan's Chronicle (edit. 1559), sub anno 1502 : " About Mydsomer was taken a felow wych had renued (re newed) many of Robyn Hodes pagentes, which named hymselfe Grenelef." This name is not extinct. t There were formerly living in two adjacent houses in Deptford Broad way, Mr. Pluckrose, a perfumer, and Mr. Peppercorn, a grocer. NATURAL OBJECTS. 185 Roser is an obsolete word for rose-bush or tree, (Fr. 'rosier,') as the following true tale from our unsophisti cated friend Sir John Maundevile, will show : " And betwene the cytee [of Bethlehem] and the chirche is the felde floridus ; that is to seyne, the feld florisched : for als moche as a fayre mayden was blamed with wrong and sclaundred, for whiche cause sche was demed to the dethe, and to be brent in that place, to the whiche sche was ladd (led). And as the fyre began to brenne aboute hire, sche made hire preyeres to our Lord, that als wissely as sche was not gylty of that synne, that he wold help hire, and make it to be knowen to alle men of his mercyfulle grace. And whan sche hadde thus seyd, sche entred in to the fuyer ; and anon was the fuyr quenched and oute; and the brondes that weren brennynge becomen rede Roseres; and the brondes that weren not kyndled, becomen white Roseres fulle of roses. And theise weren the first Roseres and roses, both white and rede, that evere ony man saugh." There are several other surnames which at first sight aprjear to belong to this class, but which really belong to others. Of these some are local, as Barley, a parish in Hertfordshire, Smallwood, in Cheshire, &c. Lemon and Peel would look well enough in juxta-position among vegetable surnames, but the truth is that neither of them belongs to the category. Of Peel I have already spoken among local names, and Leman is a cor rupt spelling of the O. E. 'lemman,' a paramour or mistress, a word of frequent occurrence in Chaucer. Filbert and Pear, again, are corruptions of the French proper names Philibert and Pierre. Lis and Blanchflower (Fr.), 'lily' and 'white-flower,' might be added to the foregoing list. 186 ENGLISH SURNAMES. VII. From Minerals. Alum* Amber, Brass, Corall, Chrystal, Coale, Copper, Diamond and Dymond, Freestone, Gold, Garnett, Gravel, Irons, Jewell, Pewter, Silver and Steele. Clay, Chalk, Flint, Stone, Sands and Whetstone, are local names, and therefore do not belong to this class. Hone is an old spelling of ' hand.' Coke has nothing to do with charred coal : it is the old orthography of cook : — " A coke they hadden with hem for the nones To boile the chickenes and the marie-bones, He coud-e roste and sethe and boile and frie, Maken mortrew-es and wel bake a pie." Chaucer, Prologue. Having thus classified the surnames which are iden tical with names of natural objects, it is our next duty to inquire in what manner they have got into our nomen clature. After much research I have arrived at the conviction that their assumption is traceable to at least four different causes. I. Some were given to, or assumed by, the original bearers, as emblematical of their characters, as Lyon, Fox, Lambe. II. Others were sobriquets in allusion to some inci dent in their personal history. III. Some were borrowed from the blazonry of the warrior's shield. IV. The majority were adopted from inn and traders' Signs. In this chapter I shall discuss the two former * Perhaps local. Alum Bay, Isle of Wight. Allom is a nursename of Absolom. NATURAL OBJECTS. 187 branches only. The third and fourth are connected with artificial objects, and to prevent confusion must be treated separately. The Greeks and Romans frequently applied the names of animals to persons who were supposed to bear some resemblance to them in the main features of their cha racter. Among the latter people such names as Leo, Ursinicus, Catullus, Leporius, Aper, Gallus, Picus, Falco, are sufficiently abundant. The Persian name Cyrus means a dog, and may possibly be related to our English word c cjr ! - And it is a singular and humorous coincidence that the nurse of Cyrus bore a name sig nifying bitch ! Among less civilized races the same practice prevailed. The antient Germans, and the American Indians of the present day may be mentioned as instances. Verstegan says, " The pagan Germans, especially the noblemen, did sometimes take the names of beasts, as one would be called a Lion, another a Bear, another a Wolf, &c." One of the most widely-spread names of this kind is Wolfe, which occurs in the classical, as well as in many modern, languages, as Au/coe (Gr.), Lupus and Lupa (Lat.), Loupe (Fr.), Wulp (Sax.), and Guelph (Germ.) — the surname of the existing royal family of Great Britain.* The old baronial name of Lovel is from the * Siste Viator ! and read the subjoined most veritable history ! "It is told in the chronicles, that as far back as the days of Charlemagne, one Count Isenbrand, who resided near the Lake of Constance, met an old woman who had given birth to three children at once, a circumstance which appeared to him so portentous and unnatural, that he assailed her with a torrent of abuse. Stung to fury by his insults, she cursed the Count, and wished that his wife, then enceinte, might bring at a birth as many children as there are months in the year. The imprecation was fulfilled, and the Countess became the mother of a dozen babes at once. Dreading the vengeance of her severe lord, she badeher abigailgo drown elevenof the twelve. But whom should the 188 ENGLISH SURNAMES. same source. The original name of that family was Perceval, from a place in Normandy ; until Asceline, its chief, who flourished in the early part of the twelfth century, acquired, from his violent temper, the sobriquet of Lupus. His son William, earl of Yvery, was nick named Lupellus, the little wolf, which designation was softened into Lupel, and thence to Luvel, and became the surname of most of his descendants.* Fosbroke mentions the name of Archembaldus Pejor-Lupo, Archibald Worse-than-a-Wolf ! out does not give his authority.f A seal lately found at Colchester bears the figure of a wolf carrying off a ram, with the not very complimentary legend, s' roberti dicti lvpi, 'the seal of Robert called the Wolf The female name ' Ursula' signifies little-she-bear — not a very good denomination for a saint ! Ursula Shebeare, a name I have somewhere met with, is, in sound, rather agreeable than otherwise, but, etymologi- cally, how dreadful ! The expression ' a bear,' some times applied to an unamiable specimen of the genus homo, is repulsive enough ; a ' she-bear' is still more odious ; but when two she-bears unite in one of nature's gentlest works, what word is sufficiently strong to ex press our abhorrence? girl meet, while on this horrible errand, but the Count himself, who, sus pecting that all was not right, demanded to know the contents of the basket. " Welfen," was the intrepid reply, (i. e. the old German term for puppies, and now traceable in our word whelps.) Dissatisfied with this explanation, the Count lifted up the cloth, and found under it eleven bonny infants nestled together. Their unblemished forms reconciled the scrupu lous knight, and he resolved to recognise them as his lawful progeny. Thenceforward their children and their descendants went by the name of Guelph or Welf; and from these identical little innocents does our liege lady Victoria inherit her cognomen." — Newspaper Paragraph. * Burke's Extinct Peerage. f Encyc. of Antiq. p. 429. NATURAL OBJECTS. 189 Lupa was the name given as a sobriquet to the wife of Faustulus and the nurse of Romulus and Remus, on account of the rudeness of her temper. Hence the well-known fable of those illustrious twins having been suckled by a she-wolf. Many of the classical tales of antiquity doubtless originated in similar misapprehen sions ; so also, let us charitably hope, did some of the most incredible miracles of medieval times. The case of the virgin-martyr Undecemilla having given rise to the story of the eleven thousand virgins is generally known. " We should think Ass and Sow not very elegant names," observes the witty author of Heraldic Anoma lies, " and yet there were persons of respectability at Rome who bore them — no less indeed than the Corne lian and Tremellian families. The former got the name of Asinia by one of the family having agreed to buy a farm, who, being asked to give pledges for the fulfilment of his engagement, caused an ass, loaded with money, to be led to the Forum as the only pledge that could be wanted. The Tremellian family got the name of Scropha or Sow, in a manner by no means reputable ; but by what we should call, in these days, a hoax, and a very unfair one into the bargain. A sow having strayed from a neighbour's yard into that of one of the Tremellii, the servants of the latter killed her. The master caused the carcase to be placed under some bed clothes, where his lady was accustomed to lie, and, when his neighbour came to search for the pig, undertook to swear that there was no old sow in his premises, except the one that was lying among those bed-clothes, which his neighbour very naturally concluded to be the lady herself. How the latter liked the compliment the his tory does not relate, but from that time the Tremellii 190 ENGLISH SURNAMES. acquired the cognomen of Scropha or Sow, which became afterwards so fixed a family name as to make sows of all their progeny, both male and female." One of the Fabian family received the name of buzzard (Buteo), because a bird of this species (always regarded as a good omen) happened to fall upon the vessel in which he was making a voyage. Corvinus is an example, more generally known, to which I shall have occasion to refer in my next chapter. These instances illustrate the first and second causes of the use of such names in my classification, as far as relates to animals ; and the following remark is equally relevant of those belonging to the vegetable kingdom. In the early periods of the Roman republic, when the plough was regarded as only second to the sword, and ' Bonus Agricola' was equivalent to ' Vir Bonus,' some of the noblest families adopted their family names from their having cultivated particular kinds of vege tables, as the Fabii, Pisones, Lentuli, and Cicerones, who were respectively famous for the excellence of their beans, peas, lentils and vetches.* Our Anglo-Saxon ancestors sometimes gave as sobriquets to individuals the names of birds. Mr. Kemble mentions two ladies of those times who bore the appellations of Crow and Duck (Crawe and Enede.) With respect to the latter, Mr. K. most gallantly ob serves, " I would rather believe that modern slang had an antient foundation, than suggest that the lady's walk or gait had anything to do with the appellation." With respect to the more modern and regular sur names of this sort, I would remark, that they generally occur in medieval records with the Norman-French * Vide Adams's Roman Hist. NATURAL OBJECTS. 191 prefix ' le,' as Roger le Buck, Nicholas le Hart, Richard le Stere, Adam le Fox, Peter le Hogge. In their primary application they were sobriquets, allusive, as in the cases above cited, either to the characteristic qualities of the persons, or to some incident of their lives. Of the latter class various instances will be found in the course of these volumes. A few have been latinized, as Leo, Avis, Mus and Aries, and still retain that form. CHAPTER XI. OF SURNAMES DERIVED FROM HERALDRIC CHARGES AND FROM TRADERS' SIGNS. j T may appear somewhat incongruous to combine in one chapter Surnames de rived from such opposite sources as those indicated above, and thus to associate the armorial shield of the patrician warrior with the sign-post of the plebeian innholder or shopkeeper. However infra dignitatem such a procedure may appear, it is quite necessary for the developement of my subject, though I cannot here give my reasons for it, without unduly anticipating certain matters and conclusions which will occur before this chapter is brought to a close. I have already in another place partially discussed this subject, and must therefore be guilty of a little self-plagiarism here.* I would also premise that this chapter, although in the main supplementary to the preceding one, will necessarily embrace some surnames not borrowed from the kingdoms of Nature. Armorial ensigns and family nomenclature possess * Curiosities of Heraldry, p. 130. HERALDRIC CHARGES. 193 several features in common. They originated about the same period, and in part from the same causes ; and they serve alike to distinguish one race from another. The most incurious observer must have noticed that very many heraldric bearings coincide with the surnames of the families to which they appertain. Thus the Herons bear herons, the Beevors a beaver, the Corbets a raven, and the Hogges a boar. In all cases either the coat of arms or the surname must have originated first. When the surname was first adopted the arms are a mere play or pun upon it ; and in a great majority of instances this is the case. A series of illustrations of these allusive or canting arms will be given in the Ap pendix. At present we have only to inquire into the fact of certain families having borrowed their names from the insignia of heraldry. Salverte is of opinion that many of the chiefs who engaged in the Crusades assumed and handed down to their posterity names allusive to the devices which de corated their banners of war. He also notices the fact that there were in Poland, in the twelfth century, two families called respectively Rose and Griffin, because those objects formed their ensigns or armorial devices. Hereditary surnames were not established in Poland for some ages subsequently, and those two names do not now exist there, though the descendants of those who adopted them probably do. In Sweden, also, there is proof that the nobles followed such a practice : " One who bore in his arms the head of an ox assumed the name of Oxenstiern (front-de-bceuf), and another adopted that of Sparr from the cheveron which formed the principal feature of his coat."* * Salverte, i, 240. i. 9 194 ENGLISH SURNAMES. " A particular instance of the armorial ensign being metonymically put for the bearer of it, occurs in the history of the Troubadours, the first of whom was called the Dauphin, or knight of the Dolphin, because he bore this figure on his shield. In the person of one of his successors the name Dauphin became a title of sovereign dignity. Many other surnames were in this manner taken from arms, as may be inferred from the ordinary phraseology of romance, where many of the warriors are styled knights of the Lion, of the Eagle, of the Rose, &c, according to the armorial figures they bore on their shields."* To this we may add that at tournaments the combatants usually bore the title of knights of the Swan, Dragon, Star, or whatever charge was most conspicuous in their arms.t " In the tournament and in the battle-field," observes Salverte, " a knight presented himself with the vizor of his helmet down, and he was only known by the symbol he affected to bear. The designation of this symbol, associated as it was with every one of his glo rious exploits, became a veritable surname." Before proceeding to more special instances in this country, I would refer to the classical story of the origin of the cognomen Corvinus, assumed by M. Valerius the Roman tribune, which is not wholly irre levant of our subject. According to Eutropius, " Qui- dam ex Gallis unum e Romanis, qui esset optimus, provocavit. Turn se Marcus Valerius, tribunus militum, obtulit, et cum processit armatus, Corvus ei supra dex- trum brachium sedit mox, commissa adversus Galium pugna, idem corvus alis et unguibus Galli oculos ver- beravit, ne rectum posset aspicere, ita ut a Tribuno * Brydson's Summary View of Heraldry, pp. 98-9. t Menestrier. HERALDRIC CHARGES. 195 Valerio interfectus, non solum victoriam ei, sed etiam nomen dederit. Nam postea idem Corvinus est dictus, ac propter hoc meritum, annorum trium et viginti consul est factus."* Eutropius is by no means an imaginative writer, and he doubtless delivers the story as he received it ; but Salverte rejects it as fabulous, and observes that the name may be traced with much greater probability to a figure of the bird which Valerius placed upon his helmet as a crest. The distinction of a crest was pecu liar to commanders,f and some occult virtue may have been ascribed to this of the tribune, as was often done to the swords of the heroes of romance, and thus the tale became current that he had achieved his victory by the help of a raven. The illustrious line of Plantagenet derived their surname from the broom-plant, the badge of their founder. The great English family of Septvans or ' Seven- fans ' are said to have borrowed their name from their singular armorials, which were wicker baskets used for winnowing corn. It may be objected that the num ber of these objects borne by Sir Robert Septvans, as represented upon his tomb in Chartham church, co. Kent (1306) is but three. This does not prove, how ever, that the number may not originally have been * Rom. Hist., lib. ii, cap. 6. " A certain Gaul challenged one of the Romans to a single combat, which Marcus Valerius, a military tribune, accepted. And as he went forth armed, a raven presently settled upon his right arm, and, after the combat commenced, so beat about the eyes of the Gaul with its wings and claws, that he could not see before him ; in consequence of which he lost his life, and the tribune Valerius gained the victory and a name. For thenceforth he was called Corvinus ; and on account of this service he was made consul for three and twenty years." t The crests of antient heroes were personal, not hereditary. 196 ENGLISH SURNAMES. seven, as there are several instances of the diminution of a greater num ber of charges to three in those times ; witness the royal arms of France, which were originally semee- de-lis, but reduced in this century to three. The arms of Trusbut are three water-bowgets, 'tres boutz,' and Mr. Montagu thinks the name was taken from the bearings.* The six swallows (in French hirondelles) in the arms of the eminent Cornish family of Arundel, furnish one of the most familiar instances of the agreement between the surname and the heraldric insignia of a family. In a poem by William de Brito, written in the twelfth century (an early age, be it remembered, in the history both of heraldry and of hereditary surnames), the Arundel of that period (about the year 1170) is asserted to have derived his name from the charge of his shield. He is represented as attacking William de Barr, a French knight. " Vidit hirundela velocior alite quae dat Hoc agnomen ei, fert cujus in asgide signum, Se rapit agminibus mediis clypeoque nitenti, Quem sibi Guillelmus Ueva prsetenderat ulna, Immergit validam prseacutse cuspidis hastam." Camden's Remaines. " Swift as the swallow, whence his arms' device And his own name are took, enraged he flies Through gazing troops, the wonder of the field, And sticks his lance in William's glittering shield." C. S. Gilbert's Cornwall, vol. i, p. 470. To this the genealogist will object that there is histo rical evidence that the Arundels took their surname * Study of Heraldry, p. 70. HERALDRIC CHARGES. 197 from the town of that name in Sussex; and this is really the case. Still our extract is not the less valu able, as proving from contemporary evidence that the practice of assuming a surname from the devices of the warrior's shield was not unknown. Of the name Griffinhoof, Mr. Talbot observes, that it is " a literal translation of the German family name Greifen-klau, or the Griffin's-claw, which I conceive must have taken its origin from some armorial bearings or device assumed by that family." Mr. Talbot then quotes an old Latin poem of the tenth or eleventh century, in which the hero is represented as sallying forth in quest of adventures accompanied by a single esquire, and bearing suspended from his neck a griffin's claw adorned with polished brass by way of a hunting- horn.* It was probably made of some foreign material of unknown origin, and, upon the principle omne ig- notum pro mirifico, ascribed to the fabulous creature half lion, half eagle, so familiar in heraldry. Mr. Way, in his edition of the ' Promptorium Parvulorum,' men tions several griffins' claws which were formerly pre served in various public collections. The one in the museum of the Royal Society, Dr. Grew pronounced to be the horn of a roebuck or of the Ibex mas. We may fairly conclude, I think, that sometimes such surnames as Lyon, Buck, Tiger, Leppard, Hawke, Raven, Heron, and some others which indicate courage or agility, have been borrowed from the shields and banners of war; but let no man glorify himself with the notion that he is sprung from some stalwart Crusader who fought under his own banner at Aeon ; or descended from some doughty champion of the * Vide English Etymologies, p. 302. 198 ENGLISH SURNAMES. tournament, until he can show proof that the founder of his race was not a craftsman or an innholder who borrowed his name from his own sign ! I have only to add on this part of the subject, that there are a few surnames which can have no other than an heraldric source, such as Cheveron and Barr, in whose arms the ' cheveron' and ' bar' are the principal features. The names of Saltire, Canton, Pile, Paly, Billet, Mascle, are found among us, although the arms attached to them do not consist of the charges from which they seem to have been originally borrowed; while in some other cases, where the surname and arms agree, as in Cross, Gore, and Delves, the former may, with greater probability, be derived from other sources. To turn to the more plebeian part of our subject — I will quote from Camden* a passage which will at once enable the reader to understand the origin of a vast multitude of our family names : " Many names that seem vnfitting for men, as of brutish beasts, &c. come prom the very signes of the houses where they inhabited ; for I have heard of them which sayd they spake of knowledge, that some in late time dwelling at the signe of the Dolphin, Bull, White- horse, Racket, Peacocke, &e. were commonly called Thomas at the Dolphin, Will at the Bull, George at the Whitehorse, Robin at the Racket, which names, as many other of like sort, with omitting at, became afterward hereditary to their children." To this may be added the testimony of Salverte, whose aid is always valuable : " Some traders," says he, "derived their names from the emblems they had adopted * Remaines, p. 102. TRADERS SIGNS. 199 as the signs of their establishments, in the same man ner as the nobles had taken theirs from armorial bearings." Such signs, though now almost exclusively confined to inns, were formerly exhibited over the shop-doors of tradesmen. They formed one of the most curious features of our towns and cities in the ' olden tyme.' Every quadruped from the lyon and hee-cow (!) down to the hedgehogge, — every bird from the eagle to the sparrowe, — every fysshe of the sea, almost every object, in fact, artificial, natural, prsetematural, and super natural, good, bad, and indifferent, from the angel to the devil, lent its aid in those days to excite the atten tion of passers-by to the various articles of commerce exhibited for sale. This practice has long since given way to the more convenient one of numbering the houses of every street. It is still retained in many towns on the Continent. The city of Malines is said to abound with signs, and they add much to the picturesque effect of the streets of that remarkable place.* Even in England some faint traces of the practice remain, particularly in the more antique portions of old cities and country towns, where we occasionally find the Golden Fleece at the Drapers', the Pestle and Mortar at the Apo thecaries', the Sugar-loaf at the Grocers', &c. The Red Hat, the Golden Boot, the Silver Canister, and others of that kind, which are everywhere pretty nu merous, are modern imitations of the antient fashion, and are certainly preferable to such names as 'Commerce House,' ' Waterloo Establishment,' and 'Albion House,' by which enterprising traders dignify their shops. A * Vide Gent. Mag. March, 1842, 200 ENGLISH SURNAMES. collection of antient signs still retained in use would be a curious and not uninteresting document. A great number of them might be collected from the imprints of old books. A famous bridge built at Paris in 1609 was called le Pont aux Oiseaux : it was covered with houses uni formly built, painted with oil-colours, and distinguished by signs representing different birds.* We may fairly conclude that the names adopted from signs generally originated in towns, as such names as Field, Wood, and Grove did in the country; a con sideration not devoid of some interest, as from it a conclusion may be arrived at as to whether one's an cestors were citizens or ' rusticall men.' In Pasquin's ' Night-Cap,' printed in 1612, we have the following lines, which show that at that compa ratively recent date, individuals were recognizable by the signs of their shops; " First there is maister Peter at the Bell, A linen-draper and a wealthy man ; Then maister Thomas that doth stockings sell ; And George the grocer at the Frying-pan ; And maister Timothie the woollen-draper ; And maister Salamon the leather-scraper ; And maister Frank ye goldsmith at the Rose ; And maister Philip with the fiery nose. And maister Miles the mercerf at the Harrow ; And maister Nicke the silkman at the Plow ; And maister Giles the Salter at the Sparrow ; And maister Dicke the vintner at the Cow ; * Salverte. t The word Mercer is now exclusively applied to dealers in silk ; but its original and true meaning is a general dealer. Gospatric Mercenarius occurs in this sense among the burgesses of Clithero, co. Lancaster, in the twelfth century. TRADERS SIGNS. 201 And Harry haberdasher at the Home ; And Oliver the dyer at the Thome ; And Bernard, barber-surgeon at the Fiddle : And Moses, merchant-tailor at the Needle."* The following names are probably derived from this source : Arrow, Axe, Barrett, Bullhead, Bell, Block, Board, Banner, Bowles, Baskett, Cann, Coulter, Chisel, Clogg, Crosskeys, Crosier, Funnell, Forge, Fyrebrand, Grapes, Griffin, Home, Hammer, Hamper, Hodd, Harrow, Image (the sign originally in honour of some saint, per haps), Jugg, Kettle, Knife, Lance, Mallet, Maul, Mattock (?), Needle, Pail, Pott, Potts, Plowe, Plane, Pipes, Pottle, Patten, Posnet (a purse or money-bag), Pitcher, Rule, Rainbow, Sack, Saw, Shovel, Shears, Scales, Silverspoon, Swords, Tankard, Tabor (a drum), Trowel, Tubb, and Wedge. I would have wound up this catalogue with a Winch ! but that name is more probably derived from a place so called in the county of Norfolk. Most of these were inn signs, particularly those which are denominations of vessels for containing liquors, as Barrell, Potts, Tankard, &c. In villages, in our own times, the trade of the innkeeper is often united to that of some handicraft. Hence come the names of tools, &c. Particular houses were formerly, as now, the resort of a particular class of artizans; thus the bricklayers would resort to the Trowel or the Hodd, the master of which would himself be a bricklayer; the carpenters to the Chisel or the Mallet ; the black smiths to the Hammer or the Forge, the tailors to the Needle, &c.f * Vide Gent. Mag. Jan. 1842. t Nowadays the more pretending inn-keeping artificers give the armo* rials of their respective crafts as signs, e. g. the Blacksmiths' Arms, the 9§ 202 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Phenix and Spinks (sphinx) might probably be added in this connexion. As in the other classes of surnames, certain words which have become obsolete as to general use are re tained ; I would in particular notice Cowlstick (often refined to Costic), Cade* Cottrell, and Cresset. A cowl is a vessel with two ears, generally made of wood, Carpenters' Arms, &c. ; those of a less ambitious grade give the Jolly Tanner, the Jolly Butcher, the Jolly Blacksmith, &c. ' Arms' are occa sionally 'found ' for callings hitherto unwarranted to bear them, as the Sawyers' Arms, the Navigators' Arms ! There is some very queer heraldry recently sprung up, especially in the vicinity of railways, as the Railway Arms and the Tunnel Arms ! ! Both these occur at Lewes, as does also the Mount-Pleasant Arms ! ! ! * As I intend " to put into my book as much as my book will hold," I take an opportunity here, on mentioning the name of Cade, to correct an error into which most of our historians have fallen relative to that arch- traitor Jack Cade, temp. Hen. VI. They uniformly state that he was an Irishman by birth, but there is strong presumptive evidence that to Sussex belongs the unenviable claim of his nativity. Speed states that " he had bin seruant to Sir Thomas Dagre." Now this Sir Thomas Dagre or Dacre was a Sussex knight of great eminence, who had seats at Hurstmonceux and Heathfield, in this county. Cade has for several centuries been a common name about Mayfield and Heathfield, as is proved both by nume rous entries in the parish registers and by lands and localities designated from the family. After the defeat and dispersion of his rabble-rout of retainers, Cade is stated to have fled into the woods of Sussex, where, a price being set upon his head, he was slain by Sir Alexander Iden, sheriff of Kent. Nothing seems more probable than that he should have sought shelter from the vindictive fury of his enemies among the woods of his native county, with whose secret retreats he was doubtless well acquainted, and where he would have been likely to meet with friends. The daring recklessness of this villain's character is illustrated by the tradition of the district, that he was engaged in the rustic game of bowls in the garden of a little alehouse at Heathfield, when the well-aimed arrow of the Kentish sheriff inflicted the fatal wound. The place is still called Cade Street ; and the present writer once occupied for a short time the identical garden in which the rebel fell. TRADERS' SIGNS. 203 and for the sake of convenience carried between two, on a staff, thence called a cowl-staff or cowl-stick. Cade is an old word for a barrel or cask, and hence a very appropriate sign for an alehouse or tavern. Cottrell, according to Grose, is a provincial word for a trammel for hanging an iron pot over the fire ; but this name, as I have elsewhere shown, is as probably derived from a very different source. A Cresset was an article used during the middle ages by soldiers ; it was a kind of portable beacon made of wires in the shape of an inverted cone, and filled with match or rope steeped in pitch, tallow, resin, and other inflam- 204 ENGLISH SURNAMES. mable matters. One man carried it upon a pole, an other attending with a bag to supply materials and a Ught. Shakspeare and Milton both allude to the cresset as a familiar object : " The front of heaven was full of fiery shapes Of burning cressets." Henry IV, 1. " Pendent by subtle magic many a row Of starry lamps and blazing cressets." Parad. Lost. I have made the annexed sketch of a cresset from a description in Fosbroke's Encyclopaedia : I cannot an swer for its being very correct. A "cresset with burning fire " was formerly a badge of the Admiralty. In the Coventry Mysteries, p. 270, we read — " €xessztgS, larttenuig, atrtf tovcfys Igtft." This name, Cresset, is the designation of at least one family of gentry ; and should my humble lucubra tions meet the eyes of any who happen to bear it, I trust they will pardon my insinuation that they are descended from tradesmen — vulgar persons who had great flaring signs over their doors — when they call to remembrance that all families of gentle blood must have been amongst the plebeian ranks of society, till some adventitious circumstance raised them to eminence and wealth. A large number of our peerage families are proud to record their descent from Lord Mayors of London, who must necessarily have been tradesmen ; and it is probable that many of our great bouses of Norman origin, on tracing their pedigrees beyond the Conquest (were such a thing possible), would find them selves sprung from the poor and servile peasantry of Normandy. For pride of ancestry there is perhaps no antidote more salutary or more humiliating than a traders' signs. 205 calm consideration of the question proposed by the jester to the Emperor Maximilian, when engaged, one day, in making out his pedigree : OThen $ftam Mbrtl atrtf l£be Span, m mas then the gentleman? Bickerstaff (with its corruption Bickersteth) was pro bably the sign of an inn. It seems to mean a staff for tilting or skirmishing. (Vide Bailey's Diet, voce ' Bicker.') In the old ballad of Chevy Chase we read — " Bowmen bicier'd upon the bent With their broad arrows clear." A Brandreth was an iron tripod fixed over the fire, on which the pot or kettle is placed (Halliw.) ; but the very similar word Brandrith means a fence placed for safety round a well. A Hassell was an instrument formerly used for breaking flax and hemp. Elsewhere I have deduced Jubb from the personal name, Job; but it may be from ' jubbe,' a medieval term for a vessel to hold wine or ale. " With him brought he a. jubbe of Malvesie And eek another ful of wyn vernage." Wright's Chaucer, 14481. The singular name of Burden is probably a corruption of ' bourdon/ a pilgrim's staff — a very appropriate sign for a wayside hostelrie. Several names are borrowed from habiliments of the person, as Cope, Mantell, Coates, Cloake, Meddlicote, (that is, a coat of many or mixed colours, a favourite fashion of our ancestors,) Bootes, Sandall, Slipper, Frocke, Hose, Hat, Bodicoate, Capp, Peticote, Freemantle, 206 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Gaicote, and Mapes* I have no doubt that all these have been used as signs of houses, perhaps of inns; certain it is that there was a tavern in Southwark called the Tabard (a herald's coat), and a very famous tavern it was too, which will never be forgotten so long as the name of Chaucer survives. " Befelle, that in that season on a day In Southwerk at the Tabard as I lay, Redy to wenden on my pilgrimage To Canterbury with devout corage, At night was come into that hostelrie, Wel nine and twenty in a compagnie, Of sondry folk, by aventure yfalle In felawship, and pilgrimes were they alle, That toward Canterbury wolden ride."f Startup is an obsolete name for rough country boots with high tops. " A payre of startuppes had he on his feete, That lased were up to the small of the legge ; Homelie they were, and easier than meete, And in their soles full many a wooden pegge." Thynne's Debate (Halliwell). Barrette (Fr.) is a cap or bonnet, and a Capelin (Fr. ' capeline') is another species of female head-dress. Some of the names borrowed from habiliments, however, were given as sobriquets to those who first set the fashion of wearing them. Of this we have an instance in Curtmantle, the surname of our Henry the Second, given him from his having introduced the fashion of wearing shorter mantles than had been pre viously used. This rule was reversed in later days by one Spencer, who gave his surname to the article bear- * Vide Archaeologist, vol. i, p. 102. t Chauc. Cant. Tales, Prologue. TRADERS SIGNS. 207 ing that name ; which is said to have originated in the following manner : Spencer was a celebrated exquisite, who stood so high in these matters that he had only to don any particular fashion of garment, to be imitated by all the dandies of the day ; and so confident was he of his influence in this respect, that he once declared that he verily believed that if he wore a coat without tails, others would do the same. He assumed this ridiculous vestment — so did they ! The surname Tabberer was in all probability first applied to some wearer of the garment so called. Ac cording to Nares, the name of ' tabarder' is still given at Queen's College, Oxon, to the scholars, whose ori ginal dress, the tabard, was not peculiar to heralds. Hugh Capet, the founder of the royal line of France in the tenth century, is said to have acquired that sur name from a freak of which, in his boyhood, he was very fond ; that of snatching off the caps of his play fellows. De la Roque, however, gives a different origin for this name, deriving it from ' le bon sens et esprit qui residoit k sa teste ! ' The names derived from parts o£_armour, as Helme, Shield, Greaves, Swords, Buckler, Gauntlett, Gunn, Muskett, Brownbill, Brownsword, Shotbolt, and Broad- spear, were also, in all probability, signs of inns kept by those who first bore them. Some similar names, however, originated from fashions in warlike imple ments, and were given to the persons who first used them. Strongbow, the cognomen of the famous Earl of Pembroke, and Fortescue, that is, strong-shield, are of this kind. Longespee, the cognomen of William first Earl of Salisbury, and son of Fair Rosamond, was given him from his using a longer sword than usual; and William, son of Robert de Belesme, Earl of Shrewsbury, 208 ENGLISH SURNAMES. gained the name of Talvas from the kind of shield so called. The French name Beauharnois is literally ' fine- harness,' and was originally applied to a person who took pride in splendid armour. To return to Signs, there is another class of surnames referable to this origin, such as Angel, Virgin, Saint, Apostles, Martyr, — names quite inapplicable to any living man, unless through the medium referred to. The Angel is still a common sign for inns, as Saints doubtless were before the Reformation. St. George and the Dragon still retain their post at the doors of some country alehouses. Martyrs, too, I dare say, were plentiful enough in those days; but the only vestige of them remaining, so far as I am aware, is St. Catherine on her Wheel, now usually termed the Catton Wheel. Indeed, I am not quite sure whether it has not been corrupted still further to the Cat and Wheel ! There are some other names of a religious cast, as Crucifix, Challis, Paten, Hallowbread, Pix, a little chest for the reception of the consecrated host ; Pascall, an other article used in the service of the church ; and Porteus, a breviary or priest's office-book ;* to which I am disposed to assign the same origin. Several family names represent articles of diet, &c, as Butter, Drybutter, Figg (an excellent name for a grocery), Honey, % Milk,\ Mustard, Pickles, Pepper, Salt, * " Item, I bequeath to the chappel of Richborough one Portuys printed, with a Mass-book which was Sir Thomas, the old Priest's." Will of Sir Jno. Saunder, parson of Dimchurch, &c. 1509. Somner's Ports of Kent. " By God and by this partus wil I swere." Wright's Chaucer, 14546. f " Johnny Figg was a green and white grocer." Old Song. X The number of Surnames of which Honey forms a component part is remarkable : Honeyman, Honeysett, Honeychurch, Honywood, Honeyball, Honeywill, Honeybone, and Hunnybum! § There is a dairyman bearing this appropriate name near Dorset Square. TRADERS' SIGNS. 209 Sugar, Suet. Others correspond with beverages, as Ale, Beer, Claret, Ginn, Portwine, Perry, Negus, Rum, Sider,* Sherry. Some of these may have been given to persons who traded in the respective commodities, but the majority might probably have a more satisfactory origin. For instance, the name Earle is pronounced Ale in some districts, and Beer is the name of two small towns in the county of Devon, while Rum is the de signation of one of the Hebrides. I must not close this Chapter without adverting to one further batch of names connected with the fore going; namely, those corresponding with the designa tions of the divinities and celebrated persons of classical antiquity, such as Venus, Mars, Bacchus,-[ Homer, Tulley, Horace, Vergil, Cwsar. These are doubtless derived from traders' signs. The former three would be appro priate for inns, the remainder for the shops of medieval dealers in books or their materials. So recently as the last generation a celebrated publisher gave his establish ment the name of the ' Cicero's Head.' It is sometimes amusing to find these immortal names in the oddest possible associations : " Many years have not elapsed," says Mr. Brady, in his humorous dissertation, " since Horace drew beer at Wapping ; Homer was particularly famous for curing sore legs; and Gesar was unambitious of any other post than that of shopman to a mercer !"J * Sider or Syder may be synonymous with Sidesman, the name of a petty civil office. t See, however, p. 76. The name of Steph. de Venuse, miles, occurs 31 Edw. I, a quo, perhaps, Venus. X Since the above paragraph was written, a Julius Csesar was found fight- ing in ihe forum or market-place of a town in Surrey with one ' Colpus' and others. Caesar, on this occasion, sustained a defeat, for a body of " caerulei Britanni" (in the shape of policemen) made him their prisoner, and 210 ENGLISH SURNAMES. " Pan," I am assured by a correspondent, " keeps a village inn."* Hector -was the champion of Petersfield and an M.P. Cato is a wire- worker on Holborn Hill. Such surnames do not belong exclusively to England, for Victor Hugof assures us that M. Janus is a baker at Namur ! M. Marius a hairdresser at Aries ! ! and M. Nero a confectioner at Paris ! ! ! Of Mr. Sylvius, one of the courtiers of Charles II, we are told, that he was " a man who had nothing of a Roman in him except the name."| The failure of a person named Homer once gave rise to the following admirable (or execrable ?) puns : " That Homer should a bankrupt be, Is not so very odd-d'ye-see, If it be true, as I'm instructed, So ill-he-had his books conducted !"§ Mr. Potiphar would probably experience some„ diffi culty in tracing up to his Egyptian namesake. brought him before the local bench, in petty sessions assembled. A de tailed Commentary of this ' Civil War' was given in the Sussex Express in December last ; and future editors of the warrior classic can do as they please about consulting it. * Several Roman families bore names which as they fondly believed furnished proof of their descent from Gods and Heroes. Halesus passed as the descendant of Neptune, and the Antonia family derived themselves from Anton, the companion of Hercules. Virgil makes Cluentius a de scendant of the hero Cloanthes — " Cloanthus genus unde tibi Romane Cluenti." JEn. v, 123. And Julius Caesar is deduced from lulus (Ascanius) : " Julius, a magno dimissum nomen Iulo." JEn. i, 288. t The Rhine, vol. i, p. 76. % Grammont's Memoirs. § Herald. Anom. TRADERS SIGNS. 211 Had we not evidence that such names as Colbrand, Guy, and Bevis were antiently used as Christian names, I should not hesitate to add them to this catalogue of celebrated persons as being derived respectively from the Danish Giant, from the famous Earl of Warwick, and from the no less doughty, if less illustrious, Bevis of Southampton : " Which geaunt was myghtie and strong, And full fourty feet was long ; A foote he had betwene each brow, His head was bristled like a sowe !" Romance of Syr Bevis. It is remarkable that there is still living at South ampton, the scene of his giantship's adventures, a family of Bevis, who from time immemorial have been located there ; but whether they are lineally or collate rally descended from this giant (whose effigies still adorn the Bar-gate of the town), I leave to the proper authorities at the Heralds' College to determine. The name of Littlejohn may be imagined to have been borrowed from the far-famed compeer of that most redoubtable deer-killing, bishop-robbing, and sheriff- tormenting wight, Master Robyn Hood of Nottingham shire. That the name of a person so popular, so courageous, and so worthy as in some respects this antient forester was, should be adopted as a surname by some lover of "hunting craft and the green- wood glade," in the next generation, would have been a cir cumstance by no means extraordinary. Lord Abinger's family may be descended from a representative of the no less renowned Will Scarlett, another of the worthies of ' merrie Sherwood.' CHAPTER XII. OF SURNAMES BORROWED FROM THE SOCIAL RELATIONS, PERIODS OF TIME, AGE, &c. &c. HERE are several English Surnames derived from consanguinity, alliance, and other social relations, which, Camden thinks, have originated from the necessity of a second appellative, when two persons bearing the same baptismal name resided in close proximity to each other. This is a feasible derivation for several of them, but for others it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to account. The following are more or less usual in many parts of England : Father, Brothers, Br other son and Cousins; Oldson and Youngson; Batchelor, Lover, Paramour, Bridegroom and Bride ; Neighbour, Gossip and Guest ; Husband, Young- husband* and Goodhusband ; Master and Servant; Masterman, Prentice and Nurse; Friend and Foe; Kinsman, Quaintance and Stranger, From obsolete words or forms : Fader, father. Waller, from the A.-S. ' waller- wente,' foreign men, strangers. "Elles or Ellis, in British," says Hals, " is a son-in- * W. le Youngehusbande. Subsidy Roll, Sussex, 1296. SOCIAL RELATIONS. 213 law by the wife, and Els or Ells, a son-in-law by the husband." * Beldam (beldame) formerly meant grandmother, and was a respectful term. In course of time it has become synbnymous with hag or witch. Kennett applies it to " an old woman that lives to see a sixth generation descended from her." Spenser uses it in its original French signification, ' fair lady.' (Halliwell.) How it became an hereditary surname, is not very obvious. The same observation applies to another female name, which, however, does not exactly belong to this class — I mean Rigmaiden. 'A Rig' is deduced by Bailey from the Latin ridendo, and defined as ' a wanton, romping girl,' and this appellation was probably first affixed to some fourteenth-century hoyden. There were at least two families of our gentry who bore this name, with dissimilar coats of arms.f Bellamy. Dr. Giles, in his notes on the Saxon Chronicle, considers this a corruption of the Norman name ' Belesme,' but Halliwell produces a host of authorities for the O. English, or rather French, ' Bel- Amy,' fair friend : " Belamy, he seyde, how longe Shal they folye y-laste ?" MS. Coll. Trin. Oxon, 57. Robert of Gloucester and Chaucer employ this word. Farebrother, father-brother, a Scottish term for uncle ; and a much more rational appellative than Bairnsf other , also a Scottish surname. Leif child. ' Lefe' is an archaism for love; and ' love-child' a provincialism for an illegitimate ; still this name may mean no more than ' dear,' or ' beloved * D. Gilbert's Cornwall, vol. iii, p. 429. t Vide Gent. Mag. 1830, i. 305. 214 ENGLISH SURNAMES. child,' an opinion which is supported by the use of the phrase in the following lines, quoted by Halliwell, from a poem of the fifteenth century : " Therfor my leffe chyld, I schalle teche the, Herken me welle the maner and the gyse, How thi sowle inward schalle aqueyntyd be With thewis * good, and vertw in alle wysse." Filiol, a Norman name of high degree, is probably the French ' filleul,' equivalent to our own Godson. From periods of age, or the phases of human exist ence, we have Infant, Baby,\ and Suckling; Littlechild; Child, Children (!); Boys and Littleboys; Goodboys and Tallboys; Stripling and Youngman, — " The diapason closing full in Mann .'" To these may be added Maiden, and its latinization, Virgo. Gasson looks like a corruption of the French ' garcon,' a boy. Littlepage speaks for itself. That some of these are corruptions, or words having a double meaning, is, I think, unquestionable. Mann, for instance, as I have already surmised, may be from the island in the Irish Sea; Batchelor is applicable otherwise as well as to an unmarried man ; and Boys, with its compounds, is, in all likelihood, a mis-spelling and false pronunciation of the French bois, a wood. The French surname Du Bois, naturalized amongst us, is equivalent to our Attwood, &c. Child is frequently used by our old writers as a title. It seems to be equivalent to Knight. In the ' Faerie Queen' it is applied to the son of a king. Child Waters, the Child of Elle and Gil or Child-M.orice, are personages well * 'Manners, deportment. f I have three or four authorities for this name. SOCIAL RELATIONS. 215 known to the readers of Percy's Reliques. The word sometimes occurs in its plural form as children. Thus in the ballad of Sir Cauline : " The Eldridge knight he pricked his steed ; Syr Cauline bold abode : Then either shooke his trustye speare, And the timber these two children bare Soe soone in sunder slode ! (split.)" Perc. Ret. Ed. 1839, p. 12. " In former times the cognomen Childe was prefixed to the family name by the eldest son ; and the appel lation was continued until he succeeded to the title of his ancestors, or gained new honours by his prowess."* To such names of distinction also belong Rich and Poore, Vassall, Bond, Freeman, Freeborn, and Burrell. Borel is used in Chaucer in the sense of lay, as Borel-clerks, lay clerks; Borel-folk, laymen. The surname of Wardedu or Wardeux, formerly borne by the feudal lords of Bodiham, co. Sussex, is of very singular origin. Henry, a younger son of the house of Monceux, was a ward op the Earl of Ou in the thirteenth century, from which circumstance he left his antient patronymic, and assumed that of Ward de Ou. This Henry Wardeou or Wardedu was knight of the shire for Sussex in 1302.f Harmer, a name of rather dangerous sound, is really very harmless if its origin be traced, as I rather suspect it may, to the German anttfF, poor. Closely connected with some of the foregoing, are the names derived from periods of age, as Young, Younger, Eld, and Senior. Rathbone, from the Saxon, signifies ' an early gift.' * London Encyc. 1836. t Gleanings of Battel Abbey, p. 63. 216 ENGLISH SURNAMES. This class of surnames presents some very strange anomalies; for instance, though Eld or Senior might serve very well to designate a man in the decline of life, how could it apply to his children? "Yong," says Verstegan, "was derived from one's fewness of yeares;" if so, every day of his life must have made the absurdity of the name increasingly apparent. How oddly do such announcements as the following sound : " Died, on Tuesday week, Mr. Young, of Newton, aged 97." " The late Mr. Cousins, the opulent banker, of Kingston, is said to have left the whole of his pro perty to public charities, as he could not ascertain that he had a single relative in the world !" " Died, on the 10th inst., Miss Bridget Younghusband, spinster, aged 84." " Birth : Mrs. A. Batchelor, of a son, being her thirteenth," &c. &c. From periods of time we have several names, as Spring, Summer, Winter. The writer of the article " Names," in the ' Penny Cyclopaedia,' thinks these three corruptions of other words, because the remaining season, Autumn, does not stand as a surname. Thus, he says, Spring signifies a hill; Summer, somner ;* and Winter, vintner. This is far-fetched ; besides, I would not undertake to say that we have no Autumns in our family nomenclature. It is a word easily cor rupted to the more natural spelling of Otham or Hotham, although I am quite aware that some families bearing that designation take it from places where they were originally settled.f Moreover, it is no greater * See p. 129. f " The non-existence of Autumn as a surname may be accounted for by the recent introduction of that word into Enghsh : ' fall' was the old name for the season, and is still retained in America. Fall occurs as a surname, though not so frequently as Spring, probably because not of such good augury." — From a Correspondent. PERIODS OF TIME. 217 matter of surprise that names should be borrowed from the seasons than from the months, the days of the week, and festivals of the church, like the following : Day, with its compounds Goodday, Singleday, and Doubleday ; Evening, Mattin, Vesper, Dawn, Noon, Eve, Morrow, Weekes ; March, May, August ; Sunday, Monday, Thursday, Friday ; Christmas (and Noel, Fr.), Easter, Paschall, Pentecost, Harvest, Middlemiss, that is, if I mistake not, Michaelmas ; Holiday, Midwinter, &c. Domesday seems to be a corruption of " domus Dei," a name given to some religious houses. We are not singular in the possession of such names : the Romans had their Januarii, Martii, Maii, Festi, and Virgilii — the last so named from having been "borne at the. rising of the Virgilii or seven stars, as Pontanus learnedly writeth against them which write the name Virgilius." * Varro says that when two or more persons among the Romans bore the same appellative, Terentius, for instance, they were distinguished from each other by an additional name ; thus, if one was born early in the morning, he would be called Manius ; if in the day time, Lucius ; if after the death of his father, Post- humus, f In Cambodia, at the present time, a child is fre quently named from the day on which he was born; and in some parts of Abyssinia, according to Salt, the father often gives his infants names allusive to the cir cumstances under which they came into the world, as ' Night-born,' ' Born-on-the-Dust,' &c. On the name of Day it may be remarked that it may signify one of the humblest class of husbandry * Remaines, p. 111. f De Latina lingua, lib. viii. i. 10 218 ENGLISH SURNAMES. servants, or, as we now call them, day-labourers. In a statute of Rich. II. regulating wages, we have " a swineherd, a female labourer, and a deye," put down at six shillings per annum.* Deye is also an Old English term for a dairy-maid, and as such is used by Shakspeare. It is probable that most of these names originated from the period of the birth of the persons to whom they were first assigned, or from some notable event which occurred to those persons on the particular day or month. The name Friday, which De Foe makes Robinson Crusoe give to his savage, is extremely natural. Perhaps they were occasionally applied to foundlings, after the fashion mentioned in Crabbe's ' Parish Register :' " Some hardened knaves that roved the country round, Had left a babe within the parish bound. But by what name th' unwelcome guest to call Was long a question, and it ' posed' them all ; For he who lent it to a babe unknown, Censorious men might take it for his own. They look'd about ; they gravely spoke to all, And not one Richard answered to the call. Next they enquired the day when , passing by, Th' unlucky peasant heard the stranger's cry. This known, how food and raiment they might give Was next debated, for the rogue would live ! At last, with all their words and work content, Back to their homes the prudent vestry went, And Richard Monday to the workhouse sent." I shall close this short Chapter with a few names, without offering a single conjecture as to their origin, viz. Quickly, Soone, Quarterly, Sudden, Later, Latter, * Knight's Pictorial Shakspere. PERIODS OE TIME. 219 and Last. Well may Master Camden remark of such — " To FIND OUT THE TRUE ORIGINALL OF SURNAMES is full of difficulty," an observation which also applies with equal if not greater force to many others which will occur in subsequent chapters. CHAPTER XIII. OF SURNAMES INDICATIVE OF CONTEMPT AND RIDICULE. " J'ai ete tousjours fort etonne, que les Families qui portent un Nom odieux on ridicule, ne le quittent pas." — Bayle. HE Leatherheads and Shufflebottoms, the Higginses and Huggenses, the Scroggses and Scraggses, the Sheepshanks and Ramsbottoms* the Woodheads and Addleheads, the Hytches and the Huddles, seem for the most part to have entertained no such dislike to their surnames, because, perhaps, having examined them etymologically, they have found nothing in them which ought to be taken in mala parte. But it is indeed remarkable, that many surnames really expressive of bodily deformity or of moral obliquity, should have descended to the posterity of those who perhaps well deserved, and so could not escape them; particularly when we reflect how easily such names might have been avoided in almost every state of society by the adoption of others; for although in our days it is considered an act of villany, or at least a 'suspicious affair,' to change one's name unless in compliance with the will of a deceased friend, when an * The Doctor. OF CONTEMPT AND RIDICULE. 221 act of the senate or the royal sign-manual is required, the case was widely different four or five centuries ago, and we know from antient records that names were fre quently changed at the caprice of their owners. The law seems originally to have regarded such changes, even in the most solemn acts, with great indifference. Lord Coke observes : " It is requisite that a purchaser be named by the name of baptism and his surname, and that special heed be taken to the name of baptism, for that a man cannot have two names of baptism as he may have divers surnames." And again, " It is holden in our antient books that a man may have divers names at divers times, but not divers Christian names." " The question how far it is lawful for an individual to assume a surname at pleasure came before Sir Joseph Jekyll, when Master of the Rolls in 1730, who, in giving judgment upon the case (Barlow v. Bateman), remarked, ' I am satisfied the usage of passing Acts of Parliament for the taking upon one a surname is but modern, and that any one may take upon him what surname, and as many surnames, as he pleases, without an Act of Parliament.' It is right, however, to add, that the above decision was reversed by the House of Lords."* Names of this unenviable description are not very numerous ; still we have Bad; Trollope, that is, slattern, Stunt, that is, fool, Wanton, Outlaw, Lawless, Parnell, that is, a woman of stained character, Puttock, the same, Bastard, Silly, Silliman, Harlott, Hussey, Trash, Gubbins, the refuse parts of a fish, and Gallows, which strongly implies that the founder of that family attained * Archaeologia, vol. xviii, p. 110. 222 ENGLISH SURNAMES. a station more exalted than enviable before he left the world! Bene or Bean is an expression of contempt, the meaning of which is obscure.* Sometimes, however, it means good, and sometimes, obedient. Coe is a Norfolk provincialism, employed to designate 'an odd old fellow.' Cokin (whence Cockin) is the Anglo- Norman for 'rascal.' " Quoth Arthour, thou he'then cokin, Wende to tbi devel Apolin." (Apollyon.) Arthour and Merlin. Penny father is a penurious person: " Rich mysers and pennyfathers." Topsetts Beasts, 1607. " Rancke penyfathers scud, with their half hammes Shadowing their calves, to save their silver dammes." Morgan's Phoenix Britan. (Halliwell.) Kennard, antiently Kaynard, from 'caignard' (Fr.), literally means "you dog." It also signifies a sordid fellow, a rascal. " A kaynard and an old folte, That thryfte hath loste, and boghte a bolte," MS. Harl. 1701. (H.) Cheale, in the southern dialect, is probably the same with chield in the northern, where it is applied to per sons in a slighting, contemptuous manner. The A.-S. 'ceorl,' whence our modern English 'churl,' is probably the root. Goff means fool.f Craven, the surname of a noble family, might be * Percy's Rel. Ant. Poet. t ' To give a goff,' is a phrase used among the vulgar in Sussex, to express a peculiar contortion of the face indicative of extreme stupidity. OF CONTEMPT AND RIDICULE. 223 thought to belong to the same class,* but this is a local name derived from a district in Yorkshire. The surname Devil is found in many countries. 'Wilielmus cognomento Diabolus' was an English monk. In France we meet with Rogerius Diabolus, lord of Montresor, and Hughes le Diable, lord of Lusignan, not to mention Robert the Devil, duke of Normandy, who had this delicate cognomen as a 'nom de nique.' In Norway and Sweden there were two families of the name of Trolle (devil), and every branch of these fami lies had a figure of the Evil One for their coat of arms. Diable occurs in Brittany, and Teufels (or devils) in Holland.t In the rage for applying opprobrious epithets in dulged by our ancestors, even the infernal regions supplied a surname. A priory of Dominicans was founded at King's Langley, co. Herts, by Roger Helle, an English baron, presumed to be of the Lucy family, who lived at the beginning of the thirteenth century, and was so called because he had ' played the devil' with the Welsh : " a Vallensibus ita cognominatus, eo quod eosdem Wallicos, regi Angliee rebelles, tanquam infemi (sic) undique devastavit. "% Many of the names mentioned in former chapters might be placed among these surnames of contempt. Such also are many of those indicative of ill-formed limbs or features, as Cruickshank, or Crookshanks, Longshanks, Legless, Hunchback, Greathead, Longnesse, &c. The antient Romans, like ourselves, had many * Craven, antiently a term of disgrace, when the party that was over come in a single combat yielded and cried Cravent, &c. — Bailey's Dictionary. t Hone's Table Book, vol. i, p. 699. { Weever's Fun. Mon. edit. 1631, p. 583. Gough, i, 349. 224. ENGLISH SURNAMES. family names implying something defective or disgrace ful. Their Plauti, Pandi, Vari, Scauri, and Tuditani would have been with us the Splay-foots, the Bandy- legs, the In-knees, the Club-foots, and the Hammer heads ! The meanness of the origin of some of the Patrician families is hinted at in their names. The Suilli were descended and denominated from a swine herd, the Bubulci from a cow-herd, and the Porci from a hog-butcher ! Strabo would have been with us a Mr. Squintum, Naso (Ovid) a Mr. Bignose, and Publius, the propraetor, a Mr. Snubnose. Cincinnatus, and the curly poll of the Dainty Davie of Scottish song, are, strange to say, identical ideas.* There is no doubt, I think, that such names as Servus (slave) and Spurius (illegitimate) originally in dicated the real condition of their primitive owners, though Salverte very ingeniously attempts to disprove it.f The modern Italians are not more courteous than their ancestors of " old Rome" in the names they give to some families ; as, for instance, Malatesta, chuckle- headed; Boccanigras, black-muzzled; Porcina, a hog; and Gozzi, chubby- chops! To this place may also be referred the by-names of kings, as Unready, Shorthose, Sans-terre, Crookback. William the Conqueror was so little ashamed of the illegitimacy of his birth, that he sometimes commenced his charters with William the Bastard, &c. ! Among other names not yet mentioned may be noticed Whalebelly (for which, with all the rest that follow, I have good authority), the designation, pro bably, of some corpulent person ; Rotten, Bubblejaw, and Rottenheryng, a name which occurs in some antient * Chambers's Edinburgh Journal. t Essai, i, 162. OF CONTEMPT AND RIDICULE. 225 records of the town of Hull, and was most likely given, in the first instance, to a dishonest dealer in fish. In deed, I have little doubt that these odd appellations all applied with great propriety to those who primarily bore them. How well might Save-all designate a miserly fellow ! and Scrape-skin would answer the same purpose admirably. Doubleman would be odious if it related to duplicity of character, but humorous if it originated in some person's being double the size of ordinary people. Stabback and Killmaster, though really horrible in sound, are not so in sense, as they are corruptions of local names. Ugly and Badman are not desirable appellatives, though of very honourable extraction : the former is the name of a village in Essex, and the latter a slight contraction of 'headman,' one who prays for another, — certainly no bad man would do that ! Blackmonster again does not bespeak our admiration, though it is a natural and not very distant departure from Blanch- minster (' the white monastery') a local name. Opprobrious surnames have certainly diminished in number within the last four centuries. Our old records, both civil and ecclesiastical, abound with them. Dr. Whitaker says, "if any antiquary should think fit to write a dissertation on the antiquity of nicknames in England, he may meet with ample materials in the Compotus of Bolton Abbey ; for here are found Adam Blunder, Simon Paunche, Richard Drunken, Tom Noght, and Whirle the carter — the last, I suppose, by an anti- phrasis, from the slowness of his rotatory motions." The records of Lewes Priory afford many names of this kind. Oculus Ferreus (' iron eye') was a donor of tythes ; Moper was an excellent name for a recluse, and William Cakepen was literally a baker (pistor) ; Mange- 10 § 226 ENGLISH SURNAMES. fer ('eat-iron') might have given an ostrich for his crest ; Ylbod (ill-bode) and Malfeythe, if there be any truth in names, were men to be avoided ; while William de Toto Mundo must have travelled very extensively. Pympe, Scoldecok, Greybaster, Takepaine, Burdenbars, and Sikelfot (sickle-foot? — a friend suggests 'siker,' that is sure, foot, as a better etymon), also occur in these documents. It is perhaps scarcely fair to take many of the above names au pied de la lettre, as they may not be really what they appear at the first sight or sound ; " and a more diligent search into our own antient dialects, as well as into those foreign ones from whence we receive so many recruits, would doubtless rescue some of them from unmerited opprobrium." Nor should it be for gotten that in the mutations to which a living language is ever exposed many expressions which now bear a bad sense had originally a very different meaning : the words knave, villain, and rascal, for instance, would not have been regarded as opprobrious in the thirteenth cen tury. The name Coward may be adduced in support of these remarks. " The Argillarius or Hayward of a town or village was one whose duty it was to supervise the greater cattle, or common herd of beasts, and keep them within due bounds. He was otherwise called Bubulcus, q. d. Cow-ward, whence the reproachful term Coward." * With respect to the term nickname, I may observe that it comes to us from the French {nom de nique), in which language nique is a movement of the head to mark a contempt for any person or thing. The following anecdote will serve to show how easily, even in modern times, a nickname may usurp the place * Rees's Encyclopaedia. OF CONTEMPT AND RIDICULE. 227 of a true family name. " The parish clerk of Lang- ford near Wellington, was called Red Cock for many years before his death; for having one Sunday slept in church, and dreaming that he was at a cock-fighting, he bawled out : 'a shilhng upon the red cock !' And behold," says Lackington, " the family are called Red- cock to this day."* * Lackington's Life. CHAPTER XIV. OF SURNAMES DERIVED FROM THE VIRTUES, AND OTHER ABSTRACT IDEAS ; WITH some others related to these. Y business, here, is first to name — and then to endeavour to account for — such names as Hope, Peace* Joy, Love; An guish, Bliss, Conscience, Comfort, Death, Grace, Justice, Liberty, Luck, Laugh ter, Mercy, Pardon, Piety, Power, Pride, Patience, Prudence, Reason, Ransom, Verity, Virtue, War, Want, and Wisdom. To these may be added Bale, sorrow or misery, and a few other obsolete terms of similar character. It can hardly be supposed that these names were assumed by persons who fancied themselves pre-eminent for the possession of such attributes. Such arrogance would certainly have failed of its object, and have ex posed the assumers to the contempt they deserved. To this remark it may be objected that the Puritans of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries adopted a no menclature precisely similar in the personal or Christian names, which they are asserted to have taken up in * The name Peace-of-Heart, Paix-du- Coeur, occurs among the merchants of Rouen. THE VIRTUES, ETC. 229 lieu of the more ordinary and long-established appella tives of general society. "It was usual," says Hume, (quoting Brome's Travels,) " for the pretended saints of that time [a.d. 1653] to change their names from Henry, Edward, Anthony, William, which they regarded as heathenish and ungodly, into others more sanctified and godly. Sometimes a whole godly sentence was adopted as a name. Here are the names of a jury inclosed in Sussex about this time : " Accepted Trevor of Norsham. Redeemed Compton of Battle.* Faint-not Hewett of Heathfield. Make-peace Heaton of Hare. God-reward Smart of Fivehurst. , Stand fast-on-high Stringer of Crowhurst. Earth Adams of Warbleton. Called Lower of the same. Kill-sin Pimple of Witham. Return Spelman of Watling. Be-faithful Joiner of Britling. Fly-debate Roberts of the same. Fight-the-good-fight-of-faith White of Emer. More-fruite Fowler of East-Hadley. Hope-for Bending of the same. Graceful Harding of Lewes. Weep-not Billing of the same. Meek Brewer of Okeham." Had Hume taken a little pains to investigate this subject he might have saved himself the reiteration of * Minister of Heathfield (1608.) 230 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Brome's sneer about the " pretended saints," for we have indubitable evidence that such names were not assumed by the parties who bore them, but imposed as baptismal names. Take, in corroboration of this re mark, a few instances from the parochial register of Warbleton : 1617, Bestedfast Elyarde. Goodgift Gynninges. 1622, Lament Willard. 1624, Depend Outered. 1625, Faint-not Dighurst. Fere-not Rhodes. 1677, Replenish French. Hence it will be seen that fully as much of blame (if any exist) rests with the clergy who performed the rite of baptism in these cases as with the " sanctified and godly" parents who proposed such names of pre tended saintship. I do not for a moment wish to ex tenuate the folly of the persons who gave such absurd names to their children, but I deem it an act of justice to the much-maligned, though, in many respects, mis guided and even fanatical Puritans of that period, to show that the sarcasm of the illiberal historian falls pointless to the ground, because, generally speaking at least, the bearers of such names had nothing at all to do with their imposition, and could no more get rid of them than any persons now living can dispense with the Christian names they have borne from their infancy. Indeed it seems to have become fashionable towards the close of the sixteenth century for parents to choose such forenames for their offspring, and scarcely any of the parish registers of the period, that I have examined, are free from them. It seems that Sussex was parti- THE VIRTUES, ETC. 231 cularly remarkable for the number of such names, long before the unhappy dissensions which disgraced the middle portion of the seventeenth century. There is another jury-list of the same kind for the county in the Burrell Manuscripts, Brit. Mus. without date, but which I have good reason for assigning to about the year 1610, many years, be it remarked, prior to the era of Barebones and his " pretended saints ;" and Camden, who wrote about the same time, alludes to these " new names. Free-gift, Reformation, Earth, Dust, Ashes, Delivery, More-fruit, Tribulation, The Lord is neare, More-tryall, Discipline, Joy-againe, From-above, which have lately [that is probably about the close of Elizabeth's reign] been given by some to their children with no evil meaning, but upon some singular and precise conceit." The names ' Remedium amoris,' ' Imago seeculi,' are mentioned by this author, among the oddities of personal nomenclature of the same date. While upon this subject, I am sure I shall be par doned for the introduction of the other Sussex jury- list just referred to, particularly as it will probably be new to most readers. "Approved Frew en of Northiam.* Bethankful Maynard of Brightling. Be-courteous Cole of Pevensey. Safety-on-High Snat of Uckfield. * He was a near relative of Archbishop Frewen ; and, since the authen ticity of these lists has been questioned, I would add, that my somewhat intimate acquaintance with the parish registers of Eastern Sussex enables me to state that many of the names they contain, besides hundreds of others, are to be found in those documents. The following extract from the register of Waldron may serve as a specimen of many entries I have met with : " Flie-fornication, the bace sonne of Catren Andrewes, bapt. y 17th. Desemb. 1609." 232 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Search-the-Scriptures Moreton of Salehurst. More-fruit Fowler of East-Hothly. Free-gift Mabbs of Chiddingly [1616]. Increase Weeks of Cuckfield. Restore Weeks of the same. Kill-sin Pemble of Westham. Elected Mitchell of Heathfield. Faint-not Hurst of the same. Renewed Wisberry of Hailsham. Return Milward of Hellingly. Fly-debate Smart of Waldron. Fly-fornication Richardson of the same. Seek-wisdom Wood of the same. Much-mercy Cryer of the same. Fight-the-good-fight-of-Faith White of Ewhurst. Small-hope Biggs of Rye. Earth Adams of Warbleton. Repentance Avis of Shoreham. The-peace-of-God Knight of Burwash. This species of nomenclature, then, appears to have been extensively fashionable at the periods above re ferred to ; and although I entirely concur with those who object to it on the ground of taste, we should do well to recollect that many well-accepted baptismal names are equally objectionable for the same reason. Rejoice Newton is not more puritanical than Letitia Smith ; nor Lovegod Jones than Theophilus Brown ; nor Pure Robinson than Catharine Styles; nor Good Noakes than Agatha Sutton.* In Beverston church, * One Deodatus was Archbishop of Canterbury ; and in the list of African primates we find ' Deo-datus,' ' Deo-gratias,' ' Quid-vult-Deus,' ' Habet-Deum ;' while ' Pius' and ' Innocent' have frequently been assumed by tenants of the holy see. Of Puritan bishops we have read ; of Puritan popes, never ! THE VIRTUES, ETC. 233 co. Gloucester, is the following curious Puritan memorial : " &m tteth the fcoilj> of lta€ffi3£Mfl3E $iRtg!E, tfte totfe of Chomas Purge, mutuiter of the wortf in this place, who Hgetf t|)e 1 Hag of ©ecemh : in the geare of the Hotfce 1604, an* of her life the 67th. " Qua? defuncta jacet saxo tumulata sub illo Bis Cathara, haud ficto nomine, dicta fuit. Nomen utrumque sonat mundam, puram, piamq. . Et vere nomen quod referebat, erat. Nam puram puro degebat pectore vitam, Pura fuit mundo, nunc mage pura Deo. " Hdvra KaSapa role KaSapotg. Omnia pura puris. Tit. i, ver. 15. " She whom this stone doth quietly immure In no feign'd way had twice the name of Pure ; Pure, pious, clean, each name did signify, And truly was she what those names imply ; For in pure paths, while yet she lived, she trod ; Pure was she in this world, and now more pure with God."* To return from this long, though not perhaps irrele vant digression, to the names which stand at the head of this chapter : I am inclined to think they originated in the allegorical characters who performed in the antient mysteries or moralities ; a species of dramatic pieces, which before the rise of the genuine drama served to amuse, under the pretext of instructing, the * Relton's Sketches of Churches, B. 2. 234 ENGLISH SURNAMES. play-goers of the " olden tyme." The favourite cha racters in these performances were Charity, Faith, Pru dence, Discretion, Good-doctrine, Death, Vice, Folly, and Iniquity,* who strutted upon the stage in gro tesque costume, and did far more to injure than promote good morals. The humour of these performers was of the broadest kind, and their acting irresistibly droll, but indecencies both in gesture and language neutralized their attempts to improve the moral feelings of their audiences, and eventually brought them into disrepute. It is probable that the actors in these per formances acquired the names of the characters they personated, which thus became surnames, and descended to their posterity. We have already seen that the names King, Lord, Knight, &c. originated in a manner very similar. The not very uncommon name Vice is doubtless borrowed from a character in the mysteries and pa geants of the middle ages. " He appears," says Gifford, "to have been a perfect counterpart of the Harlequin of the modern stage, and had a twofold office ; to instigate the hero of the piece to wickedness, and, at the same time, to protect him from the Devil, whom he was permitted to buffet and baffle with his wooden sword, till the process of the story required that both the protector and the protected should be carried off by the fiend; or the latter driven roaring from the stage by some miraculous interposition in favour of the repentant offender." The name seems also to have been applied generally to any impersona tion of wickedness. In Ben Jonson's ' The Devil is an Ass,' we read : — * Strutt's Sports and Pastimes. THE VIRTUES, ETC. 235 " Sat. What Vice ? What kind wouldst thou have it of ? Pug. Why, any. Fraud, Or Covetousness, or Lady Vanity, Or old Iniquity."* The name of Woodhouse may be either a local one, or the designation of a favourite character in the mum- mings and Christmas festivities of our ancestors — if the latter, it may find a place here. The Wodehouse, or Wild Man of the Woods, was usually represented as a hairy monster wreathed about the temples and loins with holly and ivy, and much resembling the " wild man," so familiar in heraldric bearings. I am inclined to think he was originally derived from theWoden of the Saxon mythology. The etymon of Woden appears to be pobe, mad, wild, furious, which agrees well enough with the assumed character of the " Wodehouse straunge" of the olden days of merrie England. As the Wodehouse was distinct from the religious cast of the characters who performed in the Mysteries just referred to, he survived the- Reformation, and continued to be a favourite till a comparatively recent period. " When Queen Elizabeth was entertained at Kenil worth Castle, various spectacles were contrived for her amusement, and some of them produced, without any previous no tice, to take her, as it were, by surprise. It happened about nine o'clock one evening, as her majesty returned from hunting, and was riding by torch-light, there came suddenly out of the wood by the road-side, a man habited like a savage, covered with ivy, holding in one of his hands an oaken plant torn up by the roots, who * Knight's Pict. Shakspere. 236 ENGLISH SURNAMES. placed himself before her, and after holding some dis course with a counterfeit echo, repeated a poetical oration in her praise, which was well received. This man was Thomas Gascoyne the poet ; and the verses he spoke on the occasion were of his own composition."* As an accompaniment to this Chapter I here present the " lively effigies " of a Wodehouse, " set down," as old Verstegan would say, " in picture." * Nicholl's Progresses, vol. i, quoted in Hone's Stmtt's Sports and Pas times, p. 253. CHAPTER XV. OF SURNAMES DERIVED FROM OATHS AND EXCLAMATIONS. j]T is highly probable that not a few of the family names which baffle the etymologist, and seem to have no manner of propriety in them, were originally applied to persons who ha bitually employed some oath or other exclamation, and so interlarded their conversation with it, that it was associated with all their neighbours' recollections of them. In a rude state of society these expressions would become the sobriquets by which such persons would be known ; and upon the establishment of an hereditary nomenclature they would descend as veritable surnames. How readily any habitual expression of a person may be turned against him by his neighbours, and be come a nickname, must be familiar to all who have had some experience of village life. We have known a stammerer acquire a sobriquet from the broken syl lables of his rapid speech. Say-Say was the established appellation of an old gentleman whose address in con versation was uniformly, " I say-say, old boy ;" while another was constantly called By George, from his use of that expression on all occasions. In the same manner the whole nation of the Teutonic Normans, after their settlement in Neustria, acquired from the 238 ENGLISH SURNAMES. French the sobriquet ot Bigod, because (as Camden says) " at every other word they would swear " By God." * Thus ' Norman' and ' Bigod' became synonymous ex pressions. Hence our old English baronial surname Bigod, and hence, as philologists assure us, the English word 'bigot,' which was antiently equivalent to super stitious. And it is not a little curious that the equi valent French oath, ' Par-Dieu,' has become naturalized among us under the various modifications of Par dew, Pardoe, Pardow, and Pardee. The singular name of Parcel, sometimes written Parsall, is probably corrupted from ' Par-Ciel,' and corresponds with the indigenous one of Heaven. Profane swearing was one of the commonest vices of early times. To make asseverations by the soul or the body of the Creator was thought little of. Edward the Third had the motto — "feu, hag, the uigfhe Jjfoan;