D *£gty;i^'Etfoltf far. tie founding of a- CoUtgt ot tkizSolon}" D \%1t This book was digitized by Microsoft Corporation in cooperation with Yale University Library, 2008. You may not reproduce this digitized copy ofthe book for any purpose other than for scholarship, research, educational, or, in limited quantity, personal use. You may not distribute or provide access to this digitized copy (or modified or partial versions of it) for commercial purposes. THE REGISTER OP NEW NETHERLAND; 1626 to 1674. By E. B. O'CALLAGHAN, LL.D. ALBANY, N. Y.: J. MUNSELL, 78 STATE STREET. MDCCCLXV. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1865, By E. B. O'CALLAGHAN, In the office of the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of New York. >! Vi PREFACE. patiy, discovered, as our Annals show, in the Year of Grace, 1609, long before Plymouth Rock was known. Colonization followed, and with colonization came Civilization, and with civilization, a regu lar form of government. "Who were the Pioneers in the mighty work of wresting this vast territory from Barbarism — . who were they who first established Churches, Courts, Schools, and Hospitals; introduced Agriculture, Navigation, and the kindred Arts of civilized life, and thus laid the foundation of Institutions, which, multiplying in course of years, have since constituted the honor, the pride and the glory of the Empire State ? Reader, the object of this little Book, which is commended to your patient indulgence, is to rescue from oblivion the Names of those brave and worthy Men. Their bodies " are dust, And their good swords are rust, Their souls are with the Saints, we trust,'' CONTENTS. Advocates 122 Ambassadors 137 Annals of New Netherland xi Board of Audit „ 25 Book-keepers 25 Book-keeper's Clerks 26 Burghers, Great and Small 167 Burgomasters and Schepens 58 Clergymen 118 Reformed Dutch 118 Independent 120 Catholic 122 Commander of the Company's Ships 23 Commissaries of Accounts 25 Commissaries of Districts 47 Commissaries of Stores 30 Commissioners 150 Commissioners of New Amstel 6 Comptroller 25 Comptroller of the Windmill 25 Council 11 Conventions 140 Court Messengers 109 Vill CONTENTS. Directors of the Amsterdam Chamber 1 Directors General 9 Farmers ofthe Kevenue 33 Ferry Masters 117 Fire Wardens 113 Indian Interpreters 133 Inspectors 115 Of Tobacco 115 Of Beer Barrels 116 Of Bread 116 Of Weights and Measures 116 Jailers 112 Magistrates 68 Matron of the Hospital 128 Matron ofthe Orphans 127 Measurers of Grain and Lime 116 Midwives 128 Millers 117 Naval Officer 23 Notaries 123 Orphan Masters 65 Overseers of Mechanics and Laborers 134 Patroons of New Netherland 7 Physicians and Surgeons 124 Provincial Agents 136 Provincial Secretaries 27 Deputy Secretaries 28 English Secretaries i 28 Secretary's Clerks 28 CONTENTS. IX Provost Marshals Ill Representatives of the Commonalty 52 The Twelve Men 52 The Eight Men 53 Tho Nine Men 55 Roy Masters 115 Schoolmasters 129 Schout Fiscals 38 Local Schout Fiscals r 39 Surveyors General 37 City Surveyors 115 Town Clerks „.,.„.,.,„ , 103 Town Crier 112 Town Treasurers 109 Turnkeys 112 Vendue Masters , ,. 114 (B) ANNALS OP NEW NETHERLAND. 1609, Henry Hudson discovers the North river, or the River of the Mountains, September 3d, and anchors near the site of the present City of Albany. July 30, Lake Champlain discovered. The Iroquois defeated some days after by Champlain near Crown Point. 1610. Another Dutch vessel visits the River of the Mountains, now called the River Mauritius, in honor of Prince Maurice of Nassau. 1612. Various vessels trade along the River Mauritius.,, 1613. Huts constructed <»n Manhattan Island and the yacht Restless built there. 1614. Fort Nassau erected on an island immediately south of the present city of Albany. The name of New Netherland first given to the country. Long Island Sound explored by Adrian Block and the Connecticut river discovered. 1615. Champlain discovers Lake Ontario, and defeats the Iroquois south of it. 1620. Puritans in Holland apply for permission to emigrate to New Netherland w^ich is refused. Capt. Thomas Dermer, an English navigator, visits Manhattan Island. Xll ANNALS OF NEW NETHERLAND 1621. Dutch West India Company incorporated ; New Nether land included within its charter. Adriaen Joris Director, or Governor. 1623. Colonization of New Netherland commenced. Fort Orange built. Fort Nassau erected on the east shore of the Delaware river. The Dutch take pos session of the Connecticut river. Settlement of Long Island begun. i624. Cornelis Jacobsen Mat, Director. 1625. William Vekhtjlst, Director. Horses, Cows, Sheep and Swine arrive from Holland. 1626. Peter Minuit, Director. Fort Amsterdam on the Island of Manhattan, founded. Erection of a place of worship commenced on that Island. 1627. Trade opened between New Netherland and New Plymouth. 1628. Population of Manhattan Island, two hundred and seventy souls. First Clergyman arrives there. 1629. Charter to Patroons granted. 1630. Patroons' Colonies or Manors founded. Slavery estab lished. Settlement of Renselaerswyck commenced. Staten Island and Pavonia purchased. 1632 Swanendael Colonie, on the Delaware, cut off by the Indians. 1633. Wouter van Twiller, Director. First Schoolmaster arrives. Trade opened with Virginia. First English ship called the William of London, ascends the Hudson river. Fort Good Hope on the Connecticut completed. A wooden Church erected at Manhattan. ANNALS OS NJSW NETHERLAND. XU1 1635. Long Island conveyed to Lord Stirling. The English intrude on the Connecticut river. Fort Amsterdam completed. 1636. New Amersfoort, now Flatlands, L. I., founded. 1637. Settlements in Westchester and at the Waal-bogbt commenced. 1638. William Kieft, Director. Inspection laws introduced. Swedes settle on the Delaware and build Fort Chris tina. The Dutch Governor protests against the intrusion. Quit rents introduced in New Netherland. 1639. First grant o>f land in the present town of Gravesend, Long Island. 1640. Indian title fcQ lands on Long Island, west of Oysterbay, extinguished. The English attempt a settlement on that Island under a grant from Lord Stirling, and are expelled. His Lordship's agent arrested. Free Colonies established. 1641. Settlement of Staten Island commenced. Wampum the general currency. Meeting of the Twelve Men convoked. Peter Minuit dies. 1642. The Twelve Men dissolved. War against the Weck- quaeskecks, (or Westchester county) Indians. New town patent issued. Throg's Neck and adjoining lands granted. Erection of a stone Church in New Amsterdam commenced. English expelled from the South, or Delaware river. First clergyman at Ren selaerswyck and Fort Orange. Father Jogues captured by the Mohawks. XIV ANNALS OF NEW NETHERLAND. 1643. War with the Indians around Manhattan Island. Great destruction of lives and property. The life of the Director General threatened. The Eight Men elected. Father Jogues escapes from the Mohawfis. First Church at Fort Orange, or Beverwyck (now Albany). Sir Edmund Plowden lays claims to the territory forming the present State of New Jersey. 1644. Hempstead, L. I., planted. John Underhill defeats the Westehester Indians. Peace concluded with several Indian tribes. First Excise laws enacted. Patroon of Renselaerswyck fortifies Beeren Island, opposite Coeymans, and attempts to levy toll on vessels pass ing up and down the Mauritius, or Hudson river ; consequent conflicting jurisdiction. 1645. General peace with the Indians. Indian title to what is now New Utrecht, L. I., extinguished. Settle ment of Flushing commenced. Town of Gravesend erected. 1646. Adriaen van der Donck founds a colonie near Spyt den Duyvel, under the name of Colendonk. Yonkers is so called after this Patroon. Patent issued for Kattskill. Breuckelen incorporated. Lake Saint Sacrament (now Lake George) ,. discovered and explored by Father Jogues, S. J., who is after wards murdered by the Mohawks. The land on which Philadelphia now stands, purchased by the Dutch. 1647. Peter Stuyvesant, Director. Estimated population of the Province 2,000. Church at New Amsterdam ANNALS OF NEW NETHERLAND. XV finished. Cornelis Melyn and Jochem Pietersen Kuyter, members of the former board of Eight men, prosecuted for opposing and complaining of the previous administration, heavily fined and banished. Shipwreck of the Princess, Ex-Director Kieft, Rev. Mr. Bogardus, Attorney General van der Huygens, and a number of others drowned. The Board of Nine Men appointed. Houses in New Amsterdam built of wood and thatched with straw. Influenza prevails throughout the country. Lady Stirling's agent arrested and sent to Holland. A Dutch ship seized at New Haven and brought to Manhattan. 1648. Fire Department and an -Annual Fair established in New Amsterdam. Mission to Holland to represent the State- of the Province proposed. 1649. General disoontent. Papers of the Nine Men seized and Adriaen van der Donck, their President, im prisoned. Proceedings against Melyn and Kuyter disapproved in Holland, and they return to America in triumph. Delegates sent to Holland. Great Re monstrance of New Netherland presented to the States General. Kattskill and Claverack purchased for the Patroon of Renselaerswyck. Indian title to a large portion of the land in the present county of Westchester extinguished. 1650. Reforms in the Government and Institutions of New Netherland, reported by a committee of the States General, are opposed by the West India Company. Continued complaints by the Nine Men, Treaty XVI ANNALS OF NEW NETHERLAND. concluded at Hartford determining the Boundary between the English and Dutch. Free navigation of the Hudson river declared. 1651. Continued arbitrary Government. Vice Director Van Dincklage expelled the Council for being opposed to Director Stuyvesant. Publications in Holland direct attention to New Netherland. Fort Casimir built at the Delaware. 1652. Beverwyck (Albany) separated from the Colonie of Rensselaerswyck and a distinct Court of Justice established there. Settlements begun at the Esopus, at Newtown and Flatbush, L. I. Nyack purchased and New Utrecht founded. Bibles first imported. Slaves to be imported direct from Africa. Population of New Amsterdam between seven and eight hundred souls. Municipal Government granted to that city. War between England and Holland. The Dutch send an embassy to Virginia to conclude a treaty with that Colony. 1653. Organization of a Municipal Government for New Amsterdam. Burgomasters and Schepens appointed. That city palisaded. Captain Underhill hoists the Parliament flag on Long Island, and is banished. Fort Good Hope on Connecticut river is seized by the English. Description of New Netherland pre pared by Adriaen van der Donck. Rev. Mr. Drisius sent on an embassy to Virginia. Father Poncet, S. J., taken prisoner by the Mohawks, is sent back to Canada by way of Oswego. The Second Amboyna ANNALS OF NEW NETHERLAND. XVII Tragedy ; or a Faithful Account of a Bloody, Treach erous and Cruel Plot of the Dutch in America to murder the English Colonists, published in London. Convention of Delegates from several towns in New Netherland assemble at New Amsterdam, and vote a Remonstrance on the State ofthe Province, demand ing a Representative form of government, &c, which is sent to the authorities in Holland. Oysterbay settled. 1654. Breuckelen granted additional privileges. Midwout and Amersfoort obtain the right to have local Magis trates. First Dutch Clergyman on Long Island appointed. Lutherans.of New Amsterdam refused permission to call a minister. An Expedition against New Netherland sails from England. The English on Long Island disaffected. Peace with England concluded. General Thanksgiving. Salt Springs of Onondaga discovered. The Swedes surprise and seize Fort Casimir on tbe Delaware, and call it Fort Trinity. Emigrants from Connecticut settle in the town of Westchester. 1655. Flag of England raised at Gravesend, L. I. Swedes on the Delaware river reduced. Indians invade New Amsterdam and consequent collision. Hoboken, Pavonia and Staten Island laid waste. General con sternation. First auction sale of Bibles, Psalm books, &c, in New Amsterdam. 1656. Orders issued to form compact villages. Proclamation issued against "Conventicles," or places of worship XV111 ANNALS OF NEW NETHERLAND. not in harmony with the Established Dutch Church. Westchester reduced under Dutch government, and Magistrates appointed for that Town. Rustdorp, or Jamico, L. I., planted, Hartford Treaty ratified by the States General. City of New Amsterdam surveyed. New Church built at Fort Orange, now Albany. Religious persecution revived. Baptist Minister of Flushing banished and Sheriff Hallett degraded for having harbored him. French settle on Lake Onondaga. Jesuit Missionaries among the Five Nations. 1657. Great and Small citizenship established in New Am sterdam. City of Amsterdam establishes a colonie called New Amstel, on the Delaware. Wreck ofthe ship Prince Maurice off Fire Island with a number of immigrants for that Colonie. Cromwell addresses a letter to the English on Long Island. Increased religious intolerance. Lutheran Minister banished. Quakers persecuted. 1658. Continued persecution of Quakers. Fines imposed on persons refusing to contribute to the support of the Dutch clergy. Flushing charter altered. Harlem founded as a place of amusement. Bergen (N. J.), purchased. Village of Communipa established. Trade opened by sea with Canada. French abandon their settlement at Onondaga. Village laid out at the Esopus. 1659. Massachusetts attempts to encroach on the Hudson river. Trade with France, Spain, Italy and the ANNALS OF NEW NETHERLAND. XIX Caribbean Islands permitted. Latin School estab lished at New Amsterdam. War with the Esopus Indians. Delaware river claimed by Maryland. Dutch embassy to that Province. 1660. Haerlem incorporated. Peace concluded with the Esopus Indians. Clergymen appointed toBreuckelen and Esopus. Embassy to Virginia. Ambassador from Virginia arrives at New Amsterdam. Lord Baltimore renews his claim to the Delaware. 1661. Settlers invited to take up lands in what is now the State of New Jersey. Persecution of Quakers re newed. Wlltwyck, at Esopus, incorporated. Sche nectady purchased. Bushwyck, New Utrecht and Bergen incorporated. Salt works erected on Coney Island. 1662. Encroachments of Connecticut; annexes Westchester and the English Towns on Long Island. Continued persecution of Quakers. John Bowne banished. New Proclamation against the public exercise of any religion but that of the Dutch Reformed Church. 1663. Religious persecution in New Netherland reproved by the authorities in Holland, and ceases in conse quence. Puritans attempt a settlement at Raritan. An Earthquake in New Netherland. Small Pox commits great ravages. Massacre of Whites at the Esopus. War proclaimed against these Indians. The whole of the Delaware river surrendered to the City of Amsterdam. Connecticut ignores the exis tence of New Netherland. Convention of Dutch XX ANNALS OF NEW NETHERLAND. Delegates at New Amsterdam. Names ofthe English villages on Long Island changed. 1.664. New Netherland granted to the Duke of York. Eng lish Towns on Long Island elect Captain John Scott their President. General Provincial Assem bly at New Amsterdam. Peace with the Esopus Indians. Schenectady surveyed and lots laid out. Connecticut claims the whole of Long Island. Po pulation of the Province 10,000. New Netherland reduced by tbe English who give it the name of New York, 1673. New York recovered by the Dutch on the 9th of August, 1673, and the country from Maryland to Connec ticut again called New Netherland. New York city called New Orange ; Albany, Willemstadt, and Kingston. Swanenburgh. September 19th, Jacob Benckes appointed Governor. 1674. New Netherland ceded to the English in exchange for Surinam. On the 10th of November, New Orange is transferred to Major Edmund Andros, the English Governor, and that city and the Province are again called New York. 5I?eto jl5etf)erlan& megtster. DIRECTORS OF THE AMSTERDAM CHAMBER OF THE WEST INDIA COMPANY WHO SUPERINTENDED THE AFFAIRS OF NEW NETHERLAND. Extracted from the New York State Records. 1648. J. Specx, David van Baerle. 1649. Jacob Pergens, Joannes Ryckaert. 1650. Jacob Pergens, Jehan Raye, Ferdinand Schulenborch, Isaac van Beeck. 1 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1651. A. Pater, J. Specx, David van Baerle, "'¦'' F. Schulenborch, Jacob Pergens, Johan Le Thor, Isaac van Beeck. 1652. David van Baerle, Joannes Ryckaert, Jacob Pergens, Isaac van Beeck, Ferdinand Schulenborch, Eduard Man, Paulus Timmerman. 1653. Eduard Man, A. Pater, Abr. Wilmerdonx, David van Baerle, Isaac van Beeck, Joannes Ryckaert, Jacob Pergens. 1654. Joannes Ryckaert, Abr. Wilmerdonx, NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Isaac van Beeck, Eduard Man, Paulus Timmerman, David van Baerle. 1655. Hans Boutemaritel, Eduard Man, Isaac van Beeck, David van Baerle, Jacob Pergens. 1656. David van Baerle, Eduard Man, Abr. Wilmerdonx, Isaac van Beeck, Paulus Timmerman, Hans Bontemantel. 1657. Isaac van Beeck, Abr. Wilmerdonx. Eduard Man, C. Witsen. 1658. Hans Bontemantel, Abr. Wilmerdonx, David van Baerle, C. Witsen. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1659. Abr. Wilmerdonx, Paulus Timmerman, Jacob Pergens, Joannes Ryckaert, Hans Bontemantel, Eduard Man, David van Baerle. 1660. David van Baerle, Eduard Man, C. Witsen, .Abr. Wilmerdonx, Coenraet Burgh, Jacob Pergens. 1661. Hans Bontemantel, Jacob Pergens, David van Baerle, Abr. Wilmerdonx, Coenraet Burgh, C. Witsen, Eduard Man, Jacobus Reynst. 1662. Hans Bontemantel, David van Baerle, NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Jacob Pergens, Abr. Wilmerdonx. 1663. David van Baerle, Hans Bontemantel, Abr. Wilmerdonx, Dirck Spiegel, Jacobus Reynst. 1664. Abr. Wilmerdonx, Cornelis Clerk, Dirck Spiegel, Hans Bontemantel, David van Baerle. O NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. COMMISSIONERS OF NEW AMSTEL, OR THE COLONIE OF THE CITY OF AMSTERDAM, ON THE DELAWARE RIVER. 1658. Cornelis De Graeff, Nicolaes van Loon, Cornelis Geelvinck. 1659. Cornelis De Graeff, Nicolas Tulp, Gilles Yalckenier, Henrick Hooft, Peter Cloeck, Coenradt Burgh. 1661. Coenradt Burgh, Hendrick Roeters, Eduard Man, Johannes Tayspil, Anthony Casteleyn. 1662. Coenradt Burgh, Hendrick Roeters, Johannes Tayspil. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. PATROONS OF NEW NETHERLAND. Pavonia. 1630. Michael Paauw, Lord of Achticn- hoven. Surrendered in 1636 or 1637. Swanendael. 1630-31. Samuel Godyn and Samuel Blommaert. Surrendered 7th February, 1635. Rensselaerswyck. 1631. Xiliaen van Rensselaer. Achter Col to Tapaan. 1641. Meyndert Meyndertsen van Keren, Lord of Nederhorst. 8 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Staten Island. 1642. Cornelis Melyn. Surrendered 14 June, 1659. Colendonck. 1646. Adriaen van der Donck. One-third of Staten Island. 1650. Hendrick van der Capelle, Lord of Ryssel. Surrendered 20 November, 1660. Nevesinck and Tapaan. 1651. Cornelis van Werckhoven. He afterwards abandoned these, and in 1652 established a colonie at Nyack, hodie New Utrecht, L. I. South River or Delaware. 1656. City of Amsterdam. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 9 DIRECTORS GENERAL. 1623. Adriaen Joris. 1624. Cornelis Jacobsen Mey. 1625. William Verhulst. 1626 May 4. Peter Minuit. 1632 March. The Council. 1633 April. Wouter van Twiller. 1638 Mar. 28. William Kieft. Commission issued September, 1637. 1647 May 11. Peter Stuyvesant. Commission issued 28th July, 1646. 1650 Sept. 17. The Council; Stuyvesant at Hartford. 1650 Oct. 12. Peter Stuyvesant.* 1654 Dec. 24. The Council; Stuyvesant at the West Indies. * In July, 1651, the Director General went to the South River ; the government was administered in his absence until August by the Council. 2 10 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1655 July 11. Peter Stuyvesant.* 1663 Sept." 7. The Council ; Stuyvesant at Boston. 1663 Oct. 9. Peter Stuyvesant. 1664 Sept. 6. New Netherland usurped by the English. New Netherland retaken by the Dutch. 1673 Aug. 12. Cornelis Everts, jr., Jacob Benckes, and Council of War. 1673 Sept. 19. Jacob Benckes. * August 31, 1655, and April 20, 1658, the Director General went again to the South River, and the government devolved on the Council during his brief absence. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 11 COUNCIL. This body acted in a twofold capacity ; as an Executive Council and as a Court of Justice. The Members could not be sued before, and were not amenable to, a Court of inferior jurisdiction. On extraordinary occasions, it was usual to adjoin some of the Inhabitants or Public Servants to the Board, and the Captains of the Company's ships, when on shore, had a voice therein. The Schout-fiscal had a seat, but no vote, in the Council; when he acted as prosecuting officer he retired from the Bench. 1626. Isaac de Rasieres, Peter Bylvelt, Jacob Elbertsen Wissinck, Jan Jansen Brouwer, Symon Dircksen Pos, Reynert Harmensen, Jan Lampo, Schout-fiscal. 1630. Peter Bylvelt, Reynert Harmensen, Jan Jansen Myndertsen, 12 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Jacob Elbertsen Wissinck, Jan Jansen Brouwer, Symon Dircksen Pos,* Jan Lampo, Schout-fiscal. 1633. Jacob Jansen Hesse, Martin Gerritsen (van Bergen), Andries Hudde, Jacques Bentyn, Lubertus van Dincklage, Schout-fiscal. 1636. Andries Hudde, Claes van Elslant, Jacobus van Curler, Jacques Bentyn, Schout-fiscal. 1637. Andries Hudde, Claes van Elslant, * Went to Rensselaerswyck in 1630, and died 1649. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 13 Jacobus van Curler, Jacques Bentyn, Schout-fiscal.* 1638. Mar. 28. Johannes La Montagne, Ulrich Lupoid, Schout-fiscal. 1639. Johannes La Montagne, Ulrich Lupoid, July 13. Corn, van der Huyghens, Schout-fiscal. 1642. Johannes La Montagne, Corn, van der Huyghens, Schout-fiscal. Nov. 18. Jacques Bentyn,! Jochim Pietersen Kuyter, Hendrick van Dyck, Gysbert op Dyck. * Returned to Holland about 1648. f These four were adjoined to Mr. La Montagne, pro hao vice, for the trial of one Hendrick Jansen, for having slan dered the Director General. 14 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1643. Johannes La Montagne, Corn, van der Huyghens, Schout-fiscal. 1644. Johannes La Montagne, Corn, van der Huyghens, Schout-fiscal. July 14. Bastiaen Jansen Krol,* Willem Cornelissen "Oldemarckt, Jan de Fries, Hendrick van Dyck. 1645. Johannes La Montagne, Corn, van der Huyghens, Schout-fiscal. April 28. Johan de Fries, f Gysbert de Leeuw, OlofF Steven sen van Cortland, * These four were adjoined, pro hae vice, to try a case in which the defendant objected to the Director General and Councillor La Montagne. j- These seven were adjoined, pro hae vice, to consider measures against the Indians. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 15 Gysbert op Dyck. May 24. John Underhill, Jan Evertsen Bout, Jacob Stoitelsen. 1646. Johannes La Montagne, Corn, van der Huyghens, Schout-fiscal. 1647. May 11. William Kieft, Ex-Director,* Lubertus van Dincklage,f Johannes La Montagne, Brian Newton,! * Left the country, 16 August. t Vice-director ; presided in the Council when it sat as a Court of Justice. J Entered the Company's service in 1630, and served after wards in different places, lastly at Curasao under Stuyvesant, with whom he came to New Netherland as captain-lieutenant, which office he resigned July, 1654. He had already been removed from the office of commissary in June, and went to live to Amersfoort. He went to Holland same year, and returned to this country February, 1655, having been restored to his military position. 16 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Paulus Leendertsen van der Grist, Naval-officer. Jacob Loper, Commander, Jelmer Thomassen, Captain of the Great Gerrit.* Jan Claessen Bol, Captain ofthe Princess^ Hendrick van Dyck, Schout-fiscal.% Sept. 20. Adriaen Keyser, Commissary. 1648. Lubertus van Dincklage, Johannes La Montagne, * Ordered to the West Indies, 28 June. f Sailed from New Netherland, 16 August. J Had previously served as Ensign, under Director Kieft, against the Indians ; was commissioned fiscal 28 June, 1645. In New Netherland, he was admitted to a seat in the Council at the mere pleasure of the Director Stuyvesant, who, he says, excluded him twenty-nine months from the court. Van der Donck makes the same statement. It would seem, however, that he was excluded only twenty months in New Nether land. He held the office until 27 March, 1652, when he was dismissed. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 17 Brian Newton, Paulus Leendertsen van der Grist, Adriaen Keyser. 1649. Lubertus van Dincklage, Johannes La Montagne, Brian Newton, Paulus Leendertsen van der Grist, Adriaen Keyser. Jan. 2. Hendrick van Dyck, Schout-fiscal. 1650. Lubertus van Dincklage,* Johannes La Montagne, Brian Newton, * Was forcibly thrust from and expelled the Council by order of Director Stuyvesant, 28 Feb., 1651 ; but so high was his character as a jurist and a man, that orders were sent from Holland the same year for his reinstatement. Before these were received, Mr. van D. had removed to Staten Island, where he acted as agent for Mr. Van der Capelle. He is men tioned as deceased in 1658, when the Rev. Joannes Hanius, who married Margareta van Dincklage, applied as heir at law, for a settlement of the estate. 3 18 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Adriaen Keyser, Hendrick van Dyck, Schout-fiscal. 1651. Lubertus van Dincklage, Johannes La Montagne, Brian Newton, Adriaen Keyser, Hendrick van Dyck, Schout-fiscal. 1652. Johannes La Montagne, Brian Newton. March. Cornelis van Tienhoven, Schout-fiscal. 1653. Johannes La Montagne, Brian Newton, Cornelis van Tienhoven, Schout-fiscal. May. Cornelis van Werkhoven. Oct. Nicasius de Sille, Mrst Councillor. Commission dated 24 July. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 19 Dec. 16. Cornells Coenraatsen, Commander of the ship King Solomon. 1654. Nicasius de Sille, Johannes La Montagne, Cornelis van Werckhoven,* Cornelis van Tienhoven, Schout-fiscal. 1655. Nicasius de Sille, Johannes La Montagne, Cornelis van Tienhoven, Schout-fiscal. Aug. 31. Allard Anthony, Martin Cregier, Burgomasters, f 1656. Nicasius de Sille, * Came from Utrecht ; appears in the Council for the last time 14 Sept., 1654, in which year he returned to Holland, where he died in 1655. He was the founder of New Utrecht, on Long Island. ¦j- Adjoined to the Council pending the absence of the Director General and Mr. de Sille at the South River. 20 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Johannes La Montagne,* Cornelis van Tienhoven, Schout-fiscal, Dismissed 7 June. June 20. Nicasius de Sille, Schout-fiscal, Cornelis van Ruyven, Secretary.-^ 1657. Nicasius de Sille, Schout-fiscal. Jan. 3. Peter Tonneman. 1658. Nicasius de Sille, Schout-fiscal, Peter Tonneman. Mar. 19. Johannes de Decker, Comptroller. Commission dated 20 December, 1657. 1659. Nicasius de Sille, Schout-fiscal, * Appointed Vice-director at Fort Orange, 28th September, 1656. j- Was invited to vote, pro hae vice, on a case in appeal, the Council being equally divided. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 21 Peter Tonneman,* Johannes de Decker, f Feb. 10. Cornelis van Ruyven, Receiver-general. With an advisory and concluding vote on all questions of Finance. 1660. Nicasius de Sille, Schout-fiscal. Mar. 15. Cornelis van Ruyven,J Martin Cregier, Oloff Stevensen van Cortland. Aug. 5. Johannes de Decker. 1661. Nicasius de Sille, Schout-fiscal, Johannes de Decker. Dec. Cornelis van Ruyven, Receiver-general. * Went to Holland in the fall of this year. f Absent from the country from 29 July, 1659, to 12 July, 1660. % These three were adjoined to the Council in the absence of the Director-General at Esopus, and of Mr. de Sille at the South River. 22 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1662. Nicasius de Sille, Schout-fiscal, Johannes de Decker, Cornelis van Ruyven, Receiver-general. 1663. Nicasius de Sille, Schout-fiscal, Johannes de Decker, Cornelis van Ruyven, Receiver-general. 1664. Nicasius de Sille, Schout-fiscal, Johannes de Decker, Cornelis van Ruyven, Receiver-general. Sept. Province usurped by the English. 1673. New Netherland retaken by the Dutch. Aug. 12. Commander Cornelis Evertse, Commander Jacob Benkes, NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 23 Captain Anthony Colve, Captain Nicolaes Boes, Captain Abraham van Zyll. Sept. 19. Cornelis Steenwick. Dec. 15. William Knyff, Schout-fiscal. 1674. Cornelis Steenwyck, William Knyff, Schout-fiscal. Feb. 1. Cornelis van Ruyven, adjoined. Feb. 15. Nicolas. Bayard, adjoined. COMMANDER OF THE COMPANY'S SHIPS IN THE ABSENCE OF THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL. 1647 May 27. Jelmer Thomas. NAYAL OFFICER, OR, SUPERINTENDENT OF NAVAL EQUIPMENTS. 1647 May 27. Paul Leendertsen van der Grist. 24 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. PRESIDENT OF THE INFERIOR COURT, NEW AMSTERD 16 — . The Director General. 1647 July 22. Lubertus van Dincklage. 1654. A Burgomaster, or The Schout-fiscal. RECEIVERS GENERAL. 1644 Aug. 4. William de Key; dead 1658. 1647 Mar. 11. Roelof Jansen de Haes. 1649 Aug. Cornelis van Tienhoven, 1652 Adriaen van Tienhoven. Dismissed March 1656, and absconded. 1656 June. Cornelis van Ruyven, Also Treasurer and Keeper ofthe Books of Finance. 1673 Sept. 20. Nicolas Bayard. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 25 COMPTROLLER. 1657 Dec. 20. Johannes de Decker. Sworn 19th March, 1658. COMPTROLLER OF WINDMILL. Johannes Provoost. 1656 Sept. 27. William Bogardus. BOARD OF AUDIT. 1658 May 25. Director General and Two of the Council, whereof Receiver General shall be one. COMMISSARIES OF ACCOUNTS, or Book-keepers. . Isaac de Rasieres. 1633. Cornelis van Tienhoven. 1647 May. Adriaen Keyser, To March 20, 1653. 26 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1651 April 26. Johannes Dyckman,* Carel van Brugge. 1653 Mar. 20. Johannes La Montagne, junr., vice Keyser. 1659 Mar. 31. Jacob Sam,f vice Yan Brugge, dismissed. 1663 July 23. Jan Adriaensz van Duyvelant, vice Sam returned to Holland. 1674 Mar. 24. Jacobus van de Water. Clerks in Book-keeper's Office. Yincent Pickes, Johannes La Montagne, junr. 1655 Feb. 21. Matthys Capito. 1655 June 20. Martin Cregier, junr. * Had been First Clerk to the Chamber at Amsterdam, and sailed from Holland in April, 1651 ; went to Fort Orange, as Commissary, in the same year. j- Had been appointed in Holland on this date, and came over with his family ; arrived at the Manhattans in July. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 27 1657 Mar. 27. Matthys Capito, Assistant Com missary of Accounts.* 1658 June 20. Martin Cregier, junr., de novo. PROVINCIAL SECRETARIES. 1626 July 27. Isaac de Rasieres. 1628. Jan van Remund. 163-. Andries Hudde. 1638 April 1. Cornelis van Tienhoven. 1649. Adriaen Keyser. 1650. Jacob Kip, acting. 1651 April. Cornelis van Tienhoven, Reappointed in Holland. 1652. Carel van Brugge.f 1653 Nov. Cornelis van Ruyven. 1673 Aug. 20. Nicolas Bayard. *.Was sent in 1660 to the Delaware, to make out a correct account of the estate of the late Vice Director Arichs. Re moved finally to the Esopus. f Died at Flushing, L. I., in 1082. 28 new netherland register. English Secretaries. 1642 Dec. 11. George Baxter. 1647 June 28, George Baxter. 1654. Carel van Brugge. 1657 July 1. Nicolas Bayard. Deputy Secretaries. 1628. Lanaert Cole. 1650. Jacob Hendricksen Kip. Clerks in Secretary's Office. 1643. William de Key. 1646. Martin Cregier, jun. Resigned 16th May, 1661. Johannes Rodenberch. 1647. Adriaen van Tienhoven, Jacob Hendricksen Kip. 1651 Andries Johannes Christman. Returned to Holland 8th April, 1651. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 29 1653. Levinus van Ruyven.* 1654. Balthazar Bayard; left in 1660, Nicholas Bayard. Sept. 8. Jan Lubbertsen. 1655 Oct. William Bogardus, First Clerk in 1663. 1657 Jan. Laurence de Sille, Resigned 17th May, 1663. 1658 May 25. Jan Adriaeusz van Duyvelant, To April, 1663. July 11. Hendrick van der Walle. 1659 Mar. 17. Dirck Looten ; left in 1661. 1660. Peter van Ruyven. 1673. Abram Yarlett, Ephraim Herman. * June 28, 1653, had a free passage to New Netherland on condition that he should serve six months in the Secretary's office without pay ; went in 1655 to Curaqao, of which Island he became Secretary. 30 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. COMMISSARIES OF STORES. 1628. • Jan Huyghen. Dirck Corssen, Maurits Jansen. 1633. Claes van Elslant, of Provisions, Jacob Stoffelsen, Jacobus van Corlear, of Wares or Cargoes; vice Corssen. 1637. Andries Hudde, of Wares. 1638 April 7. Jan Willemsen Schut, Assistant, Wybrant Pietersen, of Wares. 1639 July 21. Ulrich Lupoid,* vice Pietersen, Laurens Haen, Assist, to Lupoid ; Dismissed in 1641. 1640 Jan. 5. David Provoost; of Provisions; vice Elsland resigned. July 1. Olofi" Stevensen van Cortland, vice Corlear. * Lupoid was guilty of malversation in March 1641, and dismissed, but on petition and promise of amendment, some respectable Englishmen having interceded in his behalf, he was restored. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 31 1640 Aug. 23. Maurits Jansen, vice Provoost dismissed. Harmen van de Bogaert. 1642. Gysbert Opdyck, of Provisions, Evert Duyckinck, Assistant. 1643. David Provoost, Peter Anthony, Assistant, Adriaen Dircksen, Assistant, Adam Roelantsen, Weighmaster. 1646. Laurens van Heusden. 1647. Jesse La Montagne, Adriaen van Tienhoven, of Im ports and Exports.* 1648 Sept. 4. Matthys Capito, Assistant ; vice Anthony. Hendrick Eldersen. * The Commissary of Imports and Exports was an officer of the customs, whose duty it was to take care that all imported goods were conveyed to the public store, and delivered to the right owners, according to their invoices, and that, all goods for export to Holland be sent to the store to be marked with the Company's mark. He was to keep a proper record of all cases and packages, and also of their marks, from whom received, and to whom consigned. 32 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1648. Brian Newton. 1653. Carel van Brugge, of Provisions, Liquors and Munitions of War. Johannes Provoost, Assistant, Went to Fort Orange in 1656. 1655. Foppe Jansen, to the South river expedition. 1657 April 7. Nicolas Yarlet, of Imports and Exports, vice Tienhoven. April 16. Warnaer Wessels, Searcher, In spector and Guager. 1658. Nicolas Yarlet, Searcher and In spector, viceWeasela dismissed.* 1659 Dec. 30. Jacob Sam, of Imports and Ex ports. 1661 Jan. 20. Carel van Brugge, vice Sam. Mar. 28. Dirck Looteu, vice Yan Brugge. 1662 Dec. 28. Jacob Sam, reappointed. * He was dismissed in consequence of becoming Farmer of the Revenue, which no officer of the Company was allowed to do. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 33 1663 Aug. 16. Nicholas Bayard, of Imports and Ex-ports, vice Sam returned to Holland. Sept. 27. Gerrit Kocx, South river. FARMERS OF THE REVENUE. In 1655, the authorities in Holland recommended that certain sources of revenue in New Netherland be farmed. 1654 Dec. 1. Warnaer Wessels, of Excise, New Amsterdam, Brueckelen, Midwout'and Amesfoort. 1655. Dec. 1. Isaac de Foreest, of the Weigh- house. Warnaer Wessels, of Excise JSorn Amsterdam and the Dutch towns on Long Island. 1655 May 1. Marcelis Jansen, of Excise, Fort Orange. 1656. Paulus van der Beeck, of Duties on furs and liquors exported to places other than Holland, and Citizens' Excise, New Amsterdam. 34 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1656 April 8. Isaac de Foreest, of the Weigh- house. Nov. 30. Warnaer Wessels, of Tavern Ex cise, New Amsterdam. Sept. Solomon La Chair, of Slaughter Excise. 1656. Harmen Jacobsen Bamboes, of Excise, Fort Orange. 1657. Gerrit Hendricks, of Slaughter Excise. Nov. 30. Warnaer Wessels, of Tavern Ex cise, New Amsterdam. Jan La Montagne, of Tavern Ex cise, New Amsterdam and Long Island. HenrickBierman, oi Excise, Fort Orange. Warnaer Wessels, of Duties on peltries, wine and beer exported to places other than Holland. 1658. Jan La Montagne, of Tavern Ex cise, Long Island. Mar. 26. Richard Brudenell, Deputy Col lector of Excise, Hempstead. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 35 1658 Marcelis Jansen, of Excise, Fort Orange. Warnaer Wessels, of the Weigh- house. Adriaen Jansen from Leyden, alias Appel, oi Excise, Fort Or ange. April 23. Nicolas Varlet, of Duties on Ex ports and Imports to and from New England and Virginia. 1659. Warnaer Wessels, of the Weigh- house. 1660 May 6. Nicolas Varlet, of Duties on Ex ports and Imports to and from New England and Virginia. Isaac de Foreest, of Tavern Excise. Solomon La Chair, of Excise, Long Island. 1661 April 11. Gerrit Hendricksen van Har- derwyck, of the Weigh-house. Warnaer Wessels, of Tavern Ex cise, New Amsterdam.* * Became a defaulter in 1662. 36 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1661 Edward Hart, Collector at Flush ing. June 2. Paulus van der Beeck, of Ex cise, Long Island. July 6. Warnaer Wessels, and Paulus van der Beecq, of Tenths. Oct. Jan Gerritsen van Marcken, of Tavern Excise, Fort Orange. 1662. Roeloff Jansen, Collector of Ex cise, Flushing. Mar. 23. Gerrit Hendricksen van Harder- wyck, ofthe Weigh-house. Jonas Bartels, of Tavern Excise. Warnaer Wessels, and Gerrit Hendricks, of Duties onpeltries, wine, brandy, and other liquors exported to the North. Nov. Jan Gerritsen van Marcken, xof Tavern Excise, Fort Orange. 1663. Jonas Bartels, of Excise, New Amsterdam. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 8 1 1663. Otto Gerrits, of Slaughter Excise. April 19. Gerrit Hendricksen van Harder- wyck, of the Weigh-house. Oct. William Bout, of Excise, Fort Orange. SURVEYORS GENERAL. 1642 June 19. Andries Hudde. 1648. Claes van Elslant. 1654 Dec. 17. Andries Hudde. 1655. Peter W. van Couwenhoven, Claes van Elslant. 1657 Jan. 23. Jacques Corteljou. 1673. Walter Wharton, Delaware. 38 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. PROVINCIAL SCHOUT-FISCALS: This officer discharged the duties of Attorney General and Sheriff; inthe latter capacity he was allowed Deputies) who attended to levying executions, &c. 1626. Jan Lampo. 1632. Coenraad Notelman. 1633. Lubertus van Dincklage. 1636. Jacques Bentyn. 1638 Mar. 28. Ulrich Lupoid.* 1639 July 13. Cornelis van der Huyghens.f 1647 May 22. Hendrick van Dyck. Commission dated 28th June, 1645i 1652 Mar. 27. Cornelis van Tienhoven. Dismissed 7th June, 1656. 1656 June 26. Nicasius de Sille. 1673 Dec. 15. William Knytf. * Was from Staden in Bremen. His wife's name was Petronella Underhil. He was appointed Fiscal in Holland in 1637, but arrived in New Netherland this year. | Drowned in the voyage to Holland 27th Sept., 1647. new netherland register. 39 Deputy Provincial Schout-fiscals. 1638. William Bredenbent, 1658 May 25. Resolved Waldron. Aug. 13. Nicolas Albrechts, Hendrick Mulier. 1661 Mar. 3. Hans Vos. Local Schout-Fiscals. Fort Orange. Vice Director, ex officio. Deputies. 1656. 1658.1658. Jan Daniels. Jacob Teunissen. Dismissed in August for selling liquor to Indians. Hans Vosch. Rensselaerswyck. 1630. 1641. Jacob Albertsen Planck. Adriaen van der Donck. 40 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1645. Nicolas Coorn. 1646 Mar. 22. Gerrit van Slechtenhorst. May Brant Arent van Slechtenhorst. 1650. Cornelis Teunissen. 1652 April 24. Gerrit Swart. Willemstadt and Rensselaerswsyck. 1673 Oct. 6. Andrew Draeyer. Schanegtede. 1673 Sept. 18. Jan Gerritsen van Marcken. Esopus. 1661 May 23. Roeloff Swartwout. 1663 Dec. 19. Matthys Capito. 1664 Feb. 14. Roeloff Swartwout. July 4. William Beeckman. 1673 Oct. 30. Isaac Grevenraet. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 41 New Amsterdam. 1661, Feb. 1. Ordered, that the City Sheriff shall preside at the meeting of Burgomasters and Schepens, and have a voice and vote in the nomination of Magistrates, and in all matters wherein he is not a party. Schout-fiscal of New Netherland, until 1660. "1654 May 18. Jochem Pietersen Kuyter, Murdered by Indians before the receipt of his commission. July 21. Jacques Corteljou, Declined the appointment. 1660 April 9. Peter Tonneman, Sworn 5th August. New Orange. 1673 Sept. 8. Anthony de Milt. " Died in 1689. Haerlem. 1661. Johannes La Montagne, juni. 1673. Resolved Waldron. Westchester. 1654. Thomas Wheeler. 42 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Breuckelen District. 1646. Jan Teunissen. 1654. David Provoost.* 1656 Jan. 25. Peter Tonneman, vice Provoost deceased. 1659. Peter Hegeman, Acting, in the absence of Tonneman in Hol land. 1660 June 25. Peter Hegeman, vice Tonneman appointed to New Amsterdamf 1661. Adriaen Hegeman.J 1673 Aug. 18. Jacob Stryker. * Midwout and Amersfoort included in this Bailiwick. f On the appointment of Tonneman to New Amsterdam, the Directors in Holland, 16th April, 1660, offered the Sher iffalty of Breuckelen to Resolved Waldron. But their wishes were not carried out, "as he was not a, good penman." J Boswyck and New Utrecht annexed to the Breuckelen district, which was thenceforth called, The Five Dutch Towns. \ Gravesend annexed to the district, which now constitutes Kings county. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 43 New Utrecht. 1660 Feb. 23. Nicasius de Sille, or his Deputy. Annexed to Breuckelen in 1661. Boswyck. 1661. Senior Magistrate, ex officio. Afterwards annexed to Breuckelen. 1650. Gravesend. James Hubbard. 1651. Richard Gibbons. 1653 March. John Morris. Died 1657. 1656 Mar. 25. . John Cooke. 1657 Mar. 27. . Charles Morgan. Was appointed annually down to 1663. 1673. Town annexed to the Breuckelen district. Middleburgh. 1653. * Thomas Newton. 1654. Elias Bayley. 1660. Mar. 9. Thomas Pettit. Elias Bayley would serve notwith standing, although " not a vote was cast for him." 44 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Flushing. Jamaica and Hempstead were included, I think, in this district. 1647. William Harck. Died 1658. 1648 April 27. John Underhill, wee Harck dis missed for having married a couple. In May, 1653, Sheriff Underhill threw off the Dutch yoke in a long Vindication, and it is probable that, in conse quence of the war between Holland and England, no suc cessor was appointed, until 1655 April 22. John Hicks. 1656 Mar. 25. William Hallet, Removed 8th Nov. for having permitted a Baptist minister to officiate in his house, and for having received the Last Supper at his hands. 1657. Tobias Feake, Dismissed January 1658, for sympa thizing with Quakers. 1658 Mar. 26. Presiding Magistrate, ex officio. John Mastine, Town Constable. new netherland register. 45 Flushing, Hempstead, Rustdorp, Middelburgh and Oysterbay, or, The Five English Towns. 1673 Aug. 31. William Lawrence. 1674 Mar. 24. Francis Bloodgood, Chief officer of the Dutch residents of Flushing, Hempstead, Jamaica and Newtown. Southampton, Seatalcot, Huntington, Easihamtpon, and Southold. 1673 Sept. 8. Isaac Arnold. Forced by the people to resign. Huntington and Seatalcot. 1673 Nov. 21. Presiding Magistrate, ex officio. Staten Island. 1673 Aug. 25. Peter BUjou. Achter Col* 1673 Sept. 1. John Ogden. * Comprised Elizabethtown, Woodbridge, Shrewsbury, Newark, Piscattaway and Middletown, now in New Jersey. 46 NEW netherland register. Bergen.* 1661 Aug. 4. Tielman van Vleeck. 1673 Aug. 18. Claes Arentse Stoers. Fort Casimir (Delaware). 1656 Jan. 4. Andries Hudde. New Amstel (Delaware). 1657 Aug. 10. Andries Hudde. 1659. Gerrit van Sweringen. Suspended Aug. 1662, for having com mitted a homicide ; reinstated 1st May, 1663. Swedish Settlement on the Delaware. 1656. Gregorius van Dyck. 1661 Mar. 21. William Beeckman, ex officio. Altona (Delaware). 1658 July. Vice Director, ex officio. 1658. Matthys Bengson, Deputy, Died 9th Sept., 1662. 1662 Sept. 28. Jan Daniels, Deputy. (See Fort Orange.) * Originally called, The New Village in the Maizeland. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 47 South River, or Delaware* 1673 Sept. 19. Peter Alrighs. COMMISSARIES OF DISTRICTS. Fort Nassau (North River). 1614. Hendrick Christiaensen. Jacob Eelkins, Factor. Fori Orange. 1623. Daniel Krieckenbeeck, Murdered by Indians, 1626. 1626. Peter Barentsen. Bastiaen Jansen Krol. Dirck Cornelissen Duyster, De puty. 1633. Hans Jorissen Houten. 1638 July 15. Adriaen Dircksen, Assistant.^ 1640. Jean Labadie, Assistant. 1641. Bastiaen Jansen Crol. * Included New Amstel, Upland and Whorekil. f Because he speaks correctly the Mohawk language, and is well versed in the art of trading with these Indians. 48 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1645. Harm en Myndertsz van den Bogart.* 1647 Nov. 6. Carel van Brugge. 1651. Johannes Dyckman. 1655 June 21. Johannes de Decker, President of the Court and Commissary. 1656 Sept. 28. Johannes La Montagne, Vice Director and Sheriff. Entered on his duties 4th October. Called Fort Nassau in 1673. 1673 Oct. 6. Andries Drayer. Esopus. 1658 June 24. Andries Lourentsen, Commander, Oct. 18. Dirck Smith, Commander. 1663. Ensign Niessen, Commander. 1664 July 4. William Beeckman. * Was born in 1612, and came to New Netherland 24th May, 1630,as Surgeon of the Eendraght, in which capacity he served until 1633. He made a voyage to the West Indies in 1638, and met an untimely end in 1647 or 1648, having been burned to death in an Indian wigwam on the Mo hawk River. His widow married Jean Labadie. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 49 Pavonia. 1633. Michel Paulusz, Commander, 1636. Cornelis van Voorst. Fort Good Hope (Connecticut). 1633. Jacobus van Corlear. 1638. Gysbert Opdyck. 1640 Oct. 25. Jan Hendrick Roesen.* 1641 June 6. , Johannes La Montagne. f 1642 April. David Provoost. 1647 June 20. Gysbert Opdyck. Fort Nassau (Delaware River). 1633. Arendt Corssen. 1838. Jan Jansen van Ilpendam, Dead 1647. 1645 Oct. 12. Andries Hudde. 1647 Sept. 20. Andries Hudde, Alexander Boyer, Assistant. * Died shortly after arriving at his post. j- Was sent thither with a force of fifty soldiers to defend the Fort against the aggressions of the English. 50 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Fort Casimir. 1652. Gerrit Bicker. Surrendered it to the Swedes. 1655 Sept. Dirck Smith, Provisional com'der. 1655 Nov. 29. Jean Paul Jacquet, Vice Director and Commander-in- Chief. Sworn 3d Deo. 1655; removed 20th April 1657. 1657 April 20. Andries Hudde,. Jan Juriaensen Becker, Paulus Jansen, Commissioners to manage the affairs of the Fort. New Amstel (late Fort Casimir). 1657 April 21. Jacob Alric'hs. 1659 Dec. SO. Alexander d'Hinojossa. Swedish Settlement. 1656. Hendrick Huyghens, Commis'ry. Tinnecum. 1662. Joost de la Grange, Councillor. Aliona. 1657 April. Andries Hudde, NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 51 Paulus Jansen, Jan Juriaensen Becker, Com missioners. 1658 July 30. William Beeckman, Whorekil. 1660 Jan. Peter Alrichs, Commander.* Council. Fort Casimir and New Amstel. 1655 Dec. 18. Andries Hudde, Elmerhuysen Kleyn, Gysbert Braey, Hans Hopman, Returned to Holland, 1657. 1656 Sept. Paulus Jansen, vice Hopman. 1657. Alexander d'Hinojossa, Abraham Rynevelt, Storekeeper, Cornelis van Gezel, Storekeeper. 1659 Nov. 26. Gerrit van Sweringen, vice Ryne velt, deceased. * Had been Commissary at New Amstel in 1656, 7. 52 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1660 Jan. Jan Crato, vice Gezel removed. Elmerhuysen Kleyn, Died 1661. Jan Willemsen, Died November, 1662. 1661. Peter Petersen Herder. 1663 Dec. 3. Peter Alrichs, Israel Alrichs, Henry Cousturier. REPRESENTATIVES OF THE COMMONALTY. The Twelve Men. This Board represented Manhattan, Breuckelen and Pa- vonia, and were elected to suggest means to punish the Indians for a murder they had committed. This is the first glimmer of a Representative form of Government within the limits of the present States of New York and New Jersey. 1641 Aug. 29. David Pietersen de Vries, Presi dent, Jacques Bentyn, Jan Jansen Dam, Dead 1651. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 53 Hendrick Jansen,* Maryn Adriaen sen, Abram Pietersen, the Miller. Fredrick Lubbertsen, Jochim Pietersen Kuyter, Gerrit Dircksen, George Rapalje, Abram Planck, Jacob Stoffelsen. In a subsequent record occur the names of: John Evertsen Bout, Jacob Walingen. 1642 Feb. 18. Board abolished. The Eight Men. Elected to adopt measures against the Indians. These delegates were to meet every Saturday for deliberation. Five was a quorum. 1643 Sept. 13. Jochim Pietersen Kuyter, * Banished in- November 1642, for having spoken disre spectfully of Governor Kieft. 54 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Jan Jansen Dam, Barent Dircksen, Abraham Pietersen, the Miller. Isaac Allerton, Thomas Hall, Gerrit Wolphertsen (van Cou- wenhoven), Cornelis Melyn. Sept. 15. Jan Evertsen Bout, vice Dam ex pelled. 1645. Jacob Stoffelsen, John Underhill, Francis Douty, George Baxter, Richard Smith, Gysbert Opdyck, Jan Evertsen Bout, Oloft' Stevensen van Cortland. new netherland register. 55 The Nine Men. Represented Manhattans, Breuckelen, Amersfoort and Pavonia, and the principal classes of the community, viz : the Merchants, Burghers and Agriculturists.' The duties of this Board were: First, to promote the honor of God, the welfare of the country and the preservation ofthe Re formed Religion, according to the discipline of the Dutch Church. Second, to give their opinion on matters submitted to them by the Director and Council. Third, three of the nine, viz : one Merchant, one Burgher, one Farmer, were to attend for a month in rotation on the weekly Court, as long as civil cases were before it, and to act subsequently as Referees, or Arbitrators on cases referred to them. If in case of sickness or absence any of these three could not attend, his place was to be filled by another of the Nine Men of the same class. Six retired from office annually, to be replaced by an equal number selected from twelve names sent in by the whole Board. They held their sessions in David Provoost's School-room, and were the immediate pre cursors of the Burgomasters and Schepens, and of a Muni cipal form of government in the city of New Amsterdam. 1647 Sept. 25. Augustine Heerman, Arnoldus van Hardenbergh, Govert Loockermans, Merchants. Jan Jansen Damen, dead 1652. Jacob Wolfertsen (van Couwen- hoven), Hendrick Kip, Burghers. 56 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Michael Jansen, Jan Evertsen Bout, Thomas Hall, Farmers. 1649. Adriaen van derDonck, President, Placed under arrest 4th March, 1649. Augustine Heerman, Arnoldus van Hardenbergh, Govert Lockermans, Oloff Stevensen van Cortland, Hendrick Hendrickse Kip, Michael Jansen, Elbert Elbertsen (Stoothoff), Jacob Wolfertsen van Couwen- hoven. 1650 Augustine Heerman, Jacob van Couwenhoven, Elbert Elbertsen, Hendrick Hendrickse Kip, Michael Jansen, Thomas Hall, Oloff Stevens van Cortland, NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 57 Govert Loockermans, * Jan Evertsen Bout. 1652 Feb. 2. David Provoost, William Beeckman,* Jacobus van Curler, Allard Anthony, Isaac de Foreest, Arent van Hattem, Jochem Pietersen Kuyter, Paulus Leendertsen van der Grist, Peter Cornelissen, the Miller. * It appears that Mr. Beeckman came to New Netherland in 1647, in the ship Princess, in the West India Company service, but in what capacity is not stated. He was Lieu tenant of the Burghers' Corps, New Amsterdam, in 1651 ; Schepen in 1653, 1654, 1656, and 1657 ; afterwards Com missary at the Delaware and at Esopus ; Burgomaster in 1674, and after filling various other responsible offices, died in 1717. 58 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. BURGOMASTERS AND SCHEPENS, New Amsterdam. These functionaries succeeded the Nine men on the Incor poration of the city of New Amsterdam. They were ap pointed by the Director General and Council until January, 1656, when, on petition, they were allowed for the first time the privilege of nominating and submitting a double number to the Director and Council, from which the latter were to select the members of the Board for the ensuing year ; but when the nomination was made, it was resolved on the 2d of February, by the Director and Council, "for concord and harmony's sake," some of those nominated having rendered themselves, by former disputes, unacceptable to the autho rities, to continue the present Burgomasters and Schepens for another year, and only to supply the vacancies in the Board of Schepens by the nomination of two respectable persons. The nomination of their successors was not con ceded until 1658. Tho incumbents entered office on 2d February of each year, unless otherwise stated. Burgomasters, 1653 Feb. 2. Arent van Hattem, Martin Cregier. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 59 1654. Arent van Hattem, Martin Cregier. Dec. 8. Allard Anthony, race Yan Hattem returned to Holland. 1655. Allard Anthony, Oloff Stevensen van Cortland. 1656. Allard Anthony, Oloff Stevensen van Cortland. 1657. Allard Anthony, Paulus Lendertsen van der Grist. 1658. Paulus Lendertsen van der Grist, Oloff Stevensen van Cortland. 1659. Oloff Stevensen van Cortland, Martin Cregier. 1660. Martin Cregier, Allard Anthony. April 26. Oloff Stevensen van Cortland.* 1661. Allard Anthony, Paulus Lendertsen van der Grist. * Authorized to officiate as presiding Burgomaster, both these officers being absent. On 5th July, Burgomasters Cregier and Van Cortland accompanied the Director General to the Esopus for the purpose of concluding a peace with the Indians. 60 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1662. Paulus Lendertsen van der Grist, Oloff Stevensen van Cortland. 1663. Oloff Stevensen van Cortland, Martin Cregier. July 5. Paulus Lendertsen van der Grist, vice Cregier.* 1664. Paulus Lendertsen van der Grist, Cornelis Steenwyck. 1673 Aug. 17. Johannes van Brugh, Johannes de Peyster, ^Egidius Luyck. 1674 Aug. 11. Johannes van Brugh, William Beeckman. SchepeNs. 1653 Feb. 2. Paulus Lendertsen van der Grist, Maximilian van Gheel, * Entered the military service of the West India Company for the Esopus War. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 61 Allard Anthony,* William Beeckman, Peter Wolfertsen van Couwen- hoven. 1654. Paulus Lendertsen van der Gristf William Beeckman, Peter Wolfertsen vaD Couweii* hoven, Jochem Pietersen Kuyter, Oloff Stevensen van Cortland. Dec. 8. Joannes Nevius, vice Kuyter, murdered by Indians. 1655. Johannes Nevius, Johannes de Peyster, Johannes van Brugh", Jacob Strycker, Jan Yinge. * 1653, last of June, was sent to Holland to obtain aid against the English, then threatening to invade New Nether land. j- Accompanied Director Stuyvesant to the West Indies 24th December, 1654. 62 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1656. Joannes van Brugh, Jacob Strycker, Jan Vinge, William Beeckman, Hendrick Hendricksen Kip. 1657. William Beeckman, President. Joannes de Peyster, Govert Loockermans, Adriaen Blommertj Hendrick Jansen van der Vin. 1658. Joannes de Peyster, President. Peter Wolfertsen van Couwen- hoven, Jacob Strycker, Cornelis Steenwyck, Isaac de Foreest. 1659. Peter Wolfertsen van Couwen- hoven, Joannes Pietersen van Brugh, Jeronimus Ebbingh, Hendrick Jansen van de Yin, Jacob Kip. 1660. Cornelis Steenwyck, President. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER, 63 Jacob Strycker, Govert Loockermans, Timotheus Gabry, Died 1680. Jacobus Backer. 1661. Timotheus Gabry, Peter Wolfertsen van Couwen- hoven, Johannes van Brugh, Jan Vinje, Jeronimus Ebbingh. 1662. Johannes Pietersen van Brugh, President. Johannes de Peyster, Jacob Strycker, Jacob Backer, Isaac Grevenraet. 1663. Jacob Strycker, President. Peter van Couwenhoven, Jan Vinje, Jacob Kip, Jacques Ceusseau. 64 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. July 5. Jacobus Backer, vice Couwen- hoven.* 1664. Jacobus Backer, President. Timotheus Gabry, Isaac Grevenraet, Nicolaus Meyer, Christofi'el Hooglant. 1673 Aug. 17. William Beeckman, Jeronimus Ebbingh, Jacob Kip, Lourens van der Spiegel, Gelyn Verplanck. 1674 Aug. 11. Jacob Kip, President, Gelyn Verplanck, Francis Rombouts, Christoffel Hooglant, Stephen van Cortland. * Entered the military service of the West India Company for the Esopus War. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 65 ORPHAN MASTERS. New Amsterdam. The Deacons of the Church were considered the Guardians of Widows and Orphans. On the death of either a man or a woman, leaving children, they were bound to notify, through the Clerk of the church, the decease to the Director and Council, and afterwards in 1653 to the Burgomasters, who were ex officio Orphan Masters, and to apply for the appoint ment of Curators, unless the Orphan Court was specially excluded by the will of the deceased. The Burgomasters, who were burdened with many other duties, were subse quently relieved of the office of Orphan Masters at their own request, and persons specially appointed to discharge such duties. But the Burgomasters, notwithstanding, occa sionally acted in the absence of the proper Orphan Masters. The number of the latter at first was two, but this was in creased in 1658, to three, "as the business of the Court was largely augmented, in consequence of the great mortality that year." The legal powers and jurisdiction of the Court are very fully set forth in Rooseboom's Recueil, Chap. 28. 1653. Burgomasters, ex officio, until 1655 Oct. 19. Peter Wolphertsen van Couwen- hoven, Peter Cornelissen van der Veen. 9 66 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1656 Feb. 25. Paulus Leendertsen van der Grist, Peter Wolphertsen van Couwen- hoven. 1657 Feb. 13. Peter Wolphertsen van Couwen- hoven, Oloff' Stevensen van Cortland. 1658 Feb. 26. Peter Wolphertsen van Couwen- hoven, Wilhelmus Beeckman. Nov. 21. Peter Wolphertsen van Couwen- hoven, Martin Cregier, vice Beeckman sent to the Delaware, Johannes Pietersen Verbrugge. 1659 Feb. Peter Wolphertsen van Couwen- hoven, Johannes Pietersen Verbrugge, Allard Anthony. Mar. 19. Paulus Leendertsen van der Grist. May 7. Johannes de Peyster. 1660 Feb. 7. Paulus Leendertsen van der Grist, NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 67 Johannes de Peyster, Oloff Stevensen van Cortland. 1661 Mar. 3. Oloff Stevensen van Cortland, Martin Cregier, Cornelis Steenwyck. 1662 Mar. 16. Martin Cregier, Cornelis Steenwyck, Peter Wolphertsen van Couwen- hoven. 1663 Mar. 28. Allard Anthony, Cornelis Steenwyck, Johannes van Brugh. Sept. 10. Govert Lookermans, vice Van Brugh gone" to Fatherland. 1664 Mar. 18. Allard Anthony, Govert Loockermans, Jacob Strycker. Fort Orange. 1652. Vice Director, ex officio. 1657 Feb. 7. Jan Verbeeck, Evert Wendel. 68 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. MAGISTRATES. Fori Orange. • Two went out annually. 1654 April 14. Sander Leendertsen (Glen), Pieter Hartgers, Frans Barentsen Pastoor, Jan Verbeeck, Jan Tomassen, Volckert Jansen. 1655 Aug. 11. Sander Leendertsen (Glen), Peter Hartgers, Frans Barentsen Pastoor, Rutger Jacobsen, vice Verbeeck, Andries Herbertsen, vice Tonias- seu, Dirck Jansen Croon, extra. 1656 April 12. Rutger Jacobsen, Andries Herbertsen, Jacob Jansen Schermerhoorn, wto Leendertsen, Philip Pietersen Schuyler, vice Hartgers, new netherland register* 69 Goosen Gerritsen (van Schaack), extra. 1657 May 1. Jacob Jansen Schermerhoorn, Philip Pietersen Schuyler, Goosen Gerritsen, (van Schaack) Abraham Staets, vice Jacobsen, Jan Tomassen, vice Herbertsen, Adriaen Gerritsen, extra. 1658 Mar. 26. Abraham Staets, Jan Tomassen, Adriaen Gerritsen, Peter Hartgers, vice Schermer hoorn, Francis Boon, vice Schuyler, Dick Jansen Croon, extra, vice Gerritsen. 1659 May 1. Peter Hartgers, Francis Boon, Dirck Jansen Croon, Andries Herbertsen, vice Staets, Sander Leendertsen (Glen), Vice Tomassen, Jan Verbeeck, vice A. Gerritsen. 70 NEW NETHERLAND register. 1660 April 12. Andries Herbertsen, Sander Leendertsen (Glen), Jan Verbeeck, Rutger Jacobsen, vice Hartgers, Frans Barentsen Pastoor, vice Boon, Evert Jansen Wendel, extra, vice Croon. 1661 April 11. Rutger Jacobsen, Frans Barentsen Pastoor, Evert Jansen Wendel, Abraham Staets, Philip Pietersen Schuyler, Adriaen Gerritsen, extra. 1662 April 6. Abraham Staets, Adriaen Gerritsen, Philip Pietersen Schuyler, Francis Boon, Goosen Gerritsen, Jan Tomassen. 1663 April 5. Francis Boon, Goosen Gerritsen, Jan Tomassen, Jan Verbeeck, NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 71 Gerrit Slechtenhorst, Stoffel Jansen. 1664 April 1. Jan Verbeeck, Gerrit Slechtenhorst, Stoffel Jansen, Jacob Schermerhoorn, Jan Hendricks van Bael, Jan Kostersen van Aecken. Willemstadt. 1673 Oct. 6. Gerrit van Slechtenhorst, David Schuyler, Cornelis van Dyck, Peter Bogardus. Schanegtede. 1673 Sept. 19. Sander Leendertsen Glen, Herman Vedder, Barent Janse. f Wiltwyck. 1661 May 2. Evert Pels, Cornelis Barentsen Slecht, Albert Heymans. 72 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1662. Evert Pels, Tjerck Claessen de Witt, Albert Gysbertsen. 1663 April 5. Tjerck Claessen DeWitt, Thomas Chambers, Albert Gysbertsen, Gysbert van Imbroch. 1664 April 3, Jan Willemsen Hooghteling, Hendrick Jochemsen. Swaenenburgh. 1673 Oct. 6. Cornelis Wyncoop, Roeloff Kierstede, Wessel Ten Broeck, Jan Burhans. 1674 Aug. 14. Joost Adriaensen,viceWyncoop, Cornelis Hoogeboom, vice Kier stede. Hurley. 1673 Oct. 6. Louis du Bois, Roeloff Hendricksen. 1674 Aug. 14. Adriaen Albertsen Roosa, vice Du Bois. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 73 Marbletown. 1673. Oct. 6. Jan Joosten, Jan Broersen. 1674 Aug. 14. William Jansen Schiidt, vice Joosten. Breuckelen. 1646 June 11. Jan Evertsen Bout, Huyg Aertsen van Rossum, Elected 21st May. 1653. Jan Evertsen Bout, Frederick Lubbertsen, Died 1679. 1654 April 9. Jan Evertsen Bout, Reelected; declined serving; diedl672. Frederick Lubbertsen, Albert Cornelissen Wantenaer, William Bredenbent, Joris Dircksen, Peter Cornelissen. 1655 April 13. Frederick Lubbertsen, Albert Cornelissen Wantenaar, Joris Dircksen, Joris Rapalje, vice P. Cornelissen. 10 74 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1656 Mar. 28. Albert Cornelissen Wantenaar, Joris Dircksen, Joris Rapalje, William Bredenbent, vice Lub bertsen. 1657 Mar. 27. Albert Cornelissen Wantenaar, Joris Dircksen, William Bredenbent, Joris Rapalje.* 1658 Mar. 26. Joris Dircksen, William Bredenbent, Tenuis Nyssen, Peter Montfoort. 1659. 1660 May 3. Joris Dircksen, William Bredenbent, Joris Rapalje. * A new nomination had been sent in, but as the majority of those named could neither read nor write, the old magis trates were continued. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 75 1661 Mar. 21. Teunis Nyssen, William Gerritsen van Couwen- hoven, Teunis Jansen, Thomas Verdon. 1662 Mar. 23. Teunis Jansen, William Gerritsen van Couwen- hoven, Jan Jorissen Rapalje, Thomas Verdon. 1663 Mar. 19. Thomas Verdonck, William Bredenbent, Albert Cornelissen Wantenaar, Teunis Gysberts Bogaert. 1664 Mar. 20. Thomas Verdonck, William Bredenbent, Albert Cornelissen Wantenaar, William van Couwenhoven, Frederick Lubbertsen. 1673 Aug. 18. Theunis Gysbertse Bogaert, Frederick Lubbertse, 76 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Thomas Lammertse, Rem Jansen. Midwout. Planted 1652. 1654 Mar. 6. Jan Strycker, Adriaen Hegeman, Jan Snedicker. 1655 April 13. Jan Snedicker, Adriaen Hegeman, Thomas Swartwout,w'ce Strycker. Oct. 16. Jan Strycker, Adriaen Hegeman, Thomas Swartwout. 1656 Mar. 28. Jan Snedicker, Jan Strycker, Peter Lott. 1657 Mar. 27. Jan Strycker, Adriaen Hegeman, William Jacobse van Boerum, Jan Snedicker. 1658 Mar. 19. Adriaen Hegeman, Jan Snedicker, 1659 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 77 William Guiljamsen. 1660 May 3. Jan Snedicker, Jan Strycker, William Willemse. 1661 Mar. 31.* Jan Snedicker, Jan Strycker, William Willemse. 1662 Mar. 23. Jan Strycker, William Jacobse van Boerum, Hendrick Jorissen. 1663 Mar. 19. Jan Snedicker, Hendrick Jorissen, William Jacobse van Boerum. 1664 Mar. 20. Jan Strycker, Jan Snedicker, William Guilliamsen. * Previous to this date, there Was only one Court of Justice for Midwout and Amersfoort, which sat three-fourths of the year at the former place, and one quarter at the latter; each now was granted a separate Court. 78 NEAV NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1673. Aug. 18. Hendrick Jorissen, Jan Strycker, Auke Jans, Peter Lott. Amersfoort. Planted 1633. 1654 April. Elbert Elbertsen (Stoothof ), Nicholas Stillwell, Cornelis de Potter. 1655 April 13. Nicolas Stillwell, Peter Claessen, vice Elbertsen. 1656 Mar. 28. Elbert Elbertsen, Martin Jansen van Breuckelen. 1657 Mar. 27. Martin Jansen, Elbert Elbertsen (Stoothof), 1658 Mar. 19. Martin Jansen, Peter Claessen. 1659 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 79 1660 April 24. Tunis Guisbert. May 3. Elbert Elbertsen, Peter Cornelissen, Simon Jansen van Aertsdalen.* 1661 Mar. 31. Elbert Elbertsen, Peter Cornelissen, Simon Jansen van Aertsdalen. 1662 Mar. 23. Elbert Elbertsen, Peter Cornelissen, Simon Jansen van Aertsdalen, Peter Claessen, Roelof Martensen van Breuc kelen. 1663 Mar. 19. Elbert Elbertsen, Peter Claessen, Roelof Martense. 1661 Mar. 20. Elbert Elbertsen, Peter Cornelissen, Coert Stevensen. * Amersfoort and Midwout had at this time but one joint Court of Justice, which sat at the latter place three quarters of a year; and only one quarter at Amersfoort. On applica tion of the latter place, each village was provided with a subaltern Court, on 31st March, 1661. 80 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1673 Aug. 18. Elbert Elbertsen, Abram Jorissen, Roelof Martensen, Koert Stevensen. New Utrecht. Court erected February 23, 1660; incorporated 22d De cember, 1661. 1659. Jan Tomassen (van Dyck), Jacobus van Corlear, Superin- tendants. 1660 Feb. 23. Jan Tomassen van Dyck. Jacobus van Corlear. 1661 Dec. 22. Jau Tomassen (van Dyck), Rutger Joosten van Brunt, Jacob Hellakens, alias Swart. 1663 Jau. 4. Balthazar Vos, Jacob Pietersen, Francis de Bruyn. 1664 Jan. 10. Francis de Bruyn, Balthazar Vos, Jacob Hellakens, NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 81 1673 Aug. 18. Thomas Jansen, Hendrick Mattyssen (Smack), Jan Tomassen (van Dyck), Jan van Deventer. Nov. 16. Jan Gysbertse van Meteren, vice Tomassen deceased. Boswyck. Court erected March 31, 1661. 1661 Mar. 31. Peter Jansen de Witt, Jan Tilje (Letelier), Jan Cornelissen Zeeuw. 1662 Mar. 30. Peter Jansen de Witt, Jan Cornelissen Zeeuw, Ryck Leydecker, Jan Catjouw. Dec. 28. Jan Tiljer (Letelier), vice Catjou, returned to Holland. 1663 April 5. Gysbert Teunissen, Barent Joosten, Ryck Leydecker. 1664 April 3. David Jochimsen, John Lequier, of Paris. 11 82 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1673 Aug. 18. Hendrick Barentse Smit, Gysbert Theunissen, Volckert Dirckse, Jau Cornelissen de Zeeuw. Gravesend. Incorporated 1645. 1650. George Baxter, William Wilkins, Nicholas Stillwell. Dec. A new Election was held, when other persons were chosen, but in consequence of Baxter's representations, they were not approved and the old magis trates held over. 1651. George Baxter, William Wilkins, Nicholas Stillwell. James Hubbard, William Bowne, Assistants, 1652, NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 83 1653. George Baxter,* James Hubbard,* William Wilkins. 1654 Nov. 23. William Wilkins, The Sheriff and Town Clerk. 1655 July 19. William Bowne, William Wilkins, Edward Brouse. 1656 Mar. 25. William Bowne, William Wilkins, Edward Brouse. 1657 Mar. 27. Thomas Spicer, Nicolas Stillwell, William Bowne. 1658 July 4. Thomas Spicer, William Wilkins, Edward Brouse. 1659 April 21. William Wilkins, William Bowne, John Cooke* 1660. William Wilkins. * Removed from office for disaffection in 1654. 84 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1661 Mar. 31. William Wilkins, John Cooke, William Bowne. 1662 May 4. William Wilkins, William Bowne, John Cooke. 1663 Jan. William Wilkins, James Hubbard.* Nov. Agents from Connecticut depos ed the Magistrates in all the English villages under the Dutch, and appointed others in their stead. 1664 May 12. James Hubbard,f William Wilkins. f 1673 Aug. 18. Samuel Spicer, Richard Stillwell, * Appointed by Captain John Scott. f Appointed by Connecticut. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 85 John Emails, Barent Juriaensen. 1674 Sept. 6. Richard Stillwell, John Emans, John Tilton, Samuel Horns. Middleburgh. Planted 1642 ; incorporated 1632, 1652 Nov. 11. Thomas Hazard, Robert Coe, Richard Gildersleeve* 1653. Thomas Hazard, Robert Coe, Bichard Gildersleeve. 1654. Thomas Hazard, Robert Coe, Richard Gildersleeve. 1655. Thomas Hazard, Robert Coe, Richard Gildersleeve. 1656 April 4. Robert Coe, Henry Feake, 86 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Richard Betts. 1657 June 12. Henry Feake, Richard Betts, William Palmer. 1658 July 30. William Palmer, John Coe, Edward Jessup. 1659. Edward Jessup. 1660 July 5. Magistrates of 1659, continued. 1661. Edward Jessup, Ralph Hunt, John Coe, Jonathan Fish. 1662. Edward Jessup, Ralph Hunt, John Coe, Jonathan Fish. 1663. John Coe, Edward Jessup, Ralph Hunt, Richard Betts, NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER, 87 Samuel Toe, John Layton, Francis Swaine.* 1663 Jan. 9. John Layton, Francis Swaine, William Blomfield, John Cochrane, Samuel Toe, Richard Betts, Ralph Hunt.f 1664 Feb. 20. John Burroughs, Ralph Hunt, John Ramsden, Samuel Toe, John Layton, Townsmen. Richard Betts, John Coe, Magistrates.^ * These seven were townsmen to call meetings, &c. + Elected overseers by the inhabitants in November, 1663. Agents from Connecticut removed the old Magistrates in all the English villages on Long Island under the Dutch, and appointed others in their stead. J Elected under the presidency of Captain John Scott. 88 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1664 May. 12. Richard Betts,* John Coe.* 1673 Sept. 6. Richard Betts, Jonathan Hazard, Ralph Hunt. Flushing. Planted in 1645. 1648 April 27. John Tounsend, John Hicks, William Toorn. 1651. John Underhill, Thomas Saul, Robert Terri, 1652. John Hicks. 1655 April 22. Thomas Saul, William Laurence, Edward Farrington. * Appointed by Connecticut, NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 89 1656 Mar. 25. William Laurence, Edward Farrington, William Noble. 1657. William Laurence, Edward Farrington, William Noble. 1658 Jan. 22. Court suspended in consequence of Messrs. Farrington and Noble remonstrating against the law against Quakers ; the Court was restored Mar. 26. William Lawrence, Edward Farrington, William Noble.* 1661. William Laurence, Edward Farrington, William Noble. 1662, William Laurence, William Noble, * No town meetings to be held without permission of the Director General and Council ; in lieu thereof, seven Select men to be chosen to regulate, with the Magistrates, all matters relating to Roads, Fences, Bridges, Schools, Churches and other Public Buildings. 12 90 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. William Hallett. 1664 May 12. William Hallett,* William Noble.* 1673 Aug. 30. John Hingsman [Hinchman], Francis Bloetgoet, Richard Wildie. Hempstead. Incorporated 16th November, 1644. 1647. Richard Gildersleeve, John Seaman, John Hicks. 1652 April. The Governor declared that the towne had not made a legall choyce [of Magistrates] and that all that they had done since Captaine Toppingf went away, hee looked at it to bee as nothing, & wished them to make a new choyce. * Appointed by Connecticut. ¦j- Thomas Topping was Justice of Southampton from 1647 to 1663. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 91 1652. Richard Gildersleeve, Mr. Coe, Daniel Whitehead. 1653 Dec. 11. John Stickland, William Washburn, Richard Gildersleeve.* 1654 Nov. 10. John Sumon [? Seaman,] Robert Asimanf [Ashman.] 1655 Nov. 10. John Stickland, John Hicks, Richard Gildersleeve. 1656 Dec. 21. John Seaman, Richard Gildersleeve, John Hicks. 1657. Richard Gildersleeve, John Seaman, John Hicks. * They were" sworn to administer justice according to the tenor of their charter and the written laws of New Nether land, and authorized in case of sickness or absence, and on important cases, to adjoin one, two or three of the former magistrates to act for or with them. ¦f The magistrates ordered to send in a nomination for a third magistrate. 92 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1658 Feb. 27. Richard Gildersleeve, Robert Forman, John Hicks. Dec. 9. Richard Gildersleeve, Robert Forman. 1659. John Hicks, Robert Jackson. 1660 Dec. 15. John Hicks, Robert Jackson, Robert Ashman. 1661 May 2. Richard Gildersleeve, John Hicks, Robert Ashmani. 1662 Feb. 6. John Hicks, Robert Ashman, Robert Jackson. 1663 Jan. 20. John Hicks, Richard Gildersleeve, Robert Ashman. 1664 May 12. John Hicks,* Richard Gildersleeve, senr.* * Appointed by Connecticut. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 93 1673 Aug. 30. John Smith, senr., John Semmens [Seaman,] William Jacobs. Sept. 25. Robert Jackson, vice Smith. Rustdorp. Granted March 21, 1656. 1659. Benjamin Coe, Samuel Mathews, Richard Everett. 1659 Sept. 9. Samuel Mathews, John Townsend, Benjamin Coe. 1661 Jan. 24. Richard Everett, Nathaniel Denton, . Andrew Messenger, In the room of others who had connived with Quakers. 1662 Jan. 28. In consequence of continued dis sensions among the People and Magistrates, ou account of the Quaker prosecutions, a special officer was sent down to take possession of all the Records of 94 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1662 Jan. 28. the Town, then in the hands of Nathaniel Denton, and to order a nomination to be made by all theFreemen of the true and Protestant religion, of four persons, out of whom and the present Magistrates others were to be appointed for the ensuing year. March 16, 1662, Records ordered to be deliver ed to Mr. Coe, actual Magis trate and the oldest Inhabitant ofthe place. 1662 Mar. 4. Robert Coe, Daniel Denton, Andrew Messenger. 1663 Mar. 20. Robert Coe, John Stickland, Thomas Benedict. 1664 May 12. Robert Coe,* Thomas Benedict.* * Appointed by Connecticut. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 95 1673 Aug. 30. John Carpenter, Robert Ashman, Nathaniel Denton. Oysterbay. Had never been under the Dutch Government until 1673. 1661 May 9. No Court established here. 1662 July 22. John Rigebell. 1664 May 12. Jno Rickbell* Robert Fermau.* 1673 Aug. 30. Nicolas Wright, Thomas Tounsen, Nathaniel Coles. Huntington. 1673 Sept. 8. Joseph Whiteman, Isaac Piatt. 1674. Jonas Wood, James Chichester. Seatalcot. 1673 Sept. 8. Richard Woodhil, John Bayles. * Appointed by Connecticut. 96 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Southampton. 1673 Sept. 8. Edward Howell, Josuah Barens. Easthampton. 1673 Sept. 8. John Mulford, John Stretton. Southold, 1673 Sept. 8. Thomas More, Refused to serve. Thomas Hudsisson. Haerlem. Court erected«16th August, 1660. 1660 Aug. 16. Jan Pietersen Slot, Daniel Terneur, Peter Cresson. 1661 Nov. 3. Jan Pietersen Slot, Daniel Terneur, Johannes La Montagne, junr., vice Cresson. 2;1662 Nov. 16. Johannes La Montagne, junr, Philip Cassie. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 97 Dirck Claessen. 1663 April 23. Michel Muyden. Nov. 17. Jan La Montagne, Daniel Terneur, Johannes Verveelen, John Pietersen Slot. 1673. Resolved Waldron, David des Marest, Joost van Oblinis, Arent Hermans. 1674 Oct. 2. Jan Petersen Harling, Adriaen Cornelissen, Jacob Pietersen de Groot, Wolfert Webber. Westchester. 1656 Mar. 16. Thomas Wheeler. Mar. 28. Thomas Wheeler, Thomas Newman, Died 1660, aged 76 years. John Lord. 13 98 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1657. Thomas Newman, John Lord, John Smith. 1660 Jan. 21. Josias Gilbert, Nicolas Bayley, Thomas Veall. 1661 Jan. 11. Thomas Mollinaer, Thomas Vaile, Edward Waters. 1662 Feb. 15. Edward Waters, Robert Huestis, William Betts. 1663 May 24. Robert Huestis, John Barker, Nicholas Bayley. Oct. 8. Edward Gishop (Jessup).* 1664 May 12. Edward Jessup.* 1673 Aug. 30. Joseph Palmer, Edward Waters, Richard Pampton. * Appointed by Connecticut, NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 99 Mamaroneck. 1673 Aug- 24. John Busset, Henry Disbrow. Fordham. 1673 Oct. 18. Johannis Verveelen, Michael Bastiaen sen, Valentine Claessen. Eastchester. 1673 Aug. 30. John Hoit. Staten Island. 1664 Jan. 28. David D'amarex, Pierre Billiou, Walraven Lutten. 1673 Aug. 25. Tys Barentse van Leerdam, Jan Willemse. 1674 Feb. 14. Gideon Marlet, Nathan Whiteman, additional. 100 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Bergen. 1661 Feb. 10. Tielman van Vleeck, President. Herman Smeeman, Caspar Steinmits, Michel Jansen. 1662 Oct. 16. Caspar Steinmits, Engelbert Steenhuysen, Gerrit Gerritsen. 1663 Dec. 17. Balthazar Bayard, Adolph Hardenbrook, Harman Smeeman. 1673 Aug. 18. Gerrit Gerritse, Thomas Fredericks, Elias Michielse, Peter Marcellissen, Cornelis Abramse. 1674 Aug. 31. Walinck Jacobse, Engelbert Steenhuys. Gemoenepas. 1674 Aug. 31. Enoch Michielse. new netherland register. 101 Ahasymus. 1674 Aug. 31. Claes Jansen. Minckaque and Pemrepoch. 1674 Aug. 31. Jan Dircksen Siecken. Elizabethtown. 1673 Aug. 24. John Ogden, senr., Samuel Hopkins, Jacob Melyn. New- Worke, 1673 Aug. 24. Jasper Crane, Robert Bond, John Ward. Shrewsbury. 1673 Aug. 24. John Hanoe, Eleakim Wardil, Hugh Dyckman.* * These persons not being allowed by their religion td take, or to administer an oath, were discharged and a new election ordered 29th September, 1673. 102 new Netherland register. Piscataway. 1673 Aug. 25. John Smally, Nicholas Boman, Daniel Denton. Tinnacung, (on the Delaware). 1658. Oloff Stive (Stille), Matys Hansen, Peter Rambo, Resigned 21st March, 1661. Peter Kaick (Cock). 1662. Joost La Grange. New Amstel. 1661. Johannes Hendricks, Peter Petersen Harder. 1660 June 29. Hendrick Kip, Jacob Crabbe, Bores Joosten. Whorekil. 1673. Harmanus Wiltbanck, Sander Maelstyn, NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 103 John Roots (Rhodes), William Claessen, TOWN CLERKS. New Amsterdam. 1653 Jan. 27. Jacob Kip. 1657 June 13. Timotheus Gabry. 1658. Johannes Nevius. New Orange. 1673.1674. Nicholas Bayard. Ephraim Hermans, Deputy, Haerlem. 1673. Hendrick van der Vin. Fort Orange. 1654.1656 Sept. 28 Peter Ryverdingh. . Johannis Provoost. 1673 Oct. 6. Johannes Provoost. 104 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Renselaerswyck. 1630. Arent van Corlear. 1642. Anthony de Hooges.* 1656. van Hamel. 1660. Dirck van Schelluyne. Esopus. 1658. Mathys Capito. 1663 June 14. Mathys Capito. 1673 Oct. 7. William La Montagne. Breuckelen. 1654.166-. The Sheriff, ex officio. Michel Hainelle. Boswyck. 1661. 1663 April 5. Senior Magistrate. B. Hanout. 1663 Mar. Amersfoort. 19. Adrian Hegeman. * Landed at the Manhattans 29th November, 1641 ; his widow married Roelof Swartwout. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 105 New Utrecht. 1662. Jacob van Corlear. Gravesend. 1650. _ John Tilton. 1662. William Goulding. 1673 Aug. 18. Francis de Bruyn.* Flushing. 1648 April 27. John Lawrenpe. 1657. Edward Heart. 1662. Edward Fisher: Middleburgh. 1655. William Wood. 1659. • Thomas Lawrence. 1662 Mar. 13. John Burroughs. 1663 Sept. James Bradish. Hempstead. 1647. John James. 1650. Daniel Denton. * He was Clerk also of the Five Dutch Towns. 14 106 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1657. John James. 1660 Dec. 15. Robert Maruine. 1661. Jonas Holdsworth. Rustdorp. I doubt if there was any Town Clerk proper in this Town ; one of the Magistrates seems to have acted in that capacity. 1657 Feb. 18. Daniel Denton. 1661. Nathaniel Denton. 1662. Robert Coe. Oysterbay. 1673. Mathias Harvey. The Five English Towns* 1673 Aug. 31. , Carel van Brugge.* Southampton. 1673. John Laughton. Seatalcot. 1673. Nathaniel Brewster. * Flushing, Hempstead, Rustdorp, Middleburgh and Oysterbay. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 107 Easthampton. 1673. Thomas Talmadge. Huntington. 1673. Thomas Powell. Towns on East End of Long Island.* 1673 Sept. 8. Henry Pierson. Westchester. 1661. Richard Mills. Fordham. 1673 Oct. 18. Johannes Verveelen. Staten Island. 1673 Aug. 25. Peter Biljou. Bergen. 1664 Mar. 17. Balthazar Bayard. 1673 Aug. 18. Claes Arentse Stoers. * Southampton, Seatalcot, Huntington, Easthampton and Southold. 108 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Achter- Col. 1673 Sept. 1. Samuel Hopkins. New- Work. 1673. John Browne, jr., Recorder. Fort Casimir and New Amstel. 1655. Andries Hudde. 1655 Sept. 1. Jan Juriaens Becker. 1659. Cornelis van Gezel. Abraham van Nes. 1660 Jan. Gerrit van Sweringen. 1661. C. J. Verbraack, • R. Ravens. Altona. 1658. Jan Juriaensen Becker, Commis sary. 1660 June 5. Andries Hudde, vice Becker dis missed. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 109 TOWN TREASURERS. New Amsterdam. 1655. The retiring Burgomaster. Fort Orange. 1659 Dec. 2. Francis Boon. COURT MESSENGERS. The duties of these Officers Were to serve Summons, make Arrests, levy Executions, &c, and were similar to those of a Marshal or Constable of the present day. In the English towns on Long Island they were, in fact, called and known as Constables. To the Council. 1638. Philip de Truy. 1654. Claes van Elsland. 1656. Simon Joosten, Claes van Elsland, junr, 1658 April 16. Peter Schaefbanck, Gysbert Opdyck. 110 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. New Amsterdam. 1655 Feb. 6. Dirck van Schelluyne. 1656 Nov. 6. Mattheus de Vos. Fort Orange. 1654. Peter Ryverdingh. 1656 Aug. 7. Ludovicus Cobes. Rensselaerswyck. 1662. Anthony Jansen. Breuckelen. 1657. Simon Joosten. 1664 July 4. Carel de Beauvoia. Middleburgh. 1654. Elias Bayley. Flushing. 1658. John Mastine. Hempstead. Richard Valentine. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Ill Oyster bay. 1662 July 22. John Rigebell.* Bergen. 1663. Claes Arentse Stoers. New Amstel. 1656 Jan. 19. Mathys Bouchesne. 1661. Hendrick Gerritsen van Gezel. 1662. Gerrit de Groot. PROVOST MARSHAL. 1647 Feb. 28. Peter Ebel. June 14. Adam Roelantsen. 1654 Aug. 23. Arent Jansen van Vlieringen. 1655 Nov. 29. Israel Bensen Volck, vice Jansen, absconded. 1656 Jan. 18. Dirck Crynen, vice Volck ab sconded. 1658 May 25. Resolved Waldron vice Crynen returned to Fatherland. * Appointed by Connecticut. 112 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1655. Anthony Lodewycksen Baeck, Burgher Provost. JAILER. 1646. Jan Pietersen, from Amsterdam. 1657 Feb. 6. Anthony Lodewicksen Baeck. Turnkey, 1653. Dirck Crynsen. 1661 Feb. 24. Peter Bastiaensen. , TOWN CRIER. 1655 Dec. 23. Christoff'el Michielsen, in place of his predecessor who re turned to Holland. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 113 FDRE WARDENS. New Amsterdam. 1648 Jan. 23. Adriaen Keyser, Thomas Hall, Martin Cregier, George Wolsey. 1655 April 13. Hendrick Kip, Govert Loockermans, Jean Paul Jacquet. 1656 Jan. 18. Christian Barentsen, vice Jacquet. 1657 Feb. 13. Daniel Litscho, vice Lookermans. 1658 Dec. 23. Jan Jansen de Jongh, Johannis de La Montagne, junr. 1661 Jan. 20. Evert Duyckingh. Mar. 3. Hendrick Willemsen Backer, Claes Gangeloffsen. 1674 Jan. 5. Jan Jansen van Bresteede, Evert Duyckingh, Rynier Willemsen Backer, Jonas Bartelse. 15 114 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. VENDUE MASTERS. This office and its perquisites belonged, ex officio, to the Provincial Secretary, who performed its duties by Deputy. After the organization of a municipal government for New Amsterdam, a question arose as to whether the City Clerk, or the Secretary of the Province was Vendue Master within the City limits. It was then adjudged by the Supreme Court, that the sale of property, both real and personal, under judgment of the Director and Council, belonged to the Secretary of the Province, or his Deputy Vendue Master. The City Clerk was Vendue Master to the Court of Orphans, and in cases where judgment had been rendered by the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens. Secretary of the Province, ex officio 1649. Adriaen Keyser, Deputy. 1661. Timotheus Gabry, Deputy. 1672. Jacques Corteljou, L. I. 1673 Aug. 20. Nicholas Bayard, Secretary. 1674 Jan. 1. Francis de Bruyn, for the Five Dutch Towns on Long Island, vice Corteljou. New Amsterdam. 1655 Nov. 29. City Clerk, NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 115 ROT MASTERS, OR CITY SURVEYORS. 1647 July 22. Lubbertus van Dincklagen, Paulus Leendertsen van der Grist Cornelis van Tienhoven. 1655 Mar. 2. Peter Wolfertsen van Couwen- hoven, vice Dincklagen. 1655 Nov. 10. Johannes de La Montagne, Allard Anthony. . 1656. Paulus Leendersten van der Grist 1657 Feb. 13. Hendrick Hendricksen Kip, vice Van der Grist. INSPECTORS. Here we have the introduction of those Inspection Laws which continued in this State for more than two hundred years, and were abolished only by the Constitution of 1846. Of Tobacco. 1638 Aug. 12. Claes van Elsland, Wibrant Pietersen. 1640 Jan. 5. Jacob van Curler, 116 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. David Provoost, vice Elsland and Pietersen. 1653. Isaac de Foreest, George Holmes. 1655 April 13. Peter van der Linde, vice Holmes. Of Beer Barrels. 1656 Nov. 28. Jacob Jansen van Noorstrande. Of Bread. 1661 Oct. 13. Hendrick Willemsen, Baker, Christoffel Hoogland. Of Weights and Measures. 1657 Jan. 8. Warnaer Wessels. Measurers of Grain and Lime. 1657 Feb. 6. Jacob Leendersten van derGrist, Michiel Jansen. 1658 Feb. 21. Joannes Leendertsen van der Grist. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 117 MILLERS. 1638. Abraham Pietersen. 1640. Philip Gerritsen. 1652. Peter Cornelissen. 1655. Abraham Martins Clock, 1661. Jan De Witt. FERRY MASTERS. Ferries were leased, or let to farm, for a certain number of years. To Long Island. 1652. Cornelis Dircksen Hooglant. 1654. Egbert van Borsum. 1662. Paulus van der Beeck. To Bergen. 1661. William Jansen. 118 NEW netherland register. CLERGYMEN. Reformed Dutch. New Amsterdam. 1628. Jonas Michaelius. 1633. Everardus Bogardus, Drowned 1647. 1647. Joannes Backerus. 1649. Joannes Megapolensis, Died 1669. 1652. Samuel Drisius. 1659 Aug. Machiel Zyperus.* 1664. JEgidius Luyck, Rector of Latin School. Samuel Megapolensis.f Pavonia. 1633. Michel Pauluszoon. * Previously Minister at Cura9ao, which Island he now left for New Netherland, " in the hope of receiving a call there." His hope does not appear to have been realized. ¦j- Returned to Holland. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 119 Rensselaerswyck and Fort Orange. 1642. Joannes Megapolensis. 1650. Wilhelmus Grasmeer.* 1652. Gideon Schaets. Midwout and Dutch Towns on Long Island. 1654. Johannes Theodorus Polhemus Died 1676. " Breuckelen. 1660. Henricus Selyns, Died 1701. Esopus. 1660. Hermanus Blom.* New Amstel (Delaware). 1657. Everardus Welius, Died 9th December, 1659. * Returned to Holland. 120 new netherland register. Independent. Hempstead. 1644. Richard Denton, Returned to England. 164-. Robert Fordham, Went to Southampton in 1649. 1661. Jonah Fordham. 7 'L-n-f-'^ Middleburgh. 1642. Francis Doughty. 1652. John Moore, Died 1657. ^657. Richard Mills, Schoolmaster, officiated on Sundays, until 1662. William Leverich. Flushing. 1646-7. Francis Doughty, Went to Maryland, 164|, 1656. William Wickendam, Baptist; banished. Jamaica. 1662. Zachariah Walker. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 121 Westchester. 1656. No Minister ; meetings held on the Sabbath, when Mr. Bailey made prayer, and Robert Bas sett read a sermon. Lutheran. New Amsterdam. 1657. Joannes Ernestus Goetwasser; banished. Fort Christina (Delaware). 1637. Reorus Torkillus. 1643. John Campanius, Left in 1648. 1650. Laurence Charles Lokenius, and two other Ministers.* New Amstel. 1663 June 6. Abelius Zetskoorn. * These two were sent back to Sweden in 1655. 16 122 new netherland register. Catholic These Clergymen, except Fathers Bressani and Poncet, who were prisoners, acted as Missionaries among the Iro quois, or Five Nations of Indians. 1642. Isaac Jogues, S. J. Put to death 1646. 1644. Joseph Bressani, S. J. 1653. Joseph Poncet, S. J. 1654. Simon Le Moyne, S. J. 1655. Peter J. M. Chaumonot, S. J. 1655. Claude Dablon, S. J. 1656. Francois Le Mercier, S. J. 1656. Rene Menard, S. J. 1656. Jacques Fremin, S. J. 1657. Paul Ragueneau, S. J. Francis Duperon, S. J. 1661. Simon Le Moyne, S. J. ADVOCATES. Adriaen van der Donck. 1652. Cornelis de Potter. 1653. Francis Le Bleu. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 123 NOTARIES. New Amsterdam. 1651 Sept. 9. Dirck van Schelluyne, Arrived in New Netherland in 1652. 1652 Sept. 16. David Provoost. 1655 April 13. Johannes de Decker. 1656 April 4. Mattheus de Vos. 1656 Oct. 31. Pelgrom Clock. 1658 July 30. TielmanvanVleck, from Bremen. 1661 Jan. 19. Solomon La Chaire. 1662 Jan. 19. Walewyn van der Veen. 1673 Dec. 21. Allard Anthony. Delaware. 1659. Abraham van Nas. Willemstadt. 1673 Nov. 2. Lodewyck Cobes. Schenectady. 1673. John Gerritsen van Marck. 124 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. The first members of the Medical profession in New Nether land were, of course, Ship Surgeons who practised on shore whilst their vessels lay in port. Some of these settled at the Manhattans and eked out a subsistence by being sometimes employed by the government. The following extract from the Dutch Records, illustrates the state of the Profession in those days : " 1652, February 2. On the petition of the Chirurgeons of New Amsterdam, that none but they alone be allowed to sliave; the Director and Council understand that Shaving doth not appertain exclusively to Chirurgery, but is an ap pendix thereunto ; that no man can be prevented operating on himself, nor to do another this friendly act, provided it be through courtesy and not for gain, whichis hereby forbidden." It was then further Ordered, That Ship-Barbers shall not be allowed to dress any wounds, nor administer any potions on shore, without the previous knowledge and special consent of the Petitioners;, or at least of Doctor La Montagne, This is the earliest order on record regulating the Practice of Medicine in the State. In 1658, Messrs. Kierstede, Var- revanger and L'Oragne were the only Surgeons in New Amsterdam. New Amsterdam. 1630. Herman Mynderts van den Bo gaert. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 125 1637. Johannes La Montagne, Member of the Supreme Council and Vice Director of Fort Orange. 1638. Hans Kierstede, Died in 1671. Peter van der Linde, Gerrit Schut, Jan Pietersen van Essendelft, Died in 1640. , 1644. Paulus van der Beeck, from Bre men.Had served in Curasao and on board the Company's ships ; settled finally in Breuckelen. 1647. William Hays, of Barry's Court, Ireland. Served since 1641, as Chief Surgeon in Curasao. Peter Vreucht. 1649. Jacob Hendricksen Varrevanger, Entered the Company's service in 1646, discharged June 1662. Isaac Jansen (ship), Jacob Mollenaer (ship), Jan Pauw (ship). 126 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1652. Jan Herwy (Hervey), William Noble (ship), Gysbert van Imbroch. 1655. Jacobus Hugues, Johannes Megapholensis, junr., Returned to Holland, circa 1656. M. Cornelis Clock. 1658 Nov. 18. Peter Jansen van den Bergh, Jacob L'Oragne. 1659. Alexander Carolus Curtius. 1660. Harman Wessels. 1662. Jan du Parck (military), Samuel Megapolensis, Cornelis van Dyck, Died 1687. 1673. Henry Taylor. Fort Oranqe. 1642. Abraham Staets. 1655. Jacob d'Hinse. Esopus. 1660. Gysbert van Imbroch. 1664 July 17. Sybrant Cornelissen van Flens- burgh. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 127 1662. 1663. 1655. Middleburgh. James Clark, Folcks, Mespath. William Leverich.* Delaware. Jan Oosting, 1657. 1660. 1662. Died August, 1658. . William van Rasenburgh. David Ludekens, Tymen Stodder. Jacob de Kommer. MATRON OF THE ORPHANS. SENT FROM AMSTERDAM. 1654. Immetje Cornelis. * A supply of drugs was sent from Holland in the spring of this year, for an English Clergyman, " versed in the art of Physick and willing to serve, in the capacity of Physician." The Rev. William Leverich is supposed to be the Clergyman alluded to. He had sailed in October, 1660, from New Am sterdam for Holland, in the ship Spotted Cow, and returned in the fall or winter of 1662. 128 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. MID WIVES. Midwives in Holland, before being licensed, were duly examined by a board of Physicians. One of such licensed women was appointed Midwife to a Town or Village. This custom was transferred to New Netherland. New Amsterdam. 163-. Tryn Jansen (or Jonas). She was the mother of the much talked of Annetje Jans, wife of Rev. Ever- ardus Bogardus, and died in 1647. 1638. Lysbet Dircksen. 1655 April 21. Hellegonda Joris. Esopus. 1655. Mrs. Cornelis Barentsen Slecht. MATRON OF THE HOSPITAL.* 1658 Dec. 23. Hilletje Wilburch. * This Hospital was established at the request of Surgeon Hendricksen Varrevanger for the reception of sick Soldiers, who had been previously billeted on private families, and of the Company's Negroes, who were left destitute in case of sickness. It was the first Hospital on the Island of Man hattan. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 129 SCHOOLMASTERS. " School-keeping and the appointment of Schoolmasters depend absolutely," say the Dutch Records, "from the Jus Patronatus, and require a License from the Director General and Council." In New Netherland, as in Holland, Church and State were intimately allied, and the office of Teaching thus became, in some respects, semi-ecclesiastical. The duties of the Parochial Schoolmaster, as set forth in his com mission, were to promote Religious Worship, to read a portion of the Word of God. to the people, to endeavor as much as possible to bring them up in the ways of the Lord, to con sole them in their Sickness and to conduct himself with all diligence and fidelity in his calling, so as to give others a good example, as becometh a devout, pious and worthy Con soler ofthe Sick, Church Clerk, Precentor and Schoolmaster, in which capacities all persons, without distinction, were com manded to acknowledge him. These, however, were the duties only of Teachers of Schools belonging to, or under Consistories or Churches, or who were appointed to Towns or settlements not yet provided with a Minister. Teachers of Private Schools, though necessarily licensed, were not connected officially with the Church. New Amsterdam. 1633. Adam Roelantsen, Resigned in 1639. 17 130 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1643. John Stevensen, ¦j Resigned in 1648. 1647 Nov. For want of a proper place, no School has been kept in three months. Aryaen Jansen. David Provoost. 1648 Oct. 26. Peter van der Linde, vice Steven sen. 1649. Jan Cornelissen,* Adriaen van Ilpendam, Joost Carelse. 1650. Schoolmaster sent from Holland. 1652 April. Johannes Momie de La Mon tagne. Sept. Hans Steyn. 1654 Dec. 3. Andries Hudde petitions for leave to keep a School ; is referred to the Ministers of the Church. 1655 Jan. 26. William Verstius Requests his discharge. * The other Teachers, says Secretary Van Tienhoven, keep *chool in hired houses, so that the youth are not in want of Schools to the extent of the circumstances of the country. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 131 1655 Mar. 23. Harmen van Hoboken,wceVers- tius. 1658 Jan. Jacobus van Corlear ; Feb. 19. Is ordered to discontinue teach ing, until he obtain proper autho rity so to do. Feb. 26, petitions for leave, and nihil actum thereupon. Mar. 26, permission peremptorily refused. Aug. 13. Jan Lubberts. 1659 April 16. Alexander Carolus Curtius, Rec tor of Latin School.* 1660 Aug. 15. Jan Juriaense Becker. Frans Claessen, Died before 1662. 1661 May 2. Evert Pietersen. Oct. 27. Harmen van Haboken, Bowery. 1662 April ^Egidius Luyck, Rector of Greek and Latin School. Sept. 21. Johannes van Gelder. f * Had previously been a professor in Lithuania ; arrived at the Manhattans in July, 1659; resigned and returned to Holland in 1660. f 1662, Feb. 2. Part ofthe old Burying ground is granted to the Burgomasters of New Amsterdam for the purpose of erecting a Public School house. 132 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Haerlem. 1664 Jan. 10. Johannis La Montagne. Fort Orange. 1650 Sept. 9. Andries Jansen. Esopus. 1658. Andries van der Sluys. Midwoui. 1655 Oct. 16. Lot reserved for Schoolmaster. 1659. Adriaen Hageman ; to 1671. 1660. Renier Middleburgh. 1660. Richard Mills. Breuckelen. 1661 July 4. Carel de Beauvois.* Boswyck. 1662 Dec. 28. Boudewyn Maenhout. * Court messenger, precentor, bellringer, gravedigger, and schoolmaster. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 133 Bergen. 1662 Oct. 6. Englebert Steenhuysen. New Amstel, (Delaware). 1657 April Evert Pietersen. 1661. Arent Evertsen Molenaar. INDIAN INTERPRETERS. To Algonquins, unless otherwise stated. 1645. Jan Evertsen Bout, Claes Jansen Ruyter. 1645. Cornelis Anthonissen, for Mo hawks. 1646. Simon Root, Jan Hendricksen, Dirck Dirksen Coe,/or Mohawks. 1656. Laurens Hansen. 1658. Govert Loockermans, Peter Wolphertsen van Couwen- hoven, Claes Cartense, Wharinus van Courbe. 134 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1660 Mar. 1. Claes Jansen Ruyter, Jan David. 1663. Sara Kierstede,* Peter Ebel, Harmen Douwesen, Tryntie Geerts. 1673. Sara van Borsum.* 1674. Jan Janse Bleeker, Hendrick Lantsingh. OVERSEERS Of Laborers. 1633. Claes Jacobsen from Schagen, Jacob Stoffelsen. 1639 Aug. 11. Gillis de Voocht. 1647 Jan. 10. Paulus Heyman, of Negroes ; Resigned 1656. 1656. Resolved Waldron. 1660. Paulus Heyman. * The same person. new netherland register. 135 Of Masons. 1638 May 10. Hendrick Pietersen. 1647 July 25. William Pietersen from Bossaert. 1661. Peter Jansen. Of Carpenters. 1638 June 1. Gillis Pietersen, Aug. 1. Thomas Walraven. 1642. Jan Dircksen, Tymen Jansen, Ship Carpenter. 1645 May 11. Peter Cornelissen. 1653. Jan Engelbrecht. 1655. Jan Jansen Westerhout. 1659. Mangnus Mangnussen. 1673 Sept. 26. Adrian Jansen from Westerhout, Hendrick van Borsum. Of Coopers. 1658. Fredrick Hendricksen. Of Bakers. 1656. Frederick Barents. 1658 Feb. 26. Hendrick Willemsen. 136 NEW NETHERLAND register. Of Smiths. 1648. Barent Ennesen from Noorden. 1656 June 19. Dirck Houthuysen. PROVINCIAL AGENTS. To Holland. On the part ofthe Commonalty. 1649 July 26. Adriaen van der Donck, Jacob van Couwenhoven, Jan Evertsen Bout. On the part ofthe Government. Sept. Cornelis van Tienhoven. 1653 June 30. Allard Anthony. On the part of the Convention. 1653 Dec. Francis de Bleuw. 1655 Oct 31. Cornelis Jacobsen Steenwyck. 1663 Nov. 1. Jeremias van Rensselaer, Johan Pietersen van Brugh, Jacob Backer. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 137 1664 April 26. Cornelis van Ruyven,* Cornelis Steenwyck.* AMBASSADORS. To Rhode Island. 1651 Oct. 31 Cornelis van Tienhoven. 1652 April. Adriaen Keyser, Augustine Heermans. To New Haven. To explain Measures adopted against Pirates. 1654 April 14. Cornelis van Tienhoven, Martin Cregier. 1655. Delegates were sent this year to New England to engage those Colonies in a league offensive and defensive against the In dians, but we have not their names. * Appointed but did not go. 18 138 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. To -Maryland. 1659 Sept. Augustine Heermans, Resolved Waldron. To Virginia. To negotiate a Treaty of Peace and Commerce. 1653 May. Cornelis van Tienhoven, Arent van Hattem. To obtain an Answer to- the above Proposals ; mean while to request free intercourse and trade. 1653 Dec. 16. Samuel Drisius. To condole the Death of Governor Matthews, to con clude a Commercial Treaty and enlist soldiers. 1660 Feb. 27. Nicolas Varlet, Brian Newton. To reclaim tbe ship " .Arms of Amsterdam," seized by a Portuguese privateer and carried thither. 1663 Nov. Johannes de Decker, Nicolas Varlet, Jacobus Backer. new netherland register. 139 From Connecticut. To learn on what terms the Dutch would vacate the land around Fort Good Hope. 1642 July 10. Mr. Hill, Mr. Whiting. From Virginia. 1647. George Grace. 1660 May 18. Sir Henry Moody, Bart. From Canada. 1657. ^ Simon Le Moyne, S. J. From Massachusetts. 1659 Nov. 12. William Hawthorne. John Richards. 140 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. CONVENTIONS. 1653 Sept. Delegates from the respective Colonies and Courts of New Netherland, met in the course of this month at New Am sterdam and, with the Director General and Council, enacted divers Ordinances and Regu lations providing against the great and excessive dearness of all sorts of merchandise, provisions, grain and wages. This may be considered, then, as the First Legislative Assem bly within the confines of the present State of New York. The names of the Delegates are not on record. 1653 October. Delegates from Hempstead, Gravesend, Flushing, and Mid dleburgh, whose names are not known, met about this month, at the last named place, to NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER.. 141 1653 Oct. consider the peculiar position of the English towns under New Netherland, in conse quence of the war between Holland and England, and of alarming reports in relation to the designs of the Indians, the result whereof was the following : Convention Holden at New Amsterdam, to devise and recommend measures for the public security, and to put a stop to the Piracies and Robberjes of one Thomas Baxter. 1653 Nov. 26. Johannes La Montagne, Cornelis van Werckhoven, from the Council. Martin Cregier, Paulus Leendertsen van der Grist, from the Burgomasters and Schepens of New Amsterdam. George Baxter, James Hubbard, Gravesend, 142 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1653 Nov. 26. John Hicks, Tobias Feaks, Flushing. Robert Coe, Thomas Hazard, Newtown. 1653 Nov. 27. Another Session was held this day, but Messrs. La Montagne andWerckhoven did not attend it, as the English delegates re fused, on the previous day, to acknowledge their right to sit. Convention Holden at New Amsterdam to represent the State ofthe Country to the Authorities in Holland. 1653 Dec. 10. Arent van Hattem, Martin Cregier, Paulus L. van der Grist, William Beeckman, Peter Wolfertsen van Couwen- hoven, from the Burgomasters and Schepens New Amsterdam. George Baxter, James Hubbard, Gravesend. John Hicks, Tobias Feaks, Flushing. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 143 1653 Dec. 10. Robert Coe, Thomas Hazard," Newtown, William Wasborn, John Somers, Hempstead, Thomas Spycer, Elbert Elbertsen (Stoothof), Am- ersfort. Frederick Lubbertsen, Paulus van der Beecq, Breuckelen. Thomas Swartwout, Jan Strycker, Midwout. Convention Holden at New Amsterdam to engage the several Dutch Towns to keep up an armed force for public protec tion. 1663 July 6. Burgomaster Van der Grist, Schepen Strycker, JV. Amsterdam. Simon Jansen van Aertsdalen, Roelof Martensen, Amersfoort. William Wilkins, Charles Morgan, Gravesend, 144 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Frederick Lubbertsen, ¦ Peter Pietersen van Nes, Breuc kelen. Jan Stryker, Hendrick Jorissen, Midwout. Rutger Joosten, Jacob Pietersen, New Utrecht. LanDts Vergadering, Or Meeting of Magistrates ofthe several Dutch Towns, holden at New Amsterdam, at which the towns men tioned below were represented, but we have the names only of those from two places. 1663 Nov. 3. Paulus Leendertsen van der Grist Jacob Kip, New Amsterdam. Amersfoort.Breuckelen. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 145 1663 Nov. 3. Midwout. Harlem. N Utrecht. Ryckous Leydecker, Guysbert Teunissen, Boswyck. Bergen. Convention Holden at Midwout L. I., for the purpose of sending a delegation to Holland, to lay before the States General and" West Hidia Company the distressed State of the Country. 1664 Feb. 27. Adriaen Hegeman, Schout, Elbert Elbertsen (Stoothof), Pieter Claessen, Roeloff Martensen (Schenck), Amersfoort, William Bredenbent, Albert Cornelissen Wantenaar, 19 146 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Teunis Gysbertsen Bogaert, Thomas Verdonck, Breuckelen. William Jacobsen van Boerum, Hendrick Jorissen, Jan Snedicker, Midwout. Jacob Pietersen, Balthazar Vosch, Francis de Bruyn, New Utrecht. Peter Jansen de Witt, Barent Joosten, Boswyck. 1664 March. Delegates from the English Towns on Long Island assem bled at Hempstead this month, with Captain John Scott styled " President," for the purpose of concluding a Treaty with Director Stuyvesant for the Se paration of those Towns from New Netherland. We have not the names of the Dele gates. V new netherland register. 147 General Assembly Holden at the City Hall, New Amsterdam. 1664 April 10. Cornelis Steenwyck, Jacob Backer, New Amsterdam. Jeremias van Renselaer, President Dirck van Schelluyne, Renselaers wyck. Jan Verbeeck, Gerrit Slechtenhovat, Fort Orange Thomas Chambers, Gysbert van Imbroch, Wiltwyck. Daniel Terneur, Johannis Verveelen, Haerlem. David de Marest, Pierre Billou, Staten Island. William Bredenbent, Albert Cornelissen Wantenaar, Breuckelen. Jan Strycker, William Guilliamsen, Midwout. Elbert Elbertsen (Stoothof), Coert Stevensen (van Voorhees), Amersfoort. 148 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1664 April 10. David Jochemsen, Cornelis Beeckman, New Utrecht. Jan van Cleef, Gysbert Teunissen (Bogaert), Boswyck. Engelbert Steenhuysen, Herman Smeeman, Bergen. Convention Holden at New Orange of Delegates from the Eastern Towns on Long Island, to confer with the Dutch Commanders. 1673. Thomas James, Easthampton. John Jessup, Joseph Reynir, Southampton. Thomas Hutchinson, Isaac Arnold, Southold. Richard Woodhull, Andrew Miller, Brookhaven. Isaac Piatt, Thomas Skidmore, Huntington. new netherland register. 149 Convention Holden at New Orange of Delegates from the Dutch Towns to confer with Governor Colve. 1674 Mar. 26. Burgomasters, New Orange. Jacob Strycker, Long Island. Tunis Gysbertse Bogaert, Jeronimus Rapalie, Breuckelen. Roeloff Martense (Schenck), Koert Stevensen (van Voorhees), Amersfoort. Jan Stryker, Auke Jansen, Midwout. Joost Kockuyt, Hendrick Barentsen Smit, Bush- wyck. Hendrick Mattysen Smack, Cryn Jansen, New Utrecht. Claes Barentse, Caspar Steynmits, Bergen. Francis Bloodgood^rom the Dutch inhabitants of Flushing, Rustdorp, Middleburgh and Hemstede, 150 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. COMMISSIONERS To Collect moneys due to the West India Company in New Netherland. 1648 April 17. Lubertus van Dincklage, Johannes de La Montagne. To Settle affairs on the South, or Delaware river. 1648 June 7. Lubertus van Dincklage, Johannes de La Montagne. 1656 May 3. Nicasius de Sille, Cornelis van Tienhoven. 1659 Sept 23. Cornelis van Ruyven, Martin Cregier. To Investigate the Charges against Adriaen van der Donck. 1649 Mar. 5. PaulusLeendertsenvan der Grist Adriaen d'Keyser. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 151 Commissioners to agree on a Boundary between New Netherland and New England. 1650 Sept. 19. Thomas Willett, George Baxter. 1663 Oct. 13. Cornelis van Ruyven, Oloff Stevensen van Cortland, John Lawrence. To oblige the Colonie of Rensselaerswyck to publish a certain Ordinance of the Director and Council of New Netherland, and to enforce the execution thereof. 1653 Mar. 28. Cornelis van Tienhoven, Paulus Leendertsen van der Grist Maximilian van Gheel, Johannes Dyckman, and Two Magistrates of Fort Orange. To attend the Investigation of an alleged Conspiracy of the Dutch and Indians against the English. 1653 May 23. Johannes deLa Montagne, David Provoost, Govert Loockermans. 162 new Netherland Register. Commissioners to Superintend the Fortifying of New Amsterdam, 1654 June 16. Nicasius de Sille, Arent van Hattem, Johannes deLa Montagne, Martin Cregier, Paulus Leendertsen van der Grist Peter Wolfertsen van Couwen- hoven, William Beeckman, Oloff Stevensen van Cortland, Cornelis van Ruyven. To Settle the Boundary Line ofthe Town of Gravesend. 1654 Sept. 3. Paulus Leendertsen van der Grist Olof Stevensen van Cortland. 1656 July. Nicasius de Sille, Cornelis van Tienhoven, . Thomas Willett. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 153 Commissioners to Erect a Church and Minister's house at Midwout, L. I. 1654 Dec. 17. Rev. Johannes Megapolensis, Jan Snediger, Jau Strycker. To Settle affairs in some of the English Towns on Long Island, and to protest against Encroachments at Oysterbay. 1655 Mar. 16. Johannes de La Montagne, Cornelis van Tienhoven, Allard Anthony. To Treat with the Hackingsack Indians for the release of Christian Prisoners. 1655 Oct. Adrian Post. To Lay out Streets in the City of New Amsterdam. 1655 Nov. 10. Johannes de La Montagne, . Allard Anthony, and the Roy Masters. 20 154 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Commissioners to Reduce Westchester. 1656 Mar. 7. Frederick de Konick, Brian Newton, Cornelis van Tienhoven. To Settle Affairs at Westchester. 1656. Brian Newton, Cornelis van Ruyven, Carel van Brugge. To Commute for the Tenths of the Crops, or Quit Rents due by the Farmers on Long Island. 1656 July 6. Peter Tonneman, Gysbert Opdyck. 1658 July 2. Peter Tonneman, Johan de Deckere. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 155 Commissioners to Settle differences between the Town of Middleburgh (Newtown.), L. I., and Thomas Stevenson. 1656 Sept. 22. Johannes de La Montagne, Thomas Willett.* To Protect the Town of Flushing against Intrusions of Hempstead, L. I. 1657 June 23. William Lawrence, Robert Terry, Tobias Feake. To Audit the Accounts of Cornelis van Tienhoven, 1657 Mar. 13. Peter Tonneman, Carel van Brugge, Matthys Capito. Mar. 27. Cornelis van Ruyven. * These Commissioners laid out a public Road in the Town, across which Stevenson afterwards ran a fence. This ob struction was ordered to be removed in 1658. 166 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Commissioner to Superintend the ballancing of the Public Accounts. 1658 May 25. Cornelis van Ruyven. To Treat with the Esopus Indians. 1658. Martin Cregier, Peter Wolphertsen van Couwen- hoven, Peter Cornelissen van der Veen. Augustyn Heermans. To Purchase the Whorekil, Delaware, 1658. William Beeckman, Alexander d'Hinoyossa. To Enclose the village of Beverwyck (Albany). 1659 Nov. 4. Francis Boon, Dirck Jansen Croon, Abraham Staets, Adriaen Gerritsen. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 157 Commissioner to Survey and Enclose Breuckelen and •New Utrecht. 1660 Feb. 23. Nicasius de Sille. To Try persons charged with haring murdered an Indian on the Delaware. 1660 Mar. 1. William Beeckman, Alexander d'Hinoyossa, Paulus Leendertsen van der Grist Gerrit van Sweringen, Jacobus Backer, Johan Crato, Nicasius de Sille. To Lay out, and make a Map of the New Plantations, near Breuckelen. 1660 May 3. Jacques Cortelyou, Albert Cornelissen (Wantenaar), Jan Evertsen Bout. 158 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Commissioners to Enclose the New village at the Esopus. 1661. Albert Hymanse Roose, Jan Joosten, Jan Gerritsen. To Recover the Christians in the hands of the Esopus Indians. 1663 June. Johannes de La Montagne, Johan de Deckere. To Fortify the village of Bergen. 1663. Arent Laurens, Jacob Luby, Harman Edwards, Lourens Andriessen, Paulus Pietersen, Jan Swaen, Jan Lubbersen. . NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 159 Commissioners to Fortify Gemoenepa. 1663 June 18. Gerrit Gerritsen, Harman Smeeman. Dirck Claessen. To Enquire by what Authority .certain Persons are attempting to reduce Middleburgh and the neighbor ing Towns on Long Island, under the English. 1663 Oct. . 9. Thomas Willett, John Laurence, Cornelis van Ruyven. Tp counteract the Mutinous proceedings of Disloyal people in the English Towns on Long Island. 1663 Nov. 6. Nicasius de Sille. To extinguish the Indian title to the Lands from Bar- negatt to the Raritan. 1663 Dec. 6. Martin Cregier, Govert Loockermans. 160 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Commissioners to Confer with Captain John Scott, respecting his Claim to Long Island. 1664 Jan 11. Cornelis van Ruyven, Oloff" Stevensen van Cortland, Martin Cregier, John Lawrence. . Jan. 12. Cornelis van RuyVen, Oloff" Stevensen van Cortland, Cornelis Steenwyck, John Lawrence. To conclude a Treaty with Captain John Scott for the Cession of the English Towns on the West end of Long Island. 1664 Mar. 3. Oloff Stevensen van Cortland, Jacobus Backer, John Lawrence, on ihe part of the Director General and Council. John Underhill, Daniel Denton, Adam Mott, on the part of Captain Scott. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 161 Commissioners to Negotiate a Peace between the Mo hawks and Abenakis. 1664 May 17. John Davith, Jacob Lookermans. To Ascertain the object ofthe English fleet below New' Amsterdam. 1664 Aug. 29. Johannes de Decker, Paulus Leendertsen van der Grist Johannes Megapolensis, Samuel Megapolensis. To Confer with Colonel Richard Nicolls. 1664 Sept. 2. Cornelis van Ruyven, Cornelis Steenwyck, Samuel Megapolensis, M. D. Jacques Cousseau. 21 162 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Commissioners to Agree on Articles of Capitulation, preliminary to the Surrender of New Netherland to the English. 1664 Sept. 6. Johannes de Decker, Nicolaes Verlett, Samuel Megapolensis, Cornelis Steenwyck, Oloff Stevensen van Cortland, Jacques Cousseau. Names signed to the Ratification of the Articles of Capitulation, surrendering New Netherland to the English. 1664 Sept. 8. P. Stuyvesant, Director General, N. de Sille, Councillor, Martin Cregier, Paulus L. van der Grist, Burgo master, Peter Tonneman, Schout, Jacob Backer, President of the , Board of Schepens* Timotheus Gabry, Schepen, * Returned to Holland in 1666. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 163 Isaac Greveraet, Schepen, Nicholas Meyer, Schepen. Commissioners to the Dutch Commanders on the part of the several Towns in and about the District of Achter-Col, (New Jersey). 1673 Aug. 12. John Baker, Jacob Melyn, John Ogden and others. Aug. 18. John Berry, William Sandford, Samuel Edsall, Laurens Andriessen. To Confer on behalf of the Burghers of New Orange, with the Dutch Commanders, after the Recovery of New Netherland. 1673 Aug. 14. Cornelis Steenwyck, Cornelis van Ruyven, Johannes van Brugh, Johannes de Peyster, Martin Cregier, Nicholas Bayard. 164 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Commissioners to Administer the Oath of Allegiance to the Inhabitants of the Dutch and English Towns on Long Island, west of Oysterbay. 1673 Aug. 29. William Knyff, Jerouimus de Hubert, Ephraim Herman. Sept. 4. William Laurence, Carel van Brugge. , To Administer the Oath of Allegiance to the Inha- bitants of the Towns in Achter Col. 1673 Sept. 6. William Knyffe, Captain Snel, Abram Varlet. To Administer the Oath of Allegiance to the Inha bitants of the Towns on Long Island, east of Oyster bay. 1673. Oct. 1. William Knyffe, Anthony Mallepart, Abraham Varlet. Oct. 25. William Knyffe, Nicolas Vos. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 165 Commissioners to Value the Houses near Fort Willem Hendrick, New Orange, ordered to be pulled down. 1673 Oct. 10. Cornelis Steenwyck, Johannes van Brugh, Johannes de Peyster, ^Egidius Luyck. To Administer the Oath of Allegiance to the Inha bitants of Southampton, Southold, and Easthamp ton, L. I. 1673 Oct 30. Cornelis Steenwyck, Carel Epestyn, Carel Quirynsen. To Settle the Estate of the. late Governor Lovelace. 1673 Nov. 2. Oloff' Stevensen van Cortland, Gelyn Verplanck, Gabriel Minvielle. Dec. 12. Jacobus van de Water. 166 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Commissioners to Examine and Settle the Boundary between the Town of New Utrecht and Jan Jansen Veryn's land. 1673 Dec. 5. Cornelis van Ruyven, Jacob Strycker. To Provide Quarters for such of the Outside people as may repair to New Orange in case of being attacked by the English. 1673 Dec. 19. Cornelis Steenwyck, Cornelis van Ruyven, Johannis van Brugh. To Administer the Oath of Allegiance to the Inhabit ants of Staten Island. 1673 Dec. 21. Carel Epestyn, Jan Sol. To Examine and Report on the Controversy between Roger Townsend and the Town of Westchester. 1673 Dec. 24. William Lawrence, Richard Cornwell. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 167 Commissioner to Settle the Estate of Thomas Delaval at Willemstadt. 1674 Jan. 1. Martin Cregier, junr. To Investigate the Charges against the Schout of Staten Island. 1674 Jan 22. Cornelis van Ruyven, Carel Epestyn. To Value the Estates of all persons in New Orange above One thousand Guilders. 1674 Feb. 1. Cornelis Steenwyck, Nicolas Bayard, Cornelis van Ruyven, Oloff Stevensen van Cortland, Johannes van Brugh, ^gidius Luyck, Jacob Kip, Martin Cregier, Jacob Leisler, Francis Rombouts. 168 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1674 Mar. 24. Jacobus van de Water, Treasurer of the moneys advanced to com plete the Fortifications of New Orange, on the Island of Man hattan. Commissioners to Examine and Settle the Controversy between Richard Smith and the Town of Hunting ton, L. I. 1674 Feb. 1. John Laurence, Richard Cornwell, Richard Odel, Thomas Townsend. To Examine the Books and Audit the Accounts of Cornelis van Ruyven, Receiver of the debts and rents due the West India Company, who is about to return , to Fatherland. 1674 June 15. Oloff Stevensen van Cortland, Gelyn Verplanck, Gabriel Minvielle, Jacob van de Water. NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 169 Commissioners to hear and Determine the Differences between the Towns of Piscattaway and Woodbridge, in Achter Col. 1674 June 17. John Lawrence, Richard Betts, James Hubbert and some Councillors of Achter Col. To Receive the Books and Accounts of Cornelis van Ruyven, late Receiver, and wind up the affairs of the West India Company. 1674 June 26. Cornelis Steenwyck, Nicholas Bayard, Jacobus van de Water. 22 GREAT AND SMALL BURGHERS NEW AMSTERDAM. GREAT AND SMALL BURGHERS. Conferring special privileges on Inhabitants of commercial cities is an offshoot of the Roman Law, whereby it was in troduced into Holland, and in time transplanted to- New Netherland. Burgher right procured for the citizen Freedom of trade, Exemption from toll and from being sued by a fellow burgher, except, in his Burgh. He could not be im prisoned without bail, nor tried for any offense after the lapse of a year. He was saved from attaint and confiscation, if found guilty on a capital charge ; for he could not for any crime forfeit more than his life and one hundred guilders. , Burgher right by descent or inheritance was gained only through the male line. Females it is true, might be Burghers, but if acquired by purchase, the right was vested in them only whilst. Spinsters or Widows. They lost it if they married those not Burghers, but recovered the privilege on decease of such husband. Neither their children nor those of Jewish Burghers inherited the parent's privilege. In New Netherland, " Great Burghers" only could fill public offices and enjoy exemption from confiscation and attainder, if convicted of a capital offense. All members of the Council, all Burgomasters and Schepens, all Ministers of the Gospel and Commissioned Officers of Militia, past and present, with their descendants in the male line, were declared -by this Charter, Great Burghers. Others might become such also on payment of the sum of Fifty guilders into the City Trea sury. 174 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. Small Burghers were entitled only to Freedom of trade and to .the privilege of being received into" their respective Guilds. Natives of the city of New Amsterdam, residents therefor a year and six weeks before the date of the Charter, Burghers' sons-in-law, City store keepers, salaried Servants of the Company, and all paying twenty-five guilders, were entitled to have their names inscribed on the roll of Small Burghers. GREAT BURGHERS. New Amsterdam. 1657. General Stuyvesant, April 10. Johannes La Montagne, junr., April 11. Jan Gillisen van Bruggh, Hendrick Kip, Isack Kip, Aprl. 12. Domine Megapolensis, 13. Jacob Gerritsen Strycker, 14. Jan Vinge, 17. Cornelis Van Tienhoven's Wife, Hendrick van Dyck, Hendrick Kip, junior, Marten Cregier, April 18. Carel van Bruggh, Jacob van Couwenhoven, NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 175 1657 April 18. Lourens Cornelisen van Wel, Johannes Pietersen van Bruggh, Cornelis Steenwyck, Wilh. Bogardus, Daniel Litschoe, Pieter van Couwenhoven. SMALL BURGHERS. 1657 April 10. Isack D'Foreest, Warnaer Wessels, Nicolaes Langvelthuysen, April 11. Jan de Jongh, Jacobus Backer, * Pieter Cornelisen van der Veen, Pieter Jacobsen Buys, Abram Nichels, Pieter Schabanck, Matheus d'Vos (died in 1663), Jan Rutgerzen, Caspar Stynmets, Pieter Jansen, Jochem Beeckman, Shoemaker, 176 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1657 April 12. Arent Isaacksen, Shoemaker, Fredrick Flipsen, Carpenter, Jacob Mens, Dirck van Schelluyne. Cornelis Jansen, Evert Dirckzen, Thomas Frerickzen, Wood- sawyers. Pieter Caspersen van Naerden, April 13. Gerrit Pieterzen van Amsterdam, Hendrick Harmenzen, Willem Jansen van't Ieverlant, Hendrick van Bommel, Tailor, David Wessels, Chairmaker, Paulus van der Beeck, Cornelis Jansen Clopper, Smith, Jean Videt, Frenchman, Gerrit Fullwever, Lambert Huybertzen Mol, Michiel Jansen, Joost Teunizen, Jacob Clazen Coppe, Claes Carstensen, NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 177 1657 April 13. Ryndert Pieters van Bolsaert, Andries Hoppen, Arent Lourizen, Carpenter, Tryntie Hendricksen, widow of Cors Pietersen, Hendrick Willemzen, Baker, Joost Goderis, Michiel Pauluzen, Coenraet Ten Eyck, Shoemaker, Aldert Coninck, Tailor, RynhoutRynhoutzen, Shoemaker, Pieter Andriezen, Chimneysweeper Jan Jacobsen Carpenel van Haer- lem, Jan Nagel, Barent Egbertzen, Tailor, 1657 April 14. Jan Dirckzen, Painter, Adriaen Vincent, Isack Teene, Johannes Beck, Barent Jacobzen Cool, Hans Dreper, Adolph Pieterzen, 23 178 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1657 April 14. Frerick Arentzen, Claes Tysen, Cooper, Tosyn Briel, Sybrant Jansen Galma, Luycas Dircksen, Stoffel Elderzen, Jacob Leunizen, Hendrick Hendricksen Kip Sybout Clasen, Tomas Frans, Carman, Claes Bordingh, Aryaen Wouterzen, Symon Felle, Lodowick Pos, Jochem Bruynzen, Tomas Lambertzen, Carpenter. Nicolaes de Meyer, Evert Duyckingk, Abram Ryckeu, Jan Cornelisen vau Hoorn, Jan Jansen van Ham, Paulus Heyman s, Tomas Sandersen, Locksmith, Willem Pieterzen d'Groot, senr., NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 179 1657 ApFil 14. Nicolaes d' la Plyne, Andries Jochemzen, Jan Hendricksen, Carpenter, Pieter Lourenzen, Francoys Allard, Claes van Elslant the elder, Teunis Tomazen, Mason, Jau Schryver, Jan Gerritzen, Mason, Jan de Perie, Abram Pieterzen, Miller, Claes Poulizen, Cornelis van Langevelt, Frans Soselje, Jan Evertsen Bout, Pieter Jacobs Marius, Myndert Barentzen, Jan Cornelissen van Vlensburgh, Andries A ndriezen,from Sweden Gerrit Jansen Roos, Carpenter, Roelof Jansen, Mason, Jan Hendricksen, Chairman, Jacob Hughes, Surgeon, 180 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1657 April 14. Hendrick Pieterzen van Hasselt, Barent Gerritzen Tailor, Jacob Hendricksen Varvanger, Pieter Kock, Matys Capito, Abram Jacobsen, Carpenter, Aryaen Jansen van Straetkerck, Luycas Elderzen, Rynier Gaicheus van list, Jacob Kalf, Nicolaes Backer, Jacob Will van der Bos, Mason, Hendrick Hendricksen, Drummer Claes Pieterzen Kos, Jacob Leenderzen Vandiegrist, Jan Cornelissen Buys, Hendrick Jansen van Scalck- wyck, Jan Lubberzen, 1657 April 17. Resolvert Waldron, Jan Jansen Hagenaer, Carpenter, Wessel Everts, Egbert van Borsum, NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 181 1657 April 17. Abram Verplanck, Jan de Pree, Cooper, Geurt Coerten, Jan Peeck, Randel Huwit, Laurens Andries van Boskerck, Gerrit Gerritzen van Vrieslant, Tys Lubbertzen, Abram Lubberzen, Haey Oelefers, Jan Pieterzen van Struckhausen, Corns. Hendricksen, Rynier Wisselpenningh, Christaen Barentzen, Pieter Stoutenberg, Harman Smeeman, Egbert Wouterzen, Leendert Aerden, Jan Jansen Langedyck, Andries de Haes, Claes Tysen van Amsterdam, Frans Jansen vanBrestee, Cooper, Willem Koeck, 182 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1657 April 17. Albert Jansen, Carpenter, Bartel Jansen Roebel, George Holmes, Pieter Pieterzen, Carpenter, Hans Kierstede, Samuel Edsal, Hatter, Frerick Lubbertzen, Willem Simson, Englishman, Gerrit Cornelissen, Widow of Jan Huygen, Jacob Teunizen, Abram Clock, Albert Leendertzen, Jan Hendricksen van Gunst, Jan Pieterzen, Miller, Nicolaes Verleth, Herry Breser, Jacob Walingh, Borger Jorisen, 1657 April 18. Mettie Wessels, Jan Jansen van St. Obyn, Hendrick Arentzen, Herry Piers, Jacus Pryn, NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 183 1657 April 18. Jacob Stoffelzen, Andries Clasen, Tailor, Hendrick Jansen van Utrecht, Claes Pieterzen, Smith, Hendrick Barcntzcn, Pelgrom Klock, Reynier Gerritzen Vries, Joris van Vorst, Cooper, Willem Claesen, Butcher, Aert Willemsen, Claes Jansen Ruyter, Harmen Douwesen, Hendrick Volckerzen, Wolfert Gerritsen, Dirck Claesen, Pot-baker, Juryaen Blanck, Solomon la Chair, Claes Jansen van Suermarter, Frans Claesen, Huybert Hendricksen van Keulen, Harman Hendricksen van De venter, Shoemaker. 184 NEW NETHERLAND REGISTER. 1657 April 18. Hans Albertzen, Shoemaker, Carsten Diers van Bremen, Shoe maker, April 19. Abram d' la Nooy, 26. Luycas Andriezen, Dirck Siecken, Aryaen Symonzen, Pieter Rudolphus, Isack Greveraer, May 3. Jan Hutsitson, Englishman, ship- carpenter, Philip Jansen Ringo. INDEX Abramse, Cornelis, 100. Accounts, Commissaries of, 25. Achter Col, 7, 45, 108, 183, 164, 169. Achteenhoven, lord of, 7. Adriaenez v. Duyvelant, Jan 26, 29. Adriaensen, Joost, 72. Adriansen, Maryn, 53. Advocates, 122. Aerden, Leendert, 181. Aertsdalen (see Jansen). Agents, Provincial, 136. Ahasymus, 101. Albany, 156 (See Beverwyck ; Fort Orange). Albertzen, Hans, 184. Albrechts, Nicolas, 39. Allard, Francoys, 179. Allerton, Isaac, 64. Alrichs, Israel, 52. Alrichs, Jacob, 27, 50. Alrighs, Peter, 47, 51, 52. Altona, 46, 50, 108. Amboyna Tragedy, Second, xvi. Amersfoort. xiii, xvii, 33, 42, 55, 77, 78, 79, 104, 143, 144, 145, 147, 149. Amsterdam Chamber, Directors of the, 1. Andrifezen, Andries, 179. Andriessen, Lourens, 158, 163. Andriezen, Luycas, 184. Andriezsen, Peter, 177. Andros, Governor, xx. Anthony, Allard, 19, 67, 59, 61, 66, 67, 115, 123, 136, 153. Anthonissen, Cornelis, 133. Appel, Adrian Jans, 35. Arentzen Frerick, 178. Arentzen, Hendrick, 182. Arnold, Isaac, 45, 148. Ashman, Robert, 91, 92, 95. 24 Assembly, first legislative, 140, General, 147. Attorney General, 38. Auctioneers (See Vendue Masters). Audit, Board of, 25. Backer, Jacobus, 63, 64, 136, 138, 147, 160, 162, 175. Backer, Nicolaes, 180, (See Willem sen.) Backerus, Joannes, 118. Baeck, Anthony Lodewycksen, 112. Baker, John, 163. Bakers, Overseers of, 135. Baltimore, lord, xix. Bamboes, Harmen Jacobsen, 34. Baptists, xviii, 44. Barens, Joshua, 96. Barentsen, Christiaen, 113, 181. Barentse^Claes, 149. Barents, Frederick, 135. Barentzen, Hendrick, 183 (See Smit) Barentzen, Myndert, 179. Barentsen, Peter, 47. Barentse, Tys, 99. Barker, John, 98. Barnegatt, 159. Barry's court, 125. Bartels, Jonas, 36, 113. Bassett, Robert, 121. Bastiaensen, Michael, 99. Bastiaensen, Peter, 112. Baxter, George, 28, 54, 82, 83, 141, 142, 151. Baxter, Thomas, 141. Bayard, Balthazar, 29, 100, 107. Bayard, Nicolas, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 32, 103, 114, 163, 167. Bayles, John, 95. Bayley, Elias, 43, 110. Bayley, Nicholas, 98, 121. 186 INDEX. Beck, Johannes, 177. Beck, Jan Junansen, 50, 51, 108, 131. Beeckman, Cornelis, 148. Beeckman, Jochem, 175. Beeckman, William, 40, 46, 48, 51, 57, 60, 61, 62, 64, 66, 142, 152, 156. Beer barrels, Inspectors of, 116. Beeren Island fortified, xiv. Benckes, Jacob, 10, 22. Benedict, Thomas, 94. Bentyn, Jacques, 12, 13, 38, 52. Bergen, xviii, xix, 46, 100, 107, 110, 117, 133, 145, 148, 149, 158. Bergen, Martin Gerritsen van, 12. Berry, John, 163. Betts, Richard, 86, 87,88, 169. Betts, William, 98. Beverwyck, xiv, xvi, 156. Bibles imported, xvi, and sold by auction, xvii.* Bicker, Gerrit, 50. Bierman, Henrick, 34. Biljou, Peter, 45, 99, 107, 147. Blngson, Mathys, 46. Blanck, Juryaen, 183. Bleeker, Jan Jansen, 134. Block, Adrian, xi. Blom, Hermanus, 119. Blomfield, William, 87. Blommert, Adriaen, 62. Blommaert, Samuel, 7. Bloodgood, Francis, 45, 90, 149. Boerum, William Jacobse van 76, 77,146. Boes, Nicolaes, 23. Bogaert, Gysbert Teunissen, 148. Bogaert, Harmen Myndertsz van der 30, 48, 124. Bogaert, Teunis Gysbertse, 75, 146, 149. (See Quisbert ; Teunissen,.) Bogardus, Everardus, xv, 118, 128. Bogardus, Peter, 71. Bogardus, William, 25, 29, 175. Bol, Jan Claesen, 16. Boman, Nicholas, 102. Bommel, Hendrick van 176. Bond, Robert, 101. Bontemantel, Hans, 3, 4, 5. Book-keepers, 25. Boon, Francis, 69, 70, 109, 156. Bordingh, Claes, 178. Borsum, Egbert van, 117, 180. Borsum, Hendrick van, 135. Borsum, Sara van, 134. Bos, Jacob Will, van der 180. Boskerck, Lourens Andries van 181. Boston, 10. Boswyck, xix, 42, 43, 81, 104, 132, 145, 146, 148, 149. Bouchesne, Mathys, 111 . Boundary, 151, 152. Bout, Jan Evertsen, 15. 53, 54. 56, 57, 73, 133, 136, 157, 179. Bout, William, 37. Bowne, John, xix. Bowne, William, 82, 83, 84. Boyer, Alexander, 49. Bradish, James, 105. Braey, Gysbert, 51. Bread, Inspectors of, 116. Bredenbent, William, 39, 73, 74, 75, 145, 147. Bremen, Cartsen piers van, 184. Breser, Herry, 182. Bressani, Joseph, 122. Bresteede,Hendrick Jansen van,113. Breuckelen, xiv, xvii, xix, 33, 42, 43, 52, 55, 73, 104, 110, 119, 143, 144, 146, 147, 149, 157. Brewster, Nathaniel, 106. Briel, Tousyn, 178. Broersen, Jan 73. Brookhaven, 148. Brooklyn. (See Breuckelen.) Brouse, Edward, 83. Brouwer, Jan Jans, 11, 12. Browne, John, 108. Brudenell, Richard 34. Brugge. (See Tan Brugge). Bruynzen, Jochem, 178. Burgh, Coenraet, 4, 6. Burgher provost, 112. Burgher right, what, 173. Burghers, Great and Small, 176. Burgomasters and Schepens, 68. Burhans, Jan, 72. Burroughs, John, 87, 105. Burying ground, 131. Bushwick. (See Boswyck). Busset, John, 99. Buys, Jau Cornelissen, 180. Buys, Pieter Jacobsen, 176. Bylvelt, Peter, 11. INDEX. 187 Campanius, John, 121. Canada, trade with opened, xviii,139 Capito, Matthys, 26, 27, 81, 40, 104, 155, 180. Carelse, Joost, 130. Carpenel, Jan Jacobsen, 177. Carpenter, John, 95. Carpenters, Overseers of, 135. Cartensen, Claes, 133, 176. Cassie, Philip, 96. Casteleyn, Anthony, 6. Catjouw, Jan, 81. Catholics, 122. Cattle arrive in N. Netherland, xii. Cattskill, xiv, xv. Chambers, Thomas, 72, 147. Chaumonot, Peter J. M., 122. Chichester, James, 95. Christiaensen, Hendrick, 47. Christman, Andries Johannes, 28. Churches, xii, xiii, xiv, xviii, 153. Clasen, Andries, 183. Claessen, Dirck, 97, 159, 183. Claessen, Frans, 131, 183. Claessen, Peter, 78, 79, 145. Clasen, Sibout, 178. Claessen, Valentine, 99. Claessen, WiUiam 103, 183. Clark, James, 127. Claverack, xv. Clergymen, xii, xiii, xvii, xix, 118. Clerk, Cornelis, 5. Clerks in Secretary's office, 28. Clock, Abram, 182. Clock, Abraham Martins, 117. Clock, M. Cornelis, 126. Clock. Pelgrom, 123, 183. Cloeck, Peter, 6. Clopper, Cornells Jansen, 176. Cobes, Ludovicus, 110, 123. Cochrane, John, 87. Cock, Peter, 102, 180. Coe, Benjamin, 93. Coe, Dirck Dircksen, 133. Coe, John, 86, 87, 88. Coe, Mr., 91, 94. Coe, Eobert, 85, 94, 106, 142, 143. Cole, Lanaert, 28. Coles, Nathaniel, 95. Coenraatsen, Cornells, 19. Coerten, Geurt, 181. Colendonk, xiv, 8. Colve, Anthony, 23. Commissaries, of Accounts, 25 ; of Districts, 47 ; of Imports and Ex ports, what, 31 ; of Stores, 30. Commissioners, 150. Commonalty, Representatives of the, 52. Communipa, xviii. (See Gemoenepa) Comptroller, 25; of the Windmill, 25 Coney Island, xix. Coninck, Aldert, 177. Connecticut, 49, 84, 87, 88, 92, 95, 111, 139. Consoler of the sick, 129. Conspiracy agamst the English, alleged, 151. Conventions, 140. Cooke, John, 43, 83, 84. Cool, Barent Jacobzen, 177. Coopers, Overseers of, 135. Coorrt, Nicolas, 40. Coppe, Jacob Clasen, 176. Corlaer, Arent van, 104. (See Curler) Cornelis, Immetje, 127. Cornelissen, Adriaen, 97. Cornelissen, Gerrit, 182. Cornelissen, Jan, 130, 179. (See Tan Hoorn). Cornelissen, Peter, 57, 73, 79,117,135. Cornelissen v. Flensburgh, Sybrant, 126. Cornwell, Eichard, 166, 168. Corssen, Arent, 49. Corteljou, Jacques, 37, 41, 114, 157. Cortland, Oloff Stevensen van, 14, 21, 30, 54, 56, 59, 60, 61, 66, 67. 151, 152, 160, 162, 165, 167, 168. Cortland, Steven van, 64. Council, Members ofthe, 11. Courber, Wharimus van, 133. Court, President of the, 24. Court messengers, 109. CouBseau, Jacque6, 63, 161, 162. Consumer, Henry, 52. Couwenhoven, Gerrit Wolphertsen van, 54. Couwenhoven, Jacob W. van, 55, 56, 136, 174. Couwenhoven, Peter W. van, 37, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 115, 133; 142; 152, 156, 175. Couwenhoven, W. Gerritsen van, 75. 188 INDEX. Crabbe, Jacob, 102. Crane, Jasper, 101. Crato. Jan, 52. Cregier, Martin, 19, 21, 58, 59, 60, 66, 67, 113, 137, 141, 142, 150, 152, 156, 159, 160, 162, 163, 167, 174. Cregier, Martin, junr., 26, 27, 28, 167. Cresson, Peter, 96. Crol, Bastiaen Jansen, 47. Cromwell, Oliver, xviii. Croon, Dirck Jansen, 68, 69. Crynen, Dirck, 111, 112. Curacao, 15, 29. , Curler. Jacobus van, 12, 13, 30, 49, 57, 80, 105, 115, 131. Curtius, Alexander Carolus, 126, 131 Dablon, Claude, 122. Dam, Jan Jansen, 52, 54, 55. Daniels, Jan, 39, 46. David, Jan, 134, 161. De Beauvois, Carel, 110, 132. De Bleuw, Francis, 136. De Bruyn, Francis, 80, 105, 114, 146. Decker, Johannes de, 20, 21, 22, 25, 48, 123, 138, 154, 158, 161, 162. De Foreest, iBaac, 33, 34, 35, 57, 62, 116, 175. De Fries, Jan, 14. De Graeff, Cornelis, 6. De Groot, Gerrit, 111. De Groot, Jacob Pietersen, 9T. De Groot, Willem Pietersen, 178. De Haes, Andries, 181. De Haes, Roelof Jansen, 24. De Hooges, Anthony, 104. De Key, William, 22, 28. De la Nooy, Abram, 184. Delavall, Thomas, 167. Delaware river, 8, 27, 46, 47, 49, 102, 123, 127, 150, 156. DeLeeuw, Gysbert, 14. De Marest, David, 97, 99, 147. De Meyer, Nicolaes, 178. De Milt, Anthony, 41. Denton, Daniel, 94, 102, 105, 106, 160. Denton, Nathaniel, 93, 94, 95, 106. Denton, Eichard, 120. De Peyster, Johannes, 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, 67, 163, 165. De Potter, Cornelis, 122. De Pree, Jan, 181. Deputy Provincial Secretaries, 28. Dormer, Captain Thomas, xi. Deventer, Jan van, 81. (See Hen dricksen^ De Vos, Mattheus, 110, 123, 175. De Vries, David Pietersen, 52. De Witt, Jan, 117. De Witt, Peter Jansen, 81, 146. De Witt, Tierck Claessen, 72. Dincklage, Lubertus van, xv, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24, 115, 150. Dincklage, Margaretta van, 17. Dircksen, Adriaen, 31, 47. Dircksen, Barent, 54. Dircksen, Evert, 176. Dircksen, Gerrit, 53. Dircksen, Jan, 135, 177. Dircksen, Joris, 73, 74. Dircksen, Luycas, 178. Dircksen. Lysbet, 128. Dirckse, Volckert, 82. Directors of Amsterdam Chamber,!. Directors General, 9. Disbrow, Henry, 99. Douty, Francis, 54, 120. Douwesen, Harmen, 134, 183. Draeyer,Andrew, 40, 48. Dreper, Hans, 177. Drisius, Samuel, xvi, 118, 138. Du Bois, Louis, 72. Du Parck, Jan, 126. Dnperon, Francis, 122. Duyckipck, Evert, 31, 113, 178. Duyster, Dirck Cornelissen, 47. Duyvelant. (See Adriaensz). Dyckman, Hugh, 101. Dyckman, Joannes, 25, 48, 161. Earthquake, xix. Eastchester, 98. Easthampton, 96, 107, 148, 165. Ebbingh, Jeronimus, 62, 63, 64. Ebel, Peter, 111, 134. Edsall. Samuel, 163, 182. Edwards, Harman, 158. Eelkins, Jacob, 47. Egbertzen, Barent, 17T. Eight Men, the, 48. Elbertsen, Elbert. (See Stoothof). Eldersen, Hendrick, 31. Elderzen, Luycas, 180. Elderzen, Stoffel, 178. Elizabethtown, 45, 101. Elslant, Claes vau, !£, 80,109,115,1719. INDEX. 189 Emans, John, 85. Engelbrecht, Jan, 135. English, New Netherland usurped hy the, 10. English Secretaries, 28. Ennesen, Barent, 136. Epesteyn, Carel, 165, 166, 167. Esopus, xvi, xvii, xix; 21, 27, 40, 48, 57, 59, 60, 64, 104, 126, 128, 132, 156. 158. Everett, Eichard, 93. Everts, Cornelis, 10, 22, 37. Everts, Wessel, 180. Excise Law introduced, xiv ; re> ferred to, 33, 34, 35. Fairs established, xv. Farmers of the Revenue, 33. Farrington, Edward, 88, 89. Feake, Henry, 85, 86. Feake, Tobias, 42, 142, 155. Felle, Symon, 178. Ferman, Eobert, 95. Ferry masters, 117. Fire Island, ship wrecked at, xviii. Firewardens, 113. Fiscal. (See Schout-Fiscals). Fish, Jonathan, 86. Fisher Edward, 105. Five Dutch Towns, the, 42, 105, 114. Five English Towns, 45, 106. Flatbush, xvi. (See Midwout). Flatlands, xiii. (See Amersfoort). Flipsen, Fredrick, 176. Flushing, xiv, xvii, 27, 36, 42, 45, 88, 105, 106, 110, 120, 142, 149, 155. Folcks 127. Fordham, 99, 107. Fordham, JoBiah, 120. Fordham, Eobert, 120. Forman, Eobert, 92. (See Ferman). Fort Amsterdam completed, xiii. Fort Casimir, xvi, xvii, 4, 6, 50, 51. 108. Fort Christina, xiii, 121. Fort Good Hope, xii, xvi, 49, 139. Fort Nassau, near Albany, xi. Fort Nassau (N. J.), xii, 47, 48, 49. Fort Orange, xii, xiv, xviii, 20, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 47, 67, 68, 103, 109, 110, 119, 126, 132, 147, 151. (See Beverwyck.) Fort Trinity, xvii. Frans. Thomas, 178. Fredericks, Thomas, 100, 176. Fremin, Jacques, 122. Fullwever, Gerrit, 176. Gabry, Timotheus, 63, 64, 103, 114, 162. Gaicheus van list, Eynicr, 180. Galma, Sybrant Jansen, 178. Gangelofl'sen, Claes, 113. Geelvinck, Cornelis, 6. Geerts, Tryntie, 134. Gemoenepa, 100, 159. GerritBen, Adriaen, 69, 70, 156. Gerritsen, Barent, 180. Gerritsen, Gerrit, 100, 159, 181. Gerritsen, Goosen, 70. (See Tan Schaack). Gerritsen, Jan, 158, 179. Gerrits, Otto, 37. Gerritsen, Philip, 117. Gerritsen, Wolfert, 183. Gezel, Cornelis van, 51, 52, 108. Gezel, Hendrick Gerritsen van. 111. Gibbons, Richard, 43. Gilbert, Josias, 98. Gilder, Johannes van, 131. Gildersleeve, Richard, 85, 90, 91, 92. Glen, Sander Leenderstsen, 68, 69, 70, 71. Goderis, Joost, 177. Godyn, Samuel, 7. GoetwaBser, Joannes Ernestus, 121. Goulding, William, 105. Grace, George, 139. Grain measurers, 116. Grasmeer, Wilhelmus, 119. Gravesend, xiii, xiv, xvii, 42, 43, 82, 105, 140, 141, 142, 143, 152. Grevenraet, Isaac, 40, 63, 64, 163, 184. Guiljamsen, William, 77, 147. (See Willemse). Gnisbert, Teunis, 79. (See Bogaert). Gunst, Jan Hendricksen van, 182. Gysbertsen, Albert,72. (See Meteren) Hackingsack, 153. Haen, Laurens, 30. Haes. (See Be Haes). Hagenaer, Jan Jan Ben, 180. Hainelle, Michel, 104. Hall, Thomas, 54, 56, 113. Hallet, William, xviii, 44, 90. 190 INDEX. Hamel, 104. Hanius, Joannes, 17. Hanoe, John, 101. Hanout, B, 104. Hansen, Laurens, 133. Hansen, Matys, 102. Harck, William, 44, Hardenbergh, Arnoldns van, 55, 56. Hardenbrook, Adolph, 100. Harlem, xix, 41, 96, 103, 132, 145, 147. Harling, Jan Pietersen, 97. Harmenzen, Hendrick, 176. Harmensen, Reynert, 11. Hart, Edward, 36, 105. Hartford, xvi, 9. Hartgers, Peter, 68, 69. Harvey, Mathias, 100. Hatem, Arent van, 57, 58, 59, 135, 142, 152. Hawthorne, William, 139. Hays, William, 125. Hazard, Jonathan, 88. Hazard, Thomas, 85, 142, 143. Heerman, Augustyn, 55, 56, 137, 138, 156. Hegeman, Adriaen,42, 76,104,132,145. Hegeman, Peter, 42. Heflakens, Jacob, 80. Hempstead, xiv, 34, 44, 45, 90, 105, 106, 110, 120, 140, 143, 146, 149, 155. Hendricksen, Corns., 181. Hendricksen, Frederick, 135. Hendricks, Gerrit, 34, 35, 36, 37. Hendricksen van Deventer, Har men, 183. Hendricksen, Hendrick, 180. Hendricksen van Keulen, Huybert, 183. Hendricksen, Jan, 102, 133, 179. (See Deventer). Hendricksen, Eoeloff, 72. Hendrickzen, Tryntie, 177. Herbertsen, Andries, 68, 69, 70. Herder, Peter Petersen, 52, 102. Hermans, Arent, 97. Herman, Ephraim, 29, 103, 164. Hervey, Jan, 126. Hesse, Jacob Jansen, 12. Heymans, Albert 71. Heymans, Paulus, 134, 178. Hicks, John, 44, 88, 90, 91, 92, 142. HUI, Mr. 139. Hinchman, John, 90. Hinojossa, Alexander d\ 48, 51, 156. Hinse, Jacob d', 126. Hoboken, xvii. Hoboken, Harmen van, 131. Hoit, John, 98. Holdsworth, Jonas, 106. Holmes, George, 116, 182. Homs, Samuel 85. Hooft, Hendrick, 6. Hoogeboom, Cornelis, 72. Hooghteling, Jan Willemsen, 72. Hooglant, Christoffel, 64, 116. Hoogland, Cornelis Dircksen, 117. Hopkins, Samuel, 101, 108. Hopman, Hans, 51. Happen, Andries, 177. Hospital, Matron of the, 128 ; first ou Manhattan island, 128. Houten, Hans Jorissen, 47. Houthuysen, Dirck, 136. Howell, Edward, 96. Hubbard, James, 43, 82, 83, 84, 141, 142, 169. Hubert, Jeronimus de, 164. Hudde, Andries, 12, 27, 30, 37, 46, 49, 50, 51, 108, 130. Hudson, Henry, discovers New Ne therland, v, vi. Hudson river, first English at, xii ; declared free, xvi. Huesden,Laurens'van, 31. Huestis, Robert, 98. Hugues, Jacobus, 126, 179. Hunt, Ralph, 86, 87, 88. Huntington, 45, 107, 148, 168. Hurley, 72. Hutchinson, Thomas, 96, 148. Hutsitson, Jah, 184. Hewit, Eandel, 181. Huyghens, Cornelis van der, 13, 14, 15, 38. Huyghens, Hendrick, 60. Huyghen, Jan, 30, 182. Ilpendam, Adrian, 130. Ilpendam, Jan Jansen van, 49. Imbroch Gysbert van, 72, 126, 147. Independents, 120. Indian Interpreters, 133. Indians, 153, 156,' 158. Influenza, xv. Inspection laws introduced, xiii. INDEX. 191 Inspectors, 115. Isaacksen, Arent, 176. Jacobsen, Abram, 180. Jacobsen van Schagen, Claes, 134. Jacobsen, Rutger, 68, 70. Jacobs. William, 93. Jacobse, Walinck, 100. Jackson, Robert, 92, 93. Jacquet, Jean Paul, 50, 113. Jailer, 112. Jamaica, (L. I.), 44, 45. (See Bust- dorp). James, John, 105, 106. James, Thomas, 148. Jans, Annetje, 128. Jansen, Albert, 182. Jansen, Adriaen, 35. Jansen, Andries, 132. Jansen, Anthony, 110. Jansen van Vlieringen, .Arent, 111. Jansen, Arian, 130, 180. Jans, Auke, 78, 149. Janse, Barent, 71. Jansen, Claes, 101. Jansen, Cornelis, 176. Jansen, Cryn, 149. Jansen van Brestee, Frans, 181. Jansen, Foppe, 32. Jansen, Hendrick, 13, 53,113,180,183 Jansen, Isaac, 125. Jansen van Noorstrande, Jacob, 116 Jansen de Jongh, Jan, 113, Jansen, Marceiis, 33, 35. Jansen van Breuckelen, Martin, 78, Jansen, Maurits, 30, 31. Jansen, Michael, 56, 100, 116, 176. Jansen, Paulus, 50, 51. Jansen, Peter, 135, 175. Jansen, Bern, 76. Jansen, Eoeloff, 36, 179. . Jansen van Aertsdalen, Simon, 79. 143. Jansen, Stoffel, 71. Jansen, Teunis, 75. Jansen, Thomas, 81. Jansen, Tryn, 128. Jansen, Tymen, 135. Jansen, Volckert, 68. Jansen, William, 117, 176, Jessnp, Edward, 86, 98. Jessup, John, 148. Jesuits, xviii, Jochemzen, Andries, 179. Jochimsen, David, 81, 148. Jochemsen, Hendrick, 72. Jogues, Isaac, xiii, xiv, 122. Jongh, Jan de, 175. Joosten, Barent, 81, 146. Joosten, Bores, 102. Joosten, Jan, 73, 158. Joosten Eutger, 144. Joosten, Simon, 109, 110. Joris, Adriaen, 9. Joris, Hellegonda, 120. Jorissen, Abram, 80. Jorissen, Borger, 182. Jorissen, Hendrick, 77, 78, 144, 146. Juriaensen, Barent, 85. Kalf, Jacob, 180. Keulen. (See Hendricksen). Keyser, Adrian, 16, 17, 18, 25, 26, 27, 113, 114, 137, 150. Kieft, William, 9, 15, 16, 53. Kierstede, Hans, 124, 125, 182. Kierstede, Eoeloff, 72. Kierstede, Sara, 134. Kings county, 42.. Kingston. (See Wiltwyck). Kip, Hendrick, 55, 56, 62, 102, 113, 115. 174, 178. Kip, Isaac, 174. Kip, Jacob, 27, 28, 62, 63, 64, 103, 144, 167. , Kleyn, Elmerhuysen, 51, 52. Klock. "(See Clock). Knyff, William, 23, 38, 164. Kock. (See Cock). Kockuyt, Joost, 149. Kocx, Gerrit, 33. Koeck, Willem, 181. Konick, Frederick de, 154. Kos, Claes Pietersen, 180. Kreeckenbeck, Daniel, 47. Krol, Bastiaen Jansen, 14. Kuyter, Jochim Pietersen, xv, 13, 41, 57, 61. Labadie, Jean, 47. Laborers, Overseers of, 134. Lachair, Solomon, 34, 35, 123, 183, La Grange, Joost de; 50, 102. Lake Champlain discovered, xi, Lake George discovered, xiv. Lake Ontario discovered, xi, Lambertzen, Thomas, 178, 192 INDEX. Lammertse, Thomas, 76. Lampo, Jan, 11, 12, 38. Langedyck, Jan Jansen, 181. Langevelt, Cornelis, 179. Langvelthuysen, 175. Latin school, 118, 131. Laughton, John, 106. Layton John, 87. Le Bleu, Francis, 122. Landts verg;idering, 144. Lantsingh, Hendrick, 134. Lawrence, John, 105, 151, 159, 160, 168, 169. Laurence, Thomas, 105, Lawrence, William, 45, 88, 89, 155, 161, 166. Laurents, Arent, 158. Leendertzeu, Albert, 182. Legislative Assembly, firBt, 140. Leisler, Jacob, 167. Le Mercier, Francois, 122. Le Moyne, Simon, 122, 139. Lequier, John, 81. Letcher, Jan, 81. Le Thor, Johan, 2. Leunizen, Jacob, 178. Leverich. William, 120, 127. Leydecker, Eyck, 81, 145. Lime measurers, 116. Litscheo, Daniel, 113, 175. Lokenius, Laurence Charles, 121. Long Island, xii, xvi, xvii, xix, xx, 19, 33, 34, 35, 36, 107, 117, 119, 146, 148, 149, 153, 154, 163, 164. Loockermans, Govert, 55, 56, 57, 62, 63, 67, 113, 133, 151, 159. Lookermans, Jacob, 161. Looten, Dirck, 29, 32. Loner, Jacob, 16. L'Orague, Jacob, 124, 126. Lord, John, 97, 93. Lott, Peter, 76, 78. Lourentsen, Andries, 48. Lourenzen, Pieter, 179. Lourizen, Arent, 177. Lovelace, Gov. 165. Lubberzen, Abram, 181. Lubbertsen, Frederick, 53, 73, 75, 143, 144, 182. Lubbertsen, Jan, 29, 131, 158, 180. Lubbertzen, Tys, 181. Luby, Jacob, 158. Ludekens, David, 127. Lupoid, Ulrich, 13, 30, 38. Lutherans, xvii, xviii, 121. Lutten, Walraven, 99. Luyck, JSgidius, 60, 118, 131, 165. Maelstyn, Sander, 102. Maenhout, Boudewyn, 132. Magistrates, 68. Manepart, Anthony, 164. Man, Edward, 2, 3, 4, 6. Mangnussen, Mangnus, 135. Manhattan Island, first settlement on, xi : Population of, xii ; xvi : mentioned, 52, 55, 168 : first Hos pital on, 128. Mamaroneck, 99. Maps, 157. Marbletown, 73. Marcellisen, Peter, 100. Marcken, Jan Gerritsen, van, 36, 40, 123. Marius, Pieter Jacobs, 179. Marlet, Gideon, 99. Martense, Eoeloff, 78, 80. (See Schenck). Marvine, Eobert, 106. Maryland, xix, 138. Masons, Overseers of, 135. Massachusetts, xviii, 139. Mastine, John, 44, 110. Matthews, Gov., 138. Mathews, Samuel, 93. Mattyssen. (See Smack). Measurers of grain and lime, 116. Megapolensis, Joannes, 118, 119, 153, 161, 174. Megapolensis, Johannes, junr, 126. Megapolensis, Samuel, 118, 126, 161, 162. Melyn, Cornelis, xv, 8, 54. Melyn, Jacob, 101, 163. Menard, Eene, 122. Mens, Jacob, 176. Messenger, Andrew, 93, 94. Meteren, Jan Gysbertse van, 81. Mey, Cornelis Jacobsen, 9. Meyer, Nicolaus, 64, 163. Michaelius, Jonas, 118. Michielsen, Christopher, 112. Michielse, Elias, 100. Michielse, Enoch, 100. INDEX. 193 Middleburgh, 43, 45, 85, 105, 106, 110, 120, 127, 132, 140, 149, 153, 159. (See Newtown). Middletown, 45. Midwives, 128. Midwout, xvii, 33, 42, 76, 79, 119, 132, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 149, 153. Miller, Andrew, 148. Millers, 117. Mills, Eichard, 107, 120. 132. Minckaque, 101. Minuit, Peter, xiii, 9. Minvielle, Gabriel, 165, 168. Mol, Lambert Huybertzen, 176. Molenaar, Arent Evertsen, 133. Mollenaer, Jacob, 125. Mollenaer, Thomas, 98. Montagne, Jesse La, 31. Montagne, Johannes La, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 48. 49, 115, 124, 125, 141, 142, 160, 151, 152, 153, 155, 158, 174. Montagne, Johannes La, junr., 26, 34, 41, 96, 97. 113. Montagne, Johanues Momie de La, 130, 132. Montagne, William La, 104. Montfoort, Peter, 74. Moody, Sir Henry, 139. Moore, John, 120. More, Thomas, 96. Morgan, Charles, 42, 143. Morris, John, 43. Mott, Adam, 160. Mulford, John, 96. Mulier, Hendrick, 39. Muyden, Michel, 97. Myndertsen, Jan Jansen, 11. Meyndertsen v. Keren, Meyndert, 7. Naerden, Pieter Casperseu van, 176. Nagel, Jan, 177. Naval officer, 23. Nederhost, lord of, 7. Negroes, 134. Nevesinck, 8. Nevius, Johannes, 61 103. New Amstel, xviii, 6, 46, 47, 50, 51, 102, 108, 119, 121, 133. ¦ New Amsterdam, xv, 24, 33, 34, 35, 36, 41, 42, 55, 57, 65, 103, 109, 110, 113, 114, 121, 123, 129, 143, 144, 147, 162, 153, 161, 174. 25 Newark, 45, 101, 108. New England, 35, 137, 151. New Haven, xv, 137. New Jersey, xiv, xix, 45, 52, 163. Newman, Thomas, 97, 98. New Netherland discovered, v, xi ; population of, xiv, xx; surren dered, 162. New Orange, xx, 41, 103, 148, 149, 163, 165, 166, 167, 168. New Plymouth, trade opened with, xii. Newton, Brian, 15, 17, 18, 32, 138,154. Newton, Thomas, 43. Newtown, xvi, 45, 142, 143, 155. (See Middleburgh). New Utrecht, xiv, xvi, xix, 8, 19, 42, 43, 80, 105, 144, 145, 146, 148, 149, 157, 166. New Village in the Maizeland, 46. New York, xx ; first glimmer of a representative form of govern ment in, 52. Nichels, Abraham, 175. Nicolls, Eichard, 161. Niessen, ensign, 48. Nine Men, the, 55. Noble, William, 89, 90, 126. Noorstrande. (See Jansen). Nooy. (See De la Nooy.) Notaries, 123. Notelman, Coenraad, 38. Nyack, (L. I.), xvi, 8. Nyssen, Teunis, 74, 75. Oblinis, Joost, 97. Odel, Eichard, 168. Oelefers, Haey, 131. Ogden, John.45, 101, 163. Oldemarckt, Willem Cornelissen, 14 Onondaga Salt Springs discovered, xvi ; French settle at, xviii. Oosting, Jan, 127. Opdyck, Gysbert, 13, 15, 31, 49, 54, 109, 154. Orphan masters, 65. Orphans, Matron of, 127. Oswego, xvi. Overseers, 134. Oysterbay, xvii, 45, 95, 106, 111, 153, 164. Paauw, Michael, 7. Palmer, Joseph, 98. 194 INDEX. Palmer, William, 86. Pampton, Eichard, 98. Pater, A., 2. Pastoor, Frans Barentsen, 68, 70. Patroons, 7. Pauluszoon, Michel, 49, 118, 177. Pauw, Jan, 125. Pavonia, xii, xvii, 7, 4S, 52, 55. Peeck, Jan, 181. Pels, Evert, 71, 72. Pergens, Jacob, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Perie, Jan de, 179. Pettit, Thomas, 43. Philadelphia, xiv. Philips. (See Flipsen.) Physicians, 124. Pickes, Vincent, 26. Piers, Herry, 182. Pierson, Henry, 107. Pietersen, Abram, 53, 54, 117, 179. Pieterzen, Adolph, 177. Pietersen, Claes, 183. Pietersen, Cors, 177. Pietersen, Evert, 131, 133. Pietersen, Gerrit, 176. Pietersen, Gillis, 135. Pietersen, Hendrick, 135, 180. Pietersen, Jacob, 80, 144. Pietersen, Jan, 112, 125, 182. Pietersen, Paulus, 158. Pieterzen, Pieter, 182. Pieters, Eyndcrt, 177. Pieterzen van StruckhauBen, Jan. 181. Pietersen van Bossaert, William, 135 Pietersen, Wybrant, 30, 115. Piscattaway, 45, 102, 169. Planck, Abram, 53. Planck, Jacob Albertsen, 39. Piatt, Isaac, 95, 148. Plowden, Sir Edmund, xiv. Plyne, Nicolas d' la, 179. Polhemus, Joh. Theod., 119. Poncet, Joseph, xvi, 122, Pos, Lodewyck, 178. Pos, Simon Dircksen, 11, 12. Post, Adrian, 153. Potter, Cornelis de, 78. Poulizen, Claes, 179. Powell, Thomas, 107. Provincial Agents, 136. Provincial Secretaries, 27. Provoost, David, 30, 31, 42, 49, 55, 57, 115, 123, 130, 151. Proovost, Johannes, 25, 32, 103. Provost marshals, 111. Pryn, Jacus, 182. Puritans refused permission to go to New Netherland, xi. Quakers, xviii, xix, 89, 93. Quirynsen, Carel, 165. Quit rents introduced, xiii ; referred to, 154. Rambo, Peter, 102. Eamsden, John, 87. Eapalje, George, 53, 73, 74. Eapalje, Jan Jorissen, 75. Rapalie, Jeronimus, 149. Ragueneau, Paul, 122. Raritan, xix, 159. Rasenburgh, William, 127. Rasieres, Isaac de, 11, 25, 27. Ravens, E., 108. Eaye, Jehan, 1. Eeceiver general, 24. Eeligious persecution, xvii. Eemund, Jan van, 27. Eenselaerswyck, xii, xv, xvi, 7, 12, 39, 40, 104, 110, 119, 147, 151. Representatives of Commonalty, 52. Eevenue, Farmers of the, 32. Eeynir, Joseph, 148. Eeynst, Jacobus, 4. Rhode Island, 137. Ehodes, John, 103. Eichards, John, 139. Eickbell (Eigebell), John, 95, 111. Eingo, Philip Jansen, 184. Eodenberch, Johannes, 28. Eoebel, Bartel Jansen, 182. Roelantsen, Adam, 31, 111, 129. Roessen, Jan Hendrick, 49. Roeters, Hendrick, 6. Rombouts, Francis, 54, 167. Eoos, Gerrit Jansen, 179. Eoosa, Adriaen Albertsen, 72. Roose, Albert Hymanse, 158. Eoot, Simon, 133. Eossum, Huyg Aertsen van, 73. Eoy masters, 115. Eudolphua, Pieter, 184. Rustdorp, xviii, 45, 93, 106, 149. (See Jamatca). Rutgersen, Jan, 175. INDEX. 195 Ruyter, Claes Jansen, 133, 134, 183. Ruyven, Cornelia van, 20, 21, 22. 23, 24, 27, 137, 150. 151, 152, 154, 155, 156, 159, 160, 161, 163, 166, 167, 168, 169. Ruyven, Levinus van, 29. Ruyven, Peter, 29. Eycken, Abram, 178. Ryckhaert, Joannes, 1, 2. 4. Eynvelt, 127. Rynevelt, Abraham, 51. Eynhoutsen, Eynhout, 177. Ryverdingh, Peter, 103, 110. St. Obyn, Jan Jansen van, 182. Salt Springs discovered, xvii. Sam, Jacob, 26, 32, 33. Sandersen, Thomas, 178. Sandford, William, 163. Saul, Thomas, 88. Schaefbanck, Peter, 109, 175. Schaets, Gideon, 119. Schelluyne, Dirck van, 104, 110, 123. 147, 176. Schenck, Roeloff Martense, 145, 149. Schenectady, xix, xx, 40, 71, 123. Schermerhoorn, Jacob Jansen, 68. 69, 71, Schoolmasters, xii, 120, 129. Schools, xix, 55, 118; Greek and Latin, 131. Schout fiscals, 38 ; deputy, 39 : lo cal, 39. Schryver, Jan, 179. Schulenborch, Ferd, 1, 2. Schut, Gerrit, 125. Schut, Jan Willemsen, 30. Schudt, William Jansen, 73. Schuyler, David, 71. Schuyler, Philip Pietersen, 68, 69. 70. Scott, John, xx, 84, 87, 146, 160. Seaman, John, 90, 91, 93. Seatalcot, 45, 106, 107. Secretaries, provincial, 27 ; deputy. 28 ; English, 28 ; clerks of, 28. Selyns, Henricus, 119. Shaving not an exclusive appurten ance of chirurgery, 124. Sheriffs. (See Schout fiscals.) Shrewsbury, 45, 101. Siecken, Dirck, 184. Siecken, Jan Dircksen, 101, Sille, Mcassiiis fle, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 29, 38, 43, 150, 152, 157, 159, 162. Simson, Willem, 182. Skidmore, Thomas, 148. Slaughter excise, 34, 37. Slavery established, xii ; slaves im ported, xvi. Slecht, Cornelis Barentsen, 71, 128. Slechtenhorst, Brant Arent van, 40. Slechtenhorst, Gerrit van, 40, 71, 147. Slot, Jan Pietersen, 96, 97. Smack, Hendrick Mattysen, 81, 149. Smallpox, xix. Smally, John, 102. Smeeman, Herman, 100, 148, 159,181. Smith, Dirck, 48, 50. Smit. Hendrick Barentse, 82, 149. Smith, John, 93, 98. Smith, Eichard, 54, 168. Smiths, Overseers of, 136. Snedicker, Jan, 76, 77, 146. Snel, Capt., 164. Sol, Jan, 166. Somers, John, 143. Soselje, Frans, 179. Southampton, 45, 90, 96, 106, 107, 148, 165,. Southold, 45, 107, 148, 165. South river, 8, 9, 10, 19, 21, 32, 33, 47. (See Delaware.) Specx, J., 1, 2. Spicer, Samuel. 84. Spicer, Thomas, 83, 143. Spiegel, Dirck, 5. Staets, Abraham, 69, 70, 126, 166. Staten island, xii xiii, xvii, 8, 45, 99, 107, 147, 166, 167. Steenauysen, Engelbert, 100, 133. 148. Steenwick, Cornelis, 23, 60, 62, 67, 136, 137, 147, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165, 166, 167, 169, 175. Steinmits, Caspar, 100, 175. Stevensen, Coert, 79, 80. Stevensen, John, 130. Stevenson '1 horaas, 155. Steyn, Hans, 130. Steynmits, Claes, 149. Stickland, John, 91, 94. Stille, Oloff,* 102, Stillwell, Nicolas, 78, 82, 83. 196 INDEX. Stillwell, Richard, 84, 85. Stirling, Lord, Long island con veyed to, xiii. Stodder, Tymen, 127. Stoers, Claes Arentse, 46, 107, 111. Stoffelsen, Jacob, 15, 30, 53, 54, 134, 183. Stoothof, Elbert Elbertsen, 56, 78, 79, 80, 143, 145, 147. . Stoutenberg, Peter, 181. Stretton, John, 96. - Strycker, Jacob, 42, 61, 62, 63, 67, 143, 149, 166. Strycker, Jacob Geritsen, 174. Strycker. Jan, 76, 77, 78, 143, 144, 147, 149, 153. Stuyvesant, Peter, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 61, 146, 162, 174. Suermarter, Claes Jansen van, 183. Surgeons, 124. Surveyors general, 37 ; city, 115. Swaen, Jan, 158. Swaenenburgh, xx, 72. Swanendael, xii, 7. Swaine, Francis, 87. Swart, Gerrit, 40. Swartwout, Roeloff, 40, 104. Swartwout, Thomas, 76, 143. Swedes settle on the Delaware, xiii. Swedish settlement, 50. Sweringen, Gerrit van, 46, 51, 108. Symonzen, Aryaen, 184. Talmadge, Thomas, 107. Tapaan, 7, 8. Taylor, Henry, 126. Tayspil, Joannes, 6. Teene, Isaac, 177. Ten Broeck, Wessel, 72. Ten Eyck, Coenraet, 177. Tenths, Farmers of the; 36 ; referred to, 154. Terneur, Daniel, 96, 97, 147. Terri, Eobert, 88, 155. Teunissen, Cornelis, 40. Teunissen, Gysbert, 81, 82, 145 (See Bogaert.) Teunissen, Jacob, 39, 182. Teunissen, Jan, 42. Teunizen. Joost, 176. Thomassen. Jelmer, 16, 23. Throg's Neck, xiii. Tienhoven, Adriaen van, 24, 28, 31. Tienhoven, Cornelis van, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 27, 38, 115, 136, 137, 138, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 174. Tilje, Jan, 81. Tilton, John, 85, 105. Timmerman, Paulus, 2, 3, 4. Tinnecum, 50, 102. Tobacco inspectors, 115. Toe, Samuel, 87. Tomassen, Jan, 68, 69. (See Tan Dyck.) Tomazen, Tennis, 179. Tonneman, Peter, 20, 21, 41, 42, 154, 155, 162. Toorn, William, 88. Topping Thomas, 90. Torkillus, Eeorus, 121. Town clerks, 103. Town crier, 112. Town treasurers, 109. Townsend, John, 88, 93. Townsend, Eoger, 166. Tonnsen, Thomas, 95, 168. Tray, Philip de, 109. Tulp, Nicholas, 6. Turnkey, 112. Twelve men, the, 52. Tysen, Claes, 178, 181. Underhill, John xiv, xvi, 15, 44, 54, 88, 160. Underhill, Petronella, 38. Upland, 47. Vaile, t nomas. 98. Valckenier, Gillis, 6. Valentine, Richard. 110. Van Aecken, Jan Kostersen, 71. Van Bael, Jan Hendricks, 71. Van Baerle, David, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6. Van Beeck, Isaac, 1, 2, 3, Van Brugge, Carel, 26, 27, 28, 33 48, 106, 154, 155, 164, 174. Van Brugge, Jan Gillisen, 174. Van Brugh, Johannes, 60, 61, 62, 63, 67, 163, 165, 166, 167. Van Brugh, Johannes Pietersen, 62, OS. 136, 175. (See Verbrugge.) Van Brunt, Butger Joosten, 80. INDEX. 197 Van Cleef, Jan, 148. Vander Beeck, Paulus, 33, 36, 117, 125, 143, 176. Van den Bergh, Peter Jansen, 126. Vander Capelle, Hendrick, 8, 17. Vander Donck, Adriaen, xiv xv, xvi, 8, 16, 39, 56, 122, 136. 150. Vandergrist, Jacob L., 116, 180. Vandergrist, Johannes L., 116. Vandergrist, Paulus Leenderts, 16, 17, 23, 57, 59, 60, 61, 66, 115, 141, 142, 143, 144, 150, 151, 152, 161, 162. Vander Linde, Peter, 116, 125, 130. Vander Sluys, Andries, 132. Vander Spiegel, Lourens, 64. Vander Veen, Peter Cornelissen, 65, 156, 175. Vander Veen, Walewyn, 123. Vander Vin, Hendriok Jansen, 62, 103. Vander Walle, Hendrick, 29. Van de Water, Jacobus, 26, 165, 168, 169. Van Dyck, Cornelis, 71. Van Dyck, Gregorius, 46. Van Dyck, Hendrick, 13, 16, 17, 18, 38, 174. Van Dyck, Jan Tomassen, 80, 81. Van Elst. (See Gaicheus.) Van Gheel, Maximilian, 60, 151, Van Ham, Jan Jansen, 178. Van Hoorn, Jan Cornelissen, 178. (See Cornelissen.) Van Loon, Nicholas, 6. Van Nes, Abraham, 108, 123. Van Nes, Peter Petersen, 144. Van Rensselaer, Jeremias, 136, 147. Van Renselaer, Kiliaen, 7. Van Schaaick, Goosen Gerritsen, 69. (See Gerritsen.) Van Twiller, Wouter, 9. Van Vleeck, Tielman, 46, 100, 123. Van Vorst, Cornelis, 49. Van Vorst, Joris, 183. Varlet, Abram, 29, 164, Varlet, Nicholas, 32, 35, 138. Varrevauger, Jacob Hendricks, 124, 125, 128, 180. Vedder, Herman, 71. Vendue masters. 114. Verbeeck, Jan, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 147. Verbraack, C, J., 108. Verbrugge, Johannes Pietersen, 66. (See van Brugh.) Verdon, Thomas, 75. Verdonck, Thomas, 146. Verhulst, William, 9. Verleth, Nicolaes, 162, 182. Verplanck, Abram, 131. Verplanck, Gelyn, 64, 165, 168. Verstius, William, 130. Verveelen, Johannes, 97, 99, 107, 147. Veryn, Jan Jansen, 166. Videt, Jean, 176. Vincent, Adrian, 177. Vinge, Jan, 61, 62, 63, 174. Virginia, xix, 35, 138. Volck, Israel Bensen, 111. Volckerzen Hendrick, 183. Voocht, Gillis de, 134. Voorhees, Coert Stevensen van, 147, 149. Vos, Balthazar, 80. Vos, Hans, 39. Vos, Nicolas, 164. Vosch, Balthazar, 146i Vreucht, Peter, 125. Vries, Reynier Gerritsen, 183. Waalboght, xiii. Waldron, Eesolved, 39, 41, 42, 97, 111, 134, 138, 180. I Walingen, Jacob, 53. ' Walker, Zachariah, 120. | Wallingh, Jacob, 182. Walraven, Thomaa, 135. Wampum, xiii. Wantenaar, Albert Cornelissen, 73, 74, 75, 145, 147, 154. Ward, John, 101. Wardill, Eleakin, 101. Washburn, William, 91, 143. Waters, Edward, 98. Webber, Wolfert, 97. Weigh house, 33, 34, 35, 36. Weights and measures, inspectors of, 116. Welius, Everardus, 119. Wendel, Evert, 67, 70. Werckhoven, Cornelis van, 8, 18, 19, 141, 142. Wessels, David, 126. Wessels, Harman, 126; Wessels, Mettie, 182. 198 INDEX. Wessels, Warnaer, 32, 33, 34, 35, 116, 175. WeBtchester, xiii, xv, xvii, xviii,, xix, 41, 97, 107, 121, 154, 166. Westerhout, Adriaen Jansen van, 135. Westerhout, Jan Jansen, 135. Wharton, William, 37. Wheeler, Thomas, 41, 97. Whitehead, Daniel, 91. Whiteman, Joseph, 95. Whiteman, Nathan, 99. Whiting, Mr., 139. Whorekill, 47, 51, 102, 156. Wickendam, William, 120. Wil, Lourens C'irnelisen, 175. Wilburch, Hilletje, 128. Wildie, Eichard, 90. Wilkins, William, 82, 83, 84, 143. Willemsen, Aert, 183. Willemsen, Hendrick, 113, 116, 135, 177. Willemsen, Jan, 52, 99. Willemsen, Eeynier, 113. Willemsen, William, 77. Willemstadt, xx, 71, 123, 167. (See Fort Orange.) Willett, Thomas,151, 152, 155, 159. Wilmerdonx, Abr., 2, 3, 4, 5. Wiltbanck, Harmanus, 102. Wiltwyck, xix, 71, 147. Windmill, Comptroller of the, 25. Wisselpenningh, Eynier, 181. Wissinck, Jacob Elbertsen, 11, 12. Witsen, C, 3, 4. Wolsey, George, 113. Wood, Jonas, 95. Wood, William, 105. Woodbridge, 45, 169. Woodhil, Eichard, 95, 148. Wouterzen, Aryaen, 178. Wouterzen, Egbert, 181. Wright, Nicolas, 95. Wyncoop, Cornelis, 72. Yonkers, xiv. York, duke of, xx. Zeeuw, Jan Cornelissen de. 81, 82. Zetskoorn, Abelius, 191. Zyll, Abraham van, 23. Zyperus, Machiel, 118.