YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book was digitized by Microsoft Corporation in cooperation with Yale University Library, 2008. You may not reproduce this digitized copy ofthe book for any purpose other than for scholarship, research, educational, or, in limited quantity, personal use. You may not distribute or provide access to this digitized copy (or modified or partial versions of it) for commercial purposes. CALENDAR OF HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OE STATE, ALBANY, 1ST. Y. EDITED BY E. B. O'CALLAGHAN. PART II. ALBANY: WEED, PARSONS AND COMPANY, PRINTERS. 1866. STATE OF NEW YORK. IN" SENATE. Albany, April 24, 1863. Besolved, That the Clerk of the Senate cause to be printed 500 copies of the Calendar of Land Papers, from 1643 to 1803, and the Calendar of Historical Manuscripts, from 1638 to 1801. By order of the Senate,JAS. .TEKWILLIGER, Clerk. P .AR T II. ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS, 1664-1776. CONTENTS. Page. Preface vii ¦'} Papers relating to the administrations of Governors Nicolls and Lovelace, 1 Governor Colve, 8 Governor Andros, 31, 41, 53, 73, 82 Commander Beookholls, 63, 95 Governor Dongan, 102 Governors Dongan and Andros, 161 Lieutenant-Governor Leisler, 173 Governor Slotjghtee, 201 Commander Ingoldesby, 213 Governor Fletcher, 227 Governor Bellomont, 261 The Council, 280 Lieutenant-Governor Nanfan, 284 Governor Cornbury, 293 Governor Lovelace, 360 President Schuyler, 363, 445 Lieutenant-Governor Ingoldesby, 363 President Beekman, 369 Governor Hunter, 3T0 Governor Burnet, 455 Governor Montgomerie, ' 502 President Van Dam, 514 Governor Cosby, . . . .' 517 President Clarke, 524 Lieutenant-Governor Clarke, 527 Governor Clinton, 569 Governor Osborn, 609 CONTENTS. Pagis. Lieutenant-Governor De Lancey, 610, 672 Governor Hardy, 643 President Colden, 713 Lieutenant-Governor Colden, 725, 743, 779, 825 Governor Monckton, 733 Governor Moore, 750 Governor Dunmoee, 788 Governor Tryon, 795, 833 PREFACE. In accordance with the resolution of the honorable the Senate, we herewith submit the second part of the Calendar of the Historical Manuscripts in the office of the Secretary of State. Part I embraced the titles of Papers in the Dutch Language previous to the year 1664, contained in Volumes I to XXI of the Books indorsed "N. Y. Colonial Manuscripts." The present Part includes the titles, and furnishes an analysis, of the English Manuscripts contained in Volumes XXII to CI of the series, extending from 1664 to the Revolution. The executive government of the Province of New York was composed of a Governor and Council, whose action on the various matters, civil and military, claiming their attention, such as the erection of courts, appoint ments to office, organization of troops, issuing of letters of marque, grant ing of lands, &c, is recorded in volumes, entitled " Council Minutes." These Minutes, however, contain only the decisions of the Council. The mass of papers on which the action of that body was based, consist ing of Letters, Petitions, Claims, Accounts, &c, were not entered on the Minutes, but filed away for reference. They have since been arranged in Chronological order, bound in volumes, indorsed as above mentioned, and the Historical portion of these papers is that which this Calendar describes ; the part relating to Lands having been already published in 1864, under the title of "Calendar of Land Papers." It is a subject of great satisfaction to all who are interested in the History of our State, that the liberal policy which led the Legislature to authorize the publication of several volumes of Colonial Eecords, has ealled into existence, of late years, many Societies, whose labors are directed to the investigation and study of our early annals. When this policy was inaugurated there was but one Historical Society in the State, that of the City of New York, which was originally PREFACE. founded in 1809. The Albany Institute was, it is true, incorporated in 1829, but it is not exclusively a Historical Society ; for the development of Science and the Mechanical Arts enters also into the plan of its organi zation. We have now to record the establishment of the Long Island Historical Society, Ulster Historical Society, Onondaga Historical Society, Buffalo Historical Society, and Oswego Historical Society. To which may also be added the N. Y. Ethnological Society. The majority of these Societies hold regular stated meetings, and pub lish their proceedings, which afford encouraging evidence of the beneficial influence they exercise in their respective localities. We are happy»to observe that the State Agricultural Society also has directed its attention to the department of Local History, and enriched its Transactions with several papers of a Historical character, of which the following is a list: (Those marked thus * have maps.) 1848-9. * Survey of "Washington county, by Dr. Asa Fitch. 1850. * Survey of Seneca county, by John Delafield. 1851. Survey of Madison county, by Gurdon Evans. 1852. Survey of Essex county, by Winslow C. Watson. 1859. * Survey of Onondaga county, by George Geddes. .1861. * Survey of Steuben county, by Goldsmith Denniston. 1862. * Survey of Orange county, by Goldsmith Denniston, and Historical Notes on Queens county, by Henry Onderdonk, Jr. The value of these surveys is universally admitted ; they are particu larly useful to the Historical student, as, with two exceptions, they treat of Counties of which there are as yet no published histories. All History, whether general or local, must be based on authentic evi dence. This consists of written and oral testimony. Eecords of public offices, and works compiled from them, constitute the most reliable authority for the Historian, whilst oral and traditional narratives require critical investigation before they can be depended on, and ought either to be based on the record, or receive some color of evidence from it. In all civilized communities, property in the soil is the first evidence of settlement. In preparing Local History, therefore, great care ought to be taken to work it up from this stand point ; to show how the title passed from the Indians to the Government, and from the State to indi viduals. It will be easy after that to trace the organization of the County, its Towns and Villages, the sources from which they first derived their population, and the nomenclature of their various localities. PREFACE. The published Calendars of our State Manuscripts will supply, to a certain extent, information on these points, and enable persons at a dis tance to ascertain what papers, if any in those Collections, throw light on the subject in which they are engaged. There are, however, many additional volumes which may be consulted with advantage by those who aim at communicating reliable information on the History of the State; its aboriginal inhabitants; the rise and pro gress of its institutions; its laws; general settlement; population and the sources of its wealth. To facilitate such examination we have pre pared the following List of Boohs and Papers in the Office of the Secretary of State. [Thus * marked are in the S. E. Boom, of the third story of the State Hall.] No. of Vols. Annalium Thesaurus, 1 * The Duke's Laws, 1674, 1 * Dongan's Laws, 1683, 1684, 1 Original Laws (Colonial), 1683-1775, 19 Original Laws (State), 1778-1865, 61 * Bills which failed to become Laws, 1685-1732, 2 [There are several other such Billa bound up with the Original Colonial Laws.] * New York Colonial Manuscripts (Dutch and English), 103 [Calendars of these papers are published.] * Holland Documents, 1611-1665, 16 * London Documents, 1611-1782, 47 * Paris Documents, 1631-1763, 17 [The three sets of Documents last enumerated have been published, with a General Index, under the title of N. Y. Colonial Documents; 11 vols. 4to.] * Translations of Dutch Records (Vanderkemp's), 1638-1674, 24 * General Entries, 1664, 1665; 1671-1674; 1678-1780; 1682, 1683,. . 4 * Minutes of the Court of Assize, 1665-1672, 1 * Orders and Warrants, 1674-1679 ; 1680-1682, 2 * Pass Book, 1680-1691, '. 1 * Council Minutes, 1668-1783, 28 * Indentures of Palatine Children, 1610, 1711, 1 * Payments from the Public Chest, 1702-1705, 1 Treasury Warrants, 1702-1776, 6 * Accounts of the Treasurer of the Province of New York, 1737-1750, 1 [There are » number of these Treasurers' accounts, from 1120 down, also in the store room belonging to the Comptroller's office, in the 3d story of the State Hall.] Treasurers' Accounts, 1793-1850, 6 * Marriage Bonds, 1752-1783, ; ... 40 [An Index to these V olumes has been published.] * Indian Traders' Bonds, 1765-1771, 2 PREFACE. No. of Vols. * Dutch Patents, 1630-1664, 2 Translation of Dutch Patents, 3 * Eeturns of Survey, 1683-1686, 1 * Licenses and Warrants of Survey, 1686-1712, 2 Indian Deeds; Indian Treaties; Warrants and Eeturns of Survey, 1691-1852, 3 Warrants of Survey; Licenses to Purchase Indian Lands; Indian Deeds, and Warrants for Patents, &c, 1721-1766, 7 Original Treaties and other Indian Papers, 1818-1849, 2 Books of Patents, 1664-1866, 41 Original Books of Patents, 1664-1774, 13 Books of Deeds, 1659-1855, 43 [There are papers of a miscellaneous character, such as Commissions, Denizations, Licenses of schoolmasters, &c, in the earlier volumes of Patents and Deeds.] Military Patents, 1764-1797, " 8 Abstracts of Patents, 13 Abstracts of Military Patents, 2 Abstracts of Deeds, 5 State Mortgages and Appendix, 4 State Eeleases, 1815-1866, 3 Originals of State Eeleases, 4 Field Books, 53 Land Papers, 1643-1803, 63 [A Calendar of these papers has been published.] Files of Papers relating to Lands and to Water lots, from 1801, several hundred packages. Minutes of the Land Office, 1784-1866, 14 Eough Minutes of the Land Office, 1822-1838, 4 Eegister of Gold and Silver Mines, 1791-1866, 1 Military Balloting Book, 1790, 1791, 1 Executive Orders for Commissions, 5 Commissions, 1680-1866, .* 48 Appointments by the Governor and Senate, 1823-1866, 8 Appointments of Commissioners for other States, 2 Eecords of Discharges or Supersedeas, 3 Memorandum Book of Commissions sent to County Clerks, 1 Oaths of Office, g Oaths of Members of Assembly, 2 Official Seals, j Charter of the City of New York, 1730, ] * Minutes of the Proceedings of the Commissioners for settling the Boundaries of the Colony of Ehode Island eastwards towards the Province of the Massachusetts bay, 1741, 1 PREFACE. No. of Vols. Minutes of the Commissioners appointed to re-examine and deter mine the cause or Controversy depending between the Colony of Connecticut and the Mohegan Indians, 1743 (marked 13), 1 Collection of Evidence in Vindication of the Territorial Eights of the State of New York against the Claims of Massachusetts, New Hampshire and the Vermonteers, 1750, 1 Papers relating to the Vermont Controversy, 1777-1799, 1 Minutes of the Commissioners appointed to determine claims to lands in the State of Vermont under New York grants not intended as confirmations of grants from New Hampshire, 1797-1800, 1 Report of Commissioners under the act respecting a claim for the ex tension of the eastern boundary of the State of New Jersey, 1808, 1 [Printed in Senate Journal, 1808, p. 51-92.] Miscellaneous Parchments; Deeds; Conveyances; Agreement be tween the State of New York and New Jersey, relative to the boundary between these States, 1834, 1 Proceedings of Commissioners for ceding jurisdiction of certain lands in the city of New York, at Wallabout bay, Brooklyn, at New Utrecht, Eome, and in Clinton county, to the United States, 1808- 1818, 1 Journal of New York Convention and Committee of Safety, 1776-1778, 10 [Printed in Journal of the N. Y. Convention, Vol. I, 1842, folio.] Eevolutionary Papers, 1775-1777, 12 [Printed in Journal of the N. Y. Convention, Vol. II] Original Drafts and Minutes of the New York Convention, 1775- 1778, 6 Credentials of Delegates to New York Provincial Congress, 1775 (marked 24), 1 Minutes of Military Committee, 1775-1778 (marked 25), 1 Military Eeturns, 1775-1780 (marked 26, 27, 28, 29), 4 Associations and Miscellaneous Papers, 1775 (marked 30), 1 Petitions, 1775-1777 (marked 31, 32, 33), 3 Miscellaneous Papers, 1775-1778 (marked 34-39), 6 Eegister showing the names alphabetically, rank, dates of commissions and enlistments, period enlisted for and occurrences of the officers, non-commissioned and privates of the New York Line of the late army (Eevolutionary War), 1 Constitution of the State of New York, 1777, with letter of John McKesson, transmitting the same, dated August 29, 1821, 1 Constitution of the State of New York, 1821, 1 Constitution of the State of New York, 1846, 1 Besolutions of Congress amending the Constitution of the United States, 1 xii PREFACE. No. of Vols. Minutes of the Council of Appointment, 1777-1821, 14 * Files of Papers relating to the proceedings of the Council of Appoint ment, such as applications and recommendations for office, &c. Abstracts of Civil Appointments, 6 Minutes of the Council of Revision, 1778-1824, 5 Assembly Papers, 1777-1831, - 43 Eegister of Civil officers elected by the People, 1828, 1 Book indorsed "Frontiers, Miscellaneous," containing papers relative to the Frontiers ; Eeturns of County Clerks ; Petitions to the Legis lature; Powers of Attorney; Eeport on Neversink Navigation Company; Eeport and Observations on Onondaga Salt works, 1794-1828 (marked 35), 1 Onondaga Claims, 1801, 2 Decisions of Commissioners on the Onondaga Salt Springs, 1810- 1812, 3 Book indorsed " Salt Springs," 1 Certificates of election, 1799, 1827, 3 Papers and Journal of Electoral Colleges, 1792-1864, 2 * Files of Election Eeturns, showing the names of Candidates, Voters, &c, in the several Districts, 1800-1837. Eecord of Election Eeturns, 1822-1866, 5 Files of Election Eeturns, 1844-1866. Miscellaneous Files, Vol. 2 ; containing Papers relating to Weights and Measures; Executive Proclamations against Canadian Sym pathizers ; Anti-Eent Papers ; Medical Certificates filed by grad uates ; Eesignations of Office ; Whaling Companies on the Hudson river, and various private papers, 1814-1851, 1 Miscellaneous Files, Vol. 3 ; containing Abstracts of Douw Fonda and John Cochrane's titles to lands in the Eoyal Grant ; appoint ments to office ; boundaries of Towns ; cession of lands to the United States in 1842; papers relating to the Capitol, and order for the transfer of Eecords to Albany, 1798; Field Book of Division Line of Schoharie and Delaware counties, &c, 1798-1844 1 Miscellaneous Files, Vol. 4; containing Boundary Line between New York and Vermont, as established in 1813 and 1814; Holland Land Company Papers ; Eeport on State lands in Staten Island, 1 Towns erected or changed by Supervisors, 1849-1855, 1 Files of the same, subsequent to the above years. Census of 1825, ^ Census of 1835, ^ Census of 1845, " i Indian Census, 1845, ^ Depositions of Eesident Aliens, 1825-1866, 54. PREFACE. No. of Vols. Journal of the Court of Impeachment (People against Mather), 1853, 1 Peddlers' Licenses, 1840-1866, 4 Benevolent and Charitable Incorporations, 5 Ferry Company Incorporation Reports, , 1 Gas Company Incorporations, 1 Plank Eoads ; Article of Association (and files), 5 Manufacturing Association Incorporations (and files), 21 Ocean Steamship Incorporations, 1 Eegister of Eailroad Corporations, 6 Eailroad Eeports, 1 Bonds of New York and Erie Eailroad, 1 Bonds of Hudson and Berkshire Eailroad, 1 Letter Books, 1831-1849, 2 Files of Office Letters. Copies of Wills and Letters of Administration, filed pursuant to Act of March 21, 1823; No. 1 to 931, (in files). [Transferred from the Court of Probates on its abolition.] Papers relating to Escheated Lands (in files). Eeturns of Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1847-1853 (in files). Eeturns from Special Sessions (in files). Eeturns of Criminal Convictions (in files). Executive Orders for Pardons, Commutations, &c, 6 Pardons, 1799-1866, 8 District Attorneys' Eeports (in files). Poor Eeports (in files). County Treasurers' Eeports (in files). In the Office of the Comptroller. [Those marked thus f are in the 3d story store room of the Comptroller's office.] Account of Certificates issued by the Treasurer of the State of New York for moneys taken on loan, and other debts due from the State, 10 [These Books contain the names of the officers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the New York levies who served during the Revolutionary War.] New York Quartermasters' accounts during the Eevolutionary War, 1780-1785, and Journal, 3 Assistant State Agents' certificates; Prisoners' pay-rolls (Eevolu tionary), 1 Pay-roll, New York Line, 1781, 1 f Manifest Books (N. Y. Custom House), from 4 June, 1737, to 1774,. 33 f Entry Books (N. Y. Custom House), 1728-1769, 10 f Bonds given by Masters of Vessels not to take out of the Province of New York any Servants, Debtors or other persons, without a pass, on pain of paying such obligations as they may leave unset tled, 1750-1766, 7 xiv PREFACE. No. of Vols. f Account of sales of Personal property belonging to Beverly Robin son and other Tories, 1777-1 779, 1 f Account of Forfeited Property taken for the use of the United States troops in Westchester county, 1782, 1 t Field Book of Onondaga Salt Springs Eeservation, 1820-1822, 1 Records of the Prerogative Court and Court of Probates in the Office offlie Clerk of the Court of Appeals. Eecords of Wills, 8 Files of Wills, A-Z, and 2 Vols, of Index. List of Wills and other records delivered to the Surrogate of the city of New York pursuant to the Act of March 30, 1799, 1 Letters of Administration, 1778-1823, 5 Administration Bonds, 1790-1823, 5 Orders and Decrees of the Court of Probates, 1793-1823, 3 Miscellaneous Files, 1666-1736. Petitions, 1788-1799 (files). . Inventories, 1727-1798 (files). Bonds, 1778-1783 (files). Surrogates' Eeturns, 1808-1813 (files). Certificates to affidavits (files). ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS VOLUME XXII. GOV. NICOLLS AND LOVELACE. [Thus * marked are in Dutch.] 1664. PAGE. Dec. 24. Memorandum of governor Nicolls' order to Peter Stuyvesant and Cornelius van Ruy vant, attorneys of the W. I. Company, to render an account of what they have in their hands belonging to that company, 1 Dec. 27. Memorandum of an order of governor Nicolls, declaring the arrest of said property ; instructions about making out the accounts, ... 1 1665. June 8. Memorandum of a warrant to Mr. Van Ruyvant, to account with Warner Wessels for the farms he (W.) hired [of] the W. I. Com pany, 1 June 25. Proclamation confiscating all the West India Company's estate in these parts, I June 22. Memorandum of a letter from governor Nicolls to the inhabitants of Long island, acquainting them that admiral De Ruyter has orders to attempt the recovery of New York, and directing them to attend armed at the Ferry at the first notice, 1 Sept. 6. Guarantee of 3 morgens of land over against Apes' island (near Albany) to Jacob Jansen Flodder, 2 Jan. 9. Letter. Gov. Nicolls to Jeremias van Rensselaer, relative to the NewTork. policy of his government, 2 Sept. 22. Condemnation of the prize galiot, called the Hope, 3 Oct. 7. Agreement between gov. Nicolls and the Esopus Indians, relative to their lands west and southwest of the river called Kahankson, and up the head thereof where the old fort was, and so on to a great hill west and southwest thereof, 4 1664. Nov. 30. Report of the commissioners concerning the boundary between New York and Connecticut, 5 [In Smith's Hist, of New York.] 2 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXII. NrCOLLS AND LOVELACE. 1665. Oct. Alterations, amendments and additions made in the laws, and con firmed at the general court of assizes held in the city of New York, V, 107 1666. Oct. Additions, explanations and amendments of some things in ye lawes, made and confirmed at ye general court of assizes in New York, 7, 8, 107 1667. Nov. Additions and amendments of some things in the lawes, made and confirmed in the general court of assizes in New York, 7 1669. Nov. Additions and amendments of some things in ye lawes, made and confirmed at the general court of assizes in New York,. . . 7, 96, 107 1670. Oct. Several orders made and confirmed at the general court of assizes held in New York, 7, 107 1669. May 18. Order against stone horses feeding in the commons of New York, except by permission of the overseers, 7 1671. Oct. Orders made at the general court of assizes in New York, 7 1672. Oct. Orders made and confirmed at the general court of assizes in New York, 7, 142 1666. Dec. 28, 29. Additions, explanations and amendments of some things in the lawes, made, &c, at the general court of assizes in New York, . . 9 1668. Aug. Instructions for capt. John Baker, for the well regulating of affairs at Albany, 10 1666. Oct. 8. *Deed. Jan Jansen van Oosterhout, to Matheus Blanchan, of a house and lot in Wildwyck (Kingston), 11 Oct. 16. * Declaration. Roelof Swartwout and Juriaen Westphael, respect ing the arrival of Matheus Blanchan and family, at Wildwyck, and his application for a place to settle, 12 (No date.) Observations on the patents granted to the freeholders of Harlem ; to Constant and Nathaniel Silvester; to Thos. Pell, and to the freeholders, &c, of Flushing, i o 1667. Jan. 2. * Complaint. Albert Heymans and other inhabitants of Wildwyck, that George Hall appropriates to his use, portion of the firewood which they draw to the guard house for the use of the soldiers with order of the court thereupon, . . . . , ' 14 April 26. Description of certain lots, &c, in the city of Albany, patented to Gerrit Banker, 15 List of houses and lands within this government, confiscated during the time of the late war against the Dutch, 16, 18 19 20 Sept. 26. Order to John Manning, sheriff of New York, to notify certain par- ' ties to surrender the powers of attorney in their hands, for the management of the above confiscated property, 17 Vol. XXII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 3 NICOLLS AND LOVELACE. 1667. ¦ PAGE. Papers concerning the Esopus mutiny, with the death of Henrick Cornelius ; also, the proceedings of the commission held there, 21, 3.3 Confirmation of the Gravesend patent (imperfect), 33 1664. April 17. * Power of attorney. Gerrit Zuyck and Dirck Croon of Amster dam, to Johannes van Brugge, to wind up the affairs of Ver- brugge & Co., in New Netherland, 34 1666. Dec. 11. Deed. Philip Carteret, John Ogden aud Luke Watson, to Daniel Pierce and associates, for the land between the Rariton and Ra- wake rivers, N. J., 35 1668. Indictment against a Montauk Indian, for a rape upon Mary the wife of John Miller, of Easthampton, L. I., 36 Instructions for the trial of the above Indian, 37 March 20. Affidavits. Mary Miller and others, in relation to the above men tioned rape, 38, 39 March 28. Examination of Will, the Indian, in relation to his committing the above crime, 40, 41 April 20. Minutes of the trial of Will, the Indian, on the above charge, ... 42, 43 April 21. Sentence pronounced on the above Indian ; bill of costs, 44, 45 Allegations of capt. Thomas Salter, of Port Royal, Jamaica, against Abraham Keeling, in relation to the ship Cedar, 46 Allegations of capt. Salter, commander of the George Frigget, of Port Royal, against William Smith, Thomas Davis, Samwel Smith, Thomas Barnes, John Hunter and Simon Jones, of his crew, for making ofF with the prize Cedar aud cargo, and bringing her to New York, 47 Answer and defense of Wm. Smith, master of the Cedar, to the allegations of capt. Thomas Salter, 48 April 18. Judgment of the court of admiralty in the case of the ship Cedar, 49 Resolutions for settling the several garrisons in this government to the least expensive standard, safety considered, 50 May 24. Instructions to Cornelius van Ruyven, collector of the customs in the city of New York, 51 Instructions to Isaac Bedlow, comptroller of the customs, 52 Instructions to Nicholas Bayard, surveyor of the customs in New York, 53 Nov. 4. Discharge of John Bull, a soldier, who came over with gov. Nicolls, 54 1669. March 29. Testimony of James Bown, Randall Huett, junr and John Williams. in relation to Samuel Buggbey, a fugitive from Delaware, 55 March 23. Examination of George Canida and Thomissin Nicolls, wife of Richard Nicolls, relative to robberies committed in the house of Jan Hendrickson by Alexander Frizzel, 56 March 26. Examination of Alexander Frizell and George Canida on a charge of burglary, 57 4 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXII. NICOLLS AND LOVELACE. 1669. PAGE. April 7. Instructions for holding a special court of oyer and terminer for the trial of the above parties, 58, 59 April 7. Trial of George Canada and Alexander Frizzell, as also of Samuel Bugby, 60 Sentence of the court in the above cases, 61 April 6. Examination of Samuel Bugby, 62 May 3. Inquest on the death of the child of Angle Hendricks, found drowned in a well, 63 June 11. Proclamation for the arrest of Angle Hendricks, escaped from prison, 64 July 2. Instructions and directions to be observed at the special court of oyer and terminer for the trial of Angle Hendricks on a charge of child murder, 65 Names of persons composing the above court, and form of oath to witnesses, 66 Votes for president of the above court, 67 July 2. Sentence of the court against Angle Hendricks, 68 Names of the jurors on the above trial, 69 July 3. Warrant for the execution of Angle Hendricks, directed to the sheriff of New York, 70 July 17. Sheriff Manning's bill of expenses for the arrest and execution of Angle Hendricks, 71 Presentment against David du Four for abetting in the escape of the above Angle Hendricks from jail, 72, 73 Sentence of Lucas, the negro, and David du Four, for harboring Angle Hendricks, 74 Petition. David du Four for a mitigation of his sentence, 75 Aug. 6. Letter. Lancelot Talbot to Samuel Wilson, of London, advising Berbice. him of a shipment of sugar, 76 Aug. 15. Bond. John Berry, of the island of Barbadoes, and Samuel Edsall, of Berghen, N. J., to Matthias Nicolls, of New York, for £100 payable in tobacco, yy Aug. 14. Complaint. William Paterson, mercht., against capt. John Baker, deputy governor of Albany, for an assault, ' ^8 Answer of capt. Baker to the above charge, 79 July 31. * Complaint. Sheriff Swart, of Albany, against capt. Baker for riot' 80 * Minute of the application made by the magistrates of Albany to capt. Baker for the release of Mr. Paterson from confinement in the fort, and his refusal, ' fi0 Aug. 1. * Order of the court at Albany, in the case of Paterson vs. Baker for assault, ' 01 ol Aug. 1. * Deposition of Michael Calier, that capt. Baker burst open Jochem Baker's door and abused his wife, Aug. 1. * Summons to capt. Baker, to release Mr. Paterson from custody, 83 Vol. XXII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 5 NICOLLS AND LOVELACE. 1669. . PAGE. Aug. 2. Additional depositions in support of Mr. Paterson's complaint against capt. Baker, 84, 85 Aug. 3. * Letter. Magistrates to governor Lovelace on affairs of that place, Albany. and capt. Baker's misbehavior, 86 Aug. 18. Proceedings of the court martial held at fort James, New York, for the trial of capt. Baker for assaulting Wm. Paterson, 87 Aug. 26. * Deposition of Gertrude Jeronemus, wife of Jochem Backer, re specting the assault committed by capt. Baker on Mr. Paterson, . 88 Aug. 19. Recognizance of William Paterson, to prosecute capt. Baker for burglary, 89 Acknowledgment of capt. Baker to William Paterson, of being in the wrong, , , 90 Aug. 26. * Bond. Capt. Baker, for his appearance at the court of assizes, New York, to answer the complaint of William Paterson,. ... 91, 92 Aug. 26. * Deposition of two soldiers, respecting the assault committed on Mr. Paterson by capt. Baker, 91 Oct. 4. Commission. Ralph Whitfield and others, to hear and decide the matter between Wm. Paterson and capt. John Baker, 93 Oct. 6. Judgment in the above case in favor of Mr. Paterson, 94 Commissions. Abraham Staats to be captain, and major William Teller, lieut., Andrees Teller, ensign of a company of foot at Albany; Richard Rensselaer, capt., Volkert Jans, lieut., Ger rit Teunissen, ensign of a company in Rensselaerwyck ; Philip Peter Schuyler, capt., Jan Clare, lieut., Jacob Jansen, ensign of a company at Schanechtade, 95 March 9. *Deed. Sander Leendertse Glen to his three sons (named), of a certain piece of land opposite Schenectady, 97 1670. April 26. Petition. Joseph Gillmore and others for letters of administration on the intestate estate of Samuel Palmer, of Westchester county, deceased, 98 1669. Sept. 11. Instructions for Ralph Whitfield, capt., John Manning and others, commissioners, for the affairs of Esopus and the new villages adjacent, and their proceedings under the same, with report of the commissioners, 99 1670. March 24. Instructions to capt. Dudley Lovelace, Mr. Jaques Curtilleau and the rest of the commissioners for the affairs of Esopus and the new villages adjacent, and their proceedings at length, 99 April 18. Commissions. Henry Pauling to be captain, Christopher Benispie, lieut., John Biggs, ensign at Esopus, 100 May 5. Orders established for the paying and receiving the innkeepers or tappers' excise at New York, 101 June Memorandum that Mrs. Micah Spicer had made good her title to part of Throckmorton's or Spicer's neck, 102 July 11. Declaration. Thomas Terry, that Thos. Lovelace, Matthias Nicolls, John Payne, and the heirs of John Alcocke, are his associates, in the purchase of land at Matinecocke from the Indians, 103 6 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXII. NICOLLS AND LOVELACE. 1670. - PAGE. July 13. Commissions. Silvester Salisbury to be lieutenant of the governor's company of foot, and commander of the fort at Albany; D. Love- v lace, ensign, 104 Sept. 23. Commissions. Jeremias van Rensselaer to be capt. of a troop of horse at Albany, Rensselaerwyck and Schenectada, Goose Gerrifs to be lieut., and Jan Hendricks van Bael, cornet, 105 July 13. Memorandum. Commissions to be issued to Marten Cregier, to be capt., Govert Loockermans, lieut., Stephanus van Cortland, ensign of a company at New York, 106 1666. Feb. 26. Warrant putting in force several amendments to the laws (annexed), until such time as they shall be enacted and confirmed, at the next general court of assizes, > 107 1670. Nov. 22. Commission. Matthias Nicolls to be one of the council, 108 Nov. 22. Commission. Thomas Delavall, mayor of New York, to be one of the council, 109 1671. Feb. 15. Consent of Thomas Willett, Richard Cornall and other inhabitants of Flushing, whose names are signed, that William Lawrence obtain a patent for a certain piece of land in that town, Ill 24. Council minutes. Delaware matters, 112 April. Copy of an Act passed by the Assembly of Maryland, explaining one of the clauses in an act entitled, An Act prohibiting the importa tion of all horses, mares, geldings or colts into that province, .... 113 May 5. Conditions on which the excise of innkeepers or tappers in New York, &c., will be farmed out, ~. 114 May 19. Bonds of ^Egidius Luyck to col. Francis Lovelace, 115, 116 June 19. Warrant to the surveyor-general, to lay out for Micah Spicer, thirty acres of land, with meadow in proportion, on Throgmorton's neck, with assignment of fhe said land, by Mrs. Spicer to Mathias Nicolls, HY July 14. Decision in the matter between the town of Hempstead, and Thomas Terry and John Paine, relating to a tract of land lying between Hempstead Plains and the sea, towards the northeast, H8 July 19. Confirmation of the appointment by the mayor's court of New York of Cornelius Steenwyck and capt. John van Brugh, to be wees' masters, or guardians of widows' and orphans' estates, 119 Sept. 6. Petition. Richard Smith in relation to certain lands taken by the town of Huntington, between Cow harbor and Neesaquank river on Long island, ' ¦, ¦, 9 Oct. 13. * Receipt to Theunis Gysberts Bogard, for 778 guilders, in beavers due the late W. I. Company by Hans Hanssen van Bergen' deceased, ° '12n Nov. 17. * Petition. Constable and overseers of the town of Brooklyn, that a certain vacant swamp or valley adjoining said town may be granted to some of the inhabitants or fenced in, inasmuch as several horses and cows have been smothered and lost in it 121 Vol. XXII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. ? GOV. NICOLLS AND LOVELACE. 1671. , PAGE. Dec. 28. Proceedings of a court-martial held at Fort James, for the trial of Melohior Claes, a soldier, for theft ; sentenced to run the gant lope and to be kicked by the marshal out of the fort, 123 1672. Jan. 19. Directions for holding a court of oyer and terminer for the trial of Benjamin Johnson, Thomas Faulx and Rogert Essex for felony, and William Ingles for misdemeanor, 124 Proceedings of the court in the above case, 125 Indictment of Benjamin Johnson for larceny, 126 Names of the jurors, 127 April 8. *Petition. Jan Hendricksz for a tract of land at Claverack, 127 June 27. Account rendered by Thomas Lamberts, constable of Brooklyn, of the last year's rate, 128 June. ^Receipt to William Gerretsen for the sum of 386 guilders due by Peter Montfoort, his late father-in-law, to the W. I. Company,. . . 129 July 4. Names of those in New York who subscribed to the repairs of Fort James, 130 July 2. *Bill against the estate of the late Govert Loockermans, 131 July 3. Notarial agreement between the inhabitants of Schenectady and an Indian representative of the four Mohawk castles, for the sale of lands within three miles (Dutch) of Schenectada on both sides of the river west, ending at Kinaquariones, " where the last battell was between the Mohawks and the North Indians," with receipt of payment, 132 1671. Dec. 27. Order to the constable of Brooklyn to abate sixty guilders from Pawl's rates, , 133 1672. July 11. Instructions to the commissioners appointed to superintend the for tification of Fort James, New York, 134 Sept. 29. List of articles stolen by William Lawrence's negro at Flushing, ... 135 Memorandum respecting certain of the Duke's laws, 136 Address. John Paine, agent of Massachusetts, to gov. Lovelace and council, about the right of free passage up the Hudson river, and the bounds between Massachusetts and New York, 137 Sept. 9. Letter. John Paine to gov. Lovelace about the title of Prudence island, Rhode Island, &c, 138 Oct. 29. Address of John Paine to the jury at Newport (R. I.), on his plea of Not Guilty to the charge of taking out a patent from New York for Prudence island, 139 Letter. John Paine to gov. Lovelace on the subject of the above indictment and trial, 139 Calendar of causes entered for trial at the assizes in New York from 1665 to 1672, 140 Order to the constables and the clerks of the courts of sessions, to make up their accounts with the high sheriff without any further delay, 142 8 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol XXIII. GOVERNOR COLVE. 1672. PAGE. Nov. 28. Confirmation of an order made by the town of Southampton, L. I., relative to the wages of Indians engaged in whaling, 143 Dec. 9. Letter. Charles II. to John Berry, deputy gov. of New Jersey, eu- whitehau. joining on him to enforce obedience to the laws and government established in that colony by the authority of Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carterett, 144 Dec. 30. Memorandum of the payment of £5 to John Rider on account of Isaac Melyn, who owed that sum to capt. Edward Randall, 144 1673. Jan. 5. *Resolution of the constable and overseers of Brooklyn respecting the purchase of land formerly belonging to Carel Gabrie and afterwards confiscated, 145 Jan. 25. * Bond. Dirck Storm, Lambert Janse Dorlant, Raeff Warnaer, Jeronimus de Rapalie and Dirck Janse Woortman, town officers, for the payment of the above land, 146 June 21. Order to Peter Smith, under-sheriff, to arrest Daniel Lane of Brook- haven, an escaped prisoner, 147 July 12. Certificate of secretary Nicolls, that Ralph Warner, &c., have paid for the above mentioned lot of land and meadow in Brooklyn,. . . 148 July 12. Letter. John Paine to secretary Nicolls, 149 Newport (R. I.) Account of the town of Brooklyn with the high sheriff, for the year 1672, 150 Aug. 1. Deed from Thomas Delaval to Daniel Hondecoutre, of a house and lot in Albany, 151 June 7. Confirmation of a patent to Matthias Blanchan, for a piece of land in Esopus, 153 July 17. *Deed. Adrian Gerritsen, Andries Teller and Gerrit Visbeck, to Jan Hendricks van Salsbergen and Gerrit van Slechtenhorst, of a piece of land at Claverack, called Preewen hook, on the east bank of the river (Hudson), 154 1674. June 13. Letter. Charles H. to Philip Carteret, governor of New Jersey,. Windsor. enjoining on him to enforce the laws and government established in that province, by Sir George Carterett, who hath the sole power to dispose of said country, 156 YOLUME XXIII. GOVERNOR COLVE. [Papers In this vol. are ta Dntch, except those marked thns *, which are in English.] 1673. Aug. 12. Order allowing Elizabethtown, Newark, Woodbridge and Piscatta- way, New Jersey, to send delegates to the Dutch commanders, to surrender their towns, 1 Vol. XXIII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. g GOVERNOR COLVE. 1673. . PAGE. Aug 12. Order to the village of Bergen, &c, to send delegates also, 2 Aug. 12. * Order to the villages of Middletowne and Shrewsbury, to send delegates also, 3 Aug. 12. Release of the authorities of the city of New Orange (late New York), from their oath to the English government, 4 Aug. 13. Summons to the English towns on Long island, and to Westchester, to send delegates to New Orange, 5 Aug. 13. Minute of the submission of the Dutch towns on Long island, and of the people of Staten island, 6 Aug. 13. Orders to the burghers of New Orange, to send delegates to confer with the Dutch commanders, 6 Aug. 14. Commission. Messrs. Steenwyck and five others, to be delegates, and to confer accordingly, 7 Aug. 15. Order for the nomination of burgomasters and schepens, for the city of New Orange, 7 Aug. 16. Nomination of burgomasters and schepens, 8 Oath of office of the municipal authorities, 9 Aug. 17. Proclamation altering the form of government of the city of New Orange, 10 Aug. 18. Privileges granted to the several towns in New Jersey, 12 Aug. 18. Appointment of magistrates for Brooklyn and adjoining towns on the west end of Long island, 14 Aug. 18. Proclamation seizing all property belonging to the English or French within the province of New Netherland, and particularly that of Thomas de Laval, 15 Aug. 18. Appointment of magistrates for Bergen, N. J., 18 Aug. 1 9. * Order to the inhabitants of Elizabethtown and five neighboring towns in New Jersey to nominate magistrates, 19 Aug. 21. Minute of the qualifying of the magistrates of divers towns; sub mission of East and Westchester, with extent of the jurisdiction of their courts, 21 Aug. 22. Minute of the submission of Flushing and four adjoining English towns on Long island ; order to elect magistrates ; privileges granted these towns, 22 Aug. 23. * Petition presented by delegates from Oysterbay, with order grant ing the same, 24 Aug. 24. Appointment of magistrates for Elizabethtown, Woodbridge, Shrews bury and Newark (N. J.), and Mamaroneck, 25 * Oath of office, 26 Aug. 14. * Petition. Delegates from the five English towns on Long island, east of Oysterbay, with the privileges they demand and their submission, 26 Answer of the Dutch authorities to the above petition, 28 10 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXIII. GOVERNOR COLVE. 1673. PAGE. Aug. 7. * Letter. Governor and general assembly of the colony of Con- Hartford. necticut to the Dutch authorities at New Orange, inquiring what are their further intentions, 29 Aug. 25. Letter. Commander and council of war in answer to the above, . . 31 New Oranse. Aug. 25. Order to the towns on the east end of Long island to nominate magistrates ; appointment of magistrates for Staten island, 32 Aug. 26. Minute of the submission of the proprietors of Shelter and Gardiner's islands, 33 Aug. 26. Appointment of magistrates for Piscattaway (N. J.), 34 Aug. 28. Order for the settlement of the late gov. Lovelace's accounts, 35 Aug. 28. Grant of Shelter island to Nathaniel Silvester, 36 Aug. 29. Order for the administration of the oath of allegiance to the inhabi tants of the Dutch and English towns on the west end of Long island, with form of the oath, 40 Aug. 29. Patent to Nathaniel Silvester for Shelter island, 41 Aug. 30. Appointment of magistrates for East and Westchester, 44 Aug. 31. Appointment of magistrates for Flushing and adjoining English towns on Long island, 45 Sept. 1. Order on a petition from Esopus for the government of that district, 46 Petition for privileges from Fort Orange (Albany), 47 Sept. 1. Commission. Schout and secretary of Achter Col, 50 Sept. 1. Census of Brooklyn and other towns on the west end of Long island, 51 Sept. 2. Order on a petition of Johanna de Laet, directing Jeremias van Rensselaer to render an account of his administration of the colonie of Renselaerswyck, 52 Sept. 4. Order continuing to the colonie of Renselaerswyck, its ancient privi leges for one year, 53 Sept. 4. Appointment of militia officers for the town of Bergen, 54 Sept. 6. Order for administering the oath of allegiance to the inhabitants of the towns in Achter Col (New Jersey), 55 Sept. 6. Petition. Schout, burgomasters and schepens, of New Orange, praying that two ships of war may remain during the winter for the protection of the country, 5 k Answer granting said request, 58 Sept. 8. Appointment of magistrates for the towns on the east end of Long island, 5 59 Sept. 8. * Letter. Commander, &c, to the people at the east end of Long New orange. island, consenting to certain modifications of the oath of fidelity with the oath as amended, 60 Sept. 8. Confiscation of a ketch lying sunk in Westchester creek, 6i Sept. 9. Orders respecting New Jersey and Harlem, 62 Sept. 11. Order for the departure of ex-governor Lovelace, 63 [Vol. XXIII. ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 11 GOVERNOR COLVE. 1673. PAGE. Sept. 11. Proclamation against the sojourn of strangers, within the city of New Orange, 63 Sept. 12. Privileges granted to the inhabitants of the South river (Delaware); jurisdiction of the several courts there, 65 Sept. 12. Hue and cry for the arrest of Daniel Lane, who broke jail, 67 Sept. 13. Renewal of the peace with the Hackensack Indians, 68 Sept. IS. Fine imposed on John Singletary of New Jersey, 68 Fine imposed upon Robert van Quelen, 69 Sept. 14. Census of the several towns at Achter Col., 69 Sept. 14. Names of the militia officers of said towns, 70 Sept. 18. Minute of the departure of Mohawk chiefs from New Orange, 71 Sept. 18. Appointment of magistrates for Schaneghtadej 72 Aug. 12. Commission. Anthony Colve to be governor of New Netherland, . 72 Commission. Cornells Steenwyck, to be member of the council, . . 73 Oath of office taken by councillor Steenwyck, 74 Commission. Cornelis Ewoutse, to be master gunner, &c, 75 Sept. 20. Proclamation confiscating all property in New Netherland, belong ing to the kings of France and England, or their subjects,. . . 75, 274 Sept. 10. Bond of commander Benckes, pledging his superiors to pay all expenses incurred by the Surinam and Zeehondt, 76 Aug. 20. Commission. Nicholas Bayard, to be secretary of the province, .. . 77 Sept. 20. Commission. Nicholas Bayard, to be receiver-general, 78 Sept. 20. Order fixing Nicholas Bayard's salary, 79 Sept. 19. Commission. Peter Alrigs, to be schout and commandant at the South river, 81 Oath of office taken by said Alrigs, 82 Sept. 25. Order to administer the oath of allegiance to the inhabitants of the South river, 83 Sept. 25. Commission. Walter Wharton, to be land surveyor at the South river, 83 Sept. 26. * Oath of office taken by Mr. Wharton, 84 Sept. 25. * Letter. Gov. Colve to the magistrates of Hempstead, censuring New Orange. them for not arresting a stranger who had endeavored to create disaffection, 85 Sept. 25. Order for delinquents at Hempstead, to take the oath of allegiance, . 85 Sept. 26. Grant of the free exercise of their religious worship, to the Luther ans at Willemstadt (Albany), 87 Sept. 26. Instructions for Andries Draeyer, commandant and schout at Wil lemstadt (Albany), 88 Sept. 27. Order to Martin Cregier, to furnish supplies to commander Draeyer, 89 12 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXIII. GOVERNOR COLVE. 1673. . PAGE. Sept. 27. Instructions for the schout and commandant of the South river,. ... 89 Sept. 29. Permit to Lewis Morris to come into New Netherland ; order to the magistrates at Nevesings, to send intelligence of approaching ves sels; * order for a new election of magistrates at Shrewsbury,. . . 91 Oct. 1. * Letter. Gov. Colve to the towns on Long island, east of Oyster- New orange, bay, with instructions for their government, 91 Oct. 1. * Commission. Captain Knyff and others, to administer the oath of allegiance to the inhabitants of the towns on the east end of Long island, 92, 104 Oct. 1. Instructions for the schout and magistrates of Brooklyn, and adjoin ing towns on the west end of Long island, 93 Minute, that like instructions have been sent to the other towns on Long island ; to the South river ; Esopus, and the towns in New Jersey, 96 Oct. 1. Order to sell major Kingsland's plantation and stock at Achter Col., 96 Oct. 1. Orders for Jan Sol, major of the garrison at fort Willem Hendrick, 97 Oct. 4. Orders extracted from the articles of war, 99 Oct. 4. Instructions for the commissary, ' 102 Oct. 4. Complaint by the inhabitants of Fordham against John Archer and his surrender of the government of that town, 103 Oct. 4. Order to the inhabitants of Fordham to send in a nomination for magistrates, 104 Oct. 6. Appointment of magistrates and militia officers for Swaenenburgh (Kingston), Marbletown and Hurley, with an order that a nomi nation for schout be made and sent to the governor, 105, 106 Oct. 6. Appointment of magistrates for Willemstadt and Renselaerswyck, . 107 Oct. 7. * Letter. Gov. Colve to Hempstead, excusing those inhabitants New orange. who have not taken the oath of allegiance, and giving further orders for that purpose, 108 Oct. 7. * Letter. Gov. Colve to William Lawrence and Charles Bridges, New Orange. directing them to publish the order confiscating the property of all subjects of the King of England; also, to arrest all seditious persons, 109 Oct. 7. Oath of office of William LaMontagne, secretary to the court at the Esopus ; order of Peter Bilyou, schout of Staten island, to report the arrival of vessels inside of Sandy hook, HI Oct. 8. Minute of the attendance of the burgomasters of New Orange on the gov. and council ; houses, &c, under the walls of the fort to be demolished, HI Oct. 9. Letter. Gov. Colve to the magistrates of Swaenenburgh, directing New orange. the sale of horses belonging to English subjects, 112 Oct 10. Minute of arrangements entered into with the proprietors of houses near the fort, for the removal thereof, 113 Oct. 11. Appointment of assessors to value the above houses ordered to be pulled down, _ 115 Oct. 11. Order allowing Lewis Morris to have the guardianship of his de ceased brother's orphan child, _ 1 1 g Vol. XXIII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 13 GOVERNOR COLVE. 1673. . . PAGE. Oct. 12. Order on a petition from Oysterbay, explaining and confirming their privileges, 117 Oct. 14. Banishment of Thomas Hunt, of Westchester, out of the province, 117 Oct. 14. Order to schout Jacob Strycker to call on the several constables within his district to account for, and pay in the balance of the public taxes, 118 Oct. 14. * Letter. Gov. Colve to schout Ogden on Indian matters; seizure New Orange. of the property belonging to capt. Carterett, late gov. of New Jersey, &c, 118 Oct. 16. Proclamation ordering the demolition of houses, .113 June 17. Minutes of the Court of Sessions, held at Gravesend, from 15th to 17th June, .114 Vol. XXIV.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 37 GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1675. PAGE. Proceedings of the mayor's court in New York, on the 22d, 24th aud 28th June, 115, 116 June 28. Minute of a visit to the governor of a party of Wappinger Indians, on an embassy to the Susquehannas, 117 June 28. Petition. Michel Hainelle, to be appointed register of horses ex ported from Long island at the Ferry of Brooklyn, 118 June 29. Two letters from New London, announcing attacks on the English by King Philip and his Indians, 119 June 30. Proceedings at a special Mayor's Court in New York, 120 June 2. Instructions to captain John Collyer and Mr. Thomas Ashton, who are sent to gov. Winthrop of Connecticut with a letter, 121 July 4. Letter. Gov. Andros to gov. Winthrop, respecting Indian depreda- NewYork. tions on Plymouth colony, 121 [In Col. Rec of Conn., 1665-1611, p. 519.] July 4. Letter. Gov. Andros to gov. Carteret, respecting the war against New York. the Indians, 121 July 8. Letter. Gov. Andros to gov. Winthrop, &c, concerning the difficul- saybrook. ties with the Indians, 121 [In Col. Rec. of Conn., 1665-1611, p. 519.] July 8. Letter. Gov. Andros to gov. Leverett, at Boston, respecting the Saybrook. Indians ; boundaries, &c, 12l July 2. Affidavit of Andrew Ball, master of the Susannah of Jamaica, re specting a mutiny on board that vessel off New Utrecht, 122, 123* 125 (No date.} Names of magistrates for Kingston, Hurley, Marbletown and New V Paltz, .... 124 July 4. Examination of Peter Gerritsen, charged with mutiny as above,. . . 126 July 5. Petition. Elizabeth Bedlow, widow, for an appeal from a judgment of the Mayor's court, ...;.. 127 Aug. 6. Passes for Katharine Jonasson, Alice Jonasson, Jan Hendricks van ~' Baal and wife, to go to England in the Good Hope, Geo. Heath- cote master, 12' Auw. 6. Marriage license. Francis Romboudts and Anna Elizabeth, widow of Warnar Wessells, of New York, 127 July 21. Abstract of a letter from gov. Coddington of Rhode island, to gov. Andros ; Indian war ; invasion of the territory by an army from Massachusetts and Connecticut, &c, 128 July 22. Petition. John Skidmore and wife of Jamaica, respecting the acci dental killing of Thomas Barker by their son, 129 July 23. Visit to the governor by Hackensack Indians, -. 130 July 26. Bill of widow Wessells agst. the late gov. Lovelace ; ordered to be examined, Julv 31- Petition. Wm. Dyer, collector of the customs at New York, to have appraisers appointed to value the ship Susannah and her cargo ; appraisers appointed, 132 §8 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXIV. GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1675. . PAGE. July 31. Commission. Mayor, deputy mayor and alderman Darvall, to exam ine and report on the accounts of the late Warner W'essells and Peter Nys, farmers of the excise, , 133 Aug. 10. Reports on the above accounts and discharge of the parties,. . 133, 134 Aug. 12. Inventory of books and papers belonging to Elizabeth Bedlow, administratrix of the late Isaac Bedlow, taken by P. de la Noy, &c, 136 Aug. 19. Assessment rolls of the towns of Bushwick, Brooklyn, Flatbush Flatlands and New Utrecht, L. I., 136 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, IV, 141-161.] Sept. 10. Letter. Joseph Bayly, to the constable, &c, of Oyster Bay, warn ing them to be on their guard against the Indians, 137 Sept. 16. Council minute. Visit to gov. Andros of Indians from Rockaway and Hackingsack, 138 Sept. 22. Council minute. Visit to the gov. by various Indians, "towards Delaware," 139 Sept. 29. Interrogatories proposed by Jan Gerritse van Marken, late schout of Schenectady, to Grietje Ryckman, wife of Jaques Cornelissen, in a slander suit, , 140 Sept. 30. Minute of an interview with Tackpousha and other L. I. sachems, &C, at the fort in New York, 141 (No date.) Complaint of Gabriel Minville of New York, attorney of Lewis du Bois, of Esopus, against Lewis Morris, for the unlawful deten tion of a negro and negress, belonging to said Du Bois, 142 (No date.) Answer of Gabriel Minville, attorney as aforesaid, to the complaint of Lewis Morris, 143 Aug. 28. Return by Nathaniel Pear sal, clerk of Hempstead, L. I., of the amount of the town's estate, 144 [In N. Y. Doc Hist, II, 463.] Sept. 7. Letter. Simon Saring to secretary Nicolls, enclosing the preceding Hempstead return of property in Hempstead, L. I., 145 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., H, 463.] Aug. 21. Letter. Nathaniel Cole to secretary Nicolls, with return of the oyster Bay. value of the estates in Oyster bay, L. I., 146 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., II, 442.] Sept. 8. Letter. Benjamin Coe to secretary Nicolls, enclosing return of pro- jamaica. perty in Jamaica, L. I., 147 Sept. 12. Assessment roll of Westchester, by Edward Waters, 148 Sept. 14. Return of the valuation of property in Gravesend, L. I., by Nicholas Stillwell, 149 [In N. Y. Doc Hist, II, 462.] Aug. 24. Return of the valuation of property in Easthampton, L. I., 150 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, II, 441.] Sept. 28. Letter. Constable and overseers to secretary Nicolls, enclosing Southampton. return of property in Southampton, 151 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 456.] Vol. XXIV.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 39 GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1675. . PAGE. Sept. 16. Return of the valuation of property in Southold, L. I., 152 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 441.] Aug. 28. Letter. Epenetus Piatt to secretary Nicolls, enclosing return of Huntington. property in Huntington, L. I., . 153 Sept. 22. Return of the valuation of property in Brookhaven, L. I., 153 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 468.] Sept. 2. Return of the valuation of property in Newtown, L. I., 155 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 464.] Sept. 29. Return of the valuation of property in Flushing, L. I., 156 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., II, 459.] Oct. 5. Letter. Mosup, a sachem of the Indians at Montauk, to Gov. An dros, asking for a return of their guns, &c, ; 157 Oct. 5. Letter. Rev. Thomas James to gov. Andros, respecting the Indians Easthampton. and their conversion, 157 Oct. 15. Petition. Rev. Nicolaus van Rensselaer, minister of Albany, re questing to be appointed director ofthe colonie of Rensselaerswyck, vice Jeremias van Renslaer, dec'ed, 158 1675. Oct. 8. Petition. Simon Athearn of Martin's Vineyard, respecting his pur chase of land, « l59 Oct. 12. Petition. Secretary Nicolls, for redress against certain false asper sions against him by the inhabitants of Huntington, L. I., 160 Bond of William Bowditch and Thomas Delavall to pay salvage on certain vessels at Pemaquid (see post, vol. 26, 149 ; 27, 2), 161 Oct. 22. Order to the inhabitants of Seatalcot to cut down and burn all the brushwood within eighty poles of the newly built fort there, 161 Oct. 10. Protest by the mate and boatswain of the ship Good Hope, 162 Oct. 13. Petition. Johannes Verveele complaining of John Archer for non performance of contract, 163 Oct. 13. Petition. The coopers of South and East Hampton, praying that coopers from Boston may be prohibited coming to work there in the winter, 164 (No date.) Petition. The Poor Farmers, seated on the land lately in contro- versv between Richard Smith and the inhabitants of Huntington, L.I., 165 (No date.) Petition. Garritt Hendricks of Half Moon, praying that Goosen Gerritse (van Schaack) be obliged to pay the costs in a suit wherein he was defendant, • 166 (No date.) Petition. Nicholas Blake, praying a suspension of a judgment ob- tained against him by surprise, 167 Reasons why Nicholas Blake doth not comply with the court's -, 016167 order, Petition. Samuel Barker, to be indemnified for the loss of his son (see supra, p. 129), 168 40 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS, [Vol. XXIV. 1675. GOVERNOR ANDROS. Petition. Allard Anthony, for leave to appeal in a suit between him and Mrs. Elizabeth Bedlow, 169 Petition. Jacob Melyne, for leave to appeal from a judgment ob tained against him by Robert Leprerie, 170 Oct. Presentment of Mary Case by the constable of Newtown, L. I., for disturbing church service, ,. 171 Minutes of the general Court of Assizes in the city of New York, from October 6 to October 13, 1675, 172 Got. 12. Warrant to sheriff Gibbs to seize all the goods, chattels, &c, of Cornelius Steenwyck, 173 Similar warrants to seize the property of Egidius Luyck, 1 74 ; Jo hannes van Burgh, 175 ; Anthony de Milt, 176 ; Jacob Kipp, 177 ; William Beekman, 178 Records of verdicts in sundry cases at the Court of Assizes held at New York, October, 1675, 179-183 Petition. John Manning, praying redress against Martin Huffeman, who mortgaged a house and lot in New York after he had sold the same to him^ Manning, 185 Oct. Judgment against the following persons, for refusing and opposing the taking of the oath of allegiance : Cornelius Steenwyck, Nich olas Bayard, Johannes van Brugh, Egydius Luyck, William Beeckman, Jacob Kipp and Antonio de Mill ; forfeiture of their goods and chattels to his majesty, 186 Oct. Judgment of the Court of Assizes, in the case of Richard Smith agst. the inhabitants of Huntington, L. I.; verdict for the plaintiff; each party to bear their own charges, and defendant to pay the costs of court, 187 Got. Orders made at the general Court of Assizes held at New York, be ginning the 6th and ending the 13th day of October, 1675, 185 (No date.j Amount of last year's rates due by Flattbush, Boswyck, Newtown and Jamaica, , 189 Oct. 20. Letter. Secretary Nicolls to the constables of the above mentioned towns, requiring the immediate payment of their rates, 190 (No date.) Fees of sheriff stated by the Court of Assizes, 191 (No date.) Table of sheriff's fees given in and compared with those formerly allowed, 192 Oct. 21. Decision between the whites and Indians about certain lands in the vicinity of Cow Neck, L. I., 1 93 Oct. 22. Decision upon Indian claims to land about Hempstead, &c, 194 Oct. 23. Order to Tackpousha and son, and the Rockaway sachem and other Indians, to bring in their guns to the officers at Hempstead, 195 Oct» 29. Order for the apprehension and imprisonment of Nicholas Bayard in the fort, 196 Vol. XXV.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 41 1675. VOLUME XXY. GOVERNOR ANDROS. [Papers thua * marked are in Dutch.) PAGE. Nov. 1. Council minutes. Nicholas Bayard, a prisoner in the Hole, released for the night, on giving security for good behaviour ; order, that Mr. Steenwyck, and all the rest, be sent for and questioned as to their satisfaction with the late judgment, &c. ; release of Mary, wife of Thomas Case, at the request of her friends, upon her promise not to go abroad to unlawful meetings, nor to have any at home, \} 2 Nov. 1. * Deed. Jan Hendricksen from Salsbergh to Gerrit van Sleghten- horst, for half of a tract of woodland at Claverack, on major Abraham Staets's kil, 4 Nov. 2. Council minute. Mr. Steenwyck and others brought up and con ferred with ; they insist on an appeal, 5, 6 Nov. 2. Order for a new trial in the case of Steenwyck, Van Brugh and others, if they are dissatisfied with the result of the former trial, 7 Nov. 2. * Petition. Messrs. Steenwyck, Van Brugh, Luyck, Beeckman, and Kipp, objecting to being tried again by the Court of Assizes and praying a pardon, 8 Nov. 3. Petitions and submission of Jacob Kip, Cornelius Steenwyck, Johan nes fan Brugh, William Beeckman, and iEgidius Luyck, to the court in their cases and praying to be allowed to take the oath of allegiance, 9-13 Nov. 3. Council minute. Mr. Steenwyck and others have three days allowed them to make composition for one-third of their estates, neglect ing which, execution to issue against the whole, 14, 15 Nov. 3. Commitment of Sarah Mintall of Mamaroneck, as a witness to a charge of bastardy against Thomas Hatfield, 16 Nov. 5. Council minute. Tackapoucha and other Indians appear and lay claim to lands at Cow Neck, Hempsted, &c. f terms of the Indians, 17 Nov. 6. Narrative of Benonie Stebbins's capture by the Indians at Deerfield, with the manner of his escape, 18 Nov. 8. Petition. John Heady and other inhabitants of Yonkers land con sisting of 4 families, to be permitted, to remain at home to resist the Indians, and not be obliged to assist those of Fordham, 19 Nov. 8. Certificate. Excusing John Heady and the inhabitants of Yonkers from going to the defense of Fordham, 20 Nov. 8. Bond of Sarah Mintall to appear and prosecute her master, Thomas Hatfield, 21 6 42 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXV. governor andros. 1675. — page. Nov. 19. Receipt. Richard Bryan of Milford, Conn., to Gabriel Minvielle, for certain goods, 22, 23 Nov. 10. Bond of Samuel Scudder of Maspeth kils, L. I., to be of good behavior, 24 July 28. Bill of lading to Lewis Morris by captain Francis Richardson ofthe Good Hope, at Barbadoes, for 20 hhds. sugar, 25 Nov. 10. Report of carpenters relative to the condition ofthe ship Good Hope, 26 Nov. 12. Petition. Officers and crew of the ship Good Hope for payment of their wages, 27 Nov. 12. Commission. Matthias Nicolls and others, to constitute a Court of Admiralty to adjudicate in the case of the ship Good Hope and her crew, 28 Nov. j|. Proceedings of the Court of Admiralty in the case of the Good Hope, 29 Nov. 15. Letter. Thomas Topping, constable, to secrelary Nicolls, respecting Southampton. the town's rates which are paid in fat cattle, 30 (No date.) Bill of Thomas Topping of certain payments to be made out of the above rates, 31 Nov. 15. Order to the marshal to summon Lewis Morris and others before the Court of Admiralty assembled in the case of the Good Hope, 32 Nov. 16. Accounts of the wages due the persons shipped on board of the Good Hope, 33 Nov. 12. Petition. Francis Richardson, master of the Good Hope, praying that commissioners be appointed to determine what freight he is entitled to on the cargo of his vessel, 37 Nov. 16. Petition. The same, that he may be allowed to pay his seamen in sugar and cotton wool, 38 Nov. 16. Statement of wages due the seamen of the Good Hope, 39 Nov. 18. Oath administered to the members of the Court of Admiralty ap pointed in the case of the Good Hope, 41 Nov. 18. Judgment in the case of the Good Hope, 40, 41 Nov. 18. Petition. Jacob Schellinger, Stephen Hand, James Loper and others of Easthampton, for leave to employ Indians in whaling,. 41 Nov. 23. Account ofthe goods lost from on board of the Good Hope, 42 Nov. 13. Letter. Secretary Nicolls to Richard Smith, stating the governor's New York. views of his controversy with the people of Huntington, L. I.,. . . 43 Nov. 22. * Declaration of Ludovicus Cobes, relative to the purchase by Jan Ryerse of Schenectady, of Preeumen hook at Claverack, of the Indians, with gov. Stuyvesant's approval ; of his removal with his own and several other families thither, and of their murder by Onondaga Indians in the time of the war between the Mahicanders and the Mohawks, 44 * Affidavit of Jan Tymensen Valentine as to the above purchase, ... 44 Vol. XXV ] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 43 GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1675. . Nov. 23. Petition. Daniel de Haart, administrator of Balthazar de Haart, de ceased, praying to be admitted in appeal from a judgment of the Mayor's Court, \ 45 Nov. 23. Petition. [Robert Coe,] former high sheriff, respecting his being fined at the Gravesend Sessions, and complaining of Robert Rider for retaining part of the public money, , " 46 Nov. 25. Minute of a visit from Tackapousha and other Indians, respecting payment for the land which Heinpsted men have so long enjoyed; must have patience, 47 Nov. 25. Conditions on which the weigh-house is to be let to farm ; taken by John Sharpe, 49 (No date.) Orders to be observed in making payments at the weigh-house ; tariff of duties, , 50 Dec. 4. Conditions on which the Great Packt or Tapper's excise is to be let to farm, 51, 52 Dec. 4. Names of the bidders and amount of their bids, at the letting of the Great Packt ; expense attending said letting, 53 Dec. 7. Boundaries between New York and Connecticut, 54 April 20. Minute of a meeting of gov. Andros and gov. Carteret with three sachems from New Jersey, 54 Dec. 9. Proceedings of the Court of Sessions, held at Jamaica, L. I., and docket of cases, 55, 56 Dec. 15. Proceedings of the Court of Sessions, at Gravesend, L. I., with docket, 57, 58 Dec. 18. Inventory of the estate of Thomas Seabrooke, of Westchester; en dorsed " Letter of Administration [to Mary Seabrooke] hereupon," 59 Dec. 17. Receipt of the constable of Easthampton, L. I., to John Combs, for all fines, &c, 59 Dec. 18. * Letter. Ludovicus Cobes, town clerk, to secretary Nicolls; private Albany. affairs, 60 Dec. 18. * Letter. Jan Thomasen to secretary Nicolls ; private matters,... 61 Albany. 1658. Dec. 27. * Indian deed to Volckert Jansen and Jan Tomassen for half of an island situate in the Bunnen kil, in front of their bouwery, 62 1661. Jan. 25. * Indian deed to Volckert Jansen and Jan Tomassen, for the whole of the above island, together with a small island adjoining, called the Little Cooper's island, 62 1675. Dec. 22. Letter. John Barnes to John Shakerley, respecting merchandise Barbados, consigned to him, 63 Oct. 20. Statement of an account of Mr. Shackerly with Mr. Lee, 64 1676. Jan. 7. Confirmation of the peace with the Westchester Indians, 65 44 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXV. GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1676. PAGE. Jan. 11. Minute of the Mayor's Court, N. Y. ; appeal granted defendant in the case of John Tudor agst. Josias Helman and wife, 66 Jan. 9. Letter. Gov. Coddington to the governor and council of Massa- Rhode island. chusetts and the commissioners of the United Colonies ; refusing to comply with their demand for a military force ; reproaching them for "establishing iniquity by law," and rebuking them for having " departed from the Lord," 67 1675. Dec. 18. License to Thomas Smith, fencing master, to open a school to teach the use and exercise of arms in the city of New York, 68 1676. Jan. 12. Memorandum that Tackapousha and other Indians engage friendship for themselves and all the other Indians as far as beyond Seatalcott (Brookhaven), 68 Jan. 24. Petition. Josias Hillman for a writ of appeal in a suit between him aud John Tudor ; granted, 69 Jan. 26. Warrant to the constable of Staten island to levy upon the goods and chattels of Nathaniel Brittaine, 70 Feb. 6. Proceedings before the council in the matter of John Palmer and William Pinhorn, bookkeeper of John Winder (deceased), & Co., 70 Feb. 7. Petition. Christopher Hoghland, Francis Rumbout, and Guilain Verplanck, respecting merchandise of theirs seized in Boston as the property of Dutch enemies at New York, 71 Feb. 24. Statement of Samuel Andrews' account, together with his receipt of the amount, 73 Feb. 24. Bill of sale of a vessel from Samuel Andrews of Long island to John Shakerley and Reineer Williams, 74 Feb. 1. Petition. Constable and overseers of Huntington, L. I., reflect ing upon the Court of Assizes ; they are committed to the custody ofthe sheriff and bound over to the next assizes, 75 (No date.) Petition. Daniel de Haart, administrator of his brother Balthazar de Haart, relative to a balance owing the estate by Barentsen de Klyn, 76 Feb. 9. Certificate of John Stanton to the good services of the Pequot Indians on the English side, in the late disturbances, 77 Feb. 9. Bond of Symon Barensen to appear at the next Court of Assizes, to answer, &c, and to keep the peace towards Jan Scholter, 78 Feb. 12. Appeal of Johannes Vervalen from the manorial court of Fordham; granted on his giving security to prosecute in the Court of Assizes, 79 Feb. 25. Statement of Thomas Warner, taken prisoner by the Indians at Hatfield, 81 Feb. 29. Account ofthe arrival of two Indians at New York from Rockaway, with an Indian scalp sent as a present to the governor by Tacka pousha, "". 82 Petition. Matthew Hilier relative to the opening of a school in New York. Referred to the mayor and aldermen, 83 Petition. Richard Wood of Westchester, for a divorce from his wife on the ground of adultery, 84 85 Vol. XXV.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 45 GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1676. PAGE. Petition. John Tuckor, jun., of Seatalcot (Brookhaven), to be com pensated for having been shot by Samuel Seyward, 86 Petition. John Hart of Maspethkill, L. I., praying relief for a wrong done him in the division of his father's estate now in possession of Thomas Case, 87 March 4. Order to lieut. Gerrit Teunise to pursue Philip, or other North In dians, to the Eastern frontier, or as far as the Connecticut river ; to warn them against further invasion, and to demand and receive from them certain Christian prisoners, 88 Feb. 5. A True Relation of the Indian War, by John Easton, deputy gov ernor of Rhode Island, ¦ 89 Feb. 11. Order to keep in custody Wm. Loveridge till he shall give security to make good his charge against the Dutch of Albany, of hav ing supplied the North Indians with ammunition, 90 March 14. Letter. Simon Saring to secretary Nicolls, giving an account of the Hempstead. apprehension, at Hempstead, of Robert alias Thomas Williams, accused of having committed a murder at the Delaware, 91 March 29. Council minutes. Two Sachems from Wickerscreeke (Westchester county), sent for in consequence of advice that they are about to join the North Indians ; appeared and, answering satisfactorily, were dismissed, with presents, 92 Names of persons applying for land upon Manhattan island ; in dorsed 1676, 94 April 11. Bond of Samuel Ruscoe, William Creed, Abell Gaile and Humphrey Underhill, of Jamaica, to appear and answer the suit of Koulte Johnson at the next Jamaica Sessions, 95 April 12. Receipt of Thomas Williams, of Flushing, L. I, to Lawrence Van- derspiegle for moneys due the estate of Mr. Cooke, of Barbados, « yo c, Aoril 14. Minute of a visit to the governor of the two sachems of the Wick- P erscreeke Indians, who appeared before the council durmg his absence at Albany, Aoril 15. Council minutes. Report of the carpenters concerning the frame of P timber, or mole, necessary to be erected in the harbor of New York, 9S April 17. Account of an interview with the governor, of Tackapousha and P other Indian sachems of the west end of Long Island, 99 April 26. Petition. Daniel de Haart, for an appeal to the next Court of ^ Assizes, Aoril 23. Letter (accompanied with a beaver for fees) ; Jacob Cleysen van HE* Aev Heyden to secretary Nicolls, soliciting a patent for a lot of ^ ground, April 20. Agreement between capt. James Carterett and Elizabeth Bedloo, for the purchase of Love island, A™1 27 Minute of a meeting held at the fort, by the governor and coun- Apnl 27. M™^ Indians gom Wayattanoc, at the head of Stratford river, Conn., accompanied by some from Wickerscreeke and Stamtord, to whom presents are given, 46 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXV. GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1676. PAGE- April 29. Letter. William Nottingham to secretary Nicolls, to procure a writ Esopus. of appeal from a judgment of the court at Kingston, 104 Petition. Margaret Stuyvesant for an examination of her account against the estate of the late Balthazar de Haart, with whom she was engaged to be married, and who in his lifetime made use of her estate, 105 Petition. Daniel de Haart, administrator of the late Balthazar de Haart, praying for further time to procure testimony, 106 Oct. Petition. John Manning, for an audit of his accounts as high sheriff of Yorkshire, 107 Oct. Petition. Jacob Melyn and Isaac Melyn, for themselves and others, as the equitable proprietors of Staten island ; with Remonstrance of the present case and grievance of Jacob and Isaac Melyn, in behalf of themselves and sisters, equitable proprietors of Staten island, 108 May 9. Letter. Thomas Macy to governor Andros,. relative to the condi- Nantucket. tion and treatment of the Indians at Nantucket, 109 May 13. Minute of an interview between the governor and the sachems of Hackingsack and Tapan and others, who desire to live in friend ship, and promise to bring in other Indians, 110 May 15. Depositions of John Clarke and Penelope Cooke, as to Thomas Sea- brooke's intention to leave his property to his wife (see supra, p. 59), Ill May 20. * Deed. Commissaries of Albany to Jacob Tys van der Heyden, for a lot of ground on the corner of Esplanade street, and ad joining the new church yard, May 22. Petition. Rebecca, wife of Thomas Sadler, praying the restoration of the estate on Staten island, belonging to her husband, now in the hands of Jonas Halsted, 113 May 22. Letter. Gov. Andros to the governor and council of Massachusetts, New York. respecting the Indian war, 116 May. Letter. Secretary Nicolls to secretary Rawson, at Boston, respect- New York, ing Messrs. Hoghland, Rombout and Verplanck's goods, which had been seized at the beginning of the Dutch war, 117 May 23. Minute of an interview between the governor and council and the Unchechaug Indians', " free-born natives " of Long island, who desire free liberty of fishing, which is granted, 118 May 24. Order granting liberty to the Unchechaug Indians, to whale or fish on their own account, H9 Names of proprietors of vacant lots in New York, 119 May 26. Order about vacant lands in the city of New York, 120 May 30. Instructions to Mr. Delavall to proceed to Albany, and cause the Mohawks, Senecas and Mahicanders, to be invited to meet the gov ernor there, 221 June. Petition. Daniel de Haart, administrator of Balthazar de Haart, to be allowed to appeal from a judgment of the Mayor's Court obtained by Margaret Backer (see supra, p. 105), 122 47 GOVERNOR ANDROS. Vol. XXV.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS 1676. June 2, 3. Minute of interviews between the governor and two Susquehannah Sachems ; they are promised protection and receive presents ; " they speak Mohawk," 124 June 6. Pass to a Wickerscreeke sachem to go to Stamford, 125 June 12. * Account of the widow of Johannes Nevius, dec'd, ferryman, agst. secretary Nicolls, ."....' 126 June 13. Order for an appeal in the suit of John Ryder agst. Ezekiel Fogg, 127 June Docket at the Jamaica Sessions, 128, 129 June \\. Proceedings of the Court of Sessions at Jamaica, 130 June 14. Declaration. Nicolas Demyer agst. Willam Smith at the Jamaica Sessions, 131 June 14. Declaration. Wm. Sydenham, attorney to John Robinson agst. Thos. Davids, at the same court, 132 June |J. Proceedings of thei court of Sessions at Gravesend, 133 June 16. Statement of capt. Thomas De Laval's accounts, 134, 154 June 23. * Affidavit of Jannetie Cornells, wife of Jacob Schermerhoorn, respecting certain words expressed by Jan Gerritsen van Marken, at Schenectady against the characters of Harmeu Vedder and Sweer Teunissen, 135 * Account of presents given by order of col. Schuyler to various Indian scouts, 136 (No date.) Points of law submitted by col. Morris, 137 June 28. * Petition of Martin Geritsen for a grant of land in Albany, 138 July 5. Letter. Henry Easton, at Barbados, to Mrs. Jane Rider, at New York, 140 July 25. Minute of the appearance before the governor of Wickerscreeke Indians who pretend not to have been paid for the Youncker land ; whereupon the patent to Mr. O'Neale is produced, &c, 141 July 26. Letter. Henry Easton, at Barbados, to Mrs. Jane Rider, at New York, about knaveries committed by John Tuder, 142 July 28. Pass to some Indians to go to the south of Long island, 143 July 21. Letter. Commissaries to governor Andros, nominating Andries Albany. Teller, Dirk Wessells, Cornelis van Dyck, and Marte Crygier to be magistrates, 144 July 22. Letter. Nicolaus van Rensselaer to governor Andros, nominating Albany. Teunis Spitsenburgh and Juriaen Teunnissen to be commissaries of Rensselaerswyck for the coming year, 145 July 27. Petition. Sweer Teunissen, commissary at Schenectady, for an appeal against a decision of the court at Albany; granted, 149 July 24. Summons to John Garretsen van Marcken, requiring him to appear before the governor and council to answer to the complaint of Sweer Theunissen, 150 (No date.) Order to transmit to New York all the papers relating to the suit between Sweer Theunissen and John Garretsen van Marcken, .. . 151 48 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXV. GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1676. . - PAGE. May 2. Declaration, before the court at Albany, of John Garretsen van Marcken, as to the false oath of Sweer Theunissen, 152 May 6. Trial and judgment at Albany in the case of Sweer Teunissen agst. John Garretsen van Marchen for slander; verdict for defendant, 153 July 29. Trial of Albert Hendricks for having spoken disrespectfully of the King ; found guilty, and sentenced to pay £5, or to receive thirty- nine stripes, ^ . 155 July 26. Memorandum of orders about Shoemakers and Tanners, and about slaughterhouses in New York ; that some fit persons be appointed to agree with workmen, and to supervise the construction of the mole for the harbor, and that the magistrates of New York ap point a Town Treasurer ; a committee appointed to confer with the magistrates on the subject, 155 1675. Oct. 13. Discharge by proclamation of Samuel Gainpaine, charged with the death of Lawrence Robinson, 156 1676. July 31. * Nomination of magistrates for Schenectady, 156 Aug. 31. * Conditions and terms whereupon Gerrit van Slechtenhorst offers two houses at Albany for sale, and purchaser's name, 158 Aug. 2. Warrant of execution against Thomas Davids for a judgment ob tained against him by John Robinson, at a court of Sessions held at Jamaica on the 19th of June, 1676, 159 Aug. 9. Memoranda respecting the case of Sweer Theunessen and John Gar retsen van Marcken, ,.., 160 Aug. 9. Refusal of permission to Sweer Theunessen to sell merchandise at Schenectada, 160 Aug. 10. Petition. Peter Groenendyke for a review of a decision obtained against him by Henry Smith at a court held at Whorekill, 161 Aug. 18. Summons to and William Fisher, of Esopus, to ap pear at the next General Court of Assizes to make answer to the complaint of Anne, the wife of William Nottingham, of the same place, in an action of battery and slander, 162 Aug. 10. Minute of the appearance before the governor and council, of two Maquas sachems and some of their Indians, one of whom gives account of a conversation had with the governor of Canada about the operations of the " North Indians," 162 Sept. 3. Petition. Abraham Corbett driven with his family from his home eastward of New England, for a license to distill strong liquors,. 163 Sept. 4. Names of persons to have land in Harlem bounds, 164 Sept. 15. Minute of a meeting of the governor with the sachems of Southhamp ton ; are thanked for their visit; presents made them, and a promise given that they may have their arms, 165 Sept. 16. Letter. Governor Andros to the commander and magistrates at New York. Albany respecting the complaint of Jacob Leisler and Jacob Milborn, who accuse Mr. Rensselaer for words spoken in a sermon, 166 Sept. 16. Petition. John Parsall alias Butcher, for leave to appeal from a decision obtained against him by Augletie Burgers, at the Graves end Sessions in June, 1675 ; granted upon security, 167 Vol. XXV.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS, 49 GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1676. PAGE. Sept. 16. Obligation of N. Bayard to pay John Shakerly a certain sum of money conditionally, ¦ 168 Sept. 23. Invoice of goods by the sloop Edmond of New York, for Delaware, 170 Sept. 25. Letter (French.) Gov. Andros to commander Benckes, informing New York. him that he had supplied one of the Dutch fleet with provisions, and thanking him for having made favorable report of him to the Prince of Orange, 171 Sept. 25. List of debtors to the estate of col. Francis Lovelace, in Jamaica, L. I., with warrant to the constable and overseers of that town to notify the parties to pay the same, 172 Sept. 28. Letter. Constable and overseers to governor Andros, submitting Southampton. their reasons for not having taken out a patent for their lands (inclosing), 173 Reasons of the inhabitants of Southampton for delaying to take out a patent, ¦ • • • 174 Sept. 28. Reasons of the inhabitants of Southold, for not taking out patents for their lands, 175 Oct. 7. Judgment against the above towns for disobedience ; declaring the people to have forfeited all title, rights and privileges to their lands, unless they comply with the conditions within a forti night, Sept. 30. List of Mr. Bedloo's books taken out of the great chest at Mrs. Bedloo's ; also of those delivered to Stephen van Cortland, 177 Oct. 2. Summons to Marritye Jans and others, to appear at the general Court of Assizes, to testify in a cause in question between Allard Anthony and Elizabeth Bedloo, 1? 9 Oct. 2. Receipt from S. V. Cortlandt to secretary Nicolls, for certain books belonging to the estate of Francis Lovelace (see supra, p. 177), .... 18» Oct. 4. Docket of the general Court of Assizes, 181 Proceedings of said Court of Assizes from the 4th to the 7th Octo ber, ...7 181> 191-197, 202, 205 Oct Petition. Thomas Scudder, William Brotherton, Benjamin Jones and John Gowlding, of Huntington, asking relief against the exactions of Mr. Smith of Nessequage, 188 Oct 7. Petition. John Robinson, for protection against the shifts and sub terfuges of Thomas Davids, in the payment of a judgment obtained against him at the Jamaica Sessions 183 Oct 7. Sentence of William Loveridge for having charged the Dutch inhabitants of Albany with having supplied the North Indians with powder and ammunition, and not proved the same; fined twenty beavers, and given six months' time to substantiate his charge against Arnout Cornelissen, the interpreter, 184 Bill of costs against, for William Loveridge, 185 176 50 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXV. GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1676. Oct. 2. Request of Daniel de Haart for a subpoena to William Bogardus, to give evidence at the coming Court of Assizes, in the suit between Daniel de Haart, administrator, &c, and Margaret Stuy vesant alias Bakers, 186 Oct. 2. Subpoenas to William Bogardus and others, to appear at the court of Assizes, and testify as above, 18^-190 Oct. 27. Permit to the ship Margarett of New York, Gilbert Pack, com mander, to sail for England, 198 Bills of costs, 198, 199, 206, 210, 211, 214 Sept. 18. Petition. David des Marets, for an appeal in his suit with John Archer, 200 Judgment of the Court of Assizes (in equity) on an appeal ; David des Marets, appel't, agst. John Archer, resp't, on a claim to a piece of meadow near Spiting Devil; the former judgment of the court (when acting as a court of common law), reversed, 201 1677. March 13. Proclamation, requiring the inhabitants of the town of to sat isfy the Indians for their lands within the space of three months, on pain of being taken in hand by his excellency, 203 1676. Oct. 3. Order upon petition to John Cornell (driven from his habitation at the eastward by the Indians), granting him one hundred acres of land at Cow Neck, f 204 Declaration of William and Anne Nottingham, of Kingston, against William Fisher, for slander ; suit withdrawn, 207 Oct, Orders of the Court of Assizes respecting the destruction of wolves; delinquent constables of towns on Long Island to be more exact in returning each man's name whose estate is to be taxed ; all Christians who bargain with the Indians shall have the same put upon record with the town clerk, or make the bar gain before some public officer ; the town of Huntington to pay last year's rates, 209 Oct. Order of the same court. Hempstead men to be told that whosoever act by way of combination, will run themselves into a new premu nire, and that if Mr. Cornell, Doughty, &c, will not immediately settle on Long island, there are them that will, 211 Oct. Judgment on appeal from the mayor's court in a suit between Jo siah Helmont, appel't, agst. John Tudor, resp't, for defamation ; judgment for resp't, £10 dam. and costs, 212 Oct. Judgment on appeal from the mayor's court in a suit between John Rider and Ezekiel Fogg, for payment of a bond ; judgment was given for defendant, 212 Oct, Judgment for plaintiffs in suits between Silvester Salisbury and John Sharpe, and between Timothy Gabry and Jan Jansen Verryn, 213, 215 Petition. John Robson (confined on a charge of sedition) to be released from custody ; granted, 216 Vol. XXV.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 51 GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1676. PAGE. Petition. Ellen Wall of Flushing (whose house was burnt), solicit ing an order to the magistrates of that place to assist her in the collection of her debts, -. 217 Oct. 11. Indemnity bond of Timothy Gabry to Gabriel Minvielle and Nicolas Bayard, his bail, to meet a certain judgment of the court of Assizes, • 218 Oct. 14. Nomination by the mayor, aldermen, &c, of New York, of two sets of candidates, out of whioh the governor is to select their successors for the ensuing year, 219 Oct. 16. Affidavit of Henry Clarke respecting a libelous paper found by him on his premises, 220 Oct. 16. Petition. William Leveredge for a remission of his fine, &c. (see supra, p. 184), 220 Oct. 19. Summons to Frederick Philips and others to appear before the mayor, &c, to testify in a matter between Thomas Ashton, sheriff, and George Heathcott, 221 Oct. 23. Letter. Constable and overseers to governor Andros, announcing Southampton. the resolution of the town to comply with the law for taking out patent for their land, &c, 222 Oct. Rates and credits of the towns of Easthampton, Southampton, Southold, Setauket, and Huntington, L. I., 223 Oct. 9. Note signed by Barker and Richard Woodhull, about audit ing captain Manning's account, 224 Sept. 29. Protest of the constable, overseer and clerk of Hempstead against any persons settling upon Cow Neck, , 225 Oct. 2. Agreement entered into and signed by thirty-seven inhabitants of Hempstead, to stand by each other in the maintenance of their rights of property in all the lands of that town, , , 226 Names of the persons who signed the above paper, 227 Oct. 18. Warrant to the constable, &c, of Hempstead, requiring them to sum mon Nathaniel Pierson, Thomas Rushmore, Adam Mott, Abrm. Smith and Jos. Langdon (accused of riot) to appear before the council at New York to answer therefor, 228 Oct. 26. Presentment of the Hempstead men, for riot, &c., 229 Presentment of Nathaniel Pierson, Thomas Rushmore, Adam Mott, Abrm. Smith and Jos. Langdon, of Hempstead, for destroying the dwelling of John Cornell of said town, and treating him with menacing and abusive language, : 23Q Oct. 26. Form of indictment against said individuals, , , 23 J Draft of the indictment of Nathaniel Pierson and the other Hemp stead rioters, •.-. 23* Oct. 26. Form of proceeding against Henry Pierson, one of the Hempstead rioters, with the names ofthe jurors who tried him, 233 Oct 25. Proceedings at a special Court of Assizes for the trial of several Hemp, stead rioters ; found guilty and variously sentenced ; others to be tried at the next court, 234 52 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXV. GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1676. , ; -^-, PAGE. Oct. 25. Indictment against George Heathcott, of New York, for uttering seditious words respecting the government of the colony, and for saying that he had not the privileges of an Englishman, and that he could prove that the Dutch had landed goods in the city con trary to law, 235 Complaint against George Heathcott, 236 Oct. 10. Warrant for the apprehension of George Heathcott, 237 Oct. 26. Judgment against George Heathcott ; fined £20 and costs,. .. . 238, 239 Oct. 26. Statement of said costs (£61 : 5: 6), 240 Oct. 26. Letter. George Heathcott to governor Andros ; explains charges against him for sedition, and prays a stop to the proceedings, . . . 241 Oct. Presentment of John Fenwieke, late of the county of Berks, Eng land, for riotously and routously, with Fenwick Addams, Rich ard Hancocke, and others, possessing himself of lands within the colony (New Jersey), and assuming to be lord chief proprietor of the same, 242 Oct. 27. Order to the constable of Newtown, L. I., to levy upon the goods, chattels, &c, of Richard Wood, to satisfy a judgment in favor of George Wood, obtained at the Gravesend Sessions on the 24th June, 243 Oct. 2. Assessment rolls of the five Dutch towns on Long island, 244 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., II, 470-493.] Dec. 2. Conditions of farming the Weigh House in the city of New York, and a list of the bidders on the 2d inst., with the amount of their bids, 245 Nov. 22. Warrant against the goods, chattels, &c, of Mrs. Elizabeth Bedloo of New York, to satisfy judgments against her, by Alexander Bryan of Connecticut, 246 Judgment for the pl'ff in the suit between Allard Anthony and Eliza beth Bedloo, 246 Judgment for def ' ts in the suit between Daniel de Haart, pl'ff, and Jan Hendricks van Bomell, Jacob Teunissen Kay, and Jacques Cosseau, def 'ts, 246 (No date.) Reasons presented by John Lawrence why Cristina van Vos's peti tion for city property in his possession ought to be rejected, .... 247 Nov. 20. Memorandum of the several towns to which the orders of assizes of 1676 were sent, and by whom, 248 Nov. 11. Letter. Peter Smith to secretary Nicolls, inclosing a copy of his Jamaica. l. i. commission, 248 Nov. 15. Letter. Joseph Knott (in prison for having shipped unculled staves contrary to law), to governor Andros, alleging his innocence,. . . . 249 Nov. 15. Papers relating to Mr. Knott's case, 250 Nov. 16. Sentence pronounced against Joseph Knott, 251 (No date.) Petition. Joseph Knott to be exempted from the infliction upon him of tho public and ignominious part of hia sentence, 252 Vol. XXVI.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 53 GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1676. — — — — PAGEk Oct. 9. Statement of capt. John Coster's account, 253 Dec. 1. Petition. Wm. Pinhorne, attorney of John Jackson, merchant of London, for an appeal against a judgment obtained by Samuel Wilson in the mayor's court of New York, 254 1679. March 10. Warrant against Jacob Hadley of Westchester, who is about to leave that place, to answer at the Jamaica Sessions in an action of debt, 255 1676. Dec. 2. Account of sales of goods belonging to capt. Edward Rawling, dec'd, 255 Dec. 5. * Judgment of the court at Albany against Mrs. Curler, at the suit of Gerrit van Slechtenherst, for debt, 256 Dec. Proceedings at the Jamaica Sessions, held on the 13th, 14th and 15th of December, 257 Dec. 30. Notice that Andrew Gibb of Oysterbay, hath given security in the suit of Samuel Blagge, of New York, 258 Docket of the Jamaica Sessions, to be held on the 13th of December, 259 VOLUME XXVL GOVERNOR ANDROS. [Papers thus * marked are in Dutch.] 1676. (No date.) Petition. Abigail Darling, to be freed from corporal punishment, . 1 Dec. Petition. Richard Valentine, one of the Hempstead rioters, to be exempted from punishment on account of his youth and ignorance, 2 1677. Petition. Ezekiel Fogg (a close prisoner), submitting certain points of law in his case, • • 3 Petition. Timothy Gabry to be granted time to put in security in a matter between him and Jan Jansen Verryne, 4 Jan 10. Commission for a special court of Sessions at Jamaica, L. I., to hear a matter in difference between Samuel Blagge, and Samuel Edsall and Andrew Gibb, all of New York city, 8 Jan. 10. Summons. Samuel Edsall and Andrew Gibb, to appear at the aforesaid special court of Sessions, 9 Jan 12. Order relative to the cording of firewood exposed for sale in New York, and renewing former orders prohibiting felled timber to remain on the ground, 10 Jan. 12. Trial of major John Fen wyck, n> 12 Jan 12. Order respecting Thomas Case; owing to the great concourse of people visiting him in prison, he is to be restrained, and the om- cers only to come to him for necessary purposes, 13 54 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS; [Vol. XXVL GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1677. PAGE. Jan. 12. Sentence. Major John Fen wyck, tried for possessing himself of large tracts of land in the colony, and selling the same, and for assuming to be lord chief proprietor thereof J an appeal lodged, . 14 Jan. 18. *Deed. Marretje Loockermans to John Shackerly, for a lot of ground in New York, 15 Jan. 20. Account between John Shakerly and John Sharpe, 16 Feb. 1. Petition. Francis Rumboult, Christopher Hoogland and Guilain Verplanck, for a certificate in the matter of goods consigned to them from London, which being carried into Boston by way of precaution, while New York was temporarily in the hands of the Dutch, were confiscated and sold as enemies' property, 17 Jan. 30. * Certificate of certain inhabitants of Bushwick, that Ryck Leyde- ker obtained in 1660 a grant of a tract of land in that town,. ... 18 Feb. 5. * Certificate of the constable and overseers of Bushwyck, that Ger rit Leydecker is proprietor of certain lands in that town, 18 Feb. 7. Summons. Baertel Claes and Coert Stevens of Flatbush, and Cor nells Corsen Bloom of Brooklyn, to answer the complaint of Marritie Jacobs Vervangher, of New York, widow, in an action of debt, 19 Feb. 9. Letter. John Archer (?) to secretary Nicolls, relative to a sum mons of the mayor of New York, served upon him by the consta ble of Harlem, declaring that the officer has exceeded his juris diction, 20 Feb. 13. Execution issued against the goods of Rob't. Coe, of Jamaica, L. I., to satisfy a judgment obtained against him by John Sharpe, 21 Feb. 19. Execution issued against the goods and chattels of Nicholas Bay ard, of New York, to satisfy a judgment obtained against him, at the last general Court of Assizes, by Paulus Richards, 22 Feb. 5. Order. Samuel Lee'te to deliver Up to capt. Nicolls the writings concerning the house he bought at vendue, 22 Feb. 20. Proceedings in the suit between Nicholas Blake, plaintiff, and Samuel Blagge, defendant, for slander;, judgment for plaintiff £1,000; defendant allowed to appeal, 23 Petition. John Hendricks Bruyn and Samuel Simonson to have certain goods which they had shipped for Barbados, returned to them (the vessel, the Pinke Hopewell, in which they were shipped having returned into port, and remaining there), or that a special court be forthwith appointed to determine the matter, 24 Jan. 24. Warrant to levy £24 off the goods and chattels of Nicholas Blake of the city of New York, or, in default of goods, arrest him and keep him in custody till he make satisfaction, &c, 25 Feb. 21. * Certificate of the constables and overseers of Boswyck relative to the contents and location of Gerrit Leydecker's land, 26 Feb. 14. Order of the court of Nantucket, that Peter Foulger, arraigned for contempt of conrt, be required to give bail in the sum of £20 for his appearance at the Court of Assizes of New York, to answer for his offense, and that he remain committed till such bail be given, 26 Vol. XXVL] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 55 GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1677. . PAGE. March 1. Petition. Samuel Blagge for an appeal against a judgment obtained at the last mayor's court, by Nicholas Blake, in a case of slander, 27 Petition. Town of Huntington, L. I., that the Quakers may not be permitted to come into the meeting house (as they frequently do), in time of worship, to disturb the congregation, 45 March. Letter. Governor AndrOs to gov. Leverett respecting the conduct taewYork, of the N. Y. Indians; has sent out parties against the Indians at the eastward, 46 (No date.) Deed. William Dyer to Samuel Leete, of a lot of ground on the east side of Broadway, New York, 47 April 24. * Certificate Of the constable and overseers of Brooklyn, respecting the grant of a morass or valley behind that village to Jeronimus Rapalje and others, and the draining thereof (see vol. 22 : 121),. 48 April 6. Order respecting an alleged free mulatto, claimed as a slave by Thomas Thatcher ; that if Thomas Thatcher or John Palmer do not prove him to be a slave, within eight days, or enter security of £1,000 to prove him to be so within twelve months, then the said mulatto shall be declared free, 49 Feb. 12. Indenture of Wm. Corvan, the above mulatto, binding himself as a servant to Thomas Thatcher, of Boston, for seven years, 50 1676. Sept. 18. Testimony of Robert Little, seaman, to the freedom and abduction of the said. Wm. Corvan, a native of Martinique, 51 1677. April . 27. * Minute of an interview of governor Andros with the Esopus Indians ; description of the boundaries of the lands they ceded to the English ; presents made them ; the limits to be determined by actual perambulation in presence of some of the Indians, 52 May. Power of attorney. Richard Crisp, of Boston (attorney of Lancelot Talbott of the same place), to John Inians and , of New York, to collect certain debts due said Talbott there,. . . 53 May 10. Account between capt. Mathias Nicolls and Nicholas Blake, of New York, 54 May 16. Trial at Southampton, L. I., of Elizabeth Rainer, found guilty of neglecting to preserve the life of her newly born infant ; sentenced to stand under the gallows with a halter round her neck, and then be taken to the whipping post and receive 21 stripes on her naked back, 56 May 30. * Letter. Robert Sanders to secretary Nicolls, respecting a patent Albany for a piece of land purchased by a friend of his, 57, 58 Vol. XXVI.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 57 GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1677. — . PAGE. * Memorandum. To insert the name of, Hendrick Salsbergen in a patent for Philip Pietersen Schuyler, 59 May 19. Account of tin ware and brushes sold by John Teft to capt. Delaval and John Shackerly, and memorandum for Mr. Shackerly, from Guilain Verplanck, 61 May 31. Letter. John Gardner to governor Andros, respecting affairs on the Nantucket, island of Nantucket, 62 June 7. Bond. Samuel Blagge, of Stratford, in New England, and capt. John Howell, of Southampton, L. I., that said Samuel Blagge shall prosecute an appeal, from a judgment obtained against him in the mayor's court of New York, by Samuel Edsall and Andrew Gibb, 63 June 5. Order of the general court of Nantucket. That capt. John Gard ner, for contumacious conduct towards the court, be fined ten pounds, and disfranchised, 64 June 23. Memorandum of a claim of Weamske, sachem of Seacotauk, to Nesaquak lands and of Swanemee to the land called Unchemau, near Huntington, 65 July 12. Letter. Governor Andros to the magistrates of Albany ; declines New York, to visit that place at the request of the Maquas ; condemns the violence of the Mohawks and Northern Indians towards Mohe gans, who have been received into that city, 66 July 11. Petition. Sarah, widow of John Cooper, of Southampton, L. I., for letters of administration to her husband's estate ; granted, 67 Petition. Nicholas Bayley, constable of Westchester, for measures to suppress quarrels, fighting, and all sorts of disturbances in that place arising from the sale of strong drinks to the Indians by " the very christian inhabitants," 68 July 21. Answer of the Oneyda Indians to propositions of the Hon. Henry Coursey, agent of Lord Baltimore, lord proprietor of Maryland,. 69 July 22. Testimony of Mr. Gildersleeve, Mr. Jackson and Mrs. Gildersleeve, of Hempstead, to the satisfactory payment ofthe Indians for their lands, and concerning the bounds of lands sold by them to Hemp stead, 70 July 12. Testimony of William Yeats, John Carman and Edward Sprage, all of Hempstead, as to the payment of Indians for their lands, ... 71 July 2. Brief of documentary titles of the town of Hempstead to its lands, 72 Rough draught of Hempstead bounds, 73 July 21. Petition. Samuel and Noamy Barker, respecting the shooting of their son by John Skidmore, at Jamaica, L. I., 74 July 25. Receipt. John Collier to John Ogle, for twenty bushels of wheat, quit-rent, due for the land of Lewis Johnson, on Apoquenamin creek, Del., 75 July 26. Letter. Hezekiah Usher to George Cooke, of New York, inclosing Boston, power of attorney to prosecute Ezekiel Fogg, of that place, 76 8 58 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXVI. GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1677. . - PAGE. Aug. 8. Council minutes. Thomas Macy continued chief magistrate of Nantucket ; proceedings against capt. John Gardner, for contempt of court, and Tristram Coffin, sen., and John Swain, sen., respect ing a deed burnt or destroyed ; to be suspended, 77 Account against John Shackerly, 78 Aug. 4. Judgment in a suit between John Henderer agst. Thomas Bray; that the defendant pay the plaintiff three months' wages and restore his clothes ; parties to pay equal costs [plaintiff had been set on shore by the defendant (master of a vessel), for neglecting his work, and breaking open the bulk-heads, &c], 79 July 30. Account of supplies sent to " Fort Charles at the Eastward," from Piscataway and Boston, 80 Aug. 14. Warrant of Helm Wiltbank, of Whorekill, Del., for the apprehen sion of John Roades, charged with stealing property of Edward Southern, 81 Aug. 28. Summons by Thomas Hicks, for the appearance of Caleb Carmen, Samuel Cole, Thomas Wigins and some Rockaway Indians, before the bench at Jamaica, 82 Aug. 18. Receipt in full by Samuel Winslow of Boston, mariner, to John Shackerly of New York, merchant, 82 (No date.) Petition. Nicholas Eedes for a grant of land lying in Corchoagg and Occabauk, Southold, L. I., formerly in the tenure of John Hand of Easthampton, and since forfeited in consequence of said Hand's absence, 83 Description of the bounds of the above land, 84 Sept. 10. Certificate of the constable and overseers of Southold, L. I., to the willingness of themselves and the inhabitants of the town, that Nicholas Eedes should have the land formerly owned by John Hand, 85 Sept. 11. Warrant to the constable of Oyster Bay, to arrest Richard Black- leach of Stratford, at the suit of Cornelius van Borsum and Thomas Delaval, &c, 86 Sept. 13. Letter. John Gardner to governor Andros, respecting Peter Foul- Nantucket. ger, and desiring some order relative to the Indians of that island, 87 Sept. 7. Certificate of John Edmondsen of Champtank river, as to the length of time John Griffen, the man servant of George Moore, was to serve, 88 Notice from Samuel Leete to secretary Nicolls, of the withdrawal of the cause of Daniel de Haart agst. the executors of Balthazar de Haart, 89 Sept. 30. Letter. John Topping to governor Andros, begging him to excuse Southampton. his non-attendance at the court of Assizes, in consequence of the sickness of a child, 90 Petition. John Mann of Jamaica, L. I., for an appeal from a judg ment obtained against him by Nicholas Bayard, of New York,. . 91 Petition. Elizabeth Gibbs, attorney of her husband, Thomas Gibbs, absent, for a special Court of Assizes to try an appeal, granted to capt. Thomas Delaval, from a judgment obtained by her husband, 92 Vol. XXVI.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 59 GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1677. PAGE. Petition. George Hall of Esopus, to be indemnified for the loss of his negro slave, who had been executed for the murder of two women in the summer of 1676, 93 Oct. 5. Petition. Nathaniel Piersall and Joseph Langdon of Hempstead, L. L, asking to have their bonds given Up, and the whole or part of thei!' fines remitted, 94 Sept. 5. Petition. Ezekiel Fogg, relative to his imprisonment, and soliciting enlargement, 95 Petition. Joseph Ludlam of Oyster Bay, L. I., for an order to can cel two bonds given by him to capt. Thomas Delaval and John Thompson, and that he have a title to a house and lot in Oyster bay purchased by him, > 96 Oct. 5. Order for the discharge from custody of Symon Gibson, sent a pris^ oner to New York by the court at New Castle, for detaining a coat belonging to Thomas Morse, . » < ¦ 97 Oct. 5. Taxed bill of costs in the Case of Simon Gibson, 98 Petition. Timothy Gabry, respecting a loan made by him to Jan Jansen Veryne in Holland, 99 Oct. Petition. Timothy Gabry, to remit a fine imposed upon him for uttering, in the Court of Assizes, gross and unbecoming language against his adversary, 1°° Oct. Order in the suit between Timothy Gabry, pl'ff, and Jan Jansen Verryne, deft, for indemnifying the deft against any damage to him by the production of a pretended lost obligation, 101 Oct. Order in the suit between Peter Grofenendyke, pl'ff, and John Avery and Henry Smith, def 'ts, that the action be divided, that is, that the plaintiff, iu one action, shall prosecute the court and jury at the Whorekill, and in another, prosecute the defendant Smith by way of appeal, at the next Court of Assizes, also, that evidence taken at Whorekill relative to this matter, shall be admitted in this court, and that the parties shall put in security, the one to prosecute, and the other to answer, 102 Oct. Further order of the Court of Assizes, respecting the preceding case, • 103 Oct. Order confirming a judgment of the mayor's court for defendant, in a suit between Samuel Wilson and Lancelot Talbot, 104 Invoices of goods sent to the Barbados from Boston, by Samuel Wilson, and consigned to Lancelot Talbot, in the year 1 608, 105 1669. . , April 20. Letter. Lancelot Talbot to Samuel Wilson, Boston, respecting the Barbadoes. above goods, 1676. Dec. 26. Power of attorney. Lancelot Talbot to Richard Crisp to collect debts of Thomas Snawsell of New York, and others, &c, 107 Jan '" 4 Power of attorney. Charles Gosfright of London, to Hezekiah Usher of Boston, N. E., to collect debts due him ; with power of attorney from Mr. Usher to John Robinson, appointing him his 60 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXVI. GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1675. PAGE. substitute to collect Mr. Gosfright's debts in New York, and several documents of the legal authorities of Suffolk county, Mass., &c, 108 1677. Oct. Order confirming a judgment of the mayor's court condemning Ezekiel Fogg to pay John Robinson, attorney of Charles Gos- fright, or find security ; the plaintiff's security desiring to be dis charged, it was ordered that the sheriff take him into custody until he find other surety (see supra,, p. 95), 109 Oct. Order confirming a judgment of the mayor's court, that Samuel Wilson pay Win. Pinhorne, attorney of John Jackson, £230 and costs ; upon the plaintiff's moving an appeal to England, it was granted, he giving security, 109 Oct. Order in the appeal between Samuel Wilson, pl'ff, and Lancelot Talbot, deft, that the attachment be null and no further prose cution made against the deft in this place, but that pl'ff have leave to sue the deft, if he see fit, at his place of residence, .... 109 Oct. Order in an appeal from the mayor's court, between Samuel Blagge, pl'ff, and Nicholas Blake, deft, that the pl'ff showing certain scandalous letters about, was no libel nor damage to the deft, but that the deft be left to his remedy at law against those who wrote and sent the letters hither, 109, 114, 120 Oct. Order in an appeal from the court of Sessions, in the East Riding of Yorkshire upon Long island, in a suit between Samuel Blagge, pl'ff, and Samuel Edsall and Andrew Gibb, def 'ts, for balance of an account ; judgment for pl'ff, 1 OS Oct. License. Jonas Wood of Huntington, L. I., to practice chirurgery, 1 1 ] Oct. Judgment affirming a decision of the mayor's court between Nicholas Bayard, appel't, and Paulus Richards, resp't; appellant to pay 143 guilders and ten stivers, with costs of suits, Hi Oct. Judgment against William Lawrence, in a suit with Isaack Melyne, for £6.19s.5d. (the amount allowed by the referees in the case) with costs, 112 Oct. Order that Robert Coe, sheriff in governor Lovelace's time, be freed from several suits at law commenced, and judgments obtained, against him for public debts, &c, 113 Oct. 5. Report of merchants appointed to examine the accounts between Samuel Blagge and Samuel Edsall and Andrew Gibb, 115, 121 Oct. Answer of Samuel Edsall and Andrew Gibb to the bill of complaint of Samuel Blagge, 116, 121 List of exhibits in the case of Samuel Blagge and Samuel Edsall,. . 117 Oct. Bill of costs in the suits between Samuel Blagge and Nicholas Blake, and between Blagge and Edsall and others, 118, 119 Oct. 4. Petition. Constables in the East and North Ridings on Long island, praying that there may be a minister of the gospel and a school in each town ; that the sale of strong drink to the natives be obstructed ; that ports of entry be established in the several towns; that horses &c, be more fairly valued in the town rates, and that pounds be established in the several towns, 122 Vol. XXVI.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 61 GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1677. PAGE. Oct. Resignation by Nicholas Bayard of his attorneyship to governor Colve, 123 Oct. 4. Petition. Nicholas Bayard, respecting certain acts of his as attorney of governor Colve, 124 Oct. Order in an appeal between John Innyans (attorney of Clayborne Haslewood), pl'ff, and William Darvall, Cornelius Steenwyck and Gabriel Minvielle, def 's, that the whole case be remitted to Eng land, the parties giving the necessary securities, &c. [This suit was in consequence of the demurrage of a ship at Newcastle, Eng.], 125, 127, 129 June 12. Order allowing John Innians to appeal to the general Court of Assi zes, from a judgment of the mayor's court, 128 Oct. Judgment for appel't in a case between John Man and Nicholas Bayard, for 16 head of cattle, and costs, 130 1674. Accounts between John Man and Nicholas Bayard, 131-134 1677. Oct. 5. Letter. John Pynchon to capt. Salisbury, at Fort Albany, respect- springfleid. ing Indian troubles, with Benoni Stebbings' account of the affair at Hatfield, 135 Oct. 12. Letter. Governor Leverett to the sachems of the Mohawks, warn- Boston. ing them against injuring the friendly Indians of his colony, and exhorting them to the rescue of the Hatfield captives, 136 Oct. 7. Draft of Samuel Winslow on capt. John Palmer, to pay to capt. Thomas Delaval £4.1 9s., on account of Ralph Hutchinson, 137 Accounts between John Shackerly and Dirck Jansen, ferryman, Thaddeus Mackarty of Boston, and John West of New York, . . 137 Oct. 18. License. Henry and Thomas Townsend of Oysterbay, L. I., to purchase land of the Indians within their limits, 138 Oct. 20. Affidavit. Jacob Milborne, bookkeeper to Thomas Delaval of New York, from 1668 to 1672, that he does not recollect any dealing between Thomas Gibbs and said Delaval, within that period, and that he cannot find, upon search of said D's books, any record of such dealing within said time, 139 Oct. 22. * Resolution ofthe court of Schenectady to recommend Daniel Jan- sen's application for a license to purchase the third flat on the Mohawk river, and Jacobus Peeck and Isaac de Truex the second flat on said river, 139 Oct 29. Affidavit. Nathaniel Sterry relative to a disagreement between William Shackerly, master of a ketch from New York, and William Critchlow of St. Michaels, respecting some damaged goods brought him in the vessel of said Shackerly, 140 Oct 30 Letter. Governor Andros to capt. Salisbury, commander at Albany, New York. ordering him to send to New York any strangers that may visit the former place, Nov 2 * Surrender by Harman Gansevoort of a lot of land at Kattskil pur- chased from. rev. Nicolaus van Renselaer and Maria, his wife, .... 142 62 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXVI. GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1677. PAGE. (No date.) Note of Jan Aartse respecting Andrew Norwood's mare sent to Staten island, 143 Nov. * Certificate that Jan Aertsen's fence was in good condition, 143 Nov. 5. Council minutes. Visit to the governor by Tackpousha and other Indians as far as Unchechauke, and the sachem of Seatalcott ; they complain of the Whites in the purchase of their lands ; in return, the governor gives them fair promises and exhortations to exercise patience, 144 Nov. 7. Fees to be paid by vessels lying at anchor or within the wharf at New York, 145 Nov. 6. Petition. Nicolas D'Meyer for time to remove his horses running at large on Staten island, contrary to the new order, 146 Nov. 7. Order. Every man shall put his brand upon all barrels of flour when sent to be shipped, and not before, 147 Petition. Thomas Hunt for payment of his account against the government for divers journeys to Hartford, &c, on the public service, 148 Nov. 13. Letter. Governor Leverett to governor Andros, requiring the sur- Boston. render of some persons and vessels captured by Indians at Pemaquid, 149 Nov. 15. Letter. Governor Leete to governor Andros, expressing dissatisfac- Hartford. tion at the non-recovery of persons of that colony in the hands of Indians, and giving instances of the loyalty of Connecticut, 150 [In Conn. Col. Rec, 1665-1667, p. 508.] Nov. 16. Power of attorney. Governor Andros to his wife, for the collection of his debts, &c, in New York during his absence, 151 1677-8. Translation of two letters from governor Frontenac of Canada, dated Quebec. Nov. 18, 1 677, and Jan. 8, 1678, to governor Andros, desiring infor mation relative to Frenchmen, prisoners in Boston, and requesting him to forward letters he sends to France, via England, 152 1677. Nov. 22. Letter. Sarah Cooper to governor Andros, requesting him to com- Southampton. pel some Indian whalemen who had deserted her husband's busi ness in his absence to fulfill their engagement, 153 Dec. 3. Bids for the farming of the weigh house at New York ; capt. Thomas de Laval takes it for 6,500 guilders, 154 Dec. 11. Power of attorney. John Palmer of Staten island, N. Y., to John Smith of Barbados, to collect not only his own debts there, but those of his wife Sarah, relict and administratrix of John Winder of Barbados, 155 Dec. 12. Proposals of George Heathcote, concerning the restoration of goods taken from him at Albany ; the return of a fine imposed upon him, and his liberty to trade, uninterrupted, in the city, 156 Dec. 12. Council minutes. Order on the above proposals, and respecting Mrs. Cooper's business with the Indians of Southampton, L. I., 157 Names of gentlemen and ladies, supposed to be invited to a party ; in secretary Nicoll's handwriting, 158 Vol. XXVII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 63 COMMANDER BROCKHOLLS: 1677. . PAGE. Dec. 29. Warrant to the constable of Jamaica, L. I., to summon Samuel Davis to appear and answer the charge of detaining Edward Burleigh in his service, beyond the time of his indenture, 158 Dec. 12-14. Proceedings of the court of Sessions at Jamaica, L. I., 159 Dec. 19, 20. Proceedings of the court of Sessions at Gravesend, L. I., 160 Dec. 20. Propositions made by the Oneydes, to the commander and commis saries at Albany, &c, 161 Dec. 21. Answer of the commander and commissaries at Albany, to the pro positions of the Oneydes, 162 Account of disbursements of the country rates of the several towns on Long island and Westchester, for 1676 and 1677, 163 (No date.) Bill of Anthony Shackerly for the iron work of the Harlequin, and her boat, and sundry other accounts, 164-173 (No date.) Letter. Mary Philips of St. Jones, Del., to capt. Edward Cantwell, St. Jonee. respecting the settlement of a debt, 1 74 Sundry accounts, 174-179 YOLUME XXVII. COMMANDER BROCKHOLLS. [ Thus * marked are in Dutch.] 1678. Jan. 1. Memorandum of a letter from secretary Nicolls to capt. Townsend, New York. of Oysterbay, about a servant of John Bowne, 1 Jan. 5. Council minutes. Resolution to deliver up to Wm. Bowditch, of Salem, certain vessels at Pemaquid, in compliance with a request of gov. Leverett (see supra, vols. 24 : 161 ; 26 : 129), 2 Petition. Henry Case, of Southold, for remission of a fine imposed on him for fornication, 3 Jan. 6. Return by John Jagger, constable, of articles saved from a vessel cast on shore at Southampton, L. I., 3 Jan. 7. Letter. John Topping to commander Brockholls, relative to the Southampton. above vessel said to belong to Richard Lord, of Hartford, 4 Jan. 7. Letter. Commander Brockholls to the governor at Boston, in New York. answer to his of the 13th Nov., and relative to the delivery ofthe ketches at Pemaquid, 5 Jan. 8. Letter. Secretary Nicolls to capt. Billop, about leasing Mattinican New York. island, in Delaware river, to Robert Stacy, 6 Jan. 8. * Trial and sentence of Wm. Loveridge, Jan Lansingh, Frans Pieterse Winne and others, of Albany, for planting a scandalous tree before the door of Eichard Pretty, magistrate, 7 64 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXVII. COMMANDER BROCKHOLLS. 1678. PAGE. Petition. William Loveredge,jr., for remission of a fine imposed on him and others for setting up the above pole, 8 Jan. 19. Warrant to George Commines, constable of Staten Island, to arrest Paulus Marlett, Francis Vesselton, Hans Lawrens, Daniel Still well, Edward Marshall and Peter Jansen, for abducting a servant girl of Christopher Billop, 9 Jan. 19. Order to sheriff Ashton, of New York, to hold an inquest on the body of a negro servant of John Cooly, said to have been killed by him, 9 Account of the farming the great excise in New York and Esopus, and to whom let ; names of weighmasters at New York ; account of the sale of the ketch Susannah, 10 Jan. 15. Invoice of goods bought of John Reding, 10 Jan. 17. Letter. Secretary Nicolls to the magistrates of Albany; approves New York. of their negotiations with the Oneydas, relative to the delivery of a Mohicander boy, and an attack made by the Senecas on the Susquehanna Indians behind Virginia, in ignorance of the late treaty, 10 Jan. 24. Order for the discharge from prison on bail of Paul Marlett and others, charged with having abducted Christopher Billop's servant girl from Staten Island, 11 Jan. 29. Letter. Secretary Nicolls to John Topping, magistrate of South- New York, ampton, L. I., relative to the vessel belonging to Mr. Lord, of Hartford, cast on shore at former place, 12 Feb. 6. Order for a writ of appeal in favor of Abraham Whirley agst. John Rider, ." 14 Feb. 11. Petition. Samuel Willson, for the confirmation of his appeal in the action of capt. Palmer, in the matter of Lancelot Talbut, 15 Feb. 12. Account. James Matthys' against John Sackerly for wine, rum, &c, 16 Feb. 12. Letter. Johannis Kip to John Adams, of Virginia (?), relative to their business transactions, 17 Feb. 14. Letter. Timothy Cooper to major John Pyncheon, of Springfield, Albany. giving an account of the safe arrival of Benjamin Wait and others in Canada, and the redemption of several persons there from the Indians, 18 Feb. 15. List of letters brought from Canada to Albany by serjeant Cham- pangie, bound for Boston, 19 Jan. 9. Passport of Count de FYontenac to serjeant Champagne and two soldiers to go to Boston, 20 Feb. 19. Letter. John Briggs to John Shakerly ; to procure some goods for himself and family, 22 Feb. 20. * Bill of sale from Renier Willemsen to John Schakerly, of one-half of the sloop Edmund, 24 Feb. 21. * Obligation of John Shackerly to Renier Willemsen for 3,400 guilders, the price of his share of the yacht aforesaid, 25 Feb. 22. * Invoice of goods sent to the Delaware river by Francis Rombouts, 26 Vol. XXVII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 65 COMMANDER BROCKHOLLS. 1678. . . PAGE, Feb. 22. * Power of attorney. Francis Rombouts to John Shackerly, to collect the amount of the following account at the Delaware,. ... 38 Feb. 22. Account of Francis Romboult against Edmund Cantwel for mer chandise, 29 Feb. 22. Letter. Secretary Nicolls to John Shackerly, desiring him to col- New York. leet from Mr. Moore, deputy sheriff at Newcastle, and from Simon Gibson, certain fees due by them, 30 Feb. 25. Bill of lading of goods shipped on board the sloop Edmund, bound for Delaware, by John Robinson, with account, 31 Feb. 25. Council minutes. Ship Mary from Liverpool, lying at Delaware damaged by the ice, with six or seven families of Quakers on board, to be sent to clear at New York, 34 Feb. 25. Council minutes. Repetition of the above order ; appeals granted in the case of Samuel Wilson and Lancelot Talbut, and to Abra ham Whirley, in the case of John Rider ; death of Mr. Tom, of Delaware, in prison at the suit of Mr. Delaval ; wills his property to capt. Cantwell ; grant of water right to John Palmer for his mill at Staten Island, 35 Feb. 25. Warrant to the constable of Flatbush, to levy by execution on the goods aud chattels of Thomas Lamberts, former constable of Brooklyn, the sum of 150 guilders collected by him for the late rev. Mr. Polhemus and which remains unpaid, 36 Feb. 25. Order. Constable and overseers of Staten Island to permit John Palmer to cut through the great pond for more water for his mill, 36 Feb. 28. Letter (French). Commander Brockholls to gov. Frontenac, of New York. Canada, concerning French prisoners at Boston, &c, 37 March 16. Letter. John Gardner to governor Andros, relative to his dispute Nantucket. with Mr. Mayhew, 38 March 18. Warrant to the constable at Westchester, to summon Richard Pon ton, John Palmer and others, for refusing to give an account of their arms, or to obey their superior officer on training day, 39 Petition. Richard Osborne of Westchester, reporting the above officers and others, for refusing to obey orders, 40 Feb. 26. *Petition. Domine Polhemus' widow, praying execution against Thos. Lambert, constable of Brooklyn, for the payment of arrears of salary due her late, husband, pursuant to a judgment of the court at that place, 41 March 14. Letter. Timothy Cooper to capt. Brockholls, complaining that the Albany. commander at Albany breaks open his letters, 42 March 18. Order on the complaint of Richard Pretty, collector of the excise at Albany, agst. Harman Rutgers, brewer, for defrauding the excise and selling beer to the Indians; the case to be left to the local court (see post. p. 67), 43 March 18. Council minntes. On the complaint of Timothy Cooper of Albany, relative to the breaking open his letters; on Richard Pretty s complaint against Herman Rutgers, for defrauding the excise ; on complaint of capt. Richard Osborn of Westchester, against his soldiers ; 3,000 stockadoes for the fort, assessed on the towns on 9 66 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXVII. COMMANDER BROCKHOLLS. 1678. . PAGE. the water side, Brooklyn, &c. ; town of Huntington to levy by distress the minister's money and town rate, 44 March 21. Council minutes. Complaint against the military company at West chester dismist ; order relative to the runaway servant girl of John Smith, of Newtown, 44 March 21. Letter. John Gardner, in relation to his difficulties with Mr. May- Nantucket. hew and Mr. Coffin, &c, 45 March 22. Warrant to Ed. Cantwell, sheriff of Delaware, to arrest John Edridge of West Jersey, for debt, at the suit of John Fenwyck, . 46 March 25. Warrant to the constables and overseers of Huntington, to distrain the goods of such as refuse to pay the minister's money, &c, . ... 47 March 25. Conditions whereupon the Tappers' licenses in New York are to be let to farm, and the names of the bidders, 48 Regulations of the weigh house, New York, 49 March 26. Form of the bond given by Abraham Corbett, William Morrill, and James Matthews of New York, farmers of the excise, 50 Dec. 7. Form of the bond of Peter Nys as farmer of the weigh house, 50 March 25. Letter. Thomas Townsend to the governor, asking for a change in Oysterbay. the law for choosing town officers, 51 March 26. Order. Andrew Norwood, surveyor, to lay out on Staten island a lot of land on Freshkill for Edward Land, and a lot at Smoak- ing point for John French, 52 March 27. Letter. John Shakerly to Francis Romboult, relative to his demands Newcastle. against Aldricks and Cantwell, and asking for more goods, 53 April 2, Council minutes. Visit of Rockaway sachems to renew friendship ; Samuel Walker's carrying 200 bushels of wheat to Boston, to be connived at, &c, 54 April 2. Council minutes. Allowance of bills of Nathaniel Denton, relative to two runaways from Connecticut, and of John Oldfield, constable of Jamaica, 55 April 6, Warrant. Andrew Norwood, to survey lots on Staten Island for Martin Hadaway, Daniel Perring and Claes Smith, 55 April 8. Letter. John Talcot, assistant, to capt. Salisbury ; Indian affairs ; Hartford. the island of Tobago reduced by the French ; men, women and children massacred ; small pox in Boston and Charleston, 56 April 8. Council minutes. Dispute between Mr. De Myers and Mr. Palmer about horses belonging to the former being at large on Staten Island, &c, 57 April 8. Council minutes. Complaint of militia officers on L. I., that general training is neglected ; administration of the estate of Robert Fordham, &c, 58 April 12. Fragment of a Journal of secretary Nicols' visit to Jamaica, L. I., 58 April 8. Order to capt. John Palmer, ranger of Staten Island, to allow Nicholas de Meyer to remove several horses, 59, 60 April 11. Letter. Thos. Backer to commander Brockholls, relative to a case Easthampton. of infanticide by a negress in his town, 61 Vol. XXVII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 67 COMMANDER BROCKHOLLS. 1678. PAGE. April 16. Letter. Commander Brockholls to governor Leete of Connecticut, New York. relative to two River Indians supposed to be detained at Windsor, in that colony, 62 April 20. Petition. William Bowditch of Sa'lem, New England, for an order for the delivery to him of two ketches brought by Indians to Pemaquid ; granted, 63 April 20. Council minute. Order to capt. Knapton, commander at Fort Charles, Pemaquid, to cause the above vessels to be given up,. . . 64 April 20. Petition. Benjamin Alford of Boston, for permission to ship oil to London from Southampton, L. I., 65 April 20. Council minute. Order granting the prayer of the above petition, with permit, 66 * Petition. Richard Pretty, collector at Albany, for an appeal from a judgment there on his complaint of Harman Rutgers for selling beer to Indians, &c., 67 April 8. Proceedings before the court at Albany against Harme Rutgers, for selling strong beer to Indians, 68, 73 April 9. * Judgment of the court at Albany dismissing the complaint of col lector Pretty against Harmen Rutgers, with costs, 69, 74 Reasons of collector Pretty for appealing from said judgment, 70 Feb. 19. Answer of Harme Rutgers to the complaint lodged against him before the court at Albany by Richard Pretty, 71, 75 April 22. Notice" by Richard Pretty that he will appeal from the judgment of the court of Albany, 72, 76 April 23. Letter. William Loveridge to capt. Brockholls, complaining of a Albany. fine imposed on him for setting up a tree in Albany before Mr. Thompson's door when he was married, " the same being the man ner and custom of the place," 77 April 25. Constable's bill of charges about an Indian who died at Jamaica, L. I., 78 April 26. Order to the deputy constable of Eastchester ; in all town matters the votes of the majority to govern, 79 April 30. Award in the matter of the disputed bounds between Isaac Des Champs and Jacob Teunis de Kay's premises, 80 April 30. Letter. Governor Frontenac of Canada to capt. Salisbury, inform- Quebec ing him that he sends back certain English prisoners captured by ""ans, and requesting they may be forwarded to Boston [m French and Latin], Indians, and requesting they may be forwarded to Boston [in French and Latin], 'assport to Monsieur Lusignan, who com taken by the Indians at Hadley's falls, . April 30. Passport to Monsieur Lusignan, who^ conveyed the English prisoners ^ May Statement of Monsieur De la Chambre, one of count Frontenac's guard, of the force of the French at several points in Canada, ... 83 May 1. Council minutes. Sloops not to go up the Delaware river ; the Mary 7 of Liverpool lands goods at New Salem; capt. Salisbury to be informed of the probability of a war with France ; persons with- out passports to be considered suspicious, r « 68 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXVII. COMMANDER BROCKHOLLS. 1678. PAGE. May 1. Order relative to the negro woman belonging to John Straton of Easthampton, who murdered her child ; bail to be taken, 86 May 1. Order relative to the accounts of capt. John Manning, sheriff, 87 May 6. Letter. William Harden, deputy constable, to secretary Nicolls, Eastchester. returning a warrant sent by Richard Shute, 88 May 7. Order referring to the Sessions certain disputes about boundaries between the towns of Flushing and Jamaica, 89 May 7. Order referring to the Sessions the complaint of the constable, &c, of Flushing, against capt. William Lawrence, for fencing in the highway, 90 May 7. * Sentence of the court at Albany against William Loveridge, for setting up an obscene tree before Mr. Thompson's door (see supra, p. 77), 91 May 8. Petition. Richard Osborne of Westchester, praying leave to fence in a swamp near his land, with order referring the matter to the court of Sessions, 92, 93 May 8. Memorandum. Letters of administration granted to Dirck van Clyft on behalf of Greetje Dircksen, and to Hendrick Williams and David Wessells, in trust for the persons to whom the estate is bequeathed, 93 May 8. Summons to Mr. Wandall to answer for his refusal to deliver pos session of a house in New York, to Mrs. Susannah Garland, 94 May 11. Letter. Richard Stillwell to secretary Nicolls, relative to threats Gravesend. used by John Grady about the service of a process, 95 May 13. Letter. Robt. Livingston to capt. Brockholls, inclosing proceedings Albany. of the court at Albany, in the case of Wm. Loveridge; new sheriff appointed, 96 May 13. Petition. Temperance, the mother of William Loveridge, in his behalf, 97 May 14. Note from secretary Nicolls to Andrew Norwood, surveyor, to lay out a lot for Peter Croisson on Staten island, near Long Neck, . . 98 May 15. Letter. Monsr. Laprairie to capt. Brockholls, requesting him to woodbridge. cause the arrest of a runaway Frenchman, named Delloryse, .... 99 May 16. * Letter. Francois Rombouts to John Shakerly, declining to send New York. any more goods to the Delaware, and requesting the return of such as are unsold, as there has been an advance on goods in New York, 100 May 16. Report of facts in relation to the accidental shooting of a Kattskil Indian woman in Albany, by William Teller, 101 May 16. Verdict of the jury in the above case, 102 May 16. Proceedings of a special court held at Albany in relation to the above matter ; referred to New York, 103 May 17. Letter. Richard Woodhull to secretary Nicolls, communicating a Seatalcot. rumor of a combination of the French and Indians to cut off the English, 1D4 Vol. XXVII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 69 COMMANDER BROCKHOLLS. 1678. PAGE. May 20. Letter. Philip Schuyler and Richard Pretty, commissaries, to capt. Albany. Brockholls, relative to the accidental shooting of an Indian woman by William Teller, 105 May 22. Order for the suspension of certain "alterations" begun to be made by major John Fen wick, east of the Delaware river (New Jersey), and that he cease acting there under his pretended authority,. ... 106 May 22. Order. William Loveridge of Albany to be released from jail on giving bonds for good behavior, and William Teller of same place to be discharged from arrest for killing an Indian woman, &c.,. . . 107 May 22. Council minutes. Report of Richard Woodhull of Seatalcott, about the designs of the French, considered ; order to examine into the matter ; proceedings of Albany magistrates relative to William Loveridge's affair disapproved of, 108 May 22. Account of expenses at Albany for board, &c, ofthe New England prisoners and the three Frenchmen who brought them from Canada, 109-111 May 24. Letter. Capt. Salisbury to capt. Brockholls on Canadian affairs; Albany. incloses a Frenchman's report of the strength of the military in Canada, 102 Presentment against capt. Philip Carteret, of Elizabethtown, New Jersey, for ryoutously and routously, without any lawful authority, 88 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS, [Vol. XXIX. GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1680. PAGE. exercising jurisdiction within the bounds of his majesty's letters patent granted to His Royal Highness the Duke of York, 103 May 27. Trial of capt. Philip Carteret ; not guilty, . , 104 May 27. Trial of William Shore for counterfeiting; convicted, and ordered to receive thirty lashes ; John Burrell making confession, is ordered to make restitution, and fined, 106 May 22 — June 2. Names of the deputies elected to the Assembly to meet at Elizabethtown, N. J., 105, 106 June 2. Terms of the county courts in New Jersey ; Assizes formerly held in Elizabethtown and Woodbridge, to be held at New York,. . . . 105 June 11. Answer of the deputies assembled at Elizabethtown, N. J., to the speech of governor Andros; Isaac Whitehead, clerk, 107, 114 June 2. Resolutions of the deputies at Elizabethtown, that all privileges granted to the inhabitants of New Jersey, by the concessions of lord Berkeley and sir George Carteret, be confirmed, particularly the one for a general assembly every year, 108, 109-115 June 4. Act. Confirming all former laws and acts of assembly passed at Elizabethtown, N. J,, in November last, 110, 115 June 5. Order that the assembly bring in what laws they refer to, to be taken into consideration, with what more they shall bring in,. . . . 110 Message from the New Jersey assembly to gov. Andi-os, informing him that they desire a committee of conference upon the propo sals presented to them, , 110, 115 June 8. Declaration of R. Mann, respecting violent language used by Dr. Wm. Tailor at Elizabethtown, N. J., against sir Edmund Andros and his government, Ill June 9. Warrant for the apprehension of William Taylor and John Curtis, late of Hempstead, ,. 112 June 9. Declaration of R. Mann, respecting railing language used by John Curtis against sir Edmund Andros and his government, 113 June 10. Letter. Isaac Whitehead, clerk of the assembly at Elizabethtown, to governor Andros, announcing that that body had expelled William Douglas, member for Bergen, on account of his being a Roman Catholic, and requesting the issue of a writ for the elec tion of another person in his place ; new Writ ordered, ne June 10. Council minutes. Answer to the message of the Assembly for a conference, granted ; the request for a writ for the election of a new representative from Bergen to be considered to-morrow . . 117 June 11. Warrant to the sheriff of New York to receive John Curtis, and him keep till further order, or till he shall be discharged by due course of law, ." H8 June Letter. William Worth, clerk of the court, to governor Andros, Nantucket. concerning a French vessel wrecked there, 119 June 2-12. Minutes of the legislative council of New Jersey, 120 Journal by secretary Nicolls of governor and lady Andros's visit to New Jersey, and of his own visit to Jamaica, L. I.,. . . 122, 123, 124 Vol. XXIX.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 89 GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1680. , — . PAGE, June 3. Inventory of the personal effects of Timotheus Gabrey, deceased,. . 125 June 3. Laws appointed by the general court at Martin's vineyard, 126 June 10. Council minute, Elizabethtown, N. J. ; Daniel Pate, master of the Mary of Waterford, released, &o., and left to his remedy at law for any pretended damages, 127 June 9. Order of the general court at Martin's vineyard to the constable of Sherburn to summon the people of that town to answer for having elected John Gardner assistant, he being incapacitated to bear any office of trust, 128 June 9. Petition. Daniel Pate, master of the ship Mary, praying to be released from imprisonment for having brought to New York a pregnant indented servaut from Barbados (see p. 127), , 129 June 11. Letter. William Dyer, collector, to governor Andros, detailing his NewYork. release of capt. Pate, 129 June 10. Petition. Abigail Mills, quondam Darling, praying for the remission of a fine for cohabiting with her present husband before marriage, with certificate of the Court of Sessions at Jamaica as to her recent good behaviour, 130 June 16. Petition. Nicholas de Meyer praying disallowance of an appeal granted to Henry Pawling by the Court of Sessions at Kingston, 131 (No date.) Petition. Henry Pawling to the court at Kingston, soliciting a review of his case with Nicholas de Meyer, ". 132 April 30. Order ofthe Court of Sessions at Kingston upon the foregoing peti tion with duplicate in Dutch, 133, 134, June 21. Assignment of three years' services of William Madox to John Little of Elizabethtown, by Edmund Loftis of Chester river, Maryland, 135 June 24. Council minutes. Orders for Pemaquid, Martin's Vineyard, Fish er's Island, Nantucket and Saggadahock, 136 June 24. Receipt of secretary Nicells, for a note received from the wife of Dirck Wessels and his attorney, 137 June 25. Council minute. Appointment of magistrates for Pemaquid, &c, . . 137 July 9. Petition. Thomas Lawrence, administrator of the estate of Joseph Winslow and Sara his wife, for aid in collecting part of the said estate in the hands of Thomas Stevens of Newtown, 138 June 30 Letter. John Ward, constable, to secretary Nicolls, informing him Newark n j ' that John Ward, Thomas Johnson and Samuel Swaine had been chosen overseers of the town of Newark, 139 June 30. Petition. Inhabitants of Newark, N. J., requesting that Thomas Johnson be justice of the peace, 140 June 31. Minute of a meeting to consider the best way to raise money to build a new church in New York, 141 T Iv 1 Letter William Haviland to William Dyer, soliciting his interest cornbury.L. i.' in obtaining a grant of land for his sons, 141 Julv 1 Council minutes. Order respecting some Frenchmen and Indians who have come from Montreal, 143 who have 12 90 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXIX. GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1680. — PAGE. July 3. Letter. Isaac Whitehead to governor Andros, transmitting names Elizabethtown. of persons to be clerk of the sessions and justices of the monthly courts at Elizabethtown, N. J., 144 July 9. Grant to Henry Pawling of sixty acres of land at Hurley and Marble- town, 145 July 6. Judgment (for pl'ff) in a suit between Daniel Turner and others, pl'ffs, and col. Lewis Morris, deft, for trespass on Stony Island,. 146 July 7. Petition. Thomas de Laval, complaining of the conduct of Thomas Gibbs, attorney for sir Robert Yeamans, 147 July 9. Petition. Jean Burbon, praying to be released from confinement, and sent home to Canada ; granted, 148 July 9. Petition. William Dyer, collector, soliciting a hearing in the case of a seizure of tobacco, 149 July 9. Council minutes. Disposal ofthe above petitions, 150 July 10. Letter. Secretary Nicolls to capt. Brockholls at Albany, informing NewYork. him that Jean Burbon is allowed to return to Canada, 151 July 14. Reasons of the freeholders and inhabitants of Woodbridge, N. J., for declining to comply with an order of gov. Andros to send him the names of persons to keep town courts, 153 July. 16. Letter. Justices of Woodbridge and Piscataway to governor An- dros,.returning the names of Samuel More and Samuel Denis, for him to choose one of them to be clerk of the court of sessions,. . . 154 Answer of John van Twist, attorney to Daniel de Hondecoutre, to the bill of complaint of Thomas Delaval, 155 July 16. Council minutes. Orders on various suits at law, 156 July 20. Judgment (for deft) in the suit between Rich. Hall, pl'ff, and Will. Darvall, deft, for breach of charter party [appeal granted], 157 (No date.) Declaration of Rich. Hall against Will. Darvall, 158 April 14 — June 21. Depositions of Samuel Davis, Henry Halloway and several others, as to the regular and proper place for the shipping log wood in the bay of Campeachy, 159-162° 165, 166 (No date.) Plea of William Darvall agst. Richard Hall, 163 1678. Dec. 27. Certificate relative to the loss of certain papers in the case of Hall vs. Darvall, 18^ 1680. July 20. Letter. Justice Garton to secretary Nicolls requesting a patent for Kingston. land, ( 168 July 21. Appointment of overseers for the town of Piscattaqua, N. J 169 July 21. Council minutes. New Jersey appointments, # igg July 23. Petition. Thomas Delaval for an appeal from the decision in favor of John van Twist, attorney to Daniel de Hondecoutre .... 171 172 July 23. Council minutes. Order granting prayer of the above petition, &c. 173 Memorandum respecting matters at Albany, _ _ j *4 Vol. XXIX.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 91 GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1680. PAGE. July 26. * Nomination of magistrates of Schenectady for the ensuing year, . 175 July 27. * Return of magistrates elected in Bergen, N. J., 175 July 22. Pass to the ship Dolphin of New York, Robert Carr, master, to proceed to Barbados, 176 July 28. Petition. Elizabeth Gibbs, praying that the sheriff collect a debt from Thomas Delaval, 177 July 28. Petition. Daniel Turner, Cornells J. B. Jonson and Lawrence J. B. Jonson of Harlem, praying redress against col. Lewis Morris, for cutting hay on Stony island, with col. Morris' consent to answer the complaint, 178 July 30. Council minutes. New Jersey appointments, &c, 179 Aug. 3. Judgments in favor of Francis Romboult agst. Corn. Steenwyck, administrator, * 8^ Aug. 4. Names of those chosen members of the Court of Small Causes in Piscataway, N. J., • 184 Aug. 6. Council minutes. Samuel Moore committed to prison, &c, 185 Aug. 6. Letter. Tristram Coffyn to governor Andros, concerning matters Nantucket. on Nantucket island, 186 Au iyD 92 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXIX. GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1680. PAGE. Aug. 27. Council minutes. Order for holding the court at Shrewsbury, N.J. ; governor to go to Albany ; major Pyncheon sent to treat with the Mohawks about the Natick Indians, 196 Aug. 28. Report of the town clerk of Middletown, announcing that a town meeting had been held, but no vote passed, 197 Aug. 28. Proceedings of a Court of Admiralty held at Nantucket, in the ease of a French vessel shipwrecked there, 197 Aug. 30. Letter. Tristram Coffyn to governor Andros, respecting his con- Nantucket, duct as magistrate in the case of the shipwrecked French vessel, 198 Aug. 31. Return of the names of the magistrates chosen at Woodbridge, N. J., 199 Sept. 1. Proof submitted by Mary, wife of capt. John Pyke of Woodbridge, N. J., that she was the reputed daughter of Thomas Turvell of Rumsey, Hampshire, 200 Sept. 3. Proceedings of the Court of Sessions held at Piscataway, N. J.,. . . 201 Sept. 4. Petition. Henry Willis and John Bowne of Flushing (Quakers), complaining of a fine imposed on them, for suffering their daugh ters to marry contrary to law, 202 Case of marriage amongst the people called Quakers, stated and maintained legall at a tryall at Nottingham Assizes, the 8th of 6 month, called August, 1661, 203 Sept. 13. Letter. John Topping, justice, to governor Andros, complaining Southampton, l. i. that the Indians do not comply with their engagements, 204 (No date.) Petition. Inhabitants of Esopus, for a minister of the gospel capa ble of preaching in English and Dutch, and requesting that rev. Peter Tasetmaker may be engaged, 205 Sept. 8. Docket of the Court of Sessions at Elizabethtown, N. J., 206 Sept. 8. Proceedings of the Court of Sessions at Elizabethtown, N. J., 207-209 Names of persons composing a jury at Kingston, 208 Act passed at Elizabethtown, N. J., for the collection of £196. 18s. to defray the country debts, 210 Sept. 13. Petition. John Gardner of Nantucket, respecting his fine and dis franchisement, 211 Sept. 14. Council minutes. Martin's vineyard ; a day of Thanksgiving ordered, 212 Sept. 14. Council minutes. Pemaquid affairs, 213 Sept. 14. Letter. Isaac Wbitehead to secretary Nicolls, concerning affairs in Elizabethtown. Elizabethtown, N. J., 214 Sept. 14. Letter. John Little to secretary Nicolls, soliciting a hue and cry Fiiiabethtown. for the recovering of William Mattuke, a runaway servant (see p. 135), 215 Sept. 14. Petition. William Pardon, of Elizabethtown, N. J., for an appeal in his suit with William Meeker, 216 Sept. 15. Letter. William Pardon to secretary Nicolls, requesting a stay of execution, 217 Sept. Jf. Proceedings of the Court of Sessions held at Bergen, N. J., 218 Vol. XXIX.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. ^ 93 GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1680. PAGE. Sept. 16. Nomination of magistrates for Albany, 219 Sept. 17. Council minutes. Order on the petition of Willis and Bowne, Qua kers ; country rates in New Jersey to be collected, 220 Sept. 17. Petition. Inhabitants of Esopus in behalf of their sheriff, William Asfordbie, 221 Sept. 20. Deposition. Edw. Cantwell, of Newcastle, Del., respecting Thomas Phillips's return of land for John Richards, 222 Sept. 21. Letter. Peter Smith to secretary Nicolls, for a supply of rum and Jamaica, l. I. sugar, 223 Sept. 21 . Order of the court at Middletown, N. J., for the appearance of certain persons known to be refractory to the government, 224 Sept. 22. Order for the election of new constables for Middletown and Shrews bury, N. J., 225 Sept. 23. Execution against the goods and chattels of John Crawford, of Mid dletown, N. J., 225 Sept. 22. Proceedings of the Court of Sessions at Middletown, N. J., 226 Sept. 23. Letter. John Warren to secretary Nicolls, respecting the matter Elizabethtown. in controversy between William Pardon and William Meeker,. . . 228 Sept. 24. Petition. Richard Hall, for an appeal in his suit with William Darval, 229 Sept. 24. Council minutes. Delaware river ; Leisler, 230 (No date.) Petition. Elizabeth Gibbs, widow, that the sheriff be constrained to render an account of moneys collected from William Darval,. . 231 Sept. 28. Letter. Henry Greenland to secretary Nicolls, respecting letters of Piscattaway, n. J. administration in the case of Robert Hoskins, 232 Oct. 1. Letter. Edward Batt to John West, requesting him to issue a hue Newark. and cry after two runaway servants of Mr. Hooper, 233 Oct. 6. Calendar of appeals to the General Court of Assizes, 234 1679. March 5. Declaration. Isaac Arnold, att'y for, Wm. Brimley, plt'f, agst. Thomas Moore, deft, 235 1680. June Bill of costs to be paid by Wm. Brimley or Thomas Moore, on his appeal from the Court of Sessions held at Southold, 236 Sept 22 Petition. Thomas Moore of Southhold, for an appeal in his suit " with William Brimley, 237, 240 Sent 2 Reasons assigned by Thomas Moore for appealing from the decision ' of the Court of Sessions at Southhold, in his suit with William Brimley, 238 Sept. 22. Power of attorney. Thomas Moore of Southhold, to John Young, in the above appeal, • 239 fNo date.) Declaration. Thomas Delaval in appeal from a judgment obtained V against him in the Mayor's Court by John van Twist, in behalf of Daniel de Hondecoutre (see supra, pp. 155, 171), 243 Sept 22 Petition. Paulus Richards for an appeal in his suit with Peter K " Peterson, 244 94 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXIX. GOVERNOR ANDROS. 1680. PAGE Sept. 24. Notice to Peter Peterson and John Bridges, that appeals had been granted in their suits with Paulus Richards and Charles Morgan, 245 (No date.) Plea and answer of Peter Peterson of Staten island, to the bill of complaint of Paulus Richards of New York, 246 Bill of complaint of Paulus Richards against Peter Peterson of Staten island, ... 247 June 18. Trial. George Reynolds, an indented servant, for running away from John Bridges, his master ; sentenced to serve Mr. Bridges ten years, 248 June 9. Proceedings of the Court of Sessions at Jamaica, in the suit between John Bridges, plt'f, and Charles Morgan, deft, 249 Bill of complaint of Charles Morgan of Jamaica, L. I., against John Bridges of Staten island, ." 250 Plea and answer of John Bridges of Staten island, to the bill of complaint of Charles Morgan of Jamaica, 251 Sept. 17. Petition. Inhabitants of Flatbush for an appeal from a judgment as to bounds, obtained against them by the inhabitants of Flattlands, 252 (No date.) Answer of the inhabitants of Flattlands to the foregoing petition, . . 253 Sept. 28. Bill of complaint of the inhabitants of Flatbush against the inhabit ants of Flatlands, 254 (No date.) Petition. Mary Feeke of Flushing, respecting her land, 255 Oct. 1. Council minutes. Trial and sentence of capt. Osburn's soldiers of Westchester, for disobedience of his orders, 256 Oct. 1. Petition. Gertrude, widow of Jochem Wessels, late of Albany, for permission to remove her bakery higher up the hill, to a more business part of that town, 257 Oct. 29. Council minutes. Capt. Lewin, commissioner, to inquire into the state of public accounts ; governor Andros recalled, 258 Oct. 30. Council minutes. Nomination of mayor and aldermen of New York, 258 Nov. 13. Engagement of Nicholas de Meyer to pay all the expenses of a hue and cry after his son's negro, who had run away from Esopus,. . . 259 (No date.) Petition. Matthew Mayhew, of Martin's Vineyard, for a confirma tion of his right to the soil of that island, <&c, 260 Nov. 19. Council minutes. Order to John Archer, late sheriff, forthwith to make due return of an execution against Thomas de Laval, 261 Nov. Letter. Justice Topping to governor Andros, stating his inability Southampton. to come to New York as ordered, 262 Nov. 20. Complaint of John Howell, of Southampton, of the misconduct of the Indians, , 263 Dec. 10. List of the bids made at the farming of the Weigh house in New York. 264 Dec. 13. Letter. Justice Woodhull to governor Andros, respecting their Seatalcot. charges and trouble on the new highways on Long island, ...:.. 265 Vol. XXX.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 95 COMMANDER BROCKHOLLS. 1680. PAGE. Dec. 16. Letter. John Arnold to governor Andros, soliciting the situation Southampton. of clerk of the sessions for the East Riding of Long island, 266 Dec. 17. Petition. Elizabeth Gibbs, complaining of the late sheriff, John Archer, for neglect of the council's order in her case, 276 Dec. 17. Petition. Catharine Moore, of Seatalcott, late wife of Daniel Lane, for an order to put her, as administratrix, into possession of her husband's estate, 268 (No date.) Petition. Thomas Kyrke and wife, relatives of Mr. Pell, in regard to land promised them by said Pell, 269 Dec. 23. Petition. John van Twist, for an execution against capt. Thomas Delaval, in favor of Daniel de Hondecoutre, 270 1659. Nov. 9. * Return of survey for Burger Joris, of a lot at the Manhattans,. . . 271 1664. June 14. * Bond of Burger Joris to deliver to Gerrit Hendricksen van den Boogh a deed for a house and lot in New Amsterdam, 271 1680. Dec. 31. *Return of survey of a lot on the Heere wegh (Broadway), NewYork, seemingly for the widow of Gerrit Hendrickse de Boogh, 271 (No date.) Names of persons who apply for patents for land on the west side of Staten island, 273, 274 Account of the country rates of Long island for the year 1680, .... 275 YOLUME XXX. ' COMMANDER BROCKHOLLS. [Thus * marked are in Hutch.] 1681. Jan. 7. Table of fees for the secretary's office in New York, 1 Jan. 7. Petition. Thomas Clarke, respecting tobacco seized at the custom house, 2 Jan. 18. Execution issued against the goods and chattels of Thomas Dela val, at the suit of Thomas Gibbs, 3 Jan. 20. Bill of lading of the ship St. Lucar merchant, David Hepburne, master, &c, &c, with certificate that said Hepburne has been admitted a freeman of Belfast and Carrickfergus, Ireland, 5 Jan. 22. Certificate ofthe terms of purchase of a vacant house in New York by John Robinson, 7 Jan. 26. Bond of Jacob Melyne, as security for a debt due by Isaac Melyne to Mr. Robinson, 8 Jan. 31. Report of referees on the difference between Flatbush and Flat- lands, 96 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXX. COMMANDER BROCKHOLLS. 1681. PAGE. Feb. 5. Petition. Town of Gravesend respecting a difference with Elbert Elbertsen as to their lands, , 10 Feb. 10. Petition. Samuel Reafe, of Royway river, N. J., to be released from imprisonment, 11 Feb. 10. Deed. Thomas Williams, of Flushing, to Elias Doughty, for one-half of his land, 12 Feb. 10. Petition. William Darvall, for a stay of execution against Thomas Delaval, at the suit of Thomas Gibbs, 13 Feb. 11. Letter. John West to the high sheriff, inclosing commission for NewYork. John Howell to be clerk of the sessions for the East Riding of Long island, 14 Feb. 12. Certificate of secretary Nicolls respecting the amouut of quit-rent laid by gov. Andros on lands in Staten island, 14 Feb. 23. Petition. Robert Orchard, complaining of John Archer, 15 Feb. 28. Affidavit of Edward Fox that Humphrey Underhill, of Mamaroneck, aided two runaway servants to escape, 16 March 8. Order in the matter of the administration of the estate of Thomas Lovell, deceased, 17 (No date.) Petition. Cornells Steenwick, for letters of administration on the estate of Thomas Lovell, deceased, 18 March 18. Petition. John Tudor, for an appeal from a judgment of the May or's court against him for keeping a gaming house, 19 April 21. Warrant against Edmund Lane for seditious language, 20 March 18. Petition. Allard Anthony, for the issue of an execution against Mrs. Bedloo, 20 May 17. Petition. John Inians, of New York, and Thomas Fleete, of Hunt ington, for an execution against Richard Betts, of Huntington, . . 21 June 6. Certificate that the captain of the ship Charles, of New York, hath given security for the proper prosecution of his voyage thither, -. 22 June 28. Order granting letters of administration to Greetye, widow of Peter de Nys, on her husband's estate, 23 (No date.) Petition. Greetye, widow of Peter de Nys, for leave to surrender her late husband's Weigh house contract, 24 June 15. Order of the court at Gravesend, granting letters of administration on the estate of Robert Ryder, deceased, to Cornelis Steenwyck and others, 25 July. Letter relating to the reconciliation of domine Schaets' daughter and her husband, 26, 27 Letter from Robert Livingston on Albany affairs, 28, 29 July 4. Letter. Cornelis van Dyck, to capt. Brocknolls, respecting Indian Albany. affairs, 30 (No date.) Petition. Capt. Josiah Hubbard and others, attorneys to Richard Middlecott and others of Boston, praying for a special Court of Vol. XXX.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 97 COMMANDER BROCKHOLLS. 1681. . PAGE. Sessions to try all causes depending between their clients and John Throp, late of Boston, 31 Aug. 29. Court proceedings at Albany ; Robert Livingston agst. John Delaval, deft, for payment of excise ; defendant denies the right of a gov ernor to impose any tax ; case referred to New York, 32 Sept. 27. Nomination of magistrates of Albany for the ensuing year, 34 Sept. 12. Propositions of Minissinck Indians at New York who have returned from fighting with Spanish Indians ; answer thereto, 35 Oct. List of appeals to the General Court of Assizes, 38 (No date.) Petition. John Smith of Mamaroneck, for protection against the lawless doings of John Richbell, 37 (No date.) Petition. John Riggsbell against John Smith of Mamaroneck, 38 (No date.) Petition. Cornelis Steenwyck and others, for letters of administra tion on the estate of Robert Ryder, 39 Oct'. 10. Commission. John Palmer, John Inians, and Peter Delanoy to audit the accounts of the public rates of Long island for 1680,. . . 40 Oct. 10. Depositions respecting Indian outrages in the town of Huntington, L. I., 41, 42 Oct. 17. Letter. Jonas Wood to secretary West, respecting misconduct of Huntington. the Indians, . . 43 Oct. 11. Letter. Jonas Wood to commander Brockholls, respecting Indian Huntington. outrages, 44 Oct. 25. Petition. Sweer Teunise of Schenectady, respecting his grist mill, 45 Oct. 31. Petition. Wm. Frampton, attorney of Thomas Oline of Burlington, N. J., for letters of administration on the estate of Thomas Palmer, deceased, 46 Nov. 1. Letter. Sheriff Youngs to commander Brockholls, complaining of Southold. Josiah Hobart for stirring up the people to oppose the government and not to pay the country rates, 47 Nov. 2. Letter. Justice Arnold to commander Brockholls, respecting capt. southold. Josiah Hobart's conduct (as above), 49 Nov. 10. Letter. Justice Arnold to commander Brockholls, acknowledging seatalcot. receipt of a warrant for the arrest of capt. Hobart, 49 Nov. 21. Letter. Josiah Hobart to commander Brockholls, informing him of Eaethampton. ' his arrest, and that he had given bail, &c, 50 Nov. 26. Inquest at Southold on the body of Thomas Harris of Boston, 51 Nov. 29. Bond. John Robinson of New York, to Cornelis Steenwyck, for payment of a piece of land in New York, 52 Oct. Bill of complaint in equity. Richard Hall, appellant, agst. Wm. Darvall, respondent, 53 Dec 7 Judgment of the king in council in the suit between Richard Hall ' and William Darvall, confirming that of the Court of Assizes of New York in favor of the former, with receipt of Hannah Hall, administratrix, &c, 54 13 98 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXX. COMMANDER BROCKHOLLS. 1681. PAGE. Dec. 31. Execution against the goods and chattels of Samuel Edsall of Sea talcott, with return, .' 55 1682. Jan. 20. Valuation of improvements made upon the estate of Daniel Lane, of Brookhaven, by Samuel Edsall, his administrator, 58 Jan. 24. * Indian deed to Gertrude Govers and Michael Modt, for land at the Esopus, 60 (No date.) Order of the general court of Nantucket, in the case of capt. John Gardner's contempt, 62 Feb. 5. Letter. John Gardner to commander Brockholls, respecting affairs Nantucket. at Nantucket, 63 Feb. 14. Letter. Justices of the North Riding of Yorkshire, to commander Flushing. Brockholls, detailing proceedings of Christopher Dean and Thomas Robinson, in seizing wheat there, 64 Feb. 16. Information of Christopher Dean and Thomas Robinson, relative to the neglect of the justices of Flushing, to prevent the shipment • of wheat in Cornbury Bay, 65 Feb. 22. Petition. Samuel Willson, for an appeal against a decision in the mayor's court, in favor of John Robinson, attorney of John Har wood of London, 66 Feb. 23. Petition. Catharine Moore and James Graham (attorney to Rich ard Smith and Thomas Doxey), for an execution against Samuel Edsall, and that the sheriff may be made accountable, 67, 69, 70, 93 Feb. 23. Certificate. Justice Woodhull, that a return under oath has been made of the improvements on the late Daniel Lane's estate, 68 March 22. Letter. Sheriff Youngs to commander Brockholls, respecting the Southampton. securities of John Throp, &c, 71 March 10. * Propositions of the Senecas at Albany; peace with the Diononda- daagas, or Indians with little holes through their noses ; war at Virginia ; answer of the commissaries, 72 March 22. Letter. Justice Arnold to commander Brockholls, respecting the Southold. securities of John Throp, &c, 73 (No date.) Petition. John Tuder, for an appeal in his suit with Gabriel Min- vielle, 74 (No date.) Petition. William Moore, a prisoner, respecting his controversy with capt. Edward Reade, 75 (No date.) Petition. Mary, widow ofthe late Joseph Raynor, of Southampton ; letters of administration, &c, 76 Petition. Samuel Wilton, for an appeal in his suit with Thomas Norman, of Boston, 77 (No date.) Petition. John Robinson, for an order to John Layton, Charles Hormey, Joseph Marshall' and Frances Cheepell, to appear before the council, and state upon oath what goods or estate of John Throop, of Long island, an absconding debtor, they may have in their possession (see p. 73), 78 April. Petition. Rowlife Johnson, for a review of a decision obtained against him by Nicholas Bayard, 79 Vol. XXX.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS, 99 COMMANDER BROCKHOLLS, 1682. ¦ PAGE. (No date.) Petition. Michael Smith, of Berghen, N. J., for a fair trial of his suit with William Lawrence, in the mayor's court of the city, ... 80 (No date.) Petition. Jacobus DeBevoyce, for an appeal from a judgment of the court at Gravesend, .,,...,..., 81 (No date.) State of the case between Cornelius Corsen and Jacobus DeBevoyce, 82 (No date.) Petition. The farmers of the excise for the reversal of a judgment obtained by Isaac Melyne in the mayor's court of the city of New York, 83 April 11. Petition. Robert Wright and Francis Pew, of Staten Island, for an appeal from a judgment obtained against them by Richard Cornwall, 84 April 11. Petition. Peter Jacobs Marius, attorney to Eliz. van Dyke, widow and administratrix of Silvester Salisbury, dec'd, relative to the affairs of her late husband, 85 May. Letter. Cornelius van Dyck, commissary, respecting refusal of the Albany. colonie of Renselaerswyck to pay its share of the public tax, 80 May 16. Settlement of the bounds of Connecticut and New York, made by his majesty's commissioners in 1664, 87 May 12. Petition. George Heathcote, that persons may be appointed to as certain and report the damage sustained by goods imported by him in the pinke John and Mary, 88 May 13. Report of referees as to the above damages, &c, 89 May 25. Protest. George Heathcote against the commander-in-chief and council, for refusing him an appeal from a judgment of the mayor's court, • 90 May 27. Petition. George Heathcote, that William Landford, imprisoned for having drawn up the preceding protest, may be released from con finement, May 27. Petition. William Sandford, to be discharged from imprisonment, 92 May 22. Order on a petition of Catharine Moore, for payment of her claim against the estate of Samuel Edsall, 94 Mav 24 Petition. George Heathcote, for an appeal from a decision obtained against him in the mayor's court of the city, by John Cassway, master of the ship John and Mary, , , . , 95. (No date.) Petition. Jasper Nessepat and Peter Johnson Messier, for a grant of land on the common in New York on which to erect a wind mill, • 96 June 19. Resolution of a town meeting at Staten island to levy a rate to pay the minister, Mr. Morgan Jones, his salary, 97 fT*nA**e\ Petition. John Young, sheriff, respecting an execution against (No date.) refafao^ ^^ admin^tl.ator) &<,, 0f the late Daniel Lane,. . 98, 140 T,mf> 22 Bond. Thomas Stevenson of Newtown, to Thomas Lawrence, to ' abide by the award of arbitrators on the differences between them; 99 TvmP 24 Letter. Commissaries to commander Brockholls, informing him iZy. ' that a party of Oneidas and Onondagas had gone to make war in Maryland, &c • 100 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXX. COMMANDER BROCKHOLLS. 1682. • PAGE. June 25. Letters. Col. Coursey and col. Loyd to commander Brockholls on Albany. • the above matters, 101 June 25. Letter. Cornelius van Dyck, commissary, respecting the Maryland Albany. commissioners ; conference with the Five Nations called, 102 June 30. Award in the matter in controversy between Thomas Lawrence and Thomas Stevenson (see p. 99), 103 (No date.) Petition. John Johnson Fine of Mashpath hills, for protection against the evil practices of his co-tenant Mr, Rider, 104 June 30. Petition. Ralph Cardall for an appeal from a judgment in favor of William Goulding's estate, 105 July 21. Petition. William Darvall to be indemnified from the rest of the owners of the ship Nevis Factor, 106 July 13. Letter, John Youngs, sheriff, to commander Brockholls, respecting Sauthoid. an English vessel that had come into Easthampton, 108 July 14. Report of Daniel Johnson, master of the sloop Compliance, respect ing some negroes and other goods brought by him from Nevis to New York, 109 July 22. Petition. John Smeedes for an appeal from a judgment obtained against him by John Okeson of Madnan's Neck, 110 July 30. Letter. Justice Arnold to commander Brockholls, concerning Southold. piracies committed at the east end of Long island, with deposition of Samuel Gardner as to robberies in York river, Va., by one John Williams, master of a ketch called the Boneta, which is now seized, Ill Aug. 8. Letter. Philip Carterett to commander Brockholls, respecting Elizabethtown. meadow land on Staten island which he claims, 112 Aug. 14. Petition. John Youngs, sheriff, for an appeal from a judgment obtained against him by James Graham, attorney for Catharine Moor, 113 Aug. 19. Petition. Edmund Gibbons for an execution against Christopher Billop, 114 Aug. 22. Petition. Sarah, widow of Charles Bridges, late of Flushing, for letters of administration, 115 Aug. 22. Petition. Margaret, widow of John Forbes, late of Flushing, for letters of administration, 116 Sept. 4. Examination of Thomas Willis, master ofthe ketch Adventure, and several of his crew and passengers, relative to their having been plundered by a Spanish man-of-war on their homeward voyage from the island of Jamaica, 117 Sept. 4. Deposition. James Bird of Easthampton, relative to the treatment of capt. Williams on board of the ketch Ruth (or Boneta) (see P- m), 118 Sept. 8. Examination of Robert Darton, Daniel Lawton and Richard Hart well, of the ketch Ruth, sent prisoners from Connecticut, 119 Sept. 9. Agreement between Peter Fileroy of Albany and Samuel Wilson of New York, for the purchase of the latter's house and land at Albany", .... . .,,'.', ...... ........ ;,". 120 Vol. XXX-] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 101 COMMANDER BROCKHOLLS. 1682. PAGE. Sept. 28. Deposition. Robert Hutchinson, relative to the delivery of a port manteau by him to the late John Shackerly, 121 Sept. 28. Note from Corn. Steenwyck to Sara Burgers, requesting her to deliver to Robert Hutchinson, his portmanteau, 122 Petition. John Prents of Connecticut, that a vessel of his bound to London, may be allowed to come to some port at the east end of Long island, or to the city, for lading of New York merchants,. . 123 Sept. 25. Petition. Isaac Melyne, for an appeal from a judgment obtained against him by William Darvall, 124, 130 (No date.) Petition. John Archer for confirmation of a steward for his land (at Fordham), 125 Oct. 21. Proceedings of a town meeting held on Staten island, about laying out the meadows, 126 Oct. 6. Petition. Abraham Man, for an order to bring Edward Cantwell to trial for a false imprisonment, , 127 Oct. 25. Petition. Thomas Norman, that Samuel Willson be compelled to give security to prosecute his appeal to England, or that execu tion may issue forthwith, 128 Oct. 25. Petition. Theodore Polheymus, Elbert Lucassen, Henry Williams and Henry Hegeman, for permission to purchase from the natives certain lands upon Cow Neck, L. I. (rejected), 129 Nov. 17. Letter. Justices on Long island to commander Brockholls, upon Huntington. the high sheriff's accounts for the last year, 13l Account of receipts and disbursements of the public rates of Long island, for the year 1682, , 132 Dec. 19. Execution against Samuel Edsall of Seatalcott, in favor of Catharine Moore, : 133 Dec. 19- Petition. Constable and overseers of Jamaica, for an appeal from a judgment obtained against the town by William Creed,. . . 134, 136 Dec. 20. Order to levy by distress the dues remaining unpaid to Mr. Jones, formerly minister of Staten island, 135 Dec. 29. Petition. John Jones, for relief against unfair dealings of Mr. Inians, 13 ' Dec. 29. Petition. John Inians, for an appeal from a judgment obtained against him by Richard Harcutt, 138 Dec 29 Petition. Town of Flatbush, for an appeal from a decision of the ' ' Court of Sessions, in favor of Richard Betts and others of New Lotts, 139 (No date.) Petition. Peter Pangburne to be appointed sealer of leather, 141 Dec Bill of costs against Nicholas Everett and others, town officers, at the Jamaica Sessions (see p. 134), 142 102 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS).' [Vol. XXXI. VOLUME XXXI. GOVERNOR DONGAN. (Thus * marked are in Dutch.] 1683. Jan. 4. Petition. Thomas Williams, for an appeal from a judgment obtained against him by William Osborne, 1 Jan. 4. Complaint. Samuel Pepin, of Mamaroneck, against John Richbell, for unroofing his dwelling at an inclement season. of the year, .... 2 Jan. 15. Petition. Francois Martinou, John Boudyn, and the major part of the inhabitants of Staten island, that they may not be compelled to contribute to the support of Morgan Jones, a pretended minis ter of the gospel, by reason of his ill life and conversation, 3 Jan. . 15. Petition. Jacobus van de Water, to be appointed public notary and clerk of Brooklyn, 4 Jan. 15. Survey of the pincke Golden Hynde, 5 Jan. 1 9. Letter. Richard Still well, justice, to [secretary West], in answer staten island. to the petition of Francois Martinou, John Boudyn, and other Walloons, respecting rev. Morgan Jones, 6, 9 Jan. 19. Petition. John Carman and Elizabeth Ludlam, of Jamaica, for a marriage license, 7 Jan. 19. Affidavit of Ann Stuyvesant, widow of Nicholas Verlett, that the marriage portion of Maria Lockermans, on her marriage with her son, Balthazar Bayard, was 800 guilders, Holland currency, 8 Jan. 22. Affidavit of Hans Kiersted, that his wife, a daughter of Govert Lockermans, brought him, for her marriage portion, one hundred beaver skins, 8 Jan. 23. Petition. Jeremiah Hubbard, of Jamaica, and Rebeccah Brush, of Huntington, for a marriage license, 8 Feb. 15. Deposition. Cornelius Steenwyck, that he was chosen, several years ago, by Govert Lockermans, to appraise some cattle between him and Balthazar Bayard, 8 Jan. 26. Petition. Lydia, widow of Tyse Barnse, of Staten island, that let ters of administration on her late husband's estate, may be granted to Paulus Richards, of New York, iq Jan. 26. Petition. William Johnson Barkaloe, for an appeal from a decision obtained against him by John Dishington, 1 1 Jan. 26. Petition. William Moore, that he may be released from confine ment, and his case with capt. Edward Reade, disposed of, 12 March 2. Letter. Duke of York to the General Assembly at New York, an- London. nouncing his appointment of Coll. Dongan as lieutenant-governor of the province, 13 (No date.) Case of Samuel Edsall, relating to the undue practices of James Gra ham and John West, 14 t Vol. XXXI.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 103 GOVERNOR DONGAN. 1683. PAGEi (No date.) Petition. Francis Romboult and Johannes van Brugh, executors of the estate of Govert Lockermans, for an appeal from a judgment obtained against them by Baltus Bayard (see p. 8), 15 April 23. Power of attorney. Richard Gresham, of London, to John New man, purser of H. M. ship Constant Warwick, to collect certain debts due him by Thomas Robinson, of New York, 17 March 12. Petition. Jacob Leisler, for letters of administration on the estate of Harmanus Casparus van Rynerman, 18 May 1. Letters of administration in compliance with the foregoing petition, by the mayor's court, 19 July 26. Application of Thomas Lawrence, of Hellgate neck, for a license of marriage for his daughter, Elizabeth, with John Saunders, 20 June 6. Letter. John Howell, jun., clerk of the Court of Sessions, to com mander Brockholls, informing him that the constable of Southold had refused the court permission to hold their meeting in the church, 21 June 12 Order on the petition of Jacob Leisler, tb be appointed administra tor of the estate of Govert Lockermans ; no action to be taken on the same, 22 June 13. Probate of the will of Richard Elison, sen. of Hempstead, 23 June 18. Affidavit of John Youngs, sheriff, that the constable and overseers of Southold refused the use of the meeting-house to the Court of Sessions, 24 June 25. Affidavits relative to four hhds. of salt sent to Surinam by Jacob Leisler, 25, 26 June 23. Order to commit to prison several persons picked up at sea who had run away from Maryland, 27 June 28. Acknowledgment of the constable and overseers of Southold, of their offense in refusing the use of the town meeting house to the Court of Sessions, and begging pardon, 28 June 29. Petition. Joseph Heelger, for an appealfrom a judgment obtained against him by Edward Harnett and wife, 29 June 29. Petition. James Barre, for an appeal from a judgment obtained against him by Joseph Carpenter, 30 July 7. Petition. Jacob Leisler, for an appeal from a judgment obtained against him by Ryneer Williams, 31 (No date.) Petition. Robert Annett (seaman), that capt. Edward Reade may not be allowed to appeal from a judgment obtained against him by the petitioner, 33 Aug. 18. Letter. Constable and overseers to commander Brockholls, respect- southampton. ing the wreck of a sloop and the drowning of Stephen Bossell, of Boston, the master, 35 Aug. 18. Inventory of the effects saved from the aforesaid sloop Expedition, cast away at Southampton, * • • 36 Aug. 21. Letter. Richard Woodhull, justice, to commander Brockholls, BrookhaTen. respecting a Boston vessel wrecked at Seatalcott, 37 104 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. IVol. XXXI. GOVERNOR DONGAN. 1683. PAGB' Aug. 21. Letter. Philip Inill (?), master of the above vessel, to commander Brookhaven. Brockholls, respecting her, 38 1684. Sept. 6. Petition. Thomas Atkinson and others (seamen), to be released from prison, and to have justice done them in their controversy with their master, 41 1683. Sept. 22. Petition. John Archer for redress against Richard Ponton, Will. Richardson and Joseph Palmer, trespassers on his manorial rights at Fordham 42 (No date.) Petition. John Archer for the confirmation of his nomination of John Spragg as his steward at Fordham, 43 Sept. 22. Petition. Thomas Willetts to be protected in his possession of Hog island, 44 Sept. 4. Proceedings of the mayor's court in the suit between Wm. Robin son, plt'f, and Isaac Melyne, deft, 45 1684. Sept. 25. Petition. Daniel Turneer for a warrant against Lewis Morris, to answer the petitioner at the next Court of Assizes, — 46 (No date.) Petition. George Wright of Flushing, to the Court of Oyer and Terminer at Jamaica, for protection against the cruelty of his children, 47 (Np date.) Answer of Jonathan Wright to the above petition, 48 Oct. 3. Petition. John Gilbert to be paid for bread furnished to the garri son at Albany, ........ 49 Oct. 19. Certificate of John All ward that Samuel Street hath faithfully served his apprenticeship, 50 (No date.) Certificate of William Chandler that Godfrey Woodward hath duly served his apprenticeship, 50 (No date.) Nomination by the justices of the North Riding of Yorkshire, on Long island, of the names of three persons from whom to appoint a sheriff, » 51 Oct. 6. Petition. John Cooley to be paid a balance due to him for furnish ing iron work to repair Fort James, in 1672, 3, 52 1683. Oct. 6. Petition. John Rider for relief as administrator of the estate of Roger Rugg, deceased, 53 Sept. 29. List ofthe estates ofthe inhabitants of Oyster Bay subject to public rates, 54 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 528.] List ofthe estates ofthe inhabitants of Huntington subject to public rates, 55 [In N. Y. Doo. Hist, II, 530.] List of the estates of the inhabitants of Southampton subject to pub lic rates, 56 [In N. Y Doo. Hist., II, 536.] Vol. XXXI.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 105 GOVERNOR DONGAN. , 1683- PAGE. Sept. 8. List of the estates of the inhabitants of Easthampton subject to public rates, 57 [In N. Y. Doo. Hist., II, 539.] List of the estates of the inhabitants of Southold subject to public rates, , 58 [In N. Y. Doo. Hist, II, 535.] List of the estates of the inhabitants of Brookehaven, subject to public rates, 59 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 232.] List of the estates of the inhabitants of Jamaica, subject to public rates, 60 [In N. Y. Doo. Hist., II, 519.] List of the estates of the inhabitants of Gravesend, subject to the public rates, 61 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 508.] Sept. 28. List of the estates of the inhabitants of Smithtown, subject to the public rates, 62 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 531.'] Sept. 29. List of the estates of the inhabitants of Flushing, subject to the public rates, 63 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 516.] Oct. 11. List of the estates of the inhabitants of Hempstead, subject to the public rates, 64 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 523.] List of the estates of the inhabitants of Newtown, subject to the public rates, 65 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 512.] Sept. 28. List of the estates of the inhabitants of New Utrecht, subject to public rates, 60 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 506.] Sept. 29. * List of the estates of the inhabitants of Brukelyn, subject to public rates, 67 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 498.] Sept. 25. *List of the estates of the inhabitants of Flattlands, subject to public rates, 68 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 495.] Sept. 8. * List of the estates of the inhabitants of Bushwick, subject to pub lic rates, 69 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 493.] List of the estates of the inhabitants of Flatbush, subject to public rates, 70 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 504,] List of the estates of the inhabitants of Westchester, subject to public rates, • 71 Sept. 13. Petition. Thomas Lawrence of Newtown, for an appeal from a judgment obtained against him, by Thomas Stephens of the same town, • • • * 72 14 106 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXXL GOVERNOR DONGAN. 1683. . : : -. PAGE. Oct. 7. Bill of costs of Thomas Lawrence at the Gravesend Sessions, 73 Oct. 6. Order of the Court of Assizes, referring all those bills of costs to the courts whence the appeal came, &c, .74 Jan. 20. Bills of costs in the suit between Wm. Jansen Barkaloe, pl'ff, and John Dishington, deft, 74, 73 (No date.) Petition. John Wood to be released from imprisonment, ........ 76 Sept. 10. Warrant for the apprehension of Stephen Jones, a suspected burglar, 77 Oct. 3. Letter. John West to secretary Spragg, advising him that Stephen NewYork. Jones, charged with burglary, was bound over to the Court of Assizes, 78 Oct. 6. Proceedings in the suit between Anna Fabricius, appell't, and Luke de Paw, deft, for recovery of land at Newtown, L. I. ; verdict for defendant, 79 Nomination of mayor, aldermen and sheriff of New York, 80 Oct. 22. Order of the governor and council of New Hampshire, regulating - the trade in lumber of sloops coming to the province from Massa chusetts, Connecticut, Plimouth and Roade Island, 81 Oct. 22. Petition. Tackapousha, sachem of Marshapeag, L. I., respecting his difficulties with the Whites, who lay claim to his unsold land on Cow's Neck, 82 Petition. Town of Hempstead for a review of the decision obtained against them, by Tackapausha, sachem of Marshapeag, ......... 83 Oct. Petition. Lewis Morris, for a review of the decision obtained against him by Daniel Turneer, in the matter of Stony island, with a deduction of his title to Bronck's land .... ... . . 84 Oct. Petition. Thomas Norman, for redress in his suit with Samuel Willson, who appealed to the King and council in England from a judgment obtained against him by the petitioner, 85 Oct. Petition. Wm. Richardson, of Westchester, for a review of a de cision obtained against said town by John Archer, and that said town have notice given to defend its rights, 86 Oct. Petition. Thomas Stevens, of Newtown, propounding terms of settlement with Thomas Lawrence (see p. 72),. 87 Oct. Petition. Giles Sylvester, of Shelter island, complaining of tres passes upon his rights by the county of Suffolk, 88 Oct. 29. Petition. John Inians, setting forth certain difficulties interposed by John West to his disposal of negroes consigned to him, and praying that a stop be put to the passage of a Bill introduced in the Assembly to confirm all former proceedings and judgments in court, as it would prove injurious to him in this matter, 89 Petition. Robert Livingston, intermarried with Alida, relict and administratrix of Domine Nicolaus van Rensselaer, deceased, for a division of the colonie of Rensselaerwick, so that Nicolaus van Rensselaer's interest therein may be ascertained, and the petitioner enabled fully to administer upon his estate, with order of council thereupon, go Vol. XXXI.} ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 107 GOVERNOR DONGAN. 1683. PAGE. Nov. 22. Petition. Richard Pattishall, that the overplus of money paid by him for a negro, who had absconded, should be returned, 91 Nov. 14. Order of the general court at Hartford, appointing deputies to visit and congratulate coll. Thomas Dongan, upon his safe arrival at, and entrance upon his government of New York, and to rearrange, in the best way possible, the line between that colony and Con necticut, with instructions to said deputies, 92 [In Col. Rec. of Conn., 1678-1689, pp. 133, 135.] Nov. 23. Petition. Frederick Ellis, late of Connecticut, complaining of the constables and overseers of Easthampton for obstructing his set tlement in that town, and praying relief in the premises, 93 Nov. 26. Proclamation, prohibiting all persons trading with the Indians with out a license from the secretary's office, 94 Nov. 27. Petition. Mayor and aldermen of New York, for certain alterations in the city charter, &c, 95 Dec. 9. Petition. Inhabitants pf Mad Nan's Neck, praying that the town of Hempstead be obliged to pay part of the expenses attend ing the building of their meeting house, and complaining that the minister does not preach there, 96 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 248.] Dec. 20. * Report of referees on the amount to be paid to Henry Pawlding for fencing a valley at Hurley, 97 Dec. 23. Petition. Nathaniel Baker Law, of Easthampton, for reversal of a sentence pronounced against him by the Court of Sessions at South- hold for bringing home his ox on a Sunday, 98 [In N. Y Col. Doc, III, 349.] Dec. 29. Petition. John Jennings, to be reappointed marshal of the East Riding of Yorkshire, on Long.island, 99 Jan 3 Petition. Inhabitants of Madnan's Neck, to be allowed to dis pense with the services of the rev. Mr. Hobart, of New Hemp stead, and to call rev. Morgan Jones, 100 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, III, 346.] (No date.) Petition. Deacons of the Lutheran church, New York, for a patent ' of confirmation for their church lot, 101 Jan. 7. Petition. Anna van Borsum, widow, that an execution issue in her case against Jacques Cortelyau, 102 Tin 17 Petition. Peter Jacobsen Marius, to obtain from William White and wife a transfer of a lot of ground in New York, 103 Sept. 17. Petition. Aeltie, widow of Gerret van Slechtenhorst, deceased, for letters of administration, 104r Jan 20. Petition. Dirck Jansen Hoogland, to be granted a fair trial before the council, with Peter Lott, for land in Flatbush (being unable to obtain one before the Court of Sessions at Gravesend), 105 Anril Petition. Jane, widow of John Rider, deceased, for letters of V ' administration upon her late husband's estate, 106 108 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXXI. GOVERNOR DONGAN. 1684. PAGE- Jan. 22. Report of the arbitrators appointed in the case of Anna van Bor- sum and Jacques Cortelyou, 107 Jan. 28. Letter. Samuel Sewall to John Usher, instructing him to inquire Boston. in New York respecting a tract of land at Matinicock, near Hemp stead, L. I., granted to Thomas Terry and company, 108 Jan. 28. Deposition. James Denne, living on Kennebec river, relative to the hostile dispositions of the Indians, 109 Feb. , 7. Petition. Nicholas Demyer, for relief against John Young, late sheriff of Long Island, for remissness in serving executions, 110 Feb. 7. Order appointing persons to examine condition of the estate of Go vert Loockermans, dec'd, Ill (No date.) Petition. Mrs.-Elcie Leisler, praying that the rights of her absent husband in the above estate may be protected, &c, 112 Feb. 11. Proceedings of the overseers of the poor of Brookhaven upon the complaint of the widow Fancy as to the ill condition of Samuel Fancy, 113 Feb. 15. Petition. Neelcye, widow of Jacobus Looper (who died recently in the public service at Albany), that she may not be molested on account of her late husband's debts, 114 Feb. 18. Petition. Inhabitants of Esopus, Ulster county, that they may be granted the right to choose town officers, &c, with names, 115 Feb. 20. Petition. Overseers of the poor of Brookhaven, for advice, &c, in the case of Samuel Fancy, a pauper, 110 July 22. Petition. Richard Cornell, to be put in possession of a certain tract of land on Staten island, 117 Feb. 22. Deposition. John Hornibroke as to the hostile disposition of the Indians on the eastern frontiers, us Feb. 23. Deposition. John Vearing and Will. Baker relative to an intended rising of the Indians upon the English at Casco bay, 119 Feb. 28. Deposition. John Molton relative to a hostile encounter with an Indian, 120 Feb. 25. Petition. Philip and Dego Dequae, two natives of the Spanisli Main, held as slaves in New York, claiming to be freemen, 121 March 1. Resolution of the town of Flushing to grant to governor Dongan 400 acres of land joined to the two hundred given to him by the town of Hempstead, K 121 March 1. Petition. John Archer, junior, that an administrator be appointed to his late father's estate, who shall be empowered to try his title to lands in Fordham, 122 March 3. Petition. Inhabitants of Bedford to be allowed the immunities enjoyed by them when under the government of Connecticut, &c. ; Abraham Ambler appointed justice of Westchester county, 123 March 6. Petition. Cornelius Steenwyck for letters of administration upon the late John Archer's estate ; that the surveyor-general may sur vey the manor of Fordham, and persons be appointed to appraise its value, , 124 Vol. XXXI.J ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 109 GOVERNOR DONGAN. 1684. . _ PAGE. March 17. Petition. Mayor and aldermen of New York that former regu lations forbidding the erection of bolting mills, &c, except iu the city, may be confirmed, 125 March 18. Order calling for reasons for the above request, 126 March 18. List of goods taken by Daniel Hobart from his master, Isaac Deschamps, 127 March 22. Petition. Mayor and aldermen of New York that regulations may may be made for the sale of firewood in the city by the cord, 128 Proclamation directing that after the first day of September next, no firewood shall be exposed for sale in the city of New York but such as shall be cut after the manner of cord wood, and sold by the cord, 129 March 24. Petition. Volchie Peiters, widow of Pieter Meeusen Vrooman of Albany, deceased, for letters of administration upon her late husband's estate, without security, 130 March 24. Warrant to seize the property of James Looper of Southampton, a runaway prisoner, 13] March 24. Deposition. James Sciff that Joseph Coalman had publicly asserted that no justice was to be had at Nantucket, 132 April 8. Petition. Henry Looper of Huntington, for an appeal from a judg ment obtained against him by Jonathan Rogers, 6isl32 Petition. W. De Meyer, excusing himself for having drawn up a petition to the Court of Oyer and Terminer which appears to be contrary to the laws of the land, 133 April 4. Judgment of the Court of Oyer and Terminer at New York, in the case of Robert Willy and Elizabeth his wife, charged with inducing Daniel Hobart, a servant of Isaac Deschamps, to abscond ; fined £10 and costs, 133 April 8. Reasons submitted to the governor's consideration by the mayor and aldermen of New York why the bolting of flour and making of bread for transportation should be restricted to that city, 134 April 9. Petition. Joseph Lee to be empowered to collect arrears of public dues and public charges on Long island, 135, 137 April 12. Petition. Henry Desbrow to have the sum of sixty pounds which he had lost by becoming security for Richard Betts, restored to him, 136 April 17. Petition. Cornells van Dyck and Johannes Provoost of Albany, for permission to transport to New York several parcels of flour lying at that place, 138 Feb. 21. Mortgage from Jacques Cortelyou to Anna van Borsum, of his farm at New Utrecht, 139 April 18. Bond. Richard Smith to Samuel Smith, of Suffolk co., to abide by the award of arbitrators chosen for the. settlement of their differ ences, 140 April 18. Award of the arbitrators in the above case, 141 April. Petition. Inhabitants of New Lotts, for the removal of the quit- rents upon their lands, 142 110 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXXI; GOVERNOR DONGAN. 1684. PAGE. April 23. Return of survey of the house of Thomas Rogers, at Albany,. . . . . 143. May 22. Proclamation against bolting or casking of flour, or making of bread for transportation, in any other place within the province than the city of New York, until the pleasure of his Royal Highness the Duke of York and Albany, shall be ascertained in the premises (also in vol. 34': 20), 144' May 5. Petition. Cornelis Steenwyck for the appointment of persons to appraise his loss on certain goods consigned to him from Amster dam, in the ship Delaware, shipwrecked on Long island, 145. May 8. Petition. Harmen Jansen, rope winder, for the grant of a certain piece of land in Smith's Valley, New York, 146 May 26. Petition. Thomas Crandall of New York, attorney to John Jackson, &c, of London, for an attachment against certain goods on board of the ship Seaflower, purchased by English Smith and George Lock hart, and bonds given to secure payment for the same, &c, . ..... 147 May 27. Petition. Alice Fisher for relief against the exactions of Edward Stevens of Newtown, to whom she was sold as a servant for four years, but who claimed longer service. [The governor saw this poor woman promptly righted], 148 June 6. Names of the petitioners at Esopus, bound over to appear at court, with the amount of the fines severally imposed upon them (see p. 115, supra), 149 Petition. Sheriff of Ulster county for arrears of salary, 149 June 13. Return of the persons appointed to view and appraise the ship Gideon, in the port of New York, 150 June 15. Marriage license. William Haines of New York, and Elizabeth Hussy of Esopus, 151 June 26. Order respecting the taking up of stray horses, 152 June. Petition. Thomas Willet and others of Long island, to be allowed to purchase certain lands on Cow Neck, from the natives ; with an order directing the inhabitants of Hempstead to prove their purchase of the land asked for by the petitioners, 153 July 8. Certificate of John West, clerk of New York, that the necessary formalities had been gone through with in the matter of the will of Dirk Jansen Deventer of Newcastle, Del., and referring those concerned to the governor, for letters of administration, &c, . . . . 154 July 9. Petition. Jacobus Kipp to be allowed to purchase some land lying adjacent to the premises of John Homes and Stoutenburgh on New York island, 155 July 9. Petition. George Wood of Newtown to be discharged from Queens county prison, and for a rehearing of his case, 155, 172 July 9. Petition. Daniel Turneer for a writ of habere facias possessionem in his suit with col. Lewis Morris, for the possession of Stony island. [This was asked for in consequence of the abolishment of the Court of Assizes in which the suit was pending], 156 July 25. Instructions. Mr. De la Barre, governor of Canada to Mr. De Sal- vaye, who is sent with a message to gov. Dongan (French), 157 [In N..Y. Col. Doc, III, 450.] Vol. XXXI.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. HI GOVERNOR DONGAN. 1684. July 29. Minute ofthe attendance of Minisink Indians on the council ; inter change of presents, 158 Aug. - * Report by Aukes Cornelissen Viele of his mission to the Five Nations, 159 Aug. 16. Declaration in ejectment. Harman Gansefort agst. Jan van Loon, for land in Coxsackie, with Mr. V. L.'s letter to Martin Gerritson disclaiming any title to the land in question, also Mr. Gerritson's plea to be made the ejector in the suit, 160 Aug. 16. Recognizance of Jan Jansen Flintsburgh, to answer the suit of John Philips, at the next Court of Oyer and Terminer of the city of New York, 161 Aug. 18. Recognizance of Richard Pattishall to answer the suit ofsir Edmond Andros, knight, 162 Aug. 14. Petition. John Joost of Kingston, administrator of Joosten Ariense, to be paid for accommodations, &c, furnished to the Court of Sessions in 1681, 163 Aug. 27. Petition. Elizabeth, widow of Philip Carteret, Esq., late governor of the province of East New Jersey, respecting some meadow land on Staten island granted to her husband's use by the several English governors of the province of New York, but which is now claimed by one John Tunissen, 164 Declaration. Isaac Fawie, M. D., of New York, against Thomas Stedman in a suit to recover the amount of his bill for attendance on said Stedman's wife before she was married, 165 Information of Richard Pattishall against John Nelson, merchant, of Boston, in regard to the duke of York's territory in. the eastern parts of New England, 166 (No date.) Petition. Wm. White of Jamaica, to be allowed to keep a tavern or house of entertainment, 167 (No date.) Petition. Grietie Arense for a reconsideration of the judgment obtained against her by Henry De Foreest, 168 (No date.) Petition. John Nelson of Mamaroneck, to be allowed certain sums of money advanced by him in his settlement with the widow of John Richbell, deceased, 169 (No date.) Petition. Gessie Lewis, widow of Thomas Lewis, deceased, to be appointed executrix of his last will and testament, •. . . 170 (No date.) Petition. William More for relief in his controversy with capt. Edward Reade, whose mate he was, and who had procured his imprisonment, 171 Sept. 6. Petition. Lutheran congregation of the city of New York to have their places of worship and religious houses exempted from taxa tion 173 Form of the freedom of the city of New York to be presented to lord Howard, governor of Virginia, 1 74 1683. Sept. 15. Petition. Inhabitants of Hurley for an appeal from a judgment obtained against them at the Kingston Sessions by Henry Pawling, 1 75 112 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXXI. GOVERNOR DONGAN. 1684. . . PAGE. Sept. 11. * Letter. Richard van Rensselaer to governor Dongan, respecting Vyanen. the colonie of Rennselaerswyck, 176 Sept. 1. Translation of the above letter, 177 Sept. ^r. * Letter. Richard van Rensselaer to the governor and council of vyanen. New York, in answer to Robert Livingston's demand for a division ofthe colonie of Rennselaerswyck (see p. 90), 178 Sept. 1. Translation of the foregoing letter, 179 Sept. 6. Petition. Inhabitants of Kingston for the remission of the fines imposed upon them for presenting an ill-advised petition to the governor (with names), (see pp. 115, 140), 180 Sept. 6. Petition. Inhabitants of Pemaquid for confirmation of their exclu sive right to trade with the Indians, and for a fort at Merrymeeting, 181 [Some autograph hunter has cut off and abstracted the signatures to this document] YOLUME XXXII. GOVERNOR DONGAN. [ Thus * marked are in Dutch.] Oct. 1. Order for a writ of habeas corpus to bring the body of Walsall Cobby before the judges and justices of the city of New York, 1 Oct. Petition. Francis Romboult for relief against the evasions of John Pell to pay him a certain debt, &c. [This petition was caused by Mr. Pell's patent rendering him irresponsible before any other tribunal, save the governor and council], 2 [1683.] Petition. Samuel Edsall for a decree that will satisfy him for losses incurred while acting as the administrator of Daniel Lane of Seatal cott, an absconding criminal, 3 Sept. 30. Petition. Deputy mayor and aldermen of the city of New York to issue an order regulating the value of Spanish coin current in the city and province, 4 1684. Oct. 2. Letter. Secretary Spragge to Thomas Townsend and others of NewYork. Oyster bay, to appear before the governor and council on Monday fortnight, to advise respecting the boundary lines between that town and Hempstead, 5 Calendar of actions brought in Queens county, 0 Oct. 8. Writ of habeas corpus to bring the body of John Symonds before the Court of Oyer and Terminer to be held at Jamaica on the 5th of November next, 7 Aug. Declaration in ejectment at the Queens county Sessions, John Pine agst. John Symonds, together with defendant's answer to the same, 7 Vol. XXXII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 113 GOVERNOR DONGAN. 1684. PAGE. (No date.) Answer in bar of Joseph Sutton agst. John Loakeson of Queens county, in an action for trespass, 8 Oct. Proceedings of the Court of Oyer and Terminer &c, for Richmond county, held on the 15th, 16th and 17th of October, 9 Aug. Plea of trespass upon the case. Thomas Walker agst. John Morgan and Anne his wife, of Richmond county, 10 Sept. 16. Depositions of William Lovering, Thomas Jenk and others, made at New Darthmouth on the 13th of September, 1684, relative to an assault and battery committed on Gyles Goddard by capt. Nicholas Manning, 11 Oct. 23. Notice to the sheriff to summon grand jurors to attend the Court of Oyer and Terminer &c, of Queens county, to be held on the 5th of November next, with panel of grand jurors, 12 [1683.] Memorial. Henry Pawling to the governor and Court of Assizes, respecting his difference with inhabitants of Hurly, as to the title to certain meadows (see vol. 31 : 175), 13 1684. Oct. 1. Petition. Edward Hornett and Mary his wife, to direct the sheriff of Queens county to serve an execution on a judgment obtained by the petitioner at a Court of Sessions held in the North Riding of Yorkshire on Long island. [Mr. Willett, the sheriff, had declined to serve the execution in question, because, by an alteration in the civil divisions of Long island, the place where the judgment _&c, was obtained had ceased to be within the bounds of his shrieve- alty], u (No date.) Petition. Abraham Corbett for the right to prosecute the officers and soldiers of the garrison at New York for debts, 15 Errors assigned upon the record and giving judgment in an action at the Court of Sessions at Southold on the 21st of October, 1684, by John Earle, attorney to Cornelius Meery, assignee to Samuel Davies and Caleb Pumery, against John Edwards, alias Nathaniel Baker, 18 Oct 24 Petition. John Williams and others of the crew of the ship Beaver of New York, for remedy against the wrong doings of Jacob Maurice, master of said vessel, !7 Oct 30 Order to the sheriff of Queens county, to notify Edward Hornett and Mary his wife, to appear before the Court of Oyer and lermi- ner &c, to be held at Jamaica on the 1st of November next, to hear the decision of the Court of Sessions at Jamaica, in a suit between them and Joseph Hedges, deft; with the sheriffs return, Oct 30 Petition. Richard Wodhull and John Tooker, in behalf of the inhabitants of Brookhaven, to the governor, council and assembly, to be allowed to keep their swine as formerly on the town com mons, there being plenty of acorns, Proceedings at the Jamaica Sessions, held on the 13th of June, 1864, in an action of trespass, &c, between Edward Hornett and Mary his wife, and Joseph Hedges, 15 114 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXXII. GOVERNOR DONGAN. 1684. PAGE. Nov. 1. Petition. Inhabitants of Hempstead for a patent for their town, with the reservations not to inclose the plains, 21 Nov. 5. Minutes of the court of Oyer and Terminer &c, held at Jamaica, Queens county, 22 Nov. 5. Writ of habeas corpus directed to the justices of the county of Queens, to have the body of John Simonds before the court of Oyer and Terminer &c, for said county, on the 5th of November next, 23 Nov. 7. Judgment of the court of Oyer and Terminer &c, for the county of Queens, in the matter of Alice Fisher and her child, claimed as servants by Edward Stevens of Newtown ; the infant to remain a servant to said Stevens until it attain the age of 21 years, 24 Nov, 10. Petition. Inhabitants of Jamaica, L. I., for the settlement of the boundaries between that town and Hempstead, previous to grant ing a patent to said town. [On the back of this petition there is indorsed an order of the governor and council, directing that the inhabitants of Jamaica shall stand by the agreement made between them and Hempstead, in the time of governor Nicolls], 25 Nov. 18. Grant of 200 acres of land in Hempstead to Thomas Dongan, gover nor, &c, by said town, 26 Nov. 23. Petition. Inhabitants of Hempstead, to be permitted to fence in land on the plains, as formerly, for agricultural purposes, 27 Nov. 23. Transcript from the records of the town of Hempstead, granting to John Spragge, secretary, 150 acres of land in said town, 28 Oct. 10. Interrogatories to be ministered to the witnesses to be introduced on the part of Walsall Cobbe, master of the ship Seaflower, in his difference with George Lockhart and English Smith, two of his crew, on a hearing of the matter before John Palmer, Esq., one of the council, , 29 Nov. 9. Minutes of the committee of the council for the regulation of fees, with a table of the same, 31 Dec. 12. Proceedings of the Court of Admiralty for the province of New York, held on the 12th of December, 1684, 32 Dec. 12. Depositions of Nathaniel Bayly, Samuel Farman and Tho. Barker, respecting the part George Wood, junior, had in recovering a lost cow of said Nathaniel Bayly, 33, 34 (No date.) Bond by George Wood, senr. of Newtown, for the appearance of George Wood, junr., at the Court of Oyer and Terminer, &c, to be held at Jamaica in November next, to answer concerning the taking away of Nathaniel Bayly's cow, 35 Nov, 11. Warrant at the request ofthe House of Representatives, nominating a commission to examine and audit all the accounts of the sheriffs, &c., or) Long island since 1674, and to make return thereof to his excellency before the first Monday of March next, 30 (No date.) Petition. Inhabitants between the rivers Kennebeck and St. Croix [Pemaquid], respecting the regulation of trade among them, and for a due administration of the laws, &c. (see vol. 31: 181), 37 Vol. XXXII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 115 GOVERNOR DONGAN. 1684. PAGE. (No date.) Protest of Jacob Mnurits, half-brother to the late Cornelis Steenwyck, against all the orders, decrees &c, obtained in several courts of the province by Margaretta Riemers, alias Steenwyck, in the matter of the supposed last will and testament of the said Cornelis, and praying for permission to appeal in the case to the king and council in England, 38 1685. Jan. 12. Declaration in ejectment in the county of Queens ; Jonathan Wright agst. Mary Feake, widow of James Feake, 39 Jan. 8. Petition. John Inians to be granted letters of administration on the estate of the late John Richbell of Mamaroneck, 40 Jan. 8. Petition. Jarvasse Marshall and John Smith to be granted letters of administration on the estate of Dirck Wessels of New York, deceased, 41 (No date.) Statement of George Lockhart's account for fees in the mayor's court of the city of New York, 42 Jan. 26. Interrogatories to be propounded to witness in the suit between Thomas Smith and James Shore, in the Court of Sessions of New York together with the answers made to the same by John Corbell, before Lucas San ten, master in chancery, &c, 43, 44 Jan. 27. Petition. John Campbell for the release of certain goods of his seized by the sheriff of the county of Suffolk, 45 Feb. 2. Petition. Josiah Hunt and John Baily of Westchester county, for the remission of fines imposed upon them at the Court of Oyer and Terminer &c, of said county, for refusing to take the new oath administered to jurors, 46 Feb. 18. Petition. Rev. Morgan Jones of Newtown, to order said town to pay the arrears due on his salary, &c, 48 1684. Feb. 19. * Deed. Peter Phillipse Schuyler to Evert Wendel, junr., of a house and lot on the hill at Albany, , 49 July 23. * Deed. George Heathcote to Robert Sanders of a house and lot on the hill at Albany, 49 July 25. * Deed. Laurence van Ale to Jacob Lockermans of a house and lot in Albany, • 49 Oct. 14. * Deed. Margareta, widow of the late Phillip Sohuyler, to her son Arent Schuyler, of a house and lot in Albany, 49 Dec 29. * Deed. Margareta, widow of the late Philip Schuyler, to Dowe Jellise Funda, of a house, barn, orchard, and three morgens of land in the colonie Renselaerswyck, ' 49 1686. Feb 22. Petition. Samuel Ruscoe of Jamaica, for an order to pay his account for entertainment furnished to the Conrt of Sessions at Seatalcott, 50 1685. March 2. Petition. Thomas Trowbridge, of New Haven, Conn., for permission to receive and carry off, duty free, some oil which he had contracted for, previous to the passage of a late act concerning the same, 51 March 19. Bill of lading for goods shipped by Tho. Wenham, Jos. Bueno ¦ and Co., on board of the Susanna of London, Thomas Hill, master, for Surinam, 52 116 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXXII. GOVERNOR DONGAN. 1685. PAGE. (No date.) Petition. Poor inhabitants of Newtown, complaining of the mono poly of lands in that town so that they cannot procure firewood or wood to fence their land with, 53 Petition. Deborah Vallentine, widow, for an order directing pay ments to be made to her on a building which she is erecting for the town of Hempstead and use of the minister ; referred to law, 54 April 8. Examination of Jacob Decker relative to a fire that occurred in Thomas Garton's house in Marbleton, 55 April 9. Petition. Elizabeth Stratton, lately arrived from Scotland, for relief against capt. David Moody, who claims to dispose of her as a servant, notwithstanding that her passage-money had been paid by her brother on her arrival here, 56 April 11. Power of attorney. Richard Sarson of Edgartown, Martha's Vine yard, to Matthew Mayhew of the same town, 57 April 15. Declaration of ejectment, Albany. Gerritt Banker agst. Francis Chappell, together with Mr. Chappell's notice to Hendrick Lan sing and Evart Banker, to defend their title to the land in question, 58 April 24. Reasons submitted to the governor and council, by John Lawrence, John Bowne and Matthias Harvye, against a pretended right of William Creed and his associates to lands in Flushing, 59 April 25. Confirmation of Matthew Mayhew's patent for Martin's vineyard,. . 60 April 25. Petition. Hugh Riddell, for the restoration of some goods of his seized on coming into the province from New Jersey ; petition granted on condition that Mr. R. pay the charges of Michael Vaughton, whom he wounded at the seizure of his goods, 61 April 28. Order of the mayor's court, New York, respecting the probate of the will of Cornelis Steenwyck, whereby his widow was appointed executrix ; referred to the governor for further confirmation, .... 62 April 29. Petition. Nicholas Garrett to be relieved from difficulties in which he had involved himself, by importing brandy into the province in ignorance of its having become a prohibited commodity, and for which his vessel had been seized, 63 (No date.) Petition. Sylierten Blythenbird, widow, for a confirmation of her appointment by the mayor's court of the city, as administratrix of the last will and testament of her late husband, Augustine Bly thenbird, deceased, 64 April 30. Petition. Inhabitants of Jamaica, L. I., asserting title to the Little Plains, &c, adverse to that of the town of Hempstead ; ordered, that the inhabitants of Jamaica appear before the governor and council on the 3d Wednesday of June next, to show their pre tenses to the land in question, 65 (No date.) Petition. George Heathcott for relief, he having incautiously landed some goods of his English correspondents (destined for Virginia and Maryland), at Westchester, in order to repair the vessel in which they were, without having paid the duties on them, 67 April 24. Petition. Jane, widow of John Ryder, deceased, for letters of administration on her late husband's estate, 68 Vol. XXXII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 117 GOVERNOR DONGAN. 1685. ¦ PAGE; May 12. Petition. Hugh Riddell against the extortionate charges of the physicians who attended Mr. Vaughton, the custom-house officer, wounded by him at the seizure of his goods (see p. 61), 69 May 13. Petition. Margaretts, widow of Cornelius Steenwyck, deceased, for a confirmation of her appointment by the mayor's court, to be executrix of her late husband's estate, 70 May 13-19. Bill found by the grand jury of Albany, against Mees Hoogeboom, for interring his negro in a private and suspicious manner. [Mr. H. plead guilty and was fined], 71 May 14. Power of attorney. Matthew Mayhew, of Martin's vineyard, to major Anthony Brockholls, of New York, 72 June 2. Letter. Tierck Claes de Witt to Mr. Knight, authorizing him to defend several actions brought against him at the Court of Oyer and Terminer, &c, for the county of Ulster, 73 June. Execution directed to the sheriff of the county of Ulster, against the goods and chattels of Dierck Claes de Witt, in favor of Nicholas De Meyer, 74 June 6. Petition. Robert Livingston of Albany (administrator to the estate of the late Nicholas van Rensselaer, whose widow he had married), for a patent for a farm at Greenbush, opposite Albany ; ordered, that copy of this petition be sent to Mr. Peter de la Noy, sum moning him to appear before the governor and council next Monday morning, to show cause why the prayer of the petition should not be granted, 75 June 8. Answer of Peter de la Noy to the petition of Robert Livingston,. . . 76 June 5. Reasons in answer to a petition of Robert Livingston, administrator, &c, for a division of the colonie of Rensselaerswyck, addressed to .the governor and council, by Peter de la Noy, attorney to Rich ard van Rensselaer (see vol. 31 : 178), 77 June 15. Petition. Richard Codner, master of the brig Adventure of Caro lina, complaining of Humphrey Ashley who chartered said vessel, but ruined the voyage by killing one Indian and bringing away four others to the port of New York, from Cape Fear ; ordered^ that all the effects of Mr. Ashley be sold at auction, and the pro ceeds of the sale placed in the hands of Frederick Phillips, in order to secure the charges necessary to transport said Ashley and the four Indians he had abducted back to Carolina, 78 1686. March 11 Petition. Freeholders and inhabitants of Boswyck, for a confirma tion of the patent for their town, as its bounds were fixed in the time of governor Lovelace, or, that a day be appointed for debating the respective claims of Boswyck and Newtown ; ordered, that if the petitioners will not comply with the agreement made by themselves before the governor and council, to take out a pa tent dated the same day with the patent of Newtown, that they be referred to law, ' 9 Tune 27 Petition. Peter Chock of London, complaining of ill treatment at ' the hands of Christopher Deane and others of Jamaica, L. L, and requesting that all parties be brought up for a hearing, 80 118; ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXXII. GOVERNOR DONGAN. 1685. . . PAGE. Address of the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, to the governor, respecting the erection of buildings upon vacant land, near the dock, 81 July 15. Petition. Elizabeth Loper of Easthampton, for a bill of divorce from her husband, 82 July 23. Petition. Frederyck Flypsen, praying that a vessel of his named the Charles, be allowed to proceed on her intended voyage to Jamaica, he giving the required security, 83 (No date.) Petition. Peter Groenendyck to be allowed to import tobacco into New York from the Delaware river, 84 Aug. 13. Petition. Francis Vincent and Francis Bassett, in behalf of Mr. Boybellaud of Little Gouaves (then in New York with his vessel), that he might receive certain favors in requital for his humanity to the petitioners, upon their making their escape from the Span iards, 85, 86 Aug. 25. Petition. Humphrey Ashley to be set at liberty, he promising to make his appearance in Carolina to answer the complaint of Richard Codner (see p. 78), 66, 87 Aug. Deed. Margareta Schuyler, widow and administratrix of Philip Pieters Schuyler, deceased, to Stephen van Cortland and Brant Schuyler of a house and grounds on the east side of Broadway, New York, on their marriage, 88 Aug. Deed. Margareta Schuyler, as above, to Stephen van Cortland on his marriage with her daughter Gertrude, of a certain garden on the west side of Broadway, New York, 88 Oct. 2. Petition. Philip Wells, of the county of Richmond, for the appoint ment of commissioners to lay out the lands of Claes Arents accord ing to his patent, and that till the same be done all proceedings at law on his part shall cease, 89 Oct. 4, 5. Proceedings of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and general gaol delivery for the county of Queens, held at Jamaica, 90 Declarations in ejectment, Queens county. John Loakeson agst. John Simpson, William Peate, William Thorne, Robert Miller, William Hedger, and Joseph Sutton of Madnan's Neck, oi Same parties ads. John Loakeson, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 Declaration in ejectment, Queens county. John Woolly agst. William Thorne, John Simpson and Robert Miller, 97, 98, 99 Same parties ads. John Woolly, 100, 101, 102, 103 Declaration of trespass on the case, Queens county. Margareta Steenwyck, executrix, &c, of Cornelius Steenwyck agst. Elias -Doughty, 104, 105 Declaration in trespass, Queens county. William Hallett, jun'r, agst. Joris Stevenson 106 Oct. 15. Petition. Henry Taylor of Flushing, for his share of land in that town, amounting to 200 acres, fosl 06 Vol. XXXII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS." 119 GOVERNOR DONGAN. ]684. PAGE> June 20. Petition. Gabriel Minvielle of New York for letters of adminis tration on the property (in the province of New York), of Josue Lasseur, of Bordeaux, France, 107 1685. Petition. Justices of Richmond county, for a confirmation of cer tain rules made by them in relation to fences, 108 Oct. 27. Writ of venire to the sheriff of Queen's county, to summon grand jurors for the same, 109 Oct. 28. Petition. Answell Samuele Levy, to be released from imprisonment and granted a hearing of the case between him and Simon Valen- tyne van der Wilden, about the non-performance of an award con cerning the estate of Asser Levy, deceased, 110 Oct. 28. Petition. Philip Lawrence (a prisoner), for a fair, open and clear trial for the crime he is accused of (see infra, p. 115), Ill Oct. 29. Petition. Francis Doughty, Charles Doughty, and Elyas Doughty, jun'r, of Flushing, to have laid out to them in said town, two hun dred acres of land each, they having been part purchasers of the same from the Indians; order in the case, that the petition be granted, unless the inhabitants of Flushing show reasons to the contrary, 112 Oct. 29. Petition. Bartholomew Mercier of Boston, in New England, that his estate and goods be exempted from the payment of customs, he intending to settle in the city ; ordered, that for the encourage ment of merchants to come and inhabit in the city, the goods and merchandises of the petitioner already imported, be freed from the payment of customs, 113 Oct. 29. Petition. Elyas Doughty of Flushing, that a warrant be issued to the surveyor-general, to lay out three hundred acres of land for him in that part of said town, which he was part purchaser of from the Indians in 1684 ; order in this case, the same as at p. 112, 114 Dec. 5. Petition. Philip Lawrence to be exempted from whipping and burn ing on the forehead (for burglary), on condition of departing from the province, 115 1686. June 20. Petition. Paulus Johnson for letters of denization, 116 1685. Oct. 17. Order of the court at Pemaquid, in relation to the taking off of the customs at that place, and to making it a free port, 117 Nov. 17. Depositions of Timothy Hoisted and Samuel Denton of Hempstead, and Josiah Lettin of Oyster Bay, relative to the purchase-money paid the Indians, for Affter Kull (Achter Kol), N. J., by Daniel Denton, John Baylies and Luke Watson, 118 Nov. 3. Writ to the sheriff of Queens county, to summon John Seaman and others, patentees of the town of Hempstead, to appear at a Court of Oyer and Terminer, &c, for said county, to be held at Jamaica on the first Wednesday in November, and show cause why they refuse to make partition of certain land with Thomas Hicks, .... 119 Nov. 12. Petition. Johi. Laugh ton, to be pardoned an offense which he com mitted in pleading the case of Job Sayre, before the court in Suf folk county, L. I., , 120 120 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS; [Vol. XXXIII. GOVERNOR DONGAN. 1685. __ PAGE. Nov. 15. Petition. Derrick Jansen Hoogland of Flatbush, to hear the differ ence between him and Peter Lott with respect to his land, and furnishing a list of the witnesses whom he would have examined ; petition rejected, as the law had already determined the case, . . . 121 1678. Nov. 19-26. Certificates of the constable and overseers of the towns of Bruke- lyn and Flatbush, testifying to the uniform good conduct of Der rick Jansen Hoogland, while a resident in their towns, 122 1685. Nov. 3. * Joint will of Joannes Provoost and Sara Webbers his wife, of New York, 123 Nov. 19. Petition. Hendrick Thomson to be released from his imprisonment, 124 Nov. 19. Petition. Reynier Williams and Barent Lewis, that their bond, given as security for the faithful administration of Roger Rugg's estate by John Ryder, may be returned to them, 125 NoVj 26. Petition. Dirck van Clyffe, administrator of the estate of the late Cornelis Direcksen, to be granted his quietus, to have his securi ties discharged, and his bond returned him; ordered, that the petition be allowed after due notice shall have been given to show cause why it should not be granted, 126 (Nd date.) Petition. Robert Morris, to be granted relief in a matter of debt, between him and William Frampton and Francis Richardson, ... 127 Deci 12; Petition. Frederick Flipsen, to grant a bill of store on several pipes of wine, shipped at Barbados on a Vessel of his, forced into port by stress of weather, of to mitigate the duty of ten per cent, Claimed on the wine here by the collector of customs ; ordered, that a bill of store be granted, and that the produce of the western islands and Madeiras, imported hither by way of the West Indies, is not to pay ten per cent, 128 Dec. 17. Petition. William Men'itt, to be paid his bill for entertainment of the comrriissioners engaged in auditing the accounts of the sher iffs of Long island ; ordered paid, 129 (No date.) Petition. John Manning for satisfaction of his claims, as his accounts have been audited and allowed (as sheriff of Long island), .... i i ... , 130 VOLUME XXXIII. GOVERNOR DONGAN. 1686. Jan. 7. Petition. Andrew Gibbs, that a caveat entered by the inhabitants of" Seatalcott, against his purchase of Indian lands in that town, be dismissed, Unless they show cause therefor within a reasonable time, 1 Jan. 13. Petition. Robert Arthur and David Scudder, for a grant of certain islands in Nicequaugh river, *1 Vol. XXXIII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 121 GOVERNOR DONGAN. 1686. PAGE. March. Petition. Thomas Creber, master ofthe ketch John nnd Mary, for relief, his vessel having been condemned for a violation of the navigation laws, *1 (No date.) Petition. Thomas Stephens, of Southampton, that some goods of his shipped in England, and unavoidably landed and reshipped at Boston, in New England, be entered without paying the ten per cent collectable on goods aud merchandise coming from other colonies, 2 March. Petition. Rev. Morgan Jones, for relief against Benjamin Collier, sheriff of Westshester, who had caused tw* chests of his books and clothes to be sold at vendue, without giving him proper notice, 3 1685. Oct. 28. Order to the sheriff and clerk of Westchester county, to call Joseph Palmer, former constable of the town of Westchester, to account for certain moneys collected by him to repair Fort James, 4 1686. March. Return to the preceding order, stating that Mr. Palmer had, on examination, declared he had made returns to governor Lovelace in the matter of the moneys collected, and until that account appeared he declined to make another, 4 March 25. Petition. Altye Leisler, to defer granting a quietus to Derick van Cliffe, administrator of Cornelis Dericksen, for the space of three weeks, or till her husband's return from Virginia, 5 (No date.) Petition. Joseph Fordham, of Southampton, that some goods shipped to him from England, but unavoidably landed at Boston, in New England, and there reshipped, be entered without paying the duty of ten per cent, collectable upon merchandise coming from other colonies, 6 March 29. Letter. Sheriff Pretty to Mr. Swinton, concerning the collection of Albany. quit-rents, ' March 31. Return of quit-rents collected by Richard Pretty, sheriff of Albany, 8 (No date.) List of the inhabitants of the Halfe Moone, 9 April 6. Proceedings of the Court Oyer and Terminer and general gaol de livery for the county of New York, 10 (No date.) Complaint of governor Dongan against John Smith, for neglect to render a reasonable account of his excellency's fees of anchorage and powder money, &c, to 20 Sept., 1686, 11 Auril 26 Writ of venire to the sheriff of Albany county, to summons twelve petit jurors for the next Court of Oyer and Terminer, &c, for said county, to be held at Albany on the second Wednesday of May next, together with the panel of jurors summoned, 12 Mav 12. Proceedings of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and general jail delivery for the county of Albany, held on the 12th of May, and on the 27th and 28th of August, 1686, 13 Mav Presentment by the. jurors of the county of Albany, late master, as lawful prize ; with the plea of Johannis Outman, claiming one-quarter part of said ship, together with capt. Kidd's answer ; also the decree of the court condemning the vessel, 80 March 31. Libel exhibited by Abraham Depeyster, against the ship Virgin of Honfleur, James Bongoure, late master, as lawful prize, with the decree of the court condemning the vessel, 80 March 31. Libel exhibited by Leonard Walkington, against the ship Esperance of Havre du Grace, William Bigoire, late master, as lawful prize, with the decree of the court condemning the vessel, 80 April 7. Libel exhibited by John Nicholson and Robt. Allison, against the pinck St. Jean of Bayonne, Estienne Cassanada, late master, as lawful prize, with the decree of the court condemning the vessel, 80 March 27. Libel exhibited by Abraham Depeyster, against the pinck Charles, formerly the Jean of Bayonne, as lawful prize, with the plea of Jasper Hicks that said libel be dismissed ; also, the answer of said Depeyster, and the decree of the court condemning the vessel, and directing her appraisement, 80 Vol. XXXV. ] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 161 VOLUME XXXV. GOVERNORS DONGAN AND ANDROS. [Thus * marked are in Dutch.] 1687. PAGB. Sept. 17. Indictment against Arian Ryerse of Flatbush, Kings county, and Aras Janse, Rine Aranse, Joseph Hegeman and Cornelius Barnse, for breaking into the house of Peter Brewer, 1 Oct. 20. Indictment against Dirk Jansen Hoogland of Flatbush, Kings county, for an assault with a knife on Denys Theuuisen, 1 Oct. 20. Indictment against Denis Teunissen of Flatbush, Kings county, for an assault on Dirk Johnson Hoogland, 1 Names of the grand and petty jurors for Kings county, 2 Jan. 1. Bond of arbitration between John Rogers and James Blevin of Oysterbay, Queens county, and award thereon, 2 Jan. 6. Petition. Francis Stepney, late of Boston, now of New York, danc ing master, to have the order of the council requiring him to give security under the act of the Assembly against disorderly persons, or quit the province, referred to the king in person, .... 3 Jan. 12. Return of the number of inhabitants in Easthampton, L. I, 4 [In N. T. Doc. Hist, III, 360.] Jan. 29. Petition. Jeremiah Canniff, wife and mother, and Ann Savage, of Yonkers, Westchester Co., for aid, their property having been destroyed by fire ; with certificate of character, , 5 Jan. 24. Recommendation by Nicholas Bayard, of John D. Bruyn, or Brant Schuyler to be captain in place of Wm. Pinhorn, removed from the government, 6 Jan. 3. Order in council requiring Francis Stepney, dancing master, to give security that he will not become a public charge, 7 Jan. 6. Order granting Francis Stepney's petition for an appeal, 8 Jan. 10. Order for a commission for capt. Billop, as surveyor of highways, for Staten island, 8 Jan. 10. Council minutes. Auditors of the public accounts empowered to administer oaths to persons in relation to frauds in the revenue ; assembly dissolved, 9 Jan. 13. Council minutes. Mr. Santen ordered to deliver into the hands of Stephanus V. Cortlandt all papers relating to the revenue, Ac. ; the latter's report, with further order to seize the same, 10 Minutes of proofs against Mr. Santen, 10 Jan. 13. Council minutes. Peter De la Noy ordered to take charge of the books and papers in the custom house, 11 Jan. 13. Council minutes. Lucas Santen suspended from the office of receiver, Ac, of the revenue, and ordered into custody, 13 21 162; ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXXV GOVERNORS DONGAN AND ANDROS. 1687. — PAGE. Jan. 14. Council minutes. Action of the Council in relation to the papers of John Smith, 14 Jan. 14. Return to the warrant of the Council ordering the seizure of the papers of John Smith and Lucas Santen, 15 Jan. 20. Proclamation dissolving the General Assembly, 16 Jan. 29. Petition. Mayor and aldermen of New York, for a confirmation of their privileges and charter, 17 Jan. 27. Council minutes. Jos. Fordham's petition granted, provided he makes it appear by his bills of lading that the goods were consigned to him within this government. Petition of mayor and alder men of New York, read and granted. Mr. Sapten's petition read. Ordered that his money and papers be restored to him, and that he give security in the sum of £5,000 previous to going to England, where he shall surrender himself and remain subject to the king's pleasure, 18 Feb. 1. Council minutes. .Order to Mr. Spragge to inquire of Mr. Santen about the excise of New York for this past year, 19 Feb. 3. Petition. William Tucker, commander of the ship Catherine, in relation to the cargo of the same, 20 Feb. 6. Council minutes. Order on the petition, last appeal and postscript of capt. Santen, 21 Feb. 8. Council minutes. Opinion of judge Palmer in the case of John Smith, read, and order thereon. Mr. Merritt to have a commis sion to manage the excise of the eity and county of New York for this present year, Ac, 21 Feb. 10. Council minutes. Mr. Santen ordered to deliver up all bills, bonds and accounts of the king in his hands, and further proceedings in his case, 22 Feb. 11. Council minutes. Richard Rogers ordered to pay public money in his hands to Peter De Lanoy ; on his refusal is ordered under arrest, 23 Feb. 14. Council minutes. Capt. Santen ordered to deliver up all books, papers and accounts relating to the revenue to his excellency, and further proceedings thereon, 24 Feb. 18. Petition. Thomas Hunt of West Farms, Westchester county, re lating to taxation of his land, 25 Feb. 18. Petition. Josiah Hunt of the town of Westchester, in relation to his property wrongfully seized, 26 Feb. 18. Petition. Thomas Coker relating to his pay while in the service of Lucas Santen, late collector of customs, 27 Feb. 17. Petition. Richard Elliott relative to the balance of his pay as guager under Lucas Santen, 28 Feb. 18. Petition. James Larkin relating to his pay as weigher and searcher under Lucas Santen, 29 Feb. 18. Petition. George Lockhart relating to £38 due him from Lucas Santen, gg Vol. XXXV.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 163 GOVERNORS DONGAN AND ANDROS. 1687. • PAGE. Feb. 18. Council minutes. Order on a petition from Flushing, and from Lucas Santen's creditors, 31 Feb. 22. Order to the sheriff to deliver capt. Santen over to Jno. Wake, commander of ship , who is to deliver him to the secretary of state, England, 32 Feb. 22. Legislative minutes. Bill relating to charges against the govern ment read first time, amendments made, to be grosed by judge Palmer ; bill against privateers read the 2d time, 32 Feb. 22. Petition from Madnan's neck read; the minister of Hempstead to preach there at least once a month, 32 Feb. 23. Council minutes. Warrant to deliver capt. Santen to Jno. Wake, and one to the latter, to convey him to England, signed by his excellency, S3 Feb. 23. Legislative minutes. Act about the revenue, read second time,. ... 33 Feb. 22. Vote ofthe town of Flushing, L. I., to lay out new ten acre lots for the shareholders of that town, 34 Feb. 24. Address of the people called Quakers, in relation to their rights, with order of council thereupon, 35 [In N. T. Doc. Hist., Ill, 1003.] Feb. 24. Council minutes. Return of the inhabitants of Flushing, in relation to commonage, read and order thereon ; address of the Quakers read ; they are not to be exempted from training, 36 Feb. 24. Legislative minutes. Revenue act read third time and passed ; act about privateers passed, 36 Feb. 24. Warrant for the surrender of Pemaquid, pursuant to the king's instructions, 36 Feb. 28. Council minutes. Mr. Bayard, Mr. Graham and Mr. Cortland to audit the public accounts ; Mr. Palmer and Mr. Bayard called to the council, 37 March. Petition. Alexander Macklellon and Alexander Clemy, in relation to their goods shipped on board the William and Mary from Glasgow, 38 March 7. Council minutes. Orders to sheriffs in relation to quit-rents, Ac. ; law against selling without license to be strictly enforced ; excise of Long island be let to the highest bidder ; petition of Macleland read ; governor remits his share but not the king's, 39 Feb. 26. Receipt of Thomas Longworth of Southold, for the ketch John and Mary and her cargo, delivered to the governor in New York, 40 March 17. Account of goods taken by Samuel Stocker, commander of the Royal James, from the John and Mary, 40 March. Petition. John Smith, a prisoner, to be discharged from confine ment according to verdict of a jury in the Court of Exchequer,. . 41 March 10. Legislative minute. Judge Palmer, Mr. Bayard, major Cortlandt, Mr. Graham and capt. Nicolls, ordered to prepare a bill for set tling the fees of all courts and offices, 42 164 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXXV. governors dongan and andros. 1687. page. March 10. Council minutes. Seals to be made for the Courts of Exchequer, Oyer and Terminer, and Court of Sessions ; John Smith's petition referred to the Court of Exchequer, 42 March 14. Council minutes. Orders in relation to the refusal of some mer chants of Boston to pay duty on oil purchased by them on the east end of Long island, and to persons selling liquor without license, 43 March 16. Legislative minute. Bill to prevent frauds, read, 45 March 16. Council minutes. Order in relation to vessels entering and clearing the several ports of Suffolk county, 45 March 17. Legislative minute. Bill to prevent frauds, passed, 45 March 17. Council minutes. Order to send three persons to Suffolk county to prevent smuggling ; order on petition of Morgan Jones, 45 March 19. Petition. John Davids, Edward Wright, William Willson and Samuel Tilden, for a grant of land on the south side of Long island, in Oysterbay, 46 March 21 . Order in council on the complaint of the commissaries of Schenectade, 47 March 24. Council minutes. The governor acknowledges to have received of Benjamin Collier, collector of Westchester, £20 ; ordered that the weigh-house be let to the highest bidder, 48 March 30. Return of the foot company, and of the number of marriages, chil dren (births), burials, servants and slaves in Newtown, L. I, . . . . 49 March 31. Council minutes. Patents passed to captain Palmer, Tho. Hawar- den, Hend. Cuyler and Jno. luykesen ; letter of John Hoop, a cap tive in Argier, read and 4 order for a general collection for his ransom ; complaint against C. Dean for barretry ; ordered pro secuted, 50 March 31. Legislative minutes. Bills for settlement and assessments, ordered to be drawn up, 50 April 4. Petition. Wm. Gray, late of Brookhaven, in relation to a covenant between him and Richard Floyd, about a farm on the south side of Long island, 51 April 4. Council minutes. Ordered that Mr. Smith stay at Southold, and that the excise on Long island and Westchester be let, 52 April 4. Appointment of William Bogardus, to be postmaster for this province, 52 April 7. Petition. Frederick Hussey of New York, grain measurer, praying that no grain be exported from Esopus until measured, 53 April 7. Council minutes. Dr. Butler to have £20 for going to Connecticut; Maquaes proposition of 18th Feb'y, in relation to a meeting of the Five nations with the governor of Canada at Cadaraqui, and order thereon ; French priest at Onondaga ordered to come to New York ; petition of Fred'k Hussey concerning measuring corn, re jected ; P'r Johnson, to enjoy his land according to the bounds of his patent ; fort at New York to be repaired ; on petition of Jacob Leisler on behalf of the inhabitants of Suffolk county, the tide- waiters to be withdrawn from there; additional ports of entry there, 54 Vol. XXXV.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 165 GOVERNORS DONGAN AND ANDROS. 1687. . PAGE. April 9. Petition. Robert Saunders, of Albany, in relation to his pay for goods delivered to the Indians by order of the magistrates, in part payment of the purchase of the Susquehanna river ; ordered paid, 55 April 9. Legislative minutes. An act against imbracery, Ac, ordered to be drawn up, , 56 April 18. Petition. Thomas Willett, John Bown, Sarah Hinchman, widow of John Hinchman, deceased, and Richard Stocking, inhabitants of Flushing, L. I, that they may be protected in relation to their rights to a share in the patent of that town ; referred to the law, 57, 59 April 18. Council minutes. Judge Palmer and Mr. Graham appointed to go to Connecticut to induce the people to submit to this government, Ac. (for instructions see p. 73) ; Peter Delanoy's accounts ordered to be audited, 58 Answer of Jonathan Wright, Jasper Smith, Morice Smith and John Adams, in behalf of the freeholders and inhabitants of Flushing, to the petition of Thomas Willett and others, 59 April 14. Council minutes. Order on a petition of sundry inhabitants of Albany concerning one V. Plessy, a runaway from Canada; the Five Nations not to suffer any person to trade on the Susque hanna or Skoolkill without a license, 60 April 21. Council minutes. Letter to gov. Treate, and instructions to capt. Palmer and Mr. Graham, read and approved, 61 April 26. Council minutes. Sheriff of Suffolk county to be reprehended for letting the excise of the town of Southampton at so low a rate as £5 ; Long island obstinately opposed to the excise ; proposed remedy, 62 May 7. Commissions. Matthew Mayhew, John Gardiner and Thomas May hew, to try a murderer, 63 May 23. Council minutes. Captain Palmer and Mr. Graham report that the people of Connecticut are obstinate not to surrender to the king, . 64 May 31. Petitions of El. Vandike, widow, and Morgan Jones, for administra tion, granted, 65 May 31. Council minutes. Letter of administration to widow Vandike ; also to Morgan Jones; copy of petition of Madnan's Neck people sent to Mr. Hubbard, 65 May 31. Legislative minutes. Ordered a tax of £d on the pound be raised for defraying the expenses for the good of the province in Eng land, 65 June 6. Council minutes. Application to load a vessel from Boston with oil at the east end of Long Island, refused ; must load at New York ; the French refused permission to hunt towards the Schoolkill ' and the Susquehanna, 66 June 8. Council minutes. Treaty of peace between the kings of England and France, read and ordered published, 67 June 9. Legislative minute. Act about settlement, read 1st time, 67 166 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXXV. GOVERNORS DONGAN AND ANDROS. 1687. . - PAGE. June 9. Council minutes. Order in the case of the congregation of Mad nan's Neck ; rev. Mr. Hubbard to be paid all arrears, and rev. Mr. Jones to be induced to be separated from Hempstead,. . . . 67, 88 June 9. Council minutes. Mayor, aldermen, Ac, of the city of New York, to make an ordinance that all new buildings be uniform and with party walls, . . . . : 67 June 13. Council minutes. The negroes of the Bowry to clean the easement behind the fort ; proclamation in regard to naturalization ordered ; petition of the Lutheran elders rejected, and petitioners referred to the courts; Jacobus Vande water ordered to deliver the books ofthe States General or W. I. Company to Wm. Nicolls, 67 June 13. Legislative minutes. Bills in relation -Jd tax, excise of rum, and about mortgages, read 1st time; attorney -gen'l ordered to draw a bill enacting that all bills, bonds, records, Ac, be in English, ... 67 June 14. Legislative minutes. Bills in relation to -Jd tax, act of settlement, about mortgages, pleadings in English and excise on rum passed, 67 June 14. Council minutes. Judges to swear in the sheriffs and take same security as in England ; commissioners appointed to administer the oath of allegiance in various places ; order in relation to patents and quit-rents ; J. Swinton to be naval officer, 67 (No date.) List of soldiers in Esopus, 68 June 10. Account of goods on board the ship Amity of London, 69 June 12. Council minutes. In relation to the French invasion ofthe Senecas' country, 70 June 24. Council minutes. Proposition of the sachems of the Maquas and Oneidas in relation to the French invasion of Senecas' country, and action of the council thereon, 71 June 27. Council minutes. Petition of Thomas Stevenson, concerning a troop of horse, read and referred ; patents to Frederick Flipsen, John Knight, Garret Cornelsen, Tackapoucha, Rumnasseck, and for the township of Sherburne, passed, 72 April. Instructions for capt. John Palmer and James Graham, commission ers to Connecticut (see p. 58), 73 Feb. 23. Warrant to the sheriff of New York, to deliver Lucas Santen into the custody of John Wake, captain of the Elizabeth and Kathe rine ; sheriff's return and captain's receipt, 74 March 27. Return of the population of the city and county of Albany, with number of baptisms and burials from 1683 to 1686, 75 March 14. Return of John Robinson, Richard Jones and Thomas Longworth of goods found on board of ship John and Mary, Thos. Creber, captain, 76 March 30. Patent to Hendrick Cuyler of Albany, for land above Schanectede, . 77 Estimate of what oil may be in the town of Southampton and depend encies, L. I, with names of owners, 79 April 10. Writ of venire and list of jurors for a court to be holden at Albany' 80, 81 Anril 15. Account of all the oil, whalebone and blubber found in Easthamn- ton> L- L> 82 Vol. XXXV.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 167 GOVERNORS DONGAN AND ANDROS. 1687. PAGE. April 19. Declaration. Brandt Schuyler of Albany against Garret Teunissen, in an action of debt, 83 April 19. Declaration. Isaac Swinton of New York against Garret Teunis sen, debt, 84 May 4. License. Henry Cuyler of Albany, to purchase land of the Indians at the Long Reach below Esopus, 85 1686. Dec. 8. License. John Pell to purchase all the Indian lands within his patent, ". 85 1687. May 11. Minutes of the Court of Oyer and Terminer of the county of Albany, 86 June 6. Warrant to William Moore, Richard Pettinghall and Abraham Mott to appraise the value of the brigantine Amarante, E. Hammell, captain, 87 July 7. Declaration in ejectment, against Derrick Teunissen for a piecie of land on the north of the Catskill, 89 Aug. 2. Information given to governor Dongan by sachems of the Sennekas, in relation to the invasion of their country by the French, 90 [In N. T. Col. Doc, III, 444.] Aug. 6. Answer of the Maquase, Oneydes, Onondages, Cayouges and Sinne- kas to governor Dongan, in relation to their troubles with the French (two copies), 91 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, III, 441.] Aug. 19. Petition. Daniel Duchemin, Jacob Therousde, Alexander Allaire, Daniel Gombauld, Marie Guerpin, Jean de Neufville, Jean Peletrau Merschet, Gilles Godineou, Estienne Vallos, Aime Cauche, Louis Bougeaud, Jean Boutellier, Andre Therunet, Isaac Mercier, Paul Merlin, Pierre Jouneau, Pierre and Daniel Henriau, Estienne Bomser, Estienne Hamel, Benjamin and Jean L'hommedieu, to be naturalized, 92 Aug. 27. Petition. Tho. Hawerder in relation to a threat of Robt. Allison that he would take the ketch Adventure, 93 Aug. 26. Petition. Bryan Roarke for relief, and to be continued a soldier in the garrison at New York, 94 Aug. 31. Examination of Kakaricoll, a christian Maquas, brought a prisoner from Canada, «• 95 [In N. T. Col. Doc, III, 431.] Aug. 31. Petition. Harman Dowsa of Tappan, for liberty to purchase land of the heathen, 96 Sept. 1. Names and surnames of inhabitants of Ulster county who had taken the oath of allegiance, 97 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., I, 219.] Sept. 7. Petition. Donald Kofoe to have his demand against capt. Palmer secured, 98 Sept. 9. Proposition of the Maquase sachems to the mayor, Ac, of Albany in relation to the war begun by the governor of Canada, 99 fin N. Y. Col. Doc, III, 483.] 168 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS- [Vol. XXXV/ GOVERNORS DONGAN AND ANDROS. 1687. . ... . .. ... , ~ PAGE. Sept. 14. Names of the assessors of Kings county, Brookhaven and Smith- m town sworn into office, 1 00 Sept. . 26. Petition. John Cavelier for payment for services as messengei\of the council, with names of persons on whom he served warrants, 101 Sept. 26. Letter. Andrew Robeson, a Quaker, to governor Dongan, declining cionmei,weat?f.j. an appointment of water bailiff, 102 Sept. 27. Resolutions of the Court of Lieutenancy, 103 Sept. 29. Petition. William Merritt, collector of excise for the oity of New York, praying that persons who keep boarders be obliged to take out license, , 1 04 Sept. 30. Names of those who have taken the oath of allegiance in Kings county, 105 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., I, 659.] Oct. 6. Petition. Henricus Selinus and Margaret his wife for an appeal to the governor and council from a judgment ofthe Court of Admi ralty against them, in the case of the ship Beaver, (see vol. 34 : 66, 67, 73), 106 Oct. 6. Petition. George Brewerton, clerk in the secretary's office, for arrears of salary, with his account, 107 Oct. 8. Petition. James Graham and John Delavall for a warrant of survey of 2,000 acres of land in Ulster county, near the Pals, 108 [1683.] Petition. Thomas Lovelace to the governor and Court of Assize, for authority to collect a debt due by Samuel Resco and John Bayly, , 109 1687. Oct. 21. Writ of venire to the sheriff of Kings county, in the case of Joris Jacobs, pl'tff, and Richard Gibb, 110 Oct. 21. Writ of venire to the sheriff of Kings county, for a grand jury, .... Ill (No date.) Petition. Joris Aertse van der Baest and others, inhabitants of the village of Schenectade, for remission of their fines, 112 (No date.) Petition. Ann Harmansa, praying that a base strolling negro, who had done her great wrong, may be examined and punished, 113 Oct. 25. Petition. Mayor and aldermen of the city of Albany, for the im position of a duty of eighteen pence on every anker of rum, 114 Oct. 25. Petition. Derrick Johnson Hoagland, in relation to a boundary line between him and Peter Lott, , 115 Oct. 25. Petition. Richard Thicker, a blind man, for liberty to tap without license, 118 Nov. 7. Petition. _ Dirk van der Clyffe and Peter Stoutenburgh, for letters of administration on the estate of Dirk Jansen Deventer, deceased 117 Nov. 10. Petition. Samuel Burt in relation to some merchandise consigned to him on board the ship Robert from England, 118 Nov. 10. Affidavit of Peter Reverdy, Peter Perret and Michael Pack, in relation to the death of Richard Burt, commander of the ship Robert, from England, . 119 Vol. XXXV.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 169 GOVERNORS DONGAN AND ANDROS. 1687. PAGE. Nov. 19. Inventory of Mr. Richard Burt's papers, taken by A. De Peyster, John De Laval and Samuel Burt, 120 Nov. 26. Return by Epenetus Piatt, of the names of the assessors of the town of Huntington, 121 Nov. 29. Petition. Henry Willis and Edward Titus of Hempstead, L. I, "in derision called Quakers," in regard to their sufferings for conscience sake, and protesting against being forced to maintain one Jeremiah Hubbard, 122 Dec. 5. Petition. Jacob and David Robles, French aliens, to hold real estate, 123 Dec. 14. Return of Daniel Whitehead, J. P., as to the swearing in of Joseph Sackett and Thomas Pettitt, assessors, of the town of Newtown, 124 Dec. 24. Petition. John Robinson for letters of administration on the estate of Philip Jones, 125 Dec. 26. Petition. Thomas Meech in relation to the ship Joanna, sunk in the channel near Sandy Hook, 126 1688. Jan. 11. Petition. Richard Smyth, senr., of Smithtown, 1. 1, for an order that Samuel Eburn of Brookhaven, secure a debt owing him,. ... 127 (No date.) Petition. Elizabeth van Dike, widow of Cors van Dike, for letters of administration, 128 Feb. 13. Petition. Peter Deriemer for letters of administration on the estate of Elizabeth Graveratt, deceased, 129 Feb. 24. Petition. Elias Doughty, Richard Cornell and Thomas Hinkes, for the immediate trial of William Jones of Madnan's neck, Queens county, 130 March 6. Petition. Thomas Roberts and others, executors of the last will, Ac, of Mary Mathews of New York, tavern keeper, deceased, for an abatement of £20 excise money, 131 March 6. Petition. Richard Blackledge, on the part of the several soap boilers of the towns of Stratford, Milford and Fairfield, Connecti cut, for permission to purchase oil at New York, 132 March 13. Petition. Samuel Eburne, of Brookhaven, for an order on Richard Smith, to pay £11. 15s. 6d. and affidavits, 133 March 13. Petition. John Palmer and Matthias Nicolls, judges of Court of Oyer and Terminer, in relation to their salary, 134 April 2. Petition. Daniel Verveelen, for a renewal of the grant ofthe ferry at Spyting Devil, formerly held by his father, Johannes Verveelen, 135 April 2. Petition. Henricus Selyns be discharged from administering on the estate of John Shackerley, deceased, 136 April 3. Petition. Matthew Middleton for leave to recover plate or other valuables from a wreck lying near Catt island, one of the Bahamas, 137 April 11. Petition. Richard Mitchell of Richmond county, for a survey of his land, so that a patent may issue, 138 22 170: ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS: [Vol. XXXV: GOVERNORS DONGAN AND ANDROS. 1688. _— — - PAGE. April 12. Petition. Captain Robt. Augur that he may purchase the sloop Endeavor, she being condemned, 139 Account of goods on board the Endeavor of New York, John Richardson master, 140 Account of charges on the Endeavor, since the 21st March, 1688, till 24th July, 141 List of rates for the town of Flushing, L. I, 142 Return of marriages, christenings and burials in the town of Ja maica, for the seven years preceding 1688, 143 April 11. Certificate of the oaths of certain assessors of Kings county and Orange county ; list of persons who took the oath of allegiance in Orange county, 144 April 12. Petition. Benjamin Collier, sheriff of Westchester county, that Joseph lee, clerk of said county, be compelled to account, 145 April 16. Petition. John O'Key and John Hegeman, on behalf of the town of Flatbush, that the line between said town and Brukelin may be surveyed, 146 April 21. Papers produced on the hearing of the reasons of the jury in the case of the sloop Brother's Adventure, Jonathan Hall master, and Josiah Hobart, qui tam, at the Court of Oyer and Terminer, Suf folk county, 147 April 29. * Propositions of gov. Dongan to the Six Nations of Indians, 148 May 3. Petition. Joseph Fordham, praying to be reimbursed £43. 9s. 9d. for clothing furnished col. John Young and maj. Howell, for the Suffolk county men, for the expedition to Albany, 149 May ; 3. Bond. William Smith and John Foster of Jameco, and Samuel Swezey of Southold, L. I, in relation to horses taken illegally, . . 150 May 3. Petition. Abraham Corbett, for the remission of £18 excise money, for retailing strong liquor in New York, and order thereon,. .... 151 May 14. Answer of the town of Bruckland to the petition of the town of Flatbush, in relation to the town line, 152 May 14. Petition. Dowe Johnson to be discharged from his bond given to capt. George Lockard, in relation to his service as a trooper in the expedition to Albany, 153 May 14. Petition. John Hoagland, same as above, 154 (No date.) Petition. Mary Veall, wife of Philip Veall of Huntington, black smith, for the discharge of her husband engaged in the expedition to Albany, 155 May 14. Petition. Matthias Harvey of Flushing, for the remission of a fine of £3, 156 May 1 7. Return of William White and John Bayles, assessors of the town of Jamaica, of. the tax levied on that town, 157 May 23. Obligation of William Robotham, to Michael Hawdon, for £1. 19s. 6d. and the latter's assignment of the same indorsed thereon 158 Vol. XXXV] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 171 GOVERNORS DONGAN AND ANDROS. 1688. — PAGE. May 25. Letter. Gov. Dongan to Arnout Cornelise Viele, instructing him. Albany. to send the chiefs of the Five Nations to him, and to beware of the Black gowns (Jesuits), , 158 June 3. * Letter. Arnout Cornelissen Viele, to mayor Peter Schuyler ; his Onondaga. efforts to send delegates from the Senecas, Onondagas, etc., to Albany to meet - the governor, and to detach them from the French, 159 June 5. * Letter. Arnout Cornelise Viele, to gov. Dongan ; arrival of 200 Onondaga. Wagganes at Onyagaro ; measles among the Senecas ; Todehaeckto the chief place of all the Senecas ; French have set up a high cross 2 miles from Niagara, 160 1686. List of confirmatory grants of land to Newtown, L. I., Richard Doughty on Cow Neck, Thos. Hicks on Cow Neck, Rich'd Cor nell on Cow Neck, Joseph Sackett at Newtown, Benj. Smith at Brookhaven ; the towns of Southampton and Easthampton ; John Seaman at Oysterbay ; town of Brookhaven, L. I. ; Samuel Eburne Snake's Neck, south side of L. I., and at Seatalcot, L. I. ; Andrew Gibb at Brookhaven ; Jacob Sullivan at Staten island ; Richard Lloid at Seatalcott ; John Cornell at Cow Neck ; the town of Bos- wick, L. I. ; William Nicolls, islands near Huntington, L. I, 161 1688. June 6. Inventory of the several books delivered by Jno. Knight (acting provincial secretary), to mayor. Cortlandt, major Philips and col. Bayard, at his departure for England, 162 June 26. Answer of the Maquase, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas and Senne- kas, to gov. Dongan at Albany, 163 July. Questions to the old people at Albany, in relation to the Indians, . . 164 Jan. 23. Certificate of the clerk of the Sessions of the county of Suffolk, of security agreed on a writ of error, in the case of Richard Smith vs. Samuel Eburn, 166 July 26. Petition. Henricus Selyns, that he may be maintained in quiet pos session of the manor of Fordham, against the town of West chester, 167 July 30. Petition. Quakers of Long island and New York, in relation to their grievances, for conscience sake (with), 168 Schedule of property taken from the Friends in the government of New York, since the arrival of gov. Dongau, and on what account, 169 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., Ill, 1004,] July 30. Petition. Robert Allison, to retain an Indian slave he purchased at Honduras ; rejected, 169 Aug. 12. * Petition. Jacob Milborn, of NewYork, merchant, attorney of Anthony Brockholls, Ac, to the supreme court of Holland, for the appointment of referees in a suit with Jan Faneuil and others, of Rotterdam, 170. 1687. Speech of [gov. Dongan] to the chiefs of the Five Nations, inciting them against the French ; about to send an English Jesuit to the Mohawks to learn their language, 171 172 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXXV. GOVERNORS DONGAN AND ANDROS. 1688. • PAGE. Sept. 18. Propositions made to gov. Andros by the Five Nations of Indians, in the City Hall in Albany, 172, 174 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, III, 558.] Sept. 20. * Answer of the Five Nations of Indians to the speech delivered by gov. Andros yesterday, in the city of Albany (infra), 173, 174 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, III, 559".] Sept. 19. Speech of gov. Andros to the Five Nations, with a copy in Dutch, ¦ 174, 181 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, III, 558.] Sept. 29. * Letter. Magistrates of Schenectady to the governor, with Indian intelligence from Canada and western New York, 175 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, III, 565.] Oct. 9. Pass from sir Francis Watson, knt., governor of Jamaica, to Stephen Cregoe, master of the ship Yorke, 176 Dirck Wessels' bill of expenses, Ac, of a journey to Canada, 177 Oct. 1. Bond of Myndert Hermanse, of Albany, to Abraham de Peyster, merchant, of New York, 178 Petition. Hendrick Matthysen Smack to the court at Flatbush, in relation to a division fence between him and Jan van Kerck, 179 Petition. Jane Ryder to the court at Flatbush, for relief on account of a mistake made by the clerk of the court in entering a judg ment of record due her husband in a wrong name,. 180 Oct. 17. Deposition of Catilyn Trico, of Brooklyn, in relation to the first set tlement at Albany, Hartford and the Delaware, 182 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 50.] Oct. 15. Invoice of goods in the Bachelour, Humphrey Ayles, master, for Stephen de Lancey, Ac, 183 Nov. 16. Invoice of goods entered the custom house from the ship Bachelor, 184 Nov. 15. Invoice of goods to be landed from the ship Bachelor, 185 Dec 28. * Letter. Sander Glen to Peter Schuyler, with intelligence that 900 Schenectady. Indians of the Five Nations are about to march to Canada to make war on the French, 186 1687. Nov. 16. Memorial of the British commissioners in relation to the English title to Hudsons Bay and the Iroquois, 187 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, III, 509.] * Copy of the above memorial in Dutch, 188 Answer to the appeal of Jacob Leysler, plaintiff, against Reynier Williams, in relation to some salt, 189 Accounts and papers regarding the Melborne estate ; 1686-1690, . . 190 1686. Dec. 7. Letter. Thomas Meech to Mr. Mellborn, on business matters ; has Maryland. seen his father, Ac, 191 1687. Account of Thomas Meech and ye ketch Susan, with Mr. Mil borne, 192, 193, 196-207 Vol. XXXVI.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 173 GOVERNORS ANDROS AND LEISLER. 1687. . . PAGE. June 25. Obligation of Thomas Meech to Anthony Brockholts and Jacob Mil- bourne, for £800, on account of a voyage of the ketch Susan from New York to Virginia, and thence to Rotterdam, 195 March 11. Bill of lading for a cargo of tobacco shipped by Anthony Brockholls and Jacob Melborne from New York for Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in the ketch Susan, Thomas Meech, master, 202 VOLUME XXXVI. GOVERNORS ANDROS AND LEISLER. [Thus * marked are in Dutch.] 1689. Jan. 25. Answer to be delivered to the Maquas or Five Nations, and to the Schakoke Indians at Albany, 1 March 7. * Answer sent by the Five Nations to the governor, by Arnout Cor- nelisse Viele, 2 March 28. Refusal of Wm. Lynes, Alexander Lamb, Jan van Dortt, Harman Lourie, Wm. Greene, George Billbe and Robert Owle, to go on a voyage in an unseaworthy vessel, 3 June 19. Account. Thomas Clarke against the province of New York, 4 July 30. * Letter. Levinus van Schaick to Arnout Cornelise (Viele) respect- Albany, ing the Indians, 5 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., II, 18.] Aug. 1. Warrant to bring to Albany, for examination, La Fleur, Villeroy and De La Fortune, three Frenchmen living near Saratoga, 6 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 81.] Aug. 2. * Proposition of the Maquas, communicating a message the Ouwena- gonges had sent to them, 7 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 19.] Aug. 28. * Answer of the magistrates of Albany to the Onondagas, congratu lating them on their victory near Montreal, 8 (No date.) Letter. Joris Aertsen, clerk (of Schenectady), to the magistrates of Albany, with papers from Arnout Cornelisse Viele, 8 Sept. 4. Resolution of a convention of civil and military officers held at Albany in relation to a threatened invasion of the French, 9 Warrant for the election of a mayor, sheriff and town clerk, for the city of by order of the committee of safety, 10 Sept. 21. Bill of lading by John Carter of goods on board the sloop Resolu tion, Benjamin Blagge, master, from Barbadoes to New York, . . 11 Oct. 10. Letters of administration on the estate of Anthony D'Mill, granted to his son, Peter D'Mill, 12 174 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXXVI. GOVERNORS ANDROS AND LEISLER. 1689. — PAGE. July 24. Inventory of books and papers, in secretary's office made by order of the committee of safety, 13 Oct. 26. Resolution of a convention of the mayor, aldermen, justices of the peace and militia of the city and county of Albany, to have the oath of allegiance administered to the soldiers in the fort, 14 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 100, 101.] Dec. 16. * Resolution of the above convention, in answer to a message from the Five Nations, 15 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 137.] Dec 18. Entry, by Abiah Edwards, of goods, on board the sloop Desire, from West Jersey and Neversinck, 16 Dec. 25. * Letter. Arnout Cornelisse Viele to Peter Schuyler, mayor of Albany, with a message from the Onondages, 17 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., II, 137.] Dec. 27. Resolutions of the convention at Albany in answer to the preceding message, 18, 19 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 139.] 1690. Jan. 6. Propositions to be made by Arnout Cornelise [Viele,] interpreter, and Robert Sanders, in the Indians' general council at Onondaga, on behalf of the Albany convention, 20 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 143.] Jan. 9. Petition. John Oortt that Richard Jones and Jacob Mayles, execu tors of Wm. Cox, of New York, deliver a full and just account of said estate, on oath ; ordered accordingly, 21 Jan. 11. Proceedings of the convention at Albany, in relation to acknowledg ing Jacob Leisler, as lieutenant governor of New York, 22 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 144.] Jan. 16. Protest of the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of Albany, against certain proceedings of Jochem Staats, under authority of Jacob Leisler, 23 [hi N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 150.] Jan. 15. Letter. Richard Pretty to Jacob Milborne, in relation to Leisler's Albany. commissions, 24 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 59.] Jan. 14. Letter. William Nicolls to George Farewell, prisoner in Boston ; NewYork. state of affairs in New York ; Leisler and council, 24 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, III, 662.] Jan. 20. Proposal of capt. Bluestocking and another Mohawk, to the mayor, aldermen, Ac, of Albany, to send out scouts to watch the French, with answer, 25 Petition. Christopher Goff to be discharged from prison, he being confined for words spoken, and order of council thereon, 26 Feb. 14. Petition. Elizabeth, widow of Stephen Jorrissen, late of Messpatt's kills, for letters of administration with order thereupon, 27 Feb. 17. Letter. Wm. Milborne to his brother Jacob Milborne, in vindica- Boston. tion of capt. Lodewick; departure of sir E. Andros, 28 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., n, 72.] Vol. XXXVL] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 175 GOVERNORS ANDROS AND LEISLER. 1B90. . . PAGE. Feb. 20. Writ for the election of representatives to a General Assembly, 29 Feb. 25. Propositions of the sachems of the three Maquas Castles to the mayor, Ac, of the city of Albany, in relation to the burning of Schenectady, Ac, and their answer, 30, 31 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 164.] Feb. 27. Deposition of Thomas Masters in relation to the oath of allegiance to king James, taken by James Emott before father Smith, 31 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, III, 747.] Feb. 28. License. Robert Robinson, governor of Bermuda, to capt. Francis Islack, master of the sloop Nathaniel's Adventure, to sail to and from said island, 32 Proportion of ammunition stores to be provided for the garrison of New York, in New England, 32 March 10. Letter. Samuel Mulforde, Samuel Person and Thomas Chatfield, to Easthampton. lieut. gov. Leisler, informing him that they are sending an address to the king, praying to be reannexed to Connecticut, 33 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 187.] March 12. Warrant. Robert Treat, governor of Connecticut, for the arrest of Robert Livingston, 34 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 188.] Letter. John Allyn, secretary of Connecticut, to lieut. gov. Leisler, in relation to the warrant for the seizure of Mr. Livingston, and consenting to co-operate against the French, Ac, 35 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 189.] March 20. Capitulation with the garrison in Fort Orange, 36 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 192.] March 27. * Letter. Johannis Provoost and John Hendricksen Bruyn, com- Aibany. missioners, to Jacob Milborne, asking for supplies, 37 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 198.] March 28. * List of the goods sent from Albany to New York, to be distribut ed among the refugees from Schenectady, 38 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 199.] March 25. Deposition of Richard Pretty, in relation to words spoken by Robt. Livingston against the prince of Orange, 38 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, III, 747.] April 1. Affidavit of Margaret, wife of Akes Cornelisen [Viele], concerning words spoken by Robt. Livingston against king William III, ... 38 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 206; N. Y. Col. Doc, III, 747.] March 29. * Letter. Cornelis Corssen to lieut. gov. Leisler, informing him that Richmond. M. Plowman hath a quantity of beef and pork stored in Town- ley's cellar, 39 April 2. * Letter. Commissioners to lieut. gov. Leisler, transmitting affidavits Albany. against Livingston, and papers of Jesuit Valliant ; members of Assembly chosen, 39 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., II, 205.] April 1 1 . Letter. John Allin, secretary of Connecticut, to lieut. gov. Leisler, Hartford. promising reinforcements for Albany, 40 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., il, 232.] 176 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXXVI. GOVERNORS ANDROS AND LEISLER. 1690. ¦ • PAGE. April 11. * Letter. Roelof Swartwout to captain Milborne; election for Kingston. members of Assembly ; no disloyal person to vote or to be elected, 41 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 230.] April 11. * Letter. Nicolas Anthony, county clerk, to Messrs. Bruyn, Pro- Kingston, voost aud Milborn, commissioners ; supplies forwarded, 42 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 231.] April 18. Letter. Robt. Treat, governor of Connecticut, to lieut. gov. Leisler, Miiford. relating to volunteers, 43 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 233.] April 18. * Letter. Nicolas Anthony, county clerk, to the commissioners at Kingston. Albany ; Indian murders ; members of Assembly leave for New York, 44 April 23. * Letter. Sander Glen and D[ouwe] A[uckes] magistrates, to the Schaenhechtade. commissioners at Albany, requesting that inhabitants of Schenec tady sojourning at Albany may be sent back, with the names of such absentees, 45 April 30. Certificate of Peter Delanoy, collector of New York, of lead delivered by Mr. Du Bois to lieut. Wm. Churcher, for the expedi tion at Albany, 46 [In N. Y Doc. Hist., II, 237.] April 30. Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler to the commissioners at Albany ; meet- New York, ing of commissioners from New England; laws sent up; Assem bly prorogued, 47 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 237.] May 1. * Instructions for Abraham Schuyler and Tjerck Harmensen, sent to conduct Indians from Iagaro to Albany, 48 May 6. Order annulling the will of Christina Dirckse Hoyer deceased, and granting letters of administration to her brother Cornelius, 49 May 7. Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler to John Tathem, at Burlington, N. J., NewYork. in relation to his vessel; suffering at Bermuda; gov, Koxe, 50 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 241.] March 17- April 2. Minutes of the proceedings of Leisler's commissioners at Albany, 51 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 191-210.] April 9. Order to Robt. Livingston to deliver to Rich'd Pretty, all books and papers relating to the revenue in the city and county of Albany,. 52 Order to Richard Pretty, sheriff of the city and county of Albany, to guage all vessels containing strong liquor, and make out list of persons who have departed from the city of Albany without leave or giving notice, 53 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., II, 217.] April 12. Proclamation against selling liquor to the soldiers at Albany, 54 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., II, 217.] April 14. Order in relation to the books, Ac, concerning the revenue in pos session of Robert Livingston, he having absconded, 55 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., IT, 218.] Vol. XXXVI] ENGIISH MANUSCRIPTS. 177 GOVERNORS ANDROS AND LEISLER. 1690. PAGE. April 22. Order to Levinus van Schayck and Peter Schuyler, to fortify patroon Rensselaer's mill, 56 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 218.] April 22. Order to Johannes Wendell and Peter van Wegelorae, to erect breastworks within the stockades around the city of Albany, 56 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 219.] April 23. Permit by Edwin Stede, lieut. governor of Barbadoes, to capt. Henry Beer, to sail from that island to New York, 57 April 30. Order to Richard Pretty, sheriff of the city and county of Albany, to attach the property of Robert Livingston, 58 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 219.] April 30. Order forbidding any person trespassing on a certain pasture in the city of Albany, 59 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., II, 220.] May 1. Order to lieut. Twist, to make forcible entry into the house of Wil liam Teller, of Albany, and quarter a soldier therein, 60 [In NY. Doc Hist, II, 220.] May 2. Order forbidding the sale of liquor to Indians, or egress outside of the stockades at Albany to discourse or trade with them, 61 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 220.] May 2. * Account of Anna, widow of Henry Cuyler, for sundries delivered to the government, 62 May 11. Order to Richard Pretty, sheriff, to distrain twelve kettles in posses sion of capt. Johan Bleeker, 63 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 221.] May 12. Order that the posts of Schenectade, Connistigione and Half Moon be properly garrisoned, in consequence of the inroads of the French, 64 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 223.] May 12. Order that the inhabitants ofthe city and county of Albany, render a true account of the powder in their possession, 65 [In N. Y. Doc Hist, H, 223.] May 12. Order appointing Claas Riper and Jacob Merser to inspect the stockadoes and platforms around the city of Albany, 66 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 223.] May 12. Order to the inhabitants of the city and county of Albany not to waste powder, 67 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 222.] May 12. Order in relation to the excise in the city and county of Albany,. . . 68 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 222.] May 12. Orders to provide shoes, kettles, canoes and axes for the expedition against the French, 69 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 221, 222.] May 13. Order to capt. Sander Glen and others, to build a fort at Schen ectade upon a piece of ground called " Cleyn Isaacs," 70 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, H, 224.] 23 178 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXXVI. GOVERNORS ANDROS AND LEISLER. 1690. PAGE. May 15. letter. Secretary Allyn to lieut. gov. Leisler, in relation to the Hartford. expedition against the French; small pox in Albany; major- general Winthrop, 71 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 252.] May 19. Letter. Governor John Coode to lieut. gov. Leisler; difficulty of Maryland. furnishing men and assistance ; sends agents to New York, 72 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, H, 248.] May 19. letter. [Lieut, gov. Leisler] to the commissioners at Albany ; com port wiiiiam. plains of the lies circulated by his enemies against him, and reports his movements, 73 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., IX 247.] April. List of soldiers for the expedition at Albany 74-81 Return of civil and military appointments for the counties of Albany and Ulster, 82 Receipt of Jacob Milborne for 600 pounds of powder received from the king's store, Albany, 83 May 20. Order to capt. Francis Goderis, commander of the brigantine John and Cataryn, to proceed against Quebec, Ac, 84 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 251.] May 20. Order to capt. George Bollen, commander of the sloop Resolution, to sail to Quebec and act against the French, 85 May 27. Letter. Secretary Allyn to lieut. gov. Leisler, proposing major- Hartford, general Winthrop for the command of the troops against Canada, in preference to capt. Milborne, who is reckoned "short in parentage," 86 May 30. Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler to the governor, Ac, of Connecticut, in Fort wiiiiam, n. y. relation to the command of the troops on the expedition against Canada, 87 [In N. Y. Doc Hist, II, 258.] May 80. Letter. Simon Bradstreet, governor of Massachusetts, to lieut. gov. Leisler, in relation to capture of Casco bay; attack on Wells and Kittery ; Port Royal reduced by sir W. Phipps ; Deer field ; preparations against Quebec ; new governor of Barbadoes, . 88 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 259.] May 30. Order to ensign Symon van Nes, to proceed to Saratoga and the carrying place, to watch the movements of the French, 89 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., II, 224.] June 21. Bond. Mary Gammon and Jochem Roeloffe to the parish of the city of New York, in a bastardy case, 90 June 23. Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler and council to the earl of Shrewsbury ; NewYork. arrest of Chevalier d'Eau ; Dome. Dellius in prison; assault on Leisler ; several arbitrary arrests, 91 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, III, 731.] [June 23.] Petition. Benjamin Blagg to the king, on behalf of lieut. gov. Leisler and council, in relation to the removal of lieut. gov. Nichol son, and the appointment of Leisler, ' 91 [In N. Y. Col Doc, III, 737.] Vol. XXXVI] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 179 GOVERNORS ANDROS AND LEISLER. 1690. . PAGE. June 7. Proclamation calling on all the inhabitants of New York to appear at the fort and renew their declaration in favor of king William,. 91 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 264.] Memorial of occurrences in the province of New York, since the accession of William and Mary, 90 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, III, 738.] Threatening letter from William Nicolls to lieut. gov. Leisler, on account of the confinement of Phillip French, Jacobus de Key and others, 91 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, III, 747.] June 8. Depositions of Gerret Duyckink, Hendrick Jansen Brevoort, Abra ham Gouverneur and others, in relation to a riot at New York, and assault on Leisler, 91 [In N. Y. Col, Doc, III, 740.] May 19. Petition. Joseph Hegeman, Jacob Teller and others, of New York, to the king, praying protection, Ac, against the arbitrary power exercised by Leisler and his followers, 91 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, III, 748.] June 25. Order that the companies of foot, under the command of col. Henry Slauter and capt. Charles King, be transferred from Southampton to the Isle of Wight, 92 July 1. Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler to the commissioners at Albany, in NewYork. relation to military affairs, Ac, 93 [In N. Y. Doo, Hist, II, 270.] July 8. Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler to the governor of Bermudas, acknow- NewYork. ledging receipt of powder, and sending flour in return ; progress of the war, , , 94 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 271.] July 9. Letter, J. Bruyn and Johannes Provoost to major Milborn, Ac, at Albany. Schenectade, with news from Montreal, 95 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 273.] July 22. Letter. Gov. Treat to lieut. gov. Leisler, asking for a supply of Miiford. ammunition, Ac, 96 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, H, 276.] July 23. Report of Isaac Stevenson, concerning certain vessels in New York fit for service, 97 July 24. Warrant to Isaac Stevense, Robt. Sinclaer, Niclaes Gerritse, Wm. Dearing and John Dissington, to appraise certain vessels taken up to serve against the French, 98 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 277.] July 29. Certificate for the ship Friend's Adventure, John Sweet, master, from Barbadoes to New York, 100 July 31. Articles of agreement between John DeBruyn, John Provoost and Jacob Milbourne, Com™, Ac, and the Honble John Winthrop, in relation to the command of the forces in expedition from Albany against Canada, 101 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 279.] 180 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXXVI GOVERNORS ANDROS AND LEISLER. 1690. . PAGE. Aug. 21. Bond. Andrew Falourdell, James Bobin, and Adam Carliri, to John Cbe, high sheriff of Queens Co., that said Falourdell will answer an action of defamation brought by Daniel Marchand and wife, 102 Aug.* 28. Caveat. Alee Frogmorton, executrix, against issuing letters of administration on the estate of Joseph Frogmorton, 103 Sept. 16. Deposition. (French.) Jean Bonhomme, Elie Toma, Francis de Bartran, seamen, that they had been taken prisoners in the river St. John by capts. Mason and Goderis, together with the ship Union, Elie Crousson, master, belonging to the company of Acadie, 104 * Information furnished by a Praying Indian, of an embassy from Canada to Onondage, and the tenor of their message, 105 Sept. 17. Proceedings in the Court of Admiralty, New York, against the French prize L'Esperance, now The Horned Frigate, and her con demnation, : 106 Sept. 17. Proceedings in Admiralty against, and condemnation of, the French prize St. Peter, of Bayonne, 107 Sept. 16. Deposition. (French.) Pierre Borstenago, Pierre de Larepunda, Nic olas de Castillon and Pierre mon Pon, that the flute La Princesse, Pierre Dieregoven, master, the flute St. Pierre, Pierre de Claborde, master, the pink St. Jean, Estienne de Casenade, master, and the pink St. Jean, Antoine de Bretagne, master, were the property of French subjects, residing at Bayonne, and were captured by capts. Mason and Goderis, about the 1st of August last, in front of Isle Perce, Canada, and brought to New York, 107 Complaint of Peter Cavalier, Adolphus Hardenbroek, Louis Dubois, Cornelis Gelderse, and John Langstraet, that they were deprived of their share of the prizes taken in the Canada expedition, with answers, 108 Sept. 17. Judgment of the Court of Admiralty, against the prizes named above, 109 Nov. 11. Libel against the prize Union, of Rochelle, 110 Sept. Bond of William Lasle, master of the brigantine James, and Abra ham Depeyster, of New York, merchant, not to carry away per sons, Ac, without a permit, 1 11 Sept. 22. Inventory and appraisement, by John Outman, Simon Jansen Romaine, Lendert Hugen and Garrett Hardenburgh, of the car goes of certain vessels, 112 Sept. 25. Conditions upon which the above six vessels, taken from the French are to be exposed to sale, 113 Sept. 23. * Petition. Inhabitants of Haerlem complaining of a band of negroes, who have run away from their masters, at New York, and commit depredations on the inhabitants of the above village, 114 Sept. 25. Minute of the sale of the cargoes of the above ships, at a vendue held at the house of Phillip Smith in New York, with the names of the bidders, ., 115 Sept, 29. Certificate. Capt. Hickes, commander of H. M. ship Archangel, to John Cornelius, pilot, .,,...., Hq Vol. XXXVI] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS; 181 GOVERNORS ANDROS AND LEISLER. 1690. — Sept. 17. Certificate of sale, by Jacob Milborne, vendue master, of a ship, under a judgment in Admiralty, to Charles Nickolson, 117 Oct. 2. Fragment of an Act of Assembly, authorizing the raising a tax of three pence in the pound on all real and personal estates, to meet the expenses of the war, 118 Oct. 7. Order to col. Henry Sloughter, to embark two companies of foot on board the frigate Archangel, at Spithead, for New York, 119 * Accounts of William Beeckman for sundries, 120, 121 Oct. 20. Letter. (French.) Rev. D. Bonrepos to lieut. gov. Leisler ; nomi- New Rochelle. nation of magistrates ; collection of taxes, 122 [In N. Y. Doc Hist, II, 304.] Oct. 28. Proclamation, denouncing persons who have unlawfully taken up arms in Queens county, 123 Oct. 30. Order to the constables of Haerlem and the Bowery, New York, to prevent the ship Jacob, William Mason, Com4', from being piloted through Hellgate, 124 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 315.] Account of what had been taken from Gabriel Minviell, by order of Leisler, '. .'.'. 125 Oct. 19. List of the soldiers who are going to Albany from fort William, New York, 126, 128 1689. Nov. 2. List of stores furnished from New York, for the expedition to Albany, 127 Nov. 6. Inventory of the sails, rigging and stores, of the ship Resolution, • • 130 [In N. Y- Doc. Hist, II, 211.] Nov. 11. Libel against the ship Virgin of Honfleur, now the Resolution, a prize, 131 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 312.] Libel against the Fr,ench ship, L'Esperance, capt. Guiliam Bigore, a prize, 132 Order in council [Aug-, 1688], settling the establishment for the two companies of foot in the colony of New York, to be paid out of the revenue arising in New England, 133 Petition. Officers of the two companies of foot soldiers lately in garrison at New York and Albany, in relatipn to their pay, 133 Order referring the above petition to col. Sloughter, 134 Judgment in Admiralty, in the libel against the ship Resolution,. . . 135 Letter. Jacob Melyen to lieut. gov. Leisler ; Ireland reduced ; Wil liam III returns to England ; gov. Sloughter daily expected ; con dition of things in New York, 136 Dec. 21. Commission. Ryert Cprnelisse to be captain of the Dutch ship of war Zeelandia, 137 June 4. Letter. Jacob Leisler to the governor and committee of safety at New York. Boston, informing them that be had seized the fort at New York, Ac, 138' [InN.Y. Doc. Hist, 11,1.] Nov. 11 Nov. 11 Dec. 11 Boston. 182 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XxXVL GOVERNORS ANDROS AND LEISLER. 1690. PAGE. Jan. 24. Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler to Jacob Malline ; arrests Bayard, Wm. Fort wuiiam, n.y. Nicolls, and the ferryman's wife, 138* [In N. Y. Doc Hist, II, 62.] March 4. Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler to the governor of Massachusetts ; burn- Tort wuiiam, n.y. ing of Schenectady ; arbitrary arrests in New York ; news from Maryland, 138* [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 184.] Feb. 1 4. Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler to governor Treat, on the disturbances at NewYork. Albany, and requesting that a convention be held at Milford, Conn., 138' [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 68.] March 1. Letter. Lieut, governor and council of New York to gov. Treat, Fort waiiam, n. y. declaring governor and council of Connecticut upholders of rebel lion, and ordering them to withdraw their soldiers from Albany, 138'* [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 77.] March 5. Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler " to the governor of Boston, in Connec- Fort waiiam, n.y. ticut," in relation to disturbances at Albany, and requesting the arrest of Robert Livingston, who has fled from that place, 1385 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 186.] March 24. Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler to Major Winthrop, informing him that Fort wuiiam, n. y. he is sending up troops to Albany, Ac, 138* [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 190.] 1689. June 16. Letter. Jacob Leisler to major Nathan Gold, on affairs in New Fort William, N. Y. York, 138' [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 4.] June 29. Letter. Capt. Leisler to the governor of Boston ; has disarmed all the Papists ; war with France, 138* [In N. Y. Doc Hist, II, 5.] July 10. Letter. Capt. Leisler to William Jones, in New Haven, on the NewYork. affairs of the province, 138* Aug. 7. Letter. Capt. Leisler to governor Treat ; repairs the fort at New NewYork. York, Ac, 138" [In N. Y. Doc Hist, II, 20.] Aug. 13. Letter. Capt. Leisler to the governor of Massachusetts ; attack on the French ; population of Saratoga ; Jesuit college, 138" [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 22.] Aug. 25. Letter. Jacob Leisler, commander-in-chief, to governor Treat; Indian outrages in Maryland, 138" [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 25.] Aug. 28. Letter. Jacob Leisler, commander, Ac, to governor Treat, on NewYork. affairs and alarms in N. York, 138" [In N. Y. Doc Hist., II, 25.] Fragment of a letter from Mr. Leisler to some person in Connecticut, giving an account of the release of Mr. Tuder and others from confinement, 138" Sept. 25. Letter. Jacob Leisler, commander, Ac, to the governor of Massa- NewYork. chusetts relating to Indian murders in Maryland, 138" [la N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 31.1 Vol. XXXVI] ENGHSH MANUSCRIPTS. 183 GOVERNORS ANDROS AND LEISLER. 1689. . PAGE. Oct. 22. Letter. Jacob Leisler, commander, Ac., to the governor at Boston ; NewYork. treaty between Massachusetts and the Five Nations ; design to release sir Edmund Andros ; books and papers belonging to New York at Boston, 13810 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, II, 37.] Aug. 7. Letter. Jacob Leisler, commander, Ac, to governor Treat ; escape Fort wuiiam, n. y. and recapture of sir Edmund Andros ; his friends waiting for him in New York, 138" [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 21.] 1690. March 26. Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler to [the commissioners from New Eng- Fort wmiam, n. y. land], suggesting a house out of town for their meeting, on account of the small pox in New York, 138" [In N. Y. Doc Hist, II, 191.] 1689. Aug. 19. Letter. Commander Leisler to the governor of Massachusetts; war NewYork. between the Senekas and French ; a French priest tortured ; burn ing of St. Christopher ; fears of sir Edmund Andros ; state of the fort ; New York records, 138" [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., H, 24.] [April.] letter. Captain Leisler, to the commissioners from New England ; sends capt. William Mason, lieut. Walters and Mr. Dufore to wel come them, 138" [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 238.] 1690. April 2. Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler to the governor, Ac, of Connecticut ; NewYork. requests leave to beat the drum for volunteers for Albany, 138" [In N. Y. Doc Hist, II, 210.] May 30. Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler to governor Treat (duplicate of letter, Fort wuiiam, n. y. supra, p. 87), 138" April. 7. Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler to the governor of Massachusetts ; has Fort wiiiiam, n. y. secured the fort of Albany ; Livingston ; French Jesuit ; Connec ticut ; New York records ; meeting of commissioners, 138" [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 227.] April 3. Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler to the governor of Massachusetts, in Fort wiiiiam, n. y. relation to an expected attack of the French and Indians on Albany ; meeting of delegates at New York proposed, 138M [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 225.] April 2. Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler to the governors of the several Pro- New York, vinces ; burning of Schenectady; proposed meeting of delegates from the several provinces at New York, 138M [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 211.] 1689. Oct. 30. Letter. Commander Leisler to the governor of Massachusetts ; Fort wiiiiam, n.y. orders seizure of powder at Delaware ; Dr.Cox; Mr. Bayard, Ac, 138M [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 39.] Oct. 30. Letter. Commander Leisler to John Tatham ; sends proclamation Fort wiiiiam, n. y. of William and Mary for Delaware ; forces sent to Albany, .... 138" [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 39.] 184 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXXVt GOVERNORS ANDROS AND LEISLER. 1690. - --¦- ^ ._^_~ _ V'JlGE. May 1 7. Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler to the governor of Massachusetts ; arrest Fort wmiam, n. y. of chev.D'Eau and suite at Oneida; arbitrary arrests at NewYork, 138M [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 246.] [May 30.] Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler to major Walley; sends him one La- flores, who committed a murder at New Bristol; chev. D'Eau,. . 13826 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 252.] May 1 7. Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler to the governor of Barbados, in rela- Fort wiiiiam, n.y. tion to the outrages committed by the French and Indians at Schenectady, Ac, 138" [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 243.] March 4. Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler to col. Coode, commander-in-chief at Fon wuiiam, n. y. Maryland ; arrest of Bayard and Nicolls ; flight of coll. Dongan, major Brockholst, Stephanus van Cortland, major Willett, Daniel Whitehead, doctor Reid, Mathew Plowman ; massacre at Schenectady;; asks assistance, 138M [In N. Y. Doc Hist., H, 181.] 1689. J3ept. 2&. Letter. Commander Leisler to capt. William Harris, inclosing him NewYork. one for the General Assembly of' Maryland, 138M [In N. Y. Doc Hist, II, 33.] [Sept. 29.] Letter. Commander Leisler to in Maryland; 14 of 15 shillings per 1 00 lbs. would be allowed for prime tobacco ; the Quakers of Pennsylvania will not resist the French, 138M [In N. Y Doc Hist., II 33.] Oct. 15. Letter. Commander Liesler to the assembly of Maryland ; battle NewYork. with and defeat of Indians in New England, .138** {In N. Y. Doc Hist, -II, 36.] April 7. Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler to [col. Coode] Maryland ; the Maquas, Fort wiiiiam, n. y. Oneydays, Onondates, Cackogues and Mekehandef s have espoused. his cause ; pursuit of the French, 138s' [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., II, 229.] 1689. Sept. 29. Letter. Commander Leislef to the assembly of Maryland, in rela- NewYort tion to Papists ; coll. Dongan and sir Edd Andros r, war with Canada; Five Nations, Ac, 13S" [InN. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 31.] 1690. May 13. Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler to the Western governments, stating Fort wmiam, n. y. that the Five Nations have agreed to furnish 1800 men, Ac.,. . . T38w [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 242.] June 27. Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler to col. Cood, Maryland, in relation to Fort wiiiiam, n.y. the Indians; quotas of troops to be raised by the several pro vinces ; return of Indian prisoners from France ; chev. D' Eau ; father Milet ; Port Royal ; assault on Leisler, Ac, 138M [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 266.] 1689. Nov. 23. Commander Leisler to the governor of Barbadoes, in relation to the Fort wiiiiam, n. y. seizure of the fort at New York ; celebration of the king's birth day ; a French Ship taken by capt. Blagg, 138* [InN. Y. Doc Hist., II, 40.] Vol. XXXVI] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 185 GOVERNORS ANDROS AND LEISLER. 1690. . pAGE. Dec. 16. Letter. Lieut, gov. Leisler to the governor of Barbadoes, in rela- Fort wiiiiam, n. y. tion to col. Nicholson's drinking the king's health with a figure J. ; William and Mary proclaimed ; sir Edmond Andros's release ordered, 138** [Iu N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 46.] 1692. Jan. 1 9. * Account of Jacob Mauritz, for disbursements to Joost Stoll, on his departure for England in 1689, 139 1691. Feb. 2. * Letter. Sheriff and justices of Orange county to the governor, Haverstraw. requesting that Dirck Storm be appointed county clerk, and that administrators be named for the estate of the late Minnie Johan nes, 140 March 12. Permit to Jobn Hewling, master of the sloop Robert and William, to proceed on his voyage, 141 1689. Dec. Council minutes. Jacob Milborne, to be secretary of the province and clerk to the lieut. gov. and council, 142 Dec. Council minutes. Pieter D'la Noy, to be receiver of the revenues of the province, 142 Dec. 14. Council minutes. Ordered that the customs .and eccise be collected according to fhe act of 1683, 142 Dec. 16. Council minutes. Capt. Abraham Depeyster to retain his command, provided the lieut. gov. and council are satisfied he is qualified,. . 142 Dec. 17. Council minutes. Capt. Ebenezer Piatt to administer oaths to the rest of the justices of the county of Suffolk ; capt. Beeckman, for Kings county ; Samuell Edsall, for Queens ; capt. Tho. Williams, for Westchester, and William Lawrence, for Orange, 142 [The above entries are in N. Y. Doc. Hist, II, 48, 49.] Dec. 11. Warrant to capt. Benjamin Blagge, Robert Darkins, John Dissington, (No. l.) Barnard Lewis and Francis Goderis, to raise the ship Hunter, Jobn Pitts, master, sunk in the harbor of New York, and their return thereto, 142 Dec. 12. Order to Obadiah Holmes, justice of Richmond Co., to assist capt. , (No. a.) Thos. Lawrence in taking an inventory of the estate of Thos. Wal ton, deceased, 142 (No. 3.) Commission. Obadiah Holmes to be justice of the peace for Rich mond county, 142 Dec. 13. Commission. John Coe, to be sheriff of Queens county, 142 (No. 4.) Dec. 12. Commission. Gerardus Beekman, justice, Kings county, . 142 (No. 5.) Dec 12. Commission. John Howell, justice, Suffolk county, 142 (No. 6.) Dec. 12. Commission. Roelof Martense (Schenck), justice, Kings county, . . 14^ (No. 7.) Dec 12. Commission. Jer onimes Rapallie, justice, Kings county, 142 (No. 8.) 24 186 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXXVI. GOVERNORS ANDROS AND LEISLER. 1689. PAGE. Dec. 13. Commission. Nicholas Stilwell, justice, Kings county,. 142 (No. 10.) Dec 14. Commission. Johannes Jansen, high sheriff, New York, 142 (No. 11.) Dec. 13. Commission. John Tredwell, justice, Queens county, 142 (No. 12.) Dec. 13. Commission. Nathaniel Cole, justice, Queens county, 142 (No. 13.) Dec. 13. Commission. Myndert Koerte, high sheriff, Kings county, 142 (No. 14.) Dec. 13. Commission. Matthias Harvey, justice, Queens county, 142 (No. 15.) Dec. 13. Commission. Samuel Edsall, justice, Queens county, 142 (No. 16.) Dec. 13. Commission. Nathaniel Denton, justice, Queens county, 142 (No. 17.) Dec. 14. Commission. Richard Smith, justice, Suffolk county, 142 . (No. re.) Dec. 14. Commission. Thomas Statham, high sheriff, Westchester county, . . 142 (No. 19.) Dec 14. Commission. Joseph Pudway, justice, Westchester county, 142 (No. 20.) Dec. 14. Commission. Joseph Ponton, justice, Westchester county, 142 (No. 21.) Dec. 14. Commission. Andrew Tauvet, justice, Westchester county, 142 (No. 22.) Dec 14. Commission. Samuel Mulford, justice, Suffolk county, 142 (No. 23.) Dec. 14. Commission. Edward Waters, justice, Westchester county, 142 (No. 24.) Dec. 14. Commission. Thomas Mapes, justice, Suffolk county, 142 (NO. 23.) Dec. 14. Commission. Ebenezer Piatt, justice, Suffolk county, 142 (No. 26.) Dec 14. Commission. Thomas Williams, justice, Westchester county, 142 (No. 27.) Dec. 14. Commission. Jaques Poullion, justice, Richmond county, 142 (No. 28.) Dec. 14. Commission. William Lawrence, justice, Orange county, 142 (No. 29.) Dec. 14. Commission. Teunis Roelofzen, justice, Orange county, 142 (No. 30.) Dec. 14. Commission. Ely Crosson, high sheriff, Richmond county, 142 (No. 31.) Dec. 14. Commission. Matthew Howell, high sheriff, Suffolk county, 142 (No. 02.) Dec. 14. Commission. Daniel de Clercq, justice, Orange county, 142 (No. 33.) Vol. XXXVI] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 187 GOVERNORS ANDROS AND LEISLER. 1689. PAGE. Dec 14. Commission. Thomas Morgan, justice, Richmond county, 142 (No. 34.) Dec. 14. Commission. Jacob Gerritse, justice, Richmond county, 142 (No, 33.) Dec. 16. Commission. Henry Cuyler, major of foot, New York, 142 (No. 36.) Dec. 16. Commission. Robert Walter, captain of foot, south ward, New (No. 37. ) York, 142 Dec. 16. Commission. Isaac de Riemer, lieutenant in Walter's company, (No. 38.) New York, 142 Dec. 16. Commission. Jacobus van der Spiegell, ensign in Walter's com- (No. 39.) pany, New York, 142 Dec. 16. Commission. Swert Olphertse, captain of foot, west ward, New (No. 40.) York, 142 Dec. 16. Commission. Paulus Turck, lieutenant of foot, westward, NewYork, 142 (No. 41.) Dec. 17. Commission. Peter White, ensign of foot, west ward, New York, 142 (No. 43.) Dec 13. Commission. Abraham de Peyster, captain of foot, dock ward, New (No. 43.) York, 142 Dec. 17. Orders for the proclamation of king William and queen Mary in (No. 44, 69.) Staten island and New Jersey, 142 [In N. Y. Doc Hist, II, 50.] Dec 13. Commission. Johannes de Peyster, lieutenant of foot, dock ward, (No. 45.) New York, 142 Dec. 13. Commission. Peter de Mill, ensigne of foot, dock ward, New York, 142 (No. 46.) Dec. 16. Commission. Gerrit Duykinck, captain of foot, north ward, New . (No. 47.) York, 142- Dec 17. Commission. Hendrick Ten Eyck, lieutenant, north ward, New (No. 48.) York, 142 Dec. 1 7. Commission. Joannes Beeckman, ensign of foot, north ward, New (No. 94.) York, 142 Dec. 17. Commission. John de Browne, captain of foot, east ward, New (No. 50.) York, , . . . . , 142 Dec 18. Commission. Jaques Puillion, captain of foot, Richmond county,. 142 (No. 51.) Dec. 17. Commission. Peter Verbrugh, lieutenant, in De Brown's company, (No. 52.) New York, 142 Dec. 17. Commission. Abraham Brasher, ensign, in De Brown's company, (No. 53.) New York, 142 Dec. 16. Commission. Adriaen Cornelissen van Schayck, captain of foot, out (No. 54.) ward, New York, 1 42 Dec. 11. Commission. Peter de Lanoy, collector of the port of New York, 142 (No. 55.) 188 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XXXVL GOVERNORS ANDROS AND LEISLER. 1689. PAGE. Dec. 10. Warrant to arrest Mathew Plowman, for an assault on one of the (No. 66.) justices of the peace of Richmond county, 142 Dec. 18. Commission. Daniel Ter Neur, lieutenant in Van Schayck's com- (No.67.) pany, New York, 142 Dec. 18. Commission. John Slott, ensign, in Van Schayck's company, New (No. 58.) York, 142 Dec 18. Commission. Thomas Morgan, lieutenant, in Puillion's company, (N0.59.) Richmond county, 142 Dec 18. Commission. Seger Gerritsen, ensign, in Puillion's company, Rich- (No. 60.) mond County, 142 Dec. 17. Commission. William Bogardus, notary public, New York, ..... . 142 (No. 61.) JDec 18. Commission. Ebenezer Piatt, justice, Suffolk county, with dedimus (No. 62.) potestatem, 142 Dec. 16. Commission. Roelof Swartwout, justice, Ulster county, with dedi- (No. 62.) mus potestatem, 142 Dec. 28. Commission. Jochem Staats, justice, Albany county, with dedimus (No. 62.) potestatem, 142 Dec. 18. Commission. John Howell, clerk and collector of Suffolk county, ._. 142 (No. 63, 64.) Dec 1 9. Commission for the erection of courts for the trial of small causes in (No. 65.) the counties of Suffolk, Richmond, Westchester, Queens, Kings, Albany and town of Schanegtada, according to the act of 1683, for the settlement of Courts of Justice, ......' 14? "Dec. 19. Commission. Cornelis Corsen, justice, Richmond county, also cap- (Noa.66.S7.) tain of foot, 142 Dec. 19. Commission. Cornells Nevius, ensign in Corsen's company, Rich- (No.«8.) mond county, -142 Dec. 20. Commission. Edward Collier, clerk of Westchester county, 142 (No. 70.) Dec 20. Commission. Jacobus van de Water, clerk of Kings county, 142 (No. 71.) "Dec. 16. Proclamation declaring in force the Act of Assembly of 1683, enti- (No. 72.) tied, a Continued bill for defraying the requisite expenses of the government, . ...... 142 Dec. 17. Commission. James Evetts, searcher and wayter cff the ,port of (No. 73.) New York, 142 Dec. 20. Proclamation against defacing or removing orders or papers affixed (No. 74.) by authority, or affixing others in their stead, 142 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, III, 50.] Dec. 19. Commission. Gerret Cornelisse, justice, Kings county, 142 (No. 75.) Dec 20. Commission. Abraham Gouverneur, clerk of the city and county of (No. 76.) New York, 142 Dec. 12. Commission. Peter de Lanoy, mayor of the city of New York,. . . 142 (No. 77.) Vol. XXXVI] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 189 GOVERNORS ANDROS AND LEISLER. 1689. PAGE. Dec. 20. Commission. Daniel Danton, clerk of Queens county, 142 (No. 78.) Dec. 24. Commission. Hendricus Beeckman, justice, Ulster county, 142 (No. 79.) Dec 24. Commission. William Haynes, justice, Ulster county, 142 (No. -80.) Dec 24. Commission. Jacob Aertse, justice, Ulster county, 142 (NO. 81.) Dec 24. Commission. Guysbert Crom, justice, Ulster county, 142 (No. 82.) Dec 24. Commission. Abraham Haesbroock, justice, Ulster county, 142 (No. 83.) Dec. 24. Commission. Roelof Swartwout, justice, Ulster county, 142 (No. 84.) Dec. 24. Commission. William de Lamontagne, high sheriff, Ulster county, 142 (No. 85.) Dec. 24. Commission. Nicolaes Anthony, clerk, Ulster county, 142 (No. 86.) Dec 24. Commission. Thomas Chambers, major of foot, Ulster county, . . . 142 (No. 87.) Dec. 24. Commission. Matthys Matthyssen, captain of foot, Kingston, Ulster (No. 88.) county, 142 Dec. 24. Commission. Johannes de Hooges, captain of foot, Ulster county, . 142 (No. «9.) Dec 24. Commission. Thomas Teunisse Quick, captain of foot, Marble, (No. 90.) Ulster county, 142 Dec. 24. Commission. Abraham Haesbroeck, captain of foot, Paltz, Ulster 125> 12<$ An account of goods disposed of (No. 2), 127 An account of goods delivered to Slater (No. 3), 128 1701. Dec. 30. Appraisement of the cargo of the sloop Mary, by Isaac D'Reimer and David Provost (No. 4), 129 1702. April 20. Appraisal of the cargo of the sloop Society, by Isaac D'Reimer and David Provosts (No. 5), , 130 Nov. 1 9. Appraisal of the goods imported in the sloop Society, made by order of the Court of Admiralty, 131 Nov. 19. Same in the case of the sloop Mary, 132 List of individual accounts against the sloops Mary and Society (No. 6), h P \ * 133 Invoice of goods from the sloop Society (No. 7), 134 Dividends and charges paid to capt. Nanfan, of the avails of the sloops Mary and Society (No. 9), 1 35 Nov. 21. Petition. Barne Cosens, clerk of the council, for arrears of pay due him, 136 Nov. 27. Account of disbursements made by col. Wm. Smith, on account of the sloops Mary and Society, 138 Nov. Bond. Governor and council to Rip van Dam, for £200 advanced to the government, at 10 per cent, 13 Nov. 27. Account of house rent, salaries and incidental expenditures of the General Assembly, 140 Nov. 24. Petition. James Evetts, searcher and waiter in the custom house, for additional salary, 141 Nov. 24. Petition. Rev. Alexander Innes, clerk, for balance of salary due him, 142 Nov. 24. Petition. Sarah Smyth, widow, complaining of one Richard Smyth, and praying to have a decree of the court of equity in relation to her husband's estate executed, she having now living 50 children and grandchildren, whom she is desirous of providing for, 143 Nov. 25. Petition. William Carter and James Evetts, praying the erection of a chimney in the custom house, New York, 144 Dec 9. Memorandum of the number of men lying in the fort (at New York), and of supplies necessary for them, signed John Riggs and John Person, 146 Nov. 13. Petition. John Abeel, for pay for furnishing firewood to block houses at Albany, for half a year, 146 Dec. 10. Letter. Barne Cosens, clerk ofthe council, to the sheriff of Albany, inclosing an order to summon John van Alen and others to appear before the council, 147 302 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XLVI: GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1702. PAGE- Dec. 10. Petition. Peter Peiret, minister of the French congregation in New York, in relation to arrears of a pension formerly allowed him and rev. Mr. Vesey, 1*7 Nov. 30. * Certificate. The inhabitants of Kinderhook, in favor of Paulus van Vleq, precentor and schoolmaster of that place, 148 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., Ill, 894.] Dec. 11. Commission. John Bridges and Sampson Shelton Broughton, to collect evidence in regard to the trial of the appeal of col. Nicholas Bayard, 147, 177 Nov. 23. Affidavit. William Nicoll, as to the fidelity of the report ofthe trial of col. Nicholas Bayard, printed in a volume, by William Bradford, at New York, in 1702, 150 Nov. 23. Affidavit. John Tuder, practitioner at law, to the same purport as the foregoing, 151 Dec. 9. Affidavit. Thomas Sanders, of New York, bolter, and Isaac Stouten burgh, carpenter, two of the petit jury, on the trial of col. Nich olas Bayard, as to the iguorance of said jury of the law of high treason, 152 Dec. 4. Affidavit. David Jamison, attorney-at-law, corroborating the cor rectness of the printed report of the above trial, and his own exclusion from the court, by the judge, 153 Nov. 17. Affidavit. Samuel Clowes, of Nassau island, William Richardson, Robert Crannill, Francis Sherman, Thomas Button, Richard Flemming, Jno. Griggs, Richard Bouel, Hannah Hutchins and John Reade, witnesses on the trial of col. Nicholas Bayard, of the correctness of the report of said trial, 154 Nov. 23. Affidavit. James Emott, of New York, counselor, to the same effect, 155 Nov. 23. Affidavit. Paroculus Parmyter, practicer-at-law, to the same effect, 156 Dec. 4. Affidavit. Edward Antill, to the same effect, 157 Nov. 17. Minute of the evidence of Sam'l Clowes on the trial of capt. John Hutchins, and of judge Attwood's meddling with the jury, 158 Nov. 23. Affidavit. James Wright, of New York, under sheriff, relative to conduct of judge Atwood on the trial of capt. Tohn Hutchins,.. . 159 Nov. 23. Affidavit. Edward Marshall, of New York, tailor, relative to addresses to the king, Ac, he saw at the house of capt. John Hutchins, 160 Nov. 30. Affidavit. Abraham Kipp, of New York, brewer, as to the con duct of Thomas Weaver, solicitor gen'l, before the grand jury, in the cases of col. Nicholas Bayard and capt. John Hutchins, 161 Nov. 30. Affidavit. Jacob Boelen, of New York, silversmith, relative to pro ceedings before the grand jury in the cases of Nicholas Bayard and John Hutchins, 162 Nov. 80. Affidavit. William Jackson, cordwainer, John van Hoorne, bolter, Burger Myndevs, blacksmith, Gerret van Hoorne, bolter, Johannes vander Spiegle, bolter, all of New York, grand jurors in the cases of Nicholas Bayard and John Hutchins, as to the conduct of Mr. Weaver before them, 163 Vol. XLVI.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 303 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1702. _ PAGE. Nov. 30. Affidavits. John van Home and Burger Mynders, as to the finding of the grand jury in the above cases, 164 Nov. 30. Affidavit. Gerrit van Home, on the same subject, 165 Nov. 30. Affidavit. John vander Spiegle, on the same subject, 166 Dec. 2. Affidavit. John van Santen, of New York, blockmaker, on the same subject, 167 Dec. 2. Affidavit. William Jackson, of New York, cordwainer, on the same subject, 168 Dec. 2. Affidavit. Peter van Tilburgh, of New York, bolter, on the same subject, 169 Dec. 2. Affidavit. Johannes van Gieson, of New York, shopkeeper, on the same subject, 170 Dec. 3. Affidavit. Johannes Outman, of New York, merchant, on the same subject, 171 Dec. 3. Affidavit. Hendrick Gellisen Myer, of New York, cordwainer, on the same subject, 172 Dec. 7. Affidavit. Bartholomew Le Roux, of New York, goldsmith, rela tive to his signing three addresses at the house of John Hutchins, 173 Dec. 7. Affidavit. George Stanton, brewer, and Robert Anderson, carpen ter, both of New York, relative to their signing addresses at the house of John Hutchins, and the conduct of judge Atwood, on the trial of John Hutchins, 174 Dec. 7. Affidavit. John Ellison, of New York, merchant, on the same subject, 175 Dec. 7. Affidavit. William Huddleston, relative to his drawing a petition for Mrs. Hutchins (copy of said petition annexed), and proceed ings of lieut. gov. Nanfan towards him, 176 Dec. 11. Petition. Elias and John Pelletreau, chandlers, for pay for candles furnished by order of lieut. gov. Nanfan, 178 Receipts for candles received from Messrs. Pelletreau, of various dates, from May 6, to September 9, 1702, 179-181 Dec. 24. Petition. Geesie Vanderclyst, widow, for relief in a court of equity against Abraham De Peyster, who hath foreclosed a mort gage which she alleges hath been paid, 182 Dec. 19. Petition. Edward Folwell, of London, relative to his claim to lands in this province, 183 Dec. 19. Petition. Robert Livingston, junior, relative to his salary as store keeper for Fort Orange, at Albany, 184 Dec. 22. List of civil officers of the government, with their salaries, 184 Dec. 24. Account. Mr. Evett, for building a chimney in the custom house, . 185 Dec. 18. Account. William Hudson, for mason work done at the custom house, 1^5 Dec. 19. Account for carpenters' work done at the custom house, 186 304 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XL VII. GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1702. Dec. 24. Petition. Benjamin Faneuil, setting forth that he had purchased a building for distilling rum from molasses, on the marsh of the fresh water, New York, and praying permission to continue his business notwithstanding the late proclamation, and to erect a wharf on the water side, 186 VOLUME XL VII. GOVERNOR CORNBURY. [Thus * marked are in Dutch.] 1702. Dec. 24. Petition. Joseph Isaacs and Moses Levi, praying permission to complete the distillation of rum, which they had commenced, ... 1 Dec. 24. Petition. Margaret van Schayck, surviving executrix of Mathew Clarkson, late secretary of the province, deceased, for arrears of his salary, 2 Dec. 24. Petition. Joseph Isaacs, for permission to complete the manufac ture of rum he has begun (signature in Hebrew characters), .... 3 Dec. 24. Memorandum. Quantity of rum ready to be manufactured in New York, presented to the council by Mr. Fanconnier and Dr. Rokeby, 4 Dec. 24. Petition. Isaac Rodrigues Marquis, for permission to complete the manufacture of rum already commenced, 5 Dec. 24. Petition. Augustus Lucas, to the same purport, 6 Dec. 25. Memorandum. Custom house officers' salaries, 7 Dec. 27. Letter. Paroculus Parmyter to Daniel Honan, secretary of the NewYork. province, expressing surprise that he has not yet received permis sion to sue William Lawrence, " as the way to justice ought to be like the way to hell, smooth aud broad," 7 Warrant to arrest four deserted seamen, belonging to the pink Eagle, 7 Dec. 31. Account. Jean Le Chevalier, for work done on the fort by the governor's orders, 8 Dec. 31. Account. John Bowen, for ringing the bell and digging graves for thirteen deceased soldiers (names given), 8 Dec. 31. Petition. Edward Cole, sergeant-at-arms to the house of repre sentatives, for the apprehension of Jacobus Vanderspiegel, Mar tin Clock and Arien Hoglandt, who have escaped from his custody, 9 Dec. 31. Salaries of the civil officers of the government, 10 Dec. 31. Petition. Cornelia, wife of Thomas Allison, that the sureties for her husband may be released, he having left the city of New York, 10 Vol. XL VII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 1702. 305 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. PAGE. Dec Letter. John Nanfan to Mr. Cosens, asking for certain minutes of the council, , , 1 1 Dec. 31. Letter. Paroculus Parmyter to William Lawrence, inclosing two bills of costs against him, 11 Dec. 31. Petition. Paroculus Parmyter, for permission to take legal meas ures to collect a debt against Wm. Lawrence, one of the council, 12 1703. Petition. Jacob Isaac, for remission of duty on goods imported, . . 13 Test signed by J. Billopp, Daniel Lake, Tho. Stillwell, Lambert Garrison, William Tillyer, Nathaniel Britton, Ephrem Taylor, F. Antonisen van Pelt and Cornelius Nefes, 14 Oath of allegiance signed by Ellis Duxbury and the same parties,. . 15 Pardon of John Tatham, 16 Jan. Account. Robert Edwards, for work at Fort William Henry, .... 16 Jan. 13. Account. Isaac Lenoir, for house rent, fire and light for the gov. and council at Jamaica, L. I. 17 Jan. 13. Letter. William Laurence to lord Cornbury, apologizing for his absence from the council on account of sickness, 17 Jan. 14. Petition. Samuel Denton, of Hempstead, for the arrest of his negro slave, who has been run off and concealed in Westchester county, 18 Jan. 14. Order. The sheriff of Westchester co. to deliver the above negro woman, named Mando, to the sheriff of Queens co. ; sheriff's return — " cannot find the negro woman," 19 Jan. 14. Letter. Thomas Noxon, sheriff of Ulster co., to Nicholas Bayard, Kingstowne. relative to arrears of taxes, 20 Jan. 26. Letter. Nicholas Bayard to Mr. Cosens, inclosing the above, 20 Jan. 14. Affidavit. Paroculus Parmyter, relative to the indebtedness to him of Wm. Lawrence, one of the council, 20 Jan. 15. Letter. Jacob Turck, sheriff, to B. Cosens, clerk of the council, Albany. relating to the arrest of Johannis van Allen, Conrad Borghgardt, Abraham van Alstyn and Herman van Jansen, 21 [In N. Y. Doe. Hist., Ill, 895.] Jan. 21. Petition. Margaret Stokes, for compensation for injuries received by her husband during his voyage to Albany, attending the late lieutenant-governor, 22 Jan. 21. Letter. Clerk of the council to the sheriffs of the several counties, calling for a return of the number of persons in their several bailiwicks, 23 Jan. 27. Return of the several caveats filed in the office of the secretary of the province, 23, 33 Jan. 28. Petition. Coenrat Borghgardt, being summoned by the sheriff of Albany, that his case may be postponed till spring, 25 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 895.] Jan. 28. Petition. Samuel Blackman, for payment of his account, 26 39 306 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XLVIL GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1703. . - PA0E- Jan. 29. Letter. B. Cosens, clerk of the council, to the sheriff of Albany, NewYork. relative to the summoning of certain persons (see p. 21), 27 Feb. 2. Account. Francois de Foenne, surgeon, for medicine and attend ance on the soldiers in Fort William Henry, i 27 Feb. 2. Petition. Robert Livingston, junior, for payment of the expenses of his journey to Onondaga, with account, 28 April 1. Account. Samuel Blackman, for surveying lumber, Ac, and report thereon, , 29 Feb. 2. Account. B. Cosens, clerk ofthe council, for stationery, Ac; report thereon, 30 Feb. 2. Petition and account of William Bradford, printer for the province, and report thereon, 32 Feb. 3. Affidavit. Samuel and John Smith, of Queens county, relative to infidel remarks of Jonathan Whitehead, a justice of the peace, . . 34 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 200.] Feb. 2. Account. John D'Honneur, of expenses as an express to Albany ; report thereon, , . , 35 Feb. 2. Account. Servas Morrisett, for work done at Fort William Henry ; report thereon, 37 Feb. 2. Account. Nanning Harmesen, for the hire of his sloop to carry stores for the Indians ; report thereon, 37 Feb. 2. Minutes of a Court of Sessions held at the city hall, in the city of Albany, 39 Feb. 4. Evidence taken against Paroculus Parmyter, in relation to the suit of John Lawrence against col. Willett, 40 Feb. 5. Minutes of an inferior Court of Common pleas held for the city and county of Albany, 41 Feb. 5. Petition. Lieut. Thomas Sanders, for the repayment of money expended by him in pursuing deserters from the ship Jersey, with account, 42 Feb. 5. Petition. Oliver Besley, for compensation for powder taken from his brother-inJaw, John Thevett, by Jacob Leisler, then com mander of the garrison, 42 Feb. 5, Petition. David de Bonrepos, minister of the French congrega tion on Staten island, relative to his salary, with proceedings of lord Bellomont's council, on the same subject, 42, 53 Feb, 6. Letter. B. Cosens, clerk of the council, to col's Beeckman and De Meyer, Esopus, directing them to summon the old justices, and examine them in relation to the disposition of the taxes, 43 Sept. 6. Account. Margaret, widow of Richard Stokes, for her attendance on lt. gov. Nanfan at Albany ; report thereon, 44, 54 Account. Paroculus Parmyter, against Mr. Lawrence, 44 Feb. 17. Report. Rip van Dam and Matthew Ling, on the matters in dis pute between Paroculus Parmyter and William Lawrence, 45 Feb. 18. Letter. Clerk of the council to Mr. Vaughton and others, who have filed caveats in the secretary's office, 46 Vol. XLVIL] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS: 807 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1703. . PAGE. Feb. 18. Petition. Samuel Bayard, relative to furnishing firewood to the garrison ; report thereon, with account, 46 Feb. 19. Warrant for the arrest of Edward Pettie, Joseph Conckline and William Bradley, of Southold, Suffolk co., for aiding the deserters from the ship Jersey, .... , 47, 48 Feb. 19. Petition. Paroculus Parmyter, for relief in equity against William Lawrence and others, indebted to him, with account, 49, 50 Feb. 20. Petition. Robert Walter, for his pay for firewood furnished the fort in New York, , , 51 Feb. 20. Report. Wm. Smith, Sa : Sh : Broughton and William Lawrence, of the council, on the claims of Robert Livingston, 52 Commission. Rev'd John Sharp, to be chaplain to the forces in the province, 54 Minute that the will of Mary Slater was proved 29 Sept. last, 54 Feb. 22. Certificate of John Nanfan, respecting Mrs. Stokes' account, 55 Feb. 24. Affidavit. Joseph Baylye, in relation to the complaint against justice Whitehead, for sabbath-breaking; declaration of John Smith, of Little Plains, justice of the peace, on the same subject, 56 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 200.] Feb. 25. Letter. B. Cosens, clerk of the council, to the sheriff of Queens NewYork. co., to summon Nehemiah Smith and William Glenn, church wardens, Hope Carpenter, Nathaniel Denton, Thomas Smith, William Bloodgood, Thomas Willet, David Wright, John Coe, Content Titus, Joseph Sacket and John Berrien, vestrymen, of the town of Jamaica, to appear before the council, 56 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., Ill, 201.] Feb. 25. Petition. Robert Milward, for payment for attending a special commission of oyer and terminer, at Albany, as public prose cutor ; bill for services ; order and report thereon, 57 Feb. 25. Petition. Bartholomew Le Fourt, for compensation for firewood delivered at Fort William Henry, 58 Feb. 25. Bond. Bartholomew Le Fourt, to indemnify the province against the production of a lost warrant for the payment of firewood furnished Fort William Henry, 59 Feb 27. Letter. Thomas Hicks, sheriff of Queens co., to Barne Cosens, Jamaica stating that he had summoned Nehemiah Smith and William Glenn, churchwardens, Hope Carpenter, Nathaniel Denton, Thomas Smith, William Bloodgood, Thomas Willet, David Wright, John Coe, Content Titus, Joseph Sacket and John Berrien, vestrymen, of Jamaica, 60 March 2. Letter. Jacob Turck, sheriff of Albany county, to B. Cosens, clerk Albany. of the council, relating to summoning certain persons ; and to the number of males, Ac, 60 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., Ill, 896.] March 4. Petition. Joseph Sacket, in behalf of the town of Newtown (L. I.), praying a survey of that town according to the patent of' 166f, 61 308 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XLVII. GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1703. ~_ PAGE- March 6. Letter. Clerk of the council to the justices of Queens county, NewYork. dismissing John Parcell from the office of collector, he being an illiterate person, 61 March 6. Warrant to the sheriff of Suffolk co., to arrest all persons inter fering with Thomas Cardale, a surveyor, employed to lay out land at Montauket, 62 March 10. Letter. William Herrick, sheriff of Suffolk county, to B. Cosens, Southold. informing him that he had summoned Isaac Arnold, Thomas Mapes and Thomas Young, justices of the peace, to appear before the council, but could not find the others, 63 March 6. Account. Rip van Dam, for building a vault in Fort Ann, New York ; report thereon, 64 March 11. Certificate. P. Schuyler, Dirck Wessels, and J. Abeel, that France Winne has furnished a block house at Albany with firewood, 65 March 11. Petition. Mayor, aldermen and commonalty of New York, praying a grant of all vacant land from low to high water mark, fronting the harbor from the east side of Red Hook, on Nassau island, to the east side of the Wallabout, for convenience of ferries, 65 March 16. Caveat. Jacob Hansen, Hendrick Vechte and Cornelius Vanduyn, trustees of Brookland, against granting the prayer of the above petition, 65 March 11. Order to the commissioner for managing the office of collector and receiver-general, to pay Johannes Groenendyke, late farmer of the excise of Albany, £68. 18. 3, 66 March 11. Petition. Lawrence Clase [Viele], for his pay as interpreter to the Indians, and account for sweeping the chimneys of Fort Ann, New York, 67 March 11. Petition. Tavernkeepers of the city of New York (with names), for compensation for soldiers billeted on them ; report thereon,. . 68 March 18. Petition. Barne Cosens, escheator-general, for his pay, he having seized the estates of Onzell van Swieten and Robert Livingston, of New York, and Boudewyn De Witt, of Ulster county, 69 March 22. Petition. Benardus Freerman, Minister of Schenectady, for two years' salary due him as missionary to the Indians, he having taken great pains " in translating severall divine things into their language," 70 March 25. Warrant to the sheriff of Suffolk county, to arrest Nathaniel Bishop, for molesting Thomas Cardale, deputy provincial sur veyor, in the discharge of his duty, with return of his arrest, 71, 72, 73 March 25. Petition. Paroculus Parmyter, for permission to pursue his profes- 1 sion in the several courts of the province, from which he had been suspended, 74 March 25. Petition. William Davis, clerk in the custom house, for a salary, . . 75 March 29. Letter. S. Clowes, clerk of Queens county, to Barne Cosens, clerk Jamaica, of the council, informing him that the justices had appointed Thomas Morrell, collector of Newtown, 76 Vol. XLVIL] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 309 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1703. PAGE. March 29. Order. John Corbett, Robert Lurting, Jeremiah Tothill and William Anderson, to appraise the Eagle galley and her cargo, she having been seized for an infraction of the revenue laws, .... 77 April 1. Petition. Thomas Davis, riding messenger on the island of Nassau, to be allowed his actual expenses in addition to his salary, 78 April 2. Petition. Peter Schuyler, Killian van Rensselaer and Dirck Wessels, for relief under their contract for victualing the forces on the frontiers, and that the countess of Bellomont may not be allowed to leave the country until they are paid, 79 April 2. Account of interest due col. Peter Schuyler and company, for money advanced by them for victualing the forces at Albany, 80 1697. Sept. Extract of a letter from Gilbert Heathcote to col. Benj. Fletcher, on the above subject, 81 1703. April 2. Certificate. James Weemes, that col. Peter Schuyler had furnished firewood to the garrison at Albany, 82 April 5. Petition. John Merritt, on behalf of the justices of Orange county, to have proper days assigned for holding courts in said county, S3 April 6. Petition. David de Bonrepos, French minister on Staten island, in relation to his salary, 84, 85 April 8. Account. Thomas Longworth, for services about the sloop Dis covery, and her voyage from Southold to New York; report thereon, 86 April 9. Report. Henry Beekman, W. D'Meyer and Tho. Gaston, in rela- Kingstowne. tion to the quit-rents of Ulster and Dutchess counties ; the owners of the greatest part of the latter are non-residents, 87 April 13. Petition. William Carter, comptroller of the customs, that he may be allowed fees, 88 April 13. Petition. Daniel Honan, secretary of the province, in relation to his salary, April 13. Account. Richard Green and three others, of the ship Jersey, for services on board the pink Hope, seized by order of the admi ralty ; report thereon, 90 April 13. Warrant of commitment to the jail of New York, of John Mulford, Thomas Chatfield, Richard Shaw, William Scallenger, Daniel Bishop and Manassah Kempton, charged with not in Suffolk county, April 13. Order. Peter Schuyler and the mayor of Albany, to report the * easiest way of building stockade forts at Nestigione and Halt Moon, 9I Names of the mate of the sloop Discovery, and of the person who went on board that vessel at Southold, 92 Anril 14 Petition. Joseph Conkelyn and William Bradley, in explanation of ^ ' their conduct on the sloop Discovery, and protestmg their inno cence of any intention of riot at Southold, 93 310 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS;^ [Vol. XL VII/ GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1703. ^ - PAGE- April 15. Petition. Joseph Conkelyn and William Bradley, acknowledging their offense for opposing the lieut. of H. M. ship Jersey, and asking pardon for their offenses on board the sloop Discovery,. . . 94 April 16. Petition. Peter van Brugh, for pay for his journey to Onondaga with col. Romer, in 1700, 95 April 16. Petition. John Baptist van Eps, interpreter to the Five Nations of Indians, for his pay ; reference and report thereon, 96 Account. John Baptist van Epps, for his journey to Onondaga to meet the Waganhaes, 97 April 21. Affidavits. Mary Harris, John David, Rob't Crannel, John Faget, Neeshe Vangee, and others, of New York, with accounts for quartering soldiers, 98-100 April 21. Examination of John Mulford and others, of Easthampton, relative the interference with Cardale, the surveyor, and order to the attorney-general to prosecute them, (see supra, p. 90), 100 April 20. Petition. Richard Greener, sadler, for damages, he having been wounded through the buttocks, during the Leisler disorders, 101, 182 Account. John Abeel, for col. Schuyler's company of militia, 102 April 22. Petition. John Abeel, relative to a balance due by the government ; order of the council, and report thereon, 103 April 22. Bottomry bill. Samuel Vetch, merchant, owner of the sloop Mary, to Abraham De Peyster, and others, 104 April 22. Order. Sheriff of Ulster co. to summon Jacob Rutsen, Jacob Aertsen, Abraham Haasbrouck and John Heermans to appear before the council, 105 April 27. Examination of the sheriff of Suffolk county, relative to the case of Cardale, the surveyor (see p. 100), 106 April" 29. Report. Sampson Shelton Broughton, on the bill to enable the justices of Albany to pay arrears of their public charge, 107 April 30. " The Flower bill." Amounts received and still due for the Onon daga Fort, 108 May 3. Return of the names of the collectors in Kings county, of the £1,500 and £1,000 tax, 109 May 4. Minutes of the commissioners of public accounts from February 22, to May 4, 1703, 11Q Report of the committee appointed to inspect the debts of the province, Ill May. Petition. Maria Daniels, for abatement of excise in consequence of the death of her husband, 112 May 3. Account of fees due lord Cornbury, for licenses to purchase land, warrants of survey, Ac, with names of debtors, 113 May 4. Petition. Sarah Smyth, of Smythfield, island of Nassau, widow, complaining of Richard Smyth, and asking that a decree in chan cery concerning her real estate, may be enforced, 114 May 8. Account of house rent, officers' salaries and other charges during this session of the General Assembly, 115 Vol. XL VII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. sil GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1703. M T> ~ PAGE" May 8. Report on the accounts of Barne Cosens, escheator-general, 116 May 13. Petition. Rob't Livingston, junior, for the audit and payment of his account against the government, with account, 117, 119 Order to the commissioners for managing the office of collector and receiver-general, in favor of Robert Livingston, junior, 118 May 12. Petition. Nicholas Bayard and John Hutchins, for the reversal of the sentence against them, 120 May 8. Order to appoint persons to appraise the anchor and armament of the sloop Society, lying at Southampton; appraisal of Isaac Halsey and Thomas Topping, 121 May 27. Amendments of the council to the bill for prohibiting the distilling of rum and burning of oyster shells in the city of New York, or within half a mile distance of the city hall, 122 May 26. Report recommending the passage of the bill for laying out, regu lating, clearing and preserving the public common highways throughout the province, , 123 May 19. Amendments to the bill declaring the illegality of the proceedings against Nicholas Bayard and alderman John Hutchins, 124 May 15. Message of the assembly, desiring that a committee of the council may be appointed to join with that of the house to consider the print and papers transmitted from the council, 125 May 14. Petition. Philip French, for the restoration of guns taken from him by Jacob Leisler, 126 May 28. Message from the assembly informing the council that it had agreed to the amendments to the bill prohibiting the distillation of rum and the burning of oyster shells within half a mile of the city hall, New York, 128 May 31. Amendment reported to the council on the assembly bill for defraying the public charge, and maintaining the poor, 129 May 31. Report in favor of the bill for the better and more speedy recovery of forfeitures under the act for the better settling the militia of the province, 130 June 2. Report in favor of the assembly bill for the better establishment of the maintenance for the minister of the city of New York,. . . 131 June 3. Message from the assembly acquainting the council that it had concurred in congratulating Her Majesty on the late success of her arms, 132 May 20. Address of congratulation to Queen Anne on the late victories, 133 June 3. Report to the council recommending the postponement of the bill for settling the estate of David Briggs, late of Southampton, Suffolk county, 136 June 5. Resolution of the assembly to pay the clerk of the commissioners appointed to examine the public accounts, 137 June 9. Report to the council in favor of the bill amending the act for appointing and enabling commissioners to take, state and examine the accounts of the revenue, 138 312' ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XL VII. GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1703. — - ¦ ¦ PAGE. June 10. Message of the house of representatives requesting a committee of conference on the bill for building two batteries at the Narrows, 139 June 10. Amendments in council to the bill to enable towns to repair their meeting houses, and the act to enable the counties of Richmond and Westchester to build common jails, 140 June 10. Message from the assembly calling for an account of the persons who have done services and advanced money to the govern ment, 141, 142 June 10. Resolution of the council in answer to the above, 143 June 12. Amendments reported to the council on the bill to ascertain the assize of casks, weights, Ac, 144 June 16. Address of the governor, council and house of representatives to the Queen Anne, on the state of the province, 145, 146 June 16. Resolution of the assembly with regard to the above address, 147 June 18. Amendment reported to the council on the bill for better enabling the farmers of the excise within the city of Albany to collect their excise, Ac. ; provides for the erection of a free grammar school within that city, . . . b 149 June 18. Reports on the bills to oblige persons to pay their arrears of the £1,000 tax, and relative to taking off certain duties, Ac, 150 June 19. Account of the house rent, officers' salaries and other incidental charges expended during this session of the General Assembly,. . 151 Sundry accounts against the government, 152-159 May 15. Petition. Abraham Hasbrouck, of the Paltz, apologising for his non-attendance on the council in consequence of a great freshet in that creek, 160 May 19. Examination. Abraham Hasbrouck before the council in relation to the taxes of Ulster county, 161 May 19. Letter. B. Cosens to the sheriff of Ulster county, discharging the NewYork. order for the arrest of Abraham Hasbrouck, 162 May 25. Petition. John and Daniel Lawrence for the remission of a judg ment obtained against them in 1698, at a Court of Sessions for Queens county, 162 May 25. Deposition. John Smith, one of the justices of the peace for Queens county, in relation to tiie above matter, 163 May 27. Petition. Jacob Aertsen, of Kingston, Ulster county, to be heard on his accounts for arrearages, Ac, 164 May 27. Petition. Jacob Rutsen, of the county of Ulster, to be heard on his accounts for arrearages, Ac, _ 165 May 28. Report on the petition of Barent Vrooman, 166 April 22. Petition. Lawrence Claessen, for his pay as Indian interpreter, with account and report thereon, 166 May 29. Letter. Barne Cosens, to the justices of Ulster county, to assist NewYork. Jacob Rutsen in settling his accounts in relation to the taxes, 167 Vol. XL VII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 313 GOVERNOR CORNBURY, 1703. _ PAGE. May 29. Petition. Church wardens of the Nether Dutch church of Sche nectady, in relation to their minister, Bernardus Freerman, 168 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., Ill, 143.] June 1. Petition. Peter Schuyler, for the repayment of money advanced by him to the government in 1688, with account; referred, .... 169-171 June 3. Account. John Abeel, of expenditures for lieutenant Charles Oliver's detachment, 172 May 27. Certificates that capt. Gerret Teunisse and Hendrick Rensselaer had delivered lime and stone for the fort at Albany, 173 June 3. Letter. Barne Cosens, clerk of the council, to Samuel Clowes, NewYork. clerk of the court of Queens co., to suspend further proceedings on a judgment against John and Daniel Lawrence, 173 June 9. Minute of council referring the accounts of the late earl of Bello mont for examination, 174 June 10. Petition. Major Dirck Wessels, for compensation for a journey to Onondaga on Indian affairs, 175 June 10. Petition. Barent Vrooman, for his pay for firewood furnished the block house in Schenectady, with certificate, 176 June 15. Petition. John Parker, against the passage of the bill relating to the estate of David Briggs, of Southampton, Suffolk county, 177 June 19. Petition. Caleb Heathcote, mayor of the borough of Westchester, for an additional grant of the Ferry from that place to the island of Nassau, 178 June 19. Warrant to the attorney-general to prepare a draft for an additional grant of the Ferry to the island of Nassau, from the borough of Westchester, I80 June 13. Petition. Lucretia, widow of Denyse Hegeman, of Flatbush, for pay for her husband's services as agent to the Indians east of Boston ; reference and report ; affidavit of Daniel Remsen ou the subject, 181 June 24. Petition. Dirck Vandenburgh, for the payment of money due him from the government, 183 June 24. Account. Daniel Honan, of expenditures for the garrison at Fort Ann, New York, 184 July 6. Letter. Johannes Cuyler to B. Cosens, relative to a release of quit- Aibany. rents in Albany, ' • 185 July 20. Petition. John Embree, inhabitant and freeholder of the town of Flushing, Queens co., for an injunction against Wm. Lawrence trespassing on his land ; report on the same, 186 314 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XLVIII. VOLUME XLVIII. GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1703. PAGE. July 5. Certificate. Thomas Hicks, John Marston, John Thorne, John Farrington, Elias Cornelus, William Bloodgood, Matthew Far- rington and others, freeholders of the town of Flushing, that they are willing that John Embree should have his ten acres of land, according to the custom of said town, 1 July 15. Dedimus potestatem. William Lawrence and Gerardus Beekman to administer the oaths of supremacy and objuration to John Tredwell, 1 Petition. Jacobus Kierstead, of New York, mariner, in relation to an Indian brought by him from the West Indies, and sold to Vincent Tillou as a slave, 1 July 20. Deposition. Thomas Newton, mariner, that the above Indian was purchased as a slave at Jamaica, 2 July 27. Report on the accounts of Jonathan Broadhurst, sheriff of Albany, for his fees and charges for the commitment and execution of four negro slaves, with bill, 3, 5 July 27. Minute of council directing the attorney-general to inquire into a riot committed by one Hubbard, a dissenting minister, and others, in Jamaica, Queens county, 4 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 202.] July 29. Letter. Clerk of the council to the sheriffs of the several counties, NewYork. calling for the names of the collectors of the £1,000 tax to build a fort at Onondaga ; names of collectors who are in arrear to the £1,300 tax, 6 July 29. Letter. B. Cosens, clerk ofthe council, to the clerks ofthe counties NewYork. of Ulster, Suffolk, Orange, Westchester and Richmond, summon ing them before the council to answer for their neglect in relation to the £2,000 tax, >j July 30. Warrant. Caleb Heathcote, Thomas Wenham and Peter Faucon- nier, commissioners for managing the office of collector and receiver-general, to deliver the custom house and all appertaining to the revenue to Thomas Byerly, appointed to said office, 8 July 30. Report. Peter Schuyler and John Abeel on the disturbances at Kinderhook, 9 June 8. Certificate of the election of Peter Vosburgh, Lammert Janse and Peter Verslyke, trustees of the town of Kinderhook, lo June 12. Certificate of the election on 4th April, of Lawrence van Ale, Derick vander Carr and Peter van Slyck, trustees for the town of Kinderhook, . . Vol. XLVIILj ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 315 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1703. . PAGE. June 15. Petition. Inhabitants of Kinderhook (with names) relative to the election of trustees, 12 July 31. Letter. Richard Stillwell to Mr. Cosens, with the names of the Graves inn. collectors of the £1,000 tax in Kings county, 13 Aug. 2. Petition. William Lawrence, complaining of the intrusion of John Embree on a part of his estate called Tew's Neck, Flushing,. ... 14 July 15. Account. William Hodson, for mason work at the fort in New York ; report on the same, 15 Aug. 3. Account. Elias and John Pelletreau, for candles; report, 16, 17 Aug. 3. Certificate of James Weemes, Albert Ryckman and Peter Schuyler, Albany. that Francis Winne furnished wood to " one block house and one officer," according to contract, 18 Aug. 3. Account. Henricus vander Spiegel, for glazing for the fort ; report, 1 8 Aug. 3. Summons. Jacob Rutsen, of Kingston, Ulster county, to appear before the council and produce all accounts and vouchers relating to taxes, with order to the sheriff to serve said summons, 19 Aug. 3. Petition. James Weemes, for the payment of his claim against the government, 20 Aug. 3. Report on the accounts of several persons for lodging and nursing sick soldiers belonging to the garrison of New York, 21 Vouchers in support of the same, 22-30 Aug. 7. Letter. Ellis Duxbury to Barne Cosens, explaining why the county staten island. clerk had not sent on returns of the £2,000 tax, 31 July 20. Account of disbursements by Peter Fauconnier and Thomas Wenham for fortifications during the years 1702, 1703; report thereon, 32, 33 Aug. 5. Account of contingent expenses for the government from June, 1702, to July, 1703 (£474. 6s. 9d.), 34, 35 Aug. 6. Letter. Ellis Duxbury to B. Cosens, clerk of the council, promis- staten island. ing to have the county's share of the £1,000 tax collected, 36 Aug. 6. Note from col. Smith requesting payment of money disbursed by him for the public service, ¦ • • 37 Aug. 6. Account. Peter Schuyler, for firewood delivered at the fort at Albany, and disbursements to Indians; report on the same,. . . 37, 38 Aug. 8. Proportion of the £2,000 assessed on the several towns, manors, liberties and jurisdictions in Westchester county, 39 Aug. 9. Letter. Thomas Hicks, sheriff of Queens county, to Mr. Cosens, Jamaica. returning the names of the collectors of the £1,000 tax, 40 Auff 9 Letter. R. Bleecker, of Kingston, to Mr. Cosens, stating that Kingftowne. Jacob Rutsen had gone to New England and could not appear before the council at present, 41 Aug 9. Letter. Thomas Noxon, sheriff, to Mr. Cosens, relative to the Kineftowne. £1,000 tax, and stating that col. Rutsen had gone off to avoid the summons, 4w Aug. 9. Memorial. Thomas Byerley, receiver-general, urging measures for " the collection of quit-rents outstanding, 42 316 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XLVIII: GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1703. — PAGE- Aug. 11. Letter. Sheriff Noxon to Mr. Cosens, inclosing returns of the Kingstowne. number of christians and negroes in Ulster county, also list of the £1,000 tax (see infra, p. 48), 43 Aug. 17. Order. Capt. Henry Clavar, of the Dutch privateer Castle Roy, not to transport any person out of the country without a pass, . . 43 Extract of minutes of the council relative to the subsistence of the troops, 44 Census of the province of New York for 1 703, 45 Census of the town of Flushing, Queens county, 46 Census of the several wards of the city of New York, with names of heads of families, 47 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., I, 611.] Census of Ulster county, 48 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 966.] Aug. 20. Census of Richmond county, 49 Aug. 20. Letter. Sheriff Turck to Mr. Cosens, clerk of the council, relative Albany. to the £1,000 tax, 49 Aug. 28. Letter. Barne Cosens, clerk of the council, to the justices of the NewYork. several counties, relative the collection of the £1,500 tax, 50 Aug. 30. Letter. Sheriff of Albany to Mr. Cosens, stating that he had sum- Aibany. moned Hendrick Hansen, Peter Vosburgh and Lambert Jansen to appear before the council, 51 Aug. 30. Letter. Henry Smith, clerk of Suffolk co., to Mr. Cosens, relative st. Georges. to the £1,800 and £2,000 taxes, and the apportionment of the same among the several towns, 52 Sept. 2. Memorial. Thomas Byerley, collector and receiver-general, in relation to the custom house ; report thereon, 53 Sept. 2. Petition. Jacob Rutsen, for an examination of his accounts of the taxes, 54 Sept. 3. Petition. Paroculus Parmyter, on the part of Sarah Smith, of Smith- field, widow, for an enforcement of a decree of the court of chancery against her son Richard, to oblige him to surrender a deed in his possession, 55 Sept. 6. Account. John Osburn, for sweeping chimneys in Fort Ann ; report thereon, 56 Sept. 6. Petition. Peter Fauconnier, late commissioner of customs, for an examination of his accounts, 57 Sept. 6. Petition. John Clapp, for the payment of his claim against the government, 58 Sept. 8. Certificate that Lt. Henry Holland has furnished wood for himself^ Madame Ingoldesby and two block houses at Albany, according to contract, 59 Sept. 8. Petition. Louwrence Clase, interpreter, for the payment of his salary, 60 Sept. 12. Letter. William Herrick, sheriff, to Mr. Cosens, relative to the Southampton. £1,000 tax, and names of the collectors of said tax, 61, 62 Vol. XLVIII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 317 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1703. PAGE. Sept. 13. Minute of council concerning the Kinderhook petition, 62 Sept. 20. Letter. The council to the privateer at Rhode island, requesting NewYork. him to bring his prize to New York, and assuring him of every protection and accommodation, 63 Sept. 20. Letter. The council to the privateer at Sandy Hook, to the same NewYork. purport as the preceding, 64 Calendar of the October term of the Supreme Court in New York, 65 Oct. 5. Minutes of a Court of Sessions held at Albany, 66 Oct. 6. Minutes of an inferior Court of Common pleas held for the city and county of Albany, 67 Oct. 7. Petition. Nanning Harmensen, in relation to his claim against the government, 68 Oct. 8. Order. Capt. Adrian Claver, of the ship Castle Roy, to set some person (name not given) on shore at New York, who is on board his ship, 69 Oct. 15. Petition. Andrew Dupuy, master of the sloop Jacob, for redeniza- tion, having lost, by shipwreck, his denization papers, 70 Affidavits. Peter Fauconnier, naval officer, and Giles Shelley, in support of the above, 71, 72 Accounts. John Riggs, for pursuing deserters, and Peter Schuyler, for journeys on the public service, and goods furnished the Indians, 73, 74 Oct. 18. Petition. Hendrick van Dyck for his salary as surgeon to the garrison at Albany, ' 5 Oct. 19. Petition. Capt. James Weemes, in relation to the pay of disburse ments made by him, *6 Oct. 18. Petition. James Weemes, Matthew Shank and Henry Holland, officers posted at Albany, praying that a market may be estab lished in that city, in order that they and the soldiers of the garrison may be enabled to obtain supplies without being subject to the exactions of the storekeepers, ?7 Oct. 18. Petition. Frederick Mynderse, armorer of the garrison at Albany, for pay due to him, ' 8 Oct. 18. Petition. Jacob Staats, surgeon of the independent company of Fusileers, at Albany, for his salary, 79 Oct. 18. Petition. Jacobus van Dyck, for his salary as surgeon of the fort at Schenectady, Oct. 19. Account of fees due by Charles Mott, for warrant of survey, 81 Oct 18. Petition. Capt. James Weemes, commander of the garrison at Albany, for an allowance for entertaining guests, a-i Oct 19. Petition. Jane, widow of Richard Greener, of New York, saddler for relief, her husband having died in consequence ot a wound received in the time of the disorders under capt. Leisler, Si! Oct 19 Petition. Elie and John Pelletreaux, for payment of their account for candles furnished the government, 318 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XLVIII. GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1703. . ^GE. Oct. 19. Petition. Abraham Lakeman, guardian and curator of Susanna Le Conte, for a confirmation of a certain grant of land, 84 Oct. 19. Account. Barne Cosens, clerk of the council, for stationery, Ac, with audit, 85 Oct. 19. Petition. Albert Ryckman, mayor of Albany, for payment of expense of building a stockadoed fort at Half Moon, 86 Oct. 20. Petition. Lt. Henry Holland, for pay for furnishing firewood for the garrison at Albany, 87 Oct. 22. Petition. John Riggs and John Person, lieut's in Fort Ann, New York, for bed linen, 88 Oct. 22. Report of the committee of the council on the bill to raise £1,300 for a company of Fusileers, 89 Oct. 21. Petition. John Abeel, on behalf of Albert Slingerland, Elizabeth Delendt and David Schuyler, for the payment of their bill for house rent and lodging of officers of the garrison at Albany, with account, 90, 91 Oct. 23. Account. Lancaster Syms, for one pipe of wine for the militia, on the queen's birthday, 92 Oct. 23. Account of house rent, officers' salaries and other incidental charges of this session of the General Assembly (£27. 19s.), .... 92 Nov. 21. Petition. John Casperson, for payment of firewood furnished the block house at Albany ; and Albert Ryckman's certificate, 93 Nov. 2. Petition. Geesie Vanderclyff, widow, that the order suspending further proceedings in her suit in equity against col. De Peyster, may be set aside, 94 Aug. 5. Petition. Jean Le Chevalier, joiner, for the payment of his ac count against the goverment, and account, 95, 96 Nov. 3. Petition. Paroculus Parmyter, in relation to his claim against William Lawrence, one of" the council, with account, 97 Nov. 3. Certificates that Peter Schuyler had furnished firewood to the garrison at Albany, with report thereon, 98, 99 Nov. Account. Gabriel Loof, for the use of wagons and horses for the governor, from Jamaica to the Ferry, 99, HO Nov. 14. Petition. Lieut. Henry Holland, on behalf of himself and lieut. Charles Oliver, for their pay for apprehending a deserter, 100 Nov. 4. Account. Peter Schuyler, for a journey into the Indian country with three interpreters ; report thereon, 101 Nov. 4. Account. Thomas Wenham, for guns furnished the government ; report thereon, 102 Nov. 4. Account. Elizabeth Delendt, of Albany, for bed linen loaned lieutenants Shanks and Bucklew, and never returned ; report on the same, 102 Nov. 4. Account. William Sell, of expenses of a six weeks' cruise in the Sound and eastermost parts of Long island, pursuant to order ; report thereon, t 102 Nov. Vol. XLVIII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 319 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1703. • PAGE. Nov. 5. Petition. Barne Cosens, escheator-general, for compensation for searching for the estates of Boudewyn DeWitt and Robert Liv ingston ; report thereon, 103 Nov. 4. Petition. Thomas Byerly, receiver-general, for increased compensa tion ; report, 104, 105 Nov. 9. Petition. Jacob Willsee, of Newtown, yeoman, for leave to prose cute William Lawrence, of the council, for a violent assault, whereby he broke the petitioner's arm, 106 Nov. 29. Dedimus potestatem. Abraham Lakeman and John Stillwell, to administer to all civil and military officers within the county of Richmond, the oath of allegiance and supremacy, signed by Mr. Clarke, secretary, 10 ' Dec. 4. Bond. Jacob Rutsen, of Ulster county, to account for all moneys by him received, 1°8 Dec. 3. Account. Lieuts. John Riggs and John Person, for bed linen pur chased by them, 109 Nov. 9. Report on Daniel Honan's petition for extra pay for keeping the accounts of the governor's expedition to Albany, Ill Nov. 9. Report on the petition of col. Smith, for compensation for four guns and two anchors taken from the sloop Society, Ill 9 Report on the expenses of the governor's visit to Albany ' inl702, 112'114 Nov. 9. Account. Daniel Honan, of sums due sundry individuals on account of the above expedition, 113 Dec. 28. Letter. B. Cosens, clerk of the council, to the clerks of the peace NewYork. of the several counties, in relation to the £1,500 tax for building batteries at the Narrows, and to arrears of the £1,000 tax for a fort at Onondaga, 115 Dec. 29. Letter. Jonathan Broadhurst, sheriff, to Barne Cosens, for certain Albany. orders of the council, Ac, 116 Dec. 30. Petition. Johannes Lydius, minister at Albany, in relation to his salary, Dec. 31. Letter. S. Clowes to B. Cosens, relative to a meeting of the justices Jamaica. for the collection of taxes, Ac, 118 Commission. Capt. Thomas Braine, to command the privateer Pensbury, '• 119 Petition. Peter Schuyler, for his pay as lieutenant of horse in 1687 and 1688, 12° 1687. Names ofthe men belonging to lieut. Schuyler's troop (English Smith, William Bloodgood and others), 1^1 1 fi89 May 10. Certificate. Ex-gov. Thomas Dongan, of the service of Peter Schuyler in capt. George Lockart's troop, with account, 12- 1703 Account of what has been received from the £1,800 tax, and paid on account of the militia sent with the regulars to Albany for the defense of the frontiers, 122> ii6 320 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XLVIII. GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1703. PAGE. Jan. Account of disbursements of the land expedition to Albany, from the Lower Mills to Roeloff Janseu's kill, under lieutenant Charles Congreve, 124 Account of the traveling charges of the said expedition from Roe loff Jansen's kill to Albany, 125 Feb. 28. Account for supplies furnished the Indians at Albany, 126, 127 1704. Feb. 25. Account. Hendrick Outhout, for beer furnished for the use of the governor on his voyage to Albany, 127 Feb. 28. Account. Dirck Vanderheyden, for wine furnished lord Cornbury, with his excellency's promissory note for the same, 128 March 3. Account of the expenses of a company of scouts under the command of Abraham Schuyler, with muster roll of the scouts, 129 April. Account of the pay of a company of fusileers commanded by col. Peter Schuyler on the frontiers, 130 May. Account. Jacobus Schoonhoven, for building houses in the fort at the Half Moon, Ac, 132 Sundry other accounts, 133-141 Aug. Account. Peter Schuyler, for supplies furnished sundry Ononda gas, Senecas and other Indians, 141 Order in chancery referring the decree in favor of Lady Ann Sta pleton against Patrick Trant, knight, for computation of principal and interest, 143 License to build a public market house in Jamaica, 144 Jan. 3. Letter. Wm. Huddleston, clerk of Orange county, to Barne NewYork. Cosens, clerk of the council, showing that the county is not in arrears for the £1,000 and £1,500 taxes, 145 Jan. 5. Letter. S. Clowes, clerk of Queens county, to Mr. Cosens, on the Jamaica. collection of the above taxes, 146 Jan. 6. Petition. William Bradford, public printer, for payment of arrears of his salary, 147 Jan. 6. Petition. Philip Rokeby, surgeon to the forces, New York, for a chest of medicines, 148 Jan. 6. Account of fees due to the attorney-general, and report thereon, . . . 149 Jan. 26. Letter. Robt. Livingston, jr., to Barne Cosens, clerk of the coun- Aibany. oil, relative to the quota of the £1,000 and £1,500 taxes from Albany, 150 Jan. 17. Letter. Clerk of the council to the clerks the several counties, NewYork. relative to the arrears of £1,500 and £1,000 taxes, 151 Jan. 17. Letter. William Tillyer, clerk of Richmond county, relative to the quota of the £1,500 tax due by that county, 152 Jan. 20. Petition. Peter Fauconnier, to be allowed one shilling per lb. for candles furnished by him to the fort, and to be paid every six months, with accounts, . . 153-155 Jan. 20. Letter. W. De Meyer, clerk of Ulster county, in relation to the Kingstowne. £1,000 and £1,500 taxes ; no sheriff in Dutchess county, 156 Vol. XLVIII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 321 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1704. ¦ PAGE. Jan. 27. Petition. William Bradford, public printer, for payment of account annexed ; report thereon, 157, 160 Jan. 27. Petition. Mary Lawrence, for relief under the will of her husband, Thomas Lawrence, sen., near Hellgate, Newtown, lately deceased, and complaining of ill treatment at the hands of William Lawrence, member ofthe council, 158 Jan. 25. Account. Stephen De Lancey, for guns, Ac, furnished the Indians, 159 Petition. Jonas Davis, Garret Garritsen and others, for pay for lime furnished for the fort at Albany, 161 List of the officers and crew belonging to the privateer Rubie, Edward Thomas, commander, 162 Feb. 1. Petition. Margaret van Schaick, surviving executrix of Matthew Clarkson, late secretary of the province, for balance of salary due him, and report thereon, 163 Feb. 1. Minutes of a Court of Sessions held at the city hall in the city of Albany, 164 Feb. 3. Minutes of an inferior Court of Common Pleas held at the city hall of the city of Albany, 165 Feb. 5. Deposition. Mathew Walton, relative to the conduct of Wm. and John Lawrence towards Mary Lawrence of Newtown, 166 Account. Elie Pelletreau, for candles, 167 Feb. 10. Examination. Jonathan Hazard before the council, relative to surveys in the town of Newtown, L. I., 168 Feb. 10. Affidavits. William Gleane and Jacob Wallse, in relation to the matter of Mary Lawrence of Newtown. Thomas Homes's ac count for sweeping chimneys in the fort at Schenectady, 168 Feb. 17. Examination. John and Daniel Lawrence and Mary White, in relation to the matter of Mary Lawrence of Newtown, 169 Feb. 17. Petition. Alderman John Hutchins and company, for the appoint ment of a Supreme Court for the county of Orange, as in other counties of the province, Ac, 1 70 Feb. Report on the expenses of lord Cornbury's journey to the Jerseys to proclaim queen Anne, 171 Aug. 3. Account of the expenses of lord Cornbury's journey into east and west Jersey, * 72 Feb. 17. Account of incidental charges for the custom house, New York, from 31 July to 25 December, 1703, 173, 174 41 322 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XLIX. VOLUME XLIX. GOVERNOR CORNBURY. [ThuB * marked are in Dutch.] 1704. PAGE- Feb. 17. Petition. Dyrick Vandenburgh, bricklayer, in relation to his claim for materials furnished the fort in New York, with his accounts and report thereon, 1-6 Jan. 20. Invoice of medicines required for the troops in New York, 7 Feb. 17. Bill of costs of the attorney -general for prosecuting suits in admiralty against the sloops Mary and Society ; report and decision of the council thereon, 8 Feb. 28. Commission. Thomas Revell, to administer oaths to persons suing out letters of administration, Ac, in New Jersey, 9 March 2. Commission. Thomas Killingworth, judge of Common Pleas for the county of Salem, New Jersey ; Obadiah Holmes, Joseph Leley, Alexander and Richard Johnston, assistant justices, 10 March 2. Commission. Thomas Revell, judge of Common Pleas for the county of Burlington, New Jersey, 10 March 2. Commission. Peter Long, judge of Common Pleas for the county of Glouster, New Jersey, 10 Names of the justices of the peace for the county of Monmouth, New Jersey, 11 Military appointments for Freehold, Middletowne, Shrewsbury, Manasquan and Shark river, New Jersey, 11 March 20. Recognizance. Jacob Rutsen, of Kingston, Ulster county, in relation to public moneys coming iiito his hands, 12 March 24. Petition. Elias and John Pelletreau, of New York, chandlers, for payment of their account for candles furnished Fort William Henry, ; 13 March 23. Account. Lancaster Symes for Bristol stones, for the use of the garrison, and report, 14 March 24. Memorial. Jacob van Duersen, for his pay for two journeys as post rider to Albany, 14 March 24. Petition. Jacob Rutsen, for permission to return to his family at Kingston, Ulster county, 15 March 25. Observations [of William Blathwayte, auditor-general] on the New York accounts, 16 March 29. * Letter. Rev. Bernardus Freerman, in relation to his salary and Albany. the Indian interpreters, 17 April 3. Petition. Mary, widow of Thomas Lawrence, complaining of the acts of Thomas and William Lawrence, in relation to his estate,. 18 Vol. XLIX.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 323 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1704. _ PAGE. April 3. Account. John Trevitt, for services on board the sloop William ; report thereon, 18 April 3. Certificate that Francis Winne had furnished one officer and one blockhouse at Albany with wood according to contract, 19 April 4. Petition. Thomas Worden of the city of New York, pipemaker, for license to dig clay on the island of Nassau, between high and low water mark ; referred to the justices of Queens county to report whether the locality be within the bounds of the patent of Flushing, 19 April 13. Petition. John Baptist van Eps, interpreter to the Five Nations, for payment of his account, 20 April 13. Petition. Peter Mathews, captain of the fusileers in New York, for rugs and blankets for his men, 20 April 21. Agreement between Peter Schuyler and Arent Danyels, carpenter, for the repair of the blockhouse at Schenectade, and lieut. Philip Schuyler's certificate as to the performance of the contract, 21 April 13. Petition. Arent Danyels of Schanegtade, carpenter, for his pay for the above work, 21 March 13. Certificate that Johannis Sanders and Jellis van Vorst had delivered 218 double, loads of wood for the garrison at Schanechtady, at 2s. 6d per load, 22 April 13. Petition. Johannis Sanders and Jellis van Vorst, for the payment of their account for the wood above mentioned, 22 April 20. Warrant to seize a certain sloop for a violation of the revenue laws, 23 April 20. Petition. John Abeel, for the payment of his account for supplies furnished the Indians at Albany, , 23, 24 April 20. Account. William Carter and Richard Sackett, revenue officers, for their journey to East Hampton, Long Island, , 25 April 20. Petition. John Hutchins and company, for the issuing of an ordinance to establish a Supreme Court of Judicature in the county of Orange, 26 April 20. Ordinance for erecting and establishing a Supreme Court of 1 Judicature in the county of Orange, as in other counties of the province of New York, 27 April 21. Warrant to seize several vessels trading contrary to the revenue laws, 28 April 25. Account. Peter Schuyler and Jacob Turck, for candles delivered to the garrisons at Albany and Schenectady, 28 April 26. Petition. William Hall, for his pay for firewood for the garrison at Schenectady; certificate by John Sanders Glen and Adam Vrooman, with report, < 29> 34 April 28. Report of a committee of the council, with amendments to an act for quieting and settling the disorders of the province, Ac, . . 30, 31 April 29. Petition. William Davis, for the payment of his salary as a clerk in the custom house ; report thereon, .,...,,,.... 32 324 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XLIX, GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1704. PAGE. April 29. Minute of council on petition of col. Wm. Smith, for an allowance for his house in 1700, taken for the use of the newly arrived soldiers, and report, 33 April Account. Volckert van Veghten, for entertaining the three mes sengers who brought the news of the attack on Deerfield by the French Indians, &c, 34 Account. Hendrick van Dyck, surgeon, for attending a Schaghticoke Indian, wounded by a Mohawk, and certificate of service, June, 1702, 35 Sundry other accounts against the government, 35-45 May 3. Petition. Daniel Honan, for payment of account for engrossing, and report, 42 May 3. Letter. George Clarke, secretary of the province, to Thos. Cardale, NewYork. sheriff of Queens county, to permit Thos. Carmen, of Hempstead, to sell his whalebone and oil on paying one-twelfth to the govern ment, 46 May 1. Petition. Bernardus Freerman, minister at Schenectady, for his salary for instructing the Indians in the christian religion, 46 May 4. Petition. Lawrence Clasen, interpreter of the Five Nations of Indians, for his salary, , 47 May 3. Petition. Gertrude, widow and executrix of Stephen Cortlandt, for payment of the amount reported due her husband, 48 May 3. Petition. James Spencer, late dockmaster of the city of New York, for dockage due him on several vessels condemned, 49 May 4. Order appointing persons to examine and report what damages have been done to the house of col. Wm. Smith, rented to the government, with report, 50 May 4. Vote of the general assembly on the amendments of the council to the bill for quieting and settling the disorders that have lately happened in this province, 51 April 20. Memorial. Peter Fauconnier, for himself and the rest of the commissioners for executing the office of receiver-general, for repayment of several sums advanced by them, with accounts, . 52, 53 May 4. Report on Peter Fauconnier's accounts, 54 May 6. Order referring the two papers relating to the accounts of capt. Nanfan, late lieut. governor, to a committee of the council, and their report, 55 May 8. Sundry accounts against the government, 56-61 May 9. Report of a committee of conference on the last clause of the bill for quieting and settling the disorders, Ac, in the province, 62, 65 June 15. Reasons of the council for not agreeing to some of the amendments made by the assembly to the bill for the more effectual discovery and payment of quit-rents, Ac, 64 May 9. Petition. Lt. Charles Oliver, for repayment of money advanced by him for his lodging, firewood and candles in the fort at Albany; reference and report thereon, gg 67 Vol. XLIX.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 325 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1 704. PAGE. May 9. Petition. Robert Livingston, jr., garrison storekeeper at Albany, in relation to his salary ; reference aud report, 68 May 8. Account. For carpenters' work, Ac, done at the fort in New York ; reference and report thereon, 69 May 9. Order to contract for repairing the fort in New York, with report, 70, 71 May 1 8. Petition. Daniel Foy, for pay for his journey to Philadelphia on public service, 72 May 18. Petition. John Abeel, for the payment of his claim against the government, and report thereon, 73 May 19. Petition. Robert Milward, administrator of the estate of Thomas Weaver, late collector and receiver-general, for delivery of said Weaver's bonds, 74 May 19. Petition. John Hutchins and company, for a special term of the Supreme Court to be held in the county of Orange, 75 May 19. Order relative to the affairs of Thomas Weaver, late collector and receiver-general, 76 May 20. Account. William Bradford, for printing blanks, and receipt by Elizabeth Bradford, 77 * May 20. Affidavit. Christopher Rousby, gentleman, and Stephen Jamain, of the city of New York, vintner, relative to their acquaintance with Daniel and Abraham Nahar, of the island of Jamaica, 77 May 22. Resolution of the general assembly, asking for a conference with the council, 78 May 23. Letter. Wm. Blathwayt to [secretary Clarke] ; draught of Queen's Whitehall. farm and of the Governor's garden, New York, received ; report thereon to lord treasurer ; comments on public accounts of the province, 79 May 25. Petition. Lt. Henry Holland, for his pay for furnishing firewood to blockhouses at Albany, 80 May 25. Answer of the general assembly, to the reasons of the council for the amendments to the bill for the repeal of the last clause of the act for quieting and settling the disorders in the province, Ac.,. . 81 May 3. Certificate. Wm. Vesey, rector of Trinity church, New York, of the interment of lieut. John Buckley, and also of the marriage of alderman John Hutchins with Elizabeth, widow of the said lieut. Buckley ; affidavits of Wm. Huddleston, clerk of Trinity church, and John Bowen, on the same subject, 82 May 26. Report of a committee of the council on the bill in relation to quit- rents, Ac, Mav 26. Report of the conference on the bill repealing the last clause of the act for quieting and settling the disorders in the province, &c.,. . 84 May 27. Abstract of the account of the militia for securing the frontiers, being the £1,800 tax, 84 May 28. Report of a committee of the council on the measures to be enacted for the recovery of arrears of quit-rents, Ac, 85 326 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XLIX. GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1704. , . __ PAGE. May 30. Petition. George Duncan, that Christopher Rousby show cause why he detains certain goods of his, 86 May 30. Ordinance for appointing a special Supreme Court of Judicature in the county of Orange, 87, 88, 89 May 31. Order on the petition of Daniel Kirkpatrick, Thomas Ford and others, complaining of Francis Doughty, Thomas Hicks, William Lawrence, William Bloodgood and others, surveying the common lands in the town of Flushing, 90 1687. Feb. 22. Vote of a town meeting held in Flushing, relative to laying out the common lands in said town, 91 March 4. Vote of a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Flushing, appointing a committee to lay out lands in said town, Ac, 92 1704. May 31. Bond. Teunis Johnson, Derrick Johnson Amerman and Derrick Longstreet, of Flattlands, fishermen, to Edward Burrowes, Jonas Wood and John Okey, trustees of the town of Jamaica, not to fish or hawk in said town, 93 Petition. John Drake, Joseph Drake, William Chatterton and others, inhabitants of Eastchester, on church affairs; rev. Mr. Bartow ; rev. Mr. Morgan, 94 June 6. Minutes of a Court of Sessions held in the city of Albany, 95 June 7. Petition. John Abeel, on behalf of Johannes Sanders Glen, Jellis van Vorst, Barent Vrooman, William Hall, Isaac Caspersen and Francis Wynne, for their pay for furnishing firewood to the garrisons at Albany and Schenectady, ......." 96 June 9. Petition. John Nanfan, late lieut. gov., in relation to some bills of exchange drawn by him on John Champante, agent of the forces, returned protested, 97 June r 16. Report of the committee of the council on the bill further regulat ing highways, 99 May 25. Order of the assembly, to transmit to the council the bill . for explaining the act to oblige persons to pay their arrears of the £1,000 tax for building a fort at Onondaga, 100 May 25. Order of the assembly, to transmit to the council the bill to charge the several cities and counties with a certain sum for fitting and furnish ing a room for the general assembly, Ac, in the city of New York, 100 May 30. Report of the committee of the council on the above bill, 101 May 30. Resolution of the assembly, on an address to the governor, asking his further commands, 102 June 2. Report of the committee of the council, on the bill explaining an act to oblige persons to pay their arrearages to the £1,000 tax,. . 103 June 6. Amendments to the bill to charge the several cities and counties with £143. 10s. 10d., for the purpose of fitting and furnishing a room for the general assembly, with a lobby, in the city hall of New York, 104 June 6. Amendments by the general assembly, to the bill explaining the act to oblige persons to pay their arrearages of the £1,000 tax, 105 Vol. XLIX.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 327 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1?M- June 6. Amendments of the council to the above bill, 106 June 8. Order of the assembly, sending to the council for approval, the bill relating to highways; also the bill for fitting, Ac, a room in the city hall of New York, for the general assembly, 107, 108 June 14. Amendments of the assembly, to the bill relating to the discovery and payment of quit-rents, 109 June 15. Report of a committee of the council, on the amendments of the assembly to the bill relating to quit-rents, 110 June 16. Resolution of the assembly, asking for a conference with the council, 111 June 16. Reasons of the council, for not agreeing with the assembly in its amendments to the bill relating to quit-rents, Ac, 112 June 20. Order. Thomas Cardale, sheriff of Queens county, to summon Jonathan Whitehead, justice of the peace, and Jonathan Smith, commonly called " Black Jonathan," before the council, 113 June 19. Petition. John Abeel on behalf of col. Peter Schuyler, for his pay for stockadoing the fort at Albany, and for furnishing stockadoes for the fort at Schenectady, 114 June 1 9. Report of the committee of the council, on the account of the late commissioners of the customs on the £1,800 tax, 115 June 16. Order. Richard Sacket to bring up from Oyster bay the sloop Betty, for trading contrary to law, 116 Proclamation for the payment of quit-rents in New Jersey to John Berckley, agent of the proprietors, 116 June 16. Order. Capt. George Fane of H. M. ship Lowestafe, to sail to Virginia and convoy certain vessels to New York, 117 June 19. Opinion of attorney-general Broughton, that a commissioner be appointed to audit the accounts of the arrears of taxes in the counties of Ulster and Dutchess, 117 June 19. Order referring all accounts relating to the £1,800 tax, to a a committee of the council for report, 118 June 20. Reasons of the assembly for insisting on their amendments to the quit-rent bill, 119 June 22. Message of the assembly, agreeing to certain amendments of the council to the bill relating to quit-rents, 120 June 22. Points to be used on the part of the committee of the council, in a conference with a committee of the assembly, on the amendments to the quit-rent bill, 121 June 22. Report of a committee of the council, of a conference, with the assembly about the quit-rent bill, 122 June 26. Petition. Hilletje van O'Linda, for the payment of her salary as interpreter to the Indians, Ac, 123, 124 June 27. Order. Lieut. Henry Holland to deliver to lieut. Charles Oliver the command of the detachment of fusileers at Albany, and to the latter to receive the same, 125 June 29. Order. Thomas Clarke, sheriff of Suffolk county, to deliver to Richard Floyd the oil and whalebone belonging to him, seized by said sheriff, 12° 328 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. XLIX GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1 704. .. , . - , = PAGE. July 1. Account of the officers' salaries and other expenditures of the assembly (£73. 14s. 9d.), with resolution directing payment of the same, >... 126 July 1. Petition. Caleb Heathcote, Thomas Wenham and Peter Fauconnier, late commissioners for executing the office of collector and receiver- general, for payment of advances made by them on public account, 127 July 4. Order. Thos. Cardale, sheriff of Queens county, to deliver the house occupied by John Hubbard to Wm. Urquhart, the same belonging to the church in Jamaica, 128 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 205.] July 4. Order. John Hubbard to vacate the above premises, 129 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist.. Ill, 205.] July 4. Order. Church wardens of the church of Jamaica, and sheriff of Queens county, to sell the corn collected for the support of the minister, Ac, 129 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 206.] July 6. Account. Wm. Heywood, for repairing the pinnace ; report on the same, 130 July 8. Petition. Lieut. Henry Holland, for the payment of the rent of a house hired by him in the city of Albany, 131 July 8. Petition. Richard Brewer, lieut. of one of the companies posted at Albany, for the payment of the rent of a house hired by him, 132 April 26. Petition. John Griss, of Queens county, in relation to violations of the excise ; affidavit of Mary, widow of Samuel Denton, on the same subject, and warrant of Ed. Burrows for the arrest of said widow Denton, 133 July 17. Report of attorney-general Broughton on the case of Samuel Clowes and Samuel Mills, accused of violating the excise laws in Queens county, 134 July 13. Order. Ebenezer Wilson, sheriff of New York, to seize and retain till further orders the goods of Nicholas Evertsen, 135 July 18. Petition. Rector, church- war dens and vestry of Trinity church, New York, for certain moneys raised for the redemption of prisoners in the hands of the Moors of Salee ; referred, 137 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 415.] 1693. April 8. Petition. Warner Wessels and Antie Christians, for leave to raise money for the purpose of redeeming the son of the former and the husband of the latter from the Moors of Salee, 138 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 416.] 1700. Feb. 1. Letter. W. Hodges, Chr. Hayne, A Terreros to Herro Moy and Cadii. William Bancker, relating to the redemption of certain captives among the Moors of Salee, 139 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 420.] March 20. * Letter. Hero Moy and William Bancker, to S. van Cortland, P. Amsterdam. Jacobsen Marius, Johannis Kip and Johannis Kerf byle, transmit ting the above letter, 139 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 420.] Vol. XLIX.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 329 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1693. PAGE. June 8. Brief to Warner Wessels and Antie Christians, to ask contributions for the redeeming the son of said Wessels from the Moors of Salee. Printed by William Bradford, printer to king William and queen Mary, at the city of New York ; Anno, 1693, 139 [This is the earliest known specimen of English printing done in the Province of New York. It is reprinted in N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 417.J 1697. July 18. Order in council and report on a petition of the rector, wardens and vestry of Trinity church, for the moneys raised to redeem N. Y. captives in Salee, 140 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 419.] July 18. Order in council on capt. John Nanfan's petition, relative to his accounts while administering the government, 141 July 18. Petition. Thomas Byerly, collector and receiver-general, in relation to certain preferable warrants in favor of Thomas Wenham and Peter Fauconnier, 142 1704. July 18. Petition. Peter Fauconnier, for himself and the other commissioners of the customs, relating to certain warrants issued in their favor, 143 July 19. Order. Thomas Cardale, sheriff of Queens county, to pay to James Honyman certain moneys collected for the maintenance of the the minister at Jamaica, 1 45 July 23. Receipt. Christopher Denne to Abraham Provost, for lumber, ... . 145 July 27. Order to call out the militia, on intelligence that a French fleet had come into Sandyhook, 145 July 28. Account of stores issued by John Rigs to captains Claver and Evertsen, commanders of an expedition against a French priva teer off the coast, 146 July 28. List of men who have offered to sail with capt. Nicholas Evertsen,. 147 July 28. List of men who have offered to sail with capt. Clavers on the above expedition, 148 July 29. Order. Johannes Sanders and Adam Vroman, to set up stockadoes on the west side of Schenectady, 149 July 31. Statement of Dekauyhaha, a Mohawk Indian, relative to an attack made by some New England Indians on a place called St. Francois, 149 July 31. Order and instructions to capt. George Rogers of H. M. ship Jersey, to pursue a French privateer, 15(J> lby Tulv 31 Letter. The council to lord Cornbury, acquainting him with their NewYork. orders to capt. Rogers of H. M. ship Jersey, Ac, 151 Letter. Geo. Clarke, secretary of the province, to giving an account of his voyage to America, 15^ Aue 1 Warrant. Ebenezer Wilson, sheriff of New York, to arrest lieut. John le Roux on a charge of piracy, 1°-* Auauo ^^ ^ ^ raemoranda of what t0 wnte t0 Mr. Blathwayte (by Mr. Clarke), 42 330" ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS:: [Vol. XLIX. GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1704. PAGE. Aug. 1. Order appropriating £10 for provisions of the detachment of militia, to sail for Albany with capt. Abm. Provoost, and warrant for the same, 156 Aug. Expenses of the council at Mr. Sheppard's upon the alarm and listing of men in the service, 156 Aug. 2. Test oath of John Treadwell, justice of Queens county, administered by Gerard Beekman, 157 Aug. 5. Warrant. Lieut. Henry Holland, to assume the command of the detachment of fusileers at Albany, 158 Aug. 5. Instructions to capt. Thomas Higby, in relation to the detachments of militia sent to the frontiers, 159 Aug. 7. Letter. The council to lord Cornbury on the same, informing him NewYork. of the ill success of the cruise after the French privateer, .. 160, 162 Aug. 7. Letter. _ The council to col. Dudley, gov. of Massachusetts, inform- New York, ing him of the presence and destination of the French privateer, 161, 164 Aug. 7. Order. Capt. George Rogers of the H. M. Jersey, to go to the eastward in pursuit of the French privateer, 163 1702. Letters of induction for the rev. Thomas Prichard, as rector of the church at Rye, 165 1704. Aug. 10. License. Stephen Gasheris to keep a school in Kingston, Ulster county, 165 Aug. 16. Order. Col. Wm. Peartree, to call out his regiment of foot belong ing to New York, 166 Aug. 24. Order. Justices of the peace of Queens county and vestry of the church in Jamaica, to levy a tax for the maintenance of the minister, 166, 168 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, HI, 207.] Aug. 24. Memorial. Robt. Milward, in relation to his salary as second judge of the Supreme Court, " Aug. 24. Petition. John le Ronx, that he may be examined in relation to a charge of piracy brought against him, 169 Aug. 27. Letter. Wm. Blathwayte to George Clarke, on the public accounts; Whitehall. duke of Marlborough's victory over the French and Bavarians, . 170 Aug. 30. Letter. George Clarke " to the gentlemen " at Esopus, directing NewYork. them to provide decent accommodations for Mr. Heburne, minister of the established church there, _ 1*71 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 966.] Aug. 28. Statement of charges in fitting out vessels, Ac, in consequence of the late alarm at New York, _ 1^2 Aug. 28. Warrant to impress men for II. M. ship Jersey, 173 Aug. 28. Petition. Peter Fauconnier, in behalf of himself and the rest of the late commissioners for executing the office of collector and receiver- general, for an allowance for clerk hire, . 1 74 Aug. 28. Petition. Peter Fauconnier, for repayment of money advanced, ... 175 167 Vol. XLIX.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 1704. ssr GOVERNOR CORNBURY. PAGE, Aug. 28. Letter. B. Cosens, clerk of the council to the governor of Boston, NewYork. requesting that one Praa and some others at Piscataqua, be sent to New York as witnesses against John le Roux, confined on the charge of piracy, 176 Aug. 28. Petition. Thomas Lacey, a matrosse in the garrison at Albany, for his pay, ". 177 Aug. 28. Petition. Thomas Sharpe, gunner in the garrison at Albany, for his pay, 178 Aug. 29. Warrant. Matthew Ling, Caleb Cooper and Benjamin Aske, to adjust the accounts between the estate of Onzecl van Swieten, deceased, and Peter Fauconnier, 179 Aug. 29. Letter. S. Clowes to secretary Clarke, transmitting certain papers Jamaica, l, i. relating to the Supreme Court, 179 Sept. 2. Petition. David Provoost, Leonard Lewis, Johannes Thibout and Abraham Keteltas, relative to their claim against capt. Andrew Claver, of the Dutch privateer, Castel Del Rey, 180 Sept. 2. Testimony of Hester Blom, Jan Hendrickse and Dirck Valck, in relation to a conversation between capt. Claver, capt. Provoost and Mr. Lewis, 181 Memorandum of an agreement on the part of capt. Claver to pay all demands against him, 181 Sept. 2. Minute of council in reference to the above petition, 181 Sept. 10. Warrant. Capt. George Rogers of H. M. ship Jersey, to bring in a certain sloop and crew in his possession, in order that the men may be examined, 182 Sept. 11. Letter. Jo. Addington, secretary of Massachusetts, to the council Boston. at New York, promising that inquiry shall be made for Praa, and that he will be forwarded when found, 182 Sept. 12. Warrant. Capt. George Rogers to release the sloop lately belong- » ing to John le Roux, 182 Sept. 12. Letter. The council to capt. Rene Tongreton, inviting him to bring NewYork. his prizes into New York, which the judge of the Admiralty promises to condemn for nothing, 182 Sept. 12. Letter. The council to the sheriffs, justices of the peace, Ac, of NewYork. New Jersey, requesting their aid to enable captain Peter Ramon to recover such of his crew as had deserted at Sandy Hook, through fear of being impressed by H. M. ship Jersey, 182 Sept. 16. Warrant. Richard Willett and Walter Thonge, of New York, merchants, to take charge of the burial of Mathew Ling, late member of the council, deceased, and also of his estate, 183 Sept. 18. Letter. The council to lord Cornbury ; prizes ; Mr. Ling's death, . 183 New York. Sept 20. Warrant. Capt. John Riggs, commander of the fort in New York, to permit the burial of Mary Slaughter, wife of Henry Slaughter, formerly governor of New York, in a vault in the fort beside her said husband, l84 332 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. L. GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1704. PAGE. Sept. 29. Observations on Mr. Bierly's accounts from 25 July to the 29th Sept., 1704; Mr. Blathwayte's allowance as auditor and surveyor- general, 1 84, 185 Sept. 29. Warrant. Peter Fauconnier, Ebenezer Wilson, Caleb Cooper, Benjamin Aske, of New York, merchants, to administer on the estate of Matthew Ling, deceased, 186 Oct. 3. Minutes of the Court of Sessions held in the city hall at Albany, . . 187 Oct. 5. Minutes of an inferior Court of Common Pleas held at the city hall in the city of Albany, 188 VOLUME L. GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1704. Oct. 7. Petition. Hendrick van Dyck, for his salary as surgeon in major Ingoldesby's company of fusileers, 1, 3 Oct. 12. Order to civil and military officers throughout the province to aid in arresting deserters, 2 Oct. 13. Petition. Jacobus van Dyck, for his salary as surgeon-general of the fort at Schenechtady, 4 Oct. 13. Petition. Jacob Staats, for his salary as surgeon of capt. Weems' company of fusileers at Albany, 5 Oct. 14, 16. Two letters. Paroculus Parmyter to Thomas Cardale, sheriff of NewYork. Queens county, instructing him to levy executions against William and John Lawrence, of his bailiwick, 6 Oct. 16. Petition. Francis Winne, for his pay for furnishing firewood for block house at Albany, 7 Account. Myndert Fredericks, as armorer to the garrison at Albany, 8, 10 Oct. 17. Petition. Adrian Claver, captain, and Wm. Nazareth, quartermaster, of the Dutch ship Castel Del Rey, in relation to certain prizes, . . 9 Oct. 17. Petition. John Abeel, in behalf of Albert Slingerlandt, James Parker and David Schuyler, for their pay for house rent and lodging of officers at Albany, Ac, with their account aud report on the same, 2 1-13 Oct. 18. Petition. Naning Harmesen, for compensation for the use of his sloop by the government in the years 1702 and 1703, and report thereon, ,0 Oct. 27. Receipt. John Riggs, for £3 as a gratuity to the under sheriff of Queens county, for returning John Gardner and one Mahoon, deserters from the forces; and John Abeel's account for building a fort at Kanistageioene, with report, 14 Vol. L.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 333 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1704. PAGE. Oct. 20. Petition. John Le Roux, for a speedy trial on the charge of piracy preferred against him, , 15 Oct. 20. Petition. James Davis, shipmaster, for an injunction in a suit brought by Sarah Smith against him, for carrying away a free Indian boy to Curacao, who had been sold as a slave to her hus band in New York, 16 Oct. 20. Petition. Margaret Stoakes, for payment of the warrants issued to her, 17 Oct. 22. Letter. Paroculus Parmyter to Thomas Cardale, sheriff of Queens NewYork. county, in relation to John and William Lawrence, 18 Oct. 26. Warrant. Wm. Peartree, mayor, to pay to George Muirson, schoolmaster of New York, £25 for half a year's salary, 19 Oct. 27. Warrant. Peter Fauconnier and Ebenezer Wilson, to attend the sale of the prizes taken by capt. Adrian Claver, and secure the tenths due the Dutch West India Company, ... 19, 20 Oct. 27. Order in favor of Peter Schuyler for £45. 10s, for shoes advanced by him to the three companies, 21 Nov. 1. Report of a committee of the council on col. Peter Schuyler's accounts, 22 Aug. Account. Johannis Schuyler, for goods furnished the Indians, .... 23 June. Accounts. Johannis Brat, Hendrick Vrooman and John Luykassen, for services as scouts, .• 24-26 June. 6. Account. Peter Schuyler, Dirck Wessels and Johannis Schuyler, for their services in the castle of the Onondagas, 26 Nov. 1. Petition. Daniel Ebbetts, bricklayer, for his pay for work done on the fort in New York, 27 Nov. 2. Petition. Catharine Apple, to have a certain boat delivered to her or to its owner, Nicholas Backer, of Staten Island, 28 Nov. 2. Bond. Wallon Huling, master of the sloop Unity, not to carry any slaves, Ac, out of the province, 29 Nov. 3. Will of Andrew Hamilton, governor of Pennsylvania, with probate of this date, 29 Nov. 4. Account of the officers' salaries and other incidental charges of the General Assembly this session (£31.16s.0d.), 30 Nov. 6. Order suspending Paroculus Parmyter from practicing as an attorney in the courts of the province of New York, 30, 32 Nov. 6. Affidavits. Christopher Rousby and Thomas Cardale, sheriff of Queens county, in relation to Paroculus Parmyter's proceedings against William Lawrence, a member of the council, 31, 33 Nov. 6. Memorandum by Wm. Carter, relative to his fees as comptroller of the customs, New York, 32 Affidavit. John Parmyter, relative to Mr. Hungerford's secretly taking goods from the custom house, 33 Nov. 7. Order. Lawrence Clawson to attend the rev. Mr. Moore and Mr. Lidius, as interpreter tp the Indians, 34 334 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. L. GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1704. . PAGE. Nov. 7. Order. Lieut. Henry Holland to deliver the command of the detach ment under him to lieut. Charles Oliver, 34 Nov. 7. Order to Samuel Moore, Samuel Hyat and Thomas Yates, in rela tion to certain roads from Flushing to Jamaica, Ac, 35 Nov. 7. Ordinance reviving and re-establishing the high Court of Chancery, 35 Dec. 22. Petition. Peter Fauconnier, in relation to his claims against the government ; his account for candles, 36, 37 Dec 26. Petition. Peter Fauconnier, in relation to his fees as naval officer, 38 Account. Servas Mauris, as armorer to Fort Anne in New York, . . 39 April 18. Leave of absence granted George Clarke, secretary of the province and clerk of the council, 40 Petition. Susannah, widow of George Walgrave, to be allowed to collect the debts due her late husband, who committed suicide, . . 41 Order. Joseph Fordham and Mr. Stevens of Southampton, to in quire into the truth of Jeremiah Scott's petition, 41 Petition. Daniel Peterse Coieman, mariner, for the withdrawal of an order suspending his suit in chancery, against James Spencer, of New York, 42 1705. Jan. 11. Order of the queen in council, removing the suspension of Robert Livingston, ns secretary of Indian affairs, 43 [InN. Y. Col. Doc, IV, 1127.] Jan. 11. Report of the board of trade, recommending that the suspension of Robert Livingston be taken off, 43 Petition. Wessel Ten Brock, for payment for lime delivered the fort at Albany, 44 Petition. Richard Merrill, administrator of Philip Welles, late surveyor-general of the province of New York, dec'd, with account, 45 Petition. Richard Greener, sadler, for a pension, he having been wounded during the disorders, in the time of capt. Leisler, by a shot from the fort "through both his buttocks, and the slug grazed upon his spina dorsi," 46 Extract of the act 3 Jac c. 8, relative to recognizances on writs of error, 47 Feb. 6. Minutes of a Court of Sessions held at the city hall in the city of Albany, 47 Feb. 7. Minutes of an inferior Court of Common Pleas, held at the city hall in the city of Albany, _ _ 48 Feb. 21. Order. John Jackson, Thomas Stevens and Edward Burroughs, not to lay out any road between Jamaica and Flushing, throuo-h capt. Willett's land, *49 50 Feb. 24. Account. William Chambers, of his expenses during a voyage to the east end of Long island, in the sloop Industry, 50 March 5. Letter. H. Mott to the secretary, desiring a license for the marriage H«mpitead. of his daughter Mary, with Soloman Jamans, 61 Vol. L.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 335 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1705- — March 14. Salaries proposed for the officers of the Court of Chancery and fee b511> 51 March 24. Petition. Inhabitants of the town of Schenectady, complaining of Ryer Schermerhorn and John Wemp, 52 March 26. Orders. Captains John Anderson, Thomas Hewett and Jeremiah Stillwell, of Monmouth county, N. J, to receive orders from capt. Andrew Brown as regards militia matters, 53 March 28. Order. Edward Cole to summon the church warden and. vestry of Jamaica, Long island, to appear before the council, 53 March 29. Petition. Johannes Sanders Glen, for the payment of his warrant for furnishing firewood, 54 April 2. Petition. Peter Fauconnier, collector and receiver-general of New Jersey, that the boundary line be run between that province and New York, 55 Statements of col. Bayard and Mr. Jamison, to the effect that Fisher's island, Gardner's island and Martin's Vineyard, &c, had been under the jurisdiction of New York, 55 April 5. Petition. John Rodman, having an interest in Block island, for permission to bring its products to New York, 56 April 5. Petition. Margaret, widow of Peter Peiret, minister of the French congregation in New York, for her husband's salary, 57 April 5. Petition. Peter Fauconnier, for payment of his claim against the government, 58 April 5. Report on the petition of Peter Fauconnier, in relation to his fees as naval officer, . ." 59, 60, 64 April 10. Commission. Roger Mompesson, chief justice, Robert Milward, Thomas Willet, William Hallet and Sam'l Moore, to hold a Court of Oyer and Terminer, and general jail delivery in Queens county, 61,68 April 12. Petition. Peter Fauconnier, that his bond as one of the late com missioners of customs may be given up, 62 Account. Secretary of the province against Christopher Ronsby, 62 April 14. Memorial. Robert Milward, second justice of the Supreme Court, in relation to his salary ; report thereon, 63, 65 April 16. Petition. Barent Peterpe Coeymans, for a Nisi Prius for the trial of his suit with Mr. Rensselaer, about the title of an estate in the county of Albany, 66 April 16. Petition. Thomas Byerley, collector and receiver-general, William Carter, surveyor, and James Evetts, searcher of the customs, in relation to their fees on coasters, 67 April 18. Bond. Peter Fauconnier, Stephen Delaney, Thomas Wenham and Daniel Cornelius, for Peter Fauconnier, as collector and receiver- general, ?o April 20. Address. Grand jury of the ancient colony and dominion of Vir ginia to queen Anne, congratulating her on the victory of Blen heim, and thanking her for continuing col. Nicholson as their governor, dated " Your majesty's royall capitoll," 71-73 336 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. L. GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1705. PAGE. May 5. Order. Sheriff of New York to arrest Zachariah Roberts, of Bed ford, justice of the peace of Westchester co, and to seize his papers, 74 May. Complaint. John Thomson and Benjamin Wright, that rev. John Jones, of Bedford, is continually preaching against the church of England, 75, 76 Affidavit. Benjamin Wright, in relation to the preaching of John Jones, of Bedford, a dissenting minister, and illegal conduct of justice Roberts, 77, 78 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 933.] Affidavit of John Thomson, of Bedford, on the same subject, 79 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 935.] May 8. Petition. Dirck Egbertse, that his bond to the custom house may be canceled, 80 May 8. Report on the accounts of Thomas Byerley, late collector and receiver-general, 81 Account, debit and credit, with Mr. Blathwaite, auditor-general, for auditing the accounts of the receiver-general of the province,. 82, 94 June. Calendar of causes depending in the Supreme Court of the province of New York, 83 List of civil officers of Albany and Ulster counties, 83 June 5. Minutes of a Court of Sessions held at the city hall in the city of Albany, 84 June 5. Account. James Weemes and John Abeel, for supplies furnished the Indians, and report, 85, 86 1704. April 6. Account. James Parker, as messenger to the commissioners of Indian affairs, 87 1705. June 7. Minutes of an inferior Court of Common Pleas held in Albany, ... 88 Jan. 15. Affidavit. Thos. Preeson, master of the ship Thomas and Elizabeth, as to having been chased at sea by a strange vessel, 89 June 15. Account of ram for the expedition under the command of col. Wm. Peartree, 90 June 16. Affidavit. Jonathan Outerbridge, commander of the sloop Dolphin, of his having been taken by a French privateer under capt. Claypeau, 91 June 16. Commission. Col. Wm. Peartree, to be commander of an expedi tion against a French privateer, infesting the coast near Sandyhook, 92 June 18. Commission. Capt. Francis Jones, as second in command under col. Wm. Peartree, on the above expedition, *. 93 June 18. Account. A. D. Beeckman, for supplies for the above expedition, . 94 June 18. Warrant. Col. Wm. Peartree, mayor of New York, to take under his command the squadron composed of the Elizabeth, capt. Jones, the Return, capt. Potter, the Sea Flower, capt. Cawley, the Peartree, capt. Dunscomb, 94 June 24. Objections to sundry items in the public accounts, 95 Vol. L.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 337 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1705. . • PAGE. June 25. Commission. Aert van Pelten, to be a lieutenant of militia, Kings county, under Jost van Brunt, captain, 96 June 25. Commission. Samuel Hubbart, to be ensign of militia, Kings county, in Jochem Guilick's company, 96 June 25. Commission. Jochem Guilick, to be captain ofthe above company, 97 June 25. Commission. Samuel Gerrison, to be lieutenant in the above company, 98 June 25. Commission. Jost van Brunt, to be captain of a company of militia in Kings county, 99 June 25. Account. Goosen van Oort, for goods furnished the Indians, 100 June 25. Account. Lourens Classen, for services to Onondaga with Abraham Schuyler, 101 June 28. Petition. Naning Harmesen, for his pay for the hire of his sloop for the governor's expedition to Albany, 102 June 28. Petition. Hilletie van Olinda, for her pay as interpretress to the Indians, 1°3 June 19. Order referring the petition of John Abeel and Peter Schuyler, relating to stockades for the fort at Schenectady, and accounts and report, 104-107 Sundry other accounts against the government, 108-112 June 30. Commission. Augustine Graham, to be captain of the militia on the north side of Staten island, vice Stilwell, 113 July 5. Petition. Jannite, wife of Francis Kendall, for relief, said Kendall having gone to England, where he had a wife before he married the petitioner, * In jury 7. Message. Assembly to the council, that they had agreed to the amendments to the bill to prevent slaves running away from the city and county of Albany, 115 July 12. Petition. Naning Harmesen, for the pay for the hire of his sloop on the governor's expedition to Albany, H6 July 13. Account. Rip van Dam, for firewood furnished the garrison at Albany, < n1 July 26. Amendments to the bill entitled, an act for the allowance for the burges of the borough of Westchester, 118 Julv 7 Amendments to the bill for the better explaining, Ac, the act for settling a ministry in the city of New York, and the counties of Richmond, Westchester and Queens, 118, 181 Julv 19. Message. Assembly to the council, informing them that the house cannot agree to the amendments to the last above mentioned bill, 119 July 20. Petition. Barne Cosens, for payment of his claim for services rendered the government, 119' 12° July 28. Letter. Wm. Blathwayt to Peter Fauconnier, collector and Whitehall. receiver-general in the Jerseys ; instructions, 121 July 27. Account. William Bradford, for stationery furnished the govern- ment, and audit, 43 338 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. L. GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1705. PAGE. July 28. Message. Assembly to the council, agreeing to the amendments to the bill in relation to highways, and with amendments to the bill for an allowance to the burgess of the borough of West chester, 123, 124 July 28. Amendments to the aforesaid bills, 124 July 30. Petition. Nicholas Bayard and John Hutchins, stating objections in England to confirming the act for declaring the illegality of the proceedings against them, and praying the passage of a new bill, 124 July 30. Petition. Peter Fauconnier, commissioner to execute the of fice of collector and receiver-general, that his accounts may be audited, . . .< 125 July 30. Message. Assembly to the council, notifying that body that they had agreed to its amendments to the bill regulating slaves, 126 Aug. 30. Account. William Sell's expenses incurred in fitting out the ship Elizabeth, for the expedition commanded by William Peartree, and report on the same, , 120 Vouchers in support of the above account, 127 Aug. 4. Account. Salaries of officers, and other incidental charges of the General Assembly during this session, 128 Aug. 5. Account of disbursements for eight Indian sachems, 129 Aug. 6. Certificate in favor of Wessel Ten Broeck, for lime delivered at Fort Anne, Albany, 130 Aug. 6. Account. Frederick Mynderse, as armorer to the garrison at Albany, 131 Aug. 7. Letter. Gov. Nicholson to lord Cornbury ; complaints against his Wiiiiamsburgh, Va. lordship ; Nicholson on his departure for England; transmits money for the vestries of the church of England in New York, also to defray expenses of the approaching convocation of the clergy ; rev. Mr. Miles of Boston, and " one Barkley," if he be come from England, expected there, 132 Aug. 7. Letter. Gov. Nicholson to gov. Seymour, of Maryland, informing Wiiiiamsbureh, Va. him of his return to England, Ac, 132 Aug. An act for the better explaining and more effectual putting in execution an act of the general assembly, entitled, an act for settling a ministry and raising a maintenance for them in the city of New York, county of Richmond, Westchester and Queens county, published at New York iu August, 1705, 133 Aug. Report of a committee on the bill entitled, an act for reviving an act for regulating slaves, and amendments, 134, 135 Aug. 18. Account. Elizabeth Hutchins, for board, Ac, of five Spanish prisoners, 135 Aug. 30. Account. Harmanus Bensingh, Gerrit Duycken and others, for repairing the passage behind the chappel a'nd the distilling room, iu the fort, New York, and John Crooke, for gaging rum, 136 Vol. L.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 339 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1705. Sept. 19. Minutes of a Court of Common Pleas held at Jamaica, Queens county, 137 Sept. 24. Warrant. Wm. Peartree, mayor of New York, to impress car penters for H. M. ship Nonesuch, 138 Sept. 26. Speech. Lord Cornbury, to the General Assembly at the opening of the session, 139 [In Jonr. of N. Y. Leg. Council, 234.] Sopl. 26. Reasons of the council against passing the bill entitled, an act for raising money to defray the charge of fusileers, 140, 143 Sept. Minutes of a Court of Sessions held at Jamaica, Queens co, 141 Oct. 1. Order for the arrest of certain ship carpenters who have deserted, . 142 Oct. 11. Report of the committee of the council appointed to confer on the bill for raising money to pay fusileers, 144, 147, 149 Oct. 2. Certificate that Peter Schuyler had furnished firewood for the forts at Albany and Schenectady, 145 Oct. 3. Order. John Jewell to take "off the seizure from the sloop Elizabeth, in New Jersey, she having been registered in New York, 145 Oct. 4. Minutes of an inferior Court of Common Pleas, held at the city hall, Albany, 146 Amendments proposed by a committee of the council, to the mili tia bill, 148 Oct. 12. Report of a committee of the council, with amendments to the fusileer bill, 150, 151 Oct. 4. Accounts for firewood furnished the fort at New York, and report, 152-155 Oct. 2. Minutes of a Court of Sessions held at the city hall, New York,. . . 156 Oct. 10. Message. Assembly to the council, desiring a conference ; amend ments to the militia bill, 157 Amendments to the bill to prohibit the exportation of wheat, and to other bills, 158 Amendments to the bill for levying a sum for the defense of the frontiers, 159 June 30. Commission. Augustine Graham, to have the chief command of all the militia on Staten Island, 160 Oct. 30. Account. Officers' salaries and other incidental charges of the General Assembly, for this session, 162 Oct. 13. Petition. Joseph Mallinson, for a writ of error in his suit against John Barrow, of New York, merchant, 163 Account. Contingent charges for the province of New York, paid by Peter Fauconnier, commissioner of customs, 164 Nov. 15. Petition. Peter Fauconnier, commissioner of customs, that his accounts may be referred, I65 ' 340 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. L. GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1705. PAGE. Oct. 25. Petition. Hendrick Hansen, of Albany, for pay for furnishing provisions to the troops, 166 Oct. 13. Commission. Capt. Reynier Tongrelou, of the privateer New York Galley, 167 Nov. 12. Order for the arrest of deserters from H. M. ships, 168 Nov. 13. Minutes of the Court of Sessions and Pleas, Kings county, from May 22, 1702, 169-171 Nov. 13. Order. Philip Schuyler on John Abeel, in favor of Jonathan Dyer, Gerret Gysebert and Barrent Wemp, 171 Nov. 16. Pardon. John Collison, James Stewart, Thomas Dent, William Griffs and Walter Warner et al., convicted of an assault on sheriff Wilson and others, of New York, 172 Nov. 19. Letter. George Clarke, secretary, to Richard Floyd, of Brookhaven, NewYork. ordering him to restore Indian whalemen to their employers,. ... 173 Nov. 19. Proclamation relating to manning the privateer New York Galley, . 174 Petition. Ruth, widow of John Lameter, for letters of adminis tration, 1 75 Dec. 21. Order for the saving of the arms and men of the privateer Del Rey, capt. Adrian Claver, lately cast away, 176 Nov. Account for goods furnished the fort at Schenectady by Peter Schuyler ; report, 176 Dec. 20.. Petition. Peter Fauconnier, commissioner to execute the office of collector and receiver-general, in regard to the levying of cer tain duties, 177 Dec. License. Francis Goodhue to be Presbyterian minister, at Jamaica, L.I, 178 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., IH, 210.] Dec 13. Petition. Barne Cosens, for his pay for services in Peter Faucon- nier's office, , 179 Dec. 13. Petition. James Laborie, minister of the French congregation, for his salary, 180 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., Ill, 433.] Dec. 13. Deposition. Wilbam Hallett, of Newtown, Queens co, as to a trespass committed by John Lawrence, late of H. M. council, with John, Daniel and Jonathan Lawrence, and John White, 1S1 Dec. 13. Petition. Sampson Broughton on behalf of Mary, widow of Samp son Shelton Broughton, deceased, and company, for a patent for lands in Dutchess county, 182 Dec. 13. License. Thomas Jones, to take drift whales on the gut joining Mr. NicolFs land and the west end of Gravesend beach, 183 Dec. 13. Memorial. Peter Fauconnier, commissioner to execute the office of collector and receiver-general, praying that steps be taken to procure an account of quit-rents, 183 Salaries of the necessary officers in New Jersey, 184 Dec. 12. Order. Col. Henry Beekman, to call out 100 men of his militia regiment, to be prepared to march to the frontiers of Albany, ... 184 Vol. LI.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 341 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1705. Dec. 4. Memorandum. Lord Cornbury grants letters of administration on the estate of Thomas Sturges, of New York, mariner, deceased,. 185 Nov. 21. Order for protecting from impressment all volunteers for manning the privateer Castel Del Rey 186 VOLUME LI. GOVERNOR CORNBURV 1705. 1691. June 19. Linhaven bay. Dec. London, 1692. April 20. Gosport. 169^4. Jan. 2. July 19. [1703.] 1693. April 29, Gosport. May 19. Plymouth. Papers concerning a difference between governor Nicholson, of Virginia, and some of the council, also concerning the college of William and Mary there, viz 1 Letter. Rev. James Blair to lieut. gov. Nicholson, acknowledging receipt of his of the 17th inst, recommending that lawyers who are church of England men, may be employed by the government in Virginia, 2 Letter. Rev. Mr. Blair to lieut. gov. Nicholson ; great difficulty in finding masters for William and Mary's college in Virginia; necessity of procuring a president; reasons therefor; the bishops of Salisbury and Worcester and several others, urge him for president ; loose manner of conducting the colleges in England ; difference of circumstances in regard to William and Mary's college, • • • 2 Letter. Rev. Mr. Blair to gov. Nicholson, concerning the payment of his salary as commissary ; Mr. B. and wife charged with keep ing a store in Virginia, Ac, 3 Memorandum. Commissary Blair ; college of William and Mary, located at Middle Plantation ; fund for its support ; his allowance for his trouble in England, 3 Receipt. Gov. Nicholson, for £100, his donation to William and Mary's college ; signed Wm. Byrd, treasurer, 3 Memorandum. Accusing the rev. Mr. Blair of telling many untruths, and swearing falsely, for which it will be difficult for him to get a dispensation, " except he has it of y" Jesuits or Knoxonians," Petition. Rev. James Blair to gov. Andros and the house of burgesses, Virginia; prays a recompense for his trouble in obtaining a charter for the college, • •» Letter. Rev. Mr. Blair to lieut. gov. Nicholson, thanking him for past kindnesses, Ac, Letter Rev. Mr. Blair to gov. Nicholson ; acknowledges receipt of letter for Lady Andros ; about to sail for Virginia, 3 342 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LL GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1694. PAGE. Aug. 7. Letter. Rev. Mr. Blair to gov. Nicholson, of Maryland ; sir E. , Midie plantation, Andros invited to be one of the governors of William and Va- Mary's college ; several ej)iscopal ministers arrive for Maryland, . 4 1695. May 8. Letter. Rev. Mr. Blair to gov. Nicholson ; discouraging prospect Midie Plantation, of the college ; Mr. B. suspended by the governor and council of Virginia, 4, 6 May 23. Letter. Rev. Mr. Blair to gov. Nicholson ; urges his presence at Midie Plantation, the next meeting of the governors of the college ; Mr. B. proposes to go to England ; Assembly throws out the bill for bettering the salaries of the clergy, 4 1696. April 22. Letter. Rev. Mr. Blair to gov. Nicholson; continued differences Rich Neck, Va. between Mr. B. and the council of Virginia; governor Andros would not communicate (receive the sacrament) with him at easter ; a great plot discovered in England ; the duke of Berwick taken, 4 1697. Feb. 15. Letter. Rev. Mr. Blair to gov. Nicholson ; is desirous to visit Rich Neck. England to counteract representations of gov. Andros ; urges efforts on the- part of gov. Nicholson to secure the government of Virginia for himself, " even if it be necessary to launch out any money" for that purpose; Mr. Blathwait gov. Andros's only supporter ; gov. N. recommended " to try to gain him by money, as no doubt gov. A. doth," 4 1687. April 28. Declaration upon oath of Sarah, daughter of Benjamin Harrison, that she will not marry any man but William Rascow, during his life, 7 Memorandum that when Mr. James Blair was married to Sarah Harrison by Mr. Smith, and was asked, three times, to say "Obey," she refused and each time said "No obey," yet Mr. S. proceeded with the rest of the ceremony, 7 Memorandum that Sarah Harrison was promised to two or three others before she married the rev. Mr. Blair, 7 Statement that young Mr. Ludwell and his father had children by their negro slaves, 7 1703. May 1. Further affidavit of James Blair, clerk, concerning gov. Nicholson's maladministrations with relation to the clergy, the college and himself, 3 Answer. John Thrale, agent of gov. Francis Nicholson, of Vir ginia, on behalf of said governor, to the memorial exhibited against said . governor in the names of J. Lightfoot, Mathew Page, Benjamin Harrison, Robert Carter, James Blair and Philip Ludwell, q 1704. The several sources of the odium and discouragement which the college of William and Mary in Virginia lies under, and resolu tion of head master of the grammar school thereupon, 10 1705. Jan. 16. Declaration. Anthony Armistead, as to statements he made to secretary Wormeley's widow, to dissuade her from marrying Vol. LI.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 343 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1705. PAGE. Robert Beverley, and of allegations of col. Carter, col. Lightfoot, in regard to Mary, widow of rev. John Gordon, deceased, of Virginia, 11 Feb. 8. Minutes of council at the royal college of William and Mary (Virginia), concerning appointment of councillors, 12 1704. Aug. 17. Letter. Lords of trade to gov. Nicholson, ordering him to discon- Whitehaii. tinue the prosecution of particular persons, with the governor's declaration in council thereupon, dated Feb. 10, 1705, 13 June 15. Order ofthe queen in council, requiring gov. Nicholson to return his answer to certain complaints preferred against him by members of the council of Virginia, 14 1705. Address. Clergy of Virginia to gov. Nicholson, 15 Address. Governor and clergy of Virginia to the queen, 16 Feb. Remonstrance. Clergy of Virginia to the lords of trade, disavow- ino- the charges brought by rev. Mr. Blair against gov. Nicholson, 17 Feb. 22. Address. Clergy of Virginia to the archbishop of Canterbury, on the same subject, 1 8 Feb. 22. Address. Clergy of Virginia to the bishop of London, 19 Feb. 22. Memorandum concerning col. Carter, of Virginia, and the Scotch peddler boy he cheated, 20 Memorandum of charges made against col. Lightfoot and col. Robt. Carter, aforesaid, 21 Feb. 25. Declaration. Henry Tyler, sheriff ofthe county of York, Virginia, concerning col. Philip Ludwell, 22 1704. March 30, April 1. Two letters. E. Jennings to gov. Nicholson, on the subject London. of the petition presented against him by col. Ludwell and others, 23 1705. April 16. Letter. The justices to gov. Nicholson, thanking him for a donation Giouce.terco.,'va. of £20 for law books, 24, 25 April 2. Address. Justices of the peace of Middlesex, Va, to gov. Nichol- son, in relation to the action of the feoffors in trust of the town land in said county, 26j 27 May 4. Proceedings of the House of Burgesses of Virginia, approving of the administration of gov. Nicholson, 28, 29 Letter John Lightfoot, Robert Carter and Philip Ludwell to the speaker of the House of Burgesses of Virginia, with their reasons against making any determination by that house upon the com- ptaint against the governor, 30-32 Mav 4 Speech. Gov. Nicholson to the House of Burgesses, on the com- plaint against him, and the resolves of the house thereon,. . . . 33-35 Mav 12. Resolve of John Custis, Hen. Duke, John Smith and John Lewis, members ofthe council of Virginia, on gov. Nicholson's adminis tration,. . 36' 31 Mav 3 Affidavits. Wm. Robertson, clerk, John Allen, usher, and Mongo ' ingles, head master, of the grammar school of William and Marys 344 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LI. GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1705. . PAGE. college, Va, as to the boys barring out the masters before Christ mas, 38 May 31. Affidavits. Orlando Jones and George Hunt, oh the same subject,. 39 May 18. Letter. Col. Myles Cary, rector of William and Mary's college, requesting a meeting ofthe trustees and governors of that institu tion, 40 June 1. Letter. Myles Cary, rector, calling a meeting of the trustees, Ac, Wm. and Mary's of Said College, 40 college. ° ' June 8. Letter. Myles Cary, rector, calling a meeting of the trustees, Ac, Wm. and Mary's of said college, to choose a rector, Ac, 40 college. ° ' ' June 4. Letter. B. Harrison, junior, to , excusing himself for not being able to attend the above meeting, 40 June 5. Letter. Benj. Harrison to col. Myles Cary, excusing his non-attend- Surrey. ance at the above meeting, and vindicating his character against certain imputations, 40 June 12. Letter. Philip Ludwell to col. Miles Cary, explaining his non- attendance, and objecting to the governor calling a meeting of the board of trustees of the college, 40 June 27. Letter. Wm. Robertson, clerk of the council, to J. Lightfoot and wiuiamsbmgh. Robert Carter, requesting their attendance at a meeting of the council, 41 May 29. Letter. J. Lightfoot to William Robertson, stating his inability Fort Royaii. to attend at tho above meeting of the council, 41 June 28. Letter. Robert Carter to William Robertson, stating that business King's creek. will prevent him attending the above meeting, 41 June 13. Resolution ofthe trustees of Wm. and Mary's college, discontinuing the salary of the rev. James Blair, president of the college, 42 June 26. Address. Clergy of Pennsylvania and New Jersey to the bishop of London, relative to the conduct of rev. James Blair, and vindi cating themselves from his aspersions, 43 Address. Clergy of Pennsylvania to the archbishop of Canterbury, of the same tenor as the preceding, 44 July 13. Address. Clergy of Virginia to the archbishop of Canterbury, com plaining of the rev. James Blair, 45, 46 July 3. Address. Clergy of Virginia to the bishop of London, against the rev. James Blair, as above, 47 July. Address. Justices of the peace of Elizabeth-city county, to gov. Nicholson, complaiuing of the conduct of the rev. James Wallace, 48 Aug. 10. Address. Clergy of the ancient and great dominion of Virginia to gov. Nicholson, 49 Address. Vestry of St. John's parish, and members of the court of King Williams, county, Va, to gov. Nicholson, against the rev. Jno. Monro, their minister, 50 51 Vol. LI.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 345 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1705. . PAGE. May 3. Affidavits. John Lear, Robert. Pitt and James Day, counter to that made by commissary Blair relative to the barring out the masters at the grammar school, 52 June 27. Letters. Rev. John Talbott to the bishop of London and to col. Philadelphia. Robt. Quary, vindicating himself from the aspersions of the rev. James Blair, 53 June 29. Letters. Rev. T. Moore, Evan Evans and H. Nichols, of Philadel phia and Chester, concerning the clergy's address to archbishop of Canterbury and the bishop of London, 54 Aug. Letter. Mongo Ingles to gov. Nicholson, saying he intended to resign his situation as head master of William and Mary's gram mar school or college, 55 Aug. 23. Letter. Rev. James Blair to gov. Nicholson, in answer to the above, 56 Sept. 5. A modest reply to James Blair's answer to my reasons for quitting the college, per Mongo Ingles, 57-61 Heads of the charges against gov. Nicholson contained in Mr. Blair's affidavit, with answers thereto, 62 Abstract of the charter of William and Mary's college, granted 8th February, 169|, 63 Aug. 3. Present state of the college of William and Mary, impartially con sidered [by Mongo Ingles], 64 Letter. Mongo Ingles to the rector and gentlemen of William and Mary's college, concerning the payment of the teachers' salaries, 65 July. Address. Masters and commanders of the several merchantmen at anchor at the mouth of the James river, to gov. Nicholson, 65 July 28. List ofthe ships sailed from Kiquotan, Va, under the convoy ofthe Oxford, Stromboli and Hastings, 66 July 23. Memorial. Masters and commanders of the merchantmen lying in the James river, on the eve of their departure to England, to gov. Nicholson, 67 (No date.) Petition. Daniel Ebbets, of New York, mason, for his pay for work done on the fort, 68 1706. Order. H. M. Triton's Prize, to cruise .on the coast for three months, 69 Jan. Petition. G. Sylvester, for letters of administration on the estate of Thomas Booth, of Southold, Suffolk county, to his son, Thomas Booth, ™ Jan. Petition. John Cruger, of New York, merchant, attorney for Beatrix Onzeel, widow, administratrix of Onzeel van Swieten, for the recovery of the estate of the latter, which had been escheated, • <1 Fees of sheriffs and criers, 72 Jan. Answer. Samuel Staets, John De Peyster, Jacob Leisler, Isaac De Riemer and Cornelis De Peyster, late attorneys to Thomas Wea ver, late collector and receiver-general, to the report made by George Clarke and Peter Fauconnier on said Weaver's account, . 73 44 346 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LI. GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1706. ., PAGE. Feb. 5. Minutes of a Court of Sessions held at the city hall in the city of Albany, 7o Feb. 7. Minutes of an Inferior Court of Common Pleas, held at the city hall in the city of Albany, 77 Feb. 14. Proclamation for the arrest of James Dickson and George Gill, deserters, 78 Feb. 20. Petition. Richard Harris, for a warrant for the amount of his bill against the jury that sat upon Mr. Van Swfeten's estate, 79 Feb. 21. Memorial. Peter Fauconnier, commissioner, in relation to bonds given for duties by the agents of capt. Clavers, SO March 3. Petition. Lancaster Symes, for payment of his account for fire wood furnished Fort Anne, New York, 81 March 5. Warrant. Capt. George Fane, of H. M. ship Lowstaffe, to impress two sloops for public service, 82 March 6. Deposition. George Hallett, of Newtown, L. I, relative to an assault committed on him by William Lawrence and John White, 83 March 7. Deposition. Joseph Moore on the same subject, 84 March 14. Bond. Joseph Mallinson and John Parmyter to John Barrow, to prosecute an appeal upon a judgment recovered by the latter,. . . 85 March 15. Warrant. Captains Miles, Fane and Davis, to impress seamen from inward bound vessels, 86 March 19. Order. Johannes Schuyler, mayor of Albany, to provide quarters for lieut. Richard Brewer, of H. M. independent company, 87 March 20. Petition. Daniel Bondet, minister of New Rochelle, in relation to the loss of two warrants for his salary, 88 March 20. Order on the aforesaid petition, 89 March 20. Minute of the council on the petition of Michael Hawdon, 90, 93 March 20. Memorial. Robert Milward, second justice of the Supreme Court, for payment of his salary, 91 March 20. Petition. Michael Hawdon, 'for renewal of lease of the cellar under the custom house, New York, 92 March 20. Petition. Barne Cosens, escheator-general, for his pay for escheat ing the estate of Onzeel van Sweiten, 94 April 1. Bond. Elias D. Frize and Rip van Dam, in relation to a lost war rant issued to Robt. Milward, and by him assigned to Elias D. Fi'ize> 95, 104 March 30. Letter. Secretary Clarke to the justices of Richmond co, to attend New York. the governor at Mr. Duxbury's house on the 5th April, 95 Rates of pilotage for New York harbor, 96 Tariff duties imposed on goods in New York, 97 April 4. Report to the council on the memorial of Peter Fauconnier, com missioner, relating to the duties on prize goods, Ac, 98 April 4. License. George Muirison, minister in Westchester co, to baptize several persons in Connecticut, 99 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 93G.] Vol. LI.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 347 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1706. PAGE. April 9. Letter. John Schuyler to lieut. Richard Brewer, relative to a house steenrabie. he had hired for him, 100 April 10. Pass. Joseph Cailleteau, a French prisoner, to go to Boston and. from thence to Canada, 100 Pass. Jean and Isaac Rocheteau, French prisoners, to proceed to Philadelphia, 100 Jan. 14. Account. John Crooke, for cooperage at Fort Anne; his petition, 101,102 April 11. Petition. Daniel Foy, for his pay as land and tide waiter, 103 April 11. Petition. Jacob Rutsen, of Ulster county, that the accounts of that county may be audited more thoroughly, 105 April 12. Bond. Daniel Bondet, of New Rochelle, and Elias Neau, of New York, in relation to certain warrants for his salary issued to said Bondet, and by him lost, 106 April 16. Proclamation for the apprehension of certain sailors, deserted from H. M. ships Lowestaffe and Triton's Prize, 107 April 16. Order. Capt. George Fane, of H. M. ship Lowestaffe, to sail on a cruise of ten days, 108, 109 April 17. -Order. Capt. Miles, of H. M. Triton's Prize, to send on shore one Cusack, for the purpose of inquiring into the matters he com plains of, 11° April 17. License. James Jeffray to teach school in the city of New York,. Ill April 18. Petition. Derrick Jansen Hoglandt, relative to his pay for two horses lost in col. Dongan's expedition to Albany, 112 April 18. Order. Justice Moor, of Queens county, to appear before the council iu relation to a riot lately committed in that county by some of the inhabitants of Kings county, 113 April 18. Order. Capt. Thomas Miles of H. M. ship Triton's Prize, to release one James Hawes, an impressed seaman, 113 April 22. Order. Sheriff of Westchester, to arrest John Legett, of West Farms, for harboring a deserted seaman, 113 April 23. Petition. Paroculus Parmyter, for permission to prosecute Edward Cole, messenger to the council, for a debt, 114 April 24. Order. Wm. Peartree, mayor of New York, to impress seamen, . . 115 April 24. Commission. William Merritt, to be pilot to H. M. ship Lowestaffe, 115 April 24. Order. Roger Barton, sheriff of Westchester, to deliver all goods r in his possession belonging to the estate of Thomas Pritchard, to his widow, 115 [1711.] Names of the officers of a regiment formed out of the four com panies of Fusileers, 116 1706. April 25. Additional instruction to be observed by captain Adrian Clavers, of the sloop Cornbury, 117 Anril 25. Petition. Henry Filkin and Jan von der Vellen, trustees of Flat- bush, in relation to a riot in Queens county, by mhabitants of Kings county, 348 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LI. GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1706. PAGE. March 25. Account for stationery furnished the provincial secretary's office, from the 25th day of March, 1705, to 25 March, 1706, and report thereon, 119, 120 Sundry other accounts, 121-123 May 1. Commission. Henry Swift, to be ruler, Ac, of the fairs to be held at Jamaica, L. I, 124 May 1. Order. Civil and military officers of the counties of Kings and Queens, to assist Richard Rogers, carpenter, of H. M. ship Triton's Prize, to arrest deserters, 125 May 4. Order for the discharge of Andrew L'Amoureux, capt. of a mer chantman, impressed, 125 May 9. Order for the arming of the militia in anticipation of an attack from the French, 126 May 9. Order for enrolling all from 16 to 61, able to bear arms, in the counties of Richmond and Orange, 127 May 10. Order. Capt. Thomas Miles, of H. M. ship Triton's Prize, to discharge Nathan Buckley, an impressed seaman, 12-7 May 11. Order. Wm. Peartree, mayor of New York, to cause the citizens to aid in fortifying that city, 128 May 14. Order. The same, to receive subscriptions of the inhabitants of the city of New York, for the above purpose, 129 May 20. Order. Capt. Geo. Fane, of H. M. ship Lowestaffe, to convoy the vessels bound from Virginia to London, 130 May 27. Order. Jacob Morris, to pilot H. M. ship Lowestaffe, 131 May 21. Minutes of a Court of Sessions held at Jamaica, L. I, 131 May 23. Minutes of a Court of Common Pleas held at Jamaica, L. I, 132 May 8. Account. John Abeel, for supplies for the Indians ; petition and proceedings thereon, 133, 136 May 23. Certificate. James Weemes, that col. Peter Schuyler had furnished firewood for the use of the garrisons at Albany and Schenectady, 134 May 23. Petition. Harpert Jacobsen, for pay for the use of his sloop to carry the governor to Albany and back ; report thereon, 134 . May 24. Proclamation requiring the General Assembly to meet at New York the 24th inst, 135 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 237.] May 25. Two receipts for excise money received from William Bradford,. . . 136 May. 29. Petition. John Abeel, for the repayment of moneys advanced by him for the use of the province, 137 June 13. Account. John Abeel, for repairs of the fort at Albany ; report thereon, 138 June 18. Petition. John Abeel, for payment of the above accounts, 139 Petition. James Petty, Joseph Petty and Benjamin Horton, owners of three vessels, for permission to sail to Southold, 140 June 13. Petition. Johannes Lydius, minister at Albany, in relation to his salary as instructor to the Five Nations of Indians, 141 Vol- LL] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 349 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. "°6- PAGE. June 1. Petition^ Hillitie van Olinda, for her salary as interpret ess to the Five Nations of Indians, 142 June 9. Order. Lieut. John Porson to go on board H. M. ship Triton's Prize, with a party of men, 143 June 10. Order. ¦ Capt. Thomas Miles, to discharge Edward Craig and Roger Dousell, two seamen belonging to a sloop of Nicholas Craxton, of Pennsylvania, 144 June 13. Petition. Lieut. Philip Schuyler, for the repayment of moneys advanced by him for repairing the fort at Schenectady, 145 June 13. Petition. Peter Schuyler, for payment for goods furnished the Onondaga sachems, 146 June 19. Order. Colonels of the several militia regiments in the counties of Kings, Queens, Westchester, Richmond and Orange, to appear with their regiments on the common, near the city of New York, on the 27th instant, 147 June 17. Account. John Mynderse, for iron work done for the fort at Schenectady ; report, 148 June 20. Petition. John Mynderse, for payment of the above account, 149 June 24. Letter. Secretary Clarke to capt. Miles, of H. M. ship Triton's NewYork. Prize, relative to her supply of water, 150 June 27. Account. Officers' salaries and other incidental expenses of this session of the General Assembly, 151 July 4. Petition. Jacobus van Dyke, surgeon of the fort at Schenectady, for his salary, 152 July 5. Certificate that Thomas Byerley and col. Robert Byerley, of Gould- borough, county of Yorke, Eng, have each given a bond for £1,000, for the faithful execution of the office of collector and . receiver-general by said Thomas Byerley, 153 July 13. Order. Capt. Geo. Fane, of H. M. ship Lowestaffe, in relation to the enemy's vessels, 153 July 18. Petition. Hendrick Hansen, for payment of his account for pro visions furnished capt. Higby's company, at Albany, 154 July 14. Account. Frederick Mynderse, for services as armorer to the garrison at Albany, 155 Aug. 7. Warrant. Francis Wessels, Lawrence Wessels, Anthony Lispenard, John Hogelandt, John C;mon and Mangels Janse Roll, to cut sods for the fortifications of New York city, 156 Aug. 7. Order. Capt. George Fane, of H. M. ship Lowestaffe, to cruise beyond Sandy Hook, 156 Aug. Account for four days' board and wine, for the Indian king and his companions, l5 ' Aug. 8. Order. Captain George Fane of H. M. ship Lowestaffe, to discbarge certain impressed seamen, I5 ' Aug. 18. Petition. Naning Harmesen, for his pay for the use of his sloop in the expedition to Albany, in 1704, 158 Aug. 22. Petition. Philip Rokeby, surgeon, for his pay for medical attend ance on a French Indian sachem, in 1705, 159 350 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LI. GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1706. PAGE. Aug. 29. Petition. John Tuder, register of the Court of Admiralty, for books for his office, 160 Sept. 2. Warrant. Capt. Geo. Fane, commander of H. M. ship Lowestaffe, to proceed to New York and refit, 161 Sept. 6. Petition. Lieut. Charles Oliver, of the garrison at Albany, for payment of his account annexed, 163, 177, 178 Sept. 1 7. Report. Ellis Duxbury, John Stillwell, Abraham Lakeman and Ephraim Taylor, justices of the peace of Richmond county, on the petition of Jacob Galliot, in relation to a road to the church of which said Galliot is the clerk, 164 1703. Jan. 21. Petition. Jacob Garriot, of Richmond co, in relation to the above road ; order of the council thereon, 165 1706. Sept. 24. Certificate that Peter Schuyler has furnished firewood for the garri sons at Albany and Schenectady, 166 Oct. 3. Petition. Lawrence Clausen, one of the interpreters of the Five Nations of Indians, for his pay for several journeys to the "Mohogs" and Onondagas, 167, 175, 176 Oct. 3. Petition. Henry Beekman, for payment of his account, 168 Oct. 16. Account. Hendrick Beekman, for disbursements on account of Indian affairs, Ac, and report thereon, 169 Oct. 7. State of the revenue of New York in respect to the accounts thereof, humbly offered to the consideration of the Rt. Hon. Wm. Blath wayte, 170, 171 Letter without signature or address, relating to the dispatch of the business before the assembly, 172 Oct. 16. Account. George Booth, for carpenters' work done in the secretary's office, and report thereon, 173 Oct. 17. Petition. Wm. Bond, in relation to the sale of rice on board of his vessel, be having put into New York on his voyage from Carolina to Holland, through stress of weather, 174 Oct. 21. Account. Philip Schuyler, for lumber, Ac, for the fort at Schenec tady, and report, 1 78 Oct. 21. Minute of the council on Mr. Wenham's motion for remission of duties on several pipes of wine and brandy lately burnt ; referred to England, _ 179 Oct. 21. Account. Officers' salaries and other expenses of the General Assem bly at this session; £30. lis, # 180 Petition. Cornelis Seberingh and Cornelis van Brunt, representa tives of Kings co. in the General Assembly, complaining that the justices of said county had levied considerable sums for purposes unknown, ' _ jgj Nov. 5. Order. Roger Barton, sheriff of Westchester county, to deliver to Susannah Walgrave the property of her husband, George Wal- grave, late of the town of Rye, a suicide, 18 Order. Robert Lurtmg, Lancaster Symes, William Anderson and Benjamin Ask, to audit the accounts of H. M. ship Triton's Prize, r j o 83 Vol. LIL] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 351 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1706. . . PAGE. Nov. 19. Minutes of a special Court of Oyer and Terminer held in the city of Albany, 184 Nov. 29. Order. Capt. George Fane, of H. M. ship Lowestaffe, to convoy certain merchantmen to the West Indies, 186 Dec. 3. Order. The same to discharge Elisha Parker, an impressed seaman, 187 Dec. 3. Order. Capt. George Fane, to discharge James Ferrow and John " Slauson, two impressed seamen, 188 Dec. 9. Order. Lieut. Davis, to deliver the command of H. M. ship Triton's Prize, made vacant by the death of capt. Thomas Miles, to lieut. • Thomas Wilcocks, ." 188 Dec 9. Order. Lieut. Thomas Wilcocks, to appear before the governor, . . 189 Dec 10. Order. Capt. George Fane, to send to the governor lieut. Thomas Wilcocks, confined on board H. M. ship Lowestaffe, 189 VOLUME LIL GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1706. Order for the survey of the powder in H. M. ship Triton's Prize, and for sending it to Boston to be rewrought, 1 Dec. 11. Order. Lieut. Richard Davis, on board the Triton's Prize, to appear before governor Cornbury, 2 Dec. 17. Order. Capt. Reynier Tongrelou, commander ofthe privateer New York Galley, to place his vessel under the command of certain officers, and to arrest lieut. Richard Davis, of H. M. ship Lowes taffe, 2 Dec. 17. Order to James Hull, chief mate of H. M. Triton's Prize, to take command of that vessel, 2 1707. Jan. 3. Petition. Englebert Lott, Jacob Pardon, Daniel Polhemus and Benjamin Vandewater, elders of the Dutch congregations in Kings co, of which Mr. Freerman is minister, for an order for the church books in the hands of Mr. Antonides, 3 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 145.] Jan. 3. Order. Joseph Hegeraan and Stophell Barbasko, pretended elders, and Cornelius Williamse, Jan Vlies and Nys van Duyn, pretended deacons of the Dutch church at Flatbush, Joris Hansen, Daniel Rappellie and Frederick Mynderse, elders, and Gysbert Bogart and Aert Jansen, deacons of Brookland, to deliver to Mr. Freer- man the church property, 4 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 146.] Jan. 8. Order. Capt. Reynier Tongrelou, commander ofthe privateer New York Galley, to deliver one Roger Jones to the cockswain of the Triton's Prize, 6 H 352 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LIL GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1707. PAGE. Order. Otto van Toyle to proceed to Sandy Hook and watch the motions of a French privateer in that vicinity, [1704.] Order. Messrs. Walters, Lurting, Symes, Cruger and Cortlandt, to audit the accounts of H. M. ship Jersey, 8 1707. Feb. Petition. Thomas Byerley, collector and receiver-general, to have his suspension from office removed, 9 Feb. 9. Order. Capt. Davis to pay the accounts against the H. M. ship Triton's Prize, 10 Feb. 1 2. Order. Capt. Abraham Lakeman to appear before the governor, . . 11 Commission. Henry Smith, to be colonel of militia in Suffolk county, .' 12 Commission. Thomas Jones, to be major of col. Thomas Willett's regiment of militia, Queens county, 13 Feb. 28. Order. Joseph Purdy and John Clapp to testify on the part of Ebenezer Wilson, in relation to the passing a patent to him of some lands in the town of Rye, 14 March 1. Order. Justices of Richmond county, to appear before the gov ernor to answer complaints against them in respect to the county's quota of the £3,000 tax, 15 March 6. Petition. Benjamin Faneuile, in relation to certain warrants (list annexed) due the estate of Duncan Campbell, late of Boston, New England, 16 March 5. Report on the account of Barne Cosens, late clerk of the council, for stationery, .' 17 March 6. Petition. Peter Fauconnier, late commissioner of the customs, for an examination of his accounts ; report of examiners, 18-20 Feb. 13. Account. Peter Fauconnier, of candles delivered lord Cornbury from Nov. 10, 1705, to Feb. 13, 1707, with observations, 21-25 March 20. Account. Peter Fauconnier, of the contingent expenses of the government from Feb. 27, 1705, to Feb. 2, 1707, with report thereon, 26-29 Observations on several items in Peter Fauconnier's account for contingent charges ofthe government from Feb. 27, 1705, to Feb. 2, 1 707, 30-34 March 6. Account. Lancaster Symes, for wood, and report, 35, 36 March 6. Petition. Lancaster Symes, for payment of the above account, ... . 37 March 6. Petition. Peter Fauconnier, late commissioner of the revenue, in relation to his accounts, and report, 38, 39 March 22. Order. Thomas Byerley to pay £20 to John Tuder, register of the admiralty, and Tuder's receipt, 40 March 24. Order. Capt. Richard Davis, of H. M. ship Triton's Prize, to cruise after the enemy, 40 April 3. Letter. Daniel Clark to George Clarke, with a list of persons who Westchester. have died intestate at Rye, Mamoroneck, Westchester and Bed ford, and in relation to the administration of their estates, 41 Vol. LIL] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 353 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1707. . _ PAGE. April 21. Order. Capt. Coningsby Norbury, of H. M. ship Triton's Prize, to impress seamen, 42 May 1. Account. Lieuts. Henry Holland and Richard Brewer, for house rent, 42 May 5. Petition. Andre Fresneau, of the brigantine St. John, for permis sion to land his cargo and repair his vessel, 43 May 9. Proceedings of the commissioners of Indian affairs at Albany, 45 June 19. Petition. John Abeel, one of the commissioners for managing the Indian affairs at Albany, in relation to certain moneys paid out by him, 46 June 19. Petition. John Rolland, master of the Bonnito Galley, for the discharge of three of his men impressed on board the Triton's Prize, 47 June 19. Petition. Hendrick Hansen, of the city of Albany, for payment of balance of his account for victualing capt. Thomas Higby's company, at Albany and Schenectady, 48 June 26. Petition. Sampson Broughton, for a commission of attorney-general of the province of New York, pursuant to a warrant issued to that effect by her majesty, 48 June 28. Order. Capt. Richard Davis, of H. M. ship Triton's Prize, to cruise as far as the capes of Virginia, 49, 53 June 30. Order. Capt. Geo. Fane, of H. M. ship Lowestaffe, to cruise in the neighborhood of Sandy Hook, .' 50 July 10. Petition. Lieut. Charles Oliver, with his account for house rent and candles while stationed at Albany, 51 July 12. Order. Ebenezer Wilson, sheriff of the city and county of New York, to take into his custody the prisoners captured by capt. Davis, of the Triton's Prize, and order to capt. Richard Davis to deliver the above prisoners, 52, 53 July 11. Petition. Thomas Sharpe, gunner of the fort at Albany, in relation to his pay, 54 July 17. Petition. Lieut. Richard Hopson, to be repaid money advanced by him for his sheets and pillow cases, with account, 55, 56 July 17. Petition. Capt. James Weemes, to be repaid moneys advanced by him for repairs of the fort at Albany, with report, 56, 57 July 22. Report on petition of Hendrick Tenike and company, for land, 58 July 23. Order in council, referring the accounts of Peter Fauconnier, late commissioner, Ac, of the revenue, 59 Aug. 6. Account. Frederick Myndertsen, for his salary at the garrison at Albany, 6° Aug. 14. Petition. John Tuder, register of the Admiralty, for his salary, . . 60 Aufr. 14. Petition. William Anderson, on behalf of lieut. Philip Schuyler, for payment of disbursements for cleaning the chimneys in the fort at Schenectady, with account, 61 Auo- 16. Letter. The council to lord Cornbury, transmitting information NewYork. relating to the designs of the Indians of Long Island to destroy the whites, 62 45 354 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LIL GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1707. PAGE. Aug. 16. Letter. The council to col. Smith, directing him to have his New York. militia regiment (Suffolk co.) in readiness to act, in case of danger from the Indians, 62 Aug. 16. Letter. The council to col. Willett, Queens county, to hold his New York. regiment in readiness to act under the above circumstances, .... 62 Sept. 1. Order to provide provisions for the Frenchmen who brought the flag of truce from Canada, and account, 03 Sept. 2. Pass to Chambly, Jean Des Landes, Louis Soljett, Rene Coulon, Jean Baptiste Morriseau, and Jean Baptiste D'hercourt, bearers of the French flag of truce, to return to Canada, 64 Sept. 5. Account of fees due by Mr. Emott for the September term of the Supreme Court, New York, 65 Sept. 11. Petition. Lancaster Symes, R. Hopson and John Person, officers of H. M. forces in New York, in relation to the accommodation of the soldiers, 65 Sept. 11. Petition. Roger Mompesson, judge, Sampson Broughton, advo cate-general, John Tuder, register, and Jarvis Marshall, mar shal, of the Court of Admiralty, in relation to their salaries,. . . 66, 67 Sept. 12. Humble answer of Peter Fauconnier to the above memorial of Roger Mompesson, judge, and other officers of the Court of Admiralty, in this province, 68 Sept. 13. Order. Capt. Richard Davis, of H. M. ship Triton's Prize, to cruise between the capes of Delaware and the east end of Long island,. 69 Sept. 13. Order. Capt. Geo. Fane, to refit H. M. ship Lowestaffe, 70 Sept. Bills of clerk of Supreme Court against Messrs. Regnier, Bickley, Tuder, Jamison, George and Emott, advocates, for Sept. and Oct. terms, 7 i-'ys Oct. 7. Memorandum of the salary and fees of the secretary of the province, 74 Nov. 18. Petition. Robt. Livingston, for recognition of his commission as secretary of Indian affairs, 75 Nov. 19. Account. Lancaster Symes, for firewood for the fort at New York, and report thereon, ^g Oct. 20. Petition. Robert Walter, praying to be allowed to offset some warrants due him, against customs, with his account, 77, 7s Nov. 28. Order. Capt. George Fane to take 25 men from the Triton's Prize for H. M. ship Lowestaffe, and capt. Richard Davis to deliver the above men, ^g Dec. 6. Petition. Elizabeth, widow of Edward Cole, for the salary due her late husband as messenger to the council, 79 Dec. 8. Proclamation offering a reward for the arrest of Abraham Rideout, who was committed for a riot and broke jail, ,' 80 Nov. 20. Petition. Peter Fauconnier, late commissioner of the customs, in relation to his accounts, and for payment of a balance due him, with accounts, 81-85 Statement of money accounted for by Mr. Fauconnier to Mr. Clarke, and copy of a clause of his excellency's instructions, relating to the issuing of the public funds, with sundry accounts, * 86-88 Vol. LIL ] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 355 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1707. '. _ PAGE. June 19. Account. Thomas Wenham, for goods delivered for the expedition against the French privateers, with report thereon, 88, 89 Dec. 24. Order for the appraisal of the goods, Ac. of Rachel, widow of Isaac Rodrigue Marquez, late of New York, 90 Dec. 27. Order. Capt. Fane, of H. M. ship Lowestaffe, to convoy vessels to Barbadoes, Ac, 91 1708. Form of oath taken by the mayor of New York, 91 Jan. 22. Petition. Lancaster Symes, in relation to his account for firewood de livered at Fort Anne, New York, with account and report thereon, 92 Jan. .22. Account. George Clarke, for stationery and incidents of the secre tary's office, and report, 93 Jan. 26. Reply and petition of Peter Fauconnier, late commissioner of the revenue, on the further petition of the judge and other officers of the Admiralty against him, 94 Jan. 23. Petition. Cornelius Sebering, of Kings county, for a ferry grant between the island of Nassau and New York, reommended and signed by many of the inhabitants, 98 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 421.] Jan. 29. Petition. Rip van Dam, for payment of moneys advanced by him to the government in 1 702, 96 Feb. 4. Report on Adrian Beekmah's account for provisions, Ac, 98 Feb. 5. Petition. Mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, against the application of Cornelis Sibring and others, for a ferry, 99 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 423.] Feb. 19. Order. Capt. Wm. Cullen, of the sloop Eliza and Martha, to cruise between Sandy Hook and New York, 100 Feb. 25. Report of a committee of the council on rumors lately spread Con cerning sending letters to France, and giving information of the condition of New York, 1°1 [In N. Y. Doe. Hist., Ill, 431.] Feb. 9. Deposition. Maurice Newenhuysen, in relation to the above matter, 102, 104 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 428.] Feb. 24. Examination. John van Brugh, on the above subject, 103 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 430.] License. Hendrick Roelefsen to return from Canada, and with his wife to reside in this province, 106 License. Richard Sackett, to dispose by lottery of several lots of land lying in the city of New York and county of Dutchess, 107 Act of parliament for ascertaining the rates of foreign coins in her majesty's plantations in America. New York: Reprinted by William Bradford, 1708. (6th Anne), '. 108 1709. Sept. . 6. Report of a committee of the council on the act for encouraging seamen 109 356 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol LH. GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1708. - PAGE. March 4. Petition. Peter Fauconnier, late commissioner of the customs, for a final audit of his accounts, 109 March Account of fees clue clerk of the Supreme Court, by Messrs. Bickley, Nicol, Regnier, Jamison, Tuder, George and Emott, lawyers, 105-10T March 4. Petition. William Chambers, for payment of his claim for services in the expedition against the French privateers, 1705, 110 March 8. Order. Justices and other officers of the counties of Kings and Queens, to search for and arrest deserters from H. M. ship Tri ton's Prize, Ill March 17. Receipt (of Geo. Clarke) to Peter Fauconnier, for several warrants; not signed, Ill March 18. Pass. Thomas Hunt and John Steele, lately prisoners among the French, to return to Boston, 112 March 22. Order. Col. Peartree and capt. Symes, to inspect the powder belonging to H. M. ship Triton's Prize, 113 March 24. Order. Captains of merchantmen, not to hire or conceal any men belonging to ships of war, , 113 March 25. Account. Mary, widow of John Tuder, for her husband's salary,. . 114 April 6. Petition. Lancaster Symes, for payment for firewood delivered at Fort Anne ; with account and report thereon, 115 April 6. Order. Capt. Norbury, to impress seamen for H M. ship Triton's Prize, 116 April 7. Order. Thomas Willett, colonel of the regiment of militia of Queens co, to search for and arrest deserting seamen, 116 April 8. Petition. Peter Schuyler and John Abeel, two of the commission ers of Indian affairs at Albany, relative to their disbursements, . . 117 April C. Letter. Geo. Clarke to R. Horton, stating that letters of adminis- NewYork. tration on the estates of John Horton and Samuel Kniffen, of Westchester, and Richard Stiverts, of Eastchester, are ready for delivery, 117 April 8. Petition. Widow Newkirk, of New York, to be released from the payment of excise money, 118 April 8. Petition. Mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, for a grant of all land between high and low water mark on Nassau island, from the Wallabought to Red Hook, 119 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 425.] April 8. Petition. John Abeel, in behalf of Jacob Staats, surgeon, and the widow of Hendrick van Dyck, surgeon, for the payment of their claims, with accounts, 120, 121 April 8.. Petition. Peter Schuyler, for his pay for firewood furnished the garrison at Albany, 122 April S. Petition. Elizabeth Cole, for a quarter's salary due her husband, as messenger to the council, 123 April 9. Petition. William Cullen, for payment for the hire of his sloop Elizabeth and Martha ; account and report on the same, 124 Vcl. LIL] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 357 GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1708. April 13. Petition. Thomas Byerley, collector aud receiver-general, in rela tion to certain warrants issued to John Abeel, 125 April 15. Order. Thomas Miller, of Jerico, Queens co, to arrest deserting seamen, 126 April 16. Petition. William Carter, comptroller of the customs, for settling a table of fees for his office, 127 April 22. Table of the fees usually taken in the Admiralty within the province of New York, 128 April 19! License. William Bradford, to print certain documents for capt. Benjamin Faneuil, 129 April 29. Deposition. Francis Jones, of the sloop Elizabeth, about being chased at sea by a suspicious vessel, 130 May 1. Petition. Lieut. Richard Brewer, of the garrison at Albany, in relation to his house rent, 131, 136 May. Account. Lieut. Charles Oliver, for lodging, house rent, fire and candles, while stationed at Albany, 132 May 4. Account. Robt. Livingston, Jr., for his salary as storekeeper at Albany, 133 May 6. Petition. Lieut. John Collins stationed at Albany, for pay of house rent, 133 May 10. Order of the queen in council, to make the Lutherans that came out Kensington. of the Lower Palatinate in Germany, free denizens, 134 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., IU, 541.] May 20. Order of the queen in council, confirming nineteen acts passed by Kensington. the General Assembly of New York, between the years 1691 and 1705, 135 Account of fees due by Messrs. Jamison, Bickley, George, Nicoll, Emott and Regnier, lawyers, for the June term of the Supreme Court, 136-138 June 13. Order. Thomas Byerley, collector, to hire a revenue cutter to cruise inside of Sandy Hook to prevent smuggling, 138 June 24. Muster roll of lord Cornbury's Independent Company of Fusileers, 139 July 6. Petition. Peter Fauconnier, for a copy of the eharges against him, 140 July 8. Petition. Frederick Myndertsen, of Albany, blacksmith, for the payment of account attached to his petition, 141 July 13. Order. Capt. Coningsby Norbury, of H. M. ship Triton's Prize, to sail to the capes of Delaware, Ac, and convoy vessels thence,. . . 142 July 14. Order. Capt. Geo. Fane, of H. M. ship Lowestaffe, to cruise off Sandy Hook, 143 Aug. 3. Letter. Burdett Jodrell to George Clarke, secretary of New York, London. introducing John Bentley, a young man, and requesting his appointment to a clerkship in his office, 144 Auo-. 10. Letter. Henry Boyle, secretary of state, to lord Lovelace, inform- whitehaii. ing him that the queen proposes settling 52 German protestants 858 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LIL GOVERNOR CORNBURY. 1708. PAGE. in NewYork, and desiring him to grant 500 acres of land to their minister, Joshua de Kocherthal, for a glebe, 145 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., HI, 543.] Aug. 13. Order. Capt. Geo. Fane, to refit II. M. ship Lowestaffe in the port of New York, 145 Aug. 16. Petition. Peter Fauconier, late commissioner of the revenue, for a full meeting of the council to hear Mr. Byerley and himself, 146 Aug. 21. Answer. Thomas Byerley, to the petition of Peter Fauconier, 147 Aug. 26. Petition. Joannes Lydius, minister of the Dutch Reformed CUurch at Albany, for his pay for instructing the Five Nations of Indians in the Christian religion, 148 Aug. 27. Report of the council on the £1,800 tax, 149, 150 July 6. Petition. Lawrence Claessen, interpreter to the Five Nations, for his pay, with report thereon, 151, 152 Aug. 27. Order. Capt. Coningsby Norbury, to sail with IT. M. ship Triton's Prize to the capes of Virginia, to convoy vessels outward bound, 153 Aug. 30. Letter. Secretary Clarke to colonel Walters, requiring his prompt attendance at the meetings of the council, on pain of suspension, 153 Aug. 31. Order. Lieut. Wilcocks, to take the command of H. M. ship Triton's Prize, capt. Norbury having been taken sick, 154 Sept. 1. Petition. James Weemes, captain of one of the independent com panies stationed at Albany, for money disbursed by him, with vouchers and audit, 155-158 Sept. 2. Petition. Ebenezer Willson, for patent for a house and lot situate in Wall street, New York, 159 Sept. 3. Petition. John Stevens, for his pay as clerk to col. Peartree in the expedition of 1 705, 160 Sept. 6. Petition. Thomas Byerley, collector and receiver-general, in answer to an order of the council for his accounts, 161 Sept. 3. Minutes of the council on the affairs of Peter Fauconier, 162 Sept. 15. Petition. William Bradford, public printer, complaining that the receiver-general will not pay his salary, and other moneys long due him, with accounts, 163 Sept. 17. Report on William Bradford's petition and accounts, 164 Sept. 15. Petition. Robt. Livingston, secretary for Indian affairs, for his salary, 165 Sept. 17. Petition. Thomas Jones, of Nassau island, in relation to rum of his seized by the revenue officers, with report thereon, 167, 168 Sept. 17. Report on the petition of Michael Hawden, recommending an abatement of rent in his case, 169 Sept. 18. Petition. Elizabeth, widow of Edward Cole, for the balance of salary due him as messenger to the council, and pay for boarding two tpanish priests, 170, 171 Account. Elizabeth Cole, for boarding Padre Freay, Thomas Strada and Pedra (Padre ?) Pascoal, 172 Vol. LIIL] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 359 GOVERNORS CORNBURY, LOVELACE, &C. 1708. PAGE. Dates of the appointment of Edward Cole as messenger, and of his death, 172 Order for the impressment of all horses Edward Cole, messenger, may require, 172 Nov. 26. Report on the petition of Elizabeth Cole for her late husband's salary, and for boarding two Spanish priests, 172 Nov. 24. Petition. Henry Taylor, of Flushing, that his bond given to the revenue officers for some ruin, may be returned to him, 173 Sept. 23. Account. Henry Swift, for boarding the French captain and com pany that came from Albany ; report of the committee on the same, 1 *?* Sept. 23. Petition. Augustin Graham, for his pay for surveying Montauk, . . 175 Sept. SO. Petition. James Harding, against the passage of an act to enforce the covenants between him and the corporation of New York, in relation to the ferries, I'6 Oct. 1. Petition. Elias Pelletreau, tallow chandler, for the payment of his account for candles for the use of the fort, and account, 177 Oct. 4. Petition. P. Fauconnier, for the payment of his account for candles, 1 '8 Oct. 8. Accounts. John Abeel and William Hall, for labor and materials about the fort at Albany, and report on the same, 179 Oct. 8. Petition. Johannis de Peyster, for the payment of his account for firewood, and report on the same, I80 Oct 11. Petition. Lieut. Richard Brewer, one of the executors of the will of Thomas Sharpe, late gunner to the fort at Albany, for the pay due said Sharpe, 181 Oct. 18. Account. Thomas Byerley, of the expenses of the custom house boat from Sept. 29, 1707, to date, I82 Oct 18. Petition. Cornelius van Dyck, for payment of balance of salary due his late father, Hendrick van Dyck, surgeon, 183 VOLUME LIIL GOVERNORS CORNBURY. LOVELACE, &c 1?08. . . . Oct 25. Petition, Ebenezer Willson and Lancaster Symes, in relation to Thomas Byerley paying over to the present commissioners for executing the office of 'collector, Ac, the sum of £1,099.16.11*, in his hands, Oct. 26. Report on the claim of col. Schuyler for compensation for going to Albany to meet the Five Nations of Indians, last September, .... Oct 26. Account. Peter Schuyler, for candles furnished the forts at Albany and Schenectady, and report on the same, 360 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. tVoL- LIIT- — . i GOVERNOR LOVELACE. 1 708. . . PAGE. Nov. 19. Petition. John Bashan (or Bashard), blacksmith, for the payment of his account for work, Ac, on the fort of New York, and account, 4, 5, 30 Petition. Bernardus Freerman, late minister at Schenectade, for his salary as teacher of the Five Nations, from Aug. 25, 1700 to Aug. 25, 1702, . .* 7 Nov. 26. Commission. Jacob Mauritz, to be pilot for the port of New York, 8 Nov. 27. Account. Officers' salaries and other expenses of the General Assembly, for this session, 9 Dec. 15. Several accounts for work done on the custom house barge, 10 Dec. 15. Petition. Gertrude, relict of Stephanus van Cortlandt, for the pay ment of his claim as commissioner of the revenue, 11 Dec. 30. Petition. Richard Harris, for information as to whom he is to pay excise money, 12 1709. Jan. 7. Petition. William Stockes and other carmen of the city of New York, for payment of their account for carting materials for fortifying Fort Anne, 13 Jan. 12. Petition. Samuel Staats and Robert Walters, complaining of their suspension as members of the council by lord Cornbury, late governor, 14 Jan. 12. Petition. Magtelt, widow of Jasper Missepat, late of New York, and mother of Ab'm Gouverneur, that capt. Mathews and Ebenezer Wilson, sheriff of New York, may restore certain property of her husband, taken by them, 15 Jan. 13. Minutes of council on the petition of Samuel Staats and Robert Walters, 16 Jan. 13. Petition. Johannis Romer, Tunis Tiebout, Beverley Latham, Johannis van Gelder, Johannis Hybou and others, of New York, carpenters, for their pay for labor on the fortifications ; their account, 17, 18 Jan. 20. Petition. Lord Cornbury, late governor, Ac, for payment of arrears of his salary, Ac, 19 Jan. 20. Petition. Lord Cornbury, for further time to deliver over public papers, 20 Petition. WTilliam Lawrence, to be restored to the guardianship of John Lawrence, Jr., a lunatic, 21 Petition. Marjory, widow of Wm. Merret, for letters of administra tion on the estate of capt. John Tuder, in order to secure a debt, 22 Certificate. Richard Hartshorne, John Reid and others, as to the character of Jonathan, son of Thomas Herbert, a native of Middletown, 23 Jan. 20. Petition. Robert Livingston, secretary of Indian affairs, remon strating against a representation of lord Cornbury vand the council, that his office was useless and a public burden, and pray ing that he be recommended to her majesty, so that it may not be abolished, and that he be paid the arrears of his salary (with), 24 Vol. LIIL] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 361 GOVERNOR LOVELACE. 1695. Oct. 11. Extract of a report of the board of trade relating to Robert Liv ingston's petition, 24 1696. Jan. 2. Extract of a report of the lords of the treasury on Robert Living ston's case, recommending that he have a salary of £100 a year for life, with sundry offices, 24 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, IV, 141.] 1698. June 28. Report of the late earl of Bellomont on Robert Livingston's case,. 24 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, IV, 331.] 1705. Jan. 10. Report of the board of trade recommending that the suspension of Robert Livingston be taken off, 24 Jan. 11. Order of the queen in council, directing that the suspension of said Robert Livingston be removed, 24 1709. Jan. 20. Petition. Elias Pelletreau, tallow chandler, for the paj'ment of his. bill for candles, and account, 25> 26 Jan. 20. Petition. William Anderson, for an enlargement of the time within which to give security as sheriff of New York, 27 Jaa. 20. Petition. Lancaster Symes, Ebenezer Willson and col. Peter Schuyler, in relation to their claims for firewood, Ac, furnished the g'arrisons at New York and Albany, 28 Jai. 20. Petition. Isaac de Riemer, for redress against lord Cornbury for false imprisonment in 1702, • 29 Jan. 21. Petition. Elders and deacons of the Dutch churches in Brookland, Flatbush, Flatlands, in Kings county, praying that an inquiry be instituted as to the difficulties in said churches, 31 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 14?.] Jan. 27. Petition. John Harris, Mangell Jansen Roll, John Canon and other boatmen of New York, for their pay for carrying sods from the Jersies to the fort at New York, with account, 33, 34 Feb. 3. Answer. Thos. Byerley, collector and receiver-general, to lord Cornbury's petition (supra, p. 19), 35 Feb. 3. Answer. Thos. Byerley, collector and receiver-general, to Lancaster Symes and Ebenezer Willson's petition (supra, p. 1), 36 Jan 31. Answer. Lord Cornbury, to the petition of Dr. Samuel Staats and Robert Walters (p. 14), 37 Feb. 10. Petition. Lord Cornbury, in answer to Thos. Byerley, and' request ing that a day be appointed for hearing the parties, 38 Feb 3. Petition. Cornelius Sibering, Englebert Lott and Cornelis van Brunt, in answer to the allegations contained in the petition ot the pretended elders of the Dutch Reformed Church of Brooklyn, Ac, 39 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., Ill, 149.] Feb. -10. Petition. Henry Swift, for payment of a dinner given to lord Lovelace at the fort, on his arrival at New York, with bill, 40 4Q 862 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LIIL GOVERNOR LOVELACE. 1 709. - PAGE. Feb. 11. Replication. Samuel Staats and Robert Walters, to the answer of lord Cornbury, 41 Feb. 10. Reply. Lancaster Symes and Ebenezer Willson, to the answer of Thomas Byerley, collector and receiver-general, 42 Feb. 10. Petition. Lord Cornbury, late governor, for payment of money due him for several journeys to Albany, Ac, 43 Feb. 11. Petition. John Abeel, for pay for blankets furnished the men under capt. Thos. Higbie, at Albany, in 1704, 44 Feb. 11. Petition. Robt. Livingston, secretary for Indian affairs, requesting that the mem6ers of the council may furnish their reasons in writing against the utility of his office, and that a copy be given him, 45 Feb. 17. Petition. Lord Cornbury, for a speedy hearing of the allegations set forth by Dr. Samuel Staats and Robert Walters, in their replication (supra, p. 41), 46 Feb. 24. Petition. Lord Cornbury, for a speedy examination of his accounts, with items, 47 Feb. 24. Petition. Lord Cornbury, for the prompt payment of several warrants held by him, with list of said warrants, 48 March 3. Veto of the act of the General Assembly of New York, regulating and preventing the corruption of the current coin, 49 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, V, 71.] March 6. Articles exhibited by the elders, Ac, of the Dutch Reformed churches in the towns of Brookland, Flatbush and Flatlands, on the island of Nassau, reconciling the differences among them, ... 50 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., Ill, 152.] March 5. Proposals offered by Cornelius Seabring, Inglebert Lot and Cornelius van Brunt, on behalf of themselves, Ac , members of the Dutch churches of Flatbush, Brookland and New Utrecht, in the interest of domine Bernardus Freerman, their minister,. . . 51 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, III, 151.] March 23. Order. Nicholas Tienhoven, to pilot H. M. ship Kingsale, captain Clifton, commander, to sea, 52 April (sic.) Certificate. J. Redknap and John Riggs, that William Hobbs was [May.] employed in Fort Anne in mounting the great guns, by order of governor Lovelace, deceased, 53 April 4. Memorandum of a statement made by captain George Fane, as to moneys of his, in the hands of captain Giles Shelley, 54, 55 April 6. Message from the sachems of the Five Nations, relative to the peace to be concluded with the Waganhaes at Onondage, and answer of the commissioners for Indian affairs, 56 April 18. Address. John Hamlin and William Whiting, delegates from the governor and council of Connecticut to lord Lovelace, requesting that the Five Nations be called ou to engage in the War against Canada, : 57 April 19. Report on the propositions of the Five Nations to make peace with 4. the Waganhaes, 58 Vol. LIIL] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 363 PRESIDENT SCIIUYLER AND LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR INGOLDESBY 1709. PAOE. April 23. Affidavits. Griffith Lewis and Mary Hutchins, that Henry Hutchins never belonged to any of H. M. ships, 59 May 23. Commission. Francis Nicholson to be commander-in-chief of the forces to be sent against Canada, 60 Receipts and accounts for disbursements by the late lord Lovelace for the garrison at New York, 61-04 May 10. List of papers delivered to Richard Ingoldesby, lieut.-governor of New York, 65 May 9. Passengers. Nathaniel and Samuel Astwood, and Kate, a negro, in the ship Three Brothers, 65 May 14. Petition. Lord Cornbury, for an early hearing of his charges against Thomas Byerley, collector, Ac, 66 Resolution of the Assembly appointing a committee to confer with a committee of the council, and cols. Vetch and Nicholson, for the present expedition, with memorandum of agenda, 67 May 19. Order. Johannes van Gelder and Peter Williamse to impress four house carpenters, 68 May 19. Order. Captain Richard Davis, of H. M. ship Maidstone, to bring to the port of New York all vessels lying at the Whitestone, Ac, 68 May 19. Resolution of thanks to col. Nicholson by the General Assembly,. . 69 May 19. Letter. Lieut, gov. Ingoldesby to the commissioners of Indian New York. affairs, relative to the expedition to Canada, 70 May 19. Order. Lancaster Symes and William Chambers to take an account of the provisions on board the several vessels in the harbor, 71 May 19. Order. Col. Henry Beekman to send a detachment of sixty men, Ac, to Albany, ' ^ May 19. Order. Col. Peter Schuyler to detach ninety men to make canoes, 72 May 19. Order. Ebenezer Willson, mayor of New York, to prevent the exportation of provisions, '2 Mav 19 Order. Cols. Rutzen and De Myer to send the Minisink, Highland and adjoining Indians to Albany, with Mr. Davis (col. Beeck- man's wife's son) as interpreter, '3 May 20. Council minute relative to col. Nicholson's declining the command of the expedition to Canada, "4 May 20. Order to purchase arms in the city of New York, 74 Mav 21- Order. Captains Robert Walters, Lawrence Read, John dePeyster and Robert Lurting to impress gunsmiths, 74 Mav 21 Order. Col. Henry Smith, col. Richard Floyd and major Thomas ' ' Jones, to engage the Long island Indians to join the expedition to Canada, Mav 21. Order. Col. Peter Schuyler to give the necessary instructions to the 7 detachment under capt. John Riggs, marching to Wood creek, . . 75 Mav 23. Memorandum with regard to forming the troops of Connecticut, ftiay ^^ jerg^ and pe*nsylvania into companies of fifty men each, 75 364 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LIIL PRESIDENT SCHUYLER AND LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR INGOLDESBY. 1709. PAGE. May 23. Commission. Peter Schuyler to be colonel of one of the regiments to be sent against Canada, 76 May 23. Petition. Dirck Amerman and Teunis Johnson, of Flatlands, in relation to the right of fishery on Racowa beach, 77 May 23. Report of sundry arms in New York and the fort, . . '. 78, 83 Letter. William Brown to the council, as to the number of armorers and blacksmith for the expedition to Canada, 79 May 23. Commission. Col. Peter Schuyler to command all the Indians in the expedition against Canada, 80 May 24. Orders to capt. John Riggs, commanding the detachment sent to Wood creek, 80 May 24. Petition. John Rayner, attorney-general, to be heard before the council on the bill regulating the fees of attorneys, 81 Names of officers for capt. Weemes detachment and list of necessaries to be furnished, ¦ 28 May 25. Order to capt. John Riggs, relating to the clothing, Ac, for the troops, 28 May 25. Memorandum. Col. Saltonstall's information that the Long Island Indians desire to go on the expedition ; sloops with provisions for the troops to be sent through the St. Lawrence to Quebec and Montreal, 84 May 25. Order. Capt. Bond, storekeeper, to deliver ammunition to col. Saltonstall, 85 May 26. Order. Capt. John Riggs to take command of the detachment of troops sent by Connecticut to Albany, 85 May 26. Order. Capt. John Clifton, of H. M. ship Kingsale, to cruise off Sandy Hook, 86 May 28. Petition. Nicholas Brouwer of Kings county, for permission to use the waters in Gouwanes for a mill he is about to erect there, .... 87 Deo. 30. Reasons for repealing the following acts, viz.: An act for regulating and establishing fees, passed 24 May, 1709 ; An act to relieve this colony from divers irregularities and extortions, passed 6th Oct., 1708, 88 Table of sheriffs' fees for the Supreme Court and Court of Sessions, 89 Table of fees most humbly offered by the council and attorneys of the Supreme Court as reasonable to be allowed them in the prose cution of actions and suits in the said court, according to the different nature of the pleadings and entries in such prosecutions, 90 June 6. Amendments reported to the bill, to send a detachment of four hundred men out of the colony, 92 June 7. Reasons of the assembly for not agreeing to the 4th, 11th and 13th amendments made by the council, to the bill entituled an act to detach 487 men out of this colony, 92 June 7. Reasons of the council for their adherence to the aforesaid'amend- ments, 92 Sept. 24. Report of the committee of the council amending the bill to prevent the exportation of gold and silver coin, 93 Vol. LIIL] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 365- LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR INGOLDESBY. 1709. TAGE. June 8. Report of the committee of the council on the bill for laying an excise on all liquors retailed in the colony, 93 June 14. Letter. Caleb Heathcote to lieut. gov. Ingoldesby ; has enlisted the Eastchester. quota of men from Westchester county ; Roger Barton, capt, Noah Barton, 1st lieut, Moses Fowler, 2d do, 94 June 14. Memorial. Capt. Peter Mathews, in relation to equipments for his company, 94 Names of persons recommended as officers for Albany : John Sanders Glenn, captain ; John Bronk, lieut. ; Edward van Ess, lieut.; Wessel Ten Brock, captain; Garret Wingert, lieut. ; Gosen van Schaick, lieut. : for Ulster : Wessell Ten Brock, capt. ; John Paulin, lieut. ; Elias van Bunscoten, lieut. : for New York : Johannis D'Honeur, capt. ; Jacob D'Key, lieut. ; Barent Staats, lieut, 95 List of stores required and received for the forces on the expedition against Canada, 95 June 15. List of men in capts. Peter Mathews and Lancaster Symes' com panies, unfit for service, »....'. 96, 97 June 18. Petition. Henry van Ball, of New York, mariner, that a writ of error brought by Roger Bret, on a judgment in au action of trover, for rigging, rum, slaves " and other merchandise," may be speedily prosecuted, 98 June 21. Memorial. Lieut, gov. Ingoldesby and council to col. Samuel Vetch, adjutant-general, for a supply of arms for New York, 99 June 21. Order. Sheriff of Suffolk county, to cause the Indians in that county to appear before the lieut. governor, 100 June 21. Council minute. Cols. Nicholson and Vetch's communication in relation to arms ; the crier to be sent around the city to notify parties to bring them in, 101 June 22. Letter. Governor, council and representatives of the province, to NewYo*. capt. George Gordon, of H. M. ship Lowestaffe, to delay his sailing till they can prepare an address to the queen, 102 June 23. Order. Col. Mathews to embark the forces for Albany, and to make a road thence to Wood creek, 103 June 23. Warrant to prepare commissions for Daniel Sayer and Mordecai Holman, as lieutenants in col. Schuyler's company, 103 June 27. Address. Governor and council of Rhoad Island and Providence Plantations to col. Francis Nicholson, 104 [In Rhode Island Col. Rec, IV, 74.J June 27. Letter. Samuel Cranston, governor of Rhode Island, to col. Rhode wand. - Nicholson, with the above address, ' "4 [In Rhode Island Col. Rec, IV, 73.J June 29. Instructions to the messenger sent to Onondaga to invite the Five Nations to Albany, to take up the hatchet against the French; Joncaire and all the priests and Frenchmen among them, to be seized and brought to Albany, 10j 366 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LIIL LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR INGOLDESBY. 1708. PAGE. June 29. Petition. Joshua Kocherthal, minister to the Palatines, for a free passage to England, . . „ 1°^ [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 546.] Aug. 18. Petition. Joshua Kocherthal, minister, for a certificate of character, Ac, he being about going to England, 108 July 1. Petition. John Conrad Codweis, schoolmaster, to be admitted into the German company, 1 09 Oct. 10. Petition. Jonathan Taylor, of Woodbury, to the Court of Assist ants, at Newhaven, for a divorce from his wife Hannah, on the ground of adultery, 110 Sept. 13. Affidavit. Isaiah Bartlett and Jeremiah Thomas, that the above Hannah lives and cohabits with one Joseph Allyn, a negro servant of Mr. Sacket, of the province of New York, 110 Oct. 5. Order of the court at Hartford, that the above Hannah Taylor answer before the court on the above complaint, 110 1709. May 3. Order of the court at Hartford, that application be made to the governor of New York, for the arrest and rendition of the above Hannah Taylor, 110 Sept. 8. Petition. Joseph Hegeman, Peter Nevius and Jeronimus Remsen, on the behalf of the elders and deacons of the Dutch Reformed Protestant churches of the towns of Flatbush, Flatlands and Brookland, in relation to the irregularities of the rev. Bernardus Freerman, and order of* the council thereon, Ill [In N. Y. Doc Hist., Ill, 155, 156.] Sept. 12. Affidavit. Henry van Ball, of New York, merchant, that he is the owner of two-thirds of the sloop Sea Horse, 112 Sept. Bill of costs against Mr. Nicolls, Sept. Term Sup. Court, 112 Sept. 14. Report of the majority of the council on the petition of the elders, Ac, of the Dutch churches of Flatbush, Flatlands and Brookland, iu favor of the rev. Mr. Antonides, 113 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 159.] Sept. 19. Petition. Theodoras Polhemus, John Hansen, Christian Snedecare and Jno. Snedecore, elders of the Dutch congregation in Queens county (sic), against the rev. Mr. Antonides, and in favor of the rev. Mr. Freerman, 114 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., Ill, 156.] Sept. 21. Order of the General Assembly, appointing Mr: Hardenbrook to wait on the council and inform it of the appointment of a com mittee in relation to their message, 115 Petition. Daniel Duncan, for payment of bill of repairs on his room in the fort, at New York, # lie Sept. 23. Petition. The German company at Quack (sic) creek and Thanska- mir, in relation to their daily allowance, wj [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 547.] Sept. 24. Petition. Cornelius Sebring and Cornelius van Brunt, in behalf of themselves and others of the Dutch congregation of Kings Vol. LIIL] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 367 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR INGOLDESBY. 1709. PAGE. county, against rev. Mr. Antonides confirming certain elders and deacons, 118 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 157.] Sept. 24. Affidavit. Peter Herring, in relation to seeing Mr. Antonides confirm certain elders of Bruycklandt, 119 [In N. Y. Doe. Hist., Ill, 158.] Oct. 8. Report to the council on the bill for the treasurer paying certain sums of money ; also on the bill for levying divers sums of money for defraying the charge of the colony, 120 Oct. 6. Report on the petition of the elders and deacons of the Dutch churches of Bruckland, Flatbush and New Uytrecht, 121 Oct. 10. Petition. John Conrad Codweis, urging that provision be made for support of the German company (Palatines) for the winter, 122 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 548.] Oct. 14. Petition. P. Fauconier, late commissioner of the revenue, in rela tion to his claims, with orders in council, 123-125, 129 Oct. 22. Petition. Richard Harris, in relation to his indebtedness to the queen, 126 Oct. 22. Petition. Elders and deacons of the Dutch Reformed churches of Brookland, Flatbush and Flatlands, in favor of rev. Mr. Antonides, 127 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., Ill, 163.] Oct. 27. Petition. Cornelius Seberingh and Cornelius van Brunt, on behalf of themselves and others of the Dutch churches of Flatbush, Brookland and New Utrecht, for a decision in the matter of the rev. Messrs. Freerman and Antonides, 128 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., Ill, 164.] Oct. 24. Petition. Peter Fauconnier, late commissioner, Ac, for copies of certain orders respecting the enforcement of the excise laws, 129 Oct. 27. Petition. Robert Milward, second justice of the Supreme Court, in relation to his salary, ] 30 Oct. 29. Petition. William Anderson, that his bond as sheriff of the city and county of New York be canceled, -. 131 Dec Opinion of chief justice Jamison, of New Jersey, on the application of the acts of trade to the commerce between New York and New Jersey, [In N. Y. Col. Doc, V, 235.] Minutes of the legislative council of New York, 4 July, 1713, 133 Oct. 31 . Reports to the council on sundry bills, 134, 135 Account, debit and credit, of Charlotte, lady. Lovelace, with the colony of New York, per John Johnson, her attorney, 1*7 Nov 9. Petition. Walter Thong, John Roy, Ch. Crommelin, Benj. Faneuil, Wm Glen Cross and Richard Willett, merchants of New York, for a convoy to their vessels bound to the West Indies, 137 Nov 9. Reports on the bill for levying ten thousand pounds of plate, and on the act for an assignment to lady Lovelace, ^» Nov. 11. Petition. Vincentius Antonides, minister of the Dutch Reformed 368 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LIIL LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR INGOLDESBY. 1709. PAGE. churches of Brookland, Flatbush and Flatlands, explaining why he cannot comply with an order of the council in his case, 139 Nov. 11. Petition. John Schuyler, of Albany, that a French priest and his servant, prisoners in Albany, may be exchanged for his cousin, lieut. Barent Staats, a prisoner in Canada, 1 40 Nov. 11. Resolution of the assembly in relation to the exchange of prisoners of war, .' 141 Nov. 12. Resolution of the assembly to send an address to the queen, by col. Peter Schuyler, who intends sailing for England, 142 Nov. 17. Order. Capt. Jno. Clifton, of H. M. ship Kingsale, to proceed with that vessel and the Maidstone to the West Indies as a con voy, &c, 143 Dec 15. Memorandum of sundry votes of the council on various acts passed from May 29, 1684 to date, 144 Dec. 15. Order of the queen in council, confirming sundry acts of the legis- ' st. James. latui-e of Ne vv York, 145 Dec 15. Veto of the acts reguMting fees ; to relieve the colony from divers irregularities and extortions ; to enable the mayor, Ac, of New York, to raise six hundred pounds, 146 Dec 15. Report of the council on the petition of Peter Fauconnier, in rela tion to the bond of Jacob Leisler, Cor's dePeyster and Isaac De Reimer, concerning the accounts of Mr. Weaver, 147 Petition. David Lyell, sealer of weights and measures, claiming exemption from militia service, by virtue of his office, 148 Petition. Christopher Rousby, in relation to his controversies with Paroculus Parmyter, 149 1710. Jan. 19. Lett'er. Lords of trade to col. Hunter, relative to illegal trading Whitehall. (with), 150 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, V, 259.] Extracts of three memorials, relating to illegal trade carried on between Curocoa, St. Thomas and the British plantations, 151 Jan. 10. Writ for the election of a representative for the county of Westchester, 152 Petition. Judges and justices of the peace of Westchester county, against the removal of causes from their court, under the value of £20, 152 Feb. 8. Petition. Rev. Mr. Antonides to be protected in his right as pastor of the churches of Brookland, Flatlands and Flatbush, 153 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 167.] Feb. 15. Memorial. Wm. Bond, storekeeper, in relation to powder in the fort, and recommending that steps be taken for its preservation,. . 154 Account of bedding, Ac, received from Mr. Cockerill for the use of lord Lovelace's company, 154 Feb. 15. Petition. Johannes Beekman for permission to dispose of several lots of land in New York by lottery, 155 Feb. 10. Warrant committing Francis Godbolt and Anne Godbolt to the jail of Salem, N. J, on a charge of larceny, 156 Vol. LIIL] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 369 PRESIDENT BEEKMAN. IflO. PAGE. Feb. 20. Bail bond for said Francis Godbolt and his subsequent surrender by his surety, 156 Jan. 23. Deposition. Benjamin Wright in the above case, whereby it appears that Godbolt was surrendered by his bail because he refused to become his indented servant for two years, which was the only way he could escape prosecution, 156 Feb. 23. Petition. Melchior Gulch, joiner, a Palatine, for a grant of land, Ac, 157 Petition. Lidia Rose, widow, that Jacob Regnier, attorney, may pay her money collected of William Bickley, 158 Petition. William Brown, armorer of Fort Anne, New York, for his pay, 158 March 2. Petition. Wm. Davis aud Wm. Chambers to be admitted to offices in the customs, 159 March 20. Commission. Joseph Hunt, to be captain of militia, Westchester county, 160 March 20. Petition. William Aertszen, to be released from paying excise money, with order of the council thereon, 161, 1C2 March 24 Petition. Henry Swift, that his bill for a dinner prepared for lord Lovelace, may be offset against his account for excise, 163 List of Palatines remaining in New York, 164 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 562.] Scheme of the salaries of officers employed in settling the Palatines, 160 April 10. Account current. J. Abeel, with Thomas Cockerill, for the subsist ence of the companies at Albany, 167 April 11. Letter. S. Clowes to president Beekman, in relation to a riot in the Jamaica. church at Jamaica, 168 April 12. Petition. Rev. Mr. Antonides, to be protected in his office of minister, 169 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 109.] April 13. Petition. Stephen de Lancey, John Cruger and George Norton, that William Anderson, sheriff of New York, give security, 170 April 14. Return. J. Hardenburgh, sheriff, that Andries De Witt, of Kingston, was chosen coroner for the counties of Ulster and Dutchess, ] 7l April 17. Petition. Justices and sheriff of Kings county, in relation to the difficulties in the Protestant Dutch churches there, and in support of rev. Mr. Antonides, 1 ?2 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, III, 168.] April 18. Petition. William Anderson, sheriff of New York, for copy of the petition of Stephen de Lancey and others, against him, 173 April 19. Return. Justices of the peace of Queens county, in relation to the action of iustice Read,' as to the difficulties in the church at t • T74 Jamaica, ni [In N. Y. Doc Hist., Ill, 215.] ? April 20 Petition. John Bradick, of New York, mariner, for permission to sail to Port Royal with a flag of truce and French prisoners, 175 47 370 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LIV. GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1710. PAGE. April 20. Petition. Benjamin Faneuil, of New York, merchant, for permis- ' sion to ship butts and casks to Newfoundland, 176 April 21. Petition. Myndert Schuyler and Johannes Cuyler, of Albany, in relation to the defense of that city, and praying that martial law be proclaimed there, with order of the council thereon, .... 177, 178 April 22. Petition. John Cruger, Stephen de Lancey and George Norton, complaining that William Anderson, sheriff of- New York, had allowed Edward, lord Cornbury, to escape from his custody, and praying that he be dismissed from his office, 179 April 21. Petition. Benjamin Faneuil and Andries Fresneau, of New York, to load a vessel for Lisbon with wheat, 180 April ¦ 27. Petition. Philip Hedman, complaining of an exorbitant bill of costs of Jacob Regnier, , 181 April 27. Petition. Daniel Remsen and Cornelius Seberingh, members of the Dutch Reformed church of Flatbush and Brookland, praying that the decision in the difficulties in their church may be postponed until the arrival of gov. Hunter, 182 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., Ill, 182.] April 27. Parol. John Arms, a prisoner, that he will return to Canada if Fort Nicholson. not exchanged, 183 April 29. Petition. Wm. Anderson, sheriff of New Y"ork, in answer to complaints against hiin, 184, 185 April 29. Opinion. Attorney-general Bickley, in the matter of William Anderson, sheriff of New York, 186 VOLUME LIV. GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1710. April 29. List of German Palatines who, by a common division, have taken into their possession all the tools which were given by the queen to Melchior Gulch, joiner, 1 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., Ill, 550.] April 29. Petition. Benjamin Faneuil and Andrew Fresneau for permission to export wheat, 2, 8 May 5. Petition. John Abeel, in relation to the payment of the forces stationed at Albany, 3 May 5. Petition. Andrew Gibson, master of the sloop Dolphin, in relation to tonnage duty, 4 May 5. Petition. Gerrit Onckelbag, of New York, to be released from the payment of excise money, 5 May 17. Affidavit. Wm. Hawkins in relation to a bill of costs in a suit between Adrian Hooglant and Philip Headman, Jacob Regnier, attorney ; bills of costs, g Vol. LIV.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 371 GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1710. PAGE. May 19. Petition. George Woolsey, Hope Carpenter, Jonas Wood, Richard Oldneld, Samuel Mills and Jeremiah Smith, of Jamaica, Queens county, to have a fine remitted, 7 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, III, 216.] June 1. Petition. Luis Gomez and son and Abraham De Lucena, of New York, merchants, for permission to export wheat, 9 June 1. Petition. Tierck Harmanse Fisher, of Albany, relating to the detention by the sheriff of his negro, for jail fees, 10 April 10. Proceedings of a Court of Oyer and Terminer in the case of the negro " York," the property of T. Harmanse Fisher, tried at Albany for burglary to the value of sixpence, and sentenced to be whipped round that city, 11 June 8. Petition. Luis Gomez and son of New York, in relation to the exportation of wheat, 1 2 June 8. Petition. Lancaster Symes and Philip Rokeby, lieutenants of the governor's company, for subsistence money, 13 June 12. Petition. Vincentius Antonides, minister, and the elders and deacons of the Protestant Reformed Dutch churches of the towns of Flatbush, Flatlands and Brookland, in relation to their church difficulties, * * [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 172.] Various bills of costs, 15-1?, 54-56, 73-75 June 22. List of the civil officers within the city of New York, 18 June 23. List of the civil officers of Kings county, and names of persons proposed to be added to the list of justices, 19, 38 June 25. List of civil officers of the county of Westchester, 20 June 25. Petition. Joris Elswort of New York, relative to a suit brought against him by his negro slave, and praying the rendition of said negro, 2 1 June 26. List of officers belonging to the regiment of militia in the city of New York, 22 June 28. Petition. Melchior Gulch, palatine, joiner, for a grant of land at Quaseck Creek, Ac. (Newburgh), 23 June 29. Petition. Nicholas Tienhoven and Jacob Mauritz, for the renewal of their warrants as pilots ; reference, 24, 25 July 3. Report on the above petition ; rates of pilotage, 26 July 8. Commission. Jacob Mauritz and Nicholas Tienhoven to be pilots, . 27 July 4. Petition. Francis Sherman, for his subsistence while stationed at Albany, • • • ¦ • 28 July 5. List of the civil officers in the county of Ulster, 29 July 8. List of the civil officers in the county of Richmond, 30 List of officers of the militia for the counties of Ulster and Dutchess, 3 1 July 12. Ordinance establishing Courts of Judicature for the government of the Palatines on Nutten island, 6i [In N. Y. Doc, HI, 554.] 372 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LIV. GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1710 PAGE. July. Commission of the peace for Nutten island, 33- July 13. Question by Rip van Dam, with regard to the powers of the presi dent out of the council, 34 July 28. Petition. John Everet, sheriff of Queens county, for the appre hension of John Harrold, accused of having murdered Jonathan Everet, 35 July 20. Account of the stores on board the sloop Calidonia, John Chisem, master, 36 July 24. Petition. Thomas Benson, surgeon to the Palatines, for relief, .... 37 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, III., 558.] List of militia officers of Orange county, < 38 Lists of civil and militia officers of Suffolk county, 38, 39 July 25. List of justices of the peace for Ulster county, 39 July 25. List of persons for whom commissions are made out in the counties of Albany, Dutchess, Orange, Kings, Queens, Richmond, Suffolk, Ulster and Westchester, 40 July 25. Petition. Anna, widow and executrix of Andrew Grevenraet, for the payment of a warrant transferred to her husband by the earl of Clarendon, 41 July 27. Petition. Elias Pelletreau, for pay for candles furnished Fort Anne, and account, 42 July 27. Petition. William Stokes, Daniel Jones, Robert Bussey, John Lucas, John Dyer, Benjamin Amstead, Edward Merritt, Edward Davis, and George William, for their pay for labor on the fortifir cations of New York, 43 July 31. Petition. Thomas Byerly, for a writ of supersedeas on the writ of ne exeat provinciam sued out against him, 44 Aug. Account. . Richard Davis, surveyor and searcher of customs, of tobacco seized and condemned, 45 Memorial. Thomas Burnet, George Ogilvie, Edm. Blood, and other lieutenants lately arrived from England for the Canada expedition, for pay and subsistence money, 45 Sept. 1. Petition. Elizabeth, wife of George Sydenham, of Albany, for relief against his ill treatment, 46 Aug. 7. List of commissions, Ac, sent to Queens county, 47 Aug. 10. Letter. Roger Brett to Geo. Clarke, inviting gov. Hunter to call ruhkiii. on him on his way from Albany, 48 Aug. 12. List of the inhabitants and slaves in Ulster county, 49 Aug. 18. Return of Jacobus van Cortland, Stephen De Lancey, Lawrence Reade, and Johannes Jansen, to be representatives for the city and county of New York, 50 Aug. 21. Conference. Governor Hunter with the Five Nations of Indians, . 51 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, V, 217.] Aug. 30. Petition. Moses Gilbert, of New England, mariner, for damages done his sloop, , 52, 60 Vol. LIV.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 373 GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1710. . PAGE. Sept. Report of amendments to the act for the settlement and assuring of lands in this colony, 53 Sept. 1. Account of fat cattle bought by gov. Hunter for the Palatines, 57 Account of Augustin Graham, surveyor-general, for surveying. Schoharie for the Palatines, 58 Sept. 8. Petition. Thomas Byerley, collector, Ac, in relation to his fees, with tariff of fees annexed, 59, 72 Sept. 8. Petition. Peter Rbose and Robert Bensing, in relation to some tobacco seized for duty, 61 Sept. 9. Petition. William Carter, comptroller of the customs, in relation to his fees, with copy of a letter from Robert Quary on that subject, ' 62 Sept. 9. Petition. Thomas Higbee, his officers and soldiers, for their pay, . . 63 Sept. 13. Petition. Abraham De Lucena, minister for the Jews, to be exempted from all offices and duties, civil and military, 64 Sept. 15. Letter. Gov. Hunter to the justices of Kings county, in relation to NewYork. Mr. Antonides and Mr. Freerman, 65 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 175.] Sept. 16. Account. John Christof Kurtz and John Philips Ruger, as sur geons to the Palatines, 66 Sept. 25. Account. Estate of Thomas Cockerell against George Clarke, for stationery, Sept. 25. Petition. Roger Brett, against the passage of a bill for the better settlement and assuring of lands, Ac, 67 Sept. 25. Report on the bill for the better settling the militia, Ac, 68 Sept 25. Affidavit. Jacob Regnier, attorn ey-at-law, in relation to the arrest ' of John Morfet, of New Jersey, and his rescue while in the hands of Barefoot Brinson, sheriff of Middlesex and Somerset, 69, 70 Sept. 28. Petition. William Davis, surveyor and searcher of the revenue, in relation to his fees, ' * Oct. 7. Account. James Du Pre, of wood cut at Morisania, with names ^ _ of laborers, Ac, ' Oct. 10. Letter. John Clapp to secretary Clarke, with return of the names Westchester. of men from 16 years to 60, in the county of Westchester, Ac,. 77 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., Ill, 945.] Dec. 9. List of the inhabitants of the town of New Rochelle, 78 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., Ill, 946.] Oct. 11. Warrant for the arrest of Thomas Butler, a deserter from the garrison, New York, Oct Table of fees proposed by the counsel and attorneys of the Supreme Court, to be allowed them in the prosecution of suits, 79 Oct 12. Memorial. Thos. George, H. Wilman M. Bickley, Jacob Regnier, S. Broughton and David Jamison, lawyers, in relation to their j, 80 fees, Oct 15 Writ of execution against George Sidenham and William Green, in favor of Isaac De Riemer, 374 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LIV. GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1710. . PAUE. Oct. 17. Petition. Lowrens Classen, interpreter of the Five Nations of Indians, for his pay, with account, 82 Oct. 19. Account of the distribution of provisions among 518 Palatines, ... 83 Oct. 19. Dedimus Potestatem. George Clarke, to administer the oath of an executrix to Wyntie, widow of Evert Beyvank, late of the borough of Westchester, dec'd, 84 Oct. 24. Petition. Hillegonda van Slightenhorst, of New York, in relation to an action of defamation brought against her by Sarah Rosen- krans, with the report of chief justice Mompesson on the irregu larities of the proceedings thereon, 85 Oct; 27. Minutes of a special court held in Jamaica, L. I, in the case of Thomas Poyer, minister, vs. Samuel Coe and Daniel Smith, church wardens, 86-89 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, III, 219.] Nov. 1. Letter. John Barclay, in relation to a house for the governor at Perth Amboy. Burlington ; political intrigues of Messrs. Cox, Bass, Sonmans and others, 90 Nov. 1. Affidavit. George Willocks, Thomas Farmer, John Rudyard, John Johnston, Jr., and John Barclay, in relation to words spoken by Peter Sonmans at an election at Burlington, 91 Nov. 2. Petition. Mary, widow of capt. John Tuder, for the pay due him as register of the Court of Admiralty, 92 Nov. 2. Report of a joint committee of the council and assembly, on the account of taxes received by Abraham Depeyster, late treasurer of the colony, ,„ • 93 Nov. 6. Petition. William Davis, surveyor of customs, against an act for the more ease of trade passed by the Assembly, 94 Several accounts and receipts for and on account of the Palatines, by Adrian Hooglandt, Andries Hardenbrook, Peter Macher, An drew Baggs, Jan Banner, John Cast, John Chesham, and G. van Horn, 95 Nov. 7. Inventory of the palatine goods under the charge of Thomas du Pi e, commissary of stores, 96 Nov. Account of the effective number of the Palatines subsisted from Sept. 28, to Nov. 1, and an estimate of the things necessary for their settlement, 97, 98 Nov. 30. Contract of Robt. Livingston for supplying the Palatines with provisions, 99 [In N. Y. Doc Hist, III, 653.] Memorandum of stores delivered to col. Robt. Livingston, 100 Memorandum of ammunition and seeds required for the Palatines,. 101 Nov. 9. Letter. Peter Fauconier to Geo. Clarke, in relation to his accounts ; New York. about to visit his plantation at Hackingsack, 101 Petition. Peter Cartelyou, for himself and on behalf of his brother, Jaques Cartelyou, for a continuance of their right to the ferry between New Utrecht and Staten island, and against granting the same to Hendrick Hendrickse, 1 02 Vol. LIV.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 375 GOVERNOR UUNTER. 1710. PAGE. Nov. 10. Petition. Gcrvas Mudge, of Oysterbay, defendant in a suit of eject ment with William Roberttes, on the demise of Andrew Gibb, for land in Queens county, 103 Nov. 12. Letter. Gabriel (Suffe?) to George Clarke, informing him that Jamaica. Mary Dixon will not administer to her husband's estate, 104 Nov. 13. Memorandum. Bills of exchange drawn on the lords of the treasury, in favor of Micajah Perry, or order, for the subsistence of the Palatines, 104 Nov. 13, 17. Receipts. Jean Cast to Jacob Fisher, Adrian Quakeubos and John Thunis van Beld, for flour and pork, 105 Nov. Sundry accounts for goods and provisions for the Palatines,. . . 105, 106 Nov. 25. Report of the committee of the assembly on the act laying a duty on chimneys, 1°7 Account. Lieut. Gwyn, for expenses in going after two deserters to Westchester, 10s Nov. 18. Petition. Abraham Santford, of New York, mariner, in relation to his fugitive negro slave, who has sailed for England, 109 Nov. 21. Royal instructions relative to grants of land on the frontiers, 110 St. James. Dec 24. Letter. Rev. John Sharpe to secretary Clarke, at Burlington, N. SewYork. J, relative to the repairs of the chapel in the fort at New York, 111 Letter. George Clarke to Robert Hackshaw, relative to cocoa shipped on account of gov. Hunter and said Clarke, Ill Dec. 5. Letter. Gov. Hunter to Mr. Birchfield, surveyor-general of customs, Burlington. in answer to his objections to the fee ordinance, 112 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, V, 234.] Dec 18. Letter. William Glen Cross to Mr. Whileman, 112 Dec. 23. Letter. Maurice Birchfield to gov. Hunter, complaining of the New York. recently enacted fee ordinance, 113 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, V, 234.] Dec 26. Depositions. Allen Caldwell, Thomas C. Collins, Peter Buckaliew and Matthew Collins, concerning the conduct of Peter Sonmans at an election in Amboy, 114> 115 Statement. Thomas Gordon, recorder, for the proprietors of the eastern division of New Jersey, respecting harsh and illegal proceedings against him by lord Cornbury, lib Statement. John Barclay, receiver-general of quit-rents for the proprietors of the eastern division of New Jersey, as to the harsh proceedings of lord Cornbury against him, 117 Account. William Carter, surveyor of the customs, of amount due ^ him, Petition. Thomas Benson, surgeon, in relation to his pay, 118 Dec 31. Account of the distribution of provisions among the Palatines, from Nov. 21 to date, 376 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LIV. GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1710. PAGE. Names of the heads of Palatine families and number of persons furnished with supplies, .. . , 120 [In N. Y. Doe. Hist, III, 569.] Nov. 1 7. Act for the treasurer's paying sundry sums of money, as passed by the assembly, with amendment of the council thereto, 121 Reasons for the council insisting on their amendment to the above bill, 121 Further reasons for the council insisting on the amendment to the above bill, 121 Nov. 17. Amendments to the bill for disposing of the stores in the hands of the commissioners at Albany, 122, 1 23 Nov. 15. Resolution of the assembly in relation to an act for laying a duty on all chimneys, 123 Amendments of the council to the chimney tax bill, 124 Nov. 21. Report to the council of amendments to the act for the treasurer's paying sundry sums of money, 125 Reasons for the council insisting on the amendments made by them to the bill entituled an act for laying a duty on all chimneys, .... 126 Reasons why the assembly cannot agree to the amendments insisted on by the council, to the bill for the treasurer's paying sundry sums of money, 127 1711. Nov. 17. Amendments to the bill for paying the arrears due the forces raised in the county of Suffolk, for the expedition to Canada in 1709, . . 128 1710. Nov. 18. Message from the assembly to the council, informing the latter that they cannot admit of amendments by that body to a money bill, 129 Nov. 18. Message from the assembly, declining to agree to amendments to the bill for disposing of the stores in the hands of the commis sioners at Albany, 129 Nov. 18. Amendments to the bill for laying a duty on all goods sold at auction or vendue, 130 Computation of the quantity of wheat, flour and meal in the hands of individuals, and on board of vessels (the names of both given), in the city of New York, 131 Account between George Pryme and Charles Child, 132 Letter. George Clarke to the justices of Queens county, for the apprehension of William Ford, for forging the names of Samuel and Sarah Haight to a letter, requesting a license for the marriage of Mary, their daughter, with said Ford, 133 Petition. Douw Aukus, of Schenectady, complaining of capt. Fletcher Matthews, for an assault on his wife, and committing various outrages in his house, 134 1711. Jan. 2. Letter. Stephen De Lancey to George Clarke, in relation to corn- New York, mercial operations between them, 135 Yol. LIV.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 377 GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1711. PAGE. Jan. 18. Letter. Henry Beekman and others, magistrates, to gov. Hunter, Kingstowne. in relation to a vacancy in the office of sheriff of Ulster county, . 1 36 Jan. 29. Letter. M. Birchfield (to gov. Hunter), thanking him for his civility Boston. to Mr. Swift, 137 Jan. 29. Petition. Inhabitants of the county of Middlesex, N. J, complain ing of the seditious conduct of Peter Sonmans at the election at Woodbridge, 138 Petition. Elisha Parker, of Woodbridge, Middlesex county, N. J, complaining of the oppressive conduct of Peter Sonmans, ... 139 Jan. 29. Answer of Peter Sonmans to the preceding petition, 140 Petition. Elizabeth Parks, widow, in relation to the title to a piece of land on the west side of South River bridge, claimed by Peter Sonmans, 141 Jan. 29. Answer of Peter Sonmans to the above petition, 142 Petition. Inhabitants of the counties of Middlesex and Summerset, N. J, complaining of Peter Sonmans, judge, Ac, 143 Jan. 29. Answer. Peter Sonmans to the above petition, 144 Feb. 6. Affidavit. Adam Hude, in relation to Peter Sonmans, 145 Feb. 6. Affidavit. Isaac Sharp, of Salem county, N. J, regarding the conduct of Jer. Bass, clerk of a special commission of Oyer and Terminer, 146 Jan. 11. Affidavit. Richard Huff, of Maidenhead, N. J, relative to the violent assault committed on him by John Bainbridge, of Bur lington, N. J, 147 Statement as to the bad character of the aforesaid John Bainbridge, J. P., 147 Feb. Articles of impeachment exhibited by the House of Representatives against William Hall, one of the Council, and judge of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas of the county of Salem, N. J, 148 Address of the General Assembly of New Jersey, with the above articles, 148 May 1. Affidavit. Francis Godbolt, late of Salem, N. J, relative to the imprisonment of himself and wife by William Hall and William Dare, 149 Jan. 9. Affidavit. John Reeves, in relation to William Hall selling flour of his found floating in the river, 150 Answer of William Hall to the above articles presented against him by the assembly of New Jersey, 151 Feb. 10. Affidavit. Thomas Farmer, relative to judge Pinhorn refusing a writ of habeas corpus to Thomas Gordon, speaker of the House of Representatives of New Jersey, 152 Bills of costs of William Hall, 153 Feb 6. Instructions to gov. Hunter to receive moneys from the receivers- general of New Jersey, Maryland aud Virginia, 154 Feb. 8. Letter. Robt. Quary to [secretary Clarke ?] ; his visit to Burling- PhiladelphU. ton, 48 378 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LIV. GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1711. PAGE. Petition. John Rodman and Thomas Stevenson, for letters of administration on the estate of James Mills, formerly of . New York, who died in Jamaica, W. I, 156 Feb. 9. Representation of the General Assembly of New Jersey to gov. Hunter, being an answer to a late address of the lieut. gov. and council of that province, 157 [In Smith's New Jersey, 376.] Feb, 15. Letter. Joseph Billopp, recommending certain persons to be justices Bentley. of Richmond county, 157 Feb. 20. Assignment of errors in the case of Crabtree ads. Van Bael et al., 157 Muster roll of the governor's company in New York, from Feb. 24 to April 24, 158-163 Feb. 27. Names of persons to whom commissions of the peace for Kings county have been granted, 164-16.6 Letter. Jacob Witsen to gov. Hunter, relating to the shooting of Johannis van Steenbergen by the sentinel in Kingston, Ulster county, 166 Petition. Jan La Grafe of Ulster county, to be tried by court- martial for shooting a man while acting as a sentry, 167 March 1. Petition. William Lawrence, about the guardianship of John Lawrence, jr., a lunatic, 168 Account of Mrs. Elisa De Forest, 169 March 2. Petition. Charles Penhethman, capt. of the ketch Samuel, and John Marshall, capt. of the sloop Kingston, two private armed ships, complaining of Mr. Birchfield, surveyor of the customs of the port of New York, 170 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, V, 232.] Petition. Elizabeth Collins, for a brief to authorize her to beg for the support of herself and children, 171 March 5. Names of persons appointed to the commission of the peace for Richmond county, 172 March 5. Receipt. Thos. Gorstege, on account of the governor, for a quantity of spades, Ac, for the Palatines of the manor of Living ston, 173 March 8. Account of flour distributed among the Palatines, , 174 March 12. Letter. Alexander Griffith to secretary Clarke, in relation to a writ Burlington, N.J. of SCVTC facias, 175, 180 March 12. Letter. Robt. Hackshaw and son, relative to drafts of col. Quary London. and Micajah Perry, 176 March 25. Receipt. Cornelis Bogardus, for axes, Ac, for the Palatines at Livingston manor, 176 March 25. Account of the subsistence of the Palatines, from the time of their arrival to date, 177 March 25. Account of the effective number of Palatines subsisted from Nov. 2, to date, 178 Vol.LV.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 379 GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1711. . PAGE. March 26. Account. Thomas Jones, of oil and whalebone taken on Mereck beach, Rockaway beach and at Nicoll's beach, by persons named, 179 March 30. Letter. Daniel Sayres to secretary Clarke, with account of oil and Southampton. whales taken in Suffolk county, 181 March 30. Letter. Robt. Quary, relative to certain bills of exchange, 182 Philadelphia. April 1. Memorial. Lieut, col. James Weemes, for payment of certain accounts for fuel and candles for the garrison at Albany, with accounts, 1 83-1 85 April 2. Account. Jan Baptist van Eps, for sloop hire, 186 April 13. Letter. James du Pre to secretary Clarke, relative to the shipment London. of a trunk of goods to governor Hunter, 187 April 18. Letter. Daniel Sayre to secretary Clarke, with the names and Brighampton. number of men employed in Suffolk county, whaling, 188 April 19. Account. Hillegonda van Slichtenhorst, for sundries, 189 April 11. Account. Rip van Dam, for work done in the fort, at New York,. 190 April 20. Bills of lading. "Adrian Quackenbos, of the sloop Waterfloote, for goods for Jean Cast, at Livingston manor, 191, 193 Petition. John Christofer Coots, doctor to the Palatines, for arrears of pay, 192 April 26. Letter. Robert Quary to secretary Clarke, respecting bills of Philadelphia. exchange ; is glad the good-for-nothing assembly is dissolved, ... 193 April 30. Receipt. Peter Mathews, Fletcher Mathews and Jno. Tatham, for the subsistence of the company of Fusileers, of which they are officers, 195 VOLUME LV. GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1711. . , „ Petition. William Barker, for pardon, he having been convicted of stealing a horse, for which he is under sentence of death, 1 Petition. Lewis Gomez, to be released from the payment of duties on some wines, 2 Petition. James Ross, to be released from certain costs which he paid in Suffolk county, 3 Petition. Charles Bagg, for the examination of the accounts between him and Mr. Regnier, 4 May 1. Letters. Jean Cast to governor Hunter, concerning provisions, Ac, for the Palatines, with returns, 5 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 669.] 380 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LV. GOVERNOR HUNTER.- 1711. -, TAGE. May 3. Letter. Thos. Gardiner to secretary Clarke, requesting him not to Burlington, n. j. grant a license for the marriage of his (G's) daughter, 6 May 3. Bill of lading. Jonathan Sayre, master of the sloop Unity, for oil shipped from Southampton, L. I, to George Clarke, by Hannah Stephens, widow, 6 May 5. Letter. Hannah Stephens to secretary Clarke, advising him of the Southampton. shipment of the above oil, as a royalty of a small fish that came ashore, 7 May. Resolves and orders of the great and General Assembly of Massa chusetts, in Support of the contemplated expedition (against Canada), 8 May 4. Letter. John Wicks to gov. Hunter, recommending James Cooper Southampton. as successor to Thomas Stephens, deceased, in the commission of the peace, g May 4. Minute. Proceedings of the commissioners of Indian affairs at Albany ; the French building at Onondaga, 10 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, V, 243.] May 5. Letter. Roger Mompesson, chief justice, to secretary Clarke, with a legal opinion respecting the effect of not holding a term of an inferior court in New Jersey, 11 May 11. Minute. Proceedings of the commissioners of Indian affairs at Albany ; report of the French proposals at Onondaga ; they build a blockbouse there, , 12 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, V, 243.] May 7. Letter. Gov. Hunter, to the duke of Marlborough, master-general NewYork. of the ordnance, on the condition of the military stores in New York, 13 May 7. Letter. Gov. Hunter to the commissioners of the customs, corn- New York, plaining of Mr. Birchfield, surveyor of the customs, 14 [In N. Y. Col.. Doc, V, 229.] May 8. Petition. Trustees of Southampton, recommending Abraham Howell, Theophilus Howell and Zachariah Scott, for the office of justice of the peace, 15 Petition. Justices of the peace and military officers of the county of Essex, N. J, for authority to keep up a military watch, 16 May 12. Certificate. Benjamin Bennett, gov. of Bermuda, that the sloop Hopewell, Samuel Thornton, master, was built there, 17 May 13. Account. Robt. Livingston, for supplies furnished the Palatines, . . 18 May 13. Certificates of the delivery of bread and sundries by Robt. Living ston, for the Palatines, 19-22 28-30 May 16. Commission. Sampson Broughton, to be naval officer, in place of William Chambers, 21 May 18. Letter. Hendrick Beekman to Mr. Hager, concerning some wine,. 22 Kingstowne. May 19. Letter. Robt. Quary to George Clarke, relative to money affairs; Philadelphia. report that James Coatts is to be governor of Maryland, 23 Vol. LV.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 381 GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1711. PAGE. May 20. Instructions. Captain Richard King to Solomon Glover, bombar dier, about to join lieut. gen. Nicholson, 24 May 20. Account. Robt. Livingston, for supplies furnished capts. Weems, Ingoldesby and Mathews, and for disbursements at the manor of Livingston, 25 May 30. Receipt. John Chissem, for gunpowder to be delivered at Albany, 25 June 5. Draft. Hen. Mayer on Geo. Clarke, in favor of Robt. Livingston for £6, 26 June 6. Receipt. Peter Mathews, for gunpowder delivered by John Chissem, 26 June 28. Letter. George Clarke to the mayor, Ac, of Albany, in relation to NewYork. the quantity of flour, Ac, in the bakers' hands, 26 June 13. Answer. Robt. Livingston, to objections made by George Clarke, to his account for furnishing bread, Ac, to the Palatines, 27 June 16. Pass (French) from the marquis de Vaudreuil, governor of Canada, to lieut. Francis Lebert, to conduct Johnson Harmon and Simon Barton from Canada, to Boston and New York, 31 June 16. Letter. Gov. Hunter to the receivers-general of Maryland and NewYork. Virginia, to pay over public funds, pursuant to her majesty's instructions, 32 June 16. Letter. George Clarke to Edward Shippen, of Philadelphia, to NewYork. purchase bread, and urging an embargo at that port, 33 June 16. Letter. George Clarke to the governor of Virginia and president NewYork. of the council of Maryland, in relation to supplies of provisions, 34 June 17. Letter. Gov. Hunter to the receivers-general of Maryland and NewYork. Virginia, informing them that he now sends for supplies already ordered, 35 June 17. Letter. Gov. Hunter to the governor of Virginia and president of NewYoiK. the council of Maryland, requesting them to forward supplies,. . . 36 June 21. Resolution of the house of representatives of Connecticut, con gratulating gen. Nicholson on his arrival, and thanking him for his good services to the colonies, 37 June 22. Letter. Gov. Hunter to col. Rensselaer and others, at Albany, NewYork. relative to preparations for the expedition against Canada, 38 June 22. Letter. Robt. Livingston to gov. Hunter; preparations for the Albany. expedition ; arrival of Mr. Lebert from Canada, with prisoners, . . 39 June 22 Letter. K. Van Rensselaer and other commissioners for Indian Albany. affairs to gov. Hunter ; arrival of three Frenchmen from Canada under a passport from governor Vaudreuil, 40 June "3. Letter. J. Bass to secretary Clarke, acknowledging receipt of Burlington, n.j. governor Hunter's proclamation, and asking for the original as his warrant, June "3. Resolution of the council of war, held at New London for enlist ment of the Long island and Connecticut Indians in the projected expedition, 382 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LV. GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1711. . PAGE June 24. Return of the number of Palatines subsisted from March 25 to date, 42, 44, 45 [In N. Y. Doc Hist, III, 668.] June 24. Letter. Richard Sackett to George Clarke, in relation to the Manor of Livingston. Palatines ; some of them sick with fever, 43 June 24. Account. Robt. Livingston, for supplies furnished the Palatines ; J. Cast's certificate and Godfridus de Wulfen's account, 46 June 25. Letter. Gov. Hunter to gov. Dudley, that a man-of-war be sent to New York. convoy vessels, 47 June 25. Letter. Gov. Hunter to brigadier Hill ; requests a man-of-war to be NewYork. sent to New London to convoy vessels and provisions to Boston, 48 June 26. List of arms, ammunition and stores required for the expedition against Canada, 49 June 26. Letter. Gov. Hunter to the commissioners of Indian affairs at New York. Albany, directing that Mr. Lebert and the other Frenchmen from Canada be sent down forthwith to him, 50 June 26. Account of flour received at the manor of Livingston from col. Beekman, 51 June 27. Report of the number of carpenters in New York, and of the quantity of materials necessary to make battoes for the expedition, 52 June 27. Letter. Geo. Clarke, to the justices ofthe several counties respect- NewYork. ing provisions, 53 June 27. Commission. Garret Viele, to enlist the Indians on Long island for the expedition against Canada, 54 June 27. Proclamation forbidding carpenters of New York from working on anything but the battoes, 55 June 28. Letter. Secretary Clarke to the justices of the peace at Rye, relative to expresses, 56 New York. June 28. Petition. Benj. Faneuil, Rodrigo Pacheco, And. Fresneau; Au gustus Jay and others, of New York, merchants, owners of the ship the Feversham's Prize, praying that she may be allowed to sail for London with a cargo of cocoa, 57 June 28. Return of small shot in the hands of col. Lawrence Read, 58 June 28. Letter. George Clarke to the justices of Kingston, inquiring as to NewYork. the amount of breadstuff's in said town, 58 June 28. Letter. Gov. Hunter to the gov. of Virginia and president of NewYork, Maryland, re-urging them to forward supplies of pork for the expedition against Canada, 59 June 29. Letter. Gov. Hunter to gen. Hill, requesting him to use his NewYork. influence to raise money on gov. Hunter's bills for the expedition, 59 June 29. Warrant to the carpenters to cut timber where they think fit, to build battoes, 60 June 29. Letter. Gov. Hunter and col. Nicholson to Mr. Bourland, to pay expresses to and from col. Saltonstall or col. Cranston, 60 Vol. LV.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 383 GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1711. , . PAGE. Resolution of the council of war authorizing certain expenses for the expedition, and the formation of the four independent com panies and the Palatines into one regiment, 61 June 29. Letter. Secretary Clarke to governor Dudley, relative to the NewYork. shipment of rum and bread for the troops under brigadier Hill,. 62 June 29. Letter. Gov. Hunter to gen. Hill, respecting measures adopted at NewYork. the congress of New London, for the expedition, Ac, 63 June 29. Proposals agreed upon by the carpenters for building 120 battoes; the materials to be delivered at Mr. Beeckman's orchard, New York, 64 June 29. Petition. William Pell, John van Gelder and Peter Willemse, of New York, carpenters, that Gerrit Burger, Joannes Vreeland and Evert Pells, have warrants to build battoes, instead of William Elsworth, John King and Nicholas Daily, 65 Return of materials required by Win. Pell, Evert Pells and Johannis van Gelder, for building 100 battoes, 66 June 29. Letter. Gov. Hunter to gov. Saltonstall, relative to supplies for New York. the expedition, 67 June 29. Letter. Gov. Hunter and col. Nicholson to admiral Walker, New York. congratulating him on his arrival, and proffering aid, 68 June 29. Letter. Gov. Hunter and col. Nicholson to gov. Dudley ; dismal NewYork. state of affairs at Annapolis, 69 June 30. Letter. James du Pre to secretary Clarke, on money matters; London. about to sail for New York, , 70 June 30. Memorial. Charles Gookin, lieut. gov. of Pennsylvania, relative to the expedition ; cannot raise the quota of that colony, the majority of the inhabitants being Quakers ; will furnish pro visions, 71, 72 June 30. Order. The Sachems of the Indian Nations inhabiting near Penn sylvania and at the Susquehanna river, to proceed with their fighting men to Albany, to join the Canada expedition, 73 June 30. Letter. Secretary Clarke to gov. Dudley, advising him of the NewYork. shipment of rum and bread for the forces, 74, 75 June 30. Order to the bakers to bake up all their stock of flour, 74 Application. John Smith, master of the sloop Loyal Sibbelle, bound for Guadaloupe, to load with provisions for French prisoners, '6 Application. Capt. Abraham Sandford, of the sloop Sea Flower, for Martinique, to load with provisions for the French prisoners, 77 Petition. Inhabitants of New York, praying that measures be adopted for the defense of that city, 78 Bill of fees due by Mr. Bickly and Mr. Jamison, for the June term of the Supreme Court, 79, 80 Affidavits. Henry Innman and William Leathes, relative to a negro named Quamino, taken prisoner and made free by the French,. . . 81 -384 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LV. 1711 JulyBoston. JulyNew York. July JulyJulyJuly July New York. July JulyJulyAlbany. JulyJuly July July New York, JulyNew York. JulyNew York. GOVERNOR HUNTER. PAGE. 1. Letter. Admiral sir Hovenden Walker to (gov. Hunter), relative to orders given to certain ships sent to New York, 82 [The original of this letter has been purloined by some person who left this copy.] 4. Letter. Gov. Hunter to the commissioners of Indian affairs at Albany, directing them to send for the Susquehannah, New Jersey and Minissink Indians; also to send some of the Five Nations with John Baptist (van Eps) to Boston, to see the fleet, which some of them may accompany on the expedition, 83 Account. Lancaster Symes, for lumber for the expedition against Canada, 83 Instructions for the proper defense of the city of New York, and for the removal of the women, children and public records in case of invasion, 84 Petition. Elizabeth Vilant, that the will of her husband may be proved, 85 List of receipts omitted in the abstract sent to col. Nicholson, 86 Account. John Beekman, for the hire of his sloop in the expedition against Canada, 87 2. Resolution of the council of war relative to allowances to col. Gookin, lieut. gov. of Pennsylvania, and to gov. Hunter, 87 2. Speech. Governor Hunter to the Assembly at the opening of the session of the legislature, S8 [In Journal of N. Y. Leg. Counc, 312.] 2. Letter. Geo. Clarke to Mr. Trent (of Philadelphia), about goods sent by lady Hay (wife of governor Hunter), 89 2. Letter. Gov. Hunter and col. Nicholson to governor Saltonstall ; object to paying the Indians to be employed in the expedition to Canada, 90 3. Commission. Thomas Roberts, of New York, to impress coopers, . 91 3. Letter. John Collins to secretary Clarke, relative to the patent of Peter van Olinda, for a lot of land at Schenectady, 92 4. Proclamation calling for volunteers for the expedition against Canada, f 93 4. Petition. Stephen De Lancey, merchant, that his ship may sail to London under convoy of the Triton's Prize, 94 4. Memorandum. Kiliaen van Rensselaer, Dirck Wessels and Myndert Schuyler, commissioners for the expedition at Albany, of things wanted and to be done there, 95 4. Letter. Governor Hunter to the commissioners of the expedition at Albany; necessaries to be purchased; road to be made to Stillwater, gg 4. Letter. Gov. Hunter to gov. Spotswood, relative to convoying a sloop, 97 4. Letter. Gov. Hunter to capt. Smith, relative to convoying a vessel with bread from Philadelphia, 98 Vol. LV.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 385 GOVERNOR IHJNTER. 1711. PAGE. July 5. Letter. Geo. Clarke to Robt. Livingston, requesting him to pro- New York, cure peas and bread, 99 July 5. Return. Richard Oldfield, of the quantity of provisions in the possession of private persons at Jamaica, L. I, 99, 126 July 5. Minutes of the proceedings of Robt. Livingston, Richard Sacket, John Cast, Godfrey Wulfin, Andrew Bagge and Herman Schune- man, commissioners appointed to attend to the affairs of the Palatines, 100 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 669.] Certificate. Richard Sackett, that Robert Livingston has delivered provisions for the Palatines, 101 July 6. Resolution. General Assembly of Massachusetts establishing a maximum price of provisions, 102 July 7. Letter. Secretary Clarke to gov. Dudley, advising him of the NewYork. shipment of rum and flour on board the sloop. Mary, James Codder, master, 103 July 8. Order to the justices of the peace of the provinces of New York and New Jersey, in relation to purchasing butter, 104 July 9. Letter. Dirck Wessels and Myndert Schuyler, commissioners for NewYork. the expedition at Albany, to George Clarke, acknowledging receipt of money, 105 July 9. Letter. Gov. Hunter to Mr. Trent, of Philadelphia, on business, . . 106 New York. July 9. Orders. Rear admiral Walker on board the Humber, to capt. Nantasketroad. Gordon of the ship Feversham, to cruise off Placentia and Cape Breton, Ac, 106 July 9. Letter. Gov. Hunter to brigadier-gen. Hill, in relation to the NewYork. expedition; money scarce ; provisions plenty; not a man volun- unteered in New York on reading the proclamation ; assemblies of New York and New Jersey well disposed ; state of things at Quebec ; best mode to reduce that place, 107 July 9. Letter. Gov. Hunter to gov. Saltonstall, in relation to supplies ; his New York. men to proceed to Albany, 108 July 10. Letter. George Clarke to gov. Dudley, advising him of the ship- NewYork. ment of supplies for the sloop Constant, Gersham Brown, master, 109 July 10. Letter. Myndert Schuyler, Johannes Rooseboom and Peter van Albany. Brugh, commissioners of Indian affairs, to gov. Hunter ; sachems of the Five Nations invited to view the fleet at Boston ; danger to the outfarms ; a guard for Stillwater, 110 July 10. Letter. Myndert Schuyler and Dirck Wessels, commissioners for Albany. the expedition at Albany, to gov. Hunter ; necessaries required ; mode of forwarding battoes, Ill July 10. Letter. Gov. Hunter to Jean Cast, Ac, to send 300 Palatines to NewYork. join the expedition against Canada, 112 July 13. Petition. Rene Het, praying to be excused from piloting the fleet in the river of Canada, being entirely unacquainted with that river and coast, • • • 113 49 386 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LV GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1711. PAGE. List of the Ulster county company under the command of capt. Wessel Ten Broeck, lieut. John Pauling and ensign Elias van Bunschoten, to march on the expedition to Canada, 114 Order to , to convoy three transport ships, Mary, Joseph and Neptune, to Quebec, 115 July 11. Obligation. Jonathan Sayer, of New Haven, to deliver to gov. Hunter 11 barrels of beef and pork, 116 July 12. Letter. Gov. Hunter and colonel Nicholson, to , relating to NewYork. the expedition; about embarking for New Jersey to meet the Assembly, 117 July 12. Letter. Wessel Ten Broeck, Evert Bancker, Abraham Cuyler, Albany. Gerrit Rooseboom and Harmanus Wendell to secretary Clarke, giving an account of provisions in the district of Albany, 118 July 12. Letter. Secretary Clarke to gov. Dudley; provisions shipped on NewYork. board sloop Neptune, Jererniah Wilson, master, 118 July 12. Letter. Sarah Quary to secretary Clarke; business; lady Hunter Philadelphia. arrived, 119 July 13. Letter. Micajah Perry to gov. Hunter; the Palatines ; Mr. du Pre London. about to sail for New York, : 120 July 13. Letter. (French.) Jean Cast to gov. Hunter; Palatine affairs; designs and cupidity of Robert Livingston, 121 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 672.] Certificates of the amount of bread delivered to the Palatines, 122, 123 July 13. Letter. Thos. Hobart to secretary Clarke; no provisions to be Easthampton. had, 124 July 14. Letter. John Wicks to secretary Clarke ; provisions very scarce, . 125 Southampton. Account of provisions in the several towns in Ulster county, 127 July 3. Account of provisions in Oyster Bay, with the names of the holders, 128 Account of each inhabitants' provisions in Flushing, with names of persons, 129 April 23. Bills of lading. Military stores consigned to Francis Nicholson, from London, 1 30-1 35 Sundry accounts of stores, 136-140 July 14. Account. John Shute, tailor, for making clothes for George Clarke, 141 July 14. Letter. Governor Hunter to admiral Walker, acknowledging Perth Amboy. receipt of his letter; anxious to hear of his success, 141 July 14. Letter. Gov. Hunter to brig. gen. Hill; forwards copy of an Perth Amboy. address of N. J. Assembly, Ac, 141 July 15. Letter. George Clarke to the commissioners of the expedition at New York. Albany, 141 July 15. Speech. Gov. Hunter proroguing the legislature of New Jersey,. 142 July 13. Letter. Robert Paston to secretary Clarke; difficulty of obtaining Annapoiu. provisions in Maryland, Ac, 143 Vol.LV.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 887 GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1711. PAGE. July 16. Lists of Palatine volunteers in Annsbergh, Havsburgh and Queens- burgh, ". 144, 146 July 16. Commission. Thomas Whitehead, to be captain of the company raised in Queens county for the Canada expedition, 147 July 16. Petition. Merchants of New York for the removal of the embargo on the exportation of provisions, 148 July 16. Letter. Secretary Clarke to gov. Spotswood, inclosing letters to NewYork. the several captains of the ships stationed at Virginia, 149 July 17. Letter. Secretary Clarke to Edward Shippen, Jr., informing him NewYork. that no convoy can be sent to him, and that there are no privateers on the coast, I50 [July 17.] Letter. Gov. Hunter to (admiral Walker), sending to him Rene Het, whom he demanded to act as pilot, with his petition of the 13th inst. (supra, p. 113), 151 Names of men received from Queens, Kings, New York, West chester and Richmond counties, and sent to Albany for the Canada expedition, 152 Letter. Gov. Hunter to , censuring him for not sending the Long Island Indians for the expedition, and warning him to for ward them forthwith, 153 Letter. Geo. Clarke to the managers of the expedition at Albany, informing them that 100 head of cattle have been sent there, 154 Account. Thomas Brown, for salt for the expedition, 155 July 17. Letter. Secretary Clarke to gov. Dudley, relative to invoices of NewYork. provisions, 155, 156, 158 July 17. Minute of the council on Rene Het's petition, 156 July 18. Account of arms and clothing delivered col. Saltonstall, 157, 160 July 19. Report on the bill to appoint commissioners to purchase provisions, Ac, for the expedition to Canada, 159 July 19. Account of stores delivered to Gideon Salstontall, gov. of Connecti cut, for the use of the quota of men from that government, . 160 July 20. Account of clothing, Ac, for col. Ingoldesby's regiment, per M. Groundman, 161> 162 July 20. Letter. Alex. Stuart to secretary Clarke, giving an account of Richmond co. provisions in Richmond county, 163 July 20. Account of clothing delivered capt. Riggs, 163 • July 21. Receipt. Dirck Bensen, for provisions to be delivered to Mr. Bagg and Mr. Cast, 164 July 19. Accounts. Stephen de Lancey, for provisions, Ac, 164 July 21. Invoice of stores loaded on board the sloop Eliza, Johannis van Allen, master, to be delivered to col. Kilian van Rensselaer and others, at Albany, 165 July 21 List of goods delivered to lieut. Babington and Johannis van Allen, for Albany, 166 E88' ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LV. GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1711. : PAGE- July 23. Letter. Gov. Hunter to brig. gen. Hill, who sails to-day from NewYork. Boston, on matters relating to the expedition ; Maryland refuses money, ^ ' July 23. Receipt. Goose van Schayck to David Lyell, for stores to be delivered to col. K. van Rensselaer and other3, at Albany,. . 168, 171 July 23. Letter. Secretary Clarke to the commissioners at Albany, advising NewYork. them of the above shipment, 168 July 23. Receipt. Cornelius Swits, for goods to be delivered to K. van Rensselaer and others, at* Albany, 169 July 23. Receipt. William Kirten, for clothing to be sent to col. Farmar to supply the Jarssy camp, , 1 70 July 23. Letter. Secretary Clarke to Mr. Trent, requesting him to cash gov. NewYork. Hunter's bills on England, 172 July 23. Letter. Gov. Hunter to Mr. Rousby, regretting that the council of NewYork. Maryland refused to authorize him to send money in his hands for the Canada expedition, 173 July 23. Letter. Gov. Hunter to governor Gookin, of Pennsylvania, express- NewYork. ing his satisfaction that the assembly is raising £2,000 for the public service, and desiring to know on whom he may draw for the money, 174 July. 23. Letter. Gov. Hunter to the governors of Maryland and Virginia, NewYork. transmitting royal instructions for the defense of their prov inces, and for a public fast; the fleet to sail to-morrow for Canada, 175 July 23. Letters. Gov. Hunter to col. Farmar, of Amboy, with proclama- NewYork. tions and bills of credit and commissions, 176, 177 July 23. Letter. Gov. Hunter to col. Coxe, of New Jersey, on the affairs NewYork. . of the expedition, 178 July 23. Order. Lieut. Riggs on Geo. Clarke, in favor of his wife Frances, for his weekly subsistence, . . 179 July 23. Petition. Merchants of New York, for permission for their ves sels to sail on their several voyages, 180 July 29. Certificate. Cornelius Lodge, that he painted a tarpaulin for col. John Redknap, engineer on the expedition against Canada, . ... 181 July 24. Letter. K. Van Rensselaer, Dirck Wessels and Myndert Schuyler Albany. to gov. Hunter; the Five Nations about to join the expedition,. . 182 July 25. Invoice of goods shipped to Albany with capt. Shibboleth Bogardus, on board the sloop Expedition, 183 4 July 24. Receipt. Tim. Bagley, for clothing for capt. Whitehead's company of Queens county, 183 July 26. Letter. Capt. Nicholas Smith, on board the Enterprise, to (gov. carotuck. Hunter), on maritime affairs, 184 July 26. Letter. Secretary Clarke to K. Van Rensselaer and others, corn- New York, missioners, with provisions, Ac, 185 July 27. Letter. Capt. Geo. Rogers to secretary Clarke, relative to funds ; London. deaths of Messrs. Shally and Rookby, 186 Vol. LVI.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 389 GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1711. PAGE. July 27. Letter. Secretary Clarke, to the managers of the expedition at NewYork. Albany, in relation to an omission in an invoice, 187 July 28. Account. William Brown, for veterinary services, 187 July 28. Receipt. William Richardson, for bread on board his sloop, 188 July 28. Receipt. Adrian Quackenbos, for goods shipped to Kilian van Rensselaer, Ac, at Albany, 189 July 28. Report of a committee of the council on the defense of the province; beacons, Ac, , 189 [In Jour, of N. Y. Leg. Council, 318.] Warrant. Capt. Robert Paston, of H. M. ship Feversham, to pre pare for sea, 1 90 VOLUME LVI. GOVERNOR HUNTER. Warrant. Capt. Robert Paston, to fit out H. M. ship Feversham for a cruise, 1 July 29. Letter. Gov. Hunter to col. Cox, requesting him to forward the NewYork. levies from West New Jersey for the expedition, '2 July 29. Letter. Secretary Clarke to the managers of the expedition at Albany, NewYork. inclosing invoices and bills of lading for shoes and provisions,. . . 3 Letter. Gov. Hunter to the [gov. of Pennsylvania], relative to NewYork. £2,000 voted by the assembly of that province, 5 July 30. Petition. Charles Forestier, of New Rochelle, a drafted man, com plaining of great injustice at the hands of Oliver Besley, captain of his company, 6 July 20. Order for the arrest of Maquis D'Gre, a pilot, who had agreed to accompany the fleet to Quebec, 1 July 30. Order to the captains of the East Jersey levies to receive the bounty money payable by that province, 8 July 30. Letter. Secretary Clarke to gov. Dudley, with bills of lading for NewYork. bread, Ac, 9 July 31. Letter. Thomas Farmar to secretary Clarke, relative to the progress Amboy. of raising men in East Jersey for the expedition ; capt. Rudiard's company, ' ° July 31. Account of Palatines subsisted from the 10th to the 31st inst, 11 Aug. Letter. Gov. Hunter to col. Cox, of West Jersey, in relation to New York. military affairs, • * 2 Aug. 1. Letter. Gov. Hunter to gov. Saltonstall, in relation to the Con- New York, necticut Indians joining the expedition; to be treated the same as •the Five Nations, 13 390 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LVI. GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1711. . PAGE. Aug. 1. Letter. Secretary Clarke to the commissioners at Albany, in rela- NewYork. tion to the distribution of provisions, and keeping separate accounts, 14 Aug. 1. Petition. Vincentius Antonides, minister of the Dutch churches of Flatbush, Brookland and Flatlands, and the elders and deacons of the said churches, to be made one body politick and corporate, 15 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 171.] Aug. 3. Letter. Secretary Clarke to the commissioners at Albany, relative New York. to funds, , 16 Aug. 3. Letter. Secretary Clarke to the managers of the expedition at NewYork. Albany, relative to the distribution of clothing to the Palatines; Ulster county companies and Connecticut forces on their way to Albany, 17 Aug. 4. Letter. Secretary Clarke to col. Farmar, urging the forwarding *of NewYork. the Jersey levies, 18 Aug. 4. Letter. Capt. Thos. Whitehead to gov. Hunter, in relation to a NewYork. deficit in the quota of Queens co, and bounty jumpers, . , 19 Aug. 4. Petition. Capt. Oliver Besley, in answer to the charges of Charles Forestier, of New Rochelle (see supra, p. 6), •. . . . 20 Aug. 5. Letter. Secretary Clarke to the managers of the expedition at NewYork. Albany ; forwarding necessaries for the troops, 21 Aug. 5. Letter. Secretary Clarke to col. Schuyler, about the affairs of the NewYork. expedition, , . 22 Aug. 5. Account against the province for provisions, 23 Aug. 6. Petition. Solomon Glover and Christopher Cock, the former a bombardier and the latter a gunner, in relation to their subsist ence, 24 Aug. 6. Letter. Secretary Clarke to gov. Saltonstall (on his way to Albany), NewYork. about rum forwarded to the troops, 25 Aug. 6. Letter. Gov. Hunter to gov. Dudley, in relation to provisions NewYork. forwarded to Boston to brigadier Hill, 26 Aug. 6. Letter. Gov. Hunter to gov. Saltonstall, respecting the defense of NewYork. New York ; about to proceed to Albany, 27 Aug. 7. Receipt. K. Van Rensselaer, Dirck Wessels, Myndert Schuyler and Evert Bancker, managers of thte expedition, to Goose van Schaick, for military stores, 28 Aug. 8. Account. Robert Livingston, for provisions, 29 Aug. 8. Letter. Geo. Clarke to the commissioners at Albany; forwards NewYork. provisions, Aug. 8. Receipt. Dirck Bensen, for goods to be delivered to the managers, at Albany, 31 Aug. 8. Letter. Gov. Hunter and lieut. gen. Francis Nicholson to gov. NewYork. Dudley, on the affairs of the expedition; to start to-morrow for Albany, 32 Aug. 9. Letter. Secretary Clarke to the managers at Albany, relating to NewYork. stores for the expedition, 33 Vol. LVI.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 391 GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1711. rAGE. Aug. 9. Letter. Sarah Quary to secretary Clarke, remitting silver, 34 Philadelphia.Aug. 9. Receipt. Koenrat Ten Eyck, for goods on board the sloop Jacob, to be delivered to the managers at Albany, 35 Aug. 9. Receipt. Dirck Wessels, Myndert Schuyler and Evert Bancker, for goods sent them, per Shiboleth Bogardus, 36 Account of the marks and number of the stores delivered from the Neptune transport, Jno. Rouse, master, on board the White Horse sloop, Jacob Fisher, master, indorsed, Hon. James Bridges, paymaster-general of the forces, Whitehall, London,. 37, 38 Receipt. Walter Dongan, Abraham Gee and other officers, for clothes, 39 Aug. 9. Receipt. Roger Selwyn, for clothes and accoutrements for capt. Strachan's company, 39 Proclamation adjourning the New Jersey General Assembly ; to meet at Burlington the first Tuesday in November, 40 Aug. 7. Account. Abraham de Lucena and Elizabeth De Forest, for pro visions for the expedition against Canada, 41 Aug. 10. Receipt. Jacob Vischer, master of the sloop White Horse, for stores to be delivered to the managers at Albany, 42 Aug. 11. Letter. Secretary Clarke to the commissioners at Albany, advis- NewYork. ing them of the shipment of goods ; Mr. Campbell sent to super intend their distribution, 43, 44 Aug. 1 2. Certificate. Jno. Tatham to Gilbert Livingston, of the transport ation of himself and men to Albany, 45 Aug. 10. Letter. Gov. Hunter to the lords of the treasury ; list of bills New York. drawn on them ; embarking for Albany, 46 Aug. 13. Petition. Lieut, col. Filkin and officers of the Kings county regiment, in relation to their defense in case of invasion, 47 Aug. 13. Certificate. John Cast, that Robt. Livingston delivered provisions to the Palatines, 48 Aug. 15. Receipt. K. Van Rensselaer and Dirck Wessels, for bread, per Johannis Ten Eyck, 48 Aug. 18. Letter. S. Clowes to secretary Clarke; Indians of Long island did Jamaica, 1. 1. not go on the expedition ; recommended to be mustered in for defense in case of invasion, 48 Aug. 27. Letter. (French.) Andre Faneuil to Stephen De Lancey ; the fleet Bo8t^. at the mouth of the St. Lawrence 15 days ago ; supposed to have now arrived at Quebec, 49 Aug. 18. Petition. Abraham Schellenger, of Easthampton, for a permit to sail with his vessel home, 50 Aug. 15. Account. Stephen De Lancey, of expenditures on account of the expedition, , 51 Auo-. 20. Letter. Secretary Clarke to Jno. Borland, of Boston, in relation to NewYork. payment of the pilots to the expedition, 52 Aug. 20. Sundry receipts in favor of Robt. Livingston, for the Palatines,, ... 53 392 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LVI. GOVERNOR HUNTER. • 1711. PAGE. Aug. 23. Letter. Gov. Hunter to gov. Dudley ; about to send provisions to Albany. Quebec; everything ready to start at Albany, 54 Letter. Gov. Hunter to Evert Bancker, joining him to the commis sion for managing the expedition at Albany, 55 Letter. Gov. Hunter to , urging them to dispatch the quotas of their counties for the expedition, 56 Aug. 25. Letter. Gen. Hill to gov. Hunter, giving an account of the disasters n. m. ship Windsor, that befell the fleet in the St. Lawrence, 57 Uiver St. Lawrence. [In N. Y. Col. Doc, V, 277.] Aug. 27. Proceedings of a council of war held at Albany, 58 Accounts of cattle, Ac, purchased by. order of gov. Saltonstall, for the expedition, 59, 66 Aug.. 29. Letter. Secretary Clarke to gov. Dudley, with advice of bread NewYork. shipped at Philadelphia, 67 Aug. 9. Account of goods shipped at New York, per Gershom Brown, for the expedition to Canada, with gov. Dudley's receipts, 68 Aug. 29. Certificate in favor of Mr. Philips, for attending the delivery of pork, " 69 Aug. 31. Letter. Capt. Robert Paston to secretary Clarke ; no ship to hoist NewYork. the queen's colors except men-of-war (in answer to the following), 70 Aug. 31. Letter. Secretary Clarke to capt Paston, R. N, in relation to a NewYork. privateer cruising off" Sandy Hook, and requesting that the sloops sent against her may be permitted to . hoist the Union Jack and pendant, 71 Account of goods shipped on board Gosen van Schaick's vessel, . . 71 Aug. 31. Receipt. Jer. Fownsc, on board H. M. ship Feversham, for goods shipped per Gershom Brown, 71 Sept. 3. Letter. K. Van Rensselaer and Dirck Wessels to secretary Clarke, Albany. advising him that they return a quantity of powder, 72 Sept. 3. Letter. Gov. Hunter to Mr. Westland, directing the enforcement NewYork. of the collection of the £3,000 tax (in New Jersey ?), 73 Sept. 3. Letter. Gov. Hunter to gov. Dudley, on supplies for the expedition, 74 Sept. 3. Petition. Thomas Woodmasee, of Shrewsbury, New Jersey, in relation to the seizure of his vessel and goods by the custom house officers, 75 Sept. 5. Petition. Peter Willemse Romer, of New York, for his pay for making coffins for 250 Palatines, 76 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 568.] Sept. 5. Petition. William Davis and William Chambers, in relation to their salaries as officers of the revenue, 77 Sept. 5. Letter. Rev. John Sharpe to secretary Clarke ; sends remittance Camp at Stillwater, to pay for the windows in the chapel at the fort on Mohawk river; troops hastening on to Wood creek ; his pay to be handed to his wife, 78 Sept. 7. Letter. Managers of the expedition to secretary Clarke, relative to Albany. the claims against them ; refer claimants to New York, 79 Vol. LVI.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 393 GOVERNOR HUNTER. "" 1711. .'PAGE. Sept: 7. Bill of exchange drawn by gov. Hunter on the earl of Oxford and Mortimer, lord high treasurer, in favor of Robt. Livingston, for £100, 80 Sept. 8. Draft. R. Walter, Robt. Lurting and Jno. de Peyster, commis sioners for the Canada expedition, on Abraham de Peyster, in . favor of Ebenezer Wilson, J 80 Sept. 10. Letter. Secretary Clarke to gen. Hill, advising him that he had New York. shipped provisions to him for the expedition, 81 Sept. 10. Letter. Gov. Hunter to Mr. Bridger ; the Palatines employed in making tar ; invites him to come and give directions, 81 Sept; 11. Letter. Myndert Schuyler to gov. Hunter, in relation to the Albany. Subsistence of the invalids and soldiers' wives, 92 Sept! 10. Bill of exchange on the earl of Oxford and Mortimer, lord high treasurer, in favor of Geo. Clarke for £200, 82 Sept. 12. Letter. Gov. Hunter to the lords of the treasury, with list of drafts drawn by him on their lordships for the expedition to Canada, and names of the parties to whom given; will have to supply the forces in Canada next winter, : 83 Sept. 13. Certificates to Robt. Livingston, for flour delivered to the Pala tines, 84-86 Sept.' 12. Letter. Gov. Hunter to the lord high treasurer, with list of bills NewYork. drawn since his letter of this date; Massachusetts has issued- £50,000 in paper. money; nothing of that sort has been done in New York, 86 Sept. 13. Letter. Dirck Wessels, Myndert Schuyler and Evert Bancker, Albany. managers, Ac, to gov. Hunter ; on the affairs of the expedition ; road to Fort Nicholson made ; progress of the army, 87 Sept. 13. Letter. Robt. Livingston, Jr. and Johannes Cuyler to secretary Albany. Clarke, on money matters, 88 Sept. 13. Letter. Secretary Clarke to gen. Hill ; sends provisions; hopes he. NewYork. is master of Quebec by this time; is counting the time the news of its reduction will come, 89 Sept; 14. Letter. Wagoners with the army to the managers of the expedi- Fort Nicholson. tion at Albany ; require more wagons, horses and forage, 90 Sept. 14. Letter. Gov. Hunter to capt. Paston, requesting him to convoy New York. transports to Quebec, 91 Sept.' 14. Letter. Gov. Hunter to gen. Hill; state of gen. Nicholson's NewYork. army; plan of his campaign; hears Montreal is abandoned; hopes Quebec is taken, 92 Sept. 17. Letter. Gov. Hunter to gov. Dudley ; provisions sent forward, ... 93 New York. Sept. 18. Letter. Gov. Hunter to gov. Dudley ; is confounded by the news NewYork. of the disaster to the fleet in the river St. Lawrence; requests that cruisers be sent thither, 94 Sept. 18. Letter. Gov. Hunter to gen. Nicholson, on the miscarriage of the New York. expedition ; the truth to be told to the Indians, who are to be sent home quietly, 94, 95 50 394 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LVI. GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1711. . PAGE. Petition. Sarah Robinsa, a free Indian woman, and native of the province of New York, about her freedom ; she lived at South ampton ; finally came into the possession of Robert Walters, who sold her as a slave and sent her to Madeira, whence she was returned by the English consul to New York, 96 Sept. 20. Proclamation further proroguing the General Assembly, 97 [In Journ. N. Y. Leg. Counc, 320.] Sept. 23. Minute of a meeting of the commissioners for Indian affairs, at Albany ; news from Canada, 98 Sept. 22. Memorandum. Joseph Fordham, John Hobart, Samuel Mulford, Thomas Mapes, Richard Smith, Thomas Young and John Wicks, to be of the quorum of Suffolk county, 98 m Sept. 22. Order in favor of Shiboleth Bogardus; two receipts for provisions for the Palatines, and an account of flour delivered to John Philip Ruger by Andrew Bagge, 99 Sept. 24. Report. Roger Mompesson, chairman of the committee of the council, that the governor is authorized to act as chancellor of the Court of Chancery, 100 Sept. 24. Receipt. John Chesham, for goods to be delivered to John Bagge, 100 Sept. 26. Letter. Myndert Schuyler to secretary Clarke, asking to be reim- Aibany. bursed moneys expended for the " unfortunate " expedition, 101 Sept. 26. Order. Jno. Bennett on secretary Clarke, in favor capt. Simms for £4, 102 Sept. 28. Report on the petition for a charter to the Dutch churches of Brookland, Flatbush, Ac, 103 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, ISO.] Sept. 29. Petition. David Provoost, in favor of a Court of Chancery ; he has been confined in jail 14 months at the suit of Abr. de Peyster, and asks for an investigation, 104 Sept. 30. Letter. Gov. Hunter to attorney-general Griffith, of New Jersey, NewYork. inclosing a narrative of a conversation between Geo. Willocks and said Griffith, and asking why he will not attend on the escheator of New Jersey, 105 Oct. 1. Letter. Secretary Clarke to gov. Saltonstall, on his accounts, 106 New York, Oct. 1. Letter. Gov. Hunter to Mr. Bass, of New Jersey, in relation to NewYork. his attendance as a witness on the escheator, 107 Oct. 1. Letter. Gov. Hunter to gov. Dudley; forces retreating to Albany; New York. frontier threatened, 108 Oct. 1. Letter. Gov. Hunter to gen. Hill, on the sad issue of the expedi- NewYork. tion ; forces retreating to Albany, 109 Oct. 1. Letter. Gov. Hunter to capt. George Gordon, on the unhappy NewYork. miscarriage of the expedition ; the projectors warned "early by gov. H. of their ignorance of the navigation of the St. Lawrence, 110 Oct. 1. Letter. Gov. Hunter to the gov. of Pennsylvania, relative to a NewYork. French vessel that had been seized at Newcastle, and from which the custom house officers had been driven, Ill Vol. LVI.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 395 GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1711. PAGE. Oct. 21. Letter. Gov. Dudley to lieut. gen. Nicholson; fleet and forces Boston. sailed for Great Britain ; return of vessels with shipwrecked and disabled men ; transports ordered to Annapolis Royal, come back to Salem, Marblehead and Nantasket, with the troops destined for the first named place (with), 112 Sept. 10. Order. Admiral Walker to capt. Southack, of the Province galley, to return to Boston with marines, 112 May 9. Instructions. Capt. Reade of H. M. ship Adventure, to sail to Boston and convoy thither the Mary transport, with a portion of gen. Hill's force left behind in Ireland, . 112 May 29. Letter. Henry St. John, secretary of state, to gov. Dudley, inform- Whitehaii. ing him of the dispatch of the above vessels, and requesting him to assist them to join admiral Walker's expedition without loss of time, I12 Oct. 2. Letter. Major Walter Elliott to (lieut. gen. Nicholson), informing Boston. him of the return of himself and the marines under his command, on receipt of the news " of our misfortunate fleet ; " is without money or credit and asks for orders, 112 Oct. 2. Letter. Lieut, gen. Nicholson to gov. Hunter; the last of the Albany. troops have returned to Albany ; Indians going away ; desires to see the governor, 113 Oct. 4. Petition. William Lawrence, of Queens county, for letters of guardianship of John Lawrence, Jr., 114, 118 April 27. Account. William Lawrence against John Lawrence, Jr., a * lunatic, 115-117 Oct. 5. Order. Justices of Kingston against harboring Palatines, 119 Oct. 26. Letter. Lieut, gen. Nicholson to gov. Hunter; movement ofthe Albany troops; Connecticut regiment returned home; N. Y. soldiers deserting ; speculations in Albany on the soldiers' back pay, 120 Oct. 6. Letter. Secretary Clarke to the managers of the expedition at NewYork. Albany; calls for their accounts, 121 Oct. 9. Proposition made by the Sachems of the Five Nations at Albany, to gov. Hunter, with his answer, 122 Oct 9. Letter. Augustine Graham to secretary Clarke ; about to sell his Moris'ania. land at Rye, to pay Mr. Dongan ; requests copy of patent granted < to Clapp, Horton, Purdy, Ac,. of land at Ry Ponds, 123 Oct. 11. Contract to build two forts; one in the Mohawk and the other in the Onondaga country, i24 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, V, 281.] Oct. 13. Memorandum of Rut ger Bleecker, of Albahy, relative to a barrel of provisions returned from the camp, 125 Oct 15 Letter. Gov. Hunter to gov. Saltonstall, relative to placing garri- New York. sons in the Indian forts ; neutrality entered into between the New York and Canada Indians, 126 Oct 17 Resolution of the house of representatives of Massachusetts, recom mending a meeting of governors and other persons from the several colonies, to concert methods for public defense and prose cution of the war, 127 396 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LVI. GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1-711. PAGE. Oct. 17. Letter. Gov. Hunter to col. Ingoldesby; cannot go to Albany; NewYork. deserters to be severely flogged, 128 Oct. 17. Bill for liquor furnished the sailors of capts. Raynier and Tynes, vessels, going on a cruise after privateers at Sandy Hook, 129 Oct. 18. Letter. Edward Shippen, Jr., to secretary Clarke, relative to the Philadelphia. sale of bills of exchange, 130 Oct. 22. Letter. Commissioners of Indian affairs to gov. Hunter ; murder Albany! of John Bratt, and other Indian outrages near Schaghticoke (enclosing), 131 Oct. 20. Account of the above outrages as furnished by an Indian, 131 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, V, 281.] Oct. 22. Letter. Secretary Clarke to gov. Saltonstall, directing sale of New York. certain cattle, 132 Oct. 22. Receipt. Bait. Strickhauser to Robt. Livingston, for his pay for work done for the Palatines, 132 Oct. 22. Letter. Secretary Clarke to Mr. Gardiner, treasurer of West NewYork. Jersey ; requests him to pay capt. Straughan's company, 133 Oct. 22. Letter. Gov. Hunter to gov. Dudley, enclosing copy of the council's NewYork. resolve against breaking the Indian neutrality, 134 Oct. 22. Letter. Gov. Hunter to gen. Nicholson, complaining of Robt. Liv- NewYork. ingston's base and villainous practice, 135 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 675.] Oct. 22. Letter. Gov. Hunter to Jeremiah Bass, secretary ; Thomas Farmar NewYork. and John Reading to be judges of New Jersey, 136 Oct. 22. Letter. Secretary Clarke to col. Nicholson ; sends him a draft of the river St. Lawrence, 136 Oct. 23. Letter. John Sanders Glen to gov. Hunter, with report on the fort at Schenectady, 137 Oct. 23. Certificate that Daniel Kettle served as lieutenant in capt. Jno. Rudgyard's company, in col. Ingoldesby's regiment, vice Abr. Lyon, resigned, 138 Petition. Daniel Kettlehuin of Albany, setting forth his losses and the destruction of members of his family in the late attack by the Indians, and requesting permission to go to Canada to ran som his wife, a prisoner there, . . 139 Oct. 24. Petition. B. Rynders, Jno. Reade, Henry Cuyler and Jno. Cholwell, of New York, merchants, to be heard against a bill imposing' additional duty on the tonnage of vessels, and on slaves, 140 Oct. 25. Deed. Col. Benjamin Fletcher, of his pew in Trinity church, New York, for the use of the council or other persons of quality travel ing to said city; dated, 6 April, 1698, with proof of execution,. . 141 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 41 0.] Oct. 25. Invoice offish shipped by Andrew Faneuil to Stephen De Lancey, . 142 Oct. 25. Bill of lading. Gilbert Livingston, for bread for the Palatines,. . . 142 Oct. 5. Petition. William Whiting, John Livingston, John Burr, John Crane, Peter Mason, Andrew Ward and Moses Dimon,;officers of the Connecticut regiment, for leave to return home, . . . , 143 Vol. LVL] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 397 GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1711. ¦ TAGE. Oct. 28. Letter. Capt. Geo. Gordon to gov. Hunter, on the proceedings of ii. m. ship Lowes- the people of. Newcastle towards himself and the collector; is taffe(Deu about to convey two vessels he seized there, to New York, 143 Oct. 29. Letter. Philip Livingston, with an account of the debts of the Albany. expedition, and names of persons to whom due, 144, 145 Oct. 29. Petition. Peter Arkell, Gerret Harsin, Jan Powelse and Nicholas Mattyssen, of New York, gunsmiths, for payment of their demands, I40 Oct. 29. Letter. Managers of the expedition, with accounts against said Albany, expedition, 147 Oct. 29. Letter. Gov. Hunter to secretary Bass; orders commission of (New Jersey.) Samuel Bayard to be a judge of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, for Bergen county, vice William Maurice, deceased, 148 Oct. 31. Letter. Secretary Clarke to Mr. Gardiner (treasurer of New NewYork. Jersey); requests pay for blankets for capt. Straughan's com pany to be stopped, 140 Oct. 31. Letter. Francis Nicholson to secretary Clarke; thanks him for Boston. draft of the river St. Lawrence, Ac, 150 Nov. 1. Account. Robt. Livingston, for incidental disbursements on account of the Palatines, , 151~ Nov. 1. Report of the committee of the council on the bill to prevent soldiers and sailors deserting, 152 Nov. 1. Receipt. Thos. Gorstege, of Amboy, to Geo. Clarke, for a quantity of beef, 153 Nov. 3. Letter. Edward Lloyd to gov. Hunter, relative to pork shipped,. . 154 Maryland.Nov. 5. Account of moneys paid to the several lieutenants sent from Europe for the late expedition, with names, I55 Nov 6. Letter. Gov. Hunter to (col. Francis Nicholson) ; address to her (NewYork) majesty for renewing the expedition; proposed meeting of gov ernors at New London; the English lieutenants; "a piece ot villany old Liviston is accused of," 15° Dec 1. Receipt, The English lieutenants on the late expedition for their pay, with names, Nov. 5. Letter. Gov. Saltonstall to gov. Hunter, relative to a congress Hartford. proposed to be held in Rhode Island, 1° ' Nov. 6. Letter. Secretary Clarke to (Robert Quary) ; arrival of capt. Gor- . don from the Delaware with two vessels, loa Nov. 6. Petition. Sundry merchants of New York, complaining that ships of war carry freight, Nov 9. Letter. Robt. Quary to (secretary Clarke); about to visit New Phnadeiphia York ; a great many people lately cut off by the Indians of North Ph e Carolina bordering on Virginia; forces raising against the Indians, 160 Nov 8 Report of the committee of the council on the allowance to the managers of the expedition at Albany (£50 stg. each), 161 Nov.- 8. Draft on Stephen De Lancey in favor of John Ten Broeck, 162 398 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LVI. GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1711. PAGE. Petition. Lt, David Schuyler, Jr., for his pay as a volunteer iu the » expedition, 162 Nov. 12. Receipt. Robt. Livingston for money for the Palatines and certifi cate for goods also received by him, 163 Nov. 12. Letter. Gov. Hunter to lord Dartmouth, secretary of state; return NewYork. of the remnant of the crew of H. M. Feversham, lost in the expe dition against Canada ; French Indians infest the frontier of New York ; no revenue voted, 164 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, V, 284.] Nov. 12. Letter. Gov. Hunter to the lords of the admiralty; loss of H. M. NewYork. ship Feversham, with her captain, all the officers (except the lieut. and master) and most of the crew, off Cape Breton, 165 Nov. 13. Letter. Philip Livingston to gov. Hunter, relative to soldiers' Albany. claims due to him, 166 Nov. 13. Letter. John Sanders Glen to gov. Hunter, relative to the cost of Albany. the fort at Schenectady ; his account, 167-169 Nov. 14. Letter. Jno. Keyser to gov. Hunter, with bills on Peter Sonmans, 170 London. Two protests of said bills, dated 12 April, 1712, 171, 172 Nov. 16. Reasons of the council showing their right to alter and amend money bills, 173, 174 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun , 328.] Letter. Peter Mathews to gov. Hunter, asking for instructions, in Albany. his capacity as commander of a garrison, towards flags of truce,. 175 Nov. 16. Letter. Thomas Gardiner to gov. Hunter, requesting to be qualified Burlington, n. j. as surveyor-general of West Jersey, 176 Nov. 16. Receipt. Richard Sackett to Messrs. Livingston, for iron for the use of gov. Hunter, and latter's account for provisions, 177, 178 Nov. 17. Reasons of the assembly, in support of their right not to admit of any amendments by the council, to money bills, 178 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 329.] Nov. 17. Resolution of the assembly, in relation to the pay of the managers of the expedition at Albany, 179 Nov. 19. Resolution of the assembly returning to the council the bills for paying the governor and for paying the arrears due the forces raised in the county of Suffolk, the house admitting of no amend ments to money bills, ' 180 Nov. 19. Bill of clothing shipped on board John van Pelt, and on board Bogardus, for the Palatines, 181 Nov. 21. Letter. Gov. Hunter to Myndert Schuyler, in relation to the troops NewYork. at Albany, 1 82 Nov. 21. Letter. Gov. Hunter to maj. Schuyler, capt. Van Brug and Mr. NewYork. Hansen, relating to provisions for the troops, 183 Nov. 22. Letter. Thomas Gardiner to gov. Hunter, complaining of intrusions Burlington, n. j. on Indian lands, 1 84 Nov. 22. Letter. Geo. Willocks to secretary Clarke, on money affairs, 185 Elizabethtown. Vol. LVII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 399 GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1711. Nov. 23. Petition. Denis Courtin de St. Aignian, master of the ketch Talente, who rescued the remnant of the expedition in the gulf of St. Lawrence, for leave to purchase provisions for his voyage to Martinique, 1 86 Nov. 23. Opinion of the assembly against engaging the Five Nations in an offensive war against the French ; the governor or any of the council of New York cannot act as representatives of the province in the proposed congress at Rhode Island, not being elected, 187 YOLUME LVII. GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1711. PAGE. Nov. 23. Petition. Herman Schuneman for relief against his creditors, 1 Nov. 24. Report to the council on the alleged neutrality between New York and the French of Canada and their Indians, and against an offensive war, 2 Nov. 25. Letter. Gov. Hunter to Mr. Bass (secretary of New Jersey), to NewYork. swear Mr. Gardiner as surveyor-general, and to make out commis sions for several persons (named) to be sheriffs of the several counties in New Jersey, 3 Nov. 25. Letter. J. Bass to gov. Hunter, with a caveat entered by Mr. Burlington, n. j. Gardiner and others, against surveys of land made by Daniel Leeds, 4 Nov. 26. Affidavit. James Lewis, of Queens county, relative to his offering himself as a volunteer in captain Wright's company in the late expedition, 5 Nov. 26. Affidavit. Thomas Waters on the above subject, 6 Nov. 26. Letter. Governor Hunter to governor Dudley, transmitting copies NewYork. of the assembly's opinion and council's report on the propriety of an offensive war against Canada, 1 Nov. 26. Order. Walter Butler on George Clarke, in favor of John Johnson, for £3. 5s, 7 Nov. 29. Letter. Secretary Bass to governor Hunter, with a caveat entered Burlington, n. j. against Mr. Gardiner being surveyor-general, 8 Statement of Benjamin Faneuil and Augustus Jay, relative to pay ing money to capt. Courtin De St. Aignian, for rescuing ship wrecked sailors at Cape Breton, forming part of the expedition to Canada, 9 Dec. 1. Commission. Augustus Jay, Patrick McKnight, Philip Cortlandt and Abraham Wendall to audit the accounts of H. M. ships Hector, capt. Elford, and Shoreham, capt. Charles Hardy, 10 Dec. 3. Certificate. John Foster's contract for setting stockadoes at the fort in Albany, • • • xl 400 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LVII: GOVERNOR HUNTE8. ." 1711. r-r^-. : . . .. _ PAGE. Dec - 4. Letter. Hendrick Hansen, Peter Van Brugh and Myndert Schuyler, Albany. commissioners for victualing the troops at Albany, to gov. Hunter, relative to their subsistence, 12 Dec 4. Letter. Philip Livingston to gov. Hunter, relative to his claims Albany. against the soldiers, .13 Dec 4. Letter. K. van Rensselaer and Jno. Schuyler to secretary Clarke, Albany. relative to repairs of the fort at Albany, 14 Dec/ 5. Letter. Richard Brewer to secretary Clarke, requesting a captain's Albany. commission in the next expedition to Canada, 15 Dec. 5. Letter. Myndert Schuyler to gov. Hunter, acknowledging his Albany. appointment as one of the commissioners for taking care of the country troops at Albany, 16 Dec. 6. Letter. John Cuyler to secretary Clarke, relative to Peter Quack- Aibany. enbos's accounts, 17 Dec. 7. Letter. Managers of the expedition at Albany, to gov. Hunter, re- Aibany. lative to the sale of government provisions, 18 Dec. 7- Letter. Mordecai Homan, lieutenant in the detachment at Albany, Albany. to gov. Hunter, 19 Dec. 7. Letter. Commissioners of Indian affairs, to gov. Hunter ; condition Albany, of the fort ; blockhouse in the Mohawk country finished ; a French prisoner received from New England, 20 Nov. 24. Letter. Samuel Partridge to the commissioners for managing Indian Hartford. affairs at Albany; forwards Bovenie de Vercher, an exchanged i, prisoner, to be sent to Canada, 20 Dec. 7. Letter. Jno. Cuyler, recorder, to gov. Hunter ;* vacancy in the Albany. mayoralty be filled, 21 Dec- 7. Letter. Capt. Peter Mathews to gov. Hunter;- blockhouse in the Albany, (Mohawk) Indian country not finished ; lacks a chimney ;¦ soldiers ready to garrison it, 22 Dec- 10. Account. Robert Livingston for his trouble in purchasing cattle for the Palatines, , 22 Dec. 10. Draft on the lord high treasurer in favor of Geo. Clarke for £100, . . 22 Dec. 11. Letter. Thos. Gardiner to gov. Hunter, relative to being qualified Burlington, n. J. as surveyor-general of New Jersey, 23 Dec. 11. Commission. Robert Walters, John Choi well, John Cruger, Philip Cortlandt and Patrick McKnight, to audit the accounts of the two men-of-war, ... 24 Protest. Daniel Coxe, Peter Sonmans, Daniel Leeds and others, against a set of men styling themselves a council of proprietors for the western division of New Jersey, 25 Dec. 5. Caveat. Thomas Gardiner, surveyor-general of West Jersey, against recording any surveys unless signed by him, 25 Dec 12. Caveat. Daniel Leeds against Thomas Gardiner acting as surveyor- general of West Jersey, 25 Dec 13. Letter. Secretary Bass to gov. Hunter; Mr. Gardiner refuses to Burlington, N.J. take the oaths as surveyor-general, but, being a Quaker, insists on " •'•'¦' ¦ his affirmationbeing accepted ; copies, of above papers transmitted, 26 Vol. LVII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 401 GOVERNOR HUNTER. )VE1 1711. P-*.GK- Dec. 13. Receipt. Palatine carpenters to Robt. Livingston, for their pay for work done on the storehouse at Point Alida, 27 Dec. 15. Certificate that Robert Livingston supplied the Palatines with pork, 28 Dec. 18. Protest of gov. Hunter's draft on the lord high treasurer in favor of Geo. Clarke for £200, 29 Nov. 27. Account. J. Hardenbergh for riding bread and fish for the Palatines from the Esopus kill, the sloop having been frozen in, 30 Dec. 24. Letter. Gov. Hunter to col. Schuyler, relative to the Palatine NewYork. soldiers ; gov. Dudley has no right to send French prisoners throup-h the province of New York without the governor's permission, 01 Dec. 24. Letter. Gov. Hunter to the commissioners of Indian affairs at NewYork. Albany; troops to be sent to the blockhouse in the Mohawk country, 3" Dec. 24. Letter. Gov. Hunter to capt. Sanders (Glen) ; the garrison at NewYork. Schenectady to be increased, 33 Dec. 24. Letter. Gov. Hunter to the managers for the country troops on the NewYork. frontiers.; they are to be supplied with necessaries, 34 Dec. 24. Letter. Gov. Hunter to Robert Livingston, with commission as New York. mayor of Albany, •. Dec. 24. Letter. Gov. Hunter to capt. Matthews, relative to garrisoning the NewYork blockhouse in the Indian country ; the Palatine soldiers who broke open and plundered Mr. Bagg's store to be put in irons and held for trial, Dec. 24. Report. Roger Mompesson and Robt. Mill ward, justices of the Supreme Court, on the method of proceeding in cases of diminu tion, 87 Dec. 24. Account of the subsistence of the Palatines from 30 September to date, Dec. 27. Resolution of the justices of the city and county of Albany, that the regular troops vacate the blockhouse at the north gate front ing the Brewers' street, and also the horse blockhouse, in order that the militia be quartered there, 39 Dec. 31. Letter. Gov. Hunter and Mr. Philipse to Benj. Edmonds of Lon- New York don, in relation to the will of capt. Robt. Paston who was lost off Cape Breton in H. M. ship Feversham; leaves all his personal estate to Mrs. Anne Hyde, 40 Dec. 29. Bill on the lord high treasurer in favor of Geo. Clarke for £200, ... 40 Petition. John Foster, John Post, Isaac Jessup and Josiah Howell, for the release of their oil seized on account ofthe whales having been caught within the government of New Jersey, 41 Dec 7. Account of provisions and incidents, delivered in by the commis- ^ sioners, Account of the moneys raised for the support of two companies for the defense of the frontiers last winter, 43 List of approved accounts, with names, handed in by R. Livingston, 44 51 402 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LVII. =»- GOVERNOR HUNTER. . PAGE. Address of the clergy of the province of New York to gov. Hunter, 45 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 259.] Certificate. John Collins to John Chissum, for transportation of 30 men from Albany to the manor of Livingston, 46 Letter. Gov. Hunter to capt. Matthews, at Albany ; arrested Pala tines to be held ; Richard Evans and James Scholcraft, deserters, to be pardoned ; Robt. Holding, a deserter, to be shot to death, . . 46 Letter. Capt. Peter Matthews to gov. Hunter ; misunderstandings in regard to the military ; " red coats and blue coats ;" militia on the north side will not do duty on the south side of the city,. ... 47 Letter. Gov. Hunter to Mr. Perry ; arrival of lady Hunter ; H. M. ship Lowestaffe frozen up ; uneasiness about his bills drawn for support of the Palatines, 48 Letter. Gov. Hunter to James Bridges, paymaster-general of the forces, advising him of having drawn certain bills for the pay of the lieutenants sent from England for the late expedition, 49 Letter. Gov. Hunter to the lord high treasurer, advising him of having drawn certain bills for the support of the Palatines, 50 Letter. Secretary Clarke to Mr. Perry, relative to bills drawn on the lord high treasurer, 51 Letter. Gov. Hunter to the commissioners of the customs, trans mitting particulars of the late illicit and traitorous trade at New Castle, Del. and Philadelphia, 52 Letter. Col. Quary to the commissioners of the customs on the same subject, 52 Letter. Secretary Clarke to lord Orkney, gov. of Virginia, relative to a bill of exchange sent him by request of col. Spotswood, his deputy, 53 List of persons appointed justices of the peace and of the Court of Common Pleas for Richmond county, 54 Letter. Managers for victualing the country forces to secretary Clarke ; severe winter, 55 Letter. Commissioners of Indian affairs to gov. Hunter ; request an examination of their accounts ; alarming state of the frontiers ; murders by Indians ; no garrison at Fort Hunter, 56 Protest. Gov. Hunter's draft on the lord high treasurer in favor of Robt. Livingston, 57 Certificates to Robt. Livingston, for supplies for the Palatines, 58 Letter. Roger Brett to gov. Hunter, relative to a suit in chancery, 59 Return to a writ of error in the suit of George Crabtree vs. Helena Romboult, 00 Letter. Gov. Hunter to the justices of the county of Albany, directing that forts be erected at Half Moon and Nestagione,. . . 61 Letter. Gov. Hunter to rev. Mr. Poyer, of Jamaica, with certain queries relative to the affairs of his church, 62-65 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 236.] 1712. [Feb. 24.] May 9. Jan. 28. New York. Jan. 8. Albany. Jan. 1. New York. Jan. 1. New York. Jan. 1. New York. Jan. 1. New York. Jan. 1. New York. Jan. 1. New York. Jan. 7. Jan. 9. Albany. Jan. 9. Albany. Jan. 8. Jan. 13. Jan. 14. FishkiU. Jan. 17. Jan. 26. NewYork. Jan. 26. New York. Vol. LVII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 403 GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1712. PAGE. Jan. 28. Letter. Gov. Hunter to the commissioners of Indian affairs; NewYork. repairs of the forts at Albany and Schenectady; the French prisoner (Verchere) to be sent to Canada in the spring ; knows nothing of any neutrality with the French, 66 Jan 28. Letter. Gov. Hunter to col. Schuyler, relative to forts at Half Moon NewYork. and Nestagione, *. 67 Jan. 30. Letter. Rev. Thomas Poyer to gov. Hunter, on church matters, in Jamaica, h. i. answer to his of the 28th inst, • 68-71 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 237.] 1711. Nov. 11. Petition. Daniel Bondet, minister, and others of the French pro testant church at New Rochelle, for a charter for said church, ... 73/ [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 948.] 1712. Jan. 31. Report of the committee of the council, in favor of the prayer of the above petition, 74 Feb. 5. Letter. Col. Quary to capt. Gordon, of H. M. Lowestaffe, in defense of the character of the rev. Mr. St. Clare, 75-77 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, V, 317.] Feb. 9. Commission. Robt. Walter, Lancaster Syms, John Cruger and Patrick Macknight, to audit the accounts of H. M. ship Lowestaffe, 79 Feb. 14. Petition. Henry Swift, for his pay for a dinner to lord Lovelace, prepared by him at the request of the council, &c, 80, 82 Feb. 14. Petition. John van Horn and Evert Duyckinck, of New York, praying the discountenance of proceedings against them on an indictment for a nuisance, 81 Fees of secretary Clarke for the warrant of survey for Robert Black- well, and in the case of the Queen agst. Onckleback, 82 Speech. Gov. Hunter to the clergy, on the opening of the convocar tion in New York, 83, 86-90 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., Ill, 257.] Address of the clergy in answer to gov. Hunter's speech, 84, 85 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 259.] Statement and opinion respecting the right to the church at Jamai ca, L. I, 88-90, 132 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 261 ; N. Y. Col. Doc, V, 328.] Feb. 22. Affidavit. John Coe, of Newtown, Queens county, denying that words said to have been spoken by gov. Hunter had ever been uttered by his excellency, 91-94 Feb. 23. Opinion. Chief justice Mompesson, on taxes authorized by an act of assembly for support of H. M. government of Nova Csesaria or New Jersey, 7th Anne, and still unpaid, ' 95 Feb. 2:8. Letter. Gov. Hunter, to the lord high treasurer, informing him of New York. the number of drafts drawn on him, 96 Feb. 29. Letter. Gov. Hunter to Mr. Sloper, with a list of bills of exchange New York. drawn on him, 97 Feb. 29. Letter. Gov. Hunter to the lord high treasurer, on a claim of the NewYork, widow of Thomas We.nham, 98 404 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LVII. , GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1712. - , PAGE. Feb. 29. Bill of goods which Benjamin Edmonds is ordered to send for Mrs. Hyde, 98 Feb. 29. Letter. Gov. Hunter and A. Philipse to Benj. Edmonds, of Lon- New York don, on the late capt. Paston's estate ; Mrs. Hyde desires to pur chase a life annuity, 99 March 1. Letter. Gov. Hunter to the lords of admiralty, transmitting an New York. address of the merchants of New York relative to building a galley for the better defense of trade, together with some proposals of col. Heathcote for providing naval stores, 100-104 March 1. Letter. Gov. Hunter to the lords of trade, on the above matters; New York. urges removal of New Jersey councillors ; New Jersey money bills. [In N. Y. Col. Doc, V, 304.] March 5. Letter. Justices to gov. Hunter, complaining of the arrest of their Kingston. messenger, William Traphagen, by col. Lurting, vendue master of the province, 108 March 6. Letter. Jacob Rutsen to gov. Hunter, on the same subject, 109 Kingston.March 13. Certificates in favor of Robert Livingston, for supplies furnished the Palatines, and account, 110, 111 March 13. Letter. John Scott to Mr. Wileman, requesting a renewal of his furlough, in order to go to South Carolina, 112 March 17. Letter. Mr. Palmer to Geo. Clarke, Relative to a looking-glass, &c, Boston. shipped on board sloop Joanna & Thankful, John Lathrop, master, 113 March 17. Letter. Gov. Hunter to gov. Spots wood of Virginia; Lowestaffe NewYork. sailed for England ; lords of trade about to put a stop to the tur bulent motions of the assemblies in all H. M. governments, 114 March 19. Letter. Secretary Bass to gov. Hunter; has seized a vessel from Burlington. Philadelphia ; whales caught at Cape May, 115 March 20. Report on the account of William Lawrence against the estate of John Lawrence, a lunatic, 116 March 20. Letter. Secretary Clarke to Mr. Gardiner, of Burlington, N. J, rel- New York. ative to the pay of capt. Straughan's troop, 117 Feb. 21. Petition. Thomas Byerley, collector and receiver -general, that Peter Fauconnier deliver up certain books belonging to the office, llg March 13. Petition. Peter Fauconnier, late commissioner for executing the office of collector and receiver-general, that Mr. Byerley prove his assertions, &c, 119 March 27. Report on the above two petitions, 121 March 25. Indenture.' Mary Ines, widow, as servant to gov. Hunter, 122 March 29. Letter. John Cast to Robt. Livingston, requesting him to make advances to certain Palatines, with their receipts, 123 Account. Robert Livingston, of incidental charges for the Pala tines, 124 March 25. Account of the subsistence of the Palatines from the 25th day of December last to date, , 125 Vol.LVH.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 405 GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1712. PAGK. March 31. Scheme for employing the Palatines the ensuing summer, .... 126, 143 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 678.] March 31. Letter. Gov. Hunter to Mr. Griffith, attorney-general of New Jer- NewYork. sey, directing that the trial of Thos. Gordon, Jacob Regnier and John Brown for barratry, be held at the assizes of Amboy, 127 April 2. Letter. Myndert Schuyler to secretary Clarke, requesting to be the Albany. bearer of the news of peace to Canada, with a present of a pipe of the best beer for the governor, 128 April 2. Letter. Robt. Livingston to Mr. L. Smith, and account for supplies Livingston manor, furnished the Palatines, 129 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 679.] April 2. Letter. Secretary Clarke to rev. Mr. Poyer, of Jamaica, in relation New York. to the proclamation against immorality and profaneness, and the difficulties in his church, 130 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., Ill, 263.] April 4. Letter. Rev. Thos. Poyer to Geo. Clarke, in answer to the above,. 131 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., Ill, 264.] April 5. Address. Grand jury and other inhabitants of the county of Suffolk, to gov. Hunter, 133 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., Ill, 361.] April 5. Letter. Alexander Griffith, attorney-general, to gov. Hunter, setting Burlington, n. J. forth the legal objections to proceeding with the trial of Messrs. Regnier, Gordon and Brown, as directed (see supra, p. 127),. . . . 134 April 8. Instructions to col. Rich'd Ingoldesby to take command of the garri son at Albany, &c, 135 April 9. Letter. Secretary Bass to gov. Hunter, relative to complaints against Burlington, n. j. himself, 136 April 10. Letter. Secretary Bass to gov. Hunter; col. Coxe, John Wells, Peter Burlington. Freswill, Thomas Stevenson and Joshua Humphreys, elected a council of the proprietors of West Jersey; suicide of a negro,.. 137 April 22. Letter. P. Schuyler to secretary Clarke; has disbanded his com- Albany. pany, 138 Bill of fees for preparing Hendrick Hansen's patent, 139 April 25. Petition. Samuel Reyner and David Tynes, commanders of the sloops Bennet and Swan, for compensation for services in pursuit of a French privateer off Sandy Hook, 140 May 1. Petition. James Ross, for relief from the payment of certain costs imposed by col. Smith, of Suffolk county, in a suit with Hannah Miller, 141 May 1. Petition. Peter Vas, minister, and the elders and deacons of the Dutch church at Kingston, to be incorporated, 142 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 966.] May 2. Letter. Commissioners of the Palatines to col. Ingoldesby, request- Livingston manor, ing him to send a detachment of troops to keep order among said Palatines, 143 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 682.] 406 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LVII. GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1712. . : PAGE. May 2. Report of the committee of the council on the petition of Peter Vas, minister at Kingston, 144 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 968.] May 5. Order. Justices of the. peace of the several counties to make an enumeration of the inhabitants thereof, 145 May 7. Petition. Jacob Rutsen, of Ulster county, that commissioners be appointed to examine the accounts of the taxes in arrears in that county, 146 May 8. Answer of Peter Fauconnier to the petition of T. Byerley, 147 May 19. Protest of gov. Hunter's bill on the lord high treasurer, and draft on M. Perry, 148 May 13. Certificate in favor of Robt. Livingston, for supplies furnished the Palatines, 149 May 14. Address. Clergy of the province of New York to gov. Hunter, . . . 150 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., Ill, 129.] Affidavit. Denis Courtin de St. Aignan, of the ketch Talente, of the circumstances attending his rescue of the crew, &c, of H. M. ship Feversham, and of the subsequent seizure of his vessel by the commander of H. M. ship Hector, and her condemnation as a prize, 151 May. 19. Speech of a sachem of Cachnawaga, near Montreal, to the commis sioners of Indian affairs at Albany, proposing that hostilities cease, and that the path be open between Albany and Canada, 152 May 19. Letter. Commissioners of Indian affairs to gov. Hunter, transmit- Aibany. ting the above proposition, 153 List of vessels loaded with provisions entered and cleared on aud before the 7th day of May, at New York, and whither bound,. . 154 May 26. Draft on Micajah Perry in favor of Joseph Levi for £100, 155 May 26. Protest of the above draft, 156 May 26. Two bills of exchange of gov. Hunter, on Micajah Perry in favor of William Gould and James Crane, 157 May 29. Letter. Myndert Schuyler and Evert Bancker (to secretary Clarke), Albany. advising him of a shipment of bread on board of Peter Winne's sloop, 158 May 31. Report on the act to pay 8,025 ounces of plate to the governor,. . . 159 May 31. Account of provisions distributed to the Palatines from July 1, 1711, to date, 160 June 17. Report on the bill to pay the British officers, 162 June 6. Report of the committee of the council on the militia act, 163 Jnne 9. Letter. Gov. Hunter to the justices of the peace of Glocester, N. J, NewYork. thanking them for assisting the custom house officers in seizing a sloop laden with foreign sugar, which gov. Gookin, of Pennsyl vania, would have, taken by force, 164 June 9. Letter. Gov. Hunter to Mr. Bass, secretary of New Jersey, approv- NewYort ing the seizure of the shallop and sugar, and the conduct of Mr. Bull, magistrate of Glocester, 165 Vol. LVII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 407 GOVERNOR HUNTER. ^12- June 9. Letter. Gov. Hunter to col. Gookin, complaining of his conduct NewYork. towards the custom house officers at Glocester, 166 June 13. Letter. Philip Livingston to secretary Clarke, informing him that Albany. orders had been issued to take an account ofthe inhabitants, and' inclosing a list thereof, 167 June 13. Certificate. Commissioners of Indian affairs, as to the salary of Lawrence Clase, interpreter to the Five Nations of Indians, 168 June 16. Letter. Gov. Hunter to col. Peter Schuyler, directing him to pro- NewYork. ceed to Onondaga, with Lawrence Clause, Mrs. Montour and her husband, to remove certain jealousies created by the French, ... 169 June 16. Order. Richard Sackett, on Robt. Livingston, in favor of Henrich Spoon, cooper, for provisions, &c, 169 June 16. Letter. Gov. Hunter to the commissioners of Indian affairs, noti- NewYork. fying them of his orders to col. Schuyler, 170 June 16. Report of a committee of the council in favor of granting the peti tion of the minister and several of the principal inhabitants belonging to St. Andrew's church, Richmond county, for au act of incorporation, 171 June 21. Report on the acts to prevent the selling of rum to the Indians, &c, and the act for watching, &c, the city of Albany, 172 June 23. Account. Thomas Gordon, receiver-general, of the revenue of New Jersey, for two year, 173 June 25. Petition. William Davis, collector of tiie customs, against the passage of the act for the better and more easy carriage of goods by land or water, 1 75 June 20. List of the inhabitants and slaves in the county of Kings, 176 May List of the inhabitants and slaves in the county of Orange, 177 June 25. List of the inhabitants and slaves in the county of Suffolk, 178 June List of the inhabitants and slaves in the county of Westchester,. . . 179 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 949.] June 5. List of the inhabitants and slaves in the city of New York, 180 May 28. Abstract of the commission of the peace for Suffolk county,. . 181, 182 June 30. Account. Alexander Blackhall, of moneys received by him and from whom, 183 Letter. Gov Hunter to Nathl. Westland, collector of Burlington county, N. J, relating to arrears of taxes, 184 Letter. Gov. Hunter to Alexander Griffith, attorney-general of New Jersey, relative to the taxes of Burlington county, 185 Rates of ferriage between New York and Long island, 186 July 1. Account. Adrian Qtiackenbbs for freight of supplies furnished the Palatines, 187 July 12. Receipt. H. van Rensselaer nd Myndert Schuyler to John Chusham, for powder for the Indians, 188 July 13. Certificates in favor Of Robt. Livingston, for supplies furnished the Palatines, 189 408 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LVIII. 1712. GOVERNOR HUNTER. July 15. Petition. Allane Jarratt for a license to keep school and to teach writing, arithmetic, navigation and other parts of mathematics, in New York, : 190 July 30. Letter. Gov. Hunter to Mr. Livingston, relative to the expenses of NewYork. the Palatines, 191 VOLUME LVIII. GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1712. July 30. Letter. Secretary Clarke to Mr. Sacket, in relation to the affairs of NewYork. the Palatines, 1 July. Letter. Gov. Hunter to col. Edward Hyde, governor of North NewYork. Carolina, informing him that the Five Nations were ready to interpose their authority to bring the Indians of Carolina to an agreement with the christians there, 2 July 31. Account. Henry Wileman with secretary Clarke for the fees in the secretary's office, from February to July, 1712, 3 Aug. 1. Draft. M. Waters on Lawrence Smith, in favor of lieut. James Dun bar, for £4. 5s, 3 Aug. 8. List of 204 pictures of the four Indian kings that went to England, which her majesty has sent hither, and order of their distribution, 4 Aug. 13. Letter. Gov. Hunter to the commissioners of Indian affairs, dis- NewYork. claiming all knowledge of any neutrality between the Five Nations and the Cachnawaga Indians, and enclosing, 5 Aug. 13. Minute of a council on the above letter (French and English), 6, 7 Aug. 22. Letter. (French.) Gov. Hunter to the commissioners of Indian NewYork. affairs, authorizing them to encourage the Five Nations to make war against the French and their Indians, and to engage whites to assist them, g Aug. 23. Letter. Gov. Hunter to Geo. Clarke, 9 Return by Jos. Billings, Jacquis Pulyon and Nichs. Manning, of the survey of the south division, Richmond co, from the main road to Sand bay, dated 26 August, 1708, 9 Aug. 23. Order. Lau. Smyth on capt. Thomas, in favor of Mr. Lowe, 9 Aug. 26. Letter. Governor Benj. Bennet to gov. Hunter, relative to the Bermuda. circumstances of the Leeward islands, &c, in case they should be attacked, 10 1713. June 25: Report of a committee of the council, on a bill repealing part of a clause of the act for the preservation of deer and other game.. 11 1712. b Sept. 4. Petition. John Marsh, relative to a mode of dressing flax and hemp, by a mill invented by him, and asking for a patent, 12 Vol. LVIII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 409 GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1712. _ PAGE. Sept. 6. Letter. Gov. Hunter to Mr. Cast, informing him that he has no NewYork. longer the means of employing the Palatines, and authorizing them to seek work elsewhere, 13 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 683.] Sept. 12. Letter. Gov. Hunter to the commissioners of Indian affairs, NewYork. instructing them to postpone present action on the subject of hostilities between the Five Nations and Canada, 14, 15 Sept. 13. Letter. Lawrens Classen, interpreter to the Indians, to gov. Hunter, Albany. relative to his pay, 16 Sept. 25. Account. Robt. Livingston, for storage and rent, on account of the Palatines, 17 Sept. 7, 13. Certificates in favor of Robt. Livingston on account of the delivery of beer and bread for the Palatines, 18 Sept. 17. Plan to prevent the misapplication of the revenue in time to come, 19 [In Jonr. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 343.] Sept. 19. Draft. Samuel Babington on Geo. Clarke, iu favor of Cornelis Post, 20 April 24. Draft. Gov. Hunter on Micajah Perry of London, in favor of Augustus Jay, for £60 stg, 20 Sept. 19. Letter of credit. Lawrence Smyth on Myndert Schuyler, in favor of Samuel Babington, and the latter's receipt, 20 Sept. 24. Protest of gov. Hunter's draft in favor of Augustus Jay on Micajah Perry of London, for £60, 21 Sept. 30. Petition. Isaac Gouvemeur and owners of negro slaves, lately executed for conspiracy, for compensation, 22 Sept. 30. Letter. Gov. Hunter to capt. Aford, of H. M. ship Hector, request- New York, ing the discharge of an impressed seaman, 23 Sept. Petition. Sundry freeborn subjects of Spain, who had been cap tured by privateers and are held as slaves in New York, for their freedom, 24 Petition. Stephen Domingo, a Spanish captive, held eight years as a slave, for his freedom, 25 Letter, without date, address or signature, relating to some indented servants that had been enlisted, 26 Petition. Henry Filkin and Richard Stilwell, of Kings county, to be appointed inspectors and keepers of all drifts on the south side of Long island, between Cunny island and Huntington gut, 27 Oct. 2. Report to the council on the bill authorizing the treasurer to pay money, &c, 28 Oct. 4. Report. Roger Mompesson, chairman, to the council, on the bill for paying dues in arrears, with amendments, 29 Oct. 6. Report on the bill to enable William Anderson to sell a lot of ground in Queens street, New York, .' 30 Oct. 12. Report on the bill for naturalizing foreign protestants, 31 Oct. 13. Report on the bill to appoint commissioners to examine and state several claims against the government, 32 E2 410 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LVIII. GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1712. ¦ PAGE- Oct. 13. Petition. Benjamin Faneuil, Andrew Faneuil, Charles Crommelin, Abraham van Hoorn, and William Walton, of New- York, mer chants and owners of the sloop Swallow, Rene Het, master, for leave to convey French prisoners to the French West Indies, under a flag of truce, 33 Dec. 7. Permit. Sloop Sybell, John Smith, master, to sail to Guadalonpe, with French prisoners, and bring back English prisoners to New York, 34 Nov. 3. Clearance of the sloop Swallow, Rene Het, master, for Cape Francis, Hispaniola, # 34 Oct. 13. Report of a committee of the council, on the memorial of Benjamin Faneuil and others (supra, p. 33), 35 Nov. 3. Permit. Sloop Swallow, Rene Het, master, to sail to Hispaniola with French prisoners, &c, 36 Oct. 1. Order to clear the sloop Swallow, Rene Het, master, for Hispaniola, in the West Indies, 37, 38 List of cargo shipped on board the sloop Swallow, Rene Het, master, bound for Cape Francis, in the island of Hispaniola, 38 Oct. 13. Letter. Gov. Hunter to gov. Dudley, relative to sending H. M. NewYork. ships to the West Indies, to counteract the designs of the French squadron under Mons. Cazar, 39 Oct. 1 7. Letter. Gov. Hunter to Mr. Cast, relative to the Palatines (French), 41 New York. [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., Ill, 685.] Draft of Jaques Guyon's land on Staten island, with bounds and map, 42 Oot. 12. Report on the petition of David Provoost, jr., in favor of granting the survey prayed for by him and company, 43 Oct. 25. Petition. Abraham and Isaac Gouverneur and Isaac De Riemer, jr., against the passage of an act for selling the estate of Marga- retta Selyns, deceased, 44 Oct. 25. Certificate of the delivery of beer barrels to Robt. Livingston, .... 45 Oct. 29. Report on the act for the better repairing the fortifications of Albany and Schenectady, t . 46 Oct. 29. Report on the act for paying certain moneys levied on the inhabit ants of Kings county and remaining in the hands of the collector, to the treasurer of that county, 46 Oct. 30. Account. Clerk of the council against major Provoost, for fees, .. . 47 Oct. 30. Report on the act for making good the public credit, &c, 47 Nov. 1. Certificates in favor of Robt. Livingston's having delivered bread. and beer to the sick Palatines, and those in col. James Weems' company, 48 Nov. 8. Minutes bf the legislative council, 49 Nov. 13. Notice of a meeting of the council to act on the application of John Beliue and John Dove, of Richmond county, to maintain a ferry from Sand bay, on Staten island, to New York, 50, 51 Vol. LVIH.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 411 GOVERNOR HUNTER. 1712. PAGE. Nov. 14. Proceedings of the commissioners of Indian affairs, at Albany, in rela tion to the rev. Win. Andrews, a missionary among the Mohocks, 53 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, III, 900.] Nov. 6. Petition. Nathaniel Britton, James Garrison, John Dove and John Beliue, of the county of Richmond, for a iicense to keep a ferry on Staten island, 53 Nov. 22. Report of a committee of the council, in favor of granting the prayer of the above petition, for the term of 30 years, 54 Nov. 27. Minute of council confirming the above report, 55 Jan. 22. Certificate of the delivery, by Robt. Livingston, of boards for a school house, and of a quantity of corn for the use of the Pala tines, and various other vouchers of the same character, 56-64 Jan. 26. Memorandum. Two pieces of eight paid a messenger, with a letter for the mayor, 40 April 12. Account. Robt Livingston for boards delivered at Stillwater, for the block house at the falls, with other vouchers in support of ^ Phil. Livingston's account, • • • 41 45 May 16. Report of the council on Philip Livingston's accounts, 46 Account. John Schuyler, for provisions delivered to capt. William Helling, at Saraghtogue, 468 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LXIV. GOVERNOR BURNET. 1722. _ . PAGE. March 12. Minutes of a committee of the council, on petition of Godfrid De Wulfen, for a grant of land, and on Philip Livingston's accounts, 48 March 17. Minute of the justices of Ulster county, appointing a commissioner to run the boundary between that county and Orange, 49 April 2. Proclamation adjourning the General Assembly 50, 51 [In Journ. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 478 ] April 20. Power of attorney. William Printhop, of Fort Hunter, to Philip Livingston, to receive his pay as smith, in the Senecas country,. . 52 April 20. Power of attorney. Charles Burn, of Fort Hunter, to Philip Liv ingston, to receive money due him from the government, as assistant to Printhop, aforesaid, 53 April 26. Minute of the justices of Orange county, on the boundary between that county and Ulster, 54 April 30. Proclamation adjourning the General Assembly, 55 [In Journ. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 478.] May 15. Petition. Philip Livingston, for the payment of £20, disbursed for presents to the Indians, at Irondequat, 56 1721. Sept. 27. Account. Philip Livingston against Peter Schuyler, junior, Gulyn Verplanck and' others, for presents to the Indians, 56 1722; May 17. Memorial. Andrew Fresneau and Rene- Het, of New York, mer chants, agents for the Royal West India company, of France, that the ship Garonne may be permitted to unload her cargo and refit and report, 57 May 18. Letter. Thos. Dongan to I. Bobin, to search for a warrant of survey Richmond. and grant to capt. Thomas Stillwell, of 40 acres of land, on the south side of Staten island, 58 May 21. Report of a committee of the council, on the claims of Lawrence Claasen and Philip Livingston, 59 May 3. Account. Lawrence Claasen, and certificate of the commissioners of Indian affairs at Albany thereon, 60, 61 May 31. Memorial. Andrew Fresneau and Rene Het, for leave to sell part of the cargo of the Garonne, to pay expenses, 62 May 30. Estimate of the material necessary to repair the ship Garonne, of Nantes, 63 May 31. Report of a committee of the council, on the above memorial of Andrew Fresneau and Rene Het, agents for the Royal West India company of France, 64 June 3. Additional instruction to gov. Burnet, in relation to an unlawful trade from Madagascar to the plantations in America, 65 June 5. Account of Abraham De Peyster junior's receipts and disbursements as treasurer, with names of persons, 66 Dec. 10. Report of George Clarke, deputy auditor, on the accounts of Abra ham Depeyster, treasurer, 67 Vol. LXIV.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 469 GOVERNOR BURNET. 1722. PAGE. June 5. Petition. Joannis Cuyler, of Albany, attorney of Christina Ten Broeck, widow and executrix of the last will and testament oi Dirck Wessels Ten Broeck, that Tobias Ten Broeck exhibit inventory, &c, 68 June 5. Petition. Cors. van Home and others, being a plurality of the vestry of the city of New York, that proceedings against Johan nes Myer, for altering a tax list, may be stopped, 69 June 5. Warrant to James Alexander, attorney-general, to enter a nolle* prosequi against Johannes Myer, 70 June 8. Account showing in what manner the £500, voted by the General Assembly, forkeeping the Indians in his majesty's interest, was expended, VI June 6. Account. Peter van Brugh and Philip Livingston, for labor, &c, in repairing the fort at Albany, 74 June 20. Memorandum of commissions to a troop of horse for Albany, viz. : Barent Staats, capt, Coenraat Ten Eyck, lieut, Johannes J. Wen del, quartermaster, «'4 June 4. Accounts. Mathew Flensburgh, Johannis Radlif, and others, for carpenters' work done on the fort at Albany, 75-78 June 5. Account. Leendert Gansevoort, for beer furnished the workmen on the fort, V9 June 13. Deed of lease and release. Danl. Hollinshead, of the county of Somerset and province of New Jersey, to Gnnsley John Ayrest, of the same place, for 800 acres of land on Cranberry brook, legistered in the office at Perth Amboy, in liber C, No. 2, page 378, V9 June 21. Account. William Groesbeck and others, for carpenters' work done on the fort at Albany,. 80 Letter. Isaac Bobin to George Clarke, about nails, horses, maid servant and Bohea tea, &c, 81 June 21. Memorandum of military commissions for Suffolk county, 82 June 22. Petition. Gasper Springsteen, John Fine, George Ramsen, and others, of the town of New Town, Queens county, complaining of illegal taxation by the trustees of said town, 84 June 20. Deposition. Gasper Springsteen, on the above matter, 85 June 20. Deposition. George Remsen, on the same matter, 86 June 20. Deposition. John Fine, on the same matter, 87 June 21. Account. Thomas Wildman, for his expenses in his journey to the Senekas country, ¦ 88 June 6. Memorandum of commissions. Peter Coeymans, capt, in place of Henry Rensselaer, in the manor of Rensselaerwyck ; Daniel Winne, lieut. ; Gerret Gerretse van Den Bergh, ensign, 89 June 26. Table of fees for the Court of Admiralty, 90 June 28. Petition. William Doughty, justice of the peace for Queens county, * * in answer to the complaint of Casper Springsteen and others (supra, p. 84), 470 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LXIV. GOVERNOR BURNET. 1722. PAGE. June 28. Petition. Joseph Sackett, justice of the peace of Queens county, late trustee of Newtown, in answer to the complaint of Casper Springsteen and others, 92 June 28. Memorandum. Joseph Thorn to be capt. of militia for Hempstead, Queens county, in place of Thos. Tredwell ; Henry Dickerson to be ensign in capt. Dickerson's company, of Oyster bay, 93 June 28. Memorandum. M. Schuyler to be lieut. col. of the regiment whereof Peter Schuyler is col.; Hendrick van Rensselaer to be major; Hendrick Dow, capt. ; Volkert Witbeck, lieut, manor of Rens- selaerwyck, 93 June 28. Minute of council. Amendment to the act for reviving an act to prevent damages by swine, in the counties of Westchester, Queens, Richmond and Orange, 94 July 7. Report of a committee of the council, on the act for prohibiting the selling of Indian goods to the French, with amendments, 95, 96 July 7. Report of a committee of the council, on the act for the more effectual and speedy recovery of arrears due and payable for duties, &c, with amendments, 97, 99 July 7. Message. Assembly to the council, informing them that they had agreed to the council's amendments to the act for preventing the selling of Indian goods to the French, 98 July 9. Report of John Barberie to the council, on the scheme for an abstract of all patents bearing date before the year 1709, 100 July 16. Report of Cadwallader Colden, relative to the fees taken in the Court of Admiralty, 101 July 16. Ordinance for regulating and establishing fees for the Court of Admiralty, 72, 73, 102 July 16. Ordinance for altering the times of sitting of the Supreme Circuit Courts, 103 July 16. Letter. Gil. Livingston to (Isaac Bobin), sending fees for his corn- Kingston, mission, and relative to the papers of the county (clerk's office),. 104 July 24. Letter. Philip Schuyler to David Provoost, relative to wood Schenectady. land, 105 July 27. Receipt of William Bradford (printer), for two acts of the General Assembly, 106 Aug. 1. Report of John Barberie, of the result of his examination of the book of abstracts of patents prior to 1709, 10 Aug. 1. Letter. Henry Vandenburgh, clerk of Dutchess county, to Isaac Pockepsingh. Bobin, relative to taxes in arrear, 108 Aug. 2. Letter. Jacob Rutsen to I. Bobin, about the mares for secretary Kingston. Clarke, and Johannes Stroop's land, 109 Aug. 2. Memorial. Edward Smith, commander of H. M. ship Greyhound, relative to the duties on some goods shipped from the West Indies, 110 July 9. Appraisal of the sterling value of sundry European goods landed from the ship Greyhound, capt. Edward Smith, Ill July 17. Further proposal of Edward Smith, concerning certain negroes,. . . 112 Vol. LXI V.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 471 GOVERNOR BURNET. 1722. PAGE. Aug. 2. Report of a committee of the council, on the memorial of Edward Smith, capt. of the Greyhound, 113 Aug. 3. Letter. Gil. Livingston to Richard Nicholls, relative to two inqui- Kingston. sitions concerning Elliot's estate, and that a dedimus potestatem may be sent to lToelof Elting, Arien Garretse and Edward Whita ker, justices of the peace, to swear him as clerk of the county,. . 114 Aug. 3. Letter. Gil. Livingston to Isaac Bobin, requesting that a dedimus Kingston. be sent, to swear him in as county clerk, and stating that Mr. Nottingham refuses to give up the office, 115 Aug. Petition. Lieut. Edward Smith, Lewis Gomez and Mordacai Gomez, for the appointment of an umpire in relation to the subject matter of their petition, 116 Aug. 7. List of military appointments for Kings county, 117 Aug. 8. Report on the petition of Edward Smith, in relation to the duties on some goods brought in the Greyhound, whereof he is com mander, 118 Aug. 9. Letter. A. Spotswood, governor of Virginia, to gov. Burnet, h. m. shin Enter, informing him that he comes to conclude a treaty with the Five prise, off Sandy Nationg of IndlanS) 119 Aug. 11. Letter. Gil. Livingston to Isaac Bobin, that he had received the Kingston. general dedimus from William Nottingham and had been sworn in, 120 Aug. 14. Account of disbursements made by Thos. Byerley, late collector and receiver-general, for repairing and refitting the office and custom house, New York, with report and vouchers, 121-126 Au 47 June 3. Deposition. Isaac Smith, of Hempstead, relative to seeing a two- masted schooner lying at anchor off Merrick gut, east of Roeka- way, 48 June 4. Deposition. John Cornell, of Rockaway, on the same subject, .... 49 1723. June 11. Writ against the justices ofthe peace of Queens county for neglect ing the common jail of said county, 50 1725. • June 13. Account. Abraham De Peyster, jr., treasurer; receipts and expendi tures of the province from May 14, 1724, to June 13, 1725, 51 June 24. Deposition. Johannes Mynderse and Dow Fonda, that Wood creek is passable for cannon, 52 June 23. Account. Richard Clarkson against George Clarke, for one piece of garlix, 52 June 23. Letter. The council to gov. Burnet ; their proceedings in the case NewYork. of the brigantine Hopewell, from Madeira, with small pox on board, '. 53 June 26. Deposition. Deputy sheriff Robert Crannel, jr., of New York, as to the refusal of William Osborn, a constable, to remove one Henry Fuller, sick with the small pox on board the brigantine .. Hopewell, 54 June 1. Petition. B. Rynders, John van Home and Stephen De Lancey, owners of the brigantine Hopewell, that the crew and their bed ding may be put on Bedloe's island, and said vessel unloaded and cleaned, 55, 57 June 16. Deposition. Thomas Fitch, master of the ship Samuel, relating to the small pox on board that vessel; Richard Everett, son of 'Sir"" Richard Everett, bart, had recovered from it, 56 June 21. Report of the council on the petition of Messrs. Rynders, &c, supra; BI July 9. Petition. Jan Wemp and Jacob Glen, for compensation for clearing Wood creek, 58 July 26. Petition. John, Peter, Elizabeth and Anne Tillou, that Jean Cros^ son, executor of the will of their aunt, Susanna Bridon, may furnish them with an inventory, 59 Vol. LXVII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 493 GOVERNOR BURNET. 1725. : PAGE. Aug. 8. * Application for a marriage license. Sander Lansing and Engelte van Slyck, of Schenectady, 60 Account. Cornelius van Home against Isaac Bobin, for 10 gallons rum, 60 Sept. 2. Petition. Jacob Fisher, that Lena Fisher be ordered to deliver up several deeds, &c, belonging to the estate of Tierck Harmense Fisher, late of Albany, deceased ; order of the council thereon, . . 61 Sept. 15. Petition. Jacobus Kip and Cornelius van Home, appointed to repair the buildings in the fort at New York, for their pay; report of committee of the council on the same, and accounts, 62-64 Sept. 18. Account. Elizabeth Kiersted against George Clarke, for dry goods and groceries, C5 Sept. 23. Report of a committee of the council on the accounts of David Provoost, late tonnage officer, 66, 67 Sept. 23. Account. David Provoost, of duties on tonnage and negro slaves, f 8 Sept. 23. List of outstanding debts for duties on tonnage and negro slaves, with names of persons owing the same, 69 Oct. Amendments of a committee of the council to the act appointing commissioners to let to farm the excise of strong liquors in the cities and counties of this province, 70 Petition. Alexander Mills, of New York, barber, for the pardon of John Jones, his apprentice, for counterfeiting a colonial shilling bill, VI Oct. 6. Application for a marriage license. Daniel Parine, of Freehold, N. J ., and Mary Martino, of Staten Island, 72 Oct. 13. Petition.' Leonard Lewis, of Dutchess county, that Anthony Lewis, of New York, cooper, and Jesse Kiersteed and Samuel Lawrence, of said city, mariners, show cause why letters of administration should not be granted to petitioner on the estate of his mother, Geese Lewis ; letters of administration, 73 Oct. 20. Deposition. John Johnston, relative to the deaths of col. Robert Lettice Hooper's negroes, and of Mrs. Philipe Hooper, by the small pox, ?4 Oct. 26. Petition. John Malleville, son and heir of Peter Malleville, late of New York, merchant, that John La Font be appointed his guardian and also administrator on the estate of his father ; certificate that ; La Font had qualified as such, 75 Oct. 26. Proceedings of the Mayor's Court, held at Albany, . . 70 Oct. 26. Letters of guardianship to John Lafont over John Malleville, 77 Oct. 27. Speech. Gov. Burnet to the General Assembly, 78 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 521.] Oct. 28. Petition. Robert Crannel, jr., for his pay for apprehending" and keeping Samuel Burcham of Oyster bay ; his account, and report of committee thereon, 79 Oct. 29. Petition. Joannah, widow of Henry R. Beekman, and their children for a survey of certain lands in Dutchess county, purchased of the Indians by col. Beekman and his partner, William Demyre, 80 494 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LXVII. GOVERNOR BURNET. 1 725. _^ ^ : . PAGE. Dec 30. Petition. John Guest of New Barbadoes neck, N. J, tanner, for a brief to circulate a charitable petition, he having been burned out, 81 Dec. 28. Certificate of the judge and justices of Bergen county, N. J, in support of the above petition, 81 Account of fees due the clerk of the Supreme Court by Mr. Murray, 82 Nov. 2. Petition. Obadiah, Nehemiah, Sylvanus and Solomon Palmer, for letters of administration on the estate of John Rubbell of Mama roneck, Westchester county, , . . 83 Nov. 3. Message. Assembly to the governor, requesting an adjournment, . . 84 Nov. 13. Account. Hendrick Ridder, for work, &c, on the garrison aft Mount Burnet, 84 Account. Lieut. Edmund Blood, for work and materials for the above garrison, 85 Nov. 16. Petition. William Sharpas, town clerk, &c, of the city of New York, relative to some provisions in the ordinance for recording deeds, 86 Nov. 25. Account. Rene Het with the India company of France, relating to the ship Victory, 87 Nov. Warrant of survey for land in Dutchess county, in dispute between the widow and children of col. Hendrick Beekman and Nicholas Demyre, and extending east from RomboUt's patent . to the province line, 88 Nov. 27. Certificate. Jonathan Whitehead and Richard Betts, justices of Queens county, in favor of Elizabeth Semisse of Jamaica, widow, as an object of charity, her house having been burned down,. ... 89 Nor. 30. Petition. Helena Semisse, for a license to circulate a charitable petition, 90 1726. Jan. 5. Petition. Derick Albertsen and Benjamin Cole of Oyster bay, for letters of administration- on the estate of Samuel Cole ; granted, . 92 1725. Oct. 11. Release. Samuel Cole of North Castle, Westchester county, of his rights in his late father's estate to Derick Albertsen, 92 Jan. 21. Deposition. Henry Lloyd of the manor of Queens village, Queens county, relating to the will of Henry Titus of Huntington, 93 Jan. 22. Proclamation adjourning the General Assembly, 94 [In Journ. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 524.] Feb. Minutes of the Mayor's Court, Albany, , . 95 Feb. 28. Petition. John Clarke, mariner, for letters of administration On the estate of Nicholas Major, a mariner on board the sloop Abigail, agreeably to an arrangement between them that the longest liver should inherit ; said Major having died at Sancta Lucea, 96 Feb. 28. Affidavit. Wm. Farmer and Joseph Peddelin, to the truth of the above petition, 96 Account of passes granted to various vessels (named), from June 23, 1725, to Dec 31, 1726, 97 Vol. LXVII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 495 GOVERNOR BURNET. 1725. ¦ . PAGE. Account. Abraham Alstine, for work and labor done on fort George, New York, during the years 1726 and 1727, 97 March. Information. Attorney-general Bradley against William Legget, of West Farms, Westchester county, for assaulting and wounding Thomas Hunt, '. 98 March 3. Petition. Walter Dongan, kinsman of Thomas Dongan, earl of Limerick, deceased, for an act to authorize the selling of certain lands, 99 1726. March 22. Notice of intended application by Walter Dongan to the General Assembly, for an act to authorize the selling of certain lands in the county of Richmond, &c ; affidavit of posting said notice, . . 100 March 21. Petition. Lewis Hector Piot de Langloiserie, for a license for the sole fishery of porpoise, 101 April 15. Address. General Assembly to gov. Burnet, in answer to his speech at the opening of the session of the legislature, 102 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 525.] April 24. Report of a committee of the council on the account of the auditor-general, for fees for auditing the treasurer's accounts,. . . . 104 Letter sent with some ink made of Holeman's ink powder, with which the writer wishes to have his patent engrossed ; no date, signature or address, 1 04 June 8. Petition. Thomas Hicks, for the passage of an act to authorize the cutting off the entail of certain lands in the township of Flushing, willed to him by his brother Whitehead Hicks, grandson of Daniel Whitehead, 105 1725. Oct. 16. Advertisement that application is to be made for the above act, and affidavit, 106 1726. June 8. Petition. Moses Gombeaux, commander of the sloop St. Bertram of Martinico, for permission to wood, water, provision and repair his sloop, 107 June 10. Commission. Benjamin Young to be treasurer of Suffolk county,. . 108 June 14. Petition. Moses Gombeaux, for leave to sell 18 casks of sugar to pay for the repairs of his vessel, with bill of necessaries, aud report in favor of granting prayer of the petitioner, 109 June 17. Petition. Charles and Francis Doughty and others, freeholders of the township of Flushing, on Nassau island, for a ferry from between the east side of William Thome's neck or island and the west side of Deborah Lawrence's neck to the main ; report on the same, with rates of ferriage, HO June 17. Patent for the above ferry to Charles and Francis Doughty and others, n 1 July 5. Pass. Philip Livingston and company to go to and return from Canada, 11- July 8 Petition. Jacob Flcesboom, of Orange town, county of Orange, in appeal, relative to a verdict given in suit in ejectment for some 496 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LXVII. GOVERNOR BURNET. 1726. PAGE. lands in said county, against him, in favor of Frederick Morris, on the demise of Daniel Honan, Lancaster Symes and John McEvers, with governor's order thereon, 113 July 4. Affidavit. Abraham Blauvelt, of Orange town, county of Orange, as to the service of the writ of possession, in the above suit, by John Gale and Vincent Mathews, elizors appointed by the court, 114 July 28. Order of the Supreme Court giving judgment for the plaintiff upon the postea in the above cause, 115 July 28. Warrant. William Kirten and Hendrick Law to be pilots for the port of New York, 116 Aug. 10. Proclamation dissolving the General Assembly, 117, 118 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 537.] Aug 13. Letter. George Clarke to Mr. Pope, on the subject of a negro NewYork. woman he is desirous to sell him, .as she has a great itch for run ning away, 119 Aug. 1 9. Letter. Henry Allaire to Messrs. Fauconnier and Clarke, on money Martininue. matters, 120, 121 Aug. 19. Letter. J. Burchett, secretary of the admiralty, to gov. Burnet, Admiralty office, relative to passes, bonds aud oaths for masters of vessels,. 122 Aug. Accounts of expenditures for the fort at Schenectady, and to whom paid, 123-138 Sept. 14. Minute ofthe proceedings of the commissioners of Indian affairs, and instructions to capt. Evert Bancker, resident agent in the Senecas country, 139 Sept. 15. Proclamation proroguing the General Assembly, 140 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 538.] Sept. 22. Pass. Esteinne Destailly and Lange La Fontaine, from Canada, to proceed to Pennsylvania, 141 Sept. 25. Deposition. Patrick Quaine, relative to having received money from capt Philip Corkcoran upon account of James May, 142 Sept. 26. Account. Philip Livingston, for goods furnished capt. Evert Bancker, 143 Sept. 26. Proclamation proroguing the General Assembly, 144 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 538.] Oct. 13. Address. General Assembly to gov. Burnet, relating to the finances of the province, 145 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 541.] , Reasons why resolutions of the assembly are not binding on his excellency in regard to the expenditure of the public money, 145 Oct. 15. Letter. Peter Fauconnier and George Clarke to Henry Allaire, of Martinique, on money matters (French), 146 Oct. 21. Report of a committee of the council to gov. Burnet, on the address of the General Assembly, delivered on'the 14th inst, 147 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 542.] Oct. 25. Report of a committee of the council on the act regulating fences in the town of Schenectady, &c, .148 Vol. LXVII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 497 GOVERNOR BURNET. 1726. _^^_ PAGE. Sept. 30. Account. Joseph Clement, for labor and materials on Fort Hunter, 149 Oct. 27. Motion of surveyor-general Colden for ascertaining the bounds of all lands granted in joint or common tenancy, 150 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 544.] Oct. 27. Report of a committee of the council on the act relating to deser tions from the army, 151 Bill of fees due by Mr. Chambers to the clerk of the Supreme Court, 152 Oct. 31. Commission. Henry Ludlam and Nathaniel Smith, of Jamaica, Queens county, to take charge of the estates of intestates, and to inventory the same, 152 Oct. 28. Bond. John van Kampen, of Huntington county, N. J, to John Conrad Weiser, to procure an Indian deed for land on west side of Delaware river, on a creek called Pienpeck, 152 Nov. 7. Report of a committee of the council, and amendments to the act to lay different duties, &c, and for regulating the Indian trade in the city of Albany, 153, 154 Nov. 9. Report of a committee of the council on the act to appoint an agent for the colony of New York at the court of Great Britain, 155 Nov. 9. Protest. Philip Livingston against the passage of the bill for regulating the Indian Trade at Albany, 156 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Cbun., 549.] Nov. 10. Report of a committee of the council on the bill for regulating and securing the Indian trade west of Albany, 157 Nov. 11. Account. Jno. and Jos. Reade against Isaac Bobin and George Clarke, for a half pipe of wine, £13 10s, 158 Reasons for allowing the payment, out of the quit rents, of the war rants drawn for the salaries of the clerk of the council, judge of admiralty, attorney-general and surveyor-general, 159 [Dec] Letter. Isaac Bobin to gov. Burnett ; warrant for auditing accounts NewYork. of H. M. ship under the command of capt. Barnaret; letters received by Mr. Ramasay, son of the governor of Montreal, for warded to his excellency; Mr. R. and another gentleman from Canada gone to Rhode island, Boston, &c, 160 1727. Jan. 31. Letter. Justice Jonathan Whitehead to attorney-general Bradley, giving information of the crimes committed by Adam Smith of Jamaica, Queens co., yeoman, 160 April 29. Deposition. Thomas Pettit of Jamaica, Queens co, as to an assault committed on him by Adam Smith, at the house of Mrs. Stillwell; witnesses' names, 161 Feb. 10. Certificate. Isaac Bobin, deputy secretary, that a power of attorney "made by Wm. Janeway, late purser of H. M. ship Richmond, is not recorded in the secretary's office, 162 Accounts of fees due the clerk of the Supreme Court by Messrs. Chambers, Clowes, Gould, Wileman and Jamison; 163-168 1728. Declaration. Demurrer, &c, in the case of The King vs. Thomas Smith and Jacob Hicks, in an action of debt, in the Supreme Court, March and Nov. terms, 169 63 498 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS1. [Vol. LXV1TI. GOVERNOR BURNET. 1728. • PAGE- Writs against Adam Smith, Thos. Smith and Jacob Hicks, of Queens county, at the suit of the king, 170, 171 1727. March 8. Pass. Robert, son of Philip Livingston, to go to Canada, 172 March 11. Proclamation adjourning the General Assembly, 173 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 550.] April 14. Proclamation further adjourning the General Assembly to the second Tuesday in May, 175 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 551.] May 6. Report of a committee of the council on the account of the auditor- general, for auditing the treasurer's accounts, 176 May 8. Proclamation further adjourning the General Assembly to the second Tuesday of June, 177 pn Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 551.] May 13. Certificate. B. Sylvester of Shelter island, of having admitted Christian, widow of James Patty, late of Southold, as adminis tratrix, &c, 178 VOLUME LXVIII. GOVERNORS BURNET AND MONTGOMERIE. 1727. June I 6. Proceedings. Inferior Court of Common Pleas and Mayor's Court in the city of Albany, 1 June 12. Proclamation further adjourning the General Assembly until the second Tuesday in July, 2 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 552.] June 1 7. Commission. Henry Vandenburgh of Dutchess county, to supervise estates of intestates, &c, 3 June 17. Letter. Isaac Bobin to Henry Vandenburgh, with instructions NewYork. relating to duties of his office as supervisor of the estates of intestates, 4, 5 June 17. Commission. James Hussey and Abraham Brinkerhoff, to super vise the estates of intestates for the south ward of the county of Dutchess, 6 June 17. Letter. Isaac Bobin to James Hussey and Abraham Brinkerhoff, New York. informing them that they are to report to Henry Vandenburgh, . 7 June 17. Commission. Peter Viele and Abraham de Graff, to supervise the estates of intestates for the middle ward of the county of Dutchess, 8 Vol. LXVIIL] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 499 GOVERNOR BURNET. * 1727. PAGE. June 17. Letter. Isaac Bobin to Messrs. Viele and De Graaf, with the pre- New York. ceding commission, and directing them to report to Mr. Vanden burgh, 9 June 27. Commission. Hendrick Heerman and Roeloff Kip, to supervise the estates of intestates for the north ward of the county of Dutchess, 10 June 17. Letter. Isaac Bobin to Messrs. Heerman and Kip, instructing NewYork. them to report to Mr. Vandenberg, 11 June 26. Letter. Lords of trade to gov. Burnet, directing him to proclaim Whitehall. the accession of George the Second to throne of England 12 July 5. Royal proclamation continuing all persons in office, 13 July 10. Proclamation further adjourning the General Assembly to second Tuesday in August, 14 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 552.] Aug. 3. Account. Susanna Parmyter, for the board of the governor of Canada (sic) and fourteen men, and wine, 15 Aug. 9. Account. Jacob Fisher, for necessaries furnished on the voyage of Monsieur Lassanje and company, 16 Aug. 24. Proclamation of the accession of George the Second, king of Eng land, to the throne, 17, 18 Sept. 16. Order to all civil officers to aid capt. George Ingoldesby in arresting deserters from the Independent company of fusileers, 19 Account. Abraham van Home, for flour furnished on account of Joshua Winslow, 20 Sept. 23. Account. John De Peyster, for merchandise furnished capt. Evert Banker, 20 Sept. 29. Account. Capt Evert Banker, for his journey to and disbursements in the Indian country, 20 Oct. 2. Accounts. Peter Schuyler, Gysbert van Brackelle, jr., and Killian Reeder, for their voyage to Onondage, 21, 22 Accounts. Philip Livingston and Stephen Groesbeck, for goods furnished capt. Philip Schuyler for presents for the Indians, 22 1726. Sept. 15. Account. Joseph van Sice, for services as blacksmith in the Seneca country, 23 1727. Aug. 11. Account. Lawrence Claessen, for services to the Onondage country, 23 Sept. 21. Certificate as to the health of Johanneta Nissin, a Palatine, lately arrived from Amsterdam, 24 Oct. 5. Accounts. Myndert Schuyler, Stephanus Groesbeck and Harmanus Wendell, for goods furnished capt. Evert Bancker for his men at Oswego, 25 Oct. 6. Affidavit. Daniel Seymour, of service as a clerk in a law office, and gov. Burnet's order for a license to be made out for him to prac tice as an attorney, 26 Nov. 2. Bill against Francis Faucher, master of the French ship Dilligent Postillion, for fees due the clerk of the council, 27 500 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LXVIII. GOVERNOR BURNET. 1727. . PAGE. Nov. 5. Memorial. Attorney-general Bradley, relative to the prosecution of sundry informations, and his compensation therefor, 28 Nov. 13. Warrant. Johannes Cuyler, Peter van Brugh and Stephen Rens selaer, to furnish wood'and candles to forts at Albany, Schenectady and to Fort Hunter, 29 Nov. 14. Petition. John Kelly, late of Barbadoes, to be licensed to practice as an attorney, and affidavit in regard to his qualifications, 30, 31 Nov. 15. Report of Lewis Morris, jr., chairman, &c, on the act relating to the ferry between New York and the island of Nassau, &c.,. . . . 32 Nov. 19. Report of a committee of the council on the petition of Sarah Varick, Wessel Wessels, jr., Abraham Lakerman, Cornelius Ger rit van Home, Andrew Teller, Stephen Bayard, Jacobus van Courtland, John Le Montes, Phebe Outman and Antie Ten Eyck, for the privilege of erecting a dock and wharf in New York, on a street to be forever hereafter called Burnet street, 33 Nov. 27. Proceedings of a committee of the council concerning the resolves of the General Assembly relating to the Court of Chancery ; evi dence of Robert Livingston and Gerrit van Home, 34 Nov. 28. Further minutes of the above committee. Henry Beekman, late member of assembly, called in ; refuses to answer any questions ; evidence of Gabriel Ludlow, clerk of the assembly, 35 Dec. 1. Further minutes of said committee; evidence of Isaac Hicks, late member of assembly, 36 Dec. 5. Report of a committee of the council on the resolves of the late assembly concerning the Court of Chancery, with a history of that court, 38, 39 Nov. 25. Minute of council dissolving the assembly, with resolutions of that body condemning the erection of a Court of Chancery, and dec laration of the council that such resolutions are unwarrantable, &c, 39 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 562.] Dec. 5. Capias. Mathew Wolf against Frederick Boltt, 40 Dec. Memorandum of capiases issued by Wm. Smith, in favor of Wm. Smith, jr., against Richard Ogden and John Hustis, and in favor of Johannis Wynkoop vs. Abraham Hendricks, 40 Dec. 12. Letter. S. Clowes to Isaac Bobin, for a copy of the will of George Jamaica. De Ree, jr., 41 Deposition. Samuel Clowes, relative to an advertisement he saw nailed on the door of the parish church of Jamaica, L. L, 42 Dec. 19. Order. Attorney-general to prosecute all suits which involved the the king's title to lands, 43 Dec. 19. Report of a committee of the council upon a review of the ordinance relating to fees in the Court of Chancery, specifying the abuses in that court, and the remedies therefor, 44 Form of confirming a report of a master to the Court of Chancery, 45 Dec. 20. Letter. Isaac Bobin to [the clerk of Albany county], with printed copies, for distribution, of the report of the committee of the Vox. LXVIIL] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 501 GOVERNOR BURNET. 1727. PAGE. council in answer to the resolves of the assembly on the Court , of Chancery ; also of a pamphlet entitled, The Two Interests of the Country Reconciled (in English and Dutch); names of persons to whom copies are to be sent, 46, 48, 49 Dec. 22. Account of Mediterranean passes from Nov. 17, 1726, to date, sent to Mr. Burchett, secretary of the admiralty, by capt. Thos. Smith, 47 Oct. 17. Petition. Franois Costigin, for a license to practice as an attorney, 50 Oct. 7. Petition. Louis Francois Fancher, for permission to refit his vessel, 51 Oct. 7. Report of a committee of the council on the petition of Louis Francois Faucher, to refit his vessel, 52 Nov. 1. Petition. Louis Francois Faucher, to sell a portion of his cargo to pay for refitting his vessel ; schedule of accounts against his ship, , 53 Account of charges against the ship Diligent Postilion of Nantes, . 54 Form of an ordinance for establishing the remedies for abuses in the practice of tbe law, 55 Draft of a citation for William Walton of New York, merchant, administrator of the estate of his son, Thomas Walton, to appear at the office of the secretary with inventory, &c, 56 1728. Feb. 9. Venire issued in the case of Casperse Hallenbeeck against Jan and Cornelius Bronck, and list of jurors to be summoned from Coxsackie, 57 Feb. 29. Table of fees for various civil officers in the province of New York, 58 March 5. Proceedings of a meeting of the mayor, recorder, aldermen and town clerk, at Albany, in relation to the act for defraying the costs, &e, of the trading house, at Oswego, and the misconduct of Philip Livingston, the town clerk, 59, 71 March 7. Report of a committee of the council appointed to prepare an ordi nance for establishing the remedies for the abuses in the practice of the law, 60 March 7. Letter. Mayor, recorder and aldermen of the city of Albany to Albany. gov. Burnet, reporting their action on the act for defraying the cost, &c, of the trading house, at Oswego, and that Philip Liv ingston, the town clerk, would not obey the directions of said act; Livingston's answer, 61, 70 March 25. Roll of the military officers of Kings county, 62 April 5. License. Abraham van Home, William Provost and Mary Burnet of the city of New York, and Philip Livingston of the city of Albany, to purchase 8,000 acres of land on the Mohawk river from the Indians,. 63 April 13. Brief. James Wilcocks of Goshen, county of Orange, to ask and receive the charitable gifts of the benevolent, having lost his property by fire, 64 April 5. Memorandum of passes issued to certain schooners, 64 502 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LXVIII. GOVERNOR MONTGOMERIE. 1728. ¦ PAGE. April 15. Proclamation continuing all officers, civil and military, in their respective offices, by gov. Montgomerie, , 65 June 24. Account. Captain (Montgomerie), of clearings for himself and company, 66 Letter. William Dick to Geo. Clarke, showing the entire cost of a company for 28 days, to be £120 3s. 5|d, 67, 69 Answer of Philip Livingston to charges exhibited against him by the mayor, &c, of Albany, 72 May 23. Deposition. Thomas Williams, as to the manner Rutger Bleeker, mayor of Albany, took the oath required to be. taken of those suspected of having traded with the subjects of the French king, 73 May 23.. Deposition. Philip Livingston, town clerk, of Albany; same as above, 74 May 23. Deposition. Evert Wendell of Albany, in relation to objections raised by Philip Livingston, town clerk, to taking the above oath, 75 June 24. Deposition. Hendrick Roseboom, alderman of the city of Albany, in relation to the conduct of Philip Livingston, town clerk, as aforesaid, 76 June 24. Deposition. Barent Sanders, alderman of the city of Albany, in relation to the objections of Philip Livingston to the oath pre scribed to be taken by those suspected of trading with Canada, . . 77 June 24. Deposition. Johannis Vanderheyden of Albany, on the same subject, 78 Sept. 21. Protest of Philip Livingston against a certain act which insinuates that he, as town clerk of Albany, has been guilty of a breach of law, 79 July 23. Speech. Gov. Montgomerie to the General Assembly, 80 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 564.] June 11. Writ. Sheriff of Ulster county, to summon John van Kampen, Jacob Hasbrook, Tobias Hoornbeck, John Crook, jr., John Potist Dumont, Lewis Bovie, Andries van Lueven, Marynis Chambers, Cornelis Cool, Daniel Hasbrook, Hugo Freer, Johannis Turck, Samuel Bovie, Walrant Dumont, Joshua Smedies, Evert Terwil- lige, William Ploegh, Arie van Vliet, Mattys Blanjan, John Lafever, Johannis Low, Jacobus Quick, Manuel Gunsalis Duck and Hendrick Roosekrans, as jurors, to try a case before the Supreme Court, at Kingston, 80 Names of the freeholders in the several towns within the county of Ulster, 81, 82 Names of the military and civil officers of the, county of Ulster, ... 83 Aug. 30. Representations made by some of the members of the council con cerning the late assembly, 84 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 568.] July 2. Proceedings of a Mayor's Court in Albany; Messrs. Bleecker, De Peyster and Ten Broeck qualify as commissioners of duties on Indian goods, 85 July 30. Memorandum of passes to vessels and marriage licenses issued from the secretary's office, 86 Vol. LXVHL] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 503 GOVERNOR MONTGOMERIE. 1728. — _ PAGE. Aug. Memorial. Robert Lurting and the superior officers of the militia of the city Of New York, for protection of those obliged by law to appear under arms, 86 Aug. 30. Report of a committee of the council on the act for the more easy acknowledgment of deeds, 87 Aug. 31. Message. Council to the house of assembly, that it had passed the above bill, 88 Sept. 10. Report of a committee of the council on the act to amend the prac tice of the law, and to regulate the giving of special bail, 89 Sept. ' 12. Account. John Anthony, with the estate of Edward Bromhead, as. executor, 90 Sept. 13. Representation. James Alexander and Lewis Morris, jr., against entering in the minutes of the council the examinations and depo sitions of sundry members of the' assembly, taken upon a resolve of the assembly relating to the Court of Chancery (see supra, p. 34-36), 91 Sept. 19. Account. Philip Livingston and Dirck Ten Broeck, farmers of the duties on Indian goods, 92 Sept. 19. Report of a committee of the council on the Oswego trading act, and remonstrating against the Assembly sending up bills of importance late in the session, 93 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 580.] Sept. 21. Certificates of the attendance on the General Assembly, of Gabriel Ludlow, as clerk, and Dirck Egberts, as doorkeeper, 93 Sept. 21. Letter. Gov. Montgomerie to the president of the council, nomi- NewYork. nating Robert Lurting, as mayor, and Henry Beekman, as sheriff, of New York, 94 Account. Peter Vanbrugh, for disbursements for the fort at Albany, and to whom paid, with vouchers, 95, 96 Oct. 5. Petition. Francis Salisbury, Wessel Ten Broeck, Johannis Pruyn, Samuel Ten Broeck, Jan Bronk, Johannis Roseboom, Evert Bancker, John Schuyler, Peter van Brugh, Barent Sanders, John's Cuyler, for, a nolle prosequi in a suit brought by attorney-general Bradley against them, as justices of the peace for Albany county, . in relation to the jail, 97 Nov. 6. Letter. Cadwallader Colden to gov. Montgomerie, recommending NewYork. for acceptance an offer to make a map of the Indian country as far as Oswego, 99 Nov. 28. Account against Adam Mott, for fees due the secretary's office from Richmond county, 100 Dec. 3. Proclamation directing an alteration in the prayers, &c, for the royal family, 101 1729. Jan. 16. Order. Henry Beekman, sheriff, of New York, to cite William Walton to appear at the secretary's office with an inventory of the estate of his son, Thomas Walton, 102 Petition. John Fizard of New York, mariner, for permission to ask the charity of the benevolent, he having lost his boat, ...... 103 504 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LXVIIL GOVERNOR MONTGOMERIE. 1729. : PAGE. March 7. Caveat. Mary White of New York, against" John Noble leaving the province till he had paid a debt due the estate of ber late husband, Griffis White, 103 March 6. Caveat. Edmund Peerse of New York, merchant, against John Noble,. as above, 103 Jan. 27. Indenture of service. William Presland, tailor, to John Colgan, merchant, for four years,, at New York,, executed in the presence of Hen. Burrowes, lord mayor of Dublin, 103 Feb. 25. Minutes of the commissioners for recovering fines and forfeitures at Albany, under the Oswego act, from 25 October, 1728, to date,. . 104 Feb. 11. Proceedings of a Mayor's Court in the city of Albany, 105 March 18. Advertisement of the sale of property situate in the common in the city of New York, and in the county of Ulster, belonging to the estate of the late Edward Bromhead, in his lifetime coach man to gov. Burnet, by the executors, John Anthony and Thomas Elde, 106 April 25. License to the congregation of the Protestant Dutch church of the city of New York, to ask contributions for enlarging or building another church on a lot to the northward of the French church, in the north ward of said city, 107 May 14. Caveat. Thomas Scurlock of New York, innkeeper, against capt. Chapman carrying away Francis Burke, his mate, until said Burke has paid a debt which he owes to said Scurlock, 108 May 19. Caveat. William Riley of New York, vintner, against capt. Chap man's carrying away Walter Pritchard, for like cause, 108 May 19. Caveat. John Gibbon, cordwainer, against Robert Doune leaving the province till he has paid him, 109 May 19. Caveat. Richard Goodin of the city of New York, blacksmith, against capt. Richard Chapman leaving tbe province till he had paid his demand, 109 May 24. Caveat. Richard Chapman against George Sandal leaving the province without paying him, 110 May 31. Caveat. Robert Bevan, vintner, against Francis Burck leaving the province without paying him, 110 May 6. Proceedings of a Mayor's Court at Albany, Ill June 3. Account. Daniel Gautier, for repairing the barracks at fort George, 112 June. Warrant. Harmanus Wendell, victualer, of Oswego, to impress workmen and others to make bateaux, and to transport troops, &c, to that post, 113 June 13. Reasons offered by Lewis Morris, jr., member of the council, against the manner of drawing orders or warrants for the disposition of his majesty's revenue in the province of New York, without the previous advice and consent of the council had thereto, . . . 113 June 17. Docket of the Mayor's Court at Albany, 114 June 20. Commission. Thomas Barrobank, to be lieutenant of militia for the north precinct of the county of Richmond, whereof Barrent Christopher is captain, 115 Vol. LXVIIL] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 505 GOVERNOR MONTGOMERIE. 1729. PAGE. June 26. Protest. Lewis Morris, jr., against the manner in which warrants for money are drawn and issued by the governor, 117, 121 July 9. Message. Assembly to the council with the act relating to the clearing, regulating, &c, the public highways in the city and county of Albany, 123 July 12. Resolution of the General Assembly that the governor issue war rants to Gabriel Ludlow, John Royce, Abraham Lodge and Dirck Egberts, for their services, 123 July 15. Letter. Isaac Bobin to Mr. Wileman, inquiring what the rule of NewYork. the secretary's office was in regard to giving copies and abstracts of minutes of the council on the request of private persons ; Mr. Wileman's answer, 124 July 15. Letter. Isaac Bobin, deputy secretary, to Lewis Morris, jr., refusing NewYork. copies of certain minutes of council, 124 Aug. 6. Order. Henry Beekman, sheriff of New York, to cite Thomas Fincham, widower of Mary Sly, to appear at the secretary's office and show cause why he does not administer on her estate, 125 July 10. Representation. Governor, council and the assembly to the lords of the treasury, 'relating to the importation of European salt into the province of New York, 126 [In Assem. Jour., I, 604. 605.] Oct. 23. Proceedings of the council in the case of Richard Murphy, master of the Jenney Galley, of Dublin, on charges against said master, for conspiring to land his passengers in Virginia, when his vessel was cleared for New Castle on the Delaware, 127 Oct. 20. Deposition. William Kinley, chief mate, in the above case, 128 Oct. 17, Deposition. Richard Murphy, master and owner; he sailed from Londonderry in July with 210 passengers, servants and redemp- tioners, and charges his crew with mutiny, 129 Oct. 20. Examination of John McKinley, second mate, in the above case, . . 130 Oct. 20. Deposition. William Espye, of Londonderry, passenger, in the above case, 131 Oct. 20. Deposition. James McCarron, passenger, in the above case, 132 Oct. 21. Deposition. John Hagan, mariner, in the above case, 133 Oct. 21. Deposition. Peter Stanley, apprentice, in the above case, 134 Oct. 21. Depositions. Nicholas English, apprentice, and John Forbes, pas senger, in the above case, 1 35 Oct. 21. Deposition. Richard Carrol, cabin boy, in the above case, 136 Dec. 5. Letter. I. Bobin, ordering a member of the council to attend a NewYork. meeting of the board immediately to make a quorum, 137 Dec. 11. Veto of all the New York laws prohibiting the selling of Indian St. James's. goods to the French, and laying duties on them for maintaining Oswego, passed from November, 1720, to 1729, 138 Dec. 14. Letter (or cedilla) of the king of Spain, restoring all the prizes Seville. taken from the English in America (Spanish), 139, 140 Translation of the above cedula, 141 64 506 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LXVIIL GOVERNOR MONTGOMERIE. # 1729. PAGE. Dec. 16. Petition. Daniel Potter, of Turtle bay, New York, carman, for leave to circulate a subscription for alms, he having been robbed by one Thomas Mulier, 142 Dec. 29. Deposition. Cornelis Cuyper, of Orange county, that Lancaster Symes, jr., said, God damn king George ; is he a king ? No, .... 143 1730. Jan. 22. Letter. The king to gov. Montgomerie, commanding the restoration St. James's of all prizes taken from the Spanish, 144 Feb. 3. Mandamus, ordering the dismissal of Lewis Morris from the council, st James's. and the appointment of Philip Courtland in his place, 145 Feb. 3. Report on the conduct of Benjamin Price, attorney-at-law, in the matter of the estate of Mary Sly, 146 Feb. 19. Case of Jacobus, Zacharyas, Hendrick, Gerardus, William and Robert, children of Zacharyas Zickells, of Harlem, N. Y, deceased, vs. Abraham Meyer and Abraham Lent, executors of Joannis Zickels, of Westchester county, also deceased 147, 148 March 7. Letter. Isaac Bobin to Samuel Hutchinson and Brinley Sylvester, NewYork. inclosing petition of Peter Saragtoke and other Indians, on which to make a report, '. 150 Report of Messrs. Hutchinson and Sylvester, on the complaint of the aforesaid Montauk Indians, 151 March 19. Proclamation offering a reward of £20 for the discovery ofthe per sons who set fire to the fort at Albany on the 3d instant, 152 April 9. Petition. Adam Mott, Joseph Carman and company, of Staten island, for the oil and bone of a whale wounded by them in the bay of New York, and afterwards cast ashore at Cape May; granted, 153 April 10. Depositions. Adam Mott, Henry Young and Jos. Carman on the above subject, » 154 April 14. License. James Donnon, to travel on foot and vend goods as a petty chapman, , 155 April 23. Letter. Isaac Bobin to Lewis Morris, jr., informing him that he NewYork. had been dismissed the council, 156 April 23. Petition. Anthony Wright, of Staten island, and Joseph Fitz Randall, of East New Jersey, ferrymen, for a grant of an exclu sive ferry from Smoaking point, Staten island, to Smoaking point, New Jersey, 157 May. Discharge of Walter Jones, a private belonging to gov. Montgom- erie's company, 158 May 26. Account for fees due the secretary's office from Gilbert Willet, sur rogate of Westchester county, 159 Vol. LXIX.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 507 VOLUME LXIX. GOVERNOR MONTGOMERIE AND PRESIDENT VAN DAM. 1730. [Thus * marked are in Dutch.] PAGE. Papers relating to the boundary line between New York and Con necticut, viz., , 1 1633. June 8. * Indian deed to commissary Van Curler, for the Dutch government, of the tract of land called Sickajoock (now Hartford), on the Connecticut river, 2 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, II, 139.] 1664. Feb. 10. Declaration of Jacobus van Curler, Fredrick Lubbersen, Barent Jacobsen Cool, Johannes Pieterson and Peter Laurens, surviving witnesses to the above deed, that it is a true copy of the original, 2 Feb. 10. Certificate of the director, &c, of New Netherland, that the pre ceding declaration was duly sworn to by the subscribers, 2 1662. April 23. Charter granted by Charles II to the colony of Connecticut, 3 [In Trumbull's Hist. Conn., p. ; Hinman's Antiq. of Conn., 174.] 1664. Nov. 30. Agreement between gov. Nicolls and gov. Winthrop, that the west line of Connecticut colony shall not approach the Hudson river nearer than twenty miles, % 4 [In Senate Doc. 1857, No. 165, p. 100.] Dec. 1. Adjudication of the boundary between New York and Connecticut, agreed upon by Richard Nicolls, George Carteret and Sam'l Maverick and the commissioners of the latter colony, 5 [In Smith's Hist. N. Y., Alb. ed., p. 52 ; also in Senate Doc, supra, p. 102.J 1665. Nov. Extract of a letter from col. Nicolls, governor of New York, to his royal highness the duke of York, informing him of the above agreement, 6 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, III, 106; also in Senate Doc, supra, p. 104.] 1682. May, 11. Letter. John Allyn, secretary of Connecticut, to the deputy gov- Hartford, ernor of New York, complaining of Frederick Phillips erecting mills, &c, in the town of Rye, within their territory, 7 [In Senate Doc, supra, p. 105.] 1683. Nov. 18. Commission. Gov. Treat, Nathan Gold, John Allyn and William Pitkin, on the part of Connecticut, to treat with gov. Dongan, of New York, relative to the boundary, 8 [In Senate Doc, supra, p. 107.] Nov. 25. Minute of the council of New York, relative to the Connecticut boundary being twenty miles from the Hudson river, 9 508 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LXIX. GOVERNOR MONTGOMERIE. 1683. ___ PAGE. Nov. 28. Agreement about the line between the province of New York and the colony of Connecticut, concluded between col. Dongan and gov. Treat, 10 [In Senate Doc. 1857, No. 165, p. 110.] Dec. 3. Letter. Gov. Treat, of Connecticut, to lieut. Joseph Horton and Fayrefeiia. others, inhabitants of Rye, with account of the Connecticut west bounds, as settled by commissioners, 11 1684. May 8. Minute of the General Court of Connecticut, appointing Nathan Gold, one of the council, with John Burr and Jonathan Selleck to attend the surveyors in laying out the boundary line between New York and Connecticut, 12 1697. April 15. Proclamation recalling the inhabitants of Rye and Bedford to their allegiance, . 13 v 1701. May 30. Minute of the council of New York, acknowledging the receipt of the following : March 28. Order of the king in council, confirming the agreement of 1683, for settling the boundary between New York and Connecticut (see vol. 43, 102), 14 - March 29. Letter. William III to the earl of Bellomont, approving the above order and directing that the towns of Rye and Bedford be and remain hereafter under the government of New York, 14 May 30. Proclamation declaring the towns of Rye and Bedford to belong to the county of Westchester, 15 1718. Oct. 28. Instructions to Ado'lph Philips, Caleb Heathcote, George Clarke, Isaac Hicks and Thomas Willett, commissioners on the part of New York, to meet at Rye the commissioners on the part of Con necticut, to run the division line between the two provinces,. . . . 16 Oct. 9. Minute of the General Assembly of Connecticut, appointing Peter Burr, Samuel Eells and Jonathan Law, commissioners to meet the commissioners on the part of New York, at Rye, 17^ Oct. 31. Letter. Messrs. Phillips, Heathcote, &c, commissioners, to gov- Kr«. ernor Hunter, informing him of the failure to run the boundary line, 18 " Oct. 31. Letter. Commissioners on the part of New York to the commis- Eye- sioners on the part of Connecticut, regretting that the latter are not provided with sufficient powers to run the line, and recom mending them to apply for further authority, 19 " Oct. 31. Letter. Commissioners on the part of Connecticut to the commis- Kre. sioners from New York, in answer to the above, 20 v 1719. May 14. Commission. William Pitkin, Peter Burr, Samuel Eells, Jonathan La^w and John Read, to be commissioners on the part of Connec ticut to run the boundary line between that colony and New York, 21 July 9. Letter. Governor Saltonstall to governor Hunter, on the boundary New London. question, 22 •• Vol. LXIX.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 509 GOVERNOR MONTGOMERIE. 1723. PAGE. March 21. Report of the council on a letter from gov. Saltonstall to gov. Bur net, and an act of the assembly of Connecticut, concerning the partition line between New York and that colony, embracing a ^ history of what has already been done, 23 May 9. Act of the assembly of Connecticut, for running and ascertaining the division line between New York and Connecticut, 24 < Aug. 13. Report and observations of a joint committee of the council and General Assembly of New York, on the above act, 25 ^ [In Senate Doe. 1857, No. 165, p. 115.] Oct. 10. Report of the General Assembly of Connecticut, in answer to the preceding, and an act appointing commissioners to run the line between New York and that colony, 26 v [In Senate Doc, supra, p. 127.] Dec. 10. Commission. Peter Burr, Samuel Eells, Roger Woolcot and Jona- , than Law, to be commissioners on the part of Connecticut for completing the line of partition between that colony and New York, ... 27^ Dec. 13. Report of a committee ofthe council on the act ofthe General Assembly of Connecticut, relating to the boundary line, and recom mending the appointment of commissioners, 28 Dec. 30. Report of a committee of the council, transmitting draft of a com mission for running the division line between New York and Connecticut, 29 1724. Jan. 20. Minute of the -governor and council of Connecticut, relative to the boundary commission ; John Copp of Norwalk, appointed one of the surveyors, 30 v Jan. 23. Royal confirmation of the act passed in 1719, for running the par tition line between New York and Connecticut, 3117 Jan. 24. Report of a committee of the council, on proper instructions for the commissioners and surveyor appointed on behalf of New York, to meet the commissioners of Connecticut for running. the partition.. line, 32 ^ April 20. Report of the New York commissioners, appointed to meet the commissioners on the part of Connecticut, for running the parti tion line, 33 [In Senate Doc, supra, p. 133.] April 13. First proposal of the commissioners of Connecticut to the commis sioners of New York, relative to the survey of the above line, . . 34 " April 14. Second proposal of the commissioners on the part of Connecticut, relative to the survey, 35 April 14. Third proposal of the Connecticut commissioners, ............... 36 * April 14. Fourth proposal of the Connecticut commissioners, 37" April 15. Fifth proposal of the Connecticut commissioners, 38 April 16. Sixth proposal of the Connecticut commissioners, 39 April 17. Seventh proposal of the Connecticut commissioners, .40 April 18. Eighth proposal of the Connecticut commissioners, 41 510 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LXIX. GOVERNOR MONTGOMERIE. 1724. ....._ .. PAGE. April 18. The last paper from the Connecticut commissioners to those of New York,.... 42 " Feb. 1. List of papers relating to the running of the division line between this province and Connecticut, 43, 44 Oct. 8. Act of the General Assembly of Connecticut, relating to running the boundary,. 45 V [In Senate Doc 1857, No. 165, p. 141.] ' ' ; Letter: -Gov. Burnet to the justices of Westchester county, order ing the suspension of all prosecutions for trespass, pending the negotiations, respecting the boundary, with Connecticut, ........ 46. 1725. March- 20. Resolution of the governor and council of Connecticut, appointing Jonathan Law, Joseph Wakeman, Sam'l Eels, Roger Woolcott, commissioners to run the boundary line, 47 March 20. Instructions to the aforesaid commissioners, 48 v April 8. Report of a committee of the council on the instructions to the commissioners on the part' of New York, to run the boundary line with Connecticut, 49 [In Senate Doc, supra, p. 142.] April 16. Proposal submitted by the commissioners of Connecticut to the commissioners of N. York, preparatory to running the boundary line, 50 ' April ' 29. Articles of agreement between the commissioners of New York and Connecticut, ; . . 51 J [In Senate Docs., supra, p. 145; 1860, No. 31, p. 23.] May 12. Report of a survey, of a portion of the boundary line between the colonies of New York and Connecticut, 52 v [In Senate Does., supra, p. 151 ; 1860, No. 31, p. 28.] May 19. Memorial. Francis Harison, Cadwallader Colden, surveyor-general, and Isaac Hicks, commissioners, appointed to run and ascertain the division line between New York and Connecticut, containing their reasons for agreeing to the above report, 53" [In Senate Doc, supra, p. 154.] May 20. Account of the expenses of the N. Y. commissioners and others, employed in running and settling the division line between that4 colony and Connecticut ; report thereon, 54 x [In Senate Doc, supra, p. 159.] 1730. Oct. 8. Act passed by the General Assembly of Connecticut, approving the survey in part made of the line between that colony and New York, 12 May, 1725, and appointing commissioners to continue the survey, 55, 56 K [In Senate Doc, supra, p. 163.] 1731. May 14. Indenture executed by the commissioners for running the lines " between New York and Connecticut, establishing the boundary between these colonies, from the Sound to the Massachusetts lines, and ceding the Oblong to New York (see page 51), 57 v [In Senate Docs., supra, p. 166; 1860, No. 31, p. 31.] Vol. LXIX.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 511 GOVERNOR MONTGOMERIE. 1731. PAGE. May 14. Description of the places in which the monuments were set up by the commissioners of the province of New York and colony of Connecticut, 58 v [In Senate Does. 1857, No. 165, p. 173 ; 1860, No. 31, p. 38.] Papers on the subject of the boundary between New York and Connecticut, viz, 63 No. 1. Bounds of the lands granted to Connecticut by patent, dated 23 April, 1662, 64 No. 2. Bounds of the territory granted to the duke of York, 12 March, 1664, 64 No. 3. Rough draft or map, showing the boundaries so far as the above two patents are concerned, with explanatory note, 65 No. 4. Rough draft or map, the better to understand the several Hnes agreed on between New York and Connecticut, in the trans actions concerning them in the following papers, 66 No. 5. Agreement concerning the bounds of Connecticut concluded by his majesty's commissioners, and those appointed by said colony, 1 December, 1664, 67 No. 6. Order of the king in council approving the agreement of /Tl^) 1683, and the survey of 1684, dated 28 March, 1700, ....... 68 (Xfff\y No. 7. Articles of agreement entered into between the commis sioners of New York and Connecticut, 29 April, 1725, 70 No. 8. Report of an actual survey of the line pursuant to the last mentioned agreement, 12 May, 1725, . , 74 No. 9. Indenture certifying the actual execution of the agreement of 1725, by which the Oblong is ascertained and yielded to New York, and the New line of Connecticut established to the east ward thereof, 14 May, 1731, reverse of 75 "" No. 10. Royal grant to sir Joseph Eyles and company, of the Equivalent lands or Oblong, 15 May ,-1731, 80 No. 11. Patent to Thomas Hauley, Nathan St. John, Benjamin Benedict, Joseph Keeler, James Benedict and others, of the Equivalent lands or Oblong, 8 June, 1731 (printed copy), 86 No. 12. Extract of the commission to the governor by virtue of which the last mentioned patent was issued, 86 No. 13. New York Gazette of Nov. 8, 1731, wherein is printed an advertisement of Francis Harrison, Sir Joseph Eyles' attorney, with another, in answer, by the New York patentees, 86 No. 14. Queries concerning the grants to Hauley and others, and to Sir Joseph Eyles and others, both which are supposed to have been- intended for the same lands, which queries are grounded on the aforesaid facts, 87 No. 15. Letter. Dr. Colden (the person best acquainted with the facts concerning the matter of any in this province), to Micajah Perry, on the subject of the grant to Hauley and company, ; . . 91 1730. May 20. Minutes of the proceedings of the commissioners for the recovery of the fines, penalties and forfeitures incurred for illegal trading 512 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LXIX, GOVERNOR MONTGOMERIE. 1730. , PAGE. with the French, contrary to certain acts of assembly, from 12 July, 1729, to date, 94 June 17. Receipt to Robert Anderson for the fee for a license to peddle, .... 95 July 24, Pass. Charles Petie, to go to Canada to visit his friends, 95 July 30. Letter. Isaac Bobin to the judge of the admiralty and collector of NewYork. the customs, relative to the restitution of prizes, 96 Aug. 6. Pass. John Glen, Jacob Ten Eyck and Robert Livingston, jr., to journey to Canada to demand money due Stephen De Lancey, of New York, merchant, 97 Sept. 14. Letter. Isaac Bobin to Geo. Clarke ; the governor passed last week NewYork. very merrily, but is now laid up with the gout, 98 Sept. 21. Letter. Commissioners of Indian affairs, inclosing a proposition Albany. from three Mohawk sachems, protesting against any further sale of their lands to Christians, 99 Sept. 30. Account of quit rents from 1729 to 1730,. . , 100 Sept. 7. Caveat. John Dupuy, of New York, chirurgeon, against any per son carrying out of the province Peter David until he pays sundry debts due said Dupuy, 100 Oct. 17. Citation. Sarah Reynolds, ofthe town of Rye, to render an account of the estate of her late husband, Edward Reynolds, 101 Oct. 5. Receipt to John Milligan for the fee for a license to peddle, 101 Oct. 29. Resolution of the assembly requesting the governor to issue his warrants in favor of Gabriel Ludlow and others for services in and about that house1 102 Oct. 29. Certificate. Ad. Philipse, speaker of the assembly, in favor of the claim of Gabriel Ludlow, clerk of that body, for 12s. a day for his services during the session, 66 days, 102 Account of fees due by Mr. Alexander to the clerk of the Supreme Court, 103 Nov. 17. Order of the Mayor's Court of New York to Thomas Inglis and James Brown, to show cause against the discharge of Robert Mathews, a confined debtor, 104 Dec. 4. Declaration. Andrew Oliver, that he intends to travel as a hawker and peddler, -with receipt for license, 105 Nov. 17. Order ofthe Mayor's Court of New York to David Mathews, Thos. Hall and David Machado, to show cause why Edward Morris, an imprisoned debtor, should not be discharged ; the like notice to Thomas Hall against same defendant, 106, 107 Nov. 9. Petition. Edward Morris, for discharge, 108 Nov. 17. Petition. Robert Mathews, for his discharge, under the act for the relief of insolvent debtors, 109 Nov. 17. Petition. Charles Murray, for his discharge under the same act, . . 110 1731. Jan. 4. Petition. Charles Boyle, for letters patent for certain premises in Oyster bay, Queens county, escheated to the king by the death of John Newman • report thereon Ill Vol. LXIX.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 513 GOVERNOR MONTGOMERIE. 1731. PAGE. Feb. 2. Respite. Patrick Hoy, of New York, under sentence to be whipped for larceny, 112 Feb. 21. Petition. Johannes van Norden, late of the city of New York, but now confined in jail in Amboy, in New Jersey, for debt, for leave to circulate a subscription for his relief, 113 Feb. 16. Receipt to John Smith, hawker, for fee for a license, 113 Feb. 12. Motion that the judgment in error in the case of Henry van Bael, Isaac D. Boys, Nicholas Evertsen and Gualtherus Du Bois, execu tors, &c, of Helena Rombouts, widow, may be reversed, 114 Petition. Jan Janse Bleecker, Philip Schuyler, Johannes Ten Broeck, Christophel Abeel, Vincent Mathews and other patentees and proprietors of Westenhook patent, for permission to proceed against certain settlers to recover possession, &c, 115 March 9." Resolution of General Court of Massachusetts appointing Elisha Cook, John Stoddard and Samuel Welles, commissioners to settle, with those of New York, the boundary line between Massachu setts and New York, near Housatannuck or Westenhook, 116 March 12. Order of Supreme Court in the case of Willoughby vs. Brodhead, to bring in the body of the defendant, 117 March 1 7. Receipt to Andrew Clements, for fee for a license to peddle on foot, . 117 March 31. Account of fees due by Mr. Blagge to the secretary's office, from the November term to the last day of March, 117 May 9. Letter. Mary Corbet to Frederick Morris, relative to the fees for • Monisania. proving her husband's will, 118 April 6. Proclamation adjourning the General Assembly until the second Tuesday in July, 118 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 602.] Warrant to search for goods stolen from John Moore, of New York, 119 License to collect subscriptions towards building a protestant Dutch church, in the county of Ulster, 120 License. Thomas White, of Middletown, in the county of Mon mouth, N. J, an imprisoned debtor, to solicit aid, 121 Minute of papers required in the case Conrad Weiser against Van Campen, 122 Bill against Mr. Price, for fees due the secretary's office, in various law suits, 123 June 3- Petition. John Fred, of New York, mariner, for permission to bring his vessel into the harbor, it having been thoroughly cleansed, 124 June 3. Warrant. James Coden to be pilot to Sandy Hook, 125 June 10. Certificate. Lieut. Edmund Blood, Oswego, in favor of Arent Stevens as interpreter to the Indians, 125 June 15. Petition. John Kirten, mariner, to be appointed a pilot, 126, 129 June 24. Report of committee of council, declaring capt. Fred's vessel foul,. 127 65 514 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LXIX PRESIDENT VAN DAM. 1731. . : PAGE. June 24. Petition. John Kirten and Ann, widow of the late William Kirten, for the appointment of said John to be pilot, with recommenda tions of several merchants and ship masters, 128 June 28. Petition. Peter Du Bois and Abraham Muys, elders, and Abraham Blinkerhof and Hendrick Philips, deacons, of the Dutch Reformed Protestant church, of Fish Creek, Dutchess county, for a license to get donations to build said church, 130 [In N. Y. Doo. Hist., Ill, 974.] Aug. 17. Order dismissing Francis Pelham from the office of justice of the peace for the county of Westchester, for malfeasance, 131 July 8. Deposition. David Provoost, of New York, merchant, that he paid, at the island of Barbadoes, £40, to capt. Ephraim Bull, by the order of doct. James Brodie, 132 July 12. Account of the stores in Fort George, 133 July 12. Certificates of William Helling and Philip Livingston, of the service of Harme Vedder, as interpreter at Oswego, 135 Letters of administration to Henry Pearsall, of the county of West chester, on the will of Thos. Pearsall, his father, 136 July 21. Memorial. Peter Sonmans, an imprisoned debtor, protesting against the accommodation and treatment of prisoners for debt, in New York city, 137 July 24. Petition. Mary Price, of New York, widow of lieut. John Price, for the pay due her husband, 138 Aug. 2. Answer. Henry Beekman, sheriff of New York, to Peter Son mans' complaint, 139 Aug. 12. Veto of the New York act, entitled, an act to prevent the taking Hampton Court, or levying on specialty, more than the principal, interest and cost of suit, &c, 140 Aug. 14. Account. J. Hughes, against George Clarke, for services in the . secretary's office, 141 Aug. 14. Memorial. Capt. William Dick, on the state of the fort at Albany; the French erecting a fort at Crown Point, 142 Aug. 17. Memorandum of certain deeds and other instruments, and for whom recorded, 143 Aug. 30. List of papers ordered by the president of the council to be deliv ered to the speaker, and by him to be laid before the house of assembly, 144 Sept. 1. Message. General Assembly to the council for a joint commit tee to consider an act lately introduced into the imperial parlia ment, entitled " An act for the better securing and encouraging the trade of his majesty's sugar colonies," 145 Sept. 3. Minute of council in relation to the salary of the president of the council since the death of gov. Montgomerie, 146 Sept. 3. Order by the assembly, that capt. van Horn, col. Myndert Schuyler, capt. Rutgers, Mr. Garretsen, maj. Philipse and Mr. Livingston, be a committee to join a committee of the council to confer in rela tion to the act of parliament for securing and encouraging the trade of the sugar colonies, 147 Vol. LXX.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 515 PRESIDENT VAN DAM. 1731. : PAGE. Sept. 15. Order by the assembly, that Samuel Baker, George Streatfield, Samuel Storke, Richard Jeneway, Joseph Low and Roderigo Pacheco be empowered to remonstrate against the monopoly of the sugar colonies, &c, 148 Sept. 18. Amendments reported by a committee of the council to the act to provide able pilots, and to establish pilotage between Sandy hook and the port of New York, 149 Sept. 28. Petition. Samuel Baker, of North Castle, Westchester county, com plaining of the mal-administration of justice Haight, 150 Sept. 28. Depositions. James Woods, Thomas Fowler, Daniel Chubb, Joseph Green and William Fowler, as to the brutal and intemperate habits of justice Haight above mentioned, 151-153 Sept. 28. Resolution of the assembly to pay salaries of the officers and inci dental expenses of that house, 153 Sept. 30. Certificates. Speaker of the assembly in favor of Gabriel Ludlow, clerk, and Dirck Egberts, doorkeeper of the same, 154 Oct. 8. Receipt to John McEvers ahd Alexander Legatt, for fee for one year's license as peddlers, 155 Oct. 8. Deposition. John Allison, of Orange county, that he heard Thos. Pulling declare that the pope of Rome was a good. Christian, and that the popish religion was a good Christian religion, 155 Nov. 2. Census of the several counties in the province of New York, with names of the sheriffs, 156, 157, 159 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., I, 694.] May 28. Census of the city and county of NewYork; Henry Beekman, sheriff, I58 Oct. 15. Deposition. Thomas Huske, that he heard Thomas Pullen, sheriff of Orange county, declare that the pope of Rome was a good Christian, and that the popish religion was a good religion, 530 . ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LXXL LIEUTLNANT-GOVERNOR CLARKE. 1737. PAGE. Oct. 21. Message. Assembly to the council, that they agree to the amend ments made to the election bill, .' 103 Oct. 27. Amendments to the agent's bill, 104, 105 Oct. 28. Message . Assembly to the council, desiring a conference on the act for the frequent election of representatives, &c, 106 Oct. List of warrants drawn and issued, in council, on the revenue, since March quarter, 1 733, 4, to Oct, 1 737, 107, 108 Nov. 1. Reasons of the assembly for not agreeing to the amendments to the election bill, 109 Nov. 1. Resolution of the assembly, appointing a committee to confer with a committee of the council, on the amendments to the bill for the frequent election of representatives, 110 Nov. 2. Order in council, to prepare an answer to the assembly's reasons for disagreeing to the amendments to the election bill, 110 Nov. 3. Answer of the council to the reasons of the assembly for disagree ing to the amendments to the above bill, Ill [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 694.] Nov. 3. Message. Assembly to the council, that it will appoint a committee to meet a committee of the council immediately, on the conference, and resolution accordingly, 112 Nov. 3. Message. . Assembly to the council, that it cannot agree to the reasons of the latter, in relation to the election bill, 113 Nov. 9. Advertisement and deposition of Jacob Smith, of Hempstead, and Penn Townsend, of Oyster Bay, in Queens county, of an intended application to the General Assembly for a confirmation of certain conveyances of John Townsend, Sampson and William Hawx- herst, &c, 114 Nov. 2. Petition. Freeholders and inhabitants of Goshen and Minnisinck, in Orange county, for the assent of the council to the bill for building a court house and jail at Goshen, with names, 115 Nov. 22. Certificate of the council, relative to the office, and salary of Philip Livingston, secretary for Indian affairs, 116 Nov. 22. Petition. Micajah Townsend and William Hawxherst, to be allowed to produce evidence of having published advertisements of their intentions to apply to the General Assembly for an act to confirm a certain agreement and exchange of entailed land in Oysterbay, between Sampson Hawxherst, deceased, and John Pratt, deceased, &c, 117 Account of fees due the secretary's office by Mr. Clowes, 118 Dec. 2. Message. Assembly to the council, inquiring as to the progress it had made in the act for settling, &c, the fees of the several officers within the colony, 118 Dec. 6. Answer of the council to the inquiries of the assembly, in relation to the above bill, 119 Dec. 7. Amendments to the bill entitled an act to regulate the election of representatives to serve in the General Assembly, and for repeal ing all former acts thereto, 120 Vol. LXXII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 531 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR CLARKE. 1737. PAGE. Dec. 7. Amendments to the bill confirming an agreement and exchange of lands in the township of Oysterbay, formerly made between Sampson Hawxhurst and John Pratt, deceased, &c, 121 Dec. 23. Commission. Charles Kerr to be surgeon to the forces at Oswego, 122 Memorandum of some of the reasons for obtaining the royal assent to the act for the frequent election of representatives, 123-125 Dec. 31. List of commissions for civil and military officers for the county of Orange, 126 Petition. Inhabitants of North Castle, Westchester county, for the suspension of Francis Pellem (Pelham), a. justice of the peace, for improper conduct in the discharge of the duties of his office,. 127 VOLUME LXXII. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR CLARKE. 1738. Jan. Letter. Deputy secretary to the colonels of the several regiments of militia in the counties of Kings, Richmond, Westchester, Orange, Ulster and Albany, to send in a return of the officers and men in their respective regiments, 1 ' Feb. 14. Answer. Cadwallader Colden, surveyor-general, to the queries of the lords of trade, &c, as to the situation of the province, soil, climate, &c, 2 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, VI, 121; N. Y. Doc Hist., IV, 171.] Feb. 4. Answer. Commissioners for Indian affairs, to the four queries referred to them by the governor and council, giving a full account of the strength of the Six Nations and of the French, . . 3 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, VI, 126.] March 4. Letter. Cornelius Cuiper to lieut. gov. Clarke, desiring that com- Orange Co. missions be sent to Jacobus Vanderbilt, captain ; Andris Onder- donk, lieutenant ; Lambert Smedt, ensign ; Joris Remsen, captain ; Hendrick Cuiper, lieutenant; Benjamin Allison, ensign, for Haverstraw, 4 March 30. Memorandum. Samuel Odell, captain ; Hendrick Cuiper, lieutenant ; Benjamin Allison, ensign; Stephen Stephenson, ranger, for Haver straw, Orange county, 4 June 20. Muster roll. Officers and soldiers belonging to the_ regiment of foot in Orange county, whereof Vincent Mathews is col. ; Sol'n Carpenter, lieut. col. ; George Remsen, major ; Michael Jackson, adj't ; James Tompson, quartermaster, &c, 5 Sept. 12. Names of officers in major Le Roux's regiment of foot in the city of New York, 6, 7 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., IV, 225.] 532 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LXX1] LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR CLARKE. 1738. PAGE- List of commissions issued to Kings county, with names, 1 Muster roll. Capt. Stuyvesant's company, New York, 8 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., IV, 214.] Muster roll. Capt. Paul Richards' company, New York, returned to col. Joseph Roberson, 9 [In N. Y. Doo. Hist., IV, 215.] Muster roll. Capt. Abraham Boelen's company, New York, 10 [In N. Y. Doc Hist, IV, 217.] Feb. 8. Muster roll. Capt. Cornelius van Home's company, New York, . . 11 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., IV, 218.] Jan. 21. Muster roll. Capt Joseph Robinson's company, New York, 12 [In N. Y. Doo. Hist., IV, 221.] Muster roll. Capt. Henry Cuyler's company, New York 13 [In N. Y. Doe. Hist., IV, 220.] April 10. Muster roll. Capt. Mathew Clarkson's company, New York, 14 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, IV, 223.] Muster roll. Capt. John Moore's company, New York, 15 [In N. Y. Doe. Hist, IV, 224.] Muster roll of the Blue Artillery company, John Waldron, captain ; John Brown, capt. lieut. New York, , 16 [In N. Y. Doc Hist., IV, 211.] Muster roll. Capt. Gerard Beekman's company, New York, 17 [In N. Y. Doo. Hist., IV, 212.] Muster roll. Capt. Charles Laroux's company, New York, 18 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, IV, 213.] Muster roll. Capt. Jacob Hicks' company, Hempstead, Long island ; Samuel Semen, lieutenant ; Jos. Barns, ensign, 19 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., IV, 206.] Jan. 21. Return. Col. A. Gaasbeek, Chambers, dated Foxhall, of the names of the officers, and the number of men in the regiment commanded by him in Ulster county, 19 Muster roll. Capt. Johannis Tenbroeck's company of troopers, Ulster county, 20 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., IV, 226.] Muster roll. Capt. Hend. H. Schoonmaker's foot company, Kings ton, Ulster county, 21 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, IV, 230.] Muster roll. Capt. Tirck De Witt's foot company, of Kingston, Ulster county, 22 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, IV, 229.] Muster roll. Capt. Tirck van Kueren's foot company, at Kingston, Ulster county, 23 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., IV, 228.] Muster roll. Capt. John Person's foot company, Kingston, Ulster county, 24 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., IV, 227.] Vol. LXXII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 533 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR CLARKE. 1738. : PAGE. Muster roll. Capt. John Bayard's foot company, at the Wallkill, Ulster county, 25 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, IV, 232.] Muster roll. Capt. Cornelis Winecoop's foot company, Hurly, Ulster county, 26 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, IV, 234.] Muster roll. Capt. Cornelius Hoornbeck's foot company, Rochester, Ulster county, 27 [In N. Y. Doc Hist, IV, 235.] Muster roll. Capt. Zacharias Hoffman's foot company, at the Paltz, Ulster county, 28 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, IV, 236.] Muster roll. Capt. Thomas Ellison's company, precinct of the Highlands, 29 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, IV, 237.] Muster roll. Captain Daniel Brodhead's company, Marbletown, Ulster county, 30 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, IV, 231.] Names of the inhabitants, white and black, of the towns of Flat bush, Flattlands, Gravesend, New Utrecht, Brookland and Bush- wyck, Kings county, 31 [In N. Y. Doo. Hist, IV, 188-200.] Census of the city and county of Albany, 32 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, IV, 184.] Census of the county of Ulster, 32 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, IV, 185.] June 26. Census of Queens county, 33 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, IV, 187.] Census of Dutchess county, 33 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., IV, 184.] March. Census of Kings county, 34 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, IV, 186.] Names of the officers of a regiment of militia in Dutchess county, commanded by col. Henry Beekman, and number of men in each company Dec. 21, 1737, 35 June 20. Census of Orange county, 36 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, 185.] Census of Suffolk county, 37 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, IV, 187.] March. Census of Richmond county, 39 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist, IV, 188.] Census of the city and county of New York, 40 [In N. Y. Doc Hist, IV, 186.] Total census of the several counties in the province in 1738,. ; . . . 41-43 Feb. 24. Account. Fees received for commissions issued for Kings county, . 44 534 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LXXII. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR CLARKE. 1738. ' — PAGE- Jan. 26. Order. Sheriff of Suffolk county to summon a jury of freeholders in the case of John Crook ex dem. Murison et al. vs. Mordecai Homan, ^5 Feb. 27. Names of the freeholders in Suffolk county, 46 [In N. Y. Doc. Hist., IV, 200.] April 3. Receipt. Jacobus Girlet to John Ryst, for goods sold, 47 April 6. Certificate. William Roome, that the house and its contents, belong ing to John Miller and James Foddy, situated in the Bowling Green, New York, were burned, 47 April 5. Proclamation proroguing the General Assembly to the first Tuesday in June, 48 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 738.] Feb. 24. List of officers, civil and military, for the county of Kings 48 April 6. List of justices of the peace and militia officers for Queens county,. 48 List of the several courts of law and justice in the province of New York, the officers belonging thereto, and the times in which they sit, 48 April 7. List of acts of the General Assembly delivered the printer for pub lication, 49 Instructions to Mr. Reynolds to draft a letter to Mr. Clarke, &c,. . 50 April 26. Letter. Deputy secretary to the members ofthe General Assembly, advising them that they are to meet on the first Tuesday in August, instead of the first Tuesday of June, 51 April 28. Letter. Benjamin Ellery and Peter Bours to Messrs. van Home and Newport, r. i. Cortland of the council, New York, stating that it is inconvenient for them to attend the meeting for publishing the commission for a review, &c, between the governor and company of the colony of Connecticut, on the one part, and the principal sachems ofthe Mohegan Indians in said colony, on the other part, as the assembly is in session, , 52 May 3. Letter. Samuel Mason to lieut. gov. Clarke, in relation to the above . New London. matter, 53 May 5. Petition. Joseph Carpenter and John Latten, for a patent for a Ferry between Oyster bay harbor and a point between the Byram and Mamaroneck rivers, Westchester county, 53 May 5. Examination. Abraham Kip, master of the sloop Don Carlos, rela tive to the military strength of St. Augustine and the designs of the Spaniards on Georgia, 54 May 5. Examination. David Griffith, master of the sloop Jacob, same as preceding, 55 May 5. Examination. Lewis Thibou, master of , same as above,. . . 56 May 5. Examination. John Lush, master of the sloop Georgia, same as above, 57 May 8. Examination. Thomas Peniston, master of the sloop Eagle, same as above, 58 May 19. Examination. James Tucker, master of the sloop Midnight, on the same subject, 59 Vol. LXXn.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 535 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR CLARKE. 1738. PAGE. May 19. Examination. Alexander Hext, relative to the designs of the Spaniards on Georgia and South Carolina, 60 May 5 . Proclamation forbidding all persons from supplying St. Augustine with provisions, ammunition or military stores, 61 May 25. Proclamation for the discovery of the persons who, in a riotous manner, injured Mathew Norris's house, on the corner of Flatten- bergh, in the Broadway, New York, 62 May 27. Proclamation rescinding the proclamation of the 5th May, about supplying St. Augustine with provisions, &c, 63 June 5. Petition. Thomas Brown, of London, that Frederick Philipse show cause why letters of administration, issued to him on the estate of John Caswell, late of London, should not be revoked, 64, 65 Aug. 5. Arguments in the Court of Chancery, on the above petition, 66 June, July. Proceeding in, and order of the Court of Chancery, in the above case, 67 June 6. Message. General Assembly to the lieut. governor, that they are met and ready for business, 68 June 7. Proclamation adjourning the General Assembly, 69 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 715.] June 24. Examination. William Seymour, master of the sloop Johanna, relative to small pox and yellow fever prevailing at Barbadoes, . . 70 June 26. Receipt. John Pintard to Mr. Morris, for three shillings for 2 lbs. beeswax for the secretary's office, 70 June 24. Examination. Joseph Hinson, relative to the small pox and yellow fever prevailing at Antigua, 71 June 27. Examination. John Hunt, master of the brigantine St. Peter, rela tive to the small pox prevailing at South Carolina, 72 July 6. Proclamation against uttering altered or forged bills, and arrest of those circulating the same, ^3 July. Pass. Jacobus Mynderse, Peter Groenendyke, Hendrick Wempe, Reynier Mynderse, jun'r, and Michael Bassett, to go into the Sennekas country, ' * Commission to the above persons to reside among the Six Nations, for the purpose of counteracting the machinations of the French, 75 Will. Thomas Jonson, of Marbletown, Ulster county (incomplete), 76 June 20. Proceedings of the commissioners for Indian affairs with the Oney- das, relative to their molesting people at the Carrying place, on their way to Oswego, '7 July 26. Proceedings of the commissioners of Indian affairs; Lawrence Claase, the interpreter's account of his mission among the Sene cas about their allowing Jean Ceur, a Frenchman, to build a house at Theerondequat ; Mohawks gone to fight the Chenkees and Catabaws, '8 Aug. 1. Writ for the arrest of Samuel and John Miller, of Bedford, West chester county, 79 Memorandum of wills to be recorded in the secretary's office, 80 536 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LXXII. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR CLARKE. 1738. PAGE. Sept. 5. Speech. Lieut, gov. Clarke to the General Assembly, at the opening of the session, 81 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 717.] Sept., 7. Message and resolution of the house, relative to an address to the king, on the death of queen Caroline, 82 Oct. 11. Address. Governor and council and the General Assembly, to the king, on the death of queen Caroline, 83 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 721.] Oct. 9.. Message. Assembly to the council, that they approve of the draft of an address of condolence on the death of queen Caroline, .... 85 Sept. 29. General account of quit rents, from Sept. 29, 1737, to date, 86 Oct. 12. Message. Assembly to the council, asking for a committee of conference to prepare a bill for regulating, ascertaining and estab lishing the fees of the several officers within this colony, 87 Oct. 13. Letter. Lieut, gov. Clarke to the speaker of the assembly, with NewYork. letter from commissioners of Indian affairs, informing him that the French were settling at Wood creek, near Lake Champlain, . . 87 Oct. 16. Names of the militia officers for the manor of Cortland, 88 Oct. 18. Address. Assembly to the lieut. governor, asking that the commis sions of the present commissioners for Indian affairs, be revoked, and the number hereafter to be appointed be nine, 89 Oct. 19. Resolves of the assembly, relative to passing the bills for the sup port of the government, and laying an excise, 90, 91 Nov. 5. Letter. Abraham Mott to lieut. gov. Clarke, asking for the appoint- Richmond Co. ment of Daniel Stillwell, as clerk of the peace and of the Common Pleas, in his place; also of Israel Dissoway, to be major, in his place ; and Stephen Wood and Richbell Mott, to be captain and lieut. at large, 92 Nov. 8. Letter. Lieut, gov. Clarke to Ab'm Mott, relative to the above appointments, ~. 92 Dec. 15. Memorandum of sundry things done in the secretary's office; com missions and letters of administration issued, &c, 93 Dec. 19. Deposition. Anna Bradt, wife of Barent Andrise Bradt, and daughter of Dirck Vanderheyden, late of the manor of Rensse- laerwyck, relative to a proposal made to her by her brother David Vanderheyden, to get possession of their father's will, and he would burn it, &c, 94 Dec. 31. Account of disbursements for firewood, Dec. 14, 1736, to date,. ... 95 Dec. 31. Account of permits issued to vessels sailing from New York, from March 10, 1736, to date (with names), 96-99 Names of commissioners of Indian affairs, 100 1739. Feb. 17. List of the civil and military officers of the county of Richmond,. . 100 March 1. Petition. John Budd, Hackaliah Brown and Jonathan Brown, proprietors and inhabitants of the town of Rye, Westchester county, for a patent for a. Ferry from Budd's neck and Perring's neck to the island of Nassau, against the township of Oysterbay, 101 Vol. LXXII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 537 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR CLARKE. 1739. PAGE. March 5. Poll list of an election held at the city hall in the city of Albany, for the choice of two representatives of said city and county, to the assembly, presented by Harmanus Bleecker, Esq., 102 March 29. Commission. Appointing George Duncan, clerk of the house of representatives, 103 March 27. Table of fees for the ferry established between Rye, in the county of Westchester, and Oysterbay, in Queens county, 104 April 3. Petition. Thomas Stillwell, of Kings county, for a patent for a Ferry from Kings county on Nassau island, across Hudson's river to Staten island, between the "norwardly" corner of the hill there called Yellow Hook, and the southerly corner of the land of one William Berkaloo, in same county ; and (on Staten island side) between Cline Jacob's point and the northwardly corner of Staten island, at the mouth of the river there called Kill van Cull, and the rates of ferriage, 105 April 6. Address. General Assembly to lieut. gov. Clarke, on the birth of a prince, and on colonial affairs generally, 106 April. Bounds of the land petitioned for by Jacques Cortelyou, Harmanus Berckelo and Simon Simonson of New Utrecht, for a ferry, with rates of ferriage, ¦ 106 April 9. Proceedings of the commissioners for Indian affairs at Albany, on the complaints of the traders at Schenectady and Oswego, relative to the Oneidas obstructing the carrying place at Wood creek ; Law rence Claase sent there to learn particulars; his report; Peter van Brugh Livingston appointed to treat with them ; his instruc tions, &c, 101? May 3. Proceedings of the above commissioners and the sachems of the Oneydas, on the above subject; speech of the sachems, and the commissioners' answer, 108, 109 April 23. Petition. John Groesbeek, Petrus Rutgers, Harman Rutgers, Hen drick Rutgers, Cornelius Kortright, Benjamin D'Harriette, Chris. Bancker, Hen. Cruger, Abraham van Home, owners of the pri vateer Stephen and Elizabeth, John Lush, commander, praying for a diminution of the admiralty fees on prizes condemned, .... 110 May 10. Proceedings of the commissfoners of Indian affairs at Albany; report of Jacobus Mynderse, as to the condition of affairs in the Sennekas country, HI May 1. Letter. Daniel Purdy to R. Bradley, attorney-general, relative to aye the Millers settling the complaint made against them by T. Roberts (see vol. 71, pp. 40, 41, and vol. 72, p. 74), 116 June 13. Letter. Isaac Willett to R. Bradley, attorney general, informing Westchester. him that he had arrested the Millers, 116 June 28. Petition. John Auboyneau, Cornelius Clopper, merchants, and Anna MeKnight, widow, all of New York, for a letter to the burgomasters of Amsterdam, Holland, to the effect that no impost or tax will be levied on property bequeathed in this prov ince to persons living in Holland, 117 July 6. Proclamation relative to forged and altered bills (some printed in Ireland), giving a description of the same, 118 68 538 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LXXII. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR CLARKE. 1739. PAGE. Aug. 2. Letter. Adam Mott to Frederick Morris, deputy secretary, request- Richmond Co. ing letters of administration on the estate of Nicholas Stillwell, deceased, of Richmond county, 119 Aug. 9. Petition. Walter Hetherington, schoolmaster at the Ferry (Brook lyn), for protection against Christopher Codwise, a justice of the peace, who issued a warrant against him for an assault, &c, on the oath of John Stockford, &c, 120 Aug. 11. Examination of witnesses in the above case, 121, 125 Aug. 17. Proclamation authorizing reprisals against the Spaniards, 122 Aug. 18. Letter. John Key to capt. John Plunkett, ordering him to take Teneriife. command of the ship Canary Merchant, on her voyage to New York, 123 Aug. 18. Depositions. Thomas Fowler and James Mallown, as to the owner ship of the above ship, Canary Merchant, 124 Aug. 19. Letter. James Edwards to capt. John Plunkett, of the ship Canary Teneriffe. Merchant, giving him instructions for his voyage to New York and thence, 126 Aug. 29. Speech. Lieut, gov. Clarke to the council and the General Assem bly, on the opening of the session, 127 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 731.] Sept. 11. Petition. John Weeks, James Doughty, Abraham Allin, John Cheshire and Nicholas Wright, of Oysterbay, Queens county, for redress against Richard Albertson, justice of the peace, aud deposition of Penn Townsend, of said place, on the subject, 128 Oct. 3. Minutes of the legislative council on proroguing the General Assembly, 129 Oct. 3. Speech. Lieut, gov. Clarke, proroguing the General Assembly to the 9th inst, , 130 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 735.] Oct. 9. Speech. Lieut, gov. Clarke to the General Assembly, on opening the session, 131 [In Jour. N. Y.Leg. Coun., 736.] Oct. 17. Account of the several raisures and the words in the room of them, inserted in the bill entitled, 'an act for completing the fortifica tions, and for other purposes, &c, 132 Oct. 17. Deposition. Samuel Clowes, attorney-at-law, relative to the pro ceedings in certain suits commenced by James Jackson against William Mapes et al., in Orange county, 133 Oct. 24. Minutes of the council in relation to the act for the support of the government, 134 Oct. 25. Petition. Benjamin Faneuil, Peter Fauconnier, Johannes Harden- bergh, and others, setting forth their intention to apply at the next session of the legislature for leave to introduce a bill for the partition of a certain tract of land in the counties of Albany and Ulster, and praying permission to prove that they have adver tised according to law, 135 May 23. Advertisement of the application intended to be made by Benjamin Faneuil, Peter Fauconnier, and others, for the above act, and Vol. LXXII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 539 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR CLARKE. 1739. , PAGE. deposition of Jurian Tappan, as to having seen it posted on the door of the Dutch church, at Kingston, 136 May 10. Deposition. Cornelius van Ness, as to having seen a copy of the advertisement posted on the door of the English church, at Albany, 137 Oct. 25. Reasons offered by Cadwallader Colden, Ph. Livingston, Arch'd Kennedy, Jas. De Lancey, Henry Lane and Daniel Horsmanden, members of the council, against a dissolution of assembly, 138 Nov. Account. Frederick Morris, deputy secretary, of omissions in the accounts of receipts, &c, of the secretary's office, 139 Abstract from the journal of the office of the secretary of the prov ince, of sundry charges for services, 140 Nov. 16. Amendments proposed by the council to the act for naturalizing Johan Willem Smith, and order to present the same to the Gene ral Assembly, 141 Nov. 17. * Resolution of the burgomasters of Amsterdam, abolishing all impost or tax on property bequeathed in that city to inhabitants of New York, 142 Nov. 21. Alphabetical list of persons who have omitted calling for their tickets, by Charles O'Neile, 143 Oct. 14. List of civil and military appointments for the county of Richmond, 144 Dec. 17. List of civil appointments, for Dutchess county, 145, 149 Nov. 30. Deposition. Thomas Fowler, late master of the Snow Restoration, relative to the cargo of said vessel ; also of James Mallown, mate of said vessel, 146 Dec. 3. Deposition. John Plunkett, master of the ship Canary Merchant, in relation to her cargo, 146 Dec. 6. Council minutes. Lieut. Walter Butler, to be one of the commis sioners for building a fort in the Mohawk country, and in relation to the wines imported from Teneriffe, &c, 147 Nov. 6. Proceedings of the Court of General Sessions of Ulster county, in relation to the time for holding said court, 148 1740. List of military appointments for Kings county, 149 Jan. 9. Deposition. William Lannen, relative to a sham deed made by him to one Samuel Weaver, of his house and lot in Newtown, Queens county, which deed said Weaver refused to give up ; lieut. gov. Clarke's order thereon, 150 Memorandum of grants of waste and other lands and the Ferry, made to the corporation of the city of New York, &c, 151 Jan. 11. List of civil and military appointments for Orange county, 152 Julv 1. Address. Council to lieut. gov. Clarke, in relation to the war with 3 Spain, 154,155 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 752.] April 15. Proclamation inviting men to enlist in the expedition against the Spaniards, 156 540 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LXXIII. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR CLARKE. 1740. PAGE. April 24. Ordinance for establishing the fees of the Court of Admiralty on captured prizes, 157 April 25. Names of men belonging to the company of militia at New Rochelle who have volunteered, 158 Account of the surcharge on wood, 159 April 29. Letter. Frederick Morris, deputy secretary, to lieut. gov. Clarke, relative to the accounts of his office, 160 May 3. Proclamation recalling all letters of marque and reprisal, they not corresponding with the form sent from England, 161 May 3. Proclamation against impairing or demolishing any fortifications built or hereafter to be built, 162 May 17. Council minutes relative to the form of the letters of marque and reprisal, 163 May 19. Account. James Alexander against Mr. Robinson, for merchandise, 163 May 23. Letter. Lewis Morris, jr., to John Robinson, deputy secretary, relative to commissions of Oyer and Terminer for Orange and Dutchess counties, 164 May 29. Order to the collector of the port of New York to prevent the ex portation of provisions, 165 List of military appointments for the manor of Livingston, 166 May 29. Council minutes. Order respecting provisions for the forces destined against the Spanish settlements, 167 May 30. Commission. Joseph Gedney to be first lieutenant of the third independent company of foot in the manor of Philipsborough, county of Westchester, whereof John Ryder is captain, 168 List of persons brought from Scotland by capt Lauchlin Campbell, to settle the king's lands at the Wood creek, from 1738 to 1740, 169, 170 Further account, delivered by Alexander McNaught and Duncan Reid, of persons who did emigrate with capt. Campbell in 1738, 1739 and 1740, and who have, or their descendants or persons im powered, lately appeared, and request a proportion of" the lands intended to be granted, 171 YOLUME LXXIII. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR CLARKE. 1740. June 23. Council minute. Read royal instructions relating to the expedition against the Spanish settlements ; mode of raising volunteers; col. Blakeny's method, in which persons who go as volunteers are to sign their names, 1 Vol. LXXIII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 541 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR OLARKE. 1740. PAaE. June 24. Proclamation encouraging volunteers for the expedition against the Spaniards, 2 June 24. Letter. Lieut, gov. Clarke to the captains who have undertaken to NewYork. raise companies, 3 June 27. Council minute in relation to the pay of the troops ; the oath to be taken by them, , , 4 June 28. Order. Abraham De Peyster, treasurer of the colony, to report the condition of the treasury, 5 June 28. Council minute. Treasury matters; Minisink affairs; General Assembly to be urged to provide funds for the expedition, 6 June 30. Speech. Lieut, gov. Clarke on opening the session of the General Assembly, in relation to means and supplies for the expedition against the Spanish West Indies, 7 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 751.] July 1. Address. Council to lieut. gov. Clarke, in answer to his speech, .. . 8 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 752.] July 1. Legislative minutes in relation to preparing an address to the lieut. governor, in answer to his speech, &c, 9 July 1 1 . Legislative minutes. Action on the bill for transporting and victual ing the volunteers enlisted to serve in the expedition against the Spaniards, 10 July 5. Council minutes. Action on a letter from Anthony Lispenard, jr., John Ward, David Ogden and Wm. Fowler, in relation to the appointment of a captain of a company of volunteers ; Anthony Lispenard appointed captain ; affidavit of Solomon Davis, relative to disturbances at Minisink, read, 11 July 11. Letter. Samuel Ogle to lieut. gov. Clarke, for copies of papers in Annapolis, Md. the secretary's office, relating to lord Baltimore's claims and suit in chancery, 12 July 12. Council minute on col. Spotswood's letter, relating to the pay ofthe volunteers in the expedition against the Spaniards, 13 July 15. Letter. Johannis Wendell and J. van Rensselaer to lieut. gov. Schonech. Clarke, for a payment on their contract, ; 14 July 22. Council minute, relative to the refusal of one Hinman to accept a commission as lieut. in David Provoost's company, 15, 16 July 23. Certificate. Commissioners of Indian affairs, as to lieut. Walter Butler having discharged the duties of commissary, at Oswego,. 17 July 24. Letter. Juan Toricuo de Flores to Francisco Peiiero (Spanish),. . . 18 Majorca.July 26. Council minute. Robt. Kennedy, appointed 2d lieut, and Wm. Nicholls (of Hemptead), ensign, in capt. Provoost's company; Volkert Oothout, John De Witt, James Gardener & company, apply for letters patent for 11,532 acres of land, on the south side of the Mohawk river, heretofore purchased by Jno. Lyndesay & Co, 19, 20 Aug. 16. Propositions made by lieut. gov. Clarke, at Albany, to the Six Nations of Indians, 21 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, VI, 172.] 542 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LXXIII. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR CLARKE. 1740. • PAGE- Aug. 28. List of the names of the freeholders of Dutchess county, returned by Jas. Wilson, sheriff, 22 Aug. 19. Receipt. Frederick Morris, register in chancery, to. John Robinson, deputy secretary, for the books and files of papers relating to that court, 22 Sept. 1. Proclamation against desertions from the army and navy, 23 Sept. 10. Letter. Lieut, gov. Clarke to , informing him that those who have volunteered to serve in the expedition against the Span iards, are not subject to arrest for debt, 24 Sept. 26. Message. House of assembly to the council, for a committee of conference, to prepare a "bill for regulating, _ ascertaining and establishing the fees of the several officers in this colony, 24 Oct. 14. Report of a committee of the council, that the committee of the assembly failed to meet them according to agreement, 25 Oct. 2. Affidavit. William Jennings, that he is a resident in the province of Maryland, unmarried, and an owner of land and negroes there, 25 Oct. 24. Legislative minutes. Action of the council on the excise and Orange bills, &c, 26 Four receipts for wood by Walter Jones to Gabriel Dusosway, John Kerney and John Robinson, 26 Nov. 14. Petition. Paul Francois Cebe and Marian, his wife, natives of Languedock, France, to be naturalized, 27 Dec. 5. Receipt. William Corey to George Clarke, for £150 towards the support of Samuel Means, William Means, Nicholas Wealsh, James Dick, William Wealsh, Walter Wealsh, William White, John Mills, George Philips, William Huit, William Mills and Nicholas Wealsh, jr., Irish settlers on the lands of said Corey and Clarke, 28 Dec. 5. Testimony. Jan van Eps, jun'r, before the commissioners of Indian affairs, relative to certain sachems of the Onondagas having given the French leave to take Oswego ; Lawrence Claesen ordered to go to the Onondagas country, to ascertain the truth of the matter, 29 Dec. 5. Receipt. William Peters and Edward Couran to lieut. Paschal Nelson, for their pay for brass kettles delivered him at Oswego,. 29 Dec. 14. Letter. Agents of New York in the country of the Senecas, to the Sinnekes country, commissioners of Indian affairs; on Indian affairs; Senecas at war in Virginia ; French intrigues ; Philip Livingston's answer to the same on the part of the commissioners, 30 Account of quit rents from Sept. 29, 1738, to Sept. 29, 1740, ... 31, 32 Dec. 23. Account of the provincial revenue from March 23, 1737, to Sept. 1, 1740, 33,34 1741. Jan. 12. Receipt. Henry Dow, for the original bond in the case of Jacob and Peter Brewer, to Jurian Brewer, 35 Jan. 29. Order of the king in council, relative to the form of prayer to be St. James. observed for the Royal family, 36 Vol. LXXIII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 543 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR CLARKE. 1741. PAGE. Feb. 6. Petition. Cornelius van Horn, for permission to ship a cargo of wheat to the island of Madeira, 37, 40 March 10. Order. Col. Frederick Cortlandt, commanding a regiment in West chester county, to assemble his men for inspection and drill, 38 March 10. Order. Col. John Lott, commanding a regiment of militia in Queens county, to the same effect, 39 March 25. Petition. Robert Livingston, jr., that bis brigantine, loaded with provisions and lumber, may be cleared for Madeira, 41 March 27. Petition. Gulian Verplanck, that his vessel, loaded with provisions &c, may be cleared by the custom house for the port of Berbecie, West Indies, and certificate of Robert Elliston, custom house officer, 42 March 28. Petition. John Merritt, for leave to load a vessel with provisions for the island of Madeira, 43 March 28. Petition. John Cruger, jr., for permission to load a vessel with provisions for Curacao, 44 March 28. Petition. Isaac and Abraham De Peyster, to load a vessel with provisions for Lisbon, 45 April 30. Petition. Mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, against the exportation of wheat, 46 April 14. List of civil and military officers appointed for the south part of the county of-Orange, 46 May 8. Order. Lewis Morris, jr., to grant letters of marque and reprisal to George Cuningham, on the petition of J ohn Moore and Henry Cruger, 47 Account of provisions delivered at Oswego, for the garrison, by J. De Peyster, John Schuyler, jr., and J. Cast, contractors, 48 1737. July. Account of merchandise furnished the garrison at Oswego, by John De Peyster, and Paschal Nelson's receipt, 49 Aug. 25. Certificate. Commissioners of Indian affairs, that Peter Schuyler served as commissary at Oswego, 50 Sept. 3. Receipt. C. Congreve, for provisions for the garrison at Oswego for one year, . .- 51 Aug. 12. Certificate. Paschal Nelson, that Peter Schuyler served as commis sary at Oswego, 51 1736. June 30. Warrant. Charles Kerr to be surgeon ofthe forces at Oswego; Paschal Nelson's certificate of having delivered his warrant to him, 51 1737. Oct. 29. Receipt. Paschal Nelson to Messrs. Herchemer, Renssalaer and Wendell, for merchandise delivered at Oswego, 52 1738. April 18. Receipt. Paschal Nelson to the contractors for victualing the gar rison at Oswego, by the hands of Elias Post, for a quantity of provisions, 52 May 6. Receipt. Paschal Nelson to the above contractors, for provisions for the garrison at Oswego, 52 544 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LXXIII. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR CLARKE. 1738. . — PA6E- Sept. 8. Certificate, that Charles Kerr had performed his duty as surgeon at Oswego, from June, 1737, to date, 52 1739. May 22. Receipt. Walter Butler to Honjost Herkemer and others, for sup plies for the garrison at Oswego, 53, 54 1741. Memorandum of provisions delivered by the contractors, for the use of the garrison at Oswego, for half of the second year's supply, . 55 July 14. Letter. Henry Beeckman to deputy- secretary Moore, for commis- NewTork. sions to Augustin Hunt, captain, Josiah Wood, lieutenant, and Levi Hunt, ensign, for a new company to be formed in Dutchess county, east of the mountains, 56 Names of persons recommended for commissions in two companies of foot in Suffolk county, viz.: John Salmon, in place of Isaac Ho bart, as captain ; John Goldsmith, lieutenant ; Jonathan Horton, jr., ensign for Southold ; Annanias Carle, captain ; Thomas Fleet, lieutenant ; Alexander Bryant, jr., ensign of the third Hunting ton company, consisting of the eastern part of the Town Hills,. . 56 Sept. 8. Proclamation calling for volunteers for the expedition against the Spaniards, 57 Sept. 10. Extract of the instructions and commission to governor George Clinton, in regard to the payment of public moneys, 58 Sept. 29. Petition. Juan Drouet, master of the ship Zephyr, of Bordeaux, for permission to sell part of his cargo to pay for repairs of his vessel, 59, 60 Account of quit rents from Sept. 29, 1740, to Sept. 29, 1741, 61 Nov. 17. Amendments to the bill entitled an act to continue an act entitled an act to regulate the militia of this colony, 62 Nov. Address. Council and General Assembly to the king, for a grant of money to aid in rebuilding the public edifices destroyed by fire, 64 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 794.] Nov. 30. Petition. James Woods, Henry Straing, William Willett, Jacob, Thomas and John Haviland, of the town of Rye, Westchester county, for the suspension of Benjamin Brown, a justice of the peace, for malfeasance, 65 1742. Feb. 6. Petition. Jeremiah Lattouch and Joseph Haynes, of New York, merchants, for permission to clear a vessel and its cargo of wheat for England, 69 Feb. 25. Answer of Benjamin Brown, justice of Westchester county, to the complaint presented against him (supra, p. 65), 70 April 22. Speech. Lieut, gov. Clarke to the General Assembly, on the opening of the session, 71 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 796.] April 24. Petition. Thomas, William, Richard, Nathaniel and Walter Hugh- son, being reduced to very great poverty by their long imprison ment, to be permitted to remain in this colony, 72 May 22. Amendments by the council to the bill entitled, an act for regulating the payment of his majesty's quit rents and for partition of lands in order thereto ; concurred in by the General Assembly, 73 Vol. LXXIII.] ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 545 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR CLARKE. 1742. PAGE. June 15. Speech. Lieut, gov. Clarke,"at Albany, to the Six Nations of Indians, with their answer, 74-76 [In N. Y. Col. Doc, VI, 216, 218.] Oct. 13. Speech. Lieut, gov. Clarke to the General Assembly, 77, 78 [In Jour. N. Y. Leg. Coun., 802.] 1743. Jan. 7. Petition. Christopher Thomas and John Stillwell, complaining of damages to the Yellow Hook ferry, at the Narrows, and asking that they be prevented, 79 List of the names of the inhabitants of the several wards and towns of the city and county of Albany, 80 Aug. 1. List of the freeholders of the city and county of Albany, 81 Schedule of papers delivered to Archibald Kennedy, which he is to deposit in the secretary's office in New York, attested by William Ballard and Sam'l Tyley, jun'r, clerks, No. 1 to No. 72, viz, 82 1741. March 26. Claim to the boundary between the colony of Massachusetts and (No. i.) Rhode island, on the part of the former, 82 (No. 2.) Claim on the part of the colony of Rhode island, in relation to the boundary between it and Massachusetts, 83 April 1. Commission. Peter Bours, Samuel Clarke, Thomas Spencer, Wil- (No.3.) liam Jenks, Stephen Hopkins, Daniel Abbott, Francis Willett, Henry Bull, Daniel Updike, James Honyman, jr., and Thomas Ward, to be commissioners on the part of Rhode island, on the boundary question between it and Massachusetts, 84 [In Rhode Island Col. Rec., V, 15.] Jan. 3. Commission. William Dudley, Samuel Welles, Benjamin Lynde, (No. 4.) jr., Nathaniel Hubbard, major Bourn, Thomas Cushing, col. Chandler, doctor Hale, capt. Watts and John Foster, to be com missioners on the part of Massachusetts, on the boundary question between it and Rhode island ; John Read, William Shirley and Jacob Almy, added, 85 (No. 5.) Order for a survey, agreed to by the colonies of Massachusetts and Rhode island, 86 (No. 6.) Draft of a summons to appear and testify before the Court of Com missioners, agreed to by both the above parties, 87 May 29. Letter. Ezekiel Goldthwait to the commissioners for settling the Boston. eastward bounds of the colony of Rhode island, towards the Mas- (No. 7.) sachusetts bay, resigning his office as one of the clerks of said court, and recommending Otis Little as his successor, 88 May 6. Act of the colony of Rhode island, for allowing the commissioners (No. 8.) six shillings per day, 89 Wo. 9.) Testimony. Thomas Nelson, yeoman, of Middleburgh, Plymouth county, before the above commission, 90 (No. io.) Testimony. John Brock, one of the chainmen to the survey, 90 (No. n.) Testimony. Benjamin Squimino, an Indian, of Middleburgh, Plymouth county, as to the location of Assawampset, 91 69 546 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. LXXIII. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR CLARKE. 1741. . . PAGE. (Ko. 12.) Testimony. John Simouts, an Indian, of Little Compton, county of Bristol, on the same subject, 91 (No. 13.) Deposition. Daniel Pearce, one of the chainmen to the survey, ... 91 (No. m.) Deposition. Benjamin Cole, one of the chainmen to the survey, . . 91 (No. is.) Testimony. Thomas Church, on the location of Narragansett bay, and parts adjacent, 92 (No. 16.) Testimony. Timothy Fales of Bristol, Bristol county, on the same points, 93 (No. 17.) Testimony. Jonathan Woodbury of Bristol, Bristol county, on the same points, 94 (No. is.) Testimony. John White of Rochester, county of Plymouth, yeo man, on the above localities, and the meaning of certain Indian names, 95 (No. 19.) Testimony. Thomas Prince of Boston, Suffolk county, minister of the gospel, as to the character of John White, 95 (No. 20.) Testimony. Josiah Cotton of Plymouth, county of Plymouth, on the same subject, 96 (No. 21.) Testimony. Nathan Hope, an Indian of Dartmouth, county of Bristol, as to White's knowledge of the Indian language, 96 (No. 22.) Testimony. Thomas Prince of Boston, county of Suffolk, minister of the gospel, on the location of sundry places around Narragan sett, and on the early writers who treat thereof, 97